J I UNF.28, t 973 I 2od Dan Berrigan: An Open Letter fo Political Prisoners * in the U.S.S.R. Marty lezer: Food and Far"m Report Richard Chandler: Everything About H¡tchh¡k¡ng PEACE AND FREEDOM THRU NONVIOLENT A CTION i tl, , !;:\ì".,.. ,.:. ..dì, ities in bèhavioral modification, Monttose Wolf, hai,recently stated i¡ Psychology Today magazine, that if institutions turn to behavior modiûcation, ". . .the inmate should have the right to decide whether or not he wants them (behavior modiñcation procudures). He should be told èiactly what the procedures are, what the goals are-as a matter of fact, he should help .determine or even completely determine the goals and ..' ÑBilT procedurçs." Condilioning procedures have gfeat po- tential. Lèt's not be guiþ of throwing out the baby with the bath water. -RAYMOND R. RICHARDSON, JR, BEL AIR, MD. Vol. lX, No. 19 June 28,'1973 .........4 Hitchhiking. I aù glad to see that someone (Sandy Adams, 6114113) w¡ote to counte¡ Karen Messerjs ietter (5l2alß) Re vegetaåanism as a moral & "natural" nutritional alternative. I had composed a letter refuting the Richord Clnndler .........8 Chenoweth Freed... Bob Levering An Open Letter to Political Prisoners in the U.S.S.R Fother Daniel Berrigan, S,J. Food and Farm Report. . basis of Ms. Messer's stand; but it was a little lengthy aid technical. As a graduate student in the life sciences, I can testify that her sourçs of information are shakey. .. . TurnipsAnyone? ........ 10 Morty Jezer Sittin'ln. .....11 'Changes........ Reviews. .....12 .....13 Mike Abell Gene Danlels/E.P.A. DOCU ME Rl CA/LNS Cover by f ulie Maas am preiently a federal prisoner in Colorado and serving a G6 yeat sentence for possessing 2ll0 of a gram of marijuana (a roach). STAFF FELLOWTRAVELERS mafls cakars lance bêlville diana davies ruth dear ralph dlgia susan cakars' nancy johnson iulie maas mary mayo br¡an west€r cralg karpel clndy kent peter klger alex knopp john kyper dorothy lano paul €ncimer chuck fager seth foldy j¡m forêst mike franich leah fritz larry gara neil haworth marty Jezer þecky johnson paul johnson allison karPel box 547 rifton new rob¡n larsen €lliot linzer jackson maclow dav¡d mcreynolds mark morris jlm peck judy penhiter ¡9al roodonko m¡ké stamm martha thomases York 1247'l telephone 9', 4 339'4585 WIN is publlshecl weekly except for thé first two weei