, Celebrate the 4th 01 July in Swart,hmore . SVlfl rt hno rc tJ 011 e gr, Li hrrt,ry SVlarthmore '1'" Celebrate the 4th 01 July in Swarthmore ' roY·HE SWARTHMO .... ·JUL 6 1959 .,' ( I " VOLUME 31-NUMBER~" Swar:thmore, Pa., Friday, July 3, 1959 48th ,"Stay-at-Home'" Community ,. (Swarthmore Recreation Celebration Begins With Parade , Borough Residents Will Fly the Stars and Stripes as Parade~ Pony Rides, Games, Fire Co. Drill Fill Fourth A.M. Rotary Club President Association Reports . $4.00 PER YEAR Board Oonsiders School Oode Change Se~s Problems in Tenure, EXtra Pay Summer Club Teams Vie for Sportsmanship, Win Points Teacher tenure and recompense The Swarthmore Recreati~n Asfor assistance with extra curricular "Stay-at-Home Fourth-ers" will turn out in enthusiastic sociation's Summer Club program activities were discussed at a meetnumbers to help the Business Association Sponsors turn the is starting its second week. Mrs. ing of the School Board Monday Walter Geer who h~s been taking Borough's 48th "Stay-at-Home Fourth" into one of the "great- registrations at the Swarthmoreevening. The Board accepted an invitation est." William Shirley is Business Association chairman of the Rutledge Elementary School reto forward suggestions to a state 'day's program. ports that 80 boys and girls have agency responsible fol'" preparing Fathers will rise early in the day to hang the Flag, the registered .. This is a sizable increase revisions to the current school code primary Independence Day privilege. Sometime during the over last year's enrollment. Childby recommenaing that the period who wish to attend the .program Fourth many famiiies will drive along the Borough's shaded ren required for establishment of teachmay still register ,at the elementary streets to look at the emblem$ flying from standards of great school. et, tenure be extended from the ,present two years to four years,and variety. Last week the boys and girls nomthat a year's probation in a new Last year there were varied and i~ated and el~ted team captains. district be required rather than the Lions Club Presiclent interesting flags displayed, large Points were given to the teams automatic extension of tenure preG. West Cochrane and small ones, 13 star, 46 star, 48 winni~g the various garnes, and viously acquired in another district. star. It will be interesting to find points were also awarded for G. West Cochrane, Camera and High School Principal William how many 49' star flags will wave sportsmanship. The Kool Cats are Hobby Shop proprietor, was elected for the first time this Fourth of leading the boys' league with 87 president of the Rotary Club for Bush discussed the' many faceted July. Last year the 200 block, of .points. The Fs.lcons are in second 1959-1960 at a meeting held Wed- problem of extra .pay for. teache~s Vassar avenue received plaudits for place, the Redskins in third place, nesday evening, June 24. Lou EI- who perform dutIes outside their the fact that every home displayed and the Comanches are in last v~rson will serve as vice-president, °hwn clashsroom requirements. AlJames Murray, secretary and Dr. tcugh t e ~oard was loath to see its flag. On Flag Day earlier this place. Parker Stamford treasurer any profeSSIonal employee unduly month flags waved generAlly in th~ The Stallions lead, the girls' , . burdened with extra curricular jobs Borough. league with 51 points. In second and --------in connection with the schOOl, it felt Every child who marches in the third places respectively there are that a reasonable amount of such Comml;mity Fourth's opening event, the Sky Rocket.s (35 'points) and the should be willingly contributed and '. the 9 a.m. Children's Parade, will Hot Rods (32 points). I was given some recognition in ratreceive a 49-star flag from the Assisting Frank Piccone in the ing teachers. and that little or no Business Association. This opener program are three high school stuGreat V c:tlley Is funds could be spared from the disis dear to the hearts of all youngdents from Swarthmore. Bobby Opponent on trict's tight budget to grant extra hearted Swarthmoreans. OriginatDawes works primarily with boys' pay, therefore the assistance of paring on Park avenue at Borough athletics. Susan Campbell is in July 2 ents and students or non-profesHall, the community young in evcharge of the sports in which the SwarthryOJ:e Swim Club defeated sional employees of the school ery possible kind of attire. astride girls participate. and Heidi' Hon- two teams in, one thrust last Satur- should be utilized as much as posthe amazingly effectively red, white nold bas charge of the art and craft day, and had its fourth Suburban sible for l;>uch things as collecting and blue bedecked tricycles and biwork. League fray of the season, also at admissions at football games. cycies, or riding in floats which carIn the art and craft program this the home pool, scheduled for 6 :30 Ruth M. Scherer of Havertown, William A. Booth ry earnest wiRhes, efforts, even atweek the children mad~ gimp key p.m. Thursday Qf this week, and a who graduated from the University William A. Booth, Manager of tendance of neighbors and friends hold~rs, lanya,rds. hangers or b02k program ~f novelty races and other of ,Delaware this spring with a pr~eed to Harvard avenue. On the the Swarthmore branch Provident and napkin holde~s. This week a water fun for the whole family set major in elementary education $nd return route they will pause in' TradeE-mans Bank and Trust Comnumber of other projects will be at- for 4 p.m. with a chuck wagon pic- practice' 'teaching in Newark, Del. front of the Woman's Club where pany. Will be president of the local tempted - gimp bracelets, copper nic at 6 oclock on July 4th, as The schools, was elected to succeed Mrs. judges will be shakily awaiting the Lions Olub !for 1959-1960. First plaques, the' construction of tile hot Swarthmorean hurried to an early Bess Seidel as a fourth grade teachresponsibility of finding the most vice-president will be A. Stoll Titus, plates and the weaving of pot hbld- deadline :(or this pre-holiday issue. er. ' (!lever, the most beautiful. the most second vice-president William Tayers. The first of two two-week Red The Board will hold its annual appropriate, participants in the lor II.!, arid Robert Atz, third viceOn Friday, July 3, the variety Cross Life Saving courses was also meeting at 7 :30 ·p.m. next Monday midst of hopeful miens, restive pets, pre~ident. Charles Lincoln will (Continued on Page 8) scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. next and also hear the complete report adoring parents. and a street lined serve as secretary and Bill DrieMonday. Held Monday through Fri- on the Lay Curriculum Study Comhaus as treasurer. with fond spectators. HORNETS VICTORIOUS day nights, the second course is set \mittee. ' ' , Capt. Rubert Tibbets will be the Classes will include decorated for August 10 opening. bicycles 26" or less; decorated tri- new Lion Tamer and :Slid Hastings Last Thursday night the Hornet Locals Outswim Martins. E. Whiteland W.·II.·a' m R JO e '5 cycles, appropriate costumes (ah, the Tail Twister. baseball team scored its fourth win Swar th y, t he sea horse mascot, .' S n f 5, r. W·II· R J 246 B ingenuity!), pets, fancy dress, of the leagu~ season when it scored d I h . . 1 lan1 . ones. r •• o oW·11 e C romwe II .... staye out a I t e preVIOUS, nIght d . dO d W d d J rv. lVIann a resounding, 8 to 1 win over the (h t'll h · d om avenue Ie e nes~, une (Continued on Page 8) O e was seen s I angmg aroun 24 . M D 1 H ·tal On Thursday, June 25. Orville Briarcliffe nine of Secane, Upper th eplcmc . . grove b e h·Ind th e b at h - Ph·l ,In as OSpl Id, d 1 h·ercyH oug 90 'd f th D b Aft th f· t th . . . I a e pia. e was years e ar y. er e Irs ree mmngs house last Friday afternoon-never B . W to Md M J 0 • 11 M ann, h usb an 0 C romwe, Missouri Church Croup . d t k h · . f d· orn In es ver, ., r. ones a t e H . CI ara L aud erb ac h M 1 ann, 0 f w h a t 100k e d to b e a nlp an uc avmg come In a tel' atten mg the t S th 60 Entertained Here 1passed away at ,his home, 307 Union battle the Hornets exploded to a spirited swim team picnic there came 0 war more years ago Twenty-five High School students avenue after a long illness. 4 to 1 lead ·on doubles b .... Ronn'e Th d . ht)' an d M t· D to work for the late Dr. and Mrs. and the accompanying four adults H d F dd· B 1. ~r~ a~.~lg 'd a1' InS am William I. Hull of Walnut lane. from aU over the State of Missouri Born December 1.1864 in Everett, oge anC re leGe raun • scormg use Its I eguar Dave Detweiler, Later, from 1921 until he was penll Bedford County, Pa., he was the Vinny ~rro, orge Glaesser, fampus cOllegia~ diving champion, on a Presbyterian Church tour by R· k F·Il d H sioned in 1950, he was employed by son of .Dr. Jacob A. Mann and Mrs. IC y 1 er, an oge. After that in Friday liigh s diving portion of Str1wbridge and ClothI·er, PhI'labus into the industrial east were Sarah Elizabeth Hickok Mann. In all the boys put on their hitting the triple dual meet among Swarth" entertained by the Deacons and his early youth he became a mem- shoes to rub it in until the score more, Martins Darn and EastWhite- delphia. young people of the local Presbyterd The house which he occupied so ian Church Monday night. The pur- ber of the ~resbyterian Church in ;oun ~p: ~ 1ieDic~ C~easy. Rich land. So, despite the CQurtney sis- long on Bowdoin avenue was for. b Everett. owe, 0 00 an, uss Lewis (Continued on Page 6) merly called Jones Hall. part of it pose 0 f th e t rip was to 0 serve ways I ' 11.'" 18 0 . h M M all chipped in in the hit brigade enin which the church serves indusn ~uay. 9, Wit rs. ann, a abli'lg pitcher Freddie Braund to being used as a recreation center for trial areas. Philadelphian whom he had wed REV. GETTY ROTARY , ~ars. It a Is ~h oused the W es~ September 2. 1889. Mr. Mann moved ca~h in his first win of the cam~any Local entertainment began with SPEAKER TOMORROW structure ey A • .E ... Churc until a church to 'his Swarthmore home. Mrs. iPaIgn. was built. In addition to a swim in the Swarthmore Pool af- Mann died in 1926. They both alM · th'e team ti.-av, Whene th R otary CI ub meets to- Ibeing a charter member of the 'on ayd evemng tel' a hot d'ay of visiting in Phila- ways enjoyed reminiscing with ft- e Ie d t 0 F i t0 meet th e f'lrst morrow a t th e I ngIeneu k a t nOOn, church, and a trustee up ro the time 0 som delphia. A :picnic oli the Junior teritive friends about the "pioneer Pl d ace t earn an w h a t I00k e d I'k I e a R everen d Wa Itel' Getty. D. D . will of his death, Mr. Jones was a formHouse grounds followed the swim days" of this 'village. 'd b 11 be t h e guest speak er. \ goo 'a game. ,~ er superintendent of its Sunday and preceded varied planned recre- . For 46 years Mr. Mann was acThe fourth inning brought the Re~erend Getty, who is retireCt School. He Wag also active in many ations~ ~ome of the group's seniors tively associated with the Pennsyl- end as far as the Hornet team was and makes his, home with his wife organizations including the Under. interested in college choices toured vama . Rai1roa d' I tearn' Iayed'·m. "M org~nwoo d" , was b om m . wood Masonic Lodge 100. Morton. ,much 0 f t h'IS t'lme concerne d as the F 0 80m Swarthmore College under the guid- as special' agent in the freight claim it on by scoring six runs. Freddie PhIladelphIa. He was graduated which he had served as treasurer' ance of Edward K. Cratsley. departments in Pittsburgh, Wash- Braun~. who .pitched fine ball while from Oentral High Schoql, Mon- the Morton chapter of Oddfellows: Before bedding down for the night ington, D.C. and New York. He re- it lasted. did a. good job on the mouth College. Monmoulh, Ill .• the Golden Age Group at Morton. on the floor of the Church (softened tired in 1 9 3 4 . , mound, but the team couldn't seem Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. and the County group of Fishermen by the carried air mattresses and Despite the 'handicap of a hearing to get together long enough to get Pittsburgh, and has held three sep- of Galilee. His wife, Betty E. Jones sleeping bags and possibly one of loss caused by scarlet fever at the back into the ball game. Final score arate pastorates. died in 1942. the coolest spots in the Borough), age of three, "grandpop", as he was was 9 to 1 in favor of the leagueHis career has been mostly in A daughter and three sons surthe grou.p and hosts shared a per- affectionately niclFnamed, had leading Folsom Green Raiders. administrative and executive work. vive, Mrs. Clementine Horsey and iod of worship. Hospitality in local many interests. His favorite hobby It seems as though the local boys In World War. I, he was ,Director Oharles Lester Jones with whom. he homes was arranged but the leaders was gardening. He loved to travel, have one good game per week in of the Leave Department in the made his home, Staunton lones of decided that it was preferable to was an avid reader, and had a re- their systems as they win one and British Isles for the American Yeadon and William R. Jones, Jr. keep the group intact for the early markably retentive memory. lose one each week. Fans hope that Y.l\I.C.A .• and in World War II he of Morton. Twelve grandchildren 'morning departure. Breakfast was Mr. Mann is survived by his only soon they will be able to make it two was director of work with chap- and 29 great grandchildren also surserved Tuesday morning by the child ..... a daughter Miss Muriel L. wins in the same week. lains and men 'in service for the vive. Games coming up are' FrisJay. Presbyterian Church. Following funeral services and Deacons and by 7 :30 the bus was, Mann, with Whom he lived. on its way to Washington, D.C. In accordance with the expressed July 3 at Glenolden, Monday, July He was a charter member of Ro- Masonic rites at the Wesley A.II.E. This was the third overnight visit wishes of the deceased, funeral 'ser- 6 at home with Lansdowne Park, tary in Tarkio, Mo., and' member Church on Sunday, burial Was ill by a Missouri student group to the vices and interment in Eutlawn and Wednesday, July 8 at near-by of the Rotary Club in Nyack, N.Y. Eden, Cemetery, Collingdale, )l0Ilebureh in recent years. Cemetery were strictly private. Swarthmorewood. before coming to Swartltmore. , day morni~: 3 Meets and Jul, 4th Fill $wim Club Week d '" .. '. '. '.,\. . ,- S\I:nrthno:;'l: Colle{J(f' S"!8 rthmore Celebrate the 4th of July in Swarthmore Lihr(i~"Y N ,T·HE SWARTHMO .... 'JUl6 VOLUME 3I-NUMBER 26 1959 $4.00 PER YEAR Swarthmore, Pa., Friday, July 3, 1959 48th "Stay-at-Home" Community ,ISwarthmore Recreation Celebration Begins With Parade Summer Association Reports Club Teams Vie Borough Residents Will Fly the Stars and Stripes as Parade, Pony Rides, Games, Fire Co. Drill Fill Fourth A.M. Celebrate the 4th of July in Swarthmore Rotary Club President Board Considers School Code Change Sees Problems in Tenure, Extra Pay for Sportsmanship, Win Points Teacher tenure and recompense The Swarthmore Recreation Asfor assistance with extra curricular "Stay-at-Home Fourth-ers" will turn out in enthusiastic .~ociation's Summer Club program :leti\'ities were discus~ed at a meetis starting its second week. Mrs. i Ill! of the School Boal'd Monday numbers to help the Business Association Sponsors turn the Waltel' Geer who has he en taking evcning. Borough's 48th "Stay-at-Home Fourth" into one of the "great- registrations at the SwarthmoreThe Board ac{!epted an invitation est." William Shirley is Business Association chairman of the Rutledge Elementary School reto forward suggestions to a state ports that 80 boys and girls have day's program. rganza as 1Ilat Naxt ClUtse Starts Wednesda, Evening, Jul, • emz. of Strath Haven avenue. down. at their Sky Top cottage worn by the maid of honor and also SWlrthlllore High Sohool 1,lIIn•• lulII Miss Ruthie Garrett, formerly of over the weekend of June 20. carried cascade bouquets of pink elaue. limited JD .be ••• Advance reaenatsona Princeton avenue, is spending the are members of the Ozone Club carnations and roses. DOG TRAININB SCHOOL OF DELAWARE COUIITY summer at Lennox Hill Camp, Ban- whieh met in the Poconos. Mr. Harry Greer of Elyria, 0., PALMEBB JOLt., PAXON BOLLOW aO.&D. B.D. 1, BEDlA tam, Conn., where she is as~istant was his brother's best man. The Recreation Director .. She will reEIIGAGEMENT ushers were Mr. Thomas Gwin and tUrn to Yale Graduate. School in Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Carson Mr. William McVetta of Elyria, the fall. II NY of N ew Roehee, .•, .,nnoulnc,,1 Mr. Robert Stein. of Parma, 0., Lt. (j.g.) Wllliam R. Curtis, the engagement of their daughter, Mr. JerryyBausek of LaGrange. O. USN, will return to Swarthmore Patricia Ann, to Charles Kirby Na- . Mrs. Harri" wore a blue and on July 4 after attending a special son, son of Mr. John W. Nason and green chiffon print with small hlue Naval School in San Diego, Calif., the late Bertlia White Nason of velvet hat and carried a purse . ADAM F. ANDREWS, D.D.S. for two weeks. He will spend· the !'iew YOl'k City anc,! Darien, Conn., of carnations. month of July here with his wife, formerly of Swarthmore. Mrs. Greer chose a white the former Sadie Garrett, and their Miss Carson, a graduate of New model over blue taffeta, with wltit<, I two children Bobby and Carol Lynn Rochelle High School, is entering hat and corsage of rosebuds. Announces the opening of his office for at the home of Mrs. Curtis' parents her senior year at the College of A reception followed the cereMr. and Mrs. M. W. Garrett, Wooster in Wooster, O. Mr. Nason, mony at the Aronimink Golf Club. the Practice of Orthodontics Exclusively Princeton avenue. Lt. Curtis a 1955 graduate of Swarthmore Following a wedding trip the attend the Navy's Damage Control High School, just received his B.A. couple will make their home in CoSehool in Philadelphia during this degree in political science from the lumbus, O. . month. College of Wooster. ~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiij Mr. and Mrs. William Kurtohalo Mr. John !'iason was president of FOB Swarthmore Apartments of Park avenue, with their children Swarihmore College from 1941 unMAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS 101 Chester Rood LesAnne, Chucker, Sally and Ruth- til 1953 and is .presently the presican ..• Swarthmore, Po. Klngswood 4·1122 ie, will be the guests of Mr. and dent of the Foreign Policy AssociaMRS, LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN Mrs. Robert Holland of Media at tion. 313 DartmeuUl Avenue their summer home in Brant Beach A June 1960 wedding is planned. K1Da'_wood S-Z410 • Personals i============================. DICK FRANCHETTI -TELEVISION ! The Bouquet " I I= . BEAUTY SALON i " a a 1·1"'·"I~IISjiliE"nni'UiOCUliii;ECiiONIIIII1I11CII1I1I a = I . NEWS NOTES Posey Cadigan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cadigan left Friday morning for Upper Month h th h . NJ e I aIr, .., were s e was . e ouse guest of Mary Harding. On Tues. . day Mrs. Hardmg drove the 81:ls to Camp Wyoda, Ely, Vt. Posey Is th~ Camp bugler. Julie Brooks,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oharles H. Brooks of Forest lane left Monday for Camp Plumfield, N.H ..on . Lake . Winnepesaukee where she WIll spend the summer. , Linda Zecher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Zecher ·of Swarthmote nvenue and Marilyn Mills,' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Alexander Mills of Walnut lane, are roommates for two weeks at the . Y •M•C •A . c amp , Camp L 00k au t ,10 Downingtown. They arelregistered in the Horse Unit and are required to feed, and groom their horse and keep the stable clean. They left for camp on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. George L. Armitage of South Chester road entertained her grandchildren, Richard and Janet Armitage, of Baltimore, Md. They returned home Saturday after spending a week with their grandparents. - J. RUSSELL'S SERVICE I HOW otRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS WFIL Radio _ 8145 A,M, CIIannll8-WFIL.TY-IhIO A.M. I~~~~~~~~~ii~~~~ Have Your Telephone TRemont 2-7206 .AK for BEN PALMER DESICN and CONSTRUCTION Walls· Walks • Terraces - Horticulturaf Materials BROAD·LEAVED EVERCREENS HYBRID CLEMAtiS - CROUND COVERS , . ~UGS Cleaned! 9 x 12 DOMESTIC $8.50 Stiffness Not Removed Mohawk Carpeting • Complete Price Raoge • Orllntal Rugs 100 Park Ave •• Swarthmore. Pa. , Klngswood 3·6000 - ~(P.,.CA.'&"t't KNOWS Carpet • will be CLOSED exact scene you will get. DIE POUCY IS YOIl Call avoid the cOBfulion of ownial a.veral .opuato polido. to meet your home insurance needs. One modem. conyenient HomeoWM" Pol. Icy will &in YOll ""vor~ ... for many· perlJa includl..g firo, wind. thoft, ...d penonal liabiUty. H_ Peler E. Told All Lines of Insurance • Built-in Exposure Meter • Cround Class and Split Image Viewfinder • Full Flash Sync. • • The Camera & 10••, Shop 4-6 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. as nAa'l'l101Jm: AT.. ·Klngswood 3·1833 SATURDAY· • Interchangeable Lens Klnpwoocl 3-4191 Fri. , 9 IE ""E TI HAYE E. . . . H FILM FBI .lULl 4tll WEEn •• It.... al... .III, .. I • • DAY·· MONDAY JULY 4 - 5 - 6 * * RE-OPEN TUESDAY to 8:30 LEAGUE IN TIGHT WINS In the Knee-Hi leagae Thursday . ht . mg , J une 25, th e B raves regIstered the fourth win of six encount ers over t he opposmg . Ieagae Yan-I kee team in a tight ball game 5 to 4. Bill Egan's double to score two runs was the crucial play of the game and ,put Howard Sipler's Braves in the lead. Jeff Innis was the winning pitcher while young Bill iliac New's fine efforts on the mound for the Yankees went down h d . t e ram. . The other game of the same evenmg saw " another .close one and was not deCIded the home half . unhl . . .of the last d thIDnmg . .when the Phllhes . score e wmnmg run over Lm H ,. . osford s OrIOles team. Chfls . Schumann shd home under Bill Gill's perfect throw to score the deciding run after Frankie Compton stole second and caused the Oriole catcher to throw, allowing C~ris to score despite a nice defensive effort. In contrast to the close games on Thursday, Wednesday's games were not hard won. The Dodgers whipped the Tigers 12 to 4 on some fine hitting by Bill Standish, Dave Martin, Sam Caldwell and Eddie Edney, while the Orioles won 13 to 1 over George MacDoniild's Cardinal team. Sam Paddison did an outstanding job on the mound for the Orioles and was supported well in the field by Robbie Patterson, Bill Gill, and Sandy Thomson. Monday night the Cards and Indians played to a 4 to 1 decision in favor of the latter on Ed Michener's one hitter. Dan Daniel scored the first run while Dave Laird tripled, Hal Welsh singled to make the score 2 to 1. Ed Michener helped I the final score 4 to 1. Dan Marino's pitching effort was to no avail as was Jackie Shinn's lone hit for the Cardinals. On the same night the Brave team of the national league plastered Jack Cushing's Tigers 7 to 3 on good pitching by Ennis Durling and some timely hitting by Dean Forbes. Jay Siplerwalked and stole around' the diamond to score on one of the typical seven' runs scored by the Braves. This win made five wins which puts the Braves in the lead for both leagues. The nearest team is Pierce Mac~ Nair's Phillies with four wins in the National League, and the Tigers with four wins in the American CLearbrook 9·4646 T he ·INGLENEUK When YO'U look through its viewfinder you see the "AB'I'IIIIO'" .... Open 7:30 A.M •• 5:00 P.M. Daily and Saturday Sunday: 12:30.5 P.M. , CI~ Saturday, July 4ih Immle Ta t, young son of Mr. and. Mrs. Walter D. Taft, Jr., of Marietta avenu~ left for two weeks at Camp MIller, Shawnee-on_ the-Delaware. Bennie Eckenhoff of South Chester road is serving as mate on a fisbIng boat at Barnegat Light for the third season. His twin brother Eddie is a lifeguard on a new bath· ing beach in Barnegat Light. Dr. and Mrs. Eekenhoff join their sons over weekends at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wesley Hoge of Woodbrook lane have had as their guests for a week Mr. Hoge's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hoge of Canton, 0., and his niece and nephew, Kathy and M"rty Hoge. They returned to their home Saturday. Elsa Stradley of Strath Haven avenue with her cousin Judy Stradley of Bryn Mawr has returned from Haddon Hall in Atlantic City where they were the gaests of their grandmother, Mrs. L. P. Stradley Just like a vacation for your rugs. Clean rugs look better, feel hetter. Rugs picked up and delivered when promised. you can see the quality. ALL YOU NEED! fT;ondly Sound Ad.;.!' _ FREE f When you look at a Zeiss Contaflex 35·mm. Camera Middletown Road - Media, Pa. Opposite High Meadow (between Dutton Mill Road and Knowlton Road) • . While You're Away • • • SEE WHAT YOU'VE GOT BEFORE YOU GET IT! Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. CUSTOM· LANDSCAPE· WORK ;2~~;;;;~;;;;;~;;;;;;;:;;~~~;;;;;;;:;;~~~2;;;;;~~;;;;;~ J' KNEE.HI '-:;:;::;:::==::::;;=:::::;;;;;;;;:S~~O~f~W;yn~n~e~W~o;o~d~.;;;;~:::;:::;;::;;;;:=:; hi~ cause as ~ Hal own Welsh and with Chip another Forwoodhit chip-W b' 'tf ~ 'lS' 15 y tS I ped in with consecutive hits to make '*ill N.J., over the Fourth of July week: end. HOFFMAN • ALEXANDER Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Manthey, Announcement has be~n made of their daughter Karen and son Jim, th~ marriage of Miss Ann Conof Virginia, Minn., are visiti~g Mrs. stance Alexander, daughter of Mr. Mallthey's parents Mr. and Mrs ..H. and Mrs. H. L. Alexander of Wilmington, Del., to Mr. Garry W. Lindley Peel of Columbia avenue Hoffman, son of IIIr. and Mrs. Walfor the next few weeks. ter L. Hoffman of Gulf Port, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W, Crosby of Springfield are leaving today for Hillsboro, N.H., where tlie, will spend the month. Carol Honnold, daughter of Mr. ' Honnold of Rutgers and lIIrs..John . h If' avenue as e t to act as group counsellor for Camp Coler on the Sharp Reservation, Fishkill, N·.Y., which is one of several New York Herald Tribune fresh air. camps for underprivileged children in New York City. . . .M r. R0 be rt N . \ H'lk t Stra th 1 er, H aven avenue, f'IrS tVIce ' preSl'd en t of the Federal Reserve Bank of Ph'l 1 a d e Ip h'la, h as b een eIec ted to the Boar d 0 f D'lrect ors 0f th e Hea Ith an d W e Ifa:re - CounCI, '1 I nco H e IS . al s 0 c h sirman • f th 0 e H eaIth D'IVlS10n . . f th C ' I 0 e ounel. JULY 7th NEWS NOTES Anne Essl of Michigan avenue, Barbara McClarin of Park avenue and Carol Zimmerman of Harvard avenue left ',Monday with Anne's .parents Mr. and Mrs. Max Ess} for Cam,p Kehonka in Wolfboro, N .·H. where they will spend the summer as Counselors-in-Training. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman of Da~tmouth avenue left Wednesday for several weeks at Stone Harbor prior to sailing July 29 on the Queen Elizabeth for a three· month tour of Europe and Great Britain. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fitch, formerly of 525 Bryn Mawr avenue, are occupying the Kauffman's apartment during their absence. Jenife~ Bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Colin W. Bell of Park avenue was presented with the achievement award at the recent recital of ·piano ,pupils Of Ruth S. Duncan, Rutgers a.genue. This award is given to stu~ dents who complete certain requirements in the year's work. A group of Swarthmore boys left Tuesday for a summer of camping at ,Deerwood, Holderness, N.H., are Bill and Doug Gill, Ian McKeag, Gordon Boyd, Eddie Harris, Steve Kamp, Chuck Turner, Steve Hicks, Ken·t Beesinger, Ronny Noyes, and Burke Jackson. Ron Taylor and Jeb Turner have been encamped' for the past week as counselors. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heath of Cedar lane, accompanied by. their daughter Barbara. are spending the month of July in Europe. They sailed on tte Liberte and will return by plane. D MARKET Consumer's Co·Op Ass'n. of Swarthmore. Inc. 403 Dartmouth Avenue Opposite Borough Hall Swift's Premium FULLY Cooked HAMS lb. 69 c FRANKS Ib_ 59 c LARCE ASSORTMENT OF LuncheonMeots&Spreods for the Week-End Holiday CO.OP RED LABEL TOMATO J UIIC E 46-oz. 29c can CO-OP RED LABEL APPLE JUICE 29c 46·oz. can NORRIS nad SCHIMMEL'S GRAPE DRINK qt.27c 4 for $1.00 TEN DERLEAF TEA 48 SALADA TEA 64 bags 68c bags KRAFT'S •qt. SALAD DRESSI NG 57c 59c KRAFT'S qt·69c MAYONNAISE THREE DIAMONDS LIGHT TUNA 29c HEINZ FAMILY SIZE SWEET 'PICKLES . 35c BUCK'S COUNTY SPANISH STUFFE'D OLIVES 100% 8 oz. 43c PURE PARADI'CHLOROBENZENE '2 lb. 69c CHARCOAL BRIQUETS 10 Ibs. 69c ....:... 20 Ibs. $1.29 INSTANT FOAM CHARCOAL LIGHTER king size 59c BREYER'S ICE CREAM V2 G,allons - $1.00 "I saw it In the Swarthmorean.nl!._-"---------------.~"------....:__- ' Page. Letter' to Editor THE SWARTBMOREAN CLEARS AND THANKS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PENNA. dent between cars of a Springfield Township woman and a Ridley Township man at Michigan avenue and Fairview road at 2:54 p.m. Saturday At 3:21 p.m. Sunday the cars of two Swarthmoreans collided at Cedar lane and Elm avenue. The right froht fender on a car of a Harvard avenue resident, which was traveling north on Cedar, and the left front fender of a car of a North Chester road resident traveling west on Elm, were damaged. Mrs. John A. Pkeard has 8C1lepted a position to teach this fall at Springside School, a college preparatory day school for girls in Chestnut Hill. As Dir,JlCtor of Music in the u'pper School, Mrs. Piccard will train the senior high and junior high glee clubs, and teach fundamentals of, music theory and coptposition a~d music history. ( Dear Editor: To correct a misunderstanding PETER E. TOLD, MlARJORIE TOLD, PubliBMr. that arose from a classified adverPhone KIngswood 3-0900 tisement in last week's Swarthmor. PcETER E. TOLD, Editor ean, I'd like you to publish this Barbara B. Kent, Managing Editor letter. • Rooalie D. Peirsol Sonya K. Horneff Marjorie T. Told Last week my family urgently J eaDJllltt<; V. Howe needed six pints of blood for my Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post mother (who does not live in Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Swarthmore )who just had a serDEADLINE _ WEDNESDAY NOON . ious operation. Through the Red The Fire Company answered a Cross we obtained the loan of the SWARTHMORE, PENNA., FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1959 callot<> the John Wood residence, 403 Need a new approach, a new vision or revision blood required. Inasmuch as the North Chester road, about 10 :15 of your ,Dais or work? Send for fr •• fold.r J. FRIENDS MEETIIiB NIITES recipient of the blood.does not come Since 1937. Kln91'Wood 3-2022. METHODIST NOTES under the Swarthmore Blood Bank, a.m. Monday, when a washing TOMLINSOII COUIISELORS .During the month of July, Walter Church Schoo.I ciasses and M ornh d f 1 placed this donor appeal for re- machine caught fire. 546 Rutgers Avenue Swarthmore, Pa. Douglass will be at t e oor or At 4 :18 p.m. Thurs~ay, June 25, ing WorsMp will be conducted on regular 11 o'clock Meeting hour. placement blood. the summer schedule of 8 :45 for There will be no child care ~uring In my haste to obtain this re- Mrs. Kathryn Fahy and eight-yearM f placement blood 1 offered to pay old son William, Jr., of Grace Park Church School and 10 :00 A. . or Meeting. donors. This was my error to offer were injured at North Chester road one service of morning worship. to ay donors 85 the Red Cross will and Baltimore pike when they atWe welcome to the pulpit for the PIIESBYTERIAN IOTES and does not accept paid donors tempted to stop the drifting of their ildln~ four Sundays of July, Dr. W. V,erDr. Robert's sermon top~c Sund.ay :: any time. I hope that this letter car which they had just parked and 1 Secretary morning at the one worshIp serVlce will correct the misunderstanding left. Sergeant Elmer Zebley took ~~. non Middleton, Genera: . at 10 o'clock will be "The Fountain th t the Red Cross had anything to the couple to Taylor Hospital for THOM SEREMBA of the Division of Natlon~l ~IS-, and the Light". All classes of the doa with this ad or with the paid treatment. JIIrs. Fahy suffered an UPHOLSTERY and SLIP COVERS sions, Methodist Board of MISSIons. I Church School department through donor offer. injured left leg and a broken toe 8 Years of Swarthmore RefBrenc8s He has general oversight of all the junior age level will meet at 10 I hereby withdraw the paid donor on -the right foot which a wheel of Over 30 Years' Experience the 'home missionary and church ex- o'clock, only, through the summer, offer and wish to extend my sin- the car passed over. Both she and Phone SHARON HILL 0134 tension work of the Methodist Sundays. A trained supemsor is cere thanks, together with the the boy were knocked down. The Estimates Without Obligation Church within the United States, provided for toddlers ,and infants thanks of my entire family, for the laUer sustained abrasions of th~ including Alaska, Hawaii a~d during the summer service. rush of "free" donors who have ribs and right knee. Mrs. Fahy's 12_ s Puerto Rico. He has h~d a d: The organist _ choinnaster who now, supplied our immediate needs. year -old niece, N aney Byers of tinguished career in Nat1~nal mls- will direct the summer choir will be G. West Cochrane Philadelphia, who had remained in the !,ar managed to stop it by applysions. He has been executIve secre- Mr. Frank Perkins of the First ing the brake. tary of the Philadelp~ia Mis~ionary Methodist Church, Springfield, Ill. A fine of $5.00 was paid by A. and Church ExtenSIon SOCIety of Mr. Perkins is directing during the .Write or phone Cor Earl Gillespie and Joshua Hepand C. Pennington of Ridley Park the Methodist Church, and execu- absence of Mr. Grooters and Mr. IlDb'mation about' burn, night men on the police desk, on Thursday for making an illegal tive secretary of the Division's Sec- Carwithen. Rehearsals will be held will open the vacation schedule for left turn off Rutgers avenue into modern facilities of tion' of Home Missions. He held t~e at 9 a.m. Sunday mornings. the local department. Gillespie, who Chester road. The next day James lattel position when elected to hIS The daily recreation. church WEST LAUREL HILL took one .week in May, will spend present post. in 1956. school will close after a two week his additional respite, June 2S to Wiegerink of Media paid $10 for Dr. Middleton is vice ~h~irlllan period, on July 3. Special closing July 3, taking short trips, including traveling teo fast for road condi2Is ....... Avo. e....c..,...l. Po. of the Division of Home MISSIOns of exercises will be held in the Church one to Gettysburg. Hepburn and his tions on ,Swarthmore avenue beMOhawk 4-1591 the National Council of Churc~es, Sanctuary on Friday· morning at lv.ife will enjoy a reunion with their twee~ College avenue and Baltian interdenominational org~nt~- 9 :30 at which time all parents and son, James, of Wilmington, Ca1., more pike on June 19. tion of 24 constituent home mISSIOn friends are invited. and show him various Pennsylvansocieties. He has visited outpost ia sights during his visit here (and missions in Alaska, Puerto Rico Josh's vacation) July 3 to 17. The TRINITY 1I0TES and Hawaii and bas visited and Holy Communion ~;n be celebra- last time father and son saw each studied the religious and ecohomic ted at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Sunday other was in 1944 when the younger OUR RECORDI -conditions of American Indians, mimorning. Those serving as ushers one was headed for Japan with the grant workers, and other minority Army and the elder en route to will be as follow~: More Ihan three-quart8l'l of a groups in the United States. H. L. Harris, Head Usher; E. Europe. century of unequaled service, deO. Cramp, Alternate; P. B. Banks, Police Chief Thomas Bateman CHURCH SERVICES pendabDiIy and high... standardll G. W. Chang, R. D. Huh~e, and C. and Patrolman Peter McGinn;s will PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH C. WaJlin. be on vacation from July .17-31. Dr. D. Evor Roberts. Minister There will be a celebration of the Bateman will be at the Pennsylvania Mr. Robert. O. ,Browne, Holy Communion on' Wednesday at Pollee' Chiefs'· Conv€ recordings strength, a very present help .In a hammock, just in ease). Patrol••• an such recreations depfmdent on eJectricity make Wednesday, July 1\ trouble." man Ellis Lindsay, who like Weidlile richer at so little cost. 7 :00 A.M.-Holy Communion. A cordial invitation is extended ner, goes off duty August 14, has Speaking of cost, the aver· Thursday, July 9 to all to attend the services at First three weeks coming to him due to age price of electricity 10 :00 A.M.-Holy Communion and Church of Christ, Scientist, 206 length of seryice. He plans to spend ner kilowatt-hour is I()wer Healing. Park avenue at 11 o'clock. at least some of it in tlt,e Poconos. than ever before I THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Patrolman Stanley Shepanski OF FRIENDS 20th SHS Reunion will doubtless be at his place at I Sunaay, July 5 Shipbottom, N.J. most of the time 11 :00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. A reunion of the Swarthmore between August 28 and September All are welcome. High School Class of 1939 was held 11. M90day, July 6 Saturday night, June 20. Over 80 The junior patrolman, Edward All-day sewing for the A.F .S.C. classmates, husbands and wives re- Burgett, dot'sn't qualify for a vaWednesday, July 1\ freshed themselves. in the David cation until 1960. Ullman pool on Amherst .avenue, An aeeident occurred at 5 '.17 p.m. C F.s .• h A!I-day sewing for teA. t followed by dinner at a restauran Friday, June 19, between the cars FIRST CHURCH OF in Media. Mr. and Mrs. Ullman en- of Stanley Pasternak of Broomall, CHRIST, SCIENTIST . ed th e group a ft erward s a t who was traveling north on Chester SWARTHMORE ter t aID Park Avenue below Harvard a party at their home. Those who road and turning left into College came from a distance were Mrs. J. avenue, and Rhoads Heald, Jr., of Sunday, Juty 5 . H. Hoegerman, the former Ch ar- Chester who was ·driving south on 11 :00 A.M.-Sunda17 School. lotte Griffin, Santa Barbara,Cal., Chester road and making a right 11:00 A.M.-The Lesson - Sennon M" • will be entitled "God". Mrs. J. Ewers, the former arJorle t~rn into College avenue. PasterWednesday evening meeting each Din!j1Ilore, Tulsa, Okla., and Jim nak was treated at Taylor Hospital week, 8 P.M., Reading Room, 409 Brown from Freesport, Me. for a cut chin, abrasions of elbow Dartmouth Avenue, open week:Guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. C. and wrist. Heald received a bumped days except holidays, 10-6; Fri- F. Ziegenfus, Miss Mary Arm- forehead. Both cars had to be towed _~d~a~y~ev~en~in~g~,~7~~.