BUY and USE TB SEALS BUY THE SWARTHM -VOLUME 32- 1 High School Team Wins Over Penncresl Garnet Also Takes Alumni Game 75 - 68 , Swarthmore, Pa., Junior Assemblies To Meet Monday The Junior Assemblies for grades six, seven and eight will meet on Monday evening at the Woman's Club. Mrs. Robert L. Thomson and Mrs. Arthur Kent will chaperone the sixth grade party. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Espenschade, hosts for the seventh grade, will .be assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. McCorkle and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ross. Hosts for the eighth grade, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kamp, will be assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coslett. and USE TB SEALS '4.00 PER YEAR January 1, 1960 Exhibition of Prints At Arts Oenler Three Philadelphia artists will start the new season of exhibitions at the Community Arts Center on Rogers lane, Wallingford, with a month long show of prints, woodcuts, and serigraphs (silk screen prints) . ·Sunday, January 3, from 3 until 6 ,p.m., an opening tea wiII be held for this event featuring the works of Dorothy Bartholomew, Mildred M. Dillon, and Edythe Ferris. At 3 :30 p.m. Elizabeth Taylor, dean of girls at Media High School, wiII show Kodachrome slides of Italy, highlighting historical sub· jects of interest to artists, with particular emphasis on architecture. Dorothy Bartholomew, who wiII exhibit prints and several mossaie panels, received her formal art education in .philadelp)tia, taught at Traphagen School in New York City, and won several medals for graphics in New York. Miss Bartholomew is a member of the American Color Print Society and Original Graphics Society. Mrs. Mildred Dillon, who will show serigraphs, aquatints, wood· cuts Bnd etchings, was educated in Philadelphia and Europe, and has shown her works in many international sbows, including: The National Academy In New Hours The Swarthmore Public Library will be open on Thursday, December 31 from 9:30 ·a.m. to 12 noon. The Library will not be open Thursday afternoon or evening, New Year's Eve, nor 011 New Year's Day, January I, 1960. Services Held Tuesda, For Sarah F. spnn' Retired Woman's Editor . Had Resided Here 15 Years Miss Sarah Field Splint, an ediCelebrating the letting out of tor for several magazines for womschool for the holidays with a vicen until her retirement in 1944, tory over Penncrest High School collapsed and died Friday, Decemlast Wednesday night, tile Swarthber 26, outside her home, SwarthmOie High School basketbaU team more Apartments. continued to put the jinx on the Miss Splint W&S stricken as she new-formed rival scliool to the tune was about to step into the car of NP Students Will Be of 48-40 low.scoring victory. Both a 'friend, Mrs. William R. Main 01 teams excelled in their defensiv'r Guests at Talent Dartmouth avenue, to attend a efforts with the Little Garnet havChristmas dinner at Mrs. Main's Show Jan. 9 ing the edge. home. January 2, from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. A native of Brooklyn, N.Y., Miss Swarthmore out - rebounded its will find Canteen members back in Splint had resided in Swarthmore taUer opponent 37-33, and 20 points tidy school clothes, winning prizes about 15 years. A graduate of Hnnscored by sharp· shooter Ronnie Quiz Scholars Express in bridge, pinochle, and table ten- ter College, she was assistant ediHerbster and 14 timely tallies by Wishes for $5000 nis tournaments, and dancing con- tor of Delineator magazine from sophomore 'Skeets' Anthony' suptests. 1907 to 1911 and editor of Womplied the scoring punch. Tall Dave Prize Money Tarr sank 16 points in the dy"ng Members should report to Donald an's Magazine from 1911 to 1916, The four Swarthmore quiz schol· effort for the Penncrest Lions. Henderson if they wish to take part and Today's Hom,ewife from 1916 Swarthmore dipped in 12 of 18 foul ars who recently defeated teams in the January Talent. Show when to 1919. from three universitie,o; in competi. From 1929 to 1935 she was asso,tries for a consistent 63 percent Nether Providence students will be , while Penncrest got but 12 of 24. tion on· the GE College Bowl teleguests (and performers, if they ciate editor of McCall's and served The win gave the Little Garnet a vision show say they wish the $5000 wiah). There will be three prizes: in the same capacity for Woman's prize money in scholarship funds 3-1 log up to date, and with the the first $10, the second $6, and Home Companion from 1935 until to be used toward providing a sub· Alumni makes it 4-1. the third $3 to the best performer her retirement. . ht , b-' more a stantial stipend to a student from In the first World War she servLast S a t ur day Dig or group of ,periormers. 'II R ' 'te abroad or this countr.v who Hwill ed as chief of the division of home c W. 1 eese s ml s good ro d B Chaperons for Saturday will be ·otted ,'t Al . t d add to the richness and variety ,of , umm earn a goo conservation of the U.S. Food Ads sp Mr. and Mrs. J. Herbert Foley and . h d college life at Swarthmore." Adth r ee to f our Inc es per man an some very generous last minute ministrntion. She was an adver. h ome a VlC. ministrative officials of the college st,'11 man age d to. b·rmg "pinch-hitter" couple. Will those tisement consultant from 1919 to tory At th d f th f' t consulted the College Bowl team · . e en 0 e IrS pergenerous souls caU Mrs. Arthur 1929. iod it led. 22 to 15, but a well bal- members before making a decision During her retirement she aBKent for January 21 sisted in pUblications of the So-' anced scoring effort by Rich Gurin, as to how the money will be spent. Joe ltIlran, Sid Johnson, Dave GroAnn Brownell, captain of the Museum, Canada, and The Dallas Last week the Christmas Dance ciety of Friends, and was an active 1 nce dby Canteen, pu bl'lClZ · gan, .Larry Jones, Jack Walter, and team, acted as spokesman for the Museum, Texas. was f'na . ed me'l'ber of the Swarthmore Month_ ly Meeting of Friends, A memorial Barry Wright gav,e the Alumni the group and said: "The richness and Mrs. Dillon is now v,'ce pres,'dent b y Bob B an an d comm,ttee, . lead by half-time 40-37. variety in students and their inter- of the American Color Print Soc,'e- d ecora ted an d' un decorate d by the service was held in the Swarthmo~ Duriog the third p~riod both esb as well as in their backgrounds V .. t CI b bd B'll F Meeting House, Tuesday, Deeemteams played nip and tuck ban and is one of the aspects of Swarthmore ty, lectures on printa, and gives : u u er' uoss, and ber 29. d' .'wh,·ch .. we value most highly. We demonstrations on print making re res ments serVed by the Senior . II f ,na y woun up ,n a tie 65.55. It . Chee lead' 'th a r Web Surviving Mi.s Splint is a sister, was then that' the school boy. of .would like the scholarship monllY .~.~·~-ut''.~ . Ednl>e Ferrir. ' ..w!11 show 110'->. "ter . . and r ers llr.l!Ce. w, 'ne , J ' , ... I bll'~.'" flue, \I~a1"<) ,co-~halrme •. n.- Mr •• Hemj: Votiderleith of St. Pethe high school broke loci•• In 8cor~ spent in a manner which wolild w,~~ ti U~... '" H" ~ tersburg; Fla. ing 20 points and limited the Alum- strengthen this fllcet of college Ocean City, Stone Harbor Bird atmosphere was dreamy WIth ni to 13 to be,ome victorious J!or life." Sanctuary, and Tlnicum Wildlife ·a m,sty blue lighte~ tree in the cen· the first time in. four years 76-68. The four Swarthmore scholars Preserve. Miss Ferris, who Is art ter of the floor w,th many spruce 'In addition to those mentioned defeated teams from Southern advisor for the Carl SchUrz Mem- trees encircling the room, smelling above Mike Kerr contributed to the Methodist, Holy Cross, and Ohio orial Foundation and a council richly of the forest. Alumni's cause. State before falling to the Univer- member of the American Color Special guest was Philip Swayne A man identified as George A • Larry Jones was high man for sity of Missouri on December 6, In Print Society, has had prints bought as Santa Claus, who gave several .the grads with 19 points and Joe the GE intercollegiate game deslgn- by the Philadelphia lrluseum and members gifts that were appropri- Malley, 8 Crum Ledge, was discovered by the engineer of a PhilaMoran gave a close second with 18. ed to test the ability of studeuts The Free Library of Philadelphia. ate to their personalities. George delphia bound Pennsylvania rall.Ronnle Herbster and R02er An- tc. recall facts. Each week two col- The three artista have worked and Gilmour read the new mad "hlp" road train on the tracks about 200 thony scored 26 and 13 r esPectlvel7 leges present teams of four of their ""hibited t Ii_it him in Japan. George Wuhington University.· Oolleee Bowl Winnings To 'Add· to Variely' Contests Sialed for Oanteen Salurday ~':s~in:~:;L*~:ryR::aIC~!:::~~ ~r' col~ T~e .001leg8 Instructor Killed by Traia I .".s • •• a' ..... , '!il&i~ t, 1960 high University, and received his sylvania, He is an investment ofof Philadelphia. h Wh rlo fl·cer WI·th the Girard Trust Corn Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reynolds of .ber f a the r, master's degree from t e a n Exchange Bank, Philadelphia. n '" In marriage by Given • _J.:J Oberlin avenue with their sona the bride was attended by Miss S:C;h~OO~1;;o~fit;h;eiiiu;,;n~lv~e~r~.;lt~Yiiio~f,;;Piiieiinna-';iiiiiiiiiiiiUiia_iiO_iiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Mr. and Mrs. J. Passmore Elkln- :~~:;I ;:;,~.~~Is~r.he:pe~~d H. Nancy Ferguson of Broomall a8 • iM·'MIr_p• ton of Harvard avenue have returnmaid of honor, and Miss Carolyn ed from a visit over Christmas with New Year'. , weekend at Skytop. Halsey sister of the bride, Miss Mr. Elkinton's brother-in-Isw and Bill McClarin, son of Mr. 'and Gail Sieigleman and Miss Virgina sister Mr. and Mrs. William M. Mrs. William W. MoClarin, Jr., of Wolfe, all of Rutledge, as brides· Duquld at their inn at Nahant, Park avenue, is recuperating in maids. Mass. Among the 21 members Taylor Hospital from an append..Richard Norris of Prospect Park the Elklnton and Duquid f:~~~l~ tomy. He was admitted' on Christ- served as best man. The ushers REAun aREETS THE IIEW YEAR WITH COIFIDEICE present were Mr. and Mrs. J, mas Day for an emergency opera.. were Mr. Caleb Bower of PbiladelStokes III who showed colored tion. 9 South Chester Road and Timothy McKee and HersUdes of their European trip folAnne Essl, daughter of Mr. and bert Steigleman, both of Rutl~dge. I Call Klngswood 8-0476 lowing Christmas dinner. Mrs. Mrs. Max Essl of Michigan avenue, Following a wedding trIp to Stokes was the former Ruth Whit- and Karen Ward, daughter of Mr. Miami, Fla., the couple will be BOn of Moylan. Henry T. Ward of Forest lane, en- home at 34 Linden avenue, .i=puWRlllDIIUUlUIIIDItIRIWnIDHIIIItIitMlhUli ""PMlDlllllIUIIIDa. .iI iBM' Bob Rowland, son of Mr. and tertained Sunday night at a slum- ledge, alter January 4. Mrs. William C. Rowland of ber party at the Essl home. The bride is a graduate lege avenue will .entertain some of IDwight Sipler, son of Mr. and Swarthmore High School and his classmates at a smali New Mrs. Howard Sipler of Harvard now attending West Chester CHECK _ BRAKES aULF aAS ... IlL Year's Eve party. avenue returned on Monday to the Teachers College. Mr. STEERINa aad FRO liT EIID DELCO BATTERIES Spencer Carroll, daughter of Mr. University of Rochester, Rochester, also attended Swarthmore WE REPAIR ALL MAKES OF CARS and Mrs. J. Roy Carroll of River- N.Y. after spending Christmas with School. view road is entertaining this eve.. his family. ning at a small Open House. She _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ElaAaEMUTS will spend New Year's Eve DICKIIiSON • ROBISON Mr. and Mrs. Robert Abbe RUSSELL'S SERVICE friends on Long Island before reMiss Nancy Jean Harvard avenue announce the enOpposite Borough Parking Lot tuming to Smith College, North- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John gagement of their daughter, Judith KI 3-0440 Dartmouth & Lafayette Aves. ampton, Mass., where sbe is a Robison of Wallingford, Woodward to Mr. Karl Miner member of the freshman class. the bride of Mr. Luren Deems Dick- Thomas,son of Dr. and Mrs.Charles Glosed Saturday 12:30 P.M. Linda Frost, daughter of Mr. inson son of Mrs. Don Dickinson Thomas of Riverview road. ~§~~~~~~~~ Mrs. Robert Frost of College ave- of P~rk avenue, and the late Mr. L.Miss Abbe was graduated H"m I t nue is entertaining this evening at Dickinson, at a 4 :30 ceremony Centenary College for Women ber home following the Senior As- Monday afternoon, December 21, 1958. Mr. Thomas will be gr:.dllat·1 semblyat the Woman's Club. in the Wallingford presbyterian ed from Cornell University in June Mrs. Joseph F. Gaskill, of Uni- Church. after completing a five-year course versity Place, Mrs. Birney K. The Rev. Dr. John B. Rowland, in mechanical engineering. 405 Dolrtmouth Ave., SWolrthmore Morse of Harvard avenue and Mrs. assisted by the Rev. John C. Kulp, Charles W. Lukens of Strath Ha.. ",rs. J oseph B. BI a kl·ston of Elm von avenue entertained yester da Y pastor of the Swarthmore MethoEnrolltlow. - Expert Instruction · st Church, performed the cel'e-I dl afternoon at a mother-daughter avenue announces th e eng••ge,me,nt I at the Morse home. mony. of her daughter Miss Jean Clark ACCORDION Instrument LOolned FREE Mrs. Eugene Duncan of The bride was given in marriago, I Blakiston to. Mr. Henry Wirz During Trial lesson Period field is a patient in Taylor by her father. " son of Mr. and Mrs. Townsend pital. She is the wife of the Miss Nancy Terrine of Cox of Moylan. Classicol1 and Populolr GUITAR mathematics instructor at the ford was. her maid of .honor, and Miss' Blakiston, who is also the ~r. William laPata .. Recording Mid \ school. her attendants w~re MISS daughter of the late Mr. Blakiston, of Wallinfrod, graduated from Swarthmore Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Lincoln, _ Virtuoso Instruction by Eddie Kent ORGAN of Haverford avenue will entertain Ann M~om~ of Maple School and attended Virginia InterInclud., Practice Privilege. at Our Studio at a covered dish supper on New nue, Miss Jea1!!le Gail Crewes Junior College, Bristol, Op.n Daily 10 f. 5 Year's Eve. Miami, Fla., and !Jlss Judith Cox attended AI •• friday Ev.nlng. KI4-5448 State University, University PalrI<.1 Mrs. Morian Hopper of Westmln- Rock of Charlotte, N.C. ster avenue had as her guests on Mr. Walter Dickinson of RutherSaturday her brother-in-law and ford, N.J., was best man for his Mr. and ,Mrs. Hu/th Alpine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~:§i~~:§i~~~~~~~~~~~ sister Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Fos- brother. The ushers included an- Lean of 89 Pinewoods drive, No,rtill .. ter, II, and their three children who other brother, Mr. Don Winfred Tonawllnda, N.Y., announce the enmotored from their bome in Pel- Dickinson of Park avenue, Mr. John t of their daugbter Miss Manor, N.Y., to spend the day. G. Robison, Srd, of Wallingford, gCagthem~n West MeLe'n of Narbam ··d M R b rt a erme b h Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Kamp brot or of the rl e, r. p e berth to Mr. William Boal th Rlvervlewtoad;1Oi their ~N;r'~banthdl Mfr·ChT~~~1 N C. \ son, jr" 80n. of .}lIrs. ter Betsy and~ son Steve ·left m.oore, 0 · 0 aope , · · · W ~te ~niftthe nesday for a skilug trip to A reception immediately followyn, O,,ostteBigh Meado" "hester, VL, over the New ed the cere111o,ny at the Aronimink so~ late Spring~~eddlllln~g~~i:S~:'::~;~:~;1 (between Dutton Mill Road aud Knowlten Road) weekend. Golf Club.· Miss McLean is a g Mr. and Mrs. William Following a wedding trip til New of the late Mr. and Mrs. William of Harvard avenue, with their York City, the couple will make H. West of Swarthmore, and the T.lephene Tlle•• nt 1·11N daughter Miss Alice Craemer,apent their home In Chapel Hill, where late Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. McAll: for lEN PALlllEIt. the Christmas holidays with their both are students at the University Lean of NorthTonaw~anda, N. Y. son-in-law and daughter Mr. and of North Carolina. She is a graduate of tbe Buffalo Seminary, Buffalo, N.Y., and of Mrs. Wesley Oler, Jr., and t1!e Wesley Oler Srs., and their families in MoBAUBHEY : HALSEY Wellesley College, Massachusetts. · gton, D.C. The marriage of Miss Marta Wash 10 Mr. Eagelson is a graduate of Mrs. Stanley A. Milne of Park Halsey, daughter of Mr. and Cheltenham High School anel avenue had as her guests over Mrs. Carl M. Halsey of Rutledge, Christmas her son-in-law to Mr. Edward Owens McGaughey, Fir IIAaA~11E SUBSCRIPTIONS daughter Mr. and Mrs. son of Mrs. George McKeown Scott Rickard of Gates Mills, O. East Lansdowne, took place ~~!~':; Call They were entertained day, December 19, in 1 MRS, LLOYD E, KADF.M.I Eve and at Christmas 4inner by Church, SWArthmore. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon, Dodge and The Rev. Clayton K. Hewitt of KI 3.2010 Mr. and Mrs. Joho Wood of Swarth- Morlon performed the ceremony, assisted . Canon Ernest Sinfield more place. Mr. and Mrs. Horaee H. Hopkins of WeUesley road returned Monday from a visit over the Christmas Swarthmore holidays with their son-in-law and NOW SHOWING daughter Dr. and Mrs. Milton Pike, 'Perso- '7'_= The Bouquet I BEAUTY SALON • STATE INSPEOTION - NOV. DEC. JAN. ROBERT J. ATl, Igr. Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. • • TREE TRIMMING TRANSPLANTI NG I COLLEGE THEATRE Jr., and their children of DeKalb, lll. luRel Luncheon The enieriainmen( world's most wonderful SerYed Daily Bol~ Hot & Cold $1.25 • We'll handle your oil burner! Buffel Dinners ~ThlunclaY' 5 to 9 - Sunday lto $2.75 • THE WILD lOOSE Route I, Baltimore Pike (4 MIas W..t of Media) BRAllI· MIl1I GAYNOR· JOHN KERR . FRANCE HUVEN FEATURE SCHEDUlE Wednesday - Matin.e, I :30; Evening, 7:00, 9:]0 P.M. Thursday - Matine., I :30; Evening, 7:00. 9:30 P.M. Friday - 2:00. 4:30. 7:00. 9:30 P.M. , Satuld.y - 4:30. 7:00, 9:30 P.M. Sunday - 2:00. 4:30, 7:00, 9:30 P.M. M.ndoy - 7:00. 9:30 P.M. Tuesday - 7:00,9:30 P.M. Wodn ....ay - 7:00. 9:]0 P.M. We're ready to give it the finest service-day and ni8ht. And we're ready to _give it the finest fuelpremium quality Atlantic Heating Oil-it's tripleIelined. , . You want tkIJelldaUe, economical heat. We want _y, ~ customera. So, why not give ... a call. V.I Alen Bros. 200 W. Ridley Avenue NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs, F. C. HU1j'hiBon of South Chester road have had as tbeir guests over the holidays tbelr 80n-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Cole and their two boys David and Peter of Needham, Mass. Mr. Howard Shearer, whose parents are Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shearer, is home for the Christmas holidays from Boston, Mas•• Mr. and Mrs. W. Alfred Smith of Amherst avenue had as their guests over the weekend Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moore formerly of Swartbmore and now residing in ~ethesda, Md. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Huey of Dickinson avenue have returned from Speigletown, N.Y., wbere they spent the Christmas holidays with their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. James S. Newman . and family. Christmas weekend they were the guests of their sonin-law and daugliter Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Gustafson of Montclair, N.J~ / . Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hunt of Harvard avenne and their nephew and niece Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gill .and family of Boulder, Colo., who were with them for a ·brief visit; spent Christmas weekend with Mrs. Hnnt's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. N. o. Pittenger, former Swarthmoreans. who are now residing in Nottingham.· Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ip of Rutgers avenue have had 8S their guests for the Christmas holidays, Mrs. Ip's brother William' Su, who Is in his'second year in tile University of Virginia Medical College, Rlebmond, Va., and Mr. Ip's -brother Kenneth Ip, who Is in the freshman class at Buclhtell University. Kirk Jacob, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Jacob of South Swarthmore·avenue has been home for the holiday. from The Meeting School in West Rindge, N.H" where b, is in the senior class. Steve J acobia planning a small informal New Year's Eve party for several couples in hi. 10th grade class. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harlan Jump o f Haverford avenue have as their c JmJ!s~ fgr. a ~fllW !ian tl>is week. . . their grandson Mr. Harlan R. Jessup, Jr., Mrs. Jessup Bud their son Jamie of Winthrop, MIISs. Martha Jessup, daughter of Mrs, Harlan R. Jessup of Braddock Heights, Md., and the la te Mr. Jessup Is also a guest of her grandparents for the week. The' Jessups entertained at a family dinner On Monday evening in honor of their daughter, Mrs. Charles E. Lincoln's birthday. Mrs. Preston Hollander of Madison, Wise., who with her husband is visiting her parents-in-law Mr. and Mrs. J. Willard Hollander of Ogden avenue, was the guest of honor this morning at a coffee giv_ en by Mrs. Joseph S.' Lynch of Dartmouth avenue. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harlan Jessup of Haverford avenue will entertain a group of their friends at . ~their home on New Year's Eve. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A. Meader of Fairview road are entertaining on New Year's Eve at a di~ner party. David R. Lynch, son of Dr. and lira. Joseph S. Lynch of Dartmouth avenue Is at Ft. J ackso", S. Carolina, wbere be reported on December 17 for basic training. David graduated in June from Pennsylvania State University, University Park. Mr. and Mrs. Thoma. N. Murray and tbeir daugbter Martba of Comwall..on-the-Hudson, N.Y., are visiting Mrs. Murray's parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark Bittle of Rutgers avenue for the holidays. .-_ ......... .... ...... lit'"........... . - Hope of the W~d ~ .... 1 ..1 II. P~ULSON I AU ' . .... Margaret Davison, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davison Hlgbtstbwn, N.J., is the guest Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Turner Guernsey road for a rew days. of Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Shoeof maker of Riverview road spent the of Christmas holidays with their of daughter and family.JI!:r. and Mrs. William H. Dietz of Dayton, O. & CO. ..P.. ~Mr. and Mrs. Charks Izumi of Benjamin West avenue entertained friends and neighbors at a Carol Sing in their home on Christmas night. SEE ALL THREE w... , '""',0, Alice Barber Gifts 15 South Chester ROold SWolrthmore , . For the LOWEST PRICE plus the FINEST SERVICE ANYWHERE, Your '..Klnlswood 3-1900 Best Bet Is Always ••• '. -,. ~ . See the MILEY & BROWN MOTORS .MEMORIAL PARK in beautifu] WEST LAUREL HILL Next to .:::'~:',o ~ A & P Market LOwen 6-2044 36 East Stote Street, Media. Pa. any day from 9 to 4. .._ A.. o~ ... CiIr u- SWARTHMORE - MEDIA'S ·......Cynwyd ONLY ... ..- II"" 1ft 0IIiCe at Oock To_ CHRYSLER ~ PLYMOUTH - VALIANT DEALER ". Hc,lIdaiY-Shopping ii••:i· SHOP Menday & Tuesday Shop tho Regular Houn Open Wed. 'til 9 p.m., Thun. 'til 6 ACME FOR YOUR (10114 He. y..... Day, FrL, J ... 1, 19601 Shop Sut""",, 'til 6 p.... • • H_W1n"'~' Lo.e 'Jpln' Hot .''P«1t andKr....... r asty loins, cIJNr, Minister .r.fl~~:~!: ~ih~~~fc Wed~esday ~es~,. iDr. and Mrs. John R. ·Bates of North Chester road have as their house guests over the holidays Mrs. ~horLoeha~, mse ~ Thurf::dQv. J8nQary 7 9 :30 A.M.-Holy Communion and Healing TBBiSWA'RTBMOREAN i S~::~a!;:e A PP LE5 Larue Crop - Fine Quality - • Reasonable Pmo. CIDER A Sp.cially - Alway. Good EGGS - POUL:rRY - POTATOES - SQUASH, Etc. -VISIT--. W'o Iff's Apple louse ,Oil Paintings Nice Open Fire Pennell Road . . OPEN ALL WINTER Hours: 9 a.m.' 7:00 p.m. Phon. LOwell 6.1680 10 a.m.' 7:30 p.m. LIMA, PA. \~~.s~~!~:' ~~s~u~nd~a~Y~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~i~ ___, _ i ,. NON.SECTARIAN We wish you a bright, happy We offer funeral services to families of all denominations. THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DI ••aGa o. fUNUALI 18'20 CHESTNUT STREET OIMI H. lAIR, _ . . In the old manner we Join In greeting the New Year with song and to offer our declaration of faith and '!Iendship ~~~~A pej~oi th;'ip~mrn~nity•.... ••-*" . . ..*.~--•••-*! ~***~~*:mr*~~~~*~~_. and· prosperous New· Year.. We' thank' you for your patronage during 1959 and hope we can have the pleasure of serving you· during 1960. • MAU A. IAIJ, ".,,4" T.t.phon. L03-15111 Happy. ' New, Year t O. YOU. All' . • 0101( FRANCHETTI _.. T.ELEVIS.ON ~ •••• '_~~~§.'~. i{:~a.~ifl~~~lAa~~~A~if~~';ifli ~. -*~ ~:JA'• • • • •" ~*.*~"" New Year', Eve Ice wm ibe held at 11:30 p.m. Lewis Qf.Sal) A,t1tonio, Tex. Mrs. 11:00 P.M.-Holy Communion da •... Sunday, Jan.ary • New Year Holy Communion . . 8:45 and 11:00 ".M-'R6v. Nubio Service will be held at 9:15 and Iusuma will preach 9'4~ 4 M. ~ Chureh Sehool. 11 o'clock Sunday morning. '1:00 P.M.-Sr. and Jr. HIgh Church School classes arc held Fellowships at 9:15 and 11 a.m. The Adult Wednesday, Jauuary 6 Study Group will meet at 9:15, 8:00 A.M.-Breakfast Prayer the Women's Bible class at 9:30, Group' and the Senior High group will TRTNTTY CHTTRCH meet at 10:30. The Rev. Layton P. Zimmer, Rector The Couples Club win meet at New's Eve 6:3C Sunday in McCahan Hall for 9·aO A.M - Holv Communion a covered dish supper. Dr. Boland 10;00 A.M.-Healing Service 11 :30 P.M.-New Year's Eve Ser. Hughes will show slid.s and give vice a talk on UContemporary Scenes New Vear's Day and Life in Russia." Dr. and Mrs. (Feast of the Circumcision) Donald McCann,KIngswood 3.0922, 9 :80 A,M.-Holy Communion are in charge of the meeting. Morning Prayers will be held at Sunday. January 3 8 '.00 A.M. - Holy Communion d9: 30 T ues d··ay. 9 Church :80 A.M.-Morning Prayer an The Sewing and Bandage Group School win meet at 10 a.m. Wednesday. 11:1fi A M.-Holy. Communion 8:00 P.M.-Evemng Prayer Luncheon will be served by Circle Tnesdav. January 5 9, Mrs. Frank Keenen, chairman. 9:30 A.M.-Holy Communion The New Testsment Study grOUP Wedne.dRv. January 6 win meet at 8 p.m. Wednesday. (Epiphany) '1:00 A.M. - Floly Communion. 9,Rn AM. - Holv Cnmmun;on. THE ROSE VALLEY CHORUS 8 :00 P M.-Festival Eucharist and Drama will present JanWiry 1, 1960 SEREM~B~A~ a: PRESBYTERIAN NOTES Edward F. Stevens of The New Year's EveWateh Servo Long Island, N.Y., and MISS :!hur~ Clarissa M. Bate. and Mis. Lila to· Amherst College, Amherst, Clark of New York City joined M~BS., where he is a senior. them for Christmas Day.The Bates' THOM daughter Mi.s Sally Bates of Ne ... York City visited her parent. over UPHOLSTERY aad SLIP CDVERS 8 Years of Swarthmqre R.f."nc•• Christmas and the we.kend. Thei .. Over 30 Years' Experience SOn John, who also spent Christmas Pbln. SHAROI HILL 0134 with his family, left Tuesday to Estirnates Without Obligation visit in Shoreham belore returning w: eled eight times '"to a total of 21 friend of Mr. willtopic be thewill guest foreign countries. preacher. HisKulp, sermon be val held.Euchanst and Drama• w1l1h e HWe Would See Jesus." At 9:30 Thursd~y mornmg t ere CHURCH SERVICES The Junior and Senior High will be a celebratIOn of. the Holy' youth fellowship groups will meet Communion and a Heal~n~ Ser:PRESBYTERIAN C~U:RCH at the church at 7 p.m. for their ice. 'rhe Women of TTlmty. wlll D. Evor Roberts, MIDJster regular Sunday evening programs. meet at 1~ o'clock af~.r which a Robert O. Browne, Assoc. Mlnl'\te: The Martha Circle of the WSCS luncheonII Wlll be served 111 the Parand Minister ofChri.tian EducatIOn will meet at the home of Mrs. Ross rish Ha • New Vear's Eve Watson, 200 Hinkson boulevard, _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 11:80 P.M.-Watch Night Service Ridley Park, on Monday at 8 p.m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES Sunday, January 3 The Commission on Membership The thought that acknowledg9:15 A.M.-Holy Communion and Evangelism will meet at 1:he mentof one, infinite God, and obed. 9:15 A.M.-Church School d d 9 '16 A.M.-Adult Study church at 7 :30 p.m. Tues ay an. ience to His commands. is essential 9;80 A.M.-·Women's. Bible. Class the Commission on Missions will for the spiritualization ·and salva. to :ao A.M.-Senior HIgh ~roUp meet at 8 p.m. at the church. tion of mankind, will be brought out 11 :00 A.M.-Holy Commumon The Pastor'. Breakfast Prayer at Christian Science services Sun. 11:00 A.M.-<;hurch School Group will meet at 8 a.m. Wednes·· h Le -S t'tled M·onday, Jauua~ .( day, by t e sson ermon en , day. "God". ) C'I'ub 6:30 P.M.-Couples Cottage Prayer Meeting will be A cordIal inivtation is extended Tuesday, Janaary 5 at the home (If Mr. and Mrs. H. to all to a~tend the services at First 9 :30 A.M.-Morning Prayer Miller Crist, 144 Park avenue, Church of Christ, Scientist, 206 Wednesday at 8 p,m. John Patter· Park avenue, Swarthmore at 11 Wednesday. January 6 10:00 A.l'4.-.9ewing and Bandage son will be the leader. o'clock. 8~OOu;:M~New Testament Study The Pairs 'n' Spares Executive Group .. Board will meet at 8 p.m. Wednes· January 1; .1960 .TOGGERY· SHOP. INC. .....: .. ·[········~·,~~~~~~w.**'1 - - --- , '. - . : .. , ./#{ -. ~appy NewYe,ar To all of our friends everywh.ere we send the warmest .of greetings for the New Year and hope we may continue to serve you in 1959. With father time we wish you good luck and g09d health in 1960. ; J. F. BLAOKMAN •• ••*-. _ ••••••••• *-*._.II. .~:: ! JOYOE LEWIS 335 Dartmouth Avenue ~.~.~* *~~~ . "DIE FLEDERMAUS" (Metropolitan Opera Version} THE RET.IGTOlTR SOCIETY January 7, 8, and.9 OF FRTENDS 8:30 P.M. Sundav. January 3 >9:45 A.M.-First Dav School The Players Club 9 :45 A.M.-Adult Forum. Prof. Karl Scholz speaks on 'Mutually For Tictets, Call Beneficial Coexistence" 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. LO 6-3032 - or - LO 6-6091 Children cared for in Whittier House. Monday, January • Annual Sewing for AFSC WILLIAM PENN TOUR Wednesday, January 6 . All-day Sewing for AFSC Led by Euell Gibbons FIRST CHURCH OF Watch for details of this exci. CHRIST, SCIENTIST ting 1960 tour of England and SWARTHMORll the Continent. Park Avenue below Harvard Write now for FolderSunday, January 3 11 :00 A.M.-Sunday School. Call LO 6.1808 II·nn ". M.-'rhp. r ,..~CII"" _SermOD will be entitled "God." DELAWARE COUNTY Wednesday evening meeting each , ....k. 8 P.M., Reading Room, 409 TRAVEL ACENCY Dartmouth Avenue, open ....k· 18 S ORANGE st 4aya ",,""pt holidays, 10-5; Fri. '~_ _ _ . \ • 4ay evening, '1-8. . MEDIA, PA, _ _ _ _ I , .... ~~- ... '-"""" ... ,., --- .... -~---, 1960 We greet the New Year with song..We hope it will foe a prosperous and happy one for you. . Thanks to all our good friends for . YOllr wonderful palrona!{e during the past year. THEINILENEOI HAVE a happy New Yearl And during the coming year we would like for you to remember that we wish all of our many friends the best of everYthing. May the New Year / brin~.l:'~u happi~~s!~n~ont~!'tl11ent. ~ Cf£/-O RUMSEY CHEVROLET ... ~:; ••••••••..,.•••••••••••••••• The.tre Square South Chester Road We're off with a flying start to wish each of you the very best during the coming New Year• TIIE- FiUNTAII . . .. . ., 'race ,7 HAPPY HAPPY Greetings to the infant we Ring in the new! Ring out the old! We hope you all haye a great 1960. And thanks for your fine support this past year. call 1960. May your days be kind to us all. .. . EDWARD G. CHIPMAN & SON' Season~s. Greetings As the old year ul41es, we toile this opportunity to say we enjoyed the priuilege of seruing all of you in '59. We wish you a happy, prosperous New Year. , , , • , , , '. -' ,We're celebrating the N'ewYear by thanking you for your frie'ndsll'l', WE hope the New.; : Year will find you : in the best of spirits and health and that the days ahead will give you great hap. pinn •• . ,.". ..:'. . • PORTER H. WAITE, INC. 1960 • • co-op ASSOCIATION Yilre' Avenue and Chester Road , • • . . ' ... THE SPOT ',. • Dartmouth Avenue • .. • *****••••*.**~*•• ~~"*""~ With fOU we welcome 1960 and hope we continue toment your good will and:' valued patronage~ ,_ .. i_•••••••• MICHAEL'S COLLEGE PHARMACY , * ••••••• " j, Ha New Yea NEWffA~ ,. <5rtttings I 1960 I As fOIl pllrfr "jth JIl'" friends fe, u .Id flShle,nell feast t. cele6131e Ibe "'" allll best wishes. r", ... _ DIll f/WIillfS H.R.CHURCH 1960 PROVIDENT WiTH since~e thanks for your good will and patronage, wish you a very happy and prosperous New Year. we TRADESMENS Bank and Trust Company -Custom Kitchens & BIRD Greetings to our many friends 1ft' every nook of this communit~.: Happy, Happy NeW Year. --.. .. ---.. -----" -- ._----.-" ~------ .~ BEllE DAVIDSON , I -- PAUL RENSEL THE SWARTBMOREAN Page 8 NEWS . NOTES Mr.. A. C. Viele of Louisville, Ky., spent Christmas Wlt . h h·IS mother Mrs. S. Murray Viele of St rath Haven avenue. Dr. and Mrs. Glen T. Smith a f R 'lverview road had sons Craig and Peter home for the Christmas holidays. Craig is a freshman at Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn., and Peter is a senior at Swarthmore Conege. Miss Virginia Smith of Amherst avenue spent the Christmas holi· M days in Boston with her fiance r. Richard Banian and his family. 1IIr. and Mrs. Robert Solts, Jr., of W estminster avenue had as their guests over the holidays their son· in·law and daughter Mr.