pageI0~~~~~____~________________~T~B~.~~8~1f~.~A~B~T~B~.~O~B~.~A~M~~~~~~~~--.__~_______~_p_te_m_b_er_2_9_._19_6_1___ announced that no homework Wil~ COLLEGE RECEIVES COUPLE TO CELEBRATE AFSC Co •• ltt •• Pia IS be assillned to loth. 11th an 4 in order t~at the~ will be' fre.e 60.TH ANNIVERSARY . atten<\ thIS meellng with then UNRESTRICTED GRANT Mr. and Mrs. Guy de Furia of Ho.e-,o.'I, Diller 12th grade students for OctobeI toparents. . ~,'tlmo~·(: S\",'JthmorB OCT G 1961 PICK A S~:~ATER! PICK ONE, PJCK TWO~ PICK A WARDROBE AT Ad opl Lib rary,.e Bd ~n r~';;;~Q~_;;;~~.A~~~Q~~~Q~~~II;:=:"~::::=::==_:_~ -,- 'FINANCIAL SHORTS ke~ I EMU SIe B0 I, Inc. . Fr .I d a y S Sat u ray d 0 ,n Iy' EPT. "'~\ 9 the 30 t h, 1961' ~ 5% 0 0 ff Ea r h $S 00 schol~rships President courtney Smllh expressed on behalf of the College both a deep gratitude for the Ford Foundation's generosity, and an acceptance of the challenge,' "'\ MOTHERS' CLUB PLANS FOR.COLLEG,E-MINDED PARENTS AND STUDENTS ,,"". . FAMIL Y COOK-OUT (Continued from Paga 9) ( coming to Swarthmore he was on the staff of the Harvard School Tomorrow, Septe.mber ao, at 12 of Business Administration and n0o:;, m~mbers o~ tne Swarthmo~e was Comptroller at st. Lawrence ' . Mo ers Club Will entertain their College. He served a term on the families with a cook-out at Smed- Commission for Higher Education ley P a r k . . of the Middle States ASSOCiation. Cars should enter the park via and during this time was on many The Women's International Paper Mill road. The club has re- evaluating committees throughout for Peace and Freedom served Section 13, the first sec- this area. 11 will be asking the community to t10n on the left after crossing the Mrs. Clark is also well-known think. within the next few weeks. ,trolley tracks. Parking space is among high school students and . _ "Do You Believe in the United adequate. parents as she has been guidance Nations? Does it Have A SignifFires will be In readiness to counselor at Swarthmore High ieant Role to Play i!l the World' cook your favorite f\>Ods: Coffee School since 1953. She received of Today?" Wednesday at 1 0' and hot chocolate will be supplied her B.A. and M.S. from the Uniclock at the hOrne of Esther ·by the club. versity of Buffalo and did guldRosenberg. 515 Elm avenue, and Mrs. George Wimmer assisted ance work at Manheim Township Thursday at 80'clock at the home by Mrs. Frank Moore promise a High School before coming to of Helen Hall. 607 Hillborn aven- fun filled day for the entire fam- Swarthmore. ue. mark the first of three 'pairs' ily. Principal' William M. Bush has of meetings scheduled, to discuss ~---"_~==""'=r---.;r-=--:----~---- ---H the U.N. and in particular the ATE NO CE .Guita r & 5-Str,'ng 8an'lo 4 - 6 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. Charter and possible' need for' . . Estate of FLORENCE M. GREIM. T d" revlsron. DECEASED. late of the Township ra Itlonal Folk Styles The second ~pair' of meetings, of Ridley. Delaware County. PennF d Q . KI .3-4191 Fri. 9 to 8:30. Sat. 9 to 5:0.0. will be on Wednesday. October sylvania. re uann teacher YOUR REAL ESTATE AGENT BOUGHT HIS CAMERA HERE ~ 11. at 1 o'clock and Thursday. Letters Testamentary on the above Estate have been granted to the t h October 12. at 8 o'clock. So t a undersigned who request(s) all perLO 6-1001 WHY DON'T YOU? all may partiCipate. the same sons having claims or study will take place at each against the estate to make known 'pair' of meetings. the same. and all persons Indebted • "11 d' to the docedent to make payment The opening pair WI ISCUSS without delay· to Mabel L. Greim. the background oC the Charter. l183 Villanova Avenue, Swarthmore, the Preamble. the General Assem- Pennsylvania. or to her Attorney bly and the Specialized Agencies. Manis H. Fussell. Esq .• 203 County All are welcome. Further details ~~~l~~~' Media. Pennsylvania. are available at KI 4-3058. Estate of Helen W. Barnes Brown. 0 rove r) ST ElFF ST UFFED ANIMAL I WIL PLANS SERIES ON UNITED NATIONS No Reorder' I· ng N O· GI· ~t. Wrap pI· n' g All SaIF· esIna I Leagu~' Large Selection For Xmas! Camera & Hobby Shop. **** WEEK END SPECIAL'S Swift's PremiuQ1 SIRLOIN. T-BONE • PORTERHOUSE also known as Helen W.B. Brown. 1YVr"'if'e8 Up dtrtJlfl • F' 6 . -"" 7y A of 1% __ V_'UI _ _.;;l;.;O_.;,.._.;,..O__ ~ vv .' Between 1955 and 1959, prices of all commodities tC* 7.6% (Bureau of Labor Statistics) while drug prices tC* Oftly a negligible 0.6'16. Prescriptions lined hete are .twa,. priad fairly. fJ"'. TotUY'i'",m(1limu _ _ bigge" be.llb· Catherman's Drug Store Klng.wood 3-0586 (!) Deceased. Late of the Borough of Swarthmore. Delaware County. Pennsylvania. Letters Testamen~ary on the 0,bove Estate have been granted to the undersigned. who request ail persons None Prt.eeI Higher! 89c per lb. having claims or demands against the Estate of the decedent to make known the same, and all persons In. debted to tbe decedent to make payment. without delay. to John Flagg Gummere, Executor, 3026 Midvale Avenue. Phlladelphil\. Pennsylvan- I la. or to his Attorney. Theodore S. Coxe. 5448 Germantown Avenue, Phlladelphla. 44. Pennsylvanla.3T10-14 . Estllte of Chester A.True. Deceased Late of Borough of Swarthmore. Delaware County, Pennsylvania. Lette rs of Admlnlstratlon on th aboYe Estate have been granted to tbe undersigned who request(s) all persons having claims or demands against the Estate to make known the same. and' all persons Indebted to the decedent. to make P8¥ment without del87 to Mildred McCreerY. 112 South Cedar Street. Lititz. Pennaylvanla. Dr to her Attomey Monls H. Fussell. EBq •• 203 CoIID~ Bulld- , Ipl, Media, P_Inllia. 3'1'-10-14. IACI AGAIN. - ZEIGLER'S SWEET CIDER, 55~ - ~ Gal. CROSSE & BLACIWELL OR SEALD SWEn FROZEN ORANGE JUICE Fin 6 01. 85~ Gal. Caas - $1.00, I, COifIIIO mwe to ..;0, ,Ite lest at ••• e I I.L~f.." tM.'i. _ _1 • , UI\IITED FUND \ THE SWARTHMO Volume 33 -- Number 40. Swarthmore, WE ARE SEVEN! . Tea Tltsda, To Opel,'s CI,b Seasol UNITED FUND . $4.00 PER YEAR Friday, October 6,1961 N..dl••ork G,Ud Eleds Officers BICYCLE SAFETY SCHOOL TO, EDUCATOR Mimi McWilliams. daughter TESTS MON., 9.15 Mr. and Mrs. Jack McWilliams The Bicycle Safety Test North Princeton avenue. . The Swarthmore Branch of the the elementary school will • Keliher To Speak omitted from the list pul,lh;hed! Guild held its annual week of the Swarthmore Meeting in the Amerl- given Monday at 9:15 a.m. on ... ~IW' • .Ila. in Whittie r House School parking lot. 3 O'Clock Event Will Iselected for the try-outs for the Room In Borough Hall Elementary The Swarthmore Friends NurMrs . E . L . C onwe11 • c hal rman. Welcome New Members Girl Scout Round-Up. Monday, announces that forms will be dis- sery School will be the host to Mimi makes the iotal seven. Followlngthe coffee period Mrs. trlbuted Friday afternoon at . Dr. Alice V. Keliher, educator. The Woman's Club of Swarth- limlte,ed of six. - the first SwarthD.Smlth president, cOn!juc- saCety assembly. Children are when sbe speaks at Whittler more will hold its opening tea for more girls ever to be chosen the business meeting. The asked to bring the completed House on Wednesday evening. members and their guests at the try-outs. committee composed forms and 25, for the test. october 11. The nursery school club on Tuesday Crom 3 to 4:30. Mrs. A. Sidney Johnson. chalrRaln date Is Tuesday at 3:15. committee and staff extend an inGirl Scouts will help with the vitation to all teachers. parents Club officers wUl receive and Mrs. Birney K. Morse and and interested persons to heal past presidents wlll pour. Board Peter E. Told presented the testing. Dr. Keliher's talk "What are the members and chairmen w!ll be 01 of officers who were subYears of Childhood For?" hostesses. elected by unanimous Di. Keliher taught summer Mrs. David U. Ullman is chairDr. John N. Moore. _ These officers will' serve school seminars at Yale Univerman of arrangements and will be philosophy and religion at two-year terms each: sity. University of Hawaii. Utah assisted in serving by Mrs. John w!ll give the first Mrs. Smith. president. Mrs. E~ University, Washington State UnM. Patterson, Mrs. Howard Drake. on the Bible, at F. Lee. first vice-presiServices were held Mfs. W.Ned Mlkuslnski. Mrs. LesMeeting Aduit and Mrs. David M. Sp~ers. from his late residence. 313 Dart-I Iversity and Alabama College. lie L. Walmsley, and Mrs. 1. W. Sunday. His subject wUl mouth avenue. for Lloyde EIi:~.;~~::I For five years she served as chairman of the Commission on Hally. We aut Our Bible". On Remaining in office for another fman who died Saturday. S, Human Relations In this area and Mrs. W. C. Rowland, garden Ifo,JJowirlgSunday. October 15. he will be: ber 30, at the age of 72. He chairman, and her committee will discuss "Some Themes Mrs. J. Roy Snape. second vlce- been III since suffering a he:artl was supervisor of schools in Hartford, Conn., for three years. be in charge of decorations witb Bible". The Forums are held Ipresllde.nt, Mrs. Charles E. Lin- attack In Aprll. She did research work on Infants Mrs. A.P. Shenkle providing table the Meeting House at 9:45 a.m. secretary and Mrs..Edmund Mr. Kauffman was born in and young children under Dr. Arnflowers, and Mrs. Alfred E. LongDr. Moore did graduate work in assistant secretary. Itz. and after graduation from well and her committee making at Union Theological Mrs. ~well W. Hodge wUl con-. school he entered the employ old Gesell. Professor of Educacorsages for the officiers and and in philosophy at to serve as sewing chalr- a paper mill. He remalned in tion at New York University for. new members. and Columbia' Universl- man and Mrs. Robert J. Turner as ~aper company all his life. rp<'r_' 20 years. she is at preserit. the He taught lOt Hamilton Coichairman. ing as manager of the Paper .-ro-, Distinguished Service ProCessor Ilelle. In Clinton, N. Y., before All Guild directors are calling iucts ManufaCturing Company at Jersey City State College in IJ~~~ll~ the Swarthmore College on tbeir 1.lsts In prepar- 3warthmore.ln1954 after30 ' Jersey City. N.J. Ife in 1943. for Ingathermg .. November with the company 01 He is the author of the book Membership in the Needlework Hewasamemb~roftheswlmbl-I I'~~~::?,~l:~, oC Religious Experrequires a yearly contribu- nore Methodist Church. . Dr. William Holt wlll speak to ~ ,and recently has publishoC two new article iii of clothSurviving are his wife Ethel; the Mothers' Club on Thursday. a paper on "Analytic Philosor household I.inen. ~hree sons, Sidney of Leedom EsCollowing the regular business and its Bearing on TheoIn becoming I} tatel?, RI diey Park. Roger meeting, "HYpnosis and Its Uses ' in contributing to the work Wantagh. Long Island. and James Film To Be Show~ at In Medicine" will be the topiC of Residents of Swarthmore the Guild, may call any of the ofMedia' eight grandchildren' and Unit Meeting Monday his talk. ' \W~~~~t~o~at~t~e.n~d~t:~h~e~~~~ ficers listed above. sister: Mrs. L. M. Eache~ of Dr. Holt is presently associate I'professor of psychiatry at the UnInterment was held in the MorVoters Service will be featured Iversity of Pennsylvania School lav.ian Cemetery. Lititz. in LWV activltles for October. At of Medicine and has a private L loll a Unit meeting yesterday, a panel prac'lce In psychiatry anti psy~ • • ' • •Ia· 0 ..015 discussion of the alms and praccho-anaiysls. He Is also engaged TENNIS CLUB tices oC the local Voters Service in research and teaches at the' Dickil1lon Ave. Man Panel Start Full DINNER OCT. 11 Committee, and a glimpse of VotInstitute of Penn Hospital and Made Partner Oct. 1 Day Program Weds. ers Service In a big metropolitan the Veterans Hospital in PhilaThe Annual Meeting and din- League was given by Mrs. Mathdelphia. He was formerly In W.Marshall Schmidt. Dickinson The Women's Association OIlnPT will .be held W~nesday, ews Johnson, Mrs. Detlev Schu11. in Springfield. AI mann. and Mrs. Herman Levy. The Charge of the resident psychi- IlI.lrp.n' lie. has been made a partner the Presbyterian Churchwlll atrlc program at the University Hornblower & Weeks, 73-year a fnil program Wednesday. this time awards will be pre- Sears Project was discussed. oC Pennsylvania Hospital. old brokerage and Investment ning with a panel oC sented and oflll:ers will be which plans to develop a school Mrs. Bruce Jones Is in charge banking firm. as of october 1. reporting on "The ~ational Me'et-' of practical politics, under LWV of the program. Hostesses for the Mr. Schmidt joined Hornblower ing held at Purdue at 11:30. auspices for assistance to voting evening are Mrs. Edward Ida and & Weeks in 1957 a~ manager lowed by a luncheon and sPE~akl!r women throughout the State. Mrs. A. Hi Schmidt. the muniCipal bond department The Rev. Peter· K. Emmons L L The film. "Decision at'Laurel The meeting wUl start promptoffice. Stroudsburg. lu Falls" will be shown in the Rush-' A graduate of Swarthmore The panel of delegates. Inc Iud-I moreaoom at the Meeting House 1y at 8 :30 p.m. in Mc C a han Hall Mr. Schmidt is a member Ing Mrs. David McCahan. Mrs. The Players Club of at the Presbyterian Church. '"1I[lle' . on Monday evening. at 8:30. at Bond Club of Charles S. Cassidy, Mrs. John'" opens Its new season whichallLWV members, busbands Municipal Bond .Club of L: Justice and Mrs. Harry Wilson. with '''Inherit the Wllnd:'url-' and interested friends w!ll be the phia. Philadelphia Securities WIll be held in the church sancthe direction of Marcy F .l~od,-I guests of the Afternoon and EvOPEN HOUSE The swarthmore 'Elementary soclation and the MUnicipal tUary. Tbe luncheon.· in charge From Monday through ening Units. The film, distributed open House will be held mittee Eastern Pennsyl of Circle 4. Mrs. George Pattera cast of more than 50 will through Pennsylvania's Bureau School th I.B.A.' son. chairman. will be served to the club the drama,dl of Internal Affalrs, deals with a Tuesday evening at 8 p.m.Rutgers In e He I'S a membe'r of the McCahan Hall where Dr. the famous Scope's. or Mon- local citizens' drive for an Imfth provemen. mUlti-purpose room 0 e Green Golf Club Union will give his talk on "Tbe trial. t and how It was aAVAefntUeer Sachborol'el.C opening talk by of philadelphia a~dthe lence of Chl'lDged Plans." A scene from this play was chleved. . Dr Emmnns was a member sented Sunday afternoon at di I Discuss on Group. •. The scussion which follows WI'lliam stanton. H, ome and. School h Mi. Schmidt is chairman of the CommiSSIOn on . Open House program. will be chaired by Springfield Kmg am, a:td Re.lations of the UmThose who can are urged to Township Councilman . James M. and fl'nance comffil·ttee of the st. President. Dr. Harry h i superintendent 0f se 00 s r . nci . dr'ew's Socl'ety of ted Presbytenan Church In the the play in the early part oC Davis wbo Is chairman of the Delt Thomas Boyle,elemen daryparents p.l - a member of the a'dvisory U.S.A .• and from 1929 until 1958. week. aware County Health and Recreatr d uce pal. will be in 0 d . • 1 ss of the" Presbyterian Home a member of the Board oC --'------tion Committee. Curator of the will then goto the iffehrent , c Aged Couples and Aged Mlssion~ of the SpringfieldHlstorlcalAssoclation rooms for . informal Church l.n the U.S.A .. servin.g , h cas R f WIsh a memb'er of the board of and cbalrman of the township's their children steac edrsl · teh re Greater philadelphia Counoll Its preSIdent from 1951 until Park and Recreation Committee. ments will be serve t nt · e 0t 9 Churches and a deacon of recent mer."er " creating the Unlte'cli The Cilm shows how local citizens multi-purpose room s ar 109 a Swarthmore Presbyterian Presbytenan ?hurchin the Invitations are .being Issued and· officials may affect each Dr. JO.I N. Moore To Speak Bible S I I ery ,es He d T,.sday For Lloyd la, CI,b To Hear Talk H,plosis Volers S.rYlce LWV TIle•• for October aid W5 S Presbyt.rlal Wo.el T H D E ear r. wm To Presell Wi.l' 'I.erit I.e \h D••ocrall, Wo.el Pial Tea for 0". 24 Id o'clock. Those responsible for the open house are members of tbe educa-. tion committee: co-chairmen Mrs. Colin Bell. Rev. Eli Wismer; faculty Mrs. Gordon Brain. Susan Bauer; and Mrs. Francis Bouda. Mrs. Gordon Bretschneider. Mrs. Edward Mifflin. Mrs. Carl Baros. Leroy Peterson. James Richards; 8Jld ex officlo Mrs. Richard Enlon. and its CommIssion on the Democratic Women's Club other. and the community. cal Mission and Relations. Swarthmore to a tea and re[,ep,tionl Dr. Emmons was one of the In honor of Supreme Court Justdelegates from No~th .Amerlca ice Anne X. Alpern. on Ttles:ds.yl the International MiSSIOnary October 24. at'lo"cl"ck at Madras in 1938 and The funct;ion. one of the "h.h',.. member of the Second honorIng "Women In ,,011-1 School Holiday Monday Deputation of the ' will be held In Monday. october 9. will be Board of Foreign Missions House on the College Ravi Shankar. famed composer 'hol.!da:y for all pupils enrolled study of all their work in India, the receiving Ilne. In and sitarist of India. will play a ,.. swarthmore-Rutledge u~~~~r·V~~I;~Si~t~l~n~~g;:Japan. China, to Justice Alpern. will be cOQcert"C Indian music at Swarth''lc,hOl)l District while teacbers Thailand, Iraq and Catherine M. Adams. c:~~~~~;I,~m~ore College In Clothier Memolr-' I' District aUtmd t h e ' Since tben •. he of Delaware county; Mrs. Hall tonight at &15 p.m. He DATE SET FOR UNICEF I!~t~!:~:e~re County Teachers visited In an official Peterson. chairman of wUl be accompanied by Kanal TRICK OR TREAT NIGHT Korea, Japan. Mexico. Borougb DuUa on the tabla and Nodu MulMrs. David M. Field of Vassar III Iran, Portugal, and Brazll. Mrs: Frederick lick on the tamboura'. E ' d the d eavenue Is the chairman for tbe' The Counly Institute w JPln,tl D r. mmons receIve Democratic "'c'mE!D'sC:lul~1 • In the Marple-Newtown gree a f D oc>...r 0 f 01vlnity tbe members of co mmItte e f or UNICEF Trick or l""l~ools under the direction W hi gto d J ff FIRST AID COURSE. W on HalloI as n n an e erson execntlve board, and Treat niEht to be beld I"""'" Thompson. County Grove City College Democr-'ic women candidates TO BEGIN TUESDAY ween. The committee working 0'f Scbools. This year b de'" An advanced Red CraBS First with ber win be Mrs. Leonard an OnOrBlY egre November election. . . Lover1dle of D1ekinson a •• nue; day of institute will 1937, and Princeton Tea will be served by the Course will beilin next TUes.--.I ml of Am' ,,_,~. DUe around·the theme oC 0.0_ dearee In 1958. 'C---...... e . at 7:30 p.m. lit BorOlllllh'~,:!':'::::: e, Dr. Stephen H. F'orII,-\!Ie,. J. Rol~P-='-." ~...... COBrA 18_ ope. to 81 BIlker Middeltoll of RutI\l8 of education. v_" - -:,... .Colla .Wbe tile ........m.. ! . 1 SUPPORT I North Chester road will hold open -IS a' '1$ g .,'" 1S 'Y" d Tne Ford Foundation today announced that It has made an house tomorrow to honor Mrs. de A Homecoming Dinner in honor Furia's parents Mr. and Mrs. of those members of Swarthmore unrestricted grant to Swarthmore Michael Casaccio of Secane who Meeting who spent some time aCollege of $2,000,000 on condition will. celebrate their 60th wedding broad over the past year will be that this sum be matched on a anmversary on that day. . held Saturday evening. October tbre8-for-one basis by June of Mr. a~d Mrs. CasacclO h8:ve 7. in Swarthmore College. . 19M.· Gifts to the College during fo.ur chl~dren: Mrs. de FU(Ja. Spc,"sored by the Committee on thia Period by alumni, parents, MISS Mane of Secane. Mrs. Rob- the American Friends Service corporatiOllJ. foundations, and ert' Pigossi of Pittsburgh and Committee, and chaired by Eleafriends ,of Swarthmore will count Henry. of Prospect p~rk. They nor stabler Clarke. the Dinner towards the match; grants from a~so have five gr.andchildren and will honor Mr. and Mrs. John Sey1I0vernmentai agencies or any SIX great-grandchildren. bold of pberlin avenue. returned additional grants from the Ford recently after spending 18 months Foundation will not count. I in Paris at the AFSC Center Swarthmore College will celethere; Janice Carroll of College 9 SOUTH ORANGE ST. brate I*" centennial In 1964, and (Continued from Page 1) avenue. who spent a year in Eng: LO 6-6225 MEDIA, PA. the Ford Foundation grant comes plays (Instead of annual) of new land ~s ~art of t.h e AFSC' s.Sc ho?I at the beginning of the College's juvenile titles at the monthiy AffiltatlOn SeivICeprogram, DavId Open Fr~doy 'til 9 p.m. OflItennlal Campaign. The goal of story hours each second Saturday Preston. preparing to spend two A II this campaign is $10,000,000. This (on October 14 Mrs. Paul' Gemmill. years abroad the VIS!\, (Vo!goal was set after a thorough Jane Brown Gemmill. will tell of untary Internallonal SerVIce Asstudy of Swarthmore's opportu- her new book "Little princesslsignments) program; and· Betty nities and responsibUities for the and the Bear"). 150 titles. in- ,LOU and Mary Ann McCorkel of years to come. cluding several foreign language Cornell avenue •.who served over Record Sales are predicted by Larger ZENITH A first installment of $450,000 books. will be on display. the summer as dll~ctor~ f~r QuaThe juvenile illventory will bework camps lD IlIlO01l; and CORPORATION'S Executive Vice Pre-sident for which matching will be deferred, will be granted by the Igin on November 1 and the rental Anzona. Leonard C. Truesdell, ZENITH'S Ford Foundation towards highf shelf will be Assistant Librarian Guest speaker will be Eric . Loca I .R epresentative for lannin th I prioriI,)' goa s: e p g 0 Leollore Perkins' special charg~. Johnson. director of the VISA n~w library facilities, additional Miss Hunsicker reported a gift of program. Swarthmore Meeting RADIO TELEViSiON STIIlEOS faculty and staft, scholarships. $50. by the Rutledge PTA for members of the American Friends , construction of a new service which the board expressed appre- Service Committee who will speak . building, and an addition to the ciation. during the evening are Colin Bell biology and psychology building President H.Lindley peel noted executive director of AFSC. and klngswood 3-1460 for an animal research laboratory. that Miss Hunsicker cam'e to the Earle Edwards. assistant exec-~~=~~.. ~~~!!-~.=~====~~=======~~=~ The total development plan of the Library one year ago and direct- utive director. CoJlege comprises about five mil- !ors present Mrs. David Field. Mrs; Myrtle McCallin. School Affillion dollars for new professor- Winthrop Wright. Mrs. Peter Told. iatlons Service director. will in' ships faculty salaries, research,. Rudolf Hlrsch. Howard Williams. troduce Janice Carroll. and the work of the D. Mace Gowing. Mr. Marsh joined Dinner reservations. which may Arthur Ho;t Scoti Horticultural in praise of her hard work and be made by calling the Meeting Foundation' and another five mil- i appreciated achievements. House. KI 4-0450. must be' in lion dollar; for new buildings, In The next meeting will be in by october 2. other buildings remodelling. November. -------. {;7 Coll'Jglr . . .a ,. He is president of swarthmore Club of Mr Schmidt is married to form~r Comella Clarke, has three hUdren . c . Co.poser, Sitarisl II COlcerl T011.111 be....... • St·.,..wd eo_a ..... D_.__ , TBB SWARTBJlO.BAN I_ ~U.,""" Mr. and Mrs. H. Leroy Mr. Arthur W. Collins of School Henning Isa niece of Mrs. Is exper.ted to return homeIJo'Sel)h Lynch ofof the' A graduate week end after spen di ng 10 of Villanova avenue have returnIn Lankenau Hospital with Minnesota, she Is city editor ed home from a three week trip appendicitis. The St. Cloud Dally Times. abroad. Mr. and Mrs. David Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Corr, Mr. 'Warden Is a graduate . ham drove tbe McCunes to formerly of 800 Westdale avUniversity. He Is workYork where tbey enplalned for enue are now residing at 83 Rlvtoward his Ph.D. In chemical Copenhagen, stockholm. Olso, erslde avenue, Riverside, cc~0~n,n~;'~I~~;;I~~~:~~.8 at the University of Bergen and then to Scotland and Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. J England for a 10-day motor of North Swarthmore avenue The wedding date has not been Mr. and Mrs. E. L. CODwell as t~elr guests last Columbia avenue had as Weir son-In-law and daughter INVITATION guests Mr. and : Mrs William Gar- and Mrs. Gordon. who ~:~;,~ A I It tl l t d d t all moved Into Follett their new... man of Winter Park. Fla .• former- t Bethl'ehem. n nv a on s ex en e 0 ly of Swarthmore, who were en- a of the late Rev. and Mrs. route to New York. Tbey Tbe Ladles' Bible Class Braun to the marriage Susan Braunand Mr. WlloSt'Olil tbe weekend at tbe Conwell sum- the Methodist Church mer home In Cape May, N.J., entertained at a surprise which will take place a few days tbe early part of luncheon and party In honor Swarthmore Presbyterian Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lovekin at on Saturday, October 7, week In Swartbmore witb Conwells. home of Mr. and Mrs.Paul M.1"Il·Ul~I-· 4:30 p.m. son .on Park avenue. The ------'---Dr. James L. Jezl of Dogwc)odlkins have moved from 408 HaverFETE BRIDE-TO-BE lane will leave on Monday for place to their new home business trip which takes him Florida. Miss Elizabeth Bassett California and then on to North Chester road, Mrs. W. for a week or more. Mr. and Mrs,Edgar W. Gehring of University place Mrs. H. Lindley Peel of bave recently moved Mrs. Walter Schmidt of Riv..,vl •• wl Swartbmore avenue is avenue fromChrlstiana,Del. road entertained at a lUilcheolnl satisfactorily In tbe is with Scott Paper and shower on' September 23 Hospital, 34th and spruce the Rolilng Green Golf Club where she was taken by honor of Miss sally 'Bates North Chester road. Mr. and' Mrs. Forrest Edward The marriage of Miss Bates ance on Sunday afternoon. Sbe permitted no calls, no of tre Plains, Va.• have Lt. (j.g.) John P. Larson but cards are very welcome. . the engagement of of Wallingford will tak~ room number Is 1060. their daughter, Miss Jacqueline the latter part ~f tbe month.Pia.cel Mr. and Mrs. Antbony A. Fair- Anne Mars, to David Hastings banks of Yale avenue bave Badger, spn of Mrs. Stephen Mills tbelr guest this week Mrs. Badger of Rutgers avenue, and ANNIVERSARY FETED Anderson from Buffalo, N.Y. the late Mr. Badger. A November Dr. and Mrs. Walter N. Molr Mr. and Mrs. John R. Ilanna wedding Is planned. Chester road, Mr. and Mrs. Riverview road bad as their The prospective bride gradu- pharles E. Lincoln of end guests their Bon-In-Iaw ated from Miss Hall's School, avenue and Mr. and Mrs. ~~~e~~~1 daugbter Mr. and Mrs. William Pittsfield, Mass. In 1957, and T. ~ntbony of Rutgers I Stauffer and daughters from Bryn Mawr College Bryn entertalDed at the hOl!!e of Mr. 'ElIzabeth and Tracy H~a, from Mawr, In June, 1961. Sh~ made Lincoln sePtember2411to~n~~!~:1 Wllsblre Hills. Lancaster. her debut In 1957 at a tea and a brate the 25th wedding a Mr. Frederick T. Antbony of dance given in her honor by her sary of Mr. and Mrs. Ford F. Rc)b-[ Rutgers avemiehas remrnedhome parents in Middleburg, Va., and of Guernsey road. from a three week business trip was presented In New York City to India. at tbe New Year's Ball of the BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. David Van L. Tay- Debutante Assemhly In 1958. Sbe Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Hulme lor and da)lghter Cynthia, aged 6, was presented at the Court of st. place announce are now residing at 320 Soutb James's, London,lnMarchof1958. of their third chlld and filllt! on October 1 at LankenSwarthmore avenue, having moved She Is the'granddaughter of Mr. here from LItitz. Mr. Taylor August A. Meyer of Miami Beach, Hospital with tbe Provident Fla., alldMrs. Henry F. Rahn The maternal grandparents are Bank and Trust Compan.r 'in st. Cloud, Fla. ,. and of fir·s. - . and Mrs. Hallas Kenyon of Philadelphia office.. . G. Mars of Santa B81bara, Callf.,lrrn.nM Montclair, N.J. Mr. and Mrs. d the I a t e Mr. Fran k C. Mars. Mr s. stuart Graves 0 f ~n Hulme of Wallingford Is recuperating at her home Mr. Badger Is an alumnus of the paternal grandparents. lowing an operation in the Phlilips Exeter Academy, Exeter, kenau Hospital. N.H., 1954, and graduated Mr nnd Mrs John B Mr. and Mrs. Leroy T. Wolf of Princeton University in 1958, of D~uglas M~nor L~ng Island Park avenue have bad as he. was a .member of announce the birth of a ' guests for tbe past week Mr. Inn. He 1S a L1eutenant Wolf's brother -and Sister-in-law In the United States Mary, on September 18. Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. Wolf of Reserve. Mr. Badger is The grandparents are Mr. TUcson, Ariz. wltb N. W. Ayer and Clarence B. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Artbur V. Dodd Philadelphia. He avenue and Mr. and Mrs. with tbeir sons Mark and Randell grandson of the late Mr. Doyle of Crestwood, N.Y. of Wellesley Hills were tbe weeh John A. Showalter and end guests of Mrs. Samuel M. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Ba,d-I Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Noyes, Dodd of Swartbmore avenue. Mr. of Indianapolis, Ind. of Simsbury, Conn., are congratulations on the aDodd has recently returned from Alaska where be presented a . and Mrs. Wendell Y. Hen_]I:nVBl of Edward Lee Noyes, 3rd, paper at a meeting of the Alaska of st. Cloud, Minn., amlOUloce Science Conference at the Unlengagement of their daughter. verslty of Fairbanks. IElnlly,'to Robert B. Warden, Mrs. Donald Crosset of Thayer Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. W:'~~~~I road has had as. ber guests for Wallingford, formerly of S' ber'is;o~Jn~-JI~n~-lr~~=::F::= BuHal Luncltaoa THE PLAYERS OF SWARTHMORE $1.%5 • BuHaI Dinnin 'Inh'erit the Wind" . Il,f Jerome Lawrence& Roillert: E:I~e.,:. Produced Under the DIrection MARCY F. RODERICK usillted .", Ollllat O. ~~or .. ' n.._ lion. tbra Sat •• Oct. ~ U • JHE WU .IISE Route', ~Iti_ Pike ........ w ....... '111 ,1 ••• Tlll'III'. -- II ... 1M .An. 1.1" - .H.... "Bring It to U. or w... Came to YOM" Kln,lWooci 4-1028· -F~=::::========;::=============~ AI·Ice K'ra f t's ~~~~~J_ I'iii.~ NCING CLASSES FOR CHILDREN I<;I~R][ES I' OF 20 - SJS.OO THURS. ocr. 12, - 3:30 P 7.!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ t BEAUTY SALON lEAUTy' II .1 .IT••• 1""1 9 South Chester Road ............................................... Call KInll'8Wood 3-0476 State Truck Inspection Check Your Car for Summer Driving Motor Tune-Up. Wh_1 Balance Check Brakes Gulf Gas & Oils V. E. AT%. Mgr. RUSSELL'S SERVICE Opposite Borou.. h ParLin.. lot .. ~ .. Dlrt••lfli I •• Lat',IHI Awe.HI Closed Saturday at 12:30 P.M. IIIp.,eM '·WI • .~=-:::-=,,,,,,,::-::~,:,,,,,,,,,,,:-:-=-:,-~--:c ...:-:-,--.......,......-------....,.._I ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • : • • • • : .•• . ()~ SfJeetatl • : • SLACKS ••••••• 2 for $J.09 : SLIP COVERS • 20% 0" : 01111 EeL EI··.·E'I S ••• • 12 1Io• ..L .... • r .... .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • "'v..... ' Sw."'_N. P... •• • october BAN LETTERS , TO THr:. fDffOR .. . create. In a necessity (but stated by plannlns context the will foregoing paranot publicly dis.'I"'lrl • Arthur B. Lawr. nlcel,le;ch,oollane and Mr. and Mrs. Buclt I~rlaphs, th loj tl . f Shane of Vassar avenue; and ",.. .,.,.,.,.. ... ",.." I' e ec on 0 such Issthe wider roads and Form.r Swarthmorean as, renters. versus homeownwill not lessen Herscbel, Jr., of park av..... All ,.".,.. to TIM 8-"'"n~ providing apartments 'for to our children . _ ..... _ t HIi#IN4. P....._ senior citizens. are patently Have we fully considered Mrs. Artbur B. Lawrence Mr. William Lee was ,warded 6. tIN we, the Boardof tbe Sw,artiH ofown, .; ass er, rs. countries Including England where Los Angeles, Calif., 14 we malntalned before tile more Recreation ASSOCiation. cblldren and four he was tbe guest of relatives In Board of Adjustment at its Cite. Hazard. gin plans for operating the Garnetl LondoD. Recently he was the tember 19 meeting and It:~o'b:'~~~~I'ro Canteen, we become more dren. guest of tbe Chester Pike Lions at least 250 petitioners s the Editor: more aware of tbe large debt Funeral services were held Club at tbelr' meeting at which ed by asSOCiating themselves Why Is it that the most gratitude whlch we and all .Tbursday, September 28, witb time be spoke on hls trip and aspect of the members of thls community terment In Quogue. Long showed slides. with. our appeal. 1. In 1927 a farsighted borough Route of the to tbe past chalrmen of the council establlsbed a zoning ordthrough our teen, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bloom OCEAN-SIDE WEEKEND Mr. I\Ild Mrs. George W. BradInance which defines areas of has not been the subject and Mr. and Mrs. Artbur Kent. Un- Dr.·and Mrs. Dino McCurdy and ~~~~; siJ~~r;~.. are now residing at our town on which concern? der their devoted guidance, of Soutb Cbester roadP wbere he Is a student. Loss of property or pr()pertyl canteen has grown during the weekend in Ocean City, dwellings may be bullt. area is nowbere filled t;, Is only part of past six years Into a entertalnlng as tbelr guests ... lIy, and tbus provision exists cost we may be an!! Important part of following Swarthmoreans. ftCCO IOn e in ~wartlimOr~tOn behalf of the orderly creation' of to :ay ! d t Ii i sed families: "a~sllallISchmidt IM.... ' .... 't I.oIIned F... b units as needed by our azar s 0 e mpo e woe commu y, we Mr. and Mrs. W.... DQIlO1HY t.tAtB 2. The adult population of Wallingford and Swarthmore like to say a beartfelt'thank Dickinson avenue; Mr. and Mrs. bave been ignored. to tbe Blooms and the Kents Ior[~~)~le~r~=H~ay~d~e~n~o:f~W~O:Q~d:br:o:o~ktla~n:e:;!L;:=~:::~KI:~4~&:4:4:'~ borougb as determined from tax figures, Is sllgbtly over of tbe direct danger to making the Garnet Canteen t persons. The proposed children has, so far, been' outstanding success. development on tbe' Stratb ed--although the subject . Yours sincerely, site comprising 215 more Important than tbe Tbe Board of S""art;hmor~ units maybe expected to tbe Expressway!!· . Recreation Association Distinctive Hair Styling the adult population of our We know that cutting off ough by about 20%. ough streets will over-crowd Mr. and Mrs. James L. MaloDe Colonial Court Apts., Rutgers Ave. 3. The previous number of It" remaining #320 (Chester Ro,ad:llol Dartmouth avenue have as partments at the Strath Haven - and #252 (Providence Road) guests for two weeks Mrs. MalSwarthmore whlcb existed only in tbe stone local traffic alone. Furtber one's parents Mr. and Mrs. HarIs inevitable due to old C. Byram of Miami, Fla., out-buildings -- numbered as determined by sewer rent figof . automobile Mr. Malone's nepbew Lt. a;~:~~~1 U!es and testimony before tbe traffic from all areas Ralph Ford, USN, of New I ~onlng Board of Adjustment. must use tbese 'feeder' roads Conn. 4. Tbe Stratb Haven site Is In approach or leave tbe only Dlw~n~pfc;~;Fn~;:~;;;n~~rl .New Caryl Richards Mil" 80th Wave anareazonedresldential ned interchange on the whole mUe route!! g a Ca rty, a Don-conforming use to an Inn resides with tbe property. We_ by simple reasorlln@:,1 Organization Meet, Complete (Reg. $15.00) We maintain that It is unreasonthat__belll1Y traffic Da nee? able In view of the overall a mBjor problem. By the salnel which the zoning ordinance we are guaranteed that Why Not Use the Mon.