THE Page 10 W m. Craemer Named , 'Man 0 , t he Year SChO~11 Arts Cenler FutiYal l ate of New York University, of Commerce, Accounts and FInance. He is a member of Springhaven Club, Kiwanis, and the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church where he has served as president of the board of trustees and later as an elder on the session board. I Cites Blood Values Blood - for many years a valuable ally in modem medicine's fight Scheduled for Ma, Notre name de Lourden is spon_ against disease Bnd injury - has (Continued from Page 1) soring its first social affair "The Annual Outdoor Program taken on nn even greater import.- Spring Frolic" at St. Kevin'.. Hall served as treasurer and is now a ance today, now that scientists have Sproul road and Thompson avenue: Combines Talents in , member of the finance committee. learned how to salvage vital deriv- Springfield, on Saturday, May 2. Varied Fields Recently, Mr. Craemer started atives from outdated blood that was The dance with prizes 'and rehis 36th year of service with Sun The eleventh annual Festival of discarded.. Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Comth e Arts will be presented by the Blood that is donated at a Red freshments will be held from 9 to 1 Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Forsythe of pany during "rhich time he has C ommullity Art Center on Satu1'- Cross bloodmobile or at a hospital and proceeds will be used fo" the Thayer road will entertain at a building fund. served as secretary, treasurer and d ay, May 16, it was announced this is useful for transfusions only for cocktail party tomorrow evening. director. He is a cum laude gradu Music will be furnished by Bill w cek by - Mrs. Charles Dennis, labout three weeks, reports Mrs.· H. L. McCune, bIDed program chair- O'Brien's Orchestra. Dance chair. ch airman of the festival. The gala outdoor pro;&,ram each for the Swarthmore branch of man is Thomas Ravelli assisted· by y ear brings together the talents and the local Red Cross chapter. Blood Frank Rooney, tickets: J ames Lynn and John Rumsey, .prizes; Silvio sp ccialties of area residents in the more than three weeks old formerIy had no vallJ.e, but in recent years Copertino, B. Donnelly t Frank val'ied !fields o'f art. Fcatured this year wBI be: scientists have learned how to ex- Flynn, refreshments; and the Worn. en's Auxiliary, decorations. A Clothesline Exhibit, The Ro>sel tract three valuable blood componV alley Quartette in excerpts from ents - gamma globulin, serum albumin and fibrinogen - to add to Gi Jbert and Sullivan, Daylight Saving Time modern medicine's arsenal. ainting, a Hobbyist Corner P Consumer's Co-Op Ass'n. Swarthmore, Inc. , globulin is used primarco Hectors and hobbyists, the Rose ilyGamma Begins to fight measles nnd infectious alley Junior Chorus, a Flower 403 Dartmouth Avenue Opposite Borough Hall v ooth for horticulturists, and OddSlhcpntitisj fibrinogen i!; a valuable B Sunday, April 26 aid in halting hemorrhaging, paI'a nd Ends CornerI,for bargain ticular1y during chi.Idbirthj and lectors. 2:00 A.M. serum albumin is used in the treatFor children there will be a Show ment of shock caused by loss of BONELESS TOP ROUND blood. of Pets, a War Dance by a group These blood derivatives are disB oy Scouts, Children's Pantomime, Puppet Show, Pony Rides, a tributed free of charge by the Red a Cross, said Mrs. McCune, thereby poIe Dance, games and ents. saving members of the community m CENTER CUT Chairman of the various activi- a tremendous expense. Last year to in Pennsylvania alone, for examllle, ti es are: Admissions, F. LeRoy Gilbert the value of the gamma globulin an d Hans nietze; hobby, Mrs. Ed. distributed by the Red Cross if sol a commercial outlet, would have w ard Lebeis; clotheslinl!, Mrs. Milli· nt Clark, arrangements, Larry $105,028; the value of the serce CHESTER ROSE HIOKORY SMOKED d Dick Graves; decorations, Mrs. urn albumin, $95,080; and the fib· an SLICED BACOrl lb. pkg. It supplies the long-'elt T. G. Crost; information. .Mrs. rinogen, $10,428. Hartman, Mrs. Edna Every effort is being made by the helm a T need for a Teen - Age te rs; program, Robert Mather; chil- Red Cross to salvage additional deCO-OP RED LABEL en's pantomime, Janet rivatives from blood, said Mrs. McRendezvous here in the 1-lb. tin 74c drarbarB Graves; Rose Valley Cune, in the hope that even more Vacuum Pack B Borough. , te tte, 'war dance, A. Reimesshussel; valuable medical aids can be found. Regular - Drip - Pulverized p uppets, Emma Louise Warfield; ch ildren's games and pet show, Jan_ CELEBRATE SECOND ANNIVERSARY 100"/0 Pure College ·Crest College Ah;mnae, et Shuggart. G. Boyd McConkey, \ . Sincerest Wishes R obert Arnold; cake table, Mrs. Delaware County, Mainline Club, guests at a surprise birthday George Harvey, Mrs. Cuchler; for Success! 2 Ibs. 69c sn ackbar, Dr. Sitkoff, John Mc- party given Tuesday evening by Q uade: children's booth, Mrs. Thel- MI·S. Dirk A. nedel of "Norbrooke", m a Barry: flower booth, Mrs. John Wallingford. The party was in celeSCHIMMEL McQuade, Mrs. Edward McElIwein; Ib,'atiion of the group's second anni3 qts. SSc 0 dds and ends, Dr. William F. Nav-Iversa,ry. in ; poster, Mrs. J. Mark KirkgassWiillh.m'V. Price of Rose Valley (A Vitamin·Enriched Grape Drink er ; portraits, Cyril Gardner, Ad- presented the program, a talk enDrug m iral Schmidt, Frances Lockman. titled "Behind the Curtain". The F.F.V. Rain date for the festival is May ann~al meeting 'apd elections were I pk·29c 1 7. Swarthmore, Pa. held during the evening. . J 16 - w co-op FOOD MARKET 0' Swift's Premium Roost of Beef Ib.89c . Pork Chops·lb.79c GOOD LUCK liTHE SPOT" • 59c I· COFFEE • . PARADICHLOROBENZENE Catherman GRAPE JOY Store FUDGE 'n' NUT COOKIES . CO-OP NEWS NOTES "I saw it in the Swarthmorean." 2 Ibs. 39c Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Osterville, Mass., were recent sitors at the home of their son-invi aw and daughter Mr. and Mrs. I Box of 64 bags for 6Sc F rederick T. Anthony of Vassar a venue. Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Griffin CO-OP RED LABEL "BLUE LAKE VERTICAL PACK of Rutgers avenue were visited over - 4.for $1.00 t he weekend by their son and d aughter-in-Iaw Mr. and Mrs. RichRED LABEL GRADE A a rd P. Griffin' ·and their four chilfor $1.00 d ren of North Caldwell, N.J. (No.2 can) Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones f 0 North Swarthmore avenue spent FLORIDA unday and Monday of this week in 3 doz. $1.00 SRichmond, I Va., where Mr. Jones a ttended the Regional Comptrollers pint box 43c I nstitute Convention. Mrs. George L. Woelfel of College enplaned from New venJIe a FLORIDA RED SKIN for Hor~iorth-Leeds, 3 Ibs. 19c EWednesday ngland, for a month's stay where she will visit her daughter Mrs. ohn B. P~ole and her husband. J PASCAL Mrs. Poole is the former Mary 2 stalks19c Woelfel of Swarthmore. Ronnie and Peter Wrege, sons of Dr. and Mrs. Edgar E. Wrege Walnut lane are celebrating their b irthdays today with an overnight c amping and fishing trip with a couple of friends and their 'athers. Ronnie is 12 today and Peter is and SEE THE "NEW LOOK" e ight. Mrs. Donald Cl'osset of Thayer Creen and Yellow White and Red Onions oad, accompaniedl by her mother Squash - Fresh Corn - Escarole - Endive - Arti- r1\Irs. Willi;:lln PohlnH'yer, recently chokes - Avocados - Watercress - Boston Lettuce 'isited -her son-in-law nnd daughter Fresh Pineapple - White lIIr. and Mrs. William Brink of ,, __ III Romaine Lettuce Cantaloupe Haven" Conn., and her son-in-law Honey Dew Seedless Crapes daughter Mr. and 1\Irs. William Scallions - Rhu6arb - Radishes •.. and many and Whitaker of Stonington, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sheldon Turner others. I of Washington, D.C. visited Mr. Turner's mother Mrs. George H. BREYER'S'ICE CREAM Turner of North Swarthmore Bvenue over the weekend. Special!. Mrs. William Ward, 4th, Wallingford, will entertain the memSTRAWBERRY PARFAIT bers of the board of the Junior Woman's Club Thursday evening ~ her home on Plush Mill road. , MARGARINE "You Meet the Nicest People at Speare's" 0f co-op and "They Do Sell the Nicest I Things at Speare's" TEA BAGS 7 TOMATO JUICE ~~;;:;: - JUICE ORANGES STRAWBERRI ES [0 VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT Find the Lingerie you want in our beautiful. bountiful collection . • • choose from these - 1h 8alloa , - SI.OO . -',,' • our In erie ee s• • • .VISIT RlIA - C...... SEVENTH AND WELSH STREETS • CELERY - .. STORE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday, 9:30-5:30 Friday, 9:30.9:00: Saturday. 9:30-5:30 NEW POTATOES - Wear RTHeMOREAN THE a Poppy Swarthmore, Pa., Friday, May I, 1959 VOLUME 31-NUMBER 18 UN Open House Scheduled for Ma, Boroughites Invited to Event Saturday in Whittier Borough Visitor Dies of Mrs. W. Alfred Smith 2 Final arrangements have been completed for the. United Nations Weekend to .be held in .Swarthmore this week. Thirty-three delegates and their families, representing 22 Permanent Missions to the United[Nations will be arri~ing this afternoon and tomorrow morning as guests of the community. In addition to those listed earlier, acceptances have also been received from Mlle. Jacqueline de Klopstein, Bulgaria: SrtB. Hilda Rivera, Sr. Lito Gurpide and Sr. Carlos Alberto Civodanes, Guatemala; Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Tandan and daughter and Mr. end Mrs. N. S.· Sarma many famous· names ••• • • • " • BARBIZOII SCHRANK SPUN·LO KAY NOBLE Kltz • • • • • KAYSER' CARTER BLUESWAN MARILYN SIIP.IT • LORRAINE • ARISTOCRAFT • STOHESWEAR • KAY EYAIS • ELAINE SKLlIl Pretty Slips and Petticoats in Lovely New Colors; Dainty Panties, Sleep and Loungewear in. Cool, Carelree Fabrics -'. . " I· , Wear a Poppy $4.00 PER YEAR Dr. Roy W. Fairchild Mothers 10 Present Chesler Road Injuries Resident's Father Adds to Pedestrian Toll Monday Annual Talent Night Mother Goose Land to Entertain Children May 7th The narrow, winding, tree.lined, non-super state highway that dissects Swarthmore has claimed another victim. Max Cohen, retired Philadelphia retailer and father of Mrs. Harold A. Sitkoff of 621 School lane, died in Taylor Hospital, Ridley Park, at 2 :30 a.m. Wednesday from injuries sustained as he attempted to cross Chester road at Westdale avenue at noon Monday. According to police, Mr. Cohen, The Swarthmore Mothers' 'Club will present Annual Talent Night on Thursday, May 7. A large cast of mothers will appear in an enter4 t ammen . t >p Ianne d especially for C h·l~ I "..lren a bout mothers in Mother Goose Land. The play is an original script written by Mrs. William A. Clarke, Jr. Under the direction of Mrs. ' Clarke, assisted by Mrs. Donald Fiedler, many familiar story hook characters will appear on the """ne- Woman's .Club. Art who was 71 years old, had alighted from a southbound bus and apparExhl"bl"t Oillens Tues. ently stepped off the curb -from ber hind a big tree near the Westdale with their son and daughter, India: Mr. and Mrs. Bunschichi Hoshi ani! Newly Installed President _ intersection in an effort to cross ·to the east side of the highway, en son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. to Preside at Hiroji Yamaguchi and son and route to his daughter's home. He daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wataru Meeting stepped into the path of a car drivMiyakawa and daughters, Japan: The Woman's Club of Swarth, en' by Virgil J. Wiltse, 46, of 18 M. Asrien Meisch, Luxembourg; more will meet at 1:30 p.m. Tues- Fariston road, Wayne, .who is viceday Wl-th newly installed President president in charge of industrial Mr. and Mrs. W. A • E . Green an d sons and daughters, New Zealand; Mrs. W. Alfred Smith presiding, relations for Vertol Corporation, Agha Shahi, Pakistan: Sara EI- for the opening of the Community Morton. Mahdi, Sudan: Rex Browning and Artists' Show. Dr. William Rial of Swarthmore Harold Houghton, United Kingdom Mrs. Avery Blake, chairman of examined the accident victim at the of Great Britain and Northern Ire- the ~rt department, ,~·ill pl'esent scene and sent him to the hospital land; and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mrs. W. C. Sigworth, a' guest ex- in the Springfield ambulance. AILancaster and son, United States hibltor, who is chair.han of the Del- though conscious, Mr. Cohen was in of America. aware County Art~· and. Crafts critical condition with a fractured All interested members of the League. A te",cher WjlO has taken pelvis, fractured left thigh bone, community are cordially invited to up art as '8 hobby, she will speak internal injuries, lacerations of meet the delegates and .their fami- on :(.Art for You and Me." head and left elbow. lies at the open house to be held There :wilf,be,'a reception for all Wiltse, released under his own Saturday evening between 9 and 11 exhibiting artists on Sunday, May bond of $500 on Monday pending p.m. at Whittie~ House. The guests 10, from 7 to 9·,p.m. The Art Tour outcome of injuries, was similarly will be introduced at 10 o'clock by to the Lord Jim Art Gallery. at held. for coroner's jury ·upon furnean Emeritus Everett Hunt and a Boothwyn has been postponed until ther hearing at 10 a.m. Wednesday. br,ief word of greeting will be given May 14. Further information may obtained from Mrs. BlaJre. ' Swarthmoreans who have lived by Dean ·William C. H. Prentice. here a while, still recall with sad~ On Sunday at 12 :30 p.m. ·there Swarthmore artists wishing to ness a similar accident some years will be a covered dish dinner for exhibit are asked to bring their ,picb .... ,. ago just a block south of 1II0nday's the hosts and their guests at Whit- li betw and the local Hpu Cross chapter. Blood ~'e' and John Humsey. prizes; Silvio Sp«2.cialtic:-; of urea residcllt$ in the more than three weeks old formerCupertino, B. Donnelly, Frank l'ied :fields of art. ly had no value, but in recent years \'~l Flynn, refreshments; and the\Vom_ Featured lhi~ year will he: scientists have learned how to ex~ en's Auxiliary. decorations. A Cloth(l~line Exhibit, The Rose tract three "aluable blood componVa Hey QuartC!tte in ('xcerpts fro~ ellts. -. gn!l~!.~a.. glohulin, ser~m al1J(>l't anll Sullivan, Portrait bumm ~lll(l t.J .~l mogen - to add to Gil Daylight Saving Time .. II0.'11 )YIS ··t C0 ,·n"r fo,' modcrn medll'llle'S arscnn1. '-' • • • Pa mtlllg", a . t th R Gamma J.dohnlm IS u~ed pl'lmarII)yls I h 0) S, e ose.. .. l'() I ic"tol'f:; am Begins , . F i l l y to fIght measles and mfectlOus lie,' Junior Chorl1~, n • ower . . . , . Va . . . I . t I Odd hepHtltls; flhnnogen lR a valuable s . . Bo oth tor hart leu tuns s'an( Sunday, April 26 . aId.In. haltmg hemorrhagmg, par. _ . d . d an d Ends Cornel' for lmrgam col- hcularl)! durmg chd birth; an 2:00 AM. lec tors. serum albumin is used in the treatFor children there ",ill be a Show ment of shock caused by loss of of Pets, a 'Val' Dance by a group of blood. These blood derivatives are disBo v Scouts Children's Pantomime, Puppet Show, Pony Rides, a Maytributed free of charge by the Red a GOOD LUCK pol e Danc<', games and refresh- Cross, said Mrs. MI.!Cune, thereby nts. saving members of the community me Chairman of the various activi- a tremendous expense. Last year to 5 arc: in Pennsylvania alone, for example, tie Admissions, F. LeRoy Gilbert the value of the gamma globulin "THE SPOT" an d Hans Dietze: hobby, M". Ed- distributed by the Reel Cross if sold wa I'd Lpbeis; e1othesHllr., Mrs. Milli- by a commercial outlet, would have ee nt Clark, arrangements, Larry been $105,028 j the value of the sel'an eI Dick G1'aves: decorations, 1\1r5, urn albumin, $95,080 j and the fibIt supplies the long-felt T. G. Crost; information. Mrs. rinogen, $10,428. elma Hartman, 1\11'''' Edna \VinEvery effort is being made by the Th need for a Teen - Age tel' 5; program, Rohert 'Mather; chil- Red Cross to salvage additional deRendezvous here in the dr <,n's pantomime, .lanet Shuggart rivatives from blood, said Mrs. Mcrba1'8 Graves j Rose Valley QuarCune, in the hope that even more Ba Borough. tet te, 'War dance, A. Reimesshussel j valuable medical aids can be found. pu ppet:;, Emma Louise 'Varfield; chi Idren's games and pet show, Jan- CELEBRATE SECOND ANNIVERSARY " et Shu!(!(art. G. Boyd McConkey, College Crest College Alumnae, Sincerest Wishes Ro bert A l'nold; cake table, Mrs. De]awal'e County, Mainline Club, Ge orge Harvey, 'Mrs. Cuchler; were guests at a surprise birthday for Success! !"n.ackbar, Dr. Sitkoff, John Mc- party given Tuesday evening by Qu ade; children's booth, l\-frs. Thel- Mrs. Dirk A. Dedel of f4Norbrooke", ma Barry; flower hooth, 1\11'5. John \Vallingfol'd. The party was in celeMc Quade, Mrs. Edward McEllwein; bration of the group'!'; second ann iCatherman od ds and ends, Dr. 'Villiam F. Nav_ vel'sary. in; poster, Mrs. J. 'Mark KirkgassWilliam \V. Price of Rose Valley er ; portraits, Cyril Gardner, Ad- presented the program, a talk enDrug Store mi ral Schmidt, Frances Lockman. titled uB . . . hind the Curtain". The Rain date for the festival is May annual meeting and elections were I Swarthmore, Pa_ 17. held during the e~ening. 1 16 -' co-op FOOD MARKET Consumer's Co-Op Ass'n. of Swarthmore, Inc. Opposite Borough Hall 403 Dartmouth Avenue Swift's Premium J BONELESS TOP ROUND Roost of Beef Ib.89c Pork Chopslb.79c CENTER CUT CHESTER ROSE HIOKORY SMOKED I lb. pkg. SLICED BAOOrl • 59«; co-op RED LABEL 1-lb. tin 74c Vacuum Pack COFFEE Regular - Drip - Pulverized • 100% Pure PARADICHLOROBENZENE 2 Ibs. 69c SCHIMMEL 3 qts. SSc GRAPE JOY (A Vitamin-Enriched Grape Drink F.F.V. FUDGE 'n' NUT COOKIES CO-OP MARGARINE pk·29c 2 Ibs. 39c :\lr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Perry of Ostervil1e, 1\-1a~R.. were recent vi.sitors at the hOnle of their son-inla wand daughter 1\11'. and Mrs. F rederick T. Anthony of Vassar av enue. ::\fr. and i\hs. Harold G. Griffin of Rutgers avenue were visited over tb e weekc'lld by thei t· son and da ughter-in-Iaw 1\11'. and Mrs. Richar liP. Griffin- and their foul' chi1dren of North Caldwell, N.J. :\11'. and 1\'[rs. Donald P. Jones of North Swarthmore avenue spent S unday and Monday of this week in R ichmond, Va., where Mr. Jones at tended the Regional Comptrollers I nstitute Convention. ~Irs. George L, Woelfel of College a venue enplaned from New York Vednesday for Horsfol'th-Leeds, E ngland, for a month'J stay where s he will visit her daughter Mrs. .J ahn B. Poole and her hushand. ~ Irs. Poole is the former Mary :Voelfel of Swarthmore. Ronnie and Peter \Vrege. sons of Dr. and Mrs. Edgar E. 'Vrcge of ;Valnut lane arc celebrating their b il'thdays today with an overnight camping and fishing trip with a c ouple of friends and their ;fathers. Ronnie is 12 today and Peter is e ig-ht. :\rr~. Donald Crosf:et of Thayer r oad, aC'('oll1panif'd h;.- her motlH'r 7 for $1,00 FLORIDA JUICE ORANGES 3 doz_ $1.00 STRAWBERRIES pint box 43c FLORIDA RED SKIN NEW POTATOES PASCAL CELERY Y!S!T nliA VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT - Special! STRAWBERRY PARFAIT Gallon - $1.00 "h . EDGMONT;;;~~:: _ , • our 10 erie ee s• • • Find the Lingerie you want in our beautiful. bountiful collection . choose from these many famous names _ .. and daughter 1\[1'. and :\lrs. \Villiam :Vhitakel' of Stonington, Conn. 1\[r. and Mrs. J. Sheldon Turner of 'Vashington, D.C. visited Mr. Turner's mother Mrs. George H. Turner of North Swarthmore avenue over the weekend. Mrs. William Ward, 4th, WalI ingford, will entertain the members of the board of the Junior Woman's Club Thursday evening atl her home on Plush Mill road . SEVENTH AND WELSH STREETS • :I Ir~. \Villiam Pohlm0Y01', l.'C'l'(,l1tly v isited he}' son-in-law a Jill daughter , and }'fr~. 'Villi~m Brink of New MI'. Haven, Conn., and her son-in-law , ( ••HI STORE HOURS, Monday thru Thursday, 9:30·5:30 Friday, 9:30-9,00; Saturday, 9:30·5,30 , , 2 stalks 19c and SEE THE "NEW LOOK" White and Red Onions - Green and Yellow Snllash - Fresh Corn - Escarole - Endive - Artichokes - Avocados - Watercress - Boston Lettuce Romaine Lettuce - Fresh Pineapple - White Seedless Grapes - Honey Dew - Cantaloupe Scallions - Rhul)arb - Radishes ... and many others. "You Meet the Nicest People at Speare's" and "They Do Sell the Nicest ,Things at Speare's" , 3 Ibs. 19c BREYER!S IOE OREAM 041 saw it in the Swarthmorean." NEWS NOTES CO-OP Box of 64 bags for 6Sc TEA BAGS CO-OP RED LABEL BLUE LAKE VERTICAL PACK 4 for $1.00 GREEN BEANS CO-OP RED LABEL GRADE A TOMATO JUICE (No.2 can) Notre Dame de Lourdes To Sponsor 'Spring Frolic' Cites Blood Values • • • • • BARBIZON SCHRANK SPUN·LO KAY NOBLE Katz • • • • • KAYSER CARTER BLUESWAN MARILYN SNIP-IT • • • • • LORRAINE ARISTOCRAFT STONESWEAR KAY EVANS ELAINE SKLAR Pretty Slips and Petticoats in Lovely New Colors; Dainty Panties, Sleep and Loungewear in Cool, Carefree Fabrics '~--------------~------' 8~mrtl)J:]0::-0 V() 11(Jr,~ Li hrrory '::;vw rthmoro Wear a Poppy THE VOLUME 3I-NUMBER 18 Scheduled for May BorolJghites Invited to Event Saturday in Whittier RTHMOREAN Swarthmore, Pa_, Friday, May 1, 1!J5!J Mrs. W_ Alfred Smith UN Open House 2 Final al.'l'angements have been completed for the. United Nations Weekend to be held in Swarthmore this week. Thirty-three delegates and their families, representing 22 Permanent Missions to the UnitedlNations will be arriving this arftcrnoon and tomorrow morning as guests of the community. In addition to those listed earlier, acceptances have also been received from Mlle. Jacqueline de Klopstein, Bulgaria; Srtn. Hilda. Rivera, Sr. Lito Gurpide and Sr. Carlos Alberto Civodanes, Guatemala; Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Tandan and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Sarma with theil' son and daughter, India; Mr. and Mrs. Bunschichi Hoshi and. son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Hiroji Yamaguchi and son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wataru Miyakawa and daughters, Japan; M. Asrien Meisch, Luxembourg; Mr. and lIIrs. W. A. E. Green and sons and daughters, New Zealand; Agha Shahi, Pakistan; Sara ElMahdi, Sudan; Rex Browning and Harold Houghton, United Kingdom of Great Br;tain and Northern Ireland; and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lancaster and son, United States of America. All interested members of the community are cordially invited to meet the delegates and their families at the open house to be held Saturday evening between 9 and 11 p.m. at Whittier House. The guests will be introduced at 10 o'clock by Dean Emeritus Everett Hunt and a brim word of greeting will be given by Dean 'Villiam C. H. Prentice. On Sunday at 12 :30 p.m. there will be a covered dish dinner for the hosts and their guests at Whittier House, arranged for by the Peace Committee of the Friends Meeting. Hosts and hostesses will be listed in next week's Swarthmol'ean. Wear Woman's G1ub. Art Exhibit Opens Tues. Newly Installed President to Preside at Meeting Borough Visitor Dies of a Poppy 54.00 PER YEAR Dr. Ro>, VI. Fairchild Mothers to Present Ohester Road Injuries Resident's Father Adds to Pedestrian Toll Monday Annual Talenl Night Mother Gooss Land to Entertain Children May 7th The nanow, windin:r, tree-lined, non-super state highway that dissects Swalthmore has claimed another victim. Max Cohen, retired Philadelphia retailer and father of :Mrs. Harold A. Sitkoff of 521 School lane, died in Taylor Hospital, Ridley Park, at 2 :30 a.m. \Vednesday from injuries sustained as he attempted to cross Chester road at Westdale avenue at noon Monday. According to police, Mr. Cohen, who was 71 years old, had alighted from a southbound bus and apparenUy stepped off the curb·from behind a big troc near the Westdale intersection in an effort to cross to the east side of the highway, en route to his daughter's home. He stepped into the path of a car driven by Virgil J. \Viltse, 46, of 18 Fariston road, 'Vayne, who is vicepresident in charge of industrial relations for Vertol Corporation, Morton. Dr. 'Villiam Rial of Swarthmore examined the accident victim at the scene and sent him to the hospital in the Springfield ambulance. AIthough conscious, 1\'11'. Cohen was in critical condition with a fractured pelvis, fractured left thigh bone, internal injuries, lace-rations of head and left elbow. Wiltse, released under his own bond of $500 on Monday pending outcome of injuries, was similarly held for coroner's jury upon further hearing at 10 a.m. Wednesday. The Swarthmore :\lother5' Club ,viii present Annual Talent Night on Thursday, ulay 7. A large cast of mothers will appeal' in an entertainment . planned especially for children about mothers in :Mother Goose Land. The play is an original script written by Mrs. William A. Clarke, Jr. Under the direction of Mrs. Clarke, assisted by Mrs. Donald Fiedler, many familiar story book characters will appear on the scene-Little Bo-Peep, Jack and JllI, Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle.Dee, 1\11'. Nobody, the Seven Dwarfs and the Boy Who Cried, "Wolf". There will be trees that sing and dance and a choral group. Mrs. Andrew Wallace as the witch, 1\Irs. Richard Schaible as Susie, and Mrs. John Harvey as Tommy will portray the main roles. Music for the play has 'been gleaned from such well known composers as Victor Herbert, Peter Tschaikow_ sky and E. Humperdinck along with some of 'Valt Disney's classics. 1\1rs. Richard Turner will be the accompanist and Mrs. Thomas \Vallace will be special soloist. New officers for next season will be installed. Those to be seated are :\Irs. H. Leland Clifford, president; Mrs. John \V. O'Brien and Mrs. Clarke, Jr., vice-presidents; Mrs. Mort Whitehead and Mrs. Richard Germano, secretaries; Mrs. Arthur Collins, director; Mrs. Franklyn Nolt, treasurer; Mrs. Robept West, membership chairman; and Mrs. Earl Scott, hospitality chairman. Thursday's program will begin promptly at 7 :30 p.m. in McCahan Hall in the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church on Harvul'u avenue-. Refl'eshments will be served with special 'treats for the children. Mrs. Franklyn Nolt ano Mrs. Raymond Cournoyer will be hostesses ,for the evening. Guest Minister to Preach Here Sunday Presbyterians to Hear Yale Avenue Resident The Rev. Roy \V. Fairchild, Ph.D., ,vill preach in the Presbyterian Church Sunday at both the 9 :30 and 11 o'clock s<'l.... ices. His topic will be 4'Christian Family Living Suburban Style". Dr. Fairchild serves on the Board of Christian Education as associate director of the office of family education research, and during the past year has been th~ advisor of t.he Swarthmore Church's fellowship for college students. Previous to his joining the staff o! the Board, Dr. Fairchild was for SIX years an assist,~nt professor .of psychology -at Oc.cldental College. From 19~8 to ~950,. he was the Presby~enan UmVel'Sl~y past~r and WestmInster FoundatlOn Director Swarthmoreans who have lived at the University of Southern CaJi_ here a while, still recall with sad- fornin. Earlier he served on the ness a similar accident some years staff of the University of Chicago's ago just a block south of i\Ionday's Counseling Center. He served as site. Mt. Holyoke place re!:>ident Assistant Pastor of the First Pl'CSMrs. William A. (Cornelia) Gar- byterian Church of San Anselmo, rett, nlother of l\I~'s. Edward M. Cal., from 1943 to 1946, during James of North Swarthmore ave- which time he also taugh.t under nue, was cl'ippled the rest of her life the auspices of the California State when struck ~by a cal' as she at- Department of Education at San VERDI REQUIEM tempted to cross the highway from Quentin Prison. east to west at Strath Haven aveSET FOR MAY 3 Daisy Day Volunteers A resident of Yale avenue, Dr. Heads Drive for Many local residents are involved nue. Fairchild will assume'chairmanship To Stari Today in a performance of Verdi's Reof the department of Christian Retarded Ohildren quiem, which will be presented at 'SPRING FORMAL' Education, San Francisco TheologVolunteers hope for sunshine for Clothier Memorial on Tuesday eveFOR JRS. AND SRS. ical Seminary at San Anselmo, Cal., Mrs. Barbara .Mowbray, 105 CorDaisy Day (Benefit Children's Hos- ning, May 12 at 8 p.m. This concert ne1l avenue, is heading a fund drive The Senior Assemblies will COn- on July 1. pital, Philadelphia) on May 1 and is given by the Delaware County in Swarthmore for the Delaware clude the season with a spring 2, as over 150 workers do their all . Festival Choir, under the direction formal this evening at the Woman's County Association for Retarded 'From uearly birds", Pat Ridgway JR. CLUB SPONSORS of Robert Grooters, and by the Club from 9 to midnight. Robert Children. She is being assisted b;r and Susan Dugan, to the theatre MEALS FOR MILLIONS several women in the borough who Lansdowne Symphony Orchestra, Holm and his orchestra will provide "owl shift", the borough Will be well under the direction of Henri Elkan. the music, with Walter Keenan as The Junior \Voman's Club of have agreed to canvass their neigh.. covered. Those participating, under An earlier performanl!c of this master of ceremonies. Swarthmore will once again spon- borhoods. the direction of Mrs. lX>uglas T, same work win be given at the sor the annual Meals for Millions Because the coverage will by no Davidson, district director, arc as Members of the floor commlttee Upper Darby Junior High School drive in this area, it has been an- means be complete, she has asked follows: who will assist MI'. Keenan and the Auditorium this Sunday, May 3, at nounced by Mrs. Richard Reuther, fOr volunteers. Anyone wishing ·to Captains - Mrs. EIli, Ridgway, class hosts are Bill Rowland, Cul:i 3 p.m. chairman. The campaign, beginning help is asked to call her at KIngsCratsley, Bill Scholz, Dave Grogan, Phillip Swayne, Mrs. John Price, The concert at Swarthmore Coltoday, !\fay 1, will run for two wood 4-1107, or Mrs. Martha Mid_ Mrs. H. F. A. Sessions, Adeline Robert Taylor and Johnny Thurlege on May 12 is made possible by weeks. dleton, 130 Rutgers avenue, KIngsStrouse, Mary Lou McCorkel; Sub man from the senior class. Those the contributions of a group of The Meals for Millions Founda- wood 3-7286. Captain - Nancy Gayley. from the junior class are Bill Fuoss, local donors whose gifts last year, tion, observing its 13th anniversary Anyone who is not solicited and Burke Jackson, Hal Lawrence, Adult workers in Borough Hall in a drive headed by Mrs. Samuel this year, has undertaken the dis- who would like to contribute to the Steve Kamp, \Jack Poole, and John Mrs. Robert Walker, Mrs. Robert Clyde of Ogden avenue, resulted in tribution of a multi-purpose dry- cause may send a cheek to either Wigton. Hulme, Mrs. Donald Dye, Mrs. a surplus out of which this year's food to the famine ridden areas of Mrs. Mowbray or Mrs, Middleton, Twelfth grade class hosta are Mr. Bruce Hammond, Mrs. Carl Atkins, expenses 'are in part financed. the world. Developed by the Califor- or give either one of them a call to and 1\olrs. James Erwin assisted by Mrs. John Price, Mrs. J. Roy CarSoloists ·in the Verdi performance nia Institute of Technology, two have them pick it up. Dr. and Mrs. James Cooper and Mr. roll, Mrs. Francis Plowman, Mrs. will include Mr. Grooters. Members and Mrs. J. Roy Carroll. Mr. and ounces of this high protein food is Albert Kitts, Mrs. John Schumachof local church choirs are participa- Mrs. Francis S. Chambers, class comparable to a qU8Tter pound of (Continued on Page 3) Community Day ting in the chorus and other hosts for the eleventh grade will be beef, a baked potato, a dish of Of Prayer Monday Swarthmoreans play in the orches- assisted by Dr. and Mrs, John Wig- peas, fJnd a glass of milk. LEGION AUXILIARY tra. Used in famine and disaster The final Community Day of ton. TO OFFER POPPIES areas, it is consumed either alone Prayer for the season will take RECEIVES MATH NOMIIIATION as porridge, or more frequently place on Monday, May 4 .from 10 The American Legion Auxiliary LOCAL CLUBWOMEN combined with native dishes, such a.m. to 1 :45 p.m. at the Trinity asks the cooperation of the SwarthBart Schneider, an 11th grade OFF TO PITTSBURGH as tortilla batter in Mexico, curries Episcopal Church. mOre Community, in the form of a student, has been nominated as a The Pennsylvan1a Federation of in India, Pin Cha Duk in Korea, The morning leader will be Mrs. oCash donation, on May 4 at the candidate for a summer program \Vomen's Clubs will hold its annual or Slap-it-again bread among the Robert C. Lea, Jr., vice-president in morning trains, on May 8 at the in mathematics at the University convention in Pittsburgh May 4, 5 Indians of the Navajo reservation. charge of Prayer and Worship of Swarthmore Bank, restaurants, and of Florida. Bart qualified in the As in past years, collection boxes the Woman's Auxiliary of the Dio-elseWhere, until the auxiliary's competitive examination given to a and 6. Delegates from the Woman's Club of Swarthmore are: are to be provided i~ many local cese of Pennsylvania. The after... quota of poppies are exhausted. group of high'school students severstores. No individual solicitations noon program will be in charge of This year young helpers from the al weeks ago. Six 11th grade stuNewly-elected President Mrs. W. borough, under the sponsorship of denta competed in group 1, and nina Alfred Smith, IIIrs. Francis H. For- will be made. As Mrs. Reuther has 1111'S. J. Alfred Calhoun. Children may be cared for at the Mrs. James Connor, will also be studenta in gronp 2. sythe, Mrs. John E. Michael and explained, "For less than the price of an evening paper, the nutrients Presbyterian Nursery School where Present with poppies and boxes later The local contest was directed b;r Pioneer clubwoman Mrs. S. Blair in the week in .,arious parts of Halfred Wertz, of the mathematics Luckie who will deliver the Invo- of a well-balanced meal may be pro- hot beverages will be served at the vided for a hungry child overseas." lunch hour. town. cation. department of the high school. The Woman's Club of Swarth, more will meet at 1 :30 p.m. Tuesday with newly installed President Mrs. W. Alfred Smith presiding, for the opening of the Community Artists' Show. l\I~s. Avery Blake, chairman of the art department, will present Mrs. W. C. Sigworth, a guest exhibitor, who is chairman of the Delaware County Arts and, Crafts Loague. A teacher W}lO has taken up art as a hobby, she will speak on ~~rt for You and Me." There .will be a reception for all exhibiting artists on Sunday, May 10, from 7 to 9 p.m. The Art Tour to the Lord Jim Art Gallery at Boothwyn has been postponed until May 14. Further information may be obtained from Mrs. Blake. Swarthmore artists wishing to exhibit are asked to bring their pictUres between 3 -and 5 n.m. Sunday to the clubhouse on Park avenue. A card bearing name of artist, title of work. and price should accompany each piece. . . PersonaIS The following fishermen returned home Sunday after having spent '-'. CanMrs. M. R. Dimmitt of Rutgers a week at N ew BrUIlSWh"" I avenue had her daughter Mrs. Jo- ada, fishing for fresh sa mono They seph Walsh and her three children are Mr. George Plowman of Harfrom Doylestown visit with her this vard avenue, Mr. A. Laurence. ~ax- past weekend. Recently her son-inlaw and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Klamer of Whippany, N.J., and their two daughters, Janet and Carolyn, spent a whole week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shane of College avenue entertained Mr. and Mrs. Donald Porter of Grand Rap'd M' h Th are on their way ~:'Wa~~i~gto:Y where Mr. Porter will attend the National Chamber ter of Ogden avenue, Lt. WIlham H. Webb of South Chester. road, Mr. H. S. Darlington of MedIa, Dr. Newton A. Wyman of Wallingford, Dr. Howard Moser of Ridley Park and Mr. J. J. Sellers of Morton. They were among a party from Delaware Cou~t~ ~~ S~yed at a camp on tt,e MlnmlChl R,ver. Each fisherman brought home his quota of salmon ranbing in weight from . Mrs. Agnes DrIehaus of Yale a~ehnueMspenAtlta fewB days lafstswtoeenke WIt rs. N J on owers 0 Harbor, .. Phyllis Martin of Westdale avenue gave a surprise birthday party Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Edney of W~stminster avenue had Mrs. Edney's sisters Mrs. Raymond Jackson of Lancaster, N .H. t an d Mrs. Edwin Swann of South Natick, Mass., as guests for a week. Mr. al)d Mrs. Edward Egan, Jr., of Bryn Mawr avenue, were recentIy godparents to five son. of Mr. and Mrs. William Czygan of Chadd's Ford. The boys range in age from eight years to 16 months. The Order of Holy Baptism took seven to 16 pounds each. of Commerce Convention. for her fourth grade classmate Jan Bernard of Rutgers avenue, on Saturday. Mr: and Mrs. Edward B. Cornelius of Marietta avenue had as their guest over the weekend Mr. Cornel· of Medford, Mass. The baby was Havertown . . Mr. and Mrs. John Reid Hanna Riverview road and Mr. William named John Todd and was born on E ar1Stau·ffer, .so n of Mr. and ~"11"'·1 April 8. Mrs. DeBurlo is the for-. ISABEL'S CURIO SHOP mer Edith Thateher of SwarthP auI Leeman Stauffer a f 17 IV:2S' Ch ester R00 d 1 ter, which will take place on Sa tur-1 more. Webster's Definition of Curio: d,ay af~ernoon, June 27, at 4 :30 Maternal grandparents are Mr. Brie.a.Brae a clock 1lI the Swarthmore Presby- and Mrs. Charles Thateher of OgOeHniHon of Brie.a.Broe: terian Church. The. Reverend Dr. den avenUe and paternal grandAntiques and Fine Ware D. Evor Roberts wIll perform the nm~o~th~e~r~is~M~rs~.