I I {3 I APRTL t '.t2i1913 Exiles Spe¡k OVt on Amnesty', PEACE AND FREEDOþ' THRU NONVIOLCAT NCNON Frisoncrs,UnitÇ EI HL t¡\ å'* I ¿l I I I I I i I I L ., li I I l 1 i I I i I l I I I I l l I I i I I I I I i I I I ?O I, , g to Modification" |,"tr.nq^ Rising t We sáarch Your signature Fields of three Year brome Bean on corn ta e And corn on corn on corn Rain¿nd Your water table rising a Streams .oor11Û Vol"lX' No'e te73 dowçfre underfield tiles And ditch siCiv5errgnnftü rd You t * I Nit¿ controllnÇePrisons" " " " 'ï iî:rui:åff$'#åmt;:':í and old times? \ for cow yo, Eddie Sonchez Control' Behavior "-'ðniiogoModification'and Oo 6 ''' PeoPle's Law offrce Who Are the Real Criminals? TheCasefor AmnestY"'' :' coinou, and Dee Knisht pies hanker -Michael Corr iàri Reviews Station .11 Sampling . .13 Oh "You're his wife arn't You/ trirn a need Sh¡t kid You Cover bY Bart Gerald : i ttlorgtlt You was his WIFE" plant Hot"i reception at the sewage CORRECTION: to PMB 20426' Tom Flower has been transferred 66048 KS åäiìdóö, L.i"enworth, From the first PiPe secondarY fluids From the second into Sugar Creek PiPe Sugar Creek PrimarY fluids into From the third PiPe raw shit into Sugar Creek that NYC îs where its at and limit her crusades haven't wrecked bloody havoc all oerspective. People have to make shields and gver the world for the past 2,000 years! And biinäers for theniselves to live in that stink' how in all honesty does a person determine hole. Such oeople are unfit to lead a revolu- what Christian morality really is; assuming tion such as I would like to see. fhat it is not to be défined by the actions of the various churches (witch-burnings;.ctç.) Leah says what is beyond those towers of oaoer is illusion: that NYC is the inevidown through history'? . From the contra$ictúie'landscape of the wo¡ld. Poor Leah, poor tory and ambiguous dicta and parables iri the G pçor me. That car¡ only be if people choose gospels? Sorting these out makes interpreting our Constitution look easy. tó live in cities and give the paper tiger its Berrigan notes in passing some çf the teeth. The guy who wrote WheljbglseeÊ..lSgifl evils the Catholic church has perpe[uated (if ' not intitiated) in our society ignqrânce, left NYÕ in much the same way as I did, as but, narrowmindedness superstition, perhaps WIN did. Finally when he and his stiangely for a person of such profound iriendi broke the straining ties with cities humanity, his severest critcommitment Jo and ceased t_o be a news agency, one friend icism is direcfed toward the convention of asked 'You mean we'le not a Such and celibacy in priests and nuns. . Certainly' .Such News any more? You mean we're just Catholicism's prudishness in ihis area is a oeoole like evervone else?' That is what nuisance to people who choose these vocaiearÅng the.City is like. Attaining a kind of tions, but its overall guilt-ridden, pleasureless, humilily. Like getting off the train and using your own legs. If your'lucky you real- humorless, mysogenous obsession with sex and ize the train wasn't going anywhete any way childbirth, prôcrèation, contiáception and abortion impose a much more cruel burden and the real trip was getting off. IS SIMONS on the laiety who were simply born into the BERLIN,.MA. religion and bound to it from birth by the most all-encompassing.brain-wash in history. To wage such a war ctflotal destruction As a woman I havd súffered from the as the United States has carried out in Indoabortion laws, but I was lucky enough to china does indeed require. "the full consent survive; ten thousand of mySisters ustd to I enjoyed tremendously the article in of the governed." The ultimate realization die from them wery year, màíiy of them your Feb. iseue on "Art in New York" by of.this-"government of the people, by the Catholics. These vùomen are as dead as the people añd for the people" has been the devVietnamese peasants Berrigan went to jail Therese Schwartz. It is about time someone to-save, And inillions of Cathcilic women (an artist