• '.COLLEGE ""LIBRARy. RED cacm lEEDS YOU FOR II6BIT • ORE N , VOLUME 3. - NUMBER 40 .. .. . SWARTHMOR~, PA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, Musical bening Set.for Tonight HEINZE TO ADDRESS PRFlBYTERIAN MEN The Rev. Dr. Robert O. Heinze, Marietta avenue, general manalter of pre.sbyterlan Life, will address the Men' 5 Association of the Presbyterian Church at the first dinner meeting of the season on Monday, October 8 in McCahan Hall of the church. His topiC wUl be ;' Behind thp scenes in the General Assembly." 'With the magazine from the beginning of publication in 194~, Dr. Heinze was before that date the pastor of Immanuel PresbyterIan Church in Harrisburg. He is a graduate of Lafayette College and Princeton Theological Seminary. Waynesburg College awarded him the honofJlry degree Doctor of, DIvinity in 1953. He Is a trustee of the United Presbyterian Foundation, secretary of his Church's Committee on the Book ~f Common WorshIp, and secretary of the Presbyterian Joint Committee on Worship. PENDLE HILL DIRECTOR ' LEADS SUNDAY FORUM "The Rellglon of the Bible" wh~~h Dan WUson, director of Pendle Hill, wlll discuss at the Adult Forum, in the Friends' Meeting House, on Sunday, at 9:45 a.m. His talk will be an exploratlon of the Biblical faith. Before corning to Pendle Hill 12 years ago, Mr. Wilson spent' 10 years as a member of the stat ·bt the AmerIcan Friends Service Committee. 1.. cordial Invitation· to attend the Forums la extended to anyone who Is Intere.ted.· is the topIc . Emergency Sewing Continues Tooay , Red Cross sewing tor Algerian Repatriation Relief, which began on Monday at WhitUer House, continues today at the Presbyterian Church, beginning at 10 a,m. Volunteer seamstresses wlll also be needed on Monday, October 15, when both the Presbyter:lan Church on Harvard avenue, and the Friends Meeting at Whittier House on the college campus, wUl be open to volunteers. Mrs. Arthur B. Kent, Red C ross chairman of emergency prodUction, reminds volunteers that this project Involves coro- ' pletion of 50 djellabahs as quickly as possible, if weather hardships are to be alleviated. Additional information may be secured at KI 3 -4084. Town & Gown To Sing Haydn's Creation The Fourth Annual "Town Gown" Musical Open Houst' wui be held tonight at 8, in th(> Pearson Theatre of tilt' Arts Center at Swarthmore Collegt>. Peter Gram Swing w1ll('ondu('t the Haydn oratorio •·Tht? creation"', for orchestra, ('horus, and, soloists. All singers and instrumentalists In the vicinity are invited ,to participate. Music wUl be distributed . at 7:45 p.m.. The soloists are well-known to the town of Swarthmore. Soprano Ethelwyn Whitmore (Mrs. WlUiam R. SmUh) is the director of the 'Swarthmore Madrigal Slngers.Soprano Mary Ellen Clark and her husband" tenor James E. Clark, are both active 10 the Presbyterian Church chorus. Robert Grooters, solo bass, Is I,lIInlster of music at t~e church and was formerly on the voice faculty of Temple Unlverslty. Concert master David Spencer, who has participated In all the town gown readings, was a member of the We31~yan 'Unlverslty String Quartet. FOr the first time, the open house wlll take place' In the more Intimate Pearson Theatre of the Arts Center rather than In Clothier MemorIal. The first "Town Gown" Musical Open House was held four years ago with a reading of tlle"Brahms.,t!Requlem~'" The readings of the past two' years' were Haydn's "Creation" and the Bach "Mass in B Minor" kyrle, gloria, &ond credo. ~962 Tuesday Tea Opens Club Season Board Announces New. Members ALBII,. REl& , RIG ~.OO PER YEAR Local Republicans Greet Candidates The Scranton-Van Zaodtslate of candidates wlll be welcomed to the Borough by local RepubILcan Committee members at a Rally, Saturday, October 6, 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. Thomas B. McCabe will introduce the candidates at a ribbon-cuttlng ceremony which marks the otficial openinr of the Republican Headquarters at 117 Chester road, the Greylock ,\partment Building. Attending the rally w1l1 be Mr. and Mrs. Wllllam Scranton, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Shafer, Senator and Mrs. James Van Zandt, Judge and Mrs. Samuel Roberts, Congressman and Mrs. WIlllam Milliken, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mifflin. Blll Glll has gathered together a group of boys In a combo which wUl perform during the rally. The Republlcan Headquarters wUl be open dally, Monday through saturday frOm 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Friday evenings from 7 to 9 from now t11l alter election. Anyone wishing to assIst at the headquarters Is urged to stop-in and sign up. Committee Chairmen for the October 6 Rally are Mrs. ,Donald R. Aiken, general chlarman; Mrs.' Robert C. Morrow, Assistant chairman; Hospitality, Mrs. Frank S. Walter; Supplies, Mrs. Steven F. Spencer; Art, Mrs. Robert W. Deac,?n; and Publicity, Mrs. John A. Petroskas. Thirty Swarthmore students and Ten Wade House boys earned $180 in a cooperativ,e work.day effort to raise money for camping scholarships. The car wash business had The Woman's ClubofSwarthp full ~~du I -------r---.-,..- - - - - - - - - -.. more wUl hold its opening tea PROCLAMA TION BICYCLE SAFElY TEST for members and their guests In accordance with national at the club Tuesday, from 3 policy and Presidential reTHURSDAY OCT. 12 to 4:30. Club officers will request to all mayors through. The 'Bicycle Safety Test for celve and past presidents wlll out the country I hereby the elementary school puplls poUI'. Board members and proclaim Wednesday, October w1l1 be given Thursday, Octo- chairmen wUl be hostesses. 24, 1962 as W. Ray Kyle, director of the ber 11, at 9:15 a.m. un the 'Mrs. David U. Ullman Is UNITED NATIONS DAY. Church World Service Center, elementary school parking lot. chaIrman of arrangements and I have designated Herman New Windsor, Md., operated by Mrs. E, L. Conwell, chair-will be assisted in serving by Bloom as Chairman, and the Brethren ServIce Com- man of the testIng, announced Mrs. Robert A. AllIson, Mrs. hereby 'request all residents mission of the Church of the' that forms will be distributed Franklin H. Andrew, Mrs. of thi~community to give Brethren to serve the inter- at asser1tblynextTuesdayafter- Robert G. Tressler, and Mrs. proper . recognition' to the denominational programs of noon when the Keystone Auto- RIchard S. WUkins. oecas ion. Church World Service, will mobile Club and the State Mrs. W. C. Rowland, garden Charles G. Thatcher speak at the first fall meeting Pollce wUI give a bIcycle chairman, and her committee MAYOR of the Presbyterian Women's safety program. Parents are wUJ be In charge ofdecoratlons Association Wednesday. invited to attend the assembly, with Mrs. A. p, Shenkle proHIs talk on "The Church in to be held between 2 and i 3 viding table decoration. Mrs. r Human Need" wlll begIn at p.m. on the pl\1'king lot. In caSe Alfred Smith and Mrs. WUllam 1:30, following a devotional of rain, there wlll be a movie Melcher wlll be hostesses at !Jerlod in the Church Sanctuary program. the door. at 12 anrlluncheon In McCahan GIrl Scout Sixth Grade Troop Ne.,., Board Members The Players Club of SwarthHall at 12:30. Mrs. John Schott 547 wlll help with the testing Several new members have more wUl own Its 52nd season w1l1lead the Noon service, duron Thursday. Rain date wlll be been elected to the Board of with a reception for members and friends at the clubhouse ing which music w1ll be pro- the following day, October 12. the Woman's Club.Mrs.Charles Dr. James Mullenbu~g,world­ H. Zensen