b~it...rthuvre b~; urt hrJO ro , .rb~. LIBRARY LAUIICHES STORY HOURS Coll(;,~.e QCT4 190b1 fOR CHllDRBI PRE-SCHOOL lHRU 6TH GRADE THE SWARTHMOREAN -------------'~.~~------------------------------------------------~-------------VQLUME 40 - HuMBER 40 SWARTHMORE, PA., 19081 . FRIDAY, . . OCTOBER 4, . '1968 , 's8 $5.50 PER YEAR , WEDNESDAY ,IS STORY HOUR TIME .fOR BOROUGH YOUNGSTERS Sex Education Public Library In Topic for H & S New Service THURSDAY OPENER IS OILY VARIATION IN Robert Levy To Speak At 8 P.M. Wednesday 'Clubwomen Open '68 Year Oct. 8 The Swarthmore pub 11 c Library announces the arrival yesterday of a DOcustat which is available to the community for a. charge of 10 cents a page. On October 9, the first meetOnce the library directors Ing of the Swarthmore-Rutledge were persuaded by thelncreasElementary' Home and School ing number of requests for Association for 1968/69 will such a service, Director be held in the Swarthmore Ele- Charles H. Topping was named mentary School All Purpose I to investigate a vail a b I e Room at 8 p. m. with Marvin machines. His investigation was extensive and thorough and included visits to public libraries using reproducing machines. The loc'al lIbrary;s new acqulsitlon Is a result of the Library Board's decision that the Dpcustat (making its own change up to a quarter) now installed and in service, fits the Library'S program best. The machine prints a posi1ive reproduction (black on white background) and a reasonably good photograpby copy and will duplicate a book page, thus easing t,he work of reference I stUdents. UBRARY'S 1ST WEEKLY FULL SCHEDULE 1st Meeting To Feature Miss Kunz As Soloist The Swarthmore Pub 11 c The Woman's Club ofSwarth'SEEK TRANSPORTATION Library, Leonore Perkins I more wlll begin its fall and LibrarIan, announces a full I winter programs on Tuesday, A "friend In need" is earnschedule of weekly story hours estly sought by the family of I at 1:30 p.m. at the clubhouse, for pre-school, grades 1, 2, 3 Miss Kathy Titus, Swarthmore ! 118 Park avenue. This year and grades 4, 5, 6 - through avenue. there will be two general meetDecember 18. ings a month on TUesdays. In Miss Titus and her Seeing The pre-8chool story Hour Eye dog "Kitty" wlll fly to addition the literature departeach Wednesday Pittsburgh to begin studies at continues ment will present book reviews morning In the Library from the Computer Institute there the second Friday of the month, 10 to 11 o'clock, a program on October 14 but cannot safely Miss Harriet Kunz, River- The cancer Dressing group will of stories, rhymes and songs. take her needed eqUipment, view road, vocal soloist who continue to meet on the second Klndergarteners who attend the braille writer, typewriter, tape will pr"sent a program Qf Tuesday and the Rhythmic afternoqn session may join the recorder and record player on American music at the Exercise group will meet every program. Friday. Wnman' 5 Club of Swarth. the plane. • . T more 5 openIng program uesThe Music Section wUl attend The 3:30 to 4:30 p:m. story If anyone is driving to Pittsthree Friday Philadelphia Hour for ~rades 1, 2, 3 and burgh between October 10 and day afternoon. The program Orchestra Concerts on October 4, 5, 6 will be held on Wednes- 14 and is willing to transport Legi ns at 1 :30. 25, November 8, and December day In the Legion Room, Bor- these needed tools to the In20. Any club member is welough Hall, on alternating weeks. stitute, Mrs. Titus will be most JR. ASSEMBLIES come to Join the group in Klndergarteners who attend the grateful, gladly reimburse attending one or more 01 tt~E)se morning session may join this the driver and furnish ad$i1tlonal ANNOUNCE DEMISE concerts. A serIes of bridge group. information If called at KII lessons Is being planned beThe iirst program for grades 3-5557 .. ginning in January. All memI, 2, 3 will open at 3:30 on The Executive Committee of the -Junior Assemblles regrets bers and friends interested in Thursday, October 10. Mrs. weston, ;children's librarian, that due to lack of response of joining this group are asked will add to humorous stories ,both parents and children, the to ~ontact Mrs. Frank Chapassembl1es win be dls- man, KI 3-6407. the showing of the movie films Robert Levy as the speaker. For this opening meeting, "Andy and the Lion" based on continued. Mr. Levy's topic will be: Gen'. Continued on Page 8) It was moved and seconded James Daughei"ty's fantasy and I eral sex Education in Eleat the meeting held October 1 I "Lentil" based on Robert Mcmentary Schools. that since expenses could not I funny Closkey's engaging, His experience as head of a be met, the committee was I story. ~as family, Naval Commander, fcrced to make this decision. ; After the o!>ening meeting teacher and coach, and SuperAll Checks will be 'returned. ' the program for grades 1, 2 visor of Health and safety Mrs. Janet Doremus Veeder and 3 will meet on wednesdays: of 201 Elm avenue died Monday, Well, it's about that time Ed'JcaUon C..,r N~'," Jersey hav~ October 23, November ,6 and again - and I don't mean;t1me contributed to a broad September 30, in Taylor Hos20, DeGember 4 and 18 and to do your ChrIstmas shopping. pi tal where she was taken after continue on post-holiday Wed- I mean it's the time of year k now 1e d g e of pro b Ie m s collapsing at Trinity Church "euphemistically" called pernesdays. when you may get the urge to on Sunday. The widow of James sonal beaUi'. problems. Mrs. weston plans to review burn leaves and trash. W. Veeder, she was 77 years A discussion on Housing leadMr. Levy is married and has appropriate books and enIt is weH known that Delof age. ! ' ing to the formulation 01 the courage students to share books aware Valley clUzens are sub- three children. His education Mrs. Veeder was active in opiniOns of the League comhas Included a B.S., frorn rCtad. There wlll be' stories jected to some pretty foul Trenton state College In Health the Women of Trinity. She had munity will be the subject of and movie fllms. A book Ust polluted air most of the time. and Physical Educationj and served as correspondIng secthe October unit meetings of "Good Books to Read" will be We can help a little by keeping M.A. from Teachers College, retary for two years and was the Swarthmore League of distributed and each student the burning of leaves, etc., to columbia University, as well In office at the time of her Women voters. The community who wishes will be able to an absolute minimum. There death. She was active in the The swarthmore Recreation League opinions wlll then be keep a list 01 books read. is a Borough Ordinance that as advanced study at Columbia annual Holiday' Aair and Rum- Assoc1atlon Iaunc he d it s 1968 - util1zed by the National Board The story Hour for grades flatly prohibits "outside !tres in College teaching. His teach- mage Sales and was a faithful 69 season with an execu ti ve for the Cormulatlon of consensus 4, 5 and 6 will begin on october in the business and apartment ing experience has included member of the Mission Sewing boar d mee tl ng I as t Thurs day questions on open occllpancy ni ght whic h saw new 0 ffl cers 16 and continue every other districts, and permits them In Great Neck Senior High School Group. and housing supply. Mrs~ Veeder was assistant elected, a major change inweek. Announcement ot this the residence districts only (where he served as director A quick review of federal tit t d In th e han dli ng 0 f the program may be expected soon. when they are properly supe~- of its SPorts Center along with to the house directoratSwarth- sue and state le'gislaUon will be vised," so as not to endanger coaching duties) as well as the, more college from September di rec tion 0 f the pro~ram, and made by Mrs. Aaron Fine, ' gi ng repor t on the any nearby structure, trees, institutions at which he studied. 5, 1951 to August 31, 1962 and an encoura chairman of the League's shrubs, etc., or ,risk starting More recently, he is serving still helped out occasionally. growth over th e past year 1n Human Resources Committee as Director of the Drug Abuse According to personnel of- the numbe r 0 f par ti c Ipant s, g rass fires. and by Mrs. Donald Larson, Education project sponsored by d Id Also, It "forbids the burning ficlals, "she was the kind of young an 0 • co-chairman of the committee. Mrs. Mar tha Gos Iin, Harvar d of garbage and/or substances the American Association for person who, after retirement, The Monday afternoon unit Health, Physical Education and t k th h I likely to generate objectionable was glad to be called on when- avenue, 00 over e e m asl wUJ be held on October 7th at ever we had a problem." president. Assisting her will 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Swarthmoreans are invited fumes and odors and forbids Recreation. His concerns for the personal be M vi DeL vi· I to their Republican Head- fires under atmospheriC conSurvivors Include two daughyr n app, ce pres-I David Bowler, 505 Yale avenue. health of young people are re id t M Ch I C quarters at 7 South Chester diUons where the smoke gen' t e r s , Mrs. Burton Webster of en j rs. ar es ryer, ' The evening meeting will be flected in articlesondrugabuse t ' d H Ib k Bunt road on Sunday, October 13, e rated Is offending to persons concord, Mass., and Mrs. secre arYi an 0 roo held on Monday evening, tS 1 Hi 11 at 3 p.m. when the new Re- using adJ'ac.ent or nearby and sex education in the schools Richard M.ShepherdofYoungs- i ng, reasurer. amue ve 0, October 7, at 8 p.m. at 'the published 's t reasurer, h0 Id s the publican county Chairman, property." 1 in several education town, N. Y.; a son James W. I as t year home of Mrs. John Wllllamson, It should be pointed out that journa s. Veeder of Pittsburgh, nine post of assistant treasurer, in- 313 Haverford place. Edwin S. , Hineman, will cut the grandchildren, two great- suring carry-over In the field I ribbon and declare the ,formal no burning of any type is The Le~e's membership r grandchildren; and two sisters, of flnance. I opening. Following remarks by allowed in the Borough street meeting on Monday, October Major Revision Chairman Hineman and con- also, that leaves should be II 21, will be a work day for the I Mrs. J. H. Gavan, of Pelham, In a major revision ot prac-I gressman G. Lawrence piled in the street along the IN. Y., and Mrs. C. A. Patterson distribUtion of material con. of Wllmlngton, Del. tlpe in the past, the Board, cerning the establishment of WUllams, there wUl be the curb as they will be collected I Mrs. S. Herbert Eyans ot Funeral services are today, ratified a decision made last I a county health unit for Delopportunity to meet them as by the Borough. NOW, if there comes a Ume I 915 strath Haven avenue passed Friday, at 10 a.m. at Trinity spring to appoint DOnald Hen-I well as the following state, aware county. Materials and County and Swarthmore not- when you feel sure you can! away early sunday morning in Church. In Ueu of tlowers,con- derson overall director for the i assignments will be available burn trash without violating the I Riddie Memorial Hospital trlbutions maybe sent to TrinltJ' entire program. i at Whittier House from 9:30 ables: Mr. Henderson, who is Chair-\ a.m. on. state senators clarence Bell above ordinance, then here are where she was taken on satur- Church Memorial Endowment and Clyde Denglerj Repre- some rules you should observe: day morning after a brief Fund, Trinity Church, swarth- man of the department of I Luncheon will be served there 1. Burn only dry trash - but illness. more. matftematics at Swarthmore sentative Edward Ml1fUnj MrS. Evans, who was 76 High School, w1l1 be employed at 1?:30 p.m. Reservat1o~ may Superintendent of county Parks do not burn cloth or other had been a resifrom October 1, 1968 through be made by Friday, October Walter Weaver; county com- wa ste material that pro duces a years of acre, b September 30, 1969, with full 18, through Mrs. John Cornog, missioners Frank snea,r and lot of smoke and offensive , dent of the Borough for 4 2 ! , · KI 3-~845. I years. Prior to that she atresponslb111ty for all phases .Harry McNicholas; county odors. 2. Burn small amounts at a tended swarthmore prepSchool of the Recreation P.rogram. Chairman of Citizens for Nixon, as a . girl from Medford, N. J., The MUsic Department of Discussions on' the advislDonald MCCurdy; Co U n t y time - and not just on wee kends. here she was born. Sh.e was Swarthmore College and the. billty of having a folIUm. e I WSCS ' 'fO HEAR W Chairman of Young Re3. DOn't burn wh~n the at r a member of Trltfity Church. Barnard FUnd will present a director for the ever-expaIid- \. MUS'IeAL PROGRA"" publicans, Nicholas ValdInoi pollution index Is high. IYI 4. DOn't burn if there is nsurviving are a daughter, performance by the Pennsyl- ing program have been going Mayor Edmund Jones, Borough Mrs. William L. Newkirk, Jr., vania Ballet on Sunday,October. ' "Praise and Adoration in COuncil mem~rs and local "ery strong wind that wi 11 1n(ContlDued on. Page 5) • of North Branch, N. J., and two 6, at 8:15 p.m. in Clothier Music and Word" Is the tlUe crease the danger of setting Committeemen and women. randchildren, Amy and Memorial. R· ·.-Jdl At of the program to be presented g ~ a house, etc., afl, reo but due la e UX • f 0 lYIee . I dnesda·y at 1 p.m. at the er husband died in Admission is free, ' We 5. Keep a bucket of water Jeffrey. H January, 1958. to~the popularltyofthecompany The October meetlng of the meeting of the Methodist at It;and ~o; e,::~:cY~ll these FUneral services were held it will be necessary to have, Swarthmore Auxlliary of Riddle i Women's SOclety of Christian Clarence H. Barnes on Wednesday morning from reservations, Please sendself- Memorial HoSpital will be i Service. The program wUl be . Clarence H. Barnes of wayne, pOints you just mayavoid'pay- Oliver BiUr's in Pblladelphia addressed stamped envelope to Tuesday at the bom~ of Mrs. presented by fCMI~8tudentsfrom 75, a former resident of a111 .. lng a f1~1 Albright Jones, M.D. with t.Dterrnent In the Odd . the Department of Musle at John Espensebade,.3,5 pog~ the .P~~~~ ~llege of born avenue, passed away ~n BOllDugh Health Of:ftce~ : F~llOWS .. b{M~ord•. Swarthmore colle,e. I lane, at ~O a.m. . . ;. BIble. ..., . September 4 afttr alongtlloaSS. MRS. VEEDER SERVICE TODAY Offers Pointers On Leaf Burning i Elm A,enue Resident Health Officer Urges Air Pollution Care Housing Subject For LWV Units Stricken Sunday Set Oct. 21 Work Day SRA ELECTS MRS. GOSLIN For Public Health Henderson Director In ! Expanded Program Republicans To Open Headquarters Oct. 13 I EVANS MRS. HERBERT "2 YEAR RESIDENT !. I 'I' I I . ! PENNA BALLET AT COLLEGE OCTOBER 6 T... I I I I I ., October 1968 McKenzie, on II, on september 18. Sacred Heart Hospital traveled witb them -to tbe Lake TM paternal grandparents Nancy spent her Junior year District. Their trip also took are Mrs. Stephen MUis Badger Allentown. at the University of Munich, The Scandolas are former them Into scoUand, wbere they of Rutgers avenue, and tbe late Germany. residents of Westminster avenew home from Edinburgh. Mrs. Rohert M. Clothier of HEWETT - BATTERSHALL Mr. Badger. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. David Blngbam Miss Mary Van Dyke andMr. Media waS awarded first and are entertaining tomorrow at Forrest E. Mars of Marland, nue. The marriage of Miss Janel Va., are tbe maternal grandsecond prize In horticulture an open house at their home on David A. TUcker of Forest lane Williams Battershall and Mr. and a third In "Best In the bave returned from a 19-day parents. Fairview road. Paul Clayton Hewett was Garden" arrangement at the PIANO IMSTRUCTIOM~ Dr. and ld rs. David Rosen tour of tM canadian provinces solemnized at 2 o'clock on Flower shOW of tbe country anI! family have returned to of Quehec, Prince Edward captaln and Mrs. Lloyd R. Saturday afternoon, september Gardeners held Saturday at their home on North princeton Island, NOva Scotia and New Marsha Richardson McCOY, Jr., of JacksonvUle, 28, at st. Mark's Episcopal Tyler Arboretum. Lima. avenue from a year's residence Brunswick. They visited friends Cburch, Philadelphia. T be N. C., announce the birth of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Rlhi In Prince Edward Island and In cambridge, England. BME Summa Cum Laude officiating clergymen were their first child, a son, on and family have moved from Ned coslett, son of Mr. and New Brunswick and also In School of Music, Wednesday, October 2, In Fatber Clayton Hewett, father Maine on their return trip. 320 cernell aVenue to Carmel, Mrs. Edward W. coslett, Jr., Northwestern University. of the bridegroom and Father Jacksonville. ldr. and Mrs. H. Walter Ind. of woodbrooklane, has returned Music Supervisor, Public Mrs. MCCOY Is the former Page, rector of st. Mcrk's. Mrs. M. Katrina Ives of Yale to washlnglon and Lee Uni- Weaver of ldaglll road have Schools, 1958-1963. Nancy Rerrlng, daughter of Mr. The bride was given In maravenue has as her house guest versity, Lexington, Va., where as tbelr house guest Miss and Mrs. Henry Herring of Pri vate Studio, Summit, riage by her father, Mr. Walton her sister, Mrs. Betty Pratt he Is a member of Phi psi Lillian wynne of Baltimore, : New Jersey, 1963-1966. of Berkhamsted, England who fraternity and a tackle on the Md. ldlss wynne, a retired Ford Battershall, Cleveland, possum Hollow road, wallingford. The paternal grandparents Ohio. She chose as her wedding arrived on Monday to vlsU until school teacher, taught In the varsity football team. Phone: KIngswood 4-8837 gown the one worn by ber mother are Mr. and Mrs. McCOY, Sr., october 19th. non Hartman, formerly of county schools for a number and by ber maternal grand- of Shaker Helgbts, O. Rev. and Mrs. William F. swarthmore, has returned to of years. mother at their weddings. Wefer have returned to their ldr. and ldrs. William T. : Available bours: a:30. 'l\lesdll)' his home In Charlotte, N. C., Attending the bride were her and Thnsday; 4:00. I&:lnde.v; home on Morgan circle after a Salam of Haverford place with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon scanafter a visit wltb relatives and 5:00, Mondll)' tbrough Tbursde.v. tbree -wee~ trip by train and friends. DOn has justcompJeted their sons Bill and Jim attended sister Christine Battershall and dola of Emmaus proudly anEvening or momlng lessons mil)' boat to Alaska where Dr. Wefer boot training at Great Lakes, the Penn state - Kansas state the· bridegroom's sister Daryl nounce the blrlh of their fourth he arranged. was conducting a tour. The Ill., and will report to the Football game last weekend at Hewett. child and second son, John Mr. Leroy Davis attended early part of August they left Naval Air slation, Lemoore UnI verslty Park. Their otber for the Adirondack Mountains, son, peter, has returned to the bridegroom as the best Field. Callf.. where he will Musklngum College, New con- I man. returnIng home on Saturday_ attend Nuclear Electronic The bride, a student at Mrs. James McClenahan of cord, 0., to resume his studies. Florist Supplies Plants A vlatlon school. Temple University majoring In st. Albans, Herts., England Is ldrs. paul E. Zech('r reMr. and Mrs. Carroll Turner spending three weeks visiting and son Tod. formerly of turned on wednesday to her· Sociology, Is the daughter of Home-made Candy Mrs. Gertrude Battershall, ber son and daughter-In-law Alaska, have moved Into their home on North swarthmore Yale square, teacher of Art In Mr. and Mrs. John W. MC- new home at 501 Yale avenue. avenue following knee surgery Clenahan of Bryn Mawr avenue. Mr. Turner Is an architectural In Delaware county Memorial the swarthmore High school. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Mc- engineer for the Turner con- Hospital. Drexel Hill. Mr. and Mrs. George SchoGinniss and daughters ChrisMichael E. McKay, 21. son struction company. binger, swarthmore avenue. tine 2 and suzanne six months Mrs. Philip snow has re- of Technical Sergeant (USA. The bride's great grandfather have moved from Drexel Hill turned to her home In Walling- Ret.) and Mrs. Leo A. McKay, Into their new home at 628 ford alter summering at Cape Cricket lane, Wallingford, was was Walton Battershall. Dean of the Episcopal cathedral of MagUl Toad. the former patterappointed a cadet lieutenant cod, Mass. son home. Mr. McGinniss who N. Y. \ paul Schubert who has com- August 26 at the united States Albany. The bridegroom is also was a columnist for the »hll- pleted two years at North- Military Academy at West adelphia Inquirer Is now work- eastern Junior conege In Villa- point, N. Y., and will serve as studying at Temple university, Ing on his first book and wrltlng nova has transferred to David a regimental activities officer preparing for priesthood Ir. the Episcopal Church. for the Philadelphia Magazine. Lipscomb college In Nashville, until December. He Is schedA wedding reception for t~e Mrs. T. Clinton Goslin has Tenn. Paul Is the son of Mr. uled to graduate next June with Swarthmore P.o., Swar,thmore, Po. 19081 returned to' her home on park and Mrs. Joseph C. Schubert a B.S. degree and a com- Immediate famUy and college friends of the young couple avenue after vacationing since mission as a second lieutenant. of Dickinson avenue. followed the ceremony at the May at her hOme In Rehoboth Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. home of Mr. and Mrs. schoBeach, nel. Goodenough have moved from r binger. Mr. James Gaynor of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. McCombs wallingford to Deerfield Beach, Fetes Freshmen the Swarthmore High School of Maple avenue accompanied Fla. Mrs. Samuel R. young, Art Department created the their daughter Nancy when she Mrs. Stanley Milne of Park president of the Philadelphia flower arrangements. returned last' week to Ohio avenue and Mrs. Charles L. Chapter of the Mary WashingWesleyan university, Oel- Chandler of port Washington, ton college of the University _.!!~~O.• for her N. Y., formerly of swarthmore of Virginia, 'Was the hostess returned Friday from a twoat a coke party held Tuesday, and-a-half week automobile September 10, at her home In Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gerety trip to New England. They were Wallingford for the Incoming of Santa Barbar;l, Calif., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. ])Ouglas freshmen, as well as students , , selvwrlght of RIdley park at returning to the college to re- receiving congratulations on the birth of their Ihlrd child their summer home •• Bear's sume studies. Lair" in the Adirondacks, and Mrs. W. H. Lamason of and first daughter, Kathleen visited with friends and Wallingford Is the chapter's Elizabeth, on September 24. Mrs. Gerety Is the former relatives in sunapee and wolfepublicity Chairman. Alice Hornaday, daughter of boro, N. H., portland, Me., and Mr. and Mrs. James H. HornaAndover, Mass. day of DIckinson a venue. Mrs. Russell H. Kent and Kappas To Meet The paternal grandparents daughter Miss Barbara B. Kent The swarthmore Alumnae are Mrs. Thomas Gerety of of Ihe Dartmoulh House arrived home Monday night from Association of Kappa Kappa Portland, Ore., and the late their vacation in Gloucester, Gamma will have a Founders Mr. Gerety. Mass. During their stay they Day luncheon on Tuesday, had as their house guests Mrs. october 15, at 12 noon at the Kent's sons and daughters-in- home of Mrs. Sewell Hodge, Mr. and Mrs. David H. Badger of Washington. D.C.lormerlyof law Mr. and Mrs. Kent, Jr., 111 Ogden avenue. Anyone planning to attend Is swarthmore, announce theblrth with dau~hter Tracy of springasked to call Mrs. Hodge at of a son, Stephen MlIIs Badger. field, and Mr. and Mrs. Laure,lce S. Kent of Quincy, KI 3-0920. ]11., and her brother and sislerIn-law Dr. and Mrs. Harold B. Curtis of Lake Bluff, Ill. Guests for the last weekend were Mis s Barbara B. Brownell, a Wheaton (Mass.) College classmate and Miss _ . ._ _ _ _ _ _- .....111. Ellen Geddlcks. both of Rockville centre, N. Y. Co.sponsored by THE HARTFORD Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Feland brought to you by lows returned to their home 9 Chester Road on Garrett avenue early TuesCall Swarthmore 6-0476 day from a 21-<1ay trip to England. BY car. they toured All Lines of Insuranc .. London and environs. and made 333 DARTMOUTH AVE. trips to Salisbury. Exeter and 1r Trinity _ Larry Shane over HarryCOSThe Women's Association left his car on the parking lot 8:00 A.M.-Holv Communion will hold Its monthly meeting of his place Qf employment lett; lady's singles - Marty 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer Wednesday, beginning with de- when It wouldn't start the pre- Shane over AUce Wi11eU~; mens and Baptism. votions at 12 noon in the vious afternoon, and h2.d re- doubles - Larry Shane .and 9:15 A.M.-Church School sanctuary. Luncheon and pro- lurned to find It In a different Y,arry coslett over Dick Clark11:15 A.M.-Holy Communion gram wlll follow In Mccahan spot, with a damaged leftfender son and DOn Hunton, and ladies 6:30 p.M.-Jr. E.Y.C. Hall. and bumper, Indicating 11 had doubles - Marty Shane and 6:30 p.M.-Sr. E.Y.C. Jackson over Alice The Membership commutee been stolen. police said the carol Thursday WlJletts and Sibby Toland. will meet at 8 p,m. wednesday man normally travels to work 9:30 A.M.-Holy Communion . .• _ _ oJ_ In the Church Office. on Chester road about the hour I senior mens singles - Richard Clarkson over Bill Trumpler; THE RELIGIOUS sOCIETY i The Experimental youth the acclden! occurred, and that p'rogram for grades seven he had not reported the car mixed doubles - Marty and OF FRIENDS . stolen or damaged before he Larry Shane over Ginny and Whittier Place FIRST CHURCH OF was apprehended later that Harry coslett. Sunday In consolation play: CHRIST, SCIENTIST week. Mens singles - DOug Bender 9:45 A.M.-Adult Forum. 206 Park Avenue At the same time Monday over stu Duff; lady's singles SundC;y afternoon 10 another part of First of a series of four talks on Quakerism. Borough Hall under another Genie Mackey over Molly Pat11: 00 A.M.-Sunday School Speaker, Frederick Tolles. 11:00 A.M.-The Lesson-Ser- justice oCthe peace a 21-year- ton; mens doubles - Jim Hazard man will be .. Unreality... • old WUmington, Del., man who and sen Hecksher over Doug duPont Building. 9:45 A.M.-Meeting forWorWednesday evening meeting formerly llved on Chester road Bender and Jim Noyes; ladles ship. Meetinghouse. eachweek,8 P.M. Reodfng south or Fairview road was doubles - Phyllis stevick and 9:45 A.M.-First-day School. Room 409 Dartmouth Ave- held In similar ball for court Judy Hammer over Sue Marrs and cynthia Bender; mixed Whittier House. nue, open weekdays except on charges of larceny. 11:00 A.M.-MeetingforWorholidays, 10 - 5. Friday swarthmore pollce Chief doubles - sue and Bob Marrs ship. Meetinghouse. Child evenings 7 • 9. Nursery wllliam G. Weidner said It Is over, Molly and Barry Patton. The Annual banquet was held care provided. available on Sundays. alleged that the man, accompanied by a 16_year-old LIo- last Friday evening In Med1a Monday All-Day Sewing NOTRE DAME deLOUROES wood boy for whom Juven1le at which time Ihe following Wednesday Michigan Ave.&FairvlewRd. court petition has been flied, offlcers were elected: PresAll-Day Quilting entered FUsco'S Garage on Ident Gerald LaullSj viceRev. Charles A. Nelson Postor south Chester road at 3:15 a.m. presldenl, TedShook; treesurer LEIPER PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Donald Helm, Ass't Friday, september 13, and re- DOm Sclubba; secretary, Jim CHURCH SUn. Mass-8,9,10,I!,12:15 moved $235 In cash andche~~s, HaZard; membersblp, 'Barbara 900 Fairview Road Weekday&6;30 & 8 A.M. Holy three batteries and seven tints. Mackey; activities, nan JackR..,. Floyd G. Meredith Days also IOA.M.,7 P.M. .\.He Was emPlOYed. at the garage soil; )ad1es chalrman, Phyllis . Mfnlster Salurday&-8;O(l A.M.. at that perlnd·and had closed stevick aDd publicity chalrmaD, Confesslon-sat.. Eve ~f ~~30IY. up a\IOUI 10 O'clock. the pre- Mollt PattonSun"" D.,., Flnl F~d"". " I . I ~_ ___ - Police & Fire News lennis Club Ends Season I ~ I I I . 9:30 A ....-Cburcb S:~:~ 11:00 A,Il.-MOI'DluI1(1 7:30-&. '. ..... . ..._ - PI BElA PHI AWMNAE SAVE ON SilVERPLATING DUR16 OCTOBER· 20'0 Your prlcele.s h,irlooml, pr.aOUl antique. or any other worn .HverwJ:lre con be Nplated ta original beauty at gt.at scrwing. during thit MOnth ONLY. For gracious lIylng and entertolnino •• ' have your silver ,.plaIR NOW. &ell artid. wIll he rep'ofed i,. quadruple .ilverp'crte .by ..pert (falt....n. ",OYiI, ROBERTS JEWELERS Stale St. & So uth Aile, Media, vir.e preSident; Mrs. A. David able for 33 Friday evenlDls, M. Speers, second Vice- with a combo once, Tracy preSident; Mrs. William promises. Drlehaus, treasurer; Mrs. Ed. mund Jones, secretary; Mrs. John T. Plnkslon, Jr., asA series or Friends Forums on Quakerism wUl be held on sistant secretary In charge of the IIrst three SUndays In publicity; M r.... A. Sidney october at 9:45 a,m., In the Johnson, Jr., In charge of Lecture Hall of the Dupon! knltUng, Mrs. Daniel H. JackSCience Building on Ihe College SOD, sewing chairman; or Mrs. Bruce Smith, Immediate pasl campus. The speaker on October 6th preSident. will be professor Frederick B. Tolles, ieaCher of Quaker Hlslory and Early American Hislory, and director of the Friends (Conttnued from Page 1) HIstorical L1brafY at Swarthmore college. His topic wlll on for several years now, and be "IS or Is Not Quakerism the preponderence of public llldlviduallstic?" oplnlon, as expressed to the A follow-uP meeting for dis- board, has been heavily In cussion of this subject Is favor of this move as 'making planned for 8 0' clock thai for efflclency and strengthenevenlng at the home of Dr. Ing the SRA. Mr. Henderson's John M. Moore, 512 Ogden past services as part-time avenue. Anyone who wishes to· director made him the leading take part, or just listen, Is contender for the post. cordially ~ln~Vi~t::;ed~.:-_ _ He will have as his assistant, also on a year-round basis, Wesley Ranck, ele- fORUM SERIES STARTS SUNDAY P~. L06-0981 I-:;;iiii~~~~~;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-iiiiii~ only $199: to COn'ilJert to House Heating If your present heater is in acceptable con· dition you can convert now to GAS HOUSE HEATiNG for only $199! This low price includes the complete job, with thermostat and automatic controls. Other benefits include: ** * * NO DOWN PAYMENT FIVEYEARS TO PAY 24-HOUR NORMAL INSTALLATION 24-HOUR FREE ADJUSTMENT SERVICE And, your regular heating bills can be bud· . geted into equal amounts over.a lO·month period! • Ciill your local plumbing or heating con· tractor for full details on converting to GAS HOUSE HEATING. Get complete information on this special offer by calling our nearest subur.ban office. or DOD Henderson, KI 4- 8. all phases of SRA, Mrs. GOSlin Full and regular reports wUI ansounced as the board meetiDl be made to the community on closed. SRA Needlework Guild In Annual Meet even more charitable agencies. Interested persons may call Club, at 8 p.m. Francis Tracy, Princeton avenue, Is super .. Mrs. Gersbach (KI 3-4710) or visor, aSSisted by a group of any of the current officers: Mrs. William F. . Lee, first " " teen-age aides. DanCing, games and.rzi!reshment s wIII_ _be,avall..- ===== == === == ====iI Rose Valley "urseries, Inc 684 SOUTH NEW MIDDLETOWbi ROAD, MEDIA Route 352 _ Opposite High Meadow (between Dutton Mill Road and Knowlton Road) TELEPHONE· TRemont 2-7206 ASK FOR BEN PALMER GROUND COVERS: BALIIC IVY (HARDIESIl PACHYSANDRA (SPURGE) PERIWINKLE (VINCA) AJUGA AN~UALS _.PERENNIALS . open . ® • opens In mentary school coach, who will oversee the adult recreaUon program, among other responsibilities. In Sunday Soccer Henderson reported Thursday night that the SRA'S newest "baby," the Sunday soccer program, got off to a roaring start last week when 80 boys registered to participate. Daniel Goldwater, Rutgers avenue, Is volunteer coordinator, The Board of Directors of the Swarthmore Branch of the Needlework Guild of America met T.uesday at the home of the President, Mrs. John A. assisted by volunteer coaches John Roxby, Bill Salom and Gersbach to schedule fall Charles Brennan. . activities. On TUesday, October On the sam. Saturday a 8, the annual directors' meetlarge group of adults, Including Ing wlll be held In the Woman's "tt number of married couples, Club Lounge at 9:30 a.m. when registerod to take part In the new officers will be elected. adult program. The annual 'I Ingathering" of Adult Program contributions for charitable This will be held Mondays, agencies will begin at 9 a.m. beginning Octobe r 21, in the on Tuesday, November 12 for high school gym, where parexhibit at the open meeting of ticipants have a choice between the Woman's Club at 1:30 p.m. volleybal1. basketball, badthat day• minton and other games. AnyNeedlework Guilds have been one can come and regIster on in existence since 1882 when any Monday night; Henderson organized In England. The Idea said. Adult tennis Is already spread to this country and was under way, with 15 taking part initiated In PhUad"lpftla;~ 'the under the coaclling of Don NaUonal Headquarters since Dreisbach, coach of boys' ten1885. The local branch was nis at the high school. Tennis started In 1909 when five hours are Saturday mornings, directors coUected 121 new from 9 aam. to noon. articles of clothing for distriMrs. cynthia Bender I" the bution. Last fall a record num- board chafrman responsible for ber of 3700 garments, donated the adult recreation program. to 18 different cbarltles, InAnother new program which cluded 86 new garments pur- Increased Its popularity thts chased for specUlc needs with year Is boys and girls ~ross­ money recei ved after the country. B~b Mudrick Is coach· In~athering In November. Ing 35 youngsters from the To become a member. the ages of eight through 17 In this only requirement Is the girt, sport which Is rapidly becoming once a year, of two new a Swarthmore "speCial." articles of clothing or houseTeenage Open House hold linens (or the money for The biggest program, In purchasing these Items) to be sheer numbers, Is the Open distributed to charities. The House for Teenagers, which Guild urges all non-members gets off to ItS 1968·69 heglnjOin, thus enabling It to assist nlng tonight In the woman's ~===;-"="= =- ===== «==:i. :<' . =:;:.