FRIENDS’ REVIEW. 809 or by any other officers to be ‘appointed by such Governors, of all able-bodied male citizens be- tween the ages of 18 and 45 within the respec- tive Counties, giving the name, age and occupa- tion of each, toyether with remarks showing whether he is in the service of the United States, etc., and in what capacity ; or any other facts which may determine his exemption from mili- tary duty.” . In accordance with this order, it is under- stood that where the enrolments already made embrace only persons between the ages of 21 and 45, as in Pennsylvania, another enrolment will be made, to include all between the ages of 18‘and 45. A Commissioner for each county in the several States is to be appointed by the Governors, respectively, and his duty “shall be to superintend the drafting, and hear and deter- mine excuses of persons claiming to be exempt from military duty.” - The 8d article, under the head “ Manner of Drafting,” says—“ The enrolling officer shall immediately, upon the filing of the enrolment, notify said Commissioner that said lists have been so filed, and the Commissioner shall there- upon give notice by handbills posted in such town- ship of his county, of the time and place at which| claims of exemption will be received and deter- mined by him, and shall fix the time to be speci- ‘fied in the order aforesaid within ten days of the filing of the enrolment, at which the draft shall be made, and all persons claiming to be exempt from military duty shall, before the day fixed for the draft, make proof of such exemption before said Commissioner, and if found sufficient, his name shail be stricken from the list by a red line drawn through “t, leaving it still legible. The Commissioner shall in like manner, strike from the roll the names of all persons now in the military service of the United States; all tele- graph operators and constructors actually en- gaged on August 5th, 1862 ; all engineers of lo- comotives on railroads ; ahs Vice-President of tne United States ; the ofhcaid, judicial and exe- cutive, of the Government of the United States ; the members of both Houses of Congress and their respective officers; all custom house officers and their clerks; all post officers and stage drivers who are employed in the care and conveyance of the mail of the post office of the United States; all ferrymen who are employed at any ferry on post-roads ; all pilots; ail mari- ment in that district. ners actually etiptoyed 4 in the sea service oft any citizen or merchant} within the United States 3 all engineers and pilots of registered or licensed steamboats and steamships, and all persons ex- empted by the laws of the respective States from military duty, on sufficient evidence or on per- sonal knowledge that said persons belong to any of the aforesaid classes, whether the exemption is claimed by them or not... Exemption will not be made for disability, unless it be of such perma- nent character as to render the person unfit for service for a period of more than thirty days, to be certified by a surgeon appointed by the Gov- ernor in each county for this purpose.” As the Constitution of Pennsylvania clearly exempts from military services all who conscien- tiously seruple to bear arms, it will be proper for such Friends in this State as may be here en- rolled, to present the Commissioner, appointed by the Governor in each county, with a declara- tion of their scruple, duly affirmed before a magistrate, as sufficient evidence of the lawfal- ness of their claim to exemption. Claims to be exempted on account of physical disability must be established by the affidavit of the claimant and by a physician’s certificate. Since the above was written we have received a communication, from our friend Francis T. King, on Drafting in Maryland, which i is inserted on another page. Davin Coopzr.—Any persons possessed of letters written by David Cooper, or of allusions to him in the writings of others, or of material which would aid in the preparation of the “ No- tices” now in course of publication, would con- fer a kindness by forwarding them to W. J. Allinson, Burlington, New Jersey, or to the Edi tor of the Review. Tur Freepwen or Sourn Carouwa: An Address de- livered by J. Miller M’Kim, in Sansom Hall, Phila- delphia, with a letter from’ the same to Stephen Col- well, Chairman of the Port Royal Relief Commit- This is the title of a pamphlet of 82 pages, — containing an account of a recent visit to the Sea Islands, of S. C., undertaken for the purpose of obtaining accurate information as, to the con- dition and wants of the liberated blacks, and the progress and promise of the free labor experi- The Relief Committee