. , DCC T R B S WAR T B_....:M:.:;::O:..;Il=-=B~.=r.N:---:':--_-:--:--::---:'-:::-:-r_ _ _ _....;.:,.~;.::o~ve:;::m;.::be.:;:r:.::2:.:4:..;.:,:19:,::;61 decorations and for the' tradU-' S " t I L' ht D' I INCREASE PUBLIC ional Christmas turkey to Bor- pm u9 19 lipe s LIBRARY SERVICE ough li all custodian; Resolu- Fear, Cousins SaYI Page 8 Dr. Flssell To DisCiss IlIena,'1 SltHII•• Rose Volley School Plans Dec. 2. Fair The School in Rose Valley (Continued from Page 1) ions honoring the late Mrs_ Thom-' Recoe:rut1onofGod's righteousForum Progrom Will Be will hold its annual December ooks were circulatIng steadily as K, Brown and the 'late Miss ness brings mankind needed hope Fair on Saturday, pecember 2, mong higb school language Alice F_ ~\'orber. were adopted. and enlightenment, Francis WilHeld 9.45 Sunday A.M. on the school grounds, located lasses and tbe children working Anangedlm~s for the annual liamCousins of Manchester. Eng"The International Situation off Ros~ Valley road, 10 MoYl~n. In the foreign language program library eltlction were set In mo- land, said In s lecture In swarthand Individual" Responsibility" The Fall holds. pro~ise of beIng In the grade school. tion by .tbe Board. Nominating more on November 1:&. • will be discussed by Dr. Frances a '!lerry curtam-ralser for the The library practices commit- petitions may be secured at the "The sooner we wake up to R. Fussell, at the Adult Forum Chnstmas season with gifts plan- tee. Rudolf Hirscb chairman. pre- librarlan's desk by any resIdent the fjl.Ct .that God Is good, and . of the Swarthmore Meeting, on ned to. delight both the senses sented ,several recommendations wbo' wisbes to seek election as besto'ws only good upon His Sunday at 9:45 a.m. and pocketbooks of tbe young for the board's approval. tbe corn- a _library Director. Tbelle petit- cllt1lJren, the soon e r will we avin met on Monday, Decemiter Ions must be signed by at least awake to the injustice wbich Dr. Fussell did her undergrad- and young-at-heart. uate work at Swarthmore College, Themain feature of the Decem- ~3 JharigeS in Holiday hours ten residents of the Borougb and suggests that man can be made received her A.M. and ph.D. de- ber Fair will be the appearance, w~re adopted as recommended; filed with Board .Secretary WU- the victim of disaster .or evil of grees in social sciences at the at 2 p.m., of Joseph Bonaduce of the nearest the closing of the liams on or before December 31, any kind," Mr. Cousins toldbis 'University of Pennsylvania, and the Philadelphia Zoo, wh~, will library on Thanksgiving Day and 1961. The library election wi audience. ... then returned to the college to speak on the subject of AnI- the closing of the Library at noon take place on Saturday, January A. 'member of The. Christian teach political science from 1932 mals as Pets," Accompanying on Saturday Decemher 23 to re- 20, during library bours and on Sciencll Board of Lecturesbip, to 1941. Since that time she has bimwill be a kangaroo, a monker main closed through Chrlstmas Morday, January. 22, durlng'lib- he spoke in. First Church of held positions on the War Pro- and other pets of the Children s Day Monday. The Library will rary bours up until 8 p.m. Chri!5t. SCientist at 206 Park duction Board, the Combined Zoo. Story time will follow at 'i open through . it's usual Directors present in addition 1--'-..;;,;-------'------rema n officersMrs. were Mrs. GowDavRaw Materials Board, the Depart- 3:3O p.m. and a t 4. p.m. San t a afternoon hours prece di ng New to id the M. Field; D.- Mace ( ing Mrs Winthrop Wright and ment of State, the Joint Congres- Claus will make hIS entrance, Year's Day. slonal Committee on Foreign Ec- having ~s picture taken with inRegular hours will be ma n- MlEL I"ete~ Told. onomic Policy and the Executive dlvidual cbildren. After a hearty tained at 2 to 9 p.m. Monday ____________ Office of the President of the dinner, .served at 5 p.m. sq uare through Friday..Saturday hours U.S., where she was a consul- dancing, to the calls of Robert will be extended so that the libMr. and Mrs_ W. Atlee Hays and tant in 1950-1951. Since 1952 W. Mather, w1l1 mark the end of rafY will be open continuously Miss Anna-Greta strom of Wbite -SELDOM MORE she has been a lecturer on inter- a merry day. 9:30 to 4'In the near future~ After Plains, N. Y. were the recent national affaIrs. SliPper may be enjoyeq by the January I, 1962, the library will weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Fussell Is well-known to fireside or taken home'in a hox. be open on Tuesday, hours cer- Walker Penfield of Guernsey road. Today's drugs are 80 effec.many SWarthmoreans who have The menu consists of baked ham, talnly from 9: 30 to 12, or if pos- Mf. Hays Is Mrs. Penfield's hrotive Y{lu rarely need a refill. heard her speak. The meeting oston brown bread, baked beans, sible, continuously from 9:30 to ther. Dr. Walter G. Hiscock of Their 'total cost usually is welcomes them and all other In- coleslaw, and apple crisp. It is 9 p.m., staffed by a volunteer. England is spending the Thankslower than older, less effecterested members of the commun- ot necessary but desirable that Summer hours will be maintained giving weekend with Mr. and Mrs. .·tive medicines because they Ity to the Forum. eservations for dinner be made s they were last summer bu.t the Penfield. do the job the first time. We n advance flY calling the schOOl board voted that these should be- Bob Rowland returned from Sevstock thousands of drugs, including the newer ones, so at LO 6-1088. . gm'the 1st Monday after the clos- ern School, Severna,' Md., on DAR EVENING GROUP bring your Doctor's prescripMrs. James Field of Swarth- Ing,of school and continue until Wednesday to spend the Thankstions to Us for prompt servTO MEET MONDAY AT B more is chairman of the event. 'Labor Day. giving Holidays with bis parents ice at: uniformly fair prices. Cecelia H. Simmons will be Her committee chairmen .are: These hours wlll be listed Mr. and Mrs. WUliam C. Rowland h tess to the Evening Section Mrs. Claus Victorius of Media, along with library ~Ies on the on College avenue. o~Sthe Lansdowne Chapter, Na- book stall; Mrs. Sid~ey Gravltz traditional book mark form. Dr:f;:==~~~~=~~~i;==1 tional Society of the D.A.R., of Moylan, adult gifts, Mrs. peter Charles Shaw, librarian of SwarthA L UMN I DAN C E wbich will meet Monday at 8 p.m. Sax of Media, arrangements; Mrs. more College and former presSponsored, By at her home, 114' Yale avenue. William Brown of Media and Mrs. ident of the Library Board will Sh will be assisted by Annette Walter Cosinukeof Moylan, hake.d hand set the copy for the book SHS STUDENT COUNCIL CATHERMAN'S SI~mons' as co-hostess. goods; Mrs. Henry Sanville of mark as a gift to the library. The Fri. Nov. 24, 9 _ 12 3~ Stog DRUG STORE M Lloyd Goman of Walllng- West Chester and Mrs. Norman Btia11t accepted the Christmas Rutgers Ave. School 30~ Drog, present a program on Brown of Moylan, 3-0586 Mrs. Lindsay Wolfedecforatiart°ns a Sw h-; ___.______ . National i)efense '. more, entertainment; Mrs. William S H S STUDENT COUNCIL Holt of Wallingford, snacks; Mrs. ALUMNI DANCE TONIGHT John Dickey of Moylan, children'S gifts; Mrs. william Nelson III of The present Student Council Swarthmore, dinner; Mrs .. LOllis of Swarthmoro High School will deMoll of Moylan, sewing; and sponsor an Alumni Dance ti!ls Mrs_ Donald Kahn' of MedIa, evening in the Rutgers Avenue~C~h:!!r:!:is~t~m~as:::...:t~r.::e.::e.::s:...- - - - - r i School from 9 until 12. All the "I saw It In the Swarthm<>ran.;' alumni are welcome. fordrs~1ll p,~i;an:::s:..:~::.or:..::.th;;:e;..;li~b;;;r,;ar;.;y:.,.:;a;:n;:d:.f::o:r.;i::tJsl:;;;;;;;;;::::===B~e~(:!re~S~b~m~e~n~t~s=-='==·:-l~_'=:.!i':..':. J~(!iIn~95Wqrul ~· ATTEND Uv,'orthno;'e SVl£lrthmore 1,;0 lleg~ ATTEND BLUE ~RTHMOREAN ROUTE HEARING VOLUME 33 - NUMBER . , FR9!o\ THURSDAY TO SUN. Swarthmore College's Little Theatre Club will present "The Go od-Woman of Setzuan" by Bertolt Brecht.as its winter production. The play will be performed In ilie new Pearson Theatre in the College Arts Center building on Thursday. December 7, at 8:15; F!iday, December 8, at 7 and 9:30; Saturday, December 9, at 7and9:30; Sunday, December 10, at 7; SaturdaY, December 16, at 7; and Sunday, December 17, &t 7. This work oUhe German playwright was composed while he was living in California, 19381940, in exile from"the Nazi regime, and in It he discusses the possibility' of living by the traditional virtues in a modern world . The translation from the German was done by Eric Bentley. Barbara Pearson Lange, college dramatics ,director, will direct, assisted by student JlmThorpe '64. Shen Te will be played by Catha Wiqn '64, Yang Sun by Dave Berr.yman '62, and Wong by Ron Suny '62. Because of the limited capaCity of the experimental theatre, It is advisable to order tickets in advance. They w1ll be available from 1 tel 5 in Mrs. Lapge's office in the Arts Center; or a call may be made to KIngswood 3-0200,extension 389. Providence High School. Canteen will star t at 8 o'clock at the Rutgers Avenue School. , Chaperones tbis week will be Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buzza and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gargiulo. Parents are reminded that Canteenlsoverpromptlyat 110'clocl; and therefore those picking up their children should be there at tb.at time. ---- DR. HELEN NORTH IN FORUM TALI AT 9:45 Greek Mythology Topic Of Sunday Adult Forum Will Present Program At 2 P.M. Tuesday Anne Werstner Wood, author, nower show judge and decorating authOrity, wlll present the program at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternooQ at the Woman's Club on Park avenue. A resident of Walnut lane, Mrs. Woodis the author of "Make Your Own Merry Christmas" and has lectured widely botli In this country and abroad. She will bring a host of new ideas with her on Tuesday. Mrs. Wood Is the wife of Harry Wood, a member of Borough CouncU and retired superintendent of Swarthmore College The program is ~ponsored by the garden department. Mrs. WUHam C. Rowland: chairman. Tea w1ll be served following the talk. BLUE ROUTE HEARING $-4.00 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1961 COLLEGE TO PRESENT Gamet Canteen ANNE WERTSNER WOOD 'WOMAN OFSmUAN' thisGarnet Canteen wlll play Ii' t WOMAN;S QUB SPlI!llER week to stUdents from Net~!r ~~ PERFORMANCES TO RUN Li brtlr~ JUNIOR ASSEMBLIES TO MEET MONDAY The sixth, seventh and eighth grade Junior Assemblies will meet on Monday at the Woman's Club. Hostesses for the sixth grade are Mrs. Melvin K. Whiteleather and Mrs. Richard Daniel. Hosts for the seventh grade are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hayden and Mr. and Mrs. Lucian Burnett. For the eighth grade Mr. and Mrs. George Herschel and Dr. and Mrs. H. Parker Stamford will be hosts. Players Valley Goris ' To Prese.' 'Carolsel' Musical Opens Monday MRS. MAY H. VANALEN SERVICES HELD NOV• 25 Longtime Park Avenue -d W 97 Resl ent as ' Mrs. May H. Van Alen, 97, died. Thursday, November 23, at her home at 211 Park avenue. She was the widow of the Rev. George L. Van Alen. Born in White Deer Valley, Pa., she was graduated from Wellesley College in the class of 1885. She was married a few days after the flood of 1889 had driven her family from their home in the Susquehanna River area. She came to Rutledge in 1906 with her husband, who served the Chambers Memorial PresbyterlanChurch there from 1906 until bis retirement In 1921. During that time she taught English to a number of Italian Immigrants in Morton. She wa~ also active in WCTU work and taught a Sunday School class for many years. She took an active part In missionary ,and presbyterial ~ork both in Rutledge, and lateun the Swarth1D0re Presbyterian Church, of wbich she became a member. She supported many charitable and community efforts. After her husband's retirement, they moved to Swarthmore to their newly built home at 211 Park avenue, in 1922. She is survived by a daughter Mrs. Fred N. Bell of Harvard avenue; two sons Ambrose H. of Park avenue, and Oakley H, of Rose Valley; and three grandcblldren. Services were held Saturday morning at the Griffith Chapel In Norwood. Burial followed in Arlington Cemetery. __ "Greek Mythology as a Source For Week-long Run of Morality" viill be the subject Paul Blrkhan Is director of the of the first of two talks by Dr. third production of tbe current Helen North at the Friends Meetseason at the Players Club of Ing Adult Foruni. It wlll he held Swarthmore. He will present the at 9:45 a.m .. on Sunday. The ~.1'..tr.. _ ... ~ ,~ose Valley chorus In the Rodsecond discussion will be 0, ,....~~ ""~'gers and Hammerstel!, musical '.'Dante's Use of Greek Mythology ~ ~/ _ "1A gem "Carousel" _ ASSIstant dirin Christian Teacbing" on Sun~ ,~ ector is Betty Birkhan., J. Lytton day"December 10. T Jones is musical director; BarMiss North Is chairman of the The Pageant of the Nativity, bara Romano Is choreographer; Classics department at Swarth- biennially "entered into" by the Jane Smyth designed the sets. The castincludes voices wellmore College where she has been residents of the community in a member of the faculty, since Clothier Memorial on the College known toPlayers Club audiences 1948. Her study for her A.' B. campus, will be postponed until and several, neWComers. They and Ph. D. degrees was done at next year. are as follows: Cornell University. She has been The postponement is due to the Florence Pollock, Barbara the recipient of several grants, fact that the Sunday before Spiegleman, Florence Shields, aFord Foundation Grant to study Christmas, the traditional date Robert Mauley, Harry Hall, Barin ROme in 1953-1954 and a Gug- of the Pageant's presentation, bars Romano, Perdue Cleaver, genhelm Foundation Grant to falls this year on Christmas Eve, Ernest Hamil), Robert Kerr, Harry study In Rome and Athens, the a time which seems impossible AleXander, Edith BRiley, Robert concepts of moderation and pro- for familles to take part In the Rasoosin. po rtion as cardinal virtues of many facets of the Pageant. Carousel, based on Ferenc Molof Greek thought. In 1954~1955 Moreover,the Christmas recess nar's "Liliom", takes place In she was visiting professor at of Swarthmore College does not a New England fisbing v1llage ' . Barnard College. ' ,begin un~ll. December 19th and in 1~73. It teVO~ve8 around Billy "'ACME OPENS NEW Four Senior' Girl SCQuis and A cordial Invitation to attend Clotbier Memorial is in use until Bigefow, handsome aimless carone alternate from Swarthmore the forums is extended to anyone then for the college program. ousel barker. The songs are well made National Round-up to be who is interested. There is a great deal of Physl- loved by many , - "June is STORE DEC. 6TH held from July 18 to July 31, - - cal preparation necessary before Busting out Ali Oler"; "If I Grocery shoppers of Swarth1962 at Button Bay, Lake Chamrehearsals can be held and al- Loved You"; "w~en You Walk more and nearby areas will have plain vt The girls chosen were' though the college has been co- Through A Storm', to mention added conveniences with the opTrdo p '331 Betsey Rodgers' The Swarthmorean deadline, operative, there has been found some. ening of the new Acme Market at 11th grade; Troop 95, Susan cal wbich has ~een .at noon .Wednes- no way to circumvent the too Performances run Monday Dec- Swarthmorwood Shopping Center roll and Nancy Webster 10th days from tIme lmmem.onal (with hrief space of time. , ember 4 through Saturday, Dec- located at 121 south Sproul road grade' Troop 16 Mimi Connor the exception of holiday eIDerThe announcement is made ember 9. Curtain is at 8:20. on December 6. alte rn'ate- Mimi McWilliams 9th gencies}is now moved up to 11 with regret. There is the hope --The Swarthmore market meas, ' a . m . Wednesdays, one hour ear- that anticipation will continue ures 120' by 160' and provides d are the first girls from lier. . . d till Christmas, 1962. of Inn to 21,685 square feet of space, inAll publiC1ty chaIrmen puban ------. Swarthmore to have ever quaIh aterialfor 'b" . -~--- -~c I udi ng the mezzamne area. Of ifiedfor a Round-up. There were others,who avhe mSw th ore an Exhl Ilion of Oils to this 13,435 square feet w1ll be C ty Delegates lication In T e a r m , C • sales area. The replalning area 1 48 De aware oun . ' are advised of tbis change. At Open at Arts enter Cornelius H. A. WUdman will will be used for storage, service and ten alternates pl~ked.In t~l~ the same time the request Is An exhibition of oils by Gret· proceed wiHl plans to rebuild the facUlties, and the large number third ~ound-up which IS added that all present copy as chen Seltzer of Rose Valley will StrathHavenInn as a large apart- of compressors needed to operate every .. ree yea~s. . rac- early in the week as Is possible, open at 3 p.m. Sunday at the Com- ment-motel despite the possihU- the refrigerated' cases located The girls are p _~__ -munlty' on Rogers 'ity of a mid-county expressway throughout the market. . ticesessions andundergOl~g will tram every W Arts III • Center d hf D b t be ready lane, a ng.or. at the rear of the property. The Acme is br inglng their astonmont rom ecem er 0 Miss Seltzer studied at the old Inn, facing Harvard avenue ishing" Alr Portal", which is an to go in July. Mrs. John T r e v a s - . • University of Colorado, at The and backing up to Crum Creek, invisible door. It's like walking kls of South Chester rood was on Brboklyn Museum School with Is expected to be completely 'througb an Invlsable air curtain. the committee which planned the .b TIl t the Skowhegan dismantled by December 9. h illy d d training for these girls. Clark W.,Davis of ~~~lin:Jg~d :~O:lnOf Ari :tth Henry Varnum Wildman states that the pro- :n: :c~sm~~e~ns i~~ulatfn~n:':ll - - - - - - - - - - - - is general chairman 0 e, k L' d . d hi h i"l h 000 F1)nd Campaign of Riddl Poor and Jac eVlOe, an In pose super- g way w L ave protecting the il)terlor of the marUNITED FUND IS Memorial Hospital, launched last Europe at th<: :'ienna A~ade!"y. no bearing on bis plans. "I'm ket from all outside weather conShe has exhiblte~ her all palOt- very much for a'nytbing that will dltions. It keeps out dust, insects . . ht to complete the flnancin ' ~~h $4 000 000 hospital. ings and prints WIdely through- relieve the commercial conges- and uuless coaxed, dogs and cats OVER THE TOP • 0 e e~tate' of the late Samuelout the United States and h~ tion on Chester road and on Bal- will not pass through. ' T~~ddle provided $2,121,000 had numerous one man, shows lD tlmoreavenue. Ihopethe express- Eleven belt-type check stands Mrs. Birney K. Morse and Mrs. Frank G. Keenen, chlilrmen of the ? s and securities toward New York and Rome. way is built for, if and when it will operate and there is a speSwarthmore United Fund c~m- 10 fund tr ction and operatln Miss Seltzer has recently ra- Is, It will take through-traffic, cialcheck-cashingboothfor those paign, report a total contributIon the hco~~slttal plus 72 acres a turned to her home in Rose Val- particularly truck traffic, off who desire the service. of $22,950.00, or 100.8% of the of ~ ~or the hospital site. In ad-ley from Europe where she spent these other highways", he says. Provision is made for parcel total. I~n the community. campaig five years inSpaln and tw~ years "I am taking no stand fas to pick-up service where purchases The chsirmen wish to express dlti~n!Omoftgage of $950,000 has in Italy. Many of the. palDtings where the new road shou d gO, may be checked until the cus_ their deep appreciation toSwarth- goa, tlated that will be in the exhibition are in the Crum Valley or beyond tomer's car is recovered from the moreans'for the generous dona- been neg~ italis now under can from tbis period. Medla.I'm not a qualified author- parking area, which has space tions which put the borough 'over Theiho P Baltimore pike, wes Tea will be" served from 3.- 5 Ity on such a questiori;-so I have for 431 automobiles. the toP'. struet ~n on d is expected to b p.m. at the December 3 opemng. faith in the State Highway DeJames Steen will be the market of Med~a, an late 1962. The exhibition will continue un- partment (even though we are not manager' James Chestnut the in serVIce b~____ til January 5, 1962. of the same political affiliation) meat m~nager; John McGo.rlgal, " , and the Federal Bureau of Roads the produce manager; together PRESBYTERIAN MEN TO MEET WEDNESDAY, COOPERATION SOUGHT NOW KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA to make the decision. They. are ~hese men represent '59 years of . , h R NEXT YEARS ATHLETIC CHRISTMAS TEA DEC. ~ experts in the fiald and I beheve service with Acme Markets. The Men s Assoclstlon tfht l~ FO h f tball field on Strath , The next Kappa Kappa,Sewing they have made thorough traffic The Swarthmore market staff of Presbyterian Church wU a T e 00 hind the Rutgers will be beld on Tuesday, Dec- checks and studiee. I know over 60 people will be ready to the second dinner meeting of the Havenaven~e :~tary SChool ha ember 5, at the home of Mrs. Swarthmore College doesn't want extend service to all customers season on Wednesday of next Avenue _m erated fertilized Wallace McCurdy, 108 stratford the hl,hway (near Its campus) of this new market beginning at week, at 6:30 in MCCahan Hall recently d ~n the interest 0 road, Wallingford. but you can't stop pr~gress ". 9 a.m. on Decemhe; 6, . of the ChurCh. and see e. n sod for next On Saturday, December 9, the Wildman said Admimstrative __._ _ _ _ _ __ Williani A. Peterson, executive developing g?od ason Coach Christr!.as T91l will be held st offices for his new SWarthmore ' ~icepresldentoftheBetterBus- y~ar's athie~lco:erequ~sts th home of Mrs. WllliBm,Tbat- facilltyw1ll be stthe headquar- CUB PACK 301 TO MEET 1the IDI'SS Bureau of qreater Pbils- Mlllard rahl~Sswarthmoreans 0 cher, 21 College ,"venue from 3: t,ers of bis senn other 'cIifferent Cub Pack 301 will meet.at ~,elphia, ~ill sped on the topiC cu~rat ~m ~taYing off the field to 5 p.m. Enryon8 Is .skeci co!JlOlations. at·, 80 West Baltl- TrinitJ Cburch on North CheoJter Ethics 10 BUsiness - A Chris- a IlgeR" ln the ground is frozen. bring a IIi1t for Kappa Sflfllll., niore aYe_, Lansdowne. _. road OD December 1. at '1:30 p ... tiao View pOi... " unt a er , '" ~,< .. ' ", • • , Four 81 Girl Scouts Chosen For Round-Up DEADLlNE,'JUMPS when you go 'Gift in hand,' go L o w fi~st MacArthur and Patten Westinghouse ................. to L gr~h~'se o w .' L, ' ds Riddle Davis Hea Hospltal Fund Dnve o w P R I P 'MOiDiL 795P6GP Handaome G'It Pa~k hold,radlo C two exInIlona·llfa penlllht baItarI..... E S WILL WANT ONE FOR YOU""" tl Rebuilding Proceed as Planned with en ICClIUOrias Including carrylna cae, _ phon. unit with pnitectlvto case and $22 88 •. 11'8 A GIFT "SO WORJH GEITlNG" mAT WIU R I C E S- , ::"'M'M'" CIR, WESTINGHOUSE Contnbut.d In the THE 1OU9UEr RADIO IARGAINS .. PHONO IARGAINS MACarthur & PATtan I II CARElESS HAN --------------------- II E. L NOYEs and CO. • THE SWARTHMOREAN POJlTElH. WAIT&. ... 547 Chester Pike, Prospect Park LE 2-1749 I.. Iciest of Hlghway,Sa,.I, br the,FoIIowing M.rchanh SWARTHMORE TOGGERY SHOP THE INGLENEUK BAIRD and BIRD J_ A. GREEN PETER E. TOLD ItO. PATRICK wasH ! t PATTON ROOFIN6 <:9. ' to. ; t- " , , ' . .- -~ ',- : -" - • , : , .I. ' :". • I THE Page 2 December 1, 1961 - SWARTHIIOREAN • anil Mrs. Henry D. Bevan of ,Is Mr. Clarence of their daughter, WEIS-DECROUEZ Sloan, to Mr. James Orval Courtney, Jr., son of Mr. Miss Mary Carolyn Decrouez, Mrs. J. Franklin Gaskill and Mrs. James O. Courtney of daullhter of Mr: and Mrs, Pierre Models ond 9 Different Unlverslty place has Decrouez of Kendall road, was home from Columbus, 0., Pa. here Saturday afternoon she had been recuperating at the Miss Lukens, a graduate o~ the Mr. Robert Pomeroy Wels, son SChool and the Um ver' Finishes in Zenith Space Command T. V. horne of her son-in-Iawanddaugh- sHy of North Carolina, attended the Rev. and Mrs, Frederick ter Dr. and Mrs. N.B. Livingston University of Pennsylvania. Wels of Dublln, N.H. The Rev. following surgery performed Mr. Courtney 'is a graduate of Layton P. Zimmer performed the the University Hospital there. UniverSity and the Uni- ceremony In Trinlty Church. A Mr, Gaskill drove out to bring of Pe' I - I reception was held at Bond Mehome. , ' nnsy vama ,aw morlal in Swarthmore qollege. Mr, and Mrs. John W. McCoubrey The The' bride was given In marJO Park Avenue and family of Park avenue e'i~t.e~ir~-~~:~~~~w;~er.ld~d,"lng will be held on rlage by',her fatber. Mrs. James tained at a family dinner 6 at the Wallingford . Head, ,cousin of the bride, Church. ' on Thanksgiving Day when matron of honor. guests were Mr. M~~ro~~~~::~1 Mr. and Mrs. Eldon B.Hollis Mr. Lawrence C. Neale was mother Mrs. John Walker South Chester rOlid announce th;:e;~lbiest man. Ushers were Mr. Stanbrey of Watertown, Mass.; Mrs. T. Bourne, Jr., brother'lnSTATE INSPECTION McCoubrey's parents Mr. and Mrs. engagement of their daughter, of the bridegroom, Mr. Pierre WEAVER ALIGNMENT Birney K. Morse and her Aunt Leigh, to Lt. Hugh D. ShallenDecrouez, brother of the bride, MOTOR TUNE-UP with ENGINE SCOPE Mrs.R.C.Roberts, all of Harvard berger, son of Dr. and Mrs. Mr. James L. Head. Shallenberger of Modoc, Mrs. We I s I s a gradua t e 0 f avenue ', her brother-In-law and R. Miss Holl1s graduated V. E, ATZ. #.I9r. sister Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred B. Swarthmore High School and College. RUSSELL'S SERVICE Bro~'n and family of Dickinson Mr, Weis received degrees from avenae; and Miss Marjorie Knowl- Pauw University. She Is~a~!m:i~e~!mi~~-:I~,~~~:~~,~c:~ollege 'and Worcester Opposite Borough Palilng_ L o t / , ton of West Chester. ber of the Delta Gamma,~ Institute. He is with " and also attended the Unlverslty Hydraulic Laboratory In LaflJItte Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Clyde of MissourI. She Is presently em· Mass. Closed at 12:30 of Media had as their guest I d b B 11 T I h C the Thanksgiving weekend Mrs. p oye y e e ep one omThe couple will live at 2 BlueG. Ernest Bromfield of ~'Long- P~:Shallenberger Is a graduate lane, Holden. nlddry House" East Lothian, of DePauw University, the Uni. The dinner for the bridal party Edinburgh, Scotland, Mr. and Mrs. verslty cif Missouri (M.A.) and held Friday night following Clyde also entertalnedat afamily member of the Delta Chi Frater. rehearsal at the home of Mr. dinner !on Thanksgiving Day. nlty. He Is presently s,~~~~~:~~I;~~El:M:rs. Head on Dickinson av"d l1e:anMrs. Samuel D, Clyde, Sr. of a t st ra t e gi c Al r C omman the wedding Mr. and Mrs. BEAUTY SALONSwarthmore and -Ogden avenue quart ers, Offutt AI r F orce B ase'!DeclllUe:z entertained some of IEAUTY ADDS TD HDLlDAY EICHIITMENT entertained in honor of Mrs, Brom- Ne braska. out of town relatives and field on Friday at a luncheon at No d a t e has been se t ·,or tbe of both' parties at a din· 9 South Ohester Road. the Union League and the Or- wedding. at their home. chestra Concert, and in the evenMrs. Weis was feted on seY. - Call KIngswood 8-0476 in~ at a dinne .. -at the SpringBADGER "'RS ~ - ...... earlier occasions. Mrs. L. ............ ., . . . . . . . . . . , . h n ' '0' haven Golf Club. Dennett of Noeth Princeton In Grace Eplscop al Charch I Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Peters of P 1aI ns, Va., MI' as J acq ue- 'cvpnIL'p 'R was hostess at a shower North Swarthmore avenue spent Anne Mars, daughter of Mr. Mrs. J. N. Hiensch of Wall· Thanksgiving Day visiting with Mrs. Forrest Edward Mars, and Mrs. Seymour Klete Plains, Vlrgi , nIa, South Chester road and Mr. Peters' brother-in--Iaw and I;;:~~~" ,Th sister Mr. and Mrs. Radcliffe t hebid r e a f Mr. - D av1d Cox of Walnut lane Kilbourne in Wilmington, Del. Hastings Badger, son of Mrl;!. at luncheons in her Mr. and Mrs. Frank Molloy of Mills Badger of Rutgers Strath Haven avenue have as avenue, and the late Mr. Badger; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ their house guest Mrs. Molloy's The Rev:,. Harold B. Peters, recBIRTHS mother Mrs. charles White of tor, officiated. Cincinnati, O. The bride's sister-lil'-Iaw, Lt. John Roy Graham, M. D., Mr. and Mrs. Lyle A. Whitslt of Mrs. Forrest Edward Mars, Jr., and Mrs. Graham of San FranElm avenue had as their guests of Washington, D. Coo ,was matron cisco, Calif., announce the birth for a week their son-in-law and of honor. their second child and first daugbter Dr. and Mrs. Bruce HarkThe bridesmaids-, were John Crawford, who weighed neliS and family flom,Urbana, Ill. L. Cutis of The Plalns; pounds; 13 ounces when , ' Mrs. M. Katrina Jves of Yale S9 Angelene V; Pell of arrived on Wednesday, Nov1961 Bing & Grondahl 7" porce-' lain plate (above) continues avenue had as her holiday weekY.; Mrs. William Patly of ember 22, series begun In 1895. 1961 ' . and Miss Susan C. He, Is a grandson ,of Mr. and end guest Miss Dorothea SzamieRoyal Copenhagel) "Jul"plate tat from Engiand, a member of of Morristown, N. J. Henry Crawford Ford of JUn-" (right) is 61st design In Royal the staff of the London EconomLittle Miss Victoria B. Mars, herst avenue and of Mr. and Mrs. Copenhagen series slarted In ist in Washington, D. C. Miss 1908. All molds are destroyed Szamletat will be In this country niece of the bride; was flower James Graham of Haddonfield, after a year USB. never to be girl. N. J. produced again and Plales for the next two years. Increase in vafue each year. Mrs. E. LeRoy Mercer of KenThe best man was 'Mr. Underglaze painted In soft yon avenae, who suffered a frac- Badger, Huntington Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Wllllam blue- tones on while, they are tured hip in a fall, Is recuperat- ther of the bridegroom. Usher:sl Ziegenfus of Folcroft annolunc~e'l Christmas Gifts of Distinction , ingat the Elnwood Nursing Home were Mr. Robert P. Habgood, the birth of a daughter, Deborah on Baltimore avenue. York Clty;Mr.J. Perry Rudon Saturday, November Mr. and Mrs. Edward coslett, ,Montclair, N.J.; Mr. at the Presbyterian Hospital. SEE THE Jr., of Woodbfook lane had as A. Tully, CinCinnati, 0.; and have a. boy, Billy. their recent weekend guests Mrs. harles R. Tyson, Jr., P On December first they will be AT Coslett's brother and sister-in- phia. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fran-.law Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Connelly After a trip to the Caribbean cis H. G. Forsythe on Thayer and four childrimfrom Short Hills, the couple will live'ln road for ten days. Mr. and Mrs. 15 S.CHESTER , C. F. Zlegenfus are the N. J. LYNCH - ROBERTS grandparents of Deborah Mr. and Mrs. George M. Allen, The marriage of Miss and the Forsythes are the of Riverview road ,with t he Ir son Roberts, daughter of Mr. grandparents. Bill, visited their son-i n-I aw Mrs. Wllllam F. Roberts of Wyoand daughter Mr. and Mrs. De- missing park to Mr. David R. Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Guenson of Dr. and Mrs. ther oJ Wallingford announce the Wayne J .. Piehl and family 'in Warrensville Heights, 0., for the epb Lynch of Dartmouth avenue birth of their second child and weekend. on Saturday, first son, Karl Frederick, on Mrs. Vaughn K. Foster of Harat noon in the Atonement 16 in Doctors' Hospivard avenue had as her guests Church In Wyomissing. over the holiday weekend her double ring ceremony T be rnat ern al grandparent s are sons-in-law and daughters Mr. 1~~!:~~~::~:t,bY the Rev. Wils('"t~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ and Mrs. Boyd Harris and three I' sonS Philip, Kelly and Andrew The wedding attendants from Pittsburgh, and Dr. and area Included Miss Jal~etl'i Mrs. 'Henry E. Richter and son 1~~::~~;l~S~!i!st~:e~r; of the bridegroom, Served Daily David from the Submarine Base II . Mr. Eilwllrd at New London, Conn. Swarthmore and New Both Hot & Cold Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Dennett best man; Messrs. of North Princeton avenue had as n of Wallingford, and Paul $1.25 their guests last week Mr. James of Elwyn as ushers. Ullman, author of "The White A reception followed the cereTower ," and Mrs. Ullman of BosIn the Berkshire For . . . ton, Mass. in R"ading. C.USTOM SELECTION ENGAGEMENTS After four months of \ lse,rvi"e Duty, the CONVENIENT ·LOCATION Mr. and Mrs. James W. Lukens make their home 5 to9- Sunday 3 to of Walllngford have announced ~~~~~~~~ Give .• , PersOfUJb STEREO - TV - RADIO THE MUSIC BOI, INC. "-HAUL RENTALS a·M41 .............. 1'''''1 The Bouquet , ART A COLLECTION 0 DANISH CHRISTMAS PLATES NOW / December I, 1961 THE E P VIEWS NEWS NOTES "'V'LL~:UI: SENIOR EUROIP E~,N PICTU R ES The Friendly Open House for FOOTBALL HONORS older citizens met November 21 M d Larry Jones, senior and on aUhe Presbyterian Church. After r. an Mrs. E. L: Conwell Carleton College football t avenue'"" ente'rtad",~d "the usuaI group singing, a mo- Columbia a family dinner earned double honors for a ment of silence was observed In day when their guests ~, I fl ne per formance we'e ,Mrs sons 'song memory of Mrs. ,Margaret Marsh, Douglas' mother Mrs., Jam" A eo B' the gr'dl , ron. a former member. ~ At C i t ' Fall of the Swarthmo' re, arJones e on w s r:~~f~~~;~~1 Mrs. J. W. Frescoln of Spring- Dou,glas Banquet, ments and her,brothe,rs and as the field, 0., formerly of Swarthmore, of the L,'ppert Award Ive in-law Mr. and Mrs. James DO'IK!'