JOEL BEAN PAPERS, CORRESPONDENCE AND ARTICLES RG5/012, Friends Historical Library, Swarthmore College, PA. 1/31/2005 List by Tom M. King, San Jose, CA Author 1. Bean, Hannah & Joel Date 1-23-1894 Box No. Place Written 1 San Jose, CA p. 1 British Friend, Hodgkin Place Sent “Reply from Joel Bean”, 400 names “regret the inquisitional proceedings” by Iowa Yearly Meeting of Ministry and Oversight. Benjamin H. Jones included. 3 pages printed 2. Jones, Augustus 7-2-1894 2 Providence, RI FrdsSchool Phili, Rufus M. Jones 1 Richmond, IN Phil, Rufus M. Jone 6 page letter, on letterhead paper. 3. Jay, Allen 9-5-1895 2 sheets, 2 pages, Quaker Collection, Haverford College, 370 Lancaster Ave., Haverford Pa. 19041-1392., collection 1130, Box. 1. 4. Newman, Henry S. 1-25-1895 1 Ledminister, England Phili, Rufus M. Jones “The Manchester Conference will mark an era in the history of our Society in England.” 2pages, on The Friend letterhead. 5. Nicholson, Dr. Wm. 1-12-1896 1 Pasadena, CA Phili, Rufus M. Jones 4 pages, 2 sheets, Nicholson introduces himself, favors combined publications, --varieties of Quakerism, editorials more reliable than adds. 6. Newlin, Thomas 7-5-1896 1 Oregon, Pacific College Phili, Rufus M. Jones 3 sheets, fromHaverford Quaker Collection, Coll. 1130, Box 1. onletterhead paper. “I have been called ‘infidel,’ ‘skepic’, ‘unitarian’ and all such.” Dr. Ladds’ book, “What is the Bible?” see ghost in “higher criticism.” “God wastes no history” is a useful thought. 7. Rhoads, James E. 3-28-1894 1 Bryn Mawr, Pa. Phili, Rufus M. Jones 5 small typed pages reporting a meeting --lists people, lists directions-- Murray & Catharine Shipley, Isaac Sharpless, George A. Barton, Rufus M. Jones, George N. Hartley, James E. Rhoads, Margaret E. Rhoads, Anna Ely Rhoads, and Charles James Rhoads. need statement of doctrinal views of Friends. 8. Newman, Henry S., 11-27-1893 1 Leominster, England to Thos. Hodgkin, Ed. defends pastors of Iowa, untrue things said about them. need pastor in England. 9. Bean, Joel 9-28-1893 1 San Jose, CA (Santa Clara) Phili, Rufus M. Jones 2 sheets, 4 pages, about -- light, support for it, a “Stronghold” of Caroline E. Stephen. defends his views in detail. 10. Bean, Joel 1-4-1894 1 San Jose, CA Philadephia, R. M. Jones corrects an article, then defends himself. 3 sheets, including subscription renewal. 11. Jones, Wilhelmina B. 9-1-1893 1 San Jose, CA Philadephia, R. M. Jones for Friends Review, poem on “deposed” ministers. 12. Coppock, Benjamin S. 4-29-1895 1 San Jose, CA Philadelphia,R.M. Jones one letterhead page, supports Rufus’ efforts., was sales agent with Wm. E. Ward. King City, CA, crossed off with SanJose to replace it. 12,500 acres on sale in subdivision. 5, 10 , 20 acres tracts upward. 13. Newlin, Thomas 11-19-1894 1 Newberg,Oregonletterhea Brin Mawr, Dr. J.E. Rhoads 14. Newlin, Thomas 7-11-1894 1 Newberg, Oregon Phildelphia, PA to Rufus M. Jones from Pacific College. supports Rufus’ journal. Author 15. Tatum, Lawrie Date 11-27-1893 Box No. Place Written 1 Springdale, Iowa Place Sent p. 2 Philadelphia, R.M.Jones letterhead, Pastoral and Evangelistic Board, IOWA YEARLY MEETINGOF FRIENDS, Isom P. Wooton, Gen’l Supt., Le Grand, Iowa. J.M. Douglas, Pres, Lawrie Tatum, V. Pres, L.Maria Deane, Sec, H. Hammond, Treasurer. attacks Joel Bean. 16. Wood, S. A. 2-19-1900 5` New Providence, IO. Philadelphia, R.M.Jones 6 page letter, “New Providence, IA.,” letterhead, Rev. S. A. Wood. Pastor of Friends Church. attacks Rufus Jones for not beliving the Bible only. 17. De Cou, J. Allen 8-25-1897 5 Moorestown, N. J. Philadephia, R.M.Jones 2 pages, is Gree and latin instructor Shelborne School in San Rafael, CA. wants intro to Joel Bean or S. F. Friends. 18. Turner, Wm. Edwin 11-10-1900 5 Colwn Bay, England Thomas Hodgkin, Eng. Original letter in Friends Library, London. typed here. College Park Friends transfer to London Yr. Mtg. ? Turner is editor and publisher of The British Friend. 