"ace page 22 — May 7, 1971 — the colorado daily The Propinquity Sundays 7:30 TIL MIDNITE IN THE STILL 5505 Arapahoe * 449-3105 COLORADO DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Hours Monday thru Friday 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Rates 8c per word 80c minimum per day Pre-payment required The Daily will not make allowances for more than one_ incorrect insertion. Copy Deadline 12 noon — the day prior to pubii- cation (excluding Sat. & Sun.). PERSONAL RIDE WANTED Washington D.C. leaving Monday May 10, return May 15. Share cost. 266-0697. TITOE HERRMANN Happy Birthday. | love you. Lotus Bean. FREE—BLACK KITTEN. 443-8481. YOU KNOW there will be no jobs this summer — create one yourself. Sum- mer employment opportunities any- where in the country. Write GOLDTEC, Inc. 4001 Devon Ave., Chicago, 60646. LINDA — three’s a crowd. What do you see in him? Greg. DAZZLING BIKINIS, bras and No-bra bras. Custom fit by Symbra-Ette, Dixie Sebern, consu®¥ant. 772-0517 collect. TRY OUR Mexican Pizzas— your choice, chicken, beef, bean or sau- sage — at Mr. Taco. SUMMER STORAGE — reasonable rates. Boulder Valley Transfer, 442-3120. GARAGE SALE and Bazaar. Contri- butions from various service clubs, etc. to benefit WHeadstart. Sports equip- ment, books, household items, cloth- ing, etc. Sat. 10 a.m.— 6:30 p.m., Beech Park, 13th & Euclid. FLAMENCO, CLASSICAL guitar les- sons. Rene Heredia, 777-1243. XEROX COPIES — 4'%2c — 2c. Copy- mart, 1315 Broadway, University Plaza, 449-1654. GOING OVERSEAS? Come see us about the advantages of overseas delivery of the best of the small cars — Capri. Foothills Lincoln Mercury, 3200 28th St. 447-8000. BREAKFAST TRAIL RIDES — ride horseback over beautiful Rocky Flats trails to a campfire breakfast of orange juice, bacon and eggs, flapjacks and all the hot coffee you can drink. 2 hours of riding and breakfast, $6.00. Satur- day and Sunday mornings, 8 a.m., beginning May 8 and 9. Reservations only. Sombrero Ranch, 442-0258. A LOAN is the scissors of friendship. A man’s own tongue may cut his throat. The cage has no value without the bird. K.B.C. (Saadi). THE STORY of Natural Religion — answers the question ‘Is Christianity the Religion of Jesus?"’’ $2.00 — 15 day free examination. R.H. Bass, 499-7509. SENIORS — Still uncertain about your future? Don’t hesitate in seeing the unlimited business opportunity this rapidly growing company can offer you, Call Mr. Roger Saf, Heart of Denver, 244-9221, ext. 109. Mon — Fri, 1-4 p.m. WANT TO fly? Applications are being accepted until July 1, 1971 for the Air Force ROTC two-year program. . ONE RIDE needed to Jackson, Mich. or vicinity. Pay all gas, or share. A moderate amount of luggage. Randy Beier, Bx 57 or Rm 205, Sewall Hall. Leave a note if 1’m gone. FUTURE CPA’S— Learn how to prepare for the CPA exam. Becker CPA Review Course, Call 255-0111. LEAVE THE COUNTRY! Amsterdam, Brussels, London! Come by UMC 181 (Cosmo) 12-2 p.m. for information. ALASKA CALLING? Construction, oil, fishing, cannery, teaching, gov't, summer jobs; cost of living; further info sources; $3 cash or M.O. for second edition. Jobs In Alaska, Box 1565, Anchorage 99501. AFTER NINE years— going, going, gone— the Sweater Joint. Values galore — items 1/2 off. Come see. COPY EDITING, manuscript prepara- tion by professional writer/teacher. Reasonable rates; prompt service. Phone 499-0504, DRAFT INFORMATION service now operating. Fleming Law _ Building Room 21, Tuesday, Thursday, 1-3 p.m.; Wednesday 7-10 p.m. UMC 163, Monday, Wednesday, Friday 12-1 p.m., Tuesday, Thursday 9-11 a.m.; Tuesday and Wednesday 3-5 p.m. DOUG CLARK and. the Hot Nuts are coming to Tulagi next week, May 6, 7, and 8. TYPING — FAST, efficient, cheap. Thesis, technical, term papers. 