T B E S WAR T HMO REA N March 31, 1961 !P~a!g~e8~____________________________~____~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__~::~::::~____~__~:;~~~~ Bora Girls, Buys Swim, To New AAU, P~AA Wins Three dedicated Swarthmore swimmers earned honors In the Middle Atlantic AA U Champion. ships held at the University of Pennsylvania last Saturday and Sunday. ~ Ogden avenue's breaststroker Susan Wigton placed first in the lOO-yard race for junior women, third in the 250-yard one for senior women, and was on the second place medley relay--contributing a considerable number of points to help her team, Vesper, win top spot in the women's meet. Dino McCurdy of SQuth Chester road was a member of Suburban Swim Club's "en 400-yard relay team which tied for fourth place (this Club's A and B teams also taking first and second in the event and helping it clinch top spot in the men's meet). Joanne Espenschade of Dogwood lane backstroked to a flith place in the tOO-yard senior women's event' for Suburban which ended second to Vesper. l\leanwhile a group of Swarthmore's junior high school boys. most of whom hadn't had a good wetting outside the bath tub since the Swarthmore Swim Club pool ended its 1960 season, did nobly in the Second Annual Neshaminy School District Invitational PlAA Meet at Carl Sandburg Junior High School Saturday morning. Bill Gill was first in 50-yard freestyle; Dick A-lcCurdy was first in 50-yard butterfly, second in the loo-yard individual medley, and sixth in diving; Dave Foley was third and Bili 'Cushing sixth in 5()..yard backstroke; Gill, Foley, Doug Sutherland and Jody Brooks formed a 200-yard freestyle ,·elay team that placed third. 'Peter Pan' in Final Rehearsals RUTLEDGE CIVIC ASS'N Memorial Seryices Sat. . h B D f 4t For James. aug as IEWS IOTES ELECTED TO SIGMA XI Miss Polly Told of Park avenue Alice H. Carroll, daughter of TO MEET APRIL and Miss Beth VanBlarcom of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Carroll 01 ,The Rutledge Civic Association (Continqed from Page 1) I Westtown School will return Sun- ColJege avenue, and Richard W. w,·11 meet April 4 at 8 :16 at the sation Act and was founder and · from Ad day mornm r en, .N .C ., CoIes, son 0 f Mr. an d Mrs. H eDI')" Fire House. first President of the United Sav- where they have been visiting Miss B. Coles, Jr., of Walnut lane, have Refreshments will be served iugs and Beneficial Association, VanBlarcom's father Mr. Warren been elected associate members of after the meeting. Everyone is well known to all P.G.W. employ-, VanBlarcom. the SWl'rthmore Chapter of.Sigma cordially invited. ees. In 1913 he authored and pub-I Mr. and Mrs. William Driehaus Xi, national science fraternity. lished Accident Prevention-Safety of Yalo avenue will entertain at a Both seniors at the college, Alice NEWS NOTES First one of the early books on family party on Friday evening in a chemistry major and a mem~ Dan Jackson. a senior at Prince- the ~ubject having an interna- honor of Mr. Driehaus' mother! ber of chorus; Richard is a zoology ~ ton University, is vacationing at tiona'] circulation. Mrs. Howard Drie~aus who is cel- 'major in. the honors program and home with' his parents Mr. and He was a member of the Board ..brating her birthday. is a member of the Swarthmore Mrs. H. Willis Jackson of Harvard of Governors of the Children's Singers and of the chorus. avenue. Heart Hospital, ~nd was Vice SRA' s Knee-Hi League l\lr. Maurice Griest, wJ:to has Chairman in two campai!?,s of the (Continued' from Page 1) CUBS ATIEND LAUNCHING been hospitalized at Taylor, is now Firm and Employee Sechon of the • the Cub Scou ts of Den 6, Swarthrecuperating at his home on Elm Philadelphia Community Chest, . ular b~sebaflltrhules rtd~ ."0 fts0r more Pack 101, were guests of the ·th W h·IC h he was f 0 r years other- protection 0 e pa ,c'pan avenue. WI U'f r d b . the Sun Shipbuilding Company at tbe Mr. and Mrs. George M. Karns wise actively associated. . nl orms. are 5U'PP Ie y of Wellesley road had a~ their A member of Battery A, Penn- S.R.A. ~hlch are ordered uP.o!, recent launching of the S. S. Morguest last weekend William :Mac-, sylvania Volunteers, Mr. Douglas regi~tratIon. In order t? make It mac~can~ Cubs present were: MilJan of Denver, Colo., a student I acc~mpanied the U. S. Expedition- possd~le for all who desJr~ to take Carl de 'MolI, Roland Halpern, at Cornell UnivQrsity, Ithaca, Bl'y Forces in the Puerto Rican ~art In t~e program to ~ mcl~ded, George .Johnson. Martin Natvig, N. Y .• and a member of the Persh- Ca'mpaign of the Spanish Ameri- there. WIll be two regIstra~lOns. Mark Ostwald, David Powell, Duning Rifle Team and the Freshman can War. In World War I, after I The fIrst .on the above mentIOned lop Scott and Richard Semenuk. Crew. training at Plattsburg, he became date, AprIl 8, 10. a.m. to ?2; ~nd Mrs. Donald Crosset of ,Thayer a member of the U. S. Military Wednesd~y, ~prI1 ~2, 6.30-7.30. ~ Annual Ben~fit road will have as guests over the Tt'aining Camps Association, and Both regIstratIons wlll be held ~t Easter holidays her sons-in-law later joined its Philadelphia Com- the Rutgers Avenue. School. It lS and daughters Mr. and Mrs. 'Vil- mittee passing on candidates for ?oped ~hat all who Intend .to regHam Brink and daughter Julie army commissions. lster wIll do so at these tImes so sponsored i)y horn New Haven, and Mr. and Long a membe,r of ~artram ,that teams can be fairly balanced The Friendly C;:ircle Mrs William Whittaker and Lqdge, F. & A. M., of Med.ia, Pa., soon thereafter. dau~hter Debra from Waterford, and an original member of Rolling Registration blanks, which re- Time - Thursday, April 13 , P.M. Conn. Green Golf Club, ,Mr. Douglas was quire paren~' signatures,' will -be ,MF.ry Lou and Jim McCorkel of also a member of the Union distributed to the boys i~ scho?l Place - Woman's Club Park Ave. Cornell avenue will spend their League of Philadelphia, and' of the next, week. The blanks f!lled. m Easter vacations from the College Board' of Governors of the Cape properly and signed, plus the reg-. BAZAAR DESSERT of Wooster, Ohio, with their par- -May, N.J. (summer home) Cot- istration ,fee! must. acc?mpan y the Donation $1.00 ents Mr. and 1\lrs. RoyJ. McCorkel tageZ'S' Association. He rwas a, bbo~y~u~p~o~n~.h~ls~r~e~g~'st~e~r'~n~g~.;;;;;;;;;;;::;;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ of Cornell avenue. Jim will have member of the Swarthmore Pres- ;0as his house guest Bright John byterian Church. MODERN DRUGS ; •• Aikpokhilia, an exchange student IMr. Douglas is survived by his ARE "PRICELESS" from Nigeria. wife, the former Hallie Hulburt Sally Stephens, who l'ecentIy wh'Om he married in 1905-, a , The results they give you . couldn't have been bought pledged Kappa Kappa Gamma daughter Mrs. E. L. Conwell of ,. at atzy price, 20 years ago. Sorority at Penn State Universi~y, . Columbia avenue; three sons, Col. But today the average prescription left Tuesday night by plane for Robert H., with the U. S. Army is only $3.08. Bring your Doctor's prescriptions Nassau, Bahama Islands, to be at Indiantown Gap, James, Jr., of to this professional pharmacy. the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gwinhurst, Del.. and Gordon W. Fair prices always. J. R. Sitt for a week. Susan Ste- of Springfield; and 15 grandToday's prescriptions a,e your biggest hClIllh flalue. phens, who has been visiting Erna children. Hoffman of Miami, Fla., a classA memorial service will be held mate at Cornell University, will at 2 p.m. Saturday in the Swarthfly home for the wE."ekend before more Presbyterian Church. In DRUG STORE leaving for Cornell on Sunday. lieu of flowers, contributions may: Klngswood 3-0586 Both girls are daughters of Mr. 'be. made to the Childr~n's He'"·t I t is I I I CARD PARTY I (Continued from Page 1) year students do not participate in the play but aid the production by publicizing the play and ushering the two performances. James O. Stephens of Marietta avenue. Peter Pan: will be portrayed by and A. Sidney Johnson, III, a stu- '\ Gerry EI'skinne of Wallingford. dent at Williams College, WilCaptain Hook will be enacted by Frances Hoenigswald of Swarth· liamstown, Mass., and Miss Louise more, and Diana Bradley of Ches- Johnson of Annapolis, Md., are ter ,will interpret \Vendy. visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs. Completing the cast are Sandrd. A. Sidney Johnson, Jr., of North Peirsol, Beth \Vebster, Christine Chester road, for the Easter vaMadison and Kalli Halp.:!rn of cation. Swarthmore; Steven Godick, NanBob 'Vagstaff al'l'ived home cy Gamba, David Gamba, Steven \Vednesday from Penn State UniShimp, Carol ~Cleire, Gay Le- versity to spend the Easter vacaCleire, N aney Rhodes, Tommy tion with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes, Gerry DeCamp, Bill Mar- Robert R. Wagstaff of Haverford shak and Kathy -Marino of 'Val- placeo lingfol'd; Vicki hving, Jan VerAlbert Hansen, III, of Drew ave· braeken, Betsy Bellas and Jim nue, a student at Pennsylvania Turner of Moylan; Jean Sperow, Military College, is home for ihe ( Patti Stepien, Anita ,Roth, Dale Easter vacation. Cohen, Richard Donze, Kurt Sally McCaWley of Riverview Schrader, Betsy Scheuer and road is home from the Shipley Martha Cook of SpI'ingfield; ·Richard Ayers and Patricia Berry of School, holidays Bryn with Mawr, her parents Mr. and to spend the :Media; Linda Baynard of Lans- Mrs. William McCawley of Riverdowne and Caroi Braverman of view road. Coatesville. I Barrie Bovard, a student at Roanoke College, Salem" Va.~ arPromoted rived home on Wednesday to visit Lloyd S. Woods of Wallingford hcl' parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles has been promoted to assistant Bovard of North Swarthmore averegional credit supervisor in Scott nuc for the spring vacation. Paper Company's credit departNorma Wilson, a student at ment. Grinnell College, Grinnell, Ia., arWpods joined the company in rived 'home on Saturday to spend 1958 as a member of the consum- the spring vacation ~ith her parers' representative department. A °ents Mr. and Mrs. Robel't Wilson yeat later he was named floor of lIarvard avenue. . manager in this department, and Caroli~e Webster will leave later in 1959 was selected as man- April 4 for Mt. Holyoke College ager of the testing laboratory. after vacationing for two weeks A native of Newport, R. 1., wit» her parents Mr. and Mrs. Woods is a graduate of Dartmouth Maurice L. Webster, Jr., on Elm College avenue. ~rs. :FI~OS~p~i~ta~I~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:;~~~S;~~~~~·2·~~~~~~2:~~~~ t RCA-VICTOR RECORDS - announces - THE GREATEST SALE ON EARTH ANY ALBUM AT HALF PRICE WHEN You Buy One in 'Saine Price Category THEM'USle 'BOX, Inc. I CATKERMAN'S , 10 Park Avenue, Swarthmore KI 3-1460 • Open Friday eveningS ~, Thirty-five Boys and Girls of the Junior Theatre of the Community Arts Center of Wallingford . will present "PETER PAN" Providence Road, Wallingford 2:00 P.M. and 7:30 P.M. Tickets 75c from Members of the Cast, at the A\is Center, or at the Door· Doors Open at I :15 to Those Holding Tickets for the Afternoon Show BOK Office Opens I :45 P.M. .. ~~-~~-~~. .~j__"~~__~~__~~~~j~~j~..~ii,. iij~f~:::::~~:=~:: -Fine foods generously served are sure to help make your holiday meals, successful. For this festive occasion enjoy one of the 'popu,lar brands of Smoked Hams on special this weekend. , Satisfaction Is Th.e 401 Dartmouth Avenue ~Iwars I Support APR 7" 1961 The THE Cancer Driye Volume 33 - Number 14 9th Grade to Collect For Exchange Program . World Friendship Committee D· t B H Id r,ve 0 e e Wednesday I Support ~RTHMOREAN Swarthmore, Pa., Friday, April 7, 1961 Rev. Walter L. Jenkins Players To Present "Ahf Wilderness" Eugene O'Neill's "Ahl Wilderness" will be presented next week i at the Swarthmore Players Club on Fairview road. Directed by J. William Simmons, the cast includes: James" Hornaday as Nat Miller, Sally McFadden as his wife Essie, and Stafford Parker as Sid Davis, a repeat of his performance of the 1937 club production of this play. Performances will begin Monday at 8:20 p.m., continuing each night through Saturday. Guaranteed at • FOOD MARKET SRA SEEKS HELP The Swarthmore Recreation Association needs two college girls with experience in cbild care· to help in the pre-school and primary grcuDs of the summer recreation program. This program will run for six weeks, Jlme 19 to July 28, every weekday morning at the elc-mentary school. Anyone interested in these jobs is asked to call Mrs. . David H. Byerly, Jr., at LO 6-7282 : rIght away. I • " Cancer Drive 'Freedom for Children' Toptc for Tuesda, Claire Ravacon Will Address H. & S. Group Residents of Swarthmore and Claire Ravacon will speak about Rutledge will be visited by ninth uFreedom for our children _ • .. grade students Wednesday as the How Much. and What Kind?U at 19&1 drive for collecting funds to the Flome and School Association support the foreign exchange stumeeting for the parents of children dent program will he set in motion. in the Kindergarten through third The students will conduct the house grade at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening to house canvass from 7 to 9:30 in the Multi·purpose Room of the p.m. Intermediate Building of the RutI Residents are requested to turn gers Avenue School. This will be • on porch lights during this time sO the fourth and conclUding meeting Lecture to Be Delivered that streets will be well lighted in the Education Committee series for pupils who are making the in Clothier on ~Peter uA Changing Education for a visits. In the event of bad weather, Changing World"~ April 9 the, collection will be made during 2 and 7:30 Performances Publishing Director Will Mrs. RavacoD, a school social the same hours on April 13. Address Presbyterian Men Paul Freund, university profes- worker in the Upper Darby School Tomorrow at NP The annual collection is directed , The Rev. Walter L. Jenkins, sor of law at lIarvard University, District, will discuss the normal High School by Elizabeth McKie, teacher of D.D., will address the Men's Asso- will speak on "Social Justice and needs of children in the introdueEnglish and faculty sponsor of the The houselights will dim and the ciation of the Presbyterian Church the Law" in the Friends Meeting tory years of formal education, the World Friendship Committee of curtain will rise on "Peter Pan" at their regular spring dinner House on the Swarthmore College emotional stresses and strains com... the school. Eaeh ninth grader will tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock meeting at 6 :30 on Tuesday at the campus on Sunday, April 9, at mon to this age, the development earry an identification and an in... and again at 7 :30· in the evening church. 8:15 p.m. His lecture, sponsored of positive approaches to problems formation sheet. Girls will ,go in on the Nether Providence High As secretary of the general di- by the Cooper Foundat.ion, is the which arise from the demands of pairs. AU students wlll be pre- Schol stage. The Junior Theatre of vision of publication, of the Board fourth in the spring series on so- the school, environment upon the pared to answer questions concern- the Community Arts Center in primary child. A mother of two of Christian Education of The cial justice. ing the drive and will collect Wallingford will, be transferred United Presbyterian C h u r c h Dr. Freund, now the Carl M. teen-agers, Mrs. Ravacon will lead money from those who wish to help. from' reality into the Never Never U. S. A., Dr. Jenkins directs one Loeb University Professor, studied .discussion in non-technical terms Checks may be written to Land, cO)1rtcsy of James M. Bar- of the largest r~ligious pnblishing at Washington University in his upon such matters as the over-proSwarthmore Fligh School Student 'l' rie. enter,prises in the eountry. In ad- native St. Louis, at Flarvard Uni- tective parent, the under-achieving reasnry or American Field ServTo transform 36 'boys and girls dition to publishing over 32,000,000 versity, Columbia University, and chUd, adjustment to the social and ice. All studenta ,will turn in the into such cha,racters as Indians, pieces of Christia,n educational ma- the University of Louisville. He cultural environment within JUld money collected, durIng the drive mermaids, pirates and fairies takes terial annually, the division main- worked as a law clerk to Mr. Jus- without the school walls. Parents of the primary grades. to Miss McKie. qbite a bit of talent in the make-up tains a nation-wide retail selling tice Brandeis, was on the legal ,The purpose of this money- department. This unseen adult organizstioD. and a whqlesale see.. staff of the Treasury Department are particularly urged to come and raising drive is to provide funds force backstage is headed by Mr. tlon for book distribution through- and Reconstruction Finance Cor- partiCipate in this discussion, but poration~ and worked in the Office 11 1.0 for bringing. forel~ students to and Mrs. 'Philip' Price of Swarth- out the world. a parents are -rume at this Swarthmore High School under more. They have developed a A grad'uate of Boston Univer- of the Solicitor General in the De- meeting, because the concerns the American Field Service Interunique system among their com- sity, Dr~ Jenkins, who is a resident partment of Justice. He became a which arise in the primary grades national Scholarships and Ameri- mittee, composeli Primarily of Jun- of Lansdowne, conducts at the lecturer at Harvard Law School often hold the key to, understand_ ean Friends Servic,;.Alf:filliition .ior-Theatre "graduates.~' Lansdowne Presbyterian Church in 1939; and a professor in 1940. ing of educational stumbling blocks Program. Under this plan foreign !l:ach characte~ in' ~'PeterPan" oroe of tIie larg;'st menll''Sttldy IJLl.%O, he >vas promoted to.. the in later" y"ars, includIng readlng • tadenta come to theUnited Staie&will be given a card during dress classes in tho area; His subject on chair he naw holds• di:Uiculties and poor study or se1ffor a sehool year. Foreign stadents 'rehearsal .with the exact type of April n will be ''Our Undeveloped He is also Pitt Professor of discipline habits. (ContiJiuedol) Page 8) mak&'up he is to f""eive the day Resource." All men of the com. American History and Institutions at Cambridge and is on the adof the performances. As the, hoys munity are cordially invited. visory committee of the Civil Liband girls line up in the make-up erties Union. room before places are called to- . He i. the author of "On Undermorrow, all the comm:ttee has to standing the Supreme Court" and Balloting for Officers (~Flower Arranging' Wo'rkshop" do is glance at their cards and was co-editor of, "Cases in Constiproceed as directed., i. the theme for the m~eting of the Scheduled for tutional Law/' He is c.urrently Swarthmore Mothers' Club to he Local Resident to Speak editor-in·chief of the "History of 10 - 2 held on Thursday at 8:30 p.m. in Kn~e Hi Registration the Supreme Court." Daniel G. Hoffman, associate at Friends Forum McCahan flail of tbe Presbyterian Tomorrow morning from 10 a.m. professor of English literature at Church. Sunday to 12 noon, in the lobby of the Swarthmore College, will speak to ,Mrs. George C.Makin, III, will elomentary school, the SRA will memberb of the Woman's Club this' Roy ·McCorkel, Cornell avenue, be the speaker of the evening. Mrs. hold its first registration for the Tuesday at 2 p.m., on "The Pleaswill speak on "Currept Practical Makin has been trained as a judge Knee hi league. Boys who have ures of Poetry." Approaches in the Field of lIuman for flower shows in horticulture Season Qpens for turned age nine· prior to Feh. first, Relations," this Sunday. April 9, Mr. Hoffman is the author 01 and arrangements by the National Small Fry on 1961, and boys who will not be 18 at 9.46 a.m. in the Friends Meettwo books of verse. His first, "All Council of, Federated Garden April 15 before JUly 15 are eligible to reging House. Armada of Thirty Whales,n was Clubs. ,She grows show chrysanister. Jasper Deeter, founder and diMr. McCorkel is a graduate of chosen by W. FI. Auden for the themums anq daffodils in her own Registration forms have been rector of Hedgerow Theatre, anWoosterCollege and of Yale DiYale Series of Younger Poets greenhouse with the assistance of distributed during the past week. nounoed this week a season of vinity School. He did graduate Award in 1.954, -and was named her husband. She has also been There will be some additional work in Economics at Harvard~ Children's Theatre at the mill in by the Saturday Review as "the associated with t1!e County ExtenRose Valley, to begin April 15 year's best poetry book." Since then sion Service in teaching leader forms present at the registration Direcoor for CARE in Europe and for those who did not receive one with the first of five performances his work has appeared .in many later in India and Pakistan, he training groups. previously. was' national executive secretary of ·"The Wonderful Tang." anthologies and periodicals. ·ReMrs. Makin is on the board and Deeter, who will celebrate his cordings of his poetry have been The second and last registration for ·the National Council of Chrisactive in the Ridley Manor Garden Club and the Springfield Garden will be held Wednesday evening, tians and Jews before taking up 38th year with the theatre during made by the Library of Congress Club, and is a memher of the Del- April 12, from 6:80 to 7:30 at the his present position as Secretary the run of Tang, on April 21, also and by Yale University. William Meredith, 'of the Hudaware Valley Chrysanthemum So- same place. It is hoped that all for Finance and Interpretation of has in rehearsal "The Queen's Lost registrations will be completed so Dignity," which will follow. The American Friend. Service son Review, said of his current ciety which ,holds its meetings in that the eight team league can, be Committee. "Tang" was written by Philadel- book, "The Little Geste," uTo ae. Swarthmore. In addition, she is a Mr. McCorkel is president of the phian Beaumont Bruestle, fonner claim a new ·poet as remarkable as life member of the Pennsylvania balanced with the new members. The Teener League registration board of Friends Suburban Hous- professor at Temple University, Mr. Hoffman is a reviewerts most Horticulture Society.' ing, a real estate firm organized and has incidental music by pleasant function . . . ' Lucidity will be held at a later d"te yet to The meeting Thursday will be ho announced. by QUlLkers to handle open occu- Charles Sweir. which, amounts to a careful and conducted as a beginners' class in Appearing in the caSt will,be 8u~cessful attention to the poem's pancy ,trllnsactions, and will flower arranging where Mrs. answer questions on integrated Rose Schulman, Richard Brewer, rational exposition, is achieved at Makin will demonstrate design in C()ffee Wednesday Jane Hasson, Ramon~ Wareham, no expense to the intellectual or flower arrangements aided by H,onon Planning CI'()UP housing. Martin Vale, and Richard Morgan. imaginative force. tt charta to Illustrate tho subject. Mrs. Birney K. Morse of HarCanteen to Have Curtain time will be 2 p.m. In Mr. Hoffman received his A.B., This will be foil awed by a workvard avenue entertained at a cofthe small fry theatre. Special perM.A., and Ph.D. degrees from shop with members participating. Dance Instruction f ormances for 5Ch 00I groups h ave fee on Wednesday at her home for (Col\tinued on Page 6) (Continued on Page 8) the Swarthmore Planning ComA professional dance team will been ·arranged, and Deeter anmittee of the Community Nursing instruct and entertain at the Gar- llounced this week that ,the house TRINITY RUMMAGE SALE Harvard-Radcliffe Service par,ty to be held on lIfay S. net Canteen Saturday night. The has been sold out for\May 6. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY Orchestra to Perfornt ,Thl! tfollo1nng members were entire group will he given instrue- Re~rvations may be made by The TrinIty ciiureh Rummage The Harvard-Radcljlfeore. . 'preunt: tions and demonstrations on the calling LO 6-2482. Sale will be held in' Parish flaB tra will perform at the collage toMrs. Arthur W. Binns, IMrs. dancing of the Cba-Cha, Pony and of TrInity Chnrch Wednesday evenight at 8:15 p.m. In Clothier Hall. Carroll P.· Streeter, Mrs. Mark other modem danceS for one half ROSE SOCIETY TO MEET .pIng, April 12, from 7 to 9 p.m.. Conducted by Michael Senturla, Bittle, Mrs. J. Franklin Gaskill, lIour. The remainder of. the eveJohn Borneman will apeak •.on and Thursday, April 18, from 8 the group will play selections by Mrs. W. Fl. Gehring, Mr.. .loha nlng will' be devoted to regular "Rose Growing for PleasureP and ,lUll. till 1 p.m., under the .hall'Bach, StravinsJiy, Mozart and Good, lIfrs• .1. Albright .lones, Mn. dancing. show rose J!lides at the April meet- manshjp of Mrs• .lnlie Coul"tMy, Brahms. , Catha C. Shute, Mn. Robert.l. Chaperons this week will be Dr. ing of the Delaware Connty Roae assisted by Mrs. W. T. Peabott.r. The coneert is a'.8 ... . , tM 'l'Ilrner; and 'two n_' member. and Mn. Harry Draper, Mr. and, Soci..ty at 8 p.m. Tneada7, Promotion eltalrman Is Mrs. R.,.. .C-ol!!.... Cooper . Fu 'I' daB aDd Mra. W. H. Gfil' BIId Mrs. R. L, Mrs. Rlehard Dam and Mr. will, In Whittier Floll8e. All inter- mOlld Hildebrand, publlelty chalJ'o 18 'free ............ tile pubUe. TMm_. . Mn. C.'rlAtldna. eated prdoeera are we"l e., _BII is Mrs. F. W. WhiWer• , Paul Freund Continues Series on Social Justice 35 Juniors Set for Barrie's Pan' Flower Arranging Theme for Mothers Poel to Address Woman al Glub Tues. McCorkel to Speak On 'Human Relations' Hedgerow Announces 'Children's Theatre A,m • The $4.00 PER YEAR , Saturday, April 8, 1961 'Nether Provjdence High School Sv:nl'thnoro <.:ollegr iibrEtr~ Svmrthmore '" INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE -----------,----~~~~~~~~~S~~~~~--~N:E:W:S~N:O:TE:S------~-:E~LE:CT~E~D~T;O~S~IG~MAXI Bora Girls, BDJS Swim To New AAU, P~AA Wins Three dedicated Swarthmore swimmers earned honors In the Middle Atlantic AAU Champion. ships held at the University of Pennsylvania last Saturday and Sunday. • Ogden avenue's breaststroker Susan Wigton placed first in the tOO-yard race for junior women, third in the 250-yard one for senior women,· and was on the second place medley relay-eontributing a considerable number of points to help her team, Vesper, win top spot in the women's mect. Dino McCurdy of South Chester road was a member of Suburban Swim Club's "C" 400-yard relay team which tied for fourth place (this Club's A and B teams also taking first and second in the event and helping it clinch top spot in· the men's meet). Joanne Espenschade of Dogwood lane backstroked to a flfth place in the lOO-yard senior women's event· for Suburban which ended second to Vesper. :Meanwhile a group of Swarthmore's junior high school boys, most of whom hadn't had a good wetting outside the hath tub since the Swarthmore Swim Club pool ended its 1960 season, did nobly in the Second Annual Neshaminy School District Invitational PIAA Meet at Carl Sandburg Junior High School Saturday morning. Bill Gill was first in 50-yard freestyle; Dick McCurdy was first in 50·yard butterfly, second in the l00-yard individual medley, and sixth in diving; Dave Foley was third and BiH Cushing sixth in 5O-yard backstroke; Gill, Foley, Doug Sutherland and Jody Brooks formed a 200-yard freestyle relay team that placed third. , 'Peter Pan' in Final Rehearsals (ContinUed from Page 1) year students do not participate in the play but aid the production by publicizjng the play and ushering the two performances. Peter Pan will be portrayed by Gerry El'skinnc of Wa1lingford. Captain Hook will be enacted by Frances Hoenigswald of Swarthmore, and Diana Bradley of Chester 'Will interpret \Veudy. Completing the east are Sandra Peirsol, Beth \Vebster, Christine Madison and Ralli Halpern of Swarthmore; Steven Godick. N aney Gamba, . David Gamba, Steven Shimp, Carol ~Cleire, Gay LeCleire, Nancy Rhodes, Tommy Rhodes, Gerry DeCamp, Bill Mar~ sllak anrl Kathy ·Murino of \Vallinbrford; Vicki I l"ving, Jan Verbraeken, Betsy Bellas ano Jim Turner of Moylan; Jean Sperow, Patti Stepien, Anita ;Roth, Dale Cohen, Richard Donze, Kurt Schrader, Betsy Scheuer and Martha Cook of Springfield; -Rich· ard Ayers and Patricia Berry of Media; Linda B~ynal'd of Lansdowne and Carol Braverman of Coatesville. ! Miss Polly Told of Park avenue Alice H. Carroll, daughter ot and Miss Beth VanBlarcom of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Carroll of (Contin'led from Page 1) I Westtown School will Nturn Sun- College avenue, and Richard W. sation Act, and was founder and day mornini from A~~e?, N.~., Coles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry first President of the United Sav- where they ~ave been vlSltmg MIs. B. Coles, Jr., of Walnut lane, have ings and Beneficial Association, VanBlarcom 5 father Mr. Warren been elected associate members of well known to all P.G.W. employ-. VanBlarcom. . . . the Sw,arthmore Chapter of Sigma ee •. In 1913 he authored and pub-I Mr. and Mrs. 'Ydham D~lehau. Xi, national .. ience fraternity. lished Accident Prevention-Safety of ~ale avenue WIll. entertal~ at.a Both se~ior. at t?e college, Alice NEWS NOTES F · t n of the early books on famdy party on FrIday evemng 1D is a chemIstry maJor and a memDan Jackson, a senior at Princc- thlrS,oe b,; t having an interna- bonor of Mr. D'h ne aus' rno th er.I ber of chorus; R'h Ie ard'IS a zooI ogy .. e su ,ec h h ' I' ton University, is vacationing at tional circulation. Mrs. Howard Dne. BUS W 0 IS ce· major in. the honors program an d home with' his parents Mr. and He was a member of the Board -ebrating her birthday. is a member of the Swarthmore Mrs. H. Willis Jackson of Harvard of Governors of the Children's Singers and of the chorus. avenue. Heart Hospital, l'nd was Vice SRA' s Knee-Hi League Mr. Maurice Griest, who has Chairman in two campai~s of the (Continued 'from Page 1) CUBS ATTEND LAUNCHING been hospitalized at Taylor, is now Firm and Employee Section of the. ular baseball rules do so for the Cub Scouts of Den 6, Swarth. recuperating at his home on Elm Philadelphia Community Chest, protection of the participants. more Pack 101, were guests of the avenue., with which he was ~or years otherUniforms are supplied by the Sun Shipbuilding Company at the Mr. and Mrs. George M_ K.ar~s wise actively assoclated. S R A which are ordered upon recent iaunchirig of the S. S. Mor.. of Wellesley road ha~. a~ their A member of Battery A, Penn· r~gl~t;ation. In order to make' it mackscan. Cubs present were: guest last weekend Wilham Mac-. sylvania Volunteers, Mr. Do?~las possible for all who desire to take Ca~1 de Moll, Roland Halpern, Millan of Dlenver: Col?;, a sI~~dentl ac~mpanied .the hU . Sp' Ex:ed~t.lOn- part in the program to be included, 'George ,Johnson, Martin Natvig, at Cornel UDlvcrSl y, aca, ary Forces m t e u~r 0 Ica~ there will be two registrations. Mark Ostwald, David Powell, Dun.. N. Y.,.and a member of th~ Pcrsh- Campaigu of the Spamsh Amerl- The first on the above mentioned lop Scott and Richard Semenuk. ing Rifle Team and th~ Fleshman can War. In 'VorId War I, after I date, April 8, 10 a.m. to 12; and Crew. training at Plattsburg, he b.e~ame Wednesday, April 12, 6:30-7:30. ~ Mrs. Donald Crosset of ,Thayer a member of the U. S. Mlhtary h . t t' '11 be held at Annual Benefit road will have as guests over the Ti'aining Camps Association, and Bhot RregtIS raAlons WI School Itl's . h . I ., I h' C t e u gers venue . Easter hohdays er sonS·ln- D;w later joined Its PhIlade ~ 13 om- ho ed that all who intend to regand daughters Mr. and Mrs. WIl- mittee passing on candIdates for • tP 'n d t th times so B'nk d daughter Julie . . IS er WI 0 so a ese I· sponsored by tam rl Ha,n d M nd army commISSions. that teams can be fairly balanced aven, an r. a Long a membe.r of Brartram fl'om New The Friendly Circle Mrs. William Whittaker and Lqdge, F. & A. M., of Med,ia, Pa., soon t.~erea~ter·bl k h' h Time - Thursday, April 13 daughter Debra from Waterford, and an original member of Rolling ~egIstratlOn. an s, W IC' rbeII I P.M. Conn Green Golf Club, :Mr. Douglas was qUIre parents' SIgnatures, WI h eI Place Woman's Club M"ry Lou and Jim McCorkel of also a member of the Union distributed to the boys i~ sc o~ Pork Ave. '11 d their d f h next week. The blanks fIlled, 1D Oornell avenue WI spen League of Philadelphia, an '0 t e ro erl and si ed plus the regBAZAAR DESSERT Easter vacatIons from the CclJlege Board of Governors of the Cape ~ t Pt' Y f gnt ' the' . . h h' . IS ra Ion· ee mus accompany Donation $1.00 " . of Wooster, palN AssociatIOn. J. (summer home) k e1 -May ents Mr. and OhIO, Mrs. RWIt oy J •t M.elf c Cor tagerS' He wasCota I boy upon • IS regIS ermg. of Corne1l avenue. Jim will have member of the Swarthmore Presas his house guest Bright John byterian Church. MODElL~ DRUGS : •• Aikpokhiiia, an exchange student Mr. Douglas is survived by his ARE "PRICELESS" ('''·l fl'om Nigeria. wife~ the former lIallie Hulburt ...... The results they give you Sally Stephens, who recently whom he married in 1905; a I couldn't have been bOllght pledged Kappa Kappa Gamma daughter Mrs. E. L. Conwell of 'I at any/.rice, 20 years ago. Sorority at Penn State Universi~y, Columbia avenue; three sons, Col. But to a}<- the average prescription is only $3.08. left Tuesday night by plane for Robert H., with the U. S. Army Bring your Doctor's prescriptions Nassau, Bahama Islands, to be at Indiantown Gap, James, Jr., of to this professional pharmacy. the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gwinhurst, Del., and Gordon W. Fair prices always. J. R. Sitt for a week. Susan Ste- of Springfield; and 15 grandToday's presct'JpJjons df'1! your bjggesl hetUlb vallie. ph ens, who has been visiting Erna children. Hoffman of Miami, Fla., a classA memorial service will be held mate at Cornell University, will at 2.p.m. Saturday in the Swarthfly home for the weekend before more Presbyterian Church. In , DRUG STORE leaving for Cornell on Sunday. lieu of flowers, contributions may: Klngswood 3-0586 Both girls are daughters of Mr. 'be. made to the Childr~n's Heart I RUTLEDGE CIVIC ASS'N TO MEET APRIL 4th The Rutledge Civic Association will meet April 4 at 8:16 at the Fire House. Refreshments will be served after the meeting. Everyone i. cordially invited. Memorial Services at. For James 6. Douglas I I CARD PARTY ~~~~;;~!~~g'~t~~'~;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I CATKERMAN'S JH~0;SP~i~t~al~':::::=;:::::~;;;::::;;;:::::::;:::;:;:;:::;::;;~~~~:::::5::=::::::S~~:::;:;:=:~:;:~~:;~~~~=:;::::~=:~=; ~ , Thirty-five Boys andCirls of the Junior Theatre of the Community will present "PETER PAN" Saturday, April 8, 1961 Nether Prov.idence High School Providence Road, Wallingford 2:00 P.M. and 7:30 P.M. Tickets 75c from Members of the Cast, at the Aps Cente,r, or at the Door· Doors Open at I: 15 to Those Holding Tickets for the Afternoon Show THE GREATEST- SALE ON EARTH ANY ALBUM AT HALF PRICE WHEN You Buy One in Saine Price Category THEM'pSle 'BOX, Inc. 10 Park Avenue, Swarthmore 3·1460 • Open Friday EveningS .... 4 Box Office Opens I :45 P.M. No S'ecret -Fine foods generously served are sure to help make your holiday meals, successful. For this festive occasion enjoy one of the 'popu,lar brands of Smoked Hams on special this weekend. , Satisfaction Is Always Guaranteed at announces - Th.e 401 Dartmouth Avenue I COLLEGE LIBRARY .... Support The Cancer Drive Volume 33 - FOOD MARKET APR 7' 1961 THE Number 14 9th Grade to Collect For Exchange Program I Support ~RTHMOREAN Swarthmore, Pa., Friday, April 7, 1961 Rev. Walter L. Jenkins Players To Present "Ah f Wilderness" Eugene O'Neill's "Ahl Wilderne.s" will be presented next week I at the Swarthmore Players Club on Fairview road. Directed by J. William Simmons, the cast includes: James Hornaday ftS Nat Miller, Sally McFadden as his wife Essie, and Stafford Parker as Sid Davis, a repeat of his performance of the 1937 club production of this play. Performances will hegin Monday at 8:20 p.m., continuing each night through Saturday. The Cancer Drive , $4.00 PER YEAR I SRA SEEKS HELP The Swarthmore Recreation Association needs two college girls with experience in child care' to help in the pre-school and primary grcups of the summer recreation program. This program will run for six weeks, June 19 to July 28, every weekday morning at the elementary school. Anyone interested in these jobs is asked to call Mrs. , David H. Byerly, Jr., at LO 6-7282 , right away. 