-I ,g n who - just returned from a six I nually to the player 'cc'ntl'lbultinlgl months trip abroad, showed plc- as, Jr., and family of Gw the most to the current ,-,aueloonl tures of England, France, Switz- Del., and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon football season.' erland, Bavaria, Norway, SCot- Douglas and family of Springfield. At the Midwest land, Ireland, Spain and Portugal. Dr. and Mrs. J', Albright Jones coaches meeting Jones was s The hospitality committee head- of Elm avenue, with their houlsel ected to af.lrst team end berth the league's all-conference ed by Mrs. L. A. Estes of the guests Mrs. George Donnan Presbyterian Church was assisted Mrs. Donnan Wilson, spent for his outstanding oflfen:sivel by Mrs. William Craemer and Mrs. Thanksgiving holiday with play in leading the Carls to Phillip Gelling'Ylho poured, and son-in-law and daughter Mr. 5-2-1 season record. by Mrs. Russell Riillips, Mrs. Mrs. Henry S. Todd, Ill, In SalisJones forte is as a pass' George Karns, Mrs. Leslie Wet- bury, Md, cher. This fall he snared 31 laufer, and Mrs. Johan Natvig. Mrs. Cornelius Van Wessem ials for 469 yards gained seven touchdowns. In ",::~1~:;;'~1 Another large afghan, knit by Memmingen, Germany, who the members was on display to visiting relatives and friends the 1958 Swarthmore high the United- states for graduate kicked 15 extra pOlmsl be sent to a hospital. The next meeting of the group weeks, was the In 11 attempts to garner a wili be on December 11 when Mr. guest of Mr. and Mrs. John son's total of 51 points and Mrs. Edward Heller will Sing of Yale and Rutgers avenues. high In the ten team Midwest the Christmas story. Gifts will Mr. and Mrs. James L. Head of Conference. l1)iLckinsion avenue entertained at Head Coach Mel Taube of r.arl-I be excbanged among the members. I' family dinner on Thanksgiving eton calls Jones an 'oultst,amlinlgl . Included among the guests football player' and adds, " ..... , ere Mr. Head's mother Mrs. has the speed and hands ne,~es-I Neil C. Head and his niece Miss sary to not only get open but. Clement, both of peter- to make the catch in any Do:si-I Ibc.lOllgh, N. H. tion.' Taube also mentioned J0I1esi Suzanne Plowman, a senior at as a possible professional : Bradford Junior College, Mass- spect. It achusetts, has been elected secIn 1960 Jones caught 22 oa:ss-I It retaryoftheBradford House es for 458 yards and six t•• fII I~~LI "~LI LlM6/.A_~~_d A~~J!A ~-;j; McLaughlin; publicity, Mrs. Don· : pcu.- - - aid Allen; legal, Lloyd Goman; ~ , . national library week committee, Mrs. Herbert Bullberg. o!'\ *'*'.,t,. mgTor -7"""" ~ ~ ~," *;,;.,.~. ,..-¥* ...... ""1 I'Ve * ".""''''' *.: ~ "~ HIlt ~"""'-T ~,.,,"' ~ ~.:&'1< ~t4cetU ~4t1 ~ fJ *.tc Parkie Smith, Bill Shugarts, Walt He is survived by his wife, '1 . Successor 10 alice bor&ef' gilts Kaminski, Doug Dumm, Bill Gill, Lois, an employee of the Ruth *.!;.~::+.. ~ f':.A-v ~, ~, • .' .,', ~.l!lf... ;-..4.-: '. C#Ie ~__ ....K' Billstandish,Gordon MacAlpine, Haniey Dress Shop, and a son ~'" -..". rj' fII.. a!'<'~ Alan Shoemaker, Randy· Lee, Robin. ' LI: ~ ~ ~ David Gilfillan, Dick Daw~on, _ and Jim Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Montgomery, underclassmenmissedb~c~~~;;1 ~~I' and their son Terry are the NOW OPEN of Injury were Ron Hoge, house guests of the William McDetweiler, Bill Spencer, Dermott family. Mr. Montgomery FOR RESERVATIONS CAll , George Welsh. with the Reclamation Service, located at Boulder City, Nev. WES HOGE KI 3-9529 Catherine Jarrett, North Pnne:e-I Mr. and Mrs. Louis R Denm,ttl PAYING DIVIDEND' avenue. has been pledged of North Princeton avenue had Omega at Carroll College, as tbeir holiday guests Mrs. Den· Due after 1~~J~~~;~a, Wis .. where she is nett'spare!ltsMr. and Mrs. WyndWeekly I' ham Bean who left Tuesday for Payments 5<> weeks Bill Lathbury of Walnut their home in Staunton, Va. returned to Washington and James H.Fox of Guernsey road, l $2 $101.95 University, Lexington, Va.. sophmore at Colorado College, ,.-"P"'H""O"'N""E...... 203.90 BY MAIL, laliler spending the Thanksgiving Springs, has the part 4 TOOl L06-70421 Inollluo\yweekend with his .parents the protaganist, Eugene, in 305.85 6 and Mrs. Vincent T. Lathbury. pl\ly"LookHomeward Angel" Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Haig this week by the 407.80 8 Riverview road spent, three Springs Civic Players . 509.75 .IQ. Id,l3"s the early part of last week and Mrs. David Binns and l'l~~:~~:;r their' son-in-law and of Ogden avenue, and Ie Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Dun" Helen P. South of Dartmouth Jr .. in New York City. spent Thanksgivingw & Dr. and Mrs. otto Kraus in cambridge, Md., as the IOrexE,1 Hill had as their dinner of Mr. Binns' parents Mr. 45 EAST STATE STREET, MEDIA, PA. on Thanksgiving Mrs. Arthur W. Binns of MuhIsoln-'in--le,wE,na daughter Mr. and avenue. ~~~::=e~~~:=~::!;:;!;~!!!;;;~~~ William McCullough and two Mrs. Charles Bovard of North" IC~~~~~:~' of New Jersey and Mrs. avenue went by plane . Ie uelacolnofLafayette avePensacola Beach. Fla., to Dr. and Mrs. Kraus are for· the Thanksgiving holiday residents of swarthmore. her husband and daughter Les Ann KurtzhaJz of park ave· She is returning home on • EJ:clusivt built - in peras her guest for a morning. had fumer Kents your hair. 4No need to wait for good carpet. New higbtemperature cootrol ,witch IMIDe paul, daughter of Dr. Mr. alld Mrs. H. Weston Clarke dial, cOol to hot. Nail dryJoseph Paul of Ann Arbor, College avenue spent Thanks· speed machines, new face materials, new er sen polish almost"instantIMich. formerresidentsof SWarth' giving weekend with their son backing materials. make for outstanding carly, both hand. It once • Built-i'll tray for pips and 1~:~~:t'E,:Anne, a student at ' daughter-in-law Mr. and pet at low prices. II Choir College at Mrs. Clarke, Jr., and family in ,roUen. was a house guest of York City. . v_c....... E>;tended terms. available. Your old carpet IB,,,lIln in Rose Valley, durin8 Mrs. J. H. Tibbetts and daugh'oc. '". ,lie. taken in trade. SlUDples, shown in our store holiday weekend.. Betty of South Swarthmore spent the weekend visitMrs. Edgar E. Wreg e of or in yoilr home.' and Mrs. Douglas T. David· Mrs. Tibbetts', father Mr. Jr .. of Elm avenue Hansen in ltaim!d at a pre-game-breakfast, , N. J. Class of '61 of Mt. and Mrs. H. M. Bunting and ~~~:.High scbJOl on of V1llanova avenue were DaY at tbe home of . guests on Tbanks!LlAJI,;A. A~u. CHRISTMAS CLUB ~ MAIr-A. MII." " • ..c· ~- kuU n ..11 • I LansdOWne's possession The The sp1r1l was willing but the Garnet held b t ' . flesh was weak as the high t u 10 an attempt to ~~ ~rn to the. scoring column, a 'football team was flattened 14; by a one-man gang from th~ f::r~~ ;;s Tinterceptedt for downe High School. Pete d ' wo more ouchato, Lord left halfback was Ju t owns were scored by Lansdowne. . . s The Garnets second score of t 00 muc h forthe Garnet to hand~e. the game was a beautifully exeThe scoring began on the thud cutell pass from Anthony to Frost play of the, game when a that covered 65 yards behin" exass found Its way int th h d ,. P 0 e an ,s cellent pass protection', Anthony of Lord right half K. Donato . . r t r -d lOnear, tf DI- faded deep before unloadl'ng the e u ne a pun or a aerial bomb to "Frost, who dodged ond TO and Joh FI n orence and ,scampered his way through lowed up with the third three defenders for the The before the Garnet br k i t h s 0 e n a I e extra point was an easy converscoring column. TotaUirst downs sion on an excellent pass ex. ecu. were abo t the f u same or each tion from Anthony to Liddell. team. Swarthmore threatened again near Fr om th . e ou t set th e blocking the end of the game with Dick o f. Fill er. Bu11ard and C.o.Cap. McCurdy and Mal Anthony altert. aID Bond opene d gaping holes nating at quarterback. Draw piays 10 the Lord forward wall through by Gersbach and reverses to which sopliomore backs Stanford Rowland moved the ball to the and Gersbach gained five yard line with 15 seconds Mal Anthony's alert remaining. Three consecutively ing used short passes to dropped passes thwarted a score Frost,lIne bucks by Stanford before the final fumble that ended in a 'crazy Lansdowne touchGersbach. and a reverse by land to set up the first down by the Lord Varsity which score on a 70 yard drive. It was been rushed back into the key blocking by. Hamilllln, Frost game to stop the score. and Bullard tbat opened the hole Seniors' who bid farewell in a through which Rowland gallant effort were Bob Frost, ered untouched to pay dirt. all·around player who was playtermined Mal Anthony rolled inghis second game in the safety to his right and carried over position; Jim Rowland, also the extra point and playing his second game at right trailed 20-:7 at halftime. halfback as well as punting; Co· On tbe opening kickoff of captain Mal Anthony ,In his secsecond half Carl Gersbach ond game at quarterback since into the open through the his early season injury; Co-capof the Lord defenders, only to taln John Bond, left tackle, Al hauled down on the Bullard at right tackle. George 45. A short and an Hamilton at guard and end; Jerry Liddell at right end and those '~I S~/~ who did not see a~tlon Gralg UI Young, John Patterson, and Dick ~ _ _..MI I!Z> Campbell. 7tNKf14 •. .." . Peter Smith,swarthmore'sEngSAT. DEC. 2 6:30 lish exchange student and kick- ~L _, NICIOU O' ..,NIIAU . . . No .... ' IrUL.'\',c AND FIRE NEWS Notre Dame Parish INn CAROL SING Sponsors House Bazaar From 6:30 to 8:50 a.m. last l"'r'ld,,, The Christmas House Bazaar It roapod tlirCaeffihcadovtoerdestwourartChmhoeSre' SLATED FOR DEC. 8 is being made ready for December 9 and 10 for Christmas. shopperslavenue, between College and The Annual International carol at all ages and Housewives of avenues, while the Slate Sing being planned by the WOo Delaware County who are lookDepartment cieaned out men's International League for ing for that "Something SpecI'ai" the railroad underpass. IPle"",e and Freedom w1lJ be held I d d ' had fall d t F'da 0 b B t 8 the holiday season. C ogge ralOS e 0 II y, ecem er ,a p.m. The bazaar, a project of the off the heavy early morning the home of Wliliam and Eleawomen of the Swarthmore areas and the underpass was flood· mor Clarlke. Crumwald Fann. 401 of Notre Dame de Lourdes par- ed to a depth of over three feet. ane, Wallingford. WILPF ish, wlll be held I'n the approprlAt 6:13 p.m. Sun d ay [I remen an d rriends will enterately decorated "c h r is t mas responded to a chimney fire at guests from other countries . , di nner i n theI r homes p ri or to House" on the 'parlsh property 430 RIverVIew avenue. ---1 at Michigan avenue and Fairview Caro Sing. road on Saturday, December 9IWClM."H'S CLUB NOTES All those wishing to partici' 9 t 9 In any part of the evening a.m. 0 p.m. and on SunThe music department, Mrs. W. ' December 10 from 1 p.m. are asked to call Mm. David 9 Lecron chairman, will attend Solomons LO 6-5898, chainnan p.m. Philadelphia Orc:'estra Conth e even; t or Mrs. Joseph ConChristmas house wI'll of. The cert on Friday, December 8. With rd 3 fer handmade items I' n Holiday a ,KI -0632, who is in charge decorations, sewing and baking Metropolitan 0 per a soloists. 0 f re fres hments . "L'Entrance du Christ" by Beras well as Christmas Gift selec- lioz will be pre sen ted. The -----.----tions. Swarthmore group will meet Dr. and Mrs. Hans G. Borei The bazaar committee chair- town for l u n c h . ' SODS Sven and RagDBl, formen are Mrs. Felix Cipollo, Holi· Im"ny of 121 Rutgem avenue, day Decorations, Mrs, Francis "I Saw It In The Swarthmorean" moved to Philadelphia. Forsythe. sewing and Mrs. HarHathaway, baking. """'....- ~ ~ :.' ••~ ~ *;;'1(-;.-. -*: -1< 4"1\Cbmmittees Named For ..... If e4/eK, tie ~1tI}' THE OLIVER H. BAIR COe 1120 CHIIINUI Lonll Tr"I" Gane'· ed lentfiv catchb by Jerry Liddell gain· e. ut on the next playa 48.14 II $1.1.l r• Fllal fumble turned Iheball over to Ihe PageS SWARTHMOREAN A«~fETER:u,. - :gf~;;'c~~~·~:: ~~i~~~:~;:':.'Hoe~-1 i,~~"",~EN!!t~ 9 We conduct services ta suit your budget ••• and all receivo the lame meticu- • THE It ~~ Ol_~ THE PRICE? .= December I, 1961 INDUSTRIAL SAYINGS LOAN ASSOOATION NO NEED TO BE RICH ..."" . - $2415 1 of Mrs. Bnn&inl's IIr, aDd Mrs, H. V. BrasI ~:I~~~ RaZ'Tlosley and ~~!~~~l~~~~s Day IF . both of cornell by .Jet for a two w~ek va- Broomall. -.::..:.......-...:..----..;...- fc'iltllI'n_ :51"1111(j:b::~uS111e;ri "-,.,If~ ~: lees;' , ;~:.' DeCember,S. cPA",s.m~ .c.,..;~.!\! 1tI..... ~-.. u ' ' .. ~ .Kt~_u.:.gd ~: ':.' .~. .' >. -"'" , .'-' .• ~-. '. ·r '., >- • , / , , THE Page 6 ESTATE NOTICE ESTATE or Ethel V. Garrett. Late of Swarthmore, Delaware County, Pennsylvania. Deceased. Letters Testamentary on the above Estate having been granted the undersigned. all persons Indebted to sald Estate are requested to malle Immediate payment, and those hav·. Ing legal clalms, to present the same without delay to Albert N, Garrett, 228 Garrett Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. 3T·12-S. 1 l KI 3-8093 Jewe1r7 JIeiIalred Ph. KI 3-U16 EMIL SPIES 128 Yale Ave. lock Jtep'8.1f5 . Swarthmore. p& "lDpW_~3-1448 WILLIAM BROOKS ,- A,obe. and Rubblsb Removed ""'''ns Mowed. General HaUllrlg -36 BardIDI A..... MorWD. Pa. .JOIINS MANVILLE RooRng • Siding • Insulation • Floor and Ceiling Tiles • Wall Panenng • Porch Endoillres • Awnln9s • Windows • Jalousies • Stucco • Brlc.polntlng PENNA ROOFING 4: SIDING CO. ~:~T;';~le~p~h:on~e~KtInEgfSWtOO~d~3:-4~28~;:1;~~~S~~~~~~6~~~1 they wantinvite to extend all archery an FOR SALE Ironing to do In my FOR SALE - SWARTHMORE. 'At1st class work. W11l pick tractlve single home, near SChOOI'I!:~~"dj~deIiVer depending on size of trvJn and shops. 22 foot living room and distance. Klngswood wfth fine stone fireplace. Large dln- invitation: or in to reject part. any or all bids, In whole (Including field shooters BY ORDER OF BOARD h t ) to j i th I OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS un ers a n em n SWARTHMORE-RUTLEDGE archery golf. this winter. UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT have made and set up five Marion M. Campbell There is only one the targets which consist of small. stuffed burlap bags from a pole were set up last • urday morning, and by - Baby-slttlng desired morning one had been SALE - Whlnul Colonial table 1:~~~~~~wto~m:an:.~R~e~fe:r:e:n:ce:s~. destroyed, and another x 42. 31" high, one drawer, 0 I_ down and thrown away. ' 3-6838. WANTED - TYping to do Can anyone give us s~:~~:::~1 on electric typewriter. Kllngs'-Itioits as to how we could SALE - Christmas Ideas I A ww~o~od~:~~~.:..._ _._.~._ _ _~lthese targets (and we hope small bowl feeder to hang- on a dd h nI Itt 11mb or a large deluxe model to PERSONAL a at ers) remai ng n ac on a pole, Also bird baths the e nj a y men t 'Pf arcllers houses at the S. - Furilltore refinishing, Swarthmore? The' materials , Quality work at moderanUq ues and modem, absoiutely useless for any nthlerl Plush Mill Road. well 6-4551. Klngswood 4-4888, purpose I Archery golf is a good spod,l _ Carpentry Jobbing, and we hope you will come rooms. ~~j~t;gi~q~jl us and see for yourselves. <;~llO· S DC e~"~i~i~g~: ukeleles. one $4. Double 10 to set out, some additlOlla~ mattresses. $8. I _ Plano tonln~g~~~~~1 targetsVirginia Rath. with David Carroll - Jack Prlcel Bill Reed - Tim Shuba John Grooters apPolnl-I~~~~~~~~~~:;~~;~1 Secretary Belvedere Convalescent Home 2507 ClI.estnut 81., Chester TRemont 2-5373 1 !~;~~~I~e~g~S~'~b~allt~a:n~d~c~~I:aw~_~re:e~t'J\ J. Dawson 6-4692 /4693 210 WEST·STATE ST. MEOlA ELNWOOD, Oonvalescent Home Balum...... PIke &: LlDcola An. • Eatabllsbed 1832 IDI"" _rD1 BlU'I'Ouadlap W1tb hcelleDt M-lItIoar N ........ (Jan Klngswood a to be a verv goodand game. paneledll~~~~~~~~~~~~~;lfor this purpose it Is • FACTORY AUTHORIZED GENERAL ELECTRIC SALES & SERVICE I lO'~:::J bedrooms kitchen. Ing room Three and knotty vineand bath, alr-condltioned. New roof, new hot water heaUng, system with low annual heat cost only $220. Fully Insulated and cool jn summer. Large 101 86 George x 190. Inspection ment. Plowman, by KIngswood 3-0885.· KI 3-9200 Bwarthmon i~~;~r!~~~~~~h:.a~v;e~~b~e~en i An y ....r H ...... , ..pro .... ~n'.Wlt.. 0IIe Firm LOwell To The ---- WATCHMAKER Formert, ... ·F. C. Rode ""d _ Raymond Leiters CLASSI F'I EDAD S 7 South Chester Road MDMoa, Pa. EST of Elizabeth A. Lueders r;\i1~~~~c~0~0~p~er~'~12~4~O_L~an~d~·~~~A~';l'~'~ARIER FLORIST "lne .w~ 'aDd Mr. and Mrs. EdwardD. Ainslie. of North Chester road had as . The Swarthmore-Rutledge' Union The opinions expressed below School District wlll receive sealed :::~~~~t~(~Late of theCounty, Borough of I~~::~~ guests on Thanksgiving Delaware Pa.) are those oUhe Individual wrltbids ror the purchase of the School Testamentary on. the son-In-law and daughter Mr. erB. All letters to 'The SwarthDistrict's elementary school bulldmorean mustbe slgned.PseudoIng and the real estate on which It granted all to Mrs. D. Decker of who request Bank.Lawrence N. J. 'nymns mayb';'i1sedlf the writer' is located. situate on Morton Avenue. or demands Is known to the Editor. Letters Rutledge. Pennsylvania. the of the decedent wlll be published only at the ,Bidders may obtain at the orrice known the same. and all di!,cretlon of the.Edltor. of the School District In the High per'sollB indebted to the decedent to School BuUding, comer of College payment, without delay, NOT BUY your r.built Appreciate" Generosity and Princeton Avenues. Swarthmore. I~:~~~;'" H. Lueders. Executor. 3 a piano tun.. of 47 To the Editor: Pennsylvania. without charge. on II Princeton Avenue. pro,cllieol uporioneo with all any day hetween Monday and Friday The Swarthmore Branch of Inclusive. between the hours of ~~j~~~p:.a. Or to his Attorney wUI pay you in tho end. American Red Cross has be,enl8 A.M. and 4 P .M.. a set of InstmcPhiladelphia 10, iiiil naturally very much interested tlons ror bidders which contalns the recent United Fund drive description of the real estate' and we are a part of this fund and the various terms conditions on which bids may be and submitted. our money comes from this ef!~~~1 A certified check, Bank Cashier's '-;;:==:7"_;;:FOR RENT WANTED A great many of our workers check,orTrust'Company Treasurer's ,; and administrators check, payable to the order of theI space, one, two j:~~~~~~~~~~~::~ISOliCltors References. the campaign sw or three rooms. Apartments, large. and it Is very a rth m0 re- Rutied ge UnIonS h c 00 medium, and small. Swarthmore Inor Ironing. Ifylnuo to us that the genl!rousl satisfactory District, or to bidthebond. with surety School District. vestment Company, 17SouthChester people of Swarthmore have nOlcel for 5% of the bid, must act:omponv Road. SWarthinore. Sings wood 3-0586 ANTED - Homes for slx_eak - that v more met the quota that _ each bid, as a guarantee the bldkittens, and one six month old ht 1 der w11l enter Into a contract In _ Media. First floor front Well house-broken, affectionate so mue a so many peop e. writing 'in the event that his bid Is room, bedroom. tile gentle with small children. Kln~sThank you. Swarthmore. accelited. No bid may be withdrawn ~r1t~~;'~ri.enclosed porch. Near wood 4-4341. Sincerely, for a period of thirty days alter the ~! adults. $85. LOwel I-----~_________. American Red Cross date set for the opening of bids. ANTED - Woman for housework Swarthmore Branch Bids must be dellvered to the near and supervision of children MonMrs. Avery F. Blake Secretary of the School District at dining room, through Friday, 3 to 5. Swarththe artlce of the School District In large'I~~~~~c:a~I~I,..:e=ve:n:l:n:gS~.~K~In~gS:W:O:O:d:.1 Chalrman In thA Hl~h School Bulldlng. corner one screened 1. floor. Garage. heat of College and Prlncetiln Avenues, hot Adults only. Klngs- WANTED _ Home for gray male klt-· Archery & Vandalism Swarthmore. Pennsylvania, on or before Wednesday. December 20, 1961 t en. Call KI ngswood 3-1947 a rter To the Edl·tor'. 3-0798. or Klngswood 3-0272. at 8 P.M., at which time and place P.M. The group of young a«lhe,rsl the bids w11l be publicly opened and who have been shooting with publlcty read. Bids must be submltRENT - Garage $6. monthlY, lege stu.dents on ,the ulrls' ted on the form Included In the Inand Rutgers Avenues. 0 structlons Ie B~dders. 8-4545 after 6 P.M. letic field this fall, under The School Board reserves the RENT - Garage, 404 EL'h supervision of Virginia Rath, right to waive any inlormallties In, Beddow M8ry December 1; 1961 SWARTHMOREAN 3-0272 N_ o_ Aled. - ...8eD11•• Cb...... Clan CGGl'a"aceat y.D, ud WoiD.. k " ,.'.,. -,,,. , ."., . ., H. D. CHURBH , I, .ARK AYE" SWARTHMORE 4-2727 . ROOFING Gutters , Warm·Air Heating ROGER RUSSEU Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Work hand tooled ar\ll guard, $25. Photographic Supplies STATE .. MONROE 1rrB. MEDIA ,George .,.,. ud eo. marble top pedestal stereo Call and 5. LOwell 6-2176 OPEN PRIDAY EVENINGa BOX 48 CLobe 9-4358 ~IIIUlUllllnHlUIIUUlnUIIIIIIUUD.iL a§ ~ 5 I PAINTING ; INTI!lRIO~ /I< EXTERIOR i i! Free Estimates ~ iL Klnqswood I 3-0761 u_~.....[..ItUUC•• Riding hilt. By appointment. 3-3932 After Monday. THOM UPHOLSTERER. Eleven SWarthmore references. SLIP< new condition. ·';:RS your fabric or from cars. houses. pIes. In - Estimates are free. -i.Udrc;~" bus. Large 6-7592 or LUdlow 6-0734. remote control sceniC platforms. PERSONAL - Parchment paper Klngswood 3-2636. shades reconditioned. China glass mended. Telephone Kingswood SALE - McCobb natural finish '1- FOR dining table, six chairs, buflet. 4-0174. Hollywood double bed, Klngswood - Let Gr"ndmother's : 4-1036. make famlty mendfor mother. Prompt, a LOST AND FOUND KInllSwood 3-5117. i Pallol Riofllg Co. . m"ILlSHED 1m "aOOFINe ·SPOunN8 "&UTTEIS "SIDING SWARTHMORE .... --- 1C14aa' • .... Olive green wlnler jacket Avenue Triangle Park. KIngswood 3-1274. LOIN - Sll v~ earring (bunch of crapes design) In front or Woman's o;:Iub TUesday, eveolnk. Klngswood a-:-1900. FObND ~ PreScrlpllOIl ._ 1D doullla cue. • II II. .t ". '.. Hollies - Cblld care betweell 5 p.m. dally Ilt 205 Dartavebue. Call KIngswood 4- -',~~I~ ,.... " t'M lis. J_. '~'- ~ ""-+"";","'':'- .;/,.~. tv. Shade Trees (We Delive~ Appointed hospital solicitor John B. H. Donaldson ..Mr. !Dlma,ldllon Is also well-known the area and has be en act! ve in civic and bar association actIvities. He Is a graduate of the IUlliv,ers,lty' of Pennsylvania and resident of Wallingford. V.1~.It.' Ollr Roadside Market Open W,!,.kd!at"c& , MacArthur· L and Patten. o L w O· W L L o w o w p R .Handsome Glff Pack P R I CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HJ:ALS C E holds radiO "fIlii all accessorIes IncludIng carryIng case, elr· phone unit with protective case and $22.88 two extralolls·llfe penliGht batterl...... ··IT'S A GIFr ''SO WORTH GETTING" THAT YOU C E WILL WANT ONE FOR YOURSELFI ~~**~~**~~~ ~~~~~~~~~:.~~ ~ ' ~ m ~ m ~ I ' _ . ! ; 'WESTIN'C H0'\. s'E" __ I reg. $1.65 SKIRTS & SWEATERS reg. 74¢ each CHESTER JR. BOARD GOES OVE.R THE TOP 12 Park Avenue Swarthmore, Pa. The Junior the Chester "~~:!,::=::::::::::::~~:s!=~:::::::~~:e~~~~~~!. Hospital basBoard gone ofover the top II in the United Fund Drive. Their goal vias $883; they raised $1.065.50. 405 Dartmouth Ave. Among the members of the team were Mrs. William ALL INSTRUMENTS EXPERT INSTRUCTION of Strath Haven avenue. Mrs. Walter Kirkpatrick of Wallingford. IlIcl~dlng Mrs. Clarence Worst of ~;~!~::~~I( avenue, president of th~ , Y.W.C.A .. worked with the mO,mbers in helping to their goal. RENTAL:;, _ REPAIRS Open Daily 2:30 KI4-5448 .. "I Saw It In The Swarthmorean ~'1Jitta~ GUITAR . PIANO ACCORDION .' Weekend Special • COAL YANAlEN BROTHERS, .Co ./ SWIR'S PREMIUM Boneless Top Round Roast of Beef .. "" , BUDGET PLAN AlteraUons on· EYell'and sueet clothes. Dgswood 3-6649• D"JroOd 3-lU3. lYE CHRISTMAS OIL BURNER SERVICE ~ FOUND- Silver I~ In ..ont or " FUEL OIL Nurseries, HOW WFJl .adl, - 1141 a.M. ........ a-WFIL.T'-IIII a.M, LIBRARY ACCESSIONS i __ ....., FIIICHt ••• _ I some antiques, Jack Prichard rtll ••Ir. Ar.......... when you go 'Gift in hand,' go first t() IUSTOM IISUllATllIIS ., Page 7 SWARTHMOREAN McCabe, Jr., Appointed Mrs. C. H. ' of Des •••• Ia .• formerly 'of Swarthmo'''reOlnles, Wallingford Resident To New Marketing Board Flctlon- H. Bates, The grandson of Mrs. Jane T. VA'r rnw chantress,and other stories Thomas B. McCabe. Jr., vice Robert S. Diggs, Wallingford, of South Chester road, was - --Winston Churchlll. The erl:sis;lplreslde,nt. Scott Paper Company, has been appointed general super- 01 a group 01 17 students Haye. Named, Noel Clad, Until the real accepted appointment to the inteMent or the transmission and Carleton College who went comes along. Barnaby of Governors 01 the ,Acad-. distribution department of the Washington. D. C,. to march i. Solicitor of Food Marketing. to be esPhiladelphia Electric Company. round the White House in pr~~~~~~lgl~T~\W~.;o~area residents have been Dangerfield. Daniel Defoe. ana, or the fortunate by St, Joseph's ColA graduate of the Unlversit,Y of against the Nuclear Bomb to the Board of DirecChristopher Isherwood. The of Philadelphia. Maryland with II de~fee in ell,ctri- Ing. The group fasted for of Riddle Memorial HosMr. McCabe has served lIS cal ~nglneering, Mr. Diggs joined three day march whicll was and 'anotlier appointed the' lin stories. Henry James. Bostonians. Henry James. Paper's vice president ·in Philadelphia Electric in 1938. nanced by them alone. advisor. Charles A. Mcportrait of a lady. Samuel of ail phases of internal He is a member of the AmeriMr. and Mrs. Paul M. hospital presld(!nt. anson, History of Rasselas, marketing since 1960. A graduate can Institute of Electrical Engin- of Park avenue had as today. of Abyssinia. James Joyce, of Swarthmore College, he jolted. eers, The Franklin Institute. and guests for Thanksgiving Alexander Ewing, Wa1l1ngford negans' wake. Franz Kafka, Scott Paper in 1954 after tlir ... is chairman of the transmission their son-in-law and Is a lifelong resident amorphosis. Franz Kafka, with Jewel Tea comqany and distribution committee of the Mr. and Mrs. V, S. Kupelian Delaware County. Mr. Ewing a two-year term at Han'aid Pennsylvania Electric Associa- chlldrenTeddY,David and Diane born In Chester and grad- ected short stories. Bernard amud, A new life. Alber"t,o~~M~;o~rr~-I~u~~n.'.s School to take an M. Mrs. Mary Kupelian of Akron. 0.. from Swarthmore High tion. • avla. The empty canvas. C A. before receiving his ar:IIr. Diggs recently was appoint- and Dr. and Mrs. A. In addition to giving executive degree from' the Unl- Nordhoff, The dark river. ed to the board of the Helen Kate of Beirut, Lebanon, a cousin of othy Parker. The collected stcil-Idirection to marketing functions of Pennsylvania. He was Furness Library in Nether Pro- the Kupelians. Dr. and Mrs. Manles of Dorothy Parker. J. at Scott Paper, Mr. McCabe is a vidence. and is also chairman of oogian are in the United States Marine for four years during director of the World Affairs War II and saw action in ers, Prince of darkness, education on the Nether Provi- for an extended· trip of stories. Gertrude Stein, Council of Philadelphia and a various hospitals and will return Pacific. He has been a pracdence School Board. lives. Laurence Sterne. The member of the Board Directors "iiin."'j;;;;-;;;;;;;:;=~.!B~e~i~ru;t:n:e~x:t=::==:-_.., architect for 15 years, and and opinions of Tristam ' of the Association of National Yr. ~VlSlOII serve on the hospital build- gentleman .• Laurence sterne, Advertlsers. Inc. ua .~ and grounds commltte~. Mr. sentimental journey· A native of Swarthmore. Mr. lOYAll: AVENUE MORlON.A. IF.wlM is a member of the Amer- France and Italy. Louise A. McCabe is married to the former TELEWIIiOI _ HI.E ••~ AlTO RIDIO _ .HI••• ' Institute of Architects. etorl, Beyond the Hungry CounYvonne Motley. The couple live .. Mr. Ewing is a director of A. try. Eugene Sue, The in Wallingford and have three Bring It to U. CII' We'. Came to You" " Wirz, Inc., Cbester manufacJew. Dylan Thomas. children, Klnpwoocl 4-1028 Iturers and a member of SprlngIhoLv.,n and Rolllng Green Co un- In the skin trade, and oth~erre'~~~:=~ITO VIS-I-T-S-H-S-D-'E-C-.-1-3Clubs. The Ewings reside, at ies. Leo Tolstoy, The Charles H. Doebler, admission 7 Cburch Road, Wallingford. and sonata; The Devil; and stories. Mark Twain, The officer of Brown University. w111 I~~~:~b.swarthmore Presbyterian plete short stories. Oscar Wilde visit the Swarthmore High School. WHits W. Hayes. another lIfe- The picture, of Dorian Gray, and on the afternoon of Wednesday. 13. , Delaware County resident, De Profundls. Angus Wilson, Mr. Doebler will meet with was elected to the hospital The old, men at the zoo. MIDDLETOWN ROAD, MEDIA OpposIte High Meadow MysteriesDavid Alexander, students and conler with officers Igc,velrnll~g board. Mr. Hayes, who Tales for a rainy night. of the school. He is currenth on (betweell DuHon Mill Road I1nd Knowltoll Road) vice-president of the Delaware Braly, Felony tank. tour, visiting schools in the MidIcc,unt;y National Bank and manTelephone TRemont 2-7206 Frazer. Tbe Hoax. die Atlantic States. of Its Media branch, was in Upland and attended pub- Henry Kane. Death of a fnla~:c~:k:i';I;;j;-;;:;;;;;rtc;;';:Ir~;;;le;.j.;;;~:'ASK FOR BEN PALMER American Indian leadership. schools In Chester before Mac!{inley Kantor. It's a Anatol Kovarsky. Kovarsky's crime. James McKimmey, 24 I~~~~::tln:r from the American In- to ·klll. Saiban, The doli World. Harald Lamb, Babur. the I~ of Banking. Employed Geoffrey Wagner. Season of tiger: first 01 tbe great Moguls. as a messenger by the bank, PINES FIRS SPRUCES saslns. Ivan T. Sanderson, The continservice with Delaware counNon-FlctlonKenneth ent we live on. Elizabeth DanNational has been continuous comb Dunsbee, As you pass leis Squire. Fortune I! your hand. le.:cel~t for military duty as a gunon a B-29 in the Pacific Henrik Ibsen. Peer-Gynt; adram- John Toland, But not In shame: atic poem. Alvin M. Josepby, six months after Pearl Har$ l8$'tq. , ... Idulting World War II. He will serve the hospital finance commlt- The patriot chiefs: a chronicle SPLIT HAROWOOD FIREPLACE WOOD 81ue "HM UUolld IlADJB l'IPPDI TDBNBB, ..- THE Philo. Electrit Appoints ••,r..',. ... • ......... Klngswoo!i Picture' Framing December 1. 1961 Gen"",, ContftlCtot BuiLDERS 'Slnc. , .... , , " .IN I a lke,..a. PH~NO B,ARG!,!!I!..,.. MACarthur & PATten ~ 1401 Rlla, A. , RADIO BARGAINS - II ;;:;:12-47" 54'1 Chester Pike, Prospect Park IE 2..1'1-19 .............-- 't costs no more to enjoy the Best at ••• The Page 8 THE LWV Units to Hear Observers' Reports Senkes Helll For Willia. S. McCa'•• William Settle McCahan, form· erly of Philadelphia and Swarthmore, died November 27 of heart atta.s:k at the age of 63. He was one of four children of the late Albert Johnson :and Mabel (SetUe) McCahan of Huntingdon; PR •• aDd brother of the late ProfeHsor David McCahan of the . University of Pennsylvania. An older brother. Albert Johnson M,fCahan of !.:ynn. M~s., s.ur· ",.ves and a slster, Mrs. Mallan ~rcCahan) Ransburg of Swarthplole. After graduating from Hunting.. don High School Mr. McCahan ...as employed at the standard Refractories Company of Claysburg, Pa .• prior to entering the University of Pennsylvania from where he received his B.S. Degree. In 1928 he was married to Ka· tinka Koelle Schreiber of New Orleans. La., and was with a investment firm in that City for several years prior to coming to Philadelphia where he was as· sociated with the firm of Bonbright and Company. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Huntingdon. Services will be held at the Rive,yiew cemetery in Huntingdon. Pa .• at the convenience 0 the family. [t was requested tha nowers be omitted. 8WARTHMOREAN December I, 1961 Media Fellowship House. WILLIAM S, HARVEY," Lists Dec, Discussions FORMER RESIDENT The League of Women Voters members of the observer teams which reguiarly visit Borough Council, School Board, Library Board and County Commissioners meeting will report to Units in December and will recruit addi· tional observers. Both Borough Council and the School Board will reorganize in January, following elections, and observers will discuss the past year's work at units. At the same time, suggestions for local program for the LWV of Swarthmore for the coming year (to be adopted at the Annual Meeting ill March) will be welcomedo The Afternoon Unit will meet at the home of Mrs. Eugene Burroughs, 405 Haverford place, on Monday at 1 p.m., under the leaderShip of Mrs. John Seybold. The Morning Unit Will meet on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Warren Hatch, 44 Morganwood circle. at 9:30 a.m., Mrs. James Jezl will be the leader. The Evening Unit will meet on Monday, December 11. at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Ned Williams, 40 Dogwood lane, Mrs. Alan Hunt presiding. Visitors will be welcome at all Units. ATTENDS PREVIEW RECEPTION Mrs. Louis B. Dennett bt North Princeton avenue attended a pre. view reception of "The Magnif. icentEnterprise:EducationOpens the Door,"· a photographic ex· hibitioncommemoratlng 100years of higher education for women, on display at Fidelity-Phlladelphia Trust Company, Broad and Walout streets, Philadelphia. Mrs, Dennett is president of the' Philadelphia Vassar Club, sponsor of the exhibit which will continue through December 6 at the Philadelphia bank. 'Media Fellowship House itself William S. Harvey, II, of st. will be in the spotlight at the Davids Court Apartments, St. Friday Round Table Discussions Davids,died nt his home on Mon· at the house during the month of day, November 20. He was 80 and December. Three officers of the was a retired insurance broker. organization will be leading the His home for many years was at discussions. 