THB SWARTHMOREAN Page 10 Cliff' Renshaw Named New Head of Swim Club Mrs. Joseph S. Lync.h roturned from a 10 day visIt WIth her (Continued from Page 1) arents Dr. and Mrs. George D • set with only the origin ..l. pool in :ice; and ber sister Mrs. Wendell . d Since then the additIon ofa Henning of'St. Cloud, Minn. Elm mID , water pool and increased Mrs. J.' Albright of deep r t ' Jones the Women's bl avenue wIll ente am , parking facilities had Medical Auxiliary to the Taylor elO»anded the Club fac,.,t,es., Hospital for dessert before the reg- e,~?-,:ider;o~ attendanc~ recor~v!~~ ~~~ion. h!r ~ av~- ~- lea~e d, gramoffere~mt ,sar:aas~lton Clu~ I~ers ~tb schedul~d 'chalrma~, requiring days notice of the next10annual mee t 109, so that ·in advance newly elected officials could be spared the necessity to rus h a~rangements f'1r the next season.m a short span of time, was also dls- River,home N.J. inThe Hoots return to their Swarthmore almost every weekend. ' Mr; and Mrs. C. B. Campbell of Col1ege avenue have with them for a brief stay Mr. Campbell'a brother and sister-in-law Mr. :and George W. Campbell who Florida and will be on thetr way to their home in Owosso, Mich. EDGMONT AVENUE - F•• ,. It~. . BTBimTs _.-:-.'....:.........- - ' ';"-.~.~ ._. - --!-~ ...... SEVENTH AND WELSH STORE HOURS: Ihr. :Thursday.., 9:30·~:30 i Friday, 9:30.9:00, Saturday. 9:30-5:30 :-=--- , ~ I Klngswood 3-0586 co-op . FOOD M'ARKET Consumer's Co-Op Ass'n. of S"!arthmore, Inc;. 403 Dartmouth ~venue .' Opposite Borough Hall Swift's" Premium Leg o'Lamb Ib.63c loin lomb Chops Ib.l.l9 BUTTERBALL TOM TURKEYS, Ib.45c (Average 16 to 20 Ibs.)· BUTTERBALL Ib.55c '. HEN TURKEYS ,CALIFORNIA ' .. ICEBERG LETTUCE head 19c ·bunch 19c \ ,.POTATO CHIPS . ," -~, - " ' . f~lI.poll~~ 49c , cO-OP .. , 'PEANUT BUTTER . -. DAINTY APOLOGY 'IS lOT EIIOIiS'H' If you sbould accidentally lnilire a~ member, ,oJ the . pu"bllc, you might have to do more than apologize. Vau might b~ve. t,.o, defend against. a' blg lUI t for damages. Be protected against financiaiiosl from damage Buits wi~ lEtna's Comprehendy. Peflo~ LiabilitY polley. I CATHERMAN'S DRUG STO{{E . n.", ., • ' ~R~o~u~s~e~'b~~o~~~'~~~'~':'::;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;:;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;l r.• oc rans mec . ,: OUR- n -0 emblem is your assurance of prompt, precise com~ pounding. at prices that . are uniformly fair; • , Mways make it a poillt fD bring UI your Doctor'. pres(1'iptions-and call OIl UI for ALL health aids. 'PASCAL CELERY Great for. the Budget ... ., • • _. and Good for the Family '. '~AWGARINE 2-lb. jar 79c 2 Ibs. 39c ,; co-op .' , JUICE 46-0%. can 29c .PINEAPPLE . . F.F.V. , Fudge 'n' Nut Cookies, Ig. box 29c Peter E. Told All Lines 01 Insurance 3SS DABTIlOtl'rB AVE. BWAB.'1'BIIOaS, P4. ( ) BARGA,NS, GALORE ) Our Pr.JtJiplim Sp6e1411m "!' ~:':J'edi"" Mr. and Mrs. Preben K. Johnston with' their sons Paul and Eric recentlymoved from Rose Tree to Boston, Mus., where Mr. Johnston has accepted a position as' controller with the Raytheon Manufacturing Co!"pany ot Bostl>n,. Mass,. He is' also a' member of tlie Presbyterian Board of Missions, . phia., .. , " ": Mrs. J ahnston is the daughter Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. B8,rn',s,1 former Swarthmoreans. "They Do Sell the Nicest Things at Speare's" \~SPECIALISTS! r! where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ryan, former Swarthmoreans. On their way to to Summit, they stopped in PrinceJ • n where they visited their son 1m who attends Princeton University. Mr. ,and Mrs. Edward Cratsley d Bruce' o( .IItrath Haven an.' the weeke!ld in New Mr: C;ataley .was at. . tyth' t'ng of the Easttendmg e mee . • business "A' '''iltiOli ofI Coliege ern, SSOCI . , offIcers. I. . . • M' ., d M' "'A 'Robb Cochran rs, .are planning to f Kr. an on avenue 0 eny Fl 'd n Wednesday leave for on a 0 d t to b way until Easter. an exp: for aef:w days last week, As gues M C h tertained Mr. an d rs. oc ran en . Miss Doris Slothower· and MISS Sue th of Easton Miss Sloth- ' ACCEPTS NEW POSITIOI and PRESCRIPnON • Klngswood 3-1833 . ~ " '.'!..,.'-- '- '-, 1'f> , • • • MAR 6 1959 THE, SWARTHMOREAN " • . VOLUME 31-,NUMBER 10 fP:a~r:k::av:e:n:u:e:'::======:=1 Mr. and Mrs. Ford F. Robinson of Guernsey road have returned from.a weekend in Summit, N.J., ;~:~s~:~::~:~r Support the Cancer Cancer confined to their homes. _~ • i S therland _ PatrIe u Roxby of Measles North Chester road,a John 3rd, of Vassar avenue, and Robert Laird of Riverview road, and Jimmy and Bruce Conwe\1 of Columbia, avenue. Meningitis _ Joy R. Fray of arrIv~d cussed, ,daughter Mr. and Mrs. '-Donald P •. Mrs. S. Copeland Income of $21,666.08 havmg ex- Jones at 40: North Swarthmore Palmer in Walllngford. Those atceeded the budgeted $20,800, ~nd ave'!ue. " tendin from this area include: total expense of $18,136.87 havmg Mr. and Mrs. H. MIller ·Crist of b gT Ed Harris Steve been unde~ the anticipated $20,- Park avenue have bad . as their .Je, B urn erJ'ackson Stev~ Kamp k k , 262.50, the treasurer,s rep ort guest ()D severa1 occas ions MrH1Cs,'ure .• Iun Gill, .George Hamilton, Bill, showed a balance of $3,(30.21 for Crist's daughter Mrs .. Mary Cnst d D' k Tackson Kent R'''_'II • In • th'18 connt ry in Medfor, , the ealendar year 1968 . Fleming, whrJ IS . Ron 1C" Ta•.I1or Courtney Pren_ . t f h er camn in smger, ~. , the mteres 0 er summ .. t' B'll 'Go'rdon Bob Brown, Ian IN 'POP' COICERT · Id ICe,],. Lugano,'\ S wltzer an. .' ' McKeag, Ron ,Noyes. . William Essick, Jr., Wallingford, Dr. and Mrs. J. AlbrIght Jones Al a Alfred Boyd and son Gora sophomore in business adminis- returned to their home on Elm ave- d sMr and Mrs.. David Watkins ' to o n , . . tration at the Drexel Institute of nue Friday afte~ a V8Cf1 t'lOll' trIp and son' Kenny, 'Mrs. Will~am C. Technology, will participate in the Belair,Fla. En route home t~e! Elmore and son .David, ana Mrs. department of music's "pop" COD- stopped in Sea Island, Ga., to. VlSlt Robert E.Connelly and sons Mike cert tomorrow night in the Drexel with Mr. and Mrs. William E;. Het- and Bob. zel. Auditorium in Philadelphia. '1 REPORTED II 10RO.IN The folloWiingehildren have heeD ~rs. avenue left Mrs. Tuesday for visit -with Char CAMP REUIION. HEL D Iesa two H . week Macower I. Dowell in Winter Park, Fla. and Former SwarthmoreansI'rinc"ton, Mr. Mrs, George .H. Turner moved :11 Ferris Thomsen of Saturday from the Harvard Inn t 0 Mrs. held their Camp Sherwood rethe home of her son-in-law 'and N.~., at the home of Mrs. "You Meet the Nicest People at Speare's" MEASLES, MUIlIITIS Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Dennett Rhoda Uthe, Park avl'11u~, has of Princeton avenue retumo:: hO~: had an exhl'b'lt accepted Ifor dIsplay a:fter apending the weeken 'WI ,Dennett's Mrs:-Edward in the junior division of the 11th B 'Dennett of mother, Portland, Me. Annual Delaware Valley .' a etto Fair, to be held at The Frankhn Mr. Henry I. Hoot of Laf .y'\1 Institute Aq>ril 26-28.. d t avenue hasatrecovered h,S 1re-. ness while the shorefrom and bas ,Rhoda, 12, is a sixth gra e s uh dent at the F.riend's Central School. cently accepted a She planned and built her County Engineer's 0 Ice m' a Manager meeting on Monday.· "Photography: andof her sented dailyMillard Robmson pre- ular . Mr.monthly Ben L: Olcott of OberUn tice"-undertheTheory guidance the past season, showmg an . nue bas returned from two week s science teacher, Hans F. age of 276. It was stated .that attendance at the C.A.M.G. School, cluding chlldren who take le~s0n:' In Ft. Gordon, Ga. scher. the early morning, and duphcatlons Barbara iDumm of Dartmouth 'AMERICAN DEMOCRACY' of people who enter and the avenue celebrated her 12th birthday SERIES STARTS MONDAY pool several times a day, there were Saturday br. entertaining a group only four days in August when a.t;- of friends at Longwood Gardens" The first in a s?ries of 10 discus,: tendance exceeded 400; 10 days ID II d b a 'Party at home. sions on "AmerIcan Democr.!.cy the entire season when it passed 600 fOMOrwe.and ~rs. Charles C. Brogan, will be held. March 2 at Swarthmore and only fo ur (June 13, July 1, 2 d t ed 700 d r J of Forest lane entertaine a College. S t' and th 3) when surpass . u r· Der -party Saturday evening ThisgrollPispartof Penn}a es ntl'reitday and even mg. a, 10 f Mr and Mrs. Jackson "LI'beral Studies for Adults proing e e ID honor 0 . , • h' new Robinson breathed' "extreme' F BlaclmlsnofWallingford. thankfulness" for another safe sea- 'Miss Elizabeth Connor of Leb- avenue of adult. edu.catIOn. S ';,. d 'd trl'bute to the cooper's the house guest this week Forest of Sprmgfleld has en 50n an f pal bers a nd the dilIgence . n I d Mrs. James H. Connor named to lead the group at 8 p.m. afnoM, . .• a r. an . d ation a mem of staff in this responsIbIlity. of Fairview road. Miss Connor,s Mon ay. Dr. John Wigton drew attention Mr, Connor's s i s t e r . . NCE to a resuscitator, displayed on the Robert G. Watkins, son of M;. TO ATTEID COIFERE d stage, which had been ?urchased and Mrs. 'W. W. Watkins of MagIll 1>r. William' Y. Rial, iIarvar for $395 and which WIgton des- road, is a member of the Glee avenue, and, Dr. J." Albright, cribed as a "wonderful investment of The Mercersburg Academy. >1'OSI- Elm avenue, will attend· tlte 1969 h t I ' d though it never as 0 be used'tions were name a:fte r extensive... State ¥edica1 Off' . ...Conference ,. .' hope".· . ' . tryouts in December and January. to be held next Thursday and FrIJ h M T , and . Mrs. Alfre d Marsh and . H arrlS . burg. Upon motion of 0 n .' h am PMr. .. day m .'.., th f al year h S f Colwnb18 ' " 'w'" try' of tbe Delason, Jr., club auditor, e· ISC . their daug ter usan a . Dr. RI ; secre a '11 end was moved up to October 31 10 avenue and Mrs. Margaret. Marsh ware County Medical Society, W1 tl ' J . th e pane, 1 "Orienta. order to assure the ..t mg 0 f the of Dartmouth House spent th e holi- participate m r past season'" business be:w day weokend visiting Mrs. George tion of New Members", dispatch. The desirabihty of h~e- Marsh and her family in Culpepper, for Friday morning. :Dr. Jones IS th 1 meetIng . .. . -, . f reventive wise moving up e annua Va.. . Q p . date, through by-law amendment Mrs. Charlotte Olcott of Oberh!l and pubhc health, . w NEWS NOTES EXHIBIT ACCEPTED , FOR SCIERDE FAIR NEWS NOTES Svrnrthriore CoUegr Li hrary Swarthmore E LIBltARY • • WII.I.l.... 'Devil's Disciple' Opening March 91h . The dialogue is witty, the situations are exciting and there is plenty of fun, too, it is reported, as Mr. Shaw pokes fun at military ethics, love, enmity, he1oism, and the IHce. Hank Gayley has designed the settings. Simplicity, ease of changing sets quickly and easily, and/opportunity for the audience to use its imaginatio"n, all enter' into the design. . Support the Crusade Crusade Swarthmore, Pa., Fnday, Mar ch 6, 1959 $4.00 PER YEAR Guidance Counselor /. To Speak Tuesday Richard M. Hook, Warnin~ to Dehnquent Taxpayers Mrs, William Clark, guidance' counselor at Swarthmore High 1 Price Directs Shaw's School, will speak at a meetingTuesday night at 8 in the Rutgers AveMelodrama at nue School. The meeting, originalPlayers Club ly called for January 27, was postGeorge Bernard. Shaw's "The :paned because of weather. Mrs. Clark's topic will be "GudiDevil's Disciple" will be presented at tM Players 'Club on Monday ance-Testing - Its interpretation night; March 9, and aU that week. and Application." The pro~ani, 'presented by the This is a melodrama of the American Revolution and the English education committee of the Home General Burgoyne plays a promi- and Schqol Association, was planned especially for parents of chilnent part in the play. A top-potch cast, including Philip dren in the seventh, eighth, and Price, Ruth Radbiil, William Con- ninth grades, but all interested parron, Christine 'Palmer, Ben Hanson, ents are cordially invited. William Whitlock, and Wiliam ~rice, wlll .play important roles, and Ingeborg Stephens from the Wilmington Drama League will play the demanding part of Mrs. Dudgeon. I The tax collector is preparing a Ust of unpaid per capita taxes. These taxes will be given to the delinquent tal' collector for. collecthin. Legal cost will be added in ad_ dition to th,e penalty now due. In order to avoid this additional ex'pense pay your taxes at once. For additional information call ','omn A. Schu~acher, tax collector, at KiIngswood 3-3161. Dutch Folk Art Topic For Mothers Club Arthur S. Johnson to Speak Thursday Night Girl Scouts Launch 'Operation Oampsite' Hook Wins Promotion The Mothers' Club of SwarthLocal 'Kick Off' Meeting more will meet on Thursday at 8:30 At Girrad Trust [.m. in McCahan Hall of the PresSet for Monday at I WQmen 10 Pr~senl M •D ara In anceJ Lecture Cambodian Dancer to Perform at Club Tuesday The Woman's Club of Swarth_ more will hold a stated meeting fol_ lowing an outstanding program on Tuesday, at 1 :30 p,m. in the clubhouse. Program Chairman Mrs. Peter E. Told will present the internationally esteemed dancer, . M ara, . m a solo dance and lecture which combines authentic classical dances of the Far East, the e",plan_ ation afl their meaning, and skilled makeup and costumes. Born in Manchuria, Mara early showed an aptitude for the strict traditions and speaking hands of the Orientarl dance, and trained with the dancers of the Court. She th.en studied in Java; Saigon, I)Iond WIth the world famous Hindu dancer, Rani Gopal in Paris. In the U. S. she was assistant chol'eogra_ pljer and dancer of the Broadway :production UKismet", and choreo.grapher and lead dancer for "The byterian Church to hear Arthur S. (Bud) Johnson, instructor at the Williamson Free Trade School in "Operation damp Site", a $200,Media, speak on. "Pennsylvania 000 fund-raising campaign sponDutch Folk Art". sored' by the Girl Scouts of DelaRichard M, Hook has been proMr, Johnson attended the Philaware County, will get under way in moted to assistant vice.opresident, delpl)ia School of Industtial Arta Swarthmore Monday evening, Girard Trust Com Exehange and the UniverSity of Pennsylvan- IGtig and I", on tour. March 9, 'at 8 o!clock when all those Philadelphia, it is announced hy ia: Before entering teaching, he was This accomplished Cambodian intere$ted in the scouting program Geoffrey S. Smith, president. He engaged in tile sign painting and dancer has performed in Canada are invited to attend the "k:icl<-off"1 is a commercial, lending officer in interior decorating businesses. and South America as well as our . Decorating and antiquing furni- own Country, demonstrating the The play is under the direction meeting to be held in the All-Pur- the banking department. Mr. Hook lives on Strath Haven ture is a hobby with Mr. Johnson \ Continued on Page ]0) of William Price, who presented .pose Room of the Rutgers Avenue "Witness for the pjosecution" aast School. avenue. He is a graduate of Swarth_ and he will share some of his know_ Mrs. Williani M. Polishook more High School and Dartmouth ledge and techniq\les which could year. There may be three generaHaverford, ehairman of public reCollege and of the Tuck School of be used by homemakers. Mr. Johntions of the Price family on the stage in the final stene, since four- lations for the Delaware County Business Administration at Dart- son, himself, has thi~ to say, "Yes, year-old Christopher may be in the Council of the Girl Scouts will mouth. He is secretary of the it's a rather serious lecture but I speak, and colored slides of the new Swarthmore Players' Club and occasionally try to inject a little erowd. . ,,_ 6:45 Event Tonight Aids president of the De1awareCorinty humor.' There are a lot of interest"If you are interested in ~istory, camp site will be shown. World Friendship Delaware County Scout Unit of the United Cerebral Palsy .ing antidotes". excitement, colorful stage pictures teers have located a camping Association. Invitations have been issued to Committee and taut, sparkling dailogue,!' Diperty located about 130 nUle. from Mr. ~ook is scheduled .to speak members of the Media Mothers' .An evening of basketball and fun rector Price comments, "you should Upper Darby between StroudsbUrg on "Modern Banking Services" at Club, Child Study Club of Ridley will be sponsored the the JUnior not miss this production.~J and Dingman's Ferry in the heart the meeting of the Delaware Coun- Park, Community Mothers' Club of High Varsity Club of the' Swarth_ Curtain time is 8 :20 p.m. of the Poconos. The 1000 acres of ty Chapter of the American Asso- Rutledge and the Child Study Club more JUnior High School beginning improved grOund ;s accessible by ciation of University Women next of Ridley Township. These groups, at 6 :46 p.m. tonight. Tl)e club, unexisting roads and'includes a 26 Monday night at the Community along wit' Swarthmore, are mem- der the guidance of Donald Hender_ acre lake considered by the Stste "Y" of Eastern 'Delaware County, bers of the Deiaware Council of son, faculty sponsor, has a program Board of Health to be adequate for Garrett road and Lansdowne ave- Mothers' Clubs. planned to interest all age.. Tbere 1600 swimmers daily. Hostesses for the evening will be will be well over ]00 student.. from Existing faailities include a new_ Mrs. William McIntire, Jr., and grades six to nine plus one -team A• R• M I'I ne CI asslc Mrs. SaUy Lemon. . t 0 hDe Iy-built dining hall to' accom'1date lOth Anniversary Party from the Senior High School parti_ 240 campers; five cottages an~ two . cipating in the program. Tuesday in smal! cabins; three wells supplying For Friendly Open ../."louse The program includes a Senior Concert Reading (Contillued on Page 6) Repoms of the work of tne SponHigh Intramural game, the Cham_ A. A. Milne's classic "Winnie the Committee of the· Jo'riendly pions vs. the Coaches at 6:45; the sixth grade All-Stsrs vs. Seventh Poo" will be featured at the next Canteen Invites Crades Open House were given by Secra_ , The Swarthmore Recreation Asmeeting o,f the Swarthmore Junior 9 to 12, and Neth. Provo tary Amy R. Howland, at a meeting 't' t F b 26 to f grade All-Stars at 7:30; the Junior Monday in the home of Mrs. Harold socIa IOn me on c ruary or_ High JUniOI' Varsity Garnet vs. Woman's Club on Tuesday. Under 'Canteen will be""n at 9 p.m. this mulate plans for the ]959 season. h b ' H. Gibson, Jr. Inc.Juded was the Junior High Junior Varsity White commit- week following a 10th grade party. Mrs. Franklin Robblee will again tt e auspices I · of. the literary h' h'ldh d review by Mrs. John H. Pitlna~ on serve as director f'1r the Pre-School at 8; Ninth Grade Girls vs. Junior f ce, se ectIons from t IS C 1 00 Both members and non-members type of entertainment for grollp • and Primary group, and Frank Pic- High Varsity Club at 8:30; Junior tavorite are to be presented drama- are invited from grades nine '" I d meetings, and the service work i y inh concert rea ing. Once through 12, along with Nether COne will continue as Summer Club High Varsity vs. the Cpaches at 9, · d I typified by the knitting project. For every team there will be a again, a c 11 's·eye view of -life wi ,1 Providence High students, ChapAlso summarized was the new 'director. be given the audience as Christo- erons this week will be Mr. and policy adopted by the William Reese will direct the group of cheerleaders, including the pher Robin and his friends debate Mrs. Carl Anderson, and l\[r. and pstlpno,an'·s'' oarsl Committee as its basis for basehaH program for another year coaches, who ,will Jea.d their t"espec_ and philosophize upon the problems ·Mrs. Clarence Franck. the future, to, be put in to effect and is looking forward to a suc- tive groups in cheering. A cheering contest for grades six, seven, eight of their world. There will be a meeting preceed- later this spring, " cessful season with the SUpport of and nine will be held throughout the In an effort to capture the ing the opening at 8 :30. , A welcome addition to the list of all the Swarthmore fans. The of- evening. The -winning cheering sec.. Warmth and humor of the book, The follOwing committee mem- sponsoring organizations was an' ficial baseball registration date will tion will receive Swarthmore boosntembers of the Players Club of bel'S .are invited to the meeting: nounced, with the Board of Deacons soon be announced. ter buttons which have been donaSWarthmore ·have undertaken the Jack Poole, ,rndy Coles, Jon Sey- of the Presbyterian Church apApplications are being accepted ted by the Junior High Cabinet. re·creation of the Milne characters. bold, Cub Cratsley, Moury Mather, .pointing Mrs. Ira Grey its repre- for go-aduate teachers to h.elp in the All proceeds from the games will Arrayed around the stage on taIl BruceCratsley, Charlie Turner, sentative. Pre-School and Primary grOUp, go to the World Friendship Com_ stools, they will speak their lines Roger Anthony, Mae Anthony, Rick Discussion of projecta for the re- Anyone interested in these posimittee. The World Friendship Com_ from books on music stands before Kent, Bill Biddle, Peter Garguilo, mainder of the season centered on tions is urged to call Mrs. Robltlee, mittee is '8 commibtee which sponthem, Y'1ung Chris Shugart wiIl AbigaH Warnes, Sue Bruce, Ann the fact that this spring marks the MA 6-3370. sors the one big money drive of the read Christopher Robin witli Paul Greer, Bettie Bovard, Jeri Taylor, 10th year since the founding '1f the In the Summer Club program, an year' in Swarthmore High School, llirkhahn as Winnie the Poo, Andre Suzan Welz, Ginny Moir, Andy Friendly Open House. An anniver- arts and crafts teacher is needed. and also sponsor~ or acts as a fund Pollock as Piglet and Marcy Roder- Roberts, Louise Howe, Debbie sary committee has been f'1rmed, This person should be a graduate 'repository for all service and interiek as Eyore. Brown, Cynthia Topping, Joan of Mrs. Clyde 1\[. Miller, 01' student teacher majoring in art. national activity work that is carCharles Seymour will be heard as Hawking, Lois Kenwell, Alan StamFred A. Patman, Mrs. Mar- There are also two positions, one ried on in the school. Rahhit, DaVl'd Nat'beth as Owl, Jean ford, and William Lar"on. S ' d M H Id f h' h chool boy and one a C ' Proctor as Kanga, and Charlie SeyLast week 17& enjoyed a March, chairman. high girl, 'to assist with" the. ommitment Service, Held " garet ervals, an x rs. aro or a school Ig S ntour, Jr., as Ru. The is show featuring comedian Lee Gray. On lIfarch 9, from 2 to 4. in the athletic program. Anyone interA graveside commitment service Margaret Pugh. Mrs. Randall Burr, Randy Stevens, rock-and-roIl sing- Pre.byterian buildings, the Friend- e.ted in any of these positions is Was held Saturday, February 14, elub president, will introduce the er who has a recording out, made Iy Open House will celebrate ita asked to call Frank Piccone, KIngs- in Chillicothe, Mo., for Alida Wie.ening's entertainment. ·a guest appearance. 10th birthday, programmed by the W'1od 3-3866. koff (llfrs. William F.) Hanny, a Sponsors Committee. residcnt of 119 Yale avenue, who Because it is thought that many old friends of Christopher Robin Potential Brownie Call Others taking :part in the plan- HEAD SWARTHMORE died February 1. The service was enjoy this reading, the Junior All mothers of girls who willning inclUded Mrs. Heinrich BrinkCAICER CRUSADE conducted by th. Rev. Herman woma,"'. Club has opened the meet- in the third grade next year and mann, Mrs. George C. Broadbent, Mrs. HerbertT. 'Glenn of North of Lexington, Mo., Presto the general pnblic. The pta- are interested in joining Br'ow'lli,.IMrs. James H. Connor, Mrs. Rayavenue, and Mrs. byterianminister. Interment took held at the clubhouse on Park Scouts are invited to ineet with mond K. Den"'orth, Mrs. Eldon B. Francis H. Gibson, also of Nol'th place in the family lot wnere Mrs. 'vellue begins' at 8 p.m. and will be Mra. C.Calvin Naylor, neighbor- Hollis; Mr•• Margaret B. Kent, Mrs. SWarthmore avenue, have been Hanny's father, mother and brother! Jly refl'eShments. hood iJeont chairman, on Cbarles W. Loken... Mrs. Arthur R, named crusade directors for the are bnriecl. 8 P.M. Local Banking Officer Named Assistant Vice-President ! SJH Varsity Olub Oalls Baskelball Program Winnie Ihe Pooh' Fealure at Jr. Olub Presen~ned SRA Board Formulates Plans for. '1959 Season ~al co~sisting ~Irs. tal~nt narrato~ ~or Swarthmor~ ~:~::I "-...... ':""' ...... -~::~.':,:;::....:=- .' Schuessle~ !............... - '... JL ....Ig:~..=.''' - --,. ..:...";":.';.: B. W""'." I INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE Cliff Renshaw Named New Head of Swim Club NEWS NOTES IIIrs Joseph S. Lynch has returned from a 10 day visit with h;:: parents Dr. and IIIrs. George . Rice; and her sister Mr~. Wendell Henning of St. Cloud, IIImn. Mrs. J. Albright JonesWof EI'," avenue will entertain the omen 8 Medical Auxiliary to the Taylor Hospital for dessert before the regular monthly meeting on M.onda y • IIIr. Ben L. Olcott of Oberlin av~­ nue has returned irom two week s attendance at the C.A.M.G. School, Ft. Gordon, Ga. Barbara Dumm of Dartmouth avenue celebrated her 12th birthday Saturday b)" entertaining a group of friends at Longwood Gardens, followed by a ,party at home. Mr. and Mrs. Charlcs C. ~rogan, Jr., of Forest lane entcrtamed. at a dinner party Saturday evenmg in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson F. Blackman of Wallingford. Miss Elizabeth Connor of Lebanon, is the house guest this week of IIIr. and IIIrs. Jamcs H. Conn~r of Fairview road. Miss Connor IS Mr. Connor's sister. Robert G. Watkins, son of IIIr. and Mrs. W. W. Watkins of Magill road is a member of the Glee Club of The Mercersburg Academy. Po.si_ tions were named after extensive tryouts in December and January. 1I1r. and IIIrs. Alfred lIIarsh a~d their daughter Susan of Columb.a avenue and Mrs. Margaret Marsh of Dartmouth House spent the holiday weekend visitin'g Mrs. George Marsh and her family in Culpepper, Va. Mrs. Charlotte Olcott of Oberlin avcnue left Tuesday for a two week visit .with Mrs. Charles H. MacDowell in Winter Park, Fla. Mrs. George H. Turner moved Saturday from the Harvard Inn to the home of her son-in-law 'and daughter IIIr. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones at 407 North Swarthmore EXHIBIT ACCEPTED FAIR FOR SCIENCE da Uthe Park avenue, has h !ha: exhibit 'accepted 'or display . a he Junior division of the .11th Delaware Valley Fair to be held at The Frankhn I stitute A.pril 26-28. n Rh d 12 is a sixth grade stud tOt Friend's Central School. nned and built her exhibitII epa ra hy' Theory and Prat·' tlce -un dPer t'he guidance of. her . teacher Hans F. Flckensc.ence , h sc er. (Continued from Page 1) set with only the original pool in . d . SI'nce then the addition of a mm deep water pool and increased facilities had considerably k· parmg ... PI 00 d d CXlpan e t he Club fac.lttles. . lIIanager lIIilIard Robmson presented daily attendance records for the past season, showing an av~rage 0 f 275 . It was stated that m. ." who take Icssons c I uulllg C h"ldren 1 • . In the early morning, and duphcatlons of people who entcr and leave the 'AMERICAN DEMOCRACY' pool several times a day, there were SERIES STARTS MONDAY 1 fo ur days in August when at;on y d in tcndancc exceedcd 400; 10 ays The first in a series of 10 discus; slons _ . on "American Democracy the entire season when it passed 600 and only four (June 13, July 1, 2 will be held lIIarch 2 at Swarthmore College. , and 3) when it surpassed 7~0 durThis group is part of Penn State s ing the entire day and even mg. "Liberal Studies for Adults" proRobinson breathed "extreme' gram offered in this area as a new thankfulncss u for another safe seaavenue of adult education. Shelton -son and paid tribute to the .c~per­ Forest of Springfield has been ation of members and t~~ ?i'hgence named to lead the group at 8 p.m. of staff in this responsibIlIty. Monda_y _._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Dr. John Wigton drew attention CE to a rcsuscitator, displayed on the TO ATTEND CONFEREN stage, which had been .purchased Dr. William Y. Rial, Harvard for $395 and which W.lgton desavenue, and, Dr. J. Albright Jones, cribed as a uwonderful Investment Elm avenue, will attend the 1959 though it never has to be used, I State Medical Officers Conferen~e hope". to be held next Thursday and FrIUpon motion of John III. Thompday in Harrisburg. on Jr club auditor, the fiscal year Dr. Rial, secretary of the Del~­ :nd' w~~ moved up to October 31 in ware County Medical Society, will order to assure the settling of the participate in the panel, "Orientapast season's busi~ess. ~ith be~ter tion of New Members", schedule.d dispatch. The destrablltty of It~e­ for Friday morning. Dr. Jones IS wise moving up the annual meetmg chairman of preventive medicine date through by-law amendment and public health. requIring 10 days notice in advance of the next annual meeting, sO that newly elected official. could be CAMP REUNIDN HELD spared the necessity to rush a:Former Swarthmoreans Mr. and l'angemcnts fQr the next season .m Mrs. Ferris Thomsen of Princeton, a shol't span of time, was also dlSN.J., held their Camp Sherwood recussed. union Saturday at the horne of Mrs. Income of $21,566.08 having exThomsen's sister Mrs. S. Copeland ceeded the budgeted $20,800, and Palmer in Wallingford. Those attotal expense of $18,135.87 having Mrs. H. Miller Crist of tending from this area include: been under the anticipated $20,. J eb Turner Ed Harris, Steve treasurer's report Park avenue have had. as theIr H' k B k jackson Steve Kamp, 262.50 , thc I occaSIOns Mr. IC s, ur e '. .• showed a balance of $3,430.21 for guest on severa . Bill Gill George HamIlton, Bill the calendar year 1958. Crist's daught~r .Mrs.. Mary Crl~t Medford,' Dick zlackson, Kent BeeFleming, whd IS In thiS country 1n. R n 'ra.Jlor Courtney Pren_ . f h mp in smger, 0 3~, the mterest 0 er summer ca . B'II G rdon Bob Brown Ian IN 'POP' CONCERT . d tlCe,lo, , Lugano, 'SwItzerlan.. McKeag, Ron Noyes. William Essick, Jr., Wallingford, Dr. and IIIrs: J. Albright Jones Also Alfred Boyd and son Gora sophomore in business adminis8 returned to their home Qn Elm ave- d Mr and Mrs. David Watkins -~ t' tr'p to on, l • . C tl'ation at the Drexel Institute of nue Friday alter a vac~ 100 l' and son Kenny, Mrs. William . Technology, will ,participate in the Belair, Fla. En route home t~e! Elmore and son .David, and Mrs. department of music's "pop" con- stopped in Sea Island, Ga., to VISit Robert E. Connelly and sons Mike cert tomorrow night in the Drexel with IIIr. and IIIrs. William E, Het- and Bob. zel. Auditorium in Philadelphia. ~n!ual S~n ~ Sc.en~e ~i.e .Ph,~tog av~~~e~nd ACCEPTS NEW POSITION "You Meet the Nicest People at Speare's" and "They Do Sell the Nicest Things at Speare's" ~~:~cena:. EDGMONT AVENUE - SEVENTH AND WELSH STREETS STORE HOURS: Monday fh,. Th."day, 9:30-5:30. Mday, 9:30-9:00: Saf.,d.y. 9:30.5:30 Great for the Budget. IIIr. and IIIrs. Preben K. Johnston with their sons Paul and Eric recently moved from Rose Tree to Boston, Mass., where Mr. Johnston has accepted a position as controller with the Raytheon Manufacturing 'Co~pany of Bost!)n, Mass. He is also a member of tHe Presbyterian Board of Missions, Philadelphia. .' IIIrs. Johnston is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H, Barnes, former Swarthmoreans. - - - - , -, --_. -.-~-- , posi~ion. o~ Col1e~e PRESCRIPTION 't'".SPECIALISTS! )' ~,:~-Our Pt-ncriptiDfl Sp.c1411m emblem is your assurance nf prompt, precise <:om· poundiug at prices that are uniformly fair, " Afways make it a point to bring us your Doctor's prescriptions-and call 011 us for ALL health aids. . CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE , .' . ", , 3·0586 Klngswood co-op FOOD MARKET Consumer's 403 Co.Op Ass'n. of Swarthmore, Inc. Dartmouth Avenue Opposite Borough Hall Swift's Premium Leg o'Lamb Ib.63c Loin Lomb Chops Ib.l.19 Ib.45c Ib.55c CALIFORNIA ICEBERG LETTUCE head 19c bunch 19c DAINTY ,POTATO CHIPS ... and Good for the Family n -0 , 'PEANUT BUTTER APOLOGY IS IIOT ENOUGH If you should accidentally injure a. member of the puhllc, you I1light have to do more than apologbe. You might have tp defend against a big SUit for damages, Be protected against financial10ss from damage suits with lEtna's Comprehensive Persona.J. Liability policy. Peter E. Told All Lines of Insurance 333 DARTMOUTH AVE. SWARTHMORE. PA. BARGA I NS GALORE fullpou~~ 49c CO·OP OUR - Klngswood 3-1833 2-lb. jar 79c Co.·OP MARGARINE 2 Ibs. 39c CO·OP PINEAPPLE JUICE 46-0%. can 29c F.F.V. Fudge In l Nut Cookies Ig. box 29c EXTRA SPECIAL ALL BREYER'S ICE CREAM . ALL • Support the Cancer Cancer The following children have been confined to their homes. lIIeasles - Patricia Sutherland of North Chester road, John Roxby 3rd of Vassar avenue and Robert , of Riverview road, 'd Laird an J'lmmy and Bruce Conwell of Columbia avenue. Meningitis - Joy R. Fray of Park avenUe. weeke~d w.t~ FLAVORS "h Oallon - $1.00 SV/8 rtJunore LIB ItARY ... ... ... MEASLES, MEIDIBITIS REPORTED II BOROUBH Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Dennett NEWS NOTES of Princeton avenue returned ho?,e after spending the ·Mr. 'Dennett's mother, Mrs.' war B. 'Dennett of Portland, Me. IIlr. Henry I. Hoot of Laf~ye~te avenue has recovered from hIS 111ness while at the shore and has recently accepted a i;' the County Engineer's OffIce m River, N.J. The Hoots return their home ind Swarthmore almost every weeken . C B C bell of Mr and Mrs. . . amp avenue have with them for a brief stay Mr. Campbell's brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. George W. Campbell who arriv~d from Florida and will be on theIr way -to their home in Owosso, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Ford F. Robinson f Guernsey road have returned ;rom a weekend in Summit, N.J., where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ryan, for mer Swarthmoreans. On their way to Summit, they stopped in Princet?n where they visited their son JIm who attends Princeton University. Mr. and IIIrs.. Edward Cratsley and son Bruce of, Strath Haven avenue spent the w:eekeqd in New York City. IIIr. Cratsley was attending the, meeting of .the ~ast­ ern Association of College bus,ness officers. IIIr.' and IIIrs.A. 