. HAPPY NEW YEAR! HAPPY NEW YEAR! 'THE SWARTHMO VOLUME 31-NUMBER 1 Borough Oouncil Holds 'Salurday A.M. Meeting $4.00 PER YEAR Swarthmore, Pa., Friday, January 2, 1959 Dr. Price to Lead J f' The Jr. Assemblies for the sixth,' anuary Day 0 Prayer JUNIOR ASSEMBLIES TO MEET MOIIDAY I Parking Notice ISea Explorer Receives Parking violations in the Borough will be bock to the old rate of $1 starting Friday, January 2, 11959. God and Oounlry Award T~e January Swarth~ore Com· Presentation Made Sunday mumty D!'y of Prayer will be .h~ld Wage Increases Approved; Monday, January 5, at Trlmty by Rev. West at Episcopal Church from 10:30 a.m. Plan to Develop Park at, Trinity to 2, p.m. Cresson Lane , The Rev. Dr. Alfred W. Price Mate Walter C. 'Reynolds of the Swarthmore's Borough Council will be the leader for the morning Swarthmore Sea Explorer Ship, remet in special session Saturday prayer and meditation. Dr. Price ceived the God and Country Award morning to complete of,ficial busiof the Protestant Episcopal Church h.~ been the Rector of historic old ness for 1958 and to plan for the St. Stephans Episcopal Church in Mrs. Miller, Mr. Doherty Sunday, December 28. The award New Year. Philadelphia since 1942. In addiwas ,presented at the 11 :15 a.m. serto Speak in Fourth Ordinarily, Council meetings are tion, he has been the National vice by the Re"ererend Stanley R. held on the second Monday evening Chaplain of the Military Order of West, D.D., acting rector of Trinity of Club Series of each month, but the Uovertime U the Purple Heart.' He is also the Church. The Woman's Club of Swarthmeeting was called at the request Warden of t.he International Order more'will meet at'I:30 p.m., TuesDuring the service George s. of the finance committee to review of St. Luke, the Physician. day, January 6 at the Park ave- Mye... skipper of the ship, and the year-end financial picture and In the afternoon, Mrs. Willard nue ~lubhouse for its fourth class Barton Calvert, institutional repagree upon policies to be followed in Tomlinson will lead the discussion in International Mfairs. A 'panel resentative of the IJions Club, were preparing the Borough's 1959 budon "Intercession and the Nature of discussion of India and Pakistan recognized for their support of get. God" from the book "Intercessory will be led ,by Dr. J. Kenneth Do- Mate Reynolds during his nine Highlights of a two-hour meetPrayer" by Dr. Edw&-rd Bowman. herty and Mrs. Paul Alexander years of scouting. ing presided over by.council ProsThe usual 81'ran.gements will be Miller. A letter from the Reverend H. made for hot beverages to be servidel)t Birney K. Morse included Born in England, Mrs. Miller Lawrence Whittemore, Jr., former ed to those who bring their box these decisions: lived there until high school age rector of Trinity Church, was read. 11. A f-ive per 'Cent salary increase Chief 'Minority Stockholder' lunches, and for nursery care for when she came tc the United States. It was un@r Reverend w:hitt.... young children at the Presbyterian for Borough employees, including to Address Mothers She had three years of post gradu- more's care that Mate Reynolds Church. The Day of Prayer Compolice, will be rput into effect J anate work at the Biblical Seminary passed the requirements for this Group Thurs. mittee extends a most cordial ~el­ uary 1The Mothers' Club of Swarth- come to both men and women to in New York and further theolo- award. A letter of congratulations 2. A pension ,plan for Borough gical work in Pittsburgh. In 1920 irom the Reverend Richard L. Haremployees other than police will he more is a~aiting the Annual Fa- share in this day of quiet. she was sent to India by the United bour, executive secretaTY, youth ther's Night Banquet to be held installed during 1959. Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mis- division, the National Council of the 3. Next year's highway construc- January 8. Lewis D. Gilbert, a Open House Group sions and remained there for 38 Protestant Episcopal Church was tion tprogram will include resu1'fac- strong ·believer in eor.porate demo... years in evangelistic and educa- also read. Holds Christmas Party ing of the area around the under- cracy, will address the group on The God and ,Country Award is The Open House group met Mon- tional service. ipass in the heart of the business "How to Protect and Increase Your Dr_ Doherty did his graduate given to scouts who have made exDividend Income". day afternoon, December 22, at the section. Mr. Gilbert, who is called Amer- Presbyterian Church for a Christ- work in education at the Univer- traordinary efforts to fulfill the 4. Provision will be made in the iea's number one minority stock mas party and ,program. The open- sity of ,Michigan. In 1955 he 'was Twelfth Law of Scouting "A Scout police budget for a second sergeant holder, is a controversial figure in ing carol singing was followed by sent to India by the United States is Reverent." While foU~wing the on the localiforce. ' 5. The Borough-owned property the financial world. He has made a '''Christmas Greetings 1958", writ- Information Agency on the For- 'God and Country requirements the on -Cresson lane, near Harvard ave. full time career of attending share ten by Dr. Samuel C. Palmer and eign Exchange in Education Pro- scout learns a general knowled~ nue, will be cleaned up and main- holder meetings and championing read by the leader of the grOllP Mrs. gram. ,Remaining there for two of the Bible, the Book of Common months, he worked primarily with Prayer, and t~e Hymnal. He gains the rights of the small investor. John H. Pitman. tained as a park ares. coaches and athletes. a working knov.r.ledge of the ChUTCb, Over a 'Period of years Mr. Gilbert A group from the Methodist Budget for 1959 The speakers' talks will be folthe sacraments, and the history of has made his views and ideas shaJipC\lUl"!:h Choir, including ,Hrs. David Councilman Robert H. WIlson, lowed ,by open discussion moderatthe church. He becomes acquainted (!hairman of the finance committee ly ifelt in company management. Field, Mrs. John Patterson, Mrs. . ' saId that the Borough would have Many of his suggestions have been Janet Hyde, Bar-bars Batte, assis- ed ,by Dr. Frances Fussell, chair- with the organization and the work an operating su"!'lus for 1958, pri- adopted by large corporations. His ted by Junior Choir members Su- man of the legislation department of the church in community, nation, marily as the result of the receipt book "Dividends and Democracy" san Patterson, Nancy· and Susan which co-sponsors this series with and world, and he learns from ex.. of $12,000 of highway con5truction is widely read by stock holders and Field, and Susan, Emily and Linda the international affairs depart- perience how to participate in the Lane, rendered Christmas music. ment, of which Mrs. John W. Soule faith, worship, and 'work of the funds from Delaware County. This prospective ones. Episcopal Church. At the end of his talk, Mr. GilHighlight of the afternoon was is chairman. was an unbudgeted receipt, the last bert will encourage questions for the program presented by Gwen God and Country Awards are distribution of county· money havavailable to scouts of all denomina_ discussion. N arbeth, Methodist mISSionary ingbeen about 15 years ago. 'Memtions after filling similar requirefrom Constantine, Algeria, who hers of Council are hoping that the showed cCllor slides of her' work in 1958 surplus will be suUicient to WILPF Round Table ments. 7 Algeria. finance a number of eXJpenditures On Middle East Jan. Two completed, large size afNext Sunday, January 4, Dr. Me"thodists Term in 1959 wi thout any change in the The Swarthmore Branch of the ghans were sent to Coatesville Vet- John Howkins, assistant to Dr. present Borough tax rd.~es.Women's International League for Leon J. Saul in the department of Jan. "Missions Month" Based on decisions reached by Peace and Freedom will hold a erans Hospital for Christmas. January will be known 8S "Mis.. The Methodist Church wag hos- preventive psychiatry at the UniCouncil on Saturday, Wilson said Round Table Discussion on the Sittess for the day with Mrs. James versity of Pennsylvania, wili adsions Month" at the Methodist the first draft of the 1959 budget uation in the Middle East, Wednesdl'ess the adult forum of SwarthChurch. Each Sunday at 5 :30 an would be prepared as SOon as final day night, January 7. The discus- Connor, chairman, ~nd Mrs. A. R. figures on 1958 receipts and expen" sion will be led by Leslie Polk who O. Redgrave, co ..chairman, assisted more Friends Meeting oOn "Con- inexpensive catered snack..supper will be prepared for the whole famditures are available. The budget is spending ,his leave as Foreign by Mrs. John Soule, Mrs. Gerald sciousness of Guilt." Thia will be the first in a series ily. This will be followed by distinGray. and Mrs. R. W. Swayne. will be made public at the regular Service ofliicer in Swarthmore. Mr. R.dgrave was Santa Claus of four talks entitled "Seeing and etive and unusual National and January meeting of Counoil on Mr. Polk has just returned from for the exchanging of gifts among 1Qn0wing Ourselves" which have World Missions themes presented Monday evening, January 12. Then, a 2-year stay in Lebanon where he heen arranged by the Meeting's by authorities in their field. in accordance with law, the pro.. took part in a training.program in the mem:bers. On Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. The next meeting of -the group peace committee. Discussions will posed budget will be published and Arabic language and area studies. focus on the question of how reliJames Joyce will show rpictures of will be on January 12. available for public inspection for At the end of January, he will regiously committeed ,persons, as intheir school and work ·and appora month before being brought up turn to the Middle East and wiH Attend Science Meeting dividuals and as groups, can deal tunities in Japan. Mr. and Mrs. for final action by Council at the serve as an assistant economies ofA Swarthmore faculty member creatively with the social changes Joyce are home on furlough to atFebruary meeting. ficer at the U. E. Embassy at Jidand divisions that are the modern tend school. (The proposed new pension p'lan da, Saudi Ar",bia. and a student are participating in On Sunday, January 11, Dr. Fred for the Borough's nine employees The meeting will take place at 8 the 'program at the 125th Meeting World's most challenging !problem. of the American Association for the A graduate of Amherst College Pederson, who has spent time in other than policemen, will cost an p.m. at the home of Mrs. Henry Advancement of Science in Washand of Columbia Univeristy ColAlaska, will speak and show his estimated $1650 a year for current Patterson, 320 Maple avenue. of Physicians and Surgeons, colored pictures on the subject, lege Ingto n, D .., C D ecernb er 26-31. Dr. service, in addition to which there "0 pen D oors in OUr ' 49th State." Dr. Howkins has practised ,psychiN ea I A. W eb er, professor of zoology is. a $34,000 liability for past serINITIATED Itichard A. Austin of Dartmouth will deliver a 'paper on the fungus- atry for the past six years. With On January 18, Leslie D. Polk, vice which can be funded over a period of years. Council agreed to avenue. son of Mr. and Mrs. Regi- growing ant. Materi ..1 for this pa- his family he attends Radnor Swarthmore resident and career Friends Meeting. foreign officer with the State Deset aside $6000 as a reserve toward nald L. Walsh and a junior in the Iper resu1ts from experiments he .speak~rs on the succeeding Sun- partment, will be present to show the funding of the plan early in college of business ad~inistration has conducted in Florida, the Panama Canal Zone, and the New Jerday mornings in January will be ~~~ures and speak on the subject, 1959. A ,pension plan for rpolice at the Pennsylvania State UniverColin H. Bell, associate executive e Near East: Crossroads of was set up during 1958. sify, has recently been initiated in- sey Pine Barrens. secretary of the American Friends The World". On January 25, the to the Penn State ch"'pter of Delta Robert Moore, a junior and a Police Reorganization Councilman Charles W. Lukens, Sigma Pi, international profession- mathematics major, will speak to Service Committee; Roy J. McCor- junior children and junior and sen_ chairman of the public safety com- al fraternity in commerce and busi- high school students from the kel, director af the Commission on 'ior high youth will conduct the Washington, D.C. area at a 2-day' Religious Organizations of the Na- program, displaying projects they mittee, proposed that the new bud- ness administration. Invitations to membership in the junior session. He wili speak on tional Conference of Christians have been working on illustrating get include provision for two police sergeants in addition to Chief .fraternity are extended only to mathematics at the college level. A and Jews; and Dr. Robert C. Mur- these three fields of mission opportunity. Thomas Bateman. This, he said, those Wh9 have achieved a high graduate of the Montgomery Blair phy, Jr., a psychiatrist. High School, Robert is the son of The forums begin at 9 :45. Visi---------would permit Burgess Joseph Rey- scholastic standing and are 'leaders Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Moore of tors are welcomed. IiRIOBE WINNERS nolds to designate one oMicer to in the school of business' adminisTop scorers at the Crum Creek Silver Spring, Md. be responsible for each of the three tration. bridge club Tuesday evening of last ELECTED shifts on duty around the clock. W. Mar.hall Schmidt of Dickin- week were Mrs. Philip Kniskern REY, JOIIES TO SPEAK 'UTEEII TO MEET This does not mMn employment of Garnet Canteen will meet Satur- son avenue' has been elected to and Mrs. Walter·R. Shoemak~r. The Rev. Richard Jones will be an a"ditional man, but merely the Placing second were Mrs. A. Lee promotion of one of the present the speaker at the meeting Tue.... day night at 8 p.m. in the Rutgers membership in the Philadelphia Clifton and Mrs. Franklin Gillespolice officers to sergeant. pouncil day night of the Junior WoIDan'. A venue School. 'Chaperons will be ~EfCurities Association, it was an- pie. approved the BI1gge8tIon." ' ' I ~ Beveragesl ·Ideal Instant ~: 95C ------------ ------------------------------------------fHt~ltNttr~~1 California, Iceberg None Priced Higher! 2 25 Assortmeat large heads HOW , . C ~------------------------------------------------------------ Natural Swiss Slices~::~ !-:;37c Baby Goudas New Year's Uederkranz -::'..7 Cheese Snacks! •• Blue • WFIL ..... ...,.... 1141 A••• SWARTHMORE. STORE, Chester Road , ·' THE SWARTHMOREAN METHODIST NOTES THE SWARTHMOREAN January 2, Ul511 POLICE AND FIRE NEWS I WOMAN'S CLUB NOTES There will be a New Year's Eve A. fire in the seat of the auto-! The executive board will meet at Watch Night Service from 11 to 12 mobde of Mrs. John Seybold of Am- : 9 '80 a m M d J 6 • Icl • I' " on ay, anuary . o'clock midnight at the church. The PETER E. TOLD, MlARJORIE TOLD, Publishe" he~st avenue I~as qdUlcf' y extmt-! On Friday, January 9, at 10 a.1IL sacrament of Holy Communion, gUlshed by po Ice an Phone KIngswood 3'0900 lremen. a the music de artmcnt HI t closing the old year and beginning 10 o'clock Wednesday mornmg . P. w pre8~n P,ETER E. TOLD, Editor b 24 ft M S bold a musIc apprecIation hour honorlDg the new, will be observed. . Barbara B. Kent, lJlanaging Editor Decem. er ,a er rs.. cy Sir Thomas Beecham in the proChurch School classes for all ages had drIven the car to the fIrehouse. h '11 d t J Rosalie D. Peirsol Sonya K. Horneff Marjorie T. Told .. V B gram e WI con llC anuary 16 wiH begin at 9 :45 Sunday morning. Pohce ChlOf Thomas . ateman, at th A d f 'I . . Ch'tm e ca emyo uUSIC. Entered a8 Second Class Matter, J aDuary 24, 1929, at the Post There is a nursery for infants to after workmg rIS as Day, beOffice at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. two years old during this hour. gan the week of his vacation quota At the identical services of wor- which he reserves for the holiday alice barber:F DEADLINE - WEDNESDAY NOON ship, !beginning at 8:45 and 11 season. • SWARTHMORE, PENNA., FRIDAY, JANUARY 2,1959 o'clo("k, the pastor, Rev. John C. Kulp, will introduce to the congre~ Mrs. A. L. C1ayden is moving as/' TRINITY NOTES FRIENDS MEETING NOTES gation Mr. and Mrs. James loyce, of Tuesday from 218 Elm aVenue an UI aln~ in Japan, to 227 North Swart.hmore avenue. A celebration of the Holy Com- missionary-teachers Dr. John 'Howkins will opon a be held at 8 o'clock which the church adopted last May. munion will new Adult"" Forum series Sunday 'With a talk on "Consciousness of Sunday morning and again at Mr. Joyce will speak of their work Guilt" at 9 :46 a.m. in the Meeting 11 :15. At 9 :30 a service of Morning and opportunities in Japan. They House. This series has been arrang- Prayer and Church School will be will also visit through the Sunday ed by the Peace Committee of the held. Ushers for the services wi'll be School. The Jr. and Sr. youth fellowship Meeting under the general title of as follows: :30 a.m. H. P. Stamford, grolips will meet at the church at 7 ,At 9 JJ "Seeing Ourselves. • All are welhead usher; W. T. Peabody, alter'p.m. for their regular Sunday evencome. nate; E. M. Hillary, W. C. Hogg, ing programs. First-day School classes resume Friendship and Joy Circles will ....1878 ... samefamllyhasopwar.d this week at 9 :45 a.m. in Whittier Jr., J. C. Jubin, Jr., Peter Madison, C. C. Mearkle, and J. B. Srocker; at hold a combined meeting in tlie House. The High School Fellowship will 11 :15 8.m. - R. ·D. Hulme, head church parlor on Monday evening, usher; J. L. Cornog, alternatej P. 8 o'clock. Mrs. James Joyce will be meet at 5 :30 Sunday evening. B. Banks, G. W. Chang, E. O. their guest. DIIICIoq Of CHURCH SERVICES Cramp and W. S. Patton. The Commission on Finance will On l\fonday, January 5, a Com- meet at the church at 8 p.m. Mon.. 820 CHU'NU' I f . . . , PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH munity Day of Prayer will be held day. MM'I A. MIl, 1111_'.'... Dr. D. Evor Roberts. Minister at Trinity Church, beginning at The Commission on Missions will I: Ok 11 . . . .1111 Wednesday, December 31 10:80 a.m. The Rev. Alfred W. meet at the church on Tuesday, 8 10:00 A.M.~Bandage Group. Price, rector of St. Stephan's ·p.m. 1'1 :30 P.M.----Watchnight Service. Church, Philadelphia, and particuThe Parents' Quest group' will Sunday, January 4 lar1y renowned for his spiritual meet on Wednesday (!"vening, 8 p.m. S :30 and 11 :30 - Church School healing, will be the leader of the at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Wells Classes. . mortling sen·ice, and will conclude Forbes, 517 Bryn Mawr avenue. S :30 and 11 :30 A.M. - Dr. Rob· the meditations with a healing ser- The 'pastor will review the text book erts will p r e a c h . · d 9:30 A.M.-Wornen's Bible Class. VIce. use by the group, uY,our Home There wiII be a celebration of the Can Be Christian". Monday, January 5 I Ho y Communion for the Feast of The Carol Choir will rehearse at 6:30 P.M.-Couples Club supper. the Epiphany on Tuesday, ~anuary 3:45 Thursday, the Wesleyan Choir METHODIST CHURCH 6, at 7 and 10 a.m. at 4 :15, the Chapel Choir at 7, and John C. Kulp, Minister The mid·week celebration of the the Chancel Choir at 8 p.m. on Louis R. Sehroeder Holy Communion 'Will be held on Thursda.v. Minister of Music Wednesday at 7 a.m. At 8 p.m. the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ New Year's eve Evening Group of -the Woman's NEWS NOTES 1:1:00 P.M.-Watchnight Service. Auxiliary will meet. Dr: William E. IIIr. and Mrs. John T. Pinkston Sunday, January 4 Danforth wBI be the speaker. His of Westminster avenue entertained 9 :45 A.M.-Chu,ch School classes. topic will be Science and Religion. the Ro.bert Pigford family of New8:46 and 11 A.M.-James Joyce 'A celebration of the Holy Comark, Del., at dinner on Christmas will P.M.--Senior speak. 7:00 and Junior munion will be held at 10 o'clock Day. High Fello'WS'hips. Thursday morning, January- 8, afDr. and Mrs. H. H. Hopkins have TRINITY CHURCH ter ·which the meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary will be held. Lunch- returncd to their home on Wellesler eOIl will follow. Rev. Stanley R. West, D.D., road after ~pending the Christmas Prieat-in.le Ro,!d. Springfield orized by Council to mak '"'"d Holiday. t t Bebween Springfield and Sproul f h • a S.u y Roads, North of State Road. 0 t e Borough-owned property on Herbert F. Vetter, Jr., Minister Cresson lane andtto .ee that it is . !!IInday, Jannary ,4 developed into an attractive ParkU:O() .A.M. Mor;ning Servlee. Ilk" tract. It wsa estimated that, • TopIC: "UnltarlaDl8m: A Move- with the uae of th Bo ·h' PUBLlSHIlD IlVIlKY PKIDAY AT SWAKTHMORIl, PENNA. January 2, 1959 THE S WAR l' H M O'R E A N ;~"!f'''r.''~''"~.!f''~!f''*~.tflfl I I 9 ItS - 1kl - Just" brief message to wish each of you well old b k b .,' _AI, n :~e:in~~:~ ~~~~~~~~**~ it Z ::::::::::.:::; it "« ~ ?~ ~ •••• i is ~~*~~~~~~~*~~~~i' ~~ !Wi~~~~~r~W"~~NW~~~ it· . . . . .... .-. ~'¢'-':~'P.")::.iD..~.~:to. I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sood-W/;, ~ 1°"'" M 10':'31.~~~ 8pn>ul Road. School, 483 '!'ay workmen, ceed f600. ., eo:ts':~ :!~:I ~ "'' lIdly I. Ia_. ,.*. Weinstein I Son 100 Plrk Ayenue . '!'iiIiiIt........,.......... W __ ~~.*.*~.~*~**~~~~~~~*~~~ iR~--W~_RRRR----R ~ Ii With you We welcome 1959 ancl hope that We' ..., continue. to _it your valued friendshiP which yotl so LincIIy ••ve us duriDs the put. ,ur. Happ, l:Iolida,1 ___. ! __:., THE FOUNTAIN 3 S. Chester Road Swarthmore .~~~~*~*~*~~~~l\! -loA//... ~ ~ I I ,I U h reefiHlfS Ii ~ 9 MICHAEL'S COLLEGE PHARMACY NEW YEAR EDWARD G. CHIPMAN & SON 1 9 5 II I HAPPY thank you for last year's very best favors and pledge the year ahead. service is almost twelve and time to wish you a very Happy New Year! Thanks for all your kindnesses 4uring the passing year. in the New Year. ONI OWNIRSHIP THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. ; ~-~~Y.4J(*~~~.~*~~~!f'""~~~,,~tfi{~,,~.~ '''% AHAP~Y NEW YEAR Page 5 To our town we have this to say • •• , , , and to you Happy In a lew simple, yet sincere words, we want to express our eternal thanks for your valued patronage and woncie.-luf support. 1959 ---'/ ,/,........ THE • H.D.CHURCH . Custom KitChens· . ~-op . .. Dllrtmo~th ASSOCIA'IM Avenue ........................... I· .., January 2, 1959 THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 6 • ~ - -.::--;~->~""/ \ • ~{ _~~ .~?~~ L, \ .(. =----,.. - . I 0 /-Iappy NeW/ear .. • ~ I Ii Ii I ,~ 1959 , . , 1.95.9 - -- - , We have looked forward to the opportunity to teR ! our numerous patrons Wfj sinterely appretiata : their support during the past year and to wish them .every happiness and s~ttess in the new year. I I To all of those we have ' ~' JOYCE LEWIS , ,i " ,i . Chester Road ----_\_----- 335 Dartmouth Avenue ~ . i~ . I ~ • i ,~ I j i . \. \. . I I CELIA SHOE SHOP •~~*~***.*.~~~*..~ ~ New TRADESMENS Bank a1'ld Trust Compmzy, , II , ~ ~ ~ PORTER H. WAITE, INC. . Yale Avenue and Chester Road - ~-.*~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~*~~~~ !,' I=~~~"l!l¥~~~~~~"*~(jf"""~~*"'!U:!fin"1I!;W< ~ .. ~ 1959 Ring out the old! Ring in the ~." newl To all the folks in our home town m,any thanks for your confidence during ~ 1958.We hope we can cantinue to serve you in 1959. ~ ~~ ~~ ~~_ *NEW I ~ YEAR I I ; , ~~'\ G'REE-TI NGS ~ PROVIDENT I J.F.BLACKMAN I ~~ , ~~~~~_~,w.-~~~~$~~~~~$.-;w.},!$},!~~}1~~~~ I' i . I ~_IIII[_l!'liH!I!IIII[IIII[IIII[I!Il'!"U!II_ ! served during the past year and all those we hope to serve in the coming year-A Happy New Year! , Ettch year we J/rit/e for tl nell' tr.:-y' 10 Jt'Y it, but 1l'f! t/fWd)'f come bd(~2 to ollr simple, friendly "ll"l'/')' Nelli Y ellr". ' ~~ ."..."....an....._ •..., __ .'"_ to wub you a sincere JfAppy New Year and to ~'-. ~ THE BOUQUET South Chester Road I i~ . - a:! ~~~~~~~~~~~*~~u. 'I I eW • ear ~ JIJI/!! As you chug along during 1959 we wan. you to /cnow you have with you all' bltst wishes fa, a happy alief pros~ovs year_ And t"at . we ,appreciate your wpporl and friendship. J.LIREEI Friends in this community have- made it pos~ible for us to have a very successful year. We look forward'to 1959 and your continued friendship. THE HULDW SHOP please accept our friendly good wishes and thanlcs lot \ your good-will and pqlronage during th. palt yeerr.! We hope J959 will be a prosperous and happy yeai' lor yocr, . BAIRD & BIRD . Lafay!!tte Av!!nue " J \ •••**.*.****~••••* ••••* ••• THE Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan Harrar ,Margaret R. Bullitt, daughter .of NEWS NOTES and daughter Susie of Yale avenue Mrs. James B. Bullitt, Jr., of Lm· t house on Mr. and Mrs. Griffin Townesd entertained E a . oPen coIn avenue, was the guest 0 f h or 0 f the,'r at a lunch.on Sunday, given .by and children Ann, Stephen, an Christmas ve 10 on f EI ria Mr. and Mrs. Orville H. Bulhtt, Betsy, have moved from 218 La' guest Rollo 'Paul Grecr 0 y , fayette avenue, to 45 Forest lane, O. 'th Jr., of Berwyn. If(,rn,er:ly the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. Alfred Sm, ".'IaIllIIUII1UOIIIIIIIIIIIIUllUUlUlUaIRUIIIlWUIIIIUIIUIIOIIII~ O. W. Kerr who are now residing and daughte.rs Virginia and Be~er"'l ~ KEENER and MIIISHALL i!'n Easton Md. Now' occupying the Iy of Amherst avenue spent ChrlsEt!! ~ :former Townes house are Mr. an d mas with ·Mr. an d Mrs. William . !l E Mrs. Peter Madison and children Gorman and son Jim,?,y at 603 East 20th Street !i "'ather',ne, Christine, and Dav:ld land, Mass. Ann Blessmg of nT".' DO_ E Chester, Pa. iii m. S rthmore a - who moved Monday, December 22, ville, Me., a forme~ w.a vel!!~IIIIIIIIIIIUlIIIIUlIIIIUI1lIIlIllII100lIllUilIIUIIIUJI1IIIIUlllllb. CHasler 4·3002 ~• 8 Whittier place. Mr. andIMrs. resident, met the dSm,ths In Gro' t ed WI th Ronald Estabrook and four chi dren hind, Mass., a~ :e. urn arc returning to Swarthmore from them for a week s VIsIt here. D~r­ England to make their home at the ing her stay in Massachusetts, VrrWhittier placc address. gini. Smith was the guest for. a Mr and Mrs. Pctel' E. Told of few days o~ Beverly Searfoss 10 . gues t s Ipswich. ~hss. Searfoss Park . avenue had as theIr Germany and over the holiday weekend Mr. and spent ~ ye~rG~~ham Teachers Mrs. William J. Kindley of Salis- now gomg lege, Gorham, Me. 'bury, Md . ---,' JAN 9 CONTRACTINC Ind Auto Driving CARPENTER I NC eHESTlR BEEBE d 3 1426 Klngswoo $6 Per Hour • I~;;~;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~;;;~ "NURS ING HOME= " Belvedere Convalescent Home ~ 2507' Chestnut St., CHester 2·5373 z.t·BODr Nania, Care H.,D. CHURCH Aged. SenUe, Chronlo Conva:oeacent Men and Women 3 PARK AVE., SWARTHMORE Exoel1eni Food a Spacloas GrOD'" Blu6 Cross PDDOred Klngswood 4·2727 SADIE PIPPIN TURNER, Proprietor I PICTURE FRAMING CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE FOR SALE -1958 Ford four-door n~~~g~~Y;1:d 1\~~~;:~f.1 240station rwagon, interceptor V8 .. Photographic Supplies ....~ horsepower. Radio and heater. Av'e .. 1 Low milcage. Best offer over $1800. STATE & MONROE 8TB. KIngswood 3-0623. MEDIA FOR SALE - Slightly used. s.ofa Over 30 day bed in excellent condItIon, LOwell 6"2176 years of with custom-made slip cover. BarOPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS Swarthmore . Custom J!g!a~in~a:.t..!$~60~.~LO~:..::w~e~Il~6::-27~4.:.0.,-=;;work at reasonable prices. Large :::: selection of domestic and imported "1 law it in The Swarlhmoreun" fabrics. Estimates are free. A.ll ~aIllJllIlIIIICIIIIIIIII!IICUllllmJIICmnnlllllDmlllnnIIDII~ a _ work is d,,::e in our own shop. Chan bottoms rewebbed, $6.60 up. Our ~ CRESSON PRICHARD ~ low overhead saves you money a a THOM SERE MBA. Phone Sharon WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes and Rubbish Removed Lawns Mowed, General Ave. Morton, ROGER RUSSELL MEAT ELNWOOD Convalescent Homa i REAL ESTATE I E for BalI_re PIke '" LIncoln AYe. FREEZERS SwarlhmoonJ Estab!Jshed 1932 ~~~~~~~II !: lluie!, _,ui Bnrrounolln.,. WIth ExeoUent 2'-Hour N...... Care Klngswood 3·0272 Furniture Quality wo,rk I In every field of human endeavor. in every locality, one name stands out as pre·eminent. In the supplying of meat for home freo%ors-in Delaware County-thot name is Media Loduf1. YO:Jr family con enjoy tender and ROOFING toste·tempting meot every meal if you dod: yo'ur freezer from Media loclers. Just phon. LOwell 6-4214 fo place your order. Gutters Warm·Air Heating Your meat will not only bo superior in quality but it will be custom cut to your family requirements. Your L()w,eU'11 satisfaction is unconditionally guo .... Air Condilioning Sheet Metal Work George Myers and Co. anteed. Whl,;ln more can you ask? IF YOU WAIIT THE BEST KI 4-1214 BUY THI! BEST Buy Your Meat From CONSTRUCTION W,ANTED - One. ticket Friday afternoon, January 2, far Phila· delphia Orchestra Concert. KIngswood 3-0869. MUSIC INSTRUCTION fNSTRUCTION - Vocal Music. Mrs. James Jamison. KIngswood 3-1430. RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL ALTERATIONS 335 DARTMOUTH AVENUE B a=~ = $ 900 Michigan Avenue ~ ~ = :: Swarthmore, Pa. ! E c :: ~ § I I I Jack Prichard PORTRAIT STUDIO PERSONAL BOX 48 CUSTOM INSTALLATIONS by KI 3-1112 = ! [] = :a 5cnDlIUDlUIIlDIIIIIIIIIIIIDlllllllllllltJlIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIII!.t7 PAl NTI NG INTERIOR & EXIERI0R ,Free Estimates Klngswood 3·8761 , HODGE & CARTER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS We Inslill Air UondltloDlrl, RlnglS, Dryer., W.lherl, Wiring, Rlolplaol.. T·V ANTENIIAS Work' Buaranl..d 24·HOUR SERVilE Frll Esllmat.. MAdison 6-9937 LEhigh 4-1246 II You Neeci••• PRINTING WE CAN SUPPLY MOST OF YOUR REo.UIREMENTS Call _ •• Klngswood 3·1290 LmERPRESS OFFSET Ilcr'\\AJARD G. CHI AND SON IIT1ILE FLOORS. PLASTIC MODERN KITCHENS ALTERATIONS Swarihmere Prtg. CO. 1401 Ridley Avenue "Printers of The Swarthmorean" CHesler 2-4759 401 CHester 2·5689 Dartmouth Ave. (in Rear Co·op Food Slora Bldg.) Swarthmore, Pa. MEDIA LOCKERS A MODERN~RANGE 620 W. Painter St., Media J. F. BLACKMAN LOwell 6·4214 Klngswood 3-6616 1858 - Diluzio and SOlS ONE HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY - 1958 SWEENEY & CLYDE FLORIST Insurance ancl Real Estate Pormerly 29 E: Fifth Street CARNS makes cooking easy! Simuel D. Clyde 1812 -1966 SWARTHMORE ~~ 2 BLOCKS TO STATION OIIJHMT _ ......H . . . . New attractive Ranch Home. Spacious living 10Il~ an lOIn". on .U'flU,Q. WA.r. lIun" .. room, dining room, fully equipped electric kit. chen, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, possible game room DAY aDd NIGHT OIL BURNER or office. _'; -'~-'" Priced in the Low 20's SERVICE NOON HOLIDAYS &. BIRD Klngswood 4-1234 ~,.I.8reea ' .tt.-. • MONDAY TBBU SATURDAY SUNDAYS _ ;j] ';;1'4' Klngswood 4-1500 Opposite Boro Hall L r~ , .. -......~ • • l'p. r /. THE SWARTHMOREAN . VOLUME 3I-NUMBER 2 Swarthmore, Pa., H. S. Plans Gal Final Harrisburg, Sanclion Canteen to Rock 'n' Roll . Fnday, Support the, March 01 DimeI' . ". January 9, 1959 I .--' • Automatic lighting, automatic .oven controls, and even an automatiC top burner make today's gas ranges the latest in kitchen cOllvenience. You can depend on them to turn out tasty Cood at every meal! dtoote your modern automatic ,,~ of your . . .'s or ally II/tiItJclelplJia £Ieetric .ulll,rIKm doN• .HI"••L•• I& ILICTRIC ' ; ThraeLib Candidales Players to Present F DO S:and t ' , ". " Memorial Service Sal. or rary Irec Drs Anderwn s High Tor For Mrsl J. H. Walter The Turks, a rock and roll combo from Swarthmore College, which I appeared last year will 'be the'fea, Previous Job, Grade School tUre at tomorrow night's Garnet Election to Occur January Maxwcll Anderson's "High Tor" Former Swarthmorean Was Canteen in the Rutgers Avenue 24, 26 at Library, wiil be the January presentation of Kitchen Irks Charter Member of · Iead cr the Player's Club, opening Monday School. The gronp, with t he'r Boro. Hall Board . Dick Thomas, have several new night under the direction of Philip Nursing ServIce Three directors will be elected to N. Plite. • The,Swarthmore-Rutiedge Union ideas that they will introduce. the Swarthmore Public Library A memorial service will be held School Board reee,'ved news -at its Dress for canteen will be casual. "High Tor" combines elements at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the Friends ' Chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs. Board on Saturday, January 24, .0 f f 31.'ce, h''gh come d y, f an t asy an d Meeting House for Mrs. J. Horaee "Monday nigh,t session that George Donald- Turner, and Mr. and Mrs. during Library hours and on Mon- romantic drama -to provide an enWalter who died Friday, January M. Ewing, CompanY,architects day. January 26 during, the regular terta',n,'ng evening in the theater. d h'for h Howard Sipler. ' 2, in the Rush Hospital, Malvern. the rebuilding of the burne 'g Last week canteen had one of its hours until 8 p.m. when the Annual The mood of the play is interpreted • Mrs. Walter, thc widow of J. ""hool, had taken the final draw- bi~gest crowds of the season-216. Mecting of the Library Association through the setting creaied by Horace Walter who died in 1940, Ings of the project to Harri'!l>nrg opens and the ballot box closes. All Hank Gayley. moved to 608 Cedar lane with her that day 'for State approval. The I\'ovelty dances ,were held, and a rcsidents of the Borough who are prize was given to the winner of a ~lany familiar :faces as well 8S husband in 1916, and lived there Board immediately set n,ext. Mon- spot dance. qualified to vote in municipal elee· several ,new ones will appear when until 1940, afterward moving to day night for a special meetmg at tions are eligible to vote in the the Swarthmore Apartments. From which it expects to make one last Library election, which takes place the 8:20 curtain rises during next there she moved to West Chester, week's run. check on the specification. and in the Library. and had been in the Rush Hospital recommend 'to the School AuthorThree candidates have filed for --------for the past two years. • ity, which wi It finance the estlma the three vacancies on the b oar, d . ted Active in community affairs, $623,000 undertaking, that adver. Mrs. David M. Field, 316 Vassar ' Mrs. Walter was an honorary memtisements forbids be placed at Service for Widow of Former avenue, has had professional liber 'of the Swarthmore Woman's once, so that actual con,structi<>n Burgess Will Be Held brary experience in the libraries of Clbb, having served 18 years on ean 'begin as SOon as possible. Rutgers University Rnd the Uni~ Frederick Robinson Will the board of directors, 14 years as Today versity of Michigan and' at her The Board withheld payment of treasurer, and was honored at the Present Club Program $11,176.20 from Concors Supply Funeral services will he held at hometown library in Port Chester, 1958 November meeting at the 60th Company, kitchen equipment con- 11 o'clock this morning for Mrs. N.Y. Mrs. Field sings in the choir at '1 :30 P.M. anniversary of the club. She was tractors for the elementary ..eafeter. Joseph Albert Perry of the Swarth- of the Methodist Church, is a memThe Woman's Club of Swarth- treasurer for years of the Monthly ia On Rutgers avenue, and also $525 more Apartments who died Tues- ber of ,the Woman's Club, the more will hold a stated meeting folfrom Howell Lewis Shay and Asso- day, January 6, after a long ill· League of Women Voters, and the lowing ita program at 1 :30 p.m. Meeting. She was a past 'president of the ciates, architects for the job, be- ness. Born Eleanor Stevenson in W'Omen's Phi Beta Kappa ~ss()cia­ Tuesday, in the Park avenue club .. Needlework Guild, ... charter memo cause the kitchen is still unready Niagara - on· the· Lake, Ontario, tion of Philadelphia. house. Frederick Robinson will ap.. ,ber of the Community Nursing for use. Despite the Board's many Canada, she was the daughter of IJ. Mace Gowing, 635 Parrish pear, in a lecture-recital, entitled Service, an,d a member of the urgings, and many repeated prom- the late Dr. Rohert Addison Stev· road, has been president of the uOpera for Main Street," in which ises of completion dates from con- enson anll Mary Brady Stevenson. Library Board for the past two h,e enhances the spoken word with Friendly Circle, the Poet's Circle, tractors, the facility which was Her first forebear to come to c'an.. years. A graduate of Swarthmore the singing voice. Embellishing the the Wednesday Sewing Group, and supposed to have been finished this ada was her great grandfather, College in 1936, his mast.r's degree lecture are folk songs, musical com- the Quaker Reading group. Mrs. Walter, a graduate of fall is still unable to serve hot meals the Reverend Robert Add~son w~o is from the Towne Scientific edy numbers, operatic selections, Friends Central, was born -in Buck.. to students who must stay for came ame to F;abric an~ Finishes Di~8ion. Go...