1892 J.BEAN Diary, by Tom
King of San Jose, Ca. Jun. 1996
Source: J. Bean Papers, Friends Historical
Library, Swarthmore College, Pa.
June 26, 1892 Sun,
Anna went with her grandmother & me to the Episcopal Church (in Pacific
Grove) her first experience of the kind. She was quiet thro’ the long
service. (ANNA Cox WAS 4 YRS OLD)
Oct. 31, 1892 Mon.--Catharine
M.(Cox) was telling something that she did when
she was a “big girl”.
Anna looked at her & said, “Thee never was a big girl,
Catharine. Thee aren’t a
One day baby Joel Bean Cox (Isaac
Cox family)
was crying, and Anna said he had gotten his nose wrinkled up and could not get
it unwrinkled.
Jan. 4, 1892 Mon.-We all attended the Funeral of
Walter Murdock, at Geo. N. Jones
Jan. 7, 1892 Thurs--Joel Bean Cox was born. (Only
surviving child, Isaac & Catharine E. Bean Cox.)
Jan. 8, 1892 Fri.----Isaac M. Cox went to Tulare
to attend to his land.
Jan. 27, 1892 Wed--Ruth B. Ridges & Miss
Canney? Were at Mtg. & here to dinner
Feb. 3, 1892 Wed---Hugh Maxwell was at Mtg. with
Frank Rambo’s wife
Feb. 17, 1892 Wed--Mary Cooper and Lizzie Patton a
minister were at Mtg. from Stockton Ave: & called here in the
Feb. 22, 1892 Mon.--At Ministerial Union I read a
little account of the Famine in Russia. It was decided to take collection in
the Churches & F.D. Schools.
Feb. 23, 1892 Tues.--H(Hannah) & I with C.U. C.? Drove out to Agnews Asylum & called on Katie Boland, an
inmate who once worked here.
Feb. 24, 1892 Wed---Sent $90 to J. G. Barclay,
London, for Russian Sufferers.
MAR 9, 1892 Wed---Isaac M. Cox returned from
Mar 12, 1892 Sat---Prof. Edwd Griggs &
wife from Stanford University
came to Charles {COX} to spend
the night. He gave a Lecture in the evening to the Shakespeare Club on the “Ethics
of Hamlet”, a large company.
Mar 13, 1892 Sun---Prof. Griggs & wife at Mtg.
& called here in afternoon {NEXT DOOR} Mrs. Newly? & niece (from Willow & Bird Sh?)
Mar 29, 1892 Tues.--Dr. Minthorne came here from
Salem, Oregon
Mar 31, 1892 Thurs-Dr. Minthorne left for Pasadena
& the East.
April 11, 1892 Mon.--I went to Pacific
April 13, 1892 Wed--Began some improvement on
Cottage at Grove. Had the kitchen roof raised &
turned to _____________ with the roof of the middle room & --
Apr. 25, 1892 Mon.---Lily & the children &
Cordelia went to Pacific Grove.
Apr. 29, 1892 Friday--I returned home from Pacific
Grove. Isaac Sharp arrived from
Japan with his companion Dr. Dixon.
May 1, 1892 Sunday--Isaac Sharp and Dr. Dixon were
at meeting today. They dined at Geo.
Hammond’s & called here in the p.m. Lena Taylor was at Mtg. & called here.
May 4, 1892 WED----Isaac Sharp &
Elizabeth Shelley were at meeting and here to dinner. JAMES CANNEY &
May 9, 1892 Mon.--Isaac Sharp attended the
Ministers Mtg. And addressed them
May 10, 1892 Tues.- Isaac Sharp
& I started for Oregon,
taking afternoon train to Oakland, & 7:30 p.m. Train there for Portland.
May 12, 1892 Thurs --I. S. & I arrived in Portland in morning. ----Rec’d a call from Jesse
Hobson (at Portland House).
May 13, 1892 Fri.-----Went from Portland to
Newberg . . . . B.C. Miles met,
welcomed at his home. Attended Q.
M. Of M. & O in the p.m. John
Henry Douglas president.
May 14, 1892 Sat.--Attended Q. M. At Newberg. Dined at Jesse Edwards
S. Gave lecture in the eve on his travels.
May 15, 1892 Sun---At Newberg Q. M. Dined at James Vestal’s
May 16, 17, 1892 MON & TUES --separated from
I.S., met Clark & Anna Miles.
May 18, 1892 Wed--went Portland, joined I.S.,
Portland House, Mtg. at Jesse Hobson’s in evening.
