I r- æA¿E AnD {ßeeEm IAROú,A I NôrlylolenL &Ían Se?r zz}teT7 /3c)e The Battle of Malville-An Eyewitness Account Bangor Summer o Hiroshima o Occupying a Live Nuke A'H{ Iâ fI{E NA\'ALg BUICOINo A NUCtEAR, SUgfnARtNg B.A6E ON AOOO CAÑAL ? Ít41qtee pURr.lrrl N6 Tr{E Mââl SCENJC 6ROUNO ZERO APÉA IN TÞIE WAOLE WaP,LO,. '{i IT.UL T{EtP PÊOVIOE guf Nltrro 6000 Iâ A NUCTEAE WEAPAN fFl,AT CANIT gÉ, UøEO? ðO Jogg R,t6llf úP fo Tr.lE ENO... Ç@1¡ OUCg9 . OONIr UNNEß6rANP: ters After the defeat ofthe gay rights ordinance in Dade County and subsequent actions ofAnita Bryant to take hér bigotry nation-wide, I wondered what actioñs would be taken by the gay activists to counter this. I have heard about demonstrations against her speeches and would notþresume to tell säv activists what to do on a national level. Personally however I am offended that the Florida Cittus Commission has retained het as their spokesperson and have writtento them lo inform themthat my family would be boycottingFlorida orânge juice products until such time as she was remóved from that position. Aooarentlv others have done the same. I'irinot suíe ifthis is aviable strategybut if IVIN readers wish to make theirviews known the address to write to is: Florida Citrus Commission, 1115 E. Memorial Blvd., PO Box 148, Lakeland, Florida 33802. . _Btr,LKAISER Waukegan'Il. I'm enclosing a copy of the pto-Anita reolv letterfrom the Citrus Commission *Ëiõtt th"y r"nt to me by mistake: PS: a" This is to acknowledge receipt ofyour letter resardins our contracted sDokes' nerson Ãnita Bivant. The volumê of mail ii support as weil as opposing her posi' tion órrecludes a personal response' In^soite of national news störies to the contrary, I am pleased to inform you that the Floiida Deþartment of Citrus' policy recardine Ani[a Btvant has not wavered frõm whJt it was inianuary. What Anita Brvant does in her private iife is her chóice. We see no ñeed to change from our established marketing progtam at this time. ¡ Since a boycott against us is being camied out by those who wouldhave us terminate our contractwith Anita Bryant you can voice your support by asking for ând using Florida citrus products. Thank you for writing regatdingour spokesperson, Sincerely, Edward A. Taylor Executive Ditector results, even was a 2WlN Sept.22, 1977 multitude if he chose to. Yet, there always will be loners on the periphery of any movement or party' Îisteiingonly to their own drummers' and whõcannot be persuadedto merge with the sroup. Thèv should be supported, o-r at lèast tolerated. It is possible thatJhe beat one of them hears, may very well become the sounil of the futúre. -EDFEDER BtonxrNY We are trying desperately to find a doctorto ivor-k in oir Community Clinic' Because ofthe prejudice against poor Chicanos they ñave to travel over 1(X) iniles for medical care. Though-we are offering $33,000'fi), malPractiÛe insurañce and benefits itis not easy to find the kind ofdoctorwe need. Perhaps some of vour teaders will be interested. A eooä "team'' is develoPing here arouñd Alfredo Figueroa. Alfredo is an irrepresible enthuiiast, bursting with ideâs and energy. He has respect for oeoole. inteeritv, smarts and ^p"tôeu"tan"-e. The powers have notbeen ãble to buv him out, run him out or murder hím. And they have tried all thiee. In addition to the Clinic there is an alternative bilingual grade and highschool. a dav carè center, an adult education progiam and hopefully we will be working oñ housing starting tþi. T"llr . The UFIY has won every election in thls valley and will have five contracts soon. Our friendly power company is trying to build a nucleãr plant here. lVe are organizing locally. This is ãn exciting place to work. Interested doctots should contact Alftedo A. Fieueroa, 7 14-922'2582 or Box 910. Blvtñe. Ca. 92225. _EDWARDL.XEHOE Blythe'CA ' the anni- At this time of the year, with varsaries of the bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima just passìng, and with movement activity (in the larger sense) across the countrY moving towards stronger anti-nuclear power and towards stronãer disarmament activity I believe we shãuld also take a look at the his' totical and psvchological basis that lend hiehlv to thã Ëirth of-the "nuclear age. " "Foi manv of us in the movement, when someone nientions the word "holo' caust" we are inclined to think of images of a fire-ball sweeping ovetHiroshima and Nasasaki. But