~ Is teacher of voice at Muhlenberg Mrs. Walter H. Dickinson of For. (Continued on Page, 6) this country in 1900 and ,married' iog is a deacon at the Swarthmore College ~nd a concert artist: Found- est lane, thr~ grandchildren, and Joseph Albert Perry, an Annapolis 'Presbyterian Church. er and artistic director of the na- three great grardchildren. graduate from Streator, III.. in 191\2 Howard Williams, now filling the tionatly~known Lancaster Opera in the New ~ork church where her unexpired term of Dr. Robert E. Workshop, he is also chairman of cousin, the iate Vicars Stevenson, Spiller on the libra!"y hoard, is in opera for the Pennsylvania Federawas rector. -charge of Reader Service, which tion of Music Clubs. Annual Mothers' March Mrs. Perry was born on the land includes reference and c.irculation Receiving at the door will be Mrs. William E. Meyers, who was as.. grant received by her great grand· at the Swarthmore College Library., Joseph J. Storlazzi and Mrs. FredScheduled for socia ted with his son George in the father, Reverend Robert Addison, Mr. WiUiams is a graduate of Lake erick T. Anthony. Mrs. W. Mark :roofing business in Swarthmol'l! for Jail. 27th from the crown. She settled in Forest Collcge with master's de- Bittle is in charge of the tea comiLaunching an elp student and hopes tQ move toward greater vic- keting activities for the coming Ret., who died suddenly Saturday Greek major at Wesleyan Un;verevening at her home, 417 Harvard tories in arthritis and birth defects. year. The Rev. James P. Alter, repreA resident of Wellsley road and avenue, was held at 7 :30 ,p.m. last sity, ·Middletown, Conn. He was a sentative of the Commission on Polio remains one of the conc.erns sophomore, studying under n Naof the National Fonndation he- Woodbrook lane, Mr. Hummer was night in the Presbyterian Church. tional Merit Corporation Schojar~ Ecumenical Mission and Relations Born in New Canaan, Conn., on cause there are many victims of elected to the presidency at the asof the United Presbyterian Church sociation's annual board meeting August 30, 1891, and married in ship. He planned to study next ye,,1' . that disease still needing help. In at the University of St. Andrews, in the U. S. A., working in Rajpul", addition, new programs are being this month, He will preside over the Milford, Conn., August 15, 1915, Klinburgh. Scot.land. Dehru Dun, Inqia, win be the planned to provide assistance to more than 1000 members in Penn· she had lived in Panama and Haspeaker Sunday at the Presbyter_ Hesides his- parent!;, he is suryoung arthritis patients and, to sylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, waH as well as at posts in many vive~ ,by two -brothers. IJei.er 20, ian Church. children born with defects of the Maryland and the District of parts of the United States during Sll1t1 Craig 17, an,i a sister Christine, Born in' India of ptissionary par. Columbia, and will also serve as a her husband's 80 years' service, in central nervous system. ents 1\Ir. Alter was educated at uim.-. member of'the Board of Directors th~ Coa.t )\.rti'Iery. Yale University and Yale Divinity Working with Mrs. Stauffer on of the National Retail Lumber Coming to live in Swarthmore in SchoQI, finishing his theological the campaign committee for Dealers Association, with head- 1947, she became a member of the Sumner Jones Named training in India. During his serSwarthmore are Mrs. Joseph P. quarters in Washington, D.C. dur- Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, Investment Officer vice in India he made a special Remington, pUblicity; Mrs. Clar- ing 1969. the Wonlan's Club and the Players SU1.11ner P. Jones of Springfield, study of the challenge of commun. ence Smith, business solicitation; A graduate of Pennsylvania Aliti_ Club. She was active on the h.ostess son of Mr. and l\[rs. F. P. Jones of iSIll; to the Christian church. Mrs. John Downie, College Theatre tary College, he served as Colonel committee of thc latter for several Wallingford, formerly of SwarthCurrently he is on furlough in program; Mrs. D. Robert Gerner, on the Staff of General Lucius D. years. mQre, was recently appointed inNew Haven, Conn., Where he is restaurant solicitation, and Mrs. Clay, War Department Headquar. Surviving besides her husband vestment officer of the Wilkes studying and doing some teaching Kenneth Stuart, teen-age program. ters, Washington, D.C. dUring are two daughter~.-- Miss Anne L. Barrc First National Bank. He was in the Department of Missions in World War II. He has served the Mabbott of Harvard 'avenue and formerly in the secnrities depart- Yale Divinity School. TO SI1I8 AT ACADEMY U. S. Army Col'lpS of Engineers on Helen (Mrs. John D.) McNeal of ment of the Girard Corn Exchange Diana Brewster of Dickinson the Mississi:t>-pi Flood Control Pro- Topeka, Kans.; a sister, Mrs. Louis BEREAVED avenue will sing the role of Musetta jeetj was engineer in charge of the Schloesser of Queens Village, Long Trust Company. He began his, dut. in tbe Lyric Opera Company'. pro- Lincoln HigIrway for the Coates. ~sland, N.Y.; and two grandchil- ies in Wilkes BaTre on Monday. Capt. Rohert Hudgins of AcadMr. Jones has purchased a home emy rood was bereaved by the death duction of "La Boheme" ,at" the ville-Laneaster alea in, the late 20's. dren Richard and Douglas MtppJes lane, WallingLancaster. The Rev. John M. Gor- Meeting, and ·Mr. and Mrs. Lowell ford. don, pastor of the First Presbyter. Eugene Wright of Gwynedd Meet- The bride is a graduate of Wyoming Seminary and Swarthmore Colian Church, officiated. ing. The bride, given in marriage by Miss Janet Perkins HurA!', lii::;ter lrge and is a teacher of matheher father, rwore a formal gown of of the bride, was maid of honor matics at Swarthmore High School . She lis: the granddaughter of the sa~in, fashioned on princess lines, and the bride's only attendant. WIth a deep bertha of heirloom Mr. Robert Paul Owen of Detroit, late Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Boston of Brussels lace outlining the portrait -brother of the bridegroom, was best Center Moreland and Mrs. Walter neckline. The full skirt terminated man. Mr. Donald Swartz of Mor- B. Ri,ley of Dallas and the late in a wide 'bell train. Her fingertip gantown, 'V. Va., and Mr. John Walter B. Risley. veil of iUusion was attached to a Chapman Pittenger of Lancaster, bonnet of heirloom Brussels lace. cousin of the( bride, were ushers. FOB She carried a bouquet of phalaeno.pMr. and Mrs . .oWen will make ·MAOAlINE SUIlSCRIPTIONS sis orchids with stephanotis. cas- their home in Richmond, Ind. Oall ••• ca'pdes of Iilies-of-the-valley, and - The maternal grandparents of MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAII Eng/ish holly. the bride were the late Mr. and 313 DartmellUa Aven•• Miss Marie Antoinette Brown of Mrs. Ellwood B. Chapman of HarRh.r ••ood. 8-24188 New York was maid of honor. The vard avenue. bridesmaias were Mrs. John B. --------'-Fitzpatrick of Lancaster, the SWAN. BOSTON bride's sister-in-law Mrs. Theodore Nicholson Methodist Church was Breneman Storb of Brooklyn the setting on Saturday afternoon, • SWARTHMORE, Pl. Heights, N.Y., and 'Miss Jane December ~, for the marriage of •• Addams of New York City. Their Miss Priscilla Ann Boston of NichNOW SHOWINC. ballerina-length gowns of Chr.ist- olson and David Westbrook Swan, LAST 2 DAYSI! mas red ve1vet were styled with 2nd, of North Chester road. The dr8lPed necklines, and they wore bride is the daughter of Mrs. ClarFri. 6' Sat. - Jan. 9, 10 headbands with veils to match. ence Alexander Boston of NicholHeaped with Honor5 Both Here .and Abroadll Their bouquets were Oregon and son and Swarthmore and the late Maria Schell English holly centered with red Mr. Boston. The hridegroom's parin a SupeTb Performa,!ce poinsettias and tied with green vel- ents are Mr. and Mrs. 01iver Gould Heat Specialists-that's us. We are equipped vet streamers. Swan. and trafued to provide the best possible servThe bride's mother was gowned The Rev. Guy A. Leinthall, pas"Best Foreign Picture of the Year' ice to our customers and to our community. in a sheath of beige Chantilly lace tor of Wyoming Methodist Church, -N.Y, Critics Award over parfait taffeta, with matching !performed the double ring eereFriday Featu~es-7:30, 9:40 P_M_ EII8ABEMEIITS THE SWARTBMOREAN STEREOPHONIC DIAMOND PICK-UP NEW STEREO RECORD LIBRARY plays both the new stereo discs as well as your present LP·s. Six albums of over 60 selections ..• yours to enjoy in the miracle· of thrilling new dimensional sound. FOR A LIMITED TIME ALL FOUR ... NOW ONLy·$275 00 , 1,0 Park Avenue Swarthmore, Pa. Klngsvvood 3,...1460 , , .. -. January THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 4 9; 1959 M. A. L Ass~Ciation The regular monthly meeting of Mrs. Dorothy Day Jones, Names C. D. Hummer the W.8.C.S. will begin with lun- Former Swarthmorean, Dies THtJ (Continued from Page 1) cheon at the Ingleneuk at 12 noon Mrs. Dorothy Day Jones, ArlingPUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PENNA. ties, Mr. Hummer has served 8a on Wednesday, followed by a busi- ton, Va., formerly of North Chester PETER E. TOLD, MJARJORIE TOLD, Publishers ness meeting at 1: 15 at the church. road, died Thursday, December 24, president of the Chester Kiwanis Phone KIngswood 3-0900 ' Club; 'In the board of directors, The speaker will be a resident of il} Arlington.! PETER E. TOLD, Editor UFountain House", Philadelphia. The wife I,f Gurdon B. Jones, Community Fund of Chester and Barbara B. Kent, Managing Editor The Dorcas Circle wiil meet on ~frs. Jones was a graduate of Vidnity; on the alJottment commitRosalie D. Peirsol Sonya K. Horneff Marjorie T. Told Thursday at 9 :30 a.m. at the home Swarthmore High School in the tee, Community Fund of Chester Jeannette V. Howe of Mrs. Frank Molloy, 400 Strath class of 1908. She was a former and Vicinity; oOn the board of dirHaven avenue. The study book, superintendent of the Gibbons ectors, Chester YMCA; as vice Entered as Second Clas. Matter, January 24, 1929, nt the Po.t preside~J Veteran's Information uUnderstanding :Other Cultures U Home. Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3. 1879. will be reviewed by Mrs, David She was the daughter o'fthe late and AdVIsory Center; as Chief Air DEADLINE WEDNESDAY NOON Field. Dr. William C. Day, head of the Warden, City of Chester 1940-42; SWARTHMORE, PENNA., FRIDAY, JANUARY 9,1959 All of the choirs will have re- chemistry department, Swarthmore. on the board of directors, Health. and Welfare 'Association of D.lahearsals on Thursday-Carol Choir ColJege, from 1889 to 1901. PRESBYTERIAN 10TES ware ,County; has initiated many CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES at 3 :45, WesleYl'n Choir at 4 :15, POLICE AND FIRE NEWS veteran activities in Kiwanis Club The Rev. James P. Alter will de· Chapel Choir at 7, and the Chanc.1 How prayer and watchfulness In Juvenile Court, Media, Wed~ ,which led to formation of the Veterliver the sermon at the 9:30 and bring freshness and newness into 11 o'clock fiervices Sunday mom· Choir at 8 p.m. nesday, the Swarthmore boy who an's Information and Advisory human eXij)erience will be a topic was committed 10 days earlier af- 'Center; and started and was first ing. Mr. Alter represents the work TRINITY NOTES presented at Christian Science ser· ter assault and battery and motor chairman of Kiwanis activities at of the United Presbyterian Chur~h A celebration of the Holy Com- violations, was placed on parole ValJey Forge Veteran's Hospital. vices Sunday by the Lesson·Sermon in the U. S. through it. Commismunion rwill be held at 8 o'clock and had his driver's license sus~ erltitled "Sacrament". He will preside at the annual sion on Ecumenenical Mission and Sunday morning. There will be a pended for one year. Passages to be read from the convention of the association in Relations, in Rajrpur, Dehru Dun, service of Morning Prayer and Bible include the foUowing from Atlantic City, Febrti~ry 4, 5 and 6. India, The sacrament of baptism Psalms (51 :10) ~ "Create in me a Church School at 9 :30, and a serVictQria MacNair, a student at will be administered at the second vice of Morning Prayer at 11 :15. Northampton School for Girls, clean heart, 0 God; and renew a service. Media Community· Concerts right spirit withi:r, me." The ushers for the services will Northampton, Mass., was at home A Coffee Hour to greet Mr. Alter The Golden Text is !tom Hebrews for the Christ.mas vacation. She is will be held immediately following be as follows: (13:16): "To do good and to comRUDIE SINFONIETTA 9:30 n.m. - C. M. Waterbury, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pierce the 11 o'clock service in the 'Vom· municate forget not: for with such en's Assodation' Room. All mem· head usher; G. W. Higginson, al- ,MacNair of Maple avenue. This Nether Providence Thurs., Jan. 8 sacrifices God is well pleased." bers and friends are cordially in· ternate; C. S. Brown, C. R. Cacace, year Vickie is a member of the High Sohool 8,,, P.M. An invitation is extended to all Pierce MacNair, E. J. lIIcintosh, J. Northampton Music Club. vited. to attend the services at First Church School classes meet at N. Nutt, nnd G. W. Place, Jr.; Church of Christ, Scientist. 206 ~ 11: 15 a.m. - C. R. Engberg, head ~ 9 :30 and 11 o'clock. Park avenue at 11 o'clock. The College-age class meets at usher; S. D. Clyde, Jr., alternate; 9 :30 in the pastor's study. The F.R. Grny, K.C. Kennedy, R. E. CHURCH SERVICES Women's Bible class also meets at :Masters, and F. Plowman. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 9:30. Peter Courtney is scheduled to Middletown Road - Media, Pa. Opposite High Meadow The Junior High Ch-oir rehearses serve as acolyte at 8 o'clock; WilDr. D. Evor Roberts. Mini.ter (between Dutton Mill Road and Knowlton Road) at 4 o'clock; Senior High rehearses liam Evans at 9 :30 and at 11 :15 Sunday, January II • Jay Thompson. 9 :30 and 11 :30 - Chu.·ch School at 5 p.m. The Junior Westminster Fellow~ - The Vestry will meet on Monday Classes. Friendly ·.Sound Advice - FREE 9:30 and 11:30 A.M.-Rev. James ships meet at 5 :15 .. at8 p.m. Tree Trimming - 1ree Removal P. Alter will preach. The Senior High Fellowship, On Wednesday there will be a 9:30 A.M.-Women's Bible Class. meeting at 6 :30 p.m., will hear the celebration of the Holy Communion Telephone CHester 2-72069 :30 A.M.-College-age Class. Rev. Eric T. Braund, executive dir- at 7 a.m. At 10 o'clock the advanced Ask for BEN PALMER 5 :15 P.M.-Jr. Westminster Fel- ector, National Conference of Bible class will meet, and the belowships. Christians and Jews. '" ginners class will be held at 1 p.m. Tree Trimming - Trees Removed The Crossronds Bible Study \Vednesday. January 14 The Sewing Group will meet on FIREPLACE WOOD 12 Noon - Woman's Association group wiII-meet Tuesday, 9:30 a.m., ThJrsday morning at 10 o'clock in • at 316 South Chester road. the Cleaves Room. All those inter·Meeting. Split Oak - $30.00 per c,?.rd, delivered The 'Vornan's Association will ested in sewing for the missions 6:30 P.M. - Business Women's $16.60 per Ih cord, delivered meet Wednesday for a Worship are invited to join this group. Supper. Seaboard Wild Bird Food Service at 12 noon, followed by a The Evening Group of the Wom~ I METHODIST CHURCH 12 :30 luncheon, served by Circle 2, an's Auxiliary is spotlsoring a Birdfeeders - Suet Caes John C. Kulp, Mini.ter Mrs. William Ward~ 3rd J chairman. Square Dance on Frida~. Dessert Loui. R. Scbroeder WE DELIV~R At the Annual Business Meeting will be served at 8 p.m. in the Minister of Music Dr. Roberts will install the new Cleaves Room and dancing will folSunday, January II Open 7:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Daily 9 :45 A.M.-Chmch School cla.ses. officers for 1959. Afterwards, a low in the parish \la11. 112,30 - 5 P.M. Sundays} 8 :45 and 11 A.M.~Mr. Kulp will film "-Our North American Neigh· ·bors", depicting life in Alaska, will preach. FRIENDS MEETING NOTES 5 :30 P.M.-Missions Month Sup- be shown. At the Adult Forum Sunday The Business and Professional ,per and Program. Colin Bell, associate executive sec~ Women's group will meet Wednes~ Wednesday, January 14 retary of the American Friends day for a 6 :30 supper in McCahan 1: 15 P .M.-W.s.C.S. Program. Hall. The film of the afternoon will Service Committee, will give the A P PR ECI'ATION second in the Peace Committee ser· be reshown at this time. TRINITY CHURCH Tho Bible Study group will meet iee of talks on "Seeing and Knowing Rev. Stanloy R. West, D.D., Ourselves'!' His topic is "The. ConWe extend our ,Nlfefvl appro Pril"'t-In-Charge 8t 8 ,p.m. Wedne.day. tribution of· the Quaker ,Faith to The Primary Choir will rehearse Sunday, January II aIIon to the thousantls of famill.. the Healing of a Divided World." at 3 p.m., the JUT.ior Choir at 3:45. 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. who have rell8tl _ our 9 : 30 A.M.-Morning Prayer and The Chancel Choir will rehearse at Th. High School Fellowship will m.et as usual Sunday evening at 7:30. ,Church School. 11:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer. 5:30. Notice is given that the Stated The usher for January i. KenAnnual Meeting of the members of \Vednesday, January 14 the congregation of the church will neth Doherty. 7 :00 A.M.-Holy Communion. oDn Saturday, January 10, the DIRICYO•• O. _lULl he held at 7:30 p.m. on W.dne.day, THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY annual public meeting of the Amer_ January. 21, [)r. Evor Roberts, mod1820 CHilI NUl SIRIII OF FRIENDS erator. Notice is given that the ican Friends Service Committee OIIYBI II. IAI-. _dOl' IMIt't A.IAI-. ........ Sunday, January II Stated Annual Meeting of the will be held at the Meeting Hou~e T...,he......INl 9 :45 A.M.-First-Day School. members~ of the ·Coroporation of at 20 South 12th street. Louis , 9:45 A.M.-Adult Forum: Colin the cnurch will also be h.ld at 7:30 Schneider, Foreign Servi~e SecreIi Bell: "Contribution of the Quak- p.m. on Wednesday, January 21, tary, recently returned from a er Faith to the Healing of a ~dward K. Cratsley, cha;rman. three-month trip around the world, Divided World". will speak on "Frontiers of Friend· 11 :00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. ship," and Stephen Cary, american METHODIST NOTES Children cared for in Whittier seetion secretary, will speak ·on House. All are welcome. The Board of Trustees will meet "Can Peace ·Education be Relevant 5:30 P.M,-High School Fellow- at the church at 7 p.m. tonight, Fri- 'Vithout being Partisan 1" in the sbip. day. The Official Board regular morning, starting at 10 a.m .. Monday, January IZ monthly meeting will follow at 8 In the afternoon Howard Reed, 114,000 Farm Families That Regularly Save AlJ"s caring for children WALLINGFORD LIBRARY one of the oldest forms of thrift mary materials that go into the week. 8 P.M., R.ading Room, 409 under adult supervision during the CELEBRATES HOLIDAYS -the trading stamp-is so no- manufacture of merchandise for Dartmouth Avenue, open weekd days except holidays, 10-5; FrI- sccon worship hour. The 1I.le Kate F ' ticeable. stamp redemplian. day eveninlr, ,7-9. At 5 :30 a snack·supper will be Library ;alJl gf d urness Free Today over 114,000 farm UNITARIAN OHUROH served .ror the whol. family fol- orated for th C:. ':., was decNo one can contemplate these families save them. You might facts and fail to realize that both OF DELAWARE COUNTY lowed by the Mis.ion. Month pro- the 'l1winc....:k GrJsd as S.a.on ~y Old Marpfe Roedl Sprin!lfield gram. Dr. Fred.rick L. p.dersen feature of ar ners. A spec.al say that these savers constituie personalJy and ~nomically the Between Springfie d and Sproul who has spent timp in Ala.ka IoU. t the decora~lons was the the largest single farm group in trading stamp industry is a Road., North of State Road. speak a d h h·- I ' .pop ree for chtldren Each the state. ' Herlwrt F. Vetter, Jr., Minieter on the '::'b~ec~W.,~ co ored pi~ures child using Jt~e library ':"eived meaningful and welcome force Suday, Janury 11 49th Stete~'. .n Doors m our a lollipop fro~ the tree. ' During 1957 ~one, thousands in the life of our state; 'to:" A;M.-Church School, 468 The Ev.ntid Ci I . The decorations were provided by 01 dollars warth tlf trading Slqlp • • • Sproul R o a d . · e rc • wtll meet at &. is published .. pub1ic merchandise"went ibto farm 11:00 A.M. _ MorniDIr Ser'riee. the home of Mn.• J. ~ lOulles H h n mg ~. • <:har_ illformatioll by 11m SPI!lUlY AND households ill the state· and Topic: ·Unltarianlsm in Amer- Eiaeahower Penne, W~ on 1m. ";~~ Mra. William Abbe, . , IIUTCHINSON COMPANY. oriJin"r« Iea-. . 'fIIeIday at 8 p.m. ' Robert 8~0m..., ad lin. ,very :1 ......... a fum faImlyil 6S,.. ... tJl.SAH~m I January / NEWS NOTE·S . in Pompano Beach, Fla. Their f· TI.nd s, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Noye and son Kirby of Rutgers avenue I ' a so ,:enth their holidays in Pompano ea~ . Du,,!n.g their stay they :,d the Stivers vlSlted with Mr. and rs. Robert Hetherington, formerly of Swarth . more, now reSIding in Juno Beach. . M·s • s N ancy' B un k.r, d aught.r of. (Continued from Page 1) Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Bunker, Jr., Mrs. Perry was co.founder of the of Mt. Holyoke place was a guest Fortnightly, a literary group, with of honor at a misceUaneous shower the late Mrs: Wesley Clifford, and Tuesday evening, Dec.mb.r 30 a member of the Poet.' Circle. A when Mrs. H.rman Bloom of Co~ I ti b lumbla avenue was her hostess ong- me mem er of the Woman's . M,·ss Bunker's engagement to "II'" Club of Swarthmore. she was a t . ".r. various times, corresponding secre- Gordon Smith, son of Mrs. Allan 7:;!!i!~!!i!!!i!!!i!;;;;;~!!i!;;;;;;;;;;!!i!~ tary, chairman of literature, pro. M. Smith CJf Yale square, has been 11 gram chairman, and vic.-president. announced. In the S)Varthmore Presbyterian Ensign Davidson Luehring, sta· A non-profit, mutual enChurch, where her husband was a tioned with Detachment Alpha Pa· terprise for the benefit of ruling elder for Hfe, she was an trol Squadron 26, in Argentia, New- families residing in Swarthactive member of the Woman's As~ foundland, arrived home Christmas mor~ a.nd neighboring com· E sociation, and, for many years, ~ ve to spend Christmas with his m um t les. F or information member of the Bible Class. She had parents Dr. and Mrs. Frederick W. as to lots apply to ,.. also done work for the Community Luehring o~ North Chester road. Center and Red Cross and was a He returned Saturday. ALBER:r N. GARRETT President and Business Mgr. member of the Daughters of the The DJ". Arthur Silvers family British Empire. recently returned to their Rutgers 228 Garrett Ave. KI 3-0489 She is survived by three daugh- avenue home after spending the ters; Olive Stevenson Perry of thee home address; Mrs. Russell Mac~ I' kenzie Cook of Montclair, N.J.; and Mrs. Robert Baird Clothi.~of Columbia avenue. Three grandsons 30 YALE AVENUE MORTON, PA. also survive; Joseph Perry Ruddick TELEVISION HOME and AUTO RADIO PHONOS of Montclair; Ensign Robert Baird "Bring It to l!s or We'll Come to ¥ou" C~othier, Jr., now on active duty Klrigswood 4-1028 w.th the Navy; and Girard Stevenson Clothier. A concert. for children by child.ren will be ,pre ••~ted at the WalViolinist to Perform hngford Community Arts Center Sunday afternoon at 3 :30 p.m. Th. at 8:30 Prog~am music performed will·be a concerto Thursday for four violins, a flute quintet, d fl te . I· Robert Rudie. brilliant American cello Mia and d ~ uo, an u , VlO m violinist, will 'appear on Thursday, and saxaphone solos. January 8, in the auditorium of the Participants include: Nether Providence High School, Ada Kroon, Sally Sheppard, Wallingford, under the auspices of Wendy Price, Janice Carroll, Stethe Media Community Coneert Asr,hen Wagner, Richard Wagn.r, sociation. The program wiJI begin Johanna Trumpler, Claire Walker, at 8:30. Mr. 'Rudie will conduct his Dory Kroon, Karen Brandt, James Rudie Sinfonie1ita, a unique en- Nutt, Francis Ciliberti, and memsemble of vocal and instrumental bers of the P.nncre.t School Flute soloists in a ~rogram of unusual Quintet -Carol Trawick, Barbara variety. Eyre, Lynn Dewees, Patricia Engle, The Rudie Sinfonietta features and Janice Tichnl1r. 11 instrumentalists, and the soloThe program was arranged by ists, in addition to Mr. Rudie, will Mrs. Dolly J. Schoenberg of Harbe Phyllis Williams, soprano; Robert Kirkham, baritone, and Cynthia vard avenue. Otis, harpist. Article Accepted Audienc.s will also have the opDavid L. Watkins, industrial arts portunity to enjoy Mr. Rudie's cominstructor at Swarthmore High mentary during the prpgram that School, has received word that the will include a Haydn Symphony, a scene from Mozart's "Marriage of Industrial Arts and Vocational Fjgaro" and a medley of Rodgers Education Magazine has accepted an article written by him for rpuband Hammerstein favoOrites. Mr. Rudie has chosen his -young Hcation in a forthcoming issue of soloists with great care. Phyllis the magazine. The Industrial Arts and VocaWilliams, soprano, returns to her Paintings on Display tional Magazine is a national maganative land after many successes Towenty~seven paintings of Quak. abroad. The soprano, who has sung zine, published for Industrial Arts er Meeting Houses by Helen Mlleat the Salzburg Festival in Austria, and Vocational Education teachers. Ilwain Wolff are now on display at studied at the Mozarteum in Salz- This ·;s the fourth such article Mr. Wolff's Apple House, Sunny Brae burg on the Fulbright scholarship·; Watkins has had published in the Orchards, Lima. LlNViLLA ORCHARDS Robert Kirkham has appeared magazine. "Tbe Farm With the Octaconal Barn'· Hunting meeting houses is a fas. in .many l]Jenformances of opera, cinating hobby to Frank and Helen -tc Take Ronw.. 1 through l''Iedia.·to the Cloverlear, JWlCtiOD of Routc·352, then .oUlb light opera and oratorio, as soloist Legal Beagle Initiated Wolff, who find these landmarks of ~ toward Chester Z~i miles to Knowlton Roa.d., then 'f: mUes 10 orchards. with symphony orchestras and oOn Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Peirsol, early American culture of· interest :; Open Daily and Sunday 10 A.M •• 6 P.M. Phone CHester 3.9047 radio and TV. This young Ameri- Jr., of Lafayette avenue enter~ from an artistic and architec"tt.iral ~4""lfJf••lfJf"••••" ••" •••••lfJflfJf ••••lfJf•••• _.lfJf¥lf.; can baritone recently ,performed in tnined a small group of fellow dog_ standpoint, and greatllr varied in "Thais" with the Baltimore Civic lovers at the "dawg.gawnest" New their simpJicity. Opera. " . Year celebration Wednesday night. In addition, Mr. and Mrs. Wolff Harpist Cynthia Otis has a long December 31, to meet Val hall's have found many coV'ered bridges, list of successes in solo concerts Cim.arron Rose, a Christmas gift ' WIth major symphony orchestras to eight-year-<>ld Sandra Peirso!' old mills, historical homesteads, and on coast-to-coast broadcasts on Oimmy, appropriately the daughter and ancient barns on their tours of NBC since her debut at the age of ()f Ch. Tiny Tim and Thornridge discovery which Mrs. Wolff has also 16 with the New York Philhar- Tinsel, is a 13·inch beagle. Having translated to canvass. The collection will hang until monic on its Young People's series. heard 'her breed was highest numerFebruary and is on view. daily ically in the United States, she from !l a,m: to 6 :30 p.m; . . was a bit confused to find every Social Security "Famous for the Finest Meats" guest at the party owned poodles I Benefits Increase At least she could console ·herself H. S. Plans Get Final In it~ last session, Congress voted with the thought that she was prob_ Harrisburg Sanction a seven per cent increase in social ably the first legal beagle of 1959 (Continued from Page 1) (2Y2 lb. Avg.) security benefits, to be effective in this area since her mistress had with t~e month of January 1959, hastened to the County Treasurer's Although the architect had submit3-lb. avg. accordmg to Be~bert W. Gruber, office in the Media Court 'House ted a report that the project, was U, S, CHOICE District Manager of the social se- the morning after Christmas to 100 per cent complete, the Board said the fact that all equipment Was curity office in Chester. (Ground to Order) sp.nd $2.10 for a n.w license which This increase i,\ benefits will be all canines: six months of age or on hand was Irrelevant if it had U, S. CHOICE auoomatic; and need not be applied older (even though restricted to not been ,put into shape for us •. Considerable dismay was also for. The increase inb.iIefits will home grounds) must have by Janbe Mted by .ocial security bene- uary 15. Sandra found that when it voiced by the Boar<\. at complainta (Solid Meat - No Waste) ficiaries for the first time in checks comes to doOg licenses it's the woman that h.ating and sound-proofing of recei~ed shortly after February 1. who pays--gentlem.n dogs (and the office area· in the lobby of the U. S, CHOICE These checks are for the month of spayed fem"les) being cha~ged on- newest elementary building, just (Extremely Goad) complet.d last S.ptember, were InJanuary. ~y $1.10,.W at home at 19 Eastwood road, Media. Mr. and Mrs. Ford F. Robins~n of Guernsey road had as theIr guests during the holidays two former Swarthmoreans, Mike Kerr of Easton, a student at 'Notre Dame University of South Bend, Ind., and Dob Longman of 5Jhappagua, N.Y., stu'dent at Oberlin College, Oberlin, O. Mrs. Irvin MacElwee of Mt. . h gues t 5 M rs. A . Holyoke place, WIt L. Ll,lckie and Mrs. John Michael, attended the Gimb eI A ward L uncheon which was hcIduTe s d ay. M rs. MacElwee served as hostess. Announcement is made of the biI'th of a baby boy, J. Parker Hall, 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Parker Hall. 3rd, of Northfield. nl.. on December 27. The maternal grandparents are !'rIr. and Mrs. Gordon Lange of Cedar lane and the paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. Parker Hall, 2nd, of Highland Park, Ill. Mrs. Stanley Steciw,fourth grade teacher at Rutgers avenue, with her husbands and sons Johnny and Mark returned Saturday following an eight-day motl')r trip to Florida where they visited Mialn-i, Dade City, Gainesville, and Hollywood. They spent Christmas in Coatesville as the guests of Mrs. Steciw's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Grycky. Mr. and ·Mrs. James N. Nutt, Jr., of Wallingford had as their guests over the holidays Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morris~Jr., of Troy, N.Y. Mias Linda NuW had as her gaest Miss Renee Pierpont, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reynolds Pierpont who aalled Saturday on the Queen Mary to take up residence in 1Ioru\, Germany. January 9, 1959 January 9, 1959 THE SWARTHMOREAN r Page 7 in insulation in a new home under construction at Union and Brighton avenues. At 4 :35 firemen extinguished a brush bla"" in a field on Fairview road opposite the Players Olub. At 5:45 they were again called out to fight a grass fire be- a field fire at the end of Union ave. nue. The qui("k action of nearby rcs~dents had extinguished the blaze by the time they arrived. localites Fined !\. W 11' . a mgford man fas fined $5 late last week for ignoring a stop tween the cinder path and the rail- sign at Strath Haven avenue and road at the re!,r of the high school Chester road. A Swarthmore man and college grounds 'd " . pal a sImJlar sum on Tuesday for At 12 :40 p.m. Wedn! :;etob~r .31, 1958 ............................. 39,846.00 8,870.00 T on teem I rest pa',d May 1, 1968 ......... _ .. • .. • .. .. . . . rus ,egal and initial expenses of Authority .•... • • • • • 449.25 "".! -......... -...... _...... Ml:~U~ ., .......... - 8d_ 112 gal. VERRY CHERRY BREYER'S ICE $1.00 JAN 161959 THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR SATURDAY, JANUARY 10 A On Tuesday at 10 a.m., the Can· cer Dres.in&"Group will meet at the clubhouse. At 10 a.m., Friday, January 16, the literature department will pre· sent a review of the book, "A Really Sincere Guy" written by Robert A. Van Riper, of North Chester road. Mrs. George Hunter has charge of the tprogram. ?tiro Van Riper will appear in person ~n the L program which will be held 10 the . ... clubhouse. . The music department will attend the Philadelphia Orchestra Concert on Friday, January 16. S h~1 c ~ 8:00 P.M.-Garnet Canteen .....•...... ······· Rutgers ve.Clothier 8 :16 P.'M.-"Under Milkwood" .........•.............•... SUNDAY, JANUARY II 'Friends Meeting A.M.-Forum: Colin ~el1 ................... L al Churches A.J1I.~Morning WorshIp ......•......... , ... t::"OOi8t Church P.M.-Missions Program .................. e P.M.-Fl'anklin Williams ................. .. Friends Meeting 9 :46 11 :00 6 '.30 8 :16 M MONDAY, JANUp.-RY 12 Presb erian Church 2 :00 p.M.~Fricndly Open House., ...... , .. . . yt PI. ers Club 8 :20 P.M.-"High Tor" ............................. y . 1'30 3:30 . 7 :00 8 :20 , CI b TUESDAY, JANUARY 13 . S tree t" ................. , Womans u P M -"Opera for MalO p'M'-Basketball: H.5. VB. Nether Providence .. , .... · H. S Gym .. Sproul Observatory P.M.-Open Night ...................... , Players Club P.M.-"High Tor" ............................ . WEDNESDAY, ~ANUARY IH , Christmas Ball Held For High School Alumni Alumni of the graduating elass· es of Swarthmore High School for the past four years convened M·onday llight December 29 for the U ..:\.nnual Christmas Ball". The formal affair was held from 9 to 1 at the Old Mill. Mrs. D. Mace Gowing headed the committee in charge of all arrangemcnts. Cha-perons were Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Ford F. nobinson, and Mi'. and Mrs. ;: MEAT for FREEZERS In every field of human endeavor, in every locality. one ~ame stands out as pre-eminent. In the supplying of meot for home freezers-in Dela. ware County-that name is Media Lockers. Your family can enjoy tender and taste.tempting meat every-meal if you stock your freezer from Media lod.". Just phon. L()y,o.n 6-4214 to place your order. Your meat will not only be superior in quality but it will be custom cut to your family requirements. Your satisfaction is unconditionally guo .... anteed. When more can you Qsk? IF YOU WANT THE BEST BUY THE BEST Buy Your Meat From MEDIA' LOCKERS 620 W. Painter St., Media LOwell 6·4214 Methodists to Honor Missions Secretary The Rev. Frederick L. Pedersen, ,a secretary of the Board of Missions Jim Robinson of Guernsey road of the Methodist Church, will be returned to Princeton University guest speaker at the School of Mis· Sunday after spending the holiday sions' Program at the Methodist U and Church which follows a family vacation with his parents .1I'.lr. Mrs. Ford F. Robinson. Jim is a snack-supper at 6 :30 Sunday eve· member of the freshman class. ning. . h ,Dr Pedersen, who is in the PhIlGladys Durboraw, a junlar att e University of Delaware, Newark, adel~hia office of the Section of t' spent the Christmas vaea Ion Church Extension, travels t.houswith .her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wil. ands of miles annually supervising· lis C. Durboraw on Westminster the building of Methodist churches, parish houses, and parsonages. I.n avenue. the time since he assumed thiS Randa Roess of Cornell avenue position in 1947, millions of dollars :left Sunday for Bristol, Va., where have been spent for new church she is a senior at Sullins College. -building enterprises, particularly Randa captained the varsity hockey in "mission" areas and among minteam at Sullins last fall, ority groups. Louise Johnson, daughter of Mr. The son of missiona}'y parents and Mrs. A. Sidney Johnson, Jr., who began their service in Alaska of North Chester road, spent when "he was 10, Dr. Pedersen bethe holidays here from Bucknell gan his ministry in the Puget University, Lewisburg, where she Sound Conference, Washington, in ic; a junior. 