. ' FIGHT VOLUME 35 - NUMBER 49 COLLEGE ELECTS NEW BOARD Name Carl Dellmuth To Four-Year Term .J \ ~. THE SWARTHMOREAN JOIN POLIO Carl K. Dellmuth, executive vice president of the Fidelity'Philadelphia Trust Company, was elected to the Board of Managers of SWarthmore College for a four year term, announced Claude C. Smith, president of the board, followIng the meeting December 3. Mr. Dellmuth has just finished a term as Alumni Manager. Re-elected for, a four-year term w~re Clement M. Biddle of the Biddle Purchasing Company, New Yorkj George B. Clothier, attorney, of Philadelphia; William Poole, attorney, of Wilmington, Del.; and Mrs. Davies Preston of Swarthmore who is associated with the ChUd :Study Institute of Bryn Mawr College. Elected for' a fouryear term by the Alumni Association were Dr. Thomas M~cPhersonBrown, chairman of the department of medicine at George Washington University, Washington, D.C., and Mrs. Charles S. !.yon of New York whO is a sta.ff writet On the New Yorker magazine. Carroll G. Bowen of Cambridge, Mass., was elected a Manager for a three 'year term. Mr. Bowen is director of the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology Press. The incumbent officers oUhe Swarthmore r-~nnl'at1on were re-electe. ., , one-year term: PreSident, Claude Smith; vice president, Philip T. Sharples of Haverford; tre~urer, Richard 'B. Wtllis of Ambler; and secretary, Mrs. William A. Clarke of Wallingford. H & STo Equip Faculty Lounges . Refurbishing the' faculty lounges in the Swarthmore High School is a project recently undertaken by the Board of the Swarthmore-Rutledge Hom e and School ASSOCiation. Action was passed at the November Board meeting held at the home of President Robert Hayden, following announcement of a request from eight 'teachers that chairs, tables and other items were seriously needed in the high school lounge's. The board voted to allot $100 tow a r d purchasing needed furniture, and in addit!on, decided to ask the townspeople to donate furniture In good condition, about to be discarded or not In use. Such articles suggested by Mrs. Ronald Estabrook, general chairman, include chairs, a small and ~arg'9 couch, lamps and tables. Anyone having such furniture is asked to cal) Mrs. Estabrook (KI4-4138). The school truck wlll be sent to pick it up. In other action tne Board aloUed $100 to an American Field Service student; $400 for two, I6-mm. projectors, the cost ot which will be matched by the State; $100 for an art print; $110 tor a telescope; and $50 tor :'I large wooden shield to be erected in the gym, showing names of captains and omcers of athletic teams. There was discussion about devoting the Spring meeting to fine arts and music. SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1963 Christmas Story In Art Is Thurs. Topic POLIO 'FEEDING' 11 TO 4 SUNDAY . Christmas Music The Christmas Story in Art Mrs. Robert Peoples will be will be told to the Evening guest performer at the Woman's Club next Tuesday afternoon. Group of the Women of Trinity , She will pre~ent her musical by Dr. Hedley Rhys, professor program entitled If Christmas of Fine Arts, Swarthmore ColPresence" at.2 p.m. lege. He will illustrate his talk Mrs. Peoples is soprano sowith colored slides. Dr., Harry V. Armitage, loist for the Broad Street MethAll are invited to attend on president of the Delaware odist Church in Drexel Hm. Thursday evening, December \ County Medical SOCiety has an- She Sings wIth the Phlladelphia 12, at 8:15 p.m., in the' Cleaves nounced th!lt Sunday, December Oratorio Choir and Is wellroom of Trinity Church. Re8, will be the date when Type known to women's club groups. freshments will be served. II oral poliomyelitis vaccine She Will be accompanied on will be offered to the citizens Tuesday by, Mrs. Virginia Bauof Delaware County. der. In September, 87% of the The youth con s e r va ti 0 n county's 553,000 population re- chairman, Mrs. Robert Frost 'ceived Type I oral 'vaccine on reminds club members to bring sugar cubes. In late OcJober, Christmas gifts for boys at 82% of our residen~s received Glen M1lls School and for girls Type m vaCcine. at Slelghton. Farms - all ages Success Depends 12 to 16. Dr. J. Albright Jones and Dr. Robert F. Plotkin, coHarry Liebeck, a resident chairmen of the Vi«tory Over of the borough for more than Polio Program Steering Comhalf a century, passed quietly mittee, stated that while the away at Riddle Memorial Hos- tirst ~wo phases of the propital, on Saturday, November gram were considered most satisfactory, the final success 30, after a short illness. Born in New York state in of the entire program 'will de1873, he moved with his famUy pend on Delaware Countians to Philadelphia at the age of taking advantage ~f the opporseven and completed his educa- tunity to immunize themselves tion in the Philadelphia schools. against Type n polio this SunJohn F. Spencer was reHe was first associated with day. elected to his se.!9nd term as Dr. Plotkin said, "No one president of the SWarthmoreScott Paper Company ,in 1892, consider themselves Rutledge Union School Board should at the age of 19, and later immunized u!ltil they have re- at the annual reorganization became their oldest living employee. Known here and in ceived all three types of the meeting Monday evening. RayEurope for his invt:lntions for vaccine. mond Winch was likewise The U. S. Public Health named to a sec~nd year as paper making machines as, well as for his contributions to the Service in its Morbidity and vice-president. I paper making industry, he, was Mortality Weekly Heport for John B. Aaron, newly the first man to produce tissue the week ending Novemt:er 16 elected direCtor, took the oath paper at 500 feet per, minute. ' shows that In one city, six Qf office and was ,appointed Mr. ,Uebeck was a former cases of pOlio have occurred chairman of the property comvice president and director of since mid-October and three of mittee and vice-chairman of these have ended fatally. This the finance committee. Mrs. Scott Paper Company and president of its Nova Scotian same report shows that through Katherine D. Heisler, also the 46th week of 1963' there elected last month, was sworn subsiduary. On his Fiftieth Anniversary has been a total of 380 reported in for a new term after having with Scott Paper Company in cases of polio in the United served slnee spring as an ap1942, all work was suspended states, of which 323 were pointee following the resignafor the day at the Chester Mill paralytic. tion of Mrs. Marion Campbell., Glee A. Duff, program MilS. Heisler was renamed and offices. The afternoon prodirector, announced that the chairman of the instruction gram was dedicated to Mr. same 75 locations will be open committee. Liebeck for his achievements. as were used to feed Types I Mr. Liebeck had lived in P resident Spencer a 1S 0 and m vaccines and the hours Swarthmore for over 50 years, named David Vlnt finance chairfirst at 223 Park avenue with will be from 11 to 4. Swarth- man, Raymond Winch salary his wife, the former ,Josephine more's station is the multi- committee chairman, Carl Heilman Liebeck and later with purpose room in the Elementary Anderson vice-chairman of property, Dr. John Wigton vicehis daughter Mrs. William F. School, Rutgers avenue. uthe at 210 Park avenue. chairman of Instruction and He had been an active memsalary. ber of the Swarthmore Upon Spencer's recommenMethodist Church, a former dation two changes which he Trustee of the Church, member Tomorrow evening at 6:30 had instituted upon taking the of the Official Board and the the Swarthmore Citizens Ath..., preSident's chair last year were building committee. leUc Committee w11l hoid its re~cinded•. The Board thus re,He had been Commodore of an'1ual dinner to honor m~m­ turns to a single meeting each the Philadelphia Yacht Club and bers of the Swarthmore High month instead of the two which since 1930 had beep an ardent Schaal squad. All members of have b~en held for the past 12 yachtsman, s pen din g his the squad, cheerleaders, statis- months, and committees will be winters in Palm Beach and ticians and managers have been headed by co'-chairmen instead summers in Ocean City, N. J.' invited. Parents and friends of a single person. In addition to Mrs. uthe, The board will meet again are also invited. For ,reservaMr. Liebeck is survived by tions see advertisement else- 'next Tuesday, but beginning in two granddaughters Mrs. Linda where in this issue. January the regular meeting uthe Hamilton and Rhoda HeilMembers of the Junior High date will be the third Tuesday man uthe, and one great grand- School teams are invited as us- of the month. Any time that daughter. ual for dessert and to partici- ,more business exists than can Funeral Services were held pate in the evening's program. be handled in one meeUng, an ,privately at West Laurel Hm. adjourned session will be They were conducted by the Rev. scheduled, Spencer said. John C. Kulp of the Swarthmore Methodist Church. In lieu of nowers, friends Samuel Crothers; 3rd, Is a ARTS CENTER PLANS who desire may send con- member ot the tlrm of Chap. trlbutions in Mr. Liebeck's pelle and Crothers which re- 1ST COMMUNITY SING memory to the Swarthmore ceived an honor award at th~ The Community Arts Center Methodist Church. annual Philadelphia A.LA. ex- of Wallingford will present its hibit held recently at the Phlla- first Family Community Sing delphia National Bank. The a- on Sunday, December 8 , at the ward was given for the plans of center on Rogers lane. The 3 Riddle Auxiliary 9'clock sing w11l be under the the Ithan Elementary School. Mr. Crothers, the son of Mr. direction of Richard Nicholas. To Me~t Tuesday Featured wlll be the Valley and Mrs. Crothers, Jr.,otWalI The Swarthmore Auxtliary of lInglord, was graduated from VOices, singing the "Nlght Be'I I Riddle Memorial Hospital will Swarthmore High School In 1945 fore Christmas" and Helen ! meet at 10 a.m. Tuesday at the and completed a tlve -year arch- Joyce of SWarthmore who will I borne of Mrs. Harry G. Smith, itectural course at the Univer- sing "Ave Maria." 30 Forest lane. The entire faml1y Is invited. sity of Pennsylvania. Type II Vaccine Is 3rd Offering 'Harry Liebeck, SO-Year Resident Former Scott V-P Was Active Methodist Board' Reelects Spencer, Winch Seat Aaron, Heisler Appoint Chairmen Football Dinner Set For Sat.. RECEIVE AlA AWARD , I - -. -- - -- -._--- -----. - - . - ,0 11 am-4 pm IN,BORO $4.50 PER YEAR Women To Hear , SUNDAY - ONE-ACT COMEDY TONIGHT AT COLLEGE Plan Christmas "The Mirror," a one-act comedy written by Swarthmore stUdent Duncan Foley, w1ll be presented tonight, December 6, at 9 p.m. and on Saturday, December 7, at 8: 15 and 9:30 p.m. at Pearson Theater on the Swarthmore campus, Carol Thompson, head of the college dramatics program, will direct the student presentation. The play concerns three recent college graduates on a summer afternoon following their graduation. It is the third one-act 'play that Duncan, a senior mathematics major, has written. Duncan, a native of Philadelphia and a graduate of Central High School, is contemplating a career in the theater or the foreign service. Because the production is experimental, comments and discussion by the audience will be welcomed by the author and the cast. H.S. CAGERS SET FOR EDDYSTONE Away Game Tuesday Will Open Season The Swarthmore High School Varsity and Junior Varsity basketball teams have been practicJng with great per.sistence and vigor in preparation for a banner season in the constant moving cage sport. The round ball began to bounce on November 15 when the candidates for this year's team reported for practice. Since then, they have been jOined by the Garnet football players who reported Monday. Coaches Don Henderson and Dick Bernhart have been spending the practice sessions. on Fundamentals with emphasis on the all-important defensive phase of the game. Both coaches agree there are many rough edges to smooth out, but the boys guarantee they will be ready, for the opening game at Eddystone on Tuesday night. The Varsity team is led by Co-Captain Steve Belk with COCaptain Tom DeLapp cheering from Switzerland. Tom, who 1;:; spending a year in Switzerland with his family will certainly be missed by his teammates. To take up the slack of Tom's departure and the loss of defensive ace Ron Hoge, spark plug Graham Patterson, valuable Jerry Clothier, and big Jim ,Connor, through graduation, the following boys will be ready and eager: Frank Pierson, John O'Neill, Mark Good, Russ Lewis, Dick MCCurdy, Van Jones, Russ Jones, Jerry Stauffer, Bunky . Solts, Jon Speers and Bob W11liams. The J. V. team will open up with Tom Topping, Rich MCKernan, Eddie Jackson, Hal Welsh, Lew Elverson, Jim ,Elliott, Ed Michener, Frank Snyder, B1I1 Cushing, JetfInn1s, Ned Coslett, Sandy Thomson, Sam Caldwell, Butch Adams, Ronnie Blake, and Ken Stead. Th~ behind-the-scenes members are managers Blll McCIarln, Randy Lee, Dean Forbes and Gary Basklnj tralnel' 'Blll Gill; photographer Dave Martini statlstlc lans George Heckman, Eck Gerner and Dave Leslie' varsity scorer Barry Bretschneider; and J •.V. scorer ,Alex McNell. ' , - - - - - -- -- _____ • ___ ..... Tea For Weds. I Presbyterians To Hear 'Gift Inexpressible' A program of' Christmas music "The Gift Inexpressible" will star t~e annual Christmas Worship, and, Fellowship Tea of the Presbyterian Church Women's Ass"ociation, Wednesday, at 2 o'clock: Representatives of local and neighboring churches will be the association's honored guests. Lorraine FlemIng, soprano, and Dorothy Mayer Carter, organist, will give the program. Mrs. Fleming is a member of the music faculty of the Philadelphia College of Bible and has been active for years in the Red Cross Music program for hospitalized veterans. In this work, she became a friend of-the late Mrs. Leonard Ashton with whom she pr!'!se~ted a Christmas program several years ago. Mrs. Carter is the organist at Grace Chapel, Havertown. Together these artists are known for theIr programs in the East Coast region. An organ prelude from 1:45 to 2 will be played by Mrs. Milton C. Allen. The presentation of three honorary memberships to three Mission boards wIll be made by Mrs. D. Evor Roberts. The annual thank offering for "opportunlty projects" will be received. At the following Fellowship Tea in McCahan Hall, the association's executive board 'will receive. Circles 3, 12 and 13 of whir-h Mrs. Glenn R. Morrow, Mrs. Hal DOig and Mrs. Donald Henderson are the respective chairmen, are in charge of arrangements tor the tea. Mrs. W. R. LeCron, vicechairman in charge of hospitality, and her commUtee will pay Christmas calls on housebound association members following the tea. Suspense Play To Open Monday 'Monique' Is Players' December Selection Mystery and slIspense is on the docket for next week as the Swarthmore Player s Club presents UMonlque," by Dorothy and Michael Blankfort. Based on a novel by Pierre Boileau and Thomas Narcejac, the play is a ust,udy of the deterioration of human character under the devious attack of the basest passions." Harry Cafferty directs this terror which w1ll open Monday and continue through Saturday at the club's little theater on Fairview road. Curtain time Is 8:20 p.m. each night. The cast Includes SalIyNlcholas as Monlque, PhUlip Kniskern' as Fernand Ravinel, and Rita Lothrop as his wife, along with Debbie Phll11ps, Maurice Webster, Estelle Jarden, Albert DeGiacamo and Lewis Beatty. Friendly Open House The Friendly Open House group ror older Swarthmoreans will be held on Monday, from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Presbyterian Church on Harvard avenue. N"''-'.'~''''''''''.'''~J.j.'',..,$.''''Il~~:l'~.P.'''''''jo,.'CI.~!oY_ , . •.,..,:. \", ..~ . " j ," - • • ' THE SWAR~MOREAN P.,,40HQU Mr. aDd Mrs. Walter O. Heinze of strath Haven avenue, accompanied by their daughters Mrs. RObert W. PhllUps from Northport, Long Island, N.Y., and Mrs. Donald G. west of Washington, D.C.; and Mrs. EIUne Mend!us,' Mrs. Heinze's mother, flew to SanJuan. Puer- to Rico, to attend the marrIage of theIr son Donald Richard Heinze, and Sandra Oakley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Kenneth Oakley of Washington, D.C. The wedding took place on Saturday, November 30, at 5 p.m., In the Union Methodist Church of San Turce. The Rev. Garth Thompson officiated. Mr. Harry S. Young of Clalr- ton, formerly of Yale avenue, whose family are presently In Hong Kong, was the weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. McCorkle and family of Park avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hilkert of Strath Haven avenue spent the Thanksgiving holiday In Rye, N. Y., wIth theIr son-In-law· and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Johnson and children Bruce and Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Harold EssIg of Strath Haven a venUe had as their guests over Thursday and Frld@Y Mr. E~sIg'sparents Mr. and Mrs. George EssIg of Leeds, N. Y•. Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Shoemaker of Riverview road spent ThankSgiving Day wIth their son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. DavId W. Shoemaker In Medford Lakes, N. J. Mrs. David Shoemaker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kraft of Mays Landing, N. J., were also guests. Mrs. Evangeline Markham of the Harvard Inn, who was Injured In a fall last month was moved on Friday from Taylor Hospital to the Dowden's NursIng Home, West Chester Pike, Newtown Square. She Is progressing nicely. Dr. and Mrs. Davl:l :1art of Ogden avenue spent four days of last week In New Britain, conn., visiting Mr. Hart's relatives for Thanksgiving. Dr. and MrS. J. AlbrIght Jones spent the Thanksgiving weekend wtth their son-In-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Todd and family In Salisbury, Md. Their grandson Bruce Todd returned with them for a 10-day visit. Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. -Drake of Amherst avenue entertained at Thanksgiving dinner. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Walton and children Bruce and Louise of Wallingford, Mrs, Edward A. G11lespie of NorthSwarthmore avenue and her son Henry. a student at Springfield College, Massachusetts. December John, David, Peter aDd Tom ef American history al Springfield Mr. aDd Mrs. Bruce D. Smith Senior HIgh School Delaware Barto. of North Princeton avenue enCounly. Mr. Richard DIlnielreturned tertained aI a family dinner on Dr. Vanostrand Is a graduale Tuesday 10 his home on UniThankSgiving Day. Their guests of the Unlverslly of Rochester versity place followtng three included their son Don, home months In IDdIa. His business. and of Cornell Medical College, from Randolph Macon College, look him 10 llaroda, Calculla, and Is a resident physician at Ashiand, Va., for the weekend; . Jefferson Hospital In PhilBombay and Kashmir. Mrs. Smith's sister Miss adelphia. Helen G. Moore of Plainfield, Mrs. Edward E. Love of The marriage wlll take place N. J., and her brother and Media Is recuperating al the on Friday, December 2'1, at the home of her parents Mr. and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Swarthmore Friends Meellng Tl.omas Moore of Guernsey Mra. Peter E. Told following House. a thyroid operation performed road, their daughter Jane, a freshman at Randolph Macon Wednesday of last week In TayCollege for women, Lynchburg, lor Hospital. Her son Peter Mr. and Mrs. Clark R. Va., and their house guest Miss Is also staying at the Told Allison of Michigan avenue have home on park avenue. Diane Pierce of Wichita Falls, announced the engagement of Tex.; and Mr. Smith's mother their daughter, Miss Barbara FETE BRIDE-TO-3E and aunt Mrs. Herbert H. Miss Diana stuart Johnson, Smith and Miss Dora Donnan Richardson, Mr. Keith and Mrs. Allison,son to ofMr. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lee .)1 Ardmore. Mercer Johnson of Yale square, Robert W. Richardson of Crest ,Mr. and Mrs, David Field was honored at a linen shower lane. and children Nancy, Michael, Miss Allison, a graduate of Saturday evening at the home of Susan and Jeffrey of Vassar SWarthmore High School,ls noW Mr~. J. Wfllard HOlla~der of avenue celebrated Thanksgiving Ogden avenue. Mrs. Hollander's allendlng Goldey Beacom School on FrIday with Mr. Field's daughter Mrs. Richard M. Kerr of Business, Wilmington, Del. mother and sister Mrs. Frank Mr. Richardson, also agradof Bethlehem was co-hostess. Field and Miss Jean FIeld In uate of SWarthmore HighSchool, Mrs. Kerr will be one of the Somerville, N. J. bridesmaids at the wedding of is a senior at Pennsylvania Mr. and Mrs. John T. Miss Johnson and Mr. Harvey Military College, Chester. A fall wedding Is planned. Pinkston, Jr., of Forest lane S. EkenstlerllJ' which will take had as their guests for Thanks- place tomorrow at 12 noon In giving Day Professor and Mrs. the SWarthmore Presbylerlan Robert L. Pigford of Newark, Church. Del •. The Plnkstons' son John, Miss Johnson was also honor3rd, a senior at Princeton, was ed at a kftchen shower given by Mr. andMrs. walton Clement, home for Thanksgiving and the her maid of honor Miss Glenda Jr., of Yale avenue are receivweekend. Jean Hesll of Gettysburg at Ing congratUlations on the birth Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Shippensburg State College just of a daughter Claudia Ellen. The Hansburg of Harvard avenue prior to graduallon held on little girl weighed nine pounds, had as their guests for the week- November 23. five ounces when she- arrived end their son-In-law and daughMonday, November 25, In the Hospital of Women's Medical ter Mr. and Mrs. David C. Hartney and children Marian, College of Pennsylvania. David and Ann who left Sunday The maternal grandparents for thl3ir home in Rochester, are Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Wolferz of Yonkers, N. Y., who N. Y. Marsh of columbia avenue an- are currently visiting their new Anderson Hopkins of South nounce the engagement of their granddaughter and their grandChester road Is enrolled In the Air Force Reserve OUicers' daughter, Susan Louise Marsh, SOn Terry, age 8. Training Corps program at to Mr. David Robert Grogan, The paternal- grandparents Denison University, Granville, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert are the late Mr. ·and Mrs. WaltO. Andy, a junior, Is a second M. Grogan of Westminster ave- on Clement, Sr., of Sewell, N.J. lieutenant and assistant leader nue. Miss Marsh attended Mary and member of the Drill Team. Washington College and gradMr. and Mrs. Mathews Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. uated from the University of Decker of Red Bank, N. J., Johnson and family of Park avenue spent Thanksgiving Day North Carolina last June. She announce the birth of their !irst In Oreland as the guests of Is now teaching In the Ardmore ch1ld, a daughter Tracey Ann. Mrs. Johnson's brother Mr. Avenue School In Lansdown~. The maternal grandparenlE Mr. Grogan Is a graduate of are Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Ainslie, Henry Chrlste. Mr. and Mrs. Maxey N. WaShington and Lee University Jr., of North Chester road. MorrIson of Dartmouth avenue and Is employed by western The paternal grandparents entertalned at a family dinner Electric Company. are Mr. and Mrs. Marvin A. on Thanksgiving when their Decker of Glen Ridge, N. J. guests were their daughter Mr. and Mrs. William Martin Helen, home from Smith ColEmrey of Overbrook announce lege; their son and daughterMr. and Mrs. PhUip E. the engagement of their daugh- Swayne of Koror, Palau, West In-law ·Mr. and Mrs. William D. Morrison of New Haven, ter, Vlrgfnla Lee ot Rutgers Caroline Islands, formerly of Conn.; and Mr. Morrison's avenue, to Dr. James Richard swartJ:.more, announce the birth mother Mrs. C. M. Morrison VanOstrand of Philadelphia. Miss Emrey is a graduate and his sister Mrs. J. L. of the- University of Penn- For Wlimsen, both of Chestnut HIli. MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS On Saturday the group, along sylvania and has studied at the with Mr. aDd Mrs. Hugh College Europeen des SCiences Call Morrison of Bryn Mawr attend .... Socials et EcOnomlques In MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN ed the PrInceton-Dartmouth Parts, France. At present, she KI 3-2080 S R football game at Princeton, N.J. Is teaching economics and Mrs. A. E. Longwell of Lafayette avenue had as her guests Thanksgiving Day her son and his family Mr. aDd Mrs. Robert Longwell and sons daughter, Rebecca TrolU swayne, on· November 8. Tbe baby wl'lgbed eight pouods, 10 ounces. . The malernal . grandparents seeood are Mr. aDd Mrs. Harold Carter of 1"0"""",,,*. Mr. mil Mrs. Norman W. Swayne 01 Newtown are _ lhe paternal grandparents. -.a. .~~iIIftIIIiiI. . BEAUTY SAT,ON ! 'h".' {aeaOU'If· • 9 South Chester Road Call Klngswood 3-0476 A·I:~;~~;.