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347 items [showing 21 - 40]


1889 February 5, Old Point Comfort, to Grandma
1879 October 19, Awbury, to father
1812 December 26, Philada, to William, New Garden Boarding School
1905, Itinerary of European Trip of E.W. & E.M. Evans--Summer 1905
1837 June 30, to Dear Father
A serious expostulation with the members of the House of Representatives of the United States
1884 September 15, Awbury, to My dear Lillie
1858 July 9, Awbury, to sister Anna
1834 August 16, Philada, to Alfred, Liverpool
1873 October 7, Haverford, to Sister, London
1876 March 28, Awbury, to My dear Lillie
1906 July 29, Cliff House, to Dearest Carrie
1869 October 12, Philadelphia, to My dear Wife, Newport
1813 January 15, Philada, to William, New Garden Boarding School
1901 August 6, Woodbourne, to My dear Chellie
1833 November 5, Philadelphia, to Robert Benson
1877 July 27, Mulfords, to My dear A
1837 June 17, Philadelphia, to Dear Father
Land grant