'Robb Cochran of Kenyon avenUe are planning to leave for Florida on Wednesday and expect to be away until Easter. As guests for a few days last week, IIIr. and IIIrs. Cochran entertained Miss Doris Slothower and Miss Sue Rouse, both of Easton. Miss Slothower is Mr. Cochran's niece. S~rnrthno::-I: V')llec:~ Lihrn.ry COl,I,WJE - PASCAL CELERY • • BWARTHMORE February 27, 1959 THE SWAKTHMOKEAN Page 10 -,J.:"I ' • MAR 6 1959 , , THE SWARTHMOREAN VOLUME 3I-NUMBER 10 'Devil's Disciple' Opening March 91h Swarthmor e, Pa,. I Guidance Counselor I l' ~rid ay, Ma reh 6• 1959 Support the Crusade Crusade $4.00 I>ER YEAR Richard M. Hook I Women 10 Present Warning to Delinquent Taxpayers The tax collector is preparing a In Jist of unpaid pel' capita taxes. Cambodian Dancer to These taxes will be given to the delinquent tax coIlector for coHecPerform at Club tion. Logal cost will be added in ad_ Tuesday dition to the penalty now due. In order to avoid this additional exThe Woman's Club of Swarth_ pense pay yOUr taxes at oncc. mOre will hold a stated meeting fol_ For additional infol'mation call lowing an outstanding program on John A. Schumacher, tax collector, Tuesday, at 1 :30 p.m. in the clubat K.lngswood 3-3151. house. Program ChairlDan Mrs. Peter E. Told wiII prcsent the intcrnationally esteemed dancer, ,l\Iara, in a solo dance and lecture which combines authentic classical dunces of the Far East, the explan_ ation of their meaning, and skilled William Whitlock, and Wiliam Arthur S. Johnson to makeup and costumes. ~l'ice, will play important roles, Speak Thursday Born in Manchuria, l\fara early and Ingeborg Stephens from the sho\\o'ed an aptitude for thc strict Wilmington Drama League will Night traditions and spcaking hands of lllay the demanding part of Mrs. The Mothers' Club of Swarththe Orienta'} dance, and trained Dudgeon. Local 'Kick Off' Meeting more will meet on Thursday at 8 :30 The dialQguc is witty, the situap.m. in McCahan Hall of the Pres- with the dancers of the Court. She Set for Monday at tions are exciting and there is plenbyterian Church to hear Arthur S. then stUdied in Java: Saigon, and Local Banking Officer 8 P.M. ty of fun .. too, it is reported, as Mr. (Bud) Johnson, instructor at the with the world famous Hindu dan"Operation Camp Site", a $200,Named Assistant \Villiamson Free Trade School in cer, Rani Gopal in Paris. In the Shaw pokes fun at military ethics, love, enmity, heloism, and the like. 000 fund-raising campaign sponMedia, speak on. "Pennsylvania U. S. she was assistant ChOl'eogra_ Vice-President pl]er and dancer of the Broadway sored bl' the Girl Scouts of DelaDutch Folk Art". Hank Gayley has designed the Richard III. Hook has been proproduction j'Kismet", and charco-ware County, will get under way in II1r. Johnson attended the Philasettings. Simplicity, ease of chang_ moted to assistant vice-prcsident, gl'aphcr and lead danccr for "The Swarthmore Monday evening, delphia School of Industrial Arts ing sets quickly and easily, aud/opK;irig and IU, on tauI'. Girard Trust Corn Exchange Bank, 1I1al'ch 9,at 8 o'clock when all those and the University of Pennsylvan~ portunity for the audience to use This accomplished Cambodian interested in the scouting program Philadelphia, it is announced by ia: Before entering tcaching, he was its imagination, all enter into the Geoffrey S. Smith, president. dancer has performed in Canada are invited to attend the ukick~offlJ engaged in the sign painting and design. is a commercial lending officer in and South America as well as our meeting to be held in the All-Purinterior decorating businesses. The play is under the direction 'pose Room of the Rutgers Avenue the banking department. own country, dcmonstrating the Decorating and antiquing furniall'. Hook lives on Strath Haven (Continued on Page 10) of William Price, who presented School. ture is a hobby with Mr. Johnson avenue. He is a graduate of Swarth~ IIWitness for the P;ose~ution" 'last 1111'S. William M. Polishook of and he wiII share some of his know_ year. There may be three genera- Haverford, chainnan of public I"e- more High School and Dartmouth ledge and techniques whieh could tions of the Price family on the lations for the Delaware County College and of the Tuck School of be used by homemakers. IIlr. Johnstage in the final scene, since four- Council of the Girl Scouts will Business Administration at Dart- son, himself, has this to say, "Yes, year-old Christopher may be in the speak, and colored slides of the new mouth. He is secretary of the it's a I'ather serious lecture but I crowd. Swarthmore Players' Club and camp site will be shown. occasionally try to inject a little 6:45 Event Tonight Aids president of the Delaware County humor. Thert! are a lot of interest"If you nre interested in history, Delaware County Scout v'll unWorld Friendship excitement, colorful stage pictures teers have located a camping pro- Unit of the United Cerebral Palsy ing antidotes". Association. Committee and taut, sparkling dailogue," Di- perty located about 130 miles from Invitations havc been issued to IIIr. F!'ook is scheduled to speak members of the Media Mothers' rector Price comments, "you should Upper Darby between An evening of basketball and fun not miss this production." and Dingman's Ferry in the heart on "Modern Banking Services" at Club, Child Study Club of Ridley will be SPOJlsored the the Junior of the Poconos. The 1000 acres of the meeting of the Delaware Coun- Park, Community Mothers' Club of High Varsity Club of the Swarth_ Curtain time is 8:20 p.m. improved ground is accessible by ty Chapter of the American Asso- Rutledge and the Child Study Club more Junior High School beginning existing roads and .~ncludes a 26 ciation of University Women next of Ridley Township. These groups, at 6 :45 p.m. tonight. TlJe club, unacre lake considered by the State Monday night at the Community along wit! Swarthmore, are mem- der the guidance of Dona'ld Hender_ Board of Health to be adequate for 4'Y" of Eastern Delaware County, bers of the Delaware Council of son, faculty sponsor, has a program Garrett road and Lansdowne ave- Mothers' Ciubs. planned to interest all ages. There 1500 swimmers daily. nue. Hostesses for the evening will be will be well over 100 :o.tudents from Existing facilities include a new_ A. R. Mi Ine Classic to l3 e ly-built dining hall to accomodate Mrs. \Villiam McIntire, Jr., and grades six tQ nine plus one team 1111'S. Sally Lemon, from the Senior High School partie 240 campers; five cottages and two 10th Anniversary Party Presentned Tuesday in cipating in the program. small cabins; three wells supplying For Friendly Open House Concert Reading The program inclUdes a Senior (Continued on Page 6) Repolts of the work of the SponHigh Intramural game, the Cham.. A. A. Milne's classic "'Vinnie the sors Committee of the Friendly pions vs. the Coaches at 6 ;45; the Poo" wiH be featured at thc next Canteen Invites Crades Open House were given by Secrosixth grade All-Stars vs. Seventh meeting of the Swarthmore Junior 9 to 12, and Neth. Provo tary Amy R. Howland, at a meeting " The Swarthmol'e Recreation Asgrade All-Stars at 7:30; the Junior Woman's Club on Tucsday. Undcr Monday in the home of ]\Irs. Harold sociatlon met on February 26 to forHigh Junior Val'sity Garnet vs. the auspices of the literary commitCanteen will begin at 9 p.m. this H. Gibsoll, Jr. Included was the mulate plans for the 1959 season. Junior High Junior Varsity White tlX', selections from this childhood week following a 10th grade party. review by l\.frs. John H. Pitman on F'l'anklin Robblee will again Mrs. at 8; Ninth Grade Girls vs. Junior favorite are to be presented drama- Both members and non~membel's type of entertainment for group serve as director for the Pre-School High Varsity Club at 8:30; Junior lln::t!IIy in concert reading. Once are invited from grades nine meetings, and the service work and Primary gfoup, and Frank PicHigh Varsity vs. the Cpaches at 9. again, a chiId's-eye view of Ufe wih through 12, along with Ncther typified by the knitting project. cone wilI continue as Summer Club For every tcam there will be a be given the audience as Christo- Providence High stUdents. <..:hlap- r Also sUIllp.larizcd was the new director. group of cheerleaders, including the 'pher Robin and his fricnds debate crans this week will be Mr. and financial policy adopted by the \ViHiam Reese will direct the coaches, who will lead their respec_ and philosophize upon the problems Mrs. Carl Anderson, and IIIr. and Sponsors Committee as its basis for baseball program for .nother year tive groups in cheering. A chcering of their world. Mrs. Clarence Franck. the futul'e, to be !lUt in to effect and is looking forward to a suc- contest for grades six, seven, eight In an effort to capture the There will be a meeting preceed- later this spring. . ccssful season ,vith the SUpport of and nine wiH be helll throughout the Wal'mth and humor of the book, ing thc opening at 8 :30. • A welcome addition to the list of all the Swarthmore fans. The of- evening. The winning cheering sec_ hlentbers of the Players Club of The following committee mem- sponsoring organizations was ficia1 basebaH registration date will tion will receive Swarthmore boosS\\'arthmore have undertaken the hers are invi-ted to the meeting: nounced, with the Board of Deacons soon be announced. ter bu ttons which have been donafe-creation of the Milne characters. Jack Poole, Judy Coles, Jon Sey- of the Presbyterian Church apApplications arc being accepted ted by the Junior High Cabinet. Al'l'ayed around the stage on tall bold, Cub Cratsley, Moury Mather, pointing Mrs. Ira Grey its repre- for gomduate teachers to help in the All proceeds from the games wiII stools, they will speak their Jines Bruce Cratsley, Charlie Turner, sentative. Pre-School and Primary group. go to the World Friendship Comfrom books on music stands before Roger Anthony, Mac Anthony, Rick Discussion of projects for the re- Anyone interested in these posi- mittec. The \Vorld l"riendshill Comthem. Young Chris Shugart will Kent, Bill Biddle, Peter Garguilo, mainder of the season centered on tions is urged to call Mrs. RobBlee, mittee is a committee which spon .. read Christopher Robin with Paul Abigail 'Varnes, Sue Bruce, Ann the fact that this spring marks the MA 6-3370. SOl'S the one big money drive of the Bil'khahn as Winnie the Poo, Andre Greer, Bettie Bovard, Jeri Taylor, 10th year since the founding of the In the Summer Club program, an Pollock as Piglet and Marcy Roder- Suzan Welz, Ginny lIfoir, Andy Friendly Open House. An anniver- arts and crafts teacher is needed. year in Swarthmore High School, ,and also sponsor"s 01' acts as a fund ick as EVOl'e Roberts, Louise Howe, Debbie sary committee has been formed, This person should be a gl'aduale repository for all service and interBrown, Cynthia Topping, Joan cOI>sisting of Mrs. Clyde III. Miller, OJ' teachor majoring in art. national activity work that is carCharles Seymour will be heard as Hawking, Lois Kenwell, Alan Stam- :Ill'" F .. ed A. Patman, :III'S. :llar- There are also two positions, one ried on in the t'ehool. ILII,I,it, David Narbeth as Owl, Jcan fonl, and William Lar,on. Servais, and Mrs. Harold for a high school hoy and one for a hoetor as Kanga, and Charlie SeyLast week 175 enjoyed a talent :llarch, chairman. high sehool girl, to assist with the '0 Service Held • ur, Jr., as Ru. The narrator is show featuring comedian Lee Gray. On lIIarch n, from 2 to 4 in the aLhletic program. Anyone inte"- Commitment A gravcside commitment service :I['l'garet Pugh. Mrs. Randall Burr, Randy Stevens, rock-and-roll sing- Presbyterian bUildings, the Friend- ested in any of these positions is was held Saturday, February 14, club president, will introduce the er who has a recording out, made Iy Open House will celebrate its asked to call Frank Piccone, KIngs_ in Chillicothe, 1110., for Alida Wi"'ening's cntertainment. ·a guest appearance. 10th birthday, programmod by the, wood 3-3866. koff (Mrs. William F.) Hanny, a Recause it is thought that many Sponsors Committee. resident of 119 Yale avenue, Who old friends of Christopher Robin Potenf'ial Brownie Call Others taking part in the plan- HEAD SWARTHMORE died February 1. The service was enjoy this reading, the Junior All mothers of girls who will be ning included lIfrs. Heinrich BrinkCANCER CRUSADE conducted by the Rev. Herman :Volllan,s Club has opened the meet- in the third grade next year and mann, IIIrs. George C. Broadbent, IIfrs. Herbel.t T. Glenn of North Schuessler of LeXington, Mo., Pres_ Ing to the general public. The pro- are interested in joining Brownie Mrs. James H. Connor, Mrs. Ray- Swarthmore avenue, and Mrs. byterian minister. Interment took gran" held at the clubhouse on Park Scouts are invited to meet with mond K. Denworth, II1rs. Eldon B. Francis H. Gibson, also of NOl-th place in the famBy lot where Mrs. ""enue begins at 8 p.m. and will be Mrs. C. Calvin Naylor, neighbor. Hollis, Mrs. Margaret B. Kent, Mrs. Swarthmore avenue, have been Hanny's father, mother and brother' by refreshments. hood scout chairman, on Thursday, Charles W. Lukens, Mrs. Arthur R. 118med crusade directors for the are buried. There will be a guest fee for non_ from 1 to 2:30 p.m., in the Rntgers O. Redgrave, and Airs. John H. Delaware County Unit, American, A brother Lester B. Wikoff of Avenue all-purpose room. man. . Cancer Society. LeXington, survives. To Speak Tuesday IIfrs. William Clark, guidance counselor at Swarthmore High Price Directs Shaw's School. will speak at a meetingTues_ day night at 8 in the Rutgers AveMelodrama at nue School. The mceting, originalPlayers Club ly called for January 27, was postGeorge Bernard, Shaw's "The poned because of weather. IIIl·s. Clark's topic will be "GudiDevil's Disciple" will bc presented at the Players Club on Monday ancc-Tcsting - Its Interpretation nightr, March 9, and all that week. and Application."' Tl;te program, prcsented by the This is a melodrama of the American Hevolution and the English education committee of the Home General Burgoyne plays a prQmi- and SchQol Association, was planned especially for paren ts of chilnent part in the play. dren in the seventh, eighth, and A top-potch cast, in eluding Philip ninth grades, but all intel"Csted parPrice, Ruth RadbiU, William Conron, Christine Palmer, Ben Hanson, ents arc cordially invited. M . 0 L ara ance, eclure Dutch Folk Art Topic For Mothers Club Girl Scouts Launch 'Operation Campsite' Hook Wins Promotion At Oirrad Trust SJH Varsily Club Calls Baskelball Program 'Winnie the Pooh' Feature al Jr. Club SRA Board Formulates Plans for 1959 Season an- . . ~tlldont ~'ould Pit-I • Page THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 2 I at Oberlin avenue is the paternal Mr. and Mr•. Edward Leon Guen. ther of Philadelphia announce the birth of a daughter, Hillary Holmee, on Monday, February 23. Mrs. Guenther is the former Virginia Announ~ement is made of the I Holmes Bevan. birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. The maternal grandparents are Walter Hannum of Newark, Del., Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Bevan of on February 27. This is their third Crest lane. The paternal grandpar. child and second son. ents are Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L. nnum of Guenther of Pennsauken, N.J. Ha II1rs. Clarence G. 'Copter Pilot Lands Craft at Rutgers Sch. Singers Who Will Present International Program Next Week Named to College of Electors, Hall of Fame Last week ne other junior style; Richard McCurdy who placed high schools in the Philadelphia first in·diving; and his brother, suburban area. It is hoped that Lyn· nino, who w<)n second in the 100. Courtney and Susan Williams will yard breaststroke and third in div• again place first and second in di....· ing; Gordon Boyd who placed sec. ing and that Diane Renshaw and and in butterfly and third in freeB9th Purnell will place in their style; I'nd Sandy Robinson who cap • grade groups. tured second in backstroke. Other swimmers who will 'lead the assault on the records will be Betsy Breakell, Susan Wigton, Suo san Crawford, Sally Shepphard; Three pre-Easter talks on "The . Grace MeDermott, Barbara Stuart, Linda Kennedy, Sharon Parker, Devotional Life" -have' been arJoanne Espenschade and Betsy ranged by the Forum Committee , .....,... -regular, low-cost economy gasl A mere sprinkling of it takes of the Friends Meeting. Ward. On . Sunday morning at 9 :45, The Lark·for miles and miles with peak performance, whether you drive The Swarthmore Eskimo Swim Howard Comfort" professor of the spiritedsix or the super-responsive V·S.· .~ And you drive it so easily, Club will meet the girls of the Wil- Latin at Haverford College and park it so tidily, tum It so neatly-because it's a sensible three feet shorter mington YWCA March 14 at 2 p.m. Clerk of the Philadelphia Yearly outside than conventional cars. (But plenty of room inside for six.) in the Mary Lyon Pool here in Meeting on Worship and Ministry Swarthmore. And with all its economy (cuts insurance, repair and maintenance costs), will expore the topic "What Prayer it's so richly, rightly styled, it's fashion approved by Harper's Bazaar. The Eskimo boys' meet scheduled Means to Me". ' with Girard College for this Satur. And beautifully engineered. This is common sense on wheels, folks-and Mr. Comfort is the son of Wil· day afternoon had to be cancelled liam Wistar Comfort, former pres. about time you tried it. You can-today. Do itl because of a mild virus epidemic at ident of Haverford College. the college. On Mateh 15 at 9:45, Howard H. AutomatJ'c 7Tansmissions Brinton, philosopher, Quaker his· available on all models torian and Oirector Emeritus of Saturday. Morning Pendle Hill, will talk on "What the to Begin Meeting for 'Vorship Means to Me." A'1I boys or young men interested The fol1owing Sunday, March 22, in playing with the Saturday morn- Henry J. Cadbury, Professor Emering Lacrosse Club should report to itus of Divinity at Harvard and the College avenue field in back of chairman of the AmeriCan Friends the gym at 9 :30 SlIIturday morning. Service Committee, will discuss Another fine sehedule has been ar· "What the Bible Means to Me". ranged which -will probably begin All who a'te interested are corwith the University of Pennsyl. dially invited to attend this series. vania Freshmen, March 21, 10 a.m. This Club is 'lot :restricted to stu· The JUlIor Waman's Slab dente at Swarthmore and it is hop. , presents ed that many will join the Club. DRAMATIa READ IllS Fun drive the LARK today at from ' Millard Robinson is the coach and "WII.IE THE POOH" sponsor, and Gene Melcher Is the < Tuesday, MorchIO.!at·8 P.M. ",anager,- Hank. Ford and Avery STIllMAN'S AUTOMOTIVE CENTER FUSCO MOTOR CO. s-t ,,"·IOc. Blake will .act .. club advleOl'll; CIfI5Itl ..... FAI.VlEW lOADS, SWAl1l"!)lI,I'ENNA. .. SOUTH I,oIcDA~E IC>ULEVAID, GLEIIOLDEH, ~ , for MAGAZ I NES ALL LINES OF INSURANCE a Fri. 9 to 8:30 SCIENCE HEALS TRY OU'!' & SEE ABOUT . , .;>- Friends Forum Plans Pre-Easter Series THETat IIIrSTUDEBAKER OODLES OF OOMPH ON A HATFUL OF GAS I I .> L~crosse \ \ -'. • ~-~ .... --.. ,•.. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 2 March 6, 1959 March 6, 1959 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Butler of Oberlin avenue is the paternal Mr. and Mrs. Morriso~ Rugh Baltimore, formerly of Rose V ..lley. grandmother and Mrs. Andrew Irand children Karen and BIlly revine of Parkside the maternal turned to their home on Dartmout~ Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Maxweil grandmother. avenue Friday night after a week s of School lane, announce the birth visit to 1\Ir. Rugh's parents Mr. and of their third child, a son, Charles Mrs. Alfred Rugh in Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Leon GuenChristopher Stuart, born in the ther of Philadelphia announce the Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S. Hart of Bryn Mawr Hospital on Sunday, birth of a daughter, Hillary Holmes, Lafayette avenue have ret.urned on Monday, February 23. lIIrs. ~Iarch 1. from a week's, visit with their son Guenther is the former Virginia and daughter-in-law, Rev. an~ 1.1r,5. J. Richard Hart and famIly '" Announcement is made of the I Holmes Bevan. birth of a son to 1\Ir. and Mrs. The maternal grandparents are Pleasantville, N.Y. Mrs. W. Alfred Smith of Amherst "'alter Hannum of Newark, Del.. Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Bevan of avenue had as ~er overnight gu~st on February 27. This is their third Crest lane. The paternal grandpaI'.. ents arc Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L. IOl'mcr Swarthmorean Mrs. LIla child and second son. 1\1rs. Clarence G. Hannum of Guenther of Pennsauken, N.J. 1\1oore of Bethesda, ~Id. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Paddison and their sons Carl and gam, formerly The Rev. and Mrs. Paul Miller of "Morganwood" left yesterday to spend a long weekend with their Mrs. Clark W. Davis of Walli~g­ and daughter Mr. and ford, accompanied by her niece :\1rs. Edwin J. Reinke, Jr., and inMrs. Robert F. Cox, 2nd, ~Iso of fant son, in Wilton, Conn. Wallingford, ;flew to ~'lia~J,. Fla., 1\1rs. Paul Banks of Harvard avelast week, where 'Mrs. DaVIS JS the nue entertained at a linen shower guest of Mrs. Russell H: ~ent, and tea on Saturday afternoon in aboard the cruiser Able Mmme V. honor of Miss Susan Hansell of Mrs. Cox, after a short stay. drove North Swarthmore avenue whose to Naples to vacation with her husengagement to 1\11'. RQbert E. Shapband's parents Mr. and 1\1rs. Cox ley has been announced. of Rose Valley. Janet Golc1water, young daughter Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Gc"r ~r of 1'11'. amI Mrs. Daniel L. Gold~ Academy road have had as theIr gue!'its over the ·weekend 1\lr:;. Gccr's water of Rutgers avenue celebratec1 parents Mr. and :\11'5. S. 'V. Daven- her eighth birthday on Tuesday and a BmaU house party for a few port of Kinderhook, N. Y., who of Tenafly, N.J., have moved into stopped over on their way from a fl'ielld~ will be held today. 30 YALE AVENUE MORTON, PA. their newly purchased home at 100 Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Grier vacation in Florida. TELEVlsmfl - HOME and AUTO RIIDIO - PHONOS Ogden avenue, the former home of Mr. and ::\lrs. James B. Douglas of Dartmouth avenue had as their Mr. and }lrs. A. J. McCormack who "Bring It to Us or We'll Come to You" guests Sunda~' their son and His returned to their home in the have moved to Jacksonville, Fla. Klngswood 4-1028 S-warlhmo re Apartments Tl.lursday wife, Mr. and 1\1rs. Charles Grier Mrs. E. D. Brauns entertained and daughter Laura Lee, of last week after ~pendmg :he \Veunesuay evening at a recipe and ~'IIU1mllllllllnll!1II11liiltm:llmI11IUIIUhl!ll11tJllUllmIlIUlll1llllllllnUlmlllllInUlmIIllIlOllll1lllllllnllllll1l11U1lI1I1lIUlIII[~ month in Lake \Vorth, Fla. Durmg Claymont, Del. Mr. and ~Irs. Harold G. Griffin kitchen shower in honur of Mrs. their stay they visited :Miami, Palm Charles S. Butler, the former MilBeach, 'Vest Palm Beach and Coral of Hutgers avenue returned home Saturday from a five weeks' stay dreu l\lcCowan of Vassar avenue, Gables. whose marriage took place last = = Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Gayleyof in Florida where they visited Silver month. Elm avenue are spending the week~ Springs, Lake Wales, and Cedar Mr. and Mrs. \Valter L. DougJass end , ... ith Mrs. Gayley's parent~ Mr. Keys. Haverford place had as their ; of IT'S THE CARE THAT COUNTS ; Dr. Samuel Gurin of Amherst and Mrs. Earl Hull of Summit, N.J. guest last week 1\"1rs. Douglass' Mr. and 1\Irs. Robert S. Kamp avenue has left for \Vashington 9 South Chester Road of Riverview l'oad will entertain to- D.C., where he is attending meet- mother Mrs. Eugene Fal"ley of \Vilkes-Barre. Mrs. }t'arley visited § Call Klngswood 3-0476 ~ ings of the National Science FounmorroW at an open house her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Actin Member or the Swarthmore BUsiness AssaelatloQ ~ Mr. and :Mr5. Donald P. Jones of dation. Mrs. Gurin accompanied Coates of West Chester, fonnerly J ~ North Swarthmore avenue, Mr. and him. Swarthmore, before returning ~,*1111l1l111IllnIIIIIIIIIIIlUIllI1l11111ICllJlllnllll[]lIl1nll1llltllllll1I1111IElIIIIIIII111IUIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIEllllllllllillUI1111111111101111.) Mrs. George Daft of Newtown Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cope of Square and Mr. and Mrs. John A. Muhlenberg avenue were hosts at home with Mr. Farley. who also Schumacher of College avenue have a small dinner party Sunday in stopped in for a short visit. ARENTS, Dr. and Mrs. John R. Bates of returned from a vacation trip to honor of Mrs. Paul Blanchard who North Chester road will have Southern Pines, N.C. spoke Sunday evening at the Unilease . tarian Church of Delaware County, their guest for the weekend Mrs. Mrs. Walter Getty and lI1rs. Paul eruse your Elementary School Child's appeal Muriel Graham of New York City. " te Springfield. Miller of "Morganwood en rMr. and Mrs. James A. Davies 'Of The Batcses will entertain at a tained at a tea on Saturday in honOgden avenue will have as their small dinner party tomorrow eveor of theit guest Miss Vivian Trim. h t th' weekend their . . 't' . this country ouse gues IS ning. h Sene! Your Subscription to School Next Week ble w 0 1.S VISI mg 111 granddaughter, Susan Davies of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ March 9-13 ;from IndIa. . P \Vest Point, N.Y. Susan attends PLANS JUNE WEDDING Mr. an~ Mrs. Max Essl of Mlch- Wilson College. and Help Purchase Beneficiol School Equipment igan avenue entert.ained at a. sm~Il Phyllis Hall of Park avenue spent :Miss Ann Surrick, daughter of Mr.' John Earle SUI'rick of SwarthPARENTS' COUNCIL MAGAZINE DRIVE dinner party Fn d ay evenmg m the recent holiday weekend visiting honor of MI'. and Mrs. C. Thomas a former Swarthmorean, Miss Judy I m'Dre place, and the late Mrs. Surh are rick, wiH be married to Mr. T. H. Bau~r of CorneII a;enue. w 0 Koch of Cranford, N.J. movlllg to Brandywme HIBs, 'Vest Mr. and Mrs. George Hastings of Maher Cornell, son of Mrs. Thomas k H. Cornell of 'Haverford, and the Dar.tmouth avenue had as their ' , Chester, this wee . h f M late Mr. Cornell, on Saturday, June Elsa Stradley, daug ter 0 r. guests over the weeke~d Mrs. and I\lrs. B. \V. Stradley of Strath ing's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex 6, in St. Paul's Church, Chester. Haven avenue, visited at Annapolis Semmler of New York City. Rada A reception will. follow at the for the weekend. Hastings accompanied her grand. Rose Tree Hunt Club. Mr. and lUI'S. Robert Fry of Vas· parents back to New York for a BIRTHS sal' avenue \viII spend the day ~ ed~ short visit. Mr. and Mrs. David Bowler of nesday in New York with fnends Mr. and 1\1rs. Morris Potts of and expect to sec a -show. Yale avenue will entertain at a Crum Ledge are receiving congrat. ,Dr. and Mrs. John R. Bates have luncheon Sunday in honor of their ulations on the birth of their second returned to their h~me on N~rth weekend guest, their nephew, ]'Ir. child and first daughter, Margaret Chester ro~d follOWing a MedIter- Joseph Bourne, Jr., of Los Alamos, \Yirth, on Thursday, February 26, ranean crUIse aboard the S. S. In- N.l\L Seventeen guest!; have been in Lankenau Hospital. dependence, which took th~m to the invited, all membcl's of the family. Canary Islands, North Afrlca,Italy, Mr. Bourne is an engineer assO· Mr. and Mrs. William Stoll ClemFrance, and Spain. ciated with the atomic research in ent of Wallingford announce Members of the Paganini Qual'· Los Alamos. birth of a son, William Robert tet attended an infor~tal recep~ion Paul Gaylord, young son of Mr. Clement, on Tuesday, February 17. after the concert FrIday evemng, and Mrs. William Gaylord of RutMrs. Clement is the former Miss at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter gel'S avenue celebrated ,his fourth Barbara AnI! Butler, daughter of Gram Swing of Hillbol'n avenue. birthday last Friday with a party RUSSELL'S SERVICE Mrs. Arthur W. Collins and co- at home for four friends. FOR hostess Mrs. Don McCann of School Dr. Waldo R. Fisher of Guernsey Opposite Boro Parking Lot MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIO!lS lane, entertained at a neighborhood road will return this Sunday from CaU • • • Closed Soturday 12:30 P.M. coffee on Friday morning, for two a 10 day skiing triP/to 1\.lont Trem~ MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN new residents, ,Mrs. Robert Lamber~ blant, Canada. 313 Dartmouth Avenue 'Son of School lane and Mrs. James Rlneswood 8-t.080 Ferguson of Bryn Mawr avenue. r" 1\11'. and Mrs. Lee Dodson and family of Park avenue spent SWARTHMORE, PA. the day and had dinner with Mrs. Dodson's brother~in-Iaw and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Eric H. Schade of Moorestown, N.J. The Schades are 3rd Terrific Week!! former Swarthmoreans. Mrs. Marie Donnelly of Vassar at a special rock bottom price. avenue is leaving this weekend to spend a few days with the Italian Ambassador and his wife, Mr. and (Te.thn1color) Mrs. Brosio of Washington, D.C. Personals DUCK FRANCHETTI - TELEVISION I= The Bouquet != BEAUTY SALON ; ; I ! a P for MAGAZ I N ES AUTO REPAIRS .£ MID-WINTER TUNE-UP TRUCK INSPECTION DELCO BATTERIES GULF GAS and OIL CHECK STEERING FRONT END • ROBERT J. ATZ, Mgf. KI 3·0440 7"=============, College Theatre HELD OVER • Kodak Brownie 8·mm. Movie Camera "GIGI" THE PLAYERS CLUB OF SWARTHMORE presents 'The Devil's Disciple' by GEORGE BERNARD SHAW Produced Under the Direction of WILLIAM PRICE Monday thru Saturday March 9-14 LeslieCaron MouriceChevolier Louis Jordon Deily Features - Sat. Features - 7:30. 9:40 P.M. 6. 8:05. 10:10 P.M. "Abbott 6' Costello Co to Mars" far CH!LDREN SATURDAY I P,M. COLOR CARTOONS and 3 STOOGE COMEDY plus FREE TOYS to Lucky Kiddies Every Saturday Matinee Caming Soon for One lIight Only RETURII ENGAGEMEIIT "The Bolshoi Ballet" in Glorious Technicolor Curtain Time 8:20 P_M. Klngswood 3-2290 Members .ad $aesk AMPLE FREE "RIIIG • 35-mm. Zeiss Oolnra'lex II, with Case YOU·RE AN INDIVIDUAL ... You're a person, a distinct, separate individual. And when it comes to the strictly personal matter ?~ y.our financial security. It S Important that you be treated as an individual That's why our office al~ ways gives you the P.S., Personal Service you deserve. Peler E. Told All Lines 01 Insurance ISS DARTMOUTH AVE. SWAB.'I'BJ(ORB.PA. Klngswood3-1833 This single-lens reflex camera with built-in exposure meter at a low, low price you won't believe. The two new items on special this Friday and Saturday only (March 6th and 7th, 1959 J. Limited Quantities! • The Camera &Hobby Shop 4-6 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. Klngswood 3-4191 Fri. 9 to 8:30 THE SWARTHMOREAN 'Copter Pilot Lands Craft at Rutgers Sch. Singers Who Will Present International Program NextWeek Named to College of Electors, Hall of Fame Dr. W. F. G. Swann, Ogden avenue, director of the Bartol Research Foundation, has beon appointed to the College of Electors of the Hall of Fame for Great Americans at New York University, Dr. Ralph W. Sockman, dil'cctor'of the shrine, has announced. One hundred and fifty-one citizens, representing all 49 states, now make up thc College of Electors. They will vote next year (1960) on candidates fol' inclusion in the Ha'U of Fame. The candidates are nomi~ nated by the pUblic .. Lnst week 'Don Dickinson, a local helicopter pilot doing e"perimental work nearby, landed his craft on the Rutgers avenue school grounds where he had formerly attended, to give the pupils a first-hand look and information on the handling and uses of the plane. The students gathered around the 'copter when it landed and added to their fund of knowledge by having the mechanism and the uses explained, and an aetcual demonstration given by Dickinson. Dickinson is the son of Mrs. Don D. Dickinson of Park avenue. SEMINAR SPEAKER Robert D. Hulme of Rutgers avenue was a guest speg.ker on Tuesday morning at th9 Executive Development Seminar for the Philadelphia Region of the United States Post Office conducted by Pennsylvania State University Management Training Division at Boiling Springs. ncar Carlisle. Mr. Hulme's talk was on uThe Planning FUllction of Management." -----,. _... -_._._--- ~*********************** Peler E. Told Troops to Commemorate Girl Scout Sunday National Girl Scout Sunday will be commemorated. in Swarthmore at three of the local churches. Brownie and Scout troops will attend and participate in one of the morning worship sen'ices held at the church where their troop meets during the week. Scout troops 683 and 95, and Brownie troops 317 and 755 will take Ipart in the 11:15' a.m. service at Trinity Church. The Methodist Church will welcome to their 8 :45 a.m. service Scout troops 741, Brownie troops 414 and 58 and Scout tl"OOP 657 which normally meets at WhiUier House during the week. At the 9 :30 worship service at the Presbyterian Church will be Scout troops 744, 78, 331, 16 and -Brownie troops 254 and 800. AU girls are asked to be in full uniform. Page 3 The KedroH vocal quartet will present a selection of international songs at Swarthmore College's Clothier Hall on Fridoy, March 13, at 8: 15 p.m. The oil-male group's program will include songs of the monastic trodition. German romantics, folk songs from the French provinces. and Russion ioll, songs. The event is free ond open to the public. 'Eskimo Sue:;' Bring Truman Ambassador Down Ig'oo ot Westtovm To Speak Here Sunday Members of the local Eskimo swim team with Coach Millard Robinson, journeyed to W est tow n Friends' School Saturday afternoon for a joint meet which resulted in the Eskimo mermaids winning 48 to 15 while their male counterpoints trailed the Westtown lads 30 to 55. Swarthmore girls "sued" for a lead from the very beginning with Sue V{:illiams taking firsts in the 50-yard butterfly and in diving; Sue Wigton taking first in breaststroke and se-- THET~ R.N'STUDEBAKEll OODLES OF OOMPH ON A HATFUL OF GAS .-;'!JIII>- -regul~r, low·cost economy gasl A mere sprinkling of it takes The ~~rk fO.r miles and milcs with peak performance, whether you drive the sP.lrltcd. 51?, or thc s~'per-responsive V·S.. ~ And you drive it so easily, park 11 so tIdily, turn 11 so neatly-because it's a sensible three feet shorter outside. than c?nventional cars. (But pJenty of room inside for six.) ;;:JI!'--' ~,nd w~th all ~ts economy (~u,ts ins~rance, repair and maintenance costs). It s so nellIy, nghtly styled, It s fasJuon approved by Harper's Bazaar. And beautIfully engineered. This is common sense on wheels, folks-and about time you tried it. You can-today. Do itl Automatic TransmissiOPlS available on all models Fun drive the LARK today at STILLMAN'S AUTOMOTIVE CENTER CHESTER end FAIRVIEW ROADS. SWARTHMORE, PENNA. FUSCO MOTOR CO. 4S SOUTH Mmmunity Arta Site" has been launched· to raise 8:15 P.ll.-"Fol·eign Policy" ......... : ........... Friends Meeting Center, Rogers lane, Wallingford. $,200,000 for the purchase of the TO PRESENT SCHUBERT'S SONGS ON WEDNESDAY The .display, designed to show grounds described above and anMONDAY, MARCH 9 adults the intricate world of pup- other $100,000 which will be reMr. and Mrs. Robert E. Grooters petry, will feature some of the out- quired for additional facilities and, of Ogden avenue wlil appear on the 2:00 P.M.-Friendly Open House .....' ........ Presbytej.ian Church standing educational and entertain- in time, adjoining land. Philadelphia Board of Education 8:00 P.M.-Girl Scout Campaigners ........... Rutgers Ave. School ing figures in the puppet world. The Girl Scout IIfamily" goal has F)I station WHYY on Wednesday 8:20 P.M.-"Devil's Disciple" ........................ Players Club Among those participating in the been divided into shares of $20 each. evening, March 11 at 8 p.m., in a exhibition are Marjol'ie--Batchelder, Pledges over a two year period may program of Schube~'t'~ songs. The TUESDAY. MARCH 10 McPharlin, Herbert Scheffel, be made. A volunteer will call at station is to be found at 90.9 on the 1:30 P.IIf.--Mara: Dance and Lecture ............... Woman's Club Frank Paris, and J ero Magon. ' the home' of every Scout family FM band. 8:00 P.M.-"'Vinnie the Pooh" ..................... "roman's Club Dr. McPharlin is one of the 16 within the next two weeks, 'to solicit 8;20 P.M.-"Devi1's Disciple" ...... .' ................. Players Club invited judges for the theatre com- support in this, the first capital LOCAL UN COMMITTEE , PLANS MAY 'WEEKEND' petition during the International fund-raising drive ever launched WEDNESDAY, MARCH II Puppet Festival being held in ,by the Girl Scouts of' Delaware The Swarthmore committee for Bucarest, Rumania this spring. She County. the United Nations met Tuesday 8 :20 P .M.-"Devil's Disciple" ........................ Players,Club afternoon at 1 o'clock at the home is a past .president of the Puppeof Mrs. William J. Cope of Mdhlteers of America and is now their Elected President THURSDAY, MARCH 12 enberg avenue, to make final plans intez.-national representative. She S. Dean Caldwell, Cedar lane, 1;00 P.l\1.~HPotential Brownie" Mothers ...... Rutgers Ave. School received her doctorate in puppetry estate planning representative with to entertain United Nations dele- 8:20 P.M.-HDevil's Disciple" ........................ Players Club at Ohio State University, and has the Fidelity _ Philadelphia Trust gates and their families during a 8 :30 P.M.