===;. Information aboul any of these activities can be had by calling. Mrs. Goslin, KI3-3319, The newest business citizen of this area is the nation's oldest mutual savings bank ... The Philadelphia Saving Fund Society, founded 1816 lleedlewolkers Set NOY. 12 Ingathering - SAVE PaleS THE BWARTHMOREAN Frid83, october 4, 1968 daily until 5 Monday, October 7 on Baltimore Pike opposite Riddle Memorial Hospital AND WHAT A ·GALA PSFS WEEK IT WILL BE! ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Souvenirs and relreshments all week long •.• plus Sony Tra:nsistor Radio given away every half .hour!~ From Monday noon through 8 PM Friday ... ending with /J mighty barrage 01 5 !!!!!!!. radios awarded each hour at 6, 7, and 8 PM Friday. Drawings on the hour and hall hour. Everyone. eligible ••• you don't need to be a depos· Itor and you 'don't need to be presenl to win. COLOil TV SET alao awiuded 8 PM Frida,. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FREE PARKING • 2 DRIVE-IN WINDOWS SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES PSF~ SERVICES . .. Regular PSFS savings accounts (4V4 % interest from day 01 deposit to day 01 withdrawal) ... PSFS .one·year savings certilicates (5% interest, minimum $1,000) ... PSFS Convenience Accounls (special accounts lor special savings goals) ... Christmas and Vacation Clubs ... PSFS money orders ... mortgage loans _ .. student loans ... travelers checks ... loreign dral~s and remittances. Come visit us. See how uselul a modern savings bank Clln be. Open your savings account with a lirst deposit of $1 or more. • ••• • •• • •• • • •• ••• •• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • Baoking Hours: Mon.-Thurs.9AM-3 PM-Fri.9AM-8 PM 1 4 DAILY INTEREST INTEREST on savings accounts Irom day of deposit to day 01 withdrawal on savings certificates (one year; minimum ~1 ,000) THE PHILADELPHIA SAVING FUND SOCIETY Your Bank of Convenience Your savings. up to $15.000, Insured by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation p. m. Sunday 12 until 5 p. m. .' .. "~ , Jr. 80 ocrober~ 19~68~____'-~:;;:~-;;;~ll.::~T===~~;;~;;TH;;E;:S~W~AR~TH~M~0:R~E~AN::~~~::::-__-r~;j;:::~~I1:~~--li------~~;;~~p~a~g~e~7 eet T he swarthmore Junior Woman'. Club will hold Its Executive Board Meeling, Wednesday, at 8 p.m., In the home 01 Mrs. Richard Behr , C.orm~l1 avenue. ORPHANS' COURT OF DIU."'. WARE COUNTV. PENNA. Notlee of Filing and Audit of Accounts NOTICE I. hereby given to heir., 111I.t•••• creditor. and all eraon. Inter.lted that accounta n the following eltltea have r, been filed In thl Office of the Regllter of Will' and Clerk of Orphan,' Co ... rt '1 the caa' may bo and that the lame will be pr••• nted to the Orphan" Court of •• Id County on Monday. October 7. 1",. at 10:00 o'clock A. M. (E. D. S. T.) for confirmation. at which time the .. Id IIJIBIIUI'PB IIAl.& or B&AL BSTATB SHERIPP'S OPPICE COURT HOUSE. MEDIA. PA. Frida)" Octobtr 11, 1968 9:30 A.M. Ealtern DayUr:bt Time ',' 1968 Friday, October "'.,•• 6 Conditions: J350.00 cash or cerUDed check at time of sale (unless othenril;.e .wted. in ad\'ertlsement). balance in ten days, Other conditions on cia,. of sale. "To all pnrUes In Jntere.st and clalmllnta: TAKE NOTICE that a SChedule of D1&tr1button w1l1 be, filed within thirty (30) day. from the date of sale and dlatdbutlon will be made In accordance wlth "he Schedule of Distribution unless eJt:ceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) dny.& thereafter. No further notice 0: tbe flUng 0' the Sehedule of Dlatrlbutton will be gIven .. 1968 No. '1812 eourt will audit .ald accounll. hear obJectlona to the ..ame and make dfltribution of the ba'ance ..certained to be In the hind. of the accountant. MONEY JUDGMENT ~--=-- Vlrtlt and Howard J. Baut'r and Rkhard F. Bauer. l-:xef'utorf'. l-:JJtate of Ilobl'rt ,,', Unuer. De('en<.ced. HIo~U,.;r.L-Aug, 30, J.""rst lind lo~inal AC('UU!ll of MIl"huel Denni~ and Albert .r. erawfurd. Jr., )<.!xe('utnns. lo}stntt· of 'VillI,lm .J. HE'deli. f)c('eased. UlnTW"~I.L-Aug. 21••"'rBt and lo'inal ACl'ount of Jllmes N. ltnlwrl!ion. "~Xt'('lllor, I<~f'ta te of ~tar),' A. nlrtwell, DeC'ea!led. m~A\n:-SeJ" :1, First and "'Inal Account of Ann n, Stockmal and Agnes H. Blake Snider, Bxel'utrice9, l":Htule ot Anna ;lot. Blake, OCt' eased, HoYC!o; - Aug, 2H. .....1.8t and Jt'lnal A"l'ount of nit-hard L: BO}'l'e ;:Ind LouIse J. Purks, "~Xt·('utorN, }o.!atate of WlIlurd ~. Boyee. nf't'eased. nltOOKS - Sep. 3. First and Final Ac('ount of Providtmt Xntlomll Bank nnd Mn.Jel~lnl' n. Brooks, J';xeculor:.t, };st:ite of Charle.IJ n. llrouka, VeI't'asf'd. CA ItTI-:1t - Sep. 3. First and Finnl AI'('nunt of )Olary t~ltu ('arter, SUI'(·N·dlng 1';xt'I'utrlx, NHtulc (If Huth n.. ('artcr. Dc(·l·lIJo1ell. ("oWlg-Hep. :I. Flr~t and jo'Jmtl A(,I'OllJll of Provident :N:.ltionl.li n:lnk. norrh'e B. Cowie 8ml I )O)lIgla~ Cuwir. Hxet'utnrS'. A~ Siaft'd By, I'ro\'itlel1t Natlnnal 1:.t,lk anll Doughls Cuwic. SlIrvh'lng I';x('('utors, }<;f'tnll' ur .hH'k B. (·owle. DC'cen!olNl. ("HOTfll·;JtH-Hep. 3. Jo'lr:;t nOll Final Ar('ount or lIownnl lo', Itf'cd. ,Jl'.. ]~xe('lItnr. t·:.!!tnt.' of .Iohn ll. ('rother~, li,,('eaf<(>(l. EJtXKI);'I"~-SIl'I). ~, First Ac('mint of .Tohn D(·,·lne l·~rJolkin('. ,Iubn Rehl Hannn llIul ].llIyd Unman, J·:xel'lttors, I':!ltntl' of Snra D. }<:rsklnf', })'·"o'IUH'fl. CinJo:tWER-Sep. ;'1. Flro.:t and Jo'lnal A('count of Frank L. Coulson and Ilubert J Hadden. )';xecutorl'l, Jo.!state of Catherine :1<.:. Grceger. fle('eaRed. HAHI\:·IXS-Aug. 23. First ;md Pinal AI'l'ount ot J'aul )11't 'ann, gx~cutor, }'!Ftatf' of I 'ell'" Hnrkins, DI'I'caf;ed. IfAl'HlIA:~!"J - Aug. 28, lo'irst aud Pinal Account of AusHn J.:. lIel~el. Administrator, NS-- HA1'ER-Aug. 28. ..·Inal Af'('ount of ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of land with the buildIngs and Improvements thereon erected. SITUATE In the Township or RIdley. county of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania The first thereof being known and designated as Lots Numbers 92 and 93 on Plan of Fairview. recorded at Media. Delaware County. Pennsylvania. In Deed Book X No.3. Page 581. BEGINNING at a pc.lnt at the Southerly corner or Fairview Road and Walter Street: extending thence Southwestward.ly along the Southeasterly side of the said Walter Street Sixty~flve feet. eleven inches to a poInt a corner of Lot No, 167 on said Plan; thence Southeastwardly by Lots Numbers 167 and 168 on 8ald plan of Lot No. 169 on 6sld Plan Plfty~e1ght fee't to a point a corner of Lot No.9' on said Plan; thence Northeastwardly by said Lot No. 94 on a. Une parallel with the said Walter Street Eighty feet; three Inches to a point on the Southwesterly side or the sald Fairview Road, and thence Northwestwardly by the Southwesterly side of same PUtyntne feet, ntne Inches to the place or beginning. TIlE SECOND THEREOF being known and designated as Lot No. 167 on !laid Plan of Fairview. beginning at. a point at the Easterly corner or Ridley Avenue and Walter Street. extendlng: thence Southeastwardly along t.he Northeasterly side of Ridley Avenue Twentytwo feet to a point a corner of Lot No, 168 on said Plan; thence Northeastwe-rd.ly by said Lot No, 168 on a line parallel with the said Walter Street. One hundred and twenty-five feet to a poInt In l1ile of premlses next hereinbefore described; thence Northwestwardly by tate (If 'Vllliarn HnUl-lmahli. said premises twenty-two reet to a potnt Ilp~·eA"'(·jl. on the Southeasterly side of the satd HOI';IILI·:U-Aug. 2S. }o'lrst .A<'· Walter Street. and thence Southwestj·lltlllt ur The ..,llIf>lIt)· Rank wardly by the Southeasterly side or the nUll TbNHlore K. "~arnf'r. ,Tr.. old Walter Street. One hundred ,nd )'!XI'I'ldurK, };Rtate or ,,'illlam twenty-five feet to the place or begin. If. HOJl'hl~'r, J)pj·e:ulO·rl. ning. THE TIlIRD THEREOF beIng 1[( I !<')o':\IA XX R<,p, 3. Jo'irJolt mid known and designated. as Lot No, 169 on )o'ln:11 A"t'tamt of ).;I1lth ),1/\\' satd Pilln of "Fairview" situate on the Hoffmnnn. NXN'ull'Ix, )l';9t:\tU Northeasterly side of Ridley Avenue. at of Ott" Hoffmnnn, llet·en:o;etl. ~e dJsta!).ce of forty-four reet SouthJlOLT-.\u&r. an, ""lrl4t :\nd Final At'I'IJlm t of H. Renedit"t Ripeaatwardly from the Easterly corner of Iwf'. F.xI·('utor. ]':!llnte of llny said Ridley AvenUe and Walter Street: Bolt, J)I"·f'::t~wd. eztending thence Southeastwardly along i h7.O\It~Al'(·JI- Aug 2:1, Flr~t the said side of Ridley Avenue TwentynlHl PIII:1l A('~'ount of .\. two feet to a point a corner of Lat No. 110 on said Plan; thence Northeast-' I Bronk., (;pury, Ii;xPI'lItor. F.l-ltatp of Hurry ('. KarntulO'h wardly by said Lot No. 170 on a line ~ parallel with the said Walter Street One i !l/k/.1 Harry Cyr),1 Karnnudl: I )1·t'I'a"',·I1, hundred and twenty-five feet to a point I 1\1';IILl·~n.-AlIg. 2S, Flr~t nnd a corner of lands now or late of Peter "~Inlll ApC'Hunt Ilf Thl' PhilnStewart; thence Northwestwardly by the I li('lllhl.l :"-!atlunnl Hank, J;;xpf'last mentioned lands and by lands first 1,-101'. ERtnte flf ,,'lIIl:1m n. described twenty-t.wo reet to a point a hellle .... DeI'eased, comer of Lot No. 168 on said Plan, and ~ence Southwestwardly by said Lot No. .MELOY-Aug. 28, Jo'Jrst Account 188, on II line parallel with the said of Thomas M. Meloy, Jr" llartha D, (M('Io}') 'Prout nnd Walter Street One hundred and thlrtyHoward If. Lutz. Trustees .dve f~t to the place of beginning. Puder 'Vill of It. Blanche lIt·lny }o~or Thdmn~ !\t. llt·loy, AND ALSO ALL THAT CERTAIN lot ,Jr,. A.H or July :n, l~GS. Ac· known as Lot No. 168 on Plan of Fair"lIunt ~nated H)' Rcm'lOn of view as It Is recorded In Media, Delaware The Ite"Jlgnation ur Huwar() County. Pennsylvania. In Deed Book X ).(, J.utz one of the Trmi1.eel-l. No 3, Page 58L ]·;~tnte of n. Hlant'he !\fe'uy, I )f>I'{'lHH·cl. SITUATE on the Northeasterly side of lIJo!J..OY-Aug. 28. First Alcount Ridley Avenue at the dlstanee of twentyof Thomn~ 1\1. Meloy, Jr., two feet me85wed Southeastwardly from lfartha. D. (lreloy) Trout and the Easterly corner of Rlrtley Avenue and Howard' !Iof. f..utz, Trllste{!R Walter Street In the Township of Ridl'ndpr \VIII or It. Rlancbe ley, County of Delaware, and State of ~1f'lflY fur Martha D. (Meloy) Pennsylvania. Tr()ut As of July :n. lOGS. .\('en1mt Htated by Reason of CONTAINING in front along the NorthThe H.t",!dgnlttion of Howard easterly side of Ridley Avenue South!\1. Lutz, One or The Tru~tecs l<:JoIllIlp of R. nlanl'he Meloy' eastwardly ~enty-two reet and extendneC"t>a~pd, • ing In depth Northeastwardly between :lIRRlO... I-:-AlIg. 30, Flrj;jt Acparallel lines at rIght angles to the &aId ('mlOt or Hnrrh·t J. M(Orkle Ridley Avenue One hundred and twentyand The ....Irst Penmn.'lvanla five feet. 1!:m'k1ng nUll TrU!'~t Company, 1·.x(>l'utorl'1. Jo;~tnte (If ehristiun Improvements cons1st of a frame H. )':. lfE"rkll". Del'eUf;f'd. bulldlng. llonno""-Allg. 23. Flrl'lt nnd Pinal A f' C' 0 U n t of Helen SOld as the property of FAIRVIEW f)'Too)£>, NX(>f'utrlx, Jo:Rtate of TAVERN, INC. 1'~l('nnur It. !'.(o)'row, DcC'eased. l(YJo:HS-Hefl. a. Jo'lrRt nnd Flnnl I. B. Sinclair, Attorney AI','onnt of Ji\mps S. Hutchln~, EX(,f'utor. E:qtate of Mary PAUL J. l.:cKlNNEY, SherUf I No. 11391 1968 MONEY JUDGMENT ALL THAT CERTAIN It or piece of gr with the bldgs & Imp. thereon erected, SIT In the Twp of Upper Prov .. ct.y. of Del .. Pa. bounded and des according to '" pi of Westover Hllis. Sect. A. made ror Delcroft. Inc .. by G, O. Houtman and Son. elv. Eng's, Media. Pa. on 12/20/55 as follows, to wit: I , ' ' I I . ' I ltyerR, Def'eaRed. OSTRA!\I - Sep. 3, Account Of (Hrard Trm~t Bank, Executor, )';slate of Urare Maggard .Ostram. Ile('ea!ied. I'Jo:J<:TZ ._- ~\ ug. 28. Fir~t and Pinal AC'('ount of Marin Peetz, AdmlnlHtratrlx. C.T.~.. )i:stltte uf nobert E. l~eetz. De'·t·uRed. PUI('I.! - Aug. 20, Fourth Acl'OUht of Provident National Hank (Formerl)' Provhlent Tr.ul(>!'Imens Bahk nnd Trust C'ompany) and E fl \V inA. LuetH!. Trll!ltee~, 'A('Pounting fr .. m llay 12, 1%0 to .Jllnl" 21, l!h,s). I':state or Emma 'V. )'rh'('o. neC'('a8t"d. }trc'ATTONI-Aug. Hi, Jo'ir:llt and lo'IhRI Ar("ount of Charlt's C, Kfleler, Administrator. E!'Itate of Pietro Rh·.Uonl, n/k/a Pietro Rt'gRttonl and Pietro BEG at a pt rormed by the Intersection of the original center line of Old ! ,state Rd. & SW s of Valley View Rd I (ext) extending thence from sa£d beg I pt, and along the center Une of Old atate Rd. 8 50 deg., 26" W, 92 and 72 Hundredths ft, to a point· thence ext N. 30 deg .. ,"" W. 133 and 40 Hundredths ft. to a pt.; thence eEt N 59 deg 40" E Tall1!.Rrelll. DeceaHd, 93 and 6fi l!undredths ft. to apt:' on the I SCHWAr;lr7'_ .... AU•. 22. Account BW • of VaUey View Rd. aforesaid; uf OIrnrd Trust Bank (Forthence ext. along &ame, S 30 deg., 20" E ! mf'rl)' knp-wn a., <;lrard Trust J33 ft. to the first mentioned pt. and I "orn Ex(''hange Bank). Trusplace of beg, BEING lAlt No. 22 as shown le~. Ii::state of JJarbara. K, on _Id Plan, and known as and num. S,·f!war'*., Det"east'd. berm 3CM Old State Road. Media, Penna. , Slll'tH-::\,uJ!:, 2:9, First Account of The First Pennsylvania Improvementa consist of a one story Ua.nklnll: Rnd Trust Company masonry and frame house. nnd F.:lIzabeth ,T. Clark. Exf'l'ulors. Estate of Fl'ank C. Sold as the property of DOMENIC S !o;mlth, DeeeaJled. ~ .rRNINIA and ELIZABBTR M JBNlNIA' SlfTTH - Aug. 2:3, Firat and hlawUe, ' . Final At"C'ount of Rita )l. Schmid, Eaecutrlx. E.tate of .lIa.DtllloDey 11,000,00 <:atberlne V. Smith. atk/a Katharine V. Smith. Kate V. .Jam-. J. Phelan, Jr,. AttonleJ' Bo~:~ 4.aDd KatJe BoIUI~' ])e ' I I I I I PAUL J.'lIcBJMnXt. SberUl , TRICKETT-Aug. 28. First Account of The FidelitY Sank u. . ormerly Fldellly - Philadelphia Trust Company) and Almeda F. Trickett. Executors. E"tate of ."olleph W. Trickett. Jr., Det'eaaed. 'VALliER-Aug. 27. Firat A~­ ('ount of The Fldellty Bank U"'ormerly Fidelity - Phlladel,.hla Trust Company). E~ecula.­ tor, "~state of Eo' V1rsLn "'piker, neceaeed. ,,'ILLIS - Aug. 29, First and Final Account of Provident ~atlonal Bank. Administrator, P.T.A., Estate of Clyde M. '\~1I1i9. a/k/a Mary Clyde "'ilJis, De('eased. Y)o;H.OI-:R-Aug. 28, First and )o"inal Ace 0 u n t of Arthur J...or(>nz, Exe('utor. Estate of J.;mma Yerger, Deceased. 'V ALTJo:R T. Rf'DAVID Registf"r of Wills and Clerk of Orphans' Court 1n/3/liS PERSOJIIAL FOR SALE PERSONAL -A-I Tree Service. First class work, all phases. Fully Insured - local references. Call Hank, Klngswood 3-2010. FOR SALE - Complete Cub Scout uniform worn one year. Shirt size 14, pants 26 Inch waist, $5. Klngswood 3-7670 alter 5. ESTATE NOTICE ESTATE OF A. DAVID M. SPEERS. Late of Swarthmore. Delaware County. Pat LETTERS TESTAMENTARY the above Estate have been granted to the underslgned, who request all persons having claims or demands against the Estate of the decedent to make known the same, and all persons indebted to the decedent to make without delay, to SD,ee.·s and Provident Bank, Executors, Chestnut Streets. Pqila., Pa. 19103 to their Attorneys I u'ua,!,e, Morris and Heckscher Title Building 11',~U,Od,.IPlli'o, Po. 19110 : Stone, Cement & Block Work Retaining Walls and Drains I CELLARS WATER-PROO t:ALL MAdison 16-3675 i ~HII1UmllmHESTERIIIIWTND01 CLEANING rtRelRonl 6· 2530 "SATISFYING SERVICE FOil OVER. 50 YEARS" OFFICE • RfSIDENCE INDUSTRIAL EXPER,T FLOOR WAXING TOP TO BOTTOM HOUSE CLEANING RUGS & FURNITURE SHAMPOOED IN YOUR HOME WALLS & WASHED ----- \h Install Torg:llol Durl'squc Seamh'!"'o~ Resilient· Fluurill g NO WAXING NEEI ..,:D PERSONNEL SEINING OELAWARE COUNT'!' I OVEI $I YEAlS FlEE ESTIMATES I FULLY TRemont 6- 2530 INSUREDL 103 Lomb~a"'rd"y~D::-r.-C=he~s~t~er I ATLANTIC I OIL HEAT tQ AdBll1s. I::xeculo'J: Cornell Avenue Swarthmo"., Pa. 19081 to Itls Atlorney I ' "0 t que chest of drawers, $5 (both date back to 1850). Mahoganybureau $25. Walnut caned ESTATE OF HALLIE BANKchair $25. Mahogany marble top ERD. Late 01 TownshIp of Havcoffee table $10. Couch, five erlord, Delaware County, Pennfeet $10. Small antique table SYL~ERS TESTAMENTARY (dates back to 1850) $10. Patio 0 th round table $10. Wardrobe trunk n e above Estate have been $5. Freezer, 400 pounds. chest granted to the unde",lgned, who t;ype $10. Elght dlnlng room request all per son shaving chairs, caned seats, IPO years claims or demands against the Estate of the decedent to make PERSONAL - Carpentry, job- old, $5 each. MUrray 8-3199. : known the same, and all persons bing. recreation room s, book o::ases, porches. L.J. Donnelly, FOR SALE _ In garage _ bene- indebted to the decedent 10 make fit Croze ...Chester Medical Cen- , payment. without delay. to Klngswood 4-3781. ~--I ter. Saturday, October 12. 9 to I William J. Just 619 Woodland Avenue PERSONAL - Delaware Valley 4,526 Walnut Lane, Swarthmore. I Havertown. Pennsylvania Tree Experts, Shirer Building, ..::.:.=~=::.:::...::=:.:..:==:::::::::.::.:. I Swarthmore, Pa. All types of FOR SALE - 1967 Chevrolet' Or to his Attorney tree work. Fully insured. Free Caprice. buckets. automatic, Edmund Jones. Esquire estimates - 10 years' c:.peri- power windows and seat. air.. 5 Park Avenue ence. KIngswood 4-;1035. conditioned, AM-FM. Call after Swarthmore,-Pa. c to 6. KIngs wood 3-4254. t--.--.-.. ..----..--....--..--·--~ PERSONAL - Draperies made' your material. Also hemming: FOR SALE - Variety of field dresses, coats. Klngswood 3- glasses 6 and 8 power; conver-E 8305. sallonal Gennan records. Write ONVALESCENT Box W, The Swarthmore an. 2507 Chestnut st .. Chester PERSONAL - Will repair a1i, small electrical appliances; any" FOR SALE - 1961 VW, $450. TRemont 2-5373 thing not working around the Good condition. Call Klngswood home. Will pick up and deliver. 3-6607. 24"Hour Nursing Care CJI BllI McKee, TRemont ~FOR SALE _ The birds have Aged. Senile. Chronic 0873. worked for you all summer aatConvalescent Men and Women PERSONAL - China and glass ing bugs and singing - don't ExcelientFood-Spaclous Grounds them noW. Bird feeders fepaired. Parchment paper lamp forget from the S. Crothers, 435 Plush ElllC-Cropb Honore? shades recovered. Miss I. P. Mill Road, Wallingford, LOwell SADIE PIPPIN TURNER, Prop. Bunting, KIngswood 4-3492. _6_-4_5_5_1_·_. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.l-c-..---·-··-~---...-..-y~~ ....... t.:,.-..--...-..-.. -...----~---PERSONAL - Evergreen Nursery. Complete landscape and FOR SALE - Antiques. country tree service. For free estimate furniture. Iwnps. glass. Will call TRemont 4-0645. Swarth- buy. Chairs recWled and remsh· ed. Bullard. Klngswood 3-.1165. more references. HOM \JACK PRlCHARDi PERSON AL - Foraythe NurSery Educational Creallve Program children (3-5) Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Forsythe Studlo of the Arts - Dance - Baton Guitar, children and adults. Klngswood 3-3688. • PERSONAL - Blacktop driveways,excavating_ Free estimates. Top soil. Call A.G. Kra",arlc. TRemont 4-6136. FOR RENT FOR RENT - Furnished small apartment, centrally located. Reasonable. suitable for working person. KIngswood 3-3811. FOR RENT -Ski-Lodge fishing cabin to responsible person for entire period November through May. Located in Poconos three hours from Swarthmore on private lake. Good skiing close by, convenient for weekends and holidays. Three bedrooms. completely furnished. wood-burning fireplace. Insulated throughout. $700 plus utilities. Klngswood 3-3796. FOR RENT - Five-room apartment available November 1st. Can be aeen after 6 P.M. by calling Klngswood 4-0586. FOR R,,",,'T - Very large com· fortable room. two closets. prl· vate entrance. genUeman. Call evenings and weekends •. KIngs· WOOD 3-3329. WANTED WANTED - To buy - full size violin; boy's 2o-inch bicycle; large dining table. Klngswood 4-7124. I I I ! ! PAINTING llNTERIOR & EXTERIOR FOR SALE - Garage Sale. October 11 Ol1d 12. 10 - 5. 322 1 FREE ESTIMATES J Plush Mill Road. Wallingford. Flower containers, accessories. miscellaneous Items. Children's KI ,3-8161 clothes. FOR SALE - Clarinet, reason- Jfi·._.u•••ii\ able, Call Klngswood 3-7838. , Edward G. Chipman FOR SALE - Poodl e Pup brown Spandards. AKC. Champ- , and Son ion stock., Call KIngswood 4- FOR SALE - Lawn sweeper $10. G.E. refrigerator, freezer top, frost free, excellent condition, $;75. Klngswood 4-0861. 5, 2117. FOR SALE - Old English Sheep dog litter. AKC registered. Available for Chrisbnas. Call Klngswood 4-4007. I Add't' I Ions & AlteratIons TR 2-4759 FOR SALE - Garage Sale, including portable typewriter and case; white garden table with, folding umbrella; white wooden ice cream chairs; brown bamboo . . . . . . . . . .. room dlvl,der; desk with large , top: small bookcase; pictures;, » .assorted dishes; 1u Tl C h eo n cloths; t"o fans; bathroom scales; new Brunswick bowling ball with case; Chrlsbnas ornaments - WId much more. Saturday, October 5, 10 A.M. - 1 P. M. Low prices. 201 Dickinson Avenue (at Harvard)1n backYard. TR 2 5689 - =. WANTED - Intelligent woman desires part-time office work. Call TRemont 6-1827 between 10 and 12. LOST - &mday, kitten hrought from California. white with gray spots, extra toes. KIngswood 3-4095. WANTED - Interesting Bric-aBrac, furniture. chi n a, glass'" ware. linens. Anything to aucllo.1 benefit Riddle Memorial Hospital Country Fair. Will p~ck up. Mary Rbodes. KIngswood 4-8929 or Nancy Coleman, Klngswood 3-7278. LOST - Man's Longine gold wrist watch in center Village. Tuesday. Reward. Klngswood 3-1405. WANTED - Old bOOks for SWllllbmore Junior Woman's Club BoOk Fair to be held November 15 and 16. Will itick UP. Call KInlswood {O-5338; I .--- Residential Specialist KI 4-3898 All Lines of Insurance 333 DARTMOUTH AVE. IUngswood 3-1833. V rtfonI A,tldetlt .nd Indlmnlty. . . . CO", ny 'i M~J'H"f"ri.n wtt.LI~ ~~i.Eo. I .. I de-I \/5 ,I ~::;:~t a~o;~:g;~il~~II~~ao~~ JONES FUEL AND HEA~NG CO. I 1 I I I . ..., . . . . . C.B.. presently collects garbage, durHm, Pa., un. dt. of 2/11/63. I ing the calendar year beginning rev. 4/26/64 as fo1.. to wit: 1969 ,: January 1. , and renewable a wstly. sl. of Ben- I thereafter from year to year nl;;gt;;i'~:i~;c1Iti'O,~'Wl.) at/th arc dlst. of unless tenninated by the Bor:: ft. meas. SW. along/th ough or the contractor on 90 arc of a clr curving tolth d"us prior notice. Said proposals a rad, of 541 a.nd 4'11100 ft......,. of tang. onlth Wslly. s1. of I are to be rna de on I y on 0 ff1C lal iif~~~~n Road atlllh dlst. or 183 and I bid sheet,s that will be .filr., mess. S. 13 deg. 32 min. W. nished. together with speciflca'" sd, at of Bennlngton Roa>! tions upon application to the if~~;~~n:o~r~la~ng. on/th Wstwdly. sl. of undersigned officer-t Proposal Road. the arc dbt. of 172 and . all r SWwdly, along the sd. # 1. on Said bid shee • c s 9 r B';n';ilnit~n Read on/th arc of a such collection at the curb. curving rt, having a rad. of Proposal #2 calls for such 1000 ft. from pt. of tang. which Is 309 collection from the rear or and 13/100 ft. meas, S. 3 deg. 39 min. • W. along the ad. s1. or Bennington Road side yard of the home or c0l!la of curve. which Is atlth arc mercial establishment, plus, 10 \ .,__ ' ~'~.~. and 26/10 ft. meas. SWwdly. each case, said once a month tid. 81. of Benn1ngton RoRd special pick ..uP not ~t the curb. a r~r:.. ~~ ~~ra~nJ~r':::.hf:!~~~; The Borough also requests end of a 25 ft. rad. which can. the at said time and place, and on st. of Bennington Road with/th Sly, , said official. bid sheet, Proposal of Calcon Hook Road (60' wi.); thnce #3 which calls for the twice sd. pt. of beg. and ext. along/th, 11' f b ot Bennington Road. S. along the a week cO ec~ion 0 gar age a clr. curving tolth It. havlDg a only. in case it is decided by 647 llnd 47/100 ft. the arc dUit. the Borough not to proceed with I v:i"bond 6/100 fl. 10 a pt.: tbnee either Proposal #l or Proposal s : . ~:r e:'i2Sit~'1w~~.~:ci #2. separate specifications for I concrete gutter cantlg. thereto. Proposal #3 will llkewise be , and gutter ext. NEwdly, and furnished upon application to \ the sd, drwy. communicating the undersigned. end thereor with a cert. other A rtifi d check or bid bond, ext. NEwdly. Into Bennlngce e :;';"-'~"a:"nd SWwdly. Into Taylor Drive drawn to the Borough of swarthcouununlcatlng at its Swdly. more in the amount of $100. I a. cer. other drwy. which extd· shall accompany the bid, IeBennlnBton Road 161 an aI or I: a pt.; thnce ext. N. 1 des:. gardless of which propos sec. E. IE.: and 4:/100 ft. to a proposals are submitted, and ',:~~.!'r,!,e~ n<:to.~, Ibe fIrSt above men- the successfUl bidder will be .,,"er and ext. N. 8'1 required to enter Inlo a formal sec E 159 and 11/100 ft. Bo gil and WWdly 81 of Bennlngton contract with the rou the and 8W. il. thereof pass. furnish insurance and performthru the center of/th party wall ance bond as requ~,red by law. ,...., ~ w , " premo from the premo adjoin. The Borough reserves the and SW.....pectlv.ly. right 10 waive anY informalities ,!,.!'w.'G LOT NO. 130 on aro.....!d Plan, In the bids received, ro reject part or all of anY such bid, and 10 award the contract onlyro ,- _'-, bidder esperieoced In CODBIIIt of a two .Iory WOrk, and W!""" deaned ro vanlaleous 10 ~ i'. I FOUND - Black teenage kitten with white breast. Call KIngswood 4--5999. 'eter E. Told ... Painting Contractor ED AINIS Pennsylvania. ... _ LEITERS TESTAMENTARY Each contributor to the United I __~~;:;=~;:;;:;;:;-;;;:;:;;--_ S h I be 1 t nI ht I \. A"VERTISEMENT on the have coogan as It gas .or ... ted above 10 th Estate di d been h more than 334 ad the Fund 01 philadelphia, 01 which 'Th~ Swarthmore _ RuUedge gran e un ere gne • w 0 u S, Swarthmore Is a part, receives 'unlon School,Dlstrlct wlll request all persons having Nether Providence community a pamphlet In which are listed Condillons: 8350.00 e ••h or eerllOeiiiorisschedule are filed thereto within ten I on Mondav october 14 1968 thereafter. No turtber noUce of the Behedule of Dlstrl- at 7:30 P~M. Eastern Dayhght given." : Saving Time •• for the twice a ,.6S week collection of rubbish "!,dl I garbage. plus a once a month MONEY JUDGMENT ' special pick .. up. from all homes . and certain commercial estab~if~~~;~t;i;i~o;~r pc. of gr. bldgs. the Borough of eree., Slt.wIth In/th Boroand: of 1 lishments swarthmore of from which the of Del. and St. of Pa •• and 1 • aI t con rae t • to a Pla.n made by John H, I Borough. by municip I FOR SALE - Admiral TV black and white, needs anten- I na. Best offer. Call Monday 10 .•~;;;;:;;~~~;~~;:;=1iI Friday, KIngswood 3-3855. i..=• CHRISTIAN scrENCE RADIO SERIES SUNDAY - 8:45 A.M. 560 t.c. SUNDAY - 6:45 A.M. WQAL - FM. U16.1 m. .. wm... SHERIFF'S OFFICE COURT HOUSE. MEDIA. PA. "'rUln)', Ol·tobn :~:;, 19IiK 9:30 A.M. Eastern payU;bt 'l'lme ~~;~:~Et by Damon and Foster, LOwell 6-2176 -! ;:::::.:-:.. it Photographic Supplies FOR SALE - Piano. very nice studio upright, $250. Call Kingswood 3-4399. Kln...wood'l-,1831 UF Plmphlet Lisls 250 Orglnizations N.P. COMMUNITY ~~ce::~1'e:at~e~~!'!~eT~~~~:, CLASSES NOW OPEN ! Picture Framing ROGER RUSSELL FOR SALE -1966 Karman Ghia I WANTED -In swarthmore. Fam- white wall&mounted winter tires I Ily with five children wants to AM-PM transistonzea removQme I buy large home. In 30's. Phone radlo; VW trailer hitch with ex- i temal electrical plug, $1,150. 687-0910. Telephone between 6 P.M. and WANTED - Baby-sitter every 8 P.M. weekdays, Klngswood Saturday afternoon for boys 5 4--i467. and 7. $ I per hour. References. LOST AND FOUND Klngswood 3-2384. WANTED - Used sewing machine. ZigZag model preferably. Private party, LUdlow 3-5175. General Contractor f ALL LIMES OF IM5URAHCE ESTA~s:~:~~~1~~NGLE. I agging seats 01 chairs and sofas repaired LUdi 6 7592 Swarth • ow • morean advertiser since 1951. PERSONAL _ Plano tunln g specialist. minor rep air I n g, Qualified membA, Plano Technicians Guild 17"years. Leamwr, Klngswood 3-5755. ToP Soil & Mushroom Soil ---- ;~~~~:I~~t.~~~~~ make Indebted payment I !t"i"'Ple~ -all work done person- ~ FOR SALE - Moving, Antique 11I1~~~,"~'~'~r~~B~.~%~t~~~s~tJB~U~I~ldi;n;'~ __ Pa. 19102 S y by Mr. and Mrs. Seremba. , walnut bed king size $50' an- Built & Resurlac~d Grading, Sodding, Seeding CALI, of make known the 8EL VEDERE PETER E. TOLD, Alent Mayor Edmund Jones wlll be e th speaker at the Rotary Club luncheon meeting today at 12:10 at Ihe Ingleneul.. A leUow Rotarian from the Chester club, Mr. Jones was .n alternate delegate to the ~. ubllcan convention thls Rep summer at Miami. been who PERSONAL and FOR SALE - Complete Noridress-making -In Alterations my home. Call Klngswood3-35740rKlngswood .ake China dinner service for 4-8717 j 12. TUrkey platter, meat platter, . I vegetable dishes, $100. Easy PERSONAL _ Custom tailored 1 washer, w r~ ge r t;ype, $25. slip covers. Large selection of Klngswood 3 2849. DRIVEWAYS & PARKING AREAS ~cl Rotary To Hear MayOI' terest. . . . that's right, "believing". And you'll to see these exceptionally fine '69 Chryslers & Plymouths to believe them! COME IN AND SEE THE GREAT NEW '69 CHRYSLERS & PLYMOUTHS SPECIAL DEALS NOW ON DISPLAY SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY DEALS WITH BIG SAVINGS FOR THE EARLY BIRDS. TOP' TRADE-IN VALUE. BUY NOW AND SAVE $$$. SPECIAL SURPRISE SAVINGS TO BUYERS orc "COME ALL LEFTOVER 1968 PLYMOUTHS IN" "BUY WITH CONFIDENCE" Over 30 Years of Experience Serving '68 PLYMOUTH V-8 Sedan $2495 DoIaWClI'O Counlyll Automotive Need, '68 PLYMOUTH Valiant Sedan $1895 , \ i b~lt..rth.lure Club To Open 58th Season LWV Orpniz~s To Discuss Rumble Lot INSTEAD , Instead of a debt for "the last wooded lot," Let's spend what we must for The Rwarthmora Branch of the trees that we've got. the League of Women voters Our town NOw looks shabby and Is sponsoring a series of house down at tbe heel, meetings for ail Inteeested Let's do what we can for a need Citizens during the month of that Is reall october on Ihe subject of the acquisition of the RUl)1ble The 58th season of the Play- property along Yale avenue. Tlme WAS when the Boro kept streets In repair; ers Club of swarthmore will Henry Mccorkle, Lucian BurNOW they are broken and lackopen on sunday, October 6th nett andJack Cushing are among Ing In care. at 4 p.m. with t~e presentation the members of the Borough of a one act play "THE RED council who plan to attend the Instead of coneernfor the "LaSt Open Space" 'CARNATION" under the direc- meetings. why not show P RESENT pride, tion of otto otteson. After the The first meeting will be and clean up THIS place? play a reception will be held held on Wednesday, October back stage, where refreshments 9, at 8 p.m. at the home of Take weeds from the gutters; will be served. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dell, fell trees that are dead. I' Once upon a Mattref's" will 307 Dickinson a venue. The BUY More for the future? Malnbe the first production for the second meeting will be held at taln NOW Instead. players and will be presented the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alan (There'S nothing aesthetic In the Ilext two ThursdaY5, FriHunt, 603 Ogden avenue on places run down; days and saturdays, October Wednesday, october 16, at 9:30 It's simply pathetic to walk' 10, 11 and 12, and october 17, a. m. The third meeting will round our town.) , 18 and 19 at the clubhouse on be held on Wednesday, october Fairview road. 16, at 8 p.m. at the home of Let's Implement action that Despite Its provocative title, Dr. and Mrs. paul Bianchi, calls for repair, the play Is "a field day of 513 Bryn Mawr avenue. And prove to our council we literary license" carried out For further Information citizens care. on Hans Christian Anderson's concerning the meetings Mrs. vote UNO" for additional care tale of the ,'princess and the W. M. Stanton, Chairman of the and expense, pea." Recreation committee, League And face 'TODA Y'S problems, Robert Kerr dtrects the play of Women voters may be called not those of years hence! written by' Jay Thompson; Jack at KI 4-1851. Alice Fricke Hoot McDonnell Is cast In the role of prince Dauntless, Barbara Hollander portrays princess Winnlfred. October Play Begins lew Time Schedule , ~., Several changes have been made in the coming season for the convenience of the member- WIL OFFERS 'NEW ANGLES OF VISION' shlp. All Thursday night perThe women's International formances will begin at 8 p.m. League for Peace and Freedom so that the plays will be over of Swarthmore will preser.t at a reasonable hour. Friday three men, - all working, Inand Saturday night perform- volved politicians, at a meeting ances will have an 8:30 curtain. to be held Thursday, October The doors will be open one 17. at 8 p.m. at the Methodist hour prior to curtain time. Church on Park avenue. The In addition to the eight plays men are Michael. Malin, to be prnduced this season there Ernani Falcone and Edmund will be a full schedule of Work Jones. Shops and Seminars I covering Malin was the Pennsylvania all angles. and phases of the Chairman of the Eugene McThe3:tre. All members arc carthy campaign, chairman of Invited to partlclpale. the Milton Schapp campaign, and an elected delegate to the National Democratic convention. A practicing lawyer, is now chairman of the Coalition of Democratic and Independent voters (CDlV). The Philadelphia-Delco Falcone, teacher of social Alumnae Club of PI Beta Phi studies at Swarthmore High 'HIlI hold Its annual Settlement school, is the Democratic school Sale and Tea on Wednes- county Chairman. day, October 9, from 10 a.m. Edmund Jones, lawyer and until 4 p.m. The sale will be mayor of swarthmore, was an held in the Whittier House on alternate delegate to the the campus. :".:Itional Republican Convention Handwoven items, jewelry and ran for Congress as an and other handicrafts wiJI be Independent Republican a few featured along with a Christmas years ago. and Boutique booth. There will also be a baked goods table. All handicraft lIems will be CoHee Tu.esday For from the settlement School in Gatllnhurg. Tenn., the fra- 7th Grade Mothers ternity's national phi!anthroplc project. A coffee for parents of Mrs. William Hayward Media Is president of the ~ ..,ur.l seventh graders will be held and Mrs. Edward Leiper, also Tuesday 'It 10 a.m. at the home of Media, Is In charge of the of Mrs. William Evan, 315 Elm handicraft displays. avenue. PI PHI'S SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY SALE-TEA Mrs, Edward AtUck of the Dartmoutb House w11l celebrate ber 94th birthday on Sunday. Her daughter, Mrs. Jonn' Good and granddaughter, Mrs, Lynn Klppax are entertaining at a family dinner party In her bonor. Other guests will Include another Gaughter, Mrs. Raymond Bonsteel of Washington, D. C., a son and daughter-In-law Mr. and Mrs. Roger AtUck of Lancaster; a niece, Mrs. Neal Bell and her .daughter, Mrs. James Hurllcka, both from Akron, 0., as weil as Mr. Klppax and sons John and Jeff of Westdale avenue. , Clubwomen To Present (Co n tinu ed from p~e 1) the music department, Mrs. William Drlehaus, chairman will present Miss Harriet Kunz, daughter of Woman's Club College To Host Dickinson Red Devils Swarthmore college win host the Red Devll& of Dickinson College Saturday in lis 1968 Middle AUantic conference league opener. Both teams lost their openers: swarthmore losing 37 -0 to Wooster of Ohio and Dickinson 49·6 to Lebanon VaUey. coach Lew Elverson Marie 94th Birthday Plans for United Nations DaY, Thursday, October 24, have been announced by Dr. and Mrs. Davld solomons, recently named cOoChairmen of the Swarthmore committee for the United Nations. They Include an International pot luck dinner at 6:30 p. m. on the 24th In the S\varthmore High sc hool cafeteria. co-chalrmen for the dinner are Mrs. FranceS Jackson and Mrs. S. David stoner. says "next week we'll be much stronger, we'll correct' most member Mrs. Chester A. Kunz. a program of American music by Herbert, Bernstein, Romberg, Kern and Barber. After studying voice several years in Seattle, where she gave three solo student Swarthmore Borough residents' requests for blood ma.y be made to Mrs. Johan Natvig, Red Cross Chairman of Blood, KI 3-0324, or to her co-chairman Mrs,' Robert van Ravenswaay ,KI3-8684. PIANO INSTRUCTION .Marsha Richardson BME Summa Cum Laude School of Music, . Northwestern University. Music Supervisor, Public Schools, 1958-1963. Private Studio, Summit, New Jersey, 1963-1966. Cub Pacle To Meet Phone: Klngswood 4-883 cub Pack #301 will hold Its first pa~k meeting ·tonlght at Trinity Church. New cubs will be indoctrinated as Bobcats and third year cubs will be awarded their Webelos neckerchiefs. Available hours: 3:30, Thesda,y Wld 'lhlrsda,y; 4:00, M:>nday; 5:00, Monday through Thursday. Evening or IIDming lessons ma,j be arranged. re- citals, Miss Kunz came here to take advantage of the more numerous musIcal opportunities in this a rea. She has done extensive church choir work and most recently was the /soprano soloist at uinsdowne Presbyterian church for two seasons. A summer ~"",,~:""':I:- (H EDGMONT AVE _ SEVENTH & WELSH SlS at Tanglewood enabled her to work under Phyllis curtin. Miss Kunz Is a student of Ethelwyn Whilmore Smith and is now making her home in SwarthTea w1ll be served after the musical program, past presidents wUl pour and club officers w1ll receive. This will be an open meellng and all members and their friends are urged to attend. 