442-0965. after 5. TYPING. Fast, experienced, reason- able. 442-8735. TYPING — 60c/page. Boulder pick up and delivery. 1-776-9471. R.J.D.T. — Thanks for an interesting 8 months! Sentimental Me. HOMEMADE SPAGHETTI and Ravi- oli, tender steaks, generous drinks. LUIGI’S in Louisville. Build up your strength for finals. SPORTSWEAR AND pants galore at the Sweater Joint — that will be going, going, gone — great selection now. POETS, WRITERS — Workshops in Poetry (Nathaniel Tarn, Eugene Mc- Carthy): Fiction; Drama — TV; non- fiction, ecology, juvenile, 38th cu Writers’ Conference, June 20 — July 2, Woodbury 103 (ext. 7969). WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY OF NEXT WEEK ARE THE LAST TWO ISSUES OF THE COLO- RADO DAILY FOR THIS SEM- ESTER. GET YOUR ADS IN BY TUESDAY NOON. ALL THE homemade spaghetti you can eat for $1.19 at the Pizza Oven, 5-12 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays. CHARLIE GREEN EYES— Boulder will miss you! AMY, you're number one again. Ginger fell out of bed. Kim Vandermuelen. LEAVE THE COUNTRY. All reserva- tions for flight to Amsterdam by telephone are confirmed. Please come to UMC 181 to pick up your tickets. (Office hours daily 12-2 p.m.). SORRY WE ARE LATE SALLY! But Oi-Vay — Happy Birthday Sally Green- berg. KIDDIE KAMPUS opens summer enrollment to University affiliated parents, May 10—14. All day/half days. Children 2/%—6. Ext. 6185. EUROPE — LONDON, Amsterdam, Brussels, $120. Departures all over the year. UMC 181 daily 12-2 p.m. LYNDA, DAVE and Gregg — you take care of your problems and we’ll take care of ours. You spell your names funny anyway. Linda, Dave and Greg. HERBIES DELI is now open until 11 p.m. every night for finals. 10c coffee, free refills. Trust us. Top of Tule. TET A COLLEGE or campus Townhouse for fall. Call 449-5419 or 443-7404. PROFESSOR NEW to Boulder seeks’ house for August or Fall rental. Call collect mornings, 1-493-0182., GIRL TO do baby-sitting, housekeep- ing in exchange for room and board _plus salary starting May 20, 499-3053. MALE ROOMMATE to share modern one bedroom apartment for summer and/or school year. Graduate pre- ferred. 447-9608 after 6 p.m. ROOMMATE: to. share- 2-bedroom deluxe apartment, $85/mo. Call after 5 p.m., graduate student. 444-0613. FEMALE ROOMMATE desperately needed to share large, beautiful, house on Hill for summer. Own room. Call Susan, 443-6804, RIDERS WANTED to Milwaukee or Chicago May 10 or 11,:449-5178. MANUSCRIPT EDITING. Disserta- tions, theses, articles for scientific journals. Grammar, sentence structure, punctuation and spelling thoroughly checked. Also proofreading. Tele- phone, 447-9039. FEMALE ROOMMATE, fall, large Hill apartment, own room, $70. 443-7944. FEMALE ROOMMATE, Fall, $75/mon. No pets, own room, 443-5868. DESPERATE — girls need 3-4 bed- room house. Fall. Reasonable, 442-4739 or 449-8578. CUTCO Division of Alcoa has openings for 100 college students this summer in Colorado, Car needed to qualify. Call 534-6659. YOUNG LADY for telephone calling. Hard working with good voice. $3/hr,. Call 449-1621. FEMALE ROOMMATES, for house, own bedroom; $60 mo, starting June lst. No hassles, 442-3568, TWO FEMALE roommates needed — $65/mo. all utilities paid. Call 449-0478, VOLUNTEERS TO Help run teen-age center in Boulder thru Summer, Leave name and phone number at Box 4, Daily Office. GUYS INTERESTED in~ working nights at Orange Julius this summer and possibly now. See Bob at the Orange Julius on the Hill around 10 o’clock any morning. SUMMER ROOMMATES. Own room in furnished house, 447-7243, 449-1446. BICYCLISTS: Put it in shape at The High Wheeler, 18272 Broadway (alley between Canyon and Walnut). Mon- day — Friday 2-9. Saturday 9-5, MALE ROOMMATE for House for summer. Own bedroom, pets ok, $67/mo. 444-3911. RESPONSIBLE FEMALE over 21 to share one bedroom unfurnished apart- ment off Thunderbird. 