in this case) speaks for the rest of I ãstaiion of a land and a people that differed from it primarily in what form of political have lived the lives of slaves, producing one us in this tight squeeze we're getting. It is direction thèy chose, to pursue their own unsupportable and unwanted child after coûrageous of WIN toþublish this article, cultural economic and nationalistic destiny. anotñè¡; have gone mad f¡om ove¡work and' you. and, thank -JEAN COHEN The by-product of a decade of slaugùter, worry about how to feed these children; . NEV/ YORK, N.Y, and destruction in Southeast Asiá is àloss of have been denied divorce from violent, hope by the great unspeaking masses of the drunken, slavedriving, arrogant, rapist hul-' Leah Fritz's lead into your'.1or her) issue on world, irrespective of their other diferences bands. And how many "illigitimate" childN.Y.C. IWIN, 2/7 3ì stirs mightv feelings in and dístinctions, Snd this los ofhope is irre- ¡en have been raised in the misery of Cathome. My stomach churns and blood rushes trievâble so long as the United States is allow- lic orphanges to grow up egoless and desperto my head and hands as if to do baltle' ed to continue its present policies ofenforate? And what of the Catholic schools If she reflected any awareness of,her cing its version öf "law and order" around where fear of authority is talght superstidisease I could feel pity but the blindness the globe; uncheckpd, unchallenged and untiously, so that students not only have to which is N.Y.C' has her so totally engulfed punished by its felfow nations. worry about upsetting a teacher, hut about she becomèi a token ofits evil rather than. , I am therefore appealing to the peace crossing Çsd-? its victini. movement and fellow Americans to intensiIt is amazing to me that one whose sense People df WIN, you have undergone the fy dedication, risk and resistance against a ofj ustice is strong enough to make'him defy crisis of city learning which reveals the true government gone mad, the laws of his country can continue to we4r danser ofthe citv. You should knorv - nót PRISONER the robes of such a church. It is amazing to - JOE MACDONALD, itr ."-oe. not its õrime not the traffic. not DANBURY, CONN. me that he hasn't burned at least a rosary! ttre ohvíilal ugliness, but the supreme reaAnd then there is the inevitable selfiõn, tlie egotiipping sense of 'l'm where its at,' This is a difficult letter to write because I am trying to avoid my usual irreverent blunt- dghteousness in Berrigan's article, the remark thii it it ! The importance of being part of a that "neurotics" hesitate to commit themness out of defe¡ence to a person who has fast moving huge organism, the most powelselves because they lack the "morality." I. ful community within the stinkingest power' made difficult sacrifices for the sake of will go even further than.that; Father. Sorite: ful country in the wo¡ld' (The Chinese say i peace in Metnam. How can onç get mad at of us distrust "morality" even more - and 'a martyr without feeling like a fion? Or iüe u.S. iiu paper tiger; most of the paper with better reason - than you distrust wórse - a Roman? Nevertheless, the critiis in New York CitY) We remember Savanorola and rclsm must be expressed for the sake of open- 3pademicians. The place would be positively drab with Torquemada. Heroes and saints so ofte4 ness and future friendliness. out that bubbling self important energy all fù¡n tytant, " .The'criticisn¡ is di¡ected to Jim Fordst a¡ound. One feels - the leaders the influence Nothing in this letter can be news to you, which euides the artists and destroyers of the and, more especially, Phillip Berrþan, w-hcisìe ..Fatþer Benigan, As a Josephite pr'iest you '¿lrticles appeared in the 3/15/7 3 issue'öf'WfN world ã[ pass through here.. If a person can kn'o\¡¿ muöh mo¡e than I about the church To sweeten the pill, I sheuld.mention - and see throuih the daztle to see the unholy ãnï itiðogniã. I cannot, nor would I'wish do so sincerely i túat