1905 EASTERN TRIP DIARY 99 & 2000.



Red Leather covered diary found, with title page “Joel Bean,  Memo--, Journey East 1905” on fly sheet.  About 5 X 3 inches, 1/2 inch thick, with 111 hand numbered lined pages plus 10 more at end of diary.

 (“Expense of Trip East” in AUGUST Cash Account page of regular 1905 diary.)


Inside  red front cover on fly sheet: “Joel Bean, Memo--, Journey East 1905”


===========1905 Eastern Trip Diary ==============


(handwritten pages 1 to 4.)  At the close of our Meeting at College Park on First day 3rd mo. 5. 1905. I informed Friends of the following Prospect.

For more than half of the year past, there has been kept before me the prospect of one more Journey East, and the attendance of a few meetings in Iowa:  Pennsylvania, and New England, including (as it has become more clearly defined)Philadelphia and New England Yearly Meetings.

            Very deeply have I had to weigh the many considerations that would seem to discourage such an undertaking at this time in my life, and in the conditions which  surround me.

            But the first opening of the prospect before me last summer seemed to be in the Light that has never led me astray; and in the lowest seasons of physical reduction thro’ which I have since passed, there have been times when I have felt an overpowering sense of the Divine Presence renewing The Call and constraining me to surrender myself to The Lord’s disposal in this matter.

            It is before me as an “Evening Sacrifice”.  In my utter weakness my heart has been Strengthened again and again by the thought of the Saints of old, who “out of weakness were made Strong”; and the revival of the Promise. --- “My presence shall go with thee and I will give thee Rest.”

            I can have no doubt of the duty of Surrender to the Call, whether Strength is given to fulfill it or the yielded “will be accepted for the deed.”

            Knowing the Status of our Mtg. I did not ask for its Certificate, nor claim any Expression. It seemed ---------? To my Friends to inform them as above.

            A very sweet and cordial Expression followed of sympathy and unity.


(Page 5)  3 mo. 18.  I have been brot very low physically for the past week or more.  In all the suspense and trial of faith which this and other causes bring, my heart adopts the prayer this morning.--  “Just to lie passive in His hand,

                                                                        And know no will but his.”


3 mo. 19:  “My times are in Thy hands, O’Lord.”

3 mo. 20-26: “Rest in The Lord & wait patiently for Him.”

3rd Mo. 28.  Preparing to leave tomorrow for the East:  Encouraged by some improvement in health.  Made Calls with H.E.B. on Friends of the Meeting.


3rd Mo. 29.  Read 12: sh ps.?

            Left home at 7 a. m.  (ten line of a prayer follow).  Left Oakland at 9:30 on fast train.   Found The Sierras Snow capped and all the trees gorgeously decked with ermine too dear for our East.


3rd mo. 30.   Awoke on the desert sands of Nevada covered with snow, brilliant in the sunshine.  Snow in the mountain regions all the way today.  Passed over the 20 mile track laid thro’ Salt Lake.  Reached Ogdon at 2 p. m.


3rd mo. 31.   At Cheyenne in the morning.  Thankful for a good night.  A luxurious car with dining and observation cars attached to the train furnishes abundant comfort for the long Journey to Iowa. The snow is left behind.


4 mo. 3.  I left the train at Marshall town about 3 o’clock in the morning. Went to the Pilgrim Hotel, and at 9.25 took train to LeGrand, arriving at Cousin Jas. Outland’s about 10 a. m.  Found a warm welcome and a comfortable home.

Ole Sawyer called in the p. m. with his Father Thona? Sawyer aged 87 and asked me to dine on First day.

First day Meeting quite large.  A great array of carriages in the long sheds.  Many promising young people. Deutr VIII.10-14.

Ida Chammis? A minister prayed fervently and feelingly near the close with thanksgiving.  The cordial greetings and hand grasp of the Friends, I have hardly known exceeded.  The older Friends remaining here are John Knudson, a minister, Thora Sawyer, Matthus Husibs, S      Rosdale,    Gimre, Rachel & Nettie Low of Norway Station, sisters of Julia, the latter a Westtown scholar last year, were present.

Dined with Ole & Helen Sawyer (Jas. Outland with me).  A sweet visit.

In the afternoon Harold Outland & wife Jennie Paulina Roseland were at his Father’s. 

            This morning Anna Outland took me to call at H. Hammond’s, John King’s, Howard Outland’s, and to the Burying ground to see little Hannah Mary’s (who?  Possible first infant of Joel and Hannah?) grave and then to the Station to take train to Norway at 9.40.  Found Ole Sawyer ready to accompany me.


(page 11)  Norway, Iowa 

4 mo. 4.  Arrived here between 10 & 11.  Met Bertha Low at the station who took us to her Mother’s Anna Tow’s.

            A note from Ole Sawyer had encouraged them to expect us.  The afternoon was rainy but Lars & Julia Tow & Andrew Tow came & were with us at supper and a tendering opportunity followed in the silence at the close of the meal.

Third day 4/4 -  Andrew & Ellen Tow and their daughter Martha called this morning.  Martha was at Westtown School last year.  Lars Tow and Axel Melberg also called and accompanied me to the station.  Left at 11 a.m. for Cedar Rapids & West Branch.  Axel Melberg corresponded with James some years ago about his bro-in-law Martin Johnson who stayed awhile at G. N. Jones’s.


At Cedar Rapids – I called on Bart L. Wick who went to the Depot to see me of for West Branch.  Met at the Depot Frank Pierpont & family Agnes & the children Edwd.  Chase. & H.  were on their way to Clarkson Penrose.


West Branch

C. T. Penrose & Asa Staples were at the station to welcome me. & take me to C. T. P’s dear home. 

Fourth day 4/6:  Clarkson took me to Hickory Grove Mtg.  About 30 present.  Peter Dyer at the head of the mtg. Spoke briefly and feelingly near the close.

            We dined at Wm. Thomas’s (an old pupil) a sweet visit.  Called afterward on Eliza Wood, Elize Stratton and Mary ------?.  Tristram Coggeshall came & spent the evening.

            This morning I called on Hannah Krundsen?

4 – 7 – At Jesse Negus’s     I called yesterday morning on Lydia Jane Tom?, Sena Branson, and at Thos. Hathaway’s and Peter Dyhr’s and then spent the day with Asa Staples, feasting upon his interesting conversation and reminiscences.  He brot me here, & staid to supper,  I called at John G. Hoover’s on the way and met a hearty Greeting from John Tollson.  Their Golden Wedding will occur on the 7th mo. Next.  I was present at their wedding.

I am Enjoying a precious visit in this dear home of comfort & peace.  Forty seven years ago I taught school at Springdale and boarded with Jesse & Rachel the first winter after their marriage.  There has been an intimate & unbroken friendship and fellowship thro’ all these years.

            In the afternoon Jesse took me to call on Anna Eulow. & her Mother Mary Mattison.  -----? & Claudia Negus & Wm. Mather were with us a Supper and in the evening.


Seventh day 4/8:  Mo. Mtg. At West Branch.  Asa Kto & Elli? James Hawley prayed Early in Mtg. And Wm. Test near the close.  (page 16)

Dined at Daniel Motts’.  Called on Jane & Sidney Lloyd, returning to C. T. Penrose’s.


First Day at West Branch 4-9:

            Meeting quite large (probably 100 or more) some from the other meeting & from Hickory Grove present.  (Amos 7th 2 & 5.)

            A solemn settled meeting.  Many warm greetings from Friends.  Went with Tristram Coggeshall to dinner and to Asa Staples for rest afterwards.

Sina Branson, Peter Dyhn & wife Lydia Jane Love & Rebecca Gebbert, sister of Thos. Haogue of Westchester, Pa., called at Asa’s.  After tea I called at Elis’s Crews’ and Mary Negus’s & then to G. t. P’s for the night.


4 mo. 10:  After calling on Hannah Knudson & calls from S. C. Staples & T. Coggeshall I took train at 11:07 a. m. for Chicago.  With thankfulness for a favored and uniting visit to many beloved Friends and the attendance of the Meeting’s I had in view, I leave Iowa in peace.


