b';,~rtwore Collt;,~~ o~iurt hr.lOre j .rellOb. 190&1 . SWARTHMORE, LUME 40 - HUMBER 31 Sutherland r Lin, M'Caffrey Champs UGANDI SAfARI FILM .Swarthmore SLATED AUGUST 25TH - Cup Championships At Swim Club Pool Sun. Swarthmore Swim Club held its annual Cup Championships Sunday with various awards presented to the swim team and other participants. The three major trophy awards were: Diving Champion, L e s Ii e sutherland; Girls Swimming Champion, Kelly McCaffrey; BOyS Swimming Champion, Man Lin. Following this, Gold trophies were given to the high point scorer" in each age group for the enUre swimming season. These trophies went to: Senior Girls Sue Brown, Senior Boys Brad Brown; Intermediate Girls Robin Daugherty; Intermediate Boys steve Cushing; Junior Girls Pat Sutherland; Junior Boys Chris Ip; Midget Girls Julie Woodcock; Midget Boys Alan Lin. DIving team trophies were also given to the high point scorer in each age group: Senior Girl Margie Kelly; Intermediate Girls Sue Dunton; Intermediate Boys Mike Hopson; Junior Girls Kelly McCaffrey; Junior Boy Chris Leslie. The Cup Championship awards, highest score in each "age group at the Cup champlon- " ships were given to: Senior BOY Rob Lamberson; Intermediate Girl RobinDaugherty; Intermediate BOY Bill Ricksecker; Junior Girls Leslie sutherland; Junior Boy Chris Ip; Midget Girl Susie Baxter; and Midget BOY Alan Lin. Each one of these swimmers were presented a Swim Club Plaque. Coach Mlllard Robinson then presented the Trophy Club awards. These were given on a rating scale of earned points according to attendance at practice, number of improvements of Urnes, distance swimming. These awards were given to: Julie woodcock, SUsie Baxter, Alan Lin, Simon Boocock, Jim Daugherty, ROSS Barford, Bill Ricksecker, Andy Phillips, Pat SUtherland, Mary Keller, Ann Douglas. The team picnic followed with hamburgers for the swim team, families, and friends. - BEHR-BENDER TEAM HORSESHOE CHAMPS competition ill an entirely "dUferent type of sport was· held in swarthmore on Fridayevening, July 26. The sport was horseshoe pitching and Swarthmore Recr~ation Association sponsored the first Annual Tournament behind the Swarthmore Womans' Club. The 16 contestants in the men's doubles tournament were: Douglas Bender and Richard Behri stewart Duff and William Brown; Ron Taylor and Dan Jackson; Art Collins and Bill Ziegenfus; Jim Hazard and Tom Twltmeyer; Frank SilzIe and Charles Wiggins j Blll Lee and Don Henderson; and Larry Anastasi and Hank Kalinowsky. Behr and Bender defeated Sllzle and Wiggins by a score of 25 - 20 to win the championship. )Cup Pap.rbacks Coming PA~, j..:i".-r6l'Y, $5.50 PER YEAR 19081, FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1968 SETTLED? ,Swim Club Champions If all went as scheduled, set- tlement for the sale of the woman's Club lot on Rutgers avenue, to the Borough, took place yesterday. The club will use the proceeds from the sale to set up a perpetual Scholarship Fund. "Ugandi Safari" will be the topic of a fllm talk to be presente~ August 25 under the auspices of the Friends of the swarthmore public Library. Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Wilson, Walnut lane, took the fllm in March, 1967 when they flew from Entebbe, Lake Victoria, AfrIca, tQ three national parks. The film-talk, slated for 7:30 p.m. in the library that final SUnday in August, takes about one hour, and includes many shots of various animals anCl about 50 identifiable birds. \ This wlll be the second film on Africa that the Wilsons have shown in this area. The first, entitled "on Safari with Sid Downey," taken in Kenya and Tanzania, was shown at the invitation of the llbrary board in March, 1965. 68 VIEW FILMS IN FINAL 'STORY HOUR .I CLIPPERS TIE FOR 2ND PLACE E.D.C.O. TEAM ENDS SEASON WITH 14-6' The Clippers, 1968 E.D.C.O. team from Swarthmore had a tremendous season, finishing with 14 wins and 6 losses to tie for second place with Norwood. Under the direction of Harry Dudley, head coach, and Joe Delozier, assistant, the boys showed continued enthusiasm along with undivided loyalty throughout the entire, long season. Members of the team included: Maynard McCorkle, Joe Delozier, pitchers; JackReese, Shel Church,Mort Delozier center fleld;Jeff Hopson,Rex G,iU'y Mike Rhodes, Alan Kelly, Tim Warren, left (ield; Mitch Lang, Mark Haskell, Jim Malone, 1 1m Thorbahn, right field; Jeff Martin, second base; Fritz Bech, third basej B111 ~c­ Caughy, Dan Foley, first base; John Restrepo, Dan Warren, short stop; Keven Martin, scorer; Tim Delozier, bat boy. The season was a long one primarily due to rained-out games which had to be rescheduled. Swarthmore being in the west Division played some of their easier opponents early in the season. Stal ting May 24 with pl'acUce, the boys finished all official leagues games on July 26 with two playoff games remaining. Often three and four games in (Continued on Page 7) Approximately 68 children and some adults viewed the series of films presented Thursday of last week at the Public Library's final story hour for the summer. The program, held in the woman's Club, was opened by Juli"e Woocicocidrear) winner of the Suburban League's Mrs. Henry I. Hoot, club Gold Medal for the second consecutive year; and Leslie president, and included films Sutherland, diving champion, Alan Lin, boy's swim chamsecured from the Free Philpion, and Kelly McCaffrey, girl's swim champion in the adelphia Library. local swim club's annual Cup Championship.The Suburban E. P. Cheslock, of the enChampionship wou"d ..up over the weekend, the cup event gineering research and dewas held on Sunday. . velopment division of E. W. Bliss Company, 101 South DELEGA TES Off TO Chester road, showed the films on his own projector. An industrial" designer fam1l1ar with CONVENTION Members of the League of film-making, Mr. Cheslock Thomas B. McCabe of North Women voters visited the The G. Alexander Mills fam- himself considered the films Chester Citizens' Information Chester road, pennsylvania 11y will move shortly to "tops." Center at 1802 west 3rd street National Committee.nan, is the Among those enjoying the Delegate-At-Large to the Re- washington, D. C., where Dr. pre"sentation were a grandJuly 22. Mrs. David Field, Mrs. John publ1can National Convention MUls has been appointed mother and her two grandMoore, Mrs. Douglass Robin- being held in Miami Beach, Assistant Director, coal Re- chlldren from Newtown Square, search, Bureau of Mines. son, Mrs. George Hart, Mrs. Fla., next week. Residents of Walnut lane ,for who had read of the presentaFrancis Plowman of North cyrus Cantrell and Mrs. and members of the the past 22 years, all four "tion, Willlam Stanton met with Mrs. Swarthmore avenue is an Library staff and board of M11ls children attended school Alan Hunt,Mrs. Martin MUler Alternate Delegate-At-Large "directors. and Mrs. Spencer Thomas, from the state of pennsylvania, here. the youngest, Janice, Also concluded last Thursgraduating from high school members of the steering com- and Edmund Jones of Haverday was the seminar conducted ford avenue is an 'Alternate this past June. Mrs. M1l1s" by Mrs. Barbara Gates. In all, mittee of the center. (Bobble) a graduate of Douglass The purpose. of the Center Delegate from the 7th Conin Library Science, has been an average of 21 attended this is to aid voter registration. greSsional District. five-week discussion series Associate Librarian at the It is sponsored by the Chester which considered the treatment swarthmore public Library lor unit of the Swarthmore LWV. of women as set forth in major the past three years, where It was established throu~h a she has been responsible for 19th century novelS. At the story hours held on $6,000 Ford Foundation grant selection of adult books. July 18, 1'7 children in third .and will operate as a nonparAlex Mills, a graduate of grade and over were held spelltisan vehicle to help people Barrington Coleman, a 1950 the University of Saskatchebound in the American Legion graduate of Swarthmore High solve their problems through wan, canada, and Columbia Room by the tales told by Mrs. government. school, has been named as-· University, taught at DartOpen from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., Hoot and Mrs. Roland G. E. mouth College before coming Ullman. Mrs. Grace Pesikey sistant football coach at Penn Monday through Friday, the to this area in 1940. In· that captivated 32 of the younger State University. center contains two standard Mr. Coleman is a graduate year he joined the Houdry Pro- group in the session held convoting machines donated by the of Hampton Institute Virginia, Swarthmore Recreation As- cess corporation,. now a Di- currently in the clubhouse. Jamestown Voting Machine Co. and has been coach at Carver vision of Air products and Literature on the right to vote sociation held its first Annual Chemicals -corporation, where High School at Newport News, is also available to any group Girls' Track Meet Thursday he became Director of Research Va. During his career there or individual seeking informa- of last week, beginning at 6 in 1952. He is an inte"rnatioBal he produced some of the outp.m. on the track behind the tion. standing ball players in the authority in c a ta 1 y t1 c proRandall McCaskill, a student elementary school. cesses, particularly lor refinContestants we r e from There were five arrests l)1ade country, among them All'at Crozer Theological Seming and petrochemicals. during July - 2 juveniles and American Leroy Keyes of purinary, Upland, has been hired Swarthmore, Springfield and due. Till:; spring, he was inHe is the author of many as a part-time staff director Chester, and ranged in age technical articles and over 50 3 adults. One Swarthmore vited to participate as speaker "Juvenile was fined $10.00 and while plans are being made to from 9 to 17. patents, many in commercial costs for throwing utter on a at Purdue's Annual Football Swarthmore placed first with hire a full-time staff director 65 points. Springfield scored use. On the Ughter side, his downtown sidewalk. The other, Clinic. in september. Son of Mrs. Ellzabeth Colebook "Humor Among Chem" Mrs. John Cambell, chair- 42, Chester 36. Individual re- ists" is on the library shelf. a Chester youth, Similarly man of Bowdoin avenue, Barry man of b:ustees of the League sults of the evening's