1895 J. BEAN DIARY,  copied Oct., 1998

Editor Tom M. King of San Jose, CA. Quaker Meeting (College Park).




            Joel Bean (1825-1914) moved to San Jose, California, in 1882 and kept 36 “Engagement Calendars” from 1883 to 1913, 30 years.  A few years have  “extra” diaries and 1886 is missing. 

            This 1895 diary is typical of Joel’s  diaries, a  black leather bound volume about  5  X 3  inches cover, about an inch thick, with three dates pre-printed on each page .  The title of  the volume is  pacific coast diary for 1895, Containing  Useful Memoranda and Tables for Reference, Published Annually,  San Francisco.  The  first about 20 pages are the  “useful . . . reference”


            Only dates with hand written entries are listed. 


=========================== 1895 Daily Entries  ====================


The flysheet inside the front cover has these words in ink:


“Joel Bean”

 “Presented with the love of Anna & Catharine”  Xmas.


A small lined slip of paper in the volume says:

“For dear “Dada” with the love of Anna & Catharine.”

(Anna was 8  and Catharine 4. from Charles E & Lydia S B. Cox)


Jan. 1, 1895 Tues.:  Dr. Tomlinson’s Birthday – 79

Jan. 6, 1895 Sun:  Margaret Gates was at Mtg. with E. Davis. H.E.B & I dined at C.E.C’s with Prof. John Dickinson

Jan. 9, 1895 Wed:  Benja  Coppock was at Mtg. & spoke – (lately from Ind. Territory)    Sewing Circle at Geo. Hammonds.

Jan. 10, 1895 Thurs:  B. H. Jones spent last night here.    Geo. & Mary Hammond here to dinner.

Jan. 13, 1895 Sun:  H. & I attended the Funeral of Judge Payne at 2 p.m. at the Episcopal Church.

Jan. 23, 1895 Wed:  Sewing Circle here in the p.m.  M. Parsons, C. Taber, H. Bell, A. Griffin, C. & E. Davis, S. & L. Jones, P. Brun, Alice Haines & sister, E. Roberts, S. Cox here.

Jan. 27, 1895 Sun:  Benja & Geo. & W. B. Jones dined at C.E. C’s.

Jan. 31, 1895 Thurs:  Sowed Beets  & Carrots


Feb. 1, 1895 Friday:  John Smith sowed wheat on Cathies Lot.

Feb. 6, 1895 Wed:  Sewing Circle at Saml Haines’s in Santa Clara.

Feb. 9, 1895 Sat:  H. & I attended a reception at Dr. Wakefield’s for Dr. Haweis of London.  Heard the latest discourse an hour on Higher Criticism to an Audience of 35 or 40 Ministers of San Jose & others.


Feb. 13, 1895 Wed:  Benja  Coppock was at Mtg. & spoke.   Isaac & Elizabeth Hibbard & Rachel Stevenson were present.


Mar 3, 1895 Sunday:  Allen Flitcrafs & wife, Dr. Nicholson & wife & party from Penna  were at Mtg. From the Vendome.   A. F. Spoke & his wife prayed.

Mar 6, 1895, Wed:  Isaac & Elizabeth Hibberd were here to dinner after Mtg. & E. Hibberd went to Sewing Circle at Abner Allens.

Mar 8, 1895 Fri.:  Horse “Ted” & the Carriage were stolen in the Evening by two little boys from Santa Clara, when Chas. & Lily were attending a Lecture.

Mar 10, 1895, Sunday:  Constable Lovely of Santa Clara came in the Evening to inform that “Ted” & The Carriage were found in S. F. & the Boys arrested.

Mar 11, 1895 Mon.:  Fred Hadley went to S. F. to get the horse & carriage.

Mar 12, 1895 Tues.:  F. Hadley returned about 7 p.m. with “Ted” & the Carriage. They recd a welcome.

Mar 15, 1895 Friday:  James Started for Pasadena

Mar 17, 1895 Sun:  Carolina Ladd from Haverford, Pa. was at mtg. And prayed.  Stephen & Wm Post from N. Y  at Mtg. on their way to Cala Y. M.  C. Ladd dined at C. Davis’s & we called with C. & L. to see her in the p.m.