~R~u~s~se~I~I~D~e~B~u~r~l~o~o~f~=============~ ceremony. ,; The bridesmaids will be Miss Nancy Donley and Miss Helen Don30 YALE AVENUE MORTON, PAley, both of Elkland; Miss Nancy Gary, Swarthmore; Miss Gail BenTELEVISIOI - HIlME 'and AUTO RADIO - PHOIIOS nett, Bala.Cynwyd, and Mrs. How"Bring It to Us or We'll Come to You" rad Cates, Wilmington, Del. Klngswood 4-1028 The junior bridesmaid will be '=========~=~===============~ DIOK FRANGHETTI - TELEVISION Miss Sharon Creamer of Lancaster .•= Mr. Paul Olson of Overbrook act as best man for Mr. Stsuffer. The ushers will include Mr. JOlnn I R. Hanna, Swa rthmore, b ro ther. 0 f the bride; Mr. Jeffrey Wilks, Wayne; Mr. Robert Berdow, Malvern; Mr. Geoffrey Marshall, Onorato, Plainville, Conn., and Mr. Thomas K. Eby and Mr. R()be,rtl Creamer, both of Lancaster. A reception will follow the ceremony at the home of the bride's Mrs. E. LeRoy Mercer of Ogden Dr. Lawrence D. Egbert of Havavenue has returned to her home erford place recently returned from STORAGE Safe - Guaranteed Insured WOOLENS and FUR TRII 95c - ( Storage) (Up to 50.00 value) FURS 2.50 (Storage) (Up to 125.00 value - deaning extra) Westfield, N.Y.; Mr. Ronald E. ius' aunt, Miss Helen Co'rnelius of place at St. John's Episcopal parents. New Cana'an, Conn. Church in Concordville. ORANGE CLEANERS 12 Park Avenue Swarthmore, Pa. '::::::::::::::::::::::::========================== -a=~-: The Bouquet !lUCmmlmnnlllllDlIIUDllUnllllDollIIlIIlIlIIDIIlDlllllllnlllllllllUlclIIllIIlIIllClllllUlllIIllInIIIJUUlCUllIIlIIlUCllmUlDt M,'.s ATonnWe EDGalr"dl·JnUeLrY Webber, i =!l=: after spending three weeks with her a ~hort stay in Phoenix, Ariz., daughter of Dr. and Mrs. D.,ane I a son-in-law and daughter Mr. and where he took his final examina- Webber of Wayne, will be married § Mrs. Ross Allen and their children tions with the American Board of to Mr. James Hill Cleaves, son on the Isle of Hope, Savannah, Ga. An.sthesiology. Mrs. Carl S. Cleaves of ~ Mr. and Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Me~- ' Mrs. Donald W. Poole of North more place and the late Mr. Cleaves, ~ eer· spent a weekend at Mt. Dora, Swarthmore avenue and her sister on Friday, July 10, in the Fla., attending the District Light- Mrs. Marvel Wilson of Strath Ha- Church in the Great Valley, Straf- ii ning Boat Races. Twelve boats were ven avenue are entertaining today ford. ~ entered and Mr. Allen came in third at the Poole home at a shower and A small reception will follow at ii ii ~ Ii BEAUTY SALON ! BEAUTY GETS 'THE MAY QUEEI'S CROWl ~,. § 9 South Chester Road Call KIngswood 3-0476 IIIa" a !§_- !! iii place. tea in honor of Miss Suzanne Har- the home of the bride's parents. ~ AcUwe He"'er ., the Bulae.. &.a. . ~ Mr. and Mrs. Irving E. Dayton rar of Yale avenue. The marriage .JlAriilHaWllaWIIIIEBmIIDIDIIIlRIIIIlIDlIlmmHlcHIIDlllmammHIIIIDlllmllJlnOUnnmnrDunnUIIIUIUllrnmDllli of Dickinson avenue have had as of Miss Harrar to Rollo Paul Greer BIRTHS their guest this past week Mrs. will tske place on June 27. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson F. BJI,ck-1 Dayton's sister Miss Nina Farewell Mrs. D. Mace Gowing of Parrish man of Wallingford announce the of New York City, whose new book road and Mrs. Donald P. Jones of birth of a. son, Andrew Blackman "Someone to Love JI has been pub- North Swarthmore avenue Ere hav- on April 25. lished this week b; ,Julian Messner. ' kR L d Mrs. FrederIc. ang of Maple avenue have left for California from 'where they will fly to Hawaii for a month's vacation In • e thel' r absence thel'r son and wif· Mr. and Mrs. Eben Lang and famIly of White Plains, N.Y., 'are staying in the house. Mrs; C. Brooke Worth of Walnut lane has returned from .. weekend with her son_in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. George W. Bahlke of Fredericksburg, Va. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bennett of the Swarthmore Apartments ·have as their guests for a week their daughter Mrs. Robert T. Smith of Stamford, Conn., and her two children Pamela and Deborah. --- A surprise birthdal' party was gtven Mrs. William Driehaus of Yale avenue by ·her husband Saturday night at the home of Dr. and Mrs. John B. Roxby of Vassar ave- ing a luncheon and bridge party this Tuesday at the Jones' home. M dM' r .. an rs. RIchard Noye and son KIrby of Rutgers avenu~ have returned home after spendmg a weekend in Buffalo, N.Y., visiting f amily and friends. Mrs. Blackman is the former Miss Priscilla Bradford Giles, daughter fM WI . 0 rs.. a ter C. GIles and the late Mr. GIles of Rutgers avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Giles of Locksley announce thEi birth of their second son, Paul Bradford Giles on April 27. ' lAMES ATTEIOAlrs The baby's .paternal grandparMiss Barbara Ziegenfus, Dickin. ents are lIlrs. Walter C. Giles son avenue, will be the maid of the late Mr. Giles of Rutgers ave;bonor 'at the marriage of Miss nue. Marian Gayle Hanna, daughter of Announcement is made of birth of a son, the third child, Mr. and Mrs. Russell DeBurlo, MAIAZIIE SIlISCRIPT.I . . ••• Call ••• IIRS. LLOYD E. DUFFMAI IU ••n........" ... iliac..... ....... CoII.ceThealre Mr. and Mrs. James Cokeley of Westminster avenue have as their guest Mrs. Cokeley's mother, Mrs. Edwin Haase of Cincinnati, O. Mrs. Haase is also sharing her visit with another daughter, Mrs. Davis of Juniata avenue. Mrs. F. V.' Warren of lane is spending two weeks ton, 0., visiting her sister Leland Walnut in DayMrs. R. D. Bertschy. -- Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes of South Princeton avenue entertained at luncheon Wednesday for her sister Mrs. 1. Fletcher of West Chester, and cousins Mrs. William L. Nassau, Jr.,.of Paoli, Miss Lucy Sutton of Haverford and Mrs. Joseph Anderson of Ardmore. AZALEAS 5for $1.GO 23 Varieties May 15 and 18 Fridoy- 9 to 9 . Saturday - 9 to 6 .Springfield Cornet of SAXER AYE. and POWELL RD. lIear Fire H.... WEllESLEY -IN - PHILAaPHIA Benefit Faculty' Salary Advancement For Information CaR KI 3-6249 • NOW SHOWINC Last 2 Days Fri. 6...Sat., May 1, 2 An Unusual. Heartwarming Story "The Black Orchid" Sophia Loren Anthony Quinn Friday Featuros-7:3S. 9:35 P.M. Saturday Features--6. 8, 10 P.M. "TARZAN'S ·HIDDEI JUllaLE" for CHILDREII SATURDAY I P.M. plus I •• & DISIEY CARTOOIS 3 STODGE DGMEDY FREE Dlln8J Reoords to Lucty Klddles Sun., Mon., Tues. May 3, 4,5 J Your , key toa Hear the "Children', Marching Song" "Inn of Ihe 8th Happiness" . I.' SPRllla TUIE·UP DIfECI{'BRAIES RADIATOR naSH GULF lAS OILS ROBERT J. ATZ, Mgr. .RUSSELt.'S SERVICE Opposite Borough Parkin.g Lot Ila,•• H. 1·1441 / DartM••tlt I •• LlflJIttI Closed 1:00 P.M. low that Jour income tues are paid and Jour ulcer has quietell lIown, whJ lIon'l JOU drop in and talk ,ourself into a new caara? LOOK OVER DOZENS OF NEW AND USED CAMERAS more abundant life! A PROVIDENT TRADESMENS "KEY" AUTO LOAN , Low Prices-Naturally! Trades-You Bet! ..• helps you live better by far by help'ing you own / 4-6 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. Klngswood Mrs. J. Herbert Foley of Harvardj Egan, Be:rrie Bovard, Heid Hon- Woodall, NEWS NOTES Mrs. Louis B. Dennett of Prince_ ton avenue will attend her clas. 'reunion at the Emma Willard School, Troy, N.Y., on Thursday and Friday of next week. Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Gurin of 3-4191' Fri. , 9 to Rose Valley. Nurseries, Inc. man. . a~d Kar~a of Glessen, Germany, and ton, Ann Kelcy, Claire and Betsy Mr. Russell Heath of Cedar lane left Wednesday on a business trip through New England' and will spend this weekend at Mt. Holyoke College South Hadley Mass. for Father~' weekend wher~ hiS.d;ugh_ ter Barbara is a freshman. Mrs. Heath is accompanYing him. Miss Mary Decrouez was home over the weekend viSiting. her parents Mr. and Mrs. PierrelDecrouez of Cornell avenue. Miss Decrouez is placement director at Wheelock College, Boston. Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee o\. Mt. Holyoke place spent the last two weeks in Washington, one attending the National Society of the DAR and the other attending the National Federation of Republican Women· JoIrs. MacElwee, as regent of the Philadelphia Chapter of the DAR, will chair a reception that the chapter is gtving :for 80 new citizens next Tuesday after Judge George Welsh'. induction ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Oarroll of Riverview road spent the weekend in Atlantic City and attended the Charity League Ball on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs .. Melvin K. Whiteleather and their children Christine and Jerry of ·~gden avenue spent the weekend in Was~ington where they had been invited by the Indian Ambassador, and were entertained by various members of the Indian Embassy. Mrs. Alfred Gary ,Whj~, former M,ss Klrsten Madsen o~ Copenhagen, Denmark as their weekend guests. Las~ summer while Mr. and ~r~. IzumI toured Europe they VISIted the Tomsens in Germany. ·Mrs. Walter N •. Moir of South Chester road left' yesterday for .Pompa~o Beach, Fla. She will return WIth her mother lIfrs. Frances Lumsden who makes her home on Walker, Bea Parker, Judy Remington, Sud Wright, Jackie Price, And~ew Delano, Jerry Hebble, Douggle Sutherland, Wendy Price, Carol McKinnell, Mary M. McWilliams, Billy Ryerson, Buel Scher, Dorothy Gatewood, June Marshall and Cacky Espenschade. Chairman of Springfield Shopping Center is Mrs. Jan Ellison. . Mrs. B. G. Lankford is district director for Media. Among volunteers are Mrs. Eric Fowler of Swarthmore, and from Wallingford: Mrs. Gordon Hughs, Mrs. Melvin· Whitesell, Mrs. Charles E. Webber, Betty and Susan McKay, Mrs. Henry H .. Herring, Nancy Herring, Mrs. Norman IIlancill, Ann Mancill, Carol Lankford, Signe Ramsten, Mrs. A. H. Ralsten, Sue Ralsten, Mrs. George K. Mateyo, Mrs. Hansell S. Gnlen, Mrs. William Halladay, Susan Halladay, Dinah Dooley, Mrs. Tom J. Settle, Sarah Settle, Mrs. Foster Simmons, Mrs. C. Ed- Kenyon avenue. Mr. and Mrs. P,aul Banks of Harvard avenue enplane tomorrow for a t':"o weeks' trip to California. On th,,,r return they will visit Mrs. !lank's brothers :&Jr. Hamilton Mitten. and ~:. ~illiam Mitten and theIr famlhes In 'Freemont, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gordon McConechy of South Chester road recently spent a weekend in Haddonfield, N.J., ·and.atten,ded the Society of Naval ArchItects Dance. Daisy Day Volunteers To Start Today (Continued from Page 1) Snyder, Jeannette Moore, Mrs. Clifford E. Seglem, Mrs. Kenneth G. Darrow, Mrs. B. L. Tacke, Gordon Tacke, Mrs. Hugh W. Bellas, Betsy Bellas, Mrs. William D. Jones, Nancy J·ones, Mrs. H. R. ~~iiii3~~iiii3~~iiiiii3~ ~~ IIotre Dame de Loardas Charall Broadway Comedy Become's Screen's Brightest New HitlJl _ "Mr. PenlJpacker" macy $pecializes in family patronage. Turn to us for anYlhing you'd nalurally expect to find in a first- class Family Drug Slore. Our stocks are ample, out' prices fair. And, of courset remember we value your prescription patronage•. ~~::;;:::::::;;;;;;;;;~;;~~ Seethe CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE MEMORIAL PARK in beautiful Klngswood WEST LAUREL HILL 3-0586 ~ en,y day (rom 9 to 4. a.lm_ Ave. above City Une 8ala.Cynwyd Stop in Office al aock Tower for guidance I High in the Poco nos, 5 miles from Newfoundland. Po •• you can discover the ·serene beauty bf the La~e Paupac Club community. The notural 3OG-acre Lo~e is surrounded by 1200 private ocres where a membership of fifty families enjoy wonderful summers. Good la~e and s!ream fishing, sailing, tennis, 2 sandy beaches, mag_ nIficent waterfalls. Two fully equipped cottages and several lo~e-front lots for sale. Furnished cottages for rent. Paupac Lodge accommodates thirty guests at moderote American Plan rates with private baths. Richard P. Bell, Mgr. Park, Pa. . Ridley Telephone LEhigh 2-7508 Sat., May 2, - 9 - I ST. KEVIII'S HALL Sproul & Thompson Rds.. Springfield Tickets Delivered, call KI 3·2851 Donation $1.00 KI 4·0727 '5 FOOD . MARKET TRY! ,AND SEE WHY 514 Yale Ave. IT'S THE FASTEST-GROWING U.S. CAR ' . ~ U. S, CHOICE Swarthmore, Pa, "Famous for the Finest Meats" .,' !~~~~~HOUsESteaks lb. 89c n..N'STlJDElM.KBR. Bachman's Is Falllous for the Steaks that You Can Cat with a Fork MORRELL'$ YORKSHIRE SLICED BACON lb. 49c U. S.CHoICE TOP SIRLOIN costs less to buy, less to operate - runs. miles and miles on little, lawcost regular gas. To wit: in the Mobilgas Economy Run, The Lark V.s outscared all V,S's with an ast()!}jshing 22.2S miles per gallon average. 'And, of course, the "6" does better. ~ The Lark affords of everything you' need, at savings you can't afford to miss. See it today. lb. 89c (Ground to Order) FRESH KILLED ROASTING CHICKENS lb. 39c POLISH BOILED HAM SLICED AMERICAN I SLICED BEEF CHEESE ..... lb. 49c .' lb. 98c BOLOGNA.... lb. 59c U. S. No.1 MAINE .WHITE POTATOES ...... 5 ·19c 1bs LARGE ~B SIE FlORIDA ORANCES FREE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . doz.49c FRESH GREEN Telephone TRemont 2-7206 Features-7, 9;35 ·P.M. 6 • This professional phar- 422 East Ridley Ave. CUSTOM LANISCAPE WORK lTiendly Sound Advice - - Charming summer cottage for two. Guest house on private estate in White Mountains. Near fine hotel with 90lf course and pool. Refined Christian surroundings. Suitable for prqfessor and wffe or two ladies. Utilities furnishd. Seasonable occu. pancy. Mrs. J. Troc;y lay. Whitefield. New Hampshire. For Information - Haines and their two .~hildren, of Wilda ~owlert Tom Gayord, Jim Conven:t, N.J., as house ~~ts fol' Richards, Molly Schumacher, Cal~ a few days. i y MacNair, Josie Lang, Naaney [,at FOR RENT SALE AND RENT IN POCONOS S·p" RI N'G FROLI ..~~" . Dancing, . Prizes. Refreshments. BILL O'BRIEN'S ORCHESTRA ==============. Falllily,.. Pharmacy r-F~~~~~iiii~~~~~~~~~~~ii~~~ii~~~~ er, Mrs. H. F. A. Sessions, Mrs. ward Richard Haig, Mrs. Layton P. Zimmer, Rose Garro, and Mrs. Eugene B. Spitz. Student Volunteers (many will work several times) - Pat Ridgi. way, Susan Dungan, Sally and Peggy McCawley, Alice Grogan, Mary Lee Cae, Deane Calhoun, Cynthia Topping, Betsy McKeag, Dorey Kroon, Susan Spencer, Karen Peterson, Karen Baskin, Janet JesSwarthmorean now living in Wash- ter, Bonnie Alexander, Nancy Gateington, D.C., was among the eight wood, Phyllis Hall, Ginny Alexanpast Presidents who were· guests· of der, Sue Bower, Barby Richards, the Woman's Club·at their inaug- Gay Pyle, Maiy Lee Mauter, Wen· ural luncheon, on Tuesday. . dy Davidson, .Kendre Lewis, Jimmy Mr.. and Mrs. Robert J. Turner Breakell, Paul Deyo,Peggy C,!rroll, Of" Gu~ern§eY~rOaa Visitea·~·thEdr son He.ather Foote~ ·Dora MacNair; Noel over Parent's weekend at 'Judy Courtney, Laura Enion; and Hamilton College, Clinton, N.Y ...,. Doug and Ronnr..Wrege. Mr. and Mrs. David L. Eynon of Also Bill carrilih, Cheryl Allen, Chestnut lane have Mrs. Eynon's Lolly Bullitt, Nell Preston, Tina eonsins Mr. and'· Mrs ..· . Aubrey and· Susan Seaman J Sally Sensenig, Middletown Road - Media. Pa. Opposite High M'eadow (between Dutton Mill ·ROOd and Knowlton Road) a brand new car Woodall, from spending Parents' weekend at Hamilton College, Clinton, N.Y., where their son Richard is ·a fresh- Amherst avcenue returned Sunday :>- Compare 'this wonderful new kind of car to any other, and you'll know why we have the fastest rising sales curve in the industry. :>- The Lark is shorter outside, yet seats six people comfortably. It 8:30 Mrs. Britton, Mrs. Clifford Marcus, Mrs. James Pearl, Deborah Pearl, Mrs. William Mitchell, Mrs. C. D. Betts, R' h d W B k C I Baker, Jr., Mrs. Wilfred Bailey, Mary IC ar . a er, aro Mrs. Kjeld Damsgaard, Ann Dams- Bailey, Mrs. Walter Randall, Jr., gaard, Mrs. William IIJoll, Mrs. F. Sandi Randall, Mrs. William Van T. Plummer, Mrs. R. J. Baker, Mrs. Norden. Harlow Rowell, Mrs. John Cushman. avenuJe, accompanied by Meric Gur- nold, ~itzie Ryerson, Janet Hunt, Elaine ler, !",nne Anderson and Robert,Sue DrIehaus, Ann Delano, Barby Jarratt will attend the Co~feren~e Nygard, Shelby Seltzer, Sue Bruce, for Exc~ange Stude~ts whIch WIll Ann Greer, Joan Bradbury, Bar. be held In SchwenksvIlle today and bara McClarin, Ruth McLeod, Nan. Sa~urday. cy Weber, Barbara Edwards, Nan. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Izumi of cy Braund, Susan Ross, Dabney Benjamin West avenue had Lieut. Smith, Nancy McCombs, Terry d Becky From Moylan: Mrs. Horace B. an.d Mrs. W'II' I .'8 C. T om~en ~nd DaVI'dso n, K at hy Sts mfor, theIr three e~Iidren, ChrIS, Tma and Robe:ta Jacksteit, Sue Middle- Emery, Mrs. Peter Ham, Mrs. John • The Came(a &I •••, Ship Pagel . THE , starring INGRID BERGMAN Starting Wed. - May STATE AUTO INSPECTION Soon you will be hitting that 01' vacation trail and NOW is the world's best practice time. SWARTKIlIBE. ItA. nue. i THE 8WARTHMOREAN r Ask for BEN PALMER PROVIDENT TRADESMENS Btml. IS< 'l.'rusf ComPtz"y A,ai!.1ble as a 2 and 4-door sedan. banltCl{l and station naon. SHRUBS and ';- Discover what you'll save. at YOUR STUDEBAKER DEALER'S FRUIT TREES THIS WEEK at dtaIers' displaying this Ilgn! Take a fun drive In The Lark and get this gift! Exclusive RCA·Vidor rt"OOr~: 4 hit songs by Pat SUZUk.I, star 01 •• 1-"Io....-.:r Drum Son,:' Open 7:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.· Daily Sunday: 12:30 - 5 P.M. '.PI.! STlllMAN'S AUTOt.tOTIVEC&NTER .. 50Unf McDADE IOULEVAltD, \ • ................... - . 2 Ibs. 35c FRESH TEXAS CARROTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ........ lb. 10c GARDEN 'FRESH pkg. 19c JUMBO FANCY . WINESAP APPLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Ibs. 39c AZALEAS Feotures-7:35. 9:35 P.M. Klngsweed 3-2290 FilE PAlIIII PEAS. SPINACH ' . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . .... SHADE· TREES I Clifton Webb DorothyMcGuire Chos.Cobum , B1.~, PINNA.. , PLUS a chance to WIN a $250 RCA Stereophonic Console, your new di· mension in sound. Nothil'!g to buy ••• no obUgatim~ NfJII ... no !;trin.;s altaciled.j IIpp~b" "t.en lor:ai lent.. prolkhil. FUSCO MOTOR CO. CHESTB .... FAI.VIEW lOADS, SW....THMOlE, _ _ Call Ilagswood '3-1100 for FREE DELIVERY FREE PARKING , • THE THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 4 THE SWARTHMOREAN sunda~EJc~~:II~I~s~::o~allageS May Day Cale~ralion Sel Junior Team Loses Salurday will begin at 9,'41; Sunday morning. fo~. The Junior Garne~ suffered a deThere is a nursery for infants to 'l' feat Saturday at the hands qf In. 'I was 13-3. Three two years of age 'at this tllne. .. ore th an..300 ' ~~en ts 0 f Swarth- terboro. The ·cOre u PhQne KIngswood 3·0900 At the identical services of wor- more College students are expected errors and some bad breaks gave PETER E. TOLD, Editor ship at 8:45 and 11 o'dock, Mr. to visit the campus for the annual Interboro their unearned runs. Barbara B. Kent, Managing Editor Kulp will usc as his sermon sub- Parents Day celebration on May 2. Swarthmore took an early lead Rosalie'D. Peirsol Sonya K. Horneff Marjorie T. Told ject, "Taking Children fo~ Grant- An all-day calendar of events has in their half of the first. They did Jeannette V. Howe ed." Also 'at both services will be been planned for them. this on a walk by Gary\ Gallagher representatives of the Philadelphia With President of the college Dr. and after two outs, a double by Fred Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post team of the Christian Home League, Courtney Smith, as moderator, a Braund. The lead was not long enOffice at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. an interdenominational layman's group of f'aculty and students wiII joyed for Interboro quickly made DEADLINE WEDNESDAY.NOON witness to the urgency of family dis~uss extracurricular activities. three runs in the bottom half of the Two sports events, tennis and same inning. From this point on InSWARTHMORE, PENNA., FRIDAY, MAY 1,1959 : worship. I The' Senior and Junior High track, with Swarthmore's tradition- terboro was never headed as they' PRESBYTERIAN NOTES urban Style" at the 9:30 and 11 Youth FeIlowship groups wiII meet al rival, Haverford, wiII be fea- collected four runs with the help of at 6 :45 for their regular Sunday tured. errors in the second, and six runs in The eighth and ninth grade fel- o'clock services Sunday morning. evening programs. . "TaUesin," a Poem for Voices by the fourth. lowship rtreat wiII be held this Church School ·classes meet at Ruth Circle wiII nieet at the home Daniel Hoffman of the department Swarthmore got one more run· in weekend at Camp Dwight, Down- 9:30 and 11 o'clock. The Women's Bible class and the College-age 'of Jean Edwards, 9 Ridley Creek of English literature, with incithe fifth on a sacrifice fly by Fred i ngtown. 1 • drive, Knowltonwood, on Monday dental music by Claudio Spies o~ Braund which scored Don Jones and A Spring House-Cleaning, super- class meet at 9 :30 on y. the department of music, will be finished the scoring. until the sevviseq, by the Board of Trustees, will . A coffee hour i~ served at 10 :30 a t 8 p.m. . Joy Circle will meet at the home performed. enth when Don Jones again scored be held Saturday morning from 9 for the congreg~tlOn., . of Mrs. Jacob Snyder, 127 Rutgers The traditional crowning of the on a fielder's choice. While Swarthto ;],2 o'clock. A lunch-time snack The Commumcant s class wtll avenue, Monday at 8 p.m. May Queen and the presentation of more's hit attack was limited to a will be provided. Volunteers are meet at 3 .p.m.. ., . Friendship Circle wiII meet at her court wiII take place in the pres- two hits one each by Mal Anthony asked to call the church office, The Jumor HIgh GIrl s ChOIr ~e­ the home of Mrs. George Dunn, 204 ident's garden, followed· by a tea ·and Fred Braund and one by Terry KIngswood 3-4712, by Friday n~n. he.arses a~ 4 p.m., and the Semor Dickinson avenue, at 8 p.m. Mon- for parents and faculty: . Innis, they did leave -10 men on base. The Rev. Roy W. FairchIld, HIgh ChOIr at 6 p.m. After dinner there will be a comToday, May 1, the Junior Garnet d Ph.D. wiIl preach on the topic, The Seventh Grade Fellowship ay. • The Woman's Society of Kedron bined concert by the Swarthmore plays its ;first home game at 6p.rn. "Christian Family Living - Sub- meets at 5 p.m. at Riverview Field against Folcr~ft. The Senior High Fellowship Methodist Church, Morton, b'BS in- Orchestra ·and Chorus. will meet at 6 :30. Nancy 'Gatewood vited the members of Swarthmore's ...... CHURCH SERVICES will lead the discussion on "Life Woman's Society to its annual BIos. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ELNWOOD. sam Tea on Thursday at 2 p.m. \Vithout Bombs-A Dream?" Dr. D. Evor Roberts. Minister The Community Day of Prayer There wiII be a Sunday School , Sunday, May 3 will be held Monday from 10 :30 to \Vorkers' Conference on Wednes9 :30 and 11 A.M.-Church School day at 8 p.m. at the home of Mr. 1 :45 at Trinity Church. Classes. Baltimore Pike & Lincoln Ave. The Bandage group will. meet and Mrs. Charles Hoover, 613 Y.,le 9:30 and 11 A.M.-Dr. Roy W. Photographic Supplies Swarthmore Fairchild will preach. Wednesday at 10 a.m. avenue, Morton. 3 :00 P .M.-Communicants' cla~s. The Choirs of the church will reThe Bible Study group, under the STATE & MONROE BTB. Estabhshed 1932 5 :00 P.M.-7th Grade Fellowsh!p. hearse on T,hursday as ifollows: leadership of the Rev. John Fry will MEDIA 6 :30 P.M.-Sr. High FellowshIp. Carol Choir, 3:46; Wesleyan . Quiet, Restful Surroundings With be held at 8 p.m. Wednesday, May 6 The Primary Choir will ·rehearse Choir, 4:15; Chapel Choir, 7, and Excellent 24-Hour Nur:sIna' Care LOwell 6-2176 10:00 A.M.~Bandage Group. 8:00 P.M.-Bible Study Group. Thursday at 3 p.m., the Junior Chancel Choir, 8 p.m. in the Chapel. OPEN FRIDAY EVENINOS Klngswood 3-0272 Choir at 3 :46, and the Junior High METHODIST CHURCH • Boys" Choir at 5: 15. FRIENDS MEETIND NOTES John C. Kulp, Minister The Chancel Choir rehearses at At the Adult Forum Sunday Dr. Charles Schisler 7 :30 p.m. Thursday. Minister of Music William Hordern, formerly on the , Sunday, May l Swarthmore faculty and now at 9 '46 A M.-Church School classes. TRINITY NOTES Garrett Biblical Institute in Evans_ 8 ;46 a';d 11 A.M.-Mr. Kulp will The first corporate Communion .ton, will speak on "The New APPRECIATION preach. 6 :46 P.M.-Sr., Jr., Youth Fel- for the newly confirmed will be held Theology." ,During the remaining this Sunday morning at the 8 o'clock Sund'ays in May there will be Meetlowships. We extend our grateful apprecicelebration. Following the service a ings for Worship at both 9:41; and ation to the thousands of families TRINITY CHURCH breakfast for the group and their 11 a.m. -. Layton Parkhurst Zimmer, Rector parents and husbands or wives will The annual First-day Bird Walk who have reQed on our service.; Sunday, May l be served. There will be a ,service is scheduled for 6:30 a.m. Sunday 8:00 A.M.-Holy Commnnion. of Holy Baptism at 9':30; all de- (except for the Nursery group 9 :SO A.M.-Holy Baptism. Church Seliool. partments of the Church School win which wilI come at '7). The walk 11:16 A.M.-Holy Communion. meet at that hour, and at 11:15 wilI be folIowed by b~eakfast '8t 7:00 P.M.-E.Y.C. there will be a celebration of the about 8:15. There wiII be no FirstDI ••CTOD O. fUNDAU Monday, May 4 Holy Communion. day School classes. . 1820 CHlSfNUf SfRIl" 9:00 A:t-g'll~I~ ~~~':~nion. The E.Y.C. wilI meet this Sunday In case of rain, breakfast will be OI/VEIIL BAlI. _ . MMtt It.IAIII, ... I I... 10 :00 A.M.-Holy Communion. to see a color film. The movie will served in Whittier House at 9 folt .., . Wednesday, May 6 be folIowed by a discussion and re- lowed by regular School Rogation Wednesday freshments. classes. The Bird Walk will then be 7 :.00 A.M.-Holy Communion. There will be a celebration of the held on May 10, with no breakfast 9 :30 A.M.-Holy Communion. Holy Communion at 9 oclock Mon- following. S :00 P.M.-Evensong. day morning. At 10 o'clock the ComThe Meeting will be host to Thursday, May 7 munity Day of Prayer will be held Swarthmore's guests from the (Ascension Day) '1:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. at Trinity Church. At 4 p.m. the United N'atiolls at a covered dish 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. Annual Convention of the Diocese luncheon Sunday at 12:30 in the THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY of Pennsylvania wilI open in the Rushmore Room. AlI Meeting memOF FRIENDS Church of the Holy Trinity, Phila· bers are urged to attend, bringing Sunday, May 3 delphia. At 8 o'clock that evening twice the usual serving of a salad or 6:30 A.M.-Annual Bird Walk. a service celebrating'the ·I'16th An· casserole in order W provide for the 8:15 A.M.-Breakfast at Whittier niversary of the Diocese of Penn- UN visitors. Also bring your table House. sylvania will be held at the Acad· settings. Beverages and dessert will \ 9 :45 A.M. - Adult }<'orum: Wi!- emy of Music. The Rt. Rev. Arthur be provided. liam Horden: "The New The- C ar1 L'IC h ten berger, Presl ' dent Bls . hThe High School FelIowship will ology". 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. op,will preach. The Convention will meet as usual at 6:30 p.m. Children cared for in W·hittier 'continue on Tuesday and will open House; All are welcome. . with a celebration of the Holy ComHORDERN TO SPEAK o~ 12 :00 Noon - Covered Dish Lun- munion at 9 a.m. cheon for Meeting Members and o AT FORUM SUNDAY UN Hosts and Guests. The Sewing Group will meet at William Hordcrn, fonner ,head 5 :30 P.M.-High 'School FelIow- 10 o'clock Tuesday morning in the ship. Cleaves Room. of the department of, religion and Monday, May 4 The mid-week celebration of the philosophy at Swarthmore College 0 All Day Sewing for A.F.S.C. Holy Communion will be held at 7 will address the Forum on Sunday o Wednesday, May 6 '1 k All-day sewing for the A.F.S.C. 0 C oc Wednesday morning. There morning, May 3, at 9 &45 in the will be a second celebration at 9 :SO Friends' Meeting House. FIRST CHURCH OF after which the Bible Class will His subject will be "The New CHRIST, SCIENTIST meet. There will also be a class at Theology." Dr. Hordern, who has SWARTHMORE Park Avenue below Barval'd 1 p.m. At 8 o'clock a service of Even- recently finished a book defending Sunday, May 3 song will be held, and at 8 :30 p.m. the new theology, is now professor .11 :00 A.M.-Sunday School. the Evening Group of the Woman's of systematic theology at Garrett 11 :00 A;M.-The Lesson - Sermon Auxiliary will meet·at the Rectory. Biblical Institute, a graduate sehool will be entitled "Everlasting PunThere will be a celebration of the of theology on the Northwestern ishment". Holy Communion at 7 o'clock and University Campus, Evanston, Ill., Wednesday evening meeting eaeh again at 10 a.m. on Thursday, As- founded in 1863. week. 8 P.M., Reading Room, 409 . D Dartmouth Avenue, open week- censlon ay. Following the latter Whether it is Saturday nIght showers, Monday days except holidays, 10-5; Fri- service the regular meeting and 141 Raw it in The Swarthmorea.n" morning shaves or baby's baths, there is always day evening, 7-9. luncheon of the Woman's Auxiliary will be held. This is a business m~t­ an ample supply of hot water with an automGtic: DEL. CO .. UNITARIAN ing and there will be election of Old Marple Road, Springaield gas water heater. Whatever your need, whatever Herbert F. Vetter, Jr., Minister officers. Sunday, May 3 the size of your home or family, there is a gas 11 :00 A.M.-Morning Service. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE IIOTES water heater to meet the demand. Select th. -"Be not afraid of Greatness". God's law of justice and mercy automatic gas water· heater that fills your NOTRE DAME DE LOURDES will be brought out at Christian Rev. Charles A. Nelson, Pastor Science services Sunday when the re.quirements /;It your plumber'S, dealer's or any Parish Recwry - Michigan Avenue Lesson-Sennon is entitled "Ever_ Philadelphia Electric suburban showreom. and Fairview Road lasting Punishment!' Daily Mas"...:...s A.M.-'Rectory All are cordially invited to atSunday Masses-B, 9, 10, 11 A.M.tend the services at First Church College 'rheatre WFIL Radle - 8141 A.M. Confession-'-Silturday, U :3C1 P.M. 'Of Christ, Scientist, 206 Park aveand 8-9 P.M.-Rectory. . . . . . . I-WF..·n-ll~ nue, at 11 o'clock. Baptlom-Sunday 1 P.M.