449-7968 after - SUMMER JOBS — Subsidiary of Alcoa has openings for students to work in their hometowns this Summer. Write National Personnel Manager, Suite 618, 800 W. 47th, Kansas City, Mo, 64112, Give Summer address, phone number and expected date of arrival. TEACHING COUPLE needs 1 bed- room apt. or room in house for fall. Call Jon or Jean, 449-8088 evenings. TWO GIRLS to rent neat summer townhouse, $50/mo., Call 442-3526. RIDER NEEDED to Iowa May 15. Call 443-7739 or 443-9521. RIDE WANTED to New York around the 23rd of May. Will help with the trivialities, 935-9376. ROOMMATE — male, University Townhouse next Fall. Call 442-8726. ge pales Seb SS Ne FEMALE ROOMMATE. One bedroom ate. One bedroom apartment. Summer only. 442-2003 after 5:00. FEMALE ROOMMATE(s) and house or apt. for Fall. 322-1650. CLEAN-CUT MEN and women to work in Columbine. food service in exchange for meal privileges. Apply in person, 2525 Taft. RIDE WANTED for 2 to L.A. in middle of May. WHans— Kristian, 444-3147. FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted for Fall. Call Peg, 449-7982 evenings, FEMALE ROOMMATE — share modern apartment. Close to campus. Fall. $63/mo. 449-6237. FOUR UPPERCLASS pre-med stu- dents want four bedroom house for fall. $100. Reward! 449-6383. FEMALE ROOMMATE. $87.50/mo. Large apartment. Call Jeree after 5:30, 442-9772. DESPERATELY! Dodge or Ford van in good condition. Charlie, 447-8842. MAN, HERE It Is! If you don’t mind working hard and smart, it will take just two hours of your life to learn how you can make the kind of money you’ve always dreamed of. Contact Roger Saf, Mon-Fri, 244-9221, ext. No. 109. COUPLE WANTS cabin— within 20 mi. from Boulder. 1 yr. starting June. Gary, 442-0490 or 936-15th St. RIDE TO New York after May 22. Share driving and expenses, Call Bob, 443-7145. RESPONSIBLE GIRL wanted to live in as mother’s helper in exchange for room and board plus salary. Transport- ation necessary. 499-2100, CHORAL MUSIC Lovers to attend benefit concert for the Denver Inner City Parish. May 14 and 15, 8:15 p.m., 16th & Gaylord, 466-4289 evenings. NEED FEMALE roommate for sum- mer. $70/mo. Own room, Call Linda, 444-1009, after 5. BUSBOYS: Neat appearance, available Summer, $1.50/hr plus tips. Apply in person, The Viking, Mr. Jensen. MOTHERS — Will take care of children 3-8 my home. May 18 — on. Inexpens- ive, 449-8286. FIVE-SPEED BIKE. Kathi, 444-4354. STRAIGHT FEMALE Jr. transfer student needs roommates and housing Sega fall. Call JC, 442-9596 or IN SEARCH of bedroom in liberal house for Fall. Willing to sign lease and give deposit. Have dog. Phil, 700B 30th LIVE IN— Work. situation. Neat, mature student or couple to maintain lodges 18 mi. from Grand Lake, 3 8 hr, days of labor in exchange for living space and groceries. Call John R. 442-3841 after 7 p.m., MWF., | ING 1964 FORD Country Squire V8. Excellent condition, $300, 449-4329, 1968 TRIUMPH TROPHY 500, $675. 8000 miles, two helmets, sissy bar, Steve, 444-5560. "65 MUSTANG 289 High performance, V8, 4-spd., good condition, $750. 449-5854. MARANTZ MODEL 25 receiver, $275 plus two Fisher speakers and head- phones, $325. Chris, 447-2850. 1966 VW camper, blue and white, 47,000 mi., good shape, good runin’, Ph 443-8961 or 333-3077. GOOD 1962 VW bus, Skp Kiteley, 444-4280, noon or evenings. SCHWINN — girl’s racing bike. Excel- lent condition, $75. 