will serve as chaIr- renowned Old Testament scho- . on Fairview road Sunday at vided by Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Hel1(!r. Luncheon, will be in man of communications and lar, Bible translator , teacher, 3:30 p.m. travel, Mrs, W. Mark Bittle and popular lecturer wlll give After welcoming remarks by charge of ClrcJe 2, Mrs: Morris President James H. Hotnaday, A. Bowie chairman. will be in charge of rentals, a serIes of four Wednesday A film strip will llhfstrate and Mrs. Gordon A. Hughe~ evening lectures beglnnlngOctProduction Chairman J. David Mr. Kyle'S discussion of the Farm Journal announces the wUl serve as property chair- ober 10, at the Swarthmore Narbeth wlll, Introduce the enwide scope of protestant church election of Carroll P. Streeter man. tertaInment cons 1 st 1 ng 01 Presbyterian Church. Thetoplc Because of the resIgnation of Dr. Mullenburg\s lectures scenes from the first play, relief and the many phases 11 of Columbia avenue as executive from ,the Board of Mrs. R. Is entitled liThe Bible in Such "The Gang's All Here", and assumes, IncludIng HeUer Pro- vice preSident. ject, Inc., Help Handicraft ParMr. Streeter retains the title Franklin Yeager, Mrs. David an Age as OUrs." the musical comedy planned for January, "Guys and Dolls." cels, Share Our SUrplus, etc. and duties of editor and head M. Field has been appointed. Registration is open to everyRefreshments wlll be served He Is amdous to express his of the editorial department, and She will serve as education one interested, regardless 01 (' . by a committee \ under the gratitude to the many women also continues on the board of chairman. Mrs. William C. church affiliation. Those interdirection of Mrs. Charles D. of the, SWarthmore Church who directors of the' magazine. He Melcher has been appointed to ested In the 8:15 weekly lectures Mitchell and Mrs. George P. arduously pack clothing, blan- has heen with Farm Journal fill the unexpired term of Mrs. are Invited to call the Presbykets, and the varIety of articles since 1939, first as assistant LeRoy McCune, who has moved terian ChUrch office KI 3-4712 Warren •. con t r I bu ted by protestant editor, then as managing editor. to the Washington area. The club presents its first for registration, and further inBook Review play "The Gang's All Here" churches in the area for regular He has been editor since 1954. formation. -.. - --- -... _-,.,-On Priday, October 12, at durIng the week of October 15 collection at the Church by the Dr. Muilenburg has been 10 a.m., the Uterature depart- teaching Old Testament for under the dirE!ction of Marcy large Yans marked with the Churctl World Service insignia, ment, Mrs. L. H. Pownall chair- nearly 30 years. His fame as F. RoderIck. recognized and respected aThe rer&rt on Thomas Linton man, will present Mrs. Francis a brllllant, affable, and witty round the world. of Park avenue is that he is on Pennell in a survey of the, new teacher has been termed Mr. Kyle w1l1 be introduced the Serious List at Taylor Hos- fall books. "transcontinental. A book of -------_. Three more residents have by Mrs. Frederick W. Sk11lman, pltal and Is' still In a coma, essays "Israel's Prophetic World Service Secretary for the although his parents have been volunteered as solicitors for Heritage" by some of the foreDEL. CO GARDENERS the current, 1963 United Fund. Women's· AssocIation. \'Irs. informed that thecoma is not most BIble scholars of today, Sk11lman visited the New Wlnd- as deep and his condltlon is PLAN TALK, MUM SHOW Drive. They are: has lately been published in The Delaware County Gal'den his honor. Mrs. Joseph R. GIbson and SOl' Center, one of fll'e In the more favorable. Club wlll meet Thursday evenMrs. Clair Wllcox In Sectlon United states, In June. This lecture series Is sponMrs. David McCahan, presiing, October 18, in the Com· sored by the Christian EduQ; and Mrs. Eleanor LIddell FRIENDLY OPEN HOUSE dent of the Women's Associ- GROUP TO MEET MON. munlty Federal Savings and callon Commlttee ofthe church. In Sectlon R. Loan Bank BuUding, Sproul and Residents are urged to make ation, will preside at the meetThe Friendly .Open House 1ng of the board In the Women's State roads, Springfield. Mrs. their contributions only to group for older Swarthmoreans THOS, A. 8RADSHA W Association Room at 10 a.m. George C. Makin, 3rd, Federrecognized Swarthmore soUclwill meet Monday at 2 p.m. In which will precede the noon the Women's Association Room ated judge horticulturist and AT GROUP MEET tors. service of worship. arranger, will speak and dem of the Presbyterian ChUrch on Thomas ~ Bradshaw, CedeD POET CIRCLE TO MEET Harvard avenue. All Interested onstrate on "Distinctive Flower avenue,. presIdent of Provident persons are cordially Invited. Arrangements.' , Mutual Life InSUrance CompaDJ The Poet Circle wlll meet ENTERTAINS CANDIDA-TES Club will also hold their Col Clyde Pyle, one of the of PhlladelphJa, .ttended the Monday at the home of Mrs. Mr. and Ml'S. Paul B. Banks , Chrysanthemum show Thursday members, wl!l show colored recent tour -day Group DivisiOn Henry L Hoot, 301 Lafayette of Harvard avenue wUl enterovening, October 24, at 8 Conference at Lake Placid, avenue. Poems or partlotlsm by tain at a luncheon tomorrow slldes of hl8 recent trip to o'clock. Alaska. N. Y.. . circle mem~rs w1l1 be, pre-I honoring the Republican candlThe publlc'ls welcome to both Thirty-two members of tI_ The Friends Meeting Com,sented at the 2:90 meeting. dates. events. croup field farce attenclcd. mlttee wID be hostesses. Churchwomen To Hear Church World Serv.·ce Administrator Oct. 10 Muilenburg Talks Begin October 10 Players Reception' Leads S2nd Year BIBLE SERIfS CI»BI TO COMMUNnY FARM JOURNAL RECIS' STREETER IMPROVES UNITED FUND • --_.'-- rile - SWART~-li\10RB SVltlrtllr.l0rC Col1eg~ Li hrt:tr~ .COLLEGE Svrarthmore \...Z,IBRARY RED CROSS lfl • AI.6EIIAII RRii THE SWARTH ORE NEEDS YOU FOR UR6BIT -Musical Evening OCT 5 1962 SEWING ,1 VOLUME 34 - NUMBER 40 , SWARTHMOR~, PA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, ·1962 Emergency Sewing Continues To(Jay Sel.for Tonight Red Cross sewing for Algerian Rl'patrlatlon Rellef, which began on Monday at Whittier House, continues today at the Presbyterian Chu rch, beginning a.t 10 a.m. Volunteer seamstresses will also be needed on Monday, October 15, when both the Presbyterian Church on Harvard avenue, and the Friends Meeting at WhittleI' House on the college campus, wUl be open to volunteers. Mrs. ArthUr B. Kent, Red C ross chairman of emergency prodUction, reminds volunteers that this project involves completion of 50 djeUabahs as quickly as poSSible, If weather hardships are to be alleviated. Additional information may be secured at KI 3 -4084. Town & Gown To Sing Haydn s Creation r The Fourth Annual "Towll Gown" Muskal OPl'll Hous(> wnl be held tonight at 8, in tllP Pearson Theatre of t~(> Art~ Center at Swarthmore Colle~p. Peter Gram SWing wlll condul't the Haydn oratorio "TIlt' Creation", for orchestra, chorus, and soloists. All singers and Instrumentalists in thl' vicinity are Invited to participate. Music wlll be distributed at 7:45 p.m. . The soloists are well-known to the town of Swarthmore. Soprano Ethelwyn WhitmorE' (Mrs. William R. Smith) is the director of the Swarthmore Madrigal Singers. Soprano Mary Ellen Clark and her husband, tenor James E. Clark, are both active In the Presbyterian Church chorus. Robert Grooters, solo bass, is minister of music at the church and was formerly on the voice faculty of Temple Unlverslty. Concert master David Spencer, who has participated In all the town gown readings, was a member of the Wealeyan University String Quartet. For the first time, the open house wlll take place in the more intimate Pearson Theatre of the Arts Center rather than in Clothier Memorial. The first "Town Gown" MusIcal Open House was held four year s ago with a reading of the Brahms "ReqUiem." The readings of the past two years were Haydn'S "Creation" and the Bach "Mass in B Minor" kyrie, gloria, and credo. HEiNlE TO ADDRESS PRESBYTERIAN MEN The Rev. Dr. Robert O. Heinze, Marietta avenue, general manager of Presbyterian Life, will address the ;\IIen's Association of the Presbyterian Church at the first dinne' meeting of the season on M::mday, October 8 in McCahan Hall of the church. His topic will be .. Behind thE' scenes In the General Assembly." 