-Tues.-Wed. only for our community to allow 3 aw111 be in constant Convenient partments to explode into 215 apartments. If Provldence Road and chasterl " . 5. We favorbulldlng a mOldelrn\IROIld are not widened to handlel Phone KI 3-9700 For Appoinfment Inn on the 'Haven's . site, traffic forced upon them Expressway ,we will have ?. but we stroiig),j' 'obje'ct t·o "endan: Open Thurs. & Fri. Evenings Air Condo gering our community by tbe poptbe dangers of tbe mmltJ ulation density that traffic _ a massive If they are toinbe .,. ,Mae., ",::r,ii::r;".....u..,.... taG" ....tWa.,,,.. rei· r: ~t'~ S{zed4t $10 WOMAN'S ClU·. SWARTHMORE ..iiil..._ •••••••••·._·········· • BACK Your BAD! Klilgswood 3-4597 • CANDY FLOWERS BAKED GOODS •••• .. e Colonial Barber Shop oUrJ, 8 .to 7 Oaily 8 to 5 Saturd N OC''fOBER 14 - the Swarthmore High Ban tour the town. A Majorette or Color Guard will call at your door. Please contribute """'I"'Ierous the Band. 9 A M. to 12 Noo Closed Monday How cIoyou keep carpet deal?_ - . . 8. WILL CLEANING SHRINK ",Y RUGS? ThIs is 'much 1_ of cr problem. becawIe In PAULSON rug clNTDln'iJ. each Inch of the rug is wet only 40 aeconda betw_ :rinse and wringer. . ~. the Dew lXrolrlh9 on acme cmpeIa ia holding them to . . better. although _ IIIIll do nat have 1I1uIakpadrugL it Ia Impwtant to pre.eul m minim' • 1I1uIakage. powder Of: light lIbampool"9' III CIYQilaNe: bow_.~ Ia \:IctuaUy beDeIlclal. .mea it ap-the w_ and 81leoglll-a the cwpel. " mae 1t«v- ~d~ Aft FINISH THE JOB! OPEN' MARIO & NEAL at RUTGERS Ave. (next to Pc;>st Office)· • for' Coil••• a•• Prlvat. Se"o.1 St••••ts for t" • Aea....e ,.ar TBB SWARTBIIO 1981 Sweet Shop np IQns J~ • 0.1,) $2.75 Sr., of· nl bsc · f $1.75 p ....."" Pqe3 Dartm~~ut~h~:a:~v~:et~n~-I}~~~~~~~~~;.~~~;~~~~;;.~p~a~t:er:n:al~ ~."I 'TE IS r ......u ~r Ii _ . EV ION ...... AVENUE t.tORTON.'A. rw:-w tbe past two weeksMr. and Mrs. law and daugbter William Whittaker and F.r Debra and, Douglas from Water~ ford, Conn. ColI Mrs. Robert Clothier of Timber IIRS. LLOYD E. OliFF••• Jump lane entertalned tbe Alpha KI 3-20ao Gamma Deltas at tbelr first fall meeting on September 21. -:=====~ Mrs. George Dunn of Dickinson I'i:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii avenue recently remrned home from Springfield, Vii .• where she had spent two weeks vlsltingber Served Daily son-In-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Padgett, Jr., and ~oth Hot & Cold DI.h.. family. October 6, 1961 MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY I ... -F IDE L I TY---'-' Phlladelpl'na Tru8t Co. RoOm 130S, Philadelphia 9. Pa. Please send me all the t.cts • without obligation, about . CASH-MATlCso that I can find out hoW to borrow money .,ny time simply by .rltln._ ch,ck. THE BAND Is Now Mor. lba. 100 Pla,.rswll" 18 .Irls as, Color G.ard & flag TIlls fl •••ro.p plays al all HI." Se"ool foolball .a••s, t". Hallow.' •• parall. tile M8110rlal Da, parade aid ot".r fllctlols .Ivl•••llo,•••t to IS all ••••• II t... last t"r.. y.ars yo.r eo.lrlb.tlols Itav....Ip •• to r.plae. abOiI 75% of t". tw•• ••Ifor.s. Now t....oal of Ii o.tflttl.. Is I. si,"t .•• '. Have yo.r fol.I.. • •••y r.a.y w.... a_..'" Solicitor calls .t your .oor. If yo. pr.fer • a e.eell .ay II••ad. o.t t. "Swart...or..."I......... P.r.lls Associatl•••" If .alled, a•• to t... Tre.slrer, an. H.ward, 127 L1•••• ·A•••, ......... TII.,* yn for , ••(eo.trill....... , ............_s.".rt I. ft.. ,.st. . ~ • ,. £ SWAitilili4ciutU11DG'.IAND "~~iNIS ASSOGIATION .' . . - - ' . ' ' Page 4 THE SWAllTHMOREAN October 6, 1961 FRIENDS MEETING NOTES McCorkel. To Lead Bowie. Return From Friends are looking forward to Roundtable'Discussions Month's Trip Abroad THE SWARTHMOREAN Wilson's presentatIon of l"l~ovel~ed Bridge Ramblings In Roy McCorkel, Cornell avenue, Dr. and Mrs. Morris A. Bowie PUBlISHI!D EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE. PENNA. England ~ndPennsYlvanla". the American Friel)ds Service South Chester road recently PETER E. TOLD, MARJORIE T. TOLD, PKbliaMn illustrated talk wUl be given 1~~~~:~It~~ei wUl be the discussion Ireturl~ed from a month in Europe. the Rushmore Room of Whittier II at the Friday roundtable Dr, Bowie',S Interest in Spas took Phone KIngswood 3-0900 I~~~~rsl; on Friday evening, OctMedia Fellowship House, to- them first to HelSinki, Finland, PETER E. TOLD, Bdit!atlons. Mr. McCorllel will Baden-Baden, Germany, and MonItoIalle D. PelrlOl M817 E, Palmer Marjorie T. Told Idilscllss' "Preparing Adults For tecatinl near Florence, Itaiy. Why the healing law Of God can In The World Today and They also stopped In CopenEntered· as Second Clas8 Matter, January 24. l!1'l!1. at the PO"t relied upon to overcome sin I~;;:~;:~rc;;'" hagen, Interlaken, Munich, SaltzOffice at Swarthmore, Pa" under the Act of lllareh 8, 18'19, sickness wUl be explained P ~;~~:~:~ at Christian Science The second discussion of the burg and Florence before a week DEADLINE - WEDNESDAY NOON services in the LeslO.QD'on October 13, w1ll be led Rome, and took a short trip to Mrs. Roy McCorkel, on "pre-I~:!~~,e:,;, Sorrento and CaprI. They SWARTHMORE, PENNA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6,1961 IS.nmlon entitled 'Are Sin, Disease, Ch'ld f LI i i Th J. fortunate to b. e able to hear Death Real? ' I~~~;i,:t 1 ren or v ng n e ~------------"""'1~--M-E-T-H-O-D-I-S-T-N-O-T-E-S--' Among the sc,rlptural select-II Today and Tomorrow". Rosenkaveller" at the SalCHURCH SERVICES ions to be read are these words On October 20, Mrs. Charlottel t zburg1'eslth'al Opera House, and Mr. Kulp wUl begin a series of ot Isaiah (33): "For the I,ord Is I~::~~:~y~ representative from the have a clear day for the trip Sunday on the theme, I~ United Nations Committee, the Jungfrau. "Living the Lord's Prayer." His our judge, the Lord Is our lawask the question, "How does On September 4 Dr. Bowie pre:;~~1~~;~ this week will be "Our giver, the Lord is ourr',~I:~:it~~I~~~~I~support the United Nations a paper in Rome before PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Hallowed Be Thy Name." will save ussay, ... And the IIsick: d Wha t Mare Shau Id We B e 10th I nt ernatl anaI Congress shall not I am an D. Evor Roberts, Minister The Board of Trustees will Doing?" Rheumatism' on "The Anemia Robert O.Browne,Assoc.Mlnister meet at 12 nOOI1 for a "Buildlng people that dwell therein smUll The Friday roundtables begin Rheumatoid Arthrltls". After Minister of Christian Education Committee Report.: be forgiven their Iniquity." at 12:30, ending promptly at 1:30. conoluslon of the Congress, Sunday, October 8 The Wesley Fellowship of An Invitation is extended to All are welcome to .j.ttend these john received many mem9: 15 A.M.-Morning Worship and College students and to attend the services at dlsc\lssions. and their families at his Church School coll~ge age youth of the church IClltur'ch of Christ, SCientist, 206 residence and gave • Swarthmore women who attendextemporaneous speech 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship and will have its first supper meeting ark avenue at 11 o'clock. Church School. Sunday at 5:30 p.m. at the pared the luncheon yesterday in hon-about his own arthritis. 9:30 A.M.-Women's Bible Class sonage. This w1ll be "get acBAHA'I WORSHIP SERVICE or of Mrs. Catherine Adams, Con- The Bowies' daughter .Janet Tuesd~y; October 10 qualnted night" and a review Baha'Is and their friends w1ll troller of Delaware County, were was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. 9:00 A.M.-Morning Prayers the. great variety of summer gather at the home of Ann Han- Mrs. Will1am A. Welsh, Mrs. Le- H. Gibson of Elm avenue during 0 b 11 penences, especially the nold, 524 Rutgers avenue, on Sun- roy E. Peterson, Mrs. Frederick their absence. Wd d e nes oy, cto er delegate, Chuck otto's ~:~:~;li~~'at~~3 p.m. for a Baha'I Wo,r-.I D. Dudley, Mrs. Charles Gilbert, 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion the Seventh Quadrennial .Servlce. The theme be Mrs. James Taylor and Mrs. I---B-a-c-Ic-,-h-e-B-a-nd-/!--11:30 A.M.-Women's Panel ence of the Methodist toward, "Love, Unity, L. Malone. . 12:30 A.M.-Women's Luncheon Movement. IP'U('A" I'j_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • Mr. James L. Malone of Dart- II an d Speake r Both the Junior and Se ni or 11l1~1l1 Prayers and meditations from GUI'tar 6:30 P.M.-Business Women's Fellowships w1ll meet Sunday a'ithe world's great religions will avenue spent two days in this week, as a re01 r 7 nne included on the program; this Classical - Popular 7:30 P.M.-Adult Education Tuesday the Commission be followed by a showing of of the University of Thursday, October 12 Education w1ll meet at 8 p.m. slides of the Baba'i House of admlnistratlve .. ··"~lll WM •. LaPATA . I . I t COmmittee meetings at the NaM -, Th 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion e Mll am ClIC e mee s at on the shor,es of Lake Itlon,"1 U.. C Viii.-e KI 4-~''''8 f al Science Foundation, ..""'" -.,----.---.----------1 h ome 0 Mrs. James M comson, In 111lnols, and dedir=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1565 Blackrock road at 8 p.m. to the unity and onenells of METHODIST CHURCH Tuesday. The Rev.John C,Kulp,Mlnlster Elinor . Shinn w1ll speak A SOCial hour will follow. AnyMinister for Youth \ Esther Hall at the W.S.C.S. meet-1M'" l"hols Interested to take part Charles Schisl.r .TRADITION ing Wednesday aftenioon at 1 p:m. cordially Il\vited to attend. Minister of Music In the chapel. Sunday, October 8 The Commission on Sympathetic service, dependabIlIty and 8:30 A.M.-fdornlng Worship ship & Evangelism w1ll have LIBRARY . regular meeting Wednesday Fiction-Joyce Cary, An Amerunderatanding are traditional with 9:45 A.M.-Sunday School Ing at 8. Ican visitor; Henry Cecil, Daugh11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship Thursday October 12 fro 10 ters In law; Hester Chapman, 7:30 P.M.-Jr. - Sr, MYF a.m.-2:30 ~.m. w1ll be 'the m Eugel\1e; B. Chute, The moon and Wednesday, October 11 sewing dayfor the Methodist the thorn; Antho','y Hope, Prisoner _eraa o. ",,~AI. ___ -:l~:~O~O~P:::.~M::.~W'.:.S~.C:::.~S~.______ lp~t;~ and each second of Zenda; James Joyce, Dublinthe month thereafter. ers;Franz Kafka, The trial; David '120 eN.I1NU' Inlll TRINITY CHURCH _____ . ____ Lawrence, The rainbow; "~:;~~I _"MAr MMf"' . . . " I' 7 !M,alfau:~, Man's fate; F. Van The Rev; Layton P. Zimmer, . Rector PRESBYTERIAN NOTES Mason, The sea 'venture; ~~:::~I LO·IoIII. Morning Worship and Churc:hi il~Y Mathers, The pass b, The Rev. Ceorge R, McKelvey, Curate 1~~~I~~k are held at 9:15 and Kashmir; J, Salamanca, Lilith; Sunday, October 8 I( The Women's Sundays.Bible class J. Salinger, Franny zo'."o!e~y~;II--.J~~:~~~~~:::::::::::=:~ Schulberg, What and makes ~ (Trinity XIX) Im.,et at 9:30. my run?; William L. Shjrer, 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion and Morning Prayers are held at rlo;e and fall of the 3rd Reich; Word Tuesday. Irving Stone, The agony and 9:30 A.M.-Family Morning The Men's Association ecstasy; Louis Zara, Dark rider. Prayer and Sermon meet on Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. MYsteries-David Dodge, Hall for a dinner ambola; Clifford D. Simak, 1!,,'11 I 11:15 A.M;-Morning Prayer and Sermon' The Rev. MYrvin time Is the simplest thing. 8:00 P.M.-Holy CommuMon speak on the topic "Why Non-fictlon-Cha:l~o:~tt~e~!~~~~~:~~1 Monday, October 9 are Protestant." The old original The Trustees Meeting wUl cookbook; Angelo 9: 15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer held at 8:30 Tuesday night. The race; Ty Cobb, MY Tuesday, October 10 . Holy Communion Is held at baseball; Barnaby conllr~a~d:'bI~~~~~I a.m. Wednesdays and 10 of fear; Fay Kanln, E 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer Grant S. McClellan, Capital 6:00 P.M.-Evenl·ng Prayer The Board Meeting of isilment; Frank Towsome, Wednesday, October 11 IWolmen's Association will be Trolley car treasury; Mark sclnor'er,1 7:00 A.M.-Holy Communion 9:15 a.m. Wednesday. The pa.n-ISinclair Lewis; W. Swan\ierg, 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer of delegates from the PUirduelizen Hearst; George Waller, Kid6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer ITrleIIDI,al Meeting be held nap,IJerome Weldinan, Tenderioln, Thursday, October 12 followed by the RonaldJohnW1lllams,Be,rmudiianal 9: 15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 11Ulnclleo>n and program at 12:30. Iteference-Chlldren's catalog, 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer The Business and Pr,ofe,ss.loIlalllOth ed., Who's who. Friday, October 13 I~;~~::~": group wUl hold Its -·'-'1 L I' Wednesday 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer In meeting McCahanonHall. The gro>upl Woman's CI·u D Notes __ 6_:_0_0_P_.._M_._E_v_e_n_ln_g_p_ra_y._e_r___ attend tbe evening stully On Friday, October 13. at 12 ISi()Os under the noon the music departmen't THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY series. meet for lunch In OF FRIENDS The Adult Education prior to attending tbe. P~tllElI1eI-1 Saturday, October 7 held at 7:30 Wednesday phla Orchestra Concert. hcating for comfort this winter. It usually The Bridge and Fashion Show FIRST CHURCH Of 6:15 P.M.-Dinner in College sponsored by the health and weltakes only one day to convert your heating system Dining Roomin honor of AFSC CHRIST SCIENTIST fare and education depBlrtmlentsl par tlcipants. to gas. Then you'll have carefre~ heating comfort wUl be held on October 17. Sunday, October 8 Sunday;October 8 On Friday, October 13, the Rhythis year and for many years ro come. 9:45 A.M.-First-day School 1:00 A.M.-Sunday School 1:00 A.M.-The Lesson - "Are thmic Exercise Class with Alice 9:45 A.M.-Adult Forum - John Sin, Disease, and Death Real?' Kraft as teacher will have Its Moore Speaker. "How We Got lVe,dm,sdlay e"ening meeting each first meeting from 9 to 10 a.m. In BUDGEl' PLAN Our Bible." M Re ad! ng Room, the Woman's Club. This .will be wee k , 8 P .., 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. 409, Dartmouth Avenue, open the first of a series of 10 meetFor add.d conveftienc., gal house h ..ii... pay. ....... call 1M ....H in ... .,.1 amounts 0"... • Children cared for In Whittier week-days except hOlidays, 10- ings to continue on Fridays at the same tim';! and place. 10-...", peri.... Gel m.... ....i7. "'em. tIt. House. 5; Friday evealng. 7-9. Cuato ..... s.,vke D.p.:lIitM' of your n ..... Monday, October 9 . PhlIeoIeI..... Electric c.m""r' 1Iffi.., ' All-day Sewing for AFSC LEIPER PRESBYTERIAN SflS FOOTBALL MOVIES Wednesday, October 11 CHURCH High School Coach Millard Rob900 F.lrYl_ R_d 11~J::~i~,swishes to announce that All-day Sewing for AFSC Rev • .Ie_I ladoer, Min.I of the 8aturdayllame w1ll 8:00 p.M.-Dr. Alice Kellber, .the' • ll.o....... ,-_ .....nd s.~, Gel •• ., 8 showlOon.o u .". noted educator, ·speaker. Dr. -r . each at''J:30 in the Keliher's topic will he "What tI:SO A....-Charcll school scllool TIle. A~ •.•• I 1 IHEOllVER H. BAIR CO. '.h...... will ;;·".~'i~·~· .. ~"~"~~J~:!!J~!e~~~.+-" """l"C October 6, 1961 PIlle I. THB 8WARTBMOREAN Parents of Troop 683 Hear Year's Plans Parents of Girl Scout Troop 683 .met last week at Whittier House to hear from their leaders plans for the troop's activities for the current year. Mrs. Leonard Loverldge,leader, said that a few girls would be finishing their requirements fat First Class Rank, but the majority would go straight Into work for their Curved; Bar. Mrs. Jobn Spencllr, co-leader, outlined the special events tbe girls would probably wish to particlpate In - wblch Included fun for themselves as wellas aervice to others. Mrs. Colin Bell, troop committee chairman, Introduced the other members of the committee: Mrs. John Trevaskls, Jr., cookie chairman forthetroop and special adVisor on scouting skills; Mrs. Gerald Powell,' treasurer; Mrs. . Roland Colt, hospitality and telephone;Mrs. Jorell Kelley, transportation; Mrs. Leroy Peterson camping consultant. The members of Troop 683 are: Jennifer Bell, Lynn Clarke, Claudia Colt, Virginia Dudley, Jo Ann Dumm, Linda Estabrook, Mr. and Mrs.1V1lllam H.Drlehaus .Rule, for Bicycle Safety LOCAL RIDDLE TAL Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. Bell, forof Yale avenue have returned 1. Observe all tra(f1c regula- AUXILIARY RAISES $600 residing In the Dartmouth from a week spent at Sebec home tlons and come to a full stop at Members of the committee have moved Into tbelr new stop Signs and red traffic lights' the Swarthmore Auxiliary for at Crestview Drive, R-27, Lake. Me. Mr. and Mrs. Alban B. Clark 2. ExerCise speCial care at third a!lnual Riddle crossings and always wait. for Hospital Cottntry Fair held SepMr. and Mrs. David P. Wisdom and daughter Susan of Cornell gates to go up and red lights to tember23 at Rose Tree Hunt Vassar avenue have returned avenue, . accompanied by Mrs. stop blinking before crossing were: Mrs. Robert L .. Tholl1son af~:thS~~:d~~:d!:?S ~:t~~~ Harry B. Houck of Birmingham, Mich., a house guest of the Clark It",cks: of Park avenue, chalrman, and 3. Slow down at all street in- Mrs. Charles Innis, Jr., ~O.~f~R::I~v::e~rr~-I~.~~F, A. Robinson in Esther- family for a week, recently mota", ed to Goucher College, Towson, and look to right and view road and Mrs. John ' Ia. Md., over the weekend where Susbefore crossing; of North Chester road, COLLEGE SR, TO TAKE an entered as a freshman. 4. Ride on right Side of the men, IN TV SERIES Move with traffic and stay Mrs. Ralph Stimmel of unlver-, close to' curb. Always ride In slty place was In charge James R. Himes, senior , Swarthmore College, wlll iDa;~~'~~II~ ~,_~~ '~~ Single rue; , chances. .J .J. 5. Have satisfactory signal deOver-all, the Swarthmore A~~'lotih~rln a discussion ~~ War With Russla·lthE!O~len-l« III arY contrlb ut e d over $600" to warn of lngtelevlslon program In a 6. Give the wards the Country Fair profits. sponsored by the way. under 12 are perCommitte mitted to USe sidewalks; HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI program Is s~:'~~;~~~'~1 7. Lookout for cars pUJ111nlg FOOTBALL HIGHLIGHTS 12:30 p.m. on October from curb. Keep sharp George Pappas scored tw,nl~rR(JV by NBC. for sudden opening of auto doors; touchdowns for Army in 8. Never hitch on other vehi- victory over Richmond at Caroline D.' Webster of cles, I'stunt", or race at any time; P o i n t . · . returned to Mt. ' 9. It Is not advisable to c9.,·rvl Dave Houtz made his debut aslCoUege, South Hadley, riders or packages that ob- punter and fullback for North w:::~h~er~e~s~h~e:w~Il~I~b~e~a~~~~~ struct viSion; ollna state and averaged64'vardslr 10. Be sure that brakes In three k i c k s . ' operating. effiCiently and 325 N. Fairview Road bike In perfect condition. ChEtckl SENIOR PARENTS MEET Helen Clyde Woodlyn. Pa. nuts and bolts periodically; BIg;mlen a Sp.c; lit ~1I'hr<)u!:h MacDade Blvd. One 11. Always use proper. W1l11am M. Bush,. principal ~ lbp «se H,acil,lI' Daffodils T,lIps E,c The lems' Gar.en Piano 1~;M~U~.~·C~V~m~~~~'~.~KI~~4.544~~~8~~~~~~~~0~n~F~a~l~rv~i~e~W~I~~ Nancy Field, Cindy Robin Hammershalmb, SandyFox, Harrlsson, Ida Hay, Susan Anne Kelley, Linda Lane, Tine Loveridge, Barbara Netzel, Judy Powell, Ann Shugarts,' Christine Smith, J1l1 Spencer, Anne Trevaskls, Ann Whittier, Susan Woerner. for turning and sure stopping'• school Dr. James F. were lIwln guest of thespE!ak-1 .signals 12. PARENTS I Be faculty child can operate hand brake ers at the 12th Grade. Parents, ficlently' meeting September 28 at the 13. N~ child under third gers Avenue' All PUrpose Room. may ride a bike to school; Mrs. Kenneth stuart, ~~"~:~:;~I 14: No child may ride a bike of the class presided at the on wet streets' ing. Plans for the year were 15. If bike is used at n'tght sented. light Is reqnired; -------~ibrary Prepares 16. Those children with BOROUGH RESIDENTS bikes should be retested. INVITED TO 'SHOOT' Fall Display Any borough residents, young DEWEES FASHIONS LOCAL MODELS The Swartbmore Public Library DANCING older, who would 11ke to shoot has prepared a special fall disTO OPEN Ithe,lr bows and arrows with Tuesday, Oct, 17 play on books and reading, with Alice Kraft's rhythmic dancing of college students, special emphasis on the practice w11l beglnThursday,Octwomen .. on the girls ath~eticl of book celisorshipthroughout the 12 at 3:30 p.m. for children w11l have an opportunity years. Nearly. 100 titles - varying on Friday, October 13 at 9 today at 4:30. Sessions from such worlis as the Bible, for adults, It was announced Mondays and WednE!sdayl 'which has the distinction of beweek. 'I~~:~t.lf there Is sufficient Ing the first printed book to be On Thursday afternoons, Miss I' burned in England, to the Mickey Draft wUllead three classes, Only those with tbelr own efor older girls, and qulpment can shoot. There Mouse comics, wblch fall victim Widely known in Europe to~ .qhinese censors.'. . , boys-:,In the all-purpose room In Instruction for those who wI""1 on Immorality -. are featored elementary school. The Any questioQs should be the display. Copies of each w11l be held on Friday ~cted to Virginia Rath at the III the titles mentioned have in the Woman's' Club. lege, KI 3-0200. been placed on. display and Albert Hansen wliI accomavailable for ci~culatlon. Miss Kraft on the plano. . Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T, Van The library Is also preparing Further Information on the Chll· of Thayer road have had as 10 '0 to pbice Its magazine order ,for classes may be secured guests this week Lt. and .OWl••I' the coming year. Any. suggestions Mrs, Jobn McCoubrey, KI 3- Mrs. Dwight Roach from the Grlfas to selection would be welcomMrS. Edward Cratsley may fiss Alr Force Base at Rome, N. ed and cOl\sldered. Recommendacalled at KI 3-6476 for Infor· Mrs, Roach is a niece of Mr. Van tlons in writing should be left' on the adult cla~ses. Urk. . the desk by October 16. Mr. Osborne H. Paddlson Trained Ae Delcroze Teacher In the New York School, Previously FRI ENDL Y OPEN, HOUS E Ogden avenue Is recuperating at Taught in N.Y.C. SRA BOARD HOLDS TO MEET MONDAY AT 2 his home following his stay Classes Start Oct, 23 - Call LO 6-9966 MONTHLY MEETING The fiist meeting this fall Hospital where he was The board of the Friendly Open House wUl be patient. Recreation Association. held uSI~~:", on October 9 at 2 p. m. at Susan Campbell of Vassar av- ~!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=; ·monthly meeting on Thursday, Presbyterian Church. The along with twoof·her ca'>;"-I f September 28 in Borough Hall. will share their summer at Wilson College, ChamReports from Director of . will spend the week,encll Club, Luman Gesford .and Susan's parents Dr. and Mrs. AFSC DINNER SATURDAY C. Campbell. All of tor of the Pre-School and Program Mrs. David H, A dinner bonorlng s~::~~~c:;~I~~~~e~are members of the V:~~~~!~i Jr., were given. Meeting members who have team and are coming Mrs. Herman Bloom and Sen'lcl.II()r the game with Temple Univ.!r-J Arth1l! Kent, co-chairmen of ved In American Friends sUy. . d th - eet-I C,jmlnlttee projects recently f Garnet Canteen, jolne _pe'!lm"tionll ~~ beld Saturday at Butch Hofmann of ing anI! explalned their UI and George Abbe of Harvard p,m., In the Co IIege of the canteen. -wartlt~l:to()m. enue have entered Urslhus ColThe next meeting of the :S' CollegevWe, as more Recreation Association the freshman class. be its annual meeting on Octotlerl Karen Peterson, daughter 19 at 8 p.m. in BOro~gh Hall. and Mrs. Leroy G. ~::!~~~~I Vassar avenue, is a fl "I saw it In the S-rthmOreari." at Oberlin College,Ohio. FALL FASHION SHOW' BRIDGE a''s Cllb ••••11' Scliolarsilip , W.lfar. Fllds 1/t«4te (!I,a4,u in 3. 4. 5~.~ 1)~EwrA~" Til. Clilid D.v.lops •• sels.' aid'aldcal rllrt••, ••Iod, ,1I.r.ol, a s'lsl,lv. ear .1111 115,••111 aid .rl'lll a.III". Mos' I.,ortal' • II. co••s lov. ..slc aid I.arls cr.a'e as ••nas r.spold IlIr"lli aid I.allla'iv. la ••s. . . CAROLYN DANFORTH DAVIS, 'eacll.r Friday & Saturday Only oaOBER 6,11 , 7,11 1961 ONLY Indian Nurseries, Inc. MI4IdJe~ Road - Media; Pa.. ()ppo8Ite m.h Mes&nr (hetWlIII Dllttc!a 11111 Boad UtI KDowICitMlllOlld) \ T• ..,hanc TR.....ont 2-7_ All fw lEN PALNfII • • EVERGREENS YEWS - RHODODENDRONS .YRACANTHA (Fh ....o..) , SHADE TRIES Peat Moss - Fertilizers .summer October - delightful autumn days in the sunny salt air. Beachlront sURdeeks, ovening entertainment. New Ocean Wing with TV and private terraces. Twin beds with bath Irom $13 Mod. Am.. $7.50 European each person. Ask about Inclusive Plan. awner· sflip mlMgement • Josiah White & Sons. ltd. Ph. 6Q9. 345-1211; in N.Y. MU 2-4S1~. marlborough 1)(enbeim Something For Everyone BOYS (Some Cowgirls) 25% off any GUN or GUN & HOLSTER set OVER $1.00 FAMILY .25% off any JIG SAW PUZZLE if your total ;ig sow puzzle order is OVER $1.00 (Plus Boys & Girls) . GIRLS (Boys Too) Camera 25% off any HA'ND PUPPET if your total puppet purchase is OVER $1.00 a Hobby Shop ·4-' ...... II~.S •• d.II..... Page 6 THB 8WARTRIIORBAN I. w· Mr, M a r c h ' the weekend with his pair-II North Chester road bave returnedl ents Capt, and Mrs, Cor ben C, ESTATE Shute Maple 'avenue. Eslale of NOTICE Ellen Jenkins,of:~:~~jl!;othelr t summer d ue t 0 home Mr, of of theA.Borough ' V., and Mrs, HaroId G"Grl ffin ed. lale more. Delaware Counly. Pa, of Rutgers avenue have returned Mr, and Mrs, Richard L, after spending two weeks Letlers testamenlary on Ihe eslale have been granled 10 the of 915 Westdale Lake Winnisquam. near Laconia, dersigned who requesl all last Thursday to N.H, They were accompanied by having claims or demands Ihe eslale of Ihe decedenl home at their farm at Mrs, Griffin's sls~er Mrs, William known Ihe same and all Cape May County. N,J, of Arlington, Mass .. who will debled to Ihe decedenl Mr, and Mrs, Charles,E, Ennis, a month with them, delay 10 f III d MI ment without Jenkins. 50s N,Chesler a Evansv e. In '. ss All ce Craemer at New more, Pa" or to Wayland Into their new home at City, formerly of Swarthmore, 1900 Land Title Building avenue, new on Saturday to Puerto Rico phla 10, Pa, 3T·IO·20, Edward Shute, a student at for a two week vacation, . -____________·,11~~~S£Ch~0~0~1~~~~~~2M~d~,~,~____~____ - - - - - - Office Supplies T",writer Sanlca ,.rk Belvedere Convalescent Home oeu' , alae "naT UDD: " _ J'rtday. October II, 1"1 I:. A.!II. 0.,.11"" Sa"I... 'naw ;~;~~~orr;~~:a ALL THAT CERTAIN' brick meauaaand 101 or side ofofThird land 8Uu.ele &he Sout.herly I! on at the dllt'nee or 5e,,"enty Two feet 81_ Inches westwardly (rom the South· of SlId Third Street and plt~ In the ell)' 01 etta'H. and Staw 01 Penn... I~~~~~~~!~;:~ brick. lO.:.:.L:... oh!,!!c.o ':'~~:l1IL ~k~~~:TQ~~ue~eCn.~~~:j!;ij:J~ill~~ i: "I!!g!,,!!,,,d FOR SALE - Flute, GetzeD,l1leluxe other W/iY r~~~~~~~~~~~ ==:"'==_::;'9::::;:;~ • shades giass mended, 3-0174, Kii'i!.rwO<'d I HOW' Ihl'litWI~e"'DR. • , Ai " KI 3-8093 'erpinj'" .Ai"; 1IIi:J:RiIor'" 'OPJh£Wi Jewelry lkJllllred Ph. XI a-a.t8 II II iiilillill EMJL SPIES lock RepBll'S SwarthJnore. I'lL , Ib: IOc NONE PRICED HIGHER c "Sv,..r-lipt" QUllity H ... Prte." Hi• ..., M~?~~M • SHRIMP 31 to 42 Shrimp to the pound 5 -lb. box Ib.79 $3e89 C ••,.1.. 95c Fresh Crab t~~~"'; •• 19c Large Size Fresh Porgies Sliced Halibut Steak Large No. 1 Smelts 3'::~65c 18111 illil 11111 I 1-111, clln Ib'l9c Iii ilJll1i1ll1 Ib, 46c I~. 23c III II I llliill A&P Fin. Froz.n Footl. FROZEN -lb. pkg, NONE PRICED HIGHER • CAP'N JOHN'S FROZEN lb•• pkgl. NONE PRICED HIGHER Pliofilm bags , NONE PRICED HIGHER 0 ib. CAP'N JOHN'S FROZEN FROZEN HAM, MEATLOAF, TURKEY, AND CHINESE pkgl, CUT OR FRENCH STYLE NONE PRICED HIGHER 9-DZ. pkgl, NONE PRICED HIGHER lb •. .SBMiBI., S"- OJ!'R!W..,== 00UB't'~1DIf?lAo Ann 'ROGER RUSSELL P ..., ':s) AJIL DIQ'lJ&ht Savlna TIme on ...,. 01 ~ .June Term. 116' • BrATB .. ,MONROE MEDI4 ••••• I.. Drink 4 :;:•. 89c l Ap PIGr.p.frult ....U,T.. '12,•• 1. 43c g.'. 13c lppIe CI'def R,10. b ... d boo, ~. Happy Home Glasses 8,: 15c Sugar 0 ....1..... 5 ~~~ 55c 10.;'!',; '1.09 Ajax Cleanser 2 ~~:. 29c 2 .:~:. 43c Daily Dog Food 12 '::!i:~ 15c Dixie Belle Saltines ~~ 19t LOwell 6-2176 OPEN PlUDAY EVENINGS CRESSON PRICHARD REALTOR KI 3-1112 I&P Apple Sauce 4 ':::. 49c Surf Detergent !:~.";~ 25c ~~.";: 59c I&P ''::'; Doffee t;~~ 61c ~~~. s1.31 Reynold's Wrap ':'u' 29c . Hamburg Slices M~:~N -' "i::' 23c Warwick Thin Mints ~':.: 45c AAP Tomato Juice 2 "::'.:' 49c; H i EIGHT O'CLOCK ~!~. sse $,1:59 MILD AND M~LLOW RICH AND FUll·IODIED VIGOROUS 59c 3·lb, bag sl.11 1·lb. bag 63e 9 FOUND - Child's collarless Jacket. Seplemher 24 al the ~·.""O' Call at Swarlhmorean office. PaIIOI Raofiq 00. ... ESTI'IUSHBI 1m .. the Pi_pelb of RICHARD -'AliM and. SABA. PBATI". ./.,. _ P8A'l"l'. bIo wlfa, " _IL~_ 'I!OOfIN5 ' '8UI1IIIS ·SPOUTlN8 WINEY BOKAR RED CIRCLE 1·lb. bag AND 3·lb, bag 51.83 95c $1.01 16-0z, cans 8 14"'-oz, canl BC, BD, BN, BT Breakfast Drinks Welchade Grape Drink Hi-e Grapeade Drink Lincoln Prune Juice YOUR CHOICE ) ' MIX OR MATCH 3 $1 ....,....... 'M ..... 32..s:, 100" for ".n. P.rk.r ••".,." 'Fr••f. II JANE 'ARKER LARGE LEMON PIE A & P COFFEE PRICES REDUCED II NOTARY PUBLIC Swarthmore A&P--OUR FINEST QUALITY , IrrJ, 900 Michigan Avenue ~IXED 16-0, ••&' ,h Photographic Supplies Frlday._Oct.ober 13, 1961 A&P Ann P.g. Picture Framing t~~~~;'~~:~~~~;;,~~~.~~~~~.~,~~~~~~;~~I CLEAN AND "'BEAUTIFUL . 1111111111 NONE PRICED HIGHER , MOUNTAIN GROWN ,~,. 'OR - A&P FRENCH FRIED b"th, QuIet location. one or 'ults, ,KIngswood 3-2047. FOR RENT - To gellu~m!,I":. comfortable sirable location. - Child care, Experienced, or evenines, KIngswood 4- II!. 25 i.~~ 59c Holiday Cube Steaks 2 $159 2,600z. 79' 2 29c Deviled Crabs 19c Oyster Stew . 2 1!~:. 59' 2 2 85e 49 Morton's Dinners 37' 2 A&P Green Beans 4~~ 39c EATING APPLES Potatoes 2 e 2 2g BARTLETT' P~ARS 2 ;~~'. SSe I::", lOc Vegetables Tomato Soup 'O!!;."··10c I&P White Potatoes r.,. 1Dc AlP Sauerkraut I::", 100' Orange Juice 4~nz~ 75 c 3 l:a~:' $1.00 Kidney Beans Red Beans A.• P... ,~•. 1Oc ' Sultana Baked Beans r::," 1Oc ..... Hawaiian Punch ,,4., y.llow 4 '!::' 49c ... Galvanized Trash Cans .. 51.99 AAP Sliced Beets ...... RED DELICIOUS Thursdays,- References, WANTED Housework, Call ThreeKIngs· days I -----7.=,--....;..-a week. ,Recent references,,·Tel.... LOST phone TRemont 2-4096. WANTED - LADIES, easy io learn Iighl work (can earn $2. per and up), Call Mrs. Hellings, T!~R~u....'.1 mont 6-{l611 for Home appolnt",enl, - To buy books. stamps. coins and old post cards,Mr, Mar. tin, KIngs wood 3-4227, .. WHITE POTATOES CALIFORNIA 'LUSCIOUS SEEDLESS 'GRAPES CRISP CALIFORNIA FRESH CARROTS SNO-WHITE FRESH MUSHROOMS Convalescent Home WANTED - Child care, Mare. tu ac· I FOR RENT - MediI\. Lady with lve experienced woman. Days, ev· ltule may share other lady's sec.. enings, References, ,65' per hour, ond floor apartment. LOwell 6-4091. ___ plher .... dltIoruo Klngswood 4-2553. 1---------,-'----------1 No" 2815 FOR RENT - Large comfortably WANTED - High school girl desires furnished room, stctof~ra~g~e.o~~"'ll~ baby sitting Jobs, Experienced, KI· privacy, ,new home. IC ngswood 3-9442. 3329. - Day's work, two or three 4-4801. gill A-SIZE, U, S. NO.1, LOCAL ELNWOOD COnditltlDe: . $3lMt.00 cub 01' eertWecl _ at time of oaIe (unlao otherw.... lltated In advertisement). b·Janee In·ten . 4-0861 evenings, ,·Ib. 51c Frankfurters ;:;:;:. P.9· "Super. 2,lb. 99= Frankfurt ers III.'" P·9· lb. 55; Ground Veal PaHies Ib'S5c Ground Lamb PaHies Rib Ends of Pork 511,.d Ib'S3c BA ANAS s- 'Ald:ieso and, Rubbish Removed .....'WI. ~w,"ll' Genersi Balull1:l11 >lIS Ave. Morioa, - Woman to do general FOR RENT - Room, second floor. Share bath, shower, Large closet, housecleaning every other Saturday from 9 to 4. KIngswood 4-1564 Central location Swarthmore.liRl,,,g,,, I KIngswood 3-2194, , afler 6, WANTED - Reliable WOII'on tor cleaning and ironing, Mondays"or TRemont 10 A.M.·' P.M. Daily ••d Sunday 3~~b~ $2.35 l~:Pt~·~~r~:. lb. 67C I III GOLDEN NUTRIOUS WATCHMAKER Formerly of F. C. - . . &lUI ''IDe Watch and US Yale Ave. WILLIAM' BROOIS FOR RENT - Sunny room ale bath, Convenient to ! ation. KIrIgswood 3-6769 after 1 alia, •• ,..,.. 7 South Chester, ROad FOR RENTLlvingroom. bedroom, "LoL - 9 5358 Jack Prichard PAINTING FLORIST 17 SOuth BOX 48' Chester, Pa. ntemont 2-4759 nt.mont 2-5689 .... '.Ib. 61c IUlood Sliced Bacon Chunk Liverwurst ~~:r,;:' lb. 49c lb. 55c ..eef Tongues "5.';",::~::'" ..··85c Slict-II Boiled Ham ":~:::.; 12 pll,. Ib'13c Fresh Spare Ribs or ....... ."...rA.TZ FOR RENTor three .•,anud F,e. Estimates 1401 Ridley Avenue La 8.lli&! Mary Elle. Bedel.,., , SALE - Household goods of kind, bedroom suites, rumrefrigerator. washer, garden • etc, Moving oul of Stale. must' Phone KIngswood 3-0920, BUILDERS'Slnce L, PARlER • lAoDard 1, TrIpodi. _ . W. ALRICB ~CB.· SALE - Keystone 8mm movie camera magazine load. with case, $26, KIngswood 4-5104, Warm-Air Heating Air Q,nditioning Sheet Metal Work MORRELL CANNED HAMS . SMOKED BONELESS BUTTS P!::l' practicol .xporion •• with 011 malk..l will pay you In tho and. I ~'UH ROOFING ,NOT BUY your r.bullt from a plano tuner of' 47 .,. FOR SALE :"'Motorcycle.Llghtweight COURT BOUd, VCV'. P"', sport IIIlitlel1959 Harley Da'vidsoli, FrIdaY. October ,is; ."'" excellent condition. ,250 or best ':30 A.lI. o.,.lJ&ht Savlna TIme ~nn~~;1~0~ff~er:.~L:o~w~e~1l~6;-~2;6~1'4~,~~______ check 'CoDcUUons: '$150.00 euh or ~!~; Ume of sale (unlHl ~ KI• FOR SALE - Trall er. utillIy, camp- _04 at In .. b ........ _'."_ ing, 16 feel long, 6'h feel wide. 8 ...... Qtl>or _dltt.... on ...,. of feet high, Fiberglas. toP. tandem No, 2130 ' ,.June Term, wheels. eleclric brakes, $325, HUbbard 5-0446. ' 4-2727' General Contractor 0.,.. ~·.~.l~ :~1\f. ~;.~_~~ TUR EYS W, AUUCH PRIcz, BbOlttl, mmlel, excellent conditioD. Call KIngswoo'd,a-7869, a·PlRI AVE., IWARTH.OU _Sol and ALleE BOWMAN, hi..a wife. .- a window will give a new Interesl to a hous ....bound Bicycles repaired; relative, Feeders. houses and accessories, Milt Glass· al Ihe S, Crothers. Jrs .. ,435 Improvement. COI'OlOIat .r on':'~'?,";~~I~ Hobby. Toy ShoP'Cll!~~~i RoBd, Y,-Qilingford,' LOwell 010", h ..... 2Ox3O ft. '.. A venue. detached PRP. 6-11713. Opposi\e r~!!ll..!~-----------'I Sold as the property of ,,,,!,,~u~!...~. _...iSrAs,LE - ~'our Victorian side S_a and ........... B. Spera, ~J condition. New tlolDtly and severally. ' H. D. CHURCH Enanl .. Chlpma' DtrectioM: From SwartlmOfa SCMrth .,. ..Jtlmor. 'i•• to Clew...... T.,. left .... Iwt. J5I k.ard CIIedIr. on.,. 