Chicago – 4-11-1905:  Arrived here last evening before dark in the pouring rain.  Went to The Great Northern Hotel on Jackson Boulevard (room 150).  Today arranged for further travel.  Called on Catharine Bastin and four daughters, 68 East 50th St.  And changed Lodgings to Hotel Grace, Jackson Boulevard and Clarks St., Room $1.00 with a reasonable Restaurant. 

            H. Bastins is reached by street Car by Westworth Ave. to 47th St.—transfer on 47th to Cottage Grove Ave.:  go on this a short distance to 50th St. & walk a little way to 568 (Upper Flat).  (page 19)

Left Chicago 4-12 at 3 p. m. for Philadelphia from Union Station via Fort Wayne and Pittsburgh.  Arrived Pittsburgh about 6 a. m. 4 mo. 13 (- 7 a. m. Eastern Time) and in Philadelphia between 5. & 6 p. m.


            A joyous welcome at 1034 Spruce St. from Anna & Susan & the Children, as I alighted from the cab., and afterwards from Agnes, & bro. S. who was absent in the evening at some reception, but present at Breakfast in the morning.

            Sister C. M. S. came to dinner at C.   A pleasant evening followed.


(page 20)  Philadelphia.  4-14-’05.  1034 Spruce Street.

How much I have to be thankful for this sunny morning in this home of luxurious comfort with so much of affection, and opportunity for quiet & rest.  Lizzie Winn called in the morning, her own dear self.  So lovely in girlhood, with whitened hair now.  John took me in the carriage to call on Anna Potts.  I called at Hallin K. Howell’s door but she was out.  John, the coachman & his wife in the house, and Robert have been long here and are very kind.


(page 21)  Philadelphia Y. M. of M. & E. at 10 a. m.

            A large meeting. 

            Eliza Varney of Canada prayed, Job Gidley of N. E. Spoke.  My part was to pint to the spiritual counterpart in human experience to the thrilling words of the Psalmist CVII. 23-32.  Several others spoke and prayed.  Wm. Allen returned his minute and gave a beautiful account of his visit accompanied by Wm. B. Harvey to Porto Rico & Barbados.  Much expression followed of thankfulness for their work and in reference to 1st & 2nd queries which were answered.


(page 22)  One woman Friend said “This is no common day:  this is no common occasion.  Ever now give us this bread.”  It was felt to be a remarkably favored meeting.

            Many kindly and cordial greetings of welcome before & after the mtg.

            I dined with Sister C. M. S. at 2128 DeLaney St.  At 4 to 6 she had a reception of some 40 or more.


(page 23)  First day 4-16 1905

            Twelfth St. Meeting was large filling not only the seats in the body of the house, but the youth’s gallery from end to end.

Abram Fisher spoke at some length.  To me it was given to repeat the Query of our Lord, “Is not the Life more than meat and the body than rainment?” and to call attention to his words which show us the distinction and the relation between the Life itself and the things that minister to the life.


Emma Cadbury, a young Friend (daughter of Joel Cadbury) spoke well.  Elizabeth Dunn


(page 24)  followed in a powerful appeal to some present to yield to the call of Christ without waiting and waiting.  “No language,” she said, “could describe the possibilities of a soul touched by the Spirit of God.”

            Mary           Nicholson prayed.  Many warm greetings from Friends after meeting.  Anna & I went to Mary Wetherall’s to dinner.  I called afterwards on Anna Roberts.


(page 25)  Second day 4-17-05.

            Yearly Meeting for Discipline.  I dined at Anna Roberts’s.  Called on Anna Pots.  Attended Peace Mtg. At 12th St. at 4 p. m.  Saml. Morris, chairman.  A Jewish Rabbi gave a strong address.


Third day 4-18:

            Y. M. in the forenoon.

            Missionary Mtg. At 4 p. m.  Asa Wing Chairman.  Margaret Haines, Mary Morris Gurney & Elizabeth Binford from Japan, & Alice G. Lewis (going to Japan) addressed the mtg.


Fourth day 4-19:

            Y. M. in the morning.  F. D. School Assn. At 4 p. m.  Walter Borton, chairman.  Addresses by Maria Scattergood, J. H. Barttell, Alfred Garrett & others.  Anna & I took tea at Geo. Vaux’s.


Fifth day 4-20:

            Public Mtgs. For worship at Arch St., 12th St., & North Mtg.  Susan & Anna & I went to Arch St.  The great Room & Galleries were packed.  Christ the Root & the Offspring of David, “ & the Mercy that seeks to gather all the divided and Scattered Israel (sic)  under his reign”, was the theme for me to present. 

            In the greetings afterward throughout the day there seemed many open hearts towards me.  I dined with Anna & Lizzie Potts.  There was a session of the Y. M. at 3 p. m.


4 mo. 21:

            The Y. M. closed.

            I called in the afternoon on Gertrude Roberts & her Sister, and John H. Dillinghams.


Seventh day 4-22:  I dined at Merion with Sister A. E. Winn & family.  Anna & I took tea at Asa Wing’s with Daniel & Alice Maxfield & their son Daniel Ellwood & their daughter etc.—


(page 29)   Moorestown  First day 4 mo. 23:

            Geo. Wetherell accompanied me to the Meeting at Moorestown.  Arriving a half hour before Mtg. Time we went in the F. D. School of the Race St. Frds. In their Mtg. house in the same grounds.  Were warmly welcomed by Esnor? Roberts and others & sat awhile in their Bible Class.

The Mtg. At 10 a. m. at Moorestown was large.  Benja. Brown of N. C. present.  “Ye shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into Joy.”  Was mine to revive.  B. Brown followed in ministry and prayer.

            A Bible class after mtg. Led by Walter Borton (attended by near 40 probably) was interesting.  The raising of Lazarus; & family at Bethany, were the subject of the lesson.

            I spoke with many friends.—Carter’s, Evans’s, Rhodes & Stokes’s, Roberts’s, Allen’s, DeCon’s, etc.  We went to Walter Borton’s to dinner, a lovely home; and afterwards called on Allen DeCon’s Mother, and at Saml. Allen’s.  Returned as we went by trolley cars to Camden.


(page 31)  Second day 4-24:

            John took sister C.M.S. and Anna & Dorothy & me a long drive in the Park.  Anna returned to Westtown.  I took tea with Catharine & she & I called in the Evening at J. Henry Bartletts.


Third day 4-25:  A good long precious call from Henry Outland of N. C.:  after which I called on Anna Potts.  Ost? & Harriet K. Howell.

            At 2:48 p. m. I was met at the Station by Addison Hutton, who took me to his house at Wallingford for a call.


(page 32)  His daughter & husband, James Biddle, and their little children live with him.  After a pleasant call with them & his sister, A. Hutton took me to Jas. Elkinton’s calling on John Biddle (father of James & Wm.) on the way at Media.  Wm. Biddle’s son, John, a Westtown scholar & classmate of our Anna’s, died during Y. M. week:  an only child.  His Mother was a daughter of the late Jas. Scattergood, a Minister, bro. Of Thos.

            Benja Vail & wife & boy took supper & spent the Evening at Jas. Elkinton’s where Sarah read Joseph’s late letters from Japan.


(page 33)  Fourth day morning 4-26:

            I came in from Media and went to the mtg. At Race St. which was attended by the great school of several hundred pupils.

            Saml. Ash & others made me welcome.  After I had spoken briefly, S. Ash & a woman Friend spoke.  At the close of the mtg. nearly all except the scholars came to speak to me very cordially.


            In the afternoon Sister C. M. S. and I went to the Reception at Thos. Scattergood’s; a large and choice company.

            Among those present were


(page 34)   Jon A. Chace of R. I., Gurney & Elizabeth Binford of Japan, Saml. & Hannah Morris, Sarah Enlen & daughter, Abby & Mary Newhall, Jas. Shinn, Alfred Garretts wife & her mother, Clarence Hoag’s mother, E. C. Winn & Thos. Richards, Susan G. Shipley & Fannie Heard, David & Margaret Alsop just returned from Palestine, H. Hoxie’s wife, Geo. Wetherell & sisters.