'With the magazine from the beginning CJf publlcation in 1948. Dr. Heinze was before that date the pastor of Immanuel Presbyterian Church in Hanisburg. He Is a graduate of Lafayette College and Princeton Theological Seminary. Waynesburg College awarded him the honor.,ary degree Doctor of Dlvinity in 1953. He Is a trustee of the United Presbyterian Foundation, secretary of his Church's Committee on the Book of Common Worship, and secretary of the Presbyterian Joint Committee on Worship. PENDLE HILL DIRECTOR LEADS SUNDAY FORUM liThe Religion of the Bible" is the topic wh~':h Dan Wilson, director of Pendle Hill, will discuss at the Adult Forum, in the Friends' Meeting House, on Sunday, at 9:45 a.m. His talk wlll be an exploration of the Blbllcal falth. Before coming to Pendle H111 12 years ago, Mr. Wllson spent 10 years as a member of the star of the American Friends SerVice Committee. i. cordial Invitation to attend the Forums Is extended to anyone who Is Interested.' $A.OO PER YEAR Tuesday Tea Opens Club Season Board Announces New Members Thirty Swarthmore students and Ten Wade House boys earned $180 in acooperati,(e work.day effort to raise money for camping scholarships. The car wash business had The Woman's Clubof Swarth~M!.. schedu I~ _ _ _ ----.---r-----:~-----------"' more will hold its opening tea -t-_-_.a.---- PROCLAMA TION In accordance with national policy and Presidential re· quest to all maYQrs through. out the country I hereby proclaim Wednesday, October 24, 1962 as UNITED NATIONS DAY. I have designated Herman Bloom as Chairman, and hereby 'request all residents of this camr;1unity to give proper recogn ition to the occasion. Charles G. Thatcher MAYOR Players' Reception Leads S2nd Year The Players Club of Swarthmore will open its 52nd season with a reception for members and friends at the clubhlluse on Fairview road Sunday at 3:30 p.m. After welcoming remarks by President James H. Hotnaday, Production Chairman J. David Narbeth will introduce the entertainment con sis ti n g of scenes from the first play, "'The Gang's All Here", and the musical comedy planned for January, "Guys and Dolls." Refreshments will be served by committee under the direction of Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell and Mrs. George P. Warren. The club presents its first play <'The Gang's All Here" during the week of October 15 under the direction oC Marcy F. Roderick. a --_._._-- UNITED FUND Three more residents have volunteered as solicitors Cor the current, 1963 United Fund. Drive. They are: Mrs. Joseph R. Gibson and Mrs. Clair Wilcox In Section Qj and Mrs. Eleanor Liddell in Section R. Residents are urged to make their contributions only to recognized Swarthmore sol1citors. Churchwomen To Hear BICYCLE SAFETY TEST Ch urc h WorId S· ervlce 10 Administrator Oct. THURSDAY OCT. 12 W. Ray Kyle, director of the Church World Service Center, New Windsor, Md .. operated by the Brethren Service Commission of the Church of the Brethren to serve the Interdenominational programs of Church World Service, will speak at the first fall rneeting of th~ Presbyterian Women's Association Wednesday. His talk on The Church in Human Need" will begin at 1:30, following a devotional period in the Church Sanctuary at 12 and luncheon in McCahan Hall at 12:30. Mrs. John Schott will lead the Noonservlce,during which musk will be provided by Mr. and Mrs. E. F. HeUer. Luncheon will be in charge of Circle 2, Mrs. Morris A. Bcwie chairman, A film strip will lIhtstrate Mr. Kyle's discussIon of the wIde scope of protestant church relief and the many phases it assumes, including Helfer Project, Inc., Help HandIcraft Pareels, Share Our Surplus, etc. He is anxious to express his gratitude to the many women of the Swarthmore Church who arduously pack clott.ing, blankets, and the variety of articles con t l' i bu ted by protestant churches in the area for regular collection at the Church by the large vans marked with the ChUrch World Service inSignia, recognized and respected around the world. Mr. Kyle will be introduced by Mrs. Frederick W. Skillman, World Service Secretary for the Women's Association. ~rs. Skillman visited the New WindSal' Center, one of five In the United States, In June. Mrs. David McCahan, president of the Women's Association, will preside at the meet1ng of the board in the Women's Association Room at 10 a.m. which will precede the noon service of worship. '0 POET CIRCLE TO MEET The Poet Circle will meet Monday at the home of Mrs. Henry L Hoot, 301 Lafayette avenue. Poems of partlotism by circle members will be pre-I sented at the 2:30 meeting. ENTERTAINS CANDIDATES Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Banks of Haa-vard avenue wlll entertain at a luncheon tomorrow honoring the Republican candldates. The Bicycle Safety Test for the elementary school pupils wlll be given Thursday, October 11, at 9:15 a.m. on the elementary school parking lot. Mrs. E. L. Conwell, chairman of the testing, announced that forms will be distributed at assembly next Tuesday afternoon when the Keystone Auto mobile Club and the State Police will give a bicycle safety program. Parents are invited to attend the assembly, to be held between 2 and 3 p.m. on the pa,.rking lot. In case of rain, there will be a movie program. Girl Scout Sixth Grade Troop 547 will help with the testing on Thursday. Rain date will be the following day, October 12. --'-" FARM JOURNAL ELECTS STREETER Farm Journal announces the election of Carroll P. Streeter of Columbia avenue as executive vice president. Mr. Streeter retains the title and dUties of editor and head of the editorial department, and also continues on the board of directors of the magazine. He has been with Farm Journal since 1939, first as assistant editor, then as managing editor. He has been editor since 1954. I M PROVES The replh-t on Thomas Linton of Park avenUe is that he is on the Serious List at Taylor Hospital and Is still In a coma, although his parents have been informed that the coma is not as deep and his condition is more favorable. FRIENDLY OPEN HOUSE GROUP TO MEET MON. The Friendly Open House group for older Swarthmoreans wUl meet Monday at 2 p.m. In the Women's Association Room of the Presbyterian Church on Harvard avenue. All Interested persons are cordially Invited. Col Clyde Pyle, one of the members, wlll show colored sUdes of his recent trip to Alaska. The Friends Meeting Comm1ttee wUl be hostesses. for members and their guests at the club Tuesday, from 3 to 4:30. Club officers will receive and past presidents will pOUI'. Board members and chairmen wUl be hostesses. Mrs. David U. Ullman is chairman of arrangements and will be assisted in serving by Mrs. Robert A. Allison, Mrs. Franklin H. Andrew, Mrs. Robert G. Tressler, and Mrs. Richard