- Odober 30,1959 TUB SWARTUMOREAN Rick, Ullman ReceiYes Eagle Scout Award College C'.ontributes PII.a Ylalt to UI 1001 FAIR SUIIESSFUL POET'S IIRILE MEETS 171 Pints Blood Tues. Wives of the staff and faculty The Book Fair Committee anThe Poets Cir~le held its fiM of the Pemrsylvania Military Colnounces the successful resulta of meeting of the year this week at Studenh and faculty of Swarththe 1969 Book Fair. Although the home of Mrs. Samuel Weltmer, lege and friends are planning a final results are incomplete, it is mora College contributed a At a Boy Scout Court of Honor Vassar avenue, with Mrs. Thomas record breaking 171 pink oft on Tuesday evening, Ricky Ullman trip to New York and the United announced that there will be conblood on . Tuesday when the receive his Eagle Scout award. A Ingram as co-hostes•. Nations on Thursday, November 12. siderable increase in financial gain Poetic character sketches from Southeastern Chapter, Ameri- large group of parents and friends Chavcer, DeLaMare, Woodsworth, Mrs. Mathews M. Johnson, KI 3- for. the elementary school. can Red Cross bloodmobile vis- of Scouting were presents, inclUd_ Mrs. John deMoll and Mrs. Forst and the Bible, were read by 4273, has additional information on ited the campus upon arrang- ing Swarthmore's Eagle Scouts of the trip. James Nelson, oo-chairmen, wish to several circle members. ment with the Swarthmore past years. ~*+,i*:;;",~",;'**;;*+,i*~*~*;'*;*;*+,i*;;*;i*;;",~",;",;;;",~","* thank everyone who contributed Branch. Following the invocation by EdJUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB their efforts towards this success. Credit for the most successful mund Jones of Friends' Meeting, BUFFET .DINNER DANCE H 0 LID A Y F IR local Blood Donor Day to date Junior Assistant Scoutmaster Alan at Th. P.II; Arm, t.i. h BRIDGE WINNERS Friday, Novemb.r 6 count t e A t the Crum Creek Bridge Club belongs to the student recruit- Stamford led the salute to the D; ••., 7.' Oaned.a •. I -I< stars then play Tuesday night Mr. and Mrs. ment committee headed by colors. David Ullman, Sr., then de_ $15.00 0 Couple it John Schuchardt which signed scribed Bill Gaylord's achievement C.II Mrs. Don.ld A;k .. ,. KI 3.1019 t~ count the days Earle Deppicch placed first, with '1 '- J ..A.. Mrs. Walter Schmidt and Mrs. up 275 donor volunteers. Other in saving the life .of a skin-diver on committee members were Linda Labor Day, and John Pflieger, Key_ =-=:!Orwt11U1UOnllll111lnOUlIIHIlUlDIIIUlIIlllltllllllnUlllcllIl_!:!U untl H U' H 'l] Donald Crosset runners up. MOTHERS' CLUB § -I< NOV 19 The next meeting will.take place Rothwell, Robert Rowley, John stone District Advancement CoShertzer. Mrs. Virginia B. von Chairman formally presented the -_=_ ELECTION DAY BAKE SALE ~ • •• -I< on November to. Frankenberg was the faculty ad- Scout Lifesaving Medal to Bill. .~ Tuesday, November 3 ~ tHO LID A Y F IR C = -I< viser. The Eagle Court of Honor was "1 saw it in Tho Swarthmorea.n" Mrs. H. LeRoy McCune, chair- then declared in session by the Rutg7e;;mi..::!u:· mSchool ~ ~Trinity Church • Swarthmore man of Blood Service for the chairman, Charles H. Topping. = =~ RorilIClIIIllUldICIllIUIUIIICilHIUluII"""unlUl""IUIIIIIIIQ; J.f.JfJf••••• JfJf. . . . . . . . . . . . .JA~ local branch and her co-chair- Members of the Court of Honor r man, Mrs. Corben C. Shute, are were Mrs. Harry Seymour, Ricky's extremely grateful to the col- teachel'; Myrtle McCallin, his rePackage Vacations lege students for their cooper- ligious teacher; Peter Murray, his 7 Day PUERTO RICO Irom '" $147 ation and their achievement. Sco.utmaster; Albert SLsmford, his 8 Day VIRGIN ISLANDS Irom $212 The 26 local volunteers who Eagle Counsellor; John Pflieger; • When you need drugs or sunIi Day Combination from .... $269 worked from 9 a.m. ~ntil 2 p.m. Mr. Jones; W. Newton Ryerson in Including round trip 011 transporto· d dries, telephone us for free deHon, to,is, Ir •• port shopping, sight. to staff the day's operations e- behalf of the School Board; and livery. Also, we pick up preseeing and your choice of luxury clare their appreciation also. Pret Willis, Mr. Ullman's Scoutscriptions and deliver the medi- C<~"/I~r.dlUt; master, who led Troop 2 for a hotels. ~~~~~~~~~;;;;!!!~~~ cioes-you pay only the reJtnlar Write or Call for Froe Folder prescription price. Call usl period of 10 years in the(1930's. TURKEY SUPPER Fellow,hip Hall - Methodis! Church Mr. ~rurray reviewed Ricky's TRAVEL SERVICE Thursday Evening, November 12 growth in Sconting, Mrs. Seymour 7 S. Chester Rd., Swarthmore S.rv;na, 5:30 and 7 P.M. discussed his understanding of the KI 4.0440 TR 6.1185 T;dels may b. p.ow.d from C;rd. principles basic to Citizen~hip in "ONE CALL DOES ALL" I"d.". America, and Miss McCaHin disKlngswood 3-0586 cussed the contributions of the Ullman family and of Ricky himself to the life of their religious "family," the Friends' Meeting. Mr. Stamford then gave the charge to the Eagle. Candidate, stressing the great responsibilities that go with becoming an Eagle S c 0 u t. Mr. Pflieger made the formal presentation of the Eagle Scout emblem to Mr. Ullman, who pinned it on Ricky. Ricky then If you are 64 or younger· and in good health gave the Eagle Scout miniature pin , mail this nwmbership form by November 7 ' to Mrs. Ullman. Mr. Jones pre. , sented the pocket certicate for Blue Shield is lor doctor bills Eagle Scout to Ricky, and Mr, Blue Cross is lor hospital bins Ryerson presented the wall certifi· AND BLUE SHlBLD pay. all or a major part of your Now is your opportunity, if you are self - employed; cate. Mr. Willis described Ricky .. doctor's surgical fees or even hi. medicaUees-when you "a chip off the old block" and read retired, unemployed or werking at a firm of less than 10 are hospitalized. Surgical allowances alone, for each tho conlFatulatory letter to Ricky employees, to join these famous non-profit Plans that so hospital admission, are scheduled up to $200 under from the President of the Boy adequately protect health and budget. This offer will be Plan A, $30() under Pian B. Scouts of America, Dr. Arthur of special interest to a merchant, lawyer, farmer, widow, Over 4,100 Blue Shield participating doctors here Schuck. The benediction was pro· domestic worker, studer.t, etc., and i. limited to residents nounced by Mr. Jones,. and the agree to accept Blue Shield payment as payment in full of Philadelphia, Montgomery, Bucks, Chester and Delameeting was closed with the play. for contract services provided Plan A subscribers wtth a ware counties. ing of Taps by BillWrege and total family income of not over $76.75 a week ($48 for UNDER BLUE CROSS you have a choice of Standard Ricky Draper. the single subscriber) and Plan B subscribers with a coverage or th~ more liberal Co-Pay Comprehensive total family income of not ovcr $115 a week ($16.75 for Mr. and Mrs. Horace H. Hopkins coverage which provides more benefitS, higher maternity the single subscriber). But no matter what your income, of Wellesley road had as their week· allowanoes-even diagnostic services in the hospital's Blue Shield is your hest protection for the money. end guest Mrs. K. Burch of Ann outpatient department or doctnr's office. Co-Pay sullRemember-Blue Cross aod Blue Shield are your bigArbor, Mich, scrib~ make modest, limited paymeuts when service gest health-care bargains. POLITICAL ADVERTl8EMENT is required. r .}o{ I a *** - CROSS an'Yor BLUE SHIELD .... FILL OUT THIS BLANK NOW OR TELEPHONE: LOCUST .8-0840 I· CHOOSE BLUE CROSS plus BLUE SHIELD (for I I I h~spitol bill.) , I I I I IMR. ~~~--~~~~--------."~~;TNM"'------lNnu~-----i~O~'.A..~n~'~-------'-·-~__•__._hi_i._'_~ ___'__________ I ---•.; ;'_;.;-;.;.; .; ;..•----:.;;;:;;":::::~:~:~~~~n~~~.~~~~:=I:~~.: . _0.,...,-----------------1 BPPU"I .LIAS • • •·INT-USI ,.NCIL IMPORTANT, All In/_Ion reque.,ed mu" "e given-or appIlcGIIoa cannot&. procelled. Upoa accepla...e 01 your application you will receive rite foI/ow/JIgl a r-al AppIkaltOll Card, full in/onnaIIOII explalalng rate. and "eftellts, ami your l0iii. '1M card will Mow 'he .ffectlve date 01 your cov_e If 'he "1111. poIJ jH 0IfIIPI/y· AM IMPLOYID .,.-,----,--jpjj;;;;;::::;;;;;;;i""";;;;;;;;:-:----:---- ~ ~ __ 00 Uit. below \!Ie InfOrmation requested for any penon Included In this ...!!~~!..5!ll cation who ha. any d......., .nment or InfirmitY or who has bad madlCIII or IUrP:a1 .dvlee or treatment or hospital cer. within the laat 5 y•• rs. II ~~~~~~~~~~~~C~.!lll~"~CA~'~I~~r.~~~~~~1 I I I I.. ..In NAMI INlTlAL ~ &.LMD& OIl QOIID I.... '\10 k ILUI CROSS (hospllallRllon) 'a·. I • ........ D (M•• , II.,....., PLAN A O'ftNll, Judge,of Court of Common Pleas Allen S. Olmsled. 2nd = William A, Welsh , Recorder of Deeds James A. Dunn District Attorney Francis R. Lord County Treasurer John A. (Gus) Schuppert Prothonotary . Ruth C. Kraft _........ John M. Dickey Paid .... by S..,lh-o.m. arlC c-onHfo" ',' -I , . Amateurs and professl'onals will again exhibit and compete for awards and cash prizes at the 1969 Chrysanthemum Show being held at the College Field House on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Novem- answering questions from the floor. her.o, 7, and 8. Hours are Friday, 2 p.m. to 9 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a,m. to 9 p.m.; Sunday, 12 noon to 6 p.m, The schedule oj arrangements will test the skill and imagination of some of the best arrangers on Ball Player Will Aid Seal the Eastern Seaboard. Highlight of Mickey Vernon Named Honarary TB Chairman Presbyterians to Hear Talk on Africa Campaign Opening N 6 ov. I l\licky Vernon, major league b~seball player from Wal!ingford, WIll serve as honorary chaIrman of the Christmas Seal Campaign conducted by the Delaware County Tuberculosis & Health Association. The acceptance of the post by . ~: Ilarrangecment schedule is a a enge lass, in which 10 arrangers will be given identical containers and autumn's shades of flowers and told "go to it," at 9:30 a.m·lon the morning of the show C .... • t omphetrtlt~oni's lOtense.in the ama eur 0 lCU tural sectIon of tha show, as the ever popular Class 46 Wednesday the corridor, will be led by John tor of costurr:es !'or Colonial Wil~ IIAwakening Africa" will be the Vernon has been announced by (~hree cuttmgs of a~ unnamed va.. Pinkston, Craig Smith and Bob liamsburg, Va., will speak to subject of a talk by Trevor Shaw Freas B. Snyder, Tuberculosis As- rtety, grown as a dlsbudded bush Scutt. Woman'sClubTuesdayat1:30p.m. at the monthly meeting of the sodation president . plant) now has some entrants with Helping at the admissions desk on "The History of Eighteenth- Women's Association of the PresVernon is a fo~er tea';'mate of two first prizes in this class. The in sellhig membership tickets, at Century Costnmes." byterian Church on Wednesday. Red Schoendienst Mil w auk e e ~a~d Leslie .Poe Memorial Award the refreshment counter, School .>\ssociation meeting of the .eason will be held Tuesday night at 7:46 in the high school auditorium. The program will consist of summaries of the Lay Advisor Committ ee, the S cool h Board and the School Adm,'n,'strat,'on, pre sen t e d b y D aVl'd Rosen, lIIrs. Marion Campbell, and William 111. Bush. Afterwards, the speakers will act as a panel for Mrs. H. T. Hamilton, Jr., direc:- Engineers' Open House Sel for Nexl Weekend Judge of State Supreme Court ,. 7:45 Mothers Club 10 Hear Talk on Holiday Decor For Better County Government Support the Democratic Ticket on November 3rd w (for surgery and medico'-fee.) Night Home & School Ass'n Mum Show Scheduled T 0 M eet on Tuesday For loyemb.r 6 10 8 Trevor Shaw Will partment, which will be Bet up in Non-Group Membership Now Open . NEEDLEWORK GUILD INGATHERING TUES, 18th Century Costumes Ed"1I or ta Address Is Tuesday s SubJect Wi, A • t. omen s ssocla Ion il .If applying for husband and wiflt COljerage,!!2!!!. must be 64 years or younger Henderson TuesJay Swar,thmore. Pa., Friday, November 6, 1959 Bcrnhardt. Supporting these posi' " tions, will be other committees, seIec:ted from time to time, from a group of 40 or 50 students who attended an organization meeting Williamsburg Staff Member led by canteen's new supervisor, Is Featured for Club Don Henderson. P rogram The bridge and card games de- CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE . Meeting The Needlework GUl'ld's annual Ingathering will be held Tuesday I Supervise Week y at the Woman's Club, 118 Park aveFun Fests nue. Directors are asked'to bring The Garnet Canteen opens to- contributions to the clubhouse bemo rrow night at So'clock end will tween 9 and 10 o'clock where they tontinue until 11 p.m. at the Allpurpose Room of Rutgers Avenue will be made ready for display School. Those eligible to be mem- afternoon at the club's regular probers are only the ninth, 10th, 11th gram. and 12th grade students of Swarth- . All directors and guild m"ml,ersl morc High School. are cordially invited to join the The op.eration of Canteen will be clubwomen at 1 :30 for tea and run by the long established music lecture on 18th Century Costumes I committee comprised of Rich Kent, which will be presented by Mrs. Bill Biddle and Alan Stamford; by tiana Hamilton, costume director the admission chairman, Bill Gla- Colonial Williamsburg. sel'; and by the treasurer, Barbara Don Puerto Rico " IsIands " V.rgln MUNRO Li brEl.:.."y ~RTHMOREAN NUMBER 45 Gamet Canteen Opens Tomorrow I 'ght I at .8 * ~'P~tz:,~1 THE School VOLUME 31 - e() 11 e (J11!" j'~ • ana i ! Attena Home * 'J./nl'thno:;:·l' '. 0\'!,i :cthmoro , • • INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 8 POET'S CIRCLE MEETS The Poets Circle held its first meeting of the year this week at the home of Mrs. Samuel Weltmer, Vassar avenue, with l\lrs. Thomas Ingram as co-hostess. Poetic character sketches from Cha\lccr, DeLaMare, Woodsworth, Forst and the Bible, were read by several circle members. , BOOI FAIR SUCCESSFUL Plaas 'isil to UII Wives of the staff and faculty of the Peml'sylvania Military College and friends arc planning a trip to New York and the United Nations on Thursday, November 12. Mrs. Mathews M. Johnson, KI 34273, has additional information on the trip. JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB The Book Fair Committce announces the successful results of the 1959 Book Fair. Although final results are incomplete, it is announced that there win be considerable increase in financial gain for the elementary sehoo!. Mrs. John de Moll and Mrs. J ames Nelson, co-chairmen, wish to thank everyone who contributed their efforts towards this success. BUFFET. DINNER DANCE At the Crum Creek Bridge play Tuesday night nIr. and Earle Deppicch placed first, Mrs. Walter Schmidt and Donald Crosset runncl'S up. The next meeting will take on November 10. Friday, November 6 Dinner 7.9 Danc:c:inQ 9· 1 $15.00 .J Couple C':dll Mrs. nonalti Aikenl. KI ]·1079 :!cmUIIIIIIUUnl111 JlI1IU1IIJIIH 11111 CIIIUl111I11U111ImJJlIIUIII'a ~ ~ .~ MOTHERS' CLUB ~ ELECTION DAY BAKE SALE § jj Tuesday, November 3 ~ ~ 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. ~ ~lflIClllllllllllltlIIll1l111llInIIllJlllullt:llll1I11l111[lIIII11111Illt~ r~ ; .,.'.::.",;",,;.0. ;... , Club Mrs. with Mrs. place viser. Mrs. H. LeRoy McCune. chairman of Blood Service for the local branch and her co-chair· man. Mrs. Corben C. Shute. are extremely grateful to the college students for tf>eir cooperation and their achievement. The 26 local volunteers who worked fram 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. to stoff the day's operations declare their appreciation also, Puerlo Rico Virgin Islands .. ,:",. Students and faculty of Swarthmore College contributed a record breaking 171 pints oft blood on Tuesday when the Southeastern Chapter. American Red Cross bloodmobile visited the campus upon arrangment with the Swarthmore Branch. Credit for the most successful local Blood Donor Day to date belongs to the student recruitment committee headed by John Schuchardt which signed up 275 donor volunteers. Other committee members were Linda Rothwell. Robert Rowley. John Shemer. Mrs. Virginia B. von Frankenberg was the faculty ad- -'I saw it in 7'/1e Swarthmorean" ~ Rutgers Avenue School ;<. College Contributes 171 Pints Blood Tues. BRIDGE WINNERS at The Petti Atml Package Vacations 7 Day PUERTO RICO fmm ... $147 B Day VIRGIN ISLANDS from $212 • When you need drugs or sun· dries, telephone us for free dew livery. Also, we pick up pre· --::~#;;:,,;w1{ scriptions and deliver the medi· ~ cines-you pay only the re~ular prescription price. Call us. 14 Day Combination from .... $269 Including round trip all transportation. texis. free port shopping. sight. seeing and your choice of luxury hotels. Write or Coli for Free Folder TURKEY SUPPER MUNRO CATH ERMAN'S DRUG STORE Fellow5hip Hall· Methodist Church Thur$doy Evening. November 12 TRAVEL SERVICE ServinQs 5:30 7 S. Chester Rd., Swarthmore KI 4.0440 TR 6·1185 _ and 7 P.M. Tickcls may be procured from Circle leaders. "ONE CALL DOES ALL" Klngswood 3-0586 s. Non-Group Membership Now Open BLUE CROSS an'Yor BLUE SHIELD If you are 64 or younger* and in good health mail this membership form by November 7 Blue Shield is for doctor bills Blue Cross is for hospital bills AND BLUE SHIELD pays all or a major part of your doctor's surgical fees or even his medical fees-when you are hospitalized. Surgical allowances alone, for each hospital admission, are scheduled up to $200 under Plan A, $300 under Plan B. Over 4,100 Blue Shield participating doctors here agree to accept Blue Shield payment as payment in full for contract services provided Plan A subscribers with a total family income of not over $76.75 a week ($48 for the single subscriber) and Plan B subscribers with a total family income of not over $115 a week ($16.75 for the single subscriber). But no matter what your income, Blue Shield is your best protection for the money. Remember-Blue Cross and Blue Shield are your biggest health·care bargains. Now is your opportunity, if you are self - employed, retired, unemployed or werking at a firm of less than 10 employees, to join these famous non-profit Plans that so adequately protect health and budget. This olIer will be of special interest to a merchant, lawyer~ farmer, widow~ domestic worker, sluder.t, etc., and is limited to residents of Philadelphia, Montgomery, Bucks, Chester and Dela- ware countic3. UNDER BLUE CROSS you have a choice of Standard coverage or the more liberal Co-Pay Comprehensive coverage which provides more benefits, higher maternity allowances-even diagnostic service;; in the hospital's outpatient department or doctor's office. Co· Pay subscribers make modest, limited payments when service is required. CHOOSE BLUE CROSS p.lus BLUE SHIELD I I I card, "'" I II ~M~'.~.~O:!...--""''"'OT=-: I snoUT ADO.'" CO.,., ........ \ I 1nD~A'~"~O~.~.~IR~'~H~M~OH~m~~1:;:::;iiiD~.~Y~iiii~Y~JEj~·I't;:::=="~"~I~~HO=======' N6b I PLiASI w {for surgery ond medical fee.} (for hospilal bills) PRINT-USI PINelL IMPORTANT: Al/informatl"" reque.,ed must b. given-or appikaHon connof &e proc...ed. Upon acceplance of your app/;collon you will receive lhe IoI/0wlltf/I a formal App/icarton infannal;on expla'ni"ll roI •• and &.n.RI., anJ your "'". .If.erlv. Jol. of your covenrge if Ih. &111 il paiJ promptly. MA. 0 MRS.O I AM IMPL011D ,I n.. en will ""ow Ihe .,-----=======----HDNIl-WR~ ··NOH.'· I I' I I I •• ..... ;-:M;-:.;:------;: ..;;;.; ...;-;:; ...;;,,;;·,----;';;H;;m;;.:;:L--- \ IMPLOyn" 11_.1.1£ • ....:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ iu..RtID WOMIN MUll &NIOLl IIUSBAND . . .AftAnD WIDOWED 0 0 "fud A•• 1'OU A 'LUI CROSS SUlseR11i1 NOW! CIRT,neAll NO. GIYI GROUP NO. SINGLE 0 MARRIS) D. PIN D' N 1 S I I I I I I I INewOI£. tlUUAND •• Ul NAMI OR IKlTJ"'- WIFE AHD UNNARftlm DAn OP 81ft'TH MO. DAY Yu.R - DI'e'ORCID;I [] o Lilt betow th. Information requested tor any person Included In this appll· I cation who 'hi. any dis•••••• nment or InfirmitY or who has had medical or suralcal advice or tN.tment or hospital car. within the last 5 years. dilLnRt:N 1JNDGII , •. ftnATIC/ItI.HIP o HUSBAMD 0"''' ~ORCONamQN . . .aT ...... . • 0C • ,. .-t" 0_ 0-........ - NONI-WRlTt "NON"" D_PJ 1111'" 8::. 'iri . .no WAS QPUlATlOH PQlPORMIlD ...... . . """",A • - - - CIi.ClC 1M. coW.....u YOU I I I I ·1 .1 I I I • ... ............... •----------------------BLUE CROSS (holpltallzatlon) L3 Co-Pay COmpreh....Iv. El e ......... BLUI SHIELD (Medlcal-Surglcal) CJ PLAN B PLAN A If.apply~ for ....band and wife _ a g . , I .y .~ do au whh . . . ShIeld mat."iI1 .... ooIIIs' DYES .""'~ •••• ".'IUIS OP JlPP'r"rr DAft _1_10 AIIOCIA,. KOIPITAL l a _ 01' . .ILAD....IA DNO 112 ICMIftI 16111 .IUI'I~ ........IA S, PA. I Meeting ~RTHMOREAN Swarthmore, Pa., Friday, November 6, 1959 NUMBER 45 NEEDLEWORK GUILD INGATHERING TUES. Trevor Shaw The Needlework Guild's annual Ingathering will be held Tuesday at the Woman's Club, 118 Park avenue. Directors are asked' to briMl~' contributions to the clubhouse tween 9 and 10 o'clock where they will be made ready fo,. display that afternoon at the club's regular program. AU directors and guild members are cordially invited to join the clubwomen at 1 :30 for tea and the lecture on 18th Century Costumes whieh will be presented by \l!rs. Tatiana Hamilton, costume dircctor of Colonial Williamsburg. The Garnet Canteen opens tomorrow night at 8 o'clock and will continue until 11 p.m. at the AllPurpose Room of Rutgers Avenue School. Those eligible to be members are only the ninth, 10th, 11th and 12th grade students of Swarthmore High School. The operation of Canteen will be run by the long established music committl'c comprised of Rich Kent, Bill Biddle and Alan Stamford; by the admission chairman, Bill Glaser; and by the treasurer, Barbara Bernhardt. Supporting these positions, will be other committees, selected from time to time, from a group of 40 or 50 students who attended an organization meeting led by canteen's new supervisor, Don Henderson. The bridge and card games department, which will be set up in the corridor, will be led by John Pinkston, Craig Smith and Bob Scutt. Helping at the admissions desk in selling membership tickets, at the refreshment counter, ·and in chaperoning in general will be the following Grade Representatives of Canteen: iiII'. and Mrs. Charles Brooks and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clothier of ninth grade) Mr. and 1\lrs. Cal'l Atkins and Mr. and 1I1rs. Gareld Gray of 10th grade, and 11k and Mrs. Earl Fuoss of the 12th grade. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kent, and 11 r .. and ]\1rs. Herman Bloom, cochairmen, will also assist f~)l' opt!ning night. Many thanks are offered to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Willis for giving a refrigerator for cooling soft drinks. Program Night 7:45 $4.00 PER YEAR Home & School Ass'n Mum Show Scheduled To Meet on Tuesday For November 6 10 8 The first Home anll ~ch(lol .o\s· sociation meeting of the season will be held Tuesday night at 7 :45 in the high school auditorium. The program will consist of summaries of the Lay Advisor c<>mmit-. tee. the School Boa,.d and the School Administration, presented by David Rosen, 1\1rs. :Marion Campbell, and William 1\1. Bush. Afterwards, the speakers will act as a panel for ans\vering (IUestions from the floor. Annual Event to Be Held in College Field House Amateurs and professionals will again exhibit and compete for awards and cush prizes at the 1959 Chrysanthemum Show being held at the College Field House on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, November 6, 7, and 8. Hours are Friday 2 p.m. to 9 p.m.; Saturday) 10 a.m.' to 9 p.m.; Sunday, 12 noon to 5 p.m. The schedule of arrangements will test the skill and imagination of some of the best arrangers on Ball Player Will Aid Seal the Eastern Seaboard. Highlight of the arrangement schedule is a Campaign Opening Challenge Class, in which 10 arNov. 16 rangers will be given identical con:'II icky Vernon, major league tainers and autumn's shades of basehall player from \Valling-ford, flowers and told "go to it," at 9 :30 will serve as honorary chairman of a.m. on the morning of the show_ the Chrh;tmas Seal Campaign con w Competition is inten~e in the amdueted by the Delaware County Tuberculosis & Health Association. ateur horticultural section of' the The acceptance of the post by show, as the ever popular Class 46 (three cuttings of an unnamed vaVernon has been announced by Freas U. Snyder, Tuberculo~is As~ riety, grown as a disbudded bush soeiation prcsiticmt. plant) now has some entrants with Vernon is a former teammate of two first prizes in this class. The Red Schoendienst, ~I i I w auk e e David Leslie Poe ~lemol'ial Award Braves' star, who is serving as is given "to the contestant winning natio.nal honorary chairman of the first prize in this class three times. 58rd annual Christmas Seal camw This largest Chrysanthemum paign. Schoendienst was stricken Show to be held in the East is an with tuberculosis during the 1958 annnual affair staged by The Penn\Vorld Series and presently is re- sylvania Horticultural Society in cuperating. cooperation with the Arthur Hoyt Vernon, who has a distinguished Scott Horticultul'al Foundation and carcer in major league basehall, the Philadelphia Branch of the Kawill work with :Mrs; Peter E. Told, tional Association of Gardeners. Swarthmore, chairman of volunh'ers and booth sales.The campaign Mickey Vernon Named Honarary 1B Chairman 18th Cenlury, Costumes Ed',I or I0 Add ress ' Is Tuesday s Subject W "A '.' Williamsburg Staff Member omen s ssocla Ion Is Featured for Club Tuesday Presbyterians to Hear Talk on Africa Wednesday 1\Irs. H. T. Hamilton, Jr., direc· "A wakening Africa" will be the tor of costU!Y' ~s :'or Colonial \ViIsubjeet of a talk by Trevor Shaw liamsburg, Va., will speak to the at the monthly meeting of the Woman's Club Tuesday at 1 :30 p.m. on "The History of Eighteenth w \Vomen's As~ociation cf the Presbyterian Church on \Vednesday. Century Costumes.~J Mr. Shaw, a native N ('w Zealand1\1rs. Hamilton will appear in a er, is editor of Envol Publications colonial gown hand-sewn by her in Leopoldville, the lld:~i:.'l Con~ staff. She has the unique position of an 18th-century couturiere, dew go, an organization attempting to signing and supervising the makw meet the need for Christian news~ ing of colonial costumes worn by papers and magazines in the nathe personnel of the WiUiamsburg tive languages of peoples newly beexhibition buildings and craft coming literate. 'Vol'ship at 12 o'clock will be led shops. Her department also makes by Mrs. 'V. R. Lccl"on. Vocal music costumes for such special events as by a sextet will be accompanied by concerts, plays, and festivals. In Mrs. \Vesley Iliff, organist. addition to designing every day Th~ 1.2 :30 luncheon will he serv- .)p.~I;~: MomhlY, ~To\'embel" lG. clothcfo\ for hostegse:;;, hOf':ts, and ed by Circle 10, Mrs. Charles Snyder declared, "The Tubercucraftsmen, Mrs. Hamilton designs Brooks, chairman. Circle I, Mrs. losis Association is honored to have livery for attendants and coachw C. P. StrEeter) chairman, will wela person· such as .Mickey Vernon men, costumes for waiters in the members and guests. Child come serve as honorary chairman. His Meeting Thursday Will Be 18th.century tavel'ns, costumes for gaolers and uniforms for guards- cal'e is provided during the meeting. civic achievements certainly illusHeld in McCahan trate that his interest goes far be w men and militiawmen. Hall at 8:30 yond the playing field. \Ve are sure She joined the staff of Colonial Mrs. John Harpel' of Rose Valley_ he will help point up the necessity 'Villiamsbul'g in 1952 as an assistMoylan, will be guest speaker at of continuing the vital program ant in the costume shop and a year the monthly meeting of Mothers' against TB, our nation's number later became supervisor of the shop. Club on Thursday. November 12. After upsetting Southern Meth- one infectious killer." This will be a combined meeting College's Club Offers In accepting the honarary chair- The title of her talk and demonwith the Needlework Guild, when odist University last Sunday on stration is "Garlands and Greens" Friday, Saturday the annual ingathering of the the G.E. College Bowl television manship, Vernon said, HI'm grateMrs. Harper, a former fashio~ Programs Guild will be on exhibit. Tea will pl'ogram, the Swarthmore College ful for the opportunity to help this co-ordinator, wiII display her ar~ w IIEngineering Sciences and Their be served after the talk with :Mrs. team will compete for its secolld win worthwhile WOl'k. I know the dan tistic ahility by offering ideas and next Sunday against Holy Cross. ger of tuberculosis was brought Modern Applications" is the theme H. Lindley Peel and illrs. Birney K. suggestions to club members as to of the Engineering Open House Morse pouring. The hostesses for The intercollegiate game which is forcefully home when Red Schoen- how they may create attractive arthat will be held in the Division of the afternoon are :\:11's. Johan Nat- designed to test the ability of young dienst was stricken with TB last rangements of seasonal greens for scholars tCl recall facts is broad- year. ' I~ngineering of Swarthmore Col- vig and Mrs. John 1''1. Patterson. holiday decorations. cast over CBS-TV and is seen in "1 think Red's case graphically lege on November 13, from 7 to The meeting will begin at 8 :30 the Philadelphia area on Channel shows aiso how quickly the TB vic10 p.m., and on Saturday, No~ New Hour Set for p.m. in McCahan Hali, Presbyterw 10 at 5:30 p.m. tim can get started on the road to vemher 14, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. ian Church. Thanksgiving Service \Vith their victory the students complete recovery when tubel'cu w This is the sixth open house held -~---Plans for the Swarthmore Com- brought back a $1,500 scholarship I losi:o. is discovered in its early since the end of World War II to stages. acquaint interested high school stu- munity Thanksgiving Service have gra~)t to the college. The Swarthmore team is com"From my own knowledge, I'm dents with elements of engineering been announced this week by the posed of Pctcr Smith, son of Dr. aware af the activities conducted and to in'troduce Philadelphia area village churches. This annual fesand Mrs. Glen T. Smith of River- by our County Tuberculosis AssoThe annual philanthropic dessertresidents to the three departments tival will be observed at the Pres- view roat!; Philip :\lomberger, son ciation. To join in an effort that bridge of the "roman's Club of of engineering - civil, electrical byterian Church at the new hour of Mr. "1.nd Mrs. Philip l\lomberger, involves my former teammate and Swarthmore will be held at the club and mechanical - at Swarthmore. of 9 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day. In announcing this earlier time, Jr., of Yeadon; Ann Brownell, my own local Tuberculosis Associa· house on Park avenue Tuesday, No_ Professors and students will he daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert tion, to my mind, is one of the most vember 17, at 1 p.m. The Health I,resent to talk about the field of the ministers of the churches point- Brownell of New York; and Ann noteworthy tasks I could ho~JC to and \Velfare department, Mrs. 'Val... enginlJering, and to explain cpa nw ed out that "persons wishing to Singleterry, daughter of Mr. and undertake." tel' N. 1\loir chairman, will manage ges in curriculum emphasis, such as worship on this national feast day, Mrs. Charles C. Singleterry, of Ba---------the affair, the proceeds of which the new program, "Honors in Engi- as well as attend the local high will aid the work of some 20 charithesda, Md. to neering Sciences," designed for tIle school football game, may no\" conw ties. stUdent who is interested in the veniently do both. The game will be Mrs. ~Ioir, KI 3·0498, is in scientific and mathematical prin- played at 10 :30 on the College field Friends Fall Festival charge reservations. Players are Open Tomorrow II to 9 The Swarthmore College Orch- asked to{)f bring ciples fundamental to all engineer- adjoining the church grounds. Th~s cards. means worshippers need park theIr ing. A l~rge number of Friends fl'om estra, tinder the direction of Claudio . The Engineers' Club, which is cars only once. Philatieiphia Yearly i\leeting will Spics, will present a concert on Friendly Open House "\Ve further encourage worshIPsponsoring the Open House) issues be coming' to Swarthmore tomorrow Friday, November 13, at 8:15 p.nt., The Friendly Open House group a cordial invitation to all intel'estrd pc rs to attend the service in dr~:::5 on a combincd vj:;it to the Friends in Clothier ~Iemorial Hall. The public i:i invited without charge to this appropriate for the game," the mlllwill meet next -'londa:.:, at ~ p.m. at people to attend the Friday- eveFall Festival at \Ytlittier House the Presbyterian Church. Mr. and isters stated, "for while man may concert. ning or Saturday morning pro4 and the Chrysanthemum ~ho'w at The program includes Beethov'look on the outward appearance, :\11'5. S. \V. Johnson of Amherst grams. the College Field House. T~e festien's First Symphony, the First the Lord looks on the heart.' Our avenue will show colored slides of val, the Friends' first since 1it51, Andl'ies vanDam of Media is Brandenburg Concerto by J. S. their trip abroad last summer.. president of the dub. David Rose Thanksgiving is a thing of the is engaging the talents of all ages Bach, and two works by Faure of Swarthmore Meeting, from kin. of Great Neck) Long Island, is in heart." Additional plans for the umon dergarteners to great grandmoth- UNoctourne" and "Overture to Pel w ~hal'ge of the electrical engineer w UNITED FUND REMINDER cas and Mellisande." Ing exhibits; Robert Gurfield of service will be detailed next week. Anyonc who has not been reached ers. The Swarthmore Music DepartMany townspeople have expressWestbUry, Long Island, is in charge and wishes to make a contribubtion N.B, PARADE WIIlNERS ed their interest in attending, and ment also invites the public to in- to the\ United Fund campaign is or the civil engineering exhibits; Winners 01 the Hallowe'en pa· the Snack Bar will provide quick formal student concerts which are asked to send his cheek to District and Benoni Wu of Hong Kong is in held between four and five every ~hafge of the mechanical engineer- rade held October 30, will be pub. lunches fer 400. Speeial events will Sunday afternoon in Bond, preced- Director Mrs. Joseph Reynolds, 1 Ing exhibits. Professor Charles W . lisbed in next week's issue 01 be taking .place almost every hour Oberlin avenue, Swarthmore. ed by a tea. fronl 11 o'clock to 9 o'clock. ~eW1in of Springfield is faculty adThe Swarthmoreaa, vIsor to the club. , Engineers' Open House Set for Next Weekend Mothers Club to Hear Talk on Holiday Decor SwarRhmoreDownsSMU In Oollege Bowl Sunday I I Philanthropic Bridge Set for November 17 Michael JI Eagen Judge of Court of Common Pleas Allen S. Olmsled. 