. , Ale / .-y6u AUG 5 ~ '\960 :.THE. SWARTHMOREAN Registered to Yote? .' . , Ar• YOU Regist.recl to Yote? I V04um~ 32 - RwarJhmore, Pa., Friday~ August 5. 1960 Nu.dter 32 $4.00 PER YEAR Two WrolP Do Rock In R~II. Combo Tw. Broil.., 1 .11 & TIIDD' I BOY SCOUTS 13 T J. Y 1 - , I"e ......... Scbeduletl lor Canteen. •• ' ATTEID .... IElI.. 0 011 011 1 Life. ' , I ... One hundred and sixty Canteen.' DII il a.II..8 Fire F.ffteen Boy Scouts of Troop 1 Trip 10 Co·orallo Therefor. -Teacher " C' .an Be' era attended. the. Thursday night Whittier Place Motl,er's of the Methodist Church are at.. • all T8es.si?tn'lcasht wheekDm ~he hh of·th.e : Heroic Rescue fte~ding Camp Resica, Stroudsburg 200 From United States u rIDl y ,urc. anclDg eld doml. I .V • or two weeks along with Troop 2. Paid nance over the evening, with bridge " n. aln Members of Troop 1 include Ennis To Attend National " . . lessons and ping-pong offered also. 'Fhe Swarth~ore Fire Company Duling. Senior patrol leader; assisCo. nferenee At '. a. special meeting: of the, A great many recent graduates and eDJoyed a fatahty-fn!e record, from tant patrol leaders' James Break. . Swarthmore-Rutledge Board students from Nether.Providence its inception in 1907 until Thurs. ell. Thomas and SW;:hmoreans. Linda De· at 6 p.m: Wednesday eveDIng Pr. attended. Canteen will' continue day of last week when double trag. Smith. Su pes, arl~tte Brodhead and Harry ;Kmgham, superintendent of through August unless otherwise edy struck quickly and inexorably e ~iddelton WIll leave tomorrow schools, poi~ out that in the announced in The Swartbmorean. despite the bravest and best efforts Obiter' boys attending the camp mornmg fro~ Beverly Hills Junior tran8f~rral of .Mrs. Mildred Brain On Monday of this week, 158 stu.' of a mother to save the lives of her are Jerry Hebble, Douglas Suther- H~ghSchool, 10 Upper Darby, along froDl first grade teacher to elemeXJ. deqts Dei guests turned u .for the two youngest children.' ~:d, James Kent, John ~a~n, Pa~l With many other boys and gins tary reading specialist a provision evening which was brighte~ed with Theh~e.of Dr. Neal A Weber b yo. S.am Hopper, WIlham WIl· fr?Dl strrrounding areas, for a bus of salary for her .had inadvertently a 'multiplicatio~ dance and a Mexi. at 1 Whittier p~~ce was a quiet one a~~J,~;nH~:r~ffrey, John Frost tnp to <:Olorado sponsored. by the been overlooked ~n the budget for can hat dance. The game room drew at 3:30 on the afternoon of July 2 8 . ' . Y~ung L~fe Program. T~elr destl. next year. H~ever, the faict tl1 at considerable interest for many of All but tl:te father of the Striemer nation wJlI be the FrontIer Ra~h over all saiary increases among t~ the canmeners.. ' , . family, whic~ is occupying the ?n the slopes of M01;lnt Princeton, faculty for the next S~I ye"r do :Next Monday a five.pi~e rock dwellin~ for the summer (the Web. In. the Colorado ~ockies. not become effective until Septem,. !n'roll combo will entertain for part gone to Argentina for The group WIll be accompanied ber and they. had been ~lc.ula:ted at of- the evening. An effort is being two years), had gathered for reo by staff personnel and additional the new rate from the hegmnlllg of made to provide some form of en. freshments. There was Mrs. WUda Full Program Keeps counselors. En route they will' stop ~he Daw budgetary year, July .G, will tertainment each session, prefer. St~iemer, 37. and the four Striemer Guests, Hosts ~n K~nsas, ColaradoSprings, COlo.; J~st ~bout make up the deficit, ably talent from the Swarthmon! chIldren, Katherine (Kathy) 11, . ~t night they wilt stay in motels. King~ eX'plained to the relief of area. Anyone wishing. to perform Charles 10, K~ith 7" an.d Jef,fn!Y 5. Busy The trip, will include a week of Boa:d members (and doubtless Mrs. should notify Anthony Pi.rinie, sup. Soon .the y.ou~er boY8 asked. for The Frellch visitors in Swarth. ~ravelin~. and a week at the ranch. BraIn). ervisor . some potato ChIPS to take'out and more, under the auspices of the Ex. ApproxImately 200 young people Tuition rates for non-resident. • eat in the backyard. Given the chips peri~ent. in International Living. froni all over the United States win students set for next year reflected 0 they departed from the group. are hvenmg up~these summer days attend the conference. During their slightly higher costs in local educa. I D . Shortly afterward screams ema. for their host families and others stay horseback riding, swimming. tion: kindergarten which had been ~_. (Continued on Page 7) iJl the community. Five of them will hikes, and special entertainment I $175 wUl be ,100; elementarY . I be moving to new families this week will be provided; round.ups, or grades whlch were $350 will be Local Resident Is Oldest because of conflicts in vacation group disevssions will be held fre..· PSO; and high school students (or Phi , p l a n s . New hosts will be: . quently. . ratgel'their parents) wi}} pay $570 racticins:- Pia. Mr. and Mrs. lUlr! Fox and Mr. Sue .'was the only recipient of a instead of the_previous.years $560. Architect and Mrs. Warren Warden of Yale free trip from this a·rea. She was June Marie Campbell of Freeport, George M. Ewing of Columbia F.erris W. Mitchell of the Dart· avenue; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hil· elected as Swarthmore's "Mag Hag" Me., who attended Farmington Tea. avenue, one of Philadelphia's old. mouth House, a salesman at Allied kert of Strath Haven avenue; Mr. to sell su~scriptions and sold more chers' College and graduated from est practicing architects, had an an. Chemical's National Aniline ,Divi· and Mrs. D. Mace Gowing of Par· than 100 per cent. She was present(Continued on Page 5) niversary yesterday and as part sion, retired· June 30 after 40 years rish road; and Mr. and Mrs. R.· K. ed with this award' in May at '8 cer_ _ _ _ _ _-'--__ ' . of the observanee was presented of service. Timmons of Springfield. emony ,eld at the Conestoga High :with a 72-candle birthday cake by . 'Mr. Mitchell joined National AniThere have beet)·many group ac· School. . his,office staff. lln~ June 5. as a laboratory tivities during th.eir stay in addi. Charlo~e also received a scholar. d"Now completing his 48th year as aSSIstant ~n the Philad~lphia t!O? to the individ~al experiences ship eliminating all costs except IC,. an architect Mr ,E'Win g was grad- B.I. anch Of,flce. Hetran.Sferre.d to.lliVlD.t,in. homes •. w,hich the.UExper. that of transportat,ion. on',e boy and . oJ . . uated from' D;exel Instltu~c-;. of the Phila~elphia Bral\ch Sales De· iment" feels is the most imp?rtant girl i~ the junior c~ass ,~rom each ... . S..~.t~~~~y ~ert;q:c;'--r ~\ ."" ~~i~J~~l9-~Jn~~.· . g~T~~e~t~1}..~~.~!);.!~· ~.'" ." asp~t of _~~e program~ ,A piCniC sup. town I~ 'awarded thIS ~rI~e. Linda, Boost CIW '. . sons,' George/ Jr.;. of ,Wayne ~it"d ,In file thtettvenlDi'Y~,~r~: ~~:~it- ptlr !'B~ty.Was g1ve!l,~·M,Qn.djLy as.~p:sJ~~t,otSue-lfiddelton'8'i)fize, Rati Alexander of Wallingford, became chell has calle,! on most .o.(.tlie,~m- evemngbr the hostfatnilies'at the reeelv~d a :redq~a.on .of $10 from . ng. partners of the architectural and portant leather processors and home of tfJe Ray Hunts on Harvard the trip as a member of the Youth Swarthy continued ~o smile broad. engineering firm which b~ars his ~any manufac.turers jJl .the textile avenue. Families and ffYW, guests group of Swarthmore. Iy late last week as hIS Swarthmore. name.' . mdustry. He IS recognized as 'lin had a ·chance to meet the whole S,wim ~lub. tea.m. added ano:hel' ',Born in Philadelphia on August ?uthol'ity in leather and textile dye. group. The . French gue~ts were- in~ght .POII~ts In dIvlOg and 44 pomts 4. 1888, ~r. Ewing and his family mg. ., .t~oduced ~ such Amencan activiIn s~mmg e~ents.to ensure a firt. moved to Chester when he was very Mr. ~Itchell S extlerl~cc ~nd ties as eatmg corn on the cob and al sixthpla~e In the 1960 Subllrban young. He attended the Chester pub- technolOgIcal knowledge IS bemg watermelon and playing baseball. Swimming ~ague ?hampionships lic schools. going from grammar ~assed on ~o t~e y~unger salesman There, haye been t~ip~ to WestingHarvard Avenue Resident' (,last year' It ~tood eighth. and in school directly to Drexel lristitute. 10 t~e .Phllad~lphla. Branch on .a house. Sun Oil, Viscose, ,.Frankli ll Resigns Post At 1958. seventh). ' , In 1928" Mr. Ewing and his wife, contmulOg b~sls. It IS felt that hiS Institute, and Robin Hood Dell. The Last Thursday night Beth Pur- the former Mary Christine Dodds, k?owledge WIll be of great value to Henry Gayleys were> hosts to them Tay'or nell pl~ced fourth and Richard Mc- of Nal'berthmoved to Swarthmore' hIS succ~ssors. .' . for a ~ay at the shore, Tuesday. Curdy 'sixth' ininter~ediate 'girls: . 'Mr. 'Ewin'g is a member~f th~ . Mr. M~tchell ba~ Hved in Swarth; In individ~al.homes these fri'e~dSDr. Marjorie Roach (Mrs. W. R. and boys diving classifications, Fri. Swarthmore Presbyterian Churc}!. more for approxImately 3.0 years, have been flOdlOg out how we hve ~i1.