Mar 18, 1895 Mon.:  I attended Ministers Mtg. At 10:30 a.m.  Aug. Taber read an excellent Paper on Peace.

Mar 26 , 1895 Tues.:  “Mrs.” Bradbury and “Mrs.” Benjja Price from Iowa City called here.

Mar 27, 1895 Wed:  Lily & I called at the “Bristol” on Cousin Ira  A. Hill & family.

Mar 28, 1895 Thurs:  Ira A. Hill & wife & daughter came here to stay a few days.

Mar 29, 1895 Fri.:   I. A. Hill and Mary & Alice Kittie Hill went to Del Monte via Santa Cruz.

Mar 31, 1895  Sun:  Ira A. & Mary & Kittie Hill returned from Monterey I the p.m. & took tea at Chas. E. Cs

April 1, 1895 Mon.:  Lily took the Cousins a drive to the Orchard etc.   Company took tea at C’s

April 2, 1895 Tues.:  I went with our Cousins and Lily to Stanford University.  Attended Dr. Jordan’s Lecture and took the drive to the Stables, and Menlo Park etc.

April 3, 1895 Wed:  Ira A. Hill & family left for S. F at 3 p.m.  Sewing Circle at C.E.C’s

April 6, 1895 Sat:  We dined at C.E.C’s with Pres. Jordan, who came to Lecture at the Washburn School to Ladies.

April 7, 1895 Sunday:  Lily & I went to hear Dr. Mommery of England, at the Episcopal Church in the Evening.

April 12, 1895 Friday:  Cyrus Beede & wife from Oskaloosa Iowa, staid here.

April 13, 1895 Sat.:  C. & M. Beede went Prof. Stephen Jones’s

April 14,1895 Sun:  Cyrus & Martha Beede at Meeting.

April 21,1895 Sun:  George O. Grosman of Lynn Mass. At Mtg.  I went with James & Prof. Jones & wife to hear J. H. Garnell at the Baptist Tabernacle.

April 22, 1895 Mon.:  Attended the Funeral of Prof. George at College Park.  Services by Dr. Bovard, Hearbyly Briggs, Wm Alexander, ---Jones & Binson.

April 29, 1895 Sun:  George Grosman & wife of Lynn Mass. At Mtg. & at C.E.C’s to dinner.  Benja Coppock at Mtg.


May 3, 1895 Fri.:  Hannah L. Neall came to C.E.C’s

May 4,1895 Sat.:  Semi-Annual Mtg. at Mtg. house – Perhaps 60 or more present including J. Burtt Davey, John Ransome Barnsby of Manchester, Eng.  Mary Ann D--- son etc..  Papers on Whittier etc.

May 5,, 1895 Sunday:   B. H. Jones, Mary Ann Dawson & J. Ransome Barnsby dined at Charles’s. Anna Valley, J. B. Davy & others called here.

May 6,, 1895 Monday: H. L. Neall returned home.

May 28, 1895 Tues.:  Cathie & her two children came from Tularie to Charles’ (E. Cox, her brother-in-law next door to Joel Bean’s house)

May 29,, 1895 Wed:  Commencement day at Stanford.  Benja  Coppock & wife & his sister Rebecca Pickering were at Meeting.    I called at the Vendome in the Eveng on A. T. Ravens & wife from Phila & met Wm. Howland & wife from Cayauga Co. N. Y.


June 8, 1895 Sat:  I attended Mo Mtg. at Stockton Ave.  Allen & Martha Jay & Martha Andrews there.

June 9, 1895 Sun:  Martha Andrews at Mtg. & to C. E. C’s to dinner.

Cathie & I went to hear Anna Shaw at Methodist House.

June 10 , 1895 Mon:  Lily & I went to hear Susan B. Anthony & Anna Shaw in the Eve O at Unitarian house.

June 11,1895 Tues.:  Midweek held this morning.  Allen & Martha Jay & M. Andrews present,  at C.E.C’s to dinner.

June 19, 1895 Wed:  H.E.B. & I went to Paso Robles.