S. Wllklns. Mrs. W. C. Rowland, garden chairman, and her committee will be in charge of decorations with Mrs. A. P. Shenkle providlng table decoration. Mrs. Alfred Smith and Mrs. William Melcher will be hostesses at the door. New Board Members Several new members have been elected to the Board of the Woman's Club.Mrs.Charles H. Zensen will serve as chairman of communications and travel. ~Irs. W. Mark Bittle will be in charge of rentals, and Mrs. Gordon A. Hughes will serve as property chairman. Bp.cause of the resignation from .the Board of Mrs. R. Franklin Yeager, Mrs. David M. Field has been appointed. She will serve as education chairman. Mrs. William C. Melcher has been apPOinted to fill the unexpired term of Mrs. LeRoy McCune, who has moved to the Washington area. Book Review On Friday, October 12, at 10 a.m., the literature department, Mrs. L. H. Pownall chalrman, wiil present Mrs. Francis Pennell In a survey of the new fall books. DEL. CO GARDENERS PLAN TALK, MUM SHOW The Delaware County Gal'den Club wlll meet Thursday even, ing, October 18, in the Com munity Federal Savings and Loan Bank Bulldlng, Sproul and State roads, Springfield. Mrs. George C. Makin, 3rd, Federated judge horticulturist and arranger, will speak and dem onstrate on" Distinctive Flower Arrangements.' , The Club wlll also hold their Chrysanthemum show Thursday evening, October 24, at 8 o'clock. The public Is welcome to both events. Local Republicans Greet Candidates Boro. Headquarters To Open Saturday The Scranton-Van Zandtslate of candidates wUl be welcomed to the Borough by local Republican Committee members at a Rally, Saturday, October 6, I p.m. - 2 p.m. Thomas B. McCabe will introduce the candidates at a ribbon-cutting ceremony which marks the otficlal opening of the Republlcan Headquarters at 117 Chester road, the Greylock \partment Bullding. Attending the rally wUl be Mr. and Mrs. Wllllam Scranton, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Shafer, Senator and Mrs. James Van Zandt, Judge and Mrs. Samuel Roberts, Congressman and Mrs. Wllliam Mllliken, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward MUmn. B111 Glll has gathered together a group of boys in a combo which wUl perform during the rally. The RepubUcan Headquarters wlll be open dally, Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Friday evenings from 7 to 9 from now tlll after election. Anyone wishing to assist at the headquarters is urged to stop-In and sign up. Committee Chairmen for the October 6 Rally are Mrs. .Donald R. Aiken, general chlarman; Mrs. Robert C. Morrow, Assistant chairman; Hospl· tality, Mrs. Frank S. Walter; Supplles, Mrs. Steven F. Spencer; Art, Mrs. Robert W. Deaconj and PubliCity, Mrs. John A. Petro:;kas. Muilenburg Talks Begin October 10 BIBLE SERI~ (IJfII TO COMMUNITY Dr. James Muilenburg, worldrenowned Old Testament scho- . lar, Bible translator, teacher, and popular lecturer wlll give a series of four Wednesday evening lectures beglnningOctober 10, at the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. Thetoplc of Dr. Mullenburg\s lectures is entitled "The Bible in Such an Age as Ours." Registration is open to everyone ir.terested, regardless of church affiliation. Those Interested in the 8: 15 weekly lectures are invited to call the Presbyterian Church office Ki 3-4712 for registration, and further information. Dr. Muilenburg has been teaching Old Testament for nearly 30 year s. His fame as a brilliant, affable, and witty teacher has been termed .; transcontinental. A book of essays .. Israel's Prophetic Heritage" by some of the foremost Bible scholars of today, has lately been pubUshed In his honor. This lecture series Is sponsored by the Christian Education Committee ofthe church. THOS. A. BRA OSHA W • AT GROUP MEET Thomas A. Bradshaw, OgdeD avenue, president of Provident Mutual LUe Insurance Compan, of PhUadelphla, attended the recent four-day Group Division Conference at Lake PlaCid, N. Y. Thirty-two members of the group field force attended. Page 2 \ PERSONALS Mr ...... Mrs. DaDlel BoUer have moved from the ColOlllal Court Apartments to IS Eut Possum Hollow road, WalUngford. Miss Amy Howland and MIss Edltb PbUllpa have recenUy returned from a year, abroad. Among the many countries they vtslted were Japan, Soutbeast ASia, Egypt, France, and SwItzerland, where they spentthree months. They vacatloned for four weeks In Ellswortb, Me., before their arrival In Swarthmore. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander B. Chisholm and two daughters of Waillngford wUI move shortly to Fair Haven, N. J., Mr. Chisholm hils been named manager or tbe Ozlte Corporatlon's Newark plant. Mrs. Leonard C. Ashton of Elm avenue wUl have as her guest former SWartbmorean Miss Margaret TutUe who will arrive tomorrow from Wellesley. Mass., for a two week visit. Mrs. Albert Hansen, Jr •• of Drew avenue was hostess Frlday to members of the prefair committee of the forthcoming Elementary School Book Fair. Mrs. Hansen Is cbalrman of the committee. Mrs. WUllam M. Rosenfield of Towanda will spend the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Banke of Harvard avenue. Mrs. Wllllam C. Rowland of College avenue entertatned her duplicate ,/lrldge club at luncheon and hrldge on Wednesday. Dr. and Mrs. Hallock C. Campbell of Vassar avenue accompanled both of their cbUdren when they returned to college last week. Peter Is a graduate student and Is also teaching 'at the Unlverslty of North Carol",., Chapel lilli, wblle Susan has entered her junior year and Is also. manager of the hockey team at WUson College, Chambersburg. Mr. and Mrs. Wllllam W. Turner of Mt. HolYDke place recenily re,turned from a three -week visit with their son-In-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Strong and children Polly, Nancy, Martha and Bllly In Denver, Colo. One week was spent at Rocky Mountain National Park. Mrs. Don Dlcklnsonofp'arkavenue apent tbeweekendlnwestbury, Long Island, as the guest or her son and daugbter-In-law Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dickinson. She attended with them or. Monday the opening of a new Red Coach Grill of which Mr. Dickinson Is the host. Charlotie Brodhead, student nurse at I:ukeUnlversltY,Durham, N. C., was vtslted last week by ber parents Mr. and Mrs. G. WUls Brodhead of Maple avenue. Tbey arrived Thursday to attend the "Capping Ceremonles' of Ihe class of '65 In the University Chapel. Due to lllness, Charlotte was capped by her big sister Mary Jane Spangler. and a group of classmates In the Unlverslty Hosp[tal foll~Wlng the formal ceremonies. Mary Jane. Spangler's mother the former' Jane Mitchner and her father Don Spangler were botb from Swarthmore. Bmtet Lllncheons 11:30 to 2:30 Served Do lIy HOT & COLD DIStIES~ THE 01 comell a _ , 1Ir. Georp L. Armitage 01 to Goddard C~, Miami, FIa., spent last weekVt., the earl, part eD!! Ylaiu.. b1s parents Dr......· 01 Septltmber. Barbara, a Mr~·. George L. Armitage of sophomore, was • membar 01' SoutpChester road. the orieolaUon comfnl.ttee to Mr.. Robert Je111son of Loll welcome lncomlDg treahmen. Angeles, Callt., will arrive toStephen A. Wahmann, son 01 morrow to. spand two weeks Rev. aDcl .Mrs. Arthur A. vlslUng her brother-In-law aDcl Wahmann of South Swartbmore sister Mr. and Mrs. lUI. avenue, was among tbe 575 .GlbSon, Jr., of Elm avenue. boys enrolllDg In September at Mr. and Mrs. Tbomas A•. Mount Hermon School, Mount 'Bradshaw of Ogden avenue had Hermon, Mass. as tbelr overnigbt guest Frlday Mr. Morton Thorpe of Robert Taylor of College Denver, Colo. avenue has returned to the UniMrs. Roger L. Heacock of versity of Penns,lvanla wbere 684 Nortb Chester road moved he will be a senior. Hlsbrotber from tbe Borough on Monday Graham has also entered the of this week. She wlll leave on , Unlverslty as a fresbman. Both OctDber 20 to spend a year In boys are the sons of Mr. and Europe. Mrs. John R. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Dunn Dr. and Mrs. James A. of parrlsb road had tbelr grandRichards of Cornell avenue bad son, George F. Dunn, m, of as tbelr recent guests for a Woodbury, N. J., as their guest long weekend Mrs. Richards' for several days this week. parents, Mr. and Mrs. BenDonna Maule. daugbterofMr. jamin Forbes who were enroute and Mrs. Samuel Maule of Vas- to tbeir home at Winter Park, sar avenue, left on September Fla., from Cleveland, 0., wbere 14 to enter Albion College, tbey had spent part of the Alblon,- Mlch. Mrs. Maule and summer. ber sister Mrs. John de Moll of Nortb SWarthmore avenue Mrs. Joseph J. Storlazzl of accompanied her on the drive I Pllrk avenue and Mrs. Clarence, Moll of Springfield were hosout. Mrs. Alexander Ewlilg of tesses to the Pennsylvania Dartmouth avenue nad as her MUitary College Ladles at the guests last weekend her son summer home of Mrs. storlazzl land daughter-In-law Col. and In Avalon, N. J., on Monday Mrs. Edwin C•. Alken and tbelr of tb1s. week. Mr. and Mrs. James PalterBobby from Alexandria, Va. On Saturday they aU drove son of CarUsle spentlast weekto .Prlnceton, N. J., to vtslt end vlsltlng Mrs. Patterson's Aikens' other sonEddiewho parents Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Is a freshman at Prlnceton McCombs of Maple avenue. Jenn1fer .VanLeuven, new University. Chuck Fellows of Garrett daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. David avenue returned to Hobart Col- Van L. Teylor of Soutb SWarthlege, Geneva, N. Y.,onSeptem- more avenue was christened ber 19 for his sophomore year. the early part' of September In His parents Mr. and Mrs. the Swarthmore Presbyterian Raymond Fellows drove to Church. Followlng the christenlng Mr. and Mrs. TaylorenterGeneva wltb him. Mr. and Mrs. C. IrWln talned at a family dlnner for Galbreath of Benjamin West Mrs. Taylor's parents Mr. and avenue were the recent week- Mrs. Frank K1pp of DOwningend guests of Mr. and Mrs. town, and Mr. Maurice DarllngRobert Bnodford of Moylan on ton of West Chester. tbelr boa! for a trip to Gibson SUsan Bruce and Jamea Bruce Island, Md. of Magl1l road have returned to Judith Llncoln, daughter of Penneylvanla State College. SUMr. and Mrs. Charles E. Lincoln of Haverford avenue, san rsturne as a junior and bas enrolled as a fresbman In James will complete his senior tbe secretarial course at Ver- year at the end of the faU term. mont College for Women In ENG!oGEMEHTS Montpeller. The engagement of Miss Mary Mr. and Mrs. Heston D. McCray, Jr., of Cornell ave- Jane Schroder, daughter of M~. nue have as their guests for and Mrs. Andrew J. Schroder. several days Mrs. McCray's 2nd, of ·M"ylan, to. Mr. Loren brother-ln-law and sister Mr. Oliver, son of Mrs. DoraOllver Ind. and the and Mrs. Paul R. Gibson of of Parkersburg, W. Va, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. McKelvey and cbUdren Lynn 5, Judy 2 1/2 and BUly eight montbs have moved to 401 Cornell avenue. They arrived bere from Newport News, Va.. where Mr. McKelvey was stationed with hls Reserve unit since last fall. The Rev. and Mrs. Edwln G. Bennett and family formerly CLEARANCEI resided at tb1s address. Barbara Richards, daugbter of Dr. and Mrs. James A. E. KAUFFMAN (4 Mllu W•• t cf M.dla) CLOSEIJ ON MONDAYS Mr. aDd Mrs. Raymond F. Bradsha.. Of Walilngford announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Carol Jane Bradsha.., to Mr. Ronald Lester Follmer, Jr., sOD of lIIrs. Follmer of Bloomsburg, Pa., and the late Mr. Follmer. . The fUture bride Is a senlDr at Bucmell Unlverslty. Mr. F.oUmer, an alumnus of Bucknell, Is a student at Temple Unlverslty Scbool of Medlclne. A J\IJIe wedding Is planned. ~.:.!m~e~r~l!'~of~~~~~~:::~an~-gr~ran~~~I8~r~e~n~ts~.====~~~ t SWARTHMORE HIGH SCHOOL . . Majorettes & Color Guards BAKE SALE 6:45 TONIGHT .. Mr. aIKI Mrs. WIDlamDickey Woodwartl or Greenville, N. C., announce the blrtb of their first Child, a liOn, WUlIam plckey Woodwarll, Jr., on Wednesday. September 26, at Taylor Hoepltal. The maternal grandparents are Dr. and Mrs. John W. O'BrIen of Dartmoutb circle. Mr. and IIrs. Joseph Lee Wood· ward of S:helby, N. C.,' are tbe paternal r-randparents. Mrs. Woodward, tbe former Maggi O'Brlen, Is staying with her parents unIU October 20. Comer of 5 & 10 STEAKS-HOAGIES BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. WUllam Ward, 4th, of WalUngford announce the birth of their fourth son, Mark Crosby. on Seplember 16. The m.:ternal grandmother Is Mrs. Don.a1d Crosset of North SWarthm<>re avenue. Mrs. Wllllam War d, 3rd, of Cbester ts the patema! grandmother. DiMatteo's Fairview at Michigan WAKE UP TO MUSICl NEW 1963 QUALITY CLOCK RAUl Smart new stylings . .. world famous Zenith radio performance! Dr. and Mrs. C. Paul Bianchi of Bryn )(awr avenue announce the arrhal of Iheirthlrddaughter, Judll.. Holmon Bianchi, On Saturday, September 15. In tbe Lankenau HDspllal. THE .MUSIC BOX, INC. KI3-146O Laa'"",u eJ,set THEY TRANSFORM DARK INTERIORS INTO BRIGHT, COZY HAVENS FOR HOMECOMERS FOR R-.d a ....on 60rham Towle Inhm.tlonel Hslrloepl a 0tMn JEWELRY a WATCH REPAIRS Ihe Medical andSclentltlc Advisory Board of tbe Foundation's local group, which serves the lIvecounty area of Greater PbUadelphia. The National Kldner Disease Foundatlon ts tbe oniy natlonal health agency uniquely and primarily concerned wltb diseases or the kidney and related paUent care. The Phliadelphia Academy of General Practlce has approved tb1s special postgraduate course and physicians attending the scientific sessions wlll receive certltlcates. Dr. Clark and his jamlly reside on R[vervlew road. ~ti!ifo't,~~~._ was LAMPS TO SHINE IN EVERY DECOR - WOOD, -CERAMIC, BRASS, . ALABASTER, PORCELAIN, TOLE, BRISTOL-TYPE GLASS - IN TABLE, f.LOOR, GOOSENECK, SWING ARM STYLES. OPIN PI'DAY 'TIL' P.... SMALL WEEKLY conference leader OUR CLUB PROGRAMS GIFTS NO BUDGET OR CARRYING CHARGES .I 15 SOUTH CHESTER ROAO OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS ".~ .-~ • •, ' , -J'~ • " ' . ,:':':-..::-L':.1l,;" .,...,. eo III ....... tAe· .·1.... . IIIUl ......IW.......... 1M ... ........ oftAe .cI(tor. To the Editor: SO much' has been sald about tbe youtb or today lacking In leadershlp, Inltlatlve, qual[tles or ·::.~::.m::~ee~.~IIC':~ ~.e.~ defense. Nothing, however, pushed me to action unlll an IncldeM which occurred today was brought to my attenUon. A number of ho- sixth grade ,w and heioworganizedtbeirownfoot~ ball teams. endeavoring tothebest :a~:e::'"~;~~da:!