~our), of Harvard. ~.venue, phy. day Judy Courtney took third in and has ,been active in the Presby- and is a past commander of the 10- and have jained in family activities slcI~n at Taylor ~o~pI~I's dispen. junior girls diving ThEm aliI age tery of the Philadelphia Synod for cal American Legion Post.. -marketing. "dressing the table", ~dary fo~ the pas~ SlJ!: years. and res· '. . . . a h' th d· h . to h ' h 1 ent doctor, has submitted her groups proved they were as indom- many years. He served on the W s 109 e IS ~s, gOing cure" i t· ff' res· as' elements' ,Saturday S.warthmore Borough 'COuncil for FRACTUR,ES, FIBULA swimm.in g at the -:001. playing mo.mmg, mIdgets and intermediates eIght years, and .belongs to numer. .MIldred Clerk. of. the etc. Some. College Northampto M t.J';:lth. swl1~mu~g to gain 24 points at Ea,~t ous .profes~i.onal ~rganizati~ns, in~ of the ·Sw:a~t?mo~e.Rt.t1edg~ .U?ion . o;~n~ and hav~ found it fun. , . sht! wui assume the. n, osi~~~:f er~ ~lnteland pool and seniors nnd eludmg the American I~sbtute of School DIstrIct. IS now "sporting" e Rob:rt J agels took .thelr sista'nt physician. p as JUniors for an additional point at Architects. . . a cast on her left l~, as a resp!t:,of guest Rogel Na.hon from Lebanon: Dr. Roach received her m Marple-~ewtoWn. right in the mid· ,Since the day when Mr. Ewing a fall on Monday mght. Miss Bond up to the CatskIlls for a few. d.ays,: degree from Johns H oPk' edic~l dIe of n:urricane started out with Karcher and had just been to the movies; and in tHhe .G<>ods d.rove Dom.lmque- more Md and erved lDtsh• Batafltlf-· , • . h A h· f PL"l d 1 ." t . ff th b t h enn enormandle to Prmceton ,., s on e s Taking fourth in midget boy'$ Smlt, rc Itects, 0 III a e ph!a. s epptng 0 e cur 0 go to er h D G d . . of several· Philadelph' h 'ta"I ' b ," .' t"1 h:t d d h' f"' t d h kl' bo 1 were r. 00 IS workmg now. Ia OSpl s reaststroke (46.7) a1,ld.secotid-in unal e· ounbe IS fO~ Il'~ m Char, durnhel . erthan e lnd·a. W - Jean Louis Reymonet and Annie I before coming to Taylor. She was 0e m e maca am, and G 0111 t t h " k' also assistant physician at V baekstroke (415) Jack'Cushing not 19 8. t h e pro lems 0 hIS chents s ap~ only erased Ri~hard M. cCurdy's old have become his o~ problems, and f e l l . ' 1'0 (eCor st~n d e wpee end) at the C.ollege Poughkeepsie N Y baefssar . h h" M" B d d h d n lDue on age 6 • • • " ore ISS on, ~ove om" an on her marriage in 1933 to Dr. WH. Swart~more brepststroke record of whet er t ?, c~mpany s account IS 46.8 but moved his own Swarthmore a small parIsh In a remote suburban Tuesday walked to Dr. Harold Roxliam R. Gilmour . baokstro.ke reoord up from J1.8 area, or a costly government con- by's office where the doctor's 200th 'C;n"y Club' Eams One son Patto"n GI·l d e . ~. .' . f al d h h f!4. I Ch lean gra u· • J~ck thus moves into a new kind of structlon,the. knoWIn~ hand 0_ x·ray reve e t at t e ruU a was .u T~r ..R~ Iief ateci from' Dickinsonmour, College in distinction being the only person George 1M. Ewmg, Sr., IS never far broken at the ankle,; Wednesday she Several gIrls from the VICInIty of 1959, and is now taki d 18 to ever s'iInult&neously hold the from the /Working blueprint. was back in the Lafayette' and Danmouth av,enues work in economics at ;:, s teamreeords in all four strokes, ,--. offlice wherei, hcrU;cht andI a kno,: the "Ginny ;oung of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Hansell, E. Pfeiffer of Baltimore fora short wyo, WIth their respectIve familIes. Jr., and two sonS George and Stev· ljl , time after which she will be a cam. Mrs. Ross W. Marriott and her enson of North SwarthmlJl'e avenue' per in the senior unit at Camp Hid. daughter I Miss Alice Marriott of recently attended a family picnic den Fall. in' the Poconos. Her par. Lafayette avenue returned hom~ and reunion at Carli.le. ents Cdr. and Mrs. William G. last week following a two week va· Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Harris of AUCUST 1-6 INCLUSIVE Wilburn with their son Dick will cation at Beach Haven, N.J. South Princeton avenue were also be on vacation visiting friends Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore Stott and guests of Mr. and Mrs. Victor P. this week at East Greenwich near, family. of Dartmouth avenue r~. l..i lispie of Eastern Shore, Md., last Quonset Point R.I: their former turned recently from a month s weekend home " camping trip in New Germany, _._ _ _ _ _ _ __ Ka;"'n Weckerl~y returned to her Frostburg, Md., and World's End, TO WED II SEPTEMBER home In Easton last weekend after Forksville, Pa. Two daughters, Mir· 'am and Ma-" ; vi 't' Miss Margaret Merryfield Laim. a visit with her uncle and aunt Mr. I ..' are now Sl mg . and Mrs. John Magee of Yale their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. b.eer, da~ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Wll· H. D Roeloff of Arden Farm East 1.Iant Lalmbeer of IWse Tree, square. • ' Dr. and Mrs. Edward Severs and Aurora, N.Y. They will return merly of Crest tane, will become daughters Susan and Leslie of For. August 9. the bride of Mr. J'ames est lane 1eturned Sunday from a Mr. and Mrs. Dwight .Cooley of Petersen, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Swarthmore 102 Park Avenue trip to California. Columbia avenue returned recently pet;ersen of Fairfield! Conn., at a Rich Redden, son of Mr. alld Mrs, from a two week trip?, Glacier 3 oclock ceremony FrIday, Septem. O. T. Redden of Cornell a~uei te.. National Park, Mont., a'1-d a visit 2, Chin ,tht Elwartbmore Presby· turned home recently from a nine. with their son and daugbter.in,l8!W an nrc. '. day stay hi Lankenau Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cooley of Miss Patricia Jane Sullivan of where he was confined with an In. Portland, Ore. Philadelphia will be the maid of faction resulting from a nail injury. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hilkert of honor and only attendant. Miss Katharine F. Herrmann of Strath Haven avenue returned Mr. Robert Leon Petersen of New 116-A Ogden avenue moved this Monday from a two week vacation York will be his brothel"s hest man. week into her new home at 301 Glen· at'Goddard College Music Center in The ushfll's will be Mr. Richard Plainfield, Vt. Brook Laimbeer, brother of the wood avenue, Moylan. Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Forsythe Mrs. Robert Shapley of Media, bride, and Mr. TIiomas Francis Mc· of Thayer road returned last weeIi. the former Susan Hansell'of North llugh of Philadelphia. end from Ocean City, N.J., where . they bad been vacationing for the Swarthmore avenue, entertamed at IIITH 'rat b If f th M d a luncheon Wednesday at her home Captain and Mrs. William, G. f1 0 e'11seaSOD. r. an i c' assmates MrB. " F a --'" I . h f or hig h ""h 00 Soden of Quantico, Va., announce (We have a few Summer Dressel on 5.1.) r.lQ.rs O,l.;ti.,J' ",u.e WI eave. agaln W" D I . h f 'f Lak P G viii <_ .. eue Kalg noN orfolk, Va., the the 'birth of their first chlld, Wil· da y or e aupac, reen e, .... f A Lo d M W'Il' B visit their son.in.law and daughter ormer nn r; rs. I lam . lIam Scott, on Wednesday, July 27, h A. U'illeraf Patton. of Haverford place, the for. In the U. S. Naval Hospital, Quan. Ml'.and Mrs. J on Media.. mer Molly Banks; Mrs. Richard tlco. " I P I f M d "rs Newton of Park avenue, the for. The maternal grandpazents ",rag ee, son 0 r. au .w.. N N d h H. Lindle Peel of Columbia ave. mer ancy e~am; an er col. nue finis:.. a six' week cours. at. lege classmate MISS Trlna McClai~ the University of Pennsylvania to. who I. presently ·Mrs. Shapley s F,r MAtUIIE III_IIIIPTI.••S guest. day. CeI ,Mrs. William H. Webb of South Albert Hansen In, son of Mr. and Chester road is spending the week Mrs. Albert Hansen, Jr., of Drew MRI, LLOYD .E. IAUFFMAI at the Finger Lakes Camp Farth. avenue will leave tomorrow for Cen. 104 Parle Avenue' Swarthmore, Pe. est Out near Geneva, N.Y. She will ter Sandwich, N.H., where he will Open All Summer return home Monday. visit his grandmother Ml·S. Chester Capt. and Mrs. Furman L. Shep. Howe. Mrs. Hansen will join' them • IUIllllllUlUnDUllmUUlDDwllDWCUUlllldttDIIWIIIDU'O h II pard moved last week from 312 t e fo owing Saturday with the III B Haverford place to Key West, Fla. four other children for a week's Midsb!pman David Shute, a third visit. classman at the U. S. Naval Acad· ~;a~~~;;;;;~~;;;;ii~ emy, returned to Annapolis, Md., Hot & Cold Dishes e Middletown Road - Media, Pa. Opposite High Meadow P ersonaIs . I M~:i:o~n an';t~:: Da~d ::~ta~:':'~~: DICI FRANCHEf II -- TELEVISION - The Bouquet today BEAUTY SALON ~ Ele~nor, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~UJUC~~.~_~~_~L~.~-~.~~~~g~~~. STATE INSPECTION week ~bert Bu~by .~er. iiiiiiii~~iiii~~iiiiiii~~~ii~~~ii~;;;;;;;;~ . Closed for Vacation RE-OPEN AUG. 8th • CELIA SHOE SHOP = New Fall Barc;lley Suits Interesting Colors and Fabrics lQ, Dress Shop :::~~nn~~~s!r:;::':r~~h:e;:S:~:: S~: er USS Willis A. Lee. He will vaca· tion with his parents Capt. and Mrs. Corben C. Shute of Maple ave· nue until September 6. , Mr. and Mrs D. Mace Gowing with Nancy and' Susan returned to br.lng 'In your PORTABLE~ TYPEWRITER for a checle!!p before school starts." r; I i i ~oth $1.25 z R ~. . • lE \ iii a BuHel Dinners " § NEWLY AIR-CONDITIONED S.III • , , S,r,lo, , ,'. 1I,.t,11 Enioy Our Delicious Swarthmore Typewriter Service Food ill Comfo,,· KI !-4569 '1" A.,.., SW.rtII.,I'I, ''';j! ' I .. I \ "'- ..... H ..... - ICI 4-U6O~ I • Telephone TRemont 2-72.06 Ask for BEN PALMER m • = ~ Thursday 5 to 9 - Sunday 3 to a~ The Inglefteuk (between Dutton MiD Road and Knowlron Road)' ~75 AZALEAS YEWS - RHODODENDRONS HOLLIES - CLEMATIS - STAR ROSES , Ground Covers - THE' WILD lOOSE' Route. I, .-------- Ko Ko Mulch SHADE TREES P~at Baltimore Pike (4 MIles West of Uecllo) Insecticides - Moss - Fertilizers V"nit Our Roadiid. M.......... Open W"'ays and W......... 5 PM. CI asn OM WOMM'/S \ 1,.1. ,-"sJ..... ..... ·....• Ap,fOYII C '" (I8. PhJlIOI OUI18 MH. W;lson H.~u.hton of Spring.· vI~it with their allnt Mrs, Charlft Police received reports {rom two . and children Larry and Betsy of field, formerly of Swarthmore en· Montgomery in C4lveland 0 pel mothe>;, that their ~ughte" .h;ad &v,erford place, and Mrs. Bur. tered the United State.· Co..stthelr grandparentS Mr. :md" Mrs. been. Improperly . addresled by n~tt B mother Mrs. James A. Ander. Guard, July 13, and is receiving .JaDJ"s Donovan in PlttsblU'&'h. Mrs. strange men while I\n route home son of Park avenue returned recent-Ibasic training at Cape May, N.J.' 