~;;;;~;;;;~;;~~;~;;:;:~ • •• APPLES, SWEET CIDER Christmas Trees & And Decorations FRUIT GIFT BASKETS INVILLA ORCHARDS "The Farm With the octagqnal Barn" Sw'arthm'>re south on Ballo. Pk. to Cloverleaf. TUm lert onlo Route 352 loward Chester. Olive 1%--2 miles, tum right on Knowlton Road tor ~ mile. 10 A.M •• 6 P.M. Daily & SUI. TR 6·9047 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Christmas Gift for the Whole Family Rugged Nylon Seat Belts :n S6.SO each installed STATE INSPECTION - NOV. DEC. JAN. CHECK - BRAKES STEERINa aad FROn END l.nEIIEI WE REPAIR ALL MAKES OF CARS, - GULF GAS & OIL - U-HAUL R&NTALS V. E. ATZ. Mg-. RUSSELL'S SERVICE i.ot Opposite Borough PaRing ......MII 1·...1 Darlll ••n ... Lila,,", at 12:30 P.M• A,_ Horoefl WWl Marla mil JObo OfRalprs aftnue _nt TbeuspYlDCaDd the weekeDCIIn CoJllnpwood, N. J., as tblt cuesta of Mr. aDd Mrs. HUbert Riester. Mr. aDd Mrs. E. D. AInslie, Jr., of North Chester road_aI the Thanksgtvlng hoUday as the guests of Mr. aDd Mrs. Marvin A. Decker In Red Bank, N. J. Mrs. R. V. Little of Park avenue had as her guests for Ihe Thanksgiving weekend her son and daughter-In-law Mr. and Mrs. Lillie, Jr., andfamUy of Cleveland, O. They were joined on Thanksgiving Day by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Little and family of Strafford. . Mr. and Mrs. John R. Schott Of Boston, and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goodrich with their ch1idren Brett and Lynn of Severna Park, Md., spent the Thanksgiving weekend with Mrs. John Schott of Falrvlew road. Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Brown of Walnut lane will have as their guests for the Army-Navy Game Capt. and Mrs. Jerome F. Smith and their daughter Dossle who live at the Naval Base In Boston. The Smiths wlll be joined her by their son Fred who Is a marine. at Quantico, Va. Mrs. Charles T. Deacon of LafayeUe avenue· had as her guests for the Thanksgiving holidays her son-In-law a."ld daughter Mr. and Mrs. M. C. DUrkee and Ihelr threech1ldren Susan, LI63., and Dlckfe. They arrived from Watertown, N. Y., on Wednesday and returned on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Dickinson of Forest lane entertained at .. family party on Thanksgiving Day. Their guests Included Mr. and Mrs. W. Haines Dickinson with Tommy and Bobby of Glenside and Mr. and Mrs. WIIUam B. Hippie, Jr., with Bart, Edith, Nancy and Sarab of Newtown Square. The Hippies are moving shortly to Buffalo, N. Y., where Mr. Hlp~le has been tranaferred. Jet! Weber returned from Dickinson College to spend Thanksgiving weekend with his parents Dr. and Mrs. Neal A. I Vi'eb<~r of WhIttier place. His Nancy, .. student at University, Oxford, 0., spenl the Thanksgiving holidays Mrs. Mr. aDd MrII. Cbarles Grier, ·Jr., aDd ebildren of Newark, Del., spent Tbankqlv!nc Day w1th Mr. Grier's parents Mr. aDd MrS. Grier, sr., of Dart- mouth avenue. -The Bouquet 'd;~ ~I . 1 - 4-IIe THE 6; Mr. aDd Mrs. E. Laur60ce conwell of Columbia avenue bad as their guests for Thankspv!nc dIoDer Mrs. Conwell's mother Mrs. James B. Douglas of the Swarthmore Apartmenls; ber brother and sister-In-law Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Douglas aDd fOUf sons of Sprtngfleld and her brother and slster-Inlaw Mr. and Mrs. James B. Douglas, Jr., and son of WIImtnston,DeL Mr. aDd Mrs. Alban E. Rogers of Park .avenue spenl several daYS. during Thankspvlng ~k with their son-In-law and daughter Mr. aDd Mrs. Richard II. Burdsall and family InCambrtdge, N. Y. Mrs. P. M: RaIney of Park avenue entertained at a family dIoDer party on Thanksgiving In honor of Miss Diana stuart Johnson of Yale square and her fiance Mr. Harvey S. Ekenstlerna whose marriage will lake place tomorrow In the Swarthmore Pre s b yt e rIan Church. Mrs. Harvey C. Ekenstlerna of Avalon mother of the bridegroom -to-be spent the Thanksglvlngweekendvlslt" Ing Mrs. Johnson's maternal grandmother Mrs. Fred A. Kra1ft of Kenyon avenue. Mrs. J. Burris west of Benjamin West avenue and Mrs. Raymond P. Wilson of Park avenue spent Thanksgiving Day In COOIlesvllle. Visiting Mrs. West's son-In-law and daughter Mr. aDd Mrs. William Keen. Mr. Wilson IIPflnt the holiday with their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Foster and family In Tallahassee, Fla., where he had been on a short vacation. Mrs. George Mansfield of Park avenue had as her guesis over the Thanksgiving weekend her son and daughler-In-Iaw Mr. aDd Mrs. Harvey C. Mansfield Of Columbus, O. She aDd her guests joined the family Thanksgiving dinner ';artygtven by her son-L.-',-. "ughter Mr. aDd Mrs. John W. Carroll and faDllly aI their borne on "'Otber daugIUr mil ber famll)' Mr. mil ...... GeOrae Palter_ mid _ GrabaID of Dartmouth aftnU8. Sara EUza\Jeth Grier Is recoperatlog at ber bome on Dartmouth avenuefollowingaS8ftre bOut wilh strap tbroat. Mr. aDd Mrs. Wlillam R. Huey of Dlckfnson aftnue spenl the past 10 days visiting their son William, Jr., and family who have be(>n UvtnglnlDdianapoUs, Ind., for the past Iwo years. Bill, Jr., Is assoclale editor of Research and Reviews of America, IDc. HewasformerlydIrector of advanced underwriting for Provident Mutnal Life Insurance Company of Ph1Iadelphia. HIs most recent contribution Is a brochure enlltled "Capital GlvIng" published by the Amertcan College of Life Underwriters. Mrs. Randolph S. LeeofHaverfordavenue was hostessTUesday al a personal shower In honor of MIss Virginia Emrey of Rutgers avenue. MIss Emrey's engagemeal to Dr. James R. vanostrand has just been announced. Mrs. A. lL osterman of lhe SWarthmore Apartments had as her guests over the ThanksgIvIng weekend her son and daughIt.,,-,In-.Ia'w Mr. and Mrs. John Osterman of Darien, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fellows of Garrett avenue had as their guests on Thanksgiving Day Mr. Fellows' brother-Inlaw and sister Mr. and Mrs. lL Virgil BaIrd and daughter Jane of Newark, Del. The Fellows' sOn and daughter-Inlaw Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fellows and daught..· Debby of Ge neva, N• Y., were . also gullsts for the day .and for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fowler of Westminster avenue had as their guest for the !ong weekend their daughler Myrna, a stUdent at Kutztown state Teachers College. The Fowlers enlertalned at a family dinner on Thanksgiving Day. Airman Apprentice Michael Kelcy, son ef Mr. and Mrs. Charles· Kelcy of Kenyon avenue, has completed basic tralnIng at the Naval Tralnlng Center, Great Lakes, m., and Is now stationed at the Aviation ElectrOnics School In Memphis, rr:y-I The Trustees will meet ..t at the home o~, Mrs. Robert Ing to put the ball on the'197:30 p.m. on Tuesday. strOng, 414 Drexel place, on yard line. From here quarterThe Women's Assoclallon LEIPER CHU,RCH NOTES Tuesday al 8 p.m. A film enbacking co-captain Dick McChristmas Worship Service and Church School classes titled, "The Sp,lrll of Curdy executed one of the most Fellowship Tea win be held all ages are held at 9:30 ChrlslmaS" will be shown, determined and skillfully per. "," J" : /' •. "at 2 p.m.-on Wednesday. T~eSacramenl of Bal~U.'ml formed touchdowns of the year will be administered ..t CHURCH SERVICES as he rolled out behind Carl FRIENDS MEETING NQTES 11 o'cloc~ service of mOirnlng:! Gersbach and slithered his way PRES6YTERIAN CHURCH The Adult Forum will be worship. A Toddler's Room Into the end ZOne. A D. Evor Roberts, Minister held In the duP ont Lecture provided for pre,-school child-I nullified the .xtra paint attempt. Room at the College this week. ren during the service. Sunday, December 8, Har1 tackling caused a LOlrd I The Julllor-Senjor Yo,olhFel 'fumble on the ensuing ldckoffl HedIey Rhys will speakon"The 9:15 A.M.-Morning WorshijJ lows hlp "'111 meel at 7 9:15 A.M.-Adult Bible Class Chrlslmas story In Art." which was recovered by Russ The Trustees will meet Tues 9:15 I A.M.-Church School Jones. Five plays later Rw.s 1 day at 8 p.m. 10:00 A.M.~College FellowCircled right end from the The Woinen's Gulld will CHRlS11AN SCENCE NOTES ship but fUmbled the ball Into a, Christmas Party at 8p.m; arms of Carl oQersbach who "God the oniy Cause llnd 10:30 A.M.-10th, 11th & 12th Creator" Is the subject of lhis' on Tuesday. carrled'il on Into the end zone Grade Classes Sunday's Bible !,.eSson to, be 11:00 A.M.-Mo'rnlng Worship read at all Christian Science 11 :00 A.M.-Church School church services. Tuesday, December III . All are Invlled to attend the 9:00 A.M.-Mornlng Prayers services at 11 a. m. al First 10:00 A.M.-Bible Study Church of Christ, SCientist, Wednesday, December 11 Swarlhr.1ore, at 206 Park ave2:00 P.M.-Women's Associnue, ation Christmas program. , PETER E. TOLD. MARJORIE T. TOLD. Publishers LORDS 21 - 18 SHS ENDS SWON WITH 6·2-1 RECORD To Give Music For Xmas Swarthmare Hlg" School FOOTBALL BANQUET Saturda,y, Dec. 7. 6:30 'P.M. H.S. Cafeteria I Tickets $4.00 Far ResefYOtions Call Edward Q,slett, KI 3-2624 PORTRAITS of Babies, Children 'and Adults BY WINNIE RUMBLE WANAMAKER'S WILMINGTON 30Z·0L8·6611 Art Supply Dept. .For Appointment, ' ----- ISSUES WARNING Get Him a Pair of Binoculars U Different Sizes &Powers in Stock including wide angle types. How About a Microscopel Half a Doz.en types from $3.98 up. including a, beauty of a Stereo 32 power one for .$19.95 ~ A Telescope Might Be a Beller Choice - 8 or 10 different types in i , , J ,: , ' " TRIMITY CHURCH' Chester Rd. & Cdllege Av~. Layton P. Zimmer. Rector G. Richard McKelvey, Curate Thomas V. Lit.enburg, Jr.,' Asst. Curate Sunday, December 8 2nd Sunday In Advent 8:00 A.M.-Holy Commu.nlon and Word. 9:30 A.M.-HolyC6mmunlon and sermon. .~ '. 1/:30 A.M.-Church School, 11:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer , and Sermon. 11: 15 A.M.-Church School 7:30 P.M.-Holy Communion Wednesday, December 11 7:15 P.M.-Evening Prayer and Holy Communion. Thursday, December 12 9: 15 A.M.-Momlng Prayer and Holy Commur.lon. Monday through Friday 9:15 A.M.-Momlhg ~tayer 7:15 P.M.-Evening Prayer , , : HolIday Entertaining (and. out) of stock. Sunday, December 8 9:45 A.M.-First-Day School 9:45 A.M.-Adult Forum. Hedley Rhys, "The Christmas Story In Art." duPont Lectore Room" College. 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Wor-, ship. Monday, December 9 All-Day Sewing for AFSC Wednesday, December 11 All-Day QuHtlng for AFse FIRST CHURCH OF CHRISll SCIENTIST Sunday, December 8 11:00 A.M.-Sunday School 11:00 A.M.-Lesson sermon will be "Ood the Only Cause and creator." Wednesday evening meeting each week. 8 P.M. Reading Room 409 Dartmou th A venue open week-days except holidays, 10·5; Friday evening 7·9. LEIPER PR~BYTERIAN CHURCH 900 Fairview Roael Rey. Jame. Barber, Mlnhter Sunday, December 8 9:30 A.M.-Churoh School 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship 7:00 P.M.-Youth Oroups Tue.day, Deceniber 10 8:00 P .M.-Women's Oulld Christmas Party. An Electronic Flash for his , Camera - ,Four from which 'to select so'very elegant when TOWLE STERLING the Proper One. Meal preparation is truly convenient when you cook on " modern gas range. It's designed far ease of use with automatic controls, high-speed burners, and the .' -, new automatic ,top burner. Food is cooked quickly, Ferfeelly, to the delicious goodness your fa;"ily loves. Choose. the modern gas range YOll Ilk. b • ." a' your d.al.r'. or a' any: Phllad"phla EI.errl< Company suburban showroom. Philadelphia Electric CompanlJ FOR CHRISTMA$ BALL'. Cub Pack 112, Meet$ Tonight ',"ALL sets your table , . J ,! Is He Over 21 l , A Porlable Bar ! l I I ! ,, .,. ' K13-4J9J Open Evenings Until Christmas Except Sat. 7th'& 14th The ,Foolball Food Committee of tile hieh schOol 'Ieo1or clilss wishes to IhaDt fellow studeilis and parenls for lhelr cooperallllo during the fall. They also thank the juniors and thalr parenls for their part In Ihe ThaDtsglving Day game with Lansdowne-Aldan, which cloSed the season. Co-cbalrman Mrs. E.L. Coo'wen and Mrs. Gordon Bretschneider remind food donors for IhegameTbursdaythatthelr Jars, JUIS, trays and plales may be retrieved from thecustodlan's oUice ~t tbe Elementary School,Rutgers avenu•• _-,-I_ _ __ ~ 'SCAC ' THROWS PIZZA ARTY p' Honor Hockey Team r Cross Country Champs , , BLACKFRIARS TO GIVE ,ONE-ACTS' SHS WILL PRESENT , PLAYS DECEMBER 14 · Ye Blackfrlars, the high school draldatics club, wlll presenl twoone-acl plays Saturday, • 14. The curtain will December go up In tbe high school auditorium at 8:15 o.m. The flrst of the plays Is a comedy by Chp'les George entitled, "When Shekespeare's Ladles Meet". Six of the most noted of- Shakespeare's women COnvene at -JuiletJs home in Verona. With this situation, the story cenlers around the advice which the other five ladles give Juliet about her romance with Romeo. The cast In order of appearance Includes: 'Portia, KathyTldball:KatberIne, Betsy KaIllP: Ophelia, Jane .Aaronj Desdemona, Joan Molr; Juliet, Janet Fuoss: and Cleopatra, Fran Brlll • Lyone Lewis Is derector. "The Ugly Duckling" by the renowned A. A. Milne also will hi! presented. A light comedy written In the amusing style of U Winnie the Pooh", "The Ugly Duckling" Involves the efforts of a story-book king and queen to marry thetr homely daughler to a prince from distanl lands. The characters In order of appearance include: The King, Jim Gearhart: The , Now's the time to come and see how easy it is 10 own world·famou. TOWLE. Now'. the time to hint-il you w.nt it 'neath the treel Do visil us-we'lI aladly explain. ,,"Pc. PI. S,ttln •. 'lOop $3U1 Tu Spoons. from $1.00 $Irvin. Pleel •• from " . . ROBERTS JEWELERS Corner State St. & South '10 600981 MEDIA : ~ ~ to plOvlde this prize.) Neat bungalow with bedroom and den on fi .. t floor-tc -tc will be unveiled. If you have many Indians at home there Is a completely ~ ~ refinished Victorian with the best thlrd.floor recreation room and bedroom In ~ ~ the County. Need 4 bedrooms near the Elementory? Just follow the map to. ~ this stone and frame colonial. Jockpot? The cutest home In town. For the • older couple whose family Is off to college. Perf.ctly planned three bedroom ~ • two and one hall baths. , '~ ~ Temple Painter, American harpsichordist and a former orgentst at the SWarthmore Preebyterlan Church, wlll present a recital of music for the harpsichord In the galleries 01 the Pennsylvania Academy 01 Fine Arts, on Friday evening, December 13, at 8;30. Doors will opeD al 7:30. No cards are required, admission Is fr .....~_ _ _ __ Mrs. RalPb Sharer of Yale avenus lett on Tuesdaf for Nashville, Tenn., to vlsll her daughter Lt. Joyce Sharer who ' Is an oHIcer at stewart AII' Base. Over the Thanksgiving holidays Mrs. Sharer had :as her guests her son BlII who Is a studenl at Dickinson College In Carllsle, and he~ Bon~. lo-Iaw andljlughter Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peterson of Orolles, Va. . The Players Club, ,"I Saw I1ln The SWarthmorean,': News Notes . Mrs. Charles Ands rson , of Morgan circle and Mrs. M. R. Dimmitt of Rutgers avenue rePRESENTS turned home Tuesd~y ,fternoon after a week's visit In NewJersey with their resp.c!lve daughters and their families. Mrs. Anderson was the guest of Mr. , by Dorothy & Michael Blanklort and Mrs. Lauls Lusky and two chUdren of Ridgewood, and ,of ,DIRECTED BY Mr. and Mrs. David Morey of Han,)'J:afferty Mountain Lakes. Mrs. Dlmmltl was Ihe gUest of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar A. Klamer and two childMONDAY - SATURDAY ren II/WhIppany. AnotherdaughDECEMBER 9 -' 14 ter and her family Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walsh and three children CUnTAIN TIME 8:20 of Doyleslown joined ,the group Meg>bers and Their Guests for Thanksgiving Day. of Swarthmore 'MONIQUE' with hand-~ade ornaments' from Italy, Poland and the USA ! Choose early - for your tree's sake Mothers Plan. Party' For Cheyney Children :-tc (Who TIPS: Included i. a new home with bedroom, den and bath on ground level.: ever heard of us seiling a new home? It took the hunt leader many hours : Harpsichordist To Give Recital Lewl~s~._' ' . Arranged for Boro residents before the out of town transfers sneak~ ~, in the first of the year. Five new listings will be Included In .th" hunt. Rules:~ • sneok out of the house in order to keep nelghbou from starting rumors and ~ head for the bank. Stop In at 23 South Chester Road--after leaving bank---tc • do not use back door;-and ask for "The Cotter.'" He Is the leader of tlie Hunt. ~ ~ He will supply you with the treasure map and descrlr.tlons of the bounty; ~ • You do not get $200 lor passing GO. The game Is called' BlOke," not "BIOker." 'Y" .~ ' The Swarthmore C II I zen s Athietic Association held aplzza parly November 26 In honor of the girl's hockey team and the boys' Pennsylvania ClaSs B Championship Cross Country team. One hundred and sixty parenls, gueSts and sludents gathered for the affair. DOuglas ToU.y was master of ceremonies and introduced the guesls, speakers, the team captafns and Ihelrmolhers. Mrs. Alice Willets reviewed Ihe girls' Queen, Nancy Websterj The hockey Beason and presented Princess CamUla, Jeanne Dra ... silver hoc~ey sUcks to the sen. per; The Chancellor, Jim ior girls as a gift from the Mayer: Dulclbella, Sandy Taft; Prince Simon, John Fry: and SC,,"C. Georgia Detweiler and Judy Carlo, steven Polgar. "The Ugly Due,kllng" Is under Roxby were announced as- cothe dlrecllon of Mrs. Wilma caplalns for n.xl year. ___________ DudIey Heath reviewed the dual meet season of the cross country team which was undefeat~d, giving particular emphasis to the lasl two me.!s which were very close. The next hurdle was the Dlslrlcl Class The Mothers' Club of Swarth" B Cbamplonshlp, which was won more will give a Christmas by SWarthmore HighSchool, and party Thursday at Sunnycrest then the' SI~te Championship Farm for boys and The, Shelter, held at stale C911ege• ,for girls on the Cheyney College A tape of the Stllle,meet was Campus. A bus wlllieave from run for the audience, giving an Whittier House promptlyat1:30 on-Ihe-spot coverage of this p.m. for club members, and mget. Pictures of several dUal guests. meets were shvwn. Mrs. Frank Moore, chairThe entire squad,' J. V. and man, has planned a festive proVarsity, were introduced. As a gram for the evening. Members token tor their fine record, the will take a Christmas tree and SCAC gave each memberotthJs ornaments, presents, and re .. squad a learn picture and gave freshments, which they and to the Varslly members and their friends have provided. seniors a gold Ue clip. The hoys at Sunnycrest as Co-Captains for next year well as the girls from the were announced ... Doug Tolley Shelter are mainly trom broken and' Dave Leslie. Present also homes. The :boys range In ags was Tom Atkins, captain of the from 10 to 14 years and the first cross country team which ""'=::...=fr:..o"m=-:5'-t::o'-1"'5::.______; was formed Ihree years ago. Mrs. Albert L. HllIes of Crest laneentertalned at a Thanksgivin!; dinner party on' Saturday NEWS NOTE at the ROlling Green Golf Club. Dlno McCurdy, a stUdent at Those attending were Mrs. Westminster Coll.ge In N.w Hllles' son-In-law and daughter Wilmington", sp.nt Ihe Thanks- Mr. and Mrs. Clifford M. giving holidays with his parenls Bryanl and ihelr three children Dr. and Mrs. Dlno McCurdy Clifford, Barbara and Laura of of South Chester road. Mrs. Schenectady, N. Y., Mr. and McCurdy's parenls ¥r. and Mrs. S. Milton Bryant of South Mrs. Alfred S. Dashiell of Che~ter road and Mr. and Mrs. Harmon-on-lhe-Hudson, N. Y., Paul Lotto and two children were here for the high school Peter and Sammy of WilmingThanksgiving game. ton, Del. : TREASURE HUNT: ' TH~ CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP 4·6 Park Ayenue; \Swarthmore NEWS NOTE 'Mr. ana Mrs. Stokes F. Burtis, Jr., of qolumblaavenue had as their, guest for Thanksgiving Mrs. Burtis' molher Mrs. Henry Remlnger from Lancaster. For the weekend Ihelr gnests were Mr. andMrs. Jam.s Lester and five daughlers from Chappaqua, N. Y. Thanks Helpers Page 5 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ** , ' ,! TIMEX Wrist Watches from , S6.95 You Still Don't Know l Drop In, Wt/U Try,lo Help You. THE SWAnTHMOREAN ISSUE INVITATIONS To Present J.S. Bach's Magnificat In D EV'ERVTH.I NG? METHODIS1' CHURCH Rev. John Co. Kulp, Mlnl'.t~r John Ira Nye; A.slstant Minister for Youth Charles. Schl.ler . Minister of Music Sunday, December 8 , 9:00 A.M.-Morning Worship 10:00 A.M.-Sunday school 11 :15 A.M.-Morning Worship Wednesday, December 11 1':00 P.M.-W.S.C.S.MQnthly M ., The Senior Class of swarthmore High IlDS indebted to said Estatte are letluested to make Pl!Ymen • and those having ,cia,,!)s to present the same. WIthout delay, to Carolyn L. Keenen '610 N Chester ROad Swarthmore., ·Pennsylvania or to her Attorneys: Butler, Beatl;)'. Greer & Johnson 11 south Avenue Media. PennsYlvania. 3T-12-20 FOR SALE - Wonderflll Christmas girt !or' your man I Practically new 36 Pipe racll. walnut. Cost $40. Sell $20. KIngswood 3-4581. REEVES check CIr4pet aIftt MM... FOR SALE WFIL, 560 kc INSURANCE? FOR SALE - White porcelain 36 inch gas stove. top has r.~~~~~ii~~~~~~ broiler, automatic four andoven. griddle plate; also burners has large separate timer. clock WId light. $20. Call KIngswood 3-6627. .,..-_ _ _ _ _ _ __ FoR SALE - Complete traln outfit. American Flyer. Two tre.1n sets. transfonner, extra cars. switches. table. Value over $250. Price $15. LOwell 6--6891. HOUSE PAINTING ED AINIS 800 FAIRVIEW ROAD, FOR SALE - Black cloth coat. size 14-16. Reasonable. KIngswood 3-6838. SWARTHMORE KI 4-3898 FOR SALE - G.E. deluxe Mobile Maid portable dishwasher under one year. $125. Birch baby crib complete. beautiful condition $35. Cell evenings, KIngswood 3-2090. FREE ESTIMATES M. FINN, MORTON, Jock Prichard PIST- FAST AND ACCURATE- FLEXIBLE HOU LOCA'IION - PAINTING INTERESTING Kl4-1155 OR AFTER FIVE AND WEEKEND KI3-046lJ\ WANTED daughter Sandra and ...... 1 WANTED - 15 year old boy. ander guests w~r::e~~~:E::1 of Mr. willing and, able. wants odd glvlng Dryden SUNDA Y-8,45 a.m. WEST LAUREL HILL thE.lr I "I Saw It In 'lbe SWartbmOrean" Pelrsol's mother Mrs. Al.tX-1 TO YOU NEW IDEAS FOR A NEW ERA avenue, INTERIOR & EXTER1GR Free Estimates FOR SALE - Early-teen holiday dresses. Good condition. White brocade, green polished collon, red taffeta wi th black velvet top. About size 14. $2.00 each. Call KIngswood 3-1808. WANTED - Chest of drawers. bing. recreation rooms. book Mahogany color preferred. Phone Klngswood 3-2022. cases. porches. L. J. Donnelly. Klngswood 4-3181. WANTED-Two ladies.Swarthmore residents. wish spacious first floor apartment on hill. now or later. Write Box R. The Swarthmorean; PERsoNAL - Plano tuning speCialist. minor repalrlng. Qualified member Plano Technielans Guild. ten years. Leaman. Klngswood 3-5155. WANTED-TypIst-Dictaphone FERSONAL - China and dana ~-~----I 2 hours per i USED FURNITURE IN GOOD CONDITION i FOR I - HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS' LOUNGES != = =< ~ ;; CHAIRS LAMPS i ~ TABLES - I ," COUCHES , ~call Mrs. Estabrook g KI 4-4138 = I Pick.Up By Schoot Trucki- = i§111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 In111111111111111111111111111111111111 or .. "(\ tC ; ; d I '" = .. • "I never saw such a large selection of carpet" Klngs,wood 3-1448 Ashes ,and RUbbish Removed Lawns Mowed. General Haullng I...:~~~~~~~~~~P~"'~,~ .j 'r~""""'- - ~ Interested in TWIST corpet? See wool sand nylon. at $7, B, 9, 10 ... to ~18. 1 • } l P•leIure Frammg ; ,~ ROGER RUSsmil Photographic Suppliesi \ STATE • MONROB 8'l'8. MEDIA t, LOwell 6-2176 --•••••••••••••• OPBN l'BlDAY IIVBNlNOfI I _~'::::::==:::::::::::::::::::::::::::'I ~. Interested in high~piled ,PLUSH carpet? See a wide array of colors in wool, Acrilan, wool.!'ylon, n,.lon, at $9, 10, 11, 12 square yard ... to $30. 00""_ Quoker../ MOlu a ...... CUSTOM KITCHENS , by H. D. CII.rcll 3 PARK AVE., SWARTlWDRE Intere.ted in florals or abstrocts? see some of the most beautiful o".s at $6.9, 12, 15. Tweed •• embossed., flgur.d. of many types, commercial and home.type, see them all in one stor.... PAULSONS. l&M'~" IJ Crafts ~M'..!~!, • on-tol U ..... k • iMs • Cebio Il",. 100 '''ilK AVlNUL SWAlmwotE. '1;.. KI ngswood 3-6000 . . .'._ _ _ 0 (PAMlu.. KNOW,S Car.,.t ,..•........... Klngswood 4.2727 ·d.IIt. . .,"" it' FOR SALE _ Hammond Spinet Organ with percussion. Per- Cect condition. Call between 4 and 1 P.M •• Klngswood3-1528. FUR SALE - Odds and ends of Photography equipment. ~~~sWO~~rt:458te screen. FOR SALE - Two sets HO. four sets American Flyer. with "c~essories. Call Klngswood 3-1642. FOR SALE _ Dining 100m furniture. Call KIngswood 4-2109 • FUR SALE - English Ford Zephyr. well cared for. Cood second car. Call alter 6. KIngswood 4-3088. FOR SALE - Antiques. Butter chum end table; small rocker; 62 Inch round braided rug; other small Items. Klngswood 4-3988. FOR SALE - Two snow tires 6.40 XIS. Uttle used. Lug type tire chains 7-10-15. al- most new. Penna. hand mower. good condition. Boy's 20 Inch bike. Reasonabie. Klngswood 3-1819. 2501 Chestnut St.. Cbestsr TRemont 2-5373 24-Hour Nursing care Aged.SenUe. Chronic convalescent Men and Women Exeellent Food -l!j:tacll1tls Gramds Blue Cmss Homred Parchment WANTED-Woman with nursing experience desires position as companion. Call TRemont 4-0240. PERSONAL _ Lou Oronzio Auto Driving School. KIngswood 3-1382 or LEhigh 2-2077. WANTED - Housekeeper. light house~ork. companion elderly lady. Sleep in. Write Box W. The Swarthmorean. WANTED - Skis for six year old and average adult. Also boots. child's size 1-2. Klngswood 3-2313. WANTED - Wooden doli house. sturdy. Call KIngs wood 3-0828. " paper ,lamp shades recovered. Miss I. ' P. Bunting. KIngswood 4-3492. \ PERSONAL TI/OM SEREMBA, UPHOLSTERER. 