· and Mrs. Robert Hansen and t h ell f ami'1 y, d NJ who reside near Maple Sha e, ., WHAT IS HOME WITHOUT A PIAND1 p..... Wh, .01 ba, ,o ..r re1talll "'aD~ 'rom .. IUDICI' wlUl. 40 Je.... pracUeal ellperlenee .IUa ioU mue•• n ..m ••7 1e. hi lb• •4. A, L, PARKER LOwen 6·3665 EMIL SPIES WATCHMAKER Form,...), of F. C. Bodo and S Watch and )28 Yale Ave. Clock Swarthmore, Pa. KlDgswood 3-14. WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes and Rubbish Removed .....wns Mowed. General Hauling 236 Hardin&' Ave. Morta... pa.l senior lit Cornell University, ithaMr. and rs. enry • I G to Co to Arco h d as their School n ro n, nn,. , ca, N.Y., bas also been home for Lafayette aVtehnuehou:ay weekend Idaho. Lainie Hopper, who is a the holidays. their son Lt. Henry Wilbur Hoot I~;;~====~======II r:==::=:::::::=::==::::=::~ n guests over e and Mrs. Hoot of Andrew Air Fa:,," DISSATISFIED? W h' gto DC On ChrIstPiclure Framing Base, III were n, guests . . at a fam· We WI"II Pa, mas day as they b th' on in law i1y givenMr.y andellMrs. s -Frank . per Waek anddinner daughter ROGER RUSSELL B. Ozmun of Village Green Farms. for Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Thomas Photographic Supplies I t of Riverview road recent y reo urn- ONE SALE PER WEEK STATE .. MONROE BTB. ed from a month's motor triP to Call David McCahan, Jr. h t MEDIA Corpus Christi, Tex. They t en ~a. veled east along the Gulf of MeXICO AglDoy Development ManagerlOwell 6-2176 and stopped in New Orleans, Baton Finkbiner Company OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS I Kingsley 6-1234 Rouge, Gulfport and Pasgou a, Miss. a!rJUunuwlmuulUlmaulUlmlUDllllllUIlUDUIUIUDUDItua 1IIr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hopper B of .Dogwood lane entertained their ELNWOOD II a h ~= iii son and Lt. T be omy H _ = as Hopper. Lt. Hopper has en Conyalascanl ome 9 !!I I $100 CLAS SI FI EDAD S 8:~:ooIn Ave. . PERSONAL - Roofing, SPOUtl~g, ====-;-'''':;';'""T7==-:-:o:::::::,-,:.::;; gutters, carpentry. RecreatIOn PERSONAL - Licensed practl~al rooms a specialty. Ray J. Foster, nurses available. Post mater~lty Lu"w~e~li~6-c:6~5;69~'''''Yrn_____ and babyRegistry. sitting. Delaware Va ey WANTED Nurses Phone TRemont 6·0123. WANTED - To buy-used furnih k d Lc ture modern or antique, china, PERSONAL - Motoaw es glassw'are,2 and ca,,'peting, wall wallanor r~g 473 bric-a·brac. Cali sizes. Drapes, upholstery .and shp TRemont -7 '~=-.::c:::=:n;;;;covers - custom made. Fme selee- WANTED - \Voman to spend Ii,mh• of material. Media Uholstery, ited period early forenoon W,lt 17-19 E. State St., Media. Esti- invalid during absence of family. mates cheerfully given without ob- Box X, The Swarthmorean. _ _ ligation. LOwell 6-2211 or LOwell WANTED _ Typing, manuseript 6-1323. work stenography done at home. ~~:!:":-:-::-:--=-:---::==-=:Will c~l1 for and deliver. KIngs· PERSONAL - Mature woman, experienced secretary, resident of wood 3.3982".=;-;:=-;:-_ _ __ Swarthmore, now employed in ~hil. FOR SA.::L:::E=-:.;;-::=:-::~. adelphia, desires more convem,:nt FOR SALE Rugs-all sizes and location. Can arrange for local m· all types. Reasonable. Used fur. terview. Reply Box T, The Swarth- niture. Call TRe1llont 2-7473.__ morean. FOR SALE _ Girl's Hermes 20 PERSONAL - Bicycies Repaired, inch bicycle in good condition. Parts, accessories. Milt Glass - Boy's black prep snoes, sIZe 7% Bicycle, Hobby, Toy S.hop, 206. East A. Good make. Worn only three Baltimore Avenue, Chfton Heights, times. KIngswood 3-3010. _ _ MAdison 6-0713. Opposite Clifton FOR SALE -·1959 Renault-Dau. Theater. phine 3 months old. TaKe over - UPHOLSTERING balance' of paymentS due, approxi. . draperies; over mately $14uO•. Phone LEhigh 4. Upholstery 0135. at ;39.60. FOR -S""A=LE;;-=--cB""i"rJds:-:-:·n=ee:::;d-;fo::::;od more now than any time of the year. Good bird feeders, houses, baths, etc. Also dry and fresh 110wer arrangementa at The ·S. Croth· ers Jrs., 435 Plush Mill Road, Wallingford, Pa.. LOwell 6-4561. FOR RE.T FOR. RENT Apat.::it=m:-::e=nt'-'::in:-=Cpr::i"ivate house with spaciou!! grounds near Moylan station for two employed people. Bedroom, twin beds, at living room, private bath, some kitprices. LOweU chen privileges. Telephone LOwell BaliIDlOM I Jack Prichard PA N TIN G I 1= INTERIOR & EX'1'ER.IOR iil_ PERSONAL HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCI HEALS SUNDAY WFIL Radio - 8145 A.M, Channel 6-WFIL·TV-9; 15 A.M. CRESSON PRICHARD REAL ESTATE 900 Michigan Avenue Swarthmore, Pa. KI 3-1112 ROOFING Gutters Warm·Air Heating Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Work George Myers and CD. BOX 48 KI 4-1214 CL IlUllDHDnIll'll!1!W IU·.......I I Heinrich N. Knudsen g PERSONAL - Furniture refin-I repairing. at lahing, mollerate prices - Quality antiqueswork and 2·5487 i !i = ::: i'lpUUIWIQuummuamwmmauuuuwDUUllllwoWbii WINTER DRIVING SAFE FOR QUICK STARTINC: Tune Motor thoroughly for easy starting; clean and adjust Spark Plugs, and Points; adjust Carburetor and clean Fuel Pump. . FOR QUICK STOPPINC: Brakes complete. Adjust Brakes; reline FOR SAFE STEERINC: Tighten and adjust all Steer ing Connections; line up Front Wheels. CENERALLUBRICATION: Lubricate Chassis; fill Transmission and Differential to level; check Cooling System: pack Front-Wheel Bearings with fibre grease; adjust Fan Belt. . ,. PORTER' .H. WAITE, Inc. Yale Avenue and Chester Road Swarthmore, Pa. 3-1250 Klngswood STATE INSPECTION ENDS JANUARY 31st I • .. H. D. CHURCH I PARK AVE., SWARTHMORE Kln,!uwood 4-2727 from MORNING to NIGHT there's plenty of Hot Watet es.t.blilhed 1158 TRemont 4-6311 Oldest Real Estate and Insurance Firm in Delaware Coudy Specializing in Properties in Swarthmore, Wallingford, Rose Valier and Media Area. I ~--~. HEATED BY J, Edward Clyde Samuel ~. Clydo, Jr. ••or,. Pllwme. Se.,ael D. Clyde 1812 -1955 An automatic g~s water heater assures Edward G. Chipman ample hot water from mornIng shaves to and Son 1920' TILE FLOORS· PLASTIC TILE FORMICA COUNTER TOPS ROOFI•• Ind SIDIN. CUSTOM KITCHEIS ADDITID ••• ALTERATIO •• . F.rlt E,Ullat.. 140 I Ridley AV!lnue Chester, Pa. 2-4759 Z-5689 evening showers. 1.11 through the day thare's SWARTHMORE plenty of hot water without waiting, without worrying. Water is heated and stored EXCELLENT SCHOOL LOCATION ready for use any time. Newly listed custom built colonial home. short skip \ Chase water heating worrl.. with ,h• .. (I automatic.gas water heat.r you se'ect at your plum""., or any ""'adelphia lfectrlc sullurfla!l '''-I'00III. ond jump to Rutgers Avenue School. Offers many fine cIea'' '., features for the .growing family. . BAIRD and BIRD Ilngswood Does Your Dog Have Its WARTHMOREAN Operators License? VOLUME 32 - NUMBER 2 'Die Fledermaus' Swarthmore, Pa., Friday, January 8, 1960 Opens n i s Weekend Players Club to Present Rose Valley Chorus in Opera Next Week The Players Club wil) present, heginning January 11 and continuing through the week to January 16 Johann Strauss's light opera, "Die Fledermaus" (Metropolitan Opera version), under the direction of William Price. The opera, in three acts, tells the story of Dr. Falke's revenge on B friend, Von Eisenstein, who had played a 'prank on him. Falke persuades Eisenstein to attend a ball given by Prlnce Orlofsky, as a pseudo-marquis, and then gets Eisensteints wifet Rosalinda, to attend also masked and bewigged, as the Cou~tess Halama, sure that Eisen.tein will not recognize her, and hoping that he will make love to her. It all turns out as Falke hopes and at the end, in the jail, whither Eisenstein must go to serve two weeks for kicking a tax collector, Eisenstein is properly humiliated when he finds that he haa been making love to both his wife and his chambermaid, unbeknownst. Old favorites of the Rose Valley Chorus, who appeared in the Gil(Continued on Page 8) John H. McWilliams H. S. Parents Program Scheduled for Jan. 20 Parents of high school students are asked to note that on Wednes· day, January 20, at 8 p.m., the education committee v,;ll have one of its series. Guest speaker will be Richard Pearson, executive president of the College En.tromc,e I Examination Board who. ·w:~il:~1 ;~;~~ on uNew Programs and I tion of the College Entrance E,ealn'l ination Board". The meeting will be held in new auditorium at Rutgers A ',er,uE.1 School. I 1960 4-1500 . l PHILADELPHIAELICTRIC_. COMPANY -"._.... . ... ----- ----- ' ." --..' Have Its Operators License? JAN 8 196~ $4.00 PER YEAR Francis A. Harvey Retires From Post Office Francis A. Harvey, assistant postmaster at the Swarthmore Post Office, retired Decemher 31 after 40 years of service. Mr. Harvey, who lives at 333 West Fourth street, Media, started in postal service in Media in 1919. He transferred to Swarthmore in 1923 as a substitute clerk, and was almost'immediately appointed reg· ular clerk. He was promoted to assistant postmaster in 1949 and served in that capacity until his retirement last week. F " March of Dimas 'N" 0" ht h al ers Ig Inner Sel for Nexl Thursda, . Mothers Annual Event Club Members 10 Haar About Koraan Women Mrs. Induk Pahk to Speak at I :30 Meeting Tuesday Mrs. Induk Pahk, president of the Berea-in-Korea Foundation t will speak to the Woman's Club Tuosday at 1 :30 .on the life of Korean women. Mrs. Pahk was graduated from Ewha College in Seoul, Wesleyan College in Georgia and received her M.A. from Teachers' College, Columbia. She has written several books in Korean and has published her autobiography in English, entitled "September Monkey." All royalties from this book go to the Berea-in-Korea Foundation. During the American occupation in Korea, Mrs. Pahk worked for the Military Government in the department of public information as radio lecturer. For this work she received special commendation from the late General Archer Lerch th M'I'tary Governor of Korea. en broadcast II She to her count~en on the VOA on Sunday evenings for the f'rst 18 months of the Korean W I ar. Opens in Swarthmore . Mrs. George A. Stauffer, Also Marks Club's Charles Bovard Head 20th Year ,p . l oca rogram JohnM'Wiliiams Named MothersN' .ClhUh D":iI1 hold IttS aTnhnual Monday, January 4, marked the Fathers . 19 t lOner nex urs· openin~ of.the1960March of ~im..s ManaD'er at Sun Oil Co. day e~emng, January 14, at 6:30 campaign m Swarthmore. With Its D p.m. 10 McCahan H.all of the broader scope the National FounAssumes Vice Presidency Swarthmore PresbyterIan Church. 'd t h·1 . . w. I. '11 b e given . to dation ·plans to provide aloe 1 f N' F ' Special r, ecogultlOn f h O m e orelgn I b 0 h A Y dren under 19 years a age, w 0 the c u s 2 t nmversary ear. have been stricken with arthritis Subsidiaries Guest speaker will be Carl E. and certain birth defects, while con_ John H. McWiiliams succeeds Hennrich, special agent in charge tinuing to provide assistance to Winfield Givens as manager of of the Philadelphia District, Federpolio victims. Sun Oil Company's land depart- al Bureau of Investigation. Mr. In addition to the above, the mcnt, Robert G. Dunlop, president, Hennrich's talk is titled, "You and Garnet Canteen Plans tional Foundation has an extensive announced over the weekend. the F .B.I." program of education for the health At the same, Mr. McWiI. Mr. Hennrich has served with Talent Show for Sal. professions with health scholarships Iiams assumes the posts of vice the Federal Bureau of InvestigaChildren's Concert for High School graduates and col· president and director of Sun's nine tion for 25 years and has heell in 140 Attend New Year Slated for Sunday lege students playing an important foreign . production subsidiaries, charge of the Philadelphia District , Program: Night of role. All of the borough business Mr. Dunlop said. since 1956. He is an attorney, a 30th Cancelled Annual Program Will houses have already been supplied Mr. McWilliams' new land de- graduate ,of' National University The Annual Talent .Show will be with coin boxes for loose change. pariment assignment encompasses and a member of the bar of the Be Heard at 3:30 . t 0 f C.0I urnb'Ia an d The A mer· the The local March of Dimes has as responsibilities for the company's D·IstrlC . "piece de resistance" . bthis com'16 in Arts Center lng Saturday mght at holdl·ng·s I'n the UnI'ted ican Bar Association. co-chairmen this year Mrs. George C . a out 9. I The Annual Childr~n's Concert A. Stauffer of Drew avenue and States and abroad including lanc\J< Musical entertainment will be p.m. anteen openmg and e osat t1Je Community Arts Center on .CbJlrles. E. Bova>:d .', of N'~rlnland')"llsesol the' me.ufacturinllf furDishetl· by- ·.the ·.·~Delco-Ordin~- ing at the regular honrs 018 p,m. .. -RU~:r.11i11e; . W81l1nl!fora;'WiIr Ii<> Swarthmore a·venue:.··. 'Onder their m. arketing and· production depart- tors," a harber shop quartet of the and 11 p.m. held on Snnday, January 10, at 8:80 direction the following are "hap te r o f th StUdents of Nether Providence ments plus pipe line rights-of- DeIaware County·.., e with an alternate 'snow date' of partieipate tee chairmen, Joban Natvig. way. He has been aBSl' stant mana- Society for the Preservation and have heen. invited g' f to Nth P in . January 17. Encouragement of Barber Shop the evemn s nn.. e er rOVlger I of the land department. publicity; Mr. and Mrs. Wi son S d Co I b will The center's concert presentS a I n a dd I·t·Ion t 0 h'IS new pOSI'tl ons, Quartet Singing in America . Henry dence tu dent. I uncId mem Rushton, coin boxes, and Mrs. Kenk f ersth. yearly opportunity for talented . presl'de t n the "lead" for the quartet·, man h' an ha mISS es orh will ell" neth P. Stuart, teen age P,ro,gr'~m.1 h e Wl'11 cont'Inue as . vice Ii I ons bt> area teenagers to participate in a and director of the North Chester William Gramley; tenor; Robert own Ig. sc 00 mem rs w.o. The annual Mothers March will sho their A A cards and Sign m pnblic concert. The program will R Ity Company, a S un su bSl'd'lary. Siegel" baritone and John Spangler, • Lw t k. C te ta d offer selections from Bach, Bric- be held on January 28 at 7 p.m. ea 'II' .. d h bass as wee an en s ye open 14 M W d th I t' f 14 r. c 1 lams lOlne t e com. I h Y' d d cialdi, Chopin, Debussy, Handel, un er e genera d·"ec Ion 0 lB. • 1937 d ' 1946 af Mrs Richard Schaible is chair on t e New ear S secon ay to Sta uffer. Her territorial captains pany m an 10 ,ter . 'd t t' t f th h Haydn, Schubert, and English and serving three years with the U. S. man of the dinner and Mrs. George provi e ~n er ammen Or ose w 0 M wanted It. One hundred and fo..... Welsh Folksongs. 'l'he music is 'll be Mrs. Richard Brandt, Mrs. A - d ' "z ·h dD'1 M Ch I R rmy urlng WorId War II,was Gibson is in charge of the evening's 'th28 I . d ts scored for string quartet, 'cello R IC ar anle , rs. ar o s . d • f h I program Mrs Schaible'S dinner Came WI a umnI an gues • ~nP:r;sor 0 t e ew y; committ~e incl~des' Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Rnshton ansolo, flute solo,. violin duo, piano Gerner, Mrs. Charles Innis, Mrs. name. JDhn Schumaeher, Mrs' Mrs 'G~orge A 'Abernathy Jr swered the S.O.S. call and chaperduo, recorder, oboe and voice. horganize a? t departmthent. n f196 e to e post 0 as· Mrs Wayne . . , . , one d wi t h Mr. and Mrs. J . H erbert Among performers from Swarth· S peers an d Mrs. R 0 bert S wan. .e was anpom . Boyer Mrs Donald sistant manager. . , . Fill t f 10th d mDre are Karin Brandt,.Heidi Honh hel I Dickinson Mrs Thomas Fox, Mrs. 0 ey, a paren s 0 gra e . H hId· e 0 s a ac or of sc ence. ,. . students. The unsung heroic job of nold, Linda Jones, Dory Kroon, Scout Troop One degree in commerce from the Tem- Richard Germano, Mrs. George Glb.. d tak·· d h . Jack Price, Wendy Price, Mrs. . . and is a member of son, Mrs. .J0 h n D . H arvey, Mrs. settmg up an mg own c Holds Investiture pie Umverslty d hI d b h airs JDhn Price, Suzanne Roberts, Sally Sheppard, Ellen Tolles, English exBoy Scout Troop 1 held an in- the American Association of Petro- Bruce Jones, Mrs. John Leach,Mrs. ;n'th!"1 ~sob~as tt o:e te: ~O: ever leum Landmen In addition he is Jack Pritehard, Mrs. Richard Rit- Rail hUKl • eu R' u.' H mann , change student Stella Waite, and vesture for t.nderfoot scouts at its • , ·h M J h S h d ap etzlen, onnle oge an d Betsy Walker. Wallingford musi. regular Tuesday night meeting at a past commander of the American ten ouse, rs. 0 n c warz, an Al S mf d an ta or. LegIOn; Post 427, in Swarthmore, rs. G~rge W·l.mmer•. cians include Carol Ford aud An- Trinity Episcopal Church. This bl d The more observed job of serving he is also judge of elections. Ta e ecorat.lOn s will be created refreshments was done by Barbara drew Gero. ~ancy Kroose from ceremony marks the official en- where trance into scouting of the boys Mr. McWilliams serves on the Ses. by Mrs. FranCIS Tracy and Mrs. Stuart, Abbe Warnes and Linda Springfield; Ann and Barbara involved. sion of the Presbyterian Church Charles Ridewood. Hunt. Hunter from Haverford, and Vir.and is president of ita board of ginia Dolgert from Drexel Hill willi The tro?p has fo~r p.atrol. with trustees. He lives on North Prince- High Mass Sung Tournaments and a dancing conalso perform. the followmg organIzatIons: test made the entertainment for ton avenue. For Jay J. Schoff Member. and their guests are in. Blaek ~anther Patrol - ~atrol the evening. Pinochle was won by Jay J. Schoff, 90, of 325 Dart- Lorene Hebhle and Eleanor Lindvited to attend this children's pro· Leader Jimmy Breaken; ASSIstant STAND FOR LIBRARY ELECTION mouth avenue, former owner of two sey, the latter having "beginners' gram arranged by two pianists and Paul. Donovan; New Scouts Jer;y JANUARY 23, 25 AT LIBRARY drug stores, died· Sunday after an luck"; bridge was won by Mark teachers, Cecilia Bradbeer Sibinga Hebble, Doug Sutherland, Jim Six residents have filed nomi. illness of 10 months. Beardsley and Craig Smith; gin and Dolly van der Hoop Schoenberg. Kent, Jack Aaron, and Dave Ben- nating petitions for Swarthmore A pharmacist, he had operated rummy by Gary Gallagher and Pete Mrs. George Harvey will preside as nett. Public Library directors, with How. two drug stores in Drexel Hill and Berlin; and the dancing contest by Raven Patrol - ~atrol Leader ard P. Williams, secretary of the Highland Park prior to his retire. hostess during the serving of refreshments following the eoneert. Tom Topping; Assistant Billy Car- board. (Continued on Page 8, ment 16 years ago. ruth; New Scouts Bruce Phillips, Two directors will be elected at Born and raised in Annapolis" M M M S' PRUICIPAL SPEAKER Don Hartman, and Bernard HoI· the annual Library elections which Md., he attended St. John's College ary c urray to 109 Thomas B. MeCabe, .of North den. ",ill take place during regular Li- there and was a graduate of the In Concert Monday Chester road, president of Scott Hawk Patrol - Patrol brary hours on Saturday, January Philadelphia College of ·Pharmacy, Members of the Media CommunPaper Company and former presi- Ennis Duling; Assistant pave M'Lr-123, and on Monday, January 25, class of 1890. ity Concerts Association will hear dent of the Sales Manogers' Asso- tin; New Scouts Jay Sipler, Gary uoti 8 p.m. He served in Battery A of the Mary McMurray, mezzo-soprano. ciation of Philadelphia, wiil be the Baskin, John Frost, Sandy ThompBoth retiring directors are stand- U.S. Army during the Spanish. lIIonday at 8 :30 p.m. in the Nether principal speaker at the associa- son, and Paul Schubert. ing for reelection, Rudolf Hirsch, American War. Providence High School Auditor. tion's 50th annivers~ry dinner Falcon Patrol - Patrol Leader 204 Benjamin West avenue, and Mr. Schoff moved to Springfield ium, Wallingford. Monday evening in Philadelphia. Tim McCaffrey; Assistant H: Lindley P.el, 107 Columbia ave- in 1920 and had lived there, before Called both a contralto and a Some of the highlights of the S;nith; New Scouts Bob Silzle, Jack nue, the latter appointed by the moving to Swarthmore four yeal"S dramatic soprano, Miss McMurray evening wiil be the opening of the Renshaw, and Bill Wilburn. Board to fill out the unexpired term ago. had her professional debut in Brusoriginal rostrum of the sales manJunior Patrol Leader is Graham of Alice Barber, resigned. Surviving are· his wife, Alice sels in 1963, and in March of 1966 agers by Charles W. Zerweck, pres- Patterson. Other old'll"· boys active Others who seek election to the May, a son, J. Forrest Schoff of sang in New York's Town Hall with ident of the association, which wiil in troop leadership are Bob Scutt, Board are Francis J. Bouda, 21 disclose such contents as ·original Bob Seeley and Neil Bell, all jun- Dartmouth avenue; Mary Virginia Moylan, and three grandchildren. the National Association for Amer• High mass of ""'Iuiem was sung ican. Oomposers and Conductors. minutes, pictures and newspaper ior assistant sc:outmasters. Harris, Swarthmore Apartments; Tuesday at 10 a.m. at the Chureh Since then, the meZzo has apstories. Mr. Zerweck will then seal Scoutmaster IS Morga,!, 14 •. WYO-I Mrs. Rbbert D. Hulme, 318 Haver- of the Nativity,. B.y.M., in Media. pearM as soloist with the l""dililf further data to be· opened in tho koop. Hi. assistant scoutmasters. ford place;' Florelll;e j. ·L~, Private burial was In Media Geme- orehestras, and has made coast-to.. 7<'ar 2010. (Continued on p ..... 6) I Dartmouth Honse. tery. coast concert tours. -J- . Klngswood 3-0450 Fifth Street Your Dog "d SWEENEY &CLYDE General Contractor -I .. CARNS S50 Baltimore PIke 8pt1q:f\eld, DeL Co., l'L IUSTOII IISTALLATIO.S . , 29 E. aa ~ Klngswood 3.0272 Pormerly = TRemont TRemont Klnnswood 3-8761 "':' FLORIST ;; BUILDERS 'Since ~=' DiLuzio and Sons West Knowlton Road Media, Po. = § II !I ~1."I.IIIIUII"'lIIllIlIImDtllllnmIlDmH"mnollllllllnnoo :~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~.~".~~;;;;;;;;::;:;:;:;;;;;:;:;:~ I JK~I~n~g~~~~~~~~~~;,~:~~ CONTRACTOR TRemont E Estimates ';~~i:;~~~T;W~O~~~~~;: II~==========================~ .~ wood 4-4888, modem. Call KIngswood Mr. Spanier,3-~198. ... CENERAL Free !! Quiet, _UuI SurroundiDp With E][ceUent :M-Hour Nnrsln&' Can 6-2714~~:'~Ji:i~:~1 KIngswood 3-7282 for Garrett House. 9·3358 . Estab1lshed 1932 Does t 1M I I I 1 INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE Page 8 I Hoot ~f . transferred from the N u cl ear senior at Cornell University, Itha· NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Hen::d •as their I School in Groton, Conn,. to Arco, ca, N.Y., has also been home for Mr. A. C. Viele of Louisville, Lafayette aVtehnuehOliday weekend Idaho. Lainie Hopper, who is a the holidays. over e Ky., spent Christmas with his guests their son Lt. Henry Wilbur Hoot • mother Mrs. S. Murray Viele of and Mrs. Hoot of Andrew Air Fo~ce DISSATISFIED? Strath Haven avenue. Base, Washington, D.C. On ChristDr. and Mrs. Glen T. Smith ?f mas day they were guests at a fam- WHAT IS HOME WITHOUT A PIANO' Why nOt buJ' ,.ur rebalU plan~ from a plaao tuner wltb 40 ,ean practleal esperience _Ith all makn. " will Joa In &be eA" p., A, L, PARKER LOwell 6·3655 Riverview road had their sons Craig ily dinner given by their and Peter home for the Christmas and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Frank holidays. Craig is a freshman at B. Ozmun of ViUage Green Farms. \Vesleyan University, Middletown, Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Thomas Conn., Bnd Peter is a senior at of Riverview road recently re~urn­ Swarthmore College. Miss Virginia Smith of Amherst ed from a month's motor trIp to Jewelry Repaired Ph.: Kl3·4216 EMIL SPIES WATCHMAKER Formerly or F. C. Bode and SODI Fine Watch and 128 Yale Ave. Clock Repairs Swarthmore, Pa. WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes and Rubbish Removed uawns Mowed. General Hauling ::36 Harding Ave. Morio", l'a.\ HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS SUNDAY WFIL Radio - 8:45 A,M, Channel 6-WFIL·TY-9:15 A,M, 900 Mic higan " ~c- A venue Swarthmore, Pa. ~ !§ Parts, accessories. Milt Glass - Baltimore A venue, Clifton Heights, times. KIngswood 3-3010. _ _ IIIAdison 6-0713. Opposite Clifton ~. ~T~h~e~a~t~er~.________~~~==~~ i9 PERsgI%A~over~Pd~~p~~~~R~~:: KI 3-1112 Boy'S blaCK prep shoes, SIze '1 Jh iii Bicycle Hobby, Toy Shop, 206 East A. Good make. Worn only three ~=- 30 years experience. Upholstery :: IIIUcJ. prices for chairs begin at $39.50. 5UUClUIDlIUlIDIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIII1I1lIlHUIIIII;mmclIIlIIl . fabric included. Eight years of 'Die Fledermaus' Opens This Weekend _ FOR SALE - 1959 Renault-Dau· phine, 3 months old. TaKe ovc.r balance of payments due, approxImately $14uO.. Phone LEhigh 40135. _ _ _ _=....,.._-=--:---" FOR SALE - Birds need food more now than any time of the 1 Swarthmore references. PROMPT year. Good bird feeders, houses, SERVICE. Estimate without obli- baths, etc. Also dry and fresh llow· gation. Chair bottoms repaired. $6 er arrangements at The S. Croth· up. THOM SEREMBA. Phone any ers J rs., 4~6 Plush Mill Road, Wal· day up to 10 P.M. SHARON HIJ.L lingford, Pa. LOwell 6-4551. Gutters 0734,:.,.==:--=====;;-;;:;::;Warm-Air Heating FOR RENT PERSONAL - FURNITURE RE. FOR REN'T - Apar~tm-e-n"'t~i~n-p-r~iAir Conditioning FINISHED REPAIRED AND vate house with spacious grounds UPHOLSTERED, slip covers, dra_ Sheet Metal Work near Moylan station for two emperies and rugs. Painting, pallerhanging--complete decorating ser- ployed people. Bedroom, twin beds, vice. Quality work at bargain living room, private bath, some kit- . prices. Please call LOwell 6-3~31 or chen privileges. Telephone LOwell KIngswood 3-7282 for free e"tlmete. 6-2714. ==-_-;-_-.,,;-:-.,...,:;--BOX 48 Garrett House. FOR RENT - Large third floor KI 4.1214 CL 9-3358 PERSONAL - Furniture refin- apartment. Two bedrooms. KIngsishing, repairing. Quality work wood 3·6078. at moderate prices - antiques and FOR RENT;-..:.--,G..-a-r-a-g-e-a-v-a....i·lable ~lmaUIIIUIUJItIUUIUJnUnwuuUllllllUllWllunnlllllllllltl modern. Call Mr. Spanier, KIngsnow. Can KIngswood 3-2079 af· wood 4-4888, KIngswood 3-2198. ternoon or evening. ROOFING ; 9 CENERAL § CONTRACTOR R West Knowlton Road § M~~, ~. B E c 5 TRemont 2-5487 Ii = ! 5 = E E E C ~ !1IUUI1l1WCUllillmllnI11UIUIilIDIIIIIIUUllClllUlllWIDUIII~ Belvedere Convalescent Home CUSTOM IISTALLATIDIIS ., H. D. CHURCH a PARK AVE" S/LDIE PIPPIN TURNER. Proprte\of Edward G. Chipman and Son General Contractor BUILDERS 'Since 1920' TILE FLOORS· PLASTIC TILE FORMICA COUNTER TOPS ROOFIHI and SIOIHl CUSTOM KITCHENS ADDITIONS • ALTERAlIOMS . Fr.. Estlmatll 1401 Ridley Avenue Chester, Pa. TRemont TRemont 2-4759 2-5689 SWARTHMORE Klngswood 4·2727 Diluzio and Sons ~ FLORIST I ~ Formerly ~ ~ ; = CARNS 650 Baillmore Plile Sprlnlfield, Dei. co.,.... i Klngswood 3-0450 = I g Jack Prichard I PAINTING ~ Klngswood 3·8761 i Klngswood 3·0272 SAFE FOR QUICK STARTINC: Tune Motor thoroughly for easy starting; clean and adjust Spark Plugs. and Points; adjust Carburetor and clean Fuel Pump. FOR QUICK STOPPINC: Adjust Brakes; reline Brakes complete. FOR SAFE STEERINC: Tighten and adjust all Steering Connections; line up Front Wheels. CENERAL LUBRICATION: Lubricate Chassis; fill Transmission and Differential to level; check Cooling System; pack Front·Wheel Bearings with fibre grease; adjust Fan Belt. .. :\. \ ..: .. •'. •". ::\'. ~: .: • ••. : "... ~ 0·: ....... 1,":. ~: .. " .:.: .... ,........ ~-'\,.0. ... : ,.. . :.~: 1'.... ;. . ."..:. l.:'" :.4".. .. ,....... ... . ..: ••• ' • • . •' ••..! . : . " .... 0'. . . . . . . . .' . •• , .. ~ ~ .- .. • ~ .,. .......... *.••• .." 1 .' .... . .:,•••••'t .......... _ • ........ .......: ,..' ' ai ..' ... -'l' .. - ' •• ' I i! weeks for kicking a tax collector, dation plans to provide aid to chilEisenstein is properly humiliated dren under 19 years of age, who when he finds that he has been mak- have been stricken with arthritis ing love to both his wife and his and certain birth defects, while conchambermaid, unbeknownst. tinuing to provide assistance to Old favorites of the Rose Valley polio victims. Chorus, who appeared in the Gil· In addition to the above. the Na· (Continued on Page 8) tional Foundation has an extensive ·program of education for the health professions with health scholarships ~ Be Heard at 3:30 29 TRemont E. Fifth Street from MORNING to NIGHT there's plenty of Hot Wate .. 4·6311 J, Edward Clyde Samuel D, Clyde, Jr, George Plawman Samuel D, Clydl EXCELLENT SCHOOL LOCATION Newly listed custom built colonial home, short skip and jump to Rutgers Avenue School. Offers many fine features for the growing family. BAIRD and BIRD Klngswood 4-1500 Members and thei,. guests are in- An automotic gas water heater assures PRINCIPAL SPEAKER ample hot water from morning shaves to SWARTHMORE al'5o perform. HEATED BY ~~~. 1812 -1965 " ginia Dolgert from Drexel Hill willi vited to attend this children's program arranged by two pianists and teachers, Cecilia Bradbeer Sibinga and Dolly van der Hoop Schoenberg. 1\Irs. George Harvey will preside as hostess during the serving of refreshments following the concert. I Oldest Reol Estate and Insurance Firm in Delaware Caul\ty SpecioliIing in Properties in Swarthmore, Wallingford. Rose Valla)' and Media Area. evening showers. ',11 through the day there's plenty of hot woter without waiting, without worrying, Water is heated and stored Berea-inpKorea Foundation. During the American occupation in Korea, Mrs. Pahk worked for John H. McWilliams succeeds Winfield Givens as manager of Sun Oil Company's land department, Robert G. Dunlop, president, announced over the weekend. At the same time. Mr. McWilliams assumes the posts of vice production subsidiaries, partment assignment encompasses 20th Year Mothers' Club will hold its annual the Military Government in the de· Fathers Night Dinner next Thurs- partment of public information as day evening, January 14, at 6 :30 radio lecturer. For this work she special commendation p.m. in McCahan Hall of the received Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. from the late General Archer Lerch Special recognition will be given to the club's 20th Anniversary Year. Guest speaker will be Carl E. Hennrich, special agent in charge of the Philadelphia District, Federal Bureau of Investigation. Mr. Hennrich's talk is titled, "You and the F.B.I." Mr. Hennrich has served with the Federal Bureau of Investigation for 25 years and has beert in charge of the Philadelphia District since 1956. He is an attorney, a graduate .of· National University and a member of the bar of the District of Golumbia and The Amer. ican Bar Association. Musical entertainment will be fllrnished hy the uDelco~Ordina_ tors/' a barber shop quartet of the then Military Governor of Korea. She broadcast to her countrymen on the VOA on Sunday evenings for the first 18 months of the Korean War. Garnel Canleen Plans Talent Show for Sal. 140 Attend New Year Program; Night of 30th Cancelled The Annual Talent Show will he the "piece de resistance" this com· ing Saturday night at about 9 :15 p.m. - Canteen opening and clos .. ing at the regular hours of 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. Students of Nether Providence have been invited to participate in the evening's fun. Nether Providence Student Council members will • • rhe tro?p has fo~r p.atrols WIth the followmg orgamzatIOns: Black Panther Patrol - Patrol Leader Jimmy Bl'eakell; Assistant Paul Donovan; New Scouts Jerry Hebble, Doug Sutherland, Jim Kent, Jack Aaron, and Dave Bennett. Raven Patrol - Patrol Leader Tom Topping; Assistant Billy Car~ ruth; New Scouts Bruce PhilJips, Don Hartman, and Bernard Hol- Thomas B. McCabe, of North den. Che~;ter road, presieic>nt of Scott Papt'r C:':l11pany and former presid~nt of the Sales )lanngel's' As::;o· c:alion of Philadelphia, will be the principal speaker at the associa_ tion's 50th anniversary dinner Monday evening in PhiIaclelphia. Hawk Patrol - Patrol Leader Ennis Duling; Assistant Dave Martin; New Scouts Jay Sipler, Gary /laskin, John Frost, Sandy Thomp. son, and Paul Sl:hubert. Falcon Patrol - Patrol Leader he was appointed to the post of assistant manager. He holds a bachelor of science Mrs. George A. Abernathy, Jr., swered the S.O.S. call and chaperMrs. Wayne Boyer, Mrs. Donald oned with Mr. and IIIrs. J. Herbert Dickinson, Mrs. Thomas Fox, Mrs. Foley, all parents of 10th grade Richard Germano, Mrs. George Gib. students. The unsung heroic job of son, Mrs. ·John D. Harvey, Mrs. setting up and taking down chairs Bruce Jones, Mrs. John Leach, Mrs. and tables was done by the ever Jack Pritchard, Mrs. Richard Rit- faithful Bob Scutt, Butch Hofmann, tenhouse, Mrs. John Schwarz. and Ralph Kletzien, Ronnie Hoge and Alan Stamford. Mrs. George Wimmer. degree in commel"ce from the Temple University and is a member of the American Association of Petroleum Landmen. In addition, he is a past commander of the American Legion, Post 427, in Swarthmore, Table decorations will be created where he is also judge of elections. Mr. Mc\Villiams serves on the Ses. by Mrs. Francis Tracy and Mrs. sion of the Presbyterian Church Charles Ridewood. and is president of its board of trustees. He lives on North Prince. High Mass Sung ton avenue. For Jay J. Schoff The more observed job of serving refreshments was done by Barbara Stuart, Ahbe Warnes and Linda Hunt. Tournaments and a dancing con... test made the entertainment for the evening. Pinochle was won by Jay J. Schoff, 90, of 325 Dart- Lorene Hebblc and Eleanor Lind. STAND FOR LIBRARY ELECTION mouth avenue, former owner of two sey, the latter having "beginners' JANUARY 23, 25 AT LIBRARY drug stores, died Sunday after an luck"; bridge was won by l\lark Six residents have filed nomi. illness of 10 months. nating petitions for Swarthmore A pharmacist, he had operated Public Library directors, with How. two drug stores in Drexel Hill and ard P. Williams, secretary of the Highland Park prior to his retireboard. ment 15 years ago. Two directors will be elected at Born and I'aised in Annapolis,. the annual Library elections which Md., he attended St. John's College will take place during regular Li~ there and was a graduate of the brary hours on Saturday, January Philadelphia College of 'Pharmacy, 23, and on Monday, January 25, class of 1890. unti 8 p.m. He served in Battery A of the Both retiring directors are stand- U.S. Anuy during the Sllanishing for reelection, Rudolf Hirsch, American \Val'. 204 Benjamin \Vest avenue, and IIIr. Schoff moved to Springfield Beardsley and Craig Smith; gin rummy by Gary Gallagher and Pete Berlin; and the dancing contest by (Continued on Page 8, Mary McMurray to Sing In Concert Monday Memhers of the Media Community Concert:-:; Association will hear :\!c1\[ul'ray, IllClZzo.soprano, :\Ionday at 8 :30 p.m. in the Nether Providence High School Auditor.. !