what of an earlier holocau"st? What of the nearly seven million European Jews, Catholics, Gypsies and-" undesirables" who suf- feted beatings, deportations, and executions at the hands of N aziGer' many? We examine the Japanese holo' caust because we are living in the country that developed, built, and dropped the atomic bombs on Japan' Whãt roll though, did we play in the EuroDean holocaust? Why do we remain silenf one short generation after the most brutal acts by a "civilized" countrv; one ofthe most widesPread brutal âcts in recorded history? The answers do not come easy, thejrnever have. Questions mustbe asked. Before the Allies became actively in' volved in W\{2, móst maintained strong diolomatic and business relations with Nåzi Germanv from 1933 on to each monev to leave the US during wartime), the Stätè Department continirally stalled through-out the length ofthe war' Not until t'Ée formation õf the War Rèfugee Board in 1944, was there any effort bY any agency or department ofthe US goveinment to help with the problem. Even then the State Department did their best to stall relief efforts. What it took was the efforts ofthe French AFSC worker Roswell lvfcClelland who aided thousands in escape efforts and with foods and various needs thatthe International Red Cross refused to supply to Concentration camp victims throughout the war. Written off and abandoned, no country or agency with the power aided those in need ofhelp and rgscue until (the late hour oÐ 1944. No country wo¡uld grant the needêd asylum needed for'' n fhose who might escape on their own. Their fate had no place on the agendas of the Bie Three. Or did it? Whãt role did the silence of nations olav in easins the wav for America to ãesirov two J"aoanesé cities and those living ín themf What role did this play in allowing the US and the USSR to buildup nucléar armaments and power plants to.the levels they are now at? What role dld the silence ofa generation ago play in the continued silenèe ofthe present? Whv does it seem we forget so easilY? There is so much absurdity in this world that we try to fight it. We attempt to fieht an enemv called indifferenceforgËtfulness. But we do forget' There seems to be a movement toward forget' fulness. Has the idea of holocaust-past and oresent and future-become so routïne? Do we so wish not to believe in the oast events that the present and futu^re events become reìorded as nightmares? But what we don't say ahd what we don't do carries weight' Such a silence relays a state of mind and of heart; the state ofthe world. The world has never before been in more danser of self-destruction then now. Nevãr before have we had so many possible means of doing awaY with õurselves. Shall we keep quiet? Shall wè remember the past anil its hand on the present and future? I must ask you, my friends' as I continually ask mYself. No. 31 TheBattleof Malville-An Eyewitness Account Pierre Radanne 9. Bangor Summer: Crowth & Community Action Shelley.Douglass 12. Hl ROSHIMA: Never Again ! Nata/ie Shiras 14. Occupying A Live Nuke . NormanSolomon Cover: Anti-nuke comic strip about a character named CecilC. Addle drawn byCollins. STAFF Peg Averill o Pat Lacefield Suian Pines ¡ MurrayRosenblith VickiRovere 5O3Atlantic Ave. l Sth Fli Brooklyn, NY 11217 thiiwell, Telephone : (212)624-8337, 624'8595 0 asainstthem. -Whenthe Ällied Powersbecame activelv involved in W\Y2, information aboút the full dimension of the "con- centrationary phenomenon' was made available through sources working through the neutral countries-this inforrñation was then turned over to the Allied eovernments. Whenever the Allies r"eceived information on the situation ofthose sufferingthe lash ofNazi Germanv. thev checked and double-õheckéd the information; it always proved to be ftue. But still no actioniwêre taken. Many times during the earlv vears ofthe war, rescue efforts werä åossible: the World Jewish Coneiess. the Swiss, the International YMõA alí set-uD rescue efforts; all they lacked was the ñeeded funds' The Allied sovetnments claimed that supplying Fescue funds would be a violation of "Economic W atfate" efforts and would take awav ftom the fighting efforts. In the US, the United Jewish APPeal had raised the needed funds, but while the Treasury Department issued a license for overieas funds transfers (such a license is needed for large amounts of 4. / Vol. Xlll, 16. Changes 