I THRU NONVIOLENT ACTION Noarn Chornsky, Allcn Ginsberg, tnar-tl [(t':.itl;:;tte¡", (tí' Julius Lester, Ç¡¿çs Paley, Pete Stegcl'¿ì.¡l(l ;¡ l¡û:ìi I I ryl rcvoÍr ri.iol to'iiìa ke other raclicals r.utn., n,.,,í books Pl-U S Anita l-lnff rrlan Wr ites Abo u t Â,t¡b ic's l)isletrt ¡ rc'lt';r: lir;r: , AND Lessons r¡f the l'{r.¡tlsing Movetnctlt. ' .. . I Mo¡'2, 19711 20t ¿-,'Li f ù T. r-l i., i ¡l.t tlt¡.,,'i:, .,¡': l.-¡ i: lJ¡iiìf { l: il t.{ I l: i.¡ 1å .Âi'i *l'll; :'-1 P l', li Ì '.: r' us somc more history which is.very imRor;. tant. ". . .And A cautionary Note" I would say is important-thank God-you put that in there-l guess it really tied the whole thing together. Now lets have some more, more about the history of our mer¡ more about the history of our women. Help us. How about an issue on man + woman +.marriage..You know there are people walking ¿round on this earth who desperately need your kind oi litcrature. -SANDRA BATORSKY It is the nitty-gritty of sex which is perhaps the moitieveäling aspect of men,s õonr.iuurnrr"raising, and the WIN men ate silent on this. Wñat âbout masturbation, gang bangs, prostitution, anal eroticism, attiiudesloward oral sex, impotence, norr genital sensuality, male and flmale orqasm. õircle jerks, conqûest, high school ana'*-"'' collegiate dating, abortion, breast fìxation, peniJ size, etc.? I think it is a good thing for straight men to begin to explore th¿h minds and bodies as a response to feminism and gay liberation, but they have a long way to go. 4/11/74] y;rrüä",i,TJliJåJi:ï:Jffi titr gay. di, i u.ry good subject that should have ä"i in"tuu"o in your Men,s Issue is the . your disappoints speciar MEN issue [ìvrN, me as male who is also ove¡ the last few vears we have bean ;åä1?åïii:',:#,î?ii#,i,î',: lî nor¡existent as ever. without eve¡ mentioning faggotg Marty lezer. admits he. didn't lJcfore I say anything clse, I want to for thc Mcn's Issuc IWlN 4llllj4l say thanks It's boautiful Having saicl that, I want to make some cÌiticisms" lJob Lamm's "Cautionary Note" is about tho most important piece in the s,holc issue, and you'vc stuck it at the end as if it's just an aflerthought. The extent "any women writerq poets, irr see tellectualg o¡ artists (they were ìhere- b.ut .. I didn't se¿ them, i.e. take them seriously). . ." Didn't he notice that yu_gq: a gay ghetto; Washington Square our c¡uís G*"i:i:l ing- grðund? .be ati*,inr. the "*iö t,, ffi,,"iïiö#T:;*T"##lil,* mean that men who find femab;;;';ì'_" n ho'" o,"*,,"r,' ü Ë;Ëþ. f1rh and ir vou wish celibate --lï1-,ï31 roles of what it is to be a man or or fag are a measure of tf*"iu ;;J _-- , themselves ,oo ir¡ have reptessed over the years. This is a step läi3,#:iïjiå,,åî:Tx'fj":ållå,. ", terms!), and ultimatety -"'"ï iilriä.rni"ur to which thc Mcn's Movcmcnt is of, by, and woman -'*' creating a new kind of social interaction for uppcr midtllc class mcn is appalling to between human beings so that the gay rnc cven though I am oxtremely involved in authorita¡ianism. you¡..men" skirt sex like a disease: experience is not confined to dark alleys, it and lovc its irlcas. Just ¡ead that piece you urban,gay ghettos, smokey barg and, yeg printcrl by Noel Tcpper! The whole article obviously they are un.o*foriu6. gay liberation meetings When men no "ãi-' is stifìingly hctcrosexual, cool bourgeois, ceptualiiing tíremselves rou"i Uáir*longer feel the need to affi¡m their straight", rîf,"fãi, ä?ä pràferring ancl gcncralistic. lt rcprescnts the worst i."g. pã"f "-it ness, when "faggot" is not an ugly put"i aspccts of rvhat thc Men's Movcment can iheo¡ist ofreuoiuîion, dowr¡ a lot of people will be happier and gct into. F-inalit,;;;iìäîäry not, about Bob more free' Lamm's õtãim ttrat ,.ri. i"r"irii, eö" lror nrc, thc point of men's liberation is -ALLEN Y9UNG I Royalston,44A liberation and men,s movements have been to furthcr a social revolution by smashing coopted. Has that argument ever carried patriarcy antl the male sox role, We can any weight against uioiker;s organizations only bcgin to do that by giving up as many t.t:uttt enjoyed your issue concerning aniiimp-erialísts o¡ fltitJ Woiiãî""".""irf rnalc privilcgcs as possible. Being cool and *' Men's -Liberation Affer reading about Lamm might prontaUty ctreck i"t. ;h""-' cornplaccnt irç I'm afÌaid, a distinctly fo¡ the last few months I was financial bãckãrs of frií o*"-ñ"* i"f,..f dccadent, uppcr-class privilege. My dilemma .Wopen's Lib beginning to wonder if a male was entitled for Social Research o; au";;r óolb;;.