1V•• :z mllu, twa riiltt _ Knowlton I . . . ~ 'I. 1IIIt•• bee.u •• you pey only one price . . . th.- .dvertiMd price." D--mond E, Lonon, &squire ~!:...~~~G:!L~0:!!be:...:9.~2::.7.:.:::13, - IInOM IRITALLATlOIl ., WFIL .... - IIU a.M, CIIa.... I-WFIL-T,-IIII a.M, "TI&e Fa...... "';Ill tI&e Oct4/101llll Bam" REOPEN NEXT VVEEK •..~~~::~..~~;;~~:;........~~:h:I,:k:.,~Th~ln~.•~t~h;ll:h.~,:P,~1,~..;.:.~.~b~u'~n:.~'~A~'P:.:y:..~'~.:n:~~.•p.W.hh..,.•.R.d•..•'•.•.'.A.I.'..!::rt~erhOUS.ROastlb.15C _ml-deuched hoUle llxD n. Sold u the P'l'perty 0' JOE BOWMAN,' -,0-...-:'- d._I. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS LtNVllLA ORCHARDS "A&P's· ble naturally inclu..... n the Vlri.u. cut•• f sirloin and porterhouse which Ire often I.beled .nd .old el.ewhere as 'Chlrcol', 6Hi. and Hen', HAmH.ONZY $'100.00 ~~o":~~ roomsspouling,. a spec· t,......-"---,;,,;,;~==--~~~~~ir'~~M~j~~ FOR SALE - A Bird Feeder, ~ ~ Pearl, Plums, Grapes, Squash and . other fruits and' Vegetable" lb. TOGETHm with the rlJht to \I.e .. Id \.he owners of .lber lands abUtt""', Improvements conaW of • two-5tOr7 e, r .-~- APPLES & SWEO CIDER FLOWERS & FALL DECORATIONS aUe)' In Nmmon with FOB SALE PIPPm TUBima. rIc, zt "'+ Klng5woo~ Alice' Kraft's ----- --- SIRLOIN OR PORTERHOUSE r---------,-----1 ••• 2 A,... I ••rt......, ,., S. E. Hudson KI 4-3360 O..;n'.... JleD ..s &MIkM ............. 0: .-. ..... . OI'FIO& NEWS HOTES: Mrs, A. ,ear at Michigan State Mr. and Mrs, Donald A. KiclderI Jr " and daughter Sandra of Lafay-I East Lansing. they visited and daughter Susan moved ette avenue, accompanied by Mr, Capitol at historic Mackinac Is· Monday to 47 Bryn Mawr avenue, Pelrsol's aunt Mrs. Frank C, land. and the panorama of Amlerl·1 Lansdowne. having formerlY er of Drexel Hill. returned can history at Greenfield .vUlagel sided at. 615 North Chester road, day from Michigan, After and the Ford Museum, Dearb,orn. Miss Patty Campbell has been Gloria Peusol fO~~he~r~::::l~===;;:=======;;=;;==== recuperating at her home on Hav· LOC~L ,CLASSES erford avenue with a knee Injury, Mr. and Mrs, William Craemer returned Saturday night to their Series of 10 October 13 home on Harvard avenue follow· RHYTHMIC EXERCISES for ADULTS - Fridoys 9 A, TO ing a nine-day trip through New England. NONE PRICED HIGHER - Furniture refl',nislhl,n,g.i.1 WANTED - Girl's 24 inch bicycle Quality . al moder· for early January blrlhday, Call antiques and modern, after Monday, KIngswood 4-1335. Klnlswood 4-4888. WANTED - PosiUon as housekeeper by experienced mature woman. Carpenlry Jobbl ng. fond of chUdren, Good cook. local rooms, book cases, references. TRemont 4--4918. , Donnelly, KIngSwo?d WANTED - Yoang lady. senior at Swarthmore College desires room _ Plano luning near College with COOking facUities. merrlber or small apartment, KIngswood 3Leaman. 0200, Ext, 261. Joyce Whyte. Swarthmore .....u 11 ___ ea.N • THB 8WARTHKORBAIf WAITED PERIORAL MIMEOGRAPH SPIRIT DUPLICATOR PHOTOCOPY ....04. _ . CIInGIO tI ' " , _ _A'J'II October 6, 1961 CLASSIFIED ADS A. B. DICK 2507 Chestnut St., Oleater. TRemont 2-5373 October 6, 1961 ",cla' I ••• ". I ,,;~::-pIo39c Blueberry PI ~~':'';.!_ .~:rplo&lc Golde"J.Daf Cake 't~' I~.:r. U2&0 Raisin Tea Ring I ~~ I 390 Whole Wheat Bread I St· I OCt."r' c••••• F••fly., Iraft V.lvllla Ch.... Spread 2 i!; lie ..... el!_ liP Sliced Swisl Ch ...1 in ........ 110• • SlicetI 1....leu ChIl.1 Sell. 1\'1-"• ......... Jane Jane Jane Jane Parker Parker Parker Parker I '1' The Ore.. ,,"".tic & . .. - Pacific TN C. 9047.. October 6. 1961 I SUPPORT BAND THE 5 UNIFORM FUND orthmore , • oei 13 1961 HMOREAN SUPPORT BAND UNIFORM FUND VOLUME33--NUM~BE~R~4~1~----------------S~W-A-RT-H~·M-O-R-E-;P-A-.,-F-R-ID-A-Y------------~------------------~.~.~OO~P~E~R=YE~A7R~ . BLOOD CALLS TOMORROW PHilLIPS APPOINTED CI.b.o.e. To Presiill SHS BAND DRIVE SO Swarthmore Borough residents' FOR W. P. TOMLINSON blood calls may HEAD OF CIVIL DEFENSEhslllo. Silow Taesday FOR SATURDAY, 9 A. M emergency mad. to Mrs. H.L. McCune. Council Also Names O'Fao1a., I Irls• Writer, Critic to Speak ·Here •• :• e Ves, by all means briDgtheeDtitefam• ity to this fiDe pro: fessioaal pharmacy_ : : Our prices ace fair~ • : ou," stocks ample and our serVIce •• courteou, and com· •o • peteat. CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE . Klngswood ]-0586 e... Matching Fabrics & Paints ASAM, SCHUMACHER, IMPERIAL MURALS. SANITAS. PREPASTED DO IT YOURSEl;---1 I BY tMlL, TOOl PHONE L06-7421 We Lend Out Sample Boob PENN See the MEMORIAL PARK in beautiful WEST LAUREL HILL ~ WALLPAPER CO. 228 Baltimore Pk., Springfield Opo. Wid. .. fri. ·til 9 P..... FREE PARKING W J. M. Speak Jr. (I•b M FINE WALLPAPERS SelECT FOR PAPER\iANGER KI 3.2474, or to Mrs. Corben C. ngt·.·me Resident Was Event Aids Welfare t C I C anvass 0 omp ete Shute, KI 3-2474, M~rr:':.C~:I~::1 Johnson ta C S C Scholarship Funds MusiCians' Wardrobes and Mrs. Shute ar. c, Educator, Author William R.. Pbillips of Strath The Woman's Club of SwarthThe Swarthmore High SChool of th. R.d Cross Blood A memorial service for Willard Haven avenue was. appointed will give a Fashion Show Band will conduct its annual sol· Tomlinson will be held nt. chairman of Civil Defense at Bridge to ald its scholarship Icitation for uniform funds this Saturday afternoon In the Monday evening's meeting of welfare funds on Tuesday. Saturday morning beginning at 9 Friends Meeting 1 p.m. in the clubhouse. a.m. This will be the fourth. and Mr. Tomlinson. whose Borough Council. Pbillips SUeceeds Charles Fiscber who has FaUfashlons will be presented hopefully the final. leg of the was at 546 Rutgers avenue. a Pilgrim Gardens store. The drive to entirely reuniform the 100 Sunday in Taylor Hospital. moved from the Borough.Altbough a proposed ordinwlCe governing members of the club playing musicians and the corps k ~'~~~:~tPark. where he had been a f j tt pea ers.L-.sted for · refall -0 ut s he lte rs was h eId for model the costumes: 0 rna ore es. for two weeks. Bornin Jenkintown on February Vision. Council said Borough Mesdames David Bingham. As a result of previous solici- College Collection 1890. he came to Swarthmore at icltor Clarence Myers could pro- Walter N. Moir. Avery F. Blake. tations. 82 new uniforms have ceed with construction of his per- Robert M. Meeks. Judson R. Hoo- been. purchased to date. If this Sean O'Faolain. Irish age of 'two with his parents sonal shelter. Myers, one of two ver. Jr .• Donald R. Aiken. R. L. year's response Is as and critic. will speak to and Emma Tomlinson who residents who had already sub- rhomson; and Miss Courtney as in the past. the :emainder of Istudtients at bthe all-college the Swarthmore Preparamitted applications. sald he. bad rhomson. the group should be in tbe new ec on on T ursday. October School. After his father's received his building permit. Mrs. Ford F. Robinson. chair- type uniform before the close of His topic will be "Trial By he was headmaster of the Councilmen WUliam GUI evlno- man of the Fashion Show. an- the present fall season. ~t:~;" or "It's Good If You from 1920 until 1926 when Five large trucks are on l o a n , sold it. The former school's ed concern for keeping Borough nounces that it will begin promstreets clean this fall and winter. ptly. Background music will be I from interested parties and the-. college Mr. 0 for Faolain willdays be at"n~n' ,Ihuildings on Ches t er roa d a t Harseveral on sat band will be so divided The leaf-loader will undergo played by Mrs. Ethel Allen durth hi avenue are now Swarthmore needed repairs and then tackle ing this exhibit. Bridge wIil fot- urday to provide musical support e P Beta Kappa living quarters. One the annual leaf problemConsid- low with refreshments and door to the majorettes. color Scholar Program. Under·this the Lincoln Laboratory. Mr. Tomlinson was graduated erationofsnow removal was postand cheerleaders who will con- gram he will have Mrs. Robert P. Bradford Is duct the door to door canvBSS. to speak in classes and to 1910 a t H a v e r f 0 r d C0 11ege poned. G·Ul had proposed that the mal groupS of students and band will noontime the At Borough arrange now for a ~oad- chairman of Bridge; Mrs. Harold he was a member of Phi clearing contractor who would C. Williams .bas had charge of turn to the high school to be The college will alsl) Kappa and captain of the perform if and when needed. the tickets. Mrs. J. W. Warnes vedlunch by members of· the on ·its Collection program team. He later received Agreement as' to depth reqniring will take care of the ''!fres:hm,enlts, I Parents Committee under tbe chiro Asakal. Japan's t d at d ni .. ectlon of Mrs. Colm· Bell. At to the United States. He mas e rs egree Harvar U sucb service could not be reach- and Mrs. John T. Pinkston wiil He also studied at Swarth speak October 19 on "The ed. and the matter was tabled in supervise serving. . C'oncluslon of the noontime College and the Un iversitystatus trust that snowfall will not come The proceeds from tbis eVllnt spite • the musicians will " ofU. S. - Japan Marbourg in Germany and did will be divided between tbe edu- buses to journey to Yeadon ~~,:::~~~~~work in psychology and until decision is made. in the fall a visit Is ,"U'"Later th e aftemoon ga me . Public Safety Chairman Charles cation and the health and . at Columbia University. Th B d P t by Dr. Myron E. Wegman. . Lukens said be tboul!~t the pub- Departm,ents. The education dee an aren s During World War 1 he· served the School of Public Health Com mitt ee inc1udesHerb ert lic sbould be warned that it Is partment will use its share a lieutenant in the department University of Mic~·gan. t Hany illegal to burn leaves in Borough the Woman's Club annual ener. pres id en. '.. psychological testing. United also ap· pear on the Collection "\a:tes t Mrs. J . streets. arship for a deserving vIce presiden, ~, Army Medical Corps. Councilman Harry Wood report- Higb School senior. and Edwards. secretary·. Wld Mr:s.IIPla.tfo,rm. He was a member of the faculty Other 'programs scheduled for treasurer Howard Johnson• he had walked through the Bor- ·and· welfare will be e.nabled . Lawrenceville Academy for , weeklY meeting of Swarth-laA"A?<" oughsurveyingtrees feels 1":.~'!:t:~!:d;i~nc~I;~u;·'dfeacluelcttYuranesdbaydmifanC-_ an instructor by contribute charities. to the club s I i : · the years Dale and Carnegie· courses Improvement ·sbouId beWld done area. beginnillg".bere condition· ' 1937 to '40. ' Is worst. He said the P h i l a d e l - · members both regular pro- In 1937 he founded Tomlinson pbiaElectricCompany had remOVRalei.~ 10 and presentations 1;~~~~~1~f~~'i.~PhiladeIPbia. oldest edelght trees and trimmed three, groups. guidance bureau in II The League of Women Wld tbe Borough is baving nine A&'1 He still directed removed at a cost of $330. He of S war t h m0 r e will hold. . concern which he operated Mon~bS: fir:/!;:t!°s~~esOL':~t~)~'!.~IMrs. Wm. H. Polk, Sr. from his home at the time of his recommended that Ogden avenue World Situation 15 Wld ~orth Chester road be tended lecms will be given. at the! Services Saturday death. In 1948 he became associated with the management connext. Hewasauthorlzed to irivest- Sub·lect of Tues. Talk Church at 1 p_m. After Igate costs. Jobn McCutcheon Raleigh; lunch. the LWV Voters Mrs. Pattie L. Polk. nee Man- sultant firm of Edward N. Hay. TbeBorough will relocate a resident of BenjamlnWest Cbalrman Mrs. . of 401 Brighton avenue. (Continued from Page 8) fuel line and a yew tree for the and Editorial Director of will present representa- at Lankenau Hospital. PbUadelMetbodist Church. Cost will be TV will speak on ,the from each of the local on October 10. after a lengpolitical orgnnizatioDs. to about $50. Moving was necessi- ·world situation and on his tated ·by the Borough's widening iences at the recent Lillian their respective P~~:a:;~~.~i I~~ Mrs. Polk. born on August 28. of Park avenue in front of the trial In Pottsville. at tbe 8 exp~aln wby women 1898 in North Carolina. resided chqrch. clock meeting Tuesday night to join such groups. Swarthmore·for over,40 years. Children to Local A. Sidney J <) h n son. Jr.. of the Junior Woman , s Clu. b Her cWlbe at'complisbedthroUgh,.,and. survivors include her hus- Author Tomorrow North Chester road was named to As foreign correspondent them. ,. William H.• Sr .• three sons. ib he n ew D. Polk. united states Jane Brown (Mrs . P au1) Gem-. the local Civil Service Commls- the C hicago T rune. 'or tbe Democratic replacithe late PbUlp to B li A t · ' . Damascus; William H. mill will vi s it e th w S ar th more sion. -a Loridon er n on ugus· Club of Swarthmore Kniskern. 1939. and was at the front urs. Leroy Peterson. a _hl'rt11i~;:;Sharon Hill; John D.• Chester; Public Library tomorrow morning '" daughters. Doris E .• Baltit t t 11 M G " th f Army a ter e mem~ of the Democratl~:~~;~1;;~01~ as gues s ory e er. rs. emthe German break of World War 11. One iii Le8llle of Delaware Mrs. Walter S. Brown. Jr.. mill.· a long time Swarthmore relfirst men to broadcBSt to the and twice a candidate for Mrs. John O. Mulligan. sident and author of the pereniStates from Poland. he al80 ou'gh Conncil Mrs. Peterson Ind .• ,Mtrws·o Rb·rOoltWlhedrsH. aralseiYS'_ ally popular children's reader from Germany 1 ngti WV b d "Joan Wants a Kitty". plans to broadcasts ade . . 0 me L mem er an and 14· grandchildren. m Mr. Raleigh went, to Italy Board member. and has ~ .."vJ introduce young listeners to her 14th Annual Event for the London Dally Mall. as a member of tile The viewing will be held on newest book. "The Little Bear Iwhich articles revealed the Publi~ Relations Cou··ncU from 7 to 9 p.m. at the and the Princess." Children inContinues Till Nov. 3 of "Lord Haw H a w . " " Baptist Church. Broad terested in attending the Special The Fourteenth Annual Mem- Mr. Ralelg . h re tur ned t 0 and Morton avenue. Morton. 'story . Mrs. Irvin R. Mac ~lwee. pre,. per I0 d· are urge d t0 be at States in July of 1942 sident of the Republican Council Funeral services will be held library promptly at 9:30 Satbers Exhibition of the Arts Center will' open Sunday news analyst and comon Saturday at 1 p.m. morning. . Women for Pennsylvania. and 3 p.m. at the Center on Rogers with stations in phila-Iform'lr Hannab Penn president. FollowingSaturda,y's story perlane in Wallingford. ~~~::t:; He then became WFIL speak for the Republican IIJemc)clrats to Hold the new juvenile accessions Mis. William Ingram of Wolling-Id of news cruIse operations ICclUncil of SWarthmore. September and October will staff correspondent for the . Those planning to attend tbe Family, Dinner Weds. made available for circulation. ford. chairman. says the work to are asked to call Mrs. to LibrarianMarya Hunbe sbown at the Eleventh Annual ExhlbitionoFf'idR,eellgilitlo,_n.palhilA.ardt,eCllpe,hnit'-'I""H:;;e covered the QuemOY-Matsupolae~ln storlazzi. KI3-1292.Baby Swarthmore Demoilrats will sicker. more than 100 new childin 1958. traveled around the is available. (gELth,er at 6:15 p.m. Wednes!lay. titles. designed for all ages ers at the Trust Company from November 1.,....1 and covered the .Olympic WhittIer House for their sixth and reading levels. will be put 12 to 17 will be chosen from Im:skJlalTleS in Rome in 1961. Lately. CONFERENCE SPEAKER annual covered dish family on the shelves at this time. has completed four do.cument- Ronald K. Porter of Wallingfor d The program will be Of special interest will be the exhibition. Members and frl ends 0f th e !UI .es for WFIL-TV. - "Death on a discussion entitled . talks by local candidates. foreign language shelf. filled center are cordially invited to Corner". "Wbite Murder". has the Pbiladelpbia Inby Harry E.·Oppeniander.lwllthe~SYlre8idilnSl;itleSinFrenchattend tbe October 15 opening. ~'''''''._ Wheeled CoP". and "SorDevelopment Corporation for Burgess. Lois eventually .German and SpanTea will be served from 3-5 p.m. on the Rock." to pbUadelpbia and tbe chairman of the· as well - for beginning linThe exliibltlon will continue unDemocratic Comm'i-Il~:~j~~ This she 1 f. Initiated " at the Fall ConferO;lDce til November 3. . ,. ',,'oe. will Introduce county ca a ..... from the Swarthmore TOBER 13 PbUadelphia'BoardofReal- ,. ~ .. ~. ... lUll\> FOR OC yesterday in Philadelphia. Ldidal;es. wbo will be guests at Club. includes at preLO~GS I RETH TO SPEAK Cub Pack 301 will bold dinner. sent such varied titles as yila's Thll1cber Longstretb o~E~~I~;~:I meeting PARENTS LUNCHEOH The dinner is sponsored by "Loe Petit Elephant." Wl easy 'delphia will speak to the 13. at '1:30 p.m.. :~~~=:;I Democratic CommltWe.. an endeulnl French E)!cyclopedie. IIIOre Couooil of; RepllbllCIIII Tbe Sev'enth Grade samuel JUnes, Whittlet trBDSlamen lIut IIIOnth in the AU cubs werpln the a luncheon cillJrmaD,. boOllticlI of Edward Lear's "The Owl KI 4-5010 ESTA'IE NO'l'iCE ' L·OCAL P'OLITICS TO· P·IC FOR LWY LUNCHEON JANE BROWN GEMMILL GUEST STORY TELLER ARTS CENTER TO OPIN MEMBERS EXHIBITION Swifl's Premiull BaHer Ball Estate of Helen W. Bames Brown. also known as Helen W.B. Brown. Deceased. Late of the Borough of swarthmore. Delaware County. Pennsylvania. Letters TestamentSIY on the above Estate ha1le been granted to the undersigned. who request all persons having claims at demands against the Estate of the decedent to make known the same. and all \lerson. In-. debted to the decedent· to make pay~ ment without delay. to John Flagg Gunui.ere. Executor. 3026 Midvale Avenue. PhUadelphia. Pennsylvania. or to his Attorney. Theodore S. Cox. 544B Germantown Avenue. Philadelphia. 44. Pennsylvania.3T10-14. TUR EYS SYMBOLS OF PROTECTION Thes. are the symbols of professional people; men who are skilled in their work. Sure, swift and pOll- itive in their effort., they are ready to help you In time of need. Tbil kind of help is available in insurance too. See go for an expert' analy"s of your Inlurance progrlDL I~. part of the P.S., Personal Service of our agency. Peter E. Tel. All Lines oIlnsuranee KllIFwoad 3-.1833 .... IS& fI.W&o 45c per lb. FRYING CHICKENS 29C lb. FRESH CRANBERRIES 23~ .b. IACI AGAII • ZEIGLER'S SWER CIDER, 55$ • % .1. ~ hi. It caIh .. .,re to -;0, de .... fII ••• R - who ClIIII. TIle . tmte4. t:=.::. . .7M1 .last' a&tend.~and~~~~~at~1 o'clocld. 'who li'fe north "b~""· 118 come Pruz·· ~~~IJI~yelllll8 ... UIe PIIss7Cat." W .. will II1l be l1li \ , , TRB 8WARTRMORBAN Page 2 october 13. 1961 tre. N.Y .• took place on SaturdllJ', The baby weighed f~X pounds. october 7, at 4:30 o'clock in the Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon V. S~ith twelve ounces at birth. Swarthmore Presbyterian Church East McKeesport announce Mrs. Bloom is the former Miss Mrs. R. C. Roberts of Harvard avenue, aunt oC Mrs. Blrnex K. Rev. Dr. D. Evor Roberts and th; of a daughter Tracy Lynn. paula Yackira, daughter oC Mrs. M.orse, Is visiting Mr. Morse's Rev. Peter Braun, brother oC the SePtember 30. Jacob Yacklra Cormerly of New sIster. Mrs. S. B. Corr In Milwaubride. officiated. The paternal grandmother York CUy who is now making her kee, Wlsc .. for three weeks. Mrs. Peter Braun was matron Viola M. S mit h oC Y home with the Blooms. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Walter of honor Cor her sister-in-law. The The maternal gumdpw:-I of Forest lane have had their bridesmaids were Miss Carol are Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Bunker. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan T. Lange guests [or two weeks Mr. Walter's gl, Miss Hope Sp e e r and Mrs. oC Mt. Holyoke place. of Wilmington, Del.. announce the parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. George Hagar. Lindley B: Speers The Smiths also liave a son, birth of their first child, a daughWalter oC Portland, Ore. During was junior bridesmaid. David, 18 months old.. ter, Carolyn Carlson, on SundllJ'. their visit both Mssr. Walter atMr. Hale G. Smith, Jr., was October 8, at Delaware Hospital. man Cor his brother and the Mr. and Mrs. Joel N. Blbom Mrs. Lange Is the former, Jan tended theAmerican Hospital Associalion Convention held in were Richard B;lIJ'shaw avenue are receiving Lawrence, daughter o[ Mr. and Atlantic City. N.J. All spent last Roger Curran, Craig L. Peel and gratulations upon the birth Mrs. H. Logan Lawrence of Welweekend in Williamsburg, Va. Robert Runnett. ' thei~ third child and second son, lesley road. The paternal grandMr. and Mrs. Ford F. A reception was held at the Dan Jacob Bloom, on October 8 parents are Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Patton Gilmour has resumed avenue home of Mr. and of Guernsey road, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mace Gowing oC Parrish road. and his graduate work in Economics A. David M. Speers imillellialtell Mr. and Mrs. Orville H. Miller the Wharton School after a sumthe ceremony. Forest lane sailed Crom New mer spent working for a furniture After a weekspent in Bermuda on the Queen oC Bermuda on Sepin Denmark. During his [irm's young couple will be at hom~ tember 29 Cor Bermuda and Nas- summer holiday period Patton their new apartment in Forest sau.They returned homeSaturday. went on a tour of Sweden. L.1. Miss Virginia Coleman of RutMr. and Mrs. Willis Weatherford, Mrs. David McCahan oC Strllthl gers avenue will entertain at formerly o[ 515 Elm avenue. have Haven avenue, Mr. and Mrs. CarBEAUTY IS A. AUTU•• IlPSYI luncheon and shower tomorrow moved to their new home at 319 P. Streeter of Columbia av9 South Chester Road [or Mrs. Nancy Xander of Cornell Cedar lane. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph enue and Dr. and Mrs. Frank G. avenue, whose marriage to Mr. L. Shively. and son Tommy are Keenen oC North Chester road enCall Klngswood 3-0476 Philip E. Coleman of new 0 c cup ant s of the former the bridal party and outA.etYe ............. Swutla_*. a ....... 4 .....• .... avenue will take place on Octo- Weatherford home coming here oC-town guests at brunch prior ber 28. from Cleveland, O. Dr. the wedding at the Keenen hOlllel Dr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas teaches mathematics at swarth- on North Chester road.' of Riverview road recently spent College. Following the wedding re(:ep-I a week inChatll'luaCounty, N.Y. Mrs. Edward M. Bassett tion, the Bloom twins Fred Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heath Chester road will entertain "Vs . Bruce E. Young enltert,ainled Check Your Car for Summer Driving will entertain at a dinner party a tea tomorrow In honor of her the young people, Including Motor Tune-Up Check Brakes tomorrow. evening at their home guest, Mrs. Addison Wick- bride and bridegroom at a oBlrtv I on Cedar lane. oC Winter Park, Fla., former- at the home oC their parents, Mr. Wheel Balance Gulf Gas & 0115 Mrs. Frank Morey of Yale avoC Swarthmore. and .Mrs. Herman M. Bloom V. E. ATZ. Mgr. enne attended the firBt meeting Columbia avenue. ENGAGEMENTS of the season of tbe Kappa RU~SELL'S SERVICE Sorority, Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Walter WILSON ...MYERS Opposite Borough Par~ing Lot CohfapMtser.chlellrrdredceGntly at trheMhdlllme of Berea, 0., announce 'the Mr and Mrs Jacob ElollliDl!:erl 11qi.... I·.... D.I1....tb and Lafayettl AVI,... . orA Garner th' , Mr r Willi lz f0 e a. gagement ··C 0 elf d aught er, Mye.rB. of Huntingdon Valley havel Closed Saturdoy at 12:30 P.M. s. am. 0 0 to Roy James McCorkd I t 1 announce the marl age of heir ~-------------. avenue was a co-hostess at =~~~~~~~~_' affair e, Jr .. son of Mr. and Mrs. daughter, Lynne Carol, to Mr. · d Mr A S'dn . McCorkel of Cornell avenue. LIIJ'ton Grier Wilson son of Mr. Mr. an Miss Has enmue11 er, a ' of Strath J t s . .t d1 ey t and Mrs. Marvel Wilson son, r.. re urn 0 a,y 0 the graduating class of ~'''O''I Haven Avenue on Monday borne on North Chester road fol' tri 't the College oC Wooster, September 11 1961 at the k I 1owngawee s t M d 1)0 t f expec t s t 0 compIt e e her Presbyterian. " Churcb In Elkton 2 for $1.09 : own. ass .. an a our 0 at the cloBe of the Maryland. ' York State. • at which time she Dr. and Mrs. J. Albright Jones for graduate work at. BIRTHS of Elm avenue had as their guests of Nortb 0« : f~r the weekend at Chapel Hill, N:C. Mr. and Mrs. David McCahan Eaglesmer~, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. McCorkel waB. g~.,d~llte'~I~~;;~ oC Rosemont announce ' Swarthmore High School of their third child and secBurg Anstme of York, Dr. Mrs. J. Warren Hundley of Balathe College of Wooster son, TimothY Granville McCynwyd, Capt. and MrS. 1961. He is now on WednesdllJ', October 4. • 12 P.rt Awnue Sw." .. C. Sbute of Maple avenue, graduate study at the Mrs. McCahan, Sr., oC strl!thl ~ , Mr. an~ Mrs. William Ward, 4th, of North Carolina. A avenue. and Mr. and Mrs. o[ Wallmg[ord. Is planned. Finkbiner of Gladwyne are Mra. Thomas Moore, Jr .• and young man's grandparents. daughter Jane of GuernBey road . spent the weekend visiting Ran- Mr. of and Mrs. Kenneth Ba'rryl Mr. and Mrs. Clement Vath "Netherworth" , Distinctive Hair Styling dolph-Macon and Sweetbrlar Col'~~g~;:~:~1 College avenue are receiving conleges In Virginia. IlUlU, announce the gratulations upon tbe birth of their daughter, Miss C~lonial Court Apts., Rutgers Ave • Mr. and Mrs. Conald W. Est ason, Bradley Clement Vatb·. on brook of .South Princeton Hatch, to Mr. William Pllck-I September 28 in' Lankenau . HosWagg Jr rM d Swarthmore have had asMrs. their guests for n~E.I:~i:~:~'Pickard ~: son 0Waggr. an eral dllJ's Estabrook's of pitlU. Mrs. Vath Is the former UIllltIIIIIIIllIIHlflIIUlnIlIllIIllIIlIlIllIllIllIlIlIIUIlIIllIllIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUDII_ ents Mr. and Mrs. Edward Miss 'Janese Van Wagner, daugh~ ;: Miss Hatch attended the Uniof Mr. and Mrs. Egbert tonMr. ot and Albany, and West of West Caldwell, N.J. Mrs. N.Y. Herman M. ::~~::~I~~:!:! of Maryland . ste~ State Teachers College. of Columbia avenue bave as § guests for the month of October fiance is an alumnus of Fr811lk~ New Caryl Richards Milk 80th Wave tbelr daugbter Mrs. Bruce E. and Marshall College. Young and baby daughters No date has been set for Complete (Reg, $15.00) Jean and Beth Anne from K~;~~ble_llwed~~:...._ _ _ _ _ __ loe Air Force Base. Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Rlcbard O. HRigl SMITH-BRAUN ~ Mon.-Tues.-Wed. only :: of Riverview road returned h01ne I The marriage of Miss suo,an on TnesdllJ' after spending a fe"',IBI~k;;r Braun. daughter of '''"'"'','" .iiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllHl1lllllUNnE weeks at Whitefield. David Braun Bill Titus returned Nto.H.his eh~~;~I~;~'~h~a;nd;e~Mrs. to Mr. Winston Phone KI 3-9700 For Appointment on South Swarthmore avenue urdllJ' afterooon, after seven Smith, son of Mr. and weeks at Children's Hospital G. Smith of Rockville Ope,n Thurs. & Fri. Evenings , Air Condo as where he underwent. two operations. He will be his home for [our more weeks returning to his sixth class. George Gilmour. formerly oC has returned to and Marshall [or his sophomore year follOWing a two trip to Nova Scotia with Dr. Marjorie Roach (Mrs. R. Gilmour). Dr. Roach was physician at Tripp Lake In Poland. Me•• this sumWhile In Nova Scotia visited relatives in Valley and In Mrs.I~~~:;;~:~~~~:!::l:t2~~~:~~~~~~~ I BEAUTY SAWN ~~ State Truck Inspection I •• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• : (JdJ«, Speetatl :• SLACKS ••••••• .:• • : : :. SLIP COVERS • 2~% ~ OIIIIE elEIIE'IS i "'a.... ,.. : .............................•. . ent ubscription BuHet LuncheOD Served Daily Goth Hot & Cold $1.25 THE • PLAYERS CLUB 6uHet Dinners OF SWARTHMORE presen~ "Inherit the Wind" b7 ' Jerome Lawrence'" RobertE.Lee Produced Under tbe DIrection of IIARCY F. RODERICK $2.75 • THE WU IDOSE Route ". , I Baltimore Pin .(4M1ea.W...... ........ JIi for (011.,. a.d PriYat. Se"ool St.d ••ts for tile Aead••ie Sl.75 S.lIserl.lJs Oily) ;:(JfI"'~ i= $1 0 = = How do you keep carpet clean? .. 9. How often should my rugs be cleaned? Once a year is about the best .interval for professional cleaning of most rugs. Rugs which receive hard use would, of course, be sent more often, and little-used rugs, less often. Wan-to-wan carpet can be cleaned in the home, ~nd ' used the next day. Rugs can be cleaned in the home, or sent 'out for plo'nt-deaning, which takes three days or a week. ' I Send rugs each year to look better, last longer. (PAuls"" l! CO"'~~'- Ie.AI. Page 3 TaB 8WARTRIIORBAIf OIltober 13, 1961 Wallingford Library To Fefe Loc .. 1 Authors Proc.", 5,11001 lug.t .. A tea honoring local authors No.-R.f.r..... 0. S.. I B e OO'S Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. of Westminster avenue have returned home after Itbleil daughters Sara and Alice est and MesaVerdeNational Park. Sara entered Colorado College. Colorado Springs. and bas pledged Delta Gamma SororitY, while In the Four Corners of Colorado. Boulder. and pledg;~~~~~;~E~nr~o~u~t~e~h~o~m~e~th~e;Y£~iliA~li~c~e~h~as~e~n~te~r~ed~th~e~u~n~lv~e~rS~I~t1~ Arches, Natural BrldgeB ed Delta Delta Delta. Both girls 'Magic of Books' Is Furness Free byLibrary, Sunday, beenR.notified by o[Alan will be given the Helen Kate hasPaul Mccoucb This Year's Theme October 15, 2-5 p.m. Mrs. Don. acting solicitor for the The committee for the Swartll-I ald Allen. chairman for the tea, more-Rutledge School Board, more Book Fair, to be held has announced that the public there Is no provision o[ law year on October 25. 26, 27, enabling a referendum. on the malt-I two main objectives. The first Among ,the honored guests will ter of a school bus. Mccouch to arouse the interest of Mr. a~d Mrs. Robert Anthony. spokesman for a group of In the elementary school Elhott Arnold. Dorothy (Mrs. ledge residents desiring a "Magic of Books." The T.) Bonnell, Hamilton Co- school bus to transport that is to purchase, with the Sprague DeCamp, Margaret ough's children tothe swartbmEND FROM OCT. 1 FRIDAY EVENINGS 6:30..,8:30 SATURDAYS 9-1 INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASS'N. 5 EAST STATE STREET" MtDIA, PA~_ _...J 1/ttt4te. (!ta4U4, ",3.4.5,e44 ~A / 'DakJuJje &«J,d~ Widely known in Europe' TIl. 01" D...lo,s ':' a 5•••1 u. ....... ~!p~~~an~d~w~ill1~c~0~m~e~u~p~fr:o~m D.C .. for a visit. I.. of ...." ••, ••Iody ' •• r••, titles Landmark Series. Thein$ 1the and Under table shOllldl The 61 first t ill 62 Junior Assembly th 1 delight one and all with the e 9 season w mee on Monday, at the Woman's Club. of Books' with several new in French and English for The sixtb grade will meet a~ ners. 4:4'5 when the bostesses will be Mary Ann HunsIcker, public Mrs. Harry G. Toland and Mrs. D. brarian, will read some of the Patrick Welsh. fall books to groups of children The seventh grade will meet ~t 5:45. Hosts will be Mr. the Elementary School. Mrs. dred Brain Is arranging for Mrs. William T. Salom, Mrs. ua'om: various groups to meet with It. Wadleigh anli Mrs. John B. Hunslcker for a story hour to Roxby. troduce the' children to some The eighth· grade will meet at the new titles. 1:15 with Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. The Book Fair Committee 3utherland and Mr. and Mrs. James headed by Mrs. John Bond Patchell as hosts. CREMATION WEST LAUREL Hill Ctropet'atrd N«.WM Wrhot _ _ 215 rst.. • s.ultl•• .ar wltlillst,.I •• wrill•••lIlIlty. Most I.porta.t - ... eo••s to lowe ••sie ... I..ns to create as w.1I .s flS,'" w..1It ... i.a,I.ltl.. I ••'S. Classes Start Oct. 23 (AROLYN DANFORTH DAYIS, tHe'" "JR" .. TraIned As De1croze Teacher In tile New Yorl' School, PrevioDBb' Taught In N.Y.C. - Call ~lmont Ave-f Bala-Cynwyd. Po. MOhawk 4-1591 La 6-9966 . D! Girl Scouts from '3 p.m. to 5 p. The committee urges everyone come early on the 25th or the and avoid the 'rush' on the 27th. Wallingford PTA Ass'n, Entertains at Dinner The hospitaiity c~;m;,!r~!:el~~~1 the Wallingford Parent Association .were hostesses september 27 at a dinner nR,,j:vl beld for the new teachers, teachers, members of tbe PT.AI Executive Board, the Board. The party was held at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt on Country Club lane. Mrs. John P. Damon, of the hospitality committee, tertained the members at a lunII IIMdlr!c Aft. ____ .... TO PRESENT BOOK REVIEW )I'etb,.1 The Dorcas Circle of the odist'Cbnreh Women's Society Christian Service is S~I~:~~ aBook Review b,. IIrs. Paul en Tlpllop', an Englis~!:=~ _ ......... 1cal novel b- Natalie # Tea will be served b,. the con,.1 mittee in the Ladies' Pulor. FOR RENT - Large room with pd_ beth. suitable for wortlng &eDtleman. Ool.-balf blocl< from stat- I n ! =::..:.:..::.:.::=-------l Estate of Cheater a ------- 11m. Towner will review '00,111-1 HEAlS WIWMI·BRQOIS B:~~~i~O~f POlk avenue. A f~:'l~1 pl attbePbiladelphia new room, home. storage KIngswO!Id 3- :flII:;;.d~.~LOw~:e~1l~6~t~55~I~'E~~';~I ner to be presented on SatUJrda,Jr,I apace. PJ.fn=m='~abe.;W~..., .• . V'I, Ia"'''' ......., .................,. I a ... _ IJ. '1:' lId' I ~. ectl_ ..... fa ............,.,: " ' " , J!< .. - •. -.'.,\ ~ Veal Leg Roast HAMS FRJI.. CHICIEIS' co-op large call 10 C IACI AGAII. ZEIGLE.~S SWEET ODE., SSe _ ~ Se •• ' ••• Is "I. ib:~o~~g~:S!:~~1 2~, Jt~ 1st .... .' e 1~~:~:~~:~IJE:'PI8C9Pal" ~:= I I I i I I d lit·J C.... Pack 432 T o . . . . . , , , .',' .. ',;. ., account of lllness. Morris Rep.bllcal W.II WHI PreSlll W.T. LOIIISfI'e" BOOK FAIR OPENS nSf EVAPORATED MILK Speak FRIENDS FOR UM DRUe STORE LEes ind BREASTS of $4.00 PER YEAR 961 SMALL FRY TO PARADE ,........ Ullman to OCTOBER 27, 7 P.M. FUND B0LD TO ADDRESS CAnERlAl'S We do not bellave that educational polley is a propar subject of partisan politics. Our job is to nominata high. Iy qualified candidates for School Board, and we ore proud of those we have nominated thi. year. Two broader, immediate problems are proper election issues,' how. ever. 1. The first Is that of school bus transpartotion for children who must travel for to school. Hara sa(ety and equity ora tha main considarations, and StGt~ aids make boos transportation aconomical •. We belleva tha School Board should rave .. a its pre..nt polley. It .hould follow tha Stota polley axpra ..ed in the School Cod. and make bu. tnlnsp_ti_ ovollalol •• 2. The second issue i. thot of .chool district con. lolldetlo... R.c.nt Stote req uir.. further . . c~li"'tion within 'i.,. y~rs. W•. believ. tho School . .' .• ~ ....... ,Ive i __ dlo'" coh • .,!aratl"" tG action .?; .. ~.• _ t ......_ Stete .te.....nI. w,.... i.,.lrI. . ',.~'.I ...Ia: I'a ole ~•• W......... I.......... .. FRIDAY OCTOBER UNITED The Mothers' Club of :~~~~;~I~~r~~~ta·iu;thor of not "The Meetlng • N ov 2 W'II " will be Devil' able I Be more in co-operation with • Woman's Club on The Past munlties.. :ustlntehss ASSOCliastloaln will con24 as planned. Mrs. Held at Woman's Club The posslblllty and advisablluc e annua m I Fry Hal- . Ullman. who was to speak The Swarthmore Council of Reity of this School Dlstrl'ct com- The Present Ilelw, 27.' 