\[al'Y ium, Wallingford. Tim lIIoCaffrey; Assistant Tommy H: Lindley Peel, 107 Columbia ave- in 1920 alld had lived there. before Called both a contralto and a Some of the highlights of the Smith; New Scouts Bob SiIzle, Jack nue, the latter appointed by the moving to Swarthmore four years dramatic soprano, Miss McMurray evening wilJ be the opening of the Renshaw, and Bill Wilburn. Board to fill out the unexpired term ago. had her professional debut in Brus- ready for use any time, , Chase water heating worries with the (, automatic gas water heater you sefect at your plumber's, deafer's, or any Phifadefphla Efectric suburltan sh_roolll. Subsidiaries books in Korean and has published her autobiography in English, entitled "September Monkey." AU royalties from this book go to the publicity; Mr. and Mrs. Wilson ger of the land department. . lnvo ve . Hunter from Haverford, and VIT- lasa of Nine Foreign The local March of Dimes has as responsibilities for the company's cOooChairmen this year Mrs. George ,property holdings in the United I ~1D'lmll'mllnlllllllllnlnllll11l11l1nJIIIRllnJ"cllllnlllllll' Establi"hed Assumes Vice Presidency role. All of the borough business Mr. Dunlop said. houses have already been supplied Mr. McWilliams' new land de- Sheppard, Ellen Tolles, English exBoy Scout Troop 1 held an inchange student Stella Waite, and vesture for tenderfoot scouts at its Betsy Walker. Wallingford musi- ,.e~u~ar Tue~day night meeting ~t cians include Carol Ford and An- Trlmty EpIscopal Chur~h: ThIS ceremony marks the offICIal en· d rew Gero. Na n cy Kroose from t · t' f th b . f· Id' A nn an d Barbara ,. ranee e OYS S prmgle, I dmto scou mg 0 iE SWEENEY & CLYDE JohnM'Wiliiams Named Manager al Sun Oil Co. lege students playing an important foreign with coin boxes for loose change. M.A. from Teachers' College, Co· Also Marks Club's for High School graduates and col- president and director of Sun's nine Among performers from Swarth- Speers and Mrs. Robert Swan. more are Karin Brandt, Heidi Honnold, Linda Jones, Dory Kroon, Scout Troop One Jack Price, Wendy Price, Mrs. Holds Investiture John Price, Suzanne Roberts, Sally !~. o· Stauffer, Local Program hoping that he will make love to Monday, January 4, marked the her. It all turns out as Falke hopes opening of the 1960 March of Dimes aud at the end, in the jail, whither campaign in Swarthmore. With its Eisenstein must go to serve two broader scope the National Foun- Annual Program Will Falhers' Night Dinner Set for Nexl Thursday lumbia. She has written several Mothers Annual Event Charles Bovard Head Children's Concert Sialed for Sunday College in Georgia and received her Natvig, way. He has been assistant mana- Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop The center's concert presents a H.ushton, coin boxes, and Mrs. KenQuartet Singing in America. Henry In addition to his new positions, yearly opportunity for talented neth P. Stuart, teen age program. he will continue as vice president Peter is the "lead" for the quartet; man an admissions desk for their area teenagers to participate in a The annual Mothers March will and director of the North Chester William Gramley, tenor; Robert own high scliool members who will public coneert. The program will Realty Company, a Sun subsidiary. Siegel, baritone, and John Spangler, show their A A. cards and sign in. offer selections from Bach, Bric- be held on January 28 at 7 p.m. Last week Canteen stayed open IIIr. McWilliams joined the com. bass. under the general direction of Mrs. cialdi, Chopin, Debussy, Handel, on the New Year's second day to Mrs. Richard Schaible is chair. pany in 1937 and in 1946, after Haydn, Schubert, and English and Stauffer. Her territorial captains serving three years with the U. S. man of the dinner and Mr•. George provide entertainment for those who Welsh Folksongs. The music is will be Mrs. Richard Brandt, Mrs. Army during World War II, was Gibson is in charge of the evening's wanted it. One hundred and forty scored for string quartet t 'cello Richard Daniel, Mrs. Charles R. named a supervisor of the newly• program. Mrs. Schaible's dinner came with 28 alumni and guests. solo, flute solo, violin duo, piano Gilrner, Mrs. Charles Innis, Mrs. organized land department. In 1956 committee includes: Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Rushton anJohn Schumacher, Mrs. David duo, recorder, oboe and voice. ... . ... ~ ... \ 1960 March of Dimes Opens in Swarthmore A. will retirement last week. with an alternate 'snow date' of. tee C h air men. Johan STATE INSPECTION ENDS JANUARY 31$t ' The meeting will be held in the Mrs. George Foundation, 1923 as a substitute clerk, and was speak to the Woman's Club Tuesalmost immediately appointed reg- day at 1 :30 on the life of Korean ular clerk. He was promoted to women. Mrs. Pahk was graduated from assistant postmaster in 1949 and served in that capacity until his Ewha College in Seoul, Wesleyan The opera, in three acts, tells the new auditorium at Rutgers Avenue story of Dr. Falke's revenge on a School. friend, Von Eisenstein, who had suades Eisenstein to attend a ball given by Prince Orlofsky, as a pseudo--marquis, and then gets Eisenstein's wife, Rosalinda, to attend also, masked and bewigged, as the Countess Halanza, sure that Eisenstein will not recognize her, and Tuesday Mrs. Induk Pahk, president of the in postal service in Media in 1919. He transferred to Swarthmore in Berea-in·Korea on liNew Programs and Interpreta_ "Die Fledermaus" (Metropolitan tion of the College Entrance Exam. Opera version) J under the direction ina tion Board". played a ·prank on him. Falke per· at I :30 Meeting Mr. Harvey, who lives at 333 West Fourth street, Media, started president of the College Entrance Examination Board who will speak of William Price. License? Mrs. Induk Pahk to Speak 40 years of service. Richard Pearson, executive vice- Operators Club Members to Hear About Korean Women Office, retired December 31 after of its serie •. Guest speaker will be January 17. 3-1250 Klngswood .... I I education committee will have ono Opera Next Week The Players Club will present, beginning January 11 and continu.. ing through the week to January 16 Johann Strauss's light opera, Francis A. Harvey Retires From Post Office Francis A. Harvey assistant postmaster at the Swarthmore Post The Annual Children's Concert A. Stauffer .of Drew avenue and States and abroad, including lands Swarthmore, Pa. .... § 20 Hayells $4.00 PER YEAR at the Community Arts Center on Charles E. Bovard of North and leases o:f the manufacturing. Rogers lane, Wallingford, will be Swarthmore avenue. Under their marketing and production departheld on Sunday, January 10, at 3:30 direction the following are commit- ments plus pipe line rights-of. Delaware County Chapter of the Yale Avenue and Chester Road ~'. I John H. McWilliams Parents of high school students are asked to note that on Wednesday, January 20, at 8 p.m., the in Arts Center PORTER H. WAITE, Inc. .. I ~lllnllllllltllll[]lllIIlmlllalllllllllln01111111111I1CIIlIIIIlIllIOO WINTER DRIVING Scheduled for Jan. Rose Valley Chorus in = 19G~ :O;warthmore. Pa" Friday, January 8, 1960 H. S, Parents Program Players Club to Present I '=::~:::= I _fnl Snrronndlnp Wllb ElIceUent 24·Hour N01'Sin&' C..... NUMBER 2 I 2507 Chestnut St., Chester TRemont 2·5373 M-Bolit N'O.UtIll Can Aged. Senile, Chromo convalescent LIen and WomeD EtccUen\ Food • Spaelou Uro...... Blua Crosa p,goored ! a ~nlet. f'MW"Hllo,wlUlUurJl"'UIWJD""u'lllnanwuwllc"l I= § ~ e I LOwell 6-2176 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS EstablIshed 1932 George Myers and Co. IHeinrich N. Knudsen I STATE '" MONROE STS. MEDIA Baltimore Pike '" Lincoln Ave. Swarthmore a REAL EST ATEI:_ _ !,';:.~~~: JArj 8 Photographic Supplies Convalescent Home ligation. LOwell 6-2211 or LOwell WANTED - Typing, manuscript 6·1323. work stenography done at home. 'Vill c~tl for and deliver. KIngsPERSONAL - Mature woman, ex~Ulm"lIIll1aIlI1lIllIUltll1l11l11nnnllllllllllllaIllIIllIIIllDIII~ perienced secretary, resident ~f wood 3-3982..,.=c-=:==----" D == Swarthmore, now employed in ~hll­ "'"","ATie;-F,OR SA.::L_E-.,.~--:-, i! CRESSON PRICHAR § adelphia, desires more convem~nt FOR SALE Rugs-all sizes and S location. Can arrange for local Jllall types. Reasonable. U sed fur-_=_=_ Reply Box T, The Swarth- niture. Call TRemont 2-7413.__ FOR SALE - Girl's Hermes 20. 0 PERSONAL - Bicycies Repaired, inch bicycle in good condition. I License? for ELNWOOD carpeting, wall to wall or r~g glassw'are, and bric-a·brac. Call sizes. Drapes. upholstery and slIp Tl{cmont 2-7473:._= ___c::-==,.,-;:; covers - custom made. Fine selec- WANTED - Woman to spend limited period early forenoon w.lth tion of material. Media Uholstery. 17-19 E. State St., Media. Esti- invalid during absence of famIly. mates cheerfully given without ob. Box X, The Swarthmorcan. _ _ WARTHMOREAN Operators VOLUME 32 - ~QUIIIIIIIIIICllllllllllnCllllllllllnUIIIIIIlIlI1l[]IIIIIII1I1I1DIU~ ° Haye lIs ROGER RUSSELL David McCahan, Jr. AgencJ Development ManagerFinkbiner Company Kingsley 6·1234 PE RS N~A:::L...,..._-:-:-""", gutters, carpentry. H.ecl'~atlOn PERSONAL - Licensed practi~al rooms a specialty. Ray J. lioster, nurses available. Post maternity LUwell 6·6569. and bahv sitting. Delaware Valley WANTED Nurses "Registry. Phone TRemont WANTED - To buy-used furni6-0123. ture modern or antique, chma, PERSONAL - Mohawk and Lees Does Your Dog We Will Pay $100 per Week Call CLASSIFIED ADS P':E;;-;'R;S~O~N=A-;L:::~;R;;oo::'f:'in:;g;-,-;s;;p;;o;;;u:;:tir;:n;;;:g, Does Your Dog Picture Framing ONE SALE PER WEEK avenue spent the Christmas holi- Corpus Christi. Tex. They then t,:adays in Boston with her fiance Mr. velcd east along the Gulf of MeXICO and stopped in New Orleans, Baton Richard Banian and his family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Solts, Jr., of Rouge, Gulfport and Pasgoula , \Vestminster avenue had as their Miss. 1\11'. and Mrs. Thomas \V. Hopper guests over the holidays their sonof Dogwood lane entertained their in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hansen and their family, son and daughter-in-law Lt. Thom· who reside near Maple Shade, N.J. as Hopper. Lt. Hopper has been Klngswood 3·1448 1 JUluary 1, 1960 THE SWARTHMOREAN L PHIL.ADEL'-tll~ .ELEC'RI~ COMPANY original rostrum of the sales man. agers by Charles W. Zerweck, pres~ ident of the association, which will disclose such contents as original minutes, pictures and newspaper Junior Patrol Leader is Graham of Alice Barber, resigned. Patterson. Other old<\r boys active Surviving are his wife, Alice sels in 1953, and in March of 1956 Others who seek election to the May, a son, J. Forrest Schoff of sang in New York's Town Hall with in troop leadership are Bob Scutt, Board are Francis J. Bouda, 21 Moylan, and three grandchildren. the National Association for AmerHigh mass of requiem was sung iean Composers and Conductors. for assistant scoutmasters. Harris, Swarthmore Apartments; Tuesday at 10 a.m. at the Church Since then, the mezzo has ap- I Bob Seeley and Neil Bell, all jun- Dartmouth avenue; Mary Virginia stories. IIIr. Zerweck will then seal Scoutmaster is Morgan M. Wyn-Illlrs. Robert D. Hulme, 313 Haverfurther data W be opened in the koop. His assistant scontmasters, ford place; Florence J. Lucasse, of the Nativity, B.V.M., in Media. pearea as soloist with the leading Private burial was in Media ceme' orchestras, and has made coast-toyear 2010. (Continued on Page 6) I Dartmouth House. tery. lcoast concert tours. ..a.......a...................a."""""·t· ··~ two children; while co-grandmother Henry T. Ward. Jr•• of Forelt lane !, Thomas M. Childs of Bremen. Ga •• and the late Mrs. Ward. to Mr. Personals Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Gemmill of completed the dozen guests wel- Charles D. Hummer. Jr•• son The--Bouquet ----- of Thayer road had as their guests comed back to Swarthmore. where over the holidays their son and all the "grown-ups" attended high daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Rob- school. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Linton of ert Gemmill of McLean. Va.• and their daughter and family. Mr. and Park avenue entertained Mrs. Lin· Mrs. John Halstead and sons Ian ton's brother Mr. William Brucker. and Christopher of Scar,dale. N.Y. a student at the Princeton TheologBarbara and Jimmie Hayes of ical Seminary, and his fiancee Miss University place had as guests over Barbara Skillman of Wayne. a stutbe holidays Charlotte and Bucky dent at Colby Junior College in Foot of Red Wing. Minn. This re- New Hainpshire. union was planned in Booth Bay Harbor, Me., where they went crew FROBEL. STAV Announcement is made of the sailing together last summer. Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Patman of marriage of Miss Virginia Mae Michigan avenue returned by plane Stav. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Sunday following a fortnight'. C. Stav of Mankato. Minn .• to Mr. stay in Florida where they visiJ;ed William Frederick Froebel of Mintheir son-in-law and daughter Mr. neapolis. son of Mr. Guenther H. and Mr•• Cnrti, Gallagher and their Froebel of Drexelbrook. formerly children. They were also guests of of Swarthmore. and the late Mrs. former Swarthmoreans Mr. and Froebel. The ceremony took place in St. Mrs. Louis P. Clark of Indialantic. Mrs. James Hornaday of Dickin- Mark's Cathedral. and was officiason avenue will be hostess at a lun- ted by Dean Henry H. Hancock on cheon today fvr a group of friends December 18, in Minneapolis. who have been meeting regularly, Mr. Froebel is a graduate of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Lappin Swarthmore High School. class of of Rutgers avenue returned Sunday 1949. The couple will make their evening following a two week va- home in Minneapolis. cation in Clearwater Beach, Fla., where they spent the holidays with WHITMAN - MAHER Mrs. Lappin's mother Mrs. Albert Col. and Mrs. Thomas D. Maher J. Meisol. Their son Reid flew to of Rutgers avenue announce the Florida Christmas Eve and motored marriage of their daughter. Edith home with his parents. Wilder. to Mr. LeRoy K. Whitman Mr. and Mrs. W. R. LeCron of of West Chester. on December 22 Cedar lane. with Betty Lee LeCron. in the Princeton Presbyterian have returned home after spending Church. Springfield. the holidays with their son-in-law The Rev. Lindley Cook officiated. and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Wright and their two chilENBABEMENTS dren of Kensington. Md. Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Hibbard Miss Alma Trevethick of Dart- of South Chester road announce mouth avenue vi.ited friends and the engagement of their daughter, relative. in Pittsburgh over New Miss Rosemary Howell Hibbard. to Year's. Mr. George Robinson Pom'eroy, son Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fairbanks of Mr. and Mrs. Tbomas W. Pomof Park avenue, -accompanied by eroy, Jr., of Ben Avon Heights, their children Antonica. Michael Pittsburgh. and Lillian. spent the Christmas Miss Hibbard attended Westtown holidays with tMir son-in-law and School and Cushing Academy and daughter Lt. and Mr.. R. W. is a junior at Simmons College, Youngblood of Myrtle Beach. S.C. Boston, Mass. They returned to spend the New Mr. Pomeroy is a member of the Year at home. senior class at Bowdoin College, Mrs. E. M. Bassett of North Brunswick, Me. Chester road and Mrs. S. V. Warren of Walnut lane held open house Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Rothon New Year's Eve. well of Chester announce the en_ Philip Beardsley of Rutgers ave- gagement of their daughter. Linda nue had as his house guest for a Jane, to Mr. William Fiss Lee, Jr., week during the holidays .gteve son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee, Sr., of Bancroft of Waterville. Me.• who Guernsey road. formerly lived on Harvard avenue. No date has been selected for the Mrs. John Trevethick' of Dart- wedding. mouth avenue entertained friends Miss Rothwell is a senior at at luncheon and bridge last week. Swarthmore College. Out of town guests were Mrs. J. Mr. Lee, a grandson of Mrs. Mor. E. Rupp of Ridley Park and Mrs. ris M. Lee of College avenue. and H. V. Kinskey of Clifton Heights. the late Mr. Lee, is also a senior Mrs. Roy P. Lingle of Cornell at Swarthmore College where he avenue spent the week before is a member of Delta Upsilon, naChristmas with her son-in-law and tional social fraternity. daughter Mr. aud Mrs. N. Bruce Duffett and their four children of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Tercha Chappaqua. N.Y. of Chester have announced the enJean Anderson of Rutledge. with gagement of their daughter. Miss her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Emily Janet Tercha. to Robert Pew John Roos of Culver, Ind., have re- Worst. son of Mrs. Clarence W. turned home following a Carrib- Worst of Cornell avenue. and the bean Cruise aboard the R.M.S. late Mr. Worst. Mauretania. The ports of call inMiss Tercha i. a graduate of cluded the Virgin Islands. the Chester High School and Mr. Worst Dutch West Indies, Panama, Jam- was graduated from Swarthmore aica; and Haiti. High School and the Pierce School Over the Christmas holidays Mr. of Business Administration in Phil. and Mrs. William E. Witham en- adelphia. tertained their widely separated No date has been set for the wedfamily at their home in Crest lane. ding. From Washington came Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Witham and three The engagement of Miss Deborchildren; from Lake Mohawk. N.J .• ah Anne Ward. daughter of Mr. Mr. and Mr•. Philip H. Witham and presents The Rose Valley Chorus Headquarter, for Complete Information Ships - Rates - Itineraries Clothing, Tipping, etc. in Agents for All Cruises "Die Fledarmaus" No Charge for Planning and Making Reservations IMetropolitan Opera Versionl by JOHN BORUFF Produced Under th. Oiredion cf WILLIAM W. PRICE Monay thru Saturday January 11 thru 16 Curtain Time 8:20 P.M. ",_be" and Suon. and is presently the' Hahnemann l>ledical attending College. Philadelphia. He is a member of Theta Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Cox of Rutledge announce the engagement of their daughter. Patricia Mae. to Mr. Franklin L. Schoener. son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schoener of Fort Lavaca, 'rex. Miss Cox is a graduate of Swarthmore High School. Mr. Schoener is a graduate of the Port Lavaca Schools and is now serving in the U. S. Navy • No date has been set for the wedding. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Ross. Jr•• of Anchorage, Ky., announce the birth of their second child and first son. Philip R. Ross. III. on December 26. Mrs. Ross i. the former Freda Billstein. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Walter P. Blllstein of South Chester road. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Ross of Louisville. Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Powell of Pittsburgh. and formerly of Nether Providence Township. announce the birth of their second child and first boy. Ronald Mulloy Powell, born on December 31. Mrs. Powell is the former Barbara Mulloy. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Merle Mulloy of Winding lane. Media. Mr. Powell is the .on of Mr. and Mrs. A. Arthur Powell of Moylan. ' MUNRO TRAVEL SERVICE "ONE CALL DOES ALL" .Wa,na Rolary Tourna, - Wins First .league Game Over Collingdale BEAUTY SALON 51-50 PRETTY IS AS PRETTY IS CARED FOR In the first round game of the 9 South Chester Road Call Klngswood 8-0476 !Ii &.u.... Me ......r or Wayne Rotary Club Tourney. when Swarthmore met host team Radnor, the Little Garnet basketeers could i C&e 8 ...nlllllor. 8 ...........«11&... Ii ~-~ii~.~P!j~m~'ldstein of Chester. The Goldstein car had t~ be towed away. Monday evening of this week William Campbell of 15 Dartmouth circle, who police said had been ill in bed and was attempting to shave, fainted and fell on the razor. He was sent to Taylor Hospital, Ridley Park, in the Springfield ambulance for wrist sutures•. NEWS NOTES Mr. J. Paul Brown of Walnut lane is recuperating at his home following surgery at Lankenau Hospital. Mr. Andrew Alexander of South Swarthmore avenue is recuperating in Taylor Hospital following surg. ery. Mrs. Henry A. Piper of Mt. Holyoke place has returned from ·a two week visit with her son and daughter-in-Iaw Mr. and Mrs. John Piper of Springfield, Va. Mrs. Ralph S. Hayes of Oberlin avenue has as her house guest her aunt Mrs. William R. Farris of Lowell, Mass., who spent the holidays with her. Mrs. Hayes also had as her guests over Christmas her son-in-law and daughter Capt. Charles E. Nelson, U.S.N., and Mrs. Nelson of Washington, D.C.; her brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Eskcl O. Carlson of Boston, Mass., and her brother and sister;n-IawMr. and Mrs. Burrill T. Warnock of Vineland, N.J. Mr. and Mrs. George Plowman of Harvard avenue entertained at their annual New Year's Eve party. Susan Bean, who is spending the school year with her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Dennett of North Princeton avenue, has returned after spending'the holidays ;with her parenta Mr. and IIrs. Ran. dolph Bean of Charlottesville, Va. , '._"" l-Ib. pkg. All Markets Open • • • Thursday 'til 9 p. m. SHOP & SAYE AT ACME •••• THE LARGEST FOOD DISTRIBUTOR IN THIS AREA! Friday 'til lOp. m. All Price_ Effecliv& Jan. 6 thru 9, 1960 Lancaster Brand, Plump 'n' Tender 0' LAMB E~~~leH:[,1 ~LEGS Shoulder Roast •• 5q~::- Ib; 3ge Lamb Chops •• lb. Rib lb. 7ge Cross Cut Roast Boneless lb. Save 901 Ideal Fancy ..·.$1 i k .••..•••••. 4 ... G rape Drn Tomato Soup • Sav!' 16c1 Deep-Minted, Save 6c1 Ideal Fancy 4:~.$1 Mayon ...ise .• Musselman's Fruit Drink . 4 .:'.;. $1 Louella Dry Milk Save BcI Chunk-Light, Delicious Save 901 Ideal Fancy Chicken of the Sea Tuna 2 6~L 53c Cut Green Beans STICKY BUNS Oven-Fresh, cinnamon spiced, rai$in delightl ·35e g Pk of 9 Save IOc! A....I, Pie ........·49c lb. $1°9 . lb. 'O~;::' 6 55e 49c • • • • •••••• Save lOe Non-Fat You Bone In ••••••• Save 1601 Apple-Raspberry Blend I Virginia Lee bakes for your pleasure I lb. Beef Arm Roast Save 12c1 Ideal Fancy Libby's Pineapple Drink , 79° T Lain 6ge Lancaster Brand, Oven-Ready, None Priced Higher! l;lt BEEF RIB RO SSe nev~r • • • • • • •••• • • • •·pkg. ..·49c 4 15!:"49c had it so freshl GRAPEFRUIT FlolI'lcia 5&6 Indian River, "florigold" SEEDLESSI Calif. Broccoli ":::! In bag 39 • • • • • • Bunch C 260 . - Carl T. Chase Named Ie. Opens This Wee en Director of Meetings d ( Continued from Page 1) of d ct' bert andSulliYan pro u Ion Princess Ida at the Club last June, are Don MacRostie as Dr. Falke, Harry Osman as the famous Frosch the jailer, Robert Manley as t~e Warden, and Ray Meitzler as EIsenstein. Perdue Cleaver, the star of the chorus productions for many years, appears as the lawyer Dr. Blind. . e Several new :faces and vOices ar in evidence - Andrea Wyckoff as Rosalinda, Edward Lobdell as Alf d and Florence Duckworth as ;:eie, the chambermaid. Fisher, who appeared in PatIence . 1968 will sing the part of Ida, sister, and Andre a veteran Players Club actor, WIll sing Prince Orlofsky. Florence Shields has charge of the costumes, and Katrina lves the make-up. The scenery, designed by Henry Gayley, and constructed by Allan Slack and a erew from tb~ Chorus, is ingenious and approprl.. te a The orchestra, under the of Philip Warren Cooke, the m~slcal director, is composed of 12 ple.ces, the musicians coming from varIOus organizations in the neighborhood. Robert Kerr and Leslie Weston have rigged up an am~lifYing ..~s- Dr. Carl T. Chase of Wallingford has been named DIrector of Meetings at The Franklin Institute, it w~s announced recently.. . A member of the Frankhn Institute Laboratories staff since 1~46: Dr. Chase has b€en the la~ratones coordinator of planning SIDce Jul! 1968. Before coming to the In~tl­ tute. he taught radar and electrIcal engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In his new position, Dr. Chase has charge of all meetings. of T~e Franklin Institute includmg Its tated meetings and meetings held ~ . tly with other organizations. JOID . Speakers at these. m~e~mgs are leaders from the SCientifIC commu.. nity, Government, industry and business. . Dr~ -Chase, a Phi Beta Kappa, ]s author of three books, "~isto~ of Experimental Physics," Frontiers of Science," and "Evolution of Mod~ ern Physics." He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society, and .a member of the Institute of Radio Engineers and Sigma Xi. Born in Lewiston, Me., Dr. Chase received his Bachelor of ~ien~e d~­ gree from Princeton UnIversity III 1924; his Master of Science degree from California Institute of Technology in 1926; and his Doc~r~te a closed cirCUIt teleVISIon whichand enables the cast to watch the in physics from New York Umver- tern perf~rmance from and sity in 1930 • take their entrance cues direct. A Antonica Fairbanks. of Park ave- feature of the second act will be a nue fiew back to West Liberty Col- ballet danced by Carol Wircinska lege West Liberty, Va., where she and Michael Lopuszanski. The performance is an innovation is .. freshman. She spent the holifor the Players Club, whose last days with her family, Mr. a~d Mrs. musical production was "Lady in Anthony Fairbanks, and WIth her the Dark", several years ago. It is brother-in-law and sister Lt. and Mrs. R. W. Youngblood of Myrtle hoped that this may be the first of a series of musical shows at the Beach, S.C. The Misses Mary and Elinor Bye Club, perhaps once a year, in addiof Yale square entertained Miss tion to the regular Gilbert and SulLavinia Bye and Mr. Malcolm Bye livan Chorus production in the of Denton, Md., over the Christmas spring. It marks a departure from that annual production and is a holidays. Mrs. Alfred E. Longwell of La- challenge to the Chorus and the fayette avenue spent the Christmas Players Club members who are ,parholidays with her son and daughter- ticipating. Next week's three public perforin-law Mr. and Mrs. John H. Longwell and their daughter Kathy in mances are for club members and Assonet, Mass. Mrs. Longwell's sis- their friends, but there are three ter Miss Lillian Roberson of Al- public performances this week, on bany, N.Y., also visited the Long- Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Tickets are available from wells. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Morgan of Ruth Packard, at LOwell 6-3032, or Harvard avenue entertained on at the door. New Year's Day at a brunch. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hulme of Wallingford spent Chrishnas and Media Community Concerts the week following visiting their presents son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mary McMurray (mellO-soprano] Mrs. E. G. Merrick, III, and their JAN. II. 1960 Nether Providen.e three daughters of Shaker Heights, 8:3(1 P.M. High School 1 ~yra ~dele's' Polloc~, bato~ O. Forsythe Studios of the Arts The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, department of Agriculture, says: I "The purpose of the Penns~ vaniaDog Law is for the protechon of the public and their property through the proper control of dogs and the protection of the properly licensed and tagged dog. . UYour 1959 dog license exptres on January 16, 1960, regardless of when you purchased it. The 1960 dog lieenses are noW on sale at your County Treasurer's office or may be ordered through any Notary Public, Justice of the Peace, or AIderman. "All dogs over six (6) months of age must be licensed. "Male dog licenses cost $1.10, and female dog Jicensc5 $2.10. "Spayed female licen~e8 . co~t $1.10 if you have a veterlRarlan s certificate for a spayed female. uLicense tags must be affixed to a substan~ial collar and worn by the dog at all times. If your dog does not wear a current license tag it is considered a stray and ma.y be disposed of by any officer on .slght. uPurchase your 1960 dog hcense at once and put it on the ~Og as it is a protection for the an~ma1.. "Violators of the PennsylvanIa Dog Law are liable to a fine of not less than $6.00 and costs, or ~ot more than $100.00 and costs, or Im- SWARTHMORE STUDIO Fairview and Kendall Roads Transportation Provided Special Tap and Acrobatic Classes for Boys New Term Enroll Now Phone KI 3-3688 1 , : • : l Ov,r 30 Years' Experience ••• ~ petent_ CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE Klngswood 3..()586 Isabel's Curio Shop 17'12 S. Chester Road Swarthmore 0. Q ANK • oJ'.() \ _ - -,,'- and • Ask for BEN PALMER • TREE TRIMMING TRANSPLANTI NG =9 weekend With them. ,- ros. .J EIII....UUr.·J. SPEARE'S ANNUAL S-A-L-E of ,"Most ( Brand and from Our Own Stock" FOUNDATIONS ------ SMOOTHIE Regular 6654-5. 6 ............. $10.00 6-6 10.95 661 ..... GLAM'ORIZE 22()()'B. C . D ....... ::::::::::::.. SALE $8.95 8.95 Mrs $2.96 Hor 5.00 3.98 Hor 5.00 SARONG 204. 202 ................ 10.00 8.95 b.05 4.95 JANTZEN 47 Long.leg Panty ....... GOSSARD 509. 510 ....... ......... 5.00 EXQUISITE FORM 112. 392 .........•..... 2.50 Hor 3.85 or 1.99 ea. FLEExEES 745. 547 . . . . . .. . . . 2663. 1566 ............. 2694 ................... 7.15 10.35 12__50 8.95 12.95 15.00 DELIGHTFORM 701·A. B ..•.•••.. .••.• 1.50 1.29 or Hor 2.50 BREATH IN BRA 202()'A. B. C ........... 412()'B. C .............. 412()'D ................. 2.95 5.95 5.95 2.49 4.79 4.95 8.95 10.00 6.95 7.95 2.00 5.95 U9 4,\'9 2.79 2.79 WHIRLEZE 5716, 5718. 4816. 4818 ... 9336. 9338 .............. SURPRISE 154 .........•.•.......• 554-D '. . . . . . . . . • • . • . . . . . 282-C. D .••••.•..••.•.• 254-A, B. C • •• . .. • • • • • . • 354-B, C, 0 ............. 3.50 3.50 3.95 3.:!~ License? $4.00 PER YEAR r STORE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday. 9:30-5:30 Friday. 9:30-9:00, Saturday. 9:30-5:30 Famous Operators JR. ASSEMBLIES TO MEET Education CommiHee The Swarthmore Junior Assem- Volunleer Firemen Hold Cancer Will Be Topic Grass Roots Politics blies will meet Monday at the WOIll_ To Present Pearson Of Rotary Club Today • an's Club. Class hostesses and as- Annual Banquet Satl Dr. George Wood Lilley of Lima Is TopIC for Mon. College Board Veep to sistants for the sixth grade will be Mrs. EdWard W. Coslett, Jr., Mrs. Hears U.S. Rep. Wm. Milli. will be guest speaker at the regular Speak at H & S Reed, Hepburn Will ken; Thank Boro. Council w.eekly luncheon meeting of the Griffin Towne. and Mrs. Richard Wednesday Speak at I P.M. Daniel. Swarthmore Rotary Club today at and Police Richard Pearaon, executive vice Those for the seventh grade will luncheon More than 150 members and 12:10 at the Ingleneuk. Dr. Lilley president of the College Entrance be Mrs. John' P. Espellschade, Mrs. will speak on the detection and Howard F. Reed, Jr., ProthonoExamination Board, will speak on Johan Natvig and Mrs. Joseph guests of the Swarthmore Volunteer Fire Company attended the treatment for cancer and the prog- tary of DelaWare County, repre"Guiding Your Child Toward Col- Remington. company's annual Banquet and nosis of, present and future re- senting the County Republican Or_ lege" Wednesday night in the secMr. and Mrs. Clarence Hartman ond of a series of programs pre.. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilfillan Dance- Saturday night at Spring- search in that field. He will also ganization, and Charles F. Hepshaw a film "Tbe Other City". sented for the community by the will be hosts for the eighth grade haven Club. Dr. Lilley is an internist 'associ- burn, C~airman of the Democratic Following the singing of the Star Education Committee of Home and group. Spangled Banner, the Rev. Dr. D. ated with the Chester and Crozer County Organization, will describe Sehool in the new .auditorium of Evor Roberts gave the Invocation. Hospitals, Sacred Heart and Grad- the workings of politics at the the Rutgers A venue School at 8 p.m. • Services Todar William H. Milliken, Congressman uate Hospital il1·~hiladelphia. He is grass-roota level to members of the of the Seventh District, made the a graduate of McGill Medical Swarthmore League of Women VoMr. Pearson is a graduate of School. ,ters at luncheon Monday. Yale, .class of 1942. He did gradu- For Robert· Coates traditionally brief banquet talk, describing a day in the Washington Other guests will be the local ate work in economics and during 46 Year Resident leaves life of a Tepresentative. 'Mrs. Milcommitteemen and women of the iIle war was a memher of the Air liken was introduced. Borough, on hand to meet constitu_ P'01"ee working with the aviation Many Memories Morey, Ryerson Injured .i"jre Company president John P8,Ycbology program. He joined the ents and to answer direct questions Here Rumsey presented a plaque inscrib_ After as to their methods of fUnctioning. College EntranCe Examination Services will be 'held this mOrn- ed with appreciation of his "deEducators Meet Board in 1946 and haB been with "We hope by bringing home to ing at 11 o'clock at the Josep~ voted service"~s Chief for three them in various capacities since. Victims of Saturday the voters the actual operation of Mrs. J oyzelle Clark, guidance Smith 'and Sons Funeral Hom., years to retiring Fire Chief George CoIl'" the political parties at the most H umph rles . a 1So reISlon In · counsellor in the high school, will West Chester, for Robert L. Coate.. A . H ump h rles. personal level, to demonstrate the Phila. also be there to participate in the a resident of Swarthmo~e for 46 ceived a gold chief's badge, symbol fact that politics is a' day-by-day years prior to his removal to the honored by all volunteer firemen. question and answer period. Frank R. Morey of Yale avenue, operation and not a top-level, threeHickman Friends Home, West Rumsey introduced C. W. (Hub) supervising principal of SwarthThis meeting should be of special times removed, game played by prointerest to all high school parents Chester in 1954, who died there on Hartman, present Chief, who an- more-Rutledge ScMol District, and fessiona1s," says Mrs.