3 Fnll Term Opens At Arts Center Umes from inside the 10, Classes for the Fall term began at the community Arts gave up most of fts 298 yards Center, Wallingford, on Monon wooster sweeps. Last year swarthmore beat day. However, late registraDickinson 52-6 in its season tions are still b~ing acce~ed opener and holds a 17-14-4 for some of the courses. Both the Junior Theater and edge in the rivalry which dates the Theater Workshop for Teens back to 1889. have a limited number of openThe game will 1;1e played on Clothier Fields. at· 1:30 p.m. Ir;gs for boys. Beginning students of Ballet are still being enrolled. COORDINATING COMM. Among the classes open to adults are sculpture, woodcuts TO MEET WEDNESDAY and etchings, rug hooking, and modern d,ance. whlle the wide rush defense WIlliam Reese, chairman of the Swarthmore Activities Coordinaling committee, announces the fall meeting of the committee will be held on Wednesday, october 9, at 8 p.m. In t~e Council Room at Borough Hall. • • I . I \ :! :I THE SWARTHMOREAN VOLUME 40 - NUMBER 41 $5.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, PA., 19081, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1968 FSPL Plans Sunday 18th Century' Trip County Chairman To Cut Ribbon 'Politics' Topic' For Thursday Story Hour Weds. For 4,5,6 Graders HOMECOMIN6 SAT. AT COUEGE swarth'l'ore college will highlight its Homecoming toadelphia, via 20th century cars morrow with a football clash will take place sunday afterwith the DIplomats of F & M on noon when the Friends of the Clothier Fields. Kick-off is Swarthmore Public Library "Is it worth making an effort 2 p.m. take off from the Swarthmore F & M comes into the game to become involved in politicsj Next Wednesday, October 16, Borough Parking Lot. Edwin S. Hineman, Delaware with a 2-0 record, having pulled Interested persons, who will Is It possible to "clean up" :\R Impressive upset over Johns the Swarthmore Public Library county Republlcan Chairman, Is com pro mise series of story Hours for grades gat~er by 1:15 p.m. in the politics? will Cllt the ribbon at the Hopkins 27 -6 . last Saturday 4, 5 and 6 will open 3:30 to necessary? HOW can the inBorough Parking Lot, will see formal opening of Swarthwhile swarthmore evened their I fA Man Full of Trouble" dividual be ~ffectl ve politically? record at 1-1 wlt~ a 21-11 4:30 in the Legion Room. Bormore's Republican Headquar0ugh Hall. I Tavern; Powell House; and the What about the present pres- victory over Dickinson. ters, 7 south Chester road, The theme, Legends, will he IdenHa) campaign?" 18t~ Century Ga rdens outside at 3 p.m. sunday, october 13. Garnet COach Lew Elverson followed tn story and in. two These and other issues of t!te Phlladeiphla Horticulture A resident of Chadds Ford, troubling the minds of the was ,. happy to win Saturday films to he shown, I'KUMAK Society. he Is married to the former but was disappointed with the the Sleepy Hunter" (a humorous Those planning to attend are American public will be dis- running game." Anna L. Lltz and Is the father Eskimo legend) and "The Invited to call KI 3-6416 for cussed Thursday, october 17, of six children. Mr. Hineman Chip Burton, whose 51 yards Loon's Necklace" (North at 8 p.m. In the Methodist additional information. Edwin S. Hineman has been active in Township in the first half accounted for American Legend) .. The tou:dsts expect to return Church on Park avenUe. and county government over Under the sponsorship of the most of the team's gain. InFilms will be announced as to swarthmore{s said-1950's the years and, as a hobby, he jured his knee while setting scheduled by Mrs. Weston, Swarthmore l'ranch, Women' 5 parking lot by approximately maintains a racing stable on International League for Peace up the Garnet's second touch- Children's Librarla.n, whose 5:15 p.m. his farm. and Freedom t three acUve down and will be out for the previous work with 5th and Mr. Hineman is vice presparllcipants In the present rest of the season. To replace 6th graders In california and Dr. Alexander Purdy, ident of a supply company In campaign will give their views. him will be a tall order. In Michigan brings both exBoothwyn, and currently serves Emeritus Professor of New F & M, last year 23-20 vic- perience and enthusiasm to the At that ti me Swarthmore as Deputy Secretary of Revenue Testament and Dean of HartMayor Edmund Jones will be. tims Of the Garnet, holds a story hour s. ford Seminary Foundation, will of Pennsylvania. joined on the platform bv 26 -18-9 edge in the rivalry Mrs. weston plans brief reM a yo r ot Swarthmore give the second lecture In the which dates back to 1889. views of new and old boOkS and Ernani Falcone, Democratic sertes of Friends Forums on Edmund Jones, state RepreOther Homecoming activities an informal sharing of books cou.nty Chalrman and social Quakerism, being held sundays sentative Edward B. Mifflin and stUdies teache I' at swarthmore wll1 be a cross-country meet read by stUdents. The Library at 9:45 a.m. In the Lecture Supe"intendent of County parks High; and Michael Malin, chair- against F & M, swarthmore's will furnish the Children's Book Hall of the Dupont science H. Walter Weaver, all residents man of t~e Coalition of Demo- first meet this seasonj and a Week folders "Good Grief, Bunding on the college campus. of the hDrough, will attend the cratic and Independent veters. soccer game at Dickinson. Charlie Brown" and "I Plan His topic will be .. Ministry In opening. congressman LawAfter each speaker presents starting time for these events to Read" in which students can a Friends' Meeting." rence Williams, stale senator Is 2:30 p.m. list the books they have read. A follow-up meeting for disRobert N. Hilkert, first vice his point of view, the audiClarence Bell. the county comThe 4th, 5th, 6th grade Is cussion of this subject Is president of the Federal Re- ence will be Invited to join missioners have also been inin a discussion of the issues scheduled to continue at the planned for 8 o'clock that eve- serve Bank of Philadelphia, vited. and a' review of the questions same hour on Wednesday, UNITED FUND Arrangements for the open- ning at the home of Alan and will deliver the sermon at the uppermost In ~veryone's '~ind Draggingl october 30. Thursday, Novem .. Sunday service Ing of the Headquarters have Margot Hunt, G03 Ogden avenue. Laymen's as November 5 approach'es. 75% Hoped For by ber 14, Wednesday, November october 13 at the Presbyterian Anyone who wishes to take part been made by Mrs. Alfred Jom~St a Ilf':lcticing lawyer 1 st Report Dinner 27, and Thursd:lYJ December or just listen is cordially In- Church. Rhodes, chairman, with the as well' as mayor, was an 12 and to continue In January, Next Monday Mr. Hilkerl, who lives on assistance o[ Mrs. Johnst. John vited. alternate delegate to t~e Re" dates to be announced. Swarthmore has Dr. purdy and his wife are strath . Haven av~nue, is chairo[ WaHIngford and members publican National convention In Mrs. weston looks forward only 12% the parents of Mayo}" and Mrs. man of the Task Force for the of the swarthmore counell eagerly to meeting and knowing Let's bring it in Edmund Jones, Haverford ave- United Presbyterian Church of Miami last summer. Executive Board. Mrs. Donald Falcone is county chairman the 4th. 5th and 6th graders. this weekendl nue, with whom they make their the USA In re the World conAikens. who Is political of the minority party In this ference on Church and Society activities chairman of the home. at Geneva, Switzerland, July, area. swarthmore council, is also Malin, as one of the founders 1966. serving as Vice Chairman of He is a member of the Trus- of the Democratic coalition, Delaware County Citizens for tees of presbytery of Philadel- has been active In the MCNixon with headquarters in phia and oftheBoardofNationa! carthy campaIgn and was Media. MiSSions of the United Presby- pennsylvania campaIgn man .. Swarthmore High School and Mrs. Charles Brady Is In An exchange sale, sponsored terian Church of the USA and ager for the Minnesota senator. charge of volunteers for the by the mothers of children in is also a member of the Plan- The CDIV grew out of a series the swarthmore community are lieadquarters, and anyone in- the learning disabilities pro- ning Adv!sory coun~il ofUnlted' of electoral conferences held welcomIng Goran Eiler, a tall, terested tn helping may call gram at the Harvard Avenue- Co m munity Funds and Councils In Harrishurg beginning last handsoiTle friendly "dark haired" American Fields Ser- -' ' her, KI 3-3639, or the head- school, w1ll be held on october of America and the Business spring. quarters. KI4-5833. WILPF president Mrs., vice International Exchange 18 and 19. The sale will be Leadership Advisory Council The public is invited to the held at the school, 855 Harvard, of the Office of Economic Nicholas Muhlenburg and the student from Goteborg, Sweden. formal opening. Refreshments avenue, (rom 1:30 to 5 p.m. Opportunity. executl ve com mlttee have He sat relaxed in the J~hnCar­ roll home on College avenue, w1ll be served. that Friday and 11 a.m. to He has served on the faculties issued an Invitation to the gen- hls host family, telling in per3 p.m. Saturday. of the Hill School, Temple Uni- eral public to take pan In this ActivIties will commence versIty, S ton i e r Graduate meetlng--and particularly hope fect EngUsh (he has studied It eight years in school) about Thursday, october 17, the day school of Banklng l National that students will take advantage in when any county resident may Trust School of the American 01 an opportunity to hear all his country. his famUy Sweden, and his experiences bring good used clothing, furni- Bankers ASSOCiation, and var- three major points of view on so far In the United states. ture, and other items to the ious State Banking Association American politics, 1968. Goteborg, on the Wesl coast The Swarthmore publiC school from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Schools. He is also the author of Sweden, -is a large industrial Library announces an old book Residents may name the asking of numerous articles on gencity. the main port for all of sale, which begins Tuesday, price for the articles; if how- eral management, personnel scandinavia, where his father October 14, at 2 o'clock. It will ever the arUcle does not move administration, and social welis a building engineer, and his run through saturday, ,october in the sale, the price may be fare. The concerned Democrats of mother a teacher in a school changed by the sales personnel. A member of the boards of 23, if the interest in buying for immigrant children. Also Sixty percent of the sell1ng directors of several organiza- the 7th congressional District, holds out. Delaware county, will gather at home is a younger sister, The first in a series of two Gifts and library discards price_ will be returned to the tions, he is currently serving 15 years old. Goran attends donor with the remainder going as chairman of the School of in Whittier House on october lectures at the college will be make up the collection offered a technical high school there 15 at 8 p.m. to discuss the- role social work of ·the university to the school. given on Sunday, october 13. In tile sale. Among the gifts because his main interests are On Monday, october 21, of pennsylvania and is a past of independent Democrats in at 8:15 p.m. in the Frlimos Is a 10 volUme ~et, 1895 edition, science and mechanics. He residents may call for unsold president of the Health and thl forthcoming election. Meeting House on the campus. of the century Dictionary and Senator Joseph S. Clark, In- plans to go on to a university goods or pick up their money Welfare CounCil, Inc., of PhilHenry Bradsher will speak on cyclopediaj JonD stoddard'S cumbent oemocratic Senator ,c after one more year at TG2" froUl 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Persons adelphia. "Inside the Kremlin." lectures on travel. printed in from pennsylvania, and Edward as his school is called. desiring more information For the past three years, He is adjusting to Swarth1897; a large selection of books O'Halloran, Haverford, candiabout the fair may call Mrs. Mr. Bradsher has been head 1n French; paper back text date for Congress, will both more' High School which he RaYlliond Egolf. MA 6-4901. Boro Leaf Loader ~he Associated Press bureau of finds very different from his ooo\.;s and .other paperbacks; appear at the meeting. in Moscow. Before that he was some juvenile books. other speaker5i will be John school. I'The size is ~he same School Night Tuesday head of the Associated Press To Begin Spot pick· Ups Among the discards will be Honnold, swarthmore, who was but not much else," he says. for south Asia. He is now a parents of seventh and eighth At c'TG2" there are no ['ules, (ound mysteries, fiction. nona Mccarthy .delegate at the The Borough leaf loader will Niemann Fellow at Harvard fiction and well worn juveniles. grade students of the swarthrecent Democratic convention, no study halls, no dress rules, begin spot pick-up!; on l\londay, University. no required attendence, little In order for the_ books to find more-Rutledge school may turn October 14 and wlll continue and Roger Lane, Haverford, contact with the teachers, and the clock back Tuesday night new homes, all prices will be who ran unsucc.essfully for Sr. Citizens To Meet as they follow, on an abbrevi- 'untll about october, 23 when a reasonable. delegate In the Aprrl primary hO competitive sports or school regular schedule wilt be anated schedule, the routine of spirit. His school does have The Friendly Open House for Election. their children as they dash nounced. activities after .school hours, Senior Citizens will hold Its The Concerned Democrats Residents are urged to use Riddle Auction a photography club (he Is an from class to class. first meeting of t~e fall season originally formed as a proThe school Night will begtn the utmost care to remove any active member). a skin diving Monday, at 2 p.m. at the PresThe Swarthmore Auxiliary of at 7:3(1 p.m. Each of the teac~­ foreign objects when raking out Mccarthy organization during club, cless and art clubs and 'byterlan Church 01> Harvard the April primaries. They have Riddle Memorial Hospital will ers will be on hand to explain leaves for pickup. These objects' a "rocket" club ("a club that avenue. hold an Antiques Auction at the the, curriculum in his teach~ng damage t~e blades of the leaf announced their supportfor both builds rockets," he explains). The prOgram will b.e a color annual counlry Fair. to be held machine which In turn entails Mr. O'Hall!>ran and senator I'Swarthmore school has too area. film on the 5\ory of Robert on the bospltal grounds october Ninth through 12th grade great expense and time to re- Clark. manf rules" he says,. ~'al)d Frost, with readings .f~cim hi'; ,. ". ThE. meeting is open to the II and 12. parents will gather on October pair, and thereby Interferes .", . " .. ' .poel)ls • public. Mrs. Alfred Rhodes of Yale 22 for core meetings with the schedule. avenue is chalrlnan. 4 trip to 18th Century Phil- Republican Hdqm To Open Here At 3 Sun. WIL To Present 3 In, Varied View Points MIS. Weston Will Show Films In Legion Room Dr. Purdy To Speak At Friends Forum Presbyterians To Hear Hilkert Half-si%e fashion in a black Ottoman Chevasette skimmer. Short sleeves, side buttoned/. V-Necked. Sius 14>'2 To 22Y2. POLICE NEWS At 3:25 Wednesday· afternoon the firemen were called to a fire behind the garage of Wayne L. Zook, 210 Dartmouth avenue. '~mething In Between' Says Swedish Student of SHS And School At Home Sale Will Benefit Harvard Ave. School LIBRARY BOOK SALE OPENS MONDAY AT 2 DRESSES-Second Floor I CHUCK ROAST 49C LB TURKEYS 49C LB OCTOBER IS Co-oP fOR FOURTH FIFTH, SIXTH GRADERS I I El verson plans to concentrate line and the wide rush defense. wooster stopped swarthmore LIBRARY· LAUIICHES I STORY HOURS Ocr1l'SB Reserve Bank V.P. Is Sunday Lay Speaker more. W ,! Corner of our mistakes and get back on the track. or work this week on the oUensi ve j..:l.':,rc.ry, b"urt hflOJ:'C;, .i: e n.ru... 190bl SEt OCT. 24 FOR UN DAY 10 Collu~,t;< Scallions & Radishes 2 bunches 19( Green Beans 19( LB Bananas 13( LB your. Register Concerned Democrats To Hear Sen. Clark 'Inside the Kremlin' Topic For Lectures - " 11 19 THE Mr. Badger. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. page 2 and - Mr. and Mrs. W. Ned Edward, on september 28. Marsha Silvers, The paternal grandparents ward L. webster o( Balamonth, leading to council's ter o( Dr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Mlkuslnsq o( Magill road. Encynwyd are the maternal granddecision to receive bids on the Silvers of Rutgers avenue, is route home they stopped In are Mrs. stephen M. Badger additional service at next Mon- assistant Medica), R e cor d Munnsville. N. Y •• to pick up o( Rutgers avenue and the late parents. day night'S session. Librarian at Church, Home, Mrs. Lincoln's mothar Mrs. J. and Hospital In Baltimore, Md., Hal'lan Jessup, who was visiting coordinating medical records with a cousin for a month. The annual meeting o( the penni Sara LewiS of Haver(or (our hospitals. directors of the Swarthmore ford place, this wee\. was named Dr. and Mrs. Morris A. Mr. and Mrs. J. HarryBeckBranch o( the Needlework Guild edltor-In-chle( o( the pelrceof America was conducted mann of strath Haven avenue Bowie o( South chester road Tuesday at the woman's Club have returned from the Inter- had as their house guests last tonlan. the oftlclal newspaper by the president, Mrs. John national ElectriC Electronics weekend Mrs. Bowie's brother o( peirce Junior college. The color features daily 1:25. 9:25 P.M. Gersbach. The slate of officers Engineers (IEEE) conference and sister-In-law Mr. and Mrs. 19-year-old daughter o( Mr. and Mrs. H. Richard Lewis, ; Sat. Features - 6, 8, 10 P.M. Eugene Childers o( Riverton, at Chicago, j1\. While there (or 1969. prepared by the was an associate editor of tbe Sun. Matinee showing at 2 P .111. I. Wyo. Mrs. Bowie with Mr. and Nominating Committee, was they visited their son and pelrcetonian last year. This Mrs. Childers toured the New Special chi Idren' s double feature Sat. from 1 to 3:45 P.M. presented by the chairman, daughter _In_law Mr. and Mrs. year she heads a staff of some England area this week. Be(ore Robert O. Beckmann. Robert "RELUCTANT ASTRONAUT" with Don Knotts Mrs. Bruce smith. Serving on 30 students. penni also Is a their return today, they stopped is a member of the Beckmann her committee are Mrs. J. ROY OUTE " Snape and Mrs. Birney K. staff of the college o( Fine in Hanover, N. H., to visit fresh .~an orientation leader and APplied Arts o( No,·thern Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Gibson, with the student Governlllent Morse. Association at the two-yeat· InThe (ollowlng officers were Ullnois university In DeKalb. formerly of Elm avenue. Mrs. Alfred Anderson o( dependent college in downtown Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. unanimously elected for two Florist Supplies Plants Wright of cornell avenue spent Bryn Mawr avenue has just philadelphia. She Is an EXyear terms: ecutive secretadal major and three weeks Mrs. Wilfred B. Brown, last weekend at Denison uni- returned from visit with her mother Mrs. will be graduated with the versity, Granville, 0., attendsecond vice-president, Mrs. Home-made Candy Mary Hyett of Gloucestershlre, Associate in science degree Howard C. Jackson, treasurer, Ing meeUngs of the AlumnI. and Mrs. Jack H. McWilliams, Mr. and Mrs. Wright are co- England. During her visit she In June 1969. Mark Good, weJlesley road assistant secretary in charge presidents of the Philadelphia was joined by her sister Miss left Tuesday to spend a few Club. During their visit they Theresa Hyett o( Philadelphia of publicity. continuing In office w\1l be saw Anne Michener, daughter who had just completed a tour days as the guest oi a SHS Mrs. John A. Gersbach, pres- of Mr. and Mrs. Herllert E. of Portugal. The sisters hired classmate John Fry, Jr., forIdent, Mrs. W\1llam F. Lee, 'Michener of westdale avenue, a car and toured dl!!erent parts mer vassar a venue resident now l1v1ng In Chicago. on o( Wales. first vice president, and Mrs. who is a freshman. KI3-4597 MiSS clydess Blake of the october 12 he will be In LOS Mrs. A. L. clifton o( the Colonial Court (Next to Post Office) Edmund Jones, secretary. The 1968 Ingathering wi11 be swarthmore Apartments enter- Swarthmore Apartments has Angeles where he will join the . ~.---.... ...".- ... -.,. ~., held on Tuesday, November 12 tained Sunday at an open house returned home from an eight- U. S. Army. Mark Is the son o( ,..,.~~ Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. GOod. day bus trip which took her to at the home of her son-tn-law at 1:30 p.m. in the woman's Mrs. Russell H. Kent of the smokey Mountains, Club. New clothing and house- and daughter captain and Mrs. the Dartmouth House, with her Roanokd, Gatlinsburg, Ashehold linens are being collected corben C. shute o( Maple NOY. 1st, DEC: 6th, FEB. 21st, APRIL 18th da.ughter Miss Barbara B. Kent, ville and Richmond. by more than 60 directors for avenue. Mr. and Mrs. William E. spent the weekend in WashingMiss Patricia HaJly, daughdistribution among 18 charities in Delaware county and Phii- ter Of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin W. Hetzel, Jr., with their daughter ton, D. c., as ~he guest of her adelphia. Anyone, not on a Hally of North Swarthmore Miss carol Hetzel have re- sister Mrs. Andrew W. McKay. All 4 concerts: adults $IO-students $8-childf'en $4 present directors' list, wishing avenue, is now attending west turned to their home on Thayer on sunday, they all attended to add a contribution, and thus Chester state college after road after spending the summer the preview of paintings by Mrs. become a member, may call the graduating In June (rom Dick- at their home rrTidewaters" in McKay's daughter Martha MCpresident. Mrs. Gersbach at Inson college. Miss Hally, with ocean City, N. J. During this Kay, which opened Sunday at three of her classmates, spent past weekend they had as their the studio Gallery, 1'35 conKI3-4nO. six weeks during the summer house guests their son-in-law nectlcut avenue. and daughter Mr. and Mrs. W. traveling In Europe. Thomas Morris and children Joan Hayden has just been ... Poets Circle Meeting accepted in the club "peanuts" Ann, Joan and Jill of Troy, The swarthmore Poets' Cir- at the college o( wooster, OhiO, Pa., who were here to attend cle w\l1 open Its 1968-69 where she is a sophomore. Her the wedding o( their nephew, Dr. and Mrs. John D. Pearson season with a meeting at the sister Joan, a junior is also Lt. Robert Childs, Jr., also of of Montreal, Quebec, canada, home of Mrs. Henry I. Hoot, a member o( this club_ The Troy, to Miss Carole Chrlstlne announce the birth of their 301 Lafayette avenue october girls are the daughters of Mr. Gibson o( Broomall. second chlld and son, Qsbjorn 14 at 2:30. Mrs. William Hobbs and Mrs. Robert G. Hayden o( Deborah J. Livingston, Magnus Pearson, on September will be co-hostess. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James woodbrook lane. The baby weighed eight Leanore Perkins will give Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Furst Livingston of school lane, was pounds, 12 ounces. a program on "The poetry of and children James 6, Kathy 5, among the members olthe Dean The paternal grandparents Eleanor Farjeon." Doug 3 and Andrew I have Junior college Class o( 19'0 are Mrs. John M. Pearson of Into their newly pur- who began their college careers Rutgers avenue and ths late chased home at 200 Park ave- late In september when the first Mr. Pearson. Mr. and Mrs. nue, coming here from west- classes were held. PROPERTY OWNERS osbjorn Chrlsto(fersen of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Ogema, Wis., are the maternal field, N. J. Mr. Furst Is coal (Except Saturday) ENDORSE COUNCil sales manager for the Penn Lincoln returned Saturday to grandparents. Directors o( swarthmore central company In Philadel- their home on Haverford avenue after two weeks at their cottage property Owners Association phia. Dr_and Mrs. Richard L. In Wallingford, vt. Durlngthel r "onday evening endorsed BorMr. and Mrs. John R. Badger 100 Park Avenue Swarthmore ough council's proposal to add Rowan and son John of Black- stay they had as guests Capt. of Huntingdon Valley announce and Mrs. J. Hubert Tibbetts. thorn road, Wallingford, former trash collection to borough the birth o( a son, Thomas KI 3-9640 Expert Altemliolls services, but on the conditlon swarthmoreans, have as their of south swarthmore avenue that pick-UP be made (rom side house guests Dr. Rowan'S paror rear of houses instead of ents Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Rowan who arrived yesterday from Well, UN Enthusiasts. what have we been trying to ten at the curb. The group also paid tribute Birmingham, Ala., for a three" you about U. Thant? to the thorough study and re- week visit. Next Free Patriotic, informative movie show Mrs. John M. Pearson of port on the subject made Rutgers avenue Is visiting with Monday, October 14,Borough Hall, 7:30 p.m. Councilman John cushing her son and daughter-in-law Dr. and Mrs. John D. Pearson and son John christoffersen and their new baby, Osbjorn This, PRIZE Of THEM ALL, Film has been reMagnus, born on September 2'1. paired and so it will be shown. Also Enroute home she plans to visit Id Octyber means-mild autumn weather. activity without crowds, with Mrs. Walter M. Reyno s warm sunshine, and, summer's end. formerly of South chester road, Join us in "bon vo~·age" to summer. in Lisbon, N. H. Enjoy those las! few days on the John Robinson, son o( Mr. When we showed these two last Spring, we had beach or in our heated pool. Bask I ( on our ocean.front decks. Join in and Mrs. John O. Rob nson 0 a full house, so don't YOU miss them. 13 SOUTH the evening entertainment. Twin Forest lane, has returned to beds and bath from $8.50 Midwestern college where he Is CHESTER ROAD Local John Bircl:t Society, P.O. Box 233.SwQ,rthmore, Pa., 19081 $15.25 Mod. Am .• each. Write majoring In drama. He recently KI 3...25.13 Inclusive Plan rates. received an award from his mi\rlborougb'~lcnbcim school (or his outstar.dlng work 5 Mll'C Aeru on t~r O(tln It PAIl!. Place as an undergraduate student in ,l,tl~nhc Cih 08404 67 YUIIo Whit, flm,!, O.nen~,p "'.nlcement the technlca I an d prod uc tlon Guild Names OHicers KI 3-2290 COLLEGE THEATRE, Swarthmore p~ NOW SHOWING 'Frank Sinatra ''THE DETECfIVE". FULL LINE OF CANDLES • SWEET SHOP -- - , 4 FRIDAY CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERTS By Philadelphia Orchestra Members Telephone KI4-5145, KI3-6113 Write Springfield Chamber Music Society Box 212, Springfield .. '.~ LAST MINUTE APPOINTMENT t FAVORITE GARMENT SOILED t DO NOT FRET Try Our SAME DAY CLEANING SERVICE IN BY 11 A. M. - OUT BY 4 P. M. 2'. PRIDE CLEANERS COZY ROBES tor ALL OCCASIONS it's the season! "AIIARCHY - USA" "SHOW BIZ IN THE STREETS" AVE. SHOP PA - ii~;;;;":,,,:,s;;R':':':G:":''':':.:'':'';''::~~~flel:d:.::::; SWARTHMORE HEAOOU ," see our YOU NOTICED THAT MOST BUSSES after dark DO NOT HAVE SAFETY BEllS I 1<13-\900 3 p. m. Sunday, October 13 JEWBRY fOR SALE B••per Slckers BulloRS AYlilable Drop i. for Coflee Sign IP for work 9 ••• II 9 p••• Monda, t .. 1II11S. & Sit. 9 •.•. II 9 p. •• fridays II J Soli, ~ GIFTS , 15 SOUTH aala ROAD Ope. friday e"lilg FEATURE SKITS "RALPH NADAR - WHERE ARE YOU NOW THAT WE IlEED YOUI" a & Hobby 4 - 45 'ark Avenue. $.arthmore. 'a. '-4191 Frl-9 AM. to 8:3Q SHS Off To Owl Country Saturday , garts ' f man mountain" 11ne play. other boys In the game were Dave Rial, steve Snyder, Mike Slott, BI,1I Reed, Birney Brown and Richard Semenuk. coUege will be the speaker at 01 the opinions ot the Rotary Club's 12: 10 lunch- l:;he;:::m;:::et;;d;::u;;r;::ln:;:g::;::th;;:l:;:s;::p:;:e;:rl:;:od:;::;.:;:::= eon meeting today at the I. UNICEF GRE ETING CARDS Ingleneuk. Dr. van de Kamp was In East ON SALE Germany this summer att~nd­ lng a meeth1g of astronom~rs when the Russians invaded Every Evening Except Mondoy The High school Garnet 363 Riverview Road Football team,travels to Sharon KI 4-2114 czechoslovakia. He will teU 11111 tomorrow, raring to go ..-....-..-..-.~-...-of his experiences and some after de(eatlng Garnet Valley last saturday. 20-13 In league. competition. LOO'lng (or Its The united Nations Day Insecond league win, the Garnet JRS. INYITE PUBLIC ternational pot Luck Dinner Is nevertheless warlly eyeing will be Thursday, October 24, the Owls, who defeated a good TO HEAR ARCHITECT ~~:::;5===== In the swarthmore High school Darby team but lost to JenkinThe Junior Woman's Club cafeteria at 6:30 p.m. sponsor town, whom the Garnets beat w\1l hold Its monthly business o( the dinner Is the swarthmore 25-6. Game time Is 2 p.m. meeting, Wednesday, october committee (or the United Last Saturday's win was the 16, at 8 p.m., in the clubhouse. second of the season against At 9 (ollowlng the meellng and Nations. Reservations wll\ be taken 9 Che8t~r Road one loss for swarthmore. The the initiation of new members, through Monday, october 21. Call Swarthmore 6-0476 spirited and scrappy team Charles Hough will speak on Those wishing to come are dominated Garnet valley for our envIronment and how.archiasked to call Mrs. Richard the First three q,uarters but tecture can enhance our lives Behte KI 4-5363 or Mrs. Roger in the latter moments In both residential and cumas opponents· weight and munalllving. Wade KI 3 -2285. Either a main dish casserole I""warth,m')fe Injuries started to Mr. HOllgh was graduated or salad enough for three times take Its toll. from the University o( Pennthe number of people coming co-captain Jimmy Hood re- sylvania In 1950 and Is active the opening kickoff to lin the American Institute o( In each family may be brought. midfield from where quarter- Architecture. A modest share will be made to help pay (or beverages and back Chip Robinson alternated The public Is cordially InJohn RiveJlo with left vited to he"r Mr. Hough speak. desserts (or all, Including halfback Hood on ball carrying members of swarthmore COllege's International Club and The springfield Chamber stints thai went to the Garnet international students from Music society takes pleasure Valley five yard line. A 15- Rotary To Hear swarthmore High school who in announcing Its fifth season yard penalty put the Garnet to the 20 yard line but on Astronomer Today will attend as guests o( the In presenting four concerts by the next play Robinson repeated UN committee. The Philadelphia Chamber playa pass play to rlghtend Kevin Chairman for the sale of ers. This series of conc'erts Dr. peter van de Kamp, UNICEF notes and Christmas Is held at the springfield McCaffery that went 20 yards director of sproul Observatory greellng carfl.s is Mrs. Morgan Municipal Township Building 50 (or the first touchdown • and Edward Hicks Magill proFour plays later Bill stanton fessor of Astronomy at the wynkoop. Cards and notes will powell road. All ofthe concerts be available at the dinner or are on Friday evenings at 8:30 recovered a Garnet Valley fumon his own 30 yard line, can be ordered later directly p.m. Dates (or this season are (rom Mrs. wynkoop at KINovember 1, December 6, but another offensive drive died EVERYONE WELCOME with a (umble at the 3 ya '"d 4-2114. An International gift February 21 and April 18. UNITED NATIONS DAY This year the Philadelphia line. RUgged defense led by Cotable at the dlnne r will be POT LUCK DINNER handled by Mrs. William Har- Chamber players, whose mem- captain Craig coli stopped the grave. There will also be a UN bers Include distinguished Garnet valley hole and Kevin HIGH SCHOOL CAFETERIA arllsts o( the Philadelphia Mccaffrey recovered the Gar- Thurs. Oct. 24th - 6:30 P.M. Ilterature table. st'Jdents from swarthmore Orchestra, will perform a wide net Valley fumble at the 36. Adults 75{ - Children 50¢ High school under the direction variety o( repertOire (or small Again the attacks sputtered, Call by Oct. 21 st: of Mrs. Holly R. webster and ensembles. Each program will and alter a 50-yard punt by Kate Hoffman will present two Include In addition to standard HOod forced Garnet valley deep Mrs. Richard Behte KI 4-5363 skits on the United Nations repertoire a modern work by in their own territory, he reMrs. Roger Wade KI 3-2285 theme after dinner. Mrs. wes- French, German, Hungarian and turned their punt to the opponent's 3'1. ..