A List of the Members of the New York Manumission Society. Melancton Smith, Lawrence Embree, John Lawrence, Matthew Clarkson, John Bleeker, Thomas Burling, Jacob Seaman, James Cogsiu, Willett Seaman, Nath. Lawrence, John Murry Jun., White Ma[tl?]ack, Elen. Hazard, William Cachran, Richard Lawrence, James Hardie, Effingham Embree, William Backhouse, Francis Child, Levin[us?] Clarkson, Moses Rogers, Jacob Watson, Doct. John Mason, Doct. J. R. B. Rodgers, Nathaniel Hazard, Andrew Hammersly, Doct. Craige, Doct. Abraham Beach, William W. Woolsey, Benjamin Forster, Thomas Franklin, Richard Hallett, William Shotwell, William Bowne, William Dunlap, Joseph Byrd, Strictfield Clarkson, Samuel Bowne, William Johnson, Reay. King, Samuel Miller Elihu H. Smith, Samuel L. Mitchell, Abraham Franklin, Jacob Doty, Thomas Eddy, Samuel Burling, Doct. Val. Seaman, Robert Bonne, Hugh Jaine, Edward Miller, Oliver Phelps, Joseph Grellet, James Robertson, James Byrd, Tunis Wortman, John Brown, Daniel Cromwell, Gad. Ely, Peter V. Maverick, Samuel Talman, Ebenezer Mack, Michael Bull Isaac Hicks, Willet Hicks, Robert P. Lee, Allen Clapp, Andrew Cock, William Pirson, William Doughty, Nehemiah Allen, Samuel Underhill, Thomas Barron, Donald Frazer, Isaac Sharpless, George M. Woolsey, Alexander Hamilton, Peter Jay Munro, Martin S Wilkins, Samuel Boyd, George Townsend, Joseph James, David Cunningham, Isaac Wright, Robert Pearsall John Coffin, Elijah Cock, William Lawrence, Ezekiel Robbins, Jacob Mott, Richardson Underhill, Alexr. Sommerville, Robert Mott, William Worsey, John Seaman, Henry Post, John Woods, Mott Hicks, Isaac Doty, Thomas Buckley, Rob. McMenomy, John Keese, John Cock, John Duffie, Henry Pike, Daniel Stansburg, William Cook Abijah Hammond, George Fox, Robert Wardell, Sam. B. Embree, Edmund Post, Wm Slocum, John Franklin, Egbert Benson, John McKnight, Jacob Walton, William Boyd, Jacob Brown, Peter C. Schuyler, Samuel Mott, David Rogers (Rye), Doct. Dan. Walters, William S. Burling, Jonathan Ferris, Peter A. Jay, Richd. J. Lawrence, Willm Talbott, Jacob Valentine Richard Riker, Jacob Wood, Thos. L Judge, James Shaw, Moses Judah, Joshua Cock, Edmund Pearsall, Chris. M Slocum, Jas. Cox ([Pridgetom?]) George Ferguson, Rob. W. Pearsall, Willm. Seger, Rob. H. Borne, Stephen Smith, Samuel Robbins, Thomas Carpenter, Joseph Leggett, William Mintum, John B. Lawrence, William Irving, Abm. G Stansburg, Peter Hegeman John R. Bonne, Willm. Wayman, Jas. Watson, Jonas Minturn, David [Angernie?], Marius Willett, Philip Brasher, Adrian Hageman, George Townsend, David Dennison, Thos. Walden, Matthew Franklin, Benjn. Stratton, John N. Clark, Philip Robinson, Samuel Hicks, John L. Bonne, George Newbold, Danl. D Thompkins, Rob. Bogardus, Abel Shotwell, Elisha W. King Theophilus Barton, Benjamin Vail, John Merritt, George Robinson, Joshua Underhill, Jacob Townsend, Jacob Dounnig, Townsend Valentine, James Merritt, Henry Reynolds, William Fitch, Benjamin Prince, Abraham Bell, William Clapp, William [Coit?], Samuel Stilwell, William