1916. All of his pastorates were in Dan Jackson, son of Mr. and that state. He was District Superin_ Mrs. H. Willis Jackson of Harvard tendent of Walla Walla, Pacific avenue, was home for the holidays Northwest Conference. During this from Princeton University. Dan is time he held a number of church a sophomore at Princeton. offices, including that· of secretary Gareth Jenkins, son of Mr. and of Western Jurisdiction~l ConferMrs, Lee Jenkins of Haverford ences in 1940 and 1944 and secreplace, has returned to Rensselaer tary of the Pacific Northwest Con· Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y., ference from 1936 to 1941. He is where he is :a freshman, after president of the Council spending the holidays with his 'Par· aof former Churches of Washington and ents. Northern Idaho. Dr. Pedersen attended the College Recommended by Dunoan Hines of Pug'et Sound as an undergrad. The Ingleneuk Tea House re· uate and is. a B.A. graduate of the ceived national l'ecogni.tion in_ ,the University of Washington and a new (1959) edition of "Duncan B.D. gradUate. of Drew Theological Hines Adventures in Good Eating" Seminary. In August, 1950, he was awarded a Doctor of Divinity de· just off the prcss. gree by the College of Puget Sound. Some 3500 restaurants "Recom· A Jew days later the Blackfeet In· mended by Duncan Hines" were se. dians at Browning, Montana, made lected out of a total of one-third him a member of that tribe by.adopc million eating 'Places in North tion. America. Dr. Pedersen will speak and show his colored pictures on the subject, IN FAR EAST "Open Doors in our 49th State". N evy Ensign Howard -E. Shearer Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Shearer, LISTED IN "WHO'S WHO" Sr., of Swarthmore avenue, is serMrs. Irvin R. MacElwee of Mt. ving -aboard the_ cable laying and Holyoke place has been listed in the repair ship USS Luzo!l, operating now edition of American' W()men with the U. S. Seventh Fleet in the "Who's Who." Far East. Back to College Yale and Harvard Avenues • SPECIAL SANDWICH LUNCHEONS COLD: (Includ~s Coffee) - from 40c to 90c HOT: (Includes Soup ond Coffee) - 40c to 65c Dessert -. 10c extra. Served from 11 :30 A.M to I :30 P.M. SPECIAL! FAMILY STYLE DINNERS -'$1.90 Includes Meot course, Potatoes and one other Vegetable, Hot Breads. Coffee or Tea, Pudding or Ice Cream. Second helpings if desired. MEMO FOR THE NEW YEAR 11\' sr"IClIIlWDlIIDlIIIIIRJIIIDlIIUlIIIIIIUHIIIIIIIIIIDlllllllllllltlIIllIIIlIlIlCIIIIIIIIII1I(Jlllmllnn[]IIIII1I11U1nIII1lIl1UIIClllnmnn['~ .~ J. E. LlMEBURNER CO. ~ GUILD OPTICIANS • I ~ § I ~ __ Bryn Mawr Upper Dlr., ~ Wynlewo.d Ii ~ iDIIPRIUUI \ , 821 Lanaaster Avanaa 6915 Ludlow Street 31 Ellt W,nnewOld Ro.d 1923 ell.stnat StrHt, 'IiUldel,.11 3, Pa. ....mtuWlihiiiii U;aa:aUCIiMNm _salal5i aiM ex_ I ~ For Unses of Superior Quality a Newly'Designed Frames of the Finest Workmanship =~_~= of Dimes VOL~E ~ 1 -_=- 0 §,," 9 AUUQA...-: A. you look forward to the Dew year, we suggest 70U check with u& to be lure your insurance progrllDl will adequately pro. te:t you. Make 8 note to caU 1!8 for ~.S., Personal ServIce. ThIS service in. clud.. an expert analysi. of al\ your Insurauce needs. Peter E. Told All Lines of Insurance m DARTMOUTH AVE. ..,.. ...,;,,,. -- lim WI!tJ , MEMORIAL PARK in beautiful Klngswood 3-0586 WEST _LAUREL HILL ~ any day from 9 to 4. Belmont Ave. above City lin. eala.Cynwyd Slop in -Office at Oock Tower for guidoncIIJ , 15 HARRY OPPENLANDER HI-FI STUDIO S. Chester Road, Swarthmore Takes Pleasure in Announcing A NEW Radio ami Phono Service Policy Every Six Months in Your Home We Shall I. Test all tubes in your Radio and Phono System 2. Examine your needle under a microscope 3. Check turntable speed 4. Clean and lubricate turntable bearings 5. Ched pressure of tone arm 6. Check all wiring connections' , The cost of this Service Policy is only $5,00 per year. For Further Details Call Klngswood 4-2828 $I 5L P iii r11~;;;;:~Q~~~~~~=~Sl~~~~Q~~~~~~~~~~~;;:~~_~~ IS' " "You Meet the Nicest Peop e at peare s and "Th ey D0 Se II th e N'Ices t Th'n I 9s at Speare's" Swarthmore, Pa., Friday, January 16, 1959 To Speak Here Monday • C.r... · EDGr.lONT AVENUE _ SEVENTH AND WELSH STREET8 STORE HOURS: Monday ,hr. Thursday, 9:30·5:30 .. Friday, 9:30,9:00; Saturday, 9:30·5:30 SAVE DOLLARS on SPEARE'S The chill winter winds are really here! Our stocks of Winter Wear have been DRESSES replenished: COATS GOWNS - LI NGERI E - SWEATERS, SHIRTS and SLACKS fo~the women - all CHILDREN'S WEAR and MEN'S WEAR also replenished- AND, of course, we are well stocked with better Blankets - keep snugly warm at night. I "DOLLARS SAVED DAY" .~ WE,DNESDAY JANUARY 14th Elementary Cafeteria Service Begins Jan. 26 Assemblies will be on Monday, for the sixth, seventh and eighth grades. Sixth grade chaperons will be Ml·S. John Espenschade, hostess, assisted by Mrs. Francis Forwood and Mrs. Howard Johnson .. Seventh grade, Dr. and Mrs. Rob· ert C. Good, Jr., hosts, will be assisted by Dr. and Mrs. Dina Me· Curdy and Mr. and Mrs. George W. McKeag. Eighth grade, Mr. and Mrs. George Krenikoff will be hosts and assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Loeben and Mr. and Mrs. Wells Forbes. of Dimes Rev, Zimmer to Conduct First Services Here Sunday Finance Chairman Robert Wilson The Rev. Layton Parkhurst Zim. The Swarthmore·Rutiedge Union presented a tentative 1959 budget mer assumed his duties yesterday School Authority authorized adver. totaling $168,000 to his colleagues as the fifth rector of Trinity tising for bids on reconstruction of on Borough Council Monday eveChurch. He will conduct the first the ,burned high school building, ning. The 1958 tax rate totaling 18 service in his new parish on Sunday immediately after the School Board mills (16 for general purposes, 1'h at the 8 o'clock service of Holy recommended the action Monday Ifor library, l'h for a sir.king fund) Communion, and will preach at the night. In turn the Board authorized was used in preparing the finan9 :30 o'clock service of Holy Com~imultaneous advertising for the cial pattern for the new year. munion and at the 11 :15 o'clock improved lighting and other needs Aithoughthe new budget wnI service of Morning Pra~er. ip the auditorium wing whicp will provide $349 .payment on life· in· Born in Honolulu in 1931, Mr. be financed directly by the School surance policies which Council deZhnrner was graduated from NewDistrict. It was felt a saving might cided to take under the State plan ark, Delaware High School in 1949, be effected through making it pas· for all employees including police, the College of William and Mary sible for contractors to 'bid on the and $800 for Charles S. Rockey L two jobs at once, although high in H)52 and the Episcopal Theologi. Company, Philadelphia, who were 0 pea~ school bids will be opened Wednes. cal ISeminary in Cambridge, Mass., hired to do the old year's audit, the in 1965. He is the son of Col. and day night, February 4, and the autotal is $18,000 under the 1968 bud. Mrs. Layton A. Zimmer of Wil. ditorium job on .February 11. get. However, the earlier amount C. "December 1 (or nine months af. Topic Will Be Women's mington. Colonel Zimmer, a retired included a rare $12,000 County ommlssioner Army officer, is direotor of civil ter contract is signed, if longer) vs. Co·ed Colleges from the· county for highway use to Discuss Plans defense for New Castle County. was set as completion date for the and a larger balance brought forfor 1960 1\11'. Zimmer is married to the for~ Wednesday high school, the Board accepting ward from the preceding year than County Commissioner Joseph the recommendation of its archiThe education committee df mer Nancy Goan Child of Portland, currently exists. Insurance :policies tect, George M. Ewing Company, Home and School Association opens Conn. will range from $2000 on the life Warren Bullen, Jr.,· will speak to The Rt. Rev. J. Brooke Mosley, that a shorter period for construc- its series of !Cour meetings with a of the youngest employee to $500 the Swarthmore League of Women Bishop of Delaware, ordained Mr. On ,the eldest. Voters at the luncheon meeting at tion would ,be unrealistic and could panel discussion on the, pros and Zimmer to the diaconate in June, the Strath Haven Inn on Monday, be a detriment to the School Dis. cons of co·education and men's and 1956 and to the priesthood in June, John Schumacher was appointed at 1 o'clock. Mr. Bullen has been trict's interests by dis.:!;ouraging women's colleges at a meeting Wedcollector of sewer rents, Dr. J. AI· asked to speak on the County Com. bids. The auditorium contract will nesday evening at 8 'p.m. in the 1956. Since 1956 he has been the curbright Jones .was reappointed 'health missioners' ,plans for 1960 and to ,provide for this phase of the work all-purpose room of the Rutgers ate of St. Andrew's Church, Wil. mington. He was active for several officer, Mrs. D. Reed Geer to the discuss the topics which arc of par- to begin June 15 and be comp1eted avenue school. This Iprogram is _planned especial- seasons with The Restoration Play.. Tree Commission, and 'Villiam Geh- ticular interest to the Leagues of by ,August 15, so that it will not ring as a member of the Board of 'Vornen Voters of Delaware County interfere with double·session class- ly for parents and students in the ers of IColonial Williamsburg, a Adjustment. _ ,pubUc recreation; highways; es being held in the building until lOth, 11th and 12th grades,but all drama group. Featured in "The members of the community are wel- Common Glory" from 1960-64, he Council voted six to one to send creek valley ,preservation; and re. the main portion is rebuilt. ,portrayed Thomas Jefferson in that come. Robert J. Mudrick a final notice assessments. Staggered Lunch Hours The speakers on the panel are pageant. that he' must remove the ordinanceMr. Bul1en was appointed ComSupervising Principal Frank R. His interest in drama eventually violating fence at the rear of his missioner May 4, .1966 to fill an Morey announced plans to, serve Susan Cobbs, dean of women at led to the formation of the Sum. IPrpperty at 425 Harvard avenue unexpired term until Jauuary 1960. lunches from. the elementary school Swarthmore College, who twill dismonel' Players in St. Andrew's parwl,th!n ~\vo we~ks. In Novemb~r,.1962, he was el"'~d kitqhenr·iand ·begin.8tsggered luneh cuss the rote of, cO-education, and ish, which group has presented Borough Secretary ,Elliott Rich· I to the Hou·';' ot ·Representatives and hours, - will continue its series of College. Meeting of the Bullen Chemical Company, International Affairs classes on l\fiss Flo\vel's grnduated from She Stoops to Conquer Mrs. RandaU A. Burr, president, Inc. Tuesday, January 20 at 1 :30 in the Goucher College in 1949, having has announced that the .Junior to l1e Presented All the League in Delaware clubhouse. The discussion of Asia Woman's Club will fJl'escnt a most County have been invited to send will be led by Henry L. McCorkle, :;erved in the armed services during the war. Jan. 23, 24 unusual and distinctive program on representatives to this meeting. managing editor of Presbyterian 1\[1'. Russell is a gl"aduatc of HavThe Campus Club of Swa:thmore Tuesday, January 20. Guest speak- The pubJic is cordially invited to Life. and Gcne D. Overstreet, inerford C<>llege. He did his graduate College wiB present "She Sloops to er for the evening is to be Dr. Mur- attend. Mrs. Joseph J. Storlazzi, stl'uctor in political science at work at Harvard University and Conquer" Friday and Saturjay eve... ray L. Dorfman, noted for his use Klngswood 3-1292, is in charge of Swarthmore CoHege. Columbia and taught for several nings, January 23 and 24, at 8:15 of hypnotism in the practice Dl'. Overstrcet teaches Asian and the luncheon. (Continued on Page 5) p.m. in Clothicr MCTIlorial on the medicine. Soviet politics and is a specialist campus. The Oliver G-oldsmith ~8th Dr. Dorfman, a resident of Hav- Bowling, Riflery Clubs on the Far East. Before coming to WILPF to Hear century classic will be presented ::''1. ertown, in addition to his private modern dress. O"ganized at High School Swarthmore he worked in the In1Jra ctice, is on the staff of Delaware Mrs. Pearl Turner stitute of International Studies at Barbara Pearson Lange will diA Bowling Club has been organCounty Hospital, Hahnemann Med~ Members of the "romen's Inter- rect the production, which is staged ized at Swarthmore High School for the University {)f California at ical College, and Haverford HospiBerkeley and studied for two years national League for Peace and and acted by members of the Coltal. He stresses the beneficial ef- the 10th 11th and 12th grades for in India on a Ford Foundation Fel- Freedom wiII meet with Mrs. Pearl lege faculty, adminiSt!'ation, and fecbt of hypnosis as an adjunct to, those who are not participating in jtHvship. Prior to that assigmnent, Turner, district secretary of Fam- staff. rather than a replacement of, med- intramural scholastic sports dur- he taught at Michigan State. ily Service, Upper Darby, to conMajor roles will be handled by icine. As part of his lecture, he ing the win tel' months. The club sider the need of youth today for Deans Susan F. Cobbs and W. C. H. Mr. McCorkle returned only last will endeavor to illustrate the ad- meets each Thursday afternoon at spring from an arollnd-the-world more help and guidance. The meet- Prentice i Professors George Beck... vantageous aspects and -practical three at Stoney Creek Bowling tour, including the Far East in ing will take pJace Thursday, Jan~ er, Laurence Lafore~ James Sorber, results of his theory with the aid of alleys in Springfield, More than 1957. He has also done editorial uary 22 at 8 p,m. in Whittier House. and Justus Rosenberg; lIfrs. Betty club members selected at random. 100 boys and girls have signed up work recently in the Philippines, The group will discuss the fol- Livel'ight, secretarial assistant in Mrs. Burr renlinds juniors that f-or this winter intra-mural activ- Hong Kong and Thailand. 'lowing questions: thn Fl'icnds Historical Library; the meeting is open to guests and ity. They are sponsored by Millard uHow could I as an indiVIdual or and faculty wife Mrs. Gilbert F. Dr. Frances R. Fussel1, chairman suggests bringing interestcd friends Robinson, Mrs. Ann Braund, and of legislation, will moderate the how could my family handle such a Haight, Jr. Irma Zimmer. to thc program. problem? 'Vhat could the sehool do }Janel discussion. Tickets will ·Le available at the A Skeel and Riflery Club also to ,prevent or help solve such a door. Proceeds will be given to the has been -organized which meets problem? What could WILPF or College scholarship fund. Canteen to Meet every other Sunday at the Dela- Hoskins Resigns From any other social agency do to help Garnet Canteen members are in- ware County FicJd and Stream AsFriends Service Com, :j)l'eVerLt such a problem? What PROPERTY OWNERS vited to bring games tl) the regular sociation, VilJage Green. More than The resignation of Le\vis M. could a community as a whole do meeting at 8 p.m. Saturday at the 15 boys havc joined and fathers are ASSOCIATION REORGANIZES Hoskins of Wallingford from the to hclp prevent such a problem? Rutgers Avenue School. A regular At the annual reorganization welcome to come when they choose executive secretaryship of the SerAJI interested citizens arC! invited program with novelty dances will meeting of the Swarthmore Produring the winter and spring sea- \-;ce Committee has been announced. to this meeting. be included during the evening. ,perty Owners Association, held in son. Dr. Hoskins intends to return to Chaperons will be Mrs. Dorothy the Legion Room in Borough Hall ADULT GIRL SCOUTS academic life. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. William Uthe, on January 5, the following were APPOINTED Effeetive February 1, Colin W. TO MEET MDNDAY AT I re-elected to of·fice: and Mr. and 1111'S. Robert Gilfillan. Mrs. G. Wills Brodhead of Maple Bell of Park avenue has been ap. The Girl Scout Neighborhood Allan C. Wood, president; SeyLast week, 172 members enjoyed avenue has been appointed fifth pointed Acting Executive SecreAssociation will meet at 1 o'clock mour Kletzien, vice-president; and the singing and playing of "The grade teacher in the Amosland tary, pending the naming of Lewis Monday afternoon in the Am'erlean H. Weston Clarke, seeretary-trea_, Turks." School, Ridley Township. Hoskins' successor. Legion Room of Borough Hall. surer. Panel Discussion Scheduled for H. &S. Joseph Bullen 10 Speak At League Luncheon Foreign Affairs Class Oontinues at Olubhouse Junior Women 10 Hear Dr. Murray Dorfman SHOP and SAVE at SPEARE'S on co_ To Insurance, Auditing ~ "They Do Swarthmore, Pa., Friday, Janual'Y 16, 1959 Includes Employee Life HI-FI STUDIO I ~RTHMOREAN TH Oouncil Views New Budget, Old Tax CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE MEMORIAL PARK Support VOLUME 31-NUMBER 3 • This professional pharo , roaey specializes in family patronage. Turn to us for anything you'd natur.ally expect to find in a firstclass family Drug Store. Our stocks arc ample, our prices fair. And, of cour.se, remember we value your prescription patron;lg~. ColleulE' Li 'hrro.ry SVl8rthmore of Dimes - See the S~mrthr:IO::'C the March "DOLLARS SAVED DAY" STRATH HAVEN INN - ----------------- The Rev. Frederick L. Pedersen, in beautiful Klngswood 3-0586 a secretary of the Board of :Missions of the Methodist Church, will be WEST .LAUREL HILL guest f;Jleaker at the School of Mis~ sions' Prog'ram at the Methodist any day from 9 to 4. ChlJl'ch which fol1ow~ a family Belmont Ave. above City line snack-supper at 5 :30 Sunday eveBala.Cynwyd ning. . Dr. Pedersen, who is in the PhIlStop in OR'ice of Oock Tower adelphia office of the Section of for guidonce Church Extension, tl'avels thous~ ands of miles annually supervising y 15 the I.Hlilding of Methodist churches, ...... -k parish houses, and parsonages. I.n HARRY OPPENLANDER the timc :;ince he assumed thIS position in 1947, millions of dollars have been spent for new church 17112 S. Chester Road, Swarthmore lmilJing- ('lltcl'prises, particularly in "missi-on" areas and among min_ Takes Pleasure in Announcing ority groups. The son of missionary parents A NEW Radio and Phono Service Policy who began thcir service in Alaska when he "..'us 10, Dr. Pedel'sen beEvery Six Months in Your Home We Sholl gan his ministry in the Puget I. Test all tubes in your Radio ond Phono System Sound Conference, 'Vashington, in 2. Examino your needle under a microscope ID16. An of his pastorates were in that state. He was District Superin_ 3. Ched turntablo speed tendent of 'Valla ,,'alIa, Pacific 4. Clear, ond lubricate turntable bearings Northwest Conference. During this 5. Check pressura of tone arm time he held a number of church 6. Check all wiring connections offices, including that of secretary of Western Jurisdictional ConferThe cost of this Service Policy is only $5.00 per year. ences in 1940 and 1944 and secretary of the Pacific Northwest Con· For Further Details Call Klngswood 4-2828 ferenee from 1935 to 1941. He is !jI. ,lI. .It $I Back to College Christmas Ba II Held JAN 161959 pano Beach, li'la. Their children Bill and 'Doug accompanied them. ,Mr. and Mrs. William H. Gill, Jr., of Dogwood Jane have returned after spending two weeks in Pom- t:> THURSDAY, JANUARY 15 WOMAN'S CLUB NOTES Rev. Frederick Pedersen THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR 9 :45 11'00 • 5 :30 8:15 January 9, 1959 SWARTBMOREAN Oampus Glub to Give Goldsmith Olassic I The Bouquet Iy nf Swarthmore, took place . TO WED III JUliE . cember 27 in Chalmers Umted The marriage nf Miss Marian Church, Montreal. The Rev. W. G. Mr •. Helen Hall of Uillborn . Gayle Hanna, daughter of Mr. and Onions officiated. nne returned last week from a hoh- Mrs John Reid Hanna of 1 The bride, who was given away .1 .1 ulJI'h v'le,': road, and Mr. 'Villiam Ear . ~ gown . day visit with her son anu ua ~ ,~ p 1 by her father, was m ter-in-Iaw Mr. and :!'l1l'J. Robl·rt Stauffer, son of Mr. and Mrs. a~ white velvet, with a bodice hav~ng Hall and children who have fp.cent- Leeman Stauffer of Lancaster, wtll a high neckline and sleeves endl~g Iy moved to No. 11 Arlingt.:n road, take place on Saturday afternoon, in points over her hands, and a skirt . a drape June 27, in the Swarthmore Pres- of unpressed pleats havmg West Hartford, Conn. Caroline 'Vebster entertained 30 byterian Church. of white chiffon caught at the bac.k. members of her high school junior A reception will follow the ~er;- Her shoulder-length veil of tulle tIhe home of the bride S i t bandeau class at her home on E Im avenue mony at t lusion was held by a ve ve . during the recent hoHda~·-;. Nancy parents. and ~hc carried a bouquet of white pompoms, red carnations and holly . Webster, a seventh ~radcf. ectt!rtained 36 members ": '"r c,a~s. PHILLIPS· EDWARDS ., leaves. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heath enThe marriage of Miss Patrlcla Mrs. Dan March of Dorval was t Patton Edwards, daughter of Mr. S t tertained with a dinner par Y a Ed d matron of honor for her ~ h n and Mrs. Thomas Deane war 5 f urday evening at their orne 0 d M John wearing a short gown 0 I ire of K irkwood, Mo., an f Mr. Cedar lane. illips, son 0 r. an d green velvct designed a ong de.mp . f Ph t Russell B Dr and Mrs. John R. a es 0 lines with high neckline en 109 m North Chester road entertained Mrs. C. Russell Phillips of a back V. She wore a white. feather their evening bridge club on Friday. Haven avenue, took place Monday bandeau and carried a white muff 'ng, December 29, at a candleMrs. J .. H. Gordon Mc Conechy evenl L trimmed with holly. .' . ceremony in the Glendale u· of South 'Chester roa d, Vlce-preSIM Th MI'ss Xandra Hosking of 1 theran Church, Glendale, o. e b Cl dent of the New Century u 0 b th Watters, Que., was bridesmaid, e t the ceremony was performed y Chester, represented her cI u b a f to of wearl'ng a gown of holly red, fashh Eimer E. Maschof ,pas r k R ev. ' 1'oned similarly to that worn by t e Gimbel Awards last wee. · deII , f 0 rmer the church, and a reception was matron of honor. D WlD Mi.·s. Frank'. many held l'n the lParish house. t rth . by Mr. Edward Rambonne resident of Swa more for .d t The bride, given in marriage. t h te Sprl'ngdale, Conn., was best nmn, Years has taken up rest ence a ' H haVl'ng her father, wore an oys er w 1. the Dartmouth ouse,'n Novem .at·ln gown. with a bodice of helr- and ushers were Mr. KennethdTayM d moved from Wyonewoo 1 -, d lor·,· brother of the bride, an r. loom lace from her maternal gran ber. h mother's wedding gown, and her Grant Ross, ,both of Montreal. Mrs. Harold March of No~t Mrs. Taylor, mother of the bride. I bl elebratlon fl'nger-tip length veil was o.f Br.usd d Chester roa d a tte n e a c B bl chose a sheath gown of French ue , 92 db' th lace. She carried a whIte 1 e in honor of her mother s n lr h'te neace de soie, with matehinghat 7 · D . n Conn :~":~~~:a:.with stephanotis and w 1 Y day on January 10 arle, . and corsage of orange delight roses. h b'd Mrs . March's mother, Mrs. John Mrs. Laws, mother of t e rI eb d The matron of honor was Mrs. was gowned in dusty h t f or Melv'ln Creed Britton, Jr., of Bos- groom, . by many older Swarthmoreans . Lee, wi11 be remern ere Clarence having participated in ~ ~s.."u~::~~:! ton, sister of the bridegroom. The I dtaffeta, . k flwearmg a d aa at the Open House for bridesmaids were Miss Caro yn of white an pm ,?wers an nne Drake of Clayton, Mo., and corsage of white iPom-~oms. A Swarthmoreans, I ' t M and Meredith Reed Michae s Followmg a recep lon, r. Mr. aud Mrs. Harry Crowther of M' The attendants were Mrs. Laws left for Quebec City. Yale avenue recently returned from II KilIS.kswOOd. ; a cruise to Nassau and Havana, gowned alike in red pea~ de s~ic Upon their retur~ the couple will They were in Havana during New dresses and wore matchmg slip· reside in Ville LaSalle, Quebec. Year's when the fighting started. pers. They carried white f~r mu:fs Mr. Laws is a, grad?ate of the The passengers were instructed to which clusters of red pOlDsettlas University of Mlssourt School of to go ashore but a groti·p (the were attached, and their headdress· Journalism. ,He is associated with Crowthers included) ventured out es were white fur bands with red the MacLean - Hunter ·Publishing only to find an atmosphere of ten- streamers. Company, Montreal. siou prevailing, and were glad to Mr. C. Russell Phillips served as Also attending the wedding from return to the safety of their ship. best man for his son. The ushers this area were Mr. and Mrs. John On New Year's Day they actual1y were Thomas Deane Edwards II, Bigger, the bridegroom~s brotherwitnessed gun fighting on the docks of the Ibride; Robert Wall in-law and sister, and their chilwhile they were all quartered of Illulberry Grove, Ill.; Bruce Ho- dren, Jane and Jack nf ProStpect aboard the Nassau. ~ meyer of Webster Groves, MO' t , Mrs. Russell Heath of Cedar lane John Torrey Berger, Jr., of Kirk· will spend next week in New York wood. BIRTH City visiting with -relatives and The bride, who is a member of Mr. and Mrs: AlaI> H. llIewar of friends. the junior class at Mount Holyoke Cresson lane annouoee the :birth of Mr. M. A. Beesinger of College, will tra~sfer to Bos~n their fourth child, a son, James road is in -San Francisco attending University to contmue her studles. Alan on January 5 at St. Fram,;sl a four day IBM meeting. Her husband graduated from Dart- Hos;ital, Wilmington, Del. IMr. and Mrs. Raynham Bates of mouth College, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, and was a Yale avenue entertained Matbew Clarke of Fairfield, Conn., member of Phi Sigma Kappa fraand Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Sharp and teroity. At tpresent he is cau .•• their .ons Mathew and Jonathan for his doctorate at Harvard MRS. LL9YD E. KAUFFMU of Yarmouth, ·Me., over the week- versity. 31S Dartm••1b An. . . The couple will live in Cambridge, end. &:IDa.......... Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Sil~ler I Mass. of Harvard avenue ~ill leave 'Mon--------day for st. Petersburg, Fla., where LAWS· TAYLOR they will visit Mrs. Sipler's parThe marriage <>f Audrey Mabel ents Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Pass- Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. more at Snell Island. From th.rre I Douglas H. W. Taylor of Montreal, SWARTHMDBE, '1. they will go to Miami where they Quebec, to Mr. Charles Earl Laws, wilt meet Mr. an~ Mrs. Herman son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest RayFri. & Sat., Jan. 16, 17 Bloom of Columbia avenue. mond Laws of Springfield, formerACADEMY AWARD Masterpiece in Adventurell foursome will travel to the Ke,ys I for a week of fishing. Enroute home, the Blooms will stop at 603 THE Avenue A, S.E. Winter Haven where they will visit their son-in(Teehn1eol.r) law and daughter Lt. and St .. wart Granger Deborah Kerr Bruce E. Young. OF SWARTHMORE FridllY Felllures-7:30. 9:30 P.M. Mrs. Ashleigh Losee of Rockville SlIturday Felltures-6. 8, 10 P.M. presents Center, N.Y., has been visiting her EXCITING SPACE SHOW FOR son-in-law and daughter Mr. and CHILDREN, SATURDAY I P.III. Mrs. Alan H. Dewar -of Cresson "War of the Satellites" lane. by MAXWELL ANDERSON Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Loeben of plus Calor Cartoons and Produced Under the Direction of Fairview road recently returned Three Stooge camed, PHILIP N. PRICE home after a visit with Mr. Loeben's parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sun., Mon., Tues. Friday and Saturday Seidl of Caroga Lake in the AdiJan. 18, 19, 20 rondacks. _Arthur and Jeffrey acJanuary 16·17 The Most Beautiful Opera Enr Filmedll companied their parents. Puccini', Magnificent Mrs. Robert Arnold of Sh,erwo.od I Curtain Time 8:20 P.M. lane, Wallingford, will entertain at Member, and Their Guests (Ttchnicolor) open house on Sunday. PersonaIs I College Theatre PLAYERS CLUB "King Solomon'S Mines" "High Tor" "Madame DuHarll,'? Features-7:25, 9:25 P.M, ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL TO JAN. 31 st ANY (p'lain) COAT, DRESS, ROBE SUIT BEAUTIFULLY CLEANED for First Garment .99 for Second Garment .79 ea. Add. Garment of Order ORAIOE CLEAIERS 12 P~rk 'S,i.,.ithmore, P•• Avenue LOVELY LADIES FIND THE WINTER BAY 9 South Chester Road Call KIngswood 3-0476 BulDus A••GelaU•• Act.h"e Member of 'he. S -.,ihmore .. AUTO REPAIRS • STATE INSPECTION • WHEEL ALI GNMENT • MOTOR TUNE·UP • GULF GAS and OIL ArZ, Mgr. RUSSELL'S SERVICE Dartmouth & Lafayette Aves. Closed Saturday 12:30 P.M. 3-0440 KI STRATH INN d A Yale and Harvar venues • • HEONS SPECIAL SANDWICH LUNC f rom 40c t 0 90 c COLD: (Includes Coffeel OT (I I d S nd Coffee) 40c to 65c H : nc u es oup a d f - 11'30 A M to I :30 P.M. Dessert _ 10c extra. Serve rom. .. INNERS $1 90 SPECIAL! FAMILY STYLE D -. V t bl H t P t t e n d one other ege a e, 0 Includes Meot course, 0 a 0 s a d hi. Breads, Coffee or Tea, Pudding or Ice Cream. Secon e pmgs I'f des·lred. i J ' Wed., Thurs, Fri., Sat. Jan. 21, 22, 23, 24 Yau Atlche-play. a..t ·home nowpfte" having spellt 10 "Let them have this little days with Mrs. Bower's parents Mr. (;ontagious Diseases ,sums the Indian in conclusion, "and and ,Mrs. L. Richmond of AtReported in Borough 'find your peac~ beyond for there is lanta, Ga. The following children Charles Innis, Mrs. Harbert Michener, and smaIl Meg Michener. And on the folIowing day, came Den 3, also of Pack 1, with Tim Shuba, MaxwelI Barus, David Seltzer, Donald Murray, and Biff Fine, with Mrs. Valentine Fine, in the group. A fourth Den arrived yesterday afternoon, and four more are scheduled during the next two weeks. It's 'a mutually satisfying ar... rangement. The Cubs are introduced . to the workings of a weekly newspaper, and The Swarthmorean and Donald E. FulIer and George E. Hails of the Swarthmore Printing Company enjoy meeting the Cubs. co-op FOOD MARKET Consumer's Co-,op Ass'n_ of Swarthmore, Inc. 403 Dartmouth Avenue Opposite Borough Hall Swift's Premium Boneless Top Round Roast of Beef 8ge lb. --- EXTRA SPECIAL .,. Monteo Coffee '7ge lb. Vacuum Packed - Drip or Regular Grind Welchade Grape Drink 3 quart cans for $1.00 . Fresh Spinach Cleaned and Washed Piano studellts of Robert Keighcello paks ton held a recital at his home on Cedar lane on Saturday. Those participating included Doug Gill, Frankie Carruth, David Roberts, DAR to Meet each ADDRESSES MEETING Mrs. John E. Michael, regent of Kirk Nevius, David Spackman, and A. F. Loeben of Fairview road, the Delaware County Chapter of E. G. Spackman. Families and the Daughters of the, American friends of the panicipatns at- former teacher of geography at the You Always Meet Your Friends at the CO-OP University of Pennsylvania and Revo1ution, will entertain the mem- tended. Wher~ You Can Depend on Quality to Be the Best now with the Montgomery County 'bel'S at their January Meeting at Planning Commission, recently prethe Strath Haven Inn at 2 o'clock sented a paper in Chicago before fir on Monday afternoon. a joint meeting of the American A panel composed of Mrs" MichThe Swarthmore Junior .His!I Statistical Associa~ion and the ael and Ex.Regents. Mrs. Harry hasketball teq~s have tasted both American PopUlation Association. Bates, ·Mrs. Lloyd Goman' and Mrs. victory and' defeat the past two The title of his paper was "SugHenry J. WeiJimd, wilI discuss the gested Method for the Delimiting idea of "Information Please". All weeks. ()n Saturday, J anuat:y 3, two new members are especially ,asked strong Darby teams handed the P~pulation ,cnuste:r~s:._"________~========================================================~ to be present. Delegates to the National Con- Junior Varsity and Varsity teams gress, 'Which meets in Washington their first defeats. The JV game in the spring, will be elected at this was a real thriller and was not demeeting. cided until the final seeond· when ). Darby 'Won out by a score of 23 to .... . , ,-L~t-O-NS-CL-U-B-S-PE-A-KE-R ". 21. Jerry Clothier scored 12 points Willard Tomlinson of Rutgers to lead the 8th graders in scoring. ,.,' ',. .. ~.,. o· aVenue was the speaker for the The Varsity team was overpow. .',.ered by ,the Darby'team by the score , , Media Lions Club. Tuesday night of 41 to 22. Fred ·Braund (8) and of last week. His topic, "Meet the Many-Islanders" was an iIIustrated Roger Anthony (6) led the team in scoring. talk on exotic Atlantic islands. The following Saturday, both teams managed to break back into the winning colUmn. The JV team Eugene J. Cucinotta of Ridley led all the way to defeat Penncrest TIlB RJ(!iSTlJDlJR4K11Il Township ,paid a $5 fine for over- by the score of 28 to 23. Billy Johntime parking on Friday. son ·led the team in scoring (13) Saturday John Brown of Media and ...boun~ing, wi th JerrY Cloth~Collect the family, scurry down to your Studebaker Dealer's, pile was arrested for speeding on Ya'e ier (9), Ronnie Hoge (4) and John avenue between Park and Cornell O'Nem (2) adding to the score. into The Lark and take off. Take it through the paces in traffic, in the open, avenues, . and Frank Phillips of The varsity game turned out to be and watch the gas gauge stand still. Tum it on a dime. Park it on a Philadelphia was apprehended on a real thriller with the Junior Gar~ Yale aVenue for reckless driving, net winning out by the score of 18 It's three feet shorter outside with room for six inpostage stamp. . speeding, passing a red light and to 17. Penncrest had the lead anhe side, delivers peak performance on regular, low-cost gas, looks like a million, megal passing. That night local end of the third· quarter by the police wer~ notified to hold the score of 16 to 12. The uling family of 812 North ing the Penncrest team 6 to 1. Princeton avenue, for Springtfield Fred Braund led in scoring with TransPOrtation.iocJI taxa, police, if the car was spotted. The 7 points. Roger Anthony had 6, and any other extras pIa,loW vehic'le, stolen from in front of a Jim Foley (2), Jerry LiddeU (2), I labeled on e'teIY car. Baltimore pike restaurant where and Gary Gallagher (1). To wind the Duling. were dining between up the morning' of basketbalJ and 6:30 and 7:30 p.m., was found excitement, the All-Star team, seabandoned on an estate in Gladwyne lected from 7th grade intramurals, and recovered by the .owners lost out to Pcnnerest's 7th grade, through the Ardmore police the 13 to 6. George Welsh had the 6 next night. points for the 7th graders. , Firemen were called to a field AU three teams wilJ travel to. fire at 119 Y 3le square at 1 p.m. Marple-Newtown Junior High toTuesday of this week. Two hours morrow, with the first game startlater they extinguished a blaze in ing at 1 p.m. a hedge which spread to porch roof shingles at the Caleb Foote home, Mr. and Mrs. G. West Cochrane 232 Benjamin West avenue. of Riverview road have acoompan~ FOR A FUN DRIVE DEMONSTAATION TODAY AT Patrolman Charles Manata, one ied Miss Erika Hornig to New York " of the longest standing servants of City from where she will aail on the the Borongh, was granted sick S.S. United States for her retum FUSCO MOTOR, CO• STillMAN'S AUTOMOTiVE CENTER . leaveuntl!Febra.ary 1, at Xonday to her home In Hamburg, Germany. CHESTERood FAIRVIEW ROADS. SWARTHMORE. PENNA. 