'Freedom for Children' Toprc for Tuesda, . World Friendship Committee Claire Ravacon Will B H Id D • rive to e e Address H. & S. Wednesday Group Residents of Swarthmore and Claire Ravacon will speak about Rutledge will be visited by ninth "Freedom for our children ~ ~ .. grade students Wednesday as the How Much, and What Kind?" at 19&1 drive for collecting funds to the Home and School Association support the foreign exchange stumeeting for the parents of children .rent pro~am will be spt in motion. in the Kindergarten through third The students will conduct the house grade at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening to house canvass frQrn 7 to 9:30 in the Multi-purpose Room of the p.m. Intermediate Building of the RutResidents are requested to turn gers Avenue School. This will be • on porch lights during this time so the fourth and conclUding meeting Lecture to Be Delivered that streets will be well lighted in the Education Committee series for pupils who are making the in Clothier on "A Changing Education for a visits. In the event of bad weather, Changing World". April 9 the, collection will he made during 2 and 7:30 Performances Publishing Director Will Mr~. Ravacon, a school social the same hours on April 13. Address Presbyterian Men Paul Freund, university profes· worker in the Upper Darby School T olTlorrow at NP The annual collection is directed, sor of law at Harvard University, District, will discuss the no.rmal The Rev. Walter L. Jenkins, by Elizabeth McKie, teacher of High School D.D., will address the Men's Asso- will speak on "Sorial Justice and needs of children in the introducEnglish and faculty sponsor of the The houselights will dim and the ciation of the Presbyterian Church the Law" in the Friends Meeting tory years of formal education, the World Friendship Committee of curtain will rise on "Peter Pan" at their regular spring dinner House on the Swarthmore College emotional stresses and strains com_ the school. Each ninth grader will tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock meeting at 6 :30 on Tuesday at the campus on Sunday, April 9, at mon to this age, the development earry an identification and an in.. and again at 7 :30- in the evening 8:15 p.m. His lecture, sponsored of positive approaches to problems church. formation sheet. Girls wiUgo in on the Nether Providence High by the Cooper Foundation, is the which arise from the demands of As secretary of the general dipairs. All atudenta will be pre- Schol stage. The Junior Theatre of fourth in the spring series on so-- the school. environment upon the vision of pUblication of the Board pared to answer questions concern- the Community Arts Center in primary child. A mother of two of Christian Education of The cial justice. ing the drive and will collect Wallingford will be transferred Dr. Freund, now the Carl M. teen.agers, Mrs. Ravacon will lead United Presbyterian C h u r c h money from those who wish to help. from reality inta the Never Never Loeb University Professor, stUdied .discussion in non-technical terms U. S. A., Dr. Jenkins directs one Checks may he written to Land, courtesy of James M. Bar- of the largest r~ligious publishing at Washington University in his upon such matters as the over-proSwarthmore High School Student rle. . enterprises in the country. In ad- native St. Louis, at Harvard Uni- tective parent, the under-achieving Treasury or Ameri~an Field. Serv~ To transform 36 hoys and girls dition to publishing over 32,000,000 versity, Columbia University, and child, adjustment to the social and iee. All studenta WIll turn 1D the into such chl\racters as Indians, pieces of Christian educational ma- the University of Louisville. He cultural environment within 'lad mone?, collected. during the drive -mermaids, pirates and fairies takes terial annually, the division main.. worked as a law clerk to Mr. Jus· without the school walls. to MISS, McKI,e. . "hite a bit of talent in the make-up tains a nation-wide retail selling tice Brandeis, was on the legal Parents of the primary grades, ':r~e pu:po~ of thl~ money- department. This unseen adult organization, and a whQlesale see.. staff of the Treasury Department are particularly urged to come and ralSlng. d~lve IS to provI~e funda force backstage is headed by Mr. tion for book distribution through- and Reconstruction Finance Cor· participate in this diSCUSSion, but for brmgmg, forellfll studenta t~ and Mrs.' Philip Price of Swarth- out the world. poration~ and worked in the Office 'a 11 parEnts are werome 100 a t tho18' Swarthmo.re Hi~h Scho?l under more. They have developed a of the Solicitor General in the Demeeting, because the concerns A graduate of Boston Univerthe. AmerICan Flel~ ServlcQ Inte:- unique system among their com- sity, Dr. Jenkins, who is a resident partment 'of Justice. He became a which arise in the primary grades natIonal. ScholarshIps and ~1l1~rI. m~tteeJ compose!! primarily of Junlecturer at Harvard Law School often bold the key to understandcan FrIends., Servictt, Mfdlatuln .io1'. ,Theatre "graduates." of Lansdowne, conducts at the in 1939; and a professor in 1940. ing of educational stumbling blocks Program. Under this plan foreiPl Each ch"racte~ In' "Peter Pall" Lansdowne_ Presbyterian, ~_hurc~ In .196:1, he was promoted to, ,the iu I.. ter'years, ibclliding reading , studente come to the United Stat8awill be given a eard during dress OT.e of the largest m:en~ -studi chail' he now holds.' class.sin tho area; His subject on He is also Pitt Professor of difficultiea and poor study or selffor a school. ~ear. Foreign stutlentsrehearsal ,with the exact type of A '1 11 '11 he ''0 U d i d WI ur n eve ope American History and Institutions discipline habits. (Contmued ,on Page 8), make-up he is to feceive the day prl Res~urce," All ~en ~f ~he com- at Cambridge and is on the ad--------of the performances. As the boys mumty are cordIally IDVlted. visory committee of the Civil Liband girls line up in the make-up erties Union. room hefore places are called toHe is the author of "On Undermorrow, all the committee has to ' standing the Supreme Court" and Balloting for Officers ('Flower Arranging Workshop" do is glance at their cards and was co-editor of, "Cases in ConstiScheduled for proceed as directed., is the theme for the meeting of the tutional Law!' He is c.urrently Swarthmore Mothers' Club to be Local Resident to Speak editor-in-chief of the "History of 10 - 2 held on Thursday at 8 :SO p.m. in Knee Hi Registration the Supreme Court." iDaniel G. HOtfman, associate at Friends Forum McCahan Hall of the Preshyterian • Tomorrow morning from 10 a.m. professor of English literature at Church. Sunday to 12 noon, in the lobby of the Swarthmore College, will speak to Mrs. George C.Makin, III, wil1 Roy McCorkel, Cornell avenue, memhers of the Woman's Club this be the speaker of the evening. Mrs. elementary school, the SRA will hold its first registration for the will speak on "CurreJlt Practical Tuesday at 2 p.m., on "The Pleas.. Makin bas been trained as a judge Knee hi league. Boys who have Approaches in the Field of liIuman ures of Poetry." for flower shows in horticulture Season Qpens for Mr. Hoffman is the author of and arrangements by the National turned age nine'prior to Feb. first, Relations," this Sunday, April 9, Small Fry on 1961, and hoys who will not he 13 at 9AS a.m. in the Friends Meettwo ·books of verse. His first, "An Council 'of' Federated Garden April 15 before July 15 arE eligible to reging House . Armada of Thirty Whales," WIUI Clubs. ,She grown show chrysanister. Jasper Deeter, founder and diMr. McCorkel is a graduate of chosen by W. H. Auden for the themums anq daffodils in her own Registration forms have heen WoosterCollege and of Yale Director of Hedgerow Theatre, anYale Series of Younger Poets greenhouse with the assistance of distributed during the past week. nounC!ed this week a season of vinity School. He did graduate Award in 1964, ·and was named her husband. She has also been There will be some additional Children's Theatre at the mill in work in Economics at Harvard. by the Saturday Review as "the associated with tbe CQun.ty Extenforms present at the registration Rose Valley, to hegin April 16 Director fo. CARE in Europe and year's best poetry bOok." Since then sion Service in teaching leader for those who did not receive one later in India and Pakistan, he with the first of five performances his work has appeared in many training groups. previously. of '''The Wonderful Tang." was· national executive secretary anthologies and periodicals. ,ReMrs. 'Makin is on the board and The seconll and last registration for the National Council of ChrisDeeter, who will celebrate his cordings of his poetry have heen active in the Ridley Manor Garden will be held Wednesday evening, 38th year with the theatre during tians and Jews before taking up made by the Library of Congress Club and the Springfield Garden April 12, from 6:30 to 7 :30 at the his p~esent position as Secretary the run of Tang, on April 21, also and by Yale University. Club, and is a member of the DelWilliam Meredith, 'of the Hudaware Val1ey Chrysanthemum So- same place. It Is hoped that al1 for Finance and Interpretation of has in rehearsal "The Queen's· Lost l'egistrations will be completed so The American Friends Service Dignity," which will follow. Son Review, said of his current ciety which .holds its meetings in that the eight team league call he Committee. "Tang" was written by Philadelbook, "The Little Geste," uTo ac... Swarthmore. In addition, she is a Mr. MeCorkel balanced with the new members. is president of the phian Beaumont Bruestle, fonner claim a new ·poet as remarkable as life memher of the Pennsylvania professor, at Temple University, The Teener League registration hoard of Friends Suburban HousMr~ Hoffman is a reviewer's most HorticultUrE Society.' and has incidental mnsic by will be held at a later da.te yet to ing, a real estate firm organized pleasant function . . . ' Lucidity The meeting Thursday, will be he annonnoed. Charles Sweir. by Quakers to handle open occuwhich, amounts to a careful alld conducted as B beginners' class in Appearing in the eMf; will ,he successful attention to the poem's pancy tr!lnsactions, and will flower ,arranging where Mrs. answer questions on integrated Rose Schulman, Richard Brewer, rational exposition, is achieved at Makin will demonstrate design in Coffee Wednesday housing. Jan.e Hasson, Ramona Wareham, no expense to the intellectual or flower arrangements aided by Hpnon Planning Group Martin Vale, and Richard Morgan. imaginative foree." charts to illustrate the subject. Curtain time will be 2 p.m. in Mrs. Birney K. Morse of HarMr. Hoffman received his A.B., Canteen to Have This will be followed by a workthe small fry theatre. Special pervard avenue entertained at a cof. M.A., and Ph.D. degrees from shop with members participating. Dance Instruction formances for school groups have fee on Wednesday at her home for (Co~tinued on Page 6) (Continued on Page 8) , the Swarthmore Planning ComA professional dance team will heen ·arranged, and Deeter anmittee of the Community Nnrsing instruet and entertain at the Gar- nounced this week that ,the house TRINITY RUMMAGE SALE Harvard-Radcliffe Service pa~ty to he held on May 3. net Canteen Saturday night. The has been sold oat fori May 6. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY Orchestra to Pe~rnt Thl! . folJowing members werE entire group will be given instrucReservations may he m,ade by The TrinIty Church Rummage The Harvard-RadclitleOre_ p._t: , tions and demonstrations on the calling LO 6-2482. Sale will, he held in Parish Hall tra wil1 perform at the eollllge toMrs. Arthur W. Binns, iMrs. dancing of the Cha-Cha, Pony and of Trinity Church Wednesday evenight at 8:16 p.m. In Clothier Hall. Carroll P.' Streeter, Mrs. Mark other modern dances for one half ROSE SOCIETY TO MEET '!lIng, April 12, from 7 to 9 p.m., Conducted by Michael Sentnria, Bittle, Mrs. J. Franklin GaskIll, .bour. The remainder of'. llie eveJohn Borneman will speak •.on and Thursday, April 13, from 8 the gronp will play selections by Mrs. W. H. Gehring, M .... .Toh. ning will' be devoted to regular "Rose Growing for Pleasl1l'e" and ·a.m. till 1 p.m., under the chai.... Bach, Stravinslly, Mozart and Good, Mrs. J. Albright .TOiles, Hno. dancing. show rose '!lidos at the April meet- man.hip of Mrs. JUlie Conrtney, Brahm.. , CorIIen C. Shute, Mrs. Robert: .T. Chaperons this week will be Dr. ing of the Delaware County Rolle assisted by Mrs. W. T. Peab0ct7. The eo_tot is Ilia •• NlIot tM Tumer; ud two new' membeli and Mra. Harry Draper, Mr. and I Society at 8 p.m. Tuesday, April Promotion chairman is Mrs. RaJColIep'. Cooper Po "t/Oll aDd Hn.. W. H. GU!' ud H .... R. I .. Mrs. Richard Dam and Hr. and I' 11, In Whittier House. All inteJ-. moad HUdebrand, publicity ehaJr.. 10 tr. ... apen to ... pnbUc. TlKImAon. 1Irs. Carl AtIdna. .ted gardeners are wel_ DIn, I. Krs. F. W. Whittier. I Paul Freund Continues Series on Social Justice 35 Juniors Set for Barrie's 'Peler Pan' Flower Arranging Theme for Mothers Arts Center of Wallingford RCA-VICTOR RECORDS - . I and Mrs. avenue. James O. Stephens ,of , Marietta A. Sidney Johnson, III, a stu- !~ dent at Williams College, Williamstown, Mass., and Miss Louise Johnson of Annapolis, Md., are visiting their parents lUr. and Mrs. A. Sidney Johnson, Jr., of North Chester l'oad, for the Easter vacation. Bob Wagstaff arrived home Wednesday from Penn State University to spend the Easter vaca· tion with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Wagstaff of Haverford place. Albert Hansen, III, of Drew avenue, a student at Pennsylvania Military College, is home for the Easter vacation. .sally McCawley of Riverview road is home from the Shipley School, Bryn Mawr, to spend the holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. William McCawley of River· view road. Barrie Bovard, a student at Roanoke College, Salem" Va., . ar~ Promoted rived home on Wedne,day to visit Lloyd S. Woods of Wallingford her parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles has been promoted to assistant Bovard of North Swarthmore averegional credit supervisor in Scott nue for the spring vacation. Paper Company's credit departNorma Wilson, a student at ment. Grinnell College, Grinnell, Ia., arWpods joined the company in rived ·home on Saturday to spend 1958 as a member of the consum· the spring vacation ~t.h her parers' representative department. A "ents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson yeat later he was named floor of Harvard avenue. ' manager in this department, and Caroline Webster will leave later in 1959 was selected as man- April 4 'for Mt. Holyoke College ager of the testing laboratory. aiter vacationing for two weeks A native of Newport, R. 1., witJt her parents Mr. and Mrs. Woods is a graduate of Dartmouth Maurice L. Webster, Jr., on Elm College avenu~. KI March 31, 19~ THE S WAR T HMO REA N Page 8 SV.'f1rthnorc (;ollegr iihrElr~ Svmrthmore Poet to Address Women aI C·.ub Tues. McCorkel to Speak On 'Human Relations' Hedgerow Announces Children's Theatre . -'. • T~E April 7, 1961 April 7, 1961 THE SWARTHMOREAN Page Z Group Exhibition 10 Open al Arts Oenter Personals Realism to Abstract • , I Aelelress.---------------- • Make checks ta Swarthmore High School. Suttudent Treasury • ar American Field Service L ______________________ _ , I J :,ucnlllIIIIDIDIDllnlulluIIIIIIIlIIIICIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIUIiDI"uUl""UlRDlUI"'~llIIlWuuall1.IIIIIUUUlllllJlUlllll I The Bouquet § a BEAUTY SALON I ' WIN:E~::~:e:~e~ Road BEAUTY IS ! = a "aU.... H ••be, 01 tho awaribmol'e Bulae.. .......... j ,.j:mnlunmUalIIIUUlJlDllUlDllIlDllllIllllDunuIIJlUIIDllllmIIllIDllllmllllluIIIIIIIIIIIIUIUIIII11I11DIIIIUIIlIUUlIlIIIIIUUDH..!.. SAFETY AUTO SERVIOE MOTOR TUNE-UP with ENGINE SCOPE DYNAMIC WHEEL BALANCE WHEEL ALIGNMENT Oppasite Borough Parking Lot KIDgaw.Dd 3·0440 Dartm.ath Ind LI'.Jatt. An•••• Closed Saturday at 12 :30 P.M. Woolens Blankets Coats, etc, "Up 0' . Spring Concert " -by the- Admission $1.00 .lL - $I Spring Is Here? • . FDr MAaAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS ea. MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN Our New Cameras Are Selling Like . Hotcakes. (Now if they would only , sell like Cameras') We are taking in trades every week on these New Cameras._1f you are looking for a good Used (or second) Camera-this is the time.! YOUR DIRECT DEALER FOR: I THE 'PLAYERS CLUB OF SWARTHMORE presents "Ah, Wildemess!" bv Eug~". O'Nem • • • by the e•••n--enll.lng .nougb 10 take aWlY your b;eath-awails you here. Sun· decks, evening enterlalnment, dances, ocean water in baths, new luxurious wing to be ready this Spring. Twin beds with bath .Irem $12 Mod. Am•• $6.50 (urepean each person. Ask about Inclusiv! PlanS. C.II 609-345-1211; In N. Y. MU 2-484~. 9 I Monday thru Satutday . April 10 - 15 Howell -Revere • Bell e Balda -Zeiss • Fujiea .. Eastman • Rolleiflex ~Minox . Competitive Prices Pills Full Warranty! l;! ;; • • Camera. & Hobby Shop • - Produced Under the Dlr.ction of J.. William Simmons & eArgus 4 -, 6 mariborougb;jJlcnbcim OK IHE IOAt.WAll • AIWIlIt till Route I. Baltimore Pike Curtain TIme 8:20 P.M. ·,4 Mil.. Was+ of Media) . lo4 ... bon aod 11o.1r 6unts CI OSlO ON MONDAYS KI 3-4191 * I. I Park Avenue, Swarthmore, We hove a special price in quontityl Pa. Fri.-9 A.M. to 8:30 P,M, on "'ilmwhen THE MAN'S CORNER Missionary to India To Speak Here Weds. ! = I-I SWARTHMORE TOGGERY SHOP All Sizes, Types CJnd Colors of New and Used Cabinets, Sinks, Ranges," Refrigerators H.D.Church 8 P.M. A~ditorium A Group Exhibition of Guest Artists will open Sunday at tbe Community Arts Center 408 Rogers lane in' Wal1ingford. This Group Show, with styles ranging from realism to abstract, wiIJ offer enough variety to please any viewer. - Paul Shaub of New Castle, Del., studied at Tyler School of Fine Arts, at Temple University in' Philadelphia, won the .Louis Comfort Tiffany Scholarship in Graphics and numerous prizes in the United States. Mr. Shaub has ex" bibited in this count'1" Canada, I and abroad. His prints have been ~ .."aIllIIIHII"C1tIIII"llitilOllmtRllHt_"DlIII'Q ARROW McGREGOR seleeted by juries to be shl>wn in Honorary Society. all n~tional print shows. He is ~ PLEETWAY INTERWOVEN • = represented in the collections of the ~ ~ BUXTON HANES Metropolitan Museum of Art, the ;; ORDERS "§ Library of Congress, Philadelphia ~ APRIL 14th - 29th ~ MANNIX CRAVATS Museum of Art and U. S. Emo bassies. Presbyterian Women's Delivery May 9 • • • J. E. Alexander of New Castle, Program Features l! Door-to-Door Sale E Del., studied at thc Tyler School ~ E of Fine Arts, has had one-man Mrs. Weir II by 10th G rael ers ~ 5 shows and exhibited in national .Mrs. lJohn B. Weir, who, with 9 7() cents each, in red or pink ~ 8 Park Avenue Klngswood 3-0240 Print shows and in Canada. Art her husband, has spent more tha~ = instructor at Harlan School in 40 years in India" as missionary ~'IIIIDllllllllltnnllllllllll"nllllllllllllnlllrllllllllnlllllllllllll~ I "" * • Wilmington, she is co-author-illus- under the former Board of Fortrator with her husband, Paul b . eign Missions of the Pres yterlan Shaub, . of the children's book, Church, U.S.A., wiIJ be the speaker uSqu"eaky the Mechanical Whale." at, the luncheon meeting of the iMarie Larsen of Swarthmore is Women's Association to be' held represented in private colledions Wednesday in McCahan Hall "f in New York, Pennsylvania, Mary- the Presbyterian Church. land, Ohio, and Englapd. Mrs. -Appointed in 1918, the Weirs Larsen has had group ~xhibitions were assigned to Forman Chrisin' Maryland, Virginia, and Lon- tian College, Lahore, where for the don, England, also a one·man show next 19 years Mrs: Weir assumed in Baltimore. Her series of draw- the many obligations of a faculty ings have been published in the wife and served as manager of a Baltimore Sunday paper and In school for Mohammedan girls ~" several daily papers in England. the city. Ruth Meilmet studied at the Dr. and Mrs. Weir _moved in Graphic Sketch Club. the Widenel' 1937 to Dehra .lJ)un, and_ during School in PhiladelpHia, the - Cor- the next 11 years Mrs. Weir travcoran School of Art in Washing- eled widely with her husband ton,.D.C., Positano Art Workship throughout the ~!>~r missions in in Italy and presently Anierican the area. She worked chiefly in_ . f .• University _in. Washington;" ,;tl,J::. developing women's work•• _ '" Miss Meixner has exhibited in Mrs. Weir is -from Vilicennes, juried shows at the Smithsonian Ind., and is a grad.uq.te of the ColInsiitute, the CQrcoran Gallery of lege of Wooster, Ohio. Her hus~ Art and at the Art Alliance in band serves the Commission on" Philadelphia. Ecumenical Mission and Relations . Artu~o Panepinto of Drexel Hill of the United Presbyterian Church WE MUST MAKE ROOM FOR OUR NEW DISPLAY has exhibited extensively in Phila- U.S.A., as execntlve secretary for delphia and surrounding areas. He India, Pakistan, Thailand, and bas studied painting and sculpture Ind,mesia. at the Pennsylvania Academy of In her talk "Nothing Short of a Fine Arts and worked as a, free Revolution", Mrs. Weir will discuss lan~e artist in advertising art. At India and cover some of the new present Mr. Panepinto is with the philosophy of missions. Evening B~letin. A 12 o'c1oek worship service in Nancy -Ddnkwater O'Brien of the sanctuary, Ie<\, by Mrs. Charles Devon teaches at the Wayne Art C. Martin, will precede the 12:30 Center. She has been awarded first luncheon served by Circle 5, Mrs. places and other prizes in Chi- Donald 1.. Ribbard, chairman. eago, New York, Washingt<>n, D.C. and Philadelphia. She studied at Mount Vernon. Seminary and Jun- Exchan~e ior College in Washington, D-C., -Phillips Gallery,_Washington, -D.C. with Karl Knaths, American UniA number of high school stuversity, and the Chicago Art Insti· erent. from foreign lands will be tute. guests in Swarthmore on Tuesday, Jean R. Brown of Berwyn has April 11. Arriving early in the exhihited at the Pennsylvania morning"they will attend classes Academy of Fine Arts, in Massa- of their choice with hosts from chusetts, New York and at art Swarthmore High. They will join eenters in the Philadelphia area. the student body for lunch in the A pupil of Robert McKinne~ of cafeteria and then participate in l West Chester, Mrs. Brown also an assembly program in the after-' has studied at Wyoming Seminary noon from 2:28 to 3 :16. in Kingston, Pa., Duke University, An informal tea will follGW in • and" the Pennsylvania "Academy of the home economics suite when Fine Arts. I students will have an opportunity Harry B. Dunn of West Chester to visit informally with the visl· • has exhibited in juried shows at tors. the Art Alliance, Museum of Art Later, the students. of Swarth• in Philadelphia and at the Museum more CoUege will entertsin some of Modern.Art in N ..w York. He of the group at dinner and" at 8 has had one-man shows in many there will be an open meeting in WEEKEND SPECIAL: Bone1ess Top Round Roast of Beef east coast galieries. Mr. Dunn has Friends Meeting for the public, executed murals for prominent The guests and the lortunity to study at Swarthmore's affiliated school, Woodhouse, England. Janice Carroll, daughter of IIIr. and IIIrs. John Carroll of College avenue, is at Woodhouse this year. Janice stayed during the first term with the Waites, parents of Stella Waite who was last year's exchange student at Swarthmore. This year Swarthmore has been host to Sven Hansen from Denmark. Sven is here as an AFSIS student and has been living with the Donald Jones of Vassar avenue. During 1961-62 Swarthmore .wlll have two students - a girl through AFSIS and Peter Smith, junior year student, fro~ WDodhouse Grammar School. \ In the past; student visitors have come from Sweden, Pakistan, Switzerland, Jap,n, England, and Turkey. Swarthmore students have visited France, Germany, England, Pakistan, and Switzerland. , • The 1II0thers' Committee of Sen- i~r Girl Scout Troop 331 will as- sist their daughters in their money-raising for the European trip the troop will make in June 1962 by sponsoring a luncheon." on Thursday, April 20, at the Swarthmore Trinity Church at 12 :30 p.m. Mrs. J. J. Donovan is chainnan of the event. Anyone desiring tickets for the luncheon should call K>I 3-1584 or KI 3-6661. The pel' capita expenditure for prescriptions is only $18 per year, - yet the r~sulls in rapid recovery from illness save many more dollars. We invite your prescription patronage, CANT~N SATURDAY and assure you r.fompt service and uniformly air prices. Totltl-Ys /Jreuriplio"s 111'6 YOIW bigges' be.Jlh fllUII'. , DRU.G ST"ORE Klnpwooct 3-0586 Candidates for. Swarthm~re ·offices on the Democratic ticket will be guests of honor Sa~urday at a luncheon in, the home of. Mrs. Frtlderick D. Dudley of Cedar lane. Mrs. Dudley, who is. pre~i!I~nt of the Swarthmore. -Borough' Democratic Women's Club, will be assisU(i-as hostess by members of her board of directors. The luncheon, purely social in format, will be the first event in a series of planne(! programs the Democratic . Womeii's Club is launching following its annual election of officers. Prominent on the list of political problems to be explored for the year is .. study of the USe of the local ~ dollar. There will be a table of literature on legislation pending· at the state and local level, prepared by the Public Information committee headed by Mrs. Joel Bloom and her committee. Mrs. J. Roland Pennock and Mrs. Morris Bowie, social chairmen, arranged the Inncheon. Mrs. Kenneth Waltz is vice -president and program chairman, and board members include Mrs. Harry E. Oppenlander, Mrs. Osborn H. Paddison, Mrs. Daniel Goldwater, and Mrs. John DeMoll. Cirl Scout Luncheon To Aid European Trip MODERN DRUGS ... YOUR MOST VALUABLE BUY! CATlrERlIAN'S Borough Council heard the dog catcher's report for March (13 t!anines caught, five reclaimed by owners) at its April meeting Mon"day night, and Burgess Joseph Reynolds stated that he was ordering police to shoot at sight all dogs not under control of owners. Meanwhile trespasses by twolegged creatures on the loose, and what might be done about these, wer~ less clearly defined. Councilman D. Mace Gowing asked Public Safety Chairman Charles W. Lukens about a recent 'lbombing" of a Swarthmore home. Gowing said he'd heard citizens discussing such an incident but hadn't heard it mentioned in the resume of the March police report read by Lukens. The latter said police were aware ot the occurrence and are iavestigating it. Others at the meeting commen.ted that tossing "firecrackers" was not unusual in the borough. The impression gathered by listeners at the meeting was that either the incident referred to was too insignificant to be worthy of note" or it wasn't on (Continued on Page 6) • • , Swarthmore, Pa., Friday, April 14, 1961 Man's Besl( and Worst) 1BoroughCou?cil Friends Oonsidered .. Publishes Dogs to Be Shot, Bottle Bombers to Be-7 • Support ESW~RTHMOREAN The ," . UV:nl'tlulOro \Jollegll' Li brElr~ Svmrthmore APR 14 1961 A regular Garnet Canteen will be held Saturday. ChaperoDs will be Mr. and Mrs. Robert Good, Mr. and Mrs. Mathews Johnson and M.... and Mrs. John Gersb~ch. Lest week 160 enjoyed the danee team of Vince and Ginger who performed and demonstrated var- ion. cIa-. \ . ~eport For the third consccutive year, the' members of Swarthmore Borough Council have pnblished an Annual Report which summarizeB the highlights of local government during the year 1960. Copies of the report are being mailed by the Swarthmore Property Owners" Association to its members. Residents of the Borough may obtain copies without charge at Borough Hall, Park avenue as lon, .as the supply lasts.. 9 Pennsy:vania Dutch l'opic for Juniors Two Members Win in Festival 01 Arts Mrs. Donald Helffericb will speak to the Junior Woman's Club ori "A Night with the Pennsylvania Dutch" on Tuesday at 8 p.m. Of Pennsylvania Dntch descent herself, Mrs. HeUferich will bring with her 100 authentic old pieces of the culture to display and to exemplify her tslk. Mrs. Helfferich is a resident of CoateSVille. She is a graduate of Ursinus College where her hus.band is now president. Mr. Relfferich is also a vice president of the Girard Trust Corn Exchange Bank. Two members of the Junior Woman's Club were among those who received awards' at the Delaware County Federation of Wom... en's Clubs' Fine . Arts , Festival on March 27•. Mrs. Robert Heinze of Marietta avenue was awarded the 'fBeat Show" &ward for her mahogany coffee tsble with inlaid tile. top, and· Mrs. J. Lawrence Shane of Harvard 'avenue received an award for the knitting of baby items. i,-' LWY Members 10 Hear Dr. Olair Wilcox Members Will Also Vote· on Slate at Monday luncheon Dr. Clair Wilcox, chairman of the department of economics at the c'oUege, will be the guest speaker 1II0:lday when the League of Women Voters convene at the Methodist ehurch for their April luncheon. 'Dr. Wilcox's topic 'will be on cnrrent issues in foreign economic policy. Also on the agenda for this 1 o'clock meeting will be membership voting on proposed by-laws, nominations, and program proposals on the state and local levels -matters adjourned from the annual meeting on March 20. Dr. Wilcox will speak at 2 p.m. The director of the Office of International Trade Policy, Department of State from 1946 to 1948, Dra Wilcox was advisor on industrial economics to the Planning Board of the Government of Pakistan four years ago. This past summer he was on the staff of the Seminar of American Studies of the University of Salzburg and last fall was a consultsnt to the Planning Organization of the Imperial Government of Iran. Any interested persons are welcome to attend this meeting. Mrs. Joseph J. Storlazzi, KI 3-1292, is in charge of. the luncheon. Mrs. David Bingham To Head Woman's Olub Elections Held at Clubhouse on Tuesday Mrs. David Bingham was elected president of the Woman's Club of Swarthmore for a two-year term at the election held Tuesday at the clubhouse. Other officers elected are: First vice-president Mrs. Robert M. Grogan, second vice-president Ml'S. W. R. Lecron, treasurer Mrs. S. Murray- Viele, assistant treasurer Mrs. Walter N. Moir, recording secretary Mrs. Charles R. Gerner, corresponding secretary Mrs. David U. Ullman. Elected to the board of directors are IIIrs. Robert P. Bradford, Mrs. Robert J. Turner, Mrs. George B. Thorn, and Dr. Helen P. South. Named to the admissions committee are Mrs. E. B. Hollis, IIIrs. H. Elliott Welis, 1111'S. C. Russell Phillips, and Mrs. Roy P. Lingle. KINDERCARTEN RECISTRATION Kindergarten registration will be held April 17, 18, 19 in the School District Office on College avenue. Children who reside in the school district and who were born prior to January 31, 1957, are eligible. In order to register, parents III UST present to the Registrar a birth certificate, certificate of' successful vaccination and immunization information. Appointments for registration time must be made in advance by calling Mrs. A. P. Smith at the School District Office, KI 3·4800. Flower Show Tuesday AI Woman's Olub John Lyster to Speak on 'Modern Iris' at 2 P.M. The Woman's Club of Swarthmore will be the scene of floral activity Tuesday when the ladies of the organization open their doors to the public for a spring Flower Show, a plant sale and an address by John Lyster. Memorial Service to Be Mr. Lyster, speaking at 2 p.m., will talk on "The Modern Iris," Held Saturday A past regional vice.president of in Chester the National Iris Society and a lIIarion Childs Brower of 6 Crest judge for the elub at previous lane,' wife of the late Charles de shows, he will discuss the raising Hart Brower, 'a General Electric 'of iris, illustrating his talk with Company executive, passed away slides .. The plant sale, under the auson Monday at the Rest Haven Conpices of' IIIrs. Joseph J. Storlazzi, valescent Home in Broomall, after chairman of the garden departa lengthy illness. ment, will begin at 10 a.m. and Born in Engle",ood, N.J., on Aug- eontinue until 6 p.m. The Flower ust 17, 1882, sh6 attended Vassar Show, stag.,dby Mrs•. William College. ·She .anlt. het ·husband·Li.Du\son with· M.rs. William C. moved to. Swarthmore' in 1929 when Rowland as her co-chairman, will they built their home at 140 be open to the public from noon Guernsey road. They ,had previous- until 5 p.m. Iy lived in Schenectady and Balti_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ more. Mrs. Brower was the daughter of William Augustus Childs, an inventor and personal friend of Alexander Graham Bell. Mr. Alan Gewirth, professor of philChilds formed and operated the osophy at the University of ChiLaw Telegraph. Company in New cago, will speak; Oli uPolitieal JusYork City in 1874 (two years betice" on Sunday in the Friends fore the coming of the telephone) Meeting House on the college when he conceived the idea for campus. His lecture is last in this the first central office and switchspring's series on social justice. board which would enable two parProfessor Gewirth was educated ties at different points to converse at Columbia University and is- now with each other. Five years later prominent in the fields 0:( moral he sold the Telegraph Company and political philosophy, metaphysto the Bell Telephone Company. ics, and the history of philosophy. Mrs. Brower was an active member of the First Church of Christ, He translated Marsiglio of Padua's "Defensor Pacis" and is author of Swarthmore; her father and motha work called "Marsiglio of Padua er (Julia Sellick Childs) organand Medieval Political Philosophy." ized the Christian Science Church This lecture, as the others in in Englewood, N.J., and held its the series, is sponsored by the Wilfirst meetings in their home there. liam J. Cooper Foundation of tbe She is survived by three daughcollege and is open free to the ters, Mrs. Jl:erman M. Bloom of public. Time: 8:16 p.m. Columbia avenue; Mrs. Laurence M. Smith of Greenwood, Mass., and Mrs. Jonathan Elmer of King Recruitment Underway of Prussia; a brother, Eliot Childs For Borough Blood Day of La Jolla, Calif.; six grandchilMrs. WaltH N. Moir, Blood reo dren and two great-grandchildren. cruitment chairman for the Private cremation will be follow- Swarthmore Branch, Ameriean ed by lIIemorial Services at 2 p.m. Red Cross, announces that 90 on Saturday from the Ray F. Im- telephone solicitors are securing schweilFt.r Funeral Home, 1600 appointments for giVing blood at Edgmont avenue, Chester. the Borough Blood Donor Day, Marion Ohilds Brower Succumbed Monday Series on Justice To Conclude Sunday Community Day of Proyer The next meeting of the Community Day of Prayer group will be held on lIIonday, April 17, at Trinity Church from. 10:80-2. Dr. Alfred Price, rector of St. Stephen's Church, Philadelphia, will lead the morning session. Dr. UN REMINDER P"ice is widely known fOl his work The Swarthmore United Na- in the field of spiritual healing. tiona Committee reminds residents Any who wish to stay for lunch who are hoping to entertain UN should bring their own sandwich; visitors dnring the weekend of coffee be served. May 12, to retnrn the hospitality ( Tbe afiernoon .session will be blanks aa BOOn aa posaible. . led by Mrs. F. Weston Whittier, will May 4. They will continue call.. ing residents until April 21, arranging appointments from 2 until 7 p.m. at tile Woman's Club. Nineteen - year - olds may give hlood if their parents sign the Red Cross permission form which ean be secured by calling IIIrs. 1II0ir, KIngswood 3·0498. Mrs. Kenneth Stuart and Mrs. George Krenikoff are Mrs. Moir's cochairm~n. Mrs. H. L. M.Cnne is chairman of Blood Service for tbe Swarthmore Branch with Mrs. C. C. Shute her .....,hairman. The Cancer Drive $4.00 PER YEAR High School in "oncert onighl r Choruses and Orchestra to Present Program at 8 P.M. The Chorus and Orchestra of Swarthmore High School will present their Spring Concert tonight at 8 p.m. in the school auditorium. Over 200 students from grades seven through 12 will appear in one or more of a variety of choral and instl"umental groups. Soloists will include Heidi Honnold, Rebecca J acksteit, Wendy Price, Jack Price and Ricky Gwinn. The program will include both classical and fighter type music with several of the current Bruadway musical shows well represented. Musi.. cal direction will be by Robert Holm and Guy Surer of the Swarthmore faculty. Groups to be heard are the High School Mixed Chorus, the Junior High Girl's Glee Club, the Eighth grade vocal ensemble, and the Senior High Girl's Chorus. In addition to the orchestra, a string ensemble will present unusual arrangements of such popular favorites as l ' Over the Ra.inbow" and the more recent "Love is a Many Splendored Thing". WIL Annual Dinner Scheduled for Weds. Whittier House is Setting for Russian Cuisine, Program The Annual International Dinner of the Swarthmore branch, Women's International League for Peace and· Freedom, willi'eature "myeblka"(music); iltahubl"(danc_ ing) and "ooea" (dinner), Wednesday evening at Whittier House. The dinner menu, following the Russian theme, Will include borscht with piroshki; beef Strogonoff; parsley potatoes, Russian salad, Russian creme and meringues. There will be cold sliced turkey for those who do not care to explore the Slavic style of life the whole way. Reservations are being taken by Mrs. John Cornog, Mrs. Anthony Luttrell and Mrs. Frederick Tolles. Photographer Philip Mayer will be on hand from 6 p.m. to '1 :30 p.m. to take portrait photographs, and there will be a hazaar of gifts, assembled by IIIrs. David Solomons and Mrs. Joseph Willis. Chairmen are Mrs. William Stanton and IIIrs. Roscoe Giffin. Mrs . .John Carroll, menu; Mrs. Colin Bell; waitresses, Mrs. John Honnold; table setting, IIIrs. William A. Welsh; kitchen, Mrs. Joseph Conard. Mrs. Roy McCorkel is handling food; Mrs. Tolles, reservationsj Mrs. Eric Hausen and Mrs. James A. Richards, decor. IIIrs. Hausen is also doing the posters for the event. Former Swarthmorean Is Guest Story Teller A special program Is planned for young readers at the Swarthmore Public Library as former Swarthmorean Ann Hug h e s, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Myers, visits the library Saturday morning as author and guest story-teller. Mrs. H!lghes, a graduate of Swarthmore High School now living in Tamaqua, will present two of her original stories. The stories, "Katy and the Art Museum" and an active tsle of "Pom-Pom the Poodle" will appeal especially to younger ehildren throngh the third grade, bnt any interested listeners are invited to join the _Ion. Stories will begin at 9:30. Page Z THE S WAR T HMO REA N April 14, 1961. ~~~--------------------~~~~~~~~----------------------I Personals Pla,ers Provide Nostalgic Evenine I The Bouquet i I SAFETY AUTO SERVICE H. G. Russell to Serve Diplomats Oonference David Crystal Mr. Mort Villager Long SWARTHMORE HIGH SCHOOL CHORUSES and ORCHESTRA TONIGHT (Friday), April 14 S. k f L· N ( a ~ _ 00 :Ing ora ew omera Do Y u Inlend 10 Bu, on PRICE Onl,7 N I 0 U 're aut ! . • I I Dress Shop • • Camera & Hobby Shop ! THE I . B ~~: YERS CLUB ! OF SWARTHMORE , presents "Ah, Wilderness!" by Eugene O'Neill Produced Under the Direction of J. William Simmon5 Friday and Saturday April 14 and 15 Curtoin Time 8:20 P.M. Members and Thair Guasts BuHel Luncheon $1.25 • I I ii Buffel Dinners I t:!: '== ~ThursdQy 5 to 9 • Sundoy 3 to IIi .i § ! ~ $2.75 • iii ~ lia i ~ i I4 " I W f" d I Mi es est 0 Me io CLOSED ON MONDAYS DIGK FRANCHETTI - TELEVISION MORTON. PA. TELEYISION - HOME 1ft. a"TO RADIO - PHOIOS ·'Bring It to U. or We'U Come to You·' Klngswoocl 4-1028 • AGURE,FLOW COKSTRUCTIOI • EXPANSIVE SElF BELT II • HIDE"'·WAY TEE III r': Ii~~t~' v::r! ~;o: ~~o~ g Rosa Valley Nurseries, Inc. • STOW·A·WAY &OLf IlLlI'GCI£T hotel opened • REMOYAILE TOWel BAa Middletown Road - Media. Pa. Opposite High Meadow (between Dutton lln"i( Am' Knowlton ROad) • mCTlCAL PflClt SLOl AVAILABLE NOW! "ill considered a mo· ior vacation now. Besides usual wal., .po .... there are caves to g ~ E ~~~,ep,~;:e.