Jim's introiluótory tragedy oiall this power then the next pit to, preach morality to you, but I can pdrpiece was a pleasure to read and did great fail is then this is where change must come, haps give you some daughterly, motherþ, " ' hono¡ to hiri a$ a journalist, a pacifist and a this is where the revolution must begin. But sisterly good wishes, By all means, fuck. compassionate human being. Berrigan's this is iust another version of the same illtiAnd enjoy it. Neithe¡ the world not the story was also candidly and powerfully sion oi self importance' The importance , church will be the worse for that. You may. which is based on the supposed status of the iwitten, so altogether I found the issue an learn from å.womân what love really is; nien, interestins one. machine in which one hãs become a cog. The lunusuallv t. nUt, . . as an atñeist and former jew, I even Jesus, describe it so inadequately. Go oower of all machines must be shown to be not with God, but with a woman and receive ain always a little (more than a little) bitter än haltucination next to the worth of the the blessing of her forgiveness for the very when Christians keep ;,harping on the "morindividual. "'-ïåãiie real sin of having consorted with Ïer oppress' af*"ys talk about the difficultv-" ' ality" of Christianity.' As if this morality ors. But do her the favor of not marrying in of leavi-ng the city as though it w-ere an addic- were something that came into existence the church, so that she can leave you and with the adùent ofJesus Christ (all previous tine drus, The longer you stay there the find another lover should morality rear its ethical systems being soniehow inferior); as trarîer iiis to leave and the more likely that LEAH FRITZ if, indeed, Christian morality were an unmit- head again. vou will have to retuln. Leahbrags about NEW YORK, N'Y. þated virtue rather than the vice it has irer heritage in and adaption to New York Citv as thóugh it shielded her from its horror. proved, more often than not, in practice to bè; as if. in fact, all those Cfuistian absolutes Thé shields themselves are one of its harms and original sins and virgin births and holy and hew heritase there can but reinforce the iúea I å'n/ "' " Changes. I ^ il . 6A iltrJ fflî äd ,tutp on a postcard it to us to let us main rea'"d;::L mailbox' 'The kn'ow when this WIN in tä Ä¡n u *nt" of immediacy son to become a weekty cooperate bv to refuses our coverage Uut it ttre.þäiäi$;itt ;"]'l; h Þ, u w ä ä i i,* i îi", J î,i,13 L "-So " " ¡ weeklY. of being a mailed on APril 5. thanx "tiii-ãîî""r ffi iä ':[j$f,ïi l;' Tilj"* through bob wire Gather up my poncho/ Duck for morels P""ing on fresh mow and looking Wiii" r.r" casts his flask into Sugar Creek drains its bl19! iJo" The '''- treatment plant und", the bridge/ THEY THINK ;lik" ourry it shouldn't be made public" -Michoel Corr . STAFF Hfiml' FELLOWTRAVELERS lfi',lv 'ffi i*h fJfivn;*atttt marty Jezer i#,ftffu"ffi$#flfli"' *iü:*ñä"."". iå¡åhi+:ï" roþin larsen martha thomases box547riftonnewyork1247,|telephone9,14339.4585 rf ä*#'*tåiråfr älaîiËni$îiffi n 1 .t tt mÍnd contnol ¡. fi'-t*u' I One especially brutal use of electro'shock at Vaca' ville is in the attempt to "cure" homÒsexuals' The oérron is shown "homosexual movies" while his penis is wired. When he becomes sexually'excited, his penis is shocked. He is then shown "hetrosexual movies"; and rather than shock, he receives positive fÞinforcemànt. Emetics (drugs'which cause nausea) are used in the same manner as shock treatment. A 'criminall is shown a movie of a bank robbery. The drug causes him to become violently sick. lf repeated often, the subiect becomes nauseous at the thought of robbing Ínthepnísons by Eddie Sanchez banks. is presently, in both State and Federal prisons, throughout the Únited States, a new kind of warfare and dõhumanization. For prisoners, it is a terror; for those on the outside, ¡t is a threat. lheie > tric shock treatment and even lobotomies this horror is two 4 WIN fold: to destroy