________-=~ strong, Miss "irginia Allen, MISS from the scene. . NOTRE DAME DE LOURDES Adeline Strouse, Mrs. Hannah Kirk At 12:43 p.m. the next day, SatRev. Charles A. Nelson, Pastor Mathews and Mr. and Mrs. Frank urday, Patrolman Stanley Shepan" ParishRectory-MicbiganAvenue Morey. ' s k i administered oxygen to .June and Fairview Road Keighton of Cedar lana· who was Daily Mass-41 A.M.-Rectory I Bunday Ma• 9, 10, 11 A.M.Miss Genevieve Reavis of Univer- taken i I at 162 Pa~k avenue. She Co1le&e Theatre sity place left last week on a freigh- was later treated by Dr. George B. A BUSINESS.MAMGDl. TAX·PAYING UTILITY caMPAKY. Confession-SatuT 1 :46.8 on Saturday were tering or changing holders ofrec- defmltely Swarthmore records. ords within the Swarthmore team Others who placed high itself~ Swarthmore i~ various age gro,up:,1 The 18 first places gained by ill the triple meet were: Swarthmore in the 26 swim eventa DIVING - K. Sutherland and S. resulted in Swarthmore taking two Williams, third places in jr. and sr. jtOOl records from outsiders while girls. \ ..ping two "thers and losing three. BA.CKSTRORE - J. Williams, Ten new Swarthmore records were R. Sublette, firsts; J. Espellscl.aele,1 also set. S. Robinson, A. Townes, D. SutherB. de~er came in 46.6 in midget land, seconds; C. F<:sP"enschade, D. girls backstroke to breBik the 47.1 Foley, J.I Cushing, thirds. !pool record of B. Bartlett, Rose BREASTS'IIROKE - L. and P. Tree 'Woods, and her own Swarth- Zecher, P. Wigton, firsts; C. Wilmore record of 47.6. A. Townes 35.2 Iiams, S. Wigton, N. 9ornelius, D. 'bettered B. Bartlett's former 37.6 Speers, seconds; K. Grose, W. pool record in midget firls freestyle, thirds. at the same time moving her own FREESTY.LE - B. Durnm, first; PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY M I Fun This Weekend! ACME HOLIDAY FAVORITES! , Lancaster Brand, * * rectd~,. Cut fro'\' young, corn-fed beef! T-BONE *: SIRLOIN PORTERHOUSE e 8S 3 1.35 KS Fresh Ground Beef None Pri~ed .•'1'1&her11.. Ib . . / lb. Weekend Picnic? ••• don't forget Virginia Lee Rolisl There ;s a difference! ,; . 12 TO 16 LB AVG., S:~P.NKLESS, SMOKED FULLY COOKED H.Shankless Half·' S::'~.u Ib43C sIb53C .. 49 ·Butt Half C (Smaller hams slightly higber.) ************************** *. 1 .,f) * *~ V~W-d...ee. Sliced Rolls i Frankfurtdrs 8;n 22C I 55' *'** SPECIAL HOLIDAY SALEI ••• P~CNIC BAR-B-QUE VALUEI ~ ., Barbecue or Frankfurter pkg Lancaster Brand All Mea. I l-Ib pkg ************************** HAWAIIAN PUNCH :rO~:;' 3 6-<>Z'$100 4 cans ... the power that serves! .........s, ./ ***********It ELECTRICITY . fortheyoungestswimmersatl p.m;ll P. Schmidt 146.2), 2 B. Campbell, . . 3 S. Brown; second heat - 1 J. ~nday.. Placmgs were. •• W'II' I 3 ·,l1.1C I lams (4'52) . , 2 S . P' eJrso, BACKSTROKE: 9 years old and J. Espenschade; 10's - 1 B. Webunder - 1 B. Webster (57.8),2 S. ster (46.),2 E. Celia, 3 R. deMon. Peirsol,3 M. Gerner; 10 and under BUTTERFLY (25 yards) -1 N. - 1 J. McWiHian;s (57.6), 2 P. Cornelius (27.6), 2 S. Boyd, 3 E. Seybold, 3 D. Damels. Celia. BREASTSTROKE:9 's - 1 A. Nancy's team won three, and Bell (1 :01.5), 2 S. Peirsol, 3 D. Sandy's one of four relays swum. Grose; lO's - 1 C. Campbell (63.), Barbara Gerner coached Nancy's 2 J. Espenschade, 3 S. Boyd. team and Cacki Espenschade SanFREESTYLE: 9's-first heat-- dy's. SEASON SUBSCRIPTIONS AT A40% SAVING OPENS TUES., JULY 7 July 7-July 12-THE MERRY WIDOW .. :>J July14-JiJly 26-JAMAICA .~. July 28-AUg. 9-DuBARRY WAS A LADY \~. Aug. ll-Aug. 16-Ll'LABNER Aug. 18·Aug. 23-To Be Announced . Aug. 25-Aug 3G.-Duke Ellington Jazz Feslival Pricel; Tue •.• Wed., Thun. 3.25 2.15 2.00 1.15 Fri., 501.--6 P.M., Sun. 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 Sat. 9:30 P.M. Show 3.95 3.50 3.00 2.50 Perfs. Tues. lhru Fri. at 8:40; Sat. 6 &. 9:30; SUit. 8 $ealon: TUeI., Wed .• Thun. 11.52 11.40 9.48 Fri., 5al.-6 P.M., Sun. 14.52 12.42 10.32 P,icel: $ot. 9:30 P.M. 16.38 14.52 12.42 $end Orders t. Music Circus, BuUI. Conurd,iIIe. PI. IIlobe 9·1121 LUNCHEON MEAT laa"::~er PINEAPP,LE JUICE ;~:~ emTZ CRACKERS B~~:t••~Y KOSHER PI CKLES CANNED DRINK5. 2 69C 3 46.oz89C '2 -OZ cans cans 12.oz25C p k9 ~"0149C la' Ideal Whole or Spear. Brand Newl Bala Club 6 oz 49' 12 (an$ i:*** flit ~/4?t~ .,1 ***~ * ~ BING CHERRIES \I~rz~e 39ci NONE PRICED HIGHER! NORTHWESTERN .. Ib ~********-***************** HOLIDAY COOLERI. fHNi;lt FRESH FROZEN • Grape Juice 3:= 49 I C C~LlA' SHOE SHOP , Closed Saturda" Jul, 4th· l}***~********************* HOLIDAY FAVORITES • • • ICE CREAM & CAKE! ~ ~...~~I:e ~ream UNTIL Monda" Jul, 13th 102 Park Avenue Save 10e Swarthmore. P•• \ I~~ Sav.·I6c OB OB all Ho1id~, FIlIVorst. ~~: 69C~ ! Cake each49C.~ Family Si.e PlaiD or Marblel *~*~************~~~~**~***. , • A surprise tea was given in honfreshments were made and served or of Mrs. Walter Divekey'. birth_ by the troop. SummerCametCanteen Scientific prayer is bringing in .. Proficiency badges were awarded day on Sunday, June 21, by her TRlfllTY CHURCH BASEMEIIT creasing numbers of .peo!,le healto the followihg girls: Marianne daughter Mrs. Robert M. Grogan ing, comfort, and reformation RichBurtis, My Troop, Cook, Dabbler; of Westminster avenue. Mrs. H. WednesdlY, Jul, 8 8-11 P.M, ard L. Glendon of Los Angeles "aid Janet Bowie, My Troop, Camp- L. McCune of Villa Nova avenue Al!mi"ion 25c in a public lecture in Clothier Memcraft and Cat and Dog; Carol served. Campbell, My Troop; Mimi Connor, ~~~~~~~f;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~loriall Thursday, June 18. Hospitality, Campcraft, My Troop, Interior aid Exterior Pllntlng K1nI&W- 3-14fll .The vital power of effective Homemaker and Housekeeper; prayer, promised in the Bible, i. JOE MARSHALL Georgia Detweiler, Campcraft, My available to all, impartially, Mr. 511 REESE STREET Troop, Star and Cook; Patty Estey, Asbes and Rubbish Removed Glendon declared. MILMONT PARK. P~ .....wn.& MOwed, General Hauling 0 n natlOnwl . 'd e t our as a mem ber My Troop, Camporaft, Star, Cook and Homemaker; Lynne FarringTelephone LEhigh 2-81 &1 236 IIardlng Ave. Mono... Pa. of The Christian Science Board of ton, My Troop, Campcraft and DabLectureship, Mr. Glendon spoke bIer; Karen Grose, Child Care, My under the auspices of the First Troop, Star and Rock and Mineral; Church of Christ Scientist, SwarthELNWOOD "The Comforter," he said, "is the Eleta Jones, Star and My Troop. more. He was introduced by the Second Reader of the church. Science of Life as taught and dem- Ka~ie Natvig, Campcraft, HandyWATCHMAKER Formerly of F. C. Bode a.nd Sons During the course of his lecture onstrated by Jesus. This S.cience, or woman, Child Care and My Troop; Christ, Truth, has been revealed to FIne Watch and 128 Yale Ave. Baltlnlore Pike III Lincoln Ave. "Christian ~cience: The Jane Oakey, 2nd class rank and, Clock Repairs Swarthmore. pa. entitled Healing Comforter," Mr. Glendon this age as Christian Science. Be- My Troop; Susan Scott. My Troop! Swartbmore described healings through wholly ing Science, it can be understood Beth Ann Stuart, Camp.craft, My EstablIabed 1932 spiritual means of kidney stones and proved. By enabling us to bet- Troop, Reptile and Amphibian and and stomach ulcers. tel' understand God, it renders our Star; Sue Wood, Rock and Mineral . . ~n1et, ReIlUnI SurroundJDp With He took as his keynote theme the prayers effective." Campcraft, My Troop and Star; Excenent U-Uour Narsm. C.... Apostle James' promise, "Is any He added: HIt reveals the true Ann Gearhart, My Troop, Dabbler, Gutters Klngswood 3-0272 sick among you? let him call for meaning of salvation as the des- Drawing and Painting; Linda Warm-Air Heating the elders of the church; and ,let truction of sin, disease, and death Zecher, Swimming and Adventur- ':=::==~=::::::=:::::! them pray over him, anointing him through the understanding and er; Ba~bara . Roth, Tenderfoot r" Air Conditioning .. with oil in the name of the Lord: demonstration of divine Life, Truth rank: and Emily Russell, MY Troop Sheet Metal Work and the prayer of faith shaH save and Love. It makes it possible for and Dabbler. the sick, and the Lord shall raise you, and me. to experience this glorThe leaders and girls thanked him up; and if he have committed ious awakening today." the mothers and the troop committhey shall be fo:rgiven him~' tee headed by Mrs. Johan Natvig KI 4-1214 sins, BOX 48 (5:14,16). CS Troop 78 Awards for the loyal support given them in Photographic Supplies He urged his audience to turn t. aJ.l their activities. r"urumnIIIIIHDInUIlWIIlU.'IDI~IIIU1nIDUlIIIIUDIIIIII~ the Bible to find the way to true Girl Scout Troop 78, sponsored STATE III MONROE STS. Mrs. Arthur Grose, Milton, Mass. MEDIA ~ CRESSON PRICHARD ~ and effectivJ prayer. by the Swarthmore Presbyterian who was a' guest of Mrs. Donald P. § 9 Christ Jesus, Ite said, knew that Church brought the year's activi- Grose and has been active in sco~t-. LOwell 6-2176 ties to a close Monday, June 15, ing in Massachusetts during the OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS - ,plish .his mighty works. with a court of awa2rds and an in- past 16 years, was present at the ....------------.-(. B M· h· A § "He devoted his ministry and formal supper on Tuesday given by Court of Awards. ==:" 7 ,IC Igan venue , !§ sacrificed his human life in the ef- M1'8. J ames H • Connor a t h el' horne 1 ~nCUlUllHlnamlllmIllCllmllUnIDtmUllnnCIII! B Swarthmore, Pa_ !§ fort to teach others this w~nderful on Fairview road. LEGAL NOTICE §C truth that saves, ,heals, and com- The ·program for the court of Notice i8 hereby given, pursuant. &0 the S~ ~ § forts," he declared. awards included three skits of some .lJl'Ovblons of Ac~ of Ase~blr No. 380, = = Mr. Glendon ,pointed out the dan- outstanding events of the year, an approved May 24, lH5, of lnt.enUon to fUe 53 ~ '111 the office of the Secretary of the 5 gel' of personalizing the healing original song, and slid.es of Rock- Commonwealth of Pennaylvanla, at Hal''' e Pormerly iii 5.mou1IUlUlDflH1IIIII1lCIIIIIUIIIIIDIIURIJlIUDIIUIIUlld power of effective prayer. wood, the N ationat Girl Scout Camp lrtsbUrg, Pa., and 10 the off1ce of the ~ iii 'CARNS il ~tlnaIlIllIllIlIlWllmlllmC:lIIlIIlIIlllClllnIllUIIElIIIJDllllllt4! "You, who are familial" with the in Maryland, taken by Mrs. Connor \Pleas )prothonotary of the Courts of Common _ of Delaware county, on Wednes-~ a a Bible," he said, "will recall that and 1\f.rs. Donald P. Grose. Re- day, 'he l'Uh day ,of June, 1959. a. Cer- " 850 Baltimore Pike = e 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ·Wlcal.e for the conduct. of a. buslnea8 In a Sprinrfleld, Del. Co. Fa. ii Cites Prayer's Healing Power J WILLIAM BROOKS • there was always the tendency of the people to personalize this power, to see it as God's special dispensation to some particular individual. 'lIhe reBult was that tl1ey failed to grasp the all-important fact that this .power of true prayer is available to all, impartiaUy!' He held that the Comforter promised by Christ Jesus (John 14:16) is available today' to teach mankind how to pray as Jesus prayed . In concluding his lecture, he em.phasized that the healing Comforter ,promised by Christ Jesus has come. EMIL SPIES • art more's Convalescent Home ROOFING I Piclure Framillg George M,irs and Co. :_~ REAL ESTATE ROGER RUSSEU i ~~ ~:~ ~~:t"~~~~~:~ ~~e;:t:~~~:: __-==========-__ noo KI 3- 1112 !__ CEN ERAL CONTRAC.TOR iii = 290 Lg Burdon Road " ~ Por..id •• Po. ~ TRemont 2-5487 §1 C ~ ~ ~lllllllllllllnUllllllllllullllmulllDlIIIIIIIIIIICIllIllIIllIlDlllliii ~_·QIIIIIIIIIIIIDIUIlWIIBDIIIIIII1I1I1CllllllllllllalmIllUillal~,,- i'i ifi Jock Prichard i INTERIOR & EX'l'ERIOR a~ Free Estimates iii s=_ P A I N TIN G D § --"0 i'i § a iii !§ a c a " =,,~' Klngswood 3-8761 ==;; I j ADS FOR RENT ~ = iWDUWIIUlIICIIIUlIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIICIIUIIIIIIIID1 Groups: Decorated Bicycles, 26" or less, Decorated Tricycles, Costumes, Pets, Fancy Dress, Floats a i 'Pel.w.re COULty. Penna,lv""',, the 5 assumed or flcUtious name. styleUDder or des;tgna1.lon of CRYER. SALES ENOINEERot 'INO COMPANY. with its principal place 01 business at Theatre Square, 8warth- ~IIIIDlllluuIIIIDlllllllnlllclllllllllllldi ! i i"" PERSONAL - Boarding kennels.· FOR RENT - Second floor un- :~::. o~':;:':Y::':!~ o~.:;.,:·:e In'::"~"d. Sarah L. Palmer, 601 WaUing- ,furnished apartment. ,L i v in g lin said busmess is Cbarles P. Cryer. 4231 iii ford Avenue, MO"lan, Pa. LOwell room, bedroom, kitchen and hath. Drew Avenue, Swarthmore, Penn8ylvanla~ ~ i 6-0288. Sep~rate entrance and garage. " =_"= = C.L ASS I FIE PERSORAL· § " a • -_. AT BOROUGH HALL --- PARADE· 9 A.M. , I a . FLORIST = a=e- t_ I DiLuzio and Sons I & H' • h N K d elnrlC • nu sen _=~ ~=~ e " • Klngswood 3-0450 i 10 A.M. -~- AT COLLEGE AVEIIUE SCHOOL Belvedere Convalescent Home . Available about September 1st. ESTATE NOTICE PERSONAL - Roofmg, spoutl!'g, Write Box U The Swarthmorean. Estate of CAROUINE L. BROWNE, Ia.Le gutters, carpentry. RecreatIOn ::":C::::~=~='~~:::::;:..==:.::::= of Ute Borough of Swarthmore, Delaware 2507 Chestnut St., Chester rooms a specialty. Ray J. Foster, FOR SALl County, Pa., deceased. LOwell 6-6569. FOR SALE - Springer Spaniel Letters Testamentary on the above TRemont 2-5373 PERSONAL _ Bicycles Repaired. puppies, AKC. Bred for disposi- Estate ha~1ng been granted the underz.&.Uour N1lnlnl Van Parts, accessories. Milt Glass _ tion. Wonderful pets. Good hunt- Signed, ail persons Indebted to sald EsR easona bl e. tate are requested to ma.ke Immedlata ABed, SenUe. Cbroo1c Bicyclu, Hobby, Toy Shop, 205 East .rs. Sh ow POSSI'b'I't' I lIeS. pa.yment, aDd those ha.v1ng legal ohums, Conv&mscent KeD·and Women Baltimore Avenue, Clifton Heights, IQIngswood 3-7144. /-0 present the same without delay to EsceUen' FOR - Spa clOD Or8lPlCb MAdison 6-0713. Opposite Clifton F·OR SALE 1949 Chevrolet, William H. Osborne. MUdred R. Osborne. BiUII Cross Bonored Theater. green, radio and -heater; excel- Swarthmore, Penna,. or tbelr At.torneY: Morris H. Fussell. 203 ,County Building. SADIE PIPPIN TURNER, proprietor PERSONAL - UPHOLSTERING $'1le noto mKec I hanicadl 3c-40n2d4ition. Price Media. Penna. . 3t.-6-26 & SLIP OOVERS. Over 30 years' . ngswoo 9 . experience, eight years of Swar.h- F·OR SALE - -Dachshund puppy, ESTAT£ NOTICE more references. Custom work at . female, 10 weeks old, AKC. Ac- Estate of LUCY E. HANNUM, deceased. REASONABLE PRICES. Large customed to children and eat. InLetters Testamentary on the above Esselection of fabrics. Estimates are oeulated. $50. MAdison 3-7674. tate have been granted &0 'the underfree. AU work is done in our own FOR SALE - 1951 Plymouth con- signed. who request all persons having shop. Our low overhead saves you vertible. Excellent condition. claims or demands against the Estate of Ute decedent to make known the flame, money. THOM SEREMBA. Phone $235. Klngswood 3-8081. SHARON HILL 0734. FOR SALE - Three suits, one and all persons Indebted to the decedent General Contractor to make payment. without delay. to PERSONAL - FURNITURE REwinter dark blue, 38 regular. al- David A. Hannum and Edward E. HanFINISHED REPAIRED AND most new. Two summer, one lark num, Executors, or to Edmund Jonea. BUILDERS 'Since 1920' UPHOLSTERED; slip covers, dra_ blue, worn only twice, 38 regular; Esquire, Attorney for the Est.ate, ~ Ease. peries and rugs. Painting, paper- one tan, palm beach, 46 stout, tailor Fifth Street, Chester, Pa. . 3Wo19 TILE FLOO~S - PLASTIC .TILE hanging---eomplete decorating ser- made. Klngswood 3-3329. FORMICA COUflTER TOPS vice. Quality work at bargain FOR SALE - Better bird houses ~1I1111!IIIIIUllllllllllllnllnIl1I11I1ClllllllllllltllIllIllIllIIDIII!~ ROOFINBand SIDINB prices. Please caU LOwen 6-3031 or and feeders. The S. Crothers Jrs., DRIVEWAYS and Klngswood 3-7282 for free estimate. 435 Plush ·MiII Road, Wallingford, CUSTOM KITCHEIIS Garrett House. Pa. LOwell 6-4651. ADDITIOflS • ALTERATIDIIS PARKINC AREAS iii PERSONAL Contracting and WAflTED ~ ~ Free Estimates BUILT and RESURFACED carpentering. KIngswood 3-1426. WANTED - Refined companion iii 1401 Ridley Avenue Stone Work !§ PE~SONAL _. Furniture refinover 28 and under 45 for elderly ~ Block Work § 5 ishing, repairing. Quality work blind person for two months. Will Chester, Pa. Done Reasonable jj at moderate prices-antiques and stay in hotel in Chautauqua, N.Y. " TRemont 2-4759. modern. Call Mr. Spanier, KIngs- Job requires patience and tact. C § Call MAdison 6-3675 ~ wood 4-4888, KJIngswood 3-2198. LOweU 6-2449. . TRemont 2-5689 9 PERSONAL - Piano tuning spec- WA!~TED - To buy second-hand ~ ~lIlHR1llBDlllllnUnICnI1lIllUntmllnIlIllIDIIIIIIIUIDt:.: iaUst, minor repairing, member crIb, complete. KIngswood 3-4444. Piano Technicians' Guild. Leaman, WANTED - Small girl's bicycle, Klngswood 3-5766. preferably with training wheels. PERSON AL _ Furniture refinish- Robert Marshall. LOwell 6-2741. ing and upholstering. Antique reLOST AID FOUID finishing. Repairing and glueing LOST _ Tail pipe f9r Volkswagen and sofa springs tied. R. L. Beck, Thursday afternoon, June 26, beNew split level home on established tree-lined street. HUbbard 5-2776. tween Martels and Crest Lane. PERSONAL TV repair. All Klngswood 3-4653. Also on drawing board a lovely Ranch Home being makes. all models. 24 hour ser- LOST - Very old Siamaese cat vice. Call Klngswood 4-1062. Ask named Sweeney, Stomach shavfor Sam. edrecently. Klngswood 3-0733. designed for tree lot in established much sought Pony Rides ,-- under 7 years old Games - for all a PARK AVE., SWARTHMORE Klngswood 4-2727 'TlMI'ElW . r ~~ OIL HEAT l. ca _ u ..... ~otIltWt*" c.. ....-...«\ GUo .o&uu - 01\. I"""I~ WAn_ "'-"'''' l , SWARTHMORE SWEEIEY & CLIDE DAY and NIGHT OIL BURNER SERVICE 29 E, Fifth Street NOON Klngswood 4-1234 \ J. A. ~. l".r. II,•• S....I D. II,.., ~r, • ..rp ....... • TRemont 4-6311 ·Olded Real Estate a~d Insurance Firm in D.laware County Specialidng in Properties in Swarthmore, Wallingford, Rose 'Yaney and M.dia kea. s..... D. CI,•• lin-II" • \ Est"bUshei 1151 MONDAY TBRU SATURDAY SUNDAYS aDd HOLIDAYS after location. * * S~onsored Klllgswood 4-1500 , b, Swarthmore Business Association, HORACE A. REEVES THE SPOT SWARTHMORE TOGGERY SHOP THE FOUNTAIN CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP JOYCE LEWIS MICHAEL'S COlLEGE PHARMACY ACME MARKET ALICE BARBER GIFTS PROVIDENT TRADESMEN'S BANK STRATHHAVEN INN' PYLE DUPLICATING SERVICE E. L NOYES ORANGE CLEANERS BOUQUET· BAIRD & BIRD THE SWARTHMOREAN MUSIC BOX B. J. HOY 5 & 10c STORE CO-OP FOOD MARKET CELIA SHOE SHOP CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE HOLLYHOCK GIFT SHOP HARLOW SHOP PORTER H. WAITE, INC. CHURCH KITCHENS PAULSON & CO., INC. D. PATRICK WELSH J_ F. BLACKMAN AND 'TRUST CO. CRACKER BARREL BAIRD an. BIRD Opposite Boro Hall • Fire Association Demonstration i = H. D. CHURCH -.-.,.. , a CUSTOM INSTALLATIOIIS by -- 12 NOON --- AT BOIOUeH HALL Edward G. Chipman and Son a • ... . I . ~;;;:;::;;;;;;;;;;;:;::;;;;;;;;~ i , • I • \ S~T!1rthJ:\o:ro Co l1egr THE HWARTHMOREAN Page 8 Belle M. Dudley Officers of New United Fund Board 48th "Stay"at-Home" Community Ce/ebrtJtion Mis. Belle Mitehell Dudley of Vassar avenue passed away quietly in her sleep Saturday, June 27. She wa~ 78 years of age and was born and raised in' Flemingsburg, Ky. !'lervi.ees will be held Wednesday ill (Continued from Page 1) floats. In addition to the flag, each marcher will receive a favor from ~~~::;.~~~:~:;gl in the Presbyterian the Business Association and sevthat her grandfather built eral will be the pleased recipients long before the Civil War. of prize ribbons, recognizing' the Miss Dudley was a resident of special merit of their efforts. ClubSwarthmore for 10 years, making women judges will include Mrs. W. her home with her brother-in-law Alfred Smith,Mrs. Donald Grose, and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Officers 01 the newly formed Delaware County board 01 directors of the United Fund of the Mrs. Wells Forbes, Mrs. David Gensemer until shortly after her Philadelphia Area are (left to right): Morris L Hicks. chairman; Lawrence G. Williams, M .... Wil'Bingham and Mrs. James Connor. sister's dell-th. Surviving are two liam F. Geigle, William R. Jones and David Randolph. all vice chairmen. Not .hown is Mrs. Weldon Following the parade come -the nephews, Steele Dudley Genscmer B. Heyburn, also named a vice chairmon_ Among the 48 dtrectors are the following Swarthmore highly anticipated pony rides for and John E. Gensemer of Vassar residents: Francis W_ Plowman, Donald P_ Jones, William C_ Rowland, Richard M_ Hook, A. Sidney the very youngest up to seven years avenue and a niece, Mrs. Edward Johnson, Sr_, and Thomas A_ Bradshaw_ and the fun game hour for boys, for Kelly of Flemingsburg. girls, and for adults. This is a livePost.Kinde~orteft Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Merker, ly, informal time with some of the Swarthmore Recreation Another sil< weeks of fun and Morganwood, returned last Wednes'DIPLOMAS' TO LOCAL CANINES sport the hunting the group in Association Reports learning has started for the postfrom a week long visit in the Local dogs who have completed which one belongs. As the time ar· (Continued from Page 1) kindergarten group. In'>rthelrn part of the state. their training in Ziegler's Dog rives when each child has had the Getting into a'set routine was the Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. For- Training School received their udi· coveted ride, each group is fairly show will be held. Many chiliren have volunteered to play their ,infirst big job and these happy sixsythe of Thayer road who are plomas" 'Vednesday evening in the well played out, comes the dispensaspending June and July/at Ocean ISwartilmore High School auditor. tion of the treat for every rider and struments, sing songs 01' do skits. year-olds caught on quite Parents are invited. 1 The day starts with free play City, N.J., were at home last weeki ium. \ player, which vanquishes heat and The Fours lowed by a variety of activities with while their daughter) Mrs. Norman "Pudding", a. Yorkshire, owned fatigue, and send all back to BorAn eager group of Fours started music. Then they join the outside Brosch and her two sons -Barry by ,Mrs. George A. Smith of Mar. ough Hall with renewed enthusiasm. their Recreation program on MOll- group to play on the equipment) Jay were at the, shore. 14r8. ietta avenue; UDutchess", the Don. There the Swarthmore Fire De- day, June 22. enjoy refreshment time and a Forsythe's mother Mrs. Julia S. ~il" aid Jones' Boxer, of North Swarth. partment will be ready for an imAfter the free play period, thelrest pe:iod·~efore arts and .crafts, lett'c visited her at Ocean City re- more avenue; and "Jill", owned by pressive demonstration of speed children g"ther around the piano a favor!te hme of the mornmg. cenUy. Mrs. Forsythe spent John C. Mc~illiams of North and skill which will not only Pnmory • W e dnes d ay WI'th t h e I'el,.w:artem when the two towns united as research and engineering, named Chris Gerner, and Gary Johnston sf_e'r'~Air Force Base in Alabama. own Swarthmore record for senior a single school district a few years Dr. Robert M~ Kennedy to succeed made especially long ones. boys breaststroke by .9 second, I H~\ is, survived by. two sisters, ago. Dr. Thomas a"s director of research Thursday was Yankee Doodle Nancy J. Gary of Swarthmore, Ml·s. managing it in 1 :21.7 R. McCurdy's Dr. David Rosen, chairman of the and development. . 41.3 captured the Swarthmore·junDay and they SHng the. song and 1958-69 Lay Curriculum Advisory "We are pleased to honor Dr. made hats with red feathers in Patricia Dale' of Newport Beach, ior boys breaststroke record which Committee, appeared "at the meet- Thomas for his many years of scien- them. Jo Rita Knopf and Pinney Calif., one brother Wright W. Gary J. Foley had held at 44.2. B. Dumm Jr., 'of ATcadia, Calif., an9. his ing, along with several members tific leadership and personal ac- Corr made beautiful chapeaux. grandparents !\Ilr. and ,Mrs. Samuel 34.6 reset the Swarthmore record of the committee, to present in full complishments," Mr. Kirkbride for junior girls freestyle, previousMrs. Frank Piccon'e was the_ suba its' formal ·written report. He di- said, "by making him our first stitute teacher on Friday, .and she C. Hanna of Maple avenue. Relatives and friends are invited ly set at' 35.1 by J. Espenschade.·P. rooted attention to a recommenda- scientific advisor. This is the' top guid~d ~he childl'~n in making Simkin bette ted C. Brodhead'. . tion ihat another period 'be added position on OUr· scientific ladder." clowns. Lainie Ward, Jonathan to attend the funeral services 1 :24.6 senior girls butterfly record to the current six periods a day for Dr. Thomas, who now holds more Starkler and Dee Herschel did ex- which will be held today, Friday, for Swarthmore by 2.6. July 10, at 2:30 p.m. at the Ray academic curriculum (including all than 100 ,patents, joined Sun in cellent art work. Others placing for Swarthmore F.. Imschweiler Funeral Home, subjeets such as physical education 1951 as a staff assistant in research Post-Kind ergorteners against Great Valley were: 1600 Edgmont avenue, Chester. formally included in' the . school and development. Within eight l?IVING - J. and L. Courtney, The second week for the postday); that each period he at least months he became manager of the kindergarteners found the children Reverend Joseph P. Bishop of Bos- R. McCurdy, J. Derickson, S. Wil(Continued on Page 4) chemical research laboratory. He well acquainted with each'other and ton, Mass., formerly of Swarth- liams firsts; K. Bradbury, J. was named director of the division the routine of the day. Each morn- more Presbyterian Church will of- Speers, T. Reeves seconds; K. Suthficiate. Interment will be at Chesin 1956. 'ing wa!i started with free play ter Rural Cemetery. (Oontinued on Page 7) BEIK, LAFORE WRITE Before joining Sun, Dr. Thomas which gave the children an opporEUROPEAN HISTORY was associate director of research tunity to chc;>ose their own toys or to 144 Attend July 1st Game Sat_ Features "Modern Europe", a history since for Universal Oil Products and dirtalk with friends. 1500, written hy two professors of ector of research at Great Lakes Oldsters vs_ Youngsters Summer Canteen Opener The group was enthused over the history at the college, Paul H. Beik Carbon Corporation. On Saturday afternoon' at RiverThe Summer Canteen opened at new playground equipment. T·he and Laurence Lafore is a recent IUllSic and story of the Wizard of T"inity Church July 1 with a sur- view Field the oldsters of SwarthHolt and Company publication. .prise crowd of 144. Three rooms more will take to the diamond in RE'CREATIDN FELLOWSHIP Oz was' a favorite this weck. Beik is a graduate of Union ColIn', the arts and crafts period were being used constantly for dan- an attempt to show 'their superiorTO MEET TUESDAY, 1130 lege, and received his PhD from painting with favorite colors was cing, games, brid,ge lessons, ping:" ity over the youngsters of SwarthThe recreation fellowship for Columbia, where he taught for sevpong and ,Box La Crosse. Lemonade more in the second annual game (Continued on Page 7) eral years before coming to Swarth- young people from senior high was served, but coca-cola will fol- which has been an outgrowth of more. An expert on Russian his- school through the college age had low from now on as a preference. the Knee-Hi league recreation proits first meeting on Tuesday evetory, he has also studied at the InThere was a decided interest in gram. The oldster team will be comWinners hl the 195~ version of stitute of Russian Studies at Colum- ning' at 7:30 at the Swarthmore the SwartlImorc Business Associ- bridge lessons, which were given posed of coaches of both the Kneebia. A specialist in the history of Presbyterian Church, under the ation's annual Fourth of July Par- by Mrs.' Robert Jarratt. Philip Hi league and the Horne,t team. Such well-known names who will France in the 18th century, he has leadership of Mr. and Mrs. Irl ade Saturday were selected as fol- Swayne will also teach, with the hopes that some other adults will be digging their cleats out of moth' written two books on conservative Durling. T'he next meeting will take place lows: thought in the era of the French Decorated Bikes - ,first Nancy come and teach the hasic rules to balls will be Howard Sipler on the Tuesday. July 14, again at 7:30. Revolution. He has also studied and Cor.lelius, second Lisa Gray, third the high school group. College stu- mound, with Tom MacNew as relief dents would be more than welcome ,pitcher. Horace Renshaw will serve taught in Paris, where he served a Betsy Draper. BEREAVED, year with the Free University of Tricycles-first Ann Troxel, sec- to help in this field. Volunteers are quite ably behind the plate, while Private interment services were Europe. His home is at 4 Whittier ond Heather Shannon,-third Julia asked to call Mrs. Herman Bloom. Cliff Renshaw, Moon Mullins, Jack held Wednesday afternoon at GlenA special invitation, posted at the Cushing, Bill Reese, Lin Hosford, .place. ' Mary and Valerie Woodcock, and Wallingford Pool, was issued to the Sam Paddison, Herb Michener, Ed Lafore is a graduate of Swarth- wood Memorial Gardens, Broomall, Ann Shugarts. more, and received his PhD from for Barbara Lynne Ziegenfus, the . Costumes - first Claudia Coit, Nether Providence High School Egan, Hu,b Hartman, Bill Standish, the Fletcher School of Law and Di- infant daughter of Mr. and ·Mrs. Susan Ketcham, Kathy Knobe, students to join. It is requested Pierce MacNair, and- any other William D. Ziegenflls, Folcroft that they show their A.A. card in dads interested will round out the' !plomacy. He has written on probCourt Apartments, Folcroft, who Mary Elizabeth Starrett; sec~nd order to buy a Canteen card. lineup. lems of recent diplomacy, and Judy and Nancy Golz, .Philip and wasbom on June 30 in Jefferson Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Mal. 8,05. 10:10 P.M, York for Mexico on Sunday for a ,perio~ of six He will inspect ICE CREAM SOCIAL SPECIAL ALL·CHILDREI'S SHOW , AmerIcan FrIends tService CommitSATURDAY I P.M; tee -projects along the way and -in Peach.s, Ice.Cream. Cake & Beverage Mexico. S••rlhmDre Malh: I.uro. La.n , "This Island Earth" CDlar C.rtoons Dhr. and Mrs. Howard C. Schultz 6 to 8 P.M. 3 SI.t,1 , ....., wit their children, Connie Tina Salurda,; ~ul, II, 1959 and Cynthia, have returned t~ their '"=============~ Starting Wed., July 15 home on Rivervi~w road after'An Interesting, Absorbing Show spending a week in Stone Harbor Paul Newman N.J. ' Ia ~ DICK FRANCHET'TI _ TElEVIS'ION :nri.m;... I Th,e B·au, , quet ~ BEAUTY SALoN 1 · 1.......... I SWEET CHERRIES LlNVILLA ORCHARDS ~resent I _iyw ST'A·T'E' AUTO· iii .' . ·r. RUSSELL'S SERVICE i' MOVIES ARE BETtER THAN EVER! College Theatre • • The Camera & Hobby Shop "MY UNCLE" . , :weeks, Girdle and The Fashion Center for Girdles and Bras, Corselettes and Camp Supports, etc. Puerto Rico Virgin Islands Package Vacations 7 Day PUERTO RICO from ... $147 8 Doy VIRGIN ISLANDS fro", $212 14 Doy -CO",binatlon fro", .... $269 1?Cludin~ round trip all tronsporta. flo~, talC IS. free port shopping. sight. seeing and your choice of luxury hot.I •. Write or Call for Fre. Folder ABBEY LINCOLN In AMAIC IUIRO TRAVEL SERVICE , "THE YOUNG PHIUDElPHIANS" Featuros-7:IS. 9:30 P.M. Individually fitted to you for comfort and beauty. A1teratiOll.8 free. AD Famous Makes. SPECIAL IHILOREI'S HOLIDAY MATIIEE WED., ~'L' II • "Space Children" - 7 S. Chester Rd., S~arthmore 11Ipw... 4 ....., "ONE CALL ,DOES ALL" Bra Shop ,I....rt.....Cilr....1 1St........d} i<:lngswood 3-~290 A....I FlEE "1l1li 815~ .Edgmont Avenue, Chester . Phone TRemont 4-:-3331 I a ! Swarthmoreans Attend BNwster, Hunt Win 2 At~nd Yovth Seminar Annual July 4Jh Picnic Tennis Club Annual In W"$.hingtQ~~ Ne¥! '(c;!~~ Swarthmoreans and . for mer Mary Davis of Springhaven and Swarthmoreans who attended ,the Frank Gillespie of Wallingfor.i're- annual Fourth of July. picnic at cently s.ttfll\ded a week-long semi- the Paul Alger's summer home on nar ill ,Washington and New York Laketronchatoola, Bridgeton, N.J\, on "Youth, the Church, and Interwere: national Affairs," sponsored by the Mr. and M.... Paul Williams, Mr. United Presbyterian Church in the and Mrs. ,Fred Bell, Mr. and Mrs. U.S.A. Percy Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. ThomMary and Frank, together with as Chew and daughter Ginny, Mrs. other young people repres~mting J. Francis Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Presbytcrian Churches throughout J. Francis Taylor, Jr., and daughthe United States and several ov..t- ter Linda Louise ot Drexelbrook; seas countries, met in conference 'Mr.. and Mrs., William Bell and with leaders at the capitol and the daughters Betty and Pamela of United Nations. The general theme Springfield; Mr. and Mrs. Richard of the seminar was the Christian Bell· alld three children of Kennett outlook on international affairs Square; and their house guests Mr. with special emphasls on the Mid- and Mrs; Alger's son·in-'law and dle East. > daughter Mr. ahd Mrs. Paul Ford They met privately with Repreand their daughters Carol and Gail sentative William H. Milliken (Rfrom Easton. Pa.) to further their own understanding of questions concerning Mrs. J osepli Walter of Parrish government processes and. interna_ road and her son Jack au spend~ tional problems. ing the summer at the Inn, Buck The group was briefed on the Hill. political and moral implications of ~~ ,international ' THOM sEREMBA conflicts in the model'tl world by Dr. Clifford Earle UPHOLSTERY and SLIP COYERS 8 Years of Swarthmore Reference, and Rev. Gayraud Wilmore, both Over 30 Years' &perience leaders in the national church. Phona SHAIIOI HILL 0134 They attended sessions of the SuEstimates' Wifhout Obligation preme Court, the Senate, the House of Representatives, and a Senate 5ubcoD}ll'l;i\tee. Co~fe~~~c~s were held with Representetive Walttlr Judd (R.Milin;), Senator John F. Kennedy; (D~¥ass.• ), me'l'\\ers of the State Department, and an official in the 'United A~ab Republic Embassy. in New York after touring the United Nati'on~, the group had conferences with representatives of the United Nations V isitors' Service and UNICEF and with a member of the Israeli delegration to the United Nations" The Swarthmore Tennis Club's annual fourth of July tournament was a successful clash of considerable tslent. Nineteen doubles teams played a total of 148 games in the two day'series. Each match consisted of six games, every game being scored. J. Brewster and A. Hunt won with a total of 63 ,points Mrs. H. Toland a-nd L. Egbert placing second with 41. .. This event starts the club's season of activities. Men's and women's doubles tournaments will follow on July,20 and August 3 respecti"ely. The junior tournaments start August 3. "I saw it in the Swarthmorean." , \ months at Camp Timanous, Raymond, Me. Former Swarthmoreans Mr. and Mrs. Carl ·Moeller of Louisville, Ky., spent a few days last week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. William W. McClarin, Jr., of ,Park avenue. COMMUNITY A,RTS CENTER 408 ROGERS LANE, WALLINGFORD, PA. -* Still Time in Enroll in Summer Classes Painting with Mr. Cyril Gardiner Wednesday afternoon Thursday evening - Landscape Studio Painting with Mrs. Elizabeth Raleigh Tuesday and Thursday morning HOW Ballet with Mrs. Lenore Sander CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Sculpture with Miss Maurine Ligon HEALS Thursday morning Thursday evening Craft with Miss Sandy Hoyt Monday and Wednesday mornings WFIL Radio - 8145 A.M, Channtl6-WFIL·T¥-IIIO A••• Call Office for Details . . . LOwell 6-1739 For Budget Watchers Only • NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Keenen, and their children Catherine, Gar:": ry and Willis Scott of l\'1aitland, Fla., have been visi.tin.g 'M;r. K~.~~­ en's parents, Mr~ and Mrs~ Frank G. Keenen of Harvard AVenUe this week. They will '!Asi~ ~'i'" ~e~"1"5 parents Dr. and Mrs. Garry Hough itt',Long' MeadoW; 'Mass.;heforere-' turning to their home. Randa Rooss of Cornell avenue is spending the summer a·s a wiiter front counsellor at Ca~p Danbee, Peru, Mass. Richard 1<'. Fellows, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fellows, 216 Garrett avenue, has been elected to fau Beta Pi, national honorary association in engineering at Cornell University. He is a senior in the College of Engineering. Mr. and Mrs. J. Passmore Elkinton are occup)'ling a cottage on • Howard street, Nantucket Island, Mass., until September 10. Miss Helen Wilson, who has resigned &S 'lnanager of 'Strath Haven Inn, is occupying their Harvard avenue home during their absence. i . Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Ozmun of Village Green have returned to their home after completing a three-week automobile tour of Europe. Their itinerary took them into France, Italy, Austria, Germany, Switzerland and England where in London they witnessed the Trooping of the Colors in celebration of the Queen's official birthday. ~r. and Mrs. Marvel Wils<1n of Strath Haven avenue enjoyed as their house guest >;,ecently M·r. Wilson's sister, -Miss Harriet Wilson of ,Providence, R.I. Bob Rowland, son of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rowland of College avenue, visited 'his aunt Miss Marjorie Hammond of Detroit, Mich., before going to camp NeKana, near Manistique, Mich., where he will spend this month. Bill and Jim Rowland are also at Camp NeKana where Bill is a counselor for the summer and Jim a camper for a month. ' A fonner Swarthmore school student, Danny Rodgers, son of Mr. and ,Mrs. Oliver Rodgers who now live in Birmingham, Mich., will leave the United States in September as a Field Service appointee. Danny will spend the fall months with' a family in Gel'JDany and retum 'In ':1alm&r,.. . Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Forwood of Oberlin avenue had as their house guests last week ,Mrs. Forwood'. brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Brown of }.ynn, Mass. Bill Allen of Riverview road left last week to spend the summer ...... - ••• but anyo'ne nlay look! Hospital Bllla·Are HIgher . Than What? Some people feel that today's hospital bills are too steep. Everything else costs more. too, but they view hospital expenses-incurred in saving life, preserving health-as particularly astonishing. Why is this? Does it grow out of the old tradition of free hospital . care here, dating back generations? Those days passed with the free lunch and the horse and buggy. But the memory lingers on, perhaps nostalgically, in the minds of a few. There Is certainly DO mystery why hospital charges have risen. Newer. more wonderful.