40 years experience. SLIP COVERS in your Fabric or selection from our samples, discount on (ubrics. Flee est!males. ""AinS! seat bottoins repaired. LUdlow 6-1592. References. (My ad has been in The swarthmorean continuously since 19511. Sale Prices on Slip'Covers. Buffet Luncheons 1J:30 to 2,30 Served Da lIy BOTH HOT&COLD DISHES S1.2S \ WANTED - SECRETARY (Female). Mature. experienced. Secretary to AdministrativeOfficer of Delaware County Research Laboratory. Etxperlence in Administrative detail helpfUl. Pleasll!1t working conditions. 35 hour week and other benefits. Reply stating age. experience and telephone number; references; availability and salary requirement. Equal opportunity employer. Write I Box X. The Swarthmorean. WANTED - All kinds of, used furniture. modem or antique. Estates wanted. China and glassware. TRemont 2-J473. DINNERS S2.1S SUNDAY HOURS 1 - 8 THE WILD GOOSE , I fiNE WALLPAPERS FOR RENT - First fioor. Two rooms. bath. efficiency kitchen. Cor single person. $65. a month. all utllitles included. Klngswood 4-3214. FOR RENT - .:.' lodeled big apartment. Two batHs. Call Klngdwood 4-4458 after 5 P.M. FOR RENT - Large comCortable room. big closets, storage DO IT YOURSELF Select for Paperhanger We Lend Out Sample Books LOST AND FOUND LOST - 30Y'S dark green raincoat at the Woman's Club Monday night. Call Klngswood 3-1050. LOST - Red tricycle. Vicinity Morganwood Circle or Strath Haven Avenue. Reward. stephen Halpern. KIngswood 4-0118. FOUND - Woman's Beige wool sweater. Swarthmore College, side stands Thanksgl ving Day. Identify atSwarihmorean OCfice. ROOFIN6 SPOU1II6 GUTTIRS SIDING free EsIiaIIs MONTHt Y FINANCING ARRANGED PAnOl ROOfIIIGCOMPANY Swarfhmore, Po. lei 4-0221 were driven from the scene.. ., I WALLPAPER CO." "Ask for Ben Palmer" 104 3alti"",re PIc., Springfield Wed., Thurs. & Fri. 'tlI9 P.M. FREE PARKING KI4-410£ LIVING CHRISTMAS TREES \ • FOR RENT- Furnished house. Central swarthmore. December I to Sept.mber 1. 1964. Baird and Bird. Klngswood 4-1500. • In the jail celt. A &bot gun and il lone ax baDdla ware removed from the car by pollee. The ,oungest of the group, owner of the car, also faces charges for permlttlnc the vehicle to be driven by a person woose llceose reqUired that he Wear glasses but who was without the glasses. n was stated that examination rewaled the driver's vision cOndition at the time to be an estimated • 2100. n was pointed out at the hearing that the new law "prohibits purchase, consumption, possesslonortransporUng of Intoxicating llquors or malt 'or brewed beverages by minors" and carries penalties of up to $100 fine or 30 days In jan, or both. II was explained that tbe legislation was passed last summer as an amendment to Public Law 872, to cope with an extreme problem which has developed recenlly among 'those under 21 years of age. The car of Davld Harper, Morton, traveling north on South Chester road at 4:23 a.m. Sunday went out of control accordIng ,to pollce ond hit, a utility pole and tree, In the 300 block. Springfield, Ridley TownshiP and Morton pollce assisted In detouring traffic for a haIfhour untll the badly damaged vehicle coUld be towed away. Harper was taken to Taylor Hospital by MUmont ambUlance with cuts and bruises of the head. He was later transferred to the Naval Hospital, Philadelphia. Police Chief Elmer Zebley left Saturday nighi to spend the remaining week of his 1963 vacation at' his hunting cabin at Galeton. A colltslon occurred at Cedar lane an4 Swarthmore avenue at 9:55 p.m. Monday between the cars of Sandra Waltz, Folsom and Gordon M, Laber, Glenolden. The former which was traveling south on Cedar lane was damaged on the right front and the lalter which was traveling west on Swarthmore avenue, on the lelt rear. Both PENN space. Private entrance. Call evenings and weekends, KIngs· wood 3-3329. FOR RENT - Large room on second floor. centrally locat· ed In swarthmore. SUitable for one or two. KIng~wood 3-2194. Route 1, Baltimore, Pike (4 Miles West of Media) CLOSED ON MONDAYS Matchill9 Fabrics & Paints ASAM. KAYSER & ALLMAN SCHUMACHER. SANITAS PREPASTlID umaiII...fH. . Belvedere Convalescent Home ~r- FOR SALE - Kenmore wringer type washer. good working condition, $6. KIngswood 3-5508. FOR SALE ~ Mahogany Secretary desk. $25.00. Call Klngswood 4-3988. repaired. week. W!1l supply transcriber Hnecessary. KIngswood3·2195. FOR SALE - "American Flyer d 8761 ,;'I,ii'N'i'E'D""II~II""""III"lIi'i'N'iEIDI'1 ~~K~~ln;9~S~W~0~0~~3~_~~~~ trains." many extras.Klngs$15. investment. Make ofCer. ~ wood 4-4315. WILLI A"M BROOKS I~~~~~i~~~~~ FlveibaroUlh JOutbs, rInging 'from ia to ZO years ~ age, were fined varytnc amounts from $'15 to $15 Saturday mom. 1nr for violating tbe new state Jaw prohibiting possession or coosQmptlon of alcobollc bever. aces by minors and for dis. orderly cODduct under a bar. ough statute. Ths bays were picked up early tbe preceding morning In a car on Cornell avenue at Yale where according to authorttIes they had been attending a Party In a bouse during the apparent absence of the famlly. A neighbor who .had been disturbed by the noise called police at 1:30 a.m. Although they denied drinkIng or havlngaicohol beverages, when accosted by Patrolman James Davls, they were all "bleary-eyed and smelled of alcohol" Davls sald allhe hear. Ing. He said investigation revealed one had an open can of beer between his legs on the seat of the car, another was sitting on an open can, and still another had hidden a can 1D his trousers. Davls said the group continued n01sy and disorderly when taken to the police statlnn lor examination by a doctor, and one bad jobs. Cell Klngswood 3-1581. ' • WANTED - set of bar bells PERSONAL - Lei me help yOU boy size. Monaural J'ortable lind the home of your dreams. tape recorder. Klngswoo'd Allee Thorbabn. saleslady with 3-0843. Ralph F. RUpert. Realtor. Klngswood 3-9400. WANTED-Experlencedswartl> more High School Senior PERSONAL - ROollng. spout· desires work as baby-sitter. ing. gullers. Recreation rooms, Klngswood 3-4430. a specialty. RaY J. Fostsr. GLobe 9-2"113. WANTED - Plano for young family for Christmas. Can PERIDNAL - Fumlture reo afford oniy modest payment. finiShing. repairing. Qulllity Bowler. KIngswood 4-4590. work at moderate prices antiques and modem. Call Mr. WANTED - Garage space. Spanier. KIngswood 4-4888. Vlelnity of Oberlin Avenue. KIngswood 3-2198. Small car. Klngswood 3-0818. 'PERSONAL - Carpentry jOb- operator. 1 - THE PERSONAL Spruces, Pines & Firs Charles E. Acker, Walling. ford, 1963 Christmas seal Cbalrman for the Delaware County Tuberculosis and Health Association, announced this week, that total contributions amount to $48,000. This amount Is 15% less than the receipts for tbe same date last year w hen ThanksgiVIng cam e earlier In the month. Mr. Acker pointed out that the tragic death of President Kennedy and the day of mourning account tor the slowdown In the mell received by the association. "It Is apparent.. he satd "from the support received thus far the public Is keenly Interested In the continuance of tbe tuberculosis program 01 work. Many have contributed at a personal sacrUice because they consider the work worthwhile and Important to the health o( the community." Pointing to the fact thalthete are ?08 persons registered as tuherculosis pallents under medicai supervision In Delaware County, Mr. Acker ap_ pealed lor greater support than ever trom Delaware County residents. "The Increased work of the association on other resplratory diseases such as bronChitis, emphysema,asthma, as well as education on alcoholism and the preventative program on diabetes, makes It Imperative that last year's total of $120,000 be exceeded." College To Host Musicologists The Philadelphia Chapter of the American Musicological SOCiety will hold Its tall meet1ng In Bond Hall at Swarthmore College on Saturday afternoon. The first session will hegln at 2 p.m., and will Include papers read by Professor Norman Smith or the University of Pennsylvania, an d Isshelle Cazeaux o( Br:, Mawr College, Foliowlng tea and coffee aI 3,15 p.m., Pauline Alderman, Professor Emeritus of the University 01 Southern CalifornIa, will read a paper on "A Songbook (or a Queen" (lute songs by Antonle Boesset dedicated to Anne of Austria In 1624). FacUlty and students of the coll'3ge are cordially Invlted to attend; CUT TREES Wreaths, Roping, Door Sproys, Pine Cones Open daily& evenings until Christmas - In suitable weather Open Sundays '12 noon until 6 WE DELIVER , ~WW" " . .~~~ At the meeting o( the Crum Creek Bridge Club held last week first place winners were Capt. Corben C. Shute and LesUe Luckie. Runners-up were Mrs. IL M. Armitage and Mrs. Theophlle SaUlnier, and In third place were Mrs. Philip Kniskern and Mrs. J. Kenneth McDonald• r.~;;;j;;:~:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;.- member. TbJ! swarthmore College Water Ballet Club wtll present Igor stravlnsky's "Petrushka" tonight December 6, at 7 o'clock and at 9 p. m. Tbe performance will 'be given at the Sharples Pool In HBll Gymnasium on the campus. Exciting m u sic, colorfUl costumes, and graceful precision will highlight the evening• Troop 301 Holds Court of Honor Senlor Patrol Leader Bob SilZle opened a Court of Honor for BOy Scout Troop 301 Tuesday evening with a candle-l1ght; Ing ceremony symbol1z1ng the principles of scouting. Scoutmaster Davld Bennett officiated at the award of First Class Honors to John Grooters of the Bat Patrol anit the Second Class rank to John Rivello of the Eagle Patrol. The program also featured a tenderfoot investiture ceremony during which the following scouts were officially inducted Into the troop: steve Bullard, Jonathan Snyder, Clark Rlchards, Kent Colt, Tim Heinze, Gunnar Hughes, Davld Thorbahn. Burr Yarrow and John Trevaskis had been similarly honored at an earUer date. The troop has announced plans for commemorating the 54th Anniversary 01 Boy Scout,Ing In America during the week of February 3. The Bat Patrol under the leadership of Tim Shuba, the Eagle Patrol led by Jerry Hebble, and the Appaches with Patrol Leader Scott SeSSiOns, are each preparing BCOUling exhibits tor display In the windows of cooperating local mercha,!lts. The troop will cap their Scout Week activltles with a banquet for the scouts and their parents on Tuesday, February 11. The dinner program will feature bath a Court of Honor and a Merit Badge Show. The lalter actlvlty will be a display of handicraft, skUls,' and A baby's bead about Ooe -fourth the lenath bIs Itod¥. • • • SEASON Spend on lhe Boardwalk at Allantic City. The season of the Yulelog, the holly. the wassail. and the Holiday tree. Daily parties and entertainment for adults and youngsters. A Christmas & New Vear you will treasure always. Outdoor Ice rink. Two gala New Year's par· ties. Ask aboul Inclusive Plan. Phone 6Og.345-1211, in N. Y.• MU 2-4849. Twin beds with bath fronr $12. 50 Mod. Am.• $6.50 Eur .• each person. The well known brands of ethical drugs are a much better value than unknown so·called "bargain drugs." This i. because the latter kind do not always measure up to tbe strict stsndards set by our government for your protection. We .tock only the finest ethical drugs - at fair prices, always. CATHERMAN'S DRUGSTORE KI 3 - 0586 marlborough l)(enbeim c.nr ........ aa..tIc CI:r :==.~.~--~ YOUR BEST HEALTH VALUE IS TODAY'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG THE HOAGIE SHOP DiMatteo's Fairview at Michigan KI I!!~!!!!!!!~ Gift Shop 5 South Chester Road Swarthmore. Pa. Now Is The Time To Start Saving For: Future col!ege expenses New home and/or home furnishings· Taxes Christmas • Vacation af 45 EAST STATE STREET, MEDIA, PA. 20 EAST FIFTH STREET, CHESTER, PA. Accounts Insured to $10,000 by FSLIC Current Dlvldent 4% Dividends Compounded May 31 and November 30 Deposits received by the 15th earn from the 1 st Open Doily 9 to 4,30 - Fri. Evening 6:30 to 8,30 Office Weelren" Special1 Swift's Premium T BONE PORTERHOUSE & SIRLOIN FUEL OIL IL BURNER smvIC ® BUDGET PLAN FOOD MARKET COAL VAN AlEI BROTHERS, INC. , . 401 Dart.oldll AYHII WE Will GIVE TWO SILVER DOLLARS FOR EVERY S100. IN GREEN REGISTER RECEIPTS at TOE t::DRISTMAS INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION CRUM CREEK BRIDGE Evergreen Branches, in variety and RepAIR 48 Years of Experience with All Moke. L) 116 3555 A. L. PARKER I we • • ••••••••••••• CONTRIBUTIONS TOTAl $48,000 Select Yours Now - 100's To Choose From GIFT CERTIFICATES (For Plants) For Your Friends Balsam Fir. Scotch Pine, Wh,lte Pine, Spruces ••••••••••••••• EXPERT PIANO TUNING T8 SEAL SALES BEHIND 15% exhibits utli1zed in eam1ac the Merit Badges held by each troop WATER BAfJLET CWB TO GIVE PROGRAM Paae7 .. at bIrtb Ja SAVE YOU~ GREEN ·REGISTER RECEIPTS• (October-November-December) tlEe 14 19b3 , " ~"L11'_) ,, , ~l '<~ , tlte 'i1W~st" .; \ i,: .J " : : '.... • . . . " :"~! ,"~ e...ple,,· 4" . ; • _". , 1\", ~. _ _e ,:iT_ ~iaeet· '" '; , , SWarthmore, College L1brary. s.m.rtlJnore, Penna. • JOI I,.,., .,; . ,Ii r;.;4j . . , POliO y THE SWARTHMOR am-4,m IN BORO FIGHT i.E "J':" VOLUME 35 - NUMBER 50 Seek Books ,For Nigerian Library AND SOX ,Ip, a &nan ~ 'i: ~80:' Sl.69 \:~ ,', ' ' , , , , t t.O ,,~, " t'~ . , ijf PARKIHG PEHAL TIES REDUCED FOR DEC. With the cOllling of the holiday Ihopping season the Borough Administration, ever mindfu I of the res idents, have, reduced the penalty for over-time parking from $1.00 to 10". To toke advantoge of this reduction in penalty, It must be paid within 30 mi nute. after the issuance of the parking ticket. The payment shall b. made at the Police Stotion. This wi II be in effect fram December 11th to and includi ng 'December 31 st, A leiter from Jay Lord from his station with the Peace CorPs In Onltsha, Nigeria, has set In motion a project 01 the SWarthmore HlghSchoolStudent Council In which the entire Community Is Invited to share. Lord, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Lord of Harvard 1963. avenue, wrote his parents of Herman M. Bloom, the need for reading material Chairman of Public In English. He teaches 4th and Sofety Committee 5th IS'rm (11th and 12th grade) English literature and composItion at the Washington Memorial Grammar School In OnJtsha. English Is the o!flclal language 01 the school and of Peter Grom Swing conducts the Swarthmore College Singers, and members of the Nigeria. The native language College Orchestra in a recent concert. The Singers, a select group from the College, Dr. Harry V. Armitage, Is lbo. Chorus, will open tonight's concert with a group of carols and motets from the Fourpresident of the Delaware Lord described the students teenth, Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. The featured work will be the "Christmas" County Medical Society, anas boys between 12 and 23 Magnificat by J. S. Bach, with the full chorus and orchestra, plus guest soloists. years o! age, eager and serious +--,:..:..-=----.:....~..::.:.-=--.::-.:.:::......:.:..:.....-:..:..:....--.:....---=:.:..~.:::-:..:..--:....:--.:....::::.:..:.:--:..:.:.:....--- nounced that the Victory Over Polio offlclals 'l'ere disappointIn their studies. They have ed with the pOor turnout of no reading matter other than • • Delaware countians to receive their textbooks. The school has their Type II oral polio vaccine no library.. Ie Do you suppose Two one-act plays, "When Three members o! the last SUnday. Sw.arthmore would help send Shakespeare's Ladles Meet" by Women's' Association of the "In spite o! the perfect Presbyterian Church were weather," he saId, "only 65% on~{ ~:t~e:~re's generous Charles George, and "The Ugly honored Wednesday with honor- of the population took advantage Duckling" by A.A. Milne will ary memberships at the assoc- of their opportunity to becollle :~IO:;;'::\~O~~I~t1~~:::; be presented tomorrow ,night latlon's annual Christmas pro- Immunized against Type n polio In the IDgh School Auditorium, placed In IheSwarthmore Public by Ye B1ackfrlars, school William L. Medford, nation- gtam and tea. Those honored virus which can be as crippling Library, theProvldent-Trades- dramatics club. curtain Ume ally known Chester meat pack- are: , as either Types I and rn." men's Bank and the SwarihmorMrs. H. Weston Clarke for er, sUffered a fatal heart attack Is 8:15. Dr. Robert F. Plotkin, coean olflce, Us t s 0 f suggested suddenly at his home, 634 Slnth the COlhmission on Ecumenical chairman o! the V.O.P. Steering Utles made by school librarians Haven avenue, just before din- Mission and Relations; EIsle Committee said, "The voland teachers are available at ner Monday evening. Despite Bailey for the Board of Nation- unleers expected at least as the Ihree locations. , e!lorts of Swarthmore, Spring- al Missions; and Mrs. William high a percentage as came out In addltlon, any book to be field and Ridley Township police W. Turner for the Board 01 the first SUnday for each of read and enjoyed by boys 12 a1mlnJstering oxygen he was Christian Educatlon. the other two types, namely years and up; acllon stories The awards are made ,on the 71 and 72%, particularly since Borough Council this week pronounced dead upon &I'rlval (high class "blood and experimented with tape record- of his family physician Dr. basis 01 Christian service and thunder"); biographies of f"m- Ing Its sessions" It remains to George W. Lilley of Chester. devotion In many areas of the the weather was so good." He also sald, u You couldn't give ous world figures; copies of be seen whether the off -agalnServices were conducted at church's life and work. yourself a better Christmas American Heritage;travelbooks on -again procedure and the 1:30 p.m. Thursday In the Mrs~ D. Evor Roberts, wIfe with pictures about countries faintness of most members' Swarthmore Presbyterian of the minister of the church, gift." Just As ParalytiC and cilles; world atlases since voices against background Church of which Mr. Medford presented the memberships. Dr. J. Albright Jones had World War n are desired. noises as exercised at Monday was a member. Interment was this to say: Anyone willing to donate an night's meeUng will be con- In the cemetery 01 the New .. There will be a lot of people Encyclopedia (World Book or sidered a sufllclently useful London Presbyterian Church, walking around In Delaware Compton's) dated 1945 or later documentary to justlly the In Chester County where he County next year not immunized Is asked to call Mrs. Lord, strain on the performers and maintained several cattle feedand who will be carriers of KI 3-2765. Transportation of the on the borough budget of having ing farms. A !amlly Christmas service Type n polio virus. Even Il books to Nigeria has been ar- several microphones on the Born 'In Frankford, Philthey don't care about themranged. table and a machine on the adelphia, on April 4, 1895 Mr. will be held Sunday evening, selves they should care about Lord and his bride, Ann, floor to be controIled with one Medford entered the meatpack- at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary' their family and friends, for new to Nigeria on September hand by BoroughSecretary Ruth Ing business there with his of the Swarthmore Presbyterian in spite of certain rumors, 10. Mrs. Lord, who is also Townsend as she writes minutes father, the late Charle" H. Med- Church. The young people of the Type n polio can be just as with the Peace Corps, teaches with the other hand. ford, alter attending Northeast church with the cooperation of paralytiC as the other two English In Prince Institute In Monday evening the apparatus High School. In 1929 he es- the Senlor High Choir will pre- types." Onltsha. During the Washington was ordered shut off, by tablIshed Medford's Inc., 18 sent the pageant "Why the Swarthmore's leeding station Memorial SChool recess during President Charles Lukens, v!hen West Second street, Chester Chimes Rang" by Raymond Is In the multi-purpose rOOm December, the Lords are lengthy discussions developed of which he was chairman 01 MacDonald Alden. Dr. Evor Roberts and Mrs. of the elementary school on working at the Leper Colony and then was flipped on again the board. Rutgers avenue. In Itu, Eastern Nigeria. Alter living In Chester for William Pugh will narrate the to catch motions and votes. In the school's second sem- CouncUman Herman Bloom in- some years he moved to swarth- story of Pedro and Little Brother who journey to the ester Lord will also coach stigated the Innovation by re- more In 1945. great cathedral lor the Chrlst,soccor and track and teach marking last month that there He was a member of the mas service. Allihe Important one adult education course to should be some such complete natlonal board 01 directors 01 , people of the country are gnprimary teachers In methods record avallable so that In- the American Meat Institute Robert N. Hilkert of strath of teaching English. terested organizations could and the Natlonal Independent Il1g to o!ler their gifts to the Christ child In the search for Haven avenue was reappointed The project offers an op- familiarize themselves proper- Meat Packers ASSOCiation, also a perfect gUt which will make to another five-year term on portunlty to share books as well ly with the background of votes serving as present treasurer the chimes ring. the SWarthmore - Rutledge as suppo.rt a local youth's con- on various issues. and past president olthe eastern Mrs. Bartlne Stoner, Jr., the SChool Autborlty at Tuesday fidence In his home community. division of the latter. In adAction Taken pageant director, has been evening'S meeting of SChool II the contributed books are to Matters actuaIly acted on dition he was a director and assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Board. arrive In, Nigeria to enrich Monday night were: past president of the PennKippax, Mrs. Marten Estey, Six microscopes were orderthe second semester, time must Reslgnatlon of B 0 r 0 ugh sylvania Meat Packers AssoclMr. and Mrs. Henry Gayley, ed from WIlliams Brown and be seized from the Christmas Treasurer Harold Ogram ac- ationj a director of Crozer Mrs. James' Clark, and Mrs. Earle, Philadelphia at a cost rush to choose them and de- cepted as of January 6 with Hospital, Delaware County posit them In boxes listed above. letter of appreciation for his National Bank, and the Manu- Edward Heller. Robert Groot- of $1554, low o! four bids reJunior High School students service since 1946. It Is plan- facturer's Association of Del- ers will directthe choir. George c.elved. The Board adjourned at 8:45 from the swarthmore Friends ned to have the Provident aware County of which he was Reeves Is' the organist. Tbe youth partiCipating are: p.m. for a meellng with repMeeting will go from door to Tradesmens Bank take overthe a past preSident. Bill Gill, Don Leonard, Dave resentatives of the language door Saturday, December 14, post. Resignation of John M. Be was a member of the Laird, Ed Michener, Dave It will schedule a facnJty. to collect children's books for Thompson, Jr. as auditor was Delaware County Chamber of ThompSOn, Joan Jackson, Wilda special meeting In early Janthis project. Commerce, the Chester Kiwanis acceptedi Fowler, Mark Good, Tom Smith, uary to consider what Il anyClub, Richard Vaux Masonic (continued on .page 8) Claudia Mastrangelo, Janet thing It might do In regard to Lodge 384, American Legion FUOSS, carl Gersbach, Barbara final hearings being held by the Post 190, Colonial Club, HIsGerner, Kendra LewiS, CharlGARDEN CLUB MEE'fS County SchoOl Board relative T)lere wUl be no canteen torical SOCiety of Pennsylvania ene DaviS, Jim Kent, Dave Bento conSolidation of districts thta week due to the BlackThe Swarthmore Random and the Philadelphia Turngenett, and BlII Zimmerman. under the' redistricting law. Irlars plays at SWarthmore High Garden Club met Wednesday, melnde. He formerly servert as An Invitation to attend \his passed this year. Revision of December 4 at the home of a member of the Chester HOUSSchoOl. family service Is extended to reporting of primary pupil The last Adult sports night Mrs. Donald W. Poole on North Ing Autborlty. He, also was all. progress will also be discussed. for DeCember, will be held Monswarthmore avenue. (Con tlnued on Page 8) day at tbe IUCb SchoOl gym Last Chance For Polio Vaccine . .';1 q-i '.:H" ,.: ; COllEGE MUSIC GROUP IN PROGRAM TONiGHT Residents Rally To Jay Lord's Peace Corps Call unpa~ked, $4.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY DECEMBER 13. 1963 ~ ~ , ',_ " " ... 4 Advertised ulito 3.95 SHS To Present Two One-Acts WL MEDFORD SERVICE HELD Presbyterians Honor Three 18·Yr. Resident Was National Meat Packer . .~ Recording Tape Captures Council " ,~ ;,1usf ',Received! ,Ne'vi' " U;~suClI! . ' !~ 1 . I : .. ' _ :Colorful',rieck'wear to, add :,Illccite-l ,!Denno y~(j,r fall!lnl~ willter wa:ro-I NECKWEAR :;~~"~~~~;::~ b;;~~y:ur fa'~oritel , " (,~:;:, " l~ . mach. by ,oostar ,li:~~~j"r:J " ;",l t ~':~ t::'-~ i'loor ", ~,~ ,~n ,'" p. , P~D."'.W.~.!!..'