-Rectory PUBLISHED EVERY FRl()AY AT SWARTHMORE, PENNA. PETER E. TOLD, MARJORIE TOLD .. Publishers Picture Framiag Convalescent Home ROGER RUSSELL m., • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. T...,......... Saturday night ••• o • SHS Baseballers Win First, 6 10 2 The Springfield Cougars felt the sting of determined bats as Swarthmore' High School achieved a 6 to 2 victory for its first league win of the year. Jay Lord started on the moun~ for the Garnet but was relieved by Dave Houtz in the second inning after giving up two hits," walk, and a hit hatter. Houtz .pitched the remainder of the game allowing one run on three hits, striking runs Princeton avenue' Mrs John W iti .the sixth. Ja)' Lor~ started on Seybold, Amherst ave~ue; Mrs: the mound and ,was relIeved by Ron Robert M. Walker Elm avenue and Herbster in the sixth inning. Ron Mrs. Franklin N.' Brewer, Mo;lan. kept the homesters in check until There were 40 contribuwrs from the 10th when walks ·and errors Swarthmore and Moylan I'n 1958 , · score d the winning run. Ken Hewes and Mrs. Molstad expects to report ' h'b' . f gave a mos t sparkl mg ex I ltion 0 at least 66 for this year outfield play in the left field. . Improving pitcher Dave Houtz had complete control of the Nether~ge 0 S Providence 'Bull Dogs as he held DaVId Depu~ of D~r~uth circle ... . h spent the weekend WIth h,s parents th8.lU. h 1'tless f or SlX. InnIngs In t e M d MR" d 1 te I r. an rs. obert H. Depue. th tr eague eneoun r. t was a D 'd' . h . f th h't d tl aVl IS In t e freshman class at succession 0 ' ree 1 s 'an a cos Y F..ehi h U· sit error in the sixth inning that gave' .g Olver. y. Pierre Decrouez of Cornell aveup tw0 runs an d su b sequent1y a 2-0 . h f h U·· 'ct f th Bl . d G Id nue IS ~ orne rom t e ntverslty Vl ory or e ue an 0 f C" t' h h ' laid Media handed the Garn~t its 0 mCll~na I. wd ere. "I IS n.g a ~ rth tr' ht I b course m m uatrIa desigIJmg. ~ou s alg oss y a 4 to 1 E k h b' . J L d very seven wee s e 0 tams pracscore. ay or started on the tical experience by working at the mound, but was relieved by Ron Burrough's Corporation in Paoli. Herbs:e~ in th". fourth as his ailing Lanie Hopper, a junior at Corleg, Injured. In. t.he Lansdo~ne nell University, Itha~a, N.Y., is game, ~ve hIm .dIffIculty and hmd- spending the weekend with her hIS eff..,tIVeness. Ron Herb- ents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hopster finished the game giving up per of Dogwood lane. . . one run on one hit. Herbst~r also led the hitting with two singles. POET'S CIRCLE MEETS Bob Dawes scored the lone run on The Poet's Circle met at the home one of Herster's singles.) of Mrs. Helen M. Hall of Hillborn Because of rain both Penncrest avenue <>n Monday. They were enGames had been rescheduled, one to tertained by Mrs. Edward F. Crats_ be played at Pennc""st on May 18 ley of Strath Haven avenue, who and at Swarthmore on the 21st. gave a discussion of the play uJ.B." by Arohibil1d MacLeish.· Approxiu1 ~a.w it in The SwaTthm~ean" mately 25 attended. ~:;;;;;;:;:::::::;:::;;;:;;,/:;;:;;,:-::::;;;;:;;~;;::;;:;;::::-::::;;:;;::::::-::::;;:::::::-:;:::;;;;;:;:::-:::::;~ or any time... q ~WARTHMOREAN Klngswood 3-0240 Officers Jor the ensuing three year rerm were elected on Monday by the Delaware County Chapter, D.A.R., at a meeting held in the home of Mrs. Herman R. Woodall, Wallingford. The new officers are: 1\Irs. F. Harry Bewley, regent; Mrs. Clarence D. Bell, first viceregent; Mrs. William S. Megonical, second vice-regent; Mrs. William B. Bullock, chaplain; Mrs. D. Caldwell Stewart, treasurer; !\Irs. J. De Haven Ledward, corresponding secretary; Mrs. John P. Rife, registrar; Mrs. Woodall, historian. A report on the recent D.A.R. Congress at Washington was given by Mrs. D. Caldwell Stewart, the wor1~ing delegate. , The co-hostesses were Mrs. George F. Comes and Mrs. Earl H. Grimm. The newly elected regent has been a resident of Swarthmore for 30 years and succeeds ?tlrs. John E. Michael, another old-time Swarthmorean. Mrs. Bewley has served as registrar and as treasurer of the chapter. She is active iti several hereditary and historical societies. As chairman of the education;il program of the Pennsylvania Sofiety of New England Women she was responsible for the recent trips of groups of students from the Swarthmore High School and the Notre Dame High School at MoyIan t·0 Straw·berry M ' . anSlOn, FaIrmount Park, where Mrs. Nathaniel T . E wer, a '.1.ormer ~ S·wart h morean . d b f h . . lan t mem ~r 10 .t leh~oclety, glves ec ures on co OnIa Istory. The Exchange Club of Chester The Jr. Woman's Club will be honored John Thurman, a senior at host to members of the Bywood Jr. Swarthmore JIjgh School, with their Club at the next meeting on TuesBoy of the Month Award at the day. As a ..special (~\'ent in the club's ,veekly dinner held recently. rounding out of the 1958-59 seaJohn was selected brlcause he Hwcll son, there will be a one-act pJay exemnlifies the all-around A~cri­ staged by the drama department of can Doy." He has been outstanding the visiting club. In addition, sevoral representa. in man)' school act~vities as treastives from the Media Child Guidurer of e,abinet, manager of the f.ootball team. chairman of honors ance Clinic will attend the meeting board, treasurer of his sophomore to present a short film and to reclass, and a letterman in track. But ceiv.e the Swarthmore Juniors' con· most of all he has "stood out for his tribution from their FalI ·and Winsportsmanship team-play and ex- ter benefits in the Clinic's behalf. cellent citizenship which has been an inspiration to all his classmates 'PETS ON PARADE' SET FOR and teachers." John will probably SATURDAY IN PHILADELPHIA attend Swarthmore ColIege next All children and their pets in the year. county are invited to participate in His mother Mrs. Neal Thurman the Pei Show to be held Saturday, and Millard Robinsoll of the high May 2 at the Reyburn Plaza !from school faeulty accomp-anied him at 12 to 4 p.m. Refreshments, prizes the ·presentation dinner. and entertainment will be provided. All 6th Grade Parents To Meet Wednesday Rib Roast Ib.69c A combined meeting of all sixth grade parents is scheduled for next Wednesday evening" May 6, at 8 p.m. in the new "all purpose room" of Rutgers Avenue School. Parents will learn how the present sixth graders will be making the trlmsition from elementary to junior high school. Proiedures for homework class sectioning and . t , . student assistance will be among the topics discussed . Mrs. William T. Clark, guidance consultant will be in charge of the ' . meeting, assisted by other members of the Junior High School faculty. A question period for parents will follow the formal part of the meet. mg. CHESTER ROSE HICKORY SMOKED SLICED BACON I lb. pkg. 59c i Norman Thomas Talk "Crisis in Germany" will be the topic of a talk by Norman Thomas to be given on Tuesday. at 8 :15 p.m. at the University Museum Auditorium, 33rd and Spruce streets, it was announced by the Swarthmore branch, WIL. The talk is sponsored jointly by the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom and the Students' Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy, University of Pennsylvania . Admission is f:ree and free parking is available. Canteen Votes for "Beardsley All-Stars" . A "Bermuda Shorts" dance will be held this week at the Garnet Canteen. The C'Ommittee will meet at 8 p.m. Mr. 'and 1I1rs. Robert Grooters will be among those chaperoning. Last week "Beardsley's All Stars", a musical combo, featuring Phil Beardsley, Dave Grooters and S·teve Bancroft, won the top prize in the talent show. Since the voting was so close, each of the other contestants received a record certificate. Keith Fox was the master of Ceremonies for the Talent Show which was attended by 180 students. KAPPA SEWINS TUESDAY appa Kappa Gammas will meet for sewing at the home of Mrs. Frederick S. Wood, 601 North High Street, West Chester, on Tuesday. FOOD MARKET Consumer's Co·Op Ass'n. of Swarthmore, Inc. . 403 Dartmouth Avenue Opposite Borough Hall Swift's Premium CO·Op 2 Ibs. 39c MARGARINE Dod's Old Fashioned ROOT BEER ;Y2 gal. 39(: . quart 20c .. 16 ~ars 99c IVORY SOAP Sure Chomp DOG FOOD MEAL Sure Chomp DOG CHUNKS 5 Ibs. 65c 25 Ibs. $2.69 I l r EXTRA SPECIAL with more giant size NEW VEL 79c DISH POWER large 29c 100% Pure PARADICHLOROBENZEN'E 2 Ibs. 69c NEW 2 25c 2 heads 25c TEXAS ONIONS 'ICEBE'RG LETTUCE Ibs. GOLDEN YELLOW lb. 10c large stalk 12c BANANAS PASCAL CELERY VISIT OUR VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT and SEE THE "NEW LOOK" You'll be delighted that you stopp~d to' see the large se'ection of Fruits and Vegetables LAST CHANCE FOR BERANIUMS Ordeo: from a Tenth Grader or call KI 4-0783 or KI 3-6912 be- . BREYER'S ICE CREAM Special! . STRAWBERRY PARFAIT fore 9 P.M. tonight. Choice of Pink, Red and White - 6&c each• 1h 1.1101- $1." - 8WARTHMOREAN TH E -8 WAR'l'iJ¥OR E AN Page 6 ESTATE NOTIVE of ELMER E. VOSBURG, late Est.ate of ~:~~~e~~e~.orWOOd, Delaware Count)', Letters of AdminlstraUon on the above Estate having beeD grant.ed the undersigned. all personl Indebted to s&ld Estate are requeated to make immedlate payment. and those wlthou1. havingdelay legaltoclBJmlJ. present the same Vera F.toVosburg, 116 W Winona Ave., Norwood, Pa.. and E wa~ren Vosburg. 11 St.uart. Lane. Rldle:y P~rk, Pa., or their AUomey; Morrla H. Fussell 203 County BuUdlng, Media, Pa. WILLIAM B,ROOIS Ashes and Rubbish Removed .. _ ...... Mowed, General _p';:ll 1~~I.'~~IIa1'diD~~~"~A~v~e~. ~~MO~rto~D,~~~. I~ The story of. your home ••• Spring Special! 6 views $14.50 t ·one IUd'109 indoors an d ou. . T portraits, fami Iy, acttvi las. , 3t.4-24 AUYERTlSEM"NT REQUEST FOR SEALED QTJOTATIONS I The B1i'arthmore·RuUed~ Union Schoo Dist.rlct Board wUl recel"l.'e sealed quot... Make appointment now. tions at the OUice of the School Dlst.rlct In the High School Building, corner of P H I LIP MAY E R· College and Prine_IOn Avenue'. 8w~rIh: more PebDSylvanla, up to -4 p.m. Wednel· • PHOTOGRAPHE,R day, May''''. I.... and open lIle bid. at a meeting of the Board at the Scho!)1 DIstrict 215 College Ave •• Swarthmore on Wednesday, May 20, 1P59, at 8 p.m. or 3 9927 at an adjourned m-eptlDg lor fuel oU, towel d KI eervlce. perlodlc&ls, bus service and school equipment. SpecllicaUons can be secured bdween 9 a.m. aDd 4 p.m. daDy except. Saturdays, Sundays and hollda)'s, at tbe School District. office. The Board reserves the right. to reJed any or aU bids in wbole or In part and to award contracts on any Item or iteml Gutters making up any bid. MARIAN H. CAMPBELL, Warm-Air ~eatin~ , Secretary. Air Conditioning , W I, Mrs. Henry L. Smith of the DartAmateur Compos~r s o.r ..s mouth House is leaving by jet for Present.ed ThIS Evening England on Monday to visit her son The works of Dr. Samuel Gurin;~d daughter-in-law, Rev. Ban~roft of Amherst 'avenu~ will be P. Smith and Mrs. S~ith. He 18 on those of new American composItIOns Ian exchange of the EpIscopal ch?rc,h presented for Chamber Orchestl'8ifor a year in Suffolk. Mrs. SmIth s to be given by the University of son and daughter-in-law, Dr. and !"ennsylvania department of music Mrs. H. L. Smith, .Jr., of Tallahasthis evening at Houston .Hall. Dr. see, Fla., and her da~g~ter Mrs. Joseph Barone is conductm!!'. . John T. Ha.ndy of ?:Isfleld, Md., Dr. Gurin, whose hobby IS mUSIC with her chtldren, VISlted her over ·and composition, is chai:man of the the weekend. On Sunday Dr. a~d department of biochemlst;y at the IMrs. D. L. Twaddell and their University of Pennsylvama. children Bancroft, David an,d Em" ily, Mrs. Smith's son and daughter_ in-law and grandchildren, joined the others for a family dinner at the !:In~g~l::en~e:::uk:::::.======;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:; rlllUDllllllllllllonUlllIIlIIUllJnlURttcwlUlIWIDlUlilDIPi a U. S. COl NS iii BOUGHT AND SOLD ~ ~Collections Purchased and Approisedii INQUIRIES I~VITED iI Burman's Antique Mart .. !! 237 Baltimore Pike. Springfield, Pa. ~ !! I I § § ~ § !! KlngswDod 4·3510 or Klngswood 3.Z4&.9 ij Hours Daily 9 - 5 p.m. EMIL KI4-1214 I r mIDJIIDllnullllU[JmIlIUUDDUltnlltnIDllWDHm~ CRESSON PRICH ARD -~_ o.~.~ oJ Robert :: ~ S ~ S Swarthmore, §= P a. KI 3- 1112 aa i UI.IU WAng§NTwEoD ...:: Day"s work Tuesday, [-a~mi WANTED - l111PQ ...... .. ;~~~ AL i!llInCIl1IIII11IIICIIIIII111IlIDIIIIIIIIWIDUUllllllllallllllllllll[~ gutter~: carpentry. ~ rooms a specialty. Roy , ad 4 2482 Wednesday, Friday. Reoent ref-n-;,~:l;f.....~ erences~-Phone TRemont 2 77Q,9. ~ PEl~ Sa.mmWIBIIIClmIllIllIlCJ1UIIIIIUlaI1I1lIIIIIIICIlIl1IIUID~ ~ ~Il :'~~.b at August. Recent references. Phone "I,.L"'~ KI Depe.ndable practIcal . 1d S 1 /eve nurse for Inva I . evera ~ I~. nings weekly. Some Sundays. Wa~lf I L U'..L' ingford district. References requlT~ u.,?,IR"n A ed. Call LOwell 6-0364 between 1 ~ Iu: 'J SliP Ira_ and 3_p.m. . . Q_ -:-:.:.1' ... eo.... •• r ~.,..,........ W-ANTED _ A cheerf.ul. mldd.le... _ hId ~ :'11 T .n-";..;;'· 0'1' aged woman needs POSitIon c 1 i I ~J~e: -. ';.,"'r::'n~· in respectable home. Refer::::!!::~' u for free ,,~. sitting g' ~ . ences. TRemont 6-411'':I. E_ .Ie 19 ;t~~ ~.': ·i.:,",:':':; . or ,.L' M' h' an Avenue ADS T_r~~~~~~~~4~-4i8i86~iOir Central. LEhIgh WA.NTED - Job2-5148. as mother's help~ er for vacatinoing family. July, -~ REAL ESTATE., i~ IIr.~.,-.. noo aHeinrich N. Knudsen I ~~;~~~1~69. spms. FOR RENT 4 Maine. Month of. July. Spacious cottage. Private FOR RENT - y~u :~:f O:T9!"!,.!'.!.a~.•~~'.:'plete a I 1:,",'0;;' ~ ~ a ~:jl.1!1~a c ~JIIIUlHIIIIUlllllullillnIIIIIIIUIIIDIIIIllIIUIIOIIIWWIIICnJl~ J. F. Blackman' F'" REQUEST BIDSb. I~. Bo,. 335 Dlrtmouth Ave, Be"ed bId, wUl he rftelved KI 3·661 ough of Swarlhmore In Council Chamber. 121 Park Avenue, 8warthmore. Pa., 00 ~a, {L..,~=~;:~~~:;~=;:~: 11, 1959, at. 1:30 P.M., Eastern Daylight ,...., I SavIng Tim•. 10. ,urlac. treating approxlmate1" 10,000 square yards of Borough 0 .tree" to b••,,\gnated br lIle Borough I UIIO Highway Committee in form as follows: 1. Furnishing, appl~'lng rolling a~ proximately 10 tons 01 blt.umlnous concrete, cleaning areas to be ~reated, furnl8hlng and appJ:ylng 8sphB I. bind. er and furnlshlng. spreading and roilFormerly _ In, cru.h.d rock. 2. FurnishIng Ill. material. and perlorm., CARNS • Ilng the above work wit". the cxcep-. tlon of Ute asphalt. blnder. 650 Baltimore Pike 3. FurnlshtDg and ~pplYlng appro:l1Sprin/llleld, Del. Co. Pa. matel. 3300 gallons of apsbaU. blnde-r. hd 4. Allowance tor deficIency of crus e Kll1gswood 3-0450 and work be in aecordance ",Uh speelflCaUQn8, a copy {If I I lfhJch ma:y be secured from the under. Many things facil~ 3 have thrown away c,:,n be repal;- ~ room .:with II§ GENERAL ed and Make and repal< - ,.;~ large bath. Best loea§ most 1::' UFO -inside and many ...: L. The SwarthmoTh" ~ ,,-:.;: Fixit CONTRACTOR t mgs Q';;-'; p'!f avenue (dead eant· . - , , . d 3 9 ~.!t~p, ~ ~ FOR RENT-First flool' fumishe "= . ~,~ double porch friul' room and bath 30tA apartment 2906 Burden R00 d ~ ~Of ~§ with lovely garden, ~ay . 0 u~Parksid •• Po. ust 30. Adults. $130 lncludmg utllParts, accessories. Milt -st ities. Phone KIngswood 4-2587. - B'ICycIe, H 0 bby, Toy Shop, TR t 2 5487 S FOR RENT - Me d'ta, apa rtment. 5 emon _ Baltimore AvenueJ Clifton Very large living !oom. two,bediii E MAdison 6-0713. Opposite rooms, tile bath, kItchen, prn:ate Theater. . . nce ; n .e a r transports bon ~1IU1IU1mcllllllllllllnIIIIIllIIllIUIllIllIIUII[]WUUlllIIDI1II& P~R~ONA.L 4-- Pla~o .tumng sPbec~ Adults. AvaIlable June 6. $85. a 9 V George Myers and Co. 5'" S Custom Built H0 USE S ~:~. ':,~~~~R. CLASSI FI E Sheet Metal Work § ~ ".0 •••• _ ~~~~~~n~g~S~W~O~O~~-~~~i I BOX 48 ii BEREAYED ESTATE NOTICE i Friday Evening 6:30 _ 9 p.m. 51~ Eatate Of VIctOR D. SHIRER, Ia.l'e of the a Mrs. Richard E. Farrington of Borough of Swarthmore, Delaware COUll- JIIIIBIlHICU(IUIOIUDIIIHDlI1UOIIUUIIIIIIClIWUIIIUDDlllruld PeDD6ylvawa. ~ Magill road is bereaved by the desth t,..Letters Testamentary on the above es::KI 3 ..4216 of her father, Andrew J. Bock, Jr., tate were ctra.nte" to the undersigned; all on Tuesday at Riverside Hospital, persons Indebted to the said estate are re.WATCHMAKER Wilmington, Del. Surviving besides quested to mR,ke ,"""vldeot. s"'d those ba~l'!,8' claims to prC!scnt the same, WlthO~: ~ ~ of F. C. Bode and 8OD8 hi. daughter with whom he. haB to Henry Victor Schelrer, Esquire. , Q 'i'th street. Alleutown. PenD.8ylvanla,_ ·01' IIFlne Watch and. 128 Yale Ave. made his home since ·1955, IS a Victor D. 8. Troxell, &2, Rutgers Avenue, Clock Repairs Swarthmore. Pa, granddaughter, Helen Lynne. Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, or to their At-I ~ torney: Butler. g"atty, Greer and... Johnson, 3t-t-2t ],Irs.•Joseph S. Howe of Columbia 11 SOut.h Avenup. Media, Pat avenue will entertain her bridge ......ATE OF dece ... d. club at luncheon on Wedne~day. Letters ot AdmlnLst.ratlon, C.T.A., on the above elt.ate ban been granted to ,I.;he ~ deralgned who request aU persona bavlnK claims or demaocla .gaIDat the estate 01 the I . decedenl 10 make known lIle .ame and all Draw AvanUe persona indebred to Ute decedent to mlLke PERSONAL Pbeasant Hili Firms, Mldla VANrE:n-=W~AjN~T~E~D~rith"'kit;b:wJ pa.menl wll1lo,,1 delor 10 Mildred R. Kra· mer, 231 canterbury Drive. Chester. P •. , or .T A T Cars. washed pol-I ViA' IT.I!;D Room ..with· to her attorney, Edward 8. Lawhorne. Elq., '-:;~l.~,i··':nd waxed. Reaso~able, :privileges. !>r small apartment. Count:y BuUdlng, Media. Pa. 3t-4-~ ROOFING DOL ond Al~:~tsorlall an d Sons FLO RIST , sha~l :~~~~f,':.,~e'l~rv~~ ~~d:I~:~.~.:~I~: reject any or all bld", to "ward the portionll des.rlb •• In Item,' "..I 3' to dUl...... contractorll, to ..ward the ~ontra~t. '~"to tho....perlenced In thI, <>1 .... 01 wcr•. and 10 th. bidder wh... propo..1 Is "'emed 10 be mOllt adn,otageous to t!le public In~rest. A certified cbeck In the sum of $100 must accompany tho bid Of each contractor and the perlon or firm to whom dny contract. L" awarded must necute an agree'lnent Rnd furnish required form 01 "hlchbond!! ma. al b••• amlnedbyInlaw, Ill_ the 0111" 01 the ~derslgned. . BOROUGH OF' SWARTHMORE "'r ~ Imore S INTERIOR & EX"l'ERlOR iii iii Free Estimates E S Klngswood .3-8761 ~ lii ~ .tom, "'u;·... _... FOR RENT _ Furnished apart.,.. !.C!';S. . are _< Three rooms and. bath. ~ i!~~f'~~'~Jorkl-*~~~J~i!ni.o:u~rl own: A.~;;';~· gN ~ Im< iii lSI ~ 0734. - .. " iii a or baby e!/,IIIDUtnGUD!llIllIlIlIlIUDIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDlllntDUlllE~ References. C~l! or Klngswooi'i ~fi ~ lOST AND FOUND "7.l := L~,!'!' I CUSTOM INSTALLATIONS II, "~~~:;~."'~!_~,~. ~~' ~,. ~RoJ I tHorne ,,)'~n,:,a. _e.s~e~'." '~7 .. . 'Ch 250'7 Chestnut St., • _. .J t ; es er TRemont 2-5373 . It-Bou Nania, Ca,. Aged, SeDile, Chronio CODv.Joescent; Men and Women S.c,1leIlt."" ... Spacla... GrftDdI Blu6 Cnla PDD.Ored SADIE PIPPIN TORNES. Proprl,lO, "1 B<>W ~ _~~~ ;'~-~~4~i!l!6S:-·A""L::-:E;::-~-;:F;-:o::-r-:a-:y:::o:::u::ng:-.-;:m:;:;a:;;;n's Plac".i~. d'irst car-~930,:1 door Chevr:l~fi new tires, kmg pms, roof, re .UI tennis courts. engine Desires and attentive owner. $200. Telejacket. clutch. 08 Clean phone BElmont 4-44 . ',with FOR SALE Springtime 1 Birds, ~rkinq ~~G~~u~O~~~y' ~~u can earn twice a. much a. Ihe averaqe .ales po.ition off.,,! We train you Ihoroughly. LEADS ... dey.loped from 011 Nolionol Moqazine. and New.poper odverli.inq. Car e..enliol . .'. e,eeptional commission and bonus. becau.e An opportunity of your referral I b Isales from owners. Full time avoi a i ity. I Phone WAver y 7-3900 STAU FFER HOM E REDUCING PLAN .2504 Cheltenham Ave. General Contractor BUIL~ERS 'Since 1920' TILE FLOORS. PLASTIC T!LE TER TOPS FORMICA COUN ROOFINa Ind SIDII. CUSTOM KITCHENS ADDITION S •. ALTERATIONS Fr.. Estimate. 140 I Ri dl ey A venue Chester, Pa. TRemont 2-4759. TRemont 2-5689 lOOkmg·ll~iiiiii~~P~h~i~la~d~e~IP~h~i~a~.~p~a~'~-iiiiii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I -li ..: arrangements.The birdhouses and feeders. Flower 3·2764. S., Jrs., and it in The $warthmoreo;.." ~w!'Au~~4rs1~1 road, Walhngford. I BICYCLES • REPAIRING • PARTS • ACCESSORIES LAWNMOWERS Shlrpened&Repaired • LOCKSMITHIN.&KI,sMadl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~ EVANS BIKE 6' LOCKSMITH SHOP . , SWARTHMO'RE :Linden & Morton Aves., Rutledge (next to Rutledge P<»t Office) :(Formedy 928 Madison ,St.. Chested _ lftMImN' Hill SECTION Phone Klngswood 3-5404 .§dnT~· Klngswood 4-2727 I r ven avenues .. Tn, 3 PARK AYE., SWARTHMORE f ~, U'~l. "'6" i';"~ IT H. D. OHURCH ano Klngswood 3-2041, eveyou nmgs. • .'. . . FOR SALE. FOR SALE _ Mushroom soil s!litable for lawns and transpla,\tmg. Every load i. ground. WIlson, Klngswood 4-2058. 1 . f 'n FOR 7 foot so I goodSALE condition. Th.reeong reverSIble I seat cushions. Bargam. K ngswood Have a DIGNIFIED ... of your own... Selling Ihe' FAMOUS I -OIL HEAT • 011. auINUI. An CONDIflON'NG Of\. F\JIIUCU OI~ 'OHIU . 01\ IU''''NG w.ln NIAll.' .,1;0! I I New Listing' of Magnificent Stone I I COLONIAL HOME I , Center Hall, Large Living Room, Fireplace, Dining Room, Kitchen, Powder Room, Library, _ DAY aDd NIGHT 4 OIL BURNER SERVICE Garage. MONDAY TORU SATURDAY NOON SUNDAYS aDd HOLIDAYS Klngswood 4-1234 J. A.-Breen -------- Bedrooms 3 Baths Screened Porch, 2-Car YOUR CALL for Fuel Oil or Burner Service to Our $33,750 OFFICE' • Will Be Answered Day or Night by Courteous Troined -Per~onnel BAIRD and BIRD Klngswood 4-1500 " . Opposite Bora Holl .VAl ALEI BROTHERS . 200 West Ridley Avenue LEhigh 2-2440 Ridley Park, Pa. Klnpwood 3-474. :;;:;::;;;:;;:;::;;;iiiiiii~ \ Lt. Clarence,C. Franck LETTERS TO THE EDITOR NEWS NOTES more avenue. Billy is the 80n of Mr. John E. Michael of Harvard and Mrs. A. Stoll Titus. Mrs. The opinimuJ e",pr...od below Mr. Richard Willis of Dogwood Mr. ana Mrs. Clarence C. Franck are thoB. of the , ..dividual writ- avenue has returned from the NaAll l.tterB to The Swartktional Convention Daughters of the Inne leaves today for Ithaca, N.Y., of Cornell avenue, accompanied by moroan must b. signed. Pseudoto attend the Hotel Ezra .Cornell American Revolution, Washington, their son Marty, met their other son nllmns mall be uBed if the writer and their daughter-in-law Lt. (j.g.) ie known to the Editor. LetterB D.C., where she was a delegate from weekend at Cornell University where his daughter Vicki is a sophFranck, Jr., and Mrs. Franck at the will be published 071111 at the die- the Delaware County Chapter. I oreti",!, of the Editor. Titus celebrated his ninth omore in the hotel school. Billy Idlewild International Ai.port on birthday last week by entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davy of EI April 22. To the Editor: his third grade class with a pony Cerrito, Oalif., will be the guests Lt. Franck has bee~ in Turkey I ~as interested to read the ad- party at his home on North Swarth-' over the weekend of Mr. and Mrs. since August, 1958 WIt? the U.~. vertisement in your April 10th isb the Delaware County Real Coast Guard on an assIgnment m . 'th" . t 'th sue y connection WI a Jo.'nt proJ~ w~ Estate Board and r have now DbAll "tI;'U ERed;v. the U.S. Army Engmeers. HIS wife tained copies 'of the Bills it referred April :i'9 10 Moy 2 joined him in October of that year. t 19S9 Shop Thurs. Prior to their return to this country °it is diMicult for every communthey toured Europe for a month. ity to decide where to use legislatlll9pomo Lt. Franck 'received a letter of tion to enforce ways of living. Freecommendation upon the suooeBsful dom. of choice is priceless. The difcompletion of the project from the ficulty is that none of us if we District Engineers and hi. staff_ have complete freedom, acts Justly A graduate of Swarthmore col- toward all our neighbors. Laws regtllll0p.m. lege, Lt. Fr~nck is on military leave ister the convictions of the majority ¢ !,hsenc~ from the Les,,?r Plant of and they put all on an equal basis, the Westmghouse. EI~ctrtc corpora- which is a partiCUlar advantage in tion. commercial transactions. Thus we have traffic rules, sanitation, zonNEWS NOTES ing rUles, etc. House·Bills 322 and 733 and Sen_ Mr. anO Mrs. Fred P. Jones of Wallingford, formerly of Swarth- ate Bill 333, if enacted, would mere_ more, sailed Wednesday on the Iy preserve for real estate buyers Statendam for Rotterdam, where the freedom now often denied them tbey will be met by their son Stuart because of race or religion. 1 . I B. Jones and family. After a tour I shall encourage my RepresenIb I af HolJand, they plan to spend .the tatives and Senator at summer in Southern Gennany and to support them. , C II Ib J. Passmore Elkinton Austria: I Mr. and Mrs. Warren IJ..Warden I C of Yale avenue entertained over the Ib I Mrs. Ford F. Robinson iB enterweekend Dr. Hiromasa Sato, dirac- taining today at her home on Guerntor of the Road Bureau in Japan, sey road at a mother-daughter tea. and 'Dr. Yoshiharu Saito, chief of ;;~:;;;::=;;::;;:;;;;=;;::;;;;::;;:;;;:::::;;::;;:;;;::~I the expressway section, Ministry of Construction, 'Japanese Govern- FREE RESERVATIONS & TICKETING • on AI RUNES. BUS. HOTELS, etc. ment. Returns Ftom Turkey .r•. Robert M. Fudge of Columbia avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Davy will attend Parents" weekend at the cOllege where their son Hugh is a junior. Mrs. Agnes M. Haig Sheldon of South Chester road and Mrs. David A. Tucker of Forest lane attended the annual Alumnae Luncheon Saturday at Drexel Institute of Technology. Friday LANCASTER BRAND Whole or Either Half! ' OF Shld. Roast S~vat'· Shld. Roast ~~~~ Shld. Chops' . 43 c 4S Ib 79 TALL SAYINGS ON PAPER NEEDS! Never a Service Charge 8 Years of Swarthmore Reterence. O.,.r 30 Yean' &p.ri.~ ... Phon I SHAROI HILL 0734 Estimates Without MUNRO TRAVEL SERVICE 7 ·s, '~lIt.r Road Swarthmore Klngswood 4-0440 "On. ,.11 DOl. All" TOURS ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD Belvedere '1~~__~E:L:L:l:,OTI'!!R~IC~H~A~R~D~SO~N~'!:..lll;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ;:;;; ;: 18hst mmor repairing, mem er LOwell 6-18~7'.'!0"-.=-=-:-0::::;:--';" ES ~ ~ Piano Techn!c~~~~ Guild. Leaman, FOR"RENT - May 16 to. Sept. 16. FEMALE SAL Edward G. Chipman iii Jack' Prichard 5 ~.= Three room and bath first floor REPRESENTATIVE ;; : ~~ .. u,~ apartment. SeparatE;· ent!~,!ce. SINCERE ... Smart and and Son ~ PA I N T'I N G iii~ ~ &'-SLli>- u~-Y,,,!' ••!! • $80 a month, includmg utihtles. iii a . , elgot , .:'_~_':~ w..'~ Klng:1s~W~oo!!!!!dJ4!:-g~8!l!9~4=-._..,..,-;_-:-::::Saucy! ii ~ntra Page '7 } Speaking of,Rights ... A recent advertisement in these pages made an appeal for the status quo in real estate practice. Without giving any factual infonnation, it urged oPposition to ilie Fair Housing bills now before our State Legislature -bills that aim to set right some of the present injus~ces. to minority groups in our POPulation.. • What injustices? Well, for example: according to . the latest study by tlJ.e philadelphia Housing Association, from mid-1953 to mid 1955, about 60,000 new dwelling units w'ere built for sale or rent by private builders and real estate operators in tl~e Philadelphia Metropolitan area. Of these, only 883 were availabl~' to non-whites. A large group of our fellow-citizens were excluded f~m most new housing sOlElly because of their . color. Statistics aren't really necessary, though-we all know that unfair discrimination exists in both new and older housing. I • Isn't it a fundamental principle in the American concept of free society that all should have equal Opportunity for the pursuit of Jtappiness, and that no one may claim a right that infringes on the right pf someo , one else? When that principle is upheld, everyone stands to gain. . We think something constructive must' be done about the housing problem. We are not afraid that it would endanger our rights if there were a properlydrawn law to protect the rights of others. Experience with the present Fair Employment laws has shown that such laws can be administered democratically. Therefore we would welcome Fair Housing legislation. Which particular: provisions are wise and feasible is something that has to be worked out. But we believe that such a law is good in principle, and are encouraging our representatives in HarrisbUrg to support one. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Beardsley, Mr. and Mrs. Eric T. Braund, Mr. and Mrs. Parker Coddington, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ('.onard, Mr.·and Mrs. Earle Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoenigswald, Mr. and MTs. Robert Huse, Mrs. Bess B. Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCorkel, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Russell, Mr. ~nd Mrs. John. Seybold, Mr. and Mrs. FrederIck Tolles. (Infonnaiion about the pending bills and prOPOsed amendments can be ~btained from the Philadelphia FellOWShip Commission, 260 8. 15th St., Philadelphia.) . COLORED SCOT' TISSUE whr.. TOILET TISSUE P'!~C::io;'.':.'" scon FAMILY' NAPKINS v:!.'!;:: PAPER NAPKINS Pr~~c::io=" SCOTT.IES FACIAL TISSUES ':!I':.c; FACIAL TISSUES Prj:,':;.;:..... CUT·RITE WAX PAPER• PRINCESS WAX PAPER 3 ,all. 35 C '4 49 C 4 pkgs 49 C 4 80 39 C 2 .'400 49 C roll. 0'60 pkll' of pke' 6 2 2 -, . .'4DD pkp $1 00 125-ft 49 C , ,.11a Fresh, Cnsp, California LETTUCE 2heads25C ONE 9 CAN OF REE! HOLLY HILL FROZEN NONE PRICED HIGHERI • c I GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 4 0z'5 5C When You Buy 3 at Reg. Prlce~ SAVE 104! GET '4Hi 0 6cans only £e.e. ORANGE ICED Chiffon ·Cake or Peach Pie, . . - c~:c~e 49 4 ;iEiiilGGS2~du69C NOW! AT ACME'S LOW, LOW PRICE! 20 All New! Good Housekeeping COO'K 8'00 5 N~EW-B-OO-~K ""':"'A Yours "Appetizer For Book One Book" 0111, 39C SWAATHMORE STORE. q.,..IM Ro..t - EVERY WEEK! Handy,Durable, Handsome C BINDER t.~ ONLy79 , Open Thursclay tiI_, P.t.4.. ,Friday til 10 P.M. ~--"'-;.;:,;;.,;,.---- THE SWARTBMOREAN Page 8 ....... SPEARE BROS.-- Chester's Fashion Corner 9:30 to 9:00 Wear f J' SWARTHMOREAN , a and at Speare Bros. Foundation Dep't on the Second Floor the stay-firm u nderl itt panels of new . I Mrs. Shute. Mrs. Stamford Thank . , I· • All Swarthmore, Pa.,IFriday, May 8, 1959 Council Makes Report .' .....,......... ,...."1958 Who Helped Swarthmore contributed 127 pints of blood at the annual Red Cross Blood Donor Day, Thursday afternoon, April 30, at the. Woman's Club. The total surpassed the Borough quota by two pints. This achievement, according Mrs. Corben C. Shute, oo-ehainnan of the Swarthmore Branch Red Cross blood .program, and Mrs. Leslie A. WeUaufer who were chairmen o:f .the event, was due to the outstanding, indefatigable, work of Mrs. Parker Stamford, blood recruitment chairman; her co-chairman .Mrs. Johan Natvig, and their entire calling committee. Th~ Red Cross Bloodmobile comes to the Borough of Swarthmore once a year and from the one day's collection the. local Red Branch is able to cover the blo'odl needs of the entire Borough. It also comes to the College once ·a year, . usually in late October. Volunteer services of the local Branch serve in both visits. Thirtyone members of the "otor Corps, For the first time, an annual report has been issued by the Borough Council of Swarthmore to give taxpayers a summary of Borough finances and of the major developments in local government duriilg 1958. CDpies may be obtained at Council's headquarters in Borough Hall on Park avenue. M Edwards Named rs~ New Peace Curator Meeting Secretary Resigns d M to Succee rs. .LU Nurses Aides, Gray Ladies, Staff Mary Cary Aides, Canteen, nnd the four chairMrs. Eule Edwards of Rutgers men worked ,for 143 hours o~ Thurs- avenue was named the new curator day. In addition the ~ollowing 17 of the SW'Irthmore College Peace High School boys assIsted during Collection to succeed Mrs. Mary the day with unl~ading a~d load- Cary, who will retire in July, The jng t~e B~oodmoblI~, parkIng cars announcemen~ came last week from a1!d dorectmg tr"!i'c: . Dr, Courtney Smith, president of M~lchcr, Ma,rtm, Moran, SmIth, Swarthmore College. Johnson, ThurmaR, Medford, LewTo accept the new position, l\.irs. icki. Cratsley, Crawford,' Lord, .resigned as secretary of B N d H ' J kSQn ayes, ernar, arrlS, ac 'the S,"arthmore Monthly Meeting, taff .• Irwin, and Wags . • position which she had held since M Sh t d M rs Wetlaufer rs. u e an '. 1953. She had previously been asf l' the local Branch deep express 0; d P 6) . sistant secretary for two ·years. Af(Contlnue on age ter she was grasJ,uated from the·col- bra are simply I . '''i!i: .. ;, lege with high honors, Mrs. EdCollege Band' to Give wards, with her husband studied in England for a year on a grant Third Spring Concert from the Carnegie Corporation, unHolm to Direct Twilight Musicale Tonight at you·jj soy 'it'S· magic- with everything you wear. A new youthful uplift is built into this bro~ The secret? Revolutionary new underlift panels, made. of laminated cotton, tha~ stay firm. . at SOb; • even after 65 machine washin9$~ Y 'TT.... h Id And another Ploytex fe~ture - new·s ou er SPEARS BROS.--Chester's Center famous Fashion has a complete line of the PLAYTEX Gil ROLES and BRAS•••• Shop at Speare Bros.- You'll Like It! straps that always lie flat. never cut or wrinkle. ~2A-40C;'White. , $2.50 OTH ER famous Playt~x FOUNDATIONS ... at Speare Bros. BRAS • • • -COTION PRETIY-2.50 -CIRCLE STRETCH COTION LlNING-3.95 -LIVING BRA-3.95; D·CUP-4.95 -BEAUTY SHAPE CUP-4.95 -LONG LINE LIVING BRA--4.95; D·CUP-7.95 GIRDLES ., AND PANTY CIRDLES ••• BRIEF--4.95 ans on the part of stu- ers, bll ss . appli~ation of a possible $1500 gfrt dents, communities alike regarding This concert in Swarthmore has from the Association. Michener said modern highway mayhem has been made possible through the co- cons,?ltation of the Home and pI"ompted \ the dr:iver education operation of Swarthmore College School executive committee with adcl~sses, to put on thei!: most vigol.'"a group of contrihutors from ministration and faculty indicated DUS campaign ever, under ~he directhis areaJ·who responded to an ap- something in the library or science tion of campaign chairman John peal from Mrs. Samuel Clyde of areas might be the most beneficial. Pinkston .. Ogden avenue last year, to finance "All Good Things Come to End" The opening event was an an appearance of the Lansdowne The sick leave of Girls' Physical bIy held yesterday and featured Symphony in this area. Education Teacher and Coach Virtalk by Ivan Stehman, state dh'~c"1 Artistically and. musically, the tor of safety education and Requiem has been acclaimed as the ginia Allen, who has heen ill with tt·aining. Chairman John greatest of Verdi's religious· works. arthritis since Novemher, was expresented the· program and Although a portion was originally tended through the end of this ed to the stu\:ients to get behind composed on the de·ath of Gioacchini school year. The Board received the driv,e, remembering "the life you Rossini, another of the geniuses of ne,xs that the 28-year undefeated save'may be your own." Italian oper~, the ultimate in spira- record of the girls' lacrosse team was shattered 3-2 in the last few The program opened with a live(Continued 'on" Page 10) seconds of play by Lower M~rion ly jingle quartet made up of Sue on the home field Tuesday of this Bruce. Karen Ward, Lesanne week. Kurtzhalz, and Caroline Webster. Husband .Mysteriously ~niured This ~as followed by the "Luckless Supervising Principal Frank R. Legion Pageant" which' membered Martha Calhoun, dl'ughter of :t;lr. Morey announced a temporary sub_ the many characters who becornel victims of t~rrfble highway slaough-I and Mrs. J. Alfred Calhoun of FElm I stitute had been secured for the avenue, has been awarded a u - h1gh school social studies classes ter. A pil'!torial narration by I h' was announert Jarrett of pictures of trlle.lifE'1 bright Scho ars IP, itDC t h ' of Mrs. Marry Seymour of DickInced by Washington, . " t au orI- son avenue whose absence was ne.accidents bro~ght to reality ties. She is .8 senior at Carleton horror of the ,wantonless murder College, Northfield, Minn., and a cessitated this week by the hospihighways. Following Mr. graduate of Swarthmore High talization of her husband in New speech John Pinkston presented Jersey. Mr. Seymour underwent an School. operation following a head injury program and activities· for . Martha, at! English major with week.... a minor in Gf~dI=_~)o~l;N~I!.