1891 J. BEAN DIARY,  copied Oct. 26, 1998

Editor Tom M. King of San Jose, CA. Quaker Meeting (College Park).



            Joel Bean (1825-1914) moved to San Jose, California, in 1882 and kept 36 “Engagement Calendars” from 1883 to 1913, 30 years.  A few years have  “extra” diaries and 1886 is missing. 

            This 1891 diary is typical of Joel’s  diaries, a  black leather bound volume about  5  X 3  inches cover, about an inch thick, with three dates pre-printed on each page .  The title of  the volume is  Bancroft’ pacific coast diary for 1891, Containing  Useful Memoranda and Tables for Reference, Published Annually,  San Francisco.  The  first  46 pages are the  “useful . . . reference”



            Only dates with hand written entries are listed. 



Jan. 1, 1891, Thurs:  We all dined at C.E.C.’s (next door) with James B’s family & Benj. & Mahalath Jones.

Jan. 2, 1891 Friday:  C. Cox went to San Francisco.

Jan. 6, 1891 Tues.:  C. E. Cox returned from S. F.

Jan. 7, 1891, Wed:  Finished reading The Richardsons of Cleveland.

Jan. 7 to 9—(sidewise on page at outer edge)  Benja  Cox’s family moved to Tulare this week.

Jan. 10, 1891, Sat:  I attended Mo Mtg. at Stockton Ave

Jan. 12, Mon.:  Prof. John Chawner came to C.E.C’s from Iowa.

Jan. 13, 1891, Tues.  Had Lots plowed for wheat

Jan. 14, Wed:  Abel Bond was at Meeting and here to dinner   Stevens put in wheat on Lots.

Jan. 28, 1891, Wed:  Sowed Beet seed and Tomatoes

Jan. 29, 1891 Thurs:  Day of Prayer for Colleges.  Matton? Did Services at the University at 10:30 & 2:30.  Dr. Leach oped. F.  preached in a.m. & Dr Anthony p.m.    Addison & Rebecca Naylor here to dinner

Jan. 30, 1891 Fri.:  Abel Bond here to dinner.

Jan. 31, 1891, Sat:  Prof. Chawmen left C.E.C’s for Tulare.   Finished reading “The Unconditional Freeness of the Gospel” by Thos. Erskin.  Loaned me by David Scull.


Feb. 7, 1891 Sat:  C.E.B. went to San Francisco for a few days, to stay at H. Neall’s at nights.

Feb. 10, 1891 Tues.:  H.E.B. went to San Francisco.

Feb. 21, 1891 Sat:  H.E.B. & C.E.B. (mother and daughter)  returned from San Francisco.

Feb. 23, 1891 Mon.:  At Ministers Mtg. H.E.B. had a paper on Geo. Fox & his distinguishing views.

Feb. 25, 1891 Wed:  Set out trees in orchard 

1 Fall Pippin, 1 Susquehanna Peach, 1 Solway Peach.

In C.E.B’s orchard 1 Bartlett Pear        West of house 1 fall Pippin

West of Tank house 1 Red May Peach, 1 Alexander Peach

East of wood house 2 Buerre Claigs Pears.

In Quadrangle 1 Bartlett Pear.


Mar 1, 1891 Sun:  Duncan Murdock from England was at mtg. & dined here.

Mar 6, 1891 Fri.:  Dr. Stokes & wife, Hannah Carter & Mary Stokes from Morristown, N. J.  Called in the Evening (from the Vendome)

Mar 29, 1891 Sun:  John and Elizabeth (Mills) Lane from Poughkepsie N. Y. & their Cousin Lydia Griffin (from Stanford Mtg.  ) were at Meeting and here to tea & spent the eveng.


April 4, 1891 Sat:  Annette Clark from S.F. came and staid overnight.

April 5, Sun:  Jane Ledyard here to dinner, with A. Clark.

April 10, 1891 Fri.:  I went to Pacific Grove.

April 12, 1891 Sunday:  I attended M. E. Church at the Grove, Minister Gale preached.

April 19, 1891 Sunday:  I attended a Chinese funeral at Chinatown, P. Grove.

April 21, 1891 Tues.:  Cathie and Lena Lawrence went to P. Grove  James went to P. Grove.

April 23, 1891 Thurs:  Cathie, L. Lawrence & I took the 18 mile drive.

April 24, 1891 Fri.: I returned from P. Grove.

April 28, 1891, Tues.: Cathie & Lena Lawrence returned from P. Grove


May 2, 1891 Sat:  Saml & Agnes Shipley & Susan G. Shipley from Phila and Catharine M. Shipley from Cincinnati arrived. (Brother and sister of Joel's wife, Hannah E. Shipley Bean)

May 5, 1891 Tues.:  Chas. & Lily, S. R. Shipley & wife & C. M. Shipley and others went to Stanford University.  Jas. & R. returned from the Grove.  Chas. & Imelda Tebbetts came (from Pasadena) & went to Jas. B’s to lodge.