· William Mc... and all members of the community Tuesday, January 12. (Continued on Page 5) W. Newton Ryerson of Elm avenue, Dermott, president of the Swarth_ Born in Bucks ,County on Octoare welcome. salary· committee chairman on the more League. "We also hope that ber 10, 1874, Mr. Coates established School Board# remained in serious by introducing the voter to his comhis ,home in Swarthmore with his Plan Feb. st Opening condition ,this week in Chestnut Hill mitteemen we may !>e the means of 'Use of Hypnosis' wife Ethel Gates Coates in 1914. For New High School Hospital where they were taken fol- beginning for both of them a twoTheir two daughters Eleanor and lowing a motor accident at 10 p.m. way relationship that will continue Topic for Juniors Edna were born here. Their most If the past and current winters Saturday. all through this year, during which recent home was at 200 Harvard 'have had their bleak spots for M.orey, who was driving, and many crucial decisions will be made Doctors to Address avenue. Mr. Coates was a wholesale Swarthmore High School students, at the polls. The League operates on Club uesday jeweler until his retirement in 1948. faculty and parents, the spring of Ryerson were returning from a the premise that an iuformed elec_ He was a memher of the Society 1960 promises to come early and dinner meotlng of the Suburban 10 torate is necessary to the democra_ salary study committee, held at En~ Night of Friends as is his wife who sur- be unusually colOrful. tic process." The Junior Womans' Club of vives him. Their home was a .literA preview, this ,week, of the main field Junior High School, SpringThe luncheon, first in a series of Swarthmore will start the decade ary and musical cenkr of ';he com- section of the new High School, re- field, Montgomery County, When four to be held monthly at the Meth_ with a talk at the elubhollse on "The munity witli, ,Mr. COates g.,ntlo hll_ vealed an interior that could easily their car Was in collision with one :Uss of Hypnosis in Peyehiali'y and' mor a valued part. On; d!m" tlle- glory ~61" ihe pet;,nnially c~~illinlf four teen"llfI'ed Phjladcl- odist Church, will be chaired by Obstetrics" hy Dr. Bernard Gorton 13, 1959, the Swarthmore Friends anticipated forsythia blaze on local phii.- boys. The accideni Occurred in Mor.. Mathews" Johnson, Voters and Dr. George Hoffman. The Meeting observed the Coates 60th lawns and campus. Fire-gutted on }jarren Hill, near Roxborough. The Service 'chairman. Arrangements meeting will be held at 8 p.m. Tues- wedding anniversary by inviting Easter night, 1958, the school is driver of the other car also remain_ hav.e been made by Mr.. Joseph day. Members are cordially invited more than 160 of their family and ,now in throes of final rehuilding ed hospitalized after his three pas- Storlazzi and her committee. to bring husbands, friends, ana In- friends to greet them at Whittier touches such as completion of floor sengel'S were treated for minor inM terested persons to hear these ex- House. tiling and installation of late equip- juries and released. . , perts in the field of hypnois. In addition to his wife, he is sur_ ment arrivals. A spokesman for their families Parenls Council Dr. Gorton is. associated wi~h the vived by a daughter, Mr•. Eugene Contractors are supposed to fin- stated that both Morey and Ryerson Gradnate HospItal of the Unlvers- S. Farley of Wilkes-Barre' four ish their work by Jannary 18, but had suffered shock and had bruises. To Meet Tuesda, ity of Pennsylvania, a member of grahdchildren, Mrs. Walter'Doug_ seeing the need of a good weekend In addition Ry~rson sustained _a the American Psychiatric Assocla- lass of Haverford place Dr. Eugene or two for smooth moving opera- concussion, a severely lacerated ear Mid-Winter Meeting t~on, a Fel~o~ of the American So- S. Farley, Jr., Truman~bUrg, N.Y., tions during a non-vBr. Edward ment day will be Friday, January ker, Maria' Dye, Marsha Hunt, al of a resolution it would like to S. and Emma J. Power of Phila- Parents Enterain 29, from 9 to 3 p.m. J.\fitzi Ryerson, Margie Roxby, Abi- send to the School Board pertain- delphia. She was a graduate of Foreign Visitors The committee of local church gail Warnes, Donne May. ing to the proposed merger with F r i end s Central School and Three foreign visitors are being activities of the W.S.C.S. met this Swarthmore College, class of 1907. , Tenth grade - Sally Shepherd, the Media School System. welcomed today at the Rutgers week at Mrs. Grier's home to comRefreshments will be served fol- Mrs. Paxs'n who came to Swarth_ Sue Hartin, Jemmy Michener, Bar_ Avenue School to observe methods plete plans for this "end-of Janulowing, the meeting. bara Stewart, Chuck Rush'ton, Ann more to live Id 1921, had been an and teaching in our elementary ary" project. active member in the garden and school system. Parents Council has Stauffer, Sue Dungan,-Lorraine ELECTED Hipple, Eleanor Lindsay. arts departm;uts of the Woman's METHODIST MEl A. Sidney Johnson, Jr., North Cluh and had at one time been as- made arrangements for the visit Ohester road, member of the firm sistant treasnrer and secretary of and will entertain at a tea follow_ TO HEAR ED RIIOALL PROPERTY OWIERS RE.ELECT ing the' school tour at the home of of Butler, Beatty, Greer and Jahn_ Edwin T. Randall 0:C Radio and Allan> C. Wood was, reelected son, has been nominated for reelec- the club. She was a member /)f Mrs. John W. Carroll, College aveTV will be the speaker Sunday president of the Swarthmore Prop_ tion to the board of directors of the Swarthmore Friends Meeting and nue. JIIoming where the lien of the erty Owners'Association at ita an- Pennsylvania Bar Association, rep. had served on the board of direcGuests are Mrs. Ethem Uz of tors of the COIDmlUlity Health S0~odiat Church will Convene for nual reorganization meeting last resenti -the connties of Delaware, ciety. Turkey, Mrs. Bengt Gustavsson of a 7:29' b.reakfast.. week. Dr. Seymo1l1' Kleblen Was Montgo err, Chester, and Bucks. Sweden, and Mrs. R. Soenar BoerBesides her husband, who is a apoetra of Indonesia. Their huaMr_ Randall'. theme will be "Re- renemed vice-president and H. Mr. ohnson was reelected FrilIcioua Only a Broad- Weston Clarke, seereta17-treaaur_' day to the hoard of direetors of the retired RCA Victor _utm., she bands al'P. professional men wltIa ....fer Hean About.... er. Delaware County Bar AsHelati01l. i. survived by a BOD JUnes /)f lIed- The EiBellhower ExchBDall Fellowfa, and four crandeh94rea, ship, Ine., In Philadelphia. • I Karen and Sven Borel of Rutgers avenue returned to college on Monday after spending the holidays with their parents Dr. and Mrs. Hans Borei. Karin is a junior at Pembroke College in Providence, R.I., and Svcn is a freshman in the junior college at Valley Forge Military Academy. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar J. Gilcreest of Vassar avenue celebrated a Ulate Christmas" with their son-in-law I and d,ughter Dr. and Mrs. David Warner and four children who arrived early last week for a threeday visit. The Warners left Wednesday for their home in Xenia, 0., , to %eC8lve guests from Virginia' ",ho planned to apend New 'Year'a I " "They Do Sell Nice Things at Speare 8ros." NEWS NOTES Telephone TRemont 2-7206 8 "You Meet the Nicest People at Speare (Continued from Page 1) Bill McKee and Pat Weisenthal, who were judged by two alumnae, Nica Fairbanks and Kathy Aull. Chaperones for the Talent Show night will he Mr. and Mrs. Howard Schaetier, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Zimmerman and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fuoss, ~ho -will also act as judges. \ Due to the Junior Assemblies for the ninth and 10th grades being I heid on January 30, there will be no Canteen. Middletown Road - Media, Pa. Opposite High Meadow (between Dutton Mill Road and Knowlton Road) ,A." ., !;;;;;;;;;:::;:;;;~;;;;;:::;:;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;~;::;;:~:;;;;;;;;::;;:~~~~;;;;~ I Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. ' ~ ~c I A \ \ UNTIN&, Prop, Haye Its I Swarthmore, Pa., Friday, Januwry 15, 1960 L. . _~_; ~ 0:<'" ESIDE The Chester YWCA will ring in the new program year next week with a whole new series of classes for adults. In answer to several requests there will be a course in. tailor~ng taught by Louis Quaciarl startmg! Tuesday evening, January 12 and three sessions on slip covering to be given by Mrs. Janet Fr~eland. Mrs. William Duncan wI.1I off~r I a class on Tuesday eVenl~gs 1D sketching and painting in whIch she will emphasize the importance of the fundamental principles of drawing and the use of oils. In the morning of that same day Mr.s. Harry Boyce /\Vill lead a group In painting for fun. . ,Mrs. Arthur Tilson, a pupd of Pearl MagoWD, .will conduct ~ rug hooking class Thursday mormngs: Besides these there are classes 10 ' beginning and advanced dressmaking the use of sewing machine at.. tachments, book reviews, cake decorating, beginning and i?termediate bridge and tray etchIDg. The latter is part of a package deal called "Ladies Day Out" in which women hare gymn, a swim, lunch and then the craft class. While mothers are relaxing, they leave their pre-school children with an attendant in the Kiddie Park. EAN II A.M. C~JP~/ JtSEMENT ISABEL P. NUMBER 3 Does Your Dog LWV • Yes, by all mean. bring the entire family to this line profes.ional pharmacy. Our prices arc fair, our stocks ample • : : aDd our serVlce •• courteous and com· Phone SHARON HILL 0134 Estimates Without Obligation In T·HE- SWARTH LIJlIAIlY .. .... t 8 Years of Swarthmore R.ference. Garnet Canteen Plans Talent Show for Saturday Children and Adults License? VOLUME 32 - ~f. THOM SEREMBA ~ UPHOLSTERY and SLIP COVERSI Chester 'Y' Announces New Series of Classes Ballet - Toe - Acrobatic - Tap - Ballroom Operators -----=-: prisonment or both." not exceeding 30 days, ---------.. Dance - Drama. Piano - Charm - Baton Haye Its • COLL_);; :." Aat'lUfORE Does Your Dog - Mr. and Mrs. William ~. Hetzel, Jr., and their daughter MISS Carol Hetzel of Thayer road returned Monday from ~ea Island, Ga., where they vacationed for 10 da)'. over the holidays. Sv.'11rthmore JAN 15 1960, Mr. Joseph F. Gaaklll, Jr. of Marcouln CHILD aUIDAI.E shalltowli; Ia., i., spending the AUXILIARY TO MEET weekend with his parents Mr. and A meeting of the auxiliary of the Mrs. Gaskill of University place Child's Guidance Clinic of Dela- while he is on a business trip. ware County will be held on Tuesday, at 10 a.m. at the home of Mrs. John Felton, Plush Mill road, Wal•• lingford. • . . Plans for a spring P~Ject wlll be organized. Attentio~, Dog Owne"! 'Die FleJermaus' .., . i, , '!-------------:----________ ..JI Experlen~ t , I THE SWARTHMOREAN t"age2 I January 15, 1960 . b te t the Presbyterian Churcb to Diane and to Barbara Anne Mack, daugbLeigh Holhs were as sses a a . . NEWS NOTES ,Danna, will leave Mo~day to motor tea last month for the Phila- Elizabeth Ross,daughter of Mr.and ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ehsha Mack to Los Angeles, Calif., where she phia Chapter of Delta Gamma and Mrs. Joseph E. Ross of Cedar lane, of Wallingford. , Mr. and Mrs. Jess MOBSgrove of will join her husband. Mr. Cope, all active college members. • JIIDIIIIIIIIlIOIIDbUllHUIRlIIIUIUIWDIIIIINIlIUDUlIlIUUlWIIIIHWIUWWlllUUln",,·_nIlIUUUUDIIUWIIIIIl! Park avenue recently return~d who has been in California since James P. Brown, Jr., of Mrs. from Cleveland, 0., where they Vl8- July is on the staff of Space Techited their son-in-law and dau,:hter nolo~ Laboratories, Inc. He is on Freeport, Me., and her two SODS arMr. and Mrs. Charles H. Schmmke. leave from Swarthmore College. rived last week to spend 10 days with her Mr. and ~ a Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kel~y Mrs Francis H. Forsythe of Mrs. Brown of Walnut lane. At the of North Chester roa~ and ~b~.r Thaye~ road spent Thursday and conclusion of her visit, she and Mr. children Steven, ConnIe, MarJorIe, F iday in Harrisburg where she Alan, with their weekend ~est s:rved on the nominating commit- Brown with their children will ~y ~ BEAUTY IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT J anual')' 24 to Calcutto, IndIa, " Patty McNair of Dar:mouth ~.rcle, tee for the Pennsylvania Federawhere Mr. Brown will be stationed. ~ 9 South Chester Road drove to the lnternahonal Airport t' f Womens Clubs as represenfor the next two years with the iii on Sunday to greet their 97 year :t~v: of the southeastern district. United States Information Service. ; Can KIng8w~od 3-0476 = old great grandmother, Mrs. Edgar t.They will have a several day stop· ; Actin Hember ., ,Ile 8 ..artbmore Bable .. Aa.....tIoo S. Ferrey who had been visiting in Mrs. J. Harold Dunl1~ D:r a . P; Tyler, Tex. Mrs. Ferrey returned mouth avenue enoortalne a a over in Rome, enroute. 'Mrs. Russell H. Kent and Mrs. imnnllllUDllnnrulDmmmmuaUIIIUdIItCRlllIIII1UDIIIIIIIUDlCDlIIIIIIIIIOIIIIHI111I1DllmllllluanmIUIUlUWIIllIUADUII. to stay with her and neighborhood dessert. .:.. } ' ., turn in one of his best performan- . meet old rival Ridley Park on the Friday Evening until 9 P.M. Daily 9 :30 to 5 P.M. cas. Parkers' court. The red and white .The scoring was well balanced of Ridley Park again is a big and WIth Ron Herbster netting 18, Bob experienced team, and the Little , Kenschaft 16, and the "Skeeter" 12. Garnet will have its hands full. If ,~red Sch~effer c~me up with seven it expects· to bring about another t.mely pomts, while Ben Eckenhoff victory it will have to do some fine who filled in for foul-ridden Bob playing, for the game will be a hard Dawes, got 8. Butch Hofmann Scor- one. Alice Barber Gifts 1Itee4te l'ttl4tJe WILCOX APPLIANCE CO. " Our Television Service Department ?f..e-r$: I· . ;, % I/J "t /It 9 SOUTH ORANGE ST., MEDIA..PA. , LOwELL6-622.S . . '" , SEE ALL THREE so - we'll just say -. "Isn't it a I forgot - ,'We sell barometers!l· • The Camera & Hobby Shop 4-6 Park Avenue. Swarthmore. Pa., HOW DO YOU BUY CARPET? 2. Select a s~ore you can trust. Have you ever noticed that PAULSON never offers exaggerated reductions? PAULSON values are genuine. For the LOWEST PRICE plus the FINEST SERVICE ANYWHERE. Have you ever noticed that PAULSON gives 'You complete onswers to your carpet questions, understating if anything, the merits of its corpet? ! You buy carpet !With a feeling of assurance at • • • (pAulsD11 It Comgen.! KlngswoOcl 3-6000 - CLearbrook K13-4191 Open Friday Evenings 'Ill St. Swlthi'l" Day l..-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, I.-..JIo,,-_., ~.M'._ KNOWS Carpet 9 4646 Your Best Bet Is Always ••• MILEY & BROWN MOTORS Next to A & P Market Mohawk Carp.tin, • Comple'e Price Kloge • Orll.t.1 RUCI 100 P ... rk Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. !§ .i THOM SEREMBA UPHOLSTERY I.d SLIP COVERI so;"ething on it from our .publicity. .~ • Tea was served after the meeting with Mrs. Claire H. Jeglum lind Mrs. Judson R. Hoover pouring. Mrs. Nonnan Hulme and Mrs. Harold Jenkins ,were hostesses for the afternoon• MRS. INDUK PAHK that someone is behind the item, and that they might make ~ AYERS CLUB III~ WILLIAM PENN TOUR Led by Euell Gibbons Watch for details of this exciting 1960 tour of England and the Continent, .Anything written about an item on a direct basis might infer § ~" presents it difficult to write an "ad." BuHet Luncheon II Annual Due to the federal investigation concerning "Payolal l we have found " , Five Participate High School' Quintet In District Concert Downs Ciifton 58-48 Penncrest School District waiJ 36 East State Street, Media, Pa. SWARTHMORE· MEDIA'S , ONLY ! CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH - VALIANT DEALER LOwell 6·2044 ,lld"aL daki III such acUoo b7 Ule V"'."I... . . lorse ReheadsCouncil; Bloom, Gowing Sealed Appointments Made to New, Old Posts Monday Evening Birney K. Morse was reelected president at Borough Council's January session and annual reorganization meeting Monday evening. Harry Wood was named to a newly established office of vice .. president. Wood was also renamed chairman of the highway committee. Berman Bloom and D. Mace Gowing, newly elected members of Council seated for the first time at the meeting, were named to head the health and sanitation committee and the administration committee, respectively. William Gill was named chairman of the building regulation and planning committee. Charles W. Lukens retained the public safety chairmanship. Robert H. Wilson, renamed finance chairman, said his committee would meet February 1 for a study of the preliminary budget anticipa_ tory to presenting it to Council a week later. Mr. Wilson reported an operating sGrplus of around $6000 remained from last year. A tentative draft of the 1960 budget is being placed on inspection in the Borough Secretary's office. Routine reappointments include: Horace Hopkins to the Planning Commission; H. Lindley Peel to the Board of Adjustment; William F. Lee to Civil Service Commission; Harry Wood to Tree Commission; Mrs. Peter E. Told to represent Council on the Public Library Board; John Schumacher, collector of sew~r rent; Dr. J. Albright Jones, milk inspector. Councilmen Gill, Bloom and Lukens were named ex·officio members of the Advisory Committee on Youth Guidance created by Council last month and comprised of the following appointees, announced Monday evening: Rev. Robert O. Browne, assistant minister of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church; Rev. John C. Kulp, pastor of the .Methodist Church; Rev. Layton P. Zimmer, rector of Trinity Episcopal Church; Lewis N. Bundrick of the A.M.E. Church; Edmund Jones of the Friends Meeting; High School Principal William M. Bush; Charles Topping, Boy Scouts; Dr. H. R. Draper, psychiatrist; C. Rutledge School News Community Nursing Service Girl Scoul Troop 9& Holds Court of Awards POET'S IIRILE MEETS SeetlOll I. AtJ¥ ordID&Dec. .or ruolutka Mrs. Henry I. Hoot of Lafayette iD.....,.Ie.t ",ib \1015. ordlnuo.. II benllT. a~ge ~ Frank Maselli, popular member of. . .. - .... Ka,p •• to .....·,·u,,;.·. Louise Hay; ·Boating - Kitty Wyn- the" i!",i'niPany for "RS years, \vaS-iiv;..' koop; Seamstress - Lindsay ·Mid- en a special greeting. The Kappa Kappa Gamma se~dleton. ing group will meet on Tuesday at Mrs. Leonard Loveridge award- Boy Scout Troop I the home. of Mrs. Charles Schrader, ed five year IAns to 28 girls and a 629 Mag,ll road. .... . . .- - - - - - - . : Plans Hike Saturday 10 year pin to Mrs. Aldon Uell. =-=:.:::....::.::.::.---;:~.~~~~===~~/,On Saturday Swarthmore Boy Mrs. Loveridge will conduct a child Scouts, Troop 1, will undertake a Cllre program for girls wbo are interested. one day, 'round trip hike to Tyler Mrs. Maurice L. Webster, Jr., Arboretum. The hike will start Stated that a Junior High First Aid from Trinity Episcopal Church at • Course will be given every Friday 8:30 a.m. Those boys wishing to morning from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. for pasa cooking tests will bring the six weeks starting January 16. necessary food and utensils; all This will be held in the big room others whatever lunch they desire. in the basement of the Borougb Several senior scouts plan an overHall. Instructors for this course night camp-out. Scouts are reminded that a are Mrs. Robert Detweiler, Mrs. ~ Comparison is the only way to tell quality. Skeptics are espeFrank Alexander and Mrs. Maur- Board of Review to certify adice Webster. vancement in rank will be held on ~ emily welcomed to submit "The Lark to these quality tests.? . Mrs. George Hay of the hospital- January 26 at the regular weekly SLAM THE DOOR-and listen to the solid sound that tells you ity committee was in cbarge of the scout meeting. This is a necessary refreshments; with cakes and cook- preliminary to a Court of Honor The; Lark is qu.ality-built. ~SIT INSIDE-see how quality pays ies made by the girls. to be held on Febrna~ II in conoff in fashion fresh interiors-and more overall roomy comfort than junction .with the scout dinner now being planned. The dinner will he a the average new compact car.~ LIFT THE HOOD-examine the 'Use of Hypnosis' covered dish affair to which scouts thr~fty Lark V-8 (Ie~der in most recent Mobilgas Economy Run) Topic for Juniors and their entire families will be (Continued from Page 1) invited. engme, or the new Improved Super Economical Six. ~ TEST The article last week inadverlomate of the American Uoard of DRIVE The Lark-now proven by more than a billion ownertently demoted Graham Patterson Neurology and Psychiatry. driven miles. Compare them all for quality and price. and you'll Dr. Hoffman is associated with from his real post as Senior Patrol Leader. In this job Graham has rethe University of Pennsylvania love that Lark-QUALITY-BUILT BY THE QUALITY MAKER. Hospital and is also a member of sponsibility for the conduct of the the American Society· for Clinical troop's four regular patrols. James Hypnosis and a Diplomate of the C. Bryan and Patrick Forrest are American Board of Obstetrica and assistant scoutmasters. Gynocology. Many of the Juniors are deep in Writers Club Party preparations for their Carnival to The, Writers Club of Delaware be held on March 19 at the WomCounty celebrated a belated Christan's Club. They are planning loads mas party Dec. 28 at the home of of games and fun for small fry, esMrs. Russel Yeager for approxi. 'Pecially climaxed by the visit of mately 30 members. The party Happy the Clown. scheduled for December 8 was cancelled because of the ice and snow WIL DOARD MEETS storm the day before. The board of directors cof the Mrs. Yeager, and another memWom~n'. International League for ber, Mrs. Oscar Gilcreest, gave an Peace and Freedom, Swarthmore original Christmas program of branch, met yesterday at the home poetry and monologues, concluding SM AND PRICE SIX STUNNING STYLES .1 your STUDEBAKER DEdLER.S of Mrs. John Carroll of. College with an article on Advent written avenue. Plans were completed for by Bertha Yeager, to the Open FUSCO MOTOR CO. STILLMAN'S AUTOMOTIVE CENTER CHI;51B ood FAlnlEW 10A05. SWARTHMORE. PINNA.. the celebration of Jane Addams House Group which met December .. SOUTH MCDADE BOULEVARD, &L!HOLDEfi. - . . . oCentennlal Year. a in the Presbyterian Churcb. "EE THE STUDEBAKER rRUCKS-THEY'RE rOUGHER THAN THE JOBI ~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~'~~~~T~r.ffi~'§L~I'~hl~ - BETTER las and friends from Havertown. motored to Manchester, Vt., Frida;; and enjoyed the weekend sleighing. In their absence their daughtc Patty stayed with Mr. and Mr> Robert L • K e11y 0 f North Cbest eJ· road and Sally stayed in Wynn': wood with ber uncle and aunt M' and Mrs. Eliot Woodridge. Mr. Beldon S. Tucker of Rutge:·' avenue sailed on Tuesday aboan the S. S. United States on a tw" week business trip to Germany. Mrs. Russell M. Heatb of Cede Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McNair of lane left Tuesday to spend the we: 1 Dartmouth circle, together with visiting friends and relatives i: I_h=e=i=r=t=W1='::n=b=o::y=S::,=M=a=l=c=o=lm=a=n=d~D~o~U~~~-~N;e~w~Y;;O;rk~C;'~·t;y;.=====::::;;=: Wolff's Apple Ho use Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weltz of College avenue entertained at a neighborbood cocktail party on Sunday afternoon for Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Robitscher of College avenue who are moving on January 22 to the Main Line. Nancy Webster, daughter of Mr. and ~rs. Maurice L. Webster, Jr., of Elm avenUe ill. at home following an emergency appendectomy on January 2. Peter Dayton, son of Dr. and Mrs. Irving E. Dayton of Harvard avenue celebrated his sixth hirthday on Monday by entertaining a few of his friends at his home. A NEWS NOTES Ann Pyle, daughter of Mr. and Edward H. Pyle, II, of South Chester road will play one of the Women of Troy in Edith Hamilton's adaptation of "The Trojan Women" by Euripides, which is being presented by The American University Players this week in Washington, D.C. Ann, a communications major at The American University, is one of two freshman selected for parts in the play. CIDER :Jhrive BE THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR Friday, January ·15 8 :20 P.M.-'.'Die Fledermaus' .•••••••••••••.••....•• Players Club . . Saturday, January 16 8:00 P.M.-Garnet Canteen •....•...••.•..•• Rutgers Ave. School 8'20 PM . . .-."D,'e Fled ermaU8" ••.•...•.••••...••.•••. Players Club Sunday, January 17 7:29 A.M.-Men's Breakfast •...•..•.•......... ,Methodist Church 9:46 A.M.-Dr. Price: "UN in a Disarmed World" " Meeting House 11 :00 A.M.-Morning Worship ....•...•.•....••.••. Local Churches , Monday, January 18 ...,1:00 P.M.-LWV: "Politics on the Grassroots Level" .. Meth. Church 4:~6 P.M.-Jr. Assemblies: 6th Grade ..•.•..•.••... Woman's Clun 6':46 P,M.-Jr. Assemblies: 6th Grade •.......•..... Woman's Club 7:16 P.M.-Jr. Assemblies: 7th Grade ••............ Woman's Club Tuesday, January 19 1 :00 P.M.-Parents Council ......•........... Rutgers Ave. School 8:00 P.M.-Jr. Women: "Use of Hypnosis" ..•....••. Woman'sCiub [Wednesday, January 20 8:00 P.M.-Home and School ..........•..... Rutgers Ave. School S~~;~a~;:e A PPLES Helping our growing su·burbs NEWS NOTES Receive Five-Year , PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER COMPANY , '. THE SWARTHMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PENNA. PETER E. TOLD, M'ARJORIE TOLD, Publ"'Mr. Phone KIngswood 3-0900 t PETER E. TOLD, Editor Barbara B. Kent, Managing EditCal hodies pend on the decisions We !Daile to'. :rM DJrinw.r ~.,..uf Iow did not agree with us and did not day.· ...,. '110.. eM ittd.t1idrtGl 1IIrit- favor the recommendation of the Swarthmore Democratic Comm. ..... AU '-Iter. 10 TM S",an"" Delaware County Planning Com""'r....n ...... t b. rig-ud. P,,,,"",- mission, which we supported. b. 1Ued if tM writer Lt. (j.g.) and· Mrs. Richard K. We doubt that the long range in~ 1mo..,.. to tho Edilrl.te,d the cause of the "scare" well as establishing that the had not seeped out of the cIol;ed boiler room to damage any the building. Springfield also received a call Wharton Hall, Swarthmore Coilleg:e at 9 :09 p.m. Saturday, can..five minutes later. M .....faise . EMIL SPIES WIUIAM BROOKS REAL ESTATE ""'1 Jack Prichard PAINTING I CLASSIFIED ADS KI 3-1112 ;:::.=.. ROOFING ~:::::::;::~:::::;::=~!II~'~ii~:~~in~c~l~uded. George Myers and ';,;;;;:;::;===;::: ii:;:;;;;;;::; .J H. D. CHURCH Heinrich N. Knudsen ~~~~E~~~~~~!~;A~lkm~o~s~~~N~e~w We Will Pay per Week "00 Rug & Upholslel'J Cleaning Belvedere Convalescent Home HilitOp 1II!!8816 ~~.;~~ ~ lr:ii~;;;;;:;;;::;;:;;;:1iI~!!~;;;;;;~g;iv;e;' D"ILuz"IO and Sons ."",_- 6-2211 or LOwell ~----------- WANTED - To rent apartment or sitting. small house. Swarthmore References. Call Klngswood 3-2136 '!"!,~~! district. Phone Klngswood CAR PERSONAL Alterations on dresses and gowns. of KIngswood 3-6731. Neatly done. Call Klngswood 3-6649. Miss Ethel Ramos, 110 Bridge Btreet. Morton. Station. _ Do you have a San_ PERSONAL abria Stamp Catalogue I can borrow? Mr. Joseph Reynolds. Kings-I ~~1J; NS . 150 Balilmore PIke SprlqflelcI, DeL Co. ..... Klngswood 3-0450 Picture Framing FOR RENT WANT~D - EXiperienced Woman Lar"e liv- TRemont wants day's References. bath WANTED _ Pool tahle for Com_ Photographic Supplies ST&TE '" MONROE ST8. HEDI& I :~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4-.'"," OPEN FRIDAY EVENlNOS reasonable. Phone KIngswood 3munity Centre. Will purchase if 6249. LUd- WANTED - Crib or youth bed. after Call Klngswood 4-1784 between 12 and 2 P.M. semiLOST WITH YOUR SPRINC HOUSECLEANINC Springfield Rental Co. 6 E. Wood lind Avenue LOST '=S;;'h;-0-r7t-n-e-ck"I"a-ce-o-=f"r-o-u-g7h FOUND turquoise stones between ThanksRrown leather case with g.ivin~ and Christmas. Phone of Acme Bank. KIngswoodJ!:0170. LOST - Goodn"'es"'s"'k"n-o-w-s-w-'-he-r-e-o-I' when.. practically new pair of book. lady's. white, washable kid gloves. Can KIngswood 3-1808. Ln~T - SWARTHMORE and upholstery shampooers, wall· papar steamers. floor sanders and edgers, floor polishers. etc. are all available for rent. EXCELLENT SCHOOL LOCATION Rug For information and fo reserve .aquipment,r' call 4-0660 ........................" h-·"--····,, .. Klngswood 3·0272 RENT ITIJ Newly listed custom built colonial' home, .hort skip and jump to Rutgers Avenue 5""001. Offers many fine feature. for the growing family. $25.750. BAIRD and BIRD Klngswood 4-1500 In addition to a non-alarm leaf near railroad ties, tended by firemen with one engine eat"this week, the fire horn called wn,u",u volunteers to a brush fire the woods behind Drew avenue 3 :20 p.m. Friday; another to a brush fire on College property at and Avondale roads at 11 :06 haturday; and a leaf fire at Elm avenue at 11 :61 a.m. Sat- tlADJE PIPPIN TURNER, Pl'c)prtesor ,Edward G. Chipman and Son General Contractor BUILDERS 'Since 1920' . TILE FLOORS· PLlSTlC TILE FORMICA COUNTER TOPS ROOFINa Ind SIDINa CUSTOM KITCHENS lDDITIOIlS • ALTERATIONS Frat Estlmales HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENC. HEALS SUNDAY WFIL RadIo - 8145 A.M. Channel 6-WFIL·TV-91 I 5 A.M. TRemont TRemont 2-4759 2-5689 I would like to find a furni.hed 'hou.e for rent from February 15 to about May 15. A young couple being tran.ferred here by . Scott Paper Company have o.ked me< to help them find something. If you /Jre interested would you plea.e coli ",e. D. PATRICK WELSH 409 Dartmouth Ave. Klngswood 3·0560 SWEENEY & CLYDE &t.blished 1851 29 E. Fifth Street TRemont 4.6311 Oldest Real Estate and Insuranee Firm ill Oelaware Couafy Specioliting in Prorerties in Swarthmore. Wallingford. Rose Valley ana M.dia Alea. ... Edward el,d. S..... I D. CI,dt, ~,. I •• ree PIo....I Police escorted the Media ambuinto and out of the .borough afternoon when it came transport Alfred Marsh, pnue1110nia victim, from lIi. home at lOa COlumbia avenue to Lankenau Hospital. 1401 Ridley Avenue C.hester, Pa. WANTED TO RENT PI. has the equipment to hlp you get the iob done easiet. foster. and economically. DON'T BUY IT - Qalet, _rat 811l'1'01IIHIIDp With ExceUent ZC-Bour NursIq Cue ~Bri~get. LOST Ocmn)ucellt lien AIlcl Wo. . . Estebllshed 1832 Swarthmore LOST - Long haired tortoise shell female cat. green eyes. Answers CET AN EARLY START Klng.wood Baltlmo.., PIke '" L1D_ ..._ custom. work Refe"_111 Adelaide week or day. Experienced. 4, The ences. Can TRemont 6-5376. or call WANTED - ,Day's work. two days a week. Oleaning and ironing. Near transportation. References. ~~Ja~~~~~~~~ T~R~e~m'§0§:n;::t_~2~-7:=7:::8;g9.=:,="",=o==o==,," ROGER RUSSELL S~ringlield, .Convalescent 'Home Bs:oeUeIl1; I'eed .. lpao1o. . UnIIa!Ia Slut crou Pooond ~~~~::::~~~~;:::::l IIDDHbDllllamlmUIIIDIUDDRWDDunn=t LOwell,6-2176 81-001&1' HuaIq: ABed. 8eD1la. Cbnmlo , I:~Q~~~~~~~~~~~II FLORIST Formerly pan . ELNW001?, WAITED S••••I D. 11,11. tlU-II" SEAL CAMPAIGN Local 'Creen Thumbs' View Foreign Cardens Mrs W 1'II'Ism R owI'and was h os-. . h tes. fo~ the January meetmg of t e Swarthmore Garden Club Monday at her home on College avenue. . Color shdes of gard ens tak en b y sevetal members during their travels last summer to Portugal, Spain, ItaIy an d to B anff , Canad a, were shown following the business meet- WOMAN'S CLUB NOTES Presbyterians Hold Those needing tranaportation to SEEKS $1 10,000 Service at Phila. Home the Philadelphia Museum of Art on Contributor. and volunteers in Members of the Swarthmore January 21 should meet at the club the 53rd Ann';al Christmas Seal h t 10 Th 'd d to Presbyterian Church, headed by the e gul e ur ouse a a.m. Cam p a i g n received "heartfelt '11 ta t t th t 11 Rev. Robert O. Browne, associate WI S r a e museum a 8.m. thanks" this week as returns topped Th '11 • t th h'b't minister, held a service Sunday af.. the $100,000 mark. f eG group ta WI C tnspec b t b f e ex h 'I I ternoon at the Presbyterian Home g for Widows and Single Women, h t 1e ourAe • ore Freas B. Snyder, Presiden~ of 1 unc a .p.m. drrangem~n S for the Delaware COunty TuberculosiR 58th street and Greenway avenue, ItransportatIon h t ban reservations d tlor Philadelphia. and Health Association, said conus Ae maFe BPI rkom p rt Y uhnc hmM tinued returns should enable the Music was provided by Robert t roug rs. very . a e, a total to exceed the amount contribGrooters, choir master, and the fol .. appropriate "theme for the chairman (KI 3·1971) Or Mrs. Samuted in the previous campaign. lowing members of the choir: day" required house plants to be uel Gurin (KI 3-2579). The associaion must raise abov~ John Burkam, Dr. and Mr•. On January 21, at 8 o'clock, Mrs. used in an arrangement. Ribbons th~ $110,000 donated in the last James Clark, Dr. Harry Draper, were awarded on the basis of points W. Mark Bittle, chairman of the Campaign in order to maintain its travel department, presents Wil- Mrs. Henry Gayley, Virginia Rath, and Mary Lou Thayer. anti-tuberculosis program without t. Mrs. Joseph S. Lynch, Mrs. Charles H. Topping, Mr•. Vincent Iiam F. Lee, who will show pictures cutting services. Mr. Browne and his group were of Russia and Yugoslavia taken T. Lathbury and Mrs. William B. introduced by Mrs. F. Harry BewSnyder said contributions still Scher. The compositions were last Bummer. ley, representative of the church can be made to the campaign, which ---------judged by Mrs. Charles Humphries on the board of the Home, who with is nearing a close. "The generosity of citizens and snd Mrs. Robert Shipman of the NAVY LT. GRADUATES FROM Mrs. Cecil Howard, the other various organizations in contribu- Twin Creek Garden Club of WalNUCLEAR POWER SCHOUL church representative, arranged ting to the Seal Campaign insures lingford. Navy Lt. Thomas M. Hopper, son the program. Mr. Browne took for our unabated fight against the naof Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hop- the subject of his sermon the SerELECTED SECRETARY tion's number one infectious killer'" per of Dogwood lane, an d h us band moli on the Mount. Snyder said. "In many cases, we've At the annual election of the of the former Miss Maribeth PerOn February 7 Dr. D. Evor Robreceived contributions from persons Democratic Women's League of due of Shelton, Wash., graduated erts, minister of the Swarthmore who themselves had to sacrifice to Delaware County on January 11, last month from the Nuclear Pow- church and Mr. Grooters, with help us. We value their unselfish Mrs. L. E. Peterson of Vassar ave- er School at the Naval Submarine members of his choir will hold anacts greatly". nue was elected Recording Seere- Base, New London, Conn. other service at the home. Snyder also praised the hundreds tary of the cluh for a two year The 22-week course consisted of TROOP 744 PLANS AWARDS COURT of volunteer workers who are par- term. intensive technical training in nuGirl Scout Troop 744 will hold a ticipating in the campaign. "Withclear physics. Most of the graduout the help of these volunteers". ful Campaign. To all who have con- a te s w,'11 repo rt to Ian d_b a sed nu _ te .. and Court of Awards on Tueshe declared, uit would be almost tributed money and time, we offer clear reactors; duplicates of those day afternoon, January 19 at 4 f d ·::n:..:nu:::c:::.:e:::a::..:rs:::::' ______:.:.:o:::u:::n:::..:' 1 h' p..:•.:..