-more costly-lifesaving techniques and equipment are constantly; being develoPed. You seldom pick up a newspaper or magazine today that does not tell you about some new disc;overy now available for patients-Of soon to be.. But this Is only one important reason why hospilll expenditures continue to rise. An increasingly health-conscious public entcrs has! pitals in greater numbers each year. When we are ill we all want-and have n right to expect-the In!fl:lt treatments, techniques and equipment put to use immediately by highly skilled personnel. And we demand even more. Good food, lots of servIce, pleasant surroundings, adequate parking facilities for our visitors. And so on. b good, modem hospital care really too costly? Try these for yardsticks,: It has been estimated that Americans spend $14 hillion annually for recreation; $10 billion for alcohol; $6 billion for tobacco as compared with only $S billion for hOspital carel We all have a perfect right to spend our money as WI} please. But those who think wo may be spending too much on hospitalization might care to reconsider their standard of values. Pl.as. Nole: Think twice before joining so-called "essential." "basic" or other IiIiuted hospital-bill programs 1l,0W o1lered. Only Bluc Cross provides "senice benefits" you need in a modem hospitaL • BLUE CROSS 0/ Grea1m' Philadelphia and itS In Member Hospi1;als Write for fnie ~klet, '\foar HosPital Bm" Blue Cr-. 112 S. 16th St., pbn'deJphla 2, P.. \ I I \ July Page 4 THE SWARTHMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT ~WARTHMDRB, PENNA. . PETER E. TOLD, MIARJORIE TOLD, PublisheT. 0' ·Mrs. Henry R. Baxter of ·Clear•• tho fndivid....t writTo any of the thousand-odd (that water, Fla., for 30 years a resident ",.. tloo All Istter. to Tlul Sw"rthword was hyphenated) Swarthm<>re of Chester, and the mother of moroan m""e bo signed. PuudoPhone KIngswood 3-0900 if tho writer young people who have spent a year Swarthmore High ,School graduates nllm... mall b, P.ETER E. TOLD, Editor is known to the Editor. Lettero with D\e learning the principles of Barbara B. Kent, M'1.fmgi1lg Editor the former Betty Lou and Polly will b. published onlll lIt tlul dWAmerican government, the fact that Emery, died Friday, July 3, in Bil- "".lion of th, Editor. Rosalie D. Peirsol Sonya K. Hornelf Marjorie T. Told I am at a loss for words will come Jeanuette V. Howe oxi, Miss. as a shock! Perhaps they wl11 unIN APPRECIATION Hospitalized for two months in Entered as Second Class .Matter, January 24, 192~, at the Post derstand, when I say that love has the MacDill Air Force Base at To the Editor: Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. made me tongue-tied! Three times over the past few Tampa, Fla., Mrs. Baxter had reDEADLINE - WEDNESDAY NOON For two months our family has cently been transferred to the Kess- years I have lost garments, a fur felt the impact of a community- ler Air Force Base H~.pital at and two coats. After exhaustive en_ SWARTHMORE, PENNA., FRIDAY, JUJ.Y 10, 1959 wide, loving concern, evidencing jt- Biloxi, where her death occurred. quiry I advertised in our local self in myriad ways. First t!>ere She was 68. ",aper. Each time the day after METHODIST IOTES PIESBYTERIAI IOTES were all the letters to the hospital Active in mothers groups at the publication I recovered the lost On Saturday, July 11, there will Church School classes and Morbe an ice cream social on tile church ning Worship will be conducted on in New Brunswick where my high school where her daughters article. Someone "Saw it in the lawn from 6 to 8 p.m .• when fresh the summer schedule of 10 a.m. daughters and I watched God mi- Betty Lou (Mrs. John Rogeri) and Swarthmorean". ,This is :an a~ peaches ice cream, cake and bever- All classes of the Church School raculously use the wonders of mod- Polly (Mrs. Karl McGhee) were preciation and a thank you to the ages will be served. The public is department through the junior age ern medicine to restore my hus- members of the classes of 1948 and pap~r. mvited. Tickets may be obtained level will be meeting. A trained band's life and sanity, after his 1963 respectively, she moved to Maud Bishop from members of the uPairs 'n' suPervisor is provided for the very mysterious brush with death on the Clearwater in 1966, a year after 220 Cop pies Lane Spares".. young during the summer services. highway. Wallingford, Pa. her husband Dr. W. V. Emery's The letters brought assurance of Sunday School classes will begin Dr. Robert's sermon topic this death in 1965. at 8:46 a.m. with classes for al1 Sunday morning will be "The Fool- constant prayers on rus behalf in Mrs. Morris M. Lee of College Her membership in the First ages. Visiting pupils are cordialy ishness of the Gospel". all our churches; our Red Cross was Presbyterian Church in Ohester and Princeton avenues arrived welcomed. I The summer choir ~Il rehearse replacing the six pints of blood he was transferred to Clearwater, home July 1 after two weeks in Morning worship will begin at 10· at 9 a.m. Sunday mornmg under the had needed; and orie envelope con- where she was also a member of the Hartsdale. N.Y., with her SOn and a.m. with Dr. W. Vernon Middleton, direction of Franklin Perkins. who tained a check ample enough to pay Clearwater Country Club. daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Lee, General Secretary of the Division will be· playing the organ and di- t.he special nurses we had to have Jr. She attended the wedding of In addition to her daughters, she of National Missions of the Metho- recting during the absence of Mr. that first week. is survived by her husband' Col. her granddaughter Margaret anel dist Church as guest preacher in Carwithen and Mr. Grooters. Human beings do not recover Baxter, (ret.) of Clearwater, whom Mr. Blaine Braniff on June 20. quickly from serious brain injuries, she married in June of 1967, and the pastor's absence. Leora May CHRISTIAN SCIEIICE NOTES we were told. The doctor was won- three small grandchildren, John Raynor will be the morning soloist. Seethe The spiritual power of Christ derfully skilled in both surgery Rogeri, Jr., Bnd Bray Louise and Jesus' teachings and example will and human .perception. Gently he Karl McGhee, Jr., all of MonroeTRill In NOTES MEMORIAL PARK be emphasized Sunday at Christ- prepared us for the future: the ville, outside of Pittsburgh. There will be a celebration of the in beautiful ian Science services in the Lesson- damage to the brain was considFuneral services were held WedHoly Communion at 8 o'clock SunSermon entitled 4'Sacrament". erable; fortunately my husband nesday morning in Chester, folWEST LAUREL HILL day morning, and a service of Mor~ had escaped paralysis - but th~ lowed by interment at Chester ning Prayer at 10 o'clock. Those .~ FRIENDS MEETING' NIITES speech area was irreparably gone Rural Oemetery. scheduled to serve as ushers are During the month of July, Wai- -and time might reveal other posany day from 9 to 4as follows: • ter Douglass will be at the door for sible impairment. In six months, 1.lmont Av•. above City Une Jackie Price, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bell, head usher; G. H. Ber- the 11 o'clock meeting. BoI...Cyn\vyd in a second operation, the bone he John A. Price of Princeton avenUe lin, Jr., alternate; C. R. Cacace, E. had removed could be replaced; has returned to ·his home from J. McIntosh, J. N. Nutt, and C. M. School Considers Stop in Office at Oock Tower , . meantime, no strenuous work and Camp Tockwogh on the Chesapeake for guidance Waterbury. Request for Reports no mental or nervous strain! On Wednesday the regular midBay, where he spent a week. (Continued from Page 1) One of our daughters is half-way week celebration of the Holy Com46 minutes long; that an additional through college; a second begins munion will be held at 7 a.m., and on Thursday morning at 10 o'clock .period be scheduled for conferences, this September. No work and no there will be a service of Holy Com- to be used at the discretion of the worry indeed! But that was how things looked munion and Healing. This schedUle school administration and indivi~ will continue through the month of dual teachers but not to be pre- that first week, when the prayers • empted for eXtra-curricular activi- were just begining.•.. July. Expert manog.ment, syrnpothetlc ties; and that the academic proTen days after the operation. my . understanding, central-c:lty location, . gram take; precedence over all ex- ·husband knew us, and began to CHURCH SERVICES talk. Last Friday, a month after his ond reasonoble prices odd up to tra-curricular activities. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH release from the hospital, we sent A general discussion of problems renowned Oliver H. Bl1lr service. Dr. D. Evor Roberts. Minister involved in placing the recommen- back to New: Brunswick and the Mr. Robert 0.' Browne, Associate Minisj;er dations of the Committee in effect, surgeon examined him. 44You're a lucky guy" was how ,he brought out that several of those Sunday, July IZ 10 :00 A.M.-Morning Worship. which did not require increased ex- put it when he announced that HarSermon: "Tlie Foolishness of the penditures have already been ry could resume all normal activiDra.erOD 0' fIINftALI Gospel." ties! As for the second operation, 1820 CH~ESTNUT STREET 10 :00 A.M.--Church School class- adopted and that others wiJI be gives through Junior Department. en every consideration although it can take place in two or three ouvn H. BAIt. founcI~ MARY It. BAiR. PI I '1m' such factors as time and finances months! METHODIST CHURCH Telephone RI 6-1581 Does God answer prayers? will undoubtedly have to entsr into John C. Kulp, Minister Last Saturday morning. another the Board's determination of which Charles Schisler letter came from Dr. Roberts. I am improvements shall be given .prior_ Minister of Music sure he will not mind my sharing it ity. Saturday. July 11 with a community which is responThe petition of the School Direc6 :00 P.M.-Ice Cream Social. sible for it. tors for the appointment of an audSunday, July IZ "Dear Marge and Harry", it ran, itor to succeed Mrs. Isabelle Pugh 8 :45 A.M.-Church School classFussell, resigned, was presented to "this comes to you with joy and es. the Court of Common Pleas, Me~ gratitude from many of your 10:00 A.M.-Morning Worship. Dr. W. Vernon Middleton will dia, on Wednesday. The name of friends; the very young, the very preach. Oscar S. Hart. 214 Lafayette ave- old, and in between. And a portion TRINITY CHURCH nue, was' suggested to the Court. is even fl'om one who does not know Layton Parkhurst Zimmer. Rector The Court will make the .appoint- you, but who heard of the story Sunday. July I Z and wanted to share with othe:'s in ment next Wednesday. ' 8 :00 A.M.-Holy Communion. The resignation of Dana Swan, gratitude for the response that. 10:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. 11 th grade social studies teacher came to your prayers. People from Wednesday •. July 15 who stated he wished to devote him- all -- Our (Swarthmore) churches 7 :00 A.M.-Holy Communion. self to completing work on his mas- have given this in love to His serThursday. July 16 vants in His Name". ters degree, was accepted. 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion and Accompanying Dr. Roberts' letElizabeth Ann Conklin, 1958 Healing. graduate of Michigan State Uni- ter was a check generous enough to THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY versity who taught in Grand Rapids cover my three week salary lossOF FRIENDS last year, was named successor to plus the outstanding bill fClr sur\\'Thatever the task ahead, you can be sure Sunday, July 12 Mrs. Janice Weaver, first grade gery! There is one more experience I 11 :00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. teacher. of plenty of hot water with would share with you all. At 4 a.m. All are welcome. The Swarthmore Recreation Ason May fourth, when Harry's life Monday, July 13 sociation, which has been granted All-day sewing for the A.F .s.C. an automatic gas wa~er heater. It provides use of the elementary school facil- depended upon the arrival of adWednesday, July 15 ities for its six-week summer pro- ditional blood from Trenton, the All-day sewing for the A.F.S.C. gram of weekday mornings, and words of Paul beat upon my inner all the hot water needed for dishes, ear: the baseball teams which 'have been FIRST CHURCH OF "FCll' r am persuaded, that neithlaundry, and showers, without CHRIST, SCIENTIST granted use of school athletic fields SWARTHMORE er death, nor life, nor angels, nor for evening games, complained-that Park Avenue below Harvard or worry. What's more, it'll individuals not participating in principalities, nor powers, nor Sunday. July I Z these organized activities have oc- things present, nor things to come, 11 :00 A.M.-Sunday SchooL I II-utomatic-requires no attention. casionally disputed possession of nor height, nor depth, nor any other 11: 00 A.M.-The Lesson - Sermon the areas. The Board stated that creature sha)1 be able to separate will be entitled "Sacrament." the groups which hold formal per- us from the love of God, which is Wednesday evening meeting each in Christ Jesus our Lord". week. 8 P.M., Reading Room, 409 mission for use of the facilities at Lovingly, Choole th, auto!"atic gas water hlater \. Dartmouth Avenue, open week- specified times are entitled. to lIrecMarguerite A. Seymo~ dayS except holidays, 10-6; Fri-' edence and other residents who deday evening, 7-9. that ftlll your needs at your plumber's, sire to use such play areas should NOTRE DAME DE LOURDES confine themselves to the free \ dealer's or any Philadelphia EIecIdc Rev. Oharles A. Nelson, Pastor times. Parish Rectory - Michigan A venne FOR RENT Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Waterbury suburban showroom. and Fairview Road of Evanston, Ill., will be the week- Modem homa, 4 2 Daily Ma• ........s A.M.-Rectory Sunday Masses--ll, 9,'10, 11 A.M.- end guests. of Mr. Watarbury'. bath.. 2-car garage. Good loCollege Theatre brother-in-law and' sister Mr. and cation •. $185. . . Confession-Saturday, 4-6 :30 P.M. Mrs. Richard B. Willi, of Dogwoed ..lIlh1p.... a·1411 and 8-9 P.M~ReetoI'Y. . Baptisn-Sunday 1 P.M.-Reeto17 lane. f' ""ea HIGHEST STANDARDS • 'HE OLIVER H. lAIR CO. • Don't have 'just enough' hot water Have all you need - ~~mtl moll'®- ~heated b~.' care bedrooms, PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPAII Page 5 • 10~ 19~9 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Setvices Wednesday An Open Letter Fo~ Mrs. Henry Baxter Tlul op;niona ."'pr••••d b.low To the Community '1". • SWARTBMOREAN ETHEL y, STOVELL Police and Fire News DR, JACKSTEIT ATTEIDS EDITORS' CDNFERENCE Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Detweil- NEWS NOTES Sorber at U. of Miryh. Dr. James D. Sorber, Associate At 6:30 a.m. Wednesday, July 1, Dr. Berthold Jacksteit of Yale Professor of Spanish at SwarthAllen F. Moore of Philadelphia was er and family of Cornell avenue, acavenue attended the 12th annual !more College, is one of 160 teachapprehended by Patrolmen Stanley companied by Graham. patterson of Dartmouth avenue, spent the week Christian Writers and Editors Con- ers of French, German, Latin, and Shepanski and Peter MJ;:Ginnis in Black Moshannon State Park terence which was in session July while illegally loading cardboard Spanish from all parts of the Unitcartons on a truck behind the Acme. near Phillipsburg. During their 4-11 at the American Baptist As- ed Stated who attended the Store manager Morris Baldwin had stay the N. Martin Kapp family of sembly, Green Lake, Wis. School College' Conference on AdPlain Grove, former SwarthmoreDr. J acksteit is director of Youth previously reported to police that an •• visited them. Nina Kapp rel- Publications for the American Bap- vanced Placement in Foreign Languages at The University of Michempty cartons left for pickUp by turned here with the Detweilers for tist Publication Society. Igan June 26 to June 28. their rightful owners had been dis- a visit. Georgia Detweiler returued appearing from the loading plat- a few days early for a tonsillectConference delegates discussed form. Moore was found guilty of Joyce Sharer of Yale avelUle is a . t omy.· recent deve Iopments in the Adlarceny, ordered to pay $16 m res J Unit Counsellor at Camp Shadowr Mr. and Mrs. John S. Ross, r., vance d PI,a~ement Program in For· itution for cartons taken ear ler with their three children, Lisbeth, brook, Md .• for the summer. oi&" Languages. college-level lanOrdinance 363 which prohibits Dexter and Jack, of North C1iester Mary Chilton McNeil, daughter guage courses in the secondary and $10 fine for violating Borough road, recently spent a weekend in ~f Donald S. McNeil of Dartmouth school for the superior student, loading and unloading too early in -Baltimore, Md., visiting friends. avenue, was awarded the Bachelor the nature and results of this the morning..... W tMr. and Mrs. J. Roy Carroll. Jr. of Arts degree at the 138th annual spring's Advanced Placement exAlliln.d to Fort Brlge Robert S. wright. Jr., 814 es of Riverview road returned June Commencement of The George aminations in the four languages, Cadet Thomas K. Miner, son of dale avenue, who had been held in 27 from New Orleans where Mr. Washington University held June the actions and attitudes of col!dr. and ·Mrs. Charles· L. Miner of $600 bond since .his car injured a Carroll attended the Convention of 3 in the University yard. Miss Chil- leges toward advanced placement. Riverview road has !jeen assigned to pedestrian, John Celia of ·Morton, the American Institute of Archi- ton'~ major field was psychology. and other topics of interest to lanROTC Summer Camp at Fort at Y ale and Park avenues on Jan- tects. Mr. Carroll is a member of Gladys C. Durhoraw. daughter of guage teac h ers. Bragg, N.C. The encampment continue until July 31. Cadet Mmer uary 21. was discharged last week. the National Board and represents ·Mr. and ·Mrs. W. C. Durboraw ofl;:==============. will undergo a thorough indoctrina- Joseph Celia, proprietor of the shoe the Architects from the Middle At- Westminster avenue. attended the tion in aU phases of military ope~­ shop on Park avenue where John, a lantic Statet Yesterday the Car- third National Leadership ConBOOKWAYS was employed, said the lat~ rolls left for Cherokee, North Caro- ference, meeting in conjunction \ ations. He will'participate in a va- cousin, ter who suffered a broken leg and lina for a long weekend whel'e they with the final session of the 97th Closed on Salurday Afternoon riety of field combat exercises ininternal injuries is no longer hospiwill visit their daughter Spencer annual convention of the National cluding one week in bivouac. Upon talized but he expects it will be anwho is a member of the cast of Education Association on July'3 in . J UIY • nd Aueust graduation from Cornen University Cadet Miner will be elegible for other of his months will becouple ·back at job. before he "Unto These Hills". a pageant a commission in the United States Lawrence M. U stick of Lans- given nightly throughout the summer. Peggy and Pat Carroll are . Army Reserve. downe paid a $10 fine last week for spending the month of Jul~ at trav~ling too fast for conditions on Camp Teddy-Usk-Ung at Hawley, NEWS NOTES Chester road between College and Mrs. John M. P~arson of CorneU Harvard avenues on June 13. Wi!- PaMr . and Mrs. Henry 1. Hoot have ~venue enplaned for Florida on liam Miller of Glenolden paid $26 as their guests their son-in-law and Wednesday of last week to visit for fine on July 3 for reckless driving daughter JIIr. and Mrs. Lewis D. several days with lier onel. and on 'Chester road and on Yale ave- Lawrence and three children of aunt Mr. and Mrs. William Boyle nue June 21. Monrovia, Calif. The Lawrences in Mt. Dora. Fla. She returned At 10 p.m. July 3 Walter H. spent two weeks early in June visUNTIL Mann, Jr.~ Bainbridge Naval Base, iting relatives in the East, and home Monday. Cherry Sharer of Yale avenue is Md., traveling west on Yale ave- were able to attend Mrs. Lawrence's vacationing in Rochester, N.Y., nue, lost· control of his car as he a~ 15th reunion at Oberlin College and with her aunt Miss Joyce Sharer. tempted a right turn onto the Crum Mr. Lawrence's 10th reunion at The Edwin J. Faulkners of Dick- Creek bridge. He hit and damaged Harvard University. Mr. Lawren. inson avenue are occupying their the right side of the bridge, like- ce returne.d to Los AngeI es I ate m cottage at Buck HilI FaUs for the wise damaging his car so badly it June. Mrs. Lawrence and the chil· Swarthmore, Pa; 102 Park Avenue summer months. Over the weekend had to be towed away. dren have heen staying with the of the Fourth tIiey had' as their At 8:60 a.m. Tuesday, July 7,. Hoots at their home on Lafayette guest Miss Irene Moll of Swarth- at Baltimore .pike and Chester road avenue and at their cottage at Sea· W. Cau- Sl'de P ar, k ·N .J. more College. Their son-in-law a:nd a car 'driven by Robert • • daughter Mr. and Mrs.-Murrell D. thorn, Morton, travehng v:es~ on Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Greene \V eesner with their daughters Bec- the pike stopped. at the traffl~ hght. of S. Chester road have returned ky and Susan of Mor~istown, Tenn., Another car. drIven ~y Curt;'s Hill, from visiting their son and his wife lre spending most of th.e summer Waycros&, Ga., colhded WIth ~he Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Greene oith them. Next week Mr. and Mrs. rear of the Cauthorn car, accordmg and their daug.hter Cindy in their J. Charles Townsend with their to police. Although the rear ets. Good huniers. Show possibilities. Reasonable. KlIngswood 3-7144. roR SALE - Jacobson Lawn Queen reel-type mower. ExceIlent condition. Recently overhauled. KIngswood 4-4206. FOR SALE - 1949Plymouth twodoor sedan. $145. Call KIngswood 3-4087. FOR-SALEr--UTT:n"'u"'s"'edO;-2"'im 6 " blue ai11Plane suitcase, $20. Cost $40. Klngswood 4-3058. IIUSTOII'! INSTALLATlDKS II, H. D. OHUROH 3 PARK AYE., SWARTHMORE Klngswood 4-2727 ~~""~~~~""~~~""~ I in or care in spare t M,!Qu,. E vans, V ernon S tree, WANTED - Chest of-drawers fdr child; small kitchen table. Call KIngswood 3-5469. LOST AND FOUND LOST-Black cocker ~~~~~.~to~n~a~m~e~..~~~~~~ ~,~~ ... . - .... 1. CIIl . . . " .......ua ........ .. • iI ':; =_= D ~ Letters Testamentary. on CAR N S 8H BaIUm Plk S r1-';" Id Dorel n.- e - p .... ue, e ....._ r_ Klngswood 3-0450 § .. ~!!_ 9_" §~. !! § ~ -'WUlD1mHIIIIIID1I111"lIInllIlIlUIIIIIIClllnll""", Belvedere Convalescent Home· . 2507 Chestnut St., Chester TRemont 2~5373· / ~BD1II' ABed, HunlD. Can CbrOl1lc ~oUe. Coov.~.ceD.t Men and WomeD z.«IeUen& FOCHl .. S. .o1... Qr~ Blue ero.. Poonond &ADm PIPPIN TURNER. Proprietor Edward G. Ohipman and Son General Contractor BUILD~RS 'Since 1920' TILE FLOORS· PLASTIC TILE FORMICA IIDUIITER TDPS ROOFINalnd SIDllla CUSTOM KITCH EllS ADDITIDRS • ALTERATIOIIS the above Fr.. Estimates' 1401 Ridley Avenue havlDg been granted Lhe undersigned. eJl penons Indebted to said Batale are r ••u.... d to mat. Imm"'...... and thOlle ba.vlDg legal cl&1ms. I . i · Estate present Diluzio. and Sons FLO RI ST Form-.rly .Chester, Pa. the same wlthout dela,. to TR.emont 2-4759 TRemont 2·5689. Swat1bmore, Penna.. MUdted or theirR. Attorney: WUllam H. Dabome, O.bome. lI/[onia H. FIlssell. 203 COunt? SuUdins. SWARTHMORE Also on' drawing board a lovely Ranch Home being EARN EXTRA INCOIE designed for tree IQt in establi~hed much sought after location. DAy....sNIOBT Oil BURNER SERVICj: MONDAY TBRU 8ATUllDAY NOON 81JNDAY8 ....s BOI.1DAY8 Klngswood 4-1234. Can you use extra money? Well. if you are a resident . 'af Delaware County. you. can work .ight near home packing chewing gum in our mod9m air-condition'*! plant. Light and pleDsant work. We are located only three miles from 69th Street. Darby-Gladwyn bus p _ our door. Also convenient to Red Arrow tr9Iley. Apply Philadelphia Chewing Gum Corporation. Eagle and Lawrence !toads. Havertown. Po. . J.A. • • . (Continued from Pall:6 1) R. Daniel, B. Stuart thirds. ,BACK$TROKE - J. William., sublette, J. Espenschade, J. Folfirsts; S. Williams, P. Kent, B. S. Robinson seeonds; \V. ,••rison, D. Sutherland thirds.· BREASTSTROKE C. Wi!K. Gr~se, T. McCurdy, D. firsts; B. Breakell, D. Mc'M. Schumacher, P. Wigton, Zechet' seconds; N. Webster, D. thirdB. FREESTYLE - P. Simkin, R. iUfiillall, L. Courtney, D. McCurdy, Townes, D. Speers firsts; B. J. Foley, S. Wigton, P. C. Espenschade, R. Mc<:nrdy, Gerner, -D. Sutherland thirds. BUTTERFLY - R. Sublette, S. J. Foley, B. Dumm, Afirsts; B. Breakell, J. and Espenschade, D. McCurdy, S. IOb;',.olo, S. Hoge, D. Speers seeD. Foley third. Swarthmore captured both relays C., oS., and J. 'Williams and ,.~,~~:~: in the girls event and W. 101 R. Gilfillan, D. Preston, Lange in boys_ • BAIRD' and BIRD' Klngswood 4-1500 I Opposite Boro Hall style and medley relays at Swarthmore; Monday, July 20, 6 p.m. 400 meter freestyle unlimited at Ply_ Mar; Tuesday, July 21, 6 p,m. senior diving at Martins Dam; Saturday, July 25, 9 a.m. senior and intermediate backstroke and breaststroke at Aronimink and junior and midget backstroke and breaststroke at Martins Dam, 6 p.m. senior JlDd junior freestyle and medley relays at Swarthmore; Monday, July 27, 6. p.m. 200 meter freestvle unlimited at Penn Square; Tuesday, July 28, 6 p.m. intermediate diving at Colonial Village; Wednesday, JUly 29, 6 p.m_ junkr diving at Wallingford. . Woodall Nanied Ass't Director at duPont duets. Mr. Woodall joined th" company as an engineer at the Oamey's Herman R. Woodall, Walling- Point, N.J., works in 1937. He was ford, manager of the chemical sales promoted to supervisory positions section in the Du Pont ExploBives in production, and in 1942, he was Department, has been promoted to transferred to the Explosives Dethe new position of assistant direc- partment's Wilmington office a tor of sales for chemical and spec- special assistsnt in the Militsry ialty products_ He will direct the. Explosives Division. sales and sales development activi- f He was made a technical repreties for chemical and specialty pro .. ' sentative in the chemical sales Bee- Reach Moon SHOP THURSDAY 'TIL Clu'b members who arrived at the n;.oon June 30 on the first two-week, tell-laps-a-day trip to planets in outer space are: Charles Brooks, Mr, and ·Mrs, John Espenschade, Mrs. Charl~s Gerner, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin, Mrs. William Taylor, Ned Williams, Lee Gatewood, and Richard Hunt. OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL jSranh Recreation Small Fry Celebrate on Fourth RIB ROAST ~::~:~:.~'::~t:~ pool and bntand :' midget ffE"",t;yle and at Rose Tree Wood., 6 and. micJcet Irea-, ARM ROAST 1& Brisket ;ll Cry-O- Vac Pill 79C Corned Beef . CapOne"e ~~:::::: 47C Ib- FAMOUS BRANDS SALE I . Heinz· , Ketchup z23e Hunt's. Stewed Tomatoes 2 ~::,z 33e 2 6ge Bts( ~::~~~ Nectar Post Alpha Bits CEREAL '2 !4-OZ'4ge Hers~ey (hoc. Syrup 3 6-0Z55e 412-az53e Fancy Large Shr-.mp 14-o boltle 46-OZ canl . 8 pkgs 1 cans Ideal Develned CDn !Ht~Iute-,ld~1 EXiound demonstration •. Next Flipequipment_ It temporarily interr,U'J'P¥ and Zippy .(Sue WilliamB, rUl'ted the daily baseball game, Courtney and II Coach" Grace but that· was soon moved, and IcDeJ,mo'tt) and the Diving Astra- everyone' was swinging happily on (Ken Hewes) performed the the monkey bars. The swings, sli.r-ltopuh.. clown dives ·before the des, and teeter-totters were also demonstrated their outstsnd- mu£h in demimd.· Often, Gideon ability in real dives. Young and Billy Stanton could be Johnson wonth\! penny div- found .playing "500" and Eric Seaee for girls 5-and-under, and Stev- WlIB the instigator of a trip to the Cushing the boys. Dotty Daniel UN orth Pole" via the merry-gothe ltickboara race for gills 8- round. The Xander girl. Susan, while Bradley Brown Barbara and Patty made a team on Charlie Parker tied for boYB. the monkey bar. M~rdy won the balloon The Fourth of July was celebrated for girls 10-and-under, -Doug lighted by the use of gimp to make Iherla.'d the paper race for that whistle chain. and bracelets_ For J eari 'Draper and Carol this age group it was the inti-oducttied for girls in the 12- i~n to the more involved crafts, and lkn,ier earidle race, Sandy Rab- they matched handiwork with their .nrnn for boys. Diane Renshaw hrothers and sisters in Summer ""11'0& HOpper won for girls and Club, proud that they were leamKent and Jerry Clothier for ing the "aame''things. In the 14-and-under threeThe Fourth of July Wl\S celebrarace. ted with hand made U Betsy Ross" watermelon Wl\S the ·prize of flags, and gaily decorated hats of old-clo1>hes-relay team (Skip original desigu. The week waB cliChuck Fellows, Tom maxed with a discussion of- ''Inlind Ken Phillips) for win- depends.ee". over a team of life guards Sublette, Jay Lord, Don Henand Charles Dietz). thrUUrig innovation this year the races between relay teams . team members and teams ,parents ..The former won 'in case, though very narrowly Team members taking part : Jim and Dave Foley, BarDUmrn, .J olm Cushing, Larry Karen Grose, Patty SeySusie Brown, Paul Zecher, Townes, Jack Renshaw, Beth for Families and Groups Laura and Sara Enion, Sutherland and Jody Brooks. All summer long (except July and sub.titutions included: 4-5 and Labor Day weekend.) !p.,., WI contlDue to meet during the summer months with the hope that many activities, which are set aside during months of school ·because of weather or !ack of time due to a busy school schedlde, can be accomplished_ Mrs. Richard Burdsall and sons Rickie and Tommy of Cambridge, desire to rent or house in' Swarth- N.Y., left yesterday following a visarea. Available it of nearly two weeks with her parents, Mr•.and Mrs. Alban E. Rogers of Park avenue. E Outswim G. Valley, Aronimink Eata\lD of BELLE M. DUDLEY. a/,k/_ _ : I 1: 4~far55c - SYLVAN SEAL Smooth, Delicious CoHage Cheese b·::--45c • THE SWARTBMOREAN Page 8 KNEE-HI WORLD SERIES GAME WED. FOOD MARIET Consumer's Co.Op Ass'n. of Swarthmore, Inc. Opposite Borough Han 403 Dartmouth Avenue Swift's Premium Rib Roast Ib.69c Frankfurters 1b.59c OSCAR MAYER V4 LUNCH ROLL lb. 25c 100"10 PURE PARADICHLOROBENZENE 2 1b• 69c Luden's Jellies - Orange Slices Green Leaves - Assorted Gumdrops pound bag 23c VEL Giant Size 70c - 25c Large Size co-op 2 full Bleachina Fluid· quarts 29c .48 \;lags 67C SAI,.ADA TEA Plus 1.6 Bags for I Penny GRAP EJ UIC E (Unsweetened) 35c HUDSON FAMILY PACK Soft White 200 25c HAWAIIAN PUNCH (46 oz.) CO-Op TqMATO JUICE (46 oz.) CO-Op APPLE JUICE .' (46 oz.) (46 oz.) o-e BREAKFAST COCKTAIL (46 oz.) Y 8 VEGETABLE JUICE (46 oz.) 3 for ........ ....... -' - - - Blnk on if , $1.00 I : , ,, , : I GREEN 2 Ibs. 19c J I I CALIFORNIA 2 Ig. heads 29c LE II UCE I I I : I I I ICE COLD Ib·5c WATERMELON BREYER'S ICE· CREAM .Va Gallou . . • When you bring a prescription to this fine pharmacy, you know that it will be compounded promptly and precisely. You are assured also that the price will be fair. Try us next time! CATHERMAN'S 'DRUG STORE' . . Klngswood 3-0586 ... Lasl Week of Sale j -- - - - - - --------- .I....... I BEANS It's Camping Time!! ....... CO·Op ,CO-Op PINEAPPLE JUICE Officers for the coming year, elected at the class picnic at the of the school year of Mrs. In-the American League of the Caroline Valentine's second grade Swarthmore Knee Hi League' are: Tigers took over first place chairm~n. Chairman, Mrs. Hen~ Gayley; six wins and three losses when Cushing's nine won a 4 to 1 decis- vice chairman, Mrs. William CampliDS FUIID DRIVE Telephone; Mrs. Jerome ion over the Orioles on Bruce Con- bell; H. Logan Lawrence of Wellesley well's two-hit pitching attempt. Smith, Hospitality; Mrs. David Bruce struck out 12 Oriole batters Binns and Secretary-Treasurer, road is a member of the Parents Committee aiding the Mount HoI. and allowed but one run on two Mrs. E. Severs. yojse College fund drive. Mr. Law. hits, while Sam Paddison of the renee, whose daughter Janis is a Oriole team pitched a fOllr"I,itt;er I Na. 4th Grade OHlcers but lacked the support in the Mary Alice Lilly's Third Grade senior at l\lount 'Holyoke, is sales allowing four runs to cross the Mothers Group, which will be Mrs. manager of the Ehls{;omer Division plate. Steciw's Fourth Grade of duPont. In the other game Tuesday night,l Gro"1P next fall, elected as its neW the Dodgers laced the Cardinals 9 officers at its final meeting in "1 saw it in. The Swa.,.ihmoreG"" to 0 on shut-out pitching by Eddie F;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:';:;;;;;;;;;;= Edney. This win gaye the Dodgers "You Meet the Nicftst People at Speare Bros." second place position behind the and Phillies and the Braves who are at "They Do Sell Nice Things at Speare Bros." present tied for the first position in the National League. Staunch play by Bill Standish, Sammie Cald''''ell, Donnie Hartma'n, and Kem Standi.sh helped toward the victory quite a bit. There is only one more night of games on tap to complete the league. On Monday the Indians the Yankees at Riverview Field while the Braves wind up their season with the Phillies at Colle,l«> I STORE HOURS; Monday thru Thursday, 9:30·5:30 avenue. The latter may well be the Friday, 9:30·9:00; Saturday, 9:30.5:30 deciding game in the National League. On Wednesday night at Riverview field the one game suddendeath World Series will be played to determine the champion of the Knee Hi league. At this writing it looks as though the Tigers will rePr resent the American League while the representatives of the Nationals will be either the Braves or the Phillies. Standings are as follows: American W L T Pts. Tigers 6. 3 0 12 " 1 6 3' 4 Oriole;; ........ 1 6 3 4 Yankees 5 0 6 3 Indiims ......... National W L T Pts. .. 2 0 12 6 Phillies ....... 0 2 6 Braves 1 4 4 9 Dodgers ' • "T" Sh'rt I S •••••••••••••••••••• 1.00 1 3 1 7 Cards •........ • "V" Neck Shirts ••••••••••••••• 2.75 • Camp Shorts ............... .. 3.l5 WALLINGFORD P.T,A, , • leaders Sport Shirts ••••••...•• 3.75 PLANS FOR FALL • Explorers Spo.rt Shirts ••••••••••• 3.50 Mrs. Edgar Steinmark, chairman • Garters and Tabs ............. . SOc of the Wallingford Parent-Teacher recel'1tly held a meeting • Stretch Stockings ............ .. 1.00 her 'home to plan fall activities. • Camp Stockings .............. . 85c Those on her 'board include James • Boys' Ppncho ., ................ . 5.75 Kennedy, vice chairman; Mrs. Vir• Men's Poncho •••..•••••••••••• 6.75 Hoopes, secretary; William \ Norden, treasurer; Mrs. Bartram Cornog.... hospitality; M,rs. Sil"PACKS 'n' BAGS" ACCESSORI ES I via Dignazia, cafeteria; Mrs. Ber• Pocket Knife •.•..•• 1.50 I • Bear Paw Pack 9.95 {$I taxi tram Speare, membership; Mrs. • Toilet Kit •• 2,35 (plus tax) I _ Haversack.. 3.45 (plus tax) John Vermeychuk, health; Mrs. • Cook Kit .......... 2.75 I • Yucca P'lck. 4.95 (plus tax) Donald Lennox, ways and means; • Canteen . and Mrs. John Lee Sammons, ·pubI Qt. ............. 2.50 I • Aluminum Pack Rack. 5.95 2 Qt.............. 3.00 I • Sleeping. Bags, ' Ella F. Blain, principal of the all full size, 36x80, • First Aid Kit ....... 1.25 school was also in attendance with 11.95. 12.95 - 14.95 - 19.95 • Compass .......... ·2.10 I many helpful suggestions. • Compass .......... 1.50 • Overnight Tent •..• 12.95 • Flashlight • 'Campers Tent ••... 21.50 with Batteries •••••• 1.98 _ 6-ft. Tent Pole ..... 2.25 • Vitt-l Kit .. 1.75 I • Camp Moccasins 2.95-3.50 Check some of our hobby items! I • • • • • • 0'. 64 bags 68c TABLE NAPKINS June: Mrs. Ha~ry Woab, chairman; Mrs. Hobart Swan, cochairman; Mrs. J os~ph Tibbetts, secretaly - treasurer; My.. John Cushing, hospitality chairman, and Mrs. Augustus Titus, telephone lEW aRIDE IFFleE.S $1 •• ., Boy Scout Oepartment - Downstair"s Store also . .. 'for the girl scouts ---------------------Of-ticial Girl Scout Equipment ... Camping Needs "A Campin' we will go!" • Official Camp _ Official .Mess Kits 2.75 Blou$ll ••••••••••.• 2.95 • Official Canteens .!. 2.25 • Official Green • Official Knapsacks 3,50 Shorts ............ 1.95 • Official Duffle Bag •• 4.95 • Bermuda Shorts . 3.95 • Official Ground 5 • Girl Scout Crew Hat 1.50 Cloth. . • • • •• • • . • •• 1.9 • Girl Scout Chino • Official Cutlel'{ ~it ., 1.75 Shorts •..••••••••• 2.25 • Official Right Angle 98 • Brownie Shorts .. ;... 1.85 Rashlight ......... , 1'95 • Girl Scout Camera ., 3. • Brownie Polo. Shirts.. 1.00 • BrOwnie Crew Hat'.. 1.50 • Girl Scout Compass. 2J 0 • Brownie Camp Suits • 2.98 _ Official Scout Knife. 2.00 • Girl Scout Sport Belt 1.00 • Girl Scout Toilet Kit.. 2.35 • Girl Scout Raincoats.• 3.98 {Subject to' Penna. Taxi· Girl ~ o.pa"""'" - Do_If's Ston for Remember ~RTHMOREAN Your Flowers Seahorses End .Meel Season Undefeated I Guest Preacher Spencer Named To Confer on Tax Freeze Pupils May Bring Home Academic Reports Now Seek Higher Place in Champion. ships Flowerless , $4.00 PER Pa., Friday, July 17, 1959 VOLUME 31-NUMBER 29 the Service Held Tuesday For Mrs. Walter Durnall Grace Mickle Durnall, wife of C. Walter DurnaH of DIexel Hill, forIllerly of Swarthmore, died in FitzgCl'ad-Mercy Hospital on Saturday, July 11. Beside her ,husband, she survived by a daughter, Mrs. John D. Hawley of Lansdale, and six grandchildren. Services werc held at the Patterson Funeral Home in :Media, Tuesday. is Knee-Hi Leagues PI.., Final Games This Week All-Star G\llT)e Scheduled for 2 P.M. Saturday on Riverview Field ~Ionday night the Phillies won Paul Friend appeared at WedS,.tarthy, the seahorse what turned out to be a play-off nesday's meeting of the Swarthgame for the National league first waved happily from the Swarthmore-Rutledge School Board to rc· place, over the Braves 1 to O. The. more Swim Club I'oof last Saturday quest, on behalf of the board of game was well played by both teams afternoon announcing that Swarthdirectors of the S\,,·arthmol'e Propand the pitching by Jeff Innis for more had come home from its last erty Owners' Association, a conthe Braves and Tim McCaffrey for official 1959 meet as the only unference of leaders of the two bodthe. Phillies was superb. Each boy' defeated team in tile newer half ies to discuss ways of avoiding furgot credit for pitching a no-hit of the Suburban Swimming League. ther realty tax increases in the Bor_ game and the only difference beough. School Board President Don· Each of Swarthmore's two tween the two was that the Braves aid P. Jones appointed Treasurer ponents managed to break a leagll'e I allowed a run to seore on two conJohn Spencer head of a group of record, and Swarthmore set 11 secutive wild throws. school directors to meet with SPOA CounCil Sets New records for its own team The Phillies' infielders Andy officials next fall, and assured Mr. progress of the triple meet in Rose 25-Mile Speed Friend of the School Board's welMacNair at third base, Frank PierTree Woods pool which brought son at second, and John F'ry at first. f;ome for any suggestions it can Zone Dr, W. Vernon IHiddicton, who is final scores of Swarthmore 213base was a delight to see as they The Borough was complimented Wallingford 141; Swarthmore serving the Methodist Church this make. Mrs. Marion Campbell, Board made many outstanding defensive this week upon the condition of its Rose Tree Woods 91; Wallingford month during the Rev. John C. secretary and head of the instruc- jail cells on the lower floor of Bor- plays, and once saved a -possible 239-Rose Tree Woods 106. alliing-I tion committee, l'eported prelimi- ough Hall. Commendation was re- run on a hard smash by Jeff Innis ford was undefeated as it en·tered I Kulp's absence. nary discussions with ElementarY ceived at Monday evening's month- that looked for -sure that it was the meet and many observers felt As General Secreta~ of the Diits score against Swarthmore I visiem of National Missions, Metho- Principal Thomas Boyle and wiJ;h ly session of Council in a letter ticketed for extra bases.