~:~~ Ii Route I, Baltimore Pike Ii I'" FtW.wte6: mile. i!'h:. ~~::t . U nit E THE WILD GOOSE IR fraIb ALL PURPOSE GOLF SLACK ·ir service ta the § _II white beaches, houses orange tile roops, spicy Dutch ~ Iltc,od. good .hopping fa.iliHe. and ~ unusual langpa.ge all add up to j: distinctive charm that is Aruba's. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . ;"'n~"~"';";"";'''~''';'''~'''~'''~''';'III~n~. "~";""~. n~'~""~I"~III~'t"~"~.. ;. 30 YALE AVENUE lib.·.. " •••• ~ Let· Us Help Make Your Car Run Better-- Longer ~ talking about the little of Aruba this year. It's newest resort area in the Carib-I· iii: I THE MAN'S CORNER WHAT'S NEW? embarking on visits any vacation wise traveler his au- agent. He bows the IIIIC~~~·,:~,:tr~:avel to .yisit. the easiest ways and the many essential 11II ~~~~i::' aossmooth trip. Ask as many you like ••• thot', what are here for. Weir Travel Servi=e. 623 Welsh Street, Chest... • Phone TR . SOPHORA JAPONICA CORN US KOUSA CERCIDOPHYLLUM SLACK $12.95 COPYRIOHT u. e. STYRAX JAPONICA CORN US MAS CHIMONANTHUS VIRCINICA STEWARTIA PSEUDOCAMELLIA CLADRA·STIS LUTEA "AT. OFFICC KENT .caTT, INC. G~. 'Bewfiq.'Ba6UteH.leiauu SWART 8 Park Avenue BARDLEY SUITS SleeAing Pills? • ~~~ Jazz Cavalcade al High School Monda, SPRING and SUMMER ·Spring Concert I Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust To Erect New Facilities Isabel's Curio Shop SALON ------ I a Cub Pack 1 Receives Nancy Ann and Virginia Den Council Pack Charter Craig, stude~ts Of. biology at Texas . Women's Umverslty, Denton, have The regular monthly meetmg of been named to the Dean's List for Chester'. Mayor Joseph L EYTO Popular Orchestra Will Cub Pack 1 was held Friday at the first semestar , To mark ita 60th birthday, the announced today that the Fidelitythe Trinity Church. George Pratt • Players Club of Swarthmore is Philadelphia Trust Company, in a Trace Medium From of the Valley Forge Council prepresenting this week a charming move to support the city's urban Beginnings sented the Pack Charter to Rev. comedy by one of America's great- redevelopment program, has comA distinctly different and high- G. Richard McKelvey, representa· est playwrites. Eugene O'Neill's pleted plans to <\fOct modern driveIy interesting musical program tive of the church. I 17'12 S. Chester Rood "Ah, Wilderness I" is just about in and parking facilitieson Market will be presented in the SwarthAchievement awards went to the .s far f·rom the stark drsma of between 4th and 6th streets. Swarthmore I ~Anna Christie" or the gray trag-I Mayor Eyre issued the .tate- mor.e High School auditorium ¥on. following Cubs: Lion badge Phillip Frost, In ASEMEIIT edy of "Mourning Becomes Elec- ment following a meeting in his day at 8 p.m. . Warren Kitts, John McWilliams, tra" as the Swarthmore group is office with Stewart M. Walker, Trombomst and local teacher Al bear ·badge _ D B It W 1ESIDE Id'll 'th h' 17 oug ou er,. a from the overwhelming majority senior vice president of Fidelity; Le . opo wII apPhear WI IS 'ter ,Campbell, David Carroll, All of our country's Ulittle theaters." Jack E. Bunter of Vassar avenue, pIece popu ar ore estra to present. Frank Carruth, Steven Gay, MorThis play and this club are both vice president in charge of the a Cavalcade of J~zz tr~clng the gan Wynkoop; wolf badge _ John UNTlla, Prop. swimming in a delightful warm bank's southwestern region. development of thIS mUSIcal med- DeWade' gold d'l arrow ISABEL p, . f · t s b · · . • an SIver sea of nostalgia. The time of the A joint statement explained that lum rom 1 egmnmgs up points _ Larry Griff' play Is 1906. It was first produced the drive-in· will be built on the through the present day. Various ID. by the club in 1937. Both times .ite of the old Washington House, sections of the ensemble will demwere noted for a sense of peace one of the city's best known his... on strate Ragtime, Dixieland, the DOW, alas, nearly forgotten. I toric landmarks, adjacent to the Big Band sound, and the currently Ahly directed by J. William Sim-· bank's Chester office at 6th and popular Progressive idiom. mons, the cast ineludes James H. lfarket streets. Those who can remember the Hornaday, Sally McFadden, Char-I --------band of the Hthirties" will experience a feeling of nostalgia 8S les Fellows, James T. Clare, Suzanne Clare and Stephen Douglas • Leopold ·and the group play the theme songs of such former as the almost typical family of the era. In and about their household "greats" as Tommy Dorsey. Glen are relatives and friends portrayThe American Friends Service Miller, Glen Gray and others. ed·by Stafford W. Parker, Rita Committee has appointed Dr. HenLeopold, who is a brass instru~hrop, Newlin P. Palmer, Joan i ry G. RUBsell, Haverford place, as ment teacher in the local schools, Scheer, Tom Woodall and Mary associate director of its Conferen- is .. former winner of the DownConnolly, Others in the cast are ces for Diplomats at its headquar- beat Poll a. tjIe country's outstand-byJoy Stackhouse, Gordon Douglas ters in Geneva. Switzerland. Dr. ing trombonist and was chosen by and George Stackhouse. Russell, a finance seeretary with Decca records to join with Dorsey, It would be unfair to single any the Quaker Committee, left last Miller, and others in a recording one of this I';rge cast for especial week for Geneva. illustrating various styles of tromDr. Russell Will assist Paul bone music. comment. This is a problem almost always confronting critics of this Johnson, director of the conferenAdmission to the concert is grouP. ces program. Kgtaduate of Havwithout charge. The program is Il you wateh television you may erford College, Dr. Russell holds a being presented in the interest of have wondered about the long lists Phd. degree in the history of re- music education ...through the Reof credits that flash by your eyes !igion from Harv.ard University. cording Industry Trust Fund in at the end of a production. The He has been associate professor at coopers·tion with the Chester Musivery lack of interest you have in I Bow~oin College, Columbia Uni· cian's Union. those lista is the best measure of' verslty, and Haverford College. He also the technleal staff's competence. dir",:ted the AF~C's European David Madison entertained at a So it is with this week's produc- Semmar Program In Geneva from theater psrty at the matinee of I tion of "Ah, Wilderness I" Design- 1950-61. Dr. Rus~ell also ~Id "Peter Pan" Saturday fol1owed by ed by Mr. Simmons and David AF1SC-UNRRA rehef work WIth dessert at hi. home on Lafayette Bingham, lighted by Charlottee Yugoslavian refugees in Egypt in avenue in celebration of his eighth Maas and decorated by Mrs. Horn~ 1944-Mi. birthday. aday, Mrs. Parker, Mrs. David W. He will -return to his position in Borst, Mrs. George H. Jarden and ,the finance division in September. Mrs. B srt ·Ine A . Stoner, J r., th e, Dr. Russell i., a member of the four sets mak~ convincing yet un- Religious Socieiy of Friends and obtrusiveb.ackgrQVJlds for the ac-. atteniIs Swarthmore F r i end s When your-b'bys ere ·too big Meeting. - '. for thei': leons, tivities. of the .Miller family, creaAnd your girls pull "emotionol ting a· mood. that adds to the en· joyment of the play. ADDRESSES SENIOR ASSEMBLY scenes"; Why toke sleeping pills Also happily seen are the cosJohn Snyder, project director,· tumes of the period prescribed by, DelawaTe County Crippled Chil- To end 011 your ills? . Ruth Packard and Florence dren's Association, spoksl at the Just give them Swarthmore, Pa. Shields, and the expressive make- Senior High School Assembly, \ np by Betty Bentley, Evelyn Hes-' Thursday of last week. He showed Those Wonderful Teens senbroch, Helen Borst and Lucille· slldes outlining the educational at BookwaiJ8 McBride. 'The prompter is Alice functions now ·in being and those ~:==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~ Connolly, who is neither seen nor. planned for crippled children. in f ~ h.ard. I Delaware County. Particular mention should be Plans to raise money for this I made of the stage crew - Bob and project are being discussed in the Ducky Regester, Les Baird, Jim Student Council. ' C!]:nnor, Peggy Alexander, Jo Thomson, Erick Peterson, and LeSee the roy Pllterson. In addition to buildMEMORIAL PARK ing the sets, this group is responsible for shifting, moving, sfuring: in beautiful , and replacing all the scenery and· Wist LAUR'EL HILL furniture on the stage no Jess than i Our Spring Car Saver Special Is Designed to Help Get Rid of six times in the course of the eve- 'I ~ "Winter Drag" and Get Your Car Completely Ready for Summer ning without a perceptible hitch or . . day II to .. delay. In any theater that would I.b,,, Ave G..... Or ..... be a considerable effort. In an a\n- 1 RICHT NOW YOUR CAR NEED~ THESE ._CyowrI atcur grou,p it is a tour de foree. "CET R~ADY FOR SUMMER" SERVICES, nAh, Wilderness I'; will be refor Quid; ow peated at the clubhouse on Fairview road tonight and tomorrow. 5-Battery Serviced ,1-Change to Summer Oil attended the annual College Day Mrs. Avery Blake ~f Amherst son of Mrs. David McCahan of ford Brown of Wallingford; at Wilson College on Saturday. avenue will leave Friday for an Strath Haven avenue; And Meredith Suzan Lorenz, Dr. and Mrs. Frank G. Keenen overnight visit with her mother Sarah Crawford Brown, daugh- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ,Mr. and Mrs. William M. Mc- of North Chester road, accompan- Mrs. Harry K. Nield at Sparks, ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Craw- L. Lorenz, Jr., of Wallingford. Cawley and children Sally, Peggy, ied by their granddaughter Ann Md. Mrs. Nield is recuperating at ....~blaolulllllllllr'bIllIUIIDDlUlllltllHullllnlllllfDllmmllllDllallla 'e • Billy, Eliza, and Christopher of Fetzer of Wilmington, Del., visited her home after three weeks in a Riverview road will move tbis summer to Geneva, Switzerland, their son anddaughter-in.law Mr.: Baltimore hospital due to a broken and Mrs. Charles V. Keenen in leg suffered Maieh 16. where Mr. McCawley has been transferred by the duPont Com- Wellesley, Mass.,. over the weekend. ENGAGEMENT pany. BEAUTY Mr. and Mrs. James J. CrooksMr. and Mrs. Maxey Morrison Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Brown of and daughter Helen of Dartmouth ton of Kimberton, formerly resi· BEAUTY SPREADS CHEER LIKE DAFFODILS Walnut lane have returned from avenue recently returned home at· dents of Swarthmore and Rose a four month trip around the 9 South Chester Road ter spending a week visiting Mrs. Valley, announce the engagement world. They spent two weeks with ?larrison's parenta Mr. and Mrs. of their daughter, Sara Alice, to ~__ Call Klngswood 3-0476 their son Jim and his family in Stephen Chase in Dunedin, Fla. Mr. Martin Oppenheimer of Phila&811". • • •lter .. tile BwlU1lalllore Bulae.. A .......... Calcutta, where Jim is on a two While they were gone Mrs. MIIr- delphia. and one-half year term of duty - , - ,.iwUlIUIlIIIUlDlnmIllIllDHllllUlluunllluhmcIIlIllIIIIUU1UlUIIIIIIQUIUlDIUIQllJUm.'''''!.. Sally I'S a graduate of Rochester ;~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. with the State Department. The jorie Gilmour and two sons Pat and George of Northampton,Mass., University and at present has a Browns stopped at 32 ports in formerly of Swarthmore, stayed in fellowship in psychiatric social India, East Pakistan, Indonesia, their home. work at Bryn Mawr College. Formosa, Korea and Japan.. AddiMr. and Mrs. George Plowman Mr. Oppenheimer, son of Mr. tional stops were made at Malta, of Harvard avenue have. returned and Mrs. Julius Oppenheimer of MOTOR TUNE-UP with ENGINE SCOPE Singapo~, Hong Kong, Manila from a. t~~ee wee~s stay In Ozona, 1Woodbury, N.J., is a graduate of and Okinawa. DYNAMIC WHEEL BALANCE WHEEL ALIGNMENT Fla., VISItIng van.ous parts of the the University of Pennsylvania and iMr. and Mrs. Lewis Robinson state and returmng by the east is presently a doctoral candidate V. E. ATZ, Mgr. and daughters Amy and Wendy coast. in the department of sociology. are new residents of 366 Vassar RUSSELL'S SERVICE Mrs. Paul B. Banks of Harvard A July wedding is planned. avenue. Mr. Robinson is with the avenue is entertaining at a lunchJ Opposite Borough Paning Lot Catalyticc Construction Company eon today in honor of Mrs. Donald WATKINS _ MORGAN Illeswood a.044G Dart.outll .1. Llfl,lttl Ani ... in Philadelphia. The Robinsons Crosset of Thayer road who is have just returned from 28 months leaving soon on a trip around the Mr. Alhert Edward Morgan of Closed Saturdoy at 12:30 P.M. world. Wallingford announces the marin Tokyo, Japan. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Bassett riage of his daughter, Constance Mrs. Warren B. Warden of Yale 1$ avenue and Mrs. H. Albert Beek- of the Swarthmore Apartments Throckmorton Morgan, to Robert buis of Media entertained on Sat- had 8S their guest over the week-! Gibson Watkins, son of Mr. and urday in honor of Mrs. Edward end their sister-in-law Mrs, Nor- 1r!rs. Willi~m Way Watkins of .MagIll road, I~ St.. Stephens EpIscoBurt of Wynnewood, daughter of man H. Bassett of Ventnor, NJ. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Lewicki I pal ~hapel In MIddlebury, Vt., on Mr. and Mrs. John S. Thompson -by theof Media. The 30 guests enjoyed of Westminster avenue entertained AprIl 1, 1961. luncheon at the Ingleneuk follow- on Saturday evening at a cocktail BIRTH ed by a shower for the recent party and buffet supper for the 'Mr. and Mrs. Richard Powell bride and bridegroom at the War- members of ?Ir, Lewicki's ollice staff. Pictures of their recent trips I Taylor of Washington, D.C., anden home. 'Mrs. Arthur G. Adams of Har- to Bermuda were shown by Mr. nounce the birth of a son, Douglas Howard, on April 4. vard avenue entertained a group and Mrs. Lewicki. Mrs. Anthony Fairbanks of Yale The paternal grandparents are of friends at her home on Wednes8 P.M~ avenue entertained at a luncheon· Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howard Tayday evening when her cousin Dr. H. Aud,itorium Admission $1.00 William W. McKin·ney of Am- before tbe Friendly Circle Card lor of Harvard avenue. Mrs. Anita 1 party yesterday. . Harris Spain of Washington, D.C., It 51. Q. SI. $I / g bridge, Pa., showed pictures taken Ann Cooper daughter of Dr. and and the late Mr. Ross Cameron t Q ,A ~ in Mexico. . h Hanis are the maternal grand- amuDlWDllllUumlDIIIHIlHllIDllUlUUftlDnDJlIUlUDUlllWUl1ClllUlltullDlllllIIlllllDllUlll1UIlDIIUIIIllIUaDlldlI' Mrs. James 'cooper 0 f P ama ;;; Mrs. Jane T. Yarrow of South road, recently entertained at a parents. ~ Chester road will have as ber l! guest for several days next week luncheon and bridal shower for her sister-in·law Mrs. James H. Mlr·S.saSnPdenMcerr•.CJarr. ROllO'ydacUagrrohtenr oOff BAPrLlED II M Baptisms performed Sunday at Tuckley of Maplewood, N.J. William Gaylord of Rutgers Riverview road. Miss Cooper will the Presbyterian Church included i! § avenue has returned to Valley be an attendant at the wedding the following children: of Miss Carroll and Mr. Charles, Susan Carol MlllTay, daughter ~ 0, • Forge Military Academy after Fassett ,of Gardiner, Me. , of Mr. and Mrs,! Peter, B. (Murray ~ spending his spring leave with hi. Jack Lewicki of Westminster av- of Park avenue·'.nda granddaugh- !! ~: j " parents Mr. and Mrs. William enue spent the weekend in Lan- ter of Mrs. Fred Murray of Yale B Gaylord. Mrs. Helen Hall of HmhOrn ave- easter as the guest of Patricia avenue and ?Irs. John M. Pearson 5 nue spent the weekend in Waverly Emich and her parents. J Bek re- of Cornell avenue; turned to Tufta University on Barbara RincUf!e Howarth, ~ with her son and daughter-in-law daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert ~ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hall and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fairbanks Howarth of Media and a grand- § family. of Yale avenue had as their guests daughter of ?Ir. and Mrs. R. G. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Welz of It'orest lane have as their over the weekend Mrs. Fairbanks' Rincliffe of Strath Haven avenue ~ guests for several days Dr. and nephew and niece ?Ir. and Mrs. and of Mrs. Fred Long of Wal. iii § Mrs. Bert C. Brown of Flint, Norman Courtney and children lingford; 4 - Ei Park Avenue, Swarthmore~ Pa. from Buffalo, N.Y. David Johnstone Porter, son of !;l Mich. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Lee of of IIlr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Por- § KI 3.4191 Fri.-9 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. i'i ·Mrs. Elizabeth Nofzinger, mcthSchool lane had as their recent ter of Wallingford, and a grand. § E er of Mrs. Samuel T. Carpenter of Ogden avenue, is a patient in the guests for several days Mr. Lee's § • Just Received New Stock Tenn..i.s Rackets., Balls,. R § Bishop Convalescent home in Me- parents Mr. and Mrs. Marshall B . " Lee of Farmington, Conn. For MADAZINE SUBSCRIPTIOIIS =5~ Baseballs, Bats and Gloves egE dia. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Loughead of eon LesAnn Kurtzhalz of Park aveP.lllt11DIUhIlRlnCIIIRDmm:JUUIIIIIIIIDUIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIlJIIIIDlllIUlIIIlIDIIIllIIUIIIDUIIUlIIIIICllllUlllilltJIlIIIIIIIIIlDIIIIHIHnti nue has been placed on the var- Thayer road have returned to their home after spending three months MRS, LLOYD E, KAUFFMAN sity lacrosse team at West Chester KI 3.2080 State Teachers College. LesAnn i. at Jensen Beach, Fla. a freshman at West Chester, ma- omDIIIUlIlUUDUUUUlIIIDIUlIUlllocnmulllllclIllIIlIlIlI[(' , ~' , ft joring in music. Patricia Ann Thompson and her mother Mrs. John M. Thompson, ServedD'1 ii Jr., of Forest lane, and Sally Wad- ;; ~ al y ;; c E leigh and her mother Mrs. David R. Wadleigh, also of Forest lane, iii Both Hot 6' Cold Dishes~ I Page T B B S WAR TH M 0 REA N Aprll 14, 1961 AND MANY OTHER FINE VARIETIES TOCGERY SHOP Telephone TRemont 2·7206, ( . , .. All fer lEN 'ALNU 2-Change to Summer Gear Lub~lcants Droin transmission ond reor refill with Sunoco Ail-pUrpose Gear Lubricont speciolly mode to resist high pressure and heot. a-Chassis Lubrication Special Lubricont used to help keep out squeaks ond weer. Won't dry out, won't wosh out, won't squeeze out! Helps im. prove gas mileage. . 4-Check Oil Filter Inspect cartridge and check for leaks. Winter is especially tough on botteries. We check strength. clean ter.minols. odd distilled water. t>-Clean and Adjust Spark Plugs ' Dirty spork plugs can woste as much as I out of every .10 go lions of gasoline. 7-Clean Air Filter Lets your engine breathe easier - keeps dirt' out of the carburetor. 8-Drain Anti - Freeze and Flush Radiator Check Hose Connections - Add Rust Resistance If ~ou have permanent onti-freeze, sove it for next winter. Bring your own con· tainer. 9-Check-up of Tires Correct "Switching" improves the mileaqe. We can n'~o have ·your tires recappecl, if needecl. . PORTER H. WAITE, IIC. Open Weekends and Sundays 12 to 5 Klnp.oocI 3-0240 Winter oil is too thin for warm weather, We drain it-and refill Summer type Sunoco Oil. ' Ya'e Aven~e and Chester Road Klngswoocl3-1250 , Page 4 . THE S WAR T HMO REA N ----------------------------~ THE SWARTHMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE. PENNA. PETER E. TOLD,'MARJORIE T. TOLD, Publishers Phone Klngswood 3·0900 PETER E. TOLD, Editor BARBARA B. KENT, Managinll Ediw Rosalie D. Peirsol Mary E. Palmer Marjorie T. Told Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929. at the Post Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. DEADLINE - WEDNESDA Y NOON SWARTHMORE. PENNA., FRIDAY. APRIL 14. 1961 FRIENDS MEJ:TING NOTES' The F ·rst-day School. of Ran· I cocas Meeting will visit the Firstday School on Sunday. Guests attend regular classes. and adults · t he accompanying them ".wil I Join classes or attend the Forum. There will be a Meeting for Worship for fourth through sixth grades in the Rushmore Room at 11 a.m. in addition to the Meeting for Worship held regularl v in the Meeting 01 House at 11 a.m. The library has on display a fin. collection of books on Africa on loan by Dr. C. S. Whiteker. Jr These books can be seen in the lIbrary for a period of one month. April 14, 1961 I dowp to .each 10th grade 'Ci... thereafter. It provides tJie major means for earning money for clasa . The hIgh school class of 1963 activities such as the yearbook, will begin the Sixth Annual Ger- class parties, commencement ex• S a I e tod ay, A'I amum prl 14J t 0 penses. and a class reunion. I HIGH SCHOOL SOPHS OFFER GERANIUMS Will, S I ~ I ! S ! & ~~r=~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;~~~~~~I~ • 'HE OLIVER H. lAIR CO. -l' lICe. modatioJlL , \ ~, ,. PIULADILPHIA IUCIIUC CO-pt ..., , FLORIST i KI 3-0893 Flowers for All Occasions AI"Ice Barber G·fI Is 15 So. Chester Rood Klngswood 3-1900 , <1. , BEAT THE SUN Have Fun in Swim Suits and Vacation Clothes from Pre-teen and Junior 9 South Orange Street, Media, Pa. Open Friday" Nights until 9 .0 sa R SUnY'I~~~S~W~arl~~h~m~o~r~e~,p~a~'~~~II~~o;~~~~~~~~=;~~=;~~~~~~~~~~~~~I :~ OW · . ,. .,.b•. I Easllawn Cemelery ~ i, Fiction - Zdena Berger, me another morning; L. D. Clark. WIlliam Allen. How to raIse and comed into the Presbyterian The dove tree; Romain Gary. ~he trai,n pigeons; Nat~li~ Cabot, Y.oul Church recently include: talent scout; Rumer Godden. Chma can t count on dYIng; FrancOIse Mr. and Mrs . .John P. DeWaele. Court; Donald Honig. Walk like a I Choay, Le Corbusier; Arthur Mr. and Mrs. Loren V. Forman man; Hans H. Jahnn. The shiP;jDrOxler, Dudwig Mies van deriand Richard L. Forman, Mrs. N. B. Lamont. No wider than the Rohe; R. L. Duffus, The tower of Mark A. Heald, Mr. and Mrs. B. heart; Nancy Mitford, Don't tell, j~we1s; Char1e~ Dull, Modern phy- David Leslie, Jr.• Mrs. Orland RitJ~Jfred; R. K. Narayan, The man-/ ~ICS; .Ja?,es FItch,. Walter Grop- chie. Mr. and Mrs. Bartine A. eater of Malgudi; Hertha Pretor-1 1U5 ; Hohday, Ame~lcan panorama; Stoner, Jr., Mrs. Edward L. Watius. Tallien's children; Erich M. Robert Kane. Afllca A to Z; Ar- erman, and Mrs. Frederic WilRemarque. Heaven has no .favor- thur Koestler, The lotus and the: Iiams, all of Swarthmore; Mr. and ites; Ann Ritner," Seize a nettle; robot; Tsui.feng Lin, Secrets of !\Irs. George Hornaday and Mar. Emmanuel Royidis, Pope .Joa,,; Chinese cooking; Maud Park, garet Jane Hornaday of WallingLouis D. Rubin. The Golden weath- i Front door lobby; Georges Per· ford; and Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. er; Heinrich Schirmbeck. If thine; noud~ The French Revolution; Janson of Springfield. eve offend thee' Richard Yates HenrI Perruchot, Toulouse-Lau. • . ' . Ber-' tree,' F rances R ogers, 5000 years ,-~~~ Revolutionary Road; DaVld gamini, The fleet" in the windowj ,of glass; Jean RousseJot, HungarErskine Caldwell, Jenny bv nature; ia~ .rhapsody; George Slo:c ombe, Mary Ellen Beddow Gwen Davenport, The Wax Foun- WIlham the Conqueror; Morton dation; George Elliott. Among the' Yarmon, Invest smartly. I Daugs; William Haines, The winReference Van Nostrand's ter war, Hans Koningsberger, A Scientific Encyclopedia. walk with love and death; "Miss Read", Fresh from the country; KAPPA'S TO SEW Mare Nail, My door is always The Kappa Kappa Gamma sew-" open; Edzard Schaper. The dan- ing will be held on April 18 at the· 7 South Chester Road cing bear; }Vilfred Sheed. A mid- home of Mrs. William Thatcher at ' dIe class education; Lauren Stev- 1 21 College avenue. ens, The double axe; Kateb Yaeine, ii"!!'!!!!!'!!!""'!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!""''''''''''''''''"",~ ~~~Il.~~~~..~~~~~~R~~~~~~~~~~~.Q..~~~~.!l~_~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ .t, \ I ga~ T. Wherry, .Th~ fern &'1;'ide; I WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Tell, Ir~lDg Adler. Thmkmg m,,:chmes; New members who were wel- I HEDGEROW THEATRE I> 5 I "THE CONNECTION" ----- New Library Books Page I I SWEEN EY & CLYDE Dean Prentice A;tends Nationwide Conference Dean William C. H. Prentice The Annual Meeting of the of the college participated in Nether ProvideJ1ce Jl,Inior-Senior a nationwide Conference on OutBb,h School P.T.A. will be held at stending Students in Liberal Arts the N.P. High School auditorium, Colleges was held at Buck Hill Monday evening. The election of F~lls sterting March 26.. Along officers for the 1961-62 season will WIth educators from B.elolt and be beld. Harvard, Dean" PrentIce 5po~e The meetino: will open at 8 p.m. on steps taken at Swarthmore to promptly with the Senior High provide for the able student. Mixed Chorus of 65 voices under The purpose of the conference is the direction of Jean Houck and a to allow for the exchange of ideas string Quartet und"" the direction on the provision of the best posof Robert Bennett. sible facilities for the gifted stuThe Business Meeting will fol- dent in the nation's independent . ; arts colleges. Colleges replow at which time the officers for lIberal the Executive P.T.A .• and the Jun- resented have "been selected from ~or-Senlor High' P.T.A. will be a list of those not part of a larger elected. Booster ClUb elections will university with an enrollment of follow the meeting. under 2000. The $.Pooker for the ev-ening, Earlier last month Dean PrenBenton M. Spruance, professor of tice participated in a panel discusfine arts at Beaver "College, a sion at the Columbia conference on director of the division of graphic "The Summer School in Higher arts at the Philadelphia Museum Education." His topic was "What Art School, member of the City Academic-Year Faculties and StuArt Cotr.mission. He is a painter, dente Expect of Su_mmer Schools:' lithographer and educator. He will speak on "Prints in Progress." Mr. Educator Awarded Spruance will discuss prints in Summer Fellowship Nedjma. general, and will talk about their Mysteries Nigel Fitzgerald, use as -a cultural asset in schools. William M. Bush, principal of The candles are all q,ut;; Ed McMr. Spruance has received many the high school, has been selected Bain, See them die; Patricia Moyawards and prizes 85 a painter, the I to partici-pate in a unique intellec- es, Down among the dead men; latest of which is, the Edward tual experience at the Summer Georges Simenon, Maigret rents Stern Prize at the 1961 Exhibition Institutes in the Humanities spon- a room; Rupert Croft-Cooke, of the American Color Print .\locie- sored by the John Hay Fellows Thief; Lesley Egan, A case for t:r, now current at the Print Club, Program. A totel <>f 118 secondary appeal; Donald MacKenzie, Knife 1614 Latimer street, Philadelphia. school teachers and 60 school ad- Edge. Non-fiction - Richard C. Allen, ministrators have been awarded Kqrea's Syngman Rhee; Donald' fellowships. Man's Best . and Worst) Creigqton, The "story of Canada;: Friends .Considered Dr. :Charles "R. Keller, director David Daiches, A critical history of the John Hay Fellows Program. (Continued from Pal Fristimulating creative, imaginative, decade of fautasy and science ficday, March 24. when a quart beer contributions to American educa· tion; Anthony Richardson. one,', bottle was exploded with a loud tion. noise and brilliant flash in front man and Schery. Thehis lawndog; book;Robert James W. E. IT of the honse and other such reThompson, Algebra for the practimains of a beer party were thrown LTC Participates cal man; Arithmetic for the pracIn Yale Drama Festival tical man; Calculus for the practiagainst the bnilding's side. Council. at· the close of MonMembers of the college's Little cal man; Trigonometry for the day's session, went into executive Theatre Club traveled to New practical man; Jan Van den Berg, session to discuss the report and Haven recently to participate The chal'ging nature of man; Edrecommendations of its specially in Yale University's annual Drama a~pointed. Youth Advisory Como, F ..tival. Now in ite fifth year, the mlttee whIch Was tendered several festival featured productions by months ago after a long study of groups from 12 selected colleges A non-profit, mutual eniocal youth problems, and is ex- from March 24 to 26. terprise for the benefit of pected to be made public soon. The three categories of piny,. families residing in SwarthO~er m.atte:s handled at the pre sen ted were realism and more and neighboring com· AprIl meetIng Include: . naturalism; original plays; and ex- munities. For information . Gra~ting the request of Cornel- pressionism and theatricalism. The as to lots apply to lUS WIldman. owner of the I:'jtrath Swarthmore prodnction "Miss ALBERT N. GARREn Baven Inn. for a special meeting Julie" by Strindberg fa~ into the President and BUBin••• Mgr. to consider continuing the apart- first category, Isa;c Schambelan 228 Garrett Ave. KI 8-0489 ment-hotel.use of the I,;,n property· was the director. Beeky Adams ~IIIIIIWIIICllllllllllllrJIIIIIIIIIIIICI"'lIIlllIInIlIllIIllIlIDIllIIIlIUJlall"IIIIIJIIOIIIII1IIIIIInIlIIlIIIlIllCIIIIIIIIIIDUWIIlHU~ I THE SWARTHMORE .AN Wallingford P.T.A. To Hear Arts Professor continue through Friday. April 29., ~EWS NOTE Orders will be teken. door-to-door. Dr. and Mrs. Duncan G. Foster by the 10th grade students during of Crest lane will have a. brief thl's time. and the plants wl·il be .. VISit tomorrow with their son Dr. delivered to the home of each buy- John M. Foster of Needham ir on ..ay 9, the Tuesday preced- H . e .w. . elghts, Mass., as he returns from. ing Mother's Day. The geraniums Atlantic City. N ..J.• where he pI'&come in either red or pink. I .sented a paper before The FeciThe sale was started by the eration of American Societies for class of 1960 and bas been passed Experimental ·Bliology. Tuesday at 9 o'clock. The New Testament Study group meets at 10 LEIPER PRESBTIERIAN NOTES a.m. in the W.A. Room, the "CrossEstablished 1858 ~ roads" Study group at 44 MQrgan The Rev. Ernest L. Lilley. Jr.• ~ circle. interim minister, will preach at 29 East Fifth Street, Chester, Pa. The Session Meeting will be held the 11 o'clock service on Suntlay. Church School is held at 9:45 TRemont 4-6311 ~ at 7:30 p.m. in the W. A. Room. a.m. CIRCLE 11,Mrs. Lewis C. Hitch· SAMUEL D. CLYDE REAL ESTATE The Junior Choir will rehearse ner, chairman, will meet at 9:30 § 1872-1955 Ii! Wednesday at 7 p.m .• fe>liowed by The Junior High Girls' Choir and Wednesday in the W. A. Room. the Junior High Boys' Choir meet the Youth Choir at 7 :30. and the J. EDWARD CLYDE INSURANCE at 3:30 and 4:15 p.m. respectively. The following circles will meet Chancel Choir at 8 p.m. ~ SAMUEL D. CLYDE, JR. APPRAISALS The Senior High Choir rehearses at 10:30 on Wednesday: a t 5 p.m. Mrs. Paul Williams, chairman, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES dllllllUlIIllIIllIIlDUlIIlllllIIClIllllIIlIIlCllIIlllllIllUllIJIIllllIIUlllIIlIIllIIDlllliIlIulluDmlllllllcllIIlllIllIIUIIIJIIIII~ The Senior High Fellowship at the home of Mrs. George M. The oneness and supremacy of group will hold a supper meeting Ewing, 112 Columbia avenue; 2God will be emphasized at Chrisin the Hearth Room at 6:45. A film, !lfrs. Ray J. Shuba, chairman, at tian Science services this Sunday. "The Searchers," will be shown. the home of Mrs. James Curley, 15 Green Valley road, Wallingford; "Doctrine of Atonement" is the The College FellOWShip will meet d J 3 - Mrs. John S. McQua e, r., subject of the Lesson-Sermon. SATURDAY MATINEE The Golden Text is from the first at 212 Eim avenue at 7 p.m. chairman at the home of Mrs. Neal Communican ta' Classes are held Thurman, 628 Cedar lane; 4-Mrs. chapter of II .John: "He that abid"THE WONDERFUL TANG" at 4 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, am, Jeorge Patterson, chairman, at the eth in the doctrine of Christ, he Wednesdays. .lome of Mrs. Fred B. Dugan, 307 hath both the Father and the Son." From the Bible will be read t)Iis A combined meeting of the .'!arlyn lane, Wallingford; 5--Mrs. Christian Education Long Rang" Donald L. Hibbard, chairman, at verse from Psalm 143: "Teach Ole Planning and Christian EducatioJ the home of Mrs. Bruce Dutton, to do thy will; for thou art my Moylan - Rose Valley LO 6-2482 Committees and the Adult Educa 534 Bryn Mawr avenue; 7-Mrs. God; thy spirit is good; lead me tion sub-committee will be hele Charles Anderson, chairman, at Monday at 7:45 p.m. in the up the home of Mrs. Howard Sipler. into Anthe invitetion is extended to all _,... ._ _ land of uprightness!' ~tairs office lounge. The Deacons 120 Harvard avenue; to attend the services at First meeting will be held at 8 p.m. iI Church of Christ, Scientist. 206 the church office. 8-Mrs. Peter E. Told, chairman, Park avenue, at 11 o'clock. Morning Prayers are held eac} at the home of Mrs. George Sweet. 201 Garrett avenue; 9-Mrs. WilTHE PRICE? NEWS NOTES liam Laimbeer, chairman. at the CHURCH SERVICES Mr. and Mrs. G. Alexander Mills home of Mrs. R. W. Deacon, RiverWe conduct services to suit your budget view and Wellesley roads; 10- and family of Walnut lane recent• • • and all rec~iye the same meticuMrs. Samuel Althouse, chairman, ly spent a weekend· at Cape HatPRESBYTERIAN CHURCB lous aH_tion. D. Evor Roberts, Minister at the home of Mrs. William Dele- teras. N.C. Mr. and 1\I"s. I). Mace Gowing Robert O. Browpe, Assoc. Minlate, hanty, 200 Yale avenue. and Minister ofChri~tjRn Education At noon Wednesday, CIRCLE 12. of Parrish road 'll>tertained at a Mr•• J. B. M. Tyson chairman, will smali cocktail party at their home Sunday. April 16 9:15 A.M.-Morning Worship meet in the W. A. Room. At 8:15, on Saturday evening. DIIICTO.. O. fUNllALS 9:15 A.M.-Church School CIRCLE 13. Mr•. Forest Roark. Mr. and Mrs. Wiiliam E. Hetzel. 9:15 A.M.-Adult :Pisc,,!-ssion chairman, will meet at the home of Jr., of Thayer ,·oad entertained at 1820 CHISTNUT STREET 9:30 A.M.-Wo'!'ens .Blble Class Mrs. Kenneth Scott 221 Kenyon a dinner party on Saturday eveH. t.\II, - . . MAP:r A.IAII, ...~I'" 10:45 A.M.--Semor HIgh Group ' .. 11 :00 A.M.-Morning Worship avenue. CIRCLE 14, Mrs. Wilham ning for Mrs. Donald Grosset who TII.phonl lO 1-1111 11 :00 A.M.-Church School F. Porter. chairman. will meet at leaves shortly for a trip around 6:46 P.M.-Sr. :High Fellowship the home of Mrs. G. West CochTuesday, April 18 rane, 640 Riverview road. 9:08 A.M.-Morning Prayers and IMrs. William C. H. __ theMr.world. 10:00 A.M.-Now Te.tam.nt Stud, Choir rehearsais are held Thurs- Prentice of Walnut lane will .tWednesday, April 19 days at 3:30. 4. and 7:30 p.m. tend a play being held at George Women's Circle Day School this evening. Their daugh... . METHODIST NOTES ter Dorothy will. participate• METHODIST CHURCH M.lly Malone of Dartmouth aveThe Rev. .John C. Kulp. Minister On Saturday. at 8:15 a.m •• there nue bad as her guest over the MISSING OUT .James S. MacMain will be a special Breakfaet TrainMinister for Youth ing Meeting in Fellowship Hall for weekend Martha Ellen Woodman. ON FAMILY FUN Charles Schisler all Volunteer Visitors In prepara- daughter of Mr•. and Mrs. R. C. Miniflter of Mmale aECAUSE tio for the Every Member Visite- Woodman of Chappaqua. N.Y. The Saturday, April 15 girls attended a matinee perfornltion. 8:15 A.M.-Volunteers' Breakfast YOU'RE· TIED TO Sunday, April 16 Mr. Kulp will give the message ance of "Peter Pan" by the WalTHE DISHPAN? 8:80 A.M.-Mr. Kulp will preaeh at the 8:30 and 11 a.m. services lingford Arts Center drama group 9:46 A.M.-Church School Classes Sunday. His subject will be "Faith during the weekend. I 11:00 A.M.-~~. Kulp will preach in Action." Immediately following Mrs. Francis Plowman of North , 12:15 P.M.-VISItOrs' Luncheon h . Swarthmmore avenue entertained ~."":t" '1:00 P.M.-Jr.-Sr. Bigh Fellow- tell a.m. sel"Vlce a buffet lunch- the .Junior Providence Garden Come out or the kitchen ship eon will be served. All volunteer Monday, April 1'1 visitors are requested to attend. Clul} at her home on Wedpesday. after dinner ••• Just load 8 :00 P .M. -Men 's "L d' s N'II'ht" Mr. and Mrs. W. Aifred Smith, ale The .Junior and Senior High the dishwasher and forget Fellowships will meet for their with their daughter Beverly of i TBE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY the dishes, They are • regulsr Sunday evening meetings Amherst avenue, spent the weekOF FRIF.Nn ~ •• " end with their sons-In-law and washed, rinsed, and dried, Friday, April at.7 p,?" The Se~or ~igh ~ellow- daughters Mr. and Mrs. William 8:00P.M.-S'ides 01 .Jonan, Bong shIp wIll be led In a diSCUSSIon by E. Gorman and children of Groveand the dishwasher shnts Kong, Cambodia, Hawaii Fred Hoover on the topic "Did God land, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard off autolJ!atica1Iy. Hands Snnday, April 16 Create the World Through the 9:45 A.M.-First-day school Method of Evolntion'" Banian of Quincy, Mas•. En route never touch water-never 9:45 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. the Smiths stopped at Rye. N.Y.• .get water· reddened. All are welcome. On Monday. at 8 p.m., the Meth- where they attended the ThlH'Sday 11:00 A.M.