May 19, 1892 Thurs----Day in Portland, I was at
the opening of the Presbyterian General Assembly in the a.m.
May 20, 1892 Friday---I. S. & I went from
Portland to Salem to B. s. Cook’s.
. . . . At
Salem Q. M. Of M. & O. In the p.m. John H. Douglass & wife & Martin Cook present.
May 22, 1892 Sunday---Q. Mtg. At Salem. . Sermon by J. H. Douglass. A
Missionary Mtg. in the P.M.
MON, TUES, WED. 1892,-- trip 28 miles to Cascade Mts.,
Salem again, Portland, visiting Friends all the way.
May 26, 1892 Thurs,-- Returning homeward Catharine E. B. Cox started for
Los Angeles to conduct the Bryn
Mawr Ex. There.
May 27, 1892 Fri.------I returned home from Oregon
with Isaac Sharp.
June 1, 1892 Wed-----C. E. B. Cox returned from
Los Angelos & Santa Monica.
June 2 & 3, 1892 Thurs & Fri.---H. E. B.
Went & returned from S. F.
June 12, 1892 Sun--Jas. & H.E.B. & I went
to see Isaac Sharp at S. Shelley’s in the p.m.
June 14, 1892 Tues.--H. E. B. & L. S. Cox
& I went to P. Grove. Jas. B.
went also.
June 16, 1892 Thurs---I. M. Cox & family went
to the (Pacific) Grove
June 18, 1892 Sat--Jas. B. Returned home. Hannah L. Neall & his daughter Lily
De Nervand & little Marie went to Jas. B.’s Cottage from S. F.
June 20, 1892 MON--I. M. Cox went from the Grove
to Tulare
July 4, 1892 Mon.--I returned home from the Grove
July 5, 1892 Tues.-----L. S. B. Cox &
Catharine M. Of Cordelia went to P. Grove. Also Belle Lawrence & children. I. M. Cox returned from Tulare.
July 8, 1892 Fri.-------H. E. B. Returned home
from Pacific Grove.
July 9, 1892 Sat-------C. E. Cox went to the
July 10, 1892 Sunday-Jonathan E. Rhoads & E.
Smith attended our Meeting.
James & H. E. B. Went with them in the p.m. to
see Isaac Sharp. In the evening H.
E. B. & I accompanied them to STOCKTON AVE. MTG.
July 11, 1892 Mon.-----J.E. RHOADS & E. SMITH
made calls at Sam C. Brun’s, C. Davis’s, John Cloud's??, Geo.
Hammond’s, & A. Allen’s & tea with H.E.B & I at Geo. N.
Jones’s. C. E. Cox
returned from the Grove this morning.
July 12, 1892 Tues.-Rhoads & Smith left for S.
F. -Train for Oregon tonight.
July 20, 1892 WED-----Isaac Sharp was out to meeting
again for the first time after a severe illness by which he has been confined
since his return from Oregon.
July 23, 1892 SAT-----C. E. Cox went
to Pacific Grove.
July 24, 1892 Sun--Isaac Sharp was at
Meeting. Henry D. Hollingsworth
& wife U parents ? ? From Santa Cruz were at Mtg. The Parents Chas. & Nancy Hollingsworth & Nancy
Gardiner were here to dinner.
July 25, 1892 MON-----C. E. C. Returned from the
July 31, 1892 Sunday---Isaac Sharp & Elizabeth
Shelley and John Sunday from Iowa were at Mtg. & here to dinner.
Many visitors come & go.
Aug. 6, 1892 SAT------C. E. Cox went to Pacific
Aug. 7, 1892 Sunday-----I went to STOCKTON
AVE MTG with Isaac
Aug. 8, 1892 Mon.-------R. T. Bean & Prude
Miles went to Pacific Grove
C. E. Cox returned from P.G.
Aug. 9, 1892 Tues.------E. H. Shelley & Isaac
Sharp went to Pacific Grove for
a week or two
Aug. 11, 1892 Thurs----Cathie E. B. Cox and
Prudence Miles came from the Grove
Aug. 12, 1892 Fri.------Prude Miles left for S.F. To
take Steamer on 7th day for Portland, Oregon.
Aug. 21, 1892 Sun------Isaac Sharp at our Mtg.
1892 Tues.-----H(annah) &
I went to San Francisco to see Isaac Sharp off on the S.S. Gaclie for China at 3 p. m.. (Siwert Shelley
& wife there also) And then went on to Benicia to cousin Jas. R.