~~lllty to ....... lnqulrlng about the outcome of the game,ldlscoveredthatparents were present (flne and commendable In Itself) but some proceeded to call the sbots, chan.. - der-Islone, [n a phase, "take over." My de-r.ate plea - It there Or" are hoys with the lnitlatlve to organize their own leams. using tbe tools tt...y have learned at home and In our schools. let them alone. Let the parents scrap In tbelr own arena where they are so desperately needed. Sln"aerely, Patricia Tolan (Mrs. F. W.) "SENATOR" WI"S I' Mr. and Mrs. James R.Taylor m of Drexel place spent a recent weekend In Far HllIs, N. J., attending the SOmerset HIlls Kennel C Iub's 28th ADOU al a II - bed re ...... ~.. h h th I K sow, were er erry BIue T errIer " SU11da Y Senator of Orleane" was adjudged Wlnnlng Dog, Best or Winners, Best of Breed. and Best of Terrier Group. I On September 9Mr.TayIor t raveed to Purchase, N. Y., for the 45tb ADOUal West cb'est er. Kennel C ib u to Show where "Sena r" competed In theU. s.' K'err,"Blue T er rier CIUb f A I ' Sp lalty' nd d 0 d mlnernlca ec ______ a was _ ~~ ~ ~~a~~~~W~~n~g~Do~g~. • YOU ARE INVITED TO MEET THESE REPUBLICAN ·c •iCA RAYMOND P. SCRANTON JAMES E. VAN ZANDT FOR w. FOIt , lier_ ,SHAFER JUDGE SAMUEL J. ROBERTS 'OR iieutetlllnt fioremof FOIt lIttHtei Stlltes SoIItOl" Stllte s"p,.1IIe CNIt AUDREY R. KELLY FOIt .y.ollnt,mtlIAHtzIts I and coordinator of Industrial tralnlng for the Ford, Motor Company In Livonia, Mlch. KUngler served two years In the U.s. Army at Ft. Gordon, Is a member pf the Junior Chamber ot Commerce and the ~ducatlonal fraternity, Phi Delta Kappa. Married, fatber of a 26 montb old daughter, he resides In Aldan. HEALD PARTICIPATES IN SUMMER WORKSHOP PAYMENTS ON _ . . . . ., ......'W:,~ - . All ","" . . . ..r.. ;;:i; ••••••••••••••••••••• ** ~ WILLIAM Richard A. SWavely, district admlnlstrator In charge of Penn State's ConUnulng Educatlonottlce In swarthmore, bes announced the appointment of Robert D. Klingler as asslslant district adm[ntstralor assigned to the local ornce. A native of Columbia, KUngler received hls B.S. In Industrial EducaUon and his Masters Degree In Educatlon at Penn. He formerly LO .....' . a PENN STATE PLACES R.D. KLINGLER HERE ROBERTS in MEDIA HEADQUARTERS GIVES REP<>RT ON FINNISH SUMMER swart\IIIIOre', oldest GtrlScout QI.VIWI; mwNLJ log the plano and learnlnc to or uceUentpublic SlJllllOrt,the TrOOP, boutlnr or more than 35 Fw>eral' services were held play the gultar with her famlly. American Field Service ts also r coaUn s year 'lS' l10U8bo es::.r::::m: Saturda, afternoon at JohnWesSlie went with her famlly on PtrrOvl~~h so thalngtastubdeoadnt Troop ,.was re rn ley M. E. Church, Denton, Md., a 10-day irlp by car around om .,w~. more go a r as an "oPen-end" Senior Troop. f Gear E. NI bola ho died Finland where they ... _....... will have financial assistance The roster at present InCludes ' or II" c w ....."""- of $100 per student. th grade Weage 4 THE SWARTHMORE.\Jf 1963 REFBRENCE - Book ReYl..., cI1gest. 1961. HenrySteeleCommanser, Tbe ,Herltqe, of America. TrJOll Edwarda, Use· fUl QuptaUon: a Cyclopedia of Quola_, Prose andP~Ucal. Paul Harvey, Tbe OlIford Com" panton to Frencb Literature. Commonwealtla of Pennsylvanla, Tbe Pennsylvanla Manual. THE S'-ARTHMOREAN f'U8USHED EVERY FRIDAY /IJ SWARTIIAORE, PENNA. PETER E. TOLD, MARJORIE T. TOLD. PubUshers Phone Klngawood 3-0900 PETER E. TOLD. Editor BARBARA B. K.ENT, Managing Editor jRtlsal1e D. Peirsol Mary E. Palmer Marjorie T. Entered as Second Claes Matler, January 24,1929. at the Post Ofnee at Swarthmore. Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1819. " MI'II, C... DlDA TE HAS BUSY WEEK' R. Ectnrd B. MIfflin of Drew avenue, tlk'lcan l~.ndtclate for the p.nDSylftllla House 01 Represenlttlves from the Third D1slrkt 01 Delaware County, spent lour hOUr. september 13 In a houseVlaltation sponsored b) tile Second Ward Republicans 01 Nether Providence Townsblp. , Bruce Younc. tb8 former Barbara Bloom of Columbia aftDUB, was crowoed tlMrs. ~be­ Joe" last 'treek at tile I(1ncb8loe Air Force Base~ MIchigan, wbere ber lJuabend Is a jet ftcbter pilot. He.ldes recelv1nc prlses for berseU and· famlly, 8be wm be ellP8Cted to be hostess to vlslUug oll1clals at !be base. ' "All that Is necessary for the forces of evil to win In the world Is that enough good men do nothing". Edmund Burke PRESBYTERIAN NOTES The Celebration of World Wide Communion wUl be held at 9:15 and 11 o'clock service of morning worship SUnday. Church School opens SUnday with classes at 9:15 and II. All children must be registered at the Church School office before thay can be asSigned to 'classes. The Women's Bible Class will CHURCH CARPB aeautlful level loop red broadl_ also red mo,relllueA and other color., solids ond tw_ds: P. M. ALDEN ·Telepho'l.e Inquiries Invited. We bring samples te or come to our Itore. , CHURCH SERVICES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH D. Evor Roberts, Minister Robert O. Browne, Assoc. Minister Minister of Christian Ed. Sunday, October 7 9:15 A.M.-Church School 9: 15 and 11 :00 A.M.-WorldWide Communion 9:15 A.M.-9th GrjUle Class ll:Jp A:M.,Women's Bible Class 10:30 A.M.-lOth Grade GroUI1 10:30 A.M.-PreoCollege Group 11:00 A.~-ChUICh School 7:00 P.M.-College Fellawship. , I Monday,Oc~ber8 6:30 P.M.-Men·s Association Dinner. Meeting Tqesdoy, October 9 9:00 A.M.-Morning Prayers Wednesday, October 10 . 12 Noon-Women's Association Luncheon & Program 6:30 P.M.-Business Women's Dinner Meeting 8:15 P.M.-Mullenberg Lecture Thursday, October 11 10:00 A.M.-Bible Study METHODIST CHURCH LEIPER CHURCH HOTES Church School meets at 9:30 a.m. World-Wide Communion wlll be celebrated at the 11 O'clock service of morning worship. The Topic wlll be "With God on HIs Proving Ground." A teachers' meeting wUl be ueld at 8 p.m. Monday in the Rev. John C. Kulp, Minister Multi-Purpose Room. Margaret C,harles Schisler McMillen of the Board of MEETING NOTES Christian Education wlll he !be FRIENDS Minister of Music There will be a Coffee Hour Sunday, Octob.r 7 guest speaker. in Whlttler House on SUnday, 8:30 A.M.-World-Wide The Trustees will meet Tues- Immediately follOwing Meeting Communion day at 8 p.m. for Worship. The LlbraryCom1~:00 A.M.-World-Wide The Session will meet at 8 mlttee of the Meetlng hopes -~ommunion p.m. Thursdsy. that Friends and their friends 7:00 P.M.-Jr. High MYF THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY will join In tbls social hour, Picnic OF FRIENDS and visit the Meetlng'S Library 1:00 P.M.-Sr. High MYF Sunday, October 7 and Flrst- Re("reaUon Assodatlon will Initiate Its 1962-63 program wlththeollentng of Garnet Canteen on Saturday evening ed that some members of the Junior Club will join. Florence Trtcker will agaln be the teacher. DUferent members of the art group will have opportunity to exhibit their pictures at tbe clubhouse. During October Edith S. Binns and Dorothy M. Lackey will display their paintings. On October 19, the art department, Mrs. John E. Michael chalrman, plan to VIsit the exhlblt at PUlips Mills. The group will lea"" the clubhouse at 10 Demonstration on -1. some 50 Swal1hmore , College- students raked leaves, Plans ror the Book Fair to wasltf"d ('ars and cleaned gar .. be held on Wednesday. Thursages for residents or Swarth- day, aAd Friday, Octoher 11, more andsurroundlngcommun- 18, and 19, at the SwarthmorelUes two week ends last spring, Rutledge Elementary school are 21 cblldren from Chester had nearing completion. A variety their first ezperlence 'In sum- of entertainment has heen armer campa last summer. ",ngad to take place both preWith their earnings of $360. ceding and during the fair. the, Swarthmore College stuThe high point of the enterdents provided the children lalnm ..t will be a demonall members olthe Robert Wade stratlon 01> glass blowing by Neighborhood House In Chester Edward R. McEvoy, who works . with camping scholarships to In the Research and Developsix dlflerent camps In Delaware ment Department Of SUn 011 and Montgomery Counties and In Company, Marcus Hook. ParNew Jersey for' 10·to 14-<1ay enls who wish to browse In periods. peace can leave their ch1ldren With the help of Louts to watch this demonstration on Carroll, director or Wade Thursday evening. October 18. House, the Swarthmore group Martha Shaw's fUth graders selected the 21 campers IllSt will