-.._.-....-..__.-....-...._•.-...-. ...ley Wagner, swarthmore ele- American composers. At this point Robinson and one highlight of the series mentary school music teacher, w\1l bK Media, Pa., up unUl 9:30 A.M. the above Estate have been 9:30 A.:n. Eastern DayUcht Time Eastern DayHght Saving Time. granted to the undersigned, who on Wednesday,October 23,1968, request 'all persons having = = m . COlldltioru: 1350,00 cash or certified claims or demands «galnst the check at time of sale (unless otherwISe for furnishing and delivering 5t.ated In nd\'ertiscmentl. balnnce In ten F.O.B. Factory, Flre Brick to Estat~ of the decedent to mske days. Ollier conditions on dny of s..'\le. • the de sign ated Incinerator known the swne, and all perProposals will be sons Indebted to the decedent "To nil p;utle5 In Interest nnd clalm- Plants. opened in the presence o[ the to mske payment without delay, nnts: County Commissioners at 10:00 to TAKE NOTICE that a Schedule of Caroline F. Burnett, Executrix Built & Resurfaoed A.M. Eastern Daylight Saving DlstrlbuW>n ..... 1Il be Hied wIthin thlrt'· 341 Haverford Place 130) days [rom the dutc of sale and dis'- Time, on that date. Grading, Sodding, Seeding swarthmore, Pa, t.rlbnlioll will be mode In nccordance Each Bid must be lICCOmPanled Top Soil & Mushroom Soil with the Schedule of Dlstrlbullon unless Or to her Attorney exceptions are filed thereto wU.hln ten by Cash. Certified G60d Faith Alan Reeve Hunt of Duane, Check. or a Corporate Bid (10) days thereafter, No further notice Stone, Cement & Block Wo,k, Bond, either one In the amount u( t.he Rling of the Sehedule or DIstrlMorris H~i1~,f;I'ii~:ll'lin~ 1617 & ,d but.lon will be given." o[ ten percent (10%) 01 the Retaining Walls and Drains total amount of the Bid. drawn 1967 No. 8640 to the order of the County of CELLARS WA:rER-PROOFED MONBY JUDGMENT Delaware. ESTATE OF EARL PULL.Forms 01 Proposal may be ~ALL MAdison 16-3675 MAN, deceased, late of the City LOT &, IMPS. Sit. In Marcus Hook ,obtalned ,at the Olllce of the Borough, Delaware county. Penna .. on of Chester, Delaware county. put!!haslng Agent,CourlHouse, N.W. s. of Chestnul St. 422.45 ft. N,E. or P ennsy I vania. Media. Po. Ita Intersection with the W. Hlle 01 MarLETTERS TESTAMENTARY The County Commissioners cus Hook Village; tho N,W. 52.1!> It.; tho on the above Estate have been N.E. 3.98 n.: tho N.W. 35,07 It.; tho N.E. reserve the right to reject any granted to tbe undersigned 21.26 It; th. S.E. 97.16 ft.; tho S.W. 25.26 and all bids. ft, to pt. of beg. Being Lot No. 247 Plan who request al.l persons having FRANK A. SNEAR. JR. or Mnrclls Hook Village recorded In Plan or demands against the ClIse 7, ut page 11. In Office of Recorder HARRY A. McNICHOL claims Estate of the decedent to'mske 01 Deeds nt Media. BeIng No. 19 ChestWILLIAM A. WELSHI known the same, and all pernutSt. 2I{~10-18_9'.!!!}.tv commlss,!gners sons Indebted to the decedent Improvements consist of a two-story ESTATE NOTICE to make p",vment without delay brick house. t~ .• ESTATE OF CHARLOTTE SMITII WILSON. de reased,late Sold as the property of CATHERINE Janet Lee Hamilton, Executrix, of the Borough of Swarthmore, MAE FERG USON. Glen Rlddie Road. Delaware County. PennsylvanGlen Riddle, Pennsylvania, R. D. Mathewson. Attorney ia. Or to her Attorney. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY PAUL J. McKINNEY, Sherlf( Edmund Jones. Esquire on the above Estate have been 5 Park Avenue. 1965 granted to the undersigned, who No. 14612 PERSONAL swarthmore, Pennsylvania. request all persons having FOR SALE MONEY JUDGMENT claims or demands against the ADVERTISEMENT FOR SALE - Yeal"old trumpet LOT & IM.PS. Sit. In Upper Darby Estate of the decedent to mske The swarthmore .. Rutledge PERSONAL - Forsythe Nursery Twp., Delaware County, Fenna., on SE. known the same, ari.d all persons Educational Creative Program used sparingly by little old boy. Union School District will S. of Irvington Rd, 237.77 ft. N.E, of pt.. indebted to the decedent to children (3-5) Mondays, WednesKIngswood 4-4107. receive bids for the leasing or days. Fridays, Forsythe studio of curve on N.E. S. of Hampshire Rd.; payment. without delay • purchasing tho N.E. 16 rt.; tho S.E. 130.96 ft.: tho make of School Bus type to . the Arts - Dance - Baton FOR SALE - Pembroke Welsh ,N.E. 17.52 ft.: tho N.W. 138.11 ft to pt vehicle at Its office. 104 Col- o[ 01 beg. Bemg Lot No. 258. Drexel Park Guitar, children and adults. Corgi puppies. Affectionate, Aubrey Y. Smith, Executor. General Contractor Gardens. Plan 6, recorded at Media In 1 Park Avenue •. lege Avenue, Swarthmore, Penn- Klngswood 3-3688. fun-loving. AKC. For Informasylvania. up to 4 P.M. October omce of Recorder or Deeds In Plan Case Swarthmore, Pennsylvania. mation phone KIngswood 3-4338. No.7, page 19. 21. 1968 and open the bids at'a or to his Attorney. PERSONAL China and glass meeting ,of the Board at 8:00 FOR SALE - SChwinn "SpeedImprovements consist of a two-story Edmund Jones, Esquire, P.M., same date, or at an ad- repaired. Parchment paper lamp brick house. ster" 2 gears $20 - $30. For 5 Park Avenue, shades recovered. Miss I. P. journed meeting. more infonnatlon call Klngswood Swarthmore, Pennsylvania. Bunting. KIngswood 4-3492. Sold as the property of ANGELO O. Specifications ma,y be secured 3T-10-11 4-3173. MORMILE, JR., a/kia ANGELO MORbetween 9 A. M. and 4 P. M. MILE. JR .• and PHYLLIS A. MORMILE. ESTATE NOTICE daily except Saturdays. SUndays PERSONAL - Delaware Valley FOR SALE - To keep birds In ESTATE OF A. DAVID M, and holidays at the school Tree Experts. Shirer Building. R. D. Mathewson, Attorney your garden, start feeding now. SPEERS. Late of Swarthmore. District office. The Board ra- Swarthmore. Pa. All types of Feeders, houses and baths from PAUL J. McKINNEY. Sherif( Delaware Coun~. Po. serves tne right to reject any tree work. Fully insured. Free the S. Crothers, 435 Plush M\I1 , : = LETTERS TESTAMENTARY or all bids in whole or in part estimates - 10 years' eAperi.. Road, Wailinglord, LOwell 61963 on the above Estate have been and to award contracts on any . Boce. Klngswood 4-3035. No. 12053 4551. granted to the undersigned, who Item or items making up any PE'ltsciNAL - prano tuning MONEY JUOOMENT request all persons having FOR SALE - Full size violin, bl~nvelope to be mark.ed. "Seal- specialist. minor rep air I n g. padded LOT & IMPS. Sit. In Twp, of Upper clalms or demands against the case, 45 years old. PerDarby, Del. Co,. Penna., on S.E. S. of Estate 'of the decedent to make fect condition. $100. KIngswood ed Qlotations SCHOOL BUS." Brookwood La, 344.58 ft. S.W. of S.W, s known the same, and all persons John H. Wigton. M.D. KIngswoOd 3-5755 4-5149. of Ashland Ave,; th, S.E. 100 ft.; tho S.W~ Secretary of the Board, ____. - - - - 47.08 ft.: th. N,W. 88.26 ft,; tho on arc indebted to the decedent to make of circle curving to right 2~0 ft. to beg. payment without delay, to FOR SALE - Antiques, country PERSON AL - Bl acktop dri vept. (Lot No. 97) House No. 1110 BrookNancy P. Speers and provident 3T-IO-ll ~umitu.re. lamps. glass. Will photographic Supplies ways,excavatin g• Free esti... wood La. SUbJt. to mtge. National Bank, Executors. buy. Chairs recaned and rerush· 17th and Chestnut Streets, mates. Top 5011. Call A.G. Kraed. Bullard. Klngswood 3-2165. Improvements consist of a masonry 'l'aric. TRemont 4-6136. Phlla.. Po. 19103 and frame single house. , to their Attorneys FOR SAI,.t; - In garage - bene' Sold as the property of RALPH P. ':'!'~":' Mo'rris and Heckscher Evergreen Nursfit Crozer-Chester Medical CenCIALLELLA and LlNE'TTE CIALLELLA ery. Complete landscape and ter. saturday. October 12. 9 to n/k/a LINNETTE T, CIALLELLA. • nhjii~leliihiT,.:iUe Building ~ Pa. 19110 tree service. For free estimate R. D. Mathewson, Attorney call TRemont 4-0645. Swarth- 4,526 Walnut Lane, Swarthmore. ~:;;~~;.~~;~~~;~";". PAUL J. McKINNEY, Sheriff ,1-':':":';;' more references. ESTATE NoTICE WAtiTED ESTATE OF EDNAS.ENGLE. ESTATE OF MARGUERlTED PERSONAL - Custom tailored WANTED - Dental assistant. deceased. late of the Township HENNINGER. also known as Mar' 121 Fairview Road slip covers. Large selepllon of of Marple. Delaware County llUerite N. Dickey Hennin&er and not necessary. PartWoodlyn samples -all work done person- experience Pennsylvania. • Marlllerite N. Henninller, Detime, including three ally .by Mr. and Mrs. Seremba. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY ceased, Late of Swarthmore, Deland Saturday A.M. Reply Box Saggmg seats of chairs and soon tI bo E t aware County. Pa. ' 83 3 -1181 ,fas repaired. LUdlow 6-7592. The Swarthmorean. Ie a ve 5 ate have been LETTERS TESTAMENTARY Residential Specialist granted to the undersigned, who on the above Estate have been ~;:::;::::;,::::;::::::::::~~;:::~~~1 Swarthmorean advertiser since WANTED - Rel!able woman for :... .--..., 1951. reQ,:,est or all persons having t I-h concession stand evenings and' c)alIDs demands Rga.inst the . e;ran t ed o .. e un d ersigned, who weekends. Please apply In pel" Estate of the decedent to make or reQ.uest all persons having claims P.ERSON AL -: Carpentry, jobdemands against the Estate of BELVEDERE son at the College Theatre Fribmg, recreation roo m s, book day evening 8 to 9 or Saturday !,-ll;)Wn the same, and an persons the deced~nt to make known the cases. porches. L.J. Donnelly mdebted to the decedent ALESCENT HOM KIngswood make payment, without delay to to same. and all persons 'indebted 2 to 3. 4-3781. ' afternoon from . MICHAEL WILLIAM ENGLE. to.lhe decedent to make payment 4~3898 2507 Chestnut st., Chester N without. delllY. tQ WANTED -InSwalthmore. Famo. 6 South Malin Road. ' Robert A. Adams, Executor PERSONAL Will repair all TRemont 2-5373 ily with five children wants to "L small electrical Broomall, Pennsylvani.a 207 Cornell Avenue buy large horne. In 30's. Phone , thing ~ot working 24-Hour Nursing Care Or to his Attorney. " Swarthmor·e. Pa. 19081 687-0910. home. Will pick up JONES. Esquire, Or to his Attorney Aged, Senile, Chronic Cull Blll McKee, WANTED -Baby-sitting desired 0873. 1716 Girard Trust Building Convalescent Men and Women .ILambert B. Ott by young lady. Available day or Philadelphia. Pa. 19102 ExcellentFood-Spacious Grounds evening. IOngswood 4--8713. PERSONAL -A-I TreeService ESTATE 0 F HALLIE BANKBlll-e -Cr~-6 HGnore~ First. class work, all phases: ERD, Late of Township of HavLOST AtlD FOUND ESTATE OF ERIK W. SADIE PIPPIN TURNER, Prop. Fully IOsured - local references erford. Delaware county Penn- HOEGBERG. deceased, late of Call Hank, Klngswood 3-2010: LOST - Boy's black Schwinn sylvania. • the TOwnship of Springfield. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY Delaware county.P ennsylvania.' bicycle removed from school CHRISTIAN SPENCE On the above Estate have been bike rack Thursday. KIngswood FOR RENT LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA,RADIO SERIES granted to the undersigned. who TION on the abuve Estate have 3-3975. reQl}-est all per so n shaving been granted to the undersigned, FOR RENT - A lovely first claims or demands against the who request all persons having LOST - l.arge male tiger cat. floor apartment, available Jan'" SUNDAY - 8:45 A.M. gentie. friendly. Friday night. Estate of the decedent to make claims or demands against the uary 1st for four months. SwarthWFlJ:, 560 k.c. 100 block Rutgers Avenue, Re~nown the same, and all persons Estate of the decedent to make more. Klngswood 3-0182. stnIDAY - 6:45 A,M. mdebted to the decedent to make known the same, and all persons ward. KIngswood 3-6076. "SATISFYING SERVICE payment, without delay, to WQAL - FM. 106.1 m.,. fOR OVER 50 YEARS' FOR RENT - Furnished smail to t'u~' -decedent to William J. Just indebted LOST - Gold bracelet with apartment, centrally located. make payment, without delay. to 619 Woodland Avenue Reasonabie. Suitabl~ for work- name engraved inside. SentiERICK I. HOEGBERG. mental. value. Reward. KlngsHavertown. Pennsylvania Administrator, ing person. -Also room with pri- wood 3-7954. , Attorney 312 Callendar Lane. vate bath. KIngswood 3-3811 •• J;:clJmmd Jones, Esquire· Wallingford, Pennsylvania, - Woman's bifocal s A\'enue Or to his Attorney, EXPERT FLOOR WAXING FOR RENT - House - Swarth- FOUND P. near College hOckey field, SatEDMUND JONES, Esquire. more. Three bedrooms, possibly urday. Call for at swarthmorean. ESTATE NOTICE TO BOTTOM 5 Park Avenue, 4th, I~ baths, 2 car garage. ESfATE OF E. LAURENCE Swarthmore. Pennsylvania. Available October 1st. Reply Deliver Paperbacks Fo, In. HOUSE CLEANING CONWELL. also known as Ed- 3T-I0-18 Box T. The Swarthmorean. OIL HEAT ductees to The Swarthmorean. ward Laurence Conwell and EdESTATE NOTICE RUGS & FURNITURE ward Laurence Conwell,Jr.• DeESTATE OF HELENE H ceased. Late of the Borough of SHAMPOOED IN YOUR HOME Swarthmore, Delaware Count v WARD, Late of the Borough of Pa. J. Swarthmore. Delaware County ' LETTERS TESTAMENTARY Pennsylvania, Deceased. LETTERS Testamentary on on th~ abo\'~ Estate han" been granted to the undersigned. who the above Estate haYing been reQl}est all per so n shaving granted to the undersigned all \\"t.. Install Torg:llol " claIms or demands against the persons indpbted to said Estate Durcsque Seamlt·ss f Rcsilirnt Fluoring Estate of the decedent to make are requested to make payment those having claims to NO WAXING NEEI .. ':D ~nO\\ll the same, and all persons and the same, without Ihd~bted to the decedent to make present PERSONNEL SEINING delay. to payment without deiay to Shirley Ward Milier Elizabeth Dougla; Conwell Brooke Cottman 111 Columbia Avenue' Box 55. Rangeley. Maine and OVII 50 YEAlS Swarthmore. Pa. 19081 and Provident National Bank Mortimer Drew 17th and Chestnut 8' rt:€t::,' The Phil a. Natlonal Bank. Broad Fan ESTIMATES Coslett and Chestnut Slreets. Philadelpbla. pennsylvania: Philo.. Pa 19107. Executors Executors Beb Thomson Or to their Attomeys Or to their Attorneys: BuUer. Beatty, Greer &Johnson John Biddle Felton, Esquire Judy Coslett 17 SOuth Avenue. • Duane, Morris & Heckscher r Don lyons Media, PennsYlvania 1617 Land Title Building \03L 3T-~(l-18 Philadeipbla, Pa. 1911~ SHERIFF'S OFFICE REAL ESTATE = DRIVEWAYS & PARKING AREAS SALES & RENTALS of existing properties PRICH BAIRD & BIRD INC. KI 4-1500 & EXTERIOR FREE ESTIMATES Edward G. Chipman ilnd Son ' Additions & Alterations ,, ,, ,, , TR 2-4759 TR 2,-5689 ............ : . • , ! ' ;, ' Picture Framing ROGER RUSSELL ~c't.:,:;e~~~n;~\l:e~ri:."Ee~;::: TOPS IN PAINTING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR ~;;-RSONAL LOwell 6-2176 B. G, DAVEN, 3rd " Painting Conhactor ED AINIS KI ~;!ffi~;~;~~~~ __ il 1----;;;i;:rAir'R"Im''!'iT;..-- OffiCE • RESIDENCE INDUSTRIAL ATLANTIC rop WALLS & WOODWORII REAL ESTATE COTTMAN, DREW & COSLETT, INC. WASHED Complete, Professional -Real Estate Service WARE SALES - APPRAISALS - MORTGAGES cout..n Ed 6- 2530 ,. Providence Rd. at Jefferson, Media KI 4-8320 FUEl OIL BURNER SERVlCE BUDGET -PLAM SRA NOTEBOOK DEMOCRATS PLAN 6CT, 22 SUPPER SWARTHMOREAN 1 Saw It In The Swarthmorean' To Receive CLU Award Underwriters I n MemphiS, Tenn., on October 21. Mr. Schaelrer graduated In 1960 Irom Swarthmore /Ugh Scbool and Is a graduate of Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va, He has sold over a m11110n dollar s worth 01 lIIe Insurance In botb 1967 and 1968 and has qualilled for his company's Hall 01 Fame and Leaders Association. He Is a reCipient of the National Sales Achievement Award and the National Quality Award. He Is the youngest Chartered Llle Underwriter In the city 01 Mem=p:::h~ls:.:._ _ __ ESTATE NOTICE Frederick C. Scnaeller, 'son ESTATE OF Ida May Paddl- '01 Mr. and Mrs. Howard so~, Also Known As Ida May schaeller 01 Elm avenue. will swarthmore Recreation ASMrs. Morris Bowie, pres ... Prelhs Paddlson. Deceased. be soclatlon's Teen Age open Late of swarlhmore, Delaware awarded the coveted Charident 01 the swarthmore House got Itsell 011 to a swingCounty, Po. tered Life Underwriter deslgIng start Friday night. at tbe Democratic Women's Club has LETTERS TESTAMENTARY nation In ceremonies held by woman's Club ... 187 students announced the appointment 01 on the above Estate have been 1 the local Chapter 01 the granted to the undersigned, who American COllege 01 Life between the eighth and tbe Mrs. John Rogers as chairman of the annual Democratlc request all persons having twelfth grades turned up.' to claims or demands aRllinst· the covered dish supper. dance to the Juke box, play Estate of the decedeni to make Tbe ' supper. schedUled for known the same. and all persons slmflle board and table tennis, indebted tQ the decedent to Oc,tober 22 at 6:30 p.m., will consume pop and popcorn ... mske payment without delay, to keeping chaperons Mr. and Mrs. be In Whlttler House on the Osborne H. Paddison, Executor 100 Ogden Avenue Irving Slott and Mr. and Mrs. college campus. The program Swarthmore, Pa. J. Harold Dumm on their toes. will Include the introductlon 01 county candidates In the Or to his Attorney and Director Fran Tracy busy Alan Reeve Hunt of Duane. making notes lor the records ... NovQmber election and a disMorris & Heckscher 1617 Land TItle Building, The student staff Included Rick cussion 01 local Issues that Philadelphia. Pa. 19110 Luder. Sherry Doherty, Debbie will appear on the ballot. 3T-ID-25 Anyone Interested Is invited Bird and Jack Kulp ... and, InESTATE NOTICE cidentally, Fran Tracy has to attend and asked to make reservations belore october 19 OF Bertha L. Evans, ESTATE promised Combo once a AI,., Known As Berlha Lillia with Mrs. Rogers. KI 4-2291, MONTH. Evans and Berlha Garwood Director l)(!n Henderson and qr 25 Yale square, Morton. Evans. Deceased, Late of Swarthmore. Delaware County, assistant wes Ranck spent a lot Pa. 01 time Saturday Keeping Republican Women LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on Track of outdoors activities. the above Estate have been cross country teams, under granted to the undersigned, who re~est all persons having'. the direction 01 Bob Mudrick. Name Nominators cllUms ur demands against the traveled to Fairmount Park's Tha swarthmore council of Estate of the decedent to make Belmont Plateau In order to known the samet and all persons compete In a District Invita- Republican Women has an- indebted to the decedent to tional A.A. U. meet ... glrls, 10 nounced Us selection of a make payment, without delay, and 11 who competed were Pat Nominating committee for next \'0 Jean Evans Newkirk, Box 136, Logue. Marilyn colllns. Helen year. Mrs. Edward W. coslett. Norlh Branch. New Jersey and provident National Bank, Gorgas. Lynn Wilkinson and Jr. will serve as chairmanwlth Mrs. GUy de Furia, Mrs. Irvin and Chestnut streets. Broad sue Lester; BOYS 10 to 11. Phila., Pa., Executors R. MacElwe,e, Mrs. David S. Simon Boocock, RusS WilkinOr to their AUomey Smith and Mrs. william B. son, Mike Mudrick, Mark perry Alan Reeve Hunt of Duape, Morri.s & Heckscher, and Chris Rounds ... boys 12 and patton as her committee. Mrs. Robert G. Juckem has 1617 Land Title Building. 13. John stott, Jim Chansky. been appointed the new chair- Pliiladelphla, Pa. 19110 Tim Johnson, Ted conwell and man ofthetelephone committee. 3T-ID-25 ' steve Herschel ... and SRA took two trophys, born home proudly by Simon Boocock and Russ Wilkinson, finishing among the lirst 10 In their events. That morning also saw 15 adults out on the high school tennis. courts, taking pointer~ from coach Don Dreisbach ... the hours were from 9 until 10:30 a.m. SPECIAL DEALS sunday was ('soccer Day" ... and more boys than ever turned To Early Buyers, Huge Inventory, Big out. Winners sunday in the sixth. Discounts, Highest Trade In On Brand sev~nth, eighth grade category THIS, IS FIRE PREVENTION WEEK, a time for all were liB" team, coached by New '69 Chryslers & Plymouths. suburbanites to salute the more than 5,000 public-spirited. Dr. John ROxby and Including . citizens who' serve in our volunteer fire companies without Andy Skipp, Andy Shea, Rick compensation and with little recognition, These men not only Groff, Dave Hagelin, RosS BarWE NEED USED CARS NOW! ford, BUly compton; Phil Maas, protect your ,lives and property on a round-the-clock basis; Dick Morrell. Charl1e Brennan, they also devote much time and effort to the elimination of Jim Malone and Jim Hamilton ... fire hazards., Regular inspections are m'.lde of public buildcoordInator Dan Goldwater re ... ports that future plans for the ings, churches, schools, apartment houses, and industrial and sunday meets include hopefully commercial structures to find and to correct conditions the formation of two Informal which could cause costly blazes. leagues ... 50metlme during the Support your local fire company and show the volunnext two weeks Dan and his teers your appreciation. Help prevent fires. Eliminate hazards. assistants will break the boys '68 PLYMOUTH V.8 down into Group One, made up This Company is proud to hail these men with whom it has of fourth. fifth and siXth gradworked in a close, harmonious relationship for many decades. FURY SEDAN ers; and Group TWO, made up of sixth. seventh and eighth Delive,.d in Meclia $2445 graders ... speclators. not to say Including Frtight & Fedtr.1 Taxes cheering sections, are very welcome at the Riverview Road Field, every sunday at I p.m. Open HOUse again tonight! THE AIL =----....., Come In and See The Great All, New '69 Chryslers & Plymouths ---< SPECIAL SAVINGS TO BUYERS ON ALL '68 PLYMOUTH LEFTOVERS "Come In and Buy with Confidence" ;u o/r SPRINGFIELD To Hear Lafore The swarthmore Club 01 Philadelphia plans to hold Its first luncheon meetingonTuesday. october 22. The luncbeon will take place at wanamakers at 12: 15 p.m. Laurence Lafore of the class '01 1938. professor 01 history at swarthmore, wUl speak on "The professor as a Writer." PHILADELPlHASUBURBAN WATER COMPANY Augutita ORPHANS' COURT OF DEL-AWARE COUNTY, PENNA. Notice of Filing and Audit of Accounts NOTICE is hereby gIven to heirs, legateu, creditors and all persons Intereated that accdlJllts In the' followlnll estates have been flied In the Office of the Register of Wills and Clerk of Orphans' Court as the case may be and that the same will be presented to the Orphans' court of said County on MQnday. No· vember 4, 1968, at 10:00 o'clock A M. (E. S. T,) for confirm a • lion at which time the said court will audit aaid accounts, hear objections to the sarne and make distribution of the balance ascertained to be in the hands of the accountant. A~IH':H:o\OX' ' . ~('lil. ~i. Fir!'t nmt "'Inal At'l'IIUllt IIf Alrn !\;Iz('r.,tlll'I. IIf 1·~S.,'(·Ull'i);. 1':~lnte llkhiU'1 1". Allliertctln, De- ('E"ltl'l.. l1· .. Allll:-iTHuX'H - ~"llt. 1 •• , Firat anti Fhml "'\t't·u\lnt flf l l1rllR ~. Arnll"llruuft: Admlnil"tnltor. ..:~tllh' (I' Annn ..\1"nll"ltrllng, n/kln Annn I-!dgnr ~\"ml-ltrnng, I )f>'·(,lItced. ANII--c.·kt. 1. "-IOIt nud Final A("t'Ount uf Ht!'len (~. naft. Jo.."xeot'utrlx• •:l"Itnh· Ilf Annl.' Atllh, DeNRHll. . nAI..L_\nl)-'~llt. !o. FII'ICt Jt.("- ("Ount of The .~ldeUU.· HAnk Rnd IIplf'n F. Hllllnrd. Jo!Xel'Uto"," ..!lttRtf' of .I_ Ktnnlp)' Dat- lArd. DoHaood. BmKRlXll..t.r-&.Pt. 21, Flrllt an!' •••&:n. ·lCx!!""'utrtS. ,', lb..., "\ • Eltate of LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE PI.... A\"('ount C'tf , Page 1 )1. llergdGU, De- ('t>"fled, DOUJ~r:-sellt. HI, Flt'st Act.uunt or The Fidl'Ht)· Bank (l-~t1rml'rl\' Fidt'llt:r - Phtladel111111l TI'ust ('0,) and Ruhert A. BUflh.le. Nxe('utOl'S, l'~state o[ Jl\lIe \\#. Btldine, lll'rea!ted. , l~OYLA~-ort. 1. lo'irst and Fl~ n:11 Al'('ountlng of Loul~ )olot· tel' Atlmlnil'llrator. t .T.A., 1'~l'ItRte of Pearl :\l. Doylan , l)E"I·eal'll·d, BnOOKS-Sellt. 19, Flrl'lt and ,,'Inal AC"(,lIunt of Sarah A:IIhrunt Admlnll'ltratl'lx, C,T.A., 1.!~tRtl" ot Eliza. B"onk~, Dej'j';\I"1"''', mtYA:"\'T--SI,pt. 2:i, Ar('ount of ,Im"l'ph I':, (i .. ('~I1t>, Jr., Admilli~trato... g~tah' of )lan' JJ Hl·,·nnt. Decellsed, c.-\h)J~i;o\o..-SI'llt, 26. FIU~ and "'innl A('('uunt of Jean t RIIO1Ino. Administratrix, Jo~stRtt" of RODlUhl ('nl"tOllnn, De(,E'a~ed. (",1~AnKJo"!. ·S('}lt,· 25. Flnt A~­ ('tmnt of I..E'nnl:ll L. Apgnr & I'lara ANtill'. Trul'lteE""- Ar .. C"ntmtlntr from t!-lS-64 to 630-61t. Tru$lt u/w of llargaret e. l'lllrke. De<."eased. l"t.lPR:-;HAFER - o('t. I, First And Final ,,("rount of Rt'bec-('a C, )lullord. Executrix. Rstate 01 lI.tltdA. B. ('opt"nhafer. alk/a Matilda copenhafer. Det'Uaed. C"-lUnSOs-.","pt. !S. First and FInAl A("('Ount of A10)·shl. lI. ('ummlnpa,. Exk"utor. El'ItAle of lIal')" A. cummlnp. De· .....-. . Cl-Rt.r-SePt. t6r Flnt A("('Ount ) of The "hlellt,. Bank (P'or~ •mmv nteUt¥ - 1'tI!lallel,hIa Trust ('omllull:r) and Jo:lIzaheth ..\. ,,'uri, Tru~tt'es, Stated frum .1 ub' 16, HIIi~ to Selltemher :;, 1965. Harr;r A. Curl, Settlor. UA Y~~l'ORT-oct. 1. First and Fhull ..-\(·l'ount of }'rank J. lJa\'cnl)ul't, J .... li:xec\ltor, Estat!... o( Yh'lnn Sarah Da"\'enport, })t>l'eaHed. Buy-~ellt. au, J..'ll'st Ac('ount of ltuth M. nill" and Th.e PhtlndE"lllhhL :>:;Itioolll Bank, Tru}(h.t'N. Trust Under \\~Ill of ~lht"l ll. Ehy. Del'eased fur Uuth :.'IL Hm. l1WAI-l-Sept. 30, Pil'st nnd Final A(,('ount or Bmll)' \'innacumht>, 1':Xt'('utrix, Estate Qf EmUy J. Edgar, Del·l'ased. FAHIU<:I.I.--:-)ept. :!6. A('('ount of ";jr,,rd TI'ul-lt Bank, Exel'utor, E~tate uf John H. ,,'al'rell,.Ue('eatll'd. , FlUel")':. Ht'llt, 2-4. First Ac("ount vf The Fldellt)· Bank nnd Htllart Holt llosher, Bx~("utnra. Estate of eurolyn Y. Jo'rl("ke. Dert'used. Stated from Januan' 18. 19,58 to September lG. 19&8. l"RlI-:s-u("t. 11 Fln_t and Finn. Al.('ount of ~Iarlon S, Gayer, ":xe<,utrlx uf the \\'111 of Flurt"nre B. 1o"'r1f'R., De('eaaed. GmIS.":RT-Sept. 26, Flnt and Final A~('Ount of Dnnatd J. OOlQCert, Executor, FAtate of Arthur J. Gouert, DeceaaecL GREE!'or-Sept. 2G. Tblrd and Ftnal Account ot HaI'YeY A. Or-n, SUrY,,·ln.. Trustee and XaurlN! 11. Green. su~u.. tutlPd Tru.tee of The G"en TnBt. HARR-SePt. n. Fifth Aec:o....t of ...~ Flnt Pen..,l~ala LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE l'AItKg-St'lit. 17, .... Ir}(t and FiFinal Act'ount of Helen :.'II. nal 'A('('uunt nf The Ue};.\WRl'e Hunt, Exe('utrix, i!:Rtate of (4 uun ty ~atlunul Bank, t.:Ulll'::; am u e 1 Honll'e Juhmmn, dinn or The Nstutl' Hf u'slle u/k/a HOl'at'e .lohn!'on, Hnm)'al'ke, A :\flnor. uel H. .Johnsull & Samuel I'AHTgnXAK-(kl. 1. Fh'l-It A<'Juhusun •••et'ea:llt'fl. count 01 I'aul A. I'n~ternak. KJt:::gnAX-St'l.l. II, FII'~t and I~xel'utllr, I':!-lla\~· uf Juhn I'n9Io~inal A('t'f)unt IOf :\lnry T. If'1"nnk. I )e(·en~ed. I,pegn n • 1.!Xt,,'ulI"iX. I·:~tl\tl· IIf I'OOL1":-Sevt. 12, Flt'st Ac('ount Ruth I~. I'e.'gan. 1It'I'{'lIsed. of Th(' Fhlellt)· Bank (Io411r_ KOI'~IILI~n.. St·llt. 30, l'~irst ~nd merly I·~hll.. it)· - l'ht1ndl'h.hla. )o'i.m,1 ..\I'('ount IIf I'!d~·the Tru!'lt Cumlmnr), (~UUI·(lIRn. R. I'rugt'r. Atlminlstl'lltrlx. Stntetl from Ortuher 2i. 1960 (".T.A.. I-!I-Itale of I·:rna L. to August :m, 1~lIi8. I'!s\nte ot l.;:oehler. a/kla Erna .'"ehler, )[amtl' OrR)' PfJlll~, An Alh·ged Dl'(,(,8sed. hwoml)!...tent) (alk/n llAnle O. l[A I~:r..-~E'llt. 1~, Flr!"t and l"~lnnl I'uule ). .A~'j'41unt of (', B"ul'e ,\'nl'on, RAI~IEn-Sept. 3D, First and 'l'~xp('ut(Jr, 1':l'tllte of Ht'nr)' }o'lnnl AC('llunt of H. llcnedh't :\181,;. Hel'"eaflf'd. Rhlket'. EXeC'lltorit I~!(tah' of ll('('..\~IBRlllI;g-S{'l.t. :\0, Firflt ~tHl"garet Ho)t ailliE"r, De· nnll }o'lnnl A('('ount of JamE's s~·tt1or_ ('eased. 1':1'''' )Oll-I-amhridge, Jr., AdHEACOCK - - Sept. 16, First SARorS - 0('(. I, }.... 'r!'lt and ministrator. C.T,A .• E~tate of and I-~Inal Ac('ount of The Del.lames l~"le :.'lIe( 'nnlhrhlge, De1"Inni A('('(lunt IIr Edith HllinawarE" eount)' ~attonal Bank, Kky. Exe('utrix, I'.!sll\h· of (,f'8fwd, Exerutor, EN-tate of Charles :\n~ASEY-O("t. 1, Flrl"t AccDunt Jordan E. SaroU9. Dl'('eRsed. Heat"ol"k, Deceased. lit The Flde1lty Ba.nk and SllIPHOX"-ScpL 27, Flnt and HEKKIX"G-Oct, 1, First and Dnxld Alf'xander Couper, Ex· }o'lnnl A('('uunt of Ra)'mond ~. Final A('('ount of Sarah ).I. e("utor~, EstatE' of William HAR)· • .Jr.• Jo:xe('utor, Estate 01 Carter. Administratrix. Estate llaul :\Ieasey, Deceased. AlllheuR J. Simpson, Deof Man" Ca.rter Hekklng, DeX A YI.nn-Sept. 30, Firat and ("eased. c@ued. 1>41nal Ac('ount of Pro\'ldent HESUEL-Oct. 1, First Ac("ount 'VAG~ER-.C:;ept. 21, First AcX'atlnnal Dank and .John H. of James :Mallon, Sr.. Ad .. C'Ount of The Fidelity Bank ,& Hnffnngle. Exe("utora. ~Ktate , minlstratnr, Estate of Estber Samuel H. French. Executnra. nf ctara )1. :saylor, Deceaeed, Estate of Amelia H_ Wagner, HenKel, De('eaaed. :SEFF-8ept. 20. FI~t Account HICKs-Sept. 16, 'FlrKt and FlDe('eaH~d. or Tbe Fldellt)· Bank and WAKEFIELD-Sept. nal Ac("Ount of H. Kimble 4, Account lltldr('d E. "~bltf', Executors, HI("kR. Expcutor; Eata,te nl of Girard Truat Bank. Execu .. "~lIItate of Ethel )I. Neff, De .. Elisabeth "-. Hll"lta, Decuaed. tor. Estate of LUUan F. WakeJE~KIS"s-sept. !S, Flnt and ("eaRed. fteld. Deceased•. Final Accnunt of :f.lbert Frank Nn'-AK-SePt. 17. Vi"'t and , WALTER T. RoDAVID Jenkins. EXe<'utor, EMate of Final AC"eOunt of XalT ~ovak, a.tlter of Will. and Bertha B. Jenkin"" alkla Exet'utrlx. "£sltate of )laQ' Bertha Jenkin. and Berttaa JI. Novak,. arc," lIny ~oW'ak. IO.n_g--1t of, Banking and Trust Company, T, Truxtun Hare, Jr., and Chnrie" Willing Hare, Tru!'i~ tees, Unller The Will of John t. Clark Hare. De('eased. Ac('ount stll tt'd by r('a~mn of the death ot Esther U. Hare on October 15, 1967, Account :ita tell from June 10, l:lit7 to Jul)' I. }968. }o~state of John t. l'lnrk Hare, Deceased. (Trust fo"or Esthl'r D. Hare.) UAHKI~S-Hel.t. 26, First Ac(,aunt of I'ro"ldl'nt ~ntional Bank (Formerly Pruvident Trust ('umpnn)' of l'htladelllhia) TI'ustee, Accounting from (ll'tuher 22. Hl3i to August 2i. l!UiS. Deed of Trust (II th,ur,;... E\,et'et Haskins. ». J'enklnill. ~MK1. .JOIL'1BON-s.Pt. 1•• Flra. an4 , 00--' OI'P- eo_ ,, . f Frld..,.. OctOber 11. 1968 THE 8 Swarthmore, Bryn , Haverford Join In S196,000 Computer Cenler Confer On lIalul'll Beauty October 11 TB Press Coni. AI SHS Monday GREAT BOOKS SETS OPEN HOUSE TUES. mixer with a half hour discussion to show what llappens at a Great Books discussion. Anyone wlsh1ng to loin the local Great Books may caliMrs. Mlluskl at LOwell 6-2546 ·for additional Inlormatlon. Mrs. Joseph Mlluskl, Wallswarthmol'eans and ,area Ingford, Is chairman of Ihe residents are Invited to a DelGreat Book~ area group wh1ch _. 'r h re e Phlladelph1a-area will be given responslblllty for aware county conference on will be meeting this fall at machine operation, training, Ramble Sat. colleges - Bryn Mawr, HaverNatural Be.ety to be h~ld the Wallingford Presbylerlan IAurlUn:ln ford and Swarthmore - have plannlng, and special computer Thursday, october 17, at the The Autumn Foliage Nature Church. established a $796,000 joint -language development. Ramble at Tyler Arboretum, Williamson Free school· of The group 15 part of the Doris Wiley, staff writer on College omclals say today's Mecllanlcal Trades, Media. computing center. Lilna, tomorrow will Include Phlladelph1a's Evening and Western Suburbs Great Books The center will be mainly student Is likely to find a Among those speaking at the Sunday Bulletin, will be princi- Discussion Groups which will a noon picnic, a 1:30 showing for student Instruction and for "computer world" waltlngafter 10:30 morning session, - a of sUdes from the spring pal speaker at the 4th Annual hold open house TUesday, faculty and student research. graduation; so they see a panel on "Educatlon and SUcphotography walk, and a 2 Delaware county School Press October 15, al the Wynnefleld Humanists and sOf!lal scien- mounting need for students to cessful CItizen ACtion," will conference next Monday alter- Library, 54th street and Over- o'clock walk to be spent In tists, . as well as natural be at home with computers be Mrs. Henry C. Patterson, noon, october 14, In the aud!