-M e.t.ing for Worship. odist Men will hold a Ladies Night night servieos at the Presbyterian All are welcome. in the Social Hall Church where former SwarthmorMonday, April 1'1 All-day sewing for APSe The Dorcas Circle will meet at ean Mr. Joseph E. Bishop is the Wednesday, April 19 the home of Mrs. Arnold Rawson, minister. All-day sewing for AJ'Se 212 Copples lane, Wallingford, on Mr. and Mrs. George L. Woelfel LEIPER PRESBYTERIAN Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. of College avenue had as guests ,• CHURCH Wednesday. the Carol Choir will over the weekend Miss Nancy 900 Fairview Road meet at 4 p.m. and the Wesleyan Baker of Plainfield. N.J., and Lt. Sunday, April 16 Choir at 4:30 p.m. and Mrs. Ralph Bethel of Fort 11:46 A.M.-Church School On Wednesday at 8 p.m. tbe Dix, N.J. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship Commission on Stewardship and _ _ _ _ _ _ __ FIRST CHURCH OF Finance will meet. ALUMNAE TO MEET CHRIST SCIENTIST The Ladies' Bible Clnss will The Greater Delaware Valley Park Av.nne bp1n_ "R'qrvard meet on Thursday at 12:80 p.m. Alumnae Chapter of Mar,. WashSunda),. April 16 for ite regular ineeting and cov'. Choose your avlomctic .I.ctric 11:00 A.M.-Sunday S.hool ered dish luncheon. The hostess ingtop College of the University of 11:1111 A.M.-The Le••nn - Samum " ditlrwarbor at vaar .r.dr/cOl Virginia, Fredericksburg. will hold will be "Doetrine of Atonement." will be Mrs. Augustus Nicholae. 84 ",",er. or .." 16/1aHl,.,. ite spring IlIncheon tomorrow at W"neoday evening meeting each South Linden avenlle, Aldan. Sad.k .......... , _k. 8 P.M., Reading Room, 409 . On Thursday. the Chapel Choir 1 p.m. at the Wild GoOse. Mrs. William. LamBson. LO 6Dartmouth Avenue. ..,..", - " - will meet at 7 p m. and the CbaII..,. aeept bolldays, 10-6; I'riJ eel Choir at 8 ;,... 8088. II ia ch...... of travelql ,~. PRESBYTERIAN NOTES Morning Worship and Church School are heid at 9:15 Sunday mornings. The Adult Discussion group meets at 9:15, the Women's Bible · h class at 9:30, and the Senior H Ig Discussion group at 10:45. April 14, 1961 \ and to :evl J. plans beIng drafted/ playedand the part of Julie; RonChrist. by archItect Roy Carroll. former .Jean' Barhara Ayerst member ~f Council. W:ildman'~ I~t-I Rick; Feingold was stag; manater ~ontaIned no. detads of .blB 1n- ger. Barbara Pearson Lange, ditentlOns but agaIn an inqUIry the rector of dramatics accompanied next day. discl~se~ ~ildmal> had. the grouP. ' accepted the InVlbatlOn of the Studente from colleges aud uniSwarthmore Property Owpers As- versities all over the country will sociation to attend lte hoard meet- be present at the festival to view ing on .April 8 and at that time and discus. the plays presented had IndIcated a new structure con- and to consider the general probtaining apartmente and approxi- lems of college theatrical produemately 200 rooms for transiente is tiORB. contemplated after the old Inn is demolished. APPOINTED DIRECTOR A proposed ordinance which John L. Eavenson,' son of Mrs. would require property owners to trim or remove trees at their ex- Alben T. Eavenson II, of South pense when recommended by the Chester road. has been appointed Borough, was presented and then director of business lines sale:::; discarded when Highway Commit- with headquarters in the Liberty tee Chairman Barry Wood and Fi- Mutual Insurance Company's Bosnance Chairman Robert Wilson ob- ton home office. Be was formerly jected to foisting these costs upon district sales manager in New York. the individual taxpa),er. The Recreation .,.ssociation's request for $550 toward ite sumAFRICAN VIOLET EXHIBIT mer program for borongh youngThe African Violet Soeiety of sters. was granted. Advertising for Springfield will hold ite annual bids for resurfacing 10,000 square African Violet Exhibition on Satfeet of borough streets wae auth- IIrday, April 22. from 10 a.m. to orized. i8 p.m. in the Townahip Building. K. Griffin. having obtained hll Powell road between 'Springfield neighbor's appro-.al of the projeet, road and .Woodland a_ue (Rte. waa granted permilaloD,. to coil- 411). ilhud a patio at Ida ll_.. 401% 1ft" : iii I. .., ,<. ·.c I . .. ;;.~;:;:; ·r..;;=;;;;;~.". S; • II - ", _ _ . . AT LAST! Now that spring is well on the way, outdoor activities are sharpening eve rybody's appetite. Be prepared to satisfy the hungriest members of your family with top quality foods from the CO-OP WEEKEND SPECIAL: Swift's Premium Rib Roast of Beef . . 'For better fooel and better service at the best· price, shop at- The 401 Dartmouth Avenue FOOD MARKET 'J April 14, 1961 THE SWARTHMORE AN Page 6 Tuesday nights at 8 o'cloek In the LBOAL NOTICB UNDERTAKES HONORS WORK LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Springfield Choral Group h S · PuraulUlt to Act No. Itl of 1.1, noU.ce · I voca, musIc room at t e prmg- .. hereb1 S'fen thAt UDder tile ProYlalaDl Rosemary Cox. the daughter of Seeks New Members field Senior High School. of .ald. Act every Telldent or lDhabltaal Dr. and Mrs. Reavis Cox. Walnut Th, opinWna ."..••i.d below Membership in the group is not of the S••rtb.more-RuUedse UDloD 8chool • ..... 1 DIst.r1ct upon atta1n1na the age 01 21 7,&n, tM individWlI writThe recently organized Spri"glane. I·S one of nearly 70 seniors "'" tho•• d I .... AU "'tter. to Th. SUlart",. ~. Id Ch I G h· h m de limite to residents of SpriDft£le d. and enr,. persOD 21 reara of ..e or oyer at Mount Holyoke College who are morean must b. MII,..d. P• ..,oo- de ora roup. w IC a Present membership includes sing- becoming & R.ldeDl or lDhaDl&aDt 01 U1W undertaking honors work. Rllm"" mall bl used if tM write.. its first public appearance here in era from Aldan . school clbkld shan wlth1A f.w.ln moa.&ba ru, thereafter DOW, Annlor Ed••ret B. To begi~ honors work. a student .. /mown to th. Editor. I..tter. December with a program of Media, .Morton, and , Upper Darby. MUrun, tl' Drew Avenue. a••rthD1ore. muat have 60 hours of B or better will be pullli3h.d onlll at th. duChristmas songs, is seeking new More details may be bad from penDSJ'l'fanla. of hII becomlDr Of . , . or ....tion of th. EditM. members. • becomlng a re.ldent or lDhabUct of &h1a by the beginning of senior year, Thomas E. Kraemer. director of either Mr. Kraemer at KI 8-1470 scbool dlStricC. ADy person ft.Wb.8' to lin or Mrs. Frank Avery, secretary, sald Aaaeasor the aforeaald noWlcatloCl S k "M·lk" S rt where upon she takes up a project of independent research under the ee S I uppo the group, announced plans for t ".' 4-0590 shall be subject to the penalty aet fonh lD sald Ad. To the Editor: expansion. Be said that all types of a ~. 8upervision of a faculty advisor. ¥ARION H. CAMPBELL, who 's rna 'oring in I Everyone has a pet economy. voices-both men's and women's-Secretary Rosem~ry.. I . Jet th One of mine happens to be buying. are needed. No auditions are reMr. and Mrs. CharleS G. ThatehEnglish • IS dOJDg on A e milk in half-gallon cartons at t h · J a proJe h Swift e, qUlred· of apphcants. er 0 f 0 g d en avenue. Mr. and Mrs. pseudonyms of hona~da~ d d· St local super market. I have saved The choral group, which was W. Mark Bittle of Rutgers avenue. lUDpwood 3-1_ a sophomore s e dl JD epim en . . I ' . . venture·'an d Mr. and Mrs. H arry L • M·II . r h d ed a good bIt of money thiS way. organized as a commumty I er study m E~lgl.'s • an h WIasfnamh was therefore disturbed to read in' in group singing for cultural and \ of Wallingford are spending seva Sarah WI lston . · . t h e P oconos. Asbea and Rubbish Removed d ' BC 0 ar hi or ert this week's IhquJrer, that t h e recreational purposes, meets on era I d ays In exc~l1ent aca ernie ac evemen State Milk Control Commission' - - - - - - - - . ' - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - .....WIUI Mowed. General HaUIIDI dUrlng fre~hman and sophomore I hopes to set a three cent hillher Z38 IIardbqr Ave. MOI'too, pa. years. She IS secretary of the Out- I . 'lk I'n paper containers . d · · d t f the prlce on ml mg Club •. an fVlFce:Phresl hen 0 as against milk in half-gallon jugs. PERSONAL FOR RENT _ _ I.D"'","I"""I"'IIIICllllnl"'~ Fellowshlp 0 alt s, t e c a m p u s . th t - --. . .. I The artIcle goes on to say. a PERSONAL _ China painting 'Ii'7\D 9~~ floor religIOUS organization. . earlier. 11 dealers had appealed class for beginners. TRemont 2- •. ~ •• ""'... T .~~U the commission's ruling, and a 3892 after 6 . . _ "b;"th' EXPERT PIANO TUNINO hearing is scheduled in Common- PFiRSONA!'. ~ urn.t,;,re reflnlsh- ". 70" or:O;;;;lTii:i;'.• :80. wealth Court. Harrisburg. on April,Imoderate mg. repa,,!ng. workand at FqR. REN ~~~~;:::~~~~~:I an d REPAIRING prJces -Quahty. antIques r :;;- '!' 47 Years of Experience with 21. . , . . modern. Call Mr. Spanier, KIngs-g~.liv ~g_ ......."',..:.- two INTERIOR & EXlERIOR All Mak.. In the Aprll Read~r s Dllf.est. m wood 4-4888. Klngswood 3-2198. ti!e. kitchen. la!ge A L. PARKER LOwell 6,3555 BI"Bow to Cut Your MIlk Bdl ,con-IPEKiSONAL _ (;al'pentry Joobing, dmmg area. Near transportatIon. • necticut women courageously help$100. LOwell- 6-1870.'--,-.,.-,_ Free Estimates recrea t·Ion roo m s, book cases,. -Adults. ~-~ ed to bring the milk in that state, porches. L. J. Donnelly. Klngswood FOR ~ENT - June 1, completely 4.3781 furmshed second floor apartto 79 cents f or t wo h aIf- . . ment. four rooms and bath. Pri- 9 KI d 3 8761 QUALITY PAINTINC down gallons (in paper cartons) from PliiR~ONA~ - 1'Ian.o .tunlng spec- vate entrance. 313 Dartmouth ave- ~ ngswooInterior end Exterfor the super market. They also had alp.lahstT· mbm~~ repaGlll.nldg • Lmember nue, KIngswood 3·2080. :: . . lano ec mClans U l . eaman. 'Ul.OR RENT H- '!...~d7.~.~.- iauuiI.anruMnDnmCTIIIIIIIIIIICllllllllllllanlllllllllU' State Milk Control CommIssIon. Klngswood 3-5755. r ouse a JOIDlng ...Steam Wallpaper Removal t h · · . . Swarthmore. Four bedrooms. two If~~~~~~:;::::~~~ b There must e some mg we can PERSONAL - Blcyc.es RepaJred. baths $125 Beginning June 16 ROCCO P. TARABORRELLI do. Doesn!t this sound like price' . Parts. accessories. Milt Glass Call • KIngsWood 3-6769 after i Klng.wood 4-5238 fixing. or maybe I am way out BIcycle. H~bby. Toy Shop. ~06-7 ~o~·c~lo~c:!!k~F~r~id~a!!y!:.:.~=--=_=-c-'"7._ ~"""I r b I Any helpful or inter- Ea:rt BaltJm~re Avenue. Chft!,n FOR RENT - Media. First floor • on a 1m . ,Belghts. MAdIson 6·0713. OPPOSlt'l rt t L I· . Jewelry Repaired Ph. KI 3-4216 ested Swarthmoreans can t we ~ CI·ft Th t apa men. arge IVIng room, ? • • I I on ea er. two bedrooms. tile bath, porch and •••••• I.0oI band together. If It affects us ad-I PEKSUNAL - ~'urniture ref!n- garage. Adults $90. Near transWATCHMAKER versely, think of what it does to ished. repaired and upholstered. portation. LOwell 6-1870. Formerl,. or F. C. Bode and _ those on relief. I wonder what will, slip covers, draperies a.nd rugs. FOR RENT - Furnished apart:. CUSTO., iliSTALLATIOI' ., FIne Watch and 128 Yale Ave. happen to the price of dried milk? ~mplete decoratJ'!R' se,;",ce. Qual- . ment. one room. kitchenette and .' . Ity work at bargam prices. Please hath both tub and stall shower. alock Repairs Swarthmore. Pa. A Questlomng Swarthmorean cali LOwell 6-3031 or KlnR'swood Private entrance. Call Klngswood KIngswood 4-0247 3-7282 for free es~imate. Garrett 3-ll33. . House. PARK AVE" SWARTHIIIORE FOR SALE PERSONAL Roofing. spouting. Woman's Club Notes S'ALE Evening gowns. Khigswood 4-2727 gutters. Recreation rooms a spec. F'OR sizes 7 9 13. $1. each, for On Thursday at 8 p.m., Mrs. W. ity. Ray J. Foster. GLobe 9-2718. quick clearance. Also girl's Orpaca Mal'k Bittle, chairman of the trav- PERSONAL·- Fancy sandwiches coat. size 10, bargain if bought 2507 Chestnut St" Chester el· department, will pI'esent S. W. for- club, parties, weddings. I!~s now for fall. Shoes (white hucks. Johnson. who will show slides of D'Oeuvre a specialty. Phone EL- other fiats and heels). 6'1.1 and 7 gin 6-5621. medium, 50 cents a pair. Call TRemont 2-5373 Norway. Sweden. and Denmark. PERSONAL _ UPHOLSTER- Kilngswood 3-1808:~.......-."""...........-.. ....u .... HanlDJ Can Mrs. Harold G. Griffin will be ING. THOM SEREMBA. Over POR SALE - Single Maple hed. Gutten Aled. Benllo, CbrOblCli presented by Florence Lucasse, . 35 years' experience. Reasonable Warm-Air He&ting complete. Desk and chest of CODYalescen' Men and Womell chairman of the literature 'depart- prices. Cushi!>ns refilled. $6. C\lair drawers. Call KIngswood 3-7062. Jb;eelle.' W:'" • Spael.... 0 ........ Air Conditioning . . f "J I t bott om4 re-webbed. $8. up. S~IP Dlul Cro.. P.auond ment, In a review 0 ourney n 0 aOVERS custom fitted in your F'OR SALE =·100 feet of rustic fence. Will make safe and suit. Sheet Metal Work Summer" by Edwin W. Teale, on fabric, or from our samples. Phone able SADIE PIPPIN TURNER. Proprtelor enclosure to small children. Frtday, April 21 at 10 a.m. for free e~timate. LUdlow 6-7~92. Klngswood 3-2363.~._ _ _~_ _ Paintings to be shown in the Ten years of Swarthmore re... er- FOR SALE":'-Daven.port in ex· E x h·b·t S prmg cellent condition. 931 Harvard I I mus t .be .b rought . ences. PERSONAL _ Grandmother's . BOX 48 avenue, phone Klngswood 8-2658. to the club Saturday. April 22. beMending Service frees mother for tween 3 and 6 p.m .• so that they relaxing family fun. Prompt. rea- FOR SALE - Springtime. birds CLobo 9-3358 and flowers I You will have to may be hung in time for the ex- Bonable. Klngswood 3-5177. work to get the flowers, but the hibit during 'the following week. WAITED birds will work for you if you get WANTED-To buy books. stamps. them a house. a bath or a feeder. Photographic Supplie~ REQUEST FOR BIDS coins and old post cards. Call The S.Crothers. Jrs .• 486 Plush Sealed bids will be received by the Mr. Martin, Klngswood 3-4227. Mill road. Wallingford. LOwell 6srATE '" MONROE STS. Borough of Swarthmore in Council Cha.m- WANTED Mother's helper care 46~6~1~.__,",",-,;;-_-,;:-;_="",,,,,,,,,, MEDIA ber, 121 Park Avenue, swar;thmore. P&.. of children after school~ also FOR SALE Bed, practically on !.fay S. 1961. at '1:3Ct P.M. Eastern Day- woman for light housework. Call new, bookcase headboard. LOwlight Saving Time. for surface 'treaUDg Klngswood 3-9327 evenings. . ell 6-5817. LOwell 6-2176 apprOI.lmately 10.ooD square -l'anis of Bor~~~~,",,--=-.,.-.--.:--,­ OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS ougb street.s to be deSignated by the Bor- WANTED Practical NUl'se de- F'OR SALE - Piano, mahogany ough Wghway Committee in form as folsires private duty. References. spinet. Seven months old. Best low.: Call TRemont 4-2425. offer. LOwell 6-4836. _~ ___ p!IIIIInIUCIIUIHIIUIDnnnWllCIIWmUlIf1IMIIIHWl nll,= l:Furnlablng. applying and rotuns apWAN TED _ Housecleaning.. FOR SALE - Girl's spring coat, prozlma.tely 10 tons of bituminous FI . d l . Ca 11 a concrete. cleanillg areas to be treat.. oors, Win ows, yard. O Any kind teen 1 ,i exce ent con d·ItlOn. CRESSON PRICHARD i ed, fumLshtng and applyillg asphalt desired by three young men. KlIngswood 3-2039. § binder and ful'Dlsh1ng spreadillg and Drivers license. William, Malcolm FOR SALE _ Suction-cup deluxe WFIL Radl. - 114& A.III. , rolling c·ru.ahed rock.· and Tim Smith. TRemont 4-5494.. Luggage Carrier for top of car l 2. Furul,blDgth. ma""'" aud per· WANTED _ Bahy·sitter for fam- used once, Cost $24. will sell for Chana,1 6-WFIL-TV-II 15 A.III. forming the above work with the ily going to Buck Hill August 1 $15. incluaing tarpaulin.. 502 Yale NOTARY PUBLIC § ezcepUon of the asphalt blDder. h h L b D E KI d 3 "056 3. Furnishing and .pplylDg approzl-t I'oug a or ay. xperienee avenue. ngswoo\1~~j;~~lr~~~·.g~~~:'-'~'dJ ma"', 3300 ....... of a.phalt bin- with new baby and in driving help- FOR SALE 900 Michigan Avenue der. fu1. Call KInltswood 4-2927. gaod condition. $10. ELNWOOD 4. Allowance for deficiency of c;rusbed WANTED - Day's work cleaning 3g-6~2~49~ . .,-;-=_--,,,.....,.._-.,.__--; Swarthmore rock. or ironing. TUEsday or Wednes- FOR SALE _ Custom stone and All ma.terlats and work shall be in ae- day. Swarthmore references. Call stucco Cape Cod. Four bedrooms, cordance with SpeClflCflUons, a copy of evenings TRemont 2_-3~.~,,-___ tw b th which may be secured from the under_. 0 a s,..05 x 206 f 0 ot lot WI·th .'gned. FOR RENT trees. Quiet street. Owner. KIngs'Ibe Borough reserves the right to waive wood 3-8781:..._~~....",....,,--=__ 1IIImHlnnllllllllliliDlIIII:lnmamllnmnJ aD, fDfo,m"'U.s In the bIds receIVed: F'OR RENT Beautiful quiet FORSALE-16 ineh Delta Hometo reject ani' or aU bids, 1.0 award the . surroundings, first floor duplex craft Scroll Saw, complete with Eatabluihed 10~ portions described In Items 2 and 3 to apartment. Large living room with stand and % h.p. motor. Practi .. different contractors. to award the con~ fireplace, master bedroom, smaller caly new. Call KIngswood 4-4919 .. ~uiot, _ u i @urriJanclJDp W1tb trac1 only to &hose experienced lD this bedroom,.1ar~e sunnv. dining room, claS& of work. and to the bidder whose 'all electriC kItchen. Tde bath. GarLOST EseeJJent 24-Bour N........ care proposal Is deemed to be mo.s1 advDn- age. Near transportation. adults ESTABLISHED 18n tageous to the pubUc _iIlt.erest. $145. LOwell 6-1870. • LOST - Easter Sunday, gold pen.. A cert.1fled check tri the sum of $100.00 dant earring with three small Klngswood 3-0272 "SPOUTIN6 °ROOFIN6 must accompany the bid of each contr.cpearls. If fonnd, pleBSe phone tor and the person or finn to whom any ~~"~I~sa~W~I~t~l~n~t~h~p~s~w~a~r~t~h~m~,,~re~a~n~.'~·~~K~Ingswood a-8318=. ·SIDIN6 "6UTTERS cont1'8ct is awarded must execute an =:~~~~~i. agreement and furn18h bQDds as reQ.ulred· : "," by law, the form of which ma.y be exam· , lDed In the Office of the underalgned. SWARTHMORE RUTH A. B. TOWNSEND. 2t-t-21 Borough Secretary KI 3.Q635 or KI 4-022. 0' I WILLIAM BROOIS CLAS SI FIE 0 ADS .~~~. o·cl~ck.. I .a'!i.~ .~~~ -:;;.;;: Jack Prichard PA I N TIN G EMIL SPIES H.' D. CHURCH a Belvedere Convalescent Home ROOFING IGeorge.Myers and Co. Picture Framing ROGER RUSSELL HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS REALTOR I Convalescent Home KI 3-1112 PaBon Roofing Co. SWARTHMORE Quality work with quality materials LET US REBUILD YOUR PORTABLE , TYPEWRITER ONLY ~18'OO Fr.. : P1c:lup Estimate - 0.1;'. - S.artll..... Typewriter Service ..."""!-1'.,.. aft., SWARTHMORE. PENNSYLVANIA NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT pursuant to Section 68'1 of the "Public School Code I...... the p,"posed budget 'or tho Swa11hmo, ..RuU.d •• UDInD SCbOOI' Dlstrlcl for the school ,.ear July IDSI to July 111162 wUl be avallable for public 10apecUon at tho Colle.. A,.Due Bchool 1 BuUdIng office of the Swar1hmoreaRu\ledge i II UmoD Schoo' Dlatrlct 'rom Apru .. \0 May n, 1981 between the bours of • a.m. and' 4 p.m.; after which Ume at a mee\10g of the Board. of Scbool Directors of the SWarthmore-RuUedge Unlon School niatrlct. after further coae;lderatloD. tlte Dna! budget of tile s ...ar1b.more--RuUedp ODioD Scheol Dlatrlct w1l1 be adopt.ecl. KARION H. CAMPBELL, "11111_.'" Mr. tWoooo - KI ~, 3\-'-14 d * 536 WESTMINSTER AVENUE LEGAL NOTICE SWARTHMORE-RUTLEDGE UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT 0' ......1U7 Colonial briek single. charming living room with brick fireplace. d·· th ree twOIn-sized bed rooms. study. ceramic tile bath. Inlng room. Icrge fabulou. new "Quaker-Maid" kitchen with eye-level range. stainless steel s·n'I K WI·th d-IsposaII perneled •In ma_tch·'"9 AI· pmel white birch, pine.paneled recreation room, powder room, 9 a rage l,ctio lot 70 by 112- attractively Icndscoped fenced 1 . . I" Recen y decorated, Close to .chools. Reduced_ Priced in the Jow 20's. You must see it to appreciate it • wnTER d. LEWiCII, ReaHor HU 5-0701 Eves. and Su"day KI 3-8452 ~~~,.~..~~~'--~--~~~ Edward G. Chipman and Son General Contractor BUILDERS 'Since 1920' TILE FLOORS, PLASTII TIU FORMICI COUNTER TOPS RoorlND alld SID liD CUSTOIII KITCHEIIS aDDITIONS - ALlERUlal. Fr.. Estl.at" ' 1401 Ridley Avenue Chester. Pa, Tt.mont 2-4759 TRemc.nt 2-5689 THE SWARTHMORE AN April 14, 1961 ' H. S.· Baseballers Start '61 Campaign CUB PACK 432 Trinity Choir to Present . Evensong, Recital Sunclay MEETS TONIGHT The Choir of Men and Boys of Cub Scout Pack 4<12 will hold its A large and enthusiastic squad of would-be diamond sters have Trinity Church will present a spe- April meeting tonight at 7 p.m. turned out for the high school cial program of music this Sunday at the Methodist Church." The baseball team, under the direction evening at 8 p.m. Under the direc- theme of the session will be railof coaches Millard Robinson and tion of Robert Smart. organist and roading a.nd the individual dens Walter Pietryka. The squad has choirmaster. the choir will sing been going through drills since ear-l anthems by Ta1Jis. Terry. Vaughan will. present appropriate theme Iy March. sidestepping near-freez- Williams. Johann Michael Bach. skits. Two films on railroading ing weather. rain puddles end the and others. will also be shown. Cubmaster Francis Bouda will usual March gusts. In addition. the eantata "Tlie Many new faces will be seen In Seven Words from the Cross." by be in charge and awards to cubs the line-up to replace such "50" Heinrich Schutz. will be sung. 'l'he for echievements earned in the sters as cateher and hustler Bill program will conclude with Henry past month will be presented by Fuoss, hitters Doug Roberts, Bob Purcell's verse anthem, "0 sing Awards Chairman, James Dye. Dawes. and Burke Jackson who unto the Lord." to be performed all hit over .350 for the season. in its entirety. Leading pitcher of last y.....·s tellm Soloists or members of solo The car of Jessie Turney, Milthat finished second In the leelrUB, groups will be James Crittenden. mont Park, wes towed from its Ron Herbster. did not report for Richard Daniel. John Jubin. Thompacking plant in front of the the team. desiring to spend more as Keller. Ronald Wrege. and Jontime on basketball of which team ethan Zulick. The regular soloists Methodist Church Friday night afhe was captain this past seaSOD. of the choir, Edward George, tenor, ter a vehicle driven by Graham But in spite of the losses there and William McCracken. hass. will M. Patterson of Dartmouth aveare several returnees that should also have solo roles. as will Frank nue, struck it in the rear, according to police. Police said Patprovide the nucleus of a good club Henzel, guest tenor. wrson was emerging from a drivewith plenty of desire to win. CapOther members of the choir are tain Buteh Bofmann is a real Clark Davis. John Bliss Fine. Rob- way at 124 Park avenue. attemptleader and if he has anythin&, to ert Hay. Roland Heisler. David ing a left turn to go west on Park say about the season the Garnet Rial, Peter Salom, and Peter when he lost control. The Turney will be the cbampions. His pres- Wrege, 8opranos; Paul Donovan car was on the north side of the ence is sure to be felt as he will and Stephen Hollis. altos; Douglas street, facing west. The accident shoulder the main pitching respon- Wrege, tenor, and Ralph Hall, occurred at 8:19 p.m. sibilities. Other returning letter- C. S. Keller, and William Watkins. oAt 3:43 Saturday afternoon the men are: Billy Alston at center- basses. Fire Company responded to a large field and pitching. Mal Anthony f;eld fire at Baltimore pike and Mr. Smart will be at the organ at third and also pitching, and Swarthmore avenue. Fred Braund. a potentially very for this service, to which the pubAt 4:29 p.m. Saturday James good hitter with pitchijlg possibili- lic is cordially invited. Bridge, 85, sustained lacerations ties. of the left eye and face when the ATTENDS CONVENTION Other seniors who should see car in which he was riding and first team action are: Ralph Klet'Mrs. F. Harry Bewley of Park driven by his daughter, Marian zien, a real scrapper as a catcher; avenue is attending the National Bridge. jumped the sidewalk and Russ Hoge at second and Dave Convention of the Daughters of knocked over a sign Rutgers Filler in right field. Juniors out Founders and Patriots of America avenue opposite the Old Bank to make their mark are Roger being held in Washington. D.C. Building; The Bridges live in ChesAnthony at shortstop. Dick Camp- this weekend. She will be installed ter. The man's injuries wert} subell at first and Terry Innis in the nationally as the vice-president of tured at the Swarthmore Medical outfield who looks like a Bure the Pennsylvania Chapter of this Center. Chester road and Yale avesterter. Steve Brabeok and George organization. nue. Glaesser in the outfield along with ·Mrs.. Bewley. as regent of the A College avenue you~h paid $5 F·rank Knowles and Ted Knlik; Delaware County Chapter of the and costa for having an Illegal Chip Paul and George Hamilton, Daughters of the American Revomuffler on his automohile. eandidates at second and outfield and avenue Mrs. John H. Pitman I respectively; pitchers David Sten- lution. of Vassar 8S a working 1j ley and Wilson Buckley. who has delegate. will attend the D.A.R. SENIOR GIRL scq\IT . shown great improvement. Congress which opens Monday and Sophomore. trying. out are.Bon eontlnues thrOUgh the week. Erskine. Jeff' Hall. Vinney Car12:30 P.M. Trinity Chur.h :roll. Jim Hunter'. Lommie Mayer. WIN AT BRIDGE nchts $1.00 Call 1(1 3·J5I4. I(J 3-'&51 Rick ·Filler. Carl Paddison. Billy Benefit Troop 331 European Trip Top scorers at the Crum Creek Speneer. Allan Torrel(. end BiU Vint. Bruce Marshall is acting Bridge Cluh Tuesday evening 'Were m!lnager of the team. Capt. Corben C. Shute and Leslie WOMAN'S CLUB' The opening game of the season .Luckie. Runners-up were Mrs. Ted ANNUAL PLANT SALE was lost to Chester. 5 to 1. on Saulnier and Mrs. Walter ShoeTUESDAY. APRIL 18 the winners' field in excellent foot- maker. at the Clubhouse ball weather. Bofmann and AnThe next meeting will be on I 18 Park Avenue. thony shared the mound chores Tuesday evening. April 25. Sponsored by Garden Dept. and did well except for the unfortunate fourth inning when the REPUBLICAN WOMEN MEET winners scored 4 unearned runs. In the league opener at Collingdale The Executive Committee of the N.P. Jr.·Sr. High School the Garnet lost 2 to 1 to last year's Swarthmore Repuhlican Council of PTA CARD PARTY Women met at the home of Mrs. APRIL 28t"n.: 8 00 PM champions. Captain Hofmann .Paul B. Banka of Harvard avenue N p H h pitched good ball and dropped the _ _ ig Sc h00I decision on unearned runs as er... on Monday. TICKETS $1.00 rors afield proved costly. Hits by ---------Refreshmenis Bring cards Terry Innis and Mal Anthony f,ea- 1 saw it in The Swarthmorean. tured the Garnet attack hut did -.:..~__ ~;;:;~~:::;~;;:;::::;:==~;:=;::;;;=~~~=;~~==~ 1"'15' ct 't' -u JC ....... til not produce enough runs to gain .~ '-II - Police and Fire News FIRST AID COURSE' TO BEGIN TUESDAY Red Cross First Aid Classes for townspeople and college studeDts will begin Tuesday night under the direction of Virginia Rath. Classes from 7 :30 to 9 :80 p.m. will be conducted each Tuesday night in the Hall Gym on the earnpus through May 16. Text books will be available. THURS~~~~~~,~~ii,· 'i9~; I a victory. Monday's scheduled game with Clifton was postponed until April 18. which will be the home opener for Swarthmore. Y;esterday the team traveled to Yeadon for the second league encounter. ~ HOW DO Y0 U BUY CARPET? 12 Wh'IC h f'b . b , I )0. I re IS est. ELEMENTARY PUPILS HEAR CAROLYN HAYWOOD Carolyn Haywood. author and l.. illustrator of children's books, ,.., spoke to all the elementary school pupils in two different assemblies ~ on Friday. By a show of hands ,.., from the audience many had read some of the ULittle Eddie" and ~~-;~:~d. books written by Miss ( ' j REAL ESTATE ASSESSED VALUATIONS TAXABLE $7,930,890 COMBINED STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND FUNDS DECEMBER 31. 1960 ASSETS CUrrent ASlct.a: Caah 10 Bao1r: ........••..• , ..•.... '" .•....••.•••.•..• '" ••••....••...• $: 31.'17.11 U. 8. Government Investment. (Cost) ................ : ............... . 39.lll.N Accounts Receivable: CUrrent. and Returned 'rUes ...................................... . I Aaacssment.e and Liena ...................................•......... 'Sewer R-entala ... .._ .. _.. _.. _........ _.......................... . Deferred Charges to Future OperaUonll: Amount to be Provided to Pay BODdI; ................................ . Amount. to be Prodded to Pay Intereal .............................. . Amount. Required for Matured Coupons ............................. . 2,H4.20 60:&.110 If4.000.00 11,330.00 .Ol . LIABILITIES. RESERVES AND SURPLUS Bonded Debt Requirements: Sertal Bonds ... . ..................................... _..... _.. __ ~. In.terest Payable in Future Yeara ..................................... . Due to Paying Agent. ................................................. . Reserves: Accounts Receivable ......... '" ....................................... . Surplus AnJ~able tor Appropriation ...................................... . $1,".000.00 11,330.00 .Ol '1,'"-8.1' "',320."5 $241),105.68 COMBINED STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENT~ YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31. 1960 Balance. January I, 1160 LIcenses and Permits ......................... . Pines aDd Porfe1t.a ..••.•.••...••..••..•.••...•• Inl.ereat and Ren't ............................. . Orant.a and aUb .............................. , Department.al Earn1Dsa .......... '" .......... . Special Alnssmenta ........................... . Salee of PTOperty ........•....•.....•....... .... _ •.• ~ ••...... 20.713.34 3.034.'1& 8'16.00 :I,m.I8 It.eu.u 418.3D 18.'l2O.02i 5."'5.01 :H,ltS.O'l 88,211.15 e7.c=>.t3 4l8.31 84.105.21 1M,S05~ 67,02O.Q 402,085.02' 61.0&.93 • 46',114-•• 456,730.61 1:1'1,813.0 684.10<.110 DISBURSEMENTS General Government .......................... . Protection to Persons and Property ......... . He~th BOd· Sanitation ........................ . Highways .................... " ............... . Library ....................................... . RecreaUon Sewer Depart~~~i' 'o;,~~~U~' ~d' M~~~~~~: . Insurance ........ '" . " ...... . Pemlon Funda Contrlbutlom .................. . Socia.! Security ................................ . Intereat ................................. . Indebtedness RClt.lred ..... " ... . ..... ,... . .. . Debt Service of Central Delaware County Authority Casb PaJd for Investments .............. . Value of Investments Bold (Cost, ............. . Refun\1a Other Miscellaneous Expenditure; ·~d·· T;~;;a between Fonda ..•.•.••••.•.••••....•.••..... 31, 1860 140.112.11 aMlllt." Value of Invesbnenb Purchased (Cost) ....... . Refunds Other Non-Revenue Receipts 'and Trana;e·;;···J between Funds ............................... Balance, December $115,488.5& ltO.1B2.a"l 20,'1;3.34 3,0:14.'15 8'18.00 ·2."1'19.11 14,612.52 18.'120.03 5.1'1&.81 24,145.01 Sewer Rents ....... '" .................•........ .c~ f~~m. .~~e_ of.tn'OI~eD" To... lDnsCmebta $ 60,843.15 .•...•...•.•••.••.... RECEIPTS Tflzes ...................................... . 33.080.16 108.183.34 8.'I18.ft 4I,26UO 11,361.24 550.00 33,010.18 108,183.34 8.71B.44 41,281.40 11.381.24, 850.00 ',117.3' 3,057.10 33,610.41 2.341.10 2,3".50 1.,000.00 '.1"'.39 3,051.10 33,610.41 2.341.10 2.312.50 19.000.00 5,368.'12 61.029.93 5,366.'1:1 103.11 61,020.03 88,261.05 103.17 '13,820.20 "13.820.20 88,261.05 419.013.10 88,261.95 .07.....05. 3~,11·i'.51 $ 30,611.94 $ '1'1,320.45 $ SINKING FUND ASSETS Cash Current .•.•......•..••..... and Returned Tues RecelVab~"·········· ............... _.. _.. _... ................................... $ $ I 1 We are beginning to believe that some of the mod extrava- a( gent claims for some of the.e fibers CAN BE TRUSTED. giving us long wear and easy care even in our low-priced ccrpetl ~ You will find the widest selection here at S';'arthmore-or in your home. if you tell u. what to bring when we call. You will ~ also possibly find more real help in the advice we try to give. because PAULSON knows CLEANING as well cs carpet_ i 3,050.41 PlD,I05.88 01 She introduced her newest book, )0 0( "Ann.ie, Pat and Eddie" and read an amusing exerpt from it. She then told the children about the 'I )0 book she has just started. This one, 0 concerns Betsy and her adventures during a .heavy hlizzard. I In answering questions' from the' }o Mohawk Carpeting • Complete Price Rcnge • Oriental Kug5 ell floor. Miss Haywood pointed out' 100 Parle Av~ •• Swarthmore. Pa. how her ideas .Infold and develop ~ into stories Klngswood 3-6000 CLearbrook 9-4646 Dottie D~niel led the opening I exercises and Vicki Church intro-I AI , duced Mfs!! Baywood. ' 1L _~9,--_:_. " .... u.t ..... KNOWS Carpet ..-JA1:l'--_.JI...._ , CELEBR'ATE GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Shenkle of Dickinson avenue celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday at a family luncheon party at the Ingleneuk. Sixteen guests were present. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the' elected Auditors of the BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE. DELAWARE COUN'rY. PA .• that they have completed their review of the financial ststements of th(! Borough .1.or tl1~ y~r ended Uecember 31, 1960, 8S audited and reported upon bJ' Charle~ S. Rockey & Co.• Certified Public Accountents. Philadelphia. Pa. A concise report upon the examination is as follows: PAULSON show. you a complete selection of the wonderful fibers now available in carpet-wool. nylon, 501 Nylon. Acri-...i Ian, VereII rayon, cotton. and explains the advantages and. "'" _Series limitations of each. . , Improvement. Bonda of (PAuls"", & C"mr~~ Interested persons may call KI 3-0200. extension 849. or come to the first meeting Tuesday night. NOTICE on' ,:=============:... PageT 6,618.71 3 ...... 6.1K1.2I FUNDED DEBT Orlrinal Issue isaaed 1050 1850 ...•.... $280,000.00 Fbla' MahlrfC7 O.b~Ddlnr Dale Dec. 81. 1981 Nov. I, It'll $1,".000.00 TOTAL NET DEBT ........... --.................................. ~~~cu~:~':~::d '::e~~!,: Cash In Blnkln. PuDd. . .. .. . Assessments and Sewer Re.ntals Receivable 'I6'Yo Allowed as Collectible ............. . Dellnquent Tues . . .. . .................... . Allowed as Collectible Less: Amount Approprlated In 'i'6'Yo CUrrent. Revenue Appropriated lD ....... . 1961 .... . I!HII $144.000." $ 5 •• '8."11 $ 3,486.'10 2.615.02 3,959.49 2,969.62 2,964.'1 4.'11 ',6U.52 Net Debt ........................................................ _~ ....... . $126.0'10.04 Published in conformity with Section 1087 of the Borough Code. the Act of July 10. 1947. P.L. 1621 as amended and supplemented. PAUL D. WILLIAMS Auditor ROBERTG. HAYDEN Auditor .rOHN M. THOMPSON Andltor Page 8 THE SWARTBMOREAN 'Self.Understanding' Top:c af Farum TaIk ART EXHIBIT REMINDER TRI-DELTS TO MEET Members of the community planMrs. Osborlle Paddison of Ogden ning to participa~ in the Woman's avenue, Mrs. John A. Bird of WalSomeone had been lifting lids of Club Spring Exhibition are relingford, aud Mrs. Robert Norton Pendle Hill Lecturer Professor's Just Published doughnut boxes left outside The minded to bring their paintings to of Medi~ will be assisting hostesses Spot restaurant. 407 Dartmouth S k Work Cited for the e1ubhouse on Park avenue Satat the meeting Wednesday of the avenue. at 6:30 a.m. and making to pea urday. April 22, between 3 and 6 Excellence West Suburban Alumnae Chapter off with three to six doughnuts. Sunday of Delta Delta Delta fratemity at "Britain's Search for Health," a several days last week. Naturally, Dr. David Hart will speak on p.m. The exhibition .will be held durthe home of Mrs. John H. Frazier new book by University of Penn- police were alerted. "Self-understanding in its Relaing the following week. of Haverford. sylvania's Paul F~ Gemmill, ProDiscovering a before-breakfast, tion to the Understanding of fessor Emeritus of Economics, re- broad-daylight, out - in - the - open Others," at Friends Forum this THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR ceived high praise in the British thief must have ben a refreshingly Sunday. ' \ House of Lords on March 9•. 1961.. different assignment. Patrolman Dr. Hart is a graduate of WHFRIDAY, APRIL 14 (The incident is reported in Han- i Peter Maginnis was lying in wait Iiams College. He received his 8:00 P.M.-H. S. Concert .............................................. H. S. Auditorium sard, the British equivalent of the Saturday morning when the bold Ph.D. degree from the University 8:00 P.M.-World Travel Slides ...................................... Whittier House U. S. Congressional Record.) frisker sauntered up to the dough- of Zurich where he was a student 8:20 P.M.-"Ah, Wildemess!" .............................................. Players Club . In the course of a debate on'the nut bag for his daily maraud. in the Carl Jung Institute of SATURDAY, APRIL 15 National Health Service. Lord Tearing a hole in the bag. lifting Psychology. Last year Dr. Hart 9:30 A.M.-Story Time ...................................................... Puhlic Library 1:aylor (formerly Stephen Taylor. I the lid of a box. the gray squirrel was a lecturer at Pendle Hill. 12:30 P.M.-DemocratIc Luncheon .................................. 614 Cedar Lane M.D .• the author of "Good General made off with his first course beThe Jungian school of psychol- 2:30 P.M.7 Lacrosse: College vs. U. of Delaware ........ Clothier Fields. Practice,;' a work for medical prac- fore Maginnis could recover his ogy emphasizes the importance of 8:00 P.M.-Garnet Canteen ...................................... Rutgers Ave. School \ titioncrs) quoted fr~elY from s~rpl'ise. He returned in a few 8piritual dynamics in human be- 8:20 P.M._c'Ah, Wilderness!" ............: ................................. Players Club Gemmill's book, which was pub- minutes for another load. havior, as contrasted with tHe SUNDAY, APRIL 16 lished this spring by the Univer-I Maginnis now found that the old Freudian school which e",phasizes 9:45 A.M.-Adult Forum: "Self-Understanding" ...... Meeting House sity Press and in England, India adage regarding "early" arrivals the physical factors. Quakers and 8:00 P.M.