-"Dutch Folk A~t" ...................... McCahan Hall taught in Istanbul and Ankara, Company, has been elected presi- weekend in May. Turkey, for the State Department dent of the Delaware County Estate If You Need . . _ in their educational and exchange Planning Council. programs, both before and after Th e organizatioh, comprised of the war,' t" . Ipersons ac lve In vanous fields of Herbert Scheffel,another past estate planning, will be devoted to Call ••. president of the national puppet advocating and assisting in the Klngswood 3-1290 organization, will exhibit his HWal_ spread of knowledge and accurate lace Scraps" puppet, a finger pupinformation pertaini~g to the varpet act built and performed for ious phases and problems having to party-club dates. Scheffel, also do with effective and efficient esknown for his paintings, prints and tate planning. etchings, is a writer, designer, maker and manipulator of the pupTROOP 95 TAKES pets. CAMPING TRIP Designer of the original HowdyDoody ,puppet, Frank Paris has Twenty-eight girls from Scout been a professional puppeteer for Troop 95 camped overnight at Sun_ 25 years. He has appeared in motion set Hill in the eahin. During their pictures, television, in night clubs 'stay they worked on their camp and vaudeville throughout the craft badges which included work world, and has performed with the in conservation and the paiuting of Rochester Symphony and the Little 17 UNo Trespassing" signs. OI'chestra Society. Mothers staying with the girls Jero Magon has produced, de- were Mrs. Maurice L. Webster, Jr., signed and directed 'such plays as and Mrs. Jlforgan Wynkoop: "The Porcelain God", "the Emperor Five girls were responsible for Jones", "Aladdin and His Wonder- planning and purchasing all the ful Lamp", was Puppet Theatre food, namely, Kathy and Kim BroEditor for Players Magazine,. is a beck, Janet Edwards, Eleanor charter member of the Puppeteers Spackman and Leni Woske. I and now conducts his own art school. •Mr. and Mrs. CY"US Ridenour The exhibition has been arranged and son Cyrus, Jr., are spe'hding the by the Art, Center's own puppeteer, weekend visiting l\irs. Ridenour's Emma Louise Warfield of Spring- parents Mr. and Mrs. William H. field. Gehring of University place. The Ridenours recently moved from On exhibition simultaneously with the 'puppets, will be a collection of Mobile, Ala., to Greenwich, Conn. color photographic prints by artistengineer Howard Ambler. In his work; Ambler, former sen.. ior engineer for United Engineers and Constructors in Philadelphia, attempts to exploit the limitation. of the color photography medium. He believes that the modern engineers must be both artistic. and scientific, and will explain' his Views at 4 p.m. in a demonstration of color slideE, on Sunday., The two exhibitions will be held at the Center through April 3. Hostess for the tea which will be served from 3 to 6 p.m. is Mrs. George Harvey. . County Cirl Scouts Plan 'Kick-Off' Dinner A "kick-off" dinner for the genelral campaign of "Operation Campsite", the current drive to raise $200,OOO-plus for a new camp site for the Delaware County Virl Scouts will be held Monday at 6 :30 P.m. in the Swarthmore Woman's Club. Anolrew J. 2nd, vice president of Scott Paper Company and honorary chairman of the fnnd drive, will be guest speaker. Over 200 are expected at the sf: fair. This i. the third section of the Solicitations and is under the chair_ lllanship of Mrs. Arthur Wark of Clifton Heights. The special gifts dIive started on Jannary 29, and the industries and foundation. dIive was launched on February 1'6. PRINTING co-op Swarihmore Prtg. GO. FOOD MARKET (In Rear CO'DP FDOd Slore,Bldg,) Consumer's Co-Op Ass'n. of Swarthmore, Inc. 403 Dartmouth Avenue Short Top - Well Trimmed Steokettes A MiUion Dollars· Worth of Perfed Bloomsl Ib.63c .. Walk through an open· att' Conservatory of Acacias • Rot. Orchids, Ro~es, Cor. nations • Bcu:kyard & In· EXTRA FANCY SNOW WHITE MUSHROOMS formal Plantings • Plants & Bulbs in Flower. Spring & Summer Gardefts .. Cut Flower Arrangements. Rose & Rock GOldens • Docryord Plantings-· Outdoor lounges • Garden Retreats • Formal Gardens lb. 39c CALIFORNIA ICEBERG LETTUCE 2 heads 29c AUNT JEMIMA EASY MIXES fREE BUS SERVICE DAILY 100m 104 pm· 6:15 t08 pm From Reading Termina', Bellevue·Shofford, P.R.R. 30th Sf. Stalion; N.E. Cor. 3111, 33c1,'34,h & Market SIs. COFFEE CORN CAKE ........................... ...... 37c BREAD ............... .., .................. 33c OATMEAL BREAD ...........,........................ 3Sc CO-OP RED LABEL APPLESAUCE 2 for 33c CO-OP RED LABEL FRU IT for SALAD 33c Crosse & Blackwell l-CENT SALE 1st Can TUNA - A - LA - KINC Second Can 1c " • ELECTRIC LIGHT BULBS 300% Longer Life Than Normal Bulbs F.F.V. THRIFTY-FIFTY I RAINBOW COOKIES CUSTOM LANDSCAPE WORK 50 Cookies - FREE Telephone CHester 2-7206 Ask lor BEN PALMER CANADA DRY / Open 7:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Daily reg. 39c (plus deposit) 42c 2. Extra Bottles Free FRUIT TREES WE DEUVER Special29c HIGH SPOT CARRIER SHADE TREES Seaboard Wild Bird Food Birdfeeders Suet Cakes 39c Durolite Guaranteed Middletown Road - Media, Pa. Opposite High Meadow (between Dutton Mill Road and Knowlton Road) Friendly Sound Advice - 1-, ' Rib Roast Ib.63·c WEEK OF MARCH 9-14 COMMERCIAL MUSEUM 34lh Street below Spruat 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. (Opens Noon, Mcirch 9} $1.IS Adults. 7Sc Children Opells"nday by Appointmont ':1 saw it ill the Swa1'thmore&ll." . Opposite Borough Hall Swift's Premium Ros,e Valley Nurseries, Inc. SHRUBS and '. EXTRA SPECIAL ALL BREYER'S ICE CREAM ALL FLAV0R.S ~ Gall.. - $1.00 ; . SWARTHMOREAN· ; T. B. Assoc. Reports MoreCases,LessDealhs Tenth Crade'to Bowl ROTA RIAlS YlSIT TELEPHONE COMPIIY Rotarians of Swarthmore were the guests of the Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania at its Higher Rate Reflects Madison and Clearbrook office in Improved Case Lansdowne Tuesday evening. David R t' S Smith of Yale Square was spon. . epor mg s~r for the 8 o'clock tour which inSIXtY-SIX more case~ ofDt~bercu- eluded a view of the long distance losis were reported ;~57 :haw;~e operating equipment, the automatic County last year c:;e~ I'. e e switching and automatic message aware County . u. ercu OSIS and counting systems. II e a 1 t h ASSOCIatIon announce .. , Herman Bloom 18 pre8Id::mt of Ro_ Thursday. W Co h . The figures for 1958 from State tary, and G. est c r~ne vice Health Department reports were president and program chall·~an. 182 male and 121 female cases for a total of 303. This compares with PSEA DISCUSSION. LE.ADER 169 male find PS female cases reWilliam M. Bush, prlDClpal of the ported :for the previous year. high school, will be a leade~ for ~he The final tabulations bore out ninth grade teachers' diSCUSSIon figures released last December group at the second annual Social which showed that 247 cases were Studies Workshop of the Southeast.. reported for the first nine months ern ,District of PSEA next Thursof last year as compared with 237 day afternoon at the Abington Sen· for a similar period in 1957. ior High School. The~number of deaths from tuberDiscussion will cover ,problems . re I a t'IOn to ctl'losis probably will be lower, the ,pertinent to the class In reports indicate. For the first nine the subject "Helping Young People months of 1958, there were 23 to Understand Today's World," deaths. For all of 1957, there were program for the general session of 40 deaths. Fatality figures are not the conference which will begin at 3 : 30 'p.m. campI e t e f or I as t year. Dr. H. Armin Stecher, chairman _ _ _, -_ _ __ of the Tuberculosis Committee of SKATING PART~ the Medical Society and board memFOR NINTH BRADERS her of the Tuberculosis Association, The ninth grade will hold a roller credited the lower death rate to im- skating party at a nearby link on proved treatment methods and case Saturday morning from 9.30 to finding procedures. 11 :30. Transportation will be proThe rise in the reported tubercu- vided by the parents. losis rate, he explained, does not Chaperons win ·be Mrs. Wayne necessarily mean tub2rculosis is Hamilton, chairman of -the grade, getting out of hand. He noted that and Mr. Hamilton; Mr. and MrS. 67 of the reported cases last year Brodie Crawford, and Mr. and Mrs. came from state mental hospitals. Frank Alexander. Dr. Stroeher also said that officials believe the rise in reported Mr. and Mrs. F. Norton Landon cases reflects the efforts of the of Wallingford entertained Mrs. Pennsylvania Division of Tllbercu- Landon's brother-in-law and sister losis Control to improve case Mr. and Mrs. John Ayrault of Sa·porting throughout the State. .bot, Va. OVer the past week..,nd. Bachman's - The sophomores of Swarthmore Hi h School will bave their annual . g class party tomorrow afternoon. The students will bowl at 4:30 at a nearby alley as guests of t~e Parent'. Committee followed lmmediately by·a covered dish supper in the All.Purpose Room of the Rutgers Avenue School. This affair will conclude at 8 :30 p.m. in time for the hall to be made ready for the regular Canteen at 9. d h . Mrs. H. Parker Stamfor, OSPItaUty chai.rman, and Mrs. Se~::::!:r W: Kletzlcn, program chall"man, have been. in charge of arrangements, assIsted by the Student Commi~tee. Mr. and ~rs, ~rs. Dana Sw·an, class sponsors, will -ehaperone with several class fathers. Mrs. Matthew McKinneli is the 10th grade chairman. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ d FILET MIGNON The \Nho Add IOc a lb. for slicing. RIB ROASTS (First Cuts - 69c lb.) lb. 59c TOP SIRLOIN (Ground to Order) SLICED BACON (Popular Brand~) . BOILED HAM (Fresh Sliced) lb. GBc Ib.4Bc Ib.98c u. S. CHOICE , FRESH FLORIDA STAYMAN WINESAP' APPLES ' 4 Ibs. 39c (Fancy) CROSSE & BLACKWELL . . .. .. , Both were very sad, and missed each o~her terribly. . But soon, so many things began happening that neither had time to think, .much less pine away. Let's tell her side of the story. , , First she w~nt rushing down a. stream. . ,~.... VNext she was touched '',,1/' by the magic wand ~ ,*-:::: of alum and chlorine ••. then filtered and scrubbed. (You/wouldn't like' Jl1 this, but to a raindrop, .it's like ,the kiss of ~logne!) - 3 pkgs. SI Call Klnpwood 3-1100. for FREE DELIVERY Borough of Swarthmore Fire Signals FREE PARKING Borough BUY NOW AND SAVE WORK!- College Finally, !ludged byahuge I . I ceJltrifugalPump,,~~abe~. 'Oh her trip-clean, sparkling, radiant-to your water faucet. Well-wonders never cease.! NEW WESTINGHOUSE MOBILE~ CLEANER • AMERICA~S MOST MODERN! 4 - 2 - 4 - Mary Lyon School 4 - 3 - 4 - Field Hous~, Prep School, Power House 4-4-4-Campus i:9'.57" RES'C.~"4.~W Trouble was, he landed in Green Lane Reservoir.· q.)W~. (You know, the new reservoir on Perkiomen Creek.) 6'REEN \..~~~ . . . EXTRA SPECIAL . . . _ I,f' dowoward, ~ ~I~ CHOC. MALTED MILK .............._____ .......... Ig. jar 4ge NBC TRIANCLE THINS .-............................ pkg. 33e All'Duncan Hines Cake Mixes One day, as they were running hand in hand across a \ meadow of mist, a big bolt of lightnin~@ hit t~heir" . ·cloud. Out they tumbled. And as they swirled each thought how much fun i.t would be. telling the ot~er abdu this wondrous flight in the sky._~Ifi? \.oc:P Strangely enough, she happened to la,nd-ker-LOOP-in the Geist Reservoir~d' ~f!f:(1;-'5"-,~ . - KIPPERED HERRINC ................................ giant can 55e , HUDSON PAPER NAPKINS .............3 boxes 35e lPill'jj'mr&t. 3 - 2 - 3 - South of Railroad 3 - 3 - 3 - North of Railroad 3 - 5 - 3 Business District ' MAYPO CEREAL ... ~....... -........................... 3 pkgs. $1.00 DEL MONTE 1 00 SLICED PINEAPPLE .................. 3 No.2 tins' $ . KRAFT @ffiUl ~'jj'W Once upon a time there were two little raindrops who were very much in love. ~>t.?..: Ev~ry day they played together in what they laughingly called their gold mjne. It was. . 'a cloud, of course. \ 5 for 29c GRAPEFRUIT Realeated HELP YOUR little raindrops' all shook ( A Fable -with apologies ~ Aesop ) ~ U. S. C'fOICE A folk-square will be heldt • ht dance 8 '30 tomorrow n~g A at ~ t :.~ ~ ~he Commum~y rts n e, a ; ~ngCord. ~~~ldesBf~lk Ma~~ sq~r ances, I' er d 0 dad er a so leads Eng Ish an roun ances. re- .I '\ lb. 1.49 (A Delicious Treat) j;. , /. , Swarthmore, Pa, U. S. CHOICE , . '.. , - ,- .~ • '..1 ., "Famous for the Finest Meats" Squara Danca Tomorrow Roy G. Rin~liffe of Strath Haven avenue was reelected a member of the board of the Midday Club of Philadelphia at the 80th annual meeting held iast month. " FINE FOODS 514 Vale Ave. '.. ." Her now-handsome hero, who had gone tln.-ough the same transformation, ended up in the same pipe! .. .. Watch! ~e'slookingherw~ynow ••• Now is the , . . time for a JOyous reumon. Surely they willlook, love and hve .•. happIly ever after• f;f _ • Other • • Nope " •. sorry. They were both too Change~d.~i '. Didn't even recognize each other. ~.l '- ~ v 5 -5 -5-0ut of Town 6 - 6 - 6 ' - General Alarm These Signals are Subject to Change . / . 3 Blasts 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. - 12 Noon Saturday-Siren MORAL: There'•.Jittle re8emblance between untreated water and the clean, safe Springfield water delivered to your home Fire Call -.. Klngswood 3-4507 Stores Anywhere \ I. qfJUlt W#NI Rolls. Anywhere , S~1~ , Powerful-over 1 H;P. Motor Input Combination Floor-N-Rug Nozzle Positive Locking Wands-can't fall apart Adjustable Suction Control , Snap-in, Snap-out TOS8-AWAY® Bags Guaranteed 5 Years ComNtnllhlAtI I II b It's America's !!lOst modern cleaner-the Westinghouse Mobile Speed Cleanerl Beautifully thermograved on ,-- the finest Stratford Vellum , Gilt , AUnowl.dgfMntl Announcemenb Monogrammed Napkins luncheon Invitation' Monogrammed M.....boob . '.nonalized Informal Noles 'ersonal Siotioner1 A complele selection 01 lovely styles at surprisingly reasonable prices' • fie •.•• Your Inwfotion endoMcf In plastic • • • p ....rvod for life. Costs so LITTLE ••• Dleans sa MUCHI • Philadelphia Suburban Powerful new motor has over 1 hOrSepower input! Cleaner moves on large,smooth rolling vinyl-tired wheels • • • glides easily and quietly over door sills and scatter rugs, and safely over aU polished floor surfaces. "Steers" from room to room I Built-in tool caddy keeps tools at your fingertiPs. Stores. completely assembled. , • always ready to usel We have Wl$IIlIlbouse TOSS.AWAY 8aplolllll madill. YOUCAN8ESURE ... Swarthmore Printing Company HtVJ~ctlt~e;rs e I'IT~ ~stinghouse 547 Chester Pike • (in Co-op Food Store Bldg.) I Prospect Park, Po. LEhigh 2-1749 y. tl••• ....._..'.'11 .. " ' _ , ......0.....,. .If eh.... CounU•• rCompany ~n~UflGtor " / MacArthur & Patten Stop 'n or Phone for Samples .... a Large Variety of Styles From Which to Choose Klngswood 3-1290 Mod.1 Me•• • • • • • • ~ I""",,,,' ... Announcements of Spring1ie1d water represents an improvement on nature •• ,requires a manufacturiDg operation that takes scores of consclen:tious people, millians of dollars worth of equipment. More milliollS ant heinl' invested, 80 that our water manufacturing capacity will continue to meet your expanding needs. Who would want to settle for anything less? EVeryoOUDCe \ • "-~--- \ . • 1. Auto Driving Instruction 12 Houl'l •• ("Y" Membe... • - - • .. 117.00 15.00 8 Hou" in the Car 4 HOUri in the Classroom Thll II Group IndtucHon RI,I,ter Now· Chester YMCA in Valley Police and Fire News Mr. and Mrs. Jacob E. Snyder of Forge. Rutgers avenue entertsined some Mrs. P. L. Whitaker of, Park avefriends on February 23 in ceebra- noe, with her daughter Mrs. C, Rustion of the fourth birthday of their sell Phillips of Strath Haven aveson William. nue, spent a few days visiting her Mr. and Mrs. Eben C. Lang and other daughter !lJrs.Crayton· Pittheir small daughters Cathy and ner and family in Baltim9re, Md. Harriet of White Plains, N.Y., are Mrs. C. H. jeglum of Hillborn visiting Mrs. Lang's mother Mrs. avenue with her aunt Miss Frances Milton H. Fussell of Vassar avenue. Perkins of Fond-du-Iac, Wis., saiIMr. Lang has been transferred ,to; ed Friday for a, th",*,-week West the new plant of the Contsiner Cor_ Indies cruise on the Mauretsnia. Swarlhmor9 and Media pOlice ap,prehended two Swarthmore College boys iltat week in connection with the recent disappearance of two cameras, worth nearly $200 each wholesale, from the photographic shops of two Swarthmore residents. One boy returned a Zeiss Contsx camera which had been taken from the, Camera and H DAY and NIGHT SERVICE MONDAY, TDR1;r SATURDAY NOON SUNDAYS aDd HOLIDAYS • 4-1234 -. .... -== =;; -------... Klngswood o. I A.Green· Klngswood ~.-. _/- .. , BAIRD' & BIRD 4-1500 ADVERTISEMENT REQUEST FOR BIDS "Tne Swarthmore, Rutledge Union School Dis. trict School Board will receive sealed quota • Also Several'Choice Lots Available in Borough for Custom Homes OIL BURNER Estate of VERA M. DARGIE, l.!Ite of the Bar. ough of SW.!Irthmore, dece.!lsed. letters of Administration on the above Estate having b~en gr/J.nted to the undersigned, l!IlI persons haVing claims or demanrls againd the Estl!lte of the decedent l!Ite requested to malee known the Same, and .!III persons indebted to the decedent to make payment without delay •. to How.!Ir,d lllA~ille, R.R. 4, Uxbridge. Ontallo, or to hiS Attornev. Morris H Fus'ell 201 County Bldg" Media, Pc'J. • -, \ Opposite Boro HQIJ --'---'--'----'-~----- ----. tions o!lf the Office of the School District in the High School Buildin~. corner of Coll~ge and Pril}ceton Avenues, SWilrlhmolO, Pennsyl_ vania, up to :~ in Wawa, hegan his employment· wit\! Sun Shipbuilding -&lid Dry Do~k Company in 1919 after graduating from Chester High School. ' In 192'2 he transferred to Sun's accounting department in Phila__ delphia and· completed ~xtension courses at 'LaSalle College. He returned ,to Marcus Hook in lOS! as office manager and chief accountant, becoming manager of the refinery accounting department in philadelphia in 1942. Mr. Linton is a past vice.president and a member of the board of directors at Crozier Hospital and during his years at Marcus Hook aided in the formation of the employes' athletic association and the Mercury Gun Club. Thomas H. Thorbahn Thomas H, Thorbah n passed away on Saturday, February 28, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Thomas Annesley of Rose Valley. Prior to his retirement in 1948' Mr. Thorbahn had been a clarinetist for s~~~~~ing 60 him are his wife, Maude, his son Thomas Thorbahn of Lafayette avenue and h.s daughter Mrs. Thomas Annesley of Rose Valley. Burial services were conducted on Tuesday at 1 o'clock in Media. Interment followed in Lancaster.. SPORTS VACUIDN A group of Swarthmol'eans spent a recent weekend at Mt. Pocono for the winter sports. They were: Dr. and Mrs. Walter N, Moir, South Chester road, Mr. and Mrs. William Drichaus, Yale a~enue, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lincoln, Haver~ ford place, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Beckman, Strath Haven avenue. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Henry of Quakertown also joined the group. Page beobtsined from Mrs. Wells Forbes, in a program, "A Visit Home After 30 Years." On Tuesday, from 9 :30 a.m. to chairman-ino.Charge. ill At 10 a.m. on Tuesday the CanThe literature department w 12 noon, the American hOlAe depart- cer Dressing Group will meet in the not meet as scheduled on March 6, ment will present its first of three but will present a review on FriUessons in lampshade making. In- club lounge. f B . structors are Mrs. Robert Miller The travel department announces day, March 20, at 10 a.m. 0 ons and Mrs. George Nenstiel. The sec- a change of date-its meeting will Pasternak's. "Dr. Zhivago," given and class will 'meet from 10 '1. m . he held on Thursday, March 12, at ?y club preSIdent Florence to 3 p.m., March 17; and the last 8 p.m. instead of March 19. Mr. and In the clubhouse. one from 9 to 12 noon, Tuesday, I Mr.. \Va;ter E. Clark of WaHing---------March 31.Furthel· .·nformat.·on may'.' ford will show slides of Australia, .. , 8010 it in The: SH'flrthmorean" ~easse ONLY AT ACME ••• America's mos' cher" Ished cookware at savings of or morel V3 REVERE. WARE ~ A diRerent piece can adorn your kitchen each week at Acme's low, low prices! Now on Salel ••• 1011 SKILLET Registration Information 2507 Chestnut St., Chester CHester 2-5373 Registration will be held in Swarthmore Borough in the Borough Hall, on M'arch 19th. The registrars will sit at the above place be'tween the hours of 2:00' and 9:00 P.M. ,,",Dour H .....ID" Care ABed. SenDe, ChrODlc Convall;aeeJl& Men and WOIIUID keellen, Pood .. BpacloD Gnt1IIl4I The following-are facts to be remembered: Btu Cross F..GDOred ~DllHunnDIlUllllDnalDHIIIIIIIDfllIUlnmDlllnHlmlDllll§ I i D a = i ~ !! E Jack Prichard PAINTING . INTERIOR & EXIElUOR Free EstimCltes Klngswood I a = Ii a ~ I REAL ESTATE I D ~~ i Swarthmore. Pa, I "~~ KI 3-1112 i.. , G a MmwmnmDIDIIlnllllllJDIllIIUIIIIICI1IJ1Iflllllanmmnoca."III IllDaIIIIIIUlIUDllllUlDlJlDUUl~nmfllIIIIDIIIIIUlDUt~ I=Heinrich N. Knudsen I a GENERAL ~ = CONTRACTOR 5: 2906 Burden Road ~ Parbide, Pa, e ~ ~ § CHester 2·5487 ~ Last day all electors may register to vote at the Primary Election. This includes electors who wiiI become of age on or before Hay 20th, 1959. Last day for any elector who has removed into a new election i nolice to ·ihe Registration· Commission in order ~ be pennitted U; vote at the Primary Election. The removal card must set forth a removal date into the new election district which cannot be later than MIlrch 19th. The ·Registration Office in the Court House Annex will be open daily until Monday, March 30th, for registering, !from 9:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. (Monday through Friday), and on Saturdays, from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon, and on March 20th and March 30th, from g :00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. no Iticklng_ when you use· \ " New RoamsAdded SQve ApproximCltely 25% And Keep Us Busy JOE or WES Anytime Klngswood 4-1083 for C Calif. Pascal Celery lumbo stalks 294 OYSTER STEWs:O~E 3 ~~-:: 69C SWISS .' CHEESE , • Directly from Finland! ... Just set the dial for automatic top burner cooking. The burner automatically reaches and holds the temperature yo~ select-you get perfect . This amazing burner makes every utensil automatic. Other convenience features on a modern gas range are automatic oven controls and automatic Iigh'tir;w. IMPORTED Rye Bread 2 Madern Baths SAYE-We Do Dar Own Work 4 29 Get 3rd Can for 10e When You Buy 2 for 59c! Ideal Fresh Frozen results with the controlled heat. Recreatlan Raams in Cellar . None Priced Higher! Save Money NOW on New Low Prices to Keep Busy CQas fHt~ Wake up the appetite with the ~esty-fresh flavor of a Florida Grapefruit! ACTIONU Repairs, Carpentry Ideal Medium Red Bond FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT no h,ningno pot-watching !J"HtDlIIIIDIHllllmllmlmIUIlIIDIllmIIIIllDIIIIIIIJI1I1011ll~ Remod,ling cans Extra Large, Tree-Ripened. . . is ~~ Del Monte Drink Plg~:::!e­ 2~:-:sz69C 2 ~:-:sz61c Hunt Peaches 6 :~:: 53c Huntlomato Paste Hunt Stewed romatoes 6 16.0Z$lo0 216-0z29c SweetPeas , Yellow Cling Sliced-Holves ~ = G ~c . ACME GROCERY VALUESI March 30th dfstriat to: give I= CRESSON PRICHARD i ~ , March 30th §DllmnuIIIDrummmOR"nUlmDtmJJJlHDDlmmnmDn~ - Ib , 3·8761 Mi,chigan Avenue RIB ROAST ~!~:~I 6SC Last day an elector may move from one election district to another in order to be permitted to vote ~t the Primary Election. a l'IIDIIIIIIIiIIDW'IDIDI'W'•...:'IIDDIIII'..'Dlllnmlll ~~ ~OO Lancaster Brand-Cut from young, corn-fed beef! PRIMARY ELECTION - MAY 19th Maroh 19t1l SADD!: PIPPIN TURNER. Proprteior a $697 Yours for Only $3.98 Belvedere Convalescent Home , or anYPhiladtlphla Electric suburban Ihowroom. ,; •• 35c ,~v V~"w"Q ,£.ee. Delicious . .-.-.,. .,. Choole your automatic gas rang. at your dealer'. Secretary Sweet, plump cherries .in light, golden crustl FRESH CHERRY STREUSSEL PIE each59c SAVE 6c PHILADILPHIA ILICTRIC COMPANY -- - 9 WOMAN'S CLUB NOTES '. 'c D'L' abd Sons ~=_ ' Dr. Jewelry Repaired THE SWAltTiud:OR EA'N' MarCh,6, , 1959 IEWS loTEI Mrs. Joseph S. Howe of Columbia avenue entertsined some friends an,. neighbors at an informal brunch on Tuesday morning in ce1ebration of the birthday of her moth_ er Mrs, John S, Vertner. and Mrs. Fred S. Dudley of Magill road flew home Friday from the VirgiD Islands where they vaea. tioned at Water Island in St, Thomas.Hllrbolj." ,. Mr. and ,Mrs, C. Russell Phillips of Strath Haven avenue returned last week from a vacation spent in the Virgin Island•• SWARTHMORE STORE, Chesler Rood - Op" 'I1IuncIay til 9 , ...... Friday til 10 , ...... '- I ' l . , THE Dr. Edward Brubaker To Speak Wednesday Women to Present Mara In Dance, Lecture (Continued from Page 1) .. ARTHMOREAN GIRL SCOUT COOKIE Mrs. Rus~el1 H. Kent, who is winSALE BRINDS S366,05 tering in Miami, has as her guests ;PRESCRIPTION tSPECIALISTSI ) Oriental influence on mode:n mUSI- and approximately 280 girls concal comedy. At present.she 1S chore. trihuted their time, and will reali¥ Ipublicly thimk "all the troop committee chairmen, and all those who cooperated Sf) kindly in helping to secure this money for on-going eam_ ping program for these worthy girls". Swarthmoreans purchased 7321 boxes of cookies, and even now may be nibbling their way through the lor the lirst breath 01 Spring • •• by Dot H~pe •DONNELLY MARIE DRESS SHOP a fire in an automobile on Westdale avenue near Chester road at 10:07 Mara has been asked by the State De-p.m. Wednesday. Receiving at the door will be Mrs. fined $100 and costs for driving an Teddy Conwell, all of Columbia avenue; Sally Stephens of Marietta avenue, Linda Zecher of Swarthmore avenue. Scarlet Fever - Gail Davidson of Elm avenue. Chicken Pox - Susan and Aaron }I'ine of Vassar avenue. .. . Weekdays: 2 to 5 p.m. 7 to 9 p.m. Swarthmore, Penna. __ I~~=============~===========::;===~ 9:30 to 12 a.m. _-----ELECTED Charles Andes, , Jr., president of Liberty Advertising Company of Glenolden, formerly a Swarthmore firm, was eJected Sunday the presi. dent of the Advertising Specialty Gui1d of American, N ationsl Trade Association of the Advertising For you ... your family ••• )'our guesta Specialty Industry. Mr. Andes, the son of Mrs. Charles L. Andes of Rutgers avenue, is a resident of Media. MARTEL'S SUPER MARKETS SUPERIOR QUALITY - Saturday: CRACKER BARREL 11 South Chester Road Swarthmore II in Nine Months \ The Swarthmore-Rutledge Union School Authority, meeting Friday night in the Junior High School Building, approved and sigued. the struction of the main high school building. This action followed by 24 Samuel L. Alt· was released by the upon I. the lounge by Mrs. house and Mrs. Frederick Anthony. payment of costs for Court insufficient evidence on charges of larceny of CONTAGIOUS DISEASES The foHowing childl'en have been a spare tire from the car of Baker confined to their 'home with conta. Middleton, 130 Rutgers avenue. gious diseases: LIBRARY HOURS Measles -+ Jimmy, Betsy, Billy Completion. Scheduled four basic contracts for the recon- 104 Park .Avenue Norman R. Jones and 1\I1's. Thomas while intoxicated two months ago. Thomas Mortimer of Woodlyn 3-0586 RUTH D. HANLEY. Owner partment to perform in Europe in This week in the Dclaware CounJune and July, 1959. . ty Courts a Swarthmore man was W. Simpers. Tea will be served in Klngswood PLUS CASH SAViNCS FRYING CHICKENS CUT UP. lb. 29c LEGS OF LAMB SWIFT'S PREMIUM lb •. 59c FILET MIGNON SWIFT'S PREMIUM lb. 1.69 SLICED BACON SWIFT'S PREMIUM lb. 49c' OVEN READY CAPONS lb. 49c lb. pkg. 99c SLICED BOILED HAM 2 14-oz. bots. 29c DEL MONTE CATSUP HERSHEY BARS MILK OR ALMOND box of 6 19c KEN-L-RATION DOG FOOD 6 16-oz. tins 89c TOMATO PASTE HUNT'S . 12 6-oz:tins 89c Full 6 Days of Specials - Wednesday to Tuesday March 4 to 10 nours, the receipt of notices from Harrisburg concerning the necessary prior approval by the Department of Public Instruction, of the lease agreement. Since the opening of construction bids several weeks ago, there has ·been much activity centering about . and "They Do Sell the Nicest Things at Speare's" ~:V;~:: - rsi;;';~C.r.:' SEVENTH AND WELSH STREETS STORE HOURS, Monday thru Thursday, 9,30.5,30 Friday, 9,30.9,00, Saturday, 9,30.5:30 tJet ~~ 1ttJ«t WE GET 'THROUGH TO YOUI No matter how rough the elements, when you need heating oil, we get through to you! We feel that we owe this kind of day-and-night service to our customers and to our community. We make prompt deliveries of Atlantic's famous triple-refined heating Plan for a • oil. It contains a new' additive that gives you greater assurance of clean even, steaily heat. ' To arrange for service that you can count on-no matter when you need it~ just write or call us today. eaul U Van Alen Bros. Z>tJ ~~ S~ 1/tJ~1 200 W. Ridley Avenue Ridley Park From a big, Fresh spring selection ••• take aclvanta'ge of low aclvance-season prices. We've all the loSMons you want. Choose II 3-4742 LE 2.2440 • Weidner Promoted PoliCE;! Shift MadE;! Monday . Rev. Since the' contractors submitted the bids, various ponds had been completed and signed in the interim and are now in the hands of the Authority, work can .begin immed·approximately nine months. man on the local ,police force, applied. by letter for retirement at Mon- day night's meeting of Council. The Robert Browne request was honored and retirement will begin April 1 for the policeman to Assume Duty 'by April 15 The Rev. Roberl Otis Browne has been called by the PI'esbyterian Chul'ch to serve a~ an associate minister and director of Christian Education. The call was made by the congregation following the second worship service on Sunday. He Patrolman Peter 1::. Maginnis. right, congratulates Sergeant William G. 'Weidner on his promotion to his new office. Heston D. McCrary, J r., Relires From Sun 0I"1 Cornell Avenue Man Served Company 50 Years Heston D. McCray, Jr., of Cor- Honor Society Elects Borough Blood Dan~r , 10 Seniors, 5 Juniors Day Set for April 30 Ten seniors and five juniors were inducted into the National Honor Society at the assembly held Wednesday at the high schoql. Michael E€cker, William Beik, DaWn Boyer, Spencer Carroll, Marion Colton, Carol Honnold, A. Sidney Johnson, 3rd, Kathleen Kelcy, John G. Lord, Jr., and Craig Smith were the seniors elected. Juniors elected were Nancy Braund, Barbara Edwards, Barbara Greim, Robert Jarratt, and Mary Lou McCorkel. During the induction ceremony, Helen Calhoun explained the. history of the organization, Betty Gemmill gave the quaJifications, and Betty McCo~kel described the method of election. The program was ,inder the diredion of Dr. James F. Irwin, fac~ uay sponsor of the society. I New members are elected on the basis of character, leadership, scholarship, and service. No more than 15 percent of each class is elig- ible. Five percent are taken in during the jupior year and 10 percent nell avenue, has retired irom Sun -the company. He \'las assistant manager of the marine department. Mr. McCI'RY began his long career with Sun as a messenger ~n Senior and Junior High Girls 1909 after graduation from ('hester High School. He attended night Will Collect in Drive school at Drexel Instituto, the Uni_ Today and Sa't •. versity of Pennsyivania's 'Vhal'ton A . group of students from School, the Chester Commercial Swarthmore High School will par- College and also 'took' co~!'.spond­ ticipate in a Lily Parode for the cnce courses. As Mr. McCray increased his benefit of the 1969 Easter Seal knowledge of mechanical and marCampaign to be held today and toine engineering plus accounting he morro~ in the busineS!5 sections of who has served here for 32 years, at the same time operating a greenhouse at his home on Fairview road. Mannta has been on sick leave for the past several months. In line with Council's recent decision to add a second sergeant to the :police department, Patrolman 'Villiam G. 'Veidner, high scorer in the Civil Service examination given for the position earlier this month, was appointed to the post. Weidncr's new rank became effective at 12 :01 a.m. the following day, March 10. Residents of the northeast side of Swarthmore avenue between Ches- Borough Blood Donor Day' has be~n scheduled for Thursday, April 30, from I to 6:30 ter I'oad and Cedar lane having p.m. in the Woman's Club. agreed to dedicate right-of-way for Since October 01 1958 the "sidewalks, Council ordered a survey 'preparatory to effecting this proBorough Blood Bank has suptection for school children and othplied 4D pints of blood to 14 er pedestrians along that streteh. residents. Surveys of Chester road east of Borough residents who need the underpass for repaving and emergency bload may call curbing, and of Harvard avenue between Mt. Holyoke and. Chester Red Cross Blood Service road were also ordered. , Chairman, Mrs. H. L. Mc:Ordinances setting Borough salCune, Klngswoad 3-2474, or aries for the new year and adoptCo.chairman, Mrs. Corben C. ing the state fire prevention code Shute, Klngswood 3-3757, to were passed. make arrangements to ~ec:ure A letter irom ,the State refused ,the Borough permission to restrict some from the B~rough'~ ~d Swarthmore avenue to one-way Cross Bank., , traffic between Cedar lane and Bal- Molhers Club Fashion Show Set for Thurs. Oil Company, after 50 years with during the senior yeaC'. Junior Club Sponsors Easler Seal Campaign by Borough Council Charles lIIanata, night patrol- Presbyterians Call Associate Minister ·building. A bond issue of $620,000 his B.S. in psychology and sociohas recently been sold to Kidder, logy. He reoeived his B.D. from Peabody and Company, thus-provid- McCormick Theological Semiuary ing the f~nds. With the lease ar- in Chicago, Ill. He reads Hebrew, rangements between the Authority Greek, and French, and speaks and the School District officially French. approved, the Authori,ty accepted From 1948-1950, Mr. Browne was the four low bids for basic construe. a psychometrist in the department tion and authorized' the officers, of psychology at St. Louis UniverRobert N. Hilkert, vice chairman sity. In 1951 he was a student· asand John C. MacAlpine, Jr., secre- sist"nt to the pastor of the Ozark tary, to sign the necessary contracts Parish, Cuba, Mo., from 1961-54 and documents. They were: was student 'pastor and later the 1, General Construction, Daniel pastor of the Presbyterian Church B. VanCampen Corporation of in La Rose, Ill., and from 1964-56 Philadelphia $374,231; ,2, Heating was assistant minister of Christian and Ventilating, Edward S. Green Education at the First Presby tel'. (Continued on Page 7) of ,Edgmont, $62,360; 3, Plumbing, Hirsch, Arkin, Pinehurst, Iilc.; of I Manala Retires, Roving Registrars will sit in Hall, Thursday, Borough March 19, from 2 to 9 p.m. to register eligible citizens for the Primary Election May 19. The Register to Vote March 19 Boro. Hall $4.00 PER YEAR Congratulates Fellow Oflicer sue, using the money received from Mr. Browne received his higher fire insurance p.olicies to defray E;ducation at St. Louis University, Borne of the expense of the new SL Louis, Mo" where he received iately and should be completed in "You Meet the Nicest People at Speare's" , Are You Registered? the arrangements for the bond is- will assume his duties by April 15. Philadelphia $28,880; and 4, Electri~al, Joseph C. Madden, Jr. of Clifton Heights $47,120. I I Swarthmore, Pa., Friday, March13,1959 School Authority Signs Basic Contracts CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE College' Lihrll.ry ~RTHMOREAN VOLUME 31-NUM8ER 11 Hand-Made Hats The Fire Company extinguished , pounding at price. that are uniformly fair, , Always make it a point. to bring us your Dottor's prescriptions-and call on us for ALL health aid·s. • dressmaker • spring classics • tweeds FIRE AND FINE .~ Register , to Vote March 19 Boro. Hall Oar P_crlplltmSplcl41lm emblem is your assurance of prompt; precis. com- SUITS long. SViarthmore L I .!!n .1 I~ Y • Work to Begin Immediately, remainder of some 146,420 individual cookiess - if they lasted this S~mrthnorG BWART//'\/ORlC COI.I.I~r;E wif~ ~r. Cookie Cha'irman, would like to MAR 13 1959 ( I . The mrl Scout Cookie Sale· is for a week her son and his . over. Fourteen Swarthmore troops and Mrs. LaurcnceS.Kent ofIlhnols. ographer for the tourIng compa.ny a total,of $366.05 for their effortl\. of "'Annie Get Your Gun u , whIch Mrs. 