4S SOUTH McDADE lOULEVARD. &LENOLDEN, PENNA""nine's meetltlc of Botouah Xi.s Romig hal been a eueot of CoallelL Manata, who has been I1I, the Cochran.. for the put 10 • oada &6. aM . . . . a.-V; .. ataP@, • 19c Large Avocado Pears 23c ------ JR. HIGH TEAMS WIN AND LOSE SPECIAL SALE ..,. !t2 .. cral. VERRY RRY $1.00 BREYER'S ICE CREAM IF YOU UKE TO SAVE WHILE YOU " LIVE IN STYLE Police and Fire News -DRIVE :> " T~ ~ :> $1925 • M James of North Swa~:hmo;e a~enue recently ,flew ill from Chicago after spending a long weekend with her daughter son-in-la wMr. and Mrs. Gordon Follett. WHAT IS HOME WITHOUT A PlAID? Wbr BOl bar 101l1' reb1lll1 ,Ian. 'rem .. plallO tuner with 40 Jc ....• praeUeal experIence wllb all make •. 1& wW P.7 708 .. the e." A. L. PARKER' LOwan 6·3555 E M Mr. and ,Mrs. B. A. Redin&1?n, who have been visiting their son..1nlaw and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Maurice L. Webster of Elm avenue for the past month, have left for Daytona Beach, Fla, '"'II:.EII MODERN FLOORS -IU'l'CBENS PLASTIC.. ALTERATIONS free ~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHESTER BEEBE $6 Per Hour Edward P. illaa CUSTO~ Convalescent Home Baltimore PIke '" LiDcoln Ave. Swarthmore 4-0800. PERSONAL - Russian language. Beginners ,roups forming now. Day and evemng. Intermediate and advanced groups. Private lessons also. Kilngswood 3-3329. PERSONAL - Furniture refinishing, repairing. Quality work at moderate and Call Eetsbl!shed 1932 Ilulet, _u1 SurroandIDp With Il:J:ceUent U-Uour NuniD6 C.... Klngswood 3-0272 ROOFING 15, t.vo older walking to room, dining room, room downstairs. bath upstairs. One ~160. Klngswood P.M. PERSONAL - Baby sitting. Responsible woman. Klngswood 34261. George Myers and Co. WANTED - To rent, two bedroom ,first floor apartment, Swarthmore or vicinity. Write Box A. The Swarthmorean. KI 4-1214 CONSTRUOTlON!= !pUUWUlUllllllUHIUIIlIH11UIUHaUbIllnWCIllUUlDlD1II1I1! WANTED-Mature woman wants time position-clerical. re- ~ I1~~~~~li~b~ra:r~y~.~B~OX~~B~'~T~he 3 PARK AYE., SWAIITH •• RE Klngswood 4-2727 SADIE PIPPIN TURNER. ProprteCor ,IIUUJlmIClllllllnrnarmlllIllHDIIIIIIIIIIIIDDIRII, . PICTURE FRAMING PORTRAIT STUDIO ; Jack Prichard I ~O~~~Jl~: ROGER RUSSELL Pbotograpbic Supplies STA'l'E '" MONROE STS. MEDIA I Free Estimates II!! Klngswood 3-8761 !! i = fi REAL ESTATE 900 Michigan Avenue ~ Swarthmore. Pa. ~ ~ I ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS w. Inslall = ~ g HODGE & CARTER PRICHARD §- := ~ T·Y AlTEllAS Work allirlat... 24·HOUR SERYIIE Fr•• Estlmll.. B KI 3-1112 !~ MAdison 6-9937 LEhigh 4-1246 "1 8mo it in Tht1 SwartAmorMft." 1858 - ONE HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY -1958 SWEENEY & CLYDE Insurance ana Real Estate 29 E. Fifth Street IJ;~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHester 4-6311 I. E••• rd CI,de SIMuel D. 01, •• , Jr. allr,. PIOWIlII 51111 ••1 0, "Jd. lin -'ISS, ,', •' I§ J.f .BLAGiMAN , i§ WANTED - 9 cooking ft "I; ;:;;::7,~;;;;Tn;';~D~De~l.'-;E;-o__m-es-f:-o-r-;:P--ow:-'d---er '. Puff's five fluffy kittens. Phone Carol Campbell. Klngswood 3- L;;,DI1I1111I11I;,;Im11W~~"~l;lD~l"~U~III1IIl~"~IU"~I~U'Il~'~IIII~I1Iff the map? This is not the result of an earthquak~, a hurricane, or an atomic bomb. The deed was done by the Bell Telephone :Company. If you don't believe me, just returning a long distsnce call from, say Boston. The operator says, "I am ready with your call t:!;=~1 wood, Pennsylvania!' The ,party says, "I don't know in Kingswood, Pennsylvania", and refuses the call. You say. "Operator, there is no such town as Kings. .wood, Pennsylvania. Please teU him the call is from Swarthmore." The operator says, "Sorry, sir. We are not anowed to mention Swarthmore." You will be glad to know that the telephone company has not yet abolished Philadelphia. Return a call from a WAlnut number, and the operator will not say, tel am ready ,with your call to Walnut, Pennsylvania." But this, I})resUnlably, is only a matter of time. Eventually, [ have no doubt, the City of Brotherly Love is to give way to a score of hamlets known i t P a., Lac us. t P a., P op1ar, as W a nu, Pa., and the like. Who are we, Mr. Editor, to resist the March of Progre~s? In :future, please send my Kmgswoo~­ ian to ~e in care of Ki.ng-swood 001lege, Kmgswood, Pa. Sincerely yours, Clair Wilcox "I '/JW 2ND BIG, Shop Thursday 'til 9 P.M. Friday 'til 10 P.M. OLD FASBEOHBD o LANCASTER BRAND LAMB SALE! Whole or Either Half! LEGS 0' II. Lancaster Brand Cut F"I'dlf,°Ui'f' Full Meated, Tender, STEWING STEAKS H£~:;:::~ SSe CHICKEN elb SAVE UP TO' 6 c PER JAR! * * * * * Ideal Apricot-Pineapple Ideal Seedless Blackberry Ideal Crushed Cherry Ideal Elderberry Ideal Peach Ideal Pineapple * Ideal Strawberry * Ideal Peach-Raspberry * Ideal Seedless-Red Raspberry 12-0% iars GRAPEFRUIT 3 25e for Memorial NicheS in beautiful • Also Several Choice Lots Available in Borough for Custom Homes. ~,,'l ~ ~\\'\\\; Opposite Boro Holl ~t"\\\ '"a t.~t~ t?~~ range I" ... Yes, cooking's really a snap with a modern, automatic gas range. There is no scorching or sticking with the,automatic top unit that maintains the temperature you select. It has automatic lighting and oven controls, too. i BAIRD & BIRD ~~,~~ .. Choos.. your new gos range at your cleo/er's or any , PlU/aclelp/Ua Eledric suburban J,owroom. , , ftHlLADELPHIA ILECTRIC CO.MIIl' ..",a\\ .iIi the title of a booklet which answers the various questions 80 many people ask us. We'll gladly send you a copy without obligation. if you say "yes" by mail or telephone . Write: 215 Belmont Ave., BaJa-Cynwyd. Pa. Telephone: MOhawk 4-1591 ** Virginia Lee PEACH PIES Fresh·Baked/ each Deep-Filled/ ~ Visitors welcome. Come ·any day from 9 to 4. Belmont Avenue above PbiIa. City Line BaIa-Cynwyd • Fresh· Baked! Sweet ~AwardCream! _ ~ Winning! BUTTrce 4ge ~;~~ !ige *Wholesun or*Golden Holly Fresh Frozen S~VE 2Oc\ on four o NGE JU1(:] "- - -.I~:~;~,., Cans com· 6-oz. pared to t\le O\d Price\ cans SAVE ON NAT'l BRANDS! WEST LAUREL HILL ' 00 big Fresh. Extra-Large. "DUNCAN" -,r-rrrfrf -rrrrrrrr on my new 37c JAM & PRESERVE SALE! Only the purest, Ireshest Iruits are selected lor the Ideal famous old fashioned iam lJJld preserve recipe I frrr CI, Ib .* rrr ~~~\ltel Hill SSe Ib LAMB ROAST 5hGuld~~ 39C LAMB LOIN CHOPSlb $1 19 LAMB RIB CHOPS 99C SHANK OF LAMB BREAST OF LAMB Ib 15C NECK OF LAMB 10c MUSIC INSTRUCTION INSTRU{:TION-Guitar - Banjo Mandolin. Simon Krudo, 642 East 8th Street, OHester 3 ..1904. fNS'l'RUCTION - Vocal Music. Mrs. James Jamison. Klngs- ". BABGAIN DAYS SALI! it in The Swarlhmeroan" -"r-~r~ffff I '. P Off the Map? -'f.":- ~ :: Q P,kes Effective Jen. 14 to 17.. Iffl SAVE grounds. Swarthmorean Office. LOST-Boy's tortoise shell glasses. Call Maxwel1 Ba~us, Klngswood 3-0657. Several New 3- and 4-Bedroom Homes for Immediate Occupancy Klngswood 4-1500 vard avenue, KIngswood 4-4924 by January 31, so that proper reservations may be mllde. The cost the dinner including any .small e". pense will be $3. Please enclos. this with your reply. A self-appointed oommittee of three is responsible for this i1)vltation. They will be retired at the close of the meeting-. Maud Bi.hop Elizabeth Johnson Ned Hit(!hcoek On I'!'.o,int!!,elnts available. Call Donald Carter. LUdlow 6-6389 or Klngswood 3-6642. • i~vitatlon. The only requirement i. t<> report to Maud BiRhop, 736 Hllr- o SWARTHMORE CML _Mln· ..111 Co.tlllllOMl_ on. PUlMACU ."pr•••• The opinions d below tho.e 0/ the individual writor•• All letters to The Swa,rthmorea,n mud be Bigned. P.euMn1lmns may be used ~f the writer i8 known to the Editor. Letter. will b. published onlll a,t the discretion 0/ the Editor. wood 3-1430; Piano studio j~~~;;;~~~~~ INSTRUCT-ION on Park avenue. Wednesday ap· Klngswood 3-0450 ontOlUU ! - We will buy at best ·prices. old china, cut glass, furniD Ii ture: Call POrter 4-0235 or OLym".. = pia '5-8578 c01lect for appointment. All .business confidential. antiques 335 DAB"rM0ll'!~A~ ~ S~udio, 244 Philadelphia Pike, Wil- AI 'TERATIONS. Air Conditioner.. Rlng." DrJers, W•• ".~ Wiring, RaolpllOl .. i . The Teen-age program for the 1959 Delaware County lIIarch of Dimes will present a fashion show on Wednesday evening, January 21, at 8 p.m. in the Media High School auditorium. I I Around the World on an $80' Wardrobe" is the theme for this year's program. 'Models chosen from 16 high schools in the county will show modern fashions. Matching accessories and the staging will be handled by a neighboring store. Mrs. Kenne.th Stuart, chairman of the Swarthmore teen-age program, has announced that Susie and Sally Stephens 0;( lIIarie~~ avenue and Karen Ward, d,ug~te~ Henry T. Ward of Forest lane, have been chosen to represent Swarth· more High School as models in the benefit progr,In.. Tickets for the fashion show may be obtained at the door or from Karen Ward, chairman· of the Teen-agers. A!ll 'Proceeds will be donated to the 1969 March of Dimes. , ~r. l!P"nD1"nICUUIIU1I1IIImIIlUmlDn1ll1ll1l1llll11l1URUIDI1I!'j a CRESSON P ogram to Be r at fJ P.M. Media' LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ImamnllomallllnmmDDnnllllPUlIIlIIUlli1D = Teen-Age Held in of " ~DDIDOIIIIIDnnllallilaIUI1UIUIIDlIllIIII1lIICIII11IIIIIIIJ:7 nurse with hospital sires work. HourS--=-12 8 a.m. Also will relieve two eve. nings a week 3 P.M. to 11 P.M. or 12 midnight to 8 A.M. Local reference. CHester 2-7762. Call after 6 Gutters Warm-Air Heating Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Work """Belli' NanlDl' Can OPEN l'RIDAY EVENINGS for one 1-'"' Aled. BeD1le. Chronic CO!lT&~aeent JleD and 'WaDleD E&eeUeal FHd .. Spaclou Gr...... BIua' C1'o.. P..oDOre4 H. D.CHUROH !~~~~l~~~~~I~ or ings _ 3-6731 or INSTALLATIDIIS "1 LOwell 6·2176 12 x rug, 12 ,pieces dining room, bedroom; single pieces from fine home. Rllngswood 4-4924.,:;-_=;::-== F10R SADE - Antique beds. Some household furniture. Kitchen chrome ladder chair. Lady's wool suit, gold color, 16-18. Two 'pairs bowling shoes. lJOweU 6-8111. FOR ,SALE - lee hockey skates, size 5. Call KIngswood 4-1866. FOR ,sALE - Now is the time to feed the birds. Feeders and houses. Samuel Crothers, Jr., 4.35 Plush Mill Road, Wallingford. LOwell 8-4561. ::::'==";:";=.!F~ORiiDR~EI"T'------ ClIeoter 2507 Chestnut St., Chester CHester 2-5373 e.tima~: ~~:l~ w:;l~. ELNWOOD RESIDENTIAL AND ii COMMERCIA'I I¥ WE CALL FOR YOU Belvedere Convalescent Home ableby'for playroom or pad. basement. 12 15 grey rug and SuitKIngswood 3-7144. Please FOR 2-4759 CHester 2-5689 ~ CARPENTERING Klngswood 3-1426 ""'..,..,;;;---;0........ and rugs. ~~f~in~i~Sh~e~d~'~~F~~aJn~d~~upshOlsterQual- 1401 Ridley Avenue 1- Auto Driving Instruction Ind F10R SALE - PONTIAC'S'l'A'l'ION WAGON, 1957 Safari 4Door, Hydra. P.S ..and F.B., ~Iec.. tric Antenna RadiO, W.Vf. tJr~St low mileage, real beauty In ~~lte' with red-white upholstery, orlgmal purchaser se1ling. CLearbrook 9g68g:4~1<-. :;;;;;;;;;;;;:-<;: FOR SALE _ 1964 Chevrolet 2door, radio, hea~r,. standard shift, all vinyl inte~lOr, msp~c!ed, recent tires, beautIful condltIOn. $696. Phone Klngswood 4-2035. FOR-SALE _ Ready to assemble six drawer child's wardrobe $8. One half cord of wood $10 .. ~uto­ matic washer, needs recondItioned motor $5. A ,pair of third row, firs~ balcony seats "Flower Drum Song' Saturds)" matinee, May 30 in New York, $8. Klngswood 3-6802. ' FOR SALE - Dog trailh, detachable three stalls. gun rack. Also WilLIAM BROOKS BOX 48 CONTRACTING CLASSIFIED ADS PERSOIAL FOR SALE I'ERSONAL - UPHOLSTERiNG _ antique and modern. Over 30 years experience, seven years of Swarthmore references. Custom work at reasonable .prices. Large selection of domestic and imported fabrics. Estimates are free. A.ll work is done in our own shop. Chair bottoms rewebbed, $6.50 up. Our overhead saves you .. money I TlEiOM SEREMBA. Phone Sharon Hill 0734. Ashes and Rubbish Removed PERSONAL - Bicycles Repaired, Lawns Mowed, General Parts, accessories. Milt Glass'Z38 Banllnr Ave. lII.rloD, Bicycle, Hobby, Toy Shop, 205.East Baltimore Avenue, Clifton HeIghts, MAdison 6-0713. Opposite Clifton H Theater. EDWARD G. C ..1II1ANII Pt:E~R;';S~O"'N"AnL'----;p51i=an;::":;-'"tu:;;n;;'in;;:g;;".-;sp;;;ec;;;:. b AND SON ialist, min~~ repairl.''''', .nem er Piano Techmclans Guild. Leaman, General Contractor Klngswood 3-5766. PERSONAL - FURNITURE re- ~ January 16, 1959 THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 6 Show Wed. O· O·rive WI·II A·d limeS * Birds Eye *Snow Crop * SWARTHMORE STORE, Chester Road - }II[ 'utellJlaid Open Thursday till 9 P.M_. ,:,day till 10 P.M. , OAK PARK SHOPPING CENTER. Bishop Road and Baltim.re Pike Open Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday till 9 P.M., Friday till J" P.M. Your Nearat sa H Green Stamp .ere..... dise Store. 2700 West Chester Pike. HiChland Partt '. THE New Elementary School Dedication February lsi Open House Group Hears Dr. Roberts The Friend1y Open House met on Monday at the Presbyterian Church. After the group sang their favorite songs Dr. Samuel C. Palmer read a poem he wrote during the holidays, entitled "Perk Up", Another New Year poem was read by Mrs. E. B. Hollis and sent in ,by ,Gertrude Wilson, one of the memhers. Mrs. Puul A. Miller told of her experiences when she was living in Pakistan, and how they ce1ebrated Christmas over there. Dr. D. Evor Roberts gave an in- RTHMOREAN Elementary School News Swnrthnoro Co lIege' 1,1 hrnry SVlfj,rthmore New Rector Assumes TO PERFORM VERDI Duties at Trinity Church REQUIEM IN MAY Robert Holm presenied six chil(Continued from Page 1) The Lansdowne Symphony Orch. dren in the Rutledge School with cations. He was also chaplain to the estra, in conjunction with Robert Baker Thompson to Deliver their new instruments on a lend- Brotherhood of St. Andrew, an Grooters of <$warthmore, will .perlease basis, last week. Under this Episcopal laymen's organization, form the Verdi Requiem at LansAddress at 2:30 plan, new musical instruments arc for two years; a delegate to the downe and Swarthmore in May. All Program rent~d at a nominal sum per month, Provincial Synod in 1957; chaplain voices interested in joining the ·February 1 has just been· anthe first three months rental appJi- for the Family Court 1956-57; ad- chorus should calI Mr. Grooters at nounced as the date of the dedicacable to ultimate purchase. This viser to the Wilmington Convoca- KiIngswood 4-3722. ti()n of the new Swarthmore-Rutplan :permits parents and instruc- tion of Episcopal Young Churchledge Elementary School on RutFRIENDLY CIRCLE MEETS tors to ascertain sustained musiea1 mcn for two years, and delegate and gers avenue. The ,plans for this ocThe January meeting of the interest and aptitude without s. adviser to the National Youth Trieasion are being prepared jointly Friendly Circle was held yesterday great outlay of money, in case the enniat Convention in Oberlin, 0., by the Swarthmore-Rutledge Unat the Lafayette avenue home of IJUpil is not interested. . . last summer. He has also taug~t ion School Authority 85 owners and Alice' Marriott, knitting chairman. All six hope to be playmg With religious classes at the FerrIS the Swarthmore - Rutledge Union Co-hostess was Edith Bunting. the Swarthmore-Rutledge Elemen- School for Boys, and was on the School District School Board, as A social time f()llowcd the busi~piring taIR: on .carrying out in tary School Bund or Orchestra be- board of directors of the Antiusel·S of this new school facility. ness meeting. Tuberculosis Association. T·he details of the program f()r even' day living both for old and fore many weeks have passed. younger people. To welcome Mr. and ,Mrs. Zimthe afternoon have not been contDavid Bennett's father, vavid . . The Hospitality Committee under pll,!tcd, but in general there will be Bennett, Sr., l\fariett~ avenue, gave mer, and all other recent additions the chairmanship of Mrs. James four feature3. Beginning fit 2 :30, a speech about television to Mar- to the 'parish, the Trinity n,fen's the dedication exercises will be held Patchell from the Trinity Church garet Moore's fifth grade class on Club and the Women of Trinity in the gymnasium room, with Don- was assisted by Mrs. Henry Dure, Monday of this week. Mr. Bennett Church are jointly sponsoring a 1\Irs. Stamford, Mrs. Melvin Whiteald P. Jones, president of thc School is an executive for \VFIL TV and dinner at the church on Monday Board, presiding. Frank R. )Iark- leather and ~Irs. William J. Turish. night at 7 o'clock. All adult memThe nf'xt meeting will he on Jan~ Radio station. Icy, president of the School DisHe told the class about television bers of the parish are cordially intrict Authority, will take part. The uary 26. sound. and how it works and the vited. dedicatory address will be delivered Where shall you t,,:ke :picture and how it works. using dia.. . your DOClOr's prescr,!?· by G. Baker Thompson, Delaware To Celebrate Birthday RECEIVES SILVER TROPHY grams on the board. He also told the : tions' We suggest thlS County Superintendent of Schools. Mr. N. O. Pittenger of Pitt-Wil- class about the crew and the cam- , Kent Beesinger of Wellesley road, ') professiona! p'harmacy Musical organizations of the school low farm, Nottingham, former eras. ·After his spe~ Mr. Bennett a seventh grader, was the recipient where prescrlptiOnS are a wiII also participate. comptroller of the college, will cele_ answered many questi()ns from the of a silver trophy awarded for specialty. Our ample Following the completion of this brate his 80th birthday on Saturi stocks permit prof!1pt, pupils. " winning the ~ovice class of Junior program, there wiJI be the presen- day, January 17. Mrs. Robert S. \, recile compounding. ' Showmanship at the Devon Dog tation of the lead box with its his- Brodhead of -Ogden avenue will enour prices are always Show. He showed his English Settorically significant contents, t<> be tertain in his honor at a tea on that H. S. Bid Advertising fair. Yes, tnr~ t~ this pharo ter "Halfback of Button Ball." macy of spec",ilSts! scaled' in behind the date stone, day. J\fr. and Mrs. Pittenger wiII OK'd; Opening Feb. 4 In the American Kennel Club Gaplaced at the main entrance. Inspec- be visiting over this weekend with. (Continued from Page 1) zette, Suzy Beesinger's name aption of the building, with visitation lUI's. Pittenger's brother-in-law yet absolutely finished by the kit- pears as one of the juniors who has CATHERMAN'S to classrooms, ,viII follow. The final and sister Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hunt chen equipment contractors and the qualified to enter the Junior ShowDRUG STORE feature will be the inspection of the of Harvard avenue. Mrs. Pittenger general contractor" who were sup- manship Competition at the Westnew kindergarten and kitchen facil- is the forrner Cornelia Chapman. posed to have had the cafeteria minster Kennel Club Show to be Klngswood 3·0586 ities in the old building, with a socready for operation last September. held in Madison Square Garden in ial hour to follow. Council Views New In order to avoid congestion in the February. The school, although in use in varying degrees since the beginning Budget, Old Tax Rate multi-pur.pose room of the 1954 ; building, in which the lunches servof September, is just now )·eaching (Continued from Page 1) KAPPAS TO SEW ed by the adjacent kitchen will be the final stages of full completion, ipave the small por~ion of the street The Kappa Kappa Gamma Sew~ eateu. p~pils in grades one to three only a few minor matters remain- it owns, unless Springfield did the ing group will meet Tuesday at will lunch from 11:30 to 12:30 and ing for completion or correction. rest. thos·e in grades four through six the home of Mrs. Howard N ewThe building hou~cs the 12 sections The h'ighway and public safety nam, 547 Walnut lane. will lunch from. 12 to 1. of the fourth, fifth and sixth committees were asked to approach grades. The art3 and crafts r()om, property owners on the northeast Howell Lewis Shay, Jr., repre- ~UlllllllmIlUllllllllllllmlllmlllllm"IIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIDllllllllllllnllllllllllllDIIIIIIIIIIIIUUIIUIllIllR"E"SIIIIIINOIW~ . ~ an audit()rium-gyrnnasium, a music side of Swarthmore avenue between senting Shay Associates, achiteets, ~ FRAME THOSE CHRISTMAS PICT for the elelnentary construction, ex~_ 10"/0 Discount on All Frames ~" room with individual practice Chester road and Cedar lane, replained he had meant the equiprooms, t()gether with a curriculum garding donation of,1and for a side_ 7. 3 materials center, offices, confer- walk which is considered badly ment had been delivered, and that -5 he had assumed .promises made to /lmmermofl . ence and health room, constitute the needed at this spot. LOwell 6·2168 principal spedal accommodati()ns. R. C. van 'Ravenswaay was him by both contra.ctors had been ii 6 East Front St Media met, when he reported the kitchen r::;llIIl:IlIlIIlllIlIInllllllllllllalllll:I~IIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIiDmlllllllUCIIIRlIII~IIDlllIlllluUDlllnl'lIII1DIIIIIIIIIHI granted ,permissi()n to erect an ad- facility complete last week and the Parents' Council dition to his home at 241 Haver- administration held it was not in "You Meet the Nicest People at Speare's" ford place which would corne 10 operable condition. He s.&.id contracTo Meet Jan. 26 feet close~ to the property line than and The next meeting of the Parents' tors had evidenced a cooperative usually permitted. Frank Gettz of Council will be held on Monday, attitude but had just seemed to con"They Do Sell the Nicest Things at Speare's" Harvard avenue received permis~inue to be dilator:.!' despite the January 26 at 1 p.m. in the AU "si~n to place a tool house within architect's best efforts to hurry Purpose Room, Swarthmore Ele- three feet of his property line. mentary School. Arthur Hoch of Yale avenue and them. Shay's suggestion t~.at a glass ·While class chairmen who form Robert Clothier of Columbia avenue the Council 'wi1l be responsible for made a pitch for ice skating facili_ -partition be placed over an office the business of the meeting, other ties for borough residents, offering area and glass doors added to close ·parents who may wish to attend ns to help install the facility if C()uncil off a corridor for improved heating observers are cordially invited to would buy one which the two resi- in the lobby portion of the 1958 • do so. dents said would east about $200. building, was accepted by the Fulli.. C.r... Board. The $865 cost of the proC~unciI agreed the recreation would ADVERTISEMENT EDGMON'r AVENUE - SEVENTH AND WELSH STREETS posed remedy would fan well withSCHOOL CONSTRUCTION DIDS be fine, but would refer the matter in the contingency, fund allowed TIle Swarthmore-Rutledge Union School to The Swarthmore Recreation STORE HOURS: Monday thr. Thursday. 9:30-5:30 ()n the structure, it was said. Should Authorlt.y wUl receive sealed bids until 8:00 Association. P.M.• E.S.T. on February 4, 1959. at. the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Friday. 9:30.9:00; Saturday. 9:30.5:30 further action be needed another office or the SuperVIsing Principal of the heat grill could be added later for - Swarthmore·Rutledge Union School District, BOROUGn OF SWART.HMORE Swarthmore. Fa.• for the re-constructJOQ of around $270, Shay said. It was felt ORDINANCE NO. 691 . the Swarthmore High School, 9,t which time that the new corridor doors 'Wol1ld AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE GROUP and place the bids wm be publicly opened and pubUcly read. LIFE INSURANCE FOR POLICE AND add security to the classroom area Separate bids wUl be received for, the OTHER EMPLOYEES OP THE BORof the .building at times when the ot SPEARE'S, are beyond a doubt in the greatest following work: OUOH OF SWARTHMORE, THROUGH • • h b df . ht THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE ASBOremau),der mIg t e use or nlg Contract No. 1-Gemral Construction CIATION OF BOROUGHS. THE COST meetings. of selections, as follows: Contract No. 2-HeaUng and Ventilating: COtltract No. 3-Plumblng THEREOF' TO 'BE BORNE BY THE During the B()ard's discussion of . BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE. Contract No. 4-Electrlcal THE COUNCIl. OF THE BOROUGH OF specifications for the new high BRAS CIRDLES CORSELETS _ CORSETS Contract NO.5-Home Making Equipment Cont.ract No.6-BIology, Science and Phy_ SWARTHMORE HEREBY ORDAINS: school's fro»t appearance, Newton sics Equipment BeCUon I. Pursuant. to powers (:onferred Ryerson of the Board anxiously inand CORRECTIVE PRESCRIPTION CORSETS Coutnct No. 'i-Library Equipment by statutes of Pennsylvania, the Borough of quired whether the new wall would Swarthmore hereby makes provision to Plans 9,nd cont.ract. documents may be examined Without charge &.t. the office of obtain group Hfe insurance cowrage for all fit in harmoniously with the older by S. H. Camp • • • and All Brand Names George M. Ewing Co., Architects and Engi_ members of the pollce department and all t f th b 'Id' to h' h 't e UI mg w IC I neers, 1120 Western Saving Fund Building. regular, full·tlme employees of the Bor- par S .0 Philadelphia. Pa., and one complete set ough, at. the sole npell8e of the Borough of wil1 be connected. Dr. Samuel T. Petar Pan Jantzen Cupid may be had by any prospective prime con. Swarthmore. Car,p.enter, 'property chairman of Wonder Bra tractor on deposit of Sixty Dollars. Deposit Miss "T" lor Tall Whlrl·ere SecUon through 2. The !'laid lDsuranee shall be the Board and Swarthmore College will be relunded on receipt of bona. fldoe bid obtained th~ Pennsylvania. Mun.tSarong Perma·Llft and return of plans and documents unmark_ clpaUUes' Insurance Fund, created and professor of civil and mechanical , FlenH ed and In good condlUob within five days Freaman maintained the P1.1.1':(;)1; l'p. LIHHARY ~ Support the March of Dimes • , THE SWARTHMOREAN Swarthmore, Pa., Friday, January 23, 1959 Directors Penny-Wise, 'Exemplary Rey. Mr. Zimmer Memory Time for 'Old' Swarthmoreans the March of Dimes , . VOLUME 31-NUMBER 4 Support $4.00 PER YEAR PUBLIC LIBRARY Mothers' March Set For Tuesday Night EXHIBITS HISTOMAPS The Swarthmore Public Library The Memory Party for "Old Time Shoulder Share Swarthmoreans" will be held in the is featuring three outstanding His_ School Over 120 Volunteer for form of a 6 :30 dinner Saturday tomaps (Rand McNally). The following will be on special display night, February 14, at the Strath Sum Annual Dimes Haven Inn. All who consider them- in the library: As Treasurer John F. Spencer Campaign I~The Histomap of Religion" selves Swarthmoreans, or (and/or) presented rough estimates of future Climaxing the annual fund-rais_ alI who think of SW ARl'HMORE (100,000 years of religion on a budgets providing Authority paying March of Dimes campaign held in all capital letters, are most cord- single page); and "The Histomap ments on the proposed rebuilt high of Evolution (Ten thousand million throughout the month of January, ially invited to attend the dinner. school hi~ colleagues on the SwarthA self-appointed committee of years oi evolution on a single page). the hour-long Mothers' March will more-Rutledge School Board cotake !place Tuesday evening, Janu. three - Mrs. Maud Bishop, Mrs. operated by saving eight cents in . ary 27, bebween 7 and 8 p.m. DurElizabeth Johnson, and Ned Hitch_ postage through personally tendering the march, home Owners are cock (and who suggest self-retireing checks to bwo creditors at Wedasked to signal their desire to con_ ment at the end of the evening) _ nesday night's meeting and then tribute to the March of Dimes by are in charge of the everling. Mrs. reporting new per capita taxes in turning on their porch lights. Those Bishop will receive calls at KIngs_ the home of two directors. Lose to MedIa 68·56 residing in apartmenta may tie a wood 4-4924, or notes to her at 736 Architect Howell Lewis Shay and in Game Friday ribbon or scarf to their doorknobs Harvard avenue, Swarthmore. aConcors Supply Company repreto signify their intention of consentative walked out with checks Night tributing. which had been withheld pending Dinner Monday Nighl Tonight the Swarthm~re High "The SUccess of the Mothers' completion of the elementary school School quintet travels to Upper March," stated Mrs. George A. 'vVelcomes New Rector kitchen. They, and a representative Merion to ·play in the new Junior 'Stauffer, local chairman of the of the general contractor Enson, High Sparton-size gymnasium. As drive, "wfll determine the effective. The Rev. and Mrs. Layton ParkGarling, Hood, had appeared at the yet the Upper Merion team has not ness with which the four-target at.. hurst Zimmer were wel~med to meeting to give the Board detailed Trinity Church on Monday evening Mrs. Wm. Clark to Speak been victorious in league play but tack on disease can be carried out. reasons for the project's long delay. at 8 P.M. Program have been coming closer with each Polio, and other virus diseases, when a large number of the parish Newton Ryerson reported one of his game played. The intentions of the arthritis, ·birth defects and disord. attended a dinner given in their children was now 21 years of age at Rutgers Litt'le Garnet team is to come away ers of the central nervous system honor at the church. The dinner Mrs. William Clark, guidance tonight leaving Upper Merion are the specific targeta of the Na. and "eligible" for the School Diswas sponsored by the Men's Club counselor at Swarthmore High looking. It most certainly can be tional Foundation's expanded protrict's annual $15 head tax, and Dr. and the women of Trinity Church, School, win be the speaker Tues· done with the same type of spirited gram this year." Samuel T. Carpenter stated the and also served as a welcome to day evening at 8 p.m. in Rutgers play put on by the local lads Friday Over 120 volunteers will take addition of his mother-in-law to the many new members of the par- Avenue School for the second meet- night when they met a good Media I m.rt in Swarthmore's march. Fol. his household would further swell ish. ing in the current sories of pro- team, fought them all the way, lowing is the list of captains and next year's income for school purAlso honored that evening were grams presented by the edllca-Ilost 68-56. their "marchers": poses. the clergy who have assisted at the tional committee of Home and The game was played hefore a Mrs. William C•. Campbell, cap. The provisional budgeta showed services and in the'ministrations to gradual increases in all general exSchool. large and cheering crowd; the 9)lir- tain; Mrs. JO'hn A. Keefe, Mrs. F. This program was planned es- it of the throng rnbbed off onto the Weston Whittier, Mrs. James Patpenses during the n~xt five-year the parish since the Rev, Mr. H. h I d th' h ts t h II'M W W W tki lLr_ period, but decreases in debt ser- Lawrence Whittemore accepted the pecially for ",arents of children in boys wop aye elr ear au. c e, rs. ". a ns, =no. ca'll to the Church of the Redeemer, the seventh, eighth and ninth' The game was a nip and tuck af- George C. Waguer, Mrs. Richard (Continued on Pagu 8) Chestnut Hill, Mass., last Septem- grades"but all interested are cord- fair, seeing Media leading all the B. Brandt, Mrs. HOward E. Tamp.. ber. The cle'tgy and their wives wh" ially invited to hear her discuss ,way, bl1t neve.'. able to 'P:wl away kins, Mrs. Samuel T. Carpenter, were present were the Rev. Stanley "Guidance-Testing· - Its from the Little Garnet fighters. Mrs. ·Lewis H. Elverson, Mrs.James R. West, Priest-in-Charge, the tation and Application." The Swarthmore five was able A. Field, Jr., Mrs. Wayne Hamil. Mrs. Clark, a graduate of the t M G Al d M'll M Rev. Dallas E. Buzby, assistant, the to tie the score a few times, but the on, rs. . exan er I s, rs. Rev. P. Linwood Urban, Jr., as- University of Buffalo, is now in her Blue and White would always man. E. E. Wrege: Mrs. Jerome Smith, Considers Wider Financial sistant, and Mrs, Urban, and tHe siXth year as ·guidance counselor U R b rt W R' h d M age to muster enough to maintain J.J.~rs. 0 e • IC ar son, rs. Basis, New Name for Rev. William E. Danforth, Perpet- at the high school. She will discuss its lead. With but a few minutes Ray' Shuba, Mrs. William Tay'\or the importance of parents knowing d M Ed' R S h 'dt J ual Deacon, and Mrs. Danforth. Open House Group to play in the game only four pomts anM A rs. DWlO'd S • C ml , r. how the guidance program fits into t' Raymond H. Fellows, Senior separated the teams, but two quick rs.. 'av. peers, cap allli The hoard of directors 10c r ndt h,e,e,I Warden; C. Walter Randall, Jr., the educational development of three point plays by Media's Mike Mrs. William N. Bower, Mrs. RobFriendly Open House for president of the Men's Club, and their children; how a guidance West just abQ,Ut sewed up the vic(Continued on Page 8) Swarthmoreans, known as the Rev. Mr. Zimmer spoke at the program touches on all facets of a tory. Sponsors Committee, met on Mon- <:Iinner. student's course of study and coday at the Elm avenue home of ·ordinates his work; services availBurke Jackson and Jay Lord ,Ig C 00. USIClans Mrs. Harold H. Gibson, Jr., presiable to each student in the form played fine all around games in addent. A comprehensive review of of resources, publications counsel- dition to scoring 16 and 17 points the financial basis for administerOPIC ing, both vocational and .college respec t Ive.y. ' ' , D ave Gr agan seven, Four Swarthmore High School ing this .project ,proved i1luminating guidance, and testing; and inter- Ronnie Taylor 12, and Ronnie mus;icilms were members of the as given by the treasurer Mrs. ",retotion of test results as an aid Herbster four also played fine Southeastern District Band which Walter ·A. Schmidt; . t.o parent and child. games. Butch Hofmann, Joe Moran, met at Phoenixville this past week. and Robbie Jarrett saw some limi- end, They arc Carol Honnold, Allie In summarizing the sources of The Woman's Club of Swarthmore will meet at 1 :30 ",.m., Tuested action. Stephen Bancroft and Sven funds received, Mrs. Schjnidt day, in the Park avenue clUbhouse. Borei. showed that they are in four cateIn the preliminary game Coach gories: "Flags of American History" will The Swarthmore Music Club wiU Dana Swan's J.V. team exploded Rehearsals began on Thursday, be the topic of the program premeet Sunday, January 25 at '1 to top Media's J. V.'s 48 to 18. A:lI and the three day festival culminAnnual contribution from seven sented by W. Frederick Shedinger, o'clock at the home of Mrs. Northe 'boys on the squad saw action ated with public concerts on Friday c()mmunity organizations; donation and the scoring was well distribu- and Saturday evenings. Paul E. of the meeting place by the Presby_ executive vice president of the Det- thera Hubbell, 727 Yale avenue. A duo-piano rendition by Mil- ted among them. 