-Choir of Men and Boys .................................. Trinity Church and Pakistan by the Oxford Uni- catching what they seek, works church people in general have, 8:15 P.M._IfSocial Justice" .............................................. Friends Meeting versity Press. Lord Taylor said, in better for birds and squirrels than therefore, welcomed opportunities MONDAY, APRIL 17 .. part: for policemen - so he finally just to become better acquainted with 10:30 A.M.-Community Day of Prayer ............................ Trinity Church "I should like to draw your I picked up the bag of doughnuts Jungian thought. 1:00 P.M.-LWV: Foreign Economic Policy ............ Methodist Church Lordships' attcntion to a really and took them over to the police This forum. to be held at 9:46 8:00 P.M.-Men·s "Ladies' Night" ............................ Methodist Church first-class book called "Britain's; station for safekeepi~g until the a.m. in t!,e Friends' Meeting TUESDAY, APRIL 18 Search for Health." It came out I restaurant opened. House, is the second in the serIes 12 Noon - 5 P.M.-Flower Show ........................................ Woman's Club last week, and it is by an Ameri~ sponsored by the Human Relations 2:00 P.M.-"Modern Iris" ......:............................................. Woman's Club , can, Professor Paul Gemmill. • . • Committee. All are welcome. 3 :30 P.M.-Baseball: H. S. vs. Clifton ............................ Riverview Field He came over from America to 7:30 P.M.-Red Cross First Aid .............................................. Hall Gym find out what was really going on WINS TRAFFIC 8:00 P.M.--Jazz Cavalcade ............................................ H. S. Auditorium in the British Health Service. and lOW d fIT .. S MANACER AWARD 8:00 P.M,--Jr. Club: "Penna. Dutch" ................................ Woman's Club he did it in the most intelligent on er u ang at. George E. Pratt of Benjamin WEDNESDAY. APRIL 19 way. Opens 8-Week West avenue. executive director of 6:15 P.M.-W1L Dinner: "Evening in Russia" ............ Whittier House "He went and sat in doctors' Season the traffic and transportation THURSDAY, APRIL 20 surgeries (waiting rooms) for sev~ An eight-weeks' season of Chil~ council, Chamber vI Commerce of 12:30 P.M.-Girl Scout Mothers Luncheon ........................ Trinity Church en months. He was the last pa~ dl'en's Theatre at Hedgerow will Greater Philadelphia, has been· 8:00 P.M.-Travel Slides ...................................................... Woman's Club tient, so he heard all that was said. be inaugurated Saturday at 2 p.m. awarded a Certificate of Notable He used quietly to administer I with the first of five planned pre~ Achievement by .the national Trafquestionnaires to patients waiting sentations of "The Wonderful fic Manager's Award Committee, in the surgeries, and then he s~w Tang," directed by Jasper Deeter. it was announced Thursday. the doctor and had a chat WIth Appearing in "Tang" will be The award, a national honor for him. He was completely Wlbiased, Rose Shulman Richard Brewer traffic management, 'Was preand this book is completely U'l.- Jane· Hasson, •Ramona Wareham,• sented to Mr. Pratt during the biased. It is a beautifully written Martin Vale and Richard Morgan. committee's second annual meeting book. The performances of May 6--one in 6hicago, following nominations "He tells you all· about what the at N:30 a.m. and the other at 2 by Philadelphia Chapter No.4. doctors like and dislike, and what p.m.-have been sold out in ad- Delta Nu Alpha, national trans~ the patients like and dislike - in vance; but reservations for the portation fraternity, and the fact. how the thing really works. other Saturday matinees may be Women's Traffic Club of PhilaIt is the best account of the Health made by calling LO 6-9482. delphia. Service that has ever been writDeeter, who celebrates his 38th Mr. Pratt was recognized for his ten." year 8!:l founder and director of efforts to advance standards of Hedgerow on April 21, also has in traffic education, his work in the rehearsal "The Queen's Lost Dig- Chambers Transport Emergency Gleitman Awarded Research Grant nity," which will be presented after Mobilization and Highway-Seaway the run of "Tang!' Programs; in the Port of Philadel~ Henry Gleitman, associate prophia promotion nOperation Eye fessor of psychology at the college. Opener" campaign, and in regulahas received a three-year research SUit Oil Names Eaton tory matters involving freight grantirom the U,S. Public Health Technical Representative rates and new services. Service. Roland L. Eaton, Jr., of Media, His ,project will be to study re- formerly of Swarthmore. was BEREAVED tention and interference processes named technical representative for IMrs. Gertrude V. Myers, wife of in animals in forgetting and re- rubber processing and electrical the late James H. Muntz, died Frilated effects. The process of for- oils yesterday by the Snn Oil Com- day at the home of her daughter getting has been studied mostly pany's industrial products depart- Mrs. Warren H. Lutz &f' Dart.with human ·beings while the ment. mouth circle. theory derives from animal '\york. Mr. Eaton was a chemist for Services were held Tuesday It is Dr. Gleibnan's idea to test Delaney and Company and a re- mornin.~. in Lansdowne. the phenomenon of forgetting in search and sales service chemist the same realm as the theory, con~ for the DuPont Company before ducting tests similar to but sim- joining Sun's industrial products pIer than those used on humans. department at Philadelphia in . The grant will finance equip- January, 1964. ·ment, animals, and hired assisA graduate of Swarthmore· High tants . .or. G1eitman will continue' School and Lafayette College. M.·. his regular teaching duties Eaton also attended Worcester A Key Home Mode~nization Loan from throughout the period. (Mass.) Polytechnic Institute. He Provident Tradesmens fixes things up! is a member of the American HEADS DEBATE TOURNAMENT Chemical Society and its rubber The sooner you make repairs. the better. The Dr. Garold W. Thumm, a former division, the Philadelphia Chemical Swarthmorean and an assistant Club. He served in the U. S. Navy better for your property's value; the better professor of political science, Uni- during World War U. you'lI live. And with a Key Home ModernizaMr. Eaton and his wife, the versity of Pennsylvania, is serving In terms of hours worked. tion Loan from Provident Tradesmens. there's it rakes less time today to as toumament chairman for the forme:c Joan Ware, have three chilpay for the average preno ·need to wait. annual .championships meeting of dren Nancy, Richard, and Wendy. scription than it did 10 the Debate Association of Pennsylyears ago - and you get Decide the amount. arrange your terms and vania Colleges held last weekend ADDRESS ALUMNI milch more for your at Penn. Professor Clair Wilcox, chairpay all your repair bills at once. Then make a money. Americans spend More than 20 Pennsylvania col- man of the department of econom~ single payment. that fits your budget. each $54.46 ·per (Bpita each leges and universities participat- ics, and Joseph Whamn, professor year for tobacco, $87.50 month. Low Key rates take the burden out ed in extemporaneous speak~ of political economy at the colfor alcoholic beverages_ of borrowing. bUI on Ib~ ...·orlltrt: OfJly ing, ortttory, and formal debate. lege, were the speakers at "the $18 for presn-;(Jt;OfJ drugs. The subject for debate is (tResolV-1 Swarthmore College Alumni dinCome in and talk it over soon. Whenever you have a ed: That the United States Should ner in Washington, D.. C.• recently. Doctor's prucription, Adopt a Program of Compulsory ~heir etopic was "Planning in Per............... ...... bring it to us fur prompt, Health Insurance for All Citizens" sla and Thereabouts." .....} cffici~nt ser"lf~-.l~·ays (···Key to a at noiformJy ttl ... t'.ricC'S. ........ Ttula,"s flrcscripli..ns_ AWARDED FELLOWSHIP Providence Garden Clubs 01 Penna. . :your biggesl bubb .,~ Alice H. Carroll. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Carroll of CATHERMAN'S College avenue, has been awarded: Wednesday, May 3 DRUG STORE a fellowship from the National Residence of JOSEPH S. BATES Kingswood 3-0586 Seienee Foundation. "Rocky Spring Farm" The foundation awards grants Paxon Hollow Road, Media Bank and Trust Company of $1800 plus tuition per year for Plant Salo-.IO a.m.-4 p.m. DEJ.AWARE VALLEY'S ItI!Y BANK pre-doctoral work in various sci- lunc~eon-12 noon.2 p.m.-$1.75 . Delaware CotuIt)! 0fIicetJ: entilic fields. A senior at SwarthNo Reservation. Lima-LO 6-8300 (Drive-ro & Parking) more College,· Alice' will do her For advance plant orders coli ••• Media-LO &-8300; SI!riDg6eld-KI 3-24lIO; Swarthmore-KI 3-1431; Nether PrOvidence LO 6-8300 (Drm!-In & Parking) graduate ...orit in chemistry at the Mrs. Robert . Gr•• r. lO 6-0274 _ at Abooe ollile, BeverTucker and Mr.: Tiicim3s V.' PQ ~I~. PWl."OU. . C arge. a';'-- w'·.41 i . 'gardeners 'the same "unusual and ly Crowther. Elizabeth Gibson, and In;aa OIll8D reliable plant material for· which ,will receive, and Mrs. S. W. John- Jim Reynolds Heads Robert Taylor. son and Mrs. J. R. Snape will pour. the sale. is we~l known." Sophs' Geranium Sale The Philadelphia Print Club is ,. • Workmg WIth Mrs. James P. lending examples of prints and Henry, Mrs. Harry Wood. and The high school sophomores' lithographs by well known artlsta Mont. Co. Commissioner Geranium Sale which opened Fri- including those of Benton SpruMrs. Tnieme as co-chairmen of the Elkins Wetherill plant committee are the following: day. continues through this week ance. Iithogr!lpher. The school has to Spealc and next as members of tbe class recently purchased two lithographs Mrs. John S. Albert. Mrs. LeonUndisclosed Budget conlluct a brisk door-to-door solid- one of which is by Mr. Spruance. Local Republican candidates .will ard· C. Ashfon. Mrs. William S. Blakeley. Jr., Mrs. J. Edward Promises Tax tation of orders from householders attend the meeting of the SwarthThe earliest known forms of art Clyde. Mrs. Samuel Crothers, Jr., Increase who wish to remember a mother will be shown through the film, more council of Republican Women on May 14. ~eBday, May 2, at the Woman's Mrs. Elliott Daland, Mrs. John G. "Lascaux, Cradle of Man's Art," Earle, Mrs. George F. Fenno, Mrs. Two dozen Rutledge parents, unThe young salesmE:n are offer- depicting examples of prehistoric Club at 8 p.m. Francis Bouda,·John Aaron and Willing B. Foulke, Mrs. Robert B; happy with the School Board's ing plants in red or pink with de- cave paintings at Lascaux, France Raymond Winch, ronning fOz; Greer, Mrs. Frank H. Griffin. March decision to keep the Rut- livery on Tuesday. May 9, In plen- which date hack to 25.000 B.C. sehool board will speak five min- Mrs. Philip W. Kniskern. Mrs. S. ledge elementary school open, ap- ty of time for Mother's Day on Since the special subj ects have utes each. To be introduced are Lloyd Irying. Mrs. James G. Lamb. peared atWOOnesday night's Board the following Sunday•. not had an opportunity to have an Parents who are assisting the eandidates for councilman William ~rs. Marjorie E. S111ith, Mrs. session claiming the school is too exhibit in four years because tOf Gill. Robert Wilson. Harry G. Phi)ip C. Snow, Margaret Willcox, hazardous for operation and seek- .class are Mrs. Vincent Carroll, the fire and double-session classes, ing immediate transfer of 30 chil- chairman. and Mrs. W. Newton Smith, and Edward Cratsley; and and Mrs. Fred R. Wilson. A lunch prepared by the Senior dren, about half the entire enroll- Ryerson, vice chairman; Mrs. this exhibition should prove to he candidate for Burgess. Charles G. group will be served in the open ment, to classes at Swarthmore's Charles Brooks,· treasurer, Mrs. an excellent opportunity for interThatcher. Rutgers Avenue School;' One fath~ Wells Forbes, co-treasurer; and ested friends to see what is being Chairman of the Republican from noon until 2 p.m. Mrs. William Sproul Lewis will er, Edward Gargiulo, said he would 1.lIll!"S, Corben C. Shute, chairman accomplished in these special su\). . committee Edward B. Mifflin will dects . introduce the main speaker Elkins act as chairman of the luneheon not send. his child to the school of the 10th Grade Mothers. Student chairman is Jim ReyWetherill. president of the Mont- committee, with Mrs. James W. after this' week "unless my wife Lukens as co-chairman'. Members overrules me." Another hinted at nolds; in charge of publicity is gomery .county Commissioners. are; Court action being. instituted by Jane Jackson. . Appointed last year, the Director 'I As in the last two years, SwarthDrs. J oseph S . Ba te s. M· rs. the group . of State Preeinct Organization, Jerome B. Bell, Mrs. ,James A. The board reviewed architect's more and the environ's have been Wetherill toured the CommonFoster, Sorber Named Cochrane, 3rd, Mrs. E. Wallace 'plans for improving conditions as divided into districts, each with wealth to visit with various· coun~ to Fu II Professorty Repuhlican officials to help Chadwick. Mrs. E, Kenney Croth- recommended by the State Depart- its own student captains who are: ~rs. Mrs. J~hn F. Daley. Mrs. P:!ul, m~nt of Lab~r and Industry. It ·Martha Moscrip. Geol·go Herstrengthen tbe: grass-roots organship~ Freeman, .:\irs. Daingerfield M .. ::rad the requirements of the de- schel, Linda Hopper, ..Lorrie ForlJ.. ization of the party. Wetherill is a founder and or- Groome, Mrs. ~iichael i~.:· Hoey, pal'tment had turned out to be es, tPiane Renshaw, Tessa Wizon,l President Courtney Smith of the ganizer of the Montgomery Coun- Mrs. Charles Leedom, Mrs. Thomas greater than anticipated and the Ron Hoge, Sandra Althouse, Jan college recently announced the folty Young Republican Club. During B. McCabe, Mrs. Wallace M. Mc- cost, ~hen known, may lead the Turner, Susan Reese~ Peggy Hay- lowipg faculty promotions for (Continued on Page 5) board to decide to close the school den. Betsy Rodgers. Gordon Mac- <1001-1962. both the election campaigns of Exafter all. Alpine. Dorothy Gatewood. Steve 'Mary Albertson will assume the President Eisenhower, Wetherill Wahmann, and Graham Patterson. Isaac H. Clothier professorship of However, the board said,. the served as co-chairman for Penn~ Modern Daonce Club These captains and their work- History and International Relastructure isn't aetually unsafe or sylvania of "Citizens for EisenPlans Monday Recital the State would have ordered it ers hope that all homes will be tions; George J. Becker, the Alexhower." The Mo-lern Dance Club of the closed instead of improved, and l'eached is a certainty. ander Cummins professorship of A past director of the Pennsyl- college wiH present a program on English; Walter B. Keighton, Jr., vania State Federati"n of Vomut ~Ionday at 8:15 p.m. in Clothier fire insurance coverage would not the Edmund· Allen professorship have been renewed. A recent 7;eEighth Crade Invited Republican Clubs, Wetherlll has Hall on the campus. of Chemistry. (Continued on Page 8) To Canteen April 29 also workal for the Republican The recital includes dances to Promot-od to full professor were Finance Committee in every elcc- music by Debussy, a poem by Carl Due to the Spring Dance for Duncan G. Foster. chemistry; and MuM SOCIETY MEETS (Continned on Page 5) Sandburg. and sb:teenth century each of the ninth and tenth grade James D. Sorber: Spanish. lute music. A Japanese fable will TONIGHT IN BOROUGH HALL Junior Assemblies, the eighth. William H. Brown, economics; '36 H: S. RI;UNION be illustrated by a dance using ,The Delaware Coanty Chrysan- grade is invited to attend a Regn- David Cowden. English; Samuel The· Class of 1986. Swarthmore Kabuki movements. Most of the themum Society will meet in the lar Canten on April 2!r for ping 1.. Hynes. English; Philip Prager, High School, will· hold· its 26th dances have been Choreographed Legion Room of Borough Hall to- pong, table games, da"e· 2 PM 1iII, . I I . .' . I' , i ~~~ag~e~4~____________________~________~T~H~E~S~W~A~n~T~H~M~O~R~E~A~N____________________________A~pril_·_21__ , 1_96_1 nah Circle will meet at the homel Norma Wilson, daughter of Mr. of Mrs. Ch"rles Stevens, 812 Ridge and Mrs. Robert H. Wilson of lane, Media, at 10 a.m. Lunch will Harvard avenue has been elected be served. an archlvi.t of the Grinnell Col, The Carol Choir will meet at 4' lege chapter of Theta Sigma Phi, I p.m. and the Wesleyan Choir at national professional journalism 4:30 p.m. Wednesday. ~ 'fraternity for women. A junior at -------------------------, I THE SWARTHMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PENNA. PETER E. TOLD, MARJORIE T. TOLD, Publisher. Phone Klngswood 3-0900 PETER E. TOLD, Editor Managing Editor Mary E. Palmer Marjorie T. Told BARBARA B. KENT, Ito_lie D. Peirsol Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24,1929, at the Post Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. DEADLINE - WEDNESDAY NOON SWARTHMORE, PENNA., FRIDAY, APRIL 21,1961 Grinnell, Norma is a 1968 graduate of Swarthmore High School. Mr. and Mrs. Heston D. McCta:v. Jr., of Cornell avenue returned recently after spending two months in Pompano and Port Saint Lucie Country Club, Fla. t~;:.;;;;-;.;:;;;;~"~~;;;;~~~:;~~~~~~;~~~~~ ISABEL'S OURIO SHOP " The Official will meet Wednesday at 8 Board p.m. ! On Thursday the Chapel Choir will meet at 7 p.m. and the Chancel Choir at 8 p.m. There will be a Coffee Hour at the Parsonage on Thursday at 8 p.m. for the Pastor's class of new members. f ~ We are closing out our business due 'to the fact that the conditions in this shop are most unsatisfactory and the present owners of the building claim that they cannot be remedied. lEI PER PRESBYTERIAN NOTES PRESBYTERIAN NOTES will meet at 10:30 Wednesday. The The Rev. James Barber of Pittscircle will serve luncheon for the burgh will conduct the 11 o'clock Morning Worship and Church, fornier group, worship servic.e Sunday momir.g. School are held at 9 :15 and 11' Choir rehearsals will be held A congregational meeting will fol.at 3 :30, 4, and 7 :30 p.m. Thursday. low the service. o'clock each Sunday. . The Adult Discussion group A concert by the A Cappella Circle 1 will meet at 11 a.m. meets at 9:15, the Women's Bible, Choir of Pittsburgh will be held Tuesday at the home of MfS. RobClass at 9:30, and the Senior High, next Friday at 7:30 p.m. in Mc- ert Hotchkiss,1504 Blackrock road. Cahan Half. The Junior Choir will rehearse Discussion group at 10:45. Choir rehearsals are held 'at A Young Adults Covered Dish at 7 p.m., the Youth Choir at 7 :30, Supper will be held at 6 p.m. April I and the Chancel Choir at 8 p.m. on 8: 80, 4 : 16,an d 5 p.m. Wednesday. Communicants' classes will meet 29 in McCahan Hall. The Women's Guild enjoyed a at 4 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, and FRIENDS MEETING NOTES movie "Sibling Rivalries and ParWednesday_ ents" presented by the Mental Ohester Quarterly Meeting will The Adult Study group on "The Health Association of Southeastbe held on Saturday, April 29 in Significance of the Ohurch" will ern Pennsylvania on Tuesday meet at 8 p.m. Monday at 212 Swarthmore Meeting House at 3 night. p.m. Meeting for Worship will be Soutb Chester road. followed by a short business sesMorning Prayers are held each sion. Nora Booth will report on InTuesday at 9 o'clock. The Adult Study group on "The Bible Speaks" ternational Conferences and Semiwill meet at 9 :30 in Mr. Browne's nars sponSored by AFSC. study. At 10 B.m. the "Crossroads" The Senior High Fellowship of Study group will meet at 44 Mor- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES the Friends Meeting will have as gan ("ircIe, the New Testament How hope is strengthened their discussion leader Sunday eveStudy group, also at 10, will meet through spiritual understanding ning Dr. Glenn Cun'ningham of in the W. A. Room. of the Bible will be brought out Au~sta Kans. The Bandage group and Circle st Christian Science services SunDr. C~nningham lives on a large 6, chairman Mrs. C.. C. Franck, day in the Lesson-Sermon entitled ranch where he is host to scores of "Probation After Death." underprivileged teenage boys every CHURCH SERVICES Readings from the Bible will in- summer. In the 1930's he was twice elude this passage from Romans American Olympic Mile Champion. (15): uFor whatsoever things He is said to have run the mile in PRESBYTERIAN CHtrRCH were written aforetirne were writ- four minut(!s while Rtill in high D. Evor Roberts, ,Minister ten for Oul: learning, that we school.' Each year he travels to Robert O. Browne, Assoc. MlnisteJ through patience and comfort of hundreds of high schools where he and Minister ofCbristian Education the scriptures might have hope." gives his dramatic life story uThe The Golden Text is from Reve- Race of Life".' , Sunday, April 23 lation (8): "He that overcometh, Dr. Cunningham's talk will be 9 :15 A.M.-Morning Worship 9:15 A.M.-Church School the same shall be clothed in white given in the Meeting House on the 9:16 A.M.-Adult Discussion raiment." campus at 6 :80 p.m. ,Everyone is 9:30 A.M.-Women's Bible Class All are invited to attend ~he invited, especially stUdents. 10:46 A.M.--Senior High Group 11 :00 A.M.-Morning Worship Dr. Cunningham is scheduled to services at First Church of Christ, 11 :00 A.M.-Church School Scientist, 206 Park avenue, at 11 make 30 . talks in the Delaware Tueeday, April 25 o'clock. Valley area next week under the 9 :oe A.M.-Morning Prayers auspices of the Friends Yearly 9 :30 A M.-Adult Study Group METHODIST NOTES Meeting Temperance Committee. 10:90 A.M._New Testament Stnd, Tonight, the Pairs 'n' Spares Wednesday, April 26 will hold a covered dish supper, Mrs. Herbert Glenn of North 10:30 A.M.-Bandage Group followed by election of officers and Swarthmore avellOe, Mrs. Thomas --METHODIST CHURCH a travelogue on Maine. The supper Moore, Jr., and Mary Ann Moore Tbe Rev. John C. Kui ll . Minister will be held at 6:46 in Fellowship of Guernsey road entertained last J amea S. Ma.Maln Hall, A baby sitter will be avail- Saturday morning at the home of Minister for Yonth able. Mrs. Glenn at a coffee and linen Charles Schisler Beginning this Sunday, Mr. Kulp and personal shower for Mrs. EdMinister of Music will preach a series of four ser- ward J. Burt, Jr., of Wynnewood, Friday, April 21 . mons on the theme, "Meanings in a recent bride. 6:46 P.M.-Pairs 'n' Spares Supthe Miracles." His topic this SunMrs. Valentine Fine of Elm aveper day, at botb the 8:30 and 1.1 a.m. nue spent several days in New Sunday, April 23 services will be, "Behold How He York visiting her sister Mrs. Carl 8:118 A.M~Mr. Kulp will p ......h Loved Him." VonHoffman. Guests of the Fines 9:46 A.M_-Church School Classes 11:00 A.M.-Mr, Kqlp will preach The Junior High Fellowship will for this weekend will be Mrs. Mar7:00 P.M.-Jr. High Fellowship meet for its regular meeting at 7 shall Skadden and her daughter THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY- p.m. The Senior High Fellowship Nancy of Manhasset, N.Y, OF FRIENDS ~II have a combined dinner meetMrs. Howard G. Hopson of Rut. Sunday, April 23 ing with tbe QUaker Young Pea- gers avenue is recuperating at her 9:46 A.M.-Early Meeting for pie. Glenn Cunningham, the fam- home from a cracked vertebra Worship. This is in addition to ous miler, will be the speaker. The suffered the early part·of the year. the Meeting at 11 a.m. There is program begins at 5:30 at the Mrs. Hopson's daughter Mrs. Arno morning Forum. Friends Meeting House. thur D. Harrison, Jr., and thrtle 9 :45 A.M.-First-day school. 11:00 A.M~Meeting for Worship. On Tuesday evening at 8 p.m., sons from Garden City, L.r., has All are welcome. the Miriam Circle will meet at the been staying with her for the past 6:30 P.M. Youth Fellowship meets for supper with Dr. Glenn home of Mrs. Andrew Alexander month. Mr. Harrison joins them 117 South Swarthmore avenue. ' on weekends. Cunningham. 6:30 P.M. - Dr. Glenn CunningThe Esther Circle will meet on ~rs. Samuel T. Carpenter of ham will speak in the Meeting Wednesday morning at 9 :80 a.m. Ogden avenue is a patient in TayHouse. Topic, "The Race of at the home of Mrs. Wells Forbes lor Hospital undergolDg observaLife." The public i'l welcome. 517 Bryn Mawr avenne, The .Han~ tion. Monday, April 24 A11-day sewing for AFSC , Wednesday, April 26 THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR AII-day sewing for AFSC FRIDAY, APRIL 21 7:30 P.M.-Fine Arta Exhibition ............................................ High School LEIPER PRES8YTERIAN 8:00 P.M.-Chrysanthemum Society .................................... Borough Hal[ CHURCH 8:15 P.M.-Orchestra and Chorus Concert .................................... Clotbier 900 Fairview Road SUNDA Y, APRIL 23 Sunday, April 23 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship ............................................ Local Churches 9 :45 A.M.-Church School 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship. The 6:30 P.M.-Dr. Glenn Cunningham ................................ Friends Meeting Rev. James Barber will preach. MONDAY, APRIL 24 ----. 2:00 P.M.-Friend!:v Open Honse ............................ Prebsyterian Church FTRST CRURCH OF 3:30 P.M.-Baseball' H S vs Ridley P a.................... rk R"IVervJew Fi eld CHRIST. SCIENTIST 8 15 P • '" .M.-Modern Dance Program .............................................. Clothier : Park Avenue below HQrvard Sunday, April 23 TUESDAY, APRIL 25 . . , . 2:00 P.M~"Mad HatThirti" 11 :00 A.M.--Sunday School 3'30 . es ........................................... Woman 8 Club 11:00 A.M.-The Leosnn - Se"""" : P.M~Basebell; Juntor High vs. rnterboro .......... RiverView Field will be "Probation after Death" 8.80 P.M~Traek- Junior High VB Rldl P k . . , . ey ar .............. R utgera Field WecJnelOd.y evening meeting eaeh I WEDNESDAY. APRIL 26 _lr. " P.M., R••dlng Room, 409 Dartmouth A,""De, .""n _k- 3:80 P.M~Track: iI,s ... ' ('nllingdale :....................~ ........ Rutgers Field ...,. -oeJIt IIollda,-, 10-1; I'rI, iBOJt8DAY. APRI LZ'1 ' • 3:1& P.II~r..,n ... : B.8.GiI'Ia _ l'Jieuda -'CoII.ae Ave. J'ieId "7~""''', Although we have many pieces on consignment, there is quite large stoc.k belonging to the shop, including of course the necessary pieces, such as Lighting Fixtures, Cash Register, Typewriter and Desks •. TUREEN CHINA CLOSET HIGHBOY CHEST OF DRAWERS l I \" TEAPOT ON STAND Small Tables of Different Sizes and Types All Much Reduced THE Page 5 S WAR T H M O,R E A N ~~~~-----------------~~~------~------------------------ Sat. Lacrosse Olub Beats Penncrest &-4 Plays Villanova JV ~way Tomorrow At 10 A.M. Young Musicians To Perform Here Wed. NEW DOG CLASS BEGINS The Dog 'Training School of Delaware County will begin its next course in obedience t!aining on Wednesday, in the SWarthmore Niki Browne, daughter of Rev. her home for the past two weeks. and Mrs. Robert O. Browne of She will return to school on MonSouth Chester road. has been ill at day. ~lunumuClllJuuuuamlRSIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIUUUlIIIIJ"naIIllIIIllIllUllllllllllllallnlllmll[)1IIllIlIIlualllllllUulDlnl~lIunDIUPg I Noel Snvder, Arnold I liTHE RACE OF LlFEII High School gymnasium. Ostroff Will Be FRIENDS MEETING HOUSE !!=...__ Beginners classes will start at §liD 7:30 and 8:30. Novice and Open Soloists The Saturday Morning Boys La- dogs will trained at 9:30. i The Swa.thmore branch of theli crosse Club has gotten off to an Young Musicians Musica~e WilliS auspicious start in the 1961 sched1l1e~ This club, sponsored by the have, for members. only, Its last. ~ Dr. Cunningham will give his dramatic story, "The Race of life" § Citizens Athletic Committee of the concert of the season 011 Wednes-l!!1 at the Young Friends' Fellowship in the Friends Meeting House, i! Community, has a membership of day, at 2 :30 p.m. at the home of i i! Swarthmore College Campus. Dr. Cunningham is sponsored by !! about 26 boys eagerly interested in Mrs. Thom~s B. McCabe on No:th ~ the Temperance Committee of the Philo. Yearly Meeting_. ~ Margaret Parton B:ritton .lacrosse who play and practice on ~t~s~:r f~:~:~er.wo young artists ~ EVERYONE IS INVITED TO ATTEND ' Will Be Speaker at Saturday mornings only. The team, A Swarthmorean, Noel Snyder, I ..mnDlDnDmHDIIIIIIIIIIIIDmnlllllllrnlllIllIlIllUIIIIUllllllcnIlIllUIIICllllllmUIUlmnIlUualllllnnmalUmlDlDal~ I . April 29 Event coached by Millard Robinson and playing the 'cello will share the Stuart Bowie, has receiv~d much Alumnae of the college will re- program with a Philadelphia artassistance and encouragement 'from turn to Swarthmore on Saturday, ist, Arnold Ostroff. flwarthmore College and local April 29, for Somerville D"y, an coaches, Avery Blake and Henry Noel Snyder is well known to annual event for Swarthmore Ford. The high school has made women. Guest speaker at the lunch- Swarthmoreans as his father is available locker room facilities for eon will be Margaret, Parton Brit- Russell Snyder, German teacher their use. . ter '37, associate editor of Ladies' in the Swarthmore High School. The first game was lost 6-3 to Home Journal. Her topic is "Pleas- He also attends Swarthmore Colthe Swarthmore College JV's on ures and Pitfalls of the Peace lege where he is a junior and is currently studying at the Curtis March 25, but the performance Corps." Institute of Music in Philadelphia. and enthusiasm of the squad is an 'Morning activities _include tours Mr. Snyder"s accompanist will be indication of fine team potential. of the campus, featuring the Scott Marla Garcia Renart, pianist in The se~ond game was played Arboretum and recent additions to I against Penn frosh and the Garnet the college plant (Pierre S. duPont hdelr howSn rki!fht, studying with Ru- i captnred their first victory 7-4. SCience . B u lid'mg, W'll . 0 p er m. I et s D orml~ Although the nucleus of the team iory, and renovated Trotter Hall). . A~nold Ostroff, 15 - year - old has beim made up of Dick Jack- Alumnae may viSit morning class- J pl~nl5t and a s~udent ~t Ce.ntral, son, Chris Decker and Ronnie es and an exhibit of student art HIgh School, Ph!ladelphlB, Wlil be , Noyes, Chuck l!'ellows, Bob Frost, work will be open in the East Man~ the second soloist. He is currently it was Skip Bernard's long shots agel's' Parlor. studying at the .Philadelphia Mu~ifrom mid~field for four goals that A 12 :30 reception in Commons cal Academy WIth Clement Petfllbroke the Quakers' backs. will be followed by luncheon at 10. He has played at the Philadel. Last Satnrday the Garnet travel- 1 :15 p.m. phia Senior High School Festival, 'lIS ed to Penncrest High School and . the "Portraits in Music" television took their second victory 5-4. program and with the Lansdowne Committees Listed for Scores by Dick Jackson and RonSymp.hony Orchestra. May 3ra Garden Event Those attending are asked to be nie Noyes featured the attack with A momfng or afternoon spent viewing ita the all-around goal-tending of (Continued from Page 1) prompt so that the program may ,. wondrous blend of natural and formalized Doug Wrege being a highlight of Curdy, Mrs. G. Parker Merrill, begin without interruptions. elegance W1JI be an experience both interthe game. Mrs. R. Blair Price, Mrs. Harry Hostesses for the musicale will ,eating and rewarding. Whether you plerer Tomorrow the team plays at ViI- :r.,. W~lters, Mrs. Theodore Widing. be Mrs. John B. Aaron of North lanova at 10 a.m., and next week, The House Tour, conducted by Swarthmore avenue and Mrs. memorials traditionally erect or level with. April 29, they will travel to Lower the Junior Club, will prove. a spe- Thomas Hopper of Dogwood lane. groutld. or favor cremation over burial. lMerion for another 10 a.m. game. cial attraction as parts of the W~ Laurel Hill can more thlin satisfy your On Saturday, May 13, a return farm structure are 200 years old, I 8aw it in The Swarthmorean. " lbetic wish ••• all within your economy•. game will be played with Penn- and a rare collection of antique ;~iiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiD_iiiiii~ W IDDllllfDlIUDiiiH(SW crest. Members of the squad are: furniture, pictures~ china, and:S. j Come any day between 9 and 4 • Skip Bernard, Chris Decker, glass may be seen. ~ a:!¥_ , Chuck Fellows, Eddie Harris, Dick Under the direction of Mrs. Rob- I a .,..' bile . . Belmont Ayaoue aboq PbiIa. City LfDL Jackson, Ralph Kletzien, Stanley ert Erskine a table of home baked ORDERS i., P.T.C. - . . 'lO .. B Duo 10 Nih SL '" City Uno local &aD _ . Lowe, 'Dave Moscrip, Dave Scar- goods will be offered as well as . 55 .IIr P.R.R. N_.... ou Iiraacb ... Bumouth Station ... .,...;.s.. boro'l.gh, Doug Wrege, Bob Frost, garden accessories a"d novelties. fi TAKEN THROU~!I APRIL 28 Terry Innis, Roy Jenkins, Chuck Mm. Paul Freeman, Jr., of Media; ~ Delivery May" § Turner, Jim Rowlimd, Jim Hunter,' will act as general chairman' of ~ ~ Doug DUmm, Walter Kaminsky, the Junior group of which M~s_ R.!! Door-to-Door Sale ~ Eddie' ShJlte, Jay SJlI1ncer, Bill J. Baker of Wallingford is presib ' 10 h G J . ~ Wrege, Steve Wahmann and Bob dent. II I Y t raaers , i .215 hlmona AYe v BalD Cynwyd, Pa,. Bennett. The beneficiaries of this day in70 cents each, in red or ' ink ~ MOhawk 4-1591 clude the Arthur Hoyt Scott Foun.' p II b~ Sunday, April 23,6:30 P.M. DR. GLENN CUNNINGHAM Alumnae to Return For SomenilieDay ; I I I Glenn .cunningham To Speak Here Sunday c... April 14, 1961 I Visit beautiful West Laurel Hill NOW , ... the \ THE PRICE? We condup services to suit your budget • • • and all receive' the same meticulows attention. I • THE OLIVER H •.BAI~ .C(). Dlilera ... o. PUNIULI '. 1820 CHISTNUT STR·EET e&lWllI.u-.-.. MAIV, A. MIl, ... " ,...'.. .,.... HOT WATER and plenty of it heated by ~/ .-r Turn the tap and you get all the hot water you need when it is heated by gas. Water is heated automatically-ready for use at any time. No waning for water to heat, no heater to tend. Be sure of aU the hot waler your home demands with a I ! i' WEST LAUREL HILL ~ I Republican PlanWomen May.2 Meeting I GERANIUM SALE I r.'.phon.tO 1-1511 ..- a matter of prudent fumily planning uright size" automatic gas warer heater. Select 'he olle . cha' meets your aeed. a, your plumbers or ..., Philadelphia Electric lUburbaD • ..00.... tion since 1946. He was a member of the executive committee of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Republiean Finance Committee and former chairman of the group's major gifts committee. Mrs. Marvel Wilson, membership chairman, will accept' new members to the council of which Mrs. Panl B. Banks is president. The program committee includes 'Mrs. Donald Crosset, Mr.: Lucian Burnett, Mrs. Paul Brown, Mrs. OrviUe Miller and Mrs. J. Alfred Calhoun, I Coffee and cake will be served by 'the hospitality committee, Mrs. Ford Robinson, chairman, after the meeting, at which time the candidates will he' available for a discussion period. The public Is invited. AWARDED FelLOWSHIP Peter J •. Smith of Riverview road has· received a Woodrow Wilson Fou'ndation Fellowship in illfathematics awarded by the University of Pennsylvania. for' the coming year. The fellowship pays $1500 in addition to tuition. :"",""",,,~~~IUII~IItlI~'m~"~III~'''~n~III~'III~'''~''r~''~'...~...~''.~.. ~~~''~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dation at Swarthmore College, Flowers for the FlowerleSs, Neigh- • borhood Gardens,' Valley Forge Hospital Christmas Decorations, Pennsylvania Roadside Council, Tyler Arboretum, and other horticultural, civlc, and conservation proj~ts. Rocky Spring Farm may be reached from SwarthplOre nortli on Sproul road (route 320). Tum left at Paxon HoUow road south of Marple Garden; or from Swarthmore west . on Baltimore Pike (route 1). Turn right at. Providence road (route 262). Turn right at Rose Tree road, left at Paxon HoUow road. Follow through new housing . development. Arrows mark aU routes. Under the direction of Mrs. ElIiott Daland, Horticultural Committee Chairman, an assortment of unusual plants raised from seedlings and cuttings will he of special interest to the discriminating buyer at moderate prices. Barbara Heath of Cedar lane is chairman of the Junior Prom at Mt. Holyoke College, to be held April 29. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell M. Heath, Barbar\, has been elected preSIdent of the senior class for next year. • WE ARE ,HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR CARRIER AIR-CONDITIONERS • TIE MUSIC BOX, Inc• 10 KI J·I460 \ ,.rk Ayenue, Swarthmore 0".,. frWt:iy E••I . , Let Us Help Make Your Car Run Better -- Longer Our Spring Car Saver Special Is Designed to Help Get Ria of "Winter,orag" ana Get Your Car Completely Ready for Summer RIGHT "GET NOW YOUR CAR READY FOR l-Change to Summer Oil Winter oil is too thin for. warm weather. We drain it-and refill Summer type Sunoco Oil. 2-Change to Summer Gear Lubricants Drain transmission and rear refill with' Sunoc. All-purpose' Gear lubricant specially made to resist high pressure and heat. a-':"'Chassis Lubrication Special lubricant used to help keep out squeaks and wear_ Won't dry out, won't wash out, won't squeeze out! Helps improve gas mileage_ 4 Check Oil Filter ' Inspect cartridge and check for leaks. NEEDS THESE SUMMER" SERVICES 5-Battery S.erviced Winter is especially tough on batteries. We check strength, clean terminals, add distilled water•. 6-Clean and Adjust Spark Plugs . Dirty spark plugs can waste as much as I out of every 10 gallons. of gasoline. 7-Clean Air Filter . . Lets your engine breathe easier - keeps dirt out of the carburetor. 