May 7, 1891 Thurs:  Isaac M. Cox and C. E. Bean were married at the Meeting House.  About 100 present, and perhaps 80 or more at the house afterward (3 blocks distance).

May 8, 1891 Fri.:  Saml & Agnes went to Del Monte (exclusive Hotel in Monterey next to Pacific Grove.  tk)

May 10, 1891 Sun:  S.R.S.& wife returned from Monterey.

May 11, 1891 Mon.:  Saml & Agnes & Sue & C.M.S. and H.E.B. went to Mt Hamilton.   Mother started for Pasadena with Chas. E. Tebbetts & wife.

May 12, 1891 Tues.: the party returned from Mt. Hamilton.  Saml & Agnes Shipley went to S. F. on their homeward way.

May 14, 1891 Thurs:  C. M. Shipley, S. G. Shipley & H. E. Bean went to Pacific Grove.

May 16, 1891 Sat:  Martha & Hettie Garrett came from P. Grove to Charles C & to lodge here.

May 18, 1891 Monday:  Isaac & Cathie and all the party returned from Pacific Grove.   Martha Garrett & Sister went with Morris Cox to S. F.

May 19, 1891 Tues.:  M. & H. Garrett returned from S. F. to spend a week here with Isaac & Cathy.

May 20, 1891 Wed:  Catharine & Susan Shipley left for the East.   H.E.B. went with them to San Francisco.

May 22, 1891 Fri.:   H.E.B. returned from S. F.    Geo.  & W. B. Jones, S. & H. Brun, Chas. & L.S.B.Cox here to tea with M. & H. Garrett.

May 26, 1891 Tues.:  Martha & Hettie Garrett left for the East.

May 27, 1891 Wed:  Cathie went to S. F. to conduct Bryn Mawr Examination


June 3, 1891, Wed:  Eleanore Davis came to stay a few days.  Cathie returned from S. F.  accompanied by Lena Lawrence.

June 4, 1891 Thurs:  E. Davis dined at Geo. N. Jones’s

June 5, 1891 Friday:  We went to I. M. C’s Ranch on a picnic with E. Davis, G. & W. B. Jones, Abbey & Libbie Roberts & Jas. B. & L. Lawrence.

June 6, 1891 Sat:  Dined at C.E.C’s with E. Davis.   Lena Lawrence left for the East.

June 7, 1891 Sunday:  Christy Davis came to Mtg. & returned with Eleanor Davis in the afternoon -  We dined with them at G. N. Js’

June 12, 1891 Fri.:  James & I went to Mt. Hamilton via his Ranch, & returned to Smith’s Creek to stay.  Met a party from the Normal School & several Ministers of SJ. & S.C. & Gen. Armstrong & daughters, Leroy Washburne, etc.  -on the way to the Mountain.

June 13, 1891 Sat:  Returned from Smith’s Creek, dining at Jas.’ Ranch.

Eva Peasley & Harry came here from San Mateo.  (wife of Elbert Peasley)

June  15, 1891 Mon.  Eva & Harry Peasley returned home.

June 17, 1891 Wed:  Thos. Driven & wife were at Mtg. & called here in the afternoon.   Had my Hay hauled in.

June 21, 1891 Sun:  H.E.B. & I dined at Geo. Hammond’s with B & M. Jones.

June 23, 1891 Tues.:  C.E.C’s family, H.E.B.& I went to Pacific Grove.


July 7, 1891 Tues.:  Jas. & R. Bean went to Pacific Grove.

July 11, 1891 Sat:  C. E. Cox returned home from The Grove.

July 14, 1891 Tues.:  Jas. Bean left the Grove to go to Pasadena.

July 24, 1891 Fri.:  H.E.B. & I returned home from Pacific Grove.

July 25, 1891 Sat:  C.E.C. went to the Grove for two days.

July 27, 1891 Mon.:  C.E.C. returned from the Grove.


Aug. 3, 1891 Monday:  Saml Moorhouse from Brighton, Eng. Called here.

Aug. 5, 1891 Wed:  Mother & James returned home from Pasadena

Aug. 9, 1891 Sun:  Charles & Buelah Rhoads & their son Saml from Haddonfield, N. J. & Hannah Morris from Germantown were at Meeting and here to dinner.  Friends called in the p.m.

Aug. 11, 1891 Tues.:  H.E.B went with Sallie Cloud and Lavinia Allen to spend a few days in the Saratoga Hortts??   Geo. Cloud took them in his carriage.