'Spencer flew to Pittsburgh las\ from the locsl pool during the past Iy .from a three week vacation In ~ W'II' H D' h d Iweek to accompany the children and week• A 12-year..,I dgtr ' I was m· . o,.ea,,· Grove N.J D" tb i ·",rs. I lam . rle aus an ~\. ' . urlUg e r d u bte A fY I her parents to Swarthmore volved. in the firat case which in. stay ~e Burnetts entertained Mr. a g r nne 0 ,a e ~ven~e leave cIluded indecent eJisitil,lg. tl,1e:Robert S. Bennetts of VIew road following a three week "/ laude in TIuJ S.......u._.· Amherst "venue. to their home five South Chester roaa who are spend. ~~~~~~~=~~~=~=~=~~==~=~===~~ blocks away. Although the mo~her ing thidtuJI writThr ..... AU letter. to TM S"""rllr,. IIwro"n ...... , b. rigMd. P.etUlIJ. "11m,.. malltob•th. ...ed if u..Le~t.,... writer ;, kit""", Editur.' wilt b. pub/ilW tmlll at t1U dia. ....tio.. of 1M Ediw. I WEST VIRGINIA MAN-TO, M("\V~ TO SWARTHMORE ! c • Perry Owellll has been promo· .nElIS ....E. IIITITUTE , 'Parties FridayConcluda Arthur W. Jones of North 1V67•• h~new.. poaitionha will ~v,u.I:S.~ corporation pmplo1M Hr. I '.4"",. August' Special! Storewide 20% 'Clearance Solei- Discount!!! • BOOKWAYS JOYCE LEWIS 15 a , .20% DISCOUNT IMPRINTED CHRISTMAS CARDS .' Al!ce ;B.a..rb~r" Gifts • , 'HE OLlVER,H. BAIR CO. .'. _ ... . . , . , .,a•• t. Tuetoday, Aupst 9 9 :16 A.III.-Morning Prayer 8:00 P.III~Evenlng Prayer r-~--G~~~~~;;~~~~~~~;:~~~~~.;;;:~~~,;:;;~15~;; Wed" eliSa,., A~\10 9 :1& A.III.-IIIornlng l'r.yer , 8:00 P.III~Evening Prayer Tborsday, Augud 11 9 :11i A.III.-Moming Prayer 6:00 P.III.-Evealng Prayer FrIday Aupat 1lI 9 :16 A.III~Morning Prayer 6:00 P .III.-Evening Prayer THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Sanc1&y, Aucust 7 10:26 A.III.-Bymn Sing. llleeting Bouse. 11:00 A.M.-IIIeeting for Worship. All are weleome. Monday, Aucust a All-day sewing for AFSC Wedn_y, A_tiO All·day sewing!o!.,AFSC,-_ _ FIRST CBURCB OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Park A"enue below Harvard W......IIIIDDmUIllllDllIIUHIIIIIIDI"1 I 1h.PRIOE SALE WEDNESDAY FRIDAY 2:00 P.M. fa 5:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. fa ~:oo P.M~ CLOSED SATURDAYS a-..- ,n- hours wi! ~ through the _"hl"~ , I ....'.1. ~ ~ ~ Large Table of § i ill Assorted Merchandise I • CATHERMAN'S 11:GO A.M.-Snnday S.bool l1:fIO A.M.-The LeNon Sermon 'Will be "Spirit.P 'W.. _Ing JIletItIq_1o . . . . 8 P .... Readl". •• I &10 A_a, 0iIIIl ..... ... ,t ,10011' ,.., 10-6; Pd- _I. fa'''' g MONDAY S..taJ'. Aucad 7 Ie,. You'may inquire about carpet specials by telephone r .... DRUG STORE ................. .:1'1'.. P.r E. Told, I Let us know the approximate size and I:olor in which you are interested. We shall prepare a selec:tian for you, and eitl:!er bring samples to your house or have them ready to shaw you when you stop in our stare, whichever you prefer. We can check your measurements at your convenience. day or evening. We have canvenienf plans for paying. including same without carrying charge. If YOllr carpet is still gaod, trade it in, , ;.(1''''-141,''"1.1' em.' r .Att! ............, • ,-,lece -10&. Prke-ICaIl&. • KI,.,wood 1-18'1 -.........-.,.........'11'.-1'14'*6& '14 ...,eu 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa, KlnFwOI cI 3 6000 -- C' ~Irbrook 9 4646 . ALL, Lilli " liS..... III .............. , b...... '1......... iIIII...._ .AI " ' .... ~~WS:~t._.JIil ~ ,,-~Mt ..... anv \ ! _. 'sw1 a T B ai'OR-B A N Seohones 0 ' " Center .came In . utswlm . In freestyle relay scbade) were fifth in freestyle reo third . (Continued from Page 1) 1,(.2:3I!.1) in a race in which all but lay and the 8ame team with Linda Swarthmore avenue, teacher in the WIth the possible exception of Bob "xth place bettered the former Zecher replacing D]lmm WOn sixth Penncrest ,Junior. Senior High Sublette and Jim Foley who were 2 :35.9 League record. in medley. School, is attending one of the three best all.round senior and junior I ";npt boys ,(John Espenschade, Final scores of th~ other 11 teams Pre.School, Primary Summer Institute.s for 160 junior In the early days of the Chucky Seymour, Paul Zecher, Jack were: Colonial Village 377, Aron· Groups Entertain and senior high school teachers of J(ltk's good luck in this in.I.Cu'hing) were somewhat vindica· imink 270, lIIartins Dam 189 Penn mathematics, chemistry, and gener. however was due to the poor te~ by squeezing into fifth pla.e Square 179, Rose Valley 116: Wall. Mothers al science currently being conduc. of a teammate, Paul lIeeber, wI\h .their medley relay. Intermedi· ingford, 61, lIIarp.le.Newtown55, The three.year-Olds spent the last woul~ .h~ve,,:on ~bird place ate girls (Barbara Dumm, Sue Wig. Ply.lllar 50, Great Valley 46, East week-of the 1960 Swartbmore Rec· !"d on the, Carleton College campus, !n NorthfIeld, Minn. been IDltla!"d .mt? the record. ton, Carol and Joanne E~pen. Whiteland 20, Rose Tree Wood. o. reation Association program pre· 1:eachers from all over the Uni. fratermty.if hIS 46. time in I paring for the party for their moth· breasi!'trok~ .had not been ers on Friday. They made bookcov- ted States are, attending the six by an .9f flcla\. disqualify. ers, hats, and played with balloons. week sessions which have been .~ him for having his head too far iMrs. Wesley N. Wagner csme to the made possible through a $141 000 PEACHES and' APPLES water (no concession to the party and played' for the children grant to Carleton from the Nailon. being stirred up by Brenda). while they par"dea ior their moth. al Science Foundation. PLUMS, TOMATOES, STRING BEANS. POTATOES and EGGS ers. Paul suffered further, dlsap·point. The teachers are very sorry' to T W O ment Saturday night when the boys' see the end of the program come, WO rongs 0 ' Im,ed:ley relay team of which he was "Ttu. Farm With u.. Octo,tntGl Ba,.,." ,and are wondering what they will Make a Right member had a fourth place time n __"onS: From do now to have fun in the mornings. : (Continued from pOage 1) 'Was disqualified on an official's D'''~ . S•• rthrnor. south on "ltlmor. Plk. to Cloyerl..,. TIHR Jell . . . "We certainly enjoyed having our the University of .Ma.ioe. was ap. claim that one of the other three lou!-:JS2 toward ctlfte.,. orl.... IVz·2 mll.s, tuM ri,ht on Knowlton aNd for Va mn.. lovell' children and will miss them pointed to take over ·the former members took an early start. 0""" 10 A.M.• 6 P.M. ' all very ,much," seemed to be the fourth grade class of IMrs. Bette Scoring doubles for Swarthmore ,Daily and Sunday TRemont 6·9047 , feeling, of the. te'l!'hers o£... each, Williams, resigned. ,Miss Campbell were Sue Wigton, third and Linda gr;UhPe' last week'of scbool came all has been teaching third grade ina Zecher, fifth in intermediate girls Norton, Mass., elementary school breaststroke and Terri McCurdy, Pre-teen . too soon for the four.year-Olds. during the past year and Nancy Cornelius, sixth Jlllnior 'However, iast week the four.year. . . midget girls breaststroke.· Sue . olds rebearsed for their' party on .' D. Robert Gerner, addressed the her own Swarthmore reeord hiday when a smali program was Board, repres~nting a Irl'?up of.lo. from 39.1 to 39. Joanne Espen; presented for the mothers Each cal parents mterested 10 seeIng placeil third in intermediate day one would see tbe child;en line Swarth~ore High School follow ~he backstroke. Sandy Robinson up "t:r;ain fashion" to Bing the songs exampl~ of y?81:'Y ?earby h~gh scorer among indi-.rid~al jun: that bave been learned about tra1ns schools 10 offenn~ their ~ sWIm· and senior. that day, placed· Refreshments - Door Prizes for the ocCasion Davey Cramp was mers and other~ ~ho WIsh to take in junior boys backstroke. 'the "caboose" and Beth Mulv.ihlll I'dvan:age of th~s IDcreasingly pop. The final 19 points in Swarth. FINAL SUMMER CLEARANCE seemed to be the star singer. ,ula; and be~eflclal sport, the oppor'I::~~::s total of 90 came from rela v tumty to SWIm on a team represent' . Docor., 0 Room, '. lIIidget girls (Sue Hosford, Preview - Back·to·School Cottons ana Woolens • 109 the school. He asked that the N , Usually tbe children take their Board consider formally 'reviv.ing ancy Cornelius, Terri McOurdy 9 South Orange Street. Medio, Pa. art .work home after each day, but the sport which the scbool did par. and Peggy Schmidt) placed second one day paper circles were made to ticipate in somewhat in earlier in tbe medley relay (2:50.1) one of Phone: LOwell 6-6225 , paste on a sheet of paper to form years and which Coach lIIillard four teams'to break the previous Summer Hours: Open Friday evening until 8:30 " cats to tack on the wall to brighten Robinson of the physical education League record of 2:57.5 held by Closed Saturdays duriJlg July and August t~e room up fOr,the party. Chris Ip's faculty has furthered informally Square. The same team witb ~~s~r Stephanie mad~ one wh.en she -by sponsoring the entry of a few Brown replacins: Cornelius VISIted that day. A glant cham was interested Swarthmore students in made to hang up for decoration. tbe Pennsylvania Interscholastic .Joh~n,.-Shane, Robbie. Collins and ,>Ubletic Association during several ,Chrls Cryer made a mce long one. ;recent years. Tbat,da.vwas a busy day of rehears· . 'ing,;pasting the deeorations and It was pOID~d out that many packing the to s awa for next schools .h!,d QUIckly availed them· .' year. y y, self of tIme whlcb could be ~va!1a~le , Though most of tbe week was at tbe new. A.A.U. pool bemg bullt July 25. 