June 23, 1895 Sun:  I attended M. E. church at Paso Robles in the Morning & the Baptist in the Evening.   7 or 8 present in the Eveng.

Sidewise on JUNE 28 & 29 DATES—“Martha Albright & her Cousin called to see us at the Hotel Cottages.  I called at her Cousin’s, George Williams

June 30, 1895 Sun:  At Paso Robles --   I attended Congregational Ch.  in the morning.  In the absence of the Pastor a Sermon was read by a member.    At the A.M. E. Ch. in the Eveng.


July 1, 1895 Mon.:  Frederick Albright & wife & _______________ Gardner & wife visited us at the Hotel Cottages, at Paso Robles.

July 3 1895 Wed:  I came from Paso Robles to Pacific Grove.  Left H.E.B. at A. Dickins.  C.E.B.Cox & Joel & Mary & Sarah Lewis and Chas. & Anna went to P. Grove.  Attended Lecture of Dr. Gunsaulus? In Evng on Puritanism.

July 4 , 1895 Thurs:  Heard Oration by John Flornoy of S. F.  Dr. Rice of Oakland in the Eveng Illustrated Lecture of S. Islands.

July 5, , 1895 Fri.:  Heard Dr. Gunsaulus?? On Tennyson.  H. L. Neall & J called on R. H Smiley at El-Carmello.   Prof. Barnard in the eveng Illustrated Lecture on Astronomy.

July 7, 1895 Sun:  Anna & I attended Episcopal Church.  Chas. returned home in the p.m.

July 8, 1895 Mon.:  Heard Dr. Gemsaulus?? in the p.m. on Robt Browning & in the Evening on Phillip  Brooks.

July 9, 1895 Tues.:  W. C. T. U. day at Chautauqua.  A good Essay by Jesse Norton & address by S. M Severance etc.   Attended Lecture in the Eveng by Jas. Clement Ambrose on “My Partner”.

July 10, , 1895 Wed:  Heard T. W. Blackman on Sociology at 11 a.m.   I Returned home.  H. E. B. returned from Paso Robles,  meeting me at Castroville.  Morris Cox came to C. E. C’s.

Jul. 12, 1895 Fri.   Morris Cox and Catharine M. Cox went to P. Grove.

July  15, 1895 Mon.:  Stephen & Julia Sparks came here.  I took them to Campbell’s  where they took a room.

July 16 , 1895 Tues.:  L. S. B. Cox went to P. Grove.

July 21, 1895  Sun:  H.E.B. attended Meeting the first time for several Months.  Edward Wright staid here.

July 24, 1895 Wed:  Mother, Ellen Davis & H. & I called at Frank Rambo’s & Albs? Burr’s orchard.

July 25, 1895 Thurs:  Mother, E. Davis, H. & I went to Friend Coffin’s for a call, on Julian Street beyond King road.


Aug. 4 , 1895 Sunday:  Stephen & Julia Sparkes at Meeting & here to dinner.  Chas. brought them from Campbell & I took them back in the carriage.       We called at Geo. Hammond’s  --- the eveng.

Aug. 8, 1895 Thurs.  C.E.C. went to P. Grove.

Aug. 10, 1895 Sat:  Hannah Renison came here to work.

Aug. 12, 1895 Mon.:  I started for Iowa.

Aug. 15, 1895 Thurs:  I reached Council Bluffs.

Aug. 16, 1895 Friday: I went from Council Bluffs to West Branch to G. T. Penrose’s

Aug. 17, 1895 Sat:  Attended Q. M. at West Branch. Archibald Groslis? Present.

Aug. 18, 1895 Sun:  Attended Meeting at W. B. and went to Jesse Negus’s to stay.  Ole Sawyer, Sibjone? & Tarber Rosdale, Ann Thorena Tostenson, & others there.

Aug. 19, 1895 Mon.:  Dined at Wm. Negus’s & returned to West Branch.

Aug. 20,1895 Tues.:  Made Calls --- Dined at Ellwood Tatum’s at our old home.  Called at Peter Dyhr’s?