8..:....Drain Anti - Freeze and Flush Radiator Check Hose Connections - Add Rust Resistance If you haye permanent anti-freeze, save it for next winter. Bring' your own cont"iner. 9-C:heck-up of Tires Correct "Switching" improyes the mile. have your tires recapped, if needed. , 'NRTER H.WAITE, IIC. Y.le Ayenue I,:,d Chester ROo!CI Klngswood 3-1250 " Page 6 THE S WAR Elementary Childrel) James P. Wood, contributing editor of Jack and Jill Magazine, spoke to the'lntermediate children of Swarthmore ElementQry School Thursday of last week. All intermediate children contributed an ending on one of Mr. Wood's unfinished stories which appeared in the March issue of the magazine.", A winner from each grade was chosen and Mr. Wood read these and presented each finalist with an autographed copy of the Jack and Jill Mystery Book. The winners were Jack DeWaele, fourth grade; Kyle Edney, fifth grade, and Marcia Rubenstein, sixth grade. IMr. Wood shal'ed endings from children of other schools, some of which -were offered by childr.en who are deaf and blind. He then read part of another story about Henry the Worm, which will appear in a future Jack and Jill. Pamela Cokely led the opening exercises and introduced the spe:aker. I PIANOS WHY NOT BUY your rebuilt piancl 'rom a piano funer of 47 years'l practical experience with all makes? It will pay you in the end. I A. L. PARKER LO 6.3555 Jewelry :Repatred Ph. KI 3-4216 EMIL SPIES WATCHMAKER Formerly of F. C. Bode and _ PIne Watch and 128 Yale Ave. Clock Repairs Mrs. John R. Bates of North JR~ RED CROSS· PAINTINGS paintinge will be sent to Red Cross AN OFFICIAL VISIT 'Chester road Is entertaining at, EN ROUTE OVERSEAS headquarters in Washington, ·D.C., 'Mrs. Mark B. Moore of Hillbom luncheon and bridge today at her I I h 'II ., h d d f Paintings by students in Phila.1 where t ey w. Jom un re s 0 avenue, international liclll>larshlp ' h orne. I d I· h Mrs. William Craemer, Sr., of delphia and suburban schools will stu ent pa ntmgs from across t e chaiNDan of Alpha Phi fraternity. Harvard avenue has returned to be on exhibit· May 1-12 at the c?u,ntry. and be sent to school ex- made an official visit to Del ta Zeta . . hlblts overseas. her home after a visit spent with Western Savmg FUDd Soc.ety, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ chapter of Alpha Phi at the Uniher brother and sister-in-law Mr, ijroad and Chestnut streets, Philversity of Maryland over the weekand Mrs. Walter Dresler in Day-! adelphia, as part of the 14th an· To "ddres N.J. Alumni end. She was the house guest of ton, O. Dual Junior Red Cross InternaEverett Hu~_t. Dean Emeritus tional School Art Program. and Professor Emeritus of English Mrs. I. Griffith Morris of Silver PUBLIC HEAR.NG Conducted nationally by the I at the college, and Vice President Springe, Md., chapter alumna adon Monday •• enlng. May 8. ..... a' A ., J ' R·e d Cross an d ,osep J h B • Sh ~ne WI'II be th e ,guests visor. '1:30 P.M. a pUbllc hearing will be beld in merlcan UDlOr CaUDell Chamber, Borough lieU. awalib-- the National Art EdUcation Asso-I at the Swarthmore" Club of North more, Pa., to eonslder the appUcaUoD. of dation the program sends .student . Jersey dinner meeting Thursday Klnpwood 3-lm c. H. A. Wildman for ponlble variances or special excepUoD.ll for Improv1ng' prem- art work to schools in other coun- at 7:16 p.m. in Chatham. hes on the north alde of Yale Avenue and tries to help promote better underDean H un t's t OPIC . .WI'II be "Egg_ welt aide of Harvard Avenue, known as • the Strath Haven Inn. The appl1cation con-- standmg' among youth of the heads in the Nest," a discussion of A.sbea Bnd Rubbish Removed templates the razing of pre5eDt. I5trudures world. Paintings accepted for the! the changing intellectual climate &"sWIll Mowed. General HauItng or &ome of them, and theIr replacement. , • . by new structures desIgned for use as a program depIct scenes of life In in colleges and universities, and 236 Bardilll Ave. Monon., Pa. hotel, apartment. house and related uses. the United States. its effect on the personalities of .... The appUcant asserts rights under the , . • Before the paintings begin their today s students. Vice PreSident nODcontormlog usc provisions of Sections 703 and 'l06 of the Borough of Swarthmore international goodwill' journey Shane win speak ,'about the poli- ~~=_~lUIIIIUnc.umIllIUIUI, IIUfllIllID.lllnUIIIIlU.RlIIIII~1 Zon1Dg Ordinance as amended, and re, . ' • questa that. he be granted height and yard I about 90 selectIOns will be exhib- Cles and plans of Swarthmore Colprivllegea correspondIng to Ulose now 10 Hed in the Philadelphia display lege. force with respect to Apartment. House I ' t h · t' h h ' ~ DIstrict. "E" (formerly known as the Mary a ong Wl pam lllgS t at ave Albert G. Thatcher of Mountain Lyon School). been sent her~ by students in for.. Lakes~ president of the club, and §i~ , -_ I~ !=g:s:~r~~NBEND eign countries. ,Steven Bredin, treasurer~ are in ... INTERIOR & EXTElUOR After bei ng s h own here, the charge of dinner plans. 2T-f.·28 I ' I J ac k Pric ha rd I , PERSONAL -:::';C::-:cc:-:=,"",,-,- I Daylight Saving Time for furnishing tbe materials and do!pg the work of curbing and paving approxlmatcly 360 feet of Brighton Avenue between Yale Avenue and BowdolD Avenue lu tbe Borough of Swartb· more 10 accordance wIth plans and epec1. flcaUons which may be lSeen at the oUice of the undersigned. A cf!rtlfled cbf!ck or bid bond for $400.00 shall accomllllny the bid and the firm or person to whom the contract is awarded shan execute a can. tract and furnish bonds, the form of which mall be seen at. the offtce of the undersigned. The Borough reserves the right to waive any lnformalltles In the bids re-celved; to reject any or aU bids; to award contrac' only CLAS SI FIE 0 ADS PERSONAL - Furniture refinishing, repairing. Quality work at moderate prices _ antiques and d ' rno ern. Call Mr. SpanIer, KIngswood 4-4888, KIngswood 3-2198. PERSON AL _ Carpentry jODbing r t' b k • ecrea Ion rooms. 00 cases, porches. L. J. Donnelly. KIngswood "4,,~3,,7,,,8:<1;. . ...-.-:-----:-:c-:---,--o--PERSONAL - ~lano tuning specialist minor repairing member Piano Technicians' Guild' Leam KIngswood 3-6765 . an. to "'. . . . . perfenced In • 2'-4-28 RUTH A. ==---.""=_.. PEHSON AL - BiCYCles Repaired Parts, accessories. Milt Glass ~ Toy Shop, 205-7 B. TOWNSEND, r EaSt Avenue, Clifton Borough 8ecr.tary ~~'" .6~0713. Opposite I DELAWARE COUNTY INSTllUTlON D.STR.CT , Sealed Proposals will be receIved at. the OUlce 01 the Couat.y COntroller Court House, Media, Pa., up untIl 10:00 A.M. Eastern Daylight Saving Time, on Thursday, May 4, 1961, for furnishing and deUveriDg ~w Bu1pbur NO.6 F'I1el on, to the Delaware County Institution District, Fair Acres Farm, Lima. Pa., which will be opened at. 11:30 A,M. E.D.S.T. on llIat. date lot Fair Aeres Pann, Lhna, PR., in the presence of the Executive &ad AdmlD- ,IS Picture Framing ROGER RUSSELL i i REALTOR ~ ! ~ Swarthmore I= - ~ ~ ,...... REQUEST FOR ))IDS I KI 3-1112 Sealed bids w111 be received by the Borough of Swarthmore 10 COUDell C\lamD 5 ¥ ber, 121 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa., AmCIIRmlIlRDIDlI1l111I1CIIIIIIIUIliUlInllIHIIIDIHIIlIIIIRI:; on May 8, 1961, at 7:30 P.M, &RStern DayUgbt Saving Time, for surface treaU:1g approximatel1 10,000 square yards of Borough streets t.o be designated by tbe Borough Highway Committee in form as follows: 1. Furnishing, applying and rolUng apESTABLISHED IBn pro::llmately 10 ions of bituminous concrete, cleaninK arens to be treat·SPOUTING ·ROOFING ed. furnishlng and applying asphalt blnder and furnbhlng I5preadl.og aDd Pallon Roofing Co. ° GUTIERS ·SIDING SWARTHMORE KI 3.()635 KI 4-0221 or Quality wark with quality material. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ..... LET US REBUILD YOUR 1l0RTABLE TYPEWRITER ONLY $18.00 Fr•• , Pickup Estimate. D.liv. Typewriter SerVice ... I ,11ft A.... SWIl1"'", PI. . . . . Mr. H..._ ~ ICl ~ i i II, H. D·. CHURCH I .re.. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS III - R.U'I'H A. B. TOwaaa:aD. Borg III .,f¥" ,5'IT I ~. ,,' CUSTOM RANOH Firts time offered. Custom rancher nestled among gorgeous plantings on private road at edge of Swarthmore;;. In perfect condition and . loaded with extras. For further information, please call BAIRD and BIRD Klngswood 4-1500 Lafayette and Dartmouth Avenues I ::.==. Swarthmore .' Open 7 Days,S '1;flhts . \ PIPPBBIDDB rIBM® CINNAMON RIISIN BRBAD . u ~~ Iuj 4' tud 0/ ~FIL Radio - 'i145 1,11. Channal 6-WFIL·TV-9115 A••• ELNWOOD Convalescent Homa Baltimore Pike'" Llnooln Ave. Swairthmore - .. olDlet, RestfDl S,,",,!Dncl1np Wltll bcellent 24,·Hour N11rSInC Croft 3.0272 ~ - =- Edward. G. Chipman and Son General ContractoF BU 1LDERS 'Since 1920' TILE FlOORS-~ PLASTiC TILE FORMICA COUNTER TOPS ROOFIIIG ud SIOIU CUSTOM KITCHEIIS ADDITIONS • AL.TERATIOI' Fr.. Estlll.t•• 1401 Ridley Avenue Chester, Pa. TRemo-'t TRemc.n. INaJa uk. buf it. ImiJI tueclN.uue ,., r-------"":"-------- SAV~ • I EstablIshed 1932 Klngswood ~ 5 ~ople " " ~p~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~ 2, rolling FurnlshlDg the rock. materials "&Ild per. I ~. crushed forming the above work with the I r;· u.eeptlon of Ute asphalt binder. 3, Fuftllshlng and applylng appro::ll· mately 3300 gallons of asphalt bfn... der, 4. Al10wance for deficiency of crushed rock. AU materials a.nd work shaH be In accordance with specifications, a copy of which may he secured from the under-' signed, The Borough reserves the right to waive any lnforDlallUes In the bids received; to reject any or all bids, to award the porUons descrtbed In Items 2 and 3 to dlfferent .contractors, to award the contract only to those experienced In tilts class of wort •. and to the bidder whose propoaal ls deemed to be most advantageoua to the publlc Interest. A certUled check In the 8um of $100.00 must accompaDJ' Ibe bid: of eaeb tor aDd the petlMJll or firm to whom au,. contract Ia awarded. mut ezecDte aD agreement NKl funLlaIl boodI u required by taw, lbe fonn of wbleb. may be ....... . Iraed III the oIftce ot tbe UDden18De4. ...... and Co. HOW THE SCHOOL PHARMACY SATURDAYS' ROOFING Georga Shop'n Save in Media INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N. ~ Free Estimates FOR SALE Klngswood 3-8761 '1"OR SALE - 1949 DeSoto 4 door, radio and heater. Running condi- iIlDlUBlRUuouunllJlllDullnlllluUllllllllmrolHflllll1d tion, $40, LEhigh 2-6683. FOR SALE - Edging lawn mower and steel whp~lhRrrow. Perfect condition. Reasonable. KIngswood_3-4704:._--;0;------:--:-FOR SALE----Glassware, bedroom rug. 3 x 8, $5, Upholstered arm chair~ $4. Two rocking chairs $2.50 each. Anderson. 100 Park avenue. FOR SALE Playpen. G. E: CUSTOM INSTALLATIOIIS washer, Sunbeam mixer, lamps, mirrors and glassware. KIngs· wood 3-3126. FOR SALE - Sofa, rose channel I PARK AVE S back, slip cover. Reasonable. ., WARTHIIORE Klngswood 3-8582. Klngswood 4-2727 FOR SALE _ Make the focal area ",Il.,'~1O:!Ii~~~!I3I~~IO:!Ii~~!I3I~ f d b' d t 0 3f'our gar en a Ir sane uary with a bird bath. a feeder and houses. The S. Crothers. Jrs .• 435 Plush Mill road. Wallingford. ~LO~;w~e",I'!oI~6-~4~55~1",.,-=_ _....,_~~ FOR SALE Six maple dining Gutters chairs, mahogany love-seat. I ' Warm-Air~Heating _ s elgh rocker, side c;hair. clock and Chinese carved screen. LOcust 8Air Conditioning 6734. ,.. FOR SALE - AP!il,21. 212 and 24. Sheet Metal Work 10 to 3, 226 D.ckmson avenue. ,gerv I gas' ref ' t H ' . t:: ngera or. OOS1er ca~met, large broadloom rug, sun· drIes. KU~g-~~!L?-1~.~7,-._ __ BOX 48 FOR' SALE - Estey Organ, Two mahogany end tables. cocktail CLobe 9.3358 tablet etc. KIngswood 4-1869. ' FOR SALE - D Ou bl~ MapIe Be, d complete. Call LOwell 6-2749 a.;ft;;e~r~3.,pt;;'e:m~,,-_'=_~~__~ FOR S'ALE - Westinghou~ Re': frigerator, 7% cubic feet, Betsy R-oss mod., ~O. Klngswood 4-2726. WANTED W·ANT-ED - Practical Nurse desires private duty. References. Call TRemont 4-2426. WANTED Girl-desires work for Saturday. Swarthmore refer~ ences. Call TRemont 2-2979 after 6 P.IM. _.=-_..,,~_____~_ WANTED - Woman over 40 fol' elderly widow from July 14 through .July 28 to live in. cook, and have car. Send letter stating age, experience and complete information ~to Box R. The Swarthmorean. WANTED - Two College seniors want two or three room apartment near campus from September 1961 to June 1962. Cooking facili~ ties not necessary. Private entrance desirable but not necessary Write Box S. The Swarthmorean·. LOST LOST - Ladies dress watch. Benrus CitAtion, white gold. KilngsFOR RENT Three bedroom , house on private estate Wawa 'Vood 4-0640. Pa, $100 per month. GLob~ 9-3000' aftcr 7 P . M . ' • 1 saw it in The Swarthnl'OTean. contrac-! 'w.rtll••re i upon them "PLEASE DON'T LET VISIT BOROUCH I merly of 226 Dickinson avenue, is_~~h House. THE DOG OUT", but five and six Th. opinions ",pr.ssed bslmo year J)lds do make mistakes once Foreign student visiting day! ~rs tlooRs of the indi,';dual writ" sr•• A II I.tt.... to Th, last week brought 21 exchange· in awhile. rnorea" must be signed. P • Mistakes we all make, but I hate students from schools in surroundnymns may be usrd {' the .writtt~ to think that my dog will be shot ing communities to Swarthmore Is known to t1r. Ed,tor, f,.tters will b. publillh.d Tokyo S warth more P ubl'IC L'b t~e pupils a?d in working closely She is a.way graduate I rary A ssoHe was also an actor and played out the community to remind donWIth the famdy and the faculty. Univ~rsity 01: Arta, where she also ciation Monday night in Borough over 200' roles in the professional ors of their appointmenta for . Hall. The period has., bel>n a goojl and. amateur .theater. lie was ac- Thursday. Bo~ough Girl Scouta taugbtqoiano--a'1,Hlad her own'P~- tesfof th~ chai-g.,'.out system now t · ' , ' t· h' H· d' , . 'T under the of .0 Patty lveln e egrerow '. h ea te r i·DE . chaIrmanship h vate pupils. In Philadelphia she Is in effect. Fines are nearly ellmi- Moylan for 11 years and played st~y. WIll and out .flyers m .the 'studying with Mr. V. Sokoloff of nated and patrons more accustom. N ew busmess area on summer 8 tuck th ea t ers In . Friday evenmg, the New School of Music. She is ed to the change.. ,,' Saturday morning and Tuesday · d ' D eIaware. H Eng Ian d an eI a ·so 8..,. Jr. Hiqh Association at present on leave of absence from 'I'he reserve system is working peared in Broadway productions. even mg. the university. well, Miss Hunsicker said, with a to Present Play Long a member of the Swarth'Mrs. George V. Krenlkolf and This is her first public appear- side henefit the accurate knowl- more Players Club Mr Price was Mrs. Kenneth Stuart are Mrs. at 8 P.M. ance since the war, which inter- edge of those books which have a member of the board of gover- Moirts co-chairmen in this ser"Our Miss Brooks", a play by fered with her musical career. She specific demand. The Saturday nors and had produced and appear- vice greatly appreciated by the Christopher Sergei, will be pro- will play selections fro/1l Ba.ch and .C. superiniendent. A cordial invitation is extended ahead of him for a big three runs. demohshmg, ~ook and Key ~ouse To provide maximum security to the women of all churches to Billy 'Alston's two hits also con- grO~~ds clea~lDg'd ~uPont ,,:m~ow ,_.!t I the board ordered the part-time this 10:80 morning meeting. Dce tributed to. the seven hit attack by wads Ilng, roa ~n 'lel P8lD bng , DECREASING COST custodian be kept on the premises an awn repaJr WI go ()n f rom Swarthmore. one to five in the afternoon. To ddring the e"tire school day, that OF DRUGS Last Tuesday the postponed encourage the workers there will st-uage of materials be checked game with Clifton was' played at be another crew, 'an itinerant band for best safety arrangement, and • • • the rase of Riverview Field in a constant of minstrels. . that fire drills be improved and The three-College plnyers of drizzle, but completed nevertheAt 5 :30 everyone will gather for. {held more frequently. It also b:anSwarthmore College, Bryn Mawr less. In spite of the weather, it a picnic and bonfire in the Crum ned use of a basement room in which a few pupils had been hav- and Haverford Coll~ge. will pre- turlled out to be a fine basebaU meadow. The initial price of cortisone,. ing instrumental music instruction. sent "Status Sneakers." a student- game, featuring the pitching of one of the fine new drugs, An adjourned meeting to receive written and directed musical com- Clif~on's' McBreen who struck out was $200 per gram. Several ·Mrs. W. Rodman McHenry of money and time estimates from edy on Friday, April 28, at 8 :30 12 and allowed three hits; and the Parrish road has as her guests this years later it was $2 per gram. George Ewing, architect, was ache- p.m. in Bryn Mawr's Goodhart excellent first mound effort of the week her sister Mrs. Philip Reidy Production and sale& went Garnet's Mal Anthony .who struck up, prices came down! duel for 7:30 p.m. next Wednesday. Hall. and son Michael of Worcester, The program is part of the an- out 11 and allowed fOUl' hite. ToddY'S prescriptions are Property Chairman Samuel T. Mass. yOIlf' biggest hl'aith valrle. It was a pitcher's duel all the Carpenter said he doubts if to- nual Three - College Weekend, 1Dr. John E.· Michael of the See us for fast service • • • day's minimum space requirements which includes athletic events on way with' Clifton getting their lone Swarthmore Apartments was teken for our always fair prices. of the State Department of Public Saturday afternoon and a formal rUn in the second inning when ill on Friday evening and is conInstruction could be met success- dance in the Haverford Fi~ld Franklin reached first on an error fined to his home. Because of the fully in renovating the Rutledge House on Saturday night. and subsequently scored on a long seriousness of his illness, the fam"Status Sneakers"~ a political- pop-fly triple by Hess to the right ily' has requested that no telephone building. The $1~(JO bid of Nicholas Klngswood .3.0586 DiCroce and Sons, Philadelphia, social satire with love plot, loosely field foul line. Ralph Kletalen's calls be made. for repairing a damaged retaining constructed about the Olympic improvement in the catching deMrs. Charles Topping entertainwall on the school grounds was games, was written and organized partment, Roger AJtthony's great ed members of the Swarthmore by a Three·College Committee play around first base, and Billy Garden Club exhibiting in The accepted. Lettera from John A. Schumach- headed by Becky Brown ofSwarth- Alston's sensational fielding of fly Woman's Club show oat a lunch at er, Swarthmore tax collector, and more, Elaine CottIer of Bryn Mawr balls in center were highlights of her home on Princeton avenue. W. Dean Balch, Rutledge collector, and Rogel' Groves, Haverford. the game and provided some very _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_______________ asking salary increases, were re- 'Music was composed by Kathie exciting moments. • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ferred to the ~nce committee for Kelly, Swarthmore, and Marita Viglione, ,Bryn Mawr, with words study in connection with the new by Duncan Foley, SWarthmore, and budget. Dr. Kingham proclaimed the Elaine Cottler. Lead roles are need for an additional guidance. played by Betty Ann 'Smith and . counselor and said a good candi- Paul Armington, both of SwarthA very successful flower show date was available. Treasurer John more, Gary Mitchell ~averford, was held Tuesday at the Woman·s Spencer expressed the opinion that nnd Sherry Ortn"t, Bryn ,Mawr. Club under the chairmanship of Saturday afternoon sports Mrs. William Lamason and Mrs. a great deal had' been asaumed for next year already and ·further com: events include Haverford-Swarth- William C. Rowland. Entries were mitmente should not be made. He more baseball at Haverford and a sent by tbe following garden cluhs said he didn't think the tax rate tennis match at Swarthmore, with and by some individuals: should be jumped more than three points toward the ("oveted Hood Providence Garden Club, Junior or four mills and when the pro- Tr!>phy hanging in the balance. Providence Garden Club, Home posed budget was viewed it would Haverford will also be playing a and Garden Groups of Wallingbe discovered that considerable cricket match with Princeton with ford, Pine. Ridge Garden Club, paring would have to be accom- Princeton at Haverford, while Random 'Garden Club, iMinqua plished to keep the increase that Bryn Mawr stages its 'Sophomore Valley Gardeners, Springfield GarCarniva1. low. den Club, Swarthmore Garden The board granted use of part Club, and Swarthmore Woman's of the elementary school and vote at the March meeting, tater Club garden department. equipment to the Swarthmore Rec- fizzled when the young. lady deThere were 53 flower arrange.' reation Ansociation for its sum- cided to accept a salary increase ments entered, 52 horticultural mer program. It decid~ to inform and remain in her present posi- specimens, and holise plants. the association that it would plan tion. The other woman who was UBest in Show," arrangement clas, to grant the usual annual request to teach the new seventh and eigh- es, was awarded to the table preof $200 cash this year but in view th grade French a'ld German also sented by the Swarthmore Garden of the colltribution in plant, the failed to sign a contract. It is an- Club, prepared by Mrs, Brodie board would expect the association ticipated two men will fill the Crawford, Mrs. Raymond Gemto limit its monetary request to positions. mill, Mrs. Hilton Duling, and' Mrs. Dr. Kingham and Mrs. Marion Valentine Fine. $100 next year. Campbell of the board's instruction First place "was awarded in inProgram But Not Teacher committee said scheduling and dividual classes as foUows: Mrs. Henry Peirsol said a COD- transition problems had prompted "Welcome," arrangement for siderable number of next year's them to not extend the FLES proThen pay them at home in minutes hall table, Minqua Valley Gardenfifth graders and their parenta gram to sixth grade until the 1962with a Provident Tradesmens desire that these students not be '63 school year, but if the junior ers, Mt:s. Robert Miller, Mrs. H. G. Prall, and MOrs. Harold Barr; excluded from the foreign lan- high teacher had time or either "Key" Special Checking Account! guage instruction to be begun in I arrangement could be conceived, "Conversation Piece" for coffee elementary school next fall. She the case of next year's sixth grade table, Mrs. Joseph Lynch of the Lots of people with inc~mes and budgets the Swarthmore Garden Club; "Break_ suggested if the ten 20-minute per- might be reconsidered. size of yours enjoy all the conveniences of a " 'iods in oral French and German Two elementary teachers resign- fast Cheer," a]so Swarthmore "Key" Special Checking Account. So ... why. planned daily for fourth and fifth ed and three others wer~ granted Club, Mrs. Brodie CraWford, M~s. should you go out'in bad weather, stand in line grades here and at Rutledge leaves of absence for the, neAt Raymond Gemmill, Mrs. Hilton to pay bills or waste time buying money-orqers? crowded the teacher's day, pos- school year. Resigning were Mrs. Duling, and Mrs. Valentine Fine; sibly sixth. graders could be spread June F. Farnham and Louise Lid- "Something Old," Home and GarYou don't need to keep a mL'limum balance in among those classes in order to den: Leaves went to Sue Sharpe, den Groups of Wallingford, Mrs. .a Provident Tradesmens "Key" Special'Checkachieve some of the long lauded Mrs. Kathleen Marks, and Mrs. ~owland Timmsj"Gardener'" (bulb ing Account. You get free monthly statements. blooms) ,Swarthmore Garden Club, benefits of early training in a sec- Patricia Curreri. Cancelled checks are legal receipts. It costs you ond language. She cited examples The reSignation .of James E. Ha- Mrs. Edward Cratsley; "Spring," Swarthmore Garden Club, I Mrs. nothing to have checks imprinted with your of benefita received at this level in becker, junior high developmentel some Swarthmore classes about six reading teacher, was accepted and Charles H. Topping; "Beginner" ~ame, nothing for deposits. I years ago from just a-little train- Mrs. Anne F. Kroehler, Clifton '(first exhibit in a show), Random What do you pay? Only a dime a check and a ing by practice teachers; and also Heights junior high teacher, was Garde.. Club, Mrs. Paul Banks, O .. H. Paddison; "La Petite," Minmentioned the opportunity for named sUCcessor. quarter a month to take care of handling costs. evaluating the ideal length of time Harvey Bennett, Philadelphia, " qua Valley Gardeners, Mrs. WaiA "Key" Special Checking Account is exactly and beginning age for instruction, recent West Chester State College ter Ramsten j "Teacher's Pet," what your budget is looking for! which would be afforded hy having graduate, was elected full time (children's class), Gayle -Miller. In the Horticultural Classes gradual1y staggered examples com- and Mrs. Patricia Melrath Crow~., ing into the junior high program ther, who' taught here in 1958· be- Mrs. E. A. Chariott was judged .... K('\'~O a (this year's class having had no fore her marriage, part time teach- o"-Best in Show" with her Narcis,\.... more ahunda.nt Jife! ,..: previous foreign language, next er in the elementary physical edu- sus collection. Blue Ribbon winners " I •••••••• . ...................................... . in the individual classes were Mrs. year's having had one year, while cation department. ,. , at sixth grade age, the following The board confirmed the appoint_ Robert Clothier, Mrs. David Bingyear having had two yeara in fifth ment of Mrs. Willa Mae Green- ham, Mrs. Wall, Mrs. Charles and sixth, and finally the full three wood, who replaced ~porary sec- Hogg, Mrs. Chariott, Mrs. Craw• years having begun in fourth retary Mrs. Jean Munro at the ford, and Mrs. Francis Lengyel. Mrs. Joseph J. Storlatzi chairgrade). elementary achool, and of Victo~ man of the garden depatt,;,ent of Dr. Kingham reported the new P. Ianni, a former employee at the Bank and. Trust CompallY the . club, was in chaxge of the .' program had already run into Chester plant, who sueeeeds THE KEY BANK OF DELAWARE VALLEY _ ~. ~4 plant sale and also introduced the snags. The oPPOrtunit,- to iIecare I' CWltodIan Riteh. Mr. Ritch Drfcr e ~~:: '-.0 0 speaker. of the afterDot>n, Job 01(.;.1' a partieu]ar _ _, which trig- died \13. He had beezl _ lf~~1s:# ~ ~~ ~1 301481; Lyster, autborit,- on the lfl'OWintr I, gered the plug.a... to a favorable played tor 18 _ _ , . of·.iria. _ o SWAR;:H~IORE Board Ohanges Mind, Shuls Rutladge School , 0 N.P. _., '" a" I 0 0,·0 "'0 ",.; . INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE Pal(e 8 THE SWARTHMOREAN Rutledge Parents Women of. Trinity Seek Pupil Transfer Announce May Speaker H. S. Garnet Beats Ridley Park 5·0 (continued from page 1) The 'Vamen of Trinity announce writing of fire policies covering the that Dr. John Alexander, a teachIn capturing the first league entire Swarthmore - Rutledge Dis- er of physics at Wilson Conege in win, 5-0, over Ridley Park last trict brought a rebate of $4,321 Bombay, India, will be the speaker ,Monday, Captain Butch Hofmann and a future annual saving of at a meeting May 4 at the Swarth- pitched fine ball, achieving the $1300, it was stated. morc church. first shut-out of the season. He Transferral of pupils at this Dr. Alexandel' is ~ne of the Ecu- struck out seven and allowed four point in the school year would ser· menical Fellowship scholars for hits in a victory that was sparked iously disrupt the education of the Program of Advanced Relig- bv the fourth inning home run of Rutledge and Swarthmore students ious Studies at Union Theological F"red Braund, sending across the according to Dr. Harry Kingham, Seminary in New York City. plate Roger and Mal Anthony superintendent. . A cordial invitation is extended ahead of him for a big three runs. To provide maximum securIty to the women of all churches to Billy IAlston's two hits also conthe board ordered the part-time this 10 :30 morning meeting. tributed to the seven nit attack by custodian be kept on the premises Swarthmore. dtiring the entire school day. that Last Tuesday the postponed sbrage of materials be checked • game with Clifton was played at for best safety arrangement. and· Riverview Field in a constant that fire drills be improved and three-College pJayers of drizzle. but completed nevertheheld m ore frequently. It also banThe S'warthmore CoJIege. Bryn Mawl' less. In spi~c of the weather, it ned use of a basement room in turned out to be a fine baseball wh ich a few pupils had been hav- and Haverford College, will d pret game. featuring the pitching of ~ent "Statlls Sneakers." a stu en ing instrumental music instruction. wtitten and dit'(lctcd musical com- Clifton's McBreen who struck out An adjourned meeting to receive ,l I·'I'Hay, '1 AI"',·1 28, at. 8·30 12 and allowed three hits; f cuyon . ff andf the th money and time estimates rom m in Bn'll 1\1a\\.')"8 Goodhmi excellent fu'st mound e ort 0 e George Ewing, architect, was sche- ~ali,' Garnet's Mal Anthony ,w~o struck duel for 7:30 p.m. next 'Vednesda;r. 'fhe progl'Hlll is P~ll't. of the un· I out 11 and allowed four hlte. Property Chairman Samuel T. nual Three _ ColJep-'e Weekend, It was a pitcher's duel all the Carpenter said he doubts if to- which include!;. athletic events on way with CHfton getting their lone day's minimum space requirements Saturday afternoon and a formal tun in the second inning when of the State Department of Public dance the Haverford Fi~ld Franklin reached first on an error Instruction could be met success- Hou5e un Saturday night. and subsequently scored on a I.ong fully in renovating the Rutledge "Status Sneakers". a politicul- pop-fly triple by Hess to the rIght building. The $U~OO bid of Nicholas social satire with love plot, loosely field foul Jine. Ralph KJetzien's DiCroce and Sons. Philadelphia. constructed about the Olympic improvement in the catching defor repal·n·ng a damaged retaining . d part men, t R o~el' A , ,th0n y 's gl·cat games, was written and orgamze . wall on the school grounds was by a Three-College Committee play around fl:st ba~e, ~~d BIlly 3.001lege Players I To Present Muslca in accepted. Letters from John A. Schumachcr, Swarthmore tax collector, and W. Dean Balch, Rutledge collector, asking salary increases, were referred to the finance committee for study in connection with the new headedElaine by Becky Brown ofSwarthmore, CottlC'1' of Bryn Mawr nnd Rogel' Groves. Haverford. Musk wa~ composed by Kathie Kell~'. Swarthmore, and 'Marita Viglione, Bryn Mawr, with words by Duncan Foley, Swarthmore, and budget. Elaine CotUer. Lead roles are Dr. Kingham proclaimed the played by Betty Ann Smith and need for an additional guidanc') Paul Armington, both of Swarthcounselor and said a good candimorc, Gary Mitchell Haverford, date was available. Treasurer John and ShelTY Ortner Bryn ,Maw!'. Spencer expressed the opinion that Saturda~ arte~noon sports a great deal had bl"en assumed for events include Haverford-Swarthnext year already and -further com':' mOre baseball at Haverford and a mitmcnts shou1d not be made. He said he didn't think the tax rate tennis match at Swarthmore, with points toward the <,oveted Hood should be jumped more than three Tr.pphy hanging in the balance. or four mills and when the pro- Haverford will aJso he playing a posed budget was viewed it would cricket match with Princeton with be discovered that (;onsiderable ,Princeton at Haverford, while paring would have to be aecom- Bryn Mawr stages its Sophomore pUshed to keep the increase that Carniva1. low. The board grunted use of part vote at the March meeting, Jater of the elementary school and fizzled when the young lady deequipment to the Swarthmore Rec- cided to accept a salary increase reation Association for its sum- and remain in her present posimer program. It decided to inform tion. The other woman who was the association that it would plan to teach the new seventh and eighto grant the usual annual request th grade French and German a)so of $200 cash this year but in view failed to sign a contract. It is anof the contribution in plant, the ticipated two men win fill the board would expect the association positions. to limit its monetary request to Dr. Kingham and Mrs. Marion SIOO next year. Campbell of the board's instruction Program But Not Teacher committee said scheduling and Mrs. Henry Peirsol said a con- transition problems had prompted siderable number of next year's them to not extend the FLES profifth graders and their parents gram to sixth grade until the 1962 .. desire that these students not be 63 s(!hool year, but if the juni;>r exduded from the foreign lan- high teacher had time or either guage instruction to be begun in I arrangement couJd be conceived, elementary school next fall. She the case of next year's sixth grade suggested if the ten 20-minute pel'- might be reco!Jsidered. 'iods in oral French and German Two elementarl' teachers l'esignplanned daily for fourth and fifth ed and three others were granted grades here and at Rutledge leaves of absence for the nCAt crowded the teacher's day, pos- school year. Resigning were Mrs. sibly sixth graders could be spread June F. Farnham and Louise Lidamong those classes in order to den. Leaves went to Sue Sharpe, achieve some of the long Jauded Mrs. Kathleen Marks, and Mrs. benefit.,; of early training in a sec- Patricia Curreri. ond language. She cited examples The resignation of James E. Haof benefits received at this level in becker, junior high developmental some Swarthmore classes about six reading teacher, was ac('epted and years ago from just a little train- 1\11'5. Anne F. Kroehler, Clifton ing by practice teachers; and also Heights junior high teacher, was mentioned the opportunity for named SUccessor. evaluating the ideal length of time Harvey Bennett, Philadelphia, ~ and beginning age for instruction, recent West Chester State College which would be afforded by having g'l'aduatc, was elected full time gradually staggered exampJes COIll- and :\hs. Patricia Mell'ath Crowing into the junior high program ther, who taught here in 195R be(this year's class having had no fore her marriage, part time teachprevious foreign language, next er in the elementary physical eduyear's having had one year, while cation department. at sixth grade age, the following The board confinned the appointyear having had two years in fiffh ment of Mrs. Willa Mae Green. and sixth, and finally the full three wood, who replaced temporary secyears having begun in fourth retary Mrs. Jean Munro at the grade). elementary school. and of Victor Dr. Kingham reported the new P. Ianni. a former employee at the program had already ron into Chester Ford plant. who succeeds snags. The opportunity- to secure I' custodian Ritch. Mr. Ritch a particular teacher. whicb trig. died 23. He had been em. gered tbe program to a favorable ployed for 16 years. I April 21, 1961 AII.Co"ege Work Day Set for Saturday Swarthmore students, faculty, and administration members will take to the woods tomorrow to participate in the All·College Work Day. Under the direction of seniors Barbara Hall and Mike Westgate. such activities as Crum Woods clean-up, shrubbery weeding and hoeing, leaf raking, path edging, bookstore painting, chicken house demolishing, Book and Key House grounds cleaning, du:pont window washing, road and fence painting, and lawn repair will go on from one to five in the afternoon. To encourage the workers there will be another crew, an it!nerant band of minstrels. At 5:30 everyone will gather for a picnic and bonfire jn the Crum meadow. Mrs. W. Rodman McHenry of Parrish road has as her guests this week her sister Mrs. Philip Reidy and son Michael of Worcester, ,Mass. IDr. John E. Michael of the Swarthmore Apartments was taken ill on Friday evening and is confined to his home. Because of the seriousness of his illness, the family- has requested that no telephone calls be made. Mrs. Charles Topping entertaine d mem b ers 0 f th e Sw arthmore Garden Club exhibiting in The f NEWS NOTES Mr. George McKeag of Pan-ish road spent two days last week attending meetings of the Council of Administration of tbe Pennsyl. vania Bankers at Skytop. Mr. Arthur W. Dodd of WeIlesley Hills. Mass .• • was the weekend guest of his mother Mrs. Samuel M. Dodd of Swarthmore avenue. He was enroute to attend the meeting of the American Meteorological Society in Washington. ,D.C. .', , 1 _I'" •• • •• •• ••• •• •• A very 5ucces!';ful flower show was held Tuesday at the Woman's Club under the chairmanship of Mr!'. 'VilJinm Lamawn and Mrs. WiBiam C. Rowland. Entries were sent by the following g-ard{-'n clubs and by some individuals: Providence Garden Club, Junior Providence Garden Club, Horne and Garden Groups of Wallingford, Pine Ridge Garden Club, Random Garden Club, Minqua Valley Gardeners, Springfield Gar-I den Club, Swarthmore Garden •• •• • •• SVl8rthmore Y j~f'I. Blood SWARTHMOREAN Number 17 Swarthmore, Pa., Friday, April 28. 1961 cortisone The initial price of cortisone; one of the fine new drugs, was $200 per gram. Several years later it was $2 per gram. Production and sale~ went up, prices came down! Today's prescr':plions are YOllr biggest h('l1/th t'a/lle. Sce us for fast service . • • for our always fair prices. (!) Day May 4 Borough Blood Donor Day Thursday, May 4 Swarthmore College alumni win gather April 28 at a dinner to honor Coach Robert H. Dunn, who Parties Will Be Held Weds. mi~ West avenue. was elected a~ Donors Urgently Needed retires from the Swarthmore faculaSSIstant secretary of Sun OIl in Swarthmore and Company. announced Joseph T. ty in June. Dunny has coached the to. Meet Quota College soccer teams for 41 years, I Springfield Wilson. Jr., secretary-treasurer. Necessary the longest coll~giate soccer tcn- j Mr. McWilliams will continue as Mrs. William H. Gill, Jr., and manager of the land department, ure in the country, and has coachMrs. \Valter N. Moir, chairman Mrs. R. L. Thompson of Swarth- with responsibility for the com. ed the Garnet baseball teams for of blood recruitment for the more were welcomed by Mrs. Rob· I pany's land holdings ill the United almost as Jong a pe)'iod of time. Swarthmore Branch of the Ameriert S. Irving, chairman, as new States and abroad, including lands can Red Cross, issues an urgent members of the Central Commit- and leases of the Manufacturing, plea for adtlitional volunteer blood tee of the Community Nursing Marketing and Production departdonors for the Borough Blood DonService, Delaware County, at the ments pJus pipe line rights-of-way. or Day Thursday, May 4. 