activi- He served as Cubmaster and fined for disorderly conduct was fullback on the undefeated Education Fund of Washington, ties, in first, second and third secretary of the Swim Club. (drunk). The adult arrests cov- swarthmore High team of 1949. ered two for drunkenness - one D. C., presented a fllm to the order, are as follows: He is an avid potter, active 50-yard Hurdles (12 & Over), case involved a Swarthmore Swarthmore League members in the Wallingford Potters resident accuse!! of drunken Sue Dunton Swarthmore, at the Monday afternoon visit, Guild. driving and is being held on entitled .. voting is People Barbara Heavey - SpriJ'gfield, In March of this year he was $500.00 ball for later hearing, Elizabeth Reynolds Swarth. power." The filmstrip, in 100-yard Dash(10 -11), Debra t lected president of the Friends also one Wall1ngford resident sound and color, showed how Chester, Waltenia of the Swarthmore Public is being held on $500.00 ball voters can influence their Hlll The Swarthmore summer Thomas - Chester, Elizabeth Library and is currently serv- for indecent exposure. future. ing in that office. Lee - Swarth. Two burglaries were re- music program conclucied this lOO-t'ard D a s b (12-13), ported each involving only the past weekend with an informal Theresa Thomas - Chester, loss of several bottles of outdoor concert attended by all Hobbits Theme for ALL-STAR LACROSSE Barbara Gorgas - Swarth., liquor., seven bicycles were partiCipants in the recreation Water Ballet Aug. 15 Cathy Spalir - Springfield. missing of which five have been program and a number of interested parents. 100-yard Dash (14 & Over), SUN. 2 P.M. HERE recovered. swarthmore Swim Club Rita peranteaw - Spring., As an experiment, the 40 In the traffic categorypresents for its 1968 water Barbara Farnese - Spring., The Philadelphia Suburban eleven summonses were issued piece Summer Band was set Ballet, "The Fellowship of the sue Dunton - swarth. Lacrosse League All-Slars will covering six for speeding, two up in the covered bus -loading play the New Jersey All-stars for reckless driving, and three area beneath the Elementary Ring," on August 15. 220-yard Dash 14 & Over), Based on Tolklen, the theme Theresa Thomas - Chester, sunday at 2 p.m. on the field for going through red lights. School Library. This not only explains the mission of two Laurie Keller - swarth., Les- at college avenue and Chester Five auto accidents occurred provided a cool and shady area hobbits, Froto and Sam Wise, ley Styer - Spring. road. with no serious injuries or for listening but the accousteo destroy the evil ring. The league concluded a very damage. tical properties proved to be 440-yard Run (14 & Over), Andrea KawaUczyk - Spring., successful season yesterday A total of 241 phone and suprislngly good. Sally OOig :.. swarth., JoanGor- with more than 250 young men radio calls were handled - six At the conclusion of the half participating. At Rotary Today don - Spring. of these resulted in the break- hour musical performance, re50-yard Dash (9 & Under), ing up of gang rowdyism and freshments provided by hlgh Rotary Rotarians will hold Tina Harper - Chester~ caroloitering - two downtown and school bandsmen Pam Larson, their first Club Assembly of lyn Phillips - swarth., Danita four elsewhere in the Borough. Dory Piccard, Nona Reinhardt the new Rotary year at the Frank G. Keenen, Chairman and Dam Nelson, were served 12:10 l\lncheon meeting at the Mlller - swarth. (Co.otinqed on Page 6) publlc safety Committee to alllhe performing musicians. Ingle'neuk. LWV Members Visit Appointment Takes Mills To Washington Chester Inf. Center Name Coleman Ass't Coach At Penn State SRA Hosts At Girls' First Local Track Team Wins In Tri-Meet JULY POLICE REPORT Informal Concert Ends Summer Music . ' , , ' -' " . - -- ' :!!:~~~~~~~~~~':"'':'''r~~~~~~~;;;~;-~l~~::~:=:::~;'J~~ Ham_ BRAIH PI~k~r:g~I, Mr;;.,wa~:";ass~; ,Wellesley roads relurned this mons and children Laura and II. Page 2 PETTY - HUNT The marriage of Miss Marsha M. Hunt, daughler 01 Mr. 'and Mrs. Richard Eldridge Hunl 01 Dickinson avenue, ,to Mr. James chalmers Petty. Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Pelly of Greensboro, N. e., took place on Salurday, July 27, al2 o'clock In Ihe Calvary Relorme.d Presbyterian Church, Willow Grove. ,The Reverend Richard W. Gray perlormed Ihe double ring ceremony before an altar decoraled with two floral arrangements. The bride, escorted by her father, was attired in a fulllength peau de sole gown wUh French imported Alencon lace . '. .' i ; .~ ~, ;.,'}/' ,., THE SWARTHMOREAN Mr. Jaeger, a cum laude graduale of Dartmouth college, was a member 01 the Kappa Sigma Fraternity and Sphinx senior society. He Is Assistant Circulation Dlreclor with the Books DIvision of Time Incorporated In New York. He Is a member of the New York Alhletlc Club and the Saint Andrews Golf Club. His falher was formerly associated with National Clly Bank, Irving Trust company, and Is a, retired executive of Brlslol Myers Company of New York. Afler a wedding trip to Lermuda, the couple will reside In Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y. / Mrs James C. Petty, Jr. ..... (Continued Cram Page 2) Knudson of Avoca, la., brother of the bride; Thomas Shaler of Mattoon, m., and Phil Garner of Lawrence, Kans. The mother of the bride' selected a pink silk sheath with hlp-length jacket and quarterlength sleeves; jewels .trlmmed the dr..ess bodice and jacket slit pockets. A matching pink veil hal, pink shoes andwhltegl&ves completed her costume. She wore an orchid corsage with matching ribbon trim. The bridegroom's mother chose a mint green shealh with complimentary accessories and an orchid wilh malchlng ribbon trim. A reception was held Immediately following the ceremony in the cburch parlors. The bride Is a graduate of Harlan High School, the Immanuel Hospital School of NursIng, Omaha, Nebr., and ottawa University, Ottawa, Kans., with a B. A. In biology. The bridegroom, a graduate of Nether Providence High School and ottawa University with a B.A. In business, Is presently employed by the Diversified Flilanclal Services The bride was giver. In marriage by her father, who Is SMITH - KNUDSOH Medical Director of FMC Miss Karen Ann Knudson, sleeves and bodice, and appll- corporation, American VisS-0se daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ques. It leatured an Empire Division. She wore an "Au line waist and Chapel length train. gown of silk organza with a Wallace Knudson of Harlan, A Dlor peau de sole bow wllh delicately scooped neckline. Iowa, became the bride of Mr. lilies 01 the valley held her The sleeves, the sklrl, and the Jeffrey Allen Smith, son or Mr. full length veil. She carried chapel-length train were ac- and Mrs. Melville Smith of a cascade of phalaenopsls, cenled with Belgian lace. Her Rogers lane, Wallingford, on roses and baby's brealh with veil, failing from a Dlor bow, Salu~day, July 27, at 4 o'clock was Irlmmed with heirloom In the Altamont Bapllst Church, Ivy. Harlan. The bride was attended by lace. The Rev. Wayne CorzattperThe bridal bouquet was a her three sislers. Mrs. James formed the double ring cerecascade of white roses, L. Gardner of Ellwood clly was mony before an altar decoraled matron of honor; Miss Marion stephanotls, rosemary and Ivy. Mrs. Jaeger's matron of with spiral candelabra entwined K. Hunt was maid of honor and honor was her sister Mrs. wilh gladioli. Miss J e ryl L. Hunt waS Ihe The bride, on the arm of her Hichard S. Bunce of Madison, bridesmaid. They were gowned father, wore a sllk peau de sole alike In blue, full-length A-line Wis. other attendants were gown made with a low scooped peau de sole with embroidered Mrs. Claude E. Wlntner of flower trim around the scoop Swarthmore, sister olthe bride; nec~lIne and short sleeves; ~he necklines. They wore matching Mrs. Henry schaad of PIlIs- high-rising bodice was defined Dlor bow headpieces and car .. ford, N. Y.; Mrs. John curtiss wllh jewelled Alencon lace apried cascades of yellow roses, of Glen Ridge, N. J., and the plique. The applique also Irlmwhite carnations, baby's breath flower gtrl, Miss Elizabeth med the entire dress front and Jaeger, niece of the bride- back and finished Ihe alsleand Ivy. wide delachable train. The Richard Eldridge Hunt, Jr., groom. layered veil was caught with a Their gowns were Empire brother 01 the bride was the style of mint green dotted cluster of jewelled petals and ring bearer. SWiss. They carried colonial she carrlsd a bouquet of yellow Mr. John pelly of Greensbouquets of yellow sweelheart roses, daisies and cascading boro was best man for his roses and daisies. The flower Ivy with yellow rosebuds and brolher. The ushers Included another brother, Mr. CUnlon gtrl, who carried a basketfllIed yellow and white streamers. Mrs. Patricia Knudson of with the same flowers. wore a petty of Greensboro; Mr. Avoca, Ia., was matronofhOllor Robert steuber Hunt of Dick- while dotted Swiss gown over for her slsler-In-Iaw. She sore pale green. inson avenue .brother of the Mr. Richard G. Jaeger of a floor-length gown of maize bride; Mr. H. Morton Whitman Canaan. N. H., served as best linen fashioned with a hlghof Long Island, N. Y., and Mr. man for his brother. The ushers rising bodice dellned with a Randolf Lanford of Virginia. were Mr. David J. Walsh and multicolored braid on the front The mother of the bride Mr. Michael C. Jackson, bolh and finished with a flat green selected a yellow ensemble with of New York; Mr. Jobn A. velvet bow and streamers. Her white accessories and a yellow Calhoun m, of Cambridge, headpiece was a yellow bow with orchid corsage. Mass., brother of the bride; short veiling and she carried The bridegroom's mother Mr. E. James Murar of New- a straw baskel wllh yellow and chose a lurqulose dress with port Beach, Calif.; Mr. Douglas white daisies. a white orchid corsage. The bridesmaids were Mrs. cameron of Middletown, conn.;; A reception was held Imsandra Staneart of ottawa, and Mr. David A. Walsh of mediately following the cereKans., Miss Marlta Barkls of Riverside, Calif. mony at The Castle, Beaver The bride's mother wore a, Louisburg, Kans.. and Miss College, Glenside; streel-length dress of jade Terry Smith of Wallingford, The bride Is a graduate of green gllk linen with matching sisler of the bridegroom. They Swarthmore High School, '61 