~~~~--:"'~t: INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 8 \ May 1, 1959 ,,\\','lll~OR~; ~'U~ " 8Hn rt h1'lo::'\2 Uo lluf,1!" Li hrl', ry ;;JV, nrthmore COI.I.Io/.; ~~ I.II\HAI1Y ] ~ ':; . MAY 8 19S9 Wear Wear SWARTHMOREAN a as seen on TV OPEN FRIDAY 9:30 to 9:00 and at Speare Bros. Foundation Dep't on the Second Floor "Shop at Speare's where the most ' complete selections are to be baa." the stay-firm underlift panels of new Poppy , , . VOLUME 31-NUMBER 19 Borough Tlips Blood Quota; GiYes 121 Pints Swarthmore, Pa., ,Friday, May 8, 1959 Council Makes Report Mrs. Shute. Mrs. Stamford Thank All Who Helped Mrs. Edwards Named New Peace Curator bra are simply ... . ;".., ''*'' ot' 1;;'-. '.:y:: • '(ou~il say 'it'S magiC' with everything you. ' wear. A new youthful uplift is built into this bro. The secret? Revolutionary new underlift ponels • mode. of laminated cotton. that , stay firm. yet soft .... even after 65 machine washings; And another Playtex feature - , new SPEARS BROS.-Chester's Fashion Center has a complete line of the famous PLAYTEX GIRDLES and BRAS •.•. Shop at Speare Bros.You'll Like It! straps that always lie flat. never cut or wrinkle. a_2A-40C~'White. $2.50 , OTH ER famous Playtex FOUNDATIONS ... at Speare Bros. BRAS ••• .COTTON PRETTY-2.50 • CIRCLE STRETCH COTTON L1NING-3.95 -LIVING BRA-3.95; D,CUP--4,95 -BEAUTY SHAPE CUP---4.95 -LONG LINE LIVING BRA~.95: D,CUP-7.95 CIRDLES AND PANTY CIRDLES ••• -PANTY BRIEF--4.95 and 6.95 .CLOUD "17"-5.95 .FAB LINED' GIRDLE AND PANTY-US -MOLD AND HOLD GIRDLE AND PANTY-IO.9S XL-I 1.95 Of course Girdles by Playtex! The "mo Id n hold'A Zipper Panty Girdle ... I , You'll love the way it makes all your slim Spring fashions look their vesy best. XS, S, M. L. on and off so easy 10.95 XL Garter Girdle. Only •.•• 11.95 College Band to GiYe Third Spring Concerti'",,", Robert Grooters The elementary art department of the Swarthmore.Rutiedge Union School District, under the direction of l\h·s. Laura Dechnik and James Gainor, will present the Annual Art Exhibit tonight at 7 :30 at the RutJ,!crs A venue School. Opening the Exhibit will be the showing of two films in tohe AU-Purpose Room of the Primary Building. The films will be "Jackson Pollock" and "Art in Motion". TILe main di"play of the exhil:1it will be in the auditorium of the Intermediate Building, while 'other displays will be placed in the classrooms and the halls. Among the many experimental mediums wili be mobiles, mummies, wire sculp~ ture, ceramics, watercolors, pastels, stained glass windows, tempera, charcoal drawings, pen and ink drawings and many others. The featured attraction will be a dragon eight feet long, which was made by the pupils in Mrs. Alene McCutcheon's fourth grade. Hosts and hostesses will be on hand in each classroom to direct the many "bitors which th~ display at_ tracts each year. A cordial invitation is extended to all parents and friends. Safe Driving Week Promoted at SHS Poppy $4.00 PER YEAR Annual Art Exhibit Tonight at Rutgers Swarthmore contributed 127 pints of blood at the annual ned Cross Blood Donor Day, Thursday afternoon, April 30, at the Woman's Club, The total surpassed the Borough quota by two pints, This achievement, according Mrs. COl'ben C. Shute, ro-chairman of the Swarthmore Branch Red Cross blood program, and 1\1rs. Leslie A. \VetIaufer who were chairmen of the event, was due to the For the first timp, an annual rcoutstanding, indefatigable work of port has been issued by the Borough Mrs. Parker Stamford, blood re- Council of Swarthmore to give taxcruitment chairman; her co-cllair-I payers a summary of Borough fiman l\irs. Johan Natvig, and nances and of the major developentire calling I!ommittce. ments in loeal government during The Red Cross Bloodmobile 1958. Cnpies may be obtained to the Borough of Swarthmore Council's headquarters in Borough once a year and from the one day's Hall on Park avenue. collection the' local Red Cross Branc h is able to cover the blood needs of the entire Borough. It also , comes to the College once a year, usually in late October. Volunteer services of the local Meeting Secretary Resigns Branch serve in both Yi~its. Thirtyone members of the Motor Corps, to Succeed Mrs. Nurses Aides, Gray Ladies, Staff Mary Cary Aides, Cantpen, and the four chairMrs. Earle Edwards of Rutgers men worked ,for 143 hOllrs on !hurs- avenue was named the new curator day. In addition the followmg 17 of the Swarthmore College Peace High School boys assisted during Collection to succeed lVII'S. Mary the day with unl~ading a~d load- Carl~, who will 1'etire in July. Th(> State Safety Director ing the Bloodmobile, parkmg cars announcement came last \\reek from and directing tr~ffic: . Dr. Courtney Smith, president of Speaks at Assembly M£'ll"lwt", l\f1l.l'tm, )Im'an, SmIth, Swarthmore College. Thursday Johnson, Thurman, Medford, Lew'fo accept the ne\",. position, )lrs. icki, Cl'atsley, Cl'aw~ol"d, Lord, ,resigned as secretary of The eighth annual safc driving Noyes, Bernard, HarriS, Jackson, the Swarthmore .Monthly Meeting, week sponsored by the high school Irwin, and 'Vagstfl:ff. f a position which she had held since driver education class of the 11th :Mrs. Shute and 1'.'1rs. Wetlau er 1953 She had previously been as- grade \yiII begin Monday, May 11. express for. the loca~ Bra~c)h deep sista~t secretary for two years. AfThe need to promote a greater (Contmued on age tel' she was grapuated from the col- consciousness on the part of stulege with hi~h honors, l\I 1'5. Ed- dents, communities alike regarding wards, with her husband studied modern highway mayhem has in England for a year on a grant prompted the drivel' education the Ca1'l1egie Corporation, un- classes to put on their most vigorder the auspices of the American ous campaign ever, under the direcHolm to Direct Twilight Association fot· Adult Educatio\l. tion of campaign chairman John They visited and observed residen- Pinl{ston. Musicale Tonight tial colleges which were a part of The opening event was an assem~ at 7 P.M. the workers education movement. IJly held yesterday and featured a The Swarthmore College Band Mr. and 1\.1rs. Edwards then talk by Ivan Stehman, state direcwill present its third annual Spring worked for two :'oteal'S 011 the staff tor of safety education and driver Concert tonight, May 8, at 7 p.m. of the Scattergood Hostel in Iowa training. Chairman John Pinkston Adopting, once again, the "Music under the Amel'ican Fl'ien(is Ser- presented the program and appealin the Park" motif, the college Committee on a project which cd to the stutlents to get behind the bandsmen hope to stage their twi- involved the resettlement of l'cfu- drive, remembering "the life you light musicale in the natural ensave may be your own." gees from Naziism. virons of Scott Outdoor AmphiHet' husband is presently aSSDThe program opened with a livetheatre. ciatc finance secretar:r with the ly jingle quartet made up of Sue The group. directed hy Robert M. American Friends Service Commit. Bruce, Karen \Vard, Lesanne Holm and student conductor Robert in Philadelphia. The couple has Kurtzhalz, and Caroline 'Vebster. Rowley, will present a varied prochildren. 'rhis was followed by the "Luckless gram which should appeal to young Edwards began workl Legion Pageant" which membered and old alike. To be heard will be with the Peace ColIce-tion i\[o'nday I the many characters who become such favorites as uThe March from curator-eject on a part-time victims of terrible highway slaughTannhauser" by \Vagper; and the until 1\1rs. Cary's July retire- ter. A pictorial narration by Rob"Finale from the Symphony in E ment. Mrs. Cary has been associat~d ert Jarrett of pictures of true-life Minor" by Dvorak. In a contempor- with the Peace Collection since accidents brought to reality the ary vein, ~he band will play Glen 1949, first as a cataloger and since horror of the wantonless murder on Osser'8 "French Festival", and 1951 as curator. She lives in Haver- highways. Following 1\11'. Stehlnan's Erikson's "Toccata for Bandn~ ford. speech John Pinkston presented the One of the musical highlights of IH'ogram and activities for the the program will be the playing of "TODMORDEN FARM' week. George Gershwin's "Porgy and Bess _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Selection", Other numbers to be OPEN WEDNESDAY Canteen to Meet -' heard include Vaughn Williams' Flower lovers are looking for"FoJk Song Suite" and a new com- \vard to the Plant Sale sponsored This week there will be a regular positi~11 fol' band, "The Red SOIll- hy the Providence Garden Club Garnet Canteen with Mr. and Mrs. brero'" by Ronald Binge. For the Pennsylvania, Senior and Junior L, B. Dennett and Mr. and Mrs . lovers of march music, ,the band will groups, to be held rain or shine on 'Monroe Beardsley acting as chapplay Sousa's "Semper FideHs", May 13 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at erons. Philip Sw'ayne will be the Hummel's "National Spirit March" "Todmorden Farm", the estate of director this week in Anthony Pinand a new composition, "Burst of Mrs. Arthur Hoyt Scott in Walling- nie's absence. Flame". ford. Last week 110 attended the "BerThe progl'am, just one hour in Mrs. R. Blair Pr!ce, general muda Shorts" dance. On May 16 the length, will begin promptly at 17 chairman of this garden day, as- "Turks" will play 50r. the Canteen. p.m. In the event of rain, the con- sures visitors they will find.runch cert will be held in Clothier. As in from noon until 2 P,1\1 and interRECEIVES SCROLL the past two concerts, introductions esting plant material as well as and announcements will be made by home baked .goods and gard.n acDr. J, Albright Jones, Elm aveDavid Horr of the college radio an_ cessories. nue, was awarded a special scroll nouncing stwff. There is no admisWorking with Mrs. J. P. Henry for his work in the Delaware Counsian charge and members of the and Mrs. Karl A_ T,hieme, both of ty Chapter of the National Founeommunity are cordially Invited to Wallingford and co-ehainnen of dation at the annual March of attend. (Continued on Page 6) , Dimes dinner held' April 29. a Teachers Insured Kids to Swing, Slide Chichester English Head Named Teacher Here Verdi Requiem Mass Ti Be Performed Tues. Festival Choir, Lansdowne Orchestra Combine in 8 P.M. Program The Verdi Requiem l\Iass will be performed in Swarthmore on Tuesday evening, at 8 p.m. in Clothier Memorial naIL The Swarthmore Presbyterian Chancel Choir with other Delawarc COllntians. under the name of the Delaware County Festival Choir, will join the La!l~­ downc Symphony Orchestra in pre. senting this work. The choir has been rchearsed and dil'ected by Robert Grooters, ministel' of music of the Swarthmore Presbytf'rian Church. Henri Elkan, conductor and leader of the Lansdowne Orchestl'H, will preside at the podium, ' 'rhe four· solo will be sung by l\iargaret M. Prior, soprano; June '.1\I. Rosato, contralto; Rod :\Ic'Vhel'ter, tenor, and 1\11'. Grooters, bass. This concel·t in Swarthmore has been made po!"sible through the cooperation of Swarthmore College and a group of contrihutors from this urea, who responded to an appeal fl'om :.\11'5. Samuel Clyde of Ogden avenue last year, to finance an appearance of the Lansdowne Symphony in this area. Artistically and musically, the Requiem has been acclaimed as the gl'catest of Verdi's religious works. Although a portion was originally composed on the death of Gioacchini Rossini, another of the geniuses of Italian opera, the ultimate inspira(Continued 'on" Page 10) Martha Calhoun Wins Fulbright Scholarship Martha Calhoun, daughter of lIr. and Mrs, J. Alfred Calhoun of Elm avenue, has been awarded a Fulhright Scholarship, it was announced by 'Vashington, D.C., authorities. She is a senior at Carleton College, Northfield. Minn,. and a graduate of Swarthmore High School. , Martha, an English major with a minor in German, is a member of Phi Beta Kappa. She plans to mak~ a comparison of En~lish and German literature at the University of Berlin. She is scheduled to sail aboard the S. S. Berlin on September 7. Her grant extends for a year. \Vith many scholastic honors and awards to her credit, including membership in the National'Honor Society at Swarthmore High, she is a member of Mortar Board at Car1eton, and has been active in student government affairs, currently serving as secretary of the Student Association. She was also secretary of her freshman class, and has served for four Y"J'rs as a memher of the Student Committee for the Carleron Development PI'O- Ject. . ' Local teachers WCI'L" granted a new "fringe benefit" at 'Vcdnesday night's Swarthmore-Rutledge Union School Board Session. The BoaI'd acceded to the teachers' saJary committee reque,t that it assume about'half the {' of a $2000 life insurance policy f'll' each teach~ cr. This will run an f!'5timuted total of $19·10 annually for the Board's ,:;hare. PUl'chase of close to $500 worth of playground equipment for the elementary school on Rutgers avenue was authorized. Included \viIl be a s~t of six swings costing $192,20. four see-saws totaling $97. and a metal slide $180. Charles D. Law, Jr., of Lansdowne, was employf~t.l as eighth grade Engli~h teacher for next ycar. A graduate of Upper Darby High School and W<'st Chester State Teachers College, Law has taught in Nebra5ka, Colorado, and New JCl'sey High Schools, and for the past two years has been chairman of the Engli~h department at Chichesler High School, Boothwyn, Bond to Sign Checks The Board received the resigna. tion of )Oil's. 'Marion Campbell for the remainder of her current term as. secretary of the Board, to take effect May 1-1 since 'She anticipates several weeks' absence from the h6I'ough. Mildred Bond of the school office was elected Fecretal'Y pro tern. Herbert Michener, treasurer of the Home and School Association. asked the Board to give its recommend~tion by July 1 as to the best application of a possible $1500 gift from the Association. Michener said consultation of the Home and School executive committee with ad& ministration and faculty indicated something in the library or science areas might be the most beneficial. "All Good Thin9s Come to End" The :iick leave of Girls' Physical Education Teacher and Coach Virginia Allen, who has j,cen ill with arthritis since Novemilcr, was ex. h.'lltled through the end of this !-ichool year. The Board ]'ecei\'od the news that the 2S-yeul' undefeated record of the girls' lacrosse team was shattel'ed 3-2 in the last few seconds of play by Lnwer :\Ierion on the home field Tucsda Jr of this week. Husband Mysteriously ~niured Supervising Pl'inciTla1 Frank R. l\lorey announced a temporary sub_ stitute had been secured for the high school social studies classes of 1\11'8. Harry Seymour of Dickinson avenue wh()se absence was necessitated this week hy the hospitalization of her husband in New Jersey. "fl'. Seymour underwent an operation fonowing a head injury appurentl, received late Sunday while en route home from a visit to his daughter at a New England college. The Boal'd b."ued the> hope that l'esidents or whoe\·el' else may be responsible for dumping trash bet\\'een the new elemental'Y school building and its adjoining creek, will cease the practice. . Red Cross EJections To Be Held May 15 The annual meeting of the Red Cross will take place at 10 a.m. on Friday. May 15. in the Legion Room of Borough Hall, The meeting is open to any resi.. dent interested in the work of the Red Cross. Mrs. George Plowman, chairman of the local b1'llnch. will .~~_, _ _ • • 03 _ _ _ _ THE SWARTHMOREAN f"age2 , / TROOP 78 VISITS NAT'L She is the granddaughter of Mr'l Donald. Porter of Grand Rapid~, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Davis of and Mrs. Joseph B. Shane of Col- Mich. Her great grand~oth~r ••. Benjamin West avenue will take lege, avenue, and of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Anna B. Cooper of Pmevllle. up residence at the Dartmouth HQuse this weekend. !iIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIUlIUIIIIIIIIDIIIUIIIUl1tlIIHIIIIIIIIUIIIRlIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIriUlllIIlllIIUlUIlIllllllDIRUlRllUUllllnlllJUClllIlIIUIYli Dr. Henry J. Weiland and Miss Patricia Weiland of South Chester road have returned from a three Dr: J. Albright Jones' recovered from' a brief illness which weeks' motor trip iii the south had confined him to his home on where they visited many of ~he nlantatIOn so uthe.rn gardens and .., Elm avenue. ENGAOEMENT 1== Mr. and Mrs. William W. Lipp ~ § Dr. and Mrs. Joseph 8t,orla.2"1 homes. , § and family of Park avenue spent lIIrs. John R. Bates of North of Brightwaters, N.Y" have ~?- ~ ~athe weekend in Carlisle where they Chester road left Wednesday to nounced the engagement of the.r ~=_ daughter, Miss Virginia Kathryn attended a surprise celebration in visit friends in Noank, Conn. She THE HEART REMEMBERS MOTHER'S BEAUTY bonor of Mrs. Storlazzi's parents will spend Mother's Day weekend Lipp to Lt. WilliamG. Soden, U.S. l!! Mr. and'Mrs. Ottavio Giancoli, eel- with Dr. Bates at their summ~r 1II.C.: son of Mr. and Mrs. William ' 9 South Chester Road i! a ebrating their 50th wedding anni .. home at Shoreham, L.L, where their &~~~ Miss Lipp is a graduate of Seton ~ Call KIngswood 3-0476 daughter Sally will join them. versary. Hall High School and Browne's 3 e Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur O. James Dr. and Mrs. Leroy E. Peterson ~ __ AeUye M .... b.r or the 8wuU.mDI". Bulan_ A........ === Business School. ij ;::; plan a cocktail party to be held in of Vassar avenue had as Lt. Sod en is a gradauuat;eended I i,lIllIIUIIIIIClIIllIIlHnDlflDJlU1llDIIIIIIDIIACllllllllluIDllunIIUIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIUIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIUllallllllUJlII~lmllUlnDIIII ~ the garden <>f their horae at Park guests over the weekend Dr. Peter- Swarthmore High School, and Michigan avenues at 5 o'clock son's parents Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette College and,"al,!,d Saturday afternoon, May 9. Peterson of Silver Spring, Md. from the United States Naval Dr. and Mrs. Constantine A. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. An- Academy in 1954. He is presently on active duty with the Marine A pos tol •'des 0 f Dartmouth avenue thony of Vassar avenue spent the • FI~slt Cooling System Front End Alignment had as their guests Over the week- weekend at Stone Harbor, N.J., VIS_ Corps in Norfolk, Va STATE INSPECTION Wheels Balanced end their son-in-law and daughter iting friends. An August wedding is ,.planned. Check Brakes Tune Motor Dr. and Mrs. George Veise of CamMrs. Johl! Hoimold of Rutgers bridge, Mass. Enronte to Washing- avenue recently flew to Chicago DALY. BUNKER ton, D.C., where Dr. Veise is at- and spent several days attending Miss" Maryanne Bunker, daughtending a conference on Astrophy- the National Baha'i Convention in ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lloyd RUSSELL'S SERVICE .sics they will extend their trip to 'Vilmette. Ill. The convention was Bunker, Jr., of Mount Holyoke , Opposite 80ro Parking Lot Pal~ Beach, Fla., where Dr. Veise held at the Baha'i House of Wor- place became the bride Saturday afwill be engaged in work for ship. Mrs. Honnold served a~ ternoon of Dan Anderson Daly. He Closed Saturday I :00 P.M. Smithsonian Institute. of the Pennsylvania delegates is the son of Mrs. Gilbert E. Weeks -, • Mr. C. William Ramsay, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baur of of Chatham, 'N.J., and the late Mr. ly of Mt. Holyoke place, visited Vassal' avenue visited their son-in- James B. Daly. parents-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank law and daughter Mr. and ~rs. The Reverend Dr. ·D. Evor Rob'i L. Gettz of Harvard avenue last Frederick Mayer of Glen Head, erts of the Presbyterian weekend wqile in the Philadelphia L.I.~ and their three small son~ performed the ceremony in the home of the bride's parents. area on business. Mr~ Ramsay, who over the weekend: • had been assistant sales manager of Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Brown of Mr. Bunker escorted his daughRain Date _ May 10th the Fhiladelphia area, moved his Walnut lane are visiting their son- ter, who wore a princess-~tyle gown , family to Birmingham, Mich. "in and daughter ?tlr. and Mrs. of white taffeta embroidered with March following \lis promotion to Robert J. Stewart and their sons Alencon lace. Her shoulder-length veil of tulle was attached to a crown ·12 Noon 'til Evening the position of manager of the car of Bradford for a week. PLANT SALE marketing plans department 'Of the Mrs. J. Kenneth Dqhert;y of Elm 00. pearls. She carried a small Bible Ford Motor Company at Dearborn, h \ T d trimmed with white rosebuds. BAKED 'GOODS avenue returned ome ues ay Miss Nancy Watts Bunker and HANDWORK _ SEWING _ GIFTS Mich. evening after a week's stay in Ann Miss Molly Carolyn Bunker. sisters WHiTE ELEPHANT AUCTION _ TOYS Dr. Henry" M. Hoenigswald Arbor Mich., and Detroit, where MAKE-UP ARTISTS _ PALMIST _ PONY RIDES Kenyon avenue left Tuesday she viSited friends and relatives. of the bride, were attendants. Mr. FIRE ENGINE RIDES _ JEEP RIDES _ WHIP RiDES Austin, Tex., for a three day con· She left Swartlimore by car with Gilbert E. Weeks was the be$t man. Mrs. Daly is a graduate of BuckMOTHER GOOSE GRABS _ GAMES _ MOVIES _ LUNCH ference on linguistics. her house guests, her son and his nell University. Her Iiusband BUFFET DINNER . Mr. Arthur W. Collins of School wife Mr. and Mrs. Lynn SQUARE DANCING lane spent three days in Washing- and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Diamond graduated from Colgate ton this week attending the who had been here attending serve Newthe York. and isBank nowofwith Federal Patent Conference. Penn Rel~ys. After a 10-day honeymoon in Mr. Edward F. Cratsley of Mr. and Mrs,. William Craemer Bennuda, the couple will be livi~g Strath Haven avenue left Wednes- of Harvard avenue spent the week- at 851 Springfield avenue, Summlt. day for Cambridge, Mass., where end in Atlantic City. N.J. he participated in a Seminar in Susan. Hansell of North Swarth, financial problems of higher edumore avenue was the guest of honor BIRTH cation at Harvard University. at a dessert and miscellaneous Mr. and Mrs. J. Lawrence Shane Mrs. Don D. Dickinson of Park shower given by Mrs. Robert Alli- of Cedar lane and College avenue, avenue returned home last week son of Vassar avenue on '\Pednesannounce the birth of a daughter after spending 10 days motoring day. Last evening Susan was also Susan Hrooks on May 4 in the Bryn through the South with Mr. and the honored guest At a party given Mawr Hospital. Mrs. Harold Goodwin of Rose Val- by one of her chosen bridesmaids, ley. They visited friends and rela- Barbara Mohler of Ardmore. BUY tives in Raleigh, Durham and Satoko Izumi. daughter of Mr. Greensboro, N.C., and Mrs. DickONE DRESS AT REGULAR PRICE and Mrs. Charles Izumi of Benjaminson visited with her son at North SWARTHMORE. PA. GET A SECOND DRESS FOR $3,00 in 'Vest avenue was the guest of Carolina State College in Raleigh honor at dessert and a kitchen NOW SHOWING where he is a freshman. They Cottons and Silks shower on April 29 given by Mrs. made stops in Washington and Kin. Last 2 Days . George A. Hansell of North Junior and Misses' ston, N.C. . , Fri. 6' Sat., May 8, 9 Swarthmore avenue. Dr and Mrs. William C. Elmore Reductions on Hats Mrs. J. J. Ferguson of Bryn Broadway Comedy Bec::ome's Sere.on's of Walnut lane had as their guests Brightest New HitH! Mawr avenue attended the 11th anDot Hope Originals last weekend, Mr and Mrs. Harold -Clifton Webb nual Alumnae' Reunion of Sa;ah Betmar - Madcap Argo and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dunn Lawrence College in Bronxville, ·DorothyMcGuire Chas.Coburn <>f Los Alamos, N.M. Both Mr. Argo N.Y. Mrs. Fer$uson drove to Blouses ................ $2.00 and Mr. Dunn arc physicists \vith Pennypack~r~~ Bronxville with two alumnae 'Be/ts ................... SOc the Los Alamos Scientific Labora(Tecbnlcolor) friends last week and stayed two tOries and had attend the Physical Friday Features-7:35, 9:35 P.M. • days. Saturday Features-b. 8, 10 P.M. t Society in 'Va~hington, D.C., before Mrs. 'Villiam Bitting has revisiting the Elmores. turned to her home in Pennsgrove, SPECIAL ALL· CHILDREN'S SHOW Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heath of N.J., after spending a few weeks I 04 Park Avenue SATURDAY· J' P.M. Cedar lane will spend the weekend with her son-in-law and dflUgnter No Exchanges 3 Sto0ges. Starring in a Full F~aturein Baltimore where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Grier of 0' . All Sales Final . "The Gold Raiders". Approvall their son and daughter-in-law Mr. Dartmouth avenue. plus. . • ..... and Mrs. Dudley D. Heath. They 6 DISNEY CARTOONS will attend the May Day ceremo'n. SHORT SUBJECTS FOB ies at Goucher College where theit FREE Disney Recards ta Lucky MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS daug.hter-in-law is a senior. Ca.D • • • Kiddies , Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weir of Bali MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN timorc, Mr., werc the guests of Dr. . . Sun., Mon., Tues. 313 Avenue and Mrs. Joseph S. Lynch of Dart. May 10, 11, 12 IlInlSwood 3-2080 Fur Cleaning by Vita~Pelt mouth avenue over the weekend. Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin Personals I The Bouquet BEA.UTY SALON R = ~ = Get Read, for SPRING and SUMMER Driving RIBERT J. ATZ, Mgr. II 3·0440 MAY FAIR S·ATU RDAY, MAY 9th VALLEY THE SCHOOL IN ROSE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:;~~ Mid-May Sale Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday , 'May 11 - 1.2 - 13 College Theatre· "Mr. MARIE DONNELLY . . Certified Cold Fur· Storage • AZALEAS 5 for $ 1.00 23 Varieties May 15 and 16 Friday - 9 to 9 Saturday - 9 to 6 Springfield Corner .,f Are an Unbeatable Combination in THE PLAYERS CLUB OF SWARTHMORE presents "THE WHITE SHEEP OF THE FAMILY" by l'duGARDE PEACH and IAN HAY Produced Under the Direction of J. WILLIAM SIMMONS SlXER AYE. and POWELL RD. leu Fir. H.... WEUESLEY .IN - PHILAELPHIA Monday thru Saturday May 11 - 16 Benefit Faculty Solary Advo_ncement Cll'rtain' TIme 8:20 P.M. For CaUl 3-4249 .......' - ' ..... lIMIT . . . 'S.ome Game Running' (Technlcolor) 9:35 P.M. Fcalures~7:25, Wed., Thurs •• Fri., Sat. May 13.14,15,16 F ~~~ry II ilm •• Paul Newman Joanne Woodward "RaUy 'Round the Flag, Bays" (Gorgeous Technicolor) Fe&tures-;-7:X( 9:30 P:M. Klngswood 3-2~ A~I Fill 'll~ THE SWARTHMOREAN May 8; 1959 SPECIALIZING IN THE CLEANING OF SLIPCOVERS DRAPERIES CURTAINS M. WEINSTEIN & SON Dry C/eaner6 - Tailors 100 Park Avenqe Klngswoocl' 3-1727 ',Free Pick-Up and Delivery , Fonnal Wear to Hire PageS Police and Fire News 'Solicitors Annou.nced PRE·FESTIVAL TEA Rawson, Terri McCurdy, Judy Golz, At 11 :45 p.m. May Day, Mary For Retarded Children PLAIlIED FOR 15th Linda Hopper and Carol Vint. Girl Scout Troop 78 under the O'Fallon, former Dartmouth House Mrs. A. Q. Mowbray, Jr., and A pre-Festival tea will be held leadership of Mrs. Robe~t A. Det- resident now Jiving in Rosemont, Baker Middleton, chairmen of by the Odds & Ends Booth of Mrs. ',weiler and MI'S. James H. Connor was driving north on Dartmouth \ left Friday to spend the weekend at avenUe when her car,collided with the Swarthmore drive for the Dela- Community Art Center's Festival • ware County Association for Reof Arts at the home of Mr. and the National Girl Scout Camp in and damaged the right front of the tarded ChildJ;en. have annolmced Mrs. William A. Clarke, 401 Irogers Bethesda, Md. parked car of Eric Munro in front their solicitors as fOllows: lane, Wallingford on May 15 from Mter an uneventful but chilly of the latter's home. 211 Dartmouth Mrs. Alex Curtis, Jr., Mrs. Henry 2-5: 30 p.m. The Festival of Arts night in sleeping bags, the troop knocking it into the rear' bumper Scott Daniels, Mrs. Marshall will be presented to the community "took off" by bus for an all day <>f a car parked, belonging Schmidt, Mrs. Arthur A. the following day, from 11 a.m. sightseeing tour of .Washington, to Richard Snyder of 209 Dartmann, Mrs. Ronald W. Estab:~}~:~1 through 5 p.m. at the Art Center. D.C. Their itinerary 'included the mouth. Police said the OFallon car Mrs. Virgil M. Ware has charge White House, the Washington Mon_ had to be towed away. The driver Mrs. Robert L. Thomson, Mrs. Rob_ crt M~ W·alker, Mrs. John J. Logue, of arrangements, with members ument, the Lincoln Memorial, Mt. suffered a broken nose. Mrs. Gordon Lange, Mrs. James her committee including Mrs. HarVernon and Arlington Cemetery The following morning, Satur- Field, Mrs. Douglas Courtney, Mrs. ry Forbes, Mrs. Walter Cappock, where they watched the changing day, May 2, new patronman Ed. IT TAKES A LOT . Qf the guards at the Tomb of the ward Burgett began his second day Horner Nearing, Jr., Mrs. Caleb Mrs. Curtis D. Morris, Mrs. LaurOF PLANNING Unknown Soldier. The girls re- on duty by accom)Jan~';ng Patrol- Foote, Mrs. Robert W. Wood, Mrs. ence Stabler, Mrs. Edna Winters, Th os. S. Thorbahn, Mrs. Aaron M.·s. H. Boyd McCo. nkey. turned to camp to C90k their own man Stanley Shepanski to lIforton It takes a Jot of sciellti6c to launch a supper and crawl Into bed well where they assisted local authori- Fine, Mrs. Walter H. Mann, Mrs. James A. Richards. ACCEPTS FELLOWSHIP rocket, and it takes a lot worn but well educated. ties in an emergency at the railroad of specialized .insurance Also Mrs. Jacob E. Snyder, Mrs. JQhn R. Sch'ott, who';s completing The return trip on Sunday was station, a woman having been taken know-how to launch a Peter B. Murray, Mrs. James F his second year of study at .oxford, Bound program of protec- " marked by a hectic moment at Phil- ill there. tion. We are equipped to G.lylord, Mrs. Edward K. . England, returns to this country in adelphia's 30th Street Station due At 9 :05 a.m. Sunday the car of , do this job for you as toa 20 mi!'ute delay in the arrival Cole L. DlJvid, Louisville, Ky., ley, Mrs. Randolph S. Lee, Mrs. late JUly and will continue study plaI1ned protection is an Lyle A .. Whitsit, Mrs. H,!rber1;1~or his Ph.D. degree at Harvard of the Washington train. But the important part of our parked in front of 835 Harvard aveP.S., Personal Service. Michener, Mrs. John P. Cushing, University in the Fall. He has local train was held for 15 minutes nue was struck by one owned by to accomodate the scurrying Scouts Joseph Gangemi, driven by the lat- Mrs. Robert Reed, Mrs. Margaret accepted a Resident FellOWShip in froln Swarthmore. F. Hayes, Mrs. Leslie M. Brooks the department of government and ter's brother Carl E. of Arden, Del., Mrs. Donald Comer. ' political philosophy at Harvard. Members of Troop 78 who went who was pulling out from the curb The drive, which opened May 3, on the Washington weekend were All Lines of Insurance behind it. The left rear fender of concludes tomorrow. Additional inIII RE.CITAL Janet Bowie, Marianne Burtiss, ass D4BTlfOUru .&VB. the David car was damaged and the 8WAK'IIDIORB, PA. Carol Campbell, Betsy Coddington Several of the piano stUdents right front fender of the other formation may be obtained from Mimi Connor, Patty Estey, An~ car. Klngswood 3-1833 M,s. Mowbray, Klngswood 4-1107 Mrs. John Schott played at an inGearhart, Karen Grose, Eleta or Mrs. Middleton, Klngswood 3- . recital in her home on May On Tuesday the vista of p<>lice- 7286. Jones, Susan Lane, Katy Natvig, .cu WDlllJ 2. Those taking part were Blair men and all others who pass along "1"1.1 Jane Oakey, Emily RUssell, Susan Whittier, Marcia Rubenstein, Holly Scott, Beth Ann Stuart and Sue the ~ront of Borough Hall was im- pIe and vehicles involved in an acproved by the annual setting of cident there. Wood. Traffic at Yale ,and Rutgers . Lynne Farrington was unable to pink and white petunias in the little garden there. nues, formerly uTom's Corner" join the troop because of a death 30 YALE AVENUE MORTON. PA. A Rutgers avenue !nan paid a $5 school childrel}. has been ably diin the family and Georgia Detweiler TELEVISION - HOME and AUTO RADIO _ PHONOS had to remain at home with chronic fine ).fay 5 for a stop sign viola- rected for the past two months by "Bring It .to Us or We'll Come to You" tonsiJitis. tion committed April 29 at Chester Mrs. Cornelia Santos. , Troop mothers _who accompanied road north ()f the underpass. Klngswood4-1028 the girls included ilIrs. Donald P. On· Wednesday, April 22, the Grose, Mrs. Martin Estey, and Ml'S. third and final juvenile involved in ELNWOOD Chalme,s Stuart. Judy Davis of larceny of a tire from the car of Swarthmore College, who has been Baker Middleton,. 130 Rutgers aveassisting the troop leaders, also nue, several months ago, 'yas disBaltfll!llore Pike & LlDcoln Ave. jojned the group .. charged at Media upon payment of Swarthmore costs. . , GIRL SCOUT CAMP I Peter E. Told DIOK FRANCHETTI-TELEVISION Oonvalescent Home Fina! Meeting Planned For Presbyterian Women EstablIshed 1932 On April 23, J ames Tu~ker of Morton said the wheels of his car ~Uiet, RestfU! Surroundings With loicked causing him to crash il'to ExceUent 24-Hour NIU'lIlnC C..... The Women's Association of the the concrete wall at the top of ihe Presbyterian Church will have its underpass south of the railroad at Klngswood 3-0272 final meeting of the season on Wednesday, May 13. Mrs. David Mc- 9 :45 p.m. The car had to be towed ~_~~;;~~~~~:::~;;;~~I away. \ Cahan will lead" devotions in the G1!orge W. Smith, Chester, paid ~anctuary at 12 o·clock. Assisting III the service will be a women's $10 fine for speeding dn Friday. He choir singing "Good Folk Who was arrested by Constable Joshua . Story Dwell on Earth" by Bach, arrange- Hepburn. on April 12 for offense We'd like to send you a ment by Katherine Davis. The choir on Chesler road and Swarthmore . d' , ann_ lS lrected by Mrs. Wesley N. Wag_ folder on this aspect of ner with Mrs. C. !II. Allen at the Three other motol'ist~ paid fines beautiful organ. " on April 25 for traffic violations: WEST LAUREL HILL An original program prepared ~oseph Bowman of Folsom paid $10 ,.