Introduce the fal~ by preAprll and then helped thechlld- sentlng the play "Bookworms ren gather to gether the neces- Don't Have to Bite" at the sary camp clothes and equip- upper grade assembly on Wed-' ment, obtain the required nesday, October 10. The play medical examinations, and Is by Alberta Constant, and In I1nally arranged the transpor- It the Bookworm gives SOme tation to and from the camps. hints for enJoying books. Pre"I didn't know how to swim rair entertalnment will also inbefore I went but I do now," clude readings by Mary Ann eight-year old Mildred Snoden Hunsicker, public librarian, wrote home from Camp Upland, from books which ,will be on and, she elaborated, "I can go sale at the fair. underwater. I can swim backThe prefatr committee Is wards. I can dive." headed by Mrs. Albert Hansen Thlrteen-year-old J err y Jr.; she Is asslated by Mrs. Coles reported: HI hnd a lot Rlchnrd Bartlett, Mrs. Myrvln or fun with the friends I made DeLapp, Mrs. steve IP. Mrs. In Camp Upland. We had lots Robert Jukam, Mrs. Pauline of fun doing cabin cleanup. We 'Marshall, and Mrs.John Malone. had the best cabin In the camp." The finance committee Is com.. The \lme I spent at camp prised of Mrs. James Ferguson, was about the best 10 - ,.1 friends of Dr. Gaylord p_ lIarnwell, president 01 the Uni\'erslty of Pennsylvania, Tues· day afternoon presented the Trustees 01 the University with a portrait of Dr. ['trnwell. Dr. Williams Is a former president of the Federal R,,· serve Ilank 01 Philadelphia and a life trustee or the University of Pennsylvania. SIXTH GRA!)E SCOUTS TO CAMP THIS WEEKEND Sixth grade Girl Scout Troop 541 will take ott this weekend for a two-nJcht camping trip at IndIAn Orcbardll. All 16 girls plan to talce part In the campout under tbe direction of Coleaders Mrs John AAron and Mr.. Edward L. Waterman. ,- .' " if FOR YOUR PATIENCE AND INTEREST! NOW WE ARE READY TO SERVE YOU FASTER AND MORE EFFICIENTLY. ( WE THINK It WAS WORTH IT. DO YOU? 1 The .... n ..n.!.~.~s~~~s~.~s~.~..~._...s~._____ .:4M~~~~~~!,~I::I~~~:I:I:.:I~. . •• \ ., "1 Pap 6 THE t;, SWEENEY & CLYDE DIES IN .. .' Establlsh.d 1858 29 EAST FIFTH·STREET, ~HESTER, PA. QUAKERS ESTABlISH SCHOlARSH. FUIID TREMONT 4-6311 ~ SAMUEL D. CLYDE REAL ESTATE- I J. EDWARD qYDE INSURANCE § i SAMUEL D. CLYDE, JR. APPRAISAlS I illllaa.ltHlltHlllUHtIIIIIIIIUIIHllIIlIIIIllllllUtUIIUIWttUUttllWlUWllUllllllllllllluulnil 6===""'_ ......=-===;_=====___==~ a disarmament research pror Jack Prichard PAINTING Froo Estimates Klnglwood 3-8761 WAN:rED' PERSONAL' WANTED-Unfumlshed, heated ~!~~~num Siding apartment, two bedrooms. • Enclosure. Must be In Swarlbmore, Rut~:~~i::i:~ white stDrm wl,nd.,w,:li ledge or Morlon area. 3~372. $75. $85. Phone KIngswood and Roofing AD V _ . . , WANTED - D8.J'S work, iron1+ . . . Ing. Experienced. Swarthmore • references. TRemont 6-8651. ':'3.."11.:·· IIOOFING Smll'fG m. WANTED - For one day, prot>ablY for two d8.Js per week, ~;:;~.::;~_.:~~~~j capableprivate womanhome. for cleaning In .... small Rererences recprlred. LOwell 6-8880 after • • • • • • • • • • • • • • October 7. ' I .... _-..-. . . WANTED - Helpl Chrlsbnas Is coming, full or part-time Make $40, to $80. a week at your lelsilre time. KInllSwood 3-6890, KIngswood 3-7870. _~I_ QUlJker. Mala J - DlAUI WANTED - Day's work. Monday, Tuesdo.v and Tbursd8.J. Experience and reference. TRemont 2-2461. CUSTOM KITCHENS by H. D.. Chare. 3 PARK AVE., SWARTHI.ORE Klngswood 4-2727 ................ WANTED - Widow with beauUfully b·ehaved dog desires four room aparbnent In Swatth- Media vlclnlt.Y. Lawell 6-5144 after 'I P.M. I--';"';';;';;';;";;;';';;";''':'';;::':'-~ 2507 st., Chester TRemont 2-5373 24-Hour Nursing care Aged, Senile, Chronic Convalescent Men and Women Excellent FOOd - Spacious Gtounds Blue Cross Honored Chesblu~ a VAN ALEN BROTHERS, INt lamp shades recovered. Miss I. P.Bunling.KIngswood 4-3492. PERSONAL Will finish sweaters with butlonholes, buttons and hiocking. Grethe WIllis, KIngswood 4-1714. evening clothes and street clothes. KIngswood 3-6649. FOR RENT batbs, garage. Six months or- longer. Unususi home. Call AlIce E. Thorbahn, KIngswood 3-:8796 or Rupert, Reallors, KIngswood 3-9400. SALE - Lawson sofa, • To keep the birds FUR SALE In your own back yard, starl reeding now. Bird feeders, bird baths and bird houses at the . S. Crothers, Jrs.. 435 Plush Mill Road, Wallingford. LOwell 6-4551. FO':d SALE ;"n~rl~~:I:l:~ 4-5865. FOR SALE - Shbing, recreation rooms, book cases,porches. L. J. Donnelly, KIngswood 4-3781, FOR RENT - Large, comlortable, nicely furnished room. Two closets. storage· sPace. GenUp.maD. Call, after 4 and weekends, KIngswood 3-3329. FOR ,RENT - Garage at 306 SOuth ClIester Road. Call KIngswood 3-1126. FOR RENT - Large, comfortabletoomfor business gentleman. Private entrance, semipl'lvate bath, 313 Darbnouth Pbone KIngswood Avenue. 3-2080. FOR RENT- Detached garage, corner Swarthmore and Elm Avenues. Call KIngswood 3-1133. FOR RENT - First Floor. Three rooms and bath, hardwood noors. Heat and water supplied. Rent $75, month TRemont 0-7183. - SUpe (six entries) Mrs. James , Twin Creek Gardeners; A Wee One (11 .entrln" Mrs. -wallace ., Mccurdy, I'tovlcW1lce Garded Club; CoIonia1 Industry (nine entries) Mrs. William Bauter, Junior Providence Garden Club; Stay AwhUe (eight entries) Mrs. Hugb Peters and Mrs. DOuglas Atnslle, swarthmore Garden Club. , Also, contempo-rary(alne en- ESTATE NOTICE ESTATE OF MARY IIIliifER a/kIa MARY HORNER ¥EYER late ot the Boroulb ot Swulbmore. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY OIl the above Estate having heeD granted to the undersigned, aU persons indebted to the ssid eBtate are requested to moke payment, ud !huBe havtnl claims to present the without del8.J, to LOutse M. Executrix 6011 Chestnut PhUadelphia 39, PeIUlllYIor to her Allomeys Butler, Greer &: Johnson 17 SOuth Media, penna. Mowllz ud 1420 Walnut street PhilPenna. 3T-10-5 ESTATE NOTICE ESTATE OF MARlON E. WIL- • LARD, DECEASEn Late of ·the BorOutdl ot Swarthmore, Delaware Count.Y, Pennsylvania. Letters Testamentary on the above Eetate h"vtng been granted 10 the undersigned, all persons Indebted 10 sald Estate are requested 10 make p8.Jment, and those having claims to ~resent the same, family had lived In Swarthmore, without del8.J, 10: MERIEL W, on Princeton avenue and then In the Overstreet bO!l8e at 500 tries) Mrs. Virgil Ware, lUll LORD, Executrix 737 Harvard avenue during Dr. and Hollow Garden Club; Au- Avenue Swarthmore, Giffin'S tour Of duty as head tumn Bounty (six entries) Mrs. or to her Allomeys: BEATl'Y, GREER '" of the AFSC Economics of DIs- Edward Cratsley, SWarthmore; 17 south Avenue Media, program. tn the Oriental Manner (six DecISion to establlsb the entries) Mrs. William C. Hogg, AND scholarship fund was announced Junior Providence; My First BOUGHT AND SOLD by Stephen G. Cary, associate Show (uollmlted) Mrs. Robert Forde.'. Pet & Hobby ShDp execuUm secretary of the Hooper, Pine Ridge; SUnday 627 Baltimore Pike AFSC, and George C. Hardl~, Night Buffet, Mrs. James Springfield, Pa. executive secretary ofthePhil- Henry, Mrs. Samuel Crothers, KI 4-0121 adelphia Yearly MeeUng's Mrs. W. Sproul LewIS, and~f:rs. Peace committee. R. Blalr Price, Providence. ~~~~~~~~~~~r. The GlUin chUdren are HorUcuitural ~xhiblis - AsJ~annIne, 21, a senior at ters, double annual, three SWarthmore College; Diane, 18, blooms, Mrs. Joseph Bates; WATCHMAKER a freshman at Berea College; CelOSia, plumed, one slalk, Bryan, 14, and Larry, 10. Also Mrs. It O. Prall; CelOSia, Formerly of F.C. Bode&Sons surviving Ia Dr. Giffin'S wife,· crested, one stalk, Mrs. 11. Rime Watch and-l28 Yale Ave. Florence. Barr; Celosia, collecUon, five LlON:'!S~'''C~'O=--.'