Underhill, Thomas Langdon, Walter Burling, Isaac A. Van Hook, John Man, Thomas Willis Oliver Cock, Nathan Sanford, Allen Shepherd, Preserved Fish, Joshua Barker, William Pearsall, Israel Anderson, Daniel Fisher, Mettiah Green, Obed Smith, Jonah Tilley, Lancaster S. Burling, Charles Davis, William F. Pell, Joseph Constant, John Sayre, Thos. Richards, Caleb Brewster, Nath. Foster, Jno. W. Russell, John R Willis, Willm. Franklin Samuel Downing, Mordeica Myers, Abm. Skelton, Willm. J. Slocum, Benjn. Clark, Isaac Post, Eben. L. Burling, James Drake, Job Collins, Elijah Cornell, Doct. Jno. Onderdonk, Rufus Greene, Charles Collins, Benjn. Mott, William Tilton, Silas Hicks, Samuel Leggett, Samuel Underhill, Joseph Squires, Walter Morton, Elisha Morton, Oliver H. Hicks John G. Bogart, [Stacy?] Horner, Doct. Jas. Scofield, Saml. W. Kelly, Rudolph Bunner, Benjn. D. Perkins, Aaron Ely, Washington Morton, Thomas Collins, Thomas Freeborn, Thos. Addis Emmitt, Joseph W. Brackett, William [Slosson?], Abraham Barker, Samuel Chapman, Jno. W. Livingston, John Dounes, Charles Marsh, Robert C. Cornell, Valentine Hicks, Edmund Kirly, Nec. C Everitt Thomas Cottrell, Caleb Coggeshall, John J. Haight (Bath), George Griswold, John Fellows, Benjn. Demitt, James Mallery, Rob. T. Wawtson, Willit Robbins, William. F. Mott, Samuel Starnsbury, John L. Robinson, Isaac Bloomfield, Edward Schieffelin, D. J. Blake, Doct. J. E. R. Birch. Harrison Palmer, Daniel Hanxhurst, Samuel Falconer, James Quackenbush, John C. Ludlow, Benjamin F. Folger (of Hudson) Forman Chees[e?]man George Gilpin, Cornelius Grennell, Tebulon L. Willis, Sylvanus F. Jenkins, William Collins, Benjamin S. Collins, William Sampson, Sam. Van Wyck, John Griscom, William Smith, John Cooke, Henry F Penfield, William Shipley, Aaron H. Palmer, Israel Diss[???]nay Nie. F. Delaplaine, Isaac Underhill, Doct. Thomas Cock, William Waring, Israel C[?]se, Jeremiah Thompson John Dodgson, Willet Seaman, William H. Jones, John Hunn, Morris Shipley, Drake Seymour, Robert I. Murray, Thomas Tucker, Nehemiah Merritt, Peter S. Titus, William Roberts, Isaac Valentine, William L. Lawrence, Charles I. Doughty, Charles C. Andrews, Isaac Collins Inn, Gilbert Shotwell, Joseph Riley, Shadrach Ricketson, James Palmer, William Welling, Eben. Judson White Aquilla Giles, James Mott Jun., Charles Miller, Hugh McCormick, John Wadsworth, Robert Coles, William Prior, Joseph Corlies, Joseph Cartis, John J. Cromwell, Robert Abbott Jun., Michael M. Titus, John Clapp, Joseph S. Shotwell, William J. Cock, William Thorne, Wager Hull, Stephen Hathaway Jun., Israel Horsefield, Norris Martin, Isaac Sherwood, George S. Hathaway Saml. G. Pearsall. Warren Rogers, Benjamin F. Boyd, Doct. Val Mott, Latham Mitchell, Mordeica Lewis, Wm. Barker (West Chester Co), Stephen Barker, Walter Sawyer, Thomas Coles, Wiliam T. Hunter, Samuel Wood, Doct. Stephen Allen, Stephen Underhill, Reuben Leggett, Lindley Murray, Richard T. Field, Nathan Comstock, Benjn. R. Seaman Revd. John Williams, David Griscom, Richard Cunningham, John