hat and corsege of jade and wore gowns like that olthe honor. and Beaver College, '65 and attendant. royal blue colors. was on the staff of InterThe flower girl was Shanda The mother of Ihe brIdeVarsity Christian Fellowship staneart of ottawa, Kans., who groom wore a rose and aqua In New Jersey. also was dressed like the other linen print. Her corsage was The brld~groom Is a gradof phaelenopsls and small attendants with a circle of 11 ve uale of Whealon college, white and yellow daisies In her roses. Wheaton, Ill., '66 and is now A reception was held at the hair. Rodney Knudson, nephew attending Westminster Theohome of Ihe bride's parents. of the bride, was the ring logical Seminary. The bride Is a graduate of bearer. Following a wedding trip to Mr. Richard Smith of Wallthe University of Rochesler and Nags Head, N. C., the couple Ingford was besl man for his received a Master's degree in will make Ihelr home In Chestbrother. The ushers Included teaching at Yale University. nul Hill In September. She taught German for two years the Messrs. Anthony Verdi of A rehearsal dinner was given In the Stratford, conn., high Lyndhurst, N. J.; Jon Ascheat the Inn of the Four Falls schools, and will teach In White meyer of WalHngford; Eddie In Conshohocken on Friday of Harlan; John Plains, N. Y., as of seplember. Longmeyer , evening. On Saturday, Mrs. John Gersbach Of North Chester road entertained at a luncheon for members of Ihebrldalparty and out -of -town guesls. Mr. and Mrs. walter steuber enlertalned In honor 01 the couple at a swimming parly on June 29; on July 9, Mrs. / Edmund Jones of Haverford avenue gave akltChen shower In honor of the bride and on July 13 Mrs. Edwin Faulkner of Dickinson avenue had a luncheon-shower in her honor. I \ '/ In WallInglord. Following a wedding trip of a week In Bermuda, they will reside In Wallingford after Augusl 10., A rehearsal dinner' was held at Mickel'S Reslaurant on Frlday evening lor 'I hose partlcl,patlng In Ihe wedding party and c"remony. The bride was feled at four showers prior 10 the wedding: an evenlng'shower on May 22 In Ollawa; an afternoon shower In Harlan on June 19 and one on July 2, and a brunch shower given on July 13, also In Harlan. SCHLICHTER - BRAIN The marriage of Miss Gwyneth Gordy Brain of Broomall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Gordon Brain of Rehoboth Beach, Del., formerly or Rose Tree, to Mr. Char!es Graydon Schlichter, Jr., of Media, son of, Mr. and Mrs. Schlichter of Chambersburg, .......... ., I ==========a=========a=~====== $10 RACK ~r "'- JAEGER - CALHOUN The marriage ot Miss Helen Fordham Calboun, deughler of Dr. and Mrs. John Alfred Calhoun of Elm avenue, to Mr. Carl Guslave Jaeger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Jaeger of Piermont, N. H., formerly 01 Cheppaqua, N. y., took place saturdey afternoon at 3:3G. The ceremonywespertormad In TrlDlty EpI..,_1 Churcb by tbe Rev. Edward N. SChneider. ' come come come come look save buy soon 1~ SOUllI CHESTER ROAD PA- KI 3-2513 ============~================ ..... - (Continued on Page 3) - The Bouquet BEAUTY SALON 'a,ei 4ei' 11 Chester Road Call Swarthmore 6~0479 • • • • • • • • • • • RD WATCHERS, , ," RD COLLECTORS, Watch our Windows for Birds, Birds, Birds K13-19oo ~ GIFTS 15 SOUTH ct~STER ROAD • • • • • • • • • • • Have You Noticed That most of the Gasoline Companies are no longer extolling the virtues of their products but are only advenising their give away games! We do not offer any stamps match matching cards, tricks or give away gimmicks. We try to offer good ;merchandise at competitive prices t- fully guaranteed plus service after the sale. We do offer many specials. Look in our largest .window at the tremendous savings on Cameras,Projectors, Radios, Tape Recorders, Weather instruments and Walkie Talkies. (Limited time only) REMEMBERGive away "Games" are paid for by , the consumer in one way or another. How man prizes have you won? avenue are receiving congratulations on Ihe blrlh of a daughter, Janel webb Plckersgill, on July 28 In Taylor Hospital, Ridley Park. The baby has an older sisler, Diane stewart was solemnized on saturday, July 27, at, 6 o'clock In the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. The double ring ceremony was performed by Dr. Rex S. PI~kersglll. Clements. The malernal grandparenls The Chancel was decorated are MI'. and Mrs. Hugh G. with ferns and six sevenPeters 01 North Swarthmore branch candelabra and while aVenue. Mr. and Mrs. Plckerscandles. Llghle~ white candles gill, Sr., of Morrisville are were on Ihe pews. the paternal grandparenls. The bride was given In marrlage by her falher. She wore a floor-length organza gown trimmed wllh bands of Venlse Mr. and Mrs. Edward lace on the sleeves, neck and western announce the birth of Cathedral train. A Dlor bow their first Child, Joanna Lynn held the elbow-length family on Thursday, July II, In camveil of tulle and she carried den, S. C. ' a bouquel 01 stephanolls, while Mrs. Western Is the,former roses and Ivy. , Glnnl Alexander, daughler of The matron of honor, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alexander· Dennis Jackson Schleicher of of Juniata avenue. Eddyslone and bridesmaids, the The paternal' grandparents Misses Marsha GOrski of Erie are Mr. and Mrs. August and Virginia Goldsburg 01· western of MlUord, Del. liethlehem wore light blue gowns of flowing chiffon over yellow wllh yellow Dlor bow headpieces, yellow shoes and while gloves. They all carried Mr. and .Mrs. James Curran bouquels 01 daisies and Ivy. of Quincy, Ill., are announcing Mr. Thomas Schllchler of· the engagement and approachChambersburg was best man Ing marriage of their daughter, for his brother. The ushers Miss Cathy Curran. to Mr. were the Messrs. Ethan Robert Braxton Jarratt, nI, son Shapiro and Samuel Schlichter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dennett ,both of Chambersburg, and of Chebeaugue Island, Me.,lorDennis Jackson schleicher 01 merly of Norlh Prlncelon aveEddystone. nue. The wedding Is planned Mrs. Leon P. Brick of Lansfor August 31 In st. Boniface dale was the organist. Miss catholic Church. Donna Greenwood of SpringMiSS curran is a graduate field, the solOist, sang before of Notre Dame High school the ceremony. and attended Quincy College. The' bride's mother chose She Is employed al Hallmark a floor lengih parakeet green cards, Inc., in Kansas Clty~ Empire A -line gown trim med Mr. Jarratt Is a graduate of with lace; shoes and hat to swarlhmore High School and match and a purse corsage of received his B..A. degree from white marguerites. Bowdoin College in Brunswick, The mother ~ of the brIde'Me. lie holds a. B. F, T. from groom selected a long chiffon the American Inslltule for gown of olive and avacado, hat Foreign Trade in Phoenix, to match and a corsage of yelAriz., and Is employed at low marguerites. Hallmark Cards, Inc. He is a A reception was held Imme m ber 01 psi Upsilon mediately following the cerefraternity and of the Jaycees mony at the Sprlngflel~ eJuv,J,u CLOSED MONDAYS DURING AUGUST 8lL CZf(eA 8~f1" ffit· 0pd Of ~ 5J)i£L1noru1 [ If she means enough to you, a diamond from . . .. will mean more to her. Many claims are made about diamonds, but they rarely ever prove anything. The product is the proof of the pudding. Our diamonds are simply the finest you can buy or receive. That's not a misleading claim; that's fact! And we can prove it to you regardless of the amount you want to spend. In fact, get the best diamond any amount can buy. They're ours! Stop In and look af our perfectly cut diamonds through a 10x loupe. p~ Reproduced below Is a sample of a typical Doubet apprai6al. Ute this as a guide, eithar here or elsewhere, to be sure that you are getting what you pay for. • __________ CLIP AND TAKE TO STORE __________ • I I ITo Whom It May Contern: I I I : The Diamond Ril1\O! described below, belonging to Mr. John: : Doe in its present form has the approximate retail value of $450.00.: I I I I I I I I Weight 48 pt. (V2 Carat Range) Color Extra Fine White Cut Modern Perfect I I 'I I : Clarity Slight Inclusion : : I Shape Brilliant (Round) Mounting 14 kt Yellow or White (Tiffany) : I : CARL. A. DOUBET I By Joseph Doubet : I I I I I ' I I I I I • ' ~----------------------------------, LET US SHOW YOU WHY % caral - ,$15010 $300 Y.I carat $300 to $500 THE DIFFERENCE FOR SAMi SIZE DIAMONDS. 3A carat $600 to $800 GIFT PNB WRAPPING ~ \. -... '<,:,- CASH CHARGE w... . • DEUVERY atH .. EDGMONT t.VI. CHESTER Wilm. Mort, Edg. Moor D.lawa,. TR 602576 HU 503780 IIUDGET P•5• 'OU SERVICE app",loal papa" stad.. wolght. cut, clarit}l an. ...1 ""I.. • • • Not \.... a ...........pt. ' ' , Page 4THE SWARTHMOREAN { PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ATSWARTHMORE,PENNA. PETER E. TOLD. MA"RJORIE T. TOLD, Publishers Service Held For MISS HRBI PRICE, Winfield Baile NAlIVE SW Phone: Klng.wood 3-0900 Helen price, ,a formet: resi- Wallingford ResidenJ N.P. School Solicitor dent of swarthmore, died PETER E. TOLD. Editor Tbursday, July 11 at ber borne, BARBARA B. KENT. Managing Editor 2210 Garden place, Ralelgb, Rosalie D. Peirsol Mary E. Palmer Doris E. Weidner .N. C. -- -- - ._-- . .. ... --Born In october, 1885 In DEAD-LINE - WEDNESDAY 11 A.M. A funeral service was beld tbe Benjamin West House, Miss SWARTHMORE. pA .• 19081. FRIDAY. AUGUST 2, 1968 at tbe Cburch of. tbe Holy Price was a graduate of SwarthApostles and tbe Mediator, more HlgbSCboolandofswarthEntered as Second Class Matter. January 24. 1929, at tbe Post Omce at Swartbmore. Pa•• under the Act of March 3. 