~ by l\frs. McCah,n and Mrs." Mlicemen pulled the offending unit out of the stove. Walter Reynolds, Benjamin West avenue Sea Scout, began Sunday traffic duty at Trinity Church Qn April 26, replacing Robert Neilsscn of Grace Park. Isaiah Graham of Chester paid ~5 fine this week {or going against a traffic light on March 13; arrested by information of a Mtizen Dorothy Anderson of Ridley Township whose car was damaged as a result of the transgression. of Chief Thomas Bateman, Swart\t~ more's lone policeman on the street during the day until the newly hired patrolman arrived assisted Nel.her Providence at 9 :45 a.m. April' 28 by directing traffic at Rose Valley and Providence roads while that township'. tINm took .'eare at peG- . . \ Best Gifts for your Best Girl • • • 'MOTHER To show your love on Mother's Day, delight her with beautiful gifts of fashion_ We've lavish lingerie, exciting accessories, beautiful blouses • • • and more, more, more! Come see, select! \ • SwartJ.lDore SJ.~p , .. , .THESWARTnMOREAN THE l'age 4 . III SKATE FETE 1 S h d I 7th Crade c e u es Karin Sundquist, Nancy Cornel;::===~~=-:=:;-:-:::;:;;;;;;'~;;:;-;:;;;----II TRIIIITY NOTES 'Country Fair' for Sat. ius and Sandra Peirsol, elementary A celebration of the Holy ComPUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PENNA. munion will be held at 8 o'clock SunThe high school gymnasium will sChool students, and France. Brill PETER E. TOLD, MlARJORIE TOLD, Pnblishers day morning. At 9 :30 there will he take on a carnival atmosphere when of Wallingford, who attends . Phone KIngswood 3·0900 a service of Morning Prayer ar.d it is c«)nverted into a· "C ount ry Swarthmore Junior High School, Ch urch School, and at 11 :16 da servPETER E. TOLD, Editor H I Fair" for the seventh grade party skated in the second annual ice . , Ed't ,'ce of Morning Prayer an ay show held Tuesday and Wednesday . Barbara B. Kent, Managmg I or tomorrow e\4!!ning. f -evening, at the Ardmore rink ? Rosalie D. Peirsol SOnya K. Horneff Marjorie T. Told Ba':~:~~nterbUry Club will meet in There will be games of all kinds, the Philadelphia Skating Club and Jeannette V. Howe the Cleaves Room for dinner and a fortune-telling booth, bowling and Humane Society, for the benefit of Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, aht t:e !'s~~t discussion at 6 p.m., and the E.Y.C. a dancing corner. A large group of the Pennsylvania Association for Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of Marc, . will hold their meeting at 7 o'clock. student committees have planned Retarded Children. and arranged the affair which will DEADLINE WEDNESDAY NOON Ushers for the services will be b'e assisted by the parents. RECEIVES BOWDOIN GRANT Mrs. H. W. Huse is class chairSWARTHMORE, PENNA., ,FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1959 as 1~1I~~so: a.m._Theodore Evans, Halfred Wertz, mathemati"" head usher; J. B. Davis, alternate; man, Mrs. Maurice L. Webster, pro_ tcacher in the Swarthmore High The Communicants' class will L Ch h gram; Mrs. Irvin Zimmerman, School. has received a National PRESBYTERIAN NOTES . R. S. Brodhead, W. . urc, treasurer; and Mrs. Joseph S. Science Foundation stipend from. Dr. Roberts will preach at the meeT~:tJ:~i:' High Choir will re- G. C. MacDonald, J. B Nolte, H.~. Bowdoin College. About 60 teach. Peters, and J. P. Smith, Jr. t Howe, hospitality. 9 '.30 and 11 o·c\oc.k services. The hearse at 4 p.m., and the· Semor M B h head erS of mathematics at the high topic of his sermon will be "The 11 :16 am. - W. . us, school level will participate in this . usher; D. W. Schumann, alternate; Reception Sun. to Honor Meanl'ng of the Ascension', The High at 5 p.m. The Junior High Westmmster J S P rter R B program for a period of six weeks . t t 5 A. S. Mowery, . . a , . . Sac rament of Baptism will be a d • Anniversary' Artists llowships will mee a p.m. d H G We vel' during t.he coming Bummer. Fe h Price, an .' a . ml'nl'stered at the second service. 'lc Gurler will spcak at t e . '" nd Thomas Four of the exhibitors -.tthe Modern mathermatics 'and its imMer Douglas "rege a Church Sch;"'1 classes meet at , 'lor High l'ellowship meeting at h d led t erve as first Community A rt Show of the plications, for the high school curSen "9,.30 and 11 o'clock. Mowery are sc e u a s '.30. The Methodist Y_ outh F. ellow.I' t th 8 o'clock service' be explored. 6 At 9 :30 the Women's and ColleJreaco ytes a e , 'Voman's Club will be guests of riculum y honor at the reception Sunday eveship will be guests. Peter Berlin, James Paul, and Ja. BEREAVED age classes will meet. f T t Oil meet 15 W I ning for artists participating in The Coffee hour will be served at The Board 0 rus ees WI Thomson at 9 :30, and at 11: , The Reverend Joseph P. Bishop. at 7:30 Tuesday night.. Iiam Ryerson, Buell Scher, and the 25th annual show which is heformer minister of the Presbyterian 10:30. \ The Women's Association Lunch- Peter Timms ing held this week at the Club. The Church, has been bereaved by the eon meeting will be held Wednesday 1he Spring Ingathering of the honor guests for this silver anniCHURCH SERVICES death of his mother on April 24. Mr. heginning with devotions at 12 p.m. United Thank Offering will be held versary are Mrs. Carl deMoll of Bishop is presently the minister at PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH in the sanctuary. on Sunday. Mrs. Henry L. Mc- Park averiue, Mrs. Stanley L. Mac- the Church of the Covenant, 67 Dr. rio Evor Roherts. Minister The Busincss and Professional Corkle, Mrs. Robert D. Hulme, Mrs. Millan of Vassar avenue, Mrs. F. Newbury street, Boston, Mass. Sunday, May 10 Women's group "fill meet for sup- Jan Ellison, and l'Irs Roberl Mur- LeRoy Gilbert of -Meadow lan'e, and 9 :30 and 11 A.M.-Church Sch~ol pel' at 6 :30 p.m. Wednesday. Florence Tricker, formerly of Park Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Campbell of ray are in charge. Classes. The Bible Study group will meet The regular meeting of the Ves- avenue. 'I College avenue spent, the weekend 9:30 and 11 A.M.-Dr. Roberts Wednesday at 8 p.m. try will be held at 8 o'clock Monday . with their pan John, in Forest Hills, will preach. 3:00 P.M._Communica~ts' cla~s. 11' , rehearsals Thursday in·ng ' Clio evem . HI 8a~ it in The Swarth17WTea.'A" L.l. 5:00 P.M.-Jr. High FellowshIp. elude Primary at 3 p.m., Junior at On Tuesday the Sewing Group 6 :30 P.M.-Sr. High Fellowship. 3:45, Junior High Boys' at 5:16, will meet at 10 o'clock, and at 7 Wednesday, Alay \3 P'\,I a zone meeting under the chairand the Chancel Choir at 7 :30. 12 Noon - Woman's Association. A Preparatory Service will be manship of Mrs. OW. N Ryerson will 6:30 P.M. - Business 'Vomen's held at 7:30 Thursday evening. The be held at the home of Mrs. J. AISupper. 8:00 P.M.-Bible Study Group. service will be followed by a meet- fred Calhoun. OUR RECORDa ing of the Session with the mem'Celebrations of the Holy CamThursday, May 14 7 :30 p.M.-Preparatory Service. bers of the Communicants' Class. munion will be held on Wednesday More than three-quartan of a The College Fellowship group at 7 and 9 :30 a.m. Bible classes will METHODIST CHURCH ~tury of unequaled .service, depicnic supper will beheld at the meet at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. and John C. Kulp, Minister Manse, 912 Westdale avenue, at there will be a service of Evensong pendabOity and highest standards; Charles Schisler 6 :30 next Flriday. at 8 o'clock. Minister of Music On Thursday there will be a celSaturday, May 9 ebration of the Holy Communion METHODIST NOTES . 12 Noon - Mothtr-Daughter LunThe Board of Trustees will meet at 10 a.m. This will be followed by cheon .. at the ch"rch at 7 p.m. tonight and a meeting of the Study Group. In Sunday, May 10 , DI••ClOD O. "'NII.AI.I 9 :46 A.M.-Church School class,:s. ".ill ~e followed by the the evening at 8 o'clock the Steering 1820 CHEIINUI IIRIII 8 :45 and 11 A.M.-Mr. Kulp wIll monthly meeting of the OffICIal Committee of the 9(30 dJ_scussion OUYBIIL lAIR, _ _ . MArt AoIAJI, PI ...preach. group win meet in the Cleaves I 6:46 P.M.-Sr., Jr., Youth Fel- Baal'll. Tohp_" 6-111. The1'e will be 1\ :Mother and Ro·om lowships. Daughter luncheon t.n Sat~rday in Wednesday, May 13 Fellow,hip Hall at. 12 noon. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES 12:15 P.M.-W.S.C.S. Luncheon. A t H••, identical ·-.e'l'vices of war· Scientific understanding. of the ship '(.>fI Sunday at 8 :45 and 11 man of God's creating hri"8s true TRINITY CHURCH Layton Parkhurst Zimmer, Rector fl!c:lock, :,\fr. Kulp will, use~ as his health and sccurity.- This is a sermon ~ubject, HGod, Appealing theme set forth at ChrisUan SciSunday, May 10 Tln'l'ugh :\Je". Chl~l'ch School clas- ence services Sunday in the Les8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. .. 9:30 A.M.-Morning Prayel', sefi b·~jn at 9 :45 a.m. with classes son-Sermon entitled "Adam and Church School. Middletown Road - Media, Pa. Opposite High Melldow Fallen Man." 11 :16 A.M.-Morning Prayer and f ,))' nII <1ges. (between Dutton Mill Road and Knowlton Road) The Jr, and Sr. Hi youth FellowScriptural selections win include Holy Baptism. . ship groups will meet at 6:45 for the account in John (0:1-7) of the 6:00 PM.-Canterbury Club. .~ .. 7:00 P.M.-E.Y.C. their-regular Sunday evening~meet- healing by Christ .Tesus of the ings. "man whicp. was blind f;rom his Wednesday, May 13 7 :00 A.M.-Holy, Communion. The Commission on Missions will birth.H 9 :30 A.M.-Holy Communion. nwet at the church at 8 1\:lonAn are welcome to attend the Friendlv Sound Advice - FREE 8:00 P.M.-Evensong. day. services at Fh'st Church of Christ, Thursday, May 14 Thel'e will be a meeting' of the Scientist, 206 Park avenue, at 11 Telephone TRemont 2-7206 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. Metropolitan Student Work COI1l- o'clock. A,k for BEN PALMER I THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY mittee in Fellowship Hall on Tucs---------OF FRIENDS day at 2 p.m. UNITARIAN, NOTES Sunday, Alay 10 The 173rd scK~i;)Jl of Phi;:u:.~I"Ethical Problems in Political 9:45 A.M. - Early Mceting for phi a Annual Co·,"1fe:ence will l,e Life" will be the topic for a panel Worship. SHADE TREES SHRUBS First-day School. ' . held May 13 throngl. May 17 •• t discussion on Sunday evening, pre11 :00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. Al'ch Street·Methodi.t Church. 'rhe sented by the Adult Education Flowering Trees, Rhododendrons, Laurel , Children cared for in W·hittier public is invited to &ttend the nOtm Committee of the Unitarian Church , House. All nre'\velcome. time devotional SPJ'\'l('es from 1~- of Delaware County. The panel 5 :30 P.M.-High School FeUowOpen Weekday EV'inings in Good Weather 12:30 at which Bishop Carson wi!1 members will .be Charles Gilbert, ship. Open 7:30 A.M. _ 5:00 P.M. Daily and Saturday speak. Dr. 'Villi am Cannon, dean professor of political science at Monday, May II of Emory Theologic,\1 School, Dela- Swarthmore College; James M. Sunday: 12:30 - 5 P.M. AU Day Sewing for A.F .S.C. ware, will speak at the "Evening DaVis, Township Commissioner in Wednesday, May \3 Hour of Inspiration" each night at Springfield Township, and John All-day sewing for the A.F .S.C. 7 :46. Sears of Middletown. Township, FIRST CHURCH OF regular monthly meeting of who will speak primarily as a votThe CHRIST, SCIENTIST the. W.S.C.S. will be held on Weding citizen. This meeting .will be SWARTHMORE • nesday at the church. Lunchtime ·heldat 8 o'clock in ·the Unitarian Park Avenue below Harvard and social lIour is from 12 :15 to 1. Religious Education Center, located Sunday, May 10 Everyone is welcome to come and at 463 West Sproul Road. All who 11 :00 A.M.-Sunday School. 11 :00 A.M.-The Lesson - SennoD bring a sandwich. Dessert and l)ev- are interested are welcome to atwill be entitled" Adam and Fallen erage will be supplied. The business tend. Man". On May 3, the Annual Congrege.meeting will begin 'at 1 :15. Aprons Wednesday evening meeting each are desired for the Methodist Hostional Meeting of the Church was week, 8 P.M., Reading Room, '09 t pital Bazaar. held. Charles Stanton of Spripg.: Da;u,.outh Avenue, open weekdays exeept holidays, 10-5; FriThe'Church Choirs will' rehearse field, was elected president of the t day evening, 7-9. on Thursday as .follows: Congregation. Mrs. llonro.e C. 3;45, Carol Choir; 4:15, Wes· Beardsley of Rutgers avenue, and DEL. CO. UNITARIAN . Old Marple Road, Springlfield leyan Choir; 7, Chapel Choir; and Robert Waxham of Clifton Heights Individually fitted to you for comfort and Deauty. Herbert F. Vetter, Jr., Minister 8 p.m., Chancel Choir. were elected to the Board of T.,-usSunday. May 10 . tees. Alterations free. All Famous Makes. 11 :00 A.M.-Morning 'Service. ROMAN CATHOLIC NOTES "A New Way in Religious EduThe meeting of the Way and FRIEIIOS MEETIIS IOTES cation." Means Committee of Notre Dame de For the remaining Sundays in NOTRE DAME DE LOURDES Lourdes which was to be held in May there will be an early Meeting Rev. Charles A. Nelson, Pastor the home of Mrs. Harold Dumm on for Worship from 9:45 to 10:45 Y2 Parish Rectory - Michigan Avenue May 11 has been cancelled. a.m., in addition to the Meeting and Fairview Road . A meeting of the officers of the held at 11 a.m. Daily Mass-8 A.M.-Rectory 4~3331 Sunday Masses-8, 9, 10, 11 A.M~ Women's Auxiliary.of Notre Dame The usher for May is Richard College Theatre de Lourdes will be held in the home Enlon. Confession-Saturday, 4-6:30 P.M. of Mrs. Franeis Rooney, 1415 Mich_ The High School Fellowship will an~ 8-9 P.M.-Rectory. ... ....._ igaD, avenue on May 14 'at 9 'p ...•m. me ..t as usual at 6 :30 onJiMpday. Baptillll-Snnday 1, P.M.-.~_., , THE SWARTHMOREAN wi!1 • THE OLIVER H. lAIR CO. " Ros,e Valley Nurseries, Inc. • p.m. CUSTOM LANDSCAPE WORK .. AZALEAS Girdle and Bra Shop The Fashion Center for Girdles and Bras Corselettes and Camp Supports etc. Elemenlary Band In Initial Concert Page 5 . UN WEEkEND Nursery. School Plans 1IAMEO STUDENT CONDUCTOR OPEN NIGHT AT SPROUL HOSTS NAMED Clothesline Exhibit Louise Johnson, North Chester Open night at Sproul ObservaMrs: William A. Welsh and her The Swarthmore Presbyterian road, was elected student conductor ( , hospitality committee reported the NUl'sery Day School will hold a f ory will be held Tuesday night Thursday Program to Be following as hosts and hostesses clothesline art exhibit and plant a the Bucknell University Wom- from 8:30 to 10 p.m. Held in Rutgers ,;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;r; for the UN Weekend May I, 2, and sale tOI11Ol·row afternoon at the c n 's Glee CIu b th is week. 3: . A member of. the junior class, I Auditorium church. Parents, grandparents, and she ;s the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mother's Day Bake Sale Mr. and Mrs. John B. Aaron, all those interested in the wide The Swarthmore-- Rutledge Ele A. Sidney Johnson, Jr. mentary School Band will present Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark Bittle, Mr. range of style and "period" created May 10 - 8 A.M. - I P.M. its jirst concert Thursday evening, and Mrs. Herman lIf. Bloom, Mr. by three, four and five-year.olds Rr lOry • NoIre Oame de Lourdes BRIDGE WIHNERS May 14 in the new Rutgers Avenue and Mrs. Seymour H. Colten, Mr. are cordially invited to the 3 p.m. ponsored by Woman's Auxiliary Auditorium. This 60-piece group of and 1111'. H. M. Crist, Mr. and IIIrs. event. The Crum Creek Bridgc Club Louis B. Dennett, Mr. and Mrs. fourth, fifth and sixth grade musiThe plant sale sponsored by the mct last week at the home of Mrs. 'cians was organ~zed this year with Joseph J. Donovan, Mr. and -Mrs. school's Mothers Council; will ben. Walter R. ·Shoemaker of Riverview 1_ the completion of the new elemen- Earle Edwards, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. the scholarship fund. road. The high scorers were Mr .. 'J Ice Anthony M. Fairbanks, Mr. and tary building. Yearbooks on the current school Leslie Luckie and MI'. Lawrence Mrs. Raymond R. Gemmill, Mr. and The program of about 45 minutes year, will alro be on display. Stabler, and in second place were duration will begin at 7 :45, and Mrs. Charles C. Heisler, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Earle Dippich. The include selections by the full band Mrs. Henry M.· Hoeriigswald, Mr. RECEIVES APPOINTMENT ~ext meeting will be on May 12. 0 ank bUJ/cI,"~ and -individual numbers by smaller and Mrs. John· O. Honnold, Jr., Frank R. Shuman, Media, has ~~ill:1IL~ ~6/"'''" .-........--... duet, trio, and quartet groups. A Mrs. James W. Hubbell, Mr. and been named manager of process highlight of the oand program will Mrs. Ray P. Hunt,Mr. and 1111'S• development in Sun Oil Company's be the playing of selections from Philip E. Jacob, Mr. and Mrs. Sey- Research and Development division Walt Disney's "Snow White". The mour W. Kletzien, Mr. and Mrs. it was announced last week. Prior to l'Iigh in t~e Pocono., 5 miles from Newfoundland, Pa., group will be directed hy Robert James B. Murray, Justus Rosen- this appointment Mr. Shuman was berg, Mr. and Mrs. W. Newton you can dIScover the sere~e beauty of the Lake Paupac Holm, assisted by Eddie Edney section chief for petrochemical pro Mrs. John W. Ryerson, Mr. 'and . Club community. The natural 3oa'acre Lake is sur- private acres where a membership of At the conclusion of the musical Mr. Shuman is married to the SipleI', Mr. and Mrs. David D. Selt: I amlh~s enlo~ .wonderful summers. Good lake and program, punch and cookies will be former Miss Ruth Anne Myrick of zer, ·Adeline K. Strouse,~ Philip E. s!ream fishrng, sallIDg, tennis, 2 sandy beache., mag. served the participanta by members Rutgers avenue. They have two Swayne, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. nlficent waterfall.. Two fully equipped cottages and of the 'Band Parents organization. children, Frank I;t., 3rd, 7, and Anne Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Willis D. several lake-front lots for sale. Furnished cottages for The two instrumental spec¥--lists, Lee, 4. Weatherford, and Mr. and Mrs. rent. Paupac lodge accommodates thirty guests at Albert Leopold and !lIichael Donmodera!'e American, Plan rates with private baths. . Architects Exhibit nelly, who visit_the schools several Neal A. Weber. Also assisting with the enti:.d.aindays each week, will be- in attending of thEt'dclegates and their famAt Arts Center ance to assist with the program. For Information - Richard P. Bell, Mgr. Hies were: Mr and Mrs. Colin 'V. ~~l . Architects are exhibiting \ Parents arJd interested members ,4?2 East Ridley Ave. Ridley Park, Pa. of the community are cordially in- Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Celia, reSIdentIal architecture at the Mr. and Mrs Max Esse}, Mr. and Community Arts Center, Rogers vited to attend. Mrs. Ivan E. Forte, Mr. and Mrs. Lane, Wallingford, May 6 through Telephone LEhigh 2-7508 Paul Gay, Mr. and Mrs. Charles 14. Emma Louise Warfield, chairBorough Tops Blood E. Gilbert, Mr. and M,·s. Howard man of the Architecture Tour Com_ ·i>U"~~~~us~. Quota; Gives 127 Pints GilJiams, Mr. and Mrs. John D. l{'itt~e which sponsored the exhibit, Harvey, Mz:. and Mrs. James R. has Issued a general invitation for (Continued from Page 1) , Hornaday, Mr. and :ltirs. William tea Sunday from 3 to 5, and a view a1.' p reciation to all these who/wIped N. Nolan,- lUr. and l\frs. Howard of the drawings, renderings and WIth the day, with special thanks to G. Norton, Mr. and Mrs. Edward photogr"phs. the Swarthmore Police whose ready G. Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Tbose e\hibiting are John M., cooperation in bJocking off space E. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Adams and Charles L. Chandler, ~t has been call~d to our attention that people want to know :or p~rking donors' cars and help- R. Shoemaker, Mr. and Mrs. H. J;., of Wallingford; H. Mather Lipwe manage to sell Top Sirloin for 69<; a pound, when the lUg WIth the traffic smoothed the Parker Stamford, Mr. and Mrs. pmco!t, Jr., and Louis deMolI of c aID stores and others sell it for 99c'a pound and more event; to the loca] businessmen who Howard .E. Tomkins, Mr, and Mrs. Rose VaHey; George Hay of Media; Also. peopl,; want to know how we sell Roasting, Frying and J!~?erously contributed the fruit J. B. MIliaI'd Tyson, and Mr. and Joseph L. Burke of Springfield; L. StewIDg ChIckens (fresh killed only) for 39c a pound week in JUIces, doughnuts, candy and Mrs. David R. Wadleigh Charles' Scipione and C. Frederick and week. out when the chains a~d others get 45c a pound or cracked ice served the donors; and Rudolph' Hirsch, 'Samuel M. Wise of Havertown; Arthur White more. People are .also wondering how we sell our Roasts and to the seven Swarthmore College \ Dodd, Jr., 1\lrs. Jacob E. Snyder, of Oakmont, and.Paul M. Cope, Jr., stUdents who carne in to give blood and. Arthur S. Robinson provided of Radnor. Steaks so. I'!w. It IS v;ry easy when you give best quality ., to the Borough Day. honest .prlces and ~on t have to offer stamps or other gimmicks transportation that was needed ' t~ en.hc.e people IUto your store. You'll save Dollars _ not Mrs. Stamford wishes pUblicly'lo during the weekend. 'Tadmorden Farm' gimmIcks - at Bachman's. express her warm appreciation of the work by members of the teleOpen Wednesday Co'Unty Democrats phone recruitnlent committee (Continued from Page 1) First1to arrive at the Blood Donor In Thurs"c/ay Meeting Plant Committee, are the followsetup was Philip Swayne ·and seven Delaware County Democrats ing: ?f the boys and girls from the. sixth met last night in Whittier House Mrs. Leonard C. Ashton, Mrs. grade, Swayne promised his stu. to. h.ear Democ!atic County Com- John S. Albert, Mrs. William S. d.. nts that the first ones to correctly mISSioner James J. Connor speak Blakeley, Jr., Mrs Samuel Crothers fmd out and report the place date on 4'Delaware County's Fighting Jr., Mrs..J. Edward Clyde Mrst and time of the Bloodmobil~ visit Democrats-Who and Why." Elliott' Daland, Mrs. WiIIi~g B: could aCCOmpany him to observe the Mrs. Lois Peterson, chairm·an, Foulk~, Mrs. Robert B. Greer, Mrs. "Famous for the Finest Meats" beltl.ine procedure of the 'Blood announcecl the endorsement of all Frank H. GriffiT!, Mrs. Philip W. U, S, CHOICE Donmg process. organization candidJtes by the lo~ Kniskern, Mrs. James G. Lamb, Students Jerry Hebhle D S h ' oug cal committee. William A. Welsh, Mrs. F. Farwell Long, Mrs. Wayne ut. erlan~, Sam Caldwell, Ennis South Swarthmore avenue, is the Marshall, Mrs. Charles D. 'Mitehell, (Lean and Tender - They'll Melt on Your Fork) D~hng, Peggy McCawley, Ashley endorsed candidate for County Mrs. J. Folsom Paul, Mrs Philip ~lDe, Nell Preston, and Lolly' Bul- Commissioner. c. Snow, Mrs. Fred R. Wilson, and U. CHOlel htt h~d a personally conducted Mrs. Harry Wood. tour In their visit which (Ground to Order) NEWS NOTES . Mrs. James W. Lukens and Mrs. h was eartening to the workers. on duty M,·s. Joseph Stol'lazzi of Park' Wallace M. McCurdy of Wallingat the time. FRESH KILLED av.enuc and her committee enter~ ford will head the Luncheon Comt~Ined, the PMC ladies at a com- mittec, members of which are: Presb;,.te,lan Nllr$ery D~y S(:hoo' ?Ined luncheon and monthly me~tMrs. Joseph S. Bates, ,president POLISH CLOTHESLINE ART EXHIBIT ~ng y'jlrterday. This luncheon was of the ,Senior Club; Mrs. Jerome B. and In hono~ of_ Ml:S. Edward l\Iac.Mor- Ben, Mrs. James A. Cochrane, Mrs. (Fresh Sliced) PLANT SALE land, wife of the retiring president E. Wallace Chadwick, Mrs E. KenSATURDAY, MAY, of the Pennsylvania ,Military Col- ney Crothers, Mrs. John F. Daley, 3:00 P.M. BOLOGNA PIMIENTO LOAF Yearbooks on Order MIX lege and Mrs. E. Rocky, the librar- Mrs. Paul Freeman, Mrs. J. Banck_ CHEESE' LIVERWURST OR ~an of the 'o9 19!9. Shop Thurs. till9 p.l!'.. Friday tlJll0 p.m. OVEN-READY, YOUNG ~~;3 Ib39C EYS TUR H Average! Lancaster Brand B;g Beef Salel Chuck Roast Also, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. LeHecka, Andrew MacNair, Robert Lee Masters, Ann ~odd McCaghey, Mrs. C. D. Miller, Phebe Sharon Parker, Mrs. R .. iL Prewitt, WilHam Chandler Prewitt, Susan Victoria Reynolds, Christine Anne Seeman, Mrs. J. E. Shollenberger, MacDonald W. Sinith, Jonathan H. Tressler, S. F. Westbrook, Donaid G. Wilson, and ;Joanne Elizabeth 'Wixon. thanking the Regional Committees for their efforts in behalf of the Community Nursing Service of .oelaware County. The Annual Meeting of the Regional Committees will be held on June 11 at the home of Mr•. J. Albright Jones, Elm avenue. David S. Randolph will report on the Health Survey now being conducted in Delaware County. It was announced that the Annual Card Party will be held on June 17 at the Woman's Club in SwarthMETHODISTS RECEIVE more. More information regarding NEW MEMBERS the Card ·Party· will be given at a At the 11 o'clock Worship Service later date. at the Methodist Church April 28, i~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ the Reverend John C. Kulp, pastor, the following persons ·were received into the me\"be"l'Np.of _tbe..cburcb. -A ·non-profit, mutua] Mrs. Lorene McCarter, Yassar aveterprise for the benefit of nue, Mr. alid Mrs. Frank D. Wilson, families residing in SwarthRutgers avenue, Mr. and Mrs. more and neighboring com. Bruce Blake, Dartmouth House; munities. For information Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brill, Yvonne as to lots apply to Frances Brill, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Dean Church, Mrs. Robertson H. ALBERT N./GARREn Short, Robertson H. Short, Jr. Presid...t and Business Mtrr. of Wallingford; Mary Laurin, 228 Garrett Ave. KIS-0489 Philadelphia; Paul May, Sproul Estates. Swarthmore, Pa, Ib Beef Tongues Smoked Ib 43c 53 C . Rib Roast Arm Roast B::~~~nl Oven-Roady Ib Ib I 65 c 59' I SPECIAl MOTHER'S DAY VAlUESI KELLOGG'S "K" CEREAL 6~-Oz2·SC 49C "H~'. TEA BAGS STAR-KIST TUNA ~h::kti::!· 2 914-0E79C LIPTON TEA BAGS HI-C ORANGE. DRINK 3 46-0% LARGE SIZE· BROOMS li33 C CLOROX BLEACH' .JOHNSON'S "GIG-Coat" ~,:~~':,ol $1 39 VIRGINIA LEE NYLONS~~:o~!:;:hpr7 in unit pkg pkg 0'48 cans pkg of 48 can. 'en- 'American' League ed for office were: • Mrs. C. Milton Allen, first vice president and chairman of the program committee; Mrs. Heinrich Brinkman, second vice president and chairman of the membership ·committee; Amy R. Howland, secretary; and Mrs. Walter A. Schmidt treasurer, the two last-named being elected fHOLSTERED, slip covers, dra_ buffet, cor'.'er cupboar~ .and SIX eries and rugs. Painting, paper- chairs. All In good condlt~on. Call ~aJlging-:.complete decorating se;- KIngswood 3-1634 evemngs or vicco Quality \\'ol'k at bargam ~w~e~e~k~en~d~.,...,..;;-_ _",:::;::-:::::-;::::::: prices. Please call LOwell 6-3~31 01' FOR SALE _ Birds are ho','se KIngswood 3-7282 for free estImate. hunting _ help them out. Bird Garrett House. houses feeders. - Flower arrangePERSONAL - Practical' n?fsing ments 'for occasion.s. Limite~ cla~s Jewelry Repaired Ph.: KI 3-4216 or baby sitting. ExperIenced. in flower arrangmg st~rtmg In References. Call Klngswood 3-2136 July. The S. Crother.s, J rs., 436 or KIngswood 3-6731. Plush Mill. Road, Wallmgford. LOWATCHMAKER Pl!;RSUNAL Furnitu~e refinwe~3-4551. , , ". . Formerly of F. C. Bode aud Sons ishing, repairing. Qua!lty work FOR SALE _ Boy.s. 24 Colu".'bl,a FIne Watch and 128 Yale Ave. at moderate prICes-antIques and bicycle good condition, $25. Girl s Clock Repairs Swarthmore, Pa. modern. Call Mr. Spanier, Klngs- 26", $8. 'KIngswood 3'2636. FOR RENT wood 4-4888, Klng~wood 3-219~.. PERSONAI,-RadlO and teleVISIOn Service. Complete stock of tubes FOR RENT - Middletown Road carried. Robert Brooks. KIngswood near Baltimore Pike - four room 4-0800. apartment private home, second Gulters PERSONAL - UPHOLSTERIN~ floor. Ga~den possibilities. $80. & SLIP COVERS. Ovi!r 30 years Phone LOwell 6-0336. Warm-Air Heating experience, eight years of Swarthmore references. Custom work at FOR RENT - Three room an.d bath first floor ayartment. PriAir Conditioning REASONABLE. PRICE!S. Large vate entrance. Pleasant surroundselection of fabriCS. Estlmates are Sheet Metal Work free. All work is-done in our own ings 1035 Baltimore Pike, Swarthshop, Our low overhead saves you mor~. $96 month including utilities. money. THOM SEREMBA, Phone Inquire Klngswood 4-4328. SHARON HILL 0734. FOR RENT - Media, apartment. PERSONAL - Bicycles Repaired, Very large living !oom, two.bedBOX 48 KI 4-1214 Parts, accessorles, Milt Glass rooms, tile bath, kitchen, pll,:ate Bicycle, Hobby, Toy Shop, 205. East entrance; n ear transportatIOn. Baltimore A venue, Clifton Helghts, Adults. Available June 6. $86. ~nuIIllIJlIIIC111111U1mn11l11111U1101llU1llllllnIIIIII1ll11IDIII!] a ~ MAdison 6-0713. Opposite Clifton LOwell 6-187,~0~._:-:--::--:---;:-== FOR RENT - Perfect furished i! CRESSON PRICHARD ~ Theater. g apartment for couple. First floor, P l!;RSONAL - Piano tuning specialist minor repairing, memuer private entrance, garden. May 30 Piano Technicians' ,Guild. Leaman, to August 30. Phone KIngswood 4Klngswood 3-5765. ' 2537. PERSON AL Free. Five fur~ FOR RENT Lima ~ kittens, full Of fun and frohc. bungalow on 36 acre estate. L,v~ qOO Michig4n Avenue ~ Several eolors. Descended from ing room with fireplace, dining parents. Call KIngswood room kitchen two large bedrooms Swarthmore, Pa. and bath. Hot water oil heat. $90 plus utilities. D. Patrick Welsh, 409 Dartmouth Avenue. Klngswood 3ro~~~te~s'sp:ci~y~;.trft~y 0560. § Ii LOwell 6-6669: FOR RENT - Unfurnished ide,!1 apartment for two people, Pri!tlllDaIlIlIllIllIlUlllllllllll1alllllllllUlIJlllllIIlIlIlnllllllllllll[~' • ing and upholstering. Antique .re- vate entrance.' $75. Phone Klngs:". Ifin;~hing. H.epairing and gluemg wood 4-2637. ~ Y and sofa springs tied. R. L. Beck, WANTED = PERSONAL - Many things y~u WANTED - Young woman, college \ graduate, . t~aehing. exper. GENERAL have thrown away can be repalr- ed and restyled. Make and repan ience' desires pOSItIOn carIng for == == most everything insige and m~n)' child~en. Can live in. Call evenings, B CONTRACTOR § things outside. Swarthmore F,x,t KIngswood 3-3329. § fi Shop, 246 Bowdoin avenue (de~d WANTED Local woman to do ~ 2906 Burden Road =_~ end of Kenyon avenue, double porch small family ironing in her own '" Porbide, Pa. chouse). KIngswood 3-3161. home. I will deliver. KIngswood 3§ '" FOR SAll 6446., "'''''--;;;:~;;;-;=>;;--Ingswood ported rencli baby carriage, bas- 3-3401'.=;0--_==-;;::::-;:::::;::;;:;::::::;lllllllllUUI sinette. Reasonable. Call L.Ehigh 2- WANTED _ Home for two kittens. EMIL SPIES ROOFING George Myers and 00. E ~ REAL ESTATE ~ i ~ a ~ ~ I:: I:: KI 3-1112 LlcnuUllllllnllll1l11ll11nlll1llllllllnIl1111111I11nJIIIIIIIIIJI[~ ~P~"';~R~S~O~N~A~L~-='iF;;u;;';;'n;;i;::;tu;;-r;:;e;-;:;r~;]f'ii;;n1iisilih­ I Heinrich N. Knudsen ~ ~= = H~U~b!g:ba~rd~6~-2:!.77~6.,-.;::=-;;:;::=-:;;;;; §_:-:__ D ~ ~ [1IllIIllIIlllnllllllll1lllDllllllllllllnllllllllllllUIIII~ :U:lUII1IUUIICllllllll1lUnIlIIIIIlIIllUIllIllIIllItUIU1HIUIII~lIId ~ ~ ;fi Jack Prichard ~§ ~ PAINTING I D '" INTERIOR & EX'l'ERIOR i= ~ !== ~ Free Estimates ~ :: i 5E i Klngswood 3-8761 = ~ ~l1IclllmlllllluIUIIUIIIIIDllllmlllunIUlIlIII1lIUIIIIIIIIIIII'S? CUSTOM INSTALLATIOIIS II, H. D. OHUROH 3 PARK AVE" SWARTHMORE Klngswood 4-2727 , • .~~~~~~~~~ referSatur- ences. TRemont 6-1151. day after 5 p.m. WANTED - Room with kitchen privileges, or small apartment, Central. LEhigh 2-5148. Wi\NTED Swarthmore High School girl, 16, desires sum~er employment in office, store, or ehlld care at shore, etc. References. Reply Box M, The Swarthmorean. LOST AND FOUND LOST - Zipjler 'bag, May 1, on 5 :'18 train from Philadelphia by nine year old boy from ~reat ~eck, L.I. Contains personal belongmgs. Call grandmother at Klngswood 360116. LOST - Gray Lodencloth car coat, red-lined, size 16, Vicinity of Swarthmore High School or College. Owner's name sewed in collar. Urgently needed. Klngswood 40323. ·OILHEAT New Listing of Magnificent Stone COLONIAL HOME I I _ OIL BURNER SERVICE MONDAY TBRU SATURDAY NOON SlJNDAYS _ HOLIDAYS Klngswood' 4-1234 .I.A.I ... , R. L, BECK FURNITURE REFINISHINB and UPHOLSTERINB ANTIQUE REFINISHINB Special: Polishing - Touek.Up Service in t~e Home All Types Repairing - Glueing Sofa Springs Retied ESTATE NonCE Custom Built HOUSES Pheasant HIli Firms, Media late of Borough or Norwood. Delaware County, Pa., Deceased. Letters of AdmlnJstraUon on the above Elttate havIng been granted th~ undersigned. aU persons Uldebt.ed to said Estate J. F. Blackman 335 Dartmouth Ave. KI 3·6616 pa.yment'I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ are aDd requested those huvlng to make l(!glllImmedlate ,Jalms. to present the same without delaflO Vera F. Vosburg, 110 W. Winona Ave., Norwood, Pa" and E. Warren Vosburg, 11 SlUart LlUle, RIdley Park, Pa., or their Attorney: Morris H. Fu!aseU 203 County Bulldlng. Media, Pa. \ • 3t-4-24 Belvedere Convaiescent Horne ADVERTISEMENT REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATIONS 2507 Chestnut St., Chester TRemont 2-5373 The 8warthmore·RuUed~ Union School Di3trlct Board IWW receh'e sealed quou.. &Ions at the OUice of the School Dlstrict in the High School Bulldlns, comer of College and Prlnceton Avenues, 8w&rlh~ more, Pennsylvania, up to .. p.m. Wednesday, May !?o, 1959, 8!lQ open the bids at a meeUng or the Board at the School DistrIct on Wednesday. May 20, 1959, at. 8 p,m. or at an adJournf!d m'ef'Ung for fuel oil, towel service, periodicaJs, bus servIce and school equipment. , BpeeHlcaUons can be' .secured between 9 a.m. and " p.m. dally except. Saturdays, Sundays and hoUda,.." at the School Dlst.rict oUlae. Tbe Board reserves the rlsht to re-Ject an,. or all bIds to whole or in part. and to awaTd conhact.s on any item or items mulns: up 807 bid. 3t-4--24, U-UDur Hunm, Care Aged. SenUe. Chronic ,.. Conv ..~,ceD' Men and Women Excellent Food .. Spacloaa Grod" Blue' Croa. P'DDored SAllIE PIPPIN TURNER, Proprletor Edward G.' Ohipman and Son MARIAN H. CA)ll'BELL, SecretafJ'. General Contractor ~~m~~m~"-"'~"'~D-"'~'''~I''~U'=D~III~U1=UI=ru=a'=III=III=",=lIrn-U1-III-OI-lIa-III-'; , I I I Formerly § CARNS ,!j 140 I Ridley Avenue Chester. Pa. § 650 Baltimore Pike SprinPiold, DeL Co. Fa. ~ I TRemont 2-4759 TRemont 2-5689 Klngswood 3-0450 ~lInranll1l1lllllnllllnrlllllcIIIIIIIIIIIIU"IIIIIIIJllnlllll"JIIIIE~ BICYCLES " . TILE FLOORS· PLASTIC TILE FORMICA COUNTER TOPS ROOFINI Ind SIDINI CUSTOM KITCHENS ADDITIONS • ALTERATIONS. 