            Catharine & I made a short call on Rebecca White, 88 yrs. Old, & crippled by a fall in her parlor, but very bright and cheerful.  I was invited to remain to tea at T. Scattergood’s with Gurney Binford & wife, & David Alex ? & wife etc.  A very interesting Evening.  Spent the night a sister C’s.


Fifth day 4-27:

            Anna Potts had planned to accompany me to Germantown to call at Saml. Emlen’s but the rain prevented her going.  I went & had a sweet call on S. & L. Emlen and at the Garrett Sister’s home.  Martha was away at M. Mtg. at Frankford, but Hetie and another sister were at home.  Dined at 2128 DeLancy St. & went with Catharine to her Mother’s Mtg. At the Prince of Peace  Mission at 2:30 p. m.  A good meeting with the women & their young Pastor & Sarah Hacker & others.


(page 36)  Sixth day 4-28:  I left Phila at 2:30.  Arrived in New York at 5 and went to the Pennington, 215 E. 15th St., where I had written for a Room & was expected.  After supper, as I sat in the Parlor alone & rather lonely Wm. M. Jackson & wife and Robert Stratton came in greet me cordially and to bid me welcome to their Q. M.

            Wm. Jackson & Robt. Stratton speak most of the evening with me.  The latter has attended the Northfield Mtgs. In Mass. For successive Summers & enjoyed such speakers as Campbell Morgan, F. Balleyer, A. T. Pierson and the teachers of that school.


Seventh day 4-29:  Robert Stratton piloted me to Brooklyn by the subway R.R. to the Bridge to attend Westbury Q. M.  Some 150 present.  Saml. Haines? At the head of the Mtg.  I was invited to a seat in the Gallery.  Eph. IV 4 to 13..   Isaac Sherwood 84 spoke with much power, & Mary Truilla? From Phila.  Two other women


(page 38)    In the Gallery spoke briefly & one in the body of the meeting repeated feelingly some beautiful lines of poetry.  An interesting & lively business session followed.

Among the many friends who spoke to me after mtg. Were Sarah Howland?, a daughter of Anthony Morris, who knew H.E.B., and a cousin of Christy Davis, and a niece of Phebe R. Gifford, & two sisters of Jas. Willets? Of Trenton (who was once at our Mtg. & at Wm. Walton’s) & the wife and daughter of Jas. Millen.  Etc, etc.


I staid to the Lunch and to a mtg. Of the Y. F. Assn. at 2:30 where an admirable & beautiful Paper was read by  _________ Stover, Principal of the Frds. School at Brooklyn.  The subject was discussed by Sarah Morris Hasin's?, Edwd. Rawsons, Principal of N. Y Frd. School, Wm. Cox, M. C., Wm. M. Jackson, Isaac Sherwood & others.

I returned with Wm. & Anna M. Jackson, who are acquainted with W. B. Jones & Dr. Wakefield.  A young man named Russell asked me to spend the night at his house, in Brooklyn.

            A pleasant evening at the Pennington.  Called to see a Friend in her room, Elizabeth Haydon? At her request, who is 93 today.


(page 40)  New York.  First day 4-20-’05:

After seeing the opening of the F. D. School on 15th St. by Anna M. Jackson, I went to Mary Kimber’s Bible Class and the Mtg. On 20th St.  Bible Class about 10 in attendance.

            Meeting about 50 or 60 Scattered over a large room.  Alvin White prayed.  In the latter part of the mtg. Delia Ries spoke very ably and ____________ prayed.


Maria Collins Barton invited me to dinner & introduced a number of Frds. To me:  her Mother & Sister Hannah, a daughter of John Haines of Malvern? & her husband.  . . . Staff; a daughter of David White of N. C.; a son of Wm. Hobson of Eng. who knows Laura Watson; an Eng. Frd. named Ransom, etc.  Oliver White & _____ Fletcher, both cousins of Miriam Maxwell, went to Dr. Barton’s to dinner with me at 57 E. 55th St.


 I went after dinner with O. White & _______ Fletcher to the Mission on 41st conducted by John R. Taber & wife Anna Taber, a daughter of Rebecca Collins.  Met there James Henderson & companion from Ohio, who are visiting Missions here.  J. H. spoke to the children. 


(page 42)  In the evening I went into “Grace church (Dr. Huntington’s) and heard a Sermon by Prof. Nash of Cambridge, Eng., on the text “Your life is hid with Christ in God.”

Second day 5-1-05  I rode on Trolley cars to the Park 86th & 3rd Ave. & returned by  8th Ave. to 14th St.

            After Lunch, rode on the L (or Elevated RR.) to the Fall River Boat Landing at foot of Warren St. taking the L. at 14th St. on 3rd. Ave. to South Ferry & changing there to 9th Ave. Car for Warren St. 


(page 43)  Adjacent to The Pennington is The Friends Meeting House & School buildings and across a narrow St. from these is Dr. Rainesford’s “Church”, formerly Dr. Tyngs.  A notice by the door says, “Church open, Come in, Rest and Pray.”  I went in and had some quiet moments where in the hush of the great Room the hum of the City sounded distant.

            Left New York at 5:30 by the Sound Boat for Fall River, where I took Cars next morning for Providence, arriving at Moses Brown School near 8 a. m.  Met here a hearty welcome from Cousins Seth & Amy Gifford, Susan Moore, etc.—


(page 44)  Providence 5-2-05

Hearing at the School of the death of Lydia H. Gifford in Phila. on First day morning and that the Funeral is to be at West Falmouth tomorrow on arrival of train at 10 a. m., the prospect of attending it claimed my thought and gained clearness when Susan Moore telephoned and prepared the way for my reception there.  I took the train at Providence at 3:40 p. m. and arrived at West Falmouth about 6.  Was met by Henry Swift & taken to Mrs. Silas Swift’s.

            West Falmouth, Mass.  5 mo. 3.

John H. Dillingham & wife accompanied by Geo. Wetherell, arrived by 10 a. m. train.  Meeting commenced at 11.  Job Gidley was present and Elam Henderson, the Pastor.  It was a privilege to be there, with the little company of relatives, and the Friends who gathered and to feel their hearty welcome.  John H. Dillingham expressed great comfort in the service of the occasion, and thankfulness that Eliza. Varney was with them


( page 46)  in the little gathering before leaving Philadelphia, and that I was with them here, both of us having known his Mother’s family in New Hampshire.

            The family & a few friends took dinner together at Lydia Dillingham’s late home. ---  John H. Dillingham & wife & their two daughters & husband who live at Falmouth were present and Geo. Wetherell & Job Gidley and two daughters of Edwd. Dillingham & myself.

            I afterward called on Huldah Gifford, a sister of Azariah, & spent a delightful


(page 47)  hour with D. Wheeler & Sarah Swift & his sister.  The Swifts are here from Worcester for a few days to prepare their palatial Summer homes for occupancy.  In the carefully kept Burying Ground among the many names of Swift, and Gifford and Dillingham and Wing, I noticed on the Stones those of Cousin Azariah & Lois B. Gifford. 

Azariah Gifford died 9-6-1866, aged 52 yrs. 9 mos. & 11 days.

                        Lois B. Gifford died 1-8-1871, aged 48 yrs. 9 mos. 8 days.

Abby (Swift) Mendenhall’s children’s


(page 48)  home was at West Falmouth.  Its an ancient meeting the Records of which run back to 1685.

I returned to Providence in the afternoon, visiting part of the way in the train with Job Gidley.  His Mother died not long ago, aged over 100. ---Sara Swift’s Mother was 100. – J. H. Dillinghams is over 90. -- & mine 97 - & we four stood together at the graveside today.


(page 49)  Greenwich R. I.   5 mo. 4.