2nd College Present Concert Nov. 13th County Commissioner William A. Welsh County Commissioner Joseph J. Helyenek Recorder of Deeds James A. Dunn District Attorney Francis R. Lord County Treasurer John A. (Gus) Schuppert Prothonotary Ruth C. Kraft County Surveyor John M. Dickey Democratic: Committee THE Don Henderson Will Supervise Weekly Fun Fests Judge of State Supreme Court Paid for by Swarthmore :'!~L'!f)::'l .. f· e Garnet Oanleen Opens Tomorrow Night al8 'V. 1959 ';)l-tllrJO:··1.; ._,'; Attend VOLUME 31 - Harry W. Monlgomery I • School Judge of Superior Court I HUMI. Of ......ona a. At a Boy Scout Court of Honor on Tuesday evening, Ricky Ullman reeeive his Eagle Scout award. A large group of parents and friends of Scouting were presents, inclUd_ ing Swarthmore's Eagle Scouts of past years. Following the invocation by Ed. mund Jones of Friends' Meeting, Junior Assistant Scoutmaster Alan Stamford led the salute to the colors. David Ullman, Sr., then ucscribed Bill Gaylord's achievement in saving the life of a skin-diver on Labor Day, and John Pflieger, Keystone District Advancement CoChairman fOI·mally presented the Scout Lifesaving lIledal to Bill. The Eagle Court of Honor wag then c.leclared in session by the chairman, Charles H. Topping. MerribCl's of the COlll't of Honor were Mrs. Harry Seymour, Ricky's teacher; l\Iyrtle l\lcCallin, his ITligious teacher; Peter Murray, his Scoutmaster; Albert Slamford, his Eagle Counsellor; John Pfliegel'; 1\1r. JQnes; Newton Ryerson in behalf of the School Board; and Pret \VilJis, 1\lr. Ullman's Scoutmaster, who led Troop 2 for a ,period of 10 years in thc(1930's. Mr. Murray reviewed Ricky's growth in Scouting, Mrs. Seymour discussed his understanding of the principles basic to Citizenship in America, and Miss l\lcCallin discussed the contributions of the Ullman family and of Ricky himself to the life of their religious "fam· ily," the Friends' Meeting. Mr. Stamford then gave the charge to the Eagle Candidate, stressing the great l'esponsibilities that go with beeoming an Eagle S C 0 u t. Mr. Pflieger made the formal presentation of the Eagle Scout emblem to 1I1r. Ullman, who pinned it on Ricky. Ricky then gave the Eagle Scout miniature pin to Mrs. Ullman. Mr. Jones pre.. \ sented the pocket certicate for Eagle Scout to Ricky, and Mr. Ryerson presented the wall certificate. ~1r. Willis described Riekyas "a chip off the old block" and read tho congratulatory letter to RickY from the President of the Boy Scouts of America, Dr. Arthur Schuck. The benediction was pronounced by ~lr. Jones, and the meeting was closed with the play· ing of Taps by Bill Wrege and Rieky Draper. For Better County Government Support the Democratic Ticket on November 3rd . ~:\ Home and POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT "FiLL OUT THIS BLANK NOW OR TELEPHONe: LOCUST 8-0840 I Rick, Ullman Receives Eagle Scout Award Mr. and Mrs. Horace H. Hopkins of Wellesley road had as their week· end guest Mrs. K. Burch of Ann Arbor, Mich. *If applying for hllsband and wile coverage, !!2!.!!. mllst be 64 years or YOllnger " - October 30, 1959 - THE SWARTHMOREAN November 6,1959 of Benjamin West avenue enter- "Morganwood" at their home on Mr. and Mrs. David Leith of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Kr.... tained at cocktails Sunday after- Saturday ev.ning in celebration of Ardmore are receiving congratula- kora of Greenville, S.C., announe. tions on the birth of their second the birth of their third child and Mrs. J. Harlan Jessup of Haver- noon and will entertain again this their 46th wedding anniversary. !lunday. Mrs. George Plowman of Harchild and son, Charles Kenneth, second son, John, on October 26 ford avenue entertained at a desMr. and Mrs. Peter Bme. M Chester road has had as her guesta Cmdr. William C. Wilburn of Mr.. and rs. David Bingham of her son and daughter-in-law ·Mr. Drew avenue was admitted to the FairvIew road and Mr: and Mrs. H. and Mrs. George T. Yarrow of Philadelphia Naval Hospital on .LeRoy McCune of VIilano,"a ave· Freeport, L.I. On Wednesday Mrs. BEAUTY DRAWS A SHOWEll OF ATTENTIOII Sunday and underwent surgery on nue sp~nt last weekend tn New Yarrow motored with them to Bing9 South Chester Road Tuesday York CIty. hamton, N.Y., for a week's visit Mrs. Thomas K. Brown, Jr., of Capt. and Mrs. J. H. Tibbetts of with her sister Mrs. F. H. Williams. Call KIngswood 3-0476 Dickinson avenue returned home South Swarthmore avenue spent Mrs. Allan C. Wood is confined 40,,,'0 Hemher the Swarthmore Baalae .. A... claM.. Sunday afternoon followI'ng a mo- last weekend in Hasbrouck Heigbts, to her home on N ortb Swarthmore I b tor trip to Islamorada on the Flor- N.J: where they ce e ra,wd th,; 25th avenue with a broken hip. ida Keys' where sh,.. visited with her anDl~erSary of ~rs. TIbbetts brochildren Dr. and Mrs. Thomas K. ther-tn-Iaw and sIster Mr. and Mrs. BIRTHS Brown, III, and her granddaugbter A. S: Stevens. . ·Mr. and Mrs. John A. Avila of RUTH D. HANLEY Shelby for five weeks. On her way M,ss Alma Trevethlc~ of DartNew York City announce the nn .. nl to Florida Mrs. Brown stopped in mouth avenue and IIlts8 Peggy Hendersonville, N.C., for a brief Leona,:d o~ Blue Bell left by pla,?e of a son, John Charles, on Tuesvisit with her sister, Mrs. Earl S. for ~18mI, Fla., where they wIll day, November 3. Cadbury, who accompanied her for vacatIon for two we.kl. Mr. Avila is the son of the Rev. the remainder of the trip. Mrs. Henry A. Piper of Mt. Hol- and Mrs. CarlOt! A. Avila of ChesSwarthmore, Pa. 104 Pork Avenue Mr. and Mrs. Paul D Williams yoke place has returned home after ter, Vt., and the grandson of Mrs. Jr., of University plac;, have a~ several months in the .west visiti~g John H. Pitman of Vassar avenue their house guests this weekend ~embers ?~ 'her fa~lIy. Her trlP and the late Mr. Pitman. their son and daughter-inola Mr mcluded VISIts to GlaCIer Park, New SUITS DRESSES and Mrs. Paul D. Williams, II~, and Mexico, and California. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Bo· Jon.... dleir nine-month old daughter Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Hally of pf Pirmasens, Germany, announce Juniors Juniors AlIne of Tarrytown N Y Swarthmore avenue have as their the birth of a daughter Paula Ann Misses Misses Hr. and Mrs. Fred'R·. Wilson of ho~.~ guest Mrs. HallY's sis:er Mrs. on Saturday, October 17. Half Sizes Walnut lane returned to the' h me WIlham Bishop of MontclaIr, N.J. The little girl is a granddaughSunday following a month's ':ri ; by Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Millard Tyson ter of Mrs. Wilfred B. Shaw of plane to Greece. They took a cruise of Guernsey rc>~d rec~ntly motored Cleveland, 0., and M·r. and Mr •• on tbe Aegean Sea from island to along the Skylme Dl'lve and spent Fred P. Jones of Wallingford, forisland and sailed up the Nile as far a f~w days in Hot Springs, Va. Friday, Nov. 6th thru Wednesday, Nov. 11th merly of Swarthmore. as Assuam, Egypt, tben travelled in . Mr. and ~rs: George S. Valenthe Holy Land. They returned by tme of BenJamI~ West avenue reOpen Friday Evenings TIll 9 way of Rome and Lisbon. Mr. and cen~ly had as theIr guest for a week Mr;'. Fred Chapman of Wilming- their daughter Mrs. Howard ·MauNo Returns - No Approvals - No Exchang91 ton, Del., accompanied the Wilsons. ger of Columbus, O. Mr. and Mrs. Americo Ippolito Mr. and Mrs. ",. H. V~nAlen of and four children formerly bf Phil- Park avenue had as theIr gueats adelphia, have m~ved into the for- last weekend their son-in·law and mer Harry McCormick house at 1111 daughter Mr. and Mrs. John W. Rutledge avenue, Rutledge. Doreen Taylor! Jr., of Baltimore and their has entered eighth grade atSwarth. two chIldren Carol and David. more High School and Ronald fifth The Rev. Walter Getty and Mrs. Jumbo 4Mn>p _ltOIL .... grade at Swarthmore-Rutledge EI- ~tty of . Harvard ave,?ue entera handful 10 clip IIl\D ementary School. The other chil- tamed frIends and neIghbors of OUt II.~ ....... On a .... dren are Sandra, 5 and Loretta, 10 ·~~~~~~~_iR_;'iiiiiii_ij i I _ Hy. _ • IIowI rI months. Far MAGAZIIiE SUBSCRIPTIONS ~ai'.......h 0111011 _ ., Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Paddison ou gIQIln. Coli have as their guests for several ~n. 01 0tiJI1!I0It pap". tiltweeks Mrs. PaddisonJs parents Mr. MRS, LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN and Mrs. Carl H. Preihs of Pana, I!Ht. """''''''' KI ]·2080 full ofIa.b"d 1Icnoorf.. _ IIa&. _ Ill. WItfI JanOr .......llPfe _ , The tenth grade was,entertained ~~~~~~~~!!!!~~~!!!~ at dessert Saturday evening before !lUUIllIllIHUIUlllllnWftCmIllHIIILDllluunhIUUIUIllIllItt) wIioIe..... ""1111 Haas "'" ho~. ..,.. frNII _oJoilL the Junior Assemblies at the home fl """"" ., ked lettuce c1_ of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Gray on "== Harvard avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Her. eel '" Iftnc!o. ....,... or bert E. Michener of Westdale ave- !! S d 0 '1 Ii Iiouo!uofort cr... cIreutng. nue were co-hosts. § erve 01 Y iii HOt ...... willi buller. Mr. and Mrs. C. Irwin Galbreath Both Hot & Cold Dishesl ~ IIIGwkny or bMHencolt. e lI.nclao ,.. d.lIIIf. _ . i § ,.. or IIIIIt. Personals .r; CI FRANCHETTI - TELEVISION Swarth~ore, DI STATE INSPECTION - NOV. DEC. JAN. ROBERT JI ATZ I ·rl .m. ;~==::===::=::::====~==========~~ The Bouquet BEAUTY SALON 0' DRESS SHOP BAKED VIRGINIA HAM FRIENDS' FALL FESTIVAL p'' ' g BuHet Luncheon i ..11 B = THE ~ $1.25 I PLAYERS CLUB I · ! OF. SWARTHMORE presents "THE DIARY OF ANNE FANK" by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett Produced Under the DTttdion of GEORGE H •. JARDEN O Curtain Time 8:20 .. . .~ BuHet Dinners rhursday 5 to 9. Sunday 3 to § I~ I == $2.75 • THE WILD GOOSE 9.t.t;.a:"P.M. .U~ld~,:.y.!l la. R:U:'~. ;:i:o~:;~:e I-M.N.ov.ndlii:.!.,beliith.rru;.. _ I I ~ 81 B E! '" ft.. J..., a ._",. af 1M yarlely food .......d aI 1M SJrorh Hav... ......_'~102 DfMw .... MIl PAL IorHa,·DIne.. _ , ,AL tIootcIMonclop the STRAm HAVEN INN I.Q".,,,, Pa. TOMORROW, NOVEMBER 7th Whittier House, on Campu~, 11 to 9 A f.Ii" Da, of friend', fest;, •• , SNACK BAR " t02• PUPPET SHOW 2 and 5 Sharol' Swarthmore .' 2~1 Garnet to Meet Darby Tomorrow on Home Field swarthmore played Sharon Hill in the mud at the Sharon Hill field and sank to dejJ!at 20-7. The first quarter was used by the boys to familiarize themselves field conditions. There was no .~()r_1 ing at all and nobody even ened. Late in the second quarter Sl.ar·-1 on Hill put on a drive which . them to the Swartbmore. one-~'ard I line, where they had a first aOWllI·1 On the first .play they fumbled Dave Grooters recovered on the sixinch line. Jim Mienke must be given credit for knocking the ball loose. On the first play Bill Schwartz went right tbrough the middle and as soon as he got through the line be saw daylight. He broke to the side line and was in the clear at tbe 20. The last possible man who had a chance to get him was taken eare of by Dave Grooters. On the same play Bill scored· the extra AI .ATIO" . Slf'" •• c. ••mll Dr. and ·H1'I1. Arthur W. FerguSeveral In this area are Mrs G 80n, former Swarthmoreans. noW serving at patrons and patronesses cihe.te~ eoT P. Warren of South the annual United World Fed- com~it~a was a me".'ber of the of York, were the guests of Mrs. eralists dinner to be held on Thurs . of PresbyteTlan wome" W. R. LeCron recently. Mr. and Mrs. John Koelle of e: : : .th~Autumn Gala, held day, November 19, in Philadelphi~ wbere Lord Clement Attlee will be ens Auxili:: fayn~ by th~ Wommain speaker. b yo PhiladelphIa Presytery Homes. Among these patrons and patronesses are Mr. and Mrs. John W. Mlp. COlllpletld Carroll, MJ. and Mrs. Elliot Da-. ~rt~ur F. Loeben, cartographer, land, Mr. and Mr•• John D. Hon- FaIrvIew road, recently completed noid, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Wiilliam some maps for the Water Research C. H. Prentice, Mr. Thornton W. Foundation in Philadelphia in conPrice, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. nection with the Delaware River Robinson. Water Basin. r::: as Haverford avenue had their guests last weekend Hr. and Ml'II. Henry L. Wehrle of Charlesto.. W.Va.,and their children John aDd Mary. f-------------...:......::....---.::.::.:..--------. The Little Theatre Club of Swarthmore· College • presents MAJOR BARBARA THURSDAY ~OV.I9 by GEORGE BERNARD SHAW JO.:30*9:00~=:::2 D;recled by BARBARA PEARSON LANGE Clothier Memorial 8:15 P.M. November 6. 7 point. Friday and Saturday In the third period Sharon Hill Cox scored two TD's and one PAT. In the fourth period Cox passed to Bollinger for a TD and Cox made the PAT. The Little Garnet will meet Darby tomorrow at 10 a.m. on the Rutgers "venue field. Adults $1.00 - Admission at tho Door COj\ StAR fJ~OECK~O CH«ISTMAS"" Trinity Chul"ch-Swarthmore Stud.nts SOc ., Chester Rd. & ColleqeAve. Fill out thiS coupon now ;,;;;" ----.-- .... ... --_ ........ .------------- ... ---Trust : police and Fire News ,j~ Quick work on the part of local police nabbed a man who abducted a Swarthmore College girl Monday evening, October 26, although the incident was Teported to authorities four nights later. At 10 p.m. Friday Dean Susan P. Cobbs and a 20-year-old iu:nior: day student who lives on North Chester road near Ogden avenue reported a man had followed the latter and forced her into his car between 7 and 7 :30 p.m. Monday as she was walking home along Ogden avenue. The student said she ns tbreatened with a knife and foreed to drive the car .·around ..hile the man committed indecent .. posure. When she stopped the car and pled with bim, he pe"milted her to drive back to Ogden avenue and get out of the vehicle. Through the license number of a tar seen in the a.rea latel" that week, Chief Bateman and Patrolman Edward Burgett were able to appreheno Robert G. Sands, 21-year-old plumber, at his home 136 East Chester pike, Ridley Township, at 11 a.m. Saturday morning. Sands identifiell by the girl and released under $1000 bail by a local ~~~;: trate pending court trial on c es of assault with a deadly weapon and attempted rape. said they didn't seem able to him up with other cases of indecent exPQSU re reported in Swarthmore within recent weeks. Rodney Eckenhoff, seven-yearold son of Dr. and Mrs. James Eckenhoff of 207 South Chester road, sustained a fractured upper right leg at 7:18 p.m. Saturday wlien, while "Lrick or treating" and col· lecting for UNICEF, he attempted 10 cross from the west side of Chester road toward. his home on the upposite side. Police said the boy apparently stepped from behind a southbound bus into the path of a northbound car driven by Eleanor p. Kerrigan, 28, of Chester. The a(· cident occurred about '7{) reet north of Yale avenue. Rodney was U.Ke,\( to the Uni\>ersity of Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, in Springfield ambulance. Driver the car was released in $1000 pending outcome of injuries. Rodney will be hospitalized for six weeks and then spend another month and Q half· at home. At 5:45 p.m. We~nesday of last week local firemen quickly quenched a fire in the chimney of Mrs. A. M:. Lackey's hou~e at 315 Ogden I avenue. On October 29 a Swarthmore High School junior class boy paid $10 fine for traveling tOo fast road conditions at Cedar lane SWarjhmore avenue on October 11. - - ,_ _-- - - , ................. , , ("'Key to. , ............. ......................... .) more abundant \ir~: ................................... , , ,, , I k d Company Provident Tradesmens Ban an "Key" Check Credit Dept. P.O. BoX 8166 Phi'la., 1 Pa. "Key" Check Credit money Yes, I'd like to have my d details and application. available soon I Please sen I , I I I I Have money in the bank with .Provident Tradesmens ~~KEY" CHECK CREDIT! * * ** * * * AB * * Combines money in the bank with checking account convenience. you make your monthly payments you rebUild the amount of your credit to use again and again, up to the total of the amount you establish. Just one application for continuous credit. Interest-slightly less than' 1% (0.98%) monthly on the average outatanding loan balance. Select any amount ... $300 to $3480 ••• up to 24 months to repay. Free life insurance up to age 65 for amount of money you have in use. I Free imprinted checks. ' Free monthly statement showing checks written, total repaid, total credit still available, interest charges, current payments due. Joint husband and wife "Key" Check Credit if desired. Your total credit is If you can repay How 10 determine your tolal credit, $12.500 25.00 a 75.00 a 100.00 a 145.00 0 month manth month month month , $300 ) 600 1800 2400 3480 "Key" Check Credit is a personal line of credit for you to use when, as and if you need it! PROVIDENT TRADESMENS Bank ~nd Trust Company /Hlowar. County on;-: Swarthmore. • Nether Provid~!';~ aod ParkiDl) Klnpwood 3·1491 ~ A .... on;- optm Friday ...ni"l/B MrJin 0fIi<:<: Brooul aod Cbeotnut SIa.-LOcust 4-S()(}() Sprinsf!old lClnjovooOd 3-JU8() MeMW , . . . . Depo.ill,..,-aJIICIP Qwplt u:C' Ii • Jlcm6rr Fetkral RaBr_ S,YIIuJ THE SWARTBMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PENNA. PETER E. TOLD, MARJORIE TOLD, PubluMr. Phone KIngswood 3-0900 PETER E. T I~ i b!d ..... I B :=tv., ..I Professor Foote, is a consultant of the ,Division of Human Rights of th~ United Nations. He has been working for several years on the relation of law to the behavioral sciences, under a grant from the National Institute for Mental Health. His fields of instruction their children Robert, Heathe;, Andrew. The twins David and an joined the family and borough 18 months ago. Profe.sorFoote is a frequent contributor to law journals. He was formerly executive secretary of the Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors. On the following Sunday, Novem· bel' 15, there will be a panel discussion of some of the broader aspects of Bible reading. All are welcome. Last Saturday night or early Sunday the Sea Explorer LandBhlp on Cresson lane was vandalised for the third time in the last six week •. Damage and thievery has b,~~::~: the, extent 9f the damage to $600. A brand new generator, even removed from, r:i:ts:nl~~:~~!~~ Informal Badminton Group under Swarthmore A. C. November thru March 8:30 P.M. - 10:30 P.M. For added c~venienC8, gal houl. hea'· ing payment. can b. made In equal amounts over a 10-month period. Get more details from the Cu.'omen Service every Mo~day night HIGH SCHOOL GYM BUDGET PLAN Gel ....... hrIoo~ 011 Gas Houle ... "'. , CoIl yotIf'~ pI....w." «1I.stieg COHlIGCIof,.owyolovrtulwr6_ aRk.. If interested call Phil Swayne Weekdays at GE 8-7545 Evenings at KI 4-1324 Saturday morniings at K13.1719 PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC. COMPANY' or write care of Box 251. Swarthmore, Po. ,i . ANTIQUE SHOW NOY. 11.'12 f,ve.day·a.week program, and The Century Club of West Ches.1 now regularly starred on "Todaay",',' ter announces its Twelfth Annual sh0.w. They have also pioneered in Antiques Show to be held at the on High, and streets on November 10 11 and 12 The doors of the Che;te; . s h ow WI'11 open at 11 each IT'Ol'lOillid and WI·11 CIose at 10 each night ex. cep t on theast 1 day when 6 p.m. will mar k th e en d of the exhibit. Mrs. George D. Hoopes, in of contacting the dealers BOunces that 23 dealers are in;luded in the show. Dep .. rtmen' of your nea...t Phllad....hla Electric oHlce. " .' rec,':"l, playing co n't e m p 0 r a r mUSIC as well as the classics. DELTA ZETA MEETI1I8 The Philadelphia Alumnae Chap· ter of Delta Zeta will meet Novem· ber 7 in Philadelphia at 1 o'clock. Guests of honor will be National Officers-Mrs. C. F. Fisher, State alumnae director. Patricia HenegTodoy-lest-Drive the New 1960 VA UXHAL L MRS. JAMES JAM Yiator Super 4·Daor VOOAL MUSIO - Only $1 98150 Young Voices ' • "Co.', B. B.o' for Quality and Economy" Also 4-Door Station Wagons i Available K13-1430 I.lth and Edgmont Specializing in Loughead Pontiac ~.~~~~~~~~~~~~D~0~o~r~pr~i.~e~~$~5~.~OO~~~~~~~~~ LUNCHEON SNACKS Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. Middletown Road _ Media. Pa. Opposite High Meadow (between Dutton Mill Road and Knowlton Road) • WORK OUSTOM LANDSCAPE Friendly Sound Advice - FREE Telephone TRemont 2-7206 Aft for BEN PALMER DESIGN and CONSTRUCTION Walls - Walks - Terraces PLANT HOLLAND BU B N L S OW for Spring Color EVERGREENS BROAD-LEAVED EVERGREENS HYB R I D CLEMATIS - GROUND COVERS ~ii;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~;:T~R~6~-~3~3~1~4~;;:~~~~§~o~p~e~n~7~:~30~A~.~M~.~.~5~:~OO~P~.M~.~D~a~iI~y~a~n~d~s~a~tu~r~d~a~~=~~ It was our intention to send this Bulletin to our memberS. However, it is such an important mat- to property owners, we have decided to insert the message as an advertisement. I ~n order ~. get an answer to this question which has been the concern of Swarthmore Property Owners, as well as' your DIrectors, we arranged for a joint meeting of your DirectorS and Messrs. Spencer, Carpenter and Morey representing the School Board. Mr. Spencer is Treasurer of the Board and Chainnan of the Finance Committee. Mr. Carpenter is .Chairman of the Property Committee and Mr. Morey is Supervising Principal and in charge of the Administrative Functions of the Swarthmore-Rutledge Union School District. We were sure that, from these men, we could get the. answers to the ques tions that we planned to ask. I This meeting took place on Monday evening, October 26th, but the basic reasons for the high taxes have been known to many property owners, including your Directors, for a long time. case, was stolen. ~ window panes have been, l!~o;=~ I and four window frames d beyond repair. The vandals became quit,. brave last Monday night during the weekly Sca Explorer meeting as they drove up to the building and threw rocks and eggs at It. Thov I quickly dispersed as the Sea p!orers came out of the landship give chase. Last Sunday six Sea E"pl"re,rs I enjoyeli a cruise up the Delaware River. The group under the com· mand of Skipper George Myers ate lunch aboard' their boat as they cruised up to the Philadelphia Boy Scout Council's Dale Sea Scout Base. The group left Essington at 0900 and returned at 1800. Those aboard for the cruise were Nino de Prophet is, Steve Jacobs, Randy Lee, Ragnar Borei, Ron Williams, Chris Wahmann, and Mate Georg Thomas. r---------------- I I I I I I II a I I Every part of the house is warm and comfortable when you have automatic gas house heating. Be assured of uniform. dependable heat automatically, even in the coldest weather. Gas is piped directly to the house, eliminating fuel delivery and storage problems. I ! MArtA-lAIR. PmId_ Telephone LO 3-158' \ ANTIQU ES FAI R EXPLORER LANDSHIP VANDAUZED AGAIN '820 CIlISTNUT STREET a~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" !.~~::~~1~~:;I!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~N~.~th~o~r~p~r~ov~'d~.~n~u~H~i9~h~SC~h~.~O~1~ ter of interest H. lAIR CO. DlIIC10H O. NNIIALS OlIVER H.IAIR. Foonder ~koloff, Stevens Foote, formerly of the den community in Delaware ~1r.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~ THE OLIVER Fm~ from Columbia, and LLB from the University of Pennsylvania He was on the law faculty of tho' Uni. versityof Nebraska before return,· I ing here three years ago. He located on Benjamin West aVenUe in Swarthmore with his wife, 100 Park Ave •• Swarthmore, Pa. CLearbrook F'18n, sorum Unitarian theologian, and editor of the Unitarian Caleb Foote received his ABhymnal. from Harvard, MA lIoh ••1I CerpldIIc • Complete Price Range • Oriental Racs dt~to;,' The. Pennsylvania, Academy T Concerts to Present han, provlnee and 'Mrs. 'Jonathan Vart:v. OPIC the Arts will open its wo·Piano Team Tonight consecutive annual series of The two.piano team of \rthurl GARNET CANTEEN MEDIA COMMUNITY CONCERTS I b u . music concerts on Friday aWh ittemore and Jack Lowe, Open. November 7th pr...nh Ca e Foote to Lead ber " wlll Discussion on mng, Novemb.rl3, at 8:30, WI'th ppear to . ht N 8 p" p ' Wh.·Hemore b d' . nog ,I ovember 6, in .M. '0 II .1.4. vr_ Lowe Sunday program y the Artemus au ,torlUm of the Nether Pro,vl. I ~~~elnbership $1, Nitely fee 25c N b Guests SOc ovem er 6 wind Quintet, assisted by Vladiimir I dence High School Current discussion over Bible pianist, who also begt'ns The t. . t ' reading in the public schools has h IS ten th season as music director rent.concert am IS series he second in the sponsored by the led the Swarthmore Friends Forum of the series. MedIS Concerts Associat·,on Again , the' Aca demy is able Wh ittemore and Lowe have . to devote the next two.Sundays to apseeking better information as to make thes e event s free to all pear.ed as soloists with the country'sthe relations between church and through. th e co11a b d WOMAN'S CLUB OF MEDIA oration i of the ea Ing orchestras, and make an. stste. This Sunday, at 9 :45 a.m., Recording Industries' Trust Funds nual coast to coast rec,'tsl tours. 423 S. Jackson Street, Medl'a e re rIc R. Mann CalebUniversity Foote, professor of law and ' Tthey became the first classl'cal ,'n-the of Pe"nsylvl.ni,.,I tiJn. th F d' Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday, Nov. 17; 18, 19 will lead the discussion. st~levision rumentalists to have their own show, appearing on a II A. M. - 9 P. M. ADMISSION 60c and lle has been active on the board of directors of the Philadelphia h BranchUnion. 0f t e American Civil Lib· erties , Profesoiar Foote was born in -Cambridge, Mass., the son of Henry Wilder Foote, a Harvard professor Carpet Samples Displayed in the Home Klngs"}'oc:.d 3-6000 - T. are family law and criminal law, COMING SOON FAST DELIVERY ALL COLORS There will be a celebration of FRIEIOS MEETIJIB JlOTES the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock o'clock Tuesday mornings. Committee members win he on The Women's Association wor.. Sunday morning, Morning Prayer hand at Whittier House through ship service at noon Wednesday will and Church School at 9 :30, and a Friday to receive contributions for be followed by the 12 :30 luncheon service of Morning Prayer at 11 :15. the fair to be held Saturday. E.Y.C. will meet at 6:00 p.m., in McCahan Hall. Trevor Shaw The Adult Forum in the Meeting Canterbury Club at 6 :15, and at 8 win speak at the afternoon proHouse at 9 :45 a.m. Sunday features gram. His topic will be "Awaken- o'clock Sunday evening there will be a celebration of the Holy Com· Professor Caleb Foote who ,will ing Africa." speak on "Compulsory Bible Read· munion. Ushers for the services will be as ing in the Public Schools." CHURCH SERVICES follows: CHRISTIAII SCIEIICE 1I0TU 9:30 a.m.-H. P. Stamford, head PRESB'YTERIAN CHURCB The meaning for today of the usher.; William Gaylord, W. B. D. Evor Roberts, Minister hook o.f Genesis will be set forth Robert O. Browne, Assoc. Minister Halladay, 'R. H. Maxwell, William and Minister of Christian Education Nelson, and E. E. Wrege; 11:16 in the Lesson· Sermon entitled a.m. - H. L. Harris, head usher; Sunday, November 8 and Fallen Man" at Chris· tian Science services Sunday. 9 :15 and 11 :OD A.M. - Morninl C. C. Wallin, alternate; G. W. "Adam All are cordially invited to at· Worship and Baptism. Chang, W. E. Hetzel, Jr., K. C. 9:15 A.M. - Adult Study Group Kennedy, and W. C. Randall, Jr. tend the services at First Church 9:15 and 11 A.M. - Church School The November meeting of the of Christ, Scientist, 206 Park ave· Olasses. 9:30 A.M. - Women's Bible Class Vestry will be held Monday night nue, at 11 o'clock. 10 :80 A.M. - Senior High Bible at 8 o'clock. Clas..' On Tuesday there will be a cele. UIlITARIAN IIDlES Tuesday, November III' bration of the Holy Co,mmunion at Guest speaker at the Delaware 9:0Q A.M. - Morning Prayers 9 :30 a.m. followed by a meeting County Unitarian C h u l' chin Wednesday, NO,veraber II of the Prayer and Worship Group. Springfield this Sunday, will he 12 Noon - Woman's Association The women sewing for the Holiday Roy J. McCorkel of the American Luncheon and Program. Fair children's shop will meet at Friends' Service Committee in 6:30 P.M.-Business Circle 10 o'clock in the Clellves Room. 'Philadelphia. Bis topic at the Sun. 8 :00 P .M.·-Inquirers' Study Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Fawthorp day morning service will be "A Group. 8:00 P.M. - New Testament will be hosts at the w,ne dinner View From the Top of the World." Study meeting to be held Tuesday evening Mr. McCorkel was former director at 7 o'clock. of the Commission on Religious Or· METHODIST CHURCH The Rev. John C. Kulp, Minister Celebrations of the Holy Com. ganizations for the National Con· Charles Schisler munion will be held at 7 and 9:30 ference of Christians and Jews. Be· Minister of Music Wednesday morning. Bible classes fore this he served CARE as its Sunday, November' 8 meet at 10 a.m. and 1 :30 European director and as the chief 8 :45 aud 11 A.M. - Mr. Kulp will will p.m., and Confirmation Classes will of CARE operations in India and preach. be held at 10 :30 a,m. and 4 p.m., Pakistan. 9 :45 A.M. - Church School A world traveler, Mr. McCorkel '1:00 P.M. - Adults: "Talk Back" with Inquirers' Class meeting at spent last summer visiting the Mid· 7 :00 P.M. - Sr. and Jr. Hlch 8 :30. Fellowships. The Evening Group of the Worn. dIe East and the Soviet Union. He Tbursday, November IZ en of Trinity will meet following has contributed extensively to 5 :30 and 7 P.M.-Turkey Dinner the service of Evensong, which will magazines and edited a hook "VoiTRINITY CH'URCB be held at 8 p.m. Wedpesday. ces From the Younger Churches." The Rev. Layton P. Zimmer. Rector "Man's Need and God's Action" is The range of his interests in jndiSunday, November 8 the title of the book being studied 'cated by his degree from Yale Di· 8:00 A.M. - Holy Communion. by this group, and the discussion vinity -School and his graduate 9:30 A.M. - Morning Prayer. will be led by the rector. work in economics at Harvard. For 9 :30 A.M. - Church School .. 11 :15 A.M. - Morning Prayer. Holy Communion will be celebra. some years he has played an active 6:00 P.M. - E.Y.C. ted at 9:30 Thursday morning; role in the consumers' cooperative 6:15 P.M. - Canterbury Club the regular weekly Healing Service movement across the country. ll\l 8:00 P.M. - Holy Communion. will be held at 10 o'clock, and the maintains a registered tree farm in Tuesday, November to Study Group, under the leadership central Pennsylvania. 11:30 A.M.-Holy Communion Wednesday, November II of Mrs. George Berlin, will meet at BAPTIZED 7:00 A.M. - Holy Communion. 10:30 in the Cleaves Room. 9 :30 A.M. - Holy Communion. At a special "ervice of Irlfant The Stewardship Committee, 8 :00 P.M. - Evensong team captains and canvassers, will Baptism at 2 p.m. Sunday after~ Tbursday, November IZ meet for dinner at 6 :30 p.m. Thurs. noon, in the Methodist Church, the 9:30 A,M.- Holy Communion. 10:00 A.M. - Healing Service. day. Final plans will be made for following infants were baptized by the Stewardship Canvass to be held the pastor, Rev. John C. Knlp. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Neil Erie AnderSon, son of Mr. OF FRIENDS November 16. Saturday, November 7 and Mrs. A. Eric Anderson of Dart11:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M.-Friends' t'UlIIIICllllllmI1IDllllmIIIl1DlllllUnmDlllUnHlIICIIIIIIIIII~ mouth avenue; Patricia Butler, Fan Festival. Whittier Bouse. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. HeberEvery (}hrisfn!as Card Sunday, November 8 ton Butler, of Springfield; Mary !i a PrecIOus Gift. • • E 9 :45 A.M. - First-day School. Lou Schoff, daughter of Mr. and 9:45 A.M. - Adult Forum: Caleb = Mrs. Frederic Schoff, of Boothwyn; Foote speaks on "Compulsory Bible Reading In the Public and Susan Elizabeth Simpson, Schools". daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald 11 :00 A.M. - Meeting for Wor· Simpson of North Wales. (Mrs. s!'ip. Children cared for in Whit= he" iali! Simpson is the former Miss June tIer Bouse. All are welcome. ' !':! ... ':" Tnt 1.8 a spec !':! Monday. November 9 ~ Chrzstmas portrait ~ Shearer.) All.day sewing for the A.F.S.C. ~ of your family ~ Wednesday, November t I AlI.day sewing fbr the A.F.S.C. "A View From the § The price? No !! ~ .... more than you ~ FIRST CHURCH OF 5 .,.. would upect to 5 Top of the World" CHRIST, SCIENTIST 5 pay for any. discan give you perspective on y6ur SWARTHMORE ~ quality IE own way of living. 00 you think Park Avenue below Harvard religious ethi1::s should be applied to ~ ~ you would like to Bee a sample, Sunday, November 8 i! lust phone. We'D be glad to send global affairs as well as personal 11 :00 A.M.-Sunday School. §j you one. No ObliptiOD, of course. i lives? If you do. you might enjoy 11:00 A.M.