______,..:._ o'clock ___ ,'n _ the _Presbyterian ______ Church. _ __ _ 0 US V tVlt in~he jnm~p~o~sS~i~b~le~f~o~r~u~s~to~w~ag~e~a~s~u~cc~e~s~s_~o~u~r~h~e:a~r:tf~e~lt:.::th::a::n::k::s::.'_' • • • . "- • .GREEN LOy( LOW PRICES .ST~MPS •• THE LARGEST FOOD DISTRIBUTOR in THIS AREA r....J. ~~ X All Prlc•• Effective Jan. 13 tD 16, 1960 Lancaster Brand SIRLOIN, T-80NE, or PORTERHOUSE "'7'9" Ro. . ·· Priced STEAKS lb. Hlgh.rt C """"'====~ Cvt from All YOU"O St.aU Com-Fed Serve Smothered ;n Fresh Mushrooms or Onions' . Lanclsler Brlnd Rump or Leg Veal R·oast a.." Lanc.ster Irand Oven-Ready . Your Choic. lb. 53' Rib Roast ~lu{iC~~/ La.... Clusters' None Priced Hlgh .. rl lb. 69' California Emperor Grapes c Yellow Onions I-Ib'19 • aa Gray Lady Training Completec/ in Germany Mrs. Millard P. Robinson of Springfield has recently compleher training as an Americ8D Red Cross Gray Lady at the 98th ~::~:~:yHOSPital in Neubruecke, , according to Robert S. ""'son, American Red Cross direcof operations for Europe and I ~ror'tlJ Africa. Mrs. Robinson is the daughter of Alr. and Mrs. John W. Calder, also of Springfield. She i. in Europe with her husband, Millard P. Robinson, a civilian employee of the Department of the Army assigued the American dependents school Baumholder, Germany. Mr. Robinson, football and basecoach and health and physical .e,juc'atiion teacher at Swarthmore 111'gn School, is on leave of absence year. Mr.. Robinson has lived in SplLin:gfi.eld for many years and .a~ Swarthmore High School West Chester State Teacher. She was the owner of the C. Robinson Kindergarten Springfield and a member of the COV'eDllDt Church there. Mrs. Robinson is one of more 1000 Red Cros. Gray Ladies serving in Europe, North Afand the Near East. I Mushroo....s pin' ba• 1 rolls ar Pink Princess Aluminum Foil Save 6.1 Virginia Lee Fresh Baked U ....,_"""'..:M.. Farmdale Sweet Peas Ideal Faner Cut Beets l6-0z. cans S. '6-0z. canl Reg. 39c Valuel Save 17c on Banquet Brand Frozen Apple or ea. Save 6c1 Virginia Lee Decorated Bar Chocolate Cake 3 Df 49c 8 3 pkg•• 50 T01"IeI T"Issue Wh~,D,lu., " Prlneess Cheese Ring 25 c C~erry Pies 3 ~~;:.. $1.00 Sweet Cream, Award-Wining ea. ~ Butt~f 1·lb. print I-lb. qtrs. 67' 69' , SWARTHMORE STORE. Chester 'RQad - Open Thursday and Friday Evenings 'til 10 OAK PARK SHOPPING CENTER. Bi.hop Road and Baltimore Pike Open Tuesd~y. Wednesday. Thursday tiD 9 P.M •• Friday till 10 .P.M. • Your Nearest 5 & H Green Stamp Merchandi.e Store 2700 West Chester P,ke. H,ghland Pari, January 15, THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 10 OOLLJ·;~jE ALEX CLARKSON DIES~ , -J " "Die FIeaermaus ACC INE 45 YEAR RESIDENT SHOTS URGED Acclaimed at Club Sanicas Held Tuesday . SALK V For Anna E. BasseH The Delaware County Medical with the Anna E. B. aS5ett, widow of the Society, in conjunction . 'ng alI National Foundation, ,s urg' late Dr. Frank L. Bassett, one of residents who have not been imthe early residents of Swarthmore, munized against polio, to get free dl'ed Sunday morning at the f am· Friends Boarding Home, West Salk vaccine shots from their I '11 ,'Iy ophvsicians as prompt y as pos· Chester after a nine week 1 ness. "'"( sible. She was 98. The Foundation has made the vacThe mot her of the late Dr. Nor',ne aval'lable to the Medical Soman H. and thc late Dr. Arthur E. C Bassett, she is survived by a SOD C',ety for this purpose since the H erbert T. of the Swarth more summer Of 1967, and tv date overd Apartments, three grandchildren, 6300 doses 'have been administere . th.-ugh the program, to those, un· and seven great grandchIldren. v to pay. able She was a longtime resident of Swarthmore. She and her husband 'Accordl'ng to Dr. J. Albright lived for 17 years at 519 Walnut Jones , Elm a venue, chairman of the ianc which he had built in 1895. Med,'cal Advisory Committee of the The house, known as the Bassett Nat',onal Foundation's local chap.. house, is now the propert y 0 f ter, there are stiU hundreds of reSl· Swarthmore College. She was a dents unprotected, and he urged granddaughter of Benjamin Hallo- that they act immediately sO that weU, one of the founders of the they will be protected during the college. coming spring and summer season. Dr Jones also heads the commit.. Services were held Tuesday in West Chester. Interment followed tee o~ public health and preventive in Friends Cemetery, Salem, N.J. medicine for the society. ;;~~;;;~~;;~~~~~:;~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I SAFE WINTER DRIVING FOR QUICK STARTING: Tune Motor thoroughly for easy starting; clean and adjust Spark Plugs and Points; adjust Carburetor and clean Fuel Pump. FOR QUICK STOPPING: Adjust Brakes; reline. Brakes complete. FOR SAFE STEERING: Tighten and adjust all Steering Connectio,ns; line up Front Wheels. GENERAL LUBRICATION: Lubricate Chassis; fill Transmission and Differential to level; check Cobling System; pack Front-Wheel Bearings with fibre grease; adjust Fan Belt. .PORTER H. WAITE, Inc. Yale Avenue and Chester Road Swarthmore, Pa. Klngswood 3-1250 STATE INSPECTION ENDS JANUARY 31st t~e I Memorial Niohea in beautiful Weat Laurel Hill Cemetery Write: 216 Belmont Ave., Bala-Cynwyd, P-a. " Telephone: MOhawk 4-1691 WEST LAUREL HILL ~ Vi8iton welcome. Come any day from 9 to 4. J3eIDVlUt Avenue above Phila. City Line BaJa-Cynwyd A Sad Tail ~here once was a pooch in the Borough \ Whose owners were not very thorough. A license he needed; His plea went unheeded. He's jailed without bail-(oh _ a. grr -0) His owners - they set up a wail. They earnestly sought their dOl"s I bail. 'lIhey found to their gloom That "no license" spelled udoom" To the wandering dog in the Borough. . ~RTHMOREAN , VOLUME 32 - NUMBER .. Swarthmore, Pa., Friday, January 22,1960 the March 01 Dimes $4.00 PER YEAR 'elect Library Directors dM d affairs' de- Tomorrow an on ay Don', take chances even with minor bucns, bruises or other jndis· positions. Play safe by calling in your Doctor or going to see him. And you are safe. too, when you bring your Doctor's prescriptions to this fine pharmacy. CATHERMAN'S January 23rd marks the kickoff, The international Ti me consnmed in planning a n d l · of the Sustaining Membership' partment of the Woman's Club will S·IX ReSI'd en t s Stan d f or t t' th two month along walls. These lavatorles are Drive for the Boy Scouts of Amer- hold its annual Benefit Dessert eDextenSnSlon r~c ~onb'eYODevdenthe eea r... ly D'ecem. duplicated directly above, "on second lca. many Two Public Library ... t' To f· carryon . 1 their t · activid d Bridge on Tuesday, February 2, at bercompelon I t· d a te Ortg18 "n Ily set, and th,rd lUanc'a 's nee 'te 1 p.m., at the clubhouse. Mrs. HarVacancies befloors, d greatly• mcreasmg f f les th dlt suppor fth '11 b 'ck! f otte in admir- the num r an convemence 0 the rom e a u s 0 e commuDI y. rold Williams will have charge of T . . d' t of the WI e qUI y org n J' 'ted d tmod d f' I Local activities are supported by the affair in the absence of the S wrt° retmpngbl-,reLc'bors ation of the achieved product, when to'm~ an ou e pre· 're ava- th b d th . '" wa hmore u 'c ,rary s tan d I Swarthmore's new high school hIos- rles 0 'th f t rth'd f t et' OYS anH e'r sponsormg f IUst!• I chairman, Mrs• Robert P. Brad- , f or i reetec'IOn and f our 0ther res80ms· forth February 1. Skillful ~ e ron or no 61 e 0 a u I~ns. . ow~ver, pro esslO~a ford. I, dents of the Borough seek election Proceeds will be used for the sup- aa Swarthmore will elect two direcblending of the old rear and .side corrldor ~ the left are a conf?rence wor ers m~m~m offices to proVlde walls with a new front necessita- room, prIvate offic~s .for gUIdance the•.coordmabo? necessary for port of a Korean war orphan,' tors to the Board in the voting tat d b tat and prmc,pal, general trammg advancement CARE packages'UNICEF Inter d t the L'b e y s e-man d a ted space sta n- counselor . . d . trmaterlal, t' d' ,,I morrowan d M on aya 1 rary. dards, not only has saved taxpayers h.'gh SCtohOOhl °llfficehwllthd.glta~s paffirti. an ..r~gls a IOn recor. s, camplUg national House in Philadelphia and· Ballots will be available to all resietc. Com?,umty dents of the Borough of voting ago ab ou t $100)000 b U t h as Cl"eated a tlOn on. • a, .sc. 00 I' 's rlct d d' 0 t •ce,t fac~ht,es,_ U ted F'und d 50 Chest ort Meals for Millions. t t th t h Id I DI prov, es per cen d . I L-b h b th supervISIng prmclpa s an,s rIc 8 ruc ure a s ou pease 0 ' . urIng regu ar 1 rary ours on nostalgic traditionalists and change clerk's offices, and a f're~roof va~lt of .these operatmg . costs. The reSaturday, January 23, and on Mon_ room. The layout has achIeved prlv_ malnder must be raIsed through the d J 2< t'l 8 P M h prone' modernists. . S ta" M be h' D' aYJ an nary u, un I • . w en Dr. S amueI T • Carpen t er, S ch 00l acy for each office as well as dlrect us mmg em rs IP rIve. th e vo t-109 en ds and th e AnnuaI Board property chairman, long- access to the othe:-. offices and to a Some of the local men assisting Meeting of the Swarthmore Public worn in the service of bnilding new central area f?r fllmg stud~nt :-ec- in this drive are: Nearly 150 Volunteers Library Association begins in the and rebu,'lding old schools in this ords an~ an mter-eommuDlcatlo~s J. S. B. Middleton, district chairII k Legion Room, Borough Hall. Ard rad. I0 , man; R. L. Thomson, Swarthmore Wi Ta e Part in borough, highly commends the dili. roo.m ~ th p h onograph an. rangements will be set up for bal_ gence of the local School Authority wh,ch'ls headquarters ~or ,ssulDg chairman. Neighborhood chairmen Canvass loting just inside the Library door. and the painstaking work of archi· announcements ~hat WIll emerge are John B. Aaron, Charles C. HeisThursday, January 28, marks the The term of office is three years. tects and clerk-of-the·works toward from speakers lD hallways and ler, R. C. Morrow, W. T. Salom and I "M th M h" f th If H h -classrooms. Each classroom can reannua 0 ers are or e Rudo irsc completes ona attaining "one of the best educa- ceive and reply back to the broad- R. L. Sutherland. Swarthmore's 1960 March of term of service on the Library tional plants, one that seems with- caster in the inter-comm room. Ou/;.. Team Captains are A. E. Baskin, Dimes Campaign. At 7 p.m. the lloard on the 26th. During that tima out a functional fault,-a good job 'lets for possible future TV use A. W. Colhns, J. Crittenden, John fire horn will give the starting sig- fle has been secretary of the board justifying the trials and tribula- have also been placed in classrooms. Derickson, Don W. Dickinson, John nal to almost 160 volunteers who lor two years and chairman of the tions along the way!" Adjoining these administrative J!.spenschade, William Gaylord, will canvass the borough. At the committee on Library Practices for 15no Hue After All offices are a room lor business John Keefe, C. S. Keder, D. Mac- same time, it is hoped that residents. the past year. Mr. Hirsch is AssisInside off-white lights and the O·t'the her gray stone brick outer front walls machines and stenograph y cIasses,. l'hel'son, Hany McCaitister, Jack will h turn. on ftheir h' porch . . thtol ..ant Director of the Universityf of divided by glass from a typing McWiUlams, H. P. Morgan, L. J. s ow a S1gn 0 t elr :nterest In e rennsylvania Libtary. He was or.. the building virtually blossoms with room with noise-muffling ceiling. .:;tarer, "' K. Whitelcather and campaign. mer,y in charge of the Union Libcolor despite Fate, or the steal The transparent partition enables 11. S. Young. Co-chairmen Mrs. George Staut- rary Catalogue in Philadelphia strike, having removed all hue from one teacher to ~ontrol both classfer and Charles Bovard have an... ~ where he continues on the execu.. the much publicized lavatory fix- rooms. nounced the following captains and' tlve committee. Earlier he was in tnres in the home economics suite. • • • • workers: . the preparation division of the .New (Continued on Page 3) Many moons ago the School Mrs. Richard Brandt; York Public Library. A native of Board denied a reqnest for pink n Mrs. (;erald Kelly, Mrs. James: Mumch, he became a United States fixtures since they would cost $40 Methodist Prol' ect to Be Patchell, Mrs. }(ex Gary, Mrs. AIin 19.38 and came to more than white ones. Then Mrs. bert J:iii.cs Wuuam Scher I more m 1953. He attended the UnlHenrY,Patterson of Maple avenue Held Next Weds., Mrs. Dame; Hoffman, Mrs. Hele~ versity of Munich, received a masgenerously sent a check to cover the Thurs., Fri. GoodwlD, JUrs. J:ienry COles, Mrs. ter~ degree from the University difference and colo!" choice turned Dietitian Lived Here "a·utner, Mrs. James FIeld ChIcagO a.nd a Ph.D. from the UmThe Women's Society for Chris-.'L raDZ w. to yellow. Now Mrs. Patterson's Over HilIf . .tiari, _ ServlCll -of".the .. ,Jl4ethndlst Mrs. }#lngaam, Mrs. J:ierben became well acqualUted with Liscience table tops. tended Swarthmore College for a er, and many other willing helpers. ll"unLlnueu un "'''gel J brary fmances as tne \,;ouncil work. Hall, cl"ssroom, office and store- year and later gr"duated from A~ticles - clothing, bric-a-brac, ed Wltfl the Library Board to room walls range from neutral Drexel Institute as a dietitian. For furnltureJ books, toys, shoes and ill re-eStaonsh the .PuDlic ulbrary beige and gray to deep turquoise 25' years she operated a tearoom in Jewelry - may be donated or placin conveniently located, pleasand tangerine, with harmonizing Philadelphia retiring about 15 ed on conSignment. Only almost ~ • ant qua".r•• lin. l'eel n.aCleu the vinyl asbestos floor tile .arrange- years ago. ' new artiCles Will be accepted. This al ub U8S. ,Swartamore AdUlt !'Ilgat a~ ::;chool ments. Blue tile walls in boys' and Until five years ago her home is not a rummage sale. Articles may L R'd W'II JUSt, prior to WOrld War ll. He male teachers' lavatorJes, pink in was at College and Maple avenues. lie brougnt in Wednesday from rormer eSI ent I serveu WIth tne "'avy in World the girls' and female teachcrs' A birthright member of the Society nOOn unt,l 5 p.m. Address Members (Uontlnued on !'I&ge~} rooms, and yellow in the famous of Friends, she was an active memThe day of the sale is Thursday, home economics suite set an· aes- ber of the Swarthmore Meeting. from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Settlement at I :30 thetic background the plain She was also a member of the local day will be Friday, January 29, Woman's Club members will hear white fixtures. Woman's ClUb. from 9 to 3 p.m. This is the So. Nora Wain discuss "Present-Day I' . New Map Ne.ded Surviving are two sisters: !lliss clety's second big project for the China" Tuesday afternoon at 1:30. New entrances and room, arrange· Isabel Bunting of South Chester year. The turkey supper and bazaar She is a former Swarthmorean, ments will rcquire a bit of orienta· road, and Mrs. Charlotte Green. was he.d in November and a smor- naving attended Swarthmore Col- 'Our Hearts Were Young tion on the part of the school's 00· of Ridgewood, N.J. gaabord is' planned for April. lege from 1915·17 as a member of and Gay' Set for 7:jO eupants and visitors. The broadly Interment in Friends cemetery, the class of 1919. In 1940 she reT h glassed main entrance leads' from Darby, followed services at a Mecelved an h onorary degree of M.A. onig t the College avenue parking Jot int.o dia funeral home at 11 a.m. W e d - , her sisters, Anne Wam Ody, 1929, "Our Hearts \\oere Young and a ground floor lobby. Trophy cases nesday. and Mabel Wain Smith, i~23, also Gay," a three-act play, will be pre_ are recessed into the opposite wall. attenCled Swarthmore College, as sented by the ISth Grade Players Also at the rear of the !obby, Mrs. Lydia Rickman, long time U1d her daughter Marie, 1940. ,<>f the Junior high School under give access to the shop and music Frier,d and peace worker, and NorAtter leavmg Swarthmore, Mrs. the direction of c..;harles Law in buildings or art and other roonu be. man V. Lourie, social worker and Wam went to Washington, where the h,gh school aud'torium tonight, yond the cafeteria, wlthout going· The annual Girl Scout Cookie at present Deputy Commissioner .ne edIted a news page. Then she January 2~, at 7:<10. through cafeteria or gym. Sale will open next Friday, Janu- for the l'ublic Welfare of the Com- .pent 12 years in l;nma, durmg The leading roles will be played On the right side of the lobby ~e- ary 29, nnder the general direction monwealth of Pennsylvania, will she married George Edward by Betsy Jarratt and Sue Carroll. tween entrance to ground floor of Mrs. Joseph P. Remington. speak at the open membership vSiana-Hlll 01 tne .J:~."lgU;:;'Jl .L'iJJ.·~iJ:;.U The complete cast inCl.Udes: cafeteria and a stairway to second As las~ year, about 37 percent of meeting of the Swarthmore Branch .,:,erVlce. Later tney made their James .l\~ayer, l'tancy \Vebster. floor gym and third floor hallway, each box sold will be going to the of Women's International League Llome ID l!.ngland at !lobms, FUI- Mark Good, Eli Wismer, Steve is Q. student activities room for county organization, and about 11 for Peace and Freedom, which will iner, .J:sucKingnamshlre. DurIng the BeIK, JOAn ,b'ry, Alison .Naylor, lan Cabinet and other organization percent to individual troops selling be held on Thursday in Whittier war sne and her flusband openeu !dcll.eag, Janet 1<'U08S, KItty Wynmeetings. the cookies. House at 8 p.m. "nelr home to amah retugees from koop, and ~·.ran l:srill. Around the right corner of the The F.F.V. Company is supplyMr. LoUrie will speak upon (Uontinued on l'age 0) Stage managers are Bill Gill. onter huilding Is another entrance ing the cookies this year, snd the "Jane Addams: Unfinished BusiAlan "tallUoru, LlDClsay Mludleton. to the gym and a divided inside assortment of flavors includes: ness," .and Mrs. Rickman will pre- 3 H, S, STUDEI.S CHOSEN ana. 1ara J!.D1un, Julie the rebnilt main building and the Mrs. Remington pointed ont that work in the field of social work. will represent the district in the H....., J(ooorta JaClc:u,,, Alt.ta,J' SenseDlJr, 1JeelJell wing, are boys' and air!s' la...tOrI"" tant 88 the monq, will be used to terest ~ many peoples in tbe Phil- gIven m Harrisburg on January Woou, and Ma~yn J:iJnd. • \ l with stainless steel shelves for pnt- equip the new Girl Scout camp in adelphlR-Swartbmore area in peaee 30. The}' are Becky, JacbWt, ,~Lewis U stlldent d - . l ting boob below wuhatanda and (Contlnned on p .... 6) (Continued on .P.... 6) Robbie Jarrett and Stella Wai'-. and prompter. 1960 Molhers March Sel lor Thursday DRUG STORE Klngswood 3-0586 it in The Swarthmorea.n- I WS 0 S Rea d'les Ior 'Almost WewJ Sale I .C~ptain, i c,t,ze~ Heart AHackFatal To Edith Bunling We'll handle your oil burner! u. We're ready to give it the-finest service-day and night. And we're _give,it t11 A It Y of Dimes "They Do Seil Nice Things at Speare Bros." i& the title of a booklet which answers the various questions so many people ask us. We'll gladly send you a copy without obligation, if you say "yes" by mail or telephone. let aDodor look at That March and Friendly Open House Hears Col. Clyde B_ Pyle The Friendly Open House group met -Monday, January 11, at the Presbyterian Church. Lt. Col. Clyde B. Pyle of Haverford place entertained the group with his or slides of the West and Canada. SBW i( the Alex Clarkson of 238 Bowdoin avenue died Sunday in the U. S. Naval Hospital, Philadelphia, where he had been a patient for a week. He was 68. Born in Che8te~town, Md. Mr. Clarkson had Jived in Swarthmore for 46 years. He was employed by the Earl Anderson Nurseries, Springfield for 20 years. , Mr. Clarkson was' a veteran of World War I, a former member of Campbell AME Church, Media end was active with the Morton Colored Reopublican Club, Collins-Cham· bers Post 6541, Veterans of Foreign Wars of Morton, and the Elks. Surviving are a daughter Mrs. Mary Moore, Swarthmorej four brothers, Guy of Douglas of Media, Hiram of Ches· tertown and Charles of Avondale; a sister, Mrs. Lillian Randolph, Media, and several grandchildren. Services were held Wednesday at the Wesley AME Church, Swarthmore. Burial followed in the Asbury Methodist Cemetery, Fairlee, Md. (Continued from Page 6) Fisher added just the l'ight cheeky note in her performance of I~a, d h playing with vivacity an avmg a lot of fun, apparently. Now for a word about the chorus tral'ned autitself. This . an d b is no super· p of ladles omaton, ut a grou . dress who gentlemen in evenmg somehow suggest that they are b II d who never drop really at a a ,an t' m out of character at any Ime, 80 e .. t for an thing of an achievemen d th so d amateur group. An ey . I d f un ap wonderful. A spec,a wor• d f0 the• preciation must halso be sa' d actor su ballet during tb e Csecon . : I Wlfcmska perbly danced Y aro k' and Michael Lopuszans ,. d b The three sets were dcsigned by Henry Gayley and execute f - thY Alan Slack and a crew rom e chorus, who also act as stage ~ands. The orchestra, which cont~lbutes so much to the perfOrmance, 15 com· posed of 12 pieces, under the bato~ of Philip WaNen Cooke, the mUSlcal director of the chorus for 22 years. Much of the success of HI production is due ·to Mr. Co.ok~ s enthusiasm and energy and hIS Insistence on "attack". A word acknowledgement of the debt .owed by the chorus to the Crow is in order. Thelma is the pianist, faithful througb the long rehearsal and performance period; Jane plays the flute in the orchestra, and Lorma is the little page, attendant upon the Prince. The production is under the di· rection of William Price, who says that the make.up people, the promp· ter and the stage crew should have the'ir share of praise in making the whole thing possiblc. The make-np committee is chaired by Katrina Ives and Lavina Hurst, Evelyn Hessenbruch, Betty Bentley, Helen Borst and Elizabeth Garahan able workers on the bal· ~ony. The scenery was built and painted by Alan Slack, Glen O'neal, Jr., Harry Osman, Bob Manley, Bob and Ducky Regester, and Francis Spickler. Charlotte Maas and Francis Spickler, Jr., handle the lights, George Jarden is the efficient stage manager and Bob, =:~~; Leslie Weston and George Z have set up the amplification and dosed circuit television systems. DonSadler has doneyeoman service in taking care of props and furnitUre. A Chester company lent the chandelier in the ballroom scene. The production plays this and Saturday night to round a week of what is a major and cessful effort on the part of chorus and the Players Club to vide stimulating theatrical fare their members. LI B Support ;j,ll1rtllllO;'" ~:- .'; ~_~-;- ~ ":~~_'r: 8th f~r WIL Opan Meating To Be Held Tuesday Girl Scout Cookie Sale Will Begin January 29 I p Grade layers to Gl,e l'nree.Acl "av I t"age 2 THE SWA R·THMOR SA N .. Page 8 lunary 22. 19&0 . the W tlng of King of Prussia on De. daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. George The Women'. Auxiliary of T~Y· hou~ in Chadd. Fo':oo~n Cott- ee!,"ber 7 at Bryn Mawr Hospital. A. Huuter of Wa1lin~ord. The pa· NEWS NOTES lor Hospital had their annual dm· Sprmg. Mr. and M~'th Th Mrs Westing is the former Betay ternal grandmother 18 Mrs. Fred· M and Mrs. W. H. Lovekin of ner at the home of Dr. and Mrs. man have. purchasdedf e 2060~i~k~ HUDte~ of Swarthmore and the erick Westing of Philadelphia. r. 16-d Y W,-">~· f Ogden avenue home haVIng move rom 'Haverford place are on a . ~ John JAI(VtJ. 0 inIOn' avenue. The Edward Hodgins .~IUUUIUUDlUWUWlaUlUl"luaIIIUlullUalllla"n"n"""""'"P"P'"""'""!I""'Ut!lM'trip 00 Florida where they are VlSlt- Sunday evening. P t P rk with their two . I rti M Robe t P Brad. of rospee Ing In different oca I e.. 1 Mr. and rs. r. h'ld Ian toa occupy the former Mr.. Frances G. Lumsden of, ford of Bancroft road, ~oylan, ~~e ~tt~:: Phouse around the first of Kelnyon avenue has returned to leaving Sunday for Flollda to VISIt th Pompano Beach, Fla., for the reo their·law and daughter Mr'lth~~O~r~ncis J. Bouda of Dart-I malnder of the winter after spend· I and Mrs. John W. McCartney of th venue returned Saturday I'd 'n Swarth., . mou a . iug the ho I ay season I MIami. hy jet from Los Angeles, Cabf., fol· _ FASHION D~MANDS FASTIDIOUS CARE more. f A group comprising 21 people I lowing a business trip 00 Portland, 11_ Mr. and Mrs. John deMoll 0 spent the weekend at Skytop en·' Ore. and San Francisco, Calif. II 9 South Chester Road Haverford avenue will ~o to NO;: joying the winter sports. T~ey are M;. and Mrs. Alfred G. Boyd with Call Klngswood 3-0476 York today 00 attend ~ dIDner:' Mr. and Mrs. William H. GIll, Jr., their children Mary, Sally and Gor. = given by "ProgressIve Arc ltec· and their sons Bill and Doug of don -leave today for Schenectady, ~ Aetl1'8 .....1te1' 0( ~ B••rlllI.ot. BuiAeas ...... i ture." They will ret".rn Saturda[h Dogwood lane, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. NY here they will make their g nannlllRl.wIIII1I1IUIDII. iMrs. John E. Mlchael of • " at w 2025 LeXID '. gton P arkway. ,~.~ma~IDl~"~IIDaII~~ ••~IW~W1~.n~p~.~i'~~~~~~IIU~a~.~m~llI~m~""~,~"n~n~lDl~a~II"~II~lIImmmm~~~'~'~~~~~~ d M e Gray and their three children Doc, home Swarthmore Apartments an rs. Steve and Lisa of Harvard avenue, They have been guests of Mr. 'lind' Irvin R. MacElwee of Mt. Holyoke Mrs. Ray Shoch and her son Nel· Mrs. Joseph F. Gaskill of Univers. place were luncheon guests of Mrs. son of Mt. Holyoke place, Mr. Hen· ity place for the week. Their home John W. Lord, Jr., regent, Thomas ry Froehling of Wilmington, Del., on Walnut lane has been purchased II' t J f Leiper Chapter, J?aughters of the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bird and American Rey.olutoion., last Wedn~.. daughters Barbara and Beverly o.fl hy Mrs. James B. Bu It, r., 0 1 t t h r Lincoln avenue. day. Mrs. Mlcha. IS s a e c al . Drew avenue, Mr. and Mrs. WII· Mr. and ,Mrs. George A. Smith of Middletown Road _ Media, Pa. Opposite High Meadow d man of museums and Mrs. Mac~l. Ham L. Scarborough and their sons wee Is state chairman of specIal DavI'd and DI'ck of Rutgers avenue Marietta 'avenue returned Tues ay i (between Dutton Mill Road and Knowlton Road) from a 12·day flight to Rome, Italy; . , programs of the DAR. , and Peggy Robinson of Guernsey Taormina, Sicily, and Brussels, IMrs. Howard M. Jenkms of d . North Chester road will leave to· roaMr·. George A.h'-n of Strath Belgium, where they attended the Telephone TRemont 2-7206 f H t Tex. to ~ International Auto Show. M for BEN PALMER day by plane o~ ous :n, Haven Inn has taken up residence Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Ham have n attendd thFe mJarrkl~ge Oft eMrSl'SoS , J:y' at the Haverford Hotel in Haver- moved into their new house at 205 Davi . en lOS, 0 f d ' f Mr or Haverford avenue with their sons Yvonne Hindman, daug hte.r 0 • M' Jame Cokeley of Westmin. . and Mrs Fred H. Hindman of rs. s. Edwin, Jr., and Charles. They for. h . '11 take ster avenue entertamed at a baby merly lived in Greenville, S.C. Mr. M Lei d D ' of Houston T e marllage WI . . th Corpus shower for rs. an aVIS Ham has heen transferred to this ~~~:ti ~~~:I~: C~:rch. e J uniata avenu~ last evening with area by the Curtis Circulation Com· .Mrs. Hanna Matthews, English friends and neIghbors as guests. pany. , ,~ teacher at the high seh,,?I, is <".n. Mrs. G:."t".;e C=:n~fi;~n~:~ Mr. 'lind Mrs. William A. Welsh i~~)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. ~ valescing at her home In MedIa. nue spen. e W of North Swarthmore avenue enter~ : She has been a patient in Lankenau ~er visiting hedrMson Jan: ~u~~:. tained at a supper party Monday H . 1 tn-law Mr. an ' rs. 0 n . . evening. Their guests were Mr. and o:.~taa~d Mrs. Donald W. Poole Mr. and J\~rs. Da~i~ ~. :~on Mrs. D. Patrick Welsh of Ogden I f N th Swarthmore avenue en.. of Chestnut ane en r ame a a avenue, Mr. and Mrs. J. Conwell ;'.,rta;::'ed at a surprise dinner par· family dinner :o~ Mrsw.~.ynon~ Welsh or- Haverford and Mr. and rs. 1 l~m • ·Mrs. E. Laurence Conwell of Coty on Saturday evening in honor of parents Mr. an . son J aek's b'rthd y Ellis of .,Media in celebratton of lumbia avenue. thclr 1 a. . Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hetzel, Mrs. Elhs b~rthday.. ---J f Th yer road will leave on Paul A. MIller, fOllDerly of Dal. ENGAGEMEIITS r:~~:ay fO: Belleaire, Fla., for the las, Texas, visited Mrs. E. Ne~l Dr. and Mrs. Paul T. Melrath of ' They WI'II be in Thurman and her son John res t 0 f · ",anuary. . at 1 their H Fairview road announce the en. Sea Island, Ga., for February when home on Cedar lane recent Y'. e gagement of their daughter, Miss they will be joined for several 'has no~ returned to Yale MedIcal Patricia A. Melrath, to Mr. Robert weeks hy their daughter Miss Carol School In New Haven, Conn., , L. Crowther, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. a~d Mrs. Jam;s L. MalOne SHarry W. Crowther of Yale avenue. Hetzel of Thaler road and their and daughter Mr. and three chIldren, 'Molh., Kathy and A May wedding is planned. Mrs. Thomas Morris with their Ji~my 0~1 DartmoudthtatvhenUue. had e. nlver. \ Mrs. Rohert Hun of Rutledge has children Ann and Joan of Troy, Pa. theIr tonsl s remove. a Mr. and Mrs. ;J!O F. Spencer of .ity of pendnsylvama ~;sPltaI on announced the engagement of her Yale avenue rotu" " 'by plane Fri. Mond~y an are now a ome recu· daughter, Gail Lois Steigelman, ,to; day from St. Pete, burg, Fla. They peratmg.. Mr. H. Neal Taylor, son of Mrs.' Cox of Walnut lane Herhert W. Taylor of Eddystone, t d to Florida with Mr. Mr. Reavis h a d moore leftb I tth be" of Spencer's parents; Mr. and Mrs.Y pane a, . e gt~nmg and the late Mr. Taylor. R. Chester Spencer of North' the ~~k on a husIDess tlIP t~ the Miss Steigelman, who is also the Swarthmore avenue who will reo PaCIfIC Coas~. Mr. Cox, .presldent daughter of the late Mr. David E. . un t'l Mark.t1Og· malO I A Pll'1'10 st. Petersburg. of, .the AmerIcan '11' ·t . I I Steigelman, is a graduate of VlSI Ann Dean Stratton of York, a ClatIon, WI h v~r~us ~~ Swarthmore High School. She is a' sophomore at Guilford College, c~apte~, tfd' t e aSS?ClaVOn w I e senior at the Philadelphia Museum G,eenshoro, N.C., will he a week· tBe;el'!i'mCc ul mbg.onHe m a~:o~~ebr, College of Art. end guest of Mr. and Mrs. William lIt s· 0 urn la. e expec ... ~ e Mr. Taylor, a graduate of Eddy. . f amI'1y 0f N 0rth away two weeks. ,- Hig h Sc h I 'IS now a st U dent h t helt Mrs.forDavid L. Billett of Altus s~ne 00, A. WeIsand Swarthmore ·avenue. ' at Pennsylvania Military College. IMrs, Joseph Seal has returned to Okla., with her daughter Kat~y, He served three and a half years Swarthmo~e, Pa. 104 Park Avenue her a artment at the Dartmouth plans to spend a few weeks WIth in the U. S. Air Force. I her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank· p C House from Belvedere onva escent I' G k'll f U' 't I A June wedding is planned. tJ Home where she had been a patient. In 1 . 0 ..~ll:versl y p. ace,. a.r~I B t' Jr and rivmg about February 1\ Mrs. BII· 'BIRTHS · k F . urIS,., iM rs. Stoes I' h f SII G k'IJ her daughter Betsy of Columbia' ett IS t e ormer a y as l.. Announcement is made of the ... avenue returned home Saturday I Mrs. Samuel!>. Clyde of S~arth. birth of a second daughter, Kath. r'" ~ ' te day vacation in I more and Ogden avenues will en· leen, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. f oIIowmg n· I rta' t d' i Ph'l d I h' a Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Mrs. Burtis' the. In a. IDner d . n thl a el Pb In 3~ mother Mrs. Henry Reninger of t. IS evenmg prece mg . e ce e ra- .~ Lancaster accompanied them. tlOn of the 103rd A?Dlversary of For MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS . . the Academy of MusIc· followed by Call Dr. A. Bakl of Kahul, Afghams· the ball at the Bellevue Stratford. tan, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Her guests will he Mr. 'and Mrs. MRS, LLOYD E, KAUFFMAII You are lucky if you need carpet now. New high.speed meth. q Leroy T. Wolf of Park avenue last i Charles V. Thatkara of "Hopelea", ods of manufacture and other production techniques' enable weekend. Dr. Baki is ~ere. on the Shrewesbury, N.J., Mr. and Mrs. KI 3·2080 us to offer much better carpet today than ever before (in the World Health Orgam.zatlon ex· Norman B. Browning of Green· ~~~~~~~~~I!!~~~~~! ~ )0 recent past). ' change program studYl?l! at ~e ville, Del., and Mr. and Mrs. Sam- "§IRUWIIIIIIIIIJIUIUIIIIIIIIIDnIlIllIIUWIIIIUIIIlIIUUIIIlIIIIII[O Gra~uate School ofI M:dlClne, Um· uel D. Clyde, Jr., of Wallingford. g § F o r example, we can offer a good.looking, hard.wearing . verslty of Pennsy vanIa. Mr. and Mrs, J. Paul Brown of" I! ~ carpet in all.wool or wool.and.nylon, at $7.50 per squar~ 01 Mr. J. Rohert McHenry ~ho Walnut'lane sail today aboard the C -=~_'" yard. We can also offer an office.quality carpet in all·wool teachers and coaches at Washing. S. S. Mormacmail from New York Served Daily at $12.00 per square yard. Either of these can also be o'!ered ton and Lee University, Lexington, City for a three month trip to Cape 5 g '"" in odd widths as well as in the usual 12·ft. and 15.ft. WIdths, 01 Va., is spending his two weel<; mid· Town and alon'g'the east coast of § Both Hot & Cold Dishes! /'" avoiding waste. semester vacation with his mother, Africa. Mrs. William R. MeHenry of ParMr. and Mrs. W. R. Thomson reo ~ $1.25 ieg One of the best values is 50 I NYlON carpet, priced at $10.00 rish road. This weekend Mr. ~c. cently moved from 19 Benjamin = '" square yard. Breath.taking beauty combined with exceptional GI I II The Bouquet I BEAUTY SALON S eIa.... I Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. . I MI I • TREE TRIMMING TRANSPLANTI NG for our WINTER SALE I ending January 30th BUY One Dress at Regular Price You Get a Second Dress for Just I $1.00 • SWEATERS 1h PRI'CE • MANY OTH ER BARGAI NS . RUTH D. HANLEY DRESS SHOP • .