1904 J. BEAN DIARY,  copied MARCH 23,1999

by Tom M. King of San Jose, CA. Quaker Meeting (College Park).

From Joel Bean Papers, Friends Historical Library, Swarthmore College, PA.



Joel Bean (1825-1914) moved to San Jose, California, in 1882 and kept 36 “Engagement Calendars” from 1883 to 1913, 30 years.  A few years have  “extra” diaries and 1886 is missing.

            This 1904 diary is typical of Joel’s  diaries, a  black leather bound average sized “pocket” volume with an about 4 X 6 inches cover, which has been lost leaving only the fringe of worm eaten leather on the thick paper cover, about an inch thick, with three dates pre-printed on each page .             The title of  the volume is The Excelsior Diary 1904,  from unknown publisher.  The  first about 20 pages are useful references, charts, and a 1904 calendar, but no mention of place of publication..


                  Only dates with hand written entries are listed.



(on cover flysheet)   Joel Bean    Presented by Anna & Catharine.


Fri. Jan. 15, 1904:  I started for Whittier, Cala.  Left S. J. between 9 & 10 a. m.  Arrived at Los Angeles 10:45 p. m.

Staid at The Hollenbeck Hotel – a good Room $1.00.  Second & Spring St.  Restaurant – The Keystone on Spring St. near 1st.

Sat. Jan 16 1904:  Went from Los Angeles to Whittier to C. E. Tebbett’s.

Sun. Jan 17, 1904:  Attended meeting at Whittier.  A large meeting.  Levi Mills, Pastor.  Miss. Kenworthy preached.  Melissa Hill & Esther Hiatt prayed.

Tues: Jan. 19, 1904:  Golden Wedding of Chas. Albert & Mary H. Tebbetts (Joel's sister).  Reception Afternoon & Eveng.  A great number of Guests from Pasadena, Long Beach, Los Angelos and Whittier etc.

Wed. Jan 20, 1904:  I took Lunch at Dr. Fred Hadley’s with his Mother.  Then returned to Los Angeles to the Hollenbeck Hotel.  Called in The Evening, at Oliver Cash’s & his Father Fredwick Cash from Birmingham, Eng.

Thurs. Jan 21, 1904: Returned from Los Angeles to Pacific Grove & staid at El Carmelo.

Sat. Jan. 23, 1904:  Returned home from P. Grove & Southern Cala.

Mon. Jan 25, 1904:  H. E. B. went to Monday Club Reception at Elliott Keets?.

Wed. Jan 27, 1904:  H. E. B. went to Neadle Work Guild Reception for “Mrs.” Marten, the Retiring President.

Sat. Jan 30, 1904:  The Shepherd family moved into the Milton Lawrence place.

Sun. Jan. 31, 1904:  Hannah Hendrickson of Washington, D. C., was at Mtg. With Molly Harrison.  Mary Allen of Michigan, a frd. Of Eliza. Comstock, came to Mtg. With E. Davis.   E. H. Shelley, H. E. B.  & Jas. B. spoke.


Tues. Feb. 2, 1904:  Sowed Beets & Carrot Seeds and onions.

Sat. Feb. 6, 1904:  Moses Penn Page (of Santa Cruz) and his niece Emma Page of Olympia, Washington, and Clara Ansorge were here to Lunch with James—

Sun. Feb. 7, 1904:  Moses P. Page was at Mtg. And dined here.

Sat. Feb. 13, 1904:  We attended the Golden Wedding of H. J. Bland & wife at College Park in the p. m.   They were married in Virginia 2/14/1854.  Their son Mead, & daughter May Parker recd. The Company.

Sun. Feb. 14, 1904:  Wm. B. Watson came home from meeting with us to dinner.  He is from Norton Mtg. At Stockton in Durham Co. England.  He is Father is a cousin of Barclay S. Watson.

Tues. Feb. 16, 1904:  At a Prohibition Mtg. In the afternoon heard Oliver W. Stewart of Illinois, and Mac Guthrie Tougier, Robt.. Summers & others.

Fri. Feb. 19, 1904:  Isaac & Eliza. Hibberd called.

Sun. Feb. 21, 1904:  Wm. Watson here to dinner.

Tues. Feb 23, 1904:  Chas. went to S. F. on his way to Tulare.

Wed. Mar. 2, 1904:  Set out 300 Eucalypsus trees   250 on Cathie’s Lot.  50 on Lot 2.   1 Early apple tree near Garden fence.  1 Peach in Middle bed.   Sowed some beet seed.  Sowed Barley & alfalfa on Lot 2 front.Fri. Mar. 4:  Planted Sweet Corn.   H. E. B. Called on ‘Mrs.’ Miller & Mary Porter.

Sat. Mar. 5, 1904:  Chas. Cox returned home from Tulare.