'en Parade on Friday. Octo~':~i~:'r:,~s of South America" pu bl'Ican Women wIII present IV . in the Co II e g e Field Th k bining with one or more others e nown ramifications of the House,. The parade will start week. has agreed Thacher Longstreth of Phlladelhas received continual attention new l aware too many and too the place of Mr. West. phla at a meeting to be held by the board for many years. far reaching to be del ailed In pr.omptly at 7 p.m. and. because ---------Thursday. Nov. 2. In the Woman's Clubhouse .. The public meeting As far back as 1948 a thorough this brief report. Still others will of the. age of the partiCipants. ' dev I d th I i I w1l1 conclude at 7:30. ''tlrl be study was made in connection e ope as e a.w s m" will begin at 8 p.m. A question with a proposal to join with one plemented by the State Council dNO registration is necessary and answer period will follow the · tlon a f th e f 0 1low Ing of Education. At least one near- anhi d the Iparade Is open to all talk. or a comb ma districts: Brookhaven. Morton. by district is already preparing c dllrenl dnlnthe commuulty up to Mr. Longstreth served as vice_ to challenge the Act in the courts. an . nc u g the third grade. hai . Nether Providence. Parkslde and Mrs. Paul G.KI·mball. John Seybold. Amhersl c rman of the Speaker's Comand will doubtless be joined by f E' h ' R utl e d ge. the event. will have gay march- who has returned recentiy mitt ee 0 f C·tl 1 zens or Isen ower Other consolidatlons h a v e others. It would appear that com. t Parl·s. will talk on In 1952. In 1955 he was the Repulsory consolidatlon of school musIc 0 accompany the b d t f since been suggested and invest- districts is not as Imminent as as they proudly march Bridges with the Am e ric a pu lican Candi a e or Mayor of igated in a variety of ways. in- may have been expected. their cos tum e s to an Friends 'Service Committee". Philadelphia. He fought and won cludlng meetings with commitA few things. however. even proud' group of parents Sunday at the Adult Forum In the Republican primary campaign tees of other boards. Informal' now are quite clear. As in the friends. A bag of candy will Friends Meeting House. at against the entire city organlzaexplorations by Individual board 1"""iIt each chl'ld at the conc' Ius- a.m. , tion and opposed Richardson Dilpast. any proposed combination I' th i th hllad I members. suggestions from the of'school districts must receive of the parade. Mr. Seybold was director of wor n e P e phla MayorCounty Board. and so on. Among International Seminar Program alty Election. He .lost the elecother districts Involved have first the ble~sing of the County past 20 months. Although tlon by 130.000. Board. then approval of the DeHe wor ke d for Citlzens for Eibeen Upper Providence. Me.dla were In Paris. partment of Public Instruction h I bli I and Springfield. A thorough-going were held~:i~n~;;~£:~f~1 sen ower n pu c re ations capstudy by both the Swarthmore and and the State Council of Educad acity andmade over 150 speeches Rutledge boards culminated in tlon. Obviously such a proposal The~nUSuallY and debates during the campaign. union of the two districts effect- 'wlll be considered In the light of 35 students from 21 to 35 Since his own campaign in 1955 the new law. so that allY attempt M . Sh S 1 000 po lit'IcaI ive In July. 1955. aglc ow, pecial of age. and often represent~ he has mad e over. Since appointment of the Gov- I.tpo()sc;eir,scumvent or distort the puras many as 30 different speeches and 81 TV and radio ernor's Committee on Education" of this Act will be futile. Displays Spark Event \ appearances in Penr-sylvania. He is also clear that no district. .The format for the Swarthmore Aftercompletinghis undergrad- is Vice-president and account the Swarthmore-Rutledge SChool large (e.g. Phlladelphia. Book Fair to be held next work at Swarthmore 'supervlsor of Aitkin-Kynett ComBoard has followed closely the reports and events leading to re- Chester and Upper Darby). is nesday. Thursdl»'. and Friday. doing graduate study at pany. Philadelphia. cent legislation providing for Immune to re-adjustment. since (open 9 to 9 each day) of Pennsylvania. Mr. Mr. Longstreth was graduated 01 the law provides that it may be d with honors from Haverford School statewide reorganiz. Lion • from last year's falr in Ihe rereturne to teach econ- In 1937, and from Princeton Unioi tequ i red to a bsorb . ano ther school districts .. (An.tic·lpAtlon 'T trl t di tri t If d d spect that most of the .books at. the College. Laler ' c or s c s so· ecree versity with high honors. In 1941. some form of compulsory combln. · be ordered from individual the War Labor Board. d I th It! b . He joined the Navy as an ensign ation was a factor In Ihe 1955 y au .or es n comman '-. with delivery to customers in for 15 years be was the Inunion). Since passage of this Act The Future matter of a few days. The Dir!,ctor of the Organiz- and was separaled in 1946 as a. (561)tbe Board bas kept in clos. SChool mergers cannot be uno' mlttee to Distribute or' Printing Industries lieutenant Commander. touch with developnients by: done; though they maybe headed by Mrs. Hei:Jert E. where he was He and his wife. the former study of available reports and ed beyond the control and the ener and assisted by Mrs. of the Industrial relations Anne Strawbridge Claghorn. have other literature; attendance at detriment of the component dis- Mlddelton. Mrs. Griffin management. He has also act- four children. They make their ' ts. This bO.'d believes that tric h and MrS. John Brobeck. as an Independent arbitrator. home in Cheslnut Hill. meetings for discussion of I e subject; personal communication preCipitate action to plunge into Books will be paid for at his return this fall he beThe meeting is open to the . sea of darkness would be ti f h tl d to f th public. A coffee hour will follow. this . me 0 purc ase. Varied execu ve irec r o e with me m b e r s 0 f ne i g hb orIng Boards and witb' the Co un I y unwise. Inslead. our policy Is to and carry" table o'ffers books Industries. Board. be alert to every development. a modest sum. He is now a member of the Dr. Baruch Weitzel. a member Economic Advisory ComA former principal of our high especiallY as it may s c h 0 0 I Is now the Delaware this district. and we will can- of the Free Library Staff of Phil- mlttee. and of the board of the County Superintendent and Presi- tlnue using all the resources at a'delphla for 25 years American Friends Service Comdent of the Pennsylvania Stale hand to chart a delibera.te course languages ltjJecialist ~d mittee. as well as chairman of More than 2.000 volumes will Education Assoclaiion.Amember toward an· even better of the Cuneiform Tablets. the.AFSC Personnel Committee. be placed on sale when the of 'our Board is Vice President system. lend a. display on the dedv·ati.on I Swarthmore Public Library opens of the County Board of School We trust our people will not of the alphabet for the Falr. ~L,._I FRIENDLY OPEN HOUSE the doors Friday on the largest Directors. These direct channels stampeded topress for hasty display will be arranged bYEdlwin! TO MEET MONDAY used-book sale in the library's of communication are ulled by the Ion that we may repent at leisure. Bond In the window In the The F r len d I y Open history. The books. most of which Swarthmore-Rutledge Board In but will give careful C~"~~~:~~~I directly outside the Swarthmore- groUP met Monday of last week are adult titles. cover a complete the best Interests of our com- tio~o aIl~spects of this' the Presbyterian Church. E •.chl range of topics and Include both ::::.....:::::.:....;=::..:=:...::.:....:.::.__-I-_.-..:~-________., purpose room. member was called on to teU fiction and non-fiction. his or her experience during The library plans, as well. sevAnother display. provided the J.B. LIppincott Pu.blishE~rsl summer. eral smaller specIalized offerTAX REMINDER! and arranged by Mrs. The next meeting will be. ings-a table of chlldren'stilles. Real EstJlte. Personal proP,.rt,Yj Stoner. features the original October 23. at 2 o'clock when a limited but vigorous collection Per Capita Taxes become de- work' from the children's Mrs. George A. Hunter of Walllng- of books of travel and adventure, ford will show slides of her re- another group dealing ')'11\1 war William J. Moore died suddenly Il!::~~rt'; after October 31. 1961. "Mince Pie and Mistletoe" at 4 a.m. Tuesday morning at his II 'after that date Is ~ ·i'h.)'l!Is MCGio.ley. It may be cent trip. exploits. and still a fourth "myshome. 213 South Swarthmore avJohn A. Schumacher. collector in one of the village store tery and detective" table. All enue. where he had lived for the taxes, suggests that. dows along with otber books books will be reasonablY priced. past 37 years. Mr. Moore who was has any questions or who the same publisher available Anne X. Alpern Tea The sale will continue for 10 born in Philadelphia on Apr1l14. mislaid his tax bill. call him the fair. days from October 20 to 31. A magic show by Francis To Be Held Thursday Libraries in the vicinity have 1893. retired In 1958 as. Credit Klngswood 3-315~. Manager of the' General Electric ley will be an added treat for been alerted f about At the req uest of Justice . h b the sale . f p c hIldren onWe d nes d ay andThurssince many 0 t e ooks are of Corporation. Philadelphia. Fifteen years earlier he had been 0 rayer day nights in the Ali F\irpose X. Alpern. the tea and current Interest and "like n·ew". with Judson C. Burns' Company. Room of the school. Invitations in her honor will be Recently he had been employed for Thurs. will be Included in the book lists Thursday afternoon. october 26. by an electric appliance firm in The Interdenominational com- thai Ihe children wlll be bringingl at 4 p.m.. instead of the pn,v-i Scouts to Aid UNICEF FolSOm. 11liittE!e of theSwarthmoreCommun- home from school. iously annobunced Tue~Sd~a~y~';~:~l~1 Boy and Girl Scouts of the' Hewas an active member of the I' Chairmen of the three-day event Tea will e served by Day of Prayer extends a cord- are Mrs. John Bond. and Mrs. of the Swarthmore ough will give their help to Swarthmore Presbyterian Church invitation to the first meeting b b Women's Club. in Whittier 'UNICEF Trick or Treat Night and also had served as its secretary' and as an u·sher. the season t 0 b e he Id from 10 : Ro ert Lam erson. on the college campus. Mrs. October 31. , erick D. Dudley. president of Girl Scouts under MrS;",::::~r,:~ a.m. to 2 p.m. on Thursday. He is survived by his wife the I~;;~~:~~r 26. at the Presbyterian DemocraticClub, will Webster and Mrs. Lee G former Marguerite Witte of Phila-jc on Harvard avenue. THOMAS 'A. BOY.LE RESIGNS Alpern in the receiving are making posters to be The leader for the day will be AS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL along with members of the execu- ed throughout the delphia. Funeral services will be conDorcas Kurtz of North Holly- PIIHCPAL live board of her organizatio·n. Cub Dens under Tea hoslesses are Mrs. j. WYnkoop. Mrs. William St'>Iltorj ducted by the Rev. D. Evor Rb-I~~~:E.;~Calif. Mrs. Kurtz. who has berts of th~ Swarthlllore church all' in previoUS Years botb In The resipation of ThoJOas A. Pennock and Mrs. Morris Bowie. Mrs. Marshall Scl\llllt!ty8111l1..M1r.t the Rowland Funet ..1 IIlme. 1059 . Swarthmore Methodist et.....". principal. In'addltlon·. the club has John Aaron will tag Old York road. Abington. at 2 p. m. IPlre'ibyteria~ Churches. has a l l l C b o ! l l Board W.od.1 uled a series of coffees and ion cartons.' t' (':II today. Viewiilg .will., be at 1 p.m. reputation as a leader . In teI!ld~!riJla Ule borough during , UNICEF (&:'i:l!ft"Nations Tnto.!! Interment will be at West Laurellnrav,.r.· conferences. At present week., at WhiCbb~~~~~1 national .Emllrgf¥lcy Fund) is conducting classes at . · ' M l c i < . h l c e the also have the limelight ne . HillCeme~ery.. :r SMOKED SWARTHMORE, Swarthm~re-Rutledge Union Dist. Alice Barber Gifts THE SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION THE SWARTH OREAN . !r; ALL ,BRAIDS OF SUPPORT • VOLUME 33 - NUMBER 42 w: S~!~~~E::EMIUM ,nCT 2 01961 SUPPORT , .., , ' .~ Se~~ i~::~fr''::~~141~:' \,,~>alII1t oa TIl_II theft bu CIIIrlestoGilbert IIf/ tile parties.whicb w1II ::Sd)a tbelllO= .. .. a:~!:=~ .. .. JI8tl ot ~~:I • Page 2 T BE· S WAR T 8M 0 REA N n Is rE'rSOna resided at 319 Cedar october 20, 1961 Concello of Gaines\'Ule, Fla.. formerly of Swarthmore, are the On Wednesday Mrs. Lloyd L. Friday, September 29. Leach and Mrs. Edwin Windell of Mr, and Mrs. Newton Ryerson Wallingford, together with Mrs. IV!.~ !!.~;;;;.;an~d~M;rS~J;o;S~e~p~h~~g~r!a~nd~p~ar~e~nt~s~.:::::=::~_-, Edith Cuskaden of Park avenue, entertained at a dessert and shower at Mrs. Leach's home for 30 uMiss Bates. Today, Mrs. Franklin YALE AVENUE MORTON PAS. Gillespie of Harvard avenue TELE".,O. - HOME 1114 Ino IIADIO _ 'HO ••, ' is giVing a iuncheon and bridge "Bring It to Us or We'D Come to You" KI at her home in honor of the future n,lWood 4- J028 bride. D 101 FHANAHtll1 . TELEVISION "'rs. H. Lindley Peel of Nortl) Charlotte Edney, daughter of Swarthmore e.venue has returned Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Edney of Westminster avenue and a stufrom University Hospital where dent at Green Mountaln she has been for the past 17 days Mrs. James Breakell from to the home of her son-in-law noke, Va., mother of Mr. James , and daughter Mr. and Mrs. A. Da- Breakell of North Princeton vid M. Speers ad Drew avenue. d Mi For the present her family re- nue, an S5 Elsie Copley quests that'she receive no vis- Chester, have moved into 315 itors but promises when it is pos- Chestnut avenue, the house forENGAGEMENT sible for her to have them that merly occupied by Mr. Willmot notice will be given. In the mean- W. Craig and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lynn time, her family is anxious that Mrs.1 Minor· J. Stein of Haver-liri~:~~~:rlof Cor n ell avenue anher friends know _that all mesp ace entertained the Haverthe engagement of their· sages she has received have been Place Block Bridge Club on , Mary Suzanne, to Mr. greatly appreciated. At the im- 1T1~e!'da:y evening at her home. Wayrie Conrad, son of Mr. BEAUTY SALON mediate pres~nt, all of her needs Mr. and Mrs. Luciari W. BurMrs. Paul L. Conrad of Upper are supplied. nett of Haverford place had as by. "THE SMART WAY IS THE BOUQUET WAY" Mr. and Mrs. Verne N. Schu- their weekend guests Mr. Bur-, Miss Purnell is a graduate of 9 South Chester Road maker, formerly of at4 Rutgers brother and sister-inBryn Mawr Hospital School avenue are now residing at 308 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burnett Nursing. Her fiance is an Call KIngswood 8-0476 of Western Maryland ColNorth 37th street, Philadelphia, of Chicage, Ill. . . . . . . . .~IIe' ., ............ , . . 1_' ' r Moily Bunker, daughter of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter O. Heinze A spring wedding is planned. and Mrs. Henry L. Bunker of Mt. of Strath Haven avenue enterHolyoke place, has been pled- tairied at a birthday dinner on BIRTHS ged to Alpha Chi Omega nation- I~~~~~:~~ In honorof Mrs: Heinze's al sorority at Denison Uni~rMrs. El1ine Mendius. At sity, GranVille, 0., where she is same time Mrs. Mendius had Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Sc,ottl Check Your Car for Summer Driving a freshman. visits from her Sons Mr. Rickard of Kirtland, 0., a",~oumcel Motor Tune-Up • Check Brakes Mrs, H. Miller Crist has had R. Mendius ·of Farmington, the birth of their first chlld, Wheel Balance Gulf Gas & 0115 as her guest this week Miss N.M. and Mr. Fred H. -Mendius son, Jonathan Scott on OCItollerl 12 at the Cleveland Clinic. Mrs. Ruth Kistler of Sl\amokin. On' Louis,Mo . V. E. A'J'Z, Mgr. Tuesday Mrs. Crist and Miss Mrs. Willlam S. hobbs of '-".fK' Rickard is the former Sandra Jean Milne. . RUSSELL'S SERVICE Kistler attended the Matinee avenue has as her house gue!stl The maternal grandmother Musical Luncheon and program Mrs. Ernest Hunter Wray of Buff0pp05ite Borough Porking Lot in Philadelphia. Miss Kistlel N. Y. Mrs. Stanley A. Milne of Park 1I.,.w.I. 3·0440 Dartmlafh Ind llfa,ettl Aw..... enue. The paternal gnmd,parerltsl will leave for home today. ENTERTAINED are Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Rickard 'Closed Saturday ot 12:30 P.M. , Mr. and Mrs. George L. WoelMr. and Mrs. Paul Baldwin and Willoughby, O. fel of College avenue returned and Mrs. B. K; Tremalne of _ _ _ __ home Sunday evening after a I~::~~~r"~ and Mr. and Mrs. Willing Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Kroon of Villanova entertained Schenectady, N. Y.. announce week's trip to the New England II states. They also attended the a dinner party on Saturday ev- birth of their second child, a Fall reunion of Mr. Woelfel's at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brian David, on September 27. ( former Swarthmore barbers ) class held at Dartmouth College, in honor of Mrs. Nancy Mrs. Kroon will be reln'elnb'~redl Hanover, N.H., held last weekolCornell avenue and Mr. the former Mim,iWisdom. at end. E. Coleman of Rutgers avMr. and Mrs. DavId P. Wisd()ml Mr. and Mrs. Ray P. Hunt of whose marriage will take of Vassar avenue are theea~~~~~1 Harvard avenue had as their on October. 28. nal grandparents. The p guests for the past three weeks CAMPBELL _ BUGOS grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. -thelt daughter, Mrs. John Owens P. Kroon' of Wallingford. RUTGERS Av_e. (next to Post Office) and daughter Karen from RichThe marriage of Miss Pa,ttl'cial mond, Ind. They left for home Bugos, daughter of Mr. and 'Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. PhilSwarthmore, Po. last Friday. John Bugos of Munhall, lips of Williston Park, N. Y., Dr. Arthur Jones. of North and Mr. David Campbell, Son announce the birth of their fouravenile returned Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Campbell thc~d, BD!i,);first daughter. carSwarthmore A new modern sanitary sl-!op home Sunday after spending College avenue, took place sat- 01 Elline, oli October 4 at N:orth in men's, boys' & children's hair styles three weeks In Boulder, Colo., urday at noon in Pittsburgh. Shore Hospital. Mrs. Phillips is , Visiting I1is ,son and daughterMr. and Mrs. C. B. the former Carol Louise EJeInze. in'law Mr. and Mrs. Burton Jones, latte~,ded the ceremony. '·The matemaljp-andparents are Mr. and Mrs. E. Douglas AinAfter a family luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Walter O. Heinze 01 Free Parking Side & Rear of Colonial Court Apt. slie, Jr .. of North Chester road couple left by , Strath Haveq avenue. Mr. have returned home after a California. where Mr. Mrs. Winifred Phillips of Will)V~ek's visit to Waynesville, will be aSSOCiated Iston Park, 0., are the paternal ,N.C. . International in' grandll1;.ar_e... nt...s...._ _ __ OPEN 8 AM to 7 PM daily Closed Monday The Bouquet 7 State Truck Inspection 1/t/l1l!1() & ?tE/IL 74e ~ (foIIIet Mrs. Abbie Enders of Elm Dr. and Mrs, Robert C. Nuss avenue entertained the mothers BRIDAL COUPLE FETED of Philadelphia are receiving of her kindergarten classes Wedcongratulations on the birth of Miss SallY Bates of ~~:~:I a daughter, Pamela Sue, who nesday and Thursday of last week at 1!1l~ home on Elm avenue. road and Mr. John P weighed six pounds, five ounces DavId Rommel, son of Mr. and'u,"of Wallingford:whose when she arrived on Thursday, Mrs. Richard Rommel of Drew will take place on September 28. avenue, celebrated his fourth, ,were entertalned at a Her grandpar,ents are Mr. and birthday last Saturday morning on Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Clarence Boyer of Dickin- . by entertalning some of the Drew W. Davis at their home son avenue. avenue children at a birthday On Saturday evening, Mrs. Richard A. Newton Mr.and Mrs. Edward T.Barer, party. His guests were Karen Leimbach, Chris and Ellen Cryer, Park avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Petersburg, Va., announce the Evie Hansen, and Peter Fowler. Todd of Salisbury, Md., en- arrival of their first child and Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Harnat a small dinner p~~~~jhs~o:!!n!:,...!E~d~w~ar~d~T~u:r~n;er~B~O!r~er~•..:J~r~.~, well alld daughter Wendy Thea, their .honor at the home of Mr. eight months old, formerly of ~!~M~r!S~.~:~=------=-JJ UNTIL NlJV Secane, are' now residing at 345 ·t Good Housekeeping Park avenue, the former Borden I home. Helen Clyde on y 3.50 for 2 years Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lange (reg. price $3.50 for 1 year.) and famlly have moved to their Beginners a Specialty ea. 1(1 '-20ao nAW home at 1 Crum ledge. They Music VilIs,. KI4-5448 M••, LLOYII Eo DUYllIl BuHet Lunclleol Served Daily Both Hot & Cold Dish. $1.25 • •of ;-,:, Buffet Dinners ....~s,to 9 - Sunday 3 to j. I'.) 'jill ~!;. r.n()flH~7r~) ',1> •. (lHlU'o-j lL>. GvJJri '{:J~1!Hn:'l htai1~)fnif :Hfi "t:)ut'~ d~ ~ ~ 8'~ " at the BookFai 1IIu14-., 7kt4., & (Jet, ~ 25.26& 21 OPEN 9 to 9 T BB S WAR T B M 0 R ET.AlDiiNnr.:i~iNN ;;-----rU:ei:e(:iiD1;:-(:Qrii;enc. october 20. 1961 ~~ SitJp 8 AM to 5 PM Saturday THANKS TO BRIDGE . Le~lie Luckie. Tyina for second f h C ~ ~ The first meeting 0 t e rum place were ~Ir. and ~Irs. William Creek Bridge Club was held on Webb and ~Irs. Thomas ~Ioore and by the Media Area Committee for Tuesday e\'enins- High scorers ~Irs. T. R. the United Nations and the West Delaware County World FederalIsts, will be held Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Lutheran Church at FLOWERS & FALL DECORA Providence and Rose Tree roads. The topic will be "The U.N. and the World Crisis." Speakers for the occasion will • be Dr Charles C. Price, profes· sor of chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania; Dr. Kenneth Waltz of politicaiscience departUThe Farm with ehe OCtGgOfU:Jl Bant" OifKtioAI: Fro··' S..rthmOf'e south on B.ltimor. Pih to Clo...,I..t. Turn 1-'1 Oftto ~r~~:r~:~aJl~~~~~; or~~t~~:t~ Rout. )52 fe ... a.d Chest.,. Dri .... JIIa.1 milo, him ,iQht on Knowlton aNd for VI mile" ional House, Philadelphia. Si t b d il f 3 road, new president of the Amerx Y oys an g r s rom ican Cancer Society, Delaware countries, all high school County Unit, announced commitwho are in their early weeks tee chairmen for the ye •• at the i about the U ited States I n , October board meeting Among earn ng . were introduced to more United them are' States customs at a large outing Executive committee Donald Qn Saturday at Pax o.n Hollow P. Jones, North SWarthmore avS hiM 1 T h c 00 , , arp e owns IP, enue; administrative, Morris H. all. Fussell. RiverVIew road; profesThe 60 youths living in homes sional education, Dr. Merrill B. in this area are among the 2,200 Hayes, University place; public brought to the United States for education, Dr. H. Aian Hume, this academic year on American lane. Field Service scholarship Among new directors welcomed Mr. and Mrs. James O. Stephens Among them are 20 living in New membership are John M. Dic- of Marietta avenue returned TuesCastle County, Del.; 13 in Dela- key and James G. Lamb, both of day, October 10, on the ,Queen ware and Chester Counties, Pa.; ValleY. Mary from a trip to Europe, visit'10 in Camden and G louc es ter ---.~.---'--__ ing in their travels Italy, Fumc,e, Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Banks of 1~;!!l!!!!!~!.!H~o~ll~a!nd~!an~d!.!~~~ Counties, N.J.; 9 from Philadelphi.. and the Main Line and the avenue spent a few days " remainder from up-state Pennsylwith Mrs. Banks' brother FINE WALLPAPERS vania. sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Matching Fabrics & Paints Accompanied by their host A. Mitten at 'State ASAM, SCHUMACHER, IMPERIAL Ilies, the foreign students MURALS, SANITAS, PREPASTED the afternoon participating in letlc games commonly played at DO IT YOURSEL;;--] a picniC and in the evening they TRINITY CHURCH SELECT FOR PAPERHANGER were instructed In square danc·-' SWARTHMORE ing. In between, they found out N. Chester Rd., & College Ave. W. Lend Out Sample Boob about that favored United states dish, fried chicken. WEDNESDAY EVENING Also on the program arranged lio,ctober 25, - 7 P.M. to 9 P.M. WALLPAPER CO. by Frederick T. Van Urk, of THURSDAY MORNING Thayer road, area representative 22a Baltimore Pk" Springfield of the American Field Service, 1I0"to'ber 26, 8 A.M: 'til "'nnnl . Open Wed, " Frl, 'tli 9 P,M, was aIilm showing how theA)~~~~11 Admlssion,5t FREE PARKING KI 4-5010 ican Field Service works to 1 students here and send our own boys ano! girls abroad, Stephen ~(e ~itI4,e Galatti, national director of AFS, Speclaliled Instruction - All Instruments came from New York to address the guests. MUSIC - INSTRUMENTS - REPAIRS RUMMAGE SALE . A.A-JL.J APPLES , POETS' CIRCLE TO MEET The Poets' Circle will meet 2tlh; lane, Wallingford. Mrs. Willi ani A. Jaljuette will present a program on Richard Eberhardt. ~fO~~:: J~m!::~~k:~s~t S~Ok~~ UNVI LLA ORCHAR Open 10 A.M. - 8 P.M. Distinctive Hair Styling Colonial Court Apts., Rutgers Ave. Swarthmore I ()fJeMU«J S~ New Caryl Richards Milk 80th Wave $10 Complete (Reg. $15.00) \ Mon.-Tues.-Wed. only phone KI 3-9700 For Appointment Open Thurs. & Fri. Evenings Air Condo COME ONE! -- Grade School- High School-College -Adu t -- .· Swarthmore's Annual Mrs. Robert D. Hulme of Haver/ ford place arrived home on Sunday October 8, from the hospital with her new daughter, KimberlY Dana. Parade flIP. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31st RAIN DATE: Hyacinths Daffodils . Tllips, Etc The lems' Garden TRemont 6·9047 Doily and Sunday It-;~40~5~D~on~m;o~~~h~A;ve;n;ue;;;;;;;;;;;2C~q~II;K;;I;4-;5;44;;8;;~~::~~;:~::::::~::~~::~::~~~~~ I COME ALL' REPRESENTS DEL. CO. Mrs. Ruth Wright, teacher of English at Swarthmore High School, will represent Delaware County as a member of, the State English Committee, ·holding first meeting of the year on ThursdaY in Harrisburg. THE CIDER PEARS' SQUASH, PUMPKINS PENN ?i~~ WHO HELPED BACK ':":~-----------=:7:":"=~==E:::T"'Y'--N-A-M-E-S-"'" , 'UN AND WORLD CRISIS AFS Students CH AIRMEN TOPIC FOR TUESDAY A ttend Fete Edward L. Noyes of Riverview A "Town Meeting", sponsored Page 3 WEDNESDAY. NOV_ 1 FLOATS FANOY DRESS and OOMIO on Com": -·-:!tioHl belween Rutgers and Harvard Avenues (enter from Harvard) on Rut,ers Avenue between Cornell and Harvard Avenues 325 N. Fairview Road The residents of Swarthmore ond Rutledge responded beyond all expectations to the October 14, drive for funds to complete the replacement of uniforms for the Swarth_ more High School Band. The entire organization is deeply grateful for this wonderful support, Our, Sincere thanks also go to the local businessmen who gave so generously with trucks (and In one case even' with a driver). Our special thanks go +0 the many parents and friends of the Band who worked with enthusiasm and dedication, and to the Swarthmarean for cooperation and asslstonce of the highest order. . Anyone who. missed this opportunity to contribute to support for the Band is urged to mai I a donation to Mrs. H, J. Johnson, Jr., 127 Linden Avenue, Rutledge Po • Checks should be made to "Swarthmore-Rutledge Band Parents Association', Woodlyn, Pa. MacDade Blvd. One _ at ''THE SWARTHMOREAN II OFFICE 333 Dartmouth Avenue RECISTRATION, STARTINC FRIDAY, OCT. 27 t'hree Entry Classes Only - "Fancy Dress," "Comic" and "Floats" PUBLIC LIBRARY Sponsored by the Swarthmore Business Association • you get lIIore than you pay for. you ••• 2100 BOOKS .. Adventure-MYstery We hope sincerely that all of you are as proud as we are of this fine group of students and their wonderful Dlr. ector Robert Holm, Also, we hope thcit ,you will enloy future performance~ of the Band and take pride In their outs,to"dlng appearnace. to REGISTER FOR YOUR PARADE ENTRY NUMBER SHOP TH October 20 thN 31 Gf • • • • • • • •' .• . . • . . . . :".' .- " . -~ . . . '. .'. / - Page 4 TR B SWARTBMORBA N M THE SWARTHMOREAN October 20. 1961 ' NON-SICTARIAN W. off., MIera! serv/c:., to famil,l., of all denomlnatloll,., • THE OLIVER H. lAIR CO. DI ••nOg 0' ftlNIUU 1820 CHESTNUT 5TRIET OIMIIL 1AIt,........... _ A.1AIt,,, II ... LO 3.1511 PRESBYTERIAN NOTES at Swarthmore College. ~Ill~~;~:~l PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Morning Worship and Churchl on "Operation African s~~::;1 D.Evor Roberts, Minister Schoolclasses are held each roads." Dave spent the R~b~rt O. Browne,Assoc.Mlni.ter day at,9:15 and 11 o'clock. In Africa. • M'nlster of Christian Education Women s Bible Class meets On Sunday at 7:30 p;m. In Sunday, October 22 9:30. Social Hall. the MYF cordially 9: 15 A.M.-Moinlng Worship and A Senior High youth Rally vltes members of the church Church School District 1 of the their friends to hear Bill Share,rI 11:00 A,M.-Mornlng Worship and Presby tery" will be held at 6'1 give his firsthand report on Church School. Sunday In McCahan Hall. • European Caravan of which 9:30 A.M.-Women's Blbl~ Class people from 22 churches will was a part this past summer. Tuesday, October 24 p,art in group discussions Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. ing a debate on the topic ReDorcas Circle will meet at 9:00 A.M.-Morning Prayers solved: A Christian Should home of Mrs. James Bennett. Mrs. W~dnesday, October 25 Go to War." Walter Ramsten will review 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion ,Morning Prayers are held at 9 first half of the study book 7:30 P.M.-Adult Education o clock Tuesday. The celebration titled 'The Meaning of Suffering. Thursday, October 26 of Holy Communion Is held at 8 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion a.m. Wednesdays and at 10 am' OfRlS11AN SCIENCE NOTES Thursdays. .. Salvation Is attained thrn ...,h METHODIST CHURCH The Bandage Group will spiritual awakening. growth, The Re~.John C.Kulp,Mlnlster at 10 a.m. Wednesday. progress. This is a theme of Minister for Youth Circle 6, Mrs. C. C. Franck Lesson-Sermon entitle d "F'rolba1 chairman, wlll meet at the ' tion After Death" which will Char Ie. Schl.ler of Mrs. J. Harry Beckmann 509 presented at Christian Scie~lcel Mlnl.ter of Music Strath Haven avenue. ' churches·Sunday. , Sunday, October 22 The Adult Education study From John (5) will be 8:30 A.M.-MOrning. Worship 1~~~~:s,~W~i1;~I. be held at 7:30 p.m. these words of Christ Jesus' 9:45 A.M.-Sunday School f1 "Verur, verily, I say unto' 11:00 A.M.'-Mornlng WorShip The Community Day of Prayer He that heareth my word, and 7:30 P.M.-Jr. - Sr. MYF will be held at 10:30 Thursday. lIeveth on him that sent me., Octob.r 11 everlasting lite, and shall come, Into condemnation; but 1:00 P.M.-W.s.C.S. passed from death unto life." More ~i1dren mean more sehools and an FRIENDS MEETING NOTES The Golden Text Is from I TRINITY CHURCH Fand:g dem!lD~ for electricity-for scientific I~:h~= Chester Quarterly Meeting will Inthlans (6): Th. Rev, Layton P. Zimmer, .ng, go ventIlatIon, slide and motion pict be held at Media Meeting, "God hath both raised up Jectors, tape recorders Ian t ch' ure proRector street, Media, at 3 p.m. on Lord, and will also raise up The Rev. George R. McKelvey and all the other electrica~a::e;:ted~gEl9uiprne~t. by his OWn power." ' urday, October 28. Illake the modern school I eVlces whIch Curate 't a rea asset to the com wo~shlp and a short All are invited to attend Sunday, October, 22 mum y. • By planning y'ears ah d b ' .millions < • ea, y investing se!!slon, James Walker will services !!r,!!,?~"!~:~~'f~II~~~~1 (Trinity XXI) . .o~ unprov~ments, expansion" alld~ abdut his trip to Kenya. SCientist, ' avenue at PhIladelphIa ElectrIC has more th ; ·k;,,·!,e~h. 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion and will be served, and an o'clock: Delaware Valle's' an ept pace WIth Word dlscussion and round table =:':"'L-E-I-P.-E-R-N-O-T-E-S-only for educatfon, ~~~:~ C:a~: r:2:r:men~ not 9:30 A.M.-Family Morning James Walker Is planned. Pra,yer and Sermon commerce, and industry • El tri" 't . g, SCIence, The subject of Mr. Ba~bE'r's for progress, . eo CI y IS essential sermon this week will be 11:15 A.M.-Morning Pra,yer and' FIRST CHURCH OF' Abundant Life". Sermon CHRIST SCIENTIST There will be a joint BOlUdl 8:00 P.M.-Holy Communion Sunday, October 22 Meeting on Saturda,y at 11 a.m. Monday, October 23 1:00 A.M.-Sunda,y School 2 p.m. concerning witness in the 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer AN IIM:STOR·DWNED COMPANY wnH MOR£ THAN 1:00 A.M.-The neighborhood. Those 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer will be "P ro ba tio n After are asked to bring a sandwich , Tuesday, Octob.r 24 Death. " lunch, beverage will be provided. 9:15 A.M.-Morning Pra,yer The youth Fellowship evening meeting each meet t 7 6:00 P .r.t.-Eveoing Prayer week, P.M., Reading Room a, p.m. In the, October 25 409 D ' p",se room Sunda,y evening. Circle 1 will meet on Tuesday , , artmouth Avenue, open 7:00 A.M.-HOly Communion week-days except holidays 10- at the home of Mrs. James 9: 15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 5; Friday evening. 7·9. ' son, 1026 Harvard avenuelSlnnp-1 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer a.m. to 2:30 p.m. " Thursday, Octaber 26 LEIPER PRESBYTERIAN The Deacons wlll meet Tues9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer CHURCH day at 8 p.m. 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer 900 Fairview Raad There will be a special meetFriday, Octobu '0 Rev. Jame. Barber, ~11",.te~I~~d~o~lf~d~th~e Ushers As,so,olatlon! 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer Sunday. October at 8 p.m. 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer 9:30 A.M.-Church School The Junior Choir Hallowe'en Saturday, Octab.r 28 11:00 A.M.-Morning WorShip Party will be held Friday evenIng, October 27. (St. Simon and st. Jude) 9:30 A.M.-Holy Communion M~morial Niches in beautifulu~.,.. __ West Laurel Hill "7eojJiog lljJwitIJ IiJIJSIJ)'IJoogsIIJrs is abigjo/l' -_._------ --==__-----,,--.. C PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY -:-:=-=-'-------111 :z2 for the Cemetery Citizen. of the United Stote. can oH.r s .clal • NO~r ~. Unlt.d Natlonl In It I tim. "f d ..pPcrllll. up port • warthmore COlJlmiH.. for the United N I poled of r.p ....ntatlve. from tw.l" 8 at anI, cam• orough Cammunlty organization. .ugg.lts to It f II that th.y CAN h I th UN' • ow cltlz.ns In Swarth_. Till • P • • • In a practical way • way I. call.d the VolJlntor,. Tax ta u hold th U ' :~dl%uprrt It•• pecial ••rvlc.s. Thl. "tax,I"1 lUg:•• r.ceived. annual Incom., but any amount will b. gratefully ;!.' ' Com~~!:.:af..~.~:nU ~ .endlng a check t~ Th. Swartlo.o,. aut to "Th U • " P.O. Bax 166, Swarth_.. ...... cify on YOllr check'_ of the follawl:g A!~~:t~fntf' (1) T.chnlcal Aulstanc: (UNESCO) ( (2) U.N. Special Fund (IDA) AISI.ta"';. for I--... 