            Went in company with Seth & Mary Amy Gifford, & Susan Moore and others, to the Q. Mtg. At Greenwich.  Thos. Batty & Susan Pickham , Clerks.   Jesse McPherson, Obadiah chase (about 87), Henry & Phebe Aydelot, Seneca & Alice Earle Stevens George Williams, Mead Kelsey etc. present.  Dinner at the Meeting house between mtgs.  Returned by Trolley.  Louisa Meader & Anna Roberts Meader in company.  In the evening had a delightful open talk with Cousin Seth Gifford & wife.


(page 50)         Moses Brown School   Providence, R. I.  5 mo. 5. 

At the daily Chapel Collection at 10:20 a. m.   I spoke briefly to the Scholars.  About 170.

Afterwards called on Elery M. Chace, and in the afternoon with Cousin Mary Amy called on Hannah Ladd and Ellen Buffum.  The latter is 83 years old.


(page 51)  Boston 5 mo. 6

            Left the school at Providence this morning about 9 --   Arrived in Boston at 10:30 and took a Room in Castle Square Hotel, 419 Fremont St.

            Fifth Mo. 7

Attended Boston Meeting.  Pastor Prof. Edwards from Penn. College.   Benja. Trueblood present.  About 50 in attendance.  Prof. Edwards preached an interesting Sermon.

            Anna Gove of Seabrook, Lindsay Jones, bro. of Stephen, Mary & Lizzie Swann, a daughter of John Gove,


(page 52)  who was at Frds. School with my Sisters (Mrs. Gardner now) and others spoke to me.  Besides Olney T. Meader & wife who claimed me for dinner with Wm. Hastings. 

Wm. Hastings is Principal of a training School at Springfield, Mass. Of the G.M.C.A. and is bro. Of Wm. Garner’s wife, formerly of Maryville, Tenn. (a Providence Scholar) now of Cala. near Pomona.

            An interesting F. D. S. after Mtg. With bible Class led beautifully by Lyra Trueblood.  B. F. Trueblood’s two daughters, Lyra & Florence are of Boston University, one a graduate, the other a student.  A sweet visit at Olney T. Meadin.


(page 53)  Boston  5-8-05    2 Dune St.

            The Swan Sisters urged me to change my quarters for the hospitality of their home:  a sweet home.  Mary, Lizzie, & Martha, and their Sister Rachel Smiley, and Peace Nichols are here. 

I came last evening, and went into Fremont Temple nearby to the evening meeting (Baptist).  Dr. P. S. Henson preached a powerful sermon to a vast audience on the three Hebrews in the Fiery furnace.  After dramatically presenting the Story, he elaborated on,

                        “Backs that do not bend, &

                        “Fire that does not burn.”


(page 54)  Boston  5-7-05

About town, at Old State House, Old South Mtg. House, Fansiel Hall & in the State House saw the Legislature in Session.  Memorial Hall, etc.   Called on Cousin Henrietta Ham, 20 Lynds St.

In the evening read Grandma Bascom’s Story to the family, who enjoyed it.


5 mo. 8.  Henry A. Chase came to pilot me after a sweet Scripture Reading, to call on him & his wife at their room.  His father was Wm. Chase of Salem, bro. of 


(page 55)   Stephan A. Chase.  His wife a Theosophist & known of Edwd. Rambo.  They are great believers in the inward and Spiritual in Religion.  A very interesting call.

Henry Chase was at mtg. On First day & meeting me on the St. the day after introduced himself & wife and desired a call from me. 

            At the Ticket Office I spoke with Cousin ______  Parsons.

            Left Boston at 1:15 & reached Gonic between 3 & 4. To find a home at Stephen Meader’s.  The widow of Chas. Whitehorse called & talked of the neighbors we once knew. 


(page 56)         Gonic, N. H.   5 mo. 10. 1905

            Mo. Mtg. About 30 present.

Chas. E. Peasler & James Cooper Ministers.  There were in attendance Ellen & Mary Bangs, Almira Roberts, & Anna


(Page) Pinkham from Dover.  John Nutter & wife from Somersworth (St. Falks)  Eli Meader & wife & two sons, & Jas. Cooper from Meaderboro and Wm. T. Ware & wife from Chestnut Hills.

Ss        A sweet Monthly Mtg.

            I went to spend the night with Fremont & Ida Jenness at the old home (rebuilt & enlarged) of Cyrus & Mercy Jenness, Fremont’s parents.  They have 10 children


(page 57)  living , one at home.  The older ones attending School at Gonic & Rochester.  They go in “the Barge”, a carryall, driven by Ellwood.

            I had a delightful visit here.  In visiting the Grave Yard where the Jennesses for 5 generations are laid, I met Noah Addison Jenness, son of Stephen, who was a scholar of mine when I taught their District School one winter.

            He is __________??  The occupant of a great house and fine farm.  Effie Meader came for me in the morning, to take me back to my home of comfort in the Gonic Village.  My window looks down on the Cocheco, winding along across the Street & under the Bridge to the Factory.


(page 58)   Gonic.  5-12   Took a walk around our old home & by the River and called at Chas. E. Peasles’s in the Evening.

5-13.  Effie Meader took me to Chestnut Hills where we dined with Hannah Ware & family, & returned  by Meaderbors Meeting house & Burying Ground, and calling at Eli Meader’s and Thos. Evans’s.


(page 59)   Dover:  5 mo. 15. 

            I came to Dover by Trolley on Seventh day the 13th.  Called on Cousin Zulema Fowle, when I met her Cousin Oarah Randall from Boston, a daughter of Cousin Mary Cotton.    I came to Garrison Hill to stay at the Bangs home, with Ellen & Mary Bangs.   Called in the afternoon on Almira Roberts & Catharine Hanson & Joseph Sawyer, and in the Evening on Clarence & Anna Pinkham.

(page 60)   Dover:  On First day the 14th attended meeting at Dover. 

About 30 present.  Besides the group at Garrison Hill, there were Chas. Cortland & Sister, Edwd. Purinton & wife, & his Sister Sarah Hill from Amesbury.  John Nutter & wife, Wm. Dennis’s widow, the widow & family of Irving Jenness, a daughter of Stephen Jenkins, my Cousins Zulema Fowle & 2 nieces and Asenath Nute & others.  Sarah Hill & C. Pinkham prayed & C. P. read a few verses.  A precious meeting.

I dined (sic)  at Almira Roberts’s & called in the afternoon on Cousin Z. Fowle & Asenath


(page 61)  Nute, a sister of Grah Randall.  The latter showed me a tea spoon marked “D. B.” which my grandfather had made for Aunt Deborah (her grandmother) when she was married, out of silver money, and a Pewter plate (heavy) marked D. B. on the back with exquisite skill.


Clarence & Anna Pinkham & her sister Gertrude Page called in the evening.

            This morning I called on Gilman Fowle, who went with me to Eduri’s and to Jarsany’s ? home.  Then took Trolley for Somerworth (Great Falls) & dined at John Nuttor’s & returned to The Gonic. 

Walter Meader & wife & son called in the eveng.

       ======================== 1905 Eastern Diary ===============



Tom King of San Jose, CA.  Thomk48@hotmail.com

March 29, 2000, continued copying diary—Tom King.


       ======================== 1905 Eastern Diary ===============


(page 62)    5 mo. 16.       Rainy.   Chas. E. Peasler took me in the afternoon with James Cooper to Gilmanton Academy to Alfred Prescott’s.  

The latter had come from Portsmouth on 7th day last to open his large house, and to welcome Friends who might come to the appointed meeting on the 17th.  A hearty greeting & warm welcome met us to the comfortable old home of his Parents.

            Alfred Prescott’s mother & grandmother were of the Bean family:  & his father was (as he had heard him say) a cousin of Marcy Prescott Hill, my mother’s grandmother.


(page 63)   Gilmanton  5 mo. 17.  Weather unfavorable.  Mtg. Appointed to be held here today was small. About 16 to 20 present.  Five children of Amos Peasler, Cynthia Varney, Mrs. Brown, daughter of Hannah Marsh, A. Prescott, etc., attended at the 10:30 & 2 p. m. mtgs. 