1892 WED---At cousin Jas. R. Bean’s Cousin Anna’s sister Mary
Harley & her son Herbert & daughter Anna--Cousin Edwin H. Bean &
wife Minnie & little Ena? & several of the Sanborn family were in to
see us. Also, Bro. Moill??, The Cong Minister. John
G. Whittier died today.
Sept. 15, 1892, Thurs---Benjamin Jones and Geo.
and Wilhelmina {BELL)} Jones went to our Cottage in Pacific Grove for a few days.
1892, Tues.-Mother, H. & I
dined by invitation at Stephen Griffin’s
1892 Fri.------Elizabeth B. Miles came from Pasadena.
Jay Mills commenced Mtgs. in S.J. (In a large tent in evening)
Oct. 1, 1892 Sat--------Jas. & E. B. M. &
I went to the Mills Mtg. in the Baptist Tabernacle in the evening.
Oct. 3, 1892 Mon.-------Ninetieth Birthday
of Elizabeth Bean. (Anna Cox sang, at 5 yrs old) I attended Mills Mtg. in the p.
m.. James family, C. E.
Cox’s & I. M. Cox’s here to tea.
Oct. 4 & 5, 1892, Tues. & Wed---E.B.M.
& Hannah & I attended Mills Mtg. at Methodist House at 3:30 p.m.
Oct. 10, 1892 Monday----the Mills Mtgs. closed
13 1892, Thurs----E. B. Miles left for home. I went to see her off at Oakland & staid at Lick House
OCT 15, 1892-- Oct. 17, 1892--Rebecca H. Smiley
from S.F. Visited--Mtg., tea at Chas.
Oct. 17, 1892, Mon.---Mary Harley of Benicia came
to attend the W.C.T.U. State Convention which commenced this evening.
Oct. 18, 1892, Tues. --The State Convention of the
W.C.T.U. In San Jose. Devotional Exercises opened by
H.E.B. This morning.
Oct. 22, 1892 Sat---Cousin Anna Bean and Mary
Harley returned Benicia.
Nov. 3, 1892 Thurs--Chas. E. Tibbetts (son of
Joel's sister from Whittier, Ca.) came here from Oregon, returning from
Iowa, Wester, & Indiana Y. Mtgs. & the Conference at Indianapolis.
Nov. 4, 1892, Friday—Chas. E.
Tibbetts started home.
Bert Hoover came
from L.S.J.U. To spend the night here with his grandmother
Herbert Hoover address in back of
“Diary” with Prof. Branner, Stanford
Nov. 5, 1892, Sat.----College Park Ass of
Friends Mtg. in the p.m.
Nov. 6, 1892 Sunday---Chas. & I attended Dr.
Crook’s lecture in the p.m. In town on the Methodist Colleges,
particularly the U. P.
Nov. 24, 1892 Thurs--Thanksgiving Day, Jas. &
Roanna, Bert & Harry & Chas. and Isaac’s families here to
Nov. 27, 1892 Sunday--A very Stormy day. Only James & C. Davis got to
Mtg. We had own Mtg. with children
at home.
Nov. 29, 1892 Tues.--Isaac Cox went to Tulare
Morris Cox came to C’s from his school at
Nov. 30, 1892 Wed--A great storm of rain & wind. Chas. could not get home from Stanford
University on account of a
Dec. 6, 1892, Tues.--Cathie & baby (Joel Bean Cox)
and I went to Tulare--to a house in town Isaac had rented for a
month. There met by Benj. &
Ella Cox & Alvin With Isaac.
Dec. 7, 1892, Wed---Rode out to Isaac’s
Dec. 11, 1892 Sun--------Attended Congregational
Church at Tulare. In
the p.m. Isaac & Cathie & Baby & I went to Benjamin Cox’s
Dec. 13, 1892 Tues.-------Commenced work on
Cathie’s house.
The Well was bored 58 ft. Deep.
Cost 75 cts. per ft. And
25, 1892 Sunday-----Isaac & Cathie & I dined by invitation at B.
Cox’s. Fred Hadley was at
28, 1892 Wed---Morris Cox arrived at Tulare
29, 1892 Thurs----Isaac & Cathie moved into their house--”The
31, 1892 Sat. -Finished work on the “Cabin.
============== LAST ENTRY OF 1892. ====================
Joel Bean’s 1892 Diary
was copied into a Mackintosh Computer on Microsoft Word 5.1 from the Bean
Papers, Friends Historical Library, Swarthmore College, PA., by:
Tom M. King
393 Rutland Ave,
San Jose, CA 95128.
PHONE (408) 286-7157
or E-Mail thomk48@hotmail.com