'Free Estlmatll ~ FLORIST I BUILDERS 'Since 1920' != Diluzio and Sons ;a ~ . 0: REPAIRING • PARTS • ACCESSORIES LOCKSMITH SHOP' RIGHT NOW YOUR CAR NE.EDS THESE IIGET READY FOR SUMMERII SERVICES IFormerly 928 Madison St., Chested Phone Klngswood 3-5404 I-CHANGE 'TO SUMMER OIL SWEENEY & CLYDE Established 1858 29 E. Fifth Street Oldest Real Estafe and Insurance firm in Delaware County Specialiling in Prorerties in Sw~rthmore. Wallingford, Rose Valle)' and Media Area. YOUR CALL LEhigh 2:'2440 . ' , Lefs your engine breathe easier -keeps dirt out. of the carbu- Pa. Klnpwoocl 3-4742 retor. 3-CHASSIS LUBRICATION Special Lubricant used to help keep put squeaks and wear. Won't dry out, won't wash out, won't squeeze out! Helps Improve gas mileage. • for Fuel Oil or Burner Service to Our ' l-CLEAN AIR FilTER fill with Sunpco All-purpose Gear Lubricant - specially mode to resist high pressure and heat. Samuel D. Cl,de 1812 - 1955 1.1 ALEI BROTHERS, Ridley Parle, Dirty spark plugs can waste as much as lout of every 10 gallons of gasoline. 2-CHANGE TO SUMMER GEAR LUBRICANTS • Drain transmission and rear; re- TRemont 4-6311 200 West Ridley Av'IInue' 6-CLEAN AND ADJUST SPARK PLUGS 'Winter oil is too thin for warm weather. We drain it--and re-fill with Summer type Sunoco' Oil. • Opposite , .Boro Holi. Our Spring Car SavElr Special Is Designed to Help Get Rid of "Winter Drag" and Get Your ear Completely Ready for Summer Linden & Morton Aves., Rutledge (next to Rutledge Post Office) Will Be Answered Day or Night by Courteous Trained Personnel \ LET US HELP MAKE YOUR CAR' RUN BETTER--LONGER , • OFFICE \ I 8-DRAIN ANTI·FRUZE AND FLUSH RADIATOR - CHECK HOSE CON· NECTIONS - ADO RIi'ST RESIST· ANCE If you have permanent antifreeze. save it for ne~t winter. 4-CHECK OIL FILTER Brj~g your own container. . I nspeet cartridge and check for leaks. 6-BATTERY SERVIi}ED 9-CHECK·UP OF TIRES Winter is especially tough on bat- ' teries. We check strength, clean terminals, odd distilled water. , Correct "switching" improves the mileage. We can also have your tires recapped, if lIeeded. , INSPECTION STARTED MAY 1 , • 'PORTER H. WAITE, Inc. Chester'Road and Yale Avenue ,.wuocI 3-1250 KI .. \ FOOD Consumer's Co-Op Ass'n, 01 Swarthmore, Inc. 403 Dartmouth Avenue Opposite Borough Hall Swift's Premium FULLY COOKED Smoked He ms lb. 63 c SMOKED Picnic HAMS 'lb.49 c BACON Ib.59~ .SLICED CO-OP RED lABEL COFFEE , ' Swarthmore.. Pa. 74c' lb. Vacuum Packed - Regular - Drip - Pulverized CO-OP RED lABEL TOMATO JUICE 46 oz. can 29c 7 for No. 2 si~e, $1.00 CO-OP GREEN LABEL 3 cans $1.00 BARTLETT PEARS CO-OP GREEN LABEL 3 cans $1.00 PEACHES SCHIMMEL GRAPE JOY VITAMIN ENRICHED GRAPE DR1NK 4cilns$1.00 CARNATION EVAPORATED MILK 6 cans SSc CO-OP COOKIES • Sugar - Molasses- Raisin - Frosted Lemon - Deluxe Iced - Iced Crunch - Oatmeal 29c lb. pkg.. DAtNTY POTATO CHIPS LAWIIMOWERS Sharpaned&Repairad • LOCKSMITHINIlKeysMade EVANS BIKE .Edward Jenkins, 5CG NortH! ~,~~;:!::I road. Following a brief t meeting, Mrs. Phili" Jacob speak on "Non-Segregation in Ifousing". 1\1 rs. Jacob who has worked for nine years with United Nations will speak from own experience, being one of Elementary School News Drew Avenue NOTICE Estate o[ ELMER E. VOSBURG, ment: The Swarthmore Branch of Women's International League Peace and ~'reedom will hold Annual lIIeeting on Thursday, 14, at 1 p.m. at the home of. "Sinclair salutes tJ!e League of Women Voters 101' advocating the highest principles of political responsibility, and for its concerted effort to establish a comprehensive organizers of Cheyney ~'::~I~;:I Jater conse1'.:ation policy - specif_ Inc., a non-segregated c Coffee and dessert will be sel,ve,dl ICally to' safeguard, control and tion. wisely use the water !'Csources of and members as well as their "uest.1 Dr. Wrege joined American Vis- the whole nation!' are invited. cose Corporation in 1954 as leader , In.a letter to the League, P. C. • of the experimental engineering Spencer chairman • I May 8, 1959 SWARTHMOREAN 8EREAVED Mrs. Shane to Head 'Rose Vall~y 'Country MOTHER'S DAY BAKE SALE The Women's Auxiliary of Notre LWV County Council Mrs. James H. Breakell of Prince. / Fair' Set for May 9 ton avenue has returned from Ro. Dame de Lourdes is holding a Bake The School in Rose Valley will ~moke, Va., where she was called Mrs. Joseph Shane, Mr~. Mol'ris Sale Sunday, May 10 from 8 am. bring a taste of Merrie Olde Eng· to 1 p.m. at the Rectory on Michi· lande to the doorstep of Delaware Fussell, Mrs. Maurice We ster, Jr., by. the death of her mother Mrs. 22 Colleges, Universities to gan avenue and Fairview road. County on Saturday, May 9 when Mrs. Charles Gilbert, Mrs. Duncan Norma L. Faville on April 24. Mrs. Vie in Mid-Atlantic Mrs. Joseph Boyle of Lehigh Circle the School's annual May Fair will Foster and Edna Wagner repre· Faville had often visited here with will be in . charge of the event. feature the atmosphere of an Eng. sented the Swarthmore League of her husband Dr. M. R. Faville, who Championship Women Voters at the annual meet- survives her. The Third Annual Middle Atlan· lish Country Falr. An exhibition of Also surviving is another daugh. ing of the Delaware County Council tic Tracl' and Field Championship Services Held for English country dancing at 4:30 held Monday at St. John's Church, ter Mrs. Charles Ellett, and seven Meet will be held May 19 and 16 Mrs. Ira M. Grey p.m. will be featured. Ward. grandchildren. at Swarthmore College on Clothier Also featured will be the annual I Funeral services wereI )hI.eesld'Dy1:er.1 star attractions of make-up Mitchell Hunt, Research AssoFields. This meet is expected to be WINS -SPEAKER'S PRIZE ciate of the 'Bureau of Municipal the largest in the history of the terday at 2 p.m. in the ian Church for Mrs. Grace B. Grey, a palmist, pony rides and fire R,search, and the Pennsylvania David Edwards, elass~ of '62 at event, predicted Willis J. ,stetson, 921 Harvard avenue. Ml·S .. Grey gine rides. In addition there 'yill be Economy League, introduced the Swarthmore College, has been director of athletics at Swarthmore was killed in an automobile accident jeep rides, whip rides, balloons and proposed county item for local awarded the William Plummer Pot. and executive director of the Middle on the industrial highway Monday toys to buy, games to play, movies, league study and aC~'on, a studf- ter Public-Speaking Prize. His topic Atl~ntic States Conference, with 'ng wh,'le dr,'v,'ng home from and square dancing following din- of th erne·thoso d f evmgan l' d cowas "Does Capital Punishment more cornpctitiors from a larger morn, ncr. the Naval Hospital where she lecting taxes in Delaware County. Deter Murder?" The award was number of schools than ever before. Adults may select a variety of I unteer wor k as a been doing vo After lunch Peter A. Larson, exemade by Professor Everett L. Hunt. Lewis H. Elverson, Swarthmore's Gray Lady bak'i!d goods, han,dscwn articles and cutive director of the Planning track and football COBeh, is director David is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Grey and her husband, plants. Handsewn articles w.ill in- Commission of Delaware County J. Earl Edwards of Rutgers ave. o( the meet. Ira M~ Grey, a l'etirerl Presbyterian elude Mother's Day gifts, and Frank ·A. Fitts, recreation dir- nue, ~ 'Twenty-two colleges nnd upiverminister, m'bved to "Morganwood' for dolls and ehildren, and aprons. ectOr of, Delaware County spoke on sities-six more than last year-in , in Jan'uary, 1958, having come The plant sale will feature herbs, conservation of land in Delaware Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, GRATEFUL FOR SUPPORT ere after managing a Presbyter- ground coverings, perennials, an- C oun t y. ,. b New Jersey and New York will be h ian ,home in Newton, N.J. nuals in flats and in loom, potted Mrs. Shane was eleCted president The Swarthmore High School represented by 315 athletes. Mrs. Grey was born in Brant- plants and house plants. An inno- of the council for the coming year. Varsity Club wishes to thank citi· zens of Swarthmore for their sup. ford, Ontario, March 16, 1892, and vatior this year will be auction of PRESENTS SAFETY PROGRAM was married 47 years ago. white elephants throughout the fair port of the Annual Bake· Sale. The Boys and girls of the sophomore total of $102. realized will be con. the second World War, she did festivities. :first aid class at the high school Marianne E. Thompson, Wilson tributed to the support _of the great deal of work with Gray The fair will begin at 12 noon. were treated to an excellent proLunch will be available from noon College junior and daughter of Mr. Spring A,wards Banquet. ies, having charge of 300 at gram in artificial respiration by time. on throughout the afternoon. A buf- and Ml'S. John S. Thompson, Media, the safety engineering department In addition to her husband, she fet dinner will be served beginning took part in the Wilson May Day of the Sun Oil Company. John is survived by a daughter Mrs. ~. at 5 p.m. to those making reserva- pageant on May 2. Quinn, local resident, assisted by Nancy Carroll, daughter of Mr. W. Breen of Waukesha, Wis. tions in advance. The rain date is Clarence Pierce and Frank ScarSunday, M;ay 10. and Mrs. John W. Carroll of Colphedo, demonstrated conditions lege avenue, who is a senior at under which asphyxiation occurs, 7th Grade Troop NEWS NOTES Oberlin College, Oberlin, 0., was rescue technique, manual applicarecently awarded Phi Beta Kappa Dr. and Mrs. J. Albright Jones Weekends at Sunset Hill tion of the most modem methods of and has been on the Dean's List Seventh grade girl scouts, Troop of Elm avenue entertained the Leartificial respiration and the use 95, spent the weekend camping at high lacl'osse team at supper fol- this year. She was also given the of mechanical inhalators. Where shall you take Sunset Hill Day Camp with lowing the Lehigh-Swarthmore Comfort Starr Scholarship Award your Doctor'. prescripin Sociology. leaders Mrs, 'Morgan Wynkoop and game on Wednesday. Their son JUNIOR DAR'S MEET . tions? We suggest this Andy plays on the Lehigh team. The ·Junior Membership Commit- Mrs. Maurice Webster. profe.sional pharmacy On SatQ.l'day a group of invited Mr. Charles Izumi of Benjamin Junior Garnet Battles to tee, Delaware County Chapter DAR where prescriptions are a , specialty. Our ample met Monday evening at Tyler Arb· seventh grade boys were trans. 'Vest avenue will direct the music I-I Tie With Folcroft ported to the camp for an for the May Day at Francis Harvey I .tod.. permit prompt, Ol·etum. , precise compounding. noon of fun in the outdoors~ Green School on May 9·. On May 11 Swarthmore Junior Garnets batA report was made on the NationAnd oar ptices are always al Continental Congress in Wash- Among the activities were a soft ·he will speak to the Thornbury tled to a 1·1 tie against Folcroft \ fair. Yes, turn to this pharJunior High in five innings when ington which was attended by Mrs. ball game, a water·gun fight and· Township School PTA. macy of specialists! Mrs. John R. Bates Of North the game was called account of Edward L. Legg, Mrs. Harry Jen- woodchopping, topped off by a 5 Chester road entertained on Friday dnrkness. sen and Marguerite Floundel's who o'clock dinner. at luncheon and bridge. were all working pages, CATHERMAN~S Both Swarthmore's pitcher and ALUMNAE AID WELLESLEY Dr. a\,d Mrs. Joseph S. Lynch of Mrs. Joseph S. Pew, Jr., and Mrs. Folcroft's pitcher pitched no·hitDRUG STORE Among the local Welleslgy Col. Dartmouth avenue will mot"r to tel's. Swarthmore's pitcher Fred Legg, .chairmen of decorations and costumes for the Pennsylvania Jun- lege Alumnae working on the azalea University Park where they will Braund struck out 10 and walked Klngswood 3-0586 sale May 15 and 16, for the benefit spend Mother's Day with their ior DAR's annual card party held' six in the five innings. in Philadelphia, gave a report of of their Faculty Salary Advance- daughter and son, Janet and David, Folcroft scored their run in the rilent Fund arc: ' who are students at Pennsylvania the proceeds. third inning on two walks and an' Mrs. Charles Anderson, Mrs. State University. Mrs. Lewis Beatty, Jr., was hoserror. Charles Brooks, Mrs Walter Mr. ang Mrs. Ed~ard F. Crat· tess for the, evening. Swarthmore scored in the fifth M1's. Frededck Bell, Mrs. Sevrn,ourl sley of Strath Haven ·avenue when Jim Rowland walked and stole Klctzien, Mrs. Charles pect Mrs. Cratsley~s parents, Mr. Verdi Requiem Mass .second Rnd third. Then Jim stole ~ William Salom, Mrs. Bartine and Mrs. 1. S. Payton of Shaker To Be Performed Tues. Mrs. Stoner, 1\I1.'s. Leslie 'Vetlaulel', and Heights, 0., this weeke~ for a home sa,fely under the catcher. (Continued from Page 1) 1\Irs. Earl P. Yerkes. visit. tiOH for the composition was oc~ The Kappa Kappa Gamma bene· "You Meet the Nicest People at Speare's" casioned by the death of Allesandro fit bridge was held at the ADDRESSES MEDIGAL STAFF , and Manzoni, Italian poct and novelist. Dr. Margaret I. Anderson, daugh. of Mrs. Norman Winde in Media Hence this work is frequently. "They Do SelJ the Nicest Things at Speare's" ter of Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. on April 30. ' called the "Manzoni" Requiem. Richard deMoll of Harvard aveRehearsals of the choral parts Anderson of Yale avenue, delivered nue with some of his friends hiked have been conducted over much of an address last week to the medical to Ros~ Tree Saturday morning to the past year, with the orchestra staff of Lankenau Hospital on visit his grandmother Mrs. Henry devoting full time to this score over new Australian· treatment of lung H. Harris. The hike was in cele~ the last several month ... An earlier failure. bration of Richard's ninth birthday. performance, given in Upper Darby E T R FR NCH C TEST Dr. and Mrs. J. Albright Jones on Sunday, was widely acclaimed HE. E ON. of Elm avenue will have as their e T·hree students from Swarthmore guests over the weekend their sonby both audience and professional F.,lti •• critics. High _School entered the National and daughter Mr. and Mrs. EDGMONT AVENUE - SEVENTH AND WELSH STREETS French Contest sponsored by the Henry S. Todd, 3rd, and Mr. Todd's THOM SEREM BA American Association of teachers of UPHOLSURY and SLIP COVERS parents Mr. and Mrs. Todd, Jr., STORE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday. 9:30-5:30 French at Temple University, Sat- all of Salisbury, Md. Friday. 9:30·9:00: Saturday. 9:30·5:30 8 Years of Swarthmof4t References urday Apr'l 11 Bal'b G' 1 Over 30 Years' Experience ,I. ara rem Barry D. Gwinn, son of Mr. and Phone SHARON HILL 0134 was the contestant in French Mrs. Albert Gwinn of Rutgers ave' Robert Jarratt in French II, and and a graduate of Swarthmore Obi h ~ School, was recently elected Chaplain of the Pennsylvania EpISl'on Chapter of the Phi l\appa Psi at Gettysburg College. A junior, Barry has participated IJJlQ/Itijul(fj in basketball, track, 'the band' and ., Stiffness Not Removed Government Club·; He is a polito Clean rugs took better, feel better ical science major. better. Have your ru~; c1e.n~d eal!h year. It IS Roy McCorkel, a sophomore at a good investment in Wooster College, Wooster, 0., was good living. a participant April 25 at a five·:;,,)9x 12 Domeslic • $8,50 college conferel)ce on Race and Politics in the United States. The conference included. Antioch, Oberlin, Wesleyan, and Denison. Track and Field Meet At Oollege May 15, 16 .. , College Student Notes * I e.... ~~E~s~t~im~a~t~e~s~VV~i~t~o~u~t~;;,~g~a~t:io~n~~K~a;t;hy~K~e~IC~y~i~n~F~re~n~c;h~I;I~I~'~~~I:Hl"~ {}HmwJ &'P' • ,·<·". . ... at Spe.!lre Bros., Chester, you will (PA"'S~" It· Com~t\'•• bwk ..".11111 • Complete PrIce Raale • Irlt.tal lIP 100 Park Ave., Swuthmore. Pa. Klngswood 3-6000 - Clearbrook , 9 4646 Picture Framiag find a most complete selection of ROGER RUSSEU. Gifts. Photographic Supplies STATE .• 1II0NIWB IDOlA &Til LOw.1I 6-2176 C»&C .&mAy.••~. ,'r - .;, Show your appreciation with our wlection of wondel ful Giitlfltsa..-t,N"'''' thin,. Mother rally wants- • , Attend Home & Sch'ool Attend Home & School 8 P.M. 8 P.M. , Tuesday • VOLUME 31-NUMBER 20 Public Library in Birthday Bonuses Schedules UnUmited Loans Tomorrow; No Overdue Fines'.Monday Alice Barber, director of the Swart.hmore Public Library for 15 years and volunteer worker at the library since 1929, presented her resignation to the board at its quarterly meeting Monday night in Borough Ha]]. Miss Barber was the secretary of the Swarthmore Public Library Association. Pressure of business forced 'her to resign in advance of the close of her present term in January, The board passed a resolution of"appreciation for the many year. of helpful and loyal service Alice Barber has given the Swarthmore Public Library." The library will mark the 30th anniversary of· its opening on May 17, 1929, by permitting the unlimited loan of adult book~ and one extra juvenile, book tomorrow, Saturday, May 16, and by eliminating all overdue fines thro~ghout library Il.ours on Monday, May 18. There will also be commemorative exhibits within the library, one housed in a ease which is graciously loaned 1,ly the Swarthmore College library. Richard K. Noys, 3rd, present; the report of the treasurer at>1he three.qllarter period of the library's fiscal year, showing the expenditures under the budgeted amount. The tax yield is 96.5 percent of the budgeted .expectation; non·resident dues are 85.3 percent of the budgeted figure. , Librarian Bettina Hunter listed the circulation .total of 32,622 for the first four months ·of 1959 as ~ompared with 27,914 for the same period in 1958. Circulation is averaging 8,000 books per month. In tbe four month ·period 222 new members have been registered, 154 adult, 68 juvenile, 51 pay; 659 new books have been placed in circulation. These include 75 gifts, among them two memorial volumes, "Animals in India" by Ylla in memory of Margaret Dougal and "Sea Shells" by Abbott in memory of Mrs. Henry J. Hanzlik. Mr. Hanzlik wrote the board his appreciation of the choice: "Visiting Atlantic Sea Shores at RehoDoth, Del., for the ,past 35 years, she becatne very much interested in sea shells, linding some ral'e and fine species. She used them in decoration smaller ones for beads and taught her art to visiting ·children." Howl\rd C. Williams was elected secretary of the board. H. Lindley Peel was elected director to serve the balance of Miss Barber's term. President· D. Mace Gowing ,presided. Directors present were Mrs. Winthrop R. Wright, Mrs. David M. Field, Mrs. Peter E. Told, Mr. Williams, JIIr. Noye, RudelLl!irsch. Spring Primary Tuesday • 'Turks' to Appear Tuesday Swarthmore, Pa., Friday, l\Jay 15, 1959 . At Canteen Tomorrow The Swarthmore College combO called "The Turks," with its orig~ inal members will play for Canten Saturday night. Nether Providence High School students ar.. invited to attend this last fllive musit!" affair. Canteen in the past has closed in the middle of lIiay, which means Canteen should stop with this meeting with "The Turks" (and the Japanese Lantern Outside Party for the whole high school and the Nether Providence High School June 13). Since 107 people turned out last week, Canten might be ~ontinued May 23. There is also a question of the possibility of a Summer Canteen. If teenagers want a Summer Canteen and if the same teenagers' parents will help chaperone, there will be a sheet posted for such interested people to sign. In summ.ry, there will be sheets for important posts and comm~ttees, one for continued Canteen to May 23, and another for -Summer Canteen-with-interested-parents and "willing chaperons", to be signed. This week tlie chaperones will be Dr. and Mrs. Harold Roxby and Dr. and Mrs. Bel:,thold J acksteit. 3rd Festival of Arts Feature for Saturday Community Arts Center ." . to Stage Affair From I 1- 5 There']] be Gilbert and Sullivan in the air, color-splashed or. the line, dancing on the gra.s, and pets, \ puppets, . andApantomime when the Commumty rts Center ·holds its third annual, Spring Fesiival of A r ts f rom 11 a.m. t h rough 5 p.m.' on May 16 at the Arts Center ,grounds, Wallingford. . Rogers f lane, h I Ch aIrman 0 t e ga . M eh a suburban I b ti ce e ra on 18 r8. aries Dennis, f ounder 0 f the' Arts Center and • f h c h aIrman 0 t e board of tmstees. The festival marks the 11th year of activity, which began w,hen artists from throughou( .philadelphia ex. hibited their works in Rose Valley's Old Mil~ in a one da~ spring dis. play. Smce then, the. cente, has expanded until now it has won its h?me and studio~ in the former re· sldence of John McClure, and has a membership of ~ver 900 ~eople. The .1959 FestIval begms at 11 a.m. WIth the. Show of Pets, open to every pet in the area. Past years ~ave. see~, e:ery ~ize, shape, a?d pedlgr~e , mcludmg goats, ChICkens, mIce, ,hams~rs, snakes, fish, and ~ven a cat and a canary displayed in the Bame eage. At 12 noon, games of skill, luck and fun are scheduled fOri children of all a.ges, with prizes for winners and partiCipants. A unique P·uppet Show unde~ the direction of pup. peteer Emma Louise Warfield will be presented for both adults and chilqren at 1 p.m. At 1 :30 p.m., the Maypole Dance will feature fifth sixth and seventh grade' membe;s in ~n intricate and gay "symbol of spring". The dance is direeted by Merry Mather, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ltobert Mather, Swarthmore. The Rose Valley Junior Folk will present excerpts from their annual musical Folk Show, including five chorus lines, and their 30 boy chorus at 2 p.m., and at 3 an Indian War Dance, previously fea~ured at the recent Scouts ram a will be given by a troop of Boy Scouts. The special children's pantomime "The Hums of Pooh", directed by (Continued on Page 10) When Swarthmore voters go to the Polls on Tuesday, May 19, for the spring primary, they will nominate three councilmen, three school directors, one scHool auditor and one borough auditor. There is no contest on eith,er ticket for local offices in Swarthmore. There will be a few contests in Delaware County when voters will cast their ballot for JIUlge of Court of Common Pleas, County CommissionersJ.Recorder of De~ds, District Attorney, c.ounty ~reasurer, Prothonotary and County Surveyor. The main contest is with Thomas A. Curran running for Judge of Court of Common Pleas, who is enWhere Pennies Co dorsed by the local and county Republicans, opp~sing Allen S. OlmIn 1931 fines collected by the sted, II, who ",as recently apPoiht- Swarthmore Public Library tocd to the court by ex-Governor 1 talled $rcu.OI. In 1958 the fines. Leader. . ·Climbed to a totol of $2,107.41. . - . Heads Library's 30th Board $4.00 PER YEAR IL'b rary Grows In • 30 Years t0 Boro Prl, 'd OPEN HOUSE TEA The Friendly O'en Hous~ will I give a tea On Wednesday ·from 3 to 6 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Walter Schmidt, 419 Riverview road. O~iginal Board of 7 ResiGuests will include sponsors and dents Set Sound volunteer helpers who have given Course their time and effort for the past .' The Swarthmore Public Library 10 year~ to this 'organization, marks its 30th anniversary this weekend. Special dispensation in regard to book lOans will be in effeet tomorrow and Monday. There will be no limit to the num_ ber of adult books which may be 'Debut' Will Be Made in ~orrowed on Saturday, May 16, and Concert at College one more juvenile book than is r~­ ularly permitted may be taken out• Next Week .For the first time slnce it was On Monday, May 18, all overdue organized in the spring of 1939, the fines will be waived and books may, Swarthmore High School Band will therefore, be returned with no fines he sporting completely new, uni- collected. In addition, there will be forms at its annual Spring Concert exhibits set up in the Library ODe in the College Amphitheater on Fri. highlighting local Library his;"ry another with books popular in th~ day, May 22. 30 year period. Purchase of the new uniforms has A Borough Town Meeting, Decbeen made possible through the ember 13, 1928, voted the establishcombined efforts of the Band Parents !Associlttion and the Band ment of a Swarthmore Public Limembers, themselves. They have brary. Hamid Barnes who had done been accumulating the necessary spade work in its caUl'e for several funds during the past several years years was named the first presithrough the Community Bridge dent. Mrs. Sewell Hodge, chairman Parties, the Chinese Auctions, the o~ the Woman's Club circulating Light-bulb Sales and, especially, LIbrary who had several times of.. last year's successful "Bucks for ficially 1'eported the club's offer of support of a local library to -Borthe Band. u All these campaigns plus concerts ough _ and business officials, and and fees earned by leading ,parades Mrs. Phelps Soule, chairman of the on Memor~al Day, the Fourth of Children's Library opened in July, Jl;1ly, Hallowe'en and other special 1928, and staffed by volunteers, events have finally swelled the n charge of refreshments which will pther specific areas giving first atbe served in the cafeterhi following tention to the Executive Artiele ~he m~tin!t. Mrs. Joseph S. Howe 1.3. su~port the calling of a qualified IS hOSPItalIty chairman. . constItutional convention." H.S. Bandsmen'to Sport New Uniforms May 22 . D. MACE GOWING . D. Mace Gowing, who as the Swarthmore 'Public Library's eighth president in its 30 year, history heads the anniversary ob· servance tomorrow and Monday. Horold Barn~s was the first president, serving until his death in 1932. Following him came Ro. land l. Eaton, Guenther H. Free· bel, Charles B. Shaw, Philip H. Jewett, J. Alfred'Calhoun, and Robert' E. Spiller who preceded Mr. Gowing: Junior OIub Log Book Places First in State Mrs. Randall A. Burr, president of the Jr. Woman's Club of Swarthmore, announced this week that at the recently concluded State Federation Convention, the club's log book was awarded first prize. Judges at the convention, held this year in Pittsburgh, chose the Swarthmore book from among en~ tries sent by clubs in every county in Pennsylvania. The log ~k is a compilation of newspaper clippings, photographs, dance and party invitations and favors, brochures and other meorabilia of a club year. It is divided into five sections: \ Local, C01lnty, State, General, and Special Projects with clippings appropriate to each section filed in chronological order. . The book's theme this year was "Add Spice To Your Life ,\\'ith A Variety of Interests" and its general format was laid out accordingIy. The binding, hand·carved wooden front and back covers, resembled a spice chest 'which when opened revealed the ingredients necessary to a successful club season. Divider pages, as well as contents and credits, were decorated in keeping with the theme. Although last year's book was Swarthmore's first entry in County and State competitions, it won sec· ond place in both. In addition to the overall. grand prize this year, the book was also awarded a second prize in the county contest. High/sChool Students , In City Line Accident A group of local young people were involved in a twoaear collision at 59th and City Line avenue on Saturday afternoon. Police said the drivers were Mrs. Sonia Meltzer of Overbrook avenue and Robert pawes of Benjamin West avenue. Both were admitted to Lankenau Hospital where Mrs. Meltzer was treated for head injuries and Bob Dawes for cuts and bruises. Also treated for cuts and bruises were five passengers iJl the Dawes car-John Wigton, Susan Campbell, Burke Jackson,Chs·dotte Brodhead, of Swarthmore, and Linda Frost of Chester. HoOme&School to Hear Dr. Rob't C. LWV DelegatesAttend Biennial ConventiOni INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE Ii 1\' A C;'·~o:·~· jJ p • THE Page 10 Track and Field Meel At College May 15, 16 22 Colleges, Universities to Vie in Mid-Atlantic Championship MOTHER'S DAY BAKE SALE The \Vomen's Auxiliary of Notre Dame de Lourdes is holding a Bake Sale Sunday, May 10 from 8 am. to 1 p.m. at the Hectory on Michigan avenue and Fairview road. Mrs. Jogeph Boyle of Lehigh Circle will be in ·charge of the event. The Third Annual Middle Atlantic Track and Field Championship 1h,et will be held May 15 and 16 at. Swarthmore College on Clothier Field:-;. This meet is expected to be the laJ'~(-'st in the hi!'tory of the ('vent, predict(!d Willis J .,·t50B, dircctor of athletics at Swurthmore and execut.ive director of the Middle Ath~ntic States Conference, with more competition; from a larger number of ~chooh; than ev('r he fore. Lewis II. l':lvel'l'oll, Swal'thllwrc's trm..l;: and foolball coaeh. is director o( the meet. Twenty-two ('olleges amI uph'cl'sities-~.;ix more than last year-in Pennsylvania, l\lal'yland, Dc1awut'l', New Jen:;ey and New York will be repl'l':,cnted by :n5 athletes. PRESENTS SAFETY PROGRAM Boys and girls of the sophomOl'e first aid class at the high school were treated to an excellent program in artificial respiration by the :;afcty engineering department of the SUIl Oil Company. John Quinn 7 local resident, assisted b~r Clarence Pierce and Frank Scarphedo, demonstrated conditions under which asphyxiation occurs, rescue technique, manual application of the 1110st modern mcthods of ..l1·tificial l'espiration and the usc of mechanical inhalators, Services Held for Mrs. Ira M. Grey Funeral sel'vices were held yestcrday at 2 p.m. in the Presbyterian Church foJ' Mrs. Gl'ace B. Grey, n21 Harvard avenue. l\h's. Grey was killed in an autumobile accident on the industrial highway Monday morning while driving home from the Naval Ho~pital where ghe had been doing volunte('r work as a Gray Lady 1\I1's. Gn'y and her husband, ~v. Ira :'tl. Grey, a retirccl Presbyterian minister. mO\'ed to "Morganwood' in Januul'Y. 1958, having come here after managing a Presbyterian home in Newton, N.J. .:\Irs. Gre:r was born in 81'antford, Ontario, March 16, 1892, and was married 47 years ago. During the second \Vorld \Var. she did a. great deal of work with Gray Ladies, having charge of 300 at one time. In addition to her husband, she is survived by a daughter 1\11'5. ~1. \V. Breen of 'Vaukesha, Wis. JUNIOR DAR'S MEET The Junior Membership CommittCl', Dl·laware County Chapter DAR met ~lon\lay evening at Tyler ArbOl'etUl11. A report ·was made on the National Continental Congress in 'Vashington which was attended by 1'11's. Edward L. Legg, :'.Jr:;;. Harry Jensen and Marguerite Flounders who were all working pages. l\Irs. Joseph S. Pew, .Jr., and 1\lrs. Leg-g, chairmen of decorations and costumes for the Pennsylvania JuniOl' DAR'::; annual card party held' in Philadelphia, gave a report of the proceeds. 1\Irs. Lewis Beatty, .h., was hostes~ for the, evening. Verai Requiem Mass To Be Performed Tues. (Continued from Page 1) tion for the composition was OC~ ('usioned b~' thl' death of Allesandro :Jlanzoni, Italian poet and novelist. lienee this work i,. fr('qllel1tl~: {'aIled til(' "alanzoni" Hequiell1. HehearsaLs of the dlOral partii have he·en conduC'b.'11 (f\.'cr much of the past yeal', with the ol'che:::tl'a devoting full time to thi:; sC'or~ over the last 5(,V('1'a\ rnonth;;. An earlier performancC', ~i\'ell in Ppper Darby on Sunday wa~ witi<.!\y ace1aimed hy hoth audiencc and professional critics, The School in Rose Va!ley will hl'ing n taste of Merrie Olde Englamle to the doorstep of Delaware County on Saturday, May !J when the school's annual May Fail' will feature the atmosphere of an English Country Fail'. An exhibition of English country dancing at 4 :30 p.m. will b~ featured. Also featured ,\'Ifill be the annual ~tar attractions of make-up artists, a palmist, pony rides and fire engin~ rides. In addition thcre will be jeep rides, whip rides, balloons and toys to buy, games to play, movies, and squarc dancing following dinlIer. Adults may select a variety of haked goods, han,dsewn articles and plants, Handsewn urticles will include l\1oth('r's Day gifts. clothes for doll:; and children, and aprons. The plant sale will feature herbs. g'round coverings, perennials, annuals in flats and in bloo!U, potted plants and house plants. An innovation this vear will he auction whit~ eleph~nts throughout the festivities. The fair will begin at 12 noon. Lunch will be available from noon on throughout the afternoon. A buffet dinner will be served beginning at 5 p.m. to those making reservations in advance. The rain date is Sunday, :'tIay 10. l\lrs. Earl P. Yerkes. ADDRESSES MEDICAL STAFF Dr. Margaret I. Andel'son, daughter of Dr. and )11'.5. Charles A. .\ nderson of Yale avenue, delivered an address last week to the medical staff of Lankenau Hospital on the npw Au~trn1ian· treatment of lung failure. tBJJ.a.UfilulltJ Cfp.amd Stiffness Not Removed -';f, Clean rugs look better, wear better. Have ~,""')~-0 feel bcttcr your rug; cleaned each year It is (, ~.:' ~,::;, ::E::". ~>}\~ ,;;~ agOogd°odl.. investm~nt in '.' _. IVlng. !', ',J', , " , '. , e~ '9x 12 DomestiC - $8,50 (PA~'S"" &- Comget1,! Mohawk Carpating • Complete Price Range - Drll.tll Rag. 100 Park Ave •• Swarthmore, Pa. Klngswood 3-6000 - CLearbrook 9-4646 ---_.. Mrs, Joseph Shane, MrJ'. Morris Fussell, 1\Irs. Maurice Webster, Jr., l\fr~. Charles Gilbert, Mrs. Duncan Foster and Edna Wagner represented the Swarthmore League of 'Vomen Voters at the annual meeting of the Delaware County Council held Monday at St. John's Church, Ward. Mitchell Hunt, Research Associate of the 'Bureau of Municipal Research, and the Pennsylvania Econonl).' League, introduced the proposed county item for local lcagU(' study and ac~ion, a study of the methods of levJing and cotlecting taxes in Delaware County. After lunch Peter A. Larson, executi\'e director of the Planning Commission of Delaware County and Frank 'A. Fitts, recreation director of Delaw~lre County spoke on con~ervatioll of land in Delaware County. l\Il'!". Shar.e was elected president of the council for the coming year. WINS .sPEAKER'S PRIZE David Edwards, class of '62 at Swarthmore College, has been awarded the WiJliam Plummer POt~ ter Public. Speaking Prize. His topic was "Does Capital Punishment Detel' Murder?" The a\val'd was made by Professor Everett L. Hunt. David is the son of Mr. and 1\Irs. J. Earl EdwarGs of Rutgers avenue. , , GRATEFUL FOR SUPPORT College Student Notes * ~~~~~~~>S~S:S;S~S~S~S~S~S;~~S~s~~s~s~s~~@,~~a~~y~;e~e;y~l~n~' ~re~n~c~~~'~r=l ~ ,~;:':(,.,.';<". Mrs. James H. Breakell of Prin"e. ton a venue has returned from Roanoke, Va., where she was callC'd hy the death of her mother Mrs. Norma L. £I'avi1le on April 24. Mrs. Faville had Qftl'n visited. here with her husband Dr. M. R. Faville, who survives her. Also surviving is another daugh. tel' Mrs. Charles Ellett, and seven grandchildren. The Swarthmore High School Varsity Club wishes to thank citi. zens of Swarthmore for their support of the Annual Bake Sale. The total of $102. realized will be oonMarianne E. Thompson, Wilson tributed to the support of the College junior and daughter of Mr. Spring Awards Banquet. and Mrs. John S. Thompson, Media, took part in the Wilson May Day pageant on :May 2. Nancy Cal'J'oll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Carroll of College avenue, who is a senior at 7th Crade Troop NEWS NOTES Oberlin College, Oberlin, 0., was Weekends at Sunset Hill Dr. and l\In~. J, Alhrig-ht Jones recently awarded Phi Beta Kappa Seventh grade girl ~couts, Troop of Elm U\'enue entertained the Le- and has been on the Dean's List ~)5, Rpcnt the wpckpncl camping at high lacl'os~e team at sUJlper fol- this year. She was also given the Lehigh-Swarthmore Comfort Starl' Scholarship Award Where shall you take Sunset Hill D.!y Camp with their lowing the your Doctor's pre5crip~ in Sociology. p:ame on 'Vedncsday. 