We dined with Cynthia Varney at the old Tucker? House. 

Called at Cyrus Varney’s in the afternoon. 

In the evening I called with A. Prescott on “Mrs.” Josich Bean & her daughters, Clara Bean & Alice Bean Lodgan.


(page 64)  Gilmanton.   Alice Lodge is blind:  a writer of Poetry.  Her sister Clara interested Judge Drummond in the Bean Genealogy. 

They are cousins of A. Prescott. 

Chas. Otis has lived with Alfred Prescott over 20 years like brothers – and they do their housework together. 

I spent an interesting evening with A. Prescott as my companions attended a Mtg. held by a Cong. Minister.


(page 65)    5 mo. 18.  We left Alfred Prescott’s hospitable home about 8 a. m. for Sandwich and passed thro Laconia and Meredith and Centre Harbor, and along by Lake Winnipisioque over hills with magnificent views.  Stopped at Meredeth an hour for lunch, and reached North Sandwich about 6.

Were welcomed and made to feel at home at Samuel Peaslie’s (son of David) in their comfortable old Homestead. 

In the evening as they talked of their Summer Boarders, I was surprised to hear that Prof. Jesse Macy & family from Iowa have been their Guests for two Summers.  (sidewise on page)  At Woodbine Lodge near Center Harbor we called on Cousin Mary Alice Kelley.


(page 66)  North Sandwich.

Cousin Ellen Smith’s daughter _______________came here on her way to Europe, to see the Macy’s.

5 mo. 19.  Around this dwelling of Saml. Peasher’s not far away are Israel Mountain, Sandwich Dome _________ft. high White Face & Chicoresa?: and Gasiper? Mountain farther away.

This “moon amid the Mountains” calls for fresh gratitude for fresh memories? And pleasures & privileges & blessings.


(page 67)  North Sandwich.  5 mo. 19  Attended the Q.M. of M.&E. at 3 p. m.

Thos. Hoag. Clerk.  Silas Cartland, a Minister of the Q.M. from Parsonsfield, present-.  A good meeting.  We went to Elizabeth & Leslie O. Meader’s to stay.



5 mo. 20.  Parsonfield Q.M. for Discipline at 10 a.m. & for Worship at 2 p.m.  About 40 present in the forenoon & more in the afternoon.  Mary Alice Kelley & her Aunt came over from Center Harbor.

I dined at Thos. Hoag’s with a company of Friends.

Two Ministers of other Denomi


(Page 68)  nations were present at the Afternoon Meeting & took an acceptable & harmonious part in a precious meeting.

Ministers Styles of Sandwich Center & Nyman from London, N. H., a missionary to India.


(page 69)  North Sandwich.  5 mo. 21  First day.  The Mtg. in the morning at 10:30 nearly filled the house.  A precious mtg.  The Service was participated in by Silas Cartland, Chas. E. Peasler, James. T. Cooper & others.

            Dined at Thos. Hoag’s.

The afternoon mtg. At 2 was appropriated? To the Reading of my Address on Peace to a company that filled the house & listened with marked attention.  Jas. T. Cooper & Chas. E. Peaslee aided in the mtg.


(page 70)   I took supper at Jos. J. Cartland’s, son of John Cartland, a highly esteemed minister recently deceased.

Hacker & Anna Hoag Hall were there with me & Wm. Weeks & wife of Parsonsfield.

Hacker Hall & wife have been here preparing the old home of her grandfather Benja. Fry, for the coming this summer of Ex. Pres. Cleveland & family who spent last summer here.  Anna Hall has shown us over the house, renewed all over within.


(page 71)  5 mo. 22.  Left North Sandwich after dinner and drove to Wolfboro between Pesiper Mts. & the Lake, a beautiful drive.  Staid at a Hotel, at Wolfboro.

5 mo. 23.  We drove from Wolfboro to Gonic, via Chestnut Hills where we dined at Wm. V. Ware’s.  Our Journey together for a week has been delightful.

I took Trolley at Gonic for Dover & train to Merrimack by way of Newton Junction.  Then took the Trolley to Amesbury to Daniel C. Maxfield's.  Met Susan (Cartland) Sisson here, lately from Iowa.


(page 72)  Amesbury  5-24.  Meeting of M. & E. at 10:20.  Present a large company – Chas. H. Jones, Clerk.  G. W. Cartland, Wm. O. Newhall, Chas. H. Jones, Stephen Swatt, Susie B. Sisson, James Estes & wife, David Edwards, Mary Alice Brown, Olney Fullesder? & wife, D. C. Maxfield & wife, Albert Hill & wife, Jos. Smith, Thos. Wood & wife, Mary & Lizzie Swan, John Jones of China, Lindley Osborne & wife, Mary Miars, ________ & many others.

Dined at mtg. House.  E. W. C. took me between mtgs. To call at The Whittier Home, on Saml. Pickard & at her home.  Afternoon-Bible School Mtg.  Addressed by Alexander of Cambride on Home teaching of the Bible.  A large interesting mtg. 

Took Supper at Mary Alice Brown with Thos. Wood & wife & others.


(Page 73)  Salem Q. M. at Amesbury 5-25.  About 150 present.  A precious Meeting. 

Dined at mtg. House between mtgs.  Samuel Austin’s daughter present.  Spoke with her & many dear friends.

Went to Albert Hill’s to stay.


5-26-  Albert Hill took me to call on Maria Osborne & her daughter Anna.  Peter Switt, Cynthia Huntington, etc at Chas. C. Jones’s & a beautiful drive along the Merrimus? & over Attilash Park overlooking the Lake.  Attilash means Huckleberry.


(page 74)  Concord, N. H. 5-28.

            I came here from Amerbury on the 26th by St. Car to Havirhill & train via South Lawrence & Manchester.  I find a restful & pleasant home at Cousin Geo. W. & Mary Ann Parson’s (2 Union St.).

Attended the Ch. Science Service in their edifice of Concord granite Costing $150,000 the gift of Mary Baker Eddy.

There seemed a worshipful spirit in their meeting, and much cordiality among themselves & towards strangers.


(page 75)  Concord N. H.   5 mo. 29.

Cousin George Parsons walked with me to see where the first Legislature in N. H. was held in 1782.  To the Cemetery where Pres. Pierce was buried.  Adjoining this ground is the old Friends Mtg. House site and burial ground where a stone bears the name of Benjamin Hanaford? {with others} for whom I suppose B. H. Jones was named.

Called on Chas. G.? Towle?, Dentist {youngest} son of Cousin John Towle.


(page 76)    Hillsboro Bridge  5-30.

I came here yesterday p.m. to Cousin Charles A. Jones’s & was met by him at the Station with his automobile to take me to his nice home.  It was my first ride in such a carriage.

He showed me over their mills where 600 dozen stocking & some 60 or 70 doz. Drawers & undershirts are woven in a day.  His wife Anna, & daughter Helen compose the family.

The village is picturesque—a borough in the Hills.

Cousin Charles took me in his Automobile with Helen & a


(page 77)  friend of hers to North Weare where we dined at John Hanson’s & visited the graves of Moses & Hannah Sawyer & Henry & Lily:  and then to Concord.

It was a beautiful and Exhilarating ride thro’ Henniker, Weare & Bow?


5-3. (1905)  Left Concord at 10:20.  Stopped off at Lowell to call on Cousin Lizzie Ham.

Heard here of Roanna’s death on Firstday morning at 5 o’clock by telegram from James to her sister Hattie Wotton.  Cousin Lizzie & I called on the latter.

It was one of the coincidences


(page 78)    that we meet today & drop our tears together for our sister.

            After three hours in Lowell, I came on to Boston to take the 6 p.m. train on Fall River Line for New York.


Arrived in N. York at 7 a.m. and by 8 o’clock train reached Philadelphia a little past 10.  No stops between Jersey City & North Phila.

Came to 2128 De Lancey St.  welcomed by sister C. M. S.

Called at Mary Wetevell’s.?  Met her son John and Anna Miller and daughter there: 


(page 79)  With Sister C. M. S. called on Abby & Mary Newhall in the evening, 41st & Spruce St.