'lfam., .tc.) to h.l" "'"Iop_nt In I I - ... p~..til_llo. u_ (3) Chlld.... ·s F.und (UNICEF) H!i i::a..~"!''''' In I.w Inc_. countrl... . p '~ . . . JIN :~·!f .h.•pecl~11...rC_rlhIlDII will .....,.... • xtraF 1I.lp to ....-.. .......... ueftJ ...... ·U.N ..... " " &en.C. . , ' lie 7OG.Alr' :::'...~,~e. M ... ,~. H•• , 'hC•• kl., K13" ' , - .. tile U.N. t..treller; r •• IN APPRECIATION Mrs. Willard Tomlinson wishes to express her deep gratitude for the many messages of loving symMembers and friends of the John A. Chiquoine, a former pathy she has received from reCommunity Arts Center will reSident of Rutgers avenue, died sldents of the Borough. They hear Arthur Fennimore of Ber- Thursday, October 12, In Memor- were a great comfort. wyn, pianist, who will present lal HOSPital, Wilmington. Del. He a concert on Sunday at' 8:15 was 66. p.m. at the Community Arts Mr. Chlquolne was a retired GIVE to the United Fund Center on Rogers lane, mechanical engineer withJhe Du Wallingford. Pont Company. He is survived by his widow, A graduate of the Curtis Institute of Music, pupil of the the former May Williams McDowell world famous teacher, Rudolph of Chester, three sons, Arnold R. 15 SO!llh Chesler Road Serkln. Mr. Fennimore has been of Springfield, A. Dunca,n of st. Swarthmore the winner of numerous outs- Louis, Mo., and. John D. of WHstanding awards since the age mlngton; and nine grandchildren. Klngswood 3-1900 Services and burial were of 10 when he won the Central New York State' plano compet- private. ition. At 11, lIe won a summer -----.----THE SWEET SHOP scholarship of .study at the TRINITY EVENING GROUP COLONIAL COURT APTS Chatauqua., School of Music and TO HOLD DINNER MEETING (next to Post Ornee) played with Chatauqua Student KI 3-4597 When Next Thursday evening, at 6:30 Symphony orchesira. twelve' he was awarded a sum- p.m., the Evening Group of the mer scholarship at Lake Placid, Women of Trinity will hold a dinN.Y .. under Dr. Clarence Av •. ~ who formerly attended Beaver College as a freshman. toown the same and all persons in• School. is the son of Mr. Christopher Reynolds of Oberdebted to the decedent to make pay_ • • Edward L. Noyes lin avenue has Completed a week ment without delay 10 Howard M. • Jenkins. 506 N. Cbester Road Swarthroad. of orientation at the Philadelphia more. ·Pa.• or to Wayland H. Blsbree •. • • Edgar Y. Harris, son of Mr. and College of Pharmacy and Science. 1900 Land Title Building PhiladelHenry L. Harris, South and has now commenced his rephia 10. Pa. 3T-10-20. • • avenue. has been pled- gular class work in the School of • • to Sigma Chi national frater- Pharmacy there. He is a graduate • • at Denison University. Gran- of the. Episcopal Academy. where he is a freshman Cynthia Topping. daughter of .s. McQllade. 3rd, Son . Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Topping of and Mrs. John S. McQuade North Princeton avenue. is a first of Moylan, has enrolled as year student at Sullins College MIMEOGRAPH. , : at Park College. Park- in BrIstol. Va. She is a member SPIRIT DUPUCATOR .:. Mo .•.. and has been accepted of the Campus Chest and the PHOTOCOPY i as a member of the Parchevard- Campus Religious Organization. Social Club. Gall Forwood. daughter of Mr. i:~~~,: ReDublican cOmmittee: David Scarborough has entered and Mrs. Francis G. Forwood of a. College, Allentown. Oberlin avenue. is enrolled as a a m em b e r of the freshman fr8J3hman at Westminster College ... 2 PIirl A".. S•• rt ••• N, P.. ICULss. David is the Son of Mr. and New Wilmington. Pa. . S. E. Hudson KI 4-3360 . William L. Scarborough of .~==========-=;I 1 IRlltg.ers avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murra.y and .... ... ..... ..... . ... ....... :·Att ' ention S·warthmore V . October 20. 1961 ROTARIANS TO HEAR Mr. Hamm joined the company He~ry Hamm manager of the in his p~ese!lt pOSition in 1955. • ·Before Joinmg Curtis, he was special services bureau of the assistant editor of th N w Y k e e or public relations department of The Curtis Publishing Company ife Insurance Company weekly wlll address the Swarthmore Ro: magazine. tary Club toda.y at 12 o'clock. at -j-,.-----"-the Ingleneuk. Pennsylvania. Mar one Ry~rson, daughter of The subject of Mr. Hamm's talk Mr. and Mrs. Yi. Newton Ry.erson .. of Elm avenue, was recently will be The Creati.v;e story ~e- pledged to Delta Tau Chapter of hind ~he New Post, a graphiC- Delta Delta Delta at Beloit Col'illy lllustrated presentation of lege Wisc i h h I the ~~!~~~in~th~e:..:re:d~e:s~ig:n~o~fE:~ • ons n, were s e. s a freshman. thA oters.~.. • HBP B.ECT JUDGE O'BRIEN to til. PENNA.· : srATE SUPREME COURT .. S• arth·more • •• ' .r - • I~~f~~~~~ ':. . •••••••••••• , ' .....ritar S.n.·.... ..... : •VOTE ON NOV. 7 . A B DICK· Office Supplies • : " Belvedere , Convalescent Bome ••••••••••••• • and John Walmsley. son Mr. and Mrs. LesUe Walmsley North Chester road, have reo SALE _ White drum majoretle their studIes at the Uniof Pennsylvania. During season John was elecled - Books. 14 Volume set. new. Cost $119. Ph.,n. KIngswood 4-5260. in which both boys partD id olthe board of the Penn av Walmsley of North ChesrO!!d .has enrolled as a fresh- carpentJy~~J~:O~b:b:I~~il;~w~as~he~r~, ~ra~di~o~.~h:~O~u.~s~e West. KIngswood~;fu~r~nI~S~hi~n~;gS;. 4-3645. 1507 Chestnut st.. Chester TRemont 2-5373 - rooms. book Donnelly. - Plano . spec- LIP~~~~~iltj~Roo~~fin~g~';i~!1 Recreation rOOms FOR SALE J. Foster. GLobe lIsh bike 1. PARlER H. D. CHURCH between FLORIST rl~~~~~~2 CLobe 9..a358 HOW· CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS land near Media. Free taking. Call K1ngswood 3-1808. ~ Praclical prlvale duty. references. WANTED - Alleralions on '~~~~H;~~~~~~!~i'r~~C~IOtheS desired by. woman. 4-0842. . Academy. Kevin Cadigan of E~~m~~~~~:~1 in his second, year of work a t M'IC I' ugan State Linda de Prophetis of Hen"rdl entered West Ch.esl'erl State College as a freshman Josephine P. Lange of Cedar lane has entered Lake used by the studenls at Cards and Greeling Ing School Please leave room. storage space, lacle In Ihe Swarthmorean Office. Lake Forest, lll.. as a of the freshman class. COUNTY OF DELAWARE Seal . 41 ..M. ....... . -. ;~g~E~~~~~~~~~~ - Large comfortably ad Sol General Contractor I;W~AN~TE~D~.~~u~n~w~an~tle~d~~~~II~~:~::: naw home. KlngSWQod 3_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e~d~ :~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUILDERS 'Since I~~.~~~~~!~~~~~;:~~~r-I WANTED withat borne. new KIngswood work • WANTED - Swarthmore. Small residential Ing 101 In Call wood 3-1211. the Jack Prichard ~~~~~~~~~~~~ t OfC cit ax:1'IBIOB I of the County Control. wtll be received Media. PL. up unStandard TIme. October 31, 1961 for and' on a Rental Basis for ese of County of Media Pa.. E.S.T. which will be 10:00 A.M. on that sence of the County operali;,gconstru~tion sunny I'::::-:::::::--::::-~::---:-----I Media Buslnes·s woman, WANTED - Vlaltln" university ~::::::::::::I;FO~~~Ri~~R;E;jN~:r~:-~~R~oom-Sharlng POssibilities. LOfessor desires Iwo or three PAl NTI NG 6-bar pack !II',~enll· from to June room February furnished 1house or 1. wood 3-2752. can ~. 11132 ..... U........ N...... Don . SAVE Ie 2 .. .li_..• TIC',' County Commissioners fathe' right to reject IlIIYIUId 011 L~K:.:n:,.:w::ao:~~3:.~:7~6:1...{l.~~~~~~::~~;~~~~~::~:;~~~-'~~.~~~~~~ w·. .' . I,,' • _ '. 61 1. . . . . . . . . . . S. MOtIon A.... to Mort-. p;'. '&17 ... PI .. Ii , G. :rr~lNr. Ib• 5·lb. box $3.89' 47e ..", 53c giant pkg. I'!l~. 67c CRESSON PRICHARD Lestoil Cleaner NOTARY PUBLIC 900 Michigan Avenue pint bottl. I~b. KI 3-1112 11111111 3ge T~IS box 4ge ' .S DELICIOUS APPLES EdolA FANCY MIIe:INTOSH APPLES Yuban Instant Coffee • ~..z. IDr *1 &5 • BonIen's - ...... _-',......, ... ....... -. 1_lant Coffee IIIUlIl 'b, 21e II NONE PIICED HIGH. . NOITHWE$TERH TENDER, IRESH 2lbs. 2 I Chicken Tots My... !k":' 39e: A&P Spinach :::~' 1Dc Jiffy Steaks fI......,·...... ~~. 79c Hlsh Brown Potatoes o~. ':.,-;z·lDc Green Beans~":.,k 3~~ 49c Orange Juice ~"'::" 4:: 93c . California Pa~cal Celery :t lie Yellow Onions 3":;" 25e I II I Spachel11 Dinner .roft .... 25c Macaroni & Cheese D~~ ..··lle Marcarine AllSWEIl '·,:r..:!'·2 ,!,;~. 51e Doe: Yummles :t:: lle C NONE PRICED HIGH" BARTLEII PEARS STRING BEANS 4~!;39° 25c A&P .FINE -FROZEN ~ODS. 4 for!25 GRAPEFRUIT ··4 bag -lb. 390 , Ibs. 2~ NONE PRICED NIGHR 2· lbs. 25c Sweet Potatoes : . r: ...·21e ". Ie Raeu SI':~~:Tl ~;"z. 31e ~:z. ale Olives ~:·u~= 2 I!!: aBc Mustard 0.'.....•• DI"''' ..... 'j:;'. 254: Sweet Pickles ':;'.:; 1-' 3Bc lew Green Cabbage' .. PEAIUT' BUnER A~~:~:CE 21;:'" 57° 3 *1 00 MIXES CAKE DOWN GO THE PRICESI VElIEET' IIDIES CHEESE SPREAD 2 l'!.t 71ge .. EGGS &- PACK CAn e =Sunnybrooks ...:.i:;" 67c P:CKlE CHIPS OR SPEARS K~~~:rB;I::~d 4 ~i:: 9g U,'Oft 49' 8~~:n*1.49 L.,.. ....... .it. "'" "':::'.4""59' ANti-FREEZE ':!~~ 57e MoDESSIAPIIIS ::a .39. 2 :~~ 69· SYlIAI SEAL CRfAM I I'''' 110 MARCAL FACIAL . SUNNYB.ROOK WHITE lEGtfOIN LARGE FltESH EGGS . . . . . Cc .~""63e E &~ ........, . . ,. S f,_ ..... , Ii•• OPU'IU IU,va .. .... -.S-O- lAVE .... Cl.... .,12. .. lAW: PIe ,.. _ . Pll SA •• ~... SAft"', k P gs. • MILK SHAKE, PAY DAY, TOP STAR, pkg. of SMOOTH SAILING, OR BUTTERNUT 6 bars quart arteR CRESTVIEW BRAND .:::.,... a...e~&'''''''''' c. . . . 1~1Ic·"'" - . carton WILDMERE BRAND ...i.dCI6c_._~ hieY . . By BETTY CROCKER • COUNTRY KITCHEN VARIETIES ~ & • flUSH FLORIDA JUICY "NAriONAL ~PPU ""EEIt" CRISP SWEET EAliNG &ge I 1111 II STAYMAM APPLES. -&ge (Spa.. le) quort bottl. l0.0z. STEAK COD An A&P Exclusive 64° Lestare Dry Bleach Swarthmore SIZE .... SSe: I (Pine Scant) pint quart bottle . bottle REALTOR .'lle lAIOE loaf ~ I FRESH PORGIES J.... 7ge 7ge FRESH CRAB MEAT ClAW lBc",", lie , ..... e.... l"b. on 89e: f:~: 67e: U' 69c SAVf 150 3ge p fa p ••. Lestoil .Cleaner LOwell 6-2176 D44liD1 'b·53c 31'." ...... tIM .... IM! 2 I""z. ca,,' 25c 2 2!..-::. 43c IIBDJA SWARTHMORE . BUTT.HALF MEDIUM SIZE SAVf It 8T8.. ·eunas lb. ;~ SHRIMP Aiax Cleanser FOUND - Ladies' jij .. BUTT PORTION (SOME Slien REMOVED) . Detergent Photographic Supplies ~ . Whole l~b. giant pkg. 2 NONE PR1CED 3HIGH; 94e Ad WIllI Picture Framill .' ROIER RUSSElL I can 30e large pkgs. ~• 3·lb. SAVE 3c Klngswood 3-0272 ~ SHANK PORTION (SOME SliCES REMOVED) Fab Detergent large I ! KI 3-1460 "SUPER·RIGHT" TENDERED. SHORT SHANKED 12 to 16 POUND 2 I!:: 35c - - - OPBH PRlDAY THE MUSIC BOI, III. CHIC ENS . I~~ii· SMO ED HAMS ~ 2ge I~ 3ge Brown Bread,PIke a . " - Aft. ~ BrAn: a MONROE KI 4-5448 All Small Repairs Done on Premises 25e 2::L 29c illl - I Village Baked. Beans OOllal "-11 H- Pie&. 1teeUa18m ....adI _ VIM. LoPATA • PROMPT SERVICE . Classical - Popular B&M ELNWOOD Cash. EachCertified bid must Good be rlllm or hy a Corporate Surety Bond. In the amounl of ten ~IT~~~,~~j~I,~~~of~t~he wrisl to thetotal orderamount·of of the County .:-_ _-:::;-;;-;:-;;--:-:-=:~2~7g:¥~::-':Octo~:_be~r=1:'1-.-.:._ _ _ _~ of Proposal may be 0~~~;1 J Office of the Chief CLEAN . D BEAUTIFUL nCflo'uQs"e'ty. ~~~~'io,,!~ners. 3'5e l-1b. ~ &_,.11 BoIabbobecl Guitar Crisco Shortening !j~~~~~~~&~YL~;5M~~~~~~ .=A=.=... VACUUM CLEANERS TOASTERS LAMPS OTHER ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Wafer Bars and Rubbish Removed ""WDa Mowed•. ~~~~~~~~~~~ifl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~F~r~a~n~C~iS~S' ~ BOX 48 E.... I. Chi...... Asbea 2ge M&M'S WIWAM .BROOIS Jack Chambers. son of Mr. and Cenetery.. IDlckInscm avenue. left recently the University of Virginia. Chambers. CUstom-made Slip _ Eighl palrs women's where he lias enin your home. 1l¥.zD. Assorled leathers. as a heshman. prompt service. John G. Poole. son of Mr. I make them. _ _ _ ,_3-5557,,, =-----'Donald W. Poole of Swarthavenue. a graduate of Foun- LADIES. easy to learalf.'in·Valley School. Colorado work (can earn $2. per hour is a member of the frelBb-1 Call Mrs. Hellings. TReI at for Home appointment. c ass Brown University. • R.I .• where he is a WANTED - Pari or full for the Bachelor work. Doctor's degree. references. Box O. Susan Marsh. daughter of Mr. ONAL - Gilberl's Steam Wull- WANTED - Work of any Mrs. Alfred M. Marsh of \JUll-1 remOVe Paint over paper.' work, handy' man. elc. avenue. has been pledged palnling. Georie Gilbert 4-50194, Malcolm and Timothy PI Beta Phi Sorority at the Un• 4-7082.. North CarOlina, Chapel paper lamp WANTED for China and . liltle klUens. where she is a member of gs:;:w;:::0::::O_d_4::-26_5_1_.-:_ _ _ _ _ 1 junior class. Klngswood I_K ;;;I-;-:n:: I. Nino .de Prophetis of Halrv,mll WANTED - Someone to remove Warm-Air Heating Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Work F,ee.Ridlay fat'mates 1401 Avenua Ch . aster.2 .... Pa.759 11temont TRemont 2-5689 pkg. KI 3-8093 hasNew entered University. York. Syraas and is taking the NuraProgram. ;~J.~r~~~~~~~~r ROOFU~IG .FK. ..... - •. et"ul 5%-0%. 7 South Chesl.. Road 1 ;~~~~~W~~~~.0~~~,~~~~~a:venue. Klngswoo!i 4-2727 2ge Plain· Candy I 1 PAil ArE., SWARTHMDRE 57e M&M's 10 6.llil5'l s.. ~J pkg. 2-oz. pkg. er now! A copper disc under It !!1I!lu,ge, Ohio. for her junior year.oJ~ IieJIaIn!cl Ph. KI 3-42UI A%n,~uef:"~~~~~'1 defeat the sq ulrrels. Feeders. baths. sister He I d i, has entered 6-11'liS, houses and discs al the S. Crothers, EMIL SPIES Jrs .• 435 Plush Mill Road, Walllng_IEIIlU,am College in Richmond. W ..:ri)BMAKQ. ford. LOwell 6-4551. ,as a freshman. They are the of Mr. and Mrs. John' Fermaty '" F. Co BeM ..... FOR BALE _ Pigeons. "IDe Watch &lid 128 r ..... AYe. Colorful show bird vaiiely Ideal child's pets. KIngswood Nancy Gatewood. daughter Of/!~~IOCIt~;Re:""~~'rs~,fi8:;:: ....... ;;;;;;Lb;;;;:;;mo;;re.;;;;;P&~ 7733. and Mrs. Lee C. Gatewood ·of T SMALL APPLIANCE REPAIRS U.S. Gav't Inspadad 2 to 3 Pound, i'resh Killed for Frying, Broiling or Barbecuing Spatini. SpagiaeHi Salce Mary Ellen Bed.... lbnnold of Rutgers avBIC"Cl~lI re:f.~~~ Il-p(;;SALE-:"-;~t~~;';;W;;;ti;di="IEiO~c~arol FOR SALE - Pul up your bird has returned to Oberlin Col- 'h'1l a l. bottle of 48 JOe your. rebui:,E511 manTextiles a¥the PhlIadelphia an~ Science College in Ger- Full-sized girl's with gear shift. evenings. KIngswood 3-2830. IISTlIl I.STALUTI.IS SAVE BUYtuner of 47 aNOT piano prcJlclic:al o"" with aU will pay you in .....nd. ~~~~~~~~~~~§I:~~~SIz5e~6~¥.z~'~C~al:l~K1~ng~S~W~0~Od;r:~~~ ~ ................. 0.... AIed, 8eaUe. CIuade CDhaIac:e:at II. . Ud woat.. • tnt ............ . 8lae \1nu am J:8d Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Linton of Park avenue entertained at a family ,dinner party In honor of the first birthday of their son Peter on Tuesday evening. October 10. A&P CeielJ'lItes 102 Yell's ., Serving 3ge Goot! Foods lit LO W PRICES! Tetley Tea Bags ~~:t~~~~J~;r;~~~:~~~t~~A~P~P~I;'eS;"-;;EIl -;;~~ 1,.~lRobert Taylor of College aven- I~~~~~~a wt.ekend of Park avenue recently Providence ",ol:~~..~~~~11r;;l,is~0~n of Mr. and Mrs. John R. ,: in Beach Haven. 'Tewtc,n,,0'1lrth of Rose Tree.. " Square and Media. FOR SALE':'='-Frlgldli.!re, automaUc 21 e quart bottle I-====::!!!~~~~::::::J:=~~~~~~~~=== -Q:';:m~t~:~ Page 1 Thrifty Liquid Starch LIS·S I FIE DAD • TaB 8WARTBKe.BAN -,..,..,~ , 8\;.lll·tllJlOl'e t:O lleglr • Page 8 THB SWARTHMORBAK ... ---------------.~ni.;U~AD~~~;UBMaucu-ny~------------ THE DEMOCRATIC VIEWPOINT FOR MAYOR "With the election of Nov,ember, 1961 comes a change in the title of the chief administrative office in our mu'nicipal government. No longer will there be a burgess of Swarth, more; there will be a mayor. With this c han g e in title , ,might it not be desirable to reevaluate the role thi!> official should pla,y in community affairs? Clarence Myers. our borough so11c1l0r, at a recent Rotary meeting. pointed out that the significanoe andetfectiveness the office depended to a extent upon how the perholding the office viewed responsibilities. He further stressed that although the Harry E,Oppenlander legislative functions of the office were few there were many wa,ys in which the burgess or mayor could make his presence felt and could influence municipal affairs. It is my belief that our new ma,yor should play an increasing role in community affairs by exerting tbe leadership inherent in this office. What are the areas in which this leadership can manifest itself? It seems to me that there is a true need for presenting community problems to our citizens and suggesting ways of dealing with them. The new mayor is in a position to do just that. Furthermore, ,there is need for coordinating ,the, activities of the various groups that are concerned with community matters. Certalniy the new mayor can suggest wa,ys by which the report of the committee dealing with the problems of our youth can be implemented. ' Then too, the ne,,! mayor migbt well concern himself with the, pr()blems facing the merchants of Swarthmore. While it has been said that 'education is tbe business of Swartbmore', it is important tbat our municipal government do what It can to assist wberever possible those who provide serVices to our community. In summary 11( needed to accompany the new title is a new attitude by the new person who is elected to the office. "~ FOR SCHOOL DIRECTOR ,', "Swarthmore and Rutledge have alwa,ys taken pride in their schools - this is the , reason a surprising number of families move to both towns. , Swarthmore High in 1931 gave , me excellent college prepara,,' tion. Our' three Children, 'start" ing In kindergarten and gradu, atingfromSwarthmoreRutledge Union SChool within tbe last : five years were similarly well , prepared. Many studies have been made recenily suggesting curriculum improvements in keeping with the time's. Our School Board has had business men competent in financing, engineers to help adVise with recent building; now It would be helpbeHy McCorkel ful, I believe, to have more Board members concerned with education itself to consider present and proposed changes. Since 1955 I have been teaching pre-school chUdren; some two score go from our Nursery School to Rutgers Avenue each year. I would like to work with the' elementary educational· program as my specialty, if elected. I am frequently asked to evaluate our public schoolss over agalnst private schools In this area. I believe in' public schools. I would like to 8qe us as parents, teachers and administratprs maintain the atmosphere for Individual growth which has characterized our school at its best. The purchase of a bus for transportation of children at a distance would make possible also more field trips and first-hand learning experiences. I would like to see us integrate the fine new programs into our children's total learning in such a way that they become not more pressure but a pleasure to all. " < October 20, 1961 -------------------------Ir-------------------------r-------------------------Wallillford PTA M.ets, Covered Bridge. Topic PUBlIC UIUIY SEIS n.....1- at THE CANDIDATES SPEAK 7 30 PoM Raymond E. WUson of Og(lenl ._._,: • avenue will present an ~:~:~~~ talk entitled "Covered The first meeting of the Wall- R bli The swarthmore PubUc Library In@:fOlrd Parent Teachers' Assocl- am ngs in New England has planned its own HallQwe'en. "Witching Hour" for Frida., Octwill be held Thursdov even- Eastern Pennsylvania", at 8 ..., nextFrlday in theRu'shn.orl~Rt'omi ..., at 7:30 p.m. During the tirst of Whittier House. ober 27, 6:30 to 8 p.m. Ghosts" A native New goblins, ghouls, and school chilof the evening parents are dren i" the 5th througb 8tb grades nvited to a "Meet Your Teachers WUson has lived in Your School" program, when nearly 30 years. He became are Invited to this uniq ue library t~:~~:::s in their classrooms will estedln the old wooden function whicb will be held at tbe :II s curriculum and asslgn- ~ Marsball S c h mid ta' tiackyard requirements with the par- our years ago and now has "fire-pU", 334 Dickinson avenue. Ic~'lol~ed slide collection of Toasted marshmallows" elder, Also on the program wll1 be the of the 1600 bridges stlll and gbost tales will be prOvided. 2,,[.e,,11 P.T.A. ll13eting presided in the United states Those who wisb to attend are by Mrs. Jobn Wellman, chairasked' to register first at the man; and the School Board of l'l.eonsuuaant engineer IIbrary;becBUse of limited space, Nether Providence Township, giv- I : in structural design, registration must be limited to Wllson has been particularly tbe first 40 wbo sign up. All who log a general resume of its alms Ii!~~:e~~~ec:,in thebridges, construction llnd purposes, and discussing a It of these most de- come are asked to arrive promptly, new $1,340,000 budget. ' dress warmly - and bring along , Mrs. Wellman has the following I' were built by men haVing steel nerves I 11I1~le or no teclmlcal knowledgp. ib women on her board for the 1961- The public is cordi al1 - Invited L rarian Marya Hunsicker OOUJ entertaloed tbe sixth graders yes1962 year: attend. Vice-Cbairman, Mrs. Louis Dalterda,y wltb t~e telling of another Lett; Secretary, Mrs. Vlrg1n1a chlller, Conne~' s "The Most Hoopes; treasurer, Mrs. Harry LISTED IN'WHO'S WHO' ID~~~~G~am~e:.':'______ MOIltg,)me'ry;, advisor, Miss Ella Mary Helen S. (Mrs. William E.) I GIIOST STORY PARTY Shipman; bospitality, avenue, is and means, Mrs·I!~~~:':~in 0 ftheDartmouth ~ ~ii~:' F.ways second edition Jobll Damon and Mrs. Josepb Kr1~g; cafeteria, Mrs. Horatio En- !~~~~~'JtmembershiP' Mrs. Wllliam snsoo.21 FOR FAll HOMECOMING Who of American Women, Mrs.Danforthrecelved ber B.A, from Wellesley College, M.A. degree from Radcliffe and master of social '~ and Mrs. John Cull1s; ~I~il;':' Mrs. Frank Deming; pub,11 , Mrs. Forest Roark.'.~ Alumni of Swarthmore College retmn to the scene on satutOctober 21, the date of the Homeroom mothers of tbe Ele... e University of Penn-''IlIlnUIIl in psychoanalysis at the Sports events of the day Include mentary school were guests at . • Studies Institute. witbHomecoming. Ursinus at 1:30p.m. luncheon given by the P. T.A. , country with Delaware and • at 2:30 p.m.,' and soccer LBla,yette at 3 p.m. All are Ihome games. Arter an afternoon of sports, i:~~ will adjourn to the' college room for tbe annual, alumni and a welcoming speech President Courtney Smith. speaker of ttoe evening will Kermit Gordon, Class of '38, Ia .nelnb,ar of the President's Counof Economic Advisors. His Ito:pic will be "Ad vice and Disill Economic Policy... Members of the Alumni Councll a slightly .longer visit to the rallege, including an Alumni , ";HILAD.LPHIA TRUST COMPANY I ICOUDC:il meeting and a dinner with Room 1303 , present seDlor class_ More of ' PhiladelphIa 9, Pa. , bUSiness 'a' Homecoming Please send me all Ihe facts, without obli· IwJ,:!:~~ will be conducted st an IA Fund meeting to be held gation, about CASH-MATIC· day at 11 a.m. in.the so that I can find out how to have cash any IFriends' Meeting House_ ' time. simply by writing a check. Returning alumni are also inN.m._____ ___________________________ pilted to attend the Cooper FoundAddress _________________________________ Ia::,~;concert by tbe AJIladeus Ie; on Frida,y at 8:15 p.m. In City -Zone Stat...______ lothier Hall and tite college Mambll ~al DepOSit Insur.1lnce Corpor.1ion Mall thl~ coupon'todayJ isql.are dance In the Field House 'J5jj 9 p.m. on Saturday. ----~--------------~---------POLI'I'IC&L ADVEa'l'lSEIIBHT Mrs. Anthony A. Fairbanks of in front of the homes of others. avenue and Mrs. Thomas E. Qu:irin of Springfield won first The fallure to provide muniCipal trash-collection has been in a,Duplicate .Master Point tolerated only because we have been forced to get used to Sweellstloke Bridge game held It. It is neither efficient nor lovely to have competing trash-' trucks on the same streets. Our taxes have helped, build a month at the Marple Bridge county· incinerator. And some might lie interested to note that transferring this cost from a personal'expense to a share' of the general tax could provide a modest saving in income, taxes. Finally, schedules of leaf removal should be publicjy announced. in marlY ways a' forthrigbt facing of problems can improve ItlSfniment Loaned Free our local government ... DOROTHY MAHER . ~~~~:;~~~~~:!~~J1~;;~~s~b~e~ils~a;;c;lilni~C~al~;as;-~ ~.~~Fall l F IDE L I TY ---------------, ~ Accordion ~~~----------- FOR BOROUGH COUNCIL FOR BOROUGH COUNCIL "My discussion of unsolved problems faCing the Borough should not be taken as a blanket indictment of the Council's work, for there are COu'ncUmen who have given much effort to a thankless task. But no one party should claim a monopoly of devotion to our town. and frank discussion can only im, prove the handling of Borough affalrs. Booming' population from new apartments will aggravate current problems in the handling of traffic: ,At the Rutgers Avenue school 'the crush of trarnc arrivliig and leaving in the same narrow' quarters is inconvenient and hazardous. More e.cute is the dangerous "bikes-oriJ.y"patb on Ruttlers, Jo"nO. Honnold, Jr. w"er~ soutb-bound bikes and IIOrtb-bollnd cars ~ both 8l[p'a".il'to.~eepto UIo-latf, with thellibt-of-wv marJl:ad oaly b;-lines and latil!rs oathe payeIIIiIiIt QicII drl_ ..., _ TIle 1Ile;JCl- , '" clJl 11 _.... SV/nrthmore 'h::il.,,,' Your Council's leadership is tbe issue of ,this campalgn. Can yoU approve of the present Council members' attitude on the ·mlllor issues considered this year? Their refusal to publish tbe report of the Committee on youth Guidance; their arbitrary action on street Improvements; their indifference concerning the enforcement of Borough speed limits; tbeir polley on snow removal and parking, whicb hurts local business? And is the Council looking ahead? Have the incumbent members made full use of tbe Planning Commission? Are they preparing .far-sighted W. Spencer Thompson plans for the development of land use and tbe replacement of over-age housing? Or has tbe one-party control of CounCil fuf so ,mB117 y:ears resulted in stereotnJeti action and no visIon? We lite Jiving In B period of rapid urban and suburban cbUip whleb can not be ipored if we are to preserye the B1feCUftoarr:;;~"'_1l$ ~ quaUt.J of t.tuiic Vii",. KI .. 5448 specialists in ~ Our experieneed phannacists compound your Doctor's pre8Cripti~ns with preeision. and as. promp~ly as rare will per- mlt~ An.d. beca~se our-prices a.... IIlII"formly, you will .njoy our "I'reattiption Specialists" service. Standard TIme Begins 2:00 ANt Sunday Standard TIme THE 5WARTHMOR VOLUME 33 -- HUMB ER 43 Begins 2 A.M. Sunday '" SWARTHMORE, PENNA., FRIDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1961 $4.00 PER YEAR College Arts Festival Observes • New Arts Center PalI Pearso. Thatre Is ,M"'or -. Feature AUCE BARBER SERVICES IBD TUESDAY P.M. Artist, Business Woman Died Friday Afternoon 7 p.~~rtH1~:fE The Small Fry Parade I~;,:~~s!~ up through the LOCAL LWV ISSUES NON.pARTlsa.. GUIDES 11ft I@ will be held tonight Would Remind Voters to 7:30 p.m. In the ,,,'le,n House No registrat ':'~ioUn,eg,ell''' Five Referenda Funeral Services' were for Alice .Fussell Barber ow,,,,,1 The parade is Sponsored JOint-I The League of Women Voters of Barber,inGifts, has completad big·The projects da,yAlice afternoon Drexel A -··~I,durlng the pas I two week. f,·rst The Rev. J. Jorden Gu ssoclatioR. t th S conducted the service. 0 ese was the publication and malllng to each of the registered warthmore College will celeTh Barber died at ber late e seven lively arts will Harvard avenue on . voters-or farollles of registered brate the opening of its new Arts ':enter building in an ~rts Fes- on exhibition af Swarthmore 1-'011-1 noon, October 20. Sbe voters of SWarthmore and RutItval to be held Octoller 26-29 lege this week end, October sided In the Borough ledge Borougl)s-the non-partisan :nd, November 2-5. AdmiSSion is' 29'b and2 the one fOllOwing, ye~;'e the Voters Guide for the November y lOvltation only. em er -5, in an Arts Swarthmore The Swarthmore Branch of Election. The cost of this ser1929. Miss Barber ~~~~t~.!:~11~~e,d!~':'~~ Guild .'~'s~al:~:.~~~?;~ vice to citizens is met primarily The. Arts Center, located in celebraUng the opening of ~he renovated old Hall of Chem- C;:0llege's new Arts Center an active ,Interest in ~: the annual "I by contributions made to LWV lstry, under the direction of Vin- Ing. for 10 years on M~nd;IY'''~~f~J~~~~~;~~~St~~~ November At during its annual finance drive. cent S. KUng provftles for the Festival Coordinator Mrs, ings wben she wss v, the gl'fts of two new In addit'· it fl t t' Tho m p son, and teer in charge of the ' lon, In recogn ion of rs Ime a center for the many B b U~~'<. A~tl~~_~clothl·ng h h Id their genera rt on its board at directors , or ouse 0 us suppo 0 f Isst creative arts activities of the ar araElmore and Barbara least 20 as each member are year. all contributors received 'college. The creative arts at SOn Lange, have planried a counted, two timely pamphlets. The first Swarthmore. though entirely ex- ,program, displaying the to Delaware is the Pennsylvania Voting Mantracurricular, include a varied of the creative arts at the Phi.Jadelphia charities. ual for 1961. a summary of the an entirely During the week of October Pennsylvania Election Code and extensive program. Source of Funds program, will ,be window displays ~~II pr"pa,red by the LWV of Penn~ The funds for the 1011g-ne'~dE,d'l The entire Arts Center Borough of articles sylvania, The second is a local center have come from the col- hoid Open House on Friday buf:ed through the guild to cn'UitvlCitizen's Guide, prepared by lege buildiug funds and a num- 3:30 to 5 p,m" Saturday from also of knitted garinemnl~ts~~;r~~IMrs. Maurice Webster and her' ber of memorial bequests: The and S,:!ndal{ from 3 p,m, contributed by guild m committee. This gui:le Iisls Paul R!arson Fund, The Florpenod the general 'New Garments Always' is State. County and local officials· ence Wilcox Fund, The Dorothy is invited to view a slogan for 1961, committee assignments of Bor: Hunt Fund, and cThe Class of art work by Swarthmore :r~!:~~I~,~~;:~e who are not ougb Councilmen and 'Swarth1960 Bequest. ',alumni, and faculty, and to I: who would like to more-Rulledge School Directors A mlllor feature of the new Florence Wilcox Arts mem-Ilta'in more infonnation about also given. center, on the planning boards Crafts Studio, the Dorothy are asked to call At this General Election, votfor over three years, is the Paul Music Rooms, and the Class Mrs. Bruce D. Smlith',l ers wUl be asked to vote on five M. Pearson Theatre, an open exmeeting rooms, ds well the ;l-41:~':1. who will in turn referenda. All are proposed the!'t~e, A supplementary exher in with a director in amendments to Pennsylvania's perimental stage with a seating capacity of 140 deSigned by 0, photographic prints neighborhOOd, and all will appear James Hull Miller. Dr. Pealson be shown in the Parrish The list of directors will at the top of the ballot. LWV's was a professor In the public Arts and Craft. Studio published next week, of Pennsylvania urge support of Speaking department of the col------.:..-'--_____ Referendum 2'-A, whicb was one lege for mal\Y years, retiring The Arts and Crafts Studio will of the revisions recommended by from his post as Honorary Leeopen, showing students at to tbe 1956 Commission on Conat the potter's wheel, st1tutional Revision. turer in 1 9 3 0 . ' byTom Fetter '59 The local LWV suggests that The new Arts and Crafts stu'dio is a memorial to the late Turner '36, The arts and when voters enter the voting Florence Wilcox, given by her program is under the booth they first read and vote on husband Clalr Wilco,x, professor of Mrs, Barbara Elmore, the referenda, so that they do of economics. Mrs. Wilcox held Irene Moll, associate dress Mpmbers Tues_ not forget to do so, before pullphysical education, 0 T ing the curtain to leave. For 8 the post of director of arts and 0 uesday, at 2 p.m., b· crafts at, the college for many program 0 fI nternational ne f exp1anation of tbe five recolumnist for, •,erend a, the LWV asks voters the t errace 0 f the center on years. The Florence Wllcox at 2 p,m. newspapers, to 'see the first page of their Fund, established by her friends the Woman's Club on Voter's Guide, The Print CI b f Phil d I h has also furnished the theatre' ' u 0 a e p ia 'Communist Infiltratl·on ,'n Under1a bby I n t'-ue entr ance of the Arts SgIve d demonstrations in Countries," He I·S wrl·t- R es id en t s who have not yet Cent er. f .tut io, k·shOWing the a on this subJ'ect a V0 ter' s GUl'd e are A lo"g career of service to 0 plln -ma 'ng. On 28, of c;ome out at the end of th asked to call Mrs. Dellev Schuthe college by the late Mrs.I~~~~~~ Maitin will Mr, Kurzman has been e year. mann, KI 4-4564. Dorothy Hunt is comme'morated and on November 4 will demonstrate the pondent in the Cong'o for Scr·p H 'd in the, Dorothy Hunt Music Room , of lithography, 1 ps- owar papers, For nine given by friends and by Dean years he was head of ~h~e~I~:~hl~~1 'Emeritus Everett Hunt, Dean ----------------ZONING BOARD UPHOLDS of the McGraw Hill r Hunt has also given Mrs. Hunt's COUNCILS' DECISION Company in Tokyo, He also II J, grand piano to the music pracThe. Swartbmore Zoning Board written a book on Kishi, Registration Days tice room. Mrs. Hunt taught I~!:nf.;~'~~:~~~: Tuesda,y evenin emperor of Japan. ' music to students of the college '015 . U Ie ~he August 23rd appeal o~ _____________ Are Today, Mon" Tues. and the town and held numerous M M ' reSidents from Borough CounS rs, aurice Webster 's· Es~ \ ' warth more's Hallowe'en Par-' informal music seSSl· ons in her prevIOUS ,action granting a tablish MemOft'al III b h home.' To Speak Tuesday Ispecial permit to C.H.A. Wildman ;1 be i eld Tuesda,y, OctReunion Gift build an apartment-hotel on the Friends of the late Alice Fus' eg nning at 6:30 p.m. Mrl'!. Maurice L, Webster, Jr., site of the old Strath Haven Inn Barber have undertaken should assemble The Clsss of 1910 has given as a 50th reunion gift to the' of Elm avenue will be the feaIn ratlfyiug Council' s 8CtiO~ the" Alice Barber COI-I:.b:e:tw~le:ee:n 6 and 6:30 p.m. Fancy college the furnishings for a tuted speaker at the dinner meet, Board pointed out t hat alof Art Books" at the and comic entries will aslarge student meeting room. The ing of the Swarthmore Lions Clut It;~~~~[:..t~:hl:elin~ew structure wUl be ar,thmore Public Library. on Rut g e r s avenue beroom is used prinCipally by the on Tuesday at the loglenimk. I' larger and higher Her friends believe that the Cornell and Harvard ',Shident Council and Its commitMrs. Webster will discuss the the old Inn, the permit limits wUl continue entering from Harvard av: tees. Citizen's Council of Delaware to 215 apartments, 50 hotel Barber's long devotion to will line up on Cornell at Also in tbe Arts Center are County and its work, with p!,-rticand a restaurant for 100 the Publio Library and her lifeAll imbued with the spirit of faCilities for the, student pub- ular emphasis on the need to and calls for on-the-site interest in art. Hallowe'en are invited to regisfacUities for 300 auto-' Anyone who wishes to contrilications, the Print Club, tho preserve open spaces and keep Photography Club, offices, and Delaware County green. She 'will I bute to the memorial may send ter at The Swarthmorean Office club meeting rooms. Classes inexplsin some of the resources A ten-page statement of the their checks to the library at Bor- beginning today and cont1nuin~ jewelry. ceramics, sculpture, for open-space conservation, refi lid in g s in reviewing ough Hall. made out to the Swarth- through Tuesday, 9 to 5 (SatdraWing. and deSign are held sources which have lately befor the bullding and testi- more Public Library and desig- urda,y and Sunday excepted), in the Art studio, come available and will present given at its September 19 nated for the Alice Barber memor- Groups and individuals of all ages are invited to partiCipate Coordinator for the Festival some of the things the citizens hearing. also remarks ial fu=-n:.::d:.:.