--= 'HOW DO YOU BU y nARPET'. What is' the right price to pay for carpet? .-, BuHet Luncheon I I !~:~~;~~ :;~ra~:;!;£;:tM~ :r=:=~=:=r~=:=e=ri=:=~=~=h=:=:=l=p=I!=:=n=f=: .:~=u=~ =:=~:;, i! Williamsoown, Mass. ~ ••thadlst w,s,e,s. "Almost-New" SALE Annual WILLIAM PENN TOUR ,THURSDAY, JAN. 28 FELLOWSHIP lIALL-l'art Ava, Led by Eue~1 Gibbo~s • Watch for detaIls of thiS exci' ting 1960 tour of England and the Continent. Artieles May Be Donated or Writ. now for Folder :,11 'laced on Consignment ed J 27 BRING Artides· W ., an. 12·SP.M.-6:JOoI:JOP.M. SALE - Thurs., Jan. 28 , UI. 10 • P.M. SETTLEMENT - Fri., Jan. 29 Can · I :::::~i:'i:::::~~~ ::::n~:::~~~ Buffel Dinners E ~ =~ 5_ ~Thursday 5 to 9. Sunday 3 to 8ft)o ~ ~ ~ THE WILD GOOSE i II LO 6 · 1 8 0 8 ' RIB I DELAWARE COUNTY oute, a timore Pike TRAVEL ACENCY II S. ORAN&E ST. I'" ~ ,, $2 75 ; 9 (4 Miles Wm of Media) i 'A It, ~W "., " fl liE JS~ "'." M.lle.1I ......'1IIc • & C....,':~!1tt_. "', Complete Prke RaIllO • KI .rlt.,.. lIP ID. ,. ' oocI 3-6000 - CLear brook 9 4646 n~ /II , ~ V >~~ . . . . KNOWS Carpet Brooke CoHman lamed , Head Lacrosse Coach 'as Military' Ti'ainllig Officer reo and who died in 1953. Mrs. weh./ of Swarthmore College, clau of sponsible for the'inllitilry training ster was 79 years of ageandwa. 1901, and is survived by nlec.. and of Aviation Oadets. Since leaving born in Chester County near Ken· nephews and other distant rela. Across the hsll are heating and the service, he has been a sales rep. nett Square. She was a graduate tives. maintenance areas, and a' health Willis J. Stetson, director of auite with a room for boys and an~ athletics at Swarthmore College, resentative in the Philadelphia area other for girls, a dressing room bas announced the appointment of and has played two sea80ns with the Brooke P. Cottman, Benjamin West CHECK _ BRAKES GULF liAS end OIL with curtain"'l booths, and an ex· ave" as head coach of lacrosse at Philadelphia Lacrosse Club. Stetson also announced the ap· STEERIN8 and FRONT END DELCO BATTERIES amination room. Adjacent is the Swarthmore for the 1960 season. WE REPAIR All M ' faculty lounge which will double as Cottman' replaces Avery F. BI~ke, pointment of Eugene Heaton as as· sistant coach. A Swarthmore grad. AKES OF CARS a meeting, room for the School Amherst avenue, who has taken uate, class of 1955, Heaton played Board. At this end of the building over as head lacrosse coach at the four years varsity lacrosse in colD "- . of Pennsylvania after near the au dlwnum, a new door hUniversity . lege and was captain of Swarth. RUSSELL'S SERVICE 'from the courtyard eliminates trav. :~ng served for 29 years 8S coach more's 1955 team. Previously, he Opposite Borough Parking Lot el through the auditorium., 1m.;. ~ctosse at Swarthmore. In his KI 3·0440 Dartmouth & Lafayette Aves. had played lacrosse at and attended proved for use as an interim, class.. Ina acrosse season at the college the Baltimore Friends School. He is room the hack.stage room in the cast spring, Blake led the Garnet currently a graduate student at \" Closed Saturday 12:30 P.M. auditorium will now be used as a to ,the Pennsylvania·Delaware In· the Wharton School of the Univer. .tag'; crafting area. FOllOerly such ~ercollegiate Championship. Under sity of Pennsylvania. He replaces ~.::: work had to be done in hallways. Cottman, Swarthmore will be out Henry Ford who wlll serve as asto defend that title in 1960. Library. Sci.nco Expand , ~ Cottman"s lacrosse experience si~tant to coach Blake at Penn. U'" the first flight of stail' Zeta win meet on Thursday at 8 p.m. at the home of Anne Shute~ Havertown. Bank ~nd Trust Company -, THE ::='e=4==:::;~=;;-;;;:;;;;~ __1John Bird Named THE SWARTHMOREAN P8g Senior Posl Edilor PUBLISHIlD IlVIlRY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORIl, PIlNNA. ARJORIE TOLD Publishfl1'8 PETER E. TOLD. M, , Phone KIngswood 3-q900 PETER E. TOLD, Editor Barbara B. Kent, Managing Editor Rusalie D. Peirsol It::t!' :,o~~~! Ben Hibbs, editor of The Satorday Evening Post, that associate edi~or Johnannounces Bird has been 'promoted to senior editor. Mariorie T. Told ----, " te January 24 1929, at the Post Enu"r£"(, Sit (;f)(':;';'~ Class. at rd' the 'Act o'f 'larch 3. 1879. -' P 8., un er " Office at Swanhmore, DEADLINE WEDNESDAY NOON Y JAN 22 1960 SWARTHMORE, PENNA., FRIDA,. ., Bird, who lives on Oak Crest lane, Wallingford, is a native of Hays Kans., and worked on th.c Hh~YhS h'l t'll Ig Daily News w Ie SlID school.' He became a free-lance writer while a student at Kansas State Page 5 , -DicK -FRANCHETTI - tELEVISION, 30 YALE AVENUE' MORTON. PA. TELEVISION _ HOME ,Ind AUTO RADIO - .~HONOS "Bring It to Us or We'll Come to You d 4 1028 ~~~~~~~~~~K~I~n~g~S~w~OO~~i-~iiiiii~~~~~~~ ••••••• DOMESTIC RUG CLEANING SPECIAL 6 9 8 Xx 12 9 x 12 - $$36.500 0 $6•50 $8'00 $10:00 = 9 x 15 x 18 _ 9 10 X 12 x 12 X 12,x 12 x 14 12 15 18 20 _ _ _ - $8.50 $9.00 $12.00 $14.00 $16.00 0" rlen Ia,I H k Bral"ded and CoHan RuO's College and sold his first story to METHODIST llITES Country Gentleman, a magazine he 00, D PRESBYTERIAN NOTES ' Church School classes for all ages as to help edit a decade later. 6 X 9 _ $4.00 9 x 15 - $10.00 Morning Worship will be held at begin at 9:46 a.m. Sunday. Thcro \V In the intervening years, he help8 10 $700 10 x 14 - $11.00 9:15 and 11 o'clock Sunday mornis also a nursery for infants to d I'n his father's grain b u s i n e s s , X • ing. Deacons elected at the ~nnual two years of age during this hour. e 9 x 12 - $8.00 Meeting on Wednesday.of thIS week served as secretary to a congresswill bc ordained and installed at At the identical services of war- man was an associate professor of the 9 :15 service. The newly el~cted ship beginning at 8:46 and 11 'ou:nallsm at Kansas State. did Ruling Elders and Trustees WIll be o'clock Sunday Mr. Kulp will give J ublic relations for the U.S. DeRUeS SALES & SERVICE ser- ,p d Id PI ordained and installed at the second the third subject theme Jin his' S partment of Agriculture an so 86 WEST CHESTER PIKE BROOMALL, • ics of sermons based on esus er- stories to newspapers such as the 26 I .... I 2 5630 service. EL 6-2962 HI 6-4700 IYIChurch School classes are held at mon on the Mount, under the theme Kansas City Star and to magazines 9:15 and 11 o'clock., The Adult Holy Habits". A boutSpeaks From the Mount - sPost. uch as The Saturday Evening Study group meets at 9 :15, the "He The Senior Hi Fellowship group Bird joined the staff of the Post Women's Bible class at 9:30, an~ will be entertained at the parson- in July, 1966, and shortly therethe Senior High group at 10:30. The Junior High Girls' Choir will age for supper at 6 :30 befor~ after spent eight months in the rehearse at 4 p.m., and the Senior senting their program. of Christian Middle East on an Eisenhower ExTHE ,PRICE? work in Africa at the School of hange Fellowship studying the High Choir at 6 p.m. c . . M1 We conduct services to suit your budget 5510D5.; political situation in Egypt, Sudan, The Senior High group will meet The School of Missions program Israel. Bahrain, Kuwait, Lebanon, at 6 :30 p.m. The Rev. T. R. Scott ; •• and all receive the same meticuwlll lead the discussion on "What will begin at 7:30 p.m. in Fellow- Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. lous aHention. ship Hall. The youth Fellowship, 'Bird's new position will be listed Is the Church 1" Morning Prayers are held Tues- under the direction of Edward for the first time in the masthead Thorn" will present a dramitic of the January 23 issue of the Post. days at 9 :30. program on the Christian work in The Sewing and iBandage groups Atrica. will meet at 10 a.m. Wednesday. 1 ••lcrOD O. PUNIIM. 1111111" IIOTES The Quarterly Conference NomLuncheon will be served by Circle '820 CHESTNUT STREET inating Committel:,'Wili meet with A celebration of the Holy ComS Chairman Mrs. Oscar Hart. ouva H. ~ _ MAIY A.IAII, , Circle 2, Chairman Mrs. William the pastor on Monday at 7 :30 p.m. munion will be held at 8 o'clock Hannah Circle w.iU )11eet, at tho Sunday morning. At 9 :30 there will Ward, Srd, will meet at 10:30 WedTeI"phene LO 3-1511 be a service of -Morning Prayer, nesday morning. home of Mr•. Alfred H. Williams, and all dep~rtments of the Churl!lr School will meet. A service of Morn. lingfard at Providence 8 p.m. on 'l'uesday. '. . CHURCH SERVICES 217Mary North road,'WalCircle will meet at the hom. ing Prayer WIll be' held at 11:16., , _____ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH of Mrs. William Plummer, 20P Those 'serving as ushers will he D. Evor Roberts, Minister Swarthmore avenue, Folsom, at 8 as follows: Robert O. Browne, Aasoc. Mlnis.ter p.m. on Tuesday. At 9:30 a.m.-Steve K. Ip, head and Mini.ter of Christian Education Miriam Circle will meet at the usher; W. V. Thomas, Jr., alter· Sunday. January Z4 home of Mrs. Clyde Cowart, 1604 nate; C. S. Brown, Theodore 9:15 A.M.-Morning Worship From Camera Items on down to a good assortment Blackrock road at 8 p.m. Tuesday. Haehle, C. W. Randall, Jr., H. G. 9:16 A.M.-Church School Ruth Circle will meet at th. hon,e Toland, W. C. Wilburn, and R. M. 9 :15 A.M.-Adult Study' of toys and hobby items for the inevitable 9:30 A.M.-Women's Bible Class of Mr•. Charles Swartz, 228 Rut- Woods; at 11:15 a.m.-,W. N. Ryer10 :80 A.M.-Senior High Group ledge avenue, Rutledge. at 8 p.m. son, head usher; ,E. O. Cramp, albirthday parties. 11 :00 A.M.-Mor~t':isWorship Tuesday. ternate; W. M. Bush, R. H. ,F~I11 ,00 A.M.-ehu " ' chool E.ther Circle will meet a~ the 10ws;F. R: Gray, ilinl'n. D. Hulme. 6 :30 P .M.-Sr. Hi,th Group home of Mrs. Don Comer, 3U4 Dick. E.Y.C. will meet at 6 p.m. SunTuesday, January 26 inson avenue, at 10 a.m. Wednes- day, .and at 8 p.m. a celebration of 9 :00 A.M.-Morning Prayers Wednesday, January Z7 day. the Holy Communion will be held. 4-6 Park Avenue. Swarthmore. Pa. 10:00 A.M.-Sewing and Bandage Cottage Prayer meeting will be On Monday, the Convers;,.n of Group Open Friday Evenings Until Corpus Christi Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don St. Paul, there will be eelebration, KI 3-4191 8:00 P.M~ - New Testament W. Dlckinson,105 Park avenue, on of the Holy Communion at 9:30 Study Wednasday at 8 p.m. George Pratt' a.m. will be the leader. Mission Sewing will, begin this ': The Church Choirs will rehearse Tuesday at 10 a.m. The women will on Thursday with Mr. Sc!tt.ler, as meet in the Cleaves. Room and will follcws: concern themselves with working Carol Choir, 3:45; Wesleyan on sewing projecta for the Diocesan Choir, 4:15; Chapel Choir, 7; and missionary effort and for the NaChancel Choir, 8 p.m. in the Chapel. tional Church's program for overseas and domestic missions. The TRINITY CHURCH FRIEIIDS MEETING NOTES women of the parish are urged to The Rev. Layton P. Zimmer, Rector The Adult Forum for Sunday join this group. Sunday. January Z4 The Women of Trinity will hold will present Mrs. Galia Bodde, who 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion will speak on "Russia Revisited". a Board Meeting at 10 o'clock Tues9 :SO A.M.-Morning Prayer Mrs. Bodde is on the staff of the day morning. At 7 p.m. a zone dinChurch School Russian department at Bryn Mawr ner meeting will be held at the home 11:16 A.M.-Morning Prayer 6:00 P.M.-E.Y.C. College. In the summer of 1958 she of Mr. and Mrs. William B. Bul8 :00 P.M.-Holy Communion led a group who toured Russia. lock, Sykes lane, Wallingford. Monday, January' 25 Books pertinent to the subjects dis· The regular mid-week celebra(Convers:ion of St. Paul) cussed in Adult Forums Bre fea- tiona of the Holy Communion will 9 :30 A.M.-Holy Communion tured in the Whittier House Lib- be held at 7 a.m. and 9 :30 a.m. Wednesday, January 27 rary Room. Wednesday. Bible Classes will meet 7 :00 A.M. - Holy Communion. 9:30 A.M. - Holy Communion. at 10 a.m. and 1 :30 p.m. There will 8:00 P.M.-Evensong , WITH AN CHRISTIAII SCIEIICE IIOTES be a service of Evensong at 8 p.m. Tbursday, January 28 Spiritual understanding of God At 9 :30 Thursday morning there 9:30 A.M.-Holy Communion as divine Truth brings mankind aswill be a celehration' of the Holy [0 :00 A.M.-Healing Service surance of healing and redemption Communion followed by a Service THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY -tbis is a theme of the Lesson-Ser- of Healing at 10 o'clock. At 10 :30 OF FRIENDS mo entitled "Truth" which will be a.m. the Women's Study Group will Sunday, January Z4 read at ChristIan Science seI'Vlces meet. 9 :45 A.M.-First Day Sehool You'll not only cook better, but you'll 'fhe Prayer and Worship Group 9 :45 A.M.-Adult Forum. "Rns- Sunday. Scriptural passages will include will meet at 10 :30 Friday morning, sia Revisited". Mrs. Galia Bodde, enjoy cooking more - with a gas range. a member of the staff of Bryn the account in Luke of the healing and at 8 o'clock that evening a desMawr College. Modern gas fedtures make everyday 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. by Christ Jesus of the maD "which sert and square dance, sponsored Children cared for in Whittier had a spirit of an unclean devil." by the Evening Group of the Womcooking chores a snap. There's even a (4:33-36) en of Trinity, will be held. House. Monday, January 25 thermostatically controlled top burner that All-day Sewing for AFSC UIIITARIAIl NOTES makes every pan an automatic utensil. , Wednesday, January 27 The Reverend Leon Converse All-day Sewing for AFSC Cqok meals that are sure to please your family Fay, appointed Director of tbe FIRST CHURCH OF Department of the Ministry of the on a modern gas range. CHRIST, SCIENTIST American Unitarian Association, SWARTHMORE will be the speaker at the service Park Avenue below Harvard WEST LAUREL HILL Choose your new gas ranae Sunday. Sunday, Jannary 17 Mr. Fay has been a 'major source al your dealer'S or any ~ 1'1 :00 A.M.-Sunday School. 11:00 A.M.-The Lesson - Senno"; of support and advice for the local any day from 9 to 4. Pili/adelphia Electric suburban showroom. Pulpit Committee in addition to will be "Truth". • ....... Ave a _ CiIy liM Wednesday evening meetinK eaeb supplying it with a snbstantial list , taIo-Cynwyd week. 8 P.M., Reading ROO1II, 409 of candidates for consideration. He Darbnouth A..enue, OJ)etl week- brings a personal message to the PHILAQElPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY SIao> '" ()II;ca at CIodI T_ daya holidaya, 10-~ i Pri. for OU'J • • membership 8lUI concncatiOll. • dal'nen\Q, '7-t. GEORGE SHIRADEH & SONS ~~~5~"~5~";5;";!$i;,~;5;,"';;5;~;5;"';";";.";";"~"~"~"~"~"~5~~~"'~~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~"~:!';'~~"~"i"I"~"~ • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. _on! I-=!~;;;~~;~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=j WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SOME MID-WINTER SPECIALS The Camera & Hohby Shop a 1===================:=_=========:' BE A BETTER COOK ... VISIT beautiful Newcomen SOC. Honors Clarence B. Campbell 'Practical Politics' Nora WaIn Is ,Guest ',' County Federation ' Discussed at LWV Spealcer at Club Tues. ,Meeting Set for Thursday thers' Night Dinner on January 14. Mrs. J. Harold Dumm followed Mrs. Delaware County Democrats are (Continued from Page 1) The Delaware County Federation Reynolds with a current review of out to make Republicans, not Demo- the blitz and later took in child of Women's Clubs, Mrs. W. IJashley the clnb and its activities. This year College Avenue Man crats, a strong minority party, as- refugees whose parents were mem- Nelson, Jr., president, will meet at m,.ar, kS,_the clUb's 20th anniversary. Receives Gold serted Ch~rles F. ~epburn, County bers of the underground in Norway DemocratIc Chlllrman,at I the Il11d Czechoslovakia. She also ad- the Twentieth Century Club of Medal Swarthmore League of Women Vo- ministered the Kappa Kappa Gam- Lansdowne for an all-day session Clarence B. Campbell, College t~r~: meeting on "Practical Poli- rna Faternity relief fund for the on Thursday. avenue, chief engineer of the Westhomeles. children in Europe. In the morning at 10:30 Mrs. inghouse steam division, has been tICS, Monday. However, Hepburn seemed to Mrs. Wain's prewar books, "The Earle A. Brown, president of the N" ...d oil new "PP,oollch, • ne" vision or reYlsion selected to receive the Gold Medal of yoa, .goal, or work7 Send for fr.e folder J. Federation will Sinc. of the Newcomen'Society in North agree with Phothonotary HO'jVa,rd House of Exile" and "Reaching for Pennsylvania 1937. KlnCO!swood 3.2022. America "in eonsideration of his F. Reed, Jr., Republican spoke.- the Stars" interpret the Chinese speak on state projects. Those wishTOMLINSOIl COUNSELORS many outstanding achievements in man, that "Republican or, Demo- people apd the Germans. Her post.. ing to attend and vote on the pro- 546 Rutgers Avenue' Swarthmore. Pa. the utilization of steam for the ben- crat, the important thing is to play war articles in the Saturday Eve- posed amendments to the bylaws efit of mankind." ' a part in .government. People who ning Post and The Atlantic Month- may obtain delegates' credentials do not at least communicate their Iy are first-hand studies of the from the president of the local club Annual Cirl Scoul'Q { The award was presented at the COOKI E SALE , society's annual dinner at Franklin thoughta to those in government EUropean and Far Eastern situa- Mrs. W. Alfred Smith. Past presi: are. falling down as citizens of the tion. She was sent to Germany foldents of the county will be honored STARTS JANUARY 29tll Hall of the Franklin Institute there Umted States. They have only lowing the allied victory to talk during the morning meeting, among 450 per box All Flavors Wednesday of last week. themselves to blame, for governwith German people. With the cowhom will be Mrs. John E. Michael I [Proceeds Go +0 Girl Scouts I The Newcomen Society, whose ment will be no better than the operation of the Army of Occupaof Swarthmore. Mrs. S. Blair Luc~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ headquarters are in London, cenpeople want it:" tion, she was given every oppor- kie, first president of the County r ters its work in the history of acSwartbmore's Democratic Chair_ tunity to study reactions of the Federation, also a member of the Todav-Tesl-Drive +he Now 1960 complishment.. which have contribman Mrs. Lois G. Peterson and ReGermans in large cities and vilSwarthmore Club, plans to attend uted or are contributing to the pro_ ,pUblican Chairman Edward B. lages and to visit Austria and other this meeting. ' gress of mimkind. Its name perpetuates the life and work of Thom- Mifflin, local committeemen and former puppet. countries of Nazi- Mrs. Francis H. Forsythe, a mem- \, Victor Supar 4.Door ber of the local club, has heen asked as Newcomen (1663-1729), the committeewomen, and guests from dom. 50 At present Mrs. Wain, who is to be hostess. Mrs. Forsythe is proOnly British ploneeJr who contributed neighboring areas add.d to a fine Improvements to the newly-invent- membership turnout at the first of of Quaker parentage, is living at gram chairman of the County Fed"Can't Be Beat for Quality four luncheon meetings being held ~endl~ .Hill, where she is engaged eration. ed steam, engine. ..-:lInd Economy" by the League this season at tbe ID WIltIDg a new book. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Also 4-000r Station Wagons The Newcomen Gold Medal is Methodist Church. 'ADDRESS MOTHERS' CLUB , Available given In America not oftener than H epburn procIaimed he would not GI'rl Scout Coo'-,'e Sale " Mrs. Joseph Reynolds, who servonce every three year8, Teport society officials. It was last given in want a minority representative re· (Continued from Page 1) ed as the second president of the q uired on local government bodI'e. the Poconos wh,'ch ha b seen name d Mothers' Club and was one of its 1956. A com1!1ittee is organized nn_ 11th and Edgmor.t der the Committee on Science and because such regulations usually "Hidden Falls". ' founders, traced the hist;;,ry of its TR 6-3314 the Art. of 'Franklin Institute to "form a .trap by which the majorDuring the Neigw,.;rhood Assoc_ inception when the club held 'a Fa. select and reeommend persons to ity party' manages to own and run lation meetl'ng T ues d ay evemng, tI;=-receive the award. the minority as a subsidiary"'. He'd tentative plans were also made for . Mr. Campbell began his Westing- rather see one party or the other a Girl Scout Rally t 0 b e h eId ID take over local boards an' d be reMarch durl'ng ann I G' I Be ua Ir ou t house career as a technical apprenfor them. Week Mo th 308' I' d h sponsible tice at the steam division' in 1919. . re an glr • an t eir He then progressed through varThe Democratic chairman would parents will take part. ious turbine engineering assigu- like, to see his party. adopt the Mrs. oDonald Grose presided and ments before becoming manager of GOP s system .of supervIsors to re- also announced that a Red Cross including Parts Coverage the engineering department in presen; commItteemen and leaders First Aid class has been started for 1944. In 1952 be was promoted to of vaIlons areas. News was broken the Junior High School girls. consulting engineer, and two years th~t Swarthmore's area ,represent- Am~ng the leaders participating later 'he wa,.. named chief engineer atJv~ o~ t~e County Republican Or- are Mrs. Maurice Webster, Mrs. for the division. ganlzation s Board of 15 Supervi. Robert Detweiler and Mrs. L.C. He received the Westinghouse sors, Walter Weaver, will soon be Gatewood. Order of Merit the company's a borough resident, having pur· ~""""~..,.,.,.,""~ highest honor, in '1942. He also has chased the Melvin Wliiteleather TH,OM SEREM BA received the membership standing house at 632 Magill road. UPHOLSTERY and SLIP caVERS 200 W. Ridley Avenue of fellow of the American Society Functioning of both parties from 8 Vea;. of Swarthmore Referenc.. Ridley Parlc of Mechanical Engineers, and a workers with a precinct up to Over 30 Years' Experience dis tin gu i shed alumnus citation county executive committee and se_ Pllone SHARON HILL OT3( IN A RUT? VA UXHA' LL $1,98l Loughead Pontiac , GET .. _ COMPLETE BJrner Service * and ATLANTIC HEATING OIL VanAlen Bros. KI 3-4142 LE 2.2440 ~~E~s~ti~rn~a~tie;s~W~~it~h~a~u~t~O~b~li~9~a~ti~o~n~~~~:-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;::;=;:~~=~~ - from the collegeof,ofMichiga·D. engin'eering at' ed: leetion of candidates werefrom'the describ- "':;~"5~"~~li.!$K""""'" the University In reply to. a qnestion He is a member of Franklin In- floor both Reed and Hepburn stastitute, Engineer's Club brotwo ken. Phone KIngswood 4-0204. "'I saw it In the Swarthmorean." 1M1'II. Thomas 1III00re, Mrs. Ford Rob-I J h B b ,- R • Inson, Mrs. Frank Wildebush, IIIIrs. 0 n ro ec.. ecelves. A. Wesley Hoge, Mrs. Charles BroHonorary Law Degree Saturdar's Program gan, Mrs. Louis Dethloff, Mrs; Dr. John R. Brobeck of Vassar Program Cancelled for Griffith S. Townes, Mrs. Brodie Crawford. avenue attended and participated N ext Saturday Captain IIIIrs. David Speers, Mrs. in the recent science symposia held January 30 Rodney lIIIiller, IIIIrs. Walter Lar- at Wheaton. College, Illinois, JanuCanteen tomorrow wiIl be a Reg- son, Mrs. Frank Alexander, Mrs, ary 7 and 8. ular Canteen with dancing and Albert Bullard, Mrs: Herbert EdDr Brobeck . f d cards under the supervision of, ney, M~s. Robert Solts, Mrs. Stan. . ,s a pro essor an Anthony Pinale, in Donald Hender-/ley Steciw, Mrs. James Livingston chalf1nan of the department of son's absence. Next week there will Mrs. Frank Mulloy, Mrs. Jack physio~ogy at University of Pennbe no Canteen in observance of the t .Cushing, ·lIIIrs. Arden Johnson, Mrs. sylvama, and an alumnus of WheaJunior Assemblies for grades nine Clark Allison, Mrs. Lucien B'lr- ton College. and 10 and class parties for the nett, Mrs. Richard Eckenroth, IIIIrs. He was presented the honorary 11th and 12th grades. J 08eph Layton, IIIIrs. Thomas Lin-I degree, doctor of laws, by President Two weeks ago at the Talent ton, Mrs. Don Dickinson, Mrs. Edith V. Raymond Edman of Wheaton Show, that had an audience of 218, BI'Ilck, Mrs. Albert Baskin, Mrs. College, at the Founder's Days contwo groups played and won $6 for Aaron Fine. vocation, January 9. He was also each group. They were Andy HopResidents are advised that dur- given a Centennial award at the kins and Sandy Newcomb from the ing the week preceding the ';'arch science banquet for his outstanding Episcopal Academy who played two pamph\l!ts will be left at thei; contribution to society as a son of electric quitars; and Phil Beards- doors, one of them a questionnaire Wheaton College. ley who played the druins with which the, National Foundation I-F;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ Dave Grooters at the piano. When hope they will fill out for its comthe high school gets back to regular, pilation of statistics. These quesa en Ine sessions, there should be time for tionnaires may be handed to the spacial new combos and singing groups to volunuteer calling on Thursday Portrait practice and then 'Perform at Oan-' night. . I 8 x JOin de luxe folder teen. .... • Last week with 144 attending (tbe Senio.r Class was conspicuously absent), a Scavenger Hunt was Philip Mayer held at the opening of Canteen. 15 South' Chester Road The articles to be observed were a Swarthmore Studio 01 Photography rubber band, blue pencil, toothpick, Swarthmore on Location Cleaning :~~~~~~~~~~D~~IWANTED cove facilities. Swarthmorean. Ilealar 811t881 fllt~Me-~.#1 Rump lb. 280 Yellow Sweet Potatoes V~w.o..£~.' . bakes for your pleasurel Strawberry O~ange or Lemon CHIFFON CAKE SAVE lOci Light 'n' Deliciousl Spicily Iced! ea. 49 c Princess Table Napkins :;~::k :";,~;..:d pkgs. pkss. pink Daluxe Toilet Tissue ~~:~~: :~:: or pink Princess Aluminum Foil Princess Wax Paper Dacorat~ Book Matches 5 2 2 3 490 ron. 43c 25ft. rolls 100 ft. rolls pka•• 350 of 50 ~~~~7 - .. 18e 490 uu:<., Fresh Spinach ~. 170 ::''' 330 Reg. 39c Value! Banquet Br;and Fresh Apple or Cherry • • FROZEN PIES I SAVE 17c • I 6 of 400 SI 4 of 80 390 SSe •I I 2D BIG WEEK! PAPER SALE! Princess Facial Tissues • • leg lb. Extra Large, "Citrus Fruit King", Easy to Peel enlple Oranges Lam'ons ..... 55' 3 . 22-oz. pkgs. '1-00 Specian Save 20cl Acme's Own Household Kee Liquid Detergent 22-oz. can 390 1.0c Off Labell Acme's Own Creamy, Smooth Ideal Peanut Butter 20.0.. ia, 45° Joan of Arc Brand Kidney Beans 2 15-oz. ca •• 25° 2 d ... 99< Why Pay More? For eggs at your doorl Ideal Large Eggs B? Big New Economy Sizel Same Delicious Flavor! -.N%'··lnstant -Coffee SWAlmiMORl STORE, Chesl. Road \. ~ Open Thursday and Frrd~ Evenings ..., 10 Family-Size l0-0z. jar '1 35 , " THE 'SWARTHMOREAN l'age8 " L"lv"lngston Renamed E'IectToL'brary, Directors morrow an dUd Mon ay "t h 'Te School Aut orl Y (Continued from Page 1) I Howard G. Livingston of Rutledge was reelected to his second five-year term on ihe Swarthmore.. Rutled e Union School Authority War I. He is an elder and former trustee of the Swarthmore presbi5 terian ,Church and taught for h years in its Church School. T e g M for Wednesday evcning by the School Philadelphia District ~nager _ Keeler E Company, Botler Manu Board, . . facturers, ' The request of Mrs, Pnscllla he an d Mrs. Peel. make av'f t he h' h m at 107 ColumbIa Swan for part-time status or t elt 0 e . h~ approaching semester, was honored nue. They ha~e three chl~~;en ~n: by the Board, Anthony Gena of used the LIbrary ,stea I ~ eers Upper Darby a graduate of Lock daughter Mrs, Davldh M. h!'ld n' ' C II D has tree eIre Haven State Teachers a ege, was rew avenue". he Lilec ted to tske over most of Mrs. equally enthUSIastIc about t A e I Th ' Craig is an rmy Swan's high school geometry c ass· brary. elr son M es for the remainder of the school private ststioned at Fort Kn~~·U ~. year. He will also observe Mrs. Peel is a graduate. of Cor~e . ntSwan as she continues with a spec· versity in mechamcal engmeerm~ ial senior geometry group under Frances J, Bouda, 21 DartmfO\ the Yale program. avenue, has been a rn~mber 0 ~e Joan M. Bortz of 636 Cresson Franklin Institute LIbrary .Co lane was added to the high school mittee for several years. He 's the stsff as switehboard operator and head of the Patent Law Depart.; secretsry. ment of Scott Paper Comppahn.r ~nl Russell Jacoby, West Chester, the vice-president of the Ia ewas named collector of delinquent phia Patent Law Ass~ciation •.He is per capita taxes. a graduate in mechamcal e~gmee.rA portsble spinet piano for use ing of the University of WIsc,onsm in the upper elementary classrooms and in law of the Temple Unlverswas ordered from Upper Darby ity Law School. A resident of the Piano Center, low bidder, at a cost Philadelphia area for the past 17 of $360. Nine fire extinguishers years, he and his wife have resided costing a total of $167 were order- in Swarthmore for the past four ed for the new high school from years. They have two sons, one in U. S, Fire Protection Company. the fourth grade and one in nurA four-day extension of sick leave sery school. The family is enthuswas granted Virginia Allen, girls' iastic about using the Library, Mr. physical education airector, who Bouda is chairman of Cub Scout hss been ill with phlebitis., Pack Committee, Swarthmore Pack It was reported that School Di- 432. rector Newton Ryerson had suffiMary Virginia Harris, Lt. Comciently recovered' from his recent mander USNR, served as Assistant au~rnobile accident to returnPrinci· home last Saturday. Supervising pal Frank R. ?liorey, injured in the same collision, _remains in Chestnut Hill Hospitsl. Schedule Thursday for Report Card Talks Mrs. Ned Pyle presided at the midwinter meeting of the Parents' Council on Tuesday January 19. Thomas Boyle gave "a presentation on the question of reporting to parents and the difficulties involved. He showed samples of the report cards to be used this year as a trial, along with conferences, and presented three teachers to explain them - Mrs. Abbe Enders, Kindergarten; Mrs. Janet Groff, first JBDua.rY 22, , , he recalled of The Swarthmorean staff, Mrs.! moreSicte In those dd';i:~day games. h . naUstic the a ur day an Hulme continued er' Jour h' d,'scover v that Porter brought . d ,comm unity ser· 'he I pucks. S .extra sticks and even inter,est in vane war'h. • the • vices. As a mem ber af the S d'ted skates for t\>os. games. H e more Junior Club Board, she e ~r stayed 'afterwards to help the little the club paper and,served as ~ ICi boys He was the originator of hoc· ity chairman. Sh~ is a me~h~r:h key ~t Hershey. Trinity Church m whose b f Percv Belfield Michigan avenue. h I h te ches is a mem er a I • " h M W 'te Se 00 s e a , h Who played lacrosse WIt r. 81 , the evening group of ChUbric. :~mfenr recounted anecdotes portraying his f II h died pu ICI., a d and Holiday last a Fair. an She acted in the for~er f te nimate as "not Ita was e· the m:U" Afterwards euslve that. Mr. Waite would stl'Il Players CI ub pro duction of Tead es divulged house o~ the ~u,:ust Moon and 0, be playing lacrosse if there was a dramaltc revlewmg. . place to hold the games. Florence J. Lucasse" past preslThomas B. McCabe, South Chesh W Club of dent of t e oman s , ter road president of Scott Paper Swarthmore and present chatrmatn Company' statl'ng that he had done D rtmen , of the club Literature epa , business with ~r. Waite for more is a resident of Dartmouth House. th n 32 years described his non. She is a graduate. of ~alamazo.o ~ssure sale;mansbipJ and comCollege and the Umverslty ,of !ented on his desire to help others. cago with a masters degree.m . uMr Blake concluded by reading cation from Harvard UD1vers~tYh' ome' of the telegrams and letters She taught Lstin at Cendtrafl Hlg ~rom all over the country, Japan, School, Fort Wayne, In" or 30 ~~_ years. Miss Lucasse :ame to .