1960 ' on Gradyvllie road by the Subur· spent I'n th e f Baird & Bird, Agents oregomg manner, Cl b d B m toUi ' talntutethlat th.e o,,:~dh Monday Beverly Cushoni, alO.year. ba,.nhswI'ik Cor" Dartmouth & Lafayette Aves. laId girl from lIIedia came'in.to' ilt mIg t e. ns nqulry WI. ,- . '$wa- rfhni-<'" n'- ,- ' .." , ' . :, Ion a, pup t h ' f th P the club as to arrangemente it might . . ore, ..a. P "'ach" h'ldpeh' sd ow.... or toe grhouk . offer, in case the district.did some ~ c 1 . a a cuance... 8 a e .• .' . 'bands wI'tb a puppet. The POIV' 'K'In· tIme 10 be' the future ddesire toIdhave a Attention: Mr. Harry Knapp, Insurance Manager. . to th place w re Its stu ents cou praedergarten group came tn e room . Dear Sirs: to enjoy it too tlce 01' hold a meet. Although not be· could Pra· KI'ndergarIe n e r s ·Iieving any immediate actron , Now that we are settled back into our house, we should like ,~ be taken, the Board listened Intent· , ,~paratlOn. for tbe party on Iy, said it would keep the matter in to express .to',You and the Travelers Insurance Company our grateF~day kept the P~e.IQndergarten mind, and would probably make the ful appreciation of the immense, immediate and thoughtfUl help chddren busy last week. Amy Fol· suggested Inquiry. you gave us after our very serious fire. ler, Suzy Stevens, Jeff Kuerschner and lII~k lIIi1ls helped lead the, sing. Dr. Roach Named Ass't W~ wan! to thank you for coming to see us so promptly ing to.l'raetice for the "choral con· Physician at Smith ~nd for diSCUSSIng so thoroughly and -so understandably the var~ cert" \ for theil' mothers: Charles IOUS procedures in adjusting the loss. ' , ' . Cresson brought in his turtle In a ter Funklin and Marshall College, II box to' make the song, "There was a La'ncaster, P a., t h'is f a. . ·OU! t~anks also to your firm for the help they gav~ us in Little'Turtle" more realistic. The Dr. Roach has endeared herself qu!ckly fn~dlng a house to rent in Swarthmore while QUrs Was choristers were garbed In fancy hate which the children made from to hundreds of Taylor Hospital's pa· /Jelng r e p a I r e d . ' . ' tients and staff, by her sympathetic large circles of paper. On the top of treatment and constant concern for Finally, we want to thank you and the adjusters in the" each hat was a pom.pOm of cel\o- their wel\.being and healt~ In an· Travelers ~ho were so courteous and ~o fair in working out the pbane graBS, and some bats had a nouncing Dr. Roach's resignation, fringed e d g e . . .' ' c~p~nsatl~~ for our destroyed Cind damaged belongings, our Each child presented his m<>ther Administrator Raymond H. Dia· ~ddltlonal hVlng expenses and the costs of rebuilding and repairwith a booklet describing ·tbe,pro. ment expressed sentiments of both Ing. The settlements under each of the coverages under our Homegram this summer. Thecov.i." were: the hospital family and medical' ataff when he said, "She will be owners policy were most equitable in all details. . made of eonstruetion paper ,which greatlY' mi.ssed:' ...... the children decorated by drawing Dr. Roach writes verse in leisure We look forward to a continuing association with you and an apple tree and' pasting on red hours, and unknown to many col. the Travelers for as long as we shall remain homeowners. paper apples. One apple 'Va~, the leagues and friends, is a poetess of name.tag which each cbild wore at \ stature. Sincerely yours, the beg;nning Of school. 1960 SRA Program "'..-.~'::;==;;;:;;;;;:;;::==::;;;:-- ted to staff assistant in the person. nel and industrial relations departSee the PETER E. TOLD, IIIARJORIE TOLD, Publishers ment of Amerlcan . V'Iscose Corpora. MEMORIAL PARK Phone KIngswood 3·0900 tlon, aceording to George C. Horst, in beautiful PETER E. TOLD, Editor director of" the department. Mr. WIST LAUREL HILL Owens, with his wife and daughter BARBARA B. KENT, Managifl.(1 Editor Urges Disarmament Rachel, plans to move to Swaflh· A Rosalie D. Pelrsol Sonya K. Horneff Marjorie T. Told. To the Editor:' more from Nitro, W.Va. this month. (.tAA-"'''OIUe'1IU1_''l~fI· . Jeannette V. Howe Susan Driehaus Tomorrow Is Hiroshima Day. Fif. A graduate of Marshall College .., .., rr- 9 III .. Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post teen year. ago 200,000 people were with a B S. degree In business ad· .,' r _ _ Or u.. Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of lIIarch 3, 1879. , killed by '! bomb dropped by the ministration, Mr. Owens was man· United States. I understand that the ager of Owens 1II0tor Service, Inc. DEADLINE - WEDNESDAY NOON pilot of the plane tbat dropped it is in llll1ton, W.Va.,' for f-ive years .., 01" II bef SWARTHMORE, PENNA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 5,1960 now hopelessly insane because of ore be joined American Viscose I i''';~~=:::::::::::::::::=~~:'''-I '-_;...._;...._ _ _ _ _ _ _--:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--' his dreadful feeling of guilt. Can in 1966. I, we comprehend what 200,000 deaths Rls first position with the corpor· METHODIST IOTEI TRIIITT IIOTES mean T If we thiDk of the tragic ation was time study analyst in tho Tbere wUi be a celebration of the Church School classes for all ages feeling of horror and loss we suf. industrial engineer-ing depsrtment: Holy Communion at 8 o'clock and will begin at 8:46 a.m. on Sunday. fered here in Swa'rthmore this week of the Nitro plarit..Later he serve" agilin at 10:16 Sunday morning. At Mr. Thorn, assistant minister, will when two young boys, whom most as a time and methods analyst. B. II o'clock tbere will be a service of preach at the 10 a.m. Worship ser· of Us didn't even know, were barned has been job analyst at Nitro since :Morning Prayer and sermon. At 8 v.ice in the absence of Mr. Kulp. to death,perh aps we ca? ~uI'" ' ' ....pI y .~"Uimw p.m. there will be a serrice of Eve~· Mrs. Charlotte Knopp, soprano that by thousands and mdhons and ing Prayer and Word. soloist, will sing "0 Divine Redeem· ,realbe something of the dreadful. The ushers for the semces will be er". ness of nuclear wadare I as follows: There is a nursery for infanta Leb us indiv.idually dedicate our· At 9 a.m.• 0 III. Waterbury, head an~ youn~ children during the wor· .selves to doing something eonstructusher; R. B. MBX!Well, W. Nelson, shIp sel'Vlce. . • ive about stopping the arms race. To W. B. Haladay, F. S. Ashley, E. III. The Senior youth Fell?wshlp WIll those wp. feel that disarmament is ~;Uary; at 10:16 a.m. ~ H. ~. Har. meet at the home of LoIS Kenwell, dmpractical and unrealistic when ns, head usber; G. S. "alentme, R. 1026 Harvard a~e~ue fo~ the regu· we are dealing witb tbe Ru.sians I G. T.ressler, K. C. Kennedy, W. C..Iar Sunday evemng meetmg. urge thoughtful consideration of Hogg, Jr., W. Gaylord. IIIr. Kulp w11l attend tbe Poeano where our ,policy of an even greater . There w111 be a service of Mo~n. Institute f~r Yout~ Au~ust 6 tr. 12 buildup of arms on both sides and .,ng-..Pray'er at 9 a;m. and a service when he wdl be LIfe W1>rk Counse. ,joined by more and')nore other "'Iun. o! Evenmg Prayer at 6. p.m. each lor for, the week. A numb~r of the tries (perhaps less responsible?) church s Youth FellowshIp memo will eventually lead. We must weigh day lII.n~ay through FrIday. . the risk of a broken d'sarm'ament bers will also attend. agreement - which I think the FRIEIOSIlEETlla IOTES There will be a hymn sing at PRESBYTERIAII IIOTES Russians are much more likely to I 417 Dartmouth Ave, 13 South Chester Road' 10 :26 Sunday morning preceding Holy Communion will be admin. !oOO ha_ c\alm. 10 pie..", Ill. ''''''. wi_I d_107. 10 a ......1 P. KraoD. 301 CoppIN Pa.•II:orJobnaon. &0 b.Ia aUonieJ'.LaDe, BuUer.Wal11DIfoni. Bealt,.. Oreer a..."""'o". guided by Helman BlOOm, and 1.IIETTIA1 01 ••• FrencD party for the hoats. II IEEII. BELlEYII., Alain Spicq i. the leader of tho Fluwer lover- in the borough may PAnll"l'l Funeral Home ~ viewing what ap. visiting group, and Mrs. Robert In recognition of the eontribu. be interested In Phone LOwell 6-3400 tions made from the Norita Hen· pears to be a new form of hybrid Fry Is chairman of the host group• OYD. YEA'" DP&. . . .n derson Memorial Fund to the area's .plan~, developed by A G. Cather· , • & ...... two Federal and two Veterans Ad. man in hie garden to the rear of "~ SfW) It in TIw Swiirthmorea,," ministration Hospitals a certifl·the Old Bank Building. To all ap· ta------DIII-----a cate 0 f coJl111len d" atton was award e d pearances, six.foot sunflower stalks •~------------. ~ I l' .....th A.............. P.. 3...,·12 local Red Cross chapter. Ae· have given birth to brilliant,red Power Mowers Repaired I~::!i:~~et~h~e award was Mrs. J. Her· poinsettia blossoms. Perhaps it is ATZ SERVICE ESTATE NOTICE 11 North Swarthmore av~. needless to say, no mention is made Eoiale of STANLEY L. TAN. deof similar cross-breeding In any of Dartmouth and Lafoy."es Av.s. eeued,. late of the Borougb of s .... rthmore. ' The hospitals benefiting are Phil· the standard reference books on KI 3~ Sworthmor•• Po. INTBRIOR & BX'lI5RlOR ~i-eae TESTAMENTAl'e',NWole b':.~~ be~~ a~-.~ IIn Nevertheless, Mr. Catherman d.d I~;;~~~;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ._ my and the V.terans' Administra. Doroth, a. MacDUollaD; ..... poraoDa _eb ~ 10 Ibo' ••Id ....Ie aie led 10 mak. hospitals In West Phil,.adelphla try ahttle expt!rlmentatlOn, not on· 1UDpw_ .••tMl Free Estimates paym.DI. 8114 th... ha.... claim. 10 preCoatesville. Iy with sunflowers, but with black AU sent &he same. wllhou' delay. to Mr•• DorII C orne sprmg, • othy 8. M&cMillan. DJ Vaalai' Avenue, Mrs. George Dugan, Red Cross ra d-,ISh es as we. Wh en l11li Klngswood 3-8761· Swarthmo... P ......lyaatB. or 10 her·.... .and Supply Service one might be exNcted to start; ·a Ashes and Rubbloh Removed lome,. Alb.rt N. oar",l&. 