..ti.. ., i I H)(ItRI'S 'lth parents and their children who have met Swarthmore's Santa Claus, will find no surprise in the rather cryptic comment that "santa's Phone Is KI 4-6094." They know that, naturally, Santa is planning his annual Christmas Eve visit to individual ho)mes in swarthmore. But newcomers, who usually take their expectant small fry OUT if they want to see Santa, are slightly surprised to learn that in swarthmore, Old Saint Nick comes to visit the children in their very own homes, and even in their very own beds and that he's been doing so since before 1900. Santa comes - by parental invitation "nly - to see all children old enough to comprehend and enjoy him - up to and Including the age of 10. Various residents and devoted admIrers help santa get ready - provide him with a telephone and oltlce space,plan his iUnerary for h'.m, and when Christmas Eve comes, resident ,rreindeers" escort him around the sometimes confusing streets of Swarthmore. It Is not a commercial enterprise, there is no charge, and no gimmick. All Santa asks Is that, if famUies want him to come, the parents wUI call, giving the names, ~ddre5s and ages 01 all the children. He also suggests that they call early. (!) Santa's habits and expeclatlons _lnSWarthmore,atleastare modest and as follows: He starls his calls about 11 p.m. Christmas Eve and continues through the "wee sma'" uDtll he has seen every child on his list. He appreciates it Il the porch or front door light Is left on for him. It a child who has Invited Santa becomes 111 or another emergency arises, a note may be lett on the door. Santa, who is human, understands thoroughiy the perils of childhood diseases and upsets - his feelings wlll not be hurt. On the other hand, Sanla's, feelings are terribly sensitive about tips --- No gilts, no gratuities 01 ANY kind, please! He's santa and he loves kids, and thai's enough for him. So I If you want santa to come, just telephone KI4-6094.Santa'" helpers, whom he brought along on hlG preliminary visit here earlier this week, will be on the other end to receive the calls, begtnnlng today, up until 5 o'clock. And they wlll continue to answer Monday through Friday from 9 until 5. The elfin voices range from bass to soprano, and In tone from light to dark, but none wlll be Santa's. He's taken It home with him to the North Pole, and neither will be back until Christmas Eve whenSanta comes In person to wish you his Own .. Merry Christmas to Alii" Public Library Holiday Hours LIBRARY HOURS The Swarthmore Public Library will be closed on Tuesday before Christmas and on Chrlltmas Day. It wi II 01 so be closed on Tuelday, Dec.mber 31, and on Jonuory 1, Hew Year', Day. 'NTENT'ONAL SECOND EXPOSURE UEe 141963 ,. SWARTHMOREAN . ". "laereYeu Meet the Nfeest P.eo,le, OPEN EVERY· NIGHT 'TIL CHRISTMAS !~ ~ . b'warthmore Co~lege Library. Swart lnlore. Fe ma. GlID!w.. Mell's $5.11Q FUR llM'ED JOIN POLIO FIGHT GLQVES::' '3.69·:·","," SUNDAY ,,> ., >Jr am-4 ,m ~/IN BORO Black and broWn--.Just unPacked a wonderful selectiol\ at great IIIV· ingS. Sizes 8 to MEN'S TIE u. VOLUME 35 - NUMBER 50 OTHER GLOVES AND SOX 1.00 1.69 Fashion (orDer III a Smart Boll Seek Books For Nigerian Library 1.99 FAMOUS. a Hann' a Es,!ulre So.ch o Carters 0 Duolold Underwear o Swank o B.V.D. 0 Wm. Barry Jackets o Paris o Rooster tie. o Manhattan 0 Gates Gloves a Wembley TIes Just unpacked, A letter from Jay Lord Crom {or to COLLEGE MUSIC GROUP IN PROGRAM TONIGHT Residents Rally To Jay Lord's Peace Corps Call o Botany Ties his station with the Peace Corps in Onitsha, Nigeria, has set in motion a project of the SWarthmore High School Student Council in which the entire Community is invited to share. PRE-HOLIDAY. :~""'Ij , $4.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY DECEMBER 13, 1963 Lord, tile son of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Lord of Harvard PARKING PENALTIES REDUCED FOR DEC. With the coming 01 the holidoy shopping .eason the Borough Administration, ever mindlul of the resi. dents, hav'! reduced the penalty lor over·time pork. ing from $1.00 to 10,. To toke advantage of this reduction in penalty, it must be paid within 30 minutes after the issuance 01 the parking ticket. The payment shall be made at the Police Station. This wi II be in ellect from December 11th to and in· ," I collar. WbIte only. TRIM $5.00 - $5.95 WL MEDFORD 18-Yr. Resident Was Natl'onal Meat Packer Buy now lor Christ- '. . . ".....'.-.. ,~":.-,,' .. SHS To Present Two One-Acts MEN'S-Maln F100r 3" TR~E 7u';p~-;;"O .'9' 7 Fashion right length -:- no. garter. neede.1i -: smart colors - size small fits 91,41-::-10"-' : 10 1h; medium ll-ll'h; large 12-11'-14. SRA NEWS Cunt¥, Pennsylvania. under the assumed or fictitious name. st,Yle or designation of Cryer Sales CompllDY. with its principal place of business at 409 Darbnouth Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. The name and address of the person owning or interested in ssid business is Charles P. Cryer, 423 Drew Avenue, swarthmore. Pa. M E~tabli.hed 1858 TREMONT 4-6311 J. EDWARD CLYDE SAMUEL D. CLYDE, JR. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE APPRAISALS 1*_••••l\I•••••W Rose Valley HOUSE PAINTING FOR SALE - Antique pine s\>wbuck table. Good condition. seats eight. $300. Klngswood 3-4752. ED AINIS 800 FAIRVIEW ROAD. FOR SALE - 6% foot skis. never used. $25. Call KIngswood 3-0618. SWARTHMORE KI 4-3898 FOR SALE - Kenmore electric ironer. New heating element. cail Klngswood 3-3257. "First, PERroNAL - THOM SE!lEMBA. UPHOLSTERER. 40 years experience. SLIP COVERS In your Fabric or selection from oUL samp!!'s. j)iscount on fabrics. Free estimates. sagi:ln~, seat bottoms-iepalred. LUdlow 6-7592. References. (My ad has been in The swarthmorean coniinuouslY since 1951). Sal. Pdces on FUrniture ReUpholstery. PERSONAL - Let me help you find the home of your dreams. AUce Thorbabn. saleslady with Ralph F. Rupert. Realtor. Klngswood 3-9400. PERSONAL - China and :~~)~I repaired. Parchment lamp shades recovered. P. Bunting. K1ngswood P.ERSON AL - Lou Oronzlo Auto Driving School. KIngswood 3-1382 or LEhigh 2-2077. - WANTED _. To rent garage in Swarthmore or vicinity. Call KIngs wood 3-0698. WANTED - Two ladies avsilable for housework. TRemont 2-7974. stamps now. Be sure to use colorful new five cent Christmas Tree stamps on your cards. Ie Fourth, procure free labels form your post office which read "ALL FOR LOCAL DELIVERY" an~ "ALL FOR OUT-OF-TOWN DELIVERY" • so that you can sort your Christmas cards into two groups. with addresses all facing one way. thus insuring fast delivery. "Fifth, be sure that your full name and address Is on all your Christmas card enveopes and shipping labels and be doubly sure to include your ZIP Code number In your return address." WANTED - Storage sp~ce. or garage. preferably heated. for smali sport car in Swarthmore or vicinity from Jan:JSlY 11 to February 9, 1964. Car will not be moved during this period. Phone Kin gs woo d 3-1808. ---,;...-------WANTED - All kinds of used furniture, modem or antique. Estates wanted. China and glassware. TRemont 2-7473. PERSONAL - Roofing. spouting, gutters. Recreation rooms WANTED - Chest of draw~rs. Maqogany color preferred. a specialty. Ray J. Foster: Phone KlngswoOd 3-2022. GLobe 9-2713. a PEROONAL - Fumilnre reo WANTED - Congenial woman or couple to share my home finishing, repairing. Quality near Media. Preferably with work at moderate prices antiques and modem. Call Mr. car. Details by writing Box V, Spanier, K1ngswood 4-4888. The Swarthmorean. Klngswood 3-2198. ~: With spe~laI tralnlng and help In getting jobs. many relarded persons can become Independent working members of the commuhlty. -==-____. :. ._______ , , • gift 'luick, gentle up·and·down action BUILDERS 'Since 1920' Pielar. F;;~~ ROGER RUSSE'I \ Automatic Action Brush for Teeth and Gums from SQ..Ul88 the perfect Christmas Edward G. Chipman and Son WILLIAM BROOKS your over Christmas card and gut list· very carefully - be certain each address Is complete with tull name, st.reet and number,. city. state and zone or ZIP Code number. . uSecond, stock up soon on st~rdy packing materials for your gUt packages. Including heavy wrapping paper. corrugated cartons. strong cord and paper adhesive tape. "Third. .buy your postage WANTED - WODlan desires cooking and serving small dinners. Call ELgin 6-5621. PERSONAL - Carpentry jobGENERAL HOME bing. recreation rooms, book RECONDITIONING cases, porches. L. J. Donnelly. FOR SALE - 45 inch four K1ngs~ood 4-3781. e Waterproofing. Interior treadle Loom, extra reed,· and Exterior skein winder. warping board. PERSONAL - Plano tuning • Doors. Windows Caulke $75. % ton chsin hoist. $10. specialist, minor repairing. KIngswood 4-3388. Vleatherstripped Qualified mel!lher Plano TechJack Prichard nicians Guild. ten years. • spouting Repalred. FOR SALE - FOr that special Leaman. KIngswood 3-5755. Replaced ----y--person a gift that will give PAINTING year 'round pleasure! A bird FOR RENT feeder. bird bath. bird house FREE ESTIMATES or a suet holder. The S. FOR RENT - Garage. comer INTERIOR & EXTERIGR Crothers. Jrs •• 435 Plush Mill J. M. FINN. MORTON, PI.. Ogden Avenue and Chester ROad. Wallingford. LOwell Road. Call K1ngswood 3-9138. KI 3-4490 LU 3-66 1 6-4551. Free Estimates RENT- APartment, Media. FOR SALE - youth bed. com- FOR Large semi-living room. bed- . . . . . . . . . . . . J plete $17. 1957 World Book room. kitchen and bath. $80, Klngswood 3-8761 all year books $120. Call utilities included. Adults. One during school. Klngswood block PRR. Lowell ~-1870. 4-4462. FOR RENT - % block from FOR SALE-Combination Telestation. Large living room o vision - Radio and three and bedroom. kitchen-dinette, General Contractor Klngswood 3-1448 . speed player. Large beautiful bath. Call KIngswood 3-3811. Ashes and Rubbish Removed cabinet. Mechanically fsir Lawns Mowed. General Haullna Price $25. Call KIngSWood FOR RENT-Large comfortable Free Estimates ~ 3-1292. room, big clo:;ets, storage 36 Harding Ave. Morton, Po. 1--:.:..:.:.....-------- space. 1401 Ridley Avenutl' Private entrance. Call FOR SALE-Antiques. Country evenings and weekends, KIngs~ Chester. Po. . furniture. Glass and China. wood 3-3~29. TRemont 2-4759 Chairs recaned. rerushed. Cail BIlliard; . KIngswood 3-2165. FOR RENT-Furnished house. TR"",ont 2-5689 central Swarthmore. December . . . . . . . . . . .1 FOR ,SALE - Two sets HO. I to September I. 1964. Bsird four sets American Flyer, and Bird. K1ngswood 4-1500. with accessories. call KIngsJ <",elr,. Repaired Pft.lti 3-4216 wood 3-1642. VIANTED Photographic Suppliest FOR SALE - Piano. WUrlitzer electric mabogany console WANTED Old-fashioned WATCHMAKER 8TAD .. MONROE IITB. $250. Klngswood 4-6189 afte; sturdy doll house. Call Klngswood 4-5781. Formerly of F .C. Bode&Sons IIIIDIA 4:30. Fine Watch and Lock Repalra FOR SALE - uO" gauge h• LOwell 6-2176 D WANTED - Glrl's Ice skates. 128 Yale Ave. trains. Automatic switches, size 8¥... Phone SUnday ..,~'.• =~ two engines, transfonner.KlngsK1ngswood 3-1698. • JIVBNlNOB wood 3-2279 after 3. WANTED - To buy antiques PIANOS FOR SALE - 1958 Rambler cut giass. coins. old gnns; Station' Wagon, 6 cylinder. jewelry. LEhigh 2-5664 or MIY NOT BUY your rebuilt plaoo stick shift. Radio. beater. LUdlow 6-0574. !\an a piar¥> tuner of 49 years excellent tires. KIngswood WANTED _ Just in time for praciical exPeriencewithallmekea? 3-0515. Christmas! Adorable. black II will pay our in the end. FOR SALE - Two very good poodle mixture need snow tires with a 1954 homes. Phone puppies Klngswood • . Chevrolet attached (also very 4-1851. DlALD good) with rebullt power glide transmisS:on. $75. Klngswood WANTED - Day's work. cleanCUSTOM KITCHENS 4-3453. ing. ironing. cooking. etc. . by Swarthmore references. TReFOR SALE - Mahogany upright mont 6-4500. student plano. Reasonable. C~.r(' Call Klngswood 3-9327. WANTED - Nurse LPN desires 3 PARK AVE., SWAR11tMORE private duty, 3 P.M. to 11 "I Saw It In The swartlunorean" P.M. preferred. Best references. Klngswood 4-2727 FUEL OIL ...... check Inc. 684 SOUTH NEW MIDDLETOWN ROAD, MEDIA . - Opposlt. Hlghm.adow (between Dutton Mill Road and Knowlton Road) . T .I.pilo". - TRemont 2-7206 "Ask for Ben Palmer" UVING CHRISTMAS TREES Spruces, Pines & Firs S.I.ct You,s Now - 100' s To Chaos. F,om GIFT CERTIFICATES (For Plants) For Your F,i.nd. CUT.TREES Balsam FI,. Scotch Pine. White Pin •• Spruc.s Evergreen Branches, in variety Wreaths. Raping'; DoOr Sp,ays, Pin. Cones ._........... Open dally& .". .1. . . untli Christmas - In sultabl. weather 0,.. Suado,s12 aoen IIlItil 6 P.M. WE DELIVER SW.··· m:: ~_~4Y •••••••••••••• ' ~~A~.~L~.~P~A~R~K~E~R~~L~O~6~-~35~5~5~ Army Second Lieutenant Franklin II. Andrew Jr •• whose parents live on Cornell avenue, completed a lour-week chemical, blololiical. radiological. (CBR) officer course at The Chemical Center. Fort Mc~ Clellan. Ala•• in mid-November. During the course Lt. Andrew received instruction In CBR operations and defense, CBR training techniques and dutles of unit CBR personnel. LI. Andrew entered the Army in October 1962. The lieute""nt is a 1957 graduate of Swarthmore HighSchool and received his B. S. degree from Penosylvania MllItary College In 1962. MICHAEL'S COLLEGE PHARMACY "On theCorner" in Swarthm • 8~ H. D. ,............ . k-1i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;....~~T~R:e:m:o:n;t~2~-~5~1~12~·~ 11.= iiil1lm.'.iilillllnliRiliililllftA iii , Belvedere Convalescent Home 2501 Cbestnut St.. Chester TRemont 2-5373 24-Hour Nursln, Cer. Aled. senile. Chronic ConYllescent Men and Women Eleellent Food - Spocloos GIamds Blue Croas IIOIIOIIICI ~ 1 BURNER ROOFIII6 SPOUDIG GUlTERS SIDING free &i.1es MONTHl Y FINANCING ARRANGED PAUli ROORIIGCOMPAIIY Swarthmore, Po. 1873 CuA/lA pre-feens • jr. petites juniors ~~~ ~ . I:III'1I)U'"'' I/t. ..... YAN ALEN BROTHERS, INC. DELAWARE COUNTY POSTS 108.3% Christmas bonus • An e"Pression of thanks to volunteers who served and contrlbulors to the recently completed 1964 United Fund Torch Drive In 'Delaware County was issued this week by Randal W. Reed of WaIUngford. chairman of the campaign. "The outstanding success of the 1964 Torch Drive in the county was the product of the thousands of persons who gave and some 4.000. volunteers -from zone chairmen to neighborhood soUcltors -- who gave generously of their time and effort." Reed said. The Torch Drive. which benefits 250 voluntary health and welfare agencies. 20 of which directly serve Delaware County reSidents. raised $14.208.057 or 100.9 per cent of lis $14.078.000 goal. The amount raised In the county bJrough residential solicitatIon and a business and Industry seclion was $420,311 or 108.3 per cent of Its $392.000 quot .. The Torch Drive was conducted throughout all of Delaware County except the city THE BIBLE SPEAKS TO YOU SUNDAY-8:45 In your pocket? What a time to open a KEY SAVINGS ACCOUNT or a KEY CHECKING ACCOUNT ~?nus check or Christmas present, It s great to get it! And now' 8 your big chance to open that Key Savings Ac:,count you've always meant to get gomg. Put your extra money right to work earning a generous 3 ~'2% that's figured every month at Provident Tr,\desmens. Don't forget to keep adding regularly, too ... and watch those Key Savings grow. Maybe it's a Key Checking Account you intended starting. This is the time! Pay the bills in '64 as you take it easy at home. A dime a check •.• a quarter a month ... and never a minimum baiance bother with a Key Special Checking Account, Y ou'lI be thanking yourself all year ... starting tomorrow or next day when you open that Key Savings or Key Checking Account with your extra Christmas money! PROVIDENT TRADESMENS .", ~ Bank and Trust Company .y. DELAWARE COUNTY'S KEY BANK . DELAWA!lE COUNTY OFFICES; . Luna-LO &.8300 (Drlvc.ln & Parking); Media-LO 6-8300 Spnngficld (Drivc--In & Parking)-KI 3·2430; Swarthmore-KI 3-1431 Nether Providence-LO &-8300 (Drivc-In·& Parking) Friday efJening6 Sts.-LOcust 4·3000 . FMeral SWARTHMORE IS BEAUTIFUL! ! \'ii Iii \li OJ ~ 'oM 1$: .m OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE I• I• \'ii .w>! '. ~ ilJ ~ 1;1. HOURS: o.lIy 9:]0 to 6:30; FRI••:30 to 'HIlI ...... • Ii...;.lL.l: ~.-:.l:L:'::.a..u .I.:'-L .1:'.- ---- ---~- . ": \ . ~ ~ ~. ;. ~ ~ ; ~ ~. ~ 1$: ~ :r, participated in Glee Club CODcerts at the college and lb(ls received recognition for academic accomplishment by being named Emily Dickinson and Sarah Williston Scholars. Mrs. Thelma Dickinson of Park avenue had as her guests for the weekend her son and his family Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dickinson of Westbury, Long Island. Theyattended the ArmyNavy game In Phlladelphi,,- ~~:Wr":iiti~,:.*:.. ~ .. IDEAL FOR CH,RISTMAS GIVING The SWarthmore College Chorus Recording of the 1963 Christmos Concert (Including Copland's "In the Beginning" and "Jesu. Meine Freude" by J. S. Bach) J.t the Music: Box - $3.98 ~:.*:iit*".l!r:"'l!r:;";~ 5 South Chester Road Swarthmore, Dr. and Mrs. Walter T, Larson of Rutgers avenue had as their weekend guests Mr. Larson's brother and slsterIn-law Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Larson from Raney, Pa., who had been In Philadelphia to attend the Army-Navy game. Mr. and Mr~. Paul B. BankS of Harvard avenue will have as their house guests Mrs. Banks' brother and slster-Inlaw Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Mitten of State College who will arrive Monday to stay through the holidays. The Mltten's son.ln-law·and daughterLt.(j.g.) and Mrs. Desmond Phelan and daughter Debbie of San Juan. Puerto Rico. will also visit with them for a few days. orrectf -ANNUAL LIBRARY Students Aid 'Books ELECTION IN JAN. For Nigeria' Project Today's modern drug, as prescribed by your physi~ cian, averages only $3.25 per prescription - yet you get such an outstanding value that your total cost Nominating Petitions Available At Desk of illness is usually reduced. We invite your pre- scription patronage. . A G. CATHERMAN PHARMACIST 17 South Chester Road Swarthmore. PanDa. . YOUR BEST HEALTH VALUE IS TODAY'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG ~~~"Y*" STORMY WEATHER FOOTWEAR CELIA SHOE SHOP PHONE KI 3-2350 I BOBBY LIKES NECKTI ES HOSIERY FOR SIS FINE PERFUME, THE LARGE SIZE WILL GARNER A KISS. """"Y*"~.y.... FOR BABY, A PRAM SUIT. LITTLE SISTER LIKES DRESSES A TOWEL SET IS REAL CUTE AND NEW DRAPERY IMPRESSES. NAME SHSPLAYERS TO AU DELCO TEAMS """~...,...."". OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL CHRISTMAS STORE. M_dar & Friday 9:30 A.M. to 9 P.M. HOURS' T..... W..... n..ra,,,Sat. 9:30 to 5:31) CLOSED 5:30 P.M. 3:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M. 5:30 P.M. l2:00.Noon 5:00 P.M. 5:00 P.M. 5:00 P.M. 12:00 Noon .... • Swift's Premium o SIS FOOD MARIET BUnERBALL UR EYS Swarthmore High School students supporting the Books for Nigeria proJect sponsored by the HIgh School student Council are today concluding their collectlon of books. There has been a large response and a great deal of Interest shown. Joe Peckerman. a high school senior and the delegate to the Interscholastic student Council of the World Affairs Council. organized a Memorial· Fund honoring the late John Fitzgerald Kennedy althe World Affairs Council Meeting last Saturday. The proceeds will be used to buy permanent reference hooks for the Washington Memortal Grammar School library. In Nigeria. A secood collection Is planned tor the meeting on January IS. Boxes for hooks will remain In' The Swarthmorean. the library and the bank as well as on the porch at 737 Harvard ! avellue until the middle of next week for any other Swarthmoreans who wish to say "Merry Christmas" by giving a book to the school In Onltsha. Nigeria. ""'''Y*''~~ GRAMPS NEEDS A SWEATER, GRANDMOM SOME SHEARS ... BUT NOTHING IS BETTER THAN A PRESENT FROM SPEAR'S Weekelld PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW F YOUR CHRISTMAS , The Board of Directors of the Swarthmore Public Library reminds residents of the approachlng Library Election In January at which two directors will be elected to the, board. The directors whose terms of office expire are Mrs. David M. Fteld and A. if. Marsh. Any Interested residents may file for election by securing a monlnating petition at the Librarian's Desk IntheLibrary and sending It, complete with 10 slgoaturesofendorSlngresldents. to the Board's Secretary Howard IL Williams, 144 Park avenue on or before December 31. The election w1l1 take place during Library hours on Satur day. January 25 and on Monday. January 27. closing at 8 p.m. on the latter evening when the Annual Meeting of the SWarthmore public Library AssoclaUon will convene In the Legion ROOm. Borough Hall. All resldents of the Borough are Invted to attend the Annual Meeting. Mrs. Field who has served on the Llbrary's finance committee and Mr. Marsh who' has served ~ treasurer ha~ fled their wllllnguess to stand for reelection. The Board welcomes Interest In the Library shawn In any way but especially that Indicated by standing for election as a director. The nominating petitions of candidates for the office of director will be filed In the Library for public Information early In January by Secretary Williams. Carl Gersbach, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gersbach of North Chester road, has been named to the All-Delco Foothall Team. Carl Is a fullback and co -captain of the 1963 SWarthmore HIgh School football team. John O'Neill, a center, was named to the second team of the All-Delco. John is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence O'Ne!ll of Rutledge. Bill Zimmerman, tackle, and Russ Jones, halfback, were given Honorable Mention. Bill Is the son of Mr. and Mr s. Irvin Zimmerman of Harvard avenue and Russ is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jones of Union avenue. Carl and John were also given Honorable Mention In the Philadelphia Bulletin All Scholastic Team. , All hoys are seniors at SWarthmore High School. RANDOM GARDENERS DECORA TE WREATH Members of the swarthmore Random Garden Club made and decorated a Christmas wreath for Taylor Hospital at their me1!tlng held last week at !he home of Mrs. DOnald W. Poole on North Swarthmore avenue. The group also made a handkerchief tree for the residents .of the Glbhons Home on Baltimore Pike. Mrs. Arthur Baker Is club pre.Ide~. $4.