-The Lesson • Sormon com inC) Sunday mornin~ at 11 to hear will be entitled "Adam and Fallen ~ PHILIP MAYER~ Roy McCorkel speak on this topic at Man". the Unitarian Church on Old' Morple PHOTOGRAPHY Wednesday evening meeting each Road in Springfield. Talk it over with 9 week. 8 P.M., Reading Room, 409 us at the coffee hour cftar; you're 215 Collogo Avo. Swarlhmo.. ;o Dartmouth Avenue, open week· oTways welcome. . day....cept holidays, 10-6; Fri· PM Klngswood 3-9927 cIa:v eVeJdnJr, 7-0. • d F' In the first place, our Borough has fixed geographical limits and is almost entirely residential. There are no Manufacturing Plants to help bear the Tax Burden. Consequently, a large part of th'e money required for the operation of the Borough and the Schools must come from taxes assessed on real estate. There is not enough property, and probably never will be, to produce the necessary revenue to operate the Schools, except by a tax rate of 62 mills, or perhaps more. Some time in the future, some more equitable system of taxation may be devised, but that time seems remote. While you may have el~ted the members of YO\1r School Board, they are governed by rules and regulations of the Department of Education at Harrisburg, over which the Board has no control. This-was clearly evident when our questions were answered. For instance--Why should the salary of the Cafeteria Manager appear in the Budget under the heading of Education-Expense? This item, and others of a similar kind, are classified thus on the Budget Forms. Evidence of control from Harrisburg can be clearly seen throughout the operation of the Schools. It is no w.onder that the average citizen has difficulty in understanding the Budget. After asking 26 questions, we commellced to understand some of our School Board's problems. An amendment to the State Constitution is pending which would increase the Borrowing Capacity of the Swarthmore-Rutledge Union School District from seven per cent of Assessed Valuation as at present, to 15 per cent. The present Assessment is $8,783,195. This is Borrowing Capacity and it must be remembered that Bonds bear interest and must be retired within a specified , time. Our Directors are unanimously of the opinion that th~ Cafeteria should be entirely self-supporting. This means that the salary of the Cafeteria Manager, the amortization of equipment and overhead should be included in Expense and balanced by funds received from patrons. This is a se,:,ice for the benefit of a minority at the expense of t~e taxPayers at large and they should not be charged WIth the expense. We also recommended that in the future, the maintenance of all school property be limited to the value of the Bonds which are retired annually. Your Board of Directors are unanimous in feeling that this conference was rewarding and would like to see more such meetings in the futU1:e. After more than two hours of discus~ion, the meeting adjourned with a vote of thanks to Messrs. Spencer, Carpenter and Morey for the-ful! and satisfactory answers to our questions. ' Swarthmore property owners can be assu~ed. that. our Schools are m the hands of capable persons who are doing a job that no one could do better under eXlstmg CIrcumstances. SWARTHMORE PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION 5· riell1drlk A.ndrll ........ 'and "'Thla·i Music Club to H e a r " ' Recital Sundl'lV Night conlle" by Vitali. Mr. deVries ·11f.rltr ••• ElIt.rl.r , ...tlil JOE MARSHALL 511 REESE STREET MILMONT PARK, PA- LEIaI,.. z·1111 EMIL SPIES I WATCHMAKER Formerl1 01 F. C. Bode and. S FIne Watch and 128 Yale Ave. Clocl< Repairs Swarthmore, Pa. CLASS IFIE 0' ADS WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes and Rubbish Removed a.'Ulini,11 Mowed. General BartlIDg Ave. Mortell, P.. I Jack I:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OIR'STIAN SelENCI HEALS SUNDAY WFIL Radl. - 8145 A.M. Channal 6-WFIL·TV-9115 A.M, ~ § 900 Michigan Avenue Ii i ~ Davidson. 33f. DelawlI.r& Boutb s ....anbmore Avenue, Swartbmore, Count.y. PeDIUIY~ va.h1a. and Mn. :M&ry E. Renael. 2i :YyrUe g ~ REAL ESTATE!!.! a In.. r ....d In ..... bualn••• are Mrs, I ~~r:Dlm~m Gutters Warm-Air Heating Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Work George M,ers and Co. BOX 48 KI 4-1214 CL 9-3358 Heinrich N. Knudsen CENERAL CONTRACTOR , 2906 BUTdo. Road Porkside, Pa. TRemont 2-5487 Belvedere Convalescent Home 2507 Chestnut St., Chester TRemont 2·5373 M-Hour Narlinl' Can Aled, senile, Chroalc COIlva1eacent Iden and women ExcelleD.' PCHHi - B,.cloD 0""'" Blua Cro.. PDnored SADIE PIPPIN TURNER. Proprldor Edward G. Chipman and Son General Contractor BUILDERS 'Since 1920' TILE FLOORS· PLASTIC TILE FORMICA COUNTER TOPS ROOFIND ••• SIDINI IIUSTOM KITCHENS ADDITIOIIS • ALTERATIOIS Fri. Es"••tts 1401 Ridley Avenue Chester, Pa. TRemont 2-4759 TRemont 2-5689 S_nhmore Isabel Efitabl1shed 1832 ~u1et, _lui 811l'l'Oundinp With boeDen' 24·Bour NursIDc Care KI ngswood 3 0272 ~~;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;~ lh.e Borough of swarthmore, Delaware Coupty. Pepnsy:vanla. LE'lTER8 'l·ESTAMENTARY on Qle above estate were granted t.o the under.lgDed; all persons lIldebted to lhe said es....te au requestd to make palo'ment, and thOfie baving claims to present the saDIe. without. delay, to Ea.rle P. Yerkes, 18 Princeton Avenue, Swarthmore. Pennsylvania. to to hie attorney. BuUer. Beatty, Oreer and Johnson. 11 scum Avenue. Media. Pennsylvania. 3tolo-3D CUSTOM IIISTALLATIONS : acee.ssor. defcorator furn iteturefand les rom an es t a 0 a pr-omment family. All in excellent condition. Tables, lamps, chairs, sofas •.plant.. ers, antique corner cupboard, I w"on and marble stand, 5-foot car.. ern black lacquered bar. student. tion Capehart record player L... dio cabinet, 17.. inch TV - - - - - - with AM and FM radio, FOUID sories, wooden vaI ances, FOUND _ Small amount of money bedspreads, etc. No dealers. in business section. Can KIngs- ably mentpriced. day orCan be wood 4-2291 and identify. wood 4-1343. LOST FOR BENT LOST - Pair of prescription sun FOR RENT _ Swarthmore, furnglasses along Crum Creek. Tan and white rims. LOwell 6.5083. ished apartment. Three rooms, LOST _ Checkered gray spring kitchenette, bath; near transportation, stores. References. KIngscoat, size 14%, labeled "Soreuss." wood 4.4112. Call LOwell 6-7433: ~;.:;...~~;;-====-==--:::­ ;<;'5;;;p=:;;;;C:'-'"",i"-'-=-;--;-;;~=d' FOR RENT-Attractive room, exLOST - Blue English bike 'with cellent food, laundry, share home. basket. KIngswood 34632. Rutledge, $35 weekly. Care can be LOS'T - LargeMexicansilver pin provided at extra cost. Box H, The set with carved green head. Swarthmorean. a PARK AVE., SWARTHMORE Klngswood 4·2727 ~ P."dura Fram."n'g ~rR RUSSELL RUllI;' Photographic Supplies 81'ATE .. MONROB ST8. MEDIA. LOwell 6-2176 OPEN FRlD"Y EVENINGS s.rv~..'i:~~ld~~~AMPBELL. I' ,Secreiaq of the Boa.rd DiLuzio a"nanRlDdOUlUsDo',lDln"DDlsD"l' ESTATE NOTICE Estate :~~~~~~~~~~~~~I KIngswood 3-4878. LOST - Beagle P!lP, eight months with meals. old. Call KIng.wood 3-0534. priced. KIngswood II, any bid. and to a."rd contracts to I contracta or Items '"" Ulan on lhea.DJ lowest . bidders. Idnd.mak1ng qual-I i;;;~;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~i;;;';;iWc~ and of ELEANOR B. BRAUN, &Iso known OS of ELEANOR BARKER BRAUN, Letters Admlnlat.ral.l.OIl on the above eatate have beeD granted to tho undersigned, who request. all persona bavtng claims or d~mEUlds asalna' the ealate ·of the deced.D' 10 m.~. .nown the sa.m.. IUld aU peraona 1ndebJ,ed to the decedent to mat., pa.yme.nt, wIthout delay. io A. n..vtd N. 8peerli. 41& Drew Avenue. pennsrlva.nla. or to the atthe est"te. Duane, Morris &: Land nUe BUlldlDg:i...i~ ; FL~rm~I1yST I CAR N S a 610 BalUmore Pike ~'8prlnC~e14J DeL Co~ Pa. 441 Saw It in The Swarthmorean" 21h story stone and frame Colonial home. overlooking wooded valley with stream, end of cul-de-sac, situated on beautifully landscaped acre with extra lot included. Center hall. living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen. library - den. rear screened porch, recreation roam, full basement. six bedrooms, two baths, two powder rooms. ' Convenient to Both Schools Owner Transferred $37,500 SWARTHMORE SWEENEY & CLYDE Eltablish.d 1858 rooms, TIle bath. Large full dry cellar; Screened porch. . Detached garage. Small but nice yard with shade. $21,500. BAIRD and BIRD Klngswood 4-1500 Opposite Boro Hall 29 E. Fifth Street TRemont 4-6311 Oldest Real Estate and Insurance Firm In Delaware County Specialh:ing in Properties in Swarthmore. Wallingford. Rose Vaney and Media Area. J. Ed.Rr' IIIJ" S ••••I D. CI,tI., Jr. ••"p PI..... I mllDllHDDllllDlIIltIIlllUClllllltnlllOllllmmll1 SWARTHMORE Nice living raom with fireplace, Family kitchen. Three bed- I Klngswood ]-0450 4-2156 CONVENIENTLY LOCATED RANCH HOME For the Newe.t Reader. Sa•••1 D, II,•• .111-1111 THE SWARTHMOREAN Hallowe'en Mischief r Exceeds Last Year's and window. soaped, and several young teen-agers slashed a tire of a car parked in a Yale avenUe driveway. The latter were apprehended and made to atone bv paYI'ng J ,15 for the tire and doing house. hold chores for the offended household A . er. n aerial was broken off another car in a driveway on Haverford place where police were told . SImilar damage had been being suff ered by residents during recent weeks. Saturday night's treats were stolen, bowls and all, out of a Walnut Jane horne. As late as Sunday broken windows in the Sea Scout house on Cresson lane were reported. A.mong the entrancing new chilPolice Chief Thomas V. Bateman dren's books are three which delight states that malicious misohief last in differing ways but share one, k f .ee ar exceeded last Hallowe'en large idea of the importance of in- ;n th ho h D ' dividuality. ' . . e roug. espite policemen Plc~m~ up numerous youngsters, Joan Walsh Anglund's third lit- st. nppmg them of dama""ng mater.. • t Ie bOOk "Look Out the Window" ]als and sen d·mg them to their (Harcourt, Brace and Company) homes, many cars and people were considers the child's whole world, deluged wI'th eggs an d shaving k ho uses, pets, people, and establishes cream • In add't' 1 Jon a roc was tos. the individual child - different sed through the window oC a busifr om all others - as its essential ness establ"IS h men t an d a cherry core. The illustrations are lively bomb through the d oor 0 f one h orne . . b'In 8' and imaginative, always luring the both jncl'dents oc curnng Wit reader on to new discoveries, in- three-block stretch of Dartmouth imitably Mrs. Anglund's own artis- avenue. try. This little book will amuse. Friday night between 7 p.m. and alert, and content its lucky readers. 1 a.m. was the worst but earlier in It has the perfect unity possible the week tissue was strewn, cars "I saw it In the Swarthmorean." when author-illustrator are one. ~;::;;;:=;::::;;;:;;:::;~~~~~~~~;;~~~~;~~~;~ "Happy Birthday," the new Dr. ~ "d ~ l$ Y lS Y 0 Seuss (Random House), his seVentEenth, ~elebrates a whirlwind of 8 typical Katroo birthday but makes a point of the Birthday Bird leading the birthday child to the ASK FOR FREE ''top of the toppeat blue space" whore he can shout wltll all bis HOME TRIAL 1I0wer and lungs No Obligation "1 AM II Wondering About. The Hoover Floor Washer? Pqe'l You are invited to a BAZAAR "CHRISTMAS 'ROUND THE COMMONWEALTH" sponsored by THE DAUGHTERS OF THE BRITISH IN PENNSYLVANIA E~PIRE benefit of VICTORIA HOME FOR THE AGED on MONDAY. NOVEMBER 9. 1959 at THE BELLEVUE-STRATFORD HOTEL II A.M. to 7 P.M. TEA FROM 12:30 P.M. 250 DONATION DOOR PRIZES ~~~~::::~~::::==~:;;;;;::5:;;;::::;;:::;;::::;~~;;;::~5;;:::::;:;;=~' -... OJ "" U .... Q ... U xV "" V - 'V ... ..., I I' '. Wash Your Clothes the "Profess."onal Wa," in Philco Bendix Tumble Action Double Load Washers, only - 30c Single Load..,- 20c Large Commercial Dryers Available for fOe For 10 Minutes FAIRVIEW LAUNDERCENTER (/,AI",J."", And; I may not know why KNOW'S Carpet But I know that I like it. Three CheerBI I AM I I" 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore. Pa. Woodlyn, Pa. 612 Fairview Road No adult can appreciate Dr.Seus. KI d 3 6000 CL b k until he reads his hooks aloud, of- , ngswoo ear roo 9-4646 ten accompanied by the eager, hur- l_=~P.~=~,D~:::::~~Il:::::::::::=:::1A.::::::::::~ljI:::::::::~J1.~=::::~fL~:::::::SI~_=~_'!=~Cl~=~..A-~~:::~~5l~:::::~Cl~::::::::~ljI::::::~Sl:::=:::$I~=:::~ljI=-:=!= rying chant of a child who knows . and can't wait for the next page, the next foolishly giddy rhyme. Children love the stories, the repetition, the adventurously silly pictures, the young bright gayety of I The third book "The Snowflake and the Stsrfish" (Knopf) is a beautiful one. It is illustrated by Leonard Weisgard and 'written by Robert Nathan, a gentle fantasy which tells of a lonely sea witeh who tries to entice young Vicky and Thomas to go home with her. With her seahorses harnessed· she takes them on a long, undersea journey, hoping that Vicky will want some treasure there enough to faIl within her spil'll. ltis Vlcki"s' c<>iitent, her wi1!h to remain herself "without any differences," that resolves the tale. Fantasy and reality are woven together in a way yount: readers can take to their hearts. H. D. CHURCH ~~~~~Dr~'~lt;,~~~~~adJ~oume,," ~~~~~~~~~~~;;:I f-ord. FOR LOweU SALE -6-4551. Period and modern 'lu 'ieeeet1fe,u' Sidl Dr. Seuss. ESTATE NOTICE ESTATE OF JESSIE I. YER.KES. late of WAITED FOR SALE - Coffe ... table, two WANTED _ Day's work. Ironing end tables, birch contemporary preferred. Swarthmore refer- design by Paul MeCobb. Excellent en-ces. TRemont -6~2857. condition. Hoover vacuum cleaner, Constellation model - ' all attach· WANTED Typing, manuscript i~~~~L~ik~e;"n!!:e~w;..K~In~g~sw~00~d~3~-~1~O~85~. work, stenography done at home.I~OR SALE _ CitIZens band transSWARTHIIOBE-R"UTLEDGE Will call for and deliver. KIngsceiver, Heath Company, Class UNION SCHOOL DI8TJUCT wood 3-3982. . mobile antenna and 12 SWABTRMO&E. PENN8YLV~ WANTED - To buy-used furni, included. Best offer I A4nrlbell1.u ture, modern or antique, china, ..al.d qUDI.UDD. wID be re •• lud at 111. oUice of &he swarthmore-RuUedge Union glassware, ·and bric-a·brac. Call School Db:trlct, cotDer of CoUeio and TRemont 2-7473. Princeton Annues. S ... ar\b.more_ PennaylWANTED - Situation as practical vania. up. to 8 p.m.. E.B.T., WcdoNdl.)', NOTeblDer 18,. li5" to be opened at. tha' nurse for ·post-maternity cases, time or at. & meetlDg of Ute School or baby sitting. 75 cents per hour. Excellent references. TRemont 2C;:~:!::~ 7159. from. school eqU1poo WANTED - Girl for part time fe"de,.s, oate'.s and can b. .e.unld beol p.m. dally except. work in small specialty shop. Rearrangemen t s SllDdays. at. the School ·ply.Box P, The Swarthmorean. f~::b~~,s~Love]y hand-knit or upon request by ma.ll. WANTED - Single or double ga.I The S. Crothers, the righ. to reJe.' ""Y Swarthmore. Can KIngs- Jrs., 435 Plush Road, Walling- or all b'" Dr In part. to award November 6, 1959 ••• BaltlJllore PIke .. LlneoJn Aft. Avenue. Morton, Delaware Count,.. PeJlDoo sylvanla. BUTLER. BEATl'Y, GREER aDd JOHNSON. 17 Souut Avenue, Med1&. PennaylvaDla. Swarthmore, Pa. ROOFING Convalescent Heme "y. CRESSON PRICHARD § a a ELNWOOD Jo'ICTITIOUS NAME REGISTRATION NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, purSUILD.' to Ule Act o( Asaembly No. 380, appoved Mo.,. 24, llK&. or 1n~DUon \0 file in the oUlce wmlWDIlIlUlWILaUmHWIIDlJllWlllUgUllwnmallU; 8 I i ~O~~T~l!!~ I of l.be Secretary 01 tile Commonwealth of PellllSylv&J1la, a'· Hardaburg, PeUDa•• and in the office of the Prothonotary of the Courl of Common pleas of Delaware COUDon Monday, the tt'l day of November, 1i51, a CertUlcate for lhe condue' of a business In Del.want Count.y. pennsylvania, under the ...,umed or fictlLloua name, atyle or designat.lon of :Y. WetnltelD and BoD, with ita principal place of business at 100 Park. Avenue, s ....rl.Ilm.ore. DeJa. wa.re county. PennaylvlUlla.' The nameS and addres.c. of all persona owning ot r Prichard !! HOW • .' Mrs. J. Arthur Hayes, a resident Ellis Plowman, a junior at Penn -, play five' prelude. for plano of Oberlin avenue, recently was State University, University Park The Swarthmore Music Club will Debussy. honored by Bates College in Lewis. visited her parents Mr. and Mrs: meet Sunday evening at 7 p.m. at A group of old Italian airs will ton, Me., where she was presented qeorge Plowman of Harvard avethe home of Mrs. Mildred Hutche- be sung by Mr. James Sorber, with a Distinguished Service nue over the weekend. She had as son, 330 North Swarthmore avenue. companied at the piano by Mrs. Award at the homecomingceremon- he.r guests Lynn Marvel of North_ Mrs. J. Francis Taylor will open Hutcheson. ies October 24. A native of Gard- field, N.J., also a student at Penn the program with two plano solos, iner, Me., she is a member of the State and Mary Giffin, a student Chopin's preludes No.6, 1 and ELECTED Class of 1902 at Bates. at Goucher College, Baltimore, Md. and "Jardins aux La Pluie," Dr. James L. Jezl of Cornell Mrs. Hayes has been active in Debussy. nue has been elected to the boart:!i work of the Alumni Association BICYCLE REPAIRING - PARTS Louise and Peter de Vries of directors of the American Chemmany years and did much to-, ACCESSORIES - KEYS MAOE playa Sonata for violin and piano ical Society, Philadelphia section. I WInd activating the Bates AJumni EVANS lIKE. LOCKSMITH SHOP :::~::..:==::..:=~==..=:~:==::-::-:=--=-:-,:,,:,,-=--=:-::=-,--~-- chapter in the Philadelphia area. Lind.. I .. d Merton Ave •• Last year she was made honorary Rltl ••,., KI 3·&404 president oC the local group. PERSONAL FOR SALE 'jHQ"iDllDDIIIDIJUDlllrmunlDWlmmuaoIlDIHIIIa~~ FOR SALE 1957 Chevrolet four PERSONAL - French lady will PRESENTS PBODRAM door Belair. Four new tires. Ex· give Fren-ch lessons. Five years Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman precellent condition. KIngswood 3experience. HIlltop 6-7044. sented a program of poetry for the ,,",eslos of the Belvedere Convalesfor parties, weddings, hOTS Home at the regular Wednesa specialty. EL_ Fancy Phone sandwiches day afternoon party. Familiar poems were read, with guests par- ~ B ticipating. Free Estimates ~3 A color schemo of yellow and 3a = white was carried out in all the ~ ~ appointments of the tea table. Mrs. ~ . Klngswood 3·8761 ~ . g H. Elliott Wells, Mrs. William B. g Pegram and Mrs. Frank G; Keenen enllDlUllmonmmllnnnolllDlllIIIKJnmmlnlDlllmllnnri assisted Mrs. Draper Turner. • • LEGAL NOTICE For nine to 13 years readers, Elizabeth Janet Gray's "The Cheerful Heart" (Viking) is a happy book which reflects the author's stated joy in ita writing. "Part 01 that joy has come from reliving in imagination the years I spent in Japan soon foIlowing the war ..• and in remembering the places, customs, incidents, and, above all, the children I had known there.' It is a simply tcld story of Tomi. her grandfather, parents and ·brother as they return to the city after the war to a new, much smaller. poorer house. Tom! and her brother have a dog; Tomi hag a bicycle Whose adventures might be matched in Swarthmore; Tomi longs for a rOOm of her own. This story of a staunch heart and laving courtesy is a happy way to bUild friendship between young readers. It is Mrs. Vining's first book for young readers in 14 years. Arts Center Presents 'Young Talent' Show. A "Young Talent" art show will "pen at the Community Arts Center on Rogers Lane, Wallingford, on Sunday, from 3 until 5 p.m. Five former students of Eleanor Bareiss' Fine Arts course in the Media High School will exhibit oil paintings, prints, .interior deco-ration sketches, and furniture desigu •. Robert Fleske and Sharples. Thompson, graduate of the Philadelphia MusI!um College of Art, respectively will show examples of Interior design and abstract exPressionist work; Nancy Livesey Griggsby and Alice Duembler Rostron, stud~nts tit Flei';'her Memorial will show oil paintings, and Donna Mathue. of Moore Institute ?f Art will exhibit printa and paint.. Ings. ( The public is' WeJcome &Del tea lrill be aerved. , ASCO WINCREST Mellow Even flavor I-lb. pkg. lighter Flavor I-lb. pkg. SAVE 3-Ib. pkg. 3-Ib. pkg. SAVE 12c SI.41 STEAKS * 35 c· * * HAMS California Iceberg Lettuce WHITE POTATOES SAVE PORTER HOUSE Lancaster Brand 12 to 16-lb" Ivg" FULLY COOKED SMOKED Shan~less Portion lb. Butt Portion lb. SAVE IDEAL BRAND 13c WHOLE RAISIN BREAD 4 GOL~::00LLY Frozen ORANGE JUICE KEE LIQUID DETERGENT .1~.O:l .... .' OLD 18c Lancaster Brand None 'Prlced Higher * T-BONE * SIRLOIN :;'~~ION Virginia Lee swAIITHMOItE STORE. Chester Road • Open ThWsday and Friday Ev1!nings 'til 10 6 C ,,,. I t, f ( ) i .1," THE Page 8 Mum. Society Enters Exhibit in Weekend Show The Delaware Valley Chrysan. themum Society whose monthly meetings are held in Borough Hall, is sponsoring 'an educational exhibit to show the average home gardener that he can grow show quality mums in a garden space as small as six feet by 10 feet. Tbe exhibit will be on view at the Chrysanthemum Show being held this weekend in the College Field House. Robert Honeyford, president of the society, and his -committee have included in this project displays demonstrating the steps from cuttings to blooms. Thanks Communit)' The American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 427, wishes to express its thanks to the community for the 86 packs of used playing cards contributed to the veterans of Coates. ville Hospital. --~", THOM SEREMBA UPHOLSTERY and SLIP COVERS 8 Years of Swarthmore Reference, Over 30 Years' Experience Phone SHARON HILL 0134 Estimates Without Obligation Annual WILLIAM PENN TOUR Led by Euell Gibbons Watch for details of this axcitingl960 tour of England and the Continent. ~ Write noW for Folder Call LO 6-1 808 DELAWARE COUNTY J. TRAVEL ACENCY 18 S. ORANGE ST. MEDIA, PA. MEMORIAL PARK in beautiful WEST LAUREL HILL ~ allY day from 9 to JI.. a.ont Ava. abo". City line Bal...C¥nwvd Slop 1n Office 01 Oode Tower for guidance Northern EBBtem W'8tern Total SOHOOL DIRECTOR - At Large 365 -- 1094 Anderson, Republican ••..•........ 367 362 668 209 McCorkel, Democrat •....••....•.. 256 204 SCHOOL DIRECTOR - Swarthmore 390 - 1187 Spencer, Republican •........•.•.. 405 392 561 179 Richards Democrat ••.•....•..••• 216 167 , SCHOOL AUDITOR 419 - 1244 401' Bingham, Republican .......••..•• 424 501 147 163 Dumm Democrat ................. 191 , AUDITOR 408 - . 1237 406 MacMillan, Republican ......•..... 423 483 145 151 Dumm Democrat ................. 187 , BOROUGH COUNCIL 416 - 1277 Gowing, Republican .....•...••..•. 445 416 403 - 1226 Lukens, Republican ..........•.... 421 402 409 - 1269 Bloom, Republican .........••..... 445 415 555 172 179 P eterson Democrat ............... 204 565 186 220 159 , Russell Democrat ............... . ~ Having a baby? ~ , .JUDGE OF THE SUl'REME COURT 428 - 1306 424 § Taking a trip? ~ G unther Republican _............. 454 Century Club of West Chester , 151 124 122 397 Eagen Democrat ........•........ ~ Annual Antiques Show , JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT § Neecl help? ij Clubhouse, High ond Locey· Street~ 406 423 -1267 38 4 Johnson Republican ............. . Nove";ber 10. II, and 12 434 , 141 131 ~ Call LOwell 6-0272 Montgomery Democrat ............ 162 . Tue •. & Wed. II A.M. 10 P.M. ~ ~ JUDGE OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS § § . Thursday II A.M. - 6 P.M. ;:,IIIIOllllllll1l11tllIllIIIIlIllDIIIIIIIIIUltllllllllmIICllllllllllllan Curran Republican .......•....... 338 301 320 959 I ••••• ~¥¥¥ ••••• ¥~¥ 269 253 806 Olmsted, Democrat ............... . 284 , COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 369 - 1216 430 390 Watkins, Republican .............. 389 336 388 - 1113 Swing, Republican ............... . 108 294 90 96 k D emocra t ............. '. . 272 Helyne, 255 208 -- 735 Welsh Democrat ................ . , RECORDER OF DEEDS • When you need drugs orsun408 1267 dries telephone us for free dePappano, Republican •.............. 448 411 455 146 164 145 livery. Also, we 'pick up pr<;- ~~f/;,;~®~ Dunn, Democrat ......•........... scriptions and deliver the mew- .. DISTRICT ATTORNEY cines-you pay only the regular 422 . 450 1284 412 Fox, Republican ........•......... prescription Price. Call usl 140 438 139 Lord, Democrat ................... 159 COUNTY TREASURER 432 -- 1304 417 Bullen, Jr., Republican •........... 455 119 408 138 Schuppert Democrat .............. 151 , PROTHONOTARY 423 -- 1290 413 REED, Jr., Reptibli.c;an ............ 454 Klngswood 3-05.86 131 433 143 Kraft, Democrat ................ 159 COUNTY SURVEYOR 400 - 1229 402 Damon, Republican .............. . 427 . 603 158 156 Dickey, Democrat ................ . 189 No y"" 304 906 Large Crop - Fine Quality - Reasonable Price8 Amendment l-A · 340 888 Amendment 2-A 181 1062 , Amendment 3-A ; i ********************-, & ! ~'P~tZ'~/ CATH ERMAN1'S DRUG STORE S~::~a~;,e A PPLES ................................. . · ................................. . · ........... ..................... . DBE Hold Bazaar Mrs. Wi11iam H. Brown and Mrs. Agnes M. Haig Sheldon of Swarthmorc, and Mrs. J. H. Gordon McConechy of Media are members of the Daughters of the British Empire of Pennsylvania which is staging a bazaar Monday in the Bellevue-Stratford fro mll a.m. to 7 p.m. Carrying the theme "Christmas 'Round the Commonwealth," the event will benefit the Victoria Home for the Aged. Since You Know About All Ihe Big Items We Have in Our Siore - Did You Know About These? GLUES and PASTES, etc. Testors Extra Fast Drying Testors Fast Drying Testors Plastic (tube) Testors ~Plastic (bottle) Dueo Tube Paste -- Tubes to I-pint botfles Eimers Glue All -- 2ge, 59c, 98e Ambroid • Pliobond Walthers Goo CLAY I-lb. Non-Hardening Plain and .Colors I to 5 lb. day flour 5, 10, 25 lb. moist clay Mexican Potters dny GLITTER IOc tubes - 25c jars - 1/4 lb. bags SEQUINS Indian Seed Beads, Bugle Beads PHOTO MAT BOARDS - 3 sizes TEMPERA PAINTS - 22 Colors POSTER BOARDS White and Colors COINS FOR COLLECTORS- Books and Value Books .BALSA WOOD CONSTRUCTION PAPER LINOLEUM BLOCKS Knives, Inks, Rollers WATER COLORS and Sets OIL COLORS and Sets CORK BALLS TOY SOLDIERS STAMPS for Collectors KITTY LITTER KRYLON Spray Paint MAGIC MARKERS .The Camera & Ho••, Shop KI 3-4191 I MOTHERS = What Do We Stock? 4-6 iugs. Or come to the High School on Monday nights. A card or note ad. Begin Play Monday dressed to Box 251, Swarthmore, will get a prompt reply. The Badminton Group of the Swarthmore Athletic' C I u b will begin play next Monday, at the Mr. and Mrs. Richard Millard 'high school gymnasium from 8:30 have rented and moved into the Landis house at 609h Yale till 10 :30 p.m. . avenue. • Their children, Step en 1D seventh . This a~lma~d. gr~up ?f bIrd grade, Sharon in fourth grade, and watchers IS ~gmmng ~ts t~lrd year Sally in first grade have transfer_ as an actIve orgamzation, and d f the Eatontown N.J I liS th d re rom , ., w~ comes a. ~~r ~lO:ea~: a~ schools to the Swarthmore _ RutfrIends to partlcIpa 1D I S 10- ledge School system. formal badminton play scheduled to be carried on from November ='UIIIIIIIChUIIRmlDllllllllunDIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIHIICIIIIUmP: through March on Monday nights. Those interested should call Phil Swayne at KI 4-1324 during the Planning a.VIP dinner? i! evening, GE 8-7545 during the day, § § § and KI 3-1719 on Saturday mornBadminton Group Will How Swarthmore Cast Its Vote / Seethe SWARTBMOREAN Park Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. Friday 9 to 8:30 'Stellar Constellations' Topic for Sigma XI Dr. William J. Luyten, 'professor of astronomy and director of the obseI'vatory at the University of Minnesota, will speak to the Swarthmore College Chapter of Sigma Xi on "Stellar Populations, Dying Stars and Stellar Evolution," after a dinner meeting of the chapter on Friday, November 13. The public is invited to the lecture at 8: 15 p.m, in the new Pierre S. duPont auditorium on the campus. Dr. Luyten's major field of research has been stellar motions, galactic structure and "white dwarfs." The latter were first discovered about 40 years ago, and are stars no bigger than a planet but with a mass almost that of the sun They are believed to he "dying sta~s," the after effect of...a catastrophic stellar explosion and representatives of the last stage of stellar evolution. These extremely faint stars are matter in the Taw - collapsed atoms - with densities such that one cubic inch of such a star might weigh one to 100 tons. According to Dr. Luyten they provide a good test for Einstein's theory of relativity and allow scientists to study matter under conditions which could never be appro.ximated on earth. LWY UNIT MEETING' The evening unit meeting of the League of Women Voters scheduled for Monday at 8 will meet at the home of the chairman Mrs ..Charle~ Heislert 74.Forest lane, instead or at the home of Mrs. Charles Maass as originally announced. Mrs. Francis Bouda will lead the discussion on "United States Forw eign Economic Policy." """""" ********f.. CIDER A Specialty EGGS Always Good POULTRY - POTATOES - VEGETABLES CHRYSANTHEMUMS - HONEY , -VISIT- Wolff's APpie Holise LIMA, PA. Hours: 9a.m.-7:30p.m. 10 a.m. _ 7:30 p.m. Pbone LO•• 6-1680 Sunday n "You Meet Pennen Road 1/. Mile South of Traffic Light the Nicest People at Speare Bros." and "They Do Sell Nice TMngsat Speare Bros." • ( EDGMONT A.VENUE - .... • SEVENTH AND WELSH BTREBTII NOVEMBER STORE HOURSMonday _ Thursday - Friday - 9:30 to 9:00 Tu8sday _ Wednesday. Saturday .- 9:30 to 5:30 Harris TYleed SPUN. HAND-WOVEN Finished in the Outer Hebride~ of Scotland You could look the world over but you'd never find tweeds with such Fashion flair, such unusual comeheather colors, such soft-to-the-touch textures. And nO WELFARE two patterns are ever exactly alike! Those who asle for DESSERT BRIDGE the famous Harris Tweed label will be rewarded with i Swarthmo~e Woman's Club Tuesday, Nov. 17 I o'Clodt Plea .. Bting Your Own Card. Donation $I.DO season 'after season of beautiful wear. $36.98 - $69.95· Custom and Misses Sizes - Attend iJ'Io'nrtlmor" t;olleut' Lihrn~"y Sv!,:rthworc . Aitena Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Services Services Nov. 26, 9 A.M. Nov. 26,9 A.M. , t,> , I I. ; t 7,; VOLUME 31-NUMBER 46 $4.00 Swal'thmore, Pa., Friday, November 13, 1959 , ~. PER YEAR j Trinity Ladies·Slage 'Slar Bedecked Fair' Mmes. Ryerson, Watkins Head Thursd~y's Organ, Vocal Recital At Trinity Sunday Announcement was made this week of a joint recital to be given this coming Sunday evening, at 8 pm. in Trinity Episcopal Church. Heard in this recital will be Betty Barbara Letts, alto, and Robert Smart, organist. These artists have appeared together before in Swarthmore in similar recitals, and both are residents of the area. The public is cordially invited. Nod Given for 14 More Homes in Boro Increase in Business Building Also Junior Varsity Club Plans Football Day The Junior High School Varsity Club will hold a football day on the Riverview Field tomorrow morning. The program begins at 10 with a game betw""n the Swarthmore Junior High Middleweights and Yeadon .. At approximately 10:45, a sixth grade all star team will play the Junior High Lightweights. Finally at 11 :45 the fourth annual Old Shoe Game between two squads of the Junior High Heavyweights will be played. Varsity Club souvenir programs will be available at ,sehool and at the game. Also sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth 'g:rade cheerieaders will be on hand to cheer for their teams. __________ John Seybold to Direct Inl'l Seminar· Program I, • Wo'man's Club Annual I Benefits Area Charities Favored The philanthropic dessert-bridge Borough Council approved subIt's Holiday Fair season as Trinof thc Woman's Club of Swarthdivision of three properties, two ity Church, Swarthmore, sponsors more is set for Tuesday at 1 o'cloclc for private, owners and one for a its annual pre-Christmas fete. With at the clubhouse. Mrs. Walter N. developer at its November .session ,jA Star Bedecked Christmas" as Moir, chairman of the health and Monday evening. their theme and stars for a general welfare department, will be in Permission to split the H. W. decorative motif, the ladies of charge, assisted by hel' co-chail"Borden property extending along Trinity have }jeen planning a truly man . ~Irs. Harold E. Goldsmith. Drexel avenue at Park avenue was stellar occasion this year. Fair day Mrs. Moir has announced her comgranted. Similar· approval was will be Thursday, November 19 mittee as foUows: given for the J. Roy Snape prop~ from 10 :30 a.m. to fl p.m. Bake.table, Mrs. J Paul Brown, erty, 737 Harvard avenue, with the Mrs. W. Newton Ryerson and Mrs. William W. Turner, Mrs. provision that a registered engi~Irs. William W. Watkins, co...chairThomas M. Jackson; flower ar... men of the -event, have released the Family to Leave in January neer's approval of foundation for rangements, Mrs. R. Franklin house to be erected on the Crum names of committee heaps of the for 19 Months Yeager; door prizes, Mrs. Charles Creek side be obtained. many and varied booths contributR. Gerner; ticket collection, Mrs. in Paris Robert S. Bird. realtor, presenieq ing to the overall gaiety of the David Bingham, Mrs. H. LeRoy John W. Seybold, industrial re- preliminarl-' plans for a 12-house scene. In charge o! the apron table MrCune; posters anrl tallies, Mrs. lations director for Printing Indus- building operation off Haverford are Mrs. Raymond Hildebrand and Wells M. Forbes; dessert, Mrs. D. tries of Philadelphia. Inc., has place. with a roadway entering the Evening Auxiliary; attic, Mrs. Mace Gowing, Alice Marriat; table been granted a 19.month leave of from that street and exiting into R. T. Bates and Mrs. W. C. Giles; settjng, Mrs. Gorton \V. Brush; books. Mrs. M. N. Morrison and absence to take on an assignment Michigan avenue. Council said it Combined LWV Luncheon table reservations, Mrs. Johan Nat.. I d f Th d Mrs. J. B. Bullitt; ·candy, Mrs. Ed- abroad as European Director of the saw no objection to the plan but vig, (KI 3·0324). International Student Seminar referred MI'. Bird to the local and S ate or urs ay ward Duel'; children's shop,· Mrs. The proceeds of the bridge will Program of the American Friends county planning commissions for at· I P.M_ Benjamin Proske and Mrs. M. E. Service Committee. He will leave approval. )\11'05. Clair 'Vilcox will be guest be used for contributions to the Tippett; Christmas cards, Mrs. C. early in January to head the proPaul:'.1. Paulson was granted speaker Thursday at the member- various philanthropies of the club, s. Cleaves; Christmas decorations, gram in Europe, the purpose vf permission to extend his Park ave- ship meeting and luncheon of .the among which are the Community Mrs. W. B. Scher and Mrs. James which is to foster international un- nue business and apartment build~ League of \Vorr.