128 0l'"ell Av.. garden Mr C alon~ with the usual DU•• s ...rthmore. p,,3...,·12 who presented the award ff rt' f 'to" to" h b .:.aWOl' Mowed. General Hauling. _ _ _ _- . - - - - - _ _ _ len1pblasi.zed that such contributions e 0 s· 0 ma es, squas , ca • iI~IIDI_ _ _1IIII_ _ _IIIIII_ _.d ADVERTISEMENT have been helping patients since bages; etc., planted a row each Z38 JIa.rd1Dc ATe. iiiDii&iiWi_lhii= The School Bo.rd Of the 8warthmo,.. World War II. They help bring in of irradiated sunflower and black RuUecIIe Union Btbool Dls'rict. wUl receive ., radish seeds, and for control, one Jewelry Repaired Ph.: 10 8-4218 bJda at. the office of Ute School Dlalrlc' In musiCIanS, smgers. dancers and til. BI&b School Bui1dIug. coro.r 01 cone.. performers to entertain the row each of seens tbat had been un· Pr!nCeIoD Ave'U". S .. arthmore. P..... • supply birthday gifts treated. Then he sat (or stood) back WATCIDIAKER sylvBDia. up to 4 p.m •• WedJleaday. Aug1IIt " ' to· h t h d Form~ of F. c. Bode anti 11, boo and opeD the blda at a meeUng of prizes and refreshments; and see w a appene. Ule Board OIl Wednesday, AUKUS' 11. 1960 equipment that varies from ~s~lt? Well, ther~ is some vari. PIne Watch and 128 Yale Ave. at • p.m. or _, an adjoumed meeting, for shaVl'ng ml'rrors and wash atl0n In the r_ espectlve rows, but, Clock RepaIrs Swarthmore, Pa. bu scrnce lind. audlc>-vbual equipment. 8peclllea\lollS ma, b. 8'oured!~~~~;~ l~cI:~~o~th~~S to TV sets, stainless Qteel tea. frankly, ·~?thmg _spec~ac_ular. A?d " •.m. and. t p.m. dailJ' and intercom.munication 8yS. ao_ yh.ew, It 8 not trradlation but IrBUlle!.,8 ancl boUd8.JII at CIle OUlc:e. De Board. rtllenes &he terns for piping in music. rltatlOn: M r. Cath erma~ c~n.'t re· all :!"':,;, "All these things help boost the member now which row IS which. WFIL Rldl, - II" A••• llema m&kiDg up _ bid. among the patients, which MARION B OAIlPBELL French Visitors Join Ohan.IB-WFIL-Tl.:....111 A••• 3t-'l41 8eoreb.,,·, of the Bo~ definitely speeds :recovery," Mrs. II[)Dlran declared. "Though we have In Family Activities 1':~:~~e;w~onderfUI contributions and IContinued from Page 1) I. groups and individmils al· Pittenger farm with the Ray Hunts ready participating," she continued, and Michel Kieviteh accompanied CRESSON PRICHARD "hospitals still have need for addl· the William Stanton family to New , • tional help from community service York for the weekend. • • ••• organizations and groups in busl. A few of the. grouP. activities to I and Industry." come are a trip to LongWood Gar. ESlAILISHED lin NOTARY PUBLIC She suggested that interested per· dens, a Phillies baseball game, "ROOFING "SPOUTING sons call the Red Cross Volunteer other trip to the shore, "VlTes·tsillel. 900 Michigan Avenue IUSTDillllTALLATIDl1 IIJ 'SIDIN& "GUTIERS Services office at PEnnypacker 6· Story" at tne Music Fair, a trip to "ALTERATIONS & ADDITIONS 9000. the PennsYlvania Dutch ,country Swarthmore' -'*--.._. -- -Jac;k .Prichard PAl NTI NG ,..·am r_.a.. KI d· ' . . ' . , . WlLLI BROOKS I ltIoHoD,....... HOW EMIL SPIES au. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS :!tecto..:..:.. eo:::.:: i Fiiiiiiiii~:~=:~;;~ p-----------.. ~ PaHon Roofing Go , REALTOR H. D. CHURCH I .ARK AYE., IWAITHMDIE SWARTHMORE KI AD.S CLASSIFIED ~.9 .q••••"..._m..'..'.'..'.... !loa_... WAITO 1------------· ~~~t~~~D~ and~~~ Klngswood 4-2727 KI 4-0221 S';;;l FLORIST I at 4318. WANTED - Baby sitting. Re,pon. ~~~~ sihle_ Experienced. Sharon ParkIt KIngawood 4-4754. i:! Furmeriy &6ICBa~u!o~!. Sprlqtleld. Del. 00., ... I 3-1112 nminmuIDIUIIlDIUDllnRIUoaD_od ELNWOOD Belvedere Convalescent Home , Convalescent HOllie '2507 Chestnnt St-,Chellter TRemont 2-5373 I i KI 3.01>35 ••••'.'''_W.''.kIIw.U.h nm Diluzio ;;.. or 0734_ gp,gE?iR~S"'O""N"A"""L---;R'"o"'o"'fi;-n"'g-,""sp"'o"'u-:::tI"'nC=g, rOll,ms a spec6-6669. Klngswood 3.0450 ~1IIIII_lIDUmUflulcIIIIUWUl~lImllnnIDDII~ • Warm.Ai,r He&ting Air Co'nditioning ,Sheet Metal Work • when :your family grows ••• Ieleal Fancy 'Beels •• .9 $1 3 Ideal Apple Sacce 8'!:'$1 WBleh Grape Juice Ideal Grape Juice 4!!:·$1 Idaal Prune Juice 3:::$1 4 $1 Ideal Peanut BuHer 3 $1 3 $1 Stuffed Olives --------------------------------_ _-----------frozen food Dollar Safe! " • 'Ideal French Fded Potatoes ..... ~~~. 6 $1 $1 4 Birdseye Strawberries • .1· · · · ;, $1 6 .Minute Maid Orangeade • • • • • • • • I Photographic Supplies MEDIA (lome ,Ifcn rUiuwecb LOwell 6-2176 .....11er h.... "ightly hJghoI) SJ!l'TEMBER 18th flit /fQ/et 1Ht~~~ MEeT ARIMIS California, t.o give notice to the Reglstmtion COmmlssJon In order to be permitted to vote In the new election district at the General Electlon_ The removal card lIlust set forth a removal date Into the new election district which C8DDo~ be later than September 9th. of OPEN PRIDAY BVENINGS Be sure .of having all the hot water you need when you need it - get an automatic gas water heater. Household demands are met easily by the gas.fired heater that heats and stores water, assuring a constant, dependable supply day and night. FOUID carat gold ring tennis c.ourts. Edward D. Chipman and Son FOR SALE SWARTHMORE Two·story Colonial home. 7 r09ms, bath, 2 powder rooms, modern kitchen: easy walk to P.R.R. Station; immediate possession. Owner, want.s offer. asking $2!;,OOO. RUTLEDGE Brick and shingle, two-stciry Colonial home, 4 bright. ~rooms: very good condition. Only $15,500. •BAIRD and. 8110 KIIp..... 4-1&00 "'. additional hours as designated below: August 5th-Friday ... _. _......... _. __ . __ . _. _ 7:00 P.M- to 9:00 P.M. August 6th-Saturday ... "" _..... _..... _. ___ . 9:00 A.M_ to 12:00 Noon August 12th-FrIday . __ . __ .. ___ .. ____ .. _.. _... _ 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 PM. August 13th-Saturday . __ . _.. ____ . __ ... __ ...... 9:00 AM. to 12:00 Noon AlJIfjISt 19th-FrIday . _.. __ ... ___ ... _. ___ . ____ . 7:00 PM. to 9:00 PM. August20th-Satunday .. _, .. ___ ... _... ____ .... 9:00 AM. to 12:00 Noon August 28th-FrIday .. _.... ___ .. _... ____ . _. ____ 7:00 P,fd. w.. 9:00 P.M_ August 2'Ith-SaturdaY ..... ______ .... _.. ___ .. _. 9:oo·A.M. to 12:ooNoon September IIth-Frlday . __ ...... _............ _. 8:00 AM. to 9:00 P.M. September lOth-Saturday .. _, _.. _.. _... ___ . . .. ':00 AM. to 12:00 Noon September 18th-FrIday ... : ............. _... _~ 9:00 AM. to 9:00 PM. liepfelber 17tb-S&turday ........... _... _._ .... l:oo..AM. to 12:00Noon • \ ," Regular business hours up to and Including Monday. Septcmber 9th Monday through Frlday4:oo A.M. .to 4:30 P.M. Together with such PHILADELPHIAtELECTRIC COMPANY • "LE GR • •DE". COURT BOUSE HOURS . . Stop at your plum"'''s or any Philadelphia Eledr;c suburban showrooin and let a representative help you select. the proper size automatic gas water heater to 1/11 ellI your needs. )IOVINO JUIOISTILiBSWJLL SIT Ia ••lIIIn...........JTr·.....'IQ7. 81;1 ' U. 1:tI .............. . ' """.a.e . ! c c Last day for an elctor who' has removed Into'a new elecUon district HOT WATER demand growsl 10 Shankless, Smoked, 12 to 16 lb. Averagel Last day. all· electors may register to vote at the General ElectIon. ThIs Includes electors who will become of age on or before November 9th., 1980. . . offer. LDST * CHUC ROAST 5. ··35c HAMS s~::.=- 43c .::.:. Shankless 'Half .... 53 * Butt Half •• .. 63 SI!P'l'EMBEIt 19th STATE .. MONROE STS. 9 BLADE BONE REIOVED! , Last day an elector may move from ODe election dlstrlc~ to another In order to be permitted to vote In tile new election dlstrIet at the oen· eral J!IIectlon. Persons moving after this date may vote In old election : dIBtrIct If otherwiSe qual1fted. ~:~~~~~~ ~~~~~Road, one il near Med. $1' Bala Club Beverages. '. SEP'I'KMRBR '9th RODER RUSSELL TRemont 2-,5689 • • 4 I~eal Fancy Tuna • General Election, Noveinber 8th, 1960 Picture Framing 1401 Ridley Avenue Chester, Pill. TR....ont 204759 Cranberry Sauce ~ • • • Prior to CLobe 9·3353 F.... EstIlIatll 2ND BIG WEEK OF VALUESI RECISTRATION SCHEDULE BOX 48 TILE FLaIRS· .LAST.. TILE FORMICA CDUIITER TDPS ROIFII. In. SIDI •• CUSTOM KITCHEIS ADDlTlDn • ALTEBATlOn I .. Myers and General Contractor BUILDERS 'Since 1a ·",'. road h&ll aa guestII the past month their niece and nep.. of Forest lane had as house guests parents Mr. and Mrs. W" Sproul hew Candi. and Chrlstlau Gibson (.. charred outer cellar door, in case es Dunn, called in Sixth District b.... '-., flames might spread to the main Marshall Thomas Aucattand Ser· . . structure. ...ant Edward Mays of tile State . Keith was taken by ambulance Police Fire Bureau After their in. and Jeffrey by Patrolman Reeps In vestigation authorities reported the '2..... the police station wagon to Taylor fatal accident was probably touch· Am.ric.•n II-ox. I'" 5wl.. pkg.. Hospital, Ridley Park. Shortll" af. ed off by matches missing from the Pimento ter Sergeant Weidner phoned the top of the refrigerator. 'they said 0I1v_ 6-olL police station from the hospital say· Mrs. Strlemer had beroicallythrown .. Brand Jan ing that Keith had 4ied. Three and a rug around the gasoline can which a half honr. later the hospital re- was blazing iJ the cellarway, and ..... ported the death of J'effrey thrOwn it out into the yard so that • The father, Gal;,~ Strlemer,40, she coUld reaeh Keith. . 9-oz. , jolndd' hltnrife'at the 'hospttal upon ~-Pollowing 11 a _ sorvie... · on plegs. . . his retuJ'D from work as accountant Tuesday at the Glenolden fnneral Sliced U)·oz. and aslljatant .treasurer of the Uni. home of Deputy Coroner Elmer Mc· plegs. Style ted EnBineers and Constructors, Caosland, Keith and Jeffrey were -Inc., Philadelphia about 6 p.m. The buried in the """,ater)' at Middle: ·6-0z. Rev. George R. McKelvey, curate town Presbyterian Church. The cans of Trinity' Chureh, Swarthmore,. family, whose former home was at summoned by local police, was al· Silver Bay, Minn., is building a rOIldy with Mrs. Striemer. Dr. and house on Chipmunk lane, Middle. Mrs. J. Roland Pennock, next door town Township for occupancy this Shop Jhun. 