'It is hoped with Carson, of West Chester State terian Chureh; contributt'ons from tra Flag Company at Oaks, Pa. In deference to the new flag with dred Sargisson and Pauline ScarTeachers College was the gnest members of the Friendly Open the added confidence they ha've I conductor. Over 180 stUdent musiAlaska's star, Mr. Shedinger will borough will include Bach's "L'astl House groUP (where no dues vail) at the bi-monthly mectings; illustrate his lecture with a color- 1st Je Gewiselich Wohr", "Andante attained more games of this caliber cians, represented 62 schools in the county suburban P.hiladeIphia and occasional gifts received from sound motion picture entitled "Our Scherzo" from ""Hoffman Seren- will be played. U. S. Flag" and describe flags that ade" .by Mozart, and Handel's "Pasarea. relatives of members, and from Food Serving to Start, A rebroadcast of the Saturday others who are interested ;n the have flown over the American con- sacaglia". tinent as far hack as 1000 'A.D. InCharles Shaw, baritone, with At Rutgers Jan. 26th concert wi1l .be heard over WVCH, group _hut do not serve with it. teresting flags will be exhibited at Northera Hubbell as accompanist, The opening of the new food Chester, this Saturday afternoon It was felt that the time has will present "Songs of Schumann", serving plan at Rutgers Avenue at 3 o'clock. Commentary win be eotne when a more secure .financial the meeting. Receiving at the door will'be Mrs. including "Die Lotu.hll1me", "D'er I School wi1l begin Monda'y, January by Robert H01m of the Swarthmore (Continued on Page 8) Frederick A. Patman and Mrfr. Nussbaum", "1m Westen", "Wan- 26, under the direction of Mrs. schools. Karl A. Swenning. In charge of the derlied", "1m Wunderschoenen Grace Narbeth, cafeteria manager. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ tea will be Mrs. Samuel L. Alt- Monat Mai", and "Ein Jungling To accommodate all pupils who Dave Grogan Honored house. Mrs. C. J. Welz and Mrs. Liebt Ein Madchen". will wish to take advantage of hav!David Grogan, son of' Mr. and Anthony Fairbanks will pour. "Duo Sonata in A Major for ing low,priced, complete Robert M. Grogan of WestGarnet Canteen expects its larpiano and violin", Schubert, win be 1unches,it will be necessary to have avenue, was chosen as the test crowd of the year tomorrow Lions Club to View performed by Dolly Schoenberg, two serving periods daily. This will outstanding player in Section B of bight, when the "Skylarks", pianist, and David Spencer, violin_ also call for two diUerllnt lunch the teams which participated in ,iece rock and roll combo, will perFilms on Norway ist. Mrs. Sargisson and Mrs. Scar- hours for the different grades. For that class, including the semi. form. The Nether Providence stuThe Lion's Club will meet on borough wfll the primary grades, one, two and finals, in the Kiwanis Club hasketdent body, both stag and couples, Monday night at 6:45 p.m. at the with "Vif" from " three, the noon hour will be from ball games held dUring December. are invited gnesta. Dress will he Strath .Haven Inn. Suite" by Milhaud, and "Polka 11 :30 until 12 :30. For the inter. A gift certificate was presented tasual. Clyde B. Pyle, Lieut. Col., re- from "Ballet L'age d'Or", by Shos· mediate grades, four, five and six, to DavJ for his play;n the Swarth_ Chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs. tired, will conduct the program, "A takoviteh. the noon hour will be from 12 more"Darhy game on December 17, llenry Russell and Mr. and Mrs. Trip Through Norway", based on to 1. These were the times origi- in which he scored 14 out of 16 John Lord. Canteen will not meet his tOl1r last May and June. The LWY Mlltln, CllIlNllle. naUy announced last summer in the pointa. In the first ql1arter he on January 81. films, shown in ithird dimension, A meeting of the Leagne of Worn. parenta" leiier, which had to be scored J.3 out of 15 !points'marked Last week 131 attended win start at Oslo and follow 'the en Voters, ,scheduled at the home changed when food service could by Swatthmore. "Games" canteen when chl>elxecute all applications and agreements required for such purpose. Sl·dion 3, The ,Sum or $345.00 is herl'br approprlatl'd to co\'cr the initial cost of :.,uch Insurant'\!, Section 4, The Finat.cc Committee of Bllrough Council shall have continuing authorily to supenlse such insuTance coverage, and determine all questions arIsing there.. under. PASSED this 12th Gay of January. 1959, BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE" By: B. MORSE President of Council SEAL Attest: 'ELLIOTT RICHARDSON Borough Secretary APPROVED this 12th day of January A_D" 1959, JOSEPH REYNOLDS BUfC'eSS fit in harmoniously with the older t f th b 'Id' h' h . pal's .0 e UI mg to \\. IC It will be connected. Dr. Samuel T. Carp.enter, 'property chairman of h t e Board and Swarthmore College professor of civil and mechanica1 engineering, replied HIt wi1l be the most minimum modern building possible," while Alex Ewing-, architeet, added, "I'd descrihe it as mod_ ern in the most minimum wav'" . JonC'~ Board Pn.sirlent Donald P .. ask{~d the finance eommittC'e to pre~ pare a ~tudy of financial possibili_ ticS. together with necessar'T tax .. millag-e, for canying them) for pl'esentation at next 'Vednesday's l'eg~ ular monthhT session of the B d <: h . . oar , •. 0 t at riel'lSIOn as to the most economical method of setting up the Authority's necessary bond issue for the estimated $625,000 high school, without penalizing ta xpay_ ers unduly for any particular period, may be reached. ' I by S. H. Camp Peter Pan Wonder Bra Sarong Freeman Primrose La Resista Nema Mardi Bra Lily of France Surprise and All Brand Names Jantzen Miss "Til for Tall Perma·Lift Materna Line Warners Glamorise Exquisite Form Tru Balance Glamour Bra Bali Lady Marlene Breathin Bra Tommy TUCker by Lewella Youthcra" Gossard 38 Brand Names - ... Cupid Whirl. en Flexnit Maidenform Image of Youth Flexees Smoothie Belle Mode Playtex Delighlform Temptation Splendor Forms Our fitters are experts in their field; we feel there is no better like department anywhere. Shop at SPEARE'S ••• we're sure you'll like the service. Vo llecrcr Li 'hrnry SVI11 rthmoru , ·1'" New Rector Assumes TO PERFORM VERDI Duties at Trinity Church REQUIEM IN MAY Hears Dr. Roberts HobC'rt Holm pl-csented six chilThe Friendly Open House met on The Lansdowne Symphony Orch_ (Continued from Page 1) llonday at the Presbyterian (h'en in the Rutledge School with cutions. He was also chaplain to the estra, in conjunction with Robert Baker Thompson to Deliver Chul';:h. After the group sang their their new instruments on a lendBl'otherhood of St. Andrew, an Grooters of -Swarthmore, will .per9 favorite song-s Dr. Samuel C. Pal- lease basis, last week. Under this 1<;piscopal laymen's organization, (01'01 the Verdi Requiem at Lans. Address at 2:30 llIel' read a poem he wrote during plan, new musical instruments arc for two years; a delegate to the downc antI Swarthmore in May. All Program renh;d at a nominal sum per mont~, Provincial Synod in 1957; chaplain voices interested in joining the the holidays, ('ntitled "Perk Up". F(!brnal'Y 1 has jll~t he('n anthc first three months rental apph- for the Family Court 1956-57: ad- chorus should call MI'. Grooters at Another New Year p-oem was noun(·ed as the dute of the dedicaread hv Mrs, f~. B. Hollis and !'ent l'aiJlc to ultimate Jlurchase. This vi!'=l'l" to the \Vilmington Convoca- K:Ingswood 4-3722. tion of the new Swarthmore-Rutplan .J)C'rmits parents and instl'uc~ tion of Epi!'copal Young' Churchledge Elcmcntary Sehool Ull l\11t- in hy C:erlrncJc \Vilson, one of the FRIENDL Y CIRCLE MEETS tors to ascertain sustained musical 111('11 for two yenrs, and delegate -and g"('rs aVl'nue. The plan~ for this 0('- Illcml,cn:i. The January meeting of the :'\lr~, Paul A. MiliCI' told of her illtcrl'st amI aptitude without u. ad\'i~el" to the National Youth Tri('a~i()n arc I)(ling prepared joilltly Fl'ieJ1(lly Circle was held yesterday hv the Swal'thmore-l{utlt'ix hope to bc playing with 1'nnett's falher, David plete(f. hul in g"t'ncl'td thel't' will be> . Thl' Ilo:-pitality C{)lI1miltl'e undC"r llICI·, and all other l'e('('l1t additions Bennptl, SI'., ::\lal'ietta flVPllue, gave fOllr fcalure,~. Bc:,dnnillg" at :.!:ao, tlll' l'hail'lnan~hip of )11'.-:, James to the parish, the Trinity Men's the dcdi('ation (;'xel'ci~(':-; will he held I'at('hell from the Trinit~, Church a speeeh ahout television to l\fur- Club Hlld tlw 'Vomcll of Trinity in till' :!'rmnasiullI room, with Don- was :t;o:si:.;;tl'd hy ::\lI"~. lIt·nry Dun>, g-an·t )Iool'("s fiith grade c1a~s on ehul''']: arc jointly spOmml'illg' a 'fonda\" of t.hi:- \\-{'('I", 1\[1'. Bennett ald P . .J~ll(,~, )lI·('siticnt of thc School .i\fl'~. Stamfol'd, ::\11':". )Icl\'in "rhitedilllH.'1' at the church on Monday Boanl, pn'!-'iriing-. Frank R. ).Iark- It'athcr amI ,:\11:" 'Villiam .T. TlIl'i~h. j~ an (:xct'utive fol' \VFIf.J TV amI nig-ht at i o'clock. All adult mcmThe next Ill('eting will he on .Jan- Hadio :.;tation. ley. pl"l":--idcnt of the School DisHe lQ'ld the ("lass about television hl'rs of t h(' parish arc ('ordially intl'id Authol'ity, will take part. The uar)' 26. sound and how it w-ol'ks and the \-ited_ dwcred many t]m'stions from the of a ~i1ver trophy awarded for i specialty. Our ample Follo\\-illg the completion of this lJrat<.' his 80th birthday {Ill Satnr. ))upil~. , stocks permit pro~pt, winning the novice class of Junior ]lI'o,[!'ram, there will he the prc~en­ precise compoundIng. (hI,.' Januarv 17. 1\1rs. Robert S. Showmanship at the Devon Dog -----tation of the learl box with its his- D'r~dllCad of 'Ogden aVenUe will enAnd our prices are .always Show. He showed his Eng1ish SetH _ S_ Bid Advertising toricallv ~i!..rnificant contents, to be fair. Yes, tur~ t~ th;s phar. i<'rtain in hi:- honor at a tea on that ter "Halfback of Button Ball." }icalcd in behind the date stone, macy of speclO/zs/S_ OK'd; Opening Feb. 4 In the American Kennel Club Ga. day :'\[1". and ilTrs. Pittenger will placed at the main entrance. Inspec- be' \~biting ovpr this ".-cekend with (Continued from Page 1) zett.e, Suzy Beesingcr's name aption of the building, with visitation MI's. Pittcnger's hrother-ill-law vet ah.solutely finished by the kit- pears as onc of the juniors who has CATHERMAN'S to classrooms, will follow. The final and sistcr :1\11'. and 1\Irs. Ray Hunt ~hen equipment contractors and t1w qualified to enter the Junior Showfeature will be the im;pediol1 of the DRUG STORE of Hm'\'al'd ;'Wenue. .1\1rs. Pittenger g"enentl contractors who 'were supman~hip Competition at the 'Vest~ new kindel'garten and li:itchen facilis the former CorneHa Chapman. posed to have had the cafcteria Klngswood 3·0586 minster Kennel Club Show to be ities in the old bUilding, ' .... ith a ~oc_ ready fol' operation last Scptember. ial hour to follow. held in l\fadison Square Garden in In ol'dpr to avoid congestion in the February. The school, although in use in Council Views New nililti-pUl~p05e room of the 1954 var:.-ing degrees :;ince the beginning Budget, Old Tax Rate building, in which the lunches serv_ of Sentembcr, is just now l'cactling (Continued from Page 1) KAPPAS TO SEW ed hy the adjacent kitchen will be the ftnal stages of full completion, pave the small portion of the street The Kappa Kappa Gamma Sew": only u few minor matters remain- it owns, unles:; Springfield did the eaten, pupils in grades one to three ing group will meet Tuesday at will lunch from 11 :30 to 12 :30 and ing fOI' completion or correction. rest. the home of Mrs. Howard Newthose in grades four through six The building houses the 12 sections The highwa,\' and public safety will lunch from 12 to 1. nam, 547 'Val nut lane. of the fourth, fifth and sixth committees were asked to approach Howell Lewis Shay) .Jr., repregrades. The arts and crafts room, pl'operty owners (In the northeast ~lnlllllllnllltJlllllllllllltJIIII[[[]IIIIUI111I1II1II1'llllllllll111UIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIlIIIIIUlllllllllllltlllllllllllll[]E II 1IIIIIIIINIUIIOIIIJIWIlIllDIIII~ an auditorium-gymnasium, a music side of Swal'thmore avenue between senting Shay Associates, achitects, ~ FRAME THOSE CHRISTMAS PICTUR S ~ room with individual practice Chester l'oad and Cedar lane, re- for the elementary construction, ex~ 10"/0 Discount on All Frames ~ rooms, together with a cUl'riculum garding donation of, 'land for a side~ plained he had meant the equip- = D ment had been delivered, and that ~ =: materials center, offices, confer- walk which is considered badly he had assumed .promises made to ence and health room, constitute the needed at this spot. him by both contra.cOOrs had been pJ'incipal spccial accommodations. LOwell 6·2t56 R. C. van Ravenswaay was met, wnen he reported the kitchen 16 East Frant St., ~IIIIICIIIIIIIIIIIIUJ/lIIIIIIIIIUllllllllllllt]lllllrllllllnl~1~lllIJlrllnllllllllllllnlllllll"~II[]rllIIIIIllUUlllllllllllltllllllllllInD~ granted .permission to erect an ad~ facility complete last week and the Parents' Council ral Construction ClATION OF BOROUGHS. THE COST m('etings, of selections, as follows: Contract No, 2~Heatlng nnd Ventilating Contract No.3-Plumbing THEREOF TO 'BE BORNE BY THE During. the Board's discussion of BOROUGH OF SWARmMORE. Contract No. 4-Blectricnl THE COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF sp(>cifications for the new high Conlract No, 5-Homc Makiu~ Equipment BRAS CIRDLES CORSELETS CORSETS Contract No, 6-B1ology. Science and Phl-0_ SWARTHMORE HEREBY ORDAINS: school's fl'ont appearance, Newton sles Equipment Section 1. Pursuant to powers conferred Ryerson of the Board anxiously inand CORRECTIVE PRESCRIPTION Contract No, 7-Llbrar:r Equipment CORSETS by statutes of Pennsylvania_ the Borough of qui red whether the new wall would Plans and contract documents may be examIned Without <:harge at the oflle\! of George M, Ewing Co,. Architects and Engineers, 1720 We5tem Saving Fund BUUd!ng, Philadelphia, Pa" and 000 complete set may be had by an~' Prospective prime contractor on deposit of Sixty Dollars, Deposit will be f('flmded on receipt of bona fI{]~ bid and return of plans and documents unmark_ ed and In good condlUon within five days alter bid opening, Oth('f,:,,'lse deposit w11l become property of the Architect!;.. If Ii prospccth'c prime contractor dcsires more than one full sct of plans and documents, or If a prospectlve prime contractor, :>llb'contractor or materialman wants draw_ ingli and/or ~perlflcfl.tlons for hi~ II~C, Uwy may he had by lllakhH.; til{' [ollowlng pay_ menb to the Arcluteets. none of which will be returned: Complete set of draWings $35,00 Set of SpecilJcaUons , .,. 25,00 S~lI1rthI:lo~c . Support the March of Dimes ------. !"~\',.'.!. j !i ~i{)P.l~ '. ('i,!.J:t;~~ L i J! i~ ,\ " Y - THE SWARTHMOREAN VOLUME 31-NUlIfBER 4 Swarthmore, Pa., Fnday, January 23, 1959 Directors Penny-Wise, 'Exemplary Taxpayers the March of Dimes I $4-00 PER YEAR Rev. Mr. Zimmer Memory Time for 'Old' Swarthmoreans The Memory Party for "Old Time Swarthmoreans" wiII be held in the form of a 6:30 dinner Saturday night, February 14, at the Strath Haven Inn. All who consider themselves Swarthmoreans, or (and/or) all who think of SWARTHMORE in all capital letters, are most cordially invited to attend the dinner. A self-appointed committee of three - Mrs. Maud Bishop, 1\[rs, Elizabeth Johnson, and Ned Hitch_ cock (and who suggest self-retirement at the end of the evening) _ are in charge of the everiing. l\frs. Bishop will receive caUs at KIngs. wood 4-4924, or notes to her at 736 Harvard avenue, Swarthmore. Shoulder Share School Support i;, , PUBLIC LIBRARY EXHIBITS HISTOMAPS The Swarthmore Public Library is featuring three outstanding His~ tomaps (Rand McNally). The following wi'll be on special display in the library: IMothers' March Set For Tuesday Night Over 120 Volunteer for Sum Annual Dimes As Treasurer John F, Spencer Campaign "The Histomap of Religion" presented rough estimates of future Climaxing the annual fund~rais_ (100,000 years of religion on a budgets providing Authority paying March of Dimes campaign held single page); and "The Histomap ments on the proposed rebuilt high throughout the month of January, of Evolution (Ten 1:h-ousand miIlion school his' colJeagues on the Swarth_ the hour-long Mothers' Mareh will years of evolution on a single page). more-Rutledge School Board cotake !place Tuesday evening, J anu.. operated by saving eight cents in ary 27, between 7 and 8 p.m. Durpostage through personally tender. ing the march, home Owners are ing checks to two creditors at 'Ved~ asked to signal their desire to con. nesday night's meeting and then tribute to the March of Dimes by reporting new pel' capita taxes in turning (In their porch lights. Those the home of two directors. Lose to Media 68.56 residing in apartments may tie a Architect Howell Lewis Shay and in Game Friday ribbon or scarf to their doorknobs a Concors Supply Company repreto signi.fy their intention of con ... Night sentative walked out with checks tributing. Tonight the Swarthmore High which had been withheld pending Dinner Monday Night "The SUCcess of the Mothers' School quintet travels to Upper completion of the eleme~tary school March," stated Mrs. George A. Welcomes New Rector Merion to ·play in the new Junior kitchen. They, and a representative Stauffer, local chairman of the High Sparton-size gymnasium. As of the general c(lntractor Enson, The Rev. and Mrs. Layton Parkdrive, "win determine the effective ... yet the Upper Merion team has not Garling, Hood, had appeared at the hurst Zimmer were welcomed to Mrs. Wm. Clark to Speak been victorious in league play but ness with which the four-target atmeeting to give the Board detailed Trinity Church on Monday evening at 8 P.M. Program have been coming closer with each tack on disease can be carried out. reasons for the project's long delay. when a large number of the parish game played. The intentions of the Polio, and other virus diseases. Newton Ryerson reported one of his at Rutgers attended a dinner given in their Little Garnet team is to come away arthritis, -birth defects and disord.. children was now 21 years of age Mrs. William Clark, guidance honor at the church. The dinner tonight leaving Upper Merion .tiII ers of the central nervous system and "eligible" for the School Diswas sponsored by the Men's Club counselor at Swarthmore High looking_ It most certainly can be are the specific targets of the Natrict's annual $15 head tax, and Dr. and the women of Trinity Church, School, will be the speaker Tuesdone with the same type of spirited tional Foundation's expanded proSamuel T_ Carpenter stated the day evening at 8 p.m. in Rutgers gram this year." and also served as a welcome to play put on by the local lads Friday addition of his mother~in~law to the many new members of the par. Avenue School for the second meet- night when they met a good lIIedia Over 120 volunteers will take bis household would further swell ish. ing in the current series of pro'part in Swarthmore's march. Fal... team, fought them all the way, but next year's income for school purgrams presented by the educa. lowing is the list (If captains and Also honored that evening were poses. lost 68-56. their umarchers": tional committee of Home and The provisional budgets showed the clergy who have assisted at the School. The game was p1ayed before a Mrs. William C. Camphell, capgradual increases in all general ex- services and in the' ministrations to large and cheering crowd; the 9pir- tain; Mrs . .John A. Keefe, Mrs. F. This program was planned espenses during the next. five~year the parish since the Rev_ Mr. H_ pecially for ;parents of children in it of the throng rubbed off onto the Weston Whittier, Mrs. James Patperiod, hut decreases in debt scr- Lawrence Whittemore accepted the boys who played their hearts out, ca'lI to the Chureh of the Redeemer, the seventh, eighth and ninth The game was a nip and tuck af- chell, Mrs. W. W. Watkins, Mrs.. (Continued on Page 8) Chestnut Hill, Mass., last Septem- grades, but all interested arc cord- fair, seeing Media leading aU the George C. Wagner, Mrs, Richard ber. The ch.'·rgy and their wives who iaUy invited to hear her discuss way but never ab'le to Jktll away B. Brandt, Mrs. Howard E. Tomp.kins, Mrs. Samuel T. CarpenterJ were present were the Rev. Stanley 4'Guidance~'l'esting - Its Interpre_ from the Little Garnet fighters. tation and Application." "Mrs. Lewis H. Elverson, Mra.James R. 'Vest, Priest~in-Charge, the The Swarthmore five was able A. Field, Jr" l\:hs. Wayne Hamil... Ml's_ Clark, a graduate of the Rev. Dallas E. Buzby, assistant, the to tie the score a few times, but the t'ln, .1\Irs. G. Alexander }\fills, Mrs. Rev. P. Linwood Urban, Jr., as- University of Buffalo, is now in her B'lue and White would always man- }~, E. 'Vrege, Mrs. Jerome Smith, Considers Wider Financial sixth year as guidancp counselor sistant, and Mrs. Urban, and toe age to muster enough to maintain Mrs. Robert W. Richardson, Mrs. Basis, New Name for Rev. William E. Danforth, Perpet~ at the high school. She will discuss the importance of parents knowing its lead. With but a few minutes Ray Shuba, Mrs. William Taylor ual Deacon, and Mrs. Danforth. Open House Group how the guidance program fits into to play in the game only four points and Mrs. Edwin R. Schmidt, Jr. Raymond H. Fellows, Senior The board of directors for the the educational development of separated the teams, but two quiek Mrs. A. David Speers, captain; \Varden; C. Walter Randall, Jr., Friendly Open House for Older theil' children; how a guidance three point plays by l\Iedia's Mike M,'S. William N. Bower, Mrs. RobSwarthmol'eans, 'known as the president of the Men's Club, and program touches on all facets of a 'Vest just about sewed up the vic(Continued on Page 8) Sponsors Committee, met on Mon- the Rev. Mr. Zimmer spoke at the Rtudent's e(lurse of study and co- tory. dinner. day at the Elm avenUe home of ordinates his work; service,:;:; availBUl·ke Jackson and Jay Lord Mrs. Harold H. Gibson, .Jr., presiable to each student in the form played fine all arvund games in addent. A comprehensive review of of resources, pubJications counsel- dition to scoring 16 and 17 points the financial basis for administering, both vocational and college respectively. Dave Grogan seven, Four Swarthmore High School ing this ,project proved inuminating guidan~c, and testing; and' inter~ Ronnie rl'aylor 12, and Ronnie musicians were members of the as given hy the treasurer Mrs. Ipretation of test results as an aid Herbster four also played fine Southeastel'n Dif:itrict Band which Walter A. Schmidt. The 'Voman's Club of Swarth- t{l parent and child. games. Butch Hofmann, Joe Moran, met at Phoenixville this past week... In summarizing the SOUrces of more will meet at 1 :30 ,p.m., Tuesand Robbie Jarrett saw some linli- end. They arc Carol Honnold, Allie funds received, MJ's. Schmidt day, in the Park avenue clubhouse. ted action, \Valker, Stephen Bancroft and Sven showed that they are in four cate- "Flags of American History" will Borei. In the l)l'eliminary game Coach The Swarthmore Music Club will gories: be the topic of the program' preDana Swan's J.V. team exploded Rehearsals began on Thul'"sday, Annual contribution from seven sented by \V. Frederick Shed inger, meet Sunday, January 25 at 7 to top lIIedia's J.V.'s 48 to 18. All and t.he three day festival culmin_ community organizations; donation cxecutive vice president of the Det- o'clock at the home of Mrs. Northe boys on the squad saw action ated with public concerts on Friday thel'a Hubbell, 727 Yale avenue. of the meeting place by the Presby_ tra Flag Company at Oaks, Pa. A duo-piano rendition by Mil- and the scoring was well distribu~ and Saturday evenings, Paul E. terian Church; contribuU-ons from In deference to the new flag with ted among them_ It is hoped with Carson, of West Chestel'" State members of the Friendly Open Alaska's !-Itar, Mr. Shedinger will dred Sargisson and Pauline Scar~ the added confidence they have Teachers College Was the guest House group (where no dues pre- illustrate his lectUre with a color. borough will include Bach's "Dast attained mOre games of this caliber conductor. Over 180 stUdent musivail) at the bi-monthly meetings; sound motion picture entitled "Our Ist Je GewiseHch Wohr", "Andante cians, represented 62 schools in tha will be played_ and occasional gifts reci!ived from U. S. Flag" and describe flags that Scherzo" from '4Hoffman Serenfour county suburban Philadelphia relatives of members, and from have flown over the American con~ ade" by Mozart, and Handel"s ';4Pas~ area. Food Serving to Start others who are interested in the tinent as far back as 1000 A.D_ In- sacagUa". A rebroadcast of the Saturday Charles Shaw, baritone, with group ,but do not serve with it. teresting flags will be exhibited at At Rutgers Jan. 26th concert wiU be heard over \VVCH, Northera Hubbell as acc{lmpanist, It was felt that the time has now the meeting. The opening of the new food Chester, this Saturday afternoon wiII present "Songs of Schumann", come when a more secure financial serving plan at Rutgers Avenue at 3 o'clock. Commentary will be Receiving at the door will be Mrs. including "Die Lotusblume", "Der (Continued on Page 8) Frederick A. Patman and MrS'. Nussbaum", "1m Westen", "'Van- School wi'll begin Monday, January by Robert Holm of the Swarthmore schools. Karl A_ Swenning. In charge of the derlied", "1m Wunderschoencm 26, under the direction of Mrs. tea will be Mrs. Samuel L_ Alt- Monat Mai", and /lEin Jungling Grace Narbeth. cafeteria manager. To accommodate all pupils who house. Mrs_ C. J_ WeI. and Mrs. Liebt Ein Madchen". Dave Grogan Honored will wish to take advantage of hav. Anthony Fairbanks will pour_ uDuo .sonata in A Major for David Grogan, son of Mr. and Garnet Canteen expects its larpiano and violin", Schubert, wi'll be ing low...priced, complete warm '1Ilrs. Robert M. Grogan of West. gest crowd of the year tomorrow performed by Dolly Schoenberg, 'lunches, it will be necessary to have minster avenue, Was chosen as the Lions Club to View bight, when the "Skylarks", six pianist, and David Spencer, violin_ two serving periods daily. This will Piece rock and roll combo, will per~ Films on Norway ist. Mrs. Sargisson and Mrs. Scar~ also call f-or two different lunch outstanding player in Section B of form. The Nether Providence stu. The Lion's Club will meet on borough will conclude the program hours for the different grades. For the teams which participated in that class, including the semi.. dent body, both stag and couples, Monday night at 6:45 p_m_ at the with "Vif" from HScaramouche the primary grades, one, two and finals, in the Kiwanis Club basket... are invited guests. Dress will be Strath Haven Inn. Suite" by Milhaud, and "Polka" three, the noon hour will be from ball games held during December. casual. Clyde R Pyle, Lieut. Col., re- from "Ballet L'age d'Or", by Shos~ 11 :30 until 12 :30. For the inter. A gift certifieate was presented Chaperons will be Mr_ and Mrs_ tired, wHI conduct the program, irA takovitch. mediate grades, four, five and six, to DavJ for his play in the Swarth_ I1enry Russell and Mr_ and Mrs. Trip Through Norway", based on the noon hour will be from 12 noon more-Darby game on December 17, John Lord_ Canteen will not meet to 1. These were the times origi. his tour last May and June. The LWV Meeting Cancelled in which he scored 14 out of 15 on January 31films, shown in third dimension, A meeting of the League of Wom_ na1ly announced last summer in the points_ In the first quarter he Last week 131 attended a parents' letter, which had to be "Games" canteen when checkers, wil'l start at Oslo and follow 'the en Voters, scheduled at the home changed when food service could scored 13 out of 16 ,points marked by Swal'thmore_ Chess a.nd other games were en. eoast along to Bergen where the of Mrs. Morris Fussell on Monday, not be furnished during the fall Grieg Music Festival takes place. January 26, to discuss the Pennsyl. The award was made at the 37th IJO~'ed_ A questionnaire was distribmonths. Scenes of the Fjord country, vania Commission on Constitutionannual award dinner of the Chester uted by Mrs_ Herman Bloom, direcA letter from Elementary Princi_ Trondheim, which is 200 miles from al. Revision has been cancelled beKiwanis Club Wednesday of last lor, in an effort to discover what the Artie ,Circle, farm. country, and cause the report of the commission pal Thomas Boy)e is in preparation week. studenta like or dislike about to be sent home with each elemenOslo again, will complete a circle has not yet been released to the Bill Reese, Swarthmore High tary school child in tlie near future, coach, and Mr. Grogan were guests "tour". public. giving full details o.f the new p1an. at the dinner. H. S. Quinlel 10 Meel Upper Merion Tonight H. &S. Tues. Features Guidance Oounselor Sponsors OommiHee In Monday Meeting High School Musicians At District Band American Flags Topic For Tuesday Program Music Club to Meet Canteen to Hear 'Skylarks' Saturday I • January THE SWARTHMOREAN Pace 2 23, 1959 .llIDUIlnnmIDIIIIUIIIHIDlummmannRDlIIIDIIIIIID1UlUIIIYlDIWDllllllnnunallllllllllDJlllDBUUDllJDUUWlm. i IThe B January 13 by inviting a group of I brealdal,t and kitchen shower, and friends and relatives to their home Mrs. Ford Robinson of Guernsey for the evening. road who was hostess at a dessert Dr. and Mrs. J. Albright Jones and recipe shower. ~ of Elm avenue will have as their TURNER-HAYES ~ guests this weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Announcement is made of the ~ W. Burg Anstine or York. marriage of Mrs. Christine E. ~ Personals Mr. and Mrs. George Collins of E M.emphis, Tenn., and their children § Elizabeth and Benjamin are visit~ ing their parents Mr. and Mrs. 'George Valentine of Benjamin REGULAR CARE DEFIES WINTRY WEATHER ~ West avenue and Mrs. Benjamin Hayes of Collingdale to Mr. " 9 S th Ch t R d .. 'Collins of Hillborn avenue. ENGAGEMENTS . 'tY -'"PO' c~ou es er oa =-~_=W. TUf'ller of Umversl ... Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Warden Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Larkin, Call Klngswood 3-0476 C of Ya1e avenue are leaving today Jr., of \Val1ingford have announced which took place on January 3 in ;;; lJittie Church Around the " A" II b r Ih _~L mOl'e BalInea. A..0 __ ··-U011. §~ s:O c .. ye em er 0 e 8w ...... for Denver, Col., to attend a meet- Ithe engagement of their daughter, Ithe ;: ;:; ing of the Association of Asphalt :Mjss Dorothea Ann Larkin, to Mr. Corner, New York City. A ttel1 dant' s were Mr. Tu 1'- (ellIIIIIlIIIllIJIIIIIIIIHllcllmnlllllcIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIlIDUIIIIIIIIllClIlllIIlllllOllllllllllnulllIllIlIlIICllllllllllllcllllllllllllanuO Paving Technologist,S where :Mr. Noel A. Beebe, son of Mr. FrcderWarden will present a paper. From ilk T. Beebe of Murfreesboro, l1e'r's brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Wilson of there the Wardens will travel to Tenn. SUNNY BRAE ORCHAItDS 'Atlanta, Ga., where they will be Miss Larkin is a graduate of Swarthmore. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nether Providence High School and Mills for several days. Going fur- Gettysburg College. She is a memo BIRTHS uth, they will visit Mr. bel' of Phi Mu Sorority and is emther so Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward B. CorStayman Winesap and Delicious - Crisp and Juicy Warden's parents in Palmetto, Fla., ployed by Drexel and Company, I n"Ii"," of Marietta avenue announce Mr. and Mrs. Harold N. Warden. Philadelphia. the birth of a son, Jeffrey Bernard, Mr. Beebe,. a graduate of Nether From there they 'will go to Miami Sunday, January 4 in German.Beach, Fla. to attend a meeting of Providence High School and town Hespital. the National Bituminous Concrete Gettysburg College, is a member of A Specialty Always Good Association. Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity. He Mr. and Mrs. George E. Herschel -VISITMrs. John Trevethick o~ Dart- is employed by Fidelity-Philadelof Park avenue announce the birth mouth avenue ~i1l entertain at din- phia Trust Company. of a son, Thomas Matthew, on Jan_ ner and bridge Thursday ev,mi"g I No date has been selected for the uary 14 in Chestnut Hill Hospital. in honor of Mrs. Jessica Spangler wedding. The maternal grandparents are Art Exhibit - Quaker Meeting Houses of Ardmore. Mr. and Mrs. George Schobinger OPEN ALL WINTER Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. ShoeMr. and Mrs. Herman G. Dusch of North Swarthmore avenue. Mrs. maker of Riverview road had as of Morrisville, announce the en~ Pennell Road Henry Herschel of Youngstown, 0., LIMA, PA. their guest this past weekend gugement of their daughter, Miss 1.4 Mil. South of 9 a.M. - 6:30 p.m. Hours: is the paternal grandparent. Trafftc Light granddaughter Carol Evans Shoe- Ruth H. Dusch, to Mr. Timothy Sunday 10 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Phone LOwell 6- t 680 maker ~f Orelatul, Jayne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Mrs. Walter Diveky of H. F. Jayne of Wallingford. Mr. and Mrs. E. Laurence Conminster avenue entertained at a Miss Dusch, who was graduated well of Columbia avenue announce luncheon Monday for Mrs. Frances irom Marywood C01lege in Scran- the birth of a son, David ·Hulburt, Lumsden of Kenyon avenue. Mrs. ton, received a master's degree on January 15 at Hahnemann Lumsden ha~ been here for a month from Temple University. Hospital. The baby weighed eight but is returning to her winter home .Mr, Jayne, an alumnus of Epis- pounds and is the 15th grandchild in Pompano Beach, Fla. copal Academy, is a senior at Tem- of the maternal grandparents Mr. Captain and lIIrs. Theodore Meiin-Iple University. He served with the and Mrs. James B. Douglas of the ke of Rutgers avenue have ·had Army for two years. Swarthmore Apartments. The patheir guests for the past few days ternal grandparents are the late Lieut. Col. E. V. Boro of the U. S. Mr. and Mrs. n. P. Wilkes of Mr. and Mrs. E. Laurence Conwell Marine Corps. Col. Boro is Westi-ield, N.j., have a~:~~~~~:~IOf Chester. tioned in Bethlehem. the engagement of their Mrs. John Shatagin of Cornell Miss Josette Wilkes, to Mr. Stephen lAnnouncement is made of the avenue was called to New York William Carter, son of Mr. and -birth of a third child, a girl, Laura City last week by the sudden death Mrs. Philip L. Carter {)f Middle- Enen, to Mr. and Mrs. William H. of her mother Mrs. Tamara 1.la- t own. Will of Germantown. The bab~ ' was vina. Miss Wilkes ,is a sophomore at in J cfferson ,Hospital. Mr. Edward S. Lincoln's 90~h Russell Sage College in Troy, N.Y. The maternal grandparents are birthday was celebrated last SunMr. C~rter w~s graduated from Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Tyler of South day with about 18 former friends Swarthmhre High School, class of Chester road and the paternal from Westdale avenue and 1955, and is a senior at Rennsalaer are Mr. and Mrs. Carl tives. Mr. Lincoln makes his hOlDe I Polytechnic Institute in Troy, of Glenside. Swarthmore, Pa. 104 Park Avenue on Haverford avenue with his son where he is a member of Theta Chi --and daughter-in-law lIr. and Mr.. Mr. and Mrs. W. David McIntire Charles E. Lincoln. A June wedding is planned. of Cresson are being Dr. and Mrs. James J. Ferguson ulated on the birth of a daughter, io and children Terry 6, Bill 3, and BRIDE. TO.BE-FETED Barbara 'Collins, Sunday, January _ You Have Gotten the Urge to Travel. Gayle 1, have moved into 607 Bryn Miss Beth Jones, daughter 18. lIIawr avenue. Dr. Ferguson has Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones of Mr. and Mrs. William McIntire North ·Chester road are the joined the department of medicine North Swarthmore avenue, whose You then decided where and when. and biochemistry at the University marriage to Lt. Warren Edwin Gi1-I~~~~g~r~a~nd~p~a~r~e~llJ~ts~'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ of Pennsylvania. The famU,. for- son, Jr., will take place February You have purchased your film at THE merly resided in Lyndhurst, 0., was the honor 6Uest at a dessert FOB CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP to take ad· ...hile he was a member of the West- and ,bath shower given by Mrs. MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS ernMReserve University faculty. John Schumacher of College av,mu,.1 can ... vantage ·of their quantity price and free r. and Mrs. Richard McLaugh- and her daughter Mrs. Walter S. mailing bag. · an d tw0 ch·ld· MRS. LLOYD E, KAUFFMAN IIn , ren,'formerIy of Payne of Secane. dDt th 31S narlmoDtb. An••• A h t m ers an ar mou avenues, During the holidays Susan and :Kln&awood 1-I0IO If going abroad you have obtained your moved early in January to Detroit, Nancy Gowing of Parrish road en-I;~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mich. passport and have taken a few shots tertained at an open house in honor Mr. and Mrs. F. Norton Land,on I of Miss Jones and Lt. Gilson. Mrs. medical-that is). of Wal1ingford had as their guest Donald W. Poole of North Swarth_ recently their daughter Mrs. Rich- more avenue entertained at a tea _ You have purchased your tickets and have SWARTHMORE, PA, ard F. Bovard of Henryetta, Okla. and lingerie-shower. , Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Willis made all travel arrangements. of Dogwood lane entertained as Also entertaining for Miss do:ne,q Fri. &. Sat.; Jan. 23, 24 A Good Family Comedyll their weekend guest Mrs. Keith were Mrs. Peter Kroon, Jr., of VasYou have forgotten one thing. This trip Humble of Cartersville, Ill. sar avenUe and Miss Anne might be a once in a lifetime thing-so Capt. and Mrs. Corben C. Shute haus of Yale avenue who gave a (TechDJcolar) why don't you trade ii'l that old camera and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick La" .. 