~n Voters at 1 Nul' .s i n g Service of Delaware Patchell; coke bar, Mrs. R. A. derstanding and good will among ing to med an adjoining alleyway, o'clock at the Ingicneuk. SW8rth- County. Dental Clinic for SwarthHawley. graduate studc:1ts of all countries in consideration of a three-foot more will be joined at this time by more-Rutledge Public S c h 0 0 1s • In charge of the dining room will through an exchange of views on grant which would enable the alley- members from the Nether Provi- Family S e r vic e of Delaware be Mrs. H. U. Gibson with Mrs. world problems. way to be widened to 15 feet. dcnce League as they consider to~ County, Gil"l Scouts of America. Joseph Reynolds responsible for The Seybold family. whose home Completion of Drexel avenUe pav_ gother the problems of United Murch of Dimes 1 Pennsylvania Asthe luncheon and Mrs. Paul Banks is on Amherst avenue, plans to li~e ing and curbing at a cost of $6959, States foreign economic policy. sociation for the Blind, Pennsyl .. the afternoon tea; dolls, Mrs. Rob~ in Paris during Mr. Seybold's for- of which $4200 w!ll be borne by Mrs Wilcox and her husband vania Society for Crippled Chilert. Turner j dried arradgements, eign service. The French capital is abutting property owners and the have ;eturned recently from Pakis~ dren and Adults, Inc' J Red Cross. Mrs. P. J. Freeman; fish pond, Mrs. where the Friends International balance by the borough, was re- tan where Dr. \Vilcox, professor at (Continued on Page 5) Center - the program's headquar~ ported. Swarthmore College, spent a year ters -- is located. A request for approximately a:.:; member of an eleven-man team Mr. Seybold has long been active ~2000 of cquipment for the Fire of experts employed by the Pakiswith the American Friends Service Company ,"'!.8.S appro~:ed subje~t t.o. tani gC"ernment-b:> .·help· set up a Committee and has· recently been· review by the finance and public five~year economic recovery plan. Turn-out at Last Week's a member of the boal'd and chair- safety committees in conjunction The group, from various countries, Opener Exceeds Mrs. Shmidheiser Named man of the Personnel Committee. with the company. was chosen by the Littauer School He has resigned from both in order The health and sanitation com- of Public Relations of Harvard 200 County Fine Arts to become a staff member. mittee reported, in line with con~ University and paid for by the Ford Garnet Canteen.~ which opened Chairman Among other things, Mr. Sey- sideration of land acquirement for Foundation. its 1959.60 season with 216 teenMembers of the Junior Woman's bold has taught economics at future recreation needs of com~ During the discussion period agers in attendance Saturday nigbt, Club of Swarthmore ",ill gather in Swarthmore College and served as mUllities in this al'ea, a survey of members will consider proposals for will enjoy a full length feature the clubhouse at 8 p.m. Tuesday to wage stabilization director for this Swarthmore revealed 26 per cent a foreign policy item, to be pre- .movie and a "sock hop" from 8 to engage in a Christmas Workshop. five-state area with the War Labor of the borough is now open area sen ted to Convention for the 1960- 11 p.m. tomorrow in the Rutgers Mrs. Wmilm Nolan and he, art Board. He joined PIP in 1946. He being used or_usable for this pur- 62 bienniem. Avenue School all"purpose room. Mrs. William C. McDeTIIlott will A get-acquainted bingo, directed committee and Mrs. Robert Pem w is a member of the Mayor's Eco- pose. the r ef 0 r e this community berton and her American home nomic Advisory Committee and the should not invest in any further preside at the meeting, which was by Jack Poole, for a door prize won committee will cover every phase Advisory Committee of the Fair purchase of this kind. arranged by Mrs. Holden Furber by Jim Foley was a feature of last of Christmas. (Continued on Page 5) Parents Blamed and her committee. Mrs. Thomas week·s evening of fun, games and The spirit of St. Nick will prevail During a general discussion of Reynolds is president of the guest dancing. Novelty dances included as the members watch a demonstraincreasing juvenile delinquency in League, and the Nether Providence spot (won by Joan McGarvey and tion of va~ious kinds of .gifts, smal1 the borough Council and Burgess committee 'On foreign relations in- Dave Nickle), mystery girl (in decorations, tree skirts, candles, Joseph Re~olds cited police at- cludes Mrs. Carl Chase, chairman. which Martha Tillcr and Andy Gay and kits from a Philadelphia detcmpts to help errant boys seemed turned out to be the mystery girls, partment store. A busy committee Get Acquainted Party Ito come to naught due to a lack of K. Welsh, C. Brodhead found by Skip Bernard and Christy has also made aprons, mail bags, cooperation on the part of parents. Elected 1960 Captains Decker), multiplication, bunny hop, lapel pins, and other Christmas Series Scheduled for Mexican hat, and Paul Jones. items. Thursday Adult Forum Schedules I Tuesday's hockey game ende~ a Connie Johnson, Karen Schlo..... One of the club's membe~s, Mrs.. Mothers' Club will hold "Get AcI" f S successful season for the hIgh ser and Sue. Reese composed the roPane DISCUSSion or un. school girls' varsity and JV teams. freshments committee. Boys in W illiam E. Shmid.heiser, J r., h as ainted" Parties in the homes of • d f'me ar t s ch' qu A panel discussion on the "Role The varsity won most of theil' charge of equipment were Butch b een apPOInte 2.11'":an board memberS ne·~t Thursday eve' of Religion in Contemporary Arner- games, losing only to Westtown, Hofmann, Ralph Kletzien, Doug tlon f d F o the.D eIaware C0, un t y e era . nl'ng, November 19. . Society" will be held at the and the JV was undefeated. Wrege, Jerry Liddell and Chuck h ican b I n. t .'S of J Unto}' Woman s CI • u.s. Written invitations are bemg Adult Forum of the Friends McetOn Thursday the game was '. (Continued on Page 8) capacity, M-rs. ShmIdh ~Iser 1S m ent to all club membel's for these • N charge of art, drama, literature, I~n form a 1 '.fget-togcthers." The ing Sunday morning at 9:45. played at home· against Darby. 0 .. f :Murray Friedman, director of the goals were scored in the first half, Muriella C. Johnson music, and log book actiVltJesJ or parties are ,planned early in the American Jewish Committee, will but in the second half Sue Campthe county and will direct the unaoon so that mothers may have I EI I MurieUa Cianci Johnson, wife of ior Arts Festival in Mareb. asen opportupl'ty to become acquaint. join Roy McCorkel, Way and s- bell Carol Zimmerman, and Phi bree and John Seybold, all mem- Hin'd each score·d one goal. In the Harry L. Johnson, died Monday, ed with each other in a personal bers of the Meeting, in discussi~g JV game N aney Gatewood, Deane November 2, at her home in Sa.College Qui~ Team and f riendly way. Mrs: H.• Leland this. topic. Calhoun, and Cindy R 0 b erts each vannah, Ga., following a long illClifford, president and Mrs •. John scored one goal also. ness. She was 59-. To Meet Ohio State A native SW8rthmorean, she had W. O'Brien, vice president, will at. JR; ASSEMBLIES TO MEET Tuesday's game was played at d h of tli'e·se· parti· .. to wel. The Wl·nn·,·ng Swa~thmore College resided with her family at 303 Park • ten e a c . . ., . Th~ Juniot Assemblies will meet Ridley Park. In the varsity game quiz team will try for its third win metribe;'s· . ., Abb W avenue for 50 years 'prior to the come new.... . , .... : Monday at the Woman's Club. The Phyllis Hind and y arnes Sunday against Ohio State on the Gatherings .,. ~re to, .•.pe·: ·in.;, th~. '11 b M scored the two goals. Marsha Hunt move to Georgia in January of this . . M ~iith grade hostesses WI ers. G . E. College Bowl tolevision homes of Mrs .. :Toho,cHarv:eY"'I:"' Glen Smith and Mrs. Karl Fox. made the only goal for the JV. year. She was a graduate of Swarthgram. The f 0 u r Swarthn:'~re Joseph Irwin and. Mrs.·, ._ a .e~ 'Seventh grade will be chaperw Ridley Park was scoreless the en~ more High School and the Damscholars have proven their abIhty Schleyer. Co-hostesses are ~Irs. oned by Mr. and Mrs. William tire game. to recall facts instantaneously by George R. DJlnn, Mrs .. Fr&nkl~'1l Campbell and Mrs.· Merrill B. On Tuesday night the girls cele- r.osch School of M~sic, New York defeating Southern Methodist Unl- Nolt and Mrs.·EinlSeott. . '. Hayes. Eighth grade hosts and host- brated with a dinner at Susan City, now the Julliard School of versity two weeks t\~O and Holy ~.. esses are Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Gowingts home on ,Parrish road for Music. A former opera singer, she Cross la;t Sunday. With each vicWIL, Board to Maat ' Purnell and Mr. and Mrs. Pierce the varsity and seniors and a des- had studied, with various maestros. tory, the team brought back $1,500 The board of directors o~ .the MacNair. sert at Carol Zimmerman's which and had sung with 'Several opera to the College for its scholarship Swarthmore brancb, Women s Inci included the rest of the team. After companies.· In addition to her husband, she fund. ternational League for p~coe an la.llilad , dessert the co-captains and manaThe program appears on Chan- Freedom, will meet at 12.3 ~:. Frank R. Markley, Guernsey gers for the sea~on of 1960 were is survived by a daughter, Mrs. nell0 at 6 :30 p.m. Friday (today) at the hOIme ofWall: road vice president of transporta- elected. The co-captains chosen James Collins and two grandchildren in Savannah; and a siste:t The Swarthmore team memhers Ida P. StabI er, •n--rs Bbring ne ...,;~ u1d' tlon'for the Sun Oil Company, was were Kath Y Wei."I' and Charlotte are Peter Smith of Swarthmore, ingford. Members sho Bell '11 installed Saturday 88 a trustee of Brodhead, the _nagers were Mrs. Allen L. Putnam· of Lafayett• avenue. Philip Momherger of Yeadon, Arin sandwiches. Mrs. Colin W. WI Wilson College, Chambersburg. Ann Keley and Lila Cooper. \ Brownel.! of New York, and Ann Singleterry of Bethesda, Md. preside. Holiday Fete r!. Dessert-Bridge Sel For I P.M. Tuesda, l' f f Mrs. Wilcox to Speak On U.S.Economic Policy Moyie, 'Sock Hop' at Oanteen Tomorrow Junior Club Plans. Ohristmas Workshop Informal Gel-Togethers S I f Mothers Olub ,e or Pro- I I two • . .....eZ. Personals Dr. and Mrs. J. B. RobU..cher of College avenue had as their houseguests last weekend Mr. and Mrs. David Allen Scott of Washington. D.C. and the Scott's two children, Alison and Anne. Mr. and Mrs. Scott came to attend the christening services of Dr. and Mrs. RobitBcher's infant d aug h t e r, Christine Ann, at the Presbyterian Church. Christine's mat ern a I grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Begeman of Austin, Tex. Mr and Mrs Donald W K nt with "their infa~t daughter' A:na have moved from Radnor and are Ilaw residing at 320 Dartmouth avenue. Mrs. M. R. Dimmitt has returned to her home on Rutgers avenue fol· lowjng a three week visit with her brother·in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Philip Smith in Fulton, Mo. Mrs. Edith Kenney, nurse for the Swarthmore Schools from 1941 to 1958, has moved from Gillet, Wis., to 276 Santa Isabel, Costa Mesa, Cal. Mrs. Kenney is working in one of the hospitals at Long Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Hulme of Haverford place have as their guest Mrs. Hulme's grandmother Mrs. C. F. Williams who arrived Wednesday from Montclair, N.J., Mrs. Williams will help celebrate her grandson Randy's third hirthday this weekend. Miss Edna M. Wagner has recently moved from 209 Rutgers avenue to 112 Park avenue. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Lyon Chandler, formerly of Providence road, Wallingford, are now residing in the Dartmouth House. Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Markley of Guernsey road are in Chicago The Bouquet I Jr.,. of Guernsey road, returned November 4 f~om a two month's business trip whIch took him to AustrBilia. New Zealand. the Philippines. Hong Kong and Japan. Mr. and Mrs. Paul M• P FoU Ison THE PLAYERS CLUB OF SWARTHMORE presenfl "The Dia.., 01 Anne Frank" STATE INSPECTION - NOV. DEC. JAN. ROBERT J. ATZ, Igr. ;~~);;;;;;;;;;;;;;C;;lo;;se;;d;;s;;a;;tu;;rd;a;y;;I;2;:3;0;;P;.M;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Mr. and Mrs. Elic C. Sharpless of Wayne announce the birth of a daughter. Carolyn, on November 10' at Lankenau Hospital. M... Paul· Sharpless of Cornell avenue and the late ·Mr. Sharples. are the infant's mdternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kingsley of Lexington. Mass., are the paternal grandparents. 1I11D11IIUIUUlDUIMllllIDaIUIlIIHlDUIIHIUIIKJUIIIIIKIIU(e . . ~ I BuHel Luncheon § Served Daily i Both Hot 6o" Cold Dishes I $1.25 I 8§ • G E Buffet Dinners ; = E ~ ~ . ~ §Thursday 5 to 9 - Sunday 3 to 8 g ~ E ; $2.75 Noy. 13, 14. Curtain Time 8:20 P.M. and Th.ir 6 ..... loA_'*' Dr. and Mrs. J. Richard Hart of Geneva, N. Y., annOUnce the birth JUMBO LAMB Route I, Ba Itrmore Pike L (4 MUes West of Media) ~ri.e8 "'. CIDER A Specialty - AlwaY8 Good ECCS • POULTRY. POTATOES - VECETABLES CHRYSANTHEMUMS - HONEY -VISIT- Wolff's Apple House Hours: 9 a.m.' 7:30 p.m. Sunday 10 a.m.· 7:30 LIMA, PA. p.m. Phona LOwell 6·1680 Freth grapefruit Juice. Or. autumn day, a • 'eaming' bowl of aronlotic S'rath Haven style Vegetable B.of Barley soup. I strawberry '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ H-.O· TRAIN FANS LIMITED QUANTITY-",IMITED TIME OFFER - Regular $19.95 "Mother Hubbard" Locomotive and Tender ONLY $10.95 The Camera &Hobby Shop 4·6 Park Avenue, Sw.arthmore, Pa. Friday 9 to 8:30 luncheon: J2 to 2 Dinner from 5:30 P.M. Sunday Dinner from , ,.Ai. CIo,.d Moncla,.. i STRATH HAVEN INN Swa.rthmo... Pa • .- an LO 6-2449 Wallingford, Pa. r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 Ro~ Valley Nurseries, Inc. Middletown Road - Media, Pa. Opposite High Meadow (between Dutton Mill Road and Knowlton Road) • CUSTOM LANDSOAPE WORK • Friendly Sound Advice - FREE Telephone TRemont 2·7206 At!< for BEN PALMER DESICN and CONSTRUCTION Walls - Walks· Terraces PLANT HOLLAND BULBS Now for Spring Color • EVERCREENS BROAD·LEAVED EVERCREENS HYBRID CLEMATIS - CROUND COVERS SWARTHMORE DEMOCRATIC TICKET Open 1:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Daily and Saturday ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~========================~~~ -....... ----:::=--./' The welcomed change • • • th.t 1'110 weel,nd at Thuhgi';l!9 •••.•,peci.lly on S5 25 • Ihe"ce.~n·s,~dge •. , . Thanhgi.i.g DU I.atur., • Ira/iIi.nal lurie, dinner wllh ,II the trimmings. Thinksgjling dance, music, telnisioA, othel" enlerlain:nero'. Buchfronl sundeds. lounges, and enclosed solaria. Ice rial. Hot and cold oceon w~ler in aU balhs. Co" Atlan,ic Cit, S·12rr In New York, MU 2.4849 Twi. .,ilh 11th lrom 113. --------------------------....•• •••••• .............. •••••••••••• •••••••• ~ --.••".- abUndant life! • •••••• • ••••••• , .- ...••............• ••••• ••••••• & Next year, shop with cash for Christmas! Start your ((Key" Christmas Club now The amount you put into your "Key" Christmas Club is up to you. There's no charge for opening your account. Now's the time to get started ••. and the place is the Provident Tradesmens office nearest you. Make it all fun, no bills at Christmas next year! It's like receiving a wonderful present yourself . . . getting the cash you need for Christ· mas shopping! You can have .that lucky feeling next year and you can forget all about those worrisome bills that used to arrive after the holidays. Just open your "Key" Christmas Club right now. TRADESMENS PROVIDENT Bank and Trust Company Delaware County Offices: Media LO~ 6-4300 Chesler Rd. &, CoJleqeAve. 107 Wallingford Avenue !'lone of our. local c;andiclates was elected, but they honored our tIcket. We w,1I continue to present able candidates in future elections. M(~ believe in a two·party system. we believe in a loyal "pposltIon. and we abhor political apathy. • . Between elections we hope to show a lively interest in Borough Cou"neil and School Board since we believe that ~~;'::ti~ ~ha: ::~rl~~e strong locally, if it is to be strang nation- IEWS HOTES Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Dillon ehildren; Madelyil, who has entered Mrs. Robert Enders' kindergarten class, and Roderick, Jr., age 3, formerly of Bloomington, III., have tsken an apartment at 137 fh·lv.on I avenue, Rutledge until next ary when they expect to move to Newark, O. Mr. and ·Mrs. Philip H. Witham and family, formerly of Parrish road, have returned from Europe, whe.... they spent the past month driving throu·gh England. Belgium. France, Switzerland, Italy, and Spain before flying' back to their ,present home on Lake Mohawk, N.J. They will re, is the founder of Wednesday, November 18 AUTOMATIC Haven avenue. the poetry department. 7 ;00 A.M. - Holy Communion. 9 :30 A.M. - Boll' Communion. Ruth Circle wiJ] meet at the Mrs. Russell Yeager of Rutledge 8 :00 P.M. - Evensong home of Mrs. Baldwin Bridger, decorated the reception and enterThursday, November 19 1319 Ardsley road, Tuesday _at 8 tainment rooms. A display of work 9 :30 A.M. - Holy Communion. p.m. the members,. including paint10 :00 A.M. - Healing Service. The Pastors' Breakfast Prayer mgs, ceramics, poetry and prose, THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Group will meet at the church at 8 was on exhibition OF FRIENDS HOUSE HEATING I a.m. Wedn~sd,ay.. . I A skit, "The'. Humaniphone", Sunday, November 15 Every part of the house is warm The LAd,es BIble Class w1l1 hold written by two members of the club 9 :45 A.M. - First-day School. 9:45 T.M. - Adult Forum: Panel its regular meeting and covered and comfortable when you ' Discussion on "Religion in Con.. dish luncheon on Wednesday at ~~~l!! have automatic gas house temporary American Society". heating. Be assured of uniform, THOM SEREMBA ~ 11:00 A.M. - Meeting for Wor- 12:30 at the home of Mrs. Walter dependable heat automatically, ship. Children eared for in Whit- H. Lovekin, 408 Haverford place. UPHOLSTERY and SLIP COVERSI even in the coldest weather. Members are reminded to bring 8 Years of Swarthmore References tier House. An are welcome. articles for the Deaconess Home. Over 30 Years' Experience Gas is piped directly to the Monday, November 16 All-day sewing for the A.F.S.C. house, eliminating fuel delivery The Cottage Prayer Meeting will Phone SHARDII HILL 013 .. Tuesday, November 17 b h Id t th h f' Estimates Without Obligation , and storage problems. e omeo ulr, and Mrs ....~S~ 8;00 A.M. - Monthly Meeting for e e a S. W. Johnson, 41 Amherst avenue Business. at 8 p,m. Wednesday. David Hurst Wednesday, November 18 BUDGET PLAN will be the leader, All-day sewing for the A.F.B.C. I For added convenience, gas house heatFIRST CHU:ttCH OF ing payment. can b. made In equal CHRISTIAII SCIEIICE NOTES CHRIST, SCIENTIST l Why should your child "be qood"? amounts over a lo..mon.h period. Get SWARTHMORE Mankind's need of spiritual re- Because h, is afraid of God? Is any I mare details from the CUllom.,' Service Park Avenue below Harvard generation ·and renewal wilt be such teaching a hea:!hy basis for a I Department of your nearest PhiladelphIa Sunday, November 15 brought out at Christian Seience child's life? In the Unitarian church, I Electric office. 11 :00 A.M.-Sunday Schoql. children and parents are encouraged Sunday by the Lessonservices 11:00 A.M.-The Lesson - Sermon to seek a more positive way of living, will be entitled "Mortals and Im- Sermon entitled "Mortals and Im- to desire goodness because it ;s most Get nIw. iol."._ioa ..... _ IfouM Hu.",. Call your 1ocoI mortals." mortals". satisfying. To learn more ahout this .' pI_""';"" .". hoating ~'" actoo, or.." eI_ ........... aIIIc..' Wednesday evening meeting each All are welcome to attend the liberol religion, come hear the disweek. 8 P.M" Readiii"g Room, 409 services at First Church of Christ, tinguished Unitarian religious educaDartmouth Avenue, open week- Scientist, 206 Park avenue, at 11 tor Dr. Ernest Kuehler at the SpringPHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY· dayS o:eept holidays, 10-6; Frifield church this Sunday morning. o'"lock. . day eYening, 7-9. TRllm IDTEI THE SWARTBMOREAN DIOK FRANCHETTI. -- TELEYISION - Alice Kraft's • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. ----- Girdle and Bra Shop The Fashion Center for Girdles and Bras, Corselettes and Camp Supports, etc. • • 815 Edgmont Avenue, Chester Phone TRemont 4-3331 ?y r---------------- I A Religion for Today's Children • • Services Held for J h S b Trinity Ladies Stage Mrs. Kathryn Spackman 0 n e~ old ~o Direct 'Star Bedecked Fair' Ser.vices were held Tuesday Int.' SemlRar Program (Continued from Page 1) W. McC. Harvey, Jr.; food, Mrs. Henry Harris and Mrs. C. S. Jones; general decoration-Theme decorating, Mrs. o. J. Earle; dining room, Mrs. Francis Plowman; properties, Mrs. J. W. Haubnerj portrait artists, Mrs. F. S. Chambers; posters and oSigns, Mrs. William Nelson, A. S. Mowery, J. C. Callahan, and James Gainor; pro~ motion, Mrs. V. S. Fine; publicity, Mrs. R. D. Hulme; and records, Mr~. Douglas Courtney. New features this year include the men's shop, a booth specializing in "gifts for the man," Mrs. Harry Toland and Mrs. Edwin Schmidt, chairmen, and the Christmas hat bar, featuring festive holiday headgear. Another highlight of the fair will be the return of artists Peggy Zangerle, portraiture. and landscapist Myrtle Cono\vay. They will be joined by Joan Fayko who, with Miss Zangerle, will do portrait sketches of fair-gael's in charcoal and pastels. A completely ne~ innovation will be a candid camera booth with Philip Mayer presiding. He will be at the church during the fair to take on-the-spot pictures of adults and children alike. No appointment is necessary. Mr. Mayer, who will have a collection of his work on display, is also available for photographs of individual residences. An added attr ...tion will be found on Thursday in the varied decorations gracing the booths and tables in the dining room. Christmas greens, wreathes, floral arrangc. ments, and s ta r b edeck ed creatIOns may all be purchased by those who seek an easy solution to holiday h om e de cora ti ng probl ems. T .d . durmg the o proVl e'1 sustenance b d aY', th ere WI I e a luncheon served 2 n d afternoon tea f rom 12 t o a . f rom 3 to 5. Tea wIll be hostessed by the .Mesdames Samuel Clyde, A L Cl"fto d W·W G 1 n, an 1. lam ay· . I ord, A coke bar and cuhnary mast' f th f d tabl '11 erpleces rom e 00 e WI ~~l~h:s::~~e hunger pangs of those mormng at 11 in the Church f the Holy Trinity West Ch te~ , es r, for Mrs. Kathryn Spackman, who died Saturday at her home, Thorn.. bury Farm, near 'Vest Chester. The wife of Herhert B S k . pac man, Mrs. Spackman was born in Chester, and was a graduate of the old Mary Lyon School here' Swarthmore and Vassa C II lR , r 0 ege. Formerly president of the board of the School in Rose Valley, she was an honorary member of the Junior Providence Garden Club, a member of the West Chester Garden Club, a board member of the 'Vest Chester Visiting Nurse Association, and a member of the Altar Guild of the Church of the Holy Tl"inity, of which she was a communicant. In addition to her husband she is survived by two daughters, Kathryn S., wife of Dr. Marvin V. NEWS IIOTES Mr. and Mrs. John W. Magee, Jr., of Yale square had as their gue,<;.t over the weekend M·r. Magee's fatber Mr. John W. Magee of Baltimore. Mr. John K. Murphy of Riverview road has returned from attending a convention of the Public Relations Society of America in Miami, Fla. In his absence, lIirs. Murphy visited her brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Olson of Falls Church, Va., over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Miller of Villanova avenue returned home last weekend after spending a week with their relatives Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ames of Cape Charles, Va. Mr. and Mrs. G. Alexander Mills of Walnut lane had as their guests OVer the weekend Mr. and Mrs. W. Stanley Herbert and their three daughters from Morrisville, Pa. III:r. and Mrs. Robert Kerr of Fairview road"Woodlyn, have purchased Mrs. Charles H. Keyes' house on 205 Dartmouth avenue and-are'moving Monday with their two children, Holly 8 and Graham 7. Both children are presently enrolled in the Swarthmore Elemen~ tary School. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heath of Cedar lane will have' as their guests this weekend 1\lrs. Heath's brother and sister-in-law !\Ir. and Mrs. Jonathon Conrow of Darien, . Conn. They will attend the Series dance on Saturday evening at the Old Mill in Rose Valley. Police Chief Thomas V. Bateman has again granted permission for the Christmas collection barrels of the Marine Corps' UToys for Tots" program to be placed in the Police Headquarters where they arc handy for contributors visiting the library or other central community spots. Since the corps has no facilities !or maki~g repairs this year it is re· questmg new toys Or those needing minor painting. --------MEDIA WOMEN HOLD ANTIQUES FAIR NOV, 11·19 The 'Vornan's Club of Media wlil hold its first Antiques' Fair next week at the clubhouse, 423 South Local Winners Listed Jackson street. The fair will be In Chrysanthemum Sho-.v open Tuesday, Wcdnesday and Thursday from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mrs. Thomas Hoppel' of the with luncheon and snacks served Swarthm~re Garden Club, received daily. a bl~e rIbbon and an ?on~rable Great Books Graup me~tlOn fO.r her two entries 10 the The Great Books Group's next PhIladelphIa Flower. Show Sweep- meeting will be held Monday evestakes Amateur ,SectIOn of .the W59 ning, at 8 p.m. in the Borough HalL Chrysanthemum Show, which drew The book' of the evening is Arislarge crowds to the Swarthmore totle' 4'The Poetics." AU interested F' ld H 1 k d .Ie ouse ast wee en . A red nre invited to read the book and ribbon was won by another member come and join the discussion. of the club, Mrs. Joseph Lynch, .... . . ' for her mmlature arrangement in th e c1ass t-tl d "Au t urnn G " Ie, em. Th e D e Iaware Va 11 ey Ch rysan.. th emurn S · t y receIve . d th e Ed'Ith 15 South Chester Road ocm W'ld S tt d ld d I Swarthmore 1 er co awar,.a go me a presented by the PrOVIdence Garden Klngswood 3-1900 Club for the most outstanding ex~ h'b't f th h . th h t' It I I 0 e s ow m e or ICU ural section. The exhibit demonstrated step by step how the home gardener can grow quality mums in a six by 10 foot space. The society also was awarded a silver ribbon by the Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania for the ~ ~best exhibit in education or con .. servation. ?'i The Rose Valley Nurseries wonthird prize in the commercial class 1, for a formal or informal garden ...-J '-using hardy plant material and emphasizing chrysanthemums. Linvilla Orchards received a special award for their display. 17\12 S. Chester Road Swarthmore i. 0 E] ·1 t j i HOIYOk~e~p~laic~e~·~~ii;S;~~iiiii~t~·~··~·~·i"ii~·~·~"~·~·~·~.~.ii.~.~¥~.i.i;.~.ij; MARVIN s. KIVITZ, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist announces the opening of an office for for Psychological Testing and Counseling at 226 E. Springfield Road Springfield. Po. Office hours by appointment only Klngswood 3·0145 ~~~~~S~ APPLES and CIDER Retail - PEARS - Wholesale POTATOES - ECCS SQUASH-PRESERVE~FALL DECORATIONS HONEY - LI NYI LLA ORCHARDS "The Farm With the Octagonal Barn" . Directions: From Swarthmore SOl!th on Baltimore Pike to Cloverleaf. Turn I.ft onto RODte 3$2 toward Chaster. Drive 11/,.2 miles. turn tt9ht on Knowlton Road for 'h mU •• Open 10 A.M.· 6 P.M, Daily and Sunday . 1t 1t //;, I ft I /) I· 11- TRemont 6-9047 11. ~ %- The Bright Gay Touch MIX & MATCH COORDINATE'S .~ Come and See - We Know You'" Buy " '" ." . ?'! 9 SO.UTH ORANGE ST.~ MED IAJ>A. . PHONE: LOWELL6-622S .~' , NEWS NOTES The evening group of the Trinity Church Woman's Auxiliary eotertained at a coffee Tuesday morning at the home of Mrs. William Proctor, 409 Sheffield drive, Wallingford, to boost the book booth for the Holiday Fair on November 19. Those attending were asked to bring a book or two paperbacks. Lt. and Mrs. William Hoot of Andrews Air Force Base in Washington spent, the weekend with Lt.. Hoot's parents ~Ir. and Mrs. Henry I. Hoot of Lafayette a'\lenue. Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert J. Turner of Guernsey road visited their son Nocl at Hamilton College in Clinton, N.Y., this past weekend for the college homecoming. Noel is a junior at the college. , Daily 9 :30 to 5 P. M. Friday Evening until 9 P.M. SEE ALL THREE ':IIHlllllUllliumlllnIlIlIIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIIII[lllllllmln[JIIIUIIUI!~ . ~ ~ ~ Every Christmas Card ~ ~ a Precious Gift· • • ~ I·.~ i g ••• when it is a sl!ecial \l Christmas portraIt ~ I i of your family i PHILIP MAYERI ESIDE ; PHOTOGRAPHY ~------~ Peter Edwards Love, son of Mrs. Edward Edwards Love of Dartth d h I 'I mou avenue, an t e ate .1' r. lIIr. and Mrs. F. Pclzer Lynah of Love, a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Cornell avenue spent last weekend Peter E. Told of Park avenue, and in New York City and saw HThe Mr. and Mrs. J, Warner E. Love of Moorestown N J d t Music Man" ' .. , an a grea grandson of Mrs. George H. 'rur- t********************~~ ncr of North Swarthmore 'avenue. ::;;: • Christine Ann, daughter of Mr. WELFARE and Mrs, J. B. Habitscher of College avenue and a granddaughter DESSERT BRIDCE of Mr. and 1\Irs. M. L. Begeman of Austin, Tex. Swarthmore Woman's Club Curtis Herbert Fischer, son of it: Mr. and Mrs. C. \Villiam ~'iSCher,,,,; ~ Tuesday, Nov. 17 I o'Clock and a grandson cf !\fl'. and Mrs. :::. Charles E. Fischer of ,vallingford'",f -*'" Please Bring Your Own Card5 formerly of Swarthmore, and 1'.1r. :;: Donation $1.00 and Mrs. G. Herbert Scholl of Mt. y, ; UITIIIB. Pro,. The Sacrament of Baptism was administered Sunday in the Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Dr. D. Evor Roberts officiated. Children baptized included: Alice Barber Gifts "SEMEIIT AlK ISABEL ,. Police News Anderson, Jr., of Baltimore, Md.; and Amanda S., wife of Dr. John F. Gehret of Philadelphia; a ~on, Thomas, at home; and four grandchildren. The Rev. Kenneth H. Anthony officiated. Burial was in Birmingham Cemetery. _______ Isabel's Ourio Shop in (ContlDued from Page 1) ~mployment Practices Commission f Ch lab 0 • ester and is active in tho~r rel~tIons, as a speaker, auh ,arbitrator ~nd teacher. He as taught collective bargaining in PIP' . h due s evemng .sc 001 and has conH ted a class In labor problems at averfor.d College. His son Jonathan,1~,ls presently attending high school 10 Holland h t d as an exc ange :d\ e~~ uAnder ~ pro~ram spo?sorY e merlcan Field Service. BEREAVED William C. Rowland of College av"nue is bereaved by the death of his mother, Mrs. James Rowland of Fort 'Vorth, Tex., who died on Friday, November 6, _following a week's hospitalization as the result of a fall. BAPTIZED I \1= I 215 College Avo., Swarthm or . ; Klngswood 3-9927 . ~ • IHluuaaMI. .WJUIIRCliMUI" For the LOWEST PRICE plus the FINEST SERVICE ANYWHERE, Your Best Bet Is Always •.• MILEY & BROWN MOTORS Next to A '& P Market 3/0 East State Street, Media, Po. SWARTHMORE - MEDIA'S ONLY CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH - VAUANT DEALER LOwell 6-2044 . -.- .... WHAT A WIt, 11'.. ---- .. ~-- IHAIRS MEETII. Robert N. Hilkert, Strath Haven avenue, presided as chairman of the first meeting of the 1959 forum program of the Philadelphia Chapter, American Institute of Banking, held in Philadelphia. WITHOUT PlAin no.: tID.,. ,.... nil...' ..... a pla.o t . .er wlUl .. ,.ara' WOMAN'S CLUB NOTES i,llegi, PIC i, leal Mrs. Alfred R. lI'iaa •• of Cornell On November 19 at 8 p.m. the avenue was bereaved by the death travel deparbnent, Mrs. W. Mark 8n Otdtlthit' Fields Sat. Bittle chairman, will present Earl of her mother, Mr•. Harry W. An- derson of Urbana, Ill., on November Swarthmore College will enter- P. Yerk.., who will show sl.idea of 3. Mrs. Anderson had been a fre· tain their neighbors from Chester, the Middle East and the Mediter. quent visitor to Swarthmore. the PMC Cadets, in a,football game ranean. A. L. PARKER LO".II 6·a556 At the meeting of the literatUre Saturday at 1 :30 p.m. The team. deparbnpnt, Florence J. Lucas.. last met in 1957, when Swarthmore chairman, on November 20 at 10 upset a strong Cadet team, 14-8. PMC lost their chance for reyings a.m., Dr. Helen P. South will review FOR SALEI W&TCBMAKEB FOR SALE _ Appl... El Rancho last season, when Swarthmore was "Dear and Glorious Physician" by Formerl, of F. C. Bode and S Orchards, Providence Road, one forced to forfeit beCause of an Taylor Caldwell. PIne Watch and 128 Yale Ave. mile north of Rose Tree between Mice Kraft will begin her rhy_ extraordinary number of serious Clock Repairs Swarthmore, Pa. Newtown Square and Media. Injuries. From 1891 to 1919, thmic exercises dance class at the FOR SALE - Rugs--alI sizes and at bargain Swarthmore scored 10 victories and clubhouse on Friday, November 20, from 9 to 10 a.m. all tides.' gh-boy Reasonable. Secretary prices. call LOwell 6-3031 or one t·Ie agams . t PMC. PMC's f'rst chest of drawers I desk an hl KIngswood 3·7282 for free estimote. . S th . and other used furniture. Call TRe- Garrett House. victory over war more came In Frleldl, Circle to Meat mont 2-7473. 1948, when the teams resumed their PERSONAL - French lady will The Friendly Circle will meet Ashes and Rubbish Removed FOR SALE - Full length mink French lessons. Five years series. PMC also won in 1949 and 6-7044. then the series was interupted until Thursday at 2 .p.m. at the home of 11".wrlS MoWed. General Ba'u1lItg!1 coat. Medium size. $150. Good Mrs. A R. O. Redgrave, 308 Vassar condition. KIngswood 3-7198. 1957. Barding Ave. Mono", FOR SALE - HO train set. Two gutters, carpentry. The Cadets will bring a strong avenue.. Mrs. Anthony Fairbanks engines. Like new. Reasonable. rooms a specialty. Ray J. Foster, team into Swarthmore and are the will b. the co·hostess. Phone KIngswood 34602 LOwell 6-6569. favorites. Their record this season :gIllHUlUIIDIIIIIIIIIIU'JIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIUlllllumlllllUuauu~ FOR SALe - Boys' hockey skates, PERSO~AL - UP~H~IO~pL'US.~T~Ei~R1SI~N~~G; ,standS at four wins, two losses, ~ size 3,.,. Good condition. $3.50. - Shp cover~, Call Horneff's KIngswood 3~9184. years exp~rlence.. while Swarthmore has the reverse, , for chaIrs begm two wins, and four losses. PMC has FOR SALE-1959 Chevrolet Parkincluded. Eight beaten Wagner, Wilkes, Drexel, and wood station wagon, four door. Swarthmore references. Heater, 9,600 mi.les. Blue and white. SERVICE. Estimate without Lycoming, while losing to Western Excellent conditIOn. Best offer over gation. Chair bottoms repaired. $6 Maryland and Moravian. Swarth$2,496. KIngswood 3-0624. up. THOM SEREMBA. Phone any more's victories were over Hamil- § INTERIOR & EXIERIOR § B FOR SALE - Old Ironstone. Pri· day up to 10 P.M. SHARON HILL ton and Ursinus, while defeat was E ~ 5 vate collection. Sold per piece. 