· Tb.. would be even closer than it was. dist Board of ~issions, Dr. Min- ,parent groups regarding the re- from the Pennsylvania Depart- Braves, the home team, had last However, Swarthmore took the lead dletoD has general oversight of all quest for more concrete academic ment of Justice which alsf) paid bats but Tim McCaffrey proceedfrom Wallingford during the sec- the home missionary and church ex- reporting in \ elementary grades, tribute to the graciousness of Po- ed to strike out the side to win the ond of Friday evening's tension . work of the Methodist made at last week's Bo~rd meeting lice Radio Operator Earl Gillespie game. Indians No HiHer events at Swarthmore and Church within the United States, by Mrs. John H. McWilliams. Mrs. who conducted department inspecsaid she found a facultyCampbell In the other game of the last tors on a tour of prisoner facilities, ed to build it up throughout the re- including Puerto RieQ. parent committee had recently night for league ,play, the Indians. Council approved the .placing of mainder of the meet. Vice-chairman of the Division of drawn up a suggested form to be 25-mile speed limit signs on Park shut out the Yankees in another Responsible for setting new Home Missions of the National followed in reporting at the parentno-hit pitching effort by Hal Welsh. league records were: Council of Churches, he has visit- teacher cor.ferences noW in effect, aYenue between Yale and Michigan avenues, on Cornell avenue between Hal pitched his best game of the Barbara Bartlett of RTW ed outpost missions in Alaska, but that this had not been being Yale and Strath Haven, and on season while young Bill MacNew won midget girls backstroke in Puerto Rico and Hawaii and has u~ed by all teachers. The Board reCedar lane between Swarthmore gave the Indians fits as a potential (.1 better than the old record which visited and studied the religious viewed the form and f..lt that some hitter, but each time an' Indian was she also held); and Ed Sl¥ncer, and economic conditions of Amer- manner of mal'ks for academic pro- and College avenues. The low bid of J. Ray Patterson, there to catch the ball or make a former outstanding Rose VaHey iean Indians, migrant workers, and gress should top the list of inforChester, for l'esurfacing 3600 feet play. The standings of both leagues swimmer now with W,.llingfol,d, Iother minority groups in the United mation given, and that, if feasible, of Borough streets at a cost of are as follows as the last games who .won senior men's butterfly States. such a record might be sent home in $3,335 was accepted. Payment of wel"e completed . 59.5, bettering the former 60. recSunday services at the church on advance of each conference so that $450 to Huggins and Company, for Anw)'ican ord of Ken Mast of Colonial Vil- Park avenue are held at 10 a.m. parents could better assess their actuarial services in setting up the Won Lost Tied Pts. children's ,progress and a more ben- new pension plan for Borough emlage. 6 4 0 12 Tigers eficial conference ,""ould ensue. Mrs. Terry McCurdy captured .ployees, was approved . 5 5 0 10 Indians Campbell will confer further with Swarthmore records and Jim 1<" 1 .... 1 lSI 9 Rental of the American Legion ·Orioles 451 Mr. Boyle who doubtless wiII con- Room! to the Crum Creek Bridge bettered two which ,he held (Terry's 7 361 Yankees sult teachers in working out the Club: on Wednesday and Friday fil'st place in midget girls breastNatiowd stroke, 48.5, displaced Karen Summer Canteen at the Trinity final arrangement. evenings, at $5 per evening, was Won Lost Tied Pts. A table just released shows that approved. Council agreed to accept Grose's old record of 50.5 j and her Phillies 8 2 0 16 second ,place in midget butterfly, Church on Wednesday evenings Swarthmore is one of 11 school dis$25 monthly from James Brooks Braves 7 3 0 1446.2, took Cacki Espenschade's old from 8 to 11 p.m. continues to be tricts among the County's 43, which who signed a $305 judgment for Dodgers 4 5 1 9 61.5 record). Jim's third place in very popular. In its second week, had a loss in market value of realty damages to the traffic light at Cardinals 1 8 1 S in 1958 as compared to the previous Chester and Riverview roads reintermediate boys freestyle (28.) on July 8, 201 students attended. Little World Series bettered his old record of 28.4, and All are required to have a wid- yea". The new $29,334,700 figure is cently perpetrated by his automoOn the docket for the last week's $636,400 less than 1967'~, while the his second place in intermediate bile. events of the KneeHi program will butterfly (32.) beat his old ter Canteen Card or to buy a Sum- 1968 assessed valuation is $8,619, A request fOI" a stop sign at Riv- be a one game sudden death World 1. mer Canteen Card, at a nominal 180 resulting in an increase in perof 33.6. Joyce Williams' firs. place erview road and Ogden avenue, in'senior girls backstroke (1 :23.8) sum,. for identification. Those eli- centage (29.4) of assessed to mar- submitted by Councilman J. Roy Series game between winners, the. Tigers of the American League and bettered her old record f)f 1 :25. Jo- gible are Swarthmore and Nether ket value. The 1957 percentage was Carroll, was denied, the Phillies of the National League. anne Espenschade, coming' in first Providence High School students, 28.7. This should work to the disAn ordinance providing for The winner of this game will then in intermediate girls backstroke Swarthmore residents of college trict's advantage since state re- placement of sidewalks on the north be declared winner for the entil"& age and friends, approved by the imbursement is ,based on these mar(36.4) broke Susan Wigton's (Continued on Page 5) eight team double league. ket value and assessment ratios 37.4 record, but Susie was busy All Star Game bettering her own intermediate On July 8 Mrs. Louis Dennett placed by the State Tax EqualizaOn Saturday (tomorrow) at 2 girls breaststroke" record, placing and Philip Swayne gave bridge les- tion Board, although number of .p.m. on Riverview Field there will first in 40. which was .6 less than sons. COllege students wO,uld be pupils in a district also enter into Nu~ses be lm All-Star game between the the time she set only the previous more than welcome to help out in the picture. _ two leagues. At least four repreWalter D. Brinsfield of Media week. Richard McCurdy this field of teaching, or be welA request for the School Board selltatives from each team will ap. first in ju.,ior boys· breaststroke come to have games of their own. was named supervisor of school to provide a full time nurse at both pear and· .play for his respective (40.6) moved the record from the (A fourth rOOI!\ for quiet, serious plant, a new post created to relieve the High School and the Rutgers league. The head coach~s of the all 41.3 he also had set a week earlier. bridge has been added to the suite the administration of problems con- School was moved and passed re- star teams will be Pierce MacNair Ann Townes, spurred on by the of recreational· facilities.) . There nected with the physical operation cently at a meeting of the Junior of the Phillies, coaching the Nation. cf)mpetition of B. Bartlett were two tables of bridge besides of .\t"iidings in order that they and Senior High School Group of al league all-stars, while Jack Cusholds the ·league record in midget the tables of bridge lessons, where might devote themselves more fully the Parents' Council.. The motion, hing of the Tigers will be coaching girls freestyle, broke her old 35.2 the winners, receiving prizes, were to educational matters. A new first grade teacher, Mrs. duly seconded and voted unani;.. the American League representaSwarthmore record to come in 34.6 Jim McCabe and Bob Scutt. Thf)se mously by the mothers, followed a tiv... They will be assisted by the in the event, s";'ond only' to B,,,t·1 added ·to the bridge teaching staff Frances J. D'Antonif) of Woodlyn request relayed from School Nurse coaches of the other Knee Hi teanut. who has 'been teaching in the Upper (Continued on Page 6) arc loIrs. Bruce Smith and Mrs. Mrs. Marian Pierce, for mothers to From the National league the allRobert Turner. Players are advised Darby School Di~trict, was named volunteer to sit in the high school stars who have been selected to to replace ,Mrs, Janice Wel!ver, reto bring their own clean cards. office when it was necessary for (Cf)ntinued on Page 8) Concert Set for Thurs. her to be at the Rutgers School. Mrs. Arthur Moscrip organized signed. Girls physical education director At Glen Provo Park a ping-pong tournament, where Virginia In f)ther mat\;ers discussed at the Hayride Planned for Allen discussed the probJune meeting ch·aired by Mrs. Ned Rudy DiFelice, assistant conduct- Steve Hansell came of~ with top (Continued on Page 8) Summer Fellowship Pyle, Mrs. Howard D. Sipler: chairhonors. There will be a tournament or of the Chester City Band, will The Summer Fellowship fot" man of the Senior Class, expressed lead the band in a concert sch\1dllled every week and the winners of each NOTRE DAME PLANS senior high and college age young her appreciation of the new plan for for next Thursday evening, July 23, week will have a play-off on July MOTION PICTURE BENEFIT the Baccalaureate Tea which is now people will have a hay ride at the in the Glen Providence Park, Media. 29. There can be mixed doubles for A motiQn picture benefit for being served by the Junior class next meeting, Tuesday eveningp Mr. DiFelice, who is also director those Signing up for them. Notre Dame de Lourdes Church will mothers, and at their expense. 'Mrs. July 21. The group will meet at the of instrumental m~sic at Chester Chess ana checker tournaments be featured at the College Theatre High School, is a native of Coates- will be set up and it is also Ul"ged the week of July 19 - July 26. Title Sipler made the suggestion that P,;esbyterian Church on Harvard ville. k resident of Chester, he is that members bring other card of the picture will be "The Young students' financial r~ports be filed avenue at 7 p.m. Anyone who was not at the meet. a graduate of Eastman School of table games for va~iety jn the PhHadelphians" s tar ri n g Paul in the office where they would be ing this past Tuesday but who readily accessible to the mothers. Music, games room. Members may ~ring Newman, Barbara Rush, Alexis Mrs. Howard Jackson, 11th grade would like to ~ome on the hay rid.. Vocal soloist for the 8' p .... pro- thenl, invite a group to play and Smith. chairman, advised the group to be is asl<:ed to call Gayle Forwood, KI gram is Mrs. Peggy Barlow. In- take the game home. , Tickets may be secured from the particular in clearing al1 meetings 3-26311, or the lesders Mr. aDd Mrs. strumental soloist is Richard Raum. On July 16, Mr. and Mrs. Maur- theater or the Rector,.. with Doris Freet in the Superin- Irl Duling, EL 6-4.760. In tbe event Robert Keel will be the master of Jill Giannetti of Fairview road is tendent's -Office. She also suggested of rain, a meeting will be held at ice Webster, J>lr. and Mrs. Charles ceremonies. Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. John in charge 'of ·this event. Proceeds the regular time of 7 :30. (,Continued on Page 8) The public is cordially invited to will gl, taward the building fund. Seybf)ld were chapero,... I • attend. Prisoner Housing Good in Borough " 0 20 I V' "Can,een " Dhureh At Trlnll, Mothers Council Group Requests Two I 'NTENT'ONAL SECOND EXPOSURE ) Page 8 THE Consumer's Co-Op Ass'n. of Swarthmore, Inc. 403 Dartmouth Avenue Opposite Borough Hall Swift's Premium Rib Roast Ib.69c OSCAR MAYER V4 LUNOH ROLL lb. c.....,• 25c 1001'0 PURE PARADICHLOROBENZENE 2 lb. 69c Luden's Jellies - Orange Slices 23c Assorted Gumdrops pound bag VEL Giant Size 70c - 2Sc Large Size co-op 2 full Bleachina Fluid quarts 29c 48 bags 67c SALADA TEA Plus 16 Bags for I Penny 64 bags 68c co-op GRAPEJUICE Officers for the coming year, elected at the class picnic at the In the American League of the I dose of the school year of Mrs. Swartamore Knee Hi League the Caroline Valentine's second grade Tigers took over first place with are: six wins and three losses when Jack Chairman, Mrs. Henry Gayley; Cushing's nine won a 4 to 1 decis- vice chairman, Mrs. William Camp_ AIDS FUND DRIVE ion over the Orioles on Bruce Con- bell; Telephone; Mrs. Jerome H. Logan Lawrence of Wellesley well's two-hit pitching attempt, Smith, Hospitality; Mrs. David Bruce struck out 12 Oriole batters Binns and Secretary-Treasurer, road is a member of the Parents and allowed but one run on two Mrs. E. Severs. Committee aiding the Mount Hol_ yo!.' Association, a con· fCl"cl1ce of leader::: Hf the two bodies to discuss ways of avoiding furthel' realty tax incrL'a~es in the BOl'_ Swarthy, the scahol'~e ll1a~cot, waved happily froUl the Swarthmore Swim Cluh rnof last Saturday afternoon announcin~ that Swarth~ more had come home from it:;; lust official 1959 meet ag the only undefeated team in tile neWCl" half of the Suburban Swimming League. Each of Swarthmol'e~s two opald P. Jones appointed Treasurer tween the two was that the Braves ponents managed to break a league John Spencer head of a group of allowed a run to score on two conrecord, and Swarthmore set 11 neW school directors to meet with SPOA secutive wild throws. records £01: its own team during Council Sets New officials next fall, and assured )'Ir. The Phillie,' infielders Andy progress of the triple meet in Rose 25-Mile Speed Friend of the School Board's well\lacNair at third base, Frank PierTree Woods pool which brought for any suggestions it can come Dr. W. Vernon :::~1iddieton, \..·ho is son at second, and John Fry at first Zone final scores of Swarthmore 213base was a delight to see as they make. Wallingford 141; Swarthmore The Borough was complimented serving the Methodist Church this Mrs. ~larion Campbell, Board made many outstanding defensive Rose Tree Woods 91; Wallingfol'd this week upon the condition of its 1~~~~;~!i! month during the John C. secretary and head of the instrucplays, and once saved a .possible jail cells on the lower fl()ol' of Bor239-Rose Tlee Woods 106. ford was undefeated as it Kulp's absence. tion committee, reported prelimi- ough Hall. Commendation was re~ run on a hard smash by Jeff Innis the meet and many observers felt As General Secretary of the Di- nary discussions with Elementary ceived at :\londay evening's rnonth~ that looked fol' SUI'e that it was its score against Swarthmore vision of National Missions, ~Ietho~ Principal Thomas Boyle and with ly session of Council in a letter ticketed for extra bases. The would be even closer than it was. dist Board of Missions, Dr. l\liu- -parent groups regarding the re· from the Pennsylvania Depart- Braves, the home team, had last However, Swarthmore took the lead dleton has general oversight of all quest for more concrete academic ment of Justice which also paid bats but Tim McCaffrey proceedfrom Wallingford during the sec- the home missionary and church ex- reporting in elementary grades, tribute to the graciousness of Po- ed to strike out the side to win the ond of Friday evening's tension work of the l\lethodist made at last week's Board meeting lice Radio Operator EaTl Gillespie game. Indians No Hitter events at Swarthmore and Church within the United States, by Mrs. John H. McWilliams. Mrs. who conducted department inspecCampbell said she found a facultyIn the other game of the last tors on a tour of prisoner facilities. ed to build it up throughout the re- including Puerto Rico. parent committee had recently night for league play, the Indians Council approved the placing of mainder of the meet. Vice-chairman of the Division of drawn up a suggested form to be 25-mile speed limit signs on Park shut out the Yankees in another Responsible for setting new Home Missions of the National followed in reporting at the parent_ a venue hetween Yale and ~nchigan no-hit pitching effort by Hal Welsh. league records were: Council of Churches, he has visitteacher conferences now in effect, Barbara Bartlett of RTW whO cd outpost nHSSlons in Alaska, but that this had not been being avenues, on Cornell avenue between Hal pitched his best game of the won midget girls backstroke in 39.2 Puerto Rico and Hawaii and has u~ed by all teachers. The Board re- Yale and Strath Haven, and on season while young Bill MacNew (.1 better than the old record whieh visited and studied the religious vieY,,'ed the forOl and felt that som~ Cedar lane between Swarthmore gave the Indians fits as a potential hitter, but each time an Indian was she also held); and Ed Sp.,encer, and economic conditions of Amel'- manner of marks for academic pro· and College avenues. The low hid o( J. Ray Patterson. there to catch the ball or make a former outstanding Rose Valley iean Indians, migrant \vol'kcl's, and gl'e~s should top the list of inforplay. The standings of both leagues swimmer now with \Vallingford, other minority group:> in the United mation given, and that, if feasible, Chester, for l'esurfacing 3600 feet of Borough street~ at a cost of al'e as follows as the last games who won senior men's butterfly in States. :-iuch a recOl'd might he sent home in S;~,:135 was accepted. Payment of were completed_ 59.5, bettering the former 60. recSunuay services at the church on advance of ('ach conference 50 that $.150 to Huggins and Company, for AmeJ"ican ol'd of Ken Mast of Colonial ViI- Pal'k avenue are held at 10 a.1\1. parents could better asse~s their actuarial services ir~ setting up the Won Lost Tied Pts. lage. t'hildren's pl'ogres:i and a lnorc hen- new pension plan for Borough emo 12 6 4 Tigers eficial conference would ensue. :Mrs. ployee;.;:, was approved. Terry 1\IcCul'd J' captured two o 10 5 5 Indians Campbell will confer further with Swarthmore records and Jim Foley lSI Rental of the American Legion Ol'ioles 1 9 4 5 :'.11'. Boyle who doubtless will con- Room to the Crum Creek Bridge bettered two which he held (Terry's 1 7 3 6 fil'st place in midget girls hreaslsult teachers in working out the Club on \Vednesday and FridaJ." Yankees National stroke, 48.5, displaced Kar(m Summer Canteen at the Trinity final arrangement. evenings, at $5 per evening, was Won Lost Tied Pts. A table just released 5ho\',,'s that approved. Council agre('d to accept Grose's old record of 50.5; and her o l6 8 2 second place in midget butterfly, Church 01\ \Vedncsday evenings Swarthm_ore is one of 11 school dis~ Phillies $25 monthly from James Brooks o 14 7 3 Braves 46.2, took Cacki Espenschade's old from 8 to 11 p.m. continues to be tricts among the County's 43, which who signed a $305 judgment for 1 9 4 5 Dodgers 51.5 record). Jim's third place in very popular. In its ~econd week, had a loss in market value of realty damages to the traffic light at Cardinals 1 3 1 8 in 1958 as compared to the previous Chester and Riverview roads reintermediate boys freestyle (28.) on July 8, 201 students attended. Little World Series bettered his old record of 28.4, and All are required to have a \Vin- year. The new $29,334,700 figure is cently perpetrated by his automoOn the docket for the last week's $536,400 less than 1957's, while the his second place in internlediate bile. events of the KneeHi program will butterfly (32.) beat his old I'ecord tel' Canteen Card or to buy a Sum- 1958 assessed valuation is $8,619, A request for a stop sign at Riv- be a one game sudden death \Vorld mer Canteen Card, at a nominal 180 resulting in an increase in perof 33.6. Joyce Williams' first place erview road and Ogden avenue, Series game between winners, the in'senior girls backstroke (1 :23,8) sum, for identification. Those eli- centage (29.4) of assessed to marsubmitted by Councilman J. Roy Tigers of the Ame~ican League and bettered her old I'ceord of 1 :25. Jo- gible arc Swarthmore and Nether ket value. The 1957 percentage was Carroll, was denied, the Phillies of the National League. anne Espenschade, coming in first Providence High School students, 28.7. This should work to the disAn ordinance providing for The winner of this game will then i'n intermediate girls backstroke Swarthmore residents of college trict's advantage since state re- placement of sidewalks on the north be declared winner for the entire (36.4) broke Susan Wigton's old age and friends, approved by the imbursement is based on these mar(Continued on Page 5) eight team double league. ket value and assessment ratios 37.4 record, but SusiE.' was busy committee. All Star Game bettering her o,v-n intermediate On July 8 Mrs. Louis Dennett placed by the State Tal< EqualizaOn Saturday (tomorrow) at 2 girls breaststroke' record, p!tIcilng I and Philip Swayne gave bridge les- tion Board, although number of p.m. on Riverview Field there will first in 40. which was .6 less than sons. College students would be pupils in a district also enter into be lln All-Star game between the the time she set only the previous more than welcome to help\ out in the picture. two leagues. At least four repreWalter D. Brinsfield of Media week. Richard McCurdy placing this field of teaching, 01' be welsentatives from each team will apA request for the School Board first in junior boys breaststroke come to have games of their own. was named supervisor of school pear and play for his respective to provide a full time nurse at both (40.6) moved the record from the (A iourth room for quiet, serious plant, a new post created to relieve league. The head coach~s of the aY. the High School and the Rutgers 41.3 he also had set a week earlier. bridge has been added to the suite the administration of problems conSchool was moved and passed re- star teams will be Pierce MacNair Ann Townes, spurred on by the of l-eere-ationnl facilities_) There nected with the physical operation cently at a meeting of the Junior of the Phil lies, coaching the Nationcompetition of B. Bartlett who were two tables of bridge besides of buildings in order that they and Senior High School Group of al league all-stars, while Jack eus .. holds the league record in midget the tables of bridge lessons, where might devote themselves more fully the Parents' Council. The motion, hing of the Tigers will bc coaehing girls freestyle, broke her old 35.2 the winners, receiving prizes, were to educational matters. A new first grade teacher, Mrs. duly seconded and voted unani- the American League representaSwarthmore record to come in 34.5 J iIll McCabe and Bob Scutt. Those mously by the mothers, followed a tives. They will be assisted by the in the event, second only' to Bart- added to the bridge teaching staff Frances J. D'Antonio of Woodlyn request relayed from School Nurse coaches of the other Knee Hi teams. (Continued on Page 5) are lI-Irs. Bruce Smith and Mrs. who has 'been teaching in the Upper Mrs. Marian Pierce, for mothers to From the National league the all .. Robert Turner. Players are advised Darby School District, was named volunteer to sit in the high school stars who have been selected toto replace l\Irs. Janice 'Ve~ver, re~ to bring their own clean cards. office when it was necessary for (Continued on Page 8) Concert Set for Thurs. .Mrs. Arthur ·Moscrip organized signed . her to be at the Rutgers School. At Glen Provo Park a ping-pong tournament, where Girls physical education director In other matters discussed at the Virginia Allen discussed the prohHayride Planned for June meeting chaired by Mr§3. Ned Rudy DiFelice, assistant conduct~ Steve Hansell came of~ with top (Continued on Page 8) Summer Fellowship Pyle, Mrs. Howard D. Sipler, chairor of the Chester City Band, will honors. There will be a tournament The Summer Fellowship for man of the Senior Class, expressed lead the band in a concert sch~duled every week and the vdnner:s of each NOTRE DAME PLANS for next. Thursday evening, July 2:3, \.... eek will hu\·c a play-off on July her appl'cciation of the new plan for senior high and colle~e ag'i' young MOTION PICTURE BENEFIT the Baccalaureate Tea which hi now ,people will have a hay ride at the in the Glen Providence Park, Media. 2U. There can be mixed doubles for A motion picture benefit for being served h~r the Junior class next meeting, Tuesday evening, 1\'Ir. DiFelice, who is also dilrec:tor I those Signing up for them. Notre Dame de Lourdes Church will mother~, and at their E.'xpense. l\lrs. July 21. The group will moet at the of instrumental music at Chess and checker tournaments be featured at the College Theatre Sipler made the suggestion that P):e:.hyterian Church 011 Harvard High School, is a native of Coates- will be set up and it is also urged the week of Jull' 19 _ July 26. Title students' financial reports be filed avenue at 7 p.m. ville. A resident of Chester, he is that members bring other card of the picture will be "The Young Anyone who ,,~.. as not at the meeta graduate of Eastman School of table games for variety ~n the Philadelphians" s tar r i n g Paul in the office where they would be Music. games room. Members may bring Newman, Barbara Rush, Alexis readily accessible to the mothers. ing this past Tuesday but who !\lrs. Howard Jackson, 11th grade would like to come on the hay ride. Vocal soloist for the 8- p.I., pro- them, invite a group to play and Smith. chairman, advised the group to be is asked to call Gayle Forwood, KI gram is 1\-Irs. Peggy Barlow. InTickets may be secured from the particular in clearing all meetings 3-2636, or the leaders lIIr, and Mrs. strumental soloist is Richard Raum. take the game home. Robert Keel will be the mastei' of all .July 15, Mr. and Mrs. lI!aur- theater or the Rectory. with Doris Freet in the Superin- Irl Duling, EL 6-4750. In the event Jill Giannetti of Fairview road is tendent'sOffice. She also suggested of rain, a meeting will be held at ceremonies. ice \Vebster, Mr. and 1',lrs. Charles The publie is cordially invited to Lincoln and 1IIr. and Mrs. John in ch~rge -of this event. Proceeds the regular time of 7 :30. (Continued on Page 8) will gO toward the building fund. attend. Seybold were chaperoJis. • t Prisoner Housing Good in Borough Rev. 20 I V' 'lOt an een T ' Dh urch AI rlnity Mothers Oouncil Group Requests Two Nurses TH~ l'age2 ~WAKTHMUK~A~ 'IIRTHS merly of 616 North Chester road, week trip to the West Coast where Winters performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Hulrb .... are receiving congratulations on The bride was given in marriage she visited with relatives in the of Bryn Mawr avenue announced .Dr. and Mrs. F.red A. Patman of San F .... nci.co and Los Angeles by ,her father and wore a wedding the ,birth of their second son and the birth of a little girl, Santosb, Michigan avenue leave ,today for areas. "'hUe in'San Francisco she dre,s of wbite silk organza made third child, Kurt David, who ar- who weighed sevel\, Anel a half Melbonrne, Fla" for a 10 day visit was the guest of Mr. and M;rs. ,E. with a tigbt fitting bodi"e, round rived' on June 2 in Lankenau Hos- pounds when she arrived on June 13. with their son-in-law and'daughter C. Preseott, formerly of RoSe Valley low neck outlined with Alencon lace pital. and .bort sleeve;'. Her bouffant The Singhs now reside at 6106 Mr. and Mrs. Cprtis Gallagher and and called on Mr. and Mrs. C. C. skirt, trimmed with panels of lace, ~hlldren Mike and Katie. ,West, formerly of Swarthmore. On Mr. and MrB. Shanti Singh, for- Laurel avenue, Baltimore 16, Md. had a sbort train. Her finger tip Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Mifflin ber return trip Mrs. Brauns visit- tulle veil fen from a crown of ed her sister in San Antonio, Texas. and children Lawrie, Fred, Lisa, orange blossoms made of seed and Bill, moved this month from Mrs. Fred N. Bell of Harvard av- pearls. She carried a loose round 30 YALE AVENUE MORTON, PA. 346 Haverford place to their newly enue entertained at luncheon Wed- bouquet of .mall gardenias and TELEYIIIBIl - HOME Ind IUTO RIDID - PHOIOS ' built home at 419 Drew avenue. nesday for several friends. ' stephanotis interspersed with tuIJe "!Iring It to Us or We'll Come to You" Mrs. J. Roy Snape of Harvard Bill Spencer, son of Mr. and Mrs. and tied with a string of pearls. av-enue ,accon:tpanied by'her Wniiatn c. Spencer of Riverview Klngiwood 4·1028 Miss Jessie Colehower of Merion mother .Mrs. D. P. Boehm, and her ;..'oad, is spending the summer with was the maid of honor and wore a daughter Barbara, I!pent the week- his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. R. ,pale ,pink organdy dress with a • fhD*iIUHdldUlRllibUllDilinmQRtJli1Itm1IIJtJmunn~mnfliamlhudilUWiUDiilDUiUIIIUIIDlIllflDlJlllllil(i' end in Ocean City visiting Mrs. C. Spencer, in Wallingford, Vt. round low neck, tiny short sleeves Snape's brother, Mr. David P. Dr. and Mrs. Walter Moir and and a midriff of deeper pink tafBoehm and family. daughters Ginny and Joan of South feta. Her wide skirt was of waltz Joan Moir of South Chester road Chester road returned last week lengtb. She carried a loose round has as her guest for the next two from a 21 day vacation in Daytona bouquet of pink and ceriSe summer flowers with a tiara of .the same weeks Sara Lynne Pace of Kansas Beach, Fla. LEST BElUTY TAKE I YACATU;I, TOOl City, Kan., formerly of .Fairview Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Wilson of flowers. Mrs. David Phillips of King of road. Walnut lane have as their guests '9 South;Chester Road Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ramsay of for a few days of this week Mrs. Prussia and Mr•. Roy S. MeClenaBirmingham, Mich., acc.o~anied Wilson's cousin Miss Sarah Moore ghon, Jr., of Cali, Colombia, South u. . . .om... Dr the by their two children ChIck and of Pulaski, Va., and M~s Edna America, sisler of the bride, were the honorary matrons of honor. Heather, left Saturday after a two' Baker of Lewisburg. 9 " ' ~ The bridesmaids were Miss Bar- .mmmnnulilliilMhUhlilililiiiUIIliIIII~UUlliiilIiiIUUliilllnlli1IhiiiHRmDlllllimliiubMJllllliUIUDlIlIIIIIimInntIIIRDIIO w~ek visit with Mrs. Ramsay's Dr. and M!I's. Richard H. iammmm(J1mnfnmnnnnmmUnml1ml1unnmmnmnimnmDlnmlmmnUmrnnDllUlUnummnnillUanl~ parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Schwarz and daughters 'Martha bara Craig, Treadway~ Tenn., and Mrs. Thomas Mulligan, llelimore, Gettz of Harvard avenue. On and Nancy, formerly of the Dart:T,hur,sday of last week Mrs. Charle. mouth House, left Monday for LOng Isl3nd, N.Y. They, wore the Gerner of South Princeton avenue Montgomery, Ala., where Dr. same model dress irl pink organdy ~ SUMMER TUIIE.IH' FROlT EID AL1BHM~1T entertained for Mrs. Ramsay at a Schwarz wilJ be stationed with the as that worn by the maid of honor. They also carried bouquets of pink CHECK BRlkES IULF BIS and OILS ~ luncheon which included 8 few U. IS. Airlorce for the next three summer flowers bighlighted with friends for Ohick and Heather'l months. Later he and his family ~ ROBERT ATZ, Mgr. ~ Earlier, on July, 7, Mr. and, Mrs. will be transferred to Biloxi, Miss. cerise flowers with matching headGettz gave a family dinner for Lt. W. Edward Medford of South dresses of fl,owers. Mrl'WilIiam G. Cleaves of RockMr. and Mrs. Ramsay in celebra- Chester road recently returned iport, Mass., served BS best man for Opposite Borough P,;,rking Lot . tion of their 14th wedding anniver- from a tour of Norway, Sweden his brother. ~ KlngswoDd 3.8440 ' " Dartmouth and ~afll,.tt. ~ aary. and Denmark. He also visited The usbers included Mr. John P. Closed Saturday 12:30 P.M; , a Dr. and Mrs. Frank G. Keenen of friends iit London, England. He is Ramsay, Jr., Hatboro; MT. Tbomas 5 ~lHnnmnmnunllllij)l1IummmmDDnmnmallillmlmD1lillHnmDlmmlllnaUlmlnmOlllmlllmCIIIilHDllltnJl)1lUIIIiGl Harvard avenue attended the wed~ currently stationed in the Naval Mulligan, Bellmore, LOng Island; ding of Miss Margery Kimmer in Air Base in New Qrleans, La. -II Y "G' 8 'I l5 ¥ 0 .' Mr. Jame,s T. Craig, Jr., Treadway, Akron, 0., this past weekend. , Mrs. H. Lindley Peel of Columbia Tenn., and Mr. Thomas F. Long, iDr. and Mrs. Frank H. Murray avenue and Mrs. -Frank -G. Keenen Jr., !than. of Princeton avenue returned Sun- of Harvard avenue wer~ co-hostMrs. Webber wore a tucked chif' ' to the' esses at a . small Most rugs can be dyed to the same, d ay f 0 II owmg a 16 d ay trIp .luncheon party fon gown in .Dior blue with a matchBritish Isles where the British' Monday fetmg MISS May Logan ing veil headdress. Her corsage was lighter, or darker colors ; • • . 1 S 'et telta'lned and Mrs. ~rge B. Harvey, both of white orchids. I P roc tol oglea OC1Y en fM I . I • P tol . I S i t 0 oy an, pnor to the r departure . th e A m-erlcan Mrs. Cleaves wore a powder blue roc oglea oe e y. . Give your rooms a new look •.• One of the highlights of the sojourn for SWItzerland on Wednesday. chiffon dress with a matehing headdres8 and a corsage of white Ideol lor covering stains . , • in 'London was - an elaborate banM EIIIIIENEIiT , orcblds with ,purple lips. quet given by the Lord Mayor for Brings new beauty to old carpet. the society in the Guild ,Hall., The 'Dr. and MTS. Seymour W. KletA reception followed the cereMurrays 8,Iso visited the Conti- zien of SoutH Chester road have mony at the home of the bride's nent where they spent eight days in announced the engagement of their parents. Paris, France. daughter, Edith Damon, to Jo~ Miss Muriel Watkins of College Dolf Bass, son of Dr. and Mrs. FDr MA8A,ZIIIE SUBSCRIPTlOIiS Shailer L. ,Bass of Midland, Mich. I ' avenue is attending the summer seaM Darlnl' July. AIIIUtlt. september: aDa Miss Kletzien was graduated MGhawk Carp.II., - 'C:llmpl.!. PrIce Range • Drle.tal Ragl oatober \ •• call . sion of the German Language from, the Northfield School for Mrs, Sldn., L. Kauffman 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. School at Middlebury College, Ver- Girls (Mass.), attended Dickinson 631 CI,mel" Laue. BlllleJ Par1l:, Pa. mont. \ CoHeg.e, and received a degree in Klngswood 3-6000 - CLearbrook 9-4646 LEhigh ,2-2164 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Snyder, of nursing from the University of Dickinson avenue are driving to Pennsylvania. She is presently an Miami· tomorrow from where they instructor of- nursing at the Uni~ KNOWS Carpet " 1 Q will :fly to the Bahamas for a visit versity of Wisconsin. with their two sons Russell and • Mr. Bass is agraljuate 0:( the Noel,. and Bob LaFore of Walling- University of Michigan where he ford. The boys have been touring was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He the islands for a month in their Is' now a Pb.D. candidate 'It the jointly-owned sail boat. Bob- LaM University of Wisconsin. Fore and Noel, are students at ,A December wedding is planned. Swarthmore College and ,Russell iB a post-graduate student at PrinceCLElYU • WEBBER GOLF Bi')LLS - GLOVES- BAGS - CLUB COVERS ton. Mr. an-d Mrs. Valentine L. Fine The marriage of Miss Anne GarNOW 2 BA,RGAIN TENNIS RACQUETS - BALLS - PRESSES -,'GLOVES f EI 'th th' child diner Webber, daughter of Dr. and °A h m avenue ":'1 elr ren Mrs. Deane Webber of ftSunny LADIES' DA,(S 'BADMINTON SETS - ' RACQUETS - BIRDS - NETS s ley and Blff, .. have retarned Cree k ,n Coloma . I V'II -1 age, Wayne, f rom a wee ken d VISIt with ,Mrs. -an d Mr. J ames Hili BOWS _ ARROWS - TARGETS - QUIVERS ' h II K Sk dl ' CIeaves, son M ars a . 'a en of Manhasset, f M C ISh " LI . o~ rs. ar c urz.01 eaves 0 f FISHING RODS REELS," HOOKS LINES - LURES, . M' d M R b rt AD.' Swarthmore place, and the late Mr. r. nn rB. 0 e . e~ ~I to k I F 'd ROUND. . "v eaves,· 0 p ace on 'r1 ay eve .. SWIM FINS - MASKS - SNORKELS - SURF RIDERS wel!er of Cornell avenue had as ning, July 10, at 8 o'clock in The Personals NEWS NOTES ,MI'. and Mrs. Don W. Dickinson have recently moved from Lincoln avenue to 405 Pa1'k avenue. Mi'S. .Don D. 'Dicki~son and her son Luren, who formerly I'esided at the 405 ~ddl·ess, ar,~ now living at 224 Park avenue.~, Mr. and Ml·S. William C. Spencer Of Riverview r-oad recently returned from Pittsburgh where Mrs. Spen~er attended class reunion. Mrs. Spencer and her family continued h pn to 'Cleveland, 0., w/lere t ey visited with her sister, Mrs. C. R. Montgomery. On her return home, they ~rove their relatives Mr. ,and DIOK FRANOHETTi ~ TELEVISION ai: I The Bouquet I' BEAUTY SALON i .. 8~~~~!::~.~d:':~:! I . ': RUG DYEING A SPECIALTY ! I Weanesday, yesl ' THURSD.AY, -TOO! " Summer Needs (StuHe /I'ee ~) I I " ,j \' th~lr guest recently Mr. Detwell- Baptist Church in The' Great Val.,r s aunt MrB. Florence Shankel ley, Devon . The Reveren d Cb este r f Wh I M· h. o eee~ IC . ~m;m'mBimmm~mm;m;m~;;~;A Mr. and ·Mrs. James L. Malone .llIUMlllddHUDffinmupmlllnUllUftfii~lilumunmnnr+ and famiIy~ who have been residing in Mt. Kisco, N.Y., during the past year, are spending the summer Served Daily months at 317 North Ohester,road. \ Tiley will return to their home at 314 Dartmouth avenne In' Septem- Botti Hot 6' Cold Dishes ber. ' Mrs. E. D. Brauns of VasBat av$'1.25 enUe has returned from a three BuHet Luncheon Puerlo Rico Virgin Islands Package Vacation. 7 Day PUERTO RICO from ... $147 8 Day VIRGIN ISLANDS fram $112 14 Day Cambination from ...• $169 In eluding round trip all tronsportaM tion, taxis. free port shopping. sightseeing and. your choice of luxury , hot.I.. , Writ.... Can for Fr.e Fold .. MUNRO TRAVEL SERVICE ,............... 7 S. Chester Rd., Swarthmore "ONE CAll DOES IILl" • I BU,Het Dinners .. ~Thunday 5 ta 9 - Sunday 3 to 0'" $2,75 • THE WILD GOOSE $4~~ ONLY , \il BALLS - GASOLINE GO-CARTS - GOING rr- Philadelphia-Any BICYCLES - TIRES - ,, j : ,~ PNI.. Sta, BASEBALL SOCKS - rr- _ IDU-.-Any ...... _ . day. * 110 _ '" ...,. lad/oo' .,..,. C.... _ """- _nIIoglralo. * For ' " * _ , . . , tlra . . ,.... JIcbI A8ooL' ,~ ':I '> • ';t ~ > jt i '. !.