6 College' avenue, Swarthmore. Nancy Cox; director, will be He is survived by his widow the discussion leader1.;::·~;;;;;;;::::-:::1~~::;:K~~s~t~er~a~ve~n~u~e~h~ou~s~e~'(t~ to partiCipate in the discussions. II December 22 will be a social af· Q 0 0 9 0""""''''''''0 fair at which everyone will be welcomed. The discussions begin at 12:30 and end promptly at 1:30. OF / The Little Theatre Club SHS GIRLS ATTEND VASSAR CLUB TEA The Pembroke College Club of Philadelphia will hold a subfreshmen tea on Sunday. in Devon. Those attending from Swarthmore are:. Deane Calhoun of Elm avenue, Debra Campbell of Academy road, Lorene Hebble of North Chester road, Linda Hunt of Dickinson avenue. Linda Jones of Haver-. ford avenue, and Cynthia Seltzer of College avenue. Mrs. Bruce M. 'Bigelow, assistant' dean of admissions, will greet the girls and show slides of the college. Mrs. Charles W: Maslin of Vassar avenue is presi· of the club. ' I Swarthmore College PRESENTS BER'fOLT BRECHT'S 74e t;uut 1(JtJfHale t¥. S~ 0 DIRECTED BY BARBARA PEARSON LANGE 0. Thurs., Dec. 7, at 8:15 Friday Dec. 8, at 7 and 9:30 Sat., Dec. 9" at 7 and 9:30 Sun., Dec. 10, at 7 Sat.;- Dec. 16, at 7 Sun., Dec. 17. at 70 o At Pearson Theatre, Student Arts Center RESERVATIONS ARE NECESSARY oCall KI 3-0200 Ext. 389 Adults .... One Dollar . a Q 0 Office HOU~S 1 to 5 P.M. daily . Children . . . . Fifty Cents J!. =-..................................., ··· .. . • =. a a a ~O·-S~-¥ d ......,..----- = · ··· ·.. CHURCH GROUPS, SCHOOLS. CIVIC • • ORGAN~ZATIONS: • ·· ·= \ " .,' I ' you did not have an opportunity to sign the a·nti.Blue Route ., petition offered on Election Day, you may still do so. Petitions may be signed at the homes of the following: . MR, & MRS. MARTIN ESTEY, • MR. & MRS ..CLARENCE MYERS, • MR. & MRS. EDMUND JONES, . When you shop in you; home town, you help .. = = = ".= .. = ... .. 321 Dickinson Ave., KI 3· 5538 .... 227 Haverford Ave., KI 3.6416 ,tJltfI. ~t. M de ftetitUJ". at de 4eMi"9- .~M loti,. •.. .. = = = • -' " . I I ......................................· '. . . ... . . ! . ... .. :~. .,] "'. keep th~ Coinmuni~ economically sound• STRETCH YOUR TIME AND MONEY AT. CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE •• MARY ELLEN BEDDOW I .. 730 Ogden Ave., KI 3-2928 to An extremely wide variety ofhich quality merchandi.. is offered here iii Swarthmore lilt f.ir pric... .. .. •• • You Nve money bee..... your home town merchants cIo not have to pay bigh metropolitan rents andean afford to ..II at low pricils. ., .. .. .. .. II .. .. .. a = ii!~4te1r. = The Bel Telephone Company of PlIIIISylvania • to If This film answers the question, "Is America Prepared?"To make a reservation,simply call or write your local Be" Telephone BUSiness . y- .... ·;.. 1 nS'-*III,'liliPI-_ wwId tIIfOIIIh _liid . . . . plan If If Office. so, • ··• ·• · Watt... L tcrtter, !r.: Public InformatIOn Supervisor. 8ell I elephone Company. with ~. Barney Otdfield. NORAD Information Qfflcer If SAVE'HOURS - DOLLARS - NERVES Hours and cIoliars are particularly precious at Christmas time. You can ,et the ,re,test retum for yours by .doin, your Christmas shoppin, in your own home Iown. .... attend the public Hepring, scheduled by the Pennsylvania D,partment of Highways .at the Marp/e.Newtown Jr. High School, at the ' intersection of Westchester Pike & Media line Rd., Thursdoy evening, Dec. 7 7:30 P.M. This will be the only chance opponents of the Blue Route have to be heard in opposition to the proposal before PDH oHicia/s. • = "SECONDS FOR SURVIVAL" = I = SEE THIS TECHNICOLOR FILM NOWI You don't ha far to look .when you • • • a Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Brodhead of Ogden avenue had as their dinner guests on Thanks· giving Day Mrs. Brodhead's par· ., ents Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Kinsman PARTICIPATES IN of Lansdowne. Virginia Broad· head a senior at Friend's CenCEREMONIES tral School. visited Earlham ColJ.Roy Carroll, Riverview road, lege, Richmond, Ind., on Sunday ~ellow an.d secretary o.f the Amer- and Monday and while there saw lcan !nstltute of Ar~hltects, took Alice Walker, a junior, and Heidi part .tn the c:eremomes held Mon- Honn'old, a freshman, both of day 10 Washington,. D. C. at Oct- Swarthmore. agon . House, one~hme executive Dr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Dud· manSlOn of Presldent Madison. ley of Cedar lane will entertain Secretary of the Interior stewart ,as weekend guests Dr. and Mrs. L. Udall pr.esente~ a ~ro~ze Henry Wagner of Georgetown, D. plaque beanng the lOscnptlOn C. On Saturday. they will attend !hat the stru~ture has been d~s- the Army-Navy game at Munici19nated a reglstered national' his- pal stadium tortc Iandm~rk by the Department Mr. and Mrs. Max Essl spent "I Saw It In The Swarthmorean" of the Intenor. the Thanksgiving holiday in ...... - - .... ,...- - _ Mr. Carroll accepted the plaque Staunton Va visiting Mrs for the institute which owns the EssI' s ~on Ch~ck Masehal wh~ structure. is a student at Staunton Military Academy. IO'rivate Peter M. Essl. who is stationed at Fort BenBRIDGE WINNERS ning, Ga., spent last weekend at The next meeting of the Crum his home on Michigan avenue. Creek Bridge Club will be held Sally and Suzanne Stephens, on TUesday, December 12. The students at Penn State and Cor· winners on Tuesday evening in nell Universities respectively, first place were Capt.C.C.Shute were home for the holidays visit· and Leslie Luckie. Mrs. H. M. ing their parents Mr. and Mrs. Armitage and Mrs. J. Kenneth James O. Stephens or' Marietta McDonald were runners-up. avenue. • • cwes, Page 9 • MICHAEL'S COLLEGE PHARMACY CAMERA & ,HOBBY SHOP SWARTHMORE TOGGERY SHOP CAROLYN GIFTS RUTH HANLEY DRESSES CHURCH CUSTOM KITCHENS BOOKWAYS .. CELIA SHOE SHOP THE HOLLYHOCK 'GIFT. SHOP BOUQUET BEAUTY· SALON , PROVIDENT TRADESMENS BANK & TRUST COMPANYTHE MUSIC BOX, INC.' SWEET SHOP JOYCE LEWIS , HARRY OPPENLANDER HI-FI STUDIO THE HARLOW SHOP CRACKER BARREL , \ I, , • = . ---:-; Ii == 1.".1 en =E > :II >oj • == II:: o :II 1.".1 :. z :::::!::::::;:::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::;:::::;:::,:::::::::::::;:::::;:;:::::;:;:;:;:::::;:;:;:;:::::; ::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::: -' " D' H .CHESTER ROAD between SWARTHMORE &SPRINGFIELD , , ' ' , t:l .. ar:r ...... ~ -~~: ~ .... i~ 'GRAND .,.co.... OPENING WONDERFUL .SURPRISES t Gifts for E While They Last!, prises that are in store for everyone in the familyf Valuable Free Cou- , PHtLA: &. P,STAlION pons given away opening week, , , .... r:r .......a I o Wait 'til you see the wonderful sur- ...... .,.'".... o o o Spectacular money-saving food buys throughout the entire market! Be here early., , , get your share , Free Check Cashing i:~( ~, f) Fresh .Seafood & Poultry ~1~' iii ' Barbecued Chickens Parcel Pickup Service o Plenty of Parking Live Lobster Tank Tropical P!ant Dep't (;) Complete Snack Dep't () Famous Lancaster Meats ® Hi Fi Background Music t:l n _ .of terrific values! ,_.x: Iii = 1.".1 - .. j " . .......... . ••• •.' • " 'E " ' , ...... .. ASY . " TO PARK !" ...... {' AT YOUR\ ~ \,!O REAC.y ··· ...... \....... T"·iASy···\ . NEW ~., ........... ~....... .JY1l.. \TO SAVE. :..;,,~~EJ .....: ' ' ' ' r EASY '\ \ ' SPRINGFIELD· ••• , ••• " . . . . . . . . : ,• • •- • \ ~ To CHESTER See it next week! ... exclusive Acme Convenience! lil Acme's Own AIR PORTAL :~m ":}L :,tjill 'I }i1~ No swingi~g doors ... just an invisible curtain of air for easy entering or leaving .•• keeps inclement weather out . . • air conditioned comfort in! /::. :II Ii = II: 0 :II 1.".1 > 21 , . More and' more· women , are saymg "Meet me at the Acme" ',. \ ···4 i = Svml'thmore , TBB SWARTBIIO Page 12 R LWY H.a., Wa,kll',. the faculty; on the aprons worn monthlY was also Included In the In th& county. "I have never reby eight student hostesses at packet the visitors received, celved a letter complaining about the tearor visiting faculty, where along with three individual numtransportation In Delaware Counrefreshments made by Katie Nat- ber assignmenta, designating " he said and added that the vlg's committee were served classrooms in which the visitors . The Swarthmore League of WoArrow Company has told November 16th Event under Mrs,Wllma Lewis'and Mrs. would meet. Voters voted unanimously him they have 100 busses ready Brings in "6 Schools Grace padlasky's direction In Thia schedule set 2:40 to 3 propose to the National League roll when they are needed. He the home economics room, for discussion 'of the Chart:~e'r.~;'(con've(ltlc'n that" A Reappraisal voted against a subsidy to the Swarthmore-Rutledge J u n I 0 Social Mlxel' 3:35 to 4:20 for discussion of Consumer Health protection Pennsylvania Railroad on the High Schoofstudents SimultaneouslY, a sOcial Mixer the proposed Code ot Cooduct, Foods, uoder Present Condi- grounds that he doesn't feel that ed a high quality of varied 5~:~~ for vls1ting students was in pro- Honesty and Dress; and a table andFDALaws" be adopted It's right to use people's taxes Thursday, November' 16,' gress In the gym. There, Mr. Don- number for the banquet with leagues allover the to support a private enterpnse. they were hosts for the aid Henderson's three sub-com- the day's activities were termlnthe next two years. Mr. Watklns eipressed great suburban Junior Student vote was taken at a lunchConference. In attendance st mlttees, composed of 20 students ated. ti b 20 t concern over the Chester Hoson "program and dancing part~ In tile A.ssemblv, the mee ng on Novem er a pltal's financial plight,. and sixth annual event were • Methodist Church ners" under Eleta Jones; and School Chorus, under Guy . about the fear that If the County student council relPrE,se.ntlltlvelslsiX students on "refreshments" direction, rendered three numThe topic touches close to subsidizes Chester Hospital, from e a c h of 46 un i a r d d G 1 'di tl b Willi I h and would Include a close other local hospitals will also schools In Bucks, Cllester, un er Ju Y 0 z rec on, com- ers. am M. Bush, H g of what additives are bined with Sue petroskas' decor- School principal, spoke of the put Into foods,and drugs In feel entitled to government supt aware and registered Mon gomery ations committee of eight who had d 1 xl h pro-llInP'lrtlanc~e to Americans of workof preservatives, In- port The remodell.ng of t,/'e Court vi ed a re a ng atmosp ere Ing cooperativelY under law and and coloringS;· what ne with Elizabeth McKie and this theme was dramatized I·Hlouse, the new $500,000 shelter tbe' middle of the "work" part student. co_mmittee headed. the program. four one-minute student tableaux, harm they do; and wbat legldsla- at Fair Acres, 200 more cells at Laura McCorkle. Sixty-f1 v The afternoon began when the bringing to lite the four historshould be recommende to I3roOO Meadows prl,llon and the schools boo been Invited.' visitors arrived between 1:30 and ically costumed paper sculptures them. The local league child. care program In the county Every faculty member In The guests were assisted in rendered by one eighth grade mailed pamphlets explaining were some of the achievements high worked with the b th I pro po s a I to almost every ki d d committee both on and y e aJ.un or Varsity class of Mr. Gainor's, and framed league In the United States and Mr .Wat ns pointe to uriog his "The Dav ." and "checked'in" at the as murals In the auditorium. Is alreadY encouraged bv the en- term at office. J IWE!lc()me deSk, manned by' Peg~ HI to I I N atl . ' ----------The art classes in seventh • ~ s r co orr on. thuslastlc response. eighth grades, under both :~~~~~~~t~~~ faculty Mrs. Katrina Ives "made up" Otber action taken at the meetNEWS NOTE R. Gsinor and Mrs. Gertrude recognizable historical faces, Ing was the decision' to propose Mrs. H. Miller Cflst of Park. Each school's "packet" asb ha d 1~1~ellue tershall, lent their genius to\;l~~.~~~~ by another student comy Cries Law, Jr. an that the c u Hen t· agenda item," entertalned' at a familY myriad of original uses of '~ contained a copy of the d D. Meurer. The SPal0td11ght "Foreign EconomiC Policy," be party on Thanksgiving conference symbol, designed hel Frances Hoenigsw as acontlnulng responslblllt v • for 18 guests. 'Proposed Charter", written by • steve M ill a r d of la:s,~I~~~II~~~~~ Lewis' committee of nine Pallas Athena, p",tron saint of would enable league memeighth grade and cut into spring;· the "Proposed Com- Athens, who narrated brief stor- bers to take action In Infiuencing block by Jack Miller; the Code", composed chieflY les of .the significance of the legislation through lobbying, letand type setting for it was donatlast year's Junior standards Mayfiower Compact, the Albany ter-writlng and Interviewing leged hy a seventh grade father, whose chairman was Berta where Franklin pro- Islators. Robert A. Adams of Cornell This code was later a Plan of Union, The ConAn Impressive list of other and made into a chart Convention and the continuing respoosiblllties were enue. The symbol, In colors, appeared allover three of this year's Council . N. Charter. also 'kept on the docket so that school: Finances for tbe day's events, tbe members can prod the lawThe average U. S. Onthe banquet tables David Martin, Kendra involving close to $900, were makers on such subJects as "',,'D.I today cos.. only $3. 9 ... some 1 and Janet Fox, assisted 1~~~e;;~N~;;:~~~~~~'~ by Hal Welsh, resources, the United' NSLtiOlnsl more' some I.... Only 1 "/'2% by faculty member David L. ~ betterover value EOI; You your can', money kins; on the armbands of Sue and au\Uted by and Constitutional powers. Cost $10. getbe-a Davidson's Guides, working th '" Yocum, councll coCommlnlaner Speakscause of the effective results our e newspaper Mrs. ..,ewls h d uce. modern e IDVlle you (0 bpro· rmg Mrs. Marguerite Seymour, whose chairman Senator ·G. Robert e Watkins, dnew, W" medicines . of Delawar dedication to students' self- Commissioners, s'p 0 keto .. your Doc' tor s prescrlpllons to realization and' experience In ",sLPelctl;1 us. Our pharmacists are fully group dynamics provided the co- meeting on "Changing II trained and experienced in preordination such a year's work of County Government." cise compounding. Our prices must bave, was well satisfied Mr. Watklns challenged are uniformly fair, always. resalts. Her satisfaction league to do something about . with managers was evl- $400,000 left In the fund denced by tlie fact that she took aside for purchasing creek valley! a nap trom 3:30 p.m, to 4: As all lands for parks. OnlY olle Klnp".;oocI 20 discussions are' on tape, due municipality haS requested to tralned studllnt tape techol- of this money, and he feels l SJr.H. STUDBIIS HOST INTER-SUIURBAN COIIF. RstOaSnsd'acrudsrreBntoaCrhda.irAmaCOnpo!_llr~:~~.:~~ ~R~lc~a~r~~A~.~B~e~r~n~h~a~rd~t~,~al;S~O~;l~~~~gr~a~d~e~r~s~~~~~t~w~i~c~e-~ NEW . WESTINGHOUSEI FROM s~uden~ Calharm.'SDl'DgStDfI 3-O5~ and Jack MllIer, by sheJim skipped the clans, directed Richards discussions. THE IRON THAT SPRINKLES EVEN WHILE DRY-IRONING $14.99 includes wall-mount bolder! Model HS-39 Mr. Watkins is not yet· ~.!!S~b~OU~I~d~b~e~a~l~o~ca~l ~d~e~ci~s~lo~n~.~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~!~~;;;;;;~ Yocum Elected Pres OPEN EVERY NIGHT 9:30 'TIL Sout\leastem P.&EA Frederic W. Yocum, teacher social studies atswarthmore High was elected president qf region at the ·annual convenof Southeastern District of The convention at Abington Senior (Scho(ll on Saturday, November 4. Mr. Yocum has been elE)ctledJ tor atwo-year term. This pOSition was held In 1939 by Frank R. I~~~:;~i:s former superintendent of II In Swarthmore: Begloning In January Mr. Yocum will serve lIS amemberot theP.S.E.A. Executive Council. c....• - SBVDl'I'B tUID wm.aa II'I'B •• REVOLUTIONARY NEW SPIN-DRY COTTON BROADCLOTH SHIRT SHARE LEITER SPECIAL OmR! New w.U-mouRt Iron holder at no 1B· SEALS Uses plain tiP wlter Mr. and Mrs. Wlillam D. Jones Vassar avenue received a letfrom Sven 'Hansen's mother recentlY and thought the tollow~g excerpt would \>c of Interest since Sven was Swartbmore's visiting AFS student last year. '~We cannot at all thank every1~~~~~,:Who in his or her way' made Ii stay the wonderful experIence it. was, but would you not everybody who had been kind to him that we are most grateful to them. A special .greetlng to I :~~~:~~:representatlve to the principalInSwarthand the at Sven's' school In swarthmore" , (SIONED) INGAHANSEN Plus with exclusive W-A-4 TK Belfasf!!J 8elf~ironing 100% cotton Golden N eed.f.e'8 tailoring • keeps Ita nt for life • can be washed any way ;... at home or commerciaUy ELECT Dr, Robe~ K. Enders of Elm • atap whita , •• ean be fully bleacbed prea1pubof IIbIItracta of tIM bloaU over &be world. Ead_ wW ~ 10 &0 • _ ..rtf... • ~h. W-A-4.,. for . . . . . . .' elected ~~~~:B!b~as~be~en AbBcncta, Iiotllell "YI8Il . . .... .:... R.,.fCJr.·_.~-I~"'ri~'1 ........ ., '. s 00 • has a Grip-Tab faab10n collar with .nap-c:lc.e tab .' \ cu«. .11 ••.• . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , r BUY DEC 8 1 9 6 1 ' THE- and USE -, For FDA S'i.y ,a!raL~·.~~.dt~!~:ls; Westinghouse Spray Steam In Dry iron sprinkles on any setting. , , dry, wash 'n wear pr steam. Just touch a but- . ton and get a fine spray for any ironing job ... even when the iron's unpluggedl BUY December 1, .1981 RTHMOREAN and USE 1B SEALS ::~~;-~~__~~=E=:;SW~A~R~T~H~M~O~R~E~;!P!A~"lF!R~ID~A~Y~,!D~E;C!E~M!B~ER~8~,~19~6~1:'::::::::::~::::::::~$4~:OO~.~P~E~R~Y~EA~R~ VOLUME 33 - NUMBER 49 c • MRS. W.TJOHNSON MEMORIAL SERVIa 'Blue'TU Expressway Views YEAR RESIDENT WAS ACTIVE FRIEND IT NO .II. W08'5 SUPPER u~;~~1 SOIEDULED FOR 12TH Postmaster Charles H. citizens to "Mail el Christmas'" and su@:ges.ted(PUBLlC INVITED TO slogan uDo It Now!" 101.... Ibn"v householders and EAR MADRIGAL SINGERS. Members of the Junior Woman's Porents .Reminded of Mrs. Elizabeth S. Johnson, 1I'rwnili es. Canteen Closing Time widow of Ihe lale Dr. William Christmas packages for Club of Swarthmore are looking to the annual covered Johnson of Ogden avenue, delivery should be mailed Canteen Ihis week will be open (diied.Sundl!J at the Elnwood Home later thlln December 15. dish supper which will be held of the Swarth- on Baltimore In special session Tuesdov ~ to m all Rmembers tl d was 85 Pike in Springfield. mas cards for nearby a t 6 :30 p.m. The . nlg~t Borough Council passed ore- u e ge 8th grade, a s ' should be mailed at least a made particularly two resolutions for presentation well as to all its regular memMrs. Johnson Vias a nalive of before Christmas. e by a light musical proby its SOlicitor Clarence G. bers. Canteen will be held Sat- siifornia but spent her child.---.------which will be presented by at last night's state Highway liom 8 o'clock at the Rut- hood in Asbury Park, N. J .. and Swarthmore Madrigal Singers. Department hearing on the 31ue gers Avenue School'. The chap- Buffalo, N. Y. After her marThe Swarthmore Madrigal Singers were formed about two years . h . this week will be Mr and riage in 1911, she lived in West Route of the expressway. council . Henry McCorkle and Mr. and P iladelphia. ago when Mrs. William Smith, a .was perhaps more stormy, John Magee. A resident of Swartbmore for vocalist with the Philainvolved more variations of Paronts are once more reminded 35 years, Mrs. Johnson was a Drukin To Serve A s . . orchestra and vocal that Canteen will end promptly member of tbe Swarthmore So, invited a few friends to dividuai opinion, then any viously held meeting of at.ll o'clock. If parents are ciety of Friends and served act- Elementory Principal her in an afternoon singing town's governing body. picking up their children they iyhely on many of its committees. John F. Spencer was group. The chorus grew to .its Aft er scrappin'g all but should be there at that time. S e was formerly a member of J'Plresid,mt of the present 20 members in this same first few lines of a four-page the NeedleworkGuildof America, the Swarthmore Woman's ClublR,utlLedlge Union Scbool Board way. "explanatory" resolution of opand annuaireorganization meeting Mrs. Smith, who sings profesposition prepared by Myers menl-I During the she ser- Monday night. Former under the name of Ethel bers passed by a 4-3 vote ved as Chairman of the Donald P. Jones retired at will direct the Madfollowing resolution: . Welfare SOciety which at expiration of his term as a Singers in a program of "The. Council of the time stressed assistance to member. and unfamiliar Christof Swarthmore, having unemployed. David Vint of Rutledge mas Carols and Christmas muo;ic the route of the proposed For many years, Mrs. Johnson to Spencer's former from other countries. The Junior County Expressway was a member of the Womens treasurer. W. Newton Ryerson Club cordially extends to all 480), and considered the The Swarthmore Mothers' 'Club Board of the Elwyn elected to succeed Vlnt as borough residents the invitation' omic and other' effects hold its regular monthly Scbool and was active in to attend this evening of Christhereby expresses its in the Presbyterian Worn ens International Thetwo In Music beginning at 8: 15. thereto for the reasons set build' Th d t For Peace And Freedom. general election, Raymond F. Under the chairmanship of Mrs. p:m. Surviving are a daughter ElIza- Winch and Francis J. Lawrence Shane, Jr., home. mg urs ay a I'n the le'tter ,whl'ch th,'S addressed to the Secretary The Child study Club Chorus beth (Mrs. Richard B.) Wray were jointlY administered committee, each member will Highways on JulY 6, 1960 Ridley Park under the leader- Hillbornavenue, two granddaugh- oath of office and assumed' >lsked to bring a casserole, repeated on August 15, 1'961 of Mrs. Harry B. Johnson ers, and a sister Mrs. seats on the hoard. Spencer vegetable, rolls, or des, 'The Borough of present a program of varied Wilkeson of West Long Branch, pointed' Winch temporary for the burfet supper. Memwishes to go on record in Mrs. Lloyd Ta~ket will N. J. cbalrman,succeeding Dr. Samuel of Mrs. Shane's committee tlon to suggestion that echorus. A Memorial Service will. T.Carpenter whose term on thE!Jar'e: proposed Mrs. Robert pemberton is in held Sunday at 2 p.m. in board expired along with Jones'. Mrs. Eric S. Buhayer, Mrs. of the program and will Swarthmore Friends Me,etlngl Bouda offered his W. Caywood, Mrs. David be located along Crum Creek at the edge qfSwarthmore.To place assistedbyMrs. George Dunn. House. since business reqnires '- Eynon, Mrs. Davilj.French, the highway through the will present a program be in' another' section of the . Thomas Jones, Jr., Mrs. Creek woods would destroy' one '!Make Merry for Chrlstcountry on the December 20 meetD.A. Knoll, Mrs. Thomas. of the great natural assets of our " There will be homemade . ingdate of the board, and he has Linton, Mrs. Rodney P. Morcommunity and, in addition, obon display collected be1!n transferred to Europe by Mrs. Andrew W. Riedell, struct the future development club members along with a the Scott Paper Company and . William C. Spencer, Mrs. T. Swarthmore College, which is so by Mrs. Dunn who will be leavin& for Switzerland in VSD Hart, and Mrs. GorimportllJ,lt a part of the Swarth- will present novel ways of giv- FIRST OF TWO STORY iniu-January. He said he wasL. Wahls. Mrs. Hal F. Doig, We are confi- ing food as gifts. beis in charge more community. . HOU RS SAT , ,9: 3'0 h's E the resignation . Id t,garden bl d chairman, t· dent tbe engineers of the state Members of the club will share • urapean serVlcewou a e ecora IOns. Highway Department wlll'be in- their Christmas with the children The Christmas season has arof several years duration Md·' Gifts to Bring genlous enough to find a solution f Sunnycrest Farm and The at the Swarthmore Public mlghtthereafter be sent someCommunity affsirs chsirman, Lloyd W. Spangler,' asks to this problem which will not helter by bringing Christmas Library as the library displayed where else instead of returning cause such neediess destruc- gifts for'these children to meet- its new seasonal decorations for Swarthmore. Hesaidhe desired member to purchase and tion'. When a route is determined 'ng. Mrs. John Clymer, welfare the first time Monday afternoon. give the board as long a time with her to the supper a we request that the Highway hairman, an!! her commlt.tee Twndozen blue and silver angels as possible to find and appoint of stretch sto,ckings for a Engineers will respect and con- will distribute the .-lfts some have been suspended mid-air someone to fill the vacancy. or a girl. One of the stocksider suggestions of interested time before Christmas. } above the library cl1arging desk Meeting Date Changed should be filled with gaily governing bodies regarding the Mrs. W'ayne Boyer and Mrs~ in a gently-moving mobile ar- However, when the board later small gifts for the child. specific location of the highway Richard Germano will be the rangement. This holiday color to change Its meeting . Spangler suggests non-edhas been carried out beginning in January items such as small toys; a and its interchanges", support- hostesses for the meeting. ing this resolution were Councll- _ _ _ _ the library. meeting twice a month, on the comb', tooth ,paS~e;' crayons, a The entire display, which will and third Tuesdays, in- tooth brush, etc. Each should be men Mor.se, Lukens, Wilson and Wood.. completed with the addition of' the r,udstotmary t~:~ according to tile age and The secondreso(utlon, pressed the library's traditional Christ- Bou a emporarl.." of the child in mind. The nd suptree within 'the next week, withdrew' tbe resignation, on ill b di t 'b t d b by. councilman Bloom a designed and executed by which no action had been taken. w e s 11 U e y D ..... ported by Morse and Lukens as uln ~ I:~~:.~n~~~ Lindsey, a swarthmore said he would be ahle to a~ Community Nursing Service well as Bloom's co-dissenters needy children. ill Club's Stated Meet'lng School senior. tend the January 9 session. soSuccessful Br'ldge (G tl I 11 th on e ear er reso u on As special holiday features, licltor David Speers said the and Gowing), states: Set for 2 PM Tues library has planned two chil(Continued on Page 4) The Fashion Show Dessert "In the event that the Penn'" held on November 28 was t' f th story periods for the com~----------sylvaniaDepartment of Highways At th e s t a t ed mee mg 0 e a com111ete succesS, All 'Cl b T d t th weeks. The first story time W and the United States Bureau of oman s u, ues ay, a e I were aliocated to the Public Roads determine that the annual Christmas program will be held at the library tom orthe Children Federation to . b R . G 'ft d morning, December 9, at 9:30 - I ' Blue Route is the proper route, b e gIven ft;. ;~~~:d 10~~, ~ ': with Librarian Mary Ann HunIDft, or I'L \,IIns possible the continued the Borough of Swarthmore de- soprano 0 e I e P 111. YI1C sicker serving as story-teller. IPI!t." of Nelson Yellowhair, sires to'go on record in favor of Opera Company. In C'ostume, she second story session will G, Swing to Direct Navajo Indian boy. the proposed western loop". will pr~~ent "Christmas in Many held two weeks later on Sat15th Program The juniors have sponsored The loop, which goes through L >aGn d s . . . Decem"er 23, at 9'.30 wI·th h . schoolingforfouryears. k wn th oughout u T e Swarthmore College ChorNether Providence' Township, M . roo ore IS no r , . LI'bra'rl'an LeanorePer. is nQw 14 years old and is was conceived as an alternate t hIS area an d. was state F e d erhandling those pre-Christ- us, assisted by members of the I:!::::::i~:,: as a "typical boy in after Swarthmore College and the ationConventionsoloist in 1960. fest·I'vI.ties. College Orchestra, will present respect." He loves sports, '11 b d after the "Music for Christmas"onFriday, ni d T ea WI e serve In each case, the stories will December 15, 'at 8:15 p.rn... in aintaine a good average Borough sent their earlier protests against the Blue Route be- program the 2 o'clock .program. planned especially for chil- Clothier Hsil. The program is school, and has already excause ,·ts original center strip Club members are asked by kindergarten through the d th d quaiun er e irection of Peter Gram "tl.es. D k th cut through partof college lands. Mrs. Ho,,:ard R.. ra e, yO? JSE,eolnd or third grades - although Swing. O' Mr. Bloom felt that the loop 'over- aonSl!rvatlO~ ch~llman, to brIng an.d all are invited. ' S I 'd t f th TheYellowbsir familY arefermComes Council's previously stat. to this meetIng glft~ for the boys evera res I en s 0 e town ers and live In a remote a:ea of ed objectinDs and it Is not proper atGlen Mills and gIlls at Slel~h: will join the college students in miles from the nearest to. now ask authorl·ties to come ton Farms aged d12 toto16. GIftS FRIENDLY OPEN HOUSE the annsUal rtChristmas program. post and far distant from • rna , college organist nd up with something else. "After are to be marke as . age a HEAR CHRISTMAS STORY resident of the Borough, will the town of Holbrook, where NelaU we have to recognize it is sex, and accompanied by appro'?I)en t'e program wl·th a chorale Is in school. Nelson lives in , . t I The FriendlY Open House group" n d It th natural for everyone to be sel- pr~a e wrapp ngs. will meet Monday from 2 to 1<:.\1. Prelude, In Dolci Jubilo, by J. S. arm ory near e integrated fish in such things and if people SOIOI'Sts wl'll be school int Holbrook. AI" r~'" hi d t • the\l(omen's Association Room Hac' h. D_-·ured 'press to have the route west of the. Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Ethelwyn Whlttmore, ·sos paren s 0 no speak Media, -group would press cue PAcK\"Q.2. MEETS Mr, and Mrs. Edward Heller will prano," and John west; bliss. and carryon thi! age-old to push It west ~f wa... a,', and TONIGHT A'I''1:3O the 'Chrlstmas story in . student soloists Include Judith traditions oftheir ances~rs, tbey so?n it would be In OhIO! ,he A meeting of' cub pack 432 Gifts .wlll be exchanged Aitken '63, alto; Cath,erine Hall are very proud of Nelson and slUd. Gill,. Gowing and Bloom will be held tonight at 7:30 In tbe members_ The Melbo- '63, soprano; and- 'InStrumeDtahim to have a good shared the conviction that traffic th : Methodist Churcb, park members will be hOstwill Gall IlacColl Juniors are very . coot:esUolI ,la the borough has e . or the to be· able to JUke tills Expressed In TWO Veins SPENCER HEADS MEETINGS CHANGED MOTHER CLUB. PLANS MEETING DECOUTES HOUDAYS HI SOPRANO PHILADELP A TO PRrRuT PROG Coil ege W·.. Preseld 'M"':· F .,S . an~ther av~ . . \. DU~. _. "'., " . .~ . .. , -i, J. ,i . i' ~ '. \ THE 2 SWARTHMORBAR December 8, 1961 a son, Mr. and Mrs.G.Alexander Mr. and Mrs. George A. Han- 'Tree, formerlY of Waln ut lane, with' Mr. and Mrs'I::::~I~ul~Jr., of North Swarthmore and Mr. and Mrs. Leo . maternal Is Dr. and Mrs. John R. Bates S. Herbert of Yardley, spent wl11 spend this weekend 0 f Medl a. ~~ William A. grandmother DeCalndry of North Chester road spent twollastweekend In New York vlsltNew YOrkthWhere Mlr. Hallt.sell ADOPTION. ~:~;;d:~~~~I;~:a.~v~e~nuel and the paternal museums and attending two attend e annua mee Ings are Mr. and Mrs. A. weeks at their summer home Shoreham, L. I.. before and after hows. the Eastern Collegiate AthleCapt. and Mrs. John T. of South Chester road. . Santa Anna. Calif .. nce. C on fe re Thanksgiving. Their A 0 f S war tb moreans a t • and daughter Mr. and Mrs. the Little Army-Navy game Mr. and Mrs_ Henry C. PatterP. Larson of New York City Pennsylvania Military of Maple avenue have as ~ . ed them for Thanksgiving. and the United States It~;::~:ht~g~~uests for a week their it . capt. and Mrs. Corben C. Shute Marine Academy held II Mrs. Robert M. Harter it of Maple avenue had as weekend in Atlantic City. children Ricky, Janie and guests over the weekend and J. Among them were Mr. and , wbo arrived last Sunday it ::l 6 the Army-Navy Football game Mr. George A. Hansell. Jr .• with CinCinnati, O. Mr. Harter it Shute's brother-in-law and sister Stevenson of North Swarthby plane from here for Texa~ BEAUTY SALON -il Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McMahon avenue, and their son-Inwill return on Friday. Beauty en/ive'.!s the Holiday Whirl it West· Hartford. Conn., their and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. William E. Hetzel, Jr., of Midshipman David Shute from Shapley of Media; Dr. and road .wlll entertain at a 9 South Chester Road it Naval Academy, Mathews. Johnson and Dr. and bridge at her home Call KlnJtswood 3-0476 it Mrs. Joseph Storlazzi, all of Tuesday. Deeanne Morgan of it D.C .• and their other son avenue; Dr. and Mrs. Arthur D·r. and Mrs. Paul A. Miller of Shute frollj. the Severn Silvers of Rutgers avenue; Mr. avenue had as their Severna. Md. Midshipman Mrs. Charles Hummer of Woodover tbe weekend Dr. and ***********************~ - " -.-L made· the Superintendant's lane; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edwin Harper. formerlY of at the Naval Academy and for of Vassar avenue, and India. Both Dr. and Mrs. YIEW T.Y. W1Tff ZENITH 'SPACE COMMAND' this will be given an extra.weekand Mrs. Raynham T. Bates have received, at differY 1 times, tbe King's Award of Re{ax and tune T.Y. from across the room end. a e avenue. Kaiser i Hind Gold Medal for Mr. and Mrs. James A. Davies Mrs. Henry B. Coles, Jr., of of Ogden avenue left on Tuesday lane has returned to her ldilst:lnc:thre work in educntion in for a three month visit with their after a two week stay in 11"'u~::,-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Hospital. 