~C~A~B-'N---ET stalks, Mrs. Samuel Crothers; Cosmos, three blooms, Mrs. TO DINE HERE w. R. Hunsworth; Dahlia, four Klngswood 3-14'18 Members of tha Callinet or separate classes, all won by Howard Giles; Dahlia, seed- Asbes and Rubbish 14A, Delaware County, will visit lings, three blooms, Mrs. Rothe swarthmore Lions Club, Tuesday,. October 9, for their bert Grogan. Marigolds, yellow, dinner at 7 p~m. altbe Inglensuk. three blooms, Mrs. E. A_ Char - ~iiiiii ~~~ The visiting dignalarles w1ll be lott; Marigolds, yellow nutty, EXPEBT PlAlII headed by their District one bloom, Mrs. William Lamason; Marigolds, French SIn~le, . ••• BE,AIIII. ·Governor, Frank A. Slaus of spray, Mrs. Samuel crothers,' .. 4' V... of &p.1ea.. with Chester, a member ofthe Aston All M Us Township Club. Accompanying Marlgolde, French double, one a hlm wW be the Deputy District spray, Mrs. W. C. Gretzinger, L. PAUER LO••n .·I!5" Governor or Region I, Deleware Also, Roses, Florlbund, one County, E. J. DeJoseph,amem c spray, Mrs. E. D. Ainslie; ber of the Wayne Club, and Petunias, double, ruffled or WUlIam F. Taylor, 2nd Zone lrlnged, three sprays, aDre Atliletlc Club won Its fourth soccer game on Sunday, defeating a good team DIf' from Elkton, Md., by a scarp UI\ of 3-1. This victory left the team undeleated, and set th.. , stage for this coming SUnday' s The week 01 OrtollE'r 8 to game with the undeteated Ken- 14 will bE- known as "League nett Square Cllppers. of Women Voters we~k in PennSwarthmore goals were scor _ syl vanla" according to a proced by former Swarthmore Col- lamaUon made by Governor lege Captain Jim White, and Lawrence. In recognition of thp John Havrma, who played his work being done by the Leagues college soccer at West Chester Women Voters In pl'omoting Teachers College. The team, for political effecmade up primarily of forme,' III.vene,,. In this state the Swarthmore College players, IG,over.,or Issued the following Includes George Place of Har- Ist:at"m"nt: yard avenue.Graham Henderson .• The efforts ot the League of of Dickinson avenue, James Voters have done much Noyes of Riverview road, Bill alert all Pennsylvania clilBruce of Magill road, and Terry zeDS to the Issues involved in Dellmuth of Swarthmore avestate and Federal Ele('nue. Hons. By exposing the tacts and SUnday's game will be played of government to on the Swarthmore College Soc _ the widest poSSible audience. cer Field. The kick -off Is set the League has proved a for 2:30. valuable ally to good government and to the prog .. p~s of Pennsylvanla's communities and the Commonwealth. I welAt tbe Invitation of the SWarththis opportunity to com· more Citizens Athletic committee, the League for the work Coach Robinson gave. a talk SepIs doing In strengthening the tember 17 on q How to watch form of government Your Son 'Play Football" f"r the In consequence, I am mothers of Senior and Junior High I pl.eased to designate the Week School students. The Coach gave October 8-14, 1962, as a very interesting talk on con - League of Women voters Week dltlonlng, trainlng,dlagramedsev- In Pennsylvania' " eral baslt type offensive and deThe local league states the lenslve plays and then displayed of the organization Is: the various· pieces of protective tHTo promote political reequipment worn by each player. through informed Coach Bernhart outlined the active participation of JUnior RIg\> Football program and citizens In government.' To then assisted Coach Robinson In Its objecllves the showing last years game mOvies, League carries on an extensive of educatlo~ and study which were run In slaw motion 10 Illustrate' the play of each about Important Issues and position:. . activities of government on all levels. INSTRUCTOR APPfilNTED "After prolongedandexhausOliver G. Aberth, Instructor at live study of such an Issue the Swarthmore College since 1960, membership arrives at conhas .been appointed asslstant pro _ sensus to support or oppose the fessor of mathematicS' at Unlver- issue. The League, however, is slly 01 Ullnols, Urbana. unique In that II adheres to a Mr. Aberth received his nonpartisan policy In party bachelor's degree from City Col- politics. The Information conlege of New York In 1950, a talned In the Volers Guide. master's degree from Massachu _ received by all Swarthmore setts Institute of Technology In residents before an election, Is 1951, and a Ph.D. from University lurnlshed by the candidates." of Pennsylvania In 1962. He also This year the local league attended Temple UnlversltY,1956- members are participating In ~5:;:7~'_ _ _"'iiiiiii__;;,;__....... 1 two studies which they voted to undertake at the last annual FINE WALLPAPERS meeting: Match;rt9 Fabrics & Paints "A study of proposals for Borough Planning with a view ASAM. SCHUMACHER, IMPERIAL to appropriate acllon". under MURALS SAN , ITAS, PREPASTED the chairmanship of Mrs. EdDO IT yoURSELF ward Waterman, and" A study SELECT FOR PAPERHANGER of Library systems and Ihe Enabling Act 188 In relallon <0 existing library facilities In We Land Out Sample Boob Swarthmore" directed b}' Mrs. R. H. Rommel. :\-frs. John Hopkirk, Mrs. WALLPAPER CO. Da,'ld Bowler, andRulhChesler are seorving as chaIrmen of the Baltimore Pk., Springfield state and national programs or 0... Wed. & F,;, ',U 9 P.M. study in which members or the FREE PARICJNG KI 4-4100 League or Women Voters of SETS ASIDE W- OCTOBER 8 14 Mothers Learn Foolball r PENN ~ . . . . . .~ II. . . . Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. 684 SOUTH NEW MIDDLETOWN ROAD, M£DIA -, Opposite tlighmeadow (between Dult"n Mill Road and Knowlton Road) T e)ephone ~ TRemont 2-7206 1I:1.S ;' for ~;!n I'.Ji, I " " now ovailable in variety HOLLAND BULBS HARDY CHRYSANTHEMUMS EVERGREENS 8roadleaved evergreens BERRIED PlANTS:. Firethom, eotoneas1ers, Hollies SWOII wmt F& M A fool ....1 rivalry dallncback 10 1889 will be resumed Saturday atter a lapse 01 11 years as the SWarthmore College Little Quakers host Ihe DIplomats of Franklin and Marshall at home. .., Swarthmore will be Iresh from a 7-6 clift-hanger victory over Dickinson Saturday while F. & M will be trying to get into the win column alter a 28-7 deleat last weekend by Johns Hopkins. The Garnet will play from their highly successful wlng-T formation, quarterbacked by MIke Lillie and Hap Peelle. Since Its Inception last year by Coach Lew Elverson, the Swarthmore wlng-T featuring a wide flanker has accounted tor six wins In eight starts. Harvey Buek and Bernie Beitman and the hard running of fullbacks Bill Lipshutz and Ollie Burt, the offense rolled up 194 yards on the ground against Dickinson last Saturday. Complementing the speed Is the effective running of halfbacks Ben Cooper and Ted Honie and a fast and strangline, including ends Terry Spruance. BID Jewett, and Steve Jacobson, tackles Dave Me Lanahan and Dan Booser, guards Fred Lauclus and Clyde prestowltz, aDd centers Russ Fernald and Mike Cook. . Despite their loss last weekend, the Diplomats are a strong team that figure to give the Quakers a real run for their money. The klckoffls scheduled for I :30 on Clothier Fields. The flrst Community Day of Prayer 01 tbe season will be held at the SWarthmore MelhodIst Church on Thursday, October 18, frOm 10:30 to 2 o·clock. The Rev. Charles K. Murray, Jr., pastor ofthe First 1 <_ -rue_, p_. _111- .. : ...,... . ..:.: .... ~.: I( VOLUME 34 - NUMBER 41 , • JRS. TO INSTALL NEW MEMBERS Will Discuss Fashion Show At Meet Tues. as seen in VOQU. 1