Sun. Mar. 6:  Elizabeth Lloyd from Phila. Was at Meeting & spoke.  A full Mtg.  Hannah Hendrickson of Washington, D. C. with Molly Harrison, Emma Way etc were present ---

Mon. Mar. 7, 1904:  Elizabeth Lloyd from Phila. Was here to dinner with Wm. & Sarah Walton.

Tues. Mar. 8, 1904:  H. E. B. went to A. Taber’s to afternoon tea with Eliza. Lloyd, Wm.

& Lanah? Walton, Eliza. Hibberd, E. Davis, D. Otis, Louise Jones.

Wed. Mar. 9, 1904:  Lily took dinner with us down stairs for the first time this winter.

Thurs. Mar. 10, 1904:  A Big rain storm.

Fri. Mar. 11, 1904:  We went with W. B. Jones to Walter E. Vail’s at Palo Alto for the day.   Sarah Holloway & daughters Anna & Emma were there.

We took afternoon tea at Prof. Murray’s, with Ruth Murray etc.

Sun. Mar. 13, 1904:  Sarah (Fawcett) Holloway & her daughters Anna & Emma with Walter Vail & Helen were at Mtg.

Wed. Mar. 16, 1904:  We called at Anna Taber’s in the Afternoon. 

Sat. Mar.19, 1904: Wm. Meader & wife from Minneapolis called in the p. m.

Sun. Mar. 20, 1904:  Ruth & Augustus Murray were at mtg. & dined here.  Wm. Meader & wife & son George were at meeting.

Mon. Mar. 21, 1904:  Wm. Meader & wife & Geo. Took tea & spent the Evening with us.  Geo. Jones here in the Evening.

Thur. Mar. 24, 1904:  We went to P. Grove.


SUN. APRIL 3, 1904:  We took tea at Edwd. Burricks.

Tues. Apr. 5, 1904:  Jas. & Roanna went to P. Grove.

Thurs. April 7, 1904:  Ralph Gregory moved from our Cottage into his own Cot. On 9th St. near Spruce Ave. --

Tues. April 12, 1904:  Thos. Edwards & wife came to our Cottage at The Grove for 3 weeks or a month.     We took tea with Dr. & Hannah Wakefield at P. Grove.

Wed. Apr. 13, 1904:  Lily DeNervand & Marie & Company were with us in the Eveng. At P. Grove in new lot.

Thurs. Apr. 14, 1904:  We returned home from Pacific Grove.

Sat. Apr. 16, 1904:  Jas. Willetts from Long Isld. & Trenton N. J. called here.  He is Pres. Of the Belleck Ware Manufg. Co.

Sun. Apr. 17, 1904:  Caroline Ladd, Prof. Murray, Walter Vail, & Jas. Willetts at Mtg. & took part in vocal Service.  Anna Thurston of N. Y came with A. & C. Taber.   Walter Vail dined here.

Mon. Apr. 25, 1904:  House Cleaning.  Mrs. Linstrom helping.

Sat. April 30, 1904:  Semi Annual Mtg.   House filled.  Bible Lesson by Ruth Murray.  Essay on Indians by Anna F. Taber.  Pliny Goddard & Jas. Peele from Berkeley, Dr. Patchell (Cong. Minister), Mr. Kelsey, etc present.  Jannette Erskine staid here.


Sun. May 1, 1904:  Rainy Morning.   Meeting small.  Donald & Janet Erskine here to dinner & in the Afternoon.

Tues. May 3, 1904:  Mr. Withrow helped up up wire Netting for Chicken fence around cow pastue etc ---

Wed. May 4, 1904:  Eleanor Davis here to Lunch ---

Thurs. May 5, 1904:  John Bean & wife (Emeline) from Los Gatos were here to dinner (at 12).  Jas. Was here with them.

Fri. May 6, 1904:  H. E. B. took Lunch at T. Ellard Bean’s—with Anna & Cornelia Taber & Ruth Murray.

Sat. May 7, 1904:  We took lunch at Milton Lawrence’s, 54 So. 3rd. St., with Dr. Patchell, Pastor of Cong. Church.

Sun. May 8, 1904:  Ruth & Augustus Murray at Meeting.  Geo. Jones & Wm. Watson here to dinner.

Tues. May 10, 1904:  I went to P. Grove.

Thurs. May 12, 1904:  I commenced building back Porch to New Cottage at P. Grove.

Sat. May 14, 1904:  Finished the Porch building.

Sun. May15, 1904:  I attended Meth. Church in P. G.

Mon. May 16, 1904:  The Murrays came into our Cottages at P. Grove.    I staid at Hotel Del Mar.

Tues. May 17, 1904:  I came home from P. Grove.

Fri. May 20, 1904:  Mollie Harrison & her Cousin Hannah Hendrickson of Washington, D. C., & her Grandaughter Hannah, took lunch here.