1 son Lt. CoL Frank J. Davies at Fort Clayton, Canal Zone. . and Mrs. Donald Hibbard WENTZ-McCREERY. Mr. and Mrs. William R. CampSouth chester road had as The marriage of Mrs_ Dorothy bell. Jr., oJ Rutgers avenue and guests fOlthe v.eekend their IMlcClree'r~ of the Dartmouth House, COME IN AND HAYE A DEMONSTRATION their weekend guests -Comdr. and and daughter Mr. and Mr. Graham Wentz of Stratb Mrs. G.P. Steele and Comdr. and George Pomeroy of Hopeavenue, took place SatMrs. George Ellis of New London, ,N. J. November 17, at 5:30 Conn .• attended the Mrs. A. G. Adams returned in the Wallingford PresJO Park Avenue Football game in her home in Morgan wood Church. The Rev. John PERSONALS ** * * ... URN SET ON CHANGE CHANNELS ADJUST VOLUMETURN OFF SOUND 111 MUSIC 101, INC. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S~~~~~~~;;~§~ onAndy Saturday. day lastinweek fromanda South The couple performed ceremony. Hopkins, son of Mr. weekofvisit Boston was the attended by Mrs. Robert R. Hopkins of Weymoutb, Mass. Mrs. and Mrs. Benjamin Groff Of Chester road is a member of Den-Visited many places of historic ison University's Air Force interest, and spent the recent Mr. and Mrs. Wentz will make TC Detachment 655A. Andy is holidays with her sister and fam-I~~~~,,~home at 440 Stratb Haven freshman at the Granville. 0., IlY in Quincy, Mass. , Elizabeth Anne Tibbetts of university. Mrs. M. R. Dimmitt of Swarthmore avenue. a sophGUSSMAN-FORSYTHE omore' at Beaver College, will avenue recentlY spent five in Whippany, N. J., as the participate in the Synchronized Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. G. "'nr-I'C< of her son-in-law and Swim Show to be held tomorrow sythe announce the marriage Mr. and Mrs. Oscar A.. Klamer. night. Elizabeth is majoring In tbelr daughter, Marie Louise, 'U'rJ Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. elementary education at Beaver. Mr. Edward Gussman of White··. of North Swarthmore avenue is the daughter of Capt. and marsh on Saturday, November 18, have as their house guests Mr. Mrs. J. H. Tibbetts. in Swarthmore. and Mrs. Waldron C. Beekley Miss Susan Purnell, R. N., a Mr. and Mrs. Edwardd D~:~;:~~:~~I( will arrive today from West recent graduate of Bryn went on an extended hi ford Conn. Mrs. Beekley is scpooL of Nursing, bas Mexico and are now at bome cou~in of Mrs. James. the hosiiital "family" at at 1301 Kendall road, Swarth'Dr. and Mrs. Leroy E. Hospital. She .bas been assigned . Only the immediate famiof Vassar avenue bad as to first floor maternity. lies attended the wedding service. guest over the Tha n k s g i vi n Jean C. Kennedy of Haverford weekend Mr. Peterson's BIRTH Mrs. L. Eric Peterson of ,a sopbomore atPenn State . "r.and Mrs. Leo McCormi'ck of. ton, Fia. Their daughter, was InItia t·e d the D •• a freshman student at of November 20 into tbe Broomall announce the birtb of College, Ohio, was also LambdaD e Ita S,.~holastic thel'r second child and first daughfor the holiday weekend. Selection is based on ter, Mary Lee, on November 14 freshman year achievement. at Fitzgerald Mercy Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. DOlo-l Jean is the daughter of Mr. and The gmndparents are Mr. little. and their daughters Mrs. John Kennedy. Mrs. William E. Soden of R,?se and Joan; have moved to ~_llj.:=':":~;:":':';"~~--::~-:I~""":'~ Park avenue from Cleveland, while awaiting the completion their new home 011 Carleton .no,Ar· in Wallingford.. Mrs. Doolittle a cousin of Mr. A. H. Vana"m.1 also of Park avenue. Helen Joan are students Itt Miami versity in Oxford, O. Mrs. Charles P. Cryer of Dtlewl avenue was hostess to the ecuti ve Board of the Junior ~ The Little Theatre Club OF Swarthmore College . PRESENTS BERTOLT BRECHT'S 7ie ~ lIItJJN4Ie tJ/ S~ DIRECTED BY BARBARA PEARSON LANGE Thurs., Dec. 7, at 8:15' Friday Dec. 8, at 7 and 9:30 Sat., . Dec. 9, jlt 7 and 9:30 Sun., Dec.10rat 7 Sat., Dec. 16; at 7 Sun .• Dec, 17, at 7 At Pearson Theatre, Student Arts Center RESERVATIONS ARE NECESSARY Cali KI 3-0200 Ext. 389 - Office Hours 1 to 5 P.M. dallY ?tn BROKER man's Club on TUe~Sd~ay~~:~@l: For M.&AZIIE SUBSCRIPTIO •• • WHAT IS IT? The new ADULT STOCK MARKET GAME. Col Mas, LLOYD E, IlUFFM.I WHO IS IT FOR? The entire family ( Buffet Luncheol ServeU Daily • Buffet Dilllrs DOES IT OFFER A CHAL LENGE TO THE PLAYERS? BUT DEFINITELVI 1/~_ ~~ $2.75 • THE WU lOOSE I. Baltimore me ··at Merry Christmas 52 Times 2,,3, 4, 5 or 6. persons can play. NO. $1.25 (4 .... w........ I. IS IT DIFFICULT TO LEARN? Both Hot 6' Cold Route 12 to 103 years SAY f/4awU - t-'it 4.,,'e 1Ite~E1< & Hobby Shop. IIIE The Swarthmorean $4.00 per Year CALL KI3-0900 ·KI 3-1833 Decerpber 8, 1961 JAMfS G. LAlli HEADS 1962 CAlKER CRUSADE THE FORMER SWARTHMOREAN AWARDED FELLOWSHIP SWARTBMORBAN CHRISTMAS SEAL SALES REACH $65,000 Page 3 HOSTS ARTS LEAGUE RECEIVES CERTifiCATE . ., . , Robert B. Warden, son of Mr. The Arts and Crafts League Mrs. J. Herbert Glenn of North James G. Lamb of Rose Val- and Mr~. Warr.en B. Warden As booth sales of Christmas Delaware County will hold it~IS''''81:thlnolre avenue was one of ley road. Rose Valley, has Ingford and formerly of S'warth-I Seals began in Delaware COI~nt:rI annual Christmas tea and social volunteer workers to receive named general chairman of the more, has been awarded a post- this week, Campalgn Chalrman meeting today at the home certificates for their efIn behalf of tbe Delaware 1962 "Cancer Crusade" in Del- doctoral fellOWship for advanced Charles E. Acker of WaUingford Mrs. George Warren, 327 South . and research by the Nation- reported that $65,000 in Chrlstroad. Unit, American Cancer aware County. A retired Philadelphi a advertiSing executive Mr Selence Foundation. mas Seal contribUtions have been There will be a display ofIISo'chlty. Lamb'served last spring as' Vic~ Warden will study at thp Uni- received so far. crafts and an exchange of Mrs. Glenn's "outstanding Cruc hal r man of the campaign in verslty of Cambridge, England, "We are deeply grateful for the by members, highlighted by certificate" was presented which $88,773 was raised by the for on: year beginning next fall. response, said Acker. a Director demonstrations by Mrs. of last week by James Ameriesn Cancer SOCiety. DelHe ~s at present working to- of the Delaware County on opaque water color and Lamb of Rose Valley, general' awa,re County Unit. Iw,o.." hiS Ph.D. in chemical engi- culosis and Health Association. Mrs. Robert Robinson on line and of the 1962 Cancer The .new general chalrman at the University of Mln- "However, we remain far wasb technique. says the goal of the April camMinneapolis. of the amount the paign will be $135.000 for the must have to carry out its exIS panded program of health servsupport of research on a national scale and patient services . . Ic~s, ali of which are financed I "CHRISTMAS SHOP" throughout the ·county. , exclusively through this once-a-I year Christmas Seal appeal." . Lamb, a graduate of Swarthmore College In 1910. was a vice Acker cited the County T on president and director ·of the Former Varsity Tackle Association's current developSeott Paper Co. before he went I E ' ment of a TB patient services . FRIDAY NIGHTS into the advertiSing bUSiness in s mrnent Biochem'rst coor di nli ti on program and i ts proDr. C!uistian B.Anfinsen, Jr., jected educational campaign at 1929. He retired two years ago from the board of Arndt Preston a Swarthmore Alumnus In the alcoholism and Respiration Chapin Lamb & Keen. Inc. class of 1937, bas been named eases as examples of its "co,n-I Since his retirement, Lamb has to the Sports lllustrated SHver stantlY widening effort to "'<'C'I been known as a man Who 'works Anniversary All-AlIJericafor the health needs of ue'la'Nar'el DW' day and night' 'for the Cancer Tb e 25 .wlnners for this year County." Society's D~laware County Unit were selected for their success Acker said that any county 15 S. Chester Road d th i In their various professions sident who has not an e serv ce It provided for Christmas Seals in the mall Ope.. Fridays til 9 cancer victims both dl'rectly and since 1936, when they played indirectly. t h e i r last college football game. P urchase them at the booths I n , - . He says his interest in the Chosen by a panel of judges the county or can get them Suc~ to alice barber gifts Cancer Crusade grew out of his including U. S. Attorney General phoning or writing to the .:Tt;B~~Aii;s-,1~~~~~~~~!! .. Robert Kennedy and former Vice sociatinn at 9th & Weish .. ~ ~ great respect and love" for Dr. Chester. The phone number Agnes Hoc ka d ay, wh0 again i s President Richard Nixon, tbe TRemont 6-8297. chairman of the Executive Cru- winners include Green Bay Packsade Committee and "the real ers Coach Vince Lombardi and spark plug" in the Delaware Oklahoma University's Bud Wil- HONOR DR. ARMITAGE kinson. D G County Unit. r. eorge L. Armitage. "Ol.th I Music Stands - Trumpet Mutes "She bas cated for five generDr. Anflnsen, internationally Chester road, was honor ~est ations of my familY." Lamb ex- eminent biochemist. now serves at a dinner held November 30 'at plalns, "and the whole familY Is as chief. laboratory of cellular Spring Haven Country Club UKELELES devoted to her."· phySiology and metabolism of the bosrd of managers aod tbe Metronomes - Autoharps The general chairman has set the National Heart Jnstitut"e~'rv~a lir,~~p(l~~~~~ ofChesterHospltal. the theme of the 1962 campaign branch of the Public Health S Armitage bas served the as "an appeal to people for help Ice of the Department of Health, for apprOXimatelY 45 Instrument Cases - Piano Lamps for help In one of the most Education and Welfare. As chief of staff he was vital concerns a family Of his Swarthmore member of the executive com~ Christma; Music for All In.bumellb have." :As he puts It: career Dr. Anfinsen claims tbat of the board for 10 years. was chief of surgery for many "No one can tell where cancer It was "squeezed in will strike. It can strike anyone, labs," but nevertheless he a member of the medical Instruction - Rentals - Repairs at any age: Last year cancer took ed four years as a varsity planning committee and the the lives of more than 4000 chil- He continued his education buHding program committee. the.Unlverslty of . Dr. Armitage" was presented d d 15 . ren uo er ; and at Harvard University Medi"Progress is being made in a silVer t~ay. the fight against cancer. But it's cal School, where he serve.ud9:ai;sLi--:ii~;:;;;w;;o;:;;;ib~~~re College and this is contrl'buted to the production, I second year she has helped. h bul separate bouquets should be 1955, is a gra d uat eofW es I C es NOW OPEN Next the girls of Troop 331 Stale College an d Ia Ier rehanded out to P aul D. Birkhahn, pins to the following . eda mas t ers d egree 10 dI'rector, H. Lyt' Ion Jones, musi. ·t laelult scouts honoringhi years hof 1 at Temp e Umversl y. cai dl'rector, Barbara Romano, ' t service and members 'pin t e tiC holds a principaIs cer Ica e Scouts: chorographer; to Betty Birkhahn, the secondary level. who as asSI' stant dl' rector heads Five Year Pins - Mrs. Ralph PAYING t d fr U DIVIDEND the production staff, and to ali Conrad gradua e om pper ''3I:im!mel, Mrs. Kari Fox, Mrs. High School in 1957, and I' the chaI'rmen and their Western Maryland College Wrege, Mrs. Cornelius, Mrs. Courtbackstage who are sometimes ney Smith, Mrs. Edmund Jones, Due after Weekly 1961. He plans to study at forgotte n I'n the glory and the University. next Mrs. Millard Tyson, Mrs. Maxey 50 weeks Pa.1men~ fiurry, and without whom Morrison, Mrs. David Field,. Mrs. a project, like some of the Nike Waterman, Mrs. Robert Fry, Mrs. $101.95 $2 Patricia M. Crowther was aumissles, could not even get 0 er h' Marten Estey. Ten Year Pins _ to assist in coac IRg ,. 203.90 BY MAIL, 4 the ground. girls' basketball team at the Alfred Smith, Miss Towle, PHONE TOOl L06-7421 It is a pleasure to list James Connor, Mrs. John . . 305.85 'll,oblislledlln:,!". school. . 6 members of the cast, \I Theattendance of Boys' Phys- IMcWillialns, Mrs. ,Robert Detweilast week) with the parts Mrs. Joseph Storlazzi, Mrs. 407.80 8 Educationat Director played (and whic.h, like the P. Robinson the stateMillard Edu- I~~ti~~!:;~Flood, Mrs. John Spencer. 509.75. Conference for Health and Year Pins - Mrs. Hans gram, are 'in order of ance'): Mrs. A. S. Titus. Twenty in Pittsburgh I~~~~~' Robert Manley as BillY 7 and 8, and of Gnid- IPins - awarded to Mrs. low Barbara Spiegleman ...a,s~lll('C':Jance Counselor Joyzelle P. Clark IMaulric:e Webster. rie Pipperidge, Florence. The ceremony was' closed by the Suburban Psychologists as Julie Jordan,Florence Media .,,, January 16, retreato! the colors and taps. EAST STATE STREET, MEDIA, PA. Mrs. Mullin, Glen Oneal, Jr. adultscouts of the neighbor'V<... IIW'IS authorized. as the policeman, Robert wish to express their ap.t-;:~;;::;:~;;;::;;.=c:;::::=;;;;::;;;; as Mr. Bascombe, Edith and thanks to the fola.'> Nettie Fowler, Harry Hall AUXILIARY PLANS PLAY girls of Troop 331 for Enoch Snow, Robert Raooosiii FOR GUIDANCE BENEFIT presentation of this cereJeigger Craigin, Ernest Hamm Mrs. Valentine Fine, Captain and Principal, of publicity for the Betsy Ward, Betsy Netzel, Gail Ale'xander as the H e a v e n I Board of the Child Leslie Walmsley, Judy Friend, Perdue Cleaver. as Clinic of Delaware Counly, tJIe ITJrsoln. peg Woerner, Kathy Titus, Starkeeper and Dr. Seldon, a meeling at her home on Rogers, Martha Mosl;rip, 3arbara Romano as avenue yesterday of the Gatewood·, Sandy BarSee them all at PAULSONS. Extended terms Linda Hunt, Ann WUburn, Bigelow.. group for the presentation Those who like to have their "Aladdin and Ihe available. Your old carpet taken in trade. Morrison. Barbara Hayes, musicals end 'happily eve~ a:ter' Lamp." Jane Moore. Samples shown in th~home. will hardly be pleased WIth the Thls magical favorile is plot (wilh all due respe?,t .to third Mae Desmond The selection in carpet is greater ·than ever, Ference Moinar, on whose LII- Theatre play to be sponsored iom" the show was based) but the Clinic for the Benefit of FURNESS LIBRARY PLANS with ma\lY outstanding items at low prioes there can be no quarrel with the Bnilding Fund, and will be HOUR FOR DEC. l6TH as well as at middle and , high prices. Rose Valley Chorus and at the Nether-Providence n.gul Ciub who combined to present SchoolAuditorium on Wednesday, "~IITb,rh,ue.yHele)l Kate Furness Free it. A~d. it !"ould be December 27. . " , Netlier Providence will ~, astoOlshing If ~odgers and HamThe chairmen present at a Christmas Story Hour for . merstein of New York City, have meetl'ng included Mrs. R. T. children aged5 t08 at the library d t' th ial Saturday, December 16, at . regrette gran I.ng e spec Thayer, president of the Board, 0'.30 a.m. Mrs.' Don,ald Allen arrangement which enahled t~e MrS Charles Brennan, Mrs. JODl"I:,;;; ••II••k C.r,.tlll, • Complete Prl~. kUOlLe . . . . . .01 ••• """. t . Ii to produce It . be the story teller and exwo orgamza ons . Felton and Mrs. Barclay White. an' invitation to all chil100 Par k Ave" Swart h more, P a. Girl Scolls (o.dld 'CAROusa' IS I."stillr. BANG-UP SHOW U-HAUL RENTALS ,. CHRISTMAS CLUB ~rl I INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION as ~(Mlte .'1Jte4,u, 1/tMe 1fIttJ, ~ t4e ?i«n V· Gmt 'l!.......A!!!_ ,AU $m't to attend. KlngswoocI 3-6000- Clearbrook 9-4646 CALEB PUSEY HOUSE IRE:CEIV ES SERVICE EMBLEM The library will be closed IS- TOPIC Maplel Matthew McKinnell of YaleID'!Cemb.!r 23, 25 and January 1. /11....... KNOWS Cllr~et' Mrs. Henry Patterson of avenue is one of 17 veteran.em-I===:~::~~====~=L!~~==::::~"~.~"~~~:'_~~~~~~~"~~~~=~~:;:. avenue spoke on Tuesday ofthe Westinghouse steam~ ning to the Do>. ningtown on recently awarded Club on "The Restoration of emblems in honor of their Caleb Pusey House." She service with the company. showed slides of some of McKinnell recl!ived' thi. early ·houses in the area emblem for 40 years of have been restored. 1..... Weekend Special .SWIR'S PREMIUM SIRLOIN 'r.BONE PORTERHOUSE • - MIDDLETOWN ROAD. MEDIA Opposite High Meadow (betwee" Dutto" Mill Reiad and Knowlton Road) Telephone TRemont 2-7206 ASK FOR BEN PALMEP CHRISTMAS TREES SPRUCES Hollies ~ FIRS SP.UT .... IDWOOD FllEFLACE WOOD \ . (W.Deli"'~ THE ALERTED PUBLIC ANSWER TO TUBERCULOSIS pointing up the importance of the 1961 Christmas Seai campaign, which opened in Deiaware County November 13. the chairman of the County Medical Soc· iety's TB Committee sald recenlly that "One of the most important weapons against tuberculosis today is a public alerted to the fact that Tuberculosis remains a grave menace to the individual and to public health." Dr. H. Armin Stecher of Havertown poinled to the recently noted slowdown in the decline of new active cases as one significant indication of the fact that this disease is a continuing threat. Dr. Stecher, a member of the board of directors of the Delaware County Tuberculosis and Health Association, cited the November U. S. Public Health report showing that the decline in new cases last year was only 5 percent under 1959. Between 1952 and 1959 the average was 8 percent, and It costs nO in~re to enjoy 'he Best' at .' •• Christmas Tea Plonned For Wednesday at 2 Page 5 SWARTHMOREAN Chester Junior Board to their nursing IMEmtlll health and general IIUIC~-1 Honor Candy Stripers films have also been sho,wnl "Christmas in, Scripture and the club's sponsor, Song", the annual worship serThe Junior Board of the Chest- JM"!loles. Phone Klngswood 3-5258. First by the receiver and thEli the Office of the School District In have been granted to and CefUng nl.. • ~all Paneling • who request all the birds for years to comel The l~n th " Hi-~ S h I Bulldl ng. comer Porth Endosb,..•• Awnfngs • WJndoWi or demands WANTED - University professor de.... C ~o sires two or three bedroom fumCrothers. Jrs .• 435 Plush MIll Road. of College and Princeton Avenues. the of the decedent • Jolousle. • StUcco • Brfdcpolnting W al make known the same. and all I:ri.l~~~h~ouse oraparlment from around L _ ...,...1I_n_gf_o_rd_._.L_0_w_e_l_I_6-4 __ 55.1_·-'-_ _ 1 Swarthmore. PennsylVania. on or be" " YDKr If....... ' ..... 0 _ ~h WII!lt One FI..... /persOin.payment. Indebted without to the decedent 1 to June 1. KIngswood 3-'-FOR SALE _ December 20.1961 delay. to to at 8 P.M.• at which time and place 1~~':!'ui H. Lueders. Executor. 317 ,;~~;-;--=--;:~;;:=::--=::;:;::.r passenger. one the bids w111 be publicly opened and PENNA ROOFING A ,~ Prlncetoq Avenue. Swarth- 11 - Bookkeeping maclilne cessorles. Including read. Bids inust be submitmore. Pa. Or to his Attorney John oDerat,,,. Female. Prefer experl- W111 sell separately or form Included In the InWendell Cooper, 1240 Land Title on NCR 3100. Send resume to I Pborle LOwell 6-9275. to Bidders. ""UII" Funeral Home SftIES Will"A' MBROOKS FLORIST ~~t~em~po~r~ary~;0~r~i8.~~~~~~~~~$~1~5~.~E~x~c~e~lI~e~n~t~f~o~r~yo~uo~gl ~~i~;~~~~~~;lll~~o~re~W{tedoesday. smlNGCo. Philadelphia _10, Penna. ~~~~~~~,i!!~[~:~;~:~'11 X. The Swarthmoreilo. Theto Scbool Board reserves the waive any Informalltles In. or reject any Or all bids. In whole or In part. BY ORDER OF BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS" SWARTHMORE-RUTLEDGE FOR SALE _ Train set. American UNION SCHOOL D1S'rRiCT Flyer with board and vIIl"ge. ActMarlon M. Campbell cars. LOwell 6-4993. Secretary PE RSONAL , ELNWQOD .Convalescent Home II&IUmoI'e -PIke • ". b 4ft. II1raI1bmaIw Estate of MAY HENDERSON VAN slso known as MAY H. VAN late of Borough of SwarlhDelaware County. Pa.. de- IALI!;N, have been derslgoed who having claims or -~~~~.~~~~ Estete of the d to make BatablJabed .1JI3lI ~1IItJt, ae.u...t.swiOWH"np "'~"III~:g~~ the same, :b>eD.... _Belli' N...m.. c.n Klngswood 3"()272 Picture Framing ROaER RUSSEU q.~:lrtt'''~~:;1 an Instrument. Very persons in- fine I. to the decedent to make payment without delay. to Oakley H, Van Alen. 26 Long Point Lane. Rose Valley. PaPark .. andAve Ambro~~se~:HI~.~v:~ani: Alen. 209 .. Pa.. Executors. Or to their GUY W. DAVIS. 126 E. 4th st. 3T-12-22 Chester. Peona: $500. ELgin a-D1U. spOuting. &. - Bicycles repalred; accessories. Milt Glass Hobby. Toy Sbop. 205-7 Photographic Supplies 8rATB .. MO_OE BTB. MlIDIA or Jack Prichard PAINTING & FOR SALEcondition. noodllghta for ~nlarger \ and Raleigh 28 Incb bicycle; bed complete; one bureau; triple swing jUld seesaw German portralt carsera. Convalescent Home Daa.nM'cl1d .... Md._ _ ICy "".UI free Estimates BROTHER$, INC. Klngswood 3-8761 KI 11-4742 or LE 2.2440 Reduced to $17,500. $1100. down. Immediate possession. Phone' ... Used American A.F.~M.]·~~~;~~I~j~1 FORtrain.SALE: and llQuipment. 16 BAIRD 'and BIRD Ilngswood 4-1500 references.Eleven SLIP, Cl1IV_ -;(mSALii:=;;~de;;t-;;;;;J;;;i;;j1 FOR SALE - Maple desk and ·1;RS your fabric or from our sam- . chalr for elementary school cmlo',1 pies. Estimates Ilre free. LUdlow $11. K1ngswood 3-l1629. 6-7592 or LUdlow 6-0734. FOR three 8 comfortable. AIION ROOFIN SWARTHMORE Established 1873 ROOFING - SPOUTING GUnERS - SIDING OUR COMPANY IS BONDED BY MANVILLE RUBEROIT U.S~ GYPSUM -fLlNTKOTE - Child care between 5 p.m. dally at 205 Dartavenue. Call KlDgswood 4- FOR SALE- SOfa. rose frelze sllpcovell. . Good condlUon .• KIngswood 3-8582. Rent - Media. First noor front living room. bedroom, tHe ~\~':.;, enclosed porch. Near !~ adults. $85, LOwel, FOR SALEexcellent "'AlIAn...WAIT"." •. .- ... -.-,.,. ... '---,.- ~.- ROOFING. GuHIm Werm-Air Heating Air ~nditioning Sheet Metel'Worlc 11IoIrp. lifers •• CD. ~X48 CLobeU3S. HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS ~~:[~~~~:i~1;:~ wm .... - ........ III. bedroom. bath. screened second Door. Garage, beat ~'Sf~~II':':1 and wa\er. Adulta only. Klnga.'It,,,,,,d 3-0798. or KIngswODd 3-0272. =~gs~C:,j1 6 P.M. ",Ivlng bedroom, and kitchenNOTICE noor. Swarthmore. Quiet Su'!,!" Usllck Woll~flSI Utilities Included: lat.. of of Swarthmore. 1. References ceased, W. The Swmb-> • LeHers Estate bavlnl undersl".. all ~~. ~ KlngswoofJ 4;-2727' seL .Both good $13. American with locomotive, tracks. and extras" $10 eacbL Call .",ogs""1 3-7124 after 4 P.M. near Living roo...., dining room, tlrst fioor; one large, :J=I~$:' 1 , H. D. CHURDH· and street clothes.. FOR SALE - Flute. like new\. !lgswood 3-6649, zen deluxe model. $75. Call ~~:~~:~~LIi~EI ngswood3-7869. ~l 'square shirt. brown plald. new. size VJ,ogSWO~'-,j - 3-1026 500 square n to Call KIngswood 3-l1346 , -_._----_._---.,-- - , ••ITOII IIITALUTIOII II, Alterations on Even- FOR REtfr Os mo"n,1 3-l1659. ------- "1'!'lM - to 5. KIngswood -Girl's white llgure 5. Reasonahle. Comfortable Center Hall Home. living room with stone fireplace. screened porch. pleasant dining room and kitchen. 3 bedrooms. bath. lovely gcir den, detached garage. Convenient to Everythi h"',. . ~Ir:'L 81u pack track. accessories .. VAN ALEN --.'*• Bcaz ......... .,.,. b·p~~.!t~:f.~:l~i~~cflbal~~r:~sjandfurniturE!. antique Shown and lIaI~d:1 EXTERIOR CO. Belvedere 2507 Chestnut SL, Chester. 'ftIemont 2-5373 Items. 69 !rack sections. "fn1l;,illl:~~:1 tlons for setllng up .. F1ne.~ FUEL OIL - Custom-made $35. Call Klngswood 3-6516. covers. IIIled In your hOlue.I--------'-------j 1h,~.. supply material. I make mem.1 FO R SALE - American Flyer OIL BURNER SERVICE 'Work guaranteed, prompt service. set with transformer. used CLearbrook 9-6311. $40. Ladles' coat with cfuroDllitlOn:1 blue. size 10. excellent BUDGET PLAN _ Gllbert's Steam 'WolI~1 $45. XInpwood 3-a453. remove pslnt FOR SALE _ HO tralns. ~~~9tl' George dltlon. Engines. cars. COAL OPBN PlUDAY BVENINOS INTERIOl~ spec... 9-2713. A ve nu 6-0713. LOwell 6-2176 THE SWARTBMOREAN PUBUSHEDEVERY FRIDAY ATSWARTIt.toRE, PalMA. 1-.------.-------- ........ _----- • 0""" Pa. THB December 8, 1961 to tile salil 11J-·WI~·,TY,~IIIIJ~~ .... UtI........... ' PETER E. '!OLD. MARJOlUE T. TOLD. Publishers Phone Klnllswood 3-0900 PETER E. TOLD. Editor BARBARA B. KENT. Managing Editor 'MarJorie T • Told .Rosalle D. Pelrsol , Mary E. Palmer Enlt:red as Second Class Matter. January 24. 1929. al the Post Office at Swarlbmore. Pa•• under Ihe Act of March 3. 1879. DEADLINE - WEDNESDAY 11 A.M. S ORE PENNA. FRIDAY· DECEMBER 8 1961 PRESBYTERIAH NOTES Morning Worship and Church School are held at 9: 15 and 11 a.m. The Sacrament of Baptism will be held at both services on Sunday. The Women's BibleClass meets at 9:30. the 10th grade at 10:30 and the 11th and 12th grades at 10:45. Morning Prayers are held at 9 o'clock on Tuesdays. The Celebration at the Holy Communion is held at 8 a.m. on Wednesdays and at 10 a.m. on Thursdays. The Board of Trustees will meet at 8 p.m. on Tuesday. The Women's Association Board Meeting will be held at 9:30 on Wednesday. The Association's Christmas Worship ServIce and tea will be held at 2 p.m. The Busliless and Professional Circle supper meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday. followed by a Christmas Workshop. Mrs. Henry L. Butler Is chairman of the group. 8WARTBMOBBAM !c:s: rs , Gray's will be provided . Wednesday at 8 p.m. Is the regular meeting time tor tbe Commission on Membership and Evangellsm. On Thursday morning trom 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Ihe ladles will be sewing for Methodist Hospital. Those attending are asked to bring a sandwlch-coffee will be provided. Portable sewing machInes are needed every second Thursday when the groUP sews. Page 7 George Forman. Guernse.YI "HERESY AMONG THE road, Is a member of the Conce CLERGY" Orchestra at ...awrence College. 9 A.M. & 11 A.M. December 10 Appleton. Wis. George Is a sop omore at Lawrence THE UNITAlUAN CHURCH K1 b . r Y Noye, son ot Mr. and OF DELAWARE COUNTY Mrs. Richard K. Noye of Rutgers Marple Road. Springfield Old avenue. played the part of Timmy In the Bates College Robinson Players' production ot "inherit FORUM 8:00 P.M. he Wind. presented last week "HUMAN REACTIONS TO THE t the Lewiston .. Md .• campus: CD SHELTER PRQI>RAM" rby Is.a member of the fresh- 'h_====~====:::::-I an class. ,.; Borough of harlll...re Flre'Slpala CHRISTIAH SCIEHCE NOTES The comforting and assurin message of the Beatitudes (Matt. 5) 'will be featured at Christian Science services Sunday In the Lesson-Sermon on the subject "God ·the. Preserver of Man.' The' Lesson-Sermon will consist of Scriptural texIs snd correlative passages from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. The Golden Text Is from Numbers (6): "The Lord bless thee. and keep thee; the Lord make his face shine upon thee. and be gracious unto thee: the Lord 11ft up his countenance upon thee. and give thee peace." All are welcome to attend Ihe services at 11 a.m. In First Church of Christ. Scientist. 206' Park avenue. METHODIST NOTES Mr. Kulp will give the message at the 8:30'and'11 a.m. services of Worship 01) Sunday. His subject this wee k will be "The Knowledge of God." Sund ay School will be at 9:45 a.m. CHURCH SERVICES Both Senior and Junior High PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FellOWShiPS. wl11 meet Sunday. D.E.o. Roberts. Minister The Senior High Fellowship will LEIPER CHURCH NOTES Rab.rt O. Brown•• Assac.Mlnlst•• go 10 Old st. Georges for a ChrlstMinister of Chrl.tlan Education mas Carol Sing and Worship ServThe tlrst training class for ice. South and Northwest Districts newly elected officers will be S~nday. December 10 will join their voices tor this' held on Saturday at 10:30 a.m. service. All senior high young The following were welcomed 9:15 A.M.-Morning Worship people are urged to join. The Into memberShip last week: 9:15 A.M.-Church School 9:30 A.M.-·Women·s Bible Class groupp.m. will leave the church .at Mrs. Mr. James and Mrs. David Weaver. 6:15 . E. Simpson, James 10:30 A.M •.,..10th·Grade Class Monday. tbe W.S.C.S. Bible E.Slmpson, Jr .. and Mrs. Richard 10:45 A.M.-11tb & 12th Grades study i!roup will be at the church Slutz. 11:00 A.M.-Morning WorShip at 7:45 p.m. The Sacrament of Baptism wUl Tue.day. December 12 The Friendly Open House for be administered Sunday at the 9:00 A.M.-Morning Prayers older citizens will meet on Mon- 11 a.m .. Service of WorShip. The day. at 2p·.m. at the Presbyterian sermon topic is "The Bible - A Vlednesday, December 13 Church. This w111 be a Christmas Book of/Books." 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion program by Mr. and Mrs. Edward All Church School teachers 2:00 P.M.-Christmas Worship Heller, who w111 sing the Chrlst- will meet on Monday at 8 p.m. Service and Tea mas story.' The MethodiSts will On Tuesday evening the Board 6:30'P':M,"'I!uslness Circle be Iiostesses and 'have charge of of Trustees w111 meet at jlp,m. Supper the tea and transportation. and the Women's Gnild at 8:30 Thursday. December 14 Ruth Circle will meet Tuesday p.m .... at the home of Mrs. William M. The Session will meet on Thurs1O:1l!' A.M.-Holy Communion Nolan. 404 strath Haven avenue. day. at 8 p. m. ' --'------------1 Miriam Circle will also meet on The Junior Department Chri!!tTuesday at 8p.m .. at the home 0 mas Party Is,scheduled for 7:30 TRINITY CHURCH The Re•• Layton P. Zimmer. Mrs. Willard Calvert. 306 Glen- p.m. on Friday, December 15. Rectar loch road. Ridley Park. I The Re•• G~rge R. McKel.ey, The .commisslon on Education T B ASS'N SPONSORS Curate will meet in the church on Tues- SCHOOL PRESS PROJECT day at 8 p.m. Sunday. December 10 The W.S.C.S. Christmas proDelaware County's school (Second Sunday' in Advent) . gram will be given on Wednes- were reminded this week that th 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion and day. Mrs. Walter Dilworth wi.1I deadline for the 25th annual give a: talk on the Madonnas School Press project. sponsored Word 9:30 A.M.-Family Morning Pray- tbe church chapel at 1 p.m .• t by tbe County Tuberculosis and er and Sermon . be followed by tea at the home Heaith Association. is December of Mrs. Gareld Gray. 801 Harvar 21. 11:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer and avenue. Nursery will be provided George Stackhquse. the TB Sermon. . at the church from 1 p.m. on. Association's healtb education 8:00 P.M.~Holy comm1,lDion Transportnlion from the churc cUrector. sald that all projects Monday, D,cember 11 -------'----=-==-""'f must be in by that date to be ell 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer gible for local awards. StateWJ.de LE·IPER PRESBYTERIAN 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer recognition and the nationsl CHURCH ' awards presented by the National Tuesday. December 12 90b Fairview Road The Rev. James Barber. Minister Tuberculosis Association in co9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer operation with the Columbia 6:00 P~M.-Evening Prayer Sunday. December 10 Scholastic Press Association. Wednesday. December 13 The project, one of the serv9:30 A.M.--Church School ices provid~d by the County TU11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship 7:00 A.M.-Holy Communion 7:00 P.M. -Jr. High Fellowship bercniosls Assoqlation through 9: 15 A.M.-Morning Prayer the sale of Christmas Seals. Is 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer aimed at el\couraglng student THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Thursdoy. December 14 journalists to, direct their attenOF FRIENDS Uon to be.allh problems. . 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer Sunday. December 10 Entries this Year w111 concel!·6:00,p.M.-Evening Prayer nate on one of the following 9:4!} A.M.-First-day School Friday. Elecember 15 topi cs: 9:45 A.M.-Adult Forum. Dr. "Our School Helps Our Com9: 15 A.M.-Morning Pra,yIlY' Helen North. speaker. munityFlght TB." "Health Work. 6:00 P.M.~Evening ?iayer 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship Health Science and Our Future." Monday. December 11 and "Our Health and the Air We METHCliiST CHURCH Breathe." • AU-day Sewing For AFSC The Rev. John C. Kulp. Minister Wednesday, December 13 Jam •• S. Mac Main All-day Quilting For AF'SC Minister for Youth Chari •• Schl.ler Minl.t.r of Mu.lc FIRST CHURCH 'OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Sunday, .December 10 8:30 A.M.-Morning Worship Sunday. December 10 WEST L~UREL HILL 9:45 A.M.-8unday School 1:00 A.M.-SUnday School 11: 00 A.M.-Morning Worship ~ 1:00 A.M.-The Lesson-Sermon 7:00 P.M.-Jr. MYF • any day from 9 to 4. will be "The Preserver of ,Mototley. Dec •• ller 11 ....0;; Aft. above City Line Mantt~ . ~c.,....,... Wednesday evening meeting each 7:45 P .II.-W .S.C.S. Bible SOot> in 0IKa .. (IacIo 8 P.II .• Reading Room. for • oJ Cl 409 DaI'tIIIOIIth A.... nue. open Dec_.... 1" except bolldaYs. 10s·, PIn- r m. ..... 7-9. .-' - . . Boroalh 3 - 2- 3 - South of Railroad 3 - 3 - 3 - North of Riillroad 3 - 6 - 3 - Business District eoUe&'e 4 - 2 - 4 - Mary Lyon School 'l- 8 - 4 - Field House, Prep Schoo), Power House 4-4-4-Campu8 Other 5 - 5 - 5- Out of Town 6 - 6 - 6 - General Alarm These Signals are Subject to Change 9 a.th: - 6 p.m. - 3 Blasts 12 Noon Saturday--Siren Fire c.n .nuu_ 'Y. week. . wee'k:..t.,. T_ Klne'wood 3~507 j-:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i--CeNTRAL. CITY LOCATION is convenient for all-urbanites and suburbanites ••• and we offer our own ample fr_ parking. . • I THE 'OLlVIiR H. BAIR cO•. ...aCTOD o. _IIAU .820 CHISINUI STlIII IIMIH..... II' . MAl! A. . . ..... II U ..... ,.I,phD.e LO 1-1511 • • meet all your .., HOT WATER - .''. , needs with 2 si . I:::> Jill B.q H lInli :-3nwO ."nr Cl.G 91Bla "0 biBI , I Let an automatic gas water heater provide the hot water for dishes, laundry, cleoning. family showers and all the other doily demands for hot water. . II VISIT beautiful· .., - h· ..