-in rny own lilc is how to unify the two _CHARi'i õfriVelV to b¡eak out ofhis bonds also. Thanks! t¡cnds of bcing radically antisexist but _BRUCE CHRISTENSEN also cxtremcly aware ôl the bourgeois lifeBoston, MA Rochester, MN stylc as opprcssive and horrible. I have some uneasy feelings about the I have always thought of WIN as a big recent WIN Men's Issue. You obviously hclp in trying to bring together these two Reading Phil Berrigan's short article, decided to exclude gay men from the issue, typcs of raclical consciousness But the [WIN, 4/1 8/74] on resourceful A¡nold's acknowledging our prior cont¡ibution to Inain articlcs in this issue didn't confiont manner of dealing with prison violence the pages of WIN. But on what basis does it at alL That just reinforces people.s brought back a memory still vivid in my this exclusion occur? It is my belief that criticis¡ns that the struggles against sexism mind, gay men, socialized as men ("making it', ue only relcvant to upper middle class I performed part of my alternate serat timeg often failing), would have some pcoplc. I wish someone would write an vice in the back ward of a state institution thing to say about the male experience. iuticlc dealing realistically with this prob. for mentally retarded persons. The "in You wrote that the issue was published lcnr, ancl hclp people like me resolve our mates" were profoundly retarded (Ie 0-2S) f eeling of splitncss adult males who had been grouped tògether -JEI;F KEITH "to correct the dearth of creative response by heterosexual men to issues raised by Northhampton, MA because of their purported aggressive and the movements for women's and gay hyperactive behavior. Just a very quick letter to compliment liberation," As a faggot, I feel I have to The ward atmosphere was one of bedyou on your special issuo on Men. I was say that the men writing in WIN didn't do lam and random violence The badly underrccontly almost a statistic as a result of a very honest job of responding to gay staffed attendants relied upon fear to mairr our patriarchal system- suicide-because liberation. In fact, I wonder if any of tain some degree of"law and o¡der", Vioof ignorance on my part. I'm not fully out them have read any of our literature or lations of any vestige of human dignity, of nry ignorant bag but your article enlistened to us at all Joseph Pleck, for regular physical brutality and sheer meantitled "My Malc Sex Role-And Ours" example, says he was a failure in gym ness were commonplaca really got dorvn to the essence of the class-but did he eve¡ get called..fairy" I grew to respect greatly the rare staff problem."Patriarchy, GUS & l" was running or "tàggot". . .and what did such epithets person who resisted this type of conduct, a closc second to "My Male" since it gave mean for his experience? but more than that I admired the few in2 WIN ! appearance that he was retarded. He Was -in excellent physical c--¿4 ;t- Dear Friends, 'Changes. ERRATA: The photos with " Feeling the Holes of Hundreds of Bulletts" in our 4118174 issue should have been credited to Don Luce. STAFF PPS, We have come up with a painless way that people in the New York area can contribute to this campaign. See p. 21 for details. ' maris cakars, editoi susan cakars, ed¡toYiât asslstðht jezer, marty edltor¡al asslstant . :' nancy .¡ohnson, tldsign mary mayo, subscriÞtions . , after with our 200th issue! .20 Cover: Photo by Karl Bissinger already being advertized for the same night¡ and what with one thing and another all our plans were d¡scombobulated. So it is time to turn again to you for help. By now most subscribers will have received our fund appeal letter describing just what a bad hole we're in. lnitial responte has been very good, but ry.e have a longway - ' to go : before: reaching tt'tr $ZO,OOO we urg;n1ly Áeed to'contiluç. Our policy for years has been to keep thgsubscription price within the afforãable rahge oi people with low incäÈrêi.'As the lettei explains, incomel .... from subscriptions and renewals has never coÛgred more than half our expenses. We have always depended on the ge¡erosity of those of you who can -.'