19. Shipley, Samuel R 10-23-1900 5 Phildelphia, Pa. Phila., R. M. Jones offers financial support of $25 for maintenance of the American Friend. on Provident Life andTrust Company of Philadelphia letter head, one page. 20. Douglas, John Henry 12-8-1897 5 Long Beach, Cal. Phili., R.M. Jones one page letter plus extract from a letter, 1 page also. opposes anyone not strong in the Lord. not typed. 21. Bean, Joel 12-9-1897 5 San Jose, Ca. Philadelphia, R.M.Jones 4 pages on 2 sheets of paper. Joel express his sympathies. 22. Harris, J. Rendal 9-23-1897 5 Cambridge, Mass. Phili., Rufus M. Jones typed copy of letter. referred to summer school and Rufus’ dead wife., Sarah Coutant Jones. 23. Douglas, John Henry 6-24-1900 5 McMennville, Oregon Prof. R. M. Jones, Haver 3 half-pages, Pleased with the American Friend. not typed. 24. Douglas, John Henry 1-16-1900 5 McMinnville, Or. R. M. Jones, Philadelphi 6 pages, opposes higher criticism, not a “heritic hunter”. “.... we cannotbetoo positive in proclaming the infinite mercy of God. 25. Jay, Allen 4-22-1897 5 Evergreen, Alabama Phili., R. M. Jones Responds to request for his autobiography. Will pray over it. 2 pages, not tyed. 26. Jay, Mahalah 12-31-1897 5 Richmond, Ind. Phili., R. M. Jones sends one sheet, 2 pages, on minutes of Friends conference in Indianapolis, sent to American Friend, suggestions on publication, leaves it to Jones. 27. Newlin, Thomas 8-16-1897 5 Pacific Col,Newberg, Or. Phili., R. M. Jones 5 pages, letterhead President’s Office, wants talk to Rufus in Indianapolis, IN., “I was the bone overwhich they snarled.” lost vote for clerkto pastor of Newberg, J. H.Douglas headed the oposition, a blow at the college. problem is he believes in evolution and used literary study ofthe Bible. not teach sanctification or second experience. Praises M. M. Binfod and Miss. Green as speakers & preachers. 28. Starbuck, Edwin D. 1-22-1897 5 Clark Univ,Worcester, Ma Phili., PA. R.M. Jones 4 small pages, sending reprint of Amer. Journal of Psychology, on study of conversion. Heard from Henry Goddard of interest, in Amer. Friend. Author 29. Wood, S. A. Date 11-27-1899 Box No. Place Written 5 New Providence, Iowa Place Sent p. 3 Phili., Rufus M. Jones 8 pages, understands Rufus must hold eastern & western Friends-30. Wood, S. A. 11-15-1899 5 New Providence, Iowa Phili., Rufus M. Jones 2 small pages, asks article be returned, if organ of church not speak out and give no quarters to the enemy, not loyal to church. 31. Wood, James 8-10-1897 5 Mount Kisco, N. Y. Phili, Rufus M. Jones 2 small pages, enclosed W. L. Parson’s? article. not advisable for it to appear, will get bad replies. discuss at the conference. other publications challenge Amer Friend. 32. Andrews, W. F. 4-10-1898 5 New Providence, Io Phili., Rufus M. Jones 2 page note, allusion to Joel and Hannah Bean being dropped is calculatedto stir up a bad feeling in some localties. They not in unity with Orthodoxbody, or revised discipline. 33. Bean, Hannah E. 12-28-1898 5 San Jose, Ca. Phili,Rufus M. Jones attack on Rufus. --already typed and used in Chap. on membership. 34. Bean, James 11-19-1898 5 San Jose, CA Philadelphia, R.M.Jones defence of Beans, describes events. 5 pages, Amer. Flag on first and last, up side down. 35. Bean, James 11-15-1898 5 San Jose, CA Phili., Rufus M. Jones 2 tightly written pages, explain and defends Beans, photo of mother on front, 36. Bean, Joel “help us to the last”, 37. Bean, Joel 6-10-1879 5 Poem R.M Jones grandmother 5 San Jose, CA Phili., R. M. jones poem and notes. 12-28-1898 attack on Rufus, copy of letter used in membership chapter. 38. Douglas, John Henry 5-6-1898 5 McMinnville,Or. Phili., R. M. Jones 5 McMinnville, Or. Phil, Rufus M. Jones 1 page, suggests papers for Amer. Friend, 39. Douglas, John Henry 10-26-2005 -1898 his version of Bean case. writes in interest of peace, quietness, & unity. College Park Mtg. not an estabished mtg. etc. 40. Jay, Allen 1-8-1898 5 Earlham College, IN Phili., Rufus M. Jones Aunt Mahalah Jay is sendng proceedngs of late conference. 