• snialSV • ,'. ;sn"~9a Heate d aufomatica y. ot water IS; .. , '~llomn9always at your command. . .' III~ill .b9aoq '; ready to speed household chorel,. J WbII'Pil-l19B ',0 IB i;n9bia91 . :, .'Sl£D8nil9 Ii . , • 11Ji.V1 ~hSqOlq Select , •• a _ I e ... __r •• """ "~n9m9allJd at yeu. pl...................'" 't.J/ecleIJ%,. .....rIc c:..~·1IF .............. "". _r . . .,. ,1 .,...... ·.i ~. . . ... PlIUIK"IA IlKIIIC CIIIIMIl . • . oft'.......... . \' ''-\ THE SWARTHMOREAK Page 8 ---r-W-o-.-a.-'-Sa-... -.-.-S-'-O'SIIS OPENS COURT EXPRESSED IN TWO VEINS CoIIIJ Or....llaHo.s SUSON ,'ONIGHT , """S-'couts To Sponsor Carol Sing -EX-P-R-ES-SW-A-Y-V-IE-W-S (Continued from Page 1) Proceeds from .the health and FIRST HOME GAME been Increasingly bad for years, welfare Bridge and Fashion Show that an expresswaY here wouid held on October 17, enabled th~ IS TUESDAY, 3:30 relieve this congestion, that Woman's Club to contribute to The new Swarthmore High such a road west of Media would the following organizations of School Basketball team, without not do this, and if local opposl- Delaware County: the, services of Ron Herbster, tion continues the State maY just Girl Scouts, Unite d Fund Butch Hofmann, Ben Eckenhoff, make Chester road a wider swath. (whl!!h Includes Salvation Army, Ralph Kletzien, Dick Jackson Lukens was torn among convic- Mental Health, Cerebral Palsy, and Steve Hansell, due to gradutionsthat the highwaY is needed, ed Cross, and Red Feather), ation, opens Its current. cowt that Swarthmore naturally would uberculosis and Health Associ- season tonight when It travels" 'prefer to remaln unharmed by It, tion, Swarthmore School Dental to Eddystone to usher In the and the state will put it where linic, Camp, and, Hospital, Tri- 1961.62 season. The game, the it considers best regardless. ounty Fountain House, Com- first of a series of warm-up nonA statement by Gowing SaYs: unity Health Center, Camp Sun- league encounters, will prove to "For many years Chester Road hine, March of Dimes Associ- be a test for the many new faces has been inadequate for the traf- tion for the Blind 'Friendly that will wear the co lor s of fic that is forced to use it. The Open House, Nation~l Multiple swar,thmorethroughout,the season. resulting congestion has, and Sclerosis, Heart Association Captain Roger Anthony, as the continues to constitute, a chronic ,and Cancer Society. ' lone starter from last year's varThe education department sity, will be accompanied by major annoyance and hazardous situation for the residents o~ the which joined in orlll1nJzing thi; Terry Innis, Mal Anthony, and Borough. The state recogmzes event, used its share' of the pro- om Atkins as hold-overs from the need for a modern artery here fits for the club's annual schol- the varsity of a year ago. Comand is going to put one in. I be- arship for a deserviIlg Swarth- 'ng up from the successful J-V lieve continued opposition to the more High School senior. Squad are Bob Bennett, Steve presently proposed location can ' dwards, Dick Foreman, Don contribute directly to a decision, Jones and' Charlie Turner. Tom to modernize and widen Chester DeLapp, Steve Beik and Frank Road very substantially. This Pierson also made the varsity fter graduating from the champwould be a major blow 'to our community_ .I cannot support the 'onship junior high team of last post,poiung of the currently pro- WALLINGFORD RESIDENT ear. posed road with such a calamity ELECTED TRUSTEE The team generally lacks as an alternative. loght, but ga.ins all around "Perhaps a road westof Media J. Haro!d Perrine, director of speed, ball handling ability, and is needed also _ I don't know _ I k relations for the, Sun qu c ness, It Is hoped the boys but I do not consider this as an industrial Oil Company, has been named Ii ay, in spite of a lack of all acceptable substitute for the trustee of Grove City College" round experience, improve upon one needed here. It is my con- from which he graduated In 1930, ast year's record of ten wins viction that the beneficial effect and which conferred on him an nd nine defeats and a final of the proposed route would have, honorary degree of Doctorof Laws ourth place in Suburban Section upon the heart of the whole town this past June. IV. ' of Swarthmore noW and in the Mr. Perrine has been connected The schedule for the next future greatly overshadows any with the Sun Oil Company since detrimental effect it might have his graduation, and has filled the upon the college and the creek posts of assistant to the manager valley." ' of the development division at Wood, havi!lg spent many years the Marcus Hook Refinery, memassisting the college and bor- ber of the research and developoughites in developing Crum' ment department there, manager woods as a park area, said he of the department, assistant dircould not support anything which ector of Industrial Relations in would desecrate the area, nor 1960 and Director last .January. could he show preference for-the He is a past Alumni Trustee of alternate route only slightlY re- Grove City College, and was the moved frQm the actual campus. first president of the Philadelphia' Wilson said he remained'adamant area Alumni Club. ' in opposing all Blue Route sugThe new trustee is also a memgestions because a line in, a let- ber of the American Petroleum ter he had received from Rex Institute, the Industrial RelatWhitton, FederalBureau of Roads ons Association of Philadelphia, administrator, l'ld him to believe he Industrial Research Associother routes such as Ihe one ation and the American Institute west of Media had NOT yet been of Chemical Engineers. He holds absolutely ruled out of the realm thirteen patents in the fields of of possibility. resins, lubricants, fuel additives, ThomasHopperpresentedCoun- soluble oils, derivatives of petcil with a statement from the roleum acids and esterification SWarthmore Planning Commis- processes. sion. It bemoaned the possibility Formerly a resident of Prosof increased traffic on Chester ect Park, where he waS on the road and Swa~hmore avenue if Borough Council and Library the Blue Route were adopted oard Chairman, he now resides without an interchange at Chester at 521 Oak Crest lane, Walling· road where itdtossesCrum creek. ford, where he is active in Boy It also regretted spoilage of cout work" and in 1960 was scarce open areas, but admitted hairman of the Sustaining. Merna cross county relief highway is ership Drive of' Minq uas Disneeded if Route 320 is not to rict. He is a member of the continue to carry ever-increasing warthmorePresbyterian Church, traffic loads and result in a wid- and a former trustee of Olivet ening of this route through the Presbyterian Church. heart of Swarthmore.Gill reported He is a director of the Springthat Peter Larson of the Dela- haven Country Club, a member ware County Planning Commis-, of the Board of Managers of the sion had assured him that organ- 'Chester Hospital anit, a memb~r ization was pressing for such a f the Urban Club. Chester road interchange, al- He is married to tile former thougtt one does not seem to ap- Eleanor Stewart of Harrisville, pear on stat~ plans. a college classmate. They have H. Weston'Clarke said on be- two daughters, Nariey, a teacher half of the Swarthmore Property in the Dade County, Florida Owners Association: "This is school system, 'and Julia, who an intra-state and not an inter- resides with her husband and state highwaY - as presently two sons in Glen Burnie, Md. laid out - therefore in our judgement does not qualify for Federal aid." He also questioned its Furness Free Lib ra ry solution to tram? originating at Receives $1100 Grant the Industrial HighwaY and traversing Prospect Park, Morton, Mrs. Hubelt A. Johnson, presisecane; decried parl\ and campus dent of the Helen Kate Furness encroachment; and that the pro- Free Library, Nether Providence posed highwaY"does not provide has announced tl)at the library' self-liquidating taxable sites for has been awarded a grant 0 Contributed in the residential or industrial use while $1,100 'from the Philadelphi ,THE BOUQUET it eliminates improved taxable Foundation. This sum has been property with no chance for reim- received from the Ambrose J. E. L NOYES and CO. bursement. " uitt Trust Fund and is to ---h'sed by'the Furness Libraiy durTHE SWARTHt.1OREAN ng the next 12 months Jor books; tacks, or a book 11ft. "&L' • • Wllnn• • Presentation forthe award was PORTER H. WAITE, ' - : , repared by Hilbert A. Johnson, 101 "... J.1t31 and Dr. and Mrs. James , E; EYaIIB., GROVE OlY COLLEGE NAMES J.H.PERRINE The Girl Scouts will sponsor The Community Carol Sing to be held I'n Wednesday", December 20th; at 6:45 p.m. In, the Borough parking lot - rain date is December 21. Everyone Is Invited to come and join in the lighting of the tree and in the singing of the Christmas songs. The scouts will assemble near the library steps, and it is hoped that each troop will have a standard with their troop number indicated so that there will be a minimum of confusion! A public address system has been donated so all should be able to hear. Miss Mathes, elementary music teacher, will lead the singing. The new BrownieTroops formed this fall are stUlin need of American Flags and Girl Scout nags, and stands. Former leaders especially, are asked to check if they have any of the above, and to call Janice Donovan, KI 36651, if any flags oail be located and returned. Troop 95 has, published the second issue of the Girl Scout News. Unless all troop reporters turn in their news, all the troops will not be represented.. Anyone having any question about the paper, is asked to 'call the troop president, Susan Carroll, KI 32986. December Q, 1961 RED CROSS GIVES NOVEMBER REPORT Mrs. Robert M·. Fudge, vicechairman of the Swarthmore Branch of the American Red Cross reporta the acq uiring of Two new Blood Service Aldes Mrs. Charles H. Brooks of Forest lane and Mrs. William H. Gehring of University lace. A new Arts and Skills orker, Mrs. Harry Buck of the olonial Apartments, Rutgers avenue, as a volunteer at the Naval Hospital teaching Hooked Rugs and assisting Mrs. Robert Deason of Wellesley and Riverview roads. 'Forty-two Red Cross volunteers contributed 655\2 hours in hospital service; 46 hours in Blood Service, (no bloodmobile viSits) and 58\2 other administrative hours. WllPF TO DISCUSS CIVIL DEFENSE MON. The Worn en's International League for Peace anti Freedom's Legislative Committee plans a meeting MondaY at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Parker Coddington, 11 South Princeton avenue to discuss and write letters on the subject of Civil Defense. Anyone, member or non member, is welcome to come and bring useful infOlmation found in recent readings or discussions. It' tt 1 t i I-----------I---~ sno 00 a etojo n WILPF's week follows: Annual International Carol Sing Tuesday, December 12, Chi- tonight at 8 ,o'clock at the home chester, home, 3:30; Friday, of Mr. and Mrs. William Clarke,' December 15, Sun Valley, hOJ1)e, crumw~ld Farm,401Rogers lane, 6:45; Friday,December 22, Penn- Wallingford. Fwther detalls are crest, away, 6:45. Oav6~2lable at L06-5898, or KI 3~ . "-,....,11 . . . _ . . .#1<. --.. -AIH-. YO COLI I:, :: L I II It ,I ;{ 1 , December 8, 1961 SWAR RESOLUTION IN' IE: MRS. THOMAS K. BROWN,' JR. The Directors of the Swarth ation in the first q uarterly m~~:~ Pfu~~iC ,Library associ August 16 of Mrs. Thomas K B g 0 oWIng the ~eath on resolution: . rown Jr., adopted the followBE IT RESOLVED bytheB d . more Public Library that th~ar of ?nectors of the SwarthBrown, Jr." to the Swarthmoreservlce Of, Mrs. Thomas K. nine, years as a director be grate~U~~c ~lbrary during her sons and her sisters u aq nowledged to I'~I Public Library recei~e~o~mended ,to the community whose during her career as an edi~rexp~f1enced guidance gleaned records. an recorded in the Library's , The Board of Directors beli t \ ' sociation with the Library will eve~i h~ t Mrs. Br?wn's asopment in the future. con nu~ 0 shape Its develBE IT FURTHER RESOLVE ' lution be senr to her sons Dr ~h~~~s aKc,:y of this resoBrown . lOwn, 3rd, Islamorada, Fla., and Dr. Arthur her sisters Mrs Earl S C db' , summit, N. J., and and Mrs JO'h Fl' . a ury, Hendersonville, N. C. ' . n agg Gummere, Germantown Passed this 13th day of, November, 1961. . SWAltTHMORE PUBLIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION H. LINDLEY PEEL (Signed) , President' E portant roles in the Main ~:~?:I Playhouse prodUction of .. AmerlcanCousin"presentedDe!c-1 Mr. and Mrs .. Richard M. HOOk' ember 1 and 2 in the Penn Vallevl of Muhisnburg avenue played im- School. Mrs. Hook was seen as "' ..,,-, ence Trenchard, the leading THE male role which was played Laura Keene, herself, when plaY was first produced in her theater'in New York in 1858. Mr. OF SWARTHMORE Hook played Mr. Coyle, the vilpresents lain of the piece. "Our American Cousin" is the which President Lincoln was wa~ching.in the Ford Theaby Rodgers & Hammerstein Washington, D. C., on the IPro(lu ced under the Direction I rugnt he was assassinated. Other celebrated actors who were in PAUL & BETTY BIRKHAHN original production were Joseph Jefferson, later to become Monday thru Saturday famous as Rip ,Van Winkfe,' and , ,,' December 4-9 A. Sothern, father of E. . Sothern of Shakespearean fame CURTAIN TIME 8:20 P. M. LOCAL RESIDENTS APPEAR IN "OUR AMERICAN COUSIN" 'P~@J "Carousel" •• 1 ..... , ' IN'MEMORY OF SAMUEL C. PALMER Here was a man. my friends With strength of body mlod and will ' Wltb inner force and rectitude And w!lb life's purpose strong imbued. /\. man of many an interest He loved Dame Nature's lore the best As o'er the countryside went he Aware of every fiower and tree. The birds be knew each one by Rame This man wbo from the farm land . came His paths were over moor and fen And all God's Nature was his ken. Yet guiding youth was this man's life In class and OR tbe fields of strife There was no compromise with wrong E'en thougb tbe game be hard and long. He slrove to keep the student's eye Upon an ideal very high Direct and honest to the cote Was what he taught at old swarthmore. And yet good humor still was there For poetry tbere was a flair He took his !ovlng ftiends to In tbyrne tbat gentle probings mwu'l RESOLUTION IN RE: MISS aua RJSSBl BAUER Atthe first meeting of the Board of Directors of the Swarth· more Public Library Association since the death of Miss Alice Fussell Barber, on October 20 member of the Library Board for almost two decades the following resolution was adopted: ' Be it resolved by the Directors of the Swarthmore Public Association that appreciation of Miss Barber's long and effective service to the Swarthmore Public Library be expressed by the Board for the entire reading public of the Borough of Swarthmore to the family of their former colleague. , Miss Barber rendered the Public Library support and aid from the time of its founding in December, 1928. She served as a Director for almost two decades and as a devoted volunteer for ten years prior to her Directorship. As a Director she was secretary and l'lter vice-president of the Board of Directors; she represen,tated the local Library Board on the Delaware County Library Trustees Association as Trustee and Officer. The l.:lsS of her interest, wise counsel and felicitous association will be long felt by the Swarthmore Public Library Association. The Alice Fussell Barber Memorial Art Collection established in the library by her friends will continue her memory among the Library's readers. Be it further resolved that a COpy of this resolution of appreCiation and of sympathy be sent to Miss Barber's sister, Mrs. Robert T. Stockton, Columbus, Ohio. ' Passed this 13th dsy of November, 1961. SWARTHMORE PUBLIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION H. LINDLEY Peel ( signed) DIC~ FRANCHETn - TELEVISION 30 YAlJ: AVENUE MORTON. PA.· TELE'ISIOI - HOME .Id IUTO .IDIO - PHOIDS "Bring It to Us or We'll Come to You" Klngswood 4-1028 SWEENEY 6- CLYDE ~61ishad 1858 29 E'ilt Fifth Street, Cheder, Pa. TRemont4-6311 A man of many an art and skill Whose paIntInga we will treasure well ,SAMUB, D. CLYDE For, my dear friends, here was a man. J. EDWARD CLYDE To 'mintl us of a, great life's span ' 'U72-195& SAMUB,D. ClYDE. JR. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE APPRAISAlS Fire Company Dues During ,the past few days you have received the annual notice of dues of the Swarthmore Fire and Protective Association. The Swarthmore Fire and Protective A,sociation is a volunteer organization working for the benefit of our community. Support of the Fire Company is an investment in low Fire Insuran'ce rates. It takes " the cooperation of the entire community to maintain these low rates. • " Interest of Highway Safety by the Following If you do not receive a notice and care to join and contribute, mail you,r checks to the --------------------, GIBBONS HOME PARTY PLANNED FOR DEC. 19TH Friends and neighbors are vlted to attend the annua.11 ~~:!~~;I mas party to be held on 'I evening. December 19, at Gibbons Home on Baltimo"r.e~ir.;~~~1 Mrs. John Price and c WendY and Jack will give a cert. They will piaY (;~;'I~~~l~I!1 Concerto" along with COlols. The Swarthmore Garden will decorate the Home for party. Mrs. Hugh Peters of North' Swarthmore avenue and Mrs. ert Turner of Guernsey road in charge. ~M~e~m~b~e~rs~a~n~d~t~b~e~lr~G~U~es~t~s~~b:'~'I~s;a;w~1~t~ln~T~h;e~S;W;a;rl;h;m;O;r;e;an~'~'~~~CH~ARLESG.THATCHER CAR, TOO, II CARELESS HAl . Page 9 MO Swarthmore Fire and Protedive Ass'n Merchants SWARTHMORE TOGGERY SHOP THE INGLENEUK BAIRD and BIRD J. A. GREEN PETER E. TOLD D. PATRICltWB.SH ,I \ \ Ed,.vard • , s. Carney, Treasur~r' I a change In government was ur·' pletelylneffective. But they have leiters To The Edito, gently needed. It was REPUBLI· not' pulled out of the U. N. be· CANS who brought In Democrats cause they need it as the only The oplnlons expre..ed below ~ The battle of the Strath Haven to give us this Improved govern· I ,t th"d W Inn Is over. It will not have been ment The argument? "This is a pace, °bexpress ellfllelas. I e uetllOileorthelndlndua! writera A1lleUers to The Swarth· 'ought In vain if It serves to I ' d ' haven teen success u n w n· . •• ",eu. •p ' " . th e co Id war au t Sl. de th e U. mor.1II mustbe ... 88Uuoalert our neighbors to the dan- ocal . matter. an wc can vote m,ng lIJ'mna mube usedi! Ibe w r i t e r . agalDst our party locally, and N witness Laos Vietnam Cuba I, known to the Editor. Letters gers Inherent In our antiquated still vote the way we believe B~rlin etc But the U N .~an wi~ will be published on11 at th~ zoning ordinances. These ord- nationally" The result? We got I'd' f 11 . ' • ~I I dl tl f th Edlto ' . d I f l ' .. the co war, 0 oWlDgpnnc P es acre ono e r. ,"ances, once a mo e 0 mun - strong and excellent government abl t th U 't d St t ," cipal planning are now hope.. . ' accept e a e nI e a es. S.....II ..Communlty Shelter d 'd I In Philadelphia. We also find a The time has come for our GovernTo the Editor: ' lessly outma. e . For examp e, party machine so strong that it ment to make a total commll'~nt On MO. ever.ing. the sixth under the non-conforming uses has been able to outvote the en· to conduct its for e i g n po.,~ v of ,Novembj!r, the SWllrthmore clause, It Is possible to erect tire state; it has voted against through the United Nations. ' Presbyterian Church held its huge apartment developments in two national landslides: It was We need to negotiate sincerely monthly Couples Club meeting. numerous her~tofore resldenti.al the margin of victory In our latest and patiently for general and com· -rhe pro.ram planned for the areas. a fact "hich certainly Will presidential election. ' plete disarmament. It i~ said that ",evening wa.~ on the fallout shelt·, not escape the attention of the If we believe that we are los· 'we don't .push for disarmament ;,.., and the ptoblems that can aris greedy developers for long. 'ing ground internationally, we' negotiations because R Ii s s I a If each fari\lly undertakes to build We recommend to the ~v~r 500 can can c 1 u d e that we have a won't agree to inspection but Its nwn !Ulelter. An Interesting Swarthmoreans who partiCipated strong government in Philadel· this is not true. They insist that and frultfuldiHcussion took place. 10 our efforts against the Strath phla at the costofa weak go vern- they won't allow inspection until I ~hall 'nOt attempt to enumer. Haven Inn development that they ment in Washington, we sign an agreement that our ate ,,11 of the points brought out; continue the fight to save ou~ We are not arguing for one lIoal is total disarmament. Then ht,wever there WKS a very strong commu.nity by urging Boroug party or another, 'but for takln@ they are willing to have any kind ff:ellng in the gmup that the Com· Coun?11 to consider the proposed politics outof colleges and othel of inspection the West wants. Our , .• - - I h f It th t " reviSIOn of the zoning laws. Tc f neighbors who saw places where It does not be ong. speakers at t e U. N. e a munlty ,Shelter IH the 'only sen- th Slbl~'~nrlreulistl~ answer to the fit°~~ t~k:~ stand we would but Democrats and Republicans the U.nited states would ?~ve questlrm ',f surVival In ca.~e of t C H A Wildman' "You can. alike must insist ,on a complete been In a much stronger posillon u nuclear attack. quo e . . . "Lar e a art. investigation at West Chester this Fall if we had pushed our Because of the idpallocatlons' not stopvprogr~:~ts' and gdes~ruc- state College. excellent proposals for .general or the elementury school and the ~ent ~eth~l~~eek valley are only Michael S. Paulson ~d complete .disarmament men· . high school, at opposite endH of than °b I I 'f you remain ------t,loned by PreSident Kennedy In '. town, shelters could be built in i~ t eg nn ng I Urges D'sarmament his stirring speech rather than '~; the schools providing quick ac· s en. teSt er I insisting on a test ban treaty ~! ,coss lor everyone In the com' ~~~~~ren~~l ' . . November 7, 1961 first that all the world knows. i.: onunlty. I Bloom To The Editor. :tussla won't accept. The USSR : POHltive advantages of Com· ~o~n Koelle I have just attendee! a seminar and the U, S. did submit a joint A lDunity shelters over individual GOeorge Koelle at the United Nations, conducted statement to the U. N. on Sept. ,f"mUy shelters are many: here William R. Smith by the Wo men s' International 20th setting. forth "agreed pr~nare a few: League for Peace and Freedom ciples for dlsarmame,1t negolla· , 1. 'Not everyone 'Would have Questions Ouster for women from allover the coun· tions" which include disarmament '" ·'lhc financial means, or enough i To The Editor: try, and was strongly impressed by stages with inspection at each ,,: : land area or a suitable type of Why has Dr. T. Noel Stern been by the urgent need for understand· stage. the establishment of inhouse to build the most protec' ousted as President of West Ing and support of the U. N. by stitutionsfpr peaceful settlement live IYl,e of shelter. • ,Chester State College? We had the American people. I feel im- of disputes, etc. For the first , 2. MCommUnlty shelter would hoped that West Chester was on pelled to pass on a few of the time Russia agreed to a U. N. have 1111 the, 'ne~de(! f~od, water, i the road to higher academic stand- points that were made f~rceful to p.olice forct. Th~re are many dlfair and medica) supplies for the ards under the administration of'us by the leaders who bnefed us- f!Cult and genulDe problems to )' <:omrnunlty 1 Trained persons such President Stern, We know tha~' ..·official observers for the Woo iron out on both sid e s bu~ we ::, us doctors, nurses and teachers greatly increased numbers 0 mens' International League for must get on with it. If RUSSia is ~., ,WOUld have the r~sources to pre· students are going to be enrolled Peace and Freedom, the United bluffing we would find out and at ,-", "vont !lanlc, proVide needed ser~ In our 14 state colleges {lver the; World Federalists, the Quake" least be no worse off than we J, vices. organize activities and next ten years. We want academic U. N. Team, the Committee fOI are allowing the arms race to " the like. standards to be increased at the W0 rid Development and World continue and spread toward al~ ,3. The shelter could.serve fO,r same time. We do not wal)t spec· Disarmament; and members of the most certain nuclear holocau~t. . noo!e than tine purpose If the day ial low grade courses for stud- Secretariat, etc. We must put our efforts in wm· ever comes when we- need not ents in the athletic area. " I n spite of the atmosphere of Ding the "peace race" and the lear an attack. It could be can· Why has the Superintendent ofl fear and increasing hostilities best means for this is to support verted into a recreation room for Public Instruction refused to in·: dueto the uncontrolled arms race and strengthen the U. N. rnany kinds olsports. A workshop vestigate the political firing Of! and Communist flouting of world Helen M, Carroll, O! theater for schoo.1 plays could Dr: Stern? Why has the State At· opinion and disregardforthe wei· CO'Chairman ,be conslructed within the shelter torney General, the Honorable, fare of mankind, there are- some Community United Nations l framework., . David Stahl,.refuSed to call fori hopeful. aspects of the U.N. that Committee ,.4.-rruly these Commum.ty shel· an audit of student f'1nds, paid: we need to be aware of and push . _ -ters could be a communIty pro· from the fees of students of mod- forward. Lette, to (.ouncil i' jeet. If we gather our talents and est income? The public wants to The U. N, is coming into a new owin letter was sent 'resources, the shelters could be know whether student activities era when the West can no longer The foil th 9 f ublibuilt for far less than if we hired fees are' being used for illegal control its deCisions, due to the !h~ Swar morea n or p " _"ide contractors to do the. en· athletic scholarships at West inc rea s e of new independent catIon. , ,tITe job. Chester. countries which do not want io The League of Women voters I am Ilwllre that even Commun· Are jobs for the Democratic be aligned wlth,eithe·r.~e. ofSwartnmorehas long supported - ..tty ahelters wll1 have to be sup' Party more ilnportant than educa- There will be more hostility to- cqmmunlty planning and nas fol· lIMted in part by the Federal tional freedom? Are Deans and ward it in this country because lowed with Interest the work of " "Government; however the whole Presidents being appointed on a we don't always'get our way. But tne Borough Planning Commis-, etV!1 defense 'Program will not be political basis at our 14 state neither does the' USSR! They nave sian. We commend to you the tff'eetive if there are not shelters colleges? There is a clamor for found the U.N.a rival to the lo'ng Planning Commission's excellent = Would Alert Neighbors To the Editor: Due to circumstances beyond our control . , , The ., :.> , lG til > l2! OF THE SWARTHMOREWOOD SHOPPING· CENTER • ·PVt& '" MARK'ET •• 2. , ..• HAS BEEN e ...."o s C' Sl '" ..... ...~ Look for the new Acme Grand Opening Date • In This Newspaper. '- " oi III JI:J III 1KeQ,t\6 10 H&CAI , ..... <0 ~ 1. CIO , +- ... C' ~ ~ our ."s.. .. t: ':"'---c.. ' here's what •> o everyone,. and Swatthmore mote: education in Pennsylvania. term objectives of Communism. ReportonApartmentConversions. must take posltlv~ actIon on this We are paying extra taxes for this They were forc ed out of the dated May 15, 1961, and await A!e our tlUes for schools. or for Congo. They,_hadto"back down with interest Council':; reaction .. . ..... ,.. political jobs? onthetroika idea that would hav to the recommendations made in C!nnsider this: In Philadelphia, made the 'Secretary-General com- this report~ The League hopes, that this report can be implemented by a thorough review qf the BoroughZoning Code in conjunc' tion with the production of a / comprehensive Borough Plan, which would clarif:r some of the problems of population growth Ilnd its contingent problems of traffic, zoning, preservation of open spaces and obsolescence. We are also interested in the Commission's Survey of Public Recreation Areas in and adjacent to Swarthmore Borough,' dated February 16th, 1959. There were two specific recommendations on page tbree of this report;' (1) the ,three and 'a half, acres of land on Yale Avenue between the Strath· Haven Inn and the dam, and (2) ,the property owned by the Vertol Division of Boeing Aircraft Corporation. which we hope Council has taken Into consideration. During the two years since tllis report was compiled. the amount \ lof open space in and around Swarthmore has steadily decreasI ed, and will shrink still further if action by the Borough is not taken in the immediate future to' II preserve the little there is left. We understand that Springfield Township has already acquired three acres of the Vertol property" mentioned above, for recreational use. There are still at least two acres available. It is our undere. e standing that this property was obtained by lease under terms favorable to the Township. Since the original Survey suggested, (page 2, 'paragraph 6), that the , Vertolproperty might be obtained by lease or even gift, we are PWlNm INSURAJICI PROTECTION TO AT YOUR IIUDSa anxious to learn whether the Borough Council has made any Our pnil slinally tralDed experts review with you tIllyoar faIuIIaoe effort to secure part of the land • i , • • • fvrfamlly, home and budnea ••• and than _momend ' by means other than outright • GUefuDy planned program hued 00 your Individull zequh . . . purchase . .. thJI, way you get IN rimllm aecuriI¥ agaiDst "n·ooftl", for The League has felt stronglyin recent years that a town of "'mlnlmum ooIt. ' this size needs to. support an active Planning Commission. In taking prompt action to imple' ment the Apartment Conversion' Report, Borough Council would noMPT•. mlCIENT HElP IN EVENT OF ACaDEfl1' 01 LOSS. also be recognizing this need. In addition, we would like to sug· WJ. ....... ,r or loa eod'ogen your Ra'neIe! IIIClIIrity we mab it oar gest that our Council take any s II) . . . . you ".,.,,-zz, lD ..nwy -1 poasIble ••• steps necessary to preserve pos........ d die time III clay or alght die _geocy Occun. B........b. sible recreation and open land __ ~ ID thJIo'''manIty depesMI' 011 the way _ IerW siies, in and adjacent to Swarth' more. and that cooyeration with ear ....... toa _y be Me WIIJ,' Springfield Tow nshlp Commis' sioners could serve to protect such land on our common borders, (i.e. the Vertol strip and the :Morroy; Quarry). 01 lG oi III II: fot !L"". "". oi III til •> , rL, lG. oi III II: o lG 1111 CHESTER ROAD > • between Swarth more and Springfield, Pa. .. * _11_,. 'ElEIE,/TOLD All Lilli of lalaruea '." 111 Dartmouth Avenue .... _ \, Swarthmore, Pa. V~ry truly yours, Mrs. \I'm. C. McDermott President Swarthmore ~~ague of Women Voters III: Page 12 THE , SWARTHIIOK·..n, Karen Baskin, ShippensFiction: Ann Hebson, The Latawrence, T e amiable birth of those residents of the b St t II Legend. Lin Yutan",Widow. D. Stevenson, Bel state who will be 100 years old andcourtesan,Stephhen Long-' Cld Sumner, Chrlst- I . urg a e Co ege; Warren BerGrove City College; Mahlon IlltrE!et,' gift H G W II 28 I n 1962 are requested by tile Eagles where I walk, Fran- fiction . stories . . e M s, rI sc W ence Pennsylvania . Me di cal. SOc I e ty, . t Hanover College, Geoffrey or sP . Ies, Maurlac, Therese: a portrait Davis and Elkins Colot II. al 230 State street., Harrisburg. tour parts. Alberto Moravia, s ence. Susan Clark, Goucher ColBeau Geste Eijl erc Yosvhi- r====~;;;;=~l-Zoe Oldenbourg, . women. 6 The Heike st . __Barbara Coles, Washin ton· .. world Is not enough. May . ory. IC()ilE!ge; Douglss Davidson, Le''larto.n. M t . d University; Michael Fair-" ys enes: Davi Alexander, __ . ___ .. ________________ _ Swarthmore High School grad-'b.mks, Elizabethtown College; Mystery: John Dickson Carr, dozen. Margery AIuates of the class of 1961 are Forwood, Westminster Col- The witch of the low tide. Three cases for Mr. now ensconced in the various ge; Linda Frost, Ohio Wesleyan Non-Fiction: Alexander CampA. Fair, Shllls can't coileges and institutions across , Nancy Gatewood, bell, The heart of Japan. Bruce ,TravisMacrae,':went: the country. Although several had University; Nancy GayThe centennial history of cent. Anthony Morton, Deaf, the pleasure to try new places ,Vassar College: _Elwood Civil War. Marion Dilts, The and blonde. Wlnfr\!d Van and meet new people with one or , Philadelphia Museum of ot JElilanese history. WilShock treatment. !I1 ore former high school classAlice Grogan, University of Douglas, My wilderness. Non:-Fictlol): LudWig Bemelmates, the majority of the class Sara Grogan, Colorado Edwardes, A history ot Bemehnan's Italian hollmet the challenge alone (with all from ihe earliest times to ,Eugene Burdick, The blue the other entering freshmen!). Steven Hansell, DlckinsonColpresent day. Emily Kimbrough, Capricorn. Eleanor Dabrohua, Of the five going In for hospiCarol Haseltine, Indiana by the busload. Hugh ot a crime. Erich tal training of one kind or anCollege; Ann Hewes, UnlScotchman's return May man prevail? Henother essays. Walter Kay Galvao, Santa Marla, Eu· other, only two. are at the same verslty of Illinois; Janet Hunt, institution, BOlmie Alexander . English review grammar. Ionesco, Rhinoceros . and . College; Marsha Hunt, College; Richard Jackson, Young, All the best plays. Christopher Lloyd, and Cecilia Worth, who are studying at the Presbyterian Hospital. Academy; Rebecca years. s and seamen .. ' Catherine' • GuessSusan Fisher is at the University Franklin Coli e g e; Fiction - Taylor Caldwell, A Beyond our selves. ingat of Pennsylvania Hospital, Susan atherine Jarratt, Carroll Col- Prologue to Love; Elizabeth CorMaxwell, Witch doctor's prices for - . . . .