Aug. 21, 1895 Wed:  Attended Meeting at W. B.  Dined at reason? Thomson’s with A. Grosbie and Elize Coffin.   Went to the Mtg. at the old Mtg. house in the Evening & staid at Asa Staple’s.

Aug. 22, 1895 Thurs:  Made Calls.

Aug. 23, 1895 Fri.:  Went with C. T. Penrose to Springdale.  Dined with Louis & Rachel van Hill, and called at Wm Mathis’s, G. P. Wood’s, Henry Miles’s, John Pearson’s, Jas. Thomas?, Thos. Montgomery’s & Ruthie Torenais??

Aug. 24, 1895 Sat:  Went with Jesse & Rachel Negus to Bloomington.  Dined at Saml Mathus’ on the way, and staid at Joshua Hoops’s

Aug. 25, 1895 Sun:  Attended Bloomington Mtg.  Dined at J. Hooper’s with chas Peasley & wife etc.  Called at John Negus’s &  Sam C. Deanes, Pliny Frys, and staid with John & Laura Minthone at Muscatine.

Aug. 26, 1895 Mon.:  Called on Anna Mahin & Joh & Elvira Lee, and Returned from Muscatine to W. Branch wit Jesse & Rachael Negus.    Staid at A. staples.

Aug. 27, 1895 Tues.:  Staid at Wm Penrose’s.

Aug. 28, 1895 Wed:  Attended Meeting at Hickory Grove with C. & M. A. Penrose.  Dined at Wilson Hivat’s.  Called at Jas. Armstrong’s.  staid at T. Coggshall’s.

Aug. 29, 1895 Thurs:  Went with G. T. & M. A. Penrose to Lars Christian Hanson’s to dinner.   Staid at G. T. Penrose’s.  Aug. 30, Fri.:  Went from W. B. to LaGrand to Cousin Jas. R?utland’s & Lydia Reede’s

Aug. 31, 1895 Sat:  Staid at Ole Sawyer’s.


Sept 1, 1895 Sun:  Attended Meeting at Stavangar.  A full house. Took tea at Joseph Lindley Bean’s with L. Beede & Jas. Outland’s family.  Staid at J. Outland’s.

YEARLY MEETING is written sidewise across Sept 5, 6, at outter edge of the page.

Sept 7, 1895 Sat:  took tea at Barclay Watson’s

Sept 9, 1895 Mon.:  Took tea at Cyrus Beede’s

Sept 10, 1895 Tues.:  Y. M. closed.          I went from Oskaloosa to Earlham & staid with Josiah & Louise Knudson Maxwell.  With Wm Mather & wife.

Sept 11, 1895, Wed:  Called at Elihuu Stanley’s & took train for the West in the morning.

Sept 12, 1895, Thurs:  Reached Denver in the morning & stoped over at the Hotel Metropole.       Called on I. L. Townsends & took tea with them after going by St. Cars over the City with I. L. T.

Sept 13, 1895 Fri.:  Left Denver for Salt Lake City.  Passed thro the Grand Canyon, Salida to Leadville 10000 ft high or more.

Sept 14,, 1895 Sat:  Reached Salt Lake City  afternoon.  Stopped over at Union Pacific Hotel.

Sept 15,, 1895 Sunday:  Went to the Templeton House to stay.    Attended Cong Ch in morning &  a Mormon Mtg. in the p.m.  Heard a bro of Geo. L. Cannon preach.  An interesting C. E. union? Mtg. In the Eveng.

Sept 16 1895 Mon.:  Left Salt Lake city  for California.

Sept 17, 1895 Tues.:  Reached Benicia in the Evening and staid at Cousin Jas. R. Bean’s.

Sept 18 , 1895Wed:  Returned home.


Oct 2, 1895, Wed:  Albert & Mary Tebbetts came here.

Oct 3, Thurs:  E. B’s Birthday  --93--  We all took Breakfast at C.E.C’s.  We went to Campbell’s Station with Albert Tebbetts.    Geo. & Mary Hammond here in the Evening.