'fheir son leaders )'I1's. )Iorgan Wynkoop and , tions? We suggest this Andy plays on the Lehigh team. Mrs. Maurit'c 'Veust'.:'l'. I professional pharmacy )Ir, Charles Izumi of Benjamin Junior Garnet Battles to On Satuyday a group of invited ; where prescriptions arc a seventh g-nule boys were trans- 'Vest avenue will direct the music • specialty. Our ample I-I Tie With Folcrofiported to the camp for a!l after- fer the )Ia;y Day at Francis Harvcy . otocl.. permit prompt, preciso compounding. noon of fun in the outdoors. Gncn School on l\Iay n. On ),Iay 11 Swarthmore Junior Garnets bat_ And our prices are always Among the activities wer2 a goft ,he will !';peak to the Thornbury tled to a 1-1 tie' against Folcroft fair. Yes, turn to this pharball game, a water-J-!'un fight and Township S('hool PTA. Junior High in five innings when macy of specialists! 1\1rs.•10hn R. Bates of North the game was called account of woodchopping, topped off by a 5 Chester road entertained on ~'l'iday darkness. o'clock (linnel'. at luncheon and bridge. CATHERMAN'S Both Swarthmore's pitcher and DI·. al,ld Mrs. Joseph S. Lynch of Folcroft's pitcher pitched no-hitALUMNAE AID WELLESLE,( DRUG STORE Among the local Wellesley Col- Dartmouth avenue will motor to ters. Swarthmore's pitcher Fred lege Alumna£' working on the azalea University Park where they will Braund struck out 10 and walked Klngswood 3-0586 sale May 15 and 16, for the benefit spend Mother's Day with their six in the five innings. of their l;'aculty Salary Advance- daughter and son, Janet and David, Folcroft scored their run in the who are students at Pennsylvania ment Fund arc: third inning on two walks and an· 1\11'5. Charles Anderson, ~Il's, State University. error. Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. CratCharles Brook~, )'I1's 'Valter Giles, Swarthmore scored in the fifth :\ll's. Frederick Bell, 1\11'1';. Seymour sley of Stl'ath Haven avenue exKletzien, :Mrs. Charles Lincoln, pect Mrs. Cl'atsley's parents, :\lr. when Jim Howland walked and stole second Hnci third. Tilen Jim stole :Mrs. 'Villiam Salom, l\1rs. Bartine and 1\Irs. I. S. Payton of Shaker Stoner, 1\Irs. Leslie \Vetlaufer, and Heig'ht~7 0., this wecken-tl for a home- safely under the catcher. ENTER FRENCH CONTEST Three students from Swarthmore High School entered the National '~'S~T~H~OSSlM~~SE>SR>SE=M'~BA'~ ~. FI'e nc h Conte s t sponsoI'ed by the Amel'ican Association of teachers of ~UPHOLSTER ~ Y and SLIP COVERS French at Temple University, Sat~~ 8 Years af Swarthmore References ' f.l ur d ay, A'l prl 11 . B ar b ara G relm Over 30 Years' Experience . was the contestant In Fl'ench I, . Phone SHARON HILL 0134 Robcrt Jal' 1n French II, and h Estimates Wit out Obligation '# K th K I F h III A1::-7' . . .,. ,.} -,' _),-~ BEREAVED Mrs. Shane to Head Rose Valley 'Country LWV County Council Fair' Set for May 9 I ~ May 8, 1959 SWARTHMOREAN visit. The Kappa Kap'pa Gamma benefit bridge was held at the home of Mrs. Norman \Vinde in Media on April :l0. ' Richard del\1011 of IIan'al'd avenue with ~01l1e of his friends hiked to Rose Tree Saturday morning to visit his grandmother :Mrs. lIenry H. Harris. The hike was in eelcbl'athm of Richard's ninth hirthday. Dr, and Mrs. J. Albright Jones of Elm avenue will have as their guests over the weekend their sonin-law and daughter MI'. and Mrs. Henry S. Todd, 31'd, and Mr. Todd's parents Mr, and Mrs. Todd, Jr., all of Salisbury., Md. Ba' D G . f "I d 1'1 Y . WInn, son 0 ,,:., r. an illrs Albe t G' f R t . I' wmn 0 u gers avenue and a graduate of Swarthnlore High School, wasPennsylvania recently elected Chaplnin of the Epsilon C~apter of the Phi K;appa Psi fraternity at Gettysburg College. A junior, Barry has participated hi basketball, track, the band, and the Government Club. He is a political science major. Roy McCorkel, a sophomore at \Vooster College, \Vooster, 0., was a participant April 25 at a fivecollege conference on Race and Politics in the United States. The COIlference included Antioch, Oberlin, Ohio \Veslel~an, and Denison. "You Meet the Nicest People ar Speare's" and "They Do Sell the Nicesr Things at Speare's" r ... EDGMONT AVENUE - e......• SEVENTH AND WELSH STREETS STORE HOURS: Monday !hru Thu"day, 9:30·5:30 Fdday, 9:30·9:00: Saturday, 9:30·5:30 • er a IS a ... at Speare .. Bros., Chester, you will find a most complete selection of ROGER RUSSELL Gifts. STATE '" MONROE STS. MEDIA Show your appreciation with our selection of LOwell 6-2176 wonderful Cifls get things Mother really wants. ,. • OPEN PRIDAY EVENINGS I, I J..: nO; ',.~' r THE SWARfHJf\o - AN • VOLUME 31-NUMBER 20 Public Library in Birthday Bonuses Schedules Unlimited Loans Tomorrow; No Overdue Fines Monday Attena Home {, School 8 P.M. Tuesaay ,. Swarthmore, I'a., Friday, iVay 15, 195!I :54.00 PER YEAR 'Turks' to Appear Heads Library's 30th Board At Canteen Tomorrow The Swarthmore College com~ called "The Turks," with its original mcmbc~f, will play for Cantfhonend ,.Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Councill <,r for their sister. Mrs. Halsted of Ric~mond, Va., who are formerwore a pale blue chiffon dress made 30 YALE AVENUE \ . MORTON, PA. ly of Springfield. with tight fitting tucked bodice, TELEVISION -HOME and AUTO RADIO - PHONOS ~ Mr. and Mrs. H. L. McCune <>f round low neck, tiny short sleeves "Bring It to Us or We'll Come ta You" . Villanova avenue have returned and an Empire midriff of satin from two weeks in Honolulu. En Klngswood 4·1028 with a bow at the back. Her wide route they stopped with friends in skirt was of waltz length. She wore Los Angeles. . a matching headdress of pale blue ! illlClIIlIIlIIlllUlIlIIlllIlIIDlIlllllIllllUllllllIIllllClllnJlllIllUlllllllllllln1IIIIIIIUIIUIIIIIIIIUlICIIIIlUJWIDIIIIUllllUUIIIIIIIIIIIllO Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. Garrett with a small circular veil and ,carof Garrett avenue have had as their ried a bouquet of o,rchid stock and guests their son-in-law and daughlavenda~. tulips; 5 C = ter Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hayes The bridesmaids were Mrs. Rob- l! and their three children of Long ert W. Bowers, Wilmington, sister § !i Meadow, Mass. of the gr{)om; Miss Patricia L. MAKE YOUR MAN MAY MAD ; Mr. and Mrs. James Gaylord of Worthington, Radnor, and Miss Di- ~ ' . _ = = Juniata avenue recently had as ana E., Donlin, Montclair, N.J. = Il HEPBURN· PARKER " 9 South Chester Road '" their guests Mrs. Gaylord's parents Mrs .. William M. McCawley of They wore the same model dresses Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alton, Jr., of Riverview road announces the mar- and matching headdresses in pale Call KIngswood 3-0476 §i:==__ . Westfield, Mass. AcUve Member 01 the Swarthmore Buslne •• An.lllatioD riage of her sister Mrs. Phebe Nor- blue and also carried the same !flow- ... Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Gibson ton Parker of Princeton avenue, to er combination in orchid and lavenof Dartmouth avenue were enter- Mr. W. Horace Hepburn <>f Villa- dar as carried by the matron nf tained by their son and daughter- nova, which took place at noon Fri- honor. I)1r. John S. Halsted of Bryn ~n-hnv, Mr. and Mrs. James L. day, May 8, in the Swarthmore Gibson of Drexel Hill and their Methodist Church. The Rev. John Mawr, brother-in-law of the bride, acted as best man for Mr. Luke. g three children at a dinner in honor C. Kulp officiated. ~ SPRING TUNE·UP RADJATOR FLUSH '~ of their 50th wedding anniversary A small wedding breakfast fol- The ushers included Mr. Robert W. CHECK .BRAKES aULF GAS and OILS ii on May 4. lowed the ceremony at the home Bowers, Wilmington, brother-in- ii lay; D,f the groom; Mr. Norman M. Mrs. R. D. Fetherolf, formerly nf <>f Mr. and Mrs. McCawley, ROBERT ATZ, Mgr. Steere, Pittsburgh, brother-in-law ; Swarthmore, will arrive on Sunday Mrs. Parker is the daughter of from Van Nuys, Cal. She will visit Mrs. Downe Fisher of Tucson, Ariz. of the bride; Mr. Joseph C. Luke, f~r a few days with Mrs. William and Mr. Robert L. Fisher of Litch- Jr., Clayton, Ga:, cousin of the . Oppasite 1I0roug~ Parking Lat ~ D_ McHenry of Parrish road and field, Conn., and a grs!,ddaughter groom; Mr. Frederick E. Klutey, ~ Jr., Wilmington; Mr. Frederick·S. ~ Klngswood 3·0440 Dartmoulh and Lafayette § then go to the home of Mr. and of Mrs. Norton Dowljs of Bryn Starr, Indianapolis, Ind., and Mr. § Mrs. Robert 111. Fudge of Colum c Mawr. Closed Saturday 12:30 P.M. r,.IIIIIICIIIIIlIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIJIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIUIlIllIUillllllllmCII1IIIlIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIIllIIIIIUlllnHlI1l1aUIII!.III~ bia avenue where she will remain Mr. Hepburn is the .<>n of the Norman P. MacFarlane, Ambler. Mrs. Barnes wore a gray Alencon for the rest of the month. late Mr. and Mrs. W. Horace Heplace dress "over rose beige with burn of Haverford. gray pill box hat. Her corsage was ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Hepburn will make of pink orchids. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Stuart their home at 16 South Princet<>n Mrs. Luke was attired in" a coffee Morse of Parrish road announce avenue until July when they will , chiffon gown with a matching • the engagement of their daughter 1Jlove to Northpij>ester road. of veiling and a corsage of brown Anne Stuart to Mr. Stephen Hop_ _ _-"C--'-_ _ _ __ and green orchids. kins Snow, son of Mrs. Philip C. LUKE· BARNES A reception followed the cereSnow' of Wallingford and the late The marriage Of Miss Judith Rinmony at the Rolling Green MT. Snow. toul Barnes, daughter ()f Mr. and Club. Miss Morse is ~ graduate of Penn Mrs. Harry C. Barnes of Vero Hall, Chambersburg. Mr. Snow is Beach, Fla., formerly of .swarthan al~mnus of Washington and Lee more, to Mr. 'Villiam David Luke, University, Lexington, Va., and is Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Luke of .by the Thousands! a member of Phi Kappa Sigma Wilmington, Del., took place on social faternity~ He served two Saturday, May 9, a~ 4 o'clock, in \ years with the al'med forces in the S wart h m Q r e Presbyterian Germany. Church. Have Them Bloom in Your The wedding will take place FriThe bride was given in nlarriage toa Garden in Just 3 Weeks! day, August 28. ~rn8J1H;!o:; Personals GATTO • MONDALE Miss Karen Mondale,. daughter of Reverend and Mrs. Lester Mon· dale, was . married to Ronald L. Gatto, 'son of Mrs. Ma.y Gatto of Philadelphia, Sunday, May 10, at 3 :30 p.m. at the home of her parents, 119 College avenue. Mr. Mondale. ornciated. The matron of honor was Mrs. J an Van Hoekins of Bryn Mawr and the best man was Mr. Norman Kiaplan of Pljiladelphia. A small reception was held following the service. Mr. Gatto's mother and sister Helen were among the _guests. , The bride was a student at Ohio Wesleyan University for two years. This year she has been continuing her college studies at Temple University. Mr. Gatto is a student in the College of Arts at the University of Pennsylvania. The couple will make their home for the immediate future in Philadelphia at 2015 Walnut street. The bride's sisters Julia and Ellen assisted with the wedding. Julia is a member of this year's graduating class at Swarthmore High School and Ellen is a sophomore at Grier School for Girls, Tyrone. DICK FRANCHETTI"""""" TELEVISION I The Bouquet .i ; ; BEAUTY SALON I" ~JIHTIIIIIIII[lIIHllllllllnmmIlIllIDIIIIIIIIIIIIIJllllllllllllnlllll1l11l1l[]lIlt1l1lllllU[[UIIII11UUUIIIIIIIIIICllllIIlIIlIIgIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIII 1"lllIIlIItllliiii'E:"IIl'iiDjoDIIHlIIIIIIDIlIIiIlIlIlCIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIUIlIIII"111"""""111 = ~ ! i J. .RUSSELL'S SERVICE II POTTED ROSES Your key FOB NAMES ATTENDANTS Miss Marjorie G. Ryerson 'will be maid of honor for her sister Miss Amy Hamilton Ryerson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Newton Ryerson of Elm avenuel whose marriage to Mr. Edw~l'd T. Borer, son <>f Mrs. Joseph A. Concello of Benjamin West avenue and the late Mr. Rokert C. Borer will take place Saturday, August 8, in Trinity Church. The bridesmaids will be Miss Margaret R. Bullitt and 'Miss Shirley Carpenter of Swarthmore and Miss Rebecca Reeves of Waltham, Mass. Beth Martin of Wayne, a cousin of the bride, will be the flower girl. ·THE PLAYERS·CLUB OF SWARTHMORE presents "THE WHITE SHEEP OF THE FAMILY" by L'duGARDE PEACH iand IAN HAY Produced Under the Direction of J. WILLIAM SIMMONS more abundant MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS , Call ••• MRS. 'LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN B..In,.wood S.2080 ~1@~T~·~~~~~'~-w~..~'W~:r::~~~~~ College Theatre SWARTHMORE, PA. Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. NOW SHOWINCn F ~~~Yy II ilm -- "Rally 'Round the Fla~, Boys" Star Roses ... the very best you can getl Thousands upon thousands of them in over 100 varieties, already growing in pots with leaves Qnd blads. Plant yours no~ ••• they'll bloom in June. life! :113 DIIU'hD8I1th Avenue ~ PLANT NOW!, FREE MUM A PROVIDENT TRADESMENS "KEy''' VACATION CLUB ... will make your 1960 vacation seem as though it's all free' A big, beautiful Mum plant ••. worth 75c-FREE gift to everyone who presents this "ad" at our Garden Center on May 15, 16 or 17. Come eariy"for yoursl Tall, stately "King!: of the Garden," our Delphiniums gioJe you 'magnificent bloom-spiles 5 feet tall. Pot grown 50 you're sure of the best blooms. Wid~ variety of colors and ·combinaHons Plant in May, have blooms in Jul~ and August. CALIFORNIA PRIVET SPECIAL· , Bundle)of 4 ,worth 950 ........ now 79< 25 for $].75 100 for $14.50 Paul Newman Jl'anne Woodward plus .•. PROVIDENT TRADESMENS OPEN 9 A,M. TO 6 P.M. SUNDAY AND EVERY DAY FREE PARKING FREE GARDEN' ADVICE • Bank & Trtlst Company Color Cartoons 3 Stooge Comldy Friday and Saturday May 15 - 16 ' FREE Disney ~.cords to Lacky KlddllS . Gurtain TIme 8:20 P.M_ Klngswood 3·2290 Memben and Thetr Guests AMPLE FREE PAIIKI •• DIRECTIONS: South on U. S. Rout. No. I to Avondale or We" Grc,Y•• Follow signs • •Delaware County Offices: Media· Springfield. Swarthmore Nether Providence (Drive-In and Parking) , . Abooe-oflice- open Fridayeveninga Main Office: Broad and Chestnut St&. Member Federal Oepo~it Complete Stock of BEDDING PLANTS ANNUALS GERANIUMS Visit Our COMPLETE GARDEN SHOP : Daily Features-7:30; 9:30 P,M. Sot. night only-features b, 8, 10 P.M, for ~HILDREN SATURDAY I P.M. IH) CIANT Hybrid DELPHINIUM (Teehn1color) "Tarzan's Savage Ful'Y." ' In$uranee CIlrporati'lll Member FlderJl RestfVI System .. .... ' , May 15, 1959 THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 3 Drexel Road, Not \ Harvard, to Be Paved THIRD GUERATION TO A. Sidney Johnson, III, of North Mrs. William H. Thatcher of ily were present,' including 22 of ATTEND NA.VAL ACADEMY Chester. road, entertained at a buf- College avenue entertained at a the third generation. David Shute, son of ~apt. Corben ret supper ~'riday evening precedbuffet supper Sunday in honor of • C. Shute and Mrs. Shute of Maple ing the spring dance at the High FREE RESERVATIONS & TICKETING Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Thatcher Sidewalks, Traffic, Parking avenue has received a Presidential School. on AI RLINES, BUS, HOTELS, ot.. of Lookout l\lountain, Tenn. Fortyappointment to,the U. S. Naval Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. McCabe Never a Service Charge Discussed by . Acadt;my. He will report there the returned Mond~y to their home on one members of the Thatcher famMUNRO Council en d of June.. He is. presently attending the Severn School, Severna North Chester road after spending TRAVEL SERVICE . Borough Council. Monday night Park, Md. several days in Hot Springs, Va., 1 S. Chester Road Swartllmorl decided to p03tpone the paving of where Mr. McCabe attended meetHarvard avenue at the southernKlngswood 4·0440 David is the third generation to.. of the Business Advisory most tip of the bor<>ugh. Instead it a tte nd the Academy; his father is lngs "On. Call Does All" Council of the Department of Comwill pave Drexel road between Park a 1"ember of the class of 1929 and merce. TOURS ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD . ...... and Vas~r avenues, decreasing by his grandfather the class of 1906. • one the current four unpaved areas David spent the weekend with 15 in the borough .. It was said the re- his parents. moval of large trees and the ditch along the Harvard stretch' made • NEWS NOTES that project more expensive. Mr. and Mrs .•William Craemer Sidewalks on .the north side of of Harvard aver~ue had as their Swarthmore avenue between Cedar lane and Chester road were held up guest last ,veekend Miss Edwina again when Councilman William Hardy of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Brodhead Gill queried Public Safety Commit\ tee Chairman Charles W. Lukens of Ogden avenue will entertain toon the number of .people the pro- morrow in honor of Professor and posed walks would serve regularly. Mrs. Walter Silz of Princeton, for_ Mr. Lukens estimated at least 18 mer head of the German Depart55% DACRON - '45'1'0 IMPORTED WOOL children and a number of older ment of Swarthmore College. Propeople would. be aided by in;talla- fessor and Mrs. Silz are coming fabric by PACIFIC MILLS tion of the sidewalks. Mr. Gill back; to the college to' attend the stated he believed. that the project Kovalenko dinner tomorrow evetailored by SACNER would cost about $5000 ana wasn't ning. Mrs. Carl deMoll of Park aveworth it since he had heard no comnue sailed Tuesday on the Ber~e~s_ • 45% lighter, 75"/0 stronger plaint about sidewalks lacking there. He Said he would talk to his fjord for an extended tour of the than ordinary wool tropicais. constituents in the neighborhood to Seandinavian countries. Her tour ascertain their ideas on the matter. will include the folk Ifestivals in • Entire suit Norway, Sweden, Denmark and PrQPose Two.Woy Traffic Mr. Gill suggested that River- Finland, with national folk dances weighs ol')ly 24 ounces. • view avenue was being Wasted as a perfonned in traditional costumes one-way street and suggested it be as well as some of the world's • Packs in a brief case. • reopened to two-way traffic. The loved .mu~ic, with such romposers Rapid wrinkle·recovery certifi~d. proposal was referred to the public as S]be~lUS, Grieg and others. safety committee for' study. There WIll also be a visit to the It was announced that Rutgers North Cape on the Oslofjord as avenue would return to two-way well as motor coach trips into the during school vacation. country from the main cities .. I Only one private swimming pool owner in the borough has failed to comply with the ordinance requirELNWOOD ing protective fencing for such facil~ties, it was reported. . . Solicitor Clarence G. 'Myers was Baltimore Pike & Lincoln Ave. asked, to prepare ordinances proSwarthmore hibiting all parking <>n Swarthmore avenue,' betweeri ,Chester,- road and EstablIshed 1932 Ogden avenue, and restricting parking to one side only on that street QDiet, ResUDi SurroDDcIInp With ExceUen' 24-Haor N~ care between Ogden and the railroad. SRA Grantod $550 Klngswood 3·0272 The Swarthmore Recreation AsI 51 sociation was granted the. customary $550 toward its summer program. A request for nn additionai :1450 was n'ot OK'd. Mrs. William R. Huey, lone wqman on Council, objected to taxpayers' funds being used for anything additional in this direction. She said she relt the borough was too highly organized now and had ample rec~eation facilities. Mr. Gill said he would meet with the Association to determine 'what '~;r~ plans they had for the requested increase. I PLUMA" FEATHERWEIGHT SUIT ~'d-~~' , best $50.00 $55.00 • Sw-artl.lllore Convalescent Home Shop • NEW SPR NG COLORS I . Choose Carousel Red-toI,'rid as the noonday sun. -\.\.. r'" Or Tropic Turquoise-cool as an ocean breeze. Or linge~ New Apartment on Way , . ICouncil received news that a four-story apartment house is over the planned just south of the current Swarthmore Apartments on South Chester road. Although it has not yet reeeived a request 'for building , permit, Council felt modernizing the local builjling code to permit a ' "one-hour ~urning wall" instead of requiring a one-and-a-half hour one would he in line at this time . the Asphalt Faving and Supply Company, ·NOl"ristown were low bid_ det's on the artnual summer resurf borough 'streets. Police repOrted six hicycles stolen and eight recovered. The dogcatcher reported 28 dogs picked up during April, 18 of which were claimed and 10 disposed of.. 18 other colors in Chrysler'S Spring rainbow. All are Lustre-Bond-;-the hardest known automotive finish that needs no polishing for up to 3 years! Library Directors Nine directors comprise the executive board of the Swarthmore Public Library Assaciation. Seven are' elected by residents of the Borough at a special election in January of each year duly publicized and conducted atthe library. Two are appointed b',l Boraugh Council to serve on the board. "Any resident can 'lomi. nate ci resident of the Borough as a candidate for the board by securing a nomination blan~ frcm, thll librarian's.desic in De- I=t;r~ond to :p'-~ lion-hearted .c CHRYSLER CHRYSUR DIVISION OF CHRYSLER CORPORATION ti=: Porter H'. W~ite, In'c~ ' 8 .. .Y"-A'QlUti 4ma Soul" Chester ,. . , - - ,- ' • • THE Page 4 THE SWARTBMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE. PENNA. PETER E. TOLD. MARJORIE TOLD. Publishers , Phone KIngswood 3-0900 PETER E. TOLD. Editor Barbara B. Kent. Matwging Editor Rosalie D. Peirsol Sonya K. Horneff Marjorie T. Told Jeannette V. Howe I' SWARTHMOREAN There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at all services Sunday morning. and at 9 :30 all departments of the Church School will meet. Those serving as ushers will be as follows: At 9:30 a,m.--J. E. Evans. head usher; II. L. Thompson. alternate; R. M, Daniel. S. K. Ip. H. W. Jaekson. J. L. Jezl. J. F. Paul. and N. A. Weber; at 11 :15 a.m.-A. G. DEADLINE - WEDNESDAY NOON Boyd. head usher; W. B. Scher. alSWARTHMORE. PENNA .• FRIDAY, MAY 15. 1959 ternate; R. H. Fellows. W. S. PatI _____':.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--::._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--J terson. Jr.• Joseph Reynolds. and PRESBYTERIAN 10TES place at the second service. Church School classes are held at 9:30 and 11 o·clock. The Women's Bible class and the College-age class meet at 9 :30 a.m. A Coffee Hour is served at, 10:30 a.m. The congregation is invited. The Junior High Choir rehear.... at 4 p.m. and the Senior High Choir at 5 p.m. The Junior High Fellowships CHURCH SERVICES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Dr. D. Evor Roherts. Minister Sunday. May 17 9 :30 and 11 A.M.-Church School Classes. 9 :30 and 1). A.M.-Holy Communlon. 6:00 P.M.--Jr. High Fellowship. 6:30 P.M.-Sr. High Fellowship. Wednesday. m,y ZO Women's Circle Day. s:oo P.M.-Bible Study Group. METHODIST CHURCH John C. Kulp. Minister Charles Schisler . Minister of Music Sunday. May 17 9:46 A.M.-Church School classes. 8 :46 and 11 A.M.-Rev. Edwin W. Thorn will 'Preach. TRINITY CHURCH Layton Parkhurst Zimmer. Rector Sunday. May 17 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. 9:30 A.M.-Holy Communion. Church School. 11:16 A.M.-Holy Communion. 4 :30 P.M. - Evensong and Concert of Men and Boys. ' Monday, May 18 (Whitsun Monday) 10:00 A.M.-Holy 'Communion. Tuesday. May 19 (Whitsun Tuesday) 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. Wednesday. May ZO 7:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. 9 :30 A.M.-Holy Communion. , win be a special service of chairman Mrs. Charles Thomas, at Holy Communion will be celebrathe home of Mrs. S. Milton Bryant. ted at 10 o'clock Monday morning. "Bry-cliff." South Chester road; At 6:46 that' evening the Men's CIRCLE 8, chairma'l Mrs. Robert Club dinner meeting will be held. Arnold. at the home of the chair- This will be the final meeting of man, Sherwood lane, Wallingford; the season., CIRCLE 9. chairman Mr... Frank On Tuesday there will be a celeKeenen, at the'·home of Mrs. W. W. bration of the Holy Communion at Turner. 914 Mt. Holyoke place; 10 o·clock. The Sewing Group will CIRCLE 10. chairman Mrs. Charles also meet Tuesday in the Cleaves Brooks. at the home of .Mrs. George Allen. 416 Riverview road. CIRCI.ES 1. 6. and 9 will assemble at 1 :30 in the Women's Association Room to hear an iIlustrated talk by Gwendolyn Narbeth. , At 8 p.m. Wednesday CIRCLES 11. 12. and 13'. Mrs. H. F. Brown, Jr.. Mrs. Alvah W. Stuart. and Room. The mid-week celebrations of the Holy Communion will be held at 7 and 9 :30 a.m. Wednesday. ,Bible classes will meet at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. At 8 p ..m. there will be a service of Evensong. Ther.. will be a service of Holy Communion and Healing at 10 o'clock Thursday morning. The Mrs. Peter Miller, chairmen respec- Healing Seryice is being offered in tively, will have a combined mee~ ~esponse to many requests, and all are invited to attend. METHODIST NOTES The Pairs 'n' Spares, young adult group, will sponsor a "Zoo Day" at the Philadelphia Zoo on Saturday, meeting at thelmain gate at 10:30 with family and picnic lunch .. At the identical services of worship on Sunday, the speak~r will THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY be Rev. Edward W. Thorn, assistant OF FRIENDS FRIENDS MEETING NOTES minister for youth, who will take An early Meeting for Worship the"place of Mr. Kulp while he is Sunday, May 17 9 :45 A.M. - Early Meeting for will be held Sunday morning, startabsent this Conference Sunday. Mr. Worship. ' ing at 9:45. Thorn's sermon subject will be, First-day School. A covered dish supper will pre- UVictory Through Surrender." 11 :00 A.M,-Meeting for Worship. Children cared for in Whittier cede Monthly Meeting for Business Church School classes for all House. All are welcome. Tuesday. Those attending are ask- ages begln at 9 :45 a.m. There is a 6:30 P,M.-High School Fellow- ed to bring their "dish," casserole nursery for infants and children ship. or salad, and place settings. Des~ during this hour. Monday. May 18 sert and beverage will be provided All Day Sewing for A.F .S.C. There is a nursery, a kindergar.. by the Hospitality Committee. Snp- ten program and a Junior Church Tuesday, May 19 per will begin at 6; business meet6:00 P.M.-Covered Dish Supper. program for children during the 11 8:00 P.M.-Monthly Meeting for ing starts at 8 p.m. o'clock worship service. Richard Enion will be at the door Business. The Commission on Membership during the month of May for the Wednesday, May 20 and Evangelism will meet at the Worship Hour starting at 11. All-day sewing for the A.F.S.C. church at 8 p.m. Tuesday. The High School Fellowship will FIRST CHURCH OF 'The Ladies' Bible Class will have meet as usual at 6 :30 this_week to CHRIST. SCIENTIST continue their study of "Faith and SWARTHMORE dish its regular luncheonmeeting at the home and of covered Mrs. Park Avenue below Harvard Practice." Arthur Kent. 46 Woodbrook road. Sunday. .,"DY 17 The women of Chester Quarter at 12:30 Wednesday. ~ are reminded of the monthly meet11 :00 A.M.-Sunday School. The Dorcas Circle will meet for 11 :00 A.M.-The Lesson - Sermon ing which; in May. will be held at its annual spring luncheon at the will be entitled UM~tals and Im- Whittier House on Friday. May 22. mortals". Ingleneuk at 1 p.m. on Thursday. will be entitled" Adam and Fallen The meeting starts at 10 :30 a.m. The church choirs will rehearse and will run until 1 :30."Women are Man". on Thursday as follows: Wednesday evening meeting each asked to bring their own lunch. Tea At 3 :45 p,m., Carol Choir; 4 :16. week. 8 P.M., Reading Room, 409 and coffee will be served. Eleanor Dartmouth Avenue, open week.. Wesleyan Choir; 7. Chapel Choir; days except holidays. 10-6; Fri- Stabler Clarke wili speak on 8. Chancel Choir. "Through These We Work"-orday evening, 7-9. ganizations of the' Society of DEL. CO. UNITARIAN MRS. GHARLOTTE ELTINGE Friends in the world, in America, Old Marple Road. Sprinlllfield . Mrs. Gharlotte Heath Eltinge Herbert F. Vetter. Jr.• Minister and in the Philadelphia area. widow of the late Albert L. El~ Sunday, ,May 17 CHRISTIU SelEICE 10tES tinge. former owner of t)1e Ledge 11 :00 A.M.-Morning Service. of thought will be emphasized in Christian S'cience churches Sunday in the Lesson-Sermon entitled "Mortals and Immortals." A!, Invitation i. extended to all to attend the services at First Church of Christ. Scientist, 206, Parlt avenue. at 11 o'dock, , Falls. N.Y.• died in Florence. Italy. on February 22. as a resnlt of an accident aboard ship nn her way to Italy. She is survived by her sister Mrs. William G. Avery of Cl'mbridge. Md. Burial will be" at New Paltz. N.Y., during the eomlq _. nual "safe driving week" this week. . Local library directors through the Public Library's 30 years of existence have been aware of the fortunate position in which ~he Library finds itself, thanks to the housing furnished by Borough Council withtn the Borough Hall. This has enabled the primary emphasis over the years to be placed upon books. Year after year some such paragraph as the following is to be found in presidents' annual reports. > "Books make the library. It has been our policy since organization to emphasize this fact. We owe our growth and success to the fact that we have aimed to supply adequate desired,reading matter in adequate quantities, rather than to seek 'extravagant quarters." This policy could not have been possible without the help and interest of Borough Council. It could not have been possible without strong local control by dedicated trustees. It is true that in the earliest years presidents yearned for the bequest of a local home to house the library in dignity and beauty. But .the emphasis over the years has been placed on books and in recent years {}n quality library service. For 30 years the Swarthmore Public Library has beeri steadily expanding its shelves of books, "treasures that are its .readers' for the reaching." practicing the strong conviction that "books are indeed strong magnets, packed with the power tp attract people and to change their course." Expert management~ sympaihetic understanding, central-city location, and reasonable prices add ,up to renowned Oliver H. Bair service. • The- boys got their program off to a flying start with an assembly Thursday of last week in the high school auditorium. An address by Ivan Stehman. State Director 00' Safety and Driver Education and a parade of traffic casualties entitled the 'luckless legion" were the highlights of the program. was remodeled with funds appropriated by Council for materials THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO.• 1820 CHESTNUT STREET MARY "",BAlR, ......d... Telephon, RI 6-1581 . ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a full schedule for the week. All of the high school students were urged to participate in .the safe driving. Road-eo. by Bill 'Schwartz and Dick Mills as well as the slogan contest run by Marty Franck. Pete Gargiulo and George GilmOur arranged a different new car demonstrated to the students each day of the week while Steve Kamp book gifts and, Girl S~outs and Boy Scouts collecte\.L - Bicycles Repaired, ANTIQUE REFINISHINO Sheet Metal Work her of the American Association of Parts, accessories. Milt Glass _ Co,mposers and Conductors. 2036 Chichester Avenue Bicycle, Hobby, Toy Shop, 205 East occasions. Limited class in linwood·, Po. Baltimore Avenue, Clifton Heights, arranging starting in July. The S. 2 SHS Studen' ts WI'n in Special: Poli$hing - louck.Up MAdison 6·0713. Opposite Clifton Crothers, Jrs., 436 Plush Mill Road, Service in fhe Home BOX 48 K14-1214 Theater. Wallingford. LOwell 6-4551. Cancer Society Project AJI Types Repairing ~ Slueing PERSONAL - UPHOLSTERING .:.:..:==.:..:.:.:;;;;~.;;;;;;=-~:..:..., & SLIP COVERS. Over 30 years' FOR RENT Sven Borei and Barbara Greim, Sofa ~pring5 Retied ~allllmIIllIDrrrullDlllcIIIIllUUlICIIIlIIIIIIII[JIIIIIIIIIIIICIII11~ experience, eight years of Swarth- FOR RENT _ Media, apartment.lst"uents at the high schoo], were i_- CRESSON PRICHARD 1_ more references. Custom work at Very large living room, two bed· winners in the youth research IIUlIlIIUJllIIClIlIIllIIJllUlIlIlIllllIIUIIIJIIlliUll:lllllllllUlIClllla REASONABLE PRICES. Large rooms, tile bath, kitchen, private sponsored by the Delaware ~ C selection of fabrics. Estimates are entrance; n ear transportation. §C =_§ free. All work is done in our own Adults. Available June 6. $85. County Unit of the American CanK shop. Our low overhead saves 'you LOwell 6.1870. cer Society.' The project was open a §e 5;; money. 'l'HOM SERE MBA. Phone FOR RENT _ Three room and to county high school students inSHARON HILL 0734. ii 900 MI'ch'lgan Avenu 7 § PERSON AL-R a d'10 an d t eI eVlslon .. bath first floor Pri-Iterested in the sciences and techt PI apartment. t d I' § 5 Servlce. . C mplete stock of tubes vate en ranee. easan surroun - nology. Final selection was J·udged 5 Formerly a 0 ings. 1035 Baltim6re Pike, Swarth~ Swarthmore, Pa. carried. 