Joseph Spikerman produced a Certificate for himself and wife Catharine and their Six children to wit, -- Townsend, Kezia, Mary, Lydia, Esther & John from the Falls Monthly Meeting in Pennsylvania which was read and receiv'd. Benjamin Gibbs had a Certificate granted for himself & wife Rebekah and their daugter Rebekah to Upperspring Monthly Meeting. At a Monthly Meeting of Friends Held at Chesterfield the 7th: 2 mo: 1786. Abel Middleton produced a paper of Acknowledgement to this Meeting in which he condemns his Committing Fornication, taking spirtuous liquor more than was commendable and likewise the paying a fine in order to prosecute a malitia officer which being several times read and considered is received. Isaiah Robins is desired to publish it at the close of a First Day meeting at Chesterfield & report to next meeting. A Certificate was produced to this Meeting from Upperspring Monthly Meeting on behalf of Ebenezer Wright & his wife Elizabeth, and their three children, (to wit) Joseph, Ann, & Mary, which was read and receiv'd. One of the friends appointed in Isaac Ivins jun. Case, report, the matter between him & William Stevenson is settled. The Clerk reports such parts of the extracts as was directed to be entered in the book of discipline is done. Chesterfield Preparative Meeting informs they think it would be of use to reconsider the quotas with which this Meeting concurs, the following friends are appointed to that service, Samuel Middleton, James Lawrie, Samuel Olden, Isaac Horner, William Abbot, Joel Cheshire, John Foreman, Aaron Wright, Isaac Clark and report to next meeting. Chesterfield Preparative Meeting informs John Middleton is accused of being the Father of an unlawful begotten child and since married to another woman that is not a member amongst friends and find a child by her sooner than is reputable, and refuses to settle a certain contract with the Executors of George Middleton, Deceased, and neglects the attendance of our religious meetings. William Abbott & Joseph Woodward are appointed to inform him of the Charges and report to next Meeting. Also Michael Allen is accused of being the Father of an unlawful child and since married to another woman that is not a member amongst Friends and that by a Baptist minister and neglects the attendance of our religious meetings. Likewise Samuel Allen hath been guilty of gaming, and has had a child after marriage, sooner than is reputable. Joseph Forsyth, John Wright, and James Woolley are appointed to let them know the charges and report to next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting of Friends held at Chesterfield the 7th: 3 mo: 1784. Joseph Williams and Sarah Woodward appeared at this meeting. and declared their intention of marriage with each other Parents consenting a certificate is expected next week. One of the friends appointed to have the case of the conduct of Youth and others at our last Quarterly Meeting, report they thought it conducted in a good degree orderly. The friends appointed to reconsider the quotas, produced the following report with which this Meeting concurs. We of the Committee appointed to reconsider the the quotas, having mostly met and considered the same do agree to report that for raising the sum of thirty Pounds each meetings proportion being as follows Chesterfield 65___________ [Pounds] 16..5..0 Stony Brook 17____________4..5..0 Bordentown 14____________3..10..0 Trenton 11_____________2..15..0 Robins's 13____________3..5..0 All which we submit to the meeting signed on behalf of the Committee by Joel Cheshire, Samuel Middleton 4th 3 mo 1786. The friends appointed to visit John Middleton report they informed him of the charges against him, they are desired to prepare a testification against him for the inspection of our next meeting and inform him thereof. The friends appointed to visit Michael Allen report they informed him of the charges against him as also of having a child after marriage sooner than is reputable, which he acknowledged but showed no disposition to condemn them, they are desired to prepare a testification against him for the inspection of next meeting and inform him thereof. The friends of Robinss Meeting requests liberty to inclose the lot of ground round the Meeting House for the use of said Meeting, with which this meeting concurs. At a Monthly Meeting of Friends held at Chesterfield the 4th: 4 mo: 1786. Joseph Williams & Sarah Woodward appointed at this meeting and declared they continued their intentions of marriage with each other, he produced a certificate from Springfield Monthly Meeting, setting forth his clearness, on that accompt they are left at their liberty to accomplish their said intentions according to to good order. Benjamin Linton and Amos Wright are appointed to attend the marriage and report to next meeting, and produce the marriage certificate to be recorded. The friends appointed to publish Abel Middleton's acknowledgment report it has been done as directed. The friends appointed to prepare a testification against John Mdidleton produced one which was read, approved & signed, William Abbot and Joseph Woodward, are appointed to give him a copy, let him know his right of appeal if he doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a Firstday meeting at Chesterfield, & report to next meeting. The friends appointed to prepare a testification against Michael Allen, produced one which was read, approved, and signed. Joseph Forsyth, John Wright, and James Woolley, are appointed to give him a copy, let him know his right of appeal, if he doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a first day Meeting at Chesterfield and report next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 2nd: 5 mo: 1786. The friends appointed to attend the marriage of Joseph Williams and Sarah Woodward report and thought the young couple conducted in a good degree orderly, but the entertainment being large, and some disorderly conduct by some collected, which occasioned uneasiness among Friends, they produced the marriage Certificate to be recorded as directed. The friends appointed to Ann Taylor's jun. case report they gave her a copy of the testification against her but she did not intend to appeal, it has been published as directed. One of the friends appointed in John Middleton's case, report they have complied with the direction of last meeting, he not intending to appeal. One of the friends appointed in Michael Allen's case report they have complied with the direction of last meeting, he not intending to appeal. One of the friends appointed to treat with Samuel Allen report he declines making satisfaction for the misconduct, Joseph Forsyth and John Wright are appointed to prepare a testification against him for the inspection of next meeting, and, and inform him thereof. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs Aden Gibbs hath gone out in marriage with a woman not in membership with friends and by a Baptist Minister and neglects the attendance of our Religious meetings. Fretwell Wright & Isaac Horner are appointed to inform him of the charges, and report to next meeting. The Womens Meeting informs, Lydia Rogers late Tilton hath gone out in marriage with a man not in membership with friends, and married by a priest, and neglects making satisfaction Jacob Middleton and James Lawrie are appointed to prepare a testification against her for the inspection of next meeting and inform her thereof. Mary Middleton had a certificate of removal granted to Philadelphia Monthly Meeting. David Middleton produced a certificate to this meeting from Haddonfield Monthly Meeting for himself & wife Elizabeth with their Daughter Sarah, which was read and received. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 6th: 6 mo: 1786. The friends appointed to prepare a testification against Samuel Allen produced one which was read, approved & signed by the Clerk, Joshua Bunting & John Earl are appointed to give him a copy if required, let him know his right of appeal if he doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a Firstday Meeting at Chesterfield and report next meeting. One of the friends appointed to inform Aden Gibbs of the charges against him report they informed him as directed which he did not deny William Abbott and Benjamin Field are appointed to prepare a testification against him for the approbation of next meeting. The friends appointed to prepare a testification against Lydia Rogers late Tilton produced one, which was read, approved, and signed by the Clerk James Lawrie and Jacob Middleton are appointed to give her a copy if required let her know her right of appeal, if she doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a Firstday meeting at Chesterfield & report to next meeting at Chesterfield & report to next meeting. Sarah Williams, wife of Joseph Williams had a certificate of removal granted to Upperspringfield Monthly Meeting. Sarah Deben, wife of John Deben had a certificate of removal granted to Shrewsbury Monthly Meeting. Chesterfield Preparative Meeting informs Joseph Thorn son of Thomas hath gone out in marriage with a woman not in membership with Friends hath born arms for military services and neglects the attendance of our Religious meetings, John Wright and Joseph Forsyth are appointed to inform him of the charges against him and report to next meeting. Said meeting also informs hath taken strong drink to excess purchased a slave and neglects the atetndance of our Religious meetings Amos Wright and Fretwell Wright are appointed to treat with him on the occasion and report to next meeting. Said meeting also informs Israel Bunting hath gone out in marriage with a woman not in membership with Friends and neglects the attendance of our religious meetings. Nathan Middleton & Samuel Middleton are appointed to inform him of the charges against him & report to next meeting. James Lawrie reports he hath paid the legacy left by John Quicksal to their meeting into the hands of Nathan Middleton one of the overseers as directed some time past, and he is directed to pay it into the hands of the Treasurer and report to next meeting. The Clerk was directed some time past to procure a chest suitable to keep the books and papers in belonging to this meeting, he reports it is done the price is twenty-four shillings which the treasurer is directed to pay and report to next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 4th: 7 mo: 1786. The friends appointed in Samuel Allen's case report they complied with the directions of last meeting he not intending to appeal. The Friends appointed to inform Israel Bunting of the charges against him report they informed him as directed, which he did not deny, Nathan Middleton and Samuel Middleton are appointed to prepare a testification against him for the approbation of next meeting and inform him thereof. Nathan Middleton reports he hath paid the legacy left by John Quicksal to this meeting into the hand of the Treasurer. Treasurer reports he hath the sum of twenty four shillings to the Clerk for a chest as directed last meeting. A Certificate was produced to this meeting from Upperspringfield Monthly meeting on behalf of Elizabeth Wright which was read and received. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 8th: 8 mo: 1786. James Schooley and Mary Rogers appeared at this meeting and declared their intention of marriage with each other their parents consenting Isaiah Robins and William Abbott are appointed to make inquiry of his clearness with any other on that account and report next meeting. At this meeting the queries were read with the answers from the Preparative which are in substance as follows. 1. Our meetings for worship and discipline are kept up and attended by most of our members on the first day of the week some are deficient on other days, the hour not so carefully observed by all as is desired, some appearance of drowsiness at times some care hath been extended on these accounts, other indecencies mostly avoided. 2. Love and unity are mostly maintained amongst us, and there is a care on the minds of Friends to discoutenance tale-bearing back biting and spreading evil reports &c. Endeavours used to end differences. 3. Care is taken by some respecting this query but all are not so careful as could be desired, particularly in speech and apparel. 4. Friends are generally careful on these occasions but not without some exception with respect to the use of spirituous liquors, frequenting of taverns, and more moderation on account of marriage is needful, in which cases some care hath been taken. 5. This query we think is in a good degree complied with. 6. All are not clear of bearing arms for military purposes which is under care, the other parts of this query clear as far as appears. 7. Not all clear, there are one or two instances where they are held in slavery, which is under care more attention toward those set-free might be useful. 8. Some are not so careful in paying their just debts as is desired, some care is taken on this account, no breach in respect to the other parts of this query, appears. 9. Offenders are dealt with we hope without partiality, though delays sometimes happen. Annual Queries. 1. None. 2. None. 3. We think some sober persons added since last year. 4. They are. The Friend appointed to prepare a testification against Aden Gibbs produced one which was read approved and signed by the Clerk, William Abbott and Fretwell Wright, are appointed to give him a copy if required let him know his right of appeal if he doth not appeal, to publish it at the the close of a Firstday Meeting at Bordentown & report next meeting. The Friend appointed to prepare a testification against Israel Bunting produced one which was read approved & signed by the Clerk Nathan Middleton and Samuel Middleton are appointed to give him a copy if required let him know his right of appeal and report at most meeting. John Thorn Jun. produced a paper of acknowledgement to the meeting condemning his outgoing in marriage which was read, Benjamin Linton, John Wright, & Joseph Forsyth are appointed to visit him on the occasion and report to next meeting. Stony Brook Preparative Meeting informs Samuel Olden requests a certificate for his brother Aaron Olden to Buckingham Monthly Meeting in Pennsylvania Benjamin Clark and Thomas Clark are appointed to make the necessary inquiry and if nothing appears to obstruct, to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. A certificate was produced to this meeting from the Monthly meeting of Sadsbury on behalf of Elizabeth wife of Daniel Whitelock, with their children (to wit) Mary, Martha, Isaac, Sarah & James which was read as the friends are strangers, the following friends are appointed to inspect into their situation (to wit) Joseph Forsyth Joel Cheshire and James Woolley, and report next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 5th: 9 mo: 1786. James Schooley and Mary Rogers, appeared at this meeting, and declared they continued their intentions of marriage with each other & nothing appearing to obstruct they are left at liberty to accomplish their said intentions according to good order used among Friends Isaiah Robins, & William Abbott are appointed to attend the marriage and see that it be orderly accomplished and report next meeting and produce the marriage certificate to be recorded. John Stevenson and Amelia Lawrie appeared at this meeting and declared their intention of marriage with each other, their parents consenting a certificate will be expected next meeting on behalf of the young man. The Friends appointed to publish a testification against Aden Gibbs report they complied with the appointment, he not intending to appeal. The Friends appointed to publish a testification against Lydia Rogers, report they complied with the appointment, she not intending to appeal. The Friends appointed to prepare a testification against Joseph Thorn, son of Thomas, produced one which was read, approved & signed by the Clerk, Amos Wright and Nathan Middleton are appointed to give him a copy if required let him know his right of appeal, and report next meeting. The Friends appointed in James Bunting's case are desired to attend to their appointment & they are desired to inspect into the disposition of his wife with respect to his holding a slave & report next meeting. The Friends appointed in Israel Bunting's case report they have complied with the direction of the meeting. Aaron Olden, a minor had a certificate of removal granted to Buckingham Monthly meeting in Pennsylvania. The Friends appointed in respect to Elizabeth wife of Daniel Whitelock and family report as their sense, it may be safe to receive their certificate with which this meeting concurs. Chesterfield Preparative meeting informs Ezra Bunting neglects the attendance of our Religious meetings and is guilty of committing fornication Isaac Horner and William Abbott are appointed to treat with him on the occasion and report to next meeting. Said meeting also informs John Taylor son of Samuel neglects the attendance of our Religious meetings, and hath gone out in marriage with a woman, not in membership with Friends and by a Baptist Teacher. Nathan Middleton and Joseph Forsyth are appointed to inform him of the charges, and report next meeting. John Wright being proposed as an Elder and the meeting taking it weightily under consideration, appoints him to that station, and the Clerk is directed to send a copy of this minute to the select Quarterly meeting. Nathan Middleton being proposed as an Elder and the meeting taking it weightily under consideration, appoints him to that station and the Clerk is directed to send a copy of this minute to the select Quarterly meeting. William Abbott being proposed as an Elder and the meeting taking it weightily under consideration, appoints him to that station, and the Clerk is directed to send a copy of this minute to the select Quarterly meeting. The woman�s meeting informs Sarah Gibbs hath been guilty of being the Mother of an unlawful begotten child and also neglects the attendance of our Religious meetings, Benjamin Linton and Nathan Middleton are desired to unite with woman Friends and pay her a visit on the occasion and if they concur with the judgment of the women's meeting to prepare a testification against her for the approbation of next meeting. A certificate was produced to this meeting on behalf of Mercy Davenport from Upperspringfield Monthly meeting which was read and received. A certificate was produced to this meeting on behalf of Tacy Harrison from Upperspringfield Monthly meeting which was read & received. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 3th: 10 mo: 1786. John Stevenson and Amelia Lawrie appeared at this meeting and declared they continued their intentions of marriage with each other, a young man produced a certificate from Upperspring Monthly meeting, setting forth his clearness with any other on that account and nothing appearing to obstruct they are at liberty to accomplish their said intentions according to good order used among Friends, Isaiah Robins and James Wooley are appointed to attend the marriage and see that it be orderly accomplished and report next meeting and produce the marriage certificate to be recorded. Benjamin Vanderbeck and Rachel Curtis appeared at this meeting, and declared their intentions of marriage with each other. Samuel Middleton and Amos Wright are appointed to inquire into his clearness on that account with any other and report next meeting. The Friends appointed to attend the marriage of James Schooley and Mary Rogers, report they complied with the appointment and thought it orderly accomplished, they are desired the marriage certificate next month. The Friends appointed in James Bunting and his wife's case report they have attended to their appointment and are of opinion she is one with him in holding a slave, said friends are desired to continue their care therein and and unite with Women Friends in paying them a visit and report next meeting. John Thorn Jun.'s case is continued and a paper of acknowledgment was produced to this meeting from Tacy his wife condemning her outgoing in marriage which case is also continued under care of the friend heretofore appointed and they are desired to unite with Women Friends in paying them a visit and report next meeting. The friends appointed to treat with Ezra Bunting report they have had an opportunity with him, but he refuses making satisfaction said friends are desired to prepare a testification against him for the approbation of next meeting. The friends appointed in John Taylor's case report they informed him of the charges against him which he did not deny said friends are desired to prepare a testification against him for the approbation of next meeting. A certificate was produced to this meeting from Upperspringfield Monthly meeting on behalf of Mary Smith which was read and received. Sarah Wetheril with her two children to wit: William and Rebekah had a certificate granted to Wrightstown Monthly meeting in Pennsylvania. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 7th: 11 mo: 1786. Benjamin Vanderbeck and Rachel Curtis appeared at this meeting and declared they continued their intentions of marriage with each other their parents consenting and nothing appearing to obstruct they are left at liberty to accomplish their said intentions according to good order used amongst friends. Fretwell Wright and Amos Wright are appointed to attend the marriage and see it be orderly accomplished and report to next meeting, and produce the marriage certificate to be recorded. The friends appointed to attend the marriage of John Stevenson and Amelia Lawrie report the marriage is not accomplished by reason of the young woman being unwell, they are desired to attend to their appointment as directed last month and report to a future meeting. The friends appointed to attend the marriage of James Schooley and Mary Rogers produced the marriage certificate as directed last month. The friends appointed in Joseph Thorn's case report they served him with a copy of this meeting's testification against him which is as follows-- Whereas Joseph Thorn who had a right of membership with us hath so far deviated from our Religious Principles as to neglect the attendance of our Religious Meetings, has been concerned in military service and accomplished his marriage contrary to the rules established by Friends, for which he hath been labored with therefore for the clearing of truth and Friends, we disowns him from being a member of our Religious Society, until he become sensible of his aforesaid misconduct, manifesting the same in life in conversation, and by acknowledgment as our discipline directs. One of the friends appoint is James Bunting's case report they have paid him a visit since last meeting and prevailed with him so far as to sign a manumission for his slave and likewise report they think there is some amendment in him with respect to the use of spirituous liquors his case is continued under care of said friends, Benjamin Clark is added to their assistance, and to report to a future meeting. The friends appointed to prepare a testification against John Taylor produced one which was read, approved & signed by the Clerk Joseph Forsyth, and Nathan Middleton are appointed to give him a copy if required let him know his right of appeal if he doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a Firstday meeting at Chesterfield and report to next meeting. Chesterfield Preparative meeting informs Joseph Bullock Jun. requests a certificate of removal for himself and wife Lydia with their children (to wit) Mary and Susannah to Upperspringfield Monthly meeting, Nathan Middleton and Joseph Forsyth are appointed to make the needful inquiry and if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Stony Brook Preparative Meeting informs Abel Gibbs requests a certificate of removal to Rahway Monthly meeting, Robert White Ebenezer Wright are appointed to make the needful inquiry, and if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. The Women's meeting informs Lydia Pew late Borden hath gone out in marriage with a man not in membership with Friends, and hath been precautioned Aaron Ivins & Elizah Friend are appointed to inform her of the charges and report to next meeting. A certificate was produced to this meeting from Upperspringfield Monthly meeting on behalf of Rachel Dawson, which was read and received. John Curtis produced a certificate to this meeting from Burlington Monthly meeting for himself, and wife Sarah with their son Tilton, which was read and received. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 5th: 12 mo: 1786. William Abbott and Rebecca Holloway Jun. appeared at this meeting, and declared their intentions of marriage with each other her parent consenting, John Wright and Nathan Middleton are appointed to make inquiry into his clearness with any other on that account and report to next meeting. One of the friends appointed to attend the marriage of Benjamin Vanderbeck & Rachel Curtis report they attended as directed and thought it in a good degree orderly accomplished and produced the marriage certificate to be recorded. The friends appointed to attend the marriage of John Stevenson and Amelia Lawrie report they attended as directed and thought it in a good degree orderly accomplished, and produced the marriage certificate to be recorded. The friends appointed to prepare a testification against Ezra Bunting produced one which was read approved and signed by the Clerk Joseph Forsyth and William Abbott are appointed to give him a copy if required let him know his right of appeal to publish it at the close of a Firstday meeting at Bordentown and report next meeting. A proper of acknowledgement was produced to this meeting from Sarah Gibbs, condemning her becoming the Mother of a legitimate child and too much neglecting our religious meetings, which being read was taken under solid consideration and the meeting thinks best to receive it. Joseph Forsyth is desired to inform her of the conclusion of the meeting in her case, and to publish her acknowledgement at the close of a Firstday meeting at Chesterfield and report next meeting. Joseph Bullock Jun. and his wife Lydia with their children (to wit) Mary, and Susannah had a certificate of removal granted to Upperspringfield monthly meeting. The women's meeting informs Lydia Pew late Borden hath gone out in marriage with a man not in membership with Friends and hath been precautioned, and she being informed of the charge by men friends, which she did not deny, therefore for the clearing of Truth and Friends this meeting disowns her, the said Lydia Pew, from being a member of our Religious Society, until she becomes sensible of her error, manifesting the same in life and conversation, and by acknowledgment as our discipline directs. Aaron Ivins is desired to give her a copy of this minute if requried, let her know her right of appeal and report to next meeting. At this meeting the extracts from the Yearly meeting held in Philadelphia was read and the advice therein contained is earnestly recommended to Friends. Benjamin Linton and John Wright are appointed to enter such parts of them as are marked in the book of discipline and report next meeting. From the monthly meeting of Friends held at Chesterfield the 5th: 12 mo: 1786. To the meetings of Friends within the compass of Gloucester and Salem Quarter, Dear Friends.-- Our Esteemed Friend Benjamin Clark informed us, that he felt a draught in his mind to sit with you in your Religious meetings, and requested our sympathy and fellow feeling with him therein, now these may certify on his behalf that we have unity with him and his said concern, his ministry being sound and edifying, the Clerk is directed to give him a copy of this minute. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 2nd: 1 mo: 1787. William Abbott and Rebecca Holloway Jun. appeared at this meeting, and they declared they continued their intentions of marriage with each other and nothing apeparing to obstruct, they are left at liberty to accomplish their said intentions according to good order used among Friends, John Wright and Joshua Bunting are appointed to attend the marriage and see it be orderly accomplished, and report to next meeting and produce the marriage certificate to be recorded. Our Friend James Simson informs this meeting of his having a concern on his mind to visit the families of Friends within the compass of Trenton meeting, and he produced a minute from Buckingham monthly meeting, as also our Friends Aaron Paxson to bear him company; setting forth their unity therewith, with which this meeting concurs, and appoints Benjamin Linton and Joseph Horner to accompany them. The friends appointed in John Taylor's case report they have complied with the directions of the meeting he not intending to appeal The Friend appointed in Sarah Gibbs case reports he hath complied with the appointment. Abel Gibbs had a certificate of removal granted to Rahway monthly meeting. The friend appointed in Lydia Pew's case, reports he hath complied with the directions of last meeting, she not intending to appeal. One of the Friends appointed to enter such parts of the extracts, as are marked in the book of discipline, report it is done. Chesterfield Preparative meeting informs Joseph Spikeman requests a certificate to Falls monthly meeting in Pennsylvania, for himself and wife Catharine with their children (to wit) Townsend, Keziah, Mary, Lydia, Esther and John, Josiah Foreman and Samuel Abbott are appointed to make the necessary inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct, to purpose one for the approbation of next meeting. Our friend Aaron Ivins having a prospect of removing within the compass of Upperspringfield monthly meeting and requests the advice of friends of this meeting therein, the following friends are appointed to concur with him on the occasion (to wit) Benjamin Clark, James Lawrie, Benjamin Linton, Nathan Middleton and Joshua Bunting and report their sense thereon to next meeting. A certificate was produced to this meeting on behalf of James Antrum[?] from Burlington monthly meeting which was read and received. Sarah Gibbs had a certificate of removal granted to Upperspringfield monthly meeting. The Women�s meeting informs Margaret Alba hath been guilty of fornication with the man that is now her husband. Joseph Forsyth and Joshua Bunting are appointed to treat with her on the occasion and report to next meeting. This meeting agrees to appoint the eleventh hour for the gathering of this meeting in future. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 6th: 2 mo: 1787. One of the friends appointed to attend the marriage of William Abbott and Rebecca Holloway Jun. report they attended according to appointment and thought it in a good degree orderly accomplished and produced the marraige certificate to be recorded. Our friend James Simson informs this meeting he hath a concern upon his mind to pay a visit to some branches of Chesterfield monthly meeting as truth may open and he produced a minute from Buckingham monthly meeting setting forth their unity therewith and our friend Benjamin Linton giving up his name to bear his company with which this meeting concurs and appoints Joseph Horner, Aaron Ivins, William Abbott, Nathan Middleton and Samuel Middleton to accompany them. The friends appointed in Ezra Bunting's case report they served him with a copy of the testification against him, and published as directed, he not intending to appeal. The friends appointed to concur with Aaron Ivins, with respect to his removal, report several of them attended and think best to leave him at liberty with which this meeting concurs. Chesterfield Preparative meeting informs Samuel Taylor hath been in the practice of taking strong drink to excess and neglects the attendance of our religious meetings, Amos Wright and Joseph Forsyth are appointed to treat with him on the occasion and report to next meeting. Stony Brook preparative meeting informs Samuel Worth Jun. hath gone out in marriage with a woman not of our Society. William Clark and Robert White are appointed to inform him of the charges, and report to next meeting. Said meeting also informs it being the opinion of said meeting that another overseer might be useful, and Robert White being proposed with which this meeting concurs and appoints him to that station. A certificate was produced to this meeting on behalf of Sarah Williams from Upperspringfield monthly meeting which was read and received. John Lippincott laid before this meeting an acknowledgment condemning his outgoing in marriage with a woman not in membership with Friends, and by a Baptist Teacher which is left for further consideration. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 4th: 3 mo: 1787. Joseph Spikeman had a certificate of removal granted for himself and wife Catharine with their six children (to wit) Townsend, Mary, Kezia, Lydia, Esther, and John to the Falls monthly meeting in Pennsylvania. The friends appointed to treat with Margaret Allan they have visited her since last meeting, but she did not appear in a disposition to condemn her misconduct, Joseph Forsyth and Joshua Bunting are appointed to prepare a testification against her for the approbation of next meeting. The friends appointed to treat with Samuel Taylor report they visited him since last meeting, he did not deny the charges, and did not appear in a disposition to make satisfaction. Amos Wright, and Joseph Forsyth are appointed to prepare a testification against him for the approbation of next meeting. Samuel Worth Jun. produced an acknowledgment to this meeting condemning his outgoing in marriage with a woman not in membership with Friends, and being present at marriages accomplished contrary to the rules established amongst us, William Abbott Joseph Horner, and James Lawrie, are appointed to visit him on the occasion, and report to next meeting. The certificate which was produced to this meeting from Burlington monthly meeting granted the 6th day of 9 mo: 1785 frm this meeting for Thomas Antrum[?], son of Isaac, who was placed apprentice in the verge of that meeting, but not being given in before the lad went out of the limits of said meeting, it was directed to be returned which this meeting complied with. John Lippincott�s case coming under consideration, Aaron Ivins, Nathan Middleton and Joseph Forsyth are appointed to visit him on the occasion and report to next meeting. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs John Foreman requests a certificate to Upperspringfield monthly meeting, on account of marriage with Susannah Stewart, Samuel Abbott and Isaiah Robins are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct, to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. This meeting is informed by a friend that Friend's burying ground at Lamberton requires some care the following friends are appointed to inspect and see what may be needful to be done (to wit) Samuel Abbott, Samuel Middleton and John Foreman and report to next meeting. A certificate was produced to this meeting, from Upperspringfield monthly meeting on behalf of Elizabeth Williams which was read and received. The Women's meeting informs Jane Yard late West hath married contrary to Friends rules to a man not in membership with Friends Samuel Abbott and Samuel Middleton are appointed to inform her of the charge and report to next meeting. The following is a form of a donation to Friend's school-- I give and bequeath unto A.B. Treasurer of the school called Friend's school of -- or to the Treasurer of the said school for the time being duly appointed by the Trustees of said school the sum of -- to be paid in one year after my decease and applied by the said Trustees to and for the benefit and advancement of the said school at their discretion. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 3rd: 4 mo: 1787. A testification was produced to this meeting against Margaret Allan for having a child after marriage sooner than is reputable which was read approved and signed by the Clerk William Abbott and John Wright are appointed to give her a copy if required let her know her right of appeal, if she doth not appeal, to publish it at the close of a Firstday meeting at Chesterfield and report next meeting. A testifation was produced against Samuel Taylor for neglecting the attendance of our religious meetings, and taking spiritous liquors to excess which was read approved and signed by the Clerk. Amos Wright and Joseph Forsyth are appointed to give him a copy if required let him know his right of appeal, if he doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a Firstday meeting at Chesterfield and Bordentown, and report to next meeting. John Foreman had a certificate to Upperspringfield monthly meeting on account of marriage with Susannah Stewart. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs Nathan Allen and Patience his wife has married contrary to the rules established amongst Friends, and had a child sooner after marriage than is reputable, William Abbott and John Wright are appointed to inform them of the charges and to prepare a testification against them for the approbation of next meeting. A paper of acknowledgment was produced to this meeting from Lucretia Milton condemning her unchaste freedom before marriage, with the man that is now her husband, which was read and received. The Women's meeting informs Mary Tantum hath been guilty of fornication, Jacob Middleton, and Samuel Middleton are appointed to treat with her on the occasion and report next meeting. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs Aaron Ivins requests a certificate of removal to Upperspringfield monthly meeting for himself and wife Ann with their six children (to wit) Aaron, Isaac, Samuel, Ann, Mary, and Barkley, with a lad under his care, William Henry, Elizah Field, and Aaron Wright are appointed to make the needful inquiry if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. A religious visit hath been paid to the families of friends within the compass of this monthly meeting to good satisfaction which the Clerk is directed to forward in the reports to the ensuing Quarterly meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 8th: 5 mo: 1787. The friends appointed in Margaret Allan case report they complied with the direction of the meeting in her case, she not intending to appeal. The friends appointed in Samuel Taylor's case report they complied with the direction of the meeting in his case, he not intending to appeal. A testification was produced to this meeting against Nathan Allen and Patience his wife for marrying contrary to the rules of our discipline, and having a child after marriage sooner than is reputable, which was read, approved and signed by the Clerk, John Wright and William Abbott are appointed to give them a copy if required, let them know their right of appeal, if they do not appeal to publish it at the close of a Firstday meeting at Chesterfield and report to next meeting. The friends appointed to treat with Mary Tantum, report they paid her a visit, since last meeting, she did not appear to be in a disposition to make satisfaction the same friends are appointed to prepare a testification against her for the approbation of next meeting, and inform her thereof. Our esteemed friend Benjamin Clark informs this meeting he hath a prospect of attending the Yearly meeting of Friends in Maryland and requests our minute of concurrence these may inform that he is a Minister in good esteem amongst us, the Clerk is directed to give him a copy of this minute. Susannah Stokes has a certificate of removal granted to Wrightstown monthly meeting. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs Isaac Antrum requests a certificate for his son Thomas to Upperspringfield monthly meeting, Joel Cheshire, John Combe, and Joseph Forsyth are appointed to make inquiry if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. John Firth requests a certificate of removal to Salem monthly meeting, John Wright and Joseph Forsyth are appointed to make inquiry if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. The friends of Robin's meeting informs their house wants repairing, Joseph Forsyth, Jacob Middleton and Thomas Thorn are appointed to confer with friends of that meeting and inspect what may be necessary to be done and report to next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 5th: 6 mo: 1787. A testification was produced to this meeting against Jane Yard late West which was read approved and signed by the Clerk, Samuel Abbott and John Abbott are appointed to give her a copy if required, let her know her right of appeal and report to next meeting. A testification was produced to this meeting against Mary Tantum for committing fornication which was read approved and signed by the Clerk, Samuel Middleton and Jacob Middleton are appointed to give her a copy if required let him know his right of appeal if she doth not appeal, to publish it at the close of a Firstday meeting at Chesterfield and report to next meeting. A certificate was produced to this meeting from Mount Holly monthly meeting on behalf of Hannah Dawson which was read and received. John Bunting Jun. produced a certificate to this meeting from Little Eggharbor monthly meeting for himself and wife Patience with their six Children (to wit) Mary, Sarah, Lucy, Patience, Daniel, and John, all in their minority which was read and received. Susannah Rockhill had a certificate of removal granted to Little Egg Harbor monthly meeting. Thomas Antrum a minor, son of Isaac had a certificate of removal granted to upperspringfield monthly meeting. The friends appointed to confer with friends of Robin's meeting and to inspect what may be necsesary to be done toward repairing their meeting-house, report they think the sum of fifty pounds may be sufficient for that purpose of which sum, the friends of that meeting hath thirty-six pounds subscribed, therefore this meeting gives them liberty to go on with said repairs. Isaac Hutchin produced a certificate to this meeting from Philadelphia monthly meeting for the northern district which was read and received. Charles Clark produced a certificate to this meeting from Burlington monthly meeting which was read and received. Chesterfield preparative meeting produced James Lawrie to be appointed to the station of an overseer with which this meeting concurs, and appoints him to that station. Said meeting also proposes Joshua Bunting to be appointed to the station of an overseer with which this meeting concurs and appoints him to that station. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 3rd: 7 mo: 1787. The friends appointed to inspect into the situations of Friends buying ground at Lamberton report it is inclosed but not under care of any person at present, the same friends are appointed to have the care of said ground in respect to burials. One of the friends appointed in Nathan and Patience Allen's case report they complied with the direction of the meeting in their case they not intending to appeal. One of the friends appointed in Mary Tantum's case report they complied with the direction of the meeting in her case, she not intending to appeal. Elizabeth Woodward had a certificate of removal granted for himself and two daughters (to wit) Increase and Deborah to Upperspringfield monthly meeting. Joseph Ridgway produced a certificate from Burlington monthly meeting, for himself and wife Hannah with their six children (to wit) Thomas, Lucy, Mary, Joseph, John, and Hannah which was read and received. Stony Brook preparative meeting informs Joseph Olden Jun. for himself and his three chidlren (to wit) Mary, Ann, and Benjamin requests to come under the care of Friends, Joseph Horner, Fretwell Wright and Nathan Middleton are appointed to visit them on the occasion and report to next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 7th: 8 mo: 1787. At this meeting the queries were read with the answers from the preparative meeting, which are in substance as follows, which are directed to be sent up to the ensuring Quarterly Meeting. 1. All our meetings for Religious worship and Discipline are kept up, and attended by most of our members on Firstdays, but on other days and for Discipline, some are deficient. the hour nearly observed, and indecencies mainly avoided, except drowsiness which appears in some there hath been some care taken on this account. 2. Love and unity are in a good degree maintained amongst us and there is some care on the minds of friends to discourage tale-bearing, back-biting, and spreading of evil reports and endeavors used to end diferences. 3. We think there is some care in those respects particularly in speech and apparel. 4. More care with respect to the use of spirituous liquors, and frequenting of taverns and more moderation on account of marriage is needful there is a care rests on the minds of Friends to discourage those practices when they appear. 5. This query is in a good degree complied with. 6. All are not clear of bearing arms for military services which is under care, the other parts of this query clear, as far as appears. 7. We know of no instances with respect to slave-holding, a care rests on the minds of Friends to the remaining part of this query. 8. Some are not so careful in paying their just debts as is desired, a care remained on the minds of Friends on this account and the other parts of this query. 9. This query mostly observed yet more timely care on some accounts, we think might be useful. Annual queries. 1. None. 2. none. 3. we know of none. 4. they are. The friends appointed in Jane Yard's Case report they complied with the direction of the meeting in her case she not intending to appeal. Two of the Friends appointed to visit Joseph Olden Jun. on his request to be joined in membership with Friends, report they paid him a visit in company with women Friends who visited his wife Achsah who produced an acknowledgment to this meeting condemning her outgoing in marriage with a man not in membership with Friends their cases are considered for further consideration under care of the same Friends. Richard Brown produced a certificate to this meeting from Little Egg Harbor monthly meeting for himself and wife Sarah, with their daughter Susannah which was read and received. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs Amos Taylor Jun. is charged with being guilty of fornication, also hath been con- cerned in military service, and removed without requesting a certificate Isaac Horner and John Abbott Jun. are appointed to treat with him on the occasion and report when done. Isaac Collins produced a certificate to this Meeting from Burlington monthly meeting which was read and received. A certificate was produced to this meeting from Upperspringfield monthly meeting, on behalf of Susannah Furman which was read and received. At a Monthly meeting held at Chesterfield the 4th: 9 mo: 1787. John Thorn Jun. and his wife's case coming again under consideration the meeting agrees to receive their acknowledgments, Fretwell Wright and Benjamin Linton are appointed to inform them thereof and report to next meeting. John Lippincott's case coming again under consideration and the committee appointed to visit him giving a favorable report the meeting agrees to receive the acknowledgment. Jacob Middleton is appointed to publish it at the close of a Firstday meeting at Chesterfield and report next meeting. The Friends appointed to visit Joseph Olden Jun. on his request to be joined in membership with Friends, with his three children (to wit) Mary, Ann, and Benjamin report they are easy they should be received and also think best of receiving his wife Achsah's acknowledgment, with which this meeting concurs, Joseph Horner, Robert White are appointed to inform them thereof, anf report to next meeting. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs Abel Middleton hath gone out in marriage with a woman not in membership with Friends, and had a child sooner after marriage than is reputable, James Lawrie and Amos Wright are appointed to inform him of the charges and report to next meeting. Owen Morris produced a certificate to this meeting, from Abington monthly meeting which was read and received. A certificate was produced to this meeting from Little Egg Harbor monthly meeting on behalf of Ann Pigeon which was read and received. A certificate was produced to this meeting from Little Eggharbor monthly meeting on behalf of Sarah Brown Jun. which was read and received. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 2nd: 10 mo: 1787. The friends appointed to publish John Lippincott�s acknowledgment report it is done. Sarah Gilbert had a certificate of removal granted to Burlington monthly meeting. The friends appointed in Joseph Olden Jun. case and his wife's report they complied with the directions of the meeting. Jesse Waln produced an acknowledgement to this meeting, condemning his going out in marriage and sometimes administering oaths, James Lawrie, Benjamin Linton, and Joseph Forsyth, are appointed to visit him on the occasion and report to next meeting. A certificate was produced to this meeting from Mount Holly monthly meeting on behalf of Rachel Curtiss, which was read and received. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs the Treasurer for the meeting house reports he hath discharged all debts due for building this house as far as appears and requests this meeting would appoint a committee to settle with him, the following friends are appointed to that service (to wit) Samuel Middleton John Wright Samuel Olden and William Abbott and report to next meeting. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs Joseph Rogers hath gone out in marriage with a woman not in membership with Friends, had a child sooner after marriage than is reputable, hath been in the practice of frequenting taverns and taking more strong drink than is reputable, Joseph Forsyth and John Wright are appointed to inform him of the charges and report to next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 6th: 11 mo: 1787. The friends appointed in Samuel Worth Jun. case report they have visited him since last meeting and are easy his acknowledgment should be received with which this meeting concurs and appoints Joseph Horner and Robert White to inform him thereof. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 4th: 12 mo: 1787. The friends appointed in Samuel Worth Jun. case report they complied with the direction of the meeting in the case. The friends appointed to inform Joseph Rogers of the charges against him report they informed him as directed which he did not deny, Joseph Forsyth and John Wright are appointed to prepare a testification against him for the approbation of next meeting and inform him thereof. A certificate was produced to this meeting on behalf of Hannah Lippincott from Evesham monthly meeting which was read and received. Joseph Wallen produced a certificate to this meeting from Evesham monthly meeting which was read and received. John Ffirth had a certificate of removal granted to Salem Monthly meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 8th: 1 mo: 1788. The friends appointed in Abel Middleton's case report they informed him of the charges against him, but he denying a part with respect to his having a child sooner after marriage than is reputable, and it appearing upon another inquiry the report is not well founded the other parts of the charge he confessed, Therefore for the clearing of Truth and Friends this meeting disowns him the said Abel Middleton from being a member of our Religious Society, until he becomes sensible of his error manifesting the same in life and conversation, and by acknowledgment as our Discipline directs, James Lawrie and Amos Wright are appointed to give him a copy of this minute if required, let him know his right of appeal and report to next meeting. Our friend Benjamin Clark expressed a concern he hath upon his mind to pay a religious visit to some parts within the compass of Shrewsbury and Rahway Quarter if way opens, as far as Straton Island with which this meeting unites, he being a minister in good esteem, desiring his preservation under the guidance of best wisdom the Clerk is directed to give him a copy of this minute. The friends appointed in Joseph Rogers' case, produced a testification against him as directed, which was read, approved and signed by the Clerk Richard Brown and John Wright are appointed to give him a copy if required, let him know his right of appeal, if he doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a Firstday meeting, at Chesterfield, and report to next meeting. Catharine and Lavinah Holloway had a certificate of removal granted to Crooked Run monthly meeting in Virginia. Hannah Lloyd had a certificate of removal granted to Philadelphia monthly meeting. Lydia Williams had a certificate of removal granted to Burlington monthly meeting. John Stevenson produced a certificate to this meeting from Upperspringfield monthly meeting, which was read and received. The friends belonging to the meeting near Joseph Robinss, produced an account of the expense of repairing the house at that place, which is as follows:-- To the monthly meeting of Chesterfield pursuant to our request respecting the repairing of Robinss meeting-house, it is accomplished and the whole expense of the repairs is [Pounds] 47..15..2 and the friends of said meeting have subscribed 37..10..0 which leaves a balance of [Pounds] 10..5..2 which we submit to the meeting signed in behalf of said meeting by Joel Cheshire 5th: 1 mo:: 1788. which ballance the preparative meeting is directed to raise in the usual proportion (the aforesaid meeting excepted). Our friend Richard Titus, produced a certificate from Westbury monthly meeting on Long Island, setting forth their unity with his religious visit to the Jerseys & Pennsylvania, whose service and labors hath been truly acceptable to us. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 5th: 2 mo: 1788. The friends appointed in Abel Middleton's case report they complied with the direction of the meeting in his case. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs Nathan Borden, Stacy Taylor and Israel Robins have been guilty of taking strong drink to excess, and attending places of diversion, such as horse-racing John Wright, William Abbott and Fretwell Wright are appointed to treat with them on the occasion inform them of the charges and report to next meeting. Stony Brook preparative meeting informs Doughty Stockton hath gone out in marriage with a woman not in membership with Friends, Robert White and William Clark are appointed to inform him of the charges and report next meeting. A certificate was produced to this meeting on behalf of Sarah Branning with her daughter Sarah from Evesham Monthly meeting, which being read, is referred for further consideration. Fretwell Wright and William Abbott are appointed to inspect into their circumstances of life and report next meeting. A certificate was produced to this meeting on behalf of Ann, George, and Josiah Furman, children of Richard Way Furman from Upperspringfield monthly meeting, which was read and referred for further consideration James Wolley, and Isaac Collins are appointed to inquire into their situation and report next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 4th: 3 mo: 1788. Aaron Ivins and his wife Ann with their six children (to wit) Aaron, Isaac, Samuel, Ann, Mary, and Barkley, had a certificate of removal granted to Upperspringfield monthly meeting. William Henry had a certificate of removal granted to Upperspringfield monthly meeting. The friends appointed to inform Doughty Stockton of the charges against him, report they informed him as directed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 8th: 4 mo: 1788. The committee appointed some time past on account of schools think it may be useful to dissolve them and reappoint a new one with which the meeting concurs and appoints the following friends (to wit) James Lawrie, Benjamin Linton, Robert White, William Abbott, Nathan Middleton, Robert Wright, John Wright, Joseph Murfin Lawrie, Elijah Field, Benjamin Clark, Isaac Collins, and Joseph Horner to endeavor to promote the establishing of schools agreeable to the direction of the yearly meeting. The friends appointed in Joseph Rogers case report they complied with the direction of the meeting, in his case he not intending to appeal. The friends appointed to inform Doughty Stockton of the charges against him, reported last meeting, they informed him as directed, Joseph Horner, and Robert White are appointed to prepare a minute of disunion against him for the approbation of next meeting, and inform him thereof. A certificate was produced to this meeting some time past on behalf of Sarah Branin, and her daughter Sarah, from Evesham monthly meeting which the meeting agrees to receive. The friends appointed to inspect into the situation of Ann, George, and Josiah Furman, children of Richard Way Furman, on whose behalf a certificate was produced to this meeting some time past from Upperspringfield monthly meeting, report they attended to the appointment, upon consideration the meeting agrees to receive it. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs John Taylor son of John deceased is in the neglect of attending our religious meetings taking strong drink to excess, and using profane language, William Abbott and David Killey are appointed to treat with him on the occasion and report to next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 6th: 5 mo: 1788. The women's meeting informs they have appointed Rebecca Combs and Mary Field wife of Elijah Field to the station of overseers for the meeting called Robinss, with which this meeting concurs. The friends appointed in Nathan Bowden, Stacy Taylor, and Israel Robbin's case report they are most easy to leaves[?] their cases under consideration of the meeting and as they neglect making satisfaction the meeting appoints Joseph Forsyth and Samuel Abbott to prepare testifications against them for the approbation of next meeting and inform them thereof. The friends appointed to prepare a minute to disunion against Doughty Stockton produced one as directed which was read and approved which is as follows:-- Whereas Doughty Stockton having a right of membership amongst us and did apply for our certificate in his behalf to Deep River monthly meeting North Carolina and one was granted the 6th: 9 mo: 1785 as appears by our minutes, since which time he hath returned amongst us, and gone out in marriage with a woman not in membership with us, he being informed of the charges against him, and the proceeding of the meeting in his case we therefore disown him from being a member of our Religious Society until he satisfies this meeting as Discipline directs. Robert White and Samuel Olden are appointed to give him a copy of this minute if required, let him know his right of appeal, and report to next meeting. The Friends appointed to treat with John Taylor, son of John deceased, report they paid him a visit and informed him of the charges against him, he declines making satisfaction, William Abbott, and David Kelley are appointed to prepare a testification against him for the approbation of next meeting and inform him thereof. Chesterfield preparative meeting inform John Thorn, son of John for himself and wife Tacy, and their son Abraham requests a certificate of removal to Upperspringfield monthly meeting, also one for Mary Skirm a minor to the same meeting. Fretwell Wright and William Abbott are appointed to make the needful inquiry if nothing apepars to obstruct, to prepare them for the approbation of next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 3rd: 6 mo: 1788. The friends appointed to prepare a testification against Stacy Taylor, produced one as directed, which was read, approved, and signed by the Clerk, Joseph Forsyth and Samuel Abbott are appointed to give him a copy if required, let him know his right of appeal, if he doth not appeal, to publish it at the close of a Firstday meeting at Chesterfield and report next meeting. Said meeting also produced a testification against Nathan Borden, which was read approved and signed by the Clerk, the same friends are appointed to give him a copy if required let him know his right of appeal if he doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a Firstday meeting at Chesterfield and report next meeting. The friends appointed to prepare a testification against John Taylor son of John deceased produced one as directed, which was read, approved, and signed by the Clerk, William Abbott and David Killey are appointed to give him a copy if required, let him know his right of appeal, if he doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a Firstday meeting at Bordentown, and Chesterfield and report next meeting. John Thorn Jun. and his wife Tacy with their children (to wit) Abraham and Diadamy had a certificate of removal granted to Upperspringfield monthly meeting. The Friends appointed in Doughty Stockton's case report they complied with the direction of the meeting in his case. Hannah Lippincott had a certificate of removal granted to Shrewsbury monthly meeting. A certificate was produced to this meeting from Upperspringfield monthly meeting, on behalf of Sarah Steward, which was read and received. A certificate was produced to this meeting from Little Egg Harbor monthly meeting on behalf of Amy Cawley, wife of Samuel Cawley, which was read and received. Mary Skirm had a certificate of removal granted to Upperspringfield monthly meeting. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs their quota of the money for repairing the meetinghouse called Robinss is paid in, the Treasurer informs Stony Brook preparative meeting hath paid their quota for that purpose the whole amount [Pounds] 10..5..2.. which he hath paid into the hands of Robert Wright a friend of that meeting. Said meeting also informs Fretwell Wright requests to be released from the station of an overseer, the meeting taking it under consideration, concurs therewith. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 8th: 7 mo: 1788. The friends appointed in Stacy Taylor's case report they complied with the direction of the meeting therein. The friends appointed to prepare a testi fication against Israel Robins produced one as directed which was read approved and signed by the Clerk, Joseph Forsyth and Amos Wright are appointed to give him a copy if required, let him know his right of appeal, if he doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a Firstday meeting at Chesterfield and report to next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 5th: 8: 1788. At this meeting the queries were read with the answers from the preparative meetings which are in substance as follows:-- 1. All our meetings for Religious worship and Discipline are kept up and attended to by most on the first day of the week, on other days and for discipline a slackness appears in some; the hour mostly observed; other indecencies mostly avoided, except drowsiness which too much prevails amongst us, though some care is taken therein. 2. We believe love and unity are in a good degree maintained amongst us endeavors are used to discharge tale-bearing, back-biting, and spread evil reports, and to end differences. 3. Some are careful on these accounts, yet we acknowledge there is a deficiency amongst us. 4. Mostly careful on these occasions, excepting the use of spirituous lequors and sometimes frequently taverns, unnecessary by some which are under care. 5. This query we think is mostly complied with 6. All are not clear of bearing arms for military services, which is under care, the other parts of this query, clear as far as appears. 7. We know of no instance in respect to slave-holding amongst us, a care rests on the minds of Friends in respect to the remainder part of this query. 8. Some are not so careful in paying their just debts as is desired, a care remains on the minds of Friends on this account and the other parts of the query. 9. Offenders are dealt with we hope, without partiality, though some delays are acknowledged. Answers to the annual Queries 1. None. 2. None. 3. We know of none. 4. They are. The friends appointed in Israel Robin's case report they complied with the direction of the meeting therein. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs Elizabeth Whitelock requests a certificate of removal for herself and three children (to wit) Martha, Isaac, and Sarah to Byberry or Horsham monthly meeting in Pennsylvania, also a certificate of removal for her daughter Mary Whitelock to Philadelphia monthly meeting. John Abbott and William Abbott are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct, to prepare them for the approbation of next meeting. Said meeting informs application being made for a certificate of removal on behalf of Benjamin, Rebecca, and Elizabeth Scattergood minors, children of David Scattergood deceased and Sarah his wife, now wife of Joseph Beck to Westland. Chesterfield preparative meeting proposes William Abbott to the consideration of this meeting to be appointed as an overseer for Bordentown meeting, with which this meeting concurs and appoints him to that station. Jesse Waln produced an acknowledgment some time past to this meeting condemning his outgoing in marriage and sometimes administering oaths and promoting military measures which was now read and received. A certificate was produced to this meeting on behalf of Ann Ivins Sen. from Upperspringfield monthly meeting which was read and received. Daniel Stratton a minor produced a certificate to this meeting, from Evesham monthly meeting, this meeting being informed he is placed an apprentice with a man not in membership with Friends, Benjamin Linton and the Clerk are appointed to prepare an assay of a letter to said monthly meeting of Evesham for inspection of next meeting. Our Esteemed friend Benjamin Clark informs this meeting he hath a draught on his mind to pay a religious visit to some meetings in Pennsylvania with which this meeting unites, he being a Minister in good esteem, desiring his preservation under the guidance of Best Wisdom, the Clerk is directed to furnish him with a copy of this minute. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 2nd: 9 mo: 1788. Thomas Lawrence and Hannah Bunting appeared at this meeting, and declared their intentions of marriage with each other with consent of parents William Abbott and Benjamin Linton are appointed to inquire into the young man's clearness, with any other on that account and report to next meeting. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs John Earl hath married contrary to the rules established amongst us to a woman not in membership with Friends, Amos Wright and Joseph Woodward are appointed to inform him of the charges, and report next meeting. Said meeting also informs William Taylor hath married contrary to the rules established amongst us to a woman not in membership with Friends, and that by a Priest, and hath attended horse races, David Killey, and Joseph Forsyth are appointed to inform him of the charges and report to next meeting. Said meeting also informs Jesse Waln requests a certificate of removal to the monthly meeting of Philadelphia for the Southern District James Lawrie and Amos Middleton are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. This meeting is informed William Borden and Tacy his wife, hath married contrary to the rules established amongst us and that by a Priest, and had a child sooner after marriage than is reputable, and they have been visited on the occasion, Joseph Forsyth and Benjamin Field are appointed to inform them of the charges and report to next meeting. A certificate was produced to this meeting from Mount Holly monthly meeting on behalf of Rhoda Dawson, which was read and received. Samuel Branin a minor produced a certificate to this meeting, from Evesham monthly meeting, which was read and received. At a Monthly held at Chesterfield the 7th: 10 mo: 1788. Thomas Lawrence and Hannah Bunting appeared at this meeting and declared they continued their intentions of marriage with each other and nothing appearing to obstruct they are left at liberty to accomplish their said intentions according to good order established amongst Friends. Fretwell Wright and Benjamin Linton are appointed to attend the marriage and see it be orderly accomplished and report next meeting. One of the Friends appointed to inform John Earl of the charges against him report they informed him as directed. Whereas John Earl has so far devited as to marry contrary to the rules established amongst us to a woman not in membership with Friends Therefore we disown him the said John Earl from being a member of our Religious Society, until he becomes sensible of his error, manifesting it in life and conversation, and by acknowledgment as our Discipline directs Amos Wright and Joseph Forsyth are appointed to give him a copy of this minute if required, let him know his right of appeal and report to next meeting. The Friends appointed to inform William Taylor of the charges against him report they informed him as directed, Joshua Satterthwait and Benjamin Holloway are appointed to prepare a testification against him for the approbation of next meeting, and inform him thereof. Mary Whitelock had a certificate of removal granted to Philadelphia monthly meeting. Robert Vail a minor produced a cer- tificate to this meeting from Rahway monthly meeting which was read and received. The friends appointed to inform William Borden and Tacy his wife of the charges against them report they informed them as directed, Jacob Middleton and Benjamin Field are appointed to prepare a testification against them, for the approbation of next meeting and inform them thereof. The concern of our friend Fretwell Wright to appear among us as a Minister coming under our weighty consideration, we have unity with him therein and recommend him as such to the Quarterly Select meeting of Ministers and Elders for their approbation, the Clerk is directed to send a copy of this minute up to said meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 4th: 11 mo: 1788. The friends appointed to attend the marriage of Thomas Lawrence and Hannah Bunting report they attended as directed and thought it in a good degree orderly accomplished and produced the marriage certificate to be recorded. The friends appointed to prepare a testification against William and Tacy Borden produced one as directed and as said William and Tacy Borden produced an acknowledgment to this meeting condemning their being guilty of unchaste freedom with each other and marrying contrary to the rules established amongst Friends by a Priest which being read Fretwell Wright, and John Wright are appointed to visit them on the occasion and report next meeting. Elizabeth Whitelock and her three children (to wit) Martha, Isaac, and Sarah had a certificate of removal granted to Abington monthly meeting in Pennsylvania. A few lines were received from Evesham Monthly meeting informing the circumstance of Daniel Stratton a minor, who produced a certificate some time past to this meeting which coming under consideration the meeting agrees to receive said certificate. The Friends appointed in John Earl's case report they complied with the direction of the meeting therein. The Friends appointed to prepare a testification against William Taylor, produced one which was read, approved and signed by the Clerk, Joseph Forsyth and Joshua Satterthwait are appointed to give him a copy if required let him know his right of appeal if he doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a Firstday meeting at Chesterfield and report next meeting. Jesse Waln had a certificate of removal granted to Philadelphia monthly meeting for the Southern District. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs Thomas Lawrie requests a certificate to Upperspringfield monthly meeting on account of marriage. Jacob Middleton and Samuel Middleton are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Stony Brook preparative meeting informs Joseph Kirbride requests a certificate on account of marriage to Abington monthly meeting in Pennsylvania. Samuel Olden and Robert White are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 5th: 12 mo: 1788. At this meeting the extracts from our last Yearly meeting held in Philadelphia were read and the advice therein contained is earnestly recommended to the observance of Friends. The following friends are appointed a committee jointly to unite with the Quarters committee and endeavor to persuade our members from trading in our using spirituous liquors as recommended in the Extracts from our last Yearly meeting (to wit) John Wright, Richard Brown, Isaac Hutchin, Joshua Satterthwait, Joseph Olden Jun. Benjamin Clark and report in the Eighth month next. Rachel Curtiss had a certificate of removal granted to Evesham monthly meeting. A certificate was produced to this meeting from Woodbury monthly meeting on account of Bridget Steward a minor which was read and received. A certificate was produced to this meeting from Upperspringfield monthly meeting on behalf of Achsah DeCon with her three children (to wit) Mary, Joseph, and Clayton DeCon which was read and received. Thomas Lawrie had a certificate of removal granted on account of marriage to Upperspringfield monthly meeting. Joseph Kirbride had a certificate granted to Abington monthly meeting in Pennsylvania on account of marriage. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs James Fowler requests to be joined in Membership with Friends, James Lawrie and Amos Wright are appointed to visit him on the occasion and report to next meeting. Stony Brook preparative meeting informs Moses Vail requests a certificate of removal to Rahway monthly meeting. Ebenezer Wright and Joseph Olden Jun. are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 6th: 1 mo: 1789. Thomas Newbold and Mary Taylor appeared at this meeting and declared their intentions of marriage with each other her parent being present consenting. One of the friends appointed in Nathan Borden's case report they complied with the direction of the meeting therein. One of the friends appointed in William Taylor's case report they published this meeting's testification against pursuant to the direction of the meeting he not intending to appeal. An acknowledgment was produced to this meeting by Meribah Satterthwait condemning her marrying a man not in membership with Friends, and had a child sooner than is reputable, which was read, James Lawrie and Amos Wright are appointed to visit her on the occasion and report next meeting. An acknowledgment was produced to this meeting from Mary Fowler condemning her marrying contrary to the rules, established amongst Friends with a man not in membership which was read. James Lawrie and Amos Wright are appointed to visit her on the occasion, and report next meeting. This meeting thinks it needful to make an addition to the committee appointed last meeting on account of spirituous liquors as recommended on the Extracts from our last Yearly meeting, therefore the following Friends are appointed (to wit) Robert Wright, Fretwell Wright, Ephraim Olden, and Joseph Mur. Lawrie At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 3rd: 2 mo: 1789. Thomas Newbold and Mary Taylor appeared at this meeting and declared they continued their intentions of marriage with each other the young man produced a certificate setting forth his clearness with any other on that account, also his Father's consent in writing, and nothing appearing to obstruct, they are left at liberty to accomplish their said intentions according to good order established amongst Friends. Isaac Field and Joshua Bunting are appointed to attend the marriage and see it be orderly accomplished and report next meeting, and produce the marriage certificate to be recorded. James Fowler's case coming under consideration the Friends appointed in his case giving a favorable report, the meeting agrees to receive him into Membership, Joseph Woodward is appointed to inform him thereof. Moses Vail had a certificate of removal granted to Rahway monthly meeting. Chesterfield Preparative meeting informs Thomas Thorn Jun. neglects the attendance of our Religious meetings and hath gone out in marriage is guilty of striking a man in anger and being concerned in horse racing John Wright and Joseph Forsyth are appointed to treat with him on the occasion and report next meeting. Said meeting also informs Aaron Wright and Elizabeth his wife requests for their three children to be joined in membership with Friends (to wit) Joshua Sarah and Lucy Wright, with which this meeting concurs and receives them into membership Elijah Field and Joseph Ridgway are appointed to inform their parents thereof. Said meeting also informs Iasac Combe and Euphany his wife, requests for themselves and their three children (to wit) Isaac Amos and Stephen to be joined in Membership with Friends Benjamin Clark and Nathan Middleton and Joseph Ridgway are appointed to visit them on the occasion and report next meeting. Said meeting also informs Thomas Combs and Hannah his wife requests for themselves and two children (to wit) Rachel and John to be joined in Membership with Friends Benjamin Clark, Nathan Middleton and Joseph Ridgway are appointed to visit them on the occasion and report next meeting. James Woolley requests a certificate for his son George Woolley to the monthly meeting of Philadelphia for the Northern District Joseph Lawrie and Samuel Abbott are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appeared to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. The Women's meeting informs Rebecca Thorn late Steward has married contrary to the rules of our Discipline, John Wright and Joseph Forsyth are appointed to inform her of the charges against her, and report next meeting. Said meeting also informs Sarah Randolph late Brown hath married contrary to the rules established amongst Friends to a man not in membership with us. Benjamin Holloway and Joshua Bunting are appointed to inform her of the charges and report when done. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 3rd: 3 mo: 1789. The friends appointed to attend the marriage of Thomas Newbold and Mary Taylor report they attended to their appointment and that it was in a good degree orderly accomplished and produced the marriage certificate to be recorded. William and Tacy Borden's case coming under consideration and the Friend appointed to visit them giving a favorable report, the meeting agrees to receive their acknowledgment Elijah Field is appointed to publish it at the close fo a First-day meeting, at that called Robin's and report next meeting. The friends appointed in Thomas Thorn's Jun. case report they have visited him since last meeting, and informed him of the charges against him which he doth not seem disposed to make satisfaction for the same Friends are appointed to prepare a Testification against him for the approbation of next meeting and inform him thereof. The friends appointed to inform Rebecca Thorn of the charges against her report they informed her as directed which she did not deny, therefore we disowned her the said Rebecca Thorn from being a member of our Religious Society until she becomes sensible of her error manifesting the same in life and conversation and by acknowledgment as our Discipline directs the same Friends are appointed to give her a copy of this minute if required let her know her right of appeal and report next meeting Joseph Woodward reports he complied with the direction of the meeting in James Fowler's case. Chesterfield Preparative meeting informs Samuel Robins Jun. hath been guilty of fornication also hath been in the practice of frequenting taverns and places of diversion and attending horse-races, who hath been treated with for the abovesaid offences, Samuel Middleton and Joseph Forsyth are appointed to treat with him on the occasion and report to next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 7th: 4 mo: 1789. The friends appointed to publish William and Tacy Borden's acknowledgment report it is done agreeable to the direction of the meeting. Charles Kinsey a minor produced a certificate to this meeting from Buckingham monthly meeting in Pennsylvania which was read and received. A certificate was produced to this meeting from Burlington monthly meeting on behalf of Phebe Pharrington, Daughter of Joseph Pharrington, which was read and received. The friends appointed to prepare a testification against Thomas Thorn Jun. produced one which was read, approved and signed by the Clerk, Samuel Abbott and John Abbott Jun. are appointed to give him a copy if required let him know his right of appeal if he doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a Firstday meeting at Chesterfield and report next meeting. The request of Isaac and his wife Euphany with their children (to wit) Isaac, Ann and Stephen, also Thomas Combs and his wife Hannah with their children (to wit) Rachel and John coming under consideration the meeting concludes to receive them into Membership, Elijah Field and Joseph Ridgway are appointed to inform them thereof. The friends appointed in Rebecca Thorn's case, report they complied with the direction of the meeting therein. George Wolley, son of James Wolley had a certificate of removal granted to the monthly meeting of Philadelphia for the Northern District. One of the friends appointed in Samuel Robin's Jun case report he had an opportunity with him since last meeting and was informed by him he did not incline to make satisfaction, said friend also informs he hath married contrary to the rules established amongst us to a woman not in membership with Friends and that by a Priest Joseph Forsyth and Jacob Middleton are appointed to prepare a testification against him for the approbation of next meeting and inform him thereof. The exercise of our last Yearly meeting as pointed out by the Extracts respecting the spiritual and temporal welfare of the black people and their offspring coming under consideration, the following friends are appointed to unite with the Quarters Committee in that case to advise and assist them therein as Best Wisdom may direct (to wit) James Lawrie, Joseph Forsyth, Joel Cheshir and Benjamin Holloway. Chesterfield Preparative meeting informs James Bunting requests a certificate of removal for himself and wife Mary, with their son James to Fairfax monthly meeting in Virginia John Wright and Isaac Field are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct, to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Also Thomas Lewis requests a certificate of removal to Upperspringfield monthly meeting Amos Middleton and Jacob Middleton are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing apepars to obstruct, to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Bordentown meeting requests an alteration from the third to the fourth hour at the time of holding their afternoon meeting, with which this meeting concurs. Chesterfield Preparative meeting also informs Thomas Ford Jun. neglects the attendance of our religious meetings, and is gone out in marriage with a woman not in Membership with Friends, Elijah Field and Joseph Ridgway are appointed to inform him of the charges and report next meeting. Benjamin Clark returned the copy of this meeting's minute he had the 5th: 8 mo: 1788 to pay a religious visit to some meetings in Pennsylvania. The Women's meeting proposes our Friends Hannah Linton and Hannah Wright to be recommended as members of the Select meeting of Ministers and Elders and this meeting taking the said proposal under consideration unites therewith and appoints them to that station, the Clerk is directed to send a copy of this minute up to the Select Quarterly meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 5th: 5 mo: 1789. The Friends appointed in Thomas Thorn Jun. case report they complied with the direction of the meeting therein, he not intending to appeal. The Friends appointed to prepare a testification against Samuel Robins Jun. produced one which was read approved and signed by the Clerk, Amos Wright and Jacob Middleton are appointed to give him a copy if required, let him know his right of appeal, if he doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a First day meeting at Chesterfield and report next meeting. Thomas Lawrie had a certificate of removal granted to UpperSpringfield monthly meeting. The friends appointed to inform Thomas Ford Jun. of the charges against him report they informed him as directed, Joel Cheshire, and Joseph Ridgway are appointed to prepare a testification against him for the approbation of next meeting, and inform him thereof. Mary Newbold, wife of Thomas Newbold had a certificate of removal granted to Upperspringfield monthly meeting. A certificate was produced to this meeting from the monthly meeting held at Woodbury on behalf Keziah Howel, wife of Richard Howel which was read and received. The holding an afternoon meeting at Chesterfield on the firstday coming coming under consideration, and after some time spent in consideration thereof the meeting agrees and appoints them to be held on each firstday at the fourth hour after noon during this and the ten succeeding months, that is to the end of the seventh month next, John Wright, James Lawrie, Josiah Robins, Joshua Bunting, and Nathan Middleton are appointed to have the oversight thereof and report their sense thereon to the monthly meeting in the eight month next. This meeting being informed that there remains but our surviving trustee to the title of the lot of land, Upperspringfield meeting-house stands in, and as that meeting is now a branch of Upperspringfield monthly meeting, and they having appointed William Newbold, Thomas Sykes, Aaron Ivins Jun. Anthony Bullock Joseph Satterthwait and Samuel Newbold as Trustees to receive the title of said land in behalf of Upperspringfield monthly meeting therefore this meeting, directs and doth hereby impower Amos Wright the said surviving Trustee to convey the title of said lot of land to the abovesaid Trustees of Upperspringfield monthly meeting to whom the Treasurer of this meeting is directed to deliver up the writings relating to said lot of land or to anyone of them and take his receipt therefor. The women's meeting informs Huldah Chapman requests to be joined in membership with Friends Benjamin Clark, James Lawrie and Joshua Bunting are appointed to visit her on the occasion and report next meeting. Stacy Potts requests a certificate of removal to Warrington Monthly meeting in Pennsylvania, for himself and children (to wit) William, Stacy, Anna Rebecca and Joseph. Joseph Munfin Lawrie and Isaiah Robins are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. John Woodward son of Joseph, requests a certificate of removal to Fairfax monthly meeting in Virginia, Joshua Satterthwait and Nathan Middleton are appointed to make the needful inquiry if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Isaac Thorn requests a certificate of removal for himself and Mary his wife with their two children, Isaac and Mary Thorn, to the Falls monthly meeting in Pennsylvania, William Abbott and David Kelley are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Samuel Clevenger and Mary his wife requests for themselves and their children (to wit) Zechariah, Rebecca, Thomas, Urcilla, John, Rhoda and Sarah Clevenger to be joined in Membership with Friends. Benjamin Linton, James Lawrie Nathan Middleton and Joseph Ridgway are appointed to visit them on the occasion, and report to next meeting. William Borden requests a certificate of removal for himself and Tacy his wife with their daughter Sarah to Upperspringfield monthly meeting. Elijah Field and Joel Cheshire are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 2nd: 1 mo: 1789. Mary Fowler's case coming under consideration the meeting agrees to receive her acknowledgment, Joseph Woodward is appointed to inform her thereof. The friends appointed in Samuel Robin's Jun. case report the testification was published as directed he not intending to appeal. The friends appointed to rpepare a testification against Thomas Ford Jun. produced one which was read approved and signed by the Clerk, Joel Cheshire and Joseph Ridgway are appointed to give him a copy if required, let him know his right of appeal, and report next meeting. John Woodward Jun. had a certificate of removal granted to Fairfax monthly meeting in Virginia. Isaac Thorn and Mary his wife with their children (to wit) Isaac and mary had a certificate of removal granted to the Falls monthly meeting in Pennsylvania. William Borden and Tacy his wife with their daughter Sarah, had a certificate of removal granted to Upperspringfield monthly meeting. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs William Allen is in the neglect of the attending of our Religious meetings, and takes strong drink to excess and Isaac Ivins complains of his not fulfilling his contract. Joshua Satterthwait and Joseph Forsyth are appointed to treat with him on the occasion and report to next meeting. Said meeting also informs Clayton Taylor neglects the attendance of our Religious meetings hath gone out in marriage with a woman not in membership with Friends, and that by a Priest Isaiah Robins and Samuel Abbott are appointed to inform him of the charges, if he doth not deny them, to prepare a testification against him for the approbation of next meeting and inform him thereof. A minute was produced to this meeting from our Quarterly meeting, recommending the encouraging the reprinting by subscription the Holy Bible as recommended by the meeting for sufferings, therefore the meeting appoints Joseph Murfin Lawrie, William Abbott, Joseph Forsyth, Samuel Olden, and Joel Cheshire to take subscriptions, and to forward them to our monthly meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 7th: 7 mo: 1789. Amos Wright reports he hath [executed?] the lot of land Upperspringfield monthly meeting stands on and the Treasurer reports he hath delivered up the deeds relative thereto to the Trustees of Upperspringfield monthly meeting agreeable to the direction of this meeting. The Friends appointed to visit Hulda Chapman on her request report they attended to their appointment, and are easy she should be received, with which this meeting unites, and receives her into membership, Joshua Bunting is appointed to inform her thereof. The friends appointed in Thomas Ford's Jun. case report the direction of the meeting is complied with therein. Samuel Clevenger and his wife Mary requests for themselves and children (to wit) Zachariah, Rebecca, Thomas, Urcilla, John, Rhoda, and Sarah Clevenger, coming under consideration the meeting agrees to receive them into Membership, Joseph Ridgway is informed to inform them thereof. Mary Taylor daughter of Samuel Taylor had a certificate of removal granted to Upperspringfield monthly meeting. Sarah Schooley had a certificate of removal granted to the Falls monthly meeting in Pennsylvania. A certificate was produced to this meeting from Greenwich monthly meeting on account of Sarah Dawson which was read and received. A certificate was produced to this meeting from Abington monthly meeting in Pennsylvania on account of Mary [Kilbride?] which was read and received. Archibald Bartman a minor produced a certificate to this meeting from Philadelphia monthly meeting for the Northern District, which was read and received. The women's meeting informs Sarah White requests to be joined in Membership with Friends, Benjamin Linton, and Joshua Bunting are appointed to visit her in company with Women's Friends and report to next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 4th: 8 mo: 1789. At this meeting the queries were read with the answers from the preparative meeting which are in substance as follows. 1. All our Religious meetings are kept up and mostly well attended on Firstdays, but on other days and for discipline too much indifference appears in some, the hour nearly observed, and indecencies, except some appearance of drowsiness at times in which case some care is taken. 2. Love and unity are in a good degree maintained amongst us, endeavors are used to discourage tale-bearing, back-biting and spreading evil reports, and to end differences. 3. Some are careful in these respects, but more care in others might be useful. 4. Not all clear, though we believe a good degree of moderation is in the general observed respecting the unnecessary use of spirituous liquors, and frequenting of taverns & no apparent breach of the other parts of this query. 5. This query we think is mostly complied with. 6. Clear, except two instances which are under care. 7. There are no slaves amongst us, and those set free we believe are well used, as to the outward, but more religious care exercised toward them might be useful. 8. Some are not so careful in paying their just debts as is desired a care remains on the minds of Friends on this account, and the other parts of this query. 9. We believe this query is in a good degree complied with. Annual Queries 1. None. 2. None. 3rd. several sober people receive in Membership since last year. 4. We endeavor so to do. The friends appointed in Mary Fowler's case report they complied with the direction of the meeting therein. The friends appointed in Hulda Chapman's case, report they complied with the direction of the meeting therein. Joseph Ridgway by a friend informs this meeting his appointment is complied with, with respect to Samuel Clevenger and family. Meribah Satterthwait's case coming under consideration the meeting agrees to receive her acknowledgment, Nathan Middleton is appointed to inform her thereof. The friends appointed to inform Clayton Taylor of the charges against him report they informed him as directed, which he did not deny and also produced a testification against him agreeable to direction of the meeting, which was read approved and signed by the Clerk, Isaiah Robins and Samuel Abbott are appointed to give him a copy if required, let him know his right of appeal, if he doth not appeal, to publish it at the close of a Firstday meeting at Chesterfield and report next meeting. William Clark ([Hatter?]) produced a certificate to this meeting from Philadelphia monthly meeting which was read and received. A certificate was produced to this meeting from Upperspringfield monthly meeting on account of Susannah Antrum, daughter of Joseph Antrum which was read and received. The committee appointed in the 5th month last to have the oversight of the afternoon meeting at Chesterfield produced the following report in writing. We the committee appointed to have the oversight of the afternoon meeting held at Chesterfield report, we have generally attended and think them attended by a considerable number, and with a good degree of order to the satisfaction of many friends. James Lawrie, Nathan Middleton, Isaiah Robins, John Wright, Joshua Bunting. The committee appointed for the establishing of schools made the following report in writing with which this meeting unites, and empowers them to proceed therein. We of the committee appointed by the monthly meeting for the establishing of a school at Chesterfield agreeable to the recommendations of the Yearly meeting report that we have agreed on the place to build the house on (to wit) South East of the Meeting-house adjoining the corner of the Graveyard, also have obtained subscriptions for the building said house on that spot to the amount of [Pounds] 170.17.6. and agree to lay the same before the monthly meeting for their approbation. James Lawrie, Benjamin Linton, Benjamin Clark, Nathan Middleton, Robert Wright, Robert White, Jos. Murf. Lawrie, William Abbott. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 8th: 9 mo: 1789. The friend appointed in Meribah Satterthwait's case reports he complied with the direction of the meeting therein. The friends appointed to take subscripton for reprinting the Bible are desired to continue their care, and forward the member of books subscribed for, and the money paid at subscribing to the Clerk of this meeting, who is desired to forward them to the Clerk of the Quarter, and report next meeting. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs Joseph Murfin Lawrie requests a certificate to Upperspringfield monthly meeting on account of marriage, Samuel Middleton and Isaiah Robins are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. The Women's meeting informs Sarah Anderson late Skirm hath gone out in marriage with a man not in membership with Friends and is guilty of fornication before marriage. Isaiah Robins and William Abbott are appointed to inform her of the charges, and prepare a testification against her for the approbation of next meeting, and inform her thereof. Said meeting also informs Rachel Grooms late Rogers, hath gone out in marriage with a man not in membership with Friends, and that by a Priest, and guilty of fornication before marriage, Joseph [Komer] and Robert White are appointed to inform him of the charges and prepare a testification against her for the approbation of next meeting and inform her thereof. William Satterthwait produced a certificate to this meeting, from Evesham monthly meeting, which was read and received. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 6th: 10 mo: 1789. The Clerk informs this meeting, he hath received the money, paid at subscribing for the Bible to be reprinted by Isaac Collins to the number of twenty-three books, which he hath forwarded to the Clerk of the Quarter. A certificate was produced to this meeting from Upperspringfield monthly meeting on account of Ann Ely which was read & received. Joseph Murfin Lawrie had a certificate granted to Upperspringfield monthly meeting on account of marriage. The friends appointed to inform Rachel Grooms of the charges against her report they informed her as directed, and produced a testification against her which was read approved and signed by the Clerk, Joel Cheshire and Elijah Field are appointed to give him a copy if required, let her know her right of appeal, if she doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a first-day meeting at Chesterfield, and report to next meeting. At a Meeting held at Chesterfield the 3rd: 11 mo: 1789. The friends appointed in Clayton Taylor's case report they have complied with their appointment. A testification was produced to this meeting against Sarah Andersen late Skirm unchastity and marrying contrary to our Discipline which was read approved and signed by the Clerk Isaiah Robins and William Abbott are appointed to give her a copy if required, let her know her right of appeal, if she doth not appeal to publish it at the clsoe of a first-day meeting at Chesterfield and report next meeting. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs Timothy Hance neglects the attendance of our Religious meetings, hath trained for military services is charged with fornication, and married contrary to the Discipline to the same woman not in Membership with Friends, Benjamin Field and Joel Cheshire are appointed to inform him of the charges and report next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield, the 8th: 12 mo: 1789. The Extracts from our last Yearly meeting were read and the advice therein communicated is earnestly recommended to the observance of Friends and the Answers are desired to extend their care to those that are remiss and report in the 5th mo. next. Joseph Bullock Jun. produced a certificate to this meeting from Upperspringfield monthly meeting for himself and wife Lydia with their children, Mary, Susan, and Lydia, minors which was read and received. Sarah White's requests coming under consideration the meeting agrees to receive her into Membership, Nathan Middleton is appointed to inform her thereof. The friends appointed in Timothy Hance's case report they informed him of the charges against him, which he doth not deny, but neglecting to make satisfaction William Abbott and Benjamin Linton are appointed to prepare a testification against him for the approbation of next meeting and inform him thereof. Chesterfield preparative meeting reports James Antrum by a Friend requests a certificate of removal to the monthly meeting of Philadelphia, Joseph Ridgway and Robert Wright are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct, to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Said meeting also informs a certificate of removal is requested for Asher Borden a minor to Mt. Holly monthly meeting who is placed an apprentice with Mahlon Atkinson a Friend of that meeting, Joseph Ridgway and Robert Wright are appointed to make the needful inquiry if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 5th: 1 mo: 1790. Stacy Potts had a certificate of removal granted for himself and children (to wit) Stacy, Anna, Rebecca, and Joseph Potts minors to Harrington monthly meeting in Pennsylvania also William Potts son of Stacy aforesaid had a certificate of removal granted to the same monthly meeting. One of the Friends appointed in Sarah Anderson's case report they complied with the direction of the meeting therein. One of the friends appointed Rachel Groom's case report they complied with the direction of the meeting therein. Nathan Middleton reports he complied with the appointment on Sarah White's case. James Antrum had a certificate of remov- al granted to the monthly meeting of Philadelphia. Asher Borden a minor had a certificate granted to Mt. Holly monthly meeting. John Branning Jun. produced a certificate to this meeting from Evesham Monthly meeting, which was read and received. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 2nd: 2 mo: 1790. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs William Satterthwait Jun. and Meribah his wife request for their children to be joined in Membership with Friends (to wit) Sarah, Elizabeth, Joseph Wright, Richard, Thomas and William minors which coming under consideration the meeting agrees to receive them into Membership. Said meeting also informs Joseph Thorn son of William requests to be joined in Membership with Friends, Benjamin Linton, Isaiah Robins, Fretwell Wright and Jacob Middleton are appointed to visit him on the occasion and report next meeting. Thomas Antrum, son of Isaac produced a certificate to this meeting from Upperspringfield monthly meeting, which was read and received. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 2nd: 3rd [mo]: 1790. The friends appointed to prepare a testification against Timothy Hance, produced one which was read, approved and signed by the Clerk William Abbott and Joshua Bunting are appointed to give him a copy if required let him know his right of appeal, if he doth not appeal, to publish it at the close of a first day meeting at Bordentown and report next A number of proposals for printing by subscriptions the History of the people called Quakers, compiled by John Gough which being read, the following Friends are appointed to take subscriptions for that purpose Nathan Middleton, Jacob Middleton, Robert Wright, Robert White, William Abbott and Isaac Collins. John Taylor son of Samuel produced an acknowledgment to this meeting condemning his marriage to a woman not in Membership with Friends by a hireling Minister, and neglecting the attendance of our Religious meetings, which being read, John Wright and James Lawrie are appointed to visit him on the occasion and report next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 6th: 4 mo: 1790. William Allen's case coming under consideration and the Friends appointed report upon inspection they find his life and conversation at present doth not correspond with his acknowledgment and the friends heretofore appointed to prepare a testification against him produced one which was read approved and signed by the Clerk, Joshua Satterthwait, and Jacob Middleton are appointed to give him a copy if required, let him know his right of appeal, if he doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a First-day meeting at Chesterfield, and also return him his acknowledgment and report next meeting. The friends appointed in Timothy Hance's case report they complied with the direction of the meeting therein. Chesterfield preparative meeting informed Asher Taylor neglects the attendance of our Religious meetings, hath gone out in marriage with a woman not in Membership with Friends and that by a Priest also had a child sooner after marriage than is reputable, Joshua Satterthwait, and Nathan Middleton are appointed to inform him of the charges and prepare a testification against him for the approbation of next meeting and inform him thereof. The Women's meeting informs James Fowler and Mary his wife, requests for their four daughters (to wit) Sarah, Alice, Elizabeth, and Mary Fowler minors, may be joined in Membership with Friends, coming under consideration the meeting agrees to receive them into Membership, Nathan Middleton is appointed to inform their parents thereof and report next meeting. Said meeting also informs they think it needful to have more overseers and it appears easy to have Tabitha Field and Hannah Middleton Jun. appointed to that service with which this meeting agrees and appoints them to that station. A certificate was produced to this meeting from Wrighttown monthly meeting on behalf of Susannah Stokes which was read and received. A certificate was produced to this meeting from Upperspringfield monthly meeting on behalf of Eadith Lawrie which was read and receieved. At a Monthly Meeting hold at Chesterfield the 4th: 5 mo: 1790. The friends appointed in William Allen's case report they complied with the direction of the meeting therein. Some of the friends appointed to collect subscriptions for the History of the People called Quakers compiled by John Gough report they have collected sixteen subscriptions, and the Clerk is appointed to receive the subscriptions from the collectors not present and forward them to the Clerk of the Quarter, and report next meeting. The friends appointed in Asher Taylor's case report they informed himo f the charges against him, also produced a testification against him which was read, approved and signed by the Clerk, Joseph Murfin Lawrie, and William Abbott are appointed to give him a copy if required, let him know his right of appeal, if he doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a First-day meeting at Chesterfield and report next meeting. Samuel Stevenson produced a certificate to this meeting from Upperspringfield monthly meeting on behalf of himself and Catharine his wife which was read and received. A certificate was produced to this meeting from Shrewsbury monthly meeting in behalf of Hannah the wife of David Hance and Sarah their Daughter also their children (to wit) David, Jeremiah, Hannah, and Lydia in their childhood which was read and received. Nathan Middleton reports he complied with the direction of the meeting with respect to James and Mary Fowler's children. Daniel Lawrence produced a certificate to this meeting from Philadelphia monthly meeting, which was read and received. This meeting is informed by a Friend William Harrison, son of Thomas, requests a certificate of removal to Pipe Creek monthly meeting, Joseph Bullock, and Nathan Middleton are appointed to make the needful inquiry if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs Samuel Downing requests a certificate of removal for himself and Martha his wife with their three children (to wit) Phebe, Mary, and Richard Downing to the monthly meeting of Philadelphia for the Northern District, Samuel Abbott and Joseph Murfin Lawrie are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Said meeting also informs Anthony Woodward, son of Thomas, requests a certificate of removal to Pipe Creek monthly meeting, Joseph Bullock and Nathan Middleton are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct, to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Said meeting also informs Isaac Ivins requests a certificate of removal for himself and Hannah his wife, with their six children (to wit) Barzillai, Thomas, Elizabeth, Mary, Margaret and Ann Ivins to Salem monthly meeting, Samuel Middleton and Samuel Abbott are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Stony Brook preparative meeting informs Mahlon Taylor hath married contrary to our Discipline to a woman not in Membership with Friends Robert White and William Clark are appointed to inform him of the charges and report when done. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 8th: 6 mo: 1790. The Clerk reports he hath forwarded the subscriptions for the History of the People called Quakers to the Clerk of the Quarter to the amount of 29 sets, including the number reported to last meeting, and this meeting agrees to take one set of the said History over and above what is subscribed for, for the use of this meeting, and the Clerk is appointed to forward it to the Clerk of the Quarter, and report next meeting. William Harrison son of Thomas had a certificate of removal granted to Pipe Creek monthly meeting. Anthony Woodward son of Thomas, had a certificate of removal granted to Pipe Creek monthly meeting. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs William Chapman Jun. requests to be joined in Membership with Friends, Elijah Field, John Combs, Benjamin Linton and Fretwell Wright, are appointed to visit him on the occasion and report to next meeting. Said meeting also informs Daniel Lawrence requests a certificate of removal to Burlington monthly meeting, Isaiah Robins, and Joseph Murfin Lawrie are appointed to make the needful inquiry if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. A certificate was produced to this meeting from the monthly meeting of Rahway and Plainfield on behalf of Anna Burrel which was read and received. Hannah Dawson had a certificate of removal granted to Upperspringfield monthly meeting. Hulda Chapman had a certificate of removal granted to Upperspringfield monthly meeting. The Women's meeting informs Nancy Daven- port hath neglected the attendance of our Religious meetings, hath been guilty of fornication, Jacob Middleton and Isaiah Robins are appointed to treat with her in company with Women Friends on the occasion and report next meeting. Said meeting also informs Meribah Hendrickson late Curtis hath gone out in marriage with a man not in Membership with Friends and hath had a child sooner than is reputable Isaiah Robins and Samuel Abbott are appointed to inform him of the charges and prepare a testification against her for the approbation of next meeting, and inform her thereof. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 6th: 7 mo: 1790. The friends appointed to visit John Taylor son of Samuel report they paid him a visit and had a solid opportunity with him to good satisfaction and he remains desirous of being reconciled to Friends again which coming under consideration this meeting agrees to receive his acknowledgment, Jacob Middleton, and Jamie Lawrie are appointed to publish it at the close of a First-day meeting at Chesterfield, and report next meeting. The friends appointed in Asher Taylor's case report they complied with the direction of the meeting in his case. Daniel Lawrence had a certificate of removal granted to Burlington monthly meeting. The friends appointed to visit Nancy Davenport, report they have visited her in company with one of the Woman Friends and informed her of the accusation against her and she not appearing disposed to condemn the disorder, the same Friends are appointed to prepare a testification against her for the approbation of next meeting and inform her thereof. The friends appointed to inform Meribah Hendrickson, late Curtiss of the charges against report they have informed her as directed, and produced a testification against her which was read, approved, and signed by the Clerk, the same friends are appointed to give her a copy if required, let her know her right of appeal, if she doth not appeal, to publish it at the close of a First day meeting at Chesterfield and report next meeting. Amy Cawley, wife of Samuel Cawley, had a certificate of removal granted to Upperspringfield monthly meeting. The Women's meeting informs Serepia Burr requests to be joined in Membership with Friends Benjamin Linton and Isaac Hutchin are appointed to visit her on the occasion and unite with Women Friends in a report and make report next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 3rd: 8 mo: 1790. At this meeting the Queries were read with the answers from the several preparative meetings which are in substance as follows. 1. All our Religious meetings are kept up and those for worship on the First days of the week, are generally well attended on other days and for Discipline a slackness appeard in some the hour mostly observed, indecencies mostly avoided except drowsiness which too much prevails among us, though some care is taken therein. 2. Love and unity are in a good degree main- tained among us, endeavors are used to discourage tale-bearing, backbiting and spreading evil reports, and to end differences, but more care we think is needful. 3. Some are careful in these respects, but we believe a more close attention to this important duty is very needful in many others. 4. We believe there is a growing concern in many to discourage and avoid the unnecessary use of spirituous liquors, yet we think more care with respect to the important contents of this query might be useful. 5. This query we think is mostly complied with. 6. We believe this Query is in a good degree complied with. 7. There are none in a state of bondage among us, and those who have been set free from that condition and under our care, we think are well used, though not enough encouraged in a Religious life. 8. Some are not so careful in paying their just debts as is desired, a care remains on the minds of Friends on this account and the other parts of this query. 9. Offenders are hope are dealt with in a good degree of meekness and without partiality, yet delays sometimes happen. Annual Queries 1. One Elder deceased (to wit) our Esteemed Friend Mary Lawrie who departed this life on the 8th and was decently interred in Friends Burying Ground at Crosswicks on the 10th: 11 mo: 1789 in the 55th year of her age for whom no memorial hath been prepared. 2. None. 3. Several sober people received into Membership since last year. 4. We endeavor so to do. Samuel Downing and Martha his wife with their three children (to wit) Phebe, Mary and Richard Downing, had a certificate of removal granted to the monthly meeting of Philadelphia for the Northern District. A certificate was produced to this meeting on behalf of Susannah Wood from Upperspringfield monthly meeting which was read and received. The Clerk reports he hath forwarded the subscriptions for the History of Friends compiled by John Gough as directed last meeting. The friends appointed report John Taylor's acknowledgment was published as directed. An acknowledgment was produced to this meeting from Sarah Middleton wife of Joel Middleton condemning her committing fornication with the man that she hath since gone out in marriage with, whom she is connected in relationship, being first cousins and not in Membership with Friends and also for some time after neglecting the attendance of our Religious meetings which coming under consideration the Clerk is directed to send it up in the reports to the Quarterly meeting. William Chapman Jun. request coming under consideration the meeting agrees to receive him into Membership, Elijah Field and Joseph Ridgway are appointed to inform him thereof. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs James Fowler requests a certificate of removal for himself and his wife Mary with their five children (to wit) Sarah, Alice, Elizabeth, Mary and James to Pipe Creek monthly meeting in Maryland, Nathan Middleton and Joseph Woodward are appointed to make the needful inquiry if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. This meeting is informed by the preparative meeting of Chesterfield, James Middleton and Sarah his wife late Wright hath gone out in marriage and had a child sooner than is reputable Elijah Field and Joseph Ridgway are appointed to inform them of the charges and prepare a testification against them for the approbation of next meeting and inform them thereof. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 7th: 9 mo: 1790. The matter referred last meeting to this respecting the present manner of relieving the poor coming again under consideration and as it appears to be the sense of this meeting that it will be more consistant the names of such Friends whose circumstances call for relief from their Brethren should not be made public in the meeting, therefore the following friends are appointed to relieve such as far as they may think right and draw on the Treasurer for that purpose for which they are to account to this meeting when called upon, viz-- Joseph Murfin Lawrie, James Lawrie, Samuel Olden, Aaron Wright, and Benjamin Holloway. The friends appointed to prepare a testification against Mercy Davenport produced one which was read approved and signed by the Clerk, the same friends are appointed to give her a copy if required, let her know her right of appeal if she doth not appeal to publish it at the close fo a Firstday meeting at Trenton and report next meeting. George Bullock produced a certificate to this meeting from Philadelphia monthly meeting on behalf of himself and three children (to wit) William, Joseph, and Margaret which was read and received. The friends appointed to inform William Chapman (Jun) the meeting hath granted his request report it is done. The committee appointed to visit [Sereptia] Burr report they are easy to leave her case to the meeting, and likewise that she should be received into Membership, which coming under consideration the meeting agrees to grant her request William Abbott is appointed to inform her thereof and report next meeting. The friends appointed in Meribah Hendrickson's case report they complied with the direction of the meeting therein. James Fowler had a certificate of removal granted to Pipe Creek monthly meeting for himself and his wife Mary, with their children (to wit) Sarah, Alice, Elizabeth, Mary, and James Fowler. The friends appointed to prepare a testification against James Middleton and Sarah his wife produced one which was read approved and signed by the Clerk, Isaiah Robins and Amos Wright are appointed to give them a copy if required, let them know their right of appeal, if they do not appeal, to publish it at the close of a Firstday meeting at Chesterfield and report next meeting. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs John Taylor, son of Samuel requests a certificate of removal to Upperspringfield monthly meeting, Jacob Middleton and Joshua Satterthwait are appointed to make the needful inquiry if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 5th: 10 mo: 1790. The friends appointed in Mercy Davenport's case report they complied with the direction of the meeting therein. William Abbott reports he informed [Sereptia] Burr, the meeting hath granted her request. Sarah Dawson had a certificate of removal granted to Burlington monthly meeting. As it hath been some time since the minutes of this meeting were revised it is now thought expedient to have it done, the following Friends are appointed to that service, Benjamin Clark, Benjamin Linton, Amos Middleton, William Abbott, Jacob Middleton, and Joshua Bunting and report when done. Chesterfield Preparative meeting informs John Bunting Jun. requests a certificate of removal for himself and wife Patience with their children (to wit) Mary, Sarah, Lucy, Daniel, Patience, John and Rebecca Bunting to Pipe Creek monthly meeting (Maryland) Amos Wright and Joseph Forsyth are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 2nd: 11 mo: 1790. The request of Joseph Thorn son of William coming again under consideration the meeting agrees to grant his request and receive him into Membership, Amos Middleton, and Jacob Middleton are appointed to inform him thereof and report next meeting. The Friends appointed in James and Sarah Middleton's case report they complied with the direction of the meeting therein. John Taylor son of Samuel Taylor had a certificate of removal granted to Upperspringfield monthly meeting. Ann Coleman wife of James Coleman had a certificate of removal granted to Middletown monthly meeting in Pennsylvania. John Bunting son of John had a certificate of removal granted for himself and wife Patience and six children (to wit) Sarah, Lucy, Daniel, Patience, John, and Rebecca Bunting to Pipe Creek monthly meeting in Maryland. Mary Bunting, daughter of John and Patience Bunting had a certificate of removal granted to Pipe Creek monthly meeting in Maryland. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs Ann Taylor by Joshua Bunting requests a certificate of removal for her son Anthony to the monthly meeting of Philadelphia who is placed an apprentice with a Friend of that meeting, Isaac Field and Joshua Bunting are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Said meeting also informs William Chapman Jun by Joseph Ridgway requests a certificate to Upperspringfield monthly meeting on account of marriage, Joel Cheshire and Elijah Field are appointed to make the usual inquiry if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Stony Brook preparative meeting informs Joseph Kirbride by a friend requests a certificate of removal for himself and Mary his wife, also their daughter Frances Maria Kirbride, to Fairfax monthly meeting in Virginia Joseph Horner and Robert White are appointed to make the needful inquiry if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 7th: 12 mo: 1790. The extracts from the minutes of our last Yearly meeting being read and the advice therein communicated is earnestly recommended to the close attention of the members of this meeting. Benjamin Linton and Joshua Bunting are appointed to enter such parts thereof as are marked in the Book of Discipline and report next meeting. The Friends appointed in Joseph Thorn son of William's case report they complied therewith. Anthony Taylor son of Anthony had a certificate of removal granted to Philadelphia monthly meeting. William Chapman Jun. had a certificate granted to Upperspringfield monthly meeting on account of marriage. The Friends appointed the 4th: 5 mo: last to inform Mahlon Taylor he is charged with marrying contrary to the rules established among Friends and to a woman not in Membership with us, report they complied with their appointment, and he did not deny the charge, therefore this meeting disowns him the said Mahlon Taylor, being a member of our Religious Society until he became sensible of his error, manifesting the same in life and conversation and by acknowledgment as our Discipline directs, Robert White is appointed to give him a copy of this minute if required, and let him know his right of appeal and report next meeting. Stony Brook preparative meeting informs Isaac Clark requests a certificate of removal for his son William Lawrie Clark, a minor to the monthly meeting of the City of Philadelphia Samuel Olden and Joseph Olden are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Chesterfield preparative meeting proposes Elijah Field a Friend belonging to the meeting called Robin's to be appointed to the station of overseer, the meeting taking the matter under consideration, appoints him to that station. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 4th: 1 mo: 1791. The Friends appointed to enter such parts of the Extracts as are marked in the Book of Discipline, reported it is done. The Women's meeting informs Lucretia Mitton requests for her three children viz. daughters to be joined in Membership with Friends, they being in their minority (to wit) Sarah, Anna and Elizabeth, Nathan Middleton and Benjamin Holloway are appointed to visit their parents on the occasion and report to next meetiing. The Friends appointed in Mahlon Taylor's case report he complied with their appointment. The Women's meeting informs Sarah Macklary late Lawrence, hath gone out in mar- riage with a man not in Membership with Friends and hath had a child sooner after marriage than is reputable, also neglects the attendance of our Religious meetings, William Abbott and Samuel Abbott are appointed to inform her of the charges and prepare a testification against her for the approbation of next meeting and inform her thereof. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs Joseph Justice requests to be joined in Membership with Friends, also the Women's meeting informs Esther Justice his wife requests to be joined in Membership with Friends, Benjamin Linton, and Isaac Hutchin are appointed to visit them in company with Women Friends on the occasion and report to next meeting. Said meeting also informs their quota of the Yearly meeting stock is paid in. Chesterfield preparative meeting also informs Israel Mitton hath gone out in marriage with a woman not in Membership with Friends and that by a Priest and had a child sooner after marriage than is reputable, Nathan Middleton and Joshua Satterthwait are appointed to inform of the charges and prepare a testification against him for the approbation of next meeting and inform him thereof. The widow Ann Taylor of Trenton by Isaac Collins requests a certificate of removal for her son Joseph Taylor who is placed an apprentice with Samuel Shoemaker within the verge of the monthly meeting of Philadelphia for the Northern District Samuel Abbott and Joseph M. Lawrie are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct, to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. The case of Amos Taylor (Jun) coming again under consideration Nathan Middleton and Joshua Bunting are appointed to assist the Friends heretofore appointed in his case and report to next meeting. It is thought it would be of use for the meeting to purchase one set more of John Gough's History of Friends chiefly for the benefit of poor Friends with which this meeting agrees, the Clerk is directed to send forward the subscription to the Clerk of the Quarterly meeting and report next meeting. The committee appointed some time past to revise the minutes of this meeting reported it is done up to this present month and this meeting appoints Edmond Bower to record them and the Clerk is directed to furnish him with the book and minutes and report to next meeting. As the sum of One Hundred Pounds is directed by the Yearly meeting to be raised the ensuing year the preparative meeting is desired to raise our quota agreeable to direction of the Yearly meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 8th: 2 mo: 1791. At this meeting the Queries were read with the answers from the preparative meetings to the First, second, and Ninth which are in substance as follows. 1. All our Religious meetings are kept up and those on the First days of the week are generally attended, on other days and those for Discipline there is a slackness appears in many, the hour mostly observed, indecencies mostly avoided, except drowsiness which too much prevails amongst us. 2. We think Love & unity generally subsists in a good degree amongst us. Tale-bearing and evil reports are discouraged and there is a care to end differences when they arise. 9. Offenders we hope are dealt with in a good degree of meekness and without partiality, though delays are acknowledged. The following Friends are appointed our Representatives to attend the ensuing Quarterly meeting, Isaac Hutchin, Isaiah Robins, Benjamin Clark, John Wright, Elizah Field, Robert White, Joshua Bunting. Two certificates were produced to this meeting from the monthly meeting of Philadelphia on behalf of Hannah Wood and Elizabeth Wood which were read and received. The Friends appointed to prepare a testification against Sarah Macklary, produced one which was read approved and signed by the Clerk, Robert Wright and Elijah Field are appointed to give her a copy if required and let her know her right of appeal, if she doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a First day meeting at the Meeting called Robin's and report to next meeting. The Friends appointed to prepare a testification against Israel Mitton, produced one which was read, approved, and signed by the Clerk, Isaiah Robins and Joshua Satterthwait are appointed to give him a copy if required, and let him know his right of appeal if he doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a First Day Meeting at Chesterfield and report to next meeting. Joseph Taylor, a minor, son of Ann Taylor of Trenton, had a certificate of removal granted to the monthly meeting of Philadelphia for the Northern District. Two of the committee appointed to treat with Amos Taylor Jun. reported they had an opportunity with him and he did not appear in a sutiable disposition to make satisfaction for his misconduct, Joseph Forsyth and Joshua Satterthwait are appointed to prepare a testification against him for the approbation of next meeting and inform him thereof. The Clerk reported he hath complied with his appointment with respect to the subscription for John Gough's History of Friends who is desired to call for the book when they come to hand and forward it to this meeting. The Clerk informed he hath furnished Edmond Bower with the book of records of Minutes also the rough minutes last revised as directed last meeting. Chesterfield preparative meeting informed Achsah DeCou by Isaiah Robins requests a certificate of removal for her son Joseph DeCou to Upperspringfield monthly meeting, Isaiah Robins and Jacob Middleton are appointed to make the needful inquiry if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 8th: 3 mo: 1791. A certificate was produced to this meeting from Upperspringfield monthly meeting on behalf of Grace Shutt which was read and received. The Friends appointed to prepare a testification against Amos Taylor (Jun) produced one which was read approved and signed by the Clerk Joseph Forsyth and Joshua Satterthwait are appointed to give him a copy if required and let him know his right of appeal, if he doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a First Day meeting at Chester- field and report to next meeting. William Lawrie Clark had a certificate of removal granted to the monthly meeting of Philadelphia. Our Friend Benjamin Linton informed this meeting that he hath for some time past had a prospect of paying a Religious Visit to the families of Friends in some parts of the monthly meetings of Mt. Holly with which we unite he being a Minister in good esteem among us and direct the Clerk to furnish him with a copy of this minute. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 5th: 4 mo: 1791. Richard Hallet and Sarah Clark Jun. appeared at this meeting and declared their intentions of marriage with each other, their Parents consenting it is expected the young man will produce a certificate to our next meeting. Two certificates were produced to this meetings from Upperspringfield monthly meeting one on behalf of Sarah Chapman wife of William Chapman Jun. the other on behalf of Mary Skirm which was read and received. Joseph Clark son of William produced a certificate to this meeting from Philadlphia monthly meeting which was read and received. The Friends appointed in Sarah Macklarys case reported they complied with the direction of the meeting therein. The Friends appointed in Israel Mitton's case reported they complied with the direction of the meeting therein. The Friends appointed in Amos Taylor's Jun. Case report they complied with the direction of the meeting therein. Joseph DeCou a minor son of the widow Achsah DeCou had a certificate of removal granted to Upperspringfield monthly meeting. The Treasurer informs there is a book come to hand to record minutes of this meeting in the price eighteen shillings which he is directed to pay and report to next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 3rd: 5 mo: 1791. At this meeting the Queries were read with the answers to the First, Second and Ninth which are in substance as follows. 1. All our Religious meetings are kept up and those on the First Days of the week are generally attended, on other days and those for Discipline, a slackness appears in many, the hour mostly observed, indecencies mostly avoided except drowsiness which too much prevails amongst us. 2. We think love and unity generally subsists in a good degree amongst us, tale-bearing and evil reports are discouraged, and there is a care to end differences when they appear. 9. Offenders we hope are dealt with in a good degree of meekness, and without partiality and much unnecessary delay. The following Friends are appointed our Representatives to attend the ensuing Quarterly meeting, Benjamin Clark, Nathan Middleton, Samuel Abbott, John Combs, Ephraim Olden, William Abbott. Richard Hallet and Sarah Clark Jun. appeared at this meeting the second time and declared they continued their intentions of marriage with each other, the young man produced a certificate from the monthly meeting held at New York setting forth his clearness on that account, nothing appearing to obstruct they are left at liberty to accomplish their said intentions according to good order used amongst Friends, Samuel Olden and Joshua Horner are appointed to attend the marriage and see if it be orderly accomplished and report to next meeting and produce the marriage certificate to be recorded. The request for the children of Joseph and Lucretia Mitton to be joined in Membership with Friends coming again under consideration which this meeting is most easy to discontinue Joel Cheshire is appointed to inform their parents thereof. Joseph Kirkbride had a certificate of removal granted to Fairfax monthly meeting in Virginia for himself and wife Mary, and their daughter Frances Maria Kirkbride. The case of Isaac Clark coming again under consideration this meeting appoints Amos Middleton, Joshua Bunting, Isaiah Robins and John Wright to take the matter into consideration and prepare an essay of a minute for the approbation of next meeting. Stony Brook preparative meeting informs Owen Morris requests a certificate of removal to Rahway monthly meeting Samuel Olden and Joseph Olden are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare for the approbation of next meeting. The Treasurer informs he hath paid the sum for the book to record minutes in as directed last meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 7th: 6 mo 1791. The weighty matter as recommended by the Yearly meeting in the year 1788 respecting the importation distillation and use of spirituous liquors coming again under consideration and this meeting apprehending it may be of use to make an addition to the Committee appointed to visit Friends on that occasion sometime past, the following Friends are appointed to join the said Committee in that service (to wit) Jacob Middleton, Joel Cheshire, Aaron Wright, Benjamin Linton, and Benjamin Field and report at the monthly meeting preceding our next Quarterly meeting. The case of Sarah Middleton, wife of Joel Middleton coming again under consideration, also the minute of the Quarterly meeting on that subject being read which is as follows The Friends appointed to visit Sarah Middleton now brought in a report in writing as follows. We the Committee appointed by the Quarterly meeting of men and women Friends in the case of Sarah Middleton agree to report that we have visited her several times and are of the mind that she is sincere in her application. We have likewise visited the monthly meeting of Chesterfield and conferred with men and women Friends of said meeting jointly who appeared united in their prospect that her paper of acknowledgment may be received after solidly considering her situation, we are disposed to think it may upon the whole be safe to concur with said monthly meeting in receiving her acknowledgment in such a way as not to approve or encourage such marriages, all which we submit to the Quarterly meeting signed by all the Committee present the 27th: 5 mo: 1791. Sarah Smith Grace Buchanan Mary Newbold Hannah Prior Hannah Clark John Hoskins Joseph Buzby Nathan Wright Samuel Shinn Thomas Gaskill Peter Ellis Which being twice read and claiming our weighty deliberation, is concurred with by the meeting and the Clerk is directed to furnish the monthly meeting of Chesterfield with a copy of said report and this minute. Extracted from the minutes of our Quarterly meeting held at Chesterfield the 30th: 5 mo: 1791. John Cox Jun. Clerk. And after solid deliberation this meeting agrees to receive her acknowledgment, Isaiah Robins is appointed to publish it at the close of a First Day meeting at Chesterfield and report to next meeting. And Joshua Bunting is appointed to inform her of the conclusion of this meeting in her case and report to next meeting. Mary Bunting Jun. had a certificate of removal granted to the monthly meeting of Philadelphia for the Northern District. The Women's meeting informs Mary Hay wife of William Hay requests to be joined in Membership with Friends John Wright and William Abbott, are appointed to visit her in company with Women Friends on the occasion and report their sense concerning the matter to next meeting. The Friends appointed to attend the marriage of Richard Hallett and Sarah Clark Jun. reported they attended and saw nothing but what was orderly, and produced the marriage certificate to be recorded. Joel Cheshire reported he complied with his appointment with respect to the request for the children of Joseph and Lucretia Mitton. The case of Isaac Clark coming again under consideration respecting his putting his son an apprentice to one who is not in Membership with Friends he was visited by us in order to convince him of his inconsistant conduct it being much contrary to the care of the Yearly meeting for the right education of our Youth, but our labour proving ineffectual, we do hereby show our disapprobation with such proceedings, and desire him and Friends in general to solidly consider the case and not suffer their minds to be swayed by lucrative motives. Owen Morris had a certificate of removal granted to Rahway monthly meeting. Thomas Lawrie produced a certificate of removal for himself and wife Ann with their daughter Lydia to this meeting from Upperspringfield monthly meeting which was read and received. Chesterfield preparative meeting informed Benjamin Thorn requests a certificate of removal to Falls monthly meeting in Pennsylvania John Wright and Isaac Field are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. This meeting taking into considera- tion the state of Bordentown afternoon meeting and are of the mind it may be useful for some Friends to have the oversight of said meeting, the following Friends are appointed to that service (to wit) Nathan Middleton, Joshua Bunting, Joseph Forsyth, John Wright, Samuel Abbott, Isaac Hutchin, and Jacob Middleton and report to this meeting in the eight month next. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 5th: 7 mo: 1791. Isaiah Robins reported he hath published Sarah Middleton's acknowledgment agreeable to direction of last meeting, the Friend appointed to inform her of the conclusion of this meeting in her case is desired to continue her care. Benjamin Thorn son of Thomas had a certificate of removal granted to the Falls monthly meeting in Pennsylvania. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 2nd: 8 mo: 1791. At this meeting the Queries were read with the answers from the preparative meeting which are in substance as follows 1. All our Religious meetings are kept up and those on the First Days of the week are generally attended, on other days and those for Discipline, a slackness appears in many, the hour mostly observed, all are not clear of sleeping, some care is taken on that account, other indecencies mostly avoided. 2. Love and unity are in a good degree maintained amongst us, endeavors are used to discourage tale-bearing, back-biting and spreading evil reports and to end differences. 3. There is a good degree of care in some in these respects, others we believe are too remiss therein and more care we think ought to be taken. 4. There is an increasing care to discourage the distillation and consumption of spirituous liquors yet not without some instances of its immoderate use, no occasion of complaint appears respecting the other parts of this query. 5. The necessities of the poor are inspected and relieved as occasion requires, and the children of our Members as far as appears placed out among Friends except one instance which has been under care. 6. We believe this query is in a good degree complied with. 7. Clear of holding mankind in slavery and those under our care who have been released from this oppression we think are well used though more earnest endeavors to instruct and encourage them in a Religious Life we believe is needful. 8. Mostly clear in these several respects yet we believe there is not that puncuality in the performance of promises and contracts upon all occasions in some, which truth if faithfully followed would lead into. 9. We endeavor to deal with offenders in the spirit of meekness, and without partiality, yet some delays are acknowledged. Annual Queries 1. None. 2. None. 3. Several received upon application since last year. 4. We endeavor so to do. The following Friends are appointed our Representatives, Benjamin Clark, Benjamin Holloway, Fretwell Wright, Thomas Lawrie, Nathan Middleton, John Wright, Joseph Horner, Isaac Combs. The Committee appointed for establishing schools produced a report in writing which is as follows, which the Clerk is directed to send up to the ensuing Quarterly meeting. To the monthly meeting, The committee appointed for the establishment of schools, agreeable to the direction of the Yearly meeting, reported there is a house at Chesterfield so far finished that a school might be kept in it, but it is not yet occupied for that purpose, neither is there any such school within this monthly meeting. Signed by order of the committee present this 2nd day of the 8th month 1791 By Joseph Horner. The Friends appointed to visit Mary Hay on her request to be joined in Membership with Friends reported they paid her a visit in company with Women Friends, and are of the mind, it may be well to receive her into Membership which is continued for further consideration. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs Phebe Taylor wife of John Taylor requests a certificate of removal for herself and and five children (to wit) Achsah and Thomas R. Taylor, Sarah, Marmaduke & Isaiah Taylor to Pipe Creek monthly meeting in Maryland, John Wright and William Abbott are appointed to make the needful inquiry if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Stony Brook preparative meeting informs Abraham Nail requests a certificate of removal for his son Robert Nail a minor to Rahway monthly meeting, Joseph Olden and Robert White are appointed to make the needful inquiry if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. The committee appointed in the 6th mo last with respect to Bordentown Afternoon meeting are desired to continue their service and report to this meeting in the 10th mo next. This meeting is informed the Minutes last revised are recorded, Amos Middleton, Joshua Bunting and Joseph M. Lawrie are appointed to examine them and likewise to know the Friend's charge for recording and report to next meeting. Sarah Hallet wife of Richard Hallet had a certificate of removal granted to the monthly meeting of New York. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 6th: 9 mo: 1791. John Branin Jun. and Rachel Vanderbeck appeared at this meeting and declared their intentions of marriage with each other their Parents consenting, Fretwell Wright and William Abbott are appointed to inquire into his clearness with any other on that account, also to inquire into the right of the child of her former husband and see if it it be not neglected. This meeting taking into consideration the inconveniency arising in the present mode of publishment and conclude in future that a Friend be appointed to go into the Women's meeting with the man who proposes publishing his intentions of marriage. Said meeting likewise proposes to the Women's meeting for their consideration, whether there would not a convenience arise, if a smaller number of Women Friends were to come into Men's meeting at such times. The Friend appointed to inform Sarah Middleton the conclusion of this meeting in her case reported it is done. The request of Mary Hay to be joined in Membership with Friends coming again under consideration, this meeting concludes to receive her into Membership William Abbott is appointed to inform her thereof. The request of Joseph and Esther Justice to be joined in Membership with Friends coming again under consideration this meeting concludes to receive them into Membership, Benjamin Linton and John Wright are appointed to inform them thereof. The Friends appointed to prepare a certificate for Phebe Taylor wife of John Taylor with her five children reports she withdraws her request as she concludes not to remove at present. Robert Nail a minor had a certificate of removal granted to the monthly meeting of Rahway. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs Henry Pike requests to be joined in Membership with Friends Benjamin Clark and Robert White are appointed to visit him on the occasion and report to next meeting. Said meeting proposes for the consideration of this meeting, they think it would be of use to fall on some method to preserve the roof of Friend's Meeting house at Chesterfield appoints Nathan Middleton, Richard Brown, Samuel Middleton and Joshua Bunting to take the matter into consideration and compute the expense and what method they think will be best to have it done and proceed therein as speedy as may be, if they see cause and report to next meeting. The Women's meeting informs Alice Merrit and her daughter Elizabeth Wright requests to be joined in Membership with Friends William Abbott and Isaiah Robins are appointed to visit them in company with Women Friends on the occasion and report to next meeting. A certificate was returned to this meeting granted the 5th 4 mo last for Joseph DeCou a minor son of Achsah DeCou who was placed with Mary DeCou within the verge of Upperspringfield monthly meeting and hath since returned to live within the limits of this meeting, which this meeting agrees to receive. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 4th: 10 mo: 1791. John Bramin Jun. and Rachel Vanderbeck appeared at this meeting and declared they continued their intentions of marriage with each other and nothing appearing to obstruct they are at liberty to accomplish their said intentions according to good order established among Friends William Abbott and Isaac Horner are appointed to attend the marriage and see if it be orderly accomplished and report to next meeting and produce the marriage certificate to be recorded. William Abbott reported he hath informed Mary Hay of the conclusion of this meeting in her case. The Friends appointed to inform Joseph and Esther Justice the conclusion of the meeting in their case reported it is done. The committee appointed to inspect the minutes last recorded and to know the Friends charge for doing it reported they have inspected them and are informed of the Friend's charge which is [Pounds] 3.5.3 for recording 130 1/2 pages which the Treasurer is directed to pay. The committee appointed to take into consideration some method to preserve the roof of this house, and to proceed therein reported it is done and the expense is [Pounds] 6.10.6 which the Treasurer is directed to pay. The Friends appointed to visit Alice Merrit and Elizabeth Wright on their request to be joined in Membership with Friends are desired to continue their care, and Joshua Satterthwait is added to their assistance. John Earl produced an acknowledgment to this meeting condemning his outgoing in marriage with a woman not in Membership with Friends Isaac Hutchin, John Wright, and Benjamin Linton are appointed to visit on the occasion and report to next meeting. The Treasurer informs there is money wanted to defray some expences due from this meeting the meeting directs the preparative meeting to raise the sum of fifteen pounds in the usual proportion. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 8th: 11 mo: 1791. At this meeting the Queries were read with the written answers to the first, second, and Ninth from the preparatives meetings which are in substance as follows 1. All our Religious meetings are kept up and those on the First Days of the week are generally attended, on other days and those for Discipline, a slackness appears in many, the hour mostly observed, all are not clear of sleeping some care is taken on that account, other indecencies mostly avoided. 2. Love and unity appears to subsist in a good degree among us, tale-bearing and evil reports are discouraged though not so fully as could be desired, and care is taken to end differences when they appear. 9. We endeavor to deal with offenders in the spirit of meekness and without partiality, though some delays are acknowledged. The following Friends are appointed our Representatives to attend the ensuing Quar- terly meeting, Nathan Middleton, Benjamin Clark, Amos Middleton, John Combs, William Abbot, Isaac Collins, John Wright, Benjamin Linton, Thomas Lawrie. The Friends appointed to attend the marriage of John Brannin Jun. and Rachel Vanderbeck reported they attended to the appointment and thought it orderly accomplished, and produced the marriage certificate as directed. The Friends appointed to visit Henry Pike on his request to be joined in Membership with Friends reported they visited him and informs this meeting he appears to be in a good disposition of mind to be received into Membership which case is continued under care of the Friends heretofore appointed. Two of the Friends appointed to visit Alice Merrit and Elizabeth Wright on their request to be joined in Membership with Friends reported they visited them in company with Women Friends and think them worthy of Friends notice, the consideration thereof is continued to our next meeting. Two of the Friends appointed to visit John Earl reported they paid him a visit but think it not the right time to receive his acknowledgment and are of the mind it may be best to return it to him, with which this meeting agrees and appoints John Wright and Isaac Hutchin to return it to him and report to next meeting. Chesterfield Preparative meeting informs Joseph and Esther Justice requests for their infant child Phebe to be joined in Membership with Friends, with which this meet- ing agrees and receives her into Membership with us. Said meeting informs Gilberthorpe, Sarah, Esther, and Francis Earl all in their minority Children of John Earl who hath removed with their Father to live within the compass of Burlington monthly meeting, this meeting thinks best they should have a certificate, Nathan Middleton and Joshua Bunting are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct, to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Said meeting also informs Joseph and Esther Justice requests a certificate of removal for themselves and their daughter Phebe to the monthly meeting of Philadelphia for the Northern District. Benjamin Linton and Joseph M. Lawrie are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. The Women's meeting informs Sarah Ross, late Potter hath gone out in marriage with a man not in Membership with Friends Isaac Horner and William Abbott are appointed to inform her of the charges and prepare a testification against her for the approbation of next meeting and inform her thereof. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 6th: 12 mo: 1791. A number of the general Epistles from London was produced to this meeting one of which was read before Men and Women's meeting separated also a number of the particular Epistles one of which was read and directed to be distributed in the usual manner. The Extracts of the minutes of our last Yearly meeting was read and the advice therein contained is earnestly recommended to the close attention and observance of Friends, Benjamin Clark and Joseph Olden are appointed to enter such parts as are marked in the book of Discipline and report to next meeting. The Ancient and profitable practice of visiting Families as recommended in the Extracts of our last Yearly meeting, coming under consideration and being united with, the following Friends are appointed to that service to proceed therein as best wisdom may point out and report their progress therein to our next meeting (to wit) Nathan Middleton, Amos Middleton, John Wright, Aaron Wright, William Abbott, Robert White. Our Friend Benjamin Clark signified to this meeting he hath drawings on his mind to visit some meetings within the compass of Shrewsbury Quarter as way may open, with which this meeting unites, he being a Minister of good Esteem among us, the Clerk is directed to give him a copy of this minute. Mary Smith had a certificate of removal granted to the monthly meeting of Philadelphia for the Northern District. Gilberthorpe, Sarah, Esther, and Francis Earl, children of John Earl had a certificate of removal granted to Burlington monthly meeting. Joseph and Esther Justice had a certificate of removal for themselves and their daughter Phebe granted to Philadelphia monthly meeting for the Northern District. The committee appointed to the oversight of Bordentown afternoon meeting brought in the following report which being read and considered is united with. We the committee appointed to have the oversight of Bordentown afternoon meeting do agree to report that according to our appointment we have visited it and have found it to be very small, and after a time of deliberation, do give it as our sense and judgment that it ought not in future to be kept up with-out the approbation of our monthly meeting which we submit to the meeting. Isaac Hutchin Nathan Middleton John Wright Jacob Middleton Joshua Bunting Joseph Forsyth Samuel Abbott As there appears a considerable [of] business not gone through and the day being far spent, this meeting adjourns to 5th day the 15th of this month at the usual hour. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 15th 12 mo 1791. One of the Friends appointed to inform Sarah Rose late Potter of the charges against her, reported they informed her as directed and produced a testification against her which was read approved and signed by the Clerk William Abbott and John Wright are appointed to give her a copy if required, let her know her right of appeal, and report to next meeting. The Treasurer reported he hath paid the sum of [Pounds] 3..5..3.. to Edmond Bower for recording the minutes last revised of this meet- ing also the sum of [Pounds] 6..10..6.. expended on the roof of this house. Chesterfield Preparative meeting informs David Abbott neglects the attendance of our Religious meetings hath removed without a certificate, and joined with another Religious Society, Joel Cheshire and Benjamin Linton are appointed to treat with him on the occasion and report to next meeting. Said meeting also informs Amos Bunting by Amos Wright requests a certificate of removal to Philadelphia Monthly meeting Thomas Lawrie and Jacob Middleton are appointed to make the needful inquiry if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. An acknowledgment was produced to this meeting from Elizabeth Bunting condemning her placing her son an apprentice to a man not in Membership with Friends which was read and received. Chesterfield Preparative meeting also informs Isaac Ivins neglects to comply with his contract with Isaiah Robins, Samuel Abbott and Joseph M. Lawrie are appointed to treat with him and inform him if he doth not comply, he will be testified against and report to next meeting. Said meeting also informs Isaiah Robins requests to be released from the station of an overseer and the meeting taking it into consideration concludes to release him from the station. William Thorn produced an acknowledgment to this meeting condemning his marrying contrary to the rules established amongst us and to a woman not in Membership with Friends, William Abbott and Benjamin Linton are appointed to visit him on the occasion and report to next meeting. The Friends appointed to the 3rd 2 mo 1789 to inform Sarah Randolph, late Brown of the charges against her reported one of them hath had an opportunity with her and informed her of the charges as directed. Whereas Sarah Randolph late Brown hath so far transgressed as to marry contrary to the rules established amongst us to a man not in Membership with Friends, therefore we disown her bieng a Member of our Religious Society until she becomes sensible of her error manifesting the same in life and conversation, and by acknowledgment as our Discipline directs, Benjamin Holloway and Joshua Bunting are appointed to give her a copy of this minute if required, let her know her right of appeal and report when done. The report of the committee on schools made in the 8th month last being received, and the meeting taking the same into consideration recommends the Preparative meeting of Chesterfield and they are hereby authorized to open a school in the said house and appoint a suitable number of Friends as Trustees to take the care and oversight thereof and makes rules and regulations for the government and promotion of the institution which rules and regulations shall always be inspected by the monthly meetings committee for their approbation for disallowance and said meeting are likewise authorized to appoint a Treasurer to receive subscriptions and donations for accumulating a fund. The several Friends appointed to take subscriptions for John Gough's History of Friends are desired to collect the money for the first, second and third volumes which is ten shillings for each volume and report to next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 3rd: 1 mo: 1792. Enoch Clark and Elizabeth Wood appeared at this meeting and declared their intentions of marriage with each other, parents consenting, Robert White and Samuel Olden are appointed to inquire into the young man's clearness with any other on that account and report to next meeting. The Friend appointed to enter such parts of the Extracts of our last Yearly meeting as are marked in the Book of Discipline reported it is done. The request of Henry Pike to be joined in Membership with Friends coming again under consideration this meeting concludes to receive him into Membership with us Isaac Collins is appointed to inform him thereof and report to next meeting. Alice Merrit and Elizabeth Wright's request to be joined in Membership is continued under care of the former committee, John Wright and Benjamin Linton are added to their assistance and make report to next meeting. One of the Friends appointed to return John Earl's acknowledgment, reported it is done. Amos Bunting a Minor had a certificate of removal granted to Philadelphia monthly meeting. The several Friends appointed to collect the money for John Gough's History of Friends are desired to continue their care Joshua Bunting is appointed to receive the money and apply for the books and report to next meeting and the Treasurer is directed to pay for two sets of books for this monthly meeting. Stony Brook Preparative meeting informs William Clark requests a certificate of removal for his son Absalom Clark to the monthly meeting of Philadelphia and likewise a certificate of removal for his son George Dilwin Clark to the monthly meeting of Kingwood, Joseph Olden and George Bullock are appointed to make the needful inquiry if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare them for the approbation of next meeting. Benjamin Linton and Joshua Bunting are appointed to inspect the minutes of this meeting with respect to the family of Thomas Kirby's deceased right of Membership and report to next meeting. As the lease of the old Meeting-House and lot is nearly expired the following Friends are appointed to take the charge of leasing the same under such restrictions as heretofore for any term not exceeding three years (to wit) Samuel Middleton Joshua Bunting, Nathan Middleton, and Joshua Satterthwait and report at a future meeting. This meeting is informed, the lease is nearly expired on the lot of land at Lamberton the Friends appointed sometime past in that respect, are desired to examine the premises and report to our next meeting, what situation it is in. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 7th: 2 mo: 1792. Enoch Clark and Elizabeth Wood appeared the second time and declred they continued their intentions of marriage with each other and nothing appearing to obstruct they are left at liberty to accomplish their said intentions according to good order established among Friends Robert White and Samuel Olden are appointed to attend the marriage, and see if it be orderly accomplished and report to next meeting and produce the marriage certificate to be recorded. At this meeting the queries were all read and considered with the answers from the Preparative meetings, to the first, second and ninth which are in substance as follows-- 1. All our Religious meetings are kept up and those on the Firstdays of the weeks are generally attended, on other days and those for Discipline a slackness appears in many the hour mostly observed, all are not clear of sleeping, some care is taken on that account, other indecencies mostly avoided. 2. Love and unity appears to subsist in the general in a good degree among us tale-bearing and evil reports are discouraged and no differences at present known. 9. We endeavor to deal with offenders in the spirit of meekness and without partiality though some delays are acknowledged. The following Friends are appointed our Represenatives to attend the ensuing Quarterly meeting, Benjamin Linton, Samuel Abbott, William Satterthwait, Benjamin Clark, Samuel Middleton, Isaac Collins, William Chapman Jun. and Samuel Olden. The Friend appointed to inform Henry Pike the conclusion of this meeting in his case reported it is done. The committee appointed to treat with Isaac Ivins reported they visited him and likewise reported the uneasiness is settled. Isaac Ivins and his wife Hannah with their Children (to wit) Barzillai, Thomas, Elizabeth, Mary, Margaret, Ann, and Hannah had a certificate of removal granted to Salem monthly meeting. The Friends appointed in Sarah Ross late Potter's case reported they complied with their appointment. The committee last appointed to visit Alice Merrit and Elizabeth Wright on their request to be joined in Membership with Friends reported they visited them to a good degree of satisfaction and are easy their request should be granted which case is continued for further consideration. One of the Friends appointed to visit David Abbott, reported he visited him, and he is desirous of Friends further forbearance which case is continued under care of the Friends heretofore appointed. The case of William Thorn coming again under consideration, this meeting concludes to receive his acknowledgment he being present. George Delwin Clark a minor had a certificate of removal granted to Kingwood monthly meeting The Women's meeting informs Rebecca Kirby, daughter of Thomas Kirby deceased hath been guilty of fornication, Isaac Field and Benjamin Field are appointed to treat with her on the occasion and also to inspect into the situation of the rest of the family and to know where they are settled and report to next meeting. The Friends appointed to inspect into the situation of the lot of land at Lamberton reported it is out of repair with respect to the fences which is continued under the care of the same Friends and Samuel Middleton is added to their assistance who are desired to enjoin the person who hath it to fulfill his lease. Our Esteemed Friends Mary Newbold and Rebecca Wright produced a minute from Upperspringfield monthly meeting, dated the 4th: 1 mo: 1792 setting forth their concurrance with a visit to the families of Friends within the compass of this meeting. A certificate was produced to this meeting from Upperspringfield monthly meeting on behalf of Elizabeth Woodward and her Daughter Deborah Woodward a minor which was read and received. A certificate was produced to this meeting from Upperspringfield monthly meeting on behalf of Increase Woodward Jun. which was read and received. A certificate was produced to this meeting from Mount holly monthly meeting on behalf of Mary Farrington which was read and received. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 6th: 3 mo: 1792. One of the Friends appointed to attend the marriage of Enoch Clark and Elizabeth Wood reported they attended and thought it in a good degree orderly accomplished and produced the marriage certificate to be recorded. A minute was produced to this meeting from the Quarterly meeting which is referred to our next meeting the Clerk is directed to produce the report of a committee of said meeting in the year 1782 together with an abstract of a minute of the Yearly meeting annexed thereto. The request of Alice Merrit and Elizabeth Wright to be joined in Membership with Friends coming again under consideration this meeting concludes to receive them into Membership, William Abbott and John Taylor are appointed to inform them thereof and report to next meeting. Absalom Clark had a certificate of removal granted to Philadelphia monthly meeting. The Friends appointed to treat with Rebecca Kirby and also to inspect into the situation of the Family of Thomas Kirby deceased are desired to attend to their appointment. Joel Taylor produced an acknowledgment to this meeting condemning his marrying contrary to the good order established in Society to a woman not in Membership with Friends, John Wright and Joshua Satterthwait are appointed to visit him on the occasion and report to next meeting. The Women's meeting informs Anna Taylor wife of Joel requests to be joined in membership with Friends, John Wright and Joshua Satterthwait are appointed to visit her in company with Women Friends and report to next meeting. Benjamin Clark returned the minute of this meeting dated the 6th: 12 mo last. The Women's meeting informs Achsah Sotcher late Furman hath gone out in marriage with a man not in Membership with Friends and had a child sooner after marriage than is reputable also neglects the attendance of our Religious meetings, William Abbott and Joseph M. Lawrie are appointed to inform her of the charges, and prepare a testification against her for the approbation of next meeting, and inform her thereof. Chesterfield Preparative meeting informs Lewis Morris requests to be joined in Membership with Friends, Benjamin Linton Thomas Lawrie and Nathan Middleton are appointed to visit him on the occasion and report to next meeting. Said meeting also informs John Potts hath gone out in marriage with a woman not in Membership with Friends Thomas Lawrie and Nathan Middleton are appointed to inform him of the charges and report to next meeting. Said meeting also informs their quota of the Yearly meeting stock is paid in likewise their quota of the sum of fifteen pounds is paid in. Said meeting likewise informs Isaiah Robins requests a certificate of removal for himself and Sarah his wife with their three children (to wit) Micaijah, Mary and Sarah Robins to Mount Holly monthly meeting, Samuel Abbott and Samuel Middleton are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Also informs Robert Middleton requests a certificate to Burlington monthly meeting on account of marriage, Thomas Lawrie and Jacob Middleton are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 3rd: 4 mo: 1792. The Clerk produced the report of the committee to the Quarterly meeting in the 11th month 1782 together with an abstract of a minute of the Yearly meeting annexed thereto which was read and the Clerk is directed to enter the said report and abstract on the minutes of this meeting which is as follows The report of the committee made last Quarter respecting the remedying disorders which have appeared in our meetings for business was now again read and [late in] under consideration of this meeting in which report they insert the following abstract from the minutes of the Yearly meeting. That those meetings whose institutions was chiefly for the necessary order and Discipline of the church be kept in that authority in which they were established and in order that our youth may be fitted for that service it is the advice of the meeting, that parents and guardians, watch over their children and train them up in the fear of God, and bring them to meetings for Worship, causing them to behave themselves orderly therein and when any arrive to a capacity of acting in the affairs of Truth let them be encouraged to come up in their respecting services, and when any Friends who stand approved do come to and sit down in any of the said meetings of business that they do not withdraw, or leave the same until the business be finished unless they first give the meeting a satisfactory reason for so doing. The committee adding further, as their sense nearly to the following purport that it would contribute to the desired end if the men and women do at first sit in distinct apartments, that those who have not a right to sit in our meetings for business, be not encouraged to attend our meetings on those days, and that Friends labor after a solemn silence and a suitable qualification to proceed on the business, and if the mind of concerned Friends present are easy therewith earlier than heretofore without moving from the seats, which the meeting recommends in general to Friends observance and in respect to keeping their seats as far as the present circumstance of the meeting houses will admit. Extracted from the minutes of the Quarterly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 25th: 11 mo: 1782. A Religious visit hath been paid to the general part of the Family of Friends within the compass of this meeting to a good degree of satisfaction. One of the Friends appointed to inform Alice Merrit and Elizabeth Wright the conclusions of the meeting in their case reported it is done. The Friends appointed sometime past to receive the money and secure the books of Gough's History of Friends, reported he hath received money for 23 sets, which is now ready to be delivered which the said Friend is directed to deliver those collectors who paid the money for them and report to next meeting. This meeting being informed that Elizabeth Kirby is removed within the verge of Salem monthly meeting without requesting our certificate, Amos Middleton, and Joshua Bunting are desired to inspect into her case and report to next meeting. The case of David Abbott coming again under consideration the meeting appoints, Isaac Collins, Benjamin Clark and Joseph Horner to prepare a minute of testification against him for the approbation of next meeting. One of the Friends appointed to visit Anna Taylor on her request to be joined in Membership with Friends, reported he paid her a visit in company with Women Friends and found her in a tender disposition of mind and are easy she should be received into Membership, which case is continued under care of the Friends, heretofore appointed. Isaac Thorn produced a certificate to this meeting from the Falls monthly meeting in Pennsylvania for himself and Mary his wife with three children (to wit) Isaac, Mary, and Anthony which was read and received. Isaiah Robins had a certificate of removal granted for himself and Sarah his wife with their three children (to wit) Micajah, Mary, and Sarah, to Mount holly monthly meeting. Robert Middleton had a certificate granted to Burlington monthly meeting on account of marriage. This matter recommended by the Yearly meeting in the year 1788 with respect to spirituous liquors, being revived and on consideration of the subject it is thought it would be of use to release the Committee appointed sometime past, and appoint a new one, the following Friends are appointed to that service, to unite with the Quarter's Committee therein, Joseph M. Lawrie, Jacob Middleton, Thomas Lawrie, Samuel Abbott, William Abbott, Benjamin Holloway Benjamin Field, Aaron Wright, Elijah Field, Isaac Combs, Joshua Satterthwait Joseph Olden, William Clark, Robert White John Furman, Isaac Collins, Benjamin Linton. The committee appointed in the first month last to lease out the old meeting house and lot reported they have leased it for one year in consideration of the sum of seventeen pounds specia, to be paid quarterly, and it is agreed to put up a fence to inclose the garden, and build a necessary house, at the expense of this meeting and the lease is directed to be lodged in the hand of the Treasurer and the said committee are appointed to inspect into the aforesaid premises and see if the former lease is fulfilled and report to next meeting. The several Friends appointed to take subscriptions for the Bible printed by Isaac Collins are desired to collect the remainder of the money and pay it into the hands of Samuel Middleton who is appointed to receive the same, and also to receive the books from the printer. Chesterfield Preparative meeting informs Samuel Middleton, requests a certificate of removal for his son, Nathan to Haddonfield monthly meeting who is placed an apprentice, with Thomas Middleton Potter, Jacob Middleton, and Thomas Lawrie are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Also informs Isaac Hutchin requests a certificate of removal to Upperspringfield monthly meeting, John Wright, and Benjamin Linton are appointed to make the needful inquiry if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Also Nathan Middleton requests a certificate of removal for his son Gabriel to the monthly meeting of Philadelphia for the Northern District who is placed an apprentice with George Justice, Benjamin Linton, and Joseph Bullock are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 8th: 5 mo: 1792. At this meeting the Queries were read with the answers from the Preparative meetings, to the first, second, and ninth which was in substance as follows. 1. All our Religious meetings are kept up and those on the First days of the week are generally attended, on other days, and those for Discipline, a slackness appears in many, the hour mostly observed, all are not clear of sleeping, some care is taken on that account, other indecencies mostly avoided. 2. Love and unity are in a good degree maintained amongst us but an increase thereof would be profitable, some care is taken to discourage tale-bearing, back-bit ing and spreading evil reports and to end differences when they appear. 9. We endeavor to deal with offenders in the spirit of meekness, and we hope without partiality, though some delays are acknowledged. The following Friends are appointed our Representatives to attend the ensuing Quarterly meeting. Benjamin Clark, Benjamin Linton, Joseph Bullock Jun. William Abbott Joshua Bunting, Aaron Wright The Friends appointed to deliver the books received of Gough's History of Friends reported he hath delivered them as directed except two sets subscribed for by this meeting, which is directed to be lodged one set in the hand of Benjamin Linton and Nathan Middleton, the other set in the hand of Benjamin Clark and Robert White to be lent out for the benefit of friends, and others at their discretion. The Committee appointed to visit David Abbott on account of his neglect of the attendance of our Religious meetings, removing his habitation without our certificate and frequenting other places for Religious Worship, reported in substance, that they have had an opportunity with him and endeavored to discharge a Christian duty toward him, yet he doth not appear disposed to take Friend�s advice therefore the meeting directs the following testimony to go forth against him. Whereas David Abbott hath neglected the attendance of our Religious meetings and atetnded the meetings of another Society, and removing his habitation without requesting our certificate for which deviations he hath been treated with, and much tenderness used toward him, yet he appears to remain in a spirit of opposition to our Religious principles and the order of our Society, therefore for the clearing of Truth we deny him the said David Abbott having any longer a right of Membership among us until through convincement of judgment he condemns his error as our Discipline directs, Joseph Mo. Lawrie and Nathan Middleton are appointed to give him a copy of this minute if required, and let him know his right of appeal and report to next meeting. The Friends appointed to visit Joel Taylor reported they paid him a visit and found him in a good disposition of mind, and continues desiroud of being reconciled to Friends again, which coming under consideration this meeting concludes to receive his acknowledgment, John Wright and William Abbott are appointed to inform him thereof and report to next meeting. The request of Anna Taylor wife of Joel to be joined in Membership with Friends coming again under consideration this meeting concludes to receive her into Membership with us, John Wright and william Abbott are appointed to inform her thereof, and report to next meeting. The Friends appointed to inform John Potts of the charges against him, re- ported they informed him as directed. Whereas John Potts hath so far transgressed as to marry contrary to the rules to the rules of our Discipline, to a woman not in Membership with Friends therefore we disown him the said John Potts, being a member of our Religious Society until he becomes sensible of his error and condemns sensible of his error and condemns the same as our Discipline directs, Nathan Middleton and Thomas Lawrie are appointed to give him a copy of this minute if required, and let him know his right of appeal and report to next meeting. Nathan Middleton son of Samuel a minor had a certificate of removal granted to Haddonfield monthly meeting. Isaac Hutchin had a certificate of removal granted to Upperspringfield monthly meeting. Gabriel Middleton, son of Nathan had a certificate of removal granted to Philadlephia monthly meeting Northern District. Chesterfield Preparative meeting informs William Thorn son of Thomas requests a certificate of removal to Philadelphia monthly meeting for the Southern District John Wright and William Abbott are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Stony Brook Preparative meeting informs Abraham Hews requests a certificate of removal to Fairfax monthly meeting in Virginia Joseph Horner and Robert White are appointed to make the needful inquiry if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 5th: 6 mo: 1792. One of the Friends appointed with respect to the lot of land at Lamberton, reported the lease is expired and also reported it is not fulfilled, the same Friends are appointed to endeavor to have the said lease fulfilled and to lease it out until the first of the fourth month next, and said Friends are appointed to put up a board fence along that side of the burying ground next to the river and report to next meeting, Samuel Stevenson Jun. Samuel Middleton, John Abbott, Jun. and Samuel Abbott are appointed to have the care of the burying ground with respect to burials. One of the Friends appointed to inform Joel Taylor and Anna his wife the conclusion of this meeting in their case reported they informed them as directed. The Friends appointed to inform Lewis Morris the conclusions of this meeting in his case reported they informed him as directed The Friends appointed in John Pott�s case reported they complied with their appointment. William Thorn, son of Thomas had a certificate of removal granted to the monthly meeting of Philadelphia, for the Southern District. Abraham Hews had a certificate of removal granted to Fairfax monthly meeting in Virginia. Our Friend John Combs being proposed to this meeting to be recommended as a Minister to the Quarterly meeting of Ministers and Elders which after solid deliberation this meeting unites therewith, and recommends him as such the Clerk is directed to send a copy of this minute to the said meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 3rd: 1 mo: 1792. Samuel Brown produced a certificate to this meeting from Haddonfield monthly meeting for himself and wife Rebecca with their children (to wit) David, Samuel Elijah, Elisha, William and Hannah, which was read and received. The case of Rebecca Kirby coming again under consideration she produced an acknowledgment to this meeting condemning her being guilty of fornication, and becoming an unlawful Mother, which was read Joshua Satterthwait and Isaac Field are appointed to visit her in company with Women Friends on the occasion, and report to next meeting. Atlantick Lippincott a minor had a certificate of removal granted to Evesham monthly meeting. Chesterfield preparative meeting of Women Friends informs Charlotte Taylor requests to be joined in Membership with Friends, Benjamin Linton and Joshua Bunting gave appointed to visit her in company with Women Friends on the occasion and report to next meeting. James Jennings a youth produced a certificate of removal from Haddonfield monthly meeting which was read and received. A certificate of removal was produced to this meeting from Upperspringfield monthly meeting on behalf of Lydia Williams which was read and received A certificate of removal was produced to this meeting from Haddonfield monthly meeting on behalf of Mary Brown which was read and received. Friends belonging to Bordentown meeting requesting liberty of this meeting to hold on each Firstday afternoon a meeting at their Meetinghouse in said Town during the summer season as has been usual for some time past which coming under consideration, this meeting gives liberty for it to be held from the present time until the time of holding our next Yearly meeting to begin at the fourth hour, the following Friends are appointed to have the oversight thereof and report to this meeting in the tenth month next their sense of the advantage it may be to Society, William Abbott, John Wright, Samuel Middleton, Isaac Field, Nathan Middleton, Joshua Satterthwait and Thomas Lawrie. Chesterfield preparative meeting proposes Samuel Middleton, Samuel Abbott, and Thomas Lawrie to be appointed to the station of overseers, which is referred to the consideration of our next meeting The Preparative meetings are directed to raise our quoto of the sum of [Pounds] 200 toward the Yearly meeting stock also the sum of fifteen pounds for the use of the poor and other purposes. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 7th 8 mo 1792. At this meeting the queries were read with the answers from the preparative meetings which are in substance as follows. 1. All our Religious meetings are kept up and those on the Firstdays of the week are generally attended on other days and those for Discipline, a slackness appears in many, the hour mostly observed all are not clear of sleeping, some care is taken on that account, other indecencies mostly avoided. 2. Love and unity appears to subsist in the general in a good degree amongst us, tale-bearing, back-biting and evil reports are by most discouraged and no differences at present known. 3. Although we believe that some parents and heads of families are measurably concerned to instruct their children, and those under their care in the principles of Truth as well as to preserve them within the safe limits of it, yet we fear this incumbent duty is not enough regarded by many others, as a great departure from the simplicity of our Christian Profession appears too generally among us. 4. Mostly careful to discourage and avoid the unnecessary consumption of spirituous liquors yet we fear that some instances remain of the excessive uses and more care is needful, with respect to the other parts of this query. 5. This query we think is mostly complied with except one instance of a child being placed from amongst Friends, for which care hath been extended. 6. We think this query is in a good degree complied with. 7. There are no slave holders among us and those under our care who have been restored to a state of freedom, we hope are well used as to outward affairs, yet more earnest endeavors to instruct and encourage them in a religious life we believe is generally needful. 8. A commendable care appears in most on those accounts, yet some others are not so exactin the performance of engagements, especially in the payment of debts, as the reputation of Truth required in which cases some care has been extended. 9. We endeavor to deal with offenders in the spirit of meekness and we hope without partiality yet delays are acknowledged. Annual Queries 1. None. 2. None. 3. Several persons received into Membership amongst us, since last year. 4. We endeavor so to do. The following Friends are appointed our Representatives to attend the ensuing Quarterly meeting Benjamin Clark, Benjamin Linton Thomas Lawrie, Aaron Wright, William Satterthwait Jun. William Abbott, Samuel Middleton, Isaac Collins. A certificate was produced to this from Burlington monthly meeting on behalf of Mary Middleton, wife of Robert which was read and received. The committee appointed to visit Rebecca Kirby reported, they visited her in company with Women Friends and found her in a tender disposition of mind, and she was desirous of being reconciled to Friends again and that they were easy her acknowledgment should be received which is referred for further consideration. The Friends appointed to visit Charlotte Taylor on her request to be joined in Membership with Friends, reported they visited her in company with Women Friends and they thought her worthy of Friend�s notice which the meeting refers for further consideration. The Committee appointed with respect to the old meeting house made the following report in writing. We the committee appointed to see the lease is fulfilled respecting the old Meeting-house agree to report we are of the mind it is although not altogether in the manner the lease specifies, as there is some pact that was agreed upon to be done is omitted, and some conveniences made in said House that the lease did not mention which alterations we think renders the said House as commodious for a duelling house as if the workmanship had been done agreeable to said lease which we submit to the meeting 7th: 8 mo: 1792 Samuel Middleton Joshua Bunting Nathan Middleton Joshua W. Satterthwait which being read, the meeting agree there to, and the Treasurer is directed to exchange the leases and report to next meeting. The Friends appointed to collect money, for the bibles printed by Isaac Collins are released from that service, and those subscribers who have not received their book are directed to apply to the printer for them. Samuel Middleton being proposed to this meeting to be appointed to the station of overseer which coming under consideration, the meeting appoints him to that station. Samuel Abbott also being proposed to this meeting to be appointed to the station of our overseer, which coming under consideration, this meeting appoints him to that station. Thomas Lawrie not appearing easy to be appointed to that station. As the present Clerk hath several times requested to be released from that service and now again reviving his request, Benjamin Clark, John Wright, and Amos Middleton are appointed to think of a suitable person to serve in that station and propose his name to a future meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 4th: 9 mo 1792. The Friends appointed in Elizabeth Kirby's case, reported they attended to the appointment but have not been able to accomplish it, Nathan Middleton, and John Cheshire are added to their assistance. Elizabeth Collins had a certificate of removal granted to Warrington monthly meeting in Pennsylvania. Benjamin Corlis produced a certificate to that meeting from Shrewsbury monthly meeting which was read and received. Chesterfield Preparative meeting informs Ephraim Olden hath gone out in marriage contrary to the rules established amongst Friends, Joseph Horner and Samuel Abbott are appointed to inform him of the charge and report to next meeting. Stony Brook Preparative meeting informs the sum of [Pounds] 2..17..4.. which is their quota of the sum of [Pounds] 20, is paid to the Treasurer. Said meeting likewise informs Isaac Clark hath been sometime past, in the practice of taking spiritous liquors to excess and it is believed still continues in it, for which he hath him labored with hit doth not appear disposed to make satisfaction Joseph Horner, John Wright, and Joshua Satterthwait are appointed to treat with him on the occasion and report to next meeting. Also informs Isaac Horner Jun. requests a certificate to Kingwood monthly meeting on account of marriage, Samuel Olden and Joseph Olden are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. The Women's meeting informs Ann Pigeon hath neglected the attendance of our Religious meetings, and gone out from us in dress and address, and joined herself to another Society for which she hath been treated with, Benjamin Linton and Joel Cheshire are appointed to treat with her in company with Women Friends on the occasion and report to next meeting. Said meeting also informs Dorothy More late Hutchinson hath gone out in marriage with a man not in Membership with Friends and married by a Priest for which she hath been visited, John Furman and William Abbott are appointed to inform of the charges, and prepare a testification against her for the approbation of next meeting, and inform her thereof. The Women's meeting likewise informs Sarah Milnor late Ford hath gone out in marriage with a man not in Membership with Friends, and neglects the attendance of our Religious meetings, for which she hath been treated with, Richard Brown and Elijah Field are appointed to inform her of the charges against her and report to next meeting. A minute was produced to this meeting from the Quarterly meeting which is as follows. It appearing to this meeting that the change of Clerks in this as well as in our monthly meetings sometimese made may be a means of leading more of our qualified Members into usefulness in those services, it is now agreed and recommended that a Committee be annually appointed in the Quarterly and monthly meetings to consider of a person to act in the capacity of Clerk for the evening year and at the same time to propose another as an assistant to sit at the table with him. Extracted from the minutes of our Quarterly meeting held at Burlington 27th: 8 mo 1792 John Cox Jun. Clerk At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 2nd: 10 mo: 1792. One of the Friends appointed in David Abbott's case reported the appointment is complied with and that they informed him of his right of appeal. Sarah Middleton wife of Joel had a certificate of removal granted to Evesham monthly meeting. The Friends appointed to inform Achsah Sotcher late Furman of the charges against her reported they informed her as directed and produced a testification against her which was read, approved and signed by the Clerk William Abbott and Joseph M. Lawrie are appointed to give her a copy if required and let her know her right of appeal, if she doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a Firstday meeting at Trenton and report to next meeting. Two of the Friends appointed to inquire into the situation of Elizabeth Kirby, reported they have attended to their appointment, and find she hath removed without requesting a certificate also hath been guilty of fornication and married contrary to the rules established amongst Friends Nathan Middleton and Joel Cheshire are appointed to inform her of the charges and prepare a testification against for the approbation of next meeting and inform her thereof. The Treasurer reported he hath exchanged the leases as heretofore directed. The Friends appointed in Ephraim Olden's case reported they informed him of the charges against him. Whereas Ephraim Olden hath so far transgressed as to marry contrary to the rules established amongst Friends therefore we disown him the said Ephraim Olden from being a member of our Religious Society, until he becomes sensible of his error manifesting the same in the life and conversation and by acknowledgment as our Discipline directs, Joseph Horner and Samuel Abbotts are appointed to give him a copy of this minute if required, and let him know his right of appeal and report to next meeting. The Friends appointed to treat with Isaac Clark reported they had a favorable opportunity with him and he is desirous Friends may forbear with him, which is continiued under care of the same Friends until our next meeting. Isaac Horner Jun. had a certificate granted to Kingwood monthly meeting on account of marriage. The Friends appointed to treat with Ann Pigeon reported they treated with her according to appointment in company with Women Friends and were informed by her, she had joined another Society, and did not incline to make satisfaction. Whereas Ann Pigeon hath deviated from the rules of Discipline in dress and address and neglected the attendance of our Religious meetings, and joined herself to another Society for which she hath been labored with but doth not incline to make satisfaction, therefore we disown her the said Ann Pigeon from being a Member of our Religious Society until she becomes sensible of her errors aforesaid manifesting the same in life and conversation and by acknowledgment as our Discipline directs. Elijah Field and Joel Cheshire are appointed to give her a copy of this minute if required and let her know her right of appeal and report to next meeting. The Friends appointed to inform Dorothy More, late Hutchinson, of the charges against her, reported, they informed her as directed and produced a testification against her which was read, approved and signed by the Clerk, William Abbott and Samuel Abbott are appointed to give her a copy if required, let her know her right of appeal, if she doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a Firstday meeting at Trenton and report to next meeting. The Friends appointed in Sarah Milnor late Ford's case reported they complied with their appointment. Whereas Sarah Milnor late Ford hath gone out in marriage with a man not in Membership with Friends and neglects the attendance of our Relgiious meetings, therefore we disown her, the said Sarah Milnor from being a Member of our Religious Society until she becomes sensible of her errors aforesaid manifesting the same in life and conversation, and condemns the same as our Discipline directs, Richard Brown and Elijah Field an appointed to give her a copy of this minute if required and let her know her right of appeal and report to next meeting. Chesterfield Preparative meeting informs there are some small repairs wanting to the stable and near the door of the house, which coming under consideration, the following Friends are appointed to get it done and produce the account of the expense to next meeting (to wit) Amos Middleton Jacob Middleton and Joseph Forsyth. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield the 6: 11 mo: 1792. At this meeting the queries were also read and considered with written answers, to the first, second, and ninth from the Preparative meetings which are in substance as follows 1. All our Religious meetings are kept up and those on the Firstdays of the week are generally attended, on other days, and those for Discipline, a slackness appears in many, the hour mostly observed, all are not clear of sleeping, some care is taken on that account, other indecencies mostly avoided. 2. Love and unity are generally maintained amongst us, but an increase thereof, would be profitable, some care is taken to discourage tale-bearing, back-biting, and spreading evil reports, and where any differences appear, endeavors are used to end them. 9. We endeavor to deal with offenders in the spirit of meekness, we hope without partiality or much delay. The following Friends are appointed our Representatives to attend the insuing Quarterly meeting, Amos Middleton, Robert White, John Combs, Isaac Collins, William Abbott, Thomas Lawrie. One of the Friends appointed to visit Charlotte Taylor on her request to be joined in Membership with Friends reported several of them attended to the appointment since last meeting and that they were most easy her request should be granted which they submit to the meeting, which coming under consideration, this meeting concludes to receive her into Membership, Joshua Bunting is appointed to inform her thereof and report to next meeting. The Friends appointed in Isaac Clark's case reported two of them paid him a visit since last meeting but he did not appear in a disposition to condemn his misconduct which case is continued to our next meeting. The Friends appointed in Ann Pigeon's case reported they complied with their appointment. The Friends appointed in Sarah Milnor late Ford's case reported they complied with the appointment. The Committee appointed in respect to the afternoon meeting at Bordentown produced the following report in writing We the committee appointed to have the care and oversight of Bordentown afternoon meeting agree to report that we attended and the members of said meeting, for the most part generally attended also, but we think it will not be of use to continue an afternoon meeting at said place except the monthly meeting appoints a committee to have the oversight thereof, nevertheless we submit to the monthly meeting 18th: 10 mo: 1792. Samuel Middleton Nathan Middleton Isaac Field Joshua Satterthwait Thomas Lawrie John Wright William Black produced a certificate of removal to this meeting from Mountholly monthly meeting which was read and received. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs Jedediah Hance hath accomplished his marriage contrary to the rules established amongst Friends and the Women's meetings likewise informs Serepta Hance, wife of the said Jedediah, hath accomplished her marriage contrary to the rules established amongst Friends William Satterthwait and Joshua W. Satterthwait are appointed to inform them of the charges and report to next meeting. Said meeting also informs Isaac Collins requests a certificate for his son Charles to the monthly meeting of New York, who is placed an apprentice to Robert Bowne, John Furman and George Bullock are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Likewise informs Nathan Middleton requests to be released from the station of an overseer which coming under consideration, this meeting concludes to release him from that station. Also informs the money that was directed to be raised for the poor and other purposes and also our quota of the Yearly meeting stock is paid in. The Women's meeting informs Rebecca Combs Jun. requests to be joined in Member- ship with Friends, Nathan Middleton, John Wright, and Samuel Middleton are appointed to visit her on the occasion in company with Women Friends and report to next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 4th: 12 mo: 1792. Elisha Clark and Ann Olden Jun. appeared at this meeting, and declared their intentions of marriage with each other the young man�s parents consenting Robert White and Joseph Horner are appointed to inquire into the young man�s clearness with any other on that account and report to next meeting. The consideration of Rebecca Kirby's acknowledgment is continued under care of the committee heretofore appointed who are desirous to pay her a visit, and inquire into her life and conversation, Thomas Lawrie is added to their assistance, and make report to next meeting. The Friend appointed to inform Charlotte Taylor the conclusion of this meeting in her case reported he complied with the appointment. The extracts of the last Yearly meeting of Friends held in philadelphia was read and the advice therein communicated is earnestly recommended to the observance and close attention of Friends, Benjamin Linton and Samuel Middleton are appointed to enter such parts as are marked in the book of Discipline, and report to next meeting. A number of the general Epistles from the last yearly meeting held in London was produced to this meeting one of which was read before Men and Women's meeting separated also a number of the particular Epistles from said meetingo ne of which was read after the meeting separated which was distributed in the usual proportion. The Friends appointed in Achsah Sotcher's late Furman's case reported she hath been served with a copy of this meeting's testification against her, and informed her of her right of appeal and that the testification hath been published as directed, she not in tending to appeal. The Friends appointed in Ephraim Olden's case reported they complied with the direction of the meeting therein. Isaac Clark's case coming again under consideation and there not appearing a disposition in him to condemn his misconduct Joseph Horner and Robert White are appointed to prepare a testification against him for the approbation of next meeting and inform him thereof. One of the Friends appointed in Dorothy More late Hutchinson's case reported she hath been served with a copy of this meeting's testification against her, and informed he of her right of appeal and that the testification hath been published as directed she not intending to appeal. Jedediah Hance and Serepta his wife's case coming again under consideration and he produced an acknowledgment to their meeting, signed by himself and his wife condemning their accomplishing their marriage contrary to the rules established amongst Friends, which was read but not being satisfactory, Nathan Middleton, and Benjamin Linton are appointed to return it to them and report to next meeting. Charles Collins son of Isaac had a certificate granted to the monthly meeting of New York. Stony Brook Preparative meeting informs Joseph Horner requests to be released from the station of an overseer which is continued for further consideration. The following Friends are appointed to join the Committee appointed some time past to inspect and relieve the necessities of the poor (to wit) Robert White, Jacob Middleton and Joshua W. Satterthwait. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 8th. 1st mo. 1793. Elisha Clark and Ann Olden Jun. appeared at this meeting and declared they continued their intentions of marriage with each other, the young woman's parent sent her consent in writing and nothing appearing to obstruct, they are left at liberty to accomplish their said intentions according to good order established amongst Friends Robert White and James Wooley are appointed to attend the marriage and see if it be orderly accomplished and report to next meeting, and produce the marriage certificate to be recorded. Abraham Tilton produced an acknowledgment to this meeting condemning his accomplishing his marriage contrary to the rules established amongst Friends which was read, Benjamin Linton and Joshua bunting are appointed to visit him on the occasion and report to next meeting. Jedediah Hance and Serepta his wife's case coming again under consideration, and he produced another acknowledgment to this meeting signed by himself and his wife condemning their accomplishing their marriage contrary to the rules established amongst Friends, which was read, John Wright and Nathan Middleton are appointed to visit them on the occasion and report to next meeting. The Committee appointed to visit Rebecca Combs Jun. on her request to be joined in Membership with Friends, reported they visited her in company with Women Friends and think her worthy of Friend�s notice and are easy her request should be granted with which this meeting unites Elijah Field and Aaron Wright are appointed to inform her thereof. The Friends appointed to prepare a testification against Isaac Clark produced one which was read approved and signed by the Clerk, George Bullock, Joseph Forsyth, and John Wright are appointed to give him a copy if required and let him know his privilege of appeal, if he doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a Firstday meeting at Stony Brook and Chesterfield and report to next meeting. The Committee appointed to get the repairs done to the stable and other matters about this house produced the following report which was read, the Firstday of the first month 1793. Chesterfield monthly meeting Dr. to the managers appointed for that purpose To work and materials for repairing the stable, horseblock, and carting of earth to the Amount of [Pounds] 1..3..4.. Signed on behalf of the whole committee by Amos Middleton Which the Treasurer is directed to pay and report to next meeting. The Friends appointed such parts of the Extracts of our last Yearly meeting as are marked in the book fo Discipline report it is done. Chesterfield Preparative meeting informs Isaac Antrum Jun. requests a certificate of removal to the monthly meeting of Philadelphia, Aaron Wright and Elijah Field are appointed to make the needful inquiry if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 5th: 2 mo: 1793. At this meeting the queries were all read with written answers from the Preparative meetings to the first, second and ninth which are in substance as follows. 