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1963 VOLUME 35 - NUMBER 51 A NEW DRESS FOR MOM, OR A DRESS SHIRT FOR DAD, A SURCOAT FOR_ TOM WILL MAKE HIM GLAD. Window Service Hours STAMP & PARCEL POST WINDOWS OPEN Friday. December 13 8:00 A.M. $lturliay - December 14 11::00 A.M. Sunday - December 15 12:00 Noon Mon .. Dec. 16 to Fri •• Dec. 20. Incl: 8:00 A;M. Saturday - December 21 8:30 A.M. Sunday - December 22 - No Window Servi ceo Monday - December 23 8:30 A.M. TUesday - December 24 8:30 A.M. MoneyOrderWindowHours-Daily 8:30 A.M. Money Order Window Hours - Sats. 8:30 A.M. RTHMOREAN FIGHT T8 WITH CHRISTMAS SEALS I Gift Shop Library. DEC 201963 street light near the Wesley Church and have It In- study were: N e I g h b 0 r s' complaints a1!ainst a commercial garage operation at Yale and Rutgers Borough Solicitor Clarence Myers gave the that the present use could be Judged a change of the orlgtnallegai non-conformIng use In this residential zone. COUncilman Bloom relayed a report from a State Labor and Industry Department InsPector to the effect that neasures recently Installed by the garage operator adequately took care of paint fumes which Ill'.dformed part of the complaint; Question of increasing street lighting. Public Safety Chairman Bloom felt the present lights are too dim and they should be Increased to at least the minimum recommended by the Philadelphia Electric Company. IUghway Chairman WIl1!am Gill protested the measure would mean at least an $8500 Increase In future budgets. Bloom replied he felt the cost was not as Imporlant as ad~quate light for safety. and Inv1ted his colleagues to take a tour of th"e Borough after 10:30 at night. CO~lege Swart bnor·e. Fe Dna. Mr, and Paul B. BuliaI:' of Harvard avenue have as their. bouse guaat Mrs. WWIam" Rosenfleld Of Towanda who .u;rived last week. She attendlid the Pennsylvania SOCiety dfnner held In New York 00' Satur~ evening and then ~eturoed continue her' visit here Matters Disc:ussed Matters which came up for and Mrs. Charles diScllSslon but were postponed of Decatur, Ala.. forneld meeting for further merly of SWarthmore avenue, were the weekend house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Hally of Swarthmore and BenjamIn West avenues. Currently spend'several months In New York Mr. Bovard's business for the Chemstrand Company. they plan to return to Swarthmore with their daughter. Bettie, a Florida State University stula'I~~:i~~fo~~r~~a few days followIng .Swarthmore '- .: Gibbons Family To Give Party Ii SANTA'S PHONE IS KI 4·6094 Swedish Christmas Is Theme for Sunday EARLY DEADLINE Bishop Corson To Visit Sunday The Swarthmorean deadline ·for next week's issue of Decemller 27, will be TOMORROW, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, at 1 P.M. The paper will be delivered in Tuesday's mail, before Chri stmas. Methodist Service To Consecrate Chancel Bishop Fred pierce Corson, The Gibbons Home Family Resident Bishop of the Philhas Inv1ted their friends and adelphia Area of the Methodist nelghhors to theAnnualGlbhons Church, will conduct the SerHome Christmas party which vic!:! of Consecration ot the Last chance to Inv1te Santa will be held this year on Sunenlarged building and beal!tUled to come visit YOUR housefull day evening, December 22. The chancel of Swarthmore Methof youngsters 10 and under this program wUI center around the odist Church, Park avenue, at Christmas Eve Is coming closer customs of a Swedish Christa special service Sunday at and closer. Santa's elves wUI mas. Board Member Mrs. 4 p.m. be on duty today until 50·clock. George II. Schoblnger is the The pastor, John C. Kulp, tomorrow until I p.m. They will general chairman for the party. observed that this will be the also answer on Monday, between The Christmas tree, given first time Bishop Corson has 9 a.m. and 5, but then. he will annually for many years by The Swarthmore Public visited the SWarthmore parish. call his elves home for a much Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Reed, Library's Christmas T r e e He will be assisted by the needed rest. and the house will be decorated which glows Inside for every members of his cabinet: That Is why Santa urges all on Saturday morning by a group reader and outside through the Dr. Alexander K. Smith. Area those parents who want Santa to which will Include Mrs. Edward great Library window for the Administrative Assistant; the visit their small fry, to call Heller and her two children entire commul)lty and the other four Conference District Supearly, call soon, andUpossible, and several members of the decorations are the gift of the erintendents, Dr. P. M. Colllns. CALL TODAYI board. Swarthmore Garden Club, many Dr. C. P. Felton, Dr. J. D. Several groups already have of whose members were busy Herr, Dr. J. V. Watchorn and taken Christmas Carol pro- Santa's helpers In the Library Dr. Paul W. Poley, Executive grams to the home. Early Sun- on Monday. Secretary of the Philadelphia day evening a group from the The tree Is splendid with conference Board of Missions. Victoria Chapel carolled and nostalglac. old-tlmey decoraAlso participating tn the serlater that evening the Buck lions and shines renected In vice will be Charles F. chairman of the The Methodist Church will Ridge Ski Club gave Its annual .young readers' eyes just as Seymour, Carol sing at the home. Tues- truly as the tree In the "Blrd's Building Committee; Ralph G. present a Festival of Lessons day afternoon, Swarthmore Girl Christmas Carol"was reflected Young, president of the Board and Carols on Christmas Eve Scout Junior Troop 145 carolled In the eyes of the nine young of Trustees; and Baker'Middelin a service modeled after the at the home under the direction Ruggles or as the great. tall ton, chairman of the Comone celebrated each year in of Mrs. Wayne Hamilton, Mrs. Chrlstl{las tree shone In the memoratlve GUts Committee. Klng's College Chapel. CamThomas A veson and Mrs. eyes of Its beholders in HildeThe new and enlarged building bridge, England. Robert Bernhardt. The Gibbons garde Hawlhorne's heautlful to be consecrated includes a In brder to accommodate all and newly furnished persons who· may wish to at- Home .ladles serv~d them cider, ·stoQ:. '~The ,Shining Tree." It full homemade co~kies,oaDdy sticks offers countless Ideas forthose chancel, four church school tend; there will be two Identical and lolllpops. whose tree is yet untrimmed classrooms, sacristy, Casavant serv1ces at 7 and 8:30 p.m. Tomorrow evening,. a group as In this. year's "Mr. 3 -manual pipe organ and SchulChild care will be prov1ded at from the Church School of the Wllloughby's Christmas Tree" merlch 7S-bell electronic 7 p.m. only. Princeton Presbyterian Church by Rohert Barry, the story of carillon. These additions, exAfter dropping two games this Lay readers taking part In has arranged to sing .carols. a tree which keeps stretching clusive cil,classroom furnishpast week swarthmore must the presentations Include: and stretching. prepare for a busy holiday Ings, are valued at $187.000. Charles Seymour, Baker The gay tree will he the schedule. Last Friday the 11Itle Mlddelton, Mrs. H. Miller In addition to consecrating the background for the Monday Garnets went down to defeat CrlBt, Ronald Hoge. Mrs. C. enlarged building and Its morning Holiday Story Hour musical Instruments of praise, by the hands of powerful Upper Edward Snyder and John Evans. at 9:30 when Leonore Perkins Bishop Corson will also dediMerion of Section 3. 72 to 62 uStille Nacht, Hellige Nacht" will en t e r t a I n pre-school cate special commemorative and Tuesday afternoon fell to will be recited by Mrs. Charles The Swarthmore Mad rig children. State ChampWns lJ!Irby High L. Hughey. Singing the childgifts valued at $7.792 and preThe Library staff, the sented by more than 51 InSchool by the count of 75 -57. ren's manger carol will be Billy Singers, under the direction The bright spots In the two Snyder and Susan Calvert. The Mrs. Ethelwyn Wbltmore Smith. Library directors and all who dlv1duals and families In honor defeats were the outstanding 40-volce Chancel Choir under will he caroling In SWarthmore come and go through the busy or memory of loved ones and 'on SUnday evening, December Library doors are grateful to play and 26 point performance the friends. direction of Charles 22. They will sing at the Elnthe Garden Club for Its generof Jerry Stauffer against Upper Schisler, director of mUSiC, At the close or the service, wood Convalescent Home, the ous and pervading girt of offtcers of the church will proMerion, and the play of Bob will sing at hoth serv1ces. Harvard Inn, Morganwood and seasonal beauty. vide an Informative guided tour Williams In his initial start A proce8sion to the creche throughout the borough. Of the season against Darby. by candlelight will conclude the of the chancel and new area The Madrigal Singers w1ll for those Interested. Tonight the 11Itle Garnet service. perform on televiSion, Channel travels to COllingdale. deter• Bishop Corson Is past presi6, probably On Christmas Day mined to regain respect as one dent of Dickinson College and with Dr. stanley Gambell In the nf the beUer teams in the IN PHIliPPINES of the General Board of Educapresentation of Dickens' county. On Thursday evening, tion Of The Methodist Church. Mr. and Mrs. William A. '-Christmas Carol." The sing· The Auldlary Board of tile He was delegate observer at December 26, the Swarthmore Prouty and their sons David ers will present carols and Mrs. Child Guidance Clhllc of Delteam will open Its play In the the Vatican Ecumenical Council and Stephen gnplaned saturday Smith will sing a solo. aware County met at the home and Is president of the World 42nd annual Kiwanis tournment for Manila. Philippine Islands, of Mrs. Charles Brennan In Methodist Council. He holds opposing Media HIgh School at where Mr. Prouty has been SWarthmore on Tuesday of last 28 earned and honorary degrees 8:30 p.m. appointed Manager of Market- Enters Hall of Fame week to discuss plans for the and Is the first protestant On Friday evening, DecemIng for Scott PaperPblllppines, board'p winter project. Ferris Thomsen, a former ber 27, the annllal alumni game clergyman to receive an honorInc. Mrs. Proutj>'1s the daughThis year, the board will ary degree from Saint Jose~h's resident of swarthmore, was inwill take place beginning at ter Of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ducted Into the Lacrosse Hall sponsor the showing of a child7:30 p.m. Alumni who are eligIL Marsh of Columbia avenue. of Fame during the meellngs of ren's film, "Misty," whichwUI College. ible to compete are: Enroute they will be enterthe IntercollegiateLacrosse As- be presented at The College TO PRESENT PAPER Class of 1963, Ron Hoge, tained In Honolulu by Enslgu SOCiation last weekend In New Theatre In Swarthmore on FriPatterson, J err y Graham Edward B. Irving of Harvard and Mrs. David Shute and In day. December 27 from 10 a. m. York City. Clothier, Jim Connor. Bob avenue will present a paper at Tokyo by Mr. and Mrs. William Mr. Thomsen Is the youngest until noon. All proceeds will the annual meeting of the ModBennett; Class of 1962. Roger Bailey, all formerly of Swarth- person to enter the Hall of benefit the Child Gulaance Terry InniS. Mal Anthony. ern Language Association of more. Fame. He is currently coaching Clinic of Delaware County America. to be held In Chicago. Anthony. Tom Atkins, Steve EdBuilding Fund. at Princeton University. wards, Dick Forman, Don,Tones, The ground breaking cere- Ill •• from December 27 to 29. Avery F. Blake of Amherst Charlie Turner. Rick Gwinn; He wll1 address the Old EngNAME PAUL BANKS avenue, is president of the monies for the new clinic at lish Group on the subject "ImClass of 1961. Ron Herbster, 6th and Olive streets In Media Butch Hofmann. Ralph Kletzlen, Harvard avenue resident paul association. took place on May 20. and the age and Meaning In theElegles." steve Hansell,' Diek Jackson, B. Banks, Chartered Life UnJames L. Rosier of Park ave'staff hope to move Into' the Ben Eckenhoff. Skip Bernard, derwriter, has earned member.nue Is chairman of the Old Engnew building toward the end Class of 1960. Bob Dawes. ship In the 1964 Million Dollar Chairs Advisory Board lish Group. of Decemher. The dedication of Robbie Jarrett. Burke Jackson, Round Table, the life InDr. James E. Clark of River- the clinic will take place at Bob Wagstaff, Fred Schaeffer, surance industry's 'a,500-Memview road. chief of the arti- a ceremony on Friday, FebBob Kenschaft. ber elite International organificial kidney unit. Jefferson ruary 7, and the clinic will zation of mtllion-dollar-a-year Medical College Hospital. Is hold an Open House for the sales producers. To Speak at Rotory Mr. Banks Is a past presi- chairman of the Medical and public on Sunday, February 9. Scientific Advisory Board o( Mrs. Barclay White of WestThe Sworthmore Public Henry S. Ford. estate plan- dent of the Philadelphia AS- the southeastern Pennsylvania town. president of the auxtlary Library will be closed on ntng officer for the Delaware sociation of Life Underwriters. Chapter of the National Kidney board, suggests that tickets to Tuesday before Christmas County offices of Provident He first became a memher of Disease Foundation. the movie "Misty" he gtven Table In 1935 and the Round and on Christmas Day. It Tradesmens Bank and Trust The foundation will conduct as Christmas presents. Tlcket~ has served In the life Inwi II 01 so be closed on Company w!1l be the guest a campaign on January 6 In Ille may be obtained from Mrs. protesslon for 41 Tuesday, December 31, speaker attoday's Rotary meet- surance Greater Philadelphia area. Harry TOland of Swarthmore, years. and on January ill, at the Ingleneuk. KI 3-70'10, ticket ,chairman. . library Receives Old-Timey Tree Holiday Story Hour Set For 9:30 Monday Carol Festival Christmas Eve SHS ALUMNI GAME IS 27TH Garnet Five Bow To Upper··Merion, Darby Madrigal Singers To Go Caroling Child Guidance Clinic Plans Movie Benefit ------ Pubiic Library Holiday Hours ~~~~ • ok. ' "';".0 to.,:'. " DeCember 20, 1983 / Page 2 01 Wallingford will have as their Hygiene, entertained a lew guests over Christmas Mrs. Of her college Irlends at her Schroth's uncle Mr. LoXley home following the annual Mr. and Mrs, James L. Bowker and son Richard of Christmas dance at the UnIMalone 01 Dartmoutb avenue Pittsburgh. verslty. have as their guest during Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Mr. and Mrs. Marvel Wilson Christmas week Mrs. Malone's Jones are entertaining at dln- 01 strath Haven avenue will aunt Mrs. Frank Gervasi 01 ner and bridge this evening and have as their weekend guests New York City. tomorrow evening at their home their son and daughier-In-Iaw Mr. and Mrs. Morris Mendel· In Rose Tree, Media. Mr. and Mrs. Layton Wilson Bob Beckmann, a senior at and baby son Layton, Jr., of son 01 Harvard avenue w111 have as their guest during the College 01 Wooster, OhiO, Nyack, N. Y.,who are unable Christmas week, Miss Beverly wUl arrive home this weekend to be here lor the Christmas Loa of New York City. Miss to spend the hollday vacallon holidays. On Christmas day LOIBA, UPHOLSTERER. 40 years your Fabric SLIP or selection experience. COVERSfrom In our samples. discount on fabrics. Free estimates. Saggingl seat bottoms repaired. LUdlow 6-1592. References. (My ad has been in The Swarthmorean except as might be offset by continuously since 1951). Sale the ravages of famine. disease Plices on Slip Covers. and war. At the present rate of Increase, world population will likely double to 6 billion by the year 2000 and reach 12 billion by 2050. The population Increase Is not birth particularly due toto aIncrease In rate, but faU in death rate. Modern medicine provided the world with effectlve death delayers. .NIl"• .", ... WANTED 800 FAIRVIEW ROAD. SWARTHMORE KI 4-3898 ~~;;;~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;~ Jock WANTED _ Horne for two caitens (Ex-kittens). Husky orange torn, recommended for heavy purring and general cat duties.On,e in describably beautiful to traditional female. Has be seen Tabey to be appreciated. (Decorators note - this one is a must for Early American interiors). Call Klngswood 3-2365. _.--------------- Prichard WANTED - A dependable College or High School student to do errands and make self PAINTING generally useful afternoons un- til Christmas or longer. Good Suppose a fire or some other hazard forced you out of your home. An lEtna Casualty Home~ owners policy pays the necessary extra living ex- INTERIOR & EXTERIGR driver essential. Call after 11 A.M.. LOwell 6-2010. Free Estimates Klng.wood 3-8761 WANTED Will someone please s~ll mea hWld wringer suitable forfasteningto laundry tub? Klngswood 3-4081. WILLIAM BROOKS WANTED - All kinds of used furniture, modem or antique. Estates wanted. China and glassware. TRemont 2-1413. KIngs.wood 3-1448 WANTED - Congenial woman Ashes and Rubbish Removed or couple to share my home Lawns Mowed. General Hauling near Media. Preferably with 36 Harding Ave. Morton, Po. car. Details by writing Box V. The Swarthmorean. penses for you and your family while your damaged home is being repaired. This is just one of the benefits of this package of protection. PETER E. TOLD All Lines of Insurance 333 DARTMOUTH AVE Picture F~~in;l I ROGER RUSSEUl Photographic Supplies\ STAR .. MONROE SN. MEDIA LOwell 6-2176 rurm II )[TN~ CASUALTY ~_~4Y BVBNINOB AND SURETY COMPANY HARTfORD. CONNECTICUT __'-:.~J.l~__« Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. 684 SOUTH NEW MIDDLETOWN ROAD, MEDIA - Opposite H;ghmeadow (between Dutton Mill Road and Knowlton Road) T .Iephone - TRemont 2-7206 "Ask for Ben Palmer" LIVING CHRISTMAS TREES Spruces, Pines & Firs Select Yours Now - l00's To Choose From GIFT CERTIFICATES (For Plants) For Your Friends •••• 8 •• 0 •••••• (... _ _ rte_ .. _ ...... oIfII· ... _· __ " ... - Quaker. MOla .1 DIAUI CUSTOM KITCHENS by H•· D• Church 3 PARK AVE SWARTHMORE ., Klngswood 4-2727 Balsam Fir, Scotiri5--11.:::~~~~~~:~~1 Mrs. ND-TES The Patrs 'n' Spares wlll meet at the church tonight at 6:30 for the annual hanging of the greens. SUpper wlll pre- cede. votlonal blrtbdsy celebration for Christ Jesus, when each chtld receives a Moravian birthdsy candle. • Sautos is the School Chlldren's Crossing Guard who does such a wonderful job at Yale and Rutgers avenues. All thls, plus the friendliest smUe for everyone I Thank you, Mrs. Santos. G. WEST COCHRANE 403 Rutgers Avenue to slmnar rallies In tile Boston area next week. The choir wlll sing their freedom songs and tell of tbeir experiences In their figbt for equal rights. Tiley have been invited to Pblladelpbla and to Boston by a group of 15 whlte, nOrthern clergymen. Tllese men went to WUliamston in November in response to the call of the WUIlamston Unit of tile Soutbern Christian Leadershlp Conference to assist In breaklng the impasse In their effort to achleve integrationlnW1lllams.... and the eastern shore of North' Carolina where not even· token integration has begun. . SYMBOL OF SECURIT' Savings accounts and FULL PAID SHARE~ with "IndustriaY' are insured up to $10,000 by the-Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation. The Senior High MYF wUl PRESBYTERIAN HOTES meet at the church at 7:45 Three Festival Family sertonlgbt to go to a skating party. vices wUl be held On sunday, In Appr.ciotion SUndsy morning at both the at '9, 10:30 and 11:45. The 9 and n:15 services, lolr. Kulp Primary and Junior HIgh Choirs TO the Editor: ·Current d! vidend per On tile behalf of my parents w III continue hls Advent- wlll stug at tbe first service, annum paid semiChr1etmastide sermon series the Cbancel Choir wUl partlc- ROy and Laura Johnson of 311 annually on the theme, "The Name He ipote in the second. The Junior Brighton avenue, who were Bears." Thls SUnday hls sub- and Senior HIgh Choirs will burned out of their home on n November 1963, I desire Ject will be "Everlasting sing at tile 11:45 service. to warmly thank and express Fatller." The Chancel Choir 1884-1963 - 79 YEARS OF, "ROGRESS On Tuesdsy, Christmas Eve, my heartfelt indebtedness of wlll provide Christmas anthems there wlll be a Family SerLIBRARY lasting appreclstion and gratiat both services. vice of Carols. Tile CandieThe Church School, with light Service of carols wlll tude to the many friends who classes for all ages, mee1e at have contributed and worked ACCESSIONS be held at 11 o'clock. untIrlngly. to tile Interest and 10 a.m. A nursery for Infants welfare of my parents. My lastFICTION - Dodie Smith, Tbe to two years old 1e conducted big Indebtedness of gratitude New Moon Wltb the Old. Iilrlng thls hour. FRIENDS MEETING NOTES II E. FIFTH ST., CHESTER 45 E. STATE ST., MI:IE1IA. to the Lloyd Black's, BelttYE.1 NON-FICTION - Richard SUndsy, the Senior Hlgh FelThe First-DaySchool Chr1et- Ann and Donald Lee, Burton Armour, Through Darkes:t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lowship wlll meet at the cburch and Gladys Henry, John and mas Program will be held at at 6 p.m. to make fruit baskets. Ids Pierce, Morrie, Mary and At 1 p.m. they wlll go caroling 9:45 a.m. SUnday. Meeting for Worshlp is at Bud Moore, James, Marion and and share the Chrtstmas spirit. Turner Rollinson, RObert Camp, The annual Candlelight Wor- 11 o'clock. Lester and Edyth Jones, Sadie for tbe AFSC All-Day sewing sblp Service wlll be held and all the many other Qulnlan Cbrlntmas Eve at botb 7 and will be held on Mondsy. neighbors. 8:30 p.m. Spectal mention to you -Christmas morning at 10:30 Mr. and Mrs. steele D. CHRISTlAl~ sa ENCE ND-Tf& Lm., chlldren and their parGensemer, Mr. and Mrs. John eats wUl gather for tile traThe virgin birth of Christ E. Gensemer, Jr., The Greer's, ditional Cbrlstmas Day de- Jesus wlll be explained at all The Friendly Circle Club of Chrlstlan Science churches Swarthmore, Mrs. Meeker, Mr. CHURCH SERViCES thls SUndsy's Bible Lesson en- Edward L.Noyes and SOn, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH -. titled "Is the Universe, Includ- James W. Noyes, Mr. and Mrs. ing Man, Evolved by Atomic H. F. Brown. D. Evor Roberts, Minister, . Force?" Laet but notteast, tlIeSwarthSunday, D.c.mber 22 Readings from the Bible w1ll more Fire Chlef and Company. 9:00 A.M.-Christmas Service include the angel's message I am reminded of an Arabic 10:30 A.M.-Christmas Service Mary. Proverb: 11:45 A.M.-Christmas Service All are welcome to atte!ld "Who gives not Thanks to Christmos Eve the services at 11 a.m. at First men, Gives not ThankstoGOd." 7:00 p.M.-Family Carol Churcn of Christ, Scientist, So to my famUy's many Service ' Swarthmore. frlends, 11:00 p.M.-Candielight Carol I thank you, _..!l:~~___--:::=:-:::-:_llEtpER CHURCH HOTES Eleanor Johnson, METHODIST CHURCH 1266 Delafield place N.E. Church School. with classes R.v. John C•. Kulp, Minister for all ages, convenes at 9:30 washlngton 1, D. C. John Ira Ny., Class. of 37 SWarthmore High a.m. Sundays. ,_ _ _ _ __ School. A.. I.tont Minl.t.r for Youth Morulng Worshlp wlll be held Sunday at 11 a.m. The Chari ... Schlsl.r classes wlll sing Penna. CPArs OHer kindergarten , Mini.ter of Music during the service. friday, December 20 The Junior and Senior High Income Tax Advice 6:30 P.M.-pairs 'n~ Spares groups will go carollng Sunday, Supper (The following artlcle is beginning at 7 p.m. Sundor, December 22 one in a series of five Tile Christmas Eve Candle9:00 A.M.-Morning Worship articles on year-end tax llght SArvice wUl be held at 10:00 A.M.-Sunday School planning prepared for lIIis l1:15 A.M.-Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. The primary depart- newspaper by the Committee ment will take part In the 6:00 P.M.-Sr. High MYF on Taxation of the Pennservice. Chrlatmas Eve sylvania Institute of Certi7 & 8:30 p.M.-Candlelight fied Public Accountants.) WorShip Service OF FRIENDS Have you !leen plagued with Christmas Day Sunday, Decemb.r 22 a multitude of medical and 10:30 A.M.-Devotional Birth9:45 A.M.-}o'ir3t-Day School dental bUls thls year? Perhaps day Celebration Christmas Program a mUe planning will gain you 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Wor- a refUnd on yourtederalincome TRINITY CHURCH shtp. tax return. a"ter Rd. & Colleg. Av•• Monday, December 23 Medical and denial expenses All-Day Sewing for AFSC Layton P. Zimmer, Rector in excess of 3% of your income G. Richerd hleiC.1 vey, Curate . FIRST CHURCH OF may be claimed as a deduction CHRIST, SCIENTIST ,,"-as V. Lih.nburg, Jr., on your income tax return. Included in thts amount is tile cost Asst. Curote Sunday, D.cember 22 of medicine and drugs in excess Sunday, December 22 11:00 A.M.-Sunday School of 1% of your Income. The 3% 4th Sunday in Advent 11 :00 A.M.-Lesson Sennon 8:00 A.M.-Holy Cor.tnunion will be "Is the Universe, reduction does not epplyto such expenses pald for a taxpayer 9:30 A.M.-Morning Prayer Including Man. Evolved and hls wife U either Is over and Sermon. by Atomic Force?" 65 years of age or for a de9:30 A.M.-Church School Wednesday evening meeting l1:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer pendent who is over 65 years each week, 8 P.M. Reading of age and who 1e tne father and sennon. Room 409 Dartmouth Ave11:15 A.M.-Church School nue open week-days ex- or mother of tile taxpayer or 8:30 P.M.-E.Y.C. cept holidays. 10-5; Frldny hlS wife. In a normal year the 3% re7:30 P.M.-Holy Communion evening 7·9~ duction wUl ellmlnate your deChrl.tmas Ev. LEIPER PRESBYTERIAN duction for medical expenses. 7:00 P.M.-FamllyChristm"lls you have aiready exService CHURCH thls amount with your 10:36 P.M.-service otLes900 Fairvl_ Rooel abnormally large exsons & Carols 11:00 P.M.-Festlval EUlcnwnstl R.v, Ja .... BGrb.r, Have JOu deterred that Sunday, D.c.... b.r 22 Chrhtmas Day examinatton and new 9:30 A.hI.-Church School 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion or tills the situation? new dentures of Re- 1-=:-______________________....::: 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worsbip 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion Tu •• day, Dec .... ber:u Manday thlOugh Friday the net coat at these PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN. WATER COMPANY 7:30 P.M.-Cbr1stmu Eve 9:1& A.M.-MomlD, Prayer lD 'lie. of the Candlelllht Be"ice. '7:15 P.M.-Evenln, Prll,Jer poulbl. tax AWIp. NEW INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATIOM Season's Mi",..., 01 Ai SPRINGFIELD .