1 Cary Grant Sophia Loren of Maple avenue will entertain at on a new, finer one? Fri. feafures-7:30, 9:35 P.M. Sat. fe:::., APPLES Stayman Winesap and Delicious - Board of Directors Elect Treasurer, Assistant Vice President ~ THE CAMPUS CLUB ~ Mrs. Wilbur O. James of Park of the American Red Cross, Southavenue was named honorary· vice D' . t h . d ~ eastern Istnc, ave mcrease =_ of SWARTHMORE COLLEGE c~ president. proportionately. a - presents E = == "[ saw"t "n The Swarthmorean" Organized more than two years ~ ~ ago, the local committee now ina E eludes 16 active members, and is directed by IIIrs. Joseph Smith, of -J 23 24 8 15 PM Ridley Park, ·with 1\"1rs. Norman ~= an. CLOTHIER , -: ..~ Mochel, also of Ridley Park, assistMEuORIAL == Need a new app,oa~h. a new "hien or revision ~ m C of your qoah or wor.? Send for free folder J. ant director. Gray Lady duties in- City last we.k by the sudden death Mrs. Philip L. Carter of Middle- Enen, to Mr. and Mrs. William H. of her mother Mrs. Tamara 1s]a- to\\'n. Will of Germantown. The baby was MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS c.u ... MRS, LLOYD E, KAUFFMAN .~"IIIIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIDllllllllllllanmIIIIIIIDIIIP'".: election this week. = ~I Ward, Cowie Named By Sea" Paper Co. Mr. Ford F. Robinson returned ELECTED TO THIRD TERM eray Ladies Active Friday to his home on Guernsey Mrs. Irvin Reed MacElwee was At T I H ·t I ay or osp. a r oad following a trip to Omaha, elected to her -third term as presiNeb., where he addressed both the With the increase of patients ' 1 Rotary Club and the National dent of the Republican Women of and facilities at TayI or Hosplta, Pennsylvania at the group's annual . f h G Printers Week Banquet. duties and se.-vlces 0 t e ray Fri. 9 to 8:30 Swarthmore, Pa. Spl;t O"k, Ash and Beech'- $30_00 per cord $16.50 per \12 cord, delivered Seaboard Wild Bird Food airdfeeders - Suet Cakes WE DELIVER Open 7:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Daily Open Sunday by Appointment • " business, the Meeting will be adTRllln IDTES dressed by Margaret Jones of Therewlll be a celebration of the Moorestown, N.J., Meeting. MarHoly Communion at 8 o'cloek Sungaret Jones has recen t;ly returned day morning. A service of Morning from Europe where she served with Prayer and Church Sehool will be held at 9 :30, and at 11 :16 there will be a service of Morning Prayer. Ushers for the services will be as THE SWARl'HMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PENNA. PET ER E. TOLD, MlARJORIE TOLD, PublishBl'B 3 0900 Phone KIngswood P,ETER E. TOLD, Editor Barbara B. Kent, Managing Editor . . Rosslie D. Peirsol Sonya K. Horneff MarjorIe T. Told Jeannette V. Howe ----:--;:--;-;~~~~:_:i~;;.;2;,_i9:i9.7ttb;:p;;t24 1'129 at the Post Entered Second Class Matter, January , f 'M ' ch 3 1879 8S Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act 0 ar • . DEADLINE WEDNESDAY NOON ., SWARTHMORE, PENNA FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1959 ... At 5:30 p.m. the last program METHODIST NOTES of the January Missions Month proOn Sunday morning" church grams wiII be held. Supper will be school classes for all ages will be- served all attending followed by a gin at 9:45. There is a nursery for program at which the Junior Youth infants to two years old conducted Fellowship will demonstrate some during this hour. songs and games from A1aska, CanThe Pastor will conduct the sec- ada and United States, represe~t. ond Fellowship Instruction Class ing National Missions. The Senl~r for new members during the church Youth Fellowship will give a skIt school hour. on some aspect of Christian work At the identical services of wor- in the Near East. There will also 8hip at 8 :46 and 11 o'clock, Mr. be a short motion picture on MethKulp will use as his sermon sub- odist work in Puerto Rico. Children ject the second in a series, "Strange will be welcome for the entire proVirtues-2-Confession." There is gram. a nursery at this time and also The Friendly Open House proaa..:J::u::n:i::or:....:C:.:h:.:u::.rc::.h~p::-ro:gr=-a::m:::.:::-;:---: gram will be held at the Presbyter- CHURCH SERVICES . ian Church on Monday at 2 p.m. Mrs. James H. Connor will show pictures of the World's Fair in BelPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH gium and parts of England. EveryDr. D. Evor Roberts. Minister is welcome to attend. one Sunday, January 25 The Methodist Youth ,Subdistrict 9:30 and 11:30 - Church School Classes. Rally ·wil1 be held at Convent Meth9'80 and 11:30 A,M.-Youth Sun- odist Church, Springfield, on Monday John Cratsley will preach. 9:30' A.M.-Women's Bible Class. day evening at 7:30. The program will be "Famijy Night." Topic will 9 :30 A,M.-College-age Class. 6 :15 P.M.-Jr. Westminster Fel- be "Vocations." T·he Ruth Circle of WSCS will lowships. meet at the home of M~. J. Walter Wednesday, January 28 10 :00 A.M. - Sewing and Bandage Strack, 720 Swarthmorewood lane, groups. on Monday at 8 p.m. Tbursday, January 29 The 'Commission on Education 6:80 P.M. - Men's Association will meet at the church on Tuesday dinner. at 8 p.m. METHODIST CHURCH The Church Choirs will rehearse John C. Kulp, Minister Charles Schisler on Thurs d ay as f 0 II ows: Minister of Music Carol Choir, 3 :46 p.m,; Wesleyan Sunday, January 25 andChoir, 4 :15 p.m.; Chapel Choir, 9'45 A.N.-Chm·ch School classes. 7 p.m., and Chancel Choir, 8 p.m. 9;45 A.M. - Fellowship Instruc~.·405n·and 11 A.M.-Mr. Kulp will PRESBYTERIAN IOTES preach. "Dare We Live in the Househol'd 8 6 :80 P.M. - Missions Program. , TRINITY CHURCH Rev Stanley R. West, D.D., . Priest-in-Charge Sunday, January 25 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. 9:80 A.M.-Holy School. Communion and Church 11:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer. Monday, January 26 (The Conversion' of St. Paul) 10 :00 A.M. - Holy Communion. Wednesday, January 28 7 :00 A.M.-Holy Communion. 9:80 A.M.-Holy Communion. THE RELIGIOUS SO CIETY ' OF FRIENDS Sunday, January 25 9 '.46 A.M.-FI·rst-Day School. 9 :45 A.M. - Adult Forum: Dr. Robert Murphy, "Why We May Trust Ourselves". 11 :00 A.M,-Meeting for Worship. Children cared for in Whittier House. AIl are welcome. otGod" will b,e the the~e of the 9 :30 and. 11 0 clock se';'lces Sunday, Umted Presbytenan Youth Sunday. Leading the services will be Joan Moir and John Johnson of the seventh grade Westminster Fellowd ship; Bruce Cratsley, mo erator and Jay Estey, vice moderator of the eighth and ninth grade West. minster Fellowship, and David Horr, moderator of the Conege-age Fellowship. John Cratsley, moderator of the Senior High Westminster Fellowship, will ,preach the sermon at both services. Church School classes are held at 9 :30 and 11 o'clock. The College- follows: 9:30 a,m,-R. M, Daniel, head d lte usher; J. P. Espenscha e, a rnate; J. E. Evans, S. K. Ip, H. W. Jackson, H. L. Thompson, lL G. Toland, and N. A, Weber; 11:15 a.m. - C. B. Blake, head usher; A. G. Boyd, alternate; R. H. Fellows, Joseph Reynolds, W. N. Ryerson, and W. B. Scher. Thomas Peppler is scheduled to serve as acolyte at 8 o'clock; Walter Reynolds at 9:30, and at 11:15 8.m. Steve Hansell. On Monday, the Conversion of St. Paul, there will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at 10 a.m. At 10:30 the Woman's Auxiliary will hold a board meeting in the Cleaves Room. Celebrations of the Holy Communion will be held at 7 8.m. and 9 :30 a.m. Wednesday, Following the latter service the Adva!lced Bible Class wiJI meet. A meeting of the Beginners Class will be held at 1 p.m. The Sewing Group wiII meet in the Cleaves Room at 10 o'clock on T.hursday morning. The Diocesan Department of Christian Education is sponsoring a Leadership Training School for 'this area at Trinity Church. The meetings will be held at 8 p.m. on Thursday and Friday, January 29 and 30. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ HIGHEST STANDARDS EKpert management, sympathetic understanding, oentral-clty location, and reasonable price. add up 10 renowned OHver H. 8alr service. 1820 CHESTNUT STREET FRIENDS MEETING NOTES At the Adult Forum Sunday Dr. Robert Murphy, a ,Friend and practising psychiatrist of Waverly, will conclude the Peace Committee serios on "Knowing Ourselves" with a talk on "Why We May Trust Ourselves." All are welcome. The H'Igh Sch 001 FeIlowship wi II meet as usual at 6:30 Sunday afternoon. Th~ new film "Alternatives" will ,be shown. The first annual Rufus Jones age class and the Women's Bible class also meet at 9:30. The Junior High choir rehears.. at 4 p.m. and the Senior High choir 6 at 'P.m. lecture, offered by the Religious &ship. :80 P.M.-High School Fellow- . The Junior High Fellowships Education Committee of F'riends Monday, January 26 meet at 6 :15. General Conference, will be given All-day sewing for the A.F.S.C. The Senior High Fellowship will Friday night, January 30, at 7:30 Wednesday, January 28 convene at 6 :30 for a sociai meet- p.m" in the Race Street Meeting ing. House, Philadelphia. The speaker All-day sewing for the A.F.S.C. Friday, January 3DLecture: The 7:30 P.M.-Rufus Jones 8 Board M of d Deacons will meet fis Dr. Ross Snyder, associate proRoss Snyder "The· Authentic at p.m. on ay. essor of religious education at the Life", Race Street Meeting, PhilThe "Crossroads" Bible Study University of Chicago. His topic group will meet at 9 :30 Tuesday is "The Authentic Life." AU are adelphia. Saturday, January 3.1 morning at 316 South Chester road. welcome. 10 :00 A.M. - Chester Quarterly The Sewing and Bandage groups Chester QUarterly Meeting will Keetlng at Swarthmore. 10 W dn d will meet at a.m. e es ay. be held at Swarthmore on Satur_ FIRST CHURCH OF Luncheon will be serv.ed by Circle day, January 31. Sessions start at CHRIST, SCIENTIST I, Mrs. Carroll P. Streeter. chair- 10 a.m. with a Meeting for Worship SWARTHMORE Park Avenue below Harvard man. followed by the Quarterly Meeting Circ1e 2, chairman Mrs. William business. Lunch will be served at Sanday, Jsnnary 25 Ward, 3rd, will meet at \0:30 a.m. 12 30 At th f 11 :00 A.M.-SuDday School. W d d t th h f M H :. e a ternoon session, 11 :00 A.M.-The Lesson - Sermon e nes ay a e ome 0 rs. . after the completion of unfinished wm be entitled "Truth". Woodward IIIeDowell, 25 Wood- _ _ _ _ _ _ . ___.__ WedResday evening meeting each brook lane. week. 8 P.M., Reading Room, 409 On Thursday, the Primary Choir Dartmouth Avenn., op'Psnding and improving-Springfield Water is always there . _ • for drinking, cooking, bathing, sanitation - for all your water needs. And consider the convenience of baving it delivered. day and night, right where you want it and right where you need it: in your basement, on your first floor, and on your second floor_ What's more, you know that it's pure water _ •• sparkling-clear, palatable, wholesome, taboratory-tested more than 600 times a day. HUME BAKED BEANS ......... ,.,-................._, ............. 9 303 cans 99s CANNED TOMATOES ........-............,...,................. _...... __ 7 303 cans 99c FRENCH'S INSTAI;IIT MASHED POTATOES ...... 3 pkgs. 99c FRESH r---______________ , I BUDGET PLAN Fo. added convenience, lias hou.. 1 'healing payments can be ma'" In I equal amounts OV.r a IO-month pe.I.... 1 Got more details at your 1 nea.est PhiladelphIa Electric SUM," I Mn showrOOM_ ~ MciNTOSH APPLES Nec I I I I 3 Ibs. 29c . d$miO. SPRINGFIELD SNICKERDOODLES ._,.......,_.,.........._............____... pkg. 47c KEESLER'S CHOCOLATE FUDCE SANDWICH .__ ... pkg. 47c J • 1______ - - - - - - - - - - - - PHIUDILPHIA ILIC'.'CCO••A.Y • , .. ,~". P.T. delivery or storage problems. I 3 giant tins 95e fREESTONE PEAOHES Dependable and quiet, II gas house heater keeps the whole house warm. The,.', no work, because it Is automatlc-setthe thermostat and enjoy the warmth you want. There's no worry, either - no fuel ordering, The Philadelphia I I DIOK FRANOHETTI - TELEVISION co-op -- SPEOIAL SALE Police and Fire News ."'pr•••• I MAAY A. ....... " . . . Telephone RI6-1511 I11 poration of Cleveland, 0., In recogLETTERS TO THE EDITOR Gentlemen: nition of his work in chemical englSwarthmore Borough Council ap_ Deering. Tho opiniomr d below preciates very much receiving your James Walls of Wallingford and Anne Welsh of South Swarth- are tho.e 0/ the individual writmore avenue, a freshman at er•. All l.tter. to Th. Swartk- letter of December 23, 1958, and it Willard A. Furbush of Claymont, Swarthmore Coliege has been "",rean must b. sigmd. PBeudo_ was discussed at our meeting Mon .. Del., were issued summons for nllm1l8 mall b. used if the writer day evening, January 12, 1969. motor violations on January 16. elected as one of three in her class is known to the Editor. LetterB The Council has asked me to Walls was apprehended on Swarthto represent the Woman's Ath1etic will b. published tmlll at the diswrite you to thank you for this more avenue between Cresson lane Association. Bill Welsh, 80phomore cr.tion 0/ the Editor. evidence of your fine community and Yale avenue for driving, a car at the college has been elected Skating Rink Proposed spirit, and to suggest that you bring with expired Delaware plates and House Manager of his fraternity, this matter to the attention both unnecessary exhaust noise. FurDelta Upsilon for this coming sem_ The letters appearing below were of the Swarthmore Recreation As- bush, owner of the vehicle, was isester. He will spend this week en!! in York, as the guests of the submitted to The Swarthmorean sociation and al.o the Swarthmore sued a summons for permitting it for publication. The first letter, Swim Club. We are hopeful that to be operated on the highway with Charles Strattons. proposing a community ice skating one or both of these groups would expired tags. Shortly before midnight Monday '"I saw it in The Swarthmorea,n," rink, was addressed to Swarthmore be willing to try to build, with Borough Council by Arthur W. volunteer labor as you suggest, an two of five Morton boys, en route Hoch of Yale avenue, and Robert ice skating rink. The inexpensive home from Chester in an automoWomen's Enning G1m Classes B. Clothier of Columbia avenue. method of constructing such a rink bile, engaged in a fight which Volleyball, Basketball. Body Mechanics Councilman J. Roy Carroll's reply by the use of a plastic film laid spilled out into the street on Yale ,10 WEEKS - eEGINNING IN FESRUARY follows. on the ground and held in place by avenue h,etween Chester road and ;Man's Informal Baskelball Prog. WFIL Radio - 8145 A.ltl. Borough Council a simple wood curb should be Cornell avenue. Residents of the For Details Call or Wrlte Phlf Swayne CUaael8-WFIL·TV_113. I,ll, , Klngswood 4-1324 We are all aware of the inherent thoroughly investigated. Should area called local police, who, asBox 25( r~sks in having our children skate anticipated citizen support for sisted by police of several neighboralong Crum Creek. Many accidents your proposal materiaJize, please ing oomm1mities also responding to (losing teeth from hockey sticks, be assured of the continuing inter- the radio call,brought the youths etc.) continually occur and are a est and cooperation of the Council. to the police station where the two 30 YALE! AVENUE MORTON, PA. who had been fighting were each source of concern to all parents. Sincerely yours, TELEVISIOI - HOME Ind AUTO RADIO - PHONOS An idea of how' we can provide a J. ROY OARROLL, JR., fined $5 and costs on a disorderly conduct charge. "Bring It to Us or We'll Come to You" safer facility for ice skating preChainnan, A Swarthmore College girl was Klngswood 4-1028 sented itself in a recent magazine Committee on Planning issued summons this week fol1ow_ artidJe. By requesting additional and Building ing parking violations on January information a brochure Was ob~unwIlClmIIHJIIIDAIIllIIIIUDlIllullnIlDUJUlIIIIH.clmllllllllamIlIlIllIlDIHnllurIJDIIUllllIIlIDllllIIllDODlUDIUlUIDUlI1§ 10 and 13. A' secretary at the colwhi~h furnished the idea for D atained Co-op Annual lege was taken to Media Clinic by community ice skati~g rink in Swarthmore. The date are attached Meeting Held the Media ambulance on Tuesday, hereto. You will note that_a rink 40' The Swarthmore Q,-op Credit later being transferred to Lancas407 DARTMOUTH AVENUE x 133' would cost approximately Union held its annual meeting Jan. ter Hospital, following a fall. OPEN 7 A.M. to 7:30 P_M_ The Fire Company was called to $200 using volunteer labor. uary 14 in the Legion Room of a chimney fire at the Eckenhoff Monday Through Friday This matter is being presented to Borough Hall. Philip Miele,Fred = Bora Council for consideration on Baxter and Jacob Keller were home, 207 South 9hester road, at ~ BREAKFAST - LUNCH - DINNER ~ the basis that you may wish to elected directors of the uniop, Ed- 4 :49 p.m, Tuesday. C/osea Saturaays ana Sunaqys Eg make it a public project. If not, ward Lawhorne and Daniel GoldSquara Danoa Serias al Arl Cenlar perhaps some civic organization w~ter, members of the supervisory FANCY SANDWICHES Tomorrow, January 24, will he could be approached. Good locations committee and Mrs. Leroy ·Peter- the second Folk'Square Dance of Special Children's Platters would appear feasible at the "tri- son and Mrs. Roy )lfcCorkle, mem- the new year held at the Community LDUiIllIUIUDJUlllllllllcllllllllllllnlflfllllllJlnllllU"IIUCnlIllOORCRWUU1lH.1fI1IIIJWUOIIBUUUODUIUIIUWDJRllIl"wi angle" on Yale avenUe at Rutgers hers of the credit committee. Arts Center, Wallingford. The calMembers dec1ared an annual ler wiII be Bob Mather. avenue or in one corner of the .ballfield area between Swarthmore dividend of three per cent, upon Mr. Mather is a member of the the recommendation of the direc- Delaware Valley Square and Folk avenue and Rivervie wavenue. Your consideration of the above tors. Emma Warfield, treasurer, in Dance Leaders Association and is would be greatly appreciated, we her annual report, stated that the an instructor at the University of feel Bure, by SWarthmore residents Union was in g90d condition finan- Pennsylvania C. A. Group. He has cially. generally. " been a leader of the Rose Valiey After the formal business meet- Folk Square Dance Group and ofPerhaps you may wish to have this matter published in The ing was adjourned, members heard fers a variety of Folks, Squares, ~warthmorean to determine the ex- Longinus Grabriac oj' the Westing_ English and Rounds in the Counhouse Employees'. Credit Union try style. tent of community interest. "Famous lor the Fine~ .Me~ats" ._ describe' the services rendered by . '",. These every other Saturday eveARTHUR W. ROOH credit unions in general and the ning dances begin at 8 :30 p.m. and U. S, CHOICE ROBERT B. CLOTHIER Westinghouse Union in ,particular. are open to the public. Bob Warden, son of Mr. and Mr••• Warren B. Warden of Yale avenue, who is a senior at Princeton University. will make an extensive tour , of graduate schools throughout the midwest during the mid-semester. Bob has been honored by receiving an award from the Lubrizol Cor- HEALS DlSICTOI ••• fUNllAU VEAL ROASTS P~e5 NEWS NOTES SCIENCE THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. OLMa H. ....... '-"1.. THE SWARTHMOREAN' HOW CHRISTIAN· • CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES The vital importance of having a strong, spiritual foundation will be stressed at Christian Science services Sunday by the Lesson-Sermon entitled "Truth." Veynoting the Lesson-Sermon is ~ the Golden Text from D~uteronomy (32 :3,4) : "Ascribe ye greatness unto our God. He is the Rock, his 'Work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of trl'th and without Iniquity, just and right is h IJ eScriptural selections to be read include the following (Psalms 18: 30,31): ",As for God, his war is perfect: the word of the Lord is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him. For who is GOd' save the Lord? or who is a rock saVe our God!" the Material Aid. program of the AFSC. Her subject will be "Germany Today." . The .,sher for January is Kenneth Doherty. • Ball. I""wood 1-1100 for FREE DELIVERY FREE PARKING , UlfI!?"'"' WATERCI;) ;----- PHILADElPHIA SUBURBAN WATER COMPANY ·.:'·~,J"',00·'~t [) ''''''-'. ··-~·(J-"."r'C-, ' , ~, . , . THE SWARTBMOREAN Page 6 ADVEBTlSE1IIENT Nursing CommiHee In January Meeting The board of direetors of the Junior Woman's Club will meet Tuesday night at 8 at the home of Mrs. Beginning Wednesday aftern~n Walter T. Black, 410 Harvard aveof this week, for four consecutIve Wednesdays ending with February nue. 11 chi1dren attending the SwarthIIIrs. Samuel D. Clyde of North m~r. Elementary School will be Swarthmore avenue will entertain dismissed at noon in order that the mid.winter parent-teacher confer- at a dinner party at the Union ences for reporting on pupil prog- League before the 102nd Anniver- SCHOOL CON8TBUC'I10N BIDS "lbe Bwarthmore-.RuUedge Union School Authority wUl receive sealed bids unW 8:00 P,M., Z.B.T. on February 4, 1059. at the The re~ular meeting of the Cenofflce of the 8uperv181ng Principal of the Swarthmore-Rutledge Union School District, tral Committee of the Community Swarthmore, Pa., for the re-conat.rucUon of the Swarthmore High School, at whlcb Ume Nursing Service of Delaware Counand plaee the bids will be pUblicly opeDed ty was held on January 8 in the and pubUc::Iy read. Swarthmore Borough Hall, with separate bids wUl be received for the Mrs. John ,V. Iliff, chairman, prefollowlog work: Cont.ract No. l..-Gemral construcUon siding. ress may be held. contract No. 2-HeaUng and VentllaUng Mrs. IIIark Bittle and Mrs. J. On these afternoons an educaContrad No.3-Plumbing Franklin Gaskill, co-chairmen of tional program will be presented contract No. 4_Electrlcal Contract No. s-Home Making Equipment the Holiday Cheer Committee, re- f,.om 1 to 2:30 p.m. in the primary contract No.6-Biology, Science and Phy- ported that 30 baskets had been school auditorium on Rutgers avesIcs Equipment delivered to shut-ins who are cared Contract No.7-Library Equipment . N f nue. Plans and contract documeD~ mlL,. be for by the Community urses 0 \ Kindergarten children will conexamined without charge at the off1ce of . tinue their half-day sessions as usGeorge M. Ewing Co., Architects and Engi- Delaware County. Under new bus~ne5s a. question ual except that beginning Monday, neers, 1120 western Bavlng Fund Building, Philadelphia. Pa., and OIre complete set \vas raised regardmg eqUIpment. at February 2. those who have been may be had by any prospective prime cootre.ctor on deposit of Sixty Doliars. Deposit the Child Health Cent~r, of .whlch attending morning sessions during lVUl be refunded on receipt of bona f1d'e bid r.hs. Carron Streeter IS chaIrman. the first semester will exchange and return of plans and documents unmark· ed and in good condlUOD wllbin five days It was decided that the Central with the afternoon class for the afler bid opening. Otherwise depOSIt lVUl Committee would finance an~ nec- remainder of the school year. become property of the Archlteets. essary replacement or repaIrS of U a prospective prime contractor desires the equipment in question. RECEIVES WAYNE AWARD more than on, full set of plans and docuOther Swaol:thmore members of ment5. or If a. prospecUve prime eontTactar, William G. C. McKee of Rutledge, sub-contractor or mat.erlalman wants draw~ the Central Committee are: who transferred from the senior ings and/or specifications for his use, they Mrs. ,Arthur Binns, 1\Irs. James class of Swarthmore High School may be bad by making the following pay· ments to the Architects, Done of whIch wUl Daugherty, Mrs. William Gehhring, to Vallet Forge Military Academy be returned: complete set of drawings .......... $35.00 Mrs. John Good, Mrs. William R. last fall, received the superintenSet of SpeciflcaUoD5 ..•............ 25.00 Huey, Mrs. J. Albright Jones, Mrs. dent's award for excellence in miliIndJvldual drawlngs ... 1.50 per drawing ChaJ"les W. Lukens and Mrs. Birtary performance in November and Certified or cashler's check for 5% or bid bond for 10"/0 of base bid required. Bids ney K. ,Morse. just last week received the Anthony may not be withdrawn within 45 dars after Wayne award for "efficiency, high opening. The undersigned reserves Ure right NOTICE to waive lnformallUes In, or reject any or ideals, untiring efforts abeve and The former Swarthmore Service all bids. beyond the call of duty, contributBy Order of the Shop on Dartmouth avenue is now ing substantially to the morale, Swarthmore-Rutledge Union School operating as "Isobel's Curio Shop", esprit de corps and progress of the Authorlty Swarlhmore, pennsylvania at 17'12 South Chester road. Academy and exemplifying the best JOHN C. MacALPINE, JR., Secretary Phi Mu Alumnae Meet 3\.016-23-30 ADVERTISEMENT Jr. Board to Meet Swarthmore-Rutledge School News traditions of the military service." Phi Mu Alumnae of Swarthmore \ and vicinity met Moncjay at the Mrs. Robert W. Mather was ~oshome of Mrs. Ralph Dinsmore of tess to the Haverford Place Bridge Drexel Hill. Club Tuesday night of last week.. • sary Concert and Ball of the Acade .. y of Music on Saturday eveniq. Her guests will be Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles V. Thackara of Shrews·bury, N.J., Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde, Jr., of Wallingford and Mr. and Mrs. Norman B. Browning of Greenv1lle, Del. Women's Gym Class To Begin in February Auto Driving Instruction WE CALL FOR YOU ROGER RUSSELL Edward F. Mao CHester 2-4346 I· Photog;aphic Supplies Jewelry Repaired Ph.: Kl 3-4216 STATE & MONROE STS. MEDIA EMIL SPIES WATCHMAKER Formerly of· F. C. Bode and SODli Fine Watch and 128 Yale Ave. Clock Repa.lrs Swarthmore, Pa. LOwell 6-2176 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS YJlllnlllllllClllfUUlluamlllllllllDIJllIlIIllllUllllllllllnCD1l8 KIngwwood 3-1448 WilLIAM BROOKS Ashes and Rubbish Removed Lawns Mowed, General Haullng 236 Barding Ave. Morton, Pa. I Diluzio and Sons I = • ! " ~~ 650 BaIUmore Pike Springfield, Del. Co. Pa. I played on the out-of·tune PIANO. Shop Thurs.'til 9.pm-Fri. 'til 10 pm CARNS § Is tbe only selecUon \bat can be Prices EfFec:ttve Jan. 21 to 24, 19'" ~ Formerly ~= THE LOST CHORD I FLORIST Lal1calstE~r Ja Klngswood 3-0450 ~mDllllllmlllaIIIIIIIIIl1IUIIIUIIIIIIIUllnnl[IIIICllllln A. L. PARKER LOwell 6·3555 ~..Q=::::=:===::::=:==:::i:::=::::=:==~ CONTRACT I NG and CARPENTERING ClASS. F. E0 ADS Gutters· Warm-Air Heating Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Work KI 4-1214 , I H. D. CHURCH· AND COMMERCIAL a ; Klngswood 4-2727 ~ 8 Ii I ALTERATIONS !I IHeinrich N. Knudsen) I~ ',I i CONSTRUCTION i J. F. BLACKMAN ~ a Klngswood 3-66.16 c C ENE RA L I c~~.:~?:~~. IIir·TDI'" . ' PERSONAL - FURNITURE reneal' center of town. Second floor finished repaired and upholster. apartment or office space with pri. ed, slip co~ersJ draperies ~nd. rugs. vate entrance. Living room, kitchen, decorating serVIce. Qual- bedroom andl bath. $80. including EDWARD G. CHIPMAN Complete ity work at bargain prices. Please all utilities. Immediate possession. CHester 2-5487 5 AND SON call KIngswood 3-7282 or LOwell Baird & Baird. KIng.wood 4-1500. § 6-3031 for free estimate. Garrett FOR RENT _ Unfurnished apart- ~. ~ General Contractor House. ment second floor; large living 'illllllilllIllOIllIllUlIIIUIIIIIIIIlIllDlUlIlIIIIIIDIIIlIlIIIIIIDlIlh:PERSONAL - Practical nursing room, bedroom, tile bath, hall and 2DIIIIIIIIIIIIDI11I11II1IIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIII1II1IDtlIIIIIIIIIIOml'! TILE FLOORS - PLASTIC TILE or baby.sitting. Experienced. Ref- deck porch, near transport.ation. == c MODERN KITCHENS erences. Call KIngswood 3-6731 or $85. LOwell 6-1870. B CRESSON PRICHARD § ALTERATIONS KIngswood 3-2136. FOR RENT - Apartment. Two PERSON AI.. - F\l.rniture· refinrooms, hath, kitchenette, private 140 I Ridley Avenue ishing, repairing. Quality work entrance. $95. inc1uding utilities. 5 at moderate priees-antiqu es and Phone KIngswood 4-2190. modern. Call Mr. Spanier, K:IngsWANTED CHester 2-4759 c 3 wood 4-4888, Kilngswood 3-2198. 900 Michigan Avenue ; CHester 2-5689 PERSONAL - Roofing, spouting, WANTED - Day's work. References furnished. Phone CHester gutters. carpentry. Recreation ~ Swarthmore, Pa. § rooms a specialty. Roy J. l"oster, 3-1523. mUIllIlIl1IIUIl1I11111111DIlIIIIU1IIIDlmllllllu~,:;mI1lIlDlIIl!! WANTED-We will buy at bC3t LOwell 6-6569. Freneh teaeher prices old china. cut glass. furni" E PERSONAL gives French ,private lessons. ture. Call POrter 4-0235, P,Orter 4Also teaches Spanish. Single per- 3529 or OLympia 5-2578 collect for sons or groups. Children or adults. appointment. All business confiden- = tial. Antiques Studio, 244 Philadel- mmClllmmlJltJlllHlIIIIIICIlIIIUllmUIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIID[ii Call KIngswood 4-1927 after 6. or adults phia Pike, WUmington, Del. fi- INTERIOR & EXTERIOR §- PERSONAL-Children interested in subscribing to 10 WANTED-Part time situation desired. Typing and clerical work. weekly lessons begin· ~ ~ ning nextice-skating week. call KIngswood 3- KIng,;wood 3-7920. 1I Free Estimates § 1808. Car pools formed. Nearby in- WANTED-Wonran seeking good door rink. Possibility of ice show home for housekeepine- duties. care of invalid. live in. West later. ~ ; Klngswood 3-8761 ~ PERSONAL-Can repair most all Chester area. Modest salary. Box articles in or outside of the home. A. The ·Swarthmorean. Swarthmore Fixit Shop. KIngs- W ANTED-Day's work Thursday, ~'llnmIIllUlllnlllllll1l'IIDllIIlIllIm'nl1l'nll1l11nlllnll1l11ln~ wood 3-3161. Swarthmore references. Phone CHeRter 2-6402. P~~RSONAL Russian language. Beginners groups forming now. WAN-TED-Day's or week's work. HODGE & CARTER Day and evening. Intermediate and Swarthmore references. Call advanced groups. Private -lessons CHester 4-3321. a.so. KIngRwood 3-3329. MUSIC INSTRUCTION 3t-1-23 i i a REAL ESTATE ; i ~ = I I i Jack Prichard I PAINTING ~ I 011. ...."1.'....... CONDItiONING 011- rvlJU.CU on Ion . . , · OIL IU"I1NO WAIlI 111.,11'" .,. , I I DAY and NIGHT Save at Acme~s ... KI 3-11.12 Klngswood 4-1234 J. A. Green We Install Air CondHioners, Ranges, Dryers, Washers, Wiring, Receptacle, T·Y AllTEIlIAS Work aaaranleed 24.HOUR SERVICE Fr.. Estimates MAdison 6-9937 LEhigh 4-1246 FOR SALE-Girl's figure skates . and guards. Size 5'1... Excellent . condition. Phone KIngswood 3-8947. FOR SALE-Antique walnut posler bed. Victorian love seat. Telephone LOwell 6-3099. FOR SALE-You may have Cardinals, Mocking Birds Or even Mourning Doves in your backyard if you ·put out a feeder now. Samuel Crothers, Jr., 435 Plush Mill Road, ~allingford. LOwell 6-4551. INSTRUCTION-Guitsr - Banjo IIIandolin. Simon Krudo, 542 East 8th Street, OHester 3-1904. INSTRUCTION - Vocal IIIusic. Mrs. James Jamison. KIngswood 3-1430. INSTRUCTION Piano studio on Park avenue. Wednesday ap.. Dointments available. Call Donald R. Carter. LUdlow 6-6389 or KIngswood 3-6642. "I saw it in the Swarthmorean." • Also Several Choice Lots Available in Borough for Custom Homes • Piano iPupiIs of Mrs. Franklin S. Gillespie bad lans to begin a women's evening gym class beginning in early February for a 10 week period. The program, which will be under the dirt.'Ction of a local woman, will include such things as volleyball, basketbal, and other team sports, as woll as body mechanics. If enough group members are inter~ ested, possibly modern dance can be included. For men, an informal basketball ,program is planned one night a week for a similar 10-week period. The Swarthmore Badminton Club still has a few memberships avail) able for the months January through March. This group meets in the High School Gym on Thursday evenings at 8 :30 p.m. and is informal and coeducational. Interested persons may call or write P.hil Swayne by January 31 at Box 251 or KIngswood 4-1324 so that the most suit~ble evenings can be scheduled for all concerned. These programs are offered under th eauspices of the Swarthmore Athletic Club, an organization devoted to adult physical recreation. •, \' "I saw it in the Swarthmorean." $6 Per Hour Page 7 THE SWARTHMOREAN January 23, 1959 Opposite Boro Parking Lot Closed Safw:day . 12:30 P.M . . ,. .; January 23, 1959 Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Mustin· of ATTEID HONOR BANQUET PI PHI'S TO SEW The Dela}"are County group of A group of Swarthmoreans re- Cornell avenue have had as their To Attend Study Council Pi Beta Phi will me.t at the home cently spent a weekend in New guests Mrs. Mustin's parents Mr. (Continued from Page 1) and Mrs. Henry Dutton of HenderNext Monday evening members of Mrs. James H. Hornaday, 310 York ·City attending a banquet in sonville, N.C. of the Swarthmore-Rutledge Union ert Salts. Jr .• Mrs. Willard E. Dickinson avenue on Wednesday at honor of Eugene Houdry. French Sehool District School Board wil'1 Bath. Mrs. Jack C. Fitch. Mrs. nOOD. join with the School Board mem- irk D. Nevius, Mrs. James L. Liv· scientist and fonner president of - - .. --- -- --·bers of the other Suburban Study ingston. Mrs. F. Malloy, Mrs. John Directors Penny-Wise, Houdry Process Company, Marcus Council groups in their annual P. Cushing, ~[rs. Clark R. Allison, Exemplary Taxpayers Hook. Mr. Houdry was presented meeting to be held this fear in the Mrs. Minor J. Stein. Mrs. Edgar with the Perkin Medal which is an(Continued from Page 1) new Harriton High School in Low- R. Mullins. Jr.• Mrs. Mathews M. nually bestowed by the American er Merion Township. The meeting Johnson. Mrs. H. Elliott Wells. vice and capital outlay. 'Income section of the Society of Chemical will be preceded by dinner at 6 :30. Mrs. Edith H. Black. Mrs. William showed slight increases due to a Inpustry. It is the highest honor T·he members of the Suburban N. Vlachos, Mrs. Albert E. Baskin. few more per capita ·taxes, and in applied chemistry and is the first -- --- . . - ...