19. Reviews / Wendy Schwartz & Henry Bass country's deciaration of war against Germany. When Hitler and the National Socialist Party came to power, foreign diplomats began relating to their home offices the atrocities against Jews, Catholics and others: their home offices took note but little more. As stories begar to run aiross Europe and the United States, citizen groúps andthe press oushed their eovernments to take some iorm of actionl at least in protest. They did not. Why? Hitler, Goring, and Goebbels all noted that their earlier ac' tions deoended upon world reactionif thev weie to continue. Goebbels knew and as the nations of the world continued to take no action he and Hitler used that very fact to propag anóize Sept. 22, 1977 UNINDICTED CO.CONSPIRATORS WeRr t refreshed and re-enervated from óur summer vacation. We want to send our heartfelt thanks out to our many readerswho responded so enth usiastically to our recent fund appeal, in . oariicular an anonymous WIN reader in Oregon who contributed b500 toward our operating expenses. Needless to say,.if you have not as yet responded to the appeal, don't worry-there is still time to do so and we welcome your support. For WIN readers in the New York City metropolitan areaweoffer a specialopportunity to help WIN's message reach even more people. On Saturday and Sunday, Septemb er 24'25, we i nvite you io jo¡n us atthe WIN officetoworkon WIN promotional máilings*exciting stuff like stuffing, sealing, and sorting en- velopeã - and aidiñg WIN's current promotional drive as well. lf you äre interested ¡ñ helping out, call Pat at the WIN off ice (212) 624-8337. Sandra Adickes* r J an Barry o Lance Belville Maris Cakars* r Susan Cakars' o JerryCoffin Diana Dav¡es Lvnne Shatzkin Coffin ¡ Ann Davidon Brian Doherty Ralph DiC¡a' Ri.rth Dear ' . . Williäm Doutha;d* o Karen Durbin'' Dwight Ernest' Ruthann Evanoff' ' ChuckFager r Seth Foldy I ¡m Forest ¡ Larrv Cara ' Joân LibbV Håwk Êd Hedemann* o Crace Hedemann'' Marty Jezer . Nancy Johnson ¡ Paul Johnson Alison Karoel o Craig Karpel . John Kyper o David McReynolds' . El iot Linzei* J ackmn Màc Low MarvMavo ¡ DavidMorris o MarklVorris 1 t lgal I im Þeck'¡ Tad Richards Beckv Johnson WendySchwartz* . ' Roodenko' MarthaThomases ¡ ArtWaslbw Beverly Woodward 'Memberof WIN Editorial Board WIN is oublished everv Thursdav except for the f¡rst week in'January, the tli¡rd week in March, the second week in Mav. thb last two weeks in August, the f¡rst two weeks in Seotember and the last wiek in tÞbember by W.l.N. Maiazine, lnc. with the support of thè War Resisters Lèasue. Subscriptions are $11.ü) per year. Second class iostage paid ãt New York; NY 10001 and additional mailing offices. lndividual wr¡ters . are responsible foropiñions expressed and accuracy.of facts eivLn. Sorrv-nìanuscripti cannot be retulned unless ãccompanieã by a self-âddressed, stamped envelop-e.' Printed in USA Sept.22, 1977 WINJ r, Dear readers: THE BATTLE 0f IIALIIIII.EH ffiffi ffiwffiwffiwffiffiffiffi ffiffiffi#þupffiH Photos by Malville activist Georges David provided towlN by Anna Gyorgy On August 6, as we in the Clamshell Alliance and manv otller people and groups across America remémbered the bombing of Hiroshima, Pierre Radànne was writing this report on the demonstra' üo n ag ai n st the S upèr-P hoe n ix f ast b r eed er r eactor in Frlnce. This demonstration has become a watershed in the European anti-nuclear movement. Itwas the mostviolentYet; one manwas killed and over 100 people iniured. The truth of the slogan on one of thei r ban ners wa,s revealed once asãi n : NUCTEAR SOCI ETY, POLICE SOCI ETY. " The demonstration was internlztional. People came f rom all over Europe to help stop this proiect which threatens the ent ire contifÍènt. Europe has been rocked by this demons tration . Ihe press there is Íull of stories and analyses about Malville. Andfor once, a European anti-nuclear action got national news coverage in this country as . The J une 28th dèmonstration at Crenoble, featuring a banner which,reads "Rally at the Fast Breederof Mqlville.,, rÊirìiË well. Butwe didn't gettheft¡ll story. Pierre's report should interest people who are partof , and interested in, the growing anti-nuke 'movement in the lJS. Pierre Radanne speaks f rom h i s ow n expe r i e nce. H e w as at M al v i I I e /as t s ummer and helped organize this demonstration. He is an activist in the Friends of