0734. at the hands of Oberlin, Susque- '" Free Estimates " Friday and Saturday. 337 Oak SUNDAY Lane, G1enolden. S haT 0 n Hill hanna, 'Vesleyan, and most re~ WFIL Radio - 8145 A.M. a= = 6637-W. No dealers. Bicycle, O~~J~~~~ cently, Johns Hopkins. ~ln9swoocl, 3·8761 = FOR SALE Girls' 20" bicycle Baltimore Avenue, Channel 6-WFIL·TY-9115 A,M, ~ .~ with training wheels. $10. An· MAdison 6-11713. Opposite BEREAVED irmmmnmmcummlllrcHIIIAlIIIICIIIRlllllnOIIIIIIllIIII~ tique walnut hanging corner -cup- Theater.. Mrs. F. Harry Bewley of Park rlllllllllllDUllllUllllnlllblllllllDlJlllUumanuuulmOUDj board $125. KIngswood 3·1642. PERSONAL AL WHITE'S FOR SALE - Citizens band~t;:'r;"an-s"'. MUSIC STUDIO. Private les- avenue was called to Southport, ELNWOOD Ii! CRESSON PRICHARD ~ ceiver, Heath Company, Cla-ss D, sons. Rental plan. Instruments and Conn., by the death of her aunt E c mobile whip antenna and 12 volt sheet music. Free aptitude tests. Mrs. John D. Buckley, who died E power supply included. Best offer Ballymore Rd. at Woodland Ave. Tuesday, November 3. She was 95. ~ over $60. KIngswood 3-0624. Trolley Station KIngswood 4·5057 § C Services were held Friday at Mrs. FOR SALE _ Gifts for weekend or KIngswood 4-3354. Baltimore PIke ... LIn_ A .... = = Bllct. 30, Fint. and ParUa.i ceallcd. Ac:conni of Barbara. lL MadJlon. Otl&rd1aD. ZEI'l'ZEFP'--OCt. 30. FIrst and FInal Aew El!l"tate or Barbara. EIleD·SU ....arl, A MlDor. eouat of JOleph' Zeiturr. ExeeulDr. B:atate STEWART-Oct. 3D, Firat and FInal Ac.- or Rebecca zelt.zeff.· Deceued. eOUDi 01' Carl F. Welhman, Adm!nlatrator. EARLZ·H. ALLEN Estate· or EdIth D; Stewart. Deeeued. Reglawt' of W1ll5 and S"tEWART-oct. 30.' Flnt. and FInal" AcClerk or Orphans' Court a/",_ FIr., ORPHANS' COURT OF DELAWABE COUNTY. PENNA. NOTICE OF. FILING AND AUDIT OF ACCOUNT8 NoUee .. hereby ~I.ye.a. to heJ.n. les_tee_. eredllors a:ad all· persoal Interested that aceounts In &he foUow~ eslates ha.... e r.eeD. DIed III the Office of the Ee,bter of WfUa _ad Clerk 01 Ol'phaDa' COIlfi JJl .aId. CoIIII&y on Jloa4&,., December. 'I. 1D5D. at 10 o'lCloek A.H.. E.6.T.. for eonIlrmatloa. al wbleb . time the laid coati win audit. laid aCOOGDta, "ear objeoUou to tho IlAme &Del m.aJl:o .u... trib_tIoD. of the b ....nce; ueer1ahae4 &0 be lD the haItch of tbb aecotllltu:ta.··· .. ASH-oCt. 13. First arid. Final Account 01 Esther A. Lanagan. ·'Admlnistra.tol'. ,C.T:A;. Esta.te or Maraha1l vi. Ash. Deceaaed. . BANCROft - oct.. 18. Fint and FInal Account. of Howazd F.: Bancroft.. AdmlnJa. tratDf. E.state of Kargaret B. BADcroft:. Deceased. BARNIVILLE-Oet. W. Firat. and Final Account of N. Glenn Gordy and Lawrence W. Marshall E:z:ecuton, Estate of .Allee J. BarnIVllle\ "/k/a. Allee NoneU B&miYUle. Dece ..ed. BELL-OcL D. FIrat and FlDal Account. of lIa.ry B. mckman, Admlnistrat.l'ix. Estate of Ma.Ub.ew Bell. Deceased. B~,. 6, First and FInal Aceount. of Annie H. Irvtne, Admlnla'ratrix. Ea~ of Jane M. Bird. Deceased. BIZONE8-0ct.. 5. PInt. . .4 Ftnal Accoun& of' WUllam. C. BUcnts. Execut.or. Dltate of Panayota Bizones ••/x/a Pan&yeta Blzones and Pauline Blzonell. De-ceased. BLACKBURN-Oet. 30. Firat. and FtnaJ. Aceoullt. of Sara A. Baxter. EJ::ecutrlX. E&\.ate of Isabelle J. Blackbum. Deceased. BLEW-Oet. 14. First Accounl of 'l'be FIrst. PenDllylvanJa Ba.nldtlg and TrUst Company. ·Executor. Estate of Joseph MI1~ ler Blew. Deceased. . BUTLER-NOV. :l. First aDd. FiDal .I.eeount of Mae E. Joyce. Exeeutm. Estate of James L.' DuUet. Dece8J!ed. OALLAHAN-oct. 10. F'tnt and Final Account. of WWlam P. Bennett. Exeeutor. Estate of Pat.rick J. Callabatl, Deceased. CAMPBELL--Oct. 16. ·Fint Account of Ftdelll.Y~Ph11adelph1a TrUst Company and. Anne Wbstan.ley campbell, Esecut.ors. Estate Of John Morrow Campbell. B/k/a Jobn M. Campbell. DeceaaecL CARDWELL _ OcL 30, Pint and Flnal Account. of WUIia.m B. Anderman. Ezecutor. Estate at Mabel M. Ca.rdwell. Deceased. CARFAGNO _ Oct.. 23. Firat and F1na1 ACCoun& of Mary E. Carfagno. Ezecu'rlx. Estate of Salvatore C&rfa.gIlO. Deceased. CL YDE-Oct. 28. Second Account of FIdeUl.y-Phllad.elpbla TrUst Company. 8ul'YiVlng Trustee Estate of Caroline BunaoClYde. Deceaae'd. ' CRUICK8H.ANK_Nov. 2. Flrllt and Pinal Aecoun, or Jane L. Cruickshank. ExecutrlJ:, Estate of wnuaDl E. Cruickshank• Deceased. .' DALTON-Nov. t. First and FInal AC-: count or Ellzabet.b D. Jonell and Mar:I&n D. PlJ'llQ. Encutora. Estate of J.,Qlu H. Moore Dalton, Dece&lled. DERMAN-oct. 28. First and FInal AcC01J..nt o( Ida Derman, Adm1n1stratm, Estate of Abraham Y. Derman, Deceased. DoUGLAs-Nov. 4. FIrat and Final Account of Pn.nc1a C. Schultz and JCVelyn L. Sehultz. Ea:ecuton. EBtate or rrm. L. Douglas. Deeeaaed. DRENNAN-Nov. 2. Firat. and FlDal AC;count of MaUde SChllee ZUB. ExecuUiJ:. Estate of SYdney D. Drennan. a/k/a sydtley Deaver Drennan. Deceue4. EllMANN-Nov. 4. and PJnal Act at· Margal'eL Bect:. Admln1ltratriZ. \ate of Clara. EhmBDD. Deceased. PE:nmERG-Nov. 2. Pirst and Final Ao-:;:ut. of Vincent P. Desmond. Admlnia'h_ tor. Estate of Eleanor V. Peblbfll'B". Ftra' :m -ceaaect. ~ .. Plnl .... FIDal Ac~t or lIatWil Pbber• .AdmblJa&TaiOr, ~~ Of Mel* K. Plaher, Deeeue4.· .....y-ducntional and emotional growth 11rc:::ided at the business seSSIOn an s dit!d Tuesday. weel, that each cub is to bring a when the alumni be home and announced that Sugg("..stecI name toy to the next pack meeting. The in a child's development. back to Canteen, the program will for the neW Girl Scout Camp in the The daughter of 1\11'. and Mrs. Monday's program was .planned toys will be given to the children include Marie Louise Forsythe and poconos should be "ubmitted to I{, Stanley Goff of Media, IIIrs. especial1y for parents and teachers. at the Robert Wade House. Council ·by December 15. J an·ett was a graduate ·of SwarthPartner, who will demonstrate the Cubs are expected to select toys of children from kindergarten M-ombo, and teach those interested. Mrs. Joseph Storlazzi reminded more High School, class of 1965, which they, or younger brothers or through third grade; but all interin the period of 9:15 to 10:15 p.m. TrooP Leaders of CARE packages and of Colby College. A sociology sisters, have Qutgro"\'\"J1, but which ested parents are urged to attend. Canteen will buy some Mombo. recwhich may be used as Christmas major, she had also received train. "1 ed ing at Presbyterian Hospital; Phil- are still in good condition. ords if members would like to praeMUM SOCIEn TO MEET projects for under-prlVl eg 'per. The pack meeting is scheduled for adelplua. tice the steps to broaden their The Delaware Valley ChrysanFriday, November 20, at the Pressonsho~erseas'f the ........ okie sale Mrs In addition to her parents, Mrs. repertoire. themum Society will meet tonight C arrman 0 " " ' " , -' • ed b 'sterLi d byterian Church. The meeting will P. Rerr(ington announced Jarrett is SUrvIV y a Sl n a Chaperons for tomorrow night at 8 p.m. in the American Legion have a Holiday Carnival theme with Room ()f Borongh Hall. Doris Smith Josep~ F F V Company will sup- Lee Goff, a brother H. Stanley Goff, each den preparing a b I • • • SWARTHMOREAN Number 47 Swarthmore 'f! • Attend Nov. 26, 9 A.M. I • Attend Thanksgiving Services O • j • SIDE ZIPPER .2 POCKETS • SELF BELT • 55"/0 RAYON - 45"/0 WOOL • The Favorite of ihe "Lounging Set" Other \ , SLACK Choices < 2.98 to. \ 10,98 - m_.' . THE rage November 20, 1959 THE SWARTHMOREAN 2 beth McLean, all of North Tona- road while the Thomasos are on vaMrs. Harrison i. the former su-I avenue. The paternal grandparent.. wanda, N.Y. cation, until their newly built homelz.,mle Hopson, daughter of Mr. ana are Mr. and Mr •• Harrison Sr Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Banks of Sally Fox of Yale avenue was a at 66 Dogwood lane is ready for Mr•. Howard D. Hopson of Rutgers of Garden City, L.J. " Harvard avenue have as their guest patient in Women's Hospital last occupancy. Mrs. William M. Rosenfield of week where she had her tonsils ---,--Towanda who will spend Thanks- removed. ENBABEMENT giving with them. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bunker, Jr., Mrs. William Roe Curry of Rut,. 30 YALE AVENUE MORTON, PA. Mr. A. Sidney Johnson, Jr., of of Mt. Holyoke place have with ledge announces the engagement TELEVISION - HOME and AUTO RADIO PHONOS Nor t h Chester road attended them for a two week visit their her daughter Ann Elizabeth to Mr. "Bring It to Us or We'll Come to You" Father's Day weekend at Bucknell daughter Mrs. Gordon Smith of James P. Hornaday, son of Mr. and Klngswood 4-1028 University, Lewisburg, where his New Castle. Another daughter and Mrs. James H. Hornaday of Dickindaughter Louise is a senior. Mrs. her husband Mr. and Mrs. Dan son avenue. Johnson accompanied him along Daly of Summit, N.J., will spend 1 CALLAHAN.HOLLOWAY with Susan Driehaus, daughter of' Thanksgiving with them. CHECK _ BRAKES GULF GAS and Oil Mr. and Mrs. William Drichaus of Mrs. Edward Mahler of Acad1111'. and Mrs. Frank Holloway STEERING and FRONT END DELCO BATTERIES emy road and her t.wo children of London, England, announce the Yale avenue. WE REPAIR ALL MAKE.S OF CARS Leslie and Linda are leaving by Barbara McClnrin, daughter of plane on Monday for Kearney, Neb., marriage' of theil' daughter J Alma lIIary, to James Holmes Callahan Mr. and Mrs. William W. McClarin, where they will visit with Mrs. Jr., of Park avenue flew to Colum- Mahler's father, Dr. 111. C. Wilcox. of North Swarthmore avenue on RUSSELL'S SERVICE Saturday, November 14, at St. bus, O. over the weekend where she Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Carroll, Jr., Lukes Chapel in Greenwich Village, Opposite Borough Parking Lot met friends with whom she visited of Riverview road returned home New York City. The couple will KI 3-0440 Dartmouth & Lafayette Aves. colleges in that area. Monday following a plane trip to reside in 'New York. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Marsh of Portland, Ore., where Mr. Carroll Closed Saturday 12:30 P,M. Columbia avenue spent last week attended the National Board MeetKERNER·BERNARD in Richmond, Va., where Mr. Marsh iog of the American Institute of 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank had a business meeting. On their Architects of which he is secretary. Fort \Valton Beach, Fla., announce return, they visited their daughter Mr. Carroll precedeil Mrs. Carroll the marriage of their daughter, ~ Susan, who is a freshman at Mary and met her in Minneapolis after Carolyn Grey Bernard, formerIy of a Washington College, Fredericks- she had visited friends in Crown Swarthmore, to ~r. Ronald Kerner, § burg, Va. Point, Ind., and her relatives, Mr. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kerner, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Alexander and lIIrs. H. R. Stanchfield of New Britain, Conn. The wedding = 'Will have as their guests over the Minneapolis. 'Vhile on the west was solemnized September 3 at the WHERE THERE IS CARE THERE IS COMPLEMENT § Thanksgiving weekend, their son coast they spent a week in Port· Andulusia Baptist Church, Andu~ 9 South Chester Road ;;; and daughter-in-law Ensign and land and then visited Mt. Hood for lusia, Ala., with the Rev. Charles ~ Mrs. Richark K. Alexander of New several days. Call Klngswood 3-0476 ;; J. A. C. Foller of Rutgers C. Raley officiating. Mrs. London, Conn., and their son-in-law Mrs . .Kerner attended Swarth· Aet,IYe Member of the Swarthmore BUllnes. AssoelaHoD § and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Roger avenue and Mrs. Jack V. Ricksecker Schumacher and their four chil- of Cornell avenue were hostesses at more HIgh Seh.ool and graduated 11 11> dren of Buffalo, N.Y. Mrs. Alex- a coffee at the home uf Mrs Foller from Dreher Hlgh School, Columander, Sr., will return with the for Mrs. James Jezl of Cor~ell uve~ bia, S.C. in 1958. ~r ..Ker~er graduSchumachers for a week's visit with nue who is moving to Dogwood ~ted from New BrltalD High ~chool RUTH D. HANLEY lane in the neal' future. In ~955. He serv~d two years In the them. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Bassett Umted States Air Force. Mr. and I\[rs. Louis B. Dennett of Swarthmore Apartment had as Mr. and Mrs. Harrell are owners of North Princeton avenue spent their guests over the wee:end Mr. nnd directors of a dance studio in Swarthmore, Pa. the weekend at Easton. Md. 104 Park Avenue and Mrs. Walter L. Lukens of Ar- Fort Walton Beach. Mr. and IIIrs. Fred R. Lang of Maple avenue will entertain at a lington, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Lukens DRESSES BIRTHS family Thanksgiving dinner when formerly resided in Swarthmore. Dr. and Mrs. Walter N. Moil' of IIIr. and IIIrs. William L. NewWOOL their guests will be. their son and South Chester road had as their kirk, Jr., of North Brand, N.J., andaughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. weekend guests Dr. and Mrs. John nounce the birth of a son, Jeffrey ARNEL Robert B. Lang of Bryn Mawr, S. Clemence and their son Johnny Evans. on October 25, 1959. their son and daughter-in-law Mr. of Washington, D.C. Dr. and Mrs. The child is the grandson of Mrs. SILK and Mrs. Ehen C. Lang and their Clemence attended the Series S. Herbert Evans of Strath Haven two children of Strafford, IIIrs. M. CREPE Dance on Saturday evening with avenue and the late Mr. Evans and H. Fussell of Vassar avenue and the Moh's. of Mr. and Mrs. Newkirk, Sr., of her daughter Miss Catharine FusCOTTON Mr. and Mrs. A. Cobb Cochran Long Island. sel of Brookhaven. Long Island. are moving from Kenyon avenue Mr. and 1\"I;-r-s-.-A:-r"'t"h-ur D. HSrriJEWELRY HOSE Mr. and Mrs. John Bowditcil, Jr., LINGERIE M'Onday to their newly purchased son, Jr., of Garden City, L.I., anof Cornell avenue enjoyed a weekend visit froll1 their son. Mr. Wil- home at 22 Hunt Club lane, Media. nounce the bi~th of their third child lits Henry Bowditch who makes his Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth· Scott of and third son, Arthur Scott, on Nohome in Yorktown,o.¥a. On Sunday, Glen Rock, N.J., have purchased the viiiiemiiiibiieiirii6ii'iiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -Sunny Brae Major Benson A. Bowditch of Cochran house and will occupy it Orchards· Quantico, Va., who was in this vi· next month.. Large Crop - Fine Quality - Reasonable Price. Cally MacNair win arrive from einity, also called on his parents. Mrs. E. LeRoy Mercer will move the Northampton School, Northtomorrow from her home on Ogden ampton, Mass., to spend Thanks~ avenue to Drexelbrook, Drexel Hill. giving and the weekend with her A SpeciaUy - Always Good Mr. and llirs. Elton A. Bird of pal'ents Mr. and Mrs. Pierce MacSpringfield have purchased Mrs. Nair of Maple avenue. Her grandEGGS - POULTRY - POTATOES - VECETABLES Mercer's home and will occupy it parents, Mr. and Mrs. Werner LinCHRYSANTHEMUMS - HONEY deman of Upper Montclair, N.J., the end of the month. . Michael Olds of Brussels, Bel- will also be with the MacNairs for -VISITgIum and Princeton University, and Thanksgiving. Miss Beryl Light of Groton, Mass., Dr. and Mrs. James L. J ezl and and Goucher College are the week- their two daugl)ters Barbara and end guests of Mr. and M~s. Louis Jean are moving today from their Pennell Road B. Dennett of North Princeton ave- home on Cornell avenue. They will Jumbo shrimp coe~tail, plump, LIMA. PA. 114 Mile South of Hours: 9 a.M. _ 7:30 p.m. nue. stay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. pink and perfect with our lively Traffic Light Sunday 10 a.m. _ 7:30 p.m. Phone lOwell 6·1680 Mr. and Mrs. Colin Bell of Park Charles L. Thomas on Riverview sauce. Corefully roasted young avenue will entertain Mr. and Mrs. Vermont Turkey with hearty Eric Johnson and family of Gerchednuf stuffing, rich giblet mantown on Sunday. Mr. Johnson gravy. Candied sweet potatoes is headmaster of ~he Junior High and young, tender peas. School in Germantown and the Crisp celery hearts, Queen and author of the current book uHow the. Ripe olives and radish rosettes. to Live Through Junior High Tossed green salad with a School." choice of tangy dressings. Dr. and Mrs. Clifford Banta of (tJlltlIIIIIUlIIIIUUllllllllllunIIIIIIIIllI111111111111IEll1l;11[lllIIt.) Parrish road recently had as their ~ = Be sure to save room for either a guests for a week Mrs. Banta's sis~ of our "great - grandmother" ter 1\11'5. Foster Fudge and Mrs. desserts. Plum pudding with dePaul Couger, both of Crawfords§ erve al y § lightful hard s cues or warm ville, Ind. o brandy mince pie. Assorted nuts Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Cay- ~Both Hot & Cold Dishes~ and minis. Coffee, Tea or Milk. wood of Dickinson avenue will have e as their guests for a few days at ~ These are just a few of the va~ ~ Thanksgiving time, Mrs. Caywood's " $1.25 !l vs. riety of appetizers, vegetables; parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. and desserts which will be preMcLean and her aunt Miss Elizapared. Other Entrees will include Personals DICK FRANCHETTI - TELEVISION' I/';::~~~~~~::::~~:::=:::::~=::;::::::::::=~~~==~~~~~~~ STATE INSPECTION NOY. DEC. JAN. ROBERT J. ATZ, Igr. i The Bouquet " ; BEAUTY SALON " " DRESS SHOP A PPLES. OLD FASHIONED THANKSGIVING DINNER CIDER Wolff's A p pie House Come and See ~ = I Thanksgiving ~ I Buf'set LduDn~lheon Day Game = = Annual WILLIAM PENN TOUR Led by Euell Gibbons Watch for details of this exciting 1960 tour of Englond and the Continent. Write now for fold.r Call LO 6-1808 DELAWARE COUNTY TRAVEL ACENCY II S. OltAN6E Sf. i~ § SWARTHMORE HIGH SCHOOL · Ii Buffet Dinners l B 81 iThursdOY :; to 9 - Sunday 3 to ~ 5 • Baltimore Pike (4 Milas West of Media) , the ~ i! SmATH HAVEN I INN I Iuwo....... 0 "'1 , - - - - MEDIA, PA. _ _ _-J . . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Swa•• Students Adults .. • ADMISSION . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. ... . . .. .... . . . .. . . ... . . .. . . Tickets on Sale at IHRISTEIED . Among the children christened on Legion Auxiliary Seeks CLEANING and REPAIR of PAINTINGS Gilts lor eVtersns Sunday at Trinity Church, was Andrew Fe~guson Rose, son of Mr. and ~he A?,erican Legion A.uxiliary Mrs. V mcent H. Rose of North 427 IS appealing to the SwarthUDlt While so m e Swarthmoreans Chester road. A small reCeption fol_ ~ore community for Christmas with some bitterness and considerable justification are trying to for- lowed the christening at the Rose ll.,ftS for 27 psychiatric women pahome. 107 Wallingford Avenue ~ent.: of Ward 39 in Coatesville get Hallowe'en, there are jolly lot ~spltal, who need special care. of others who had a grand old LO 6-2449 Wallingford, Pa. Gtfts ~n the list for women are: fashioned good time thanks to the StatIOnery, writing portfolios swarthmore Business Associatoin's William .H. Harbison, 23, and ballpoint pens, handkerchiefs hose'I " 1969 version of the Annual HalloHarry Fulkes, 27., both of Hunting. head scarfs, wallets. playing 'cards: we'en Parade. ton, \V.Va., who were arrested here ~mery b~ards, lipstick or deodorant Many a mamma, and papa too, Oc~ber. 15 wer~ sentenced to make In .plastlc containers, gloves, plastic who offered encouragement at home restitutIon. pay costs lind serve 30 ram~oats, slipper sox, shower caps. = Administration Building turned out in wooly sweaters and days in Broadmeadows Prison by GIfts for men patients include: gloves with friends and neighbors the Delaware County Court last S.tationery, writing portfolios, and famous Clock Tower to cheer on the finished product as Thursday. Harbison pled guilty to hand.kerchiefs, socks, ties. wallets. it marched shiveringly by the larceny by trick at College Theatre, playmg cards, after-shave lotion chilled judges on the flat truck and Fulkes to attempted larceny cologne, slipper S()X, tote bags fo; (contributed for the occasion by a at Fusco Service Station. The for- ,,:heel chairs (cordurory or wool), kind business man) near the sta- mer who had been free in $2500 .clgars, deodorants. toilet articles. tion. Contributors are asked to leave bail pending court action was l'CAnd those who marched, and turned to jail. The latter had ai- their gifts on the bench at the home those who warmed the curbs with ready served most of the imposed of }'lrs. Oscar Gilcrecst. 208 Vas· sar avenue before December 1. Contheir chatter and applause, not to sentence. mention the High School and ColIn Juvenile Court five of six tribulors who wish to wrap gifts lege Bands under the baton of local boys recently apprehended for are asked to tie on a card with the Robert Holm, the ever cooperating improper writings on the Swarth- name of the article and who it is Fire Company and Chairman of the more-freight building of the Penh- for - male or female. event Ed Carney and his committee sylvania Railroad were assessed Mrs. Melvin C. Britton, Jr. and who gave so much to the success of costs and the other dismissed. her daughter Betsy arrived Wedthe parade - they remember HalFiremen quenched a blaze in the lowe'en with pleasure - and will woods off Crum Ledge at 5:19 p.m. nesday by plane from Boston Mass., to be the guests of her par: appreciate knowing just who won Friday. ents IIlr. and Mrs. C. Russell PhilUnderlying its unique variety of facilities what. So, here they are: . At 4 :30 p.m. Saturday in the lips of Strath Haven avenue over Fancy' Dress Group -:-rental mausoleums, family plots, memorain, Dorothy Ahlborn of Glenol- the Thanksgiving holiday. . Fancy Dress, Single Person nal p~k, crematorium, columbariinn, chapel den stopped for the traffic light at Bill Reed first, Joanne Tracey sec- Chester road and Baltimore pike. gllllllllDlIII11I11II1DIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIUIIIIICIIIIIIIIIIUDllllllllln·.. -alI m ~tting8 of natural beauty, West ond, Jane Good third, Kalli Halpern Jos~ph J. Fee of Morton, traveling La~el Hill offers the alI-important quality and Pat Tracy honorable mentions: behmd her, was unable to stop and = D of Its management, which is financially Two people - Cindy and Sally Fox sideswiped h£r car. according to ~ Every Christmas Card first, David Long (and friend) police. Eleven hours later the car of " a Precious Gift. • • c BOund and legally assured. second, Kurt and Lori Loveland tied Arthur F. IIIcCarthy, Jr., of lIIerion with Michael Hopson (and friend) skidded on wet leaves on Swarth· Ask us for illustrated literaturefor third, Bruce and Craig Jacobs more avenue below Elm and jumped c honorable mention. Write: 215 Belmont Ave., Bala-Cynwyd, Pa. the curb on the north side of the Group Betsy and Beverly street. McCarthy was taken to Tay- " ... when it is a speciaZ " Telephone: MOhawk 4-1591 Bird, Ruthie Butler, John and lor Hospital in the Milmont ambuChristmas portrait Laura Snyder, Jeff lIIiddleton lance but was discharged following . ' D Ruthle and Sally Kurtzhalz first; examination for suspected back in- " of your family Dottie Daniel, Martha Chapman, jury. Damage to front wheels of the : Courtney Thomson, tied for second car required towin~ from the scene. PHILIP MAYER! = with Pat and Doug Wel.h, Jerry Visitors welcome. Come any day from 9 to 4. BUSY THANKSGIVING PHOTOCRAPHY Whiteleather, Johnny Espenschade, 3 e BsImont Avenue above Phila. City Line Paul Zecher, Bill Dethloff, Bill IIIcFred Bloom of Columbia avenue, ~ 215 College Ave., Swarthmor.~ = . BaJa-Cynwyd 5 Cauley; Mr. and Mrs. Marshall a senior. at Cornell University, D Klng.wood 3-9927 ~ Schmidt with Peggy, Johnny and Ithaca, N.Y., is expected to arrive l! Billy third; Ella, Debhie and Cindy home for the Thanksgiving holidays ~lIlDl1IlI1l1l11luUlllrullllclllllUmllnlllllmllnDIIUlllnl1lC~ Hal·tman tied fOJ' _hDll.orabIQ. l!l~Il~ with. eight !If his Sigma Phi fraterntion with Bruce, Arlene and Greg ity brothers. Fou~ of til·em W1ll;tay MEASURE YOUR NEED for life SEC U Taylor, Janet Goldwater, ~nd Terri, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. insurance protection on the Manufacturers Dick. Dino, Marcia and. Gretchen Herman Bloom, and four with Mrs. Life Security Graph. McCurdy. Robert M. Fudge of Columbia aveComic: Group nue. An Open House will be held Call the Comic, Single Person - Jack Wednesday-evening with some local for YOUR Graph today. Renshaw first, Roland Halpern sec· young people also invited. ond, Jim Hunter third; Michael On Thanksgiving Day the boys Irvin, Bob SilzIe, Tommy Thorbahn, will attend the Penn-Cornell game and Sandy Snyder honorable men. following which some who are not tions. Two people, Joanne Swsn and going home will return to the Ida Hay, first; Tommy and Suzie Blooms for Thanksgiving Dinner, Cochrane second, Kenneth Dumm Also attending the dinner will be and friend, third; Judy Remington Mr. and Mrs. Bloom's son and Philadelphia Branch Office 2 Penn Center Plaza - LOcust 8-5200 and Suzanne Seeman, Clark Rich- daughter-in~law, Mr. and Mrs. ards and friend. Georgia and Janice Peter Bloom of Drexel Hill. Lt. and A. R. GREMEL, BRANCH MANAGER Detweiler, Meg and Ned Michener, Mrs. Bruce Young, their son·in-Iaw Kristin Peterson, Patty Seybold, and daughter, of Selma, Ala., are SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES: DAVE COLE, CHARLES TENNEY Beth Webster, Susie Patterson, expected during th~ weekend. SaUy Boyd, Susie Hosford, aU Caroline MacNair, a junior at honorable mentions. Northampton School for Girls, Group - The Rial family, first, Massachusetts, is a member of the Patty, SaUl', Douglas and Malcolm cast for play, "School for Scan· McNair, second, Jimmy and Bill da!", which will be presented at the Salom, third. Honorable mentions--school tonight. She is the daughter Laura, Nina and Maynard MeCor· of Mr. and Mrs. Pierce MacNair of kle; Kathy, Joe, Angela and Danny Marino, Steven and Jeffrey Hall, Maple lane. and Rickie and Jackie Shinn; Mr. and Mrs. Colin Bell with Jennifer, Lois, Dave, Kitty and Clinton RobAlister and Graham; Davie Wil- erts, all honorable mentions. Iiams, Dutch 'Wynkoop, Steven Floats Gay, Bobbie Bradberry; Nancy Floats - Jean, Nancy and Carol Cornelius, Carolyn Heinze, Karen Campbell first, Nancy, Barry, Anne Jackaway, Andrea Kelly, Ricky, Susan Gaylord, Patty and Cooper Hoffman; Vicki Swan, Susan etcham, Missie and Shelly Eddie Seeman, Leslie Overstreet; Davis sec 0 n d, Irving, Peter, Elaine and Stan Ward, David Ridg- Melissa, Andrew, and Beth Dayton way, Johnny McWilliams; Susan third, Bobb)' and Richard Inouye, For the LOWEST PRICE plus the FINEST SERVICE ANYWHERE, Your Lathbury, Jane Dudley; Trudyand Susan Coslett, Meg :r~rner, Sally Margy Mcinroy, Anne' Michener; Ross, honorable mentIOns. Best Bet Is Always. • • Police and Fire News - -- - .--===:...::;;.:::-;::::== How long and how well will it last? . ... .. . .... CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE THE SPOT i ! i I a i= I ; i i I! I WEST LAUREL HILL ~ -- Man from Manufacturers a SEE ALL THREE ~~~s~"SWS""~; I WAS A JUVENILE DELINQUENT! I Jumped fences.' ran away. met up with bad dogs. upset garbage callS,···· ru1Ired neighbors' sbrubs • . . then OUP- day the boss pul me in his car . .. t thought It was the end ••• bul do you knoW where be took me? DOG TRAINING SCHOOL OF DELAWARE CO. ... =============================' = To lb. 10:30 A.M. "E E I, Swarthmore College Clothier Fields a & THE WILD GOOSE Route THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26th R $2.75 B· I Thanhgiving DinJlltr ltom , 10 7,30 P.M. = _ LANSDOWNE HIGH SCHOOL Virginia Ham, ,Prime Ribs of Beef and Rainbow Brook Trout. ;======..::..==============-: Parade Wilners Listed - at Long Last I leamed to Beel, to Sit, to st." to Come ..• and I LIKED itl Wb,. nO\ ten YOUR boSS to take ,ou there. St.rts WednesdlY EYlnlag, loYIRlber 25th S••rtk.,re High S,II... I,m nISI... I.xt CO.rse ClaRes Umtted m slJle . • • Advance reaonatioDS DOB TIAIII •• SIHDOl DF DELAWARE COUITY .&1. . . . . lOLL, PAXO..-..ou.oW aoAlJ. a.D. I, MEDIA B .......... MILEY & BROWN ·MOTORS Next to A& P Morket 36 Eost State Street, Media, Pa. SWA~THMORE - MEDIA'S ONLY CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH - VALIANT DEALER LOwell 6-2044 ,,, November THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 4 PRESBYTERIAl 10TES THE SWARTHMOREAN ib: .' 1959 Christian Science Services\ lEW DOB CLASSES On Thanksgiving Day T~ .BEIIN NOY, 26th Morning Worship services will be The Dog Trammg Srhool of Dela'clock Sunday h Id PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PENNA. e a t 9 : 16 an d 11 0 • A special Thanksgiving service ware County will begin its n~~ the meet at I Ch urc h Sch 00I c asses will be held Thursday, November VA' PETER E. TOLD, MARJORIE TOLD, Publishers same hours. . 26 at 11 o'clock by First Church of course in dog obedience training in Phone KIngswood 3-0900 Swarthmore High School gymTh e Adult Study group meets at Christ, Scientist, 206 Park avenue. the " PETER E. TOLD, Editor lass at nasium on Wednesday evening, No16 , th e W omen'B'bl 9 : S I e c A period devoted to voluntary exBarbara B. Kent, Managing Editor 9 :30, the Senior High group at pressions of gratitude for God's lIember 25. Rosalie D. Peirsol Sonya K. Horneff Marjorie T. Told 10 30 Beginners classes are held at7:30 Jeannette V. Howe : ' b d th Sessl'on goodness is included in the J'hanksand 8:30', novice and open dogs are N ew mem crs an e giving Day service in all Christian trained at 9:30. Entered as Second Class Matter,' January 24, 1929, at the Post WI'11 mce t f or dessert a t 8 p.m. M0 n - Science churches. . th W . 's AssocI'atl'on On the current gr~duating list, Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. day m e om,n No collcction is tsken at this R who will receive their diplomas next DEADLINE - WEDNESDAY NOON OM om. . P held Tues service, and local members have Wednesday night are: ornmg rayers are - invited the public to attend. Muffy Geer's poodle "Dusty" of SWARTHMORE, PENNA., FRIDAY, NOV. 20,1959 d ay a t 9 a.m. The Thanksgiving lJay ProclaThe Sewing and Bandage groups mation of the President of thc Academy road and D. J. Vander p.m. there will be a celebration of will meet Tuesday at 10 a.m. Lun- United 'States will be read at the Hoop Schoenberg's poodle "Behe" TRINI" NOTES the Holy Communion. c h eon WI'11 b e serve d b Y C'lrCIe 7 '.erllice. Readings from the King of Harvard avenue·, and Ann There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion will be cele- Ch aIrman . Mrs. Ch a rles Thomas . James Version of the Bible and Ewing's poodle "Brigette", and Holy Communion at 8 o'clock Sunbrated at 9 :30 Tuesday morning. At The Board of Deacons' meeting irom "Science and Health with Kcy Robert and Mary Shipman's Gerday morning. At 9 :30 a service of 10 o'clock the Women of Trinity WI'11 be h eId a t 8 p.m. Tu e sday • to the Scriptures," of which Mary man shepherd "Sunsmoke,Jt all of Morning Prayer and Church School will hold a board meeting in ~he The New Testsment Study group Baker Eddy is the author, will Wallingford. will be held, and there will be a Cleaves Room. will meet at 8 p.m. Wednesday. comprise the Lesson-Sermon for the ---------service of Morning Prayer at 11: 15. Mid-week celebrations of the day, entitled "Thanksgiving." POETS CIRCLE TO HEAR Those serving as ushers will be 8S Holy Communion will be held at 7 KATE CURLlNa WALL FRIENDS MEETING NOTES follows: and 9:30 Wednesday morning; Mr ,and Mrs. Leslie Baird 'Of The Poets Circle wi~1 meet MonThe Adult Forum is sponsored 9:30 a.m.-J. ~. Nolte, head Bible classes will meet at 10 a.m. Rutgers avenue have. had as their day, November 23 atl the home of usher; W. L. Church, alternate; and 1 :30 p.m., and at 7 :30 p.m. Sunday by the Family Relations house guest for two weeks Mr. Mrs. Roland Ullman of Vassar aveTheodore Evans, W. J. Ferguson, a Family Thanksgiving Service will Committee of the meeting. Dr. E. M. Hillary, C. C. Mearkle, W. T. be held. At this serllice the children David Mace will speak on "Mar- Baird's mother Mrs. James Baird nu~. Kate Curling (Mrs. J. U.) of Waukeshaw, Wise. While here Wall, former member of the Abbey Peabody, and A. M. Valz; 11:16 will bring their gifts of canned riage Guidance in England." Dr. Mace is the author of many Mrs. Baird was entertained at Players will be the guest speaker a.m.-V. L. Fine, head usher; A. goods to be given to the needy. S. Mowery, alternate; P. B. Banks, . On Thanksgiving Day there will articles and books, and at present many neighborhood coffees and and will read "The Land of Heart's Desire" by William Butler Yeats. J. L. Cornog, W. T. Salom, and H. be a celebration of the Holy Com- is contributing a regular feature to luncheons. Mrs. David McCahan of Strath Mrs. Wall makes her home at RunMcCall's Magazine. Two of his G. Weaver. munion at 8 a.m. and at 9 o'clock Haven avenue attended the Wilning Fox Farm, Sycamore Mills, Members of the E.Y.C. will meet a community Thanksgiving service books on marriage counselling are uSuccess in Marriage," and" Mar- son College Alumnae Council if), outside of Media. at 6 o'clock Sunday evening; at will be held at the Presbyterian Chambersburg last we~kend. riage, the Art of Lasting Love." 7 o'clock the Canterbury Club will Church on Harvard avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Stewart, Bridge Winners The usher for the Meeting for join with the Christian' Association Jr., of Pittsburgh have moved to The Crum, Croek bridge club met Worship during the month of Noof the college for a meeting which METHODIST NOTES Denver, Colo. Mr. Stewart is in the last ,week. The top· scorers vember is William Lee. will be held on the campus. At 8 The Pairs In' Spares, Young Sales Department of the National were Mr. and Mrs. Earle Deppich Adult Group, will hold their Pr~ Tube Company, a subsidiary of U. of Ridley Park. In second place CHRISTIAN SCIENCE IOTES gessive Dinner tonight at 7 p.m. S. Steel. Mrs. Stewart is the for- were Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Griest CHURCH SERVICES How spiritual enlightenment Church School classes will begin mer Miss Carol Lincoln of Haver- of Elm avenue. The next meet is at 9 :45 a.m. with classes for all brings protection from evil wiII be PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH on Tue,sday evening, November 24. ford avenue. ages and a nursery for infants to brought out at Christian Science D. Evor Roberts, Minister services Sunday when the LessonRobert O. Browne, Assoc. Minis.ter two years old during this time. Sermon is entitled "Ancient and and Minister of Christian EducatIOn At the identical services of worModern Necromancy, Alias :Mesship at 8 :45 and 11 a.m. Sunday, Sunday, November ZZ 9: 16 and 11 :00 A.M. Morning Mr. Kulp will use as his sermon merism and Hypnotism, DenounWorship subject, "What I Am Thankful ced." TRADITION! 