'Valter Moir, Neighborhood . March 6, 1959' timore pike. The Swarthmore Planning Com_ Annual Event to Aid mission reported its survey of local parking had resulted in decision against recommending purchase (Xf the Shirer lot on Rutgers -av~nue Underprivileged or ·part of the Swarthmore College 'Chinese Fantasy' Slated for Today land on the west side of the under- Children The annual fashion "sho,v of phe Swarthmore Mothers' Club win be Parents and friends are invited presented on Thursday evening, to attend the assembly program at March 19 'at 8 p.m. in the clubhouse the Swarthmore Elementary School of the Swarthmore Woman's Club on Rutgers avenue this afternoon, on Park avenue. "Color in Fashion" March 13. (Continued on Page 6) LWV Annual Meeting Sel for Monday, 12:45 luncheon Program Includes will be the theme. Fashions will be shown for all Year's Summary, sented by Mrs. Alene McCutcheon's age g1'~uPs, from the young child to fourth grade. This cast includes the matron, Lori Loveland, daugh': Election Stephen Russell, Leah Stauffer, ter of Mrs. J. West Loveland, and The annual meeting of the Mary 'Scott, Marion Hunt, June Diane Pemberton, daughter of Mrs. Swal·thmore League of Women VoRoxby, Peter Salom, Marian Strad- Robert Pemberton, will present ters will be held Monday at 12 :45 Swarthmore, sponsored by the was advanced in the company ley and Ray Millins. fashions for the young child. Maggi in the StratI!, Haven Inn. At this Swarthmore Jr; Woman's Club. through various jobs until he was Staging will be under the direc- O'Brien, daughter of Mrs. John W. meeting study -and action at the made maintenance superintendent tion of Philip Layton, who will Rain dates are March 20 and 21. community level for the coming Under the chairmanship of Mrs. in 1942. A veteran of Worud War I, also entertain with a p.iano solo. O'Brien, will- present the te,n-age year will be determi1}ed, elections grouping. Frank Wa'lter, Bryn Mawr avenue, he ·has been active in t-he American Trained elephants will be. ~ortrayed Modeling mothers will be Mrs. will ·be held and the. work of the the following club members will Lf.'gion. by David Shay, Stanley Scott al}d Eric Munro, Mrs. Robert West, cun'ent year summarized. -serve on the commi-ttep.: Craig Sullivan. Under consideration for local Mrs. Franklyn Nolt, Mrs. William Mrs. Donald. R. pughes, Mrs. 'Skylarks' Scheduled The prologue chorus ,wiUbe di- Scholl, Mrs. H. Leland Clifford and study are: "The Method of Levying Charles F. Seymour, and Mrs. AlFor Garnet Canteen rected by Catherine Golilwater and Mrs. William H. Clarke. Mrs. H. and Collecting Taxes", "Education... Ian H. Coburn of Swarthmore; Mrs. "The Skylarks" will return to- "The Tragic Story" a choral readal Costs and Services", and a ~'Know (Continued ou Page 7) Richard C. Brown of Wallingford; morrow to provide music for Garnet ing, win be led by Peter Salom. Your Town Study" which is made "The Legend of the Blue Willow and Mrs. Frank M. O'Brien and Canteen at the 8 o'clock gathering every 10 years. For continued inHealth Natice. Mrs. William I. Pontius of Media. in the Rutgers Avenue School. Pattern" will be introduced by Vivterest and action 'are HCreek ValSenior and Junior HIgh School There is also a possibility that ian Swan with pantomine by Don There has been an unusual leys" and "Public Recreation". girls who are participating are Randy Stevens, recording star, will Murray, Evans Hammond J Mari~ As this meeting provides an exincidence of Scarlet Fever this lynn Ramsey, Carol Silzle, Marian listed below: make an appearance. cellent summary of league aims and year. This disease occasionDiane Reynolds, J(l~n Hawkins, The Nether Providence student Hunter and Pamela Nelson. activities in addition to election of ally can result in serious com. Opening exercises conducted by Jean Kennedy, Joan P,lowman, Su- body has been invited .to atte~d. next year's !program and officers. plications. tIRJJ Carroll, Suzanne Plowman, Chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs. Sarah Bancroft and Andrew Maass interested non-members are urged Ann Essl, Janet' Southard, Robert Wagstaff, and Mr. and will begin at 2 p.m. Attention is called to the to attend as well as members. Those attending the luncheon and desiring Morgan, K&ren Edney, Karen Don_I Mrs. Howard Shaeffer. 'Let 'em Eat Calle I , Borough Health Rule regardbaby sitting facilities at the Strath ahoe, Carolyn Halsey, N~ncy Last week 190 attended a regular In appreciation of the Police Deing this disease. H~ven, are asked to call ·Mrs. Joslazzi, Lynn Hartman, Susan Spen- canteen,thatfoliowedthelOthgrade partment's copperation with Girl ''The minimum isolation pereph Storlazzi, Klngswooo 3-1292. (-Continued from Page 6) party., Scout activities, Troop 96 presented iod 'for Scarlet Fever shall be ---------the force with a cake embellished seven (7) days and shall· be DR. SWAI_ TO SPEIK CHIRIEI "'ARCH 20 "'EETI_. with acouting emblem on Wednesprolonged if necessary until A ehair at the h<>me of John E. PACK .22 CILLS" day morning. ' Dr. William G. Swann, pl1ysiciat c:omplete recovery from aD Jeffords, 223 Vassar avenue burst Cub Scout Pack 432 will 'hold its ......,'U-P-P:-I-S--=T::-.-I~E~W:::of Ogden avenue will be the speaker into flames at 10:30 Wednesday paek meeting on March 20 to avoid . , , on Monday at a buffet luncheon at catarrl,!lal or purulent discharnight.,Mre. Jeffords 'Wall able tolco~]ctwith GoOOFriday. The 7:30 pte Kappa Kappa Gamma aewthe Hannah Pemi Honae, Phlladel. ges incident or secondary to eontrol the bIue with IIaeksta of meetilll' in the" Methodist ing group at the home of phis, spoJJ8Ored bytbe ReJl1lblicaa the 4i_." water aatIt the fire c pny srwiI1 f.tan • eporta th I)!:rs. J_hCaIlagban, 90'1 .Nicoh• of p~ IIlwidall a d - .... tIM eIIa& III eaIIII are upd . . . . . . ~ W~woocl, 011 'r1*.J. "'llIi"eI Jaul, M.D. II. MC"mi#~'" "A Chinese Fantasy" will be pre_ ------- C~IIR . !IiIJ'•. ....... 011 - ... S ••• • . 1 . INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE I'age 10 THE Dr. Edward Brubaker To Speak Wednesday Presbyterian Women to Hear Pastor at 12:30 Luncheon Women to Present Mara In Dance, Lecture the talk by Dr. Eward Brubaker to be given at the monthly meeting of the- \Vol11en's As~ociation of the Pre~b~'tl'rian ChuJ'ch on 'Vednes- ~Irs. Peter E. Told. The and approximately 280 girls conographer fol' the touring company tributed their time, and will realize of HAnnie Get Your Gun", which a total of $366.05 for their effort~. Mrs. \Valter Moil', Neighborhood Cookle Cha'irman, would like to JlubHcly thank "all the troop committee chairmen, and all those who cooperated so kindly in helping to secure this money for on-going campinj! program for these worthy girls". Swarthmoreans purchased 7321 hox('s of c:lokics, and even now may he nibbling theil' way through the remainder of some 140,420 individual cookiess - if they lasted this long. Phone SHARON HILL 0134 Estimates Without Obligation .. -~ """"~ Hand-Mode Hats . 2 to 5 p.m. 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday: 9:30 to 12 a.m. 2 to 4 p.m. For l'OU your family ... your guests ...... MoiiiRO:W'~ CRACKER Br.RREL 17 South Chester Road Swarthmore CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE by Dot Hope • 104 Park Avenue ELECTED Mr. Andes, the son of Mrs. Charles L. Andes of Rutgers avenue, is a resident of Media. • dressmaker • spring classics • tweeds ty Courts a Swarthmore man was fined $100 and costs for driving while intoxicated two months ago, Thomas Mortinll'l' of \Voodlyn was released hy the Court upon pa.Y~nent of costs for insufficient evidence on charges of larceny of n spare tire from the car of Baker 1\Iiddleton, 130 Rutgers avenue. Weekdoys: Our Pnscrlptlon Sp.clallm emblem is your ....urance of prompt, precise com' pounding at prices that Me uniformly fair; . Always make it a point to bring us your Doctor', prescriptions-and call on us for ALL health aids. SUITS MARIE DONNELLY DRESS SHOP LIBRARY HOURS .PRESCRIPTION -.It_SP_EC_IA_LlS_TS_!_) • • • TIl(' Fire Company extinguished a fire in nn automohile on \Ve.!'tdale a\'cnue neal' Chc:.;ler road at 10:07 Jl.m. 'V('dnc~day. This week in the Delaware Coun- ----- Specialty Industry. for the first breath of Spring FIRE AND FINE luncheon at 12 :30 p.m. will be in Charles Andes, Jr., president of charge of Circle 5, Mrs. Oscar Hart, Liberty Advertising Company of chairman. Child care is pl'ovided. Glenolden, formerly a Swarthmore ~. firm, was eleeted Sunday the presi_ dent of the Advertising Specialty THOM SEREMBA UPHOLSTERY and SLIP COVERS Guild of American, National Trade Association of the Advertising 8 Years of Swarthmore References Over 30 Years' Experience Klngswood 3-0586 RUTH D. HANLEY. Owner 8~mrthno:'(? t.:ollecrlr Li l)l·r.ry Swarthmore, Penna. MARTEL'S SUPER MARKETS PLUS CASH SAVINGS FRYING CHICKENS CUT UP lb. 29c LEGS OF LAMB SWIFT'S PREMIUM lb .. 59c FILET MIGNON SWIFT'S PREMIUM lb. 1.69 SLICED BACON SWIFT'S PREMIUM lb. 49c OVEN READY CAPONS lb. 49c SLICED BOILED HAM lb. pkg. 99c DEL MONTE CATSUP 2 14-oz. bots. 29c HERSHEY BARS MILK OR ALMOND box of 6 19c IEN·L·RATION DOG FOOD. 6 16-oz. tins 89c TOMATO PASTE HUNT'S . 12 6-oz:tins 89c "You Meet the Nicest People at Speare's" and "They Do Sell the Nicest Things at Speare's" . r~~=.:~;=~~ - SEVENTH AND WELSH STREETS e..... STORE HOURS, Monday th," Thursday, 9,30.5,30 Fr;day. 9,30.9,00: Saturday, 9,30.5,30 WE GET THROUGH TO YOUI L I 11 J: IJet ~ea4 ~ Plan for a • oil. It contains a new additive that gives you greater assurance of clean, even, steady heat. To arrange for service that you can count on-110 matiCI' when you need itjust write or call us today. eau I U Register to Vote March 19 Boro. Hall Ridley Park 113-4742 LE 2.2440 t;)., ~~ S~ ~! Choose from a big, fresh spring selection .•• take advantage of low advance-season prices. We've all the fashions you want. . . . S" a1 thmore, I a., Fnday, • , VOLUME 31-NUMUER 11 , School Authority Signs Basic Contracts Work to Begin Immediately, Completion Scheduled '" in Nine Months The Swarthmore-Rutledge Union School Authority, meeting Friday night in the Junior High School Building, approvcd and signed the four basic contracts for the reconstruction of the main high school hours, the receipt of notices from Harrisburg concerning the necessary prior approval by the Department of Public Instruction, of the lease agreement. Since the opening of construction hids several weeks ago, there has been much activity centering about the arrangements for the bond issue, using the money received from fire insurance p,olicies to defray some of the expense of the new has I'ecentiy been sold to Kidder, Peabody and Company, thus provid- ing the funds. With the lease arrangements between the Authol'ity and the School District officially H • ) Are You Registered? , J\hrch 13, I !J5!J Congratulates Fellow Officer Police Shift Made Monday by Borough Council Charles l\Ianatu, night patrolmew on the local police force,applied The Rev. Robert Browne to Assume Duty . by April 15 the company. He was assistant manager of the marine department. Mr. l\IeCray began his long career with Sun as a messenger in 190!) after graduation from (,hestel' WeidfIer Promoted I by letter fOI' retirement at Monday night's meeting of Council. The request was honored and retirement will iJegin April 1 for the policeman who has served here for 32 years, at the ~alllc time operating a greenhouse at his home on Fairview road . ~J anatu has been on sick leave for the past scveral months. In line with Council's recent deci~·::jon to add a 5econti sergeant to ! the police dl'partment, Patrolman \\'i!liam G. 'Vcidncl', high scorer in the Civil Service examination given for the position earlier this month, was appointed to the }Jost. Weidner's new rank became effective at 12 :01 a.m. the followillg day, March I Patroiman r'ercr l.:. ~... I('Jgmli;5, right, c·)IlJrorUiaf2s Sergeant Vy'illiam G. Weidner on his promolion to his new office. Honor Society Elects Borough Blood Donor 10 Seniors, 5 Juniors Day Set for April 30 Ten seniors and five juniors were inducted into the Xational Honor Society at the assembly held 'Ved- nesda; at the high school. lIIichael l Heston D. McCrary, Jr., Retires From Sun Oil Junior Club Sponsors Easter Seal Campaign I Manala Retires, Presbyterians Call Associate Minister The Uev. Robert Otis Brvwne has been called by the Presbyterian Church to serve as an associate minister and director of Christian Education, The call was made by the congregation fol1owing the second worship service on Sunday. He n·m assume his duties hy April 15. .Mr. Browne received his higher ulucC'tion at St. Louis University, SL Louis, l\Jo., where he received his B.S. in psychology and sociology. He received his B.D. from ~.IcCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago, Ill. He reads Hebrew; Greek, and French, and speaks French. From 1948~1950, Mr. Browne was a psychometrist in the department of psychology at St. Louis Universit..... In 1951 he was a student assisi~,nt to the pastor of the Ozark Register to VO'e March 19 Boro. Hall $'1.00 PER YEAR Roving Registrars will sit in Borough Hall, Thursday, Morch 19, from 2 to 9 p.m. to ragister eligible citizens for the Primary Election Moy 19. Bp.cker, William Bcik, D"wn Boyer, Spencer Cal'l'oB, l\IaI'ion Colton, Carol Honnold, A. Sidney Johnson, 3rd, Kathleen K ..lcy, John G. Lord, Jr., and Craig Smith were the scniors elected. Juniors elected were Parish, Cuba, 1110., from 1951-54 ~ancy Braund, Barbara Edwards, Was student pastor and later the Barbara Greim, Robert Jarratt, pastor of the Presbyterian Church and lIIary Lou lIIcCorkel. During the induction ceremony, in La Rose, 111., and from 1954-55 Philadelphia $374,231; 2, Heating was assistant minister of Christian Helen Calhoun explained the hisand Ventilating, Edward S. Green Education at the First Presbyter- tory of the organization, Betty (Continued on Page 7) Gemmill gave the qualifications, of Edgmont, $52,350; 3, Plumbing, and Setty McCorkel described the Hirsch, Arkin, Pinehurst, Inc., of method of election. Philadelphia $20,880; and 4, ElecThe program was ander the ditrical, Joseph C. Madden, Jr. of nction of Dr. James F. Irwin, facClifton Heights $47,120. r U!tl sponsor of the society. Since the contractors submitted New members arc ('letted on the the bids various bonds had been Cornell Avenue Man uasis of character, leadership, complete'd and sign~d in the interim Served Company scholarship, and sen'ke. No more and are now in the hands of the than 15 percent of each class is elig. Authority, work can begin immed50 Years ihle. Five percent are taken in duriately and should be completed in Heston D. McCray, J r., of Coring the jU!lior year and 10 percent approximately nine months. nell avenue, has retired from Sun Oil Company, after 50 years with during the senior year. approved, the Authority accepted the four low bids for basic construc_ tion and authorized" the officers, Robert N. Hilkert, vice chaiI'man and John C. MacAlpine, Jr., secretary, to sign the necessary contracts and documents. They were: 1 General Construction, Daniel B. 'VanCampen Corporation of 'Chinese Fantasy' Slated for Today 10. Borough Blood Donor Day has bel'n scheduled for Thursday, April 30, from I to 6:30 p.m. in the Woman's Club. Since October nf 1958 the Borough Bload Bank has supplied 40 pints of blood to 14 residents. Borough residents who need emergency blood may call Red Cross Blood Service Choirmon, Mrs. H. L. McCune, Klngswood 3-2474, or Co-chairman, Mrs. Corben C. Shute, Klng,wood 3-3757, to Residents of the northeast side of Swarthmore avenue between Ches_ ter road and Cedar lane having agl'eed to dedicate right-of-way for 'sidewalks, Council ordered a survey preparatory to effecting this protection for school children and other pedestrians along that stretch. Surveys of Chestel' road east of the underpass for repaving and cUI'bing, and of Harvard avenue be- tween lilt. Holyoke and Chester road were also ordered. Ordinances setting Borough salaries for the new year and adopting the State fire prevention code were passed. make arrangements to secure A lette,' from the State refused the Borough permission to restrict some from the Borough's Red Cross Bank. Mothers Club Fashion Show Sel for Thurs. Annual Event to Aid Underprivileged Children Swarthmore avenue to one-way traffic between Cedar lane and BaltimOl'e pike. The Swarthmore Planning Commission reported its survey of local parking had resulted in decision against recommending purchase of the Shirer lot on Rutgers avenue or part of the Swarthmore Col1ege land on the west side of the under- (Continued on Page 6) The annual fashion 'show of the Swarthmore Mothers' Club will be Parents and friend~ are invited presented on 'l'hursday evening, Senior and Junior High Girls to attend the assembly program at ~Ial'ch 1!) tat R p.m. in the clubhouse High School. He attended night the Swarthmore Elementary School Will Collect in Drive school at Drexel Instituf!!', the Uni_ on Rutgers avenue this afternoon, of the Swarthmore '\Voman's Club on Park avenue. "COlOl' in Fashion" Yersity of Pennsylvania's \\~harton )la1'ch 13. Today and Sat. Luncheon Program Includes wiU be the theme. School, the Chester Commercial A group of students from "A Chinese Fantasy" will be pre_ Fashions will be shown for all Swarthmore High School will par- College and also -took' co:-!'('spond- sented by Mrs. Alene McCutcheon's Year's Summary, age gr~lIps, from the young child to ticipate in a Lily Pal'lJde for the enee courses. fourth grade, This cast includes the matl'On, Lori Loveland, daughElection As Mr. McCray increased his benefit of the 1959 Easter Seal Stephen Russell, Leah Stauffer, ter of 1\[rs, J, \Vest Loveland, and The annual meeting of the Campaign to be held today and to- knowledge of mechanical and mar- Mary Scott, Marion Hunt~ June ll1orl'o\v in the businl'~s sections of ine engineering plus accounting he Roxby, Peter Salom, .l\farian Strad- Diane Pemberton, daughter of Mrs. Swarthmore League of 'Vomen VoRobert Pemberton, will present ters will be held Monday at 12 :45 Swarthmore, sponsored by the was advanced in the company ley and Ray Millins. fashions for the young child. Maggi in the Strath Haven Inn. At this Swarthmore Jr. 'Voman's Club. through various jobs until he was Staging will be under the direc- O'Brien, daughter of Mrs. John W. meeting study and action at the made maintenance superintendent Rain dates are March 20 and 21. tion of Philip Layton, who will community level for the coming Under the chairmanship of Mrs. in 1942. A veteran of \V' ol,ld War I, also entertain with a p.iano solo. O'Brien, will present the teFn-age year will be determil)ed, elections Frank Wa'lter, Bryn I\fawr avenue, he has been active in the American Trained elephants will be ,portrayed grouping. i\lodeling mothers will be Mrs. will be held and the work of the the following club members will L('giol1. by David Shay, Stanley Scott al)d Eric Munro, Mrs. Robert \Vest, current year summarized. serve on the committee: Craig Sullivan. Under consideration for local NIl's. Franklyn No1t, .l\frs. William Mrs. Donald R. ;Hughes, IIfrs. 'Skylarks' Scheduled The prologue chorus will be di- Scholl, iIIrs. H. Leland Clifford and study are: "The .Method of Levying Charles F. Seymour, and 1111'S. AlFor Garnet Canteen rected by Catherine Goldwater and Mrs. William H. Clarke. 1111'S. H. and Collecting Taxes!', "Education_ lan H. Coburn of Swarthmore; Mrs. al Costs and Services", and a "Know HThe Skylarks" will return to- "The Tragic Story" a choral read(Continued on Page 7) Richard C. Brown of Wallingford; ing, will be led by Peter Salom. Your Town Study" which is made and IIfrs. Frank 111. O'Brien and morrow to provide music for Garnet "The Legend of the Blue Willow I every 10 years. For continued in.. Health Notice 1111'S. William I. Pontius of Media. Canteen at the 8 o'clock gathering Pattern" will be introduced by Vivterest and action are "Creek Val... in the Rutgers Avenue School. Senior and Junior High School There has been an unusual leys" and "Public Recreation". There is also a possibility that ian Swan with ·pantomine by Don girls who are participating are As this meeting provides an exincidence of Scarlet Fever this Randy Stevens, recording star, will Murray, Evans Hammond, l\larilisted below: lynn Ramsey, Carol Silzle, l\farian cellent summary of league aims and make au appearance. year. This disease occasionDiane Reynolds, J{)an Hawkins, activities in addition to election of The Nether Providence student Hunter and Pamela Nelson. ally can result in serious comJean Kenni~dy, Joan P.lowman, SuOpening exercises conducted by next year's ,program and officers" body has been invited to attend. san Carroll, Suzanne Plowman, plicotions. Sarah Baucroft and Andrew lIlaass interested. non-members are urged Chaperons will be IIfr. and IIfrs. LWV Annual rJleeling Set for Monday, 12:45 ------- Ann Essl, Janet Southard, Carol 200 W. Ridley Avenue " :~ THE 5WARTHMOREAN Robert Wagstaff, and 1111'. and will begin at 2 p.m. 1111'S. Howard Shaeffer. 'Let 'em Eat Cake!' ahoe, Carolyn Halsey, Nancy StorLast week 190 attended a regular In appreciation of the Police De]azzi, Lynn Hartman, SUj:!an Spencanteen that followed the 10th grade partment's copperation with Girl (Continued from Page 6) part~. Scout activities, Troop 95 presented the force with a cake embellished CHAIR CHARRED MARCH 20 MEETINI with scouting emblem on WednesA chair at the home of John E. PACK 422 CALLS· . day morning. Jeffords 223 Vassar avenue burst Cub Scout Pack 432 will hold its into f1a;"e. at 10:30 Wednesday pack meeting on March 20 to avoid KAPPAS TO SEW night.. Mrs. Jeffords was able to conflict with Good Friday. The 7:30 The Kappa Kappa Gamma sewcontrol the blaze with buckets of p.m. meeting in the Methodist ing group will meet at the home of water until the fire company ar- Church will featnre a sPOrts theme. IIIrs. Joseph Callaghan, 907 Nichrived and carried the chair from Parents of cubs are urged to at- olson road, Wynnewood, on Tuesthe house. tend. day. MQrgan, Karen Edney, Karen Don_ Van Alen Bros. RY .1 '~ ~ building. A bond issue of $620,000 SUPERIOR QUALITY - SVIa rthmore • • '. • .!. building. This action followed by 24 Full 6 Days of Specials - Wednesday to Tuesday March 4 to 10 No matter how rough the elements, when you need heating oil, we get through to you! We feel that we owe this kind of day-and-night service to our customers and to our community. We make prompt deliveries of Atlantic's famous triple-refined heating MAR 13 1959 IIfrs. Russell H. Kent, who is win- GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SALE BRINGS 5366,05 tering in Miami, has as her guests The Girl Scout Cookie Sale is fOI" a week her son and his wife Mr. (Continued from Page 1) over. Fourteen Swarthmore troops andlllrs. LaurenceS.Kent of Illinois. Oriental influence on modern musi- As the rect'nt direeiol' of the \Ve:::tminstel' Foundation fOJ' the Philadelphia area, Dr. Brubaker has fir:5thand expel'iellecs with the subject of the statll~ of religion 011 college campuses. For fin" ~·ears he has overseen the \\Tork that the Foundation has done with the ........ ".·L PresLyteriall stud('nt~ in the Vlli\'ersity of Penn.;.;yivuni:l, Telliple Mara University, Drexel )nstitute of has iJeen asked by the State DeTechnolog-y, Bryn ,:\Iawr and Ha\'er- partment to perforlll in Europe in ford Coileg(':':;, Philadelphia Textile .June and July, 195f). Institut(' ~nd \Vomcn':-; :Mcdical ColHccciving at the door will be Mrs. lege, and 20 :-:chools in Center City. :",Torman R. Jones and nIl'S. Thomas As pastor of the Tabernacle \\r. Simpers. Ten will be served in Preshytcrian Church, Dr. Brubaker the lounge by 1\1rs. Samuel I... Althas charge of an unusual chureh. hOllse and Mrs. Frederick Anthony. It is a student-town5pcopie church; in which two-thirds of the ('ongreCONTAGIOUS DISEASES gat ion is made up of students. The following childl'en have been From 300 to 400 students attend ('on fi n ('{I to theil' home with contachurch there eaeh Sunday. Stu- gious dis(;aRl's: dents 110t only, sing in the choir, :'IIcmdcs ~ Jimmy, Betsy, Billy usher, help in the Church School, an T('ddy Conwell, .a1l of Columbia but arc also elected and ordained to a\'enue; Sally Stephen~ of .Marietta be Elders and Deacons, ~\I1d ap- avenue, Linda Zecher of Swarthpointed to be Trustees; serving on mOl'e a\·cnue. aU the official board;:; and particiScarlet Fever - Gail Davidson pating in the government of the of Elm avenue. Church with the townspeople. Chicken Pox - Susan and Aaron The meeting will begin with wor- Finc of Vassar avenue. ship in the sanctuary at 12 O'clock, ... to be led by March 6, 1959 cal comedy. At present she is chore. "Christian Faith on the Philadelphia Campuses" is the topic of clay. SWARTHMOREAN Attention is called to the. Borough Health Rule regarding this disease. "The minimum isolation period for Scarlet Fever shall be seven (7) days and shall he prolonged if necessary until complete recovery from all catarr!hal or purulent discha .... ges incident or secondary to the disease." J. Albright Jones, M.D. Health Officer. Swarthmore to attend as well as members. Those attending the luncheon and desiring baby sitting facilities at the Strath Haven, are asked to call Mrs. J08... eph Storlazzi, KIngswood 3-1292. DR, SWANN TO SPEAK Dr. William G. Swann, physicist of Ogden avenue will be the speaker on Monday at a buffet luncheon at the Hannah Penn House, Philadelphia, sponsored by the Republican Women of Pennsylvania of which Mrs, ~rwin R. MacElwee of Mt. Holyoke place is the President, 8WARTHMOREAN . March 13, 1959 THE SWARTHHOREAN PageZ P er ' I_ Mr. and Mrs. A. Sidney SOnaN Ifr, with their son Sidney of Mrs. E. H. Bassett has recently Chester road spent the weekend in returned to her home on North Williamstown, Mass. Cbesterroadafter having spent two Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Ke<>n,en! weeks visiting Mr.. Addison S. at Harvard avenue returned Wickham in Winter Park, Fla. a vacation in New Orleans folJean Jezl, daughter of Mr. and lowed by a visit with their son and Mrs. James L. Jezl of Cornell ave- daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. nue recently returned home from Charles B. Keenen and their chilLankenau Hospital following a ton- dren of Maitland, FIa. sillectomy. Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Hibbard Dr. and Mrs. Walter B. Keighton, of South Chester road returned reJr., of Cedar lane are entertaining cently from a visit with the)r the senior chemists from Swarth- daughter Rosemary who is a sopltomore College at their horne this plore at Simmons College, Boston, Sunday. Dr. Keighton is head of Mass. the chemistry department at the ilirs. Alfred H. Marsh of Col umcollege. bia avenue entertained at tea on Mr. and Mrs. Eric Fowler of Monday aiternoon friends of her Drew avenue returned Sunday eve- mother-in-law Mrs. Margaret ning by plane from Bermuda where Marsh of Dartmouth House. Mrs. they spent eight days. Marsh, Sr., will leave next week to Mrs. Frank H. Holman of College make her home with her daughter avenue was hostess to some of her Mrs. Arthur Shelton in San Anfriends at a bridge and luncheon! tcmic), Tex. yesterday. . Dr. and IIIrs. Arthur H. Silvers Mr. and IIIrs. Belden S. Tucker of Rutgers avenue entertained at of Rutgers avenue have had as their an informal buffet dinner Sunday guest for the past six weeks, Mrs. in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Tucker's mother Mrs. Paul Gibson E. Robinson of Drexelbrook, who "who left for her home i~ Aurora, were married on February 21. , Ill., last week. Friends and neighbors of tbe RobinMr. and Mrs. Peter Hopson of sons were among the guests presCornell avenue have as their ent. IIIr. and Mrs. Robinson will for a week Mrs. Hopson'. leave shortly for Sebring, Fla., Mrs. Albert Gilho of Harrisburg. where they expect to attend Mrs. Arthur C. Howland of "port car races. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Pfeiffer have mouth avenue has her Susan Howland of returned to their home in Baltimore N.Y., visiting with her. after a visit to their son-in-law and Charlie Parker of South Prince- daughter Comdr. and Mrs. William ton avenue returned home Saturday Wilburn, at their new home 431 from Taylor Hospital following a Drew avenue. Comdr. Wilburn was tonsillectomy. transferred to the Philadelphia Mrs. B. C. Hirst of Dickinson Naval Base and the family which avenue and her grandson, William includes Ann, an eighth grade stuiPhillips of Wallingford dent, William a fifth grader, and flew to San }'rancisco, Calif., Richard in first grade, moved here they visited friends. Mrs. Hirst last month from Patuxent River, tomed home last week by plane Md. but Mr. Phillips continued his Mrs. Henry A. Peirsol, Jr., and ness trip to Tens and Mexico. daughter, Sandra, motored to AlexMr. and 1\.frs. William E. Hetzel, andria, Va., Friday to spend the , Jr., of Thayer road have returned weekend wjth Sandra's grandparfrom a six -week vacation. They ents Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. visited friends in Belleair, Fla., and Kauffmann. They were joined by spent the rest of their time in Sea Mr. Peirsol who is spending last Island, Ga., where they were visited week and this week at the Anacostia by their son-in-law and daughter Naval Base while attending school Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Morris of in Washington, D.C. Troy, and their children Joan and IIIrs. William Hartman of DarlAnn. mouth avenUe introduced 1\:lrs. GorMrs. Sewell W. Hodge of Ogden don Johnson of Oberlin avenue, for. avenue returned Sunday merly of Grand Rapids, Mich., to from a visit with her brother her new neighbors at a coffee hour sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. on Monday morning. The guests W. Preston and family in Pitts- were hiTs. Francis Tracy, Mrs. burgh. Charles Keyes, Mrs. Ben Olcott, Nancy Gowing of Parrish rpad, Mrs. Thomas Thorbahn, and Mrs. a sophomore at Denison University, Harold Dumm. Granville, 0., spent the weekend' Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Thatcher with her parents Mr. and Mrs. D. returned to their ·home - on Ogden " Mace Gowing. avenue Monday followihg a three Robert Lamberson, Jr., young week vacation. They spent 10 days son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lam- in Jamaica and toured the Island herson of School lane has returned with Mr. Thatcher's brojher and to his home from Lankenau Hos- sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard pital following a tonsillectomy. Thatcher of Chattanooga~ Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Lang of They then spent the remainder of Maple avenue had as their guests their holiday in Winter Park with over the weekend their son and Mr. and Mrs. IIIark Bittle at, Lieut. and Mrs. gers avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lang of Plainfield, N.J. Claude Smith of Philadelphia. Mr. Gordon Lange of Cedar lane Mr. and Mrs. E. Arthur Whitney I~ft by plane Wednesday for Kirks_ of E!wyn and Mr. and Mrs. Earle VIlle, Mo., tQ. appear as the keynote P. Yerkes of South Princeton avespea~er from the Northeast Mis- nue recently spent a week in Atlansourl State Teachers' Association. tic City. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Conwell of - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ __ Columbia avenue spent last Satur~ day night in New York and saw "Music Man". Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Brown of Wallt.ngf?rd returned Tuesday after several weeks spent vacationing in Tucson, Ariz. OF SWARTHMORE presents 'The Devil's Disciple' by GEORGE BERNARD SHAW Produced Under the otredion of WIlliAM PRICE -Friday 6' -Saturday- March 13 6' 14 . Cwlalo. r_ 1:20 P.M. ,. DIOK FRDOHETTI - TELEVISION CIIRISTUED , The christening of Elizabeth Lloyd Jones, infant daughter of Mr. ,,,,IIDIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIlIIIIIIIIClllllllllllltlIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIOIllIIIIIIUlCIIIUlIIIDIDDlIUIIIlUOIllIUIIIIIIEO and Mrs. Richard L. Jones, Jr., of Strafford, took place Saturday afternoon, March 7, at 4 o'clock D in the Trinity Episcopal Church. ~ \ The Rev. Layton Zimmer, rector ::; 1 of the church, officiated. The God-parents were Mr. and ARE YOU GROOMED FOR WEARING O' THE GRtEU Mrs. Donald W. Smith, Wilming9 South Chester Road § ton, Del., brother-in-law and sister of Mrs. Jones; and Mrs. Harry Call Klngswood 3-0476 F. Brown, Jr., of Pine Ridge. \ AeUye Mem"ber of the Swarthmore BulDe •• A••oelaUoa A tea for the immediate families and god-xby, Spencer of Westminster avenue and Suzanne Seeman, Christine Smith, her son Steven, Jr. -" Pamela Spitz, Wendy Tompkins and Margaret Toland. iiI saw it in the Swarthmorean.'" 1:1. Question: All Co-op Shoppers Welcome fTechnlc6lor) lounges. Superla. L Kim Novak A real cute comedy!!! Feature Times-i:30. 9:30 P.M. library, game rooms, lelevision 5 Tuesday, March 17th· 8 P.M. 313 D.rlmDD~ AYflbUe KJa,."oDd. &--2010 tall enl~rtainmenl, , MEEnNG AT THE STORE 1 MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN Starting Sun ..;, Mar. 1S mus!c, games. movIes, dances, • • oo·op CaU ••• Plan Guests' evening ~ I Ii beds 5·1211 "- ! The Bouquet I plus COLOR CARTOONS 3 STOOGE COMEDY and PRIZES to Lucky Kiddie, Every Saturday balh $13. Mod. From oceanfronl sundecks enjoy Ihe sally breeze warmed by lhe Spring sun. Pro. lected solaria & lounges for quiel relaxation. a .BEAUTY SALON 'The Indestructible Man' THE PLAYERS CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Judson R. Hoover, child and daughter Patricia Ann, Mi •• Carol Livingston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luzerne Livingston Jr., have returned to their home in on February 21. of Morton. Mrs. Daetwyler is the former Wallingford after a month's trip by air in Mexico, Guatamala, Yucatan, and in New Orleans, La. While in Mexico City, they ha.d! dinner 30 YALE AVENUE MORTON. PA. with the Edward Pittocks of Mo,y-I lan-Rose Valley who were guests TELEYISIOI - HOllE .• nd AUTO RADIO - PHON OS at the'same hotel. "Bring It to Us or We'lI Come to You" --------Klngswood 4-1028 Girl Scout Troop 683 8th GRADE WINS Students Compete in . Holds Co"'rt of Awards CHEERING CONTEST Math Camp Program . '?Iteue? March '19 is Registration Day in Sw~rthmore. We therefore ask those who are Democrats by conviction and vote to consider the good reasons for registering Democratic. Each election shows a Democratic vote in Swarthmore for in excess of the Democratic registration. This has been regularly true in both notional and local elections. In many cases these votes are cost by consi~ent· Democratic voters who have not. however. registered Democratic. Both Delaware County and the Borough of SWCilrthmore have endured years of one-party-Republican Party-rule. Americans have always believed in two-party politics, and the need for twoparty politics is clear in the example of Delaw"re County. Ours is a county experiencing the suburban explosion common in the· mid·twentieth century. It is run by a government trying to get by on the wisdom of the I920·s. responsive only to particular pressures. sporing no thought or energy for the pressing problems . of the present and future. It is run by a party machine of the classical tllPe now found only in .large and underprivileged cities. Only a two-party system can effectively raise the issues of today and tomorrow. Only a two:party system can effectively challenge the administrative laxity of yesterday and today Delaware County today'stands doser to a creative two· party politics than at any time in recent history'. Yet. a twoparty system caninot be built on votes alone; understandable that the party in power regords the registration figures as the real indicator of effective competition and challenge. This means that the Democrat who actually registers Democratic ·registers a challenge to corruption and complacency and strikes a harder blow for progressive local government. We will not daim-os does the Republican machine--that our party in Delaware County is everything it should be. In fact, it suffers from the problems that plague every long-time minority party. But ours is a party that welcomes those who want to take P<;,rt in local government. We of the Borough Democratic CommIttee ask such people to register. and join with us to make the Democratic Party a creative and effective challenge at the local level. Same people roti~nalize their Republian registfation on the ~round that they are fIghting the good fight for decent Repub· Iocan candIdates. ThIS has always been a losing fight in Delaware County. Our undistinguished current Congres..ture. at a combined meeting in McCahan Choir. 