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559 items [showing 21 - 40]


1888 August 01, Philadelphia, to Dearest Chellie
1879 August 20, Montrose, to Mother
1887 July 21, Newport, to Aunt Anna
1883 July 11, Meadow Farm, to sister
1893 August 18, Woodbourne, to my dear Caroline & Annete
1866 October 6(?), Awbury, to Mother & sister, Newport
1886 July 24, Philadelphia, to My dear wife
Letter from Alfred Cope to Henry Cope, 1836 June 14
1887 August 27, Philadelphia, to My dear wife
1883 July 28, Philadelphia, to wife
1883 August 2, Philadelphia, to wife
1886 July 29, Philadelphia, to My dear wife
1883 July 19, Philadelphia, to wife
1900 August 28, Mosgiel, to My dearest Father
1879 August 4, Bateman's, to dear husband
1909 August 30, Jamestown, to My dearest Mother
1887 August 25, Philadelphia, to My dear wife
1887 July 26, Philadelphia, to Dearest Rachel
1876 July 2, Bateman's, to dear sister
1850 August 30, Peace Dale, to My dear Cousin