~=.Jackson at the Philadelphia Gen· Jean Johnson, Harcum Jun- bett, Hidden Island; John Dos Louis Nlzer, My life Prescriperal Hospital, and Rosemary College; Ann Kelcy, Stanford Passos, Manhattan :;!'ransfer; court. Richard H. Rush, Art tions is DOt our way Kofink at Lankenau Hospital. ; Dory Kroon, Lasell Gaskell, Cranford; B1ll an Investment. Masanobu of charging. To the cost Four are at Wooster College,College; J 0 s I e Lange, ' The Shaming of Broken Singapore. Laurens Van of quality ingredients, Rosemary Cadigan, Joan Duncan, ake Forest College;- Thomas I~:;~~; Louis 'Kronenberger, The Post. The heart of the hunter. add compounding Ralph Kletzien, and Jean patter1 I Illt I II Plays of 1960-61; A.E. MasLloyd Wright, The living son. George Abbe, Henry HO.ffman Pennsy van a M. ary Co t.me plus a modest lege The Four Feathers; Jane Oliand Katherine Stamford are atrt' h ht I Flame of Fire', Frank R. ' charge for overhead. tending Urslnus College', C:hrJlst'-'1 A ur Loeben, Albrig Co Each price is a fair price. Barbara H. Heath, daughter of lege ' Bruce Marshall , Wesley Stockton, The Casting Away ot Ine Decker, Constance Diamond' ~o, for precise PrescripCollege '' Davl's Moscrlp , Mrs. Lecks and Aleshlne', Robert Mr. and Mrs. Russell M. Heath and Susan Spencer are enrolled Junior Lafayette College; Kirby Noye, Penn Warren, Wilderness; Patrick of Cedar lane, is partiCipating nons, ptoperly priced atlheUniversityofPennsylvania. Bates Co'lIege; Yvonne Pearcy, Riders In the Charlot. in the annual Glee Club Concert bringyour Doctor's here: Three more are at the University Spelhnan College; GloriaPelrsel, Non-Fiction-JohnBalnbrldge, given by the Glee Club of Mount of Delaware, Hoge, MIc hi gan State UnI versIty; BarSuper-Americans',' 'Luclus Holyoke College at Town Hall CATHER'IVI~AN~' Smith and AlanRussell S.tamford·, and Guy an~ ~ bara Goddard College; IBeebe, Mr. Pullman's Elegant In New York City on December DRUG -ORE other three, Toni Anastasia, Roxby, Penn State; MarCar; Edmond Cahn, The 15. Barbara Is president of the ... Susan Bower and Linda deProRyerson, Beloit College; of Democratic Man; I's::e:n~l~or~c~l;as~9;;a~t~M;ou~n;t;H~0~ly~0~k~e':"l-:-_ _~~~~~~3~.;cm~· ~8~6~_ phetis are attending WestChester David Scarborough, Muhlenberg Cole, Folk Songs of EngState College. Ireland, Scotland, and Philip Beardsley, Joan McKln- C 0 11 ege; J e rI T ay Ior, Marj orIe ; The Family Handyman, nell, and Karen Petersen are Webster Junior College; studying at 0 b e r II n College; Topping, Sullins Junior CollegE!; Handyman Book; MonDavid Walmsley, Phlladelphla Free, Plant Pruning In Peter Courtney ,Charles Fellows. I TextileInstitute; Ablgall Warnes, John Gassner, Form and T u ft s C0 IIege; Doug1as Wrege, In Modern Theatre', Maurice and D avidandMorrison College; Bettieat of Rochester. House a Root; Ben Eckenhoff is· studying at' 11f;i~~~' P. LashWithout .. Dag HammerMarla Dye, and Heidi Honnc,ldl University at Earlham College. the Whltglft School In Croydlin, Lionel ·R. McColvan, Lifor Children; Irving H. By two's, various class mem-I England, and Ed Eckenhoff Is bers are continuing their ~.'IUl'·"1 studying medical illustrative art Strokes; Pierson Parker, as follows: In Munich, Germany. the Promise; Robert Payne, Three Worlds of Boris PasChristine aolden and Welsh at Swarthmore College; EL ECTED TO JR. B.OARD David Peck, Decision at Phyllls Hind and Susan New members elected to at Temple University; Junior Board of Chester' Hospital Gerard Piel, Science in the Brodhead and Ronald Herbster of Man; EleanorH.oosevelt, at Duke UniverSity; Molly Mrs. Andrew J. Schroder, 2nd, Auto.blography ot Eleanor Moylan, Mrs. Albert G. Zeitz ~~~:~:r:l~t t::~:~~ Russell, ani! EdgarHarrls at Denison Unl- High School Graduates in Further Study DEC 151961 BUY tmd USE UvmrtlU'Jore l!olleUIr Libr(tr~ Sviartlunore 1 I I • i , " " """';~<:"'.'~." " . , " , / , THE SWARTHMOREAN, Page 2 December 15, 1961 BAPTIZED. ser of Springhaven' and Janice est lane, who had been hospitalChildren baptized at the pro.A.1 Lynn CQnner, daughler of'Dr, and" Mrs.· Harriet Kistler Crist.of ized in Le.kewood, N. J., since Cburch on Sunday Mrs. J. Hubert Conner of Spring"Open Doors",Park avenue, was early fall, was transferred to Edward Tucker Fry, son of field. surprised by her three children .S aturdav afte [ 4 t 6 Taylor Hospital, Ridley Park, Mrs. Ro bert Fry· of I~~:~~n~::::::::::~ "" rnoon rom 0 two weeks ago. His friends might l'll,enIUe; J " i i! i I 'o'clock with a party ina,hnenr:l~h'eorln>E0LrrY'i b~ interested to know that he is FIne's mother Mrs. M. J. Hillyer I' f B\DeSdBUrrougus marking the golden coming along nicely. of New York City as their guest 1~~~!~~o~~M~~r:~.,)an:~ Elizabeth Mrs. Fredlilunnelill F.r .AUZlIE ..1•••lnll.. from December 20 through th·e of the establish e t f h h . m n 0 er ome Mr. Edwin H. Marshall of Fordaughter of Mr. c.II here. est lane has been in Rye, N.Y. to New Year. Hervey F. Froehiich "In this age of space travel, a business meeting. Mr. and Mrs. ENGAGEMENT Kevill Richard Kaiser, .... LLDYD L 111"••1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Lin· 0 r.an Mrs:.Richard Kaif ers ' ,we t hink apartment dwelllng and 'transMarshall as H. their house it newsworthy that guests Mr.· have and Mrs. G. Ha~er -.. coin of Haverford avenu a house has. been a home contin- of Bmnchvi.lle, N. J., who announee the engagement of "'" '"" >1-:' ;f-. uous ly f or 50 years," her chil- enroute to st. Petersburg, Fla. .71"<..1'" •. ' . , '}P/.. ~ daughter Gail, to Mr. James D. dren avowed i n t he invitations Dr. Glen T.S-'th of Riverview .\ "... Lear, son of Mr.and Mrs. Chester . sen t by Mrs. Harriet Kistler road returned to his home A. Lear of Monessen, Pa. . Browne (Oliver); John seidel Tuesday from the Chester cOI~nt.YI No date has been set for the Kistler, 2nd, West Chester, and Hospital, West Chester, where wedding. : SALON Mrs. Mary Kistler Connor (James). had undergone surgery. Guests thronged 'Open Doors', Miss Patricia Weiland of South BRIDAL FESTIVITIES ~ happy to join in honoring their· Chester road entertalned her ,'. u.!AN:e......" ~e4~ good friend and frequent hostess. Bridge group of the Delta Gamma Miss Judy Hollander of Ogden - - _.. ~ ., avenue and her sister-in-law Mrs. "" Sorority on Wednesday evening Preston Hoilander entertained re- I F · ' . i at her home. ' • .~' cently at a kite hen shower in " Mr. Ferris W. Mitchell of Dart- honor of Miss Janet. Lynch of . tr 9 S. Ch.st.r Road. KI 3-0476 ,.•::$ ". Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wood of Wal- moutb House is a patient in the Dartmouth avenue. On Saturda!, s,.;*t,.".•••:)4.. ,:.~; nut lane will entertain on Tues- Tri-County Hospital in Spring- of last week Mrs. J. Albright ~ ~ ;r:" day evening before the Christmas field. Jones of Elm henue e~!le~~:~,~~1 Dinner Dance at the college. Mr. Harvey Whitaker of ehes- at a luncheon I\Dd linen Mr. and Mrs .. Donald R. Aikens wick spent the weekend visiting in her honor. STATE INSPECTION' of Forest lane leave today to motber Mrs. P.L. WhItaker of The marriage of Miss Lynch WEAVER ALIGNMENT spend two weeks visiting with ark avenue and his brotber-in- Mr. Wlliiam Brown of Mrs. Aikens' brother-in-law and and sister Mr. and Mrs. C. will take place on January 27. MOTOR TUNE-UP with ENGINE SCOPJ' sister Dr. and Mrs. A.C. Lindsay, I ~~~::~~~ Phillips of Strath Haven Jr .. ill Vera Beach. Fla. II Mr. Whitaker has returnFETE BRIDE TO BE V. E. ATZ. Mgr. Mr .. Avery Blake ·of Amherst to Summ1t, N. J., where he is RUSSELl'S SERVICE avenue and Mr: Henry C.IFord of completing a two week C~~ualt,l'i Miss Linda Hall of park aven· Amherst' av~nue attended the iIllsulrrunce Seminar. ue and M'rs. John Patterson of Opposite Borollgh Parking Lot United states Intercollegiate LaAmherst avenue entertaln,ed at a I...... . 11141 LlfIJIflI A.._ Crosse Association Conference Mrs. L. J. Servais of Elm ave· miscellaneous shower on Friday. Closed . held in New York on Thursday nue will ieave on Tuesday to evening at the home of Miss Hall through Saturday of last week. spend the holidays With her SOD- in honor of Miss Susan Purnell Mrs •. Blake and Mrs.-Ford drove in-law and daughter Mr. "and of Cornell avenue. On the previous Saturday Mrs. up with Mr. and'Mrs. Brooke Cotto Mrs. Paul R. Cobble in Chatanooga, Tenn. i k! . man of Benjamin West avenue to Mr. and Mrs. William Ii. Drie- DonD.D c nson of Park avenue, join their husbands for a social of Yale avenue will enter- Mrs. Richard M. Snyder and Mrs. weekend, after the December Sunday at a. family dinner Charles H. Grier, both of DartChristmas party of the University in honor of their daughter mouth avenue, were hostesses at Music Stands - Trumpet Mutes of Pennsylvania Faculty Tea Mrs. Grier's home for a miscelClub Friday night. and her fiance Mr. Lyman laneous sbower in her honor.' Miss Anne Mabbott of Harvard Seamans of Pattenburg, N. J. The marriage of Miss Purnell avenue will leave December 20 will include Miss Drie· to Mr. William W. Conrad 'will Metronomes - Autoharps for Topeka, Kans., to spend the ' grandmothers Mrs. Howard take place on Decemher30 ...t the holidays with her brother-In-law Driehaus and Mrs. George H. Swarthmore Methodist Church~ and sister Mr. and Mrs. John D. ' her sister Susan,. Rev. Instrument Cases - Piano Lamps McNeal. Mrs. Seamans, Sr., Mr. and ..Peter E. Told of Park aveBIRTH Christmas Music: ~r All Instruments '.". Edward E. Love and Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Lasersohn .~r of Girard avenue, Dr. FOR SALE! announce the birth of a . Be~ond t Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Don£'. Jones and sons Larry and son:· Mark Adam. on December .thur Of North Swarthmore ave- 7,inGailup,N. M. Dr. Lasersohn 405 Darlmovth Avo•. now stationed at a Public "Due .. Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan Harrar H~alth Service ,Hospital for thE of Yale avenue have had as their Indians in Zuni, ·N. M. Mrs. Lasersohn will be rememguests for a week their son-inbered Swarthmore as Nancy law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Moore, indaughter of Professor Roilo Greer and son Rollo, Jr., and Mrs. John M. Moore of Whitwho left yesterday for their home place. P. of Nortb Swartbmore avenue w11l entertaln at bome on Saturday evening for dinner and bridge. Mrs. Valentine ofMr. Elmand avenue will have Fine Mrs. \ Deeember 15, 1961 • --------------~--------------~~~ Receives Tributes Mr. Charies C. Heisler of For- fAIR ACRES I ]~~:,:~;~~~~~;~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ ·.L·f . Th e Bouquet BEAUTY etp,.,"#_ PERSONALS· .:*:......r.. ••..• ,a UKELELES Instruction - Rentals - Repairs 1W~eI ~e.44 ~ the Christmas holidays from mas vacation from centenary 1"'LrV 'I. to spend the holiday vaeation STARTS ADDITION Grinnell College, Grinnell, Ia., College for Women, Haeketts· SusanDriehaus rf!y~a~le~~~G~~h~e~r~p~ar~e~n~ts~M~r~.;an:d~M:rs .. home this evening H.Driehaus. where she is a member of the town, N, J .. on Wednesday. She ROK senior class. N GROU D B EN, IN Jim Patterson of Amherst ave. TUESDAY CEREMONY nue, a senior at Dickinson ColArchitect George M. Ewing, Sr., lege, Carlisle, arrived home yeso('Columbia avenue, partiCipated terday to spend the holiday in the g~ound-breaking ceremony season with his parents Mr. and last Tuesday which officiaily Mrs. John Patterson. • marked the start of construction Alice Grogan, a freshman at of the 200·bed' addition to the the University of Colorado, Infirmary at Fair Acres Farm Boulder, and Sara Grogan, a Lima, and the new Children'~ freshman at Colorado College in Cottages. Colorado Springs, will arrive The H 0 nor a b 1e Henry G home. on Saturday by plime to Sweney, President Judge of Del~ spend the holidays with their aware County Courts, gave the parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graprincipal address with remarks ganofWestminster avenue. Their by the County Commissioners, brother Dave is driving up from senator G. Robert Watkins, Albert Washington and Lee University H. Swing, and William A. Welsh. in Lexington, Va., bringing with Administrator Paul C. Kaestner him for the weekend his roomulate presided abd in tr 0 d u c e d the B1l1 Myers of MobLle, Ala. speakers. June Heckman of Park avenue , . The Children's Cottages, illr- arrived home Friday from Penn ected by the Commissioners state University, University DRIZZLER GOLFER JACKET part of the Delaware County In. Park, for the ,hOlidays. June, NORDIC VIKING COAT stitutton District, are the first· daughter. of Dr. and Mrs. George their type to be erected in . Heckman, ~s a junior. WOOL and NYLON SHIRTS county, and w1l1 provide Maggi O'Brien, daughter of Mr. ary care for approXimately and Mrs. John W. O'Briap of neglected children who have be- Dartmouth circle and a freshman SHIRTS with CONVERTIBLE CUFFS atEastCarolina College', Greencome wards of the county. in WASH and WEAR FABRIC The' Ewing firm was commis. ville, No' C.. suffered a disloARROW SNAP TAB sioned to design both buildings cated knee cap before Thanks· which will' cost around $12 mil- giving and is recuperating at her 110n. In planning the accommoda. home on Dartmouth circle. tions, emphasis has been given Lindsay Breakell, a junior at to economy, comfort and attrac- Mary Baldwin College, Staunton, tive environment in the care of Va., will arrive home over· the these children. separate home- weekend to spend the holiday like cottages, built of brick, will season with her parents Mr. and provide sleeping quarters for Mrs. J. H. Breakell of North boys and girls. Other similar cot- Princeton avenue. tages will be equipped as a play- Carol WUliams, a student at room, cafeteria, and kitchen. Bates College, Lewiston, Me., There will also be a self-func- and her sistet Joyce, a student tioning nursery cottage for pr~. at Skidmore College, Saratoga school children. Each building Springs, N. Y., will arrive home I , will be connected to the others on the 15th and 21st, respecby an enr,losed and well-lighted tively, to join their parents Dr. corridor. and Mrs. Ned B. Williams of Expansion to the Fair Acres Dogwood lane for the holidays. Infirmary will relieve Larry Jones of North SWarthing and help reduce the waiting more avenue, a senior at Carle,eeriod for admission. . ton College, Northfield, Milln., . ·The tliree new floors in the arrived home on WednesdaY· for addition have been planned for the Christmas vacation. greatest economy of treatment. Judith Coles, daughter of Mr. I Patient areas will be arranged Gift Boxes and Christmas WrappinlC Free along the window walls with McGREGOR • HICKOK BELTS ·SWANK JEWELRY GATES GLOVES 'PLEETWAY PAJAMAS & HANES RAIN COATS -ALLIGATOR INTER WOVEN TIE & SOCK SETS INTER WOVEN TRAVEL SLIPPER Swarthmore, Toggery Shop nUIses' stations, washrooms, Home for Holidays for smokeless broiling .You've Shopped Your Feet Off Christmas is a special time Your Nerves Are All Taut for children. Help to keep them safe· from tuberculosis through your Christmas Seal contribution. Hours and Hours You've Lost FIGHT TB WITH CHRISTMAS SEALS cook with Bruce Marshall of Forest lane, ,will arrive home on Tuesday from Wesley College, Dover, Del., to spend the Christmas holidays with his family . .iI1san Middelton and Charlotte EiI'IIey, both students ·at Green Mountain College, Poultney, vt., arrived home December 1 for a month's vacation over the holiday season. Craig Smith of Riverview road will arrive home over the weekend from Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn., for the Chris"tmas vacation. He will be accompanied by Colby Andrus of. MinneapoliS, Minn., who will spend the weekend. Norma W. Wilson of Harvard Some of the Things You've ,Looked Yes, broiling steaks and chops and family favorites on a modern .gas range is easy - and smokeless - and you can be sure of getting the results you want. Accurate heat control, automatic lighting, top burner, and oven controls make cooking on a gas range a pleasure. • BuHat Din.ers Thund,"Y 5 to 9 • Sunday 3+0 Camera & HObb'y Shop 0,. 4 ·6 Park Aven.... 5w• .,.... t"_ Route I, Ballimore Pike 14 MlIei West__ of Medial . on * ::: YOU'D BE SURPRISED AT SOME OF THE. S./ea you, lias ,ange at yo'" deal.r's . 01- any Philadelphia Elect,1c suburban sh_,room. looll fo, which carry .th. AGA seal of appnwa/. THE WD.D GODSE '.I~.IEL'III ELECTIIC . • ' MarY Ellen Beddow Dec. FLORIST . 7 South Chester Road KI 3-8093 from 2 P.M. c...al' .. . ITEMS WE STOCK THAT YOU!D NEYER GUESS WOULD· BE FOUND IN toWN! GIVE US A CAU - KI3-4J91 to WILBUR· and the GIANT WHY NOT TRY SWARTHMORE? $2.75 • TUESDAY George Latshaw Puppltts Pre.ent Served Daily $1,,25 Boys and Girls • • • " Come and See. Me (Just think of what your gas cost) Buffet Luncheon Both Hot 6' Cold IIllswood 3 0240 8 Park Avenue 1r 226 Park Avenue FOR THE CHILDREN ' ARROW 4Itd~~ or Call KI 3-7042 .Page3 iF~AURlllil----~a~v~erunu~e~arurihv;esSlwm;l~~fcfu~r~~,~,n~,;.n~~lI~e.W~i~ll~b;eg~i;n~he~r~c;hr~i~st~.~Wl;'rertru;r~nlto~t~h;e~c;a~m~p;'us~~TGrtru~lC~;P~.Gl.ri.inn~ellll~,~Ia~., elevators and other services located in the center. Off the main entrance on ,the lower level a suite of medical fa~mties will be located, . * 8WARTHIIOREAN MEN'S WEAR *..... .,:, U-HAUL, RENTALS THE 5 P.M. Up to and Including ,.Year-Olds . SATURDAY, JANUARY 6 AT 3 P.M. IN THE SWARTHMORE HIGH· SCHOOL AUDITORIUM -at'- Benefit: Swarthmore Branch, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom TI chis $1.00 On Sol. cit Swarthnlor. Co-Op, Dartmouth Avenue Friday, Dec.mber 15 and Saturday morning, D.c .... b.r 16 Porter H~WQite, Inc. Or Call KI -4-3605 or KI 3-0632 IIUII~IJ SEA TS LIMITEQ .__ " __. Christa .. SUliestion or ap"el••! 'rALE .AVENUE .nd CHESlER ROAD .,·... '.1 - .," _ ,,:~,.':i~:.~.·r' Kine "Da,""4~j . ., . ~, , . . . ',: • r-p_a:g~e:4~'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ljTnHniEiir.'8~W;lA~R~T~Hi,iM~OiiRiiE~A~N December 15, 1961 Charles Shaw, TV CbannellO, r. J. J. Raimond, Jr, discusstheposlUons for . Dr. Jean Jaques Ralmond, Jr., IBg:aUlSt the Blue Route for oDll-lvis1ting professor of Astronom.Y The' Fall Spons program n,lballfbour on Thursday, December at Swartbmore College in the Swarthmore College closed at 10:30 p.m. Included In springs of 1956 and 1959, died COllEGE ELEaS FAll SPORTS CAPTAINS THE SWARTBMOREAN , PBoIHA.. PUBUSHED~VERYFRIDAYATSWARTIM)RE , PETER E. TOLD, MARJORIE T. TOLD, Publishers Phone Klngswood 3-0900 PETER E. TOLD, Editor BARBARA B. KENT, Managing Editor Rosalie D •. p'elraol Mary E. Palmer, Marjorie T. Told Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at tlie,Post Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3. 1879. DEADLINE - WEDNESDAY 11 A.M. SWMTHMORE, PENNA. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1961 ~::===========~===========~ , Eled Rickards, Davis , , To College Malagers RED CROSS SEEKS h:~,rT~:DTA/NERS h t E t t · n er Nners, os esses and hobby ins t r u c tor 5 are being the Red Cross to help provide recre~tion and entertainfor pe.tlents at the U. S. Hospital in Philadelphia, Valley Forge General Hospital n~ar Phoenixville, an.d. coate,sVIlle Veterans AdmlDlstration Charles Rickards senior vice president and chl;f actuary Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company. and Shirk.l Davis, headmistress of Miss Fine's in Princeton, were elected to Board of Managers of more College, announced C Smith, president of the Board. following the, annual Groups of 20 to 30 persons are December 5. 30th were for Board membership by needed for h 0 s p i,t a I parties, Alumni Association and will ~prvpldances, and similar activities, four year terms. according to Mrs. Dugan. In ad.. Richard B. Willis, dition, entertsiners are needed, vice president of the such as choral groups, barberTradegmens Bank and Trust shop quartets, hillbillY bands, pianists, Singers, comedians and , pany, was also elected to Swarthmore board and was magicians. Exhibitions and intreasurer of the corporation. stmction in such hob b i e s as three are alumm' of the pool, ping pong, dancing, flytyi ng, cess, h The other incumbent 'd d t·stamp-collecting, f 1k d i b of the corporation were II ge, rama ICS, 0 anc ng ted for another term: and guitar-playIng have been reClaude C. Smith of vice president, Philip T. "In many cases," continued Mrs. Dugan, " groups suc h as Ie 5 of Haverford; and , I b " I b Mrs. William A. of women s c u S, men s c u s, lingford. veterans organizations and auxAlso re-elected to ilIaries will take on a project board term were Philip T. Snarlrj as a 'club program', and send les of Haverford, chairman of members to the hospital on a board of the Sharples regular schedule. We'd like to Company; Mrs. Thomas H. hear from more community-minded groups who want to help In this nock of Wilmington, and .Hilton S. Read of Ventnor, N. fash;' " A ,oS or organizations InterI in offerlrlg their services e, Mrs. Russell H. Kent entercall ,Mrs. Wa,yne Randall lIl:ined her eightsome Tuesda; ·.1 3-7276, or Pennypacker 5...., WIth luncheon and bridge, at he' 9000, home on Dartmouth avenue. NON.SECTARIAN W. offert-ral ,..rvIces to fanIII* of aI d_I.IGIIoI.. • THE OLIVER H. lAIR CO. 1llUC1_ Of. _IUU 1120 eHlalNUI STlIIT . . . . . . . . . r.r_ _ _ A. ...... , ..... , .. Jr' 1'111110 1-111. There Is Still Time To Order Carpet For Christmas Delivery Some items involve waiting several weeks, but many are available for delivery before Christmas. Telephone inquiries are invited. State cOlo'r and type desired. ':fie come to the home with sampl~s. Extended payments available. Your old carpet taken in trade, week with election and of ~~~~I~~~:~~~ti~~d:w~~I::ll~o~bJe~!pr~ll~ctures on December 3 after a brief Illyear's leamthecaptains tbe ness. awarding of the fall'atbletlc traBorn on AprU 13, 1903, he phIes. Itllrea ministers and mlisslonlarl,es,1 studied at the Universities of Elected as co-captains of residents discussing Lelden l'nd Gronlgen Inthe Nethyear's football team are Morganwood homes erlands: Since 1934'he was dlrecCooper and Bill Lipshutz. by destroyed by the Bluel tor of the Zeiss-Planetarium Is a halfbsck from will be: Haagsche Courant. Va., Lipshutz is a Dr. Peter Baker, Dr. As president of tbeNetberlands ing from PhIladelphIa. The Dr. Ralpb Merker, Astronomical and Meteorological Cilr team elected Dan Menaker William Vlefer. Society and editor of Hemel end Nyack, N. Y., and as John Its CreighDampkring, pla,yed whileEd Ayres CLUB PARTY an importantDr. role Ralmond intbe astronom- ton were chosen to lead BE HELD TUESDAY lcal life in tbe Netherlands. cross-country team. Ayres The annual campus Club On the occasions of his visits from Morris Plains, N.J., party will be .held on to the United States he lectured Creighton ,Is from Wilmington, evening'at the Spring-I at many educational institutions. Del. Country Club., Mrs. Norman The Denton Tropby, of Springfield is chairPresident Cleveland lived for annually to the player who fifteen years after an ?peration exemplifies the Denton spirit The evening will consist of al~;~~~~~~~~~;;:;~ aggressivenessandfalr play was!~~:~~~,~a~:::mUSical program by thell presented this year to two men.!1 'Singers, carol singThey are co-captain-elect jlnd dancing., ' COLONIAL COURT APTS. Cooper and this year's cal~ta.in, (Next to Post Office) halfback Chris Prescott. COMMISSIONED Wright Trophy, awarded to C yn'1 G ard ner,,, \"all1 ng f or d , KI 3-4597 pla,yer who shows the most spirit of leadership and' commissioned by the o'fficers • in the annual Swartbmore-Hav- the Penn Mutual Bite IDElurll.nc'e CUT FLOWERS • PLANTS erford football game went Company to paint the portrait CORSAGES Harvey Buek, a hallback their West Coast General Agent Wynnewood and Lower Forrest J. Curry. HOI1ne..,Macle Candy High.'The Palmer 'Trophy, awardThe picture was presented Hom. . . . . . ed each year to the raost im- a ceremony i n San F ranci sco . proved pla,yer on the team, went to tackle Russ Fernald of Downers Grove, Ill. The trophy honoring the most I valuahle player In soccer, presented by the Swarthmore letic Club, was awarded to captain Bill Morehouse, a fULllhacld from Silver Spring, Md .. THE SWEET SHOP ................. side of Cedar near ~~E.!~!~ avenue. The'. lane D'Ullsse then crossed College striking and breaking a hydrant on the south side of street. The errant vehIcle so badly damaged it had to towed away. At 10:18 p.m. December 4: men were called to a'trash behind tbe old Strath Haven remains. At 7:14 p.m. the da,y they responded to a chiimnley! fire at the Passmore hOme Strath Haven avenue. ' Firemen extinguished a blazel in leav~s in a hedge on the block of Westdale avenue at 12' p. m. Friday. ' . The car of'Kenneth C. Nickel Springfield, traveling south ' Swartbmore avenue, collided w.,thl that of William R. Platt, Chester, traveling north, on the hill near the Cresson lane intersection 8:30 p.m. Saturday. Police salOl Nickel applied his brakes whe he thought a car was emerging from a drivewa,y. and he skldd.,d into the Platt car damaging front so badly it had to be towed away. Patrolman' Magiimis assisted Ridley Townshill Police with ari Oxygen case .on Tuesday eve- , NEWS NOTE Mohawk CUi peling • COil Fh I. Price Range • Oriental Rucp 100 Park' A.... Swa,ll.nor.. Pa. Klngswood 3-6000 - CL...,bra ClIi:. , 4646 I . \ . ; Mrs .. Helen Hall has r~:!:~~~: to ber home on Hillborn after a trip to the West Coast. She visited Dr. and Mrs. Henry Dan Piper at California Institute of Technology In Pas adena, son and daulhter.rn-Ia,w of Mrs. Blanche PIper of Mt.' Hol,Joke place, and -enroute home stoPPed in KUIiI8B.Cl~. Mo.,1UId . aa4:l.. 0 .. ,io;~ . . . • I ,.·····Key to a .......................... SWARTHMOREAN SHS PI ays S.un YaII ey I• Ga.e T' ht Ollg SNOW PLOWING Parked cars have seriously Interfered with the plowjng of snoW on the Borough streets. To foc'II'ltate thi< work the Boroug~' has adopted a plan I d d . d Swarthmore 'High's b~:~~:t~~~!tl forparkingan one sid. of the street on y uring an Immethis evening on the iately following a snow storm. court Is Sun Valley, a new school On even numbered days of the month parking shall b. on in Delaware County. the side having odd house numbers, except in the par~ing , the school has no Senior Class meter zones of the Business Section. Where at all poss.ble many of their atbletes have off-street porking shall be the duty of t~e car ~wners. varsity ~xperience as This plan is for efficiency and speed In cleaflng the graders last year. All that streets and the full cooperation of all residents of the known of the Sun Valley team Borough is imperative. . this writing is tltat they are BOROUGH Of' SWARTHMORE pected to be robust and 'KI~:::'~~;:::===:::o:====:==-=====:'!';;=;=.~;;;;=:~;;;.=:~~~~=Tsive. The game will be 0 MAE DESMOND CHILDREN'S THEATRE PRESENTS at home, after the 6:45_JV 2aOle.1 "ALADDIN AND THE WONDERFUL LAMP" - Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hanna or' Riverview road returned last Wednesday, December 27, at 2:30 P.M. from a three week visit to NETHER-PROVIDENCE HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM REPORTS ON FRIENDS WORLD COM, SUNDAY James F. -Walker, secretary the American Section of Friends World Committee for Co,n-I sultation, will address the Adult Forum at the Swarthmore Meeting Sunday morning at 9:45. He will report on the Eighth Triennial Meeting of the Friends World Committee for Consultation which was held in Kenya last summer. Mr. Walker flew to Africa wqere 150 Friends representing 37 yearly meetings and 24 coun- "George Latshaw Puppets" w1ll be presented under the spices of the Women's Interna-I tional League for Peace Freedom. The show will be the High School Auditorium Saturday, January 6, at 3 o'qlock. George Latshaw Was selected by the Detroit Puppet Theatre design and direct their production of Aaron Copland's the Kid". For this collaboratipn with The Detroit Symphony, Latshaw created giant puppets nine feet tall. Theatre-trained at the UnlversHy of North Carollna and Yale tries had This gathered to attend the meeting. is the first time such a meeting has been held in Africa, though the largest Yearly Meeting in the world is located there. James F. Walker, known to many as Head Master of Westtown SChool from 1924 to 1950 and as former clerk of the Philadelphia YearlY Meeting, has traveled widely on FriendlY missions and his report on this important sesslon is most timely. All those interested are cordiallY invited to attend the Forum. On December 24; at 9:45 a.m., the First-day School will share with the Meeting its. celebration of The Spirit of Christmas. Drama Latshaw was called to School, Hollywood to manipulate the puppet, Carrot Top, in the "I Saw It In The film, "LIll", starring Leslie Caron. He has also been associated with Burr Tillstrom, creator of "Kukla, Fran and Ollie". This program will arpeal to age children in particular. Tickets are available today at th~ .Co-.9PWILPF members planning this ~ program include Mrs_ Roy McCorkel, chairman; Mrs. Edward Mlf.. Mrs. William Clarke, Mrs. ~ Giffin, Mrs. William Stan,', ton, Mrs_ Aaron Fine, Mrs. Colln , Mrs. Joseph Conard,' Mrs. J. W.· Hamilton, Mrs. Carl Barus and t~~5b~~~~~;!~;::ik~B~e~ne~n~t~o~f~C~h~il~d~G~U~I~dan~c~e~c~1~lni~C~~C~al;'I~':~Mr~B~.~B~r~e~n~nan~~K~I~4-~5~844~6~7~ Delaware County· Donation $1.00 Mrs. Wb\te LO 6-57 •. ~.: . ~~:..;,': ~ . ~'L ~ . AL_' >tI. ~ ea4i~t ~4c.M44>tI_I_L..L"_A ~ A~Jj# eueIf, 4J .. >tI ~"'"' GI~~S, A A_.III~· fill"'" DM'~ ttJ. ' -"- Successor to alice barber gifts ASK FOR CAROLYN'S PERSONAL SHOPPING SERVICE Valley Nurseries~ MIDDLETOWN ROAD, MEDIA Opposite High Meadow (between Dutton Mi II Road and Knowlton Road) more abundant I·• 11e.I .,:., TELEPHONE TREMONT 2-7206 .....:....... .................. ..................".' , W/LPF Scheelu Ies Puppet Show For January 6 JA MES F,A W LK ER TO ADDRES S FORUM 'fill out this coupon now POLICE AND FIRE NEWS , John Shinn, Rose Valley, had the honor of being 1961's first parker to take adva'ntage' of the 90 per cent reduction in December parking violation fines for those' who pay same within'. ten minutes of being tagged. Shinn I presented his dime at the police department at 10:35 a.m. Tuesday, December 5. The annual practice had been ill effect since the previous Frida,y. On November 3D, Margaret Ulisse, Collingjlale. was an.VUIIl south on Cedar lane when her collided with that of John BI(:k-1 ford, Swarthmore College s,uloent,1 which was parked on the THE December IS, 1961 . ASK FOR BEN PALMER Provident Tradesmens Bclnk and f.u.I Company "Key" Check Credll Pepl.. P. O. Box 8166 Philo. 1, Po. •. , h '·Key" Check Credit money Yes. I'd like 10 ave my d details and apPI'Ica,.Ion. righl away I Please ,en CHRISTMAS TR'EES NAM.~E____________~I~PI~••: ..~P~M;,tl,------------ LIVE (B & B) OR CUT SPRUCES. RRS PINES WREATHS ~ ROPING EVERGREEN BRANCHES (WE DELIVER) a Visil Our Roadside Market Open Evenings !Io Weekends til 6 smart • ___________-cJ.ZONE--STAT'E.E------- ClTY_ Be Santal Do your Christmas Shopping "lith Provident Tradesmens ~~KEY" CHECK CREDIT! • Just one spplication _.. any amoWlt $300 to $3480 ..~ . up to 24 months to repay. • Each monthly payment rebuilds your credit for use again. • Interest lese than 1 % monthly on average outstanding balance. FOR THE • Freelifeinsurance (Wlder65) ... freeimprinted checks ... free 'complete monthly statement. If," ca repar 110... /0 J.,.",... your 10101 croci;': $)2.50-Q mont.. 25.00 a month 75.00 a month 100.00 a month 145.00 a month Give her the only stockings with the NYLOC® Run·Barrier- Berkshire stockings FAMILY fo y_ total uedit is CHRISTMAS $300 , 600 B 1100 2400 3410 PROVIDENT TRADESMENS Bank and Trust Company Fresh from Sanla's pack comeS this wonderful array of slippers for Ihe whole fam· ily. ••• snuggly warm ones, interest~ ERKS HIRES are the only stockings with the guaranteed NYLOC Run-Barrier! That is why Berkshires are the stockings she wan~above all others! Berkshire stoCkings with NYLOC won't run from top or toe into the sheer leg area-or she gets a new pair free. Berkshire stockings are sheer ss a wisp. They come in a collection of "Color Spice" shades. Perfect Christmas . stocking gifts! From $1.35,a pair. ing new styles ••• «;111 bound to spark , '''oliday cheer on Christmas mom. THB KBY BANK OF ORAWARE VAUEY JOYCE LEWIS CEUA $1_. SlOP " ' lR,,..,~#.4 _ 0;-. • _ • '_ • '. - ' ,,', ~"lclt,"O" . I J 512.' Cta :' .: . ' II.,.... , . '-. - S• • II ..... fa. -', December 15, 1961 THE 8 WAR TH YO RE AN =~~~~~~~~====================~======~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------~---:~~::::::~ri:;:-':~~~~~~r;.age7 The thlfe days of the Congress prise system, the cold war with College Jr. Attends . .. _p~ag~e__ 6 __________________. -__~~__~~__~~~~rT_H_E ___S_W_A __ R_T_H __M_O_R __E_A_N~__~~~77.~~__~~____~______~~Dec~mberI5. 