4-15; Chapel Choir. 7. ·and METHODIST CHURCH Hall; CIRCLE 4. Chairman Mrs. Chancel Choir at 8 p.m. John C. Kulp. Minister William CraemerJ at the home of Charles Schi.ler Mrs. Donald Crossett. 405 Thayer TRINITY NOTES Minister of Music road-m'embers are asked to bring Sunday. March 15 A celebration of the Holy Comcans of corn, and tomatoes, for the 9 :45 A.M.-Church School classes. munion will be held at 8 o'clock Sun. 8 :45 and 11 A.M. - Mr. Kulp will T. M. Thomas Ccnter; CIRCLE 5, day morning and again at 9:30. All preach. Chairman Mrs. Oscar Hart, at the departments of the Church School 4:00 P.M. - Instruction Class. 6:45 P.M. - Sr.• Jr. Youth Fel- home of Mrs. William H. Gehring, will meet at 9 :30 and at 11 :15 a.m. 605 University place; CIRCLE 6. there will be a service of Morning lowships. 7 :45 P.M. - "The Living Christ". Chairman Mrs. L, H. Wownall, at Prayer. , Monday. March 16 Chairman Mrs. L. H. Pownall, at Ushers' for the services will be 6 :30 P.M.-Men's Dinner. Cedar'lane; CIRCLE 7, Chairman as' follows: Wednesday. Ma~ch 18 Mrs. Charles ThomasJ at the home At 9 :30 a.m.-J. B. Nolte. head 7:45 P.M.-Prayer Fellowship. of Mrs. E. D. Brauns, 411 Vassar usherj Theodore Evans, alternate; avenue; CIRCLE 10; Chairman TRINITY CHURCH R. S. Brodhead. W. L. Church. J. Layton Parkhurst Zimmer. Rector Mrs. Charles BrooksJ at the home B. Davis. G. C. MacDonald, and of Mrs, George Krenikoff, .ioo Yale W. 1)1. McCawley; at 11 :15 a.m.Sunday. March 15 avehue; CIRCLE 8. Mrs. Robert J. S. Portcr. head usher; W. 111. 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. 9 :30 A.M.-Holy Communion. Arnold, place to be announced later. Bush, alternate; A. S. Mowery, R. 9 :30 A.M. -. Church School. Meeting at 8 oJclock Wednesday 11:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer. B. Price, D. W~ Schumann. and H. night will be CIRCLE 12 at the G. Weaver. Wednesday. March 18 home of Chairman Mrs. Alvah W. 7:00 A.M. - Holy Communion. William Wrege is scheduled to Stuart. 327 Vassar avenue. CIR9:30 A.M. - Holy Communion. serve as acolyte at 8 o'clock; Charles 8:00 P.M. - Evensong. CLE 11. Mrs. Harry F. Brown. Jr.• Fellows and James Paul at 9 :30. Thursday. March 19 will also meet at 8 p.m .• place to be and at 11 :15 Peter Berlin announced later. 10:00 A.M. - Holy Communion. The Canterbury Club.·will hold a "Truth Through Stories: the THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY dessert meeting at the Reetory at Parables." will be the topic of the OF FRIENDS 6:30 p.m. S\1nday. , Lenten lecture meeting at 8 ip.m. Sunday. March 15 The surgiea.] dressings group will Wednesday in the Women's Asso. 9 :45 A.M. - First Day School. meet on Monday morning at 10 in 9:46 A.M.-AJult Fbrum: "What dation Room. the Cleaves Room .• the Meeting for Worship Means The Primary Choir will rehearse to Me". Howard Brinton. The Lenten Sewing g';'up will 11:00 A.M. - Meeting for Wor- at 3 p.m .• the Junior Choir at 3 :45 meet in the Cleaves Room at 10 ship. Children cared for in Whit- p.m'J and the Junior Higll Boys' a,m. Tuesday. At 7 o'clock that'evetier House. All are welcome. Choir at 5: 15 p.m. on Thqrsday. 6:30 P.M.-High School Fellowning the first of a series of zone The Chancel Choir will rehearse ship. dinner meetings will be held. lIIrs. at 7 :?O Thursday night. . Monday. March 16 E. L. Duer will hold the first zone New adult members of the church All-day sewing for the A.F.S.C. meeting at her home in Wallingwill be received ·Jwthe Session at a Tuesday. March 17 ford. 8:00 .P.M.-Monthly Meeting for dessert meeting ~t 8 o'clock ThursThere will be celebrations of the BUSiness. day night. Holy Communion at 7 a.m. and 9 :30 wednesday. March 18 Wednesday. The Bible classes will AU-day sewing for the A.F.S;C. FIRST CHURCH OF METHODIST NOTES meet at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. The CHRIST. SCIENTIST The Board ad' Trustees will meet first section of the Junior ConfirSWARTHMORE at the church tonight at 7 p.m .• mation Class will meet at 10:15 Park Avenue below Harvard followed by the regular monthly Wednesday morning, and the secSunday. March 15 meeting of the Official Board at ond section at 4 :30 p.m. There will 11 :00 A.M.-Sunday School. 8 p.m. be a service of Evensong at 8 p.m. 11 :00 A.M.-The Lesson - Sennon will be entitled "SubstancelJ • Church School classes for all ages Holy Communion will be celeWednesday evening meeting each will begin at ~:45 a.m. Sunday. brated at 100'c1ock Thursday mornweek. 8 P.M'J Reading RoomJ 409 There is a nursery for infants to ing. This will be followed by the Dartmouth Avenue. open week- t Auxiliary Lenten program and days except holidays. 10-5; Fri- 'wo years old during this hour. day evening, 7-9. At the identical services of' wor. luncheon. The Inquirers' Olass will UNITARIAN CHURCH Klulp will use as his sermon subject meet in the Cleaves Room at 8 p.m. OF DELAWARE COUNTY ulp will use as his sermon subject Old Marple Road, Sprin$dield the fourth in a series on "Emblems CHRISTIAN SelENCE NOTES Between Springfield and Sproul of the Upper Room" _ HIn My How reliance on God's inexhaustRoads, North of State Road. Herbert F. Vetter, Jr., Minister Father's House." The choir will ible goodness brings abundance will Sund.1Y, March 15 sing special music from HThe Seven be emphasized Sunday at Christian . 10 :45 A.M.-Church School, 463 Last Words." Science services, when the LessonSproul Road. . There are three separate groups Sermon is entitled "Substance." 11 :00 .A.M. - Morning Service. caring 10r children during the secThe blessings of trust in God are TOPIC: "Prnfit from Manhattan d 1959". ' , on worship hour-a nursery a brought out in ·passages to be read NOTRE DAME DE LOURDES kindcrgarten program and a Ju~ior from the Bible, including this one Rev. Gharles A. Nelson, Pastor Church program. from Psalms (34:8-10): "0 taste Mass will be celebrated in the ColThe College Wesley Fellowship and see that the Lord is good: bleslege Theatre at 8. 9. 10. and 11 grOUP will meet at 5 :30 in fellowo'clock on Sunday. Baptism will ship ·hall for supper and WI'II attend sed is the man that trusteth in him. be administere.d by Father Nelson h o fear the Lord. ye his saints: for at the Parish Rectory. Michigan t e showing of the evening film. there is no want to them that fear Avenue and Fairview Road at 1'he Junior and Senior High Youth 1 P.M.' . Fell0W!''hip groups will mehtat6:45 him. The ·yonng lions do laek, and suffer hunger: but they that Beek THE SWAR'I'HMOREAN the Lord shall not want any goop The High School Fellowship will thing." meet at 5 :30 Sunday evening. The The Golden Text is from P""lms sIleaker will be Dr. Henry Russell (36 :5) : "Thy mercy. 0 Lord. is In who will talk about "Individual and the heavens; and thy faithfulness Social Virtues." reacheth unto the clouds." Monthly Meeting for Business All are cordially invited to attend I will be held in Whittier House at 8 the services at First Church af o'clock Tuesday. Christ. Scientist. 206 Park avenue. The usher for March is Lee Benat 11 o·clock. nett. I ~******************AAAAA FRIENDS MEETING NbTES At the Adult Forum Sunday Howard Brinton, Director EmerALL LINES OF INSURANCE itus of Pend Ie Hill, will speak to Friends on "What the Meeting for 333 Dartmouth Avenue, SwarthlllDr. Worship AIeans to Me." This is the Klngswood 3-1833 second tal~ in the pre-Easter .series on "The Devotional Life." Peter E. Told OUR More than three-quarters of a century of unequaled service, da. pendability and hIghest standards; • ,THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DIRICTOU o. ruHIIALI 1120 eNUTNUT STRiIT ,.I..._III-,aa, MMY A. BAm. ......d. . ____ ;~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..!'IJ Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. Middletown Road -Media, Pa. Opposite High Meadow (between Dutton Mill Road and Knowlton Road) • WORK OUSTOM LANDSCAPE . Friendly Sound Advice - This meeting is sponsored by the Men of the Methodist "" And so proud-styled. appointed and ul'holstered in really rich. fashion- College Mermaids Win 90th in Row right taste. Costs less to buy. less to operate. gives the most rewarding value your car-money can buy. And beautifully engineered. Get with it. In winning its 90th conseeutive meet since 1946. Swarthmore Col" lege girls' swimming team swept first place in every race to defeat the University of Pennsylvania 4125 last week at Penn's Weightman Hall 'Pool. Swarthmore coach Virginia Rath said after the meet. "I am very proud of the performance our swimmers put on today (Tnesday) against Pennsylvania. Penn is the strongest team we have met this year. even though the score doesl)'t indicate the closeness of the races." Swarthmore College has won ·the Eastern Intercollegiate Women's Swimming Championship 10 years . In-a roW.' $1995 TransportatIon, local taxes, wt.lte walls and any oth6r extras plaInly labeled on every car. Fun d"ive the LARK today at- . STIUMAN'S AUTOMOTIVE CENTER CHBta ... FAIIYIEW lOADS, SWAiTHMou, ., .. \ ,, ~ FUSCO MOTOR CO. • SOUTH McDADE IOuLEYAID, ~ ' •• 14'. Page 6 THE Police and Fire News SHS Wins I Loses I IJunior Club Sponsors '. Girl Scouts Display , lis Easter Seal CampaIgn Original Handiwork James Walls of Wallingford paid In District Play-o (Continued from Page 1) Original handiwork of Swarth- $20 fine on Monday for operating 'fake Unionville 57-48, Bow to Darby 95-56 cer, June Lee Heckman, Kathy Sensenig, Beth Purnell, Patsy Hally, Joanne Espenschade, Allis~n Naylor, Lillian Fairbanks, ConDle Harrison, Betty Jayne Roth, Kathy Bradbury, Frances Brill, Ann Greer, Nell Lee, Susan Gowing, Louise Lichtenberg, Rosemary Cudigan; Nancy Lane, Sue Bruce, Judy --Coles, Anne l'olcDowell, N aney Gayley, Sheila Clark, Marsha lIunt, Karen Schloesser, Dorothy Gatewood, Susan Drith':H;~, Nancy Brandt, Joan McKinncll, .Barbara Hayes, Betsy Jarrett, Sheri Maule, Linda Jones, Linda Hopper, Linda Kennedy, Cnrol Zimmerman, Mal'itha Tiller, Elsa Stradley, Lynn Lewis. Jean Draper, Barbara 'Vooci, Martha Dye, Joan Moil', 1\1artha lUoscrip, Lindsay Breakell, Mal'yjane Hazeltine, Betty Tibbetts, Barbara Bernhardt, Nancy Webster, Christine Garrett, Ann Kiley, Kathy Stamford, Ruth McLeod, Debbie Brown, Janet Edwards and Maria Horneff. }'nnds raised through the Lily Parado wHI go towards the Campaign goal of $250,000 to support t:le f:.crvices of the Philadelphia Socioty for Crippled Children and Atialts, in Bucks, Chester, Delawal'C, Montgomery and Philadel-, phia counties. In Delaware county thE Treatment Centers are located at the Llanerch Presbyterian Church, 'Ridley Park Methodist Church, a Day Camp for six weeks during June and July at Swarthmore College, dental care at the !:ociety's Headquarters in Philadel_ phia, and special education at the I<'uhrman Clinic School for Cripphid Children, also in Philadelphia, and a swimming program at the YI\:1CA, Ardmore. more Girl Scouts is on display in the windows of local stores to advertise National Girl Scout Week. Troop 744 under the direction of Mrs LeRoy Peterson and Mrs. Daniel Field is responsible for the display at a local pharmacy depicting the need for camping facilities in Delaware County, funds for which are now being solicited through "Operation Camp Site". Sock puppets made by several local troops and arranged by Troop 657, led by Mrs. Courtney Smith, are also on display in the village. These toys will be distributed to needy children in hospitals and settlement houses in Chester all part of the Scout service program. In the hall of the Rutgers Avenue School the various activities of the Girl Scouts are illustrated with pipe cleaner figures created and ar_ ranged in scenes by the members of Troop 78 under the leadership of Mrs. Robert Detweiler and Mrs. James Connor. The Swarthmore High School basketball team displayed fille all around balance as it completely outplayed the Unionville High School five in a 1'irst round game of the District I class B tournament, at the West Chester High School gymnasium 57·48. Ovcrcoming a definite hcight disadvantage, the Little Garnet beat the Unionvillers at their strongest .point - under the backboards. The entire Swarthmore team did a fine job in that respect as statistics proved the rebounding effort was well balanced. Swarthmore was given a running start on the efforts of sophomore Ronnie Herbster who scored the team's first 9 points, Soon Joe Moran and Jay Lord pitched in to help give the Little Garnet the lead 36-23 by half-time. Unionville, realizing they were playing a loosing battle, changed tactics the Second half, outscoring Manata Retires, the Swarthmore team 13-11 in the Weidner third ,"!uarter and 12-11 in .the (C~ntinued from Page 1) fourth, but not neBr enough to ever Ipass as municipal parking lots. The become a serious threat to the local suggestion of acquiring such a spot team. The Swarthmore offense for the purpose was made by the showed good bal:mce during this Swarthmore Business Associ~tion half, and the defense continued to about a year ago. baffle the Union villers . Public Safety Chairman Charles Twenty points by 6'4" Waible of W. Lukens reported a meeting with the "farmers market" was high for ten repl'esentatives of Swarthmore the game, but Ronnie Herbster was Hills residents wherein the Borough .close behind with 18. Dave Grogan expressed willingness t!> repair the scored 9, Bob Dawes 2, Jay Lol'd 15, now ·private roads in that developJoe Moran 9, and Ronnie Taylor 4. ment if residents would contribute Fred Schaeffer and Butch Hofapproximately $5000 toward the exmann were the others who saw acpense and the rO!1ds were dedicated tion in a game that made it plain to the Borough. It was agreed that, that Swarthmore was by far a betin the event the measure goes ter team than any in the Southern through, the Borough will not reChester County Lengue in which quire installation of sidewalks and Unionville had gone undefeated. curbs now but would reserve the In the se,Yste... " i . THE SWARTHMOREAN THE'SWARTBMOR Ii: A N ) SeeUoa. I. EQforcemeat. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR BOROUQH OF BWABTllBOaB Ie, Samoclnlkl. EJ:ecuto.... FAtale of The code herchy adopt.el.halI, lSubJec:t to OJlDINANCB NO. 101 ORPHANS' COURT Franclazek JaroDSJd, a/k/a P'rancllzet 8ceDer'" control by Boroush COUDCU, be ·01' The opiniona d b.1oIo Yaronak.!. Deceased. enforced by \he Chief of the Fire DeparlAN ORDINANCE FIXING THE ~TID DELAWAB:i COUNTY. PENNB'U.VANIA fir. tho •• of the iftdividual ~ KENNEDY-Feb. 21, Firat and Final AcOF COMPENSATION TO BE PAID ment. \ _ NoUee of Filla, and AllcUt of AceolUlb erl. All letter, to The SIAIflrl'" THE VARIOUS OFFICERS AND EM(:OUDt of provident Tra.deameDa Bauk NOTICE 11 hereby Slven to belu, leg&• SeeUon So Def1D1Uon. _ ..." b. ",/'Md. PI/lUdD. PLOYEES OF' THE BOROUOIJ OP and Trust. Company aDd Allee p, Kentees creditors aDd. all persons ~Lerellted Whenever the word "Munlclpallt7" Is wed nymM mati if the writer SWARTHMORE, COMMENCING AS OP nedy. Executors. Eatue of James W. Uta'" aecounta in the followlng estaws In the eocte hereby adopted. It.: ebeU be JANUARY 1. 1058. AND CONTINIUNO io known to tho Editor. Lettwa Kennedy, Deceaaed. have beeD n!ed 1.11 tbe Office of the ReI· held to meaD the BDroUgh of Swarthmore. UNTIL FURTHER ACTION OP THE will b. publillhed anllI CIt the dill. KlRKPATRICK.Mar.· 3, Flnt and Parlater of W1l1& and Clerk of Orphans' coun ;BOROUGH COUNCIL. AND MAKING ereti... of the Editor. tial .Account of WUlIam E. Creery. Sub· 8eeUOIl 4.. EatabUahment 01 Llmlta of Df&.. as the case ma,. be and that. same AFPROPRIATlONS THEREFOR. sUtut.ed TrUate, Sur TrUsl;; Under noms trlcta f.J1 wblcb 8&orage of Flammable LiqwUl be presented &0 the Orpbans' court. 13, It, 18 and 17, Estate of EzekIel Kirk- THE COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH uids 111 outside Aboveground Tanb and of 158ld countJ' 00 Monda,. AprU 8, 1058, Urges Opinion Exchange Bulk storage of Llquefled petroleum. Que. patrick, Deceased. .....--1 Account OF SWARTHMORE DOES ORDAIN: at. 10 o'clock, E.S.T., for eonflrmaUoD. KLAUS-Feb. 13. First. and & UIA 1B to be Restricted. at whlch time the said court will audit To 'the Editor: "oI wUUam A. Klaus, Admlnlstrator. se~UCNl 1. commencing Januat'1 1. 195•• Bald. aceounts. mar obJecUons to the Swarthmore is indeed a communEstate of Elma F. Klaus, Deceased. and. unUl modified or changed by Borougb 'I1re limits referred to in aecUon 804:10 of &ame and make dlstrlbuUOD 01 the bal· KNOLL-Feb. 27, Fir!lt. aDd Final Account Counen or other authorUy Ili accordance the code hereby adopted 10 wbJch !ltarage ity bursting with activities, as last &Dce: ascertained to be in the bands of of Plorence It. MIntzer and Florence V. with 18.'111, the COlDpensaUol1 of the following or flammable liquids In outsIde abovegroUDd the accountants. Megee. Executrices. Estate of Barry J. named oUlcers, o!f1clals and employees of tanks IS 'Prohibited, and. the UmUa referred week's ·Ietter to the SwartIunorean BEGLEY-Mar. 2. First and Final AcKnoll. a/lt/a H. J. Knoll, Deceaaed. • the .Borough o! Swarthmore shall be at the to in secUon 11M. of the code hereby adopt- suggested. The idea of'" commun· count of Mary M. Begley, Executrix, KOLYNYCH-Mar. 3, First. and Final Ac- rate hereinafter set forth: ed In which bulk storage of UquUled pe.o Estate of lJeonard J. Begley. Deceased. tr~leum gas Is restricted, are hereby eata)). ity calendar for town and college count of Michael Kolynych. Jr., Exeutor, BROOKS-Mar. 3, First and Final Ae· Estate of AllastELSla Kolynych, Decea..s Y "' = _ -a£tJIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIlIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIDIlUg. ternoons only, five to six d ays eae h Box G. _ __ ~ First in Diving WILLIAM BROOlS ~ ""... k EMIL SPIES ~ College Student Notes f :,==============;. Belvedere Convalescent Home Picture Framing ROGER RUSSELL Jack Prichard PA I N' TIN G a ~ Diluzio and Sons ; FLORIST I FOR RENT H()use on private Bush Speaks at ii Free.Estimates § estate near Wawa. Three bedJunior High A AI5SI~Jr'ILb'I'I-YII ~ room, bath,. living, dining • 5 ~ room, enclosed porch, kItchen. GarPrincipal William Bush spoke at Klngswood 3-8761 _ age. Small lawn area. Phone GLobe ... ~ ~ 9-3000 after 7 P.M. . a special Junior High assembly pro_ '" E Formerly FOR SALE - Complej.e 3~ volume :F'OR RENT Attractive furnished gram Wednesday of last week. His q,mnlllllllulllcmfllllllllunnIllIllIlUnnllllllllrlUrr"IIIIIIUn ~ CARNS .~ set bound Century Magazme from rODm. Transportation practically talk covered the fo~lowing points: All ways in which Student Cabi- ~IIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIlHnllllllUlmDI.lllmlllllnIllIIIIllIllDIII~ November 1880 to October 1898. at door. Convenient to' shopping Price $15. Klngswood 3-0193. area and restaurants. -Woman pre· net and volunteers have helped with li CRESSON PRICHARD § LOwell _6-0385. -' . I pro bl ems conseeluent I _~= e~ FOR SALE 'Boy's brown s,!it ferred. FORRENT Harvey Cedars, this spec.a and suburban brown and white N.J. beach front cottage. Sleeps upon the fire; problems not ~~t ii § tweed coat, size 18. KIngswood 3eight $150. per week. Beach front solved connected with the double ~== cottage sleeps six $160. per week., schedule and use and re-use of '3 !il\1lDlIlIlIIll1IlnIlIllIIIIIllDIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIII~ 5964. FOR SALE - 1946 Plymouth four Phone,Klng"wood 4-1500. equipment; problems for which socOM' h' A '" door sedan. Radio, heater, clean, i LOST AN D FOUND .IC Igan venue jj§ lutions must be sought in advance =-=~ 90 good running condition. $125. Klngswood 3-9450. LOST - Trifari rhinestone gold of the demolition and renovation of Swarthmore, Pa. § fish-shaped pin. Lost Sunday the fire-damaged portion of the FOR SALE - Bluebirds are comPresbyterian Church. ing! So is Easter. A bird house vicinity Gutters high school - in particular, safety _ or feeder' would make a :perfect Klngswood 3-4873. Ee Easter gift for someone speCIal. The LOST - Lady's dark br()wn soft of students during demolition; pas- ~=§ Warm·Nr Heating leather gloves last week. Labeled sage between 'buildings. during inS. Crothers Jr., 435 Plush Mill = ~ Road, Wallingford. I:Owell 6-4651. HMade in Spain". Klngswood 3- cl emen t weather. Air Conditioning :;'1I01ll111ll1l1l01ll1ll1ll1ll01l1ll1l1llIlUIIIIIIIIIIII01l1ll11ll1llt.' FOR SALE PUPPIES $5.00. 8473. Two hundred fifty Booster but- ~=="nUIIIIIIIIU~IIIIIII11IIIDIIIIlUlllllUllllllllllllnlllllll.lllu~t Sheet Metal Work Along Crum Creek tons Mother pedigreed Collie. Father FOUND have been ordered. These will § Sunday, white kid glove. Call The man-about-town. Phone KIngswood 55 Swarthmorean. Klngswood 3-0900. be worn every Tuesday by varyirig C 001 3-0614. groups singled out for their suc- ~ ~ hill ilili Jhii 1M cessful efforts to help build school ~ iii 1 BOX 48 KI 4-1214 spirit. The Booster Committee was ~ CENERAL set up by C~bin~t, student- _go,'errl-I ~ CONTRACTOR ~ ment orgamzabon, to -e' § fi Established 18SS £chool spirit. = 2906 B d R d = ur 8n oa CHester 4-631 I 29 E. Filth Street I I i week. Call Klngswood 3-0710; PERSONAL Baby sitting. Responsible woman. Klngs\Vood 34251. FOR SAU I ';':::;:: I REAL ESTATE Ii ROOFING Ia I KI 3-1112 i H' . h N• I nud' elnrlc sen George Myers and B SWEENEY & CLYDE Custom Built Oldest Real Estate and Insurance Firm in Delawor~ County Speciaibing in Pro;:oerties in SwarthmQre, WolI!ngford, Rose Valley and Media Area. HOUSES Drew Avenue ~ ~ J. Edward Clyde Pheas.ant Hill Farms, Media· ~ § § Parkside, Pa. CHester / - ;a 2-5487 Registration Information Registration will be held in Swarthmore Borough in the Borough Hall, on March 19th. The registrars will sit at the above place between the hours of 2 :00 and 9 :00 P.M. The following are facts to be remembered: Samuel D. Clyde 1812 -1955 . PRIMARY ELECTION - 'I'IMIiEN ' r ~~ OIL HEAT ! lu.ouc:n ()q. WIIUU. All CONDITION''''' 0<1 ... OIL ,ouln _ on .UUUMG ....11. KIAI", SWARTHMORE VIOINITY 1000 ~ OIL BURNER Block, Harvard Avenue New. all.brick\Cape Cod house on quiet street. Living room tile bath on first floor. Twa bedrooms and tile bath on second floor. Full cellor and garage. $20,500. • SERVICE MONDAY TORU SATURDAY NOON SUNDAYS aDd HOLIDAYS Klngswood 4-1234 . ~ : If you should accidentally injure a member of the public, you might have to do more than apologise. You might have to defend against a big suit for damagea. Be protected agail18t financial loss from,. : damage su.ita with lEtna'. • Com:prehensive Personal Llabdlty policy. All Lines 01 Insurance ! Opposite ___L~A_.~an.~~~~,______-______~:~ ) ~ ~ ~ APOLOGY IS NOT ENOUGH Peter E. Told BAIRD & BIRD Klngswood4-1500 ; ""'" with fireplace. dining raom. kitchen, large bedroom with DAY and NIGHT Save Money NOW on 80ro ~ 3S3 DARTMOUTH AVE. BWARTBMORE, PA; ; Klngswood 3-1833 ~ Hall __iii •••• ,a Remod.eling MAY 19th March 19th Last day an elector may move from one election district to another in ordkr to be permitted to vote at the Primary Electi()n. $4'7 New Low Prices to Keep Busy March 30th Last day all electors may register to' vote at the Primary Election. This includes electors who will become of age on or before May 20th, 1959. Recreation Rooms In CeUar SAVE-We Do MadernBaths Our Own March 30th Work Save Approximately 25% And Keep Us Busy JOE .' LEGS O'LAMB Ib55c Ib 75C LANCASTER BRAND-Cut from young, corn-fed beef! STEAKS, *** T·Bone . Sirloin Porterhouse' ACME GROCERY VALUES! Hunt's Fruit Cocktail 2 30,oz75c cans ,Sweet . Peas 2 29* Hunt's Tomato Sauce 6 8~oz 53* Hunt's To..-ato Catsup 2 oz 37* Hunt's Bartlett Pears 2 29,oz15c Ideal Medium Red Band 16-az cans • cans 14 bOHle" - cans fllt~bte-H~/ Citlifornia, Extra Large, NAVEL ORANG 5 S:!~~l ~ozen 49C SPECIAL SALE! Banquet FROZEN APPLE or ,CHERRY, PIES 22-0z39c Birds Eye Frozen Food Sale! Vegetables Leaf Spinach hoppe 0' d Peas & Carrots 11'·.% C 10-01 •••ID'OJ; ••• Your Choice ••• Creamy Cheese from far-aD Finland! Repairs, Carpentry NewRaamsAdded UMan's Search for an Answer' wfil be the tapic or the W iIs()n College Club's "Alumnae College Day" scheduled for April 4 in PhiIade/lphia. Mr5. David McCahan, Strath Haven avenue, is president of the club. Members of the committee include Mrs. Peter B. Murray of Park avenue and Mrs" Francis Taylor of I(('nyon avenue. SAUCE PAN • .~. PLAN ALUMNI DAY REVERE WARE Mixed ACTION!! , Dean Everett Hunt will Berve as chairman of the committee. Mrs. William A. Welsh of Swarthmore avenUe is chairman of the hospitality committee, Mrs. Robert Fry of Vassar avenue will be chairman of the community reception, and Mrs~ Helen Hall of Hillborn avenue will ve as chairman of invitatiuns to ue 1egates. • pkg §' U5 Dartmouth Ave. KI 3·6&18 l The Swarthmore Committee for .. • , Page 11 'the United Nations met Tuesday and decid",d on the dates of May 1, 2 and 3, for inviting delegates of the United Nations and their families to the borough. There will be one issue a permit to rebuild the fire _informal community reception Satdamaged home, located at 236 Ellst I ---Sylvan avenue. James. Baker, at- time the guests will be introduced. torney for owner George Raymond, urday evening, May 2, at which "I 8aw it in The Swarthmorean H appeared before Borough Council. • He was asked whether Raymond would, when repairing the fire damage, relocate the house on the SAVE 1/3 OR- MORE! • • • lot in conformity with the present Borough Zoning Ordinance. Baker on America's famous, durable said this would be impossible for linancial reasons. Mrs. Edmund J acks'On, Borough Health Officer, submitted her res. Get a diDerent piece each week at Acme's ignation to become effective June 3, 1959. Mrs. Jackson's resignation price! 10 lovely pieces complete! was accepted by Council. THIS WEEK'S OFFER! The new amendments to Borough All Prices Effective Reg. $7.95 Value! Ordinance 204 were adopted after March II to 14. thethlrd and final reading. The 1959 2-Qt. Covered new amendments call for an increase in the apartment house license fee. Shop Thursday 'til 9 p.m. The question of speeding on Mor_ Special Friday 'til 10 p.m. ton avenue was turned over to the At ••• Police Committee for study. Council will ask the Philadelphia Electric·Com·pany to make a survey LANCASTER BRAND-Whole or Either Ha1f! of borough lighting "l:!.th the idea of improving it. I H ~mmulllll[JlllmlmIIDiluruIllIIDlI1l11IIII11DIIIII1IIIIIIDIIIIii: Samuel D. CI'Ide, Jr, George Plawman J. F. Blackman i 8 ..... At the regular meeting of Rutledge Borough Council held on Wednesday, March 4, an exception was taken to the refusal of the chairinan of the Building Committee to Events It was a jubilant group of junior high school girls tha.t returned to Swarthmore with the trophy emhlematic of the girls' swimming championship of District 1, P.I.A.A. Saturday afternoon. . The victory over last year's charppion, Huntington Jr. High of Abington Township, was particularly satisfying in that it was Swarthmore that came in second and therefore reversed places with HuntingM ton this year. More than 22 junior highs from the suburban Philadelphia distriet participated at the Abington High School swimming pool. The Garnet girls got off to a "great start by scoring 16 points in the di,ing events. Spsan Williams won the championship in the ninth grade competition, with Linda Courtney scoring a close second. Diane Renshaw 'placed second for the eighth grade and Beth Purnell gained a fourth for the seventh grade. Another 16 p()ints were picked up in the relays when Swarthmore took first. in the freestyle and third iii the medley. Members of the 'free_ style team were Betsy Breakell, J . A bl S • Susan Williams, Linda Courtney, umor ssem y' prmg and Grace McDermott. The medley Parties Set lor Monday team was made up of Susan WiIThe Spring parties for the sixth, Iiams, Susan Wigton, Betsy Break- seventh and eighth grades will take ell, and Linda Courtney. These girls place at the Woman's Club on Mon_ did not swim in the individual day evening, at the regular anevents because a swimmer was ·only nounced times. It has b£'eD requested allowed to enter three eyent.s; also by Walter Keenan and the"committhe relays scored 10 points for Ifirst tee that the girl's attire be inioras against six points for fir-st in the mal. \ individual events. Mrs. John Espenschade, class In the seventh grade competition hostess for the sixth grade, will be Joan Espenschade placed third in assisted by Mrs. Alexander Mills the freestyle and third in the back- and Mrs. Bruce Smith. stroke ahd Beth Purnell picked up Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Good, Jr., a fifth in the breasts toke. For the class hosts for the seventh grade eighth grade ,Susan Wigton scored will be assisted by Mr. and Mrs. a third in the breaststroke. Sue Louis B. Dennett and Dr. and Mrs. Crawford landed t\Vb fifth places \~aJter N. Mo!r, and Mr. a.nd Mrs. 10r the ninth grade in the back- Pierce MacNaIr. stroke and butterfly. Mr. and Mrs. George Krenikoff Betsy Breakell and Grace McDer- and Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Ryerson, mott also scored for the ninth grade cl~ss host~ for the eighth grade by placing third in the hutterfly WIll be aSSIsted by Mr. and Mrs. J. and fourth in the 50 yard freestyle St;art To~rey. . }·espectively. Other members of the . he series closes WIth these par· team who helped make the victory bes. !possible were Linda Kennedy, Beth KAPPA LUNCHEON Ward, Sally Shepphard, Bal'bara The Kappa Kappa Gamma March Stuart and Sharon Parker. Coach Millard Robinson stated luncheon will be held. tomorrow at that he "was the proudest of all he- the home of Mrs. Charles P. Larkin, cause it was a just reward for the Wallingford. There will be a busifine example of school spirit, loyal- ness meeting and election of offity and perseverence. cers. - HI DI Of-IU'ROH THE SWAKTHMOREAN or WES Anytime Klngswood '4-1 083 Last day for any elector who has r.moved i.nto a new election district to give notice to the Registration Commission in order to . he permitted to vote at ihe Primary Election. The removal card must set forth a removal date into the new election district which cannot be later than March 19th. The Registration Office in the Court House Annex will dally nntH Mond~y, March 80th, for registering, from 9:00 A.M. to .:30 P.M. (lloeday titrougb. Frldq), and on Saturda)'B, from ':00 N-.~ ...... ~ . . .,::. and March IOtIa, froID , , IMPORTED SWISS Ib 69C Tempting Snack-Time Treat! ... CHEESE & RYEI Supreme Snack or 210aves35C Munich RYE BREAD V;~!!;4.:e ,,£~ DOftUTS' *Plain *Sugared S:'E *Cin~amon :I~ 19C. BIt Savings this week on Virginia Lt!'~ Famous gClldt!'n l1rown D~lic;ous with " m~' ?Wf tl';nl! t:.,nee,.i , , 8 :00 P.M. I ,. 8:20 P.M. - 9:30 A.M. - :11 :00 A.M. : 8:15 P.M. - 4 '46 5 ·'45 · 6 '30 · 7 '16 • 8:16 PM .• PM .. PM . P'I. .n • P.M. - 2·9:00 P.M. FRIDAY, MARCH 13 'Clothier Kedroft Vocal Quartet ......... ............ CI b u HDcvil's D.isciple" ................... . Player's 'The Devil's Disciple' SATURDAY, MARCH 14 A SchoOl ve." Club Garnet Can t een ............... RutgersP I Runs Through '1' D' . I " . . ayel S "DevI 5 lSClP e •..•.•..........•.. Saturday SUNDAY, MARCH 14 Adult Forum ................. ······ lIIeeting House A large, competent cast. and Morning Worship ... : .............. . Local Churches duetion staff blend happily "'Symmetry of l\latwr" .................... . Clothier the direction of William W. . MONDAY, MARCH 16 , CI b to offer George Bernard . ' Woman s ub Jr. Assembhes: 6th Grad e ............ W 'CI oman 5 u "The Devil's ~iscipleu. before Jr Assemblies: 7th Grade............ . Player's Club audIences thIS week. . . Men's Dmner ......... , .... '.' ... , . MethodIst Church , CI b Shaw, like ripe olives and . Jr. Assemblies: 8th Grade. , ......... . Womans u dos for which a taste must be culh)VLL Round Table ................ . 40 Amherst Ave. vat~d, does not tax the appetite of THURSDAY, MARCH ,19 h H II his viewers in this play with ' tra t'Ion ........... · .. ·· Boroug a - Voters' RegIS too large to swallow and indigestion, for this is truly a co-op drama from start to finish. The locale of the play is New land in 1777 and is historically FOOD, MARKET Consumer's Co.Op Ass'n. 403 Dartmouth Avenue of , House Celebrates Shavian Fare Lights Open10th Anniversary Players Club Siage Mrs. Elizabeth Moore and Mrs. THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR , 8 '15 PM ' . .. , 8:20 P.M. March 13, 1959 ,THE 8WARTHMOREAN Page 12 Swarthmore, Inc. Opposite Borough Kall Swift's Premium ])('1 • 'Symmetry of M*tter' Topic for . Robert Oppenheimer ,viii speak at Swarthmore College this Sunday Mary Snape were honored at the Friendly Open House 10th anniver. eve~ing on "The Symmetry of Matsary party on Monday, as the only ter ." members present to have been memo Mr, Oppenheimer is presently di. bers in the first year of the group. rector of the Institute of Advanced Each was called upon f9r a brief Studies at Princeton, He is considspeech. ered one of the world's foremost In the highlights of 10 years ago 'Physicists and from 1943 to 1945 summarized by Mrs. Harold March, directed work at the Los Alamos first sponsors president and group laboratory. leader, and read b~ Mrs. Fred A. His talk, which is intended for a Patman second .president, the abnon-technical audience, will begin sent IO-year members still in at 8 :15 at Clothier Memorial. It is Swarthmore were remembcrt'd _ Mrs. Genevc D. Mohney, Mr. and free and open to the public. Dr. Mrs, John P. Kroon, and Mr. Wil. Courtney Smith, president of the Ham Watkins; and two others liv- College, will introduce Mr. Oppen. ing nearby _ Alice Lukens and heimer. Mrs. Nella Robinson. Sponsors Committee members To Speak on Middle East curate except for some license taken with a few characters, whose countCl'parts are legion, in order to ricate the story. Particular note and credit JDUst be given to the interesting and ~ngenioll5 sets of which there are fIve in three acts - an ambitious and present were introduced to' the Roy McCorkel, Cornell avenue, group by Mrs. Harold Gibson, Jr. will be. the spea~er at the 8 :15 Brief tribute was paid two mem- meeting of Circle' 12 of the Pres· bel'S recently deceased - Mrs. 05- byterian Women's Association car West, mother of Mrs. Gibso? meeting to be held Wednesday at and Mrs. William West, for theIr the home of the chairman, Mrs. -long and faithful service to the Alvah W. Stuart at 327 Vassar ave· group. nue. . large order in any theatre. One Accompanied by Mrs. Milton C. His subject will be on the Middle scene flows into another without Allen at the. piano, !tIl'S. Margaret East, where he visited last summer. awkward pauses or confusion. Kent presented a song with words stark and gloomy opening scene written by Dr. Samuel Palmer. fits the moods of the leading Part of tho summary included an actel's, the Dudgeon family, appreciation for the devotion given minister who has come to by Mrs. Clyde M. Miller and Mrs. them in their sorrow, and'his John H. Pitman since the group wife. was founded. Mrs. Miller has served The embittered and l!:ri"vinl~ l'.lrs:·1 as sponsol' in neady every capacity, Dudgeon, an arduous is p"'y"a I refusing all but the most modest with deep feeling by a officer 1"oles. Mrs. Pitman has , Our PlWeriptirm Sp,cItI~1m to the Player'" Club stage, served as sponsor and group leader emblem Is your aSiuran~ borg Stephens. Philip Price as for the last nine years. of prompt; precise com. Richard Dudgeon "The Devil's Dis· The celebration ended with the ,pounding at price. that ciple" takes full charge -when he is cutting of an inscribed gift birthare uniformly fair. on stage and turns in a day cake and tea, served under the Always make it a point good performance in a part chairmanship of Mrs. Charles W. to bring us your Doctor's ing varying moods. William Lukens. prescriptions-and call lock is so real 'as Christy the moron --------On us for ALL health aids. son, it is difficult to believe.. 