s Ftl[ o* oo l, ;rå;ilf$tít; ot-t 44 t 0ó :î, lanta 1VIN and SCEF. I am a Southe¡ner transplanted into the socalled "libetal Northeast." Let me tell you, the North can be just as ¡acist and full of the'death C\¡ltu¡e as the South ever thought of being. I resent your reporter's effo¡ts to make somoono look foolish by caricaturing the person's -JEFF KEInt dialect Holyoke, Mass. / 'Today it is possible for mè to become ¿ware I was vgry moved by Jim forest's letter in úre Seót l8 isst¡e of WIN in which he puts in a goiod word for thoso Vietnamese "who . ¡efuJed to be tough, who hated all the ideologies and slolans, who wouldn't take uo weioons fot either side, or who we¡e cònsc¡fpted by ohe sldo or the othe¡ but wouldnit klll.i' I am one of many people who has moved toward paciñsm f¡om the rhetoric of "armed stltggle,!' and frankly the roison for.thi¡ shift is directly duo to the way that the "arm'ed stnrggle" en thusiasis gleefutly defend militarism and the rcpreision of basic human rights in thc EEAUFORT COUNTY Joann Little's trial Brings to mind Faint memories Of the prosaic side Of Beaufort County, bf "prolotarian unity" o¡ "¡nti. imoerialism." I remain reluctan$ howerrer' to iall myælf ¿ paciÍst, because I have yet to roe paciûets ofrer a path to revolutions¡y chango, a way to w¡est violorit powor fiom thoso who now hold it wtthout creating a new violent caste. lVithout meanlng to grasp anew for ideology, I feel that gay' ieminist thinking, dealing.with the ¡oots of ¡trlitical behavior in the æx'role system, is on the right track It is this nexus, I beliwe, which has Þrought so much gayfeminist writing to the pages of WIN, and , it is my hope that old'time paciûsts will understarid the vitality of this conhection and continue to be hospitable to gay' feminist thinking in the'pages of their publications' such ls wIN. ALLEN youNc name t ofJoann Little's t¡ial, and even to sympathize with her lot Especially since I am familiar with the Beaufort county jail and its staff. Possibly even the same cell. But the¡e was a time whon I would have been indifforent Let me explain. "South Cacal¡c". tilith its wide eyed, Skeletal, bare footed, Pussing, Rib counting Black child¡en. And some puffy Overweight Black mothers. Dressed in rags. Obsequious, Living in ramshackle Weathered hooches Transformed magically By freqtrent raitrs And altitude Into quaintly photogenic islands Royalston, Mass. All successfully Paled into insigni.ficance . By overwhelming mémories Thanks for keeping us posted of events in the Joann Little trial, as you did in the Chanþes column IIVIN, 8/f4l?5]. The anecdote about the Durham County Medi cal Examiner was very'interesting but I was very ofrended by your teporter's caricature ofthe man's Southem accent I couldn't help feeliirg that this was an effo¡t 'to make the man seêm ignorant because he didn't speak with the average white washed Midwestetn-American accent' White people from the Deep South are a gr-oup that gets dumped on so nirich that it's pracõcaly a part of their cirltu¡e to have a . huge inferiority complex and to hate white Of the sprawling Chain linked, barbed wired, Immaculate, Marine Corps Air Station With its squadrons Of infinitely .more exotic, Awesome, whlte grey, manta like Phantom Supersonic Phighter Bombers Bristling with sinister projections. Which I jealously guarded And flew in For the most intense Year. -STANLEY GRAJEWSKI .' Monticello, NY Northerners T\etereally are white Southç¡n ¡adicalst Witness the oristencq.of srch g¡oups as At' This is prompted by Claire Culhane's let' ter and'Danny Schechter's article [WIN' 71241751, but is hot per se ¿bout tliem, except tangentiallY. Wtrat ¡f¡s about is the repeated asse¡tion that the "indomitàble will" of the Indo chinese "liboration" armies withstood the "full force" of Ame¡ican military mþht. Such a statement gloriûes violence, mikes the Indochinese somehow super-human (something the PRG, Khmer Rouge; et al never clai¡ied for themselves), minimizes the imþortance of the American anti-war movement, and minimizes the power of the US military, all at the same time. Fact: In 1966 the Pentaggn wanted Johnson to authorize bombing of Hanoi and Haiphong. He refused. Question: What would have happened if nrch bombing had taken place? And why dldn't it? Facü In . early 1968, the Pentago4 wanted to ship 200,000 more troops to Vietn¡m. Agaln, Johnson ¡efused. Quostion: What would've happened if those extra groops had been sent? And why weren't thoy? Fact In November, 1969, Nixon was. prepared to announce the bombing of Hanol and the mining of Haiphong He didn't; he instead announced a troop withdrawal. Question: What wouldTe happened if the B'52'ing of Hanoi had lasted years instead of weeks; the mining of Haiphong years.instead of months? And why wæn't the annQunce ment made? Fact: There were contingency plans for bombing dikeg for massive troop invasions of North Vietnam, even for tho use of nuclear weapons on IndochinaQr.¡estion: What would've happened if these plans were put into effpct? And why weren't they? Fact: Barry Goldwater recently reteased ¿ list he'd secured from the Penta gon of restrictions placed on American mili' tary oper¿tions in Indochina It was rather extensive. Question: What would've hap pened if those restrictions hadn't existed? and lynch their Presidenl" Memós shorv upcoming N