the Earth ecologY group of Lille, an industrialcity in northern France. Pierre came to this country lastfall and spoke atthe Clamshell's Alternate Energy Fair at Hampton Beach on October 23 , He told us then about the g ef forts th at we r e taki n g pl ace i n th e Uátville irea. He was also active in the municipal e/ections in France last March, when anti'nuke eco/ogists won between 10 and .1 5o/o of the vote or ga n i zi a I n nation-wide. There are undoubtedly other impressions and interpretations of yvhat happened at Malville ' This one is offered to you for your examination, to sti m uI ate awareness and di scussion. Anna Gyorgy PIERRE RADANNE the site of ¿i 1200 megawatt fast breeder nuclear' reactor. The town is in a sparsely settled rural agricultural area. The plant is a joint project of France (owning tralf), Belgium, Spain and ltaly. Right now France has one smallfast-breeder in operationthe 250 megawatt Phoenix in Pierrelatte. lt is similartothe Fermi breederthatwas built in Detroit in the early 1960's and shut down after a near melt-down in 1966. France's Nuclear Ambitions France has a giant'nuclear goal: to build the f irst commercial sized fast breeder reactor in the world -the Super-Phoenix of Creys-Malvi I le. The breeder's basic characteristic is that it transforms non-f issionable uranium fuel into plutonium. This tipe of nuclear plant is,thus far more dangerous than others. The site was acceptable to the govern- , ment even though the major cities of Lyons and Ceneva are less than 50 miles awaY. The French nuclear program is one of the most daring in the world. They wantto.have 200 plants by the year 2000. lt is already the most complete program: The only large waste reprocessing plant for water reactors in thb world is on La Hague in o ' light northern France. o An enrichment plant that would supply the nuclear fuel for 200 plants is under conStruction in Tricastin. A second such plant is being studied. ¡ Although the Super:Phoenix is notyet built, Electricity of France (EDF-the state utility that controls ail electrical production) has already ordered three more fast-breeders of 1800 megawatts for the site of Chalon-sur-Saone Of all thecountries in theworld, France hasthe most centralized industrial structure. Thib pattern is well suited to centralized nuclear electrical expansion. The Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) wli¡ch has a monopolyon all military and "peacefull'-nuclear research, the EDF, which produces and distributes electricity, and the private sector, which builds reactors (likethe Creusot Loire Company), have closerties than similar interests in other countries. Extremely serious events have taken place in France. The nuclear debate has never seen such viglence anywhere else in the world. Vital ñtichalon, a20yearold high schoolteacher, a belieVer in nonviolence, is dead. The battle of Malville was not an anti-nuclear demonstration like all the others' Everyone involved esialated theirtactics. The pro.nuclear forces, bythe natureof this nucJear project and Francó's'enormous nuclear ambitions, and the opponents of nuclear power in their preparations for the demonstration, the political consciousness of the French ecological movement, setthe stage for the Malville conf rontation . Escalation A tittle village called Creys-Malville, on the Rhone River betweén Ceneva aád Lyons, was chosen for The Government Has Taken lts Stand For the government, the Super-Phoenix is a project whose success will determine the f uture of nuclear power in France. ln effect, only the fast breeder, which would theoretically produce its own fuel, can prolong the nuclear program when supplies of uranium are exhausted. Forthe French government, giving up Super-Phoenix would be giving up its bid ior f irst þlace among nuclear powers. For the government, the moment of decision has arrived; eitherthe projected program is followed, or some of the plants must be dropped. 'Thè'government has chosen to follow its nuclear program. As Pierre Fournier, an early nuclear ôppónent has said: "Noone knows wherethey are going, but they're going. " - Long b'éforethe demonstration the government SePt 22' 1977 W¡N 5 ¿ left itself no room to maneuver. The pol¡ce repression at Malville was its only answer.' The Anti-Nuke Opposition and the Summer of ,76 On J uly 4, 1976, thírty thousand peoÞle demonstrated under the bright sun at Mdville. the ecologists got on the site-without police violence, and set up camp facing the plant under construction. For f ive days 2,000 ddmonstrators stayed to follow the nuclear path. On that occasion he .