- brook avenue. The 8 p.m. affair photograph1ng In Ihe Arborscientists, wlll use the new and to be lamlllar with the president of caleb Pusey House. will -acquainted' etUIll. The public Is Invited. many posslbllltles which they The day-long program wlllaiso toriUHI at swarthmore High facility. School. When the new center is In orrer to reduce the amount of include a second panel "polluThe conference, open to full operation and the comput- routine work done by humans. tion" to begln at' 1:30, and a In classrooms and laboradinner at which H. walter editors, writers and advisors Ing demands of the three colleges are determined, officials tones, the computer ls used Weaver, superintendent 01 Del- of 46 area junior and senlor will invite secondary schools to speed routine calculations, aware county Parks will give high schooi newspapers, will start with Mrs. Wlley',address and other local colleges to share thus giving the student more the welcome. Ume to consider the meanlng The conference Is sponsored at 3:30 p.m. and be climaxed the [acillUes. by the Delaware county con- at 4:30 p.m. with the announce-. This will mark the flrst Ume of the results. by hand on a desk Working servation Alliance formed last ment or this year's "Mlss In the United States that a group calc~l~tor, for example, it takes year and open t~ aU groups Emily BlsseU"---the high of small colleges bas Joined an· experienced operator apInterested in conservation or I school senior selected to ·repto form a computing center' w'hlch will then be shared with proximately 30 hours to deter- recreation in the county.'Waiter resent the founder o{ the annual secondary and other schools. mine the wave function of one S. Tyler, wallingford, Is one Christmas Seal campal&nonthe The project Is supported by the electron in a specific atom or j of the three co-chalrmen. basis of service to others,conSchool trlbuUons to her school, her Federal government wlthgrants molecule. The new computing I Swarthmore-Rutledge totaling $499,800 made through center can produce the same and swarthmore Recreatlon future career '" general appearthe National Science Founda- calculation In a few tenths of Association are among the co- ance, and personality. operating agencies. John Garbln, Health Educaa second. tion. swarthmore also features in tion Director for the Delaware Use of the facility will not creation of the center also was supported by a gift from be limited to the natural the brochlJre for this first con- county Tuberculosis and Health the late T. Kite Sharpless, a sciences. Social sclentists are ference, with a picture of the ASSOCiation, will conduct the Haverford alumnus who was a already major users of the crum falls on the first page. conference and Introduce Mrs. COlDer Admission to Thursday's Wiley whose aSSignments have ploneer in computer technology, existing smaller and slower eDGMONT A - SEVENTH & WELSH SlS meetings are free. About one taken her Into the political and by other funds from all facilities at the three colleges. They are expected to use the third of the scheduled sessions arenas of both parties, "behind three colleges. is for answerlngquesUonsfrom the scene" with celebrities, The maln, jointly owned new center heavily. the audience. and {'Into space" with a paraBryn Mawr and Haverford equipment Is located at. Haverchute strapped to her shoulders! ford, and the center's full-Ume have operated a joint computShe will talk about journalism director . Is headquartered ing faciUty for seven years, as a career and highlight some , there. smaller computers at and Swarthmore has had Its AFRICAN HISTORY o( her Qwn experiences. own for four years, although Haverford, Bryn Mawr and Simultaneous to t"lIe School swarthmore handle simple neUher unit was nearly as STUOY CONTINUES Press Conference will be the local tasks. Initially, the col- large or as (ast as equlpment African h1story and cultdre Miss Emily BlsseU contest, leges will statf the center with In the new joint center. wUl be the theme of the Negro In charge of Mrs. peter Told, Officials of the three colleges up to 10 persons. Director Is History study group next Thurs- Park avenue, for the cou~ty George A. Michael, formerly view the new computer as giv- day morning, october I~th. Tuberculosis and· Health Asassociated with the Lawrence Ing students the chance to deal The discussion will be led soclation; Mrs. Robert H. Radiation Labol'ato ry of the 'wlth the increasing masses of by Philip Mayer, and will be Johnston of Penfield; Mrs. unl verslty of California at data often associated with real- part of the study series on the Nicholas padls of Drexel Hill life problems In a world of Livermore. history and contribution of and T. Norma"n Mansell of The computing center Is an ever increasing complexity. AfrO-Americans being conSprlnglleld will serve as judges. outgrowth of an Informal co- They hold that there are not ducted by the Women's InterLast year Pamela Weaver, operative arrangement the enough hours In the day for the national League for Peace and then a senior at Garnet vaHey Ihree colleges have had for student to do all the necessary Freedom, In 'Swarthmore this High School, was selected to routine work of organizlng, years. fall. be honorary leader of the comparing and calculating. The maiH unlt at Haverford, The meellngs are being held Christmas seal campaign In an IBM system/360 Model 44, They feel he should do enough at the home Of Philip and Delaware county and served has two memory unlts: a high of this by- hand to understand Eleanor Mayer, 215 college as a modern Miss Emily Bisspeed unit with a memory of the process. The, they say, he avenue, at 9:30 on Thursday sell. In 1966, Cheryl stewart 32,000 words and reading speed should turn to the computer. mornings. It Is suggested that from Haverford Township High In applying for government of one million words per second. those Interested read the article school was selected for the Genuine imported The second, smaaer computer support, the principal Investi- on Africa In their encyclohonor. candidates are recomHarris tweed superbly at Haverford 15 a PDP -8/1 unit gators for joint computing cen- pedias. All are welcome. mended by the Physical Educrafted with can· which links the equipment at ter were listed as: cation directors of the county vertibl .. notched ~oUar Louls Green, then provost Bryn Mawr and swarthmore to h1gh scho.ols. (single construction), at Haverford; stuart patterson, the main computer at HaverIn New Post The 1968 winner again will notched flap pocket and ford. It also Is connected to associate professor of elecbe InvLted to appear officially vent back. Full seven Ruth Malone, Harvard avelaboratories, offices and class- trical engineering at Swarthas the honorary Christmas seal button front ·styling in more; and John R. Pruett, pronue, has jollied the staff of rooms on the Haverford leader of Delaware county. All sizes 10 to 20. Ask fessor of physics at Bryn Mawr. Georges Carousso and Assoclcampus. contestants will be awarded a for your FREE matching ates, Ph1ladelphla. At Bryn Mawr there are two special service citation and be fabric for a hat. The wife of James Malone, computers: an IBM 1620 and photographed as representing Mrs. Malone 1s a former society another PDP -8/1. At Swarth- Friendly Circle News COATS-Second Floor editor and political columnist their school. more, the major computer is an IBM 1130. A director superThe Friendly Circle will whose articles, short stories See our New Collection of and verses have appeared in vises the overall operation of meet on Thursday, october 17 I P~TER Fall Millinery - Second Floor the swarthmore unit. He will at 2 p. m., at the hom~ of Mrs. publications here and abroad. have Cour student aids: three Fran~: H. Mccowan, 407 Vassar Her current assignment Is the ALL LINES OF INSURANCE engineering students and a avenue. Mrs. John H. pitman Philadelphia Lyric opera Company account. psychology student. Students wUl be co -hostess. ---- --- 46 Area Schools To Assemble 3:30 P.M. DAVID CHARLES HAIR STYLING "Six Day Week" Monday through Saturday I HARRIS TWEED COATS $80 Classic fashion for Fall I ~! 'I ~ , I. i; E. TOLD, Alent KlnlSwood 3-1833 Wee"e." S,.ia'I . OCTOBER IS Co-oP MONTH .'. FOOD MARKET 401 DARTMOUTH THE SWARTHMOREAN $5.50 PER YEAR Council Hears Colledion Bids 99 c Save Recei JUDY COSLETT UNITED FUND SKITS, SONGS ON UN P~OGRAM lb. Register I SHS RAISES $325 FOR BIAFRAN RELIEF 'Democrals Open Hdqtrs. Tonight A total of $325 was raised last week for Blatran relief by the swarthmore High School Student council and the Junior High. The money was collectedduring homeroom and at lunch. swarthmore Borough Demo"The Best Bargain In the The check was sent directly cr,atlc Headquarters opens forBids 'for combined garbage World" and Of A Blrthday Skit" to an American FrjendsService maly tonlght at 8 p. m., in the and' trash collection, ranging are the titles of the two skits representative In Blatra by former Atz Garage, corner of trom a low of $32,000 annually to be presented by swarth'J'ore Clarence Yarrow of the PhilLafayette and Dartmouth avefor twlce -a-weel:<- curb service High School and Elementary adelphia AFSC. nues. to a high of $75,000 for rearschool students as a portion of week~ Chairman for the collection present Cor the ceremonles, yard pick-up,. were received the program for thls year's was Burr Yarrow, assisted by according to Daniel Goldwater, Monday night by swarthmore united Nations Day Inter- Bill Pastuszek. publicity was Borough chairman, the local , Borough council. national pot Luck Dinner. The handled by Miriam Taylor, . . Democrats expect former Only two of the bidders subdinner will be this Thursday, Margie Hay and Denise Boller. "~~ "-"~ Governor EndiCOtt peabody of mitted quotations on maintain';..\ " ' , october 24, at 6:30 p.m. In the Massachusetts, coordinator of Ing the present garbage service High School cafeteria. -"_~:4!d Humphrey-Muskle campaign In alone. One of these, Demko Those partlclpatlng In "The Fantasy Weds. the five-county area; Ernani Bros., cited $13,000 -- an InB8st Bargain" !ielng directed C. Falcone, Delaware county crease of $2000 over the present For Grades 1-3 by Kate Hoff'nan are steve Hart, Democratic Chairmanj William . contract which they hold. The Bill pastuszek, Laurel Shubert, A. splngler, chairman of Delother quoted $I~,OOO. Fantasy and Fairy Tales wl,ll Shirley DOdson and Linda Chanaware county Humphreyseveral citizens offered con·, be the theme for the story hour sky. "A Birthday Skit," writMuskie campaign committee fIIcting views In person or by Wednesday for the second and ten and directed by Mrs. Holley and delegate to the Democratic letter. Harry Beckmann s~d third grades. R. webster, will feature RichNational committee; Edward J. that property Owners AssociMrs. weston, children's ard Olney, scott Forbes and O'Halloran, Havertown. conation felt, for the sake of tidiUbrarian. will show two fUlns sam Anderson and a cast of 13 gressional candidate for the ness, collection should be at for the group, the traditional ele!11entary school students. Mel vin K. White leather , Seventh District, and Richard thE" house even If it cost more. tale of "Cinderella" and"Make Also Included In the program Ogden avenue. will be the T. Burke, prospect park, state Judy coslett, a senior at will be community singing on Another advised council to take way for Ducl:Ungs," a inodern speaker at the woman's Club Legislative candidate (or the the cheaper curb servlce and fantasy about a fa!I)Lly of ducks swarthmore High School, was the United NaUons theme. stated Meeting and Tea Tues- 161st District, of which permit those who wanted rear from the bOOt. by Robert Mc- selected Monday as Miss Emily Reservations for the dinner day afternoon. From his present Swarthmo;"e Is a part. BlsseU of 1968 and as such are being taken by Mrs. Richlot collection to pay extra pricloskey. position as columnist for the Following Friday night's vateiy to the collector. The hour, from 3:30 to 4:30. will serve as honorary leader ard sehr, KI 4-5363 or Mrs. Evening Bulletin on Foreign ceremonies Headquarters will Another claimed It would be win fly by In the Legion Room of the Christmas Seal Cam- Roger Wade, KI 3 -2285. Those Affairs, he will bring an erudite be open from 10 until 12 each paign throughout Delaware unfair to make a pP.rson living coming are asked to call !)y lao. at world affairs at the morning," and from 3 to 7 p.m. of Borough Hall. county. alone and having only one can Monday, october 21. Beverages dally except Friday, when It The first Miss Emily Bissell and dessert will he provided I :30 program. of trash accumulating every A longtime resident of the remains open until 9 p.m. who lived In wllmlnglon, Del., and families are as~ed to bring three or four months, to pay S war t h m 0 r e Democrats founded the Christmas Seal 62 casserole or salad enough for Borough, Mr. Whiteleather r~ the same rate as a neighbor cel ved his B.S. from Ohio stat. opened the first political headyears ago to help eradicate with six children who has sevthree times the number of university and later stndie"s at t Quarters In thll, Borough during tuberculosis. eral cans each week; and added people com Lng in e3ch ·famliy. the University of Berlin and the 1960 campaign between John :Fourteen outstanding ldgh that the present private arMembers of the college InIs your child reticent ahout school girls partiCipated In the ternatlonal Club will attend as the Ecole Lihe des ScIences F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon, rangements for trash removal his studies? Have you been" competlUon, sponsored by the guests of the swarthmore com- polltiques In Parts. His early Goldwater said. were the best for sireet cleanRefreshments will be served able to di~cover who his teach- Delaware county TB and Health mittee for the united Nations work as a reporter In YDungslines~ and for lone women who town and Cleveland, 0., and Friday evening, and Borough Association, all of whom were ers are? Would you know them which sponsors the annual dincannot haul cans out for the Pittsburgh prepared him for residents have been Invited to if you saw them? How much recommended by health edu- ner. collector. his later work abroad. attend. Volunteers are asked to homework should he' be doing? cation or guidance teachers for co-chairmen for the dinner John P. cushing, sanitation He was a correspondent for call Mrs. James L. Malone, could he really be studying outstanding service to both are Mrs. Frances Jackson and chairman, said a careful study school and community, per- Mrs. S. David stoner. Handling the Associated press, paris KI 3-2413; or· Mrs. Robert THAT? of cost and other factors would bureau, Berlin bureau and later Brink, Y.I 3-5109. come on Tuesday evening, sonallty, and choice of career. )le made before any bid 15 (Continued on Page 3) head of the Rome bureau. He Runner-up was patricia Mor7:30 p.m., hoth Home and School accepted.. became the correspondent for say, U you have a child In the' risey, a junior at Penncrest cushing also said council the German occupations of 9th through 12th grade In the High School, and second runnerwould carefully study past and Austria, sudentenland, Bohemia QP, Barbara H3gendorf. a swarthmore-Rutledge High proposed budgets and programs and Moravia and the German School, and gain an insight into senior at Cardinal O'Hara Hlg~ of swarthmore Recreation ASFront as World War n" deyour children's s'cho01 pro- School. sociation before acting on a The Eighth Grade mothers He has been corveloped. Mrs. Peter E. Told, of gram. request for an increased conwill hold a coffee Thursday. respondent In London, Algiers, All teachers of every grade swarthmore, conducted the tribution from council. The october 24th, at the home of Italy, Cairo "and MOSCOW, and will be present in order to contest which was heid at ASSOCiation, which has exMrs. George Weir, 316 Maple 'has cover ed many sessions of Swarthmore High School, and panded its winter offerings and present themselves, their subavenue. the united Nations . jects, and the goals of the cur- presented the awards. The increased the director's time, Mothers who have moved into In addition to his work as a riculum to the parent body. judges Included: Mrs. Nicholas Is asking $3000. councll gave the last the community within Eve ryone in the swarthmore colu""'nist, he is a radio comE a c h grade will meet· padls, of Drexel Hill, Mrs. two years a i.'e invited to come $1200 last year. borough will have the oppormentator and lecturer. Robert H. Johnston, penfield, cushing claimed multlpliolty separately as follows: at 9:30 a.m. and meet Mrs. tunity to enjoy a deliciOUS barNinth grade - The Library; and T. Norman Mansell, springof summer offerings seemed Jean Thompson, ~unior High becued chicken dinner october 10th grade - instrumental MUsic field. to be adversely affecting counselor, who will Guidance 26 with the added pleasure of Judy, the daughter of Mr. Room; 11th grade _Auditorium; For Rotary Club swarthmore swim Club teams, glve .. a b. ief presentation and knowing they are contributing and Mrs. Edward , coslett, be available for questions. and that a reappraisal of pro- 12th grade - vocal MUSic R09m. Jay Massey wIll reiate some to the support of the SRA youth Signs will be posted to guide Woodbrook road, plans to make grams might be in order I·to Mothers who are not new to of his Chilean experiences at "Open House" canteen prothe unfamLUar to their S. In third place Tuesday (rom cornell avenue son and daughter-in-law Mr. were Mrs. Thea Saulnier and to her new home on Rose Valley a;ld Mrs. David R. Grogan In road, Rose Valle y. Mrs. Phillp Kniskern. Shaker Heights, O. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. The next m,.etlng will be held Mr. and Mrs. C. Irwin GalTuesday, O<:tober 22 at the home Mitchell and chlldren stuart breath of Benjamin west avenue of Mrs. David Cramp, 152 Park 7 1/2, Timothy 51/2 and Doug- entertained last week at their las 15 months are now residing sum mer home in Spray Beach, avenue. at 16 south Princeton avenue. N. J., for their guests Mr. and Mr. Mitchell Is teachtng M's. Robert BradCord oC sociology at swartpmore Col- Moylan. lege. Mr. and Mrs. Valentine L. To Mark 50th The Misses Mary and Ellnor Fine returned on Monday eveMrs. David M. Field, V-assar Bye of Yale square, Morton, nng to their home on Elm avenue, is chairman of the accompanied by their cousin avenue after a three week trip planning committee for Del- Mrs. Grace Walker of Newark, to spain. They spent a week In aware county alumnae who will Del.. returned recently Crom a Madrid, by rented car, they be celebrating the 50th anni- visit with another cousin, Miss toured Cor two weeks In the versary of Douglass College, Emily Ashman in Manasquan, northwestern part. New Brunswick, N. J., this N. J. Mrs. Russell H. 'Kent and month. PhyUls E. Marti", daughter her daughter Miss Barba~a B. The affair will be held wed- of Mr, and Mrs. Rohert Martin Kent moved Tuesday from the nesday at the home of Mrs. ! of westdale avenue, and Joan Dartmouth House to their new Lucian Burnett, 341 Haverford B. Hayden, daughter of Mr. home at the Brlarcurf, South place. and Mrs. Robert Hayden of Chester road. Woodbrook lane, have received Ensign Robert B. Pailerson a point average grade of 3.00 Is expected to graduate this to 3.50 for the courses taken weekend from the CommunicaFETE BRIDE-ELECT during the second semester of tions School at Newport, R. I., MiSS Barbara Snape was the last academic year at The and will be home for several honored on september 28 with College of wooster, Ohio, where days prior to reporting· to his ship at Norfolk, va. His para miscellaneous shower giv9n they are students. Mrs. Henry J. Weiland of ents Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. In Philadelphia by Miss Karen Schloesser, a fOi·mer resident south Chester road spent a few Patterson of North Chester road days this week In Washington, are entertaining at an advance of Guernsey road. The wedding of Miss Snape D. C .. attending the National family <:hristma.s dinner In his and Mr. Gerald Alan Bernabeo Board Meeting of the Ancient honor on Sunday evening. Honorable Historical Mr. and Mrs. HenryD. Bevan of Newtown square will take a nd society of which she Is the Crest lane returned home of place on Saturday. october 26, national chaplain. She was Monday evening alter a long at 2 o'clock In the swarthmore accompanied there by Mrs. M. Presbyterian Church. Miss snape is the daughter C. Fawcett of Ardmore who of Mr. and Mrs, J. ROY snape has succeeded hell as Pennsylvania state P resident of this of Harvard a venue. organization. Virginia Ann coslett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry coslett o( Ogden avenue, is· enrolled in the Liberal Artscourse at the Mr. a\ld :\lrs. William C. secretarial Katharine Gibbs School In Rowland of North swarthmore avenue spent last week in Boston, Mass. She had attended Bennett Junior College In MillMyrtle Beach, S. C. Kathleen B. Dunning, daugh- brook, N. Y., and Is a graduate ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison of the Philadelphia school of F. Dunning of shady Hill road, Olllce Training. Moylan, was a member of the Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Zimmerstage crew for the Junior Show man of Cedar lane with their "Raisin HeU" gi ve n at son·in-Iaw and daughter Mr. wellesley College, Massachu- and Mrs. Ronald B. Taylor and setts. October 11 and 12. children oC Harvard avenue Mr. and Mrs. Dean Caldwell spent last weekend at their o( cedar lane accompanied their cabin near selinsgrove. They daughter Narrye to Oh10- were joined by their son Karl Wesleyan Uni versity, Del- who is a me 1; he r of t },el freshaware, 0 .. to begin her fresh- Han class at Gettysburg Colman year. From there they lege. went on to Colorado springs Mrs. Donald c:r:osset of North and spent three weeks on a Swa rthmore a venue has as hCT ca1nping vacation. Kappa luncheon I Flniay, October 18, 1968 Cape Cod, on ------.._...------._..--... ~ Alice Pennock Flaccus PIANO TEACHER Graduate of Philadelphia Musical Academy Degree from Teachers College Columbia Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Jones of LaGrange, Ill., are receiving congratulations on the birth of their lIrst child and son, westscott Alexander Jones, on Thursday evening. cctober 10. The baby weighed nine pounds. Mr. and Mrs. DonaldP. Jones of Rose Tree, Media are the haby's paternal grandparents. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adkins ot Aspen, COlo. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mitchell of North Chester road are receiving congratulations on the birth of their second child and son, sean Patrick, on September 7 In Taylor HOSpital, Ridley park. The u\by's maternal gl'andparents are Mr. and Mrs. Franklyn Hunter of Matawan, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. patrick Mitchell of CasUebar, county Mayo, Ireland, are the paternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. DavldM.Depue CaUf., annol,lnce the birth of their first child and daughter, oorln Meredith. of Stanford, lAST MINUTE APPOINTMENT t FAVORITE GARMENT SOILED t DO NOT FRET Try Our SAME DAY CLEANING SERVICE IN BY 11 A. M. - OUT 8YI4 P. M. it0IIt ......... It i6 1M, .414,"4"'" (!)Jut 9 Chester Road Can Swarthmore 6-0476 No (Continue:! from Page 1) uexcellent programs," its request for additional aid, and urging council to establish a Park and Recreation commission to determine and oversee what recreation Is necessary for a healthy municipality. public Safety Chairman FraJik Keenen said It will cost $300 to malntaln the borough's six traffic lights next year Instead of the annual $150 which has been paid since 1961. He also said that teen-agers have been permitted to congregate on newly placed benches Cor the elderly despite the borough's antl-Iolterlng ordinance, but this privilege wlll be withdrawn unless the "horrible litter" surrounding the benches decreases. Trash baskets are less than eight feet away, he said. "l can·t understand why they aren't used unless parents are bringing up their chlldrento live like pigs." Highway Chairman Lucian Burnett said an overgrown area owned by Penn central Railroad at the north end oC Park avenue had been cleared by borough workmen and the rall- . Plants ' AWARD (Continued from Page 1) committee, football support committee, history club, Future Nurses' Club, and Intramurals. Communltl services have been: Junior Nurses Aide Cor three years; COuncllor, Camp Sunshine; Volunteer In Community Nursing Service, Sunday school teacher, and a partlclpant In numerous health and charity campaigns. The judges were unanimous In their recognlUon of the caliber of the contestants and Impressed with the services gi ven while achieving high academic standards. others who partlclpated were Debbie Roth, Chichester High School; Bonnie Ketrlck, Garnet valley High school; Dorothy Edna staib, Haverford Township High Florist Supplies Home-made Candy FULL LINE OF CANDLES SWEET SHOP ~C~o~/~o~n~ia~'~C~o~ur~t~~(~N~ex§t~to~P05~.~t~0IIi~""~)~=K~/3-4597 PRIDE CLEANERS 100 Park Avenue Swarthmore KI 3-9640 Expert Alterations yreatcSterlingJale Supper The teams split tholr two games again this week. The Middleweight deCeated Lansdowne-Aidan 49-6, the Lightweights iost, 6-0. Middleweights scored their highest point total In a good many years as nine different players hit the scoring column. Jim Balrd scored two TO's on passes (rom pete Morrison, who threw for three, while Steve Mann, ..Tack Reese, Jeff Hopson, John Restrepo and Mike Bates added TO's. Rex Gary, Eddie Riggs, Morrison, Restrepo and Bates combined for the extra points to sound out the scoring. The offensive line constantly outcharged Lansdowne as Jay stanton, Bob Mecouch, Andy Skipp and Tom Thorbahn ripped wide holes In the L -A line. Daruis Qstrauskis, Jake Douglas, Lee Gatewood and Mark Haskel led the hard charging defense. The Lightweights played a much stronger game onl-y to lose as a result of several offensive miscues. Chuck Fetzner, Karl Barbour, Dave conn and Mike Rhodes provded a strong running attack behind the sharp blocking of John Sherman, Dave Keller, Bill Lukens and Brook Bunting. The defense hit hard throughout the game as Mark RlvelIo, Mort Delozier, Dave Ball, DOn Henderson, George Schmidhelser and Gordon Lane led the charge. -' Formal "a .. 0 0: TONI,6HT, OCTOBER 18, 8 P.M. Democratic J: '"z '" ..'" Headq~arter~ Souvenirs Refreshments ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ?• 0: ...'" thl'se sa\"ing-s last! Usc this space if YOli plan to give away sell at a special price either the 569 or 570 che~t. 0" CORGI. SCHUCO. , DUGA. MERCURY. ZISS. TEKNO Small Model Cars & Trucks, Many more Bone China Animal Sets Soccer. Volley and Basketballs Miniature and Small T, V. Sets Britain Soldier Sets of Figures Many new Cartridge and Reel Type Jape Recorders including Norelco Carrycorder New Models of Kodak Instamafic Cameras Sweat Socks. Sweat Suils and Shirts AM. AM/FM. AM/FM/SW RADIOS PLUS CLOCK RADIOS AM and AM/FM Types KI 3-4191 Friday 9 to 8:30 u • ¢ Z The Reed & Barton Sterling event C?f the year! Now YOli may .buy thIS fa mOllS sterlin!{ "by the set" and save -liP to$1290n a service for 12. So::ts for .j and 8 are also offered. Act whtle in the past few weeks t sq "w '<;z" ...'0:" . ... In All Active Patterns! era & Hobby Shop • ••••• . 0 Reed & Barton Sterling at the • > Sa ve up to $129 on services for 4-8-12 LafayeHe &' Dartmouth WHAT'S NEW !3 u z 'J:" '"-' • At Convention J: 'zz" '"~ '" ROBERiS JEWELERS Cor. State St. and South Ave. . &.0 6.098. . 'Ae~ia Convenient, Budgets Available No Interest or Carrying C~arges and Fire senior nstlt IPvernme~t requires that authority over programs be tied to the responsibility of renoorIng to the clUzens the bIII Cor the ser vices, that the pleasure ndl public monies be spe ng related to the pain oC raising them. ' __-:--:-_ _~--;::;:-_,. I Democratic Covered Dish Supper Tuesday. Odober 22. WhiHier House 6:30 pm Come me.et candidates. discuss issues. socialize with Fellow Democrals Weight Footballers BE OUR GUEST! w Roger A. Freeman, stafC member, Hoover I uAt 8:40 p.m. last Thursday tlon on War, niord Revolution and university, peace at 51a Elmer Lewis oC Ridley Townt a Tax Institute oC. ship driving north on Cedar speaking a c", symposium In Washlane, stopped Cor trarnc and Amerl was hit In the rear by a car Ington: driven by Jullus Pacetti, CllC-, History has proven thatlreeton Heights, according to pollee. dom Is Indivisible, and that The Pacetti car required tow- where home rule withers and a Ing. Mrs. Ann Lewis was treated "entral government assumes Cor whiplash at Trl-county all powers, Individual freedom Hospital. diminishes. Representative At 4:40 a. m. Saturday another :::::::::::;:::::::::;:::;::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ridley Township resident, Michael D. McDonough, heading south on Chester road stopped hls car Cor the College avenue (Continued from Page 1) trafflc llght. pollce said he was publlclty Is Mrs. Douglas Rob- hit In the rear by a car driven inson. Decorations chairman is by WUllam J. connell oC Chester Mr s. Arthur colllns and her and forced 150 Ceet south, strikcommittee, - Mrs. Edward ing a tree on the west side oC Heller, Mrs. Bernard Halpern, the highway. The connell car BRING CASSEROLE, SALAD, OR DESSERT FOR 8 Mrs, Richard wray and Mrs. traveled 50 Ceet, colllding with AND $1.00 FOR OTHER DINNER EXPENSES Robert Harnwell. Others serv- and partially dlsabllng' the Ing and setting up are Mrs. J. trafflc standard. RESERVATIONS, BY \OCTOBER 19 McDonough was taken to TrIWayne Hamilton, Mrs. Raymond MRS. JOHN ROGERS 25 YALE SQUARE OR KI 4-2291 Welbourne, Mrs. John Carroll, county Hospital with broken """ ..,."... ~ ". .. ,.,..".,,_ "":wi ~ ,-. . . " ~ ~ I"V Mrs. Matthew Gordon-Clark, arm and hack Injuries by Mrs. Andrew Seybold and Edna sprlngileld pollce. c~nnell, taken to Taylor Hospital by Wagner· Hospitality Is Mrs. Sally springfield ambulance, reCused Shane and Mrs. Burton Henry. treatment Cor Cace cuts. The A! the gtrt table are Mrs. McDonough car was a total William Hargrave and Mrs. wreCk, the other made inoperotto Beer; UNICEF cards and able by a hadly damagedCront. notes, Mrs. Morgan Wynkoop; sometimes an oCC-duty nyers, Mrs. Mervin DeLapp. policeman gets beUer results Cleanup wlll be handled by than an on-duty one -- l/ke BOY scouts Cram Troop 301, - sunday afternoon when patrolRalph Rosen, steve Kirby, Rich- man Edward Burgett, walking ard Goldberg, Bill conwell, with his children In crum John Sherman, Bob Scott, chad woods, discovered a motorDell, David Skipp, Hugh Hart cycle sitting In the woods at and Craig Meyer. Girl Scouts the Coot of Elm avenue. It turned doing cleanup are: out to be a vehicle that swarthFrom Troop 331, Marsha more college student Rlka Weir and Cindy Parmenter; Alper had reported stolen Cram Troop 180, Karen Kirby and In Cront oC her home 114 corJ.;isa Gottsegeni from senior nell avenue six days earlier. , Troop 16, Miriam Taylor, WIIM. MART, BIG! MOOR 1111 • SlGMONT AVE. Margie Hay J Va~essa Lin, Kate D£IAWAR& DOII't fonJet 1M ,1ft of life CHESTER Gonglewskl, cordella Hebble, HU W710 m 602576 Helen Hasbrouck, Linda Chan- ~ R£D CROSS IlOO(i PIOWII sky and Sally, tIl cNalr. •••••••••• tOhlue ... ,..,....,w.. .............. s.n s. .. Fw" -teY. 0i'H _ .. CouneH • (Except· Saturday) er IS '1U"-'tIO'~1 good - School; Alice Motten, Lansdowne-Aidan HighSchool; Abbie Shapiro, Marple-Newtown Township High school; Babs. MCGucken, Radnor Township IUgh school; VIvien Fritz, Ridley High school; Maureen Colgoe, Sharon Hlll HighSchool; Dana ,purcell, Springfield Township !Ugh school; Debra MUlIchap, sun Valley High Schoolj and DOreen Berger, Yeadon High School. road would be billed. A letter from Aubrey Smith, nwner oC a vacant lot at oartmouth and Swarthmore avenues protested a $15 bill Issued to him for the borough's cuttlng oC grass along the bordering sidewalks. Council wlll adverUse Cor bids to create a meeUng room Cor firemen In the Fire House. u U; ::!-' Errett M. conway, Moylan attended the National conventon of the Society of American Foresters he ld earlier this month in philadelphia. u UNITED FUND IS ON THE· , GOI 46% Reported at Oct., 14th Dinner Meeting Let's Rack up the 54% balance Next Week WE DID IT LAST YEARI LET'S DO IT AGAIN I You just tell us how much you want fro'm $300 \0 $5000. Base your decision on the amount of money you can use. And how much you can pay back each. month. Then, every time you need money for anything; you write a check. INTEREST IS LOW, INSURANCE IS FREE. 1% interest per month on the amount you use, And remember. to use the money all you have to do is write a check. Free life insurance covers the full amount you have outstanding. , GUARANTEED CHECKS. Golden Key Club members are entilled to a regular Provident National Bank Check 'Guarantee Card. Good for cashing all Provident checks anywhere. anytime, up 10 $100 per check. ASK ABOUT OUR GOLDEN KEY CLUB AT ANY PROVIDENT OFFICE. ALSO, SEE HOW YOU CAN WIN ONE OF OUR EIGHT FABULOUS FREE GOLDEN TRIPS. NO OBLIGATION, OF COURSE. PROVIDENT NATIONAL BANK Th~ Qua"'y Bank for Quality-Minded People DEl.AWARE COUNTY OFFICES: 2;.!,.52: MEDIA: ,-u ti t't:iOO SPRINGFIELD: KI 3·2.1.:30, SWARTHMORE: 1... 1 3·101.3' NETHER PROVIDENCEI 565·1470 BROOMALL; 3$3 o~ociJ. l LIMA: r •• ·.5 ME:MBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANc.E MEMBEH FEDERAL RESERVE coup;8 by~·;-g"" . . , , t .' Friday. 4 THE SWARTHMOREAN • PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PENNA. PETER E. TOLD. MARJORIE T. TOLD. Publishers Dr. H. J. Cildbury In Forum Lecture Phone: Klngswood 3-0900 PETER E. TOLD, Editor BARBARA B. KENT; Managing Editor Rosalie D. Peirsol Mary E. Palmer DoriS E. Weidner --.----DEAD-LINE - WEDNESDAY 11 A.M. SWARTHMORE. PA .• 19081. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18. 1968 .Entered as Second Class Matter. January 24, 1929, at the Post .:.. Office at Swarthmore. Pa •• under the Act of Murch 3, 1879. U A monarchs is a merchantman (ship) \\'hich sails well. but will sometlmes strike on a rock and go to the bottom; a republic is a raft which will never sink. but then your fe~t are alwa,Ys in the water." Fisher Ames. a member of Congress in 1795. quoted by Ralph Waldo Emerson in his essay on "Politics." PRESBYTERIAN NOTES ': ur. Clements will preach at the 10 o'clock service of worship sunday l!lorning. Cilild care through lirst grade will be a vallable during this hou r. Church school for second through sixth grades will be held at 10:30 a. m. The Adult and youth Forums wUl meet at 11 a.m. The pulpit ·com mUtee will meet Monday at 8 p.m. in the Women's Association Room. The Christian Education committee wlll meet at 8 in the Church Olllce. The Mission and Benevolence committee will meet at8p.m. Tuesday In the W.A. Room. Nursery Day school Parents committee will meet at a p.m. in the Hearth Room. The Bandage Group will meet Wednesday at 10 a.m. The Experimental Youth Program will be held Wednesday, beginning with supper at 6, followed by classes. The Leadership Study commttee will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. In the W.A. Room. METHODIST NOTES i II'I I i., ' " ", , " Ii " l' , " Under the dlrecUon of Charge Lay Leader J Ben Miles, Roger C. purdy, Earl Rosenberger, Dr. John R. Brobeck and David L. Smith will condud the service of worsblp at 9 and 11:15 in obseJ'vance of Laymen's Sunday. Mr. SmUh will bring the message, "The Urgent FellOWShip. " Church School classes for all ages will meet at 100'clock pastor Kulp will conduct the Inquirers' Class at 10 a.m. In the Chapel. A class of new adult mem bers will be received al thp. 11:15 a.m. service followed by a Coffee Hour in their honor prepared by' t~e W.S.C.S. In cooperation wUh the com mission on Membership and Evangelism. swarthmore college students will be guests at the parsonage for supper 'on Sunday at 5:30. The new film, "Could you Answer MY Question" will be viewed. Senior !Ugh M. Y.F. will meet Sunday evening at 6 p.m. In the Church Parlor. Junior High M. Y. F. will meet at 7 p.m. In the church. sue walton will lead the discussion. on Tuesday at 4, 8th Grade confirmation Class will meet In the North Room with Mr. Kulp. W.S. C.S. Bible study group meets Wednesday, 9:30 to 11 a.m. with Gwen Narbeth. Child care will be provided. Wednesday at 7 p.m., 9th Grade corJirmation Class will me.t In the North Room with Mr. Parker. The Official Board will conduct Its monthl y meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m. in the 'Cltapel. PRESBYTERIAN OIURCH 727 Harvard Avenue Dr. Rex S. Clements Interim Minister John D. Miller, Jr. Director of Music Sunday 10:00 A.M.