1961 RETURN FROM EXTENDED several days before their flight TAX INCREASES during 1962 will PaY $150 In ESTATE NOTICE TOUR TO LEBANON Mr. and Mrs. William A. Stoltzfus of Morgan circle, wild left the end of March for England. returned home last month after an extended tour. Arriving In England, they stayed In London to Amsterdam. There they picked clal security tax instead of up their car, which had been SOCIAL SECURITY $144 he paid on these e~~~:~:,~1 shipped over, and began a drive On January I, 1962, a in 1961. A self-employed Included: social security tax rate goes In- netting !s much as $4,800 Cologne, Baden Baden, Munich, to effect fornlne out often work- pay $225.50 Instead of $216 and lonsbruk, Venice, through ing people. the year. the Dolomite Mountains to BelFor employed people the 1962 In line with Its policy of setgrade, Sophia, Bulgravia, to Ed- rate is:3 1/8 percent for e'Imp,loJreel ting a schedule of social securerney on the border of Turkey; and employer, a total increase ity tax rates sufficient to meet Ankara, and down the of one-fourth of 1 percent. For the 'cost of all present and future coast to Alexandrette, and in self-employed people, the new insurance benefits, the Congress Aleppo, a former hometown for rate is 4.7 percent, an increase provided for the increase to finthe Sto.ltzfu~'. . ,three-sixteenth of 1 percent. the program changes effecAt Amah 1D Beirut In the Leb- 'The maximum taxable earnings tive with the 1961 amendments. anon Mountalns, their home for reinaln $4;800 during the tax m.an y years, they .remained for year in earnings, net Income TRI-DEL T5, TO MEET SIX months. On thell return trip, from self-employment or a The West Suburban Alumnae they visited in Vienna before bination of both ' taking the northern route of the I d II .d ' . Chapter of Delta Delta Delta will Alps to Munich and back to Amsn 0 ars an cents the lR- meet on Wednesday al12:30 p.m. terdam. crease means that an employed at the home of Mrs. Robert R. person earning $4,BOO or more of Gladwyne. ELNWOOD 80nvalescent H. . BaltlmDI'e Pike • LbaoolD An. s_ _ _ Batab1l8bed 11132 ~ldet, ~ 8arro_'np H-Bear Nmm.. ,Klngswood 3-0272 FRANKLIN INSTITUTE NAMES JACKSON Pictura Framing ROGER ROSSELL I Jack Prichar~ I~ ~o~&TJ!I~ i free Estimates Klngswood 3-8761 B= PERSONAL - Snow Plowing. ' ed offer. 3/4¢ square foot. L~~~=I I mum $1. 20% off - 500 square Call KIngswood 3-0 126 to FOR SALE In good for and 28 Inch I mechanical e~g~~:~~:e~'~Ol~!~:~1 Penn in 1951. He additional graduate studies iii nuclear engineering and atc)m:lcl!! ,_ on manvl Beta~p~~i:~'I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~EFO;I~:~I~~.f":e~mE~aI~e~~~r~f1~m~So~hn~~h~p!~~~nf~i:rc~J or istered. Klngswood 3~5794. ,",,,.aalClllllllllJlDq'"I11Ij1'C'bu...,l! I ~:~~~,J~~i is a member of TauSo'~ielty American II Englneeis, the search Society of America, ,ftlm",,,Ci.n Nuclear Society and American Rocket SoCiety. HEATING OilS PERSONAL.., Custom-made covers. Pin fitted' in your "?,ne'l ,'"OR ~(~:~~~I andSALE-Combination 45 automatic Record supply material. I make .~xcellent condition, mahogany prompt service. ored case. $35. Call KIngswood 6i699. "I saw It in the Swalthmorean" !>'OR SALE - Two pairs girls' Wh:ltel - Gilbert's Steam remove paint over~!'.'Lpe'r;1 ' Ice ,skates, slz"3 - $9. for painting. George LOwell 6-6754. 4-7082. -~;;;;;:;:;;-=-M1[k;-;;;;;:-;;;;;;;;:;;--;:j Estate or'MAY HENDERSON ALEN, also known as MAY H. !"OR SALE - All kinds ALEN, lale of Borough of UPHOLSTERER, Eleven !ture. Modem or "'l!l~~r' more, Delaware County. Pao. Swarthmore references. SLJta.. stoves. etc. 1626 ~ ceased Chester. TRemont 2-7473. Letters Testamentary on the abclve' ERS in your fabric or from our SBmw - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Estate have been g.W11ed to the pies. Estimates are ftee. LUdlow F'(i)R SALE ~ Women's white figollel FUEL OIL OIL BURNER SERVICE BUDGET PLAN Repal!ed PI>. KI ;Jewelry a-m. __ _ US Yale Ave Swarthmore. p,,: 3-lta WILLIAM BROOKS and Rubblah Removed Mowed. General Hauling ~ ....WDII Z3I ~ Ave. Morton, .... JOIINS MANVIIJ,E RooRng • Siding • Insulation • Ftoor and Ceiling nles • Wall Paneling • Pofth Enclost.lres e- Awnings. WrndoWi • Jalousies • Stucco • Brickpolnttng Any...... H ....... ' ' ' I W tl!8"uWfa. One Ff..... KI 3-8200 Belvedere .Convalescent Bome COAL 1 shades reconditioned. China . SALE Silvertone ,C~~~~~:'~tll~{i'1~14m~ended. Telephone KIngswood •FOR portable Stereo in coral l1-li_.,. N ....... C.re .AleeI. SenIle, CbrODlc C'OQ.,.....Ctlll.. lieD. aad. WOIIl8Il lb;ee.Je.. ..:.... , ....,. ,CII9Db BIu, \1rst BaDored .rIOJJ~ i~;~:!~i~~;'~~lis~~r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..j LOST Men's.!ce figure skates, three years old, good$4. KI'LgSWOCJdl ~~:~E:x2e~~ull~r~~ OrAve., cellent condlllon, to Iheir 4-2980 after LOST - Boy's black 26 Inch'Racer' _ ___ _4_P.M. _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 ?roYE~4~\~S. bike, foot and hand brakes, last -FOR SALE -, Large fire Chester, Penna. week. KIngswood 4-3115. good condillon, $7.50. """===:.-.1 LOST - Small black cat _n_g_sw_oo_d_3_~_8_5_9._s_a_tu_r_d_ay:..._ __ answers to Dame of "George". FOR SALE _ H-o freight and phone if found, KIngswood senger trains. Four aiii~om;.tici 'swltches, mechanized , , freight station, water toweerr::-.Lo';;;itii 6-6380. FOR ~ KI 3·4742 or LE 2-2440 ~------====== "'--"=""""""............ ATTON ROOFING COMPANY Established 1873 ROOFING - SPOUTING GUTIERS - SIDING OUR COMPANY IS BONDED BY JOHNS MANVILLE Rent - Media. First flooi front FOR SALE - Remington excellent condition, living room, bedroom',' tile ~r\I~~i;:'~,enclosed porch. Nellr KIngswood 3-11429, 1~ adults. $85. LOwel. -~-----------I 1__ FOR SALE- Used violIn, good 1ditlon, $30. Call KI'lgswo(Jd FORRENT-Apar'tment, Swarthmore. 2651 after 4 o'clock.' Living room, bedroom, bath and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 kltchenette_ Third floor, cozy , qniel. Utilities Included. Garage FOR SALE - o Gauge track,,_1!.rl~g".. available. after January 1.1.~m:an~u:al~S~W~IIc:.h~e~S~:~gI~rl~'s~~~~:1 References Vacant required. Write Box W, bike'$6 ..Phone KIngswood The Swarthmorean. FOR SALE - Man's hockey skates. FOR RENT _ Media. Attractive lumsize 7, good condition. Call KIIshedaparlment. Three rooms, bath'l.n_gs_w_o,-O_d_3_-_34_0_1_._ _ _ _ _ _ _1 new kitchen. All utilities. privale F0R SALE _ Christmas! A gift that entrance, elcellent location, private gives enduring hawlnes., a bird parking. PhOne LOwell 6-4587 after feeder. house or halh from the S. 1 P.M. Crothers, Jrs .. 435 Plush Mill Road, FOR RENT - A home-like firsl floor l_w_al~lI_n_g~_0_rd_._L_0_w_e_I_I_6-4_5.:..5_1_.___I apartment on private estate near FOR SALE - Boy's CanRdian all Swarthmore. Six rooms and bath and star figure skates, size 7. New a half. Enclosed porch, flagstone condition. re"'l.onablEl. Also young I terrace. plus electric. KIngs- Hamsters. KIngswood 3-2636. ==__________ : u.S. GYPSUM . I RUBEROID -FLlNTKOTE K'NGSWOOD 4.0221 SW....~T~C).E Coinforlable Center Hall Home, living roo'm with s!one fireplac~, screened porch, pleasant . room and ki~hen, 3 bedrooms,' bath, lovo den, delached garase.Convenient 10 Evervi'hi~la.C Reduced to $17,500. $1100. down. Immediate po.. , .. ion.. Phone . . . ~' ~ IISTlL~'I'IOIS IUSTOM H. D. CHURCH CLobe 9~358 HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS S"DlY WFJL R... - 1.0 "., III ..... ~w:FI,L.T,-I. II L., .... E.... I. C.II,ant GeneNIl Contractor BUILJ)ERS'SiIlCa 'ree r.....a ..~ , a .11., Pii. II Fire place Wood. Apples & Cider LINVILLA ORCHARDS , "TM FA"" with t/wJ Oot4go",,1 Barn" :t 1'.IIr.ction,: From Sw.rthmor. sovth an i.I,lmore ,! .. to CloY.,..... T.u'" left ..... lout. 35Z k ••rd Ch....,. D,I•• 1111 .. Z mile'. turn rl9ht c.n Knowlton ROM 'or Va Mlle. The Congress was addressed t Open 10A.M,-6P.M, by President Kennedy at its open· ~ Dail)' and Sunday ing luncheon on December 6 ...·HH . .· . " " . . . . .*... . _ _ .'. , ~ TRemont 6-9041 n.n.'.... '"". .v.,. -oL"-.: .......: .•• ~ ~ .I0 c_ ..,.., z-.:s V -j ua a- III iii III: -c. ""L~ ~ "III . . . III: .. 0 -- a., M ~ ~= .. e: -• WI '"'0 .0 .. J -- I- Z U III III ~-& >" c= cC TH'E SWARTHMOREAN '~D~ec~em~b~er215~.~19~61~__~________________~~~~~~~~ ________~__________~__________ page. 11_ I, December 15. 196 VI tit III III: U _ _ - '" :z: 0 ~ W '" ,,- ....... z 0- 0 0 rc ...0• z c z '" 0 -- • 0::: . lID .00- U N .. .. z l ID z m :II "II ::l1li '" m ell :z: r- . -< 0 ::l1li ~ z 0 ;a III • 0 c 0 ;a m '.--... z "o ::3 ::l1li , N ;z " o ...0 . o A .. . ;: - ... ~.!: - C: .,. = lit -sr a: a::: 0 to=p .. -.... t- 0 .. III ..... :I 0 _ III -a::: __ III y :3 ...0 .--.Ii .. -"aI - o II", g ~ ca lII·e.'" __ ca··w '-' __ ...II .. •. j '. I o "... m % "o m • • • all o Z Z c 0=0 -, ...., N 'I n s. c: "U 'J-.!.. .. 0- -.. -0 cae -y MIllM ." "oc: - .111 111- o • fit . fit ;a • m W::. ~ !'"o -:1: .m -- 'U , .a!'" • - iF • - p"" ..m ,., • ! '" z o Z 'U - .. ... .L IQ a- n m ,CII :z: :z: m - " :III I • m r- ....... .. a: o -;;" -z tit c: 1II lll III ell tit ' .... ! W M Z ... ael ..,. .: a: e l!, 0 ZO e t.w t-"" ......... ee - 0 ~ I:&. - . , l1li -II .... > u o:: CI) ':1: 7. -< ft ID CI> 11'. -I 00::: -u C ' ell • -"0::: 0 .,.0 zn n ft ~ 0 0 ;0<: .. ..... ;: (j) .0 pill ~ ~c- \Q 0 o .. -C- tII- " ... =... c:: iW .. • o· ...... ... III "" W ... a... .m III, - ... • ;1;:': ... N 11ft " .. .,. W a 0 ::l1li ~ ~ ...• C\ :r m • -- .. ~-. ~.---.<-~ - - - ....... _ - : ,. ',? , 'il .. J -T ~ • • I,. \.,. ...'" oj- • '" -;."" 1",-::=/" • '.:"'" --"""-- _. .-.. . -•.. - . -- 0-3 = tz:I '" :II! > :0 '":l ::<: iii: o D" :0 '. tz:I >III ~ , , Chester Road between Swarthmore & Spring6eld • x: -, ._----------------------------------------Convenient Shopping HOUTS! WED. THURS. / , 'til 9 pm 'til FRI. 9 pm 'til SAT. 10 pm 'til 6 PIlI o Pl CD scr '".... '".... ~ .... '"'" , '.~. -.!' • Wait 'til You See the Wonderful Surprises that are in 'store for Everyone in the Family! Valuable Free Coupons Given Away Opening Week!' I;) "Scr'" CD CD ~ .Wondertul features for your shopping pleasure! HSwarthmorewood" \ , '"IU, , 'R,R, STATION FOODS DAIRY FOODS ••. with unheard-of Values and Savings! Now, you and thousands of other Acme friends and neighbors will enjoy another Acme Grand Opening in this area ! We've arJ:anged a full weekend of fun and festivities along with fabulous food values to welcome you! We sincerely hope that you will pay us a visit during our Grand Opening SWARTHMORE .... :0 0-3 1:11 I: o :0 L".I LIVE LOBSTERS Choose your own live Maine Lobster from our Lobster Tank! Just the right size ••. and so handy "":, forjusttherightoeeasion! NDITIONED > III for' your shopping comfort SPRINGFIELD • , A New Innovation for Greater Convenience! Acm'e's Own AIR PORTAL *Il1visible Curtain of Air . ,* Keeps Weather .Outl Comfort Inl .. 'ril 'll .... to ., • Page 14 • , THE SWARTHMOREAN December 15. 19111 December 15; 1961 ~;; i"~~ O~ ...... .... a~ o ""l1li no ... Do" Dill " • a- III Do- nN ~ Dill ;. "" (II •N • Hi ... ..!!!u ... ': 0 oc ". W . -0 Page 15 THE SWARTHMOREAN -0 '. !!.., ~A. • '" ... c: .: N .v 0N z ... CD .. •~:r m z· o• .. fI\ CD · ..... ..; ~o-0. a o I: a 0 Ih .0'" _u == ,..::= .... . '" o c ... °u 1: .. '"u:- '" :1._ - N '" ..2 a-. a-CD a .. ell CD S :I .. ·....... ~o- 0. a lit VI Z ....>.I a ...,.. ..o -IE - o t:; III en c .. VI 'V .0- ..a", -..a 7 ;la I: .0' :r - ~ I: IT'''' .. .!.... oalT' • ----........-----•...- - ....... w: "-• • .... • 7 .... ~ oa 'V - ==;: oa.!'" - W -0 C\ III C\ . 'V . :0: . . M •:.. en c III. III 0- 00 ft ..... :rID .. Q"Ul ... at -0:. pr-_ oa!'" • "U- ""'~ oa • IT' • - ~ "a._oa!'" a """'- • "'" N .?!' ~ iiC !'" • ..... NN .......... .,. • • • • "'-0 ft ft ft ft ft _ ft -....= /I - ,,~ 1. .!. Ii • THE Page Hl Uvmrthriore Co llegt' Li brar~ . Svmrtlunore .ur December 15, 1961 SWARTHMOREAN tmd USE IMit/-:" '. _'!'_'~'~'''if.'1f;,:;e, =rl w~_ - ___~_ - - - .- -:r: ur~¥¥'-- JUMBO Ib 5 I~.~" •4.89. 9ge -AftJ"'''' - ~-- 15·to 20 to the pound Medium Shrimp 1'".4~,~~H"~:" ... 11' Fresh Steak Dod ... 28' Large No.1 Smells ~ ~.'~ 1-... "xII. I.. 21' Shrimp Cocklail KISlLlNG 4 ~Io .1' CAP'N JOHN'S FRESH Slewing O,sters '~~Io" FU!! ::: '1.08 t;j • - - - - 1 - - -- - - -- -- ur... - --Jr---r-, lb. 41° SEMI· BONELESS HAMS 6S' GROUND BEEF 43 3 $1 23 :r~~k~;:~~~: CHIPPED or CUBED STEAKS·lb.9ge FRANKFURTERS ~~~~~t9' 49c 2 ~~9. 8g 0'2 FRIDAY to 10 P••• "Super.Right" 8· to 12·lb., Skinless, Shankless and FULLY COOKED 12 TO U, POUND, SHORT SHANKED 9 to • THURSDAY NO TURKEYS PRICED HIGHER AT A&P Minot Cranberry Sauce 2 'I:;~~ 2ge Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce w~hIiT~~I:Y 2 I:;~:. 37e O.bld SIlffing Bread >i III Ii'II SiDMdiDJIM ..-- ....... , . , I ClVLiAtmaA Wll1llt POTPIES ~k~' 47' • ~~~ 65c 2 1pkp. ... 38' 2 If.n.'' ,kp. .,.- ORANGE JUICE 4 LARGE ORANGES liP , S"". SIraw b·errlls Parkerhouse Rolls M.rlta'. ,k" 21i Holiday Cubed SIeaks 2 ;~. '1 ill - AlP Potatoes F~~~:: -'. 2:; 21° 2::: 49' Sweal Potatoes Mo.ir::'r 2 I~-:: H' F,I....I..... ,k" 31' Banquet DI'nnen ,Tur"" . ........ IF 1.111111" • FLORIDA 200 SIZE DOZEN Mcintosh Apples HOH~gt~:"d 2 Ib5. '25 Pascal Celery . HOH~gt~:"d 1:;:lk 19' Fresh String Beans HOH~gt~:... 2 lb. 2ge cello 1ge Fresh Tomatoes ',I.. carton. c Solid 5I1c'., Nonl d Highl' EMPEROR 33c 1. 3 dozen 98e » Large Grapefruit 4 lor 29' Sweet Potatoes H~~~ :'i~!/~::~r 3 lb. 25e Russet Potato.s H:~:",~i:,:aAII~~lr 10 ~:g 39' Fresh Cranberries H·~M~~"d ~~;: 19c NONE PRICED HIGHER A&P PEAS 2 ~~: 3S' Ibs. t;j ~ ~.,. .. ,~. . -- ''"" 2 &h 45- HOLIDAY SPECIAL JANE PARKER LIGHT 45 SLICED CHEESE pkgs. of or' more .;1:5-' I$ib~99 1$3:99 TOMATO JUICE B::~D 2~6;~:. 49 . Fruit Cake ag $1.69 ·CAMPBELL'S BEANS 4!;~;49c. 490 2 4S Pumpk po,. J... ASPARAGUS Green Spears Ja.. ISAn, I.". 650 M ce ' LE· SPEARS fu~tCB~:re~s. 4 ~uart 99c Golden Pound Cake 45° PICK . . Kosher . Breakfast Rolls 9 33° Raisin Bre!ld I 19 CRISPO COOKIES As::~!:~nt3~~~~·sl.00 - -- --.- -- --- --., 29 ORANGE JUICE '!JoWl CJr.oiD. . NEW PACK PEAS, FRUIT COCKTAILSULTAN.A 33~~~:'89c STRING BEANS, J.,~, 66 ~4·lb. 6· 8 BUTTER TOMATOES A&P APPLE SAUCE CREAM CHEESE S!~~~N ~~: 10 A&P .SLICED BEETS Lucky Whip Topping 9'/:::, 49 Keystone Mince Meat 2r;z. 51° AMERICAN-Sold In '·Ib. FRUIT CAKE lb. C . c JANE PARKER DARK ,. ~;I:~ . 'i I'n n p'e ·1 ~~I:~ e P•• k., PI,kIF f1iii1 L.!!!...J 1111' "'.ch pl. ID. ..I••b pl. ~ J:~:.:~~~" I S~~" I '. J··;I~:'ke' Sft~1 I All DEW DROP mh p:~. :;~. can.. Style MARVEL - - Wr4JiWM ~~... EGGS -w mix J)/l rJ1akJr Sunnyfield Fancy Creamery Cln .o:,d pronts lb. cans -F~_ 30c OFF EACH 2 PAIR OF NYt:ONS - - - - - -_ _ _ _ SAL. 'liCit DILUXI SH ... [60 II ..,. J TWO flit')' Slut: l'Il~l1 .•.,.n· a,hl,,,..S 99 ,a",,,, ,_I"r with .. If.t'am. • p.'ro' ATTRACTIVE STRITCH SHillS ,to •• ,.' " Z SHADES ,fathl,,. •• ,",....,,"10, ••••,... T.II. ,.11. II • 29 wUh •• If •• om. IEUll .1.... LlSS SHillS '400 .... ,. Z ,llr.•1 IS ~,,,Ilfl. SICltl 1If,.It. fft ,Ieln. .fltch aMi ",I...·""..h tl,I ... H,.I t., TAUPE ~ W- ~ a,," ¥-' W W-} ¥- ,./"f'n,". . - . - Wr~ -. '¥!'¥ '1.39 - -.1'4' w'WI'W THI GIIAT ATLANTIC I 'ACIIIC TlA COM'ANT. INC. '-'Ir pricII on :II > :a >i III .1; MELLOWMOOD NYLONS' c Ca.ase II. Sanborn Coif.. I••t••t Io.oz, n II· I., $1 •59 Blue Bonnet Margarine 2 p~!~ &30 Neslle's Quik It~h~::::f.1f ~!~' 41° Save 2a Margarine ~::: 2 ~k~.41° -r~ >i IZI to:! ~SaD.imp . a dlt.d 'Irt'l NYLONS-JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING-AND PRICED RIGHT FOR C ~ ••• Mayonnal'se 8.A••Offhe. Re,. P.I,,: j., tW"'-Ja Tomato Soup :::.4 IO~~:'. 43a Excel Mixed Nuts I!~~' 69' Imperial Margarine 2p~!:: 71a -<:~ C container 61 e Ex'ra Llrp '1111 II d.t.d Glrtan _~ . . quart 57e wr W. --'~~~'-r-1 lar• PURE FRESH JUICE· LlfrlsllI' dann In NO EGGS PRICID HIGHIR AT A • , a _~ ~.-r ~-- half ,Ilion SUNNYBROOK FRESH WHITE LEGHORN , .. CRESTMONT halt ,allon C 141hoL Cu~ ICE CREAM 59c 69c. ,ffictivi throvgh 'SltvrclIY, Die. 23rcl o ;a to:! > III • \ December 22. 1961 . December 22, 1961 THE SWARTHMQREAH Halt••al Heads Dept. At 1st P'.lsyl,alla !p~ag~e~6~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _;-_-_--:--:::--::::--~Fi.iaiOiirgOV:iiiiiiiiiE¥W!rrs~e~e~ College Students To letters To The Edi!or there Is none, To do this our Serve as Teacher Aid. A group of Swarthmore College students wbo are Interested In becoming teachers offers services to pupils and teachers In the Swllrthmore Junior and "enlOi High School. These services Include grolll' instruction conference periods and f,om in correcting papers, to giving classroom lectures or presenting subject matter studied. Services offered by who will assist In work is on a voiuntary These students will receive compensation, but will have opportunity to observe and to give lectures or to study units which they have ed out with the help of of the college faculty and high school teacher with they are working. Some will assist pupils during ence periods. -The pl1rpose of this project to help bring about a closer lng relauons!Jip between and high school groupS and to help teachers in work with' Ind Iv i dual students who need special guidance or drill In basic skills. ELNWOOD .COllalescenl Home IWPbl'ebed 1J32 tIdet. _ _ S .......pnd!n. . 1!K>~1oat H-Bear Klngswood Num. c.n 3-0272 Picture Framing ROGER RUSSELL Photographic Supplies SrATB .. MONROB &TS. IIBDIA LOwell 6-2176 that they have strong support JR. HIGH FELOWSHIPS both Swarthmore and Rutledge. TO MEET TONIGHT nation is going to have to accept would like to recommend that The Friend's Junior High FelThe opinion.! expressed below some compromises which go be considered In fUling the lowship and the Methodists' Fel. are tbose of the Individual writ. strongly against our prejudiceslva.cal~cy on the SChotollBoard. lowshlp will lIteet tonight at the Alilettera to The SwartII-: and perhaps yield some Yours very t ru y, ers. morean mustbe slgned.PlIeudo-. - Meeting House for a Carol Sing II)'IIIns maybe used If the wrltsr eignty to international Lois G. Pe erson, from 7 to 10 p.m. Afterwards there Is known to the Editor. Letters ment. Cbairman will be games and refreshments. wUl be published on17 at tbe For myself I deeply Swarthmore Democratic discretion of the Editor. those cltlzens who feel Committee must provide shelters cc: Mrs. Campbell, Sec. EXPERT P1..0 TUMI ..8 EDITOR'S NOTE ually or within the Swarthmorean 'The article "The Blue Route but I cannot take part ••d REPAIRII' the Morganwood Oldsters" program myself without Archer. Invite 48 Yeort of &perience -waf. to be found on page 16 of thatto do 50 does the community The Editor: AlIMok•• was written by a re"ldent· more harm than good. Those children and adults who A, L, PARKER LOw.11 8·155& of Morganwood. J. Passmore EIKlnl~oIII~,.;,;; partiCipated In Archery __ 741 Harvard Avenue on Saturday arternoonwouid Re.-Follout Shelters to thank the community for leweJq JIeP'InIl Pb. ID I =, the Editor:. PROPOSES CANDIDATE Ih~~:!:~:.u take care of our seven EMIL SPIES· shelters are a very h d d It we Invite anYone who WAfiiHw•••• difficult problem. The human The letter hbelow waths. an \ ll\te to shoot with us to _ b .. F.C._ . . . . . race has ned to caves from time to The Swart moreon '. wee come to the girl's hockey field PIlle Wa&cI> IIIId 128 Yale Aft. Immemorial, sometimes successpublication: saturday afternoons at 1CIocIt: Rep&Ira SwwUunore. 1'& and sometimes not. . • John Spencer. President· Thank you, one wants to protect es- swarthmore-Rutledge Uulon David Carroll. BIllY stanton. -the children. but Is It School Board Wrege. Michael Frost, S''CHa •• a.l~ to protect from atomic 215 Yale Avenue Price, Dlnny Rath. David Would survival be Swarthmore, Pennsylvania and Barney Binns. If human beings Dear Mr. Spencer: ~ and RoNdeb Removed a whole atmosphere "For manY years Swarthmor. .WDII IIDwed. 0eDeral BaniIDI Mr. and Mrs. George F. DUDD Inclu!ll.ng food l.el1ns have been proud of the fact !II IIanIJJIa A_ MortoD, ... of Dickinson avenue have as and pasture for animals? that the School Board has been would we treat our nelgh- kept free from partisan politiCS. ·thelr guest Mrs. Dunn's mother .lOUNS MANVILLE - with Christian unselflsh- We believe that the present slt- Mrs. S. S. Teel. formerly of looIIng • Siding • InsulatlDn • Floor ness? uatlon is an excellent opportun- Chariottesville. Va. Their sonand Cenlng nl.. • Wall Pan.Una • Doesn't tbe whole campaign .lty to fully demonstrate that In-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Padgett and cl';ildren Porch Endonret •. AwnIng •• Windows shelters accustom us to ac0 ni -Sprl n g field, Virginia, r • Jalousies • stUcco • .rldepoln"'" bombing as inevitable? fru;~Mr. Bouda's transfer early w III ,al,!o spend the _ holiday AD Y _ B _ '"pl.~e we should be spending in January will leave a vacancy ...... WIUI Oooe PI.... weekend with them. Their son and money to ascertain for school director to be filled and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs . by the Board. Both Betty McCorPENNA ROOFING '" George Dunn. Jr <, and son George . Senied Proposals will be r~~:~~;~l~1 kel and John R. Fry are . SmING£O• of Woodbury. N. J .. will join them ently qualified In the . at the Office of tbe County ( on Sunday. ler, Media. stantl~I~1 education. hav!' demonstratulltU Court 9:30 House, A.M. Eastern :.:;;.;;;;;:.:.:..:and __ ..:.._ _ _ _..!.._ _ _ _-=--=--::-____ ---_._--- CLAS SIFIE D A I S TIme. on Tuesday. January 2, Autol~U; for furnishing and delivering mobiles to the County of Delaware, F.O.B. Court House. Media. Penna•• which wlll be opened at 10:00 A.M. presence\':~~~~w;J/~iH~T~EtD~~~~~;I~~ Rent - of the County E.S.T:. on thatCommissioners. date, In tbe Each bid must be accompanied by Cash. Certified Good Faith Check, or by a Corporate surety Bond, either one in the amount of ten perof the total amount of to the order of the FOR RENT Media. First fioor ·rront living room. bedroom','; tile enclosed porch. Near adults. ·$85. Lowel, PERSONAL FOR RENT - Ridiey parK. 23 WAst I ~t~~1 Ridleytwo Avenue. Five rooms family house. open ~ Forms of Proposal may be ob~~'l ed ..t the Office of tbe Chief Clerk to tbe County Commissioners. at tbe Court House, Media. Penna. The County Commissioners rethe right to reject BOY and all Sweeney and Lukens, Belvedere Convalescent Home 2507 Chestnut St., Chester 'Dlemont 2·5373 ....... ,.. "'Oue ........ 8ud1e. 0mIaII CaDY....c . . . . MID Mid _ _ ....; . ". . . . . . . .-: . . . . . . . . (hi I'*' BlaI ..:'".." 8&DIZ m.m 'I'ORlIDI. .1 i 0 • 6-7183. G.R.WATKINS '~~~~~~~~~~~~~ru~~~~t repairing. . lallst, minor ;:=;:=:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:=:::::; 1!~g~m;~~~~Wi~~~~ PERSONAL - Plano ~ Piano Tecbnlclans' Guild. A. WELSH ALBERT H..SWING OPBN PRIDAY BVBNINOS REGISTRATION Jack Prichard I KIngswood 3-5755. PERSONAL - Roofing. spouting. FOR SALE - Christmas! A gift tI ooms gives enduring bapplness, gstters .. Recrea on r feeder, bouse or batb .from AL F~08~t~e~r,~G~L~O~be;~~~ _ Bicycles Wallingford, LOwell 6-4551. ~~~rl;al~ty~.R~ay~J~'~' Crotbers, Jrs., 435 Plush WI accessories. Milt ~ PAINTING ~O~ '" EXTERIOR free Estimotes Klngswood 3-8761 Hobby •. Toy SbO,~P;'~~!~~ FOR SALE - All ldods of used Ave lture. Modern or antique; ~~::I 6-0713, stoves. etc. 1626 Walnut 51 Cbestsr. TRemont 2-7473. - Pesk. bookcase, rocking chnir and other KIngswood 3-2165. PERSONAL - Custom-made . covers. Pin fitted In your You supply material. I make Work guaranteed, prompt C,Learbrook 9~311. SlIde Projector cartridge trays. $40. ---~i-~:~~~~~~~Kfu~g~S~W~OO~d~3~-~3[2~~.9t· . FOR SALj;!- o Gauge trsck. E=~;:;:;;;;:;;:::;;;;::;;;;;;;;;:;;;;::==I'PERSONAL - GUbert's Stsam scraping, remove palnt Esl;ate of MAY HENDERSON "_-;-:01 Intsrlor palntlng. George also known as MAY H"....ar!b_I'TRemont 4-7082. late of Borollgb of Delaware County, Pa., manual switches. Phone 3-0538. CUTOII IISTALUTIOIS ., H. D. CHURGH ,. PARI Ai!., SWAlTH_OI. Klngswood 4-2727 ROOFING Gutters • W • .,.Air Heating Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Work IIIaIrp1IJers'" Co. BOX 48 CLobe N358 .U· OIL BURNER SERVICE LOST LOsr - Dinah, mostly white callco -i.:udiowl cat. spayed female. Call Klngs~"~~4. :w~0:Od::4::3~::3:.______~__~_:~1 LOsr - Boy's maroon bicycle large newsboy's basket t~;~ I for George Elementary School. David I January 61 Call KIngswood 3-7918. KIngswood 3- BUDGET PLAN COAL VAN ALEN BROTHERS, IN(. KI 34742 or LB 2-mO Long and Aye., !:Xe·"li·W:; •. . . TBB 8" A~TBII08~~B:A~.~r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i__ Pa,e9 PRESBYTERIAN NOTES The birth of Christ Jesus Mr. Kulp wlll give the mes-I Three Identical Festival Ser- l'lt,h!!r highlights from h.'~,:~::~~:;,1 i f II hi III b I ' sage at the 8:30 and 11 • v ces or lam y wors p w e as recorded In the 'our .h eid on Sun day mornI ng. Th e will form the background I' services of Worship on Sunclay.) of I His subject this week will . Ch 0 I rs Lesson-Sermon entitled Jun or HI gh an d P ri mary III I t th 9 w s ng a e 0 'cIoc k sera\Chr.'stianScl'ence ~~r;:~l~~1 "Love's Unspeakable Gift.' Sunday School will be vIce; th e Se nI or HI gh an d J unIor s Sunday. , at 9 Choirs will sing at the 10:15 Keynoting the L a.m. The Christmas Eve Service service; an d t he C hance1 is the Golden Text from will sing at the 11:45 service. 12): candleilghting and carols There ilill be noChurchSchool "I am come a light .'nto be at 8d p.m. classes on Sun d ay. Child care that whosoever 0 Mon 3 ay, Christmas Day, hr 1 : 0 a.m.. children """'I for children under t ee will be On me should not abide in parents will gather for and the tl~r~adl-I provided at the 9 and 10: 15 ness." tional Christmas Day dev,)tic,"all services. Scriptural readings include b' thd I b t· ACandlellghtServlceofCarols 11 ay ce e ra Ion fo"re~;:~:~1 will be held at 11 p.m. on Christregarding the wise Jesus, when each child" mas Eve. 2): "When they saw aMoravlan birthday candle. ",nU-.1 Morning Prayers will be held they rejoiced with exceed- dren may bring a favorite toy costume received for Christmas. on Tuesday at 9 o'clock. HolY "v,ere great joy. And when Communion will be celebrated" come Into the house, The service is patterned at B B.m. on Wednesday and at tlie young child with the traditional Moravian opl",,,._ 10 a.m. or! Thursday. mother and fell down, tion and is directed by Mrs. The play "Christmas in the him: and when Lloyd E. Kauffman. opened their treasures, Swarthmore Methodist Church Market Place" will be presented unto him gifts; gold. college students will be guests frankincense. and myrrh." for lunch at the parsonage at Thhursday evening at 8 p.m. in t e church sanctuary. All are Invited to attend the 12 noon on Wednesday. at 11 a.m.. in First The OffiCial Boara Meeting of Christ, Scientist, 20f will be held Wednesday at B p.m. CHURCH SERVICES avenue. -----,---- THE PRICE? w. conduct services to suit your budget ••• and aU receive the ~ same met. low au••'i«.. • __ 0._ IHE OLIVER H. BAIR COe 1120 CHISTNUT nR . .T ......... , 1MIIf . . . . . " '$ • ' ......._LOI-.... · COLLEGE WRESTLERS OPEN SEASON PRESBYTERIAW CHURCH FRIENDS MEETING NOTES D. Evar Roberts, Minister Rabert O.IS!:~~I~.~'.~':s~~}~~~~~t~'11 "'iT;,:hl;:e~:C~~hristmas Program of the 'Minister -, Christian Education School will be presentat 9:45 a.m. Sunday in the Swarthmore Coliege's wrestSunday, December 24 Meeting House. There will be ling team opened its 1961-62 9:00 A.M.-Family Service no Adult Forum. season Friday night in a hOlnei 10:15 A.M.-Famil.Y Service The regular Meeting for Wor- match with the Albright College will be held at 11 a.m. ChJlldl eight. The Little Quaker's are 11:45 A.M.-FamilY Service 11:00 P.M.-Christmas Eve care will be provided during both out this year to defend their Service the First-daySchool Program and Middle Six championship and t/' Tuesday, December 26 the Meeting for Worship. improve upon their 6-3 record of 9:00 A.M.-M~rning Prayers On Christmas Eve from 11:30 last year. With 40 men out for wrestling to 12 a Candlelight Meeting for Wednesday, December 27 will be held at the Meet- this fall, Coach Gomer Davies 8:00 A.M.-HolY Communion ing House. It will be conducted has both the largest and best Thursday, December 28' In th e same manner as a ... .., uaker 1~~~{1~~~~~;t,:e~am in his 10 years at Meeting for Worship. Six of the eight 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion weight groups have at least four 8:00 P.M.-"Christmas in the. LEIPER CHURCH No I C:. men wrestling in them, providing The Kindergarten C h u r c a degree of depth hitherto unMarket Place." School class will provide known at Swarthmore. FurtherMETHODIST CHURCH music tor the Morning more, only co-captain Dave foliowing an open house for Swanger will be missing from The Rev. John C. Kulp, Minister parents in their classroom last year's team, indicating that Jame. S. Mac Main 9:30,a,m. all but one of th'i' starting Minister for Youth The Christmas Eve have varsity expellence Charles Schisler light Service will be held Sunyear. Mini ster of Music day evening,at 7:30 p.m.' Senior ':lud Berman will start Sunday, December 24 Junior High youth Fellowship at 123 Ibs. A three-year veteran 8:30 A.M.-Morning Worship will help conduct the service of Swarthmore wrestling, Berman 9:45 A.M.-Sunday School and Primary Children will Com bin e s unusual phYsical 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship an anthem. strength for a 123-pounder, with 8:00 P.M.-Christmas Eve The members and friends of impressive speed. At 130, SophService Leiper Church are cordiallY inFred Keller will pit his vited to an open house at veness and qnick .rea;)Monday, December 25 Barber's on Wednesday against probablY more ex10:30 A.M.-Devotional Birthfrom 7 to 9:30 p.m. The manse perienced wrestlers. Keller was day Celebration on' the corner of Park ·Iane and a newcomer to wrestling last -.------~------- Fairview roads, 744' Fairview year, coming up with a credit.TRINITY CHURCH. able 5-4 record. Sen i 0 r Ken The Rev. Layton P. Zimmer, ro.a=d::·==========="'---IMehan will wrestle at 137, reRector turning to the position after two THE RELIGIOUS' SOCIETY 13''''''~ in' the serviceL Before that The Rev. Georoe R. McKelvey, , Curate OF FRIENDS he wao;co-captaln of the team Friday, December 22 placed.2nd in the 1959 Sunday, December 24 MASCAC finals al123 Ibs. Mehall I 5:00 P.M.-Senior High Fellow~ (Faurth Sunday in' Advent) is an accomplished wrestler, essliip Supper. 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion and 7:00 P.M.-Junior High Fellow- peclall.Y effective. with his legs. Word The starter at 147 lbs. is still ship Carol Sing 9:30 A.M ..-FamllYMornlngPrayquestion but Sophomore Bill S~nday, Decem ber 24 er and Sermon Henning is the likelY choice. 11: 15 A.M.-Morning Prayer and 9:45 A.M.-First-day School Henning has one year of varsity Sermon Christmas Program ..Meeting experience at Swarthmore·, having 7:00 P.M.-'-FamilY Service of House. All are invited to at- wrestled in the 137-lb class last Lessons and Carols tend. There will be no Forum. season. Junior Tory Parsons 8:00 P.M.-Holy Communion 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. will be the starter at 157 Ibs. 10:30 P.M.-Recital of Carols - 11:30-12 Midnight. Candlelight He was 6-3 last year and placed Men and Boys Selvice. Meeting House. tth in his class at the Middle 11:00 P.M.-Festival Eucharist Atlantic championships. An exWednesday, December 27 ceptionally good leg wrestler. Monday, December 25 All-day Quilting For AFSC he can be counted on to win (Christmos Day) 1-------·-----·----------) good percentage of his matches 9:30 A.M.-Holy Communion LEIPER PR£SBYTERIAN by pins. Co-captain Dave Walter CHU RCH will be wrestling at 167 Ibs Tuesday, December 26 900 Fairview Road With 'a"1-1-1 record last year. he (St. Stephen) The Rev. James Barber, Minist,erl is probably most skilled wr,est;lelrl 9: 15 A.M.-Morning Prayer Sunday, December 24 on the squad. The other co-cap9:30 A.M.-Holy Communion tain is 177 lb. Mike Cook, a jun6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer 9:30 A.M.-Church School ior, Mike is so far this seas Wedne,\day, December 27 :00 A.M.-Morning Worship the most improved wrestler 7:30 P .M.-Christmas Eve last year and can be expected (St. Jahn Evangelist) Candlelight Service better his 6-3 mark last .Y~I~'.I 7:00 A.M.-HolY Communion 9: 15 A.M.-Morning Prayer FIRST CHURCH OF Heavyweight Gllie'"Burt. a SOlIn-I omore, will probablY be sPclttingl 9:30 A.M.-HolY Communion CHRIST SCIENTI~T his opponents several pounda 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer each match but can be counted 8:00 P.M.-Ministry of Healing Sunday, December 24 on to win a fair number of his .Thursday, December 28 1:00 A.M.-Sunday Schopl outings. For a heavyweight. he 1:00 A.M.-The Lesson-Sermon has exceptionallY fast reflexes, (Holy Innocents) will be "Christ Jesus." 9:15 A,M.-Morning Prayer and they will play an important INlldnleS,dlll' evening meeting each part In his success. 9:30 A.M.-HolY Communio,n week, 8 P.M.. Reading Room; . 6:00 P.M.-'-Evenlng Player 409, Dartmouth Avenue. open Do Yciu Know: .•.. . Frida" Dec.mber 29 week-days except holidays. 10'. The average American has 9:15 A.• N.-Mnrning Pfli;Yer 5; . Frldlll' evening, 7-9. . 'h81f of his teeth when he rea,ch,es 1 6:00 P.M.-Eve~n, Prayer "I S.W It I. TN _rllo _ _ ,." '40... ----- ~!~~~~~ t~!~g~~~~~ Ope~ 10 A,M.-6 P.M. December 22. 1961 -_._- ~~-- New BroUer Fry Pan cooks all your family meals a clean, new way. Plug " In the lid for broiling ...plug In tbe base for all other cooking. FUck It FRIES out' the lid heating element, and broiler lid and fry pan dunk eom~ ~ pletely under water for easy clean-- It BROILS ~ ~ . . (j up. complete only WASHES' UNDEKWATER • $26.88 • It BROILS, BAKES, FRIES, ROASTS, STEWS, and WASHES UNDERWATER MacArthur and Pallen 547 Chester Pilee . LEhigh 2-1749 Prospect Park. Our more than 9000 employees sefid you sinc.r. wishes for a L • )' " PHILADELPHIA .... c:r1llC eo-MIlT , :, . . . .'