Aug. 12, 1891 Thurs:   Mother & I spent the  day at Cathie’s in E. San Jose.

Aug. 15, 1891 Sat:  H.E.B. & party returned from Saratoga.

Aug. 16, 1891 Sun:  Richard Percy Reynolds from Luton, Eng., was at Meeting & here to tea. (A scholar at Flounders & teacher at Ackworth)

Aug. 20, 1891 Thurs:  We went to Isaac Cox’s Ranch, East San Jose, to dinner.

Aug. 22, 1891 Sat:  Ther. 104 degrees on our porch.

Aug. 25, 1891 Tues.:  L.S.B.Cox and Children returned from Pacific Grove.

Aug. 27, 1891 Thurs:  H.E.B. & I went to Isaac Cox’s Ranch to tea.


Sept. 7, 1891 Mon.:  Richards Elliott came here.

Sept. 8, 1891 Tues.:  R. Elliott went to work for Isaac Cox –

Sept. 10, 1891, Thurs:  We went to Isaac Cox’s Ranch with Lily & children.


Oct. 1, 1891 Thurs:  Chas. & L. & Cathie & I attended the opening of Stanford University.  (granddaughter Anna Shipley Cox (Brinton) was away at Westown boarding school near Philadelphia)   Prof. Crew & wife called in the p.m. on their way to Mt Hamilton.

Oct. 10, 1891 Sat:  Richards Elliott spent the night here from Polhemus’ Ranch.

Oct. 11, 1891 Sun: Elizabeth & Elsie Shelley here after mtg. To dinner.

Oct. 13, 1891 Tues.:  Isaac & Cathie moved home from the Ranch.

Oct.  22,  1891, Thurs.  I went to Pacific Grove.

Oct. 24, 1891 Sat:  I returned from P. Grove.


Nov. 9, 1891 Mon.:  Maggie began to work here @ 15 per mo.

Nov.  24, 1891 Tues.:  Eliza Elliott here to dinner & to spend the day.

Nov. 30, 1891 Mon.:  Timothy B. Hussey & wife & her sister called here with Jas. Canney.


Dec. 2, 1891 Wed:  Prof. Henry Crew’s wife (Helen Cole Crew) came here from Mt. Hamilton where his work is at present.

Dec. 4,  1891 Fri.:  Mother and H.E.B. & I took dinner at Sivert Shelley (by invitation.)

Dec. 5, 1891 Sat:  Helen Crew left for San Francisco

Dec. 6, 1891 Sun:  Prof. Crew & wife returned from S. F. & dined at C.E.C’s (on their way to Mt. Hamilton)

Dec. 9, 1891 Wed:  Ruth B. Ridges with Addison Naylor were at meeting.

Dec. 12, 1891 Sat:  H.E.B. & I attended Mo. Mtg. at Stockton Ave.  Ruth B. Ridges present.

Dec. 21, 1891 Mon.:   Prof. Stephen Jones, formerly of Penn College, now President of Nevada State University at Reno, --- came here & took tea at C. E. C’s & spent the night here.

Dec. 25, 1891 Fri.:  We all dined at C. E. C’s with Eliza & Richards Elliott & Morris & Fred.





“To fight  The good fight of faith and lay hold on Eternal life”   (B.H. Jones in Mtg. 12-31-90)

“ Yea I know it, hold ye your peace”   B. H. Jn text in Mtg. 4th day 6th Mo. 17.


1891 “CASH ACCOUNTS”  see 1889 and 1890 for detailed example


            Jan. Expense on Lots—Plowing & sowing 3 lots $7.50  Wheat cost 3.00 Haying cost $10.25

            Feb. 5: Exp. on House—Pd Boynton for work & lumber $41.45

                                                            Paint and brushes

            March  Assessment:    Lots 2.3.4  $2100

                                                            Lot                     950

                                    Improvements                     $2000

Carriage 100 Furniture 150 Library 35 Poultry 5 cow 20 watch 5

April:  Expense on Cottage at P. Grove  finishing middle room $10.90


May:  23, 1891, pd apportionment                     $2.40

May page of Meeting Apportionment made out 5 mo. 23 1891

James Bean 20 &12 or so other local Quakers are  assessed by a committee of Joel Bean, Saml Brun, G.N. Jones—valuable list


23 addresses in address pages (3)—Friends Meeting, 134 Mcallister, S. F.

71 letters with dates of reply.




Joel Bean’s 1891 Diary was copied into the Mackintosh Computer on Microsoft Word 5.1 at Swarthmore College Friends Historical Library by:


Tom M. King

393 Rutland Ave,

San Jose, CA 95128. 

PHONE (408) 286-7157

or E-Mail thomk48@hotmail.com