~. Library's Tree The· SWarthmore Garden Club held Its December project meeting on Mondsy wben it decorated the SWarthmore Public Library with appropriate hollday greens, and an oldfaehloned Christmas Iree festooned with garlanCls of popcorn and cranberries, peppermint candy canes and gaily cutout cookies. Members also brought their annual yuletide corsages which are used by the Community Nursing Service for the baskets distributed to the needy fam111es to the victnlty• A memorial to a former member, Mrs. HUton DUling, has been designated for the library in the form. of tbe new mustrated Encyciopedla or a 14 volume set by • H. Everitt (Brooklyn Botannical Gardens). PEACE WALKERS VISIT BOROUGH . AHend SHS Assembly, Social Study Classes Two young men from India who have reached PhlladelphlS in an IS-month Delhl-MoscowWashington "peace walk" visited Swarthmore High School soclal studies classes of Ernani Falcone and Frederic Yocum and attended the student 'assembly on Monday. ·E. Prabhaker Menon and Satlsh Kumar spent Sundsy night at the homes of Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Diamond of Cornell avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass of Park avenue after attending a dinner meeting of tbe International Club at Swarthmore College. They were accompanied by anEngllshman, John Papworth, who was the overnight guest at the Kietzman Police And News' home on Walnut lane and two A 20 yr.oldune~Oyedp,~tl_ Americans, Arthur Mlller of adelphla meChanIc was placed Mnssachusetts and Rodne y under $1000 ball for Court llere So. . of California, who stayed last week after he was eppreClarence Yarrow llended by Phlledelphia police and confessed stealing a used car from Porter Waite's gar_ age lot on Yale avenue six weeks ago. Authorltles said he was also being lleld under $500 ball by Lower Merlon Pollee In connection with theft of a car from tbat townshlp. A defective clothes dryer occasioned a trip to 600 University place by firemen at OiMaHeo·s 4:30 p.m. on Tuesdsy of last Fairview at Michigan week. Fire famUy on aveDUe. . armamellis of East and West Their guide was Mlchlel Yar- and in each country througb row, peace Intern althe Friends whicb we pass we talk with Peace Committee in Phll- the people and we callan tile adelphlS where the group Is government to give up weapons maklng Its headquarters until of war entirely, and diecard mOving on to Washington wllere mUitary pacts." While th~lr they hope to meet President walk is scbedUled to end in Johnson early next month. They Washlngton tlley bope to find wlll walk to Media thls Sunday a means of going on to Japan for a supper at the ThlrdStreet and Red Chlna. Friends Meeting and spend the night In Quaker homes there "I Saw It Irr The SWarlhmorean" before continuing south. Arriving In walking New York two ago after through Pakistan, Khyber Pass, Afghanistan, Persia, SOviet Union, ~oland, At \be meeting of the Crum Creek Bridge clubonDecember 10th, first place winners were· Mary Virginia Harris and M",. WUllam Ward, m. In second place Mrs. J. K, McDonald and Mrs. Tbeophtle Saulnler• .1Tled for thlrd place were Mrs. Phtllp Kniskern and Mrs. H. M. Armitage and Mr. and Mrs. Earle Depplch. ~~I;_I!IIIIIII--- 1--'---: Englaod they wrote the new President of their "march to affirm hUman rights,experlence the fundamental oneness of man everywhere and express our indlYldual protest against nuclear weapons and war." They said, "emlnent people Uke Khrushchev, Nehru, Dr. Redhakrlshnan. Bertrand Rus.sell, Lord Attlee, U Thant. tile Shah of Iran, and Vinoba· Bhave have been good enough extend full support and encouragement to us." The two Indians slate "We are tHE HOAGIE SHOP WINS TV PUPPY CREEK BRIDGE Germany, France and , Jeffrey Field of Vassar avenue Is the winner of a puppy awarded by Pete's Gang, a Sunday morning TV program. Jeffrey won the puppy by writing a leiter explatning why lie wllnted It. The puppy comes from the PenosylvanlaS.I'.C.A. DO YOU KNOW? Jeff went Into Philadelphia Wednesday, December 4th Thomas G. Morton, M.D., to partiCipate In a program of Philadelphia, first success- taped for showing within the fully removed an appendix on next few weeks. He Is the son AprU 27, ",18:=8::7:=.;:::::;:::::;:::::===~:!o= Field. f3reetings 'Che employe6 01 the <::Philadelphia Suburban CUJater eompanv Wi6h v ou happine66 in the true 6plrlt 01 ehri6tma6. THE SWARTHMOREAN HARVARD INN ~Qining Room Open To PubUe Why you should take a drive through beautiful West Laurel Hill Cemetery Besides enjoying an exhilarating experience, you owe yourself such a visit on the basis of prudent family planning for inevitable need. Not only will you come to know the beauty of West Laurel Hill's natural and formal vistas, but discover the completeness of its facilities· -traditional plots that invite upright monuments, a memorial park with grass-level markers, a Chapel for indoor services, Crematory and Columbrium niches incident to cremation. and even provision for the burial of urns containing cremated remains. Come any day between 9 and 4. By automobile on Belmont Avenue above Phil •. City Line. By P.T.C. Route 70 or E Bua to 54th St. " City Line It)QIl taxi stand. By P.R.R. Norriatown Branch to Barmoutb Station on (p'Ounda. WEST LAUREl HILL ~. CA:IERING TO PERMANENT and "IRANSIENT GUEB'IS Ita_rd ..,d Rutgers Awnues ...... Klngswoocl3_9728 215 Belmont Ave., Bala.Cynwyd. Pa. MOhawk 4-1591 .. Fire Company Dues . ' During the past few days you have received the annual notice of dues of the Swarthmore Fire and Protective Association. The Swarthmore Fire and Protective Association is a volunteer organization working for the benefit of our community. Support of the Fire Company is an investment in low Fire Insurance rates. It takes the cooperation of the entire community to maintain these low rates. If you do not receive a notice and, care to join and contribute, mail your checks to the • Swarth Fire Protedive Ass'n BOX 261, SWARTHMORE, PA. " / 20, 1963 mE Paee8 JOINSG.S. STAff Mrs. Ol1ver Eo ROdcers of Wa1l1ngford has beennamedadviser to tbe ProvidellCe District and CoordinatlnC Day camp DIrector of tbe Girl Scouts of Delaware County. Mrs. Rodgers has served as a wlunteer for many years both In Delaware ,county and In Mlch19an. She served as a Troop Leader, Ttoop Committee Chairman, Neighborhood Chairman, member olthe Membersblp nominating committee and of the Training Committee, as a volunteer tratner, coordinator of Adult Weekend lor Rounm:'atButtonBay,V.'"-" mont In 1963. In Mlch1C&D sbe ::!It:~~":~ofda~camp di· rector, and a trainer of volunteer trainers. In addition to ber Girl Scout activities, Mrs. Rodgers held office In tbe League Women voters, Swarthmore School Board, Library Board In Birmingham, Mich., and has been a teacher and chairman 01 Re11g1ous Educatl0ll Committee at her church Sunday School. She holds A.a. and M.A. degrees from Radcliffe Coll~ge. Saw It In The Swarthmo,ean" Garnet Basketball leaders SHS M ATTEND fORU DEC 271963 UP T'REE MART More than 400 students from schools In around Phil· adelphia attended the monthly High School Forum conducted Saturday by tbe World Affairs CouncU of PhUadelphl•• Gerald A. Gleeson, Jr., Esquire, acted guest moderator. aoo as Main speaker was Jerome H. Splngarn, Advisor to the United d states Arms Controland DlsPictured above, left ta right, are TOH.DhLSP~ ars armament Agency. His subject was "The Test Ban Treaty-- Steve Beik co.captains of Swarthmore 19 c 00 ' d F k PI T m who Is .In Flrst,Step to What?" Basketball Team an ran erson. 0 , 'Frederic W. Yocum, a mem- 'Swlnerland this year with his family, serves In absentia. ber of the social studies de- The team meets Collingdale tanlght in an away .gam partment at the High School, and will meet the alumni of the past four y~ars In tth e 8 30 p.m. ,n ext Friday In e attended the Forum along with annual fray, ta be playe d at: h" Candian Double Balsam ~s Scotch Pine White Pine Support The Swarthmore Sea Explorers 11th Annual Sale Table Trees Garlands RUTGERS AVE., SWARTHMORE Between The Bank and the Post Office ••• self-sticking-perfect for -. SWarthmo i'e College Li. brary. Swartlmore. P~nna. your personat fiortable or luggage! exclusive with your G·E TV Oe,'el'. ATTENDS Mrs. Mary V. McCracken of Park avenue recentlyattendeda five-state conference on health careers In EastBrunswlck,N.J. Mrs. McCracken, who Is director, Careers In Nursing. ot the' Southeastern Pennsylvania League for Nursing of 1617 Pennsylvanta Boulevard, Room 420, Philadelphia, Is one of a group of about 150 persons from healthandall1edfieldswho are attempting to find new and better ways to help young people select careers In the broa1 field of health •• Mrs. McCracken wasamember of several work groups and c11n1cs at the conference de~ signed to e~lore new tech~ nlques of recruitment in the heaith field. Sandy wax, Beth Webster, Rohert WeiSS, Mqlly W1lliams, Jeff Young. RAYMOND S ales and Service - G.'n~,al E~:;~~~~~gA~p!!l!.~c,e! 210 W. State St. I Media - LO 6-4692, Professor Brandt Speaks In NYC Troop 145 Helps, Salvation Army .LOUSES ••• :::<1. Charge It With Uni·Card or Quick·Charge Open Every Evening 'TIl , PoM. , Martin School for children In Chester. The whole troop baked the cookies for the party. Richard B. Br'an,dt ,pr'ofessl~Jj Assisting Mrs. Hamilton as of philosophy and chairman co-leaders of the troop are the department of Mrs. Robert Bernhardt and Mrs. Thomas Aveson. and religion at college was one of Once again it is Christma,! Once again the radiance, of the Nativity star shines its alchemy across time and space to bring us all a little nearer to the reality of Christian love, Christian compassion, Christian 'MISTY' WILL AID CGC BUILDING FUND , ' I and i I Cbristmas News Notes SANTA, TAKE CARE! RED CROSS WARMS • CHRISTMAS UST PETER E. TOLD All Lina. of laumnea S,.,arthmore, COUNCIL STUDIES STREET LIGHTING •The Swarthmore Publi c Library will be closed an Tuesday before Chlistmas and on Christmas Day. It will also be closed on Tuesday, December 31, and on January 1. proposals for Improving street lighting In the residential seclions of Swarthmore next year. Two sets of brlghler street 11ghts have temporarily been Installed near the Intersecl10n of Park and Yale avenues and several Mercury type lamps of 4000 lumens are mounted along ~~~~ \ , For wishes are real and love is a force, And the torch which ages ago had source In a star that lighfed the Wise Men's W<;Jy Burns with a fire .. IB SEAL SALES LAG IN DELCO Park avenue; several 2500 lumen incandescent lamps are Reminders 'Perk Up' Once-a-Year Drive evenings year Christmas Seal drive from which every reSident benefits, reminders were mailed late last week to apprOximately 50.000, urging them to share In this annual Investment In good bealth. Bernhardt expressed optlmlslm that DelawaI'e Countlans would come throur;h. Judging from their strong support of the association's x-ray survey program and other bealth measures. Despite winter weather, a total at 2500 persons took advanlage of the December community x-ray surveys held In five commun1t1es last week. In addition, close to 300 received Diabetic tests which were given at tbe Ridley Towoship High School. Continued dlabellc testing Is planned for 1964, Bernhardt EARLY DEADLINE MERRY CHRISTMAS A G. CATHEBMAN PHARMACIST 11 South Chester. Road Sw~lbmore, I Pen M Borough Council is studying mounled along Yale avenue. Members of Borough Council have met unofficially On several to compare the results. Most street lights In Swarthmore, except tor the business section, are 600 lumen Incandescent lights, Total present cost of street lighting Is about $8000 a year. Borough Councilmen are expected to take formal action on new lighting proposals at their regular monthly meeting on January 13. PROPERlY OWNERS ELECT DIRECTORS The Swarthmore Property OWners at their annual meeUnc Dece mber 11, elected two new directors, David Ward of Mt. Holyoke place and Joseph L. Rihl 01 Cornell avenue. They replaced William II, Nelson and Matbew McKlnnell who recently resigned. Re-elected to th~ board are William 'Campbell Oeden avenue, Spencer Thompson of Wellesley road, Oscar Hart at Lafayette avenue, and Raymond HIldebrand 01 westminster ave- Mr. and Mrs. W1ll1am J. of Amberst avenue w1ll entertain Christmas Daf at a family dinner party wben their guests wUl be Mr. DEDICA TE LIGHTS and Mrs. Robert A. Detweiler Dedication of new permanent "GUttering hollilay decora· and tamlly of Amherst avenue The Swarthmorean d....d. lighting In the sanctuary of the tlons and clilldren's gifts aren't and Mr. and Mrs. William C. line for next week's issue Leiper Presbyterian Church necessarily accident-proof, 80 Coll.nberg and family of Dlckof January 3. will be was held Sunday al the serdon't let mishaps with them Insoo avenue. Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde of TOMORROW, SATURDAY,vice ot morning worship. The Spoil your Christmas Fun," nue. DECEMBER 28, at 1 P.M. 11ghts were dedicated In the said Virginia Hath, First Aid Swarthmore and Ogden avenues The paper will be deli ver. memory of Mrs. William Hadchairman for the local Red i "!!ll entertain at a family dinparty 00 Christmas Day ed in Tuesday's mail. ley and were given by her ner Library Receives Cross. "RIght now, safety trawhen ber guests wUl be her \.' Y ' D sister Mrs. Albert Genenbach. dlllons are just as Important Defare Hew ear s ay. sons-In-law and daughters Mr. I ~------------J The lights hang on hooks as Christmas traditions." G.S. Handbooks and Mrs. Charles B. Thackara 1that once held oil lamps. MIss Hath warned acalnst announced.. T:,. Swarthmore Public LItbe fire hazard of a dry, brittle from Red Bank, N. J •• Mr. and of Syracuse, N. Y., and theIr brary Is the gratefUl r~Clp1ent Christmas tree. "The tree Mrs. Norman B. Brownlngot son-In-law and daughter Mr. of a set of the new Girl Scout should be kept mols! In a bucket Greenville, Del., and three and Mrs. James Palterson of mas Eve to loin the family BROWNIES FETE Handbooks. The books were of water or wet sand, away 'children - Randolph Leigh Will- Carlisle, who will also be visit- celebrations. presented to tbe library on Iams on vacation from Harvard Mrs. Alfred A. R. Maass and WADE CHILDREN Ing Mr. Patterson's parents from fireplaces, radiators, the Thursday, December 19, by tops 'of TV sets and other plaees University where he Is a Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson sOn Philip of Cornell avenue Swarthmore Brownie Troop Neighborhood troop representmember of the Junior class; of Amherst avenue. ...111 leave the day after 155 under the leadership of aUves, and tlrs. J. Grant Hebof Intense heal. If Lights on trees can be Page Clyde Williams, a freshShannon Ralelgb of Benjamin Christmas to visit Mrs. Maass' Mrs. stewart Flood and Mrs. ble, 'actlng for the nelghbor'man' at Vassar College and west avenue returned Friday fatber Mr. H. W. Anderson Joseph J. storlazzl enter- hood chairman Mrs. Joseph dangerous" too," she continued. Ann Archer Wlllle,ms who "They should beplaceduprlght, from Shippensburg Slate Col- In Urbana, m., returning over talned the children at Wade IJonovan. not tOilchlng the tree branches. attends Tatnall High School, lege to spend the Christmas the weekend. Hou"l', Chester with a ChrlstPeggy Flood attended for Mr. and Mrs. George T. Her- mas party on Monday, Dec- Brownie Troop 155, Pegcy And of COUrse lights should be Wllmlnglon; her son and vacation with her parents Mr. In good condition, espeCially daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. John Raleigh. Shannon, schel of Swarthmore place have ember 16, after school. Th~y Hamilton for Junior Scout Troop the wiring, and should be dis- Samuel, D. Clyde, Jr., of a freshman, took part In two as their guest tor the holiday 'presented them with Chrl~tmas 145, Sue Vining for Cadette connected when you will be out Wallingford, son Samuel D" of the tableaux for the college B111 Barus, a freshman at Har- gift" and cookies. Troop 683, and Ann Whittier of the room for long periods m, a sophomore at Duke Uni- Clirlstmas Pageant. vard University. B111's parents - - ' - - . , .... -----1 tor Senior Troop 16. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin W. Hally Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bal'ns of of time. DO not overload electric versity. and Bill who attends The four handbooks, for high school at Episcopal of North Swarthmore avenue Whittier place are In Northern outlets." Academy, also Miss Edith Brownies, Junior Girl Scouts, will visit Mr. Hally's brother Nigeria where Mr. Barus Is an Since the family and guests Cadettes, and Senior Girl Sherwood of Bryn Mawr. and sister-In-law Mr. and Mrs. exchange professor In elecOften smoke near decoratlans, Scouts, are attractively hound Col. and Mrs. George Logan Edmund Hally In princeton, trcal engineering at Ahnadu It Is suggested that all com· of Cornell avenue have as their In bright buckram covers. Tbey N. J., for a family gatberlng Bello University. The HerbUstible material such as guest Mrs. Logan's stster Miss wUl be added to the Library'S over the Christmas holiday. schels' son George, a fresh .. greenery be spraYl!ll with fire· Miriam Fitzmaurice of Philcirculating collection of books On Friday they wUl go from man at Musklngham College, proofing liquid. There Is an adelphia who arrived on Friday tbere io Montclair, N. J., to New Concord, 0., is also home so that they may be horrowed added warning against the use New Year's. to stay until after as needed. atteod a reunion ,01 Mrs. Hally's for the holidays. of 11ghled candles on trees, or Their daughter, Miss Mary family at the home of her Mrs. C. A. Ward of Chatham, In windows where curtains can Elizabeth Logan .' " II leave on brother and sister-In-law Mr. Mass., w1l1 arrive on Monday blow Into the flames. "You TO A TTEND COTILLION the 26th to v r brother and Mrs. Edward Dinkel. should buy lights bearing the to visit with her niece MI~s Mr. and Mrs. J. ROy and slster-In-, and Mrs. The EdWin II, Marshalls of Patty Campbell on Harvard d 'Underwriters' Laboratories, George Logan, u... and family Forest lane have as their holiMrs. Ward will return Carroll, Jr., of Riverview roa avenue. Inc.' label they're the In Chicago, m., until the IIrst day guests Mrs. Marshall's w111 attend the DOric DebutlUlte .safest," Miss Rath said. home on January 5. k Cit of the new year. parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry 'Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gaskill I -------------1 Cotillion held In New Yor y "Here's a word to 'santa David R. Morrison of North ~ on December 26 given by tile G. Harper ot "West Cove" Clauses' - use good judgment Women's Architectural AuxChester road was tbe baritone CUlver's Lake, N. J., Mr. Nor .. of University place will enterIn giving children such gifts taln this evening ataChrtstmas lIIary for tt.e New York Chapter as chemistry sets, electrical soloist In the traditional Ho- man Harper of Middletown, Eve supper for Mr. and Mrs. of tbe American Instltme of bart College Christmas Can· N. Y., and his fiancee Mrs. Philip Coleman and tbelr four t toys, guns, knIves and toys cert December 15 In Geneva, Magna Bauge of Odda, Norway. children of Dickinson avenue. -\rchltects to raise money or operated by alcohol and casoN. Y. Dave, class of '65, Is Mr. G. Wills Brodhead ot 11ne. Toys for toddlers should scholarships. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. TIpAs (>resldent of the AlA, Mr. a premedical student majoring Maple avenue returned Friday not have rough, sharp edces. Carroll wlll announce the 10 In psychology and matbe matlcs. from a business trip to Houston, ping of LOS Angeles spent a Be sure that paint on toys and tew days of this week visltdebutantes and their escorts Mr. and Mrs. G" a. McCombs Tell. He drove to Chambers. Ing Mrs. Tipping'S mother Mrs. children's furntture Is non· of Maple avenue have as their burg on Sunday to bring his Charles Kurtzhalz of park avefor the evening. tOlllc, and don't give toys with guests for tbe Christmas haldaughter-In-law and young son small paris thai Can be taken nue, and herbrotllerandslster· Dr. and Mrs. Joseph J. storleIays their son and his wife George home tor tbe ho11day. In-law Mr. and Mrs. Robert apart and swallowed.N or Park avenue wlll have Mr. aid Mrs. Robert McCombs George, Jr., wlllarrlveCh:'lst- Kurtzhalz, also of Park avenue. open house 00 Christmas Eve. Cres~o.' Jr., Only $2,00 Ib. ~lft~~~NEL Public Library Holiday Hours To uperk up" the Once-a.. \ SECRETARY RELATIVES POSTMAN BUSINESS ASSOCIATE $4.50 PER YEAR Del a war e Counly's Christmas Seal Campaign running behind last year's by $8,000, Robert W. BernlUU',dt.1 executive secretary of the local Tubercl'losls and Health Assoclatlon reported Thursday. As 01 December 19, receipts total $89,589, Bernhardt said, as compared,to $97,600 for the same date last year. Rope The perfect gift for the Christmas Holiday 333 Dartmouth Ayenue Grateful Thanks Urgent Appeal ( Sampler Christmas Seals fiahtluberculosis and other ResPiratory DiaBases BENEFIT MOVIE SET FOR 27TH SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1963 1 In Media Only At The ZI I. STATI ST.. MIDIA LO 6-13M . .' p' 'ULSON & CO AND '\OO,~::;;;" 7 VOLUME 35 - NUMBER 52 Methods In Philosophy and Completes Course Sciences at Tbe New Scilloo,ll .to In New York on December Second Lieutenant Albert I .II. • His topic was "The Logic Hansen, m, whose parents Swuthmore, P .. of Ethics and Science." on Drew avenue completed a I .... :::·~_~·~_~-::_:·~_:·~_:::::_:::.~_:::.~____ ::::~~ The conference was or- nine -week ranger course in Icaatzed In the Spring at 1937 November at the Army Infantry by a group of men who were School, Fort Benning, Ga. Lt. Hansen was trained concerned about the trend towards dogmatic author- mounta1n and jungle survival tecbnlques ap.d In amphibious ltar1an1sm, and who In tbe fundamental value operations. He entered the free cr1t1cal Inquiry. The Army In June 1963. ',,-,' ference has met se The 2Z-year old officer, a s1l1ce then. This was Its 53rd 1959 graduate of Swarthmore meeting. High School, Is a 1963 graduate Dr. Brandt Is the author ot of the Pennsylvania M111tary "Ethical Theory" and "Hopi College, Chester. and otber STRETCH SLACKS WARTHMOREAN FIGHT T8 WITH CHRISTMAS SEALS speakers at the COnfe renee What Every Girl Wants For Christmas We've Just Received Another Shipment Of These FABULOUS Oulfits by Dansldn that wear, wash and fit like no other garment. Give Her A Set For Christmas She '/I 8e Glad You Didl In Black, Red, Navy, Gold, Mayfair Blue and Cranberry Sizes 2·3x, .4·5, 6-6x-$3.95 7.8. 10, 12, 14 $4.95 Mate Barton Comoe and Commltteeman Warren Egee have been the main advisors tto th the as the boys opera e e The Sea Explorer Ship meets Monday evenings at 7:30 p.m. at their Landshlp on Cresson Girl Scout Troop 145'To.ml lane• The Ship Is sponsored by coUecting the big blue G's.. the Swarthmore Lions Club. tbe tops of General MUls Boys hetween the ages of 14 ducts for the Salvation 1 to visit In Chester. Each blue G wUl and 18 are we come a meeting, 'be redeemed for 5 cents atiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii piece and the money used for food. clothing and ANTIQU ES children at Christmas time. For those who wish to tbem, the girls have pl"CEld IRENE BURKE a collection box In the balO!<. T ...' .... The drive will continue until 14 SOUTH OLIVE S December 24. MEDIA. PENNSYLVANIA Four of the scouts - Heather Cokely, Edlthllasbrouck.Nancy DAILY -12 _ 5 Jones, and Mary Ellen 7 FRIDAY EVENING _ _ _ with their 1eade r Mrs. Wayne Hamilton, r~~~:':~~~~ CLOSED WEDNESDAY the troop atofa Christmas ~~;::;::~;:;::::::;~~~ Wednesday last week at ~-;5c~h~0~0~IJg~y~m~':c);;:iFiffia;rcfT::~u~iL~~---1 theRon Swarthmore stUdents. Diamond and Joe Peckerman acted as Table Leaders for the discussion period. Joe also Introduced the John F. Kennedy memorial library fund drive, to be established In the school In Nigeria where Jay Lord, a graduate of swarthmore High, Is now teaching. other Swarthmore HIgh School students who attended were: Jane Ashley, Bill Bradbury, Susl Brown, Larry Burnett,Jon Coddington, Andy Foote, Phil FOX, steve Gray,"RuthAnnHansen, Shirley Hoge, John Horneff. Marlon Hunt, Marlon Hunter,b Tim Jackson, Kip Klppax, Ro Laird, Marianne Larkin, Anne Llbbln, Terri McCurdy. June Roxby, Marcia Rubenstein, Peggy schmldi, T1 m Shuba, Carol Sllzle, John Simpson, Marlon Bob Stradley, SutherVanKarin Ravenswaay, For tbe 11th consecutive year the swarthmore Sea ExPlorers are offering Christmas Trees tor sale on Rutgers avenue, between the Bank and the Post Office. This project Is the main source of funds that the Ship depends upon for tbelr operating expenses. With the added de· mands that their new, larger boat requires, It Is hoped that this year's sale wUl be even more successful than previous ones. tl The 8h1pwelcomeslnspec On of their large variety of trees an~~:~ndS·George Thomas, TO YOU ALL or INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE .swarthmore College Library • Swarthnore, Penna. aruras~~r,r.~~e.>-1r,r;;r-rifllli\r~I~~~E~~~~~~~~~G;~~Ek~~b:~~:I.::----------~ii;m~~D~e~cemb~20, 1963 SHS STUDENTS Garnet Basketball Leaders Page 8 JOINS 6.S. STAFF Mrs. Oliver E. Rodgers of Wallingford has been named advlser to the Providence District "nd coordinating Day camp DIrector 01 the Girl Scouts of Delaware County. Mrs. Rodgers has served as a volunteer lor many years both In Delaware County and In MichIgan. She served as a Troop Leader, Troop Co m m lite e Chairman, Neighborhood Chairman, member ofthe Membership nominating committee and of the Training Committee, as a volunteer trainer, coordinator of Adult Weekend <"'V", )" as at Senlor Roundup at Button Bay, Vermont In 1962. In Michigan she was a member of the tralnlng committee, was day camp director, and a trainer of volunMore than 400 students from teer tralners. schools In and around PhilIn addition to her Girl Scout adelphia attended the monthly activities, Mrs. Rodgers High School Forum conducted held omce In the League Saturday by the World Allalrs women voters, Swarthmore Councn of Phlladelpht~. Gerald School Board, Library Board In A. Gleeson, Jr., Esquire, acted Birmingham, Mich., and has as guest moderator ~ been a teacher and chairman of Main speaker was Jerome H. Religious Educatloll Committee Spingarn, Advisor to the United at her church Sunday School. states Arms Control and DisShe holds A.B. and M.A. dearmament Agency. His subject grees from Radcliffe College. was "The Test Ban Treaty-saw It In The swarthmorean" First Step to What?" ATTEND fORUM Candian Double Balsam Scotch Pine White Pine Support The Swarthmore Sea Explorers 11th Annual Sale Table Trees Gariands RUTGERS AVE., SWARTHMORE Between The Bank and the Post Office self-sticking-perfect lor your Persona' Portable or luggage! exclusive with yourG·E TV Dearer. UP TREE MART For the 11th consecutive year the Swarthmore Sea Explorers are offering Christmas Trees for sale on Rutgers avenue, between the Bank and the post Office. This project Is the main source of funds that the Ship depends upon for their operating expenses. With the added demands that their new, larger boat requires, It Is hoped that this year's sale will be even Pictured above, left to right, are Tom DeLapp and more successful than previous Steve Seik, co-captains of Swarthmore High School's ones. Basketball Team, and Frank Pierson. Tom, who is in The Ship welcomes Inspection Frederic W. Yocum, a mem- Switzerland this year with his family, serves in absentia. of their large variety of trees ber 01 the social studies de- The team meets Collingdale tonight in an away game, and garlands. partment at the High School, and will meet the nlumni of the past four years in the Skipper George Thomas, attended the Forum along with annual fray, ta be played at 8:30 p.m. next Friday in the Mate Barton Cornog and Comthe Swarthmore students. school gym. mtteeman Warren Egee have been the main advisors to the RonDiamOndandJOepeCker-~~Tf~~S-~~\ff~~tJ(]=-~~~~~~~~~------~ man acted as Table Leaders I ATTENDS boys as the boys operate the for the discussion period. Joe stand. also introduced the John F. Mrs. Mary V. McCracken of The Sea Explorer Ship meets Kennedy memorial library lund Park avenue recently attended a Monday evenings at 7:30 p.m. drive, to be established in the five-state conference on health at theIr Landship on Cresson Girl Scout Troop 145 school In Nigeria where Jay careers InEast Brunswick, N.J. lane. The Ship Is sponsored by Lord, a graduate of Swarthmore Mrs. McCracken, who is di- collecting the big blue G's Irom the Swarthmore Lions Club. the tops 01 General Mills proHigh, is now teaching. rector, Careers in NurSing, of Boys between the ages of 14 other Swarthmore HI g h the Southeastern Pennsylvania ducts for the Salvation Ar'm'v I aJ1(I IB are welcome to visit School students who attended League for Nursing of t617 In Chester. Each blUe G a meeting" Pennsylvania Boulevard, Room ·be redeemed for 5 cents ".vere: piece and the money used Jane Ashley, Bill Bradbury, 420, Philadelphia, Is one of a lood, clothing and toys for nee,dy Susi Brown, Larry Burnett, Jon group of about 150 persons ANTIQUES children at Christmas time. from health and alhed!lelds who Coddington, Andy Foote, Phil For those who wish to FOX, steve Gray, RuthAnnHan- are attempting to find new and them, the girls have /!