____________ d The parade route will lead is Mrs. Peter Thompson of North can do to help. zoningclas~ RAVELED SPEAKER Own ,Chest",r road psst the Chester road. Mrs. Webster is the Executive as this prc>Mrs'. Irvin ,R. MacElwee, of Mt. stores then turn right onto Park , Secretary of the Citizen's Counremains a legal non-conUNITED FUND REPORT ' cil of Delaware County with ofuse and Mr. Wlldman ma,y Holyoke, place. State Program :venue and proceed to the BorAt the Report Meeti'ng of the fices In Media, to conduct thereon any Chairman of the Daughters of the ugh- Parking lot where First and Third ribbon prize~ United Fund on Monda,y, it was ' ---lacn V,UY lawfully conducted 'prior American RevolUtion, attending . State DAR Conference held be aw.arded. A bag of 'trests' announced that Swarthmore 1928 wheri the zoning ordin-, 10 Harrisburg last week at which be glven to all PartiCipants 74% of its quota. Captalns and LIBRARY'S 'WITCHING f~~;~~w::asfn78dOPted". Cited is a time she introduced the banquet Trl start them on thell night of solicitors have been working to HOUR' SET FOR TONIGHT coort ruling tbat a nonck or Treats. reach everyone, but anyone who The Library "Witching Hour" use cannot be limited speaker, rvan H. Peterman. evening Mrs. MacIn the 'c..ent of rain, the parOn saturday has been missed is asked to call will be held tonight, 6:30 _ 8 at a zoning ordinance to the prewill be held, Wednesdll,J' District Chairman Mrs. Birney K. 334 Dickinson Avenue. In magnitude thereof which ex- Elwee spoke at a dinner before 600 men and women' of the- is at tbe same 11_: 'l'his anMorse, KI 3-()602 or Associate of raln Ihe party will take.:~::~ at the date of the omin- COuncils of Republican event is spOnsored by:tbe Chakman ~rs. FraaIr: G. Keeneti, ¥ the library. Bec.wse of II of Schuylkill C~unty. She Business Assoc3-~12$. They -ill gladl7 call space, attendance m~~s;t~b~e~~;t;~; appallOQ ata __f,i:'.COIllrf IJetllill.' to dda who baTe be" .. ., , Ullraq F I I est ya Set For nis Weelle. L d a. d Next o~ ~~~;jl~~~b~y~th~e~M~ot~h~er~s~C~I~u:b~a:n~d~ GUILD TO uINGATHER" NOV. 7 SPEAK , WOMAN'S aUB Cltile.'s COUlell Sec To Address LI CI b " ,', HaIIowe 'e. Parade Set T sda au ror 6:30 P.M. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE i.ii fll'tiij :()~'l." C(i·lleg(t l"i l'r~':.:.~:r~ Q\",: 1 tlW!(ll'C ,. • Standard Time THE SWARTHMOREAN THE DEMOCRATIC VIEWPOINT THE CANDIDATES SPEAK FOR MAYOR "With the election of November, 1961 comes a change in the title of the chief admin· istrative office in our munici· pal government. No longer will there be a burgess of Swarth· more; there will be a mayor. With this c han g e in title might it not be desirable to reevaluate the role this offic· ial should play in community affairs? Clarence MYers, our borough SOlicitor, at a recent Rotary meeting, pointed out that the significance and effectiveness of the office depended to a large extent upon how the per· son holding the office viewed his responsibilities. He fur· ther stressed that although the Harry E. Oppenlander legislative functions of the office were few there were many ways in which the burgess or mayor could make his presence felt Ilnd could influence municipal affairs. It is my belief that our new mayor should play an increas· ing role in community arfairs by exerting the leadership in· herent in this office. What are the areas in which this leadership can manifest itself? It seems to me that there is a true need for presenting com· munity problems to our citizens and suggesting ways of dealing with them. The new mayor is in a position to do just that. Furthermore, there is need for coordinating Jhe activities of the various groups that are concerned with community matters. Certainly the new mayor can suggest ways by which the report of the committee dealing with the problems of our youth can be implemented. Then too, the neY( mayor might well concern himself with the problems faCing the merchants of Swarthmore. While it has been said that 'education is the business of Swarth· more', it is important that our municipal government do what it can to assist wherever possible those who provide services to our community. In summary v.:hat is needed to accompany the new title is a new attitude by the new person who is elected to the office. ,, Walllagford PTA Meets Th,ncIay at 7: 30 P.M. October 20, 1961 Covered Bridges Topic FOR BOROUGH COUNCIL "My discussion of unsolved problems facing the' Borough shouid not be taken as a blanket indictment of the Council's work, for there are Councilmen who have given much effort to a thankless task. But no one party should claim a monopolY of devotion to our town, and frank discussion can only improve the handling of Borough affairs. Booming population from new apartments will aggravate current problems in the handling of traffic. At the Rutgers Avenue school the crush of traffic arriving and leaving in the same narrow quarters is inconvenient and hazardous. More acute is the dangerous "bikes-onlY" path on Rutgers, John O. Honnold, Jr. where south·bound bikes and north-bound cars are both expected to keep to the left, with the right-of-way marked only by lines and letters on the pavement which drivers may not see. The bicycle lane should be clearly marked by pylons. Many streets continue to be clog- puauc UBRARY SUS Sunday Raymond E. Wilson of avenue will present an talk entitled "Covered The first meeting of the Wall- Ramblings in New England The Swarthmore Public Library in@:folrd Parent Teachers' Associhas planned its own Hallowe'en '11 b h d h d Eastern Pennsylvania", at 8 "Witching Hour" tor Frid ov, Oct-' WI e el T urs ay even- next Friday in the Rushmore Ro,oml ...., at 7:30 p. m. During the first of Whittier House. ober 27, 6:30 to 8 p.m. Ghosts, of the evening parents are goblins, ghouls, and school chilimlih'n to a "Meet Your Teachers A native New EnglSai~nlldlIetrl~'lnMorrj;'1 dren il' the 5th through 8th grades Wilson has lived in I are invited to this unique library Your School" program, when te.cchers in their classrooms will near y 30 years. He bec,aa:~m~e~c~~~~:~1 function which will be held at the curriculum and assign' ested In the old wooden s Marshall S c h mid t s' liackyard requirements with the par- four years ago and now has "!ire-pit", 334 Dickinson avenue. nts. colored slide collection of Toasted marshmallows., cider, Also on the program will be the 500 of the 1600 bridges still re- and ghost tales will be provided. gerJeIlll P.T.A. l113eting presided ~:~~:. in the United States and Those who wish to attend are asked to register first at the by Mrs. John Wellman, chairAs a graduate engineer and libr.ary;because of limited space, and the School Board of ther Providence Township, giv- consu~tant In structural design, registration must be limited to a general resume of its alms Mr. Wilson has been particularlY the first 40 who sign up. All who'ested in the construction depurposes, and discussing a of these bridges, most ot come are askedto arrive promptly, $1,340,000 budget. dress warmlY - and bring along Mrs. Wellman has the following were bUlltlbY men having steel nerves I wo,m"n on her board for the 1961or no techn cal knowledge. Librarian Marya Hunsicker 1962 year: The public is cordially invited entertained the sixth graders yes. attend. Vice.Chairman, Mrs. Louis Dalterday with the telling of another Secretary, Mrs. Virginia chiller, Connell's "The Most H~~f;~:~l;t~:r~~easurer, Mrs. Harry LISTED IN'WHO'S WHO' Dangerous GltlJle." M , advisor, Miss Ella Mary Helen S. (Mrs. William ways and means, Mrs. Danforth of Dartmouth avenue. ~ullen F. Shipman; hospitalitY'IUs,ted in the second edition John Damon and Mrs. Joseph "Who's Who of American Women. ; cafeteria, Mrs, Horatio EnMrs. Danforthreceived her B.A. tprlllnp· membership, Mrs. William from Wellesley College, s~~~~~t and Mrs. John Cullis; M.A. degree from Radcliffe Alumni of Swarthmore College h Mrs. Frank Deming; pub· and master of social will return to the scene on Satur''''ltV, Mrs. Forest Roark, a t the Uni versity of Penn- day, October 21, the date of the Homeroom mothers of the Ele She Is a clinical as- annual 1<'all Homecoming. GHOST STORY PARTY THE 5WARTHMOR Standard Time Begins 2 A.M. Sunday VOLUME 33 -- NUMBER 43 1961 $4.00 PER YEAR COLLEGE 50S 00. 21 fOR FALL HOMECOMING Studies Institute. with Ursinus events of the day1:30p.m. inclUde ~~e~n~tar~y~SC~h~O~O~I~w~e~r:e~g~u~e~s~t~Sia:t~~;~~in~P~s;y~C~h~o~a~n~al~y~S~I~s~a~t~th~e:I:¥i.~i~ country with Delaware and • luncheon given by the P.T,A. at • FOR SCHOOL DIRECTOR "Swarthmore and Rutledge have always taken pride in their schools - this is the reason a surprising number of families move to both towns. Swarthmore High in 1931 gave me excellent college prepara· tion. Our three children, start· ing in kindergarten and graduating from Swarthmore Rutledge Union School within the last five years were similarly well prepared. Many studies have been made recen~lY suggesting curriculum improvements in keeping with the times. Our School Board has had business men '~":""',. competent in financing, engineers to help advise with recent building; now It would be helplIeHy McCorkel ful, I believe, to have more Board members concerned with education itself to consider present and proposed changes. . Since 1955 I have been teaching pre-school children; some two score go from our Nursery School to Rutgers Avenue each year. I would like to work with the elementary educational' program as my specialty, if elected. I am frequentlY asked to evaluate our public school as over against private schools in this area. I helieve in puhlic schools. I would like to "~e us as parents, teachers and administrators main· tain the atmosphere for individual growth which has characterized our school at its best. The purchase of a bus for transportation of children at a distance would make possible also more field trips and first-hand learning experiences. I would like to see us integrate the fine new programs into our children's total learning in such a way that they become not more pressure but a pleasure to all. " Begins 2,00 A.M r- F IDE L I TV --------------I PHILADELPHIA TRUST COMPANY I Room 1303 I Philadelphia 9, Pa. I I Ple3se send me all the facts, without obli· I gation, about CASH-MATIC~ I so that I can find out how to have cash any I time, simply by writing a check. I Name___________________________________ I I I Address _____________________________________ I City______________________:Zone'___...:State_______ I I Membe,~al Deposit Insurance Corporation Mail this coupon today! L___ ...a.._ 1.25JJ' ------------------------POLITICaL ADVE&TI8EMEN'I' in front of the homes of others. The fallure to provide municipal trash-collection has been tolerated onlY because we have been forced to get used to It. It is neither efficient nor lovelY to have competing trashtrucks on the same streets. Our taxes have helped build a county Incinerator. And some might be interested to note that trBnsferringthis cost from a personal expense to a share' of the general tax could provide a modest saving in income taxes. Finally, schedules of leaf removal should be publicly announced. In many ways a forthrigbt faCing of problems can improve our lac al gO,..:v..:e::;rn:::m:::::::en::,t:.:._"_ _ _ _ _ _ __ FOR BOROUGH COUNCIL. Your. Council' ~ leader~hip IS the Issue of thiS camp81gn. Can you approve of the present Council members' attitude on the 'm~or issues conslderel! this year? Their refusal to publish the report of the Committee on Youth Guidance; their arbitrary action on street improvements; their indifference concerning the enforcement of Borollgh speed limits; their policy on snow removal and parking, which hurts local business? And is the Council looking ahead? Have the incumbent members made full use of the Planning Commission? Are they preparing .far-sighted W, Spencer Thompson plans for the development of land use and the replacement of over-age housing? Or has the one-party control of Council fol so many years resulted In stereotyped action and no vision? We are living in a period of rapid urban and suburban change which can not be ignored it we are to preserve the quality of our community, . Effective two-pany government is needed to change old attitudes and solve effectively the problems which are before us. We ask that Diue a choice among all at 2:30 p.m., and soccer Lafayette at 3 p. m. All are Iho,me games. After an afternoon of sports, 1....,UIl1l11 will adjourn to the college l~lmD,g room for the annual alumni and a welcoming speech President Courtney Smith. speaker of t~"! evening will Kermit Gordon, Class of '38, lalnelnb,er of the President'sCounof Economic Advisors. His I~~~~~~. will be "Ad vice and DisII in Economic Policy." Members of the Alumni Council a slightly .longer visit to the all e g e, including an Alumni ICllUD,cil meeting and a dinner with present senior class. More of business ·o.f Ho m e com ing I~;~:~~~.~ will be conducted at an 11 Fund meeting to be held S aturd ay at 11 a.m. in the IFI~iend,s' Meeting House. Returning alumni are also in· ivilted to attend the Cooper FoundI;~:~~e:concert by the Amadeus I' on Friday at 8:15 p.m. in lothier Hall and the college ~~Iua,re dance in the Field House 9 p.m. on Saturday, Mrs. Anthony A. Fairbanks of avenue and Mrs. Thomas E. Quinn of Springfield won first pri.ze in a.Duplicate Master Point Bridge game held month at the Marple Bridge Yal~ Accordion It'lstniment Loaned Free DOROTHY MAHER MuSic ViII.,. KI 4-5448 . specialists in & UNITED FUND REPORT Our experienced pharmacists cO ..... lK!und your Doctor's prescnptlons with precision, and as. promptly as care will permit. And, because our prices ar~ uniformly fair. you will enJoy our "Prescription Spe- cialists" service. All imbued with the spirit of Hallowe'en are invited to register at The Swarthmore an Office beginning today and continuin~ through Tuesday, 9 to 5 (Sat. urday and Sunday excepted). Groups and .individuals of all ages are InVIted to partiCipate d The parade route will lead RAVELED SPEAKER own Chester road past the Mrs, Irvin .R. MacElwee of Mt. stores then turn right onto Park HolYoke place, State Program avenue and proceed to the Bar· Chairman of the Daughters of the ough Parking lot where First American Revolution, attending Second and Third ribbon prize~ the State DAR Conference held will be aw.arded. A bag of 'treats' in Harrisburg last week at which be given to all partiCipants tart time she introduced the banquet 1.,.""S.L them on their night of speaker, Ivan H. Peterman. or Treats. On saturday evening Mrs. MacIn th?event of rain, the parElwee spoke at a dinner before will be held Wednesday at the same time. This an600 men and women of the is Republica!;~~~~,;W~~e:v:e:n~t isBusiness Sponsored Assocby the CATHERMAN'S DRUGSTORE , Councils of Cllunty. She of Schuylkill again on Monday at a held In Reading before 15 cils of the Berks County Repul)-L~nCl£: 27, 1961 TOB aWA MGRBAN Page 3 page 2 pink roses ana Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. ::;alo-Iso~ bf "Woods Edge," Kennett Mr and Mrs. Paui B. Banks carnations, mon of Haverford place Square. Mr. and 'Mrs. Jull,~n H. H~rvard avenue, Dr. and Mrs. Mr. William D. Bell of Northl the birth of their third child Salomon ofUSky Meadow, Suf~. Harold Roxby of Drew avenue Lehigh circle was best first son, Frederick fern, N. Y., are the paternal grand~r. and Mrs. Hallas E. Kenyon and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fell- his brother. The Messrs, . on October 14 at Hospital P-sonals retu~n- squa;e~:'~~:~~lr~T~h~e~m~a~te~r~n~a1~g~ra~n~d~p~a~re~n~t~s~~p~ar~e~n~ts;'~:========1 of Montclair, N.J ..sp~ndlD~ of Garrettat avenue spent ed Upper home last week after weekend Pennsylvania two weeks with their son-ID-Iaw \State University, attending the and daughter Mr. and, Mrs. Robert Oth Anniversary of the Delta D. Hulme and family of Haverford Upsilon Fraternity Chapter at place. Mrs. Hulme's the college. Mrs C. D. Williams of Montclrur. ENGAGEMENT ~H ~I~e J' who also left was for visiting the family, her home N. Bell of Kennett other brother; John ville, N. J., Kenneth Folsom, and Ronald Elliott, erly, 0., acted as ushers.. . Mrs. Phillips' wore a pink gown with Chantilly lace DO<11\;o"1 '1It«4le . ~'i~~r~~~~~~~~~~~~11 flIP. HJdel.", DaHo.Us, 'III,s, EI( 1'111 .... , ' .... 325 No" ~ \ . ·P.. Thulrsd•.., 5 to 9 - Sunday lto $2.75 • TIE WU lOOSE . Route I, Bal~imore I >.' ....... , .' professiunal people; thm~D who are Galled in elr Buffet Dinners Pi. w.,. ........ . work. Sure. swift and pOIitive ill their effort.. th~y are ready to help youJdnl"d time of "eed. Thl. . of help i. available in .uranee too. See U8 f(!r an e"pert 8J181";a of ~olt'ur insurance PfOaranL_____~ part of the P.S~ P.n...~ Service of our aaeacy. 1"- .... 1.1... All u... 01 'flWlGKe KI.....aad ·~1131 .. All Instruments ~:;;~40~5~D~a~rt~m~o~u~th~.~,A~v~e~nu~e~;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~;;~~;;;;;;;;, . ._•._ '. ".D""~-'ulUl.",,aIIUH"IJIIUlllllllmllOllHlUllIIIUIIIIl_R _ __ BEAUTY SALON . "THE . SMART WAY IS THE BOUQUET WAY" 9 South Chester Road Call Klngswood 8-0476 •.u,.. __ . N I . '," .. ... - - ••.nIDI................. . I t has been said that the business of our community is education. Swarthmoreans all take pride in the fine reputation of· the College as one of the very best institutions of , , higher learning. In the accomplishments of our public school system we also take great pride, but in addition we participate actively as mothers and fathers - and as citizens. STATE INSPECTION WEAVER AliGNMENT E MOTOR TUNE-UP with ENGINE SCOP V. E. ATZ, Ugr., RUSSelL'S SERVICE • Opposite Borough Parking Lot . 1.1440 Dart.,..11 L1111,.H, .,,-- We have seen our high school devastated by fire _ and ·out of the ruins has risen a splendid structure boasting the best in modern educational facilities. Through accident and subsequent retirement, our school lost its Supervising Principal _ an able and devoted public servant as well as a warm friend and constant soutce of strength. After searching through nearly a hundred possible replacements from all parts of the country, the man with the best qualifications was found in Iowa and brought to Swarthmore as our educational and administrative .leader. Under this able Super- I.. Closed P.M.~~~~~~ at HIGHER IN BY MAIL, TOO! PHONE LO~-1421 intendent our school continues to surge forward in its efforts toward the be.~t in education at minimum cost. In Swarthmore no tax qollars have been available for frills or for things which parents and friends can accomplish as individuals. Here, indeed, we have been blessed with townsfolk who show an active interest in their school, who willingly participate in its work and in its play, and who also give their sympathetic understanding when problems arise which cannot always be ironed out overnight. These same iownsfolk have even shown remarkable forbearance in accepting the large tax increases. which have been required in the recent past to rehabilitate and enlarge our plant and to further advance the educational program in our never-ending pursuit of excellence. Let us carry on into ihe future these active and warm cooperative efforts which make possible the achievement of our common goals. SECURITY AND PROFIT FOR 77 YEARS 155th CONSECUTIVE DIVIDEND - NOVEMBER 30 FRIDAY EVENINGS 6:30-8:30 SATURDAYS 9-1 INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N. EAST STAtE STREET,. MEDIA, PA~ ·SMART·BUYERS·AR~i I•• 'WtJtta"d, U&t Speclali"led Instruction _ Call KI 4-5448 pink net hat and a corsage orchids. on Sunday. The bridegroom J s mo th e r SM Mrs. John H. Pitman and Mrs. a moSS green lace gown, whitel iI h '1 d ~ C t r of Vassar Lorene A. Me ar e beaded hat wit Vel an ""~i avenue spent a recent we.ekend or" white orchids. with Mrs. pitClan , s son- In-law A .wedd'109 recep t,'on was the Aronimink Golf Club and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Robbins and family of Huntlowing the ceremony. ., ington, Long Island. N.Y. Miss Durboraw. an alumna?f The bride attended MarJone Mr. LucianW.Burnettof Haver- the University of Delaware, IS School and is a graduate ford place spent sever~ days attending the Graduate school. of of the University of Ohio. Mr. recently in New York city ~t- the University of Pennsylvania. Bell attended the University tending Ii convention of t~e ~hrMr. Burkam is a graduate of North Carolina. . tMailAdvertisingAssoClatlOn. of Engineering and the Following a wedding tnp to ecMr. and Mrs. Edward M. James University of Cincinnati. the. couple will reside of North Swarthmore avenue re--in Hill. TO WED TOMORROW Preceding the the turned home Friday atter spendMr. and Mrs. John o. Larson. bride was honored at a ing two weeks visiting with their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Iwallin@:!o..:~ will entertain at dmby Mrs. A. H. VanAlen, Mrs. Gordon Follett in Bethlehem, I tonight at the Aronimlnk Golf of the bridegroom and Mrs. Lindley Peel; a party given a short stay in the Poconos and Club following the reheBlsal for five days spent with their son-In- the wedding of Miss Sally Bates, Miss Patricia Springett; a law and daughter Mr ..and Mrs. daughter of Mr .. and Mrs. John R. ner given for the couple hy Col. William S. Williams In H0111ston, Bates of North Chester road, and Mrs. Robert W. Timothy, Mass.. 11 L n rehearsal dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Poole their son Mr. John Phi P arso. 's parents at the Rolt The ceremony will take place toGolf Club ond of North Swarthmore avenue spen morrow afternoon at 2:30 in the last weekend in New York City. Presbyterian Church_ . for wedding party an out-of I During their staytbey had a visit Earlier todliy. at noon at the town guests. with their son and daughter-in- Rolling Green Golf Club, Mrs. __________ - - - law Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Sewell W.Hodge of Ogden avenue GILLESPIE _ ORBISON Jr. Mrs. Fred N. Bell 0 f wI'll entertain the.bride-to-be and The marriage of Miss Maralyn Mr. and d Ms .Poole. d , daughter of Mr. an r. Harvar avenue had as their weelt- her bridesmaids at luncheon. d Dr and Mrs. J. Albright Jones B Orbison of New .1'.1end guests Mr. Bell's brother an of Eim avenue will be hosts at Ind:, and Mr. George GiIsister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. W. Roy luncheon for the bridal party and Jr., son of Mrs. George Bell of Rockport, Mass., and Mr. some of the out-of-town guests of Strath Haven avenue Ron Elliott of Beverly, O. . t W i l l ie took il t at luncheon omorro. I the the late Mr. G esp • Mr. and Mrs. Oscar J. G crees Tomorrow night. follow ng Saturday morning. octob:r of Vassar avenue have returned M d Mrs Clark W i t Unl r. an .' at 11:30 a.m. in the F rs from a week's vacation in Xenia, Davis Wallingford and Dl. • Church of Philadelphia. 0 .• with their son-in-law and MrS. David Cramp of Park avenue A breakfast immediately daughter Dr. and Mrs. David War- will entertain the guestsafdrf:the -ceremony was held the Aronlmink Golf Club. T ner and four children Roddy, Shorehal}l, Lon~ Island, at Lynne. Andy, and ·Mark; and an ner at the. Ar0p.tmink. After a wedding trip to Sea Is.Exchange Student. from Holland III here In this country under a Ro--' Ga .. Mr. and Mrs. G esple tary Project.' SELL-PHILLIPS making their home on Ro~e Bruce Marshall, a member of Mi." Suanne Isabelle Phillips, road and Orchard lane 10 the freshman class at Wesley Colof Mr. and Mrs. John Rose Valley. Phillips of Wynnewood, __ --------lege in Dover, Del.. spent the past weekend visiting his parents. the 'bride of Mr. F. BIRTHS the Edwin H. Marshalls of Forest Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. . lane. On Sunday evening, ~,ruce Neil Bell of Mr. and MrS. David T. De~~~ appeared in a play entitled The avenue on Saturday, October 21, Boston, Mass .. are recel Circle Beyond Fear" which was 12:30 m., in the congratulations on the birth of produced by the dramatiC students Church. The son, MarshaJI Gordon. born Octof the college. William Faulds offiCiated ober 16. M Ch The grandparents are rs. arMr. and Mrs. Edward O. James the double ring cerem?nYrr',an:ial:e!les T. Deacon of Lafayette avof North Swarthmore avenue had The bride, given In enue and Mr. and Mrs. Francis as their weekend guests their her father, wore a .~al~~~:~~!::!IA. Caster of Larchmont, N.Y. son Mr. Hibberd James of Wash~ satin gown mad.e on Alerlconl ington. D.C., and Mrs. James lines wiih a bodice of . L . 10 cousin Mr. Ralph Cheyney of Merand bustle back falhng UNTI iden, Conn. chapel train. Her tulleveil __ .. AII Good Housekeeping Mr. Rpbert M. McCombs, son held with a coronet of only 3.50 for 2 years of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. McCo.mbs of pearls. She carried a bouq~et Maple avenue, whos~ marriage to white roses with step~a~ohs. (reg. price $3.50 for 1 year.) Miss Patricia Ann Killian. daughMiss J acqueline Phl~hps wac"! I 1(1 S.20BO ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eb- maid of Honor forber.slster. MRS, LLOYD E. UIIFFM'I bert of Shi111ngton. were: M,sses placeKillian on September 2, are took noW bridesmaids Lang of Evanston, III., 0 I a n residing in Syracuse. N. Y. Mr. Wagner, Marietta, 0., McCombs is teaching at Syracu~e Springett, Wynnew,,?d, aAn~1 University and working on !us nor Rowlands, Menon. . Ph.D. Mrs. McCombs is teachmg gowns of turquoise .sahf1n~o=:::.~~ at Tully. N. Y. headdresses of matchIng ., Mrs. Robert R. Wagstaff of and veils. Their bouquets Haverford place spent a ~ecent weekend visiting with her brotherin-law and sister Mr. and Mr's. John Cartinhour in Baldwin, N.Y. Karen Baskin of Haverford "Served Daily place a freshman at Shippensburg .State College, spent the 60th Hot & Cold weekend visiting her parents Mr. SYMBOLS OF PROTECTION and Mrs. $1.25 These are the symbol. of ~; '" iL '" • T MUSIC _ INSTRUMENTS _ REPAIRS Mr. and Mrs. Willis C. Dltrbiora,w of West ml· nster avenue announce th~ engagement of their daughter, M'lss Gladys Clark Durboraw, to tJ d e Mr John E. Burkam of RU e g , son' of M' rs. John H. Burkam Dayton, 0 .. and the late Mr. BuHet LunCheon E ARE PROUD OF OUR RECORD ~tIt41' • i• : •• •• • : •• : • LOOKING AT THE POPULAR NEW TEMPEST By PONTIAC Pri~ Start a.t $2261., Delivered C. R. lOUGHEAD, INC •• • i• : •• : • A firm of professional actuaries has been employed to maintain the pension funds on a sound basis. •• •• : Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. Mlcklletown Road - Media, Pa. • Benefits of the police pension fund have been broadened. • A new pension fund for other Bor~ugh employees has been installed and most of the costs of benefits for past years' service have already' been met. • Chester •• 11th & Edgmont Ave. . ........... " ~.~.~.~.~.~.~~~~=:c===~, ·.............. •• : . The policy of the present Republican Council has been to maintain Swarthmore as an outstanding· residential community, providing good and efficient. local government and sound business management at reasonable cost. Council is responsible for tho Borough real estate tax, which is 18 mills or $18 a year for each $1000 of assessment. It is also responsible for a sewer reni of $10 a year for each household. These rates have been unchanged since 1957. By careful budgeting the present Council has been able to meet a number of extraordinary expenses during the past four years without any increase in tax rates. Among these: Opposite Blgh Mea4_ '. A new $38,000 ladder truck has been purchased for the volunteer fire company. • The quarters of the Swarthmore Public Library in Borough Hall have been air conditioned. • The paving of Borough streets has been completed. , A program for the continued care of street trees at, public ex- pense has been undertaken. In addition to providing sound financial management, ,Council has co-operated with citizens in seeking solutions to a wide variety of community problems. These include: ZONING - Council has carefully administered the Borough Zoning code to preserve the residential character of the community. YOUTH - At ihe request of inteh:sted citizens, . . Council appointed a Youth Guidance Commiuee whose report was made freely available to' all. (Council declined to appropriate tax money to publish the report as paid advertising). SAFETY - Council has provided new sidewalks, foot-bridges, and new traffic regUlations to promote public safety, particularly of school children. PRIVATE STREETS - Council proposed a plan for the Borough's taking over privately-owned streets in the Swarthmore Hills section on a basis which was fair to all residents of the Borough. This plan has not yet been accepted, but is .tiIl under consideration. MANAGEMENT - Council has reorganized the executive staff of ihe Borough and brought about 'an efficient transition of management in qonnection with the retirement of Mr. Elliott Richardson, who had served 25 years as Borough SecretarY. AUDIT AND REPORT - The present Council has engaged a firm of outside public accountants to audit the books and finances of the Borough each year. and has published a complete annual report. , : (betwtell D1IttoB lIiI Roed uut Knowltoa Road) Telephone n ....ont 2-7Z06 . AlIt hr lEN PALMER ' EVERGREENS . YEWS - RHODODENDRONS PYRACANTH A ('iNlhorn) . SHADE TRllS IiI..· . 'eat Moss-Fertilizen ' .,.. p., ... : - ' N.... 01 SWARTHMORE REPUBLICANS FOR CONTINUED GOOD GOVERNM.ENT I .J . \ I SW}\R'TH MOR E A N page 4 THE SWARTHMOREAN PUBLISH", EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE. PENNA. PETER E. TOLD, MARJORIE T. TOLD, Publis,..,.. FAlLS 25 ·0 RIDLEY PARI ITrI.v.. 1 to Sharon 1~lf. for Phone Klngswood 3-0900 Hill 2 P.M. Game , OPENS SATORDA.v NIG'HT Woman's , october 27, 1961 Club Notes Mrs. Wllliam C. Rowland, chairman, of the garden department, has called a "pianning HALLOWE'EN BALL IS meeting" for Tuesday, at 10 a.m. In the club lounge. All InSLATED FOR 8 P M , • • terested in flowers and gardens This year marks a new era are urged to attend. the history of the Mrs. John E. Michael, chairHigh School Garnet Canteen man of the art department, in'Keith Richardson takes over vltes all interested club memdirector under, the authority bers to her home in the Swarththe Swarthmore Recreation more Apartments for a "plannillg soclation. A new student meeting" at 2. p.m. Thursday. mlttee has also been set Friday, Nove'mber 3 at 10 a.m. the running of the1961.62S~S:;~~ill~~:' L. H. Pownall, chairman of Canteen activities will literature department, will this Saturday evening at the HI Mrs. Harold G. Griffin School Gym with a Hallowe' a review Costume BalL The dance will ,",:,o:;:':;~OD~~r-;;~==""1 :; held from 8 to 11. All members the 9th, lOth and 11th grades VOTE FOR :rWO -cordially Invited. Prizes for best costumes will be award,ed. (2·A that is) Chaperons for this week The League of Women voters Dr_ and Mrs. Dino McCurdy, urges voters to support thi~ and Mrs. Joseph Remington amendment, which would perMr. and Mrs. John A. mit Pa's. governors to run for The members of the new two terms, atotalof eight years agement for Canteen would If reelected., (Does not applJi to thank Mrs. Herman Bloom to present Governor, however). the wonderful work she hlaas~;:~~:~1 If he's good, give him ,time while "running the Garnet C to do a good jab for you. ' l'lnUl.pallisiilt"'Ylj,ef':la!o!r~s:.:.':..,.p;:=:-____ II _ _ _ .1 Nancy Timms .. The Garnet football team found the veteran Ridley Park g~~~~:~~:1 much to handle this past as they went down to I :l:,.V. There was no doubt about Entered aa Second ClaBs Matter. J anua.." 24, 1929. at Ih. Pn.t outcome from the beginning Office at Swarthmore, P•., under the Act of Mareh 8, 18'19, as the well-oiled Parker grid Im ••chine dominated the game both DEADLINE - WEDI4ESDAY NOON on offense and defense from the opening kickoff. ' SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27,1961 Many new faces appeared METHODIST NOTES the Garnet lineup in the CHURCH SERVICES ft Tonight the Junior High Fel. 0 fJ erry St am fo rd , at le will have a Hallowe'en Carl Gersbach at fullback, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Il~~~~:~epart in Fellowship Hall Rowland ~s quarte~bac~, D.Evor Roberts, Minister I ( y George Ham,lton startIng hIS' Robert O.Browne,Assac.Minister p.m.. . game as offensive left guard, 8 Minister of Christian Education Mr. Kulp will con~lnue w,th h!s all in the first start at'these Sunday, October 29 sermon"serless"LdIVlngHthie Ltohrd se ,·t,·ons. 9:15 A.M.-Morning Worship and ~~{:: ,,~~ ;~ll ~~ Do:e. "em Highlights ,~f the ~ame Church School Both the Junior andSeniorHlgh ~eorgeWelsh s. exceptional 9:30 A.M.-Women's Bible Clase Fellowships wlll'm~et Sunday at mg, Co-caP.taIn John f 10:30 A.M.-10th Grade Class 7 Th S . HI h will hear great defenSIve play at Ie t 10:45 A.M.-11th & 12th Grades p.m. e emor g" h ti Ie Ronny Hoge's first 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship and Mr. Kulp speak on C ris an a;ce since the 60 yard Church School. Symbolism." , jaunt in the Collingdale 3:00 P.M.-"Parents - High The W.S.C.S. Executive right halfback on defense, School youth and Decisions" meeting will be Wednesday morn lard's rugged line play at Ing at 10 a.m. It will be tackle Tuesday, October 31 at 11:45 by lunch at the Others in the line up were: "CHRISTMAS THROUGH See the 9:00 A.M.-Morning Prayers meuk and the regular Rick Fili;;r, sparky THE HOUSE" MEMORIAL PARK Wednesday, November' 1 meeting oBhe W.S.C.S. at 1 p.m. Kurtzhalz, 'who FURNESS LmRARY when the speaker will be Mrs. 10'30 A M. NOV . 3RD in beautiful 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion ways a t t ac kle; J ay •. 't J L 'dd 11 Reserve Tickets in Advance Henry Logan, Jr. Mrs. L ogan will WEST LAUREL HILL "Wo en of the Bible" son at cen er, erry I e LO 6-1065 ' $1.00 10:00 A.M.