Tues. May 24, 1904:  H. E. B. invited Women Frds. To afternoon Tea.  Present E. Davis, A & C. Taber, M. Maxwell & Dora Rambo, W. B. Jones, L. Jones, Phebe Wise, Alice Vail, H. Brun & D. Otis with Mrs. Wing.  A. Roberts, Julia T. Baldwin & C. Townsend, Mrs. Sheppard, S. M. Swivance.


Wed. June 1, 1904:  Began work on Meeting house Shed addition.

Thurs. June 2, 1904:  Wm & Susan Thompson called with Anna Taber.

Sat. June 4, 1904:  I attended Q. M. at Stockton Ave. (first Mtg.).  Wm. Thompson attended.

Sun. June 5, 1904:  Wm. Thompson at Mtg.  Walter & Deborah Vail dined here.

Mon. June 6, 1904:  The horse Shed at Mtg. House was put up by C. E. C., Wm. Walter, D. Satherthwaite – Mr. Wallace & W. L. Winthrow.   G. Malone began Chimney at my lower ________________?

Tues. June 7, 1904:  C. E. C. went to Oakland.

Wed. June 8, 1904:  Working on Mtg. House addition.

Thurs. June 9:  Had Hay hauled in.   C. E. C. returned from Oakland.

Thurs. June 16, 1904:  Wm. Watson & Laura were married at our Meeting.  Lunch furnished by the Mtg. In the new room.

Fri. June 17, 1904:  H. E. B. &     (sic)  went to Pacific Grove.


  (20 days without a diary entry!)


Sat. Aug. 27, 1904:  We came home from The Grove & received visitors.

Chas. & Imelda & Edith (Mary)  Tebbetts (parents &  oldest child)  came in the Evening.

Sun. Aug. 28, 1904:  Chas. Tebbetts spoke in the Mtg.

Wed. Aug. 31, 1904:  The Tebbetts left for Palo Alto & Stanford.    We returned to The Grove.


Sun. Sept. 4, 1904:  Mtg. In The Cottage.   Attended by Ruth Murray, Prof. Murray, Abram Underhill & daughter Ruth from N. Y. & Fred Tabury?, New Bedford, Mr Homer Dirfon? Etc.

Mon. Sept. 5, 1904:  Augustus Murray returned to Palo Alto.  Albert Bean’s family left The Grove for their home in Sacramento.

Tues. Sept. 6, 1904:  Ruth Murray & her company returned from P. G. to Palo Alto.

Wed. Sept. 7, 1904:  Anna & Cornelia Taber returned home from P. G.

Sat. Sept. 10, 1904:  We returned home from from P. Grove.   Lida Yocum & Morris & Louise here at Lily’s.   Edith Tebbetts came from Stanford & Alvin Cox in the Eveng.

Sun. Sept. 11, 1904:  The Yocum’s left this morning.  Edith & Alvin in the afternoon.  Frances Jackson here to dinner.

Mon. Sept. 12, 1904:  Frances Jackson here to Breakfast & lunch.  We attended the Funeral of Prof. C. H. Allen in the afternoon.


Sun. Oct. 16, 1904:  Walter Vail & Arthur here to dinner.

Wed. Oct. 26, 1904:  Lily & I went to Chemeketa.

Sat. Oct. 29, 1904:  Catharine & Mrs. Hincles drove to Chemeketa, and Lily returned home with them.

Mon. Oct 31, 1904:  Jessie Edwards & her sister & Helen took me a drive over The Summit and round to Wright’s Station & back.


Fri. Nov. 4, 1904:  Hannah L. Neall & Elizabeth Sherman came & staid with us.

Sat. Nov. 5:  Semi Annual Mtg.  Ruth Murray & H. E. B. offered a prayer.  Pliny Goddard, Esther Smith, W. Vail etc spoke.   H. E. B.   had a paper.  Prof. Murray read Whittier’s  “Our Master”   H. L. Neall & Janet Erskine staid here.

Mon. Nov. 7, 1904:  H. L. Neall came from G. N. J’s & staid here.

Tues. Nov. 8, 1904:  H. L. Neal left for home.  Lily & Louise Yocum & Francis Morse & her sister in law went to Chemeketa & back.  ELECTION DAY.  (Teddy Roosevelt won election as President)

Wed. Nov. 9, 1904:  Louise Yocum went home.

Tues. Nov. 15, 1904:  I went to P. Grove.

Sun. Nov. 20, 1904:  I attended M. E. Church at P. Grove.  Dr. G. P. Dennett preached on “the Promise of Victory”   “Fear Not Little flock, it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you The Victory”

Mon. Nov. 21, 1904:  I returned home via Santa Cruz, and dined at Chas. Hollingsworth’s, 22 Kemer?? St.