PHILADELPHIA      6-3-05

Called on Anna Potts in the forenoon, and in the afternoon took train at 2 for Atlantic City and Ventnor, to spend a day or two with A. E. Winn & family.

            Reynolds, Asst. Rector of T. S. Richards’s Church & his wife, were here to hold service in their chapel tomorrow.


((page 80)  Ventnor, N. J.  6 mo. 4. 05.  First day.

Took a long walk on the Beach before Breakfast {at 9 a.m.}.

Attended Meeting at Atlantic City at 11. With Sister C. M. C. & Lizzie.

Anna Crawford was present & prayed & spoke.  E. C. Winn and another young woman spoke briefly.

Jesse Bundg at the head of Mtg.

J. H. & Jennie Bartlett and ---Jones a late teacher at Hickory Grove, and Hannah Tatson & a son of L. Cowperthwaite etc. present.


(page 81)  PHILADELPHIA  6/5.  Returned from Ventnor this forenoon, calling at the Archdale in Atlantic City on Jesse & Mary Bundy.

            Called at The Provident (Insurance Company)  to bid Samuel (Shipley, Joel’s wife’s brother)   farewell, as they are to sail on 7th day for Europe.


6/6 (1905) 

Took train at 7:16 a.m. for Kennett Square, where I was met by Anna Wickersham, sister of Wm. F. and taken to their house.  Attended Mo. Mtg. At Kennett & Zebedee Haines was present and prayed.   Some 35 present. Several came from WestChester & Wm. F. Wick


(Page 82)   Kennett Square  ersham from Westtown.  The latter took me after dinner to ‘Cedar Croft’, The old mansion of Bayard Taylor.

            The library was shown me at Kennett in which was a chair made of 22 kinds of wood, that can be turned into a step ladder.

            Towards evening I took train for West Grove where Lewis Forsythe met me & took me to his house, the old home of Nathan Cook where I once lodged before.  Lewis Forsythe’s daughter, Mary, lives with him.

Davis Forsythe is his son & Wm. B. Harvey’s wife his daughter. 

A very rainy evening & night with heavy thunder.


(page 83)    WEST GROVE, PENN-  6 mo. 7. 

Attended Mo. Mtg. Here.  Perhaps 80 or more present.  There are four Ministers here, Z. Haines, Chas. Kirst a German, Harry Moon & a woman Friend.  Lloyd Balderston and four sons & one or two daughters are members of this Mo. Mtg. Who were present.  His mtg. is Colona in Md.

I went with Wm. B. Harvey to dinner.  Called in the p.m. at Harry Moon’s and took tea at his father’s Clarkson Moon’s. 

Marguritta {Walter} Moon, wife of C. Moon, was at Westtown with H.E.B.  A sweet visit here.

Went to Zebedu Haines’ to spend the night.  His wife is Wm. B. Harvey’s sister.


(page 84)  LONDON GROVE MO. MTG. 6/8

Zebedu Haines took me to this mtg. 4 or 5 miles from West Grove.  A small mtg., seven or eight on the men’s side, more on the women’s side.

Went to Z. Haines’s son-in-law, Evan Sharpless, to dinner.  Evan Sharpless was recently married to Deborah Haines.  His father Joshua Sharpless & his sister are living with him at present.

            I took Trolley at Avondale for Phila. Changing at Kennett and WestChester, and arrived at 2128 De Lancey St. about 6 p.m.


(page 85)  PHILADELPHIA  6-9-  Went with Catharine to the Station to see Samuel & family off for New York to sail tomorrow for England.


Afternoon went to Westown & was recd. As a Guest at the School.

In the evening the Matron & I were invited to a party given the Seniors by two of the teachers.


(page 86)  WESTTOWN SCHOOL  6-mo. 11. Firstday.

Beulah Rhoads & Hannah Morris came last evening to stay over today here with some others.

I went to Anna’s Bible class at 9:15.  Meeting 10:30.  Dined with Anna at Prof. Thomas Brown’s.  Walked round the Pond with A. in the p.m.

In the evening read my paper on Peace to the assembled scholars & family & guests at the request of Wm. F. Wickeresham.  Rec. many words of appreciation from Elder & younger.


(page 87)  PHILADELPHIA 6 mo. 12.   After attending one class {Mary Haines’s English} I left Westtown & returned to Phila. To Frds. Boarding House, 1623 Summer St., kept by Mary Wildman.  Phebe Carpenter, Walter Jacob & one of his sisters are among the large family of Boarders.


6 mo. 13.  Attended Swarthmore College Commencement.  A grand address by Martin G. Brumbaugh (LL.D.) of the U. of Penna.  Isaac Clothier?? & others showed me kind attention & took me to Lunch.  Jas. Wharton, Dr. Magill,

(page 88) Edwd. Janney, Robt. Janney, Dean Bond, Enos Roberts, & many others spoke kindly & welcoming words. 

Met Lucy Roberts & had some visit with her.


Went to Samuel Morris’s at Olney, by invitation of his daughter Hannah (when at Westtown) to spend the night.  A delightful visit.  In the eveng. Hannah Morris read my essay on Peace to her Father & he read a paper of his on the “Inner Light” written at request of Wm. F. Wickersham for Westtown School.  Bonars “The City” was read by H. M. 


(page 89)  MOORESTOWN  6-14-  I came from Saml. Morris’s this morning, by Trolley to Phila. & from Camden here to the Q. M. of M. & E. at 10 a.m.

James Kite came into the mtg. With a Message, but when he had spoken some time, he was asked by Wm. Evans, to occupy no mode time and meekly withdrew.

Some over 30 present.  Wm. Allen, Walter Moon & others had service.

I came by invitation of Mary Williams at Westtown & her Mother here to Susan Williams sweet home to spend the night.  Called on Elizabeth Jones at Joel Cadbury’s Summer home in the eveng.


(page 90)  HADDONFIELD, Q.M. at Mt. Laurel.  6/15/05

Went by carriage from Morrestown with Susan Williams & family.  The Q.M. was large, nearly filling the large old stone mtg. House built in 1798.  87 ft long by 45 ft. wide.  A favored precious Mtg.-  Wm. C. Allen, Wm. Cowperthwaite, Walter Moon, Anna Crawford, Catharine Jacobs, Edwd. Jones etc. shared in vocal service.

Lunch in a hall nearby after mtg. Where cordial greeting were recd. From many.

            Returned to 1623 Summer St. Phila in the afternoon.

Weather very warm.

Called on Hallie Howard? & met Saml. Whitan? & wife.


(Page 91)  6 mo. 16 ‘05/ 

Called at 2128 De Lancy St. & found sister returned from Ventnor.  Took train at 11 for New York:  and the steamer to Providence at 6 p.m. arriving in Providence about 6 in the morning and at Boston about 7 a.m. 6/17.

            From Boston I took Trolley to Worcester, and found a welcome at 5 Belvidere Ave. from Hannah Roberts & her three daughters, Edith, Elizabeth & Gertrude.


(page 92)  WORCESTER, MASS.  6 mo. 18 (1905)  At mtg. Here. About 48 present.  Henry Swift, minister, Earle J. Harold, Pastor.  Arthur H. Swift from

Jamoi? Ca, Wheeler Swift & wife, Saml. Arnold, Jas. Russell Marble (bro of Sarah) Alfred Dame (son of Gwen?) Sarah Shaw, a bro. of Henry Hoxes etc. present.  Earle Harold prayed, Arthur Swift preached a good sermon. 

Willard Swift, his bro. Supt. of F. D. School.  I staid in Saml Arnold’s Bible Class.


(page 93)  In the afternoon I called on Cousins Andrew & Mabel Hammond & on Geo. & Jas. Ham---.  It was a very warm day.