1. All our Religious Meetings are kept up and those on the First days of the week are generally atetnded, on other days, and those for Discipline a slackness appears in many, the hour mostly observed, all are not clear of sleeping, some care is taken on that account, other unbecoming behavior mostly avoided. 2. Love, and unity are in a good degree maintained amongst us, but an increase thereof would be profitable, some care is taken to discourage tale-bearing, back-biting, and spreading evil reports and where differences appear, endeavors are used to end them. 9. We endeavor to deal with offenders in the spirit of meekness, and we hope without partiality or much unnecessary delay. The following Friends are appointed our Representatives, to attend the ensuing Quarterly meeting, Jacob Middleton, Thomas Lawrie, Thomas Combs Joshua Satterthwait, Samuel Olden, John Furman John Abbott, Aaron Wright. One of the Friends appointed to attend the marriage of Elisha Clark and Ann Olden Jun. report they attended as directed, and thought it orderly accomplished, and produced the marriage certificate to be recorded. Abraham's Tilton's Acknowledgment coming again under consideration and the Friend appointed to visit him reported they attended to the appointment and are of the mind he is in an improving way and think him worthy aof Friends notice, wherefore this meeting concludes to receive his acknowledgment, Joseph Forsyth is appointed to publish it at the close of a Firstday meeting at Chesterfield and report to next meeting. The Friends appointed to visit Jedediah Hance and Sarepta his wife reported they visited them in company with Women Friends and think best their acknowledgment should be returned to them with which the meeting concurs and appoints John Wright and Nathan Middleton to return it to them and report to next meeting, therefore their case is continued. The commi9ttee appointed in Rebecca Kirby's case reported they paid her a visit in company with Women Friends and found her in a tender disposition of mind and are easy her acknowledgment should be received, with which this meeting agrees and appoints Joseph Forsyth to publish it at the close of a Firstday meeting at Chesterfield and report to next meeting. The Friends appointed to inform Rebecca Combs Jun. the conclusion of this meeting in her case reported they complied with the appointment. The Committee appointed in Isaac Clark's case reported the direction of the meeting hath been complied with he not intending to appeal. The Treasurer reported he hath paid the sum of one pound, three shillings and four pence as directed last meeting. The request of Joseph Horner to be released from the station of overseer coming again under consideration, this meeting concludes to release him from that station. Isaac Antrum Jun. had a certificate of removal granted to the monthly meeting of Philadelphia. A certificate was produced to this meeting from Kingwood monthly meeting on behalf of Susannah Horner Jun. which was read and received. The Preparative meetings are desired to raise this meeting�s quoto of the yearly meeting stock. The Committee heretofore appointed to lease out the old meeting house and lot are desired to see that the present lease is fulfilled and lease it out at the expiration of said lease under the same restrictions as heretofore. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 3rd: 3 mo: 1793. Thomas Taylor produced an acknowledgment to this meeting condemning his accomplishing his marriage with a woman not in Membership with Friends and that by an hireling Minister and also appeared at a training as one of the militia, which was read Samuel Middleton and Joshua Satterthwait are appointed to visit him on the occasion and report to next meeting. The Friend appointed to publish Abraham Tilton's acknowledgment reported it hath been done. The Friends appointed to return Jedediah Hance and Sarepta his wife's acknowledgment reported it hath been done, and their case coming again under consideration, this meeting concludes to testify against them. Whereas Jedediah Hance and Sarepta his wife hath so far deviated as to go out in marriage contrary to the rules established amongst Friends, therefore we disown them the said Jedediah and Sarepta Hance being any longer Members of our Religious Society until they become sensible of their error aforesaid manifesting the same in life and conversation and by acknowledgment as our Discipline directs William Satterthwait and Thomas Lawrie are appointed to give them a copy of this minute, if required, and let them know their right of appeal, and report to next meeting. Elizabeth Henry had a certificate of removal granted to Upperspringfield monthly meeting. The Friend appointed to publish Rebecca Kirby's acknowledgment, reported it hath been done. Chesterfield Preparative meeting informs Thomas Thorn by Benjamin Linton requests a certificate for his son Enoch to the monthly meeting of Philadelphia, for the Northern District who is placed an apprentice to Benjamin Taylor, a Friend of that meeting Nathan Middleton and Samuel Middleton are appointed to make the needful inquiry if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. This meeting is informed there are but two surviving Trustees to the lot of ground where the Meeting House at Crosswicks stands on and also that lot near Benjamin Linton. Therefore this meeting concludes to have the title removed and appoints the following Friends as Trustees, Thomas Lawrie, Joshua W. Satterthwait, Samuel Abbott Joseph Middleton, Joseph M. Lawrie, William Abbott Benjamin Linton and Samuel Middleton are appointed to draw the deed and get it executed and acknowledged, and report to next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 2nd: 4 mo: 1793. The Friends appointed to offer Jedediah Hance and Serepta his Wife a copy of this meeting�s minute of testification against them and to inform them their right of appeal, reported they attended to the appointment. Enoch Thorn son of Thomas had a certificate granted to the monthly meeting of Philadelphia for the Norther District. Our Friend John Wright informed this meeting, he feels a freedom to accompany our Friend Clayton Brown on a Religious Visit to some of the meetings within the compass of Buck's Quarter with which this meeting concurs, he being an Elder in good Esteem the Clerk is directed to furnish him with a copy of this monute. The Womens' meeting propose Mary Bunting and Lucy Abbott to be appointed as overseers which coming under consideration this meeting concurs therewith and appoints them to that station. Chesterfield Preparative meeting informs Achsah Decou requests a certificate of removal for herself and three children (to wit) Mary, Joseph, and Clayton DeCou to Upperspringfield monthly meeting Samuel Abbott and Joseph Lawrie are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Likewise informs Daniel Arney requests to be joined in Membership with Friends, Benjamin Linton, William Abbott, Benjamin Field and Elijah Field are appointed to visit him on the occasion and report to next meeting. The following Friends are appointed to have the care and oversight of our several burying grounds (to wit) Nathan Middleton, Amos Middleton, John Wright and Joshua Bunting for Chesterfield, Samuel Stevenson and John Abbott for Lamberton William Abbott for Bordentown, Elijah Field and Joel Cheshire for the meeting called Robins, William Clark and Samuel Olden for Stony Brook, John Furman for Trenton. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 7th: 3 mo: 1793. At this meeting the queries were all read with written answers from the Preparative meetings to the first second and ninth which are in substance as follows 1. All our meetings for Religious Worship and Discipline are kept up, and attended by most on First Days, but on other days too much indifference prevails in many, the hour nearly observed, unbecoming behavior generally guarded against, except some appearance of a drowsy disposition, at times in which case some care is taken. 2. Love and unity appear to subsist in a good degree amongst us Tale bearing, back-biting, and spreading evil reports are discouraged and where any differences arise, endeavors are used to end them. 9. We endeavor to deal with offenders in the spirit of meekness, and we hope without partiality or much delay. The following Friends are appointed our Representatives to attend the evening Quarterly meeting Benjamin Linton, Benjamin Clark, John Combs, Isaac Collins, Joseph Lawrie, & William Abbott. Sarah Curtiss and her two children (to wit) Tilton and Achsah Curtis had a certificate of removal granted to Upperspringfield monthly meeting. Deborah Hill had a certificate of removal granted to the Falls monthly meeting in Pennsylvania. Achsah DeCou and her three children (to wit) Mary, Joseph and Clayton DeCou had a certificate of removal granted to Upperspringfield monthly meeting. The following Friends are appointed Trustees for the burying ground near Williams's Joseph Bullock, Joseph Lawrie, Joshua Satterthwait Thomas Lawrie, Gideon Middleton, Benjamin Linton and Samuel Middleton are appointed to draw the deed and get it executed and report to next meeting. The Friends appointed to draw the deed and get it acknowledged as directed sometime has rerported it is done and lodged in the hands of the Treasurer and the expense is twenty one shillings which the Treasurer is directed to pay and make report to next meeting. The committee appointed to visit Daniel Arney on his request to be joined in Membership with Friends, reported they all paid him a visit to good satisfaction and thought he had received impression of good which is continued for further consideration. Isaac Collins is added to the Committee appointed last month for to have the care of the several burying grounds for Trenton, and Robert Wright for Lamberton. Chesterfield Preparative meeting informs subscriptions are made for establishing a fund in Friend�s school at Chesterfield to the amount of several hundred pounds Joseph Lawrie and William Abbot are appointed to receive, This meeting�s quoto from the Quarterly meeting for that purpose and report to next meeting. The Womens meeting informs Jane Bennet hath gone out in marriage and that by a Priest and neglects the attendance of our Religious meetings and declines making satisfaction, Benjamin Field and William Abbott are appointed to prepare a testification against her for the approbation of next meeting, and inform her thereof. Chesterfield Preparative meeting informs Joseph Forsyth requests a certificate to Upperspringfield monthly meeting on account of marriage Joshua Satterthwait and Jacob Middleton are appointed to make the needful inquiry if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. A certificate was produced to this meeting on behalf of John Woodward from Fairfax monthly meeting in Virginia dated the 24th: 11 mo: 1792 which appears to be sent without his application for it Benjamin Linton, Nathan Middleton and Joshua Satterthwait are appointed to visit him on the occasion and report to next meeting. This meeting is informed there is money wanted to relieve the necessities of the poor, this meeting directs the Preparative meetings to raise their quotos of the sum of twenty pounds for that purpose. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 4th: 6 mo: 1793. The Friends appointed to draw the deed for the burying ground near Williams's and to get it executed, reported it is done, and also a declaration of trust and the expense is fifteen shillings, which the Treasurer is directed to pay, and make report to next meeting. The Treasurer reported the expense for drawing the deeds &c. for the lots of land at Chesterfield is settled. Joseph Forsyth had a certificate granted to Upperspringfield monthly meeting on account of marriage. Anna Barwell had a certificate of removal granted to Rahway monthly meeting. The following minute was produced to this meeting from the Quarterly meeting, dated the 23th: 2 mo: 1793 which was read and united with. Respecting the holding of our Quarterly meetings and other meetings for Discipline it appears to be the sense of this meeting that it would be more profitable and consistant with the good order as well as tend to the greater benefit of our Religious Society if they were held in future Select throughout for Members only, and the Clerk is direcfted to inform each of the monthly meetings of our conclusion herein by a copy of this minute. Extracted from the minister of the Quarterly meeting held at Burlington 25th: 2 mo: 1793. By John Cox Jun. Clerk Chesterfield Preparative meeting informs Stacy Horner is charged with fornication and hath removed without applying for a certificate Samuel Olden and Joseph Olden are appointed to treat with him and report to a future meeting. Also informs Benjamin Scattergood hath accomplished his marriage contrary to the good order established amongst Friends with a Woman not in Membership with us, and that by a hireling Priest, Joseph Forsyth and Nathan Middleton are appointed to inform him of the charges and prepare a testification against him for the approbation of next meeting, and inform him thereof. Elijah Field informs this meeting his son Benjamin Field requests a certificate to Shrewsbury monthly meeting on account of marriage, William Satterthwait and Joel Cheshire are appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. John Wright returned the minute of concurrance he had from this meeting dated the 2nd: 4 mo: 1793. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 2nd: 7 mo: 1793. The Committee appointed to propose to this meeting the name of a suitable person to be appointed as Clerk proposed Isaac Collins as Clerk and Samuel Middleton for an assistant which is continued for their consideration The Friends appointed to prepare a tes- tification against Jane Bennet produced one which was read, approved and signed by the Clerk, William Abbott is appointed to give her a copy if required and let her know her right of appeal, if she doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a Firstday meeting at Bordentown and report to next meeting. Margaret Jackson wife of Richard Jackson had a certificate of removal granted to Burlington monthly meeting. The Treasurer reported he hath paid the money by drawing the deed, and declaration of trust for the burying ground near William�s as directed last meeting. The committee appointed to visit Daniel Arney on his request to be joined in Membership with Friends, reported they have all paid him a visit, since our last meeting, and are easy he should be received into Membership with us, which coming under consideration this meeting unites therewith and receives him accordingly, William Abbott is appointed to inform him thereof. One of the Friends appointed to visit John Woodward with respect to his certificate reported two of them paid him a visit, and he informed them he was desirous his certificate should be received therefore this meeting receives it. The Friends appointed to inquire and prepare a certificate for Benjamin Field son of Elijah Field on account of marriage reported he hath since married another woman not in Membership with Friends and that by a Magistrate, William Satterthwait, Joel Cheshire, Joseph Forsyth & Benjamin Linton are appointed to inform him of the charges, and inquire how far he hath satisfied the young Woman he had in view and also inquire whether he is guilty of any other reproachful conduct and report to next meeting. Chesterfield Preparative meeting informs Abraham Tilton requests a certificate of removal to Upperspringfield monthly meeting, Jacob Middleton, and Thomas Lawrie are appointed to make the needful inquiry if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Stony Brook Preparative meeting informs their quota of the sum of twenty pounds is paid into the hand of the Treasurer. The following Friends are appointed to settle the Treasurer�s accounts, Jacob Middleton, George Middleton, George bullock, Joel Cheshire, and Isaac Collins and report to next meeting. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 6th: 8 mo: 1793. At this meeting the queries were all read with written answers from the preparative meetings which are in substance as follows. 1. All our Religious meetings are kept up and those on the First Days of the week are generally attended on other days and those for Discipline a slackness appears in many, the hour mostly observed all are not clear of sleeping some care is taken on that account, other unbecoming behavior mostly avoided. 2. Love and unity in a good degree are maintained amongst us. Endeavors are used to discourage tale-bearing, back-biting and spreading evil reports, and to end differences. 3. There is a good degree of care in some in these respects, others we believe are too much amiss. 4. Some care is taken to discourage the distillation and unnecessary use of spirituous liquors, but more care is needful in this respect, and the mainder parts of this query. 5. Care is taken to inspect and relieve the wants of the poor, as occasion requires and no instance of our Member's children being placed from amongst Friends since last year. 6. This query is in a good degree complied with as far as appears. 7. We know of no instance in respect to slave-holding, as care rests on the minds of Friends in respect to the remainder parts of this query. 8. There is a becoming care in these respects yet some deficiencies appear with regard to punctuality, in the payment of debts, and performance of promises on other occasions. 9. We endeavor to deal with offenders in the spirit of meekness, we hope without partiality or much unnecessary delay. Annual Queries 1. None. 2. None. 3. Several Persons received into Membership since last year. 4. We endeavor so to do. The following Friends are appointed our Representatives to attend the ensuing Quarterly meeting, Benjamin Clark, Benjamin Linton, John Combs, Isaac Collins, William Abbott, Jacob Middleton, Robert White, John Wright. Thomas Taylor's acknowledgment is continued under care of the Committee heretofore appointed and Joseph Forsyth and John Wright are added to their assistance. The Friend appointed to inform Daniel Arney of his being received into Membership with us, reported it is done. The Friends appointed to receive this meeting�s quota arizen from the Quarterly meeting�s stock for the use of the fund of Friend�s schools to the amount of [Pounds] 63..19..8 1/2 reported they have received it Samuel Middleton, and Joseph Olden are appointed to make a division of the money between Chesterfield and Stony Brook Preparative meetings in proportion to their quotas, and report to next meeting, and said Friends are desired to produce the copy of the minute of the Quarterly meeting on that subject to our next meeting. The Friends appointed to prepare a testification against Benjamin Scattergood produced one which was read approved and signed by the Clerk, they informed him of the charges and the judgment of this meeting in his case Joseph Forsyth and Nathan Middleton are appointed to give him a copy if required and let him know his privilege of appeal, if he doth not appeal to publish it athte close of a Firstday meeting at Chesterfield and report to next meeting. The committee appointed in Benjamin Field, Jun's case reported they all attended to the appointment and paid him a visit and informed him of the charges against him which he did not deny and also informed this meeting he acknowledged he is guilty of fornication with the woman he hath since married which case is continued under care of the Committee heretofore appointed. Abraham Tilton had a certificate of removal granted to Upperspringfield monthly meeting. The Committee appointed to settle the Treasurer's account produced the following report with which this meeting concurs. We of the committee appointed to settle the Treasurer's accounts finds a ballance for the Yearly Meeting of [Pounds] 1..9..8 3/4 and for the poor [Pounds] 5..0..1 1/2 making in the whole [Pounds] 6..10..7 � specia and [Pounds] 28..3..1 1/2 old paper money now in the hands of the Treasurer 27th: 7 mo: 1793 Joel Cheshire Jacob Middleton George Bullock 39 books entitled Reflections and Maxims by William Penn chiefly intended for the use of schools was produced to this meting which was divided in the usual proportion. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 3rd: 9 mo: 1793. Isaac Wilson and Phebe Middleton appeared at this meeting and declared their intentions of marriage with each other parents consenting and the young man produced a certificate from Philadelphia monthly meeting setting forth his clearness on that account. The following Friends are appointed to visit such of our Members who deviate from that plainness of dress and address which Truth calls for in following after the vain fashions and customs of the world, and those who are in the neglect of the attendance of our Religious Meetings, and also those who give way to a drowsy lukewarm disposition when assembled agreeable to the recommendation of our last Yearly meeting (to wit) Joseph Horner, Samuel Middleton, John Wright Benjamin Clark, Aaron Wright, Robert White Benjamin Linton, and make report to a future meeting. The committee appointed to visit them as Taylor, reported they attended to the appointment and are easy his acknowledgment should be received, which coming under consideration, this meeting receives it, Joseph Forsyth is appointed to publish it at the close of a Firstday meeting in Chesterfield and report to next meeting. One of the Friends appointed to make a division of the surplus of the money arising in the Quarterly meeting stock belonging to this meeting, reported, Chesterfield Preparative meeting's quoto is [Pounds] 54..18..4 1/4 Stony Brook's preparative meetings quoto is [Pounds] 9..1..4.. with which this meeting concurs and the said Friends who have received the money from the Treasurer of the Quarter are directed to pay it agreeable to the division to the preparative meetings of Chesterfield and Stony Brook or such Friend or Friends as they shall appoint to be applied to the use directed by the minute of the Quarterly meetings a copy of which the said Friends produced to this meeting and report to this meeting. A certificate was produced to this meeting from Shrewsbury monthly meeting on behalf of Hannah White a minor who is placed with Robert White, which was read and received. The Friends appointed in Benjamin Scattergood's case reported they complied with the appointment. One of the Friends appointed in Stacy Horner's case, reported, they have received information from him wherein he denies the charge of fornication against him, Joseph Forsyth, John Taylor, and Isaac Field are appointed to join the Friends heretofore appointed and inspect into the matter, and make report to next meeting. The committee appointed in Benjamin Field Jun's case reported they have attended to the appointment and have had an opportunity with the Young Woman he had in view and were informed by her she had a demand against him, and said she forgave him, Joseph Forsyth and Joel Cheshire are appointed to prepare a testification against him for the approbation of next meeting, and inform him thereof. Chesterfield Preparative meeting informs their quota of the Yearly meeting stock is paid in. Joseph Bullock deceased being one of the Friends appointed some time past to record the manumissions of such negroes which have been manumitted within the verge of this meeting and give copies thereof to the parties concerned on application where it appears necessary, which coming now before meeting, Joseph Bullock son of the said Joseph deceased is appointed to that service. The following minute of the Quarterly meeting was produced to this meeting and directed to be put upon record. The Committee appointed to take into consideration the proporiety of continuing our Youth�s meeting which have hitherto been held on the day following our Quarterly meeting for business now produced the following report in writing. To the Quarterly meeting to be held next at Burlington. We the committee appointed in the 2nd month last to consider whether it would be best to continue the Youth's meetings as heretofore having twice met and having the subject weightily before us, the sentiments of Friends being freely expressed under the consideration of it, do agree to report, as our present sense, that it will be best to discontinue the said meetings from and after the next succeeding Youth�s meeting on third day the 27th instant which we nevertheless submit to the Quarterly meeting. Signed by all the committee present. Which being twice read and deliberately considered a good degree of solid weight and guilt attending the minds of Friends, was united with and the Clerk directed to inform each monthly meeting thereof by a copy of this minute. Extracted from the minutes of the Quarterly meeting held at Burlington 26th: 8 mo: 1793 By John Cox. Jun. Clerk. Names of Overseers. Robert White Joshua Bunting Elijah Field Samuel Middleton Samuel Abbott Aaron Wright George Craft. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 8th: 10 mo: 1793. The Overseers being called were present Isaac Wilson and Phebe Middleton appeared the second time at this meeting and declared they continued their intentions of marriage with each other, and nothing appearing to obstruct, they are left at liberty to accomplish their said intentions, agreeably to the good order established among Friends. Benjamin Linton and John Wright were appointed to attend the marriage, to see if it be orderly accomplished who are to report to next meeting, and to produce the marriage certificate to be recorded. Our Friend Joshua Evans laid before this meeting a concern to pay a Religious Visit to the families of Friends at Trenton and Bordentown meetings, and produced a minute of Concurrence from Haddonfield monthly meeting with which this meeting unites, and appoints John Wright, Benjamin Linton and Isaac Collins to bear him company in that service. The Friend appointed in Thomas Taylor's case reported he hath complied with the appointment of the meeting. John Thorn Jun. produced a certificate to this meeting from upperspringfield monthly meeting for himself and wife Tacy with their four children to wit. Abraham, Diadamie, Mary and Elizabeth, which was read and received. Isaac Collins being proposed some time past to be appointed Clerk, and Samuel Middleton assistant now again coming before the meeting, this meeting appoints them to that service. Joshua Satterthwait and Jacob Middleton are appointed to make an inventory of the books and papers to be delivered to the present Clerk and produce the same to next meeting. The meeting was informed, the appointment in Jane Bennett�s case has been complied with. The Friend who received the money from the Treasurer of the Quarter, is desired to pay forward the money as directed last meeting. Stacy Horner's case is continued under care of the committee heretofore appointed. The case of Benjamin Field Jun. is continued under the care of the committee heretofore appointed. The friends appointed to assist the committee for relieving the necessities of the poor, are requested to attend to that service. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs that Daniel Stratton requests a certificate of removal to Haddonfield monthly meeting John Wright and Samuel Middleton are appointed to make the needful inquiry, and if nothing appears to obstruct, to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. A certificate was produced to this meetingo n behalf of Ann Forsyth wife of Joseph forsyth from Upperspringfield monthly meeting which was read and received. The meeting concluded. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 5th.. 11 mo.. 1793. The overseers being called were present. One of the committee appointed to attend the marriage of Isaac Wilson and Phebe Middleton reported that the committee attended accordingly, and that it was in a good degree orderly accomplished, and produced the marriage certificate to be recorded. The Friends appointed to accompany our Friend Joshua Evans in visiting the families of Friends at Bordentown and Trenton meetings are continued to that service, and desired to report next meeting. The committee appointed to make an inventory of the books and papers to be delivered to the present clerk, are desired to continue their care. The Friend who received the money from the Treasurer of the Quarter was desired to pay it forward as directed at a preceding meeting. The Friends appointed to prepare a testification against Benjamin Field Jun. produced one to the meeting which was read approved and ordered to be signed by the Clerk, Joseph Forsyth and Joel Cheshire are appointed to give him a copy if desired, let him know his right of appeal, and if he doth nt appeal to publish it at the close of a Firstday meeting at Robin�s and Chesterfield and report next meeting. Susanna Stokes had a certificate of removal granted to Wrightstown monthly meeting in Bucks county, Pennsylvania. One of the Friends appointed in the case of Stacy Horner, reported that after examining into the particular circumstances of it they were of opinion he had not cleared himself of the charges exhibited against him Joseph Forsyth and John Taylor were appointed to prepare a testification against him for the approbation of next meeting. Daniel Stratton had a certificate of removal granted to Haddonfield monthly meeting. The Women's meeting informs that Ann Fister late Rogers has gone out in marriage with a man not in Membership with Friends, John Furman and Isaac Collins were appointed to inform her of the charges against her and report next meeting. The Friends appointed to assist the committee for relieving the necessities of the poor were requested to attend to their appointment. Stoney Brook preparative meeting reported that their quota of yearly meeting stock had been paid to the Treasurer of this meeting. The select meeting of Ministers and Elders proposed to this meeting, that the time of holding that meeting, should be altered from the third. fifth day, to the second seventh day after the monthly meeting preceding the quarter with which this meeting concurred. It being represented that it is necessary a friend should be appointed to take charge of the burying ground at Bordentown, John Taylor was appointed accordingly, in the room of William Abbott deceased. At this meeting the queries were read and considered, and written answers produced from the respective preparative meetings to the first second and ninth, which are as follows: 1st. All our Religious meetings are kept up and those on the first day of the week are generally attended, on other days and those for Discipline, a slackness appears in many, the hour mostly observed, all are not clear of sleeping; some care is taken on that account; other unbecoming behavior mostly avoided. 2nd. Love and unity in a good degree are maintained among us; care is taken to discourage tale-bearing, back-biting, and spreading evil reports, and to end differences. 9th. We endeavor to deal with offenders in the spirit of meekness, and we think without partiality and much unnecesasry delay. Nathan Middleton, Joseph Forsyth, isaac Combs and William Clark were appointed to have the oversight of the youth, and others at, and near the meeting-house during the time of holding the evening Quarterly meeting, and to report next meeting. The said Friends are also appointed to assist the Overseers in having the care of the youth and others at the time of holding our monthly meetings, until the Quarterly meeting in the second month next. The following Friends were appointed to attend the next Quarterly meeting, Amos Middleton, Benjamin Clark, Samuel Abbott, Thomas Walling, John Wright, and Thomas Combs. John Lawrie was appointed to assist the Clerk in drawing the report to be sent up to the Quarterly meeting. The following Friends were appointed to give notice in each particular meeting, that the youth's meeting, has been directed to be discontinued to wit, Amos Middleton, Joel Cheshire, Benjamin Clark, John Taylor and Isaac Collins. Samuel Middleton was appointed to record marriage certificates; and the late Clerk was directed to deliver him the book in which they are recorded for that purpose. The meeting adjourned to the usual time next month. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 3rd: 12 mo: 1793. The extracts of the minutes of our last yearly meeting held in Philadelphia, were read and the advice therein communicated, and the advice therein contained, particularly that respecting spiritous liquors, handed down in 1788, as well as that respecting the dress, and general deportment of our members where earnestly recommended to the observance and close attention of Friends. By said extracts it appears that the Yearly meeting ordered six hundred pounds to be raised for the ensuing year; the preparative meetings are therefore desired to raise and collect their respective proportions, one half to be paid by the time of holding our monthly meeting in the 2nd month next An acknowledgment from Thoams Ford was presented to the meeting and read, condemning his conduct in marrying contrary to the rules established among us, and to a woman not in membership with Friends as well as for his non-attendance for a time of our Religious meetings; Jacob Middleton and Joseph M. Lawrie were appointed to pay him a visit on the occasion and report to next meeting. The Friends appointed to attend our Friend Joshua Evans in his visits to families of Friends belonging to Bordentown and Trenton meetings were continued to that service, and to report next meeting. An extract from our last Quarterly meeting was read reviving a concern of our yearly meeting in 1790, respecting our Religious Testimony against war, the contents of which were seriously recommended to the observation of our members generally, that so we may be preserved from any breach which may wound our peace, or give occasion of pain and exercise to our brethren. The Friends appointed to make an inventory of the books and papers belonging to this meeting, produced one to the meeting, which was read and is as follows: "We the subscribers, being appointed to examine the minutes, papers and books belonging to the monthly meeting of Chesterfield report that Joshua Bunting delivered to us four bound books, with minutes recorded therein, and twenty-eight books of rough minutes; also a large quantity of extracts, epistles, certificates, acknowledgments, and other papers, belonging to the meeting; also a book called a general testimony; likewise two books with births and marriage certificates recorded therein; also the alphabetical book of Discipline, and the old book of Discipline, and the chest. the 4th of the 11th mo. 1793. Jacob Middleton Joshua H. Satterthwaite Which books and papers were directed to be deposited in the hands of the assistant clerk who is desired to receipt for the same. The friend who received the money from the Treasurer of the Quarter, reported that Chesterfield quota was paid forward, and that belonging to Stony Brook was ready, he was desired to report next month. The Friends appointed to publish the testification against Benjamin Field reported that they had complied with the direction of the meeting he not intending to appeal. The friends appointed to prepare a testification against Stacy Horner produced one to the meeting, which was read and recommitted to the same friends for amendment, to be produced to the next meeting. The friends appointed to notify Ann Fister late Rogers of the charges against her, were desired to continue their care. One of the Friends appointed to assist the committee for relieving the necessities of the poor, reported the business was done. One of the friends appointed to have the oversight of the youth and others during the time of holding our quarterly meeting &c. reported they attended to their appointment. Samuel Abbott had the book of discipline. The meeting adjorned to the usual time. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 1st Mo 7th 1794. The Overseers being called were present. A number of the General Epistles from the last yearly meeting held in London, was produced to this meeting, one of which was read before Men's and Women's meetings separated; at the same time was received a number of copies of the particular Epistles from said meeting, one of which was also read after the separation the Epistles were then directed to be distributed in the usual manner. One of the friends appointed to visit Thomas Ford in consequence of his acknowledgment reported they have paid him a visit, and were free his offering should be received; it was again read, considered and accepted by the meeting, Aaron Wright was desired to inform him thereof. John Wright in behalf of the committee appointed to accompany our Friend Joshua Evans in a Religious visit to the familise of Friends at Bordentown and Trenton meetings reported, that the visit had been paid to general satisfaction. The Clerk was desired to forward a copy of this minute, signed by himself to our Friend Joshua Evans, for the information of the monthly meeting to which he belongs. The friend who received the money from the Quarter, reported that Stony Brook preparative meeting had received its proportion. The friends appointed to prepare a testification against Stacy Horner produced one to the meeting, which was read, approved and directed to be signed by the Clerk Joseph Olden, Samuel Olden and John Taylor were appointed to give him a copy, let himk now his right of appeal, and if he doth not appeal, to publish it at the close of a first day meeting at Bordentown and to report to next meeting. A certificate was produced by George Williams to this meeting from upperspringfield monthly meeting, in behalf of himself and his wife Margaret, with their seven children, viz. Elizabeth, Lydia, Phebe, Hannah, Margaret, Joseph and Charles which was read and received. One of the friends appointed to notify Ann Fister of the charges against her reported she had been notified accordingly. Whereas Ann Fister hath gone out in marriage and with a man not in Membership with Friends contrary to our Christian Discipline we therefore disown the said Ann Fister from being a member among us, until she condemns her misconduct to the satisfaction of Friends, Joseph M. Lawrie and Isaac Collins were appointed to give her a copy of this minute, let her know her right of appeal, and to make report to next meeting. Benjamin Clark on behalf of the committee appointed in the 9th mo. last to visit such of our Members who deviate from plainness in dress, and address &c. reported they attended to their appointment, that they paid a visit to all the Members with some little exception, and had endeavored to discharge the trust committee to them according to the ability received. The committee for the discouragement of the distillation, unnecessary use and dialing in spirituous liquors, was released from their appointment, and the following friends were appointed to that weighty service to wit, Joshua Bunting, Joseph M. Lawrie, Thomas Lawrie, Joshua Satterthwait, William Clark, Joseph Olden, Thomas Combs, Elijah Field, Robert White Joel Cheshire, Joseph Forsyth, John Furman, Isaac Field, Jacob Middleton, and William Satterthwait who are requested to meet the Quarter�s committee on the subject from time to time, and to report their progress to a future meeting. The Women�s meeting informed that Mercy Esdall late Furman had gone out in marriage with a man not in Membership with Friends had a child sooner than was reputable, and neglect the attendance of our Religious meetings Samuel Abbott and Henry Pike were appointed to inform her of the charges against her, and report next meeting. Also, that Achsah Cubberley, late Rogers was married by a Priest, to a man not in Membership with Friends, and neglects the attendance of our Religious meetings, Robert White and James Woolley were appointed to inform her of the charges, and report to next meeting. And also that Lucy Taylor, wife of Stacy Taylor requests to be joined in Membership with Friends, John Wright and Benjamin Linton were appointed to join Women Friends in paying her a visit on the occasion and report to next meeting. Chesterfield preparative meeting informed that James Bunting, Jun. neglects the attendance of our Religious meetings, is guilty of frequenting taverns, and taking strong drink to excess, Samuel Middleton and Joseph forsyth were appointed to inquire into the particular circumstances of his case and report to next meeting. Also that Thomas Ridgway, son of Joseph requests a certificate of removal to Evesham monthly meeting, Elijah Field and Aaron Wright were appointed to make the needful inquiry, and if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. And also that the minutes of this meeting have not been revised since the 4th of the 1st mo 1791 and the same appearing to be necessary, Jacob Middleton, joseph M. Lawrie, Samuel Middleton and Benjamin Linton, were appointed to that service, and to get them recorded, who are to report to a future meeting. The book of Discipline was returned. The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 4th: 2nd mo. 1794. At this meeting the overseers were present. Charles Clarke and Mary Skirm appeared at this meeting and declared their intentions of marriage with each other, his Mother being present expressed her consent, Joseph Horner and Joseph Olden were appointed to make inquiry respecting the young man�s clearness as to any other marriage engagement, and report next meeting. At this meeting the Queries were read and considered, and written answers produced from the respective preparative meetings to the 1st, 2nd, and 9th which are in substance as follows. 1. Our Religious meetings are all kept up and attended by the generality of our Members on first days, but on other days some deficiency appears: all are not clear of sleeping; the hour nearly attended to, and other unbecoming behavior in some good degree avoided. 2. Care is taken to discourage tale-bearing, back-biting, and spreading evil reports, and to end differences. 9. We endeavor to deal with offenders in the spirit of meekness, and we think without partiality or much unnecessary delay. Joseph Forsyth, Joseph Bullock, William Clarke and Joel Cheshire were appointed to have the oversight of the youth and others at and near the meeting-house, during the time of holding the ensuing Quarterly meeting, and to report to next meeting. The said Friends were also appointed to assist the Overseers in having the care of the youth and others at the time of holding our monthly meetinigs, until the quarterly meeting in 5th mo. next. The following Friends were appointed one Represenatives to attend the next quarterly meeting to wit, Benjamin Linton, Benjamin Clarke, Robert White, Thomas Lawrie, William Satterthwait, Samuel Abbott, and Isaac Collins. Joel Cheshire informed the meeting that Aaron Wright, he not being present, had complied with the direction of the meeting respecting Thomas Ford. The Clerk reported, he had sent Joshua Evans a copy of the minute of this meeting, respecting his visit to Friends at Bordentown and Trenton. The friends appointed in the case of Stacy Horner are desired to continue their care. One of the friends appointed to give Ann Fister a copy of the testification of this meeting against her, and to let herknow her right of appeal, reported they had complied with the direction of the meeting. One of the friends appointed to notify Mercy Esdall, late Furman of the charges against her reported they had informed her accordingly, which she did not deny, Samuel Abbott and Henry Pike were appointed to prepare a testification against for the approbation of next meeting and inform her thereof. One of the Friends appointed in the case of Achsah Cubberley, late Rogers reported they had informed her of the charges against her, which she did not deny, Samuel Abbott and Joseph M. Lawrie were appointed to prepare a testification against her for the approbation of next meeting and inform her thereof. A certificate of removal was produced to this meeting for Phebe Wilson wife of Isaac Wilson directed to friends of the monthly meeting for the Northern District of Philadelphia, which was read approved, and signed by the Clerk. The friends appointed in the case of Lucy Taylor are desired to continue their care. One of the Friends appointed in the case of James Bunting Jun. to obtain information respecting his situation, reported such as appeared on the monthly meeting books which not being satisfactory to the meeting, Benjamin Clarke and Joseph Horner were appointed to write to friends of Fairfax monthly meeting for further information respecting him, and report to a future meeting. A certificate of removal was produced to the meeting for Thomas Ridgway directed to Lower Evesham monthly meeting, which was read approved and ordered to be signed by the Clerk. Robert White reported that he had by direction of the preparative meeting of Stony Brook paid to the Treasurer of this meeting, their quota of yearly meeting stock for the current year. The friends appointed to prepare a certificate of removal to James Bunting his wife and son are desired to continue their care, and report to next meeting. The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 3rd mo 4th 1794. At the monthly meeting, the overseers being called were present, except Joshua Bunting, for whose absence a reason was given. One of the friends appointed to inquire respecting Charles Clarke's clearness with any other person on account of marriage, reported they found no obstruction to his proceeding. Charles Clarke and Mary Skirm appeared the second time at this meeting, and declared they continued their intentions of marriage with each other, and nothing appearing to obstruct, they were left at liberty to accomplish their said intentions, agreeably to the good order established among friends. Benjamin Clarke and Joseph Olden were appointed to attend the marriage to see if it be orderly accomplished, who are to report to next meeting, and to produce the marriage certificate to be recorded. Chesterfield preparative meeting informed that Joseph Middleton proposes to lay his intentions of marriage before our next monthly meeting. Joseph Middleton and Avis Holloway appeared at this meeting and declared their intentions of marriage with each other, their parents being present expressed their consent, Isaac Field and John Wright were appointed to make inquiry respecting the young man�s clearness, as to any other marriage engagements and to report next meeting. One of the friends appointed to have the care of the youth and others at our last quarterly meeting, reported they had all attended to their apointments. The friends appointed in the care of Stacy Horner are desired to continue their care. The committee appointed to inform Mercy Esdall of the charges against her, reported they had informed her accordingly, and they produced a testification to the meeting, which was read, corrected, and directed to be signed by the Clerk, Samuel Abbott and Robert Wright were appointed to give her a copy, let her know her right of appeal and if she doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a firstday meeting at Trenton, and report next meeting. The committee appointed to inform Achsah Cubberley of the charges against her, reported they informed her of them, and they produced a testification against her which was read and directed to be signed by the Clerks, John Abbott and Samuel Abbott were appointed to give her a copy, let her know her right of appeal, and if she doth not appeal, to publish it at the close of a firstday meeting at Chesterfield, and report next meeting. One of the Friends appointed to visit Lucy Taylor on her request to be joined in Membership with Friends, reported they had paid her a visit in company with women friends, which was to good satisfaction, found her in a tender disposition, and were easy she should be received which was submitted to the meeting, the meeting after consideration, referred the matter to next meeting. A certificate of removal was produced to the meeting for James Bunting Senr., and his wife Mary, directed to friends of the monthly meeting at Fairfax in Virginia, which was read, approved and ordered to be signed by the Clerk. Chesterfield preparative meeting informed that Thomas Ford requests his two sons George and Aaron, they being in their minority, may be joined in Membership with Friends, and the Women's meeting informed that Anna Ford, wife of the said Thomas, requests for herself, and the aforesaid children, together with her daughter Sarah, she also being in her minority, may be joined in Membership with Friends Jacob Middleton Benjamin Linton, and Elijah Field were appointed to pay them a visit on the occasion in company with women friends, and report next meeting. The Women's meeting also informed that Rebecca Horner late Scattergood, hath gone out in marriage with a man not in membership with Friends, Joseph Forsyth, and Thomas Lawrie were appointed to inform her of the charge against her and report next meeting. Also that Sarah Wright daughter of Alice Merritt requests to be joined in Membership with Friends which was referred to next meeting. The friends appointed in the 1st month last to revise the minutes of this meeting, and to get them recorded, reported they had performed that duty, and said friends also informed the meeting, that they have inspected the minutes since they were recorded, and settled with Edwin Bower for recording 81 pages of said minutes, the amount whereof is 40/6, which said sum the Treasurer was directed to pay to said Bower, and report next meeting. The Treasurer informed this meeting he had paid the Treasurer of the quarterly meeting the sum of [Pounds] 7:16 it being one half of this meeting's quoto towards the Yearly meeting stock for the year 1794. Joseph M. Lawrie, Isaac Field, John Abbott and Joseph Forsyth were appointed to lease out the old meeting house and lot for the ensuing year, and to collect the rent quarterly, as it may become due, under the same restrictions as heretofore. The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 4 mo. 8th. 1794. The Overseers being called were present. Joseph Middleton and Avis Halloway appeared the second time at this meeting and declared they continued their intentions of marriage with each other, and the committee of inquiry having reported they found nothing to obstruct, the said Joseph and Avis were left at liberty to accomplish their said intentions agreeably to the good order established among Friends. Benjamin Linton and Isaac Field were appointed to attend the marriage to see if it be orderly accomplished, who are to report next meeting, and to produce the marriage certificate to be recorded. One of the Friends appointed to attend the marriage of Charles Clarke and Mary Skirm reported that the committee had attended to their appointment, and that it was orderly accomplished and produced the marriage certificate to be recorded. The friends appointed to publish the testification against Mercy Esdall, reported they had complied with their appointment, she not intending to appeal One of the friends appointed to publish the testification against Achsah Cubberley, reported they had complied with the direction of the meeting, she not intending to appeal. Lucy Taylor's request came again before the meeting, and after deliberate consideration the meeting agreed to receive her into Membership Samuel Abbott was appointed to inform her and report next meeting. The committee appointed to visit Thomas Ford's wife and children, on her request for herself and them, they being in their infancy to be joined in Membership with Friends, reported they had paid them a visit, and were easy Anna Ford, wife of the said Thomas should be received, which was submitted to the meeting and after consideration, the matter was referred to next meeting. One of the friends appointed to inform Rebecca Horner late Scattergood of the charge against her, to wit, of going out in marriage with a man not in Membership with Friends, reported she had been informed, and not being in a disposition to make satisfaction to her friends, therefore for the clearing of truth, from such disorderly conduct, we disown her, the said Rebecca Horner from being a member amongst us until she condemns the same as Discipline directs, Joshua Satterthwait and Joseph Bullock were appointed to give her a copy, let her know her right of appeal, and make report next meeting. Chesterfield preparative meeting informed that Alice Merritt requests that her son Israel Wright, a minor, may be joined in Membership with Friends, and the request of Sarah Wright coming again under consideration. Thomas Lawrie and Benjamin Linton were appointed to pay them a visit on the occasion, and make report next meeting. A certificate was produced to the meeting from Upperspringfield monthly meeting, in behalf of Anthony Wardel, who is placed an apprentice with William Chapman jun. which was read and received. A certificate was produced to the meeting from Evesham monthly meeting in behalf of Sarah Middleton, which was read and received. The Treasurer reported he had paid the sum of forty shillings and sixpence to Edmund Bower, as directed last month. Chesterfield preparative meeting reported that their quota of yearly meeting stock and also their quota of the sum of twenty pounds has been paid in for the year 1794. The committee appointed to lease out the old meetinghouse and lot are desired to continue their care. Stoney Brook preparative meeting informed that Nathan Middleton complains of Ebenezer Wright neglecting to comply with his contract William Clarke and James Wollley were appointed to treat with him on the occasion and report next meeting. The meeting closed. At a Monthly meeting held at Chesterfield 5 mo. 6th 1794. At this meeting the queries were read and considered, and written answeres produced from the respective preparative meetings to the first, second, and ninth, which are in substance as follows 1st. All our religious meetings are kept up, and those on the first day of the week are attended by most, on other days, and those for Discipline, a slackness appears in many, the hour mostly observed, all are not clear of sleeping, some care is taken on that account, other unbecoming behavior mostly avoided. 