1 to 7 regular monthJy meeting which p.m. at the 'Woman's Club. Rose Va lIey Architect was held in the Borough Hall, '!. The quota for the day is 125 Swarthmore. Mrs. Gill has heen Uu Was Active Member pints which must be met if the assisting in the transportation of current blood bank arrangement of Players Club patients to hospital clinics and W.II which guarantees free Red Cross Mrs. Thompson is actively engaged Japanese Pianist I The ,Montgomery County ComA memorial service will be held bJood to any resident of the Borin many civic affairs. Be Featured at missioner who will speak Tues- Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock in ough is to be maintained. The Mrs. James Crewe, Springfield. 12:30 Event day night at 8 p.m. in the Wom- the Swarthmore Friends Meeting Bloodmobile staff will be prepared anpounced that plans were comThe annual luncheon of the an's Clubhouse at, Republican House for \ViJIiam WE'hb Price who to coUect 144 pints as a maximum pleted for the annual fund raising Woman's Club of Swarthmore will Candidates' meeting. died Monday at his home in Rose donation. At press time, with nearproject, a Continental Br;akfa.st be held in the clubhouse, Tuesday, Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee, presi- Valley following a long illness .. He Iy all reports from the telephone and Card Party. T{vo.parhes WIll at 12:30. At this time the new dent of the Pennsylvania Repub- was 69. solicitors in, donors had barely be held simultaneously on Wedneg.. fficers and directors will be in- lican Council of 'Vomen, will The head of the firm of Price reached the 100 mark although at day. May 3. at 10 a m. in the Par- ~talled. extend greetings. and Dickey, Media, Mr. Price de- least one-third more than the reish House of the Church of the ReThe members will be entertainThe public is cordially invited. signed the library at Lincoln Uni- qui red 125 donors must be sched.. deemer, Springfield. and the Worn- ed by Miss Yukie Oda, a native vel'sity and a ~umber of churches 'uled to compensate cancellations, an's Club of Swarthmore. Mrs. f Tokyo who has been in this and homes in Pennsylvania, New rejections, and those who do not . h· fa • 10hn Ross of S ecane Is C aIrman 0 country since January. A Japan.. Jersey, DeJaware, and Massachu- keep their appointments. The need the Springfield part.y and Mrs., ese minister, Reverend Kusama setts. for additional volunteers is thereBirney K. Morse and Mrs. Robert was consulted about her visit, and A native PhiJadelphian, he was fore acute. Turner are co-chail·men for the through his acquaintance with the School Jointure Students graduated from Swarthmore Col· Since the Borough Blood Donor party at the Woman's Club of Rev. John C. Kulp. Miss Oda 10From Rutledge in lege and was one of the first six Day, May 1960, 16 requests by Swarthmore. «!a~d in Swarthmore, where she men to go to France in 1917 with local residents for blood made to Miria?> Kyle reported that the hopes to stay for three years. She Summer Grant the American Friends Reconstruc- Mrs. H. L. McCune, Blood service nurses 111 March had made 1030 had been told in Japan that Librarian Mary Ann Hunsicker tion Unit, the forerunner of the chairman for the Swarthmore visits to pat.ients and tha~ 34% Swarthmore was ua quiet town, stated that April will surpass rec- American Friends Service Com.. Branch, were a~swered by supply.. bours of service had been glven to no excitement no movies-a good ords for the month if" circulation mittee. ing necessary 79 pints through the the two schools which they serve. lace to study.·.. Her own obJ'ectives f. t f Mr. P"ice taught at Buckingham Red Cross. !rst quar p th,·s new venture are to learn figures and the Mrs. Patricia Kelly explained fo,. h b . h er 0 Friends 'and Friends Central In addition to the telephone~solic­ I the year has cen usy In reh the work of the nurse in the sc 00 more about music and about our port to the dil'ectors ofer the Schools, and at Swarthmore High itation posters are placed throughin interpreting the health t:Jeeds of Christian way of life. Swarthmore Public Library Asso- School. . out the community to remind don_ the pupils and in working closely She is a graduate of the. Tokyo ciation Monday night in Borough He was also an actor and played ors of their appointments for with the family and the faculty. University· of Arts. where she also Hall. The period has been a good over 200· roles in the professional Thursday. Borough Girl Scouts taught. piano and had her own'pri- test of the cha~ge-out system now and amateur theater. He was ac- under the chairmanship of Patty vate pupils. In PhiJadelphia she is in effect. Fines are nearly elimi- tive in the Hedgrerow Theater in Estey wiII hand out flyers in the ·studying with Mr. V. Sokoloff of nated and patrons more accustom- Moylan for 11 years and. played business area on Friday evening, summer stock theaters In New Saturday morning and Tuesday the New School of Music. She is ed to the change. England DelaV!are. He also ap- evening Jr. Hiqh Association at present on leave of absence from The reserve system is working pen red inand Broadway productions. . the university. weU, Miss Hunsicker said, with a 'Mrs. to Present Play Long a member of the Swarth· M KGeorge th V. St Krenikoff t Mand This is her first public appear- side benefit the accurate know}• 1'5. enne uar are rs. . • h . . thO at 8 P.M. ance since the war. which inter- edge of those books which have more Players Club, Mr. Pl'lce was, M OIr s co-c tI anmen . In t d bIS serth fered with her musical career. She specific demand. The Saturday a member of the board of gover·. UOUI' Miss Brooks", a play by nors and had produced and appear- ;lce g~ea Y apprCCla e y e Christopher SergeI. will be pro. will play selections fro,m Bach and Story Hours are gaining in use- ed in many club productions. His oroug. duced by the Junior Student Asso- Mozart, and also an old Japanese fulness. The April hour was most last performance for the club was --------ciation tonight at 8 p.m. in the folksong called IISakura, Sakura," successful with a former Swarth- in December. when he directed and high school auditorium. The play meaning Cherry Blossoms. It has. morean and new author Ann played the lead in Thornton Wild. . is being directed by students and been arranged for the piano by a Myers Hughes trying out her stor- er's "Our Town." Japanese composer, (Continued on Page 5) sponsored by the faculty advisor, contemporary He was a veteran story toller A. Tsukatani. Charles Law. Julie Huse is direc. and had delightcd hundreds of Swarthmore - Rutledge U n ion tor. Virginia Keller the assistant Swarthmore children with his School Board. reversed its last director. t I month's decision to keep the old I The Flower Market at Mrs. Jos- a~. The leading role of Miss Brooks Mr. Price was a member of the Rutledge .Elementary Schoo o~en, will be played by Betsey Jarratt. As in past years, a Summer eph S. Bates' "Rocky Spring (Continued on Page 5) and unammously passed a motIOn,. grade 9. Jim ,Mayer, also grade 9, Music program will be held again Farm," Paxon Hollow road, Media, mode by Dr. Samuel Carpenter and will take the part of Mr. Conklin. this sea!?-on. The sessions which is just around the corner - Wedseconded by Carl Anderson, to "dis.. KNEE HI LEAGUE Other members of the cast are: meet Monday through Thursday. nesday, May 3, from 10 to 4" when the Use of the ,present BEGINS PRACTICE continue Kitty Wyncoop, Francis Hoen- will be held at the Rutgers Inter- the Providence Garden Club of buiJding at the end of the current After a highly successful regis. sc hool year. 't igswald, Sue Carroll, Jon Speers, mediate building, beginning Mon- Pennsylvania will lead the way tration of 147 boys. the S.R.A.'s through the arched door in the old Mark Good, Janet Fuoss, Jane day, June 19, and concluding Action came as the Board met wall into the picturesque court~ Knee Hi baseball program will get Aaron, Jeanne Draper, Susan Thursday. July 27. Wednesday night in the presence Beginning and intermediate in- yard. Here will be iound a color· under way next Wednesday eveRoss, Fran BriIJ, Cris Hosford, of 26 Rutledge residents, mostly Ennis Duling, Christine deMon, struction will be offered and a ful medley of plants from the best ning. The practice schedule for parents of children attending the Caroll Lee Johnson. Debbie Torrey. Summer Band will meet on Tues .. commercial growers as well as next week is as follows: May 8 - Riverview Field _ school. and heard from Architect Walk-on parts will be played by days and Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. those raised by the club. Door priGeorge Ewing the cost and other Nell Preston. Peggy McCawley. Parents of st:udents desiring to zes and a luncheon from 12 to 2 Yankees and Orioles; on College problems involved in bringing the Emily Russell. Sue Wood. Sandy participate in other summer activ- may encourage visitors to linger. avenue Field, Tigers and Indians. school up to requirements recently Under the pines the Junior ProvMay 4 - ' Riverview Field, Snyder, and Susan Davis. . ity programs will probably want to made hy the State Department of note the time of the Band practice. idence Garden Club will have their Braves and Dodgers, at College Labor and Industry. Details concerning registration table of home haked goods. eand- avenue Field, the Cardinals and EIGHTH GRADE INVITED ies, gay garden hats, flower hold- Phillies. According to Ewing the changes TO GARNET CANTEEN will be made available in a few ers, and other accessories. They The remainder of the month's in the old building. would cost weeks. The eighth grade is invited to will also conduct a tour of the practices will be distributed by the about $75.000 and require the attend the Garnet .Canteen this charming farmhouse, where un- various coaches of the ,teams. Fif- whole of next year to complete. Present week because of the ninth and LTC usual antiques and Mrs. Charles ty-~ome new members enrolled -this Dr. Harry Kingham, supervising 'Madwoman of Chaillot' Hogg, Jr.'s flower arrangements year and were distributed among principal, tenth grade Junior Assemblies that brought to the Board's "To be alive is to be tortunate," may be enjoyed. are being held. the eight existing teams. Team ros- attention recent vandalism at the There wi11 be table games, ping proclaims the charming Countess ters will also be distrihuted at the Rutgers Avenue School, especially pong, novelty dances and dancing. in Giraudoux's "The Madwoman of first practice sessions, These prac- an outaide bell broken by a brick Chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs. Chaillot." The Little Theatre Club tices will be held from 6 :15 to 7 :45 which also went through a window. John Aaron. Mr. and Mrs. William of Swarthmore College will preI'.m. and broken beer bottles slammeil Gill and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Zim- sent the play on Friday and SatThe Junior-Senior High School Anyone not knowing which team all over the place. after the last urday. May 5 and 6. at 8:15 p.m. P.T.A. Card Party will he held in he· is on should call Klngswood 3. merman. meeting of the Canteen there. It in Clothier Memori'al Hall. the Nether-Providence High School 5819. was not established that the Can. Directed hy Barbara Pearson gymnasium tonight at 8 p.lO. teen meeting had definite connec.. Lange. the play features freshman There will he table prizes and EXHIBITORS TEA tion with that occurrence, but the Daylight Saving Time will be. Catha Winn in the title role. Ron two $50 gift certificates awarded A reception and tea for the ex. Board aSked Kingham to notify po. gin Sunday at 2 8.m. For prompt Sunt. Joe Bernheim and Edith during the evening. Refreshments hibitors in tlie Woman's Club Art lice that the School District would arrivals at Sunday Sehool, chnrch Twombly have major roles and will be available at any time in Exhibition. and their gu~ts. will prosecute anyone committing vanservicea and family dinner&, real- . snpporting mad women are played the cafeteria. Parents and friend. be held Sunday afternoon from 3 dalism against its property at any denta should turn their clocb by Annemarie Weyl. Susannah are invited to attend. and play tbe to 6 p.m. at the clubhouse on Park time. Both Kingham and Board FORWARD one hour. Stone. and Helen Bees. 'Card game of their choice. avenue. (Continued on Pall" 5) I I Memorial·Service Slen. For William W. Price Woman'01 Annual s Luncheon Tuesday Oatherman's Drug Store Klngswood 3-0586 Donor $4.00 PER YEAR Dunn Honored Elkins Wetherill I I :.• :. . . I ....• , •• ••• •• ••• ••• •• •• Library to Increase Summer Senice 'Our Miss Brooks'· On Stage Tonight ... Club, and Swarthmore Woman's j Club garden department. There were 53 flower arrangements entered, 52 horticultural specimens, and' 15 house plants., "Best in Show," arrangement c1as-1 es, was awarded to the table presen ted by the Swarthmore Garden Club, prep-a red by Mrs. Brodie Crawford, Mrs. Raymond Gernmill, Mrs. Hilton Duling, and Mrs. Valentine Fine. First pJace -was awarded in individual classes as fonows: UWelcome," arrangement for hall table, Minqua Valley Gardeners, 1\I1's. Robert MiJIer, Mrs. H. G. Prall, and M'rs. Harold Barr; 4'Conversation Piece" for coffee table. Mrs. Joseph Lynch of the Swarthmore Garden Club; HBreak_ fast Cheer/' also Swarthmore Club, Airs. Brodie Crawford, Mrs. Raymond Gemmill, Mrs. Hilton Duling, and Mrs. Valentine Fine; "Something Old," Home and Garden Groups of WaIHngford. Mrs. Rowland Timms; uGal'dener", (bulb blooms),Swarthmore Garden CJub, 1'tlrs. Edward Cratsley; HSpring," Swarthmore Garden Club, Mrs. Charles H. Topping; 4'Beginner" (first exhibit in a show), Random Garden Club, Mrs. Paul Banks, O. H. Paddison; "La Petite,'· Minqua Valley Gardeners, Mrs. Walter Ramsten; "Teacher's Pet," (children's c1ass), Gayle l\IilJer. In the Horticultural Classes Ml's. E. A. Chari ott was judged "Best in Show" Wit11 her Narcissus coHecti.:.n. Blue Ribbon winners in the individual c1asses were Mrs. Robert Clothier, Mrs. David Bing. ham, Mrs. Wall, Mrs. Charles Hogg, Mrs. Chariott, Mrs. Crawford, and Mrs. Francis Lengyel. Mrs. Joseph J. Storlazzi, chairman of the garden department of the club. was in charge of the plant sale and also introduced the speaker of the afternoon. John Lyster. authority on the growing of iris. Gv:nrtlu IOn: CollGG~ Lihr~r~ APR 28 1961 Nursing Service Plans [sun Oil Company .. I • Elects McWilliams Oontlnental Breakfasts John H. McWilliams of Benja- • • • the case of Do most of your bills run between $5 and $75? I~ Donor Volume 33 - ~w~o~m~a~n~'s~c~l~u~bs~h~o~w~a~t~a~l~u~n~c~h~:atl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spring Flower Show Acclaimed at Club Blood May 4 DECREASING COST OF DRUGS .............................. • COLlYtih: DO) ,~. Alston's sensatIOnal of fly balls in center werefIeldIng highHghts of her home on Princeton avenue. the game and provided $:ome very exciting moments. . SW ARTf! ~IORK I Board Ohanges Mind, Shuts Rutledge School 'Harbinger of Spring' Summer Music Schedule Announced Then pay them at home in minutes with a Provident Tradcsmens "Key" Special Checking Account! , Lots of people with incomes and budgets the size of yours enjoy all the conveniences of a "Key" Special CheCking Account. So ... why should you go out· in bad weather. stand in line to pay bills or waste time buying money orders? I You don't need to keep a minimum balance in a Provident Tradesmens "Key" Special Check. ing Account. You get free monthly statements. Cancelled checks are legal receipts. It costs you nothing to have checks imprinted with yOUl" name, nothing for deposits. What do you pay? Only a dime a check and a quarter a month to take care of handling costs. A "Key" Special Checking Account is exactly what your budget is looking for! I to PTA Card Party Tonight atN.P. PROVIDENT TRADESMENS Daylight Saving Time Balik mid Trllst Compall)' THE KEY RANK m' DELAWARE VALLEY Dekt....... CountY O/lir. S. K. Stevens, executive direc- of the Assembly, representing Ham A. Welsh. of Pennsnuken, N.J. Mrs. Simpson Bills io be Presented -- tor 'of the Pennsylvania Historical Chester County (our present Dela• ~lullllllunIlIlIlIIIllIUIIIIIIIIIUI1llIIUWWICIIIIIIIIIIIJUIIIIIllI~ and Museum Commission, will ware County was part of Chester Late in this session of the legis. :::; e apeak on ''Our Vanishing 17th Cen-, Co~nty until 178B). He served for lature, bills will be introduced in ~ tnry Pennsylvania Hou.es.~' He 120 years on the Executive Council" Harrisburg for a special appro-' § for the warm weather! will be followed by W. Nelson An-I and then on Penn's Council of I priation of $35,000 for the restor- fi ~ derson, architect for the restora- State, IimitM to 10 members. He I ation ,of the Caleb Pusey H'!use. ~ for Mother's Day? . ~ tion, who will explain I'The Unique, collected the stories of the first This money will be paid directly ~ If no 10th Grader has come ~ Architectural Features of the Cal- immigrants and the setting up of to the Pe.nnsYlvania Historical and ~ eb Pusey House!' the Friends Meetings, and his notes Museum Commission but with the ~ to your house for orders =_~==c After the meeting there will be were the basis. of the first histories special provision that the local ~ 13 South Chester Road of the little house PLEASE CALL ments will be served out of doors. has been well documented since the state. If all goes, as expected, ~ 5=§ Swarthmore, Pa. Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman of Park 1717. The miller, Samuel Shaw, this house will be fully restored, § = avenue and Mrs. Lawrence Pyle of, lived there about the time of ~he furnished with the crude pieces of dlllfallllllllllllallmllllmallllllllUllallllllllllllcllnlllulII~~_ _ _ Vassar avenue are chairmen of the Revolution and it i's said that the 17th Century; such as an early committee for the tea. ·Mrs. Sam- Washington was concerned during Colonist would 4tave owned, and nel Crothers, Jr., will arrange the the war lest the English should the house will be open to the pubflowers. capture the mills, anti ~he stones lie. It will be maintained by anAt the same time, in the Whit- of these Chester mills were ordored nual dues, and the wages of an "attier House Room there will be a I buried. In 1845,.60 acres of Caleb's tendant will be offset by admission display of pictu~es of the house, former uLandingford" plantation, fees: Standards will be set for upfrom the days before cameras, to including the old house, were ,keep of the house by the Historical the present time. The newest paint- boug~t by John Price Crozer. a~d Museuql Commission. ings of the house are by Helen McAssociated with Penn Historical Significance I1wain Wolff of Lima, and by Mr. The association of this house . The State and County Planning and Mrs. William H. Paxon of with William Penn has long per- Commission have already declared Springfield..Members of the fam- sisted and wes -believed ·by Caleb the area ~to be of historical signifiily will bring pictures of family P·usey's descendents. With the as- cance. They ·feel that some of the WOMAN'S CLUB, 8 P.M. reunions of the Puseys at Londo~ sistance of Dr. Frederick J. Tolles nearby houses should be torn down .Grove Meeting. All ,of these ex- of the Friends Historical· Library, and a park established along the. hibits will· be arranged by Profes- a cpntemporary owriting has been Chester Creek. Hear sor Roberf Walker of the fine arts found to prove that William Penn ·On the day of the tea, May 7, department of the college. actually did come to this hous~. those who are interested are inAlso in the room the charter of The Crozer family enclosed the vited to drive to· 15 Race street in incorporation for the house will ·be little house in a stone wall in the Upland to see the hOUse between 2 Montgomery County Commissioner signed by 66 persons, many of 1890's and put a plaque in the wall and 3 :30, or between 5 and 7. It Greetings by Mrs. Irvin R_ MacElwee, State President them related in some degree to mentioning the visits that Penn has been stripped down by the Caleb Pusey. At still another table had made there. architect and the interior looks of the Pennsylvania Republican Council of Women all those who have sO far contribuFor· a good part of a century much as it did in its early days. Sponsored by the ted to the restoration of the house members of the Jordan family Those wishing invitations with SWARTHMORE COUNCIL OF REPUBLICAN WOMEN and become charter men1.b~rs: will have been .installed in the houoo the map may write to Box 256, jnscribe their namcs in a leather- as caretakers.· For 25 years no Swarthmore, or call Mrs. Patterbound book. taxes were paid on the property, son, KI 3-0850. All are welcome -::;;;;;~~;;::;:::;:~;;::;.::::::-:;;:;;;::::;;;:;::-:;::::::~~::::~ Movement Started and in 1950 the plight of this nn- at the meeting. 1- - - ~ ~-..... ~-_-' This new movement, The Friends cient house w'as brought to the· atof the Caleb Pusey House, started tention of the Orphans Court of Mrs. William C. McDermott of last August, when Mrs. Lynmar Delaware 'County. After hearings, Yale avenue returned home SatBrock and Mrs. Henry C. Patter- Judge E. ,Leroy van Roden ap- urday night idter a lO-day visit son called a meeting .. t the Patter- pointed four trustees to care for to her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wal-' son home un Maple avenue. to see the house un~il such time as it ter Montgomery in Way.nesburg. whether steps could be .te.k.en to could be suitably restored as' a ~""~. • save this primitive and early home Pennsylvania landmark. ~ Mary Ellen B-e·ddow·, which was fast reaching deteriora"Friends" Formed tion. Through the winter months So the matter remained Qntil the group has gathered momentum last summer: when Mrs. Brock and ~ and now there are 17 sponsoring· Mrs. Patterson heard the archiorgan'iz~tions: teet, G. Edwin Brumbaugh, voice The Delaware and Chester Coun- his opinion that the old house ty Historical Societies, T.he Friends would not be standing much lo.ngHistorieal Association, The Wel- er unless it was strengthened a~d COqIe S~ciety, The Philadelphia So- preserved .. On that afternoon these 7 South Chester Road eiety for the Preservatiop.. of Land- two gra~uates o~ .Swarthmore Colmarks, ~he Friends .MeEtting at· lege deCided to J01n forces and see Chester, tondon Grove, Swal'th~ what could be done. Mrs: Pattermore and WilIis.town the Citizens son, the former .Mary Sulhvan who Council of Delawar: County the edited the College Phoenix in 19a7Delaware County Federatio~ of 28, has acted as the hi~t~rian and Womens' Clubs, the New Century has produced the brochure n0'Y' 104 Park Avenue Swarthmore, Pa. Club of Upland the Delwware running about 10,000 eopies. About ' I • County Chapter of the Daughters, a third of these have been reof the American Revolution, the quested by the schools in Dela-",~.~ Wissahickon Chapter of the ware.County. of' Daughters of the American Colon.. T~e list· of sponsors is' too long ists, the Delaware County Cham- to list in full. Some who live in ber of Commerce, and the' Kiwanis and· Rotary Clubs of Chester. THE OLD FRONTIER DRIVE IN TODAY! II $2.75 I~ Monday and Tuesday, May 1 and 2 ; Swarthmore include ~Ir. and Mrs. 'Friends of the Oaleb Pusey House' to Hear F. Hairy Bewley, Edmund Jones, 1 Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee, George Talk on Seventeenth Oentury Houses la, Plowman, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Mohawk Carpeting • Complete Price Range • Oriental Rugs ' 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore. Pa. Klngswood 9 ___ '.._I0I0 3·6000 - CLea&:brook 9-4646 tP.,.~,~,," K.NOW$ C~rpet __1AQ_.;'I.,~ ... ~ . The \ 401 Dartmouth Av,nue FOOD M~RKET / THE S W,A RT HMO Page 4 - Wilcox Stirs LWY THE SWARTHMOREAN At Annual Me.~inl PUBLISHED EVERV FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORI!, PENNA. DEADLINE - WEDNESDAY NOON SWARTHMORE, PENNA., FRIDAY, ~PRIL 28,1961 !.....:::..:.:.=:.:.::~-·-.-.:-=---I--=::::~::~::::~~;--' METHODIST NOTES Mr. Kulp will preach th~ second In his series of four Sprmg Ser· mons at both the 8:30 and 11 a.m. services on Sunday. His theme will be "There Is A Lad Here" (Using " , , ' God) John 6:1-13. I , HEADS JAYCETTES installed as president of the JayMrs. John P. Trevaskis, Jr., of, eettes, of the Media Junior ChamSouth Chester road, was recently 1her o~ Commerce. , . LibralY to Increase Summer Service (continued from pa"e 1) I.. on the assembled chUdren. The Inventory has disClosed gsps in the library collection reo s.lting in the acquiring of technological books by gifts at the low· est expense and of foreign Ian· guage dictionaries of which the library had only one, that quite old. The library now has a "mag· nlficent" collection of 30 books on practical arts, including the gift of the Francis Thompson collec· tion from the University of Pennl.. sylvania. Miss Hunsicker has attended "the Philadelphia District Library As· sociation ,where Librarian Harold Roth, East Orange, N.J., discussed "Library \ and Community' Rela· tions", and a meeting on Children's Book Illustration with Mrs. Ann Hoke Boulter, School Librarian. Miss Hunsicker has met with Girl SCOUt leaders of the Borough to discover ways of mutual service. At present the first Girl Scout volunteer is working for her Service Bar in the library to be earn· HARVARD INN Dining Room Open To Public I (repayable in dollars) against loans repayable in soft (local) currency. Dr. Wilcox favors long CATIlRlNQ TO PERMANENT aDd TRANSmNT QUESTS Ifuv!rd and Rutgers Avenues Phone KIDgswood a.9UII range financing because it offers PRESBYTERIAN NOTES hetter returns to the beneficiaries, !f'IIWI'U,IQIIIUIlIUUI1IIWUIIUIDU'IIDUIUDIU'U'UlUmIUIIU1IIIIlUIlUlllllln,ulUlIIlI'DIIIIUIIII'IDIIU'WU'IQIIIIIIIIII M 'ng Worship and Church and is less expensive to the U. S. II Sch:o';"'are held at 9:16 and 11 gov~rnment. ~r. Wilc~x spoke ~ol. ~a! ~.N _ _ _,' o'cloek Sundays. IIOWlD g a bUSlDes~ sesslO~, at whIch.. ,,~ The Adult Discussion group time the followmg offIcers were I meets at 9:15, the Women's Bible elected: ~, A.class of new members will be received into the church at the 11 a.m. service on Sunday. The Junior and Senior High Fel· lowshlps will meet for their regu· lar Sunday evening meetings at 7 Second vice-president, Mrs. Hal· den Furber; corresponding secre. tary, Mrs. Eugene Burroughs; treasurer, Mrs. Robert Hilkert; directors, Mrs. Edmund Jone.s, Mrs. William Stoltzfus, Mrs. Cia,. Wilcox and Mrs. Hans Wallach. p.m. The Senior High will be led In a discussion on "Christian BelIefs Concerning War" by Wayne Conner. th The Executive Board of e W.S.C.s. will meet at 9 :30 a.m. on Wednesday In the Ladies' Parlor. On Wednesday the Carol Choir will meet at 4 p.m. and the Wesleyan Choir at 4 :30 p.m. The Commission on Missions will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. -'?In ThtUrStda7YptmheaCnhdatPheel CChh:!~ w u mee a .• eel Choir at 8 p.m. Dr. and Mrs. Rohert Walker, 212 Elm avenue. The Young Adults meeting will he held at 7:30 in, the W.A. Room · ld Communicants' classes are he Mondays, Tuesdays, hnd Wednes· days at 4 p.m. The Missions and Benevolences Committee will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the W. A. Room. The Adult Study group will meet at 8 p.m. at 212 South Chester road. T MOdrningtP9ray~rls akreThheldAedauclht ues ay a a c oc. e Study group will meet at 9:30 in Remaining in office are Mrs. Wil· Ham McDermott, president; MfS. Robert Spiller, first vice·presi. dent; Barbara Kent, secretary;' and directors Mrs. Ray Hunt and Mrs. Detlev Schumann. Program adopted for the com. ing year includes a "Know Your Town" study, work on creek val. ley and open land conservation in the Swarthmore area, support of a public recreation co,mmlSSlon, equitable real estate assessment and economical and efficient tax collection for Delaware County. Mr. Browne's New ofDelegates to of theWomen 25th convention Testament Studystudy. group The will meet the League Voters of PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH in the W.A. Room and the "Cross· Pennsylvania, to be held at St. D. Evor Roberts, Minister roads Study group" at 44 Morgan Davids on May 9; 10 and 11 will at 10 o'clock. be Mrs. David Bl>wler, Mrs. Spil. circle, Robert O~ Browne, Assoc. Mlnlste, ...d Minister of Christian Education The Sewing and Bandage groups ler, Mrs. IMcDermott and Mrs . meet Wednesday at 10 a.m. Wallach. Alternates are Mrs. will Sueday, April 30 Luncheon will be 'served by Circle 9:15 A.M.-Morning Worship Hilk.rt, Mrs. Hunt, and Mrs. Wi!. 2, Mrs. Ray Shuba, chairman. 9:15 A.M.-Church School , Choir rehearsals are held on cox. The Swarthmore delegation, 9:15 A.M.-Adult DIscussion with representatives from the 9:30 A.M.-Women's Bible plass Thursday at 3:30,4, and 7 :30 p.m. LWlVs of State Coliege, Lewis. 11:00 A.M.-Moming WorshIp 11 :00 A.M.-Church School town and Lancaster will urge an 6:30 P.M.-.'>r. High Group CHRISTIAN SCIEN~~ 'NqTES evaluation of Pennsylvania's Civil 7:30 P.M~Young Adults Man's God-given·· freedom from Service and merit systems as state Tueaday, May 2 sin and temptation will he explain. program for the coming two years. 9 :00 A.M.-Morning Prayers Visit Harrisburg 9 :30 A M.-Adult Study Group ed at Christian Science services 10:00A.M,-New Testament Stud, this Sunday in the Lesson-Sermon Members of the 48 local LWVs Wednesday, May 3 entitled "Everlasting Punishment." of Pennsylvania converged on Har10:00 A.M.-Bllhdage Group Keynoting the Lesson·Sermon is risburg 'on "pril 18 to visit the the Golden Text from, Ezekiel Assembly. They were welcomed by METHODIST CHURCH The Rev. John C. Kulp. Minister (18): 1 f"Repent,II and f tr..rn t your- the Lieutenant Gov~rnor, and were James S. MacMaln se ve~ rom ~. ~ your rans- briefed by Duke Kaminski, veteran Minister for Youth gresSlOn?; ,~o inIqUIty shall not be political reporter froJ;D the Eve. Charles Schisler your rUID.. ning Bulletin. Assemblymen were A selectlOn..t0 be. r~ad from the entertained at lunch by their can. Minister of Music S d A'I 30 Bible states: For It IS God which stituents and Delaware County 8 :80 A.Mu:..:l;. K~rp will preach worketh in you both to will and to' Assembl;"'an John Gremminger 9:46 A.M.-Church Sch,,!,1 Classes do of his good pleasure. Do all was the guest of the Swarthmore 11 :00 A.M.-Mr. Kulp WII! preach things without murmuringa and delegation '1:00 P.M.-Jr. and Sr. HIgh Fel· disputings' That ye may be blame.' . lowahips • The remalDder of the day was less and harmless, the sons of God, spent In visits to the House and. -THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY without rebuke, in the midst o~ a Senate. Swarthmore League memo OF FRIENDS crooked and perverse natton, he . Saturda~v , April 29 h h' I' hts • rs attending Furber, among w om ye s IDe as 19 In..... W Hwere tch Mrs. 'M' J 3:00 P.M.-C h est e r Quartsriy the world" (Philippians 2). J'urs. M arrenh aLo' rs. ames Meeting at Swarthmore Meeting. All are welcome to attend the eol,' rs. Jo n gue, Mrs. Ter· Worship period followed by short . t F' t Ch h f Ch'st ranee .ounn, Mrs. Wallach,Mrs. Irs urc 0 rl J H P' I d M H bUBl'ness session. Talk b)l Nora serv·lces a an rs. unt; Booth on AFSC sponsored sem...• Sc'lent'ISt, 206 P ark avenue a t' 11 enry elrso, • nars and conferences. Supper t 1 k . J On Thursday, May 4, the Conn. served in Whittier House. a c oc • ell of the Leagues of Women VoSunday, April 30 LEIPER ters of Delaware County will hold PRESBYTERIAN NOTES its annual meeting at the Refor. 9:46 A.M.-First. day Sehool ill chargewill of tell Adult ~'orum. ~acn Sunday School will meet at 9 :45 mation Lutheran Church, Rosetree class of ita curriculum 1 and activities. Members are urg· Sunday. and Providence roads, Media. Fol. ed to attend. .or. Lilley will conduct the 11 lowing a 'business session begin. 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. o'clock Worship Service. Ding at 10:30 a.m., coffee and des. Monday, Mav 1 Rehearaals will be held Wednes· sert will be served by the hostess All.day Wednesday, sewing for AFSC day at 7 p.m. for the Junior League. Dr. James Coke of the 1\" •• 3 All-clay sewing far AFSC Choir, 7:30 for the You~h Choir, FeTs Institute of Local and State . Friday, May Ii and 8 p.m. for the' Chancel Choir. Government will speak on metro. 8:00 P.M.-Raymond and Mary The ushers will meet at 8 p.m. politan problems and their rela. Whittlesey show pictures of In· Wednesday, and again at 7:30 on tion to 'Delaware, Coun'" at the dia. Rushmore Room of Whittier "3 Honse. Benefit of American Thursday in the ch'lrch office. afternoon session. Mrs. MeDer. Friends Service Committee proj. mott, Kl 3·6347, will arrange for ecta in India. FRIENDS MEETING NOTES transportation. At the regular Forum hour Sun-I Ushers from Swar~hmore will be LEIPER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH day, 9:45 a.m., the First-day, Ruth Chester, Mrs. Hatch, Jllrs. 900 Fairview Road Schod will present to members of Morris Bowie, Mrs. Maurice WebSunday, April 30 the ,Meeting and to those interest- ster, Mrs. Joseph Storlazzi and 9:45 A.M.-Church S.hool. ed in the First·day School, a pro- Mrs. R. H. Rommel. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship g~am representing some of the study and projects and thinking FIRST CHURCH OF Judy Hollander, a junior at CHRIST SCIENTIST during the First-day -Scbool year. Skidmore College, Saraloga Park 4 venue below Harvard. Springs, N.Y.,' has been elected by Snnday, April 30 IEWS Ion the student body to serve as Sen. 11 :00 A.M'.-Sundal School ' Mr. and Mrs. Allen Coller of ior member on the college Jndicial 11:00 A.M.-The e.son· Sermon will hi! "Everlasting Punishment." Bryn Mawr avenue entertained Board. Prior to this she was voted Wed~e.day evening meeting .lIl>h recently at their bome at a ~ as! one of "The Big Twelve" lead_k. 8 P.H.. Reading Room, 409 prise anniversary party In bollO" Dartmouth Avenue, open week· of Hr. and Hrs. Philip Knlakem ers of the college. Judy is the daughter, of Hr. Bnd Mrs~ 1. W. dan exeept boliday., 10-6; Fri· of Walllncford.· ' ..., _ta.... , ... HOllander of Ogden avenue. ~ " ~ TO LOCAL (and Nearby) TEENAGERS: ~'If , you are planning to take pictures " 1at your next cocktail party-buy your i_ f'llms and flash bulbs 3 B --at-. . I H ~amera & Hobby Shop I ~ l! ~ = g 4 - 6 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. =~ KI 3-4191 Fri.-9 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. ~ _ OmwlcmlllmmamnnmllCUllllmlRCllllnllllllclIIlllIIlIIlOItIllIITl;rrCllllllllllllcllllllllllnclIIlIlIIlIIllllII11111111101 :=r.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'I= CENTRAL.CIIY LOCATION is cOnvenient for all-urbanites and suburbanites ••• and we offer our own ample free parking. • THe OLIVER H. B~11l CO. .'.J , D••• crOD O. fUNUAU _or 1820 CHESTNUT STREIT _ No ~ MAItf A.IAII, .... , ,..... " .. d '''ephe.,. LO 1-1111 -- , NEWS NOTES Mrs. Francis Plowman of North SwB'rthmore avenue entertained 24 guests at a luncheon and shower at her home on Saturday In honor 'of Miss Nancy Baker' of "Long. field", Ridley Park. . Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Rincliffe of Strath Haven avenue and Mrs. Francis H. Gibson of Swarthmore aven~e, along with, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Long and Mr. and Mrs. James Moss of Wallingford;· recently attended the wedding of Mr. Long's nephew Mr. William Boyce and Miss Vivian' Jorgensen, New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rommel of Drew avenue had as their reo cent guest for a few days Mrs. Rommel's mother Mrs. R. W. Ber. ger of Mansfield, O. Mrs. William S. Hobbs of Park avenue arrived home on Thursday of last week after seven weeks vis· iting in Florida, and in AmaIillo~ T 'th her so,n.in.law and d:~;h:" lIfi. and Mrs. Scott C. Witt. Mrs. Maxey M. Morrison and Mrs. Arthur D. Moscrip, both of Boare/ Changes Mine/, Shuts Rutlec/ge School (Continued from Page 1) President Donald P. Jonea said it was their understanding that local police were discouraged about such vandalism because they had not reo ceived much support from parents or other re~idents when they had apprehended culprits. Kingham also decried the prac. tice of studenta crossing the rail. road tracks, even cutting holes in the fence along the cinder path at the rear of., the high school to gain passage and avoid use of the prop. er crossing tunnels. It was suggested he consult the stUdent gov· ernment and safety patrols as to the best means of controlling this hazardous practice. Alice Barber Gills 15 So. Chest., Road Klngswoocl 3-1900 , 01 BEAT THE SUN Have Fun in Swim Suits and Vacation Clothes , from CIt Pre.teen and Junior 9 South Orange Street, Medic, Pc. j ed honrs,ofoftraining library service avenue, retumed N.Y., home _ saw 1 1 f t . war plusby1030hours by the Dartmouth Monday from Schenectady, librarians. The first male page is where they were the weekend also at work in the library. guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Boyd,' The librarian has also met with formerly of Swarthmore. the local public school English Mr. and Mrs. D. Robert Gerner teachers toward a single High and daughters Barbara and Maje School reading list and is working of Westdale avenue; left Tuesday , with elementary school mothers on for Florida. After Mr. G~rner ata reading list for those grades. The tends, meetings of the Industrial books listed will be available at the Research Institute in Boca Raton, library. Grades are visiting the he and his family will enjoy fish. library for instruction in its use; ing and sight seeing, including a second grade was instructed in visits to Mrs. Gerner's brother-in'the use of the catalogue, a sixth law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Thorn· grade in the use of the reference as Murray in Naples and to formaterials. mer Swarthmoreans Mr. and Mrs. The first picture display iu some Frank Powers in Dania. They will time, "Apple Blossoms" by William return home the middle of May. Walker, illustrator and cartoonist, KariQ. Ward of Forest lane is is on loan from Dr. Robert Walker. one of three Penn Stete Ogontz The librarian listed plans for Campus students to be selected for the next three months (in the hl>pe participation in the 13th annual 01 heing air-conditioned) to include Reading Festival for Pennsylvania the extension of' summer hours to College students, to be held at the Monday, Wednesday a~d Friday University Park campus this week. from 2-9 p.m. and evening hours on ,end. A second s~mester liberal arts Tuesday snd Thursday from, 6-9 major, Karin will read a short . ~ .'