9 :16 and 11 A.M. - Church School Included in the Bible passages to For!' 9 :15 A.M. - Adult Study Group The Executiv~ Board of the be read is Paul's counsel to the 9:30 A.M. - Women's Bible CI.ass Sympathetic service, dependability and 10 :30 A.M. - Senior High BIble Methodist Men will meet in the Romans (13:12): "The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us Class. Church parlor at 12. noon. understanding are traditional with Tuesday, November Z4 Another "Talk Back" session will therefore ~ast off the works of 9 :00 A.M. - Morning Prayers be held at 7 p.m. in fellowship hall. darkness, and let us put on the 10 :00 A.M.-Bandage & Sewing This is an informal time when the armour of light." Groups. All are invited to attend the servpastor may be questioned on subDIIICTORI O. PUNERALS Wednesday, November 25 jects in recent sermons or any ices at First Church of Christ, 8:00 P.M. - New Testsment other serious subject. The pro- Scientist, 206 Park avenue at 11 '820 CHESTNUT STREET Study o'clock. grams wiil be concluded before 8 MARY A. BAlli, rr.oId.... OlIVER H. BAlR, Founder METHODIST CHURCH p.m. The Rev. John C. Kulp, Minister Telephone LO 3-1581 The Senior and Junior youth County DAR Celebrates Charles Schisler }i'ellowship groups will meet for Minister of Musie 65th Anniversary their regular Sunday evening proSunday, November ZZ The Delaware County Chapter 8:45 and 11 A.M. - Mr. Kulp will grams at 7 p.m! DAR held a luncheon meeting on The Sub·District MYF Rally will preach. Monday, at the Rolling Green Golf 9 :46 A.M. - Church School be conducted at this church on Mon• 7:00 P.M. - Adults: "Talk Back" day at 7 :30 p.m, The Fellowship Club in observance of the 65th an• 7:00 P.M. Sr. and Jr. High niversary of its organization. The group of this church is in charge. :Fellowships. Regent, Mrs, Harry Bewley of Park Martha Circle will meet at the TRINITY CHURCH avenue presided at the luneheon and home of Mrs. Albert Partington, The Rev. Layton P. Zimmer, Rector 244 Rambling way, Springfield, on the program which followed. The honor guest was Mrs. Joseph Sunday, November ZZ Monday at 8 p.m. Vallery Wright, State Regent, who 8:00 A.M. - Holy Communion. rr'he Hannah Circle will meet on 9 :30 A.M.-Morning Prayer. gave a talk on "What the Daughters Tuesday at 9 :30 a.m. at the home 9 :30 A.M. - Church School. Do!' 11 :15 A.M. - Morning Prayer. of Mrs. Charles Stevens, 812 Ridge Other guests were the ,present 6 :00 P.M. - E.Y.C. lane. Media. Miriam Circle will Regents of Chapters in the Phila6:15 P.M. - Canterbury Club meet at the home of Mrs. Walter 8:00 P.M.-Holy Communion delphia area. Ninety-nine members Strack, 720 Swarthmorwood lane Tuesday, November 24 and guests attended the festive ocon Tuesday at 8 p.m. 9 :30 A.M. - Holy Communion Esther Circle will meet on Wed- casion. Wednesday, November 25 Mrs. Herman Woodall of' Walnesday at 10 a.m. at· the home of 7 :00 A.M. - Holy Communion. lingford, chapter historian, gave a 9 :30 A.M. - Holy Communion. Mrs. John Pitman and Mrs. Lorene history of the Delaware County 7 :30 P.M.-Family Thanksgiving McCarter, 328 Vassar avenue. Dr. Chapter from its inception until Service Helen P. ·South will review "Dear today. The Regent's pin of the late Tbanksgiving Day and Glorious Physician" by Taylor Mrs. James Wates Mp.rcer, founder 8 :00 A.M.-Holy Communion 9:00 A.M.-Community Service, Caldwell. of the local chapter \vas presented , Presbyterian Church to the Society by her three daughUNITARIAN NOTES THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Guest minister at the Unitarian ters, who attended. It will be hung OF FRIENDS Mrs, Almira Yerkes, Church's Sunday morning services in the DAR room, Old Court House, Sunday, November 15 ' will be the Rell. Albert Fiske, who Chester. 9 :46 A,M. - First-day School. Chairmen of the luncheon comhas a background of 50 years serv9 :45 A.M.-A d u I t Forum: Dr. David Mace speaks on "Marriage ice as a minister in Universalist, mittee who made the affair such a Guidance in England." Congregational, and other churches. success were Mrs. William Bullock, 11 :00 A.M. - Meeting for Wor- He recently retired from the active Club house; Mrs. Henry G. Sweney, ship. Children .eared for in Wbitmenu; Mrs. William Ward III, resministry and is living in Media. tier House. All are welcome. n' was while he was serving as ervations; Mrs. Clarence Bell, pubMonday, November Z3 All-day ..,wing for the A.F.S.C. minister of the Congregational licity; Mrs. Harry Bates and Mrs. Wednesday, November Z5 Church in Springfield, Ill., that Mr. John McGonigal, program. All-day sewing for the A.F.S.C. Fiske obtained the background "I saw it in the Swarthmorean." FIRST CHURCH OF material for this subject, "Living Last month, Mrs. Almira Yerkes of 2311 CHRIST, SCIENTIST Next Door to Genius". There he beOld Welsh Road, Willow Grove, became the SWARTHMORE eame acquainted with Mrs. John Park Avenue below Harvard lOO,OOOth customer <;>£ Philadelphia Electric Edwards, at that time in her 90's, Sunday, November ZZ to install automatic gas house heating equipwho in her youth had been a neigh11 :00 A.M.-Sunday School. ment. She and her family are now enjoying 11:00 A.M.-The Lesson - Sermon bor of Abraham Lincoln and who we mliV learn profound truths lIbout rethe comfort and convenience of completely will be entitled "Ancient and was able to pass on to him some ligion lIond ethics from .!It! serious thinkers, automatic gas house,heating. Modem Necromancy, Alias Me~­ of the little·known incidents in modern or aRtieRt, from other cultures as merism and Hypnotism, De- Lincoln's life which reflect his well IllS. our own. If you, too, believe the Goo is I/Je fuel """ eqvIpmellf 1M ...,.",..1 quiclc/Y , ; ; nounced." individu~l should be free to accept only humanitsrian philosophy. wifllin 24 IIoun. Get compl". itIl'w_Hon " - ..Tbursday. November Z6 whet is completely in accord with his re8lIr. Fiske counts among his perplvmher, 01' h,c.ing c,""" .... :tor or call )'Our' •• . . . , I'ItiIadeIpWa son, perhaps you would enjoy visiting the 11:00 A.M.-Thanksgiving Day sonal friends Carl Sandburg, poet Unitarian Church in Springfield this Sunday. Electric eom,a., oHic:.. service .. Wednesday evening meeting each and biographer of Lincoln. He con- We invite you to learn with ut about the week. 8 P.M., Reading Room, 409 siders this association. a valuable humanitarian philosophy of Abraham linPHILADELPHIA ILICTIIIC COMPANY Dartmouth Avenue, open week- one in broadening hi. perspective coln in the sermon "Livir.g Ned Door to Genius." day. acept holidays, 10-5; Frion Lincoln. day evening, '1-11. I I I --------- THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. OUR IOO,OOOth ~~~ HOUSE HEATING CUSTOMER I Who Can Teach Us? Unitarians Believe 011.. ""'.ct November 20, 1959 ~~~~~~~----~;;;;;,;;-__~TI.~H:E~S~W~A~R!!T~H~M~O~R~E~A~N~________________________________~P~ag~e~5~ poster Contest Winners Named at Furness Library To stimulate interest in Children's Book Week, The Helen Kate Furness Library conducted a poster contest In the Nether Providence and Rose Valley Schools. Over 80 by boys and Posters were submitted 'f h h f g irls in the fourt , I t , and sixth grades. James Pearl, Wallace Peters and John Schmidt, served as judges. ., . th d te Tbe wIDDlng SIX gra e pos r was made by Robert Sulek, a student at St. John Chrysostom School. Lorraine Saraga, Wallingford School, and John Allen, The Sehool in Rose Valley submitted the win n i n g Posters from the fifth grades. Sally Ward, who attends The School in Rose Valley, was winner in the fourth ,grade. First prize winners received their book-prizes at a spccial program Saturday at the "Old Mill," Rose Valley. Second prize ribbons were awarded to Stephen ~loore, Esme Jones, Barbara Hibbs, Janet Hawley, Lane DeMoll, Cornelia Brown" John Gibson, Hugh Lippincott, Jed Dickey and Kathleen Morris. Third prize winners included . Kathleen Myers, Susan Fachet, Linda Murphy, Sally Coons, Jonathan Coddington, Gail Lear, Susan Ippoliti, Joseph Novoshielski, Carol Eaton, Kenny Conner, Ann Hessler and Elaine Zajano. IEWI IOTES Kelly Murphy of R I ' a fourth year studen:':::"'":i~' ture at the University f ~~ . . . Ch 0 IrgInla In arlottesville wilJ be home for Th k .. . an sgJ.vmg WIth his parents Mr.. and Mrs. John K. Murphy. M rs. Frank Ozmun of Chester '11 te . WI en rtam at Thanksgiving in th e a b sence 0 f her mother, Mrs. H en. ry I.' Hoot who is visiting in C lit a orma. Guests will be hcr f a ther, Mr. Hoot of Lafayette eve' Lt nue, . and Mrs. William Hoot of ,.. h' ,t as mgton and Mr. Richard Hoot. Mr. and Mrs. ~'rederl'ck T. Anthony of Vassar avenUe will have as their guests for the Thanksgiving holidays Mrs. Anthony's parents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Perry o~ Osterville, Mass. Their son Perry WIll also be home from Grove City College, Grove City. B T' k us IC ets Now Available at Schools Elementary S c h 001 principal -===========~~~~~~~~~~;;;~~~~~=; Th A I' omas . Boyle, has announced that arrangements have been made by th S h d e c 001 Board and the Phila· elphia Suburban Transportatl'on C .ompany that special school bus t Ie kcts may be purchased at the This Is the Ohristmas Shopping Season There Are 28 Shopping Days Until Ohristmas e.lementary school in the Intermed18te Office at the Rutgel's Avenue S chool. . Heretofore parents have boen ad_ ' Vised that purchases of such spec. I la tickets had to be made at the .;.;;;:;~;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;w;;;;;:;;;;;;,,;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;, AI.·ce Barb e rG'ft l S 15 South Chester Road Swarthmore Klngswood 3-1900· COME TO THE HOLIDAY WORKSHOP SWARTHMORE WOMAN'S CLUB TUESDAY, DECEMBER I, 12:30 P.M. to 3 P.M. At this point are you as confused about prices as we are? WE HAVE TWO SUGGESTIONS ABOUT THIS: 1. Shop where you feel you get the best all-'rounq value for your money. (\"Iarrenty - Service Advice) . 2. Dan't - under any consideration buy any item at any price if you don't need it or can't afford it. The Camera & Hobby Shop Speaker: Mrs. Elma McCarraher of Lit Bros. _ "The Wonderful Story nf Christmas" Mrs. Gerald Palma demonstrating Christmas decorations from tin. Mrs. Russell Yeager-"The Story of Advent Wreaths." Teo Served All Aff~rnoon Z5c; members I Bus Terminal in 69th Street. To of tickets can also be purchased in further accommodate parents of Supervising Principal Frank R. children wbo use these tickets, book. Morey's office at the high school. 50c guests 4-6 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa, K13-4191 Friday 9 to 8:30 Buy Now - Pay Now - Put Your Ulcer at Ease in January! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=;=~~~~~==!~==========================~ Mrs. J. Mark Kirchgasser was in charge of the poster contest. The winning' posters ·are On display in the library. '~ , BEREAVED Eldon B. ~ollis of South' Chester road is bereaved' by the death of his mother, Mrs. Adriana C. Hollis, . who died On Friday at the Burn Brae Home where she had' b~en a patient, since August. Mrs. Hollis was the widow of Stephen Lee Hollis and formerly resided in Takoma Park, Md. Services will be held on November 22 at th,c convenience of the family. ELECTED VICE.PRESIDENT John P .. Dolman, of Media, formerly of Swarthmore, was elected vice president of the American Institute of Real Estste Appraisers at its annual convention held November 9-12 at Toronto, Canada. Mr. Dolman served on the Governing Council of the Institute from 1953 to 1958, and in 1V54 was president of the Philadelphia Chapter of the Institute. He was also recently elected a director of the Philadelphia Hoard of Realtors for 1960, PRESENT MUSICAL PROGRAMS Mrs. W. R. LeCron presented the program at the regular Wednesday afternoon party given bi Mrs.· Draper Turner fO.r her guests at the Belvedere CciIivalescent Home. The program of popular s~mg hits from musical comedies and favorite songs Df yesteryear was concluded by the "Hymn of Thanksgiving." Last week when the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Armsted was celebrated, a trio, Mrs. John Good, Mrs. Leland Tichnor and Mrs. William Scarborough entertained the guests. Mrs. William Pegram and Mrs. H. Eliott Wells assisted Mrs. Turner.' • . NEWS NOTES . Mr. and Mrs. Max Essl of MichIgan avenue were the house guests of Admiral and Mrs. Hubert E. Strange of Annapolis, Md., oyer the weekend. PRECIOUS CHRISTMAS GIFT ; Th.... children feeding birds ! a!I~ squirrels symbolize the glvmg that is the essence of this holiday season. Use Christmas Seals to sh6w that YOu've given to help fight I tuberculosis. c_ FIGHT T8 WITH CHRISTMAS SEALS "That one call was worth more than we pay .for telephone service" / The cost of most things you buy has more than doubled over the last 20 years. But telephone rates have gone up only 31%. There's been a big improvement in service, too-and a huge increase in the number of phones you can call. That's why telephooe service continues to be one of the very few real bargains in the family or business budget. The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsyl'yania Your neighbors enlarging your world through service and science THE SWARTBMOKEAN Page 6 James Nutt and Warren Seubel. Representing each of the sub-com· mittee will he: Dr. M. T. O'Shaughnessy, science; Curriculum Summary Dr. Eric R. Kent, nlathematics; Mrs. Henry W. Logan, Jr., English; II for '58-'59 Wi Be Mrs. Richard S. Palmer, foreign Discussed languages; Dr. William D. Turner, Anen T. Bonnell, president of the social studies; and Mrs. Thomas Nether Providence Junior-Senior Schroth, reading. High School P.T.A. has announced The heads of departments served a meeting to be held Monday at 8 as the faculty representatives on p.m. in the high scbool auditorium. each of the Sub·Committee. They ent study. ~ $ The program will be a panel dis· will participate in the panel, as -~------cussion of the "Summary Report will the school administration. Mrs. NEWS NOTES of the Curriculum Study Commit- Mabel O. Heckler served as faculty Ginny and Joan Moir, dau~ltersl~ ~_INTERIOR & EXTERIOR = :=~ il tee 1958-1959." repl'esentative on the central com- of Dr. and Mrs. Waitei' N. Moir of § Mrs. Robert E. Berry, who served mittee. Other faculty representa· South Chester road, wi1l entertain , _-_Free Estimates ~ their cousin Nancy Moir, of Cape ... as chairman of the committee will tives include: § act as moderator. Serving on the Fred Houck, science; Mildr~d May Court House, N.J. this panel will' be the membet·s of the Williams .and Joseph CanamuclO, end. i'i=§: Klnqswood 3-8761 Mr. and Mrs. Colin Bell of Park central -committee, reiJresentatives \ mathematIcs·; Stanley ~oor5e E~~of each of the sub-committees, and lish; Mrs. Laura. Junktn~, forel~n avenue enertnined at a tea on Tues- 5anDillmmmmll1111l11UUlllulUllllnnllllllllllClllllllltlllcB Prcsident of the School Board· languages; and Glibert Khne, socml day afternoon for about 25 new members of the American Friends Roger Stegmeyer. On the central studies. . . ELNWOOD committee Are Mrs. John B:ritton, \ Howard A. 'Vents~ supervlsmg Service Committee. Among them Mrs. Ralph Ma. thews, 1\11'5. John principal and ex-0t?cIO member of was Miss Myrtle McCallin. Mrs. Frances G. Lumsden of · k Dr H a I e Cowling the central commIttee, Evan G. P e t lOS as, . ' . H' h .'\ I d Kenyon avenue has left for PomGeorge T. l\1ateyo, Robert Diggs, Koon, JUDlor Ig prmclpa, an BaltlDlo,"" PIke & Lincoln Ave. puno Beach, Fla., where she will Swazthmol'tl remain until April. Establlshed 1932 ESTATE NOTICE Nelher Providence PTA to Meet Monday EMIL SPIES WATCSMAKEB Fo:rm,orly of F. C. Bode and BOIIII .11""'" Watch and Clock: Repairs 128 Yale Ave. Swartbmore, pa. Klngswood 3-1448 WilLIAM BROOKS Interior and Exterior P.intlng • JOE MARSHAll 5 §il~ 511 REESE STREET MILMONT PARK, PA. Telephone LEhigh 2-8151 HOW Convalescent Home CHRISTIAN SCIENC. HEALS CLASSIFIED ADS ;~~~~~F~O~R~S~A~LiE~~~~~~II:E~:'~\a~te 0' IlIIIIIIDIUIP' -.,_'. §~ CRESSON PRICH ARD ;._~. =: E. ~ REAL ESTATE :; ~~_ § . . II§_ 'lOO Mic higan Avenue ~ Swarthmore, Pa. :==~ _ r'" ~ ~ ~ §== 0 ROOFING Gutters Warm-Air Heating Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Work KI 4-1214 GL 9-3358 ~llnUllllllllll.OllllllllnllDlIIWIUDlllUllllllll.DlIIUIll\UltI i Heinrich N. Knudsen g§ il a == 2906 Burden Road Parksid., Pa. i I Good for remodeling. Will sell for $50. TRemont 4-3175. - - - -- . FOR SALE - Antique mahogany sleigb rocker $35. Small maple bed side table $26. LOcust 8 ..6734. FOR SALE Lionelelectric trains an" platform, three years old. U Phone Klngswood 3-7056. FOR SALE Apples. EI Rancho Orchards, Providence Road, one mile north of Rose Tree between Newtown Square and Media. 2 B = § E C I TRemont 2-5487 C I ~ § Convalescent Home 2507 Chestnut St., Chester TRemont 2-5373 u.Uoar NVI~ Can Aled. Bentle, CbrontC convalelcent KeD and WomeD EEoeUeIl' '1'004 • 8paoloa tl~ Slu. Crolla PDDOred SADIE PIPPIN TURNER. 'Proprtetor Edward G. Chipman and Son 6-2857. "',...._,=~==;;:::;;;;-;;:;;; WANTED Boy for errands and odd jobs. Must have driyer's li· cense. Apply in person. Ahce Barber Gift Shop, 15 South Chester Road. WANTED Experienced to cook dinner December evenings. LOwen 6-2693. FOR SALE WANTED Situation as practical nurse for _post..maternity cases. FOR SALE - Westinghouse elec· tric dryer in working condition_ or baby sitting., Excellent refer· $25. Girl's 24 inch bicycle $8. ences TRemont 2-7159. W ANTED-Homes for three eightKIngs wood 3-3907. ._ week old kittens. Phone KIngs· FOR SALE -.BoY's outgroW!' black wood 3-2210. figure skates. Like new. SIze 7'1... $6. Klngswood 4-0::8:::6~1.,--...,..,==::; LOST FOR SALE - Ever consider bird LOST _ Pair glasses, blue frames feeders or houses for Christmas in gray case. Phone KIngswood gifts for your friends - and the birds' For good feedera, houses, 3-8891. ,uet holders, etc., and dried or fresh FOUND flower arrangements come over to FOUND Pair of~sm-a"l1-g"loC:ve=s, The -S. Crothers, Jra., 435 Plush corner Guernsey and Thayer Mill Road, Wallingford. LOwell 6Roads. Klngswood 3-1698. 4551. SWARTHMORE BUilDERS 'Since 1920' CONVENIENTLY lOCATED RANCH HOME TILE FLOORS· PLASTIC TILE FORMICA counER TOPS ROOFIN. Ind SIDIN. CUSTOM KITCHENS ADDITIOIS. ALTERAtIOn Fr.. Estl"ltes 1401 Ridley, Avenue Chester, Pa. I FREE With Buy or Rent of Oar PIANOS or ORGANS BAIlHERMANN MUSIC SCHOOL Brookhaven Shopping Center TRemont 4·0319 ROGER RUSSELL Photographic Supplies ·STATE & MONROE STB. MEDIA LOwell 6-2176 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS Diluzio and Sons FLORIST FormerlY CARNS BICYCLE REPAIRING - PARTS ACCESSORIES - KEYS MADE 1.1 'l 650 Baltimore PIke SprlnJf!eld, DeL Co., Pa. EYANS BIKE" LOCKSMITH SHOP! Linden and Morton Aves, Rutledge, Pa, II 3·5404 ! il Klngswood 3-0450 SWEENEY & CLYDE &t.blishad IBSS 29 E. Fifth Street TRemont 4-6311 Oldest Real Estate -and Insuronce Finn in Delaware County. Specialitin9 in Properties in Swarthmore, Wallingford, R.ose Valley and Media Asea. J. Edward Clyde Similel 0, CIJde, Jr. Samuel D. CIJ •• 1112 - 195& SWARTHMORE 910 STRATH HAVEN AVENUE General Contractor TRemont 2-4759 TRemont 2-5689 Picture Framing of EDWIN W. CROSBY. late ~ the TowDshlp of Sprlngfield, Delawa.r8 oun.. ty, Pennsylvania. Let.ters Testamentary on the above estate havlDg been Rranted to the undersigned. all persO!l8 indebted to tho sald tate are requestd to make payment., and those having claims to . present the same. without delay, to Frances P&ce Crosby. 201 Summit Road, SprIngfield, Pennsyt-vania. or Marguerite C. Heenehan, 433 Spring Avenue. Ridgewood. New Jersey. to t.helr attorneys. BuUer. Bea.tty. Greer Johnson. MedIa. Pa. 3t,.11·13-59 I AVE., SWARTHMORE Klngswood 4-2727 F ~l\llllllllllllllll\l;:~~::::ruI\lUllIlIlllUlI~ I~~~~~~~~~~;::~:~ . 3 PARI Estate FOR SALE _ Rugs-all ·sizes and bl S t all types. Reasona e. acre ary desk and high-boy chest of drawers washing and other used furniture. Call TReor mont 2-7473. -e'West WANTED th male, 22, WANTED Typing, manuscript drive your car. any work stenography done at home. time. References exchanged. R. M. Wl'll ca'il for alld dell' ,'cr. KlngsSettle. LOw':!.I~. 7237 .~ _ _ _ wood 3.3982. PERSON AL - Coml!etent wonlan W"!A~Ni.T~E~D~~T;;;:"o'bC.u::y::-~u;:s:;:ed:;-;f;;;u:::rn;;;i-. . with car can baby ~tt4~2a137r eveture, modern or ~ntique, china. mng. Call Klngswoo • glassware ·and brlc·a·brac. Call PERSONAL Baby sitting. Ma- TRemont '2.7478. ture experienced woman. KIngs· W ANTE-D _ To buy - a Frank· wood 3-8473. lin stove. Call Klngswood 3~717. PERSONAL - Cu~tom.made.lamp WANTED -'- 24-inch·boy'sbicycle. shades, cut, apphquedd, cahc or Good condition. Klngswood 4chintzes to mateh your ecor. or· 3096 reriy 'ditt the ~~r,:ue~~~~~, ::~; W~A~N'";;:T;';'E~D::--TD;:a::y:;':;:s-:w;;:o;;;r;;:k-;-.-;Ir:r::::on;;l;;·n;;;g mg or. a preferred, Monday and Tuesday, 5. Swarthmore references. TRe~ont 'J H. D. CHURCH Borough of RIdley Park, Delaware Coun· 'Yo PennsYlvania. Letters of AdmlnlatraUon on the above es\ate having been granted to Lbe under· .,gned. all pe.aODs Indebted to the sald estate are requested to make payment.. and those having cla.1ms to present. Ute r• same. without. dela.y. to ~t.her L. TaYl!)to 8 Morton Avenue, Ridley Park. Pa.; or h.r Attorney.. BuU.r, Bea'ty. Oreer .. Johnson. MedIa, Pa. 3~11-13-i' ES"l"ATE NOTICE r.. BOX 48 ~ CUSTOM INSTALLATIONS . 6-')U~3, George Myers and Co. ~ n Phone any dUaPy' up to 10 SHARON HILL . 0734. PElisONAL - Bicycles Repaired, Parts accessories. Milt Glass Bicycle 'Hobby, Toy Shop, 206 East Baltim~re Avenue, 0Clifton Heights. 't Crfton MAdison 6-0713. PPOSI e 1 Theater.' PERSONAL - -Licensed p1"acti~al nurses available. Post matermty and baby sitting. Delaware Valley Registry. Phone TRemont i GENERAL CONTRACTOR I l ~"'laulUllllmDhllIIlIIlIIamI111111I1alllmUIlIIDllllllmllltll: """ E Klngswood 3-0272 . i\J: § = 'lui." Restful Surroondinp With I!xceUent U·Boor N1II"IIInt[ care obh· _ ESTATE NOTICE ~ ;~~~~~~~;~~re~f~1e~r~en~c;es~,WIthout PR - - - -- - -Used - - - -mink :--:repaired. $6 3-2342., FOR SALE coat'IE"to'''' 0' FRANl< A. TAYLOR. late 0' the KI 3-1112 n - - - = -------- PERSONAL I.:eased (late of Swarthmore. Dela.ware PERSON AL Practical nursing CLARK NEAL. d.. . d t d County. MAROARET Pa..). plano, goo one an Letters Testamentary on the above or baby ~.~rK,'~!~E~"x:~p~eJrienced. have been granted to Ute underReferences. ~; 3-2136 sacrifice for $265. Mason lin high~grade grand piano. signed. who request all persons ha.ving LL!!O~W~e~Il~6:.3::5~5~5:.:.,"=_·_ _ _:-;_-::-.--;-: claims or demands as-alDat the Estate of bl t.he decedent to make known Ute same. aDd guttersJ carpentry. FOR SALE - Emerson 46 porta e _'I persons indebted to Ute decedent to . Ity Ray J • I $10 • 22 r l'fle and -make pa.yment, without dela.y. to E;lditb rooms a specla. recor d payer, LOwell 6-6569. scope, reasonable. Old radio, works, Hllles Deweea, John E. FrIcke aod ProvlPERSONAL UPHOLSTERING $10. All good condition. Klngswood Tradesmena Bank and Trust Company. _ Slip covers, draperies; over '3-0460 after 6 P.M. IE~~-c;;ic~;, 17th and Chestnut. streets. Phila. ry FOR SALE _ Simmons day bed, delphia .• Bef\Jamln F. Sawin. Preslyears exp~rlence.. U P hit 0 s e dent; or 3,to Pa. thelr AUomey. Wallace c. StUz. nrices for chaIrs bt:gln at $39.60. one dresser bookcase with glass Girard Trust. BuloldlDg. PhUa.delpbJa 3. included. EIght yeaor~1poi doors. Hol1y~ood bed. KIilgswood Penna. 3..11-1,." SUNOAY WFIL Radio - 8145 A.M, Channel 6-WFIL·TY-9115 A,M, §a PAINTING ~ ! pa.l = I Jack Prichard Ashes and Rubbtsh' Removed LIlwns Mowed. General Hauling 23G Barding Ave. Morton. ",Ull1111111111ll1111ll111111UDlIlIIIIWDllllllmn1CIDI =: November 20, 1959 Frank Mader, principal, will all!O Helen Calhoun, daughter of Dr. participate In the diAcU ...ion. and Mrs. J. A. Calhoun of Elm aVeParente .are urged to read the nue, wi11 entertalin memhers of the Summary Report which was dis· Class of 1959 at an Open House on trihuted to all parents with chilo Friday evening, Novemher 27 from dren in the Nether Providence 8 :30 to 12. Helen wi1l arrive next school system. The discussion willi ~,~p" for the Thanksgiving holiday center on written questions sub· the University of Rochester, mitted by the audience. Rochester, N.Y., where she i. a Plans for the Curriculum Study freshman. Committee 1959-1960 will be ~(JIIIII1IIIIIIUlllllllllll1uHllllllmlull1nIIIIIUUllllllllllDD~ nounced. Dr. M. T. i'i § is serving as Chairman of pres.; Attractive Si~gle Home with Large Lot First Roor-living room with fireplace. dining room, kitchen, Nice living room with fireplace, Family kitchen, Three bed. powder room. Second /loor-three bedrooms, two tile baths. rooms. Tile bath, large full dry cellar; Screened porch, Full ba~ement, oil heat ,two-car attached garage. Detached garage. Small but nice yard with shade. $21.500. JACISON~CROSS CO. BAIRD and BIRD Klngswood 4-1500 Opposite LOcust 7-1505 BOlO Hall NEWS NOTES Mrs. George Herschel of Park avenue and Miss Mary DeIBello of Park avenue were co-hostesses last Saturday at an evening party for a group of friendS in celebration of belated birthdays and homecom· ings. The party was held at the apartment of Miss DeIBello. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Tyler of South Chester road have as their guests for a few weeks their son and daughter.in.law 1st Lt. John Tyler and Mrs. 'l,'yler. Lt. Tyler, who is a jet pilot, returned Saturday from a 15 month stay in Japan. After their visit thcy will drive to soutbern Caiifornia where Lt. Ty. ler will be stationed, Mrs. A. L. Clayden entertained her eightsome last week with lunch. eon at the Ingleneuk followed by bridge at her home on North Swarthmore avenue. Gigi FolieI', daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. C. Foller of Rutgers ave· nue is home recovering from a tonsillectomy performed in Lankenau Hospital last week. Ellis Plowman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Plowman of Hal'· vard avenue and a junior at Penn State, wiJI be home for the Thanks· giving holidays. Dr. and Mrs. John R. Bates of North Chester road will spend Thanksgiving at their summer horne in Shoreham, L.I., where their daughter Sally of .New York City and their son John, who is a junior at Amherst College, will join them. Mrs. Alton Bowers of Stone Har. bor, N.J., has returned to her home after visiting with her son~in-Iaw and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. J. Harry Beckman of Strath Haven avenue for a few weeks. ORPHANS· COURT DELAWARE COUNTY. PENNA. NOTICE OF FILING AND AUDIT OF ACCOUNTS NoUce Is hereby liven to hetn;, lel"aleu. crediton and aU persODII bl.teresud tha' accounts In tbe follow-to, eaUtts have 'eeb rued in the Olflce of the Re,...ter of Wills and Clerk of Orphans' Coun of laJ4 County on Moaday. December 7. 195D. a' 10 o'clock A.M., E.S.T., for coafirmaUon, at which time the said eoun wW aadlt .ald accounb. bear obJocUous io thD pme aliA make df.I.. ItlbdtlC)tI of ~e balanee; ascertalDed io be .fQ the Iu.Ddl 01 the aoco1lDtu.b. ASH-Oct.. 13. First and FInal Account ot EGlher A. Lanagan'. Admlnlstra.tor, C.T.A .• Estate of Marshall W. Ash, Deceased, BANCROFT - oct. 16, First and Final Account of Howard F. Ba.ncroft, Admin1&tralor, Estate of Margaret H. Bancroft, Deceased. BARNIVILLE--Od. 2IJ, First and Final Account of N. Glenn Oordy and Lawrence W. Marshall, Executore, Estate of Alice J. BarntvlUe, a./k/a AUce Norvell BarnJ.. ville. Deceased. BEL~ct. 9, First and Final Account or Mary B. Hickman. Admlnist.ratrl.J:::, Estate of Ma.tthew Ben. Decealled. BIRD--Qct. 5. First and Final. Account of Annie H. Irvine, AdmlnLstralJiX. Estate of Jane M. Bird, Deceased. BIZONES-Oct. 5. First. and Final Act:ount of Wnllam C. Bizones, Execuror. Estate of Panayot.a. Blzones. a(,k/a Pa.nayets. Bizones a.nd Pauline B lones. Det:eased. BLACKBURN--Qd. 3D, First.· and Final Account of Sara A. Baxter. Executrtx. E&tat.e of Isabelle J. Blackburn. Deceased. BLEW-oct. 14, Pirst Account of The Plrst Pennsylvania. Banking IiUld Trust Company, Executor. Estate of Joseph MU· ler Blew, Deceased. BUTLER-Nov. 2. First and FInal Account of Mae E. Joyce. EXecutrix. Estate of James L. Butler, Deceased. OALLAHAN_Oct. llil. FIrst and Flnal Account of WUlIIlm P. Benndt, E:J:ecuf.!)r, Estate of .Patrick J. Callahan, Deceased. CAMPBELL-Oct. 15. First Account of Fldel1t.Y..Phlladelphia TrUst Company and Anne Winstanley Campbell, Executors, Estate of John Morrow Campbell, a/k/a. John M. Campbell, Deceased. CARDWELL _ Oct. 3D, First and Final Account of WilHam H. Anderman, Decu· tor. Estate of Mabel M. Ca.rdwell. Deceased. CARFAONO _ Oct. 23, FIrst and FInal Aeeount of Mary E. Carfagno. Executtt.%. Estate of Salva.tore Ca.rfagno, Deceased. CLYDE---Oct. 28. Second Account of Fi~ delltr-PhUadelphla Trust Company. Sur· Vlvlng Trustee. Est.ate of Carollne BUrton ClYde, Deceased. CRUICKSHANK_NOV. 2. First and Final Account of Jane L. Cruickshank, EEecu· trlx, Estate of WilHam E. Cruickshank. Deceased. DALTON~Nov. 4. First and FInal Account of Eltzabeth D. Jones and Marian D. Flynn, Executors, Estate of Lulu H. Moore Dalton. Deceased. DERMAN_Oct. 29, First: and FInal Account of Ida Derman. Admtnlstratrtx:, Estate (If Abraham M. Derman, Deceased. DoUGLAS-Nov. 4. First and Final Actount of Francis C. Bchultz and Evelyn L. SChultz. Elr:ecutors. Est.ate of Irma I .. DOUglas. Deceased. DRENNAN_Nov. 2. First and Final AcCoUnt of Maude Schnee Zag. EXecutri:J;:. ~\ate of SYdney D. Drennan. a/k/a BYdw ey Deaver Drennan DeceBled. I:Eou.NN-Nov. 4. 'FlfS& and Final ACe ~~n' of Margaret Beck, AdmlnlstrMriZ, ~_of Clara Ehmann, Deceased. THE SWARTHMOREAN Oeia\. Frey. Decea.sed. u stated by H W. Koons, 8urvlvtn, Tru.tee and E enr,. H. Geist. Ezecutrll:. V/Wlll' of Lo.. ~IDJ. Gelat, Deceased Trustee Estate f Elum • Oela~ Frey. Decea.aed. (Sur Trua °t 'or.Manor tin Carl Prey.J arFREY--ocl.. .28. First ACcount of Louis J Geist and. Henry W. ROODS, Truateea for SU: san E. Frey, u/wm of Eleanor Geist Frey Deceaaed. aa stated by Henry W ..,.. Burvivln TN.. . ....oons. I O/WlU a e. and Emma H . 0.'-, Ezccutrix ... , of Louis J. Oelst. De~ cea.sed Trustee. Estate of Eleanor Geist ~::) Deceased. (BUr Trust for Susan E. tou, JJ::state of Frallt H Page '7 K Pi ·t reut-!r. Deceued. Account of Ca.1mlr Pletnnlat, Executor. count. of carl F. Welbman, Survi'l'lDg of PrOVident Trad. .r. I.Qd Pinal Account Ealate of KaUlerlDe Pletrenlalr:, a/,&/& ~ecutor. Eatate of WUUam T. ste ••ri. Company tPorrner::r;.:.=e~=s -:!.'~dl Catherloe Plet.renlak. Catherine Pet.ersOD. n"ceae:ed. Trust. Company) Truate ...... Katharine Pietrenlall:. Deceased. STRATl'QN.oMlCHENER - oct. 17. FJrat R. Kurtz, Deee.:aed. e, Estate 01 Benlo PINCURA-<>c:l. 22, First and Pinal Ac- and Final Account ot Albert B. "'arta and ofKpYNER-oct 17. First and Final Account count. of John PlDcura. Aclmln1strator. Char:es A. Bt.raUon, Executors. Estate of Co rovideq\- Tradesmens Bank and Trust Estate of Katarina PLQcura, Deceued. 8ina Stratton Nlchener. Dl;!ceaaed. mpany. Executor Estate f Arttl RICE-Oct. 3D. Final Account. of Edmund St1PLEE-Oct. 27. First and F1nal AcKyner. Sr.. Decea.e'd 0 ur B. T. Rice. SubsUtuted and 8u"h1Dg Truatee. count Qf Central-PeD.J:S National Bank or "'tate 0 r R a.c b el Rice, Deceued. MacDONNEL~c'. 20 PhUadelpbta. Eucutor. Estate of Frank Account 01 Roberts M • P1ra:1; Ul4 JI'JDal RISTINE - Oct.. 10. First Account of M. Suplee, Deceased. Estate of EdUh M M- BayleY. Executrix,l Frederick P. RLaUne and '!he First PennTHORNLEY-Nov. t. P'trst and Final Ae-MARKOVITZ--o' acDonneU. oecelLSed' sylvania. Banking and Trust. Compauy. coont of EJl%abeUl T, Hoffmeister. Execu· John Corcoran ~t. 23. First Account 01 Trustees U/WUI. for Frederick P RlsUDe trlz'. Estate of John Thornley. Deceased. period from th~ d::rd~anh' (covertng the (Account slated by The First pe~yl"an1~ TOR~ct. 21i1, Fin' and Final Account September 24 llilS5---0 too Is appointment, Banting and Trust Company, SurvivlPg 01 Freas B. Snyder and Psullne Thompson tate of JOSe~hine Ma~kOv~~ ll. IV5V,' Es- Trustee. and Charles 8. Ristine and the Executon. Estate of Roy TOfr, a/k/a Roy McCABE-Nov 2 Fir z;. a Minor. First. Pennsylnnle. Ba.nktng and Trust F. Torr, DeceMed. Count of Vincent J' La:;a and Final Ac- Company, Executors lor the estate of Fred~ WAKP;LING - Nov. 4. First and Final Estate (If Mary J M~Cab A$ca. Guardian, enck P. Ri.stine, the deceued Co-Trustee, Account of George M. WakeUng. AdmtnJa. MCCALL--Qct -31 Fi :·A n Incompetent. who died AURuet 5, 1951i1 and Frederick P. lralor. D.B.N., Estate of George W. WakeS. Willey and Th . rs ccount of Myers Hisllne, Jr·. Succeeding Trust.ee.) Account Jlng. Deceased. lrst P~SYIVan1a Bank~ sta.ted fr(lm October 11. IHIJ to September WALLACE-Nov. 2, First and Flnal Acing and Trust. of R. Kemb:e MCC~~~ k ecutors, Esta.c.e 2~, 1959, Estate of Elizabeth Whetstone count 01 Laura. Copple. Admtnlstratrb:. and Robert Kembl . I /a R. K. McCan Rlstlne. Deceased. Estate of Benjamin Josepil Wallace. De-McCARTHY N e MCCall. Deceased. ROBERTS-Nov. 2. First and Final Ac· ccased. count of Ma ~~;' t, First and Final Ac- count of Louille H. Kaln. Executrix, Estate WALLACE-Nov. 2, FIrst and Final Acof Anna P ~ C quart. Executrtx. Estate of Elizabeth D. Roberts, Deceased. oount of Laura Copple Administratrix MCELWEE-~ctr~Y'F~t;~eased. ROSS-Oct. 29. First and Final Account D.B.N .. Estate 01 Han.n~ WalJa.ce, De-: count of Rhod . . rs and Final Ae. of Katbarine S. Ross. Admlnl:stratrlX. Es- ceased. tnx C T A :. to. Carstairs. Admioist-ra.- tate 01 Archibald Laird Ross. a/k/a Arehl. ~LLS-Nov. 2. First and Final Account DeC~a&~d·" s ale of Bertha. McElwee. bald L. Ross and A. L. Ross. Deceased. of Adeline Wa.lls Dix:, Executrix. Estate MelLVAIN RUSSELL-Oct. 29. First and Final Ac- 01 HeJen L. Walls, DeceaslOd. FirleUt '.Phlladcl ~ct. 3D, First Account of count. of Herbert S. LodRe. Admlnlst.rator, WALTER----Oct. 21. First and Final Acmilllst:ator CTPA la Trust Company. Ad· Estate of Sarah O. Russell. a/t/a Sadie count (If Helen S. Walter, Adminlstratrb::. M. , . . . , Estate of Howard M. O. Russell. Deceased. c.1'.A.. Estate of Annie B. Walter. De:';;~if(;,,~;sed. 4 FJ RYBINICK - Oct. 13. First and Final ceaaed. Account 01 Sall ov. . rst and Final Account of A. Brookc Geary. Exector. E6- WASYLUCH-Oc&. 