1879. Phtladelpbla, for R. Winfield more College, In tbe class Of ---C-;'A monarchy is a merchantman (ship) which sails Balle, 218 Sykes lane, Wamng- 1907. well, but will sometimes strike on a rock and go to the ford, wbo died Friday, July 27 Sbe was tbe daugbter of Ferris price, professor of In a st. Louis bospltal. bottom; a republic is a ralt which will never sink. but Mr. Bille suffered a massive Latin at swartbmoreandanlece then your feet are always in the water." stroke tbe previous Wednesday of Clara Price Ne~port, bead Fisher Ames, a member of Congress in 1795, quoted whtle be and hts wife Marjorie of tbe German department at by Ralph Waldo Emerson in his essay on "Politics. " were visiting tbelr stepson tbe college until ber retirement. CHRISTIAN SCI ENCE NOTESj He that lovetb not knoweth not perry Parmelee. Miss Price taugbt Latin and God; for God Is love." Born 62 years ago In PhlI- Greek at Hood College and at These verses from I John· adelphta, Mr. Balle was grad- Meredltb College, Raielgb, r. Beloved, let us love one are part of this week's Lesson- uated from' Temple University from where she retlred several another: for love Is of God; Bermo" titled .. Love" to be Law Scbool In 1928 and bad years ago. and everyone that loveth Is read In Christian SCience practiced law In Delav.are Sbe Is survived by several born of God, and knoweth God. churches all over the world. County (or 38 years. nephews and nieces, including He was a senior parteer in' Mrs. Lee Dodson, 339 Park The Lesson-Sermon a 1 SO CHURCH SERVICES Includes selected passages the Baile, Tbompson and Sbea from tbe Cbrlstian Science I firm In upper Darby. PRf SBYTERIAN CHURCH ; textbook, "Science and Health He was a (or mer president 727 Harvard Avenue 1 with key to tbe Scriptures" of the Delaware County Bar Dr. Rex S. Clement. . by Mary Baker Eddy. Among Association and had served as Interir;l Minister , them Is the following: chairman of tbe County Healtb "Wben we rerulze tbat tbere and Welfare Council. He bad John U. Miller, Jr. Is one Mind, the divine law of spearbead~d programs for tbe Director of Music loving our neighbor as our- Family Service Agency, which Sunday __ ~ Frida)', August 2, 1968 avenue, David and Charles Price of Moylan, and MrS. Eric Schade of Moorestown, N. J. A memorial service will be held In Raleigh on september 8. A. memorial wlJi also be beld In Swartbmore at a later date. NEWS NOTES Mr. Edward B. Mifflin, Drew avenue, state representative at Harrisburg, will attend tbe Republican National Convention being beld next week In Miami Beacb. . Diane Reynolds, daugbter of Mrs. Hallock campbell of Hempstead lane, Wallingford, returned to Tucson last week after a montb's visit. Sbe will resume studies toward her Master's degree at tbe Unf- . ..,. Sh 0 p SWARTH'MORE 5 & 10 25% OFF 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion Child care. UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF SWARTHMORE Pork Avenue John C. Kulp, Minist.r Pershing Porker Assistant Minister Charles Schisler Dir., Music Sunday 9:50 A.M.-Church School 10:00 A.M.-Morning Worship 11:00 A.M.-Adult Bible Class DIAL "L.I-F- T-U.PS' (KI 3-8877) FOR AN UP. LIFTING DAILy MESSAGF OF FAITH AND HOPE. selves Is unfolded; whereas a he had also served as preSident. belief In many ruting minds hinders man's normal drift towards tbe one Mind, one God, and leads buman tbought Into opposite channels wbere selfIsbness reigns." All are welcome to attend the services at First Cburcb of Cbrlst, Scientist. 206 Park He had been solicitor of the Upper Darby Scbool District since 1941 and tbe Netber Providence School District since 1946. Enlisting In the Marine Corps as a captain in 1942, he served as a battalion commander In the Soutb PacUic. He was pro- avenue, at 11 a.m. PRESBYTERIAN NOTES Holy Communion will be celebrated at the service of morning worship on SUnday. Mr. Clements wlU give tbe sermon. Ohtld care will be available during the service. I A quarJet comprised of James : ,od Mary Ellen Clark, Dorothy Lamherson and Ray Gemmill wlll present the. special music. , Guest organist for Sunday wlll be Charles Allison. I I T -H-E---RE""L~IG"'I:":"CUsSOCI I'm' OF FRIENDS Whittier Place Sunday 9:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. 9: 45 A.M. -Meeting for Wo~ 1 ship. I METHODIST NOTES 11 :00 A.M.-Meeting for ConHoly Communion will be held cerns. at the 10 o'clock service of Mondoy worship on Sunday. Mr.. All·Day Sewing Parkers sermon topic Is enWednesday titled U The Lord's Table. 'I All-Day Quilting Classes for ail ages througb ---:-=:-:-:-=-=::=:::-:-6th grade are held at 9:50. TRINITY CHURCH The Adult class meets at 11. Chester Rd. & ColI'ege Ave. ! I, i Rev. Warren C. Skipp, Rector Rev. Edward 1'1... Schneider Assistant Kector Robert :Omori Organist.- Choirmaster SUMMER SCHEDULE Sundoy 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion 10:00 A.M.-Holy c-ommll'nion (Prayer Book) Thursday 9:~O A.M.-Holy Communiun FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Sunday : I :00 A.M.-Sunday School II :OQ A.M.-The Less9n-Sermon will be "Love. n Wednesday evening meeting each week, 8 P.M. Reading Room 409 Dartmouth Avehue open week.doys except hoI. ido) s, 10.5, (Nursery avajl. able on Sundays.) LEIPER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 90:0 Fairview Road Dr. Edward A. Morris Interim Minister Sunday I 9:30 A.M.-Morning Worship NOTRE DAME de LOURDES Michigan Ave.&Falrview Rd. Rev. Charles A. Nelson. Pastor Rev. Donald Helm, Ass't Sunday fOHn, Mass - 8,9.10,11,12:15 Other Days - 8: DO A.;': .:orJeaslon Sat 4-5:30; 7:»-9 nlNITY NOTES moted to lieutenant by TOWLE ALL PATTERNS BUY YOUR COMPLETE SERVICE or ADD ADDITIONAL PIECES TO YOUR SET AT GREAT SAVINGS News Note ' ......LJVER CLUB PLAN NO INT or Mr. and Mrs. William W. Watkins of Magill road are spending tbe montb of August at tbelr summer home In Avalon, N. J. During their absence tbelr borne wlU be oc- 25% OFF ROBERT.S JEWELERS cupied by tbelr niece Mrs. Rlcbard W. Bender and her busband Lt. Bender. Tbe Cor. State St. and South Ave. Benders bave just returned 1.0 6-0981 Media from two years In Newfound- I~_'_'_ _'_'__~_"" __~'_"~'_'_'_'_'''_~~_'_''~_'''' land. Lt. Bender Is now stationed at tbe PhtladelphtaNavai Base. Deliver Paperbacks For Inductees to The Swarthmorean. THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY THE PUBLlSH[R Holy Communion wlII.be celehrated at 8 a.m. Sumlay. Holy Communion, with use of prayer Book, wlU be celeIH'ated at 10 a.m. Mid-week -Holy Communion will be h~ld at 9:30 a.m. Thurs(la~.-' . • • including serving pieces colonel YOUNG READERS AT 100 MARK The library'S Summer ReadIng Program for chtldren htt tbe 100 mark tbls week, and librarians were looking for duplicating macblnes to boost . their supply of clown enrollment sheets. The 9 by 12 registration slip depicts a clown In traditional costume, and the entire roster may be seen (In fact, they are hard to miss) at the entrance of tbe library where row upon row, they greet tbe Incoming patrons. Tbe book reports, botb written and pictorial are also In full view, on tbe Library Friends' ample bulletin board to tbe left. Here are a few more samples of tbe written reports, which come from very young readers, to those working . up In tl/e Juvenile reading world: "M),stery Up tbe Winding stair." ON ALL· STERLI~G SILVER FLATWARE prior to hts disc barge In 1946. He Is also survived by another stepsonPatrlck Parmelee of Springfield; a brother Harold scott Balle of Phlladelphta, and six grandchildren. , Interment was beld following the service, In Arlington Cemetery. Friday, AUlUst 2, 1968 only $199°~ to convert to U My favort part's were when the intruder came and when grampa rembered were he hid tbe letherbag." Jeffrey Cornelius -'.to'OX In SOCkS," by Dr. seuss uThis book was' a funny tongue -twister. I didn't like It." Ted Fry Nancy rfrew Mystery: "The Hidden Staircase," C~ ~eene. "Nancy and ber friends find themselves looking for a ghost around Anantant Manchant wltb relatives involved." S. Weir "U.F.O.'s and LF.O.'s" by Gardner Soule "Tbls book (U.F.O.'s and I. F.O. 's) Is a Factual Report on Flying Saucers. II bas some stories on U.F.O.'s tbat are Incredibly unbelievable. I hope bls book wlll make you Interested In U.F.O.'S and LF.O.'S as it has made me Interested In U.F.O.'s and steven prosal< NEW LIBRARY BOOKS FICTION - Ayrton, Mlch.~el The Maze· Maker. Baldwin, James - Tell Me How Long the Train's Been Gone. Bradford, Richard - Red Sky at Morning. Burgess, Anthony - Enderby. Campbell, John W. Analog 6. Cunningham, E. V. Cynthia. Gilliatt, Penelope A state of Change. Golon, Sergeanne - The countess Angellque. Gordon, Donald The Golden oyster. Gunnar sscn, Gunnar - The Black CIUfs. Haycraft, Molly Costain - My Lord Brother the I.ion. Heyer, (;eorgette - Powder and Patch. Holt, Victoria - The Queen's confession. Keyes, Frances parkinson - The Heritage. Kirst, Hans Hellmut The wolves. Laumer, Keith The Day before Forever and Thunder Head. Mano, D. Keith Bishops' progress. Nabokov, , Police News A 27 -year-old Wallingford man waived local hearing and was held under $500 ball Friday for grand jury on charges of Indecent exposure. The Incident which occurred at' 3 p.m. June 27 at Kenyon arid Rutgers avenues involved two 15~year­ old girls wbo reported tbe license number of the man's car to police and later Identified him In a line -up aiter be was arrested at his home on July 20. A 62-year-Old North ~lI.. ml man driving south on one-waynorth Rutgers avenue collided with the car of 2 I-year -old Bruce G. Shoemaker of Academy road at 3:20 p.m. Sunday. Police said Josepb Nlcorvo htt tbe Sboemaker car as It was traveling west on strath Haven a venue and alte mptlng to cross Rutgers, IncapacitatIng It. NO Injuries were reported. Vladimir - King, Queen, Knave. Palmer, Marian - The Whtte Boar. portis, Charles - True Grit. Thompson. Jean - The House Heating When was the last time you thought enough of yourself to have a Pap test? If your present heater is in acceptable condition, YOlJ can convert now to GAS HOUSE HEATING for only $199! This low price include.s the complete job, with thermostat and automatic controls. Other benefits include: 1/ you can find time lor the beam)' salon once a week, you call find time for the Pap rest ollce a year.' ** ** It's qtl;ck. It's painless. It's great to know you're free 0/ weT;lIc cancer. And if those reasons aren't reasoll enough, moybe this will be: Nearly 100% of all uterine callcers art! curable when detected early. The next lime you call your beauty saloll for an appoint. And, your regular heating bills can be budgeted into equal amounts over-a lO·month period! . Call your local plumbing or heating contractor for full details on converting to GAS HOUSE HEATING. Get complete i,nformation on this special offer by calling our nearest suburban office. me,,', call your doctor lor one, too. II makes sense to have a yearly Pap test. It makes sense 10 give to the .4merlccm Canf!er Soc/otT 'I Saw It In "'e S-rthmo...... • NO DOWN PAYMENT FIVE YEARS TO PAY 24-HOUR NORMAL INSTALLATION 24-HOUR FREE ADJUSTMENT