Joel Bean Diaries 1872-1873 England and Ireland
Historical Library of Swarthmore (Pa.) College
Copied by
Tom M. King of San Jose, CA.
June 23,
Folder consists of a leather bound booklet of
about 100 handwritten pages, with cover title of Records and a written 1872. Following that are 25+ handwritten
browning thin paper half sheets continuing the account of the visit in England.
First Entry: flysheet signed Joel
Bean and next (other side) page
The texts quoted in the following pages were the
subjects given me to speak upon in the meetings named. JB
There is a Diary to accompany this naming homes
visited and other matters of interest.
This is a Record of more interior experience.
========================== 1872-1873 ========================
Northern Ohio, 9th
mo. 24, 1872. Passing
I realize in this Journey the Psalmists' Exclamation -- "How Precious are thy thoughts unto me, O God. How great is the sum of
them!" Another brief
paragraph continues similarly, but not underlined.
Philadelphia, 238
So. 10th St. (two brief
sentences of thoughts at "morning reading".)
Newport R.I. 10th Mo 10. 1872
invitation of the Master - "Come and dine,"
preceded his charge "Feed my lambs," "Feed my Sheep." His disciples are fed by him
as a preparation, and in order to feed others. They had just learned how fruitless all their toil until
Christ give direction and success.
(Underlines in original) This entry continues to back of
page (top only) about the same number of words.
page: "While at Newport
we called to see Davis Bufferson?? (his words follow).
from a letter received from Barnabas C. Hobbs. dated 10th mo. 2. 72.
(follows--wishing good trip)
Amsbury, Mass 10th
mo. 13. The memorial name
revealed to Moses "I Am" is
unfolded thro' Christ to His disciples and His Church. (continues)
In Lynn on 7th day
morning (thoughts follow)
Sandwitch N.H.
10th mo. 22. 1872 (thoughts
Windon, 11th mo. 2. (thoughts follow) ends with "In remembrance of our Quarterly Meeting,
met today at Springdale and in prayer on behalf of the Church there, near
access was felt to the Throne of Grace, . . . ."
11th mo. 8. 1872 Parted with our children. (thoughts follow)
Embarked for
England on the Celtic 11th mo. 9.
1872. When I first came on
board with our baggage yesterday an almost fearful sense came over me of the
dangers of the deep. (thoughts
Steamship Celtic,
First day, 11th mo. 10. The
Episcopal Service was read, or conducted by the Purser, at 1 1/2 a.m. It was pleasant to see such recognition
of the day and of the duty of worship. and to witness the devout manner of a
number who joined in the service.
an intelligent Roman Catholic lady, the widow of Gen Kearney, we had free and
pleasant converse upon some of the doctrines of her Church and she told us of
the experiences of one of her daughters who has gone into a Convent.
the afternoon at 3 a delightful little Bible Class on the 1st Chap. of Romans.
On the Great
deep. 11th mo. 11 Our Roman Catholic
friend is forbidden by her Church to unite in worship with Protestants, for
this reason: It is " not
deemed right to go to any place where Almighty God is worshipped as mere spectators, without joining in that
worship, and the Catholic cannot consistently unite with any protest against itself."
Church believes none can be saved outside
of her: i.e., "the Church
holds all truth, and all who are saved, are saved thro' a measure of the truth
which she holds and proclaims."
full page) Our Evangelistic friend
belonging to no Church organization (the opposite Extreme to the Catholic)
reads his Bible as forbidding woman to teach in
the Church, (She may preach the Gospel to the world, but may not teach the
body.) As this excludes half
the race from this service, and himself from the Enjoyment of it, we could not
ask the Catholic to our Bible Class, nor propose to the "Evangelist"
that my H. (means Hannah, his wife) should teach a Class composed of Christians
yet with both we can Enjoy sweet open converse together. I am glad to feel that larger
fellowship wh(ich) can recognize both as fellow disciples, and all their work for Christ.
Mid Ocean, Fifth day, 11th Mo. 14. Held our little meeting together. How much to be thankful for! How much to learn! . . . .
have much pleasant intercourse with fellow passengers. . . .
Opportunities are given us every day,
for me to learn,
for Dear Hannah to work. It is mine to receive. Her more
blessed part is to give. I desire to let the light shine: I
hope I do not hide or hinder it.
But is seems allowed, if not indeed allotted me in great quietness upon
this ship to observe and listen, to gather all I can of good, and to
encourage what is good" to discountenance
Evil by withdrawing and keeping apart from it as much as possible rather than
by Encountering it in Controversy.
the great diversity of opinions
and beliefs represented here, my own business seems to be rather to search for
Truth than for Error: for that which owns Christ, rather than for that which demis
(sic) Him.
are two ways (next page here) to help others, one by fellowship, and
the other by protest: one by Encouraging the good in them, the other by warring
and testifying against the Error or the wrong in them. There may be uniting with others, so as
to compromise the Truth. And there
may be a testimony against Errors and wrong without love. Oh let me be kept
in the very Truth, and in the very
Spirit of my dear Lord, in thought, in word, in deed.