--.;J IRENE BURKE sen, ShirleyHoge,John Horneff, better ways to help young people a collection box in the bank. select careers In the broad !Ield Marion Hunt, Marion Hunter I The drive will continue 14 SOUTH OLIVE SrRE Tim Jackson, Kip Klppax, Rob of health •. December 24. Mrs. McCracken was a memLaird, MarIanne LarkIn, Anne MEDIA, PENNSYLVANIA Four of the sc('uts - Heatl.er Libbin, Terri McCurdy, June ber of several work groups and Cokely, Edith Hasbrouck, Nancy DAILY-12-5 Roxby J Marcia Rubenstein, clinics at the conference deJones, and Mary Ellen Cadman signed to explore new techPeggy Schmidt, Tim Shuba, FRIDAY EVENING - 7 Carol SUzIe, John Simpson, niques of recruitment in the - with their leader Mrs. J. Wayne Hamilton, represented health field. Marion Stradley, Karin SutherCLOSED WEDNESDAY the troop at a Christmas party land, Bob Van Ravenswaay, Wednesday of last week at the ~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~! Sandy Wax. Beth Webster, Martin School for retarded 1Robert WeiSS, Molly Williams, children In Chester. The whole '~H:""""''-'''''''''"=:V-'''''''""'''--''''''''''''''' Jelf Young. troop baked the cookies for the party. Richard B. Brandt, pr,ofe'ssor( ASSisting Mrs. Hamlllon as 01 philosophy and chairman co-leaders of the troop are the department of Mrs. Robert Bernhardt and and religion at Mrs. Thomas Aveson. college was one of speakers at the Conference Methods In Philosophy and Completes Course Sciences at The New ScloOO'11 In New York on December Second Lieutenant Albert His topic was "The LogiC Hansen, llI, whose parents live Swarthmore, Pa. of Ethics and Science." on Drew avenue completed a I :~::~~~:::~::::::::::~:=~ The conference was or- nine-week ranger course in I. ganlzed In the Spring of 1937 1'00vember at the Army Infantry by a group of men who were School, Fori Benning, Ga. concerned about the Lt. Hansen was trained trend towards dogmatic author- mountain and jungle survival itarlanism, and who .techniques and in amphibious in the fundamental value operations. He entered the free critical Inquiry. The con- Army In June 1963. ference has met semi-annually The 22-year old officer, a since then. This was Its 1959 graduate of Swarthmore meeting. High School, is a 1963 graduate Dr. Brandt Is the author of of the Pennsylvania Military "Ethical Theory" and "Hopi College, Chester. and other What Every Girl Wants For Christmas STRETCH SLACKS AND BLOUSES ••• FIGHT TB WITH CHRISTMAS SEALS VOLUME 35 - NUMBER 52 BENEFIT MOVIE SET FOR 27TH 1 , • i Troop 145 Helps Salvation Army • \ \ T A Professor Brandt Speaks In NYC S ales and Service - General 210 W. State St. Media - LO 6-4692 DEC 2 7 1963 I .. " ' Ope ) ..,.... \ PAULSON & CO. · , happier I We've Just Received Another Shipment Of These FABULOUS Outfits by Danskin that wear, wash and fit like no other garnlent. Give Her A Set For Christmas She'" Be Glad You Didl In Black, Red, Navy, Gold, Mayfair Blue and Cranberry Sizes 2-3x, 4-5, 6-6x-$3.95 7.8. 10, 12, 1<1 $4.95 perfect gift for the Christmas Holiday and 21 E. STATE ST.. MEDIA LO 601394 Charge It With Uni-Card or Quick-Charge Open Every Evening 'Til 9 PoM. .... I Only $2.00 Ib. CHRISTMAS LIST SECRETARY RELATIVES POSTMAN BUSINESS ASSOCIATE OFFICE PERSONNEL In Media Only At The .~!!!:::" 7 • • Christmas Seals Fighl TuberculosiS and other ReSPiratory Diseases PETER E. TOLD All Lines of Insurance 333 Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore, AG. CATHERMAN PHARMACIST 17 South Chester Road Swarthmore, Pen M I 'MISTY' WILL AID C6C BUILDING FUND The 40-member Auxiliary Board of The Child Guidance Clinic of Delaware County Is sponsoring the showing of the movie "Misty" as its winter project. The two-hour movie will begin at 10 a.m. on Friday, December 27 and will be shown at The College Theatre located on South Chester road In SWarthmore. The project Is the fUth annual UChristmas stocking" surprise presented for the benefit of the Building Fund 01 the CliniC, a United Fund Agency, which serves disturbed children throughout the county. The til m If MIsty" is based on Marguerite Henry's book, "Misty 0 f Chincoteague," described as the heart-warming story 01 two spunky youngsters, Maureen and Paul, and their courageous efforts to win over the wild horse Phantom and ller slivery colt, Misty, whG inhabit Chincoteague Island off the Virginia coast. Tickets may be purchased from Ticket Chairman Mrs. Harry Toland, at KI 3-7070. Mrs. Henry McCorkle of Park avenue Is In charGe of posters. SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1963 Grateful Thanks Urgent Appeal The Swarthmore Branch of the AmerIcan Red Cross offers their heartfelt thanks to all swarthmoreans who in this busy Christmas season responded to the plea for funds (or Communty Service to Hospitals and Installations, a separate work of the Red Cross. One hundred dollars has been received to date. The appeal was tardy, but this amount Is far short of the total needed to purchase a gift for each patient, a Christmas tree ·and decorations for the wards In the Veterans Hospltals.ln this area. The committee, which Mrs. John L. Good has headed for many years, and Mrs. Robert M. Fudge, Swarthmore Branc h chairman, hope very much that more contribUtions will be sent. Checks may be made out to "Community Service to Hospitals and Installations" and delivered to either Mrs. Good or Mrs. Fudge; to the treasurer the Swarthmore Branch 01 American Red Cross, Mrs. Wllltam Fairchild, 615 North road; or to one of the ICOlmtnlt·tee members listed In Issue of December 13. Christmas News Notes Mr. and Mrs. William J. Jr., of Amherst avenue will entertaln Christmas Day at a family dinner party when their guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Detweiler and family ot Amherst avenue and Mr. and Mrs. William C. Collenberg and family of Dickinson avenue. Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde of SWarthmore and Ogden avenues will entertaln at a family dInner party on Christmas Day when her guests will be her sons-In-law and daughters Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Thackara from Red Bank, N. J. t Mr. and Mrs. Norman B. Browning of Greenville, Del., and three children - Randolph Leigh WIlliams on vacation from Harvard University where he Is a member of the junior class; Page Clyde Williams, a freshman· at Vassar College and Ann Archer Williams who attends Tatnall High School, Wilmington; her son and daughter-In-law Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde, Jr., of Wallingford, son samuel D., III, a sophomore at Duke Universlly. and Bill who attends high school at Episcopal Academy, also Miss Edith Sherwood 01 Bryn Mawr. Col. and Mrs. George Logan of Cornell avenue have as their guest Mrs. Logan's sister Miss Miriam Fitzmaurice of Philadelphia who &.rrlved on Friday to stay until alter New Year's. Their daughter, Miss Mary Elizabeth Logo.. 'Ill leave on the 261h to v r brother and slster-Inand Mrs. George Logan,... .J.nd family in Chicago, m., until the first of the new year. David R. Morrison of North Chester road was the baritone soloist In the traditional Hobart College Christmas Concert December 15 In Geneva, N. Y. Dave, cJass cf '65, is a premedical student majoring In psychology and mathematics. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. McCombs Of Maple avenue have as their guests lor the Christmas holIdays their son and his wile Mr. anlt Mrs. Robert McCombs Cres~n, SANTA, TAKE CARE! RED CROSS WARNS "Glittering holiday decorations and children's gifts aren't oecessarl1y accIdent-proof, so don't let mishaps with them spall your Christmas Fun," said Virginia Rath, First Aid chairman for the local Red Cross. I f Right now, safety traditions are just as Important as Christmas traditions." Miss Rath warned against the fire hazard of a dry, brittle Christmas tr",,_ "The tree should be kept moist In a bUcket of water or wet sand, away trom fireplaces, radiators, the tops 01 TV setsandotherplaces or Intense heal. II LIghts on trees can be dangerous. too," she continued. "They should be placed upright, not touching the tree branches. And 01 course lights should be In good condition, especially the wiring, and should be disconnected when you wUl be out of the room for long periods or time. Do not overload electric outlets." Since the family and guests Often smol;e near decorations" It Is suggested that all combustble material such as greenery be sprayed with !lreproofing liquid. There Is an added warning against the use Of llghted candles on trees, or In windows where curtains can blow into the flames. "You should buy lights bearing the I Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc.' label they're the safest," Miss Rath said. "HereJs a word to 'santa Clauses' - use good judgment In giving Children such gilts as chemistry sets, electrical toys, guns, knives and toys operated by alcohol and gasoline. Toys lor toddlers should not have rough, sharp edges. Be sure that paint on toys and children's furniture Is nontOXiC, and do,,'1 give toys with small parts that can be taken apart and BwailowecL" ~errp, ~errp ~bri5tma5 Once again it is Christmas! Once again the radiance of the Nativity star shines its alchemy across time and space to bring us all a little nearer to the reality of Christian love. Christian compassion, Christian courage. Carols are sung in the cold. frosty air; in the same spirit Sonta's iolly call will echo and re·echo through the streets on Wednesday, Christmas Eve. The wonderfully heartening. shoring call "Merry Christmas" reaches out into all heqrts its friendly cheer. In the churches. the Chri,t Child becomes the core of a living. acting. loving belief. In our homes. the green. fragrant trees. hung with old and familiar keepsakes. are th~ symbol of the color. the ioy of Christmas and the dearly familiar creches are the sign of its hope and .. keeping .... In how many Christian homes around the world the unwrapping of the tenderly stored figures and the setting up of the monger scene is the true beginning of the annual Christmas observance. For parents. the act is as true a meaSure of a growing family as the treasured record in feet and inches. But the fact remains that the real growth is in the heart. The reality of Christmas tokes place within each person. despite busy. ness. selfishness. hardness. grief. or indifference. This is the recur· ring miracle of Christmas which changes each one of us. each group of us even this old. battered world into a coring. believing harmonious unit. "Oh. it isn't the holly. it isn't the snow. It isn't the tree or the firelight's glow; It's the flame that goes from the hearts of men, When Christmas love is abroad again. For wishes are real and love is a force. And the torch which ages ago hod source In a star that lighted the Wise Men's way Burns with a maqical fire today." EARLY DEADLINE The Swarthmorean dead- line for next week's issue of Januo;y 3, will be TOMORROW, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, at 1 P.M. The paper will be deliver_ ed in Tuesday's mail, before Hew Year'. Doy. of Syracuse, N. Y., and their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. James Patterson of Carlisle, who will also be visiting Mr. Patterson's parents Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson of Amherst avenue. Shannon Raleigh of Benjamin west avenue returned Friday from Shippensburg State College to spend the Christmas vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John RaleIgh. Shannon, a freshman, took part in two of the tableaux for the college Christmas Pageant. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin W. Hally of North Swarthmore avenue will visit Mr. Hally's brother and sister-in-law Mr_ and Mrs. Edmund Hally in Princeton, N. J.. for a lamlly gathering over the Christmas holiday. On Friday they will go from there to Montclair, N. J., to attend a reunion .of Mrs. Hally's lamlly at the home 01 her brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. EdWard Dinkel. The EdWIn H. Marshalls 01 Forest lane have as their holiday guests Mrs. Marshall's parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Harper of UWest Cove" Culver's Lake, N. J., Mr. Norman Harper of Middletown, N. Y. , and his fiancee Mrs. Magna 8auge of Odda, Norway. Mr. G. Wills Brodhead of Maple avenue returned Friday Irom a business trip to Houston, Tex. He drove to Chambersburg on Sunday to bring his daughter-In-law and young son George home for the holiday. George, Jr., will arrive Chrlst- DEDICA TE tiGHTS Dedication of new permanent lighting In the sanctuary of the Leiper Presbyterian Church was held Sunday at the service of morning worship. The lights were dedicated in the memory of Mrs. William Hadley and were given by her sister Mrs. Albert Genenbach. The lights hang on hooks that once held oil lamps. mas Eve to lOin the family celebrations. Mrs. Alfred A. R. Maass and son Philip of Cornell avenue will leave the day after Christmas to visit Mrs. Maass' father Mr. H~ w. Anderson in Urbana, Ill., returning over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. George T. Herschel of Swarthmore place have as thei" guest for the holiday Rill Barus, a freshman at Harvard University. Bill's parents Mr. and Mrs. Carl Barus Df Whittier place are 1n Northern Nigeria where Mr. Barus is an exchange professor in electrical engineering at Ahnadu Bello University. The Herscheis' son George, a freshman at Muskingham College, New Concord, o. J is also home for the holidays. Mrs. C. A. ward of Chatham, Mass., will arrive on Monday to visit with her niece Miss Patty Campbell on Harvard avenue. Mrs. Ward will return home on January 5. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gaskill of University place will entertaIn this evening ataChrlstmas Eve supper for Mr. and Mrs. Philip Coleman and their lour children of Dickinson avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Tlpping of Los Angeles spent a tew days of this week visit Ing Mrs. Tipping'S mother Mrs. Charles Kurtzhalz 01 Park avenue, and herbrotherandslsterIn-law Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kurt,halz, also 01 Park avenue. $4.50 PER YEAR Public Library Holi?ay Hours ~~~~ The Swarthmore Public Library will be closed on Tuesday before Chd stmas and on Christmas Day. It wi II also be closed on Tuesday, December 31, and on January 1~ IB SEAL SALES LAG IN DELCO Reminders 'Perk Up' Once-a-Year Drive Delaware County's Christmas Seal Campaign running behind last year's sale by $B,OOO, Robert W. Bernhardt, executive secretary of the local Tuberculosis and Health Association reported Thursday. As of December 19, receipts total $89,589, Bernhardt said, as compared ,to $97,600 for the same date last year. To uperk up" the once-ayear Christmas Seal drive from which every resident benefits, reminders were mailed late last week to approximately 50,000, urging them to share in this annual investment in good health. Bernhardt expressed opt!misim that Delaware Countians would COme throu~h, judging from their strong support of the association's x-ray survey program and other health measures. Despite winter weather, a total of 2500 persons took advantage of the December com .. munlty x-ray surveys held In five communities last week. In addition, close to 300 receved Diabetic tests which were given at the Ridley Township High School. Continued diabetic testing Is planned for 1964, Bernhardt announced. COUNCIL STUDIES STREET LIGHTING Borougb Council is studying proposals for improving street lighting in the residential sections of SWarthmore next year. Two sets of brighter street lights have temporarily been installed near the intersection of Park and Yale avenues and several Mercury type lamps of 4000 lumens are mounted along Park avenue; several 2500 lumen incandescent lamps are mounted along Yale avenue. Members of Borough Council have met unofficially on several evenings to compare the results. Most street lights in Swarthmore, except for the business section, are 600 lumen incandescent Ughts. Total present cost of street lighting Is about $BOOO a year. Borough Councilmen are expected to take formal action on new lighting proposals at their regular monthly meeting on January 13. PROPERTY OWNERS ELECT DIRECTORS The Swarthmore Property OWners at their annual meeting December 11, elacted two new directors, David Ward of Mt • Holyoke place and Joseph L. Rilll 01 Cornell avenue. They replaced William II. Nelson and Mathew McKlnnell who recently resigned. Re -elected to the board are WlIltam Campbell of Ogden avenue, Spencer Thompson ot Wellesley road, oscar Hart of Lafayette avenue, and Raymond lWdebrand of Westminster avenue. Library Receives G.S. Handbooks T:l~ Swarthmore Public Library is the grateful recip1ent of a set of the new Girl Scout BROWNIES FETE Handbooks. The books were presented to the library on WADE CHILDREN Thursday. December 19, by SWarthmore Brownie Troop Neighborhood troop represent155 J.lnder the leadership of ative~, and Mrs. J. Grant Heb .. Mrs. Stewart Flood and Mrs. bIe, acting for the neighborJoseph J. Storlazzl enter- hood chairman Mrs. Joseph tained the children at Wade D)JIovan. Hou~, Chestet· with a ChristPeggy Flood aUended for mas party on Monday,. Dec- Brownie Troop 155, Peggy ember 16, after school. Th~Y Hamilton for Junior Scout Troop presented them "11th Christmas 145, Sue Vining for Cadette girts and cookies. Troop 683, and Ann Whittier for Senior Troop IG. The fOllr handbooks, tor Brownies, Junior Girl Scouts, Cadettes, and Senior Girl Scouts, are attractively bound In bright buckram covers. They will be added to the Library's circulating collection of books so that they may be borrowed as needed. TO ATTEND COTIWON I--------------i MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Carroll, Jr., of Riverview road will attend the Doric Debutante Cotillion held In New York City on December 26 given by the Women's Architectural AuxliIary for the New York Chapter of the American Institute of J\rchitects to raise money for scholarships. As president 01 the AlA, Mr. Carroll will announce the 10 debutantes and their escorts for the evening. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph J. storlazzi of Park avenue will have open house on Christmas Eve. THE SWARTHMOREAN ~ 27. 1963 iii SEASON'S, ... p~GREETI NGS 1963 ~1l of you whose triends:hip.....,.;r means so much to us we send J?;re'etlllJ?;St T0 ., Your friendship has meant much to us over the years. We appreciate it and wish you a merry Christmas. 1963 , " • It is with sincere best wishes we send you our Christmas gr~etings. i • %e lufi STUDIO l -01- DAVID ,CHARLES E. OPPENLANDER 196.3 , j " , meTr~ PROVIDENT TRADESMENS SWARTHMORE CO-OP ASSOCIATION 1963 Christmas to friends everywhere. Bank and Trust C01npe'(,nv ~ta!ion'!i ~rttting!i Sending you all the season's best wishes for lasting ...... ,. . happiness and cheer. . , ,. ARK AVENUE SHOP • • • • •UJ• • • • • • • • • • • . l ~., I , I , ' . ( .1 , To all good friends whose friendship means so much, we send you season's greetings. May your Christmas be a happy one. MICHAEL'S COLLEGE PHARMACY May the blessings and joys of Christmas be with all of our. many jriends. , WEINSTEIN'S •• f • RUMSEY CHEVROLET " ....... . Chrislmas is a time for joy and hope and peare. We hope your days will he filled with them all. H.D. CHURCH ' .. ~ .... . . ,. 1 I n-.....;_----TH~E;...S;.;W,;,;A.;;R;;;.TH;r.:~M_:O::R~E:::A::;N~=-~~-~,...-__------..;...;:....,...........-..~De::;ce'mber 27, lIMI3 Page 4 NEWS NOTES •••• Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. 684 SOUTH NEW MIDDLETOWN ROAD, MEDIA - Opposite Highmeadow (between Dutton Mill Road and Knowlton Road) Telephone - TRemont 2-7206 I f Ask for Ben Palmer" from Short Hills, N. J., and his uncle and aUnt Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Parker Cod- Mrs. Charles Conant from dington of South Princeton ave- Mr. and Mrs, Edward E. Hannum of Lafayette avenue will entertain at afamllydlnner on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Heller of Dartmouth circle will 1-___________ 1have as their guest during the lti)HACl:. Mrs. Clifford Helier of Strouds- REEVES LIVING CHRISTMAS TREES Spruces Pines & Firs Select Yours Now - 100's To Choose From GIFT CERTIFICATES (For Plants) For Your Friends • Alterations • Churches • Office Bldgs, • Stores • Residences • Repairs r CUT TREES Balsam Fir, Scotch Pine, White Pine, Spruces burg. Free Estimates DARTMOUTH OFFICE BLDG. Swarthmore, Pa,-KI 4.1700 Evergreen Branches r in variety Ropi~g, • holidays Mr. Heller's mother A Construction Company Fbunded 1850 A Complete Building Service Wreaths, Everett, Mass • nue have as their guests over the Christmas holiday Mrs. Coddington's mother. Mrs. Elizabeth B.SeaverfromMontclalr, N. J., Mr. Coddington'sparents Mr. and Mrs. Philip Coddington 1;;=::::;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:.'1 Door Sprays, Pine Cones Open daily8. even,ngs until Chrismas - in suitable weather Open Sundays 12 noon until 6 P,M. WE DELIVER WWW WWW .....ASWWWWW w ELNWOOD ton, Ind., who arrived on Sunday; their daughter Miss EIIZabeth Gibson who works in New York City, and their daughter Frances, a freshman at Lake Forest College, who arrived home Thursday to stay until January 5, Mr. an~ Mrs. Roy P. Lingle of Cornell avenue will entertaln at a family dinner on Christmas DaY when their guests will be their sons-In-law and daughters Mr. and Mrs. William R. June .Marshall, a member of the freshman class at Wesley College, Dover, Del., returned home on Saturday to spend the Christmas vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Marshall of Forest lane, Mrs. John SchoU of Fairview Robert M, Frost and children Martha ""d Hilary of Lima, 0., who arrived this weekend and Mr. and Mrs. Apdrew F. Duffett and three of thelrchUd- road left yesterday to visit her ren Anne, son-In-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs, Michael Goodrich and family In Severna Park, Md" for the Christmas holiday, Mr and Mrs C Ii. Jeglum • • • of HllIborn avenue wl11 have of ChappaqUa, N. Y., who will arrive on Christmas. The Walters family will stay in Narberth and the Frost family will stay with the Lingles for walters and children Jennifer, and Billy of Baie D'Urse, Canada; Mr. and Mrs. the week. Ihr'>ther-In-law and sister Mr, rBalll,molre Pike & Lincoln Ave." and Mrs. Ii. M, Johnson of Swarthmore Bethesda, Md., and their son Established 1932 and daughter-In-law Mr. and QJiet, Restful Smoundlngs Vdth Mrs. David Johnson and chlld24-Hour Nursing ren Donny and Kathy of Oxen Hill. Md., and Miss Mary Theye I ANTIQUES ~ HOUSE PAINTING DEADl,INE 800 FAIRVIEW ROAD, SWARTHMORE our samples, discount from on your Fabric or selection fabrics. Free estimates, Sagging, KI 4-3898 PAULSON & CO. ~re,P.. ~ accounts and FULL PAID SHARE):' with "Industrial" are insured lip to S10,000 by the-Federal Savings and Loan 1nsurance Corporation. Savings Parchment Letters Testamentary ?n the estate httviflt; been granted the undersigned, all persons indE"bted to said estate are r~quested to make Immediate (fayment. and those having legal clalms to present the same without delay to provident Tradesmens Bank and Trust Company. Executor. c/o Trust Department, 17th and Cheslnu~ streets. Phila... 3. Pa. Or ~ its Attomey John T. Macartney. 