'LWV' Topic for possesses a grain of intelligence. Rutledge Mothers Christine Palmer plays the sym· Mrs. Boudinot Stimson of the pathetic role of Essie naturally and CATHERMAN'S sweetly. William Conron as· the League of Women Voters will be DRUG STOREPresbyterian 'Pastor gives the gen· the speaker at the Community tleness and firmness needed in his Mothers' Club of Rutledge, meeting Klngswood' 3·0586 portrayal of conflicting emotions, Thursday at 8: 15 p.m. in the Rutand Ruth Radbill as. his vascillating, ledge F.ire Hall. Her topic will be insecure wife is l'cal and appealing. "The. League of Women VotersKatrina Ives, a reliable perfor- Past and Present." The program will be followed by mer, has a small part this tim.e as a business meeting and refreshAunt William. Another old tImer Arthur Doran as Uncle T!tus is ments_._ _ _ _...,..._ _ __ a.ppreciated Ifor his authentic EngOIJ saw it in The Swarthmorean" lish accent. The club's imaginative set designer Hank Gayley comes from "You Meet the Nicest People at Speare's" backstage to play Uncle William as . and does Nancy Carango who takes the part of' Aunt Titus. George Car. "They Do Sell the Nicest Things at Speare's" ango as Lawyer Hawkirts gives proper legal status to the reading of the will. The colorful uniforms of the Eng. Iish soldiery brighten the stage in the last act and bring forth Bill Price ~s General Burgoyne who wears his part with an easy fit, poking fun and gibes at the military in true Shavian fashion. v" •• u" - SEVENTH AND WELSH BTREE'rS Ben Hanson is officious and cOIn· I manding as the British officer TUES. 9:30 , MON. 9:30 EASTER ....SI.,lin. Majur Swindon, as also is' Mike ArON. 16th WED. TO to THURS. as the sergeant. STORE HOURS: SAT. 5:30 FRIDAY 9:00 Kenneth Miller as the First Soldier and Joseph Carango as the Second from SPEARE'S you can choose your EASTER Officer make their initial appear· ARRAYMENT from the most famous of brand ance on stage. Nonspeaking but important parts to the overall effect names select NOW! are taken by Edward Conway, Sec· Soldier; Frank Starrett, First Officer; Maria Scattolina, Terry Country ·Tweeds Bardley Abbey Kent Beinkowiski and Christa Price. The H8ndmacher Cuddle Coat ' moria Swanson direcwr's small grandson ChristoDonnybrook Linker Blakeley pher Price adds reaJity to the scene Wbltley~ette (Original) Jeanne d'Arc in which he appears in his "u'''1 Gean·Edward Jerry OiIden on the club's stage. Kay McDowell Joan Leslie OUR NEW The simple and beautiful New , Junior Theme Lassie Maid SPRING England scene at the close, in which lassie Junior Kay Junior George Kearns appears as the Shagrooor Kay Windsor COLLECTIONS and the 11th hour_ Kimberly .,._ _ _ _ _ _ _,. Have Jun Arrived prieve for the "Devil's Disciple" Korell brings a fine finish to the evening's L'Aiglon ·perfonnance. SELECT YOUR NEW Leslie Fay McKettrlck I WARDROBE NOW! Aid a,lld Mattie Tall "Mrs. Paul Young of 'Wallingford Murray White was co-chalrman of table prizes for We've just everything from the .chic and Mynette the fashion show and card party Nellie Don the dressy to the smart, ralt lIog _SIlls.. yesterday in Philadelpbia for S.eHo. Stroller T...rdJ..... the, Guild at. the OsteoPAthic B"'''I . • •• Come in and let us themta you. pil;Q, Te_P.... · , Ib.89c lb. 69c lb. 49c CORNED BEEF SMOKED PICNICS . (Fully Cooked) lb. 49c lb. 89c SHOULDER OF LAMB BONELESS VEAL LEGS CO·OP RED LABEL 2 Ibs. MARGARINE for 39c A Real Buy . .. as Delicious as Any MargarIne on the Market FRENCH'S INSTANT MASHED POTATOES " 8 servings 29c 6 89c CO·OP RED LABEL I NSTANT COFFEE oz. CO·OP CANNED MILK WILD BIRD FOOD 25 Ibs. 6 for 79c 4112 Ibs. 59c $2.59 FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF ALL - PURPOSE RIT TINTS and DrIES I 25c VISIT OUR IMPROVED VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT Larger Assortment Revamped Display Change of Personnel EXTRA FANCY MUSHROOMS Ibs. 45c CELLO PAK SPINACH 2 for 29c ._ 2 Ibs. 25c BANANAS . EXTRA SPECIAL ALL BR~YER'S ICE CRUll ALL FLAVORS . ~ri~~~:c....;' DRESSES - - - COATS - - - SUITS - - - I 'art, {1IOw AI 011 the SECOND 'Obserye Sunday •PRESCRIPTION ~SPECiAlISTS I' ) T-BONE PORTERHOUSE SIRLOIN S"lFlrth1'lorc Cc)llegll" Li hrnry SVl8rthmore Gooel ' Frielay THE VOLUME .31-NUMBER 12 School Board Adopts New Calendar McCreight, Swain Resign; , WARTHMOREAN Swarthmore, Pa., Friday, March 20, 1959 Spring Exchange Nears The Spring Mutual Exchange will take place ot the Woman'. Club Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, April 14, 15, 16, and 17. These dates permit a com· plete exami~ation of family wardrobe's, including those of college student. home for spring vocations, and of household accoutrement. •. Articles which no longer fit in with new d~coratin9 schemes; costumes which can be ex~ chonged by "tired" awners to moke a deserved fresh appeol ta new wearers; that odd anti. que from great aunt Melvino naw crowded into a n~eded space; outgrown but still sturdy infant accessories and toys; all these can be deoned, fres~ened, set aside .for their outing to the club on Tuesday, April 14, in a g~adual process, r! Founda0 xc lor. tion. was appointed to teach Junior educator, will 'be the guestlecturerr~~9,~d al1 th..t, ]'he ~d cr~~+,. _~_ '.. Sunday meet March 24 the at ing of the Jr. only meets needs, as shown by,,,,.. D ~. h H B h'ef 'Requiem mass was' conducted in . (Continued on Page 10) . It'lat'Ion a. near dI r t fth r. rIC • eurmann, e I th Ch h Woman's Club of Swa rthmore, Dr• m en~neer a t Miller International y suppa. 0 e . e urc 0 fO ur Lad y 0 fP erpettuberculOSIS seal campalgu,' the b ' • • ual Help, Morton, by the Rev. LI'nden, who is directo~ of the. Men. Company producers of HIgh FIdeI. . ' recordmgs, " yestal Health ·Division of the Phlladel- tvisiting. t'nursef program, ' II f h'Braille h the Ity·Stereo WIll be the Charles d IA. Nelson atI 10 a.m. d f t d k t th Co 't ter ay. nterment fo lowe in the P hia Department of Public Healtb, ran.crlp Ions, rom a 0 W IC ea ~re speaon er a e at 8mmum will speak on "A Definition of Men_ Red Cross withdrew when these Arts Center Sunday ,15 P my Peters04 family lot in. Holy Cross ,programs were strong enough to D B h 'k cemetery, Yeadon. carryon .... Each withdr,awal earns . r. eurmann, W .osa war ~l league's Water Resources tal Health". Educated· at .the University of resentment, she said but there are Miller has taken :hlm throughout Study Results in California Medical COllege, Dr. Lin· always other pressin~ needs not be. t~is coun~ry, r.t;exl~o ,,;nd Europe, den is now associate professor of . t . wIll explaIn the IntrIcaCIes of stereo 'Go-See' Trip An outgrowth of the League of psychiatry at Penn Medical School m~,:::e Red Cross Blood Program recording and will d:monstr.ate the Women Voters national study of and at the Functional Clinic of the was started to meet such a need latest ste~eo recordmgs Wlth the water resources was a meeting held University of Pennsylvania Hospi. during World War 2 discontinued latest eqUIpment. Mrs. C. Calvin Naylor, chairman A native of Hall1burg, Ger~any, of the Girl Scout Neighborhood AS" on Tuesday with Kenneth Shull, tal. He is. a member of the Legal at its close and resm:.ed at the reo vice-president of the puhlic rela· Bar Committee of the Pennsylvania quest of medical societies as the 31·year-old iIlr. Beurmann .IS a sociation, reports that Operation tions and water quality control de- Psychiatric Society and the Tech- a lesson of blood's life saving graduate of Cologue and Gottmgen Camp Site, a campaign to raise Advisory Committee 00- Men· w r t t f . '1' Universities where he studied uhy- $200,000 for a permanent summer partments of the Suburban Water nical T d W'I power was pu 0 use or CIVl lans. .' . . - h Company. Present were LWV memo tal Health of the Health an' e· When the tremendous necd is satis. sics, muslcolo17' and phllosop y. camp for Delaware County scouts, bers from ,the Swarthn19re and fare Council. In additiOij, ,he has fied in another way it is feasible He worked .wl~h ,the Northwest- is well underway. The following Nether Providence Leagues, repre· contributed substantilllly to arti- that the Red Cross' will withdraw, G.erm,,;n radIO I~ development en- volunteers are giving of their time she added, but at the present time gmeermg and Wlth the .cultural de- to further the drive in Swarth•• ntatives of the Citizens CouncIl cles and books on this subject. Elections for next year's ofiicers R partment of the . of Delaware County, the Nether e d Cross coIIects bl00d Iess 4~ _.:t- en. AmerIcan Consu. morc: will also be held at the March 24 (Co ti d P . 4) late General In Hamburg. A stuProvidence Planning ·CommissiQn, n nue on age . , dent of the plano Blnce the age 00- 'Special gifts diviSion - Captain meeting. '' "nd Swarthmore CoUege. Edward L. Noyes, Co.captain John Mrs, Donald Aikens, chairman of DOOD FRIDAY '1E'RYlCE seven,he is a noted ,harpsirhordlst At ,the suggestion of Dr. Maur· and collector of harpsichords. Dr. M. B. Ward; Stokes Burtis, John ice K. Goddard, secretary of For. the Spring dinner dance to be held April 3, reminded clubbers this The Gaod Fridoy Community Beurmann has been Miller's chief Carroll, Mrs. John deMolI, Lee esta and Waters for Pennsylvania, Gatewood, Robert Hilkert, Samuel week to return their cards by Service•. ~iII be 1i"eld from noon engineer since 1955. who addressed the LWV on FebSeeman, Robert Sutherland. until three in the Presbyterian . The public is invited to attend ruary 23 at Whittier House, the March 28. Family Division - Captain Mrs. Stamps for veterans' hospitsls Church. The Rev. John C. Kulp, the ,program which has been arproblem of poUution 00- Crum Creek Alfred Boyd, Co-captain Mrs. Maxare still being collected by Mrs. pastor of the Methodist church ranged by the Arts Center Concert by wa.ter treatment solids was reey ~orrison, Mrs. Hai-ry Benton, Committee under the chairmanship ferred to Mr. Moses, president of Charles Keyes of 206 Dar,tmouth will preach. Mrs. John Brobeck, Mrs. Francis avenue. Any unusual national issue of Cyril Gardnc!r. the Suburban Water Company. A Chambers, Mrs. J. Harold Dumm, or any foreign stamp. may be sent Spring Formal Planned for subsequent meeting was arranged Mrs. Paul Friend, Mrs. Karl Fox, Wednesday A!semblies 'The Redeemer' to Be with Mr. ShuU for' a go·see-trip to to Mrs. Keyes or brought to a club Mrs. Casper Garrett, Mrs. William Crum Craek.' meeting. The Intermediate Jllnior Assem. Presented at Trinity Golz, Mrs. Walter Geer, Mrs. Irwin It was agreed by the delegation blies will hold their last formal "The Redeemer", an oratorio for Halley, Mrs. J. Grant Hebble, Mrs. and by Mr. ShuU that Crum Creek, Palm Sunday Choir dance Wednesday at the Woman's Lent by the English 'composer Mar. Raymond Hildebrand, Mrs. Herin its present state, is neither a Concert Scheduled Club from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Music tin Shaw, will be heard Sunday, at bert Michener, Mrs. Thomas Moore, clean nor attractive stream, and The Chancel Choir of the Pres· will be provided by Robert Holm Trinity Church, Ch~ster road at Mrs. Frederick Tolles, Mrs. Howard that the odorous mnd flats which byterian Church will present Jo· and hj~ orchestra. Members of the College avenue. Soloists and choir Tompkins; appear at low water are undesir- hannes Brahm's Requiem on ~'alm Student Committee who have plan· wiII be under the direction of Rob. Captain 1111'S. Johan Natvig, Coable. Some of the difficulty, it Was Sunday evening, at 8 o'clock in the ned the dances and decorations are ert Smart, organist and choirmas- captain Mrs. Charles Gerner; Mrs.. thought, could be resolved if the church sanctuary, Harvard avenue Bianca Storlazzi, Br several years. Mr. Pelham is a graduate of Philips Andover Academy and Brown University. He is associated with New York Airways, Inc. of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Potte of of Oberlin avenue and .Mr. MeDon-I Mrs. Taylor and Linda returned aid White of Lagana Beach, Calif. home Monday. Yale avenue. , ~::s~P!~~ter Lt. Colonel and Mrs. Frank J. Davies of the United States Military Academy, West Point, N.Y., of the engagement of their daughter, Miss i baugh, of Ocala, Fla., and Mr. Buell, IV, of Washington, D.C. A June wedding at the academy is planned. The prospective bride i. attend-. ing WilsonCoUege, Chambersburg, P,¥,nsylvania. Miss Davie. is a granddaughter of Mrs. Edwin .E. Twitmyer of Iirant Beach, N.J., and the late Dr. Edwin B. Twitmyerj profeasor of Psychojogy at the University of Pennsylvania, and Mr. and Mrs. James A. navies of Ogden avenue. ,Cadet Buell is a member of the Class of 1969, United States MiIitary Academy. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Buell,-III, of Daytona Beach, Fla., and a de ...ndant <>f Don Carlos Buell, Ma~or General in the,Union Army during the Civil War. General Buell graduated from the United States Military Academy with the Class of 1841 § i Square Dancing I .5 COMMUNITY ARTS. CENTER ~ ;408 Rodgers Lane, Wallingford~ 0,1" to 1,50 .ao~ ~ - ".lIc - 8:30 P.M. - SATURDAYS March 21 ......" ..... § ~ = April 4 and 18 May 2, 16 and 30 UI·17n The Bouquet l 1= BIRTHS Mr. and ·Mrs. Thomas J. Joyce of Riverview road announce the birth oftwlns, a son, John Michael, ' I i'l BEAUTY SALON "WH~ WALKS WITH BEAUTY IS ALIVE TO ,URIIIBI" 1 9 South Chester Road and a daughter Mary Steward " Joyce on February 28, 51 Mrs. Joyce, the former Miss Helen Ford, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Dodson Ford of Nor- = wood. I i _ Call KIngsV{ood 8-0476 AcU...' M.m •• r .ar th. S ....t1b.IIlDr. Ba...... .A.uHlaUea ment of Mrs. Klinger's daughter, Miss Joanne Taylor, to Mr. George H. Craig, son of Mr. Thomas Craig of Philadelphia and the late Mrs. Craig. A fall wedd'mglspann. . I ed Miss Taylor is the granddaughter ~~~miiii~iiii~~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. John C. Sells of Chatsworth, Calif., are receiVing congratulations on the birth of a little girl who arrived Friday night, March 13 in the Valley Presbyterian Hospital, Van Nuys, Calif. Mrs. Sells is the former Miss Nancy Hoot, daughter <>f Mr. and Mrs. Henry I. Hoot of Lafayette avenue. • STATE INSPECTION • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • MOTOR TUNE·UP • GULF GAS and OIL ROBERT ATZ, Mgr. J. RUSSELL'S SERVICE I I ISABEL'S CURIO SHOP =~ 17112 S. Chester Road B ~ I 8 10 ... D . _••1k AY ..... Klnsswood 3·1833 II __ ..,. ege Tb I ea re SWARTHIIORE, ,A. S M hrio at., arc 20, 21 LAST 2 DAYS! Doris Doy Richard Wid mark F & -IS) A Real "Arabian Nights" Adventure "The 7th Yoyage of Sinbad" 3-1460 Sauterne Cantaloupe Pumpkin Burnt Orange Lemon Gold Brass Gold Aztec Red, Fire Red Church Red \ Cameo Rose Floral Pink Cameo Mandarin Peach Bronze Maple Sugar Celadon Hyacinth Lavendar Teal Blue L,orkspur Regal Lavender . You step from March into June when you enter our greenhouse, the Living Catalog, Jilled with glorious Star Roses in bloom! Let sample 'roses help you to choose the kinds you want to order and toke home with you. Your plants will bloom in June, and look as beautiful as these samples! Where else can you order roses .this way? . Cordovan Maple Sugar Desert Beige Rose Beige Autumn Beige Sand Beige Golden Beige Dove Beige Snowdrop Beige Cameo Beige .Bisque Beige Canyon Mist French Caramel 25 NomInated for 6 Academy Awards , ·100 featu"", _ 7:00, 9:30 P.M. 3-WfO !'-_AIBl.....;._I_FIII __ ' .... II.I..' .... K_..J '.........""'. plete PrIce Range • 'rie.tll ..... . Park Ave., Swarthmore, Klngswood 3-6000 - Pa. CLearbrook _"Jd',..JHft KNOW$ Cetpet , . 9 4646 The Camera & Hobby Shop d I 8aw it in T h6 Swarthmorean." 249.90 , I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,/- - -'FREE PEACH TREE Outstanding offer ••• 20-watt two channel stereo high fidelity amplifier, four speakers ••. including 15" bass, precision changer with StereoDiamond pick-up. Convenient top gliding panel opens to changer and record library compartment. Optional extra FM-AM Radio.-Your choice of mahogany, oak or ch~rry color finishes. NOW ONLY Pea~h·Tree FREE fa eyeryo~B I L _ ,____________________ '_ , DIRECTIONS: South on U.S. Rout. No. I to Av?ndol. Follow si9~S. 01' $1-99 50 -.( who brings this! advertise· I I ment to the Star Rose Garden Center this weekend, Marc.h 20-22 (S). I A sturdy. "diagonal 'measure 4-Speaker Ste;t"e~-equipped High Fidelity Phonograph AFRICAN VIOLETS - a whole greenhouse filled with thousands of beautiful plants. MINIATURE ROSES IN BLOOM. EASTER FLOW~RS ready noW. Visit our COMP~ETE GARDEN SHOP. I (PA~ls~eo..It CMt'~n! •••wk ..".tllII • • More Than 1300 Kinds of Plants, Seeds, Bulbs Open q A.M. to b P.M. Sundoy and Every Day Free Perking Expert Gorder} Advice "What Coe~ With What?" Evening 7:15 9:15 P.M. 000000.00 The magnificent Concord 21* NOW! PLANT STAR ROSES L~; Our ~amous Living Catalog Help, You Choose the Kinas You Want . ., , carpet sampies arrangea by color in our store, or let us bring carpet samples lor -viewing in home. Call or write lor FREE Color Booklef: ,E.pning 7.15 9:15 P.M. \ Grov•• , IN A BANK ACCOUNT IT'S WHAT'S UP FRONT THAT OOUNTS STAR ROSE CARDEN CENTER I tS See fTechll.leolorl KlngSWOCHl 'd Mrs. Maxey N. Morrison, with her daughter Helen of Dartmouth avenue will leave tomorrow to y\sit her ]Iarents Mr. and IIIrs. Stephen Chase of Dunedin, Fla., for several weeks. They will be accompanied by Patty Seyb<>ld, daughter of Mr. Dr. Lewis Hoskins to and Mrs. John W. Seybold of Amherst 'avenue, who will visit her Cive Report on Africa grandparents, Mr. and Mr •. A. M. The Women's International Seybold in Clermont, Fla. League will hold its monthly mem- " :;;;;::;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;:;;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;==;;:;;;;;:;:;;:;;;;;;;;;~;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 'bership meeting at 8 p.m. Thursday . in Whittier House. After a brief business meeting to elect officers for the coming year and a short hriefing on current legislation in Washington, Dr. Lewis Hoskins Ilf you haven't got it here I will 'present "Report on Africa". The talk will be illustrated with I slides. -. I You hoven't got IT! Dr. Hoskins returned recently from a two month trip to Africa where he went as a member of the If you have got it THERE how about separating Board of Management for the SuryourselF fram a little of it and get that'New Camera vey!Cor U.S.-South African LeaderNOW, so you can practice before' good weather ship Exchange Program. He spent three weeks in S<>uth Africa, then visited Accra and, as an ob·server for no~-governmental agencies, attended the first conference of the newly creafed U.N. Economic Cammission for Africa in Addis Abeba. There will be a social hour following the talk with occasion for 4-6 Park Aven~e, Swarthmore, Pa. discussion. All interested are cordial~ invited. Klngswood 3-4191 Superior.:Magnavox quality. This/full console has features yell woul!l ex· pect only on sets Costing much more: ' 262 sq. in. optically filtered screen. Full-transformer chassis. Area selector switch. Convenient top controls. Magnavox 8" high fidelity speaker. Your choice of ntahcigany, oak or cherry color· finishes. , GllllD 11. What color will you have? Matinee 2:15 P.M. Evening 7:15 9:15 P.M. Tuesday - Matinee 1:00 P.M. - ...... • HOW Do YOU B l' uy e arpe. Sunday - Starting Wed •• March ~ a 'fi It "Tunnel of Loye" "Auntie lame" . Klngswood ~~D~'~.~'''~_~~~~'''~O~~~~~~~ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; Monday ...... ~otinee 1:00 P.M. III DAR'I'IIOlJ'l'B Aft. BWARTBIIOa...... Park Avenue Mrs. Thomas B. McCabe of Nort1!. Chester road entertained at a ..... gional meeting of the Sm;'th College Club at her home on Wedneroay. Reports were given by the club's councilors Mrs. France. Lord '23, Mrs. C. Singleton Mears '24 and Mrs. Roland T. Addis, area chairman, on recent events at the college, including the arrival of the new president, Mr. Thomas Mendenhall. Outstanding Value and Design , IIRS. LLOYD E, KAUFFMAN NEWS NOTES COME THIS MUSIC, BOX IIABAZIIE SUISGRIPTIOIIS Call ••• Ctl •• rlt• • ol~.. W.ddlll Col. and IM ,_. rs• WiIl,'am TI'dball of Wallingford ,avenue, Wallingford, celebrated their 60th wedding an· niversary ol!-Febl'uary 19. The Tidballs have been residents of the area for the past 36 years. Get the best." direcl from the grower 1/2 PRICE Foa Sunday, Monday, Tuesday March 22, 23, 24 All Lines 01 Insurance ? DIAMOND NEEDLES Mr. and Mrs. J. Francis Taylor of Drexclbrook announce the birth of a daughter Linda Louise Taylor, on March 12 in Taylor Hospital, Ridley Park. The baby ill a gJ;Bndchild of Mrs. J. Francis Taylor, Sr., of Kenyon avenue and the late Mr. Taylor, and of Mrs. Ben Olcott plus FREE Toys to Lucky Kiddies Peter E. Told . NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Althouse Mr. and Mrs. William H. Gill, of Woodbrook . road wiHboentertain Jr., D.,gwood lane, entertained at .tomorrow evemng at a n voyage a family reunion dinner party Sat- dinner and bridge for Mr. and Mrs. nrday evening. Guests included Dr. Frederick R. Lang of Mapl~ aveand Mrs. Leon T. Moore of German- nue and Mr. and Mrs. 11:. 'Lmdiey town, Mr•• al].d, ?drs., George Moore Feel of· ?<>Iumhia ave~ue. of Devon, Mr. and Mrs. 'Bert Jef- . Captam and Mrs. Corben C. fries of Paoli, Mrs. Edgar Patter- Sh~te of Maple avenue have had as son of Pittsburgh Mrs Arthur their house guesta for several days Baker ·of Devon, a':d Mr. 'and Mrs. this week, Captain. and Mrs. J. Leon Parker of Springfield. Myers ~f Alexa.ndrla, Va. Capts~n .Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. M<>wbray, Philadelphia. Myers 18 attendmg a conference In formerly of Windsor, Conn., moved Mr. Leslie A. Korndaffer is reto 106 Cornell avenue on March 6 cuperating at his home on South with their three SOliS John, Billy, Chester road following surgery at and Bobby. John is in 'the ninth Taylor Hospital. grade, Billy in the eighth grade and Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Carroll of Bobby is still pre-school. Mrt MowRiverview road returned home Sunbray is employed by the American d~y evening following a week eom· ·Society for Testing Materials in bring business with pleasure. They Philadelphia. The house was f<>rmerly occupied 'by the Carl Bauers. were in Washington from Sunday to Thursday with the executive Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hulme of board of the American Institute of Wallingford expect the arrival of Architects and on Thursday evetheir son-in-law and daughter, Mr. ning they arrived in Greenbriar, and Mrs. E (J. Merriek and !Camil} W.Va., for the Mid,dle Atlantic Re~f <;:leveland J 0., some time next gional Meeting of the American In_ week. stitute of Architects. Mr. and Mrs. n<>nald P. Jones Ensign Robert' B. Clothier, Jr., of North Swarthmore avenue visiwill arrive here the early part of ted their son-in·law and daughter, next week to spend a two week leave Lt. and Mrs. W. Edwin Gilson, Jr., from the U.S,S. Ticonderoga with Quantico, Va. last weekend, and hi. parents Mr. and Mrs. Clothier attended Lt. Gils<>n's graduation of Columbia avenue. The ship hag from the Marine Officers Training. returned to its home base in San Lt. Gilson was elected to take a Francisco after completing a cruise four week's course in communica- to Hawaii, the Philippines, Oki.. · . mOVe to nawa, H<>ng Kong and Japan. While t Ions I'nd a f ter t h at WlII Ll' Jue,:,e, N.C. in Tokyo, Bob met Swarthmoreans , Mr. and Mrs. William H. Gill; Bob Allison and George Shearer Jr., of Dogwood lane spent the .who are serving on other Navy weekend in Southern ~ines, N.C. ships. Louise and Ruth Egbert, young Mrs. C. Milton Pike; Jr., with her daughters of Dr. and Mrs. Law- children Stephen, 'Amanda Lee and renee' Egbert, Haverford place, will Jef·frey of DeKalh, III., has been spend Easter vacation with th~ir visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Laur- H<>;'ace H. Hopkins of Wellesley ence Staples of Washington. road and will return to her home Mrs. Lucian Burnett and son Lar- tomorrow accompanied by Mr. Pike ry of Haverford place ~i11 spend a who is taking special work at Colfew days in Washington visiting umbia University, New York City, and touring places of interest. this semester. i This Month Only! . Color Cart,ons,3 Stooge' Comedy call us today. _= c = ~ arrival of their first child and" Large Tin Tray Butler's Tray daughter, Debra Lee, on Wednes .. y , MadTch 4. daG M J P illllllllll1UClIlIIUllllloillllllnUlDllllllllllllnllllllllllllDllllllIIlIIlDlIIll1IIIlIialllllllllllluIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIR2111111111111UmI ran parents are rs. ames • Daugherty of Dickinson avenue, ,\ and the late Mi'. Daugherty, and Mrs. Raymond Lorman of Philadel: phia. Special Comedy for Children's Show Saturday, I P.M. "MA and PA KETTLE ON OLD MacDONALD'S FARM" homeowner needs. If You· don't have." one already, !!l AUTO REPAIRS ternal grandparents and Mr. and • Mrs. Herbert Simpson of Merchant- _ ville, N.J., are the paternal grand- § parents. Friday Features. 7:25. 9:25 P.M. Features - 6, B, 10 P.M. The new Homeowners Policy \ protects you against financial10ss from fire. wind, theft, water damage, personal1iability, vandalism, and a great many more perils. It's the kind of insurance every !! Dartmouth & Lafayette Aves. KI 3·0440 Mr. and Mrs. Ge.rald R. SimpClosed Saturday 12:39 P.M. son of Gwynedd View announce the birth of a daughter, Susan EHzabeth, on March 11 at Abington o§ollllnlllllllllllKllllllllllnlCllIIlllllIIlUlIIlIIlllIIlDllllllllUUUJIIllIIlll1IDiIIIIIUIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIDllllllllllnullIIlIlIlnn+ Memorial Hospital. ~ fi Saturday ALL IN ONE POLICY m OJIUIIIWWDDIIIIPBIII?U,mUUllnIIIPIWmDCUOlAW"llIIlMllVltlll!lHUIUIDImtUUUIDIllfIlUIIDmillaUJUaUIdilO ==_ :anIllIllIlIIUllIIllllllIlflllnruIUIIDllllllllllllrnnWIIIlIIDIIII·.j g ~~~iiiii~ifw~iiiiiiii~~~ifw~~iiiii~~;;;;';;;~~iiiiiiiiii~iiii;i~~ Mrs. William E. Gaygan and the late Mr. Gaygan of Philadelphia. ~iI!DlI!lUllllllauwwIlI1DUUWWllClUWWIllDWUlllllUnM!I'MMIHalUlMl'lOIUImnIllDlnlllllnunmlHllllllOlllllllOIII(l The paternal grandp""ents are Mrs. Robert Black.and the. late Mr. _ Black, also of Philadelphia. !i ' § FOR SALE OR RENT I, ~~:"c~ti~: ~~:\~,"'v~o c~~:t B~!:i Mr. aud Mrs. David B. Daugh- i_ Punc~n~::~~n:~t~t ;c:~:~:~:sCUpS is the son of Mrs. William H. Fish- erty of Levittown announce tilt families for the weekend. They are Mr. and Mrs. William Boone of Chevy Chase, Md., and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Rushmore, Long Island, N.Y. Jean Ken ..edy of Haverford place was given a surprise dinner party last Friday evening by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy, in celebration of her 16th hirthday. There were 12 girls present. Mrs. James Hazard of Haverford place entertained the Haverford Bridge Club Tuesdtty evening. Irish Coffee was served in celebration of St. Patrick's Day. . 30 YALE AVENUE MORTON, PA. TELEVISIOI - HOME IIId AUTO RAllO - PHONOS "Bring It to Us or We'lf Come to You" Klngswood 4.1028 AnnouncEe~e~~~~~~!!nmadebY of~~:r~:!::~:e~::da~~~~:%:~ FIB. " Mrs. H. Miller Cnst of Par~ ave_ nue and her two grandsons, Jimmy Connor and Geoffrey Bro~e, both of Swarthmore, are leaVIng today forM a one week's cruise to Nassau. of Rr: and. Mrs. Rdobe~ltl S. Kamp roa sisters WI entertain Mrs. Ivervlew Kamp's two and' their 8 DlOK FlwioHETn - TELEVISION Mr. /lnd T. Black of Harvard avenue announce the adoption of a baby girl Susan Jane, born on Decemher 16, 1968. The maternal grandparents are avenUe two weeks - • with a after friend spending from Detroit, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Klinger of ;: Charles Elliott, in St. Petersburg, of Lansdowne announce the engage- - Mareh 20, 195!1 THE SWAIlTHMOKIilAN Many other floor models and demonstrators available at exceptional savings •• hurry"supply is limited •• convenient terms MUSIC BOX / 10 Park Avenue Klngswood 3~1460 \ Blooa Donor Recruiters In Kick-olf Rally Wed, NEWS NOTES Bereaved Mrs. Paul Zecher.()f Swarthmore Frld avenue was bereaved last ay by the death of her aunt, Mrs. trants use identical containers an d made lIer home while employed in Lancaster beforel ma;riage. The widow H~··· VIOLET SOCIETY SETS DATE FOR EXHIBITION PLANNED INSURANCE PROTECTION TO FIT YOUR NEEDS: Our profeSSionally trained expeJ.:ts review with you aU your ins~ance needs ••• for family, home and business ••• and then recommend Ii car~fully planned program ~ased o,n your individual requirements. In th,S way you get maximum security against linancialloss 'for the minimum cost. PROMPT, EFFICIENT HElP IN EVENT OF ACCIDENT OR LOSS: When accident or loss endangers your financial security we make it our business to assist you personaUy in every way pos~sible ••• regardl.css of the time of day or night the emergency occurs. Remember, ouI' reptJtatiOD in this coinmWlity depends on the Y/ay we serve our clients, You may be sure well serve you well: - - 333 PETER L TOLD Dartmouth Avenue , Swarthmore, Pa, '3-1833 All Llna of insur.nce Klngswood . ' 5th Cr"de Next Year The Junior Assembly Committee for the 1959-1960 season, inet at the Haverford place home of. Mrs. John H. Kennedy, chairma~, on Monday. Because of the success of the sixth grade Junior Assembly class this past year, it was decided to include the fifth grade in the program for next year. 'Basic instruction in dancing and manners will be established for grades five ,throIAgh ~ight. Parties, in which the students learn planning ·and floor committee participation, will constitute the program for the older classes. The memhers of the AfriOi'ri Violet Society of Springfield, Dela_ ware County, will hold their annual Viol~t Exhibit, to ·be held Saturday, Aprll 4, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. in the Sabold Elementary School, Thomson Avenue off Baltimore pike, in Springfield. On fiisplay will be many varieties of African violets and, arrange_ ments featuring African violets. company would iuform the local committee of the results. Mrs. A. L. Clifton of South Chester road entertained a few friends at luncheon and bridge Tuesday afternoon. Your key " Mrs, Shriver Succumbs JUNIOR CAIIIIET AWARDS CO-Op Members Hold EIIHLlSH TEACHERS To Rare Blood Disease SOOSTER BUTTONS ATTEIID ' COIIFEREUE Ceneral Meeting Mrs. Rebecca Shriver of 1407 T,he Junior High School Cabinet The Varsity Club ot Swarthmore Mrs. Hanna Mathews, Mrs. Jean The Swarthmore Cooperative Atkins, Mrs. Wilma Lewis, and High School held its 12th Annual Morton avenue, Rutledge, died ·is awarding Booster Buttons to Thursday, Mareh 12, in the OsteDthe grade havmg the highest numstore on Dartmouth avenUe held a Elizabeth JIIcKie of the Englillh Delaware County Foul Shooting Tpurnament on February 28. The pathic Hospital, Philadelphia. She bel: of ~oints e.ach week. Fifty general membership meeting Tues- department of the . . . school at,tournament was op'eit to' all senior had b~en stricken early in Decem- pomts w~1l be gIven daily to the day evening. Dessert and coffee tended the Council' of Teachers of high schools in Delaware County. ber with acquired ideOpathic hemo- class haVing the best conduct and were served during the social hour English Conference at the Phils!itic anemia, a disease of the blood. the cleanest table. which preceded the meeting for delphia Textile Institute on SaturFifteen schi"~ls participated. A steady supply e, account .~ SHAI.. H~la4 Avenue and ,Fairview Road at Without' ends with .1""us' comment to hie dIa1 P.M. , Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, lU29, at the Post J)f£ic,e at Swarthmore. Pa., under the Act of March a, 1879. I 1e, 8amoclnlkt, Ezeeutor., Elt.a\e of NEWS NOTES t wo wee ks h er d augh ter Mrs. RichP,...e1 •••• Ja.oOl". a/'/_ Francl.... Mr. and Mn. Shanti Singh BukpELAWABB COVNTr. PENNSYLVANIA Y"OOl". 11.c.~.d. Mr. and Mrs. William Gaylord ard Smith of Cincinnati, 0., and thankar, who have been living on NoUe• ., FWDr aDd a..41, Aeeoanb KENNEDY-Fob, 21. Flra' ""d Final Ao- of Rutgers avenue will spend the her two children Linda and Carol. North Chester road for the pas.NOTICE ill bereby ginn to heirs, leg ... count. of ProvldeDt. TradesmeDs Bank week en d j n N ew Yor'k C."jty with On Saturday afternoon open house three years, have moved' to BaIti-, tees, creditors and aU penon.s Interested and Trust. company &lid Alice P. Mr. and Mrs. William Keenan of will be held to greet" the visitors. .more, where Mr. Sukthankar, aa Ibat. account. in the following esta~s ned •. Execulo,.. Ela ...", 01 Jam.. baTe been ICed In Uro Office of the Res~ R.OD.d•. DeceBl.d. Wilmington, Del. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley N. Wagner architect, will work for the City later of W1& and Clerk of OrpbatQ' Court KIRKPATRICK.- Mar. 3. First. and , "rs. C. L. Bolton of Cedar lane f M'IC h' .lJ.l 0 ligan avenue have returrted Plannl'ng DI'vI'sl'on I'n Baltl'more• ' at the case may be and that the .ame tlat Account. of ,William E. Creeff. wm b. presented to the Orphans' Coun .muted Truate, Sur Truat Under Items entertained her regular duplicate from a week's stay in New England, Jane Michener, daughter of Mr. of .aId COUbty on Monday, April 8, 195', at. 10 o'clock, E.B.T., for conflrmaUoh, ~~t:l~k~ar:!.!~d~tate of Ezekiel Klrt- bdridge club for luncheon on Tues- vi,siting Mrs. Wagner's sister Mrs. and Mrs. Herbert E. Michener of at which time till saJd court w.lll audit KLAUS-Pcb. 13, First and Final Accou,.'1 ay. Lawrence Davis in North Reading, Westdale 'lvenue, will spend spring .aid accounta, bear obJecUona to the of Wll!iam A. Klaus, AdmlD.18t.rator. Mrs. Malcom Hodge of Strath Mass. and'then stopping in Boston vacation in Palmyra, N.Y., visiting saDie and make dbtribuUon Of tile ba1~ Estate of Elma F. Klaus, Decealed. Haven avenue has as her guests for on business. friends. aIlce: aacel18ined to be In the balJds of KNOLL-Peb. 27, FIrllt and Fin&t AccouDtl ________________________________ the account.anu. of Florence It. !4J.ntzer and Florecce V. BEGLEY-Mar. ~, First and P.iD.a1 Ac-- Megee, Executrices. Estata of Harry J. count of Mary M. Begley, Execut.rtx, Knoll, alkla B. J. Knoll, Deceased. Estate of ~on.rd J. Besle" Deceaaed. ltOLYNYCH-Mar. 3. Firat and FInal BROOltS-Mar. 3, First and Pinal Ac- count of Micbael Ko!ynycb. Jr., E2:eutor, count of Robert. A. Wright, Ollardlan. Estate of AnastasIa Ko1ynycb. Deceased. LE BOUTlLLIER-Mar. 2, Fint and FInal Estate of Ella S. Brooks, a Minor. Account of ProvIdent Tradesmena Bank BROWNE-Peb. 11. FIrat. and. :Fin&! Ac-- and Trust Company ILDd BeDJamIn H. count. of CarolJnoe L. Browne, Execu- Le BouWller, Jr.. Execuiors, Estate trtt, Estate ot Bertram BrowDO, De~ ceased: B. Homer Le Boutllller. Deee&sed. L1!:H£NBAUER-Feb. 27, Fint. and CAVANAUGH-Pcb. 18, Firat and P1Dal Account of Herbert J. ":;~~'b;~~e:~eI~::1 Account of Nlcbolas Ca.anauab, Jr., aDd mlnlatrator. Estate of PaUla E. Margaret RlIUlo. Executon. ~t&te of bauer. a/t/a Paula Lehenbauer, Combination Swanna Cavanaugb, a/k/B Susan V. ceased. ' Cavanaugb., a/k/a Suaanoa V. Ca... LEMON-Feb. 35. First and Final A."oulOtl naua h, Deceased. of Allce L. EmmoD.l. (now OUben) only CONGLETON-Mar. 3 First and FlnrJ VerDon St.antoo. Trustees. Estate Account. of Ruth May congleton, Admtn- Carne E. Lemon. Deceaaed. latrat.rtx, Estate of Ada 8. Conglet.on. LIVINGSTON-Feb. Ie, Firat. and .... Price. a/k/a Ada Congleton. Deceaaed. Account of WUllam E. Brooks. "",c~·1 Effective COPE-Mar. J, Firat and Final Account tor. Estate of LouLss. 