SERVICE • House of Trevor, Elleston - A Place for the Wicked. Troy, KatherlneFarramonde. MYSTERIES - Bell, Josephtne - Death of a Con Man. Christie, Agatha - Spies among Us. Freellng. Nicholas - Strike out where not Applicable. Jay, Simon - Sleepers can Kill. Lathen, Emma - A Stich In Time. Lovell, Marc - The Ghost of Megan. Shannon, Dell Kill wltb Kindness. Sims, .George - Tbe Last Best Frleml. Stein. Aaron Marc - Kill Is a Four Letter Word. stout, Rex The Father Hunt, NON-FICTION - Bowen,John : After tbe Rain. Brown, Robert McAfee - An American Dia- logue.' Flexner, James ThomasGeorge Washington In t be American Revolution. Pritchett, V. S. - A Cab at the DOor• • Tomorro~. this week aiter spending severai weeks on Monhegan Island, Word has been received that Maine. DUring their absence Robert W. Hess has been pro- their bouse was occupied by moted to .flrst lieutenant. He Mrs. Douglas Davidson and Is stationed wltb the 173rd daughters Wendy and Gail of Airborn Cavalry In Vietnam. Bryn Mawr, formerly of A 1967 graduate of Virginia Swartbmore, and Miss Anne Mllitary Institute, Lt. Hess Is Mabbott of Clifton Helf!bts. a son of Samuel H. Hess Of Dr. and Mr.s. James L. Jezl Toledo, 0., and a grandson of and chtldrenJean, Jimmy, Mary Louise and baby Anne of DogMajor Charles Hess, (AF ret.) of Vassar avenue. wood lane returned on Saiurda)' after vacationing for two weeks In Waillngford, vt. Peter Hallock Campbell, son of Dr. Hallock Campbell of Hempstead lane, Wallingford, Swartbmore Borough resi- returned home last Tbursday dent's requests for blood may after a year at Tbe University be made to Mrs. Joban Natvlg, of Oslo, Norway, as a FulRed Cross Chairman of Blood, brlgbt Fellow. He will be an KI 3 -0324, or to her co- Instructor In tbe botany departchairman Mrs. George stauffer, ment at tbe University of KI3-3861. Nortb . Carolina wblle completIng his Doctoral thesis. Mrs. Edward B. Mifflin, Drew avenue, arrived home Monday from Eaton, 0., where sbe and chlldren Bill and Margo Miss Constance W. Bouck, were tbe guests of relatives. currently of Elm avenue, has Wednesday, Mrs. Mifflin left returned from five weeks in for Rhode Island to pick up Europe, Including slays In anotber chtld, Lawrie, wbo bas Amsterdam and Barcelona, been baby-slttln<: witb tbe HarGermany, France, and Switzer- rison Wrlgbt family for a montb land. Sbe had brief visits at at Jamestown; tbey plan to look L' Arche ("Tbe Ark"), tbe, at Southern New England colpatrlarcbal non-violent, man- leges before tbelr return thts ual-labor community founded weekend. Two more children, by Lanza del Vasto In tbe soutb Fred and Lisa. return home .of France, and at Talze In tomorrow after two weeks at Burgundy, the protestant mon- scout camps, Fred from Delastic community r e c e n II y mont and Ltsa from Hidden described In the "Christian Falls. Century." The trip ended witb 10 days at Grandchamp near NeucbatellnSwltzerland, wbere she saw former Swarthmorean Mrs. Andre DelaUre, now Soeur Yvonne de Grandchamp. Grandchamp is the women's community which corresponds to tbe men's community at Taize. Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Mublenberg and four chtldren Kobl, Mimi, Dela and Mattias of Harvard avenue returned Monday from three weeks of vacation In Avalon, N. J, Tbelr guests during tbelr stay Included Mr. and Mrs. John McCoubrey and family of Park avenue; Mrs. WlIliam Clarke Conviction for: and son Rick of Stratb Haven STOPPING. ON HIGHWAY avenUe and Mark Perry of Park No vehicle is permitted to be avenue. parked or be left standing, NAMED 1ST. LT. EMER6E11CY BLOOD Personals Wall'h YDIH PDmt\! attended or unattended, upon Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Mannlng of Boston, Mass., are visltlog with their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. George V. Bird and children of Nortb the main traveled portion of any highway..• ln case of a disabled vehicle that must. of necessity, be temporarily stopped on the highway... SWarthmore warning nags or flares should avenue. During their visit they baby-sat wltb tbelr grandchildren whlle tbelr son-In-law and daugbter spent a few days at stona Harbor I N. J. Carolyn Phillips of Strath Haven avenue and Ellen Cryer of Drew avenue have returned borne after spending two weeks at Girl Scout camp Hidden Fails In tbe Poconos. Mr. and Mrs. peter J. Kroon and chtldren Catherine, Brian and Jeffrey moved Monday from 16 South princeton avenue to tbelr new home at 222 RUtgers avenue, the former Peter Murray home. steven Thompson, son or Mr. and Mrs. William Tbompson of Harvard avenue, Is spending thts week at camp at Pennington Island, Frenchtown, N. J. Georgann Scbroeder, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Tolley of RUtgers avenue bas returned home after attending Westminster College In New Wilmington on a five-week Art scbolarshtp. Alex cox of Elm avenue new Wednesday evening to tbe Texas Hill country near Austin for a week of camping, swimming and dancing wltb a large gatberlng of friends and relatives. Miss Susan Lathbury, daughter of Mrs. Faith C. Latbbury formerly of Swartbmore has returned to Boston, Macs., after a two-week vlstt at her borne In Moylan. ADD Martba Logue returned bome this week alter a trip to Chtcago, DI., with tbe George L. Weirs of Ogden avenue. She aiso viSited relatives In northern UUnols. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest D. Lewis and daughter Kendra returned to their .1IOme on Park avenue ~~r;;~~'ON YOUR RECORD!! I ~~~~~~;§:~~~~;;;~I I; /N~TANrNEAD£N N£~PfJNU r~- PETER E. TOLD Klngswood 3-1833 All Lines of Insur.nc. 333 STEAKS-HOAGIES THE HOAGIE SHOP DiMatteo's Fairview at Michigan KI : I I I Annual Summer Clearance' BEGINS 2ND WEEK MONDAY Many Reductions - Specials on Lamps and China Hours 9:30·5:30 Mon. thru Fri. Friday evg. 7-9; Saturday 9:30·1 HOLLYHOCK GIFT SHOP 'I Sow it in "'e Swartlunorean' 5S.CHESTER RD., SWARTHMORE, PA. K13-0998 II BRAKES TIRES Official State Inspection CHARLIE LACEY'S Esso Servicenter BALTIMORE PIKE & SPROUl RD. SPRINGFIELD,PA. 19064 KO·9616 On the Car Wheel Balancing Pick-Up and Delivery TUNE-UP Formerly Operated By George Sutton MUFFLERS Open 7 to 7 Mondoy thru Saturday, Sunday 9to 9 - THE SWl\RTHMOREAI'/ Wallingford Resident Retires From lsi Penna. George G., Chew, Palmers lane, Wallingford, an employee of The First Pennsylvania. Banking and Trust company, brought to a close 43 years of service to the bank when he retired yesterday, August 1. Ch;w began his banking career In 1925 with the Bank of North America which merged with First pennsylvania Bank In 1929. An officer's assistant In day proof In the transit department of the bank's Operations Center, Philadelphia, Chew has served as supervisor of midnight, twilight and day proof and was named manager of proof and proof computer controls In 1955. He attended the Evening school of Finance, University of Pennsylvania a nd took courses at the American Institute of Banking. Active In community affairs, he Is a member of University Lodge #610-Free and Accepted Masons, 'and the Associated Garden Clubs of Delaware county. He Is a past president of the First Penco Association, the employee organization, and past president uf the Bank Methods Discussion Group. Chew and his wife, Charlotte, have two daughters and six TRACK GIRLS (Continued from Page 1) 880-yard Run, Vicky Hoatll Springfield, special Blue Rib- bOn. 220-yard Run (9 & Under), swarthmore, Chester, Springfield. 440-yard Relay (10 & 11), Chester, Swarthmore, Springfield. 440-yard Relay (12 & 13), Springfield, Swarthmore, Springfield. 440-yard Relay (14 & Over), Swarthmore, Springfield "Au, Springfield" B." Long Jump(9& Under), Danlta Miller - Swarth., Laurie Holms Swarth., Tina HarperCllester. Long Jump (10 & 11), carolyn Holmes - swarth., Tina Thomas - Chester, Debbl 11111Chester. Long Jump (12 & 13), Terri Hoath - Spring., Barbara Gorgas - Swarth., Roberta Gartside - spring. Long Jump (14 & Over), Barbara GOrgas - swarth., Karen Moller - Swart h., Rita Peranteau - Spring. High Jump (12 & 13), Andrea Kawalezyk - Spring., Laurie 'Keller - Swarth., Elizabeth Reynolds - Swarth. High Jump (14& Over), Karen Moller Swarth., Lauren O'Brien - Swarth., Rita Peranteau - Spring. grandchUdren. In his leisure ume, he enjoys gardening and woodworking. " The first child laborlawprohlbltlng chUdren under twelve years of age from engaging in commercial labor was approved by Governor Francis R. Shunk of Pennsylvania . In 1~48, The public' Library summer schedule Is a's tollows: ' Open Monday through Friday, 2 to 9 p.m. closed Saturday; open 9 to noon Wednesday mornll!lpnlv. -, . . - ..• riCipRiCii~ "/ l 1 -EYED + lED ClOSS IUGII PIOIIIIII NOTICE Estate of KATHARINE C. BRIGGS, deceuSed, late of 317 Dickinson Ave.,Swarthmore, Pa, Letters Testamentary have been gmnted to the undersigned, whO request all persons having claims or demands against the estate to present them In writIng, and all persons indebted to the estate to make payment promptly 10 Isabel Briggs MYers and Clarence G. Myers, Execu" tors, 321 Dickinson Ave.. swatth· more •.~~ 19081. 3T-8-2 PATTERSON'S FUNERAL HOME Phone LOwell 6-3400 PERSONAL - A-I Quality' Tree Service. Expert pruning. t09ping, removals. FEEDING and SPRAYING. Stumps removed. Swartllmore references. Fully insu red. Klngswood 3-2010. : Picture Framing ROGER RUSSEll c.s. - ' PERSON AL - Will repair all small electrical appliances; any. l~lng not working around the home. Will pick up and deliver. Call Bill McKee, TRemont 40873. LOST AND FOUND LOST -Gold btacelet with nanle "Ruth K. Mettler" inside. Sent.. Imental value. Reward. KIn gswood 3-7954. Aged, Senile. Cllronic convalescent M.en and Women Excel Ient ~"'Ood-Spaclous,Grou nds EI!le 'Crlljis Honore? SADIE PIPPIN TURNER. Prop., ___._. ____ ; . .:" - . ' WANTED -Woman~ experienced typist. Call Mrs. Snyder, KIngswood 3-0266. WANTED - Possession of station wagon to drive load of household goods to Ellsworth, Maine, mid-August. (or expenses. Klngswood 4-0584. IV ANTED - Two-bedroom apartment. preferably in older house, not third floor. Near village. Will consider one bedroom if rooms are extra large. KIngs.. 