204 west Front street, Media. Pa. 3T-12-27 1884.1963 - 79 YEARS OF PROGRESS INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 20 E, FIFTH ST., CHESTER 45 E. STATE ST" MEDI ------" '" -- -- -- - -- estate having been granted the all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having legal ciaims, to pr.sent the same without d",lay to Marjorie van Deusen Edwards. or to her attomey, william A. Welsh. E s 9 u ire, County llullding~ Media, Pa, 3T-I-~ CLOSED WEDNESDAY WILLIAM BROOKS -"" Piclure Framing l, i PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY MOhawk 4-1591 'MISTY' • •: •Fri., Dec. 27 10 A.M.-noon 0 College Theatre Donation $1 For ticke'ts phone Mrs, Toland -' KI 3-7070 •••••••••••••• ..t tJ#t-"'~"""" t ,1iyfIo""'~~""""¥""'" MICHAEL'S COLLEGE PHARMACY '8ettte~ . , ,. , II , J "welr3' Repaired P~. K13-4216 EMIL SPIES FOR RENT - Media. Fumished Executive type dwelling, six Estates wanted, China and rooms, 2~ baths, $150, per WATCHMAKER glassware, TRemont 2-1473, month until June 1. BlaH Bros" Formerly of F .C, Bode 8. Son s LOwell 6-4532, Fine Watch and Lock Repairs WANTED - Congenial woman or couple to share my home 128 Yale Ave. SWartl)tIlO.le PETER E. TOLD near Media. Preferably with car, Details by writing Box V, All Lines of Insurance The swarthmoreWl. 333 DARTMOUTH AVE PIANOS 1 WHY NOT BUY your rebuilt pianO from a plano tuner of 49 years poact!cal exPerience with all makes? It will pay our in the end, A. L. PARKER LO 6-3555 Established 1858 29 EAST FIFTH STREET, CHESTER, PA, furniture. modem or antique. t • SWEENEY & CLYDE ......OU'_,_u_, uaker;J Q .",.,..,- Mala DlAliR ( TREMONT 4-6311 CUSTOM KITCHENS by SAMUEL D. CLYDE 1872 - 1955 H. D. Church 1. EDWARD CLYDE SAMUEL D. CLYDE, JR. ···············1 Klngswood 4.2727 Klngswood 4-3214, WANTED - All kinds of used •••••••••••••• .... _.ROoDO .._ 3 PARK AVE" SWARnwDRE en. for single person. $65. a all utilities included. month~ VlANTED '---- Company suburban showroom, 215 &elmo"' Ave., Bola-Cynwyd, Po. •: BUILDING FUND BUILDERS 'Since 1920' OPBN PBID4Y BVENINOI:l dryer soan at your dealer's or any Philadelphia f/ectri&: Edward G. Chipman and Son : LOwell 6-2176 Choose your automatic clothes Price ,to Meet THE BIBLE ' STATE " MONROE SW, You'll breeze through washday chores when you have an automatic clothes dryer to take over for you Hard work is han· 'ished-all you do is load the dryer, The laundry is gently fluffed dry indoors'- no rain or wind to soil it, Day or night, you can wash and dry clothes automatically, I " 1;~~~~~g~s~N~e~ed~;; paper watchers at the S. Crothers. WEST LAUREL HILL ~ • fltIUJC I A Sunday, December 29 9 :00 A,M,-Mornlng Worship 11:15 A,M.-Morning Wn,oh' Write or phone for information about modern facilities of Child Guidance Clinic • of Delaware County : all a 1==iPA:r1rE1RsOtlr=s=-=::o FOR SALE - Two snow tires tDV~~;~I~~~~~~~~:~IGEl size 8,00· X 14, Used'two Aquarium, pump and PREBYTERIAN CHURCH D, Evor Roberts, Minister Christmas Eve 7:00 p.M,-Famlly Carol Service 1:00 p.M.-Candlellght Carol Service Sunday, December 29 9:45 A.M,-Morning Worship 11 :00 A.M.-Morning Worship Tuesday, December 31 9:00 A.M,-Morning Prayers 11 :30 p,M,-Watch Night • : 1------------- Photographic Supplies' AUTOMATIC CLOTHES DRYER! \ undersigned. FRIDA Y EVEHING - 7 - 9 CHURCH SERVICES •••••••••••••••: : - BENEFIT MOVIE Wishing SPEAKS 1IBDLt. WITH AN ,. Deceased. late of swarthmore. Delaware county, Pa., Letters Testamentary on the above lamp shades recovered, Miss I, Plush Mill Road, p, Bunting. K1ngswood'4-3492: I ~~~~~_L!::0~w.:el~I--,!6:-~4~55~1. --I, FOR SALE-Antiques, Country PERSONAL Lou Oronzlo PAINTING TO YOU furni hue, Gl1155 and China. Auto Driving School, Kings· recaned. rerushed. Call Chairs wood 3-1382 or LEhigh 2-2077, B1lllard, Klngswood 3-2165. INTERIOR & EXTERIOR SUNDAY-8:45 a.m. PERSONAL - Roofing, spaut· ing, gutters. Recreation rooms FOR SALE - Kimball Spinet WFIL. 560 kc Piano, Walnut Finish and a specialty, Ray J, Foster, Free Estimates GLobe 9-2713, - lovely tone and good Action. Will sacrifice fOT $295,00 call • • • JIf. . . . . . .~ Klngswood 3-8761 PERSONA... - Furniture reo .soon, LOwell 6-3555, ~;;;;~;;;;~~;;;;~l work finishing, repalrlng,prices Quality at moderate LOST AND FOU~D anliques 'and modem. Call Mr. ,-----Spanier, K1ngswood 4-4888, . the person who' Klngswood 3-2198. LOST - WIll General Contractor took the green '"Maine Guide" KIngs,wood 3-1448 AL _ Carpentry Job- storm coat outside of the Hlgh Ashes and Rubbish Removed bing, recreation rooms, book School Auditorium Thursday fOree Estimates please rerum to Rich Howe, Lawns Mowed. General Hauling I~;~p~o~r~ch~e~s~,~L~,~J~.~D:o:n:n:el~IY~' 100 Columbia Avenue, swarth1401 Ridley Avenu.. ,,36 Harding Ave. Marton, Po. I: 4-3781. more? Chester, Pa, PERSONAL - Plano Inning speCialist, minor repairing, ~~-~, TRemoht 2-4759 - FOR RENT Qualified member Plano TechTR"'lIlont 2-5689 nicians Guild, ten years. FOR ~ENT - First floor. Two Leaman. Klngswood 3-5755, rooms. bath, efficiency kitch- . . . . . . . . . . . .1 ROGER RUSSE" - " ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Amy B. Van,Deusen. Jack Prichard Current eli vidend per annum paid semiannually ,.. above DAILY - 12 - 5 continuously since 1951). SalE l-af =te:.:.r.:.6.;.'_..,-_ _ _ _ _ __ Plices, on FUmirure Reupholstery. FOR SALE' _ Still a few gifts PERSON AL - China and glasS left for the birds or bird repaired. . Borough of Swarthmore. Del· MEDIA, PEHHSYLVANIA I' 11 A.M. I~Ch~e~s~te~r~. Rn. John c.. Kulp, Minister J·ohn Ira Ny., AsslstontMlnlster far Youth Chari.... Schlsl.r Minister of Music c:hd ..... Eve 7'" 8:30 P.M.-Candielight WorShip service Christmas Day 10:30 A.M,-Devotional Birth· day Celebration ,,"CLOSED ALL DAY CHRISTMAS TY CHURCH society. Every 'good man strengthens society." Chester Rd. 8. College Ave,' John GardneJ Layton p, Zimmer, Rector in order that our employees may be with METH~DIST NOTES ' G. Richard McKelvey,Curat.. PRESBYTERIAN NOTES Thomas V. Linenburg, Jr., A family service of carols their' families, The annual Candlelight Wor- will be held at 7p,m.onChristAsst. Curate ship Service will be held ChrIstmas Eve. The Candiellght SerChristmas Eve mas Eve at 7 and 8:30 p.m. vice of Carols will be held 7:00 P.M,-FamilyChristm'l1s The Reverend Harold D. at 11 p.m. The Senior High Service , Flood, son of this parish and Choir will sing at the first I-::~ nlllo::iii P.M.-service ofLesnow pastor of HolyCross Meth- service, the Chanc~1 Choir will "On theCorner" in Swarthmore OF FRIE~DS sons & Carols odist Church, Reading, will sing at the second service. :00 P.M.-Festival EU,Ch:ari~ltl~!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­ Sunday, December 29 preach the sermon 2.t the FestA New Year's Eve Watch 11 :00 A,M.-Family Meeting Christmas Day Ival of Home-Coming to be held Night Service will be held at 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion for Worship, Coffe e Hour this Sunday at 5 p. m. 11:30 p.m, 110':00 A,M.-Holy Communion following, New Year's Eve, the Pairs Choir rehearsals will not be Monday, December 30 Thursday, December 26 'n' Spares will start their an- held next week. All-Day Sewing for AFSC (St. Stephen) nual progressive party at the 9:15 A,M.-Morning Prayer FIRST CHURCH OF home of Mr. and Mrs. William and Holy Communion. CHRIST, SCIENTIST H. Lamason, 302 Smithfield FRIENDS MEETING NOTES 7:15 P.M.-Evening Prayer lane, Wallingford, at 8:30 p.m., On Decmeber 29, there will Sunday, De,cember 29 and Holy Communion, The New Year's Eve Cov- be Family Meeting at 11 a.m. 1:00 A,M.-Sunday School Friday, Detember 27 ,you (St. John) enant Service will be held at There will be no First-Day 1:00 A,M.-Lesson Sermon School classes. will be "Christian SCience. 9:15 A,M,-Morning Prayer 11:15 p,m. There will be a coffee hour Wednesday evening meeting and Holy Communion. , each week, 8 P,M. Reading following this Meeting in WhitP.M,-Evening Prayer 7:15 LEIPER CHU RCH NOTES Room 409 Dartmouth Avetier Room. and Holy Communion. nue open week-days exSaturday, December 28 The Christmas Eve Candlecept holidays, 10-5: Friday (Holy Innocents) light Service will be held at OiRISTlAl~ SCIENCE NOTE~ and evening 7·9. 9:30 A,M,-Holy Communion 7:30. The ser mon topic will be The scientifiC nature of LEIPER PRESBYTERIAN Sunday, December 29 "The Visited Planet,"ThePrl8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion mary classes, In addition to the Christianity will be explored CHURCH and Word, regular choirs, will sing the at all Christian Sci e n c e 900 Fairview Roo': 9:30 A.M,-Mornlng Prayer carol "As Lately They churches In next Sunday'S Bible from Rev. James Barbe., Mini ster and Pageant, Lesson entitled "ChristIan Watched.,t 11: 15 A,M,-Morning Prayer Science." I Tu.sday, Decemb.r 24 Sunday J December 29, will and Pageant, All are invited to attend the 7:30 P.M.-Chlisbnas Eve be student Rec0!!nition Sunday. services at 11 a.m. at First 6:30 P.M.-E.Y.C. Candlelight service. The mcrnl.ng worship service Church or Christ, Scientist, 9 South Orange Street, Media, Po. 7:30 P .M,-HolyCommunion Sundoy, December 29 will be held at 11 a.m. Church swarthmore, at 2;06 Park Wednesday, January 1 9:30 A,M,-Church School School classes for all ages will 11:00 A,M,-Morning Worship 10:00 A,M,-Holy Communion avenue. be held at 9:30 a.m, I--------------~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~= aware County. deceased. 14 SOUTH OLIVE STRE has . .b een in The Swarthmorean thennometer.KIngswQod 4-5789 WEDNESDAY "If you believe in a free society, be worthy of a free ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Ethel V. Halliii also known as Ethel Bert H L and Ethel vert Hall, late of the seat bottoms repaired. LUdlow I T(~n!~i,on excellent condition. 6-7592. References, (My ad - SWARTHMORE, PENNA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27,1963 J, FOR SALE PERSONAL PER&lNAL _ THOM SEREMBA, FOR SALE - Men's figure UPHOLSTERER, 40 years skates, Size 7, Good conexperience. SLIP COVERS In $4. Klngswood 3-Q656, ~ Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929. at the Post Office at swarthmore, Pa" under the Act of March 3, 1879, 11'--!lIRENE BURKE son will have as their guests over the holidays their son and daughter-In-law Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Gibson of Blooming- ED AINIS SYMBOL OF SECURITY Jean and Norman SWARTHMOREAN. LukenS of Strath Haven avenue will have as !belr guests CbrlstPUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT ,-SWARTHMORE, PENNA. !nas Day their sons-in-law and PETER E. TOLD"MARJORIE T. TOLD, Publishers daughters Mr. and Mrs. James Phon.: Klngswood 3.0900 Egloff and family of Doylestown and Mr. and Mrs. James PETER E. TOLD, Editor Calkins and family of Media; BARBARA B, KENT, Managing Editor and Mr. Luken's sister Miss Rosalie D. peirsol Mary E. Palmer __________ Marjorie T. ,Told Lukens of___ west ____________________________ ____ Helen W. __________ Cynthia ~~;;:K;I;n~g;S;W;O~O~d~3~-~O~2~7~2~H Worthen New YorkII. City. Mr. andofMr ..... Joseph Glb- 1 THE 'stre"ter " entertained the starr of' the Farm Journai 'at i. Christmas dinner party Sunday of last week at' their :a~hel~o~~:~ o~~~ th~~~~~!~ !;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_" Conyaleseenl Home December 27, 1963 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE APPRAISALS I; i SAFETY • •• theholiclay gift that can last a lifetime ~~::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~~;;~1 You need neither ca ~ndar nor carol to remin~ you Contributed in the Interest of Highway Safety by the Following Merchants 01ll111ll11111ll1l111ll111U11II1I1I1I1II1111111II1110- Belvedere Convalescent Home 2507 Chestnut st•• Chester TRemont 2-5373 24-Hour Nursing care Aged, Senile, ChroniC Convalescent Men and Women Excellent FoocI- spadoos Grounds Blue Cross Honored ROOFING SPOUTING GUTIERS SIDING Free Estimates MONTHLY FINANCING ARRANGED PAnON ROOFING COMPANY Swarthmore, Po, Eatabli.1ted 1873 KJ 4-0221 BUDGET PLAN COAL VAN ALEN BROTHERS~ INC. >. , Christmas is a presence. In the December chill, it is a warmth, , , a warmth generated by members of a family instinctively turning toward one another with renewed Clffection. Here at the telephone company our Christmas takes on a special glow of satisfaction as we bring you the voices of your loved ones, wherever they may be, Your trlends and neighbors, the men and women of The 'Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania (.) ~ THE BOUQUET PATTON ROOFING CO. THE INGLENEUK E. L BAIRD and BIRD J. A. GREEN THE SWARTHMOREAN PETER E. TOLD D. PATRICK WELSH PORTER H. WAITE, Inc, PROVIDENT TRAOESMENS BANK and TRUST CO. NOYES and CO. THE Page 6 Pale 7 , ~', • We remember with awe the meaning of this season. May it be an inspiration to YOllr family. I· May love, honor, peaee and thankfulness abide in your home this Yule. ... D. PATRICK WELS PATTON ROOFING CO. . " The miracle of Christmas will live forever in the hearts of men. May this Yule be a source of great happiness for you. THE SWARTHMOREAN We cherish the old tradition oj '" sending holiday greetings to friends and patrons. Have a happy Christmas. Y;1 BAIRD AND BIRD , 1963 , . •.• '•. .• • meITH Christmas. ~----··,. . 1I.6~ " : . ; With grateful thanks to our friend. , for the pleasure and privilege of serving you. r YAN IYK CELIA SHOE SHOP •••••••••••••* ••• , OLDSMOBILE May your gifts be I 1963 peace and great joy. Christmas Mayall your dreams bring you happines!!. ~ " ~. , JOYOUS 1963 01 NOEL .-. " May the peace and happiness of Christmas be yours today and each hour of the Yule Season. PORTER H. WAITE, INC. The wonderful spirit that pervaded the manager is ours to share again. THE " THE BOUQUET , , Greetings ,to our many patrons and friends. • ( , HARLOW SHOP JOYCE LEWIS THE INGLENEUK We hope lhat during this holiday you t>njo)' many ft>slivt> hours with lond ones. ~Iern. Christmas all • HORACE REEVES 1963 , PageS P.,,4t1;,.aJ1, Mre. John W. McCoubrey who has been a patient in University Hospital returned this weekend , and Is recuperating at her home on Park avenue. Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy carroll, Jr., of RiverView road will have as their guests for a week their cjaughter Mrs. Cbarles K. Fassett and son Frank of Norton, Mass., who will arrive by plane on the 27th. Mr. Fassett wUljolnthem on December 30th to stay for the balance of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Banks of Harvard avenue entertained ai an open house on Friday in honor of Mrs. Banks' brother and sister-In-law Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Mllten of State College who are visiting here over the holldays. Thomas and three daugblers Schmldl, ,Jr., of Elm avenue Jenller, Bethy, and Kathy who will have as their guests over arrived on SUnday fro m Christmas Mrs. Scbmidt'spar- Indianapolis, Ind. ents Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mr. and' Mrs. Anthony FairBolssard from Madison, Wisc., banks of Yale avenue have as and her brother and slster-In- tbelr guests for the holldays law Mr. and Mrs. George their son-In-law and daughter Bolssard of Simsbury, Conn. Capt. and Mrs. Russell YoungMr. and Mrs. Harry Benton blood and t h r e e cbUdren of North Chester road will have Russell, Michael and Kathy of as their guests over the Christ- Langley Field, Va. On Christmas holiday Mrs. Benton's par- mas Day Mr. and Mrs. Charles ents Mr. and Mrs. T.1L Watson Youngblood of Havertown, Mr. of Charlolte, N. C. and Mrs. Norman Youngblood Robert Wagstaff, a senior at of Yeadon, and the Fairbanks' Penn State University, Is spend- son and daugbter-In-Iaw Mr. ing the holiday vacallon with and Mrs. Michael Fairbanks his parents Mr.. and Mrs. Robert of Village Green wUl join the R. Wagstaff of Haverfordplace. group for a family dinner party. Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman Mr. and Mrs. Roger Russell of uApplebrook,·· Vassar ave- of Haverford place have as nue has as her guests this week thel~ guests over, Christmas her son-In-law and daughter their son-In-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Mr. and Mrs. Garry L. Thomas "'iiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiEii5;m~~iij~~~iii~~~;;~;IOf N. Y., their J andSyracuse, daughter-in-law Mr. son and Mrs. Charles Russell and baby son Anthony of Media, and their son Roger, Jr. Roger will leave after the first of the year for Orleans, France, where he will work for the U. S. Army. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie B. IMoxcln of Penn Valley will Visit over Christmas with Mrs. Moxon's son-In-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brogan, Jr" and children Chip ELEANOR AU ROBERT ATZ BOB SIMEK and Barry of Forest lane. "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Mr. and Mrs.. DanielS. Morse .. of Parrish road will have as their guests at a family dinner Christmas Day their sons-Inlaw and danghters Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith and children Dana and Dan of Wilmington, Del., and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Snow and cbUdr.!' Pamela and SteVie of Springfield. Mr. Robert M. Fudge of Columbia IIvelllle, Mr. Edward Ham of Haverford avenue, and Mr. G. B. McCombs of Maple Eleanor Lomal( Koren Wiley avenue returned recently from a lO-day'buslne&, trlptllMlaml Beacb, Fla., where theya\tendBarbara Frye David Cochrane ed !be annual meeUngs of Curlls Publishing executives. Mr. and Mts. Andrew J • Julie Enterline West Cochrane Schroder, U, of Moylan bave as tbelr gue'stllovorthe Christmas hOlidays th81r son-in·law daughter Mr. and Mrs. Loren Oliver of Sweetbrlar, Va., and their sonanlldaQgbterin·law Mr. an4' MrS. Andrew J. Schroder, m, of Washlngtan, From all of us RUSSELL'S AUTO SERVICE WE ALL HOPE YOU ALL ENJOY YOUR YULE ! .. , WE ALL WILL! THE CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP 4-6 Park Avenue, Swarthmore .... ,. 1(13-419J' . ,4.' .... Ah. re. scan , .,' .... • OPEN THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS AT 10:00 , '. , D, C. Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Pelrsol, J •• , of Lafayette avehave as thefr guests on Christmas 0QlJ Mrs. Pelrsol's l'Ill'Dthllr Mr.... Alezallder Dryden, Mf. Peirsol's aWlt Mrs. Frank Rorer of ~xel IUU and his COUSin Mr. Albert J. !lOoner AM of PbUadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. G. West Cochrane of Rutgers avenue are entertaining at a family dinner'on Christmas DaY. -.:==::-.::::=:=-::"':':=:-:--:----=:...--...:::=:.....-.-...:.::.::::1 If"'; • ' . ' ,II~ J ./ _ ~.A. ~ -"""""-Wf'Ije ''lJI L "'~ \\.-/~~ 'l'lltf\\\ , MtUf 'JD" ~'- QJ,J"rM :~ 'i' •. :.~ t ~ (. ~ ,\"j":~.", • ' .":'t.. . '. '. "·· .~'-.... ~ . ' I •• , '" .. ,. ~ ~.' . · ,.;.:~: '.'", ...... ~ , J,fMIe 01 ~U.tfH'& aJudt i4 Jlope -lite SpiIUi 01 eJvu~"atJ, ., ... . , TO W~D SATURDAY , .' December 21, 1s6$\ THE BWARTHMOREAN i4 PeGCe .,. . ,J/«VIi eJvud",a~ (J,J,;J, i4 .e(U'e aJucit 01 • ""-~--- GIFTS 15 SOUTH CHESTER ROAO Mr. and Mrs. Wllllam C. Rowland of Pitlsburgh, formerly of Swarthmore, will entertaln at dinner Frldayevenlng at the Aronomlnk GOlt Club In honor of their son Mr. ROwland, Jr., and his fiance MIss LOuise Lippincott Howe followllll: tile rehearsal for their marriage on saturday. Saturday morning Miss Howe and Mr. aowlaud will bahonored at apre-lIedd!ng brunch to be given by captain and Mrs. corben C. Shute at their home on Maple avenue. Mr. Rowland will be given his Bachelor party on Thursday evening by Mr. Eugene L. Melcher at the home of his OAr'~nIIR on Kenyon avenue. MIsS Jean Cushman Kennedy daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John IL Kennedy of Haverford place, was marrIed SaturdaY, Decem\>er 21, to Mr. Errol Gary Sowel"S, son 'of Mr. Clyde L. Sowers of' Cleona, Pa.,' and the late' Mrs. Sowers. The candlelight ceremony took place at 2 o'clock In the SWarthmore Presbyterian Cburch with the Rev. Dr. D. Evor Roberts, minister of the church. offlclaling. The receplion followed at the church. The soloist was Miss Susan T. Beverly of Drexel Hill. The altar was banked with Christmas greens, polnsetta plants and a Della Robbla wreath. The bride, who was given In marriage by her father, wore a gown of while peau de sole, desIgned with a scoop neckline and tapered sleeves and hodlce of Alencon lace. The tucked cummerbund matched the deep tiers of tucks along the bell hemline of her skirt, which was accented by a flowing chapellength train. Her elbow -length veil of silli illusion was arranged from a cap of Alencon lace and tucked peau de sole. She carried a cascade bouquet of white roses, white carnations and holly. Miss Linda Kennedy was the maid of honor for her sister. The bridesmaids ~re Mrs. Allan IL Beverly of Addison, m., sister of the bride, and Mrs. Ralph P. Meyer, of Palmyra, sister oltbe bridegroom. They wore floor length red velvet sheath gownS with a peau de sole train which matched the wide peau de sole lland on the skirt, below the knee. They wore hats of a single red rose and veil and car'rled, cascade bouquets of white carnatinns and holly. Mr. Guy Goodman of Palm}'t'a, served as the best man. The ushers were Mr. Allan H. 8wart\uilore H1gb' SchoOl and allended SJrartlunore, <:pllege. Tbebrlclegrooin' 'graduated from SWu:thmore College, class of '63 and Is now ateachIng fellow and graduate student in mathematics at tile University of Pennsylvania. , They will reside at 219 North 11:30 to 2:30 served, DOily BOTH HOT & Col" DISHES sus Swarthmore avenue. The bride was honored at showers given before the wed'ding by Mrs. Robert Brodhead and Mrs. John Scyt>Oid at the Brodhead home on November 14, and by Mrs. Earle Edwards and her daughter MIss Barbara DINNERS $2.1S Edwards on November 29. The bridegroom's family entertained the wedding party In Media aiter the reception. SUNDAY HOURS J THE WILD GOOSE r -::.-J' •.. :$K;ta".,,~.* A BLESSED CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL "~ Route 1, Baltimore Pike Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman (4 Mil .. We.t of Media) Subscriptions to All CLOSED ON unwn ,.... ':. oItt'.., ••• • 8 )Ift. •• The Bouquet BEAUTY SALON HOAGIE SHOP DiMaHeo's Fairview at Michigan 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii BeveL'ly of Addison, Mr. Ralph P. Meyer of Palmyra, and Mr •• P. More), Miller of TOwanda. The mother of tbe bride wore a green silk dress with matchng shoes and bag and- a tulle hal with a red rose. Her corsage Of red carnalions was attached to her !Jag. The brIdegroom's aunt Mrs. John Horn of Cleons, wore a brown and green silk dress with brown accessories. Her corsage was of cymbidium orchids. Mrs. Sowers Is a graduate of SWarthmore High School and a Decemlier 1963 graduate of The Pennsylvania State University. Mr_ Sowers Is a graduate of Palmyra High School and The Pennsylvania State University. After a honeymoon In tbe Poconos, tbe couple will resl~e in New Haven, Conn., where the bridegroom Is studylog for his Master's Degree at Yale University Graduate Schoo::;:I:;;-.--:~-:-:~ LlO....S CLUB DULT SCHOOL 10 Monday NIghts - 8:00 P.M. JANUARY through MARCH 23, 1964 , Mlliinery $10 Plastic Flower Craft $ 9 Understanding Music $ 8 Painting- All levels $10 Physical Fitness -Men $ 7 Conversational French Organ - Begillners .$ 7 - Intermediate $10 Lapidary $12 Ballroom Dancing Small Boat Handling $ 5 Intermediate couple $10 Typing - Beginners $ 9 Golf $ 6 TYping - Intennediate $ 9 , Guitar - Beginners $ 7 Bridge - Beginners $ 9 Guitar - In termedlale $ 7 ijrldge - Intermediate $10 Developmental Reading Sewing - All levels $ 9 &SlmlY Skllls PrQgram $15 Investments $ 7 Tailoring $ 9 Physical Fitness - \\bman $ 7 REGISTRATION ot Springfield High School Tue•• , Jan. 14, & Wed., Jan. IS, 7:30 - 9:00 P.M. INFORMATION a r BROCHURE, c;all Mr. Elba,t Solt, Adult Sch_1 KI4-~O~ • BAKER - TOLLES MIss Ellen Tolles, daughter and Mrs. Frederick Barnes Tolles of Elm avenue and Mr. William Marshall Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Meyer Baker of Washington, Do C., were married after manner of Friends on Saturday, December 2t, at 3 p.m., In the SWarthmore Friends Meetln!: House. Tho marr1age ""rtlli. cale was read by Mr. Roy McCor~el rutd the overseers of the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Earle Edwards and Mr. and Mrs. John Seybold. The decoralloll$ were white ,'clll'Yllanthemums wllh Chrlstmas greens. The bride woreaflcior-Ienglh prlQcess slyle white velvet gown featuring long. sleeves. Her JANUARY BRIDE wreath and bouquet were of The marrtaee of Miss white sweetheart roses. Automatic Action Brush for Teeth and Gums from S~UI8B Patricia M. Maston, daughter The mother of the bride wore of CoL and Mrs. Victor Edward a carnberry crepe streetlenglh QUICK, GENTLE Maston of Lake Rosa, Fla., dress with 3/4 length sleev8s, and Mr. Jonathan W. Seybold, black accessories and a corsage UP-AND-DOWN son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. of gardenias. V BRUSHING ACTION , Seybold of South Chester road, The bridegroom's mother will take place In late January. wore a street-length blue dress Miss Maston Is the guest of with black accessortes and a tbe SeylJOlds during the Christ- corsage of pink roses. mas holidays. Her hosts enter· A recepl10n was held Imtalned SUnday evening In her mediately' follOWIng the cereand will entertalll for mony, in Whittier Hause. again next Sunday. The bride crlduated from of Mr. KEEP CHRISTMAS SMILES BRIGHT ALL YEAR LONG ••• CATHERMAN'S DRUGSTORE J .' \ \ Broxodent . 0' ~ , " .~ '~~ , ' ~ .... J" , ;:'1, , ,,