14. Livingston, Morch 18 to 21. of Wllllam Taylor, Jr., Admlnlatrawr, Deceased. , 1959_ Eliate of Robert H. Cope, Deceaaed. MAC MACKIN-Feb. 18, Firlt Account of CROTHB:R8--l"eb. 3. First. IUl.d Pinal Ae- FideU'y - Pblladelpbla Trust. co;~~::::: count of Dorothy W. Crothers, D:xecq.. Eugene E. Ayre. 'and John E. trix, Estate of Lawrence P. Crothers. Executors. Estate of Anna B. Deceased. Mactln, Deceased. Shop Thurs. DEVLIN-Mar. J, F'11'3t. and Final Ac- MARTIN-Mar. J, Flrlt and Final 'til 9 p.m. count !Jf Anne Ash. Executrix, Estaw count of Elsie M. Kerbs, Guardian, of' Kargaret Devlin,. Deceased. . Estate of Elsie May Martln. a Minor. Fri. 'til DICKINSON-Feb. :n, Firat and F.1n&l Ac- MATl'HEWB-Mar. 2. First and P'lDal Ac10,p.m. count. of Marlao Grant. Execu.trilc, E.s- count of Alethea P. Gibbs, ExecutriX, tate of Charles R. Dickinson, Deceazed. Estate of Louisa J. Matthews, Deceased. DRYDEN-Feb. 18. F'irst and Final Ae-- MC CLENAOBEN-l"eb. 27, Firat and Final count of The Bryn Mawr Tnist Com. Account. of Herbert E. MCClenaghen, pany, Truallee, U/Deed of Trust dated Executor. Estate of Mary M'CC:eJ1aghen. October 7, 1955 and Amendments Ac- Deceased. count; stated to December 8, li58, Estate MOORE-Feb. 21, First ACCOUnt. of Flor Margeree P. DrydeD, Deceased. deUty~PbUadelphla Trust company, Ad~ Dii.YDEN-Feb. 18. First Account of The ndn1strator, Estate of Delmas L. Moore,Bf7D. Mawr Trust; Compaoy. Executor, Deceased. E.tate of Margeree P. Dryden.' De- NEWLIN, Mar. l-Account of Girard Trust. ceased. Com Exchange Bank. Trustee for Sara EBY-Feb. 24, Plrst and Pinal Account D. Newlin. Estate of J. Shipley Newlin, of Ruth M. Hill and The Ph1l&delpbta: Deceased. NaUona1 Baok. Executors, Estate of PRICE-Mar. 2, Plrat and Final Accotml I Ethel M. Eby, Deceaaed. Account of Robert A. Wrlcht. Encutor, EBY-Feb. $, First. and Pinal Acco'LUlt of Estate of Allee Price. Deceased. Ruth M. Hill and The Phlladelpbla Na- QUINN-Feb. 25, Flre~ and Final ACCOUID'I t.lona1 Bank, Admlnlstratora,. C.T.A., of George Robert Quinn. EJ:ecutor, D.B.N.. Eatabe of Samuel E. Eby, a/"/a tate ,of Patrick J. QuIon, D~.;eC.~e~...,e~d:.,:::;~1 Samuel Earle Eby. and a/k/a S. :m RAFF-Mar. 3, Flr.t ·Account. of Eby. Deceased. R. Orowr ant! The First ElLL-Mar. 3, FIrst and Final Account of Banking and Trust Company, E:J:ecuiors, Joaeph T. MUllray, Executor, Estate of Estate of ADDa K. Raff. Deceased. Elmer E. E. E1lI. Jr., Deceased. REID-Mar. 3, First Accoun""e:O~1,::.;:;~I Full Full PLAGG-Yar. 3, Brief Account Of Tbco P. Reid aDd The Fint F \ First. PennsylvanJa Banking and. Trust Banking 8lId Trust Company, Executors. Butt Shankless Company;, SorviviDg Trultee, Under the Estate or ClarenCe W. Reid, a/k/a Cut Cut Decedent.'1 wm for Marte W. F. Nugent- Clarence WllsoD R~id, Deceaaed. Head, Estate of Stanley o. F1aBI. l)e.. RElD-Mar. 3, First Accoun:..~~O~I•• ceased. (Account ·.tated showing trana- P. Reid BDd The FIrat acUoDa relaUng to E. t. duPont eta. Banktnr and TnLIt Company. Ib Nemours" Co•• Common stock., tors •. Estate of Clara P. Reid, POERY-:i'eb. 25, First Aceeunt of Pro.- Clara Paul Reid, Deceased. Ident"'Tradelment Bank and Trwt Com~ BAPOVlTB-M.r. 3, Plrat and P1naJ pany (FOrmerly Provident 'l'ntIt Coni- count of Aaron Sapovlt.a 'aDd a:,~~::,~~ C J)aoy of PbUade1phia) and Raymond W. S.pomlck. Eli:ecutor., Estate of Foery, Tnutees, Eltate of Jlars&l"Ctta Bapovlt.s, Deceased. (SmM/er bams S/i8btly bi8ber.) Poery, Deceased. SCHROYER-Mar. 3, Flr.t and Pantal FREEMAN-Peb. 26, Flret a.nd PInal Ac- ACCOUbt of Sara S. Beck, Admlnlatr... count of Provident. Tradesmens Ban~ hu, Estate of Anne E. Schroyer. a/t/a and Trust company. Trustee, Estate of Anna B. Schroyer. Deceased. Harold A. Freeman. Deceaaed. (Truat SEATON-Feb. 20. Firat Account of for Ad .. C. WUUamaon) FI 64th at. & City Line local taD_ class. . Antle Driehaus. daughter of Mr. By P.R.R. NIIIristown l3r.ncb tA> &rmouth Station on gz<>wuIL Margaret Bullitt of Lincoln aveand Mrs. William H. Driehaus of Yale avenue will a~rive from Ohio nue is expected home today from Wesleyan-;- Delaware, 0., wh.ere she Wooster College, Wooster, Mass., to spend the holiday vacation. is a junior. George Logan, Jr., son of Col. and Mrs. George Logan of Corneli 215 Belmont AV8v Balo.Cynwyd. Po. avenue. will spend the Easter holidays with his family. George is in !: Chlnll 6-WFIL-TV-913D ••11. the sophomore class at the Penn. old bank buildln~ . sylvania,.Military_College., CHESTER Free Estimates - Fully Insured Opposite Boro Hall 2-5487 Police and Fire N ewe CdSEOCSTEAKS • Walls and Woodwork Washed • We Hang and Remove Sterm Sash and Screens Serving Delaware County Over 40 Years BAIRD & BIRD CHester i li~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 ~JIIIIIIIIIIIICllIIlIlIIlJlnllfllIlIIIlIOIllIIIIllIlIDIIIIIIIIIIIIDnIl~a • Top to Bottom House Cleaning • Rugs and furniture Shampooed in Your Home • MONDAY TBRU SATlJRDAY Knudsen 2~06 Burdon Road . PorlSido, Po. '" .!l§ • Expert Ftoor Waxing • Janitor Service New. all· brick Cape Cod house on quiet street. living room DAY aDd NIGHT - PH I LI P MA YER PHOTOGRAPHER 215 College Ave•• Swarthmore a OFFICE. RESIDENCE. INDUSTRY with fireplace. dining room. kitchen. large bedroom wah J. A. Green H' • Bui/din.'3~~~~ CHester 011. IUIIIIU ...... COfIDlIJON'1.a. QIl FtJtlUCtl OIl 100liU. Oil alltH'flG WAUl "IATI" ~=_:UllOallllllfllJIICIlIllIIOUlDJllmmIllCUIJlIIlIIII[JllllllllllllrJ "Satisfying Service'" OIL HEAT .1D~-·'7'·· II KI 3-1112 :~~d~c~je~:'l'.:'·maak~ ~r~v::,~;~n~i~~~:~tj~,o~ rITIHKEN" -:I; PAINTING ~ ! a-:~= REAL ESTATE ~go!linst !~~,,';,~~a7"/I.:~ia Drew Avenue 1. I = r.:'''':::1eing::~·,~t!~ !~1 f~~:~e h~~n~e"cl:f~~ i ~~c~.~~~\, 17hi;0~~n:::~;::"Bulte~~iaBe!~. Custom Built HOUSES Klngswood Jack Prichard ~ III11DlIIDIIJI"llIlnnnllllnnIlDUlrll~t"DHIIIIDIUJDn~_ ~~~,,~.'h~.~oD~~~~,~~.Sw'"hmo 00. \ I • I IIllIamnoomamrnIIIIUDIII~lUllnnlflllllm"CllJlmIlWJ= D~~;e~1 esto!l~f S!~~~~re~b~:w~~'c~~~~~sp::)!llIte 335 Dartmouth Ave. = = I ,,~. '''1m.... I ~ com~ THE BWAR!HMOREAN • PI.I07 FOR SALE PERSOIIAL FOR SALE - Springer Spaniel PERSONAL - Practical nursing stud service. Jerry's best of Stonor baby -sitting. Experienced. General Contractor ey Creek. C. D. prov~n. Klngswood References. Call Klngswood 3-2136 TILE FLOORS - PLASTIC TILE 3-7144. , a!:....K!!'gswood_ 3-6731. _ _ __ MODERN KITCHENS FOR SALE-Universal gas dryer; PERSONAL _ UPHOLSTERING -.TERATIONS Hot Point electric stove. Both & SLIP aOVERS. Over 30 years' two years old, excellent condition. experience, eight years of SwarthCall Friday evening or Saturday more references. Custom work at Charles Howland, were awarded a Ii=~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1401 Ridley Avenue morning. KIngswood 3-8321. REASON ABLE PRICES. Large blue ribbon for their flower arFOR SALE Flat top desk. chest selection of fabrics. Estimates are rangements titled, Design Inspired c;Hester 2-4759 drawers, large stand, floor lamp, free. All work is done in our own by the Orient. CHester 2-5689 bird ea'ge, large jardinieres. Blond shop. Our low overhead saves you upholstered cushioned occasional money. THOM SEREMBA. Phone snow shovel. All in excel- SHARON HILL 0734. CONFERENCE SPEAKER -~sq~. lent condition. Reasonable. Phone PERSONAL _ Bicycles Repaired. William F. Lee. CLU. of Guern- 2507 Chestnut St:, Chester Parts, accessorIes. Milt GJass _ sey road, spoke on the subj.;jct, Klngswood 3-6920. t Framl·ng FOR SALE - Complote sct of En- Bicycle. Hobby. Toy Shop. 206 East CHester 2-5373 ure cyclopedia Britsnnica with book Baltimore Avenue. CUlton Heights. "Transfer of Business Interests" at =t-BolU' Rart.ln~ Care case and atlas ('57). Excellent con- MAdison 6.0713. Opposite Clifton a national educational conference of dition. Best offer: KIngswood 3· Theater. Aged, Senne, Chronic RUSSELL the Penn. Mutual Life Insurance ROGER Convalescent. Men and WODJen • 7501. PERSONAL _ Piano tuning spec- Company. The meeting w hie h EneUenl Food - 811.cloUl! Oronda FOR SALE - CJeaned green wool ialist, minor repairing, member Photographic Supplies Blue Cro8S P.ollOred rug 11 x 15, fair condition. $35. Piano Technicians Guild. Leaman, opened Wednesday and continues through Saturday in Hollywood. Five pair beautiful 90-inch flow- Klngswood 3-6755.. STATE & MONROE STS. 'SADIE PIPPIN TURNER. Proprietor ered lined traverse drupe'ries with ~P~E"R:;'lSs:O~NrA;.:.L,:::=-::.;R~o:::o:!,n' (10%1 01 .he '0'.1 .mo,"1 01 the = .. Easter gift for someone special. The artistic views $7. Make appoint- Bid. d"wn '0 Ihe 01 the Co"nly 01 Klngswood 3-8761 Formerly S. ,Crothers Jr.. 435 Plush Mill ment now. Philip Mayer. 215 CoIp.opo"r may b. oblained 01 'h. iii CAR N S 9 Road. Wallingford. LOwell 6-4561. lege Avenue. Swat.thmore. Klngs- Office 01 tho Chiel Cr"k '0 Ihe Co"nly I wood 3·9927. Commissioners:. N • THE SWAaTBMO.~AN Page 10 , Curriculum CommiHee Sub,"ect for I LWV 'Putter Day' Called for To~orrow I Hedgerow More than 150 area resIdents are , Treyor Shaw Talks to School Board Adopts New Calendar Presbv,erian Women , , Media Concerts , . Re·elect Frank Mader After presenting the Little Gaelic Singers and Dancers of County Derry to the membership of the Media Community Concerta Association Monday as the last concert of the current season, the Board of Directors 'of the Association met and reelected Frank Mader, South Chester road, president of the association for the 1959·1960 season. The reelection was unanimous. In accepting the office, Mr. Mader complimented the efforts of all con. cerned for their cooperation and their willingness in helping the association. He also indicate'd that once again the membership hu exceeded 800 persons-sold out. The Board of -Directors has al. ready chosen the artists for the 1959·1000 season and as soon as the dates are cleared, the program will be made pUblic. (Continued from Page 1) ,Chairman Dr. David Rosen expected to take part in Hedgerow i Pioneering African Publisher High mathematics, and Mrs. Bess R. Seidel, teacher this year of the Theatre's second an'lual "Putter Visits Henry McCorkles sPecial class in the Rutgers Avenue to Speak at Program d Day", to be held toni<\rrow un er While Touring U.S. School under the supervision of the March 30 the chairmanship of Robert W. Trevor Shaw, fO)'IJler sports edl. County Board of Education, was Dr. David Rosen, chairman of the Mather, chairman of the project. tor with ,the largest daily in New hired to teach grade. Mrs. Lay Curriculum Committee, will "Putter .oay" will bring together Zealand wIto laid aside a career to Seidel hail. previously taught fourth speak at a public meeting of the community volunteers for cleaning travel with his Africa to grade here from 1954 to 1958. ' undertake the pubhcatlOns of mag. A practice teacher from the West f W Swarthmore League 0 omen up and renovatIOn of the t~eater azines written by and for Africans, Chester State Teachers College was Voters to be held Monday, March which closed in 1956 but wIll reo spoke to two Circles of the Presby. retained at a nominal fee to assist 30 at 8 p.m., in Whittier House. Dr. open in April with a new schedule terian Church here Wednesday af. Track Coach James Miller for the Rosen will disc u.s the work of the including classical and contempor· ternoon in McCahan Hall. Shaw season. curriculum committee which was ary plays, a children's theatre, sym- was introduced by Park avenue ~es. A letter from Elementary Princi. 8}lpointed two years ago by the posiums and lectures, and produc· id~nt Henry McCo~kle, .managm.g pal Thomas Boyle, for the Visual school board to study the present t,'ons designed especially for college edItor of PresbyterIan LIfe, who IS Aids Committee, requested that Shaw's host while he is on a th.res ctllTiculum and to make suggestions and h igh sohool students. d dark shades be installed in one is also vice· month lecture tour of the Umte classroom, the east to be paid by the who Mather, Mr. for revision. d resident of the Hedgerow Theatre States. Book ~'air Fund, with the sugge&A graduate of New York Univer. P . h d ark ration, announced the cleanMr. and 1111'S. Shaw, b at h'Jouma· t·IOn th a t the bo ar d f urms Corpo sity and the University of Pennsyl. k f h d f th t Th bo d e ar il will start at noon and will lists, had followed the war 0 s a es or ear, room. vania Graduate School, Dr. Rosen up deta d d k th rt t ' th a free supper for all vol· Frank Laubach with deep interolSt I agree to ar en e a room a is an assistant professor of mathe. end WI . ..L t f .300 when they learned of an apport, un- a maXimUm cos o~. . matics at Swarthmore College, and unteers at 6 p.m. PI Beta Phi's to Maat rth ity for journalistic work in. Af.rlca.n . A letter from the Swarthmore Jllrs. IIfargaret Wood of No is currently also teaching a mathe, ThePhiladelphia Alumnae Club matics COUl'se for high school Chester road, will be in charge of !llissions and went tQ :'Ilgeria In Recreation Association requested. 1950 to found the Afrlca.n Chal· an increase in the' board's annual home served at the of Pi Beta Phi Spring meeting will be supper to the teac-hers at the University of Pennsylvania. He is a member of Sigmi of Mrs. George Greer on Rose Val- le~geJ .sec~nd. largest E~ghsh mag- contribution to the :summer pro- be held at the home of Mrs. William azme In AfrIca and ASIa Xi, American Mathematical So- Iey roa d next to the theate r. . . . .andthlarse gram. ,In consideration of the Huey, 813 Dickin.!:lon avenue on ciety and the Mathematical Assogest ChrJstlan magazme ln 0 school's contribution of grounds, Wednesday evening, March 18 at ciation of America. "I saw it in the Swarthmorean." areas. Ihl.i1,ding's, maintenance as well, the 7:30. Dessert will be served, ~;;;;;~;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;11 They were then invited to the board felt that ' it could not add to r missions of Freneh speaking Africa annual $200 allotment. t._1. ' and began Envoi, a magazip.a in Dr. David Rosen, chairmap of the French. They work at present with Curriculum Advisory Coriunittee, missions in the Belgian Congo, the gave the Library report which, in heart of Africa, where they have summary, recommended that the li. four monthly magazines success· brary be a more integral part of the fully meeting the problems of tnr· school, and that assigned work , bulent times and of native staffing which sent pupils to the Public Li. I . , Ovl'Mcs II- SpHI. 11m and circulation in an area 6,0'00,000 brary, and to the coilege library, square miles. should be filtered through th~ _bleBbyovanuran.. "We hunt Africans to WI'ite the school 'Ubrary first. The school's Ii. Consumer's Co·Op Ass'n. of Swarthmore, Inc. of PftIm,.. pHd•• COlD! voice of Christian Africa to: their brary does, however, more than powu1inC at pri_ that 403 Dartmouth Avenue Opposite Borough Hall own people. We belie,'c that God meet state requirementa. sue Wli{ormly Iaho; gave to Christians the gifts of A health bulletin on Principal Alwa,.. make it a peiat leadership. We believe theA; God William M. Bush, who surrfered a to 'bring us yow: DOctor'a caUed us to this work; that it is heart attack on Sunday, revealed pnicriptiollll-aad call, a matter for prayer. that the danger period is over and . . us for ALL health aid•. ' "We are set to keep in advance that he is resting comfortably. He TENDER BONELESS , of editing and publishing problems; will be ,hospitalized for at least we will not do a second rate job. weeks. We believe that our message is the CATHERMAN'S most important message, therefore CANTEEN TOMORROW DRUG STORE our job must be first rate. We beThere will be, a regular Garnet lieve, also, that nothing but the Klngswood 3·0586 Canteen with novelty dances good enough :for Africa." Shaw reJated the' storY of morrow night at the Rutgers Ave. Suzanne Freitas, young and ahle nue School. Cha}Jerons wiil be Mr. , and Mrs. Hallock C. Campbell and first, African woman journalist. Her family had been Christian for Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Zimmerman. Canteen will not be held on March OSCAR MAYER several generations. The Shaws 28. and a missionary art teacher en.. pkg·59c Stvle Last week 333 heard the playing couraged her education. She wrote her first article "Who's F~ult Is and singing of the Skylarks. It?", a discussion of -tribal marDEL MONTE riage customs, for EnvoI and "You Meet the Nicest People at Sp·eal-e's" cans 45c later hired by a local newspaper and , write a column about the life women and now does a weekly "They Do Sell the Nicest Things at Speare's" NORRIS Congo radio broadcast. This, with pts. ,her regular contribution to the native magazines on women's interests gives her a tremendous ChrisNORRIS tian impact. Shaw asked the Swarthmore women to remember pts. Suzanne Freitas in -their prayers".11 She is about to marry a Christian doctor and poet. ' The non·profit corporation form. ed by the Shaws, the Sociate Litter. aire d'Afrique in Leopoldville, Bel. Slartin. 9:30 MON. TUES. 9:30 EASTER MON. gian Congo, is registered with both I6lh THURS. to WED. TO the Belgian and French govern. STORE HOURS: FRIDAY 9:00 SAT. 5:30 ments. It will, Shaw said, be turned over legally to the Africans Need for full control upon his return from this tour. Mricans now decide CREATER ASSORTMENT BETTER PRICES from Our Famous Makes to Set Off Your u~n the contents of the magazines, Easteir Promenading 9utfit CHANCE OF PERSONNEL wrlte, edit, and distribute thein. CirCUlation in the tens of thousands Choose Equipment Here· secures excellent advertising conCELLO PAK tracts. Readership reaches into the Jewelry , Neckware .tens of thousands as copies are Accessocraft Glensder Coro for passed around to acquaintances. • Keryl Lee The meeting was a joint one arAlbenweis RichEdieu IDAHO ranged by the chairmen, Mrs. Robinson Galluber Donecraft Frank G. Keenen and Mrs. Ted Swiss Craft Ibs. Anthony. Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop pre. ,Handbags Wallets sented McCorkle to introduce Shaw Co-ed MAINE whose dedication and quiet siolpliic.1 Ronay Davis Ben Goodman ity moved all as he related his an. 1bs Kadin Julius Swer to the question "What can the Ingber West do to contribute to this need?" Resnich Bells co-op PRESCRIPTION \SPECIALISTS I ) FOOD MARKET Swift's Premium Roast Beef Ib.79c Chuck Roast Ib.53c Canadian BACON STEWED TOMATOES ,,2 MAYONNAISE 2 69c SALAD DRESSI NG 2 49c VISIT OUR PRODUCE DEPARTMENT and SEE THE "N'EW LOOK" CARROTS POTATOES POTATOES 2 19c 10 29c Attends UCP ConferencI Mrs .• William H. Webb of South Chester road attended the antlllal BREYER'S IOE OREAl meeting of the Regional Co:nfe.rellee I of United Cerehral Palsy, held iil Boston, Mass., ""I>r the weekend. , Mrs. Webb rep~ted the boIlrdll of the UCP; Del&WII1'I!COIlJlQ-, ..._ _ _ _~-~-----_ _ _ _ _..;.II~ ... ia ", '.. . Accessories & 5 ·29c EXTRA ·SPECIAL , Easter lFashions Jana Tubette Vassar Buxton Walbory Aristocrat Mayer Baronet Whiting -DaviS Vorma Harry Rbsenfeld Lo\fiy and Mund Frock Spayer Dome K~yser 8Ioves ,HC\nsen ,Dawnelle Wear Right Weyers Make MAR 301959 Svmrt'hr.lOro Co llegr Li hrCtry Swarthmore MN-ch 20, 1959 Easter Egg Hunt Tomorrow 10:00 A.M. WARTHMOREAN VOLUME 31-NUMBER 13 Swarthmore, Pa., Friday, March 27, 1969 GOOD FRIDAY "EASTER EGG HUNT LIBRARY HOURS James Young In observance of Good Friday, SATURDAY AT the Public Library will not open Frank Maselli Heads Retired PRR Man until 3 p.m. fbis afternoon. ,It Lions Club Died Monday will close at the regular hour of Annual at Home 5 p.m., and wiU be open as usual A memorial service for James f HAt 10 a.m. Saturday, then," the tonight rom 7 to 9 p.m. Young, retired Pennsylvania RailEaster Bunny remarked, opening road assistant purchasing agent. up a large engagement calendar, will be held at 2 o'clock this after· Fred Wilson Named and flapping through the pages to nO(>n at the Patterson Funeral Maroh 28. And he began writinll' in Home, Media. Interment will be pd. By Du Pont Oompany criptic style: vate. Mr. Young passed away early Swarthmore Annual Easter Egg Monday morning at his home, 904 New Appointment Hunt. All children from ,toddlers up Westdale avenue. Effective as to, and including, 10 years of age, Born September 9, 1883, ,th", son I "And where is it to be?" The of the late ,simon Cameron Young of Apri I Bunny's pencil, clutched nervously of Middletown, Dauphin County, Fred R. Wilson, Walnut lane, 'n a furry paw, hesitated over the Mr. Young was educated at Ahing. director of sales of .the Du Pont page, and othen obediently wrote ton Friends School 'and Cornell Company's explosives department. "College Lacrosse Field-near field University. He bad been with the has been appointed assistant gen- 'house". The pencil bore down on tbe Pennsylvania Railroad nearly 50 eral manager of the depantment, ef· page and truly, rabbit ,jIcratchings years when he retired five years fective April 1, it was announced is the only deseription that could ago. Friday. be allowed by the three men looking He came to Swarthmore from Mr. Wilson statted his career on over his shoulder. They were Evanston, III., in 1924 and after a with the company in 1924 as a chern· Frank Maselli, Bart Calvert, and few years in the 'borough moved to ist in the Eastern Laboratory, AI Catherman. ' Rose Valley, returning -to make his Gibbstown, N. J. "Lacrosse," the Bunny mused, home on Westdale avenue in 1940. In 1928 he was made a super- "yes, I connect ,that With springHe regularly attended services "t visor of powder production at the those hard, small balls. Now in the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Repauno Works, Gibbstown. In fall," the Easter Bunny commented, Swarthmore. He was well·known to 1930 he became superintendent of "there are those considerably Jarlocal children who loved him for powder production eA; the Birming. gel' leathery soccer balls which the interest he took in their play ham, Ala., works and superinten. merely knock one galley west-but and the many conversations he held dent of acid production there a year those lacrosse. ballsl Well, there's with them. later. In 1933 he became a special many a young bun we've had to car. Surviving are his wife, the for- assistant in .the explosives depart- ryoff. Now, we've declared Clothier mer Eleanor Graham Reese of Bal- ment headquarters in Wilmington. fields off-limits for both seasons." timore, whom he wed in Baltimore Six years later he was named The Bunny's rather easy conver_ in February 1907; a daughter, Mrs. production manager and then di· sation ceased as he eyed the three John Voigt of Chester Heights; a rector of production of the high ex· men. They were Lions, as he well sister, Eliza A. Young of Akron, plosives manufacturing division. knew. Only last Saturday, he had Pa., and two grandchildren, James He was appointed director of man· been en route to Swarthmore to dis. Young Voigt who 's currently sts.ufacture of the manufacturing di. cuss the plans for this annual egg tioned at Lacldand Air Force Base vision in 1948, and he became'direc· (Continued on .Page 10) Texas, and EI~anor Graham VOi~. tor of in 1956. a'student at Penncrest School. Mr. WIl"on was graduated from'Shakers~ls Topic the University of Virginia in 1923, Service Today for Easter Egg Hunt Tomorrow. 70:00 A.M. $4.00 PER YEAR I GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE Benjamin West Lecture The Good Friday Community Service will be held from noon Scheduled for April 5th until three in the Presbyterian Dr. Panofsky to Give Church. The Rev. John C. Kulp, Talk on Funerary , pastor of the Methodist Church. Monuments will preach on "The Seven Last The William J. Cooper Founda. Words from the Cross." tion and the fine arts department of Swarthmore College announce A. Robb Cochran the Benjamin West lecture in Fine Ret."res From Sun 'Arts, "The Virtues and Arts in Funerary Sculpture," to be given by Dr. Erwin Panofsky of the In. Project Engineer Served stitute of Advanced Study, Friends More Than 43 Meeting House, Sunday, April 5, Years at 8 :15 p.m. The free lecture will A. Robb ,Cochran, Kenyon ave- be illustrated. nue, project engineer at Sun Oil Dr. Panofsky, who has been called Company, retired 'e,.hiaIize. . 'ifVOcl , 8te8. . 15, 16, and 17. ... .- .. ,' " LWV Open Meeting 'Features Dr. ,Rosen must as Methodists Name New Minister for Youth The Official Board and members of the Methodist Church announce Edward W. Thorn as the new as" sistant minister of youth work. Mr. Thorn received his Bachelor of Religious Education degree from Cornus Bible College, Akron, D., and his B.A. degree at Parsons Col. lege, Fairfield, Ia. He brief'ly un. dertook graduate work at Iowa Uni. versity. He has served two pastorates in Iowa since 1956 and was ordained· in the Baptist ministry .last year. He is currently undertak. ing his Divinity at Crozer Baptist Theological Seminary in Chester. Mr. Thorn began his duties with the youth on Sunday; March 8, tak. ing the positi.on left by Philip Brown who resigned to become pastor of the Wesley Methodist Church in Pleasantville, N.J. Both Mr. and Mrs. Thorn are natives of Akron. Dinner Tendered Local Resident Ray L. Harlow of Lafayette ave. nue was honored upon his retirement from the General Electric Company with a dinner at Valley Forge Friday evening. Mr. Harlow has been employed in the engineering department for 20 years. NO CANTEEN THIS WEEK Garnet Canteen will not be -held this week. Eighth graders will be invited to the next Canteen on April 4. Four groups have signed u}tthns far for the Second Annual Garnet Canteen Talent Show to be held this year on Apli126. A Bermuda dance has been scheduled for May. One hundred forty...ight students attended j;he regular Canteen Saturday niglut. ------ Lions Club to Present Talent Night April Ed 3 Harvey Will MC Show Featuring County Teenagers Ed Harvey, WCAU radio per. sonaUty, will act as master of cere. monies for the Lions Talent Night to be held in Swarthmore High School at 8: 15 Friday evening, April 3. Featuring a wide array of talent, the show will presen t 18 varied acta drawn from 14 high schools through;'ut Delaware County. Act:! will range from a classical pianist to a rock and roll combination, a ba·ton twirler to a magician. ~onorary judges who will appear will be TV meterologist Franci. Davis, and Dr. Russell Erb, deolJ of University'of the Air. Purpose of the show is to afford opportunities for talented teenagers y Mrs. Margaret Kent their children of South Cliestar and accompanied by Mrs. Milton road have returned home· after Allen at the piano, MrS. Wood lecspending ~veral days at their cot- tured and showed colored slides of her recent trip through European tage in Ocean City, Md. gardens. Tea was serVed by the Central Community Nursing Service of Delaware County, under the chairmanship of Mrs. Mark Bittle, assisted by Mrs. Francis Crosby, Mrs. Birney ,Morset Mrs. Arthur Binns, and Mrs. William Huey. The next meeting will be held on April 13 when ,the Iiell Telephone Company will present a program on ~'Famous Women of Pennsylvania". SPRING AUTO REPAIRS LOAN ('J'Icclm1color) , 5:30 to ;:00 P.M.' tHE WOMAN'S CLUB NOTES Mrs. Wood Presents Talk ,,. SWARTHMORE. PA. 'AUNTIE MAME' FRIDAY, APRIL 3 - , March 27. 1959 § BIRTHS !i ;;; = Actlwe Mellliler of the S".ribmore BulDea. ~ ••e1atl.. § Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Mifflin ~ ~ of Haverford place have announced "2JIlmlUnIDIUIIIIIlIIIDDIDIUlllUDlJllnnmanAlUlIDIDllnmIllUCDDIIUIIHCIHlIIIIUIICUlHlflllfCnnmIlmawru_aaO the birth of their enter of Ogden aveSHURE WHARFEDALE nue spent the spring vacation with SHERWOOD GARRARD her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Eica STUDIO JANSZEN DYN ... KIT T. Carpenter. Shirley is a freshman UNIVERSIlY PICKERING at Bucknell University and had sa her guests two of her classmates, Jacqueline Quigley of Fanwood, Exclusive Distributor N.J., and Roella Tinsley of Orchard . Park, N.Y. .. HARRY OPPENLANDER Marsha Silvers, a sophomore at • Georg. School, arrived Friday w 17\12 S. Chester Road. Swarthmore vacation until next Tuesday with STUDIO HOURS her parents Dr_ and Mrs: Arthur Phone II ....1.4.10 6 '.1.4. D.:Iy A. Silvers of Rutgers avenue. "I to 9 Tues •• Fri. Evenin9s KI4-2828 Jeanne Boyer of llicldnSon ave...._ ....._ _...._ _.".._ _........._ ............. Due has arrived home to spend the I Some Things Go Up at Cape Canaveral While Olher Things Go Down in Swarthmore! We,have just reduced (from our already low price) 6 or.8 Cameras (35-mm. 8-mm. twt:>-Iens Reflex) to a price you can't afford to miss. All of these Cameras are NEW and carry a full guarantee. (Sorry, no trade-ins on these Cameras.) Hurry! - There Happens to Be But ONE of Each! • The Camera & Hohby Shop 4-6 Park Avenue. Swarthmore, Pa, Klngswood 3-4191 Men's Suits THAT LEAD THE EASTER PARADE WASH Be WEAR SUITS Fabrics by Pcicific Mills • $39.95 ARROW SHIRTS WASH & WEAR COTTON. BROADCLOTH COTTON OXFORD • Stop in and. see our selection of Easter Surprises lor the Ladies of the Family . 8 .pJ'rk Avenue ~ TOGGERY SHOP Klngswood 3-0240 I THB SWARTRMOREAN Page' 'l'H..I!i SWARTHMOREAN Holy Communion wiJI be celebrated at 7:30. 9:30 and 11:16 Easter morning. There will be music and sermon at each service. At 4 o'clock the Children's Easter Service will be held. The Girls' Choir wili sing at this service and the Mite Box offering will be present. ed. Those serving as usher~ will \be as follows: At 9:30 a.m.-H. P. Stamford. head usher; W. T. Peabody. alternate; E. M. Hillary. W. C. Hogg, Jr" J. ·C. Jubin, Jr., Peter Madison, C. C. Mearkle. and J. B. Stocker; at 11: 15 a.m.-R. D. Hulme. head usher; J. L. Cornog, alternate; P. B. Banks; G. W. Chang, E. O. Cramp, and W. S. Patton. Walter Reynolds, William Ryerson, Buell Scher, Alan Torrey, Douglas'Vrege and William Wrege will serve as acolytes at 7 :30 a.m.; James Fulton, Andy Hopkins, Thomas Mowery. Buell Scher. \John Waterbury, and William Wrege will serve at 9 :30; al'd at 11 :16 a.m., James Fulton. Andy Hopkins, Thomas Mowery, Walter Reynolds. William Ryerson, and John Water- Phone KIngswood 3-0900 PETER E. TOLD. Editor Barbara B. Kent, Managing Editor Rosalie D. Peirsol Sonya K. Horneff Marjorie T. Told Jean)1ette V. Howe , Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929. at the Post Office at Swarthmore, Pa .• under the Act of March 3, 1879. DEADLINE WEDNESDAY NOON SWARTHMORE,.,pENNA., FRIDAY, MARCH 27.1959 PIIESBYTERIANNOTES The Good Friday Community Service will be held in this church from 12 noon to 3 p.m. The Rev. John C. Kulp will preach. A family worship service for Church School parents and children win be held at 9 o'clock on Easter morning. Worship services will also be held at 10 a.m. and 11 :30 a.m. Dr. Roberts will give the Children's Sermon. The topic of his sermon at the second and third services will be ",Behold tne Glory." The Commimicants' Class for young people will meet at 3 p.m. CHURCH SERVICES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Dr. D. Evor RObertB. Minister Easter Suaday 9 :00 A.M.-Family Service. 10 and 11 A.M.-Dr. Roberts will preach. 3:00 P.M.-Communicants' Class. Wedaesday, April I 10 :00 A.M.-Bandage Group. 8:00 P.M.~Bible Study. METHODIST CHURCH John C. Kulp. Minister Charles Schisler Minister of Music Esster Sunday 9 :45 A.M.-Church School classes. 8 :45 and 11 A.M. - Mr. Kulp will ONE OWNI.SHIP Captain Garnet Nine (Continued from Page 1) remaining seniors on the·squad and they bring a rugged and spirited type of place to the catehing de. partment which .they hoth play; Juniors trying out ·for v'~rious positions are: Returning letterman Bob Dawes at .second; Bill. Fuoss at catcher; Doug Roberts and Fred Sehaeffer ·tch d·o "-t!. Id B k at pi er an 'u e vu Ie ; ur e Jackson at shortstop; and Paul Booklet on United , Nations John LorJe of Ya.le ..avenue has recently written a hooklet entitled. "The Great -Debllte on Charter Reforms: A Propo~al to Strengthen the United Nations." Thomas K. Finletter, former Secretary of the Air Force, wrote the preface to the hooklet. The booklet calls for a re-examination of the arguments for and against revising the United Nations Charter. Mr. Logue agrees with those who hold ihat basic changes are especially necessary in the UN's peace-keeping machinery. But 'he contends that it is equally important to give the UN some power to aid the economic development of the less-developed nations. In the preface Mr. Finletter says "Some readers may object that Mr. Logue's proposals are idealistic. They seem to me grimly realistic. ... I hope that this article will be widely andelosely read." Mr. Logue is a lecturer in political science at the University of Pennsylvania. Darlington. Bart /lchneider. Jim McCabe. and Jeff Campbell at the outfield. Sophomores who are somewhat of an unknown quantity and quality are certain to break into the stal'ting lineup as there are some indicationa, from early workouts, of unusua I a b "'I'ty which sh ouId S h ow 1't• I Th seIf m ear y season games. . e young sophs include: ' D eck er, R on H erbs ter, Ch ns Ralph Kletzien. Butch Hofmann. Jo h nPe dl ow. Rus H ogue, Dave Fil _ ler. Bruce Marshall. John Sinclair. and Pete Courtney. Red Kent of the junior class is again manager of The R~. Charles A •. N:els giant tins UNITY . FROZEN PEAS ..................:......................... 3 Ig. pkgs. 4ge ALL DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIXES ............................................................ 3 pkgs. $1 niece. Dr. and Mrs.r.Lester and i'nfant dau~.hte· They L;~~:~I a Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Morse of Parrish road will spend Easter v .... from Malta where they lived for cation on their farm on Chesapeake 'C'all 11.'swood •. 1100 D .. for FREE l ELI VERY & :B:.:a:::y....::n:ea:ric~a~m~b~n~·~d~ge~.~M~d~·iiiiiiiiiiiiiiil~~~~~~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~~.== I 18 month.. Dr. The Ludlow is inhave the Navy Air Force. Ludlow. lei'l for sLIt Lake City, Utah. where they wm make their home. Di~~",.~:! :~~U~~~I!v:to°&knieghOft I for a 10-day' stay in puerto~o~~:?'; During their absence Dr. 'Ii parents Mr. and Mrs. Max of Wyomissing will visit here with .their five grandchildren. FREE PARKING I S·UY "l'lJWA1,n c'Ju/r IM/novi I " U "H r ~ rr U An • .NEW WESTINGHOUSE MOBILE~ CLEANER AMERICA'S MOST MODERN! . \ Our friends and Patrons .•. We wish to announce after ,March 27th the Dew Drop Inn :-viII be under new management . . We have appreciated your friendship through· the past 14 patronage and years and deeply regret leaving. . J We shall continue our catering service. how.. ever, and look . forward Stores to serving your every AnYWhere catering need _. banquets. cocktail parties. small dinners, tea sandwiches will be our specialty. ": : .,. ': :;,:,.,:: .< <:,:. <:.:: Rolls Anywhere CLARENCE and DOROTHY SMITH • THE RAINDROPs COMES LIGHT Our 2V4 •• 'am. TAX4'A" UTIlITY COMPMY ." 409 III' _ _ · ••OII SlOe_MIS .....• -_ ... • Powerful-over 1 HoP. Motor Input $39.95 e CombblatlOn rJoOr.N.Rug Nozzle 2-1036 .'~Poaltlve IOOdrii ~ailds-ean·t.fall apart .... ,.•.. , . ~ .. -...... '.:., ~",. up • Guaranteed 6 Years ACRES a.nd LAKE D. PATRICK WELSH . . PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY I' LEhigh $45,000 • -. 