I rh.. E The article by Alan Tuttle and Bill Moyer on Overcoming Male Domination in the Movement IWIN, 11l10/77] was superb. The article really hits the nail on the head and echos my feelings. The Movement and our society at large really need positive, loving, courageous male models as Alan and Bill provide. Sexism and male domination can be hard to see or face for many men. Butthe time has come for a major èmphasis on overcoming male power. So many of the failures in radical groups and the Left movement have been directly caused by unaware males, dominating group process and being unwilling to examlne their oppressive behavior. Just as I hope that no male \{IN readers would knowingly use nuclear power or act out of white racial power-I urge these same radicals to rid themselves of male power, Alan and Bill clearly outline the steps men need to take to move awav from culturally induced oppressive befiavior. Please-all men reading this letter, examine your role within groups, in your relationships to men and women and$o your self. Seek support from other men, form support grouþs within your radical caucus and get in touch with all your wonderful loving I Se¡ttle, IVash. l¡ \ scriotions are $8 per vear. Write The Ned Harbinser, box 1301, Ann Arbor, MI48106. - _BILLMEACHAM tntcncoonlffi,Tä:1 We are in the process of producing a booklet on the nonviolent occupations of Seabrook nuclear power plant site, using a lot of WIN material for it and hope that is all right with you. I am following all the discussions on Seabrook and the armories very closely as I want to include evaluationð in the booklet as well. As we nonviolent people here have difficulties in putting our case to most people of the left, e.g. the various communist groups who rather believe nonviolence to be a burden, I would appreciate reactions to Seabrook by Marxist and similar groups in the USA. Some months ago you printed my article on the anti-nukes village of Grohnde which by now has been dissolved by the police. I feel I o*'e you another report at least on that part, and will try to do so, but not for anoìher three to fïve weeks I fear. The new trick by authorities is to burden the demonstrators and occupiers ofsuch a site with the costs ofthe police. So for Grohnde the 202 occupieis (when it was cleared'by police) are to pay around 3-400 dollars and in Brookdorfabout 1,800 dollars each. That seems an efficient way to break resistance in damaging peoples lifelihood. The 10th of Nov. was more or less another black day in thp anti-nukes movement. Trade unions arranged a ¡ ! I enjoyed your article on Workers' Cooperatives in the Novembor 24 issue. With a commitmentto nonviolent social and political change, I'm enclosing my check for a l-year subscription to IVIN. However, I share a certain reluctance that WIN's internal Israeli coverage has been much too skewered to the left-I suggest that WIN look towards a more representative left as a spokesperson for Israel-specifically Llova Eliav, Meir Peid, Mattitiyahu Peled, etc. "New Outlook" provides a good view of progressive Arab-Jewish cooperation and problems. Please be responsible and don't pretend that a non-Zionist Israeli is at all a good indicator ofwhat's hap' pening in Israel. I've just returnedfrom a year'p study in Israel and have seen the place that non-Zionists play in Israel- it's terribly negligible. _DAVIDMILISTEIN Vonlco, Cr. 2WlN Dec. 15.'1977 Workers' co-ops can provide increased employment, participatory democratic decision-making in the workplace, and equality of income through worker selfowned, self-managed industries and services-it's an exciting conceptl I'd like to refer peopljwho wánt more information on this to The New H¡r. blngor, AJoumelof the Cooperatlvo Movement, Vol. IV, No. 3, which contains four articles, an editorial, and a reading list on workers' co-ops. Some of the info¡mation in the NewH¡rblnger duplicates that in the WIN article, 6ut a Iot is in more depth, including an article on a Farmworkers'co-op in California and one on necessary conditions for workers' co-ops to flourish. The New Harblnger is a quarterly journal, and would no doubt be ofgreat interest to \{IN readers who are into coops. A sample isSue costs $1.00, sub- pro-nuclear demonstration. While 40,000 participants were announced the papers oftoday did not carry numbers, and radio-news-speakers díffered between 20 arid 40,000. As the purpose of the demonstration was to call for securing enough workingplaces the Kraftwerksunion e.g. agreed to pay transportation of 5,000 of its workers plus pocket money each. (Kraftwerksunionjust announced that they are to deliver four more nukes to lran.) A,lso, it became known behind the scenes that the union, together with Arbeitskreis Atomenergie (a new get together of nukes-industry), are each paying halfofthe costs ofthe rally in the big stadium in Dortmund. Not long ago the Executive ofthe Deutsche Gewerkschaftsbund had demanded a limited stop of construction work on nukes. This demand has now been changed. They now call for finishing all plants under construction. And contrarv to some earlier tendencies the FDP (Li6erals) decided this week that we can not live without further nuclear oower olants. To all those fighting aboltion, I'd like to have you'experience óne year (or a lesser time., ifyou can't take it) of living and working with these unwanted children and youth, Go with them through the courts and jails. Broken homes and failure in class ¿nd on playground are a real part oftheir lives. Ifthey are not wanted at home they will likely have trouble on the job too, gianted they were given a chance at some low paying employment. In the news recently are many cases of child beatings and wife abuse. These will demand more of our attention-and taxes-in the near future. These are happening right here in our midst-not some far away state. Further; when abortions are not permitted, then the "cheap expert" is i sought, only to result in untold sufferirigf and deâth of the mother, in a high number ofcaseS. (Your double standard is showing! Why doesn'tthe father pay in mind or matter, spiritor social ''þreslige? " ) If you are so against taking human life, what did you do about our part in our wars-and weapons manufacture and sales? What are you doing about ROTC coming into our schools? I would hope that each anti-abortion person (man orwoman) is ready and willing to give the necessary time and loving care to find or furnish a home for the uhwanted children-who,are not responsible for their condition in life. Adopted children in a loved environment have a great chance to succeed-even may have.their own happy home, some- Dec. 15, 1977 4. Retaking the Trojan Nuke Norman Solomon day. Let's be consistent and stop claiming Christianity until we pour gréater efforts into protecting human life at all levels and for all peoples. GEO.D.WEYBRIGHT Syracuse, Ind. / Vol. Xlll, No. 43 "Bizarre" at Trojan / Johnny Baranski 11. Cray Panthers Hold National Convention / Ruth Dear 12. Training for Nonviolent Action 9. Legal Proceedings Peter K I otz-Ch am be rIin 16. Changes' 19. Tax Talk 20. Reviews / Susan Wilkins / John Schuder & Chip Sharpe Cover: Occupiers approachi ng Trojan plant. Photo by Marcia Barrentine. STAFF Averill o Patrick Lacefield Lauri Lowello Susan Pines Murray Rosenblith o Vicki Rovere Peg 503Atlantic Ave. l Sth Fl. Brooklyn, NY 11217 . Telephone : (212)624-8337, 624-8595 UNINDICTED CO.CONSPIRATORS . Lance B€lville Sandra Adickes' o Jan Barry Uàr¡sbat