3-0695. FOR SALE FOR GALE - Set of York bar bells, 200 pounds, $30. Ro se tone on tone wool rug, 11 X 12, $20. KIngswood 3--6258. FOR SALE - Oval glass corner china closet. walnut finish, best offer; Iron bed frame $5 for twin or double bed. hand-painted models sensibly priced. Call Klngswood 4-4761. SUPPORT RED CROSS Editor's Note: - Alex Cox, author of the leUer below, Is guidance counsellor to tlje 9th, IOtll and 1! th grades at the hlgh'school. . ED AINIS KI 4-3898 us help SALES - APPRAISALS - MORTGAGES Providence Rd. al (tontlnued from Page I) one week and even three In a row taxed the pitching staff very heavily. Everyone was willing to try a new poslt!on to help the team, and along wltll two or three practices a week, the boys were winning. A boy would play one position' one game, try another one In practice and play It In the next game. The' t6am consisted of 20 suell boys. Tllree were cllosen by the coaches to represent the CUppers In an All-Star Game on July 27 at Clifton Helgllts Joe Delozier, Jelf Martin and Jack Reese. Joey, Marty and JaCkie, the coaches commented, are players' players "Always IN A.A.U. MEET there, willing to work, loyal, and aggressive In thought and Tile AAU Invitational Meet actions, describes these boys was held on Saturday In Wiland Illelr contribution to the mington, Del. The SRA girls' team." team of 13-and-under age group The coaches were a little competed with teams from New disturbed at the record at- York, New Jersey, Baltimore, tendance of spectators at the Md., pennsylvania and Delgames. With only two or three aware: faithful parents attending the Four girls collected medals. games regularly, tbey tried In- Winners included: creasing the attendance byhavsue Dunton, 3rd place In the Ing a parent night whereby each 50-yard hurdles; Laurie Keller I boy was to bring at least one 3rd In the 220-yard dash; parent with him to the game Barbara Gorgas, 3td in the In order to play. The scheme long jump; and' Barbara Gorworked that night, and from gas, EII.abeth Reynolds, sue then on the attendance increased Dunton and Laurie Keller, 3rd by about thr~e ,more parents. In the 440-yard relay. UnW their one loss on July The SRA team also finished 22 to Lansdowne, the boys were third In point scoring In the holding ground In a three-way meet. eValley Nurseries,1 To the Editor: My confidence In the future Is bolstered €ach year when I am reminded how many young people devote some at tllelr energy, talent and enthusiasm to help ellmlnate Injustice and suffering, meet needs, and otherwise work to enhance the quality of life In their communities. . Last summer alone, over 3900 'youth grades 9 througll 12, r~presentlng 152 Philadelphia and suburban sChoQIs worked approximately 300,000 Ilours as volunteers for Delaware Valley, ,,~-prot1t organizations and'inslitutions. I would like to extend to swarthmore students the appreciation and commendation of the organizations, ligen.les and communities they served last summer and during the school year. (These are In addition to tile considerable number who serve each year as teacher aids in our church schools, tutors and office assistants In our public schools, volunteers for numerous com .. munlty fUnd drives, first yoar counselors with the Swarthmore Recreation Association, volunteers In political campaigns, peace and civil rlgllts movements, etc ..) Serving as volunteer firemen were: Ed Corse, Jeff McKee, nave Waltz, Dave Trexler, Bill Far,kas, Glenn Bartlett and Rick Glatthorn ot the Rutledge Fire DRIVEWAYS & PARKING AREAS Built & Resurfoced Grading; Sodding,. Seeding -rop Soil & Mushroom Soil Stone, Cement & Block Work Retaining Walls and Drains CELLARS WATER-PROOFED CALL MAdison 6-3675 CHRISTIAN S~IENCE RADIO SERIES SUNDAY - 8:45 A.M. WFlL, 560 k.c. SUNDAY - 6:45 A.M. WQ~ - F'M, 106.1 m.g. tie for first place between Lansdowne, Norwood and. Swarthmore. Tile Team Record Is as fol· lows: Wins - Sharon Hill 6 -0; Tlnlcum 6-2; Folcroft 4-3; Darby Twp. 4-2; Aldan 3-2; Kedron 5-2; Sharon HIli 6-3; Norwood 5-4; Darby Twp. 9-8; Yeadon 15-2; Tlnlcum 11-5; Collingdale 3-1; Glenolden 6-5; Norwood 8-5. Losses - Neither Providence 8-2; Springfield 6-2; Lansdowne 6-0; Kedron 5-3; Clifton 5-1; Lansdowne 4-0. Swarthmore beat Norwood 12-1 In the second plac~ playoff for the western division held 'l'Uesday at Swartllmore's Riverview field. E.D.C.O. Teams In Tribute to Youth help Complete, Professional Real Estate Service Judy Coslett Residential Specialist FOR SALE - Antiques. country fumitu.re, lamps~ glass. Will buy. Chairs recaned and rerushed. Bullard, Klngswood 3-2165. COTTMAN, DREW & COSLETT, INC. Ed Coslett Beb Thonison Painting Contractor FOR SALE - Danish modern style sofa. Excellent condition. $60. Call LOwell 6-3905. REAL ESTATE Brooke Cottman Mortimer Drew ,. .-...-.~.,_.-.rl WANTED - Practical Swarthmore woman seeks (!uiet living accommodation beginning Sept.. ember 15th in return for services needed by you; companionsllip. secretarial. tutor. child or household care. etc. Write your suggestions to Box L. The Swarthmorean. WANTED - Anyone interested in substitute teaching In any subject at the Swarthmore-Rut-, ledge Union Scllool District. llease contact Swarthmore High· 3chool. Klngswood 3-4800. SRA Arts & Crafts Program Ends Today Editor's Note - Marsha Is In Grebbestad, Sweden wlth'tbe Eric RUdman family under the youth tor Understanding program. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Foster of Rutledge, she will be a senior at Swarthmore High School In the fall. IVANTED - Boy. 18 years or older for deli very and part.. time work in store. Call Klngswood 3-1913. FOR SALE - Par Fall deli. c •."I order bird feeder now. S. 435 Plush Mill Road. LOwell 6-4551. LOST - Our orange cat,has stili not come home. Have you seen him? Klngswood 3-9389. FOUND - Orange kitten with collar; vicinity Dickinson Av&nue. Sunday. Call Klngswood 34032. FOUND - Pet crow - vicinity of Michigan Avenue. Call KIngswood 3-7955. - 24'Hour Nursing Care LOST - Fat grey male cat and black and white kitten. Reward. KIngswood 4-7,575. FOUND - Young female dark tortoise shell cat, July 21, 605 Elm Avenue. Klngswood 3-8634. !1 2507 Chestnut St., Chester -rRemont 2-5373 WANTED PERSON AL - Blacktop drl voways e x c a vat in g. Free esti .. mate~. Top soil. Call A.G. Kramarlc, TRemont 4-6136. i TO the Editor: Through you I wish to thank all those who made my trip to Sweden possible. Without their encouragement and SUPport this journey would I)ot have been a reality. I am truly Ilavlng the time of my life. I am beginning to realize that the world Is not so very very large any more .. airplanes have brought us all closer togetller. I feel that every high school student sbould be gf ven this opportunity. Thank you all again. Yours sincerely, Marslla E. Foster KI...-..-."'-" 3·8161 .......-..--....."! ----~ ~ PERSONAL' In Appreciation BELVEDERE ALESCENT HOME When you are driving, don't stare at a fixed point on the roadway ahead. Keep the eyes shifty to get the full picture of what is ahead -traffic signs, signals, other vehicles, pedestrians, intersections, curves, hi lis or any other hazard-and to avoid drowsiness. The Voice. Anybody's OVER 30 YEARS' EXPERIENCE voice. Your voice. It "as a A Price to Meet special quality and timbre Every Need all its own. Bill. If it should become .;: hoarse or if a cough should : persist, find Ollt what the reason is. Promptly. It could be a warnillg signal 0/ cancer. And cancer is easier to cure when it's de· tected early. Frank Sinatra knows the seven warning signals 0/ Photographic Supplies cancer. Do you? 1. Unusual bleeding or discharge. 2. A lump or LOwell 6-2176 thickening in the breast or elsewhere. 3. A sore that does not heal. 4. Change in bowel or bladder habits. 5. Hoarseness or cough. 6. Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing. 7. Change in A DOD-prom. mutual a wart or mole. rprlae for the of 1/ a signal lasts longer residing In than two weeks, see your neighboring comDlunUiea; dactor without delay. lnformatiOD as to lots ' It makes sense to know the seven warn· to ing signals 0/ cancer. It makes sense to give GARRETT. Mgr. to the A ..... riean 31'7 Maple Ave. KI 3-4,719 Ca"""r swarthmore. Pa. S""iety • .. I-.. : I ~ PAINTING 'INTERIOR & EXTERIOR FREE ESTIMATES - Delaware Valley COLLEGE APPOINTS PERSONAL Tree Experts, Shirer Building, Swarlhmore. Pa. All types of MRS. LYNNE MIFFLIN tree work. Fully Insured. Free estimates - 10 years' experiswarthmore College has an- ence. KIngswood 4-3035. nounced the appOintment of I"::P::'E::RSO:::':::N=AL:':::;;:':-;;':Fu"::'-rn":i:':tu":'r":'e:':r-e-n-n-Lynne Davis MlffllnasDireclor ishlng. repairing. Quality work of Financial Aid and Foreign al moderate prices - antiques Student Advisor beginning the and modern. Call Mr. Spanier• academic year, September Klngswood 4-4888. 1968. ?ERSONAL - custom tallorea Mrs. Mlffiln received her slip cover. Special Sale. Chair. B.A. from Swarthmore In 1949 $15. Labor charge, plus cost of fabric selected fro m our sarnand her M.A. In Philosophy In pies. All work done personally 1964. She has been teaching a by Mr•. and Mrs. Seremba. Sag·, class in philosophy to seniors ging seats of chairs and sofas at the swarthmore High school repaired. LUdlow 6-7592. swarthmorean advertiser since for the past two years. 