-Sewing and Bandage talk on m d ' end, Dick Campbell at r~~:~~I.;;;.;;;;::;;;;;====== .... Gro~ps At 8 p.m. on Wednes ay Bob Frost at left end, II ~ 7:30 P.M.-Adult Education Commission on Missions Detweiler at left half, BillySpenany day from 9 to 4. Thursday, November 2 meet. cer at right half; Bi11 Zimmerman Ali~e Balmont Ave. above City Line io:oo A.M.-Holy Communion at right guard, Parkie Smith at 15 South Chester Road Bala.Cynwyd CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES right tackle and Dick McCurdy at Swarthmpre Slop in OfFice at Oode Tower METHODIST CHURCH quarterback, for guidance How to avoid the mistakes This game brought the season The Rev.John C.Kulp,Minlster Klngswood 3-1900 the past will be brought out Sun- record to three wins and Mini ster for Youth day luall Christian losses. Char Ie. Schls"er churches in the Tomorrow the Gamet will !!Ieetl Minister of Music entitled "Everlasting Punish· Sharon Hill in an away game Friday, October 27 ment. " kick-off time scheduled for 2 8:00 p.M.-Jr. High Hallowe'en Highlighting the Owls have had W1 i;'~,~~d';';~tl THE PRICE? Party mon is the Golden Text from season and lost a close one IB:St! BI~le: . Saturday to Yeadon 19-'13. TOlmoll-1 Sunday, October 29 'We conduct semces to, suit,YOI!r budget Wherefore doth a livmg row's fray would give the Garne,tsl 8:30 A.M.-Morning Worship ,••• ond all receive, the sanie,' metieu- ,. complain, a man for the a 12 point edge on the basis 9:45" A.M.-Sunday School ment of his sins? Let us comparative scores with Ious auention. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship try our ways, and turn game but earlier in the s~~~~~1 and 7:30 p.M.-Jr. - Sr. MYF to the Lord" (Lam.3). . Ridley Park scored a one I Wednesday, November 1 All are welcome to attend down victory over the Owls THE OLIVER BAIR CO. services at Flrs~ C h u r c h we leave il to the players to 1:00 P.M.-W.S.C.S. _ _ •• W ,fUNIUU Christ, Scle~tist, 206 Park cide which "team is best ,and TRINITY CHURCH enue at 11 a clock. get the previous scores. 1.20 CHISTHUT SIRIIT The Rev. Layton P. Zimmer, Recto, LEIPER NOTES PRESBYTERIAN NOTES The Rev. George R. McKelvey, ' ..... _LOI-U•• There will be aCongregational Morning Worship and Curate and Corporation covered dish din· School will be held at 9: 15 ner on October 27, 1961 at 5:30 11 a.Dllon Sunday. Su nday, Octobe, 29 (Trinity XXII) p.m. A business meeting will The Women's Bible class 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion and follow at 7 p. m. for the purpose meet at 10:30 electing officers and approv- meet at 9:30. The lOth grad Word Ing the proposed budget for 1962. class will meet at 10:30 and 9:30 A.M.-Family Morning The Morning Worship Service 11th and 12th grade classes 'Litany will be conducted by laymen 11:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer and meet at 10:45. ( former Swarthmore barbers ) observance of Laymen's Sunday. At 3 p.m. Sunday the pro,gralnl Litany The Ushers' Association will "Parents, High schbol Youth, 8:00 P.M.-Holy Communion meet at 8 p.m. In' the multi-pur· and Decisions" will be held Monday, October 30 pose room on Wednesday evening. 11th and 12th graders and thellrl 9:15 A.M.-Morning' Prayer parents. 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer FRIENDS MEETING NOTES Morning prayers are held eachl Tuesday, October 31 The Meeting announces Tuesday at 9 o'clock. 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer beginning of a Bible Study ~i~~~1 The Celebration of the HOllYl 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer under the leadership of } Communion will be held at8 Bailey of westtown on Wednesday, November 1 ov and at 10 a.m; ''''h~~:r . oii~i_t~ier Wednesd ..., T t 9 7 30 : 0 p.m. In " (All Saints) Further meetings will be day. 7:00 A.M.-Holy Communion first and third Sunday The Sewing and Bandage groups 9: 15 A.M.-Morning Prayer Whittier House at the will meet at 10 a.m. Wednesday. The subject of study Circle 6 will serve the luncheon. 9:30 A.M. -Holy Communion '':'-C··'' - letters of Paul. 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer " Thursday, November 2 FIRST CHURCH OF BAPTIZED 9: 15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 'i I;', CHRIST SCIENTIST 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer The Infant' daughters 0:~~~~~;~1 Mrsl Bruce E. Young, Sunday, October 29 Friday, November 3 Jean and Elizabeth Anne, at P.I::UU A.~.-Sunday School 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer baptized thIs past wee k In 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer 1:00 A.M.-The Lesson-Sermon speCial ceremony with Dr. D. will be "Everlasting Punish· Evor Roberts" minister of THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY mente Presbyterian Church offiCiating, OF FRIEHDS tNe,dnes(lay evening meeting each and In the presence of the malter"1 Sunday, October 29 week, 8 P.M., Reading Room, nal grandparents Mr. and Mrs. 409, Dartmouth Avenue, open Herman Bloom, Mr. Fred Bloom 9:45 A.M.-Flrst-day School ,INTRODUCTARY COUPOH week·daysexcept hollaays, 10- and Mr. H. Lindley Peel. 9:45 A.M.-Adult Forum. Myrtie Lt. Young joined hIs family McCallin, speaker, "Educat- 5; Friday evening, 7-9. GOOD FOR 25f ON HAIRCUT ing for a World at Peace - ------------~--I here for a short vacation froin LEIPER PRESBYTERIAH IKjincl~el!)e Air Force BaSe where School Affillation Service of Name •••••••••••••• .- ••••••••••••' •••••••• ~ CHURCH' Is a Jet Fighter In!:~.~~~!1 the AFSC." Acldr.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '... ~ .................... . 900 Fairview Road ' .. ILlm with the North 11:00 :".M.-Meeting for Worship. 11:.". Ja.,...s Ba ...." "'h.i~,te4l\U Defense Command. Children cared for In Whittier GOOD FROM OCT. 2", TO OCT. 30, 1961 , Friday, Oc..ber 27 , House. , 5:30 P.M.-High School 'Fellow· 5:30 .II.-Congregational , Corporation llO'fered Dish ship supper and meeting. Parlcing Sid. & Rear CaIoMoI Court Classical - Popular per and Ileetlq. " .J r, Oc"~,, 30 wt.t.WATA PETER E. TOLD, Edit.". BA1IlWIA B. KENT, Managi"g Editor Rooalle D. PoirlOl Mary E. Palmer Marjorie T. To)d -=_....:.__...;..---. = Barber Gifts • , I-i. ------'-- -"'-" , 1/t//1!t'}() & 1tEA~ ,. , . , "", (fo&1d4t ~ ~~ .t RUTGERS Ave. (next to Post Office) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• r ... ::;~- ~~ Guitar Dcl ~II • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 • AM to 7 PM dOIIJ~., ~I~"d • • '. " . ';< - •• -.', '. ,0"'••, M, ".' October 27, 1961 CLARK W. "DAVIS TO RnlRE FROM DUPONT Wallingford Man Campletes ~. Y ' .... ear Career Oct. 31 Clark W. Davis, Wallingford will retire at the end of the month after a career of more than 44 years wlth'Du Pont. Mr, Davis, general manager of the Indusnial and Biochemicals Department and the former Grasselll Chemicals Department for the past 10 years, has held 1mportant company posts in reo search, sales and manufacturing He joined the Du Pont Explo: sives Department In 1917 as a chemis.t at the Eastern LaboratorY,Gibbstown,N. J. He became assistant to the chemical dfrector of Explollives and traveled widely in Europe on special as-' signments. Several patents have been granted onMr. Davis' inven, tions! including one Involving a new process for nitric acid manufacture, w h Ic h was widely licensed inthe United States and abroad. Transferred to sales in 1929, he became successively assistant district manager atBlr. TBB SWARTBMORBAN CENTENARIAN ATTENDS OLDEN ANNIVERSARY Frl •• ds For•• to Myrtl. 'McCalll. Page 5 Dr. and Mrs. Orland Ritchie of Harvard aVenue had as recent The Junior Assemblies for guests Rev. and Mrs. Willard V. Mrs. S. Blair Luckie of sixth, seventh and eighth Ritchie and Mrs. Mary Scott of Swarthmore Apartments, who Talk Will Be Second will meet on Monday at the Oakdale, and Mr. and Mrs. Dougebrated her 100th biithday Iman's Club.' lass Smith and daughter Mary May, attended yesterda3 the On Work of the AFSC For the sixth grade, meeting Ellen of Beaver Falls. anniversary celebration of "Educating for a 'World at ' the hostesses will be Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Noye, Delaware County Federation is the topic chosen by I~~~~~,.:M~~. B. Ward and Mrs. M. 3rd. of Rutgers avenue spent a Women's Clubs which she or~:an-IMyrtle McCallin for the Adult The seventh grade, weekend In Lewiston, Me .. visitlzedandservedasfirst preSident. Forum on Sunday in the Friends' at 5:45,wlll have Mr. and Ingtheir son Kirby whols a fresh. Mrs. Luckie, along with Meeting House. This will be the A. Hood, Jr. For man at Bates College. nurse, was present forthe cuttln:gl second talk on the work of the grade. convening at 7: Mrs. A. L. Clayden of North hosts will be Mr. and Mrs. Swarthmore ,avenue had as her of the federation's birthday caKe. American Friends Service Com. The meeting began at 10:30 mmee. Aaron and Mr. and Mrs. WH- guest for a week her sillter Mrs. was followed by luncheon Miss McCallln plans to review A. Golz. Harry Baumann of Evanston, Ill. Springfield. the workorthecommittee,especGRADE MOTHERS Michael Falrbanks, son of Mr. Others who attended the celle-Ilally the School Afruiation Proand Mrs. Anthony A. Fairbanks' bration from Swarthmore inc:l'Jdledlgram, which attemllts to prepare MEET THURSDAY of Yale avenue, has enrolled as Mrs. John E.' Michael, a past young people to contribute to a A meeting of the 10th o."d,,1 a freshman at Elizabethtown Colsident ,of the county fe~~e::~J::~ilworld at peace. I~::~~~~e~will beheldonThlull,dEay,llege, Elizabethtown. His sister Mrs. David 'BIngham, As director of the School'Af-lr 2, at 10 a.m. at Antonlca lJas ·returned for her of the Swarthmore Club, and filiation Program since 1959 Ih:~:hOf Mrs. David Sensenig; JUIlior year at West Liberty Collocal club members. Miss McCallin has worked with IS Haven avenue. lege, West Liberty, Va. schools located in eight other Mr. and Mrs. Layton G. Wilson UNICEF Collection countries: England, Germany, Dr. Robert K. Johnson recently spent a weekend In New Are Listed, France, Italy, 3elgium, Mexico, IS~~~~ SwarthplOre avenue, ass- Haven, Conn., as the guests of Japan, and Southern Rhodesia; Iii director of libraries at Swarthmore and Rutledge Bor- there has aiso been some work Drexel Institute of Tech- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Farringtoll. Mrs. Charles Andes, Jr., enteroughites are urged to have their with schools In the USSR on an was among those' athandy for the UNICEF experimental basis. The program the amiual meeting of tained the committee of the collection Tuesday, October involves an exchange of cultural Pennsylvania Library As. Chester Hospital Charity Ball October 6, at her home in Rose 31. As the parade will also be materials, such as art exhibits, I:;~'~'k~~~i~ in Pocono Manor Valley. held on Hallowe'en, the collec- books, magaZines, yearbooks and I" G ASSEMBLIES MONDAY a.d1lJ'. Q mingham, andat New York, longer tion centers will be6 oJlen for10a themes, from both elementary and districtAla., manager Pittsburgh. time-from p.m. to high schools, and in some andr-;~~~OQtiCiiiiiiiiti:;;;~ijRJDO[iil in·' He held several important manu.m. - to accommodate the youn· stadntces han excThhange of studet nts ~ facturing positions and was man- ger hobgoblins who collect be- an eac ers. e program s art'I,<': ager of DuPont's Military Explothe parade, as well as the edat the end of the Second World '. "~. ~"'. 1l}\J-S'~~~,O'( sives Division at the start of 10~~::. ones who may be working War, when al d was given to ,,'" V''" World War II. In' 1942 he became 11 schools In blighted areas. assistant general manager of the The multi-purpose room In the Before joining the staff of the /.., hL Grasselli Chemicals Department, Avenue Primary Build- A.F.S.C. Miss McCallin taught ~ ~ general manager in 1951 and canand ground fioor of fourth and sixth grades in the Halloween Hal uest" Sale will serve as collection Swarthmore Elementary School tinued In that position when the Wool Slrrts, Jr. SiD. 5-1; :? 'f: Industrial and Biochemicals De. as before. In addition fOf a number of years. V.lues to $12.98 ' $3.D0 partment was established. American Legion Room in She has been and continues to Wool Blazers, Pr",.foens & Jrs. Ij,. S8.00 ' V.iue. to $14.98 Mr. Davis was born in Gilmore, Hall will also be open. be a dedicated teacher and leader Dresses, p,.toen &: Jrs. Neb., in 1896 and "attended Omaha Rutledge, boxes may be taken in the First Day School of the $5.00 V.luos to $12.911 South High School and Swarththe home of Mrs. Herbert Swarthmore Friends Meeting, and Other Itom. Too Numerou. ta M..fion more Colle~e, where he received 121 Sylvan avenUe is also a memberof thePhlladel'/.1 /If ylt a Bachelor of Arts degree in elder will be served io phia Yearly Meeting Religious' chemical engineering in 1917. ' return UNICEF boxes Education Committee. , WidelY known In agricultural may be delivered on the 'Way A cordial invitation to attend Circles, Mr. DavIs is a director the parade, after the parade, or the Forums is extended to all of the Foundation for American even during the middle. members of the community. They ==~9 SO~TH Agriculture and has been recogUNICEF boxes bave been dls- are held from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. PHONal nlzed for his work' ,in ·behalf of tributed to the nursery schools, DAILY 9:30 to 5:00 FR'~AY EVENING 'til 9:00 farm youth groupi(;e,Chairman of~ Sf:hoo], and Junior GIVE to the United Fund the sponsoring committee of the Future Farmers of AmerlcaFound· POLl'ftCAJ. ADYBIn'IIIBii&N'I' aUon in 1956, he was awarded the FFA's highest honor that "VOTE REPUBLICAN VOTE REPUBLICAN VOTE REPUBLICAN VOTE REPUBLICAN VOTE REPUBLICAN-¥year - the degree "of "Honorary American Farmer." He has also been active in 4-H Club work, attending meetings across the country and directing Du Pont's sponsorShip of the annual 4-H Beef Awards program. Mr. Davis is act!ve in many civic activities, currently serving as: chairman of the Delaware -tc County Bridge Committee, plan· ,-' . ning a new bridge at Chester, vice president, director and chair• man of the fund raising committee -tc , .. for the Riddle Memorial Hospital; and as associate trustee of the University of 'pennsylvania, He "also serves the university as chairman of the Council on Veter· , inary Medical Education and Re· \ search and as a member of the , Board of Medical Education and Research. He is a director of two -, companies - Transportation Mu-tc -tc tual Insurance Co. and T. Rowe Price Growth Stock Fund Inc. and is a former director of Du Pont Company (United Kingdom) Ltd. A member of Delta Upsilon Fraternity, he served as international president In 1955. ,I/. . ~ -·z XI , " - ORANGE ST., MEDIA.PA LOWELI.EHi2Z5 .. • .. CUB SCOUTS VISIT COAST GUARD STATION Nine Cub Scouts of Pack 101 visited the Coast Guard Station at Gloucester City, N.J. on Oct· ober 14 and learned' about the job the Coast Guard performs in maintaining buoys, channel markers and other marine safety vices. The ttip was arranged by the executive officer. Cubs who attended were: Carl DeMoll, Roland Halpern, -George Johnson, Martin Natvig, • RlchMl Phillips, David Pn",,,lil David Restrepo, Don Scott, Richard AccorcIion Instrument LaenedFnIe DOIlO1ttY ....,... PRE·ELECTION REPUBLICAN RALLY 8 P.M. HEAR W. THACHER LONGSTRETH : THURSDAY t NOV. 2 tMEET t YOUR LOCAL t : REPUBLICAN 'tCANDIDATES -tc -tc . "POLITICAL PARTICIPATION IS A CITIZEN'S FIRST DUTY" ... WOMAN'S CLUB 118 PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE COUNCIL OF REPUBLICAN WOMEN SPONSOR / Page 6 THE tlWARTBM.OREAN LIBRARY ACCESSIONS Fiction-Hugh Sykes Davies, The papers of Andre'w Melmoth. Edwin Gilbert, The new ambassadors. Joseph Hopkins, Patroit's p'rogress. Don Lawson, A brand for the burning. Edward P'eple, A night out. Arthur C. (::Iarke. A fall of moondust. Fyodor Dostoevsky. The short novels of Dostoevsky. Felix Green, Awakened ATTEND PAEDEIA Three Swarthmore High SChool t h eac ers, Mrs. Hanna Mathews, Elizabeth McKie, and Mrs. Ruth WrIght, at ten it e d the· annual Paedeia held at Hill School' Pottstown. The Theme of the Paedeia was "Contemporary Drarna. Speakers this year were Horton Foote, author of "The Chase," "Harrison, tt "Texas, I I and other October 27. 1961 • • dub MeetS Garden The Swarthmore Garden Club .. .. met at the home of Mrs. Will, •• n.,_ ..' iam H. Gill, Jr .. Dogwood lane ~ ...... . Tuesday of last week for des: ," sert and coffee. FollOWing the business meeting Mrs. Leo P. Hubbuch charter member of the Country Gardners of Lima and a member of the Springfield Garden Club, gave the program. She talked about simplicity in arrangements, stressing especially, :::;;m~iiiiii!' the use of available garden greens with Cew flowers. Afterwards, each club member had the opportunity to create her own arrangement with the _1&i~L-­ . help and criticism of the guest speaker. ---~ •.... . ... . 0' .'. don't be a potwatcherl China. Ernest Hemingway, The stage and television plays; Walsun also rises. Vintila Horia. ter Kerr, drama critic of The New God was born in exile. Richard York Herald Tribune; and FranHughes, The innocent voyage. Franz KaCka. The castle. Marjorie chot Tone, Broadway and Hollywood actor. G. Lowe, The sudden lady. Carson McCullers, Clock without COOK ON A hands. Nicholas Monsarrat, The Dr. and 'Mrs. Joseph S. Lynch white rajah. Nevil Shute, stephen of Dartmouth avenue have arrived Morris. Frank Yerby, The Garhome from a trip to Nebraska. field honor. , T h e y returned via Chic,!go wher Mysteries-Ann Barron, Spin a Dr. Lynch attended a meeting of dark web. Evelyn Piper, Hanno's the AmericanCollege of OphthalDr. and Mrs. Leroy E. Peterdoll. William Buchan, Helen all mology. son of Vassar avenue drove to alone. Andrew Garve, The house Mr. and Mrs. W. Marshall Oberlln.. 0., last week to of soldiers. Jeremy York, The Schmidt oC Dickinson avenue had tend Homecoming, dedication of girl with the leopard-skin bag. as their guests last weekend Mr. the new Ketterick Science R.J. White, The smartest grave. and Mrs. E. Winslow Councill and Building and Class Presidents' Non-Flction-Ernest Becker, daughter Diana from Washington, Council. Mr. Peterson is presZen: a rational critique. Gilbert D. C. Ident of the Class of 1938. You're nol tied to the kitchen when you cook on -. Charles-Picard. Daily life In Car~ Mr. and Mrs. Donaid Harmon of While there they visited their thage at the time of Hannibal. Drexel place have as their gllest daughter, Karen, who is a freshmodern gas range. There are automatic oven _Jesse D. Clarkson, A history of for the winter months· Mrs. Har- man at Oberlln_ Kristin, their controls, pecurate heat controls. and now the Russia. Elizabeth David, French mon's mother Mrs. Hazel Warren other daughter, was ~h!! gnj!st of automatic top burner that odi~sts to country cooking. John H. Denton, of Auburn; Me. Sandra Peirsol of Lafoyette aved~sired heat-no scorching or burning. See the Mr. and Mrs. G. B. McCombs of nue during her parents' ·visit. Buying or selling your home. Jim n~w gas ranges at your dealer's or any Egleson, Parents without part- Maple avenue have returned home Mr. and Mrs. David Mcintire I ners. Arthur Greenfield, AnatomY after spending two weeks at Sun of Riverview road were the PhIladelphia Electric Company suburban of a bullfight. Donald W. Heiney, Valley, la., combining a business ner guests on Sunday of Mr Islloy"oom and select the one you like best. Look ' Recent American literature. Dan and vacation trip. Mrs. George R. Winner of De',von. I for those which corry the AGA seal of approyal. Mabry Lacy, Freedom and com- . Mr. and Mrs. William C.H. Pren- Mr. Winner formerly . , munications. John Abbott (RIng) hce of Walnut lane will visit their Swarthmore resided Lardner, The world of John Lard- son Courtney tomorrow at George Mr: and Mrs. Georgel )~~~;~:~I nero Fosco Maralni, Karakoram: School for Parents' Day. of Parrish road spent I the ascent of GasherbrumlV. Ward Mr. Robert R. Wagstaff and son weekend with their daughter Lock, The Cotswolds. Ward Lock, Dick of Haverford place attended Betsy at Lake Erie College Stratford-upon-Avon. Martin Mill- the Penn state-Syr,,~.use Football PaineSVille, O. Betsy is a mem: spauch, The liuman side of urban game at University Park on Sat- ber of the Glee Club and the renewal. Ralph Moody, Mary Emma urday, Bob Jr., is a sophomore at Dwan Club. . • Joseph Plgney, For Penn State. • and company. fear we shall perish; the story of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Petroskas of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...L__________......._--'''-_______'--_..:_ MODERN RANGE! PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY the Donner Party disaster. B. H. Steinberg, The statesman's yearbook. Elmer Winter, A woman's guide to earning a good living. The American Heritage Book of Indians. Alan' Barth, The price of liberty. William Benton, The voice of Latin' America. Alexander Crosby Brown, Women and children last. Rudolf Caracciola, A racing driver's world. C. W. Ceram, Yestermorrow. NinaEpton, Love and the French. D. Freeman, Lee. Robert A. Futterman, The future of our cities. Donald Keene, The old woman. Alexander King, I should have kissed her more. Oscar Lewis, The chlldren of Sanchez. Herbert J. Mul'Ier, Freedom Inthe ancient world. Mary 'Noone, Sweetheart, I have been to school. John O'Hara, Five plays. S. J. Perelman, The rising gorge. Reference-Bernard D. N. Gre-' banier. English literature. Vincent F. Hopper, Essentials of European literature. Meyer Reinhold, Essentials of Greek and Roman classics. Porter Sargent, The handbook of private schools. National Geographic Magazine. Index. ENLISTS IN U.S. NAVY Raymond Eugene Lassiat, seaman recruit. son of Mrs. Raymond C. Lassiat of North Swarthmore avenue, was. enlisted in the U.S. Navy on October 2 and is receiving nine weeks recruit tralning at the Naval Training Center in Great Lakes, Ill. RaYmond is a graduate of St. James High School. Upon completion of his training he will be assigned to ship or shore station for on the job training. He is expected home for two weeks re?ruit leave about the third week ID December. Mrs, Willard Tomlinson of Rutgers a venue had as her guests recently her and ~~Ughter Mr. and Mrs. Harlie D. ynard and son H. David Reynard.Jr .. of Maximo Moorings, st. Petersburg, Fla.; her son Mr. John W. TomUnson and her niece ~~~s June Reynard, both of New . k City; and Mr. and Mrs. Wi!ham Picbardo and son. William, Jr., o~ Pittstown, N.J. Mrs. Plch: ; . ; a sister pf the lll-teM!. '. .,~: Forest lane had as their gnest for the weekend Mrs. Petroskas' father Mr. E.C. Young. Mr. Young is dean of the Graduate SChool and Vice-President in charge of Research at Purdue, West Lafoyette, lod. ' Mr. and Mrs. William H.Lsmnson of Wallingford will be the hosts at a potluck supper to be held at their home on November 4; The supper is sponsored by the Delaware Valley Chapter, Mary Washington College of the University of VirgInia. jMr. and Mrs. William Campbell or Dartmouth circle recently attended the Annual Parent Week end at Davis and Elkins College, West Virginia, where their s'on Geoffrey is a student. Accompanying them was Mr. William M. Knatz, also of the Borough. Mrs. Peter E. Told of Park avenue spent the weekend in Baltimore, Md., as the guest of her daughter Miss Polly Told. Dr. John Brob!lck of Vasser avenue attended ,the 39th annual homecoming celebration at Wheaton College, Illinois, held the weekend of October 13: Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Dickinson of Forest lane have just returned from vacation aboard the Delta Queen on a three week trip down the Mississippi River to New Orleans. John H. Wigton, son of Dr. and Mrs. John H. Wigton of O'gden avenue, has be~n pie d ge d to Nu Lambda Phi fraternity' at Grove City College. John is a sophomore majoring in biology. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bates of North Chester road have as their guest this week Mrs. Bates' aunt Mrs. Edward S. stevens who arrived Wednesday to attend the Bates-Larson wedding which will teke place tomorrow afternoon at the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Samuel Francis Butler 0 South Chester road was tile weekend guest of Mrs. William E. Lyle in :Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. and Mrs. Roscoe Giffin 'and amlIy of North Princeton avenue ave moved into the home of Mr nd Mrs. Eugene'overstreet at 00 Harvard avenue while Mr. and Mrs. Overstreet are in Mosco here Mr. Overstreet Is an exhance scholar. Mr. and Mrs. Lov etl Dewees of sweetwater Farm, !In MIlla,.willllelbe ~ "'/' ........ ,..J ~~~N '*' October 27, 1961 SEA SCOUTS RECEIVE NAVY RESCUE BOAT leo Maris II wili 8e FURNESS LIBRARY TO Hockey ,Girls INSTITUTE ON VOLUNTEERS HOLDS WORKSHOP PROGRAM has beenl PRESENT LECTURER Defeat Ridley Park 3-0 ' Several directors of local agen- Morgan Named Mgr. Westinghouse D.. W. R. Morgan. Jr., appolOted. manager of the system engineering '·~;a:~::E~~1 Mrs. Timms to Give the Westinghouse ~team diY- Demonstration Nov. 3 launt'hedin Spring 't Recruiting new Sea Scouts 1 was help ready and use its new 45viceannoJ,nced W. C. The Helen Kate Furness Free Coot air-sea rescue boat is In making the an,noun,:ennenlt, Library will present .. special h' Rowland sald this marks lecture and demonstratlcn E I xp ore~ S ip 329. Ski P per oC a new "Christmas Through the . by Mr s .H. Ro wI and Timms on .3eorge t t Myers d b will welcome any 'almed at gU1'dlng the ay, Novem ber 3,at 10:30' a.m. 10 eres e oys. 14 to 18 years Frld grouping of steam f h t f products offered on rs. o age, w 0 present themselves M TI mms, are sid e n t of a one 0 the regular Mondliy projects'. Nether PrOVidence, is nationa!!y evening meetbfgs of the group at Morgan was graduated known as a I ec tu rer and' teacher, 7 : 30 p.m. in the Scout House on and h as appeare d on T.V. and Cresson lane. University in 1944 degree in engineering SC1'ences radio. She is one of the 60 Life joined Westinghouse Judges for the National Council . The tnewththree-cabin boat, just given ,0 e outfit by the United of Garden Club b f st t year. He served I' n s, a mem er 0 the a es Navy, is at the Marine in the sales Pennsylvania Horticultural SociYbllr.haltlBasin' l ~ssington. It will before joining the ety. and lectures at the Walllngford Arts C ent er. e c ed the Leo Maris II and is department in ~:!~te! ttO be read: or cruiSing was named section 1951 Thin her lecture "c hr i s t mas a erways e ore spring. general engineering l'n ,rough the House". Mrs. Timms Meanwhile, in addition to work. the steam division was ta tlpresent d ecorati ng id eas mg ontb·the boat, scouts will ocalong product si rt·hng at the front door and gocu I py emse ves with bowling lines in 1956 he was ng rough the house - that riflery at the Naval Reserv~ large turbi;e sales be carried out by adults and chllTraining Center in Folsom swlmin the large and medium tur- dren. Many of the Ideas are suitming at the penDsYlvani~ Milidepartment. He held able projects for Cub Scouts and tll;l'y College pool in Chester, and rior to his Brownies. wlDter camping trips which will . Pt Tickets for the lecture m~y be include ice skatl,og, skiing and aSslgnmen. from Mrs. Jam e s E. Moylan, and Mrs. Harold tobogganing activities. , Upon receipt of the new boat KAPPAS TO SEW Jenkins, Wallingrord, co-chalrthe unit presented the smaller men for the program; or from the one it had been using, to the The Kappa Kappa Gamma Sew- library staffing chairmen: Mrs. Manoa sea Scouts. ing group will meet on Tuesday, Charles Adams, Mrs. Alex Ewing, at the home of Mrs. Fred Gaw- Mrs. John Rife, Mrs. R.B. Thacker tbrop, 11 Ogden avenue. and Mrs. John Reinbold. \ Proceeds froin the lecture will be used to purchase chalrs for the meeting room of tbe library. Dining ~m Open To Public TEN SHORT1YEARS On Friday, October 23, 1951 CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP opened its doors at #405 Dartmouth Avenue: School Teachers Attend Varied Meetings in Oct. During the month of October, meetings concerning curriculum, m,!lIIige·ment, classroom teaching and Improved audloaids have been attended teachers of Swarthmore H!gh School. ,Delaware County ers Institute and Week programs in provided opportunities for of mental health, teaching Ina,:h-I ines, new approaches to teaching of reading, ej~:~~:!: I in teaching of foreign to elementary and junior school pupils, and the lay,r I program. Dr. Harry Kingham and Willillml Bush led discussion groups the afternoon sessions of .~::~~~: ers Institute. The topic d sed was "Mental Health as It Illtes to Teachers and Pupils." Dr. Kingham served as cn'llr-1 --------------------- Contn'butecl in the Interesl of Highway Safety by the Following Me,,:hanh THE BOUQUET E. L NOYES and CO. SWARTHMORE TOGGERY SHOP THE INGLENEUIC BAIRD and BIRD J. A. GREEN PETER E. TOLD O. PATRICK wastf THE SWARTHMOREAN PORTER H. WAITE. lac. PATTON ROOFING CO. PROVIDENT TRADEStAENs lANK ... TRUST CO. ... ".. . . , .,;.'~'~,'-; - . CAn ~ 4IJ6 of Literature was the tOPIC. I Adeline Strouse, head of language sequence, par as moderator at a meeting of Modern Language l\.~::::'1~:~~~1 Topic for discussion was oC Foreign Langnages In the ementary Schools of vania. ,. Former Swarthmorean tAe O/4tJoe4,! 4eIte If) ~ What cart we say to all of our faithful customers exCept the time tested Named Plant Manager William J. McClure, a former resident of Swarthmore, assistant plnn! manager at Du Pont's Newport, Del., pigments plant, has been named manager of the Newark, N.J., pigments plant, effective November 1. Mr. McCl\IIe joined Du Pont 1946 as a maintenance foreman at the Edge Moor. Del., pigments plant. The following year he was made mechanical supervisor and tJ/ tAe! eAitdIuw t!IIIe _"' , n '&Hobby well. New drugs usually do the job the first time, costing less in total. Bring your Doctor's prescription to us for precise compounding. without delay_ Uniformly fair prices. CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE Klng$wood 3-0586· , .********** ************ : iC WHY : ALL REPUBLICANS I: SHOULD : • * • * • * dI,sCUS~Si~o~n~~~~;~:1 •• ** * ••-iC a DOES ALL THIS SEEM TO COVER A LONG OR SHORT PERIOD TO YOU? DURING THIS DECADE wE HAVE SURVIVED THE KOREAN AFFAIR - VARIOUS RECESSIONS AND HORDES. OF so CALLED DISCOUNT HOUSES. ~ed ~ Lions' Club Speaker John M. Patterson of Amherst avenue, vice president of Highway Express Lines, loc., on 'l.'uesQay . evening of last week was the speaker at the rel:U""1 meeting of the swarthmore Club. Mr: Patterson, a transllort-I atlon authority, Impact of transportation and costs on every person who or wears c:lothes, current rlD'....'J opments in the field and natlona~ future for transport. men's Week Program •• MAY 29,1955, WE TOOK OVER THE 2ND FLOOIj. APARTMENT AT 6 PARK AND STARTED A LINE OF SPORTING GOODS. THIS PROVED TO BE SOMETHING YOU WANTED - SO - WHEN THEl STORE AT 4 PARK AVEBECAME AVAILABLE - WE MOVED THE SPORTING GOODS DOWN TO STREET LEVEL ON MARCH 22" 1957. • '. manOct. of a13panel on as part of the AUGUST 23, 1954'THIS SHOP WAS MOVED TO 6 PARK AVENUE. WE THOUGHT THIS MOVE WOULD GIVE US ROOM ENOUGH FOR YEARS TO COME. (HOW WRONG COULD WE BE 1) UJNe cles and residents of the ~rouch partiCipated in the luncheon and workshop program oOhe tnatltute on Volunteers held ·1"·t w~k at the YWCA inChester.-They~g were: 19, after t r a vel i n g to Mrs. Elizabeth AIID Groff, dirYeadon October 12 Cor their third ector.CommunityNu",lIllSEiYice victorious game of the season. of Delaware County;. Mrs. Layton Dur I ng th e second half of the Z'Immer 0f C 0 I lege ""enue; ' Mrs. 1 ey P ar k game. Swarthmore's H. W00 d war d McDowell. director, R'dl Kamp scored the first pOllO'l Wh ee I s .or Welfare; and Frank ' by a flick to the corner Loftus. director of the Walllngal Th e second go al was made ford Home. go. Mar Ily nH Ind ,stand-out sophoMrs .C C Ivl N I I . a n ay or 0f C0more, and Susan Williams, co-cap- umbia avenue is chairman of the tain, went In and scored the final Institute, an organiza&lon 51-00goal in the last 'ew . t f sored. by the Comml"ee·'of Vol" mmu es 0 ,. the game.. making the score 3-0. unteers of Delaware County DlsAs the Junior Varsity game be- trict, Health and Welfare Council, h d wen t for' Inc. gan, Mary Ricars goal with a quick flick Mr. and Mrs. RiCh'"'ar""'d~Rc-ommel ball to the corner of the cage. of Drew avenue had as their Soon after , B e t sy Brea ke II dlro'vel weekend guests Mrs. Rommel's a long shot scoring the -e,:ondj D' parents Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Berpoint. Julie Salmon, visiting ger of Mansfield. O. . from England, shdwed fine te':h-t;;:?:-~~~r~5iT,'!n!,",-niq ue when she brought the from the 50 and drove it tovvar,dl center, making it possIIIie-foJcenter, making it possible Betsy Breakell to score with sweeping drive. Sue . started off the second half of game by scoring the fourth Following these, four more Less effective medicines may were made by the cost less than the putent new Dean Calhoun, Mary H:';.:';~~~:I ones prescribed by your DocSusan Prentice and Joan tor ..• but you probably will vey. The final score was 8-0. need more of them to get HARVARD INN CATERINO TO PERMANENT ud TRANSmNT OUESTS fta"a,d an.. RaIlers AveoBes Pbone KlOlswood J.,~za CAR. mo, II CARElESS HANIS The Varsity and Junior Varsity Hockey Teams continued Winning streak with an 3 0 8-0 win against Ridley Park -on. i /It46 - Page 7 THE SWARTHMORE AN 1 •• • -iC -iC -iC -iC -iC iC iC iC • -iC -iC -iC -iC iC -iC -iC -iC • •• • -iC ** **14* ,,** * * ~~~ * * Every vote counts. Only 5% more Republican votes f' stay-at-homes joining every 100 Republican voter; went to the polls In Pennsylvania, would have swung the Whotlle to the Republican column in the last Presi .... den alstate election. - ... I -iC to assistant plant manat Newport. I Mr. McClure served in the Civil IEnglineer Corps of the Navy from 19f2 to 19f5 and was discharged al1eu~eDant. after sernce with SealJen in tile Pacific; Alt_-I """"';..... "ODe . . .... ~':-~ ~-~ ** ** Most elections are not won - they are lost by voters who do not cherish theIr American right to vote in a free electi enough to use it. on In the Aprll 1961 PrImaries voted as compared with 2 6620nlyt 1,016 Swarthmoreans Election. Swarthmore allo';ed . vo ers in the 1960 .Fall Primaries this Spring. Believersai mglOrlty to control Its permit that to happen in their n emocracr shOUld not commu'llty this November. -iC -iC -iC :;~~~,~~~~Plant at New' Johnson1960, he was In April >.. .:" .... , Every election Is Important for Republicans who want to see their party return to power in Harrisburg and Washin ton. Thronging to tlie polls once every four years Is n~i enough. Rep~blicans cannot afford to relax. Strength must be progressively built at each election. On November 7 we Republicans can build our strength at the Borough and County levels. We can help defeat the State Democratic machine by electing our candidate for Pennsylvania S _ preme Court J u s t i c e . . u • iC McClure theMr.newly built w'las:hi::~~~:.