~ BAl'S CAMP AXES -" KNIVES - ,\i ", y SHOES " ';' TENTS - STERNO - ' CANTEENS SLEEPING BAGS - MESS KITS CAMERAS - FILMS - " ~ 'f' ", ;; ,WHISTLES CROQUET SETS- WICKETS 1 .~ STAY-A-FlOAT LIFE VESTS FOR CHILDREN ELEcTRIC LANTERNS - Rog"" IoaIf-faTO ... _ $4.09, /ad. ted. Tax. " TOYS -J. GLOVES - HATS ~ ',i' TUBES,-, BASKETS BASEBALLS and SOFTBALLS - rr- ',. ' l PUSHMOBILES train: Waclnesday ar Thursday start1011 al 9.00 A.JA.. PENNA. 51"3"" 51. and \1010 A.JA.. -~ IF MONEY IS AN OBJECT' . ., ;>-- Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. ., OUSTOM LANDSOAPE , Middletown Road - Media, Pa. Opposite High Meadow (between Dutton Mill Road and Knowlton Road) Friendly Sound Advice - WORK FREE Telephone TRemont 2·7206 METERS AH for BEN PALMER .' The Camera & lobb, Shop VOLLEY BALLS \ 4-6 Park Avenue, Swarthmore. Pa. KI 3;-4191 • • ·T~R'·rr?101 1'.1.. GADGET BAGS -TRIPODS BASKET and TEATHEI1. BALLS - b==~;:~~~~~~~~~:::~~~~~=~~~~~~~:::::~~~~~::::!!:~::!~~==!:~ LOIOKAT BALLS FI~TERS - a~ I spent AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT FOR SHOPPERS :BEACH :BUCKETS - YOU SAVE $3.61 Fr~deri aes toNewYOrk TRIP " , (PA\\JS~ V CO"'r~~',,; (11,.,."r".", Jdrs.:R. C. Spencel' of Swarthmore Park avenue. a,,:r~e~t~h~e~g~Ue~s~t~s::o;f~M~rs:.~T~h;otn~a;s~'~~~~~~~=~~;:2:;;;;:~~;;:==~;;;;::~;;;;~~==j ;'venue to Wallingfo!p, Vt. ,and re.Mr. and Mrs. A. Stoll Titus of ~ ;mained for a few days Swarthmore aVlenUe recently r~M ! Mr.andMrs.S.W.Johnsonre-turned after a week's vacaturned to their home on Amherst tion in Ocean City, N.J., with their ~venue Sunday following a 45 day children Kathy and Billy. trip to 'Scandinavia. Their tour inCapt. .and Mrs. W.' L. Turney of ~Iuded a 10 day cruise to the North Riv.:rview road returned home jCape and the Land of the Midni~ht ,Monday evening accompanied by Sun. Mrs. Turney's aunt~ Mrs. Hoy MarM , Betsy Ward of ·Forest lane and ~in Houghton of New Haven, Conn., I Helen Morrison of Dartmouth ave· with whom they visited fot: a week. . [nue spen~ the weekend in Leo~ard- Ea,rlier, they spent several days in town, Md., as the guests of Betsy's Washington visiting ,_frien-ds. :grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mr. and Mrs . .c. Bradford Fraley , , T. Ward, Sr. f So h Oh d' Nelson ,Shoch of, 3ft. Holyoke 0 ,ut ester roa WIll return On May 28 the Administration placed ,hefore Congress an agreement, to transfer place left Saturday to spent 10 Sunday with their children Pat, nuclear weapons information and moterial to West Germany and six other countries. days on Greening's Island, Me., as Jean and young Brad, after spencjM the guest of Ralph Cqlton of New ing two weeks in Salem, N.J., ViSllt-1 This can culminate in possession of nuclear weapons by the nations involved. Onds ing relatives. Hope. the agreement goes into effect, we cannot cC;lncel it without the mutual consent of Mrs. Donald P. Jones of North ,MI'. and ,Mrs. Alonzo L. Tyler Swaibbmore avenue and' Mrs. D. South Chester road recently attendWe~t Germany, GreecE>, Turkey and the Netherlands, which gives to thesec,?uritries Mace G'owing of -Parrish road have ed weddings on two separate w.,ek-I returned home following a visit ends in New York City. a veto over United Stotes policy in Europe. 'of several days with Mrs. Jones' Mr. and Mrs. E. I10uglas Aills-I 'son-in-law ,and daughter Lt. and lie of North Chester road will h,av"1 Mrs. Edwin Gilson in New River, as their hou~ gueds this weekend These agreements wiD go into effect unless both houses of Congress disprove N.C. ' , their son-in-law and daugh\"r Mr. them with a 60-day period which expires July 25 for the Wost 'German, Turkish, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hulme of and M~s. Lawrence D. Decker of Wallingford have as ~heir guests Plainfield,' N.J. Canadian and Dutch agreements. Iheir son-in-law and daughj;er Mr. 'Mrs, L. O. Loechel of Yale aveand Mrs. E. G.Merrick and family nue r~tul'Ded from Ocean :City, N, who arrived S\1nday from Shaker J., on Sunday ,where she _:and her WHAT CAN BE DONE? Vou ,can try to penuade 'President Eisenhower to hold, Heights, O. Mr. Merrick plans to boys Lloyd and"Rictard, vacationed Teturn home t~is Sunday, .while for a week. '. off this agreement with the Germans, at least until every possibility of reaching an bis family will remain for a few \Kathy 'Titus of Swarthmore avEur~pean settlement h~ been exh;'usted and until every possibility of agreement on env.e Ispent ~he weekend in weeks. Susan Driehaus, a junior counM May, N.J.. a nuclear test ban has been explored. WRITE TODAYI , . sellor at the Y.M.D.A. Camp LookMr. and Mrs. Colin Bell of p ...rk I .out, Downingtowll, spent the week- avenue had as their guestf3i'over the end at her home on Yale avenue. weekend Mr. and Mrs. Rhoades ,. THE PEACE COMMITTEE OF THE SWARTHMORE, FRIENDS, Mr. and Mrs. John Espenschade Murphey and family of S~attle, o(,Dogwood l~ne and their children Wash., !\Ir. and Mrs. Robert OrauM 'MEETINC' Joanne, CaJ!ky, and J9hn~y retuJ'q- der of Beirut, Lebanon',' ~rtct Miss , ed last Tqursday from Eaglesmere Erika flerter of Baden, 'Switzerwhere they &fent a 'wE7ek in' the land. _' .:. ; company of, Mrs. Espenschade~s Miss Martha ~Calhoun of· Elm avbrother-iJl-law and sister Mr. and enue, Whol·',working this' ::::~::~ I4rs. Thomas Morris an-~ th!!lr chil., at Viscose, iu spend the," dr.n of Troy. T,his past weekend in burg, Va., the • ~·the"'Espen.CIi .. spent. In Ocean .it'lier gra'ndmother ,Mrs. J. A. Cit)', N.J. Calhoun, Sr; Arlene, Greg, and Bl'u~e Taylo~, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas H. childl·.n of Mr. and 1111'S. H. Clay- ers of ,North Princeton avenue , ton Taylor of Rutgers avenue, will Mrs.. Sam~el ·M. ,Dodd of North spend this.cOlni~g.week with theirl Swarthmore avenue the past grandmother, Mrs. William H. Lee week as the guests of Mrs. J. Don~ at Avalon, N.J. aId Gibson,of Media at her cottage ~ancy Webster of Elm avcnus at Btant Bench, N.Jf entertained a large number of her FOl'mer Swarthhmorean Pamela classma,tes Monday evening in cele- Foster was gJ;'aduated in June from bration of her 13th birthday with·a ,Sargent .college, Boston Universwimming party at .the pool follow ... sity, with a "~ajor in -physic~l edM ed by games and refreshmep.ts at ucation. She was a member of home. . .- . Junior Staff of Sarge'nt Camp THE BYSTUlJEBAKLf· Mrs. William McInroy of Rut- ing June camp~ and is now a callOe-1 gel'S avenue, with her children _Pat- ing co~n~ellor at Camp KilnDlli"l, I -sy, . Trudy,. -Margy, and Craig is the. Winnipeg Y.M.C.A. camp Look what happens when. y~u buy a L~rk Play.Wagon !' You. star\ by I visiting her father and nl0ther-inM Lake of the Woods, KenDra, Ont. saving o~ price-it'.s .Amenca s lowest pfl~ed stat.lOn.:wagon WIth a fun law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McInroy ario. Pam has accepted a position sized interior. ~And'then you keep fight on savmgl For example-:of Westfield. They.are also visiting teaching in the Cleveland Heights, economy. Jhst recently in the Souih African Mobilgas Run, The Lark in Canton, their former hqme. D., Scho_ol. ~amp for next y:3ar. "6"led allAmeiican cars with ah'amazing24.69miles~per.gallon. Cla";ic Lark styling is designed to minimize year·to-year depreciation. Interiors are upholstered 'in handsoine. 'easy~to-care·for vinyls and fabri'cs. ~?un drive The Lark at your Studebaker deliler's today, and look at alll}10dels. You'll see why it's winning friends everywhere I Decide Our Fate? J, RUSSELL'S SERVICE RELAX TlUS SUMMER Must We Let the Germans I''''''':''STATE AUTO INSPECTION ,;;; = R i § Jennifer T'hompson; daughter Mr. and Mrs. Irwin R. 1I!acElwee mother, Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman week of July to joy. his familY· MI'. and Mrs. W~ S. Thompson of Mt. Holyoke place had as their of "Applebl'ook", Vassal' avenue. They, will depart for their home on Wellesley l"Dad is at the T:,P~:~;~~~~I~~:~::,;over the weekend MI'S. Mac· -MI'. 'l'homas will arrive the last August L Farm Camp in tl}e Poconos, Gould1l:~ Ibrothel' ·Mr. Palul Collins boro. Her brother Lah"d -is in Camp his_ son Peter of Winchester, Idlewild on Lake Winnipesaukee, Mr. Donald MacElwee, also N~H., for the summer. Winchester, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Aver)' F. Blake of parents over Thursday night. Amherst avenue returned from a Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Hulme . bJ OUt spacious swimming pDDI" ten day stay on their boat, The An. Haverford ,place had as' their beacbfronl sUDdeckS & porchn.... chil· fye· ning enlerlainmenl-supenls"ed nabelle II, at Spray Beach, N.J. over the weekend Mrs. dro.·s pl./. Ocean •• 1" In .11 Theh~ son aner his wife Mr ...· and Hulme's cousins Mr. and Mrs. John bllhs. Twin be~s with blth frorA Mrs. Blake, Jr., and their infant L. Palmer, Jr., and ~aughtel' Susan S15. lI.d. Am. Plan, 15.25 Josi.h BI If· Id N J Whil. & Sons. lid .•wnership m••· son, BradleY"were with thelJl duroon Ie, ,. 'g.""I. Allanllc eil/ 5·1211-i. • ing the week. For 'their weekend Mrs.'Edwal'd' E. Thomrs and her II. Y•• IIU HIli . guestS the' senior Blakes entertaindaughters ~athy, Bethy, and ed Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Told June of. Indianapolis, Ind., !IJlnrlborol1tlb~1l3Iet\beim On the Boardwalk. Allanlie Cily Saturday 9 to I Friday 9 to 8:30 ' (July and DESICN and CONSTRUCTION WaUs ~ Walks· Terraces - Horticultural Materials , BROAD.LEAVED EVERCREENS HYBRID CLEMATIS - CROYND COVERS August) Open 7:~0 AM. , _5:00 P.M. Daily ond Sciturday' Sunday: 12:30 - 5 P.M. '. Discover what you'!l ~ at .. YOUR ,STUDEBAKER D~ER'S-TODAYI , , STilLMAN'S AUTOMQTIVE CENTER FUSCO MOTOR CO_ 45 SOUTH CH£5TER ..d FAIRYI....., RO"OS. SW.\RTHWORE, Pl!NNA. N~DADE BOULEVARD, 6lENOLDEN, , . SEETHE STUOEB'AKER TRUCKS,_,THEY COST LESS. TOOl I '~NA. ~ , SWAIlTHMOREA ' THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 4 THE SWARTHMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PENNA. P.ETER E. TOLD, MlARJORIE TOLD, PubliBhers Phone KIngswood 3·0900 PETER E. TOLD, Editor Barbara B. Kent, Managing Editor Rosalie D. Peirsol Sonya K. Horneff Marjorie T. Told Je8llJletie V. H"",e 3rd Week Rolls II, for Primary, Pre-Schoolers Entered as Second Class l/Iatter, January 24, 1929, at the Post Office at Swarthmore. Pa., under the Act of !\larch 3, 1879. DEADLINE - WEDNESDAY NOON SWARTHMORE, PENNA., FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1959 TRill In 1I0TES o • I services. The summer There will be a celebratIOn of the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock Sun· day morning, and a service of Morning Prayer at 10 o'clock. Those scheduled to serve as ushers arc as follows: C. R. Engberg, head usher; K. C. Kennedy, alter:nate; V. L. Fine,· W. E. Hetzel R. E. Master, and C. W. Randall, ·Jr. On Wedncsday the regular midweek celebration of the Holy Communion will be held at 7 a.m., and on Thursday morning at 10 o'clock there will be a service of Holy Communion and Healing. PRESBYTERIAN NOTES choir will rehearse at 9 a.m. Sunday morning under the direction of Franklin Perkins. The Bandage Group will meet at 10 a.m. Wednesday. Those llttcnding al'e asked to bring a box lunch; beverage will be served. The sermon topic for the 10 :30 P.M. trip through the West. They toured top six. in each age group being In 194i, Hay accepted hi. pres. Yellowstone National Park, awarded pointa. Last year Swarthenl positilm, In which he has the Lake City, Reno, Nev., and San was seventh in ""are. Eventa sP9Jlsibility of.the' On their return trip ai'\> scheduled at mi.mber pools inFried Chicken Picnic anciat 'administration of the ,... Yosemite eluding Swarthmore ;"here th~ senby Embers pital of the Woman'II Zion National Park, ior and junior relays will he beld lege of Pennsylvania. Vegas, Boulder City, Grand Can- at 6 p.m. tomorrow and intermeAdulis $1.70 HayispastpresidentoUheHos- yon, Denver, Omaha, and South diateand midget relays at the same Children under 10. $1.00 pital Association of PClln.:~lv.mi.',IBend. hour on Saturday, the 2J;th. past president of the Middle Saaeolts Swim (Sign Up at Pooll H H ad Ad . Boa-:d City Hospitals SWARTHMORE SWIIMING POOL PICNIC • ON. OWN •• IHIP • 1171 ... I ... ...,u.... n.... ~ IHI OLlVlRIt. MIR CO. _&. . . . . . . . . . . . ., ••011-"'11. , IS. C•• nllu, . . . . II .-6'1.. TI ? ' IUIY .. Ii.IV 'S Fl.".' ? DOII'I have 'iust ellough' hoI waler Have all you need -and more-· LOW PENNSY WEEKEND FARES To Newark and NEW YORK for Families and Groups All summer long (except July 4-5 and Labor Day weekends) for 2 or more adult .. or 1 adult and accompanying child or children 5 year. or over. LOW ROUND·TRIP COACH FARES (Fede«ll To. TndudH) ....h ................. / Child (12-17 y.an} •••• fIrsI Child (5-11 y~) ••••••••.• &:ch acldltlonal CltUd (5.11 Y. . .) .... s6.00 4.50 3.00 1.50 _ , .............. FREE Spedal 1 and 2-Da, ,.cltago loan. Hotel ....• MVUIIens al,. ovallab•• rates with . . . . tide"". A,k your 114:.. A.ont. .. .....uc... 00 Oft on)" trill" Saturday or s..ncJcry. aoulN IDII Gfly .....In SoIvrdOJ' Of' Itt lat . . . 7155 P.M. SUDday. 'f1cHb_aood Tn,...rwtd-te.tCiOOCbu PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD fiij V!5 ~~T~h~e~se~a~c~0~lts~,~0~r:J~'u~n~i~or~v~a~r~8~lty~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tic Hospital Assembly Board of Governors. a member of the American Hospital Association's Council on Administrative Practice now starting his second year as chairman of the Advisory Board of the Hospital Council of Philadel· phia with 6l\ lm'mber-hospitals. Hay resides 'With hi. Ifamily ..t 223 South Chester road;. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McGinn wi1l move today from Germantown to Apartment J -2 in the Dartmouth House. . CAREER GUIDANCE WAGNER and SNAPE CO. AMAIC REAL ESTATE College Theatre SWARTHMORE, PA. AIR,COIIDITIONED \ Now. Showing' Whatever the task ahead, you can be sure of plenty of hot water with an automatic gas water heater" It provi~es all the hot water needed for dishes. laundry, and showers, without care or worry. What's more, it's , automatic-requires no attention. :!! PAUL NEWMAN "The YOllng Philadelphians" Doily Features - 7:15. 9:30 P.M: Saturday Features Only - 5:45. 8:00, 10:15 P.M. WONDERFUL HORSE STORY for CHILDREN SATURDAY f P.M. "Outlaw HOW Choose the automatic gas water heater otliSTIAN . thai fills your needs at your plumber'., SelENCI HEALS Prisoner Housing Good in Borough \ \ dealer's or any Philadelphia Electric suburban uowroom. PHILADELPHIA ELECTilC COMPAI' Stallion" pl •• Dlsne, Carteol Carlini SPECIAL HOLIDAY MATINEE for CHILO REI WEDNESDAY I P.... "Daddy Long Legs" pi.. C,I.r CartlO.s Klngswood . . 3-2290 •• Pl.E nEE PAIIII. Invite Inquiries for Either Buying or Selling 8MEPOUCY IS ALL YOI MEEDI N.,. you can av:oid dle eOUfuliou of ownm& levaral ..parate polici" to meet your home insorance needs. One modem, convenient Homeo_ra PolIcy wlU give yon cov~r. age far many perlla IDeluding lire, wind, theft, IUld personal \lability. and JAY SNAPE 400 Welsh St. • • MAX WAGNER Chesler •• • TRemonl 6-2511 Peler E. Told All Lines o/Insurance' lSI DAKTMOum AVE. sw....TBllo. . . PA.. Klngswood . Insurance Martgages 3-1833 - . . . . . ca , .~. . , Vinl, JertY~mI>tHiJ!I-r.J~I!.n.,J:'.*r.soil, ;.un1:~r'J'l:Jl·J..u- .A·ss....:Jblir f-·U' 'S!!? 7 ";;0' Interior and Edtrlor Pai.ting U Telephone LEbigh 2·8151 KlDgSWood 3-1448 ,WILLIAM ,," . BROOKS . Ashes and Rubbish Removed ....WtI$ Mowed', (leneral Hauling Morton, Pa. 238 Harding Ave_ - e;lum Cll' J LE'OM,l!~E ,,~"O': c: Est.te of EVEMWtv.l': 'wooo;' r.~' o( l~if>1ee," ~ilWtJ .Qjcl<" .Ct'easy, Jim " The junior High School Closing r.t!'II~~h\lii ol~"gll.ld; JOE 'MARSHALL • 511 REESE STREET MILMONT PARK, PA. IV F'ole", RI'ch. HOlve" Al TOI're'y, and J Monday night the Swarthmore Hornet team lost a close decision to the Ridley' Park nine by the score of 3 to 2. The game in d icated t h e .Im, 't pl'ovemcnt of the team SInce 1 . ,,":' Mark Bear~ley. N ex t we{)k th ere WI'II d e f'101'teI ybe two home games. On :Monday Glenolden visits Riverview Field, and on Wed n e 5 d a~,' oJ ' • Lelt.ers Te,tament.a.ry on the ~ , P ar' k on two pre- ('omes to Swarthmore, PrevI'ously last played RIdley vious on'asions when it lost 7 to 1 the Hornets have been defeated by Hoge; secretary, Sharon Parker. ESTATE NOTICE and 8 to 1. Glenolden twice, while they have :presentation 9f Non- Athletic Estate o( BELLE M, DUDLEY. '"8/k/a Freddie Braund pitched a four been successful against Swarthwas made by Mrs. Mar- BELLE MITCHELl.' DUDLEY. 'late. or t . S f Iowmg I' '.. the Borough of Swarthmore: Dela.ware ' d b th I hitter and continued his hitting rnorewoo 0 Imes ou . 'guerlte eymour. t 0 the o Co~ty. dece~e~. ways, but to no avail as the Hornet.;; ,=============~' Seventh Grade, Susan ~ett.ers, .Te5,ame~t.ar1 on. the· above failed to hit enough behind him to FOR RENT Carroll, Joan Moir, Sharon Parker, Estate havIng b.en grauted to .the under_ signed. aU persott$ bldebt.ed to·the lSald Esaccumulate but t\\·o runs. Bob N,'ancy 'Vebster, Gordon Boyd, ~ohn tate are requested to. D\,ute payment.: atH Foote has been playing extremely, I :Mod!trn home,: 4 bEtdrooms,.2 Fry, William Gill, Mark Good Jean those be.vlng claims to present. the sallle well on defense 8S has George Glae- baths, 2 ..car garage. GoOd I~.. , Qraper,,'Lynne ·Lewis 'and B9 rei without delay; to steeJe' D. Oeusemer and John E. Gensemer. Jr .• Executors, ·Medl& ser, Vi'nny Carrol, and Wilson cation. $ 1 8 5 . , 1Ragnal.·; Eighth Grade: B,,,bar:.1 Pa" or to, E, p ..... m.r., ,,",Itomr'; 1004 Buc kl ey, . Oall KI~gswood 3.3 418 amce· alrc h'ld I , '3M-10" '. Bldg:; ' . " PhUe.CIelpbia' ' '., " 2. P&.. ' All'Ison,' . J ' F' oirard Trust. ~O:t~h~e=r:s~\\~'~h~o~s~a~w~a~c:ti~o~n~a.':re~B~i~ll~=========~'===!.I Ja~kson, Nalley Lane, Jane Lichtenberg, Carolyn lIicKinnell, Wen~ , . ", , dy Prince, Tesse Wizon, Barbara ELNWOOD. . ' Wood, Girard' Clothier, Robert I ".. ', ROOF.ING ~"tI .. i'·.·: , ..~ ~'.::J.' . .'. ;i~. '11 ~Air Gorrdltj~njn.~: ., S~~~t MlPtill,~Pr~ . • ,ersand' 43","0. ·«1" ....12 , C.L A'S SI FIE 0' ADS J_ ' P"/lS~tiA" FOR SALE Foote" Ronnie Hoge, William Vint, PERSONAL - Immediate place- FOR SALE -' Regnlation size boy'. ' Tompkin., Samuel Wicks, _ ment of four women to work four 'pool,table including all equip.; Plowman,' Gwyneth' Brain, Baltimore Pike ."'. LIIlcoln Ave. or more hours per day servicing an mcnt. Reasonable price. Inquire at Bill Wrege, Margaret Campbell, , , , SwartbtDere , . ' ....' ' Avon territory in Swarthmore area. KIngswood 4-3850, ; Catherine Case, iSheila Clark. ConPhone OWen 6-2435 after 6 P.M', or FOR SALE -' IAirgc, ,beautiful j ~ ; " , ~b~)lli:l2i ", . , write Mrs. Ivins, Box 164, ,West baby carriage. blue-gray, perfect nie ohnson, Linda Kell~r, Donna Chester, condition, '$26, KIngswood 3-8580. " Maule, Virginia MoiT, Gay Pyle, Q~"" B"riU';'l slIi'rinmcUnls ~u. PERSON AL - Roofmg, spouting, FOR REIT Sally' Sheppard, Susan Williams, lI"ceUent'l!4.Hoar N - , , ' C.... . . gutters, carpentry. Recreation =,-'-'Bond" Steve' Brobeck, Wilson rooms a specialty. Ray J. FoSter, 1~~~;;~!;~~~~~1: I Buckley, Steve 'Edwards, Chuck Klngswood 3-02:72 LOwen 6:6569. _. ITI"nler, Joe Waltz, Virginia PERSONAL -, Bicycles Repaired, ander, Calhoun, Linda 'Jones, " '. Parts, acce8~ories •. Milt Glass r.r ,me Michener,' Carol Vint,· J aniea Bicycle, .Hobby, Toy Shop, ZOIi East I' , Baltimore Avenue, Clifton Heights, Carr?ll a~d Har,l'le~', Hodginj, "';'" RIC', I, t'U:' ~e' .a"·m·.' '~i'l MAdison 6-0713. Opposite Clifton PreseritSt'ion of Athletic Awards Ct 'Convalescent Ho,me Warm-Air; Heating • Rbove E Assembly held in Juo"e, was prc- tate Haviiq" been "Jinilitttd.::U.' 'the' unde~: sided over by Janic~ Carroll, chair. ol..,oed,. aU. person.s lndebt.ecf" to· the said ma'n. The meell'ng Ivas opened wl'th are requested to, lp.ake p~)'metl.t, those having claims to present; the devotions, alid 'the installation of same. without. delay. to Peter Y. WoOd cabinet officers. as follows: P, resi- Es:ecutor. Ii".O. Box 120. SwarUuhore, ,Pa:. or to his At.torneys, BuUer, Bea.t.t.y. Oreer dent, Joan Plowman; vice presi- & Johnson. 17 South Avenue. M(>dla; Pa. dent, Nancy Lane; treasurer, 3t.-'l·17 j ~~!~i~=i~~~§J lVs' , :won ' , AleX-I~~~~~~:;~~~~~;~"~'~ Theater.· ,.... .-- .. "'-~.~'''.- ..-~ .. . .,. . . ,~'~... 'girhit1'J~c~'~s,e, .Was 'mad~ j,!' .• "Anne 'Braunil to & " ,: ,'F'r" .. :'. ,j.t 'Iii CONVENIENT HqURS I , 9 'tillO ;;';':u, ... • • . • • . ; ••• "RUSSEll, .illIlGER" ~ . , , .: ' '. J!';L!ob !1i.." ; .. : n J b~ {" . . Y"• 1>Ite"fnllo"';ijirb; Lliau~.Blddl", ¥Q'CJi ~ii'iI, ,jae),! average. Henry Boh"e .';. Q.: SVlflrthmore Page 8 JUt 2f19S!? l'p • Swarthmore-Rutledge School District Calendar '59-'60 ISE,pt,';mbe,.-.Te,ache,.s' Workshop, Tuesday and Wednesday, 8th and 9I;h. Pupil. Report-Thursday, 10th. .October-County .Institute; Wednesday, 14th. Schoolmen's Week, Tllursday and Friday, 16th and 16th. District Staff Workshop, Friday 16th. November-Thallksgiving Vacation, Thursday and Friday, 26th & 27th. December-Christmas Vacation, last day of school, Wednesday, 23rd. J anuary--Bchool Reopens, Monday, 4th. February-Washington's Birthday Vacation, Friday, 19th, imd Monday 22nd. . March-School entit'e month. April-Easter Vacation, Good Friday and Mond~y, 15th and 18th. ;\I.y-Memorial Da),- Holiday, Monday 30th. June-Last day for pupils, Wednesday, 15th. Last day for teachers, Thursday, 16th. FOOD MARKET Consumer's Co-Op Ass'n. of Swarthmore, Inc. 403 Dartmouth Avenue Opposite Borough Han Swift's Premium - Harmel Ohesler Rose - Rath Black Hawk Mothers Council Group Requests Two Nurses SmaliSmoked HAMSlb59 C WHOLE or HALF CHESTER ROSE Hickory Smoked Country Style SLI,CED BACON ' l-Ib. pkg. 59c CHESTER ROSE Hickory Smoked Ib.6ge BONELESS PORK BUTT CO-OP RED LABEL Blue Lake Vertical Pack 29c WHOLE GREEN BEANS CO-OP RED LABEL 19c APPLE SAUCE CO-OP RED LABEL 35c FRU ITS FOR SALAD 3-DIAMOND 29c LIGHT MEAT TUNA iiF This Popular Sale Repeated This Week Co-op TOMATO JUIOE (46 oz.) Oo-op PINEAPPLE JUICE Oo-op APPLE JUICE for (46 oz.) $1.00 • PARADICHLOROBENZENE 2 lb. 69c KAN KILL ROAOH AND ANT KILLER FLY, MOSQUITO KILLER No Bug Is Immune to KAN KILL INSECTICIDES 10% OFF Regular Price CARROTS 2 Ige.. cello packs 19c CALIFORNIA PASCHAL ,CELERY (large size) CALIFORNIA JUIC~ LEMONS Safe • C..... 100% PURE CALIFORNIA CRISP MOVIE BENEFIT (Continued from Page 1)' that there should .be a closer reo Notre Dame de Lourdes Church lationship between the faculty sponCollege Theatre sors and the students, and that the James 1\1. Nutt, Jr., of Marlyn young people should be given reaWeek of July 19 - 26th lane, 'Vallingford, has been ap- sons for decisions affecting. them. pointed a division chairman in ·She also stated that she felt that "THE YOUNC Ccntl'al-\Vestern Delaware Coun- the plan for the tw~ school danc~s PH I LADELPH IANS" ty zone of the forthcoming United had been successful. The group Paul Newman - ·Barbara Rush Fund drive. voted to continue this plan for next Alexis Smith Volunteet' service with a variety year. TICKETS SSe - Theatre or Rectory of charitable, civic, and school or1\lrs. Matthew McKinnell, 10th ganizations gives Mr. Nutt exten- grade chairman, announced that sive, background for his United the geranium s ..Ie had been highly Fund assignment. successful and netted the class a He has been both treasurer ·and profit of $551.52. She advised the member of the executive board of group that the end of th~ 10th grade the Nether Providence Parent- is'the time for each class to make a , Teact.er Association and in the study of its financial status and same positions for the Wallingford a budget for the next two •• Explorers Post, Boy Scouts of years. .' •• • When you have a America. He has also been a memMrs. Merrill B. Hayes, eighth •• prescription to be comber-at-Iarge of the Boy Scouts' grade chairman, reported difficulty •• pounded, youe first Minquas District. in scheduling class parties and ask•• thought i. of silfely. In addition to United Fund camfor closer coordination with the • you are assured ••• Here paigns, Mr. Nutt also has worked high school office. that your Doctor's di••• rections will be folas a volunteer in fund-raising Mrs. Herbert Huse, seventh grade • lowed implicitly. And drives of the American Red Cross, chairman, told of the class's highly ••• each compounding capital fund drives of the Boy successful class party planned by ••• step will be doubleScouts of America and the Amer- the mothers with the students, She ••• checked to avoid ereor. ican Cancer Society. recommended that the student-fac•• Try us next time! His division includes Media, ulty committee be reactivated and •• pel' Providence, North and t)o,utllq used as much as possible. Nether Providence, Rose Valley, Mrs. Herman Bloom and Mrs. Lima; South Middletown and Media Arthur B. Kent were present to CATHERMAN'S business area. outline· future plans for Garnet DRUG STORE Canteen. Mrs. Bloom asked that each chairman supply her with the Klngswood 3-0586 Spencer Named To names of two l'epresentatives for Confer on Tax Freeze the summer canteen. (Continued from Page 1) lern of greater percentages of girls alice barber( appearing in high school classes and going out for school sports. To alleviate the load in this department Mrs, Ann Bonsall Braund was hired as a part-time teacher and coa<:h at a cost of approximately $1700 annually. "You Meet the Nicest People at Speare Bros." The Board ·authorized purchase and of slightly. niore that $1000 in sci"They Do 'Sell Nice Things at Speare Bros." ence and mathematics equipment, of which it will be repaid through the National Defense Education Act. Its usual contribution of $200 to· ward the summer program of the Swarthmore Recreation Association was approved by the Board which, after adjourning to July 29, entered executive session with Superintendent of Schools G. tla,Ke,r Thompson on an unannounced topic. _ SEVENTH AND WELSH STKEE'I'II Wallingford Man UF Division Chairman i rt s 90ld bank bUildln~1 (46 oz.) 0-0 BREAKFAST COCKTAIL (46 oz.) V 8 VEGETABLE JUlpE (46 oz~) 3 "I saw it in The Swarthmorea.n" bch·19c doz·29c ------ Knee-Hi Leagues Play Final Games This Week (Continued from Page 1) play are as follows: John Fry, Frank Pierson, Tim McCaffrey, Andy MacNair, Frank Snyder, Steve Beik, Tom Smith, Dan Marino, Eric Peterson, Jer.,,, Hebble, Jeff InniS, Curt Young, Dean Forbes, llill Egan, Sam CaldEddie Edney, Bill Standish, Don Hartman, and Steve Shelley. From the American league the boys chosen are: Sam Paddison, Sandy Thomson, Doug Allen, John Coddington, Pete Salom, Hal Welsh, Ed ·Michener, Al deProphetis, Dave Laird~ John Derickson, Bill MacNew, Eck Gerner, Mark Steciw, Dave Foley, Bruce Conwell, Dick . McCurdy, Evans Hammond, and J. P. Schrad. er. I STORE HOUItS: Monday: thr. Thursday, 9:30·5:30 Friday. 9:30·9:00; Saturday, 9:30·5:30 BE SI)RE TO VISIT SPEARE BROS. I FOR ... Last Week of Sale , BREYER'S ICE CREAM Y2 Gallols - Pilts ,THE SWARTHMO Keep Your Dogs at Home N Swal'thmore, Pa., Friday, July 24, 1959 VOLUME 31-NUMBER 30 Graham S. Wentz In Falal Motor Accident $4.00 PER YEAR EMERGENCY BLOOD Swarthmore Borough resi· dents' requests for blood may be made to Mrs. H. LeRoy Mc. Cune, chairman of Blood Re. cruitment, KI 3-2474. or to Mrs. Corbin C. Shute, co·chairman. KI 3-3757. Summer Club Elects New Team Captains , Falling Wires Kill Strath Haven ave. Youth Funeral services for Graham S. Wentz will be conducted at the Patterson Funeral Home, Media at 10 :30 this morning by the Rev. Dr. D. Evor Robert, pastor of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. Interment will follow in Media Ru. ral cemetery. The 22-year-old Drexel Institute of Technology sophomore, whose bome was at 440 Strath Haven avenue, was electrocuted at 10:58 TuesTh~ bays to win outstanding player trophies of theiSwarthmore day night when his open sports car Knee H, league cho th 140 de! b rammed a utility pole on Woodland' sen among e ·0 oys participating in the program are fr~nt row left to right: Dean Forbes, Hal Welsh, Tim avenue, Springfield Township, and M. cCafferty, DICk McC. urdy, and Bill MacNew. Back row left to "9 ht are AdM n Y ac N air, Jo h n Fry, and Dave Foley, ~Iectric wires fell onto the vehicle. The ,accident occurred between Gr~en Briar lane and Eaton road. -II· W'In Knee-H"I Ph lieS World Series Game Ch Pre-School and Primary Groups Chase Rain Glooms The Swarthmore Recreation Association's Summer Club program is now entering its fourth week;· There. are approximately 81 boys and girls enrol1ed in the intermediate program. ' Pool PI'cnl-c Tonl'ght,· League ReIays Sat. Sea horses Gain 53 Points to Stand Seventh in Championships Swarthmore Swim Club members "'1'11 enjoy a southern frl'ed chl'cken d' Inner on the pool grounds at 6:3,0 this evening, and turn out again at 6 p.m. tomorrow to see the junior and senior r-elays of the Suburban Swimming League 195~ Championships. During the past week the local Seahorses have garnered 63 points to stand seventh among the 12 teams participating in the championships. Ann Townes placed second and Terry McCurdy sixth in midlr'lt girls freestyle and butterfly "espectively to bring home a. score of six from the opening event at Rose Tree Woods last Saturday morning. Simultaneously at Marple - New.. town senior girls Penny Simkin and 'Charlotte Brodhead captured fifth and sixth butterfly places, Jim Foley took sixth in both intermediate boys butterfly . and freestyle, Carol Williams came in sixth in senior girls freestyle and Joanne Espenschade fifth in intermediate girls ffeestyle to add a.no ther eight points. In that night's relays at the Sw,u·thmore pool the .midget girls freestyle team (Barbara Gerner, Debbie Torrey, IIlarian Hunt, and Aim Townes) placed first, their medley team (B. Gerner, Pat Wigton, Terry McCurdy, A. Townes) placed second, the intermediate girls freestyle team( Cacki Espenschade, Susan Wigto.n,LindaCourtney, Joanne Espenschade) and the intermediate boys medley (Peter Kent, Jcrry CJothi~r, Jim Foley, Dino McCurdy) each placed fifth, and intermediate girls medley (J. Espenschade, to L C t Beth ) t Purnell, k . th S. toWign, . our ney 00 SIX garner an additional 34 points. Aside from the 'sportsJ games and arts and crafts, some of the children represented their team in a talent show, soda drinking contest and a cake eating contest Other special events ..were a tra~k and field meet, relay races, and a crazy hat contest. In arts and crafts many of th.. children made 'hot plates out of ceramic tile. The girls made fancy velvet neckties decorated with quins, A number of the boys constructed leather coin purses, key holders and book markers. s:. Springfield Township police were estel' City Band unable to aid the victim until the Plans Thursday Concert Electric Company turned off power ;n the line. He was pronounced dead The Chester City Band will be by -Dr. Woilliam W. Leaman of National League Downs heard July 30 in its regular ThursNew Captains Named Springfield. American in Contest day evening series of concerts, un· ,New captains have been elected Born in Media Hospital, which del' the baton of Thomas Leeson. for the second half of the program. was founded and operated by his Saturday .. Included on the program will They are follows; late grandfather, Dr. Charles Last week the Phillies of the Nat- be saxophone soloist Rudy DiFeKatie Tolles. Marianne Larkin, Schoff, while his parents lived at. I Lea lice, who will be heard in "Carnival Rochelle Young, Billy Willburn, 206 'Dickinson avenue, Swarthmore', lona gue won over the 'l:'igers of .()f V enlce . " and '" Moonlight and Doug Allen, Frank Mader, and Ken . Graham transferred from borough the American League in the sudden Roses" ; an d voca I'1st K ay Z anStead. er ou an d t h e scbools to Ep,·scopal·Academy I'n the death world series game '6 to 2. Ex- gal'" , who WI'11 0 ff"Y The new playground equipment ninth grade. He played tackle on copt for one wild throw allowing Night and the Music", Temptathat has recently been installed at· Episcopal's'varsity football team two Phillies to score, the game was tion", "It's a Grand Night for Singthe· elementary school, swings, and upon .graduatio~ entered a ing", "Midnight in Paris", and the slides, jungle-gyms, see-saws, and chemical engl'neerl'ng course at exceptionally' well played by both reI"Igl0US se Iec t'Ion "The Rosary". basketball backboards, has receiv-' Pennsylvanl'a State. Unl'versl'ty, teams, and until the miscue, was Th e band's program will include ed quite a hit of use by the Summer switching last year to a business progressing along on a 3-2 tight a selection of marches, specialty Club group. A miniature golf course course at DrexeL He was employed ·ball game. numbers, overtures, and a trumpet has also been used frequently by as an oil btirner mechanic by \Vilson Tim McCafferty was the winning trio. all members of the group. ... Coal and Supply Company, Wal- pitcher· for the Phillies, while little The concert will take place at In the coming weeks the club lingford on week-ends and during Bruce. Conwell, who pitched very 8 p.m. (weather permitting);at the anticipates having·s circus, square well for the Tigers, ·was destined to Glen Providence Park, Media, at the summer. ~ Continued on Page 5) . H,,' is survived by his father, be the loser. on the· mound. the'we'st ellaof"State street. G~aham, and a brother, Charles~; A resounding doubl~ Jody 20, who has just completed his Brooks scored Frankie Compton, Vassar Avenue Fair Nets freshman year at Lehigh Univer- and a fly hall by Tony Michel SCOI'sity, His mother, Helen Schoff ed Frank Snyder to put the Phil$4.35 'for Reel Cross Wentz, died 'in . January 1958. lies in the. lead 2 to"O early in the Vassar avenue was the scene Fri_ game. J. P. Schrader and Dave day of a Fair and Puppet Show Mrs. Shute, Ch'm Blood Foley scored for the Tigers on hits put on for the benefit of the Red Recruitment, Named by Foley and Evans Hammond. Cross by three 10-year-olds, Nancy to Assist Both teams pulled off some mar- Field, Cindy Fox, and Linda Lane, Mrs. Peter E, Told, Park avevelous plays in the field, making the Over 40 pf1Ople, mostly youngsters, nue, c()-publisher of The ·Swarthgame one of true championship cal- contributed a total Qf $4.35 to the morean, will lead the volunteers in Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Lee Will bre. Paul'Deyo pulled ofr a sen- fund. the 53rd Annual Christmas Seal Se rve' as Associ a te sational 'catch in left field for the There were games and relays Campaign. . Tigers, while John and Mark Fry, complete with prizes for three d,'fWalter Palmer of Media, Ch'rist- . Directors Frank Pierson, and Frankie Oomp- ferent age groups, as well as (wagmas Seal Chairman, announced th.. Swarthmore this week completed ton repeated the type of defensive on) train rides for the younger appointment of Mrs. Told as chair.. enrollment of volunteer leadership ,pIa). that put them in the world ones. Complete Scotes man of volttnteers and booth sales for the United Fund drive next series. Complete scores at this point P I ' • The Puppet Show "Midsummer were: Aronimink, 151; Colonial a mer is serving as Seal Chair.. fall, Douglas A. Wrigley of SpringBoth teams were a credit to their ·Christmas," written and directed v.n 127 P Sq 93 man for the second consecutive field, chairman of the.Central Delrespective leagues. Coaches Pierce by Nancy and Cindy, and produced I age, ; enn uare, ; year aware County fund-raising divi- MacNair of the Phillies and Jack 'th t h ' f ' Rose Valley, 79; Wallingford, 64; • apPOIntment . WI e assistance 0 Lmda, Mich- Martins Dam, 54; Swarthmore, 48; The of M:rs. Cursion, announced. this week. Cushing of the Tigers deserve much ael Field, and Susan Lane, was fol_ Marple-Newtown, 28; Ply-Mar,23', ben. C. Shute, Maple avenue, 'as The swift completion of camcredit for the general outstanding lowed by refreshments for all. a ta t t M T Id I paign assignments, he said, made lay and' fine sportsmanship disEast Whiteland, 15; Rose Tree SSIS n o . rs. 0 a so was an.. Ann Shugarts won the draw- Woods, 14, and Great Valley, 7. nQun~ed. Mrs. Shute is fonner' Swarthmore one of the earliest dis- P ,played by their boys t)troughout ing for a weather dog whose eyes, The 400 meter freestyle schec h a , r man of the Swarthmore tricts of the 83 within the county the season. . t d 'th h . I f M'k ' B . R e d C ross;,. and pain e WI c emlca s rom 1 e s duled for Monday evening at Penn Hnc.h ' A menc.an to finish top enrollment, , An Star Game set, change from blue in fair wea- Square was rained out and will be co-chatrman of Its Blood Servtce. Director. for Swarthmore District ther, to pink when it is ·humid. swum the week after next . The Christmas Seal campaign, is Mrs. Joseph Reynolds of Oberlin Again the National league showIn Tuesday night's senio~ diving which will begin in November, is avenue. She has worked for United ed its superiority over the Ameriat Mat1 's Dam Susan Williams, the sole means of support for the in JOHN McWILUAMS SETS Fund drives since 1956 and served can league when it downed them captured a second .place, bringing program of the· Delaware County locally since 1967 as a captain in 13 to 2 Saturday afternoon in a NEW LAKE RECORD Swarthmore's total up to 63. Tuberculosis & Health Association. the fund drive of the American nine inning game before a Istand~ John McWilliams, a nine-yearThe 12-and-under members of the Mrs. Told, who publishes Tb.. Cancer Society. (Continued on Page 8) old member of the Swarthmore swim team who have not swUm of- Swarthmorean with her husband Mrs. Reynolds named to other swim team, now holds the record of ficially in league meets, journeyed Peter, has served as superintendent district posts Mrs. Edmund Jones, being the youngest person ever to to Aronimink Monday afternoon with Swa•• ~hmore Cha u t auqua--and Haverford avenueJ and MI'!. Ran... College Clears Crum swim non-stop the length of Little for an exciting fray betwee~ thun- as adult education director with th.. dolph S. Lee, Haverford avenue, During the recent opening of the Spruce Lake, Wayne County. The derstorms with that pool's jv's. No (C ont'mued on P age 8) Who will serve as associate direc- spillway on Crum Creek, Swarthlake is more than a quarter of a (Continued on Page 51 (Continued on Page 6) more College took the opportunity mile long. Attend Music Camp provided by the low water to clear John's sister Mimi, 11 years old, Cynthia Topping, 16, daughter of the stream of. fallen branches and is the second youngest. She is also FELLOWSHIP PLANS HAIID IIIJURED Mr. and Mrs. Charles Topping of· debris that had accumulated, from Dawn Boyer of Dickinson avenue a member of the local swim team. WATERMELON PARTY North . :grinceton avenue, and sustained a laceration and sever- the dam as far up as the Thomas The lake record was previously Bill Montgomery of the Manoa Thomas Woske, 14, son of Mr. and ance of three tendons of her left house. held by two Media boys who swam United Presbyterian Church, lI':'y 1111'S. HarryWoske of DickinSQn av_ The college, in future plans for it at the age of 13. hand at her home Monday night leader of the "young Life group in enue, are two of the, 1490 young When glass broke in her window as the creek, hopes to clear another Newtown Square, will be the special eampers attending the. 32nd . ses.. half mile, which will take them as she was about to prop it up. MISS CATHERIIIE SNOW guest at the Watermelon Party sion of the National Music Camp, She was taken to Taylor Hospital far as the trestle, and during the i Miss Catherine Snow, a Cincin.pI~nned ~or the. Summer Fe~lowInterlochen, Mich. Where the laceration was suturedJ winter, when (if?) tbe creek is nati, 0., sister of Mrs. Philip M. ShlP group meeting next Tuesday Cynthia, a first year clt-m'per, is' but only one tendon was able to be frozen, will do considerable trim- Alden of North Chester road, died at the. Presbyterian Church: II member of the High School Choir, repaired. ·Her hand was placed in a ming along the banks. All Interested persons In the and is studying Speech' Arts and at the home of her sister WednesThe Commonwealth, under whose plaster of .paris cast up to her elhigh school and collrge·age groups Basic Art at the Camp. day, july 22. bow pending future possible sur- jurisdiction the creek seems to fall, are invited to come fu the church at Thomas,a first year camP'lr, too, Memorial services will be held in gery, and she was released from has _looked with favor on the col7 :30 p.m. . is studying piano. Cincinnati "n Tuesday,July 28 . lege's generosity. the hospital •. 