6 mo. 19.  Left Worcester at 8 a.m. for Alton via Nashua & Rochester, arriving about noon at Alton.  Called on Jona. Blakely at the Bay.  He harnessed his horse & took me round among the 500 cottages and other residences by the shore of the Lake near the Boat Landing & back to Alton Corner.  Saw the old town mtg. House, where I went to town mtg. When a boy. & bot molasses, candy, & gingerbread: & where Uncle Jas. Hill was chosen moderator for many years.  Weather today cold & showery.


(page 94)   ALTON & GILMANTON IRON WORKS  6 mo. 20.   I came over from Alton last evening by John Clough’s stage to Cousin Chas. Wears’s.

A drizzly, chilly day.  I called at Luther Page’s, Edwin Tebbetts’, Serena Flander’s, & dined at Eri Warner’s in own old home.  I was shown over the house, thro. The nicely furnished chambers & the great old garret. 

Called in the afternoon at A I Gilman’s in grandfather’s old home, and on Harriet Hurd, Dorothy Coffin, & Henry Hurd & his son Edwin the Cong. Minister.


6 mo. 21.  Ava Weare took me to Alton for the 9 a.m. train to Dover, & Portland where I arrived before noon & found lodging at 197 Oak St. with aid of J. J. Fryes?.


(page 95)  PORTLAND, MAINE  6 mo. 22.  Y. Mtg. Of M. & E.  Perhaps 100 present.  Alfred Ware, Clerk, Mary N.? Jones Asst.  Two Sessions today.


6 mo. 27.  The Yearly Mtg. Closes today.  Anna Cox graduated at Westtown on 6th day last and came on that night with Alice Paige to Boston and to Portland, reaching here at 11 a.m. on 7th day.  We have mingled in mtg. & out, with many dear friends of N. E. during the week.  Elizabeth & Edith Roberts, Mary & Ellen Bangs, Susan Hoxie.


(page 96)    D. & A. Maxfield, Albert & Sarah Hill, Olney Header & wife, John Nutter & wife, D. Wheeler & Sara Swift, Seth & Mary Ann? Gifford, Thos. & Augusta Battey, W. C.? Newhall & wife, Henry & Phebe Aydeloh, Chas. H. Jones & wife & son Geo. L. Jones, Ruth Murray (mother of A.T.Murray, Stanford Univ. Greek Prof. And later an active attender of CPAF in San Jose, CA.)  Sarah Newlin & her son Herbert Goddard, Elizabeth {Hoxie} Jones, John Jones, Lucy A. Snow, Susan Peckham, Elizabeth Meader of Sandwich, Stephen & Effie? & Julia & Walter Meader of Gonic, Saml. & Almira Buffun of North Berwick, Geo. A. Grossman & wife, Thos. & Georgia Wood, Chas. E. Peasler, Joseph Briggs.  Hannah Bailey, John & Eliza. {Slader} Taylor,  Alice Paige Nichols of Weare, Stephen Breed? & wife Ewer?, Anna M.? Gove?, Maria Osborn?,


(page 97)  Anna & Sara Holmes, Esther Jones,? Walter Allen & wife, Harker & Anna Neall, W. Carleton Jones of Salem and many other, including some young Pastors & Teachers, David Edwards of Boston, Elam Henderson of W. Falmouth, Earle Harold of Worcester, Wilbur Thomas of Providence school, Homer J. Coppock of Oak Grove, Alfred T. Ware.


Among the memorable exercises in the Mtgs. Were communications of Chas. H. Jones in Mtg. Of M. & E. & of Alfred T. Ware & others and prayers by Mary E. Gifford & others.


(page 98)  PORTLAND ME.   Our lodging place was at “Mrs. Libby’s” 107 Oak St.  On 7th day Mrs. Burr called & invited us to dinner on First day.  At her home & that of her son Dr. Burr & family, 130 Park St., we were kindly entertained.


(page 99)  Orrs ISLAND  6 mo. 28  Mary Wetherell came for us yesterday to accompany us to their beautiful summer home here.  The passage hither was by a steamer sailing two hours among the Islands of Caseo Bay.  There are said to be 365 of them.  Lydia met us at the landing with their horse “Romeo” & carriage to bring us 1 1/2 miles to their place.  The window of my chamber looks out upon the sunrise & the sea on the East and on the pines at the North.  A pleasant day by the shore, & in the woods, & in the restful home, and a drive with Lydia over the Isle in the p. m.


(page 100)    6 mo. 29 (1905)   Left Orr’s Isld at 9:25.  Mary S. Wetherell & Lydia took us to the Boat.  The homes of Pearl & of Aunts? Roxy & Rucy etc. in the story of “The Pearl of Orr’s Isld” were pointed out to us in our visit.   The home of Pearl was occupied for a summer or two by the Wetherells before they built their present house is (sic)  large & commodious, with 8 bed rooms, Parlor, Dining Room, Kitchen Hall, wide porch, etc.

We reached Portland at 11:35 & took train for Boston 1:35, arriving at 4:15 & found welcome at 2 Derne St. – the Swan Sisters.  Took a walk over the Common & Public Gardens.


(page 101)    BOSTON, CONCORD, CAMBRIDGE, 6-30-’05.  

A Westtown party of 14, conducted by Wetherell Hutton? Arrived by steamer from Phila. In the morning and took rooms in the Commonwealth Hotel opposite The Swans.  Anna and I visited Fanneil Hall, The Old South Mtg. House & old State House.  Then went to Concord, & with a teacher from Los Angeles, “Ms” Jacobs, took in a view of the Emerson’s home, the Alcott’s, Hawthorne’s & School of Philosophy building, and at Sleepy Hollow saw the graves of Emerson, Hawthorne, The Alcott's. Eliza Peabody.


(page 102)   Samuel Hoar, & a spot our Boy Guide pointed out as the grave of W. E. Channing, tho. It was a neglected spot, marked by no stone.

            Returned by Trolley thro’ Lexington & Cambridge.  At Cambridge we saw the University Grounds.  The home of Longfellow, and the Agassiz Museum, and the Glass Flowers, the only collection of the kind in the world.  Made in Germany by a Father & son, the latter of whom alone survives & holds the secret of his art.


(page 103)  In company with Jennie Allyn & her niece Bertha Moss & daughter we went to Thos. Woods to supper.  No 4 Glesson St., Dorchester.  A pleasant visit.  Jennie Allyn of Moonsocket & her company are staying a few days since Y. M. at 2 Derne St.  Mary Swan & her sister Anna, daughters of J. Benja. Swan are also here.  Mary has just graduated at Mt. Holyoke


7 mo. 1 (1905)   Four of the Westtown girls came in to breakfast.  We visited Trinity {Phillips Brookes} “Church”, Dr. Gordon’s New Old South, and the Boston Library.


(page 104)  PROVIDENCE, R. I.  7 mo. 3.  We came on here to the “Moses Brown School,” on seventh day afternoon.  It is vacation time, but Seth Gifford & family, Susan S. Moore, “Mrs.” Potter, Allen W. Weeks & wife are here; and Emma C. Bell, Secretary from Penna. & Westtown & some others.  Attended Providence Mtg. Yesterday.

Robt. Hanson, Wm. H. Butler, Mary Amy Gifford & some others spoke {Wm. H. B. in prayer.}.


(page 105)   PROVIDENCE 7 mo. 3.  Spent the day at the Institution, and around it.  Anna went with Margaret Gifford to the Park in the forenoon, & to a canoe ride in the afternoon, accompanied by Prof. Withurs?.  Seth & Mary & Mrs. Potter took a beautiful drive with me in the afternoon to the Cemetery by the Pawtucket River and by the Buttin Hospital.

After supper we took leave of our friends.  Seth & Mary Amy & Margaret Gifford accompanied us to the steamer “Plymouth” which sailed at 7:45 for New York.


(page 106)   NEW YORK 7 mo. 4.  Arrived in New York about 7 a.m.  Took breakfast at a restaurant, and then went to Central Park.  After viewing the obelisk “Cleopatra’s  Needle”, erected near the “Metropolitan Museum of Arts”, we spent two hours in viewing the paintings and collections of that wonderful museum.