fte prisoners who refuse to voluntarily submit to dehumanization and at the same time to sðare some into submission by the At one time the method of "divide and conquer" was used effectively by the officals in prisons' Th.ey. would sow racial tensiôns to keep the prisoners divided and fighting among themselves, knowing that in this state of mind the prisoners would never become politically aware, would never realize why they were in orison. not wonder why the rich who also break laws *.t" nbt, or why they got paid "slave wages" for first rate work, or why young first timers were put with older and more '¡prison wise" convicts, or why the food in the "staff chow hall" was so much better than the lousy inadequate amounts the prisoners received, or moit of all'what some people meant by ;Unity is Strength". The authorities did not want the prison'ers to ever wonder about these and many more ihings for this would be the beginning of political u*u*n"tt. They knew that through unity the prisoners could change the prisons by mass legal litigations, mass work strikes, mass food strikes or even the complete takeover of a prison if necessary to get justice in that prison. The authorities were successful for quite a long time' I know this to be a fact for I am a prisoner and have been one for a long time' At one time I threw all my troubles on another prisoner because of his color and never knew where they really belonged. And so it was with prisoners throughout rhe u.s. Then awareness made its way to the prisons by way of music and new prisoners from.the street who haá witnessed the struggle outside or been a-part of ii.-wf'r"n this was retayðd to the prisoners, they began realiting the answers tô all their questio.ns' Unity of ufl iut.iun¿ prisoners slowly but truly bega.n its long i*i¡tãl"t"tie in prison. For evidence, look at the ohotoqraphs of so-called prison uprisings; look at the ãrison".rs'- Blacks, Chicano, lndians, Whites and brientals - standing united. Not too long ago you would have never seln this unity among races and pri' iån.ti; tñ" only time they would be this close is when ioctce¿ in battló fighting each other to the death' to When this unity came the authorities began chanee tactics to 'ipacification." This was performed Uv g''iing the submjssive prisoners all kinds of little góoii"tir"tt as record players, pópcorn, pax numbers, Ëit. ff,it was given to ány prisoners who would sub' and worry only about themselves and rü l¡ttie goodies. This meant turning their.backs ttle¡r"otpt"t"l! on thp greai number of prisoners b-eing beat by the guardi ór thrown into the "hole" for months or even !éitt tt a time, or on the young kid put into a hard as punish- ment to non'cooperative prisoners. The obiective of horrors inflicted on others. ln October thiryear the federal government will ooen the National'Behavioral Research Center, in Bltner, North Carolina. By "National" it is meant that they expect prisoners from prisons all over the t !- a ¿f -t country. 'â This crisis in the prisons effects you if you are of a minority, conscientious, have political awareness, or are abtive in movements out on the streets.because the odds are when and if you are arrested you can very likely find yourself on,the inside looking out of one of these programs. So you must, not only for us but for yourself as well, do what yeu can while you can I Lancaster I n dependent At Marion, the Asklepsion Society is a voluntary theraputic community where cooperat¡ve lnmates set toeether and pr¿ctice the theories of Berne's transã"t¡onãl analysis and fanov's primal scream. T-þe gtfse for ob"oDenness" óf these groups is used as a ta¡h¡ns infornution a6oui inmates to be used against ift". 