'til p.m. Friday 'til p.m. neighbor's, took Kathy and Charles fall. Keith and J'effrey had already Pri, 45c SWARTHMORE STORE, Chester Road - Open Thursday and F;rida\ evenings 'til 10 OAK PARK SHOPPING CENTER; Bishop Road·· and Baltimore Pilee Open Tuesday, Wedneo~ay, Thursday 'til"P,~" Friday 'rHO P.M. YOUI' Nealest 5 Ir H Gtein Stamp M.. dlanclise Store. 2700 west .Chest.. PIIce, H~ Pen I ./ of 101 polnt~ for the last his or her earnluga for Su. .r Club HollIS -Iation three weeks of the program. Second plalned. / place went to Dick Daniels' team I "The best evidence of age." he .Lasj-Da, Party and hi. Thunderbirds with 96. said. "is a bjrth certificate Issued Fourteen Finks Place First in Team /' points. Third was Frank Maders" Piranhas with 62 points and coming in fourth was Peter Derlckson's Corny Cobs with 49. shprtly after birth. but people who do not have birth certificates can prove their age in a number of other ways." Baptismal records. AII.Slar T.am.. birth date records in family Bibles. On F·riday. the last day of the I marriage certificates. ·voting rec· program. two all.star teams were lords,-and other old documents may formed from the four teams and also be ,!cceptable. If you ?o not competed for points for their reo have any of ~he above. come ID any. spective tealllB Those chosen for way. the office may be able to sug· these star teams were~ gest some other source, Gruber . Fourteen Finks _ Dean Forbes Persons who belfeve that their William Wilburn. Lyn Clarke and dependents may be. eligible for ben. Gideon Young; Thunderbirds _ ef,ts shou~d also brlDg ~ocuments to David Tolley Steve Kelly William show theIr relationship. such as Bower: Court~ey Thomp90~ and Ar. proof of marriage. ~r adoption. as lene Taylor; Piranhas _ Frank, well a8 birth certifIcates or other Mader Rick Martin Bernie Holden proof of age for the. dependents. A and J~ne Ashley; Corny Cobs ....: wife age 62 or more. chil~ren under Ken Stead Pete-r Derickson Dexter age 18. and disabled chddren over Ross An~e Michener and Muffy. 18 whose dls,abDity began in child. Gee; hood are ,eligible for depend~nts' Th'e all·star team composed of the iH;n~its If the person retiring is Fourteen Finks and ThunderbirdSI ehgible. c....• "You Meet the Nicest· People ot Speore Bro••" EDGMONT AVBN1JB - SEVENTH AND WELSH STBa'I'II STORE HOURS - Mandays ond Frlddys•. 9:30 109:00 Tu ..days. Wedne.day•• Thundays 'ond Saturdays, 9 ta 5:30 BE SURE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE I of SPEARE BROS. W, 'Impound .BBSUBI'TJOlVS Store - Wide Volues UPHOLSTERY CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE Klngswood ].0586 The Chester social security office has some advice for people who plan You oan get. frei· estlmat, phoalng SHAROI HILL 0114 .J ing for retirement -benefits needs to submit proof of age and a record of 1IIIInDnlllllllmdJnulIHlllomnlllfulcrmulJllIIOllllllfDlIICU'"WUIIDlIIlIIlumnUIIIIIIIJIIDlIIlIIlllIllUlUllllllIUOIlUCt ~ I SWARTHMORE ~ c i = 1= I ~ § Attractive 2.story colonial brick home only one block from Rutgers Ave. ·School.' Lovely large living room (25' long) with a fireplace, loparate'dining room, spacious modern kitchen with a disposal, and tile powder room on first floor. There are 3 large corner bedrooms ond 2 tile· baths on the second floor. Screened.in porch off living room. This home is in exceptionally good condition and the asking price is $23.900. I 1409 - ! iillllRlCflWfDJI[lQIIIDlIIllllQllHlUW -here's what' our ~ i; ~ KI 3·0560 I .. ,. IllllUl~Il~IIIIIII!"~DfII~IIIIIIIICJIllIUIIIIIKJI1U·IIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIInmnulUllDlIuHllllni 1. When buying a quantity of film we sell at a lower price per film. 2. Free mailing bags ·so you can get rid 01 1. 2. exposed usually it is all proCessed when you return home. .I PlANNED PROTECTION . TO fiT. YOUR NUDS, - INSURANCE \. Our professionally trained ~ review with you Illl your insurance Deed...... for famfly~bome and business ••• and t1um rect"""IeIld • carefu1Iy planned program based 0I4I0Uf' individual requiremeu.ta. In thiI way yon get maximum security agaiDst financ:ialloa for the mJnfmum ClOst. PROMPT, EFfiCIENT HElP IN EVENT OF ACCIDENT OR lOSS I When accideDt or loa endangers your financial security we make it our 111"* to UIfst yon pBI'IOfIIIlly fD 0YeI')' way posssible ••• regatdl.e&I of the tfmn of day or llight the emergency 0CCIpS. Remember, OUI' replItation fD this community depends on the way we 1el'V8 ~ our clienb. YOIIUJaY be I\IIe wel1 serve )'Ou well , ass 3. Last. but definitely not least, ALL our Kodachrome. Ektachrome and Kodacolor processing is done BY EASTMAN KODAK. You h,ave spent : your moiJe.y l1ween .18 "tic;! liPt\I¢s alld out~oor activities. with 30. _. Grace Yatea assisting In the arts He is a graduate of Methodist and crafts field. Susan Camt'hell mission schools in Southern Rhod· and Bob Dawes were their assistema· and Lourenc.o Marques•. Mo.· nts. ambique; and has 'served as mter· preter for all visiting dignitaries.· Mr. Simbin. bas just completed O. I a gix.week .tay.at Pocono Institute for Methodist Youth whefe he was Institute Missionary. Hour Programs Set For Practlcej· amp trict. has been awarded a Trustees ym ea Be·g·lns 28th Graduate Tuition Scholarship to do A f ter 36 Years Come August, comes football for graduate w~rk in gui~ance. and ·'Oh.HO. Miss Alieni" many Swarthmore High School measurements at the Umverslty. of Or perhaps it's "Ginger". or "Gin. . M '11 I . ny" or even. in signature, ''Virgin.. Boys and true to form dated the Maine, Orono. e. She Wl eave ID • • th 'ddl of September and be ia A". But it's slill Miss Allel). . fifth. out went a letter from Coa""h he ml .~ th f II wi J AlI this. of course. means nothinC Millard Robinson. calling the first t ere untl e a a ng une. to newcomer" to the School District, practice for 9 a.m. on Thursday. and .future know her, August 25. YSIS SS because Missclasses Allen won't hail retired. But Although the letter was sent to , boys who had been on the squad ~~r.; ~~~:~I:~:::t~o~r~:':!h: last· year and "thcrs who had ex· W II f d M T H d . a ing or an 0 ea remember .Swal"t.hmore·s first woo pressed an interest. the mvitation is extended to all boys ~ro.m the. 10th Congress Scheduled man gym teacher very well. through 12th grades ~Ith loyalty For 1964 r , th:-~:~U~:~ a~ll::, r:~ec;.:::..;:,:: to Garnet stalldards. It IS never too Dr. Adalbert Farkas. Walling. Association luncheon. presented her', early nor too tate to start•.. No ford. assistant director of research. wit" a gold wateh. And on June 29. one is too" small, too slow, nor too Hondry Proce~8 Corporation of three alumnae arrived at her door inexperienced." the letter stated. Philadelphia. has been elected pres. with a bouquet of flowers and & There was ~s.o an urgent plea for ident of the International Congress check for $935•. More. than 200 of ~~ pre·tralDlDg work, SO that on Cataly";s. Inc. her former students contributed to grldlr?D ~opeful~ would ·not be out ·Dr. Farkas. an international that check and 175 of them senl; ofactlo~ m th~ early stages of the authority on catalysis and author letters ..Io~g, too . game Wlth blISters and pulled or of over 70 scientific papers. patents Needless to say Miss Allen apsore muscles. . and book~. Was elected at the Secon.d preciated the check. and she plans to ..As~de.from such suggestions as International Congress on CatslySls u.e it for something to touch. to runnmg m f~tball8hoes a f"!J w:eek recently .concluded .in Paris. bold, and to look at, but the lettera. behlre. reportmg. ta~lng. thID~m~. The third catalYSIS congress spon· ... they must be what every trull dreaming ~ootb~lI all the time • sored by this orgamzatlon has been teacher dreams of. . ~c~ Rob.mson s progr~m ~ pre. scheduled ~or .1964, in Holland ~nd ,"My only hope is that you may trammg Il>PpaUs the uni.bated. local comnuttees have been aPP<1mt. know a fraction of how much we A) 200 pushups dally; b) 200 ed in that country. Dr. Farkas has ali love you" one wrote. "The squat bends daily (add 25 pound served for four years as director of Swarthmore clan will· always be weight to 5houlders gradually); the International Congress on.Cat- richer and we'll ne"er forget what August' 16 & 23 0) Run whe.rever you go. averag. alysls. which is the continuing spon· you have done for them," said an. At Whittier ing at lea~t 2 miles a day; d) 2~.25 sor of tnese mee~i~gs.. . other. An opportunity to "see for your· ya;d spnnts. 10-50 yard sprmts Dr. Farkas .Jo.med I!0Udry ,.18 Almost all of the letters referred, sel1" films on problems of world datiy. . . 1956 and b~ore h\s apPOintment ~s in varymg ways to her lasting in. A · ·t· peace and the work of 'the United To be sure. th,. ,:ugged pre· assistant director Qf Research m fluence like tbe widening rIpples S • wlm • . chvI les Nations. titled "Around the World's scription for a successful player early 1960 he head~d the firm's or· from a 'stone dropped int<> a pool. as Continue Local Trouble Spota " will be avail"le to follows a gradual ~armup. and ganic research section. Before that one suggested. that· her pupils Spotlight Swarthmore ~esidents and' their there is also a rem~nder that "a he worked at Union O.il.and Barrett tn(nsmitted t6-\heir children what Most of Swarthmote Swim Club's friends 'on Au~st 16 at Wh.it~i!~ goo:..!~tba~ ~ayer IS :;'i.°t~o~~~ DiviJ.~q~ ,of Al~ied C)1,.m.lc lll ,POIII> siI';'h.a«j""tallgnt ,them. like a"''ch~'· top 1!!'!ll!me,rs ....ere ._y. on· v""!', ~;"'t~... :.. .lI!!Ie!I-t~:W01ll' ~tu tmt ...