84 FRIENDS’ existence and prevalence of war mark but the depravity of man, and his tremendous capacity for doing evil. What does it avail the human race that the tide of conquest and devastation have rolled from east to west and from west to east, and that thousands and millions of our fellow creatures have been cut off in the midst of their days, and sent fresh from this life to death, burning with fury and panting for revenge; into the pres- ence of a just God, to receive their eternal desti- nation? Whyshould I recountthe horror and the miseries that follow in the train of war, and tri- umph inits ravages? Who has not reflected on the subject, and who does not deplore the wretch- ed state of human nature, whether in producing or suffering these disgraceful calamities? And is there no redress? Does there exist no power on earth or in Heaven to arrest them? There is, my friend; it were impious to say there is not. There is in the religion taught by Jesus Christ,—which is able to reconcile us to God and toone another. It can divest the heart that receives it of its propensities to wrongs and violence for its sake. Thousands of living wit- nesses bear testimony to this divine principle. Thousands who would suffer any privation or punishment rather than impede, by their exam- ple, its influence and increase. And ought it not to console the friend of his country, and of his species, to see its truth, and to be assured by indubitable evidence, that it is possible to re- turn good for evil—to love our very enemies ; and for man, in all situations, to be the friend of man ? I am with much respect, thy friend, B. BAtEs. ————-~