Firstday, 11th mo. 18. Gained
a victory over reluctance to take up a Cross for my Lord. which greatly
humiliated me because its cost is so much.
Near Liverpool
11th mo. 19, 1872 (editor's
note: Large seaport in England)
High Flats,
Haddensfield. 11th mo. 29. 1872 at
Joseph Firths.
have been about a week and a half in England.
Joel Bean continues for 2 pages about carefully observing English
customs, being met at the boat
and staying at "the sweet home at dear Isaac Robson's", with prayers by Henry Lees at the
first mtg., and since by John Newby, Geo Satterthwaite, Sarah Firth.)
12th mo. 1. 1872
12th mo. 3.
12mo. 5.
12 mo. 5.
12th mo. 8.
Mo. 8. 1872-- (after a page of thoughts)
"In thinking of
Evening Meetings and dreading them more on account of my weariness when
night comes on. almost incapacitating for labor." . . . .
12th mo. 11. Rom XV. 29.
Mo. Mtg. at Bradford 12th mo. 13.
Firstday 12 mo. 14.
Firstday, 12 mo. 22.
month 1.1872 (means 1873?) We leave Scotland in peace. The Lord has been
very gracious to us in this north land. . . . We go on towards the high places
of Durham & Northumberland, Newcastle, Sunderland and Darlington freshly
stripped and found in spirit. . . .
First mo. 2. 1873
1st mo. 3
1st mo. 5. 73 First day meeting
Mo Meeting 1st mo. 8
Mo Mtg. 1st mo 9.
1st mo. 10. 1873.
First day, 1st mo. 12. Large
Meeting this morning at Darlington and a large Mission Mtg this Evening.
Manchester, 1st mo. 16 Lancshire & Chishire Q. Mtg.
Manchester Firstday, 1st mo. 19.
the Q. M. at Manchester a week was spent in Cheshire among the small meetings.
London, Firstday, 1st mo. 26.1873. . . . .
At the Morning Mtg on Second day we were welcomed and Encouraged by Friends
known and loved, and by other before unknown. And on Leaving London Third day morning our dear frds J. B.
& M. Braithwaite were made the instruments to hand us loving encouragement .
. .
Quarterly Meeting 1st mo. 29.
Scarboro by the Sea. 2nd
mo. 4 1873. We have spent
three days here in the sweet
resting place at Jane
came from York, a worn and weary traveler. . . . .
(continues a full page)
Thorne, 2nd mo. 7 Went to
the little meeting at this place without an opening or a word for service but
with an unusual trustfulness of Spirit. . . . . (was easy service, Wm Casson
ministered to Meeting and to us and our dear younger friend Joseph Clark,
who came with us as Guide from Doncaster, offered feeling prayer..
Sheffield, Firstday, 2nd mo. 9. In the Evening Mtg it is usual to read
a (Bible) chapter before the Mtg for worship.
Sheffield, Danl (sic) Doncaster’s
sweet home, 2nd mo. 11. 1873.
Three days ago we came to the sweet homes from which we now strike the tent, to
depart. We came Strangers. We go with hearts bound to every one of this dear household. . . . . (continues
for another page and one half)
Firstday 2mo. 16
Castle Donnington, 2nd mo. 22
Leicester 2nd mo. 23
Birmingham Firstday 3rd mo. 3.
Cruve?, 3rd mo. 5 1873 I spent the day in bed (at Nathl
Worsdell’s) after a very sick night. (continues one half page)
Dublin, Ireland. Firstday 3rd mo. 9.
Dublin, 3rd mo. 10
Lisburn Mo. Mtg. 3rd mo. 13.
Ulster Q. Meeting at Lisburn, Firstday 3rd mo.16.
(Concluding Mtg. Third day 3rd mo. 18)
Ballinderry, Fourth day, 3rd mo. 19.
Hillsboro, Fifth day 3rd mo. 20.
Sixth day, 3rd mo. 21.
Having an appointment at Rich Hills, I had a proving season to pass thro’ in the
morning on finding My H. (Hannah, his wife) unable to go, and that I must go
without her. As James N.
Richardson took the Bible, . . . .Mary Rogers prayed for me & for the
Mountmellick, Leinster(?) Q. M. First day 3rd mo.
Concluding Meeting Third day, 4th mo. 1.
Waterford, 4th mo. 3.
Cord. First day 4th mo. 6.
Munster Q. Mtg, Clonmel (?) 4 mo. 13 Conclusive Mtg. Clonmel, Third day. 4
mo. 15.