Tues. Nov. 22, 1904:  We went with Jas. To the opening or dedication of the Beth-Adrial Mission on Park St.  Mrs. Hayes Chynoweth & Mrs. Watson were among The Speakers.

Thurs. Nov. 24, 1904:  We went to Walter Vail’s for Thanksgiving Dinner, with G. & W. B. Jones & Wm. & Laura Watson.   

Lily had Eliza. Yocum & family, Harriet Miles, Edith Tebbetts, Alvin, James & Roanna & Harry Bean to dinner.

Fri. Nov. 25, 1904:  Edith Tebbetts returned to Stanford.    Lily & Alvin went to Chemeketa for the day.

Sat. Nov. 26, 1904:  Alvin Cox returned to Stanford.

Sun. Nov. 27, 1904:  I heard B. Fay Mills in the p. m  on “Christianity & Socialism”.


Sun Dec. 4, 1904:  Walter & Deborah Vail here to dinner.   E. Davis Birthday 85.

Mon. Dec. 5, 1904:  I attended Ministers’ Mtg.’   We were at the Funeral of Patrick Allen in the Steven’s house at 2 p. m.   Conducted by Frances Palmer.

Tues, Dec. 6, 1904:  I attended the opening of The Fruit Growers’ Convention,  Ellwood Cooper, President.

Thur. Dec. 8, 1904:  Ellwood Cooper & wife Sarah of Santa Barbara were here to Lunch with Eleanor Davis.

Sun. Dec. 11, 1904:  Andrew Erskine & wife were at Mtg.   Roy Heald & Edith Branson (Abner’s daughter) called in the afternoon.   We called at “Mr.” Wallace’s & E.? Luro’s?

Sat. Dec. 24, 1904:  Alvin Cox came to spend a few days.

Sun. Dec. 25, 1904:  A pleasant Xmas Evning.  C’s family, Alvin & James around our fires to read Selections of Xmas Poems etc.

Mon. Dec. 26, 1904:  Christmas Holiday.  Opened Bundles at C. E. C.’s


=============== (END OF DAILY ENTRIES FOR 1904  ===============



875 Chapman St.  Our Number

5 Addresses include:  F. B. Ballard   Campbell.  Renter of P. G. Cottage.

                                                Mrs. Linstrom  1636 Santa Clara St., Santa Clara

                                                Mrs. Juth           231 W. San Fernando   Wm Watson.

                                                Van Denberg Artist in Brass at Los Gatos

                                                J. Oberthur                Alameda Grocery


1904 Memoranda—Subscriptions:  Phila. Friend                        2.00

                                                            Ch. Work                                .50

                                                            Australian Frd                        .75

                                                            B. F. for ’05                            1.65

                                                            Independent ___?    2.00

                                                            Youths Comp 1905  1.75

                                                            Am. Frd                                 1.50

                                                            Frd. Intellegencer     1.50


Number of RR Certificate of J. B. for 1904        76569

H.E.B.’s  -----   8------


1904 Cash Account:  Jan:   23      Expense of Journey to Whittier:    22.65

                                                                        Paid by Jas. B.                       10.00


                        Pd G. B. Lewis for milking                                      1.00


March 10, 1904:                     ASSESSMENT

                        Lots 2,3,4, Bl 27                                 10.50

                                    Improvements                     18.00

                        Lot 12, Bl. 6                            4.25

                                    Furniture                               1.50

                                    Cow                                         .30

                                    Library                                     .75 

                        TOTAL                                          35.30


May,  1904:   Expended on Cottage at P. Grove.

                        On New Back Porch etc                  10.00

                        Expenses                                              6.40

August  30, 1904:  Pd C. E. Cox for Insurance of P. G. Cottage  3 yrs.  $20.60


September 1904:  EXP ON HOUSE

                        Bath & Closet etc                              81.85

                        Pd for Paints                                       2.00

                        Pd for Lumber                                                1.90

                         No 875 (Joel's San Jose home)              .45

                        Hinges etc                                                         .35

                        Paints                                                 1.85

                        Window Screen                                              .90

                        Mattresses etc                                               5.70






                        Taxes?  Etc.                                        1.25

                        Board one week                               10.00

                        Pd for Lily                                         3.75


                        Paid Tax                                             60.79

                        Paid tax P. Grove                             11.60

                        Paid City tax P. Grove                     6.00


(No cost of 1904 addition to rear 1885 of mtg. House was found.)


================= End of 1904 Diary ===============


Joel Bean’s 1904 Diary was copied into the Mackintosh Computer on Microsoft Word 5.1 Mar. 23, 1999, at Swarthmore College Friends Historical Library by


Tom M. King

393 Rutland Ave,

San Jose, CA 95128. 

PHONE (408) 286-7157

or E-Mail – thomk48@hotmail.com