-Morning Worship. Rev. Rex S_ Clements. Child care through lsi grade. 10:30 A.M.-Church School 2nd through 6th grades 11:00 A.M.-Adult Forum 11:00 A.M.-youth Forums, 712th ~rades 6:00 P.M.-EYP sugperand program grades 7-12. UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF·SWARTHMORE Pork Avenue John C. K ulp,Minist'lr Pershing Parker, Assistant Charl"s Schisler, Dir. Music Sunday 9:00 A.M.-Laymen's Sunday David L. Smith, speaker. 10:00 A.M.-Church School 10:00 A.M.-Inquirers' Class 11: 15 A.M.-Morning Worship '1:00 p.M.-Jr. &8•• HighMYF Wednesday 9:30 A.M.-Bible Study DIAL "L·I·F-T-U-P-S" (KI 3-8877lFOR AN UPLIFTING DAILY MESSAGE OF FAITH AND HOPE. TRINITY CHURCH Chester Rd. & College Ave. Rev. Warren C. Skipp, Rector Rev. Edward N. Schneider Assistant Rector Robert Smart Organi st.Choirmaster SUt\day 19th Sunday Aft.r Trinity 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion 9: II! _A,~,:-:Morning Prayer 9:15 A.M.-Church School 9: 15 A.M.-Adult Discussion 11:15 A.M.-Holy communion 8:30 p.M.-Jr. & Sr. EYC Thursclay 9:30 A.M.-HolyCommunlon Dr. HenryJ. Cadbury, Haverford, will give the third lecture In the nlends Forum series on Quakerism to be Iteld Sunday at 9:45 a.m. In the lecture hall 01 the Dupont science Building on the campus. His topiC will be "Unity and Variety In Quakerism." Dr. cadbury Is a teacher of biblical studies and lecturer on Quakerism. Author 01 many books, he was Hollis professor of Divinity at Harvard University Irom 1934 to 1954. He was at one time executive secretary of the American Friends Service commUtee. LEIPER CHURCH MARKS 1SOTH TO HOST DARB~ -COLWYN Name . Dr. NOTRE DAME deLOURDES Mlchl"an Ave.&Falrview Rd. Rev. Charles A. N.lson Pastor Rev. Donald Helm, Ass't Sun. Mas&;- 15 Weekda,ys-6:30 & Ii A.M. Holy Da,ys also 10A.M.. '! P.M; J!atunla,ys-8:00 A.M. Confession-8at.. Eve of Holy Days. First Frida,ys.4-5:30; "1:30-9. Admissions Mautner Dir. Eleventh grade parents will Franz II. Mautner. pro· lessor of German at Swarthmore college will be the matn speaker at the meeting 01 the German Academy for. Language and Literature at its lall meeting. The .academy. which closely resembles, the American National Institute 01 Arts and Letters, will hold its meeting in Darmstadt, Germany. from October 24 to 26. Theme 01 the meeting will be I'The Aphor~ ism as Literature." professor Mautner will also give a leclure on Ihe same topiC on october 2Vth at the University 01 Franklurt, Germany. hear Harold R. Doughty, director of admissions at Adelphi Coliege. Garden City, The !Ugh School Garnet will N. Y.. at the meeting to be held Monday. October 28 from 8 to face Darby-Colwyn tomorrow, to p.lIl. In the high school audlat 10:15 on 'he Rutgers Avenue torlulII. His topic will be Field. Swarthmore, with last H Factors Affecting College Saturday's 13-19 loss to Sharon Admission. " Hill on its b3ck, will be seeking Any interested high school Its second win In three league games. parent lIIay attend. In the game Saturday, SHS won everything but the ball "I Saw it in The Swarthmorean" game _ first downs, total yard-~ age, passes completed, but the steady Owls made fewer rnls~ takes. swarthmore's delense, led by Co-Captain Craig COit, was excellent 90 percent 01 the EARLY '69 Ume, but the lew moments the Chryslers and boys were olf guard made the Plymouths difference. • The Garnet stopped the IIrst WAL TER KILLAM Sharon Hill offensive ellort, but two Swarthmore salety men Eastman S"' .11 the ntw .6t mod.ls and mishandled the punt, and the School of Mus,'c .et .he ,.1<. RI.h' 9 wls took over at the Garnet htre in MMia. Public & Private School TOP TRADE IN 35. Allhough the Garnet held ALLOWANCE We need your used car and John Rivello kicked out experience; d I U SN' 8an, P with a beautiful 50-yarder, It rincipa NOWI was the next kick that set the Honolulu Symphony, stage for Sharon Hill. Their Itrst TO was a break through Annapolis Symphony Special Bonus the middle that went for 55 For Appointment ON ALL '68 yards. They were also able to PLYMOUTH recover a Swarthmore fumble etall KI 4-7350 LEFTOVERS on thelGarnet f i t 27. and scored ."~"&"...~,,,"--:"W_-_-_-........""r_~ To b. sold und.r . . . our pays a er. factory involc •• Swarthmore got Its first BRAND NEW touchdown on a pass from Fury AIR III ..'68 doorPlymouth sedan. FACTORY Quarterback Chip Robinson to ected Variety and CONDITIONED. V... Radio: En~ Kevin Mccaffrey The ball =!er{n~to;:::;~. d~::~ Top Size • hi' was put Into position with an COY n, w • .aU tires DELIVERED $2995 offense that combined Robln.N MEDIA son-Mccaffrey pa5~es with 1m:IUdlng F~~i:;~ 0& Fecleral flUTE INSTRUCTOR Leiper presbyterian Church, FairView road, celebrated Its 150th anniversary October 6. The Rev. Robert Kerr, Jr .• a former minister ot"the church, gave the sermon at the World communion service that morning and shared w1lh the congregation some of the events during the years of Ilts minlxtry, 1955 to 1961. II was during that time that the Christian Education Building was erected (1959). Mr. Kerr Is now associate secretary of the commission for ministerial relations in the columbus, 0., orrice, United presbyterian 'running by fullback John Rivello. Church, USA. Neither team scored in the At the buffet dinner that ulgltt, another former minister, the third quarter, although at this Rev. James R. Barber gave time swarthmore seemed to the invocation. Mr. Kenneth have new 11le" Fullback John Hammonds, stated Clerk of the Rivello certainly played bls PhUadelphia presbytery and best game of the year and Dr. Frank H. stroup, Its ex- showed fine running abll1ty. ecutive secretary, brought Sltaron Hm scored in the last quarter following an Owl greetings. Dr. Wlllfam Faulds, moder· interception that put the ball ator of the Presbytery and the Garnet 25. Swarthmore pastor of the Ardmore Church, on scored lour plays later with was the main speaker. The a sensational alrlel display that evening ended with a slide moved the ball from midfield presentation of "The Good Old all tlte way to touchdown terriDays." tory in lour plays. Again Mrs. Ralph Guarente, Wood- "Chip Robinson to'McCaffrey" THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY lyn, did all planning lor the passes were the key ground OF FRIENDS occasion. gainers but the one pass that Whittier Place Jimmy Hood threw to Jack Keefe for 20 yards set the stage Sunday To Be Guest Speaker at the 10 yard line. 9:45 A.~I.-AOve Estate have been granted to the undersigned. who reques~· all persons having clatm3 or demands itgalnsl the Estate 01 the decedent 10 make known the swne. and all per-sons Indebted 10 the decedent to make payment without delay. to Caroline F. Burnett, Execulrix 341 Haverford Place Pennsylvania, Deceased. LETTERS Testamentary on the above Estate having been granted to the undersigned. all persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having c1alms to present the same. without delay. to Shirley Ward MUler. Box 55. Rangeley. Maine. and Provident National Bank. 17th and Cheslnut s' reel •• Philadelphia. Pennsylvania. swarthmore. Pa. Executors Or to her Attorney Or to their Attorneys: Alan Reeve Hunt 01 Duane. Butler. Beatty, Greer&Johnson. Morris & Heckscher 1'7 South Avenue. I 1617 Land Title BuildlJ1lj; Media. Pennsylvania . p'hlladelphla. P~a. 191 ~ 3T-ID-16 IIIJBRlPP'B 8ALB or RBAL EIITATB SHER!PP'S oPPles COURT HOUSB. MEDiA. rA. Frida,. November 8, 1968 8:30 A.M. Eastem Standard Time Conditions! t330.00 cub or cerUDed cbeek at. t.lme of aale (unleu oUlerw&ae acated In ad'ertlsement.,. balance In ten Other coDdltlons on da,. ot u1e. "To an paruea In lotereet and e1alm· cl'"'' anti; "rAKE· NOTICE that a SChedule of Dlltrlbutlon _01 be ftlecl whblD tb.1rtJ (30) day. from the date of sale and ella· trlbuUon wlll be made In acoordante with the Schedule of DLstributlon unless i ESTATE OF ERIK W, HOEGBERG. deceased. late 01 the Township of fipringfield. Delaware Counly.Pennsylvanla. LEITERS OF ADMINISTRATION on the above Estale have been granted to the undersigned. who requesl all person.s ha·vln. clalms or demands aglilt.l st Es,ate 01 lhe decedent 10 make opened in the presence of the- known the sam~. and all persons County CommIssioners at 10:00 indebted to ·Ili. decedent to A.IiI; Eastern Daylight Saving. make payment. without delay. to Time. on that date. ' ERICK I. HOEGBERG. ·Each Bid must be ·aCcompanied Adminlslrator. 312 Callen dar Lane. by Cash Certified Good Failh Check. •or a Corporate Bid Wallingford. Pennsylvania. Bond eilber one In the amount Or to his Altomey. 01 ten percent (10%) 01 the EDMUND JONES. Esquire. total amonnt of the Bid. drawn 5 Park Avenue. to the order of the County 01 Swarthmore. Pennsylvania. Delawllre. 3T-1O-16 COUNTY OF DELAWARE Sealed Proposais will bel received at the Office 01 tite County Controller. Court House. Media. Pa.. up unlll 9:30 A.M. Easlern Daylight Saving Time. on Wednesday.Oclober 23 1968 for furnishing and delivering F.O.B. Factory. Fire Brick 10 the des i g nat e d Inclneralor Plants. Proposals will be exceptlona are fUed. thereto within teD (10) days thereafter. No t'urUJer notice of Ule BUng of tile Schedule of D18trl· butloD wm -be Il,eo." 1968 No. la567 MONEY JUDGMENT ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece or Bround with the bUildings and lmprovementa thereon erected. SITUATE In the Townahlp of Ne"her Providence, county oC Delaware, State or pennaylvanla. and described ac:cordlng to a Plan of Lola mown as "Oarden City Manor". "section No.3". said plan mad.e by Damon and Poster. Civil Englneen. dated January 30. 1957. and last revlSed August 31. 19rs9. as tolloWB. to \lIt: BEGINNING at a point on the centISI' line of Trenton Court (Twenty feet .Ide) a~ the distance of Ninety-tour· Bnd nlnety-fln ooe_hundredths feet measured. on a bearing ot South eighty-six dearees. forty-one minutes flfty-one aeeonds Bast measured. along the said eenter line of Trenton Court from Ita point of Intersection with the southeasterly side of New Jersey Avenue (Plfty feet wide); thence extending trom said point of beIiniling North two degrees. forty-three minutes. nine seconds East crossing the Northeasterly side of Trenton COurt one hundred flve and seventy-one ODehundredths feet to a point; thence extending North eighty-six degrees. fifty!lye minutes thirty-four seconds East !lfty-one and Sixty-seven one-hundredthS feet to a point; thence extend1ng South three degrees twenty minutes thlrtynine seconds. west partly along a walk and recrossing the Northeasterly side of Trenton COurt one hundred eleven and forty-tour one-hundredthB feet to a point on the center line of Trenton Court aforesaid: thence extending North elghty.slx degrees forty-one minutes ftfty.one seconds West measured along the said line of Trenton COurt through a walk flfty and twenty one-hundredths feet to the first mentioned point and place of beginning. BEING Lot No. 274. as shown on the above mentioned plan. BEINO Premises No. 409 Trenton COurt. Forms of Proposal may be of Media. Pa. The Counly Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids. FRANK A. SNEAR. JR. HARRY A. McNICHOL EDWARDT.McERLEAN County Commissioners FUNERAL HOME Phone LOwen 6-3400 OVER 30 YEARS' EXPERIENCE A Price to Meet Every Fondly'. I'Ieed -~ "...,....... ROBERT PAUL J. McKINNEY. 8berlJl 1968 MONEY JUDGMENT ALL THAT CERTAIN LOT or piece ot e ground with theerected. buildings and Improve ments thereon SITUATE In the Township of ~ether PrOVidence. county of Deiaware, State of Pennsylvania. and described according to a Plan thereof known as "Oarden City Manor". Section No.2. said Plan made by Damon Qnd Poster. Clvll Engineers. dated November In. 1956. and last reviSed August 31. 1959. as ·follows, to wit: OffiCE • RfSIDEN(E \ INDUSTRIAL Borough Secretary PUBLIC ELECTION TOP TO BOTTOM HOUSE CLEANING Notice is hereby given to the RUGS & FURNITURE electors of the Bo ro u gh of Swarthmore, Delaware County, Pennsylvania that pursuant to an & ordinance duly enacted bY the Borough Council onSeptember9, BEGINNING at a point on the center Une of Raleigh Court (twenty feet wide) 1966. approved by the Mayor on at the dl.!ltanee of Thlrty·five and eleven Seplember 9. 1966. a public e' we Inslall Torginol one-hundredths feet me1l.Sured on a lecllon will be held In the BorDuresqueSearnless bearing of North Pifty-slx degrees. fourResilient Flooring teen minutes. flfty seconds West a.long ough of Swarthmore on Tuesday, NO WAXING NEEDED tbe sa.ld center Une of Raleigh CoUl't November 5. 1966. between Ihe from Its point of IntersecUon with the hours of 7 o'clock A.M. and 6 Northwesterly side of pennsylvania Ave- o'clock P.M., at the usual places PERSONNEL SERVING nue (fifty feet wIde); thence extending for holding municipal elections from said pOint af beginnIng South ia Ihe Borough o[ Swarlhmore. Thlrty.three degrees. forty. five minutes. ten seeonds West. crossing the South- [or Ihe purpose o[ obtaining the over 50 years westerly side of Raleigh Court 'I'hlrty~ assent of the electors of said eight and ti\'enty-five one-hlmdredths Borough to an ,increase in the free estimates feet to a point; thence extending North Indebtedness of said Borough In Plfty~four degrel!!i. forty-eight minutes. 6flfty seconds West Twenty-seven feet to an amount not exceeding $100,FULLY a point: thence extending South 'Th1rty~ 000. 25ll three degrees. torty-five minutes. ten The amount of the assessed INSURED seconds west, crossing a walk. Fifty-one valuation of the Borough o[ and seventy~nlne one-hundredths feet to Swarthmore is $8.543.000. 103 LOnibardy Dr •• Chester a point; thence extending North Flfty·The sum of the gross liabilisix degrees. fourteen minutes, fifty seconds West Forty-six and forty one~ ties of sald Borough is $61.000. hundredths feet to a point: thence exThe sum 01 the allowable detending NQrth Thirty-three degrees. forty-nve minutes. ten seconds East. ductions which are claimed is partly through a party wall and recross- $1.312.97. tng the Southwesterly side of Raleigh The amount of the nel debt of court Eighty-nine and thirty-six one hundredths feet to a point on the center said Borough is $59.667.03. line of Raleigh COurt; thence extending The amount o[ the proposed r along the said center line of Raleigh increase of debt shall not exeo",t South Fifty-six degrees. fourteen OIL HEAT minutes. fifty -aeconda East along the ceed $100.000. center Une of a walk Seventy-three and The pu rpose [or which the debl forty-one hundredthS feet to the tlrst is to be increased i~: To acquire mentioned point and pla(!e of beginwith the aid of PrOject 70 funds ning. and such other contributions as BEINO Lot No. 155 as shown on the may be available, approximately above menUoned Plan. four acres of vacant land, identAlso Included as part of the security: ified as pari of the Rumble and the Titus properties. siluate in Range. the Borough 01 swarthmore on thE .BEINO the same premises conveyed to north west side of Yale Avenue the Mortgagors herein by deed. to be and Ihe south west side of recorded SimUltaneously herewith; thlS being a purchase mortgage given to Swarthmore Avenue, for public secure a portion of the purchase price recreational use. as authorized of the premlees above described. by Article xxvn of the Borough Code. Improvemenw eonslSt of a one .tory By order 01 the Council o[ the masonry buudlng. Borough or Swarthmore. DelaSold a& the property of JOSEPH J. ware County, Pa. QUINN and CAROL ANN2 QUINN. HARRY G. SMITH Edward P. Muller. Jr., Attorney President of Council RUTH A. B. TOWNSEND PAUL J. McKINNBY. SbetUl Borough Secretary 2T-1D-25 FOR SALE - Fresh supply Candy CUpboard Chocolales. Cath- AL - Carpentry. recreation WALLS WOO WASHED TRerront !507 Chestnut St •• Chester TRemont 2-5373 24~Hour Nursing Care Aged. Senile. Chronic I. FOR SALE - Double decker metal frame Army bunk beds. PERSONAL - Custom tailored complete. $30. Klngswood 4- slip covers. Large selection of _1_0_3_6_. samples -all work done personally by Mr. and Mrs. Seremba. FOR SALE -Twosluddedsnow Sagging seats of chalrs and BOtires 8 x25x14. $30. Good condl· fas repaired. LUdlow 6-7592. tion. Call Klngswood 4-3567. SwarihmOlean advertiser since 1951. FOR SALE - 1963 Pontiac Le-I.::..:.:.:.....-----'- ----------1 Convalescent Men and Women white toP. white sidewalls. ra- ery. Camplete landscape and dio. heater. back-up lights. tree service. For Iree estimate eight. 326 engine. 3 - s"eed can TRemont 4-0645. Swarthfloor shift, clean. Excellent more references. condi tion. $800. ,",0 offers ---:.:.:..:.:.:..:.:..:.....-----please. Roberl H. Heinze. 566 PERSONAL - Will repair a\J Marietta Avenue, Swarthmore. small electrical appliances: any. _K_I_n:,gS_'_.0_0_d_3_75,;.,7_9_·_ _ _ _ _1thing not working around the; home. Will pick up and deliver. FOR SALE.- Antiques. country Cwl Bill McKee. TRemont 4furniture. lamps. glass. WlII 0673. buy. Chairs recaned and rerush·. ed. Bullard. Kingswood3-2165. PERSONAL -A-1 TreeService. . . First class work. all phases. FOR SALE - TV. 19-1nch RCA Fuilylnsured -local references. with UHF adBlller. $45. Call ICaii Hank Kingswood 3-2010. KIngswood 3-5794. ----.:----':----:---. rERSONAL - China and ·glass FOR SALE - Rabbit hulch (for repaired. Parchment PBller lamp cost of malerlals only) $18. shades recovered. Miss I. P. Tenant has gone to that Great Bunling. KIngswood 4-3492. Carrot Reward in the Sky. KIngswood 3--8397. PERSONAL - Blacklop drivewa.vs,excavating. Free esti .. FOR SALE - Phllco Portable mates. Top SQII. Call A.G. Kra18-lnch TV with cart. $35. Call 'l'a*. TRemont 4-6136. Klngswood 4-5949. PERSONAL - Forsythe Nursery Educational creative program children (3-5) Mondays. Wednesdays. Fridays, Forsythe studio 01 the Arts - Dance - Baton WANTED Guitar. children and adults. Transportation available. KIngsWANTED - Secrelary. Busy wood 3-3666. dental office, Media area. Call LOwell 6-3665. PERSONAL - Delaware Valley Tree Experts. Shirer Building. WANTED -Malure. responsible Swarthmore. Pa. All types of person to drive six children from tree work. Fuily In.ured. Free the Elemenlary SChooi 10 North estimates - 10 years· experiSwarthmore two afternoons a ence. KIngswood 4-i:035.( week. KIngswood 4-7799. PERSONAL - Alterations on WANTED - Rellred midwestern evening clothes and street banker and wile viSiting grand- clothes. Winter coats shortened. children wish to sublet furnish- KIngs wood 3-6649. ed BIlartmenl in cenlral Swarthmore over Christmas and New FOR RENT Year·s. Box Z, The SwarthmoreBll. FOR RENT - Two bedroom apartment. utilities supplied. WANTED - Good home for sev- AduUs only. Avallabie at once. en weeks oid male black kitten. 17 South Chester Road. SwarthHousebroken, free. TRemont more. KIngswood 4-0586. 2-8981. FOR RENT -~Kl-Lodge fishing cabin to responsible person [or entire period November through May. Localed in Poconos three WANTED - Day's work ironing hours lrom swarihmore on private lake. Good skIIng close· by. or cleaning; References. Available for four days. TRemont 4- convenient for weekends and holidays. Three bedrooms, com1525 plelely furnished. wood-burning WANTED -in Swarthmore. Fam- fireplace. insulaled throughoul. ily with five children wants to $700 plus utilities. KIngswood buy large home. in 30's. Phone 3-3796. 687-0910. LOST IN.rTANT~EAIJE~ NE.rPtJN.rE ~'d..__- 'I Saw it in The Swarthnorean' IO:W'" ,.,~ ......... ~_ ....... LOST - Beige wallet in swarlhmore saturday. Reward. Write Box A, The Swarthmorcan. LOST -Stoien [rom High School bike rack, gold 26-inch, 10speed (boy's bike). If found piease call Klngswood 3-8664. LOST·- Much ioved calico catfemale. with biack and brown spots. KIngswood 4-4362. Reward. ESTATE NOTICE • ESTATE OF Ida May Paddison. Also Known As Ida May Preihs Paddlson. Deceased. Late of Swarthmore, Delaware County. Pa. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the above Estate have been granted to the undersigned, who request all pet so n shaving chums or demands amiDst· Ule Estate of the decedenl to make known the same. and all persons indebled to Ihe decedenl to make paymenl without delay.:to Osborne H. Paddison. Executor 100 Ogden Avenue Swarthmore, Pa. Or to his Attorney Alan Reeve Hunt of Duane. Morris & Heckscher 1617 Land Tille Building. Philadelphia. Pa. 19110 3T-ID-25 ESTATE NOTICE ESTATE OF EDNA S.ENGLE deceased. late o[ the Township of Marple. Delaware County, Pennsylvania. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on toe above Estate have been granted to the undersigned, who request 011 persons having cl alms or demands against the Estate. of Ihe decedent to make I\llUWn the sarne, and all person~ indebled to Ihe decedent to inake payment. wilhout delay. to MICHAEL WiLLIAM ENGLE. No. 6 South Malin Road. Broomall. Penrisylvanla, Or to his Attorney I EDMUND JONES. Esquire. 5 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, •. . i Pennsylvania . . ACK PRICHA PAINTING & EXTERIOR ESTlM~TES FREE Edward G. Chipman and Son General Contractor Additions & Alterations TR 2-4759 TR 2-5689 •• I~···"·· ~• •• DRIVEWAYS & PARKING AREAS Bu ilt & Resurfaced Grading, Sodding, Seeding William H. Clark. Haverlord place. has just been named chairman of an alumni career . Counseling Committee 01 the University 01 Pennsyivanla, of which he is a graduate. The committee has the responsibility of counseling any 01 the 1000 stUdents enrolled In the Wharton school's evening division. Clark has been in the personnel fleid lor 25 years with the Philadelphia Electric Com. pany, where he now serves as assistant director of the employee activities department. He Is a past prestdent of his alumni society. The University conferred upOn him the General Alumni SOCiety's Distinguished Award of Merit In 1954, and last year he received his Honor SOCiety's Outstanding Achieve- SHERIFF'S BALE T9P Soil & Mushroom Soli OF REAL ESTATE Stone, Cement & Block Work ~etaining Walls and Droins SHERIFF'S OFFICE COURT HOUSE. MEDIA. PA. CEL-LARS WATER-PROOFED TOPS ·IN PAINTING CALL MAd is,," rrlodny. ndnher :~:;. I BilK 9:30 .\.1\1. Eastern Dilyllght Time '6-3675 = Conditton3: f360.00 c~sh or certtfied check at time or sale t unless otherw1.sc st.nted in advertisement.). balance In ten days. Othcr conditions on day ot sale. INTERIOR & EXTERIOR "To all parties In Interest nnd eJaim:1nts: .J ,\!{E NOTICE that a Schedule of n,;;.trlbutt:m will be filed within thirty 1301 d,lYS from the date of sale and dlstnbutlon will be mD.de In accordance with the Schedule or Distribution unless exce!ltlons are' filed thereto within ten tiD) days therenftcr. No further notice of the flllng of the SChedule ot Distribution wlll be given." • • • B, G. DAVEN r 3rd 121 Fairview Road Woodlyn :: _. 833-1181 ou MONEY JUDGMENT : Picture Framing ROGER RUSSEll Photographic Supplies LOVlell 6-2176 -- - 1967 No. 8640 LOT & IMPS. SIt. In Marcus Hook Borough. Delaware County. Penna .• Oil N.W. s. of Chestnut St. 422.45 ft. N.E. of Its Intersection with the W. Hne of Marcus Hook Village: tho N.W. 62.10 ft.: tho N.E. 3.9B ft.· tho N.W. 35.07 ft.: tho N.E. 21.28 ft~ th.·S.E. 97.16 ft.: tho S.W. 25.26 ft. to pt. of beg, Being Lot No. 247 Plan of Marcus Hook VUlage r£'Corded In Plan Cllse 7. at page 11. In Omce of tRecorder of Decds at Media. Being No. 19 Chestnut St. Improvements consist of a two~story brick house. Sold as the propert~' of CATHERINE MAE FERO,USON. R. D. Mathewson. Attorney = PAUL J. McKINNEY. Sher.1ff No. 14612 1965 MONEY JUDGMENT P,ainflng Contractor DEPENDABILITY SINCE 1882 Robert. M. Owen. Aut. Sect')!, 00.87"3-3t 10·3-68 10.10.68&10.17.08 ~~~PIPPIN • WANTED - To buy 16-inch two wheel child's bike. Call Klngswood 3-6627. \ SCHOOL DIREUrORS Excellent Food-Sp aclous ."Grounds Illol •• -Crlljiti HOllOrejl Mans convertible, aquamarine. PERSJ~AL - Evergreen Nur~ Residential Specialist ATLANTIC FUEL OIL BURNER BUDGET PLAN AULEN 11 N, MORTON PA.19010: KI 3-4142 KI 3-4592 . ".- LEGAL NOTICI the Penner.t High lSchool Library. 134 Banifln Road. Lima. Delaware Count,.. Pa. at whleb time the bide will be public1, op.ned and read. Full JnlltruUlou· to, bidden. apecl. ficatlon. .DeI bid forma required to be used mar be obtain." at the om~ of the AIIS.tant 8euetar7. 412 N. .Jacuon Street. Media. Pa. 19063 In penon or upon requelt by man. BY ORDER OF THE ROSR TREE JlBDlA BOARD OF ICCINVALESCENT HOME ~_,.~ii5. erman '8 Pharmacy. DELAWARE COUNTY a BELVEDERE iano tuning repairIng. 'memb", Plano Tech· ears." Leaman ED AINIS KI 4-3898 '. LOT & IMPS. Sit. 1n Upper Darby Twp .. Delaware County, Penna .. on S.E. s. of Irvington Rd. 237.77 ft. N.E. of pt. of curve on N.E. s. of Hampshire Rd.: tho N.E. 16 ft.: tho S.E. 130.96 ft.; tho RE. 17.52 !t.; tho N.W. 138.11 ft. to pt. or beg. Being Lot No. 258. Drexel Park Gardens. Plan 6. recorded at Media. In office or Recorder of Deeds In Plan Case NO.7. page 19. Improvements consIst of a brick house. two~story Sold as the property or ANGELO O. MORMILE. JR., a/k/a. ANGELO MORMILE • .JR .• and PHYLLIS A. MORMILE. R. D. Mathewsun, Attorney PAULJ. McKINNEY. Sherin: 1963 No. 12053 MONEY .JUDGMENT CHRISTIAN S~IENCE JONES FUEL AND HEAliNG CO. RADIO SERIES FUEL OIL. HEATING EQUIPMENT AIR OONOtTIONING SUNDAY - 8:45 A.M. WFIL. 560 k.c. SUNDAY - 6:45 A.IiI. WQAL - FM. 106.1 m.e. '. ALDAN, D.EL. CO., PA. WILLIAM Heads Career Panel INVITATION roB BlDB OdolMr I, 1968 Tbe RoN 1Tee lIedl. School Di.trlet Board of IWIooI DINeton invites aeall8CI bids. ·for Furniture ILftd Grm Sdet)' Wall Pant!a, . Bldi mUll be presented· b,. 8:00 P.M. E.D.D.T. on October 24. 1"8 at I'I:HlIUNAL FOR SALE FOR SALE - For year 'round pleasure for you and Ihe birds. get a feeder from the S. Crothers. 435 Plush Mill Road. WalIIng[ord. LOwell 6-4551. ~- bond for 10 per cent o[ ~r.;~~~~~~~~~~~ esllmate shall~s,~,~g~:~;~rn6Id~~'~ bid. and the wlll be required to formal contract with the BoI<>UI~h and furnish Insurance and per·1 formance bond as required by iaw. The Borough reserVes the right to waive any informalllles in the bids received. to rejecl hSlflSfWNG SERVICI any or all bids. and to award FOR OVER 50 YEARS" the contract oniy to a bidder experienced in such work. and whose proposal is deemed to be the most advantageous to the public interest. Rulh A. B. Townsend EXPERT FLOOR WAXING I;~~~~~~~~~~~ OF -- FOR SALE - 1963 V.W. Excellent condition. $750. Call mutual enter- KIngswood 3-7217. of faml- ./fCHESTER WINDOW CLEANING • TRemont 6-2530 ·Edward P. Muller. Jr .• Attomey No. 12563 ... : Sealed bids will be r~~~~~;~h~fA:~non-prottt. in Council Chamber. for the Hall. Swarthmore, Pa. on day. November 11. 1968 at • residing In P.M. Eastern Standard neighboring communities. for furnishing all labor Information as to lots spmaterial needed to to garage doors at Bo·rough Mumc"-I pal building and replace C. S. GARRETT, Mgr. area with brick - sash - woodwork, etc. as 317 Maple Ave. KI3-47l9 by Ihe specifications sh()wn Swarthmore. Pa. plan. A certified check or Improvements cons16t of a one story masonry building. property .. - _. PATTERSON'S REQUEST FOR BIDS UNDER AND SUBJECT to certain conditions and restrictions now of record. the j obtained at the Olflce 'of the Purchasing Agent. courtHouse, BEING the same premlSes which WIlUam R. ChlSm. et ux. by Indenture bearIng even date herewith and Intended to be forthwith recorded In and for the County of Delaware. granted and conveyed unto the said Mortgagors. In fee. Bold as NARTIN. ESTATE HELENE H. WARD. Late of the Borough of Swarthmore, Delaware County. LOT & IMPS. Sit. In T'Wp. of Upper Darby. Dei. Co.. Penna., on S.E. S. of Brookwood LB.. 344.58 ft. S.W. of S.W. s. of Ashland AVe_: tho S.E. 100 ft.; th. S.W. 47.08 ft,; tho N.W. 88.26 ft.; tho on arc of cIrcle eurvlng to right 2~0 ft. to beg. pL (Lot. No. 97) House No. 1110 Brook .. Wood La. SubJt. to mtge. Improvements consISt of a masonry and frame Single house. Sold &$ the property of RALPH P. CIAI loF! L " and LINE'ITE. CIALLELLA. a/k/a L1NNET'I'E T. GIALLELLA. I\- D. Mathewson. Attorney ( , PAUL J.-McJDNNEY. Sher11l THE SWARTHMOR AN lem oC our U,ne; men IndiH. CLARK vidually and collecti vely too readily resort to violent means to settle their disputes. the com.nlttees said Direct ACtion Is a method of overcoming InjusUce. violence, evil, not retaU.tlng Id kind. Non-violence has/to be practiced to be understood, not merely preached," they commented. The friends Invite any Interested persons to explore witb them the relevance of Non-violent Direct Action. Informadon may be secured by calling KI 3-2966 or KI 3-1618. URGE CITIZEN VOTE ON TRACT PURCHASE f..:-------------I ment Award. Offer Training In Non-Violent Acflon Amor.g his many other Interests, he presentiy serves as a Trustee of Philadelphia College ·01 Bible. Wiley Exhibit Opens Tonight At Avondale Avondale Galleries,. Avondale road Is presenting a collection of water colors by Margaret H. W. Wiley of WallIngford. The exhibition, which will last through November 15, is the fourth one-man show Mrs. Wiley has given in this area and her second to be presented at Avondale Galleries. To present her work to the publlc and to friends, the artist Is planning a recepUon at the gallery for the openinglonfght. October 16 from 6 to 10. Mrs. Wiley Is exhibiting several paintings of local subjects and flowers (her hobby Is gardening), as well as many watercolors palntedon the coast of Maine where she spends her summers. As an art major in high school, Mrs. Wiley was chosen to attend tbe Philadelphia public Industrial Arts school while still a high school ctudent. She later received training at the Fleischer Memorial and has also benelllted from private instruction and criticism. Her work has been exhibited at the Wallingford Arts center • Woodmere Gallery in Chestnut Hill, Swarthmore and Media woman's Clubs, Philadelphia Print Club, Avondale G~lleries, The Village Art Shop in Media. George Gross Gallery in Philadelphla, and in Maine where she took first prize in a local show. ROTARY !Continued from Page 1) more Dog Training SChoolj the chester City Band, contributed by the Musicians protective Union; SV(arthmore Fire company; a 20-car Antique Car Rally and several performing horses. Theme is "I Love America." swarthmore's Qwh country fair will have a cake baking contest, horse shoe pitching championship, pet show, and at 3 p. m. a family jogging championshlp, to be led by Dr. Luehring. The trophy will go to the family with the greatest number finishing first in the fourlap distance. ESTATE NOTICE ESTATE OF Bertha L. Evans. Also Known As Berlha Lillia Evans and Bertha Garwood Evans, Deceased. Late of Swarthmore. Delaware County. Pa. LE'rTERS TESTAMENTARY on the above Estate have been granted to the undersigned, who Iequest all persons. having craims or demands agrunst the Eslate of Ihe decedent to make known the same, ·and all persons indebted to the decedent to mitke pavm~nt. without delay, to Jean Evans Newkirk. Box 136, North Branch. New Jersey and provident National Bank. Broad and Chestnut Streets. Phila., Pa., Executors Or to their Attorney Alan Reeve Hunt 01 Duane. Morris & Heckscher. 1617 Land TiUe BuUding. Philadelphia, Pa. 19110 3T-ID-25 . , The Peace committees of the SWarthmore and Media· providence Friends Meetings are sponsorlng weekend Training courses in Non violent Direct Action (Friday to Monday. October 25 26. In Media. and Friday to Monday, Novem .. ber 1-4, in SWarthmore). Each course consists of five three -hour sessions under the direction of experienced leaders including role-playing, discussion of the philosophy and practlce of non-violence, and participation in reai situations. II will be possfble to altend some sessions the first week in Media and the rest in SWarthmore the second. Early registration of those Interested will be appreCiated. U Violence is a central prob~ COME At Us October 9 Ineeting, the swarthmore Activities Coordinating committee urged every voUng citizen to avail himself of the opportunity to learn the facts about the Rumble-Titus property and therefore feel strongly enough about the subject to vote on the matter 01 the purchase of this property on Election day. WnUam Reese, chairman, announced that plaq~es will soon be attached to the benches which have been placed around the community. The Directory of Organizations In the Swarthmore area has been printed and copies are ready for distrbution to each household In the community. Appointed Robert K. Enders, Isaac H. Clothier. Jr. professor of biology at the college has been appointed to the 1966-69 Vlslling committee at Harvard Universlty. - Friday, October 18. 1968 Delderfleld. R. F. - The Green Gauntlet. Eyre. Katherine Wigmore .. The Sandalwood Fan. Gerson, Noel B.