~" , Swarthmore in 1949. She IS a memo ber of the Writer's Club of Dela. ware County and leader of its artiele workshop. She has also served the Woman's Club as publicity chairman, and corresponding secretary. She is a constant and devoted user of the Library. WOOL DRESSES 1h Porter Waite Honored At Testimonial Dinner, More' than 260 'athletes and friends ()f Porter H. Waite gathered Wednesday night "to psy tribute to a guy who has don'e a lot for most Df us." The tpstimonial dinner held in a Springfield inn, pri,ce SWEATERS 20% off HATS - $2.00' IH Call aDoefor Yes, by ail means call a physician when there is any question that an illness Qr injury may be serious. A ','stitch in time" may sav-e a great deal of nc~cilcss suffering. And ii's cheaper too! Also. I"e jure to brln;,;. us.your , ,:,,:-~scrJPt1om;. CATHERMAN'S JOYOE LEWIS DRUG STORE 13 South Chester Road Klngswood 3-0586 :~~~~~~~~~~~~""~"'g~~~~~~~~~~~§~-§-§~~~ ,... Librarian Swarthmore lic Libraryofinthe 1957, a post shoPubresigned to travel abroad with her mother Mrs. Shirley Borden with whom Miss Han-is makes her home wasanclimaxed the recorder presentation of electronicbytape and speaker, and the "announ~ement of Mr. Waite's honorary Life Membership in the National Lacrosse in thc Swarthmore A'Partments. In 1954 Miss Harris was Periodical Librarian at West Chester State Teachers College. A native of St. Louis, Mo., she graduated from Washington University there and received a masters degree at University of Chicago.,For four years prior to World War II she was Assistant Dean at Maryland College for Women. In 1942 she joined the Navy, one of the original 18 WAVES, and served as the officer in charge of instruction. She is the author of "Guide Right", Navy Handbook for WAVES and. SPARS Coaches Association, 24 North Lansdowne Avenue Lansdowne In remarks that were chafing, Our 15th Year kindly and affe~tionate, spokesmen from the fields of basehall, General Electric Appliances and Television and lacrosse, and from t~e huslOe~s Air Conditioners _ We Install Any Malee world honored Mr. WaIte for blS contribution as a player and c~ach, BEFORE YOU BUY • • • • . h' 'te °t a busmess " P d S and .or IS 10 grl Y as • Check Our Discount flces an ervlce man. '. I I . Check 11 Merchandise Is New 1960 Mod, els Mr. WaIte, who has heen an a around athlete and co~c~ for mo,:e HENRY MACATEE _ MANAGER years than anyone defmrtely spe:lfied, has oper~ted an. automobIle sales and servtce ststlOn at Ya e For Low Dric:es _ Just Call and South Chester roads for 34 • years. C L Wilcox MA3-0767 , WILCOX APPLIANCE CO. h~key " D rt Our Television eAlce epa men t Anne Johnson '. . • WINTER DRIVING AII·Wanted Coat Styles All Fa!11ous Wools ... and All Just PORTER H. WAITE, Inc. Peter E. Told Yale Avenue and Chester Road Swarthmore, Poll. All Unes oIlnsurclnce Klngswood 3-1250 • •_01lBl&.a, Klilgswood 3-1833 STATE INSPECTION ENDS JANUARY 31st the March 01 Dimes • fashion lined and detailing. All famous name woolens, tweeds, plaids, and solid colors. All the newest styles in colors, petites, wom~n's and half-sizes. Support THE SWARTHM the • March 01 Dimes VOLUME 32 - NUMBER 5 Swarthmore, Pa•• Friday, Janual1Y 29,1960 Hirsch, Peel Elected T L"b B d 0 I rary oar Dancing .Classes Will Meet Sat., and Monday' $4.00 PER YEAR \ Resume Old Schedule In New H. S. Monday Junior Olub Fashion Show Set for Tuesda, Intermediate Assemblies will After three and a half semesters Exhibit to Give meet Saturday, January 30. The The Annual Meeting of the on split sessions since its maill Card Party, Dessert Also ninth grade class will meet at 7'45, Swarthmore Public Library Asso- building burned in April 1968, Preview for New , with Mr. and lIIrs. Krenikoff as dation was held in the Council Swarthmore High School will reP;lanned for Gala Class Term hosts, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. chamber on January 26, 1960. turn to a single session on Monday, Evening The Community Arts Center on John S. Torrey, Mr. and Mrs. Following closing of the polls at February 1. The school day for the Rogers lane, Wallingford, is hold- George L. Shoemaker and Mr. and 8 p.m. and a counting of the bal- remainder of the year will include The Junior Woman's Club of ing Open House on Sunday from Mrs, Howard Jackson. lots, the judges of election inform. a music period from 8 a,m. to 8:42. Swarthmore promises a gala eve3 until 5 p.m. as a preview for the Tbe 10th grade class will he ed the hoard that Dr: Rudolf Hirsch The morning homerooms fer at- ning on Tuesday when the club classes that start the following chaperoned by hosts Mr. and Mrs. of Benjamin West avenue and H. ten dance and announcements will sponsors a Benefit Card Party and Monday and run through May 14. Herbert E. Michener and assistants Lindley Peel of Columbia avenue begin at 8:45 a.m. The Junior High Fashion Show beginning at 8 p.m. The occasion will be highlighted Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Gray, Mr. and had been elected by members of the lunch period will be from 11 :26 to at the Woman's Club on Park av&by the opening of the Twelfth An- Mrs. Robert Frost" and Mr. and association ,for three year terms to 12: 11. Senior High lunch period nue. nual Students Exhibition, and by Mrs. Edward Dungan. fill the two vacancies on the board. will be from 12:161<\1 p,m. Spring fashions by a local store demonstrations of ch.sswork by The Swarthmore Junior Assem- Mr. Gowing announced that Mrs. The conference and assembly will be modeled by members of the the faculty and members. blies will be held Monday, Febru· Peter E. Told had been allPointed period will be from 2:45 to 3:30 club. The models are Mrs. Joseph William W. Price, i>resident, ary 1, at the Woman'. Club. Host- to serve a two year term as a repre- ,p.m. Other school activities will he_ Carr, Mrs. Charles Carroll, Mrs. S. says, "This opportunity is design- ess and assistants for the sixth sentative of Borough Council. gin at the close of the regular ses- H. Miran, Mrs. Brooke Cottman, ed to acquaint the public with the grade will be Mrs. Edward W. CosBoard Treasurer Richard K. sion-3:30 p.m, Mrs. Donald Aikens, and Mrs. John variety of artistic endeavors offer- lett, Jl\, Mrs. Robert Bird, and Noye reported the anticipated reDuring the rehuilding of the Torrey. ed by the staff of the center, as well Mrs. William A. Welsh. ceipts for the budget year were ex- school, grades 10, 11 and 12 have The international affairs comas a chance to meet prospective Those for the seventh grade pected to be about $16,600 and at attended from 8 a,m. to 12 :26 p.m. mittee is making the arrangements teachers on an informal basis." group will be Mr. and Mrs. John the halfway point in the year ex- with grades seven, eight and nine for the evening of fun. Members New courses have been added and P. Espenschade, Mr. and Mrs. penditures were almost ,precisely occupying the same rooms in the are Mrs. Howard S, Gilliams. chairold favorites expanded to accom- Stokes Burtis and Mrs. Douglas over half this amount. unburned section from 12:30 to 6 man; Mrs. Wilfred Brown, Mrs. modate public needs. Interests for Davidson. Librarian Bettina Hunter's an- p.m. James Bryan, Mrs. Thomas Jones, the whole family are emphasized. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Kamp nual report for 1959, the 30th anniJr., Mrs. Gerald Perry, and Mrs. On the children's level, Eleanor will be hosts for the eighth grade, versary for the library, entitled Gordon Wahls. The donations will Mead will teach the pre-school assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Albert "On the Line for '59", showed regenable the club to contribute group; Pearl Z. Ross, music work- Stamford, Mr. land Mrs. Carl At- istration of 3604 active patrons af. through the Save the Children Fed_ shop and recorderj Barbara Graves kins. ter dropping 704 inactive members eration to the schooling of Nelson and Jean Proctor, the Junior Theduring the year. The book collecAnnual Affair Will Benefit Yellowhair, a Navajo Indian boy. atre; Walter Omler, woodworking; tion was strengthened by the addi_ Members of the American home CARE, UNICEF, Int'l Jeanette Wolff, ceramics; Emma tion of 2151 new volumes during committee who are helping with tbe Warfield, puppetry; Corinne Kauf_ the year, bringing the library's House, etc. refreshments are Mrs. Robert Pemmann is adding social dancing for holdings to 28,463 volumes. The cirPreparations for the Internation- berton, chairman; ,Mrs. Joseph V. sixth anll, seventh graders from 7 b L d culation for 1959 was 96,600; an al Affairs Benefit Dessert Bridge Gosline, Mrs. Raymond A. Hood, 'to 8 p.m. on Fridays, and Lenore Trinity Mem er ive increase of 10,000 over the previous are well under way for the WomMrs. Charles H. Keyes, and Mrs. Sanders has expanded to an adHere for 35 year and more than twice the cir- an's C1uh Tuesday at the clubhouse. Walter T. Schleyer. ....nced ballet class following her Years culation of 47,000 experienced in Mrs. Harold C. Williams, acting A Reciprocity was held Tuesday beginning one for children. " C I' Ch' t' G'I 'dow 1949, During 1929, the library's chairman.. end a ,large committee evening at the clubhouse, to which rlS Ie 1 es,d WIw Teenagers art interests are pro- f .lUrs. W ltee 18C G'I initial year of operation, the total will use t h e proceeds f or CARE the officers of the Delaware County a vided for by Elizabeth Raleigh and W a dad r : ht' ~s'TPaslse H a! book circulation was 7000. Through packages, UNICEF, Internatinoal Federation of Women's Clubs and . e nes ay DIg In ay or O S P I - . •. H . Ph'\ d I hi il th ,CyrIl Garde?er. t'd, Ridley Park. She had bean tak- the effeetlVe use of other statis~loal ouse tn I a epa, an e sup- the presidents of the Junior Clubs Adult aPtltndesm,ayoo. ~pand- en to the holtal b S rlngfl"d data .,an,4,a summa~ oft!)e eIght port of a Korean War Orphan, of the County were jIJvited. Mrs. ed through courses 10 pamtlng hy . 'b Ia sfSPt p ,l4., lipe<;liih;t!xhihits arrang~d' for' its , ,;In charge of serving Is-Mrs. Har_ J,oltu M. n. Ward was chairman ef Robert Anthony, Sally Jo'reer, Cyril :m I uh nce her s erm.g:h co:- patron~ during the year. Miss Hun- old L. Jenkink, She will he assisted the affair, assisted by Mrs. Robert Gardener, Josephine Lipton, Kath~ t ra emmtohrr ahge ear1Y35tnR tgee - ter's report documented the con- by: • P arter, An ne R'ch ernoon H a her b ome, u rs tmumg . . I'b rary and J Atk'tnS, .. d Morrow, president of the local club, eMne I ardsuu, a d h h db growth of the l Mrs. Carl. ",rs. F reand all board members. The enter. an W 0 a een. . new serIes pi ann.d by t h e young avenue. h'ef . er U8f th 'A rI V· Its servIce to the Borough and the erick T. An th any, ".rs. CharIes H • tainment consisted of HWinnie the . 't' I' t R Dh et r0. C I engtneer eM me canH' lB_ d' 't' B roo ks " ow J H • Connor, expresslOnls lC rea IS C t·0 k urroun mg eommunl Jea. D" ames Pooh Readings" by members of the Frick. and the painters workshop cod.edse . 0Jrp0r.a1'905nO' arcus 00, She expressed gratitude for the Mrs. Robert H. Depue, Mrs. EdPlayers ClUb of Swarthmore. ~ a d vancedpaIn ' te rB. IB 10 ' une . t'lOllS and en t h ' t'Ie as- ward Cra tsl eYI .w Ge r aid R . -,or W t W• . k RI CODSClen USlae HI Sbts · . f f ' es a1"Wlc, .. 'tt Mrs. e en a gtn IS a remg a h e- A ornln t 25 1900 11{ G'I ."on s Istsnce g Iven b y the sta f f and t h e Gray, ... >uISS AI'Ice ",arrlo, ginmng ,Russian course as well as u';;'s ted 'f llrs'l '6:11was 14 high school student assistants Johan Natvig, Mrs. John W. 0'her intermediate one. Additioual S grha ua act:om. I~·~ ey eg~ ,throughout the year. Brien, Mrs, Arnold J. Rawson, umnae classes include: ehwa": Ivfehm d a h war , Mrs. James O. Stephens, Mrs. Ben. d t' Ed at t e tlDle a er eat. • • h W. " "tra dl ey. Mrs. R . L • Early Amencan ecora lon, F wi " A t am na Winter; photography, Frank ollo ng her marrIage tn p• Thomson, Mrs. O. :J. Welz. E. G. Janosik Will Be Zimmerman; weaving, Robert Staf· ,ponaug, RI. ?n October 10, 1926, The table-setting committee, unFirst in February ford; sculpture, Maurine Ligon; she and Mr. GIles m?ved to SwarthFinal plans have been completed der Mrs. J. Kenneth Doherty, chairSeries creative writing, Kimball Flaccus; more. After occupymg apartments for the 1!)60 Girl Scout Cookie Sale man, are Mrs. Wayne A. Roe and metal work, jewelry and enamel- on Kenyon and Park a.venuesfor a which 'opens today and continues Mrs. Donald S. McNeil. The role of government in meetlng, Miriam Elsbree; pottery, Mar· few years they moved 1Oto the Rut- through the month of Fehruary. Mrs. Arnold Rawson is chair- ing the needs of the citizens-what jorie Stafford; bankei and bonsai, gers aven~e house 30 years ag~.. Tbe Delaware County quota for this man of decorations, assisted by it should do and what it I. doing-,Mary Katsuki; woodworking, Wal_ An actIve .member of. Tn~lty year is 325,000 boxes. A total of Mrs. Wells M. Forbes and Mrs. Wil- is the subject of four talks to be ~r Omler; flower arrangement Church, Swarthmore, M~s., GIles 8~8 boxes have been ordered by !iam H.. Lamason. Dessert is being presented ,at the Forum of Swarth_ starting April 6 with Elizabeth wa,S a past. president of Its Wo.- the 14 registered troops in Swarth. planned by Mrs. E. Dwight 'B.auns, more Friends Meeting during FebCrothers. Two new adult courses I an B Auxihary. She was a Red mo.e. This is an inc,rease' of 1466 chairman, and her committee. In ruary, levelsin of government will to be added are a graphics work- C ross wark er and h a d b een secre- ov~r last year's total sale. charge of tsble prizes are Mrs. be Four discussed turn. The first, talk shop with Alexandra Docili cover- ,tsry of the .])e~aware County. ChapThose who are responsible for the Clarence C. Boston and her com- on Feb. 7 will be on the role .of I'ng color an. d design ex;perim,ents, ter Of.the NatIonal Foundallon for success of t,his year's d. rive are .th,e mittee. Mrs. T.homas K. Brown, Jr" ' woodcuts, SIlk screen and onental In!antI.Ie, P ara Iys Is. "hard-workmg, enthUSIasm _ bu!la_ chairman of tickets, and Mrs. D, av_ the county government, using DeIa. S urVtV10g .are a son; Ch ar Ies, of in~, record keeping, praise-deserv- id Bingham will he at the door. brushwork, and a silk screen workware County as an example: Edshop Wl'th Eleanor Medford. Locksley; tw . • d aughte rs,. Mrs. ing" • ward G. Janosik, associate profese Troop Cookie Cha,irmen u n d e r . sor of political science atwill thespeak Uni_ Registrations will be accepted J ac ks on BIaekma n !>t Wa IIIIIgford the direction of Mrs. Joseph P. On Eisenhower Fe II ows hIp versity of Pennsylvania, Sunday either before or after reo (Continued on PaKe 8, Remington. Guiding the six BrownMr. and Mrs. Charles Heisler of on "Governments in Delaware freshmentaare served. Mrs. Lewis ie Troops are Mrs. Robert G. Hay- Forest lane have as their guests for County and Community Needs." Meliodon will be hostess, ....isted NATURALIZED den, Mrs. Thomas S. Axeson, Mrs. two weeks Mr. and Mrs. Julio AI- On the follOWing Sunday, Febru. by Mrs. John Surrlck, Mrs. Gene Mrs. Maj Ellen Borei of Rutgers Michael A. Hoffman, Mr", S. Dean varez of Buenos Aires, Argentina. ary 14, Guy W. Davis, director of Helbre, and Mrs. Flteh Rile. avenue and her daughter Karin, a Caldwell, Mrs. William Y. Rial, and Mr. Alvarez is one of the Eisenhow- the Joint Sta~ Government Comstudent at PembrOke College, Prov- Mrs. F. Weston Whittier. er Exchange Fellows for 1960 se- mission in Harrishurg, will tell MUSIl ILUB TO MEET idence, R.I., hecame citizens of the Intermediate Scout Troop Cookie leeted by bi-national committees to what happens "When the State The Swarthmore Music Club will United States at a ceremony Wed- Chairmen are as follows: 755 Mrs, travel in this country and transmit Steps In "and on February 21 meet on Sunday evening, January nesday, January 20, in Delaware Henry W. CO.Jlett, 414 Mrs. Din. the information they gather to their Edward Snyder, legislative se": 31, ..t 7 o'clock at the home of Dr. County Court of Common Pleas, McCurdy, 638. ~rs. John S. Torrey, families at home. He is studying i retary of the Friends Committee and Mrs. William F. G. Swann, 609 Media. 744 ~rs. WIlI.,am Gotz, 78 Mrs. education with emphasis on mass on National Legislation, will speak Ogden avenue. The honorahle Henry G. Sweney, MorrIS A. BOWle and 95 Mrs. Wal- media. on the topic, "Government's Job a' Mrs. Mildred Hutchison, pro- president judge of Delaware Coun_ ter Taft. The Exchange Fellowship is com. the National Level." gram chairman, will play selections ,ty. presided. The Bareis were two Senior Troop 331 with Mrs. J. B. prlsed of a group of educated mw The final tslk in the series will for piano and 'cello with Dehorah o~ 78 wh. were formally admitted MIllard Tyson ~ their chai~n from allover the free world WhO be given February 28 by Clarence Reeder. James Sorber will sing a: as U. S. citizens. ~II man " Cookie Booth for nIb- will begin 10 months of work ob- Eo Pickett, executive secretarj grOup of original songs from manSwarthmore Girl Scout Troop 16 bhng studenta at the college two serving and gathering of informa- emeritus .of the American Frlenda uocripta composed hy Mrs. Samuel attended the ceremony, and because d~ys ,a week.. Mrs. James, Taylor tion in all parts of the United Su'"vice Committee. who will speak D. Clyde., ". there Was no sp'!Ce availahle for WIll direct SeDlar TI:oop 16 10 tltelr States. , Ion "The United Natlona and 'World them. witnessed the induction of sale at the local hank each Friday The fellowships were created in Government." TO alrE "lOalAM their troop leader, Mrs. Borei,from evening from 6:30 ~ 8:aO.. 1953 as a birthday gift for the The Feftuary Fornm series ia John RaleiKh .of 'WaIlingf"rd Will, the jurt b o L , This year a spec",1 titort IS be- President. Thomaa B. McCabe, sponROred by the aocial order comgift a half hour documentsry pro-I The trer moved ahead of the cor- well-stocked workshop takes up a responding month last year for the large section of the basement, where first time since April, according to he estimates he puts in pretty nearCharles S. Krumrine, chairman of ly six nights a week. the savings bonds committee for the Mr. and Mrs. Banks have one state. child, Mony, now Mrs. William Pennsylvanians bought ~32,182,- Patton of Haverford place. 369 worth of Series E and H Bonds in November, compared with $31,- ~~~~~" THOM SEREMBA ~ 998,567 a year ago. UPHOLSTERY and SLIP COVERS~ Purchases of Savings Bonds in 8 Years of Swarthmore References ~I!: Delaware County were $578,020 Over 30 Years' Experience during. November. Leroy F. F. Phone SHARON HILL 0134 Wright, Rose Valley, is county bond Estimates Without Obligotian ~ chairman. Heads· 'Special Gifls' For Counly Hearl Fund The 15th Annual Antiques Fair, 'ponsored by the Woman's Club of Swarthmore, will be held March 1 and 3 at the clubhouse, 119 Park avenue. Mrs. H. Leroy McCune, general chairman, has announced that this year's Fair will include displays by 22 dealers from six states. Assisting Mrs. McCune in the preparations are Mrs. Robert Alli_ son, secretary, and Mrs. Robert Grogan, treasurer, and the following chairmen: Mrs. D. Mace Gowing and Mrs. Franklin H. Andrews, admissions; Mrs. Brodie E. Crawford, Mrs. William C. Rowland, and Mrs. Ned Mikusinski, arrangements; Mrs. A. S. Titus, coat checking; Mrs. Wi!Ham Bush, dealer's h?spitality ~ and .Mrs. J~seph StorlaZZl, decoratIOn. ChaIrmen for the food service are Mrs: S. Murray Viele, cashier; Mrs. Lesh~ A. Wetlaufe: a~d Mrs. E. B. Holhs, food contrlbutIonsj Mrs. J. Kenneth Doherty, planning and preparation; Mrs. W. R. Leeron, luncheon personnel; Mrs. Walter Moir, luncheon service; Mrs. A. Sidney Johnson, Jr., tea; and Mrs. Rob- ert O. Murrow of the Junior Woman's Club, evening refreshments. Other chairmen include Mrs. David Bingham, hostesses; Mrs. R. T. IBates, house; Mrs. John Soule, mailing; Mrs. Arthur B. Kent, pos_ ters; and Mrs. Stanley L. McMillan, telephone. Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster spent Mrs. Furlow's Mrs. Walter B. Cedar lane. Page 3 Jerome Furlow of the weekend with parents Dr. and Keighton, Jr., of fll saw it in The Swa.rthmoreG"" , - STATE INSPECTION - NOV. DEC. JAN. CHECK - BRAKES STEERING and FRONT END GULF BAS and OIL DELCO BATTERIES WE REPAIR ALL MAKES OF CARS ROBERT J. ATZ, Mgr. KI 3-0440 RUSSELL'S SERVICE Opposite Borough Parking Lot Dartmouth 6' Lafayette Aves. Closed Saturday 12:30 P.M. HOW DO YOU BUY CARPET? 4. What are all these carpet sales I notice in the papers? RUTH D. HANLEY DR ESS SHOP Park Avenue Swarthmore. Pa. 104 If you happened to look every week, you would notice sales every week. Some stores just do not advertise in any other way. As it happens, most people just notice such ads when they themselves are looking for carpet, and to them, it looks like something special. PAULSON keeps reduced carpet on hand at all times. These are sold at reduced prices at all times. You will find these completely competitive with anything else you may be attracted to. That ;5 why we say: "PAULSON can meet or beat any special * * Winter Dresses $5.00 sale price in carpet_" Mohawk Carpeting • Complete Price Range • Oriental Rugl Winter Skirts 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. Klngswood 3-6000 - CLearbrook 9-4646 $5.00 ~tPA"'8"'t't· KNOWS Caroet What's Your Choice in a Fine New Motor Car? ~ ~:r;r~V"'\ KI 3-2080 A Compact Economy All-New '60 Valiant A Luxurious New '60 Chrysler Speaking of Savings (or.You Can BANK on This) A New Solid '60 Plymouth ~ I'-=~='(Jjll ~ .~'::J in an AUTOMATIC AS INDIVIDUAL AS YOUR TASTE Annual WILLIAM PENN TOUR Led by Euell Gibbons Watch for details of this exci. ting 1960 tour of England and the Continent. Writ. now for Folder Call LO 6-1S0S DELAWARE COUNTY TRAVEL ACENCY 18 S. OltAN6E ST. , _ _ _ _ MEDIA. PI.. - - - - ' When it comes to the strictly personal matter of your financial .ecurity, your insurance aeeds are as individual as your taste in fine foods. We are always ready to provide you with the P.S., Personal Service. you need and deserve. Peter E. Told All Lines 01 Insurance . . DAB_OUTII U " Klngswood 3-1833 CLOTHES UP -- DRYER! Washday is really bright when you don't have to lug clothes out to hang them on the line. Just toss them in the automatic gas clothes dryer and set the control. Clothes are automatically fluffed dry. Reduce work - and weather worries - with an automatic gas clothes dryer. Choose your automatic gal clofh •• dry., _II at your deal.r'. or allY Phllad.'phla flectric .ullumall sir_room• Nationally. advertised SOO-watt, semi-automatic Slide Projector $51.95. (What! You don't take slides - then don't buy this and already you have saved FACTORY-DIRECT CHRYSLER, PLYMOUTH, VALIANT DEALER $51.95. ) 'For the Bird Watcher - Sx30 Binocluars, including case, $24.95. (You say you raise cats!) Another $24.95 savings. MILEY & BROWN MOTORS English Carpet Bowls $12.95. (Just like bowling on the green instead yO'U use your carpet - you have wall-to-wall linoleum.) Oh well, another $12.95 in the pocket. 36 E. Siale SIreet, Media, Pa. Believe It or Not Our Store Is FULL 01 Hundreds 01 Similar Savings The Camera & Hobby Shop • 4-6 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. KI 3-4191 PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY EXCLUSIVELY YOURS AT SWARTHMORE-MEDlA'S ONLY AUTHORIZED Op&n Friday Evenings 'TII Cofumbus Day LOwell 6·2044 LOwell 6·3545 "Where Service Is Best and Prices Are Less" (FREE PICK·UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE) Next to A & P Supermarket - Drive Right In for Free Parking ·~~::~==;;;:~~~~;~~~~~7;;=====~~~: THE .SWARTBMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY fRIDAY AT SWARTHMORe, PIlNNA. PETER E. TOLD, !o£ARJORIE TOLD, Pu.blu.Mr. Phone Klngswood 3·0900 PETER E. TOLD, Editor Barbara B. Kent, M"Mllinll Edit01' · D• P' Sonva Marjorie T. Told RUSK IIe elrB01 "K . Horneff __ _~._ _.__""";'-:::~J~.~a~'"~... ~'~te~V~.~H::o~w;e;2;-i9:w.-;:iU;;:p;;,;t January 24, 1929, at the Post Bo"n"Co a' H...:.·",~ Class JoIatter, • A f M reh 8 1879. Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the ct 0 a, DEADLINE - WEDNESDA1: NOON SWARTHMORE, PENN.A., FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 1960 ' fRtllln IIOTES FRIENDS MEETlla NOTES . " . The Adult Forum on Sunday m Holy Commumon will be c.ele the Meeting House will be conduct- brated at 8 o'clock Su.nda y mornll~g. ed by the High School Friends Fel· At 9 :30 a.m. there Will be a ~~rvIC: lowship. They will present. a pa?el of Morning Praye~ anfd M u~c discussion on "Religious EducatIon School, and a service 0 onllng in First Day School." All are cor· Prayer will be ~eld at. 11 :15. Us~. erg for the serVices Will be as f · dially invited to atte"d. I ows: UNITARIAN NOTES At 9:30 a.m.-E. E. Wrege, Guest speaker at the Delaware head usher; C. M. Waterbury, al. County Unitarian Church Sunday ternate; C. R. Cacace, W. B. Halla· will be Caleb Foote, Benjamin West day, E. M. Hillary, R. H. Maxwell, avenue, professor of "a~ at the William Nelson, and H. P. Sta'?'" University of Pennsylvama and s~n ford; at 11 :15 a.m. - C. C. Walhn, O f Unitarian minister Henry Wtl- head usher", George Chang, alterder Foote. His topic will be "Human nate; J. W. Jones, S.·D. Reynol dS, Righta and Law Enforcement." R. G. Tressler, a~d G. S. Valenine. Mr. Foote, a graduate ~f H~r. The E.Y.C. will meet at 6 p.m. vard, Columbia, and Umverslty of Pennsylvania, hasthe been a m.ember of the Pennsylvania ~ar smce 1953. His fields of specialty are mminal ta~ and procedure and family law. He has served as a co~. sultant to the United Nations' dl· R' hta vision _O_f_H_u_m_a_D_'__Ig___ CHRISTIAN SCIEIICE NOTES How prayer enables man to cope effectively with the problems of daily living will be brought out by the Lesson· Sermon Sunday at Christian Science services, the title of which is "Love." CHURCH SERVICES and 8 o'clock a service ning at Prayer will be held. of Eve· A celebration of the Holy Com· Munion will be held at 9:30 Tu."s. day morning after which a meetmg of the Altar Guild will be held. There will be a celebration of the 'I k Wed Holy COmmU?iOD at 7 0 ~ oc .' nesday mornmg and agam at 9.30. Bible classes will meet at 10:30 a.m. and 1 :30 p.m. At 8 o'clock a service of Evensong will be held. Holy Communion will be c~lebrated ,at 9 :30 Thu.rsday m?rnm~, at 10 0 clock a Heabng ServIce WIll be held, and at 10 :80 a.m. th~re will be the regular monthly meetmg of the Women of Trinity. Lunch· t' eon will follow the mee mg. ~~~~I:!;:;;;';;;;:";''''.';.;o.o se=rvre=':e,=G:I:.ra.::r,.,d..:C.::I:.:O..:th..:i..:er..:,--:...;.:,.....1·..:.a;..t..,.9..,.:..,.16;...;.a.. ~. ,.d. ,.1~1. 'The Womell'. Bible TEI IIETHODIIT I•• alii MacAlpine Dino McCurdy, cla.s will meet at 9 :30. Church School c aSSes for ' P dd' J . will meet at 9 :45 aoDl. There dolph Miller, Carl a IsDn, ames The Senior High group Will meet ~~ nursery for infanta to two Reynolds, Stephen wahmW:~ hid at 6:30 p.m. for a "Sock Hop". years old conducted during tm. Church School e)aBSes e hour. At the identical services of wor· ship beginning at 8 :45 and 1.1 o'clock, Mr. Kulp will use h as. hiS sermon subject, the fourt ID ~ series oC sermons based on Jesus Sermon on the Mount. These are und.r the theme, "He Sp.aks From I Swarthmore, Pa. 13 South Chester Road the Mount." Sunday's subject is "Abollt Anxiety and Trust." . Mr. Kulp will conduct the fnst: instruction of the Confirmation for Youth of the sixth grade and abo~e at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon m his study. This group will meet each Sunday at this time to be prepared for reception into full membership 405 Dartmouth Ave.; Swarthmore JANUARY CLEARANCE JOYCE LEWIS I I f the church on Palm Sunday. The W.S.C.S. Executive Board '11 meet at the church on Wed. WI. nesday at 9 :30 a.m. All 0 ff'Icers are urged to attend this meeting. Cottage Prayer Meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sharer, 44 Yale avenue, Wednesday evening at 8 'o'clock. Mrs. Au~stus Nicholas will be the 0 Specializec/lnstrul:tion including GUITAR Open House&Registrofion for S'PRI N'G TERM COMMUNITY ARTS CENTER 12TH ANNUAL STUDENTS' EXHIBITION - , ORGAN Sworthmore College STRING PLAYERS- We Carry a Full line of PIASTRO WONDERTONE STRINGS Expert Repair Service KI Open D.lIy II· 5 Also Frid.y Eve. Trial Rental Plan Pianos. Organs 4-5448 r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i-' ____ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH D. Evor Roberta, Minister Robert O. Browne, Assoc. Minis.ter CONFORMING TO and Minister of Christian Education mann, Henry Bunker, Richard Sunday, January 31 THE BEST. Draper, Peter Kent, Charles Kent, 9:15 A.M.-Morning Worship Chuck Maschal, Graham Patterson, An outstanding Buddhist statesman 9:16 A.M.-Church Sehool Alan Shoemaker; at the 11 o'clock said recently to representatives at a 9 :15 A.M.-Adult Study religious conference: "It will be to 8 :80 A.M.-Women's Bible Class the detriment of th.·world .if you or. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship all conformists. You should conform 11 ,00 A.M.-Chureh School only to that which you think isbes.:' 6 :30 P .M.-Sr. High Group It is that kind of conformity, common Tuesday, february Z to 011 truly religious persons. that 9 :00 A.M.-Morning Prayers Unitarians seek. This way of lif•• how· Wednesday, february 3 everdemands much of the individual. 8:00 P.M. - New Testament But through our church we may Study strengthen each .other in our determination and aid each other in our MgTHODlST CHURCH The Rev. John C. Kulp, Minister search for the best. If you are looking WEST LAUREL HILL for such a church. won't you visit ·us Charles Schisler Sunday morning? Cf?fWI turd Nic.taI Minister of Music w.......... Sunday, January 31 UNITARIAN CHURCH 21 ........ ,,_ 1..!a.Cynwy4; "'8,45 and 11 :00 A.M.-Mr. Kulp Old Marple Road. Springfield . MOhawk 4-1591 will preach. 9 :45 A.M. - Church School 4 :00 P'.M.-Confn-mation Cia •• '1:00 P.M.-Jr. and Sr. Hi Fellow. ships TIUNITY CHURCH The Rev. Layton P. Zimmer, Rector Sundsy, January 31 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion 9,80 A.M.-Morning Prayer Church School 11 :15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 6:00 P.M.-E.Y.C. 8,00 P.M.-Evening Prayer , Wednesday, february 3 7 :00 A.M. - Holy Commun!on. 408 Rogers Lane 9:80 A.M. - Holy Communion. 8 :00 P.M.-Evensong Wallingford, Pa. Thursday, february 4 9:30 A.M.-Holy Communion 10 :00 A.M.-Healing Service THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS BALLET MUSIC Sunday, January 31 9 :45 A.M:.-First Day School 'PUPPETRY 9 :46 A.M.~Adult Forum. Panel I WOODWORKING Discussion on Quaker :religious I education in First Day 8ehools. CRAFTS Conducted by High School THEATER • 'FrIenda FeUowship.. 11 ,00 A.M.-Meeting f?r Worsh.lp. Children eared for IR Whittier CERAMICS WEAVING lIouse. ' , Monday, februsry I PAINTING SILK SCREEN WORKSHOP All·day Sewing for AFSC Wednesday, february 3 AUoday Sewing for AFSC LANGUAGES GRAPHICS FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST SWARTHMORE EARLY AMERICAN DECORATION POTTERY Park Avenue below Harvard Sunday. January 3 t FLOWER ARRANGEMENT JEWELRY H. ,00 A.M.-Sunday 8ehool. 11:00 A.M.-The Leason· SennOD "Will be "Love!' PRE·SCHOOL GROUP . ORIENTAL TRAY ART Wednesday evening meetlug each I week. 8 P.M~ Reading Room, 409 DaItwouth Aven.... o~ week· SCULPTURE DANCING Can _ p t hollda,., 10-5; I'ri· '!-_-'-___________- -___________.I ..,.., IDC, ,... CREMATION ACCORDION ANN HEATON - Head Major.H•• TWIRLlNG- leader. The church choirs will rehearse as follows on Thursday _ Carol Choir'3'45' Wesleyan Choir, 4:15; 8Chape'I Choir, 7'J and Chancel Choir, ~:~ Sacrament of Infant Bap. tism will be .administered at 2 p.m. S d February 7 at the o~.:n ;~ose with children for cb urt~ . ked to notify M ap Ism are as . r. Kulp as soon as possible. _ __ PRESBYTERIAN NOTES youth Sunday will be celebrated at services Sunday at 9 :15 and 11 a.m. The J uni~r High Boys' and Girls' Choirs will participate in both services. "Younger Organists" will be at the console. Theme of the services will be "Thy Kingdom ••• 0 E rtb" n a • Ushers serving at the services are from the ninth grade: At the 9 :30 service, David Beck· - AI/Instruments • NON.SECTARIAN services to families of all denominations. • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DI ••crOB O. PUNIIALI 1820 CHISTNUT STREET MAftt A. lAIR. Pr.d... TalaphonalOa-Ull BETT~R SERVICE WITH BUSES? SPEED COMPARISON Mlles/Hour Division 11.5 11.3 13.3 22.1 Ardmore Rail Sharon Hill Rail Media Rail *Norristown Rail Average Bus 13.2 West Chester Bus 16.8 ·Rail operation is 10 be conlinued • Red Arrow running time to West Chester was reduced after buses replaced Trolley Cars. SERVICE Since a bus seats 45 passengers and a. rail car 61 passengers, more frequent service would be provided to carry the same number of people, which would' cause increased p a t r o n a g e . ·.. ~ COST For the first nine months of 1959 Red Arrow costs per mile were over 93c for the rail cars aod 48'kc for buses. Spot checks of comparable properties indicate thai buses cost 45c less to operate per mile than cars. \, On its private rights of way, Red Arrow would give bette, running tim. with a saving In cost Of operation Ie$timated at $2OO.UIlO per year lor the three rail lines). a more frequent service and Students Hold Musicale Plano students of Robert Ke ·lgh. ton held a musicale in his home on How to apply God's healing pow· Cedar lane Saturday, January 23. er to solve problems of .everyday Original compositions as well as living will be the topic of a public standard classics were included in Jecture to be given Tuesday the program. Wally Campbell open. nlng at 8:16 by Paul Stark Seeley,1 ed the pro.-am with "Valsette". of Port.Iand, Ore. Mr. Seeley,a member of The Mr. Keighton added an original Christian Science' Board of Lec. piece by Mr. Campbell. tureship, will speak at First C:huitclill Miriam Taylor performed "The of Christ, Scientist, in the church Rider" and an original piece ·'Barnedifice, at 206 Park avenue. His yard Dance". "Moon Shadows" and "Blue Bells of Scotland" were per. formed by Dave Krendel who added his own piece, "Lilly of the Valley." Charlie Parker played "Waltz of the Christmas Toys", "From the Wigwam" and "The Birch Canoe," the last two of whicb he had trans. posed into the key of G minor. The Beethoven Minuet in G was rendered by David Roberts. David ·I·also p'ayed his own piece, "Spirits Walking". Karin Sundquist chose HThe Beaumont Tarantelle" and her own composition, 4IThe Country Dance." Toccatina by Kabalevsky and :aD original piece, "The Circus Clown," were performed by Sherry Haight. Eric Sundquist offered his own pfece~ "The Royal Procession," and I ..ubJect will be "Christian Reveals Spiritual Forces in tion." The lecture is free, and local members have invited the public to attend. The lecture will be bt<.ad·1 cast over a Chester station, 1590./ Mr. Seeley has been prominent in the Christian Science movement for many years. He has served as associate editor of the Christian Science religious periodicals, and as president of The Mother Chut<,h,1 w. offer fun.ral ouva H.IAIR. Pound. Paul Seeley to Lecture To Christian Scientists to throughout in audiences Boston, Mass. He hastheI..wo,rldLi ,torelll A member of the bar in York and Oregon, he is a graduate of Harvard Law School and Prince· ton University. Prior to devoting his full time to the practice of Christian Science, be was associated with an engineering firm in Northwest. I "Spinn~ng )!