Monadwich, Ireland. 4th mo. 17. 1873. A letter from Sister A. S. (Shipley?) Hannah’s
sister) caused anxious feelings about the children. With the wide Atlantic between us, we have no resource but
prayer. (continues)
Dublin Yearly Meeting, Sixth day Evening, 5th mo.
2. Returned to our sweet haven of
rest at Saml Bewley’s (?)
after a joint session of the Y. M. tired, sad, with homelongings in a double
sense. To see so many of our
people turning from our own principles, from our liberty to bondage, from
simple trust in the Divine Arm of Power to human instrumentalities, seems to me
cause for morning.
Dublin, Sixth day. 5th mo. 9. The Yearly Meeting has closed with
Conclusive Mtg
today. I
am very weary, which may in some measure account for a feeling of much
(Joel Bean continues for unusual length, 3
pages!) excerpts follow:
During this Y. M.
many of the meeting have I think been memorable from the power given to some
of the messengers (not including myself) to preach the word. R. W. Douglas, J. F. Hanson,
Al. N. Rogers & others . . .
Never before have I had so to feel
and suffer for the sake of my people.
The last mtg of M. & E.
was a searching season. A very
general and prevailing religious interest is manifest but many are leaving us, to seek the aid of Ministry and the
use of ordinances: relapsing from
the high vantage ground gained by our Fathers, as they Called the Church &
led the way to holier heights of Christian light and life, and liberty. There are dear living exercised ones
still in this Y. M.: while many
seem little able to understand the Experiences of the former days. . . . .
Worcester, England. Fifth day, 5th mo. 15. 1873
Chelmsford, First day 6th mo. 8.
Essex Quarterly Meeting. Colchester. 6th mo. 10. 1873
Norfold, Cambridge & Hunts Q. M. St. Ives. 6th mo. 12.
Norwich, First day 6th mo. 15. Evening. As all
are gone to the Evening Meeting and I am left to enjoy a quiet hour alone
(having for three weeks omitted the Evening Mtgs) I take up my pen to inscribe
in this recrd, one more Ebenezer. (unknown
meaning of “Ebenezer”.)
Joel Bean writes 2+
pages including: . . . Just after my prostration near
the close of Yearly Meeting in London, and just before the tidings of our dear
Cathie’s illness was
announced to us by a telegram from America, I . . . .
Brighton, First day, 6th mo. 22.
Neath, South Wales, Western Q. Mtg. 6th mo.25.
Bristol, 6th mo. 29.
First day.
Exeter, Fourth day 7th mo. 2.
Exeter, 7th mo. 5.
. . . .With trembling trust I look forward towards leaving this field of
service and out over the great deep to our western home. . . . . (in fixing a three weeks
earlier period for our return on account of our dear child’s prolonged
Forguay (?), Firstday, 7th mo. 6d.
Plymouth. Devon &
Cornwall Q. Mtg. 7th mo. 9. 1873
Leeds, Brighouse Mo. Mtg. 7th mo. 11. 1873.
Huddersfield, First day. 7th mo. 13.
7th mo. 18 1873. (Eve T.)
We are passing away from the sight of the Irish Coast, out upon the
broad Atlantic.
Seventh Day Eve T. 7th
Mo. 19. The fog thickens around
us. The night is approaching.
Icebergs may be near our track. We
may be liable to collision with oth‑‑‑er vessels. . . . .(continues
half page)
7th mo. 28.
Landed in safety. Found our
Cathie at window much improved in health.
Lily and other friends well. . . . (these are the two daughters of Joel and Hannah
En Route from Philadelphia to Newport. Steamer Bristol, L. I. Sound Thirdday, Eve J (?) 8th
mo.5. .. . . . I recall the
eras of my life which have been connected with passages over this Sound.. I first crossed it, a young man going
forth alone to attend N. Y. Y. Meeting . . . . I returned with a peace no words could fully tell. Again I went abroad for a
winter’s sojourn in the Sunny South, and returned with fresh soul
witnessing . . . .
gift of my life companion is associated with a visit to my native New England,
and a passage over these waters.
Our Sandwich Island Mission was borne in weighty prospect (in our
Entering upon it) and reviewed in peaceful retrospect on our return upon this
And now our late Journey (to England and Ireland) is linked, both in our
going out and in our coming in, . . .
I first passed over these waters a youth. Now my grown up daughter bears me company. . . . . .
Christ was much
to me then. How much more do I
realize Him to be to me now. My only foundation, my refuge. Can I not say in
humble truthfulness, My All!
Gilmanton, N.H. 8th mo. 1873
(last entry in diary book is 5 pages of a 13 stanza poem (8 lines
per stanza) reviewing Joel Bean;s life.)
1872-1873 England/Ireland Diary =======
Bean’s 1872-1873 England/Ireland Diary was copied into the Mackintosh
Computer on Microsoft Word 4.0. June 23, 1998 at Swarthmore College Friends
Historical Library by
M. King
Rutland Ave,
Jose, CA 95128.