'Is Colonial stone home with living room, firl>place, den, dining room, large .itchen, powder room, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. recreation room with a fireplace. Beautiful unobstrueted view of rolling hillside~ Complete privdeY yet only a few minutes' walk ta PRlt irwta~tiOll IS Philadelphia Electric's Conowingo hydro- • Number MOYLAN eleetrie plant•.on the Susquehanna River. This plant . forms an important link in Our chain of modern electric ~erating stations which helps us provide electric sernee, when :rea want it. at reasonable rates. - New Telephone • Mod.1 Me·. eAdjustable Suotlc:in Control_ • Snapoin, Snap-out TOSS-AWAY® Bags Nature nurtures the earth with raindrops. Many run 011 in ?wlets, which swell streams, Iilld finaily become ~ nvers. Man ham_ this watar behind dams and, ~ th~ h~. of turbines. produces electricity. Such an East"" Sunday .. Mrs. G. B. Watts of Oakton. Va .• who departed avenue entertained at a prenuptial Saturday on the S. S. Westerdam miscellaneous shower for three of for Europe where she will·tour her friends; Miss Dotsy Dick of tilMAUgu~~. Robe C M.on'o",.1 Bowling Green, Miss Celine Tilson If r·danh.ldrs. J h rt °Df Media. and Miss Mickey Nash of r., an c ] . ren 0' n an evon, who will all be married in lyof Westmmster avenue are June. • tod f P Ih M B' mg ay or e am anor, lanca and Nancy Storlazzi of to b th ts th P k e e gues over ,e a1j avenue are spending the Easweekend of Mr. Morrow s ter 'holidays in Wolcott. Conn.. with Mr. and Mrs. Morrow, Sr. relatives. They accompanied their Dr. and Mrs. J. F. McKernan brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Rutgers avenue had as their Joseph Storlazzi. Jr., of Ridley guests last week their nephew Park. Respectfully Middletown Road - Media, Pa., Opposite High Meadow (between Dutton Mill Road and Knowlton Road) The following award. were pre· sented local members of the Wornan'. Club at the Delaware County Fine Arts Festival held at Lansdowne Thursday of last week: , American home department Mrs. George Boyd Thom, first award for an afghan; Mrs. Robert· Fudge, first for handmade men's sports shirts j Mrs. W. H. Lamason, first for crocheted tablecloth; Mrs. Robert Miller, second in dress_ making; Mrs. Ralph Little, second in the quilt division; Mrs. Bentham Stradley, third in Christmas novelotyentry. Fine Arts Division - 1\1rs. J. Kenneth Doherty. first for handmade jewelry; Mrs. R. Franklin Yeager,third in hand-painted trays. Garden department - Mrs. W. Alfred Smith and Mrs. A. P. Shenklc, third in forced branches divisjon; Mrs. Robert B. Clothier and Mrs. R. Franklin Yeager. honorable mention in arrangement of Easter luncheon table. Literature - Mrs. R. G. E. UlIman tied for first in lyric poetry; Mrs. R. F. Yeager, honorable mention in article; and Mrs. Thomas . Y. Haus, honorable mention in light verse. Art department - Mrs. Carl deM II o· won honorable mention for watercolor landscape Mrs. William S. Hobbs was hostess to the Poets' Circle which met Monday afternoon at her home on Park avenue. Mrs. Walter R. Shoemaker' read from poets of the 20th century. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bunker. Jr •• of Mt. Holyoke place went to Ho- "[ saw it in The SwarthmoreG7l" Rose V~lIey Nurseries, Inc. Sr. Club Women Win In Fine Arts Festival Swarthmorean Authors PASTOR HONORED The annual Easter Assembly will he held Sunday morning in the Meeting House. There wi11'be a special program on liThe Spirit of Easter~ including colored slides and commentdry and Easter hymns. All are welcome. Henry Cadbury will deliver the annual William Penn Lecture at the Race Street Meeting House at 3 ?'c~ock Sunday afternoon. His .tOPIC IS "The Character of the Good Quaker." The High School Fellowship will not meet this week but will resume regular 5 :30 meetings on Sunday, April 6. at which time a special film on the trial of William Penn will be shown. The usher for March is Lee Bennett. Tohe Monday Sewing Group wilJ not meet on March 30. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES Christ Jesus' mission to reveal M.s. Joseph Moran of Yale av.... • nue is a patient in Taylor Hospital where she will undergo surgery. WOO D LAD DE RS '" Ei Jr. Club Dinner Oance Set for Next friday All physical examinations scheduled for this year have been com·pleted in the Rutledge School. ~ ~ tions the 9Holy Communion will be at 7ofand :30 Wednesday morning. Junior Confirmation classes. will meet at 10:16 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. At 8 o'clock that evening a service of Evensong will be held and the Evening group of the Woman's Auxiliary will meet. Holy Communion will be celebrated at 10 o'clock Thursday morn. ing. This will be followed by the followed by the regular monthly meeting and hmcheoJof1f;hll.fWoman's Auxiliary. The Inquirer'. Class wlil meet at 8 p.m. in the Cleaves Room. FRIENDS MEETING NIiTES as well as to make it a good home for animals like skunk•• m'!sJ(,.ats, opossums and others. CLEARANCE SALE 1ii ~~Ch 27~.~1~95=9~__________________~~___T~R_B__S__ W_A_a~T_._K __O_a~._~~N~.======~=========================~==e~5 27, 195. ~ IIUUIJnllllllllUllIIHlllIllDlllltllIlIIlUlIIllIIllllIDlIlIllIJllIIUlIllIIlIlllICl11III11I11IUlllllllllmCIlIIlIUIllItJIllIfIIIHII(]IIIIIIIII1D[+ bU~iebrations of the Holy Communion will be held on Monday and Tuesday at 10 a.m. The Annual Parish .Meeting will beheld on Monday evening at 8 o'clock, following a 6:30 dinner lirranged by the·. AilulXibeliaryt· The next Zone lOner w.. a the home of Mrs. Louis N. Robinson in Wallinglford. with Mrs. Norman Hulme, chairman of that zone, as hostess. Tlte regular mid-week celebra- March REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Klngswood 3-0560 Dartmouth Avenue .. It's America's mosl modern cleaner-the Westinghouse Mobile Spood CI~erl Powerful new motor has over 1 horsepower inputl Cleaner moves on large. mnooth rolling vinyl-tired wheels ••• glides easily and quietly over door sills and scatter rugs, and safely over all poliShed floor surfaces. "Steera" from room to room! Built-in tool caddy keeps tools at.Your fingertips. Stores completely assembled ••• always ready to use! W. haYi WestIlllbousI TOSs-AWAY lip lOr IlIl11Gdlls. YOU C~N BE SURE ••• IFIT~ Westi~ghouse MacArthur & Patten. 547 Chester Pike;' Prospect Park, Pa. LEhigh 2.,1749 ., , March 27, 1959 THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 6 .- • , and Mrs. Osborne H. Paddison, Mr. SHS Students Attend Presbyterians Receive Auto Driving Instruction World Affairs Forum New Members and Mrs. Edward F. Railsback, Mr. 12 Houn - - - • $17.00 and Mrs. E. T. Severs, Mr. and {"Y" Members - - 15.00 New adult members were reo Mrs. Ray Shuba, Mrs. Arthur A. The sixth and ,final student forum 8 Hours in the Cor ceived into the fellowship of the Wahmann, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald in the current series was held in 4 Hours in the Classroom P,hiladclphia Saturday. Swarth· This Is Group Instruction Presbyterian Church at the second K. Zeller, Mary McCutehan, and more' High School students have Register Now· Chester YMCA service on Palm Suliday morning. Mrs. Ralph K. Marker. been taking pavt in this monthly The Rev. Dr. D. Evor Roberts ofconference upon world problems for POLICE AND FIRE NEWS lfiCiatoo. The new members are: the past 13 years. Frederic Yocum, Mr, and Mrs. William R. Argyle. The Fire Company responded to member of the high school social Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred B. Brown, a' brush fire at Drexel road and studies department, is the faculty Mr. allil Mrs. J. Pi.ter deVries, Mr. Haverford place ..t 4 :26 p.m. on sponsor of the Swarthmore group. and Mrs. William Laimbeer, Mr. Friday. The entire department has encour~ aged student part~cipation. During the past year about 25 CUSTO~1 INSTALLATIONS by Swarthmore ,high school students have attended and participated in PERSONAL MUSIC INSTRUCTION PERSONAL - Baby sitting. Re- INSTHUCTIUN Guitar· Banjo. the activities of the forum. A stu· sponsible woman. KIngswood 3Mandolin. Simon Krudo. 542 East dent planning committee meets 3 PARK AYE., SWARTHMORE 4261. 8th Street. CHester 3-1904. each month to determine the topic Klngswood 4·2727 PERSONAL - Practical nursing FOR SALE for discussion and to suggest posor baby. sitting. Experienced. sible expens as speakers. SwarthReferences. Call KIngswood 3-2136 FOR SALE - Eclipse power mowor KIngswood 3·6731. cr. 20 inch, reel type. $60. Thomp- more has been represented this year EDWARD G. CHIPMAN PERSONAL - UPHOLSTERING son boat 16 ft. outboard. w/35 HP by Michael Becker, son of Dr. and & SLIP COVERS. Over 30 years' Evinrude and equipment. Asking Mrs. George J. Becker of Walnut AND SON experience. eight years of Swarth- $900. Call KIngswood 3·1058. more references. Custom work at FOR SALE - Volkswagon conver. lane. Mike has also been the COrl'eSGeneral Contractor REASONABLE PRICES. Large tible, 1956. $1,225. Dr. Arthur ponding secretary for the student committee. TILE FLOORS. PLASTIC TILE selection of fabrics. Estimates are !>ilvers. KIngswood 3·3603. free. All work is done in our own MODERN KITCHENS Last week's discussion topic was shop. Our low overhead saves you F,OR SALE - Large double oven, ALTERATIONS electric Kenmore stove. Used 18 uAmerican Prestige in Asia". The money. THOM SERE MBA. Phone months. Can be seen basement opening talk was given by Lionel SHARON HILL 0734. Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. Landry, former Department of 1401 Ridley Avenue PERSONAL - Bicycles Repaired, $35. KIngswood 3·1644. Parts; accessories. Milt Glass _ State official in Southeast Asia. CHester 2-4759 FOR SALE - Mushroom soil snit- His discnssion was climaxed by the Bicycle. Hobby, Toy Shop, 205 East able for lawns and transplanting. Baltimore Avenue, Clifton Heights, CHester 2·5689 MAdison 6-0713. Opposite Clifton Every load is ground. Wilson, recommendation that students write KIngswood 4·2058. letters to local TV stations sug,g"..tTheater. PERSONAL Piano tuning spec· FOR SALE - Bhiobiids are com- ing that there be more programs on ialist. minor repairing, member ing! So is Easter. A bird house world affairs problems at the stuPiano Technicians' Guild. Leaman, or feeder would make a !perfect dent level; KIng,wood 3·5765. Easter gift for someone special. The During the second part of the PERSONAL - Roofing, spouting, S. Crothers Jr.. 435 Plush Mill program student leaders directed LQwell 6-4551. Road. Wallingford. gutters, carpentry. Recreation roundtable discussions in which all rooms a specialty. Roy J. Foster, WANTED LOwell 6-6569. of the more than 200 students in Photographic Supplies PERSONAL - FURNITURE RE. WANTED - Typing. all kinds- attendance could • participate. FINISHED REPAIRED AND STATE & MONROE 8TS. stenograph. dictaphone work at In the final portion of the forum Ul'HOLSTERED, slip covers, dra- home. Will call for and deliver. MEDIA Mr. Landry answered questions peries a.ld rugs. Painting, paper- KIngswood 3-3982. hanging--eomplete decorating serformulated by each round-table. LOwell 6-2176 .vice, Please call LOwell 6-3031 or WANTED - 10 by 10 or larger Some of the Swarthmore students KIngswood 3-7282 for free estimate. eaJ"ipet. Green, tan, beig~ or brown. OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS who have per.ticipated in the activiGarrett House. Call LOwell 6-3595 after 6 P.M. ties of the forum during the past PERSONAL - Furniture refin- WANTED - To rent in Swarth. ishing, repairing. Quality work more or Wallingford near trans- year are: mJllmlllllllalllllll1lll10111111111l1lCllllmlllUCllUlllmllaUl~ § . . = at moderate prices-antiques and portation. small house: but includMichael Becker, Susan Allen, modern. Call Mr. Spanier, Klngs-' 1ng living room, family room, twb Betty Gemmill, Deedee Morgan, baths, two car garage. Phone LE- Meric Gurler, Eriks Lycums, Susan = c wood 4·4888. K.Ingswood 3-2198. PERSONAL-Radio and television high 2-4250. Preston. Peggy Russell. John ThurService. Complete stock of tubes WANTED _ Executive and family man, Bob Scutt, Crl'ig Smith, Bond ' to ren t h ouse start'mg J une nie Alexander Nancy Gayley Heidi = c carried. 4-0800. Robert Brooks. KIngswood eSlre 6 Formerly E Honnold ' Ca d'19an,' Joan PERSONAL - Fancy sandwiches 15. Call CHester 4-4089. , , .' R osemarY, CARNS for clubs. .pavties, wedding>!. WANTED - .Cleaning;· washing, M,cKinnell, Karen Brandt. Janice Hors D'oeuvrcs,a specialty. Homeironing or bilby-sitting, daily. Carroll, Steve Brobeck, Steve Ed'" "a 6~O Baltimore Pike made cookies, sand tarts. ELgin 6CHester 2-8887. ' wards. Pete OUv..,. and Jim Row8prin&1leld, Del. Co., Pa. 5621. W lI!NTED - to buy in good condi· ,land. FOR RENT tion-high chair. smali dresser. Ii Klngswood 3·0450 § 5= fi FOR RENT _ One or two bedroom lamps, end tables, arm chair, otto= 4'] 8aw it in The SwartAmorean" man. KIngswood 3-6035. JJnmCllllIIlllUlCIIlllIIllIlnCllllllllllllcmlllllllllDlllUuururai apartments. Central and residen- =~==:.....-::::-_....,_-:-_:-::-:­ bial locations. Priced from $70 to WANTED - Woman to give A.M. LEGAL NOTICE $100. Also three bedroom. two bath and P.M. care to elderly lady who COUNTY OF DELAwARE Propo$ols will be received ! § HEALS ~ ~ WFIL Radio - 8;45 A.M. Channal 6-WFIL·TV-8130 A.M. iI FOR SALE OR RENT Entertainment Accessories Punch Bowls with or without Cups Large Tin Tray - Butler's Tray News about the New Rockets! M. R. Dimmitt of Rutgers who spent a few days week in Doylestown with and family Mrs. J "se):,h I Walsh, has as her guest for a of this week her grandson Walsh. and Mrs. Ralph Young, Jr., Riverview road have as th,,;r I over Ol at New Londo~, Conn., in Lt. Hopper visited his par· Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hopof Dogwood lane for a few days. )Irs. Thomas Moore, Jr., and her ~u21,ter Mary Anna of Guernsey will entertain on Monday at and kitchen shower in honor suzanne Harral', daughter of and Mrs. Buchanan Harral' of avenue. The engagement of to Mr. Rollo Paul Greer Elyria, 0 .• has been announced. )11'. and Mrs. Raymond E. Wi!· of Ogden avenue have returned following a three-week trip Mexico, visiting Monterrey, MexCity, Pueblo, Taxco, Cuernava... Cordoba, Tehuacan, and AcaEn route 'home they spent a days visiting friends and relain Cleveland, O. Mrs. Samnel M. Dodd of N",,-!_h I avenue has as her for th" week her daughter Charles B. Ingersoll, Jr., and Penny and Connie who Monday from Silver Lake, L ' •••Tine A Price to Meel Byel7 Pamn,·. Need ~ TH B NEWS NOTES Phone LOwell 6-3400 CLASSIFIED ADS 27. 1959 , PATTERSON'S " FLORIST'\ ., your world through am-vietS 4M acU",ce OBPIU.H&" COURT 05' DELAWABE coulin. PE'NN8YLVANU. N.Uc • ., aad 4.41, '" AeeoUo&. NOTICE II hereb, IlTen to belrs, Ie, .. tee', credltora and all penons lDtereated &hat "count. 1D \he follo"lIlg estaUa have be.n filed In the Office of Ule Rei" tater of W1lls and Clerll: of Orphan.' coun .. &he cale may t-c IUld that \be aame ,,111 be presented to the Orpbam'. Court of said County Qn Monday, Apr1l 6, 1D6D. at; 10 o'cloct, E.S.T., for conflrmaUon. a' .blcb time the said court wlll· audit .a!d accounts, hear obJeeUona to the same and. mate dlItrlbuUOD of the bal· anee: ascertained to be In the hands of Ihe accountants. BEGLEY-Mar. 2. FJrst abd FiDal Ac· count of Mary M. BegleJ'. E:&:ecutriZ, Estate! of ~onard J. Besler. Deceased. BROOKS-Mar. 3, Firat and Floal Ae· count of Robert A. Wright. Guardian, Eatate of Ella S. BrOOD, a MInor. BROWN&-Feb. II, First and FInal A~· count of Caroline L. Browne. Executrlz, Estate of Bertram Bro"ne. De· ceased. , CAVANAUGH-Feb. 18, Fir., and FlO&! Acc-ount of Nichola. Cavanaulh, Jr .• and Margaret Rrno, Executors. Esta\le of Suaanna Cayanaugh. a/itla 1 Susan V. . C&T&oaugh, alit/a BuallDD& V. CayAw naugh, Deceued. CONGLETON-Mar. 3 Firat and Final Accoun\ of Ruib May congleton, AdmlDlstratrtx, Estaie of Ada S. Congleton, a/t/a Ada Congleton, Deceased. COPE-Mar. 3, First and FlOal Account III William Taylor, Jr., AdmlDlstrator, Estate of Robert H. Cope, DeC'e&l5ed. CROTHERS-Feb. 3, Firs' and FInal Account of J)Qrothy W. Crothera, Esecuuh. Esl.a\e of Lawrence F. Crothers. Deceased. .PUIa. • March 27, THE SWAaTRMOaEAK Page 8 DBVLIN-Kar. 3, Pint and Pinal Aocouu& of ADlle Asb, Esecut.rU:. Etta'" of W ..raaret DevUn, Deceased. DICKINSON-pleb. 27. Pint and P1Dal Account of Marian Orut. Esecuh1.z, Estate 01 CharIea R. DIck-woo. Deceued. DRYDEN-Feb. 18. Pirat and Pinal AcCo\Ult of Tbe Brm Mawr Trust Company, Trust2'e, U/Deed of' Trust ltaled October 1. 1855 and Amendment.s Account slated to December a, liS8, Est.. \e or Marseree P. Dryden, Deceued. DRYDEN-Feb. 18. Firs' Account of The Bryn Ma"r Trust Company Executor, Estate of Margeree P. Dryden. Dew ctued. EDY-Feb. 24. First and Plna! Account of Ruth M. HtU and The Philadelphia NaUonal Bank. ExecutorJ;, Estate of Ethel M. Eby, Deee~ed. EBY-Feb. 25. Firat and Final Account of Ruth M. Hill and The Philadelphia N ... tlonal Bank, Admlnlstratore:. C.T.A., O.B.N.• Estalle of Samuel E. Eb1, a/k/a Samuel Earle Eb,., and a/kola S. E. Eby, Deceased. EILL-Mar. 3. FIrst and Final Account of Joseph T. Mul!ra,.. Ezecutor. Estate of Elmer E. E. Em, Jr., Deceased. FLAGO-Mar. 3. Brief Account of 'I1leFirst Pennsylvania Banking and Trust Compau1, SurvIving Trustee, Under th~ Decedent's Will for Marie W. F. Nugent-Head, Estate of Stanley O. FlalB, D.,.. ceased. (Account stated abowlng transacUons relaUng to E. I. duPont ItaNemours &: Co., Common stock.' FOERY-Feb. 25. First Account of ProvIdent Tradesmens Banll: and Trust Company (Formerly Provident' Trust ComnRnr of PhDadelphla, and Raymond W. Poert., Eltate of Margaretta lo"oerv, Deceased. FREEMAN-Feb. 26, 1!'1r=t and F'lnal Ac· coun' 01 Provident Tr&desmens Banlr: and Trust Company, Trua'ee, Estate of Harold A. Freeman, Deceaaed. (Truat JD{O to JaDua..,. 18, 1151) tor Ada C. W1!1lam.ou} PRENCH-Mar. 2, P'lrd aDd FInal Ac- HARROD-Peb. I, Plnl and P1Ilal Ac-. ...... of Herb... C. N.II.D. Es.culor. coon' of Doroth, Snen. l!!lef,luldJl:, Ea.. w.t& of Earl P. Preach. 8r., Deceaaed. ""'.... of ......1. D. D ......d. PlrIt A"oant Of Pi-GORDON-Kar. 3. F1raL and Pinal Ac- HOPJaNB-Feb. n. count: or WOUam. Gordon aDd Uillan O. Sb.lmp, BurvlYing AdmlnLsuators. C.T.A •• Under the WW of Margaret Gordon. De. ceased. GORDON-Mar. 3. Firat and F'iDal Ac· const of WIlliam Gordon IUld LtWa.o O. ShImp. 6uniTIng Admlnlatr.tora, C.T.A .• Estate or Elizabeth OOrdOll. De~e ...ed. HALADJIAN-Feb. 5. Pirs! and FlOal A~· count of Ellzabetb. Ha!adJl&n. ExecuUi%, Estaf-~ of John HIl~adJlaD. Deceased. HARRIBON·-Feb. IV. Fir.t Account of Fldellty wPhUadelphla Trust Company, Subsututed Trustee, Estate of Charles C. Harr!aon, Deceaad. (Account sta~d from December 3, ID31 io January 18, lUliV. HARRISON-Feb. IV, Firat Account oC Fldellty wPhUadeJpbla Trust CompanY, 8ub.'l.Utub:d Trustee, .Estate of Charles C. HarrisOD, 8etUor. (Deed dated March 15. 1118 and Supplemental Deeds dated Aprll 26, 11111 and December 28, 1011. known as Trust No.1.) (Stated from November 13, 1131 to JanUary 16. ulsa) HARRISON-Feb. 19, First Account of Fidelity - PhUadeJphla Trust Company. BubsUtuted Trustee (Trult No. 2). E~ tate of Charles C. Harrison. SeU·or. (Stated from December 11. ID37 to January UI. 1"59, HARRISON-Feb. IV. Second ACCOUDt of Fidelity - PhJladel~la Trust Company, Subst1tuted Trustee, Estate of EI1'en WaIn Harr.lson, DeCeased. (stated from September 5. IlHO to January 16. 19591 HARRISON-Feb. lv. Second Account of Fhtellty. PblIadelphla Trust Company. Substituted Trustee, Estate of Ellen Wain Harrison, Deceased. (''Edward Wain Fund") (stated from. September 5, H.......... d.Uty.Phll ....lphIa TrUll CompeD' and _belll o. HoptlDe. Es.culon. ZlIa" of James P. Hopkins, Deceaaed. . JACKSON-Mar. 3, Second and. PInal Ao-coun' of ProvJdent Tradeamena BIIDk and Trust COmpany (Poonerl, Proddent Trust CampaoJ' of PhIladelphia) and Herben W. JlUltaon, Truatee•• tate of JenUle E. JackaOD, Deceued. (Trt1!t for Bruce .1. Cam.pbell) JAOGERS-Feb. n. First Account of Pld.U.'-PhII....lphl. Tnlll Compan,. AdmlnJstrator. Eatate of SUSRD W. Ja'w goers, Deceued. JARONSItI-Feb. 16. First and Jl'iDal Ae.. count of John J. Jagodzinski and ala... ley SarDOclnakt. Executors, Estate of Franc16zek Jaronald. a/k/a FranctAsek YaroDsid, Deceased. _ KENNEDY-Feb. 21. Flnt and FJnal Ac-. count of ProvIdent Tradesmell8 BB.llk 'and Trust ComplUly and Allce P. Kennedy, Ezecutors, Estate of .1amea W. Kennedy, Deceased, KIRKPATRICK- Mar. 3. First and Par-tlal Account of WWlam E. cree..,., BubstUuted Truste. Sur Trust Under Items 13, U, 18. and. 1'1. Esta\.<.s of Ezekiel JDrkw patrick, Deceased. KLAUS-Feb. 13. Firat and Pinal Account of WU:lam A. Klaua. Admlnlstrator. Estate of Elma P. Klaus. Deceased. KNOLL-Feb. 27, First and FInal Account of Florence K.. Kintzer and Florence V. Megee, Executrices, Estate of Harry J. DOl\. a/It/a H. J. Knoll. Deceased. KOLYNYCH-Mar. 3, First and FInal ACw count of Michael Kolynych, Jr•• EJ:eulor. Eatate of Anastasia Kolynych, DeceBM!d. LE BOUTILLIER-Mar. :I. Firat and Final Account or Provident Tradesmens Bank and Trust d"ompany and Benjamin H. z.... Entertain DAR ·T·he Delaware County {;~Lapl4r. the .Daughters of the ~~jVciIUtio • -was entel'tamed at tea at the of Mrs George Plowman on yard . avenue recently. The was .preeeeded by a board at the Comell avenue home of • Roy S~ Latimer. The program given by Mrs. R. J. Teal, Chairman of Conservation • Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde and Leslie :Wetlaufer served at the table • "Slow down' at sundown"- still wonderful traHic safety advice~ When the sun goes down ~ ti'aHic accidents go up. Twilight hours - and they start at' 4 P. M. in fall and winter- are the most dangerous of all. • • 16% of all traHic accidents In Pennsylvania occur between .4 and 6 P. M. D~ive extra carQfully then. THE BOUQUET SWARTHMORE CO-OP THE INGLENEUK \, E. L NOYES and CO. BAIRD and BIRD THE SWARTHMOREAN PETER E. TOLD STRATH HAVEN INN PORTER H. WAITE. Inc. SWARTHMORE TOGGERY SHOP SWARTHMORE' PRINTINGCO~ PROVIDENT TRADESMENS BANK .~ iRUst'~. J. A. GREEN ' CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE' • I, -CONTABIOUS DISEASES Mrs. Walter CUlbertaon of Chester road is a. patient in sylvania Hospital for ob"e,.,.ati~ La BouWl1er, Jr., Executors. B. Homer Le BQuWlIer, LEHENBAUER-Feb. 2'1, Account of Herbert J. ~h....~.". mlnistrator, Estate of Paula E. bauer, a/t/a Paula Lebenbauer. ceased. LEMON-Feb. 25, Fint and Pinal of 'Allce L. Emmons, (~OW GUbert) VemQQ Stanton, Tnuteea. Eata\e Carrie E. Lemon, Deceased. LIVINGSTON-Feb. lP. First Account of WllUam E. tor, EBtate of Loutsa M. Deeea,ed. MAC MACKIN-Feb. 18, Fint A~"'•• , Fldemy • Philadelphia Trust Eugene E. Ayree: aDd John E. E:lecutors, Estate of Anna B. MaCkin, Dece&S'Cd. MARTIN-Mar. 3, First and Final count of Elsie M. Kerbs, Est ..te of ElIJle May MarUn, MATTBEWS-Mar. 2, First. and count of Alethea. P. Gibbs, Estate of Loulaa J. Matthews, MO CLENAGHEN-Peb. 21. Account of Herb"ert E. Executor, Estat.e of Mary ).! Deceased. MOORE-Feb. 21. Flrst Account deU&y·Phlllldelphla Trust mlntstrator, Estate of Delmas L, Deceased: NEWLIN, Mar. 3-Account of GIrard Com Excbange Bank, Trustee for D. Newlin, Estate of J. Shipley Deceased. PRICE-Mar. 2. First and Final Account of Robert A. Wright. Estate of Allce Price. QUINN-Feb, 25, Fln\ and FJnal of OeClrge Robert Quinn, tate of Patrick .1. Quinn, RAFF-Mar. 3, First R. Orowr and The First Banking and Trust Estate of Anna K. Rart, REID-Mar. 3, First P. Reid Dnd The First Banldng and Trust CQmplmY, Estate 01 Clarence W. Clarence Wilson R~ld. REID-Mar. 3, First P. Reid aIVl The First Banking and Trust Company, tors, Estate of Clara P. Reid, Clara Pau1 Reid, Deceased. BAPOVITS-Mar. 3, First 'and Final count . ot . A'aron Sapovlls and sapomtck, Ezeculors. Estare of Sapovits, Deceased. SCHROYER-Mar. 3, First and Account of Sa.ra S. Beck, trix. Estate of Anne E. Schroyer, Anna B. Schroyer, Deceased. SEATON-Feb. 20, Plrat Account 'Fldemy wPhlladelphla Trust Guardian, Estate of B\1!nnle ton, an IDcqmpetent. SMITH-Feb. 20. First and Final of Anna' MyrUe Smith Burghari, trill:. Estate of Allce Mae Smith, ceased. SPARKS-Feb. 21. Account or Trust Corn Exchange Ba.nt, Estate ot Alezander M. ceased. STARTSMAN-Feb. 13, Account of Louise K. Gordon W. Gabell, Exoecutors, Charles W. 8larlaman, a/II:/a C. stansman, Deceased. SUTHERLAND-Feb. 3, First aDd Account of Janet D. sutberland, lstratrlx, C.T.A .• Estate of Jane Donhouse Sutberln1i~, Deceued. THOMAS-Mar. 2, PJra' and F1Dal of Eugene Tbomas, Ezeeutor. Mary Thomall, DeceBlled. TIMMINS-Feb. 4. Supplemental to First aDd. FluBI Account of street Trust Company, Merger to Interboro Bank Company, Erecutor, Estate A. Timmins; Deceased. , TINKER-Feb. 20, First and FinJl count of Maurice V. Sweney, Estate of EllIabeth Sweney Deceased.. TODD-Mar. 3, Firat and Final of Myrtle OOwen, EzecutriX, John Todd, Deceased. TRICKER-Jan. 2i. Pint and Final count of Florence Tricker. EzecutrlX, Estate of Carolyn B. Deceued. . WAGNER-Feb. 21, First and Flnil count of Merle J. Lynch, Ad,,,m~~~ C.T.A., Estate of PaullIre L. Deceased. •• • 01 WAONER-Mar. 3, First Account dellt1·PbUadelpbia Trust companY, mlnJatrator. Esate of Albert R. Deceased. WILSON-Mar. 2. Fint t.n~ Final of The Bryn 'Mawr TrUst Admlnlstralor. C.T.A., Estate DeBaYen WU.on. De-ceased. WOLPl!lNDEK-Mar. 3, 11"1~m:.::;,:~ The P1rat Penna)'lvanla l! CompaDJ' and Dr. CurUa Bnbstttu'ted Trustees tinder Estate Of -JoIm. Wolfeudell. (Accoant ,&&ted b~ reuoo. of UIe of Sara Wolfenden 8&oit-) WORRA.LL--~b. 27. PInt. aDd BeD, cOUllt 01 Ealller _ol_P.w~..... D"""'''4. ~. - o r __ • THE SWARTHMOREAN I Page 9 Mr. and Mrs. Guy G. deFuria of I.~~~~~~~!!~~~ REPORTEO II BOROUBH North Ohester road will entertain II T at a family dinner on Easter SunHOM 'SEREMBA Victims of contagious diseases day., Their son-in-law and daugh- UPNOLSTEIIY Ind SLIP COVERS reported this week are as follows: wr Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Wittrelch B Years of Swarthmore Referen... Over 30 Yeafs' Experience Tracy Anne Van Measles and their children Billy and Debby Phona SHARON HILL 0134 Riper, North Chester road; Frank of Colonia, N.J_, will be visiting Estimates Without Obligotion )lolloy, Jr., Strath Haven avenue; them over the -weekend. ~~~ Do~glas Boulter, Dickinson avenue; Julia Woodcock, Dickinson avenue; Richard Mill., Walnut lane. German Measles - Susan Wiekens, Swarthmore College. Chicken Pox - "feggy Spencer, Yale avenue. ! DICK FRANOHETn - TELEVISION MORTON. PA. 30 YALE AVENUE TELEVISION - HOME and AUTO RADIO - PHONOS Us or We'll Come to You" Klngswood 4-1028 "Bring It to I Acme Will Be Closed! GOOD FRIDAY - - - - - - - - -__ o::g::::: • IS March 27. 1959 THETAS TO MEET The Suburban Group of the Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Walter H.Dickinson on Forest lane. 12 Noon 'til 3 p.m; All lay Easler Monday Shop Thurs. 'til 9 p.m. Friday 'til 10 p.m. NEWS NOTES Mr. George A. Hansell of North Swarthmore avenue returned from Atlantic City, N.J., last week where he attended a four-day meeting of the National Football Clinic. Mr./ Hansell is athletic director, footbalh and track coach for the Pennsylvania Military ~llege, Qhester. Mrs. Hansell accompanied him on the trip. Mrs. Ralph Young of Waverly i. visiting her son and daughter-inlaw Mr. and Mr•. Young, Jr., and their children of Riverview roa4 (or several weeks. Mr. Hugh Peters of North Swarthmore avenue returned this week from an extended stay in Hollywood, Oalif., where he has assumed charge of a motion piC>ture production for R,C.A. in which such stars as Dinah Shore, George Gobel, Perry Como, Steve Allen, Vaughn Monrpe and Tennessee Ernie Ford "ill appear. ' Mr. and, Mrs. Henry C. Patterson of Maple avenue have had their daughter Mrs. Robert M. Harter and her son Ricky visiting them for the past few weeks from Ric)unond, Ind. Their son-in-law and daughter Hr. and Mrs. Leland Rosemond of Scarborough, N.Y., have spent'the last 'two weekends 'with .th"';•. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark Bittle ef avenUe will spend the Easweekend with their Bon-in-law i>I daughter Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Murray and their daughter x,rth'a of Cornwall-on-the-Hud- THERE IS A DIFFERENCE! ------- All Prices Effectivo March 25 to 28. //'hlly --'~ 1959 ( Cooked \ '\ :> Acme', Lenca.fet Brand Harral are truly fully.cooklld so there', no need to heat 'em ••• lust ,lite end ellt 'eml i 1 <-------~ Lancaster Brand Lancaster Brand Hams are hickory·smoked and mild· cured ••• wonderful from first bite to last Try a Lancaster Brand Ham soon ••• you'll say, "Finest, quickest ham ••• ever." Sold only at Acme Markets. c c Shankless Half 'b 49c Butt Half 59c (SmaIIer bams slightly bigher.) Ib Lcinca5t~~ B~~nd' "'Si;l~i;', Po;terhouse, T~Bone! IS Delicious, Fresh Cut FILLET HADDOCK Ib 65e Ib Corned Beef Ib , 6ge - . "i • Easter Feasting Values! Grade "A", All White' 2 ~-tb 29c pkgs ---.4- P.R.S? . \1 "; ~\ YORK. the nea.e.t of GOING from Phllodelphlo_ Any train Wednesday starting at 9;()() A.M. from PeMU. StaHon 30th St. and 9110 AM. from North PhIlo. StaNCIll. I GREEN FRESH PEAS S",eet, Tender, Full-Podded! pkg 19c Colorful Assorted JELLY EGGS 2 Ib·29c 25 27,oz39 ) 1.I,b C pkg C pkg FRESH FLORIDA, NEW, RED SKIN POTATOES 'New Crop! Freshly Dugl "- 5b!s~29C . DeliciQus FrHh. so easy to fix! ••• you'lllove lralft.· at :uo r ...... so..., .PNIod"P!"~, . PAAS EGG DYE KITS " """laoIioo" Mr. Wiker. Or. write .... Hey Kidsl ••• It's so easy with .~ Be ."... 0., , Coach liehl. b.'or. R.gular half.fare for chUdren_ $4.09, i"d. Fed. Tox. For duloo .. ' _ _ -cal EVergreen 2·1~ Ext....... 8097. AU lor NEW, LOW PRICES ON LARGE & MEDIUM SIZES! 2 RETU _ _.... "'.... _ N.w York some day. or until 12,45 A.M. Thursdny, boarding ,FRESH EGGS Stuffed Olives ~~::~ 7~-oJ49c Jar Salted Nuts :!':.::: ~:49c Cranberll Sauce:~:: 2 !::: 35c .,otato Chips Vi~j-.. basz 49C O-Oz 61c Pineapple ;~~~ 2 can, Large Shrimp:::: !....... 59c Tomato Soup:::,,~ 3 '~: 32c on Wednesdays. 1:!!1~ ' • 12-o ------- -- --/ New? these exciting dtres, New York, " Z/~t4N~ Les , FRIES Light BS a featherl ••• Fresh Baked Holiday Treatl '3~-;~44C FRESH. EASDR ,LAYER CAKE each79C ! " Page 10 • -.'i'~- - Mareh 27, 1959 THE SWARTBMO •• AM METHODISTS PLAI SMORaASBORD ATTEID MEDIIAL, more like Christmas than Easter," ished. (How many lions ever said The Woman's Society of Chris-' LEIAL SYMPOSIUM EASTER EGG HUNT the Bunny had thought nervously, "NO" to a volunteer dinner?). tian Service of the Methodist SATURDAY AT 10 but slightly encouraged, ·he had "You look wet," said the voice. Church is planning a Smorgasbord Dr. Merrill B. Hayes of Univer. "Come in and dry off." The Bunny sity place, Dr. George Lilley of (Continued from Page 1) trotted at left angle down to the meekly dripped in and dripped dinner for Friday evening, April 3 Chester, and Dr. W. Benson Harer hunt, but lured by the beautiful shop. He ~e~red ~ro.und the co~er some more, apologetically, on the from 6 :30 t~ 7. T·here will be a of Drexel Hill attended a medical. warm weathel"-a full day ahead of the buIldmg,hopmg for a g.a1~­ The Lion's Iineolum. table with hot and cold dishes. Note legal symposium sponsored jointly of spring-'he had stopped to cavort I pse of forest and brush, or a m~e "Here, dry off." Several towels ad elsewhere in this issue. by the American Medical Associa. on one of the college's gracious comfortable college dogwood; It appeared before his eyes. And when greenswards to celebrate the mat- was ~nlY another ,~an-made path tion and the American Bar Assoeia. the Bunny was considerably drier, tiQn in Washington March 19 and ter and it was not until the thun- (bearing the name DartmouthAvand his coat much fluffier, there de:storm later in the day that he enue") and the Bunny sigh~, glan20. was a deep pause. Finally the voice Dr. Hayes. and Dr. Lilley repre. had remembered his mission and c~d back at the encouragmg red announced decidedly, "You do need It was a lucky 13 for the wom, Delaware County sented the leapt unerringly onto Park avenue's and white pole, and turning sudmacadam surface denly hindside to, banged his cot- a cut. I will give you one besta en's swimming team of Swarth- Medical Society. and Dr. Harer the kind!" It was obviously a conces- more College as ,the Garnet MerMedical Society of the State of Just off the sidewalk was a sign tontail against the door. sion. maids finished off their 13th undePennsylvania. stating "Frank's Best" (A LION, It opened immediately. "Not to"But... " said the Bunny again. feated year in dual meet competithe Bunny ·had .thought with a day!", said a voice firmly. "No cuts "Er, only a trim", he inurmurea, tion last Friday by downing the qualm). Just by the sign was a togay!"· , ATTENDS. IRE CONVENTION eyeing the closed door sadly. Temple University tea'm in' the red and white mriped pole. "It looks "But..• " said the Bu'nny, astonGeorge W. Patterson of Dart. But (yet again), once he was en- Temple pool. The Swarthmore sconced in the chair, enveloped in swimmers now have a winning mouth avenue attended the Nation. an enormous barber's bib, wi,th a streak 93 dual meets long. al Convention and Exhibit of the The members of this year's squad Institute of Radio Engineers at the bit a paper wrapped neatly around his neck; once introductions had come from all over the United ~ew York Coliseum this week. He Leen made, and Frank-this man States - Florida, Maine, Califorattended a meeting of the insti. in white, with a trim set of whis- nia, Louisiana, Virginia and Ohio, tute's technical committee on eleckers on his ·upper lip (the Bunny and-Freshman Queen Penny Jones tronic compUi~rs, of which he has favored his on either side)--once has lived several years in Lagos, been a member since 1940. this man Frank had- neatly clipped Nigeria, where her father is asProfessor ~atterson, as one of .his way up ·and down one ~ong ear signed to' a post with the State Dethe newly elected fellows of the and was carefully beginning on the partment. Consumer's Co-Op Ass'n. 01 Swarthmore, Inc. 50,000 member institute, was acCo-captain Penny Payson Simkin other, the Bunny relaxed. 403 Dartmouth Avenue Opposite BorOUgh Hall "Lions are no more alarming holds the pool record at Swarth- corded recognition at the annual than Rotarians," he thought hap- m~re and Bryn Mawr for the 50- banquet Wednesday night. pily, "and this one is very hospit- yard freestyle and the butterfly, Closed eood Friday - 12 - 3 P.M. and the 50-yard freestyle record at able." CLOSED iALL DAY EASTER MONDAY Well, plans were made, last Sat- Ursinus and Chestnut Hill and the record at urday afternoon, between the Eas- 100-yard freestyle Swarthmore. In her frfshman year ter Bunny, and Frank Maselli, proPenny set the Eastern Intercollegprietor of the shop and chairman of the Lions Club annual egg hunt, and iate record in the 50- and 100-yard with Bart Calvert and Al Cather- freestyle events. She lost the 50man, fellow Lions ~ho dropped in to yard record the next year but broke • This professional pharhelp. They all agreed that Clothier her own record in the100-yard free'macy specializes in family Field (the Bunny mentally remov~d style event. Penny still holds this patronage. Turn to us for 100-yard mreestyle record, an4 on seasonal restrictions on the area in CHESTER ROSE anything you'd naturally· honor of the occasion) was to be March 14 she set a new record for lb. expect to find in a firstdivided into four areas-one for the the butterfly in the Intercollegiate Women's Swimming Championship. class Family Drug Store. four-year-oIds and under, one for A senior and an English major Our stocks are ample, our . the five and six-year-olds, one for HORMEl'S FUllY COOKED from Maine, Penny is married to prices fair. And, of course; the seven and eights, and another lb. , Swarthmore alumnus Peter Simkin remember we value your for the nine and 10-year-olds. It prescription patronage. was arranged that each group have formerly of Wallingford. The coua supervisor and each supervisor ple lives in thc borough. The other co-captain, Sail y have local Sea Scouts and members Freedman hails from California. a CATHERMAN'S