15, Fint and Pinal tate of An sY C. Brown, Executrix. E&-. tate of Catherine Rybtnlcl!:. Deceased. Account. of R. Paul Lessy, Executor. Estate MOONE na . MCNichol. Deceased. SHOCKLEY - Oct. D. First a.nd Final of Marv Wasyluch. Decell.:.ed. count. of r!;-NOV. 2. First and FInal Ac- Account of Rachel BuUer, Execut.rlx. Es- ·w;n.sON-oct. 2l, First and Final Acw lor Est t l~h;W bE.llgie Sharpless. Execu.- tate of Ant.hony R. Shockley, Deceased. count. of Llo)·d Ooman, AdnlJnlstrator. Es.Mae 0 sa e. e Mooney, Deceased. BOSNICKr----oct.. 7. First and Final Ac· taLe of WilUam R. Wllaon. Deceased. Ac ~RSHEAD-OCt. 30. First and Final count. of Andrc'Y Siudock and Regina Slu~ WRIGHT-Oct. 22. First Account of FIH c~u ~ ~~ Florence R. Moorshead and dock. Adm1nistrators, Estate of Edward deUty.Phlladelphla Trust Company and E' . 0 r. Executors. Estate of Art.hur Sosnlckl, Deceased. Wllllam Coxe Wright, Exec'nors. Estate of MMoorshead. Deceased. SPRAGUE-Nov. 4, First Account of J. Daisy Coxe Wright, Dece..,ed. OSHER-Oct. 30, First and Final Ac- H. Ward lf1nksoD and Lucy V. L&mb, YOCKEY-Qct.. 6, First and Final Account o! Melvin E. Caine, Esquire. Execu Trustees u/wm. Estate of Wheeler 8. count. of Ll)retta Kolesa.ret. AdmlnisLratrlx. tor. Es.ate of Archie B. Mosher, Deceased. Sprague. Dcceased. Estate of Sydney Howard Yockey, De-MURPHy-oct. 23, First and Final Ac. STEWART-oct. 30, First. and PartIal ceased. ~ount of Gertrude Donaldson, Executrix. ACC(lunt of Barba.ra K. Madison, Guardian, ZEITZEFF-(}(t. 30. First and Flnal Ac· state of Annie Murphy, Dec.eased. Estate of Barbara EUen Stewart. A MfIlor. count. of Joseph Zel~ff. Executor, Estate OELS-Nov. 2, First and Final Account STEWART----Oct. 30. Flr.l5t and Final Ac~ of Rebecca Zeltzcff. Deceased. of Joseph J. Schafle. Executor, Estate of count of Carl F. Welhman, Administ.rator. EARLE H. ALLEN John R. Cels. Deceased. Eslale of Edith D. Stewart. Deceased. Regt.ster of W1Us and PIETRENIAK-Oct. 3D, First and FJnal STEWART-Oct. 30. First and Flnal AcClerk of Orphans' Court KURTZ--oct 21 l FRY-oct.. 29, First and Final ACcount of Helen M. WOOdall. Executrix. Estate of Jacob L. Fry. Deceased. GRANAHAN -Oct. 13, First and Final Account of ElI%abeUt M. Ramspacher Administratrix. Estate of EUzabeth M: Granahan, Decesnd. OUNIA-Oct. 8. First and Final Acco'.Ult of Marian H. OUnta, Administratrix, Eatate of Catherine Gnnia, a/k/a Katarzyna Gunia, Deceased. : HADLEY-Nov. 4, Account of Henry C. Hadley, Executor u/wm of Harry C. Had_ ley. Estate of Harry C. Had!ey. Deceased. HAMBLETON - Oct. 9, First and Final Account of Helene H. Hambletoc. Execu. trix. Estate of Grant o. lIambleton. De- I 0" c:: cea~ed. HANSLEY-Nov. 4, First and Final Ac. count of James T. liarmon. Executor. Es. tate of Lena B. Hansley. Deceased. HASKINS _ Oct. 16, First AccoWlt of FldelUY~PhiladeJphla Trust Company. Ad. minlstrator, Estate of Jeff HasklDs, a/k/a JeffersOD Haskins and Jeff Ha.lrston, De. ceased. HAVILAND-Oct. 2D. Account of GIrard Trust Corn Exchange Bank. Executor. ~ tate of James T. Havlland, Decea.sed. HIL~ct. 13. First and Final Account of Charles B. Harper, Executor. Estate of Mary E. Hill, Deceased. JACKSON-oct.. 27. First and Final Ac. count of Broad Street Trust Company. Executor. Estate of Richard J. Jackson, Deceased. JOHNSON-Oct. ID, FIrst and Final Accoun, of Stanford P. Johoson. Executor. Estate of Mary Emma Johnson, DeceMed. KREUTER _ Nov. f. First Account or Ethel H. Weakley and The First Pennsylvania Banking and Trust ,Company, Execu· 4 OF :c..ucHERG-Nov. 2, FIrst aDd Final Ac~~t. of Vincent P. Desmond, Adm2Dis;~r. Platate of Eleanor V. FeJnberg. &- -=ceaaed.. "UIIIER-oet. 71. Pint IIIld Pinal Ao~t 01 KarOW! K. PiSber. AdmiD1strator. .,;:.'!...of Kelvin II. Flaber, .Deceased. • ~ <'-Oct. :II, PIra& AC......t '" Loala ,~t; ~ HeJlQ W. Koons. TnU;t.ee. for Carl lI'n'•• U(WlD III - - PRICES EFFECTIVE NOV. 18, 19, 20, 21, 1959 Lancaster Brand, young HEN and TOM 39 10 to 161b. avg. Lancaster Brand, cut from young lb. porkera rib PORK' LOINS end C 2417 lb. to I 16-oz. 'j Iii. C I pkg. 17 JI lI ______ avg. Ib. 25e lb. 4.1. r------, 1;;';IF~Or~ii I ~ 1 BREAD I I:~~ lb. sse Lancaster Brand, cut from young corn·fed beef nane priced higher , .ncaster Brand, Oven Ready D~JCKLINGS ( PORTERHOUSE SIRLOIN T-BONE lb. Armour Star, Oven Ready :v:· STUfFED TURKIr;;Y iii Ii i I II I j i: 6 10 12 lb. avg. JH . II Ii I I Juicy, fresh Florida large size 3 ORANGES I ;; i : !J ;olden Holly. frozen iI cons CWITH COUPON !deal, all flavors Ice Cream SAVE lOc 'h gal. Virginia Lee, oven fresh Raisin Bread old fashioned loaf Bala Club sparkling water or Ginger Ale .llg:" 4 CASE OF 12 aottl •• 0." $1.39 3(1.oz. bol•• 8S~ higher II ," I !I Holiday Savings Suggestions! Redeem your 12c coupons at Acme Orange Juice 46-oz·61 doz. nene priced 29 C CHECKLIST OF VALUES I V-8 Cocktail V.J~::.bl. Embossed Napkins ~o~~;.! Tomato Soup ;::: Cranberry Sauce' ~;~:; Golden Pumpkin :::: Louella Evap. Milk Fancy Mince Meat ~::~ Ideal Stuffed Olives ~::.~ 2 4:::. 69C 2 1ge 12 '~!:z. $1 00 2 I,~:' 3ge 2 2:~~: 2~e 6 '~~::z 7S( 2r,:z. 45 7~~-;z. 49 c SW AIITHMORE STORE, Chester Road - Open Thursday and Friday Evenings 'til 10 OAK PARK SHOPPING CENTER. Bishop Road and Baltimore Pike . Open Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday tiD 9 P.M., Friday till 10 P.M • Your Nearest S & H Green Stomp Merchandise Store 2700 West Cheder Pike, Highland Pari: pkgs. t November 20, 1959 THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 8 5 Seniors Cited for Mary A. Blanchard Parents, Teachers at Magicial1, Musicians on SEVENTH GRADE Merit Scholarship Test Mrs. Mary A. Blanchard died Report, Card Review Gibbons Home Program PUBLISHES PAPER Saturday, November 14,'in Morton Five seniors at Swarthmore High (Continued from Page 1) Elmer F. Steffens, president Gf where she had been living since the Houdini Club of Philadelphia, School have been cited for outstand_ The third issue of the Seventh . dependability, neatness, presented a program of magic at ing performance on the National f II Ed i t ion, Swarthmore-Rutledge February of last year 0 owmg a effort... the Gibbons Home on Th u l'6day Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test Junior High School, was published fall. Mrs. Blanchard, born in 1868, Fourth, fifth a~d s.xt~ grades evening, November 12. Ann Klein (NMSQT) last spring. Each has Thursday. The staff _is as follows: was a life long resident of New Ica,rrY A for SuperIOr AchIevement 'Gf the first viGlin' section, Youth receiyed a formal "Letter of Com.. Co-Editors Judy Roxby, Aleta Hampshire until 1949 when she for the particular ~de, B fO~ Orchestra of Greater Philadelphia, mendation" from the National Jones; literary, Laura Enion; feaa:td Concertmistress of the Spring- Merit Scholarship CorporatiGn. ture , Pat Estey, Carol Campbell; moved to Swarthmore to make her Above A~erage, C for verage, home with her son-in-law and Passm,,: but Below Avera~~, ~ fiell High School 0 r c he. t r a, Principal William M. Bush ansports, Doug Tolley; humor, KatIe daughter Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. for Unsatlsfact:ory (Very It~e played several numbers. Heraccomnounced that the seniors 80 honored Natvig; news, 'Johnny Johnson; asse of South Princeton avenue. Work Ac.comphshe.d). C~tegorl:s ,panist was Bernardo Cortese, con~ are: Luc Tom Smith managing editor. are: readmg, spelhng, arIthmetiC, rt . . t Joan Bradbury, George Martin . . . I d ce plams. This is the third year that the Burial took place early this week in the family cemetery in Epping. langua.ge, handwrltlR~, sOCia stu The November party was plan- Franck, Walther Schneider, Shelby seventh grade has published a biies, SCience, art. Agam the 0 a',1d ned arid furnished by the Spring- Seltzer, and Amy L. Tressler. monthly paper. check symbols are used for mUSIC, field members of the Central physical education, work and'lltudy, Committee of the Community Nur- "1 saw it in The Swarth.morean" FRIENDLY OPEN HOUSE and social areas. .ing Service of Delaware County. aROUP VIEWS SLIDES In the cafetorium of the SwarthMrs. LaVina Hurst,. spokesman Mrs. M. C. Hoven was chairman'of Today-Telt-Oriv. tho New 1960 The Friendly Open House group more-Rutledge Elementary School for the teachers' commIttee read a the arrangements. met on November 9 at 2 p.m. at the Friday the first graders of Mrs. three-page statemellt expressing Presbyterian Church. About 45 Mildren Brain entertained the pri- i conc'"l1 and surprise at the Board's Douglas Cadman, son of Mr. and Vlotor Super 4·Door members and guests attended and mary. school. Jill ~Tamison an- "sudden" indication that any modI1Irs. Douglas A. Cadman of Rutviewed the colored slides of Norway nounced the salute to the Flag and ification (jf the sole use of parentOnly ledge, celebrated his sixth birthand Sweden shown and described the singing of "America the Beau- teacher conferences, in effect here day on Saturday by entertaining by S. W. Johnson of Amherst ave- tiful." Nancy Jones was mistress of for 20 years, was desirable. IICan l t Be Beat for Quality his school friends at a party. and Economy" ceremonies for songs: She asked how the change, which nue. Tea was served by the hospitality Also 4-Door Station Wagons Singing duets in "Little Bird the teachers had not known about .~~ committee of the host Church. M~s. Song'! were: Available until the beginning of this school ~ THOM SEREMBA H. Lindley Peel, chairman, was asThe mothers-Ruth Egbert and year, had come. Board President UPHDLSTERY and SLIP COVERS 8 Years of Swarthmore References sisted by 1\lrs. George· Paterson, Nancy Jones; fathers-Terry Fer- Donald P. Jones explained that Over 30 Years' Experient:8 Mrs. Irl Duling, Mrs. Percy Gil- guson and Dimni pi&.one j brothers members of the Board had been dis11th and EdgmomPhone SHARON HILL 0134 bert, Mrs. Clarence Franck, Mrs. -Ann Pegram and Dale Knob; turbed over a period of time as to TR 6-3314 Estirnates Without Obligatian Harold Griffin and Mrs. Herman sisters-Ann Nolan and Alex Van the present conference sysRiper' uncle birds--Alec Maxwell was completely adequate. They ~ Bloom. Annual Game Closes 1959 Don W. Dickinson Appointed Administrator Don W. Dickinson, Park avenue, has been a.ppointed military relations administrator under the military pro g ram department for Vertol Aircraft Corporatio,n it was announced recently. Prior to joining Vertol, Mr• Dickinson was chief pilot for Keystone Helicopter Corporation, and served for three years '8S a first lieutenant in the U. S. Marine Corps. , A helicopter pilot during his military service, Mr. Dickinson is a graduate of Swarthmore High School. He attended Pennsylvania Military College and Lafayette College prior to being commisSioned in the Marine Corps upon graduation from the ,Naval Flight School, Pensacola, Fla., in 1955. PI .lIls To ....t The Delaware County group of Pi Beta Phi will meet at noon on Wedne'Mby, llecember '2, at the henne of Mrs. J. Archer Turner, 511 Cornell avenue. -. Nov. 26,9 A.M. William J. Cresson Dies Suddenl, Amherst Avenue Resident Gridiron Season The Swarthmore High School football team faces Lansdowne in the final game of the 1959 season at 10:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Day, at the Clothier Fields, College Campus. An inexperienced ~quad of spirited boys have faced superior team·s during the entire season. However, during the last minutes of these contests it was vividly displayed that determination and spirit was not lacking. As the season roiled by, boys such as David Widdowson, a tough ltz,cr, and Amy L. Tressler. monthly paper. check symbols ~l'e used for ~USIC, field members of the Central physical educatIOn, work and study, Committee of the Community Nur- "I 8a1V it in The Swarthmorean" FRIENDLY OPEN HOUSE and social a~·eas. ding Service of Delaware CQunty. GROUP VIEWS SLIDES In the cafetoriulll of the Swnrth1\Irs. LaVma Hurst,. spokesman Mrs. M. C. Hoven was chairman' of Today-Test-Drive the New 1960 for the teachers' comll:uttec read. a th e arrange men ts • The Friendly Open House group more-Rutledge Elementary School '\ met on Novemoer !) at 2 p.m. at the Friday the first gl'aderg of .!.t' rS. three-page statemcpt expressmg Presbyterian Church. About ,15 :Mihh'en Bruin entertained the pl'i- concerll and surprise at the Board's Douglas Cadman, son of Mr. and Victor Super 4·Door members and guests attended and mary school. Jill .lamison an- "smluen" indication that any mod- 1\11'::;. Douglas A. Cadman of Rutnoul~l'cd the salute to LII(! Flag and ification of the sole u~e of pUl'entviewed the colored slide~ of Norway Only Jedge, celebrated his sixth birthand Sweden shown and dcserihed the ~inging of "Am('ri(:a the Beau- teacher l'onferences, in effect here day 011 Saturday lJy entertaining "Can't Be Beot for Quality by S. \V. J oh II50n of A mhcl'st a ve- tiful!' Nancy Jones wa~ mbtress of for 20 ~'eal's, was desirable. his ::;l'hool friends at a party. and Economy" ceremonies fur songs: She asked how the change, which nUt!. Also 4-Door Station Wagons Sinldng duets in "Little Bird the teachers had not known about ."'- ,~~~ Tea W(..lS .:;ervcd hy the hospitality Available THOM SEREMBA ~ until the beginning of this school ~ committee of the host Church. l\lt:s. Song" were: ~UPHOLSTERY and SLIP COVERS)'; The mother:-:-Rtlth Egbert and year, had come. Board President H. Lindley Peel, chairman, was as8 Years of Swarthmore References si8ted by ~ll"s. lieorge Paicrson, Nancy Jones; fathers-Terry Fer- Donald P. Jones explained that Over 30 Years' Experience l\ll's. 11'1 Duling, 1\lrs. Percy Gil- ~tlson and Denni pilcone; brothers members of the Board had been dis11th and Edgmar.t Phone SHARON HILL 0134 _-Ann Peg-I'am and Dale Knob; Lm'bed over a period of time as to bert, )11'5. Clarence Ji'ranck, .Mrs. TR 6-3314 Estimates Without Obligation Harold Griffin amI 1\Irs. Hel'man ~istcrs-Ann Nolan and Alex Van whether the present c()!lference sysRiller; uncle birds-Alec :Maxwell tem was completely adequate. They ~~~ Bl{)()Il1. and Peter Faller; gJ'anny bird~- had heard parents remark that ! wagpMflIQt;'1...Wf'W.WIJU'liWM!Wl'IQl!hIlIMIMIMBV'ligaIWY'fWl,M'}{io'WI}yJIN1!§P}OQliv HN.. ther Cokoley and ltuth Purnell. th~y had not undcrswod what had DR TO MEET In the Bird Chorus ·,."ere: . ! heen told them in conferences and The Evening Section of the COMING TO SWARTHMORE Charles Ril·kseckel'. Andrew Sltwere ~hockcd when realization of Lansdowne Chapter, National SoFRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27th ciety of the l)aughtcl' oi the Revolu- koff, Leslie Mahler. Carol Dudley, their children':;; actual standing Salley Millard, :Mary Ellen Cadcame with transition to junior high tion will hold the November ll.lecting at the home of Cecilia H. man, John Rommel, Stephen L~gue, school. Jones further explained, . C . I J 0 IlllSO n , Victor "This matter ·of cOllcern on the part Simmons, J 14 Yah~ avenue Monday, Hill Stutt, alO of the Board came to a head several at H p.m . .Mrs. Earl Jacobs, state· Jones, 1\lichael Recti. "next to the Spot" Terry Ferguson announced the months aO'O when a parent appeared chairman, will speak .. on "Good • k' umbel' called t» l·horal spea 'mg n . at one of our meetings and asked Citizens." Repairs LOtUS . Instruction Instruments Annette Simmons and E I·Iza b e th "Autumn 1"'· 'liesJJ by Robert ~ h for a more concrete, wrItten type Kunkel will assist as co-hostesses. Stevenson. Three songs sung by t ~ of report. At that time there seem~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 .. fI B oar d Mrs. W ayne P. Ell 'IS, J r., .IS ch' alr- group we r e "\Vinds of " AutUlnn, 'i'!' cd general unannmty 0 t Ie . "J ac k Fl'0.,·t" and Hello, J,.t I.d that the conference system wa<; no t man of the sectIOn. 'th " Thev were announce completely adequate so we .lIlstrucBI ac I( S m l . . 1\11'. and Mrs. Henry D. Bevan by Alec Maxwell. dR' ted the administration to come up of Crc:o;t lane will have with them Stephen Logue annou"";ce B aln- with a proposal for all improveh . to draplntlze unny . f on Thanksgiving their eig h t mont h b ow Rh Yt ms ~ . T h ment in the system of rellortmg or . t · il , The .Elephant, B t e. the 'lpproachmg old granddaughter, Hillary, an d C0 tt on.l school year. Th e • . • We deliver any item, any· I)' and Nl~ht. The ut Clk tl D hel' parents Mr. and l\h·s. EdwOll' ue~. ~lY .directive was apparently 111Isunderwhere in the city. If you wish, 'I C tt n PIckel'S L. Guenther of Drcxelbl'ook. Their fly, 'I Ie 0 0 • I two stood 01' forgotten hecause it upa messenger will call for your f h t T - 1'1" M'lhler announc('( 1 e I cmen· ~on W il I iam w h 0 IS a res man a ucS "" I I Van parenth' did not reach LIe prescriptions and deliver the '. 'olos ·· ··1 Was h ·IIlgton an d L ee U' mVel'Sl' t y 'III pmno s . by :\ exalU r II l'U \V,}o,len tal'V :"chonl prlllclpal llnh Scptemmedidnes. Yo.u pay o!,ly the >· . "Tl Dance 0 lC • . regular prescrIption prIce. Lexington, Va., is also l'xpecte(I I\.lPCl, 1C • . , S . n'\oe" her when he learned It through a ." "The Bll'dhng::-: etc ~ . I home for the hoHdays. S lOes, newspaper story. The Board had naturally assumed the administl.'a, tion would go ovel' the matter With the teachers." NOW AVAILABLE FOR HOMES! The Boaru granted 1\1rs. Hur:;t's reflucst for a private meeting beKlngswood 3-0586 tween teachers and Board at an early date when unswcrs Lo the teach"You Meet the Nicest People at Speare Bros." er:-;' lon~ li:-;t of questions regarding and 12 Colors - Plain and Tweeds dc ...:;il'ability of chan~e, reporting philosophies, and methods of evalu"They Do Sell Nice Things at Speare Bros." ating pupil progress ('ould be given. Seamless to I 5 -Foot Widths The L~al'hers' statement said that in a poll (If teachers it wa::; resq. yard \'ealed that 18 out of 1-1 prirnary tea('l1l'r.o; pl'efC'1' confl'renees only, the other prefers a combination of confl'l'ence and report ('arus. However, of intermediate tl'uchcrs eight out of 12 preferred the combination, two preferred conferences SEVENTJI AND WELSJI STREETS alone, and b ....o had no pl'C'ference, Mohawk Carpeting. Complete Price Range • Oriental Rugs A mother and leader in local eduNOVEMBER STORE HOURS100 Park Ave .• Swarthmore, Pa_ cational circles, who had been presMonday _ Thursday - Friday - 9:30 to 9:00 ent at the meeting when the Board Klngswood 3-6000 - CLearbrook 9-4646 Tuesday _ Wednesday ~ Saturday - 9;30 to 5:30 had originally decided in favor of a ' change, stated "It was my under(/i~. . . ~_.. !.-;.;},.. KNOWS CARPET standing that this was to be a tem• • • Services Nov. 26, 9 A.M. Volume 31 - (">. The Swarthmore High School football team faces Lansdowne in the final game of the 1!l59 season at 10:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Day, at the Clothier Fields, College Campus. An inexperienced squad of spirited boys have faced superior teams during the entire season. However, during the last minutes of these -contests it was vividly displayed that determination and spirit was not lacking. As the season rotIed by, boys such as David WiddO\vson, a tough defensive man and a hard running fullback; Eddy Eckenhoff, a promising fleet-footed back; Skip Bernard an exceptional runnel' and Doc Gray, a reserve sophomore fullback who showed ability; and Burke Jackson, a confident and able starting quarterback and defensive back, were all lost to the Swarthmore team. SWQrthmore has con s tan t 1 y fielded a well-balanced football team. Their record, regardless of the outcome of the final game wilI be admirable. The local gridders are winless to date this season, therefore an upset would do much to soothe the wounds of defeat. The Thanksgiving Day game between Lansdowne and Swarthmore is a traditional classic. Many unexpected outcomes have been l'ccorded in the past in favor of both teams. Tension is mounting in both camps. Lansdow'ne is anxious to maintain a fine record while Swarthmore is determined to win against all odds in order to taste the sweetness of victory. This like other Turkey Day Games between these schools shOUld be packed with enthusiasm, spirit and the desire to win. Starting lineup will be ~ Offense - E. Bill Fouss, T. Al Bullard, G. Jim Meinke, C. Fred Schaeffer, G. Bob Wagstaff, T. George Gilmore, E. Robbie Jarrett, II.B. Skip Bernard, H.B. Dave Grooters, F.B. Bill Swartz, Q.B. Dick Jackson. Defense E. Bill Fuoss, T. ·Wagstaff, G. Meinke, G. Laurence, T. Gilmore, E. Liddell, B. Roberts, B. 'Vaske, B. Alston, B. Anthony, B. Grooters. Past records show Swarthmore with 18 wins, Lansdowne with 14, and three ties. $1,981-50 .... Loughead Ponliac MUSIC VI LLAGE ~l CATHERMAN1S DRUG STORE Office Quality Wool Carpets $12-00 ~"-\4164»' IT CMt\r~~ .. C.,.... ~-i;~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~§~~§~~~~~§~~~§§~~,.... ",es Inc Nurser V Rose aI'ey ponlry measure study goes on, to tide O\'cr 'while while aparents are yapping each way. I personally f eeI • it should be a lony study before the Board gi.... e~ any spur of the moment answers on specifies, and I Middletown Road _ Media, Pa. Opposite High Meadow and Knowlton Road) ( between Dutton Mill Road • urge representation fron> both side", among teachers when they meet with the Board and on any .' CUSTOM LANDSCAPE WORK Friendly Sound Advice - FREE Telephone TRemont 2-7206 Ask lor BEN PALMER DESIGN and CONSTRUCTION Walls - Walks - Terraces PLANT HOLLAND. BULBS Now for Spring Color EVERGREENS BROAD-LEAVED EVERGREENS HYBRID C LEMATIS - GROUND COVERS ~~)=_= Open 7:30 A.M __ 5:00 P.M. Daily and Saturday :;;.________;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~,rI other committees." Principal Doyle "aid, "All districts al'C' having' the same diffi(:ultie$ an(l there is a ~tudy now in progress among a group of schools like Swarthmor£>. Everyone in the United States is as confused as we are as to what is good reporting." BROWNIES PLAN PARTY Brownie Troop 58 will give a Thanksgiving party Tuesday after- noon at the kindergarten room at the Rutgers Avenue School. Guests be members of Troop 317. The hostesses have made favors, \Will and planned square dancing and \ games for the afternoon. Refresh- ments will be served. Don W. Dickinson Appointed Administrator Don W. Dickinson, Park avenue, has been appointed military relations administrator under the military pro g ram department for Vertol Aircraft COl'porati~n it was announced recently. Prior to joining Vertol, Mr. Dickinson was chief pilot for Keystone Helicopter Corporation, and served for three years ·as a first lieutenant in the U. S. Marine Whatever your SWEATER Choice Is ... WE HAVE IT. • • Make your selection at Speare Bros. for every member of the family from the smallest to the largest - ALL Corps. A helicopter pilot during his military service, 1\11'. Dickinson is a graduate of Swarthmore High SchooL He attended Pennsylvania Military College and Lafayette FAMOUS BRANDS Men's Boys' Girls' Regal Robt. Bruce Donmoor Mayclaire Pauker Catalina Robt. Bruce Newport Revere Knitlown Women's Infants' College prior to being commissioned in the Marine Corps upon Preeman Pringle of Scotland Huntington Helgn Harper /liberic Glengarry for Christmas Choose yours now f or yourse If a nd Giving Number 48 Swarthmore, Pa., Friday, November 27, 1959 graduation from the Naval Flight School, Pensacola, Fla., in 1955. Pi Phis To Meet - The Delaware County group of Pi Beta Phi will meet at noon on Wednesday, December '2, at the home of Mrs. J_ Archer Turner, 611 Cornell avenue. Thanksgiving Services Nov. 26, 9 A.M. $4_00 PER YEAR SHS'S SENIORS PLAY THEIR FINAL GAME FOR THE GARNET Annual Game Closes 1959 Gridiron Season VAUXHALL I THE SWARTHMOREAN High School 10 .Meel Lansdowne Thursday Elementary School News \ Attend William J. Cresson Dies Suddenly Amherst Avenue Resident Had Lived Here 76 Years 'Villiam James Cl'e:,son of Am- hent avenue, a resident of Swarth. Pictured above ore the senior members of the Swarthmore High School football team who will be playing their last game for the Garnet tomorrow when they meet Lansdowne at 10:30 a.m. on the Clothier Fields. They are, front row (left to right) - Dave Widdowson, Doug Roberts. Fred Schaeffer and Bob Wagstaff (co-captains), George Gilmore; back row (left to right) Rob Jarrott. Bart Schneider, Bill Fuoss, Dave Wilkie. Hal Lowrence. Burke Jackson. No Mail Thursday Because of the Thanksgiving holiday. there will be no delivery of mail on Thanksgiving Day. The Post office lobby will be open from II to I :30 for the convenience of box holders. THANKSGIVING SERVICE The Community Thanksgiving Service will be held at 9 a.m. tomorrow, Thanksgiving Day, in the Presbyterian Church on Harvard avenue. All ministers of the Swarthmore churches will participate in the servi~e, with the Rev. Robert G.• Kerr of the Leiper IVlemorial Presbyterian Church delivering the sermon. Those who plan to attend both lhe service and the 10 :30 High School Football game with Lans· downe, are reminded to use the parking lot behind the church. Others are asked not to use the lot, but to park on the street. Borough Christmas Gift At the request of the SwarthBusiness Association, Chairman of Public Safety, Charles W. Lukens, has annauncecl, .with consent of Borough Council. that during the month of December, all overtime parking tickets taken to Borough I-!oll within 30 minutes from bemg placed on the car, will be charged 10 cents instead of the regular $1. m0 re Correction It was incorrectly reported last week to the Swarthmorean that Harry R. Jarrett, Sr., had died as a result of injuries in the auto· mobile accident on November 14. Mr. Jarrett is still in critical {'.ondition as the Swarthmorean goes to press. I .JOY OF ! I SHARING I ~fj~~ t. ~ ..Q~.. ~~~ 'lp.(}~ 1959.emu5rM.~S CRErnNG5'1959 ~;;~~~~ren sharing their goodies The Christmas enjoy with the hungry birds and squirrels. Have you shared in I the fight against TB? You'll tell the world you have when you usc Christmas Seals on all holiday mail. FIGHT T8 WITH ! CHRtSTMAS SEALS i Mombo Exhibition Slated for Canteen Alumni Invited to Jain Group at 8 Saturday Canteen will feature Marie Louise Forsythe and her partner at 9:15 to 10:15 p.m. in an exhibition of the various Mombo steps, and will instruct those who wish it on this Thanksgiving "\Veekend, Saturday at the Rutgers a venue all purpof,e room. . It is hoped that many of the alumni will take this opportunity, time and place to reunite with each other. Anthony Pinnie will supervise this Saturday in the absence of Don Henderson. The standard of dress will be coat and tic for the boys and holiday dress for girls. Last week many games and novelty dances were held in a crowd of 231. As the members entered the hall, Barbara Hayes and Barbara Snape handed out HGarnet" and "'Vhite" tickets which were used in two events. One was the Gossip Contest where the two teams were lined up to do a "\Vhispel'ing Down The Lane" stunt. '1'he Garnet team won by ending with a less gal'hled note than the White team. Later these "G a 1" net" and "'Vhite" tickets were used in a game where ;\ holder of a white ticket tried to find, by asking around, other people with white tickets. If he 01' she asked and got a "Ga:'nct" answer, that person had to surrender all he had collected prc\'iotlsly; but if he found his own kind he added it to his collection. Diane Biddle was the one who rounded up the most. In another game, Ralph Kletzien and Bianca Storlazzi won when they did most successfully, what the crowd wanted them to do, by the method of clapping "hot" qr "cold". Bill and Diane Biddle won the missing pairs game, in which they were able to picl.;;: out the six. people having missing' pairs, such as only one earring, sock and so forth. The mystic po\yers game, which required a player to guess which of nine laid-out magazines was the correct one (by discerning from constant previous playing what system of codes was used by Mr. Henderson, Bill Fuoss); was won by Jim lleinke and Bruce Marshall. The winners of the elimination dance were Betsy Breakell and (Continued oa Page 5) LIBRARY HOURS Thonksgiving Holiday Ho"" for the Swarthmore Library are 2 - 5 P.M. Wednesday. No Wednesday evening hours and closed 011 day Thursday. Regular schedule will be resumed on Friday. Trinity Women to Hear Mrs. Roberl C. Lea, Jr. "Teach Us to Pray" Is Topic for Meeting December 3 The women of Trinity Church, Swarthmore, extend a warm invita~ tion to intcrested residents of the Borough to join them at the regular monthly meeting of the organization to be held Thursday, DecemLer 3, at 11 a.m. Mrs. Robert C. Lea, Jr., chairman of the Committee of Prayer and 'Vorship of the Diocese of Penns:rlvallia, and a member of Old St. David's Episcopal Church in Radnor, will lead a panel discussion titled, "Teach Us To Pray." Many will remember that 1\Irs. Lea spoke at the Community Day of Prayer only last l\Iay and will wish to have the opportunity of hearing and talking with her again. Participating with l\Irs. Lea will b~ two other ladies, ;\lrs. Minturn more for 71J years, passed away ~uddellly Friday, November 20, at Taylor Hospital. 1\11'. Cl'e~son was born February 22, 1879. In 188~ his father, Ezra T. Cresson moved his family from Philadelphia to the family home on Swarthmore a .... enue. There he grew lip with his four brothers and a sister, enjoying an the country life that a boy finds on a farm. )11'. Cresson attended Oakdale Sch('ol and tIle old Swal'thmore Prep School. As each brolher and sister married each built a home on Amherst avenue. lIt-. Cresson mal'l'ied the late Estella B. Ommen of Pittsburgh in 1908, and resided on Amherst avenue until his death~ During his lifetime he worked for City Trust of Philadelphia, Jones and Laughlin of Pittsburgh, J. Jacob Shannon, Philadelphia and Walter Siddall, realtors of Drexel Hill. He h:lS been retired for about fifteen years. He was a member of Tl"inity Church and spent most of his time sine::' his retirement with hi!'i hobby, gardening. Surviving are 'Villiam J. Cresson, Jr. of Haverford pla~, Mrsa Robert A. Detweiler of Cornell ave_ nue and Mr!'i. 'Villiam C. Collen... berg of Dickin$on avenUe and eight grandchildren. Services were held on Tuesday morning at 11 at the Patterson Funeral Home in Media. Holiday Workshop Set for December .1 sl The Holiday Workshop for the "roman's Club will be held on December 1 from 12 :30 to 3 p.m., it has been announced by Mrs. Wells 1\1. Forbes, chairman of the American home department. Mrs. Joseph J. Storlazzi, chairman of the gar.. den department, will be in charge of decorating the clubhouse for the event. Highlights of the afternoon's ac_ tivities will be "frs. R. Franklin Yeager demonstrating the story and making of the Advent 'Vreath at 1 p.m.; :\"lrs. Elma l\[cCarraher, director {)f Consurnel' Relations for a Philadelphia department store, in her own sermon entitled "The Beautiful Story of Christmas" at 2 p.m.; and at 2 :30 llrs. Gerald T. Wright of St. Paul's, Chestnut Palma in her original demonstraHill, and 1\Irs. Robert S. Maxam of tion of making Chril:'tmas ornaChurch of the Good Shellhel'd, ments from tin. Rosemont. Club members who will participate by showing their handmade Students Aid in Christmas articles are: Christmas Seal Drive The following senior and junior high school students helped :.\lrs. Howard SipleI' and Mrs. Henry L. Butler in collecting for TB ChristlUas Seals Saturday morning in the business section: Gay Silvers. Nell Lee, Louise Howe, Anne Greer, Betsy Bennett, Sue Bean, Barbara Bernhardt, Chuck Turner, Ben Stradley. Mrs. Sipler and Mrs. Butler ·will be in the Provident Tradesman Bank on Friday, December 4 with extra sheet:::. oi Christmas Seals for anyone who would like to obtain them. Mrs. W. Alfred Smith, club pres_ ident, :L\Irs. ,V. R. Lecron, Mrs. Ja Kenneth Doherty, Mrs. Robert L. Thomson, Mrs. Yeager, Mrs. Samuel L. Althouse, Mrs. Robert Ma Fudge, )lrs. David 1\1. Field, Mrsa Robert D. Miller, IIIrs. William H . Lamason, Mrs. David U. Ullman, Mrs. Frank H. Molloy, Mrs. Bentham W. Stradley. Mrs. G. R. 'V. Gray, Mrs. Frank Chapman, Jr~, and Mrs. Charles R. Gerner. Tea will be served all afternoon to members and to the public. 4R. ASSEMBLIES TO MEET The Junior Assemblies will be held Monday, November 30th at the Plowman Re-elected George Plowman of Harvard avenue was reelected to the board of directors of the Southeastern Penn.. ~ylvania Chapter of the American Red Cross at the organization's annual meeting recently. Woman's Club. Guest hostesses for the sixth grade will be Mrs. Charles Innis and Mrs. Robert Shipman. For the eighth grade group, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Wynkoop and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Taft will be ehaperons. Mr. Otis F. Shepherd, Media, was and M.-s. Charles Brooks and Dr. elected assistant treasurer of the and Mrs. James Nelson will assist WIth the seventh grade. board. November 27, 195t THE SWARTHIIOREAN aarold R. Goodwin pas.ed away birth of a daughter, Catherine Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. GodfreJ Mrs. Clifford M. Bryant of Sche- tration and is presently employed nectady, N.Y., who will also visit as a' secretary at the University Jeanne, on Tuesday, November 17. of Roseland, N.J., formerly of of Pennsylvania. The paternal grandparents are Swarthmore. Capt. and Mrs. Corben C. Shute with Mrs. Albert Hill.. of Crest Mr. Smith is a graduate of of Maple avenue spent the weekend lane over the Thanksgiving holi- Northeastern University, served at Ft. McNair, Washington. D.C., days. ': years in Gertnany with the as gue.sts of Admiral G. S. Patrick Mr. and Mrs. William R. Huey two U. S. Army and is now employed CHECK _ BRAKES BULF BAS IDd OIL and Mrs. Patrick. Captain Shute of Dickinson avenue will entertain as a salesman with his father at STEERIIIB Ind FRONT END DELCO BATTERIES attended his class reunion. at a family Thanksgiving dinner Banian Business Controls in ·BosWE REPAIR ALL MAKES OF CARS Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones of when their guests will be their sonton, Mass. North Swarthmore'avenue will en· in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. A June wedding is planned. tertain their family at Thanksgiv- E. Donald Gustafson and their four ing dinner. Their son Larry. who children of Montclair, N.J., Mr. RUSSELL'S ·SERVIC·E TO WED, SATURDAY is attending Carleton College, will and Mrs. William R. Huey, Jr. and Opposite Borough Parking Lot The marriage of S"ny J 0 Picbe at home for the holiday weekend.' their two children of Rosemont, Dartmouth 6' Lafayette Aves. KI 3-0440 Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Walker Mrs. F. F. Huey of Kennett Square, kard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Pickard of "The KorClosed Saturday 12:30 P.M. of Elm avenue and their daughters Miss Mabel Gihon of Swarthmore. ner", Wallingford, and Mr. Waiwill 'have Thanksgiving dinner Mr. and Mrs. C. Carlton Colyer and '\' ter Houston Mann,\ Jr., son of Mr. .lIlDlBUmmlIJUOIIIIIIIIDIIURDUODUlUlUlmatnIIIiROIDUlIllIIftIIDIIIIIRI,lIRDmIIIWWUiiIiiiiliIDCDUlIlUIUOlttUllOOtt· with Dr. W<.Iker's brother and sis- Mr. Stephen Colyer of Radnor. and Mrs. Mann of Rutledge, win ~ ter-in-Iaw Mr. and Mrs. William ,Mrs. James B. Bullitt. Jr. of take place at the Wallingford PresH. Walker in Princeton. N.J. Their Lincoln avenue will entertain at a byterian Church Saturday afterdaughter Alice, who is a freshman small informal party on Friday noon at four o'clock. The Reverend at Earlham College, Richmond, afternoon in honor of her daughter John B. Rowland will officiate. Ind .