2nd. Love and unity are in a good degree maintained among us, care is taken to discourage tale-bearing, backbiting, and spreading evil reports, and to end differences. 9th. We endeavor to deal with offenders without partiality or much unnecessary delay. Joseph Forsyth, Joshua Satterthwait, Aaron Wright and Gideon Middleton, were appointed to have the oversight of the youth and others at and near the meetinghouse during the time of holding the ensuing Quarterly meeting and to report next meeting. The said friends were also appointed to assist the Overseers in having the care of the youth, and others at the time of holding our monthly meetings, until the Quarterly meeting in 8th mo next. The following friends were appointed our Represenatives to attend the next Quarterly meeting to wit, Benjamin Clark, Benjamin Linton, Amos Middleton, John Wright, Thomas Lawrie, Elijah Field and Isaac Collins. The friends appointed to attend the marriage of Joseph Middleton and Avis Halloway, reported they attended to their appointment, and that it was in a good degree orderly accomplished, and they produced the marriage certificate to be recorded. Samuel Abbott reported that he had informed Lucy Taylor of the result of the meeting on her request. The request of Anna Ford, on behalf of herself and her children, coming again before the meeting, after deliberation the matter was referred until next meeting. One of the friends appointed to notify Rebecca Horner of the result of the meeting in her case reported they had not yet done it, they are therefore continued and report next meeting. A certificate was produced to the meeting from Burlington monthly meeting by George Craft, in behalf of himself and his wife Mary with their daughter Charity which was read and received. The request of Sarah Wright, daughter of Israel Wright, deceased, coming again before the meeting after deliberation the meeting agreed to receive her into Membership, John Wright was appointed to inform her thereof and report next meeting. One of the friends appointed to visit Alice Merritt on her request that her son Israel Wright may be joined in Membership with Friends, reported they had paid them a visit, and after hearing the further report of the committee, the meeting was most easy his case should be discointinued, Benjamin Linton and John Wright were appointed in inform her of the result of the meeting, and report next meeting. The friends appointed to lease out the old meeting house and lot are desired to continue their case. The friends appointed to treat with Ebenezer Wright are desired to continue their care, and report to next meeting. Benjamin Thorn produced a certificate to this meeting, from the Fall's monthly meeting in Pennsylvania which was read and received. Samuel Craft also produced a certificate to this meeting from Burlington monthly meeting which was read and received. Chesterfield preparative meeting informed that William Black Jun. requests a certificate of removal to Providence monthly meeting in Pennsylvania. Joshua Satterthwait, and Jacob Middleton were appointed to make the needful inquiry, and if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. This meeting being informed by a minute from the meeting for sufferings that the greatest part of the number imported of the fourth volume of John Gouch's History remained on hand unapplied for by the subscribers, which occasioned a delay of remittance to pay for them, the following friends were therefore appointed to collect the money of subscribers for that purpose to wit Nathan Middleton, Jacob Middleton, Robert Wright, Robert White, Samuel Abbott, and Isaac Collins, and to report to a future meeting. One of the friends appointed to take charge of the burying ground at Lamberton reported that the fence around the same is out of repare. Isaac Combs, Samuel stevenson, Robert Wright and isaac Collins were appointed to put a new board fence on the side next to the river, to repare the other parts, and to lease out part of the grounds to a friend. and report next meeting The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 6 mo. 3rd 1794. The Overseers being called were present, One of the friends appointed to have the care of the youth and others during the time of holding our last Quarterly meeting, reported they had all attended to their appointment. The request of Anna Ford, on behalf of herself and her children, coming again before the meeting before the meeting. after deliberation the matter was deferred for further consideration to next meeting. One of the friends appointed to notify Rebecca Horner of the result of the meeting in her case reported, they had complied with the direction of the meeting. John Wright reported that he had informed Sarah Wright that this meeting had received her into Membership. One of the friend appointed to notify Alice Merritt of the result of the meeting respecting her son Israel Wright, reported they had complied with the direction of the meeting. The committee appointed in 1792 for leasing out the old meeting house and lot produced a report in writing which was read and directed to be entered on the minutes in the words following. The committee appointed in the year 1792 to lease out the old meetinghouse and lot of land adjoining, informs the monthly meeting we leased out the said house and lot for two years, for seventeen pounds a year, according to agreement, and the leassee paid three pounds in cash, and in repairs, improvements &c. to the amount of [Pounds] 13.15.8. for the first year, and for the second year we have received in cash the sum of [Pounds] 16.5.10 1/2 which said sum is paid to the Treasurer of this meeting, the whole amount thereof is [Pounds] 33.1.6 1/2, which sum is all the committee expects to receive for the two years sent. Nathan Middleton Joshua Bunting Samuel Middleton Joshua W. Satterthwait The present committee for leasing out the old meeting house and lot adjoining appointed in third month last, are desired to continue their care, and also to take into consideration the propriety of building a hay house and stable on the said lot, taking into view both the size and expense of such a building, and report next meeting. One of the friends appointed to treat with Ebenezer Wright for neglecting to comply with his contract, reported he had taken an opportunity with him, but that he had not yet settled the matter of complaint, the same friends are therefore desired to prepare a testification against him for the approbation of next meeting, and inform him thereof. A certificate was produced to the meeting from Burlington monthly meeting, in behalf of Grace Craft, which was read and received. The friends appointed to prepare a certificate of removal for William Black to Providence monthly meeting in Pennsylvania produced one to the meeting which was read approved and ordered to be signed by the Clerk. The friends appointed to collect the money from subscribers for the 4th volume of Gough's History, not having completed the business, they are therefore continued, and John Abbott was appointed to receive the money when collected, and to procure the books. The friends appointed to renew a part and repare other parts of the fence around the burying ground at Lamberton reported the work had not yet been done, they are therefore continued and report to next meeting A certificate was produced to this meeting from the monthly meeting of new York in behalf of Caleb Clarke, which was read and received. One of the friends appointed to obtain information respecting James bunting Jun. produced a letter from John Hough and Thomas Matthews belonging to Fairfax monthly meeting together with a minute of said meeting, informing friends of Culpepper meeting where he went to reside that a testification had issued from the said Fairfax monthly meeting, against the said Fairfax monthly meeting, against the said James Bunting Jun. the meeting afture mature consideration of this case, and in consequence of the information received appointed Joel Cheshire, and Samuel Middleton to prepare a testification against the said James Bunting Jun. for the approbation of next meeting. Chesterfield preparative meeting informed that application had been made by friends belonging to the meeting called Robin's for leave to hold a preparative meeting there on the 4th day of the week in each month preceding Chesterfield preparative. the meeting after deliberation referred the matter until next meeting for further consideration. Aaron Wright was proposed by Chesterfield preparative meeting to be apointed to the station of an Overseer with which this meeting concurred and appointed the said Aaron Wright to that station. Application was made to this meeting from friends of Bordentown meeting for leave to hold an afternoon meeting there on first days until our yearly meeting in the 9th mo. next to begin at the fourth hour. after deliberation the meeting granted the request of the said friends to hold an afternoon meeting at the place and time proposed and appointed Benjamin Field, Benjamin Linton John Wright, Nathan Middleton, and Isaac Field to attend the said afternoon meeting, and report to a future meeting. The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 7th mo 8th 1794. The overseers being called were present, The request of Anna ford, wife of Thomas Ford on behalf of herself and children coming again before the meeting, after deliberation the meeting concluded to receive the said Anna Ford into Membership with Friends. Elijah Field was appointed to notify her, and report next meeting. One of the friends of the present committee for leaving out the old meeting house and lot of ground, adjoining reported they had not yet done the business committed to them, they were therefore continued, and report next meeting. The friends appointed to prepare a testification against. Ebenezer Wright are desired to continue their care. The friends appointed to collect the money from subscribers for the 4th volume of Gough's History, not having completed the business, they are therefore continued and report next meeting. The friends appointed to renew a part, and repare other parts of the fence around Friends burying ground at Lamberton, reported that some progress had been made, but that it was not yet completed, they were therefore continued. The friends appointed to prepare a testification against James Bunting Jun. produced one to the meeting which was read, amended, and directed to be signed by the Clerk, in the words following. Whereas James bunting Jun. who had a birthright among Friends, has so far deviated from our Principles, as to neglect the attendance of our Religious meetings, and was in the practice of taking strong drink to excess, for which he has been treated with, therefore for the clearing of Youth and Friends, we disown him the said James Bunting jun. from being any longer a Member of our Religious Society, until he becomes sensible of his errors aforesaid, manifesting the same in life and conversation and by public acknowledgment, as our Discipline directs. Benjamin Clarke and Samuel Middleton were appointed to transmit him a copy, let him know his right of appeal, and report to a future meeting. A certificate was produced to the meeting from Upperspringfield monthly meeting, in behalf of Sarah Earl, which was read and received. The application of the friends belonging to the meeting called Robin's for holding a preparative meeting there, coming again under consideration, after deliberation on the matter, the meeting thought it best for friends of that meeting to remain in this respect as they are at present. The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 8 mo. 5th 1794. The Overseer being called were present. At the meeting the Queries were read, and considered, and written answers produced from the respective preparative meetings which are in substance as follows: 1st. Our Religious meetings are all kept up and attended by the generality of our Members on first days, but other days too much deficiency appears, the hour nearly observed; a sleepy disposition prevails in some at times. and some care is taken on that account: other unbecoming behavior mostly avoided. 2nd. Love and unity are in a good degree maintained among us; care is taken to discourage talebearing, backbiting, and spreading evil reports, and to end differences. 3rd. There is a good degree of care in some in these respects, others we believe are too much remiss. 4th. Endeavors are used to discourage the distillation and unnecessary use of spirituous liquors, but more care is needful in the remaining part of this query. 5th. This query we think is mostly complied with. 6th. Some violation of our testimony appears with respect to war. Clear as far as is known with regard to the other parts of this query. 7th. We have no instance of slaveholding, a care rests on the minds of Friends in respect to the remaining parts of this query, yet a further care is necessary. 8th. A becoming care appears in most in these respects; yet some are not so punctual in the payments of debts, and performance of engagements as the reputation of Truth and themselves require. 9th. We endeavor to deal with offenders in the spirit of meekness, we think without partiality or much unseasonable delay. Answers to the four annual queries. 1. Two Elders to wit, our friend William Abbott, who died the 6th day of the 9th mo. 1793. and our esteemed friend Samuel Worth, who departed this life the 26th of the 5th mo. 1794. in the 80th year of his age. 2. None. 3. Several sober persons received into Membership since last year. 4. We endeavor so to do. George Craft, Joshua Satterthwait, Nathan Middleton, Samuel Olden, and Robert Wright were appointed to have the oversight of the youth and others at and near the meetinghouse during the time of holding the ensuing quarterly meeting and to report next meeting. The said friends were also appointed to assist the Overseers in the like care at the time of holding our monthly meetings until the quarterly meetings in the 11th mo next. The following friends were appoints our representatives to attend the next quarterly meeting, to wit, Benjamin Clarke, Samuel Middleton, Daniel Arney, Benjamin Linton. Elijah Field. Isaac Combs. Isaac Field, William Satterthwait, William Clarke, and Isaac Collins. Elijah Field reported he had notified Anna Ford, that she had been received into Membership. The committee for leasing out the old meeting house and lot adjoining and for considering the propriety of building a stable and hayloft, on the said lot, reported that the lot including the garden is let for one year, and that the stable and hayloft they have estimated to cost thirty pounds the size of which is to be 21 by 16 ft. with which the meeting concurred, and directed the committee to proceed in the building. to apply to the Treasurer for what money shall be necessary from time to time, and to report when the work is done. The friends appointed to prepare a testification against Ebenezer Wright produced one to the meeting, which was read amended, and directed to be signed by the Clerk, and is as follows: Whereas Ebenezer Wright hath repeatedly neglected to fulfil his engagements to the reproach of Truth and himself, and having been tenderly treated with, without having the desired effect, wherefor for clearing of Truth, we disown him, the said Ebenezer Wright from being a Member of our Religious society, until he becomes sensible of his misconduct, and condemns the same as Discipline directs. Joseph Horner was appointed to give him a copy, let him know his right of appeal, and report next meeting. The friends appointed to collect the money from subscribers for the 4th volume of Gough's History, reported that the business is not yet completed. they were therefore continued and report to next meeting. The friends appointed to renew a part and to repare other parts of the fence around Friend's burying ground at Lamberton, reported that the work is completed, the expense of which amounts to fifteen pounds and threepence which sum the Treasurer is directed, to pay to Isaac Combs. Some of the members of the committee on schools reported, that there has been a school at Chesterfield for some time past, under the care of a committee; and that there is a prospect of two being opened shortly at the same place No school at Stony Brook at present taught by a Friend nor is there any addition to the fund since last quarter. Chesterfield preparative informed that Samuel Forsyth requests a certificate of removal to Phila. monthly meeting. John Lippincott, and Joshua Bunting were appointed to make the needful inquiry, and if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Stony Brook preparative also informs that John Olden requests a certificate on account of marriage to be directed to Kingwood monthly meeting. William Clarke and James Wolley were appointed to make the needful inquiry, and if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 9 mo. 2nd. 1794. One of the friends appointed to have the oversight of the youth and others during the time of holding our last Quarterly meeting, reported four of them had attended to their appointment, the other friend gave a reason for his non-attendance. Joseph Horner reported, he had complied with the direction of the meeting in the case of Ebenezer Wright. One of the friends appointed to collect the money from subscribers for the 4th volume of Gough's History, reported that the business is not yet completed, they were therefore continued and to report next meeting. The friends appointed to prepare a certificate of removal for Samuel Forsyth to Philadelphia monthly meeting produced one to the meeting, which was read, approved, and ordered to be signed by the Clerk. The friends appointed to prepare a certificate for Job Olden on account of marriage, produced one, which was read, amended, and signed by the Clerk. The treasurer reported he had paid Isaac Combs the sum of fifteen pounds, and three pence for materials, making and reparing the fence on Friend's burying lot of land at Lamberton. The Treasurer also informs he has paid John Hoskins, the sum of seven pounds, sixteen shillings, it being the full remaining part of the meeting's quota, towards the yearly meeting stock for this present year. Chesterfield preparative informed that James Ford neglects the attendance of our Religious meetings, has gone out in marriage with a woman not in Membership with Friends, and was married by a priest, which after discussion was returned to the preparative for further investigation. A certificate was produced to this meeting from Upper Evesham monthly meeting on behalf of Ann Kirby, which was read and received. A certificate was produced to this meeting from Upperspringfield monthly meeting on behalf of Meribah Fowler Jun. which was read and received. The women's meeting informed that Lucy Bishop late Ridgway, hath gone out in marriage with a man than is a member. and that she had been visited by the overseers on the occasion. Elijah Field and Benjamin Linton were appointed to inform her of the charges against her, and report next meeting. Stony Brook preparative requested that they might have leave to hold that meeting for the 10th mo one week earlier whenever it shall interfere with the time of holding our yearly meeting, which was granted. The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 10 mo 7th 1794. the Overseers being called were present, except Elijah Field. John Abbott reported that he had not yet received the remainder of the money due from subscribers for Gough's History, the business was therefore continued till next month. Benjamin Linton reported that Lucy Bishop had been informed of the charge against her the meeting after deliberation, agreed to disown her. The testification is as follows: Whereas Lucy Bishop who hath a right of Membership among Friends, hath so far deviated from the good order used among us to marry contrary thereto therefore for the support of our Christian Discipline, and to discourage others from the like disorderly conduct, we disown the said Lucy Bishop from being a member among us, until she condemns the same as Discipline directs. Benjamin Linton and Joel Cheshire were appointed to give her a copy if desired, let her know her right of appeal, and report next meeting. A certificate of removal was produced to the meeting on behalf in behalf on Sarah Linton, directed to the monthly meeting of Friends of the Northern district of Phila. which was read approved, and ordered to be signed by the Clerk. The preparative meeting of Chesterfield again informed that James Ford neglects the attendance of our Religious meetings, has been guilty of fornication, hath since gone out in marriage with another woman not in Membership with Friends, and was married by a hireling priest. Jacob Middleton and Joseph Thorn were appointed to notify him of the charges, and to prepare a testification against him, for the approbation of next meeting, and inform him thereof. One of the committee for leasing out the old meetinghouse, and lot of ground adjoining, reported that James Wilkinson, had made application for leave to remove his workshop on the said lot, for which he is willing to pay a reasonable consideration, the meeting after considering the matter agreed to submit it to the discretion of the said committee The committee appointed in the 6th mo. to attend Bordentown afternoon meeting reported in the following words: We the committee appointed to attend Bordentown afternoon meeting this present season, agree to report that some or other of us attended all of said meetings, and that they were considerably larger that the number of members belonging thereto, and were attended by the geneiality of the members, said meetings were quiet, and attended with a good degree of solemnity, and we think they have been useful, they ended the 21st day of the 9th mo. 1794. Benjamin Field Isaac Field Nathan Middleton John Wright Benjamin Linton The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 11 mo 4th.. 1794. The Overseers being called were present. Daniel Arney and Elizabeth Wright appeared at this meeting, and declared their intentions of marriage with each other, Daniel produced his Mother's consent in writing, and Elizabeth's Mother being present expressed her consent also. John Taylor and John Wright were appointed to make the inquiry respecting the young man�s clearness as to any other marriage engagement, and report next meeting. Elijah Field gave a reason for his non-attendance last meeting. At this meeting the queries were read and considered, and written answers produced, from the respective preparative meeting, to the 1st 2nd, and 9th, which are in substance as follows. 1st. All our Religious meetings are kept up and those on the first days of the week are attended generally; on other days and those for Discipline a slackness appears in many, the hour not so well observed by some as it ought to be; all are not clear of sleeping; some care is taken on these accounts, other unbecoming behavior mostly avoided. 2nd. Love and unity are in a good degree maintained among us: care is taken to discourage tale-bearing, backbiting and spreading evil reports, and to end differences. 9th. We endeavor to deal with offenders in the Spirit of meekness, without partiality though delays sometimes happen. Joseph Forsyth, Nathan Middleton, William Clarke and Joel Cheshire were appointed to have the oversight of our youth and others at and near the meeting house, during the time of holding the ensuing Quarterly meeting, and to report next meeting. The said Friends were also appointed to assist the Overseers in having the care of the youth at the time of holding our monthly meetings until the Quarterly meeting in the 2nd. mo next. The following Friends were appointed our Represenatives to attend the next quarterly meeting, to wit, Amos Middleton, John Wright, Thomas Wallen, Thomas Lawrie, Benjamin Clarke, George Craft, Isaac Combs, and Joshua Satterthwait. The collection of the money from subscribers for the 4th. volume of Gough's history not being completed, the friends heretofore appointed were desired to continue their care and report next month. Benjamin Linton informed that in consequence of his being unwell, the service assigned to him and Joel Cheshire in the case of Lucy Bishop had not been performed William Satterthwait was then appointed in his place, to accompany Joel Cheshire and to report next meeting. A certificate of removal was produced to the meeting in behalf of Rhoda Dawson directed to the monthly meeting of Upperspringfield, which was read, amended and directed to be signed by the Clerk. A certificate of removal was also produced to the meeting, in behalf of Sarah White, directed to the monthly meeting of Friends of the Northern District of Phila, which was read, approved, and directed to be signed by the Clerk. One of the friends appointed in the case of James Ford reported, that though they had not been inattentive to the business of their appointment, yet they had not completed it they were therefore continued, and to report next meeting. The Women's meeting informed that Edna Hallet late Clarke, hath gone out in marriage with a man not in Membership with Friends and by an hireling Minister, that she had been precautioned, and has since been visited by the Overseers. Joseph Olden and Isaac Horner were appointed to notify her of these charges, and to prepare a testification against her for the approbation of next meeting, and inform her thereof. Chesterfield preparative meeting informed that Joseph Ridgway requested a certificate of removal to Evesham monthly meeting for himself his wife Hannah, and children, Mary, Joseph, John, Hannah, Phebe, Ann and Elijah. Aaron Wright, and Elijah Field were appointed to make the needful inquiry, and if nothing appears to obstruct, to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 12 mo 2nd. 1794. The Overseers being called were present, except Aaron Wright, for whose absence a reason was assigned. Daniel Arney and Elizabeth Wright appeared at this meeting the second time and declared they continued their intentions of marriage with each other, and one of the friends appointed to inquire having reported they found nothing to obstruct the parties were left at liberty to accomplish their said intentions agreeably to the good order established among Friends. John Wright and Benjamin Linton were appointed to attend the marriage to see if it be orderly accomplished who are to report next meeting, and to produce the marriage certificate to be recorded. A number of copies of the general Epistles from the last yearly meeting of Friends held in London was produced to this meeting, which Epistle was read before the separation of men and woman's meeting; at the same time was received a number of copies of the particular Epistles from said meeting, one of which was also read after the meeting separated, the Epistles were then directed to be distributed in the usual manner. The extracts from our last yearly meeting held in Phila. for Pennsylvania, New Jersey &c. were read in this meeting and the weighty matters therein contained were recommended to the close attention and observance of Friends. Samuel Middleton was appointed to enter such parts of said Extracts, as are marked in the book of Discipline. By said Extract it appears that the yearly meeting agreed to raise the sum of [Pounds] 600 the ensuing year; the preparative meeting are therefore directed to raise and collect their respective proportions, one half to be paid, by the time of holding our monthly meeting in the 2nd mo. next. One of the friends appointed to have the oversight of the youth and others, during the time of holding our last quarterly meeting, reported they all attended to their appointment, and that such was the conduct of divers persons, the account of which occasioned a painful exercise over the meeting. Overseers were therefore desired to be vigilant in discharging their duty in this particular. The committee appointed to collect money from subscribers for the 4th volume of Gough's History are desired to continue their care. The friends appointed to inform Lucy Bishop of the judgment of the meeting, to give her a copy of the testification against her, and to inform her of her right of appeal, reported they had attended to their appointment. The friends appointed in the case of James Ford reported they had informed him of the charges against him, and they produced a testification, which was read, approved and signed by the Clerk, Joel Cheshire and William Satterthwait were appointed to give him a copy, let him know his right of appeal, if he doth not appeal, to publish it as the close of a Firstday meeting at Chesterfield and Robin�s and report next meeting. The friends appointed to prepare a certificate of removal for Jos. Ridgway, his wife Hannah, and children, Mary, Joseph, John, Hannah, Phebe, Ann, and Elijah, produced one to the meeting, directed to Evesham monthly meeting, which was read approved and signed by the Clerk. The committee on schools reported in writing as follows: Chesterfield 11 mo. 10th 1794. We of the committee on schools having met, and examined the accounts for building the schoolhouse, find a balance of [Pounds] 10: 17:6. due to Joseph Forsyth for carpenter work done and the sum of [Pounds] 2: 6:1 1/2, due to John Wright being money overpaid by him as receiver of subscriptions for said building. we also agree to report these are his schools at Chesterfield under the care of Trustees, one of which is taught by a woman. The committee having been appointed a considerable time desired to be released. Signed by direction, and on behalf of the Committee present by Isaac Collins. After deliberation the meeting released the committee and appointed Samuel Middleton, Joshua Bunting, Joshua Satterthwait Robert White, Joseph Olden and Daniel Arney to use their endeavors to use their endeavors to obtain additional subscriptions for the payment of the sums due to Joseph Forsyth and John Wright, mentioned in the above report, and generally to have under their care the promotion of schools as recommended by the yearly meeting, and report their proceedings from time to time to this meeting. One of the friends appointed in the case of Edna Hallet late Clarke reported they had informed her of the charges against her and they produced a testification against her which was read, approved, and signed by the Clerk. Joseph Horner and Joseph Olden were appointed to give her a copy, let her know her right of appeal if she doth not appeal, to publish it as the close of a Firstday meeting at Stony Brook, and report next meeting. Chesterfield preparative informed that Samuel Abbott requests a certificate of removal for his son William, now residing with Thomas Cope to be directed to the monthly meeting of Friends of the Anthem District of Phila. Samuel Middleton and Joseph Forsyth were appointed to make inquiry and if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 1 mo. 6th 1795. The Overseers being called were present. The friends appointed to attend the marriage of Daniel Arney, and Elizabeth Wright reported they had attended to their appointment, and that the marriage was orderly accomplished, and they produced the marriage certificate to be recorded. The committee appointed to collect money from subscribers for the 4th volume of Gough's History were desired to continue their care, and Joshua Bunting was requested to procure two copies of the 4th volume, for the use of this meeting, and to call on the Treasurer for twenty shillings for this purpose. Samuel Middleton reported he had entered in the book of Discipline, such parts of the Extracts from the minutes of our last yearly meeting as are marked. The friends appointed to inform James Ford of the judgment of the meeting to give him a copy of the testification against him. and to inform him of his right of appeal, reported they had complied with the direction of the meeting, he not intending to appeal. The friends appointed to publish the testification against Edna Hallet are desired to continue their care and report next meeting. A certificate of removal was produced to the meeting in behalf of William Abbott, son of Samuel directed to friends of the monthly meeting for the northern district of Philadelphia, which as no obstruction appeared was read approved and signed by the Clerk. The Women's meeting informs that Sarah Forsyth hath been guilty of fornication and that she hath been visited by the Overseers who found her in a tender disposition. Benjamin Linton and Thomas Lawrie were appointed to treat with her, in company with women friends, and report next meeting. The extracts from our last yearly meeting were again read, and that part of them respecting the giving way to sleeping or a drowsy spirit or the neglect of the attendance of our meetings &c. claiming the particular attention of the meeting and causing a painful exercise, overseers were therefore desired to exert themselves in order to promote a reformation in those respects, and to report their case to a future meeting. The certificate granted to Samuel Forsyth in the ninth month last directed to Philadelphia monthly meeting was returned, he having relinquished his prospect of removing thither. Our quarterly meeting held 8th mo 1792 having recommended to quarterly and monthly meetings to change their Clerks, as a means of leading more of our qualified members into usefulness and the present Clerk and assistant having served the meeting for more than a year. The meeting appointed Nathan Middleton, Benjamin Linton and Benjamin Clarke to consider of a suitable friend to act in that capacity, as also an assistant, for the ensuing year. the committee to report next meeting. The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 2 mo. 3rd 1793. The Overseers being called were present. At this meeting the queries were read and considered, and written answers produced from the respective preparative meetings, to the first, second, and ninth which are in substance as follows. 1st. Our religious meetings are kept up, and attended by most of our members on the first day of the week, on other days and those for discipline are too much neglected by some the hour nearly observed, indecencies mostly avoided except sleeping, which all are not clear of: on which account some care has been taken. 2nd. Love and unity appear to subsist in a good degree among us; endeavors are used to discourage tale-bearing, backbiting and spreading evil reports and to end differences. 9th. We endeavor to deal with offenders in the spirit of meekness without partiality and without much delay. Jacob Middleton, George Craft and Joseph Olden were appointed to have the oversight of the youth and others at and near the meetinghouse during the time of holding the ensuing quarterly meeting, and to report next meeting. The said friends were also appointed to assist the Overseers in having the care of the youth and others at the time of holding our monthly meetings until the quarterly meeting in the 5th mo next. The following friends were appointed our Representatives to attend the next quarterly meeting to wit, Benjamin Linton, Joseph Bullock, Nathan Middleton, Daniel Arney, Thomas Lawrie Benjamin Clarke, Samuel Craft, and Samuel Middleton. The committee appointed to collect money from subscribers for the 4th volume of Gough's History, reported the business was completed, except procuring two copies for the use of this meeting, of which Joshua Bunting was desired to report when done The friends appointed to give Edna Hallet a copy of the testification against her and to publish it reported they had transmitted her a copy and had published it at Stoney Brook agreeably to direction. The consideration of the propriety of receiving the certificate of Sarah Robins sent from Shrewsbury monthly meeting, came again before this meeting. After deliberation the meeting agreed to return the certificate to said meeting, and appointed Joshua Bunting and Benjamin Linton to prepare a letter to accompany the certificate for the approbation of next meeting A certificate was produced from Kingswood monthly meeting in behalf of Elizabeth Olden wife of Job Olden which was read and received. The Women's meeting informed that Phebe Skirm late Tantum, hath gone out in marriage with a man not in membership with friends, and that she had been visited by the Overseers, who found her not in a disposition to condemn her misconduct. Samuel Abbott and Samuel Middleton were appointed by this meeting to inform her of this charge and to report next meeting. The Women's meeting also informed Mary Ashton requests to be joined in Membership with Friends. Thomas Lawrie and Benjamin Linton were appointed to pay her a visit, in company with women friends, and report next meeting. One of the friends appointed to treat with Sarah Forsyth informed the meeting that they had paid her a visit, in company with women�s friends, after consideration the meeting agreed to disown her. Samuel Abbott and Joseph M. Lawrie were appointed to prepare a testification against her, for the approbation of next meeting, and inform her thereof. Chesterfield preparative informed that Thomas Forsyth neglected the attendance of our Religious meetings, had gone out in marriage with a woman not in membership with Friends; had a child after marriage sooner than was reputable; and had attended at trainings in a military manner. Nathan Middleton and Joshua Satterthwait were appointed to inform him of the charges, and to prepare a testification against him for the approbation of next meeting, and informs him thereof. The committee on spirits produced a report in writing, which was directed to be sent forward to the quarter�s committee on that subject. The friends appointed to consider of suitable persons, to act as Clerk and Assistant Clerk, named Isaac Collins for Clerk, and Samuel Middleton for Assistant Clerk, with which the meeting united, and appointed them to that service for the ensuing year. The book of discipline was lost to Benjamin Linton. The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 3 mo. 3rd 1793. The overseers being called were present, except Robert White, for whose absence a reason was given. One of the friends appointed to have the oversight of the youth and others, during the time of holding our last quarterly meeting reported they had attended to their appointment. Joshua Bunting and Benjamin Linton appointed last meeting to prepare a letter to accompany to return of the certificate of Sarah Robins to Shrewsbury monthly meeting produced the draft of a letter accordingly, which was read but not meeting the approbation of the meeting, it was returned to Joshua Bunting and Samuel Middleton for alteration, they to report next meeting. The friends appointed in Phebe Skirm's case reported they had informed her of the charges against her, to wit, of going out in marriage with a man not in membership with Friends, which she said was true, and she not inclining to make Friends satisfaction, therefore for the clearing of Truth and Friends we disown her the said Phebe Skirm from being a Member of our Religious Society, until she comes to a sense of the aforesaid misconduct, and condemns the same as our Discipline directs. Samuel Abbott and Joseph M. Lawrie were appointed to give her a copy of the minutes, let her know her right of appeal and report to next meeting. The Treasurer reported he had paid the sum of [Pounds] 7:16:0 to the Treasurer of the quarterly meeting, which sum is the one half of this meeting quota toward the yearly meeting stock for this present year. The friends appointed to visit Mary Ashton on her request to be joined in Membership with Friends, reported they had paid her a satisfactorily visit accordingly in company with women friends. After deliberation the meeting agreed to receive her into Membership and appointed Elijah Field to notify her thereof. The friends appointed to prepare a testification against Sarah Forsyth produced one to the meeting, which was read, approved and signed by the Clerk, Joshua Bunting and Samuel Abbott were appointed to give her a copy, let her know her right of appeal and if she doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a Firstday meeting at Chesterfield, and report next meeting. The friends appointed to inform Thomas Forsyth of the offences with which he is charged and to prepare a testification against him, reported they had informed him as directed and they produced a testification, which was read, approved and signed by the Clerk. Joshua Satterthwait and John Wright were appointed to give him a copy let him know his right of appeal, if he doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a firstday meeting at Chesterfield, and report next meeting. Chesterfield preparative meeting informed that Joshua W. Satterthwait requests a certificate of removal for himself and Ann his wife with their five children, to wit, Elizabeth, Joshua, Nathan, Jacob and David Satterthwait to be directed to Friends of the monthly meeting of Byberry in Pennsylvania. Joshua Bunting and Benjamin Field were appointed to make the needful inquiry, and if nothing appears to obstruct, to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Said preparative also informed that some care is necessary to be taken of the lot of land belonging to Friends at Lamberton. After hearing the circumstances the matter was referred to the committee appointed in the 5th mo. last. A certificate was brought from the Women's meeting in behalf of Rachel Clarke who hath removed to New York, which was read, approved and signed by the Clerk. A certificate was produced to the meeting from Salem monthly meeting in behalf of Naomi Hall, which was read and received. Joshua Bunting produced two copies of Gough's History for the use of this meeting. The book of Discipline was returned by Benjamin Linton and lent to George Craft The friends appointed in the 3rd mo. last to lease out, the old meeting house and lot were reappointed to that service, and are authorized to lease the same for a term not exceeding four years, under the former restrictions, with the addition that the tenant shall not be at liberty to sell spirituous liquors, and to collect the rent quarterly, as well as any monies now due. The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 4 mo 7th 1795. The Overseers being called were present. Joshua Bunting and Samuel Middleton appointed last meeting to alter the letter which had been prepared to accompany the whim of the certificate of Sarah Robin�s to Shrewsbury monthly meeting, produced the draft of a letter accordingly, which was read, corrected, and directed to be sent forward with the said certificate. One of the friends appointed to give Phebe Skirm a copy of the testification against her &c. reported they had complied with the direction of the meeting. One of the friends appointed to give Sarah Forsyth a copy of the testification against her &c reported they had complied with the direction of the meeting, he not intending to appeal. Thomas Forsyth ditto. The friends appointed to lease out the old meeting house and lot, are desired to continue their care and report next meeting. It appearing needful to have the stables on the lot repaired, and to build a number of sheds, for the convenience of horses and wagons, the meeting therefore appointed Joseph Olden, Joseph Forsyth, Samuel Middleton, Elijah Field, Daniel Arney, Isaac Combs, Joshua Bunting, Joseph M. Lawrie and Thomas Combs to ascertain the number of sheds necessary, with the expense, and report next meeting. Joshua Wright Satterthwait had a certificate granted to Byberry monthly in Pennsylvania, for himself and wife Ann, with their five children to wit, Elizabeth, Joshua, Nathan, Jacob, and David Satterthwait, to Byberry monthly meeting. The Treasurer reported he had paid the sum of twenty shillings to Joshua Bunting for two copies of the 4th volume of Gough's History which was directed to be placed in the hands of the friends who have the other volumes of these two sets. Stoney Brook preparative informed that the surviving Trustees, in whom is invested the title of the lot of ground on which the meeting house stands are become ancient, the meeting appointed Joseph Olden, Joseph M. Lawrie, Thomas Lawrie, Benjamin Clarke Jun. Enoch Clark and Gideon Middleton, trustees to whom those formerly appointed or the survivors of them them, are desired to convey the title to the said lot of land, and report when done. Samuel Middleton and Benjamin Linton were appointed to draw the deed of conveyance and declaration of trust. The book of Discipline was returned by George Craft. The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 5 mo. 5th 1795. The Overseers being called were present. At this meeting the queries were read and considered and written answers produced from the respective preparative meetings to the first, second, & ninth, which are in substance as follows. 1. Our religious meetings are all kept up, but deficiency appears in the attendance of them both on first and other days of the week. The hour nearly observed; not all clear of sleeping, in which cases some care is taken; other unbecoming behavior generally in a good degree avoided. 2. Love and unity appear to subsist in a good degree among us; endeavors are used to discourage tale-bearing, backbiting, and spreading evil reports, and to end differences. 