'Robert Brooks. KIngswood more. $95 month including utilities.181, to the standards for a CARNS ; = = ,4';,-0::;8~0~0;;. Inquire Klngswood 4-4328. thesis. 9 § jj ~PERSONAL - Furniture refinish' "Youth' s R 0Ie In . § 850 Baltimore Pike §~ = IFOR RENT - Attractive I-oom, S yen 'st h eS1S, ~-~ ing and upholstering. Antique .rc- cool in summer,bwarm in winter, Battle Against Leukemia and e 8prlngll~ld, Del. Co. Pa. iJ - !finishing. Repairing and gluemg h . h h C 3 § a and sofa springs tied. R. L. Beck, kitchenette, large at Wit s ower, Disease" won second ffiIIIICDllmmIlOIlIIIIllIIIICIQIIIIIJIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIIIII,; § • ;; HUbbard 5-2776. tub. Reply Box L, The Swarthmora $26 government bon·d. Bar~ Klngswood 3-0450 flllnDIIII[lllIJlltlIllIllIIIllIDIIIIIIIIIIII[]llIIIIIIIIIIUIIIJIlJI[JIJ'~ PERSONAL - Practical nursing ~a;R RENT _ Unfurnished ideal won third prizc-a $10 check ;=nmalmmlllllamIllIIIIIIDII111111II1IDIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIllIIIIIIIL~ = == or baby sitting. Experienced. apartment for two people. Pri. Dr. Charles S. Cameron's book !l " References. Call KIngswood 3-2136 ' " ' ~_ ~ or KIngswood 3·6731. vate entrance. $75. Phone KIngs- _.,,- Truth About Cancer, for her wood 4-2537. , "Can Youth Join in the Fight Belv~ere li § FOR REN'*' - Pleasantly loeated 0 Hodgkins Disease and CEN ERAL slip covers, dra_ second loor room with meals. I J " , ;; e peries and rugs. Painting, paper- Klngswood 3-0149. Elizabeth K. Barten was Swarthi_ CONTRACTOR ~D hanging-complete decorating se!- FOR RENT - Room on second nOI,e.' .s faculty sponsor. 2507 Chestnut St., Chester vice. Quality work at bargaIn floor adjacent to bath, shower in 2906 Burden Road ~ prices. Please call LOwell 6-3~31 or pleasant comfortable home. Ample TRemont 2-5373 = P k'd P = KIngswood 3-7282 fur free estImate. storage space. Klngswood 3-2194. WINNERS NAMED "'80. . lIunln, C... § or $I e. a. !i Garrett House. FOR RENT _ Apartment half The Crum Creek Bridge ClUb Ag.d, a.DIle, CbroDle Convaroscent Men aDd Women TRemont 2-5487 FOR SALE block from station. Modern livEneUeot Food ....paelon GrollDc1I ing room and bedroom, kitchen.din_ met Tuesday night at the ,home of FOR SALE - ],Iedia vicinity, Rid- ette. $85. Call KIngswood 3-3811. Mrs. Walter R. Shoemaker of Riv.. Blue Cross PDDOred BJlllmlrumlmmmmUlIIIIIIIIIJI[JIIIIIJIIIIIIDJIIIIIIIlIIID"II~ dlewood. Hillside rancher, three FOR RENT Three room furn. erview road. High sCOr-9rs were SADIE PIPPIl( TURNER. ProPrietor . h e d apar t men, t f'irS t 11'I oor. $80 . ~_'alllnIIlUJlnllllllllllJlt:lIIIIIIIIIJJICllllllllllur]llIIlIIlWlaIlUla>;' bedrooms. G. I.' Mortgage. Lowell IS ii ;; 6-7974 after 4 P.M. including utilities, until Sept. 15. ],Irs, Philip Kniskern and Mrs. ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ - F,OR SALE-Apartment size auto- Call LOwell 6-7480 after 6:30 P.M. Wayne Randall. In second place I were Mrs. A. Lee. Clifton and Mrs. -:c! Jac~ _~-=: . matic washer. Reasonable. Call or Sat. and Sun. after 1 P.M. Franklin Gillespie. . KIngswood 3-8934. WANTED T,he next meeting has been = = FOR SALE - lIIushroom soil suit~ ~ able for lawns and transplanting. WANTED - Typing, all kinds _ changed to Wednesday, May 27. § Every load is ground. Wilson, stenography, dictaphone. work at INTERIOR & EXTERIOR ~ ~~ni";~~~4-20~~~mer tux jacket, Gener!!1 Contractor PHI MU'S .TO MEET , !l Free Estimates § double breasted, Palm Beach, The Phi Mu Alumnae Glub of BUILDERS 'Since 1920' ~__ ~ sige 44, extra long. Price $5. Klngs~ Swarthmore and vicinity will meet " wood 3-1644. on May 18 at the home of ],Irs, H. TILE FLOORS - PLASTIC TILE ii KI ood 38761 § FOR SALE -. Mahogany Duncan Weston Clarke, College avenue, at ngsw.· ~ Phyfe 60 inch buffet, 60 inch FORMICA COUNTER TOPS 1 o'clock. '= :::. table with two 12 inch leaves and dining room set. ROOFING and SIDINO ~malllllllil1l1nllllllllJlIIDlllllllllllltllllJllllmlDIIIIIIIIIIIICl full pads. $25 each or $45 .for pair. ;4042. • The program will be a compleCUSTOM KITCHENS KIngswood 3·8620. ' 1iWifAnNfiTi"EimD'-=-TJo;:;br:-;;a-;;-s-;m::o;:;t>;:h:;;e:::r';;;s:;h~e;;lp;;-_ tion of philanthropic projects folADDITIONS· ALTERATIONS FOR SALE - 27 storm sashes, er for vacationing family - July lowed I by bridge. Free Estimates . wood, good condition, reasonable and August. References. Phone prjce. 24% inch and 34% inch Klngswood 4-2482. I 1401 Ridley Avenue Mr. and Mrs, Oliver G. Swan of width: KIngswood 3-7198. WANTED-Happy homes for four , Chester, Pa. FOR SALE - Antique maple cordear kittens (3 males). Will be North Chester road spent the weekner cupboard, six chait·s, trundle eight weeks lold May 30. Two long- end in Waterfora, Conn., as the TRemont 2-4759, , bed, small maple tables, high chair, haired. FREE. Call KIngswood 3- guests of IIIr. and I\1rs. Noel B. TRemont 2-5689 clock. Sofa bed, electric iron, toas-6:.0"'1"'1:.;._7:=...-,=:-;==..._ __ Gerson . CUSTD'M INSTALLATIONS by ter, heater, steam radiator, washLOST AND FOUND in_g machine. 9 pro tie~back curtains, =UIIIIUUIIUUIIIIlIIIJIIIUIIfIIIIIIIIIDlIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIffIllIUClllllUlimCIIIIIIIIuunnnllllllll[]IIIIIlIllIIICIIIIIIIIIIIIUlllltlllllllaIIIP~ traverse rods, lamps, wing chair, LOST - Boy's black fenderless J. of china, flat silverware, large c. Higgins bicycle, College cam· a PARK AVE., SWARTHMORE set wool rug and throw rugs, girl's bi- pus. Reward. KIngswood 3-0aOO, exACCESSORIES =_1 C tension 287, Charles Snygg. cycle. LOwell 6-8111. Klngswood 4-2727 § LAfiNMOWERS SharpenedlRepaired·. LOCKSMITHINOUeysMade li ROOFING George Myers and Co. I= DiLuzio and Sons ·5 RE·AL ESTATE ! i FLORIST KI 3-1112 I I Hel"nrl'ch N. Knudsen ~ I I =.,--.,---,,;::-"-===-===r PEFRINSOISNHAELD-R~'EUpRANIIRTEUDREARNED- ~ U~HOLSTERED, Convalescent Home 5 _- _~=-i 1 _--=== Prichard ANN G. P I T I a i Simmons Production Closes Players Club . CLASSI FI ED ADS EMIL SPIES Rollicking 'Tumibout' Amuses Playgoers Season The current and fink! Player's Club offering of the season "The White Sheep of the Family", kept a' first night audience'in rare good humor from first to last act with no dull moments intervening. So loathe were they to see the final curtain fall, the cast obliged with three curtain calls. Written by L. duGarde Peach and Ian Hay, the play was :first presented in London and ran for the past two summers oil the straw hat circuit throughout the East. A seasoned and competent cast LANOUAOE TEACHERS romps through this whimsy with. ATTEND SATURDAY MEETING tongue in cheek as they treat the Adeline Strouse and Russell Snyserious problem of one member of der of the language department of their family of crooks going the high school were among the 200 straight. teachers who attended the Modern Not only does J .. William Sim- Language Association of Philadelmons produce and direct "White phia and vicinity at Immaculta ColSheep", but he also ~"signed the de- lege on Saturday. Iightful and charming set. Expert Principal speaker, Dr, Marjorie lighting adds to the overall effect. Joh>nston, foreign language specialIn addition, Mr. Simmons plays the ist with the Department of Health, role of Scotland Yard John Preston Education and Welfare, Washingwith the greatest of ease. ton, stressed the six Iyear language No Whistler's mother is Sally A. course. McFadden in her part of Alice Winter, the maternal accomplice who LIBRARY OROWTH is aided and abetted by her husband When the Swarthmore Public J ames-a thil'd generation in the Library opened May 17. 1929 "business", played by James H. there were 1200 books on its Hornaday. Grace L. Yates, as the~r daughter shelves. By February I. 1930, Pat has inherited the family's skill 725 readers' cards were issued. Today (30 years later) the and gives a smooth performance belibrary has 27,000 books and sides being lovely to look at. The Vicar is a priceless piece 3,408 reao;lers' cards are curplayed by Stafford W. Parker rently in use (this total is carewhose nbs~nt·mjndedness and aPl· futly kept up to date by the libiguous statements provide much brarians). of the humor. THe Pri.ce family again distin· lyon ber employers while she is guishes itself this season with learning the 'trade", is pertly· Philip N. Price taking the part of played by Ann Ingersoll. Peter Winter, the "son gone good" The part of Sam Jacks~n is made and Christa, his real-life wife, to order for Charles Maggio as the playing the part of Angela Preston, Uinternatiobal broker" a polite term his charming fiancee. for' a "fence". Janet, the ~igltt--fit:Igered maid A surprise ending returns the Who practices thievery prodigious· lost sheep to the fold. '~,,~"'~~-~ . , Severall weeks ago a Lady Shopper said, "I didn't know you carr~ed this item. Why don't you advertise Ihe fact that you have these in stock?" We said we would. Edward G. Chipman and Son ;~~i~W~i1~1;c~a~lI~f~or~a~n~d~d~e~li~ve~r~'1 1 i which ~ r) '.'IH~lW SWARTHMORE lOlL HEAT , New Listing of Magnificent Stone HILL SECTION I·~~ \ iii Linden ~ EVANS BIKE & LOCKSMITH SHOP & Morto'l Aves., Rutledge (next to Rutledge Post Office) (Formerly 928 Madison St., Chester) Center Hall, Large Living Fireplace, . Dining Room, Kitchen, Powder Room, Library, DAY and NIGHT 4 Bedrooms Garage. OIL BURNER 3 Baths Screened SERVICE $33,750 MONDAY THRU SATURDAY NOON SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS • PQrch, 2-Car J. A. Green Klngswood 4-1500 $20.95 $20.95 Pea Buck Rice $19.95 $18.45 $17.45 Add $1.00 per ton' for carrying coal. Add $1.00 per ton for charge accounts not paid in ten days. Prices subject to change loter in summer. ,BAIRP and BIRD Klngswood 4-_1234 Opposite 80ro Hall • 200 West Ridley Avenue, LEhigh 2-2440 . _ j ----- _~ .. -- year hos-I SMITH ALUMNAE MEET The annual dinner and meeting of the Smith College Club of Philadelphia w~s held yesterday at the home of Mrs. Courtney C. Smith. Local Smith alumnae who served on the committee for the dinner were Margaret Campb~ll,. Mrs. Eric Fowler, and Mrs. Herbert w. Huse. RUTLEDGE MOTHERS HOLD MAY FAIR The Community Mother's Club of Rutledge held its annual. May Fair Saturday at the Rutledge Elementary School playground. Plants, baked goods'and various handmade novelties were sold and refreshments were served throughout the day. , • - St k' Ib 8'9 ~oBR~~~HOUSE ea s. C SIIILQIN . Striatly U, Fri. 9 to 8:30 STtlCTLY FRESH KILLED :~:~lN:(HI(KENS· paLISH BOILED HAM lb. 9Bc (Fresh Sliced) U, S. CHOICE TOP SIRLOIN BOLOGNA CHEESE PEPPER LOAF VEAL LOAF (Ground to Order) lb. 69c MIX 69c PIMIENTO LOAF LIVERWURST SPICED HAM DUTCH LOAF liz OR MATCH Poun j of Each . POUND MORRELL'S OR WILSON'S SLICED BACON lb. 59c 80VARIL CORN BEEF _' .. , ,. 2 cans $1 6 jars $1 MUSSELMAN'S APPLE SAUCE WHITE ROSE CONSOMME MADRILENE SOUP cans 89c qt. jar 35c 3 AUNT BELLE'S KOSHER PICKLE SPEARS, , , . , ... , . DEL MONTE ' _.I., _ 3 46-oz. tins 89c Pepperidge Farms ~~pi~R~O~~kLS pkg. 59c TOMATO JUICE, _ -' __ " APPLIO DUMPLINGS RASPBERRY TURNOVERS Call Ilngswo~d 3·1100 for FREE DELIVERY 6-CLEAN AND ADJUST SPARK PLUGS Dirty spark plugs can waste as much as lout of every 10 gal· Ions of gasoline. l-CLEAN AIR FILTER Lets your engine breathe easier -keeps dirt out of the carbu- fill with Sunoco All-purpose Gear Lubricdnt - specially made to resist high pressure and heat. _ retor. 3-CHASSIS LUBRICATION B-DRAIN AIITI-FREEZE AND FLUSH RADIATOR - CHECK HOSE CON· NECTIONS - ADD RUST RESIST· ANCE Special Lubricant used to help keep out squeaks and wear. Won't dry out, won't wash out, won't squeeze out! Helps im· prove gas mileage. If you have permanent anti· freeze.. save it for next winter. 4-CHECK OIL FILTER Bring, your own container. Inspect cartridge and check' for leaks. 9-CHECK·UP OF TIRES 5-BATTERY SERVICED Winter is especially tough on bat. teries. We check strength, clean terminals, add distilled water. M. WEINSTEIN· &., SON Correct "switching" improves the mi,leage, We can also have your tires recapped, if needed. INSPECTION STARTED MAY 1 \ • PORTER' H. WAITE, Inc. Dry Cleaners - Tai/ors Klngswood 3-1727, • Swarthmore, Pa. Chester Road and Yale Avenue Klngswood 3-1250 ! ' Ib.39c Compare Our Prices With Any Other Store!!! 2-CHANGE TO SUMMER GEAR LUBRICANTS Drain transmission and rear; re- SLIPCOVERS DRAPERIES CURTAINS -- Ib.3ge PICNIC HAMS 1-;CHANGE TO SUMMER OIL Winter air is too thin for warm weather. We drain it-and re·fill with Summer type Sunoco Oil. r " . s. Choioe and U. S. Prime Beef! Bachman's, the Store That Made Steaks a Specialty RIGHT NOW YOUR CAR NEEDS THESE IIGET READY FOR SUMMER'1 SERVICES & Hobby Shop Fonnal Wear to Hire • _ Our Spring Car Saver Special Is Designed to Help Get Rid of "Winter Drag" and Get Your Car Completely Ready lor Summer Free Pick-Up and Delivery . U. S. CHOICE CAR RUN BETTER--LONGER not to disappoint Fur Cleaning by Vita-Pelt 100 Park Avenue "Famous for the Finest Meats" LET US HELP MAKE YOUR , SPECIALIZING IN THE CLEANING OF , wannmore, a. FREE PARKING Certified Cold Fur Storage - P S~. 514 Yale Ave. "I saw it in the Swarthmorean." ~ i Ii i F 0 0 D· MAR K E T MORRELL'S SMALL LEAN 8TH ORADE MOTHERS ELECT A tea and busi!1ess meeting for the Eighth Grade Mothers was held recently at,the home of Mrs. Henry Coles of Walnut lane. IIIrs. Merrill Hayes of University place, retiring .chairman, presided over the meet· ing. The following officers were chosen for next year: Mrs. Wesley Hoge" chairman; Mrs. Robert Wood, program chail'man; Mrs. Gordon MacAlpine, sec· retary; Mrs. David Bennett, treas· urer;" Mrs. Coles and Mrs. J. Archer Turner, hospitality chairmen; IIIrs. H. Woodward McDowell, home and school rep~escntative; Mrs. Robert Detweiler, class representative for the Canteen Program; 1\11'5. Robert Clothier will servie as hostess chairmdn for Canteen. ~ Klngswood 3-4742 ~ ,S 3~4191 Klngswood Ridley, Park, Po. _____ _________________ .__ I Mrs. Dino McCurdy of South Chester road entertained the mothers of Mrs. Benjamin Swan's· fourth grade class yesterday morning. ],Irs. W. Marshall Schmidt, retiring chairman, presented the slate of officers for the ensuing as follows: Mrs. Ralph Sundquist, chairman; Mrs. John R. Fry, vice chairman; I Mrs. R. J. Shuba, secretary-treas-I urerj Mrs. D. Evor Roberts, pitality, and' Mrs. H. Lewis Shay' as telephone chairman. 4-6 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, P,a. VAN ALEN BROTHERS • ..,..---'--',..J--"i--___ - -----._-. .. _--- T~e Camera COAL PRICES - May 1, 1959 \ Nut 4TH GRADE MOTHERS ELECT the beaten path" item it was to -'--.I-~- Klngswood 3-5404 ~ ;,nmDlrnmlllDDlIIDIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIILtUDlllllllnntClIIlIlIIlllIllllllllllllrrallllllllllDl:lll1IIlllllllCDllllllllllnlllllllllrrlUlIllJ1ll11nn~ Stove S see that we have kept our word. ~Phone Room, Mr. and Mrs. Walter A; Schmidt day combined flusiness and vacation returned to their home on River- trip to CharJottesville, Va., and Members. of Kappa Kappa Gam- view road Sunday following a 10- White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. rna will meet Tuesday at the home -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; of Mrs. F. Weston Whittier, 641 r Riverview road. , this lady we hope she reads this ad and can .COLONIAL HOME OIl IUINltl_ All (QHblllOHi"'" OIL RlI .. I.CU '~off which she referred. SO : ~!~~~RIN~ BICYCLES KAPPAS TO MEET Now, our probl~m is that we have forgotten I H. D. CHURCH' Police News A collision occurred at Swarthore avenue and Cedar lane at 2: 25 p.m. Sunday between the cars of Carl E. Kleckner, Havertown and J. Edward Doubet, Cliester. Police said Kleckner was proceeding southeast on Cedar lane and making a,left turn into Swarthmore avenue when Doubet,.who was driving 5ot.lth on Swarthmore avenue, collided with the Kleckner car, damaging the left front door of the Doubet car. Fines paid within the past week were: Victor Kraft, Broomall, $5 for improper parking in front o~ Borough Hall last October 16; Galen Young Lawrence, ,Chester, $10 for speeding at Park and Harvard avenues'on April 22. .; - Page 10 . H. S. Bandsmen t~ Sport' New Uniforms May 22nd (Colltinued from Page 1) caps, coats and trousers is just under $3,000. The style of the new uniforms was carCfully selected by a committee of parents and students. Colors, of course, are the traditional garnet and white but the double-breasted coat has double re- versible reveres and the trousers have a wide white stripe. The new caps are U Air Force" style--considered definitely smarter than the "old hats" they replace. Perfect fit will, for once, be achieved since each unifrom will be tailored to each student. Through the courtesy of Swarthmore College the concert will again be staged at Scott Outdoor Auditorium. With a large audienc.e.the acoustics are perfect. Media Fellowship to Present Concert Sunday The Media Fellowship Ohorus will present its annual Spring Con_ cert Sunday, May 17, at 4 p.m. at the Media Presbyterian Ohurch Annex, 30 East Baltimore avenue. The concert, conducted by the chorus' new director, John Cooper of Philadelphia, will include a var- l'p • ";,.B' . . , \ c:ol.I.l'Xa: '. L I 1\ K . '. High School Banel Concert Tonight 7 o'Clock " ' -.... q: .\~ . iety of classic and modern works, both religious and secular,. sung by the entire chorus, interspersed with solos and trios; with a double-quar- VOLUME 31-NUMBER 21 tet of male voices. • 3rd Festiv(J1 of Arts Feature for Saturday FOOD MARKET Consumer's Co-Op Ass'n. of Swarthmore, Inc. 403 Dartmouth Avenue Opposite Borough Hall Swift's Premium' Swift's Premium BACON co-op RED LABEL 29c No. 2 size, 7 for $1.00 46 oz. TOMATO JUICE • ' 11 can ' , I Dad's Old Fasllioned ROOT BEER. 0/2 gal. 39c quart 20c co-op Pinapple Juice (46-oz. can) 3 for $1.00 ,pointments may .be made at the Arts' Center oftfice. Two booths of Hgounnet" snacks will be on hand 1'or hungry spectators as well as a platter luncheon. The .Odds and End; Booth, which will feature contributions to the Festival, is also holding a pre-Festival tea at the Pennsylvania farmhouse of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Clarke, 401 Rogers lane, Wallingford today from 2 through 5 p.m. Chocolate-Filled Cookies 3 pkg. $1.00 RED LABEL FRU ITS . FOR SALAD 3 cans $1.00 NEW VEL with more DISH POWER large 29c giant size 79c The librarian's desk in the second floor of Borough-Hall after Council appropriated materials and WPA labor remodel~d and enlarged the Library. Many readers find the Library's presnt street floor home more accessible and co;"fortable. The present librarian's desk accommodates a staff of three, headed by librarian Bettina Hunter who has learned 'and served the reading tastes of Swarthmore well in .her 15 year service to the Library. Also in evidence at the desk has been an ever-rotating, ever-useful group of high school assistants trained by the librarians, several of them started .on library careers. TRI-DELlS TO MEET SQUAREDAIICE TOMORROW The May meeting of ,the Philadelphia West Suburban Alumnae Chapter of Delta Delta Delta will be held Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Haskell Torrence, 617 Cedar lane, Villanova. A picnic luncheon will precede the installation of 00'ficers for the coming year. Tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. Bob Mather will Jbe the caller tfor another folk-square dance at the Commjlnity Arts Center in 'Wallingford. These every other Saturday eve_ ning dances are open to beginners \ Library Crowth The first year budget of the Swarthmare Public Library (May 17 to Deeember 31, 1929) was $1017 of which a balanee of $209 remained. The current and 30th year budget (for the fiscal year ending August I) is for $15,900 of which three-fourths is expended at the % J11ark. as well as the morE!! advanced dancers. Mr. and' Mrs. William L-. Standish, tformerly of Magill road, have moved into their newly purchased home on Riv~rview road. Capt. and Mrs. Corben C. Shute of Maple avenue entertained their card club at dinner Saturday evening.· ......... '"''"' Picture Framing , Miss Katherine W)sdom of Vas- an ROGER RUSSELL Chairman of the Festival activi- sar avenue has made ltouMtand_ ties include: ,ing record in her secretarial stud- Admission, F. LeRoy Gilbert and ies" at the Keystone Secretarial and Photographic Supplies Hans Dietze; Hobby, Mrs. Edward Business • Administration School STATE & MONROE STS. Lobeis; Clothes Line, Mrs. Millicent where "h~is enrolled this year. MEDIA Clark; arrangements, Lawrence ~r. a~d Mrs. Raymond Hogg and and Riehard. Graves' decorations theIr daughter Judy of Harrisburg LOwell 6-2176 Mrs. T. G. Crest;-inf;rmation, Mrs: will be the weekend guests .of Mr. OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS Thelma Hartman, Mrs. Edna Win- and.' Mrs. Henry A. Peirsol and ·ters; program, Robert lIiJlther; f_:a~m~I~IY~O;f~L~atf~a~y;et;t~e~a;v~e~n~u~e~.~._ _~;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;~ Children's SUNSHINE HYDROX co-op (Continued from Page 1) Barbara Graves, will be ,presente" for the younger set, and the Rose, Valley Quartette will air excerpts from Gilbert and Sullivan at 4 p.m. On display thr~ughout the afternoon will be an "economy" Clothes Line Exhibit of the work of from the Philadelphia area, and a corner for hobbyists and collectors of everything from stamps to elephants. Handiwork from craftsmen, and a variety ~ tflowers and plants of Arts Center horticulturists will also be offered on exhibit. Portrait painters Cyril Gardner and Frances Lachman will he available for black and white, pastel, crayon and water color portraits from 1 through 4 p.m. Advance 86- Ib.59c Pantomi¥1e, Barbara ,- "You Meet the Nicest People at Speare's" Graves, Janet Shugart; puppets, Emma Louise Warfield; children's games and shQW of pets, Janet Shugart, H. Boyd McConkey, Robert Arnold; cake table, Mrs. George Harvey;' snack booth, Dr. Harold SitkOO'f,. John McQuade; ehildren's booths, Mrs. Thelma Barry; flower· booths, Mrs. Edward McIllwain, Mrs. John McQuade; odds and ends, Dr. William F. Navin; poster, Mrs. J. Mark Kirkgas~er; portraIts, Cy_ and "They Do Sell the Nice~t . Things at Spear~'s" • ee...... ril Gardner, F~rances Lachman. 100% Rain date for the event is May 17. Pure THOM PARADICHLOROBENZENE 2 Ibs. 69c - SEREMBA UPHOLSTERY and SLIP COVERS • 8 Yean of Swarthmore References ever 30 Yean' Experience Phone SHARON HILL 0134 ALL BRANDS OF OIGARETTES STOOK UP NOW EXTRA LARGE ICEBERG LETTUCE NEW RED SKIN 5 I~s. 35c POTATOES VISIT OUR VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT and SEE THE "NEW' LOOK" FaIUily~ Pharmacy , • This professional pharmacy specializes in family patronage. Turn to us for anything you'd naturally expect to find in a firstclass Family Drug Store. Our stocks are ample, our prices fair. And~ of course, remember we value your prescription patronage. SEVENTH AND WELSH STREETS STORE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday, 9:30·5:30 Friday. 9:30.9:00: Saturday, 9:30-5:30 Speare Bros. Estimates Without. Obiigation 2 for 29c th ! • DDlversar MAY 19th • 20th • 21st· 22nd • 23rd You'll be delighted that you stopped to see CATHERMAN'S DRUG 'STORE the large selection of Fruits and Vegetables Klngswood BREYER'S IOE OREAM STRAWBERRY PARFAIT 1h . GaHon - $1.00 3-0586 See Our Advertisements in the Chester Times on These Days "WE'LL HAVE VALUES THAT CANNOT I BE. EOUA~LED;' "Never Know;n~ly Unelersolcl" , . , EAN High School Band Concert Tonight 7 o'Clock High School Band in 21st Annual Ooncert Swarthmore. Pa .• Friday. May:22, 1959 Business as Usual as Library Marks 30th Anniversary One-Hour Program Is at $4.00 PER YEAR Bora Red Oross Lists 5194 Volunteer Hours George Plowman Urges Tonight in Scott All Red Cross to. Back United Fund Mrs. George Plowman, presiding Amphitheatre 'l'he Swarthmore High' School Band will hold its 21st annual .pring concert in Scott Amphitheatre tonight, May 22, at 7 p.m. Following a "music in the 'Park" format, the concert, just ,one ·hour in length, will include a variety of musical material which should appeal to all ages. One of the most dramatic features of the outdoor concert will the initial use of .the ne,,: "almetl and white uniforms recently purchased by the Band Parents group. Following the concert proper, a . Music Department open house will be held on the high school tennis as president at Friday morning's annual meeting of the Swarthmore Branch, Southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter, American Red Cross, in Borough Hall, was priviieged to present her husband, regional vice- chairman of the Southeastern Chapter, as the first speaker. . Plowman outlined his duties and dIscussed the fund drive situation.. ~e stated that Red Cress will be In the fund drive again this year a?d ~:ged all Red Cross workers to pa:t.'clpate in the October fund ralsmg campaign. Mrs. Plowman "nnounced that Mrs. L. A. Wetlauier will work with the United courts with music for dancing provided by a professional orchestra Fund as liaison representrtive for furnished through the Ch'esler Muthe Red Cross. Mrs. Wetlaufer is sicians Union. the secretary of the local branch. Featured soloists will include Mrs. Plowman turned over to Sven Borei, tubist, who will th~ treasurer a check for $10 from the familiar" Asleep in the JJeep, Th h Id b· k Photo by Ph:1 Ivlayc, Ehzabeth McKie, school sponsor of D k and a flute trio compr4iing Carol , e camera a S up 00 check-outs to catch Librarian Bettina Hunter (center) at the L'b the Junior Red Cross. Mrs. Corben ~it~ the .day's staff behind her. To.le~ rear is Assistant Librarian Leonore Perkins. Right r~a~ad.e s~~Honnold, Allie Welker and Huse, playing Anderson's CUlerent I en as"sta.nts. orene .Hebbl<:, standmg by the book truck, and Susan Martin receivin books at the Shute turned in $1.27 which had d~sk. Standm9 m the l,ne patIently waiting'for their books after the anniversary pictur~s reserve the becn sent to her by Peggy Schmidt, hit, -"Penny \\Thistle Song." Bette Gemmill, head majorette, LIbrary scenes for posterity ar.e (left t.o right); !'Ars. Frank Holman, Peter E. Told, Mrs. R!th K. Butler daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ~Iarshall Dickinson avenue will lead the girls through here,own dn~ :Jr YR~nhg ~a~?~ter Ru~hle w~o IS exam,"mg the picture books on the children's table, Janet Sny- Schmidt, "D ear Mrs. Shute," Peggy• wrote rs. IC adr balg partlally h,dden behind A. Sidney Johnson, Jr., Alice Barber and Jeff Weber manuscript arrangement of "Stroll- T er, (Continued on Page 10) • wo young rea ers, ack to camera, chat with Miss Hunter. ' , ' ing in the Park" and the Color • The. day was? !lala affair.with many readers stopping in with felicitations, flowers, and a reciGuard have planned an exciting ahon. LIbrary exh,b,ts were e.nloyed arranged by Library, Diredors Gowing, Hirsch, and Willi~~s as military drill. A flag ballet, per· were floral arrangements .fashloned by Mrs. D. Mace Gowing, Mrs. Raynham T. Bates, bnd Mrs. Carroll formed to the music of the popular waltz "Fascination" will be pre- p. Street~... Among. the froendly acts was the ~ppearance of School Superintendent Frank R. 'More with sented against the colorful outdoor ~ ItOt\~Ibhrary AnnIversary pos~er m~de by h,s son Fred and salvaged from the 8th grade paste! cones w IC was a part of the lobrary s 10th anniversary in 1939. . . Hagy, Weaver, Eckman backdrop. The 65-piece playing group 'Resign From be heard in a variety of numb,,"" I Memorial Day Celebration Early Deadline School including Osser's -"French Festj· • Memorial Day exercises will Millard P. Robinson, head of hoys' The Swarthmorean will be pubval," selections \ from "Pajama start at 10 a.m. at Borough Hall. (Continued on Page 10) lished on Thursday, a day early physical education and football and I . Mr. Frank R. Markley will be the Both Summer Programs next week, due to Memorial Day baseball c,oach at Swarthmore High School, was granted a sabbatieal speaker for the day. Others parWill Begin June 22 falling on Saturday. leave for the next school year for ticipating will be the local min· at Rutgers Ave. The deadline for news will be education and travel throughout isters, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Europe. Robinson, wha has been at June 9 and 10 have been set as noon Tuesday. Red Cross, Veterans, the high registration dates for the SwarthSwarthmore for 13 of the 23 years 450 Pupils From Rutledge, he has been teaching, was also school band and other Ci~ic ~lOre Recreation Association's sumBIKE TEST SET Rutgers Schools Will granted pennission to take advangroups. , I • mer programs. Registrars will be in tage of additional training afforded FOR MAY 26th Participate As usual there will be ride, on the American Legion Room of Borby his participating as a teacher in Bike Tests of the SwarthmoreFor the 31st c'Ollsecutive year the fire trueks at the dose of ough Hall from 9 until 11 :30 a.m. the -Dependents Education Program Swarthmore Elementary Scho"ls I .the morning eeremonies. Full de- on these dates. Mrs. William Wind- Rutledge School District will be of the United States Army in Gerannual Field Day will be held on SOl", Jr., will be in charge of the held at 3 p,m. Tuesday, May 26, at many. He expeots to leave this the Rutgers Avenue Field next tails will appear in next week's registration, assisted by Mrs. Wil- the rear of the Rutgers avenue c-ountry with his wife, daughter and Friday, May-29. Due to recent State \ Swarthmorean. ljam Salom, Mrs. Roland Coit, Mrs . ~hool, according to Mrs. Horace son in mid-August. legislation defining the require\Valter Geer, Mrs. John O'Brien, R. :Renshaw, chairman of the bike The Swarthmore.Rutledge Union ments for the school day, the Field MATHEMATICS FAIR ' and Mrs. Lee Gatewood. testing. committee of the Mothers School Board also appointed a subDar has been ch':nged to the afSET FOR MONDAY The programs will begin June 22 Council. R&in date will be Wednes- stitute for Robinson at its Wednes_ ternoon. F~stivities are expected to day evening se$sion. James W. Kor.. ,and will again include the Pre- day, May 27. get under way at 1 p.m. The second annual Mathem..tics In making the announcement, marnicki, graduate of West Chester Once again the Garnet team will Fair exhibiting projects in mathe- school P,rimary group under the line up against the .White· team matics by the students of the Jun- directorship of Mrs. Franklin Robb_ Mrs. Renshaw stated that every State Teachers College who is reparticipating in relays, ior-Senior High School of Swarth- lee, and the Summer Club program bike in the district should be licens_ ceiving his masters degree at Temgames, and tugs-of-war to gain more will he held on M'onday, May under the directorship of Frank ed for three reasons. 4IFirst and ple University this year and has most important, it teaches each done praotice teaching under Rob. silver cup as the award for 19,59'.1.25 . The exhibit will open at 7:15 Picc-one. p.m. in the high school gymnasium. competition. The program is The Pre-School program is for child the importance of safety inson and basketball coach William Reese at Swarthmore High, will der 'the directorship of Mrs. The far, ""aching implications of children who will be three years rules; second, it assures' that each serve with Reese heading the deMoore and Bill Reese who have been mathematics will be brought into old by September 1, 1959, up bike is in safe working order; third, partment during the year. awarding sportsmanship points focus through ,the many unusual through five year aIds. This pro- it facilitates the recovery of a lost Margaret. Ann Hagy, seco'l-d either or both teams following each projects on display. During the gram is one of group play, simple or stolen bike, as each ;bike that is (Contmued on Page 4) gym cl....s throughout the year. COUrse of the evening certain stu- ganies, stories and rhythm with the tested is registered at the police station and at the school office." ·(Continued on Page 4) These points will serve as the fOlIn- dents who have prepared outstandTo pass the test, each bike must College Stickmen dation oror the' scores each team projects will e"'plain and dembe in good working condition, have will earry with it into Field Day. onstrate their work. SENIOR SCOUT TROOP Win Penn-Del. Award a bell or horn that functions, and As each team is successful in Arrangements for the exhibit are Yesterday at the Ingleneuk, the (Continued on Page 5) being made by the teachers and INITIATES CAMPSITE good brakes. Each child must know members of the Penn-Del Lacrosse students of mathematics, assisted Senior Girl Scout Troop 16 was how to control the bikellt all times Assoeiation held their annual banBroadcast Sunday Will by the members of the Junior Var- the first to enjoy the facilities of and the hand signals for left and quet and presented to the winner of F C II Ch s!ty. Club who will provide guide the new campsite in the Pocono right turns and for stopping. the 1959 lacrosse season, the Penneature 0 ege orus sel'V1ce. Mountains being purchased by the Parents are asked to see that Del Award. The (:horus of Swarthmore Th"publ"IC 18 cord ially invited. GI·.rl Scouts of Delaware County. th~ir child appears at the correct This award is presented to the ege will he feat\lred on a Scouts who spent last weekend time wi th his or her bike, and the member team that hoasta the best W broadcast ;n~illa~::,~~~: Elementary Orchestra there were.. V.irginia Alexander, 25 cent fee to cover the cost of th,e record in Penn-Del league play. phonic FLN-AM and FM, Betty Bovard, Janice Carroll, Betsy license. Appropriate blanks are be- Presenting the award in the abSunday, from 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. The To Present Concert Tues. Friend, Nancy Goff, Sandra Mills, ing sent home from school with the sence of Bill Bonwit, the president . . of the Association was viceprogram will be a rebroadcast of a The Elementary School Orches- Gay Pyle, Sally Sheppard, Carol children. concert given at Bryn Mawr on tra, under the direction of Virginia Vint, Gail Whitaker, Susan Bower, president Bob' Matthews, lacrosse Apnilll by the Three-College'Chor_ Rae Vogt, will present a concert Carole Cochran, Nancy Gatewood, Juniors to Install New coach at the University of Pennsyl_ vania. . us, which was composed of choruses Tuesday evenjng, May 26 in the Grace McDermott, Karen Peterson Officers at Banquet Tues. from Bryn Mawr, Haverford, and Auditorium of the Intermediate Barbara Richards, Bianca Storlaz~' The award this year goes to The Junior Woman's Club An- Swarthmore College and receiving Swarthlll