~~; avenue Mrs. Corben C. Shute of Maple ~f~t~h~e~S~h~u~tsa~u~nt~n~S~u~n~d~aY~.~~ii Is motoring to AnnapoliB, "t:he Son.g of: releh. J.enmfer Haight c( t~e mUSical p~rt;, of the. p~~gra~ ~Ith Beetl1o."en s Fur Ebse. Rel~. tlves an~ frl~nds attended the mUSI· cale. which mcluded refreshm?nts prOVided by Mrs. Walter B. Kelgh. ton. 0 M d . ' , today where she "ill meet her son David who is a midshipman at Naval Academy. They will return for the weekend accompanied by midshipman Jim Shaw of Char. lottesville, Va., who will be a guest Roofing, Siding Spouts and luHers Wallingford HEADS SKIDMOIIE PRDIRAM Porent Teochers Auociation 'Mrs. J. W. Hollander of Og:del111 avenue is in charge of _the mid.1 winter luncheon meeting of Ray OAIICE Frida" Flbruar, 26 eenefit Scholarship Fund J. Foster LOwell 6-6569 Sal~ur·1 t:==:===L~O~6-~56~70~:==:=:4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Skidmore College day, January 30. Club on iVirginia V. Vigneron, eastern Area Director of the Penn .. 1 sylvania Citizens' Committee for 30 YALE AVENUE MORTON, PA. Health and Welfare, will be TELEVISIOIL - HOME and AUTO RADIO - PHOIIOS speaker for the luncheon to be "Bring It to Us or We'll Come to You" at the Women's University (;1111), I Klngswood 4-1028 Philadelphia. DIOK FRANCHETTI - TELEVISION "q.r#:, 0'( Q;~ "X~ .~~~ I' 10 II· ~ ===;1 I CLEARANCE SALE 20 to 25% Off Shirts, Blouses, Skirts, Sweaters, Slacls, Bermudas, Dresses, Car Coats, Ski Pants and Blazers I.l.Pre.Tcen 6 to 14 Junior 1; to 15 1(1 I' JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB Benefit Card Party and Fashion Show /// !I '" . It from RUTH HANLEY STORE B P.M, - 9 SOUTH O. RANGE sT..• MED IA.~P1\0 A TUESDAY, FEB. 2nd $1.25 Donation PHONE, LOWELL6-6225 • "'Coo ,-,,".... : . Friday Evening until 9 P.M. . Daily 9:30 to 5 P.M. WOMAN'S CLUB .", , :~;,;,~~~~~~~~~~;.;,~iiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiu;.~~~~~~~~~;:;~~-~-~-iiiiii-~-~~~;,;;~-~~~~-~-';,;;~~~~-~~-~'~'~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii +IIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIUIIIMIDDIlHlIUIIDUlllllUlUmuuIHIIIIDIIllIUIIIUDUlHUlUltaUWUblHDHDlWIIIIClIW.IDlWInlUlJDDUmrllnllntnDlIIlIIlIIlllUmlllJIIIIIDlJIlIIDlIIIUlIllIIllllllDlIllllllIIllUDIIlll1lIlICIIIIIIIIIIIIDDmJlIDDDIUllnnmannmuliLUDAWliL. JOIIiS CONCERT TOUR Louise P. Johnson of North Chester road will tour Pe,nnsyllva·1 nia and New Jersey with the B'lck:·1 nell Uliiversity Women's Glee C11~b I when the group makes its annual I mid-winter . concert tour month. Louise is among 75 students selected to present & series of 12 concerts in 10 cities between J anu· ary 31 and February 4. The club will sing Sunday night at 8 p.m. at the Logan Church, 13th and Ruscomb streeta, Philadelphia. In addition to singing with club, Louise is assistant m'lDu,ge:rl of the musical organiz·ation. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. ney JohMon, Jr., she is a senior Bucknell. where she is studying for the degree of bachelor nf science in music education. Match Show Planned For Local 'Dog' Pupils The Dog Training Sehool of Del· aware County will hold a Match Show for ita pupils on Wednesday evening at Swarthmore High >School. A new course in obedience t·\ ing will start on Wednesday ning, Fehruary 10, at High School gymnasium with ginners classes at 7 :30 and 8: and Novice and Open classes 9:30. PLANNIHG ATR.l'l Around the Corner or Around the W odel ••• SEE US For FREE Information and Reservations OIIioial Agont. for All Air and YOUR CAR, TOO, IN CARElESS HANDS Steamship Companies as W.II a. freighter Ships MUNRO' TRAVEL SERVICE "ONE CALL DOES All" C-I4" TI 1·1111 7 S.Chester Rd.,Sw,artf"mol,e' THE BOUQUET E. L • --------------------SWARTHMORE CO-OP NOYES and CO. THE SWARTHMOREAN PORTER H. WAITE, Inc~ BAIRD and BIRD THE INGLENEUK • PETER E. TOLD J. A. GREEN D. PATRICK WELSH SWARl"HMORE TO~GERY SHOP PROVIDENT TRADESMENS BANK and TRUST CO. SWARTHMORE PRINTING CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE • , CCJ. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE SWARTBMOREAN SWARTBMOREAN Page 4 at 9:15 and 11. The Women's Bible service Girard Clothier. Gordon all IMacAI~ine. Dina McCurdy. Ran- class will meet at 9 :30. THE SWARmMOREAN PUBLIS HED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORIl. PENNA. PETER E. TOLD. MARJORIE TOLD. Pub lis h..,.. Phone Klngswood 3-0900 PETER E. TOLD. Editor Barbara B. Kent. Managing EditfYI' IIn.alie D. Peirsol Sonya K. Horneff Marjorie T. Told Jeannet;te V. Howe .. :M tt January 24, 1929, at the Post ~nterl'f. Of, ;';P<'!#'1" Class a cr" r 1\1 reh 3 1879. Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act 0 a, DEADLINE WEDNESDAY NOON SWARTHl\'ORE. PENNA., FRIDAY. JANUARY 29. 1960 I ::~~~~:·~:::~~=::::::.-=r---~;:~:;--;;;;;;--IRINI" NOTES FRIENDS MEETING NOTES . The Adult Forum on Sunday In the Meeting House will be conduct· ed by the High School Friends Fel. lowship. They will present a pn~el discussion on "Religi()U5 EducatIOn in First Day Schoo!''' All are cordially invited to attend. UNITARIAN NOTES Guest speaker at the Delaware County Unitarian Church Sunday will be Caleb Foote, Benjamin West avenue, professor of la~ at the University of Pcnnsylvama and S?" of Unitarian minister Henry \Vllder Foote. His topic will be "Human Rights and Law Enforcement." !llr. Foote. a graduate of H~ryard, Columbia, and the UniversIty of Pennsylvania, has been a member of the Pennsylvania bar since 1963. His fields of specialty are 'criminal law: and procedure and family law. He has served as a consultant to thc United Nations' division of Human Rights CHRISTIAN SCIENCE IIOTES How prayer enables man to cope effectively with the problems of daily living will be brought out hy the Lesson - Sermon Sunday at Christian Science services, the title of which is "Love!' CHURCH SERVICES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH O. Evor Roberts, Minister Robert O. Browne. Assoc. Mini~ter and Minister of Christian EducatIon Sunday. January 31 9:15 A.M.-Morning Worship 9: 15 A.M.-Church School 9:15 A.M.-Adult Study. 9 :30 A.M.-Women·s BIble Class 11 :00 A.M.-Morning Worship 11 :00 A.M.-Church School 6:aO P.M.-Sr. High Group Tuesday. February Z 9:00 A.M.-Morning Prayers Wednesday. February 3 8 :00 P.M. - New Testament Study Ml!:THODIST CHURCH The Rev. John C. Kulp. Minister Charles Schisler Minister of Music Sunday. January 31 8 :45 and 11 :00 A.M.-Mr. Kulp will preach. 9 :45 A.M. - Church School 4 :00 P:M.-Confirmation Class 7 :00 P.M .......Jr. and Sr. Hi Fellow_ ships . Ie Holy Communion wIll be c.c • bratcd at 8 o'clock Sunday morm~g. At 9 :30 a:m. there will be a serVIce of Mornmg Prayc: and Chu~ch School, and a service of Mormng Prayer will be ~eld at. 11 :15. Ushers f.or the serVices wlll be as follows: At 9 :30 a.m. - E. E. Wrege, head usher; C. M. Waterbury, alternate; C. R. Cacace, \V. B. Halladay, E. M. Hillary, R. H. Maxwell, \Villiam Nelson, and H. P. Stamford; at 11 :15 a.m.- C. C. Wallin, head usher; George Chang, alternate; J. W. Jones, S. D. Reynolds, R. G. Tressler, and G. S. Valenine. The E.Y.C. will meet at 6 p.m. and at 8 o'clock a service of Evening Prayer will be held. A celebration of the Holy Communion will be hcld at 9:30 Tuesday morning after which a meeting of the Altar Guild will be held. There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at 7 o'clock Wednesday morning and again at 9 :30. Bible classes will meet at 10 :30 '.m. .and 1:30 p.m. At 8 o'clock a service of Evensong will be held. Holy ·Communion will be celebra ted at 9 :30 Thu:sday m?rnin~, at 10 o'clock a Healing ServIce wdl be held. and at 10:30 a.m. th~re will be the regular mo~t~ly meetmg of the Women of TrIDlt!. Luncheon will follow the meeting. TIUNITY CHURCH The Rev. Layton P. ZimmerI Rector Sunday. January 31 8 :00 A.M. - Holy Communion 9 :30 A.M.-Morning Prayer Church School 11 :15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 6:00 P.M.-E.Y.C. 8 :00 P.M.-Evening Prayer , Wednesday, February 3 7 :00 A.M. - Holy Communion. 9 :30 A.M. _ Holy Communion. 8 :00 P.M.-Evensong Thursday, February .( 9:30 A.M.-Holy Communion 10 :00 A.M.-Healing Service THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Sunday. January 31 9 :45 A.M.-First Day School 9:45 A.M.~Adult Forum. Panel I Discussion on Quaker religious I education in First Day Schools. Conducted hy High School Frlenda Fellowship. • 11'00 A.M.-Meeting for WorshIp. Children cared for iA Whittier House. Monday. February I All-day Sewing for AFSC Wednesday. February 3 A1!-day Sewing for AFSC FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST SWARTHMORE Park Avenue below Harvard Sunday, January 31 11 :00 A.M.-Sunday Sehool. 11:00 A.M.-The Lesaon - Sermon will be "Love." Wednesday evening meeting each weo!k. 8 P.M., Reading Room, 409 Dartmouth Avenue, open weekuys except holidays. 10-&; Friday even!nJr. '-9. CONFORMING TO THE BEST An outstanding Buddhist statesman said recently to representatives at Q religious conference: lilt will be to the detriment of the world if you are all conformish. You should conform only to that which you think isbed." It is that kind 01 conformity. common to all truly religious persons, that Unitarians seek. This way of life, howeverdemonds much of the individual. But through our church we may strengthen each other in our deter. mination and aid each other in our search for the best. If yau are looking for such a church, won't you visit us Sunday morning? METHODIST lITES Chur~h School cl.~';;"es mfo~ere dolph Miller. Carl Paddison. James The Senior High group Will meet ages will meet at 9. a two Reynolds Stephen Wahmann. is a nuraery for Infan . Church School classes will be held at 6:30 p.m. for a "Sock Hop". years old conducted Qurmg tUlS bs to hour. At the identical services of worship beginning at 8 :46 and 1.1 o'clock, Mr. Kulp will use a~ hlS I sermon subject, the fourth In ~l series of sermons based on Jesus I Sermon on the 1\1ount. These are I under the theme, "He Speak~ Fro~. the MounL" Sunday's subject lS. "Aboyt Anxiety and Trust." . i Mr. Kulp will conduct the fIrst: instruction of the Confirmation for Youth of the sixth grade and above at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon in h' t dy This group will meet each S~n~:y ~t this time to be prepar~d for l'eception into full membership f the church on Palm Sunday. 0 The W.S.C.S. Executive Board will meet at the church on \Vednesday at 9 :30 a.m. All officers are urged to attcnd this mceting. Cottage Prayer Meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sharer, 44 Yale avenue, Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Augustus Nicholas will be the leader. The church choirs will rehearse as follows on Thursday - Carol Choir;3:45; Wesleyan Choir, 4:1?; 8Chapel p.m. Choir, 7; and Chancel ChOIr, The Sacrament of Infant Baptism will be administered at 2 p.m. on Sunday, February 7, at the church. Those with children for baptism are asked to. notify Mr. Kulp as soon as possible. PRESBYTERIAN NOTES Youth Sunday will be celebrated at services Sunday at 9 :16 and 11 a.m. The Junior High Boys' and Girls' Choirs will participate in both services. "Younger Organists" will be at the console. Theme of the services will be "Thy Kingdom .•• Ou Earth". Ushers serving at the services are from the ninth grade: At the 9 :30 service. David Beckmann, Henry Bunker, Richard Draper, Peter Kent, Charles Kent, Chuck Maschal, Graham Patterson, Alan Shoemaker; at the 11 o'clock CREMATION WEST LAUREL HILL CItopsI and NtCofM Wde.,phon. MOhawk 4-1591 Open House&Registration for S'PRING TERM I All Instruments including CUITAR - ACCORDION TWIRLlNG- ORGAN ANN HEATON - Head Majorette. Swarthmore Colloge STRING PLAYERS- We Carry a Full line of PIASTRO WONDERTONE STRINGS Expert Repair Service Open Dallv II ·5 Also FridaV eve. Trial Rental Plan KI 4-5448 Pianos. Organs '---r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ll" NON.SECTARIAN We offer funeral services to families of all denominations. • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DIIIClOD O. fUNIULI 1820 CHESTNUT STREET MARY A. IAIJ, PmkIoot OUYER H. lAIR. Paund., Telephone 408 Rogers Lane 10 3-1581 BUSES? 12TH ANNUAL STUDENTS' EXHIBITION MUSIC 'PUPPETRY WOODWORKING CRAFTS THEATER CERAMICS WEAVING SILK SCREEN WORKSHOP LANGUAGES F.LOWER ARRANGEMENT 11.5 11.3 13.3 Ardmore Rail Sha ron Hill Ra iI Media Rail *Norristown Rail 22.1 Average Bus 13.2 West Chester Bus 16.8 • Red Arrow running ti",e to West Chester was reduced after buses replaced Trolley Cars, Since a bus seats 45 passengers and a rail car 61 passengers. more frequent servIce would be provided to carry the same number of people. which would cause increased patronage. COST For the first nine months of 1959 Red Arrow costs per mile were over 93c for the rail cars and 48l!!c for buses. Spot checks of comparahle properlies indicate thai buses cost 45c less 10 operate per mile than cars. On its private rights of way. Red Arrow would give a mOre frequent service and beHer running time with a saving in cost Of operation (estimated at $25\1.000 per ORIENTAL TRAY ART !....-------_______________ ~====~~~~====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ day. January 30. ; Virginia V. Vignel'on, S(lutheastern Area Director of the Pennsylvania Citizeons' Committee for Health and Welfare, will be tho speaker for the luncheon to be held at the Women's University Club. Philadelphia. y, 1, ~ JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB ~ DICK FRANOHETTI - TELEVISION 30 YALE AVENUE Klngswood 4-1028 r· % 1, 1ft 1, MORTON, PA. TELEVISION - HOME and AUTO RADIO - PHONOS "Bring It to Us or We'lI Come to You" j. /~ ij. ~ I CLEARANCE SALE 20 to 25% Off l(t Shirts. Blouses, Skirts, Sweaters, Slacks. Bermudas, Dresses, Car Coats. Ski Pants and Blozers ~ Pre-Tcen 6 to 14 Junior [j to 15 !' Benefit Card Party and Fashion Show [_. 'I . fl k 1\ # . -/,1 from RUTH HANLEY STORE B P.M. - 9 SOUTH ORANGE St, MEDIA..PA. TUESDAY, FEB, 2nd $1.15 Donation PHONEI LOWELL6-6225 Daily 9 :30 to 5 P.M. ....... • ~l.(. " Friday Evening until 9 P.M. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::::::::::==~:::::::=.:::::::::::::==~===-=-=-=-=-i=-:=::::===-=-=-=.=~=======:::::::~=~===::::: to audiences throughout the world • in Boston, Mass. He has lectured A mem be r of the bar in New -:-JIIIIIIIIIIIlUIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIUIIIIIDUlIIIIJIIIICIIIIIIHllncIIIIIlIIJIIIUIIIHIIIUllClllllUUJllDHllllllllllculllllnulDllllllllilllClllIllIIlIlIIlIIlIIDlIIlIIllIIllUlIIlIIlII1IIOIIllIlIllIIIUIIIIIIIIJIIIUIJII:IIIIIIIUmIIlJII./IIDlJllllllllllullllmnmDllllllilimolllliullnmmullnmro York and Oregon, he is a ~~:i~~~!: of Harvard Law School and ton University. Prior to de'.otinlrl his full time to the practice of Christian Science, he was associated with an engineering firm in the Northwest. I JOINS CONCERT TOUR Louise P. Johnson of North Chester road will tour Pennsylvania and New Jersey with the Bucknell University Women's Glee Club when the group makes its annual mid-winter concert tour this month. Louise is among 75 students selected to present a series of concerts in 10 cities between J a,nu-I ary 31 a;'d February 4. The club will sing Sunday night at 8 p.m. at the Logan Church. 13th and Ruscomb streets. Philadelphia. In addition to singing with the club, Louise is assistant manager of the musical organization. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Sidney Johnson, Jr., she is a senior at Bucknell, where she is studying for the degree of bachelor of scilence I in music education. Match Show Planned For Local 'Dog' Pupils The Dog Training School of D.Iaware County will hold a Mateh Show for its pupils on Wednesday evening at Swarthmore High School. A new course in obedience training will start on Wednesday ning, February 10, at S",arthlmorel High School gymnasium with ginners classes at 7 :30 and 8: and Novice and Open classes 9:30. PLANNI~G A TR...·' Around the Corner or Around the World .•• SEE US YOUR CAR, TOO, IN CARElESS HANDS For FREE Information and Reservations Official Agents for All Air and Steamship Companies as Well POTIERY JEWELRY DANCING MileslHour year lor the three rail lines). GRAPHICS EARLY AMERICAN DECORATION Division SERVICE Wallingford, Pa_ subject will be <'Christian Science Reveals Spiritual Forces in ACM tion." The lecture is free, and local members have invited the public to attend. The lecture will be broadcast -over a Chester station, 1690.1 Mr. Seeley has been prominent in the Christian Science movement for many years. He has served associate editor of the Science religious periodicals, and as president of The Mother Church. -Rail operalion is to be conlinued COMMUNITY ARTS CENTER SCULPTURE Specialized Instruction - Roofing, Siding Spouts and Gulters J. formed Dave Krendel who added his own by piece, "Lilly of the Valley." Charlie Parker played "Waltz of the Christmas Toys", "From the Wigwam" and "The Birch Canoe," the last two of which he had transposed into the key of G minor. • · ·ID G was The B eethoven l\dnuet ,rendered by David Roberts. David also p~ayed his own piece, "Spirits \Valking". Karin Sundquist chose "The Beaumont Tarantelle" and her own composition, "The Country Dance." Toccatina by Kabalevsky and an original piece, "The Circus Clown," were performed by Sherry Haight. Eric Sundquist offered his Own piece, uThe Royal Prt>Cession," and 405 Dartmouth Ave.; Swarthmore SPEED COMPARISON 21 ....~ A,-q., Bala-Cynwyd, Po. PRE-SCHOOL GROUP Swarthmore, Pa. 13 South Chester Road BETIER SERVICE WITH Old Marple Rood. Springfield PAINTING JOYOE LEWIS Students HoM Musicale I"The Spinning Song of Ellmen-I Mrs. Corben C. Shute of Maple of the Shutes until Sunday. Plano students of Robert Keigh- reich...• ~ennifer Haight concluded avenue is motoring to. Annapolis. ~;;ii~ii;;~~ii~fi:;iiiQ~ t held U • I ,'n h' hom on the mUSIcal part of the program Md.• Ioday where she wIll meet her on a m sIca e IS e . h B eeth oven •8 "F ur Else. I ' " R e Ia-. son D'd ' 'd' WIt av, w h 0 15 a m! F11lpman at C d I day J nua S • ar ane a t ur • a ry 23 . " . h N I Ad' Ori inal compositions as weI! as t.ves an~ frI~nds attended the mUS1- t e aVa ca emy. They WIll ~e. e . I d d' cale whIch mcluded refreshments tUrn for the weekcnd accompanIed tangd d I s ar c asslcs w re mc u e m ' WI' h b 'd h' J' Sh Ch the program. Wally Campbell open- provl ded by Mrs. a ter B. KClg - Y ml .s Ipman 1m . aw of ared the with "Val sette". ton. lottesvIlle. Va .• who wIll be a guest Mlr. Keighton added an original Wallingford piece by Mr. Campbell. HEADS SKIDMOIIE PROGRAM Parent Teoche" AssocioJion Miriam Taylor performed "The ,Mrs. J. W. Hollander of Ogden DANCE Ray Foster Rider" and an original piece "Barn- avenue is in eharge of the midFrIday, February 26 yard Dance". "Moon Shadows" and winter luncheon meeting of the Benefit Scholarship Fund LOwell 6-6569 "Blue Bells of Scotland" were per- Skidmore College Club on SaturLO 6-5670 How to apply God's healing power to solve problems of everyday living will be the topic of a public lecture to be given Tuesday evenIng at 8:15 by Paul Stark Seeley. of Portland. Ore. Mr. SeeleYt a member of The Christian Science Board of Lectureship. will speak at First Church of Christ, Scientist, in the church edifice, at 206 Park avenue. His I UNITARIAN CHURCH BALLET JANUARY CLEARANCE Paul Seeley to Lecture To Christian Scientists PageS a. Freighter Ships MUNRO TRAVEL SERVICE "ONE CALL DOES ALL" II 4-0440 TR 6·1186 7 S.Chester Rd •• Sw'a~lmore THE BOUQUET ------------~-------SWARTHMORE CO-OP E. L NOYES and CO. BAIRD and BIRD THE SWARTHMOREAN PETER E. TOLD PORTER H. WAITE, Inc. SWARTHMORE TOGGERY SHOP PROVIDENT TRADESMENS BANK and TRUST CO. • THE INGLENEUK J. A. GREEN D. PATRICK WELSH SWARTHMORE PRINTING CO. CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE d F' . ESTATE HOTICI &1,1. of KATHRYN EMERv FLOOD doco.sod. for slashing the bike tires of ai,~L:.E:...TT:..:E:...R:...S_T_O_'_T_H_E_E_D_I_T_O_R, letters testamento,., Oft the .'-ovti &:fete h..... Bryn Mawr avenue lad. The offend· '.been 'ltOnted to the undersi;n.d, who reqMSfo . . d their TM opiniMlo d .11 persons having cleiml or demends egeind ers were gIven a warning an ",.. those tM inditriduol "",t- the Estate of the decedent to moke known the and 611 penons indebted to the deceparents each assessed $2 costs. .r•. All ktt.r. to. TM Swa,.t"- lome, dent to m"ke p.!!ly_mf!!nt. without delay. fo Edmund Jonel. 25 E. 5th St... Chester, Po •• Of Tuesday at 10 ;66 a.m. Esther b. "'r,~;';=; to hi$ Attorne.,. Donold A. rurdy, Dq., 2S E. Fry Ritchie of Wa\lingford was 't1';:",,:;::;."~0 ~h~sEd~tor. Lott.... 5th St., Chester, P". 3t·I·21 traveling north on Chester road will b. published onlllt"t the dis· when her car failed to clear the cretio" 0/ the Editor. . DISSATISFIED? auto ,of Robert Campanaro of Springfield which had broken down Offers Salety Rul.s We Will Pay in front of her, according to police. To the Editor: The accident occurred between per Week Westdale and Yale avenues, result.. As Chairman of Safety of ,Par· for ing in damage to the left rear fen· ents' Council the following rules der of the Campanaro car a~d ~o need our constant thought and co- ONE SALE PER WEEK the right front fender of the Rrtchle operation for enforcement. car. 1. Any bicycle which is used at Call Da.vid McCahan. Jr. Michael Weiser of Woodlyn paid dusk or in darkness must have a ACellcy Davalopmenl Manl,l_ $30 fine January 20 for reckless light in good working order. It is Finkbiner Company driving' and not carrying owner's impossible for an automobile d~iver Kingsley 6.1234 card on December 26 on Michigan to see a bike rider otherwise. I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:~ 2. Children 12 and under are ur· I' and Park avenues. Maurice Bum· k d 'd th'oint pen. Call KIngswoo mates cheerfully given without obI -. :I~d0 ... ~ frtmHlI}eh UlWIUI MOWed. General Hauling lP'" Y LOwell 6-2211 or LOwell g asses In Ie ...,c 0 Ig D I! • .:; ~9.' School. The Swarthmorean. 238 HanlIn« Ave.. Mortem. Pa. § Jack Prichard .T Russian Lessons. FOUN:D ~ ~ Beginners' group starting in a scarf on North Prmceton Ave. Jewelry Repaired Ph.: KI 3-4218 e g week. Day and evening classes. Pri- Call Klngswood,j!.3665. EMIL § A I TIN ii vate lessons available. KIngswood .FOR SALE Ii iii 3-3329. FOR SAJ,E - Singer buttonholer, FormerlyWATCHMAKER of P_ C. Bolle and Sou Iii INTERIOR & EXlERIOR ~ FOR REIT straight needle; ice skates 128 Yale Ave. Ii D girl's white, size 3; boy's hockey, PIne Watch and Clock RepBlrs Swarthmore, PI;. ~ Free Estimates ~ I t'~~~1 a;~e~t, for two ~e 9. Call KIngswo~ 8-44:4. § !! ' Private entrance, $100 FOR. SALE - Beautlful·thIrteen· '!lIUIIlIIlnldlnmllRlIllDDDIIIIIIllI"nmnnmmnmmCHItH S ~ Garage available Occu. str>pe full length sheared beaver g Klngswood 3-8761 ii I~ 1. Phone KIngs~ood 4. coate in perfect con~ition. Size'14 iii !!l to 16. $476. Call LEhIgh 2-8039. CRESSON PRICHARD l!-I= § !l ~P. FOR SALE -1962 Packard 2.door tftmmmummmmuumcmllnmBDlnllllHna~ age . C a r · ~~~~ sedan. heater. 'radio, good tires. REAL ESTATE .... ~ .....'.IUDI...IDIIIDllllllIIBIIIHIlIIII~ I~;:: 3. Reasonable. KIngswood 3-6577. ~ "L· d S FOR SALE - Bedroom, dining " . I UIIO an onSF~ IT. _ room and kitchen furniture. Apt. 900 Michigao Avenue Ir apartment. C., 105 Ridley Manor, Ridley Park. 1"=__ e room, modem kit- L~E~h¥lig~hl.!2,:!-4~77~4t,...---..,.-,----, F LORI ST Swarthmore, Pa. 'he~,. ~~1 utilities. Excellent FOR SALE--Steinway haby grand • _,' floor~. Available ,piano. $760. Call Mrs. ,Crosby. Formerly ~... Klngswood 4-8523. FOR ~"'"' ~~ FOR SALE - What a thrill to find ~_5' I CARNS . t,On 'Ave. near HI~i.' '::'. evening grosbeaks in YOllr feeder _ 6110 BaIUmore l'Iko lliving roomnice .wit!t.!,ire nl •• " .."" --~ed-: as or see flash of arrive red around rooni- and the acardinals to 'eat.4 P.M. Pur- A===UilllliHiUiUliIIiiUIIDDIUhiiii'fiUdllllllllUl 8pdDcfleld, DoL Co., l'L tile bath on :fI?o~:\~~ pie finches are here now. All types ..~ rooms on third floor. ~""R!"S of feeders, houses, bird babhs, at Klngswood 3-0450 Available immediately. the S. Crothers Jr•. , 435 Plush Mill Noyes & Co., Klngswood ~_fl11A Road, Wallingford. LOwell 6.4661. P Bwarlhmore *************** •••• work, stenography done at home. anyone close at hand. • Slip covers, draperIes; over s ive t ,ype h ouse.wlOfe. P' Olse an d per- home and in our town. _ SADIE PIPPIN TURN..... PftIlIrtolor , Baltimore PIke .,. LlDcoIn Aft. Will call for and deliver. KIngsCan't We parents use firmness? GET AN EARLY STAR'T woo. d 8.398~2.,--=--:-.....,,--_ __ . Let our children know exactly what WANTED - Baby sitter to care for two small children (in, her the family and town's rules are. U WITH YOUR SPRING own home) 3 ;30 to 5 P.M. Monday, they are not carried, use the ap· Baltimore Avenue, Cliiton Heights, Tuesday and Wednesday, Call propriate punishment. We will save HOUSECLEANING MAdison 6·0713. Opposite Clifton KI~~ood 3-66~96!!..,-_:-:-...,...__ lots of heartsches if we will only COnva1oaacenl MeD and Woman KIngswoo d 4-2727 'Convalescent Home References. Call Klngswood 3-2136 or KIngswood 3-6731. PERSONAL _ Bicycies Repaired, Parts, accessories. Milt Glass _ Bicycle, Hobby, Toy Shop, 206 East Es.oUo.' Yood • s....... 0....... Blue Croll P.onored· I k d to CLASSIFIED ADS H-Bout NuaID, Can Ag.d. s ••u•. 0..... , I I 2507 Chestnut St., Chester TRemont 2-5373 D. or' point, from a Crum Ledge hoy near for parking in a prohibited zone on there a:e traffic Ig Its. d' . 4. . WIll parents p ease use thIS' Estahiished 19~ Alhgator Roc k'In C rum W00ds, and January 7. . , d h ht h crImmatIOD an t aug w en ey let their teenager horrow the fam· Ilule" Restful BniToundlnp With ily car. This dangerous Sunday af. beeDent M-Hoor Nmsm. c..... ternoon speeding and "hacking, KI . d 3 0272 _ _ _"..,..."..:..P;:.ER;:.S,,=,ONAL WANTED_ _ _ _....,-, around town" just for fun is veryl ngswoo· PERSONAL - Practical nursing WANTED - Typing, manuscript dangerous for tha car occupant and ••••• Belvedere Convalescent Home H. man Edward Burgett and Stanley She- stop sign violation the previous day, ders are u~gent: as e. c~oss panski for taking food, at knife. and $4 by a Cornell avenue woman Chester roa at t I~ ,;:,osslngs were West Knowlton Road Media, Pa, TRemont ".louI mor."" must a tree on the lawn of Harriet Mar- '"'' ~ ."pr•••• 0' .....wTo ... s,..... SWAIITHMORE STORE. Cltester Road - Open Thursday and Friday Evenings 'til 10 OAK PARK SHOPPING CENTER, Oi,hop Road and Baltimore Pilee . Open Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday till 9 P.M.; Friday tiB 10 P.M.' Your"flf S & H Stomp Merchandise Store 2700 West Chester Pih, Highland Parl: s.-- -' . L-.Hla Garna'· Spl,-Is 3-3 in Leagae Pia, . Mr. William Welsh of South N Y Dh amber Sol - I EIAMIIATIDI. FOR POST OFFICE The Board of U.S. Civil Service Swarthmore avenue attended the I h· d I $100 Democratic dinner Saturday T P rfonn aI 0 II.". Examiners, Post Office, P Ila e- in Washington, D.C. D phia .4, PR., has annou~ced the re- than th~ score mdi.cateted, for 1~ WinRgS\ I . Oil I not untIl a few mlDu S retllam •od before Darby in o~~S;r::lan eight-point lead' 0 • 0 . the game go~ng . -8 B e H Id The Little Garnet made it a split pu to wm an y. Program W·II le of 'three wins against three losses During the first! ~he l~al February 5 in Friday night in the final game of lads had a good shootmg tIme bWlth Clothier the first round of league play when Bob Kenschaft and Ron Her ster . it lost to a spirited Darby team going great guns. 'But near the end The New York Chamber SOlOists, 70-54 The game was much closer of the half Darby came to life to with Adele Addison, soprano, will . International Affairs DESSERT BRIDGE WOMAN'S CLUB Tuasdl" • P.M. DDnatioa S'.DO Februar, 2 Bring Card. Valenline special 8 PoJirait It 10 in de luxe folder $7 Philip Mayer Studio of Photography Swarthmore offense. Th; game, although not having anything to do with league standings, will supply both quintets with a good warm-up prior to beginning league gamps next Tuesday. . Swarthmore travels to Colling- Isidore Cohen, violin; Albert Fuller, harpsichord; Melvin Kaplan, ;; oboe; Julius Levine, doublebass; Uney Lynch, viola and Gerald Tarack, violin. Margaret Hillis is musical director; Ste!,ling Hunkins, as• slsting artist, cello. State and Olive Stre,ets Media. Pal . ~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~:,-:~=; DOMESTIO RUG CLEANING SPECIAL ~ Ori~n'al, 6 x 9 8 x 10 9 x 12 - $3.50 $6.00 $6.50 $8.00 $10.00 lOx 14 12 x 12 12 x 15 12 x 18 12 x 20 - $8.50 $9.00 $12.00 $14.00 $16.00 $4.00 9 x 15 lOx 14 - $7.00 $8.00 $10.00 $11.00 - Rues SALES &0 SERVICE : EL 6-2962 IIRDDNALL. PAl HI 6-4700 MI 2-5630 EDW. L. NOYES as a Member of their Houses Find Homes Serving Swarthmore. Wallingford, Ros~ Valley 23 S. Chester Road II 3.4742 LE 2.2440 "\"'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=5~ SAFE WINTER DRIVING FOR QUICK STARTINC: Tune Motor thoroughly for easy starting; clean and adjust Spark Plugs and Points; .adjust Carburetor and clean Fuel Pump. ·The art department, Mrs. Avery F. Blake chairman, will sponsor an exhibition by the Delaware County Arts and Crafts League. It is expected -to be on view in the clubhouse by ,February 2. On Friday, February, 5, at 10 a.m. the literature department, Florence J. Lucasse, chairman, will 'present Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman in a review of "Act One" by Moss Hart. FOR QUICK STOPPINC: Adjust Brakes; reline Brakes complete. FOR SAFE STEERING: Tighten and adjust all SteeringConnections; line up Front Wheels. CENERAL LUBRICATION: lubricate Chassis; fill Transmission and Differential to level; check Cooling System; pack Front-Wheel Bearings with fibre greasei adjust Fan Belt. (Continued from Page 1) 'and Miss Patricia Giies of San ;Francisco; her mother Mrs. Charles Christie of Swarthmore; three sisters, Mrs. Valentine Zahn of New York City, Mrs. Albert Rogers and Mrs. Alexander Wylie,· both of Hartford, Conn.; Q. brother, Allen Christie of Oaklawri, R.I., and three ;: grandchildren, Walter Christie Giles and Paul Giles of Locksley an,d Andrew Blaclanan of W.alling. ford. Although funeral arra~ements had not been completed at The Swartbmorean's presstime. it was expected they would be tomorrow at Trinity Church. Interment will be in Philadelphia Memorial Park, Frazer. The family requests that, in lieu of floral tributes any friends who so desire may contribute to the Trinity Ohurch building. fund. -.I Yes, it can be a pretty swell world for you when you are enjoying good health. Your Doctor stands ready to get you back on the road to recovery. See him right away, and be sure to bring his prescriptions to us (or precise compounding. and Families Find Good living Ridley Park p~gram Allis Swell c. GATEWOOD' to Help Van Alen Bros. 200 W. Ridley Avenue NRTER H~ WAITE, Inc. Yale Avenue and Chester Road Swarthmore. Pal Klngswood 3-1250 STATE INSPECTION ENDS JANUARY 31st "You Meet the Nicest People at Speare Bros." and "They Do Sell Nice Things at Speare Bros." • , ...... C.... BiJlJr.MO.N'l A\'KNUB - Announces that Real Estate Group HEATING OIL The will be presented in Clothier Memorial on the campus. It is being given by the William J. 'Cooper Foundation, and is free and open to the public. .. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE LEE and ATLANTIC --I-========:============================~==::::::~. GEORGE SHIHADEH & SOlS 2&1& WEST CHESTER PIKE Tel'pho•• LEhigh 2-1161 * including Parts Coverage Mrs. Walter C. Giles Dies Hook, Braided and OoHon Rugs 511 REESE STREET MILMONT PARK, PA. COMPLETE Barner Service WOMAN'S CLUB NOTES THE REMEMBRANCE SHOP JOE MARSHALL Jf~u~r~e~r~n~o~l~ce~.=======~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \. GET ..• perform at Swarthmore College on Friday, February 6, at 8:15 p.m. They will present a. program of Couperin's "Concert Royale No. 4" for flute, oboe, violin, 'cello, dou~le­ bass and harpsichord; Hindemith's "Die Serenaden, Opus 35" for soprano, oboe, viola, and 'cello; Mozart's "Quartet for Flute and Strings in D. Major, K.285"; and Bach's '~antata No. 202", The "Wedding Cantata." The New :ork Chambe~ Soloists, who formed In 1956, provIde a. balanced and unified grou~ top~rfo~m the great chamber musIC whIch hes beyond the reach of the standard chamber music cmobniations. Members of the group who will.perform at Swarthmore include Adele Addison, soprano; Samuel Baron~ flute; FINE IMPORT~D' CIFTS ~ND JEWELRY AT SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTION InterlDr Ind Exterior '1IItln, openmg of Clerk the exammation for Substitute and Substitute Carrier for all first and second class post offices in Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery Count· f J 6 1960 until /es as 0 t' anuary" ih cut a good lead on the part of Swarthmore to but one point. Halftime score was 32-31 in favor of the Garnet and White. The third stanza saw Darby' outseore Swarthmore 22-13, and then in the last quarter poured it on 17 to nin~. The lo~ placed Swarthmore in fourth place behind Sharon Hill, Ridley Park, and Darby, and ahead of Yeadon, Clifton Heights, and Collingdale. Tonight the Little Garnet tak~s on powerful Nether Providence In a non-league tilt. N.P. has lost two games in very strong Section III, both by two points to league leader Radnor and to Lansdowne. N.P. feature~ a tall talented, and aggressive team ~ith its defense,. a pressing one supplying much of Its RETIRING FROM BUSINESS.SALE x 9 x 12 x 12 x 15 x 18 - r I::: ir~2~5~'~C~o~'~'e~g~e~A~v~e~.;;~.K~I~3~-~99~2~7~1~d~a~le~'l~·n~.~a~n~ig~h~t~g~a~m~e~on~T~u~e~S:da~y. 6 8 9 9 9 Janualy 29, 1960 THE' SWARTBMOREAN . Page 8 CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE Klngswood 3-0586 Klngswoocl 3-0114 SEVENTH AND WELSH 8TBBBTB STORE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday, 9:30-5:30 Friday, 9:30.9:00: Saturday, 9:30-5:30 A GALAXY of BARGAINS for Speare Bros. First End of the Month SALE Shop Fridl, Ni..... to 9:00 P.M. Ind SdUN., ullfil 5:10, P.M~ ./ •