• sam Houston. G , rlmn. Gwyn - The Occupying The seventh grade home Power. Kent, Alexander • To economics students, Swarth- . Glory We steer. MCIntosh,John more HIgh School, have just - come to my House. Pearson, completed a course of study Drew - The Senator. Turnbull, in Hbaby sitting" under the Agnes Sligh - Many a Green direction 01 their teacher. Mrs. Isle. Woodhouse. Martin - Bush Baby. Grace Padlasky. MYSTERIES - Boucher. AnThey are now desirous of thony - Best Detect! ve stories. starting a baby sitting service . Egan. Lesley - A se rlous InAny parent In the community who has need for a sitter in vestigation. Knox. BlII - Flgurthe afternoon or evening during head. Langley. Lee - Dead the week or on the weekend center. McBain, Ed - Fuzz. may now call the" high school Marric, J. J~ - Gideon's River. office at KI 3-4800 between 2 Russell. E. S. - She Should and 3 p.m. An advanced home ha ve Cried on Monday. Shaneconomics student will take the non, Dell - Chance to Kill. message and recommend a baby Simenon. Georges - Malgret·s Pickpocket. Tock. Allred - The sitter. Guidelines developed by the Top steal. Waugh. Hillarygirls Include no telephone calls "3D" Manhattan East. NON -FICTION· Baez. Joanto friends and no companywhUe Daybreak. Bevington. Helen performing the service. While they must clean up after feed- A Book and a LOVE Affair. Ing their charges they are not Durant, W1ll - The Lessons of obligated to do family dishes. Htstory. Forester. C. S. -Long ironing and other household before Forty. Fulier. John G. chores --the function of the baby "The Day o( st. Anthony's Fire. sitter Is basically that 01 caring Hays. Broo\.s - HotbedolTranfor the needs of the children qulllty. lonesco, Eugene - Exit the King. King, Martin Luther. being watched. II is expected that parents Jr. - The Trumpet 01 conwill take the baby sltter.home SCience. Leonard, Jonathan Norton - Early Japan. Mydans, aft.r dark. Carl - The Violent Peace. NBC • News - Somehow it Works. New Horizons - The Encyclopedia of Aviation and Space FICTION - Armah. Ayl Kwei Sciences. Newsweek - National The Beautiful Ones are not Gallery, Washington. Simon, yet Born. Baker, Elliott - The Kate - Kate Simon's London. Penny Wars. Barrett, William Smith, Adam - The Money E - The Wine and the Music. Game. Tierney, William F. Behrman. S. N. - The Burning Modern Upholstering Methods. Glass.. Brace, Gerald Warner - Wicker, Tom - JFK and LBJ. The Department. Buckmaster. Winslow. Ola Elizabeth - John H. - Lion in the Slone. DaviS, Eliot. Yastrzemski, Carl Olivia - The LastortheGreeks. Yaz. Home fc. Students In Baby-SiHing Service HEW LIBRARY BOOKS =- Irade School- High School- College - Adull-- COME A(L! Swarthmore's Annual Parade SWARTHMORE COLLEGE FIELD HOUSE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30th Starting 6:45 P. M. SHARP SPONSORED BY THE SWARTHMORE LIONS CLUB FAMILY GROUPS COMIC FANCY DRESS REGISTER FOR YOUR PARADE ENTRY NUMBER at "THE SWARTHMOREAN'6 OFFICE 333 Dartmouth Avenue R.e9~Jau" dt:vJi"1" (!)cioJ,et, .25 FrldllY, october 18, 1968 8 RED CROSS TO MEET NOV. 1ST Need For Volunteers Topic For Gathering Chairman Jane Bisbee of the Ofllce of volunteers, southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter, Alneriean Red cross, will spea to the fall oneetlng of the local Red cross Branch on November The group will gather at 10 a.m., in the LegIon Room, Borough Hall. Miss Bisbee's topic will be "The Need for I. volunteers.' , Mrs. Walter Molr, swarthmore Branch Chairman, I1sts the following organization to carryon the increasingly challenging Red cross load this season: Officers - Vice-chairman, Mrs. Belden Tucker;Secretary, Mrs. F. Ted Anthony; Treasurer, Mrs. David Wisdom. Services - Arts and Skills, Mrs. Robert Deaconj Blood program chairman, Mrs. Johan Natvig, to-chairmen, Mrs. Robert van Ravenswaay, Mrs. George Stauffer; canteen ,,}!airman, Mrs. samuel carpenter I co-chairman, Mrs. Robert Richardson; Ditty Bag Chairman, Mrs. JohnPattersOnjDisaster 1 Mrs. Kenneth P. stuart; Memorial Fund chairman, Mrs. Ford F. Robinsonj personnel coordinator, Mrs. John T. pinkstonj production, Mrs. John Pitmanj public Relations and publicity, Mrs. Peter Told; Recruitment chairman, Mrs. George Shoemaker, co-chairmen, Mrs. Lynn Kippas, Mrs. D. Robert Gerner, Mrs. M. M. Wynkoop; Staff Aide, Mrs. David Bingham and - youth program, Mrs. James connor. Directors: 1966-1969 - Mrs. Robert V'd.n Ravenswaay, Mrs. James connor, Dr. Arthur Slivers, Mrs. John Pinkston. 19671970 - Mrs. D. Robert Gerner, Mrs. Robert Martln, Mrs. Richard Wilkins. 1968-1971 Mrs. Avery Blake, Martha Keighton, Mrs. peter Told, Mrs. Evangeline Markham. Waffh YoWl POUtu! SHS HOCKEY TEAMS IN WINNING FIELD 0 SR. CITIZENS -HOL 1ST FALL MEETING The Friendly Open House met The SIIS hockey squad plaLY~>I oh Monday aft.ernooD aston!rsl Its first regul&< season ga Presbyterian Church. against Yeadon september were sung by the group. played on the Garnet Iteld. The V.r;:...e::.t...-z T~""':"""'L· .. I ~~I I=l~c::"\ O"Z.I 9.(£>0 ~ Rc:. Cauliflower 29( head Winesap Apples 3 LB bag 49( White Seedless Grapes 29( LB Save y,,?ur Register FOOD MARKET DARTMOUTH Recei-'" SH! PLAN OF f PROPERTY FOR SWARTHMORE BOROUGH SW~RTHMORE BOROUGH L.______________~~------------------~--------------------------------------~------~--~----------------__~______________________~D:E~L~A~-~~A~R~E~C~O~U:N~TY~,~P~A~.~____.J • , THE SWARTHMOREA~_ . .page 10 Set Biennial TB Nursing Institu.te Heallh agencies and prolesslonal workers Ihroug hou t .Delaware county were urged this week to reserve Wednesday, october 23, lor the BIenolal Tuberculosis Nurs Ing Institute and Annual publ Ic Health conference a t the I b sprlng!leld country Cu. I sponsored by t ,e De Iaware county Tuberculosis and Health Association, the letter an- 56 cooperating agencies asking them not to schedule conflicting meetings. Working with the Tuberculosis Association on ns are', Delaware conference pla counly Dlslrlcl, Pennsylvania' Nurses' Association; Delaware county Medical society; Heallh and Wellare council, Delaware county DIstrict; and the Penn- ment-Today and Tomorrow." All Interested residents are Invited to the program. Walk To' morrow Tyler Arboretum botanist Mrs. Mary Ellen MacDonald will discuss "soundsoISllence" on the walk she will lead tosylvania Department of Health. morrow beginning at 10 a m The Nursing Institute, s l a r ' . • at t the-barn. Ing at 3 p.m., will deal with The Friends 0 C Tyler .. Living with Tuberculosis Arboretum are sponsors of the Today." Thethemeorthedlnner Ik and Invite the public to sesslon, scheduled from 6 to wa , 8:30 p.m., will be" Respiratory Join the group at the barn. The . Friday, October 18, 1968 , __ As Gibbon Saw It • • Wllh all the talk about guaranteed annual Incomes and cradle-Io-grave security It might be well to take a look al whatthe hl.torlan and scholar Edward Gibbon wrote many .years ago aboul the ancient Athenians. once the center of the civilized world, Athens went on the skids and never again rose to Its previous position of relat.ive importance to other nations. Ihey wanted security. They wanted a comlortable IIle and they lost It ali-security, com-. lort and (reedom. When the Alhenhns tlnally wanted not \0 gI ve t it 0 soc e y, btl u or soc Ie t Y to give to them. when the Ireedom they wished lor most was Ireedom Irom responsibility, then Athens ceased to be Cree Lecture, Magic Show For November Fair. J I Mrs. W. C. Hogg, r. a wallingford w11l lecture al tbe lid F I I T I Ity annual ay a r November a r r. Church Ho on Thursday, 7th. Her tal',·• will' be titled "creating lor Christmas" and will begin at 1:30 p.m. on the second floor 01 the sunday School Building • Mrs. Hogg will teach the audience how to make various Chrlst,nas decorations. FranciS . Ashley, 10 cal and never was free again." It i",ppened to Alhens. It happened to Rome. It happened to other city-states and nallons that turned sbft. It can happen bere. Wrote Gibbon, "In the end, -Indianapolis star magiCian, will condUCt. the _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - - ' Show to begl." at 4:30. _~n~o~u~n~C~ln~g~t~he~e~v~e~n:t~w~e~n~t~o~u:t~to~,!D~I~s;.ea~s:!e;;s::-:!:D~I!ag!En~O!!S~I~s..:a~n~d!2T~r~e~a~t_:....:~a~r..:bo::.r.:e::tu::m:.l::s:..:lo::c:a:t:e:::d~ln:...::L::lm::a:...:. ;,m~o:. r:. e:. t: h: a~n:. l: h: e.:.y. :w:.:a:.:n.: t.: ed;.:.: cr:.e:.e:.:d:.:o.: m.: ,:. . ; ~agl-~ Diplomat Hosts Family-at Lang Last Career Le~lIe polk" native swarthmorean now In charge of Belgium arealrs at the U.S. EmbaSSY In Brussels, Is now seeing more 01 his Camlly than he did when he lived In WashIngton, D. C. In a post card to a Irlend here. he sald, uIt was just like pulllng teeth to get members o( the polk clan to visit us In Washington ... But since we D. moved to Brussels we've been kept busy running a tourist hotel. " Mrs. polk's sister, Ruth Glenn and two daughters Crom Baltimore, spent six weekstllis summer in Brussels. Polk's brother Bill and his wife Irom Lansdowne were also there for three weeks. Now brother David with wlte and son and a Irlend Emma Foster and her daughter, ' all oC Chester, are there and enjoying trips to Amsterdam and Paris with their host. A career diplomat, Mr. Polk was born and reared on Brighton avenue. He is a son of the late Mr. and ~Irs;· William H. Polk. Slate C.S. Lecture Friday, October 25 "what Is the' Good thatSatlsfles?" will be the title 01 a public lecture under Christian Science auspices In Sprlnglleld, on Friday evening, october 25. Edward C. Wllllams,C,S.B., a Christian s"cience teacher and praclltloner 01 Indianapolis, Ind .• will speak under sponsorship o( First Church o( Christ, ~1";I~!el~ ::e:ttend , J SERVICE TUES. FOR Mr. Williams has devoted his ! 0 MN lull Ume to the public practice WRAY A. H FF A a career in public relations with a large public utilities IIrm. During world War II he served as a Christian Science Minister for the Armed Serv'iees. He is currently on tour as a member 01 the 'Board of Lectureship o( The First Church Scientist or swarthmore. of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, The lecture will begin at 8 __ _____________ Mass~. ~ p. m. .in the auditorium of a store In Springfield. Everyone '[ Saw it In The Swarthmore an.· , MADSEN the installer CD -a REEVES the builder .. , the boiler til 0 n III -~< ... §b§: -g C :::II cr C n All working for you to give you the finest home with the best heating boiler, installed, by experts! ... 0 , C":::II III :::II CD C - (i' aq III CD ...0- m •m." 20 YEll 0::I: -I ::D. ::r -_. m : :r ~ ..,(1) ..... 3 o (Jl ""'lilt M' _ _It II IUILT liGHT 1141 ~ CO....GIII •• _0,1 ·=. . . ;: . Om .1.tftI ......_1 "or ",rI. . S IL dM.. ..,f Fo: Plumbi"I • .Hea'lng • Air Conditioning CU ....m I,.!h.n •• Cu ....m Bothroom. HI 9-7500 EL 6-AIOO 2901 SPRINGFIELD RD, w••t Ch••.., Plk. . .II Sprllltlfl.11I R..d N••t BROOMALL . to N_ FarM'" MarUt O· HORACE A. REEVES A Complete Construction Service Commercial - Industrial. - Alterations SWARTHMORE Dlrhnoutll Office Building II • .. 1100 n OJ ::I -I» o..g: CD 8 8':::11 • AGA and your lOCo. • 1••1...... ··0"'.........,1.. III ""-0 c AoPn>- bv MME. :::II n III CD OJ • TIle z' -< and ad- 01 Chrl.tlan Science healing since 1942, when he gave up I• COLUMBIA Gas Heat Page 11 THE SWARTHMOREAN Friday, October 18. 1968 Funeral services for Wray A. Holfman, retired assistant treasurer 01 Maryland Casualty Company, were held at 11 a.m. Tuesday In Media, lollowed by Interment In Edgewood' Memorial Park, Glen Mills. Mr. Hortman sulfered a Catal heart attack at his bome 754 Harvard avenue Saturday alter- : noon and was pronounced dead: on arrival al Taylor Ho~Pltall by MUmont ambulance. He was born october 10, 1892 In Baltimore where he lived until moving to swarthmore when he retired In 19~7. He was a member of swarthmore Methodist Church. surviving are his wite. the former Cecilia Edwards of Baltimore; a son wray M. Hoffman of the narvard avenue address; and two sisters. Mrs. Albert Draper of Wayne and Lucille Hoffman of Baltimore. swarthmore Borough resident's requests lor tilood may be made to Mrs. Johan Nalvlg, Red Cross Chairman col Blood, KI 3-0324, Friday, October 18, 11168 ship at RUtgers one," according to PMC ColO'Brlen, and Gary Bullard. The PMC Digest Is a weekly FOR THE PURCHASE The lightweights suffered (continued from Page 9) leges DIgest. Under "Past publlcatlon with Information for or IWAL BllTATK from Inexperience as they members of the PMC Colleges site but as land set asIde Tense" the digest states: I·Son Lynn, now a Senior Family. allowed N. P. to defeat them on SB1!RIPP's OPPlCB Its natural setting with l'sychlatrlst at Ancora state two long passes for touchdowns. COURT HOtlBB. MEDIA. PA. flowers. birds, runnillg Hospital In New Jersey. re- Deliver Paperbacks For In. The lightweight offense Is Fridal, Nonmber a. 1968 paths. and some bridges. Yes. celved his Ph.D. from the Unl- d!,ctees to T.he Swarthmorean. The , Swarthmore Junior spearheaded by Karl Barbour • • :10 A.M. Eaatern Standard. Time 'Re envision some construction. verslty ot Pennsylvania; daughHigh Weight Football teams Chuck Fetzner. Dave conn and perhaps some benches. perhaps ter Beth received her B.A • ConditiOns: P50.00 cub or cercJl1ed cbeck at. t.lme of Ale (unleu otberwlle opened theIr season Wednesday. Mort Delozier to go along with a swing set or two. and per- from Millersville state College • t.ated in adverU.iement). balance in ten October 2 as they split with the quarterbacking of RaY da,t. Otber condltlona on dalof ..Ie. haps some fire places; but and Is nOw teaching In the InNether providence. The Mld- Winch. The offensive line ta w1ll be the function of the terboro School District; and ."To all partie. In 1ntereet. and clalm· dlewelght team deteated N.P. by the sharp blocking anti: commission. a group of Mrs. Purnell received her M.S. 14-0 while the Llghtwelghtteam Dave Keller. Tom Rommel. TAKE NOTICR tbat a Schedule of cated people who will 'In Education trom the UnIJobn Sherman. Brook Bunting, DlItrlbution .UI be flied within thirty was defeated 12-0. oppolnted to Determine the Best verslty of Pennsylvania and Is (80) daya from the date of aale and dlaThe Middleweights' tlrst Bill Lukens and Dave Ball. t.rlbutton wUl be made In acoordance Future Use. This will not teaching In the, Upper Darby The defense. which held wlu-. the Schedule of Dlatrlbutlon unless touchdown came by the hard a park with facilities to Invite School District. And the proeJlClptlollf are filed Ulereto wlUlln ten running of Mike Bates and Dan Nether Providence at bay with (10) days tbereafter. No furtber notice vandalism. webster defines fessor had an article. The at the DlInK of Ule SChedule of Dlaal- Warren with Warren scoring the exception oUhe long passes. F"ACT OR f'ICTION park as a tract of ground Electron Energy Learning butlon .m be Biven.·· on a 10-yard dash up the mld- was led by Mark Rlvello, Gorin Its natural state. as for galne,.1 Theory. published In an InterMost modern drugs DO go lees die. The second T.D. drive was Lane. Rich Koelle. Alan 110. 12566 down in pi ice. That's a fact. for walking. riding, or the national graduate Jeiurnal by the MONn' JUDGMENT paced by the running ot Jack IKEllly and Mike Rhodes. Accurate records prove the We would agree with 0 reg a n State Unfverslty cost of most new drugs goes ALL the following described. real prop- Reese and the passing of Pete other members of the learn ress.•.. entirely. P " down as mass production my situate In th, City, of Cbester, MOrrison to Jim Baird and craig weaver, George The tax revenue gained from professor Purnell Ilves on takes over. And because mod· county of Delawara and commonwealth warren with Morrison scoring of Pennsylvania, to wit: CharUe Donaway, ern medicines do more and the construction of sevell cornell avenue with his wife on a quarterback sneak from Frank Brad Mormore for you, they are your ho~es Is not a vital factor for Betty and daughters Beth. and Bounded accordIng to a the two yard line. Mike Bates ris, Barry Brogan, Larry Me .. best health value. We invite euney and and plandee.::rlbed of a portion of Btgh· this revenue will be offset Ruth. a Swar,hmore Highschool your prescription patronage. land Gardena made the 18th day of K i l l " , Don Hender T H A.D. 1943. b.1 Damon and Foster. elvU added both extra points tocomSOD, om opnew costs resulting from sophomore. _'noe.. oI_'Sharqn ""'. plete tbe Garnet scoring. Andy Smith. Mike Shaffer. homes. Unfortunately. It may Sue. the oldest daughter. Is :u tollows to wit: BEOINNIHO at a point F ukl s hIon the Nor1.hwesterly side of Bwa.rts The Garnet attack was spark.. rna, S cott Harmon, come as a shock. but taxes do RN. graduate of Bryn Mawr s .....t (fOrmerly Monroe court) (thirty ed by Jay Stanton. Tom ThorHaskell. Rich Battin and not go down as a community She Is married to Rev. CATHERMAN feet wide) at the dlstance of two hunWalll'"Aord dred eighty-four and tblrty-three one· bahn, Bob Mecouch, Jeff Mar.. D6 . grow •• They go up, says serConrad and lives with PHARMACY feet twenty-seven measured North MtytI n andAd nard C. Meltzer. real estate two children Linda and . bundredths th~ degr.ees. mlnut.ee, n y SkIpp. Th e d e fense aeven Beconds EIlS~ from the NortbeB8t- was led by John Restrepo, Ed ~xpert of the at sayreville. N. J. Her 17 S. CHESTER RD. erly aide Drlve) at Culhane Btreet (fOrmerly RI ggs, J)arlusOstrauskls,Mark Bulletin. As a general rule. Is working toward. his Rooo.v.lt (Ilfty feet w'de); CON. ERGENCY BLOOD TAINING I.n front or breadtb on tbe Haskell, Lee Gatewood and Jake the larger the community. the with a teaching fe!lpwsaId Swarta Street twenty-two and alx~- Douglas. SWarthmore Borough reshigher the taxe •• Taxes are ab: one.hundredtha feetor and of that width In length depthe:dendlilg between Other members of the team ldents' requests for bloom may lowest In sparSely populated parallel Uoes of a COUl"BO ·North thirty· t tl be made to Mrs. Johan Natvig. sis degrees~ thlrty-two minutes. Mty0 see ac on Included Jeff HOpareas. As the denSity ot an three seconds West eighty feet and con· son, ReX Gary, Rich Eckenroth. Red cross Chairman of Blood~ area increase;s, the services ta1nlng on the rear thereof twenty-two KI 3 0324 or t h_ h I and alxty·slx one-hund.tedtbS feet. DEmO Charles Brennan, steve Mann. , 0 Iu;:r co-c a r .. furnished and the need for serKNOWN and deslguated . . Lot No. 170. Phil Pa k Ji M cPt men Mrs. Robert van Ravensvices increases mOTe than proBlock. 21. on said Plan. KNOWN AS NO. r, m ac rone, e e 2106 Swarts Street. Highland Gardens, Simpson, Clark Ballard, George waay, K13-8684jorMrs.George portlonately. It Is estimated b';;<.ort lrJl.lr<:J C~ 1:"(;'.'b :::>~.urt hr.lv ro , .L C l.1lli.;. 1 'JObl Page 12 Weight Teams Split With liP _ ; . , . _ _ _ _.L.,_ - ...... ..". • •••• • .".f' Fe"""',......... EM· Oheo"'. Po. BEING the same premises which Jack B. et day us of by June, Indenture bearing dateSmith, tbe 30th A.D. 1986, and tntended to be fortbwith recorded in the Oftlce tor tbe Recording of Deeds In and for the County of Delaware. Pennayl· .. mla. granted and conveyed unto the lAId Mortgagors. In fee. UNDER AND SUBJECT to huildlng reItrlctlons as of record It IS understood :: : II I ~s~ch:r~o~e~d=e~ri'~:~=:~'::J.:sta;uf:f;e~r~'~K~I~S~-S:8:6~1~• • • • • • II ~,;;~r~~~h~:':~~tl~~~';.'::l THURSDAY OCT• 17 th ru SATURDAY. OCT. 26 not be construed as a revival thereof In the event that tbey bave expired by Illnt· tatlon. violation or tor any other reason. Improvements constat ot a two atory masonry and frame house. Bdward P. Muller, Jr., Attorney PAm.. J. McKINNEY. Sberlft 1988 purchased woman's Club lot on Rutgers aveIlue. Again, the MONEY BEGINNING at a point on tbe Northwest aide of mid Dupont Street at the cUstance of one hundred afty feet measured Northeast from the Northeast Bide ot Walnut. Street. CONTAINING In front along said sluCI of Dupont Street, measured Northeast, seventeen feet, and extendlng In length or depth Northwest and at r1!ht anglee to the aald Dupont Street Seventy-fOur feet. The Southwest line paaslug thrOugh the middle ot a party wnll between the dwell1ng erected upon the above described premlses and tbe dwelling erected upon the premtBes adJGlnlng on tbe Southwest, owned now or late by Joseph P. Kte'bcor and wife. BOUNDED on the Nortbwest by lands now or Ia.te of Florence B. Bentley and on tbe Northeast by lands now or late of P. Ot18 Bryant, PEING Premtsea No. 818 Dupont. Street. BEING the same premtses wblch Leon Cbernoft', slngleman, by Indenture bearInC even date herewith and Intended to be forthwith recorded in and tor the County of Delaware. granted and can· veyect unt.o tbe said Mortgagors. In fee. Improvements consISt of a two atory masonry and frame house. SOld a.a the property of WILLIAM J. BROWN and LUCINDA D. BROWN. Edward P. Muller, Jr.• Attorney acqnlsltlon Is supported by the swarthmore Planning commission. the Delaware county Planning· Commission. the ORIGINAL Swarthmore ORPHANS' COURT OF DEL.AWARE COUNTY, PENNA, Notice of Filing and Audit of Accounts NOTICE is hereby given to heirs, legatees, creditors and all persons Interested that aecounts 1ft the following estates have been filed In the Office of the Register of Wills and Clerk of Orphans' Court as the case may be and that the same will be presented to tile Orphans' Court of said Countv on Monday. November 4, 1968, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. (E. S. T.) for confirmation at which time the said c:ourt will audit said acc:ounts, hear objections to the same and make distribution of the balance ascertained to be in the hands of the. accountant, AXOJ.::RSON - Sept. 27, First and Final Account of Afro Nazert'dls. EXE'("utrlx. Estate of Mkhael P. Anderson, De· c-ea!'"lcd. AUlfSTROXG - Sept. 17. First nnd Final A('count of CurU!ls S. Armstrong. Administrator. Estate of Anna Armstrong, a/k/a Anna. Jo~dgar Armslrong, Deceased. ASH-Dct: 1. First and Final Ac('ount of Helen C. Daft. Ex· ecutrix. Estate of Anne Ash, Deceased. BALLARD-Sept. 20. First Ae· count of The Fidelity Bank and Helen F. Ballard, Execu· tors, Estate' of .J. Stanley· Bal· Jud, Deceased. BEHGDoLJ,-Sept. 26, First and Final Account of Mary V. Ber.doll, Executrix, Elltate of Recreation As- 3 to 6]4 3 to 6X sociation. and the League of ~omen Volers. 21.95 to 27.95 7 to 14 25.• 95 to 34.95 It Is a plan for the future, It Is a plan for our children. No community can live In the past or only tor the present. We shonld all he concerned with the future, because we are going to spend the rest of our lives there. MICHAEL'S COLLEGE PHARMACY PAUL J. McKINNEY. BherUl LEGAL NOTICE STYLED by SOME of AMERICA'S FINEST MAKERS! land. In addition. II swarthmore Borough does acquire this property. the state has further advised that they w1ll reimburse the Borough for 50% of the cost of the recenUy ltIfe. JUDGMENT ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of pt)und, witb the buildings and Improve· menta thereon erected, srruATE tn the City of Chester. In the County of Dela· ware and State of Pennsylvan1&. seven new homes will produce about 20 new school children. John Spencer, former School Board preSident. has Indicated the cost for these children alone to the SWarthmore taxpayer could amount te. $700 per year per child. The net cost of this. property Is well within our means. state officials have advised the Borough that state aid Is available to defray 50% of the Bor- ough's cost of acquiring this Sold as the property of JAMES PRANK PORSYTH and CAROL L. FORBYTH. bta No. 12GB1 "'3-0586 PMC PROF. HAS 'HAPPY SUMMER' Professor Theodore L. Pl1!r_1 nell, Swarthmore, director'" the teacher education program at Penn Morton COlleges, Chester, f'cnJoyeda happy summer for more reasons than LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOnCE Augusta !\l. Bergdoll, De~ ('eased. nODINE-Sent. 19, First Ac('ounl o!- Tile 1o'idcllty Bank «(o'ormerl)' Fidelity - Philadelphia Trusl Co.) nnd Robert A. Hotline. Exe('utors, Estate of Jane \V. Bodine, Dccensed. . 1l0YLAN-Or't. I, l<'irst and Final Accounting of Louil'l !\.lotter, Adminll'itrator, C.T.A., l'1state of Pearl M. Boylan, Del·eased. BROOKS~Sept. 19, First and Final Ac('ount of Sarah Ashford, Administratrix, C.T.A., I.;~tate of Eliza Brooks, De· i·PlISf'it. BllYA~T-~"h'l)t. 2ii, Ac('ount of ,Josellh }O~. Greene. Jr., Administrator, ]o:::stat(' of llary l~. Bryant. Deceased. CAPOLINo-SePt. 26. First and Final A('cQunt of Jean Capo~ IIno. Administratrix, Estate of Romola Capollno, Deceased. CI~ARKE--Sept. 25. First Ac('ount of Lennis L. Apgar &: ('lara Apgar. Trustee.!'!, Ac('ountlng from 12-18~64 to 6 30-68. Trust u/W of Margaret c. Clarke, Deceased. COPENHAFER - Oct. I. First and Final Aceount of Rebecca C. }fulford. ExecutriX"; Estate of Matilda B. Copenhafer. a/k/n )'fatllda Copenhate-r, Det'eased. ClTMlflNOS-Sept. 25. Firat and Final Account of AloYllUR M. Cummlbgs, Ellecutor. Estate ot Mary /t... Cummlnp. Deceased. CURt-sePt. 16, Firat Account of The Fidelity Bank (Fot'p mer)y FI(l.ellty - Pblla4e1pb1a Trust COIl1))anY) and Elizabeth A. Curl. Trustees, Stated from July 16, 1965 to September 3, 1968. Harry A. curl, Settlor. . ~ DAVENI'ORT-Oct. I, First and Flnnl Account of Frank J. Uavenllort, Jr.. Ii:xecutor, Estate of Vivian Sarah Davenport, Deceased. EuY-Sept. 30, First Account of Ruth M. Hill and The Phtladehlhta National Bank, Trustees. Trust Under 'ViII of Ethel M. Eby. Deceased for Ruth M. HUt BOGAH.-Sept. 30, First and Fl· nal Account of Emily Vinna· cumb .. , 1·:xN·utl·ix.t.. Estate of Emily J. l-:dgar. lJeceased. FARRELL-Sept. 26. Account of Girard Trust Bank, Executor. Estate of John H. li'arrell, De· ceast·d. FRICKE-Sept. 2-4. F'lrst Account of The Fidelity Bank and Stuart Holt Mosher. Ex· ecutor8, Estate of Carolyn M. Fricke, Deceased. Stated from January 18, 1968 to September 16 .... !963. . FRII'.i:'i--Oct. 1 First and Final Account of Marlon s. Gayer. Executrix of the Will of FlorenC'8 B. Fries, Deceased. ' GOSSERT--.Sept. 26. First and Final Account of Donald J. Gassert, Executor, Estate of Arthur .J. Gossett. Deceased. GREEN-Sept. 15. Third and Final Account of Harvey A. Green. survivlnl' Trustee and Maurice M. Green, SubaU-" tuted Trustee of The Green Truet. HARE-Sept. 26. Fifth Account of The Firat Pennsylvania LEGAL NOTICE Banking and Trust Company, T. Truxtun Hare, Jr., and Charles Willing Hare, Trustees, Under The Will of John I. Clark Hare, Deceased. Ac~ count stated by reason ot the death of Esther B: Hare on October 15. 1967. Account stated trom June 10, 1957 to July" I, 1968. Eslate of John J. Clark Hare, Deceased. (Trust For Esther B. Hare.) HASKINS-Sep~. 26, First Account of Provident National Bank (Formerly Provident Trust Company of Philadelphia) Trustee, Accounting from October 22, )937 to August 27, 1~68. Deed of Trust ot George Evcret Haskins. Settlor. HEACOCK - Sept. 16, Firat and Final Account of The Del· aware County National Bank, Executor, F.state of Charles M. Heacock, Deceased. HEKKING-Oct. "I, First and Final Account of sarah M. Carter, Adrvlnlatratrlx. Estate of Mary Carter Hekklng, Deceased. HENGEL-Oct. I, First Aecount at James MaUon, Sr.. Administrator, Estate of Esther Hengel. Deceased. mCKS-Sept. 26. First and Fl· nal Account ot H. Kimble Hicks. Executor, Estate of ElI&a.beth W. Hicks, Deceased. JENKIN8-SePt. 26, Firat and Final Account of Albert Frank .Jenkins, Ellecutor. Estate of Bertha "B. Jenkins, a/k/a Bertha Jenkins and Bertha. lL ..Ienliln .. Deceased. . .JOHNSON-Sept. 1', Flr,t and T~e lomous br,ands in the Most exciting lashions of the seosort! Pretty Checks, . lush Twe e d s, or smart solid colors. Now Is the time to select the Pre tt i est styles everl LEGAL NOTICE Final Account of Helen M. Hunt, Executrix, Estate of Sam u e t Horace Johnson, alkla Horace Johnson, Samuel II. Johnson & samuel J uhnson, Deceased. KEEGAN-Sept. II. First and Finat A('count of !\Iary T. Keegan, Executrix, Bstate of Ruth L. Kepgan, Deceased. KOEHLBU--Sept. 30. First and Final Account of Edythe H. Kruger, Administratrix, C.T.A., Estate of Erna L. Koehler, a/k/a Erna Koehler, Deceased. "IALZ-Sept. 19, First and Final A('('ount of C. BruC'e ,Vllson. Exe('utor, Jo~~tate of H(>nry :\lalz. Deceased. . !l.1('CA!l.1BRIDGE-SeI1t. :10, First and Final Account of James Erie McCambridge, Jr., Ad· ministrator, C.T.A' I Estate of James .Erie McCamorldge, De ceased. MEASEY-Qct. I, First Account of The Fidelity Bank and David Alexander. Cooper. Ex· ecutors. Estate of Wllliam Maul Measey, Deceased. NAYLOR-8ept. 30. First and Final Account of Provident National Bank and John H. Holfnagle, F~ecutors, Estate of Clara M. Naylor, Deceased. NEFF-Sept. 20, First Account of "the FideUty Bank and Mildred E. White. Executors, Estate of Ethel M. Neff, Daceased. NOVAK-8ept, 11. First and Final Account of Mal'J' Novak. Executrix, Estate of Mary Novak. a/k/a Mary Nowak, Deceased., a PAUKF..--Sept. 17, First and FInal Account of The Delaware County National Bank. Guardian or The Estate of Leslie Parke. A Minor. PASTEIlNAI{-Oct. I. First AcCOUllt of "aul A. Pasternak, Executor, Estate of John Pas· t~rnak, Deceased. POOLF..--ScPt. 12, First Account of The Fidelity Bank (Formerly Fidelity - Philadelphia Trust Compan)."), Guardian. Stated (rom Octoher 27, 1960 to August 26, 1968. Estate of :\Iamic Gray Poole, An Alleged In('ompetent) (a/kin Manle 0, poole). RAISIER-Sept. 30. First and Final Account of H. Benedict Ripkee, Exc<-'utos:: Nstate of Margaret Holt u.atnlcr, De· ceased. SAROUS - Oct. 1. Flut and 1"lnal Aceount of Edith SHinsky. Executrix, Estate of Jordan E. Sarous. Dc('cased. SIMPSON-Sept. 27, First and Final Account of Raymond .T. Hag-y, Jr., Execumr. Estate of Alpheus J. Simpson, Deceased. WAGNERJsept. 21. First A~­ count of The Fldeltty Bank & Samuel H. French. Executors, Estate of Amelia. H. Wagner, Deceased. WAKEFIELD-Sept. 4, Account or Girard Trust Bank. Executor. Estate ot Ltulan F. Wakefield. Deceased. WALTER T. ReDAVlD Reelater at Wilb and Clerk of Orpba.n.· CoU(t -10-31-68 THE SWARTHMOREAN- School Bel. To Appeal Merger $5.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE. PA., 19081, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1968 VOLUME 40 - HUMBER 43 To";gll#'. Lecturer STOP THAT LEAF I Due to a major broakdown in the Borough's leaf loader. there will be no collection of leaves for two to three weeks. Securing the part from the manufacturer Is causing the delay. and while the borough has left no leaf unturned. so to speak, to borrow, rent or lease another loader, none Is forthcoming so far. Authorities after their slncere apologies and ask residents. Indulgence In the Interim. Installation will be no problE:m, they say, once they have the part In hand. Directors Order Bus Fo~ Vo-Tech Pupils •• • '.•, •• ,•• ,r l • I' .." " " " . Standard Time Begins Sunday 2:00 A, M. Hallowe'en Parade 6:45 Wednesday Swarthmore's annual Hal. lowe'en Parade will be held Wednesday, October 30 at 6:45 p.m. in the College Field House. F~mily· groups, comics and Fancy dress are invited to ,egister at The Sworthmorean ollice, 333 Dartmouth ave· nue. beginning today, Friday, at 9 a.m., and continuing 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Wed, nesday (with time out lor Sat. urday and Sunday). The Lions Club 01 :Swarth- LT. HAMILTON SERVICE TODAY Air Force Pilot Killed Odober 16 in Vietnam A funeral service will be held at 2:30 p.m. today. Friday. In the Swarthmore MethodIst BY unanImous vote Monday Church for First Lieutenant evening school Board will ,, , .George B. Hamilton. U.S. Air .appeal to the State Board of Force pilot who was killed Education, the County Board's • '\ October 16 in Vietnam. He was plan to unite It with Nether a son of Mr. and Mrs. James providence School District. •, Wayne Hamilton of 630 North ,, The local dIstrict thus be.' Chester road. gins anew a battle which had .' more sponsors thi s event Lt. Hamilton <:lIed from InIts case pending In Dauphin which gives ribbon prizes ;uries received when his Ught county court when the orIginal in each group. All ages are O-I-E alrforce liaison plane school consoltdatlon act was cordially invited to take part crashed near eu Chi in South changed to require county and all ages are encouraged Edward C. Williams, Vietnam. Boards to review thetr first Christian Sc=iencelecturer, to watch I Born in Philadelphia In 1944. plans. Parade time was moved up who will be speaking he had been a resident of the The only change made by half hour earlier this year a tonight at 8 p.m. in a Borough sInce 1955. He was Once again the students of Delaware county directors was at the request of those who deportment store oudit~r. a 1962 graduate of Swarthmore swarthmore High School have that Garnet Valley could rebelieve small children es.ium in Springlleld. His HIgh School where he was a voluntarily endorsed a pollcy main alone Instead of helng pecially should get their topic will be "What is the member of the Varsity Footof respect for residents and Judge Jobn B. Hannum will forced to join with Penn Delco. relt. The reminder is also· ball and Baseball teams. and Good that Satislies?" the property of theIr communl- be the guest of the swarthmore Order Bus put forththotpr .... registrotion· a 1966 graduate of Grove City The lecture is under lies during the Hallowe'en council at Republican Women Monday evenIng also saw at The Swarthmorean saves College, where he was vice the auspices of the First period. at their luncheon meeting Wedswarthmore finally go Into the much time at the pa,ade president of his senior class, Church 01 Cltrist, Scientist The resolution has been en- nesday, october 30, 12 noon bussing busIness. The BlCIL ACCEPTS KI 3 ..0324, or to her co-chair .. nauti.cs Admi,nistration)' mlsston. . WaShington Irving will be pre- t>lEW TRASH CONTRACT men ,Mrs. Robert van RavensIn the second half. quarterBorough council. at a special 2:30 P.M. _ Horse Show and Canine Follies sented on record. waay. KI3-8684;orMrs.George Family Jogging Championship (starter Dr. hack Robinson Hand staoffer. KI 3-S861. meeting Monday nlgN. okayed 3:00 P.M. and RlveUo untllalternated the determined F re d Luehring - sign up at start) the trash contract with Messina Jimmy Hood went ,off right· and SOn, Glen Mills for col- 3: 15 P.M. Swarthmore Fire Company tackle tor 8Warthmore'ssecond lection of boih trash and gar- 4:00 P.M. Announcement of winners, etc. TD. Tbe blocking of deMoll • . bage at a cost of $39.500. It "KEEP THE OPEN' HOUSE OPEN" qontlnued on page 8) will start the first of the year. I SCHOOL PASSES RESOLUTION ......, ....... . ,, Judge Hannum Speake At Republican Lunch UNICEF Trick Or Treat October 31 GARNET· TO HOST DARBY lWP SAl. Comm, UsfsWinners In Poster Conlest . SHS D-C 27-21 In 'Hamilton' Thriller UNITED FUND GIRL'S COATS - Downstairs Store LEGAL NOTICE Hallowe'en Parade Wednesday College Field House S\iJi.il,£,u,zORE COLT.EGE LIBRARY :.1'~ rcu:y ) NEWSPAPER LOuNGE . 