- --------Study Council A Districts arc the Mrs. Layton L. Northup and Mrs. slightly higher millage and state time ever given to other than a appropriation but a decrease in school districts of Abington Town- William Ill. Bush. Ar. you wonderina tuition (at the rate of $5000 a year. native born. Mrs. Hobart L. Swan, captain; ship, Cheltenham Township. Haverwhere to -have that!.r... Among those attending the banford Township, -Lansdowne-Aldan Mrs. Sadie Quinlan. Mrs. R. J. from $30.000 next year to $10.000 acriptiol1 compoUD quet from Swarthmore we·re Mr. Joint District, Lower Merion Town- Herndon, Mrs. Orest Meykar, Mrs. in 1963-64). However Spencer said May we augge~t that yOG and Mrs. CJ\lvin Naylor. Mr. and bring it to thu prafea~ ship, Norristown, Radnor Town- Edmund Jones. Mrs. Donald L. Dye. the ·Board hoped to arrange finanMrs. G. Alexander Mills. Mr. and cing so that little or no millage in· lioniil pharmacy where Mrs. Henry M. Hoenigswald. Mrs. ship. Springfield Township (MontMrs. Raymond C. Lassiat, Mr. and prescription. are a .po-! crease would be necessary next gomery County), Swarthmore·Rut- William Craemer, Mrs. Baker MidClalty? Our ample Itaw Mrs. Frank R. Markley, Mr. and ledge Union District and Upper dleton. Mrs. Robert R. Hopkins. year, and not more than a two or a •• ure prompt .ervice. Mrs. Donald P. Jones, Mr. lind Mrs. Mrs. Davis B. Hopson. Mrs. Hor- three mill increase the fo1!owing Darby Township. And you'lI appreciate 0111' Charles Thomas. year. ace R. ·Renshaw. Mrs. Donald Hartfair price •• Try usl Following the dinner me,eting man and Mrs. Jobsn Natvig. Fire Ha%ards Corrected there will be two panel discussion ~IIlIIIIlCllllllllillIOIlIlIllIlIlIU 1IIIIIUIlIICllllllllUIIDIIIIUlIII"..: Mrs. John A. Schumachert capconferences. one "The Curriculum Supervising Principal Frapk R. ~_ §i"e CATHERMAN'S of our Secondary Schools; The Jun. tain; Mrs. Maurice W. Deyo, Mrs. Morey reported possible fire haz- DRUG STORE ior and Senior High Schools in a Elwood 1\1. Rowand, Mrs. Joseph J. ards listed by the Swarthmore Fire ~ COMMUNITY ARTS CENTER ~ Donovan, Mrs. C. C. Shute, Mrs. New Era". The other panel proCompany following a recent inspec- ~408 Rodgers Lane, Wallingford~ Klngswood 3-0586 gram will he a discussion of "Lia· David L. Eynon, Mrs. HiitonE. tion of elementary and high school ~ Opan to Public _ 15c each ~ ·bility Insurance for School Districts Duling. Mrs. James H. Breakell. buildings had been corrected. The § _ .:30 P.M. _ §i S~RI")Mrs. Raymond H. Fellows, Mrs. Company's recommendations on adof Pennsylvania". January 24 ~ ~ / Robert C. Borer, Mrs. Edmund ditional fire extinguishers was met § February 7 and 21 § The members of the Swarthmore: C. : __ . 0 . • -z. March 7 and 21 !i Rutledge School Board who will at- Dawes, Mrs. Morris L. Hicks, Eliz. when the Board ordered 11 new ex- !l II' I .:.. .c ... April 4 and 18 ~ tend. this meeting are Donald P. abeth Bassett and Katherine Bas- tinguishers. at a total cost of $360 ~ sett. (" c'Jones, president; David Vint, vice f~om AmeTlCan LaF~ance Corpo~a- 1i May 2, 16 and 30 C)A\.\·.. Mrs. Charles R. Innis, Jr., cap- tlOn' and U. S. Flre Protectlon § president; Mrs. Marion Campbell, Bo • Matber, Callar Equipment. both of Philadelphia. li LO 6-1739§ tain; Mrs. Richard A. Enion, Mrs. secretary; John Spencer, treasurer and members Carl Anderson, Sam. Jabez F. Carroll. Jr., Mrs. Ellis B. Morey said he felt the District was ~ro~ml~II~III~a~III~lIIilll~IH~n~III~III~"lilll~a~III~JII~III~III~"~JII~IW~"~,"~"~III~"'~lIffi~.~~~~~;;;;;~~~~~~~~~ uel T. Carpenter and W. Newton Ridway, Jr., Mrs. Thomas M-oore, in good condition for the fire inJr.• Mrs. J. B. Minard Tyson. Mrs. spection being made by State autb_ Ryerson. Also included in the conference Frank W. Wildebush. Mrs. A. Wes- orities in all schools, and that in WIll be David Speers, solicitor; A. ley Hoge. Mrs. William H. Gill. Jr.• accordance with county recommenMildred Bond. clerk of the board; Mrs. Charles C. Brogan, Mrs. dations the marshal of this fire Frank R. Morey, supervising !prin. Brodie E. Crawford. Mrs. Vincent district had been invJted to check cipal; William M. Bush. high school P. Carroll. Mrs. Edwin H. Mar- the buildings. One hundred per cent fire, windprincipal, and Thomas A. Boyle, shall and Mrs. Edward L. Noyes. storm and explosion insurance on LlNVILLA ORCHARDS Mrs. Charles R. Gerner, captain; elementary school principal. "The Farm With tho Oeta,oaal Bam'" the new $410.000 elementary buileJMrs. Andrew A1exander, Mrs. Avrake Route 1 tbroD,h Media to the Cloverleaf, jaaetioD of Boale a&J. thOD aoalll ery F. Blake. Mrs. Barton W. Cal- ing was ordered at a premium o.:f toward Cheder 2\i mUe. to KaowUOll Road:. ibeD 1i mUe. '0 orUu... Sponsors Committee vert. Mrs. Donald Go' Follett, Mrs. $1993 for a five-year policy. Opan Dally and Sunday 10 A.M •• 6 P.M. Phona CHester 3-9047 In Monday Meeting Buchanan Harrar, Jr., Mrs. Henry Letters from the County Board I. .Hoot, Alice Marriott, Mrs. Wil- of Assessment and Revision of Tax- 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Continued from Page 1) es informed the Board that Swarth_ basis must be adopted. which will liam W. McClarin. Mrs. Carl M. more's new assessment of $7.894 J 595 Fox, Mrs. Frank H. Murray, Mrs. provide not mere1y for emergency was $66,692 increase over 1958's but tior constructive additions to H. Lindley Peel. Mrs.. Jack E. aggregate real estate assessment. Yale and Harvard Avenues the current program. The annual Hunter, Mrs. Robert H. Depue, Rutledge's $788.600 represents a Mrs. Arthur D. Moscrip, Mrs. budget now estimated by Mrs. George H. Whitacre and Mrs. Don- decrease of $150. The School Board SPECIAL SANDWICH LUNCHEONS Schmidt at under $200, is a minimal replied in the affirmative to a query ald S. McNell. sum made ·possible only by contri. COLD: (Includes Coffeel - from 40c to 90c butions as listed above:, and .by the Mrs. !'Uchard K. N oye, captain; from the Board of Assessment as HOT: (Includes Soup and Coffee) - 40c to 65c . . faithful service rendered by a small Mrs. Lynn Kippax. Mrs. Edward K. to whether a per capita levy was Dessert - 10c extra. Served from I I :30 A.M. to I :30 P.M. corps of volunteers. It does not ·Cratsley. Mrs. Dorothy E. Croth- anticipated for 1969. SPECIAL! FAMILY STYLE DINNERS _ $ 1.90 ' allow for expanding .pl"Qgram or ers, Mrs. Richard M. Daniel, Mrs. Includes Meat course. Potat,?es and one other Vegetable. Hat activities along many 1ines such as Clarence C. Franck, Mrs. Leslie A. Miss Alma Trevethick -of Dart~read~. Coffee or Teo. Pudding ar Ice Cream. Second helpings are enjoyed by neighboring senior Wetlaufer, Mrs. Sara J. Korndaf-I mouth avenue and Miss Peggy If deSired. ... citizen groups. fer, Mrs. James Hubbell, Mrs. Hor_ Leonard of Blue Bell were visiting The Sponsors Committee accep- ace..A. Reeves, J 1'" Mrs. Ellis Rum- relatives and friends in ·Pittsburgh ted Mrs. Schmidt's recommend a- sey, Mrs. Albert Stamford, Jr., this ·past weekend. "You Meet the Nicest People at Speare's" tions for adoption of a wider fin- Mrs. George B. Sickel, Mrs. Arthur and • ancial base in its operating methods F. Locben, Mrs. Richard R. Plum, and steps to this end are under way. Mrs. David Ward, Mrs. Kenneth "They Do Sell the Nicest Things at Speare's" P. Stuart, Mrs. Victor Troxell, Mrs. A possible change in name for the Allan Q. Johnston. Mrs. David group is being discussed. Mrs. M. Bingham, Mrs. Henry L. Bunker 2507 Chestnut St., Chester K. Whiteleather and Mrs. C. B. and Mrs. John E. Michael. France Kent were appointed to re- ______________ CHester 2-5373 ceive suggestions from Sponsors, z.t..Rour HUlin, Care group members, and volunteer Aged. Senile. Chronic workers. conva!escen' Men and WOlDeD Other attendi~g Sponsors in. E:uellent Food. .. S,aol01Ul Groaocla eluded Mrs. C. Milton Allen. Mrs. Blua Cross P.onored W. Mark Bittle, Mrs. George C. SADIE PIPPIN TURNER, Proprietor EDGMONT AVENUE - SEVENTH AND WELSH STREETS Broadbent, Mrs. James, H. Connor, Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth, Mrs. [OIllIIllOlIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIOOIII ;: FRA MET H 0 1II1InaUIIIIIIIIIIClllllnlllllOllliliDlIII01111II11l1llUIlIfIIIIIIIIDillIIIIIIDIDIIIIIUdlRDaav~ STORE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday. 9:30-5:30 Eldon B. Hollis. Amy R. Howland. ~ SE CHRISTMAS PICTURES NOW !1 Friday. 9:30.9:00: Saturday. 9:30-5:30 Mrs. J. H. Jessup. Mrs. Harold ~ 10'10 Discount on All Frames ~ March. Mrs. Clyde M. Miller. Mrs. c E H. Lindley Peel. Mrs. John Pitman. 2nd, an~ Mrs. Margaret Servais. ~ 6 East Front St., Media ~ Judy Welsh. daughter of Mr. .umcwlUlllWanlUlllllllcmlllllllllUllilUJUIIICIIIIIIIIIIIIDIUlmlllllcrnUlullnmmnmul[JIIU::"~:~~I·la2nml 58 __ IUlUrD~ .... and Mrs. William A. Welsh of If 'b'" If li south Swarthmore avenue J has It 't:t l!i PHON a AND RADIO arrived from Penn State UniverCUSTOM INSTALLATION SERVICE AND REPAIRS IN YOUR HOME sity where she is a freshman to spend the mid-semester with 'her AUDIO EXCHANGE family. Trade In Your Present Hi-Fi Equipment Mothers' March Set For Tuesday Night School Board Members * .d' Square. Dancing· Q B ~ B ".I"" ........."""H.••• ".""."H.• ***********••••• "" ... HONEY .. CIDER STRATH HAVEN INN • , Belvedere Convalescent Home c.,.., i i F F Zimmermoll I PRINTING Monophonic and Stereophonic Systems - WE CAN SUPPLY MOST OF YOUR REQUIREMEIITS Call Klngswood BOGEN WHARFEDAlE JANSZEN ARKAY REK-O-KUT PICKERING 3-1290 LETTERPRESS OFFSET STOREWIDE re· nven or & Components Including _ GARRARD. EICO VOICE OF MUSIC GROMMES ACOUSTIC RESEARCH SHERWOOD KINGDOM· LORENZ GENERAL ELECTRIC UNIVERSITY DYNAKIT MONARCH SHORE HARRY Swarlhmare Prtg. CO. OPPENLANDER 17112 S: Chester Road, Swarthmore 401 Dartmouth Ave. (.. I ......, FeM St.... II.,.) STUDIO HOUlS II A.M. P.M. Dolly lv, I TMS• .rH:II Fri.• fa er""ftfjl A • , FRIDAY-SATURDAY and MONDAY so MANY VALUES HI-FI STUDIO "Printers of The Swarthmorean" ,.II'1II....., P.. A for the Latest 11 You Neer/ . .• Phon. KlngswGad 4-2828 A. A • JAH30 '969. • THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 8 ALL DEPARTMENTS BUY MANY NEW SPRING· FASHIONS! - _ _ . Atte"d the Elemerttary School Der/ication WARTHMOREAN VOLUME 31-NUMBER 5 Clubwomen's Dessert Bridge at I Tuesday Large Committee to Aid and Open House Sunday 2:30 P.M. Swarthmore, Pa., Friday, January 30, 1959 , $4_00 'Lone Three Nominees IREGISTER NOW Gel Library Posts FOR SWARTHMORE SH$ Student Musician . Named to State Band Sven Borei. whHecently accompanied several other Swarthmore High School musicians to the Dis"Reading Gre.,t in '58" trict Band Festival at Phoenixville. ' Says Librarian has been chosen to participate with Hunter the All-State Band appearing at 'Vith only th~ee candidates havWest York. this weekend. ing filed for an equal number of . Svcn, the son of Dr. and Mrs. Hans Borei of Rutgers avenue is vacancies on the Swarthmore Puba tubist and has previQusly been lic Library Board, lack of contest selected for several band and orch- inspired less than 100 voters to estral events during his high school cast ballots. and Mrs. David M. Field. D. Mace Gowing and Howard musica) experience. Williams were recorded as elected G:Jest conf ·crime next Tuesday at consists of 606 adults and 206 which the audience will repeat the David 1M. Field. the Park avenue clubhouse. Guest juveniles, making the total" memPledge of Allegiance under the In charge of table setting is Mrs. speaker for the evening will be bership stand at 8.678 (2634 adults leadership of Paul Miller. a pupil 944 juveniles. There are also 240 W. R. LeCron and her committee. F.B.I. Agent Dean W. Elson. in Margaret Yeatman's fi.(th grade. Month Long Drive Will Mr. Elson, whose home is in Mer_paying members (138 new and 107 Dessert is being planned by Mrs. Susnn Ross. a ..mpil in Philip Go Toward Camp ion. is Assistant Special agent in ·r~newals). ' . Clarence C. Franck. Mrs. James O. Swayne's room has been selected Books circulated were broken to expl'ess the appreciation of the Stephens and Mrs. R. -D. Miller are charge at the Philadelphia office Equipment pupils and teachers for the new responsible for decorations. 'Tallies of the Federal Bureau of Investi- down into 62.496 adult (29 804 ficGirl Seoul cookies VliI~ again ·go school. and table prizes are being taken gation. His topic. "A Night With tion. 21.168 non-fiction i~cluding The Dedicatory Address will be care of by Mrs. Avery F. Blake. the F.B.I. ... will include an outline periodicals. and 1624 rentals) and on sale beginning tomorrow, January 31, and orders may be taken delivered by G. Baker Thompson, Mrs. Clarence C. Boston. and Mrs. of his work aud also allow time for 34.272 juvenile including 316 peri' throughout the month of February. presently County Superintendent of David Bingham. Mrs. Robert M. a question· period afterward. Mem. od~cals. In 1948 new memberships totaled The Senior Troop· will "kick-o.ff" Schools for Delaware County. He Grogan. Mrs. J. Kenneth Doherty bers are encouraged to bring guests 414 and circulation 43.600; in 1963 the campaign tonight with booths was a teacher and later prinand Mrs. Andrew. will be at the to this program. door. Mrs. Walter Black entertained respective figures were 649 and 64.- set up at the bank and in the foyer cipal .of the Swarthmore High . members of the club board ather 904. and in 1957 - 766 and 79.- of the 'movie theatre. School for nearly 20 years. As state home on January 27. It was an- 626. Junior Girl Scouts and Brownies director f01' Pennsylvania to the n~unced-at that time that the proPeak day in 1968 was July.7 with will'start taking orders tomorrow National Education Association he c;'ed. from the Clirist.mas: benefit 816 volumes ~1I'culatej (1n 1957 morning offering four kinds of h,s become person Df nation-~idE! production of "Amahl and The July 8 held the record with 613): cookies made by a Philadelphia prominence }n education. enairing Night Visitors" tofaled $436.09 The week beginning June 16 was baking company. Mrs. Walter N. the Pennsylvania State Education Baum Classic to Be which is to be donated to the Dela(Continued on Page 6) Moir. local chairman of the cookie Association's Committee of Fifteen Presented in ware County Association for Mensale, asks that Swarthmoreans not he has been presenting plans fo~ , tally Retarded Children. A check give orders befor." tomorrow nor to the next steps in education. April. from the Fall fashion show for • Scouts from outside the borough. The exercises will close ·with the "The Wizard of Oz", by:L. Frank sealing of the lead b~x of valuable Baum.has been selected by the Jun_ $286.16 ~as already been sent to Proceeds will go towards the pur_ ior Theatre of the Community Arts the MedIa Child Guidance Clinic. chase of 'equipment for all Scout documents. conducted by Thomas A. Center in Wallingford as their 11th 'Members are reminded that the Former Teacher Descendent camp sites. their maintenance and Boyle, elementary school principal and Raymond A. Hood, contractor. annual production. With casting International Affairs [Jessert f P -R I. development. nearly completed for: this . classic. Bridge for the Save The Children 0 re- evo uhonary Local Girl Scout Troop Cookie followed by the Blessing andBene_ l diction hy Dr. D. Evor Roherts the hearts and minds of 60· boys F~deration will be held at the clu'bFami y chairmen are as follows: and girls are focused on April 18. house Tuesday evening, Febru"ry Services were held at 2 p.m. SatMrs. Edward Egan J senior troop; minister of the Presbyteria~ On th .. t particular Saturday the 17.'As j.Juniors get their tables urday in Chester.!or Margaret Dale Mrs. Millard J. B. Tyson. eighth Church. Folldwing the formal procurtsin will rise at 2 o'clock in the together. they may call Mrs. Ger- Leiper. who died Thursday, Janu- grade troop; Mrs. Theodore Pur- gram. there will be inspection and afternoon and again lit 7 :30 in the aId Perry for tickets at KIngsw!>od ary 22. in the University of Pelino nell, seventh grade troop; Mrs. open house, with a social hour at evening at the Nether Providence 3-2766. sylvania Hospital after a short- ill- Robert Wood' and Mrs. Douglas the new kitchen. in charge of the sbeth grade mothers. on behalf of High School. - ness. Courtney, sixth grade troops; Mrs . . Mrs, Stuart Graves of Moylan. No Canteen Saturday The daughter of Callender I. and Howard C. Jackson, fifth and sixth the Home and School Association. All parents and the public gener_ direetor of the Junior Theatre, au- , Canteen wi~l not be held this Margaret Dale Leiper. she was grade troops; Mrs. John Spencer ally are cordially invited to be lIounceil that "The Wizard of Oz" week because of a senior class ac- born ·March 10; 1883. in the old and Mrs. Charles Grier. fifth grade present. Is the iirst"repelit performance" tivity that will be held at the Rut- Leiper Mansion at 619 AvondaIe troops; Mrs. Richard E. Hunt. by the group, having first been pre- gers Avenue School. The next· can- road.·where she lived all her Iile. Mrs. Richard Eckenroth and Mrs. oented in 1960 at the Swarthmore teen will ·be on February 7. Her family included many historic J. Archer Turner. fourth grade High School. Older high school stuLast week 312 attended aDd eD- figures of Pennsylvania In pre- troops; and IMrs. Henry M. Hoendents who were formef Junior joyed the siliging and playing of Revolutionary days and in the 19th ingswald. Mrs. Dean Caldwell and The February meeting of the Theatre members will he., pro- the Skylarks. !Century. Her great grandfather Mrs. F. Weston Whittier. III. Swarthmore Community Day of • In the spring. These . One hundred and twelve from Thomas Leiper built the state's Brownie .troops. . •d uc t'Ion-WIse Prayer will be held· on Monday, graduates" have been incol1POrated Nether Providence High School first railroad-the country's tbird February 2. at the Methodist into the regular staff. swelled the crowd to the largest of -and its canal and lock for carrySennces T~day for Church from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.·. the season. ing stone from his quarry J'ust outProduction Manager Mrs. L. H. The Rev. John Kulp. pastor of the Mrs. Andrew H. Melville . side Swarthmore. to the Delaw·are S f S church. will be the leader for the perow a pringfield; scenery, Loc·a I Lawyer Elected n·ver. Fr d Deck d H Mrs. Andrew· iii. MelviUe. who morning. Sw:rthmor:: a:nd ~:I~i A. Sidney Johnson', North . Miss ·Leiper·s early ·,,!ducation is made her'home with her daughter The afternoon session will be in Uibel of Wallingford; lighting. Ches""r road. was elected .. mem- connected with the pt'ivate schools Mrs. -Chal'les . E. Taylor on Golf charge of Mrs. Robert Walker who Dan Israel, .Bill Evans. Bob Loudin ber of the new IS-member Board of Delaware County. She attended View road in WaUir.gford. died at will lead the study of the' book and Dick Graves of Moylan; prop- of .Governors representing the zone Graysdale. a small school in Me- the age of 80 on Tuesday following "Intercessory Prayer" by Edward · comprised of Delaware. Montgom- dia. and later t\te Swarthmore Pre_ a six-week illness. Wt" Bauman., . e rt les, Roslyn Sklar. Nancy Herery. Chester and Bucks Counties• at paratory School; where she Mrs. Melville was .a member of (Continued on Page 10) .. was &ursery care for young children ~he annual convention of the Penn_ graduated in June. 1901. She re- the Swarthmore Woman's Club. the will be availabl'e.-at the P~esbyter_ sylvania Bar Association in Phila- ceived her A.B. degree in Latin Friendly Open House group and at'Critic Night' Set for delphia last week. from Swarthmo:'e College in 1905. tended the Swarthmore Presbyter- ian Church. Hot beverages WI'll be served during the luncheon hour. ,Mr. Johnson was recently elected She was an active member of Kap- ia1"\ Church. Monday at Arts Center All members of the community are a member of the Board of Directors pa Kappa Gamma fraternity both as Services were· held this morning An evening of constructive criti- of the Delaware County Bar Asso- a student. and later as an alumna.. in State College. followed 'by inter- m~st welcome to attend this day of qUIet. cism by Henry Peacock, instructor, ciatlon. Miss. Leiper had teught in the Illent in Gray's· .Cemetery. Half lecturer and critic. will be given Mrs. Johnson Was a member of Philadelphia sehoo)s in the iield of Moon Valley. again this year on Monday, Febru_ IN /lEAR ACCIDENT the ladies· committee of the con.. ~omance L8nguagesJ a~ head of the She is survived, ·besides her ary 2 and March 30 at 8 p.m. at the vention. ·BiIl .Rowland of College avenue, French department at the Girls daughter. by two grandsons Charles Community Arts Center. a sel'nor I at Swarthmore High -~----..,'""_ High School on Spl;ng Garden Melville Taylor and Robert Gray School. had a narrow escape on SatMr. Peacock is art direetor at the PORCHUBH,. PARADE Street. and later. in the same ea- Taylor. urday afternoon when a pick-up Bryn Mawr Art Centre and also REPORTS $2,11. pacity, In the William Penn Girls --------truc.k traveling in the opposite dilectures at the A"ademry of Fine Mrs. George A. Stauffer. Drew High School. She spent her sum- . ELECTED ~ts. ~ectlon on ·Baltimore· pike plowed avenue. Swarthmore March of mers studying at the Sorbonne iD Ellis Bishop ~f Wallingford. for_ mto a car waiting to make a left I The proeram is open to the pub- Dimes Campaign Chairman reports Paris. the University of Mexico. merly of..Harvard avenue. has been ic. P~ctures in any medium may be. that contributions to. date are· and ill the United Ststes at CoIum- elected a direetor of the Klwania turn, swill'ging it across the highway and into the rear of the Rowaubmltted. $2,~.78. (Continued OD Page 10) Club of Media. land car. There were no injuries. Jr. Women to Hear FBI Agent Tuesday Girl Scout Cookie Campaign Opens Wed. Production SlaU Readies for "Wizard;' I a Services Held for Margaret Dale Leiper Methodist Church Will Host Day of Prayer e:tr:r: Jr.. I , , I " " Page 2 buffet supper Personals Monday evening, DriehauB, Yale avenue will ~n·tcr-I .maPllllllRlDllHmlIIIDIIUllllllUrnmtUIIIUDuUUlllliIUIIIIIllIIIUDWWUlllUDllHWIIIICUl....",..mwuaUdC.lltt. honoring Mr. and Mrs. Julian Cha- tain at brunch at ,the Told home cel. Mr. Chacel, an econpmi.t from for the bridal party and out-ofBrazil, is spendIng a year in the town guests the rooming of United States under the Eiselv>()w.• 1wedding. er Fellowship Fund. Mr. and Mrs. Minor E. Stoddard Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert lIIustin of of Simsbury, Conn., will entertain Cornell avenue spent last weekend at a rehe •. rsal dinner the .evening skiing in Siowe, Vt. before at the Rolling Green Golf Club. I=5;:_= Th e'B ouquet Mrs. C. Wahl Olmes of Park avenue returned from a motor trip ~o § E! lIIexico on 1II0nday. With IIIrs. -"iii Olmes was Mrs, \Villiam Barrow = Pugh of WaUingford in wh05e car BEAUTY COLORS FROSTY DAYS ; they motored, IIIrs. Samuel Ray§~ 9 South Chester Road Ii~ mond of Walnut lane, Swarthmore, and Mrs. Herman Fritz of Chester. ~ Call KIngswood 3-0476 ~ ENGAGEMEIIT They spent a month touring the PIPER· McCOY ~ AcUrt: Member of &he S".ribmore BUAlDus a.. ••cl&tloIa ; MI'. and Mrs. Jack B. Thompson country and visiting various poip.ts Mr. and Mrs. William Freegard of Clifton Forge, Va., formerly of of interest. Mrs. Pugh is staying of Charleston, S.C., formerly of illlllllllllllCIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIUllnJIIDIIIIIIIIIIDDIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIlIlllllllr21IIIIIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIOIliUlIUlIICImUllllUDlllla over in Mexico for another two Swarthmore, announce the engage- Swarthmore, announce the mar~ ment of their daughter Deborah months. Knight, to Alan Ginn Lewis, son riage of their daughter Elizabeth Dr. and ~lrs. Francis Shunk of Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Lewis of Aylin McCoy' to John Piper, son Downs of Harvard avenue will be of Mrs. Henry A. Piper Qf Mt. Ware, Mass. the guests at luncheon today of :Miss Thompson attended Denison Holyoke place, and the late Mr. Mrs. J. Howard Reber, Rittenhouse University- for two yeats where she .Piper, on SaturdaJ, January 17. ii Square, Philadelphia, following a was a member of Kappa Alpha The bride attended Bucknell foreign affairs lecture by Congress~ Theta. She is now attending the University and graduated from the man Judd of Minnesota. LlNVILLA ORCHARDS University of Virginia School of School of Industrial Arts, Philadel"rho Farm WUh tho octar.H' Ba,." Mrs. Thomas B. McCabe, Jr., of Nursing, Charlottesville. phia. IIIr. Piper is a graduate of Take Roate 1 &broDl'h Mc4la to tho Clonrleat. Juao«. . of Boate au. tIlea ...u.. Wallingford Hills is spending the Swarthmore College. The couple Mr. Lewis received his wings untowat'd CheBter !~i mUeB to Knowlton BoacJ. thea. ~~i mHe. to erchar... weekend in Washington where she der the U. S. Navy V-5 flight pro- will be at home after February 1, is meeting her parents ?tIr. and gram and holds the rank of Lieuten- at 5406 Denison place, Springfield, ; Oplin Dally and Sunday 10 A.M, - 6 P.M. Phona CHesler 3-9041 Mrs. Arthur Motley of Larchmont, ant in the Naval Reserve. He at- Va. ..¥ N.Y. The 1II0tleys a~e attending a tended thc University of Colorado, meeting of the board of directors in Boulder, before }'eturning to on the United States Chamber n~anage the Ware River News, Mr. and Mrs. George Peirce WarCommerce of which 'Mr. Motley is weekly newspaper published by his ren, Jr., of Westtown ro~d, West a member. Chester, announce the birth of their father. A June wedding is planned. Dr. and Mrs. J. Albright Jones Idl,ul~h1;er Jennifer Peirce Warren of Elm avenue will entertain at a on January 26 at Chester County dinner party and bridge tomorrow Hospital, West Chester. ,Mrs. FredNAMES ATTENDANTS evening. Their· son-inrlaw and The marriage of Miss Dorothy erick P. lIlack and the late Mr: daughter Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Elizabeth Jones, daughter of Mr. Mack of Lansdowne are the materTodd of Salisbury, Md., will spend and Mrs. Donald P. Jones of North nal grandparents. Dr. and Mrs. the weekend with them. Swarthmore avenue to Lt. War:reYl~ \Varren, Sr., of South Chester road IIIrs. Claire J eglum of Hillborn Edwin Gilson, Jr., son of Mrs. are the paternal gr~ndparents. avenue is confined in her home with Minor E. Stoddard of Simsbury, a broken arm which she sustained Conn. and Mr. Warren E. Gilson BAPTIZED last week in a fall on the ice. of Winsted, Conn. will take place The sacrament of Holy Baptism IIIrs. H. G. Miner ot Sheridan, in the Swarthmore Presbyterian was a4ministered to Deborah Louise N.Y., has been visiting her son-in- Church on Saturday, February 7. Ogram on .sunday, January 18, at law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Miss Jones will have as her Elsmere Presbyterian Church. Charles Thomas of Riverview road. matJ'f)n of honor, Ml'S. Peter John The child was born on September IIIr. and Mrs. James A. C. Fol- Kroon, Jr., Vassar avenue. The 9, 1968 and is the daughter of Mr. ler of Rutgers avenue had as their bridesmaids will be Miss Barbara and Mrs. Harold Ogram, Jr., guest for a few days last week IIIr. Anne Driehaus, Yale avenue, C()usin Elsmere, Wilmington, Del., and the Foller's cousin Mrs. Paul F()ster of the bride, Mrs. Elwin Gurthrie granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. the of Canton, O. Jr. and Miss Beverly Ann Husso~ Harold Ogram of. Riverview road. Mr. and Mrs. William Craemer of Lewiston, Me., and Miss Georg- The Ograms have another child a of Harvard avenue entertained Mrs. anne Howard of Dc,ver-I~Olok Fair will amount, to enough for the purchase "f a curtain for the new stage or for the purchase of dark shades for classrooms. IIIrs. Bell reported that the Curriculum Advisory Committee will b~ making its report and recommendations regarding foreign language teaching in the Swarthmore_ Rutledge School system to the School Board at its meeting Febl'qary 4. She urged anyone particularly interested in the report to attend the meeting which will start at 7:15; the question of languages will be taken up at the beginning. The group was reminded of the series of special Educative Com.. mittee meetings which have been announced. These .programs replace the regular winter class group parents, meetings and have been !planned to cover the special educational interests of the different school levels. . PAUL K. WAVRO, e.S.B. of Jocksonville, Florida Member of ft.e BOllrd of Lec;lureship of The Mother Church. The First Church of Christ, Sl;ientist in 8oston, M"$SlIchusetts in. the Church Edifice FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST SWARTHMORE, PENNSYLVANIA 20b Park Avenue MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 2. 1959 at 8:00 A.nplified in the Sunday School Page 3 that Swarthmore children were not growing steadily worse, ·but agreed wi~h the group's discussion that parents need to educate their children firmly in the rights of personal property and the values of self-discipline. The group agreed that more parental cooperation is needed in dealing with those children apprehended for mischief by the merchants. 250 Served Mrs. Grace N arbeth announced that 250 hot lunches had been served in the new cafeteria on the opening day. Any group wishing to use the cafeteria must call Mrs. Narbeth in advance and arrange to em'pl()y one· cafeteria worker. It is hoped th.at this arrangement will saf~guard the ex,pensive equipment. A letter from former School Nurse Edith Kenney was circulated, expressing great appreciation for the TV set presented her by parents, children and teachers upon her retirement. Spring Bike Testing Jr., Intermediate Assemblies to Meet The Intermediate assembly for the ninth and tenth grades will have an informal dance tomorrowt from 8 to 10:30 p.m., at the Woman's Club. The student commIttee includes Sandy lIIil1s, Ginny 1Il0ir, Terry Innis, Gay Pyle, Tom Atkins, and Bill Hurd. Chaperons are Mr. Bnd Mrs. Herbert E. lIIichener. Grade chairmen are Mr. and Mrs. John Carroll, IIIr. and Mrs. John Thompson, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stamford. The junior assemblies for the sixth, seventh and eighth grades will be held Monday afternoon. The sixth grade class hostess M~s. Spencer Thompson will be as.. sis ted by Mrs. Alex lIIil1s and IIIrs. Edward Egan. Seventh grade class hosta IIIr. and Mrs. lIIinor Stein will be assisted by IIIr. and IIIrs. lIIaurice Webster and Mr. and Mrs. Walter TaJt. Eighth grade class hosts IIIr. and Mrs. George Krenikoff will have Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood and Mr. and Mrs. William Gaylord as chap_ erons. Mrs. Horace Re_nshaw win hold another bicycle testing program in the spring. All parents are remind- Sr. High Award Assembly ed that children who live very close T to the school and all' pupils under 0 Take Place Wednesday third grade are asked to leave their The postponed Senior High School bicycles at home. Fall sports award assembly will A program for school hinches on take place Wednesday mornin!: Announce that conference days was proposed by February 4 at 11 :25 in the High Mr. Boyle. Children staying for the Auditorium. At this time the girl's afternoon education program may hockey team and the boy's football e~t lunch at the school under the team will be presented with their s~pervision of'Mr. Boyle and sev- awards in recognition of their team eral volunteer parents. ,membership. Is Now Associated with the Company Mrs. Bell concluded the meeting Features of the program will be with two requests __ that the sug- a short talk by John Michael local gestion .box in Mrs. Smith's office ~etired businessman, and also' movin Real Estate Sales and Rentals be used more frequently by par- les of the band, cheerleaders, footents or representative groups and ball an~ hockey teams will be shown that parents make fuller use of the ·from fIlms of the 1958 ~eason. Mr. Kahler. 0 lifetime resident of Wollingford privilege of visiting the classrooms . The senior high school Boy's Varin or~er to become better acquaint- Slty Club ~II initiate: new roemand Swarthmore. comes to us with 20 yeors of ~d WIth. their child's school exper- bers ~nd owH'. be presented by 1948 lenee. VarsIty Club President George Soles Experience In the Delowore County area. Storck who Is presently line coach Nominating Cpmmittee Named at the Pennsylvania lIIi1itary Mrs. Bell announced the N omina, l' .. Child Guidance Clinic Academy, Chester. or) ting domiiilttee for' ~~ext yearis , • Vice-Chairman of Parent's Council. Allxiliary Soard Formed The m~mbers lire Mrs. Robert van An interested group of women Ravenswaay; chairman; ,Mrs. J. met luncheon at the home of . Several professiona:l meetings of Lafayette Avenue. opposite Borough Hall • Wayne:Hamilton and IIIrs. Howard Mrs. for Frederick III. Thayer in New- mterest to,. Swarthmore-Rutledge Jackson. Mrs. ~ed Pyle, this year's town Square last week to organize personnel have been held within the vice-c,hainnanJ will succeed to the an auxiliary board to the Board 'Of past month , chairr#~nship next year. Directors of the Child Guidance . The first annual Southeastern S~m~' ~nsiderations on the local District P.S.E.A. Teacher EducaClinic of Delaware County. tion and Professional Standards The clinic is .located in the Li- Conference was held last month at brary Building, Front and Jackson Springfield High School. Attending • streets, Media, where emotionally this conference from Swarthmore disturbed children throughout the were Mrs. lIIarion H. Campbell. county· 'between the ages of two and secretary of the School Board and 17 may receive treatment. Dr. Frederic Yocum of the Swarth~ore Frederick Dudley of MagBl road is High School social studies faculty. the director. The general theme of the conferMcmbers of the Board of Direc- ence was "Teacher Education and tors present were Mrs. Thayer, Professional Standards- -A Local 1 president; ·Mrs. James Bullitt, Re;;ponsibility." , The annual P.S.E.A. tonvention Swarthmore; Mrs. Harry Pack, !than, formerly of Swarthmore was held at Harrisburg, December ' and Mrs. Thomas B. McCabe, Jr.. 29-31. Over 900 delegates from the State attended the meetings and Wallingford Hills. Others present who will be char- conducted the Association's busiter members Qf ~;,e auxiliary were: ness. Highlights of the Convention IIIrs. Joseph Gibson, IIIrs. Harry dncluded a Southeastern District . Toland, Mrs. John Ward, Mrs. Wil- dinner, caucus meeting. An outliam Watkins, all of Swarthmore; standing event was a report by the Mrs. John Felton of W ..lIingford; State Committee of Fifteen. G. Mrs. William Watson of lIIedia; Baker Thompson of Delaware County ,former principal of and Mrs. Thurston Thayer, IIIrs. Swarthmore High School was Todd,Cook,Mrs. Peter Mickle, IIIr~. chairman. This committee ~ade a Perry Thomas. all of Newtown study of public education in PennSquare. sylvania and recommended a varThose who will also serve on the iety of stepped-up education proauxiliary but not present at the grams and various means of immeeting are Mrs. William McCa.w'.. provement. ley of Swarthmore; IIIrs. Richard Of local interest, Mr. Yocum a C. Brown and IIIrs. William Pugh ' delegate from the Delaware Co~n­ Jr., of Walhngford; and IIIrs. AnNone other like It In the world. Dellghfful dual personality. Uthe, ty Local Branch, P.S..E.A., had the drew Porter of Ithan. lean, yet luxurious. Charmingly continental with an American accent. privilege of nominating as a candiLoves to be driven Just for the fun of it. Obligingly practical on shopCONTAGIOUS DISEASES date to the Nominating Committee CONFINE EIGHT of :he Pulllic' :School Employe~s' ping trips. Seata five In the lap of ;;;;mfcri and safety. Reedy response Retirement Board, Robert A. Rosto the twist of a wrist. Torrents of torque at the tap of a toe. Stops with The following persons have been enkrance, Scpervising Principal of BAIRD & BIRD REALTORS J ERWYN J. KAHLER •• . Conferences Held . I the Silver haWk by STUDEBAKER Sporting styledinner jacket dash . • . alacrl'y. too; large brakes turn Ihe trick. This is Ihe Sliver Hawk. It's Studebaker's wonderful way to make motoring a sport. Ifs Studebaker's daring design for persons who would rather not run wllh Ihe crowd• Ill\ $2860 with "6': Only $2496 with V-B. THE MUSIC BOX ,,- School Board to Hear Foreign Language Report Wed. "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: THE REVELATION OF TRUE SECURITY" Tops in Unusual Film.Moking ERNEST HEMMINGWAY'S "Old Ian I. the Sea" ' situation concerning merchants . ' h 'arents Council in sop-lifters and ,parents were presented by Frank Morey, supervisMid-Winler Meeling ing principal. He stressed the view ~+-¥n¥ BIR~H Dessert Bridge , .January 80; 1959 IB9. ' THE SWARTHMOREAN W Swarthmore , "FUSCO MOTOR CO. CHSTa ond FAIRVIEW ROADS. SWARTHMORE, PBlMA. I STllLMAN'S AUTOMOTIVE CENTER. 