6y United Fund Names Mrs. Joseph Reynolds as Mrs. Told 10 Lead TB Seal Oampaign I , To Present Trophies During the. course of the game Leagne Director Bill Reese will pre· sent trophies to the three most outstanding players from each division of the league. Selections are based over-all .play during the entire season, and the Yoting is done the coaches with the final selectioas determined by the director. Keep Your Dogs at Home FRIDAY and SAT Y JULY 17th and 18th , . , .. I INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE Page 8 James N. Nutt. Jr. FOOD MARKET January-School Reopens, Monday, 4th. Febl'uary-'~lashington':; Birthday Vacation, Friday. 19th, and Monday 22nd. :\Ial'ch-School entire month. April-Easter Vacation, Good Friday and }Ionday, 15th and 18th. Consumer's Co-Op Ass'n. of Swarthmore, Inc. 403 Dartmouth Avenue Opposite Borough Hall Swill's Premium - Hormel Chester Rose - Rath Btack Hawk Mothers Council GrouD Requests Two Nurses SmoliSmoked HAMSlb59 C WHOLE or HALF CHESTER ROSE Hickory Smoked Country Style 1-lb. pkg. Sge SUCED BACON CHESTER ROSE Hickory Smoked Ib.6ge BONELESS PORK BUTT 29c WHOLE GREEN BEANS CO-OP RED LABEL APPLE SAUCE 19c CO-OP RED LABEL FRU ITS FOR SALAD 35c 3-DIAMOND LIGHT MEAT TUNA 29c This Popular Sale Repeated This Week Co-op TOMATO JUICE (46 oz.) Co.op PINEAPPLE JUICE Co-op APPLE JUICE (46 oz.) (46 oz.) O-C BREAKFAST COCKTAIL (46 oz.) V 8 VEGETABLE JUIOE (46 oz~) 3 for $1.00 100% PURE . PARADICHLOROBENZENE 2 lb. 69c KAN KILL ROACH AND ANT KILLER FLY, MOSQUITO KILLER No Bug Is Immune to KAN KILL INSECTICIDES 10% OFF Regular Price CAUFORNIA CRISP 2 Ige .. cello packs 19c CALIFORNIA PASCHAL, CELERY (large size) bch·19c CARROTS CALIFORNIA JUIC~ LEMONS ell saw it in The Swarthm.orean" MOVIE BENEFIT (Continut'd fl"Om Page 1) that there ~hould hl' u elo:-er reNotre Dame de Lourdes Church lationship between the iuculty SllonCollege Theatre SOI'S and the !"tudcllt~, and that the .Jall1e~ ),1. Nutt, .Jr., of :Marlyn yOUI11! IH;~oplc should be given reaWeek of July 19 - 26th lane, 'Vallingfoni, has heen ap- l"ort:-:; for dt'cisions affecling: them. pointed a diyi:-:ion chairman in the SIw also ~tated that !She felt that "THE YOUNG Cl'ntral-\Vc..-terll Delaware Coun- the plan for the two school dances PHILADELPHIANS" ty zone of thl' forthcoming United had been successful. The group Paul Newman - Barbaro Rush Fund (Ii·ive. \·oted to continue this plan for next Volunteer sen'ice with a \'ariety year. Alexis Smith TICKETS S5e • Theotre or Rectory of charitable, civic, and school or~Irs. l\latthew ~lcKinnell, 10th ganizations gives 1\11'. Nutt exten- grade i:hairman, announced that sive, background for his United the geranium sale had been highly Fund assignment. successful and netted the class a He has been hoth treasurer and profit of $551.52. She advised the member of the executive board of group that the end of the 10th grade thl' Nether Providence Parent- is the time for each class to make a Teacher Association and in the study of its financial status and same positions for the 'Vallingford ·plan a budget for the next two Explorers Post, Boy Scouts of years. .:• • When you have a America. He has also been a memMrs. Merrill B. Hayes, eighth •• prescription to be combee-at-Iarge of the Boy Scouts' grade chairman, reported difficulty •• pounded, your first in scheduling class parties and askl\linquas District. • is of safely. In addition to United Fund cam- ed for closer coordination with the ••• thought Here you are assured paigns, 1\Ir. Nutt also has worked high school office. •• that your Doctor's di.. •• rections will be fol .. as a volunteer in fund-raising Mrs. Herbert Huse, seventh grade •• lowed implicitly. And drives of the American Red Cross, chairman, told of the class's highly • •• each compounding capital fund drives of the Boy successful class party planned by •• step will be doubleScouts of America and the Amer- the mothers with the students. She •• checked to avoid error. recommended that the student·facican Cancer Society. • Tey us next time! His division includes ~Iedia, Up- ulty committee be reactivated and •• per Providence, North and South used as much as possible. Mrs. Herman Bloom and ~Irs. Nether Providence, Rose Valley. Arthur B. Kent were present to Lima, South Middletown and :Media CATHERMAN'S outline future plan~ for Garnet husine:-s area. DRUG STORE Canteen. ~1rs. Bloom asked that each chairllllln supply her with the Klngswood 3-0586 Spencer Named To Freeze names of two representatives for Confer on Tax the summer canteen. (Continued from Page 1) lem of gTcatel' percentages of girls appearing in high school clasges and going out for school !->ports. To alleviute the load in thi~ del)artment i\it·s. Ann Bon::;all Braund was hired as a part-time teacher and coach at a cost of approxilnately $1700 annually. "You Meet the Nicest People at Speare Bros." The Board authorized purchase and of slightly more that $1000 in sci"They Do Sell Nice Things at Speare Bros." ence and mathematics equiillnent, of which it will be repai.d through the National Defense Education Act. Its usual contribution of $200 toward the summer program of the Swarthmore Recreation Association was approved by the Board which, after adjourning to July 29, entered executive session with County Superintendent of Schools G. Baker Thompson on an unannounced topic. Wallingford Man UF Division Chairman Safe CO-OP RED LABEL Blue Lake Vertical Pack 7JI1" :\lay-Memorial Day. Holiday, :\lonuay 30th. .June-Lm5t day fOl" PUI)il:;, 'Vednesday. 15th. Last day for teachel'::;, Thursday. IGth. doz·29c · · · · - Knee-Hi Leagues Play Final Games This Week (Continued from Page 1) play are as follows: John Fry, Frank Pierson, Tim McCaffrey, Andy MacNair, Frank Snyder, Steve Beik, Tom Smith, Dan Marino, Eric Peterson, Jerry Hebble, Jeff Innis, Curt Young, Dean Forhes, 13iII Egan, Sam Caldwell, Eddie Edney, BiII Standish, Don Hartman, and Steve Shelley. From the American league the boys chosen are: Sam Paddison, Sandy Thomson, Doug Allen, John Coddington, Pete Salam, Hal 'VeIsh, Ed Michener, Al deProlllwtis, Dave Laird. John Derickson, Bill l'olacNew, Eck Gerner, Mark Steciw·, Dave Foley, Bruce Conwell, Dick McCurdy, Evans Hammond. and J. P. Schrader. STORE HOURS: Monday· thru Thursday, 9:30-5:30 Friday, 9:30-9:00: Saturday, 9:30·5:30 BE SURE TO VISIT SPEARE BROS. FOR To Present Trophies 'lJII/T' Last Week of Sale BREYER'S ICE CREAM 112 Gallons - Pinls ,____________________________-J During the. course of the game League Director Bill Reese will present trophies to the three most outstanding players from each division of the league. Selections are based on over-all play during the entire season, and the voting is done by the coaches with the final selections determined by the director. FRIDAY and SATURDAY JULY 17th and 18th eo llegll' Li l)r!1.ry Keep Your Dogs at Home . SWAIlTHMOHE CO 1.1.1,<:(.; L I I: H ,\ I: Y JUt 2119S'~ }';:> • Swarthmore-Rutledge School District Calendar '59-'60 September-Teachers' Workshop, Tuesday and Wednesday, 8th and 9th. Pupils Report-Thursday, 10th. October-County Institute, Wednesday, 14th. Schoolmen's Week, Thursday and Friday, 15th and 16th. District Staff Workshop, Friday 16th. Novembet'-Thank.cstyle team (Barbara Gerner, Debbie Torrey, l\farian Hunt, and Ann Tow·nes) placed first, their nledley team (B. Gerner, Pat 'Vigton, Terry McCurdy, A. Townes) placed se~ond, the intermediate ",irIs frcest~,.le team ( Cacki Espen:;chade, Su:-an \"igton, Linda Courtney, Joanne Espenschade) and the intermediate boys medley (Peter Kent, Jerry Clothier, Jim Foley, Dino NIcCurdy) each placed fifth, and intermediate girls medley (J. Espenschade, Beth Purnell, S. Wigton, L. Courtney) took sixth to gar~ net' an additional 34 points. 4 Phillies Win Knee-Hi World Series Game National League Downs American in Contest Saturday Chester City Band Plans Thursday Concert The Chester City Band will be heard July 30 in its regular Thursday evening series of concerts, under the baton of Thomas Leeson. Included on the program will be saxaphone soloist Rudy DiFelice, who will be heard in "Carnival ()f Venice" and "'Moonlight and Roses"; and vocalist Kay Zangari, who will offer "You and the Night and the Music", Temptation", "It's a Grand Night for Singing", "Midnight in Paris", and the religious selection "The Rosary". The hand's program will include a selection of marches, specialty numbers, o\'ertul'(~:;, and a trumpet trio. The concert will take place at 3 p.m. (weather permitting), at tho Glen Providcllce Park, )Iediu, at the west end of SUJ.le ::It1"eN. Last week the Phillies of the National League won over the Tigers of the American League in the sudden death world series game '5 to 2. Except for one wild throw allowing two Phillies to score, the game was exceptionally well played by both teams, and until the miscue, was progressing along on a 3-2 tight hall game. 'rim ~lcCafferty was the winning pitchcl' for the Phillies, while little Bruce Conwell, who pitched very well for the Tigers, \vas destined to be the I05cr .on the mound. A resounding double by J ody Brooks scored Frankie Compton, Vassar Ayenue Fair Nets and a fly ball by Tony )lichel scor$4.35 for Red Cross ed Frank Snyder to put the PhilYassai' avenue was the scene Fri_ lies in the lead 2 to. 0 early in the game. J. P. Schrader and Dave day of a Fair and Puppet Show Foley scored for the Tigers on hits put on for the benefit of the Red Cl'Oi'S by three IO-year-olds, Nancy by Foley and Evans Hammond. Both teams pulled off some mar- Field, Cindy Fox, and Linda Lane. velous plays in the field, making the Over 40 people, mostly youngsters, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Lee Will game one of true championship cal- contributed a total Qf $4.35 to the bre. Paul Deyo pulled off a sen- fund. Serve' as Associate There were games and relays sational ·catch in left field for the complete with prizes for three difDirectors Tigers, while John and Mark Fry, Swarthmore this week completed Frank Pierson, and Frankie Comp- ferent age groups, as well as (wag_ enrollment of volunteer leadership ton repeated the type of defensive on) train rides for the younger for the United Fund drive next .play that put them in the world ones. The Puppet Show "Midsummer fall, Douglas A. Wrigley of Spring- series. Christmas," written and directed field, chairman of the Central Del~ Both teams were a credit to their by Nancy and Cindy, and produced aware County fund~raising divi- respective leagues. Coaches Pierce sion, announced this week.. MacNair of the Phillies and Jack with the assistance of Linda, Mich~ The swift completion of cam- Cushing of the Tigers deserve much ael Field, and Susan Lane, was folpaign assignments, he said, made credit for the general outstanding lowed by refreshments for all. Ann Shugarts won the drawSwarthmore one of the earliest dis- play and· fine sportsmanship districts of the 83 within the county ,played by their boys throughout ing for a weather dog whose eyes, painted with chemicals from Mike's to finish top enrollment. the season. set, change from blue in fair weaDirector for Swarthmore District An Star Game ther, to pink when it is humid. is Mrs. Joseph Reynolds of Oberlin Again the National league showavenue. She has worked for United ed its superiority over the AmeriFund drives since 1956 and served can league when it downed them JOHN McWILLIAMS SETS locally since 1957 as a captain in 13 to 2 Saturday afternoon in a NEW LAKE RECORD the fund drive of the American nine inning game before a standJohn McWilliams, a nine·yearCancer Society, (Continued on Page 8) old member of the Swarthmore Mrs. Reynolds named to other swim team, now holds the record of district posts Mrs. Edmund Jones, being the youngest person ever to Haverford avenue, and Mrs. Ran.. College Clears Crum swim non~stop the length of Little dolph S. Lee, Haverford avenue, During the recent opening of the Spruce Lake, Wayne County. The Who will serve as associate direc- spillway on Crum Creek, Swarthlake is more than a quarter of a (Continued on Page 5) more College took the opportunity mile long. pl"ovided by the low water to clear John's sister )'limi, 11 years old, the stream of. fallen branches and is the second youngest. She is also HAND INJURED Dawn Boyer of Dickinson avenue debris that had accumulated, from a member of the local s\vim team. The lake recQrd was previously sustained a laceration and sever- the dam as far up as the Thomas house. held by two JIedia boys who swam ance of three tendons of her left The college, in future plans for it at the age of 13. hand at her home Monday night When glass broke in her window as the creek, hopes to clear another half mile, which will take them as she was about to prop it up. MISS CATHERINE SHOW She was taken to Taylor Hospital far as the trestle, and during the :\IiS5 Catherine Snow, a Cincin\Vhere the laceration was sutured, winter, when (if'?) the creek is nati, 0., sister of Mrs. Philip 1\1. but only one tendon was able to be frozen, will do considerable trim- Alden of North Chester road, died repaired. Her hand was placed in a ming along the banks. The Commonwealth, under whose at the home of her sister 'Vednesplaster of paris cast up to her elday, July 22. bow ·pending future possible sur- jurisdiction the creek seems to fall, Memorial services will be held in gery. and she was released from has looked with favor on the colCincinnati on Tuesday, July 28, lege's generosity. the hospital. United Fund Names Mrs. Joseph Reynolds S4.00 PER YEAR Pool Picnic Tonight; League Relays Sat. ..;\ :(~L , and emfts, some of the children represented their team in a talent show, soda drinking contest and a cake eat~ng contest. Other special events \vere a track and field meet, relay races, and a crazy hat contest. In arts and crafts many of th& children made hot plates out of ceramic tile. The girls made fancy velvet neckties decorated with se:quins. A number of the boys constructed leather coin purses, key holders and book markers. New Captains Named New captains have been elected for the second half of the program. They are as follows: Katie Tolles, Marianne Larkin, Rochelle Young, Billy Willburn, Doug Allen, Frank Mader, and Ken Stead. The new playground equipment that has recently been installed at the elementary sehool, swings, slides, jungle-gyms, see-saws, and basketball backboards, has receiv· cd quite a bit of use by the Summer Club group. A miniature golf course hus also been used frequently by all members of the group. In the coming weeks the club anticipates having-a circus, square (Continued on Page 5) Mrs. Told 10 Lead TB Seal Campaign Mrs. Shute, Ch'm Blood Recruitment, Named to Assist Mrs. Peter E. Told, Park avenue, cQ-puhlisher of The SwarthmOI·ean, \Vill lead the volunteers in the 53rd Annual Christmas Seal Campaign. . 'Valter Palmer of Media, Christmas Seal Chairman, announced the appointment of Mrs. Told as chair~ Complete Scores man of volunteers and boot!t sales. Complete scores at this point Palmer is serving as Seal Chair.. were: Aronimink, 151; Colonial man for the second ct1nsecutive Village, 127j Penn Square, 93; year. Rose Valley, 79; Wallingford, 64; Martins Dam, 54; Swarthmort!, 48; The appointment of Mrs. Cor.. Marple-Newtown, 28; Ply-Mar, 23; ben C. Shute, l\laple avenue, as East \Vhiteland, 16; Rose Tree assistant to Mrs. Told also was an.. \Voods, 14, and Great Valley, 7. 1no.un~ed. Mrs. Shute is former The 400 meter freestyle sche- c h a I r man of the Swarthmore duled for Monday evening at Penn Branc~, Americ~n Red Cross, and Square was rained out and will be co-chaIrman of Its Blood Service. swum the week after next The Christmas Seal campaign, In Tuesday night's senio~ diving which will begin in November, is at Martin's Dam Susan Williams, the sole means of support for the captured a second place, bringing program of the Delaware County Swarthmore's total up to 53. Tuberculosis & Health Association. The 12-and-under members of the Mrs. Told, who publishes The swim team who have not swum of- SwarthmQrean with her husband ficially in league meets, journeyed Peter, has served as superintendent to Aronimink Monday afternoon with Swarthmore Chautauqua and for an exciting fray between thun.. as adult education director with thedel'storms with that pool's jv's. No (ContinUed on Page 8) (Continued on Page 51 Attend Music Camp FELLOWSHIP PLANS WATERMELON PARTY Bill :Montgomery of the Manoa United Presbyterian Church, lay leader of the 'young Life group in ~ewtown Square, "..ill be the special gucst at the Watermelon Party planned for the Summer Fellowship group meeting next Tuesday at the Preshyterian Church. All interested persons in the high school and college-age groups are invited to coOme to the church at 7:30 p.m. Cynthia Topping, 16, daughter of Mr. and 1\Irs. Charles Topping of North P.rinceton avenue, and Thomas 'Voske, 14, son of Mr. and l\f1'5. Harry 'Voske of DickinsQn av.. enue, are two of the 1400 young campers attending the 32nd· !';es.. sion of the National !\Iusic Camp, Interlochen, Mich. Cynthia, a first year camper, is a member of the High School Choir, and is studying Speech Arts and Basic Art at the Camp. Thomas, a first year camper, too, is studying piano. ! • Personids ENBABEMEln Dr. and Mrs. Claude Ervin Richardson of Media announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Rose Alice Richardson, to Mr. John Walter Olver, the son of MI'. and Mrs. Thomas Horace Olver of Beach Lake, Pa. Miss Richardson is a graduate of Swarthmore 'High Sehool and, Swarthmore College and is cUI'rently studying at Harvard University, Ml'. Olver is a graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Tufts University and is now study. ing at :Massachusetts Institute of Technology. of Chicago, brother of the groom, was best man. The bride is a graduate of Swarthmore College and has passed her general examination for the doctor' of philosophy degree in anthropology at Cornell University. She Jived for two years in a village in West Java in Indonesia where she did the field research for her doctoral dissertation. The ..groom, also a graduate of Swarthmore College, took his degree in medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and completed his internship at the University of llichigan. For two years he was engaged in public health work in El Salvador for the American Friends Service Committee. baby was bor/1 on July 11 at the Lankenau Hospital. , The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Boyle of Amherst avenue; the paternal grandmother is Mrs. Irvin Seltzer of Ringtown. Rutgers avenue are receiving congratulations on the birth of their second child and first son, Robert Leonard, who arrived on July 4 in Lankepau Hospital. The· young man is a grandson of Mr. Leonard Scharf of St. Peters-' burg, Fla., and of 1111'. and Mrs. R. MI'. and Mrs. Robert F. Hays of C. Hays of Springfield, Ky. Mrs. S. W. Kietzien and her son Ralph left 'Vednesday for a two"Week vacation in Heron Island, Me. 1111'S. Charles R. Pratt and her son Chris, former residents of Vas· sar avenue, \,. ill arrive tomorrow :from Potten End, Berkhamsted, OlUDnlllHlUIIDInDIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIUIHunClluumillUlllllllllil1E111111IIll1llDUlIIIIIIIIIDumllllllltll11llUlllunlllllllllUltt: England, to visit until September !S • B 11 with l\frs. Pratt's sister Mrs. 1\1. Katrina lves of Yale avenue. = c 1\Irs. P. M. Hummer has returned to her home on Rutgers avenue following a month's trip to Europe. ~ Mr. Paul Hummer met his mother = DON'T LET SUMMER GO TO YOUR HEAD " in Preswick, Scotland, and travelled --~ § Mr. and Mrs. A. Elmer Griffith, with her through Scotland, Eng= 9 South Chester Road = land, and countries on the Conti- Jr., of Rutledge, announce the en~ !1 Call KIngswood 3-0476 i! nent. Mr. Hummer will return gagement of their daughter Miss Beverly Dianne Griffith, to Mr. Alhome in late September. ~ 4eUye Member ., the S ... rUlmofe B •• ineas A...c1aUoa ~ BIRTHS 5 ' ~ The Rev. and Mrs. James lIartin bert B. Clemmer of Dartmouth llr. lllill Mrs. Samuel C. DeCou, of !\Iorgan Circie had as their avenue, son of Mr. and 1\11'5. Carl III, of Haddonfield, N.J., announce ~lllllllllllll[JllllUllnlluunllmIlIDIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIII1CUlIIlIIlRlnDlHIIIJIJIDIiH1IIIIIIIDIJ.JJDlIIDlOIIIIIIIIIIIIClIIIIIIIIIIIIClJlIO weekend guests their son and his B. Clemmer of Abilinc, Tex. Miss Griffith is a graduate of the birth of a daughter, Laura wife Dr. and Mrs. Albert E. Martin Ann, on July 15. of Brooklyn, N.Y. Dr.· Martin, a Ridley Township High School and Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Front End Alignment Flush Cooling System recent Ph.D. from the University attended Goldey Beacom School of Samuel C. DeCou of Haddonfield, Wheels Balanaed of 'N orth Carolina, is a staff chem- Business. Mr. Clemmer attended and MI'. and Mrs. Raymond K. DenSTATE INSPECTION Abilene High School and Georgia ist at the chemical research and Cheale Brakes Tune Motor worth of Elm avenue. development department of the Institute of Technology, Atlanta. The wedding will take place SepChal'l~s Pfizer Company in BrookLt. and Mrs. W. R. Curtis antember 26 in the Old First Evanlyn. In September he will be transnounce the birth of their third child RUSSELL'S SERVICE ferred to a similar position at the gelical and Reformed Ohurch in and second daughter, Cynthia Ruth, Pfizer's new research laboratory in Philadelphia. Opposite Boro Parking Lot on Sunday, July 12, at the Naval Groton, Conn. IIh·. and Mrs. Meredith George Hospital in Philadelphia. The baby Closed Saturday 12:30 P.M. Dr. Helen P. South of Dartmouth Marrow of Spofford, N.H., an- weighed eight pounds, 14* ounces. avenue is spending a few weeks in nounce the cngagement o~ their Mrs. Curtis is the former Sadie Ocean City, N.J., before leaving daughter, Miss Clare Graham Mar- Garrett. later in August for Colorado to row, to MI'. E. Robert Keller, 2nd, The maternal grandparents are visit with her brother-in-law and son of 1111'. and 1111'S. Edwin Hast- Mr. and ~lrs. Milan, W. Garrett of sister Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Binns ings Keller of Wawa. North Princeron avenue, and the 741 BeaHy Road at their summer home near Estes Miss Marrow will return for her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Springfield, Penna. Park. senior year at Sarah Lawrence Mrs. Ford Curtis of Pittsburgh. Boys and. Girls 4 and 5 Mrs' l L. F. Coy of Elm avenue College in the fall. Mr. Keller will The paternal great grandmother is State Licensed left yesterday for the New England rcturn for his senior year at the Mrs. William Ralsten of Pittslocated on 30-Aue Campsite States where she will visit friends University of Pennsylvania where burgh; Dr. C. B. Peterson of Minand relatives. 1111'S. Coy expects to he is studying electrical engineer- neapolis, is the maternal great Closes May 20 Opens September 21 bc home in September. ing. He is a graduate of Swarth- grandfather. Directed by toAn. Grace R. Moore, R.N. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dodson of Park more High School. Transportation Can Be Arranged $200 Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Figgatt avenue and their daughters Shirley Mrs. Elizabeth K. Shipherd and of Media 'have announced the birth 1:;:::'::::::::~:::::::::::::::=::::::;:;;::~~:::::::::~;;;:::::~;:;;:::::~!~:::::, and Naney returned Friday from tr If"' 'G 'II 11 'fJ' tS (, Haven Beach, N.J., wher., they va- Mr. Henry F. Shipherd, of New of their second son, Alan Marshall, ~ - " York City, ,have announced the en- who arrived on July 15 in{Bryn cationed for 10 days. gagement of their daughter, Miss Mawr Hospital. The new baby's ... Mr. and M,s. Arthur S. Robinson Kathe~ine Howe Shipherd, to Mr. mother is the former Sallie Iliff. of Hillborn avenue returned SaturMr. and Mrs. John Iliff of day from a vacation in Ship Bot- Olivet' V. Haines, Jr., son of Mr. Most rugs can be dyed to the same. and Mrs. Oliver V. Haines of BonSpringfield are the maternal tom, N.J. lighter. or darker colors • •• grandparents and Mr. and Mrs. T. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Kamp air Farm, 'Beesley's Point, N.J. Miss Shipherd attended Drexel Cavenaugh Figgatt of New York a~d their daughter Betsy returned Give-your rooms a new look • • • Institute of .Technology, Philadel- City are the paternal grandparlast week from a month's vacation phia, where Mr. Haines is a senior ents. jn Buckkill Falls. Ideal lor covering stains • •• majoring in electrical engineering. F,rank Snyder of Rutgers avenue A December wedding is planned. entertained several of his friends Srings new beauty to old. carpet. lut week at a barbecue luncheon WORTH • COFFIN and swimming 'party in" celebration The marriage of Miss Gail Ruth of hi!! 11th birthday. Coffin, daughter of Mrs. Lillian Mr. and Mrs. John H. McWil- Coffin of Scranton, to Hr. Michael Hams and children Mimi, John, and David Worth, son of Dr. and Mrs. For NABAZI.E SUBSCRIPTIOIS Will IOf North Princeton avenue Charles Brooke Worth of Walnut DarlDr Jal" Sept.e_ber ....4 M.hwlll CUlllttl, • c:o.,tete PrIce RaIlle • Drl'lIfel 1111 Ocdo1ter ••• caU have been v"I'ationing for the past lane, took :place on Wednesday, July 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pil. two weeks at Little Spruce L~ke in 15, in the Bethesda Presbyterian Mr~. Sidna, L. Kauffman Way"e County. Mimi had as her Church, Bethesda, Md. 8S& Cl11:ner LaDe, R141el Park, Pa. Klngswood 3·6000 - CLearbrook 9-4646 guest the -first week Marianne BurMr. and Mrs. Worth were both lEhigh 2-2164 tis, daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. graduated from Keystone Junior ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stokes Burtis of Columbia aVEnue. College, LaPlume, in June. They ~ KNOWS Carpet •II' B. Lee Allison of Michigan ave- plan to live in Philadelphia. nue returned home Sunday after PALMER. WILCOX spend:ng two weeks in Dover, Del., Miss Andrea Wilcox, daughter of SWARTHMBRE, PI. with her brother-in-law and sister Professor Clair Wilcox of SwarthMr. and Mrs. Leroy Stoudt and AIR·CONDITIONED more College and the late Mrs. Wiljnfant son Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S. Hart of cox, and Dr. Clarkson T. Palmer, Now Showing Lafayette avenue with their guests, son of ,1\11'. and Mrs. Thompson V. through Tues., July 28 tbeir son and his family The Rev. Palmer of Thornton, were married , PAUL NEWMAN Dr.' and Mrs. 'J. Richard Hart and at the Friends Meeting Saturday afternoon. Ricky, Sally, and 'red, spent last Miss Carolyn Wilcox of New week in Island Heights, N.J. The York City, sister of the bride, was younger Harts returned to their home in PleasantviUe, N.Y., Mon- maid of honor. Mr. T. Vail Palmer day, leaving Ricky to visit another OIllDIIJIIIIIIIIIDHlmflIlIlDnlliIIIIHIDIIUIIIIIIIIDllllltullllr:-o two weeks with his grandparents. Ricky and his immediate family had ~ Features Daily--7:15. 9:30 P.M. ii earlier spent a IO-day camping trip § Features Sundoy-5:45. 8:00.. Dresses - $4.00 up in the Adirondacks and the Finger 5eNed DalY ·1 10:15 P.M. ; Lakes. Mr. and IIhs. ,Peter P. Miller and Blouses - $1.00 up 'Colossus of New York' Hot & Cold chi1dren~ former residents o.f Mari'or CHILD REI SATURDAY I P.M, Summer Pajamas - $1.50 pair f!tta avenue who left in June for plus Color Cartoons ii $1.25 !:! a three year stay in England, will 3 Stooge' Comedy E iii Bathing Suits, Shorts. Skirts, - .$3.00 each be at home at 59 Manor Drive, D • a Hinchley Wood, Surrey, after July E D Starting Wed;, July 29 5 § 27. Jewelry - 50c each ~ II The Bouquet BEAUTY SALON i i i SUMMER· DRIVING IS HERE " ROBERT J. ATZ, Mgr. --- II 3·0440 PLAY HILL KINDERGARTEN RUG DY'EI NG A SPECIAl 'TY A..,..... . College Theatre , ~ d'~.J&... "It'd, *;iieatl Starting July 24th "The Summer Young I~ BuHet Luncheon Dishes~ aboth. . ;== g Buffet Dinners ~ ~ ; En•• 1>40; s••. 8,00, s.t. -. ,,~ Op.DS Tues.: lui, 28 lllra Au,. BERT lAHR ill DU BARRY WAS A LADY I !!!~~!!!!!..!!.!!!!!!.!~.!1!R-.J --N_ through Sunday: "JAMAICA" I $2.75 • aiii! 'It Happened to Jane' (4 Miles West of Media) .! , +JlllMHJIIIOIIHlhhhKaIXMiRIICWaaWllkAMmlDln We Are Closing ~gust 1st for !wo Weeks , to Redecorate (Techll1colOt) \6 B i§ Doris Day Ernie Kovacs Jack Lemmon Features-7:25, 9:25 5P.M. = I §=--c THE WILD, GOOSE ~i! i Route I, Baltimore. Pike ~ ~ Year's top laugh riot!!1! :2 ~ Clearance,-S.ale and ; ~Thursday 5 to 9 : Sunday 3 to 8! = ~ Philadelphians" D e SPECIAL CHILDREN'S HOLIDAY SHOW WED" JULY 29, .1 II.M. 'H II p~s ~~:r i~o~~:n~a:7' • MARIE DONNELLY DRESS SHOP RUTH D. HANLEY. Owner § 3 Stooge Comedy ~_- AMIlLE FREE IIAIII~a 104 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. •ii Klngswood L ____ .____3·2290 .___......<:;...•• L_ _- - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . , . - - . a ( , , THE SWARTBMOREAN Pille I Hugh Morrison of Dartmouth avo The Rev. and Mrs. Eric Braund end in Ithaca, N.Y., with their son- Two new members of the church, enue spent a recent weekend with of Cornell avenue, with their two in-law and daughter Mr. and IIIrs. IIIrs. Robert O. Browne and Mrs. Chris Decker of Park avenue friends at Pocono Lake Preserve. children, Nancy and Fred, leave Lawrence Hutchinson. Arthur Hoeh, were the guests of and Bill Scholz of Rose Tree road Luren Dickinson of Park avenue tomorrow on 8' month's motor trip Mr. and 1111'S. Ray L. Harlow of honor. left from Barnegat, N.J., Sunday is employed this summer at The to the Pacific Northwest and plan Lafayette avenue returned home Mr. and I\1rs. Peter E. Told of aboard the Sholz' boat on a cruise Pines in Chapel HiP, N. C. Luren to visit and camp in the Glacier Saturday from a 10-day visit with Park avenue had as their guesta ' to Ocean City, N.J., where they will be a sophomore at North Caro_ National Park. ' their son-in-law and daughter Ens. over Sunday 1111'. and Mrs. William I arrivel! Tuesday night. They plan lina State College, Raleigh, in the Mr. and M'rs. William A. Golz and Mrs. Richard K. Alexander at Kindley of Salisbury, Md. to make an extended ,visit with fall. of Rutgers avenue have as their New London, Conn:, where Ens. 1111'S. Walter Getty is recuperatChris's great uncle and aunt Mr. Mrs. William N. Shoch of Mt. guest for two weeks Mrs. Golz' Alexander is stationed at the U. S. ing at her home on Morgan circle and Mrs. Jack Lit. Holyoke place was guest of honor at mother Mrs. James W. Duggan of Navy Submarine -Base, and with after three weeks in Osteopathic Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Geer and a neighborhood lobster dinner re- Bradford. their son·in·law and daughter Mr. Hospital where she underwent sur.. daughter Muffy of Academy road cently in celebration of her recent and Mrs. Lawrence V. Solimini and gery on June 29. Patton Gilmour, son of Dr. and arrived home Sunday following a return from Europe. Mrs. W. R. Gilmour of Harvard children Linda and Tommy at Wey. !\liss Elise Remont and Miss Ruth week's visit in Washington, Conn., 1111'S. Henry L. Smith of Dart· avenue, left for Fort Knox, Ky., mouth, Mass. C. Webb, both of South Chester with Mr. Geer's parcnts Mr. and mouth avenue has recently returned on July 11 for basic training folDory Kroon of FOl'est lanc is en- road, and Miss Margaret Campbell Mrs. Walter Geer and another from England and Scotland. She lowing which he will be in the Na· rolled at Beaverbrook Music Camp of Cornell avenue, entertained week's visit in Kinderhook as the visited her son, the Reverend Ban- tional Guard Reserve. at Pocono Pines for the current members of the former Presbyter-· guests of Mrs .. Geer's parents Mr. croft P. Srilith, and Mrs. Smith in Mrs. Bruce E. Young of Selma, summer season. Dory plays flute ian Young Adult group Saturday and Mrs. F. W. Davenport. Suffolk, England. Mr. Smith, who is Ga., is visiting her parents Mr. in the symphonic band and is a aftcrnoon on the \\r ebb lawn. Col. and Mrs. John H. Bennett of an exchange recfol' for a year, will and l\:lrs. Herman Bloom of Col urn· member of the camp chorus. MI'. and Mrs. Edward E. Hanthe Swarthmore Apartments re- return to his parish in New Me~co bia aVenue for a periodof 10 days, Dr. and l\Irs. Charles A. Andel'. num of Lafayette avenue celebrated cently returned from a visit with in October. while her husband is in training son of Yale avenue, zone leaders their 17th anniversary with a dintheir son-in-law and daughter Mr. Mrs. L. J. Servais of Elm ave- at the Cl'aig Air Force Base. at the 'Presbyterian Church, enter- ner party with friends followed by and Mrs. Rouert P. Smith of Stamnue returned by plane last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril H. Bryson of tained members of their zone at an evening's entertainment in Valford, Conn. Col. and Mrs. Bennett after a six week visit with Lafayette avenue spent last week- . an open house Sunday afternoon. ley Forge. also recently spent a vacation in hcl' son· in-law and daughter, Mr. Ocean City, N.J. and Mrs. Paul R. Cobble of ChatThe following boys are leaving tanooga,. Tenn. \ tomorrow for a two-week stay at VALUE·RATE the ROCKET Former Swarthmorean ~Ir. Fer· Camp Miller, Shawnee-on-the-DelAT \'DUll AII11IORIZID QUAlITY DDlD'S ris W. IIlitehell, who has made his aware: Stephen Townes of Forest home in Springfield for the past lane, Billy Dethloff of Wellesley few years, moved last week to road, and Stanley Ward of North Apartment B-3 in the Dartmouth The ladles agreeSwarthmore avenue. House. 1111'S. Francis V. Warren of WalMr. and IIIrs. Jacob E. Snyder nut lane returned Saturday from of Rutgers avenue had as their a two~week vacation through' Canada and at Caspian Lake in north- guests for several days last week ern Vermont, with her son-in·law Mrs. Snyder"s parents Mr. and and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. David Mrs. Frank Srouch of Cornelius, M. Sensenig of Strath Haven ave- N.C. Frank Snyder departed with his grandparents to vacation in nue an'd 'their children. North Carolina. At p'resent Jean Barbara Bird, daughter of Mr. Barry Caldwell of Davidson, N.C., and Mrs;· Robert' S. Bird of Drew who is Mrs. Snyder's niece, is a avenue, had a house party at the house guest for twOo weeks. Bird's seashQre home on Long T .. ust a woman's judgMr. and Mrs. J. H. Breakell and Bcaeh Isla'1d, N.J., for 11 girls their children Lindsay, Betsy, Jim. ment to put you onto the smartest buy of the yeur from Swarthmore on JUly 10,. 11, my" and Laura returned to their -Oldsmobile! and 12. home on Princeton avenue Sunday Hel' practical sem..e of Mr. and 1111'S. William A. Welsh following a visit with Mrs. Breakvalue will help show yo., that here's the car that's and family of Swarthmore avenue ell's father, Dr. M. R. Faville in got the Hgt>otl!l" on aU tlrtr spent a day in New York City sight Roanoke, Va., They also stopped in rest! And thnt got..'S fur seeing and enjoyed the boat! ride .1;'ctersburg, Va., and visited Mr. good looks • • • ~!XXI .... ,,, ••• good inveslmt'nt! . around lIIanhattan. Bill; Jr., spent Breakell's sister and family Mr. Stop. today lInli let lI!'1o tlie weekend in. York visiting and Mrs. Ralph Long. VALUE-HATE TilE friends. Miss Virginia Smith, daughter ROCKET fur you. Right lIIiss Ruth C. Webb of South of Mr. and Mrs. W. Alfred Smith lIOW loo'rc off('rin~ mfJrr~ ncw Olflsmobile Jor tlte Chester road had asJter guest over of Amherst avenue is leaving tomoney ,han ever! last night Mrs. CarolaBell Wil: morrow for a lO-day vacation to , .. Iiams of Ossining, N.Y.- Mrs. 'Wil- Bermuda on the QUeen· of 'Her-.~.,vd' \ liams will be a leader at the Cainps muds. She will be accompanied by ,~~.. Farthest Out Retreat this weekend two friends~ Miss Lois Barton of BY EVERY ~ IS THE VALUE CAR OF in Radnor. Annandale, N.J., and Miss Janice MEASURE .. ;; • ~ THE MEDIUM PRICE CLAS. Hugh M. Morrison, son of Mr. Williams of Yeadon. They will realJd Mrs. Maxey ~l\1orrison of Dart- turn by plane. mouth avenue, has been named to ~oy Stuart, son of Mr. and Mrs. the Dean's List. for the semester K~nneth P. Stuart of Westdale aveMEDIA, PENNSYLVANIA 340 W. BALTIMORE AVE. just eompleted at Lafayette Col- nue who is in the marine reserves lege, '- Easton, where he will be a with the First 155th MM. Howitzer ~ senior in 'the fall. Battalion of the United States lIIaSharon and Bee Parker of 'North rine Corps in Philadelphia, leaves Chester road are currently vaca- tomorrow for training camp in Littioning at Camp Oneka in the Poe- tle ·Creek, Va., for two weeks. He onos. Sharon plans to return home will be home the month of August on July 26. Bee will remain until then on the first of September will the end of August. go to football camp at the National Judy Welsh of Swarthmore ave- Agricultural College in Doylesnue was named to the "Dean's list town. at Penn State. She will be a sophoMr. and Mrs. James B. Duncan more next year. • of Rutgers avenue and their daugh. 