FRIENDS’ REVIEW. A Religious, Witerary and ‘Miscellaneous ‘Fournal, Vou. XVI. EDITED BY SAMUEL RHOADS, To whom all Communications may be addressed. PUBLISHED iKLY, At No. 109 N. Tenth street, Philadelphia. Price, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE, Two dollars per annum, or six copigg for Ten dollars. : ' Postage on this paper, when paid quarterly or yearly in advance, 18 cents per annum in’ Pennsylvania, and 26 cents per annum in other States. ; : For Friends’ Review. NOTICES OF DAVID COOPER. WO, XMIT The value of a literary education is too gen- erally appreciated in this day to require an ad-}1 veeate. The system of public schools, and the facilities for obtaining collegiate education at little more than nominal pecuniary cost, will | leave without excuse the ignoramus of the rising generation. Those who have such facilities ought to improve them, with thankfulness for the opportunity to cultivate and develope those noble faculties which, as the poet says, were never meant _ To rust in us unused.” Yet not exclusively at schools is wisdom ac- quired.» Many a person, debarred from such ad- vantages, has by vigorous selftraining risen above mediocrity, and ‘‘served his generation aecording to the will of God.” Such persons are apt to become strony original thinkers, and surely those who, under great disadvantage, force their own way through the thickets of ignorance into open daylight, are entitled to more credit than those for whom wealth has prepared a “royal road to learning.” Our respect for David Cooper is rather aug- mented by the fact that his school education was limited to three months, under a teacher who, from the only specimen preserved of his composi- tion, would appear to have been grossly and inex- cusably ignorant. Inexeusably, we say, because one who aspired to instruct vou was bound toa ply himself to study, at least so far that his lan- guage should not be a negative example for every pupil to shun, wor aes PHILADELPHIA, FIRST MONTH 17, 1863. P| city of which was 318,504,960 yards of organzine. /English silk goods commanded. in Italy a highe No, 20. David Codper used his spare moments, in early life, in cultivating his soa He was ail gent in business, yet as he followed the plow, a book was fastened before him, and he thus com- mitted to memory much available knowledge. He noted in a small book, in small close penman- ship, whatever he desired toremember for future _ use. Many striking select sentences are thus _ written out. Many entries consist of facts and statisties. As a specimen, we copy a page from this little book, | ee The: people of Dorchester affirm there’s 600,000 sheep skesteticding ta the vicinity of yt cent m Newcastle coals sold on the wharf for 5s. per chal- dron, and at inland towns for 50s. Ce er A sexpent Killed y the Roman army near Carthage, delphia in 1753,—2300. — in 4 mo. 1761,—2969, years, : oH eGR Increase in eight ni Yearly rent of lands in Great Britain computed at ie ten millions: house rent at two millions of. Peers of England 227. Spiritual Lords 26. Com- moners 558. Forty do business. Scotland 16 Peers, 45 Commoners. Pipi Taxes in England per year £500,000. Custom: 2,000,000. Excise more than three millions clear of all cost. . a) Toei £80,000 sterling sent yearly out of Philadelphia for women’s worsted shoes. __ set ip te fees: Silk mills near Derby, contain 26,586 wheels, 17,740 movements; each turn of the water wheel produces 3,726 yards of silk thread: it turns thrice ina minute: produces 13,270,680 yards in one hour. The Parliament in 1730, gave Sir Jno. Lombe £14,000 _ for introducing into England this useful engine.* _ Plant men. : ace Sa _ _ Fame bears no fruit till the vain planter dies... When great Augustus ruled the world and Rome, - The cloth he wore was spun and wove at home:, . His Empress ply’d the distaffand the loom. —_. - * John Lombe, an ingenious mechanic and draughts- man, disguised as a common workman, in 1718 ob- tained access to the silk throwing mills of Piedm He escaped, with bribed accomplices, thoug! great risk, an Italian brig being dispatched capture. He established a silk mill of wonderfu dimensions at Derby on the Dewart, the daily capa- _ ‘silk, In twelve years after his entrance at price than those made by Italians, ==