541 Maxwell Ave. 17 AMPEX 344 and 15 Sony PR 1507 inch reel tapes. Most with music. Ned, 442-1866. SAVE RENT yet live in comfortable residence. Buy my mobile home. One bedroom, one study. Completely furn- ished, Days and weekends call 447-0157. PEUGEOT PX10E, 6 months old, perfect condition, $150, Tim, 443-8521. 1966 DATSUN roadster 1600; excel- lent condition, rebuilt motor. $1300 firm. 443-1021. 1968 DUCATI 350cc, dirt bike, $500. 1962 Matchless G2cS, $400. 449-3137. BEAUTIFUL MALE show quality Doberman pup. Ears cropped, 13 weeks old. 449-0585. DOBERMAN PUPS, purebred, Black and tan _ fe- males, $50. Shots. 667-9027, 1250 E. 5th, Loveland, 80531. MOTORCYCLE TRAILER, $80. 444-3905. 1965 MGB, AM-FM, wires, very good condition. Evenings, 449-5700. ’68 CORVETTE, very sharp, forced to sell for only $2500, a real steal. Call 442-5225, ask for Mike. 1970 TRIUMPH 650. Beautiful. Will climb or do 95 mph, This is your ticket to freedom! Tom, 443-0442, 1966 650 BSA Hornet — $450. Pet 447-9715. pies mi ’°66 DATSUN waon., new tires, etc., $795. After 5 p.m., 444-0540, A Lads-ciassifiedsads:+classified«ads.classifie DEFUNCT ’64 Sunbeam Alpine. Many good parts. Cheap. Call Laurie, 442-0328. MUST SELL Yamaha, 350 twin, clean, asking $475. 449-1907. BEADS, BEADS, BEADS — over 400 different kinds and colors. Beads for macrame — stringing, chokers, earrings; Beads made of glass, wood, bone, metal and ivory. Carls, 1839 Broadway at Walnut, YAMAHA 250. Needs a little work, $125. 449-6147. 1962 AUSTIN Healey Sprite. Make offer. 2970 18th, 449-2962. '68 CAMARO SS, excelent condition throughout, 396, 4-speed. 444-5985. ’°67 GTO, 4 spd., console, p.s., like new. 466-0198. GARAGE SALE — furniture, clothes. dishes, very cheap. 11-6, Saturday and Sunday, 1048 11th. ’66 VW, good engine, new tires. $795. Call Jim, 444-5929. MAYTAG AUTOMATIC washing machine, old but works very well. $25. 442-2035. CANDY FLAKE spray paints, 14 rich metallic colors, large cans, $1.98. Mary Carter Paints, 2128 Pearl. CYCLE :: SPECIALISTS: 1 17D::: 350 Honda 305; Honda 650; Yamaha; Mini-bike and many more, New Hodak- as — sales and service. 7200 W. 44th, Denver 424-9813. Open déaily till 9. Saturday and Sunday. LAND ROVER, 4-wheel drive, high- low range, Ramsey winch, 449-0226, HANDCRAFTED SPEAKERS — su- perior to factory products at half their prices. 5 year guarantee. 447-0793 anytime. Crisman Speaker Company. POTTER KICK WHEELS. $100. 798-8218, TACO BURRITO with Sour Cream topped with Meited Cheese. Delicious! Delicious! at Mr. Taco, 1966 VOLVO 122S. Excellent mech- anically. Call Rob, 447-9633. $1200. LIGHTWEIGHT M-1, 15-shot, Ameri- can made 30 cal. carbine, $60. 443-1021, Tim or Pat. ’67 SUNBEAM ALPINE convertible. Exc. Cond. Wire wheels, $1250. 757-3008 or 771-5230. TRY OUR delicious enchiladas at Mr. Taco, Your choice— beef, bean, chicken, cheese or sausage, 1967 TRIUMPH Motorcycle, 650 cc Trail Bike, low mileage, excellent condition. $700. 442-6656. "67 305 YAMAHA w/helmet. $365. Good machine, Dave, after 5. 444-5385. OWN YOUR own place: two-bedroom mobile home; furnished, carpeted, air conditioned. Located 4 blocks from Sore Lot rent, $50. 442-2170 after *67 MGB convt., wire wheels, exc. cond, Call Buck, 449-7318, . 768 TRIUMPH GT-6. Good conditio 1600 or best offer, 449-7988, na 1970 CAMARO 350, air, 4-speed, Michelin X tires, 8-track stereo, P.B, 16,000 miles, one owner, excellent condition, Leaving for Peru. Best offer. Rudy, 449-6878. HONDA C175. Just broken in. Sharp! $550. 