-._ afford it and like our work well enough to bail us out and keep us gõing. Over the past year we have printed all sorts of stuff.which mai' haVé de'. lighted, annoyed, amused, disgusted, informed, depressed, confused; activated, educated, stupified, inflamed or pleased you. Please help us keep it up. Now is the time your contribution really counts. Thank you. Lovel& Peace, PS. You won't be seeing us next week. We're taking a week off from publishing sq that we can catch up on other things. But we'll be back the week . ! Allen Ginsberg After scrambling to get the April 4th issue prepared in time for the bus to the city (and the piinter) we sat down, tog exhausted to talk at first. Then Marty puta record o,n the player and the phone rang. JrHi! This is Occupied New Paltz calling!'i-A group of students at the college in nearby New Paltz had taken over tie administration building and called usto ask if any of.gg, -'would care to come over and run workshops or something. Susan cpmmented, i'And w. thought it was the apethetic 70's!l' So while we sat discussing whèther or not we'could get up the energy for this new adventure (we wound up visit¡ng them the following afternoon) the conversation, as it often does, got onto our financial plight. Once again the '. ,question of whether or not theprintèr will print since.we'couldn't send him i check this.week came up. Maris was going to call.one subsbriber to ask for , a substantial contribution to get us out of our present particularly tight bind but the person he was trying to reach wasn't home. We almost had a benefit lined up fol: the middle of April but f ust as things were f¡rming up for it we learned that änother major concert in the area was ,ä7* 18 , susan p¡nes, composit¡on fred rosen, ed¡torial ass¡stailt martha thomases, ed¡tor¡al : : assistant j FELLOW TRAVELERS lance belv¡lle + lynne co'ffln + dianå.oautes ruth dear + ralph cllgla + paul enc¡mer + chucr( fáger + seth foldy + jlm fgrest + mlke franlch ..¡ls.ah frllz + larry gara + ne¡l'haworth +.becky jotinsoñ + Þaul johnson + allison".karpel + cralg karpel + clndy kent + peter klger + ôlex knopp john kyÞer + dorothy lane + iobin larsen elllot llnzór + ¡ackson maclow + jque, maas dav¡d mcreynolds + gene meehan + mâ¡k.morfls igal rrìr)dr3ríl:o I nancy rosen + wendy schwartz mH(a 11.mr'r . Lfì;n wester box 547 rifton york new telephone 914 339.4585 12471 WIN ¡s publ¡shed weekly eicept tor the f¡rst two weeks in January, 2nd-week in May, last 4 weeks ¡n August, and the last week in October by ttre WIN Publish¡n9 Emp¡re w¡th the support of the War Res¡sters League. Subscr¡pt¡ons are g7.OO per year. Second class post?ge at New York, N.Y. ¡O001. lnd¡v¡dual wr¡ters are respons¡ble for op¡nions expressed and accuracy of facts g¡ven. Sorry-manuscr¡pts cannot be returned unless accompan¡ed by a self-addressed stamped envelope. Pr¡nted ¡n U.S.A. WIN 3 rVision a Steady rk: Some Lessons forthe 70's eternity ln the Greek myth, Sisyphus must spend. his, a mountain,lllp€' up a boulder in Hades pushing back Wf't"n f't. nears tñe crest, the great stone rolls and.again' again' begin '' åã*" . -" i"¿ he mustthese deñoralized times-that efforts ön. tãnt.s-in wrest control of their ;;;;; men and women tofaceless forces.of urban "f seemingly the ãå"Jüiä"ittãm a sim.ilar fate' to conáemned ãä;;;J stasnation are and explode onlv ouit¿ ä;äi bffi,I"i'päõürii '"ã'ev hopelessness' a funk ,n¿.t a ctouá of ;" of "' cvnicism. íhät" prttations of energy- and despair present a conirast to as recent a time as'l 96/' when Ë;rff;;i"¿ stark this countrv kept fire ffi";;;l;terv major city innights of anger and pride' iong'*tt'"t iñ;;;; ffi¿.iì no.m.ista ke' cvc-les' VäinËä ;;'not iãóàtit¡ue .Make eacl^infl* revolt.are poputai åf ¿o*nt ;Ë;;;;; what-came before' lt enced-one way or another-by tot"thin's like faith tosav this' äT'"";'o'neiåtitt, evidencJthat the revolutionary b,it lrt"i" is also some And if so, it is here that we must .i.li. ìi to "utulative. Sisvphus.as a useless metaphor fr,lvttl åË'åã iñ. "t in'Ämerica' The Gre.ek scenario iiíuution ;Ë;;;t;;; pl ät ;;õ ;ì*cã1, ex cit- Sisvphus wasn' t goi ng to i perio-d to another; transference of eiperience from one of com.mon movements ttr¡s sò in social ä;;üüi; interests') when ;ä""t;;Aiil roitt',"¡r own collective the newspapers and the ;Ëi;;;ï hittori cal writing markinË ot t-he breat upon iiurar¡es are all filled with üiJ'öi""¡i ¡i ãutv to lose the record of the struggles älÊu,j''ut"". Ánd because it is easy.to lose them' view each task as if it precedent or tradiwithout ong entirely n.w ;;;;;;äñLi'.iãt.t¡t"s **"'"n tion to help'guide o.ne's work' This may lead to arro' others' or sance. an overweenlng refusal to lèarn from errors' avoidable of duplication n"ó¿tttt iã .- sliãrtt popular strusg.les are not well-served by deforrãi-mãaíu of tot*u-nl*tion or history., they communlcatlon' person-to'person oend sreatly on öìäËt'*ãttäti tåch younfer ;î;; ;;i;i'.¿; ones about how the pá'ånT;i;t¿h their children aboüt the giåü t"rtt in which thev participated' '' -C"éàntty,"sa student at tÉe Univei'sitv of ryi9hfc1 't fad inteivieweciã veteran of the Detroit automobile organization of the uAw-clo' Here tñe interview w¡th Jim c' who dis at Ford's ;;tãä th;;;;iv union meetings of w9¡1,