Oct 13, 1895 Sun:  Saml Doncaster & his Nephew Jas. Henry Doncaster from Sheffield, Engl, at Mtg. & at C.E.C’s to dinner with us and here to tea.   Chas. A. & M. A.? Tebbetts at Mtg. & with us.

Oct 14, 1895 Mon.:  I went to Stanford University with S. & J. H. Doncaster & Chas. A. Tebbetts.  Attended Prof. Griggs & Dr. Jordan’s Lectures.

Oct 16, 1895 Wed:  Sewing Circle here in p.m.  Mary Parsons, Louise Jones, Jane & Alice Griffin, M. Hammond, L. Allen here, & W. B. Jones & Chas. & Abby Clough of Lynn, Mass. Called.

Oct. 17, 1895  Thurs:  M. H. Tebbetts, H.E.B. & I went to Stanford University in the forenoon.  Heard Profs Griggs & Howard?.

Oct. 18, 1895, Fri.:  C. A. & M. H. Tebbetts left for home. E. Bean went with them.  Edward Wright & wife staid here.

Oct.  19, 1895 Sat:  The  Presbyterian Synod of Cala in Session in S.J.  I was in awhile in the a.m.

Oct. 25, 1895 Fri.:  H.E.B. & I went to Stanford University in the pre noon, in company with Benja & Geo. Jones & Chas. & Abby Clough of Lynn, Mass.  Heard Prof. Griggs lecture & Prof. Lathrop.

Oct. 28, 1895 Mon.:  We attended the funeral of James Canney at 2 p.m.    Ann & Sarah Cloud came here to take a room for a week.

Oct. 30, 1895 Wed:  H.E.B. & I went to Stanford University in the forenoon.  Attended lectures of Profs Griggs and Thobuon? On Ethics.


Nov. 2, 1895, Sat:  Semi Annual Meeting.  Papers by Jas. B, I. M. Cox and J. Burtt Davey, & Report of visit to Iowa by J. B.    J. B. Davy staid at C.E.C’s.

Nov. 3, 1895 Sun:  J. Burtt Davy at Mtg. , tea.

Nov. 12, 1895 Tues.:  H.E.B. & I went to Tulare to I. M. Cox’s

Nov. 17, 1895 Sun:  We attended Cong. Church at Tulare. ----Wedge, Pastor

Nov. 24, 1895 Sun: We attended Cong. Church with Cathie, at Tulare.

Nov. 28,, 1895 Thurs:  Thanksgiving day.  Benja  & Ella Cox and Alvin and Isaac Reaves & wife took dinner at Isaac M Cox’s with us.


Dec. 1,, 1895 Sun:  We went with Cathie to Cong. Ch. at Tulare.

Dec. 6, 1895 Fri.  We took dinner at Benja  Cox’s with Isaac & Cathie and the children.

Dec. 8, 1895 Sun:  Isaac & I attended Service by the Evangelist ----------- Martin in Tulare.

Dec. 11, 1895 Wed:  We left I. M. Cox’s & staid in Tulare at “the Repose”  Mrs. Murray’s Lodging House.  I called at -----Vieles’??

Dec. 12, , 1895 Thurs:  We returned home from Tulare.

Dec. 23, 1895 Mon.:  Chas. & Morris Cox went to Tulare.

Dec. 24, 1895 Tues.:  Christmas tree at the other house

Dec. 25, 1895 Wed:  Elizabeth C. Roberts died near Skyland, aged 27. 

Dec. 27, 1895 Fri.:  The funeral of Libbie Roberts at l p.m.

Dec. 30, 1895 Mon.:  I read a paper before the Ministers Mtg. On the duty of Christians & the Churches in regard to the Venezuelan Constitution ? with England—


1895 CASH ACCOUNTS, PAGES OF ADDRESSES, AND LETTERS ANSWERED  follows in three sections after the dated entries.


==========================  1895 ========================

Joel Bean’s 1895   Engagement Calendar was copied into the Mackintosh Computer on Microsoft Word 4.0. October 27 , 1998 at Swarthmore College Friends Historical Library by


Tom M. King

393 Rutland Ave,

San Jose, CA 95128. 

PHONE (408) 286-7157

or E-Mail thomk48@hotmail.com