Friends Pennypacker, I left in so much haste this morning that I did not think to say any thing farther in relation to funds and obtaining subscribers. I hope, if it be possible, the friends of the cause will attend to this work immediately. I wish to write our Ex. Com. that they may send a larger number of laborers into this field with an assurance that they will be sustained. And alas that the anti slavery publications are scattered far and wide. Now is an auspicious season for anti slavery labor inasmuch as the public mind is now in a state of comparative quiet from the political excitement which has abounded every thought. We must work when our labors will count with increased energy. Please write me a line at the time of the Phila Meeting informing of your success in raising Funds and attaining subscribers. For humanity -- Abby Kelly -- Kimbuten Dec 19 E. F. and H. A. Pennypacker [Corner Stores?]