~ •. d of ar'J pamcs. . reactIon set up' • as anotller put It.. tion, ta1()ng part in an A.A.U. meet.. en's International League for Peace that should ease the min s P He was awarded academIC degrees M..y girlS•••• are very proud of or "ov~r.age" when the New Clln. anll Freedom will present the first ents and the ~est of th~ facul~y. in Austria and Ge"man~ an? also the fact that their mother had Gin. aan, Conn. FIeld Club mustered a tbree of a series of .six films dealing Coach RobInson, vnth MIchael did re~earch. at the Umverslty of ny AUen as a teacher," stated an bus load of its swimmers and eame with these problems. The second (Continued on Page 5) Cambridge .ID. ~ngl~nd and the alumllJ1 from the 30·s. "Your to Swarthmore Saturday for a meet ""ries will be presented on August Heb;ew Umve.rOlty In .Jeru8a~~r groundwork with us was so thor. arranged by Carol Williams; pro· 23. HONNOLD CONDUCTS LAW He IS. also a .dlrector of the p. a· ougn that many. many of even gram director of the Swarthmore Acc~rding to the summer pro. . SEMINAR IN SALZBURB delph~a Sect~on of the American. third. fourth or flflih teams went on Club. and. UeWitt Randall •. pool gl·ani committee of WIL. these are John Honnold. Rutgers avenue.Chem~cal Socl~ty. and an orga~lz~r to enJoy great tImes on tlleir eol. manager of NCFC. who are class· programs that the entire bmily can spent a month at the Schloss L~o. and fIrst pr~sldent ~ the Cata YSIS lege varsmes." siud an alUmni!.· at mates at Bat"l' Coll~ge. enjoy and have been made especially poldskron in Salzburg. ~ustrl.a. Club of PhiladelphIa. • ~he 40·s. "Years later other coaches . can spot you as. one of ·tiInger· AI. Also accompanying th.... NCFC for viewing by family groups Each with . the Salzburg Semmar m team. which is.· tri,conno/.~hampion ev~ning'!! progjoIiJ!i' will last' about· American Studies where he lecture~ len's giris .... I trust I am applying and has been undefeated for two an hour. ' and conducted a seminar on cons~;. many of the same stBnuards and years. :Was DeWitt's· brother Curt.. The 11.;": filmsto·be presented are: tutional law. , ., principals I learned under ./ouss A., team coach. and the boys' father "Big Day in Bogu" wbich is about MI'. Honnold s return trIP. which Chester City Band In tne· everyaay ralslDg of these who manages the club and i. a Col· malaria control in Atrica; "In Lar· began early in July. included stops f 'little towheaasl, I am coaching for gate University coach. . ger Freedom". which has Claude in Vienna; Warsaw. Poland; Stock. Proj:ltam Set or life these days." And one luu,;,ma With both teams lacking fuH can. Rains as a narrator On the work of holm. Sweden; CoJlC!nhage.n. Den· , . August 18th is teacnmg her two-and·a.half year tingenis and in view of the long U.N. for peaee; "Kryfto". a drama mark; and Glasg?w and Edmburgh. The Chester City Band's August Old to "run and meet. the ball." and trip the visitors hlld made and the of life in a' Greek refugee camp; !ScOtiand. He arrived home on Aug· 181lh perfo~ance in the. regul~r plans to ad,! "keeping your eye on exciting meet and pleasant company. (Continued on Page 5) ust 1. Thursday nIght summer coneerts In tne ball" woen ne·s SIX months 0\. they. provided. the locals were most '.. Gien Providence Park, Media. will der. happy that the final score was a LOCAL BANKER.S CONFER IN NEW OFFICE feature Florence Uuckworth as vo· Some of the pertinent faC~ be: 138·138 tie. cal soloist.. hind these letters will be gIven in After a casserole supper prepar. Mks UUekworth. wtIo performed next .w""l<·s .swarth.morean. edby Swarthmore team parents fori last January with the Rose Valley , both teams. Swarthmore's Seahors. Chorus In the production. of "Die 2' Local Students Accepted es strode to the parking lot to bid Fledermaus··. Will offer "Zlgeuner" f II H P adieu to the out-of.state group by Coward. "n Back>" by 4rditi. . or Co ege onors rogram which had provided such a refresh. '\Summertlme" by 'Gershwin. and David V. Edwards and Douglas ing innovation in local pMI history. "Song of Love" by Romberg. G. Worth have been accepted for DeWitt, who plans to study dentis. I Clarinet soloist will be Rudy Di· the Honors Program of study at try, even managed. a gootl talk with Felice. Among his selections will be Sviarthm0t:e College by the faculty. Carol's father. Dr. Ned B. Williams "Dizzy ·Fingers". The program is a system of studt of the Umversity of Pennsylvania Conductor is Th:omas G. ~on, for the junior and senior years dedental faculty • ..,hile here. Sr.• Master of Ceremonies is R"b. signed to free from the limitstions . > ert B. Keel who will present t1"! of clas.sroom routine those students • Score See·SaW$ .:. soloists and announce the band's whose maturity, interest and .ca.pae~ Never many points apart, the . selectio~s as follows: '. ity suit them for independent work. .(Continued on Page 5) I Marc'll. "The British Eighth" by David. the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Osborne; Seleetion, -uBandinage for Earle Edwards, Jr., of Rutgers Mrs. John S. Hav Brasses" (Old Comrades) by Wal. avenue, plans a major in politicacl Dies in/87th Year ters; Suite Espagnole, uLa Feria" science and a minor in economies Mrs. John S. Hay. resident of by Lacorne; Excerpts, "Flower a,nd h·istory. Douglas, the son of Dr.. toe Dartmouth House· apartments Drum Song" bY,Rodgers; March. and Mrs: C. llrooke Worth of Wal· for the past five years, died Sunday uThe KiIties" by Morris. n!lt lane, plans to major in English evening after a short illness. I Also. Mareh, "Stm.bat Mater" by literature and minor in fine arts Born Alice WHls of Braddock• Losey; Novelty, "Johnny Peel" bY! and music. Both studeilts are grad. Pa.• Mrs. Hay was in hei 87th year. Little; Ovel'ture. "The Ch()COlate Honor~ ~tudents·meet with .their She had lived in Woodlyn for more So1dier" by Straus; Oriental, 119a~~ ~nstructors in 'small w~'ekly seminar than 63 year; before moving to bodlan I>uite" by H. M: King; Re· uates of Sw;art!1mor!' High School. SWarthinore. ligi"';o ."A.ve Maria" by.Schubert.; groups; Since they pUrSne only one She is survived by three ehildren d of ReI r..... ExcerPts. "The King and I" by Rod· m"jor and, one .rel"ted minor subMrs. William L. Hammond of Rid. Jon E. Hunter of Vassar avenue. area vice presi ent e "l- I get'4I. 'Mareb, "Bam\llll' ""BaIJioy'~ljC!et during" semester. this syste1ll ley Park, .Jobn 11, Hay of Ma.ple, -Philadelphia TnW,CoIinpony. and Joseph ~~oId. of ~ ~I p . . . . Marelo",Dy Di!IIIe. facilitatea .• ~te! concentr~oiL •. .......... _ ......... Township Rclelil, wOOd. N..T~ 4lIld George Hay 0 f o¥enB, -... ·to.oL m e _~f . , til. ___Rid.Iey -' dhcuss lilt 'Ttia pt'Uii_ will a- ... tM ...a greater iD.Mien~.,;thatl ., ~uth CbeIlI;er~; Iii arrandchil.. 'off'-.Ms;[I .. H loulnard.ond ........ a_.CC~U .N.tlonill.ull l':!l-lmder the ~.~ dren:"lId "iDe Irw.t ~ldrea. at the .eel ope II' eAke. . . ,.. -. . In1'1 CaIaI • Congr' Names Dr. Farkas Pres. d s . •. WIL T PresenI F"lm Series o.n Peace,'UN . plele Seahorses . . Incom Hold Conn. Guesls 'AII Li.es· of' '.SITIJlt. .......···1-1. ,., ,~ I; .~ - - -.; ~'. ' > 'I > • S.a~more,Pa• ": 4-6 Park Avenue. Swarthmore. Pa, KI 3-4191 Open Friday Evenings Closed Saturdays at 1:OCi P.M. . . . ~RTHM·OREAN· Concert To Fealure Vocal. Clarinet Soloists § Why do most Swarlhmoreans buy their FUms and haye Ihem Processed.atOur Shop? film - .. § D. PATRICK WELSH Dartmouth Avenue J FRIDAY and SATURDAY AUGUST 5th and 6th I~============~~--...;,--------- ------=~~======J to retire this benefits. fall and apply for social security • "To speed the payment of your first retirement cheek. bring the necessary proofs with YO\l-.the first time you come in to file a claim for benefits," Herbert W. Gruber, dis. trict manager. said. A person apply. Are ID I More Than 35 Years' Experience All w.rk I. dan. in my .hop under my personal supervision. (' Ar• Registered to rote? - .. " YOU Competition Swarthmore Summer Club con· cluded its program with an Arts and Crafts exhibit on Thursday and a play.off of the competing sports teams on Friday. During the Arts and Cmfts exhibit many parents came to admire the handwork of their children. The group felt es· pecially honored by having Mrs. Robert Fry and three visiting French stUdents come to tho exhibit. They seemed greatly impressed by the creativity of the children as ex· pressed· by their many and varied projects. The French visitors also observed a gallle of Bombardment and commented that they played a similar game in France. Dean .Forbes· team. the Fourteen Finks. placed first with an aecumu· won 13 to 6. Refreshments were. rurnifl:h proof ('f his earnings in served and enjoyed by all at the. 1969, a person who has worked for conclusion of the program. someone else can use the W·2 form given him by his employer. A .elf. Projects Displayed All of the· groups' projects were employed person. should bring a finished and arranged for the final copy of his tax return for.19M. and draft display. The plaster of Paris also some evidence that the tax was projects were the highlight of the paid. such as a cancelled check. He season and all were pleased to fin. should also -have an idea of how much he may earn in 1960. if lie ish them in fine style. The biggest event of the season believes that he will be doing any came on Frid.ay when mother~. further work. "And do not forget fathers. grandmothers. grandfath. your social security card," Mr. Our skilled Itegiotered ers, brothers and sisters joined the Gruber advised. Pharmacists speciallz. In group for a last-day party. Each "1 saw it In the Swarthmorean." prompt. preci •• com. boy and girl took his turn showing poundillll" Eacb .t.p it one of the items he had made during the six weeks from the display in· double-checked to ....re cludlng lanyards. bracelets. key accuracy. And yo.