• is home for holiday weekend. Evelyn and Mr. Robert William The bride's parenta win enterHausslein of Rockport, Mass. tain at a buffet supper before the Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moran of The marriage of Miss Bullitt and BEAUTY BRACES THE tESTlYE BOAIIU Kenyon avenue will entertain at a Mr. Hausslein, son of Mr: and Mrs. wedding rehearsal Friday evening. family Thanksgiving dinner when Robert H. Hausslein of Fort Lee. 9 South Chester Road their guests will be Mr. and Mrs. N. J. wiU take place on Saturday, STAFFORB - PEACH . Call KIngswood 8-0476 Ernest Fedderoff and their chil- June 18 in Trinity Episcopal Dr. and Mrs. E. Fullerton Cook dren of Amherst avenue, Mr. and Church. of Pine Ridge, announce the marMrs. H. John Lumsden and their Miss Bullitt, who is a student at riage of Mrs. Melissa McGowan children of Media and Miss Grace Wellesley College. is spending the Peach of New York City and Mr. G. Greene of the Harvard Inn. Thanksgiving holiday with her Gerald J. Stafford of Brooklyn, Dr. and Mrs. Morris Bowie of mother. 1 N.Y. on October 31. South Chester road will have as Dr. and Mrs. James Ferguson of Mr. Stafford is associated with their weekend guests their son-in- Westminster avenue will have as General Accident Fire and Life law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. their guesta over' Thanksgiving Dr. Assurance Com·pany. Philip Rummel and daughter Mar- Ferguson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Stafford was a resident of cia of Park Forrest, III., their J ames Ferguson of Glen Cove, L. I. Swarthmore for many years, bavdaughter Mrs. Margot Morris and Louise Howe. daughter 'Of Mrs. ing made her home with Mrs. Cook's ber daughter of Hamden, Conn., Joseph S. Howe of Columbia ave- mother, the late Mrs. George A. and Miss Nancy Inge of La Junta, nue. Bnd Susan Bean, daughter of Marr of Swarthmore. Colo. Dr. Bowie's mother, Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. W. Randolph Bean of The couple will make their home S. Bowie of Paonica, Colo.• who has Charlottesville, Va., will entertain in Forest Hills, N.Y. 'It the Diplobeen visiting her son and daughter- at an Open House on Saturday af- mat A~artments. in-law will remain through the hoi- ternoon from four to six at Louise's Iday. h<>me. BIRTHS Dr. and Mrs. Henry J. Weiland Mr. and Mrs. Guilbert Winchell of South Chester road, accompanEIIBABEMEIITS Mr. and Mrs. H. Logsn Lawrence of South Lincoln. Mass., announce ied by their daughter Miss Patticia Weiland, have returned from a of Wellesley road announce the en- the birth of a daughter on Novem, LaTgO CTOP _ Fi"" Qualitl/ - Re ...onabl. PriceB ihree month tour of Europe where gagement of their daughter, Miss ber 19 at Emerson Hospital, Con. they visited 15 countries. Their son Janis Penfield Lawrence to Mr. cord,' Mass, The infant has four Mr. J. David Weiland of Washing- Jonathan Talbot Lange. son of Mr. brothers. ton. D.C.• and Mr. and Mrs. Albert and Mrs. Gordon Lange of Cedar " The maternal grandmother is A Specialtll - AlwallB Good Mrs. F. T. Flaherty of Guernsey T. St. Clair of Wilmington, Del., lane. Mi.. Lawrence is the grand- road. The paternal grandparents will be their guests for ThanksgivEGCS - POULTRY - ,POTATOES - SQUASH, Etc:. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James C. are Mr. and Mrs. G. WincheH, also ing. _VISITMr. and Mrs. Burtus Ceton of Lawrence of Moylan, fortnerly of of South Lincoln. Broomall and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Swarthmore. and of Mrs. Charles Moran, J r'r of Kenyon avenue spent Franklin 'Dike and the' late Mr. Dike. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Godfrey the weekend at Mountain Lakes, of Baltimore, Md., announce the Oil faintings Nice Open Fire N.J" where they visited Mr. and Mr. Lange is the grandson of OPEN ALL WINTER· Mrs. John M. Hildreth. While there Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Lange of LIMA PA. Pennell Road they visited with Mrs. Hildreth's White Plains. N.Y. and the late 9 a.m," 7:00 p . m . ' V4 Mile South of Hours: parents Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mesh- Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Pearson. 10 a.m. _ 7:]0 p.m •• hODI LOwIII B-I680 Tr.fflc LI.hI SUhday chter, former Swarthmoreans. Miss Lawrence atteflds Mount Rosemary Hibbard arrived' yes- Holyoke College where she is a senterday from Simmons College, ior. Mr. Lange is a senior at Princewhere she is a student, to visit with ton University. her parents Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Mr. and Mrs. W. Alfred Smith Hibbard of South Ghester road of Amherst avenue announce the Mr. and Mrs. E. Wallace Ghadengagement of their daughter Virwick of Rose Valley spent several ginia to Mr. Richard Haig Banian, days recently as guests of Mr. and Middletown Road _ Media. Pa. Op)Osite High Meadow son of Mr. and Mrs. Haig Banian Mr.. Jack B. Thompson of Clifton Forge, Va. Former Swarthmoreans of Canton, Mass. (between Dutton Mill Road and Knowlton Road) Miss Smith is a graduate of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rickards of Swarthmore High School. She atJumbo shrimp cocktail, plump, Wynn~wood were day guests of the tended Bucknell University and pink and perfect with our lively Thompsons recentiy on their way Peirce School of Business Admlnissauce. Carefully roosted young to White Sulphur Springs, Va. Vermont Turkey with h&arty Mr. and MTs. E. M. Fox of Yale chestnut stuffing. rich giblet For MABAZINE SilBSCRIPTlOIS avenue have as their guests for gravy. Candied sweet potatoes several days over Thanksgiving Mr. Frlondly sound Advice - FREE and young. tender peas. . Fox's parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAI Fox of Akron, 0., and his sister Crisp celery hearts, QUMn and Miss Betty Fox of Washington. Telephone TRemont 2-7206 Ripe olives and radish rosefie.s. KI ]·20110 Sue ~iehaus of Yale avenue was M for am PALMER Tossed g,••n salad with 0 entertained at a surprise birthday choice of ta,ngy dressings. party Saturday evening at the OIiUDIIIIIIUlIUDOnlDtllnaRlHUIIISIDHlHUlWtDilHIlIHUU:.a. , home of Bobbi Nygard of Marietta Be sure to 5Gve room for either Now on Hand in Quantity avenue. Eleven girls were present. of our "great .. grandmother" Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Bassett a de..ert.. Plum pudding with d .. of the Swarthmore Apartments ii Served Daily lightful hard • Cluee or warm will ·have as their guest for the brandy mince pie. Auorted nuts Thanksgiving holidays Mr. Bas- Botti Hot & Cold Dishes and mlnh. COH.... Tea or Milk.. sett's sister~in~law Mrs. Norman DOUCLAS FIR. SCdTCH PINE These or. jud a few of the vaH. Bassett of Ventnor, N.J. $1.25 ri.ty of appm1ers. veget.bl•• Mr. and Mrs. S. Milton Bryant COLORADO BLVE SPRUCE and deuert. which will be preof South Chester road wi11 have pared~ Other Entr•• , will include their son and his family, Mr. and Personals '1 STATE INSPECTION - NOV. DEC. JAN. " ROBERT J. ATZ, Mgr. BEAUTY SALON ,S~::~a~Tse A PPLES CIDER Wolff's Apple House OLD FASHIONED THANKSGIVING DINNER Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. • CUSTOM LANDSCAPE WORI ; B BuHel Luncheon LIVING ~==========~~~~II Annual WILLIAM PENN TOUR n"t..wln. m..,. ffOII , .. 7,JO,.M. • tile Route I, Baltimore Pik. mATH RAVIN INN THE WILD lOOSE Writo now for Foldor 'I Virginia Ham, ,Prime :Rib, of a..f and Rainbow Broolt T.....t. $2.75 Watch for details of this excitingl960 tour of England and the Continent. ,A. ____ Buffet Dinnen Thunday 5, to 9 - Sunday 3 to 8 Lad by Euell Gibbons. Call LO 6-1808 DELAWARE COUNTY 11lAVEL AGENCY II s. 01AN6& ST. '_..,...-__ IotEDIA. • ------_. (4 Mihs West of ...~ I s....._rl..._ ...... Sel'Yic~~'H.ld for wa~lIi~n;g;:fo:rd~L~ib~~:":":':"":~=~~~!!!!1~~~~~~~~ Harold R. GOodwin CI d Trhery . MAS TREES SELECT YOUR TREE EARLY • BERRIED PLANTS Firethoms, Cotoneasters, Hollies Open 7:30 A.M. _ 5:00 P.M. Daily CIIICI ~ay at his home in Rose Valley Saturday at 1 :30 a.m. JIe was 70. ae was for many yesrs sales manager in charge of the Philadelphia ollke of the United States Gauge Company. He is survived by his wife. the former Mary M. White, a son Alan D. of Asheville, N. C., and two brothers and a sister living in Philadelphia. ' Funeral services were held at his late residence on Rose Valley road Tuesday afternoon. Intertnent :followed at the Union Methodist Church in Rose Valley. WIL Carol Sing Set for December The Worn en's International League for Peace and Freedom, Swarthmore branch, will hold ita annual Christmas carol sing on Thursday evening, December 3 at the home of ' Mrs. Maurice L. Webflter, Jr., 605 Elm avenue, at 8 Members will entertain international students. and visitors at home .uppers before the sing. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Townsend of Chester left by plane Friday for Jacksonville, Fla., from where they will motor through the state. Mrs. Townsend is assistant borough sec- OSIl anksglving Hatten. Mr.. Shreve was named L.~he Helen Kate Furness Free ::::::.r At! library volunt:: I rary, Nether Providence wi\l of I so named as chairmen be closed Thanksgiving Day. ' It. was announced that the funds :eoelved. through gifts and pledges tn the current fund drive amount to ov~r ,.47,500. The community is ;:,ntn~utmg to the goal of $65.000. . he bl~ thertnometer outside the IS unable to keep pace WIth the contrIbutions. Mrs. Clement Allen, librarian reported 98 new borrowe'; Issued during Octoberbrlngmg . the number of new users of the library, since last January to 517. This year a total of 3 107 books were circulated during' the month as compared with 1666 I st urmg ' 0 ctober 100 new a Year. D boo~ were added to the library colI~tlon. The Book Selection Commlttee has selected for purchase 48 new books, add"Ing several needed books to the drama collection. On W ednesday, November 18, the Volunteer Staff-'Over 60 womenwere guests of the Program Com. mlttee, for n "Coffee Hour". Program Committee Chairtnan Mrs. John Cush",an, was assisted by the other members of her committee: Mrs. Donald .Rhodes, Mrs. Stillman Westbrook, Mrs. David Gordon Mrs. O. Davis Shreve, Mrs. A. B: Chisholm, Mrs. James Pearl. Mrs. Mrs. William b~rary ,ofte~ t~at ca~ds.were r_e~ts;r:y;.;;;:;;:;:~;:::;:;;:::;;::;:==::-:==~J;;. ::M;a~r;k:..K:::irc::hgas.er. 101 :r.';.,unte~r work groups are: Breue~ Chlsholm~ DeQC/line lor Veterans' BlecUriars Present Gifts Elltendecl to Dec. 6 TlIrkington Comedy • A one act comedy. "The Trystln& • ~he A~erican Legion Auxiliary Place"· by Booth Tarkington, was Mrs. Edward T. {; nIt 427 18 ex.tendin g for one week I ' who are m charge of week· the opportunIty for SwarthmorsesHsions at the library; to contribute gifts to the men volu~ nna . oren. chairman of a~ wome~ veterans at the CoatesM teer clertcal staff. assisted by VIlle HospItal. Contributions need ;:'i.:\~' O'N~ill. not be gift wrapped, only a card .d rtef busmess meeting was need be attached I n die a tin g presl ed over by Mrs. Chisholm. whether the gift is for a man or woman. and may be left by DecemIn the Interest 6 at the home of Mrs. Oscar Of ZONED Mail Gilcrest, Vassar avenue. P The AuxIII.ary has alreaay given ostmaster Charles Grier an- a. cash donatton to the hospitsl but nounces that a zone book of Phil.- smce !here are over 1500 veterans, delphia has been placed in the ,post there IS a great need for generosity ollice for the Infonnation of patrons at Christmas. so theithat Ch' they will be a bl e to zone As announced in last week's frie~ds ~stmas c~rds ~ddres.sed to Swarthmorean, appropriate gift. h' nd relattves m Phlladel- may be chosen from the following p ~a. d . list: re erIC H. Barth, acting : n n gt. ..· master of Philadelph' h r- d G,fts on. the hst for women are: k la, as as e . Swarthmore Po s t m as t e r Gn'er Statioonery, writing portfolios, ( b II t and undoubtedly other PMs in the a pom pens. handkerchiefs. hose area) to separate zoned mail from head scarfs. wallet.. playing card; unzoned mail for Philadelphia de- emery boards, or. deodoran; livery. in plastic containers, gloves, plastic raincoats, slipper sox, shower caps. M'dsh' G'f f I Ipman David Shute will enI ts or men patients include: a grouP. of Midshipmen and Stationery. writing portfolios, t~etr dates at dmner at the home of handkerchiefs, sQ!'ks, ties, wallets. parents Capt. and Mrs. Corben playing r~hOP ea~8 b~r 2~8, lipsti~k te~ain ~IS i~ I ~heel presented Friday night In the Swarthmore High School A dlto ium. u rThe play was presented by the Blackfriar's Dramatic Club under the direction of Mrs. Hanna Mathews assisted by Sally Stephens and Hewes. The characters were: }{Iarln Ward, Mrs. Curtis; Jim Tolles, Lancelot Briggs; Heidi Honnold. Jessie Briggs; Eddie Harris. Rupert Smith; -Don Smith, Mr. Ingoldsby; Jean Anderson, Mrs. Briggs; Skip Bernard, the Voice. The committee chairmen were: Scenery. Bill Biddle; properties, Anne Es.I; dance, Sue Gowing; publicity. Joan Ha\vkins; tickets, Anne Greer; costumes, Larmle H~vpper; I'Ight'lng, Steve K amp; p]-ayreading, Josie Lange; art and painting. Patty Narbeth; 'Progr P P I I amsj:m au; genera busl&e. pOOdle; Make-up. Suzie -r"h soun ,Pete Sheppard. I'n thee PhI'agY a dance h au I rtUm. An~e ~:\ en~. wS:hsoofOlllowd:cJtob~ K.pp., to' Saw Me m b e r s of Kappa Ka a Gamma will meet Tuesday Dec?m . ber 1 at the 'home of Mrs.' Wallac; McCurdy. 108 Stratford road, Wallingford. You d'on't have far to look when you • • • Shop in Swarthmore Save Hours, Dollars, Your Nervous System . ~ Hours and dollars are partic:ularly precious at Christmas time. You c:an get the greatest return for yours by doing you Christmas shopping in your own home town. ' ' You save money because your home town merchants, not having to pay high metropolitan rents, can afford to sell at 'low prices. When you shop in your home town. you help to _keep the community ec:onmically stable. An extremely wide variety of high quality merchandise is offered here in Swarthmore at nomhlal price.. STRETCH YOUR TIME AND MONEY AT . -. BOUQUET BEAUTY SALON THE HARLOW SHOP PROVIDENT TRADESMENS BANK and TRUST COMPANY HARRY OPPENLANDER Hi-Fi Studio CATHERMANIS DRUG STORE MICHAELIS COLLEGE 'PH~~ACY SWARTHMORE TOGGERY SHOP CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP THE HOLLYHOCK GIFT SHOP JOYCE . LEWIS ALICE BARBER GIFTS RUTH HANLEY DRESSES' "" 4 THE SWAR1'HMOREAN PUBLISHED EVllRY fRIDAY AT SWARTHMORB, PBNNA. PETER E. TOLD, JrlJARJORIE TOLD, Pub/ialuw. Phone' KIngswood 3-0900 PlETER E. TOLD, Editor Barbara B. Kent, M"7U1.I1ing Editor ROBalie D. Peirsol Sonya K. Horneff Marjorie T. Told JeanDette V. Howe Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. DEADLINE - WEDNESDAY NOON SWARTHMORE, PENNA., FRIDAY, NOV. 27, 1959 I Tllilm IITEI The Men's and Boys' Corporate Communion will be held this Sun. day at the 8 o'clock service. Break. fast for this group will be served immediately afterward. There will be a service of Morning Prayer at 9:30 a.m. All departments of the Church School ,will meet at that hour, and at 11:15 a service of Morning Prayer will be held. Those serving as ushers will be as follows: 9:30 a.m.-J. P. Espenscbade, head usher; R. G. Tressler, alter. IEWS IOTEI Mr. and Mrs. RoJand L. Colt of Marietta avenue returned home Sunday evening by plane from a week's vacation in Bermuda. In their absence Mrs. Coit's mother, Mrs. A. B. Irwin of Oklahoma City, Okla., stayed with Claudia, Craig and Kent. Mrs. Irwin will return to her home in Oklahoma after Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. 'Arthur W. Collins of School lane with their "hildreil~ James, Robert and Marilyn will spend Thanksgiving Day and the .... Alice Barber Gifts 15 South Chester Road Swarthmore Klngswood 3-1900 ~ii~~~~~'~'~~~~~~~' THOM SEREMBA UPHOLSTERY and SLIP COVERS 8 Yean of Swarthmoro Referonc•• Over 30 Yoa,,' Experience Phone SHAIION HILL 0734 Estimates Without Obligation "ETHODIST IOTES day at 7:30 p.m. at the church. ,nate; J. F. Brewster, BenJamin weekend with Mrs. Collins' sister .. '11 Dangerfield, Theodore Haehle, W. and family Mr. and ,Mrs. J. P. On Friday and Saturday the 11th The Commission on Missions WI V. Thomas, Jr., W. C. Wilburn, and Wallace, Jr., of Falls Cburch, Va. Annual'South District Youth Can. meet at the church at 8 p.m. Tues· R. M. Woods; 11:15 a.m.-A. G. Dr. John G. Shinn and Mr•. ference for senior youth and adult day. . Boyd, head usher; W. H. Ryerson, Shinn with, their children moved " glu. t/Janks until t/J. workers will be held at the LansThe W.S.C.S. Executive Board alternate; W. M. Bush, E. O. on Monday from Vassar avenue to liorb. fllr 11. II 11111111: .1.._~e Methodl'st Churcb. The will meet in the church parlor on Cramp, R. D. Hulme, and J, P. R ose V a II ey roa, d Moyan. 1 Mr. an d UV"~ fllr 1IIa m'"1J r~~ttI! theme is missions: "Ye Shall Be Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. ~"ec'utivel Smith. Mrs. Samuel Maule of Mt. Holyoke fllrfurr. The Pairs 'n' Spares .a;: The E. Y. C. will meet at 6 p 1ace an d th' elr th ree d aughte rs My WI·tness." , I'SAT.MS eVIl. t o'clock Sunday evening; Canter- h ave purc hase d th e Sh'mn h ouse On Sunday the Sac rament of Committee will meet at 8 p.m. . '11 bury Club at 6 :15, and at 8 o'clock an d WI'Ii occupy I't someti me ne xt Holy Communl'on wI'll be observed Wednesday. at both services at 8 :45 and 11 The Cottage Prayer meeting WI of M and Mr there will be a service of Evening mont h . Id t th h b h o'clock, with Mr. Kulp giving the e e a e orne r. s. Prayer. Carold Honnold of R.:itgers aveSwarthmore. P .. ommunion meditation. Theodore L. Purnell, 304 Cornell On M,onifay, St. Andrews Day, nue WI'11 be h orne f rom Ob erl'm Col • C Th Wed d 8 at'11 b p.m. e f . h al'd S W Jnes h ay. there will be a l celebration of the ege or t h e Th anks givmg 1 ays. The fir st Membership Instruction 'avenue J Class will be held at 9 :45 in the eader WI · e C' . Ie . wI'll 0 nson. meet at Holy Communion at 9 :30 a.m. The L d y la IrC There will be a celebration of the See th Joh 0 Parlor with Mr. Kulp and all those th h W S M 'shing to ,unite in the membership e orne 0 f rs.. . Thursday ns n, Holy Communion at 9:30 on Tuese ,. Wl 41 A he st V nue on day morning, and at 7 o'clock that A non.profit, mutual en· of the church on Sunday, December t 1 pm r a e , MEMORIAL PARK 13. a .m. evening a zone dinner meeting will in beautiful terprise for the benefit of Church School clasSes for all ages be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. f iIi' ·din· S rth will begin at 9:45 a.m. There is a PIlESBYTERIAN NOTES WEST LAUREL HILL am esresl g m wa • nursery for infants to two years The Community Thanksgiving W. T. Salom. f l___ "AM" more and neighboring com· of age during this hour. Service will be held tomorrow at 9 The midweek celebrations of the munities. For information During the 11 o'clock Morning a.m. in the church sanctuary. Holy Communion will be held at ,any day from 9 to 4. as to lots apply to Worship hour, ,there are three aep. Holy Communion will be celebra· 7 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Wednesday. • ....onl Avo, above City Un. ALBERT N. GARREn ups cariRg for children ted at the 9,:15 and 11 o'clo~k servo Bible Classes will meet Rt lO a.m. 1'30 C fi t' 1 &alo-C)'ftwyd Pr.rid.nt ..rrd Budn••• Mgt'. arate gro under adult supervision. ices. The reception of new members'. . p.m., on rma!On c asses The Commission on Membership will be held at the second service. will be held 10 :30 a.m .. and 4 Stop in ()fI;c. al COck Tow.r 228 Garrett Ave. KI 8-0489 and Evangelism will meet. on T, uesMorning Prayers are held Tues- p.m. The InqUirers Class will meet lor auidonce Swarthmore, Pa. at 8:.30 p.m. immediately a . d ays at .9m h . The Missions and t e"servll~e o~ Evensong at 8 p.m. CHURCH SERVICES Committee V{ill meet at 7 '30 A celebratIOn of the Holy Com'd " , . munion will be held at 9 :30 ThnrsPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH day fol,lowed by a Healing 30 YALE AVENUE MORTON, PAD. Evor Roberts,' Minister t'v B rd meeting III meet at Service at 10 0 clock. The Women TELEVISION - HOME and AUTO RADIO - PHONOS Robert O. Browne, Assoc. Mtnister "Bring It to Us or We'll Come to You" and Minister of Christian Education 9"3eO, ;ednesday. T~e Bandage of T~nit?' will hold their December Group wi!l meet at 10 a.m. meetmg m the Cleaves Room at 10 Klngswood 4·1028 Sunday. November 29 9:15 and 11 :00 A.M. -, Holy ComCircleIII, 2, Chairman William Mrs. Robert C. Lea,ofJr., the munion Ward, will meet M'rs. at 10 :30 in a.m. Pennsylvania Branch theof ~e• 9 :15 and 11 A.M. - Church School McCahan H 11 partment of Prayer and WorsI)lp, 9: 1i A.M. - Adult Study Gl T....son - Sermon doubts no less iIIan his raal beliefs. Peter C. Campbell of Vassar 'ave. will be entitled "Soul and Body". TlIera is no creedal ted for memberRidley Park nue, a student at Swarthmore Col· Wednesday evening meeting each ship. If this kind of church appeals week. 8 P.M., Reading Room. "'09 to you, come Sunday to the Unitarian lege is spending the Thanksgiving Dartmouth AVlrnne, week· Church on Old Marple Road. Sample holidays with hie room mate, Bill rary S-ociety, been accomplished. He stressed the Phi Alpha Nu. need for adequate consideration of David Deacon, Lafayette avenue, changes so as to avoid unfiesirable a seni~r at Earlham College, Richjumping around. Also, many di· mond, Ind., portrayed one of the verse plans, say- for mathematics, leading roles in the play "Skin of had been proposed in educational Our Teeth", a Thornton Wlilder circles with 80me dilemma as to comedy presented last weekend by w hi c h to choose. Swarthmore the Mask and Mantle, dramatic BOteachers have found that high ciety. Robert Turner, Media, a junschool subjects cannot be switched ior at Earlham, was also in the cast. to different grades without changes Christine D. Sipler, daughter of in 'the content to mateh the age Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Sipler of group. The attitude of school ad- Harvard avenue, has been selected ministration is to proceed carefully, as one of the 56 girls to represent ,to expect to implement many of the Col~Y Junior College in this year's r,\ PHONEI !..., LOWELL6-6225 ,J$,.~ - Open Every Evening " From November . 30 --until-- Christmas ~ ----. SEE ALL THREE • f River Mrs. war . ayes a th~ view road, ha~ been named to . dean's honor hst at Wesleyan Um, . M' ddl to 'Conn Ed is a ver~ltY, . 1 e WD, • senIor thIS year. er::e~~en:e~:::t~o:' s!~~d :en~~~ 1"11ltIIII11I1III",1""OIOlDIIIIIIIIIIUI"UIllIlIOIII-1 moving shortly. Robert Gerner, vice president, agreed to fill ,the presi· dent's duties and continue ,as pro- ~ tram chairman. a B - Mombo Exhibition 6u~:~;;~~ C rd = $very Qhristnyzs a a Precwus Gift· .• .. =-!==:: i! ~ I... I when is a 81!ecial Christmas portra~t " § of your ~amily • =~ This Thanksgiving Weekend the chaperons ,will be Dr: and Mrs. Jsmes EckenhDff and Dr. and Mrs. Edgar Wrege. S A andy Mills, Cindy ROberts and ndy Gay served refreshments. , ' I I' a ," 1~ MILEY & BROWN MOTORS Next to A & P Market 36 East State Street, Media, PD. PHILI P' MAYERI PHOTOCRAPHY .. !i Best Bet Is Always ••• = Dick from Page 1) Four bridge tables were iIi use a tnost of the evening with Mr. and lIrs. William Spencer, John Pinks- = =d:~ Craig Smithinstructing in I For the LOWEST PRICE plus the FINEST SERVICE ANYWHERE, Your 215 _= ~ College Ave. Swarthmor.l! "'a1 K.lng$Wood 3-9927 ____ tIIIlI_ _ _ _ _ §=_ .. SWARTHMORE - MEDIA'S ONLY CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH - VALIANT DEALER LOwell 6-2044 , November 27, U,59 -WOMAN'S CLUB NOTES WHAT IS HI.. WITHtUT A 'lAin WIIJ' DOt ••, ,nr re,.nt ,.... tN'" • ,u.o waer to J.au· pra.,U.,.l experleace ww. all makea. Ii will ID tile ea" p., ,•• Oe1lt PreY. Deeeaaed. u .t&te4 bJ' Hellf7 w. Koou. Bunh'lDa Trualee. aDd Eaua. H. Oe1.at. Executrts. 'U'/wm 01 Louts J Oetat. Deceased Truatee. EaLete or Eleaoo;· :ed ABBets TIES AND 14 School Sites, BuildSURPLUS .•... $2,832,846. ings and Equip. • 2,636,762.00 TOTAL ASSETS $2,1182,846.14 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS . A complete statement of Bonded Indebtedness of the School Di~. trict, showing the change during the fiscal year ended July 6, 1969 IS as follows: OU.tBt'd'g Retired Qutst'd'g La.st July 6, Ju.ly 6, During Description Mat"ritY 1959 1958 Year Year 0/ Bonds May 1, 1960 $ 8,000 1930 Series F 4% % .. $ 16,000 $ 8,000 3,000 3,000 1934 Series G 3% % Oct. 1, 1973 320,000 20,000 300,000 1953 Seriea H 2%% 4339,000 • 31,000 $308,000 The ,,!,>ove financial statements of the Swarthmore-Rutledll!' UDi~: School District for the school year ending July 6, 1969 are pub!l~hed ia. compliance with Section 2432 of the School Laws of PennsYI van of The Auditeln' ·Report was filed Wlth the Court of Comm~n P eaS soed) aJ',.ys DelaWare County on November 16, 1959. and will be confl rm30 luteiy unless an appeal is taken therefrom within thirty ( aftar the filing thereof. . Auditonf OSCAR S. HART RICHARD M. SNYDER LAWRENCE A. STEAD. JR. ----- Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Hibbard of South Chester road will have as their guests over the Thanksgiving holiday Mrs. Henry' Howell and Mrs. Paul Hoos of Montelair, N.J. and Mr. George Pomeroy of Ben Avon Heights, Pittsburgh. Account. of C..1mlr PiekrDJak. EKecu*. Ea&at.e oi ltt.tbel'1De PteueDl&t. a/"/a Catherine Pletrealu. Ca.therlDe Pet.enOD. 1tMbar1De Pie&renSak. Deceaaed. PlNCUR.A-OCL 22. PInt and PInal Ac.- alH),. ESTATB NOnUS Estate of MARGARET CLARE. )lEAL, deceased (1aie of Bwarthmore, Delaware county\ Pa.). Lettera Tes1;amentar'J' on the above .aLate bave been sranted to the under. sllOed. wbo reQ.ueat aU per.oPl ht.vlDa clalml or demands q&1nat &be Estate of Ule decedent to make Imowa the same. and all persona Indebted. to the deced.eDL to make p&JJD.ent.. without delaJ'. to Ed.1tb HWel Deweell. John E. Fricke and Prot1lIent Tta.d.ean:ums BiU11t and TrU8.t Compao" Executor., 11\h ancl Cbestnut StiR.e .... Pbll... delphia 3. Pa.. BenJamJn F. sawln, heltdent; or to their Attorney, WallaCe C. BUll;, cOUDi of carl P. Welhml.D, 8Uni\1Dl Executor, FAUlk! 01 WlWam T. ale.an, Deceased. BTRATI'ON.KICBENER Oe'. 17, PInl IIDd Ftn&l AcCOun' of Albert B. Marla AD4 ChArles A. StraUoll. Ezecutora, Ee;ta\e of of John PIDcura. Ad.m1D1lV'Mor. 8111a Stratton Mlcheattl', Deceued.. E .tate of K ..tariD& Pineura, Decltued. 8UPIo'PT--oct. 27, Pint and FiD.al A~ ~t. R1C~ 30, Flnll Account. of Edmund T R ICt!, Bub.t.Uuted Uld. Bunh'-- TrtuI'-. count of Ceal.raJ,·PeDD JfaUonal But aI Ea\t.te or Rt.ebel Rice, Deceued. ....... PblIaclelpb1a., Decutor. Elltate 01. FrtoDk RI8'nNE Ocl 10. Firat Account. 01 M. Suplee, Deceased. THORNLEY-Noy. 4. Fltst aDd Pinal Ao. Frederick P. BlsUDe and The Fint. PeJlD· sllva.nia BanklnB' and TrUI" Company, count 0( EUubelh T. Hoffmeister, Elec.... Trustees U/WJJI, for Frederick P. RlIUDe. 1rls. Dt.ate of .JohD. '1'b.orDley. Deceased. 'l'OR&-Oct. 21, Fint &Del PInal ACCOUlll (ACCOUDt. staled b;y The Pint. PelUlS,h'ama Banklns and Truet. Company, SUrYlYina' of FtcH B. snJder and Paullne Thompson. Trustee. aDd Charlea 8. KlaUDe and the Exeeuton, Estate of Roy Torr, a/lt/a Roy Firat. pennsylvania BaokinB aDd TrUll" F. Torr, Deceased. WAKELINO - Noy. t. Pint aDd FtDal ..... n I or Ihe est.&te of Fred-Co mpallY. £oA.ecu _.ertct. P. RbUne, \he deceued Co-TrUltee. Account of OeorlC M. watollDi, A~ wbo died August 5. IJ58 and P1'eder1c:t. P. lrator, D.B.N .• Estate of Geora:e W. Wak.. RlaUDe, Jr .. 8ueceedlns Trustee.) Account llDS, Decea..ed. WALLACE-Noy. 2. Fint and FiDal Aoalated from October 11, IH8 to september COUD' of Laura copple. Admirdllratris. of Catherine OllJ11A. a/t./a K~t.arzyn .. Ing and Truat CompanJ, Executors, Estate :N, 1It5D, Estate of ElIzabeth WbeLatone Estate of BeoJamiD Joseph WallaA;:e, De-Ounla.. DeceMed, of R. Kemble MCC&ll, a/till. R. It. MCCall RlIUne, Deceased. HADLEY~Nov. ". Account of Henry C and Robert Kemble McCa.ll. Deccaaed. ROBER'T8---NoY. 2. Firat and Final Ae- ceased. WALLACE-No'Y. I, Pint. aDd P1DAl ..... Had1e1. Executor U/WW of Han, C. Had: McCARTHY-Nov. 4, Fint and F1nal Ac.. count of Loube H. Kaln. Executrix, Estate count of Laura copple, AdmlDbtraLrlX. ley. Esta..te of Harry C. Hac1ler, Deceased. count of Mary Marquan. Exec:uUb:, Estate of EUa&beUl D. Roberti. Deceased. BAMBLEl'ON a t. of ADD. P. McCarthy. Deceased. ROSS-Oct., 21. Plnl ODd -'-a! Acc.unl D.B.N., Estate of HaDIlab Wall&ce. n...c iii. FJrat and Final McELWEE-Oct. 31. FI", and --a! A-• ~ Account or Hel... H Hambl'- Ex .IE' U1 ..... of Katharine '0. Rosa. Adm·-·-tralrlZ. Eo- ceased. v.fALLS-Noy. 2. PJnt. U1d PInal Account . e..uu, ecu.. count 01 Rhoda. O. Cats&aln. Admbllal-~ t.rIx, Ed.te or Grant O. HlUDbleton. De- tl'iX C .-- tate or Archlbald L&lrd Rou. a/t/a Arcbl- of AdellDe Walls DIX. Executr1:l. :&state Clued. • .T.A., Estate of Bertha. McElwee. bald L. Roas and A. L. Roes. Dcceasect. of Helen L. Walls, Deceased. Decealed. WALTER-Oct. :111, Flnt and Final Ao-4• First and Plnal Ae. H McILVAIN - Oct 30, Firat Account. of' .. count o( Helen s. Walte1", AdmlDlstral.rD:; es • armoD, Executor. EI- FldelUl·PhUadelphla Trullt. Compaoy. Ad..., tate of Lena B. Hanaley, Deceased. mlDLstrator. C.T.A .• Eo. . . . .1 lIo-ard N. Estate of Sa.rah O. Ruaaell. Sad1e C.T"' .• Estate of AJm.Ie B. Walter, J)eoo HA8lON8 Oct. 18 air I A I " O. Ruuell. Deceued. ceued. • r a ccoun ot McnvaiD. Dectued. Pldellt"" ..,... ...... _'.1 C RYIUNICIt - Oot. 13. FIrat and P1ual WASYLUCK-Oct:. 16, Plret aDd P1Dal .. -c..........u ~ ..... .u ompa.DY. AdMcNICHOlr-Nov. 4. alr.I· ... ~.--. mln1&trator Estate f J II H •• _ 1'r.lE'iUIW. Account of A. Brooke Geary. Exector. ~ Accoun\ of R. paul Le.lY, Executor, Eslat.e • 0 e 811~a. a ./a Account of Ball" C. B ........ -.c·u·~-. --~ ... Jeffers... ~__ •• __ . o A J II Hal a _ .. u, CoA "'... ..., of CatberiDe Ryblnlck. Deceased. ceued. ~&.&lUo - - C n __ • De- ta.te of Ann. 8. McNicbol. Deceued. BBOCltLEY - Oct. V. FJnt and F1nal of Mary wuyluch, Deceued. wnsoN-Oct. 23. Plrs' and Final A~ HAV1LA MOONEY-Nov. 2. Pint and ~I.D'" AOo Account of Rachel BuUer. Executrix, Escount of Lloyd Ooman. AdmlDlatrator. EaND--Oct. 28. Account of GIrard count of MlUhew E1g1c Sh.'OI •••• T .... , C ~ Ex-. B'" ..... tate of AnthODJ' R. Shockley, Deceped. of W1ll1am. R. W1laoil. Deceued. .....anae an... E:l:ecutor. Ea- tor, Estate of laabelle Mooney. Deceased. 8OSNICltl.....()et. 7. First IlDd FInal Ac- tate WRIOHT~t:. 23. FIrat Account of PI· tate of JlUIlcs Deeeaaed. MOORSHEAD--Oct. 30. I: ~I", and &~lnal cOUllt 0( And.rew Siudoclt and. Resina SIuurn ~cl 13 T._ H t..yllaDd. .. _. __ • L,.:.n all,,,,.:--.& Account Account .1 ....-n • of Cba I - YB. .~ .. R . .-. . .r-·_·· 1lWC"'" --d ~ doc., AdmlnlStrators, Est.at.e of Edward deUty-PhU&delpbJ& Trust Company ~ WUUam Coxe Wright. Ezrc'U.ors, Eatate 01 rea. Harper. E:lr.ecutor. Estate of H. E. Potter, Eucuton. EIItate of Artbuf· Boanictl, Decused. Mary-.~" E. HID. Deceaaed. E. Moonhead. D.ce ...d• .. SPRAGUE-Hoy. 4. First Account of J. Dab, Con Wrlght. DeceMed.. YOCKEY-Oct:. e, FIrat and Fblal AcJA I B~cd... :n,Ir Fint and. Final Ac.- M08BER-Ocl. 30. ...~-I H. Ward Hinkson and Lucy V. Lamb, count... auv ·oOA.. ... ........ PIDal A~ .... count of Loretta Kolesarelr:, Ad.mlDbtratrllr, o roB 8 eet TrUst Company, count or Melvin E. CalDe. ~-.ulr •• -·_cu· . . . U/WW -. Wh Ex to Estate '"""' ...... .... .. s es , ~t&t.e of eeler S. Estate of 8yllne,. Boward Yoct.e" Doecu r, of .Rlchard J . .".acuOD. tor, Estate of Arch1e B. Mosher. Deceued. Sprague, Deceaaed. Deceased. MURPHY-Ocl. 23. Plr.1 -'-d .:~ __ A' AJOHN ..... BTEWART-Oct. 30, FIrIIt and Partial «ued. ZEllZEFF!'-()ct. 30. First aDd FIntl Ao80N~t. 18, Firat and Ftnal Ac- count of Gertrude Dooaldaon, Eatcutrts.. Account of Barba.rft It. Jaladiaon, aua.rd1&D. coun' of BtaDford. P. Johnson. Executor. Ea\a.te of Almle MUrphy, Dl!ceued. Eatate of Barbara Zlle.o Stewarl, A :M1uor. count of Jose~ zeU.seff, Ezecutor, Eata&e Eltat& of Marr Emma Johnson. Deceased. OELS-Nov. 2. Pirst and F10al Account STEWART-Oct. 30. First &Dd F1nal Ac. of Rebecca. Zeitzeff. Deceased. EARLE B. ALLEN KREUTER-No'Y. t. ~Jrst Account of of Joaeph J. 8chaDe, Executor. Estate of count of carl F. Welhms.n. AdmJn1alrator, Reslater of Wllla and. Ethel H. Weakley and '11le FIrat Penuyl- John R. Dell, Deceued. Estate of Edith D. stewart, Deceased. Clerk 0( Orphans' CouJ1 vao1& Bank1na NUl Truat. CompaDy, EucuPlE'I'RENIAm-Oct. 30, Ftnt aDd Fm&l STEWART-Oct. 30. First and F1Dal A~ c!:tN:rL~~NOTV' cOUDC, co~s:,~~ :":.e~ ~m= ~~. "It,. 1-... ESTATE NO'1'ICB Estate of FRANK. A. TAYLOR. la.&e of the Borou,h of Rldlcr Park, Delaware Cou,a.. t1, PeDDlYlvanJa.. x.et&.era or .dm.ln1atraUou 011 the estate bavlnB been lranted to the underalgDed, aU persocs IDdebted to the ..ld estate are requested to mue p&7I1lent. and &bOle havinJ clalms to pre_ent the aame, wUhouL delay. to EaUler L. Taylor, • 20rton Avenue. lUdIe, Park. Pa.; or to ber Attorney', Butler, BoaU1. Oreer' " JobDSOD, Media, Pa.. 3t--1l-13-61i1 Olrard TrUd BIO,II