9. We endeavor to deal with offenders in the spirit of meekness, without partiality or much delay. Nathan Middleton, Thomas Lawrie, and Joseph Olden were appointed to have the oversight of the youth and others at and near the meetinghouse during the time of holding the ensuing Quarterly meeting, and to report next meeting, The said friends were also appointed to assist the Overseers in the care of the youth and others at the time of holding our monthly meetings until the Quarterly meeting in the 8th month next. The following friends were appointed our Representatives to attend the next Quarterly meeting, to wit, Benjamin Clarke, Amos Middleton, Samuel Middleton, John Wright, Thomas Combs, Daniel Arney and John Combs. The friends appointed to lease the old meeting house and lot are desired to continue their care and report next meeting. The committee appointed last meeting to consider of the propriety of building sheds for the convenience of horses and wagons of friends assembled at this place, to ascertain the number necessary, with the expense, not having performed the object of their appointment, they are therefore continued and desired to report next meeting. One of the friends appointed to forward the letter respecting the return of the certificate of Sarah Robins to the Shrewsbury monthly meeting reported they had complied with the direction of the meeting. The friends appointed to draw a deed of conveyance for the lot of land belonging to friends at Stoney Brook, and also a declaration of trust for the same, and get them executed, reported the writings were accomplished, and that the expense is eighteen shillings, which sum the Treasurer is desired to pay, and report next meeting. Chesterfield preparative informed that the quota towards the Yearly meeting stock for 1795 has been paid to the Treasurer. Said preparative also informed that James Thorn neglects the attendance of our Religious meetings; hath gone out in marriage with a woman not in Membership with Friends; and hath removed without a certificate. Nathan Middleton and John Wright were appointed to inform him of these charges, and report next meeting. Stoney Brook preparative informs that James Worbley requests a certificate of removal for his son Samuel to be directed to the monthly meeting of Friends held at Phila. for the Anthem District. Joseph Horner and William Clarke were appointed to prepare one if nothing appears to obstruct, for the approbation of next meeting. A certificate was produced to this meeting by Jacob Brown, from the Falls monthly meeting in Pennsylvania, which was read and received. The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 6 mo. 2nd 1795. The Overseers being called were present except Robert White, for whose absence a reason was given. One of the friends appointed to the oversight of the youth and others during the time of holding our last Quarterly meeting, reported that they had attended to their appointment. One of the friends appointed to lease out the old meeting house and lot reported the premises were leased for four years from this Spring, that they had lodged the lease in the hands of the Treasurer, but that they had not yet collected all the rent due, they were therefore continued, and to report next meeting. The committee appointed to consider of the propriety of building sheds for the convenience of horses and wagons of Friends assembled at this place, and to ascertain the number necessary with the expenses report in writing as follows. "We the committee appointed to consider the propriety of erecting sheds to accommodate the carriages and horses of our Members, to ascertain the number necessary, and to estimate the expense of the same, agree to report as our opinion that such a building would be of considerable utility; that the number of stalls necessary to accommodate such of our Members as generally attend monthly meetings would be at least twentyfour, and that from careful calculation we think the cost of each stall will amount to near six pounds that the expense of removing and repairing the stalls will be about one hundred dollars more amounting in the whole to the sum of [Pounds] 181.10.0. signed on behalf of the committee by Joshua Bunting. 5 mo. 16. 1795. Which being read after deliberation, Thomas Taylor, Thomas Lawrie, James Woolley, John Abbott, Joel Cheshire, Daniel Arney and Isaac Combs were appointed to obtain subscription for that purpose and report next meeting. The Treasurer reported he had paid eighteen shillings for drawing the deed of conveyance for the lot of land belonging to Friends, at Stoney Brook, as directed last meeting. The Friends appointed to prepare a certificate of removal for Samuel Woolley son of James, produced one to the meeting, which was used, approved, and signed by the Clerk. A minute from the meeting for sufferings held in Philadelphia the 16th & 17th days of the 4th mo. last, was handed from the Quarterly meeting, to this meeting, and is in the words following: "At a meeting for sufferings held in Phila on the 16th & 17th.. days of the 4th.. mo 1795. The following minutes of the said meeting were directed to be handed to the several Quarterly meetings constituting our Yearly meeting. On resuming the consideration of the oppression of tender consciences, by the operation of the militia law, a sympathy with such of our Brethren as are or may be subject to suffering, and a desire for their preservation and encouragement in a faithful adherence to the Divine principle of peace and good will to men, being sensibly prevalent, the weight of the exercise being alert affectingly increased or adverting to the share our Religious Society has in contributing to the violation of the right of Conscience by some of our members, inattentive to the solid advice of our Yearly meeting electing their Brethren, or being elected to stations in Government whereby they are exposed to becoming parties in the enacting penal laws, so opposite to Christian Liberty. Under a degree of fervent concern that Friends in their respective monthly meetings, may be religiously animated and encouraged, not only in the extension of tender care for the support and succor of those called to maintain our said dignified testimony by suffering but also under the influence of brotherly kindness to labor uprightly with such Members who accept of Offices in Civil government and are therein inconsistent, with this our Gospel Principle. Extracted from the minutes. John Dunker Clk. which being read, was recommended to the strict observance and close attention of Friends. A minute from our last Quarterly meeting containing an arrangement of the Preparative meetings for the 7th.. mo ensuing, which directs the said meetings to be held agreeably thereto and that the nine queries be then read; by this arrangement Chesterfield preparative is to be held on 4th day the 29th and Stoney Brook on 5th day the 30th instead of the stated times, which being read, was united with, and the Clerk was directed to furnish each of our preparative meetings with a copy of this minute. A certificate bought from the Women's meeting in behalf of Lydia Williams, who hath removed to Burlington; which being read, was approved and signed by the Clerk. The friends appointed to notify James Thorn of the charges against him reported they have not had an opportunity with him; they were therefore continued, and to report next meeting. Chesterfield preparative meeting informed that Samuel Kelley neglects the attendance of our Religious meetings and has gone out in marriage with a woman not in Membership with Friends for which he hath been treated with. Thomas Lawrie & Jacob Middleton were appointed to inform him of these charges, and report next meeting. Said meeting also informed that Randel Rickey hath gone out in marriage with a woman not in Membership with Friends, for which he hath been treated with. Isaac Combs & Isaac Collins were appointed to inform him of the charge and report next meeting. Chesterfield preparative also informed that John Stevenson requests a certificate of removal to Salem monthly meeting for himself Amelia his wife and their three children, to wit William, Mary, and Daniel Stevenson. Joseph Forsyth, and Samuel Middleton were appointed to prepare one, if nothing appears to obstruct, for the approbation of next meeting. It was proposed by a friend to erect ten additional galleries in the east end of this house, the better to accomodate Elderly Women Friends. which on consideration was agreed to. and Daniel Arney, Amos Middleton Samuel Middleton, and Jacob Middleton were appointed to get the work done, and then to report the expense. The meeting was informed that the testification against Stacy Horner has been published agreeably to the direction of this meeting. The meeting closed. At a Monthly meeting held at Chesterfield 6th mo. 7th 1795. The Overseers being called were present, except Joshua Bunting and Elijah Field for whose absence reasons were given. The friends appointed to collect rents due for the old meeting-house reported they had not yet done it, they were therefore continued, and to report next meeting. One of the friends appointed to obtain subscriptions for building sheds &c. for the better accomdation of those who attend this meeting reported they have not had an opportunity together, they were therefore continued and report next meeting. The friends appointed to notify James Thorn of the charges against him, reported they have not had an opportunity with him, they were therefore continued, and report next meeting. The friends appointed to notify Samuel Kelley of the deviations from our Christian order and Discipline with which he stands charged reported they had complied with the direction of the meeting, which charges he did not deny, and having been treated with by the Overseers, without the desired effect, the meeting therefore united in a testification against him in the words following: Whereas Samuel Kelley neglects the attendance of our Religious meetings and has gone out in marriage with a woman not in Membership with Friends. We therefor disown the said Samuel Kelley from being a Member among us, until he becomes sensible of his misconduct &c. condemns the same as Discipline directs. Joseph Forsyth and Joseph Thorn were appointed to give him a copy let him know his right of appeal, and report next meeting. A certificate of removal was produced to the meeting on behalf of John Stevenson and Amelia his wife, with their children, to wit, William, Mary, and Daniel, directed to Salem monthly meeting which was read; but the meeting not being easy it should go forward at this time it was referred for further consideration to next meeting. One of the friends appointed to notify Randle Rickey of the charge against him, reported it was not done, they were therefore continued, desired to attend thereto, and report next meeting. The women's meeting informed that Eadith Woln late Rogers, hath gone out in marriage with a man not in Membership with Friends, and has been visited by the Overseers. John Wright and Benjamin Linton were appointed to inform her of the charge and report next meeting. The women's meeting also informed that Catherine Taylor, wife of Samuel Taylor requests to be joined in Membership with Friends, Benjamin Clarke and Benjamin Linton were appointed to visit her on the occasion in company with women friends, and report their sense thereof to our next meeting. Chesterfield preparative informed that John Woodward, Jun. had gone out in marriage with a woman not in Membership with Friends, that they are first cousins. and that he hath attended at a training for military service for which he hath been treated with. Nathan Middleton and Jos. Bullock were appointed to inform him of these charges, and report next meeting. A certificate was produced to the meeting from Phila. monthly meeting on behalf of Charles Hutchin, which was read and received. Stoney Brook preparative informed that James Jennings requests a certificate of removal to Haddonfield monthly meeting. Robert White and Joseph Horner were appointed to make the needful inquiry, and if nothing appears to obstruct, to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Charles Hutchin by Benjamin Linton requests a certificate on account of marriage to Buckingham monthly meeting, Joseph Forsyth and Nathan Middleton were appointed to inquire into the young man�s clearness of other marriage engagements, and if no obstructions appear to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. A copy of the original survey of the lot whereon this house stands, with that of the burying ground, extracted from Rivel's book of Surveys page 96, remaining in the Secretary�s Office at Burlington, which was apprehended might be of service to Friends in ascertaining their boundary in a future day, was directed to be lodged with the Treasurer among the records of the meeting, the Treasurer was directed to pay the expense. The committee appointed to let out the lot of land belonging to Friends at Lamberton reported they had leased the same to Isaac Combs for the term of six years for two pounds specie yearly rent, and they producing the lease the same was directed to be lodged in the hands of the Treasurer. The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 8 mo 4th 1795. The Overseers being called were present except Robert White for whose absence a reason was assigned. At this meeting the queries were read and considered and written answers produced from the respective preparative meetings, which are in substance as follows. 1. All our Religious meetings are kept up and those on the first day of the week are attended by the general part of our Members, on other days both for worship and discipline there appears to be a deficiency in many the hour mostly observed, all are not preserved from sleeping, for which some care is taken, other unbecoming behavior mostly avoided. 2. Love and unity in a good degree are maintained among us, care is taken to discourage talebearing, backbiting, and spreading evil reports, and to end differences. 3. A deficiency of care appears with respect to plainness of speech, behavior and apparel among us, the other part of this query pretty well attended to. 4. Some are careful to discourage the unnecessary distillation, and use of spirituous liquors, care is taken to discourage the frequenting of taverns and places of diversion, and we believe Friends are generally careful in respect to the remaining part of this query. 5. The necessities of the poor are inspected and they relieved, no breach appears in the other parts of the query, except in the case of one child, which is likely soon to be removed. 6. No breach of this query appears except two instances for military service which are under care. 7. No slaves among us. Those blacks under the care of Friends appear to be well used, yet more care might be useful with respect to their education. 8. Some are not so punctual in paying their just debts as is desired, no deficiency appears in the other parts of this query. 9. We endeavor to deal with offenders in meekness, without partiality, or much unnecessary delay. Answers to the annual queries. 1st. None. 2nd. None 3rd. Some sober persons received into Membership since last year. 4th.. We endeavor so to do. Thomas Lawrie, George Bullock, Joel Cheshire, and Isaac Field were appointed to have the oversight of the youth and others at and near the meetinghouse during the time of holding our ensuing Quarterly meeting and to report next meeting. The said friends were also appointed to assist the Overseers in the like care at the time of holding our monthly meetings, until the quarterly meeting in the 11th mo next. The following friends were appointed our Representatives to attend the next quarterly meeting, to wit, Samuel Abbott, John Wright, Jacob Middleton, Benjamin Clarke, Joshua Bunting, Daniel Arney, Aaron Wright, and Thomas Combes. Hartshorne Tantrum, and William Killey appeared at this meeting, and declared their intentions of marriage with each other, their Mothers being present expressed their consent, Samuel Abbott and Jacob Middleton were appointed to make inquiry respecting the young man�s clearness, as to any other marriage engagement and report next meeting. The friends appointed to collect rents due for the old meeting house reported the business was not yet completed, they were therefore continued, and to report next meeting. The friends appointed to obtain subscriptions for building sheds &c. were desired to continue their care and report next meeting. The friends appointed in the case of James Thorn were desired to continue their care and report next meeting. One of the friends appointed to inform Eadith Wall late Rogers of the charge against her, reported they had complied with the direction of the meeting. At the same time a paper was produced to the meeting from the said Eadith Wall condemning her outgoing with a man not in Membership with Friends, Thomas Lawrie and Joshua Bunting, were appointed to visit her on the occasion in company with women, friends, and report their sense to next meeting. The friends appointed in the case of Samuel Killey are desired to continue their care, and report next meeting. The case of John Woodward Jun. was continued, the friends appointed to notify him of the charges against him not being present. The meeting again took into consideration the certificate of removal for John Stevenson &c. and after deliberation it was committed to the friends heretofore appointed to report next meeting. One of the friends appointed to notify Randle Rickey of the charge against him, to wit, of going out in marriage with a woman not in membership with Friends, reported he had been notified accordingly, and which charge he doth not deny, and having been treated with, without the desired effect, the meeting united in a testification against him, as follows. Whereas Randle Rickey hath so far deviated from the wholesome order of our established discipline, as to accomplish his marriage with a woman not in Membership with Friends, we therefore disown the said Randle Rickey from being a member of our Religious Society, until he becomes sensible of his misconduct, and condemns the same as Discipline directs. Isaac Combs and Isaac Collins were appointed to give him a copy, let him know his right of appeal, and report next meeting. The friends appointed to next Catharine Taylor wife of Samuel Taylor, on her request to be joined in membership with Friends reported they had paid her a visit in company with Women Friends, that they thought there was in her a good degree of sincerity; and that she was worthy the further attention and care of Friends. after deliberation her case was continued for further consideration. A certificate of removal was produced to the meeting in behalf of James Jennings directed to Haddonfield monthly meeting which was read and directed to be signed by the Clerk. A certificate was granted to Charles Hutchin on account of marriage, directed to Buckingham monthly meeting. The treasurer reported he had paid the sum of two shillings and six pence for a copy of the original survey of the lot &c. wherein this house stands, and that it was in his possession. The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 9 mo 8th 1795. The Overseers being called were present except Samuel Middleton, for whose absence a reason was given. One of the friends appointed to the oversight of the youth and others during the time of holding our last quarterly meeting reported that three of them attended to their appointment. Hartshorne Tantrum and Miriam Kelley appeared at this meeting the second twice and declared they continued their intentions of marriage with each other, and the friends appointed to inquire, having reported they found nothing to obstruct, the parties were left at liberty to accomplish their said intentions, agreeably to the good order established among Friends. John Wright and Benjamin Linton were appointed to attend the marriage, to see if it be orderly accomplished, to report next meeting, and to produce the marriage certificate to be recorded. The friends appointed to collect rents due for the old meeting house, reported the business was not yet completed, they were therefore continued and to report next meeting. One of the friends appointed to obtain subscriptions for building sheds &c. reported that some of them had been together, and that there did not appear a probability of raising sufficient money to proceed with the building, after consideration the matter was continued till next meeting. The friends appointed in the case of James Thorn are desired to continue their care and report next meeting. The friends appointed in the case of Eadith Wall reported they had paid her a visit in company with women friends. after deliberation, her case was continued till next meeting. The friends appointed to give Samuel Killey a copy of the testification against him &c. reported they had complied with the direction of the meeting. The friends appointed to inform John Woodward Jun. of the charges against him reported they had informed him accordingly, which he did not deny, after deliberation, the meeting agreed to disown him in the following words. Whereas John Woodward Jun. hath so far deviated from our Christian Testimony as to marry a woman not in Membership with Friends and who are first cousins, and hath attended at a training for military service we therefore disown the said John Woodward from being a member of our Religious Society until he becomes sensible of his errors, and condemns the same as Discipline directs. Nathan Middleton and Joseph Bullock were appointed to give him a copy, let him know his right of appeal and report next meeting. The consideration of a certificate of removal for John Stevenson &c. was continued till next meeting, under the care of the Friends heretofore appointed. One of the friends appointed to give Randle Rickey a copy of the testification against him &c. reported they had complied with the direction of the meeting. The request of Catharine Taylor to be joined in Membership with Friends came again before the meeting, after deliberation her case was continued till next meeting for further consideration. The Women's meeting informs that Mary Arney requests to be joined in membership with Friends. Thomas Lawrie and Benjamin Linton were appointed to visit her on the occasion in company with Women Friends and report next meeting. A certificate was produced to the meeting from Evesham monthly meeting in behalf of Thomas Lippincott and Abigail his wife which was read and received. The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 10 mo 6th 1795. The Overseers being called were present, except Robert White. the friends appointed to attend the marriage of Hartshorne Tantrum and Miriam Killey reported they had attended to their appointment, and that they thought the marriage was orderly accomplished, and they produced the marriage certificate to be recorded. One of the friends appointed to collect rents due for the old meetinghouse, reported that the business was not yet completed, they were therefore continued and to report next meeting. The meeting again took into consideration the building of sheds &c. and their appearing but little prospect of raising sufficient money to proceed with the building, the meeting therefore concluded to drop the matter One of the friends appointed in the case of James Thorn reported they had informed him of the charges against him, which he did not deny; and having been treated with by the Overseers without the desired effect, the meeting united in a testification against him in the following words. Whereas, James Thorn hath so far deviated from the wholesome order of our Christian Discipline as to neglect the attendance of our Religious meetings to accomplish his marriage with a woman not in Membership with Friends, and to remove without a certificate, we therefore disown the said James Thorn from being a Member of our Religious Society until he becomes sensible of his errors, and condemns the same as Discipline directs. Nathan Middleton and Benjamin Field were appointed to give him a copy, let him know his right of appeal, and report to next meeting. The case of Eadith Wall late Rogers came again before the meeting, after deliberation his case was continued till next meeting for further consideration. One of the friends appointed to inform John Woodward Jun. of the judgment of this meeting in his case and to let him know his right of appeal, reported they had attended to their appointment. The consideration of a certificate of removal for John Stevenson was continued till next meeting under the care of the friends heretofore appointed. The request of Catharine Taylor came again before the meeting, after deliberation her case was continued till next meeting. A certificate was produced to the meeting from the Falls monthly meeting, in Pennsylvania, in behalf of Mary Yantley which was read and received. Joseph Tantrum and Sarah Killey appeared at this meeting and declared their intentions of marriage with each other, with consent of parents, John Wright and Joshua Bunting were appointed to make inquiry with respect to the young man�s clearness as to any other marriage engagement, and to report next meeting. John Combs Jun. and Mary Ashton also appeared at this meeting and declared their intentions of marriage with each other, the young man's mother being present expressed her consent. Elijah Field and George Craft were appointed to make inquiry with respect to the young man's clearness, as to any other marriage engagement and report next meeting. A certificate was produced to the meeting from the Falls monthly meeting in Pennsylvania, in behalf of Deborah Hill which was read and received. One of the friends appointed to visit Mary Arney on her request to be joined in Membership with Friends reported they visited her in company with Women friends, that they thought her to be sober and orderly, and worthy the further notice and care of Friends, Her case was continued till next meeting for further consideration. Chesterfield preparative informed that Joseph Curtis is in the neglect of attending our Religious meetings, and is charged with being guilty of fornication. Nathan Middleton and Joseph Wright were appointed to treat with him on the occasion, and report next meeting. The Treasurer reported, he has paid the sum of [Pounds] 7:16:0 to the Treasurer of the quarterly meeting, it being the full remaining part of this meeting�s quota towards the yearly meeting stock for this present year. The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 11 mo. 3rd 1793. The Overseers being called were present except Samuel Abbott for whose absence a reason was given. Joseph Tantrum and Sarah Kilby appeared at this meeting the second time and declared they continued their intentions of marriage with each other and the friends appointed to inquire having reported they found nothing nothing to obstruct the parties were left at liberty to accomplish their said intentions agreeably to the good order established among Friends. Benjamin Linton and John Wright were appointed to attend the marriage to see if it be orderly accomplished, to report next meeting, and to produce the marriage certificate to be recorded. John Combs Jun. and Mary Ashton also appeared at this meeting the second time, and declared they continued their intentions of marriage with each other, the young man's father being present, expressed his consent, and the friends appointed to inquire having reported they found nothing to obstruct, the parties were left at liberty to accomplish their said intentions agreeably to the good order established among Friends. Elijah Field and George Craft were appointed to attend the marriage to see if it be orderly accomplished, to report next meeting, and to produce the marriage certificate to be recorded. At this meeting the queries were read and considered and written answers produced from the respective preparative meetings to the first, second, and ninth which are in substance as follows. Our meetings are all kept up, and attended by most of our Members on the first day of the week, on other days and those for Discipline, not so well attended, unbecoming behavior mostly avoided, except a disposition to sleep which is too much given way to, by come at times yet we think there is less cause of complaint in this respect than heretofore. Love and unity in a good degree are maintained among us, care is taken to discourage talebearing, backbiting and spreading evil reports, and to end differences. We endeavor to deal with offenders in meekness, without partiality, or much unnecessary delay. Joseph M. Lawrie, William Clarke, Nathan Middleton, and Samuel Craft were appointed to have the oversight of the youth and others at and near the meeting house, during the time of holding the ensuing quarterly meeting and to report next meeting. The said friends were also appointed to assist the overseers in the like care at the time of holding our monthly meetings until the quarterly meeting in the second month next. The following friends were appointed our representatives to attend the next quarterly meeting to wit, Samuel Middleton, Robert White, Joshua Bunting, Aaron Wright, Isaac Combs and Isaac Collins. One of the friends appointed to collect rents due for the old meeting house, reported that the business was not yet finished, they were therefore continued and to report next meeting. One of the friends appointed to inform James Thorn of the judgment of this meeting in his case, and to let him know his right of appeal, reported they had complied with the direction of the meeting. The request of Catharine Taylor came again before the meeting, after deliberation the meeting agreed to receive her into Membership. Henry Pike was appointed to inform her thereof, and to report next meeting. The request of Mary Arney came again before the meeting after deliberation the meeting agreed to receive her into Membership. Isaac Horner was appointed to inform her thereof and report next meeting. Robert White gave a reason for his not attending last meeting. The case of Eadith Wall, late Rogers came again before the meeting, after deliberation the meeting agreed to receive her acknowledgment John Wright was appointed to inform her thereof, and report next meeting. The consideration of granting a certificate of removal to John Stevenson and his wife Amelia, with their three children, to wit William, Mary and Daniel to Salem monthly meeting, came again before the meeting, and the friends heretofore appointed to prepare a certificate, produced one which was read agreed to, and directed to be signed by the Clerk. A paper of acknowledgment was presented to the meeting by Daniel Wright, which was read condemning his outgoing in marriage and for neglecting the attendance of our Religious meetings and desiring to be again united to Friends after deliberation the meeting appointed Benjamin Linton, Joseph M. Lawrie, and Isaac Collins to visit him on the occasion, and to report their sense to next meeting. The friends appointed to inform Joseph Curtis of the charges against him, and to treat with him on the occasion reported they have had an opportunity with him, and that he did not deny his being guilty of fornication, After deliberation, his case was continued till next meeting under care of the friends heretofore appointed. Chesterfield preparative informs that Joseph Hendrickson requests to be joined in Membership with Friends. Benjamin Linton and Thomas M. Lawrie were appointed to pay him a visit on the occasion and report next meeting. Said meeting also informed that Daniel Borden hath gone out in marriage with a woman not in Membership with Friends, and married by a Priest: appeared at a training in a military manner & hath deviated from plainness in his dress and address. George Craft and Joel Cheshire were appointed to inform him of these charges to treat with him on the occasion and to prepare a testification against him for the approbation of next meeting, and inform him thereof. A letter was received from Edmund Williams and William Hartshorne written by direction of Shrewsbury monthly meeting, dated the 23rd of the 10th mo. last in answer to the one sent by Joshua Bunting and Samuel Middleton by direction of this meeting, enclosing the certificate of Sarah Robbins which letter from Shrewsbury states that she hath removed from thence within the verge of this meeting, without applying for a certificate, which being contrary to the advice of the yearly meeting in 1769 and 1783, the meeting therefore appoints Joshua Bunting and Samuel Middleton to put her upon making a suitable acknowledgment to that meeting, for her misconduct in this particular, as well as to apply for a certificate of removal. The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 12 mo 8th 1795. The Overseers being called were present except Samuel Abbott and Aaron Wright. One of the friends appointed to attend the marriage of Joseph Tantrum and Sarah Kelley, reported they had attended to their appointment, and that they thought the marriage had been orderly accomplished, and they produced the marriage certificate to be recorded. The friends appointed to attend the marriage of John Combs Jun. and Mary Ashton, reported they had attended to their appointment, and that they thought the marriage had been orderly accomplished they were desired to deliver the marriage recorded, and he to report next meeting. John Rogers and Susannah Forsyth appeared at this meeting and declared their intentions of marriage with each other, the young man's father being present expressed his consent Joseph M. Lawrie and William Chapman Jun. were appointed to make inquiry with respect to the young man's clearness, as to any other marriage engagement, and report next meeting. The committee of oversight were desirous to report next meeting. The extracts from our last yearly meeting held in Philadelphia for Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and the Eastern parts of Maryland and Virginia, were read, and the weighty matters therein contained were recommended to the close attention and observance of Friends. Samuel Middleton was appointed to enter the part that is marked in the book of Discipline. By said extracts it appears that the Yearly meeting agreed to raise the sum of [Pounds] 600 the ensuing year; the preparative meetings are therefore desired to collect their respective proportions, one half to be paid by the time of holding our monthly meeting in the second month next. It is also recommended in said extracts that a liberal subscription be set on foot in order to raise a fund for the desirable purpose of promoting the civilization of and well-being of the Indian natives: therefore the following friends were named, to wit, Joshua Bunting, Joseph M. Lawrie, Jacob Middleton Samuel Craft, Robert White, Daniel Arney and Isaac Collins to take in subscriptions for that purpose and to produce to this meeting in the 12th mo. next an account of the total sum subscribed. Benjamin Clark was appointed Treasurer, to receive all such monies as shall be from time to time collected as the subscriptions shall become due, and pay forward the same to John Elliot, who has been appointed Treasurer to the Yearly meeting committee and produce his recipt for the same in the 12th mo next. That part of the extracts respecting spiritous liquors, claiming the attention of the meeting the subject was a fresh recommended to the particular care of the committee heretofore appointed, who are desired to report to this meeting in the 2nd mo next. One of the friends appointed to collect rents due for the old meeting house &c reported the business was not yet completed they were therefore continued, and to report next meeting. Henry Pike by a friend, informed that he had complied with the direction of the meeting in the case of Catharine Taylor. John Wright reported he had complied with the direction of the meeting in the case of Eadith Wall, late Rogers. Two of the Friends appointed in the case of Daniel Wright on his request to be again united to Friends, reported they had paid him a satisfactory visit and were free his offering should be accepted, but the meeting finding his paper of acknowledgment did not take in all the charges, Isaac Collins was informed to return it to him and inform him thereof and return next meeting. The friends appointed in the case of Joseph Curtiss informed that they have had an opportunity with him, and find that beside the charges brought heretofore, he has gone out in marriage. Nathan Middleton and John Wright were appointed to prepare a testification against him for the approbation of next meeting, and inform him thereof. The request of Joseph Hendrickson to be joined in Membership with Friends came again before the meeting, and the committee appointed to visit him, having reported they had paid him a satisfactorily visit, the meeting after deliberation, agreed to refer the matter to next meeting, for further consideration. The Friend appointed to inform Daniel Borden of the charges against him, and to treat with him, reported they had complied with the direction of the meeting, and they produced a testification against him, which was read, corrected, and directed to be signed by the Clerk. George Craft and Joel Cheshire were appointed to give him a copy let him know his right of appeal, and if he doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a first day meeting at Robin's and report next meeting. The friends appointed in the case of Sarah Robins reported they had complied with the direction of the meeting. A paper of acknowledgment was produced to the meeting by Samuel Bunting, Junr. condemning his misconduct in committing fornication. Benjamin Clarke and Thomas Lawrie were appointed to visit him and report next meeting. A certificate of removal was brought from the Women's meeting, on behalf of Hannah Brown directed to Friends of the monthly meeting for the Northern District, Philadelphia, which was read, approved and directed to be signed by the Clerk. The Women's meeting informed, that Susannah Brown, is in the neglect of attending our Religious meetings, and hath departed from our principles in her dress and address, for which she hath been visited by the Overseers. Joel Cheshire and Elijah Field were appointed to treat with her on the occasion, in company with Women Friends, and report next meeting. The friends appointed to inform Mary Arney that she had been received into Membership, not being present the matter was referred until next meeting. Chesterfield preparative informed that John Tantrum is in the neglect of attending our Religious meetings, hath gone out in marriage with a woman not in Membership with Friends, and paid a fine in lieu of personal service in the militia. Joseph Forsyth and William Satterthwaite Junr.. were appointed to inform him of the charges, to treat with him and report next meeting. It having been recommended by the meetings for sufferings to go with a subscription for the book called "No cross, no crown," with which the meeting uniting, they appointed the following friends to receive subscriptions for the said book, and make report to a future meeting, to wit, Thomas Lawrie, John Wright, James Woolley, Joel Cheshire Marmaduke Watson Junr. and Isaac Collins. Elijah Field had the book of Discipline. -- The meeting closed -- At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 1st mo 5th 1796. The Overseers being called were present. Samuel Abbott and Aaron Wright, gave reasons for their absence last meetings. John Rogers and Susannah Forsyth appeared at this meeting the second time, and declared they continued their intentions of marriage with each other, having consent of parents, and the friends appointed to inquire, reported they found nothing to obstruct the parties were left at liberty to accomplish their said intentions agreeably to the good order used amongst Friends. Samuel Abbott and Joshua Bunting were appointed to attend the marriage, and see if it be orderly accomplished, and report next meeting, and report the marriage certificate to be recorded. Samuel Middleton reported that he had received and recorded the marriage certificate of John Combs Jun., agreeably to a minute of last meeting. The committee appointed to the oversight of the youth and others during our last Quarterly meeting reported, they had attended to their appointment. Samuel Middleton reported that he had entered in the Book of Discipline that part of the Extracts, as is marked, agreeable to the direction of the meeting. One of the friends appointed to collect rents due for the old meeting house and lots and for building a stable thereon reported, it is not yet completed, they are directed to attend to their appointments. The friends appointed to prepare a testification against Joseph Curtis, and inform him thereof, are directed to continue their care. The request of Joseph Hendrickson to be joined in Membership with Friends, came again before the meeting, after deliberation the meeting then agreed to receive him into Membership. Jacob Middleton was appointed to inform him thereof and report next meeting. The friends appointed in the case of Daniel Borden, reported they had complied with the direction of the meeting, he not intending to appeal. The friends appointed in the case of Samuel Bunting Jun., reported they had paid him a visit as directed, but were not ready to make report, therefore his case is continued, under care of the same friends, and Samuel Middleton is added to their assistance. The friends appointed to treat with Susannah Brown, reported they paid her a visit, in company with Women Friends, and think best her case should be continued under care of the same committee, which is continued accordingly and to report next meeting. The friend appointed to inform Mary Arney that she is received into Membership reported, he had complied with the direction of the meeting. The friends appointed to inform John Tantrum of the charges against him, and to treat with him on the occasion reported they had complied with the direction of the meeting, and that he did not appear in a suitable disposition to condemn his misconduct, Joseph Forsyth and William Satterthwait Jun. were appointed to prepare a testification against him, for the approbation of next meeting and inform him thereof. A number of copies of an Abstract of the General Epistle from the last Yearly meeting of Friends held in London, was produced to our last meeting, and distributed in the usual proportion. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs Thomas and Charlotte Taylor, requested to have their children, taken under the care of Friends (to wit) Sarah, Ann, and Samuel Taylor, minors, which coming under consideration the meeting appoints Benjamin Linton and Daniel Arney to visit the parents on the occasion in company with Women Friends and report next meeting. The consideration of David Wright's acknowledgment is referred to our next meeting, he not being present, Henry Pike is desired to inform him thereof. An acknowledgment was produced to this meeting from Mary Green condemning her becoming the mother of an unlawful child, which was read and coming under consideration the meeting concluded to receive it. Jacob Middleton and Joseph Forsyth, are appointed to attend Upperspringfield monthly meeting, with a copy of this minute in order to obtain liberty, and publish it at the close of a firstday meeting at Mansfield and report next meeting. A certificate was produced to this meeting, on behalf of Gainor Hutchin from Buckingham monthly meeting, in Buck's county, Penna, which was read and received. Isaac Wright produced a certificate to this meeting from Upperspringfield monthly meeting, which was read and received. Stony Brook preparative meeting informs George Bullock requests a certificate for his son William to Philadelphia monthly meeting. James Woolley and Joseph Horner are appointed to make the needful inquiry if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Elijah Field had the book of Discipline. The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 2nd Mo. 2nd 1796. The Overseers being called were present. At this meeting the queries were read and considered and written answers produced from the respective preparative meetings, to the first, second, and ninth, which are in substance as follows: 1. Our religious meetings are kept up and attended by our Members generally on the first day of the week, on other days and those for Discipline, too much neglected, the hour nearly observed, and indecencies mostly avoided. 