6u corrections offcials at appropriate times' ln' nrato u't. encouraged to admit violations of rules and to inform on other inmates. One prisoner, a member of a transactional analysis group, took part in a dis' cussion about homosexuality. After, having been at' tacked by a corrections offcer and beaten, he was tnnferreã to the hole of another institution. His record showed him to be a "chronically assaultive homo' sexuat". Whatever the merit of transactional analysis and group therapy may be on the street when admin' isterõd by concerned physicians, its use in prisons is both devious and vicious. ..rr" orison to the sadistic delight of the officials had the *lð [n"* what would happen to him' This w¡th but conquer" and of "divide iur" oUi.ttiue different tactics. sliehtlv """Vf.ån*ftif" publicized the ideas of the authorities the *oil-i"i.it. and conjugal visits, not mentioning (lt is. .f prisoners-who enfoy these things' percent') one. whole "o"ànius. *"riJ not even equai i i"'liriËi "" effectiv- Thit pacification program has not worked lv for onlv a few would sell the¡r souls tor such a tlnuri otitä. Therefore the officals have stepped up fiction ír,åìii*t¡.r to methods right out of thescience control mind use now Thiy movie. üàor.ãi-ttottor tranquilizing drugs in great quanties' elec- ;-g;t - i : to stop this in the bud rather tl'ìan in full blooÍir. We know the government will do all in its power to curb the everfast growing sociTl revolutign and awareness of the common people. As I write ttr¡s I f¡n¿ myself in one such program by the na¡n'e of START Program at the U.S. Medical Center for Federal Prisoners. lt was opened &ptember 1 i, 1972. Since its very beginning we have fought including a 65 day food strike from September to Octr¡ber which was highly publicized. And a strike was begun February 1,1913 and continues to this day of total non-cooperation. Out "Prolixin," a much more powerful counterpart ' of thorazine, is a depressant which sometimes.liñgers in effect'for two weeks and causes recurrerit n¡ghtmares. lt is widely used to pacify "assaultive inmatesi' It reduces the prisoner to a vegetable, who is unable to ' think clearly or react with emotion.. RedUced to'such a state, the subject, at least in the short run, will be '' more vulnerable to modification of his behavior. ArÍ' has been drug, which other, even more frightening used in the California Prison systeml is acetine. Ace' tine works as a muscle relaxant when the user is unconscious. lf the drug is administered when the subiect is conscious, however, it slows heartbbat, causes respiratory arrest, and litenlly makes the subiect feel as if he is dying. That this drug can hreark spirit is drarnaticatly shown by. its use on Tupamaros guerillas in Uraguay. While on this drug, many guerillas gave informãtion about their free comrades, leading to nnss arrest and the temponry decimation of their po' of thdprespnt 14 men in START Program six of protästing. We did have one other man but the officiais drove hf m to the point of psychosis. We six are Edward Sanchez, William Ruiz, Albert Gagne, Gerrard Wilson, Gerald McDonald and Thomas Splrks. It is fact that otricials are doing all they can possibly ' . do to drive us to psychosis or break our spirits. We I have all been put in chains. Two men weré assaulted with tranquilizer drugs. All of us have been on half rations of food. All of us have been daily harrassod. Two men were assaulted by officials. We have bedt us are ' denied legal material and visits. We have been deriied the minimum requirements for prisoners in the "hole" by the U.S. Bureau of Prisons Pglicy Statement. , Yet our protest continues. We realize that to cooperate with this type of program is to support it and we realise this program is not only dangerous to us and other prisoneri but also to our beloved cadres presently outside. Since we cadres inside are doing our'part from within, will you cadres outside do your part out there? We need the following types of help: . We wish letters written to Norman-4.'Carlson, Director, U.S. Bureau of Prisons, Department of D.C. 20 531 : ieq uesti ng lri m to' J usîi ce, Washi ngto n, remove the said people from Pr College Presb Service, says that he has decided to devote full-time energies to the Sat Guru Movemént, as a iesult of a recent trip to lndia. Davis reports ( t z zt 22 a' 45 o Peace And Freedom wornen's international Leagug For åñLLãir"f,l,t¡". ( 21 5) Lo-3'7 I I o Foi Peace (Anti'Draft & Amnestv clear- wå."" iitr*" inq House) å:"-f"5åti:k.Y' I 1 1 554 (s I 6) 538-2s 60 ON5 NTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATI fl Xl F,ä': å.H Bâ,.Tlnf qra !