442-5403. eves. “ 1966 OLDS wagon F-85. Stand. trans., small V8, exc. cond. 447-9724, INSTANT HARDTOP spray — 14 oz, can, $1.98. Makes plain auto tops look ee Mary Carter Paints, 2128 '°69 TRIUMPH TROPHY 650 cc, Great! $825. 442-5101. INVEST YOUR RENT -— remodeled 10x55 Detroiter, new _ carpeting, drapes, panelling, must see. 442-4402. 1960 CHEV automatic. Good cond. $200 or best offer. 442-4072. ’69 NORTON COMMANDO. Fast. Clean, low mileage, call Chuck, 444-4403, '67 CORVETTE fastback 327, 4-speed, exc, cond 442-9126 between 5-8 p.m. 1968 VW camper, pop-top, AM-FM, tape deck, stove, 3 extra tires. 32,000 miles, 443-2610, 449-1824. 1968 VW Bug. Excellent condition at good price, 444-2289 after 4:30. MERCURY 1964, excellent condition, good tires, low mileage, air cond., power steering, foreign student leaving country, 444-3147. DIRTBIKE BULTACO— _ Pursang othe clean. Larry, 443-9070 or ext. ’67 TRIUMPH 500: engine overhauled 2 days ago; tools, helmet. Desperately need to sell. $500. Stop by Varsity Townhouse No. 123 anytime. aU maa TWO BEDROOM apt. for summer, furnished, near pool, $200/mo. block from campus. 449-7318. SUMMER ROOMS, male only, color TV, rec. room, living room, library. Exc. location. $50/mo. Chi Psi Lodge, 1080 14th St. SINGLE AND DOUBLE rooms with kitchen privileges for fem. students. See at 1127 12th St., 5 p.m. 443-7186. TWO ROOM suite with refrigerator. Summer—Fall. Call 447-8710 between wn Se ea tas Seta ad ae SUMMER— SINGLE rooms, some summer and fall. Calf between 4-5. 444-3173. e-—— 880800 eee WE HAVE ROOMS for students now and June 1 — SINGLES, $55 and $49. DOUBLES $85 and up and COUPLES, $68. KITCHEN, CO-ED, NO PETS. Call for appt. 12 noon to 6:30 p.m., 443-6431 or 443-5211. ONLY 2 biks west of Flatirons Theatre. SUMMER SINGLES for men, one block from the Sink, color TV, sun deck, ample parking, basketball— volleyball court, maid service. $45/mo. Call Tony, 449-3715, 1100 Penn. Ave. AVAILABLE SUMMER and fall— 2 bedroom apartments, Furnished, $250; unfurnished, $175. Located at 9th and North. Call 443-3354 for appt. SUMMER ONLY — 2 bedroom duplex apartment set up for 3, $185. Main floor of house consisting of 2 bed- rooms, etc. Set up for 4, $200. See at 975 University. APARTMENT, LARGE 2 bedrooms, carpeted, very modern, across from campus, available May 15. Marshall, 447-2185. WOMEN ROOM and board at Sigma Chi this 8 week summer session. Maid service, 18 meals/week, rere remodeled, carpeting, heated pool, color TV, single $300. Double $240. Contact John, 444-3524, Chris, 442-4755. ONE AND TWO bedroom furnished apartments available for summer and fall 837° 20th. See manager, 811 20th. 444-1004, 447-0676. ONE BEDROOM §apt., furnished. Available June 10 thru Aug. 20. $90/month or $210 total. 447-1748. STUDENTS, SINGLE 2 and 3 bed- room furnished apartments in newer duplex east of campus. June 1, $65 each. 442-4116. STUDENT ROOMS for men at 717 19th St.— available June 1. Comfort- able and quiet. $60 monthly. Call Burden and Burks, 444-2611. NOW OR _ for summer and fall. Women’s rooms with kitchen privi- leges, Close, 1016 14th St. 449-2710, 499-2834. 15 BEDROOM HOUSE for 15 people. $65/person. First come, first served. 442-0522. AVAILABLE SUMMER and fall unfur- nished two bedroom apt. Carpet air cond, 447-1777. TWO BEDROOM apartment unfurn- ished, $130/month. Move in May 21st. 443-8717. COLONIAL WILL be open for room and board for summer session. Stu- dents only. All rooms rented as single. Coed. Air conditioning, swimming pool, good food. Close to campus. 449-1639. FOUR BEDROOM house for summer, Utilities paid, furnished. 