Bedient, Joseph Spencer, Isaac Hatch, Joseph Smith, James Dodge, Thomas H. Leggett, Willm W. Wooden, Borden Chaser, John Anthony, Isaac M Ely, John L. [Alo?]ffatt Doct. John Carpenter, Ezekiel W. Mayo, E[?]phalet Wheeler Michael Low[b?]er, Amos Wickersham Jun., Jas. Mac Kersay, Thomas S. Byrnes Charles Cromwell, Richard Ervin, John A. Graham, Richard Willets, Jacob Frost, John C. Townsend, Isaac Frost, James Nelson, David S. Brown, George F. White, Benjamin Marshall, Robert Dingee, Edward Probyn, Edward Hull (Stamford), William Cox, John L. Embree, Nestor Houghton, Samuel Willets, Joseph Willets, Thomas P. Bowne, Edmund Haveland, Samuel Smith, David Griffen David P Smith, George W Browne, Sam. E Shotwell, Robert White, Wm. Colgate, Silas Cornell, Walter Phelps, John Morgan, Wm. Morris Carter, David Thompson, Joseph W. Corley, Samuel Post, Reynolds Cornell, James Milnor, Charles Mais, P. S. William[s?], Wm. C White, John Sutton, Richard Field, Francis Hall, Robert Lawrence Peter Young, Ezekiel Cowgill, Joseph F Carroll, John Wood, Philip W. Engs, C D Colden, Rich R Lawrence, D F Blake, Thomas Garnis, Hiram Ketcham, William C Merritt, Thos. Leggett Jun., Phineas S. Bunting, William Shotwell Jun., Geo. L Fox, David Curtis, Rob. L. Mott, Gilbert Hicks, Theodore Dwight, Wm. T. Merritt, Jas. R. Lennox, Wm. T. Van Amringo Jno. K Copperthwaite, David Munson, Saml Starr, [Jas.?] Wilson, Caleb Barker, Major Baily, Elijah Morgan, Ezra Boughton, Wm M Hewlett, Brigham Howe, Robert Hicks, Goold Brown, Wilson Taylor, Thomas E Walker, James Smith, Thomas Stokes, Charles Postly, Lindley M. Moore, Rufus L. Nevins, Ambrose Cock, George Underhill, James Hague Joseph Blunt, Wm P [H?]allett Ansel W Ives, Mahlon Day, Whitman Mad, Charles Lawton, John Stearns, Wm W. Mott, John B. Scott, Thomas Gibbons, Wm B. Brown, Joseph B. Collins, Samuel Hannay, John Sallyers. [Alpho?] Rayonne Peter P. Hays David B. Lent, Leonard Mason, Latham Strattan, Ira Clizbe, Clement Davison, Wm L Hone, Eli Vail, Barney Cork, Wm Lawton, Wm M Jonstone, Wm B Townsend, Oliver Hull, John C Hegeman, John Barrow Jr., Thomas Hale, Evan Lewis, Harvey Shotwell, Henry Haydock Jr., John B Right, Aaron Leggett, Abraham L Cox, Walter Underhill, Jos. S Underhill, Ira B Underhill, John Small[ing?], Matthew Hale, Charles Walker John C Merritt, Wm L Ferris, Joseph Walker, Jacob Harvey, Rich. Mott Jr., Joseph Plimpson, David P. Conklin, Benj. Halsted. Rev. Frances Wayland, Benj. White, Henry Hinsdale, Willet Secor, George Corlu[?], David Hubbs, William Hull, Edw. A Corbes Statement of the number of Africans and their descendants enjoying Freedom; having been relieved from Unjust Slatery, thro' the exertions of the Standing Committee of the manumission society, since the Establishment thereof. [Table gives number of persons by year] Statement of the number of Children educated at the African Free School, at the expence of the Manumission Society. [Table includes entries, by year, in the following categories:] No. children; Theachers Salary; No. Teachers; Teachers names