åãäih¡i r'istoric prönouncement: "crofoth is ¡nãisoãns¡Ule becf use we need growth !" meeting. After J uly '76 an exceotional "ambiance" was,fólt in the areá. And during the following.year, 4nti-nuke activists and ihe lo-cal committees worked together preparing for the demonstration of J uly 31st,19Zl'. " Pi"esidentCiscard personallv . . i n stal ation s at P errel atte' The of the Algerian colonial aveteran lsere, åãïä-or. of we will îire'" lf necessaryf " iuã.. threatened: '-ihó ór"tt (radio and especiallytelevision) chose thls't¡me to editorialize, contrary to their usual black-out of n uclear power news' Publ ic opi n ion' *ãiUuing preparedi "nuclear power is indisoãnsible/; "the Baader-Meinhof gang will be ihere. " f he sl ghtest i ncident was se¡zed.upon : u¡ TakingMalville there organizing themselves for a long actión. There were discussions at night. Slowìy, village people cameto join the talks. On Thursdav morning around 5 o'clock, the 2,000 demonstrators Malville committees sprang up all over France. There hád never before been ciemonstrations against sych an important project. Following the work donê during the summei of 1976, the dãmonstrators had more local support than had ever been seen before. Organizers airticipated between 50,000 and 100,000 people on july 31st. And they I 't t ffi Demonstrators moveto freethe bridge where police lines kept them from movins doser to the site. Sign reads " Nucleâr Society, pol ice Society: Liberate thJ Point. " were evicted from their campsite by the police. . On J uly l0there was a demonstrâtion'heàáã¿ nv local elected officials asking thatthe police liftthe' blockade which surrounded a three mile area around the site. The march quickly took on a festive atmosphere. A feeling of liberation was present. Later on people returned to camp on local residents' land. lt was quite latewhen the CRS (French National Cuard) came: the campers were in the middle of setting up their tents. They were given three orders to leave. The ecologists then improvised a nonviolent resistance. Seated in the road, theywaited forthe policecharge. ltwas violent, Thirty-seven demonstrators were seriously injured. The survivors reassembled in the village square. Shocked by the police action, the villagers offered the demonstrators beds. Because it was impossible to reassemble, the ecolog i sts chan ged thei r tactics. I nstead of reoccupying,the site, they chose to spread out among the inhabitants. Their goal was to help form local committees. Within a month about 50 groups were . 6WlN 9ept.22,1977 Political tsolation: No Support From the Lett From the beginning, the French Confederation of Workers (CFDT- France's largest únion) and certain political parties supported the demonstration, but they soon drew back. The CFDT and then the Socialist Party (pS) publiclv announced their ref usal to support ihe âät¡on, dischaiging themselves of anv iesponsibilitv f'or it. On Saturday, J'uly jOth, they ôrganized a discussion six miles from the siteied by socialist representative Louis Mermaz. He said: ,,We are certâinly not going tq receive any blows. . . ,, After being dropped in this way, the eéologists were disgusted. The left does ñôt understãnd the politìcal danger of nuclear power After the left's retreat, the government had been given the 1'carte blanche', to strike. The ecologists had no more support! Public Opinion is prepared The Courìcil of Ministers decided the site would be defended at all costs by the forces of repression . At the beginning of J uly, Þrime Minister haymond Barre announced the government's determination ucl'ear I i when shov¡ng crowds broke awindowof the rrioiésìal (atõwn nearMalville) Town Hall, the. räãio tupo.ted that the Town Hall had been sacked und th"Muyor's assistant beaten! Civen the forces frásent, eväry card had been plaftd in advance. The Demonstiation: paired with a committee fromihe Rhone-Alps region as well as a localcommittee. Thus thöy assembled by region, with ecology groups fróm each area being given responsibiitles for the logistics and protedtion of the dernonstration. But the most important thing was the demonstration's goal. By oiganizing a march with the specif ic goal of ta[