443-7103. THREE BEDROOM apartment avail- able for summer and fall or for summer only. Women only. Call 442-1080, ext. 59 or 442-8391. SUBLEASE FURNISHED apt. for summer. Walking distance, very nice, 3 bedrooms, Dishwasher and air condi- tioned. $185/mo. 444-4966. HERBIE’S DELI is now open until 11 p.m. every night for finals. 10c coffee, free refills. Trust us, Top of Tule. SORORITY NEEDS women boarders. Fall, $520. Room and board. Summer, $48/mo. double; $60/mo. single, plus kitchen use, 442-9824, THE WALNUT TREE, 2155 Walnut St. — spacious 2 bedroom 2 bath, air conditioned, units. Unfurnished, $250/month. Furnished, $100/month each for 3 people. June occupancy. Call Marlborough, 447-8833 or 494-2551. * ONE BEDROOM apartment, furn- ished. May 10. No pets. 902 18th. 755-9289 or 447-9610. THREE BEDROOM house on College Ave., summer for 2-3 or 4 people. 444-4040. SUMMER— 2 bedroom duplex close to campus, $240/month, Call 444-4910. ROOM WITH cooking for 1 or 2 women now thru summer. Also 2 apartments for 2 or 3. On the Hill. 443-9641. STUDENTS — ROOMS, one available now, 3 available June 1. $50/month during summer. $60/month during fall. Carlin and & Co., 449-4800. EFFICIENCY AND one_ bedroom apartments, furnished, June 1, no pets, 1816 Grove, 447-1274 or 755-9289, ROOMS FOR men. Summer, Spacious, Clean. Refrigerator. 1044 Pleasant. 447-9610 or 755-9289. TWO BEDROOM apartment; _furn- ished, June 1, large, no pets, 1340 19th St. 447-1274 or 755-9289. STUDENTS — available May 31— 3 bedroom duplexes. $190/month during summer, $245/month, during fall. Carlin and Co., 449-4800. SUMMER SINGLE rooms, _ large doubles, in coed house with kitchen. 447-8710 between 4-6. nnn nn nnn EEE NEED TWO male roommates, Cail 447-8466 or come to 1444 15th, Boulder, LUXURY ROOMS for women with meals. $120/month. Without meals, $40 double, $75 single, One block from campus. Call 449-8024 from noon to 5 p.m. Mee ree eerie tse ee COMFORTABLE HOUSE FOR SUM- MER. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, $240/mo. 2039 Pine, 449-7980. cal noon, evenings. SPACIOUS 2-BEDROOM furnished or unfurnished apartments. Dishwasher, washer-dryer, air-conditioning. Close to campus. Summer and/or fall. 1900 Canyon, No 103, 447-1866. APARTMENT FOR 3-4, summer, $210. Also fall, 447-8710. TWO ROOM complex summer for two with stove, refrigerator. 447-8710. TWO BEDROOM apartment available for summer only. $220 monthly. 1028 Pleasant, 443-1470. 2¥2 BEDROOM house, Furnished, 4-5. 2 blocks from UMC. $240/month. Summer only. 449-5478. LARGE HOUSE for 4-6 or will divide ONE BEDROOM apartments furnished Or unfurnished. Close to campus. Accepting summer and fall reserva- tions. 1200 28th St. THREE BEDROOMS in 4 bedroom house available for summer. Grad student preferred. 443-5352. SHANNON'S TAKING _ reservations now for summer and fall. Attractive singles and doubles with kitchen privileges, for women. Also apart- ments, 444-3415. FURNISHED APARTMENTS for sum- mer and fall. No pets. 1623 19th, Apt. 14, ROOMY APARTMENT for 4. Sum- mer, $235/month, hill location. 449-8645 after 5 p.m. FURNISHED ROOMS and apartment for single men. Summer and fall. 443-7611. PLEASANT ROOMS for one or two men. Y2 block from campus. No cooking. Summer and/or fall. 443-1213. ROOMS FOR women, kitchen privi- leges, one block to campus, 443-7330. WE ARE now taking reservations for fall at the Colonial, and the Colony, 449-1639. Coed living, swimming pool ,g00d food. Close to campus, DON’T BE left out in the cold street this year. We are now taking reserva- tions for summer and fall, small and large 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Furnished, all utilities paid. Pool. Rates start at $125/mo., 2 bedrooms avail- able unfurnished also. No pets. Canyon Creek Apts. 2915 Baseline Road, 442-5795. SUMMER AND FALL HOUSING. 