(page 107)   7 mo. 5. (1905)   Left Philadelphia at 4:30 p.m. for The West, with Sister C. M. Shipley among our fellow Passengers.  In the same car are “Mrs. Morn’s going to Portland, Or., Samuel & Sarah Ash, Eliza Schofield, sister of Sarah Ash, & their cousin Anna Bell Storm.  The latter three are cousins of David Satterthwaite.  They are all bound for the Pacific Coast.


7/6  Chicago at 5 p.m. to 6:30.

7/7  St. Paul by 6 & N. W. at 7:30.

7/9  From Calgary to Revelstoks? Via Baniff, Field & Glacier amid mountain grandeur’s indescribable.


(page 108)   On the Canadian Pacific Train.  Sister C. M. S. with “Mrs.” Mom’s.  Stopped off at Baniff for a day or two 7 mo. 9. 1905.

We are nearing the Pacific Coast.  The prospect opened before me a year ago, is accomplished.  The mountain vision of las (sic) winder has been realized.  The promised Presence has gone with me all the way.  The sufficiency of His Grace has not failed.  And now He giveth REST.  “Return unto thy rest, O my Soul, for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with Thee!”


(page 109)   PORTLAND, OREGON. 7/11/’05  Arrived here this morning from Seattle, where had a few hours last evening, and called on Elma Goddard at 1010 Kilbourne St., Fremont. & her son Chas.  Albert was away from home.  Saml. Ash & party stopped off at Seattle to visit his son.


In the afternoon we went to Newberg, and at sister E.B.M. met Chas. Tebbett’s family and Mary Morrison & her children Elizabeth & Lewis & Gertrude Minthorne.  A delightful Reunion.


(page 110)   NEWBERG, OREGON Y.M. 7-12.  Attended Mtg. Of M. & E. at 8 a.m. & Y. M. at 10 & 2 p.m.  Met a host of dear Friends and a hearty welcome.  Among the Speakers during the day were Albert Bailey of Kansas, Elisha Janway, John T. Hanson, Amos Kenworthy, Timothy Nicholson, Amanda Way, Harry Keats, John Ritchie.


The Clerk, Edwin MCGrew, made way for me to give the message on my heart, which was responded to by the Clerk & many others, J. H. Meanson, J. & M. Edwards, D. & L. Kesler, John Ritchie, & a large number.


(page 111)   In the evening Timothy Nicholson was with us a E. B. M.’s until 10 o’clock delightfully.

7-13.    After a day of peculiar privilege and precious intercourse at Newberg, we left this morning at 8:30 for Portland.  Visited the Fair during the day & took the 8:30 p.m. train for San Francisco.



(separated at bottom of page 111—last numbered page of 1905 Eastern Diary)

There is a Light that never leads astray,

It dawned in Early Childhood on my way,

It Shineth more & more to perfect-day.


(8 unnumbered pages complete the 1905 Eastern Diary.  They are numbered in this copy as 1-a, 2-a,, 3-a,  etc. to 10-a.)




The day is breaking

            As I rise from sleep,

My Soul, O Father, seeks its strength in Thee:

Forgive my Sins and by thy Spirit keep

            The love of Christ in me.

Hold Thou my hand & lead me lest I Stray,

Alike thro’ desert sand & pastures green:

Make from my tread, & let my eye always

            Be fixed on things unseen.

When over my pathway steal the Shades of night,

My thankful heart shall sing Thy wondrous Grace,

And in sweet peace abide till in Thy light

            I see thee face to face.

                                    Frances W. Sweetser, copied at 2 Derne St. Boston 7/1/05.


Phebe Buxton, Peabody

Abby Beede, Lyam--Libbins Hill,

Amadle Gove, Seabrook

Lindly Osbourn & wife, Weare

Chas. C. Jones, son of Chas. H.

Geo C. Herbert, Clerk—His wife Edwd. Jaris?? Daughter

Alex Colman (minister

Maria Osbone, Amesbury

Wm? Darne?, Lynn

Hillsboro Bridge—Chas. A. Jones (b 3/31/63? & Anna M. Jones.

            Helen M. b. 9/2/68

            Chancy G. adopted b 12/7/75 son of Susan Estes.

3-a:  A PARSONSFIELD Q.M. AT North Sandwich 5 mo. 19-21 (1905)

Silas Cartland                        Parsonsfield

Wm. Weeks & wife  Parsonsfield

Danl. Kimball & wife           Parsonsfield

Allen Hamlin & wife            Parsonsfield

Melissa Dearborn                 Parsonsfield

“Mrs.” Remick                      Conway

Hacker & Anna Hall            Windham

Thos. Haog & wife, daughter of John Cartter?,

Jas. Cartland, son _____    _____  _____

Ira Tilton & wife Alice, daughter of Elizabeth Meader

Elizabeth Meader & children, Leslie O. & Gertrude

Nathan Hoag, a bro. of E. Meader?

Luther Dearborn {not present} has gathered a meeting at Eaton.


4-a:  Esten Weeks Winslow

1211 Valencia St. S. F.

Aunt of Allen Weeks’s wife of Frds. School.  Formerly lived on Gish Road nr. San Jose.

Elizabeth Ewer of Sandwich Mass. At Moses Brown School.

Mrs. Potter


7-a, 6-a, 5-a.  (In this order, Joel Bean wrote the following long story sideways on the 3 pages)

A story told by Asa Staples, which he heard from Wm. Dean, father of Eliza Staples—years ago. ____________________________________

At Lincoln.  It’s the first woman buried in the grave yard was Candace Hedding.  She had a son, a young man greatly addicted to profanity.  On the morning of his Mother’s funeral, a stranger passing heard him swearing to his horses.  He stopped & asked him what he would take to swear at that rate all day.  He replied with an oath, that he would do it for the stranger’s leather breaches.  The bargain was struck.  At the Funeral the stranger preached a powerful sermon.  The young man was not under strong conviction, and wanted to cancel his bargain.  The Preacher would release him  only on one condition, that he should kneel down & pray by his Mother’s grave.  He demurred at first, but at last consented:  and after his confusion subsided to silence, he poured forth a remarkable prayer. 

The stranger was Lorenzo Dow.  The young man became Bishop Hedding of the M.E. Church, after whom I suppose Hedding Street in College Park is named.

(next page)    Asa Staples heard John N. Hutchinson related this story. (When he was in Lynn two or three years ago.)

The Hutchinsons once sailed for England with Wendell Phillips and Fred. Douglass.  When the latter came on board the Captain ordered him to the Steerage.  Windell Phillips was greatly incensed and proposed to appeal to authorities.  Frederic Douglass said, “I am used to this treatment.  You keep still & let me manage it.”  He went to the steerage, and when the vessel was on its way he began a speech to the steerage passengers which drew a crowd from the Cabin, including the Captain, himself.  He was supported by Phillips, and the Hutchinsons sang.  The Captain requested a like entertainment in the Cabin.  Douglass consented on condition that as they had invaded the steerage, the steerage passengers should be allowed a like privilege in the Cabin.  This was granted and free intercourse was permitted during the rest of the voyage and Fred. Douglass was asked to return on the same vessel.

(next page)   Related by D. Wheeler Swift at W. Falmouth 5/13/’05.

Isaac Robinson, son of John Robinson of the Plymouth Colony, was sent to Sandwich to drive out the Quakers—not far from the year 1680.  He became a Friend himself, instead of a persecutor of them, and was a member of the Mo. Mtg. Of Sandwich & Falmouth.  Sandwich Mo. Mtg. Is the oldest in the county.

8-a: & 9-a (last written page in 1905 Eastern Diary)   LE GRAND  4-1-1905

(what  follows is a list of people and their relations.  There are about 26 names.  The last part of this “list” says “AT THE PENNINGTON, N.Y.”)

Possible material for family history, but very confusing.  T.K.


(words of brown sticker inside back cover)  M. M. HASS CO., BOOKS & STATIONERY.  80 SO FIRST ST, SAN JOSE, CAL.


END OF 1905 EASTERN TRIP DIARY.  COPY finished March 30, 2000. T.K.