F la AususÌ4'1975/301 PEACE &, * 90I ð l DÉMONsÍRÀTIONs IN {Wh5H\NETON, DC {DÀltaI TET,hS t$\N-fA N$Ntc¡, g¡ cr\ÉS1f.Ptpf\ T\{¡F5T -I ß(EÉNÍIELD,t^ì\ ?lr Hi] TÛOUü]I}J üNvt3^tlt ..^sl! ur Noührv-tl zi¿¿ ÅCilCrJ S 0I*5¿ I 3 d .. æ I don't want to lot any morc time pass without cxprossing my thanks for thc way you havc bccn cóvcring thc controvcrsy about nrc. You havc bccn consistcntly fair-minded' intclligcnt and principlctl in your discus' sion of thc issucs involved' I especially ap prcciatc