442-0522. ROOMMATE NEEDED June 1. $78 share room. 447-0019, 442-9284. SINGLES WELCOME. 2 bedroom units, 12 mi., Longmont. Air condi- tioned, swimming pool, $150 unfurn- ished, $200 furnished, Call 444-2551. BEAT THE RUSH — guarantee your- self the finest student apartment living by reserving a buffet, one, two or three bedroom furnished apartments at Maad- ison Park Village for Summer and Fall terms, Underground parking, complete GE kitchens, swimming pools, central air conditioning. Visit rental office today, 30th and Colo. Ave. SUMMER — 2 bedr, apt. on hill, great view, fully furnished, utilities paid. $140, 444-5462 after 6. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED apart- ment for 3 or 4 _ students, near University. No pets. Available June 1 for one. year. $240/month. 442-6691. GRANDVIEW WEST — full air condi- tioned, dishwashwer, disposal, sound proof double brick walls, carpeted, 2 bedrooms. $300/month., fall, 9 months lease, reduced rate for summer, GRANDVIEW EAST ,panelled 2 bed- room. apartments, $220/month fall, 9 months lease, reduced rate for summer. Showing 4 p.m., weekdays. Also, 1 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday. 1138 Grandview, 442-4380. BASEMENT APARTMENT — summer only, on hill, Ideal for couple. Call 449-8185, RIAYE REWARD: LOST Siamese cat. Vicinity of Women’s Gym. 447-0331. RED WALLET, need i.d.’s, Please call Anne Kimmel, 444-0269. GREEN AND yellow parrot vicinity of 4th and Spruce. 447-8689. $50.00 REWARD for Physical Chem- istry notes lost with pack. LDG,-PO Box 2103. BROWN WALLET — much = senti- mental value. Please...Call Chris, 442-0720. BLACK AND white malamute husky pup, 5 months old, male, no collar, Friday in Univ. area. Reward, Barry 642-3567. REWARD FOR ‘return of camera stolen last week. Canon FT-QL and three lenses. 444-4733. BLACK LAB-mix puppy 3% months, white tipped tail, chest and hind paws, **Buckwheat” 443-7404, FOUND SOPAPILLAS WITH honey —_ the change of pace dessert — at Mr. Taco. HERBIE’S DELI is now open until 11 p.m. every night for finals. 10c coffee, free refills. Trust us. Top of Tule, a ee ee no SNILE! vee ON FILM AND FINISHING WITH THIS COUPON COUPON MAS 1303 BROADWAY beside a quiet pool Campus Townhouses Summer rentals as low as $50 a month. Phone 449-0914 Pa 4 STUDENT PTOWNHOUSING Lay your Sticky Fingers on the new (UCT Me) main ROLLING \ ewig) STONES Y WAT MRNA TA on SALE 399 ROLLING STONES coc 5910 mi NOW IN STOCK! Beberlp Sills ExT Manon TREASURY S | TOWN ON ©) BEVERLY SILLS/MANON i feacipeeehd | With NICOLAIGEDDA-Le Chevalier 3 wumrca | De Griex, GERARD SOUZAY- became & Lescaut, GABRIEL BACQUIER-Le «iieiees § Comte De Grievx and the New pres & Philharmonia Orchestra conduct- ed by JULIUS RUDEL. TLS Se © 4.12" LPs $15 96 s List complete NOW pt . ONLY! 23.98 List stereo 1 DONIZETTI/ROBERTO DEVEREUX SilIS (ELIZABETH AND ESSEX) BEVERLY SILLS-Queen Elizabeth, ROBERT ILOSVALVY-Earl # of Essex, PETER GLOSSOP-Duke of Nottingham, BEVERLY WOLFF-Duchess of Nottingham, and the Royal Philhar- monic Orchestra with oe fone Con- ucting. Ambrosian Opera Chorus with John Me. Now $11.97 Carthy, Chorus Master. 17.98 LIST 3-12” LPs WITH LIBRETTO ONLY! DONIZETTI/LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR BEVERLY SILLS-Lucia, CARLO BERGONZI-Edgardo, PIERO CAPPUCCILLI-Enrico, JUSTINO DIAZ-Raimondo with the LONDON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA conducted by THOMAS gecsssums po ynglientq UcsPaaead HOFF- xow , Glass Harmonica. 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