1 .::d:ra=w=i:n~g=.========-_Lo~n~D~lc~k~i~ns~o~n~a~v~e:n~u:e~'~ To date 64%-$15,375 still needed 36% $8,699. Can we do it by October 31st? We've done it before. LEI'S DO IT AGAIN I 100% - $24, 074. \ 1968 Friday. OctobeT of Park avenue are, THE page 2 Mr. and Mrs. Otis L. Reed and lamlly 01 south Chester road had as their house guest lor several days Mrs. Reed's father. Mr. Ernie Cutlip from Weston, W. Va., to celebrate his 83rd birthday. Mrs. William L. Medford has moved Irom 634 strath Haven avenue to The Brl.rclln, 801 South Chester road. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bates and children suzanne and Steven returned Sunday to their home tn Stratford. conna~ after a visit with Mrs. Bates' parents Mr. and Mrs. william II. Drlehaus 01 Y/I.le avenue. Mrs. Bates was here lor 10 days. lIer husband Joined them lor Mrs. W. W. Mitchell 01 University place has as her _guest for several days her daughter Mrs. James D. young, the ,,~ lormer Billy Mitchell. Lt. Col. Raymond E. Matson. charge of the Ear, Nose and Throat Department of a hos- their daughter Miss Katherine Shelby Jackson of Mr. Gilbert Michael Detweiler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Walter Detweller of Havertown. Miss Jackson Is the granddaughter 01 Ittrs. Daniel B. Hull of Savannah, Ga., and the late Mr. Hull, and 01 the late Mr. and Mrs. Sidney J. Jackson of Bermuda. Mr. Detweiler Is the grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. : Walter Detweiler or PhlladelI phla, and of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vogt of Tyrone. A June wedding Is planned. Katherine Shelby Jackson pital In Saigon vietnam, lor ::\1 r. aDd :o.-1rs. Arthur F. 13 months wlth the U.S. Army. Loeben, Jr ••. of Carlisle were His wile Is residing in Alexweekend guestt or Mrs. andria, Va. .LoebeD's parents Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert, J. iGeorge McKeag of Parrish Turner of Guernsey road have road. returned home after visiting Mr. alld Mrs. Frank R. Fitts their son a.nd daughter-in-law 1of Malvern, former residents Mr. and Mrs. RichardP. Turner i of Wallingford, have returned and their new baby, Michelle ! home from a six-day motor Renee, in San Francisco, Calif. trip to the New England area. From there they went to HawaII \ Going to cape Cod, ~Iass., they spending a few days at Maui , stayed for two days with a stop and a week at Waikikl Beach. in Brockton, Mass., to haVe on the return trip they stopped lunch with friends; tram there off again to see their son and they visited Vermont to view lamlly belore coming home. the autumn foliage. On the reMr. and Mrs. William G. turn trip home they stopped at Weidner of Dartmouth avenue Lake George, N. Y., and then spent the weekend In Frederick, traveled through the Scranton Md., visiting Mrs. Weidner's area. daughter, Bonnie Butcher, a Mrs. Ambrose Van Alen enfreshman at Hood College. tertained on Friday at a Mr. and Mrs. F. Norton luncheon at her home on park Landon of Wallingford had as avenue. their guest lor a week Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John S. McLandon's sister Mrs. John Quade, Jr., of Shady Hlnk'oad, Ayrault of Ford Union, va. Moylan, entertained at dinner Miss Natalle H. Davis. a Saturday In honor of Mr. and lorme)' Philadelphian has Mrs. F. Halllburton Smith 01 moved to the Harvard Apart- Mile Elm House, Calne, Wiltments, 426 Harvard avenue. shire, England. Mr. and Mrs. She has returned to free lancing Smith were designated by the after working as a stall artist Carpenters Company olthe City at The New York Botanical of London as olllcial hosts to Gardens and In the botany de- Mr. and Mrs. MCQuade at the partment of the University of formal dinner meeting of the Carpenters campany, lounded l1llnols. :\Irs. Edward 1>. Thomas and In 1333, when the MCQuades daughter B~cky flew from were visiting relatives in LonIndianapolis Wednesday to be don and Abbotts;Langley. The the gu~sts of Mrs. Thomas' dinner meeting, ~one of three mother Mrs. Roland G. E. UI1- held during the year, Is the man of "APplebrook," Vassar only one to which ladies are avenue. Invited and guests in attendance "'fl'. and Mrs. Donald Hender- were the Ambassador Irom son of westminster avenue, Mr. Holland, the Chairman of the and Mrs. Arthur Lorenz and AtomiC Energy Commission at ~Ir. and Mrs. John Taylor or Great Britain, and other dlsWalllnglord and Mr. and Mrs. Illnguished national and interLandon spilman 01 Westtown; national personalities. The spent the weekend ill ventnor. masters of various English 'guilds were present. N. J. S3m caldwell, Cedar lane, 1 Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. is currently on a short tour:, Hibbard of Moylan entertained of spain after completing seven ! at a tea on Sunday for the weeks of language training at residents of Morganwood. Blarrltz on the Gull 01 Gas-; Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Vansant cony. A junior at Amherst Col- ~ of Rehoboth Beach, Del., were lege, he is spending this year' the guests this pa~t week 01 In France. He will begin studies Mrs. T. Clinton Goslin 01 Park at the University of paris; avenue. The vans ants have just shortly. He is the son of Mr. : returned from a one-year tour and Mrs. S. Dean caldwell. i around the world. , ' Dr. and Mrs. J. Richard Hart! Mr. George M. Allen returned of Geneva, N. Y., are visiting I on saturday to his home on Dr. Hart's parents, Mr. and \ Riverview road following sur)'Irs. Oscar S. Hart of Lafayette I gery at the Presbyterlan-UnI- I i I , I eo",. ut-, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Jones 01 Grist Mill road, Glen MIlls, a~~ receiving congratulations on the birth 01 their IIrst child and son, Donald Wadsworth Jones, on Tuesday morning, October 27, IIi Taylor HOSpital, Ridley Park. The baby· weighed seven pounds, one and-a-half ounces. The baby's paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones at Rose 'rree, MQ~la. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Lynn of Philadelphia are the maternal grandparents. ~'1Ie IJ,uJ,Uuj 41 tUUl elf/Oil owa. de,wd, Ju, M.UC field. So many have come out that park? Statistical T;ap 7. Is it correct to be talking we stand in need of more adult about the Titus property when assistance. This week George To the Editor: it is unknowh whether this can Schmldhelser added himself to Last week's swarthmorean be purChase-d and at what price. the volunteer staff. But not all gave pro and con arguments 8. Is It right to vote tor the on the purchase or the Rumble- our volunteers can come every $100,000 Bond Issue when the Titus tracts. I would like to sunday. Therefore, director! cost is unknown? '\ question a figure in the pro Don Henderson and Coordinator ! True an estimate has been column. A statement was made '" Dan Goldwater are asking 1n- : made, but like most estimates . that seven homes would produce terested fathers to add them-: it can be higher or lower, but 20 Children, who could cost the i selves to the. rellef coaches' 1 a thorough study of this esti- Swarthmore taxpayers $700 per list. You don't have to have I starred in your school or col- I mate leads many to feol strongly year pe r chUd. I I that It Is low. No one knows There are two pOints to be lege soccer matches to qualify; ; $S,III $1,111 what the cost of either property made here, (a) with $700 as just be Interested In your child's 1 M'I'MUM will be. M'I'MUM the total cost per child, it new-found interest. The yearly maintenance of followS that $14,000 Is the cost LEAGUES WERE FORMED $7500 Is slightly less than one for 20 children. However, each this week. In the games which mill; the debt service of $8500 household assuming $541)0 as- resulted, In Group I, (fourth- 1 equals one mill. Thf$ means an sessed valuation, would produce t sixth grades,) Steve Phillips' : increase or 2 mills in taxes a school tax of $600 and $30 I Red team beat the Green team, ! PHONE: MR. BANNINGER AT KI 3-6700 for five years (based' on esti- head tax for a total of $4400. I 5 10 1. Blue and Gold played 'I mate) and one mill thereafter. This brings the total cost Cor a 2-2 tie. Blue scored one goal I OR STOP IN FOR DETAILS This means that if there are 20 children down to $9600, or on a pass from Dave Hollander I 8000 uses per year, each nse $480 per child. (b) The $700 to Ray Hood; Hollander made' will cost the Borough $2 each or ~480 per Child, whichever the other goal unassisted. Rusty per year for fLve years. $1 per Is used, Is a statistical figure Mulvihill scored Gold goals on use thereafter. and not out of pocket figure. passes from Joe Slott and Ross The overall question - Is it It Is fair to assume Ihat the Barford. right to vote for the $100,000. 20 children will be distributed . IN GROUP II, (sixth-eighth Bond issue with so many Hl!s" over seven dlfterent grades in grades) the Red and Gold teams and unknowns? Your careful our 12_gradesystem--probably played to a 2-2 tie. AndYShay~s consideration is asked for and more In the elementary grades strong wing play set up both then vote a'ccordingly. ·than In the higher grades. With scoring plays for Red, while Penn.~ Russell M. Heath our multiple class rooms In Gary Groff, Ted Conwell and IHours: 9-4 Daily Friday All Day - 9 to 8 517 Cedar Lane many grades this would mean Dave Hagelin used good pass" John Magee only one or two extra children .Ing. The GOld center three, 521 cedar Lane l - EARLY '69 Chryslers and Plymoulhs Sharon Martenson, Mary and Tralnlng sessions In nonviolent direct action have been planned for all those who want to learn how to overcome inJustice, violence, and evil wlthout retaliating. There will be a chance to practice with others under skilled leadership; a chance to discover your own responses to confllct situations, and explore better ones. The session will Include discussion. role-playing, and pracllce In actual situ.llons of direct acllon. Five sessions will take place at the Swarthmore Friends' Meeting, sponsored by the Peace Committee, Friday, 9:30 A.M.-Monthly Meeting November I through Monday, for Business. November 4. Similar sessions 9:45 A.M.-First-day School. will be held at the Third Sireet Whittier House. Meeting In Media Octoher 25 11:00 A.M.-MeetingforWorthrough october 28. ship. Meetinghouse. Child partiCipants are urged to care provided. register even if they can't at11:00 A.M.-Chester Quarterly Meeting at Media Meeting, tend every sessIon as some make-up sessions wUI be plan- Xmas Seal Mass UNITED METHODIST 3rd Street. ' ned. Registration may be made CHURCH OF~WARTHMORE Mondoy' at the SWarthmore Meeting X-Rays Nelt Week Pork Avenue All-Day Sewing office or by a call to KI 3-2986 John C. Kulp,Minister Wednesday Close to 4,000 residents are or KI 3-1818. All-Day Quilting Pershing Porker, Assistant expected to take advantage ot Charles Schisler, Dir. Music the october mass chest survey FIRST CHURCH OF Sunday METHODIST NOTES. x ..rays when the schedule opens CHRIST, SCI ENTIST 9:00 A.M.-Youth Sunday Senior M. Y.F. will meet at In Delaware county Monday, 206 Pork Avenue 10:00 A.M.-Church School October 28. 7 tonight at the church. Sunday 10:00 A.M.-Inquirers' Class Five communities will be The Senior M. Y.F: wlll pre11: 00 A.M.-Sunday School 11:15 A.M.-Youth Sunday covered in an effort to dis11:00 A.M.-The Lesson-ser- sent the theme uThe World cover tuberculosis and other 7:00 P.M.-Jr. High MYF as We See It" at the 9 and mon will be "Probation Wednesdoy ab11,15 services of mO~nlng chest condltlons--heart After Death." 9:30 A.M.-Bible Study normalitles, 1 u n g cancer, Wednesday evening meeting worship. The youth have pl3R--- ---- DIAL "L.I.F· T.U-P·S" eachweek,8 P,M. Reading ned and will conduct the tumors, cysts, sUlcosis, and bronchial disturbances when an servi~es in observance of Youth (KI 3-8877lFOR AN U PRoom 409 Dartmouth Aveearly cure Is possible. Sunday, LIFTING DAILY MESSAGE nue,open weekdays except This health serVice, availOF FAITH AND HOPE, holidays, 10 • 5. Fridoy I Church School classes for able to all residents 18 years evenings 7 • 9. Nursery ! all ages will meet at 10 a.m. TRINITY CHURCH of age and ove r, is made Junior High M. Y.F. will meet ovailable on Sundays. Cheste, Rd. & College Ave. sunday at 7 p.m. Art Plummer possible by the annual sale Rev. Warren C. Skipp, Rector of Christmas Seals. The Delwill lead the discussion. LEIPER PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Edward N. Schneider aware County Tuberculosis and Tuesday, 8th Grade ConCHURCH Assistant Rector Heallh Association sponsors the firmation Class will meet at 900 Fairview Road Robert Smort '4 p.m. In the North Room. program, in cooperation with Rev. Floyd G. Meredith Organ i st-Choirma ster On Wednesday at 9:30 a.m., the Pennsylvania Department Minister Gwen Narbeth will conduct the of Health, Division of ChroniC Sunday Sunday last session ot the study group Respiratory Diseases, and the 20th Sundoy After Trinity 9:30 A.M.-Church School Delaware County Medical on the book of John. 11 :00 A.M..-Morning Worshio 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion Society. Ninth Grade Confirmation 9: 15 A.M.-Morning Prayer Communities to be covered Class wilt be held at 7 p.m. NOTRE DAME deLOURDES 9: 15 A.M.-Church School are Prospect park, Clifton Wednesday In the North Room. Michigan Ave.&Fairview Rd. , 9: 15 A.M.-Adult Discussion Heights, CoJllngdale, Newtown 11: 15 A,M.- Morning Prayer Rev. Chorles A; Nelson square and Chester. 6:30 P.M.-Jr. & Sr. EYC Pastor Diabetic testing will be given Rev. Donald Helm, Ass't 8: 15 p.M.-Brotherhood of the same time as the chest ROMAN CATHOLIC HOTES . St. And rew • Sun. Mass-8,9,10.I1,12:15 x-rays at prospect Park, A hymn-sing to practice con- coJllngdaie and, Newtown Thursdoy Weekdays-6:30 & Ii A.M. Hoi; Days also 10A.M., 7 P.M. gregational slbging for Novem- Square. Adults over 21 yea,rs 9:3f) A.M.-Holy Communion Saturdays-8:00 A.M. ber Masses will be held from are eligible. Tbe test Is deFriday Confession-5at., Eve of Holy 8 to 9 p.m, next Wednesday signed for two hours after ALL SAINTS DAY Days, First Frldays,4-5:3O; In the church. 9:30 A.M.-Holy Communion 7:30-9. eating. '--- - Junior Girl Scoul Troop .884 'I Saw It In ,The SWG,d,n_" enjoyed an overnight camping trip to Sunset Hili near Chadds 'ft7.C...-~_T -.J:...~Wff..:od"..I' Ford lasl weekend, They were NON-VIOl..ENT accompanied by Mrs. William DIRECT ACTIOH Cowles and Mrs. Richard Regi strati on F . . '2.00 Fetzner. Highlights olthelr trip Swarthmore Friends Meeting Included cooking a one -pot meal KI 3-2986 - KI 3-1818 and telling ghost stories around ....-...c:ccar:v . cc.'t$J.I,...... \i,1.;3:P'.:h\j,.,""'tJ a dying campflre---and of LETTERSTO THE EDITOR, The oplnlohs expressed b~lowl are those of the Individual I Friday, October 25, 1968 THE SII'ARTHMOREAN page 5 REAL ESTATE COTTMAN, DREW & COSLETT" INC. SALES - APPRAISALS, - MORTGAGES FALL COLLEGE BOARD EXAMINATION COURSES PERSONALS 7 3, HOl Y CROSS SCHOOL CALL KI 3rOS42 ATIENTION TAX PAYERS TAXES DUE BY OCTOBER 31 To Avoid S% Penalty SRA Notebook Office Hours Oct. 23 Oct. 31 10 A.M. to 4 P.M or by appointment M. Select The Plan That's Best For you at Springfield federal \ EARN PER ANNUM 1 I I % % 4 Six Months Maturity SPRINGFIELD'S ,st FEDERAL Springfield Township Federal .Savings alld Loan Association I ! 153 Saller Avenue Springfield, 19064 Mr. and Mrs. WalterL.Douglass and lamlly 01 Park avenue w1ll vlsltMrs.Douglass' lather, LEGAL 'NOTICE SBER1PP'S SALE OF REAL BSTATB Dr. Eugene Farley In WilkesBarre the weekend 01 November 1st to attend the dedication ceremonies 01 the New Eugene at Shedden Farley Library Wilkes coltege. ESTAtE NOTiCE ESTATE OF E1lzabelh .Flour- noy Anderson. Also Known As THE LuuaR oJ ~all .r auuanxB 01 Yale avenue who spenl the Weekend with their daughter Jeannette al Davis and Elkins College In Elkin., W. Va. They also visited wllhlhelr son and daughter-In-law ~lr. and Mrs. GrIer, Jr., and four children .who live In Lexington , ' KY· 1_ · Mr. and Mrs. curdy will entertain this sunsummer on the west coast day at a cocktail parly at their with her sisler, Miss Antonlca home on stratford r 0 ad, Fairbanks, IB back In Balti- wallingford. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grier more, Md., at the Instllute I Dartmouth avenue returned Academy 01 Fine Arts. John H. Pierson 01 Ogden Iasl week alter spending Par- ,Friday, October 25, 1988 SIIZ\UPP8 OPPlCII COURT BOU8ll. IBDIA, PA. nida1. Nowember 8. 1988 - "..-.'_.- avenue waS among the students ,:10 ~_M. Eadem Standard Time .. -"-~'-'--'-- -...... BELVEDERE Ellzabelh F. Anderson. De- who received their undergraduate and graduate deg rees this ceased. Late of Swarthmore. COURT HOUSE. MEDIA. I'A. CONVALESCENT HOME Delaware County. Pa. lall as the result 01 their final Friday. Sovembe-r 8, 1968 LETTERS Testamentary on scholastic work during the 1968 !507 Chestnu~ 51:, Chesler Ihe ..bove Eslale have been 9:30 A.M. Ea.'t~m Standard Time 'fRemont 2-5373 summer Sessions 01 the Unigranleq to Ihe undersigned, who Conditions: 1350.00 calh or cerUlied request. all persons having versity 01 Wisconsin at MadiPERSONAL 24-H"ur Nursing Care check at. tlme or aale (unleM otllerwl.ae claim3 or demands itgalnsl Ihe son. John received a Master 01 atated In a.d.vertllement), balance tn ten Eslate of the decedent 10 make Aged, Senile, Chronic da, •. Other conditions OD d., of sale. PERSONAL - Junior High or known the same. ahd all per- Arts degree In political science. High School boy for occasional Convalescent Men and Women "To all partin In Interest aDd clalmMr. and Mrs. Heston D. MC- odd Jobs and raking leaves ... sons indebled 10 the decedent anti:. Excellent Food.;.spaclous arounds 10 make paYment withoul delaY, cray, Jr., 01 Cornell avenue round Ihe house. $1.50 hour plus .. • l'AKE NOTICE that a Schedule of :e~ll' ·Crl\i"oti Honore? 10 have Just returned home Irom cokes. Klngswood 4-0183. Distribution will be fUed wlwln \hlrtJ Caroline F. Burnett, Executrix a lO-day visit with Mrs. MCPIPPIN TURNE~. Prop. (30) daya from the date of ule and dll· 341 Haverlord Plac, ulbut!on will be made In accorda.nce Cray's brothef-In-Iaw and PERSONAL Native French swarthmore, Pa. with ·t.h.e Schedule of D15trlbutlon UDleaa g\ ves French and . teacher excepl.lons are Aled tbereto withIn ten Or to her Attorney sisler Mr. and Mrs. paul Gibson Spanish lessons to singles or (10) dn,8 thereafter. No further notice Alan Reeve Hunt of Duane. In parkersburg. W. va. group •• call Klngswood 4-1359 of the nllD'I. or tbe SChedule of DlItrlMorris & Heckscher ESTATE NOTICE belween 6 and 1 P.M. butlon wUl e shen. ,. 1611 Land Title BuUdind; 1988 p'hUadelphia. Pa. 19110 ESTATE OF Janel D. Veeder, No. 12567 DECEASED. Lale of Swarth-: PERSONAL -A-I TreeService. ESTATE NOTIC E Firsl class work, all phases. I P C Del MONEY JUDGMENT Fu IIylnsure d - I' oc al re rerences. FOR SALE - Small walnel end 'E OF BerthaL.E,·ans, more. aware oun y, .. I T t ESTA1 LETTERS ALL "niAT CERTAIN lot. or piece of o Known As Bertha Lillia ' es amen aIY all k KI d 3 20 0 Als Evans and Bertha Garwood on the above Estate have been i C He...,. ngswaa - 1. lables. Skittle games. Woodcraftground with the buildings and ImproveIng to order. call D. G. 'Fosler, ments thereon erected, SITUATE In the reque I to the 11 undersigned. hwho ' PERSONAL - cnina and gll'ss KIngswood 3-1139. E vans, Deceased. Late of grantE'd Township of Nether Providence, county Swarthmore. Delaware county. 5 a persons aVlng repaired. Parchment paper lamp of Delaware. State of pennaylvanla., a.nd Pa. ,'Ja.ilJ1§ or demands against the shades recovered. Miss I. P. FOR SALE - Navajo lUgs - 3 X described according to a Plan of Lota of the decedenl 10 make known as "Oarden City Manor". "section on Estate TESTAMENTARY Ih d II Bunllng, Klngswood 4-3492. w LETTERS 4; 3\!z X 4\!z; 2~ X ~ and 3 X 6_ No.3", said plan made by Damon and the above Estate have been indebled i\l\U n e same, an a persons Fo$ter. Clvll Enslneera. dated. January to the dec eden I to PERSONAL _ Blacktol". For vacation home, den or boy's 30, 1957, and last revised August 31. • "IlI'e-1 room. LOwell 6-9393. granled 10 Ihe undersigned, who make payment. withoul delay. 10 1959, as. follows, to wit: ways. e x c a vat i n g. Free e51;1-1.::::.:.:,.:::::..::.:::..:.....:::.:::...----1 request all persons having· cl"alms ur demands agalnsllhe TheFlrslPennsylvaniaBanking males. Top soil. Can A.G. FOR SALE - A perfecl girt for 1~ill'!R;ttii BEGINNING at a point on tht' center Eslate of Ihe decedent 10 ,and Trusl Company, Executor, IlIaric. TRemont 4-6136. a shul-In. a bird feeder placed W Une or Trenton Court (Twenty feet wide) known Ihe same, and all S.E.Cor.15thandCheslnut Sts.. near awindow from the S. Crath" a:' the dlStance of Ninety-four and nlnety-o.ve one-hundredths teet measinllebled 10 Ihe PhU .. , P .. 19101 PERSONAL - Forsythe Nursery ers, 435 Plush Mill Road, WalIured on a bearing or· soutb eighty-siX Educational Creative program - inglord, LOwell 6-45,1. make payment. to its Attorneys degrees, torty-one minutes nfty-one aeccblldren (3-5) MondaYS, Wednesonda Eaat measured along the aald center \0 Porter, Smallz& Jean Evans Newkirk, Box 136. !~~~~~fl~ Pennsylvania BuildingRoyal. days, Fridays. Forsythe Studio FOR SALE - Antiques. counlry Une of Trenton Court from Ita point 01 Intersection with the Southeasterly aide North Branch. New Jersey and Pa. aT-I1-8 01 the Arts - Dance - Balon - furniture, lamps, glnss. Will General Contractor of New Jersey Avenue (Fitty feet wide); Gullar, children and adults. buy. Chairs recaned and relUsh· provident N.ational Bank, thence extendlnl from aald point of beBroad and Cheslnut Streets. 1--.....,ES=T:=A=T:':E:-7N:::O~TI=C:;E:--- Transporlatlon a vallable. Klngs- ed. Bullard; Klngswood 3-;116'. RlnnlDI North two dtBrees. forty-three wood 3-3688. m.lnutes, nine seconds Eaat creMlng the Pa.. Executors ESTATE OF Ida MaY PaddlNortheasterly side of Trenton Court ODe FOR SALE - '51 Plymou th2son. Also Known As Ida May hundred flve and seventy-one onePERSONAL - Dela,,'are Valley door. good condition, $15. Call hundredths feet to a point; thence exPreihs Paddlson, Deceased. Tree Experts. Sbirer Building, Klngswood 3-2513 daYtime, evtending North eighty-siX degrees. AttyLate of Swarthmore, Delaware Swarthmore. P .. All types of nve minutes thirty-four seconcl& £aat ening 521-0435. County, Pa. tree work. Jiully insured. Free fttty-one altd sixty-seven one-hundredtba estimates - 10 years'· experi- FOR SALE - Girl's 26 - Inch feet to a point: thence extending SOuth ~~~!-______________... LETTERS TESTAMENTARY three degrees twenty minutes thirty· ence. Klngswood 4-3035. on the above Estate have been English bike with basket. Royal • nine seconds west partly along a walk .......-.. granted to the undersigned, who REQUEST FOR BIDS and recroaslnl the Northeasterly side of in good condltlon $30. Beautiful Piano tuning ,PERSONAL i'equest all persons having Trenton COurt one hundred eleven and " Se!,led child's upholstered rocker. at specialist, minor repairIng. clBlms or demands against· the (' forty.four one-hundredt... feet to • Eslate of the deced.nt 10 make Qualified memb~t Piano Tech· least 100 years old, in good conpoln" on the center Une of Trenton known the' same. and all persons niclans Guild 17 years. Leaman.· dition. Best o!!er.Klngswood·4Court aforesaid: thence extending North indebled to the decedenl to Klngswood 3-5155. ellhty-alx degrees forty-one minutes 1156. make payment wllhout delaY, to ntty.one seconds Weat measured along the said Une of Trenton Court through lor fu Osborne H. P addison. Executor PERSONAL - Carpenlry. "Job- FOR SALE - RCA 21-lnch TV a walk flfty and twenty one·hundredtba malerlal needed to remove 100 Ogden Avenue bing. recreation r 9 0 m s, book $50. Ping-Pong table $25. Mapfeet to the first m.entioned polnt alld Bu lit & Resurfaced garage doors at Borough MuniciSwarthmore, Pa. cases, porches. L.J. Donnelly, le sola, 2 chalr •• table, $15. place of beginning. BEING Lot No. 274, as ahown on the above mentioned plan. pal building and replace the Walnul book case $15. 9 'X 12 ' Klng"wood 4-3781. Groding, Sodding, Seeding BEING Premtaes No. 409 Trenton COurt. red Wlllon rug $50. Small maple area with brick - sash - masonry ~~~P~~~~~~Y(lf Duane, Top Soil & Mushroom Soil .. woodwork, etc. as called for PERSONAL - Custom lailored desk and chair $15. Klngswood BEING the 8ame premises which Wilby Ihe specillcations shown 3-1443. liam R. Chism. et we, by Indenture bearslip covera. Large selection 0" Ing even date herewltb and Intended to Stone, Cement & Block Work 'samples -all work done personbe forthwith recorded In and for the bo,d 10 per cent plan. for A cerilfied check01or lu;J~~:~~~~ WANTED Retaining Walls and Droin. county of Delaware, granted and conMr. and Mrs. Seremb ..... estimate shall accompany Ihe iiiiiiiiiiiiUiiiiiliUil ;alr~liY:glb:~~y seats of chairs and so veyed unto the 8ald Mortgagors. In fee. bid. and the successful bidder . fas repaired. LUdlow 6-1592. WANTED - Pari-time salesladY. CELLARS WATER-PROOFED , will be reqnlred to enter into a UNDER AND SUBJECT to certain eon· CHESTER WINDOW· Swarthmorean adVertiSer. since women's apparel, . Call KIngsdttlona and restrictions now of record. lonnal mnlract with the Borough t:ALL MAdisan6-3675 CL 1951. . wood 4-,642. _ rr and furnish Insurance and perImprovemen!8 consist of a ODe story formance bond as required by • masonry building. TRemont6-2530 PERSONAL - Eveigreen Nurs- WANTED - Malure ladY desires law. The Borough reserves the ery. Complele landscape and evenlngbaby-slttlng. Good charBold as the property of ROBERT rlghl to walve any Infonnalltles . .SATlSJYlNG SERVld tree service_ For free estimate Bcter reference, own transportaMARTIN. !n the bids received, to reject lOll OVER 50 YEA "H' call TRemonl 4-0645. Swarlb- tlon. Call Klngswood 3-3660 or any or all bids and 10 award I\.l more references. Klngswood 3-2510. Edward F. Muller, Jr., Attorney Ibe contract oniy 10 a bidder PERSCN,AL _ Will repalr ali I-W-AN"':"'T-ED--Ro-o-m-1lI1-d-b-o-ar-d-Io-r pAUL J. McKINNEY. Bherlft experienced in such work. and retired orofessional man. No whose proposal Is deemed 10 small eleclrlcal appliances; any. nursln a • Lighl medical dlel. 1968 No. 12563 be the mosl advantageous to Ihing not working around th" D MONEY JUDOMENT Ihe public inlerest. EXPERT FLOOR WAXING home. Wlll pick up OIld deliver. George Polgar, M.D., 423 Morton Rulh A. B. Townsend Cull Bill McKee. TRemont 4- Avenue, Rutledge. . J2J Fairview Road ALL THAT CERTAIN LOT or piece of Borough Secretary TOP TO BOTTOM 0873. WANTED -InSwartilmore. Famground with theerected. bulldlnp. and 1mprove·I:~~~~~~~~~ ments thereon SITUATE In the Woodlyn HOUSE CLEANING --L-O-S-T-'-.'D-F-OU-"-D-· -" lly wilh five children wants to Township of Nether Providence, County GH OF ..., n buy large home. In 30' •• Phone of Delaware. Siate af Pennsylvania, and OF PUBLIC ELECTION 687-0910. dexrlbed ac..:ordlng to a Plan thereof Nollce Is hereby given to the 833-J18J LOST - Calico cal reporled known as "Oarden City Manor". Section RUGS & FURNlrURE WANTED Rellred midwe,iteln No, 2, said Plan made by Damon and electors of the Bora u gh of seen twice, but stllliosi. White SHAMPOOEDINYOURHOME with black and orange spots. Re- banker and wife visiting grand- 'W roster. Civil Engineers. dated November Swarthmore. Delaware County. 21, 1956, nnd laat revised August 31, Pennsylvania Ihatpursuant to an children wish 10 sublet furnishward. Klng'swood 4-4382. 1959, &!I followa. to wit: WALLS ~ WOODWORK ordinance duly enacted by the ed aparlment In cenlral SwarthBorough Council onSeptember9, Losr - Small brown lealher more over ChristlTlJls and New BEGINNING at a potut an the center WASHED Une of Raleigh Court (twenty feet wide) 1968, approved by the MaYor on key case SUndaY al Michael's. Year's. Box . . Z, The Swarthat the dlatance of Thlrty-flve and eleven September 9, 1968. a public eWe Ins tall Tor ginol 3~01l or deposit at morean. Klngswood ane-hundredths feet measured on a. lecllon will be held In the BorDuresqueSeamless Police Slation. •bearing of Narth ~Uty-slX degrees, four- ough of Swarthmore on Tuesday, Reslilenl Flooring FOR RENT teen minutes, fitty seconds West along NO WAXING NEEDED the said center Une of Raleigh COurt November 5, 1968, belween the FOUND - Navy blue whaler on from Us point of Intersection with the hours 01 1 o'clock A.M. and 8 sidewalk Soulh Princeton Ave- FOR RENT - Nicely furnished Photog'raphic Supplies Northwesterly side of PennaylvantEl Ave- o'clock P .M .. at Ihe usual places PERSONNEL SERVING room. bath and den, Third floor nue. Call for at Swarthmore an. nue (ftfty feet wide): thence extending for holding municipal elecllons private entrance. Klngswood 4": from said pOint of beginning South IJl Ihe Borough of Swarthmore, DELAWARE COUNTY 4821. Thirty-three degrees, forty~flve mlnutea, ten seconds Weat, crossing the South- for Ihe purpos~ of oblaining Ihe' LOwell 6-2176 over 50 years wel!Iterly side of Raleigh Court Thlrty- assenl of Ihe electors of sald FOR RENT Two bedroom afree estimates eight and twenty-five one-hundredths Borough to an increase in the partment. utilities supplied. All Lines of Insurance feet to a point: thence extending North indebtedness of said Borough in = Adults only. Available al ASH-Q"t. I, First and Final Account of Helen C. Daft, Executrix, Estate of Anne Ash: Deceased. BALLARD-Sept. 20, Flnt Ac('ount of The Fldellt)· Bank and lIelen F. Baltar;d, Executors, E~tate of J. Stanle)· Ballard; Deceased. ' BEkGDO~~ppt. 26. First and. Final Act'ount of MalT V. BerlJ~oll. Exeootrlx. Estate!f LEGAL NOTICE .. Factors Aflectlng College Admission" Is the topic for the 11th grade par~nts meeting to be held Monday, from 8 10 10 p.m. In the high school auditorium. Speaker will be Harold R. Doughty, director 01 admissions, Adelphi College, Garden City, N. Y. All Interested high school parents may attend, Sunday Walk The Friends of Tyler Arboretum will present the arboretum director, Robert MaCDonald, as the leader of the Nature Ramble. "Tales Of Trees with Needles and COlles," on Sunday, at 2:30 p.m. at the arboretum In Lima. The publlc Is Invlled. Shel M. Lurie, are.. supervisor. Dinner speaker will be H.P.A. . Holmeyr. principal 01 Jeppa High Scbool lor Boys In JohanAn AFS (American Field nesburg, south Alrlca. Mr. Service) area conference Is Holmeyr came to Ihe United being held tomorrow, Oclober states earlier this monlh under 26, at Interboro High School, the Educator program 01 AFS. Glenolden. Reglslratlon Is at The program will conclude 2:15. with a social time Irom' 1:30 The agenda Includes five to 9:30 p.m. Partlclpanls In workshop sessions headed by the conference from· swarthreturnees ror: more will Include: AFsers (winter program Goran Eller, AFSer from students), host broth)!rs, Sweden; David carroll, host sisters and parents, chapter brother; Mr. and Mrs. John members, and Student AFS Carroll. bost parents; Mrs_ Club Members (known as In- Lee Gatewood, chapter prestermotlonal Club at swarth; Idenl;'Mr •• William Golz, chapmore High). ter member; Marcia Foster Th~ee members from AFS and Linda Smith, Inlernatlonal New York ortlce are expected Club members, and Mrs. Edto attend, - carole Hertzberg mund Jones, area reprefrom Australia, head of place- sentatlve. ment and counselling in "A" division; Mrs. Vee Greison, dlr~clor of winter prpgram 'I Saw it in The ~.warthmorean' selectlon and Placemeni; and I PRIMER ALERTS TEACHERS The Woman's Club of SWarthmore will ~galn sponsor an entrant In the Delaware eounly Federation 01 Women's Clubs' contest for plano students ot Junior high school age. Further Information Is avallable Irom Mrs. William H. Drlehaus, Kl3-5l77. , by John price crozer, mlller MONEY JUI)()MENT ASF Area Conference Will Meet TomolrOw JJth Grade Parents To Meet Monday for keeping children safe WIfe, and Industrialist, between 1845 Edward P. Muller. Jroo Attorney, and 1860 and will be Included PAUL J. I4oKINNlfY. Bhe:ill In the Plantation plans. The public Is invited to attend the AXDERSO:-: and ,,"ina 1 NazeredlR, of Mkhael Page 7 '1:HE}SWARTHMORE~ We search constanlly for some· thing good ••• good things, good ideas, good people, and good· times. But we're seldom satisfied unt,n we begin to understand the only real basis for man's fulfillment. Jesus described it when he said, "There is none good but one, that is, God" (Matt. 19:17). Hear a one-hour public lecture called "What Is the Good that Satisfies?" by EDWARD C, WilLIAMS, C,S.B" member of The Christian Scien~e Board of Lectureship. Chrisllan SCienCe leclure 8:00 P.M. Friday. Ocoober 25 strawbridge and Clothier . Auditorium (upper level) , Baltimore Pike and Woodland Ave. Springlleld Auspices of First Church of Christ, Scientist Swarthmol'J!. Pa. Admission Free -. Everyone is welcome LEGAL NOTICE Play away from traffic Walk facil)g traffic ~ on rural roads - Do not chase into the street after ball or pet~-Cross >~ only at corners and obey signals traffic walk into the street or the road from between parked can Contributed in the Interest of Highway Safety by the Following Merchants THE BOUQUET E.W_ .BLlSS CO. THE INGLENEUK BAIRD and BIRD THE SWARTHMOREAN PETER E. TOLD PROVIDENT NATIONAL BANK J.A.GREEN PATTON ROOFING CO. MICHAEL'S COLLEGE PHARMACY LEGAL NOTICE Banking and Trust Company, Trust Comllany) and ElizaAugusta M. Bergdoll, DeT. Truxtun Hare, Jr., and beth A. Curl. Trustees. Stated Charles Willing Hare, Trus· ceased. from July 16. 1965 to SeptemBODINE-Sellt. ]9. First Actees. Under The Wlll of John ber 3, 1968. Harry A. Curl, ('ount or The Fidelity Bank I. Clark Hare. Deceased. AeSettlor. (Formerly Fidelity ~ Phlladelcount stated by reason of. the DA VE~[,ORT-OCt. 1. First and ))nta Trust Co.) and Robert A. death of Esther ·B. Hare on Final A('count of l<~rank J. Bodine; Executors. Estate of October 15. 1967. Account Da\'enllort, Jr., Executor, EsJane 'V. Bodine, Dt'ceased. stated from June 10. 1957 to tate ot Vivian Sarah DavenBOYLAN-OCt. I, First and FiJuly I, 1968. Estate of John Ilort, Deceased. nnt Accounting of Louis MotI. Clark Hare, Deceased. EBY-Sellt. 30, "~Irst· Account teI', Administrator, C.T.A., (Trust For Esther B. Hare.) or Ruth M. Hill and The Estate ot Pearl M. Boylan, HASI