1111'. and Mrs. John B. Parker ter Joan returned last week from visited tbeir parents Mr. and Mrs. a motor trip . through New York I' John. Iliff of Springfield over the State. They stayed at Lake George weekend. They have recently mov- ;'nd North Conway in the White ed from New York City to Nauga- Mountains. tu~k, Conn. Dr. and Mr", Hans Borei of RutMr. and IIIr~. Raymond E. Wil- gers aveQue and their children son of Ogden avenue had as their Karen and Ragnar are spending ·house guests last week their two the summer in Mt. Desert Island, granddaughters, Susan and Sally Me., where Dr. Borei is doing re· Millington, of Conwell Heights. search at the Mt. Desert Biological Mrs. W. R. LeCron of ,Cedar lane Labo~atory.' . and Mrs. Harold Perrine of WalMr. and Mrs. Frank Pierson of lingford have ~eturned from a Ogden avenue and their two sons week's conference at Wilson Lea- John and Frank will spend several .! dership Training ,School in Cham- days in Atlantic City this 'coming ., ,J ber,burg. At the same time Miss week. Betty Lee LeCron spent the week Susan Bower, daughter of ·Mr. as the guest of her aunt Mrs. Wil· and Mrs. William N. Bowcr of Ham Culp of Chambersburg. Westminster avenue left by plane The Rev. and Mrs. Eli 'Vismer, SatWorday for Decatur, Ga.) wherc Jr., of Westminster avenue have re- she will vacation for two weeks cently returned from a trip to with relatives. Maine where Mr. Wismer was Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Griest of working on the staff of the Nation- Elm avenue have returned home al Training Laboratory in Bethel, from a weekend 'at Skytop. Me. Mr. Robert Fawcett of South Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bolton of Chester·Toad has returned from a Cedar lane recently return~d by three weeks'· vacation in Europe. plane from a month's tour of Por- While abroad he visited Portugal, tugal, Spain, and Southern France Spain, Southern France, Monaco, where they had a ehauffeured car Italy, Switzerland, and Austria. He and visited many places of interest. ttavelled by plane both ways. Mr. and 1111'S. W. Horace HepDr. Takdir Alisjahbana, Indoburn and chHdren have rerently nesian philosopher and novelist, I moved from 16 \South Princeton was the weekend guest of Dr. and 5l ,. ,D Sit A. • P •" avenue to 412 North Cbester road. Mrs. Clair Wilcox of Ogden avenue. ~p.I...._,.,.AA..--...........-."Qt......-~~--,:J..-- NEWS NOTES - . ....- ---Y-' •a..;;. "D --------------------------------------------WHITAKER OWS,' INC. - . , of All SUIllIller Merchandise , • S"'Wartb.n1.or.e S'b.o p 8 Park Avenue j,__ Klngswood 3-0240 Swarthmore, Pa. ""'--,.aI---.. .--,;. . .--.",. . ._,.,.""'-... .... PageS , TH.J!i SWARTBMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PENNA. PETER E. TOLD, MlARJORIE TOLD, Publisher. Phone Klngswood 3·0900 P,ETER E. TOLD, Editor Barbara B. Kent, Managing Editor Rosalie D. Peirsol Sonya, K. Horneff Marjorie T. Told Jeaunette V. Hntinued ser· roads on July 3. The Swarthmore police radio ELNWOOD second, third and upper stories of vice. She is a member of the hosthe "bouse" may be private insur- pitat's Hall· of Fame, having re- serviced Springfield for over an ance, stocks and bonds, real estate, ceived the 1000-1!our Certificate of hour Monday evening while the SUIIDAY cash savings, or other liquid as- Devotion to Volunteer Duty during latter's equipment. damaged at WFIL Radio - 8145 A.M. Baltilllore PIke .. lJnooln Aft. 6:30 -p.m. when lightning struck sets. Of the more than 34 thousand an earlier Recognition ceremony. CIIla.el 8-WFIL·TY-9130 A.M. Swarthmore persons in Delaware County receiv- . In presenting the awards, Dr. its antenna, was being repaired. ing more than $214 million in mon- Earl P. B ....nnon. manager of the Established 1932 SWARTHMORE-RUTLEDGE thly benefits. more than half have Hospital. expressed his heartfelt UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT Qn1et, Restful S!'ftOlIDdInp Wl&h other income in addition to their gratitude to the volunteers "whose , Swarthmore. Pennsylvania EIcellent Z4-Hoar NarsID&' C..... social security benefits. magnificent record indicates an exADVERTISEMENT • Since social security is a com- traordinary sense of devotion and Sealed quo1aUons wUl lJe received at the Gutters arnce of the Swarthmore·\l.uUe(\ge Unlom Klngswood 3-0272 pulsory insurance system, it makes loyalty to our veterans, resulting in School District. comer of College and Warm.-Air·Heating good sense to find out how, when a contribution of personal semces Princeton Avenues. Swarthmore, Pennsylup to 8 P.M. wednesday, August. ••• Air Conditioning and approximat.ely how much you which no amount of money can vania. "'"' "' lith. to be opened at that time at a meet.. buy." and your family can collect. Ing of the School Board. or at a meetlng Sheet Metal Work adjourned from tba.t. meetLmg. for school The ·Social Security Office in furniture and equipment, and kitchen equipESTATE NOTICE Chester -has just received a new ment. for the Swarthmore High Sch()ol. Estate of BELLE M. DUDLEY, a/t/. Boeclllcal1ons can be sec..ed belween 9 booklet entitled "How to Estimate BELLE MITCHELL DUDLEY, late of A.M. and 4. P.M. dally except Saturdays Your Social Security Payn\ents." the Borougb of Swarthmore. Delaware and Sundays. al the School DIsI"cl Of/1ce. BOX 48 KI 4-1214 County. deceased. or upon 'request by man. The Board reL,;;___________;;;;;;;; It shows examples of the amount of Photographic S!Jpp/ies Letters Testamentary on the above serves tile right to reject. any or all bids In L benetits payable to retired persons, Estate having been granted to the under- whole or lIlt pa.rt. to award contracts on IlIiUlIIIIIIICIlIllIllIllIc.nUIIII1IIIOlllUllllll"Jlllnnnmmms STATE & MONROE STS. wives, widows and children, plus signed. all persoDs lodebted to the said Es- any item or it.ems foaking up any bid. and = == MEDIA. other helpful information. Gruber tate are requested to make payment, a.fiIi to award contracts to other than the lowest a CRESSON PRICHARD S those having claimS to present the same, bldden. kind. quaUly. and ,ervlce con,ld- ~ ~ will send a frec copy of the booklet wJthout delay. to Steele D. Oenselfler and ered. . g ~ LOwell 6-2176 to anyone writing to his office in John E. Oensemer. Jr.• Executors. Media. MARI~e~r::~r;~~~!~o':.:rd Pa .• or to John E. Gensemer. Attorney. 1004 3'-7-24 OPEN FRIDAY ~NGS Chester or telephoning TRemont 4- Girard Trust Bldg .. Philadelphia 2. Pa. ·5264. Ask for booklet number 30. 3""1-10 LEGAL NOTICE ~ FOR RENT 'Month of August Honors Local Women WILLIAM BROOKS I Jack Prichard 'I I PAINTING 9 10 1 I . F.~nc:a$ier HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS Brand BI:ll~VILlE Convalescent Home 2nd· BIG WEEK! I I REAL ESTATE ! ,. i flIIIUIilIUIDlIIllIlIIIlICIIIIIIIUlI1QUlnl1"III~:lIIUIIIIUlIDII' I . ADS CLASSIFIED PERSOIllL -; Diluzio and Sons FLO RI ST i__= "'p....ER""SmO"'N;,A"L-...:...:::.:r.Im::;n~le;di;.;at;:;;e-;p:;r,la;;;:c:;::e;;S ment of four women to work four or mOI'e hours per day servicing an WANTED tri-colored 900 Michigan Avenue e 5 a ~ Swarthmore. Pa. .I Eslate 01 EVERE'IT J. WOOD. late 01 i! Ule Township of SprlngUeld. Letters Testamentary on tbe above Eatate havinG -been granted -&6 the under- =_~ WANTED slgn~d. all persons indebted to the said Good home for young estate are requested to make payment, female kitten. House- and those havlng claIms to present the ~ = same. without delay. to Peter Y. Wood. broken. KIngs wood 4-1645. Executor. P.O. Box 120. SWarthmore. Pa.,. o ii Formerl e J Avon territory in Swarthmore area. 'Iv ANTED Good homl! for black or to his Attorneys. Butler. Beatty. Oreer ~_= CAR N S ~_= Phone OWen 6-2436 after 6 P.M. or male kitten, 8 weeks. House- & Johnson 17 South Avenue. Media, Pa. • 3t...7-i7 _ write Mrs. Ivins, Box 464, West broken. Persian father. Free. ~ 650 Baltimore Pike ~ Chester. KIngswood 4-1927. § 8pr1ncf1eld. Del. Co. Pa. ~ PERSONAL _ Roofmg. spouting. , FOR SALE ~ gutters carpentry. Recreation SALE Westinghouse elec! Klngswood 3·0450 ~ rooms a ·specialty. Ray J. Foster, FOR tric roaster, almost new, half = LOwell 6-6669. pr:ice $25. P:ressure cooker used LUat1B11WWClllllllnIllDlllllIIIIIIICHIIUIDUlDlIIUHIIl PERSONAL _ Bicycles Repaired, three times. $6. KIngswood 3-1409. Parts, accessories. Milt Glass FOR SALE White suede shoes Bicycl •• Hobby. Toy Shop; 205. East size 8A. Worn once; $lO. Original Baltimore Avenue. Clifton Heights, cost $23. KIngswood 3-0l93. MAdison 6-0713. Opposite Clifton FOR SALE Six year old General Theater. Electric refrigerator, family size. In excellent condition. Reason- UPHOLSTERING 2507 Chestnut St., Chester / PERSONAL & SLIP COVERS. Over 30 years' able. KIngswood 3-2242. experience. eight years of Swar..h· FOR SALE - We have fresh flowTRemont 2·5373 more refel'ences. Custom work at ers bird-houses, and a brand new ...s ... " ....... Can REASONABLE PRICES. Large modei bird bath in lead that we for Families and Groups Aled. Seulle. Cb.rcmla selection of fabrics. Estimates are think you will like. The S. Crothers. convalescent Men and Women free. All work is done in our own Jrs .• 476 Plush MiI\1IRoad. WallingC All summer lon9 (e.capt Zs:oeUellt r ... - Spllel.a 0........ shop. Our low overhead saves you ford. Pa. LOwell 6-4561. Labor Day weekend I Bluo Cro •• Honored money. THOM SEREMBA. Phone FOR SALE Hi-Fi McIntosh for 2 or mure adults SADIE PIPP1N TURNER. proprio"'" SHARON HILL 0734. amplifier and preamp. Rek-o-cut or tUrn table and Weather ",rm and ~;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;: PERSONAL - FURNITURE RE- cartridge. Excellent condition. Call 1 adult and accompanying ***UUU* FINISHED REPAIRED AND KIngswood 3-6926. child or children 5 yaars "************* Ul'HOLSTERED. slip covers. dra, or over. peries and rugs. Painting, paperFOR 'RUT j • hanging~omplete decorating se!- FOR RENT Apartment oneLOW IDUND·TRIP COACH FARES vice. Quality ""ork at bargam half block from station. Three fhdt,ral TalC Incluftli) prices. Please can LOwell 6-3031 or rooms and.tlle bath. Immediate posALL LINES OF INSURlIICE KIngswood 3-7282 for free estimate. session. $86. KlIngswood 3-3811. A ••M................ 333 Dartmouth A¥lnal, Swarthmore Garrett House. FOR RENT Media. second floor PERSONAL -. Piano tuning spee·. apartment on quiet street .near ialist, minor repairing, member all transportation, stores. In smg!e CloUd !1 •• 17Y_..I .... Klngswood 3-1833 Piano Technicians' Guild. Leaman, home. Two bedrooms, all elt::ctnc KIngswood 3-5756. kitchen and dining area combmed; FInt Chi" (1.11 Y_l.......... • lf~lf~lf:'f:lf:If~If~If~.~lf~.~'='~"~'~lf~lf~":lf:lf:"~'~lf;PERSONAL Boarding kennel.. large living room. fireplace. Adults ! Sarah L. ,Palmer. 601 Walling- only. F'riday or Sunday. MOhowk Eo . . . . . . .naI . QUd (5-11 V. . ., •••·• • , ford Avenue. Moylan. Pa. LOwell 4-,!:!2:.!7.::0~5':"""="";;;-'iiiiiiii;n_ __ 6-0238. LOST 110 FOUIIO FREE • PERSONAL Practical nursing ==~~i:::i:-;;'=:::;-;:R;;;;;;t:;;;:; Uncler I ••••••• ••••••• or baby sitting. Experienced. FOUND Single key on u gets 2 3 Avenue. Owner call for at Special 1 Gnd 2~a, References. Call KIngswood 3- 1 6 Swarthmorean Office. packaSie tours. Ho..' res.. or KIngswood 3-6731. • LOST Gray-striped half grown ervatlonl a1.0 Dvalla..l. General Contractor "I saw it in the Swarthmorean." male kitten. KIngswood 3-3360. at reducM rates with = LOW PENNSY J WEEKEND Belvedere Convalescent Home FARES To Newark and MEW YORK § end. =" \ K I 3-1112 :: ~ ii e ~ _ fiinuammIIllUDIlIIIIIIIIIIClllllUIII11UIIIIJlIIIIUnnllllllllllLt."IiI • auIIDCJIIIIIIJllllaIllIlIllIIllDUIIIIIIIIIIUllllllllllllnllllllllllll[~ IHeinri~h N. Knudsen I I IE ~ B $ I i! GENERAL CONTRACTOR 2906 Burden Road Parlside. Pa. 5 E ii ~ = B ' I TRemont 2-5487 a i:llmllIUlltDlllltIlllIIlDlllulUlUllWIllUllUDUlIIlllDlllllIIl1 ~ Peter E. Told $6.00 4.50 3 00 ~ 1 SO Edward G Cb".pman and Son BUILDERS 'Since 1920' TILE FLOORS· PLASTIC TILE FORMltA COUlTER TOPS RODFIIS Illd SIDlla CUSTOM KITCHEIS . ADDITIOIS • ALTERATIOIS Fr•• Estl••'" 1401 Ridley Avenue Chester. Pa. .". TRemont 1.:.4759. TRemont 2-5689 Irr~SWARTHMORE, WALLINGFORD, ] MEDIA VICINITY .Many lovely 3-, 4-, and 5-bedroom homes available for immediate occupancy. 1111 BIIRD anti BIRD Klngswood 4-1500 II Opposite Boro Hall ~'~-===='==~~~ , thes. tickets. Ask your nckef Agent. GO en any traIn Satvrday or Swader. RETURN on any train Satvrday or al lat. al 7.55 P.M. Sunday. r-.c:keb not good III r.s.l'l'ed ....at coaches Far troll! Of cal lour or hotel infomtation 1M DOGNIt PRR Tkbt Aaonr. Your PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD @ >, M••• Samuel Francis Butler has :returned to her home· on South Cheater road· after a motor trip to Chatham, Cape Cod. Mass., where she visited her brother and sister-in law Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Herterton. On a recent weekend she visited the William Cannings of Rose Valley at La Porte. Nonna Wilson. who is spending the summer at Buck Hill Falls as a counsellor of the Buck Hill Flllls Camp Club. spent the past weekend at her home 'On Harvard avenue. Norma brought with her five of her ,0un"1'lIor friends. , Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Paulson of Park avenue I have had 'as tb~ir guests their daughter and her fam_ ily Mr. and Mrs. Wesley France and Louise. Patty. and Wesley of Clearwater. Fla. During their 10 day stsy the visitors were entertained at several family dinner parties. Mr. and Mrs. France also Spent two days in ~ ewYork touring the Russian exhibit and various !>Oints of, irl1lerest. " OUTBOARD ENTHUSIASTr These fellows are interested in outboard motors .•• especially the amount of rnoney they can ubring." Before you becomr. a victim of tbis and Qther types of theft, both at home and away, Broad get ODe For"m of our Personal Theft policies. a PARK AIIE' I SWARTHIlORE Klngswood 4-2727 , r' TIMI'EIi ' ; All Lines 01 Insurance lSI nAB....Otml .AVJL IIWABftIIIOBB, .... Klngswood 3-1833 Middletown Road - Media. Pa. Opposite High Meadow (between Dutton Mill Road and Knowl ..n Road) • CUSTOM LANDSCAPE WORK Friend'ly Sound Advice - \,,'" ~!:~,'~~~, I 'oJl.Y and NIGHT Oil BURNER SERVICE MONDAY TBRU SJl.TtJBI)AY NOON 8lJNDAYS and HOLIDAYS Klngswood 4-1234 .I.A.8ree1 12~z jars "N%'. FREE SPICY, HEAT 'N' SERVE Pork & Beans SAVE, Sc' SAVE 4c' SAVE 4c 4· 4'C 3 4'C 2 3'C . 23 -0% can,S 31-oz cans rfHt_IdC~#~1 NONE PRICED HIGHER! CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS Grapes Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. !~~I 2ND WEEK! :16-0% cans Peter E. Told S4")l'. PRESERVE SALE! * Strawberry * Grape * Blackberry * Peach * Crush.. Cherry ** Apr.cot-Pineapple Pineapple * ElcIe,berry CUSTOM IISTlLLATIDIISIIJ H. D. CHURCH OVEU READV! Beef Rib Roast Cross Cut Roast .,,,.t-I George Mye·rs and Co• ROGER RUSSELL keys T ROOFIN,G Picture Framing Mrs. John W. Seybold of AmDr. Arthur J. Jones of North :IoIr. and Mrs. James Cokeley of have been alternating their· stay Mr. and !>Irs. Carroll P. Street- herst avenue, with her daughter Swarthmore avenue returned home \Vet;tminster avenue have had with another son-in-law and daugher of Columbia avenue had as their Patty. will spend next week in Har_ Sunday after spending a few days 1Ilrs. Cokeley's parents visiting this tOl' ,:Ill'S. Leland Davis of Juniata house guests over the weekend Mr. :}~~~:rtM;af;eb<;'~: ;:~~~~gA:;; in 'Vashington, D. C., in consulta- summer. They are .Mr. and Mrs. avenue. They expect to return to and Mrs. George ·P. Peterson of Seybold will spend the month tion at the Office of Education. guwin Haase of Cincinnati, 0., who their home some time in August. Tel Aviv who are in this country Camp Morgan in \Vashington,N.H., on sabbatical leave from the Stat.>! while Mr.' Seybold and his cello will Depal't~ent. Mrs. Peterson is llr. spend next week at the music cenStreeter's sister. tel', Goddard College, Vermont. Miss Miriam B. Watson of Enola lIfr. and Mrs. Richard G. Haig Plantation, Tens!,s Parish, La., ar- ~f Riverview road recently l'eturnrived Tuesday night by plane to be ed on the New Amsterdam from the guest of her cousin Mrs. Roland the British Isles 'yhore they spent Thursday 'til p.m. G. E. Ullman of "Applebl'ook" Vas- a five-week vacation visiting Eng,ar avenue. ,She will remain until land and Scotland. In London they about the iil'st of Septembel'. their son-in-law and daughter Friday 'til p.m. Mr. and 1\Irs. Irvin Wizon of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Dunham, Jr., All Plicel Rutgers avenue and their daughter "rho enplaned from New York City. . ERective July 2:2 fhru 25 Tessa reocntly returned from a Mr. and :'tIrs. Dunham are continu19S9. week's vacation at Fontana Dam in ing their travel on the Continent North Carolina where they stayed until the first of August. . at the Village. The Bluet (Quaker Lady) Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Campbell College avenue spent last week"m'! See that little bunch of flowers in Pittsburgh visiting their son On the bank below you there David. With their moss protecting cover Mrs. Paul Sharpless moved FriJust so nicely blue and fair? day from 2-24 FOl'n~ll avenue to of to 8 pound A veragel 615 Cornell avenue. The 224 adIt's a dainty little flower All new crop. young dress is being occupied by l\lr. and Sweet as you will ever sec Mrs. F. Pelzer Lynah who moved Just a little bunch of color Saturday from Flourtown. The Quite as lovely as can be. Lynahs have two sons, Peter, who 'Vhen it bows to gentle breezes is going into the third grade, and 'Vith a sort of inner sen~e Stephen, who will soon be four. It appeals to flower lovers :Mrs. ,Lynah is the former ~Miss \Vho all like its innocence. Elaine Kite. daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Stanley Kite of Ogden aveYou will love this Btte flow~r nue. When you see it at its best. LANCASTER BRAND. NONE PRICED HIGH!;RI Mr. and Mrs. William Hobbs of It is found in open places Park avenue, accompanied by Mrs. . Where it hides its head at rest. John. Recknagel of Long Island On a sterile shaded roadside Mrs. Lloyd Gray ~f Cape Cod. flew It will lift its little h.ad LANCASTER BRAND, BONELESS, ROLLED 10 Nova Scotia and Prince Edward And so add a new attraction Island fo, a 12-day tour. They drove To a region nearly dead. along the Cabot trail on· Cape on and viewed the tidal bores of So we praise our Quaker Lady Bay of Fundy. Visits to Halifax. For the good that it can do Mahone Bay. Chesler and PegJ!'lrs I To the barren world about it Cove were included in the itinerBy a little touch of blue. ary.'They returned home last week. SAl1UEL C. PALMER Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. PatterSAVE UP TO 24c! YOUR CHOICE I • • • "rAIXOR MATCH!" ,on will drive to Plattsburgh. N.Y .• this weekend to pick up their Bon Robbie who has spent. the past month at Camp Red· Cloud. three will visit friends in the AO"-I rondaeks before returning to thE.ir I home on Maple avenue next we,el<'l ,, CONVENIENT HOURS! EMIL SPIES ! i= - Ibl7e Big Beautiful Clusters! ct4"',;t. Green Peas 3 ~~;:40C LOW PRICE! • FRESH FROZEN, TENDER IDEAL FROZEN "CRINKLE CUT" REALEMON f\lESH FROZEN French Fries 2 :~~ 35C Lemonade 6 S9C 6-0. ",n. Telephone TRemont 1-7106 Aft for 8EN PALMER DESIGN and CONSTRUCTION ails - Walks - Terraces· Horticultural Materials BROAD-LEAVED EVERGREENS HYBRID CLEMATIS - GROUND COVERS SAYE 5C COMB. \:I~""Q £.e.e. White Breadlf::: ""'#;I. "SUPREME" THIN-5l1CED • AMERICAN, SWISS, PIMENTO • Opsn 7:30 A.M. _ 5:00 P.M. Daily atId Saturday Sunday: 12 :30 - 5 P.M. SWARTHMORE STORE. Chester Road - OP1'n E. Tippp.tt, ye<.man She lost conscioupness, and was Schott of Fairview ro~d, arrived Master of ceremonies will be they played pin-the-tail on the don. third class, USN. son of Ylr. and driven to Taylor Hospital, uncon- home Thursday aboard the MaureRobert B. Keel. key; Lainie Ward was the ,winner_ ;the program will include a va- :Mrs. M. A. Tippett of Morton and scious, by her son Ted. She was im- .nis after two years of graduate Gary Johnston, Fred Crors and work in politics at Oxford Univerriety of marches, waltzes and ex· a graduate of Swarthmore High mediately placed in an oxygen ten, Chris Gerner were close runnerssity, ElJgland . cerpts from musicals as well as a School, is serving with Airborne and given intravenous solution. up. Mr. Schott will be working f';" In a state of complete unconreligious SElection, and a request Early Warning Squadron 11 at ArOne gray day, the group spent a his Ph.D. at Harvard University in genUa, Newfoundland. 1'he Squad- sciousness for three hours on SunDledley of W<>rId War I songs. lot of time in the all purpose room ron flies -radar equipped super con· day, Mr~. Sha}&gin has since re· the department of government as All who· are interest.ld are' corFaculty of Arts. and Scienc~ Fel- playing games. The relay races dially invited to attend. There is no steUation aircraft in support of the covered, and was discharged on low next fall. (Continued on Pqe 6) North Atlantic Barrier. Tuesday. admission. cha!-ge•. Woman's Club Pres. Names New Chairmen No Unnecessary Frills In Local High School here's what our 5, at Swar,thmore, Pa., Friday, July 31, 1959 SRA's Hornet Baseball Season Ends This Week - Citb:en,--lnterest (Continued from Page 1) The game then proceeded but National Commmunity Foundation turned out to be nothing more than underwritten by Carnegie Foundaa continuation of the previous in- tion. A graduate of Swarthmore High nings. Both coaches substituted freSchool and Oberlin College, Mrs. quently until all the boys saw action. Pitchers were rotated in the Told has taken graduate work at National league among Tim McCaf· the University of Pennsylvania. ferty, Jeff Innis, Sam Caldwell and She is active in women's clubs, Smiling Dan Marino. Pitchers for church activities, and girl scout the American league were Sa:m work. Mrs. Told is a director of SwarthPaddison, Hal Welsh, Bill MacNew more Public Library, director of and Steve Kelly. Swarthmore Branch, American Red Thus ended an extremely sue· eessful season for the Swarthmore Cross, and member of the Gi,bbons Knee-Hi league in its second ven- Home Board. She also served on the ture. It may be noted that the games Board of Community Nursing Serduring the season .Jere very wen vice, ,played generally, that the boys seemed to thoroughly enjoy participating, and that the leadership, enthusiasm, and conscientiousness of the coaches was the most influential factor in making the pro. gram successful. Keep Your Dogs THE SYlARTHM VOLUME! 31-NUMBER 31 MUNRO TBSeal Campaign Keep Your Dogs at Home JUL 311959 Puerto Rico Virgin Islands 9i rt SVlf1l'thnore tollegr Lihrary ::;\,!~i rthmore ~WARTBMOREAN PI. Klngfwood 3-1833 An Litles of Insurance , "1_ it ... TM~" .:..-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 / , • INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE Page 8 BEREAVED Phillies Win Knee-Hi World Series Game NEWS NOTES "You M~et the Nicest People at Speare Bros." Mrs. William A. Golz of Rutgers Mrs. A. Ludlow Clayden of North and avenue "is bereaved by the death of Swarthmore avenue returned Tues"They Do Sell Nice Things at Spea,e Bros." her father, 1\11', James W. Duggan, day following a ten day visit with (Continued from Page 1) > iug-room-only crowd on Riverview of Bradford, who died on July 9. Mrs. Phelps Soule in Peacham, Vt. He was 83. Mr. and lIlr.. Robert Seeley of Field. He is survived by his wife, 1\'Irs. Alton, Ill., formerly of Rutledge, Tlw starting lineup for the NatJames 'V. Duggan; a son, and two moved this week into their new ional h'aguc jm;luded Eric Peterson, olher daughter~. h"me 011 525 Bryn :".Iawr avenue (:f Curt Young, Ib, Dan Marino, l', with their three children. LJ:·:tn F"l'b,',. :lh, Frank Picrson, County Nursing Service 21" Eddie Edney, ef. Tom Smith, If, ~I('\'e Sheily, d. ~'rank Snyder, 55, IsslJes Annual Report CAP TO MEET THURSDAYS IN MEDIA COURTHOUSE arnl Tim :\IcCaffel"~Y. p. A.n~y :\lal."_1 To help IlWl"e patients retUl'n to Civil Air Patrol squalirun 1004 !"\air, Bill 1'~l!all, BIll StamiJsh, a1HI ~c1f-~uffil"il'nI:Y will he a main ob.1oil'l Fl'~' "'l't'(' the other players. jedive of the Community Nursing annoull<:cd plulls for holding sumSTORE HOURS, Monday thru Thursday, 9:30·5,30 The ('o:H'hingo staff inciul·}1t"t' of Ceorge hOllll' (:an' plans are heing formulat- summer. Delaware County Com~ :'Ilad)onald. (." for nrt.', Al DePropheth;, c, Sandy and arthritic patients who require ings. TI1()m~on, cf, Dick McCurdy, Ih, therapy and rehabilitation along .John Coddington, 2b, Sam Pad- with nursing care, Mrs. Groff redison, p, Eck Gerner, ss, Doug Al- ported, and the need for helping len, If, and Ed Michener, rf. Oth.. rs these patients return to self-sufwho saw action were Dave LaIrd, ficiency has steadily increased. k V t. 1IIark Steciw, Dave Foley, Bill Also, demands for post-operative Pac age aca Ions r' 7 Day PUERTO RICO from .. , $147 Cushing, and J. P. Schra d er. and post obstetrical care of C IllIC 8 Day VIRGIN ISLANDS from $212 patients referred by area hospitals, 14 Day Combinotion from $269 Awards Presented as well as requests for instruction Including round trip all tronsportaAt the end of the fourth inning on care of newborn babies, have tion, tallis, free port shopping. sightof seeing and your choice of IUllury both coaches shifted their lineups been in the forefront, hotels, to other all-star selections. Also at SUMMER DRESSES Due to a cut of five nurses from Write or Call lor Free Folder this time league director Bill Reese the staff in 1958-59, the Agency's and presented the awards to the out- case load in the fiscal year just C standing players of the league. In ended, has dropped. slightly over THE NEWEST SWIM WEAR TRAVEL. SERVI E the National league Tim lIlcCaffer- the previous year. 7 S. Chester Rd .• Swarthmore LATEST SPORT FASHIONS ty won the pitching award with There were a total of 31,695 home KlngswDDd 4·0440 Jeff Innis running an extremely which included 17,670 visit, I==~'~'O~N~E~C~~AL~LD~O~ES~A~L~L~"==J~=========~================~== close second. John Fry of the Phil- visits for nursing care; 2,209 physical : lies won the defensive award, while therapy treatments; 5,020 maternal D~an Forbes of the Braves and and child health visits; and 8,115 And!,.' MacNair of the Phillies won iamily health supervisions. the top batting awards. . The agency's child health centers I n the American league Hal continued to fill a need during the \Velsh won the pitching trophy, year. Dick )!cCurdy, the defensive award, and Bill l\iacNew and Dave Mrs. Told to Lead Foley the butting championship. Still SUMMER Puerto Rico Virgin Islands eare rose DAILY ARRIVAL MUNRO TB Seal Campaign Citizen In'ere-sf The game then proceeded but t 1I riled out to be nothing more than :l (:ontinuation of the pl"C'viouR inning:;. Both coaches substituted frequently until all the hoys saw action. Pitchers ,,,ere rotated in the Nutinnal league aluong Tim McCafferty, Jeff Innis, Sam Caldwell and Smiling Dun Marino. Pitchers for the American league were Sam Paddison, Hal 'VeIsh, Bill MacNew and Steve Kelly. Thus ended an extremely successful season for the Swal,thmore Knee-Hi league in its second venture. It may be noted that the games during the season ,fere very well played generally, that the boys seemed to thoroughly enjoy participating, and that the leadership, enthu::;iasm, and conscientiousness of the coaches was the most influential factor in making the program successful. (Continued from Page 1) National Commmunity Foundation underwritten by Carnegie Foundation. A graduate of SWU1,thmorc High School ano Oberlin College, ~-1rs. Told hat. taken graduate work at the University of Pennsylvania. She is active in women's clubs, church activitic~, and girl scout work. Mrs. Told is a director of Swarthmore Public Library, director of Swarthmore Branch, American Red Cross, and member of the Gibbons Home Board. She also served on the Board of Community Nursing Service. alice barber( Citizen hiterest It was very gratifying to notice the tremendous interest on the part of many Swarthmore citizens be~ cause, as games Were played thl'oughout the summer, ears were lined up all along Riverview road, sometimes to the point that traffic problems were developing. Also, a cheer should go up to the boys who so carefully and authoritively served as umpires, Director Bill Reese commented, UWithout this kind of work baseball cannot be played as it sh~uld be. \Ve hope that thev will all be hack to hclp again ne~t year," Dave Gragon! Burke Jackson, ·Dave Fmer, Bob Dawes, and Bill Fuoss were the High School boys who so ably served as arbitrators. The Recreation Association and !\fl'. Reese wish to thank all of the people who worked so hard and diligently to make this program successful iil allowing the boys of Swarthmore the opportunity to play basehall, and under the conditions that are favorable te learn-I ing the skills of the game and attitudes toward good sportsmanship. 9i rt S, here's what our *',If) "t'JlIt6 " old bank buildin~ Satisfying ·•· ·· • Yes, our determination is.to offer a s4tisjY40 itlg pcescription service. W' e compound promptly oDd preci~ely as the Doctor dirOCts. And our prices always are fair. \X'hy not bring us youc DOelor's next prescription? 1. PLANNED INSURANCE PROTECTION TO FIT YOUR NEEDS: Our professionally trained experts review with you aU your insurance needs ••• for family. home and business ••• and then reco~end a carefully planned program based on your individua: reqwrements. In this way you get maximum security against £nanCl.alloss for the minimum cost. 2. PROMPT, EFFICIENT HELP IN EVENT OF ACCIDENT OR lOSS:, When accident or loss endangers your financial security we make it our business to assist you personaUy in every way posssible • •• ' regardless of the time of day or night the emergency occurs, Remember. in this community depends on the way we serve, our clients. You may be sure well serve you well. ' our'repbtation CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE Klngswood 3-0586 ''I ...'" it in The SIOlIrthmoreall" .!.._____________ (i,:nrtl1r;O:'l; COlltige- Li l,r[t.:.:'y July 24, 1959 THE 8WARTHMOREAN PETER E. TOLD Swarthmore. Pa. 333 Dartmouth Avenue Klngswood All Lines of 3-1833 Insurance Keep Your Dogs at Home ,.;:.'~ I'tlll'Jorc: Keep Your Dogs at Home THE SWARTHM JUL 31199 VOLUME, 3I-NUMBER 31 Crippled Seahorses Slip to Eighth Place . Lack Contestants In Swarthmore, Pa.. Friday, July 31, 1959 LIONS' COOK·OUT Today's Rotary Speaker $4.00 PER YEAR I FELLOWSHIP SWIM Costume Contest Offers Fun for Summer Club Swarthmore Lions Club memhers The Summer Fellowship for sen· enjoyed a cook-out picllk supper .. c,;,,':cP;"':<;C;", ior high and college age groups will )I()nday l'\"(~nillg at the home of :c·':;.'·:<':":; meet at the Presuytcrian Church at Duke DeBeu~t. President Bill Booth G::30 Tuc:-;day cVl'ning fot· a ~wim­ Younger Group Meets wa:-; the ('hef. : party. All interested are corChampionship Guests who attended the cluh piL'-1 Uncle Pete dial!y iu\'itcd to COIIH!. nie wel'e 'Valter Hl·ynolds nf Bl'n-! Finals Boyle jamin West avenue, und Lion Bob I Swarthmore Swim Cluh Rlipped On Friday, July 2,1, one of the Freet, of QlIinc)~, Pa. rrom seventh to eighth place in the i'IIecial events at SUlllmcr Cluu was Suburban Swimming League ehama ('ostUIllt' ('ontest. Th"'re w('re many r~ames JJionships during last Saturday'R intere!-itill)! idca~ fiJI' costumes -events, while Colonial Village capCommittee Heads for which pro\'ided the children with tured the lead from A ronimink. fun nnd laughter. Shirley \ro::;ki 1959-1960 Season :'Ilal'tin's Dam moved up one place won the "mo:-;t creatin'" costume to fifth pushing 'Vullingford back 13- and 14-Year-Old Boys Number 41 ptize. dn's~l'd as ")li):.s America on (lne place to sixth, and IVlarple}.rr~. 'v. Alfred Smith, rceentiy TeleviRion," David Maass, dl'cssed Chalk Up SevenNewtown hOIJped up from eighth to eleeted pl'l'~ident of tht· \Vomun':-; in an Alpine climher\; outfit, won Win log seventh place. the pri;:!! for having thc most elabClub, has announced her chuirmen The Swarthmore Hornet baseball Although Swarthmore girls did orate costume. f,)l" the lHi)!)-IiO '-:I'a'5011 ::\Iemhers well, both in the morning's indi- team, for boys 13 and 14 yc:}rs of Ricky Diamond, dl'e;';sed as a hoage, and sponsored by the Swarthwho will hold chairmanships are: vidual backstroke and breaststroke ho, won the prize for being the races and the evening's relays, only more Recreation Association, ended American home, l\It-s. 'Veils M. most comical. A sheath dress made WILLIAM C. F. ZIEGENFUS one boy (Jim Foley taking a sixth its season this week with a sevenFOl'bes; Antiques Fair, Mrs. H. Le- of burlap, a straw hat, sun glasses \Villiam C. F. Ziegenfus, l'ecrein intermediate boys backstroke) ,vI'n log. Competl'ng in the Delco ational director at Sun Oil Com- RC'y ).lcCune; art, Mrs. Avery F. and high-heel shoes won for Samplaced in the morning and lack of Boys Junior League without the pany's Marcus Hook refinery and Blake, assisted by Mrs. Samuel my Gaylord the prize for the crazisenior and junior boys necessitated benefit. o~ team competing last former Swarthmore High School Gurin; attendance secretary, Alice est costume. Janet Goldwater, making tht: former use two inter- year, the "Hornet team surprised football coach, will speak on uSun's Marriott; calling, Mrs. E. Dwight dressed as a Japanese lady, won its head up, mediates and the latter a midget to most people by holding , fine game,sol Day Camp Program" at a noon Brauns; cancer dressings, Mrs. H. the prize for the most colorful cosplaying some mighty scrape up entries in the evening's luncheon of the Swarthmore Rotary Weston Clarke; community con- tume. The fClllowi!"lg l:'cople received and managing to win seven. tacts, l\Irs. James H. Connor; COM- honorable mention pri7..e: four-member relay events at the Twenty-one boys participated on Club today at the lngleneuk. munications, Mrs. Johan Natvig; Swarthmore pool. In addition, the Andy Maass, Katie Tolles, .Maridrama, Mrs. George H. Jarden; ed- anne Larkin, Courtney Thomson, non-amplified public address sys- the team during the season, but reucation, ~Irs. H. G. Goldsmith; tem at Swarthmore is so poor that cently, due to vacationing families, l\-Iartha Chapman, Peter Derickson, was down to 11 members. This facthe home pool's own junior boys Exchange sale, 1111'S. Harold C. Billy Bower and Nancy Field. John missed swimming in their freestyle tor probably had much to do with Williams, Mrs. John W. Soule; fi- Derickson entertained the group by relay because no one heard them the team's failure to win consistnance, Mrs. Kenncth Doherty, fed- playing three selections on his acBoard Turns Down being called and they were still ently during the second round of eration projects, Mrs. Francis H'. cordion. league playas it had won suffiwaiting on the bench at the close Also on Friday the Summer Club Forsythe; garden, Mrs. Joseph J. Pink Lavatory ciently enough to wind up tied for Storlazzi j health and welfare, 1\Irs. group helped celebrate Michael of the race. gecond place as the first round endFixtures \Valter N. Moil'; historian, Mrs. Field's birthday. Mrs. FiE)ld baked Girls placing for Swarthmore on ed. After deciding against a faculty A. M. Lackey; hospitality, IIfrs. 85 cup cakes and provided someSaturday were: Barbara Gerner Boys who played ably this year request for pink fixtures to match Robert A. Boyle; house, Mrs. Bro~ thing cool for the children to drink. second and Ann Townes sixth in but who will be too old for the team This week all of the teams are midget backstroke; Terry McCur- next year are George Glaesser, the propo:;ed tile in the teachers die E. Crawford; Junior advisor, room of the new high school buildmixed together. They played kick1f1's. Peter E. Told; hostesses, Mrs. dy fourth in midget breaststroke Dick Creasy, Rickie Filler. \Vilson ing, the Swat·thmore-Rutledge Un- Charles H. Zensen; internat.ional ball, newcomb, red rover, and (moving the Swarthmore record Buckley. John Pierson, Freddie which she previously held at 48.5 Braund, Graham Patterson, Jim ion School Board \Vednesday night affairs, ]'Irs. Robert P. Bradford; dodge ball. "Spccial days" are uSA proceeded to fill vacancies in the legislation, 1\Irs. Morris H. Fus- ually on Friday. On that day somein this event up to 46.9); Joanne Foley, ancl Bob Foote. e!cmeqtal'y and high school staff s~l1; literature, Florence Lucassc; thing different is planned. "SpecEspenschade fourth in intermediThe boys who will he eligible to and in the position of football coach. mailing, 1\lrs. Alfred E. Lon~\Vell; ial Day" this week was on Thursate backstroke; Carol Williams play again next year are Jim HunThe Board felt thcre would he no membership, l\lrs. David Bingham; day, July 30. On that day Summer fifth in senior backstroke; senior tel', Ronnie Hoge, Rich Howe, AI esthetic loss by having fixtures that music, Mrs. W. R. Lecron; Club had a showing of the {"hilmedley relay (J. Espenschade,· C. Torrey, .John O'Neil, Bill Vi nt, did not match the till', in fact white Needewol'k Guild, Mrs. A. Sidney dren's art and craft work. Parents Williams, Penny Simkin, Betsy Mark Beardsley, Jerry Clothier, ones might form a pretty contrast, Johnson, Jr.; pUblicity, Mrs. Clar- were invited. Breakcll) fourth; senior freestyle Carl Paddison, Jerry Stamford, Threes Play Toss relay (C. Williams, Charlotte Brod_ Vinny Carroll, Russ' Lewis, and and the $40 thus saved would be ence C. Boston; program, 1\.Irs. The fifth week of the Swarthhead, B. Breakell, P. Simkin) third j George Welsh. Coaches Horacc hetter used in a curricular wa!,.'. It .Joseph B, Shane; program assistal!m postponed until another time ant, ~Irs. Told; property, :Mrs. more Recreation Association found junior freestyle relay (using Jun- Renshaw and Hub Hartman expect when they migh t be added more Haynham. T. Bates; remembrance, the three year olds playing toss iot's Cacki Espenscrade and Bar- some help from the team from reasonably, if needed, the addition :\Irs. John H. Pitman; rentals, 1\.hs. with their pretty balls. SURan Gilbara Dumm and lIlidgets R Ger- among the graduates of the Kneeof a sink in the main health room Franklin H. Andrew; reservations, bert and Craig Rial c·njoyed playner and A. Townes) sixth, Hi program. and a lightning arrestor, The for- ~[rs, Lorene McCarter; rhythmic In these championships not only The Recreation Association's mer was estimated to cost $800 and exercises, Mrs. Edward Cratsley; ing hopscotch. \Vcdnesday Uncle Pete Boyle, TV personality, came the first place winner but often the (Continued, on Page 5) the latter $715. There al'e sinks in decorations for club, Mrs. R.Frank_ to entertain with pictures and storsecond and third have beaten the ad j 0 i n in g health examination lin Yeager; decoi·ations for tea ta- ies. Bruce Bawler and Beth .Mulvil)revious records set in the various Oberlin Avenue Group I'ooms. Two change ol'ders which ble, Mrs. A. P. Shenkle; travel, hill were especially delighted with events. For instance the league's Gives Performance Friday wCl'e recommended fol' approval hy I\Jrs. S. Milton Bryant; youth con- all the pictures of Spanky and a old midget breaststroke record of the local School Authority were a servation, Mrs. Anthony M. Fair- horse. 