41. Lane, John G. 12-24-1898 5 Philadelphia, Pa. Phili, R. M. Jones 5 Leland Stanford Jr. Univ. Philadehipa, R. M. Jones supports Rufus in how avoids controversy. 42. Murray, Augustus T. 10-12-1898 supports Beans, knows them. Iowahas gone too far. 43. Mustard, Wilfred P. 12-3-1898 5 Phi Beta Kapa Society Haverford College, PA Rufus made member of Haverford College Chapter. 44. Tatum, Lawrie 11-6-1898 5 Springdale, IO Phili., R. M. Jones reviews in 9 smaller pages the Bean case, shows why they are guilty. 45. Vaux, George 11-28-1898 5 Arch ST., Philadelphia Phili, R. M. jones describes attempted take over of a committee, planned, lead by Western, 2 typed pgs. Author 46. Wood, S. A. Date 10-20-1898 Box No. Place Written 5 New Providence, Ia. Place Sent p. 4 Phildelphia, R.M. Jones explains dropping the Beans, 5 written pages. 47. Wootan, Isom P. 12-19-1898 5 Boston, Ma. Phili, Rufus M. Jones subscribes to American Friend, thinks Iowa did poor job on Beans - suggests improve. 48. Wood, Teesa P. (Clerk) 9-12-1898 5 New Provident, Ia. San Jose, CA,ChasE. Cox Clerk answers Chas. questions. members, lists people dropped, Alice Vail, Joel Bean, Hannah Bean, James Bean, Roanna Bean, Elizabeth Bean, Harry J. Bean,George Albert Bean, Benjamin Jones, Wilhamna and George N. Jones, Lydia, Hannah, & Catharine Cox. 14 total. 49. Bean, James 1-27-1899 5 San Jose, CA (normal sch.) Phili, M. B. Kirk on S. J. Normal school letterhead, defends Beans, 50. Crosman, Geo. L. 1-21-1899 5 Pasadena, CA. Philadelphia,R.M. Jones describes S. Calif., Tebbetts sermon, wants leave board, Amer. Friend is literature! 6 p. 51. Gregory, Levi 2-2-1898 5 S. Calif., Superintendent Philadelphia, Pa. R.M. J. future (1900-1904) San Jose Stockton Ave. pastor describes Bean case. Discussion. writes as Superintendent of CYM Friends Church. 2 pages, “private to Editor”. 52. Wood, S. A. 1-23-1899 3 New Providence, Io. M. Z. Kirk, board mem? gives his meeting’s version of Bean case, to M. Z. Kirk. failed to send me a list of subscribers. Thos Newlin holding meetings. 53. Hodgkin, Thos. 2-19-1899 3 Beal, Northumberland Bros Phili, Rufus M. Jones 8 handwritten pages, 4 sheets, “an injustice has beendone to us as well as to the College Park Friends by the stupid blunders of the New Providence Monthly Meeting.” 54. Taber, Anna F. 1-13-1899 3 San Jose, Ca. Phili., R. M. Jones found no reference to the College Park Assn. of Friends, 7 page letter, cancelled subsc. 55. Taber, Anna F. 1-30-1899 3 San Jose, Ca. Phili., Rufus M. Jones did not know of sorrows of Rufus. Please do not give him my letter now. 56. Newman, Henry S. 3-15-1899 3 Leominster, Eng. Thos. Hodgkin, Eng. on Bean case, New Providence Mo. Mtg. ready to right its mistake. typed from London. Editor of The Friend to supporter. in England.- Friend’s library. 57. Rosenberger, A. 1-18-1899 3 Oskloosa, Iowa Phili., Rufus M. Jones overreaction to Bean case. rushing into print, no martyrs, “crime of’98” complicates. 58. Wood, S. A. 1-28-1899 3 New Providence, Io. Phila., Rufus M. Jones lots of letters received, none from Joel and Hannah. CPAF a new religious society. 59. Murray, A. T. 1-11-1899 3 Stanford Univ. Phili., Rufus M. Jones Joel Bean letter says Rufus believes Augustus has “gone back on you,” reaffirm their friendship. Waiting for info. from Chas. Cox. 3 full sized pages. 60. Wood, S. A. 1-18-1899 3 New Providence, Io. Phila., Rufus M. Jones announces meeting has reversed its action. 2 small pages. Outside advice orignially. 61. Turner, Wm. Edwin 1-20-1899 3 Colwyn Bay, N. Wales Thos Hodgkin, Engl. Recording of Thos. Newlin as mnister, refused creed. thinks Joel Bean should have done this. Thos. a modest man, not urge needs of his college. Author 62. Newman, Henry S. Date 3-7-1894 Box No. Place Written 1 Leonminster, Eng. Place Sent p. 5 Thos. Newman editors not republish published articles. Poetry & articles of Joel Bean have proved thatEnglish Friends were hasty in talking of inquisition. urges caution. typed from London