~~:: J ..... This election "trikes close to home. You will be electing! your Community Ilfficials: your Mayor, your Councilmen· .... your School Board Members, your Tax Collect ~ others. or, ano Our vote counts littl Swarthmore th ,. . Last fall Swarth more, with e more an 1% of Delaware County's population accounted for 14% of the County's ~epubUcan majority. ' supervisor in opermalntenance engineer, I :~;~E~~~~ plant engineer. In 1954 was transferred to the Newplant as plant engineer. The November 7 election is important to you because _ 1414- ** ** *14** *' .1i \ Page 8 TBB SWARTBMO.BAM REQUEST FOR BIDS APPRECIATION Haverford place. who resides, with' her son-In-law and daughter William H. Polk. Sr .• and family bids will be Mr. and Mrs. Lucian W. Burnett IW,1511 to express their 'graUtude Chamber. Borou has been a patient in Taylor ali those who remembered them on ,Sh"'d~dllfl:os:pltal since Tuesday of last the occasion of their great The many notes and mesof sympathy were much wa.lve any bids received; to reor all bids; to aw~d the ZONING RULES . only to Ihose experienced Bo~d of Adjustmenl _ Ihls class of work; and to the bldBorough of Swarthmore der'whose proposal is 'deemed to be f Ihe mosl advantageous 10 the public Notice Is hereby given thai Interesl. Zoning Board of Adjustment. on Rulh A.B. Townsend ober 18. 1961. amended Rule Borough Secrelary read as follows: swarthmore, Pa. "2. Appeols to Ibe Board of Adjuslment s b all be laken w1lhln IlIIrty (30) days of the effective date of Ihe administrative action. decision or refUssi complnlned of." B. Townserldl 'FACTORY AUTHORIZED GENERAL ELECTRIC SALES & SERVICE Raymoncl J. Dawson Lqwell 6-4692 /4693 :!~~;~I;h~;~~;~'fri~:f~~~~P:'~ay;~ 210 ,WEST STATE ST.. .. MEDIA II ~!I1II§I1I!§iii§iDl§TTTiEl11€ A~\ B. DICK Office Supplies MiMEOGRAPH SPlRn'DUPlICATOR PHOTOCOPY - Swarlllmore T".willer Sanica ... 2 . . . a".. S• .rlb.'rt, PI. S. E. Hudson - OclOber 27. 1961 ~,gc,::::~d KI-4-3360 I - Apples. El Providence Rose Tree .. and Media. SALE - Burial 101. tmee desirable Rosemonl "~ •• Laurel Hili Cenetery. KIngS3-5531. - Books. 14 Volume sel. new. Cost $119. Iunlng-~~~~~~I;:;;;::.::..::.P:.h:.'Dr:.::,e..:KI=n:gs:w:::0:.:0::d:.:4-=-.:5::2:60::. Belvedere Convalescent Home - Reo power lawnmower. old. needs repalrs, 3-7173. , St., Chester. '1!llp~~~~~ 2507 1 1'ReDlont 2-5373 SALE - $1 use wllb or than six hours. Sacrifice prlcu. KIn d 3 3096 f'" Principal William M. Bush of Swarthmore High School has announced that John M. Bond. Geo," frey H. Nearing. and Charles D. Soule of the high school have been given recognition for their high achievement in the Initial stage of the seventh annual National Merit SCholarship competition. The three were named Finalists in the 1961-62 Merit Pro, gram as aresult of their outstanding performance'on the Qualifying Test. Stephen Edwards. Lorene Hebble. Linda Jones. Christian Miller and Marcia Ridgway have received letters of commendation 2T-1l-3 for their ratings in this nationwide competition. OF DELAWARE Scho'larshlps will be awarded to finalists on the basis of facbe r~~::~~~ tbe will County ( ulty recommendations. activities Media, Pa•• SlandaJd nlme. partiCipated in, during high 31. 1961. school. and financial need. Winners of merit scholarships will , be announced in the spring. opened at·Me'!il}~1 .....~~~,.,.,.U$~,.,.. on Ibat date. In Ibe EXPERT' PlAID TUIII. Eachofbid sence themust be .Id REPAIRlla 47 Y-. of e.p ..ionee wiff, Cash. Certified Good or by a: Corporate SUrety All Makos one In Ibe amount of _ A. L PARK.ER LOwIII i.UBS (10%) of Ibe totol amolunt '"O\mty drawn to Ibe v Delaware. - - . CIIrGoiJo &DelCan WOlD. lis.....,..,...,. Hobby. Toy r East Baltimore Avenue. Helghls. MAdison 6-0713. OppOl,lt. Clifton Thealer. October 27. 1961 POua ... FIRE NEWS Swarthmore had a demonstraiton Frlday,October 13,.of what would happen If b o't h of Its schools caught fire at once. The local Fire' Company celebrated Fire Prevention Week by calling a surprise drill shorUy before 2 p.m. Assisted by Sptingfield. Morton and Rutledge it divided men and eq ulpment· between the elementary school and the junior-senior high school. When the excited students and faculty streamed from the bulldln2s they were is- TBB SWARTBHORBAN Sued an invitation to bring their ed behind a bus al the rallroaq. IScene. familles to an open house. with Donohue's car sustained damages Two similar accidents occurred cider and donuts. that night at of the whole front and had to be on Saturday, October 14. at 1: 15 the Fire House. towed away. Bowden's car was p.m. the cars of Bernard Corchnoy. On October 5 at 5:22 p.m. 8 damaged back and front and Springfield. traveling south on chain colliSion occured on Swarth- Restrepo's in the rear. _ Chester road. and John Andrews. more avenue between the rsJlroad At 3:52 p.m. October 10 Ann Chester. traveling north and atand College avenue. Police solI May Wetherill of Mediu. was travel- tempting a left turn Into College Carol J. Donohue of Norwood wa. log west on Swarthmore avenue avenue, collided at the intersecdriVing east on SWartlimore aven- when. according to pOlice. Rich- tion of the two streets. The first ue when his car struck Ihe rear ard V. Camb! of Springfield travel- car was damaged on the left front of one in front of him driven by Ing south on Cedar lane pulled fe"der and light. the other on the Ronold Bowden of Morton. push- out in front of her. The center right. At 4:30 p.m. at Swarthmore ing It Into the rear of another front of the Wetherill car and the avenue and Wellesley road Fr,ank driven by Richard J. Restrepo of left front of the otber were dam- Lohb. Holmes. stopped to allow Dartmouth circle which had halt- aged. Botb were driven from a car in front of'hlm make a left Page GIVE to the United Fun·cJ , • county~!~~~~~i:~1~ ~b~!'i'\' ~t.ry Elle" Beddow ed at Ibe Office of Ibe Chief of Proposol may be at to Forms the County Commissioners. Court House. Media. Pa. The County Commissioners FLORIST 7 South Chester Road IbeG. R. WATKINS to reJecl any.and ALBERT H. SWING WM.A.WELSH County Commiasloners. 2T-I0-27. KI 3·8093 CUSTOM II"ALUTlO.S 'J H. D. CHURGH - Wslnut drop-leaf lable. table. two maple KInlSwood 3-6270. I·PARIt AVE., SWARTH.ORE Klngswood 4-2727 WIWAM 'BROOKS ~ aud Rubbish Removed ....Wns Mowed. General BallllbJlII ,. . Ave. Pa. ROOFING ELNWOOD Warm-Air Heating Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Work .,ersand - Gilbert's Steam remove painl pslnllng. Georse 4-7082. Gonlalucant Home ~ Pike familJ'. • PI ~~lfAL -lIaQy silting. -.KlDpwood « EstablIshed &Pt. 1. KIngswood '4- HOW Klngswood 3-0272 on Ladies' the right to reject any and sIl bids. 1J~::::::::==::==::==::==:( Picture Framing ROGER RUSSELL Classes - Childre~~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~; ACT OF AUGREQUIRED U S T 24. 1912. AS STATEMENT BY THE AMENDED BY THE ACTS OF - Accurate. literate typist MARCH 3.1933. AND JULY 2. 1946 new IBM electric desires (Tille 39. Unlled Slates Code. Secat home. KIngswood 4-5473. tion 233) SHOWING THE OWNER• R ". I•V •' SHrP. MANAGEMENT. AND CIRCUWFIL lillie I. 's LATIONOFTHE SWARTHMORE~H' WANTED - To buY set 0f men • Arls Centerl I ....IIIII-WFIL·Ty-i11 .. • LOST clubs. Reasonable. KInlgs.rood 'PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT SWAR _ 6731 MORE. PA .• FOR OCT. 6. 1961. ----·-------.~----------I.::.::··:..-.---------__:----I The names and addresses of tbe '<'>iT - Collie Dog. medium size. WANTED _ Day's work .. Ironing publisher. editor. managing editor. and, while. Children's pet. cleaning. SWarthmore references. and bunlness managers ate: PublishR~'W:aJd. Phone Giffin. KIngswood 3· TRemont 6-Q664. ' er. Peter E. Told 'and Marjorie T • Told. 322 Park Ave.. SWarthmore. WANTED Pa.; Editor. Peter E. Tolli. 322 Park ",UI"T - Gray cal. white chest and work or work by Ave., Swarthmore, Pa.; Managing EdGenerol Controctor DaWB, Palt Angora, near Park and mote reference. BaJb~a B. Kent. 325 Dartmootb Call Ip,.p, E. Told. 322 • Pa. morllaand otber ownholding 1 percent or more of amount of bonds. mortgages. other securities are: none. The average each 'Issue of distributed. to NOTARY PUBLIC 900 Michigan Avenue Swarthmore KI 3-1112 Now saving, !X>o, goes automatic! Take just a few minutes to launch your Key Sure-Saver Account by opening a Savings Account and a Checking Account at Provident Tradesmens. (Have one? Open the other.) Then, tell us how much to transfer from checking to , .... RoofilCCo. -ROOFIN6 osPounN6 .. +liD, You can become a Key Sure-Saver! Bank and Trust Compa.ny -8Uilas. SWARTHMORE savings each month. A Key Sure-Saver. Plan automatically transfers any amount monthly ($10 a~d up) from checking to savings ... lets you add other amounts to savings any time ..... calculates 3% interest monthly on savings. PROVIDENT TRADESMENS E5TAIUSHED 1m more abundant life .DELAWARE VALLEY'S KEY BANK De/fUIJCI'e County Offi«s: Lima Malia (Drive-InA f) turn. police ssld. Edward Sedluk. Folsom. stopped behind Lobb ullll, Robert Vincent. Jr .• of VtllanUvll avenue struck the Sedlak car In the rear. driving it Into the Lo bb car. Contusions of both kneell anH nose 'fIemmorhage were recorded for Margaret Sedlak. and a sprslned left wrist for Jacqueline Sedlak. passengers. I BI~~I':;. ·-.-.-.:",..'R_ ~~[~jg)SW;lOO~1-~~ja~.e;r~~il c...... .... -'II'"'' G_ _lOtI grra~ rilll~ ~~'~"~D;III:~";~;";D1~';O;R;";""~';r;"';_~~~I:~~~~~~~~;~~~~ "ERSONAL SHS Students In Merit Scholarships \ , October 27, J961 October 27. 1961 ., TBB S1URTBIIORBAH Page 10 school's all·purpose room for Canteen which has now been Iturnen over to the local RecreaAssocialion, ' . Authorizing the Swarthmore The Swarthmore - Rutledge I~~~~~:~~ Club to proceed with reSchool Board in regular meeting Is ing tbe two s t r e e t- sid e Wednesday oflast week. accepted Ico'u(l;s behind the high school if the resignation of Mrs. Frances can be done within the Club Stokes Hoekstra. hired last spring Ib:'~i~:;; This would provide a to inaugurate a French and Ger- If for use of tennis playing man 1 an g u age program in tbe of the school district fourth and fifth grades. German also adult members of the was dropped from the proposed ._",h who are now limited to ;;umprogram wh~n it was discovered use of the college courts. in the summer that Mrs. Hoekstra Approving expen<\iture of $103 was expecting the birth of a child three-year burglary insurance next March. Mrs. Au d r e y Mae' Ipremiun,s covering elementary Reece Morrow of Springfield. high schools. 1959 graduate of Saint Rose ColAuthorizing, attendance at varlege who taught in New Hartford. PbiladelPhia and out-ofN. Y.. from September 1959 to conferences by staff and January 1960. was elected to If:;~~~I~ members including Mrs. carryon with the French classes II Mathews, high school Engwhen Mrs. Hoekstra leaves Janteacher. who will represent P ennsylvania State Education uary 1. Mrs. Jane Kepn,er Jackson. sub- Association at the National Edustitute teacher of girls' physical Association Curriculum education. was placed on a 'regin Washington. D. C .• ular basis and Mrs. Virginia 3 to 6. Bosler Middleton of Media. was named as her part-time assistant. Paul Mccouch. spokesm~ for' Rutledge parents deSiring a free school bus. told the board it was unfair in taking advantage of The Swarthmore High School every other kind of Federal sub- ICrloss Country team entertained sidy there is (building aid. med- Marple Newto'wn and Nether ical. dental. food programs. funds Providence Monday of last week for education of children of Fed- in ita sec a nd home meet and eral employees, and even cqm- helped by the good condltio.n of pensation for having becOl!,e a tbe college course. came in secunion district with Rutledge) and ond. Marple Newtown, a tradlthen refusing to make use of tionaliy strong team, finished available reimbursement for pro- first with a score of 23 points. viding aschool bus forRnt1edge's Swarthmore had' 44' and Netber elementary children who must at- Providence. also a newcomer to tend school in Swarthmore. He cross country ' ranks, had 62. said he was willing to pay his In earlier meets Swarthmore half of the bus fare personally,. lost to Penncrest in a close meet in addition to his taxes, if, the by a score of 24"32 and came In board would collect the other third in a triangular meet, half from the State. The board Media and Springfield. During agreed to have Its solicitor cor- past. weeks tbe experience of roborate Its contention that the their opponents has been the State would not reimburse unless most decisive factor. but with the unreimbursed portion came each meet the locsl· boys~; concl from tax funds; - . arier Mccouch fidence grows. Two and a half doubted the validity of this con- miles is a long run and you have tention. to be sure that you will live The board received a leiter through it. from Edward Coslett. Jr .• swarthIn each race a solid core of more Hills. approving Its decision Swarthmore runners has finished against free school bus. in the top 10 to 15, but their inThe directors approved the re- ability to have on!! among solution of the Jenkintown School first three has handicapp~d ~Q.'m,! District in contesting the new Paced by Dina McCurdy and State redistricting law. and also Atkins. this first solid group adopted s statement of its own also includes Jerry Clotbier. Ron which was published in this Snyder. Tim Jenkins. Jim Kingnewspaper lSl!t week. ham. Chuck Soule, and Dick Other actions Included: Edwards. Authorization of payment of Spectators at lastvieek's mee:tl $2000 halance due Van-Cor Inc .• saw two races ibstead of one. for a classroom fioor lald two the order of fi.nni~s~b,t:;~~~::1 years ago but not considered ac- with the same. Leading S' ceptable byGeorge Ewing, school in tilts race were Rick Ullman, w:chitect until now. with the pro- Ron 'weiss. and Bill Ryerson. vision that Van-Cor drop a pend- Showing s tea d y improvement, ing law suit and assume Its costs. Dick Creasy, Mat Johnson, The acceptance of $200 gift Molloy, John Shigeoka,. Pellerl from last year's Garnet Canteen Kent, Phil Zhookoff, and ste,vel witb appreciation of it and of the Polgar, also did well for'Sv.arth-1 long service of Mrs. Mary Bloom more. . in heading the canteen. In f!,rlast weele~~k~~'s~ar~~~~'!1 warding the money,' Mrs. Bloom theFollowing team began final p suggested it might be used for for tbe District meet improved lighting along the walk vilie tomorrow. Four bo"Yi~s:~.,b;;..v:l .and parking lot at tbe Rutgers Draper. Bob Seely. Bill Pol SChool where Canteen meets. The and George Herschel have property committee will study out with injuries and it Is this possibility. The hoard that they will be able to authorized the continued use of SCHOOL BOARD IN REGULAR SESSION Coultry Tea. for District Meet ---------------------- * * * * ,* 24 years' experience' as clerk, bookkeeper. accountant, comptroller; " For 11 years responsible for the supervision of Hi departments including accounting. tabulation. payroll. lax systems and planning; six years Swarthmore Borough and School Auditor; A graduale of Ihe Pennsylvania State University with BS deglee In Commerce and Finance; > A resident of Swarthmore for 41 years; an active member and a former secretary of tbe Swarthmore Fire Company. JOHN A. SCHUMACHER Weekend Special., , ' Swift's Premium LEGS of i~ no trick 10 treat yourself to our FI . FOODS It costs no more to enjoy the Best at ••• Illinois, CBlHornla. Canada, New York, W~:~::~:~:I Abington, and Swarthmore. It the aim of the United Nations keep peace with freedom • !:~~~~I -:and economic progress b the nations of the world. ' It is the purPose of tbis lective voluntary tax by the people to sliow sincere support of this orl:aniza.-I lion, - a contribUtion for peace. During the United Nations' sent crisis it is particularly portant tbat each subscribe to 1%, more or less, gloss in~~:~1 tax to be sent to one of the ed Nation's voluntary pr('if.lnll;.1 Swarthmore ann are urged send their checks to The SWllrlh~1 'more United Nations Commlttl!e,1 Box 166. with the particular 'signation aD the check as where it should be spent. TechnicalAssistance (2) Sp,!cbLlI Fund (3) UNICEF. Thank you. IVAN E. FORTE, Ch,l1mlanl swarthmore Friends Peace Committee. Stress •• Issue To the Editor: contest that involves ~i.,~:::1 between the two political in this area. It is the of whether we are, for or "~iill~~~ the \ encroachment of the I delphia Democrat O!:~~::~::I into Delaware and other ' counties. There can he no ahout the nature of the ring presided over and Jim Clark. posures It is a cient, scruples Its move to aware couniy. to delphia should Little to see toward the machine's is control potit!!!) area, W~lC.h control of the The th:~~~~::~~1~:'r~0~fi~~:~1 • If yOU· put on your "thinking cap" ••• I . . . you'll realize at once that only a financially healthy company - one with adequate earnings .Will grow. And only a growing company can create new jobs at good pay and invest in new plants and equi~ment, thus providing employment for people in many olher businesses •. This is as true of the telephone cOmpanY as it is of any other. WORKERS U.F. Mrs. Henry L. Harris, Soutb P rI neeton avenue. a Borough capmorellll mustbe signed. Pseudo- lain for the 1962 Un I ted Fund '1I7ftUIS maybe usedU Ibe writer Drive, bas announced her Is known to Ibe Editor. Leiters Iso.lic:llors aUhe Dartmouth House wl1l be publilibed' only 'at the follows: ',. discretion of the Editor. Mrs. Walter Lucasse, Dr. Helen Cit.,. Voluntary Tax 1:~~~~Mrs.GOrdOn L. Wahis. Mrs. To the Editor: Lacbmann. Mrs. F. D. Win. deli, Mrs. C. ,Milton Alien. BarA cooperative endeator ~ .."-... bara B. KeDt. benefits The United Nations shared by 'various groups of pie in scattered areas such The November 7 election seem to be largely a local afflLlr.1 without any important issue with the voting prefereuces fined to perEionali~es. But thE!rel is an issue of importance. It will not be on bsllot but it, is prl)sent ,In The 1~~~I!'J10~!~~ The opinions ezpressed below aretboseotlbelndividual wtltera. AUlettars to The Swarth- Four years' experience as Tax Collector (Incumbent); '0. How often should I vacuum my rugs? Thorough vacuuming once or twice a week using an upright Hoover cleaner is best for your rugs, with light vacuuming daily or as needetl. Do not be afraid of "too much" vac;uumingcMake sure your cleaner is adjusted high enough to push eaSily, and keep your HOOVER serviced. cOli PAUlSON for Authorized Hoover Sales and Service or'for Free Home Trial. Also Hoover bags and belts. Repairs to all moke cleoners.. r:::-~:-:------:-~-, I ASK YOUR SUPPORT FOR REELECTION AS BOROUGH TAX COLLECTOR ON THE REPUBLICAN TICKET NOVEMBER 7TH LISTED BELOW ARE MY 9UALlFIC"TIONS FOR THIS POSITION: Iii How do you keep carpet clean? L!Ifws To The &/i!or Collector Tax For TRB SWA RTRMOR BAN rade ' are piece at a time it sll comes unl!"'.,,:u~n. It should he obvious threatened intrusion Philadelphia machine into De:la-I ware County concerns alIAffl~t" I Its potential longtime c, make it an issne that cannot ignored. 'So we have a right to expect that the Democrat candidates and leaders, local county, will'take a stand on matter. Do they favor tbe posed grab, they about it or do whole Bill Greell-, :~n~~;~:~~:~:;~~~~ We need a conspiracy? menacing big city machine . feel the ouly resl to build up and strongest possible Party in Delaware do this requires both our mterest . and our votes, even locsl omces. E. H. Taylor 300 Harvard • lamlll-c. Ceatlidale. An aftenaOOD dessert coffee to introduce tlllee Democratic Candid-tea, J _ Fi8J.d, Mary ....8 Ib to, bo....G11 MId, w_ ;,"" TAX REM/NDERI FLOWERS & FALL PEARS; SQUASH I PUMPKINS Re al E s t at e. P ersonal Property and Per Capita Taxes become deafter October 31, 1961. Penalty after that date is 5%. f John A. Schumacher. ~'O!~~~t~:1 a taxes, suggests that wbohas any questions or who mlslald his tax bill. call him KIngswood 3-315l. LlNVILLA ORCHA "ThS Farm "';110 tM OetGgo"," Bam" Ot,~",~ Fron·. Sw.rthmore sovth ... lout. m ..1.1_. Plh to CI.,.,.,I••I. T...,. •.., .... teo_.,d Ch....... Drh'. IVI • 2 mil .., turn r19ht 011 Knowlton INd VJ ....... - lb. ." 0 12 10 16 POUND AVERAGE SIIoked Pork Loins cc:: ··15e Sausage Meat .:,~. :..~: 31e !i.~: l5e 11._ Rlmp Roast •. lIe Liverwurst ",!"~;"j~' 110. 41e Ey. Roast ... $1.19 Bologna ",!"':."~r.h:" 0.. 41e I I . Beef ~ 110. Sic 5t1C'::" lb. lie Boiled Ham "Su";,i:;:ht" 1:':: 8ge DHIPPED, CUBED, SWIss, OR SIRlOIH TIP STEAKS 0.. $1.15 SHRIMP /..;':;"":'dI5 ~:~ $5.39 •. 23e lb. Large Rockfish CHICKENS FLORIDA ORANGES BIEASTS' LEGS Ib.45c Ib.49c .... 35e dolen UP PAins fIIESH CUT $1.09 NEW CROP JUICY THIN SKIN 252 SIZE NURlTIOU5 7 lb. 0 4 .. 5 POUND AVERAGE HIGH~ NONE PRICID 5g e -1b'$I09 2 pic.. 1118000 SLICED BAOON pkg. • 3 !~$1.89 ARlOUR OAINED PIGIIOS UNI ISlAND DUOIS lb. 31 FRESH HilS v.;~~I. 49 ~:~ lb. 450 ::~ lit. &&e FRESH PIGIIIO NIl SHOULDERS lb. 31 0 LIrp #1 Smells 'Of' TRemonit,~ 9047 Open 10 A.M.· 8 P.M. Da;1y and Sunday ROUND ROASTS RoilND STEAKS J~~ Page 11· WINGS 110. He NONE PRICED HIGHER 3 dozen '1.00 . ----·NONE-PRICED-JfIGHER - - REGALO WASHED ANO TRIMMED 0 lb. NONE PRICED HIGHER ... IOLDEI BAIAIAS 12 SPIIICR ce~~:;'g 1ge ce~~:~g 37e CRISP WINESAP NONE PRICED HIGHER CRISP NONE PRICED HIGHER APPLES b'Ul~~~ 4~~~ 3ge CALIF" CARROTS 2 poly1·lb.bags 23 e STAYMAI , 111111 11111111 MARVEL BREAD ,. III 1111' AN A&P EXCLUSIVE 15-oz, loaf 15 C ~ "RICKS OR REATS FOR THE YOUNGSnlS ON HALLOWU"," 5e CANDIES ROZEN STEAK MIX OR MArcH SAlE HolidlY Breaded Veal Steaks to.. !lolidlY Sandwich Steaks 4 ... Holiday Buffered Beef Steaks .... YOUR pkllS' CHOICE 3 $1.00 . CAP'H JOHN'S 1II0ZEN Fiu Sticks ~ IIIAND ROZEN " NIAY W.flIes ROZEN .or.h:l or ........ PI.alr, w, 's,PI... ".aul IIobr Rotlo. c.,•. IoN. Stili A...... , TMbl••• Ui••• 11 '111111 0'''', Spiced Wafers by". I·Ib. 39c •.n.. 69c , IMK .... Apple Cider 1 . _ . "•• ~....I. 43c g.1. 73c Irand ..... b.t. lolli-Pops w........... kg .• , 25c .kg. .,...d U POPI 'O ..."39c p. . Ketchup AHN PAGE 2 fMttl.. 1.·... 35c ...... 27. c , IRAND . Ellen Dale Catsup 2 33c Snider's Catsup 2 37c ' ' 'Jar nrl.tI.11 24 Candy Com w.......... , Itand Harvest Mix Cindy W.~It.... O.. .... ., Marshmillow Pies lo••annd L... Peaches AU Y.II•• CII,.. Slk ..... tc.1ves lona Pea cites SIr."!Io:, ~~i.~ Oak Hill Peaches 'H.:!:' 8ge ba .. In box, 29c ·1. 29c P.k,. ;II•. 3ge ., 12 I·..., ~~. ._. 2 - •. SSe 2 19..··51c 4 ::::. 89c .- CLAPP'S BABY FOOD 9 jars 75e 12-oz. 490 EXCEL SPLIT CASHEW NUTS pkg. 4 cans 49 Canned Vegetables lb. 5io SHARP CHEDDAR CHEESE 6ge KOTEX or MODESS RegU~:;~n!uper . 2 boxes of 12 . Standarel Quality P.o" Tomafou and String han. Jane Parker Baked Goads PI_il Pie I at: l..:r lENAPE BRAND STEMS & PIECES pl• • D '. 4-az. can ....Is G~I a - - ~.:t:i 13c 46-az. 75 0 ORANGE 'JUICE O::E~~~D BJ~: 2 canl IIPI Food Ring I w: 1= 31e quart GOLD CUP PRUNE JUICE battl.s • leads 0' Bleach ":i:: 69c l1li DItcIt Olea- 'k 2'!:- 25c WHITE HOUSE 21-oz. APPLE BUTTER . . iar • '::::Sle. S- .ellle.... Soap .:;. 1lIIY Z. . . . " , 'T·.II~ IeDetlerer~el!:L1QUID I SIc IlCOHOl "':~':s AiiclEAiiTRiOil LIQUID 8': '1." .11. !O -!..c.,...... Z 1" Sic ISPIRIIS ~~ . 2 :r:: Ilc .,TllhIL LIQUID - ... lrIft .IlqIriae .garine ~ ..=:. -....: IrIIt Z,l;! lie ~CO~I~IS~n~iUIUY~. _ - ~=~l~O~·;'::~l~Ic~~'R~,E~S~'l'~t~'~i~"'~.~,~SA~YI~.:::.;· Ie - ~ac~··~ .• 3 , S . • . . _ T AtIAIIIlC & PACIRC 1IA Hi£ co. - . Blue Bonnet $100 23' " • INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE P~~~ ====~~~~~~__________T!iHl:E~~S;1V~A~R:T~H~M~O~R~E~.~N~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o~c~roJb~ers.2:7~.~19~6~1\ ughout the summer The Staff Aides. Mrs. David Local Red Crass BraHh months to the area hospitals with Bingham. chairman. Mrs. Fredera special word of appreciation to ick P.. Lang, co-chairman. reportTHE DEMOCRATIC VIEWPOINT -In FaII Mee,-" the summer "bakers". ed 75· hours volunteer service InD An urgent plea for arts and given in Red Cross activities ":-age 12 ________ I'OU'fIC&L aD. . .IllDUIft THE CANDIDATES SPEAK FOR SCHOOL DIRECTOR Teachers employed in the :. Swarthmore-Rutledge School District. like teachers all over the country. are poorly paid to do a job that our society daily considers more important. I find it shameful that teachers are forced to take second jobs in order to make ends meet, as some of our teachers presently are req uired"to do. The quality of classroom teaching determines the excellence of a school system, not its buildings, or its grounds. or its past . , reputation. I have decided to run for School Board because I want to express my can c ern for classroom education, for fine teachers, for well paid t.eachers who need not work other John R. Fry places in off hours. or move to other school districts with greater promise. I believe that .much more can be done in our teacher salary program without having to make new rate increases on tax weary residents. We shall have to hold the line but within the annual budget express what we consider most important. The recent equivocation of the School Board on providing that bus transportation to Swarthmore and Rutledge children which law determines shows on the one hand timidity in accepting the twentieth century, and on the other hand disregard for the children in its special trust. I can promise thilt, if elected, I shall prosecute a position that is pro-teacher. pro-child. and pro-education. We have sometime to stop rallying around our tree-lined streets and begin inspecting our moss covered values. I strongly encourage both activities. I" I. FOR BOROUGH COUNCIL I believe Borough Council "'\."\... will be unable to serve entire\. "'ly the future needs of this community without the aid and . advice of Swarthmore women. Only by electing a "councilwoman" can t his important group be fully represented. It is the women who will be particularly affected by the problems of t r affi c and parking caused by an ever increasing population; it. is the women who feel the lack of a borough trash collection; and it is they who will shop elsewhere if inadequate snow removal again makes Swarthmore stores inaccessible. It is the mothers who particularly appreCiate what an important part of the community Mary Wood Hfe the summer recreation program has become. I feel it is so important, that the Board of the Swarthmore Recreation Association should be made an arm of Borough Council to administer its summer program on a tax supported basis. As a matter of fact, the program has had some tax support already in that both the School Board and the Borough have made contributions to it, and the Re-. creation ASSOCiation has used public school facilities every summer. As a Swarthmore mother whose children have participated in this program. I would like all children in the borough to have this same opportunity regardless of ability to pay. Swarthmore women are very much affected by the decisions of our local government. Doesn't it make sense that they should have a representative on Borough Council? The Fall Meeting of the Swarthmore Branch of the American Red Cross was called to order Friday morning in the American Legion room, Borough Hall. by Chairman Mrs. Avery F. Blake. }<'ollowing the presentation of the minutes of the May meeting by Mrs. Corben Shute, secretary. and statement by the Treasurer, Mrs. D. Mace Gowing, Mrs. H.L. McCune, chairman of blood service reported that since May there have been 2910cal requests for Red Cross blood and 82 pints supplied. Voluntary S e r vic e Chairman Mrs. Robert M. Fudge reported 58 busy hours of service she had given during the summer months in conferences with officials of the monthly Southeast c~ap.ter and the consequent .simphfymg the new reporting system in which chairmen of the local branch are cooperating. Mrs. John H. Derickson, Jr., chairman of the home nursing. reported 5~ hours of service at the Bloodmobile in Broomall. .. Mrs. Ralph Hayes IS workmg steadily with the United Fund in her post as liaison chairman with the local Red Cross branch and the United Fund. Mrs. John L. Good, chairman of community viceto hospitals and insti reported continued contr of home-made birthday cakes skills helpers was made in the name of the chairman. Mrs. Robert Deacon. Emphasis was placed on the fact that no special talents or skills are required for this greatly needed work. Volunteers will be trained to give assistance to the learning veterans. Mrs. Lord was announced as the new chairman of Gray Ladies. The resignation of Mrs. George M. Karns as production chairman was announced and the secretary instructed to write a letter of appreciation from the board for Mrs. Karns' services. Mrs. Wayne Randall, chairman of Nurses Aides. reported 68 hours of service in hospi tals contributed by volunteers from June 1 to October 1. Virginia Rath. chairman of fire aid and water safety. reported 60 children and 10 adults registered in the Red Cross swimming program held for 10 days at the college pool in July. The classes were in four sections with a daily attendance of 46. Junior voIunteers reported faithfully as assistants. She reported also on the first aid course now in ss on Tuesday nights at gh Hall. Mrs. Robert W. co-chairman with Mrs. J. Ke~neth Doherty of Canlist~d 24 hours service at Acme warehouse and 16 hours at Red Cross headquarters during the summer. : r'" '0 0 ' ". ; FOR BOROUGH COUNCIL At election time it is traditional for the ins to point with pride and the outs to view with alarm. Occasionally, amid all this pointing and viewing, the facts may seem obscure. Not so. however, this time. Few, surely. will care to question the list of the activities and accomplishments of Borough CotincH as set forth by the Swarthmore Republican Committee. Let us consider these activities and" accomplishments. They total seven. (1) Council has built a footbridge, and has paved the last unpaved street (the reference is presumably to Hillborn Avenue, paved in a fashion unanimously opposed by the property owners concerned). James A. Field, Jr. (2) Council has begun a permanEmt and systematic tree care program (Le. the Philadelphia Electric Company has been persuaded to take down eight trees). ' (3) and (4) Council has air conditioned the library. and has hired a CPA. . (5) Council has kept the tax rate stable, despite exceSSlve snow removal costs. etc. (what snow removal? what year was ~~n , (6) There exist a Planning Commission and a Yo~th Gu~d­ ance Advisory Committee which make reports (receIved WIth reluctance and interred with speed). (7) There also exists a Zoning'Board of Adjustment. That's it. That's all there is. No whisper of concern with (for example): population trends, street congestion and parklng. large apartment buildings, recreation and dellnquency:. open space, thebealth of the local business community, com- Distinctive Hair Styling Colonial Court Apts., Rutgers Ave. Swarthmore hone KI 3-9700 For Appointment ~~ . n"~_A~J tI?'\_~ __ ... ~,J_ Piano Helen Clyde Beginners a Specialty ..... " ",,~ ""~ a brand new lecture by ANNE WERTSNER WOOD at the Tickets may be obtained from:. (By Reservation Only) LOCAL STUDENTS TAKE HONORS PROGRAM Michael K Becker of Walnu lane. John C. Cratsley of Strath Haven avenue, and Susan Preston of Dogwood lane. have been accepted for the Honors Program of study at the Swarthmore College by the faculty . Michael majors in history and minors in economics and political science; John majors in political science and minors in his~ tory and economics. Susan'smajor is in psychology and her minors are English literature and fine arts. Ai r Condo Open Thurs. & Fri. Evenings Thursday, Nov. 16 2 P.M. Trinity Church - Swarthmore since May. Training courses announced by Mrs. Dorothy Hopkins. administrative secretary of the Western'Delaware County Branch Office. included a course for Gray Ladies and staff Aides at the Media office on Monday, October 30. The course for Gray Ladies will run' from 9:45 to 4, and for Staff Aides from 9:45 to 12. Registration must be made in advance with Mrs. Fudge. KI 35354. On November 2 from 8 to 10 p.m. a standard Red Cross First Aid course will be given at Trinity Church instructed by Mrs. Clara Hawks of the Western Delaware County Branch. Chairmen in attendance at the meeting included Mrs. Blake, Mrs. Fudge. Mrs. Richardson. Mrs. Doherty. Mrs. Gowing, Mrs. Me· Cuneo Miss Rath. Mrs. Randal: and Mrs. Derickson. Directors present were Mrs. Joseph B. Shane, Mrs. Robert M. Grogan. Mrs. George Plowman. Mrs. Arthur B. Kent. Mrs. Peter E. Told. as were Mrs. Carroll P. Streeter. chairman of the nominating committee and Mrs. John A. Schumacher. member of her committee. Mrs. R. M. Daniel 623 University Place Music Village KI 4-5448 THE "SWEET SHOP COLONIAL COURT APTS. (Next to Post Office) KI 3-4597 • CUT FLOWERS - PlANTS CORSAGES Canely Home-Made Cakes Donation $2.00 otner rna s appear to call for serious thought and constructive action. FOR JUSTICE of the PEACE Since the adult residents of the Borough of Swarthmore are above the average in their respect for and obedience of the laws of the Commonwealth' and the ordinances of the Borough, they have little reason, from a purely personal viewpoint, to concern themselves about the qualifications of the person whom they elect to the judicial office of Justice of the Peace in the coming election. As parents, however, and as deeply concerned citizens who caused to have made and published the thorough stuc!.y of the problems of lack ofrespect and obedience of law demonstrated by the behavior of too large a percentage of our juvenile residents, these same James L. Malone adult residents have the opportunity to make a significant contribution toward establishing a higher respect for the law and the judicial process in our community. While Justices of the Peace are considered members of the Minor Judiciary ro distinguish them from judges and justices of the higher courts, tpe Justices of the Pea c e of Swarthmore are the members of the judiciary before whom every person Who is accused of Violating any ordinance or law within !he limits of the Borough must appear for a hearing. . It is hardly necessary to emphasize the great importance of this first impression of the judicial process. especially to those of tender years. Election of. the be"er Qualified and more competent of the candidates offered on' the ballot is a duty which calls for something fuo~e deliberatiVe than the pulling of a party lever. tudent Subscriptions for (011 ••• aid Privata 5(11001 St,d'lts for til. l(ad ••I( $1.75 o Oily) ~e ~ ~eO ~ o( ~. «,0 K13-0900 ki 3·1833