üÎ' " " tuoe iäibiriä.'óñiariô Georg€ 5I' offlce: 91 St. " er rt'ç¿'?"îåãu;u'ó "" t ¡ o n of A m Brltain ln Exiles Amorlcan un¡on ot ¿"",iåå1.,"ñ11: ,5.k. ¡:,';lr i,årüt åi,äliF¿nk r eÞrsva n ee n' 3/ I o and Newsletter Ã-ert"an Exlle Proiect '¿' L LL Blrqof Jarlsgatan Sto¡kholm' Sweoen " ¡ ca I n e x i I es rhar nighr,-rhe FBrrransporred clorhing llil,i,iiS';åiï'ifrtr':i:ilåt,l?ih when he mer some old friends of his conspirators to the Rocky Butte Prison on the airplane. lnstead oï stopping in paris, he continued on to lnd¡a; andwhere they were fìngerprinted and . As of Saturday ev-ening., lV!1rrll,31 , placed under pieme de Car, a .lty Uúitt ùy *"níto 1 [rLSS^{(ag3.in) and-The . call has gone out from inside Wounüed .$10,000 bail each. singing and the iollowers cif the ìS_year'-ólJ¿ilú. Knee through Vernon Bgllecourt, na- laughter whictr accompanied our arrest According to Dávis, Éis tional coordinator of AlM, for people for intent'to feed the hungryand in tnã presenice of the guru "^p"rí"n"", were the to come from all over the country clothe the poor irr:itated the FBI agents most movine and strikins in his entire bringing food and" medicine openly to who left us the complaint 1'You're not iii". H" ,trtiiif,âi'tf,. nirr time he Wounded Knee, b_eginning_April 7; and taking this seriously!" A few hours i"* if¿"f,ãrii li. the suru came out climaxing Easter Sunday, April 22 wirh hrer a Federat Marshat showed up;ar ;;;;i;;;;í;ii;íplãil-,iunJrìþóotens of thousands of people rhe'prison and the five'were free ãgain, ivËå U|æi. 'H. ,jiá1ñäiJìSi"r!i""¿_ il_r1,"- " Wounded" Knee area. ln the words of this time on perso,nal recognizance. wheeled out a motoicycle and. Bellecourt, pegOle should "cross state The Marshat exptained ,¡u¡ ¡s.hal a.u- "i'th"n f.¡¡i i"l_ ä;dJ,"i¡i lines to. bring fo-od and medicine as a r thority ro do rhis in cases of "insignifi- Ñ;;;ù; ;ere "i"r"J;;;;g;r sranding in'a dirt -Oä"i, humanitarian effort". cant violations" of the law. said the guru"dragged out, .V"ij. (The shortage of f9o{ and. medical Monday rpo¡ling a. pre-arraignmenp U.ä, tÌ"à.¡iiãî¡, ;:;td;;;é" ' supplies is critical. On March 28, a wo- hearing wás tret¿ at which the. iive. '""* prli".i ìi ,upljf' .irrø ;;;y;i;, man leaving Wounded Knee reported heard ihe complainr rehd againsr rhem. ",rd these handcuffed food and i ,I , ñ;i;lj'fri,.n ä eO_y"ur_olO fóttowei that meals for the week had consisted, Thejudge, noring sponraneóus laugh- iiä¡,1-']r"å'ihe bed. Said Davis: ,,1 of one cup of beans a d.ay qqr person.) ter throughout the courr room sait', ,,1 ;;;'fi;;ó;onfusion. I was reduced Anv monies raised should go to.: know thit so.m.e of you will find thís fid; ä; of a chíld playing wirh his Defense;li*"Y:,T:j amusing, but'pleasçiry.to.control Bank of Denver, 17th and Brõadway, your eñ'otions.'f The-ACLU agreed. . Denver,.Colo Dept. the People Should call Justice were dropped. The FBt has now re. least turned the suppties and rhey are. on rhe 1Í4"] T^".yi^"_"jc^::t:person.at organize others to once a day.(and way -Ben Rich mond the same, demanolng tnat tne blocks be lifted, the original or the lndians be met NAPALM pris¡ls or physical against the lndian people in Wounded There used to be just first, seco_nd,_and wounded Knee . ro i;h¿; i: I f"tr waves of joy coming up ;; |! ilärs in my éyes.,, . . growing ¡" p"îrfåriiyliiüI,'ü¡liJj' . ï;;; ;;;i;c in" purî severât years, do again. ;;ä;i"i;;;i ousands of American fot: roaolowers. Davis said that he will help in . demands , the movement,s efforts to build.a city , tilri""';f¿!|"in tþe u-.!., ro devetop a nationwide \Lrl' o.tl'ttBURNS repris chain of Dívine Light Sales stores an