. - . , ". ~" . , , ' ,'.. • December 22. 1961 TRB SWARTB.ORBAN December 22. 1961 TBB SWARTB.O • • AN ..... 11 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, :and. good wilL 1961 May you find great joy as Christmas renews the glory of the Holy Night. DEUA SHOE SlOP ME~~ CHR'~MAS· Good cheer! Mayall of the wonderful joys of the season be' yours. Best wishes to our friends and many fine patrons. -"" 1961 ....... - _' ... May enry Yule log warm the hearts of all the fine customers we have been privileged to serve throughout the year. Holiday greetings to you all. PROVIDENT TRADESMENS Bank and Trust Company MERRY • HappyI hearty holiday wishes to all our friends ond patrons. . VAN ALErt BRos. BEST WISHES. ~tltnt j}tgbt ~'1"\' the peace and . ~reat joy of Chri~tmas be now and always .yours. overflow wit~ packages M at hyHolidays e. d oodWlll for you of happiness, ~lffe;lOnal~na and your fam~ y. 0 1961 ~erry Christmas. /(}(Jts ::'~agic ~i~1 There's to Christmas that fore~er touch the hearts of .all ma~km . May this magic bring great JOY to you all. PETEI L ,eu We hope you enjoy lIWIy fesci~e !lOuis this 1foIiday with friends and your , loved ones. Merry Chrisunu! .......... " "CI . .'. .'.".' . '\' N ~ \. ~ ', .... ,.:: ~' .~~ I .~ .' " " ,,",\'" ~ .}w;: . . :::~ 1f{,' , I :M~~~··::d ,,:''& ":lZ ; '·:·1 ~".\ ,,' ,""~'\t:,:~.~ ~':f'j , • • • ," ' ' ( • -, ~" , You gave US convincing proof that you enjoyed shopping at your new, Swarthmore Acme. For those of you who have yet to see this magnificent market . an d say "heo 11 " ... ... come In you'll see why day after day, more homemakers are turning to Acnie for their food needs. Stop in today ... we know you'll like the wonderful difference. Very truly yours, l' ~ .. k.,.:.'"··· , 01 ~ :0 >i III I: o ; •1 i :0 Ii'iI >- 'Z .;.... .:::".;' . ~ MARKET MANAGER ::,:. >- , James Steen' , >i III Ii'iI l<'"":<;.·\ . ~:/'~ . ,. ,'j i .. :.... ~ " . ' ~~ . :.. L : .' ';"~ ... .............. '~ .~ .. .... '..:.... ' i "."'''.~, .............. 'modern' et .in this area I The. t:l .o. n .. 8 CT ~ ..., " ..'" N '" , ... .. o EASY TO REACH! SWARnIMORE . TO PARK! Convenient ShOpping Hours! t::I ~ ..,Sl CT Tues., Wed. & Thurs. 'til 9 p.m. TO ·SHOP! .... '" N eD Friday 'til 10 p.m. , Saturday 'til 6 p.m. ._---_....... -.........................__._. PAROtHIAt. tCMOOL " SPRINGFIELD \ ~ , , ,.;. .. To CHESTER , •r-1 oJ .. I. >i 1:11 Ii'iI tJ> ,>-~ :0 >i III I: o .. -" :0 Ii'iI >- !II -- - .. " O FREE PARKING Never any problems in our spacious paved lot! ... plenty of exits, too! ~ A'PARCEL PICKUP CHECK CASHING ~ Just one more of the many extra conveniences at your new Acme. A SPEEDY CHECKOUTS . , Designed to speed you through after your shopping trips! . , Prompt courteous service to your car ... no tipping pleasel ~ PLEASANT MUSIC "iI To make your shopping more pleasant ... relax to 50ft, enjoyable music. A SNACK DEPARTMENT W Party tonite? Never fear for ideasl You'll find menus galore in this handy section. l... w • page 15 December 22, 1961 THR RWARTRMORRAN pace 14 , ~{'! , ........ 0, . everyone in every land. There's a jo in sending Yule greetings. Best wishes to you and yours. I,Vi;}:/'!, , , , " j' , Above all things wt: hope your Yule will be " We remember with f;~:fs::,IW; awe the meaning of this holiday. May it be an in· spiration to you. .' tift "." I.OHAEL'S COLLEGE PHOIAOY THE BOUQUET We cherish the old tradition oj (!brt!)tma!) !tIerr! ,,-;,~.-.-.--- . ~ . ~ ... - <"'/, v,;, .i:;E ~,:;;m:<-~ ~,>, i:>;"~N"«'''''' "'''' ~ When Santa arrives we hope h: ~ you. happy holiday se.-a. thanks for your rme friend ...ip M., .~. SVlarthmore l'p" ~;;Irh;;-~;;;;~~~jM~;;~;';~~Ii~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;YbO~~Kn;;~::--~------rg;ru~i1~CtDeCember22' iT.. BI.. Ro.'. Aid Morgalwood Oldsters· III P~16 TBB Morganwood Is little known to transportation two blocks away. Swarthmore and DelawareCounty Churches, the public Library, as an ideal community of homes and more stores are within walkfor aged ministers and mission." ing distance. Hospitals 'are not aries. The Single, one storey far away. Morganwood Is free houses are designed (or Inde- from the noise of traiflc. pendent liVing. The 31 residents chose MorThe United Presbyterian ganwood because of tht! above Church in the U.S,A. dreamed up advantages. Nearly all of them this idea about five years ago have pursued advanced study After inore than a year of search: beyond college. Three, of them ing, the leaders found this little have served as college presl-. 12~ acre peninsula bounded on dents. Ten have worked to build two sides by Crum Creek and on spiritual and moral standards In a third by a wooded ravine at the China, Pakistan, Japan, South Korea, L'ebanon" Brazil, and southern end of Swarthmore. Morganwood Is a quiet, seclud- Alaska. ed. church institution on a pla- Nine were preachers, seven t.el\U,_.~cesslble to· mark·ets, served as teachers. Five were drugstore, an amateur theatre i executives I a s tor of vacant c h u rc h es. have proved their wisdom as personal 'counsellors and "A Family Gift -- A Friendly Gift" group advisers. Several have deliveredaddresses on Internation-at-al relations to clubs. Some are Bible Scholars and have shared their knowledge. Some have provided leadership in the church, in women's clubs Swarthmore and the League of WomenVoters. A few of the men have been called to Washington as comilIlI!U1t:s.1 on special phases of foreign I_-=::":':::='''::':::;:==;=~~~:=~=;;;£~=;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;~~~~~ policy. They have inspired a , I number of young people to se,ek 1 more education and to dedicate themselves to the service of A Case of WOS-WIT Spiced Peaches If the ~lue Route is directed along Crum .Creek it will demolish four of these Morganwood hO"1es, brush the side walls of, a fifth, and prevent the building of two others under contractfor construction this winter. The roar of raCing motors and the rumble of heavy trucks would render all the· homes of these retired persons unlivable. Now it Is obvious that an Individual family could resettle Itself somewhere else without being completely disrupted. But Morganwood-on-Crum-Creek as an institution of the United Presbyterian Church was located here because of Its many fine assets for retired group living. Such a site, especially => ... ",,L'/'-JPEN on F~IDAY, JANUARY 5 ....... 'Il • , :0 o-i III I: (Some Slic:es Removed) c LUNCHEON MEATS :II BUTT PORTION (Some Slic:es Removed) CENTER CUT · IiJl III LOIN END SLICED lb. 43c: 37~b. o-i III • c o :0 IiJl > III lb. lb. These are Generous Size Portion" Not Ends! Chec:k and Compar.! SHANK Ib HALF' 4ge H"~:E~ :'1~lml BUTT Ib HALF • SLICES aN Tap CENTER CUT SLICES OF HAM 12 TO 16·LB. WHOLE HAMS SUPER.RIGHT 8 TO 12-lB., 5ge 95c 53c lb. lb. ;'II.INLt:;,;" ;'HANII.Lt:;);) ANI) I"ULL COOKED 65e SEMI-BONELESS HAMS FRESH HAMS yt'· 49cs~:'fk Ib.47e~:l1/b55c CANNED HAMS l ~~ $2.29 orWhol. Half Ib• 12 TO 16.POUND MORRELL OR HORMEL Hams W'laners Sliced Bacon Dom• .,lc 9 10 1.I-Ib. lb. Canned Ham. aaa &&, pk,. lb. 51' pkg. I-Ib. O.ear May.r Twin Pack ':r;C~' t:l Frankfurters ~~: 49' 2 :~.... Sauerkraut lCIu11a.·. I::. 21' ";.- -P, .-.', :~ ." .~ ~~' I ; .. '-~' '.- .. ' , •••hinlllo·l Frai' "unch. 2::''' a.' Trillil Pralzels nYU : : 31 , •••• l.sI.n' Coff.. 'i:~ $1.38 · 1••lar Saltines ~"'; 2. 2~~~. &&, ....hinl H,drol Cookias ~~: 4&' 01... ShOlPII Com 2 1~~ 37' Kraft '.rka, Mallarinl 2 ~~;. &aa Delill ·18l'1arinl Krafl 2 ;~~~ a.' H.. I Ea. Biscuil, .~I~~ 3 . .-::. 2.' • rl,. T.... Palll IIAYI 12.) IC~';;:y &7' .:~' .- 0 OUI 0 '. , ----' lal, ~~b~°Jt, COFFEE ~ C" ...'" ....~ co '"... EIGHT O'CLOCK 1·lb. big 55c 3 $1 59 .Ib. a g . b lED CIRCLE 1!~ &.D 3 ~:~ $111 ' 100AR ~:~. 83° 3 ~~ $1.83 lane Parker Bakery Treats! CHERRY PIE ~ 8~~ch45c ANGEL RINGI ~~!. filCh 45c DANISH RING I S::I Iuch 33e Whole Whaaf Bread :!i 21' Sandwich, Braad :!i 21 Marval Slic,d Bread Ioal 1&' 'olafo .Chips ;::: . I~~;.. 41' 0 ANCHOR HOCKING CHANTILLY DESIGN GLASSES with 22.Karat .Gold Edg.' A lit Nlw VII'" Special e 98 12 111/z.oz. gl.s5IS ICE CREAM g~ir~n59c g~U~n 6ge NABISCO PRETZELS ~~~. 2 4ge 3 $1 00 LUNCH MEAT 3 $1 00 A&P ORANGE A&P TOMATO JUICE '2~~:' 45e NABISCO THINS .Va~~~ies 3 95c 66 ~./b. 61e BUTTER 45e -S-LICED CH EESE S~~~:"o~~~~:f CAMPBELL'S BEANS 4 ~~~; 49 2 2g e GI NG ER ALE e 12 8g BEVERAGES MARVEL MILD AND MELLOW THE GREAT ATLANTIC. PACIFIC TEA CO. INC. All ",......,Ii ..........·1."".... D CI •• atII. ''''. t:l g U. S. No. I "A" SIZE NONE PRICED HIGHER age SWEET GHERKINS '~~~ 35c BUTTER KERNEL 2 '~:- 41e SWEET PEAS TIDY HOME SANDWICH BAGS 3 :llo:,25c THREE LITTLE KITTENS 6 14~~:z-79c CAT FOOD ti~ AIR FRESHENER 5~~ 75e :. ".FLORIENT , JARMOUR 12..... 45e 'TREET can ARMOUR CORNED BEEF I~~•. 59c " PRICED LARGE ORANGES dozen 35c 2 dozen 6ge JUICY LEMONS NONE 6 for 23e HIGHER . Fre,h Wa,hed 10.0.. 17e 20big. ..... 33e LARGE GRAPEFRUIT 4 for 29' SPINACH . None Priced Higher bag . 3 for 23e STAYMAN APPLES t!' 35e 2 ~:; 6ge CUCUMBERS NO~~~RJ~ED NEW GREEN CABBAGE lb. 6e SPANISH ONIONS Large Size .2 lb•• 1ge CRESTMONT pkgs. Hafnia Pure Pork Lunc:heon Meat 12-oz. c:ans JUICESweetened or Unsweetened 46-oZ• • cans • Ii . III w- . UI > :0 o-i III I: o pkgs. Sunnyfield Fanc:y Creamery 1.lb. solid C :0W > • In Prints lb • lb. C also CLUB SODA and other popular YUKON CLUB flavors (plus Bottle Deposit) FRANK'S BEVERAGES IN NO DEPOSIT CANS 29-oL bottl•• 12-oL c:ans Your UP II c.n.rousl, Iloelced with COOl COil, I Up, NO·CII, Canldl Dr"B"I.'., I ... Cliquol Clu. BIY.rICIS, Ind Hollind Hou•• Mlm ••• III Ittrlcll"l, prlo.d tor th HIli ••,., , "V :.. Be8t of Variety in four for the Christmas holiday Mr. W. shows - Berks County, Septem- D. Weatherford, Sr., of Black berl960;pennTreatyin Chester, Mountain N a. On Saturday they April 1961; Ches~er Valley, May, entertain~d 'at dinrier for frienda 1961; and Monmouth, N ..J., May of his in the Philadelphia area. 1961. In all, she has accumulated Mr. and Mrs. JameS Patchell 17 points, two more than re- and daughters of Parrish road quired for a champion. had as their dinner and overnight guests Sunday their parents Mr. and Mrs, Bayard C. Miller of CAMPAIGN PRESIDENT. Mortonand Mrs. Patchell's aunts ANNOUNCES TOTALS Mrs Elsie Shimwell and Mrs. Peter M. Delo of Wallingford, Faiih Miller of Manoa. president of the Phlladelphi~ Mr.. and Mrs. David Ullman Delaware Vall~y C~apter, Na- entertained Mr. Ullman's office tionai Cysti~Flbrosls Research. staff at cocktails and dinner Foundatibn; lias announced .that last w e~k at their home on the Delaware County. Committee Amherst avenue. of the chapter collected $10,.525 Mr. and Mrs. Donaid·P. Jones in its 1961 door-to-door dnve. of North Swarthmore avenue will Tot a I for the c hap t e r was spend the weekend in Spring$81,647, an increase of $10,000 field, Mass .. as the guests of . their son-in...llaw and daughter over 1960.· Mrs. Agnes Delo of Walhn~rd Mr. and Mrs. W. Edwin Gilson, Jr. was chairman of the county r ve Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Kent, which lists, among others, the Jr., of Springfield' entertained at following returns; a family dinner Christr6as Day Swarthmore,$238.64;~utle~ge, when their guests were Mrs. Kent, $47.05; Morton, $0124 :5~~ SprIng Sr., and lIer daughter Miss;s~rbara . field, $1,075.58. . .:', . B. Kent of Dartmouth avenue, ." . and Miss Evelyn Kent of GermanNURSING SERViee MEETS town. Volunteers of the Western Com.--------mlttee of the Community Nursing Service met December 21 at the Swarthmore Borough Hall to pack Christmas baskets under the direction of Mrs. Richard Davis of . Seethe·· Lima. The baskets were filled vWOJUAL PARK with fruits, nuts and candies and distributed 'W·o' volunteers and ill bMutitul nurses to the sick and s.hut-in WlSl LAUREL KILL patients served by the nursing staff.' I ~ ----- Love and son Peter of Girard avenue; tbe Donald P. Jones fami!y, Dr. Arthur Jones. and Mrs. :Teotge H. Turner, all of North Swarthmore avenue; and the Willlam Drlehaus family and Mrs. Howard Driehaus, all of yale avenue, . HAMS I . , , It co::t.. . , more to -/or tie lest •••• PERSONALS such Academic Scholarship. llliiitarily, he ~aw dut.y with the 28th U. S. Infantry Reg.ment from 1956 to 1U58, indudir.g 15 monthl service in Germany. Gill is married to the former Ann King of Upper Darby and resides at 100 Park '-venue. Convalescent Home ~ot, $5 and costs on disorderly con- SWARTHMOREA'N Besides the Henderson award, the car door. Gill also won the Edith A. Gor- CLASSIFIED ADS s_ Police & Fire News '81 PIC Graduate lamed Alumni Sec. A Philadelphia man was fined Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Told of evening when their guests w::: Park avenue had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. J. wa~ner E. L Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kindley f Moorestown,N.J .. Mrs. ooper who arrived Saturday from Salls- Jessup of Woodbury, N. J., Mr, bury, Md., to spend the Christmas and Mrs. Warner E. Love and two boliday The Tolda entertained children Rebecca and Michael of at a f~mily party on saturday Baltimore, Md.; Mrs. Edwar~ E. ~01l. EMIL """-_blY· F 'ORIST THE Frederick S. Gill, a Swarthmore 961 d resident fresh out of the 1 . gra.uating cla81l at Pennsylvan.a Mll,is tary College, Is now serving as Executive Alumni Secretary at ·PMC, acco'ming·to an announcement by President Clarence R. I Page 7 December 29, 1961 . Dr. Joseph Bell~ instructQr .at the UniversitY· of 'Edinburgh and president of tfie . Royal College 'of Surgeons of Edinburgh, was the model from which Sir Conan ~Doy~edrew the chlll:acter.of Sher• ·loc't:'Holmes.'· ". . ••.. a ... · . . . hiII ..... • , .• _ _ Or_ 'Ca " . . .. ~ .. GoaIIo .... , .S ........".._"..... here's what our •• • ·p~&ttLJ,S 1Ke.Q,M t, H~ 1. II ... IUNNED INSUWKI PlOnalOll 10 m YOUR WElDS, Ind1y tnIDecI expettl ...",. with you all )'QUI' 1Diur" x 1•••• lor ramoy. lane IIIIl b"m m ••• IIIIl ".... ".'1"1 • d • ....run, pl'n'" pwgtUD ba..J CIa 9D""IDdlvlduallWflhIC .. this -1 you get me rlm..!!! IeCIIIfIJ .."'et 'MMIeI _ _ die mlglmum Galt. Our pci • 2. PROMPT,. EmClENl' HElP IN IYENT Of ACODlll1' 01 lOSS, w.. tecfd.·( or loci end'npa ~ ........I-nty we_alt_ ....01, III to .... ya. "..101 " " III "'.1 -1 pDIIIIble ••• ......... cI ....... cI dta1 or .... tt. _gency oocun. B ...... . . .,...a....... eM'D" .... _ WA' ...... , or• . , .......... ,.. ..... ' . w the PETER E. TOLD IILIIIa ........ 333 D.,IIIIDUth Avenue , • • t • THE Page 8 SHS ALUMNI DUMPS VARSITY 14-69 Dave Filler's debut as a cooLch turned out to be a tremendous success as he led the Alumni team to a 74-69 victory over the Swarthmore High SChool Varsity. Aided by outstanding bombing performances by Butch Hofmann and Fred Schaeffer, the old grads managed to stay out in front of ,their Juniors all the WRY, but were never able to pull away due to 14-year old sophomore Steve Belk's accurate shooting and .Captain Roger Anthony's explosive play. The local varsity put out a valiant team effort as it constantly cut down leads of 8, 10, 12, and 11 pOI'nt leads run up the Alumni during the course mutual terprise for the benefit '1~valrUI-11 raml' lies resl·d.'n" .. I'n ,. IIII D101' e and nel'ghbon'ng eommunl'{l'-, ..... For m'formatl'on as to lots apply to ALBERT ' N , ""ARRETT \:7 Premont and Busin... A 1 112l!~a DOII -Profl·t, "r-048911 Garrett Ave. KI < Jaco bs Leave 0n 8 Month, WorId Tour of the game. The game traditionally saw both teams use all players. The score at the end of the first half was 33-32 with the oldsters on Dr. Philip E. Jacob,' South ,top, 54-49 as the third period Swarthmore avenue, professor of ended, and the Varsity outscored political science at the Univerthe alumni 21-18 in the fourth slty of PennSylvania, and his stanza to come within 5 points wife)yill leave Philadelphia toas the buzzer sounded ending the !!ay on an eight-month world trip. game. The Jacobs wlll Interview For the Varsity the scoring government leaders to determine went as follows: underlYing values they have reRoger Anthony, 13, Mal Anth- lied on as a basis for critical ony, 7, Terry Innis, 4, Tom decisions in international relaDelappe, 8, Dick Forman, 5, lions. Social scientists, journalTom Atkins, B, Steve Beik, 1B, ists, and University alumni will Bob Bennett, 4, Don Jones, 2; also be interviewed. Gary Gallagher, Steve Edwards, They will lay special emphasis Charlie Turner saw action. upon six countries which, taken For the Alumni - Butch Hof- in pairs, bear marked ideologlca: mann, 15, Bob Dawes, 6, Ron and cultural similarities but Taylor, 9, Larry Jones, 5, which have adopted different Herbster, 5, Fred Schaeffer, 14, foreign policy programs. These Jay Lord 2, Da,ve Grogan, n, nations are Thailand and Burma, Jack Walter, 3, Joe Moran, 4; the United Arab Republlc and . I u d e d B 0 b K,ens.-I Turkey, and Yugoslavia and a I so rans IDC chaft, Robbie Jarrett, and Mike Kerr. League dPlay Opens h Next Tues ay evening t e V·t ·t 1 arSI Y opens I s eague season d th as it tmvels to Me ia in e first Suburban Section IV league game. The J. V. game begins a t 6:45 and since seating is limited in the Mustangs' "brick pit" ail . t en d t0 ·WIt ness th e f racas w h0 10 s ou ma e pans on an ear y arrival. J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~::~~I:~:~~:I~ Phone By Mail, 1.0 6-7421 o Tool CURRENT DIVIDEND Security and Profit/or over 77 year.! Friday evenings 6::KI - 8: 30 Satu~day 9 - 1 INDUSTRIAL SAVI NGS &LOAN ASSOCIATION December 29, 1961 SWARTHMORE AN STEWARTS.THORBAHN Services were held yesterday inOllver H. Bair's, Philadelphia, for Stewart R: Thorbahn, a former resident of Swarthmore, who died Sunday in Miami, Fla. He was 54. He is survived by his widow, Alice McGinley Thorbahn; two daughters Mrs. Paul J. Rutan, Jr., of Media, and Barbara of New York City; two sons George of Drexel Hill and Robert Miami, Fla.; his father John S. of Devo!', a brother Carl of Fort Pierce, Fla., and a sister Mrs. Anne Decker of Haddonfield, Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Paulson of Park' avenue have as their guests this week their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Wesley France, with Louise, Patty, and Wesley, Jr_ Tomorrow, the Paul_ sons and their guests will leave for L~rgo, st~pping off for two d~.s ID. Wl/-Sh1Ogton, D. ,C., to VISI~ WIth the Paulsons other son-1O-Iaw and daughter Mr. and Mr~. V. S. Kupelian and their chIldren. Mr. and Mrs .. Paulson' a three month stay In Largo. N. J. ------ Winter Swimmers Win Swarthmore girls.assistingSub. ' ur b anSwlmClub's B team Victory over Upper Merion's School District team on December 16 were Carol "Espenschade who placed second in intermediate freestyle backstroke and swam on the Poland. winning relay with Barbara GerDr. Jacob is the author of ner and Peggy Schmidt. "Changing Values in College" T hat same day Suburban Boys' and "Dynamics of International WestBranch YMCA, Organization." Mrs. Betty M. P hi ladelphia, with Dino McCurdy Jacobis a former special assistant (o'the executive director ofIP!ac.,ng first in il\dlvidual medbackstroke and relay for UNICEF, the United Nations In- l-eloiOl'S; 0 ternationalChiidren'sEmergency 1 • RlchardMcCurdy second Fund. backstroke and breaststroke seniors and also on the winIn their interviews, the Jacobs will be concerned with reasons 'b'ltt,erfl.) for crucial decisions in three I' relay for midgets; relay;and John SChmidt first In Paul Zecher second in inmajor areas - disarmament, eeomedley and on the winrelay for juniors. nomic and social development, and political integration. Atti- On Sunday, the 17th, the Boys tude surveys will also be examined for clues to the societies' team defeated Vesper with Sam values. . taking second place In Iba,ck,;trllke and third in freestyle The Jacobs will also visit on the winning relay for Insocial scientists, officials, and aM Jack Cushing University alumni in Hawaii, in freestyle and backstroke Japan, Hongkong, India, Iran, juniors. Lebanon, Jordan, Greece, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Mr. John Streeter of Dallas, Switzerland, and England. , spent the 'holiday weekend ARockefelierFoundationgrant with his parents Mr. and Mrs. is f~_n_an_C_in_g_t_h_e_jO_u_rn_ey_.___ I:;:~:~~~. P. Streeter of Columbia Dr. and Mrs. D. Evor Roberts of 'Harvard avenue had as their overnight guests last week Mr. and Mrs. Roland Inglis of Fayetteville, N.Y., who w~re enroute to st. Petersburg, FIR- December NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Forsythe of Th"yer road entertained last evening at a dance at the F'orsythe Studios for their granddaughter Lynne Miller of Media and 36 of her friends. are a bargain! 20 years ago, their average cost equalled 1 hour and 45 minutes pay-now, only 1 hour and 27 minutes. Today, results often are CATHE!{MAN'S DRUG STORE K'lngswood 3-0586 ® During the past few days you have received the annual notice of dues of the Swarthmore Fire and Protective Association. The Swarthmore Fire and Protective Association is a volunteer organization working for the benefit of our community. Support of the Fire Company is an investment in low Fire Insurance rates. It takes the cooperation of the entire community to maintain these low rates. t=r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • named to one-year terms at the The board of directors of N. annual meeling December 7 in- W. Ayer"& Son, Inc .. has elected clude Horace Renshaw: vlce- Robert Van Riper, North Chester president, succeeding Paul Gold- rO,ad, vice president and managsmith; William Fischer reelected ing director of the firm's pubilc as secretary and Edward birney relations department, reelected t rea sur e r. G'eorge January. 1. He will make his Glaesser, George Humphries and headquarters in Ayer'sNew York Thomas Chew' were elected to office. one-year directorships, Clifford Mr. Van Riper joined the Ayer Renshaw to two-year and William public relations staff in New Hartman to three-year director- York in 1950, moved to PhUadelships. phia as staff supervisor in 1954, Clarence (Hub) Hartman was and was appointed director of reelected fire c/lief. Other re- information services In May, elections were James Dunn, Eu- 1960. He was graduated from Oberlin CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES gene Finnegan, George Humphries, assistant chiefs; William and served as a communications Freedom from Sin, Sickness, Hartman, chief engineer; George officer in the Navy during World and limitation is available to Stauffer, assistant' eng i n e er. II. Before JOining N.W. Ayer, through the power of Spirit, God. PaulGoldsmithwas named house was on the staff of Edward.L. This Is the. el)co.uraglng message chalrman. . ·IB.errlays, ,public relations counPRESBYTERIAN NOTES selor in New York, for four years. to be emphasized at ","ns,uaOI science, services Sunday in the Mr. Van Riper has served as Lesson-Sermon entitled "ChrlsMorning Worship and Church chairman of the public relations tian SCience." School classes will be held at policy committee, member of the Bible readings In the Lesson- 9: 15 and 11 a.m. on Sunday. The execntive committee and trustee Sermon will Include (Matt. 9): Women's Bible class meets at of the Philadelphia United Fund, "And Jesus went about all 9:30, the 10th grade group and is past president of the Philcities and vlllage", teaching 10:30. The 11th and 12th grade adelphia Chapter, Public Relatheir synagogues, and preaching group meets at 10:45. tlons Society of America. He is the gospel of the kingdom, and There will be no choir rehear- the author of a novel, "A Really healing every sickness and every sals on Sunday afternoon. Sincere Guy," publi'Shed In 1958. disease among the people." The New Year's Eve An Invitation is extended to Night Service will be held all to attend the services at 11 11:30. a.m. iIi First Church of Christ, The Celebration of Holy ComScientist, 206 Park avenue. munlon wlll b\l held at 8 a.m. on Wednesday. ' TheSewing and Bandage groups A group of College students CHURCH SERVICES will meet at 10 a.m. on Wednesleaders from Swarthmore . Luncheon wili be served by met for dinner and a PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH '-o . . .ac 6,Mrs. C.C.Franck,chalrsion period Wednesday man. of last week_ The event D.Evor Roberts, Minister Robert O.Browne,Anoc.Mlnl The Music Committee attended by representatives 'Minister of Christian Education at 8 p.m. on Wednesday. many student groups as well Holy Communion will be as by several members of the . Sunday, December 31 brated at 10 a.m. on Thursday. Council, the Mayor9: 15 A.M.-Morning Worship The Couples Club will hold Elect, ministers, high school 9:15 A.M.-Church Scliool covered dish supper and program teachers, and other community 9:30 A.M.-Women'sBible '-'lELSSI on Mondb, Janusry Bat 6' .m. 10:30 A.M,.,.,iO,\h_Gl!l(je Group' McCahan Hall. A film," The purpose of th~ meeting, 10:45 A.M.-11th & 12 Grades Golden Age of Comedy" will be organized by the Community 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship shown. IR'ele,tic)Os Committee of the Col11:00 A.M.-Church School Notice is hereby given -that lege, was to see whether re11:30 P.M.-Watch Night Service the Stated Annual Meeting of the lations between the college an~ Wednesday, January 3 members of the congretation the borough could be Improved. the S war t h m 0 r e Although the consensus of the 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion Church will be held at 7:30 p.m. was that no real'problem exists, Thursday, January 4 on January 17.The stated . the students.said that they felt 10: 00 A.M.-Holy Communion Meeting of the members of a real attachment to sw!,rthm~re __•___.___________ 1corporation of the church as the place where then SOCIal METHODIST CHURCH also be held at 7:30 p.m. conscie.nces have developed ~d The Rev. John C. Kulp, Minister January 17. would like to take a more ac~lve part In the town's activilles. James S. Mac Main FRIENDS MEETING NOTES Mostofthe Swarthmore residents Minlsterfor Yauth New additions to the '\buryl felt that it wou Id be t0 th' en Charles Schisler .. advantage' to participate more in Whittier House include: actively in events at the Colle, ge. Min ister of Music "Quaker Chuckles" .,c~ll~,~~!1 Several suggestions for betSunday, December 31 by Helen White Charles; tering relations between the Pace of a Hen" by college and the borough were 8:30 A.M.-Morning Worship tt to n. Mo ffeBen proposed. Among them was the 9:45 A.M.-Sunday School Th'e repor t 0 f th e 'formation of a committee, com11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship Ad vlsory . C omml·tt ee on :er11lc,e I posed of college student,S and Guidance has been placed in h 11:15 P.M.-Watch Night S ----,-.---'--------.-Ilibrary for the furthe'r study townspeople to work in t is area. The partiCipants I n the TRINITY CHURCH meeting's members and cussion agreed that everyone The Rev. Layton P.Zlmmer, ~ttees. can help improve relations among Rector all people In the Swarthmore THE RELIGIOUS SOCIEfY The Rev. George R. McKelvey, community by showing friendOF'FRIENDS Curate liness and common courtesy in Sunaay, December 31 his everyday dealings. Sunday, December 31 (First Sunday after Christmas) 1:00 A.M.-Family M'eeting HIGH SCHOOL'-)II-E-W-S---8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion Worship - Meeting House. Word First Day School classes 'Members of the Senior 9:30 A.M.-Family Morning I:'rsLY-1 -~sLun:I-1 SChool Red of Cross Clu~~~E~::~ the dlrectinn Adeline er and Church School l:'a.ge:II01; I this day. Classes to be .. ed January 7 at 9:45 A.M. combined efforts with the 11:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer and - Wednesday, January 3 Club to complete a project of Church School Pageant All Day Qullting For AFSC making lapel pins for wom!!n 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer 1---·--:------=---------1 patients at Fair Acres and EmMonday, January 1 breevli1e and for children' in the FIRST CHURCH OF (The Circumcision) local hospitals. CHRIST SCI ENTIST 9:30 A.M.-Holy Comm~nion These pins are now on exibit Park Avenue below Harvard in the display case on the second T u.sday, January 2 Sunday, December 31 fioor of the main high school 9: 15 A.M.-Morning Prayer building. n:oo A.M.-Sunday School 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer A.M.-The Lesson-Sermon 11:00 Wednesday, January 3 will be "Chtlstian Scl,ene,e', AWARDED FELLOWSHIP 7:00 A.M.-Holy COlllBunion 1W.~dnes(lay evening meeting Tosh Fukishima, Lafayette 9: 15 A.M.-Morning Prayer I' avenue, has been awarded a Nati F d ti SCI week, 8 P.M. Reading, 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer 409 Dartmouth Avenue, 10naiSC enee oun a on ence B:OO P.M.-Ministry of Healing week-days ellcept holidays, Faculty Fellowship for 15 month..'! Thursday, January 04 5; Friday evening '1-9. study at the Univetslty of 1 - - - . - - - - - - - - - - 1 sylvania beginning next T..'ft6 9: 15 A.M.-Morning Prayer ' LEIPER PRESBYTERIAN Mr. Fukishima has been granted I 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer CHURCH a leave of absence from Friday, January 5 . 900 Fal",i_ assistant' professorship of 9:15 A.M.-Ml'rning Prayer ne Rev. Ja_a Barlter MI,.later! chanical englneetlna: at Drenl 6:00 P.M.-Eveninc Pra.J'er Institute of TeebnololD' for TRADITION Sympathetic service, dependability and understanding are traditional with THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DlIlIC10D O. PUNIIIAU 1820 CHESTNUT STREIT ' 'apha•• LO 3-1511 lege Students, Boro, Leaders Convene YEAR May the new year be kin.d to you. MUSIC B01, IIIC. PLENTY OF HOT WATER WHEN YOU. NEED IT! I If you do not receive a notice and care to join and contribute, mail your checks to the Fire dProledive Ass'n s. Carney, Treasurer 5oo....y', • elected Pres Id en t 0 f th e Swarth- WILL DIRECT FIRM'S Fi more Rumsey. re Company, succeeding John Other officers PUBLIC RELATIONS dogs, Do You Know? goats. Fish, reptiles, amphibians horses fowls and mammals may acqullrel -----tuberculosis under certain \I,in,el The hair of an average person dltlons, and among cattle, s grows about an inch every six arid barnyard fowl it occurs, weeks. 1-------..:.--------4----------------==- Fire Company· Dues Edward VAN RIPER ELECTED Ib P"'\.!l~~!JIo'I. A ert Hansen Pres. A . Albert Hansen is the newly YER VICE PRES. ~ire Com held at 9:45 a.m. The New Year's Eve NlghtServlce of Holy C.,mlmUioionl will be held at 11: 15 p.m. The Senior MYF wlll att the sub-district ~ervice at Old St. George's Philadelphia onNew Year's Eve. The Executive Board of the W.S.C.S. will be held 9:30 a.m. Wednesday in Ladles' parlor of the churCh. The Commission on wlll meet at 8 p.m. in the Wednesday. • Todayts prescriptions " Swarth METHODIST NOTES Mr. Kulp will give the message at the 8:30 and 11 o'clock servIces of Morning Worship on Sunday. His subject this week wlll be "Joseph Speaks of the iour". Sunday SChool willSavbe Your Money's Worth! felt within hou'rs, not we~ks. Bring us' your Doctor's pre!!criptions for prompt, precise compoun~jng at fair prices. Pale 9 THE SWARTHMOREAN 1961 / . 6 m.iJ:::~ .:10 A. •• ••17 Ca.....011 , 500....,., ~~SC ..hoolr :11' 1;30 A... _--<:......... g 1••.•_ _ Ill: .... "'--. • Whatever the need - the laundry or a shower - an automatic gas watt(r heater keeps an ample supply of rustfree hot water on hand all the time, What's more, you enjoy trouble-free, worry-free water heating with 9as- , Ch_ your automatic gas water heater _ I2f YCHIr plum""s, deala"s ar any PhilaclalpIJlG flectric Company suhrban·ahowroam. ~~·~::'~~~~bl~.:W:lll~I' .IILAIIL.III ..w. ..L_ _h I'or."'_of -~"""" luc,...e c...i l , . ...,.10 • SWABTBMOBBAN l .,., • • .. ".. ...... . "(W· .- (~ .', V' ; .. • • • • • • Hail the New Year with song and sincere best wishes. Here's hoping you have a joyful ., New Year. BeSt of luck to all! 1962 CELIA SHOE SHOP HAPPY H. D. CHURCH • 7 9 6 We look to many hours' of. happy association wit~ our good friends and patrons during the comlng year. We hope the year will be a happy and prosperous one. 2 PETER E. TOLD PORTER H. WAITE, Inc. It's time to wish our many customers well in the year just dawning. PaHoa RODling Co. ESTABLISHED 1m VAN ALEN BROS. We wish you contentment during 1962. Best Wishes! li'~ /{)82 d Greetings and a happy New Year to our manr !riends and kind patrons. It's been a 'prIvllege to 8~tve you. See you soon . • 'giil . i. • - fT' ;f,i " _ .. ,. J '.~.' , . J! .. . Here's hoping ~our New Year will be a . glorious one, sprinkled with good fortune and jOy.OUf sincerest best wishes to you. ... .!""' you our best wishes. Thanks for your pa- .. 1962 " • -".-j~~~ : ."-'.:. .....'tr " . / _.' ,:,:{.:~~.,,,,I",:,",,,;·:·::; .:f'~:: .... ......... ,- ..... .. " . ,. . . .•..~:... ;:r./, c:: . - .' • < : •" ' 1 ~~"".. -~ ;.', . ~', . ,. .' ..f' . , Page 12 TRR .. . and thanks for , 'your patronage. WISHES . ".\.. '\ '~, ..., December 29, 1961 BEST' ~. ,,( .: ,, , , ~W4RTRMORR"N .; . , \' ' --..,; e" ':\ ... -":~. • We wish you a • New Year you will long remember as your • happiest. Best wishes. • ".w .' .... H') ' \ " •. : C) -' lc , l;· , Here's wishing you a future of undimmed neace and happiness .. r Best of luck to all. • ~ '\ • • • 1962 sincere thanks (or your good will and pa.tronage, we wish you a very happy and prosperous New Year. THE, HULaW SHOP nl'.Jr: ... ~'. ~ , ..-;-:;.;t,::_\",.~':::-:::::~':