·11 ap. DRAPERIES and SLIPCOVERS rings, pins, wall plaques and coverpreciate Odr uniformly THOM SEREMBA ed booklets. faU price•. Try us! 10 Years of Swarthmore Referencel Planning to Retire? - I I, irMv ! • INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 'l'BB 8WAk118MORBAN Page 8 Summer Club Holds Lasi-Day Party Fourteen Finks Place First in Team Competition Swarthmore Summer Club concluded its program with an Arts and Crafts exhibit on Thursday and a play.off of the competing sports teams on Friday. During the Arts and Crllfts exhibit many parents came to admire the handwork of their children. The group felt es· pecially honored by having Mrs. Robert Fry and three visiting French students come to the exhibit. They seemed greatly impressed by the creativity of the children as ex· pressed by their many and varied projects. The French visitors also observed a game of Bombardment and commented that they 'played a similar game in France. Dean Forbes' team, the Fourteen Finks, placed first with an accumu· We 6DmpDllnd ,aBSaal'TIDNS Out skilled Regisrered Pharmaci ..s 'pecialb. In prompt, pred I. compounding. Each Ilep 10 dauble·checked ",ure accuracy. Aad you'll ap. preciate our uniformly fair price •• 'fry us! '0 lation of t()l points for the last his or her earnings for 1959, he ex· three weeks of the program. Second plained. , place went to Dick Daniels' team t "The best evidence of age,n he and his Thunderbirds with 96 said, "is a birth certificate issued points. Third was Frank Maders" shortly after ·blrth, but people who Piranhas with 62 points and coming do not have birth certificates can in fourth was Peter Derickson's prove their age in a number of Corny Cobs with 49. other ways." Baptismal records, AIl.St.r Team., birth date records in family Bibles, On F"riday, the last day of the I marriage certificates, voting recprogram, two all.star teams were lords, and other old documents may formed from the four teams and also be acceptable. If you do not competed for points for their re.l" have any of the above, come in any. spective teams. Those chosen for way, the office may be able to sug· these star teams were: gest some other source, Gruber said. Fourteen Finks _ Dean Forbes Persons ,.ho believe that their' William Wilburn, Lyn Clarke and dependents may be eligible for ben· Gideon Young; Thunderbirds _ efits should also bring documents to David Tolley, Steve Kelly, William show their relationship, such as Bower, Courtney Thompson and Ar. proof of marriage or adoption, as lene Taylor; Piranhas _ Frank, well as birth certificates or other Mader, Rick Martin, Ben';e Holden, p~oof of age for the dependents. A and Jane Ashley; Corny Cobs _ Wife age 62 or marc, children under Ken Stead, Pete"r Derickson, Dexter age 18, and disabled children over Ross, Anne Michener and Muffy. 18 whose disability began in child· Geer, hood are eligible for depend~nts' The all.star team composed of the benefits if the person retiring is Fourteen Finks and Thunderbirds I' eligible. won 13 to 5. Refreshments were rurnic:h proof.pf his earnings in served and enjoyed by all at the, 1959, a person who has worked for conclusion of the program. someone else can Use the W·2 form Projects Displayed given him by his employer. A self. All of the groups' projects were employed person should bring a finished and arranged for the final copy of his tax return for 1969, and draft display. The plaster of Paris also some evidence that the tax was projects were the highlight of the paId, such as a caucelled check. He season and all were pleased to fin. should a'lso ,have an idea of how much he may earn in 1960, if he ish them in fine Gtyle. The biggest event of the season believes that he will be doing any came on Friday when mothers, further work. "And do not forget fathers, grandmothers, grandfath. your social security card," Mr ers, brothers and sisters joined the Gruber advised. . group for a last-day party. Each "I saw it In the Swarthmorean." boy and girl took his turn showing one of the items he had made during the six weeks from the display in. cluding lanyards, bracelets, key DRAPERIES and SLIPCOVERS rings, pins, wall plaques and cover· THOM SEREMBA ed booklets. DRUG STORE 3-0586 Klngswood ~ ~ ~ § i § ~ I SWARTHMORE ~ Attractive 2-story colonial brick home only one block from Ru~gers Ave. -School. Lovely large living room (25' longl with a fireplace, separate dining room, spacious modern kitchen with a disposal, and tile powder room on first floor. There are 3 large corner bedrooms and 2 tile baths on the second floor. Screened-in porch off living room. This home is in exceptionally good condition and the asking price is $23,900. ~ STORE HOURS - Mondays and Friddys, 9:30 to 9:00 Tuesdays, Wednesdays. Thursdays·and Saturdays. 9 to 5:30 BE SURE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE of SPEARE BROS. Store - Wide Values !i ~ 2, i~ i! 1. When buying a quantity of film we sell at a lower price per film, film home, 3, 2. usually it is all processed when you return Last, but definitely not least, ALL our ••• . PLANNED INSURANCE PROTEOION TO FIT YOUR NEEDS: , Our professionally tr8ined experts review with you aU your insurance Deeds , , , for famlly....home and business, , , and then recommend • carefully planned program based on. your individual requirementL ID this way you get maximum security against llnancialloa foithe minimum cost. PROMPT, EFFICIENT HELP IN EVENT OF ACCIDENT OR LOSS: When accident or losS endangers your llnancia1 security we make it our business to assist you personally in every way posssible , , , regardless of the time of day or night the emergency occurs, Remember. our replltatlon In this community depends on the way we serve (I11r clientl. YOIl may be sure well serve you w e l l ' Kodachrome, Ektachrome and Kodacolor processing is done BY EASTMAN KODAK, You have spent"your money on your trip and film - you deserve the BEST PROCESSINC, • The Camera & Hobby Shop KI 3-4191 Closed Saturdays at Peter E. Told 333 Dartmouth Avelue 4-6 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa, Open Friday Evenings 1:00 P.M. • Volume 31 - Swarthmore, Pa., Friday, August 12, Number 33 Methodists To Hear • Layman AIrlCal. ~4"1J" 1960 SRA BOARD THANKS \FootbaU Season Starls Miss Yeatman Awarded DIRECTORS STAFF NOW Ior SHS Boys -Margaret Craduate Scholarship " Yeatman of Drexel Pt.;R YEAR IFaculty, " '" 1 At the end of the summer session ( Au ust 25th is First Hill, elementary teacher in t?e Gabriel 51mblne to Preach the Swart!hmore Recreation lI.ssoci. pg . " C Swarthmore.Rutledge School D,S' At Worship Service ation "would like to thank the Dir. amp trirt, has been awarded a Trustees S d ectors, assistants and helpers in the BeginS 28th Graduate Tuition Scholarship to do 'Un ay various programs of the successful Come August, comes football for graduate work in guidance and Gabriel Simbine, a leading Afri. program." many Swarthmore High School measurements at the University of can Methodist layman, will be the In the Pre·School Primary depart- Boys, and true to form, dated the Maine, Orono, Me. She will leave in guest speaker at Swarthmore Meth. ment under the overall direction of fifth, out went a letter from Coaech the middle of September and be odist Church Sunday, at the 10 Mrs. Helen Robblee, the three.year- Millard Robinson, calling tbe first there until the following June. o'clock worship service. aIds w~re under the leadership of practice for 9 a.m. on Thursday, I 'Mr. Simbine has been in the Uni. Jeanne Pety, with Kathy Jarratt August 25. ted States since before the quad. assisting. The four.year-o!ds had Although the letter was sent to rennia! General Conference in May Mrs: Mary Byerly with Sue Martin boys who had been on the squad at Denver, Colo., where he was the helpmg. Pre.Kindergarten was un~ last year and others who had ex. lay delegate of the Southeast'Africa der Mrs. Constance Brennard with pressed an interest, the invitation Wallingford Man To Head Methodist Conference. Pat Ridgway and Joan Duncan as. is extended to all boys from the lOth Congress Scheduled' through 12th grades "with loyalty For 1964 / A teacher by profession, conduct. sisting. .mg cIasses In . t 'c h . d P t-K' d rt h d" .. to G met stand rds It I' t prtmary an os 10 erga en a ..I.u"rs. war· a _a • s never 00 nr. Adalbert Farkas, WallingBible schools at the Chicuque mis. garet Mills with Betsy Breakell's early nor too late to start. . . No ford, assistant director of research, sion station in Mozambique, he is ,help.. In Primary, Mrs. Margaret one is too" small, too slow, nor too Houdry Procets Corporation of · • Berry was In . CJlarge with Nancy • • d" th c Ie tte r s tate. d . Ine~erlence, Philadelphia, has been elected pres. a Iso In ch arge 0 f th e UJumor f h'ld b S tk" . , , " Th w al ge t I f " h h cure program or c 1 ren e. oro In s 8SS1s.,iance ere as so an ur n p ea or ident of the International Congress tween six and 12, and is counselor Summer Club was 'under the dir. some pre.training work, so that on Catalysis, Inc. h eli You th F e II owsh'lp ectlOn . f L uman Gesford in the grl'd'Iron h opef uIs VlOU Id not b e out to t h e .. u~et 0 st 0 ,Dr. Farkas, an international for young persons h!,tween 18 arid sports and outdoor activities, with of action in the early stages of the authority on catalysis and author ao. IGrace Yates asSisting in the arts game with blisters and pulled or of over 70 scientific papers, patents · I d f He is a graduate 0 Metho 1st and crafts field. Susan Campbell sore musc es. and books, was elected at the Second .. I ' S OUth ern Rho· d an d B 0 b D awes were t h elr . assIst.. • A'd miSSIon sc h 00 s In Sl e f rom suc h suggest'Ions as International Congress on Catalysis ema and Lourenco Marques, Moz. ants. running in football sh-oes a full week recently concluded in Paris. ' d