FRIENDS’ REVIEW. A Religious, Literary and Miscellaneous Sournal, Vor. XV. PHILADELPHIA, FIFTH MONTH 17, 1862. No. 87. ~~ EDITED BY SAMUEL RHOADS, To whom all Communications may be addressed. PUBLISHED WEEKLY, At No. 109 N. Tenth street, Philadelphia. Price, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE, Two dollars per annum, or six copies for Ten dollars. Postage on this paper, when paid quarterly or yearly in advance, 13 cents per annum in Pennsylvania, and 26 cents per annum in other States. 4 _ For Friends’ Review. "NOTICES OF DAVID COOPER. P NO. VIII. “In the 4th mo., 1774, I went with my son- in-law, Samuel Allinson, to Shrewsbury, to re# deem a family of negroes with money, to the amount of about £500, left by a kinsman of theirs who, dying in a Friend’s family, this estate fell under his care. He requested the advice of Friends, and the subject went through the dif- ferent meetings; up to New York Yearly Meet- ing, where it was referred to the Meeting for Sufferings. The Yearly Meeting had advised that some Friend should administer on the estate and redeem the whole family. After lying about five years in these two meetings, and | much pains having been taken without effect to prevail with some Friend of Shrewsbury to en- vage in it, I was induced by the Meeting for Sufferings to undertake it so far as to subject my estate to the consequent risk, which was the only pretence for refusal, expecting Friends of that place to take the necessary care of them vhen freed. We attended their Quarterly Meet- ing, when my son-in-law united in the business, and a minute was made, appointing a committee to take charge of the negroes when their free- dom should be secured,—which we accom- plished. The subjects of concern were a woman and five children. After this, the woman and ason not two years old went to York, where, both being taken with smallpox, she died, and the child, through neglect, lost the use of one arm and leg. We soon found the committee did not intend to concern themselves in the affair, we therefore had him brought to Burlington, and thence to my house. Endeavors were used for his help, but to little effect. In the spring of 1781 he was taken to the hospital in Phil- adelphia, but there appears no prospect of help therefrom. Much trouble we have had with this family, and are likely to have much more ; but as our motive was charitable and purely dis- interested, I believe it must meet the approba- tion of Heaven.”’ is Among the papers of S. Allinson, is a corres- pondence upon this subject beginning in 1772. One letter addressed to him says: “I expect we © shall report to the next Quarter, ‘ Nothing done, and perhaps. add ‘under care,’—the Quarter will recommend it back to us toforward the settlement,—we shall see no step that has not" been tried,—shall let it rest till the month pre- ceding the next Quarter,—then report again; — and so expect it to be bandied till you relieve — us.” There are not a few, who may find, in the — above circumstance, an illustration of their own experience. Those who enter upon a work of © disinterested benevolence may as well take for their motto the old adage, “ The work’s the wages ;” and when they find that those from whom they are entitled to expect aid, shrink from disagreeable or responsible service, let it — sustain them to remember that the labors of humanity which are not performed to be seen of men, are recognized by Him whose love for the most abject sufferer is greater than theirs, as done unto Him. “On the 18th of 12th mo., 1778, several cargoes of tea were destroyed at Boston bya — mob, in consequence whereof an armed force took possession of the town to enforce obedience to certain regulations of the British Parliament. _ This occasioned a Congress on behalf of all — America to assemble at Philadelphia, 9th mo. 5th, 1774. Hostilities commenced at Lexing- _ ton, on the 18th of 4th mo. 1775. George Wash- _ ington was appointed General of the American — army, 6th mo., 1775. Gen. Howe evacuated — Boston, 17th of 3d mo., 1776. Independence was declared 4th of 7th mo., 1776: and He . landed on Staten Island the 3d of the same — month, defeated the American army on Long © Island, took New York, and in the fall pursued