2. Love and unity in a good degree are maintained among us, talebearing and detraction are discouraged, and differences are attended to. 9. We endeavor to deal with offenders in meekness, without partiality, or much unnecessary delay. Jacob Middleton, Robert Middleton, Ezekiel Combs, William Clark, and Isaac Combs were appointed to have the oversight of the youth and others at and near the meeting house during the time of holding the ensuing Quarterly meeting, and to report next meeting. The said friends were also appointed to assist the overseers in the like care at the time of holding our monthly meetings, until the Quarterly meeting in the 5th month next. The following friends were apointed our representatives to attend the next Quarterly meeting to wit, Benjamin Clarke, John Wright, Benjamin Linton, Aaron Wright, Isaac Field, Daniel Arney, Thomas Combs, and Thomas Lawrie. Joseph Hendrickson and Elizabeth Forsyth appeared at this meeting, and declared their intentions of marriage with each other, with consent of parents. John Wright and Samuel Middleton were appointed to inquire into the young man's clearness as to any other marriage engagement and report next meeting. Isaac Wright Jun. and Mary Arney also appeared at this meeting and declared their intentions of marriage with each other, having consent of parents. Joseph Forsyth and Jacob Middleton were appointed to inquire into the young man's clearness with any other in respect to marriage and report next meeting. One of the friends appointed to obtain leave of Upperspringfield monthly meeting to publish Mary Green's acknowledgment at Mansfield reported, it was not yet done the same being in the hands of the Women's Clerk, the same friends were therefore desired to continue their care, and publish it as directed and report next meeting. One of the friends appointed to attend the marriage of John Rogers and Susannah Forsyth, reported that three of their number had attended to their appointment, and that they thought the marriage had been in a good degree orderly accomplished, and they produced the marriage certificate to be recorded. One of the friends appointed to collect rents, due for the old meetinghouse and lots and for building a stable thereon, reported the business was not yet completed, they were therefore continued and desired to report next meeting. The friends appointed to prepare a testification against Joseph Curtis, were desired to continue their care. The friends appointed to inform Joseph Hendrickson, that he is received into Membership, reported they had complied with the direction of the meeting. One of the friends appointed in the case of Samuel Bunting Jun. reported they had paid attention to the matter, but not being ready to report, they were continued and to report next meeting. The friends appointed to prepare a testification against John Tantrum (of which they reported they had informed him) produced one to the meeting, which was read and directed to be signed by the Clerk. Joseph Forsyth and William Satterthwait were appointed to give him a copy, let him know his right of appeal and report next meeting. The request of Thomas and Charlotte Taylor to have their children to wit Sarah, Ann, and Samuel Taylor being minors, taken under the care of Friends came again before the meeting and the friends appointed to visit their parents, reported they had all, except one friend, paid them a visit on the occasion, and were free their request should be granted, with which after deliberation, the meeting united. The friends appointed to prepare a certificate of removal for William Bullock, son of George, produced one to the meeting, and having reported they found nothing to obstruct, the same was read, and directed to be signed by the Clerk. The case of Susannah Brown was continued, under care of the Friends heretofore appointed who are desired to report their sense of her situation to next meeting. The friends appointed in the 12th mo. last to inform David Wright that his paper of acknowledgment did not take in all the charges against him, reported he had complied with the direction of the meeting, and that upon David's being informed of the deficiency, he made the necessary alteration, and he being now present, his paper was again read and after deliberation, his offering was accepted by the meeting, and he again restored to Membership with Friends. The committee on spirits in conformity to a minute of the 12th month last, made a report at this time, which being in writing, is in substance as follows. That there are two stills owned by Friends, who upon the last information continued to occupy them, when they had materials, and that there is no retailer at present among us, nor does there appear to be any advancement price last quarter. The report also contains the committee's request to be released, which was referred to next meeting for consideration. Charles Hutchin produced to the meeting an acknowledgment condemning his striking a man in anger, which was read and accepted. Joseph Field produced to the meeting a certificate from Kingwood monthly meeting on behalf of himself, his wife Achsah, and their five children, to wit, Robert, Elizabeth, Susannah, Sarah and Mary Field which was read and received. A certificate of removal was granted to Achsah Harrison, directed to the monthly meeting of Friends at Pipe Creek. The Women's meeting proposed to this meeting, that Hannah Combs be appointed an Overseer for Friends meeting at Trenton and Elizabeth Arney for their meeting at Bordentown, which was referred to next meeting for consideration. The Clerk desired to be released from his appointment. Nathan Middleton, Benjamin Linton, Joseph Horner and Benjamin Clarke were appointed to consider of a suitable friend to act in that capacity, and report next meeting. The book of Discipline was returned by Elijah Field. The meeting closed. At a Monthly meeting held at Chesterfield 3rd Mo 8th 1796. The Overseers present except Elijah Field & Aaron Wright. Joseph Hendrickson and Elizabeth Forsyth appeared at this meeting the second time and declared they continued their intentions of marriage with each other, and the friends appointed to inquire, having reported they found nothing to obstruct, the parties were left at liberty to accomplish their said intentions agreeably to the good order used among Friends. Samuel Middleton and Benjamin Linton were appointed to attend the marriage, to see if it be orderly accomplished, to report next meeting, and to produce the marriage certificate to be recorded. Isaac Wright Jun. and Mary Arney also appeared at this meeting, the second time, and declared they continued their intentions of marriage with each other, and one of the friends appointed to inquire, having reported nothing was found to obstruct, the parties were left at liberty to accomplish their said intentions agreeably to the good order used among Friends. Nathan Middleton and William Satterthwait Jun. were appointed to attend the marriage, to see if it be orderly accomplished, to report next meeting, and to produce the marriage certificate to be recorded. The committee of oversight not being ready to report, were desired to continue their case, and report next meeting. One of the friends appointed to obtain leave of Upperspringfield monthly meeting to publish Mary Green's acknowledgment to Mansfield reported, they had performed the service as directed. The committee for collecting rents due for the old meeting house and lots and for building a stable &c. not being ready to report, they were desired to continue their care, and report next meeting. The friends appointed to prepare a testification against Joseph Curtiss not having had an opportunity with him, they were continued, and desired to report next meeting. One of the friends appointed to the case of Samuel Bunting Jun. reported they had attended to their appointment, and that they thought it best his case should be continued it was continued accordingly under care of the same friends. One of the friends appointed in the case of John Tantrum, reported the matters to them committed had been performed agreeably to the direction of the meeting, he not intending to appeal. The case of Susannah Brown was continued under care of the friends heretofore appointed. The request of the committee on spirits to be released, came again before the meeting, after deliberation, it was continued till next meeting for further consideration. The proposal from the Women's meeting for appointing Hannah Combs an Overseer for Friend�s meeting at Trenton, and Elizabeth Arney for that at Bordentown came again before the meeting, which after deliberation was united with, and they appointed to that station, for the respective meetings. The committee appointed to consider of a sutiable friend to act as Clerk named Joseph M. Lawrie, with which the meeting united, and appointed him to that service for the ensuing year. Chesterfield preparative meeting proposed to this meeting, that George Craft be appointed an Overseer to the meeting called Robin�s which was continued till next meeting for consideration. Said meeting also proposed that Isaac Combs be appointed an Overseer for Friends meeting at Trenton, which was continued till next meeting for consideration. Chesterfield preparative also proposed that a number of suitable friends be appointed as a committee of oversight, to attend Friends meeting at Bordentown, with which after deliberation, the meeting united and appointed John Wright, Joshua Bunting, Isaac Field, Joseph Bullock and Nathan Middleton to that service. who are desired to visit that meeting occasionally, and to report their care from time to time to this meeting and particularly at the monthly meetings, when the queries are answered. A certificate was produced to the meeting on behalf of Rebecca Kirby directed to Upperspringfield monthly meeting which was read, approved, and directed to be signed by the Clerk. Chesterfield preparative informed that Joseph Woodward requests a certificate of removal for his son Apollo Woodward, to Philadelphia monthly meeting for the Northern District. Nathan Middleton and Joseph Bullock were appointed to make the needful inquiry, and if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Said meeting also informed that Nathan Middleton requests a certificate of removal for his son Samuel Middleton to Philadelphia monthly meeting for the Northern District. Joshua Bunting and John Wright were appointed to make the needful inquiry, and if nothing appears to obstruct, to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Said meeting also informed that Isaac Collins requests a certificate of removal for Archibald Bartram, to be directed to Philadelphia monthly meeting for the Northern District. Thomas Combs and Isaac Combs, were appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing apepars to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. The Treasurer reported he had paid [Pounds] 7..16..0.. to the Treasurer of the Quarterly meeting, it being one half of the meeting�s quota, towards the Yearly meeting stock for this year. The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 4th mo. 5th 1796. The Overseers being called were present except Samuel Abbott, for whose absence a reason was given. Elijah Field and Aaron Wright gave reasons for their non-attendance last meeting The friends appointed to attend the marriage of Joseph Hendrickson and Elizabeth Forsyth, reported they attended to their appointment, that they thought the marriage had been in a good degree orderly accomplished, and they produced the marriage certificate to be recorded. One of the Friends appointed to attend the marriage Isaac Wright Jun. and Mary Arney, reported that they had attended to their appointment, that they thought the marriage had been in a good degree orderly accomplished, and they produced the marriage certificate to be recorded. One of the friends appointed to have the oversight of the youth and others, reported that three of them attended to their appointment. The committee for collecting rents for the old meeting house and lots and for building a stable, are desired to continue their care, and report to next meeting, and Nathan Middleton is added to their assistance. The friends appointed to prepare a testification against Joseph Curtis and to inform him thereof, reported they had informed him accordingly and they produced a testification, which was read, approved and directed to be signed by the Clerk. David Middleton and Jacob Middleton were appointed to give him a copy, let him know his right of appeal, and if he doth not appeal, to publish it at the close of a Firstday meeting at Chesterfield and report next meeting. The case of Samuel Bunting Jun. was continued till next meeting, under care of the friends heretofore appointed. The case of Susannah Brown came again before the meeting, and the friends appointed are desired to unite in a report to next meeting. The request of the committee on spirits to be released some again before the meeting, with which the meeting complied, and then proceeded to make a new appointment, which are as follows, John Wright, Thomas Combs, Thomas Lawrie Benjamin Clark, and William Clark, George Craft, Ezekiel Combs, Samuel Olden, Joel Cheshire Daniel Arney, Enoch Clark, Benjamin Linton and Gideon Middleton, were named to that service who are desired to pay attention to this interesting and weighty subject, and to report their care from time to time to this meeting. The proposal of Chesterfield preparative, that George Craft be appointed an Overseer to the meeting, and after consideration it was united with, and be appointed to that station for the aforesaid meeting. The proposal of Chesterfield preparative that Isaac Combs be appointed an Overseer to Friends meeting at Trenton, came again before the meeting, and after deliberation was declined for the present. The friends appointed to prepare a certificate of removal for Apollo Woodward, son of Joseph Woodward, produced one to the meeting, the same was read, approved, and ordered to be signed by the Clerk. The friends appointed to prepare a certificate of removal for Samuel Middleton son of Nathan Middleton produced one to the meeting, the same was read, approved, and directed to be signed by the Clerk. The friends appointed to prepare a certificate of removal for Archibald Bastian produced one to the meeting, the same was read, approved, and ordered to be signed by the Clerk. Samuel Gaskill produced a certificate of removal to this meeting from upperspringfield monthly meeting for himself and his wife Sibbella with their three minor children, to wit, Rachel, Aaron, and Joseph, Gaskill which was read and received. A certificate of removal was produced to this meeting from Upperspringfield monthly meeting on behalf of Sarah Gaskill, which was read and received. James Brown produced a certificate of removal to this meeting from Greenwich monthly meeting, which was read and received. John Gaskill produced a certificate of removal to this meeting from Upperspringfield monthly meeting which was read and received. Samuel Gaskill produced a certificate of removal to this meeting, from Upperspringfield monthly meeting, which was read & received. Women's meeting informs that Rachel Taylor has become the Mother of an illegitimate child, and is in the neglect of attending our Religious meetings. Joshua bunting and Nathan Middleton are appointed to visit her on the occasion and report to next meeting. Women's meeting also informs that Elizabeth Curtis, late Killey hath married contrary to the good order established among Friends. John Wright and Thomas Walling, are appointed to inform her of the charge and report to next meeting. The meeting apprehending there might be a number of friends added to the meeting of Ministers and Elders. John Wright, Joseph Bullock Elijah Field, Isaac Combs, Samuel Olden, Benjamin Clark, George Craft, and Benjamin Linton are appointed to bring forward the names of such as may appear to them suitable. The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 5th mo 3rd 1796. The Overseers being called were present. At this meeting the queries were read and considered, and written answers produced from the respective preparative meetings, to the first, second and ninth which are in substance as follows: 1. All our Religious meetings are kept up, and those on the first day of the week are attended by the general part of our members on other days both for Worship and discipline. there is a neglect in some, the hour mostly observed, not all clear of sleeping, for which some care has been extended, other indecencies mostly avoided. 2. Love and unity in a good degree are maintained among us, talebearing and detraction are discouraged, and care is taken to end differences when they appear. 9. We endeavor to deal with offenders in meekness without partiality, though some delays are acknowledged among us. Benjamin Field, Joseph Olden, Joel Cheshire and Henry Pike, were appointed to have the oversight of the youth and others at and near the meeting house during the time of holding our next Quarterly meeting, and report to next meeting, the said friends were also appointed to assist the Overseers in the like care at the time of holding our monthly meeting until the Quarterly meeting in the 8th mo. next. The following friends were appointed our representatives to attend the next Quarterly meeting to wit, Amos Middleton, Nathan Middleton, Daniel Arney, Joseph Horner, Benjamin Clark and Samuel Craft. The committee for collecting rents for the old meeting house and lots and for building a stable are directed to continue their care and report next meeting. The friends appointed in the case of Joseph Curtis reported that they had complied with the direction of the meeting he not intending to appeal. One of the friends appointed in the case of Samuel Bunting Jun. reported they had attended to the appointment that they found nothing to obstruct the reception of his acknowledgment, which is continued for further consideration. The friends appointed in the case of Susannah Brown reported to the meeting as their sense, they think it would be best to testify against her, after deliberation the meeting agreed to disown her; here follows the testification, Whereas Susannah Brown who hath a right among Friends, hath so far deviated from our Principles as to neglect the attendance of our Religious meetings, and hath departed from the simplicity in plainness of dress and address, therefore for the support of our Christian profession we disown her the said Susannah Brown, from being a member of our Religious Society until she becomes sensible of her aforesaid errors manifesting the same in life and conversation, and by acknowledgment as our Discipline directs. Aaron Wright and Isaac Combs were appointed to give her a copy, let her know her right of appeal and report next meeting. One of the friends appointed in Rachel Taylor's case, reported that he paid her a visit and informed her of the charges, which she did not deny, and did not find her in a suitable disposition, to make friends satisfaction, therefore Jacob Middleton and William Satterthwait Jun. are appointed to prepare a testification against her for the approbation of next meeting and inform her thereof. The friends appointed to inform Elizabeth Curtis of the charges against her, reported that they had informed her accordingly and the meeting after deliberation agreed to disown her, the testification as follows: Whereas Elizabeth Curtis late Killey who hath a right of Membership among us, hath so far deviated from the good order used among us as to many contrary thereto, therefore for the support of our Christian Discipline and to discourage there from the like disorderly conduct, we disown her the said Elizabeth Curtis from being a member of our Religious Society, until she becomes sensible of her error, and condemns the same, as our discipline directs Benjamin Linton and John Wright are appointed to give her a copy if desired to let her know her right of appeal, and report to next meeting. The friends appointed to propose some names to the consideration of this meeting to be added to the meeting of Ministers and Elders, are desired to continue their care. A certificate of removal was granted for Ann Forsyth and infant daughter Ann to Upperspringfield monthly meeting. A certificate of removal was granted for Mary Green to Pile's Grove monthly meeting. The committee on spiritous liquors produced a written report to this meeting, which is in substance as follows: That there are two stills owned by Friends, and no retailers among us at present, the Clerk is directed to forward a copy of this minute to the quarterly meeting. A certificate of removal was granted for Ames Forster, wife of John Forster to Burlington monthly meeting. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs that John Bunting is in the neglect of attending our Religious meetings, is gone out in marriage, and hath deviated in plainness of dress and address. Nathan Middleton and Jacob Middleton were appointed to inform him of the charges and report next meeting. Women's meeting informs that Lydia Bunting wife of John Bunting in the neglect of attending our Religious meetings, hath gone out in marriage, and deviates from plainness Nathan Middleton and Jacob Middleton were appointed to inform her of the charges, and report to next meeting. Women's meeting also informs that Ann Forman is in the neglect of attending our Religious meetings, and has become the mother of an illegitimate child. Aaron Wright and Isaac Combs were appointed to pay her a visit in company with women friends, inform her of the charges, and report to next meeting. Stoney Brook preparative informs that Thomas Lippincott requests a certificate of removal for himself Abigail his wife and Julian their daughter to Evesham monthly meeting, Robert White and George Bullock were appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing obstructs to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Said meeting also informs that their quota of the yearly meeting stock is paid in. Our friends, Aaron Wright (an Overseer) being removed within the compass of Trenton meeting, therefore he is appointed to act in that capacity in said meeting. The women's meeting informs that our friend Hannah Linton, requests to be released from the station of an Overseer, which is concurred with, and she released accordingly. The meeting closed. At a Monthly meeting held at Chesterfield 6 mo 7th 1796. The Overseers being called were present except Samuel Middleton for whose absence a reason was given. The friends appointed to have the oversight of the youth and other reported that they attended to their appointment. The committee for collecting rents for the old meeting house and lots for building a stable produced one that we have received rents rep to the 25th of 3rd mo. 1795. to the amount of [Pounds] 12..10..0. and of Jace Andins up to the 25th of 3rd month, last as follows, By repairs to the house and making board fence to the amount of [Pounds] 13..11..13.. By cash received 11.8..9. 25..0..0.. The committee further reports that agreeable to the direction of the monthly meeting they have erected a hay house with the accomdation of a stable and wagon house on the old meeting house lot and made a new board fence at the east end of the old meeting house aforesaid, also have repaired the pump. Whole amount of expense [Pounds] 46..11..6 1/2 Rents received by committee on cash [Pounds] 23.18.9 Cash for removal of boards 8.3 [Cash] received of Treasurer 6.17.6 [Total:] [Pounds] 31.4.6 -- 31..4..6 Remains a balance due committee [Pounds] 15.7.0 1/2. 6th mo. 2nd 1796 signed John Abbott, Nathan Middleton, Isaac Field, Joseph M. Lawrie. being twice read was agreed to and directed to be entered on the minutes, and the Treasurer is directed to pay the balance therein stated. The case of Samuel Bunting Jun. is continued till next meeting for further consideration The friends appointed in the case of Susannah Brown reported that they had complied with the direction of the meeting. The friends appointed to prepare a testification against Rachel Taylor and to inform her thereof, reported that they had informed her accordingly and they produced a testification, which was read, approved and signed by the Clerk, Jacob Middleton and William Satterthwait Jun. were appointed to give her a copy, let her know her right of appeal, if she doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a firstday meeting at Chesterfield and report next meeting. The friends appointed in the case of Elizabeth Curtis, are desired to continue their care and report next meeting. The friends appointed to inform John Bunting of the charges against him reported that they had informed him accordingly which he did not deny, the meeting after deliberation agreed to disown him as follows, Whereas John Bunting, who hath a light among Friends hath so far deviated from our principles as to neglect the attendance of our Religious meetings, hath gone out in marriage and deviated from plainness of dress and address, therefore for the clearing of Truth we disown him, the said John bunting from becoming a member among us untill he condemns the same as our Discipline directs, Gideon Middleton, and Jacob Middleton were appointed to give him a copy, let him know his right of appeal and report next meeting. The friends appointed to inform Lydia Bunting of the charges against her to wit the neglect of attending our Religious meetings hath gone out in marriage, and deviated from plainness in dress, reported that she has been informed accordingly, therefore for the clearing of Truth from such disorderly conduct we disown her the said Lydia Bunting from being a member among us, until she becomes sensible of her error and condemns the same as Discipline directs; Jacob Middleton and Gideon Middleton were appointed to give her a copy, let her know her right of appeal and report next meeting. The friends appointed produced a certificate of removal for Thomas Lippincott, Abigail his wife, and Julian their daughter, to Evesham monthly meeting the same was read, approved, and signed by the Clerk. The friends appointed to propose some names to the consideration of this meeting to be added to the meeting of ministers & Elders inform that they have attended to their appointment, but not being ready to report they are therefore desired to continue their care. The friends appointed in Ann Furman's case reported that they paid her a visit in company with one of the Women friends, that they found her in a tender disposition of mind, and requested that Friends would not be hasty to disown her they are therefore desired to extend a further care towards her and report to next meeting. The Women's meeting informs that Rachel Pharas requests to be joined in Membership with Friends. George Craft and Elijah Field were appointed to visit her on the occasion in company with Women friends, and report to next. A certificate of removal was produced to this meeting from Upperspringfield monthly meeting on behalf of Sarah Curtis, and her two children to wit, Tilton and Achsah Curtis, minors, which was read and received. A certificate of removal was produced to this meeting from Upperspringfield monthly meeting on behalf of Elizabeth Wright, wife of David Wright and her daughter Mary, which was read and received. Samuel Rockhill produced a certificate of removal to this meeting from Upperspringfield monthly meeting for himself, Hannah his wife and their seven minor children to wit, John, Aaron, Sarah, Hannah, William, Samuel & Edward, which was read and received. William Wilson produced a certificate of removal to this meeting from Upperspringfield monthly meeting for himself Abigail, his wife and their son Benjamin, a minor which was read and received. Abbott Williams produced a certificate of removal to this meeting from Burlington monthly meeting, for himself, Margaret his wife, and their six minor children to wit, Margaret, Samuel, Jonathan, Sarah, George, and Anna, which was read and received. Samuel DeCou produced a certificate of removal to this meeting from Upperspringfield monthly meeting, which was read and received. Chesterfield preparative meeting informed that their quoto of the yearly meeting stock is paid. Robert Kirkbride attended this meeting with the copy of a minute from Buckingham monthly meeting, by which we were informed that Jonathan Dean hath neglected to produce his certificate of removal (a copy of said certificate was also produced for himself, Mary his wife, and their five children to wit, David, Rebecca, Cynthias, Jonathan, and Aaron, which certificate was granted from said meeting the 4th of 5th month 1795, which was continued to our next meeting, for further consideration. The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 5th of 7th mo. 1796. The Overseers being called were present except Elijah Field for whose absence a reason was given. The care of Samuel Bunting Jun. is continued to our next meeting for further consideration. The friends appointed in Rachel Taylor's case, reported they had complied with the direction of the meeting, she not intending to appeal. The friends appointed in the care of Elizabeth Curtis, reported they had complied with the direction of the meeting therein. The friends appointed in John Bunting's case, reported that they had complied with the direction of the meeting therein. The friends appointed in Lydia Bunting's case reported they had complied with the direction of the meeting therein. A certificate of removal was granted to Sarah Brown to Middletown monthly meeting in Pennsylvania Joshua Gibbs produced a certificate of removal from the monthly meeting of Upperspringfield for himself and wife Mary, with their three minor children, to wit, Hannah, Rebecca and Reuben, which was read, and received. Joshua Newbold produced a certificate of removal from Burlington monthly meeting for himself and his wife Rebecca with their four minor children to wit, Ann, Samuel, Sarah and Hannah, which was read and received. Mahlon Atkinson produced a certificate of removal from Mt. Holly monthly meeting for himself and his wife Sarah, with their two minor children to wit, Richard and Samuel which was read and received. Daniel Guant a minor produced a certificate of removal from Burlington monthly meeting which was read and received. The case of Jonathan Doan in neglecting to produce his certificate of removal for himself, wife, and children, coming again before the meeting, Isaac Collins, Aaron Wright, and Joseph M. Lawrie were appointed to pay them a visit, and to inquire into the cause of such neglect, and report next meeting. The friends appointed in Ann Furman's case reported that they had paid her a second visit and that she still appeared to be in a tender frame of mind, therefore her case is continued for further consideration under care of the same friends. The committee appointed with the addition of Amos Middleton to propose some names to the consideration of this meeting, to be added to the number of ministers and Elders, are desired to attend to their appointment. The friends appointed in the case of Rachel Pharos, are desired to continue their care, and report to next meeting. Robert and Abel Kirby produced a certificate of removal from Upperspringfield monthly meeting, which was read, Thomas Lawrie and Jacob Middleton were appointed to visit them on account of the length of time since their removal before they produced said certificate, and report to next meeting. Chesterfield preparative informs that David Wright and Elizabeth his wife, request that their six minor children to wit; William David, Andrew, Sarah, Jonathan and Isaac may be taken under the care of Friends. Samuel Abbott, Isaac Combs and Thomas Combs, were appointed to pay them a visit in company with women friends and report to next meeting. Isaac Collins the former Clerk and Samuel Middleton the assistant Clerk are desired to deliver the books, and papers belonging to this meeting in their hands to the present Clerk who is directed to receipt for the same. Nathan Middleton and Joshua Bunting were appointed to make an inventory of the said books & papers and report to next meeting. The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 2nd. 8th mo. 1796. The Overseers being called were present, 1st at this meeting the queries were all read and answered, from the respective preparative meetings which are in substance as follows. 1st. All our Religious meetings are attended by the general part of our Members, in other days both for Worship and Discipline there appears a slackness in many the hour mostly observed, all are not preserved from sleeping, for which some care has been taken, other indecencies mostly avoided. 2nd. Love and unity in a good degree are maintained among us, endeavors are used to discourage talebearing backbiting, and spreading evil reports and to end differences. 3rd. Some Friends are careful to observe the contents of this query, others we believe depart too much from the simplicity and intention thereof. 4th. Some are careful to discourage the unnecessary distillation and use of spiritous liquors, care is taken to discourage the frequenting of taverns and places of diversion, and we believe Friends are generally careful with respect to the latter part of this query. 5th. The necessities of the poor are inspected and they relieved, no break appears in the other part of this query. 6th. No breach appears in this query. 7th. No slaves among us, more care with respect to the latter part of this query is needful. 8th. We believe more puncuality in our engagements is necessary, No breach appears in the remaining part of this query. 9th. We endeavor to deal with offenders in meekness, without partiality, yet some delays are acknowledged among us. Answers to the four Annual queries. 1st. One Elder to wit, Hannah Middleton departed this life, the 10th. of 12th. mo 1795. 2nd. none. 3rd. some sober persons received into Membership. 4th. We endeavor so to do. The following friends were appointed our representatives to attend the next quarterly meeting. Joseph Horner, John Wright, George Craft, Joshua bunting, Aaron Wright, Jacob Middleton, Thomas Combs, Thomas Lawrie, Robert White, and Daniel Arney The committee appointed our spiritous liquors, produced a written report the substance of which appears to be that the committee have had the concern under care, and upon the whole that seems not much advancement in the disuse of it in harvest on otherwise, and there are two stills owned by Friends, and retailers among us, the Clerk is directed to forward a copy of this minute, in the reports to the quarterly meeting. Nathan Middleton, Thomas Taylor, Samuel Olden, Isaac Combs, and Samuel Craft, were appointed to have the oversight of the youth and others at and near the meeting house, during the time of holding the ensuing Quarterly meeting and to report next meeting. The said friends were also appointed to assist the Overseer in the like care at the time of holding our monthly meeting until the Quarterly meeting in the 11th month next. The care of Samuel Bunting Ju. coming again before the meeting after weighty deliberation his acknowledgment was received. Jacob Middleton was appointed to publish it at the close of a firstday meeting at Chesterfield, and report to next meeting. The case of Jonathan Doan, coming again before the meeting, the friends appointed to visit him, reported that they had paid some attention to the business, but not having an opportunity with him they are therefore desired to continue their care and report next meeting. Ann Forman's case is continued to next meeting for further consideration. The committee appointed produced the following names to the consideration of this meeting to be added to the meeting of Ministers and Elders to wit, Samuel Middleton, Aaron Wright, Tabitha Field, and Rebecca Newbold to be appointed to the station of Elders with which this meeting so far concurred with as to appoint Joseph Horner, Benjamin Linton, And Jacob Middleton to visit them on the occasion and report to next meeting. One of the friends appointed to visit Rachel Pharos on her request to be joined in Membership with Friends, reported that he paid her a visit in company with women Friends, and that she still continued her request, and they thought her worthy of Friend's notice, which is continued for further consideration, under care of the same friends. The friends appointed in Robert and Abel Kirby's cases, are desired to continue their care, and report to next meeting. The request of David and Elizabeth Wright for their children to be joined in Membership with Friends, coming again before the meeting, and the committee appointed reported they paid them a visit on the occasion, and that they were free their request should be granted the meeting, after deliberation concerned therewith, and received them into Membership. A certificate of removal was granted for Susannah Antrum, to Upperspringfield monthly meeting. A certificate of removal was produced to this meeting from Middletown monthly meeting in Pennsylvania for Ann Coleman, wife of James Coleman which was read and received. A certificate of removal was granted for Rachel Kirby, to Upperspringfield monthly meeting. Women's meeting informs Rachel Foster, late Kirby, hath gone out in marriage with a man not in Membership with Friends, Nathan Middleton and Benjamin Field, were appointed to inform her of the charge and report to next meeting. The friends appointed to make an inventory of the books and papers belonging to this meeting, produced one to the meeting which is as follows: We the subscribers being appointed to examine the minutes, books, and papers, belonging to the monthly meeting of Chesterfield, delivered by Samuel Middleton to Joseph M. Lawrie, report that the said Samuel Middleton, deliver to the said Joseph M. Lawrie, report that the said Samuel Middleton, deliver to the said Joseph M. Lawrie, four bound books with minutes recorded therein, the last not yet filled up, and twenty-nine books of Gough's minutes, also a large quantity of Extracts, epistles, certificates, acknowledgments, testifications and other papers belonging to said meeting, also a book called a general testimony, likewise two-books with births and marriage certificates recorded therein, the last a large bound book, also the old book of Discipline, as likewise the alphabetical book of Discipline, and a chest to keep the above book and papers in. 29th of 7th mo. 1796. Nathan Middleton Joshua Bunting. The Clerk reported that he received the above chest of books and papers, the bound book of records of marriage certificates, is deposited in the hands of Samuel Middleton, who stands appointed to record them as also births and burials. The committee appointed to attend Bordentown meeting made the following report to wit. We the committee appointed to visit Bordentown meeting report, that some of us have sometimes attended to our appointment, we also report that we think the meeting is kept up and attended by the greater part of the members, though small we believe there is a living remnant among them wherein love and unity is preserved yet we think there is some among them, that require the attention of the Overseer, and concerned friends, signed on behalf of the committee 30th of 7th mo. 1796. by John Wright. The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 6th of 9th mo. 1796. The Overseers being called were present except Joshua Bunting and Aaron Wright for the former of which a reason was given. One of the friends appointed to have the oversight of the youth and others, reported that they attended to their appointment. The friend appointed in the case of Samuel Bunting Jun. reported that he had complied with the direction of the meeting. One of the friends appointed in the case of Jonathan Doan reported that they had paid him a visit and he informed him that he should attend the next monthly meeting, but he not appearing his case is continued till next meeting under care of the committee heretofore appointed, and Joseph Horner, is added to their assistance. Ann Forman's case coming again under consideration, the meeting after deliberation, agreed to disown her, Samuel Abbott and Joseph M. Lawrie were appointed to prepare a testification against her for the approbation of next meeting, and inform her thereof The case of Rachel Pharos is continued for the further consideration of next meeting, under care of the same friends. The committee appointed to visit the Friends nominated last meeting to the station of Elders, reported, that they had paid them a visit, and are of opinion that Samuel Middleton, Aaron Wright, Tabitha Field, and Rebecca Newbold may be usefully added to the meeting of Ministers and Elders, with which this meeting united, and appointed them to that station, the Clerk is directed to send a copy of this minute to the next quarterly meeting of Ministers and Elders. The friends appointed to visit Robert and Abel Kirby, on account of the reception of their certificate, reported that they were free it should be received, with which this meeting concurs, and receives them accordingly. The friends appointed to inform Rachel Forster of the charges against her reported that they had informed her accordingly, Whereas Rachel Forster hath so far deviated from our Religious principles as to marry contrary thereto to a man not in Membership with Friends therefore for the clearing of Friends and Truth we disown her the said Rachel Forster from being any longer a member of our Religious Society, until she becomes sensible of her error aforesaid, and condemns the same as our Discipline directs, Benjamin Field and Daniel Arney, were appointed to give her a copy, let her know her right of appeal, and report to next meeting. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs that Asa Middleton requests a certificate to Middleton monthly meeting, Buck's county, Penn. on account of marriage, Benjamin Linton, and John Wright were appointed to inquire into his clearness on that account, and if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. Said meeting also informs that John Middleton, son of John, hath gone out in marriage, and that by a hireling Priest, and had a child sooner after marriage than is reputable, for which he hath been treated with Joseph Thorn and Thomas Lawrie, were appointed to inform him of the charges, and report next meeting. Said meeting also informs that Daniel Kirby hath gone out in marriage to a woman not in Membership with Friends, for which he hath been treated with, Nathan Middleton and Enoch Clark were appointed to inform him of the charges and report to next meeting. Stony Brook preparative informs that William Clark requests a certificate of removal for his son John Clark to the monthly meeting of Philadelphia for the Northern District, Samuel Olden, and James Woolley were appointed to make the needful inquiry if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. A minute from the Quarterly meeting being produced, requesting the monthly meeting to be executive in the business of collection, for the civilization and welfare of Indian native which is as follows; The collection for the civilization and welfare of the Indians not being completed the monthly meetings are desired to be executive in the business, so as to be prepared for a full report in writing at our next Quarterly meeting, the sum so collected in each meeting. Extracted from the minutes of the Quarterly meeting held at Burlington, the 29th of 8th mo 1796, By John Cox Jun. Clerk. The committee appointed are requested to forward the business as speedily as may be, and Thomas Combs is added to the assistance of Isaac Collins for Trenton. The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 10 mo. 4th 1796. The Overseers being called were present. Aaron Wright gave a reason for his absence last meeting. Jonathan Doan's, case is continued for further consideration under care of the committee heretofore appointed. The case of Rachel Pharos is continued for further consideration. The friends appointed in the case of Rachel Forster, are desired to continue their care. A certificate was granted to Asa Middleton on account of marriage, directed to Middletown monthly meeting in Penn. The friends appointed to inform John Middleton of the charges against him, reported that they had informed him accordingly, which he did not deny Samuel Abbott, and Thomas Taylor were appointed to prepare a testification against him for the approbation of next meeting, and inform him thereof. John Clark, son of William had a certificate of removal granted to the monthly meeting of Philadelphia for the Northern District. The friends appointed to prepare a testification against Ann Forman and inform her thereof, reported that they had informed her accordingly, and produced a testification, which was read, approved and signed by the Clerk. Aaron Wright and Isaac Combs were appointed to give her a copy, let her know her right of appeal, and if she doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a Firstday meeting at Trenton, and report to next meeting. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs that Isaac Collins requests a certificate of removal for himself and Rachel, his wife, with their nine minor children, to wit, Thomas, Susannah, William, Benjamin, Ann, Isaac, Mary, Stacy, and Joseph Collins to the monthly meeting of New York, Isaac Combs, and Aaron Wright were appointed to make the needful, if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. The friends appointed in the case of David Kirby are desired to continue their care. A certificate of removal was produced from Upperspringfield monthly meeting on behalf of Hulda Chapman, which was read and received. Chesterfield preparative meeting also informs, that Samuel Forsyth requests a certificate of removal to Philadelphia monthly meeting. Joshua Bunting and Nathan Middleton were appointed to make the needful inquiry, if nothing appears to obstruct to prepare one for the approbation of next meeting. The Treasurer reports that this meeting's quoto of the yearly meeting stock is paid to the Treasurer of the Quarterly meeting. The Treasurer also informs this meeting that there is money wanted for Friends in necessitous circumstances and other purposess, the preparative meetings are therefore requested to collect the sum of [Pounds] 20-0-0- as speedily as may be. Nathan Middleton, George Bullock, Samuel Craft, and Thomas Combs, were appointed to make a settlement with the Treasurer of this meeting and report when done. The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 11 mo 8th 1796. The Overseers being called were present. At this meeting the queries were read, and written answers produced, to the first, second, and ninth from the respective preparative meetings, which are in substance as follows: 1st. All our Religious meetings are kept up, and those on the first days of the week, are attended by the general part of our members, on other days, both for Worship and Discipline there appears to be a slackness in many, the hour mostly observed, all are not preserved from sleeping, for which some care has been taken, other indecencies mostly avoided. 2nd. Love and unity in a good degree are maintained among us, care is taken to discourage talebearing, backbiting, and spreading evil reports, and to end differences. 9th. We endeavor to deal with offenders in meekness, without partiality, though some delays are acknowledged. The following friends were appointed our representatives to attend the next quarterly meeting to wit, Benjamin Clark, Amos Middleton, Samuel Abbott, Joseph Bullock, Thomas Combs, and Benjamin Linton. John Wright, Nathan Middleton Wm. Clark, and Samuel Stevenson, were appointed to have the oversight of the youth, and others at and near the meeting house, during the time of holding the ensuing Quarterly meeting, and to report next meeting the said friends were also appointed to assist the Overseer, in the like care at the time of holding our monthly meetings until the Quarterly meeting in the 2nd mo. next. Samuel DeCou and Mary Lawrie Ju. appeared at this meeting, and declared their intentions of marriage with each other with consent of parents, Joshua Bunting, and Jacob Middleton were appointed to inquire into the young man�s clearness with any other in respect to marriage, and report to next meeting. The case of Jonathan Doan coming again before the meeting, and he being present, it was thought best to continue the matter under care of the committee heretofore appointed, to hear his reasons more fully, why he did not produce his certificate, seasonably and report next meeting. The request of Rachel Pharos to be joined in Membership with Friends, coming again before the meeting, and the committee appointed there in reported, that they paid her another visit, and that she still continued her request which is continued for further consideration, under care of the same friends. The friends appointed to prepare a testification against John Middleton, son of John, and inform him thereof reported that they had informed him accordingly, and they produced a testification against him which was read, approved and signed by the Clerk, Samuel Abbott and Thomas Taylor were appointed to give him a copy, let him know his right of appeal, if he doth not appeal to publish it at the close of a firstday meeting at Chesterfield and report next meeting. The friends appointed in the case of David Kirby are desired to continue their care. The friends appointed in the case of Rachel Forster are desired to continue their care. George Middleton produced a paper to this meeting condemning his going out in marriage with a woman not in Membership with Friends, Benjamin Clark, and Benjamin Linton, were appointed to visit him on the occasion and report next meeting. Our friends of Trenton meeting requested in writing, signed by the greater part of the Members that they might have the liberty of holding, a preparative meeting at their meeting house in Trenton on the fourth day of the week preceding our monthly meeting, which is continued for further consideration. The friends appointed in this meeting to receive subscriptions for the civilization and welfare of the Indian natives produced and account for the sum of [Pounds] 91..13..1 as received by him for the purpose aforesaid, the Clerk is directed to forward a copy, of the minutes in the reports to the Quarterly meeting. The friends appointed in the case of Ann Furman, reported that they had complied with the direction of the meeting, therein she not intending to appeal. Samuel Forsyth had a certificate of removal granted to Philadelphia monthly meeting. Rebecca, Sarah, and Elizabeth Collins, daughters of Isaac and Rachel Collins, had certificates of removal granted to the monthly meeting of New York. Isaac Collins had a certificate of removal granted for himself and Rachel his wife with their nine minor children to wit, Thomas, Susannah, William, Benjamin Ann, Isaac, Mary, Stacy, and Joseph Collins to the monthly meeting of New York. A certificate of removal was produced to this meeting on behalf of Mary Middleton from the monthly meeting of Philadelphia for the Southern District, which was read and received. The friends appointed to settle with the Treasurer of this meeting produced the following report to wit, We the committee appointed to settle with the Treasurer's accounts have most of us met, and examined the same, and find a balance due from said Treasurer to Chesterfield monthly meeting, of one pound nine shillings, and six pence, which was read, approved and directed to be entered on the minutes. The committee on spiritous liquors reported in substance as follows, that the concern remains alive, and that some labor has been extended since last quarter the Clerk is directed to forward a copy of this minute in the reports to the Quarterly meeting. The committee on spiritous liquors requesting to be released are released accordingly, and the following friends are appointed to that service to wit, Aaron Wright, Thomas Taylor, released, and William Satterthwait appointed, George Craft, Robert White, William Chapman, and Samuel Stevenson. Chesterfield preparative meeting informs that Stevenford Jun. is in the neglect of attending our Religious meetings, hath gone out in marriage with a woman not in Membership with Friends, had a child sooner after marriage, than is reputable, and struck a man in anger, George Craft and Jacob Middleton were appointed to treat with him on the occasion, and report next meeting. The meeting closed. At a Monthly Meeting held at Chesterfield 12 mo. 6th 1796. The Overseers being called were present. The friends appointed to have the oversight of the youth and others, reported that they attended to their appointment. The Extracts from our last Yearly meeting held in Philadelphia, for Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and the eastern parts of Maryland, and Virginia, were read and the weighty matters therein contained were recommended to the close attention and observance of Friends. By said extracts it appears that the Yearly meeting agreed to raise the sum of [Pounds] 500 the ensuing year, the preparative meeting are therefore desired to collect their respective proportions, the one half to be paid by the time of holding our monthly meeting in the 2nd mo. next. The interesting concern of our Yearly meeting as handed down in the Extracts relating to the civilization, and religious improvement of the Indian natives are afresh recommended tot he weighty attention of Friends. The general epistle from the late Yearly meeting of our Brethren in London, being received, and also the particular Epistle, the former being read, before men and women Friends separated, and divided in the usual proportions. Our friend Benjamin Clark opened to this meeting a weighty concern attending his mind to pay a Religious Visit to the families of Friends within the compass of Mount Holly monthly meeting or to such part thereof, as way may open, with which this meeting unites, he being a Minister in good esteem among us. The Clerk is directed to furnish him with a copy of this minute. The printed rules and regulations to promote the establishment of a boarding school being come to hand, and the Yearly meeting desiring the monthly and preparative meetings to appoint some friends to be applied to by such of our Members, as are disposed to contribute a part of their worldly substance in the advancement of this work, the following friends were accordingly appointed to wit, Nathan Middleton Thomas Lawrie, Robert White, Samuel Stevenson Daniel Arney, and Samuel Craft to raise subscriptions for the purpose aforesaid, and to circulate the said printed copies, rules and regulations among Friends. Samuel DeCou and Mary Lawrie Jun. appeared at this meeting the second time, and declared they continued their intentions of marriage with each other, and the friends appointed to inquire reported that they found nothing to obstruct, the parties were left at liberty to accomplish their said intentions, agreeably to the good order used among Friends Joshua Bunting and Jacob Middleton, were appointed to attend the marriage, to see if it be orderly accomplished, and report to next meeting, and produce the marriage certificate to be recorded. The friends appointed in the case of John Middleton Jun. reported that they had complied with the direction of the meeting therein he not intending to appeal. The friends appointed in the case of Rachel Forster, reported that they had complied with the direction of the meeting therein. The request of Rachel Pharos to be joined in Membership with Friends is continued till further consideration. The friends appointed to inform David Kirby of the charges against him reported that they had informed him accordingly which he did not deny, and he not intending to make Friends satisfaction, therefore the meeting after deliberation thought proper to disown him as follows, Whereas David Kirby who hath a right of Membership among Friends, hath so far deviated from the good order, used among them as to go out in marriage to a woman not in Membership with us, therefore for the clearing of Truth and Friends, from such disorderly conduct, we disown him the said David Kirby from being a Member of our Religious Society, until he becomes sensible of his aforesaid error, and condemns the same as our Discipline directs. Thomas Lawrie and Benjamin field were appointed to give him a copy, let him know his right of appeal, and report to next meeting. The friends appointed to visit George Middleton on condemning his outgoing in marriage to a woman not in Membership with Friends, are directed to continue their care. The friends appointed in Jonathan Doan's case reported that they had another opportunity with him and heard his reasons why the certificate was not produced at an earlier period which is continued for further consideration. Women's meeting informs that Ann Bowers late Ford is in the neglect of attending our Religious meetings, hath gone out in marriage to a man not in Membership with Friends. Jacob Middleton, and William Chapman Jun. were appointed to inform her of the charges and treat with her on the occasion, and report to next meeting. Said meeting also informs that Ann Antrum late Pharos hath gone out in marriage to a man, who is a degree of kindred her first cousin. Nathan Middleton and Joshua Bunting were appointed to inform her of the charges and prepare a testification against her for the approbation of next meeting. The request from Friends belonging to Trenton meeting for holding a preparative meeting, at that place, coming again before this meeting, and after deliberation the following friends were appointed to attend that meeting in company with women friends, and report their sense thereon to next meeting to wit, Benjamin Clark, Benjamin Linton, John Wright, Thomas Lawrie, John Combs, George Craft, and Daniel Arney. The friends appointed to treat with Steven Ford Jun. reported that they had paid him a visit, and informed him of the charges, which he did not deny and they thought him in a suitable disposition to make Friends satisfaction. Joseph Thorn, and Jacob Middleton were appointed to prepare a testification against him for the approbation of next meeting and inform him thereof. The meeting closed. C. Women's 1810-1824. Men's MM 1786-1798.