46.4 was only one-half second less Summer theater has indeed be- new vent stack at $925 and stain- hanks. Friday, the chidren were able tl} than Terry McCurdy's fourth place corne a part of thc local scene. The legs steel dispensers at $117.44. return to their slides, swings, and S:pler Elected time but Aronimink's first place latest perfonnance took place in Lichtenberg Appointed bikes for the first time since the Ho,val'd Sipler, local hardware winner reset it at 44 with second the spacious backyard of the Ben To E:irculation Post rains came. Bobby Schumaker was and third place doing it in a simul- oicott hOI~lc, Oberlin avcnue, Fri- dealer who lives on Cresson lane thrillcd to return to her wagon, taneous 46. In the 200-yard (50 day evening, when purchasers of and has been a part-time athletic David Lie h t en b erg, South while Gardie Lane searched for C II yards pel' swimmer) relays Swarth- about 70 tickets enjoyed a 10·act I b coach at Swarthmore 0 ege for Swarthmore avenue, has been nam- a vacant bike. It was a lot of fun more's senior medley was done in w,-riety show staged comple~e y y some years was elected to coach ed tIl thC' new post of retail safes despite the rain. four nClghbor- . , 2: 18.2 as a new record of 2: 13.3 t Ile sma II er f ry of I the high school football team thiS. manager with the national circulaFom-Year·Olds was being set; its senior freestyle hood families. T fall during the sabbatical year of tion department of TV Guide magracy . S· I h Uncle Pete's visit ' .... as also en... Batton Girls were Patti was 2 :02.7 eomparcd to a new recazine. . k~s Millard Robmson. lp T rIC D . . er, W 0. was ff h S joyed by the Fours. They watched tau erj og graduated m economIcs and hIstory ord of 1 :58.8; and its junior free- and Lea ~rl'. Lichtenberg has been manwith fascination as he made the featured Lottie Olcott and her p~- at Swarthmore College in 1933, will agf'r of the magazine's circulation (Continued on Page 8) "Our Gang" characters, "Three. dIe Marie Antoinette; AcrobatIc also teach the former American his_ Inal'keting and sales division. In his Act was performed by Leah; Tiger tory classes of Dana Swan until new post he will supervise sale of Stooges" and other TV personaliBand Concert Scheduled Taming by l\like Tracy and ?had December 1 when these will be tak- the llublication in food markets, ties come to life on paper. Thursday, the Fours had an exFor Next Thursday Night Stauffer; Clown Acts hy Patti and en over by F. Arthur Littman who drug and variety stores, newsstand perience using paste, colored paper Thomas G. Leeson, Sr., will con- Mike Traey, .Joann and C3ristine is now completing his studies at and other outlets. and scissors to make a flower. Sev~ and Chad Stauffer; Ti~ht (Continued on Page 8, He joined the magazine in 1953 duct the Chester City Bank c Woman's Club Pres. New Chairmen SRA's Hornet Baseball Season Ends This Week No Unnecessary Frills In Local High School I Rutledge, formerly of Dartmouth d"y, July 21, itt LankE'ii:au IIospltal. Mr. and Mr•. Andrew Wallace N.Y. avenue, are receiving congratulaThe young man is :\ grandson of SOTJa and family will move next week The bride's mother chose a 'Mr. and Mrs. Donald Aikens of from 1040 Dougherty drive to 321 .heath type pink embroidered linen tiono on the birth of their fourth Mrs. Evangeline Markh ..m of HarPalmer. lane, Wallingford. with matehing hat and shoes, and child and third,son, David, on Tues- vard avenue. . h Forest lane have as t h eu ouse , I whit.e accessories. The bridegroom's guests for two weeks Mrs. Aiken s sister IIIrs. A. C. Lindsey and chilENeAIEMENTS selected. a delphinium blue " dren Karen, Susan, and Wally of Mr. and IIIrs. William B. Whet- lace dfess with ·matching hat and Vero Beach, Fla. stone, Jr., of Wallingford, announce shoes. . 30 YALE AVENUE MORTON, PA. f engagement of their daughter, Following a wedding trip to lIIarIIIr. and IIIrs. R. W. Deacon 0 lIIiss Maribell R. Whetstone, to IIlr.lth.'. Vineyard, Mass., the couple TELEVISIOII HOME and AUTO RADIO PHOIIOS Riverview road are entertsininglJo,hn Roberts lIIaschal, son of IIIrs. will make their home here at 207 "Bring.lt to Us or We'll Come to You" KI ngswoo d 4 - 1028 avenue. COUSI'ns from Youngstown, 0., who lIIax Essl of lIIichigan avenue an d arrived Wednesday. They are IIIrs. late Mr. Charles E. Maschal. The bride attended Buffalo Sem-I ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;,;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Charles P. Welsh, Miss Alice Mainary, and Wheelock College. The I· I I rieWelsh and Mr. Benjamin Welsh. )Irs. Andrew Bryant Reavis oflg"oo:m att"JIded Harvard UniverCarolyn McKinnell and her sister University place announces the enthe University of New Hamp~ Joan left for Camp Robin Hood in gagement of her daughter, Miss shire, and Cornell University. He Chambersburg on July 23. They Geneviieve Reavis, to Mr. Ralph is a chemist at the E. 1. duPont will be away for the rest of the Leo Stimmel, son of IIIrs. William deNemours Company. summer. Elmer Stimmel of Winchester, Va., Out of town guests included the SHIPSHAPE FOR SMOOTH SUMMER SAILlNG7 Mr. and Mrs. Morris Potts of and the late IIIr. Stimmel. Miss Ib"id,e's aunt Mrs. J. Burriss West Yale avenue returned Saturday f01- Reavis is the daughter of the late Benjamin .West avenue, her un9 South Chester Road lowing a trip to the Canadian Rock-. R . and aunt Mr. and Mrs. F. N ord d h !.lIT. eaV1S. Call KIngswood 3-0476 ies. In 1II0ntreal they boar e t. e Miss Reavis graduated from Ran- ton Landon of Wallingford, forrailway and visited Lake LoUIse dolph-Macon Woman's College. mcrly of Swarthmore; her cousins Ar,Uvtl Member 0' the S ... .,.tbmore B-..lnul , AIiOclaUo1l and B;nff in Alberta and also had Mr. Stimmel graduated from Mr. and Mrs. H. Warren Jacob of a day's trip to the Columbia i.ce Drexel Institute anf the PhiladelphIa ~yrlC gave the benediction. Mrs. Joseph S. Howe and chil- Roy F. F. Wright, chairman of the City where he is studying at ~ex- Opera Company, was the solOIst at dren Louise and Rich;and her mo- volunteer bond committee for Dela_ ico City College, the only Amerlc~n the graduation of the Keystone Secther Mrs. John S. Vertner of ware County. . liberal arts college south of the RIO retarial and Business AdministraNEWS NOTES lumbia avenue, returned home thIS ,purchases 'of Series E and H Grande. . . tion School, held Wednesd~y eveMr. and Mrs. Ellis B. Ridgeway week after a fortnight at Ocean oonds for the State of Pennsylvani& llill studied in Swarthmore HIgh ning July 22, in the Woman s Club. d 'th th' City, N,J. During their vacation were $30,826,697. The total for the · , J r of Riverview rOB WI elr ts M C ted d Scbool from which he gra ua 10 Approximately 23 graduates ., : they had as their gues rs.. year to date is $208,600,000 as com1U~7. He has also attended Wooster heard Dr. Charles G. Reigner, pres- children Pat and DaVId, ~eturned Dudley Schloesser and ber daugh- pared to $227,200,000 last year. Collegc, 0., and Wittenberg Col- ident of the Rowe Publishing Com- home recently from a l fl;e;ee~ ter Karen. lege, O. His main interests are ath· B If Md speak on the tdp to Hana on the Is an aUI, Patty Narheth of Yale avenue is letics such as baseball and baske~ !:;~' "~Si~~o~e~ur B~siness Train- Hawaii. Flying out to the West Be~erlY S~it~ of Am~rst ~ve- a junior counsellor at Aloha Manor ball. An economy major, B.ill is m. ,,' Coast they boarded the S. S. Lu~- nue IS vacat~onlDg near ew an- on Lake Morey, Fairlee, Vt., for a position to supplement hl~ class- 109.. . . b D line for the fiftieth state. Thelr don, N.H., WIth the Maxey N. Mor:~T~h~e~lO~v~O~C~ati~on~w~a~~~!f~]v~e~n~~y_~~r~. room work by visiting the Import- Brown Kinnard, minIster 0 e ~s~o:n~R~an:n:I~·e~,~W~h:()~",,~c~.o:m~p~a~n~i:ed~t:h~em~~r::is~o~n~f~a~m~i~ly~._________-.-.:!..:t:::h:e.:.s:.:u:::m:::m=er--.---_ _ _ _ __ ~xport houses and dipomatic delegations. Bill finds himself in a foreign country but not in a strange academic world since aU but a few graduate ,courses are taught in English at MCC and the same credit !'=ystem is followed as in the United Stutes. The college is this ~ summer beginning its 20th year and has. the I largest enrollment of AmerIcan stud~nts outside the borders of the .' Cnited States. The University of Paris lunS MCC a close second. At the college, Spanish becomes more than a lesson in grammar. In Mexican homes - where students enjoy such native dishes as tacos can guacamole and paella - the language becomes an idiomatic approa~h to international understand- .... • THE SWARTHMOREAN , aRADOATIDII POLICE AID FIRE IEWS Robert K. Malloy, Jr., of Drexel Hill, paid a $5 fine on July 27 for ignoring the stop sign at Cedar lane and Ogden avenue July 10. The Fire Company assisted at a fire at Sleigliton Farm School for Girls, Darlington, shortly after 8 o'c]ock Monday evening. c.: Opens Tues., July 28 tllru AUf. BERT LAHR in DU BARRY WAS A LADY SALE -SALE -SALE -SALE -SALE NEWS NOTES ... 7~ gram. All-in-all, the SRA's baseball program included close' to 70 boys. This represents about 60 percent of the boys Jiving in Swarthmore of the ages from 9 to 14, and about 80 percent of tbe boys available during the summer. STORE-WIDE SALE - LIMITED TIME 20% Off LIST Price, If Your Purchase Is Over $1.00 . There Are a FEW Items Not on This Sale - They Are: I, Two' Wheel Bicycle. 2. Fillft Processing 3. Film (We Already Have. Price Incentive fDr Bilk SailS) 4, USED ~m.ral and Equlp.ellt Ii. AI. I FEWFllr Trl.'. H••• WEST LAUREl HILL a.~ allY cby from 9 to 4. Stocle. Up on Christmas Gifts for the Out"of-Town Cousins! klonOftl A••. abo•• Ott Uno 'laJa.c~ Stop 10 0IIic0 cit Ood. T_· , for guidc:encif\ , \ 141t! BEGINS TODAY VISIT beautiful From the time he takes his first hesitant step'S, your child looks to you for security. Don't betray him. Mr. and Jllrs. H. H. Gibson, Jr., of Elm avenue returned home last week on the New Amsterdam after a three-month tour of Europe. Thei]' trip included visits to London, Austria, Germany, France, Switzerland, and Italy. -..:...----.:...--------- Eftl. 1:401 S... 8.001 Sat. , • 8:,30 iug. Sandra Peirsol of Lafayette avenue placed third in the beginners class at the Rose Tree Fox Hunting Club's riding school horse ·show Thursday morning, July 23. Andy MacNair of- Maple avenue left last week to spend the next four weeks at Camp Oatka, East Sebago, Me. The Rev. and Mrs. Layton P. Zimmmer 'and daughter Sally of College avenue left yesterday for Mystic, Conn., where they plan to spend the month of August. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth will return to their home on Elm avenue this weekend after spending siX weeks in Stone Harbor, N. J. During their stay they had as their guests their son Raymond, Jr., and their sons-in-law and daughters Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Stratte, Jr., and three children of Elm Grove, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Van R. Gathany and three children of Lake Forest, 111., and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. DeCou, Srd, and son of Haddonfield, N.J. Mrs. Paul M. ,paulson of Parik avenue spent several days of this week in Norfolk, Va., with her niece Mrs. Fred Petty and family. Mr. and ,Mrs. Joseph Moran and their daughter Barbara, and IIJr. and Mrs. William Driehaus have returned to their homes on Yaie avenue following a week's vacation at Embden Lake, North A,neon, Me. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Brennan, J r 0, and children Carol. Michael, and Charles, 3rd, are spending the summer at the home of Mrs. James Bullitt on Lincoln avenue. FOrlDerly of Highland Park, Ill., the Brennans will move the middle of August to San Francisco, Calif., where Mr. Brennan has been trans. ferred by N. W. Ayer and Son. Mrs. Brennan is the daughter of Mrs. Wayne Randall of Nortb Swarthmore avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Izumi and their daughter Miss Satoko Lucille Izumi of Benjamin West avenue were the house guests of Dr. and Mrs. Marcel Bolin of Landgrove, Vt., last week. Miss Izumi, who is betrothed to Mr. Edward J. Parker, son of Mrs. Bolin, ,vas the guest of honor at a garden party given in her honor last Saturday. Mr. and 1\1'1"8. James Connor. of Fairview road are having as their itouseguests this weekend Mr." and Mrs. John Dotterer of Piney Point, Md. Mrs. Ross W. Marriott and Miss Alice M. Marriott of Lafayette avenue returned home last week from a two-week vacation at Beach Haven. N.J. Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Greene . of South Chester road had as their gnests over Wednesday night of last week Dr. and Mrs. Charlea G. Reigner Of Baltimore, Md. Page fi The,. WW B. a Small Cha'lIe fo< Gift W,apping .f SALE Items • The Camera & Hohhy Shop 4-6 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. From the very beginning, teach him not to run K13-4191 Most rugs can be dyed to the same, lighter, or darker colors ••• ' into the street ••• show him where he can play safely • • • how to cross streets and roads. In that way, by. the time he starts school, he will know and follow the rules for pedestrian safety. Give your rooms a new look • .• After the Vacation Is Over ... Ideal lor covering stains ••• Brings new beauty t~ old carpet. Solve Your Laundry Problem The Easy, Economical Way at your nearest •.. In Pennsylvania last year, 36' child pedestrians under five years of age were killed in traffic • • • 1,357 others iniured.' LAUNDERCENTER -'12 Fairview Road, Woodlyn • 2901 Edgmont St., Parkside ' . . Don't let your child become a victim. Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. . Save Time ... Save Money , Middletown Road - Media, Pa. Opposite High Meadl!M' (between Dutton Mill Road and Knowlton Road) • THE BOUQUET SWARTHMORE CO-OP E. L. NOYES and CO. BAIRD and BIRD THE INGLENEUK .7Ib. Double Load Family Wash OnI, • • • • • • • • .30c ,9 lb. Single Load Wash • • 20 c Fluff Dry in Our BIG Commercial Dryers • • • • • • • • lOc • WORK CUSTOM LANDSCAPE Friendly Sound Advice - FREE • Telephone TRemont 2-7206 AH far BEN PALMER J. A. GREEN DESIGN and CONSTRUCTION Walls - Walks - Terraces - Horticultural Materials for 10 minutes THE SWARTHMOREAN PORTER H. WAITE. Inc. PETER E. TOLD SWARTHMORE TOGGERY SHOr PROVIDENT TRADESMENS BANK and TRUST CO. D. PATRICK WELSH SWARTHMORE PRINTING CO~ BROAD-LEAVED EVERGREENS HYBRID CLEMATIS - GROUND COVERS . Open 7:30 A.M. _ 5:00 P.M. Daily and Saturday Sunday: 12:30 - 5 P.M. Wash Blankets, Spreads with Ease ~. Ample Free Parking i "OPEN 24 Hours Every Day in the Week" I i CATHERMAN'S DR.UG STORE , \ ": \ ] ,I Page 6 Ginny Moir of South Chester rqad and Carol Davis of University place left Saturday night on the CENERAL ELECTION, NOVEMBER 3rd. 1959 sleeper to spend a month at Camp Hochelaga, Vt. Ginnie's sister J oaB S.pt811111.r 3rd and a friend from Berwyn en-/ Last day an elector may move from ~ne election district to another planed the n.ext day for a month's in order to be permitted to vote at the General Election. . stay at Camp Brown Ledge in Ver- Estimat.s Furniture Refinishing & Upholdering Antique Refinishing Special RepairinCJ ~ Gla.lnC) polhhinCJ • Touch·Up All. Typ" . Service in .... Hom. Sofa SprlnQ$ Retied WILLIAM BROO.IS mo~~. Richard W. Willis of Dog- Septemller 14th Ashes and Rubbish Removed .~awns Mowed. General Last day all electors may register to vote at the General Election .. wood lane returned Friday follow' t h rough th e This includes electors who will become of age on or be f are N ovem be r 4th ,ing a 10-day motor trtp ~;~;,H~a;rd;ln;.g;,A;v~e;'~iM;Orlo;,~n,~;'~11959". September 14th WATcnMAKER Formerly of F. C. Bode and sons Fine Watch and 128 Yale Ave. Clock Repairs Swarthmore, PI>. Last day any elector who)ms moved into a new election district to give notice to the Registration C~mmission in order to be permi~ted to vote at the General Election. The removal card must set forth a removal date into the new election district which cannot be later than September 3rd. EMIL SPIES Court Hause Hours ~1I1U1I\1t11DllltIIllIIll[]IIIII"I1IIICI'nI1lUllltl'II'IIIIIJi'CIII~ = Regular business hours up to and includingMonday,September14th. CRESSON PRICHARD • ~ ~ I REAL i ESTATE I 900 Michiga1'l' Avenue ~~ Swarthmore. Par I= KI 3-1112 = Monday through Friday-9 a.m. to 4 :30 p.m. Saturday-9 a.m. to 12 noon. Together with such add~tional hours a~ designated below: September 11th, Friday-9 a.m. to 9 p.m. September 14th, Monday-9 a.m. to 9 p.m. i , I AN CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE E B.manIUlUlIDDUUIlIUlIICHIIIUlIIIIClIIIGIJIIIIDllllUunom a PERSOIAL § ~ iUDIIUlllllnnHUllllUllDllIIlHlllucllllllmlllclllIIl~IIIJ ELNWOOD Oonvalescent Home BaltiDIore Pike & LIncoln Ave. Swarthmore Establ1shed 1932 Ilulet, BesUul Surronndinp With Excellent 24-Hour Nmsln&' C ..... Klngswood 3-0272 l-:=::====::::::===:::~ ...... Piclure Framing ROGER RUSSELL ORDINANcE PROVIDING FOR Photographic Supplies .THE WIDENINO OF SWARTHMORE AVENUE BETWEEN CHESTER ROAD AND PARRISH ROAD. AND FOR THE CONS1'RUCTlQN/ AT BOROUDH EXPENSE. OF A CONCREl'E SIDEWAlJ:t. THEREON PURSUANT TO DEEDS OF DEDICATION FROM OWNERs OF ABUTI'INO PROPERTlES. I§ Klngswood 3-8761 BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE ORDINANCE NO. sus Swarthmore-September 4, Friday-2 p.m. to 9 .p.m., Borough Hall. Rutledge--August 14, Friday-2 p.m. to 9 p.m., Fire Hous~. c 9:; his cabin in the Council. Chuck's parents Ml·. and Mrs. Rushton and ~ nis brother John returned home Saturday from a visit with him. Hours for Raving Registrars ~ § York City. , Chuck Rushton of Strath Haven avenue who is spending the summer at Camp Caribou, Waterville, Me., was the first of the campers tQ swim across the la.-kc, five-eights of a mile \Vide. He has come in -(irst in several ~eets and it taking ad. vanced swimming. On the basketDaU team comprised of councilors, he has been selected to represent a Free Estimates 5_ STATE & MONROE STH. MEDIA , LOwell 6-2176 PERSONAL _ UPHOLSTERING FOR SALE-Antique maple dropOPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS & SLIP eOVERS. Over 30 years' le~. dining table, large. Perfect experience, eight yeal'S of Swarth· conditIOn. Reply Box X, The more references. Custom work at Swarthmorean. THE COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH lIUnll:DUlmuunDlmlnnmnnulUnmDlOIg REASONABLE PRICES. Large FOR SALE Springer Spaniel OF SWARTHMORE DOES ORDAIN: selection of fabrics. Estimates are _puppies, female, AKC, pedigreed. free. AU work is done in our own Wonderful ,pets. Good hunters. Rea- SecUon 1. The l3orougll of Swarthmore shop. Our low overhead saves you sonable. KIngswood. 3-7144. bereby accepts the dedlcaUotil of a. strip of !! money. THOM SERE MBA. Phone FOR-SALE LadY J 0 rd an 22 land ,,,I wide along the (as no,th ••• lerly . side 8.,. of Swarthmore Avenue originally 0734 HILL SHARON ~~~!£!.~!!!:~.:p~~'...,.,.. ...,-_.,-_ cubic foot upright freezer, excel- ltl.ld oulo 3:' leelo wide' be~ween Chester and C PERSONAL _ ImmedIate place. lent condition. Must sell. Mahog- ParriSh Roada, and directs the recording 5 ment of four women to work four any baby grand piano, 5 foot, Chase bf Ute several deeda dedlcating said land. SUNDAY Formerly ~ or more hours per day servicing an Brothers. Good condition $29&. 62 for the widening of Swarthmore Avenue. WFIL Radio - 8145 A.M, Avon territory in Swarthmore area. pieces of Fostoria gIassv.:are, early S u : At "the expense 01 the Borough Channal6-WFIL.TV-8130 A.II. Phone O'Ven 6-2435 after 6 P.M. or American pattern, $35. Phone of ~~~ore tlle existlIrg hedge shall E write ltIrs. Ivins, Box 464, West GLobe 9-0215 before 10:30 A,M. or be trimmed ba~k and moved. the land shall 5 Springfield, Del•. Co. P.... " Chester. 6 to 7 P.M. be regraded. and a concrete sidewalk four ~ ~ 1".KK:SUNAL _ .l(ooflllg, spouting, FOR SALE _ LOvely solid walnut feel. wide slla11 be con.structed on said gutters, carpentry. Recreation extension dining table two leaves dedl(;ated sLrip a5 shown on drawlngs enKlngswood 3-0450 ~ . It R J F te . " tU•• cd "Proposed Sidewalk for Sw~rthmore rooms a spccla y. ay • os r, lIke new. Four-_post mahogany dou- Av·enue." prepared by O. D. Houtnlan & LOwell 6.6569. ble bed. Large oak ~oll-top desk. Son. Civil Engineers, dawd Ma.y 15. 1959. ~tlllnllllllllnUlIIIIIIIIIOt'IIIIIIIII"]lIInllllllltlllllllll1l11t~ Gutters PERSONAL _ Bicycles Repaired, Klngswood 3-4124. Section 3. The proper offleers of the Parts, accessories. Mil~ Glass FOR-SALE~==;:;N,;,·'-e-ed"-n~i'-c-e-p-i'-cc-"'e-o--'f Borough are hereby authorized to exeeui.o:: Warm-Air Heating Bicycle, Hobby, Toy Shop, 205 East slate to make a patio. barbecue a. contract or con\racts for the doing of Baltimore Avenue, Clifton Heights, area or garden paths'! Also stick- said work and to take all ueccsl;;D.ry llCLioLl. Air Conditioning MAdison 6-0713; Opposite Clifton in-wickets. Call KIng.wood 3-1177. lOr the completton ui said Im-provement. includIng the relaying of ihe $everal lIilets Sheet Metal Work Theater.' FOR-SALE - Peaches. El Rancho draining .surface water trom Swarthmoro;! 2507 Chestnut St., Chester PERSONAL _ FURNITURE REOrchards, Providence Road. one Avenue. FINISHED REPAIRED AND mile north of Rosc 'I'ree between TRemont 2-5373 UP.HOLSTERED, slip covers, dra- Newtown Squat'e and Media. l"'ASSED Ul15 IJUl usy of July. 1959.~ u-Ueur NU2'IItn, Care peries and rugs. Painting,. _paper- -FOR SALE - Lawson sofa,- 78ifi- . BOROUGH OF' SWARTHMOItE BOX 48 KI 4-1214 hanging-c~))nplete decoratlOg se:- ches, good condition, $30. KIngs,,; Aged. Sentle, ChroniC By: B. K. MORSE. vice. Quahty work at bat'gam wood 3-3479. convalescent. Men and Women President of Counell prices. Please call LOwell 6-3~31 or F~Oe;R~S:CAc,L;-~E'"'-_-_-;W;;;-e"'h;-a:Cv-e--;;f"'re:Cs~h-f-;::l;:o-::w::-Excellent; FON - Spaclou Groana ~"nUIIIIIIl1II11UIIIIIIUlIIIDlllllllUllltlI1IIIlIIIllIt1II1Ulll1ll1ri Klngswood 3-7282 for free estImate. ers, bird-houses, and a brand new Attest: ELLIOl'T RICHARDSON, Blue CrosS p.onored Borough" SecretarY' Garrett House. model bird bath in lead that we SADIE PIPPIN TURNER. !"roprielOr PERSONAL - Television and Ra- think you will like. The S. Crothers, dio Service. Small appliR.nces, Jrs. ,,475 Plush Mill Road, Walling- Approved Ulis 13th day s ~ vacuum cleaners' and lamps. Call ford, Pa. LOwell 6-4551. of JUly. A.D. 111511. ~******************~ JOSEPH REYNOLDS. FOR REliT ~ GENERAL ~ GLobe 9-0161 before 9 A.M. - eve- HOW a4ISTIAN DILUZIO and Sons ~ ~ SCIENCE HEALS " FLORIST i I 650CB~t!0~ ;lke I i! g ! ROOFING Belvedere Convalescent Home George Myers and 00. ~ Heinrich N. Knudsen I I= I CONTRACTOR ' .. 2906 Burdon Road Parkside, Pa. ft '5 _ Burgess SWARTHMORE-RUTLEDGE UNION SCHOOL DIS+RICT Swarthmore, Penn!lyl\'~nla. ADVERTISEMENT Sealed q~otath. will be received at the aftJce of the Swarthmore-Rutledge UnloEll School District, cotner of College and Princeton Avenues. Swa.rthmore. Pennsylvania, up to a P.M. Wednesday. Augus~ 19th. to be opened at that Ume at a meetIng of the School Board. or at a meeUng adjourned from tbat. meetirrg. for school furnit.ure and equipment.. and klt.chen equl~ ment for the Swarthmore High School. BpecificaUoDs can be secured between 9 A.M. abod 4 P.M. dally except Sat'.Irdays and sundays, at tbe School District Office. or upon request by mail. The' Board reserves (he rtght. to reject any or aU bids in whole or lJ:II pari. to award cont.racts on any item or Items making up any btd. and LOST - Folding aluminu1U chair to award contracts to other than the lowest at Phillies' game on College A ve- btdders. kind. quality, and service considnue Field. Pierce MacNair, KIngs· ered. MARION H. CAMPBELL, wood 3-7056;;• Secretary of the Board a" = c5: $ § I ! TRemont 2-5487 IlllllltllllllUlllllllllllluulIlIIlllIIDlllllliulllnullIIlIIUlclllIi CUSTOM INSTALLATIONS ., H. D. CHURCH Klngswood 4-2727 f 'I I LoiST~~-~R~e'-d-"26~'"'~b~o~y~'~s-b~iITk~e. ! DRIVE CAREFULLY! \ 011. .ulNUI, All CONVIfIOHlNQ 9'l - . . t U OIl 'OIlIU. 011 'UIHJNI) .Anl !!".nll .t -.-=.,.. Klngswood 3-265.7~.;.,-____ . LOST - Pre"",ription sun glasses, Monday. Please call lOngswood 4'301\6. ' DAY and mGHT OIL BURNER SERVICE MONDAY TllRU SATURDAY NOON S1JNDAYS aDd HOLIDAYS Klngswood 4-1234 .1.1. SWARTHMORE, WALLINGFORD, MEDIA VICINITY - Opposite Boro Hall Klngswood .4-1500 ( Just one full day is usually all the time Edward G. Ohipman and Son E•••rd CI,•• S....I D. CIJ48. ~r, ~. ••trp.PIIw••• needed to install a gas house heatere Installation and operating costs are low, too. There's no fuel ordering, ddivery General Contractor BUILDERS 'Since 1920' TilE FLOORS • PLASTIC TILE FORMICA COUNTER TOPS ROOFING and SIDING CUSTOM KITCHEIS ADDITIONS - ALTERATIONS or storage to worry you, either. Remember, automatic gas house heating is dean, quiet, economical. Free Estimates 1401 Ridley Avenue Chester. Pa. TRemont 2-4759 TRemont 2-5689 . TRemont 4-6311 in Oldest Reol Estate and Insurance Firm Delaware Caunty Speciolit.ing in PrC?rertias in Swarthmore, Wallingford,· "Ros. Vall".tand Media Ivea. Many lovely 3-, 4-, and 5-bedroom homes ;svailable for immediate occupancy. I BAIRD and BIRD Klngswood 3-1833' Estllllblid"d 1858 St~eet house heating is ecisy to install!. 333 Dartmouth Avenae, Swartllmore SWEENEY &CLYDE 29 E. Fifth ·informal in his manner, yet hiB word is law in this household. l\lrs. Oyevaar is q'liet and efficient. I have never seen her pick up, yet the house looks neat and freshly. scrubbed. The children (never Mr. Oyevaar) help with dinner so the cooking and cleaning up go amaz. ingly'fast. Here, as everyplace everything is simpler and more ~ffi­ cient than in the American house. hold." Jon has spent much of his time on the Oyevaar's boat. "It is an indigenous Dutch ty.pe-sort of a cross between a canal boat and an American pleasure craft-it's very roomy and ideally suited to the Dutch lakes and canals, but it would be murder on an open sea because of its barrel-like hull." "I went to the beach twice with Floris and friends. lt's about an hour by bike but I don't notice it at all unless I'm either riding some_ One C'n my bike 'or riding as a pas_ senger on someone else's. Everyone here is sun-tanned, including me, now that I've been to the beach but I don't See how they keep s~ brown in this kind of weather. I was noticeably American when I came-pale and with a short flat haircut. Now I stand out onl~ because I can't speak Dutch. I still have a ,short haircut but it isn't very fla t anymore. ~ "I went to school with the pres· ident of the Netljerlands American F~eld Service and arranged my curriculum for next year." (Unlike Robert, who is abroad only for the summer program, Jon and Mary Lou will not return until late January.) "I will take 13 of the 15 subjects given to the 4th class (there are five classes in all). I will take math, -physics, mechanics, Dutch, German, English, history, geography, drawing, biology, gymnastics, ~ligion and history of art. I will nl>t take chemistry and French. "Mr. (George) Patterson was here· on Friday; somewhat worn from a 16-day whirlwind toup.,. of Europe. He came up by train from Brussels, stayed for the afternoon and then returned in time to catch a boat for London. He will meet Jean there, and a little biter, Mrs. P. and Graham." Off on a two-week boat trip, he writes: "We went swimming in the Rhine twice today-oDce when anchored in the main current and once when in a sheltered place. The Sa...... 11,.. 1112-1111 cUrrent is\ quite strong. Ninky, NEWS NOTES J oo.t and I tied a long rope to the bow. We jumped overboard holdMr. Edward B. Cornelius of Maring, the rope in our hands, and drift- ietta avenue returns today from ed (!>r sped, if you will). down I~~~'~~:~; N.H., where he spent a stream. When we reached the end attending a Gordon Re8earcb of our rope we pul1ed ourselves Tomorrow Mr. and back on board. Our trip will take Mrs. Cornelius and their children us up the Rhine to the Ijsset and leave for a two-week vacation then down the Ijssel to the ZuiderStone Harbor, N.J. zee. We will pass briefly into the Mary' Elsbree, daughter of Mr. Zuiderzee and then travel through and Mrs. Wayland Elsbroe of Walthe northern part of the country." lingford, has been named to the Dean', List for the second semester, 1958-59, at Connecticut College, New London. A member of ~he senior cJass, Mary is majoring in botany. A graduate of Westown High School, Mary was the class secretary and a member of the choir at Connecticut. Dora MacNair of Maple avenue is visiting in Rockport, Mass., as the' guest of Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Davidson and their daugbter Wendy. • CONVENIENT SHOPPING HOURS! Thurs. Friday 9 10 p.m. 'til 'til p.m. All Prices Effective Julv 29thru Aug 1959. :'"~~ lLanca.£{tet jiranb * *T-BqnePorterhouse * Sirloin None Priced Higher! . •Steaks Culfrom Young, Corn· fed Beef! 87C Ib 4 to 6 Ib Average ROAS'IN~ CHICKENS! Capone"e Ib Cut from Young, Tender Porkers! Up to 3 Ibs Avg Pork Loins :~l29c ~~!39c YOUR FOOD DOLLAR GOES FURTHERI HERE'S PROOFI Tea Bags r;;;;;;;;;~;;'di .s.::;;-I~-T":lJ ""g 89' Cut Beets :=::! --------- 3!!:: 25' White Potatoes :.:.~ 3!!:: 28' Tea Bags L_~~~.,!i!.n!!:~~.!.._J f ....! i:;;;,-s:;,;'doalT..";'I· --~k!,.-- 49' TOlllato luice ::'u':' 4 := $1 Grape. Drink eo"!:!.. 4 .:. $1 Blennd Punch 4 .:. $J a.-pie Sauce := ·8 :: $J wHh ~fte .... Dlnnar Mlntsl L. of 100 ==: ALL LINES OF INSURANCE LEGAL NOTICE Est& of EVERErl' J. WOOD. late of the Township of Springfield. Letters Testamentary on the a.bove Es· tate havlnC been granted to tlle under· signed, all persons indebted to tbe said esta.te are requested to make payment. and those having claims to present the same. without delay, to Peter Y. Wood, Executor, P.O. Box 12G. Swarthmore. Pa .• or to biS Atlurban Swim Cindy .Fox, Judy Golz, Ann WhitHe \~as a member o~ Sigma Xl, Cub. Thrill of the eveni?g for the tier, Judy Remington; Troop 78; he SOCiety of the Plashes Industry, Jew Swarthmore rooters present Brownie Fly-ups Sharon Spencer, :he ~merican .Ch.emical Society, came when Joanne Espensch~d,e Peggy Schmidt, ~nd Marion Hunt. l'echlllcal ASSOCiation of the Pulp touched a finger before Martm s The badge work was presented :md Paper ~ndustry,. and a Fellow Dam's noted Jessica Allen to win by Mrs .. Joseph Donovan, Troop :n the A~erlcan Instl~ute of Che~- her heat. 683, and Mrs. L. E. Peterson, Troop :~ts and III the AmerICan AssocI~Diving Girls Help 744, assisted by Mrs. GeoI:$e Hershon for the Advancement of SCIIn Tuesday night's intermediate chel, and under the supervision of ence. . . . . diving Linda Courtney captured Charles Dietz, pool guard . .or. S~lldth IS survlve~ by h~s second (with a score of 129.6 just There will be another test for '.vlfe, Ehzabeth May Sml~th, hIS 3.1 points less than Jessica Allen's the Swimmer Badge late in August mother Mrs. Gertrude Smldth of first place, but 19 points above the for Girl Scouts and Brownie FlyHouston, and a brother Percy, also third place of Wallingford's Judy Ups who were not able to do it at of Houston. . Giles) and Beth Purnell came in this time. Mrs. George Herschel Funeral services were held Wed- fifth in the girls division. Here has offered to assist any interested J1es~ay, July 22, at Katona?, NciY. again the locals were penalized by girls id preparing for the badge if Bunal took place the followmg ay lack of males no boys even enter- they will call' her at Klngswood in Houston. ing from Sw~rthmore. 4-0323. l:~e ~:l~ingford, wa~ IEWS 10TES In Local High School (Continued from Page 1) Pennsylvania Military College. Mr. Littman did his practice teaching 'in Swarthmore last spring. He lives in Wilmington, Del. Mrs. Bette S. Williams of Chester, who has taught fo¥rth and fifth grades in the Penn-Delco Jpint School System, Green Ridge, and the Alfred 1. duPont Special School District, Delaware, will take over the former fourth grade of Jean McCraight. New chemistry and literature books were adopted. Bush Hospitalized Supervising Principal Frank R. Morey reported that High School Principal William' Bush, who was hospitalized with a heart attack last spring, had been ordered back to the hospital for several days this week by his doctor. Morey also reported that notice of Alumnus Robert B. Warden's Election to Phi Beta Kappa had been received from Princeton University. Dr. and Mrs. Hallock C. Campbell of Vassar avenue had as their guests over the weekend Mrs. Campbell's brother and his family Dr. and Mrs. Allen Hutchinson and three children, who were enroute from Denton, ~ex., to their home in Wallingford, Conn. ~W®and -W1W~• We don't ask "Who?'~ or "Why?" when there'. an emergency need. Just telephone and we'll deliver any item in stock. Remember, too, that we call (or prescriptions and deliver the compounded medicines. No extra charge. Try us next timet CATHERMAN'S bRUG'STORE Klngswood 3-0586 I 1959 Die Cast Wednesday night's junior diving Ka~n GJ:?se, Troop 78.' and Nand 400 meter freestyle completed cy FIeld, CIndy Fox, Lmda Esta~~e 1959 individual championship brook and Ann Whitbi;r, all from events. Swarthmore's Richard Mc- Troop 744, are attendmg t~e last Curdy took fifth in boys divIng and encampment at Camp Ehzabeth Bob Sublette sixth for boys in the Borton, Elve~son. . 440.' The followmg ~warthmo~e girls Final unofficial scores are: Co- have been attend.mg the third enlonial Village 326, Aronimink 290, campment a~ Indian Orchards Day Penn Square i87, Rose Valley 168, ?amp for Gtrl Scouts and BrownMartin's Dam 109, Marple-New- 'les: . town 101, Wallingford 100, SwarthLyn and Marie Clarke, ~le :dmore 80 Ply-Mar 38, Rose Tree ney, Pam Cokely, Sally am Ie~­ Woods 23, Grea.t Valley 22, East son: ~ristin Peterson, and B all' Whiteland,' Whlttler. Wallingford during the last two - - - - - - - - - - . - - - events was squeezed by Martin's su~mer, was entered as a ..epres.enD~m back lnto seventh place, which tat!ve of th? Vesper Club WIth Swarthmore held last year. This which she sWIms the year around. mean~ if the league divides itself Seacolt Meet Ned Monday into a weaker and a stronger half A third meet with Aronimink for for its 1960 ,pre-championship meet 12-and-under swiinmers who did not series as it did this year on the swim offiCially in the seahol-ses prebasis of standings in the previous championship meets in the league season's championships, Walling- this year, has been scheduled for ford by one point lost a bid to re. 1 p.m. August 3 at Swarthmore. place Marple _ Newtown in the Coaches are also trying to arrange s t l' 0 n gel' section,' even though an eight·and-under meet with Penn Swarthmore defeated it and every Squa~e, and possibly a chance for other team plus, Martin's Dam in any seahorses who are not vacaits meet schedule this year. Victory tioning to try their strength against in meets comes from over· all team members, of some team in the Delco strength, for each member can be League, such as Sharon Hill., used in only three of five possible Peter Pan Rehearses at 9 A.M. events and only two members swim The Hl59 water ballet this week against the opposing team's two divided into groups, to enact the members thus guaranteeing at least Peter Pan story under direction 0 third place to a team which has Mrs, Ned Williams and daughters an undisqualified entry. In the Cal'ol Joyce, and Susan, Pen~y championships, where all 12 teams Simkin, and Linda Courtney. Recan enter as many swimmers as hearsals are at 9 A.M. Presentathey wish e~cept in relays and only tion will be at 4 P.M. Sunday~ Authe six top times rate any points, gust 9. a team with several outstanding .~=:::;=====:::====~ swimmers can capture many of the points in an unlimited number of events, Partly responsible for Wallingford moving up a place and I Swarthmore dropping one this year was the 'fact that Ed Spencer, former Rose Valley crack senior boy swimmer, swam as a member of the Wallingford staff. However, this neighboring team has steadily increased in strength,jumping from 8 points in its first year (1957) to 72 last year, while the slightly ()lder Swarthmore pool semes to have hit a lull in its similar ;spurt. Swarthmore had 82 points' last year. Clearo'nce ThNle Place at Kelly Pool In the Philadelphia Swimming Directors Society annual meet in Kelly Pool, Philadephia, on Wednesday and Thursday of last week Ann Townes took a fifth ,place ribbon in midget girls .freestyle, Linda Courtney sixth in intermediate girls diving, and SihJan Wigton sixth in intermediate girls breastatroke. Susan, althGugb she swims with the seahorse team during the • A lot of· junk ana .some / THOM SEREMBA UPHOLST~Y Ind SLIP COVERS 8 Years of Swarthmore Reference. Over 30 Years' Experience Phone SHARON HILL 0134 Estimates 'Without Obligation FOR GIRLS 18 and 15 and 13 and FOR BOYS 15 13 II • I Under Under Under and Under and Under and Under Anyone Interested in Playing Call Klngswood 3-9307 or Klngswood 3-0854 Tennis Lessons Will Start Again Monday, Aug. 10th • FOOD MARKET Consumer's Co-Op Ass'n. of Swarthmore" Inc. 403 Dartmouth Avenue Opposite Borough Han Swift's Premium - Hath Black Hawk Ohesler Rose ' BONELESS SMOKED Pork Butts Ib.69c LEGS AND BREASTS of Frying Chicken lb. 59c Frankfurterslb.49c co-op RED LABEL Vertical Pack Green STRING BEANS co-op 29c GREEN LABEL PEACHES 3. for $1.00 ; cO-OP GREEN LABEL PEARS 3 for $1.00 PUN"CHINELLO 7-Fruit Punch (46-oz. can) 1Can 33c - 4 for $1.00 \ SCHMt1MEL G!RAPE JOY 4 c:O ns $1.00 VEL - large box 29c - giant size .69c A NEW SCOTT PAPER PRODUCT : Duraweave TABLECLOTHS APRON'S - NAPKl NS (An Allendale Produ,ct) AN ECONOMICAL PURCHASE • GENEROUS SIZE PASCHAL CELERY \ bunch .15c LOCAL CORN doz. 49c nice things,. too. alice bartf t 9'!ld Lion!'· , . ~ Starting Monday, August 3rd SALE,. Is On! Eugene Borroughs and 'their two children Jack and June of Broomall will reside at the Haverford place address. .' ~ I No Unnecessary FTI·11S \. In the near future Mr. and 'Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Irving E. Dayton of Harvard avenue are lea,ving to spend a week visiting friends and relatives in their former home, Lynchburg, Va. They plan to do some camping in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Stokes Burtis, Jr., and their three children, formerly of Haverford place, ha~e taken up residence at 101 Columbia avenue. . • 'RASPBERRY - CHANTILLY . . S' .BREYER'S ICE CREAM buildln~ L.._ _ _1_V2_G_II_Ioa __-_'_I,_OO ____-.