19.51_ She Is married to Edward 'PERSONAL - Piano t u nl n g B. Mifflin who is running for specialist. minor rep ai r i n g. his tourth term as repre- Qualified member Plano Tech" sentalive to the i Pennsylvania nlclans Guild 17 years. Leaman, legislature. They have five KIngswood 3-5755. Children ranging In age from PERSON AL _ Carpentry. joh. seven to 17. bing, recreation rooms, book cases, porches. L.J. Donnelly. Klngswood 4-3781. . DOII't fonJet tINt gift of life The opinions expressed hplhw are those of the In(lIv,I~~all writers. JAIl letters 10 Swerthrriorean must be si ..",u., Pseudonymns may be the writer Is known Letters WII:,l'ls';,retion Editor. only IIshed at the u, of the Editor. Ann served In a Friends workcamp, In west Philadelphia. Molly Malonewas a Junior Counselor In st. Augustine's, bay Camp, North Philadelphia. Denise Boller assisted with a community survey In West Philadelphia under the auspices of the Tabernacle Presbyterian Church. Ornella De Zordo, sue Tolley and Betsy Wlncll joined SWarthmore College students In the TUtoring of elementary school children in Greater Chester Movement Centers. ASSisting with the Fund RaIsing campaign olthe Chemr Home Improvemellt Project were: THE Swarthmore graduates from previous years have described following extended periOds of service In the peace Corps, VISA, and other long-term International and domestic assignments Involving attempts to share In the Uvea, problems, and eneleavors of others. The active concern, perception, sensitivity, and "ourage of youth such as these growing up In swarthmore and their Increasing Involvement In matters which affect allot us, I believe lend promise and bope to the future. Alex Cox 405 Elm Avenue 684 SOUTH NEW MIDDLETOWN ROllO, MEDIA Route 352 - Opposite High Meadow (between Dutton M!l1 Road and Knowlton Road) TELEPHONE - TRemont 2-7206 ASK FOR BEN PALMER GROUND COYERS: BALTIC IYY (HARDIEST) PACHYSANDRA (SPURGE) PERIWINKLE (VINCA) , AJUGA company; ATLANTIC OIL HEAT FUR OIL, BURNER BUDGET PLAN -YANALEN 11 N. MORION , PA,19070 KI 3-4142 KI 3-4592 , I , Mike Field, George Zbookoff, steve Mccallister, Martin Anderson, Dave Meyer, Bill Titus, RaY parsons, Pete Hopson, and Carl Bergkvlst of tile Swarthmore Fire Company. working as counselors for camp Dumore ot the Society for 'Crippled Children were: Jane Baltln, Sally FOX, Robert Parker, Martie Martin, and David Williams. Serving as nurse'saldswere: Judy Coslett and Cberyl Daugllerty at Riddle Hospital, peggy Hart at the Navy Hospital, Laura Estabrook at !be University of Pennsylvania Hospital. sue Patterson worked for !be Red cross In Philadelphls, pam cross and Eileen Fellton Served at the Trl-caunty Hospital. pam cokely worked for tile FrI9nds Social Order COmmittee and YOUDC Great soCiety In Wast Philadelphia. Later slle . WIN Ii. .IKB FOR TH. KIDS stoP In .nII ... your ..... Ticktts ...... .... IICVCL. GIVR.AWAY .t the MId.. nu.... VACA ION SPECIALS - BUY WITH " bIcYcle lIven •••" HCh SltwAy MIl....... . ONFIDENCEI Ov.r 10 Yean of bperitftet Serving Delawar. County Automotive H..... I'RUN"-DON'T VtfALK TO MILEY & BROWN'S '68 PLYMOUTH '68 PLYMOUTH '68 CHRYSLER Fury III 4 Itotr hlnItep. 'ACTORV A.IR CONDI110N· lNG, Radio•• utom.tk, .....r IIHriMh .. II ViIl,l ....rIor, ..bite ••Itt. InIIW eIMr P' tr... L .... prICe . . . . :: $1000:~! $2995 Valiant Sedan ,'" ptety padeHa. p!:,! $1975 P&n Prtllllt c........ AUlICORIZED CHRYSLER & 36 E. STATE ST. LO 6-7251 Newport 4·d_r "II ..... _ St.ndll'd Equipment. Em.,... ~ •• All HCY flasher. windlhlekl wamlrs. ntw ~ - . Aule.".Ik.,..... "luxe .,...1 ,._rtna, tinted wlftdshlelll, ementnQ' , ..., ...... CO'terl. wlndshitkt wamen, plus p.ckage. FULLPRICE P", ' " - ChI,.... PLY~UTH DIALER new .,. "feb' . $2995 , , THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 8 IN VIETNAM Army Private First Class Bruce M. Tidball, 24, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Tidball, North swarthm"re avenue, was assigned July 11 to Ihe 1st Air Cavalry Division In Viet- nam, as a clerk. 6th In League Trial$ BEREAVED SUMMER LIBRARY HOURS IN FORCE The swarthmore pub 11 c Library summer schedule Is as follows: Opeo Monday through Friday, 2 to 9 p. m. closed Saturday; open 9 to noon Wedoesday morning only. Mrs. Robert J. cadigan of Elm aveoue and Dr. David,S. cowden of Ogden avenue were bereaved by the death of their brother, HOWirt E. Cowden, Jr., who died at his home In Dayton, 0., 00 sunday, July 21, followIng a brief Illness. they ,leave for Averill, vt., returning home Scout Camp at Reslca Falls last Friday. Enroute toAverUI, lhey stopped to see Mrs. Walter to stay for two weeks. M. Reynolds at Lyman, N. H. Mr. and Mrs. william J. In The Anned Services cressoo, Jr., with SOOB Charles Cadet Michael E. McKay, 21, and Richard of Amherst avenue son of Technical sergeant (Ret.) have returned from a two-week and Mrs. Leo A. McKay, 203 cruise on Chesapeake Bay In cricket lane, Wallingford, Is a 28 -foot sa1lboat. Salling from one of more than 800 junior the south River, near and senior class men at the AlIOapolls, tbey called at sev- U. S. MUltery Academy, West Swarthmore Swim Team placed sixth in the League eral small ports on the bay pOint, N. Y., who are receiving , Championships last week of the including st. Michaels, OXford, Army orlentetlon Training at 12 competing teams. outstand- Cambridge, SolomoOB Island, various Army Installations tbls Ing achievement was shown by crisfield and Galesville, all In summer. The cadet, a first' class man , the following swimmers and Maryland. Mr. Bill Lathbury has re- (senior), Is asSigned for apdivers: In the swlmmlngevents,Julle turned to New York City where proximately four weeks this Woodcock, 1st In individual he Is employed at the Manu- month to Ft. Dlx, N. J. Cadet McKay was appointed Medley, 400 meters, butterfly, facturer's Hanover Bank at backstroke, breaststroke, and Rockefeller Center after a visit to the mUitery academy by second In freestyle (missing with his mother Mrs. Faith C. Rep. Ellward J. Derwlnski flrst place by two tenths or a Lathhury on FOX road, Moylan. (R-JIl.). Guests of Dr. and Mrs. John He Is a 1965 graduate of second - five out of a possible J. Logue of Yale and RUtgers Homewood-Flossmoor HI g h six gold medals). Alan Lin, first In butterfly, avenues during the past week school, Flossmoor, 111. Richard W. Huskes, son of third In freestyle, ruth In back- were Mrs. Logue's mother Mrs. stroke and In breaststroke; Bruce Looby of Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Richarcl W. Midget gtrls relay, third with D. C., and Dr. Logue's sister Huskes, Wall street, WallingAnn Douglass, Susie Baxter, Miss Ellen Logue of Oakland, ford, a student at th& University of connecticut at storrs, Julie woodcock, Liz Fukushima. CalU. Miss stacy Throckmorton and Is attending Army Reserve The junior gtrls freestyle relay placed fourth with swim- Miss Jill Ballinger of EnCino, Officers' Training corps summers Pat and Leslie suther- CalU., and Miss Kimberly mer camp. The course began land, Kelly McCaffrey, Liz Crandall of Annapolis, Md., June 21 at indiantown Gap Fukushlma; midget boys free- spent five days this week vlslt- Military Reservation, Annville. style relay, sixth with Alan log with stacy's grandpareots ,. Cadet Huskes receiVe. Joyce DeCecco (left, front) 9, of Indian d,ive, Springfield, is held by, Gail Young of Cedar lane ,a volunteer at Comp Dumore, a day camp mailltained the Eostft Seal Society for Crippled Children and Adults an the college campus. Counselor Lynne Fry of Vassar avenue, holds Noreen Bradley, 10, of Pennington road, Morton. Mrs. Cook ient not only the shed built for entertaining but, her swimming pool behind the home. Eight boys and fau, lember 21. page 3 Frlde,y, AUJI\Ist 9, 1968 Page :1, 9, 1963 graodpar"nts are Mr. and Mra. Charles Raymond Murphy, Wln- " bofore she and Mrs. Crosset leave today for a western HONORED Mass. Canadian trip visiting WashingMiss peggy Carroll, daUgiIMrs. Charles E. Fischer of ton state, Vancouver, Victoria, ter of Mi; .arrd ·Mrs. J. Roy the swarthmore Apartm,mts and Bani!, Lake Louise and Jasper Carroll, Jr., of Rivervlewroad, Mrli. corben C. Shute of Maple enroute. Also today the RObert is being honored by several aveDue will fiy to Maine on Brinks and their three children friends prior to he" marriage AUgust 19 to visit Mrs. Donald Robert, Richard and Nina will to Mr. Robert Rigby Morrtson, P. Jones at Deep Cove, sebec leave for Bozman where Mrs. SUMMER HOURS: JOliet, m., 00 August 24th In Lake for several days. Mr. Brink and the children will 9:30 to 5:30 - Mon ••Thurs. the Swarthmore P resbyterilm and Mrs. Ford F. Robinson spend three weeks on Bozman 13 SOUTH '9:30 to 8:30 - Fri. . of the Greylock were guests Harbor and Dr. Brink jolnthem Church. CHESlER RQAD 9:30 to 12 Noon - Sat. Mrs. Arldrew Forbes, Wallfor several days preceding for long weekends. PA - KI 3·2513 Ingford, surprised her with a their arrival. Mrs. Cella Hobbs who has shower on July 30. Mrs. Ford M'rs. A. Blanton Tiller of been living In Honolulu Is now· Haverford place entertalned at at the home of her son MIlton F. Robinson feted her with a coffee on August I In honor of and his family on spring Valley recipe -gadget shower on the evening of August I. On Sun- Plaid coat & solid dress. Mrs. Charles Hummer, the drive, Springfield where she day, August 11, Mrs. Valentine Coat of wool I mohair / former Debby ward, who with will be until late fall. Fine and her daughter Ashle), her husband Dr. Charles HumSenator and Mrs. So J. Ervin, wl\1·enlertaln In Mise Carroll's acrylic / nylon. Dress Qf mer moved recently into 312 Jr., of North Carolina were the Nv'lnn souftl6 in honor. Mrs. LOren V. Forman,. Haverford place. Dr. Hummer weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Guernsey rsad, and Mrs. oavid color, color. color. 15 the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred N. Bell of Harvard aveR. Wadleigh, w'eUesley road, Charles Hummer of Wellesley nue. Sen. Ervin was the lunchSizes 6 to 16. $140. wl\1 he the hostesses at a misroad and woodbrook lane. eon speaker on sunaay for the cellaneous shower for the, Among the guests was alormer young Lawyers section of the August 24th bride on Friday, neighbor Mrs. R. R. Wagstaff, American~ Bar Association August 16. now of Philadelphia. meeting held In Philadelphia's Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. New Civic Center. Mrs. Ervin Baxter of ogden avenue drove Is Mr. Bell's sister. their daughter susie on SUnday Mr. and Mrs. James Arch- FETES BRIDE.TO.BE to Girl scout camp Hidden bold and children Jim, Jr., 8, Miss Charlotte Anne BrodFalls in the poconos where she Joe 6, and Susan 5, moved last will spend the next two weeks. month from Ridley TownshIp head was the guest of honor .In the same unit is Diane Mar- to 609 Academy road, the for- at a luncheon and shower at tin whose parents Mr. and Mrs. mer home of Mr. aod Mrs. The Ingleneuk, August 6th, given J. Martin, Jr., drove her to Jame.s Hughes who recently. by· Mrs. Clyde M. Miller of the camp on sunday. moved to Miami Beach, Fla. the Greylock Apartments. Miss Brodhead and Mr. Joel Mr. and Mrs. Lucian W•. Mr. Archbold Is associated with atreng will be married on Burnett of Haverford place the General Electric company. drove their daughter Betsy to Mrs. William Eaton, with August 24th at the Swarthmore camp Hidden Falls on sunday children Gregory and susan, presbyierlan Church. where she will spend two weeks was visitor for a day Monday in the advanced water front In swarthmore after taking her unit. husband to the Philadelphia A1r- PARTIES HONOR COUPLE Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. port for the flight home In Miss Marla Lowell Dye of Black and their daughters SUsan Chicago. The Eatons have been South Prlnceto!, avenue and Mr. and Carol of Haverford avenue vacationing at ocean City, N. J. Brent Wood Spears will be the returned l~te in July aUer Mr. Eaton was formerly honor guests at a dinner to·spending two weeks vacationing MInister of Education at the· night given by Mrs. Hobart L. at Cape May, N. J. Mrs. Black presbyterian Church. swan of Moylan and Mrs. and Mrs. David Harvey of Strath Betsy Thompson of prince- Charles Heisler of Forest lane Havei avenue are taking a two ton avenue, Alison Ir-.ring and to he held at the Swan home week course In Delaware county Kathiy Schieyer of Harvard on Moylan avenue. Girl scout Leadership in avenue, and Lisa MUfiln of Miss Dye's marriage to Mr. Glenolden In preparation as Drew avenue returned saturday Spears wUl take place tomorco-leaders of Girl Scout Troop from a two-week encampment row afternoon at 5:30 In The 145 this fall. at Girl Scout camp Hidden Cloisters at Swarthmore ColMr. and Mrs. A. Blanton Falls. lege. She Is the daughter of Tiller of Haverford place were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dye. Her hosts at a nelghhorhood cock- NlIP=T~1A:-:-L-:B~U~F--F--E--T-husband-to-be Is the son of tail party on SUnday in honor Mis s Christine deMoll, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wood of their neighbors Dr. and Mrs. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Spears of Hiegelsville, Bucks James H. Hammons whO have deMoll 'If North swarthmore County. sailed for zurich, Switzerland avenue, and Mrs. Clyde NewEntertaining saturday in the 'where Dr. Hammons will teach man, son or Mr. and Mrs. couple's honor will be Mrs. next year. Clyde F. Newman, Jr., of Wayne Robert J. Cadigan Of Elm aveMr. and Mrs. Judson R. were honor guests Friday at a nue and Mrs. Gordon C. Lange Hoover of Wallingford have had buffet supper and round-the- of crum ledge who will be as their two weekS guest Miss clock shower given by Mr. and hostesses at a luncheon at the I~~::!:!::!:!::!:!:!!:!!:~~:!!:!!::!!:!!:!!:~~~:!!~~!!:~~~~~ Joslen Breuness ofAmstelveen, Mrs. Henry L. Mccorkle and Rolling Green country Club. II Holland. Miss Breuness teaches Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Jones The bride-to-be was feted the fifth grade In the suburban of Haverford avenue at the MC- last saturday at a luncheon and Amsterdam school at Amstel- Corkle home on park avenue. kitchen shower by Mrs. Henry veen having earned her degree Miss deMoll and Mr. Newman L. Harris and Mrs. Charles from the Du\ch teachers col- will be married in the swarth- R. Gerner, both of South lege In Indonesia where she· more Friends Meeting on Princeton avenue, at the Harris and her family lived for more August 17. home. And on Monday of this than 25 years, while her father Miss deMoll was entertained week, Mrs. David R. wadieigh was a Dutch government at a luncheon and a kitchen was hostess at a Unen shower . ,. official. and linen shower on Tuesday for Miss Dye at her home on Mrs. Robert Brink of BOZ- when Mrs. Carl K. Dellmuth Wellesley road. man, Md., arrived yesterday of North swarthmore avenue to visit her son Dr. Robert was her hostess and was feted Brink and his family, Vassar again at a luncheon· given by avenue, and to be the overnight Mrs. Hichard G. Lonsdorf of guest of Mrs. Donald Crosset Villanova and Mrs. William G. , . of North swarthmore avenue KlIlhour of Devon althe latter's Mr. and Mrs. Chafm Chackes nl south Swarthmore avenue "UPdlt'iP U.,no. home. Last week we ran this ad but, accidentally, the $ignature was not .attached - so here is again I Have You Noticed most of the Gasoline Companies are no longer extolling the virtues of their products but are only advertising their give away games! ''''''C' Valley Nurseries, In 684 SOUTH NEW MIDDLETOWN ROAD, MEDIA .. I ASK FOR BEN PALMER OUT TO SEA GROUND COVERS: If your valuable personal property items were loat~ damaged or stolen would you be "out to sea" financially? A real "life saver" 'in situations like this is an lEtna C ••ualty "all riak." Personal Articles Floater. It can cover prac. tically all your personal property against practi .. cally every bazard-at home or away I PETER E. TOLD, Apnt ALL LINES OF INSURANCE - llip'-3-lI31 AllIe_an -Ii " 'W. •• 's • , rft J~ II,.~ III L-~ i !" BALTIC IVY (HARDIEST) PACHYSANDRA (SPURGE) PERIWINKLE (VINCA) AJUGA ANNUALS - PERENNIALS open daily until 5 p. Pi. Sunday 12 until 5 p. m. police apprehended two to beneficiaries. The other way Chester men In a car stolen Latest estimates show that Is to get In touch with your Swarthmore Recreation AS- from that cit)" and appeared \ Medllca:re has helped paY, the SOCial security District Office ~ "..~ sociation held Its annual Field at their subsequent hearing of 20,000 hospital adwhen )'OU haye a problem." All m6dern facilities with original Day for the summer Club :>n tbere last week. The suspects missions for elderly residents charm: Renowned trio . . . ftlll Wednesday, July 31 at 9:30 a.m. were held under $500 bond for of Delaware county, according entertainment program. Adult and The results of the events, given court. children's game rooms. Twin beds to Harry R- peterman, social with bath (2 persons) from $19 In order of first, second and Another car, stolen from security district manager In third place, are as follows: Clifton Heights, was found Chester. In the two years that For reservations. call Fast Running Race - 2nd abandOned on North chester Medicare has been In operation, 609·345-4464 COLLECT, Grade - Bo)'s - Brian Keller; road last Thursday morning. hospital pay m eDt s h a v e marlborougb-~(cnbclm Walter Dixon, Robert Gates; P,lIIk Pf.llU amounted to approxtmately $12 ~ Matic ._.:::_:'.'! :_". Girls -Ann Bowie, Kathy Crane, million. Kim Bender. 3rd Grade - BoysPeterman safd that Medicare Greg RBPP, Rick Shaffer, Alex has toade It possible for thouBowie; Girls - Judy McKelvey, sands of elderly people, who Beth Rhodes, susie Klingler. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Luker •might have deferred or gone 4th Grade - BOyS - Robbie their three children Jen- without care, 10 afford treatHenderson, Andy Rose, Bill Inll'A~. Jeffrey and James are ment. others who might have Mifflin; Girls - Marilyn COllins, Ihe!r new home at been charity or ward patients !.£ pat Logue, Trlna Carter. 5-6-, Drew aveoue, coming frQm are now able to receive care ~ALON· 7 Grades - Bo)'s - Alan carter, Alto, caJU. Mr. Luker ts as private patients. Jay BreSlin, Gary Groff; Girls - with Haveg Industries, Wll"I recall a local retired Liz Bunting, Janet Harvey, mlnglon, Del. man," peterman said, "who Sherwin WAlr. : 9 South Chester Road ~ softball Throw _ 2nd Grade _ sam Caldwell, Cedar lane, had been In gQOd health all his who has comploted his soph- life, and never expected to beneCall KIngswood 3-0476 ~ . BOyS - Ned Harvey, Je!fRanck, year at Amherst college tit from the program. Then he Shawn corporal; Girls - Connie w111 leave on August 29 to spend had a major U1-I~~~~~:;:=:::!~~~~~;;;;;;~~:!~;::~~~ Worth, Ann Bowie, Margaret his Junior year studying at the unexpectedly ness, and hospital expenses • McConnell. 3rd Grade - BoYS - university of Paris under the alone amounted to $2000, prac= •• Bart Mackey, Alex Reynolds, auspices of Hamilton college. tlcally all of which were paid Chris Hanseo; Girls - Holly Dr. and Mrs. Robe rt H. for him. He sald he would have Groff, Marcella Foster, Jen- Heinze and children Tim, Jon- had to mortgage his home had nlfer Perldns. 4th Grade - Boys athan and carolyn spent a re- it not been for Medicare." - Bobbie Doig, Bill Mlffiln, Rob· cent week 01). Wrighter's Lake "His statement is DOt Henderson; Girls - Marilyn above scranton. Last week Tim unique. It refiects the exCOllins, pat Logue, Trlna Car-. was a guest of the Dale Knobs perience of thousands of local ter. 5-6-7- Grades - Boys - In Avalon, N. J. residents, many of whom do not Rick Malacrea, Jay Breslin, ateven and Karen Kirby,· even own a home they could Gary Groff. children of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey mortgage." Long Jump - 2nd Grade - Kirby· of park avenue are scout Medicare also helps pay BOYS - Brian Keller, Chris campers for two weeks. steve doctor bills as well as hospital Gross and Tim lIare, Shawn Is at Reslca Falls, and Karen bills. An estimated $4 mlllion corporal; Girls - Kathy crane, is at Hidden Falls. They will dollars has been paid toward K13-19OO Anne Bowie, pam oarth. 3rd return August 17. physician's services for DelGrade - BOYS - Alex Bowie, aware County residents since Chris Hansen, Alex Reynolds; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ballard Girls _ SUsie Klingler, Beth and children Clark, Mark and the program started two years PERSONALS BEAUTY many sDe~cia Look in our largest window at the tremendous savings on Cameras, Projectors, Radios, Tape Recorders, Weainstruments and Walki(! Talkies. (Limited time only) REMEMBERGive away "Games" are paid for by the consumer in one way or another. How many prizes have you won? THE CAMERA &HOBBY SHOP 4- 6 Palk -1(1 3-4191 - fRI 9 to 8-30 'WSAT. IllI 9 to lAJO '. .- i~UI-. ,~ tJvw, ~ --1_11 BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME with a new \~ ~ -¥-some reduced-¥- Rhodes, Holly Groff. 4th Grade _ Robin spent six weeks In Brisll;O)'s _ Rob Henderson, Hick tol, R. I., on Narragansett Bay Henderson, Scott McCallister; as the guests of Mrs. Ballard's Girls _ pat Logile, Marilyn brother Mr. Fred Heald. They collins, Trlna Carter. 5-6-7 arrived \lome Tuesday of last Grades - Boys - Alan carter, week. Marianne Burtis of columbia Mike Logue, JayBreslln;GlrlsLiz. Bunting, . Jeri Hunt, Janet avenue and Laura Mccorkle of .park avenue last week joined !larvey. Sack Race _ 2nd Grade - Nancy Mccombs In Munich, BOyS _ Ned Harvey, Brian Germany, for a tour of Europe. KeUer, Robert Gates; Girls _ Nancy, who lives on Maple aveAnn Bowie, Kim Bender, Kathy nue, has been studying for a crane. 3rd Grade _ Boys' - year al the· university Alex Reynolds, steven Ng, Chris ·Munlch. The three plan to visit Hansen; Girls _ Amy coodren, In Germany, Austria, Italy, Beth Rhodes, Judy McKelvey. France, England and sc,oUan