45 SOUTH McDADE,IOULEYARD. GLENQUIEN. PBI_ . . :::~~~:u!o d~~:~:e~~mes because of Penn ridge Joint School System. i " T~ __ WH._fII/IloIMJ"""pI.w,Ia6MdOll~er. .- - . ,.' -, .- ' The mid-winter meeting of the lIIeasles -- Janice lIIi11s of Wal- Delaware County Coordinating nut lane. George Salzberg "of Councif wlls held on TSIVlC>E:I I LES QUALITY DEALER WHITAKER OLDS,INC. HI w. BALT1I[OBB AfE. . Ml!DIA, PEN!ijJYLV.&NIA ------------ Deep-Fruit Filled Favorite! DUTCH APPLE PIE SAVE lOe Spice up your pie with Ideal Bran(!" each49C '. SHARP CHEDDAR CHEESE !~=63c ~-----:fln,z.... 811111 ...... OLDS SHOwn STADING PAm PAGE .' 'IVaY WllKON A8C01¥'---- (II • ..,......,Fe..........) • • •Ihllll, PI. ,. There's always plenty of hot water with an automatic gas waler heate.r. SHOP THURS. 'TIL 9 P.M. FRIDAY 'TIL 10 P•• and 10 _,ib., pricecli 'FIfE' - YOur f~atfo" 'ftdoMd fft p/artIc • • • proM,"" for liE.. 401 Dartmouth Ave. VOLI can ~e in hot water and love itl ~ TraaMlonon, _lui "Primers of The Swarthmorean" HEALS • Virginia Lee Fresh Baked, INVITAllONS and ANNOUNCEMENTS lh.""ogrotrtc/ b. Swarlhmere Prig. CO~ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ;,ASPARAGUS SPURS 3 :i.~~ $100 .WEDDING manding a car that's quality. engineered from its new Rocket Engine to its style.s~tting taillights! When yon take your demonstration drive, you'll find the toomi~ liveliest, lovelieat Oldsmobile ever builtl Make a date, today!. HOW Ideal Frozen Medium Spears! For Your Perfad , The communicatiQn c:Ieparbnent, under the chairmanship of· Mrs. Paul E. Zecher, will present Robert M. Grogan On its an,nual radio pro. gram over Station WDRS, Wednes_ day, ·February 4 from Ii to 9 :30 a.m. NAMED SHS HOMEMAKER- A geologist for the DuPont Com,Swarthmore High School's 1969 pany. 'Dr. ,lliogan will be inter• Betty Crocker Homemaker of To- viewed about his recent African morrow is ,Margaret Brownell. trip, including an e,."Cpedition for She received the highest score in minerals in Nigeria. He will discuss a 50-minute written examination his personal impr,essions of that on homemaking knowledge and at- area. tltudes taken by graduating senior On Friday, Felnuary 6, at 9 a.m. girls. Her examination paper will the Rhythmic Exereise Class will be entered in competition with those have its weekly session under Alice of other school winners in the state Kraft, instructor. to name the state Betty Crocker The literature department will Homemaker of Tomorrow. meet at 10 a.m., February 6 to hear iMrs. Edward Cratsley review the play, "J. B." by Archibald MacLeish. The music department will attend the Philadelphia {lrchestra Concert -a Brahms program with Louis Kentner at the piano, february 6, at 2 p.m. Mrs. J. K'enneth Doherty will review this program today, January 30 at 10 a.m. in the club lounge. WFIL Rldlo _ &14& A.M. There will be an executive board 1111 ••11 ~WFIL.TY-'Ia. A.II. meeting at 9:30 a.m., Monday, Feb· ~==================~ru_a_ry __2_.________________ cans Since the weekend of December 5 the High School Gymnasium has been open ior Swarthmore and Rut.ledge residents. Average attendance. has been about 40 to 50. Supervision of the program is being performed hy the coaches of the various basketball teams in the J unior High School. Due to a variety of programs scheduled for the gym tomorrow there will be no recreation. The gym !Will be open or. Sunday as usual from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday's schedule is as follows: 8:15 to J.0:15 - Jr. High Intramurals; ,10 :80 to 1:11 p.m. - Jr. High .Girls' games; 2 :00 p.m. _ Jr. High Boys' teams meet Nether Providence Jr. High. makes the great difference I cans WOMAN'S CLUB NOTES 14Y2-oZ H. S. Cym Closed Tomorrow, Open Sun. Ita QUAUTY that - Sirloin T-Bone Porterhouse * Natural Color * Extra Juicy Oranges! * You get more for your Money! I ., SWARTHMORE STORE, Chester Road - • , Open Thursday tm 9 P.M.. Friday tm 10 P.M. 1 OAK PARK SHOPPING CENTER. Bishop Road and Baltimore Pike a y, ThlU'llClay tm 9 P.M., Friday tiD 10 P.M. Open ... :,Tuesday, Wednell1 , V"m' V"~"tc' , Girl Bcout Troop 744 held' its How scientific prayer makes true first Court of! Awards on Monday peace and security available will be at the Presbyterian Church, with the mothers of the girls as guests. the topic of a free public lecture The girls first presented a brief on Christian Science to be given rprogram showing what they had here February 2, by Paul K. Wavro done to earn their Second Class of Jacksonville, Fla. rank. Serving as Color Guard for On extensive tour as a member the ceremony were Jill Spencer, of The Christian Science Board of Nancy Field .and Joanne Swan. Lectureship, Mr. Wavro will speak Linda Estabrook, who has reo in First Church of Christ, Scienjoined the troop after a year in tist, 206 Park avenue, Swarthmore, England, was invested as a Girl at 8:00 p.m. under the auspices of Scout. Receiving their Second First Church of Christ, Scientist, Class badges were: Swarthmore. His subject will be Jennifer Bell, Beverly Bird, Jean UChristian Science: The Revelation ,Collenberg, Lou Dudley, jlTancy of True Security." Field, Cynthia Fox, Janet Fox, A native of Cleveland, 0., Mr. Barbara Gerner, Judy Golz, Ida Wavro withdrew from business in Hay, Linda ·Lane, Charlotte Olcott, 1942 to enter the public practice of Sandra Snyder, Jill Spencer, Patty Christian Science healing. He Stamford, Joanne Swan and Anne served as a Christian Science War... Whittier. Proficien~y badges were time Mini ..ter during World War also presented as follows: U. Actively interested in youth Beverly Bird, animal raiser; Jan- work, he was awarded the DeMolay et Fox t cat and dog, garden flower, Legion of Honor by the I nternation•. and salt water; Barbara Gerner al Supreme Council Order of Deand !Sandra Snyder, swimmer; Jill Molay. He has been an authorized Spencer, child care. After presen- teacher of Christian Science since tation of awards, the girls served 1949. refreshments which they had pre. pa;!. C. C. Naylor, Neighborhood Chairman, Ylas the guest of the troop· for the ceremony. Troop leaders. ,are Mrs. L. E. Peterson, Mrs. David Field, and Mrs. WilHam Collenberg. Tender Steaks cut from young, corn-fed Beef! LANCASTER BRAND ** * Page '1 Cirl Scouts Receive To Present Lecture 2nd Class Badge's On Christian Science '.•",' ".'. Lose Close One to Upper Merion ' . ...". Garnel Quintet' Meels Radnor Tonight , ., c: &." fl1'(,(''' <:-"m1' M..r~""n~f"l! Ston. 2700 WI!.'It ChMter Pike. Hi......... ~ Prom .morning to Dight, lor enry household demand, there's hoc water on hand. No waiting. DO .lIing. no worry-hot water is yours at the lam of a tap. HaTe a11you ~ heated by gas. Select the au_dc sU water heater that fills JOG&' DIed. at , - plumber'.. dea1er'sor an1 philede1p1da .. r tliioc lllbarbaa showrGOlDi " ADVEB'IIIIBllBJll! . Home at Midyears Mary Anna Moore, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Thomas -Moore, Jr., of Guernsey road, who is a junior WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes and Rubbish Removed La,1'tUI Mowed, General IIardiD3 Ave. Jlhrtoa. Pa. Hau1ll.gll IIIU"IWUUWIDUWIUlUlDllnll_1l Diluzio and Sons FLORIST i !! § I 8_" Formerly ! CARNS " 6150 BaIUmore Pike SprIDlfleld, DeL Co~ Pa. " e I il g Klngswood 3·0450 i i ifmHaanuluWDIIHIUIUIIDllllllDHllDIInUlIUUao~ ROOFING Gutters Warm-Air Heating Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Work George Myers and CO. BOX 48 KI4-1214 ON SALE STARTIIiB .IAN. 31at 4 Flavors - 45¢ per box Benefit: Camp Site Maintenance and Equipment DICK FRANCHETTI - TELEVISION 30 YALE AVENUE MORTON. PA. TELEVISION HOME and AUTO RADIO.- PHONOS "Bring It to Us or We'll Come to You" Klngswood 4-1028 AUTO REPAIRS • STATE INSPECTION • WHEEL ALI GNMENT • MOTOR TUNE·UP • GULF GAS and OIL EMIL SPIES Terry M0110y, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Molloy of Strath Haven ave· nue celebrated his ninth birthday on Saturday with a party for 16 guests. Auto Driving Instruction WE CA.LL FOR YOU $6 Per HOlli- indebted to the s"id estate are requested to mllke pa),ment, end those having claims to present the same, without delav, to G. I. Leiper, Jr,. 1110 8Mver ROlld, Sewickley, P.o., or Went· worth Seton Simmons, P.O. Bo)( 178, Swarthmore, Pa., or· to their ottorney, A. Sidne)' Johnson, Jr., of Butler, Beatty; Greer and 1·10-)t Johnson, Media, Pa. RUSSEll'S SERVICE KI. 3·0440 STRATH HAVEN INN Yale and Harvard Avenues • ADVERTISEMENT The swarthmore-RuUoedge 'OnIon. School D1&trlct will receive sealed bIds unW 8 P.M•• Butero standard TIme, on February 18. 195D, at. the oUlce of the Supe"latna Principal of the Swarthmore-Rut!edge Un!on_ Bchool D1&tr1ct. Swarthmore, PeDDS11vBll1a. at .hlch Ume and place the bid. wW be pubUclt o]:lened pubU~IY read. for alLeraUon wort. lDclud1rlg palDt!ng, renoY&Unrr of lIghUn~, etc., 10 the Auditorium Wlng of FOil SALE \he Swarlhmore High Scl1oo1 bulldln;. FOR SALE - G.E. el~ctric range BwarthmOr,. PenDa. Plans aDd con\.l'a.ct $15. Hockey ice skates, hoys size documenta may be examined without cbarge $5. Red plastic football helmet, at the offlee of Tbe George M. Ewlog CODlF6'b*'-;';'.e$3. New exposure meter pany. arcbltect..e (LDd englneoers, 1720 We.tem. ~. KIngswood 3·7242 after Savlng Fund BuUdlng. Phlladelpbla. Pelmsylvania, on and after Wednesday. Januaf'J' p.m. 28. 1151'- one complete set ma, be had b,. F10R SA!LE - Porcelain kitehen an, prospeCUVifl contractor without charge. tabl<'f and four chairs. Good con· gepante bids wUl be received for the dition, $15.· Phone KIngswood 3· followlog work: 5810. "contract No. 1 - General ConstrucFOR SA!LE - 1929 Model A ,Ford tion. including pa.rtlUon changing. paint.coupe. Very fine condition, Call tng; accousUc We work. resUlen' fiooriDw. llmlted heal.. P:iplng replaeemeD~, etc, Kilngswood 4-4886. . Contract ~O. 2 - Elect.rle81 and reFOR SALE - Cocker pup, four lls:hUng." months, AKC, . black, excellent CerUfled or Cashier's Ch'eck for five (I) pet. KIngswood 4-3644. per cent. or Bid Bond for ten (10) per cen' FOR SALE Mahogany baby of Base Bid Is required. Bids ma, DOt. be ,grand piano. Medium size. Ex- wUhdrawn wlthJn forty-five (U) da,. after cellent condition $375. Phone GLobe openlDg. The un~falf1led resenes th", tight to waive tnformallUea 10. or reject., anJ' or 9·0215 evenings. .I. F. Blackman ! ! i REAL ESTATE E ~::======================~, i_' r ,TlM~N' I ~ i :tt. ~~ i KI 3-11121 H. D. CHURGH· i I .I. A. Green. EDWARD G. CHIPMAN AND SON PICTURE FRAMING PORTRAIT STUDIO General Contractor ROGER RUSSELL FLOORS. PlASTIC MODERN KITCHENS ALTERATIONS Photographic Supplies STATE & MONROE STS. 1401 Ridley Avenue MEDIA. CHester 2·4759 CHester 2-5689 LOwell 6·2176 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS SWARTHMORE , Several New 3- and 4-Bedroom Homes for Immediate Occupancy • " ity caU 6·3031 free House. PERISONAL - Practical nursing or baby·.itting. Experienced. Ref· erences. CaU KIqgsowood 3.6731 or KIngswood 3·2136. • PERSONAL - Furniture refin· ishing, repairing, Quality work at moderate prices-antiques and modern. Call Mr. Spanier, KIngs. 4.4888, Kilngsowood 3·2198. PERSONAL - Roofing, spouting, gutters, carpentry. Recreation rooms a specialty. Roy J. Foster, LOwell ~ 6-6569. . PERSONAL - Two grandmothers wit~ time .o:n their hands can help frantIC homemakers with all kinds of sewing. KIngswood 3-6177. FOR ~~f]~ g~ 51 !! I Jack Prichard PA IN TIN G INTERIOR &. EXTERIOR free I, Est~ates ~Ingswood 3·8761' pa~r~t'.~t~im~e~~.~·~~j:,~~~~.~s~i\J:~ii'd~~~:~ ~l1nllDlllUlIlt211lmlllUlDnnlllUlunllllllllllllnlllllllllll1 3-2643 mornings or evenings. lOST AND FOUND FOUND - Boy's Schwinn stan· dard red and white bicycle at Elm ·and Walnut Lane. Phone Klngswood 3-6063. F'OUND - Wallet. vicinity Rail· road Station. Call at 2 South Chester Road. . FOUND - Young female black cat, white markings, Sunday evening, vicinity Yale and Haverford. Klngswood 3-4474. FOUND - ,Bundle of lace and , linen dresser and table scarves at railroad parking lot Monday last. KIngswood 3-2989. HODGE & CARTER .We Install Air Condltlon.rs, Ranges, Dryers, Walher., Wiring, Receptacles T·Y lllTEIiNAS Work Buar.nteed 24·HOURSERYICE Free estimates • MAdison 6·9q37 LEhigh 4-1246 ...... if d~sired. I I'" II II I \ KODAK S~80CAMERA The American Cwsic among fine 35mm cameras A truly magnificent camera ..• finest ever to bear the name Signet, rese\'Ved for advanced Kodak miniatures. Oilers every modern advance in 35mm photogrophy: photoelectric meter, easy EVS exposure·yolue sellings, rangefinder, sPQedy "injec· tian" loading, fl2.8 lens, push.bar film odvonce, ond mony other features. Takes wide·angle, telephoto lenses. The Camera & Hobby Shop 4-6 Park Avenue. Swarthmore, Pa, Klngswood 3-4191 Establlshed 1858 • Oldest Real Est;te and Insurance Rrm in Delaware County SpeeiaUzing in Properties in Swarthmore, Wallingford, Rose Valle\, and Media /vea. BAIRD & BIRD S••••I D. II,•• 1171-11" ...r" PI••••• ----.,---;-~---. -- ._---_._-- ---._- -- The.lliackfriar's Club of Swarth. more High School win present a three·act play by Goldsmith enti· tled UWhat a Life." A cast of 26 students under th'~, direction of Mrs. Hannah Matthews' and assisted by IS ally Stephens will present the comedy on February 27 and 28 in the High School auditorium. Lead roles are held by Chris Martin, DeeDee Morgan, J obn Long, Helen Calhoun, Shelby Seltzer, John Cratsley, Betty Gemmil, Bill Rowland, and Gene Melcher. Senior committee chairmen in charge of ,production are Jim Irwin, ¥eg Colafemina, Chris Sipler, Julie Mondale, Carol Ann Smith, Addis GilfilIin, and Dave Vint. The Junior committee chairmen are Sue Gowing, Jack Poole. Joan Hawkins, Karin Ward, Bruce Smith, Pam Paul, Steve Kamp, Susie Stephens, Bill Biddle, Jean Anderson, and Larmie Hopper. Leigh Hollis of Swarthmore has been named one of three city editors of _'DePauw University's thri::ew..,kIy student newspaper, The De. Pauw. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Hollis, South Chester road, she was elected to the position for - morean must be signed, Pseudo. nllmns mall b. WJed i.l tM writer is known to the Editor. Letter. will b. published onlll at the dis· ore!ion 0/ the Editor. Urge Parent Awareness fa the Editor: At a meeting of Parents' Council held January 26, 1959, the concen.· .. that a S parents 5US 0 f opInIon was the group ,"oulp like to express the views discussed during the meeting on the problem of \;hop.Iifting in the local stores and other places. We feel that ·parents need to be more aware of their children's whereabouts. That children need to realize the actual cost to merchants of what may seem to the child who steals 5 or 10 cents worth, a small loss. If merchants· in Swarthmore must figure on a 'loss of stock of $500 . 1,000 a year are we properly instructing our children in the rights and values of property and are we, as adults, setting good examples? We believe that we, as parents, must teach more firmly the values of self discipline. We urge stronger cooperation by 'parents with the local merchants and the :police should their childrenbn appre. hended. Elaine Bell, Chairman Emma Pyle, Vice.Chair.nan Elizabeth Goldwater, Treas. Janet deMoU, Secretary Executive Committee, Parent's Council Thonks Sworthmoreons To the Editor: Swarthmoreans have reason to be pro~d this morning. The Mother's March. one of the most successful, was so gratifying to me and to my faithful captains and committee members. My hat is off to the many mothers. who braved the snow and icc to the lighted doorways. My deepest gratitude to all Swarthmoreans who opened their hearts and their pock,-- t 0 W'lll'm etb 00k s. '111 y th an"" 'a Booth and the men at the bank who worked overtime on my behalf, To Bob Hopkins who gave coffee to some of the cold marchers who en· tered the bank early, thank you. I appreciate the cooperation of the teens who relinquished two Belvedere Convalescent Home SADIE PIPPIN TURNER. Proprietor. OPEN HOUSE and REGISTRATION FOR SPRING TERM WEDNESDAY SPEAKER John W. O'Brien of Dartmouth circle was a speaker Wednesday at the Annual Reading Institute at Temple University which was conducted by the Reading Clinic and Department of Psychology. The general topic was 14Instructional Approaches in Reading". Mr. 0'_ Br-ien is assistant superintendent of schools' in Ridley Township.· 2105 P.M. - Sunday, Feb. lsi NEWS NOTES J= 11 are tho •• of the individual writer•. All lett.r. to The SwaTth· _P=U=b=h='c=a=t=io=n=s=B=o=a=r=d=.======; Saturdays of their busy schedule to r I sell posies, and, of the management of the College Theatre who per· mitted groups of boys and girls, the Lions Club and the Presbyterian Fellowship to collect in the theatre 2507 Chestnut St., Chester ()n respective nig~ts. To all Swarthmoreans may I ex· CHester 2-5373 tend my deepest heartfelt thanks. M-BolU" Nvnlnc CAre Very sincerely yours, Aged. Senlle, CbroD1c Ruth H. Stauffer Convalescent Men and Women (Mrs. George A.) Es:cellent Food .. 8p.cloQ Qrow. . Chairman, Blue Cross P.onored Swarthmore Campaign THE COMMUNITY ARTS CENTER 408 Rogers Lane, Wallingford, Pa, OFFERING COURSES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY (Also Many Other Member Benelits) Ceramics Junior Theater Music Wokshop Woodworking Sculpture Play Reading Early American Decoration Languages Ballet W~aving Creative Dancing Recoder Puppet-Making Adventures in Color and Design • i J1 Edw.rd Cl,de S••••I D. CI,••, .Ir. Opposite Boro HaJJ --,- - -~----'--~'-------,-- .:-" /. CHester 4-6311 2q E. Fifth Street Fri. 9 to 8:30 Flower Arrangement SWEENEY & CLYDE Blackfriars to Present Comedy, Feb.. 27, 28 , Jewelry Also Several Choice Lots Available in Borough for Custom Homes Crafts prepared by Cub Scout Pack 101 will be on display for one week, starting February 7, in the window of a local drugstore. Exhibits will be selected by den .mQth. ers and the Cub Scout Committee, from, craft work done by the Cubs during the past year. Final arrangements for the display and discussion of what Cubs must do to qualify their work for the· exhibit will be worked out at the pack meeting tonight, January 30, at the Presbyterian Church at 7 :30 p. m. Parents of Cubs are urged to attend. The executive connnittee ~lso announced selection of a date for Pack 101's annual Blue and Gold dinner. It will be held Friday night, Feb· ruary 27; Meeting place and addi· tional information will be released later.' Eleoted City Editor Paint'ing • Klngswood 4-1600 SPECIAL SANDWICH LUNCHEONS COLD: (Includes Coffee) - from 40c to 90c HOT: (Includes Soup and Coffee) - 40c to 65c Dessert - I Dc extra. Served from II :3{) A.M. to I :30 P.M. SPECIAL! FAMILY STYLE DINNERS - $1.90 Includes Meat course, Potatoes and one other Vegetable, Hot Breads, Coffee or Tea, Pudding or. Ice Cream. Second helpings and PERSDIIIL Free portrait. In· a troducing our new studio, we will II CRESSON PRICHARD ;; give you a _free portrait for Valentine's Day if you come for a sitting "8:."""'~ Dartmouth Ave, KI 3·66 before February 10. Phone for 8ip., pointment at once. Philip Mayer. 215 .College Avenue, Swarthmore, ==:::I~ § Kilngswood 3·9927. qOO Michigan Avenue = a PERSON Air-Radio and television Service. Complete stock of tubes carried. Robert Brooks. KIngswood I Swarthmore, Pa, 4·0800. PERSONAL - Bicycles Repaired, Parts, accesRories. Milt Glass I Bicycle, Hobby, Toy Shop, 205 East Baltimore Avenue, Clifton Heights, , DIlL 1VUIU$.Nt: COftOlrlQlll_" RlbIACU LIWlllUwaUllDlilUlClIllIUlllllDlllllllllllfUJlllllUHUba MAdison 6·0713. Opposite Clifton I , OIl IOIUII. on IUININO WAUl Mu.n.. , Theater. PERSONAL - UPHOLSTERING _ antique and modern. Over years experience, seven years DAY and NIGHT FOR SALE-You may have Cardi- allBybleb. order of the Board of Directors of the Swarthmore references. Custom nals, Mocking Birds or even Swarthmore-RuUedge Union School Dlatrlct, work at reasonable ,prices. Large Mourning Doves in your backyard Swarthmore. PeDlllyl,anta. OIL BURNER . . selection of domestic and imported if you put out a feeder now. Samuel swarthmore.Rut!edge Union School Dtatrtct fahrics. Estimates are free. All Crothers, Jr., 435 Plush Mill Road, SERVICE Marlon H. CampbeUo 8e~tet.a". work is done in our own shop. Chail' Wallingford. LOwell 6·4551. MONDAY THBU SATURDAY 3t.-1·23 bottoms rewebbed, $6.50 u,p. Our WAIiTED CUSTOM IIiSTALLATIDMS II, NOON low overhead saves you money ~nmuaHllumlUDmuliomaUllU1UIIIPUIIIIRJIIIDlm~ THOIII SEREMBA. Phone Sharon W A!NTED - Odd jobs desired by SUNDAYS aDd HOLIDAYS responsible boy to help Hill 0734. Weekends Klngswood 4-1234 PERSONAL - Piano tuning apec· 3 PARI AYE., SWAIITHMDRE ialist, minor repairing, member Piano Technif!ians Guild. Leaman • Klngswood 4-2727 1 3·5755. a= PERSONAL - gpWUUlIIlIDllllllluwcunUllllnOmmWIIIDtUIUJUUlDlBl Dartmouth & Lafayelte Aves. Closed Soturday 12:30 P.M. 3t.-15-U-30 CLASSIF ED ADS Edward F. Mau CH..ter Z-43t6 Cub Pack 101 LfTTERS TO THE EDITOR To Exhibit Crafts T h. opinions ."'pr••••d b.low ROBERT J. ATZ, Mgr. au Klngswood 3-1426 EMERBEICY IlO·eD 1111 Borough residents who need emergency blood may call Red Cross Blood Service Chairman Mrs. H. L McCune, Klngswood 3.2474, or her Co·chairman Mrs. Corben C. Shute, Klngswood 3. 3757, to make arrangements to secure some from the Borough's Red Cross Bank. Cirl Scout Cookies Funeral Home HOUSES Drew Avenue Pheasant Hill "1 .ew Ie in The .;wartMnorI4"" Ea rlham C",,'" ~~~ .' " .... .;.~ .; ' . .. , .. A' .... , . .);>.;.:.",~;. ..'."'/:-:.-::. . .', ,-~. any day from9 to 4. Want to find work or a hobby lor which you are better suited? Want to make more of a u~eful contribution? Send for free folder L. Since 1931. Klngswood 3-2022.' Belmont Ave. obove Oty line Bola.Cynwyd Stop in Office ot Oock TGwer TOMLINSON COUNSELORS For guidance , :.,:~~ .. . ;~1:: Architect's'drawing of structure that will replace high school destroyed by fire Icst Easter as it will look from College avenue. Bids for the new building will be opened next Wednesday evening by the Swarthmore-Rutledge Union School Authority. ',' Courte~y of The Evening Bulletin 546 Rutgers Avenue ORCHESTRA LUNCHEON The Vanguard Committee of the Philadelphia Orcliestra held its annual luncheon in the foyer of the Academy of Music on Thursday following a morning rehearsal of the orchestra. This year the luncheon honored Mrs. William W. Arnett, the founder of the Vanguard Committee, who celebrated her 95th_birthday that day. Local women who serve on the Women's Committee of the Philadelphia Orchestra are ·Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde, ,Mrs. Leonard C. Ashton, Mrs. LaRue Hendrixson, Mrs. Thomas B. McCabe and Mrs. Frederick T. VanUrk. ' / Mrs. J. V • .s. Bishop and her son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Ellis G. Bishop are moving today from their home on 736 Harvard avenue to 220 Copples lane, Wallingford. (C{Jntinued from Page 1) ring, Sue Masters and Lynne Woodall of Wallingford, June Heckman of Swarthmore, Suzanne Ahrens of Glen Mills and Kathy McDowell of Springfield; music, Stuart Graves of Moylan j make-qp, Mrs. John Boyd, Mrs. William Reitze and Tara Boyd of Media, Sylvia Ward of Moylan, and Sue Masters of Wallingford; dancing, Mrs. Janet Shugart of the Community Arts Center. Coaching, Mrs. Richard Enion of Swarthmore; costumes, Mrs. Audl'ey Whitehead of Philadelphia, Mrs. T·heodore Evans and Mrs. AIfred Mangels of Moylan, Mrs. Joseph Godick, Mrs. Donald Rhodes, of Media. Hesna and Marguerite and Mrs. Marie Kuchler of Wallingfor4; poster making, Tara Boyd Johnston of Glenolden, Jan Sutton of Concordville, Mrs. Harry Baynard of Lansdowne, Mrs. Carl Chase and Mrs. H. G. Stauffer of Wallingford. Assistant director, Hesna Johnston; business manager and treasurer, Mrs. James l\·icDoweU of Springfield; house, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Woodall of Wa1lingford; photographer, Franc Zimmerman of Media; tickets, Mrs,. Henry flerring and Mrs. Horace Knowles of Wallingford, Mrs. Walter Moil' of Swarthmore, Mrs. Norman Mancill - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ Mickley of Wallingford, Mrs. Herbert Huse and Mrs. George McKeag of Swarthmore, Mrs. James Bradley of Chester, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Nye of Concordville, ]\'[rs. William Irving of Moylan, Mrs; Kimber Vought of Springfield, and Mrs. Robert Laurrel1.of Drexel Hill. POLICE NEWS Leonard Glasser of Lansdowne paid $15 fine Friday for stop sign violation and improper turn at the Chester and Fairview road intersectioI1s. In line with the current concern of many organizations, individual citizens, and merchants over pilfering from local shops, Swarthmore police authorities and business representatives called together halfdozen upper elementary school boys and their' fathers for a conference last week. The lads were familiarized with laws and penalties applicable for such offense. The fathers expressed their appreciation and desire to cooperate in alleviating the ,problem. Baltimore Pike' & Lincoln Ave. Swarthmore EstablIshed 1932 * Ar. - ~ - - -- Opposite Borough Hall . Swifl's Premium '.' '".' Legs 0' Lamb Ib.69( WHOLE :LAMIS for FREEZERS Cut and Wrapped lb. 57c FANCY TOMATOES (plastic boxes) box 29c INDIAN RIVER Red SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT '3 for 29c You Always Meet Your Friends at the CO-OP Where You Can Depend on Quality to Be the Best , . gal. VERRY CHERRY $1.00 BREYER'S ICE CREAM snid , "They Do Sell the Nicest Things at Speare's" I HOW DO YOU BUY CARPET? 4.' What are all these carpet sales .1 notice in. the papers? If you happened to loo~ every week, you ~ould notice sales -every weel Some stores iust do not advertise in any other way. . .-- .. - - ' 403 Dartmouth Aven.ue "You Meet the Nicest People at Speare's" 'lulet, Restful SurrouncUnp With Excellent 24-HolU' Nurslnl' Care ff Consumer's Co-Op Ass'n. of Swarthmore, .1n~~ Y2 Convalescent Home -- FOOD MARKET .... SPECIAL SALE ..,. ELNWOOD Klngswood 3-0272 \ Swarthmore, Pa. co-op Services Held lor Production Stall lof Moylan, an.d Mrs. Ar~h.uJ' Sutton • ". " of Concordville; publICity, Mrs. Margaret Dale Leiper Reaches lor WIZard William Proctor and Mrs. James (Continued from Page 1) bia and Middlebury, and in Montreal, Canada. She received her M.A. degree from Swarthmore in 1920. A member of the Foreign Policy Association, Miss Leiper took an active interest in current events, and followed closely the affnirs in Congress. Retiring about a decade ago, Miss Leiper continued her two dominating interests - extensive foreign travel, and the preservation of her home at "Avondale"-probably the most nearly 1>erfect exampIe of an 18th Century home to be found in the eastern part of the country, both for its unchanged condition and for its state of tpreservation. MisS Leiper is survived .by a brother C. Irwin Leiper of Sewickley, and two nieces, Maria (Mrs. David) Millar of New York City, and Margaret (Mrs. Hobard) Gibson of Clevelahd, O. ~ 'CAREER (jUIDANCE . k it happens, most people just .notice such ods when they themselves are loo~ing for carpet. and to them. it looks like something special. -- 'wonderlal " where to have that 'pre4 \ .criptioJl compouncredl May we .ug~st that oa bring it to this prol..t .ional pharmacy where prescriptions are a .p'.~ Cialtyl Our ample ItoW as.ure pr~mpt .~rvice: And you'll appreClate ou fair prices. Try usl : J01l I PAULSON keeps'l'educed carpet on hand at all times. These are sold at reduced prices at all times. You; will find the~e ~ompletely competitive with anything else you may be attracted to. That is why we say: "PAULSON can meet or beat any special or sale price in carpet." . ..J CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE (pA"'s~ &. Com~~! Klngswood 3-0586 Mohawk Carpetlnl • Complete Price Range • OrlenlalRql 100 Park' Ave..S¥(arthmore, Pa. Klngswood 3~6000 - ,. p.. CLearbrook 9-4646 #(P...c.I$,"" KNOWS Carpet _Jl......_ ~=:: - • F••• i.. C..... ,. SEVENTH AND WELSH 8TBDT8 . . ( STORE HOURS: Mon,day thru Thut'lday, 9:30-5;30 . Friday, 9:30-9:00; Saturday, 9:30-5:30 You can "COVER " BRIDE"! 'Tudemark of Brides House Inc. This beautiful "Cover Bride" wedding gown - and many others that are sh9wn in this issue of THE BRIDE'S MAGAZINE - Available now at SPEARE'S Second Floor. Our expert B.ridal Consultant will be,glad to help'-you with ev~rY detail of your wedding ... so you can be a serene and happy "Cover Bride." .. . . INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE - -8- -v 10 ~** LIBRARY HOURS SECONDARY EDUCATION GETS NEW LOOK •••• ***** •••••*•••• Peler E. Told Weekdays: ALL LINES OF INSURANCE 2 to 5 p.m. 333 Dartmouth Avenue, Swarthmore 7 to 9 p.m. Klngswood 3-1833 Saturday: VISIT beautiful 9:30 to 12 a.m. 2 to 4 p.m. WEST LAUREL HILL .. '; .- ~ any day from 9 to 4. ~: Want to find work or a hobby tor which you cne betler suited? Want to make more of a useful contribution? Send for free folder L. Since 1937. Klngswood 3·2022. Architect's drawing of structure that will replace high school destroyed by fire last Easter as it will look from College avenue. Bids for the new building will be opened next Wednesday evening by the Swarthmore-Rutledge Union School Authority. COJrtcsy 0' The Evening Bulletin TOMLINSON COUNSELORS 546 Rutgers Avenue I of Moylan, and Mrs. Arthur Sutton lof Concordville; publicity, Mrs. Margaret Dale Leiper Readies for' vVizard" William Proctol' and l\Irs. James (Continued from Page 1) (C()ntinued from Page 1) Mi.:kley of Wallingford, 1\1rs. Herbia and l\Iiddlebury, and in Mont- ring, Sue Masters and Lynne bert Huse and Mrs. George McKeag real, Canada. She received her M.A. Woodall of Wallingford, June of Swarthmore, 1\Irs. James Braddegree from Swarthmore in 1920. Heckman of Swarthmore, Suzanne ley of Chester, 1\11'. and Mrs. Julius • A member of the Foreign Policy Ahrens of Glen Mills and Kathy Nye of Concordville, ]\frs. William Association, Miss Leipcr took an McDowell of Springfield; music, Irving of Moylan, :\irs. Kimber active intercst in current events, Stuart Graves of Moylan; make-up, Vought of Springfield, and Mrs. and followed closely the affairs in Mrs. John Boyd, 1\Irs. William I{obert Laurrell of Drexel Hill. Congress. Retiring about a decade Reitzc and Tara Boyd of Media, POLICE NEWS ago, Miss Leiper continued her two Sylvia Ward of Moylan, and Sue dominating interests - extensive l\Iasters of 'Wallingford; dancing, Leonard Glasser of Lansdowne foreign travel, and the preservation .Mrs. Janet Shugart of the Commun- paid $15 fine Friday for stop sign of her home at "Avondale"-prob- ity Arts Center. violation and impl'opel' turn at the ably the most nearly .perfect examCoaching, Mrs. Richard Enion of Chester and Fairview road interpie of an 18th Century home to be Swarthmore; costumes, Mrs. Aud- sections. found in the eastern part of the rey Whitehead of Philadelphia, In line with the CUrl'ent concern country, both for its unchanged l\irs. Theodore Evans and Mrs. AI- of many organizations, individual condition and for its state of :pres- fred Mangels of Moylan, Mrs. Jos- citizens, and merchants over pilferervation. eph Godick, Mrs. Donald Rhodes, ing from local shops, Swarthmore Miss Leiper is survived by a bro- of Media, Hesna and Marguerite police authorities and business repther C. Irwin Leiper of Sewickley, and Mrs. Marie Kuchler of Wal- resentatives called together halfand two nieces, Maria (Mrs. Davld) lingfor~; poster making, Tara Boyd dozen upper elementary school boys Millar of New York City, and Mar- Johnston of Glenolden, Jan Sutton and their fathers for a conference garet (Mrs. Hobard) Gibson of of Concordville, Mrs. Harry Bay- last week. Cleveland, O. nard of Lansdowne, Mrs. Carl The lads were familiarized with Chase and Mrs. H. G. Stauffer of laws and penalties applicable for ORCHESTRA LUNCHEON Wallingford. such offense. The fathers expressed The Vanguard Committee of the Assistant directol', Hesna J ohn- their appreciation and desire to Philadelphia Orchestra held its an- ston; business manager and treas- cooperate in alleviating the probnual luncheon in the foyet· of the urer, Mrs. James McDowell of lem. Academy of Music on Thursday following a morning rehearsal of Springfield; house, Mr, and Mrs. ;=;.====~==~ H. G. Woodall of Waningford; ELNWOOD the orchestra. This year the luncheon honored l\Irs. William W. Arnett, the founder of the Vanguard Committee, who celebrated ring and Mrs. Horace Knowles of Wallingford, Mrs. Walter Moil' of Baltimore Pike· & Lincoln Ave. her 95th ~birthday that day. Swarthmore, Mrs. Norman Mancil! Swarthmore Local women who serve on the - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Women's Committee of the PhilaEstabllshed 1932 delphia Orchestra are Mrs. Samuel ~uiet, Restful Surroundings With D. Clyde, 'Mrs, Leonard C. Ashton, EXcellent. 24-Hour Nnrsin~ Care Mrs. LaRue Hendrixson, Mrs. Thomas B. McCabe and Mrs. FredKlngswood 3-0272 erick T. VanUrk. , ~;~~:~::~~~:~e~~·~~l:~. ~~:7.;l~~~~ '. Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop and her son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Ellis G. Bishop are moving today from their home on 736 Harvard avenue to 220 Copples lane, Walling.ford. "I 8aw it in The Swarthmorean" 4 _ _ • _ _ _ _ • • • _~ Oonvalescent Home ,-lS'" • Swarthmore, Pa. co-op Production Staff Services Held for Belmont Avo. above Oty Line Bala·Cynwyd Stop in Office at Clodt Tower' for guidance FOOD MARKET Consumer's Co-Op Ass'n. 01 Swarthmore, Inc. 403 Dartmouth Avenue Opposite Borough Hall Swift's Premium Legso'Lamblb.69( WHOLE LAMBS for FREEZERS Cut and Wrapped lb. 57c FANCY TOMATOES (plastic boxes) box 29c for 29c INDIAN RIVER Red SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT I '3 You Always Meet Your Friends at the CO-OP Where You Can Depend on Quality to Be the Best I iJIF" SPEOIAL SALE -.e Y2 gal. VERRY CHERRY BREYER'S ICE CREAM $1.00 "You Meet the Nicest People at Speare's" Jlnd "They Do Sell the Nicest Things at Speare's" I HOW DO YOU BUY CARPET? What are all these carpet sales I notice in the papers? STORE HOURS: Monday thru ThuTSday, 9:30-5:30 Friday, 9:30-9:00: Saturday, 9:30-5:30 • If you happened to look every week, you would notice sales every week. Some stores iust do not advertise in any other way. * As it happens, most people iust notice such ads when they Are 1011 wonderinl . where to have thacl.r~ \ .d' .cripdon compoun May we luggest that yo. bring it to this profea4 .ional pharmacy where . prescriptions are a .p.~ (ially 1 Our ample st~CkI assure prompt s.ervlce; . And you'll appreCIate OUl> fair prices. Try us! ._J CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE Klngswood 3-0586 I themselves are looking for carpet, and to them, it looks like something special. PAULSON keeps reduced carpet on hand at all times. These are sold at reduced prices at all times. YOll will find the~e c~mpletely competitive with anything else you may be attracted to. That is why we say: "PAULSON can meet or beat any special or sale price in carpet." (PA.l4lsot\ & Com~!l'Mohawk Carpeting • Complete Price Range. Oriental RUls 100 Park" Ave., Swarthmore. Pa. Klngswood 3-6000 - CLearbrook 9-4646 1...-....JQ,~....,~ (p'.,.\4f$"" KNOWS Carpet ~.R,____A You can be a - "COVER BRIDE"! 'Tut!emark of Brides House InC'. This beauti ful "Cover Bride" wedding gown - and many others that are sh9wn in this issue of THE BRIDE'S MAGAZINE - Available now at SPEARE'S Second Floor. Our expert Bridal Consultant will be .glad to help you with every detail of your wedding ... so you can be a serene and happy "Cover Bride." .