. p.m., plua s..,hildren's"re"dlngpro: story by' Eni'd;;ra wmty and win gram each Wednesday l"orning participate in an interpretetion of from 9-12 Noon. The Board adopt- scenes from Thomas Hardy's poem ed this summer schedule proposed UThe Dynasts." by Miss HunSicker, noting with - - - - -_ _ __ approval that they doubled the Memorial Seryice Sunclay former summer service. For William W. Price Also unanimously adopted, but (Continued from Page 1) stressed that the action was for the Bchool vacation period only, American· Institute of Architects, was the motion that all students of th ~ttend the open air ~ I" co?cert, admISSIon .free. In case of ram, the coru:ert will be postponed., ELECTBICITY...key to progress PHILADELPHIA ELECrRIC COMPA.' .,,, ....... Mr. 'George McKeag'of Parrish road is leaving today to spend Father's weekend at The Mary A. Burnham School, Northampton, MaSs., with his daughter Betsy. • Mr. Robert C. Powell and his son Mr. Richard Powell moved last week from 508 North Swarthmore avenue' to Section L of the Dartmouth House. Mr. and Mrs. John Espenschade of Dogwood lane and Mr. and Mrs. Band Concert May 5 • & TAX-PAJIM. PageS , CI 1~~~'t~'~!~h~~~~t~~-~~~~~I)o!=::::::~~=~Jl~::-:~~Il~=:::::R~:::~R~~:':::.i-~:=~~~~:=:::~.Il:::== ",oreall. _ "' . .' " , ~ 'i , I ~ = T B,E S W A B T H M o'a E A N April 28, 1961 Dr. Clair Wilcox, addressing, the 'April 17 annual meeting of the LWV of Swarthmore on the topic , of foreign aid, triggered a livelyf I loans discussion of the advantages 0 made in hard currency class at 9:30. Choir rehearsals are held at 3:30, 4:[0 and 5 o'clock. The Senior High Discussion group will meet at 6:30. The College Fellowship group will meet at 7 at the home of CHURCH SERVICES , April 28, 1961 Three Officers, Four Directors Elected for 1961-62 PETER E. TOLD, MARJORIE T. TOLD, PubliBhe" Phone KIngswood 3-0900 Entered a s Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, a t the P ost A f M h 3 1879 Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the ct 0 arc, . a E AN sw PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER COMPANY , HISTORY CLUB HEARS 'Old TALK ON LAND POICIES I Mrs. William J. Cr..son, Jr.. of IEWS IOTES April 28, 1961 I THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 6 Frontier' Is Theme I At "The Old Frontier" will be a For Annual May Fair gypsy lortune teller, a makeup PROMOTED ApriI28,~1~9~61~______~~~______________T~H~E~S_W~~A~R_T __H_M~O_R~E_A~N________________~______~_______p_ag_e_f Kenneth J. Wright has been promoted from salesman in production to assistant manager in advertising with Scott Paper Company. The Wrights and their. three children are moving from Kensington, Md., to Whitman Square, Blackwood, N.J. Mr. Wright was formerly assigned to the Washington, D.C. area with Scott. Mrs. Wright· is the former Mary LeCron of Cedar lane. , I The SchooI'10 R ose V a IIey, M o~-.' I tent and a . fishpond. Amherst avenue was hoste•• Wed"Since Revolutionary War Days, . To, be ennesday to the education fIItudy nt y's land policies have Ian will hold its annual May Fair Joyed also will be children s games our cou r , , . I d' . for gold Th re group of the Lansdowne Brallch been changing". On April 21 the Saturday, May 6. This ye~r ~ m.c u mg. panmng • e of the American Association of details of this change were pre- theme will be "The Old FrontIer WIll be .rIdes on a Conestoga wagUniversity Women. 'rhis year the. sented by E. H. Taylor, of Harv.crd and it will begin at high noon and lon, pomes and a pony cart. • group is studying library sel"vices avenue, former Washington cor- end at sundown. The children of the school take in Pennsylvania. . . respondent for the Curtis PublishFeatured at the fair will be, part' in the fair's activities. The Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Hllkert ing Company, to the High School's George Britton, the balladeer. Mr. fourth graders traditionally do a of Strath Haven avenue have re- American History Club. After Britton sings in 13 languages, has May Pole Dance and the fifth and turned from a 10-day vacation in summarizing the various land pol- written background music for two sixth graders a Sword 'Dance. All Georgia and Florida. While in Sa- icies he stressed the importance prize, winning films, and teaches in the children of the school are takvannah Mr. Hilkert was a speaker' of f~od for domestic, economic and several art centers and music cen- ing pa~t in the recording of their at the annual convention of the foreign policy stability. ters, His performance will be at singing for background music for 1 saw it in The Swarthmorean. Georgia Bankers Association. Today the club under the spon- 3 p.m. at the Woods Building. the fair. The older children will KlDpwoocl 3-1448 sorship of Irma Zimmer, win have On the morning of the fair "The have booths of their own. Jewelry Repatred Ph. KI 3-4216 Stephen M. Spencer of Ogden ave- Wonderful Tang" will be presentA barbecued chicken dinner in I nue, 85 its speaker. !Mr. Spencer ed at the Hedgerow Theatre at the apple orchard will Qe followed AlIlles and Rubbish Removed is assistant editor to the Saturday 11:30 for the benefit of The School by square dancing. Robert W. WATCHMAKER UBWIUi Mowed. General HauJJ.ng Formerly of F. C. Bode and 80... Evening Post. in Rose V~lley. ' Mather of Moylan will be the calt36 Bardin, Ave. Monon. Pa. The ladyfolk of "The Old Fron- ler. Pine Watch and 128 Yale Ave. Clock Repairs Swarthmore. Pa. Marion Detweiler. a fl'eF-hman tier" will be bedecked in calico at Rider College, Trenton, N.J., has I and gingham in a frontier town WOMAN'S CLUB NOTES been named to the Dean's list Mar-I se.tting. Lunch at the old salo.on ELNWOOD EXPERT PIANO TUNING ion is the daughter of Mr. and, wIll feature steerbl,lrg~rs beglnOn Friday, May 5, at 8 :30 a.m., Mrs. Robert A. Detweiler of Am- ning at noon. The general store interested members will meet at and REPAIRING herst avenue. will have many specialties, and the clubhouse for a Museum Gar47 Years of Experience with All Ma~es antiques will be on display at the! den Tour of ·'Vinterthur. Lunch is Baltimore Pike &; LlDcoln Ave, PUBLIC IlEARING White Buffalo Trading Post. 'available on the premises. Mrs. II, L. PARKER LOwell 6-3555 Swarthmore On Monday evening, l4Iy 8. 1961, Ilt Plants can be ordered in advance Joseph J. Storlazzi is in charge of .~ 7:30 P.M. a. pUbliC hearing wm be beld In Estabh&hed 1932 CaUDell Chamber, Borough Ha.Il, Swartb· as Can split cedar fencing and transportation arrangements (KI • more. Pa., to consider the appllcatlon ot stockade fencing. 3-1292. Rain date ~ May 9. C. H. A. Wildman tor possible variances -lui." Restful l!url'Oundinp WUb I I Garnet Beals Sharon Hill 2·1, Darb, 6-5 Next Game Is Monday with Collingdale at Home 'ROOFING 'SPOUTING 'GUTTERS 'SIDING t SWARTHMORE or KI 4-0221 KI 3.0635 QuaTlty WOrk with quality mat.rlal, • PERSONAL Furniture refinish2'1'-4-28 ing, repairing. Quality work at moderate prices.- antiques and REQUEST FOR BIDS modern. Call Mr. Spap.ier, KIngsSealed bids will be received in CouncD wood 4-4888, Klngswood 3-2198. Chamber, 121 Park Avenue. Swarthmore. Pl!;RSONAL - Carpentry joobing, Pa. on May sth. 1961 at 1:30 P.M. Eaatem recreation rooms, book cases Da.yllght Saving Time ror furnishlng me porches. L. J. Donnell~. Klngswood materials and doing Ute work ot curblng 4 3 7 81.' and paving approxhbately 360 feet at Brighton Avenue betweera Yale Avenue and PERSONAL !'Iano tuning specBowdoin Avenue in the Borough of Swar1ltialist, minor repairing. membeJ' more in accordance with plans and speibrIcaUous which may be seen at the oUlce Piano Technicians' Guild. Leaman. ()t the undersigned. A certlfied check or Klngswood 3-5755. BiCYCles Repaired, bid bond ror $400.00 shall accompany the Pl!;1(.SONAL bid and the flrm or person to whom tbe Part!:):, accessories. Milt Glass contract Is awarded sball execute a can· Bicycle, Hobby, Toy Shop, 205-7 trac\. ana rurnish bonds. the rorm of which East Baltimore Avenue. Clifton may be see:q ., the .offlc!" or !he under- Heights. MAdison 6-0713; Opposite signed. The Borough reserves Ule right to waive any inJ'ormaUUes in the bIds re· Clifton Theater. celved; to reject. any or all bJds; to award PERSONAL }t'urniture refin. the contrad only to those experienced in ished, repaired and upholsterPd. thIs cl&ss of work. and to the bidder whose slip covers, draneries and rugs. proposal Is deemed. to be tbe. most advan· Complete decorating service. Qual •. ta.geous to the public interest. ity work at bargain prices. Plea~e RUTH A. B. TOWNSEND, Borougb Secretary call LOwell 6-3031 or Klngswood 2&+26 3-7282 for free estimate. Garrett HOl1!'>e. DELAWARE COUNTY INSTITUTION DISTRICT PERSONAL - Roofing, spouting, Sealed Proposala wUl be received at gutters. Recreation rooms a spec_ the Office at the Coun'y Controller. Court ity_ Ray J. Foster, GLobe 9-2713. House, Media. Pa., up untU 10:00 A.M'. PERSONAL Grandmother's Eastern Dayllgbt Saving Time, on ThursMendmg Service frees mother da.y, May 4, 196., ror turnlshing and delivering Low Sulphur No. 6 Fuel 011, to the for relaxing family fun. Prompt, D,elaware coun~y-, InsU\UUOD DlsU1ct, Pall' reasonable. Klngswood 3-5177. Acres Farm, Lima, Pa., whIch will be PERSONAL Have house paintopened at 11:30 A.M. E.D.S.T. on that ing equipment, Will paint local date at Fair Acres Farm, Lima. Pa., in the presence of the EzecuUve and Admin- or seashore. H. Foresman, TReIstraUve Officers or tbe Delaware County mont 4-2976. InstitutIon Olstrict. WANTED Each bid muat be BccompanJ.etl by Cub, CertUied Good Falth Check or by a Cor- 'V ANTED Practical Nurse deporate Burety Bond, either one in the sires private duty. References. amount of ten percent (10%) of the Total Call TRemont 4-2425. amount of the Bid. drawn to the order or WANTED _ Business man desires the Delaware County InaUt.uUon Dlatrict. • • S I Ftlrms of PropDsal IDay be obtained.\. room wlth small famIly. pot ess the Otnce or the AdmlnlStrator, Fair Acres I clean. No other roomers. Box 294, Farm, Lima. Pa. Swarthmore. Tbe FxecuUve and Administra.tlve OfU.. ,WANTED _ Cleaning, ironing ot; cers ()f the Delaware Count.y InsU\UUOn baby-sitting. Reliable. TRemont ROTH A. B. TOWNSEND • Borough 8ecre'Lary LET US REBUILD YOUR PORTABLE TYPEWRITER ONLY $18.00 Free: Pickup Estimate - Deliv. Swarthmore Typewriter Service 10. 2 Park Ave., Swarthmor•. ,.. Pho.a Mr. Hudso. - KI 4-3360 - Belvedere Convalescent Home 2507 Chestnut St., Chester TRemont 2-5373 u.Roar N1II'S1Da Can Aged, Senile, Chronlo Convalescent Men ed Wom6D. EueUeat Food .. Spatto. . Gr...... SADIE PIPPIN TURNER, Propr1e~r Picture Framing ROGER RUSSELL Adults. $100. Wwell 6-1870",._,""", FOR RENT Beautiful quiet surroundings, first floor duplex apartment. Large living room with fireplace, master bedroom, smaller bedroom, large sunny dining room, all eleetric kitchen. Tile bath. Garago. Near transportation. adults, $145. LOwell 6-1870. FOR RENT Pleasant room iti Wallingford. Separate entrance, private bath, garage. Convenient location. Call LOwell 6-3695 . FOR RENT-Wing of house .Wnllingford. Living room, kitchen, two small bedrooms, bath. Lawn and garden space. LOwell 6-1387. -.=... . FOR SALE FOR SALE - Westinghouse Refrigerator, '1~~ cubic feet. Betsy Ross mod .. $30. Klngswood 4-2726. FOR SALE Mr. and 111rs. Wren are back house hunting. We heard them this morning and have several houses ready for occupancy. More houses ready at the S. Crothers, Jrs., 435 Plush Mill Road, Wallingford. LOwell 6-4551. FOR-SALE =-21-inch- RCA,-table TV, matching stand, working but needs repair. Call Klngswood 37164 Friday evening or Saturday between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. FOR SALE Glassware, bedroom rug 3x8, $5. Two upholstered ann chairs, $4 each. Two rocking chairs, $2.50 each. Perfect typewriter table. Anderson, 100 Park Avenue. LOST , Photographic Supplies LOST - Left on Riverview Field April 7, light tan jacket. Finder srATE &; MONROE STS. please call Chuck Pugh, Klngswood 3-1151. MEDIA LOST Girl's glasses. Pink frames, LOwell 6-2176 cracked right lens, in plastic case. Near Rutgers school. KI 4OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS Dlstrtct reserve the rIgbt to reject any and 2 07~7 all bids. ,. WANTED - Day's work.efCleaning 4412. o. R. WATKINS ALBERT H. SWING or ironing. Reliable. R erences. putuDmlllllllununllUlIIIDIDlmmnDlIUBWI~ WM. A. WELSH =T;R7e~m~0",n;;t;;::2,--0:..7:..7:,;7;:.._...,...."._ _ _..,.,-, PATTERSON'S :':::::ra:~ OUlcers I WANTED - Two College seniors & CRESSON PRICHARD I - ·wllnt two or three room apart= ment near campus from September ESTATE NOTICE Phone LOwell 6-3400 to June 1962. Cooking facili- \ = = Estate of JAMES BACON DOUGLAS, late 1961 OVER 25 YEARS' EXPERIBNCB ties not necessary. Private en~ !'i of Ihe Borougb of Swarthmore. Deceaaed. A Price to Meet E'fel'J V.mll,'. Heel trance desirable but not necessary. 6 NOTARY PUBLIC ;; Letters Testamcnwll' on the above Write Box S. The Swarthmorean. 5 ~ Estate having been granted to the undel\o = 900 Michigan Avenue = I B I REALTOR !I Swarthmore ~ KI 3-1112 Funeral Hame ~ I e e £ 9ntanIlmIllRDmmmmanllIllII1I1ClllllillllllcnIIDlIIITmt"-'= signed, all persons to paymen\., &be said Estate are requestedindeb\ed to make and tllose having claims to present the same, without delay, \0 'lbe First Pennsylvania Banking & Trus~ Co., and E. Laurence Conwell, Executors, or t.o their Attorney, Lutz, Fronefleld, Wa.rner Ii Bryant, 11 South Olive 8treet, Media. Pa. ;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .~~~~ .. " _ II. 3~ ! Firts time offered. Custom rancher nestled among I ~ Ii SWEENEY & CLYDE ' Established 1858 i 29 East Fifth Street, Chester, Pa. 9 II SAMUEL D. CLYDE ~EAL ESTATE ! J. EDWARD CLYQE SAMUEL D. ClYDE;-JR. INSURANCE APPRAISALS II i.. I TRemo"t4-6~11 1172.1955 ".. '. .., ',. ,. ~ ~ III -, " Swarthmore. In perfect condition and loaded with extras. For further informatbn please _call BAIRD and BIRD ~afayette and Dartmouth Avenues Open 7 Days, 5 Nights II Swarthmore . . . , - II'''':21'7 ,,~_~......;;;:;:;;::;:;=========;;;:;;;;=-' ~. II \ I III PAINTING § I ~ INTERIOR & ElXTERlOR = ~ Free ~ ~ i = . Estimates ~ § I ~ Klngswood 3-8761 ifllllanmDlunDlllmllllllDlllltlllllllnlllllunlllallmn~ ~~~ ,~ a ~ i Q;;:6:-"' , 1 .......... , 'I, CUSTOM INSTALLATIONS II, I PARI( AVE., SWARTHMORE Klngswood" 4-2727 ROOFING Gutters I Warm-Air He6Hng Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Work . BOX 48 The Boys' Saturday Lacrosse Club lost last week to Villanova 7 to 6. Ronnie Noyes led the scoring with four goals. ,The boys will play Lower Merion in an away game tomorrow at 10 a.m. ~CLobe 9-3358 HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS TRemon't 2:.4759 TRein~nt 2·5689 I I Take it I home tonight THE MUS Ie B0 I, Inc. 10 Park Avenue, Swarthmore Open Friday Eyenings KI 3·1460 • . for DELAWARE COUNTY· MAIN LINE UI saw it In the- Swarthmorean." Now is the time to check your listings and advertising_ Please make sure they are shown exactlY.8B you want them to appear. Make it easy for people to reach you by phone I Be sure your family or busin0i33 is liste:! co:npletely-tne convenience is great, tne C03t i. bw .. _ only 25c a month for each additional name in the Alphabetical Section. You'll want to include: FAMILY LISTINGS , Teenqgers and other members of your family • Relatives in your hou~ehold with a different last name BUSINESS LISTINGS • Firm members • Salesmen • Key employees • Names of out-of.. town companies you are authorized to represent and list \ 140 I Ridley Avenue Chester, Pa. I . SUNDAY WFIL Radio - 81'& A,M. ChanneI6-WFIL·TV-·9115 A.M. TILE FLOORS· PLASTIC TILE' FORMICA COUNTEII TOPS ROOFING Ind SIDING CUSTOM KITCHENS ADDITIOIIS • ALTERATIOn Fr.. Estllllt•• Take this new Carrier Air Conditioner anywhere in your home and make your own weather. Cool comfort ..• cozy heat ••• or dehumidifying relief from dampness. This model is built bigger to give you more-comfort ..• evon in extra-large rooms. Operates on house current. Phone or COIllO in fdr this new 1 HP model. LACROSSE CLUB PLAYS LOWER' MERION JOMORROW George M,ers and Co. I So light you can install it yourself! New Telephone Directory -GOING TO' PRESS SOON ,H. D. OHURCH I 1 HP Portable Air Conditioner I' " , General Contractor BUILDERS 'Since 1920· gorgeous plantings on private road at edge of Klng$wood 4·1500 ~'II11"'''''C'''''"'''''Cll''''''''''~'''''''''IIIIl'''''l1'l1''''''l Edward G. Chipman and Son CUSTOM RANCH ~IUIUIIIIII[]llllllll11llnllllll1lllll[]lI11I11UII"]IIIIIIIIUUnl[IIIIII[1IIUlllllllllllltlllllllllllllnlt,:IIIIIIIICllllllnllllltllllllllllUlDllIII'~ \ " Klngswood 3-0272 I Jack Prichard New W. 0'1 E",celleD& 24-HGur Nursm. Can CLASSIFIED ADS ESTABLISHED 1873 Memership to Vote on By-Laws at May 9th Meeting H;b- I Mrs. Fred N. Bell of Harvard aveThree benefit luncheons were nue Mrs.·J oseph Bates of Media I held for Wellesley College on Tues- and' Mrs. .James Evans of Rose day afternoon. Hostesses were Valley. lIrIdge followed. The Convalescent Home or special ezcepUons for improving premises on the north side at Yale Avenue and west sIde ot Harvard Avenue, known as the Strath Haven Inn. The appUcatlon contemplates Ule raz.1ng Of present structures PERSONAL FOR RENT or some or them, and their replacement by new structures designed for use as a PERSONAL U PHOLSTER- ~F"0>iR"""R"E;;;N"'T""-liM:<:e:;;dii'ia:-,"2=nd;;-:f1=00;;;:r hotel. apa.rtment house and related wes. lNG, THOM SEREMBA. Over apartment. Large living room, '!be applicant asserts rigbts under the 35 years' experience. Reasonable bedroom, bath and kitchen, near nonconforming use provisions of SecUoras prices. Cushions refilled. $6. Chair transportation. Adults. $80. LOwell 703 and 706 of the Borough or Swarthmore Zoning Ordinance as amended, and re- bottoms re-webbed, $8. up. SLIP 6-1780 or LOwell 6-0158. COVERS custom fitted in your qu~sts Ibat he be granted height and yard Media, apartment. privileges corresponding to those now .In fabric, or from our samples. Phone FOR RENT large living room, two bedrooms, rorce with respec, to Apartment House for free estimate. LUdlow 6-7692. District "E" (rormerly known as the Mary Ten years' of Swarthmore refer- tile bath, all-electric kitchen, large ~nces. dining area. Near transportation. Lyon School). School Bd. Candidates Contributions to the Swarthmore Memorial Fund are continuing to come in. Below are the names of those who have contributed since The Swarthmorean's recently publislied list of givers: HOLD BENEFIT LUNCHEON I WILLIAM BROOKS EMIL SPIES H•an d S• WI'II PresenI Borough Memorial FJlnd Continues to Crow The Swarthmore-Rutledge Home d S h I A o· t'o t' Gertrude Thatcher, Lucille ;~ll be ~e~: Tue~Sd:~a e~enni:~e~:~ H. Davidson, Baird and Bird, Mrs. 9 a t 8 p.m. In . th e h'Ig h seh d '1. 00I au Horace A. Reeves, ReaVls E. Co~, torium. It is planned to have all George ~tauffer, Mr. and Mrs. R. the prospective candidates for F. Farrmgton, Thomas Chew, AI-I h I b d k briefl d bert Hansen, George C. Froebel, I sc 00 oar. spe~h y a~ anured the victory with 15 strikeouts P I Gold 'th p . B If' Id I swer questIOns. e propose new and allowing ~nly four hits. The au sm.., el cy e Ie , Home and School by-laws will be Garnet attack was also limited to Jr., Charles FIscher, Mr. and Mr~. I voted on and the annual election of four hits - Fred Braund.' R.lnh Lloyd Kauffman, Augustus S. TI-, officers for the association will be Kletzien, Rus Hoge and Captain tus, Dr. Parker Stamford, Dr. F. h Id Butch Hofmann, each getting one W. Luehring, Wflliam Ziegenfus, e new by-laws, as worked out base blows. The deciding run was Provident Tradesmens Bank and by a committee of seven members scored by Roger Anthony when Trust Company, Camel'~ a!ld of the Parents Council, have been Rus Hoge laid' down a perfect by Shop, Marvel Wtlson, r." presented to Parents Council and squeeze bunt to force across the Swarthmore Rotary Club, Mrs, I to" the Home and School Board. deciding tally. Ralph Kletzien Howard C. Jackson: Donald C. FOI- Copies of it are av'ailable at the 1 scored the other run after being lett, Raymond WIlson, Hugh elementary and high school offices put on base by his second of three Th~yer, ,D. W. R. Morgan. Eva. and at the public library so that I walks during the day, SmIth Paul, Robert L. Thomson, members of the community may The Darby Rams got off to a Mrs. Paul Paul~on, Mrs. A ve.ry . study it, and come to the meeting big two-run first inning start last Blake, Howard Sipler, Martha and, prepared to discuss and vote upon Monday on Riverview Field and Irma Keig;ton, Larry r:aytol~' : it. things looked gloomy for the Gal'- Impcon an Company, Mlchae S The committee members who net t~am as star pitcher Butch College Pharmacy, George P. War- completed the reorganization plan / Hof:mann was hit hard in this :first ren, Paulson and Company, Ferris are all members of Parents Couninning. But the homesters fought W. .Mitchell. cil. They are: back and scored five big runs in The committee urges all those Mrs. James Nelson, Mrs. Karl I the second inning. Fred Braund, who have not ye~ donated to the Fox, Mrs. Charles Gerner, Mrs.' Roger Anthony, Rick Filler, Ralph iuno a~e urged to do so as soon I Edmund Jones, Mrs. Evor RobKletzien and Rus Hoge made the as pOSSible in order that plans may erts, Mrs. Richard Enion, and Mrs.tallies with Roger Anthony's first be completed. Checks may be sent John Carroll. of two steals of home featuring to Alvin Carney, treasurer. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ the barrage. . I KKG'S TO SEW In the third, the Rams got an,Mr. and Mrs. F. Lincoln Marx' The Kappa Kappa Gamma Sewother rally going and after scor-I moved recently from North' ing group will meet Tuesday at the ing two runs and loading the bases Swarthmore avenue to Apartment home of Mrs. Harry Miller, 219 IMal Antbony relieved Butch Hof- D-15, Spring Hill Square, Secane. Sykes lane, Wallingford. mann and did a. marvelous job, allowing only one "run on a walk. This knotted, the score at 5-5 but 'not for long as Roger Anthony, in the Swarthmore half of the third, stole home 82'ain, \. feat which was to decide .the victory. Pitcher Mal Anthony pitched fine ball the remainder of the game, keening the visitors in tow througbout and showing excel1ent poise under pressure. "'''' Swarthmore gained five hits, contributed bv Alston, Hofmann, Hoge and two by Ro...er Anthony. Runs were. made bv Braund, Rick Fil1er, Kletzien, Hoge and two by Roger Anthony. The Junior Varsity, led by pitcher Wilson Buckley, lost to Interboro last Thursday 8 to 3 but defeated Radnor in a practice game 5 to 3. Varsity play~ Collingdale at home Monday and will visit Clifton Heights on Thursday. Swarthmore High School baseballers started their winning ways last T hursday with their first two victories, defeating Sharon Hill 21 in nine innings on the loser's diamond. Captain Hofmann fea.t- I Panon Roofing Co. . \ I -. Mr. Businessman, it will pay you to advertise ........ • In the Yellow Pagel featuring new MARKET SELECTIVITY Thanks to Yelldw Pages market selectivity, you can pinpoint your advertising right where you do your selling and servicing, get concentrated coverage of your most likely prospects. Contact your Yellow Pages representative now, if you have not already arranged for your Yellow Pages advertising. • In the Alphabetical Section with BOLD mE listings To help custome18 find you more quickly aDd easily, advartlaa your busin BOLD TYPE in the Alphabetical Section. listinaa To make additions or corrections to dIrectory li.tIngs or 10 arrange for your advertising, just call or slop in at our lOcal Businea Office. Don't delay-the dlrecloo f goes to press lOOn. THE BELL·TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA y..,. ...........' •• u ...... .,... ... suA _ d'.......IlIi. • with 'NTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE r I April 28, 1961 THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 8 Mothers Glub Plans Family Picnic for Sat. Members of Mothers' Club are looking forward to a Family Picnic to be held in Section 13 of Smedley Park on Saturday starting at 12 noon. The park should be entered on Paper Mill road. Section 13 is the first section on the left after crossing the trolley tracks. Parking facilities are available. Mothers are asked to pack their own lunches or bring food to be grilled on the open fireplaces. Soda, doughnuts and candy will be supplied by the dub for the children. There will be swings for the children and children's games with prizes have been arranged unrler the direction of Mrs. Anthony Pinnie, chairman of the event. Families are encouraged to bring along play equipment or (!ames which they enjoy. NEW YORK WEEK END BY TRAIN ~ COSTS '1-' · LESS For Groups and Families ADULTS JUNIORS $6.00 $4.50 (.ach) Swarthmore Ballet School SPRING FORMALS SAT. LETTERS TO THE' EDITOR Mrs. Rincliffe Chairs FOR 9TH, 10TH GRADES Benefit Card Party Entertains Parents, Friends Th6 opinitmB e:J:pre88ed' below The ninth and tenth grades of This Friday at 8:45 p.m. the The Nursing Committee of Worn· Swarthmore Ballet School will have the Junior Assemblies will hold are tho8e 0/ the individual writers. All letter8 to The Swartkan's Medical College School of its annual Spring Party for partheir Spring Formals, tomorrow r1Wr6an mU8t be 8igned. PBeu,d()· Nursing, under the chairmanship ents and friends at the Trinity night in tho Woman's Club. Chap- nymm may be used if the writer is known to the Editor. I,etter8 of Mrs. R. G. Rincliffe, Strath Church. Rather than a recital, the erons for these final dances of the will be publi8hed only at the dis. Haven avenue, is inviting friends children will give an Exhibition year will be: ~retion 0/ the Editor. to a benefit card party Wednesday Class, showing bar work and danFor the ninth grade, convening at 1 :30 p.m. in the Good Neighbor cing typical of what they have at 7:45, Mr. and Mrs.' Albert Thanks Red Cross Center of Lit Brothers, 7th and been doing during the year. Stamford, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Kamp; The following letter is published Marl~ • . . lothers Club Plans Famil, Picnic for Sat. Members of Mothers' Club are looking forward to a Family Picnic to be held in Section 13 of Smedley Park on Saturday starling at 12 noon. The park should be entered on Paper Mill road. Section 13 is the first section on the left after crossing the trolley tracks. Parking facilities are available. Mothers are asked to pack their own lunches or bring food to be grilled on tl1e open fireplaces. Soda, doughnuts and candy will be supplied by the club for the children. There will be swings for the children and children's game3 with prizes have been arranged under the direction of Mrs. Anthony Pinnie, chairman of the event. Families are encouraged to bring along play equipment or games which they enjoy. ~ i. .,.. NEW : YORK ,I, " i \ , I WEEK END BY TRAIN II I. I. ~ ~:::S For Groups and Families ADULTS JUNIORS $6.00 $4.50 (each) .1 (.ach) CHILDREN ht child Others $3.00 . $1.50 (each) rOllftd..frfp IIId. federal ra" CHILDREN tINDER 5-FRfE Minimum fares: 2 adults; or 1 adult and 1 child, 5-17 yean. Juniors are 12 thru 17 years. GO Saturday • GO Sunday (e"cept Sept. 2 or 31- RETURN on any train up to ., \ I r~ r. :r, r , ',j , ;~ 7:30 P.M. Sunday. for Train .chedu'e. ask your Pennsy agent or phOne EV 2·3030. SAVE TO PHILAOBPHIA. TOOl r.Day ThrIft Tidlefs Gaod Oft aU trolnt Saturday. and Sundays, and during other day.. midday and ."""0 . . . . . : i-~ -~ .;.~; PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Klngswood 3-6146 . April 28, 1961 THE SWARTBMOREAN Page 8 SPRING FORMALS SAT. FOR 9TH, 10TH GRADES Swarthmore Ballet School LETTERS TO THE' EDITOR Mrs. Rincliffe Chairs ( Benefit Card Party Entertains Parents, Friends This Friday at 3:45 p.m. the The ninth and tenth grades of The opinicmtJ 6~prflssed' 6elo1o The Nursing Committee of Woma.re those 01 the individual writSwarthmore Ballet School will have the Junior Assemblies will hold eTS. All letters to The SWtlTth.an's Medical College School of its annual Spring Party :for partheir Spring Formals, tomorrow rnorean must be signed. Pseudonight in the Woman's Club. Chap- nymns may be uied i,f the writer Nursing, under the chairmanship ents and friends at the Trinity of Mrs. R. G. Rincliffe, Strath Church. Rather than a recital, the erons for these final dances of the is known to the Editor. I.etters Haven avenue, is inviting friends children will give an Exhibition will be published only at the disyear will be: ::Tetion 01 the Editor. to a benefit card party Wednesday Class, showing bar work and danFor the ninth grade, convening at 1 :30 p.m. in the Good Neighbor cing typical of what they have at 7 :45, Mr. and Mrs.' Albert Thanks Red Cross Center of Lit Brothers, 7th and been doing during the year. Stamford, and Mr. and Mrs. RobThose in the first class are _ ert S. Kamp; The following letter is published Market streets. There is a possibility tha.t Princess Grace of MonJean Campbell, Edith Hasbrouck, For the tenth grade, meeting at with the writer's permission in Nancy Jones, Alex Van Riper, 9:30, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood, ap}?reciation to' all B~rough and aco will attend the party. Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Hunt, College donors whose gIft of blo.od "The proceeds from this party," Elaine Ward, Emily Wolfe, Gail and Mr. and Mrs, John S. Torrey. I maintains the arrangement With ,Mrs. Rincliffe explained, "will help Y-oung and Kate Hoffman. the Red Cross which makes free provide scholarships for nursing: Members of the second class are blood available to all residents of students whootherwi::;e might not I - Harriet Aaron, Marjorie Egee, Cub Dens Engage the Borough and to College, stu- be able to complete their three Tish Ewing, Louise Fox, Sophie In Softball Battle dents and faculty when 'in resi- years at the school:' Sears,' Ellen Westbrook, Anne Saturday at Rutgers avenue dence at the college. Mrs. William L. Medford' of Whittier, Lisa I.ipman and Dabfield, Cub Scout Den 6 of Pack Dear Mrs. McCune: Strath Haven avenue is a co-chair- ney Landis. 301 and Den 2 of Pack 432 enI want to express my thanks to man of the affair. Among the I Refreshments wiIl be served folgaged in a hard fought game of the Swarthmore Chapter, Ameri- young matrons who will assist are lowing the program. The public is softball. The final score was 23·7 can Hed Cross for the gift of bi~od three daughters of Mr. and Mrs. invited. in favor of Den 5. The team lineup to my mother when she was ill the Rincliffe - Mrs. Lewis B. Beatty, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ was as follows: Jr., Mr~. George F. Corse, Jr., and Den 5 - Dave Binns, Doug hospital. DECREASING COST She needed four pints and it was Mrs. Robert Howarth, 4th, all of Boulter, Jack DeWaele, Steve Gay, . given --So generous1y, " no s t rlOgs Media; and ?tIl'S. William I. PonOF DRUGS Chris Shay, Bill Stanton, Dutch attached." I can't tell you how tius of Media and Mrs. Bernard: Wynkoop, Dave Williams with Den • much we appreciate it - it was Rvan of West Grove, daughters chiefs Tim Shuba and Dave Selt• the case of • • life in a bottle. . of Mr. and Mrs. Medford. zero Inadequately, I say thank you Den 2 Graham Bell, Jack Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Banks of Burroughs, Ty Crittenden, Ted 80 very, very much. Most sincerely yr;urs, Harvard avenue will leave on !\:lonJones, George Lee, Scott Sessions Today insulin COstS only 6% Alice Barber day for a stay in Las Vegas, Nev. of what it did 30 years ago. and Robbie Wolfe. Jeff Middelton, Most new drugs come down During their absence Mrs. Banks' a visitor, played his best for Den Nearly 'Poppy Time' in price as sales and producbrother and sister-in-law MI'. and 2. tion go up. Dear Swarthmoreans: Mrs, Hamilton Mitten of Fremont, Den Mother and Dad for Den 6 Todays in"escNplions a,.. The American Legion Auxiliary, Nebr., will occupy the B~nks bome. are Mr. and Mrs. John DaWaele, ~Oll" biggest health flal1l8. Unit 427, holds in its memory the Mr, Mitten, president of the Nebfor Den 2 Mr. and Mrs. ~andolph Bring them to us for filling. American boys of Swarthmore who raska Board of Education, will atLee. Our prices alwll)'s are fair. served in the Military to help tend the National Educational TO WORK IN DENMARK keep freedom on earth. A large Convention being held in Philadel• Patton Gilmour of Philadelphia, proportion, according to the popu- phia. fOlllllerly of S~arthmore, will lation, never returned. The men in Klngswood 3-0586 spend the summer in Copenhagen, this area who were disabled are CARD PARTY Denmark, as a.n employee of the likewise remembered. Benefit of Nursing Scholarships Hong Camerbert Fabrik. There are, approximately, 15~dO WEDNESDAY. MAY 3 k' veterans from World Wars I a n . p ~~ · P at t on gra d ua ted f rom D lC m. I' 1:30 . . . II plus the Korean conflict, wh 0 son College 10 1959 a are h ospita1·Ize d a.t CoatesVl'lle• at Lit Brothers. Phila. . and IS now . graduate student In economICS at Th· h ··t 1 k W I·S for Tickets $2.00 KI 3·3675 . IS OSpl no , from ~=;~~~~~~~~~::::~~~::::-f~~;;;~;~~;~::; the Wharton School.of the Umvcrd a, as youufferl'ng _, _ . . H' k' men an women s '- .... " - - ' j Slty of Pe~nsylvama. IS w.or m emotional illnesses, neurological} • .....,.- . Denmark IS under the auspices of disorders· and tuberculosis asnoci- II A.I.E.S.E.C., the exchange pro- ated with mental illness. II .,. gram for students in economics. In January "Poppy T·ime" creeps \ into their minds, and those with- II , Sponsored by Central Committee D~'S TO MEET out incomes who can, are allowed I' Community Nursing Service, Delaware County The next meeting of the Delta to make poppies, throughout this I Gamma Sewing group will be held nation, This labor is a stimulation WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, AT 10 A.M. ) at the home of Mrs. Robert Wil- and a boon to these men. Eagerly i ( Iiams, 127 Grays avenue, Glenold- their fingers work, even with hanWoman's Club - 118 Par,k Ave., Swarthmore en, on Friday, 'May 5. dicaps. We, the Legion Au~iliary of this Continental Breakfast Donation $1.00 ) ELECTED community, ask you, the people of ~. ~ Ml'S. Harvey A. Glasei' of Yale to drop your gener- ~!---~'.~~~ --~~~~-~~~-~~~-~~~-;;~;;;-~;;~-~;;;;;~.,.~~ square was elected and installed Swarthmore, ous contributions into the boxes as president of district 1 of the of workers during May. We shall Philadelphia Presbyterial at the begin our vigilance during the first annual meeting held yesterday. week· and continue until 500 popThe meeting took place in th~ pies have been offered. With minds I Visit Our Store and See Our fi"e Selection First Presbyterian Church, Ger- intent, perhaps in prayer, for these 01 Known Brands lor Men mantown. veterans, let your good wishes ac- , company your gifts, as a tribute . Dr. and Mrs. George L. Armi- to their past service, and as a hope Complete Line of tage of South Chester roa.d have to their future. . as their guests for a few days Yours sincerely, Mrs. Philip Cabot and Miss EleanElizabeth Y. Gilcreest Special Selection of or Thomas of Belmont, Mass. Poppy Chairman I I I I insulin Cajherman's Drug Siore .m. BEIIEFIT, CARO PARTY' ) ) I L_' I I ., I THE MAN'S CORNER McGREGOR SPORTS SHIRTS 227 Kenyon Avenue MELCHER'S . , Azaleas, Rhododendrons, Fruit and S~ade Trees All Kinds 01 Shrubbery Planting Landscaping THEATRE GROUP PARTY Members of the Children's Theatre of the Community Arts Center, Wallingford, which recently produced "Peter Pan", enjoyed their annual theatre party at the center from 1:30 to 9':30 Friday evening. NEWS NOTES SWEET SHOP OLD BANK BUILDINC Shop Phone Home Phone KI 3-4597 KI 3-0934 • OWNER - EDITH M. JEWETT We are closing our shop May 1st, but will be back Sept. 15th in the same location in the NEW shop. All Stock Drastically Reduced .' SWANK G1FTS FOR MEN Mrs. Alexander Ewing of Dartmouth avenue, Mrs. Donald Crosset of Thayer road and Mrs. A. Lee Clifton of the Swarthmore Apartments are among those leaving today for a 35 day trip around the world. They will go by jet from New York City and visit in Rome, ItalYi Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, India, Nepal, Thailand, Hong Kong, Japan; and Anchorage, Alaska. :Mr. and Mrs. S. Milton Bryant of South Chester road spent last week visiting in Williamsburg, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford M. Bryant and family of Schenetltady, N.Y., spent a ~ecent weekend in S:watthmore. The Misses Mary and Elinor Bye of Yale square entertained, over the weekend Mrs. Louise Lesley of Atlantic City, N.J., and her daughtet: Miss Barb~a Lesley ~fPhlla­ delphia. • • • SWARTHMORE IOGGERYSHOP 8 Park Avenue Klngswood 3.-0240 Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. Middletown Road - Media. Pa. Opposite Hhrh Mf.adow (between Dutton MiD Road and Knowlton ~d) \ AVAILABLE NOW! Azaleas - , Laurel Rhododendrons Flowering Trees Shade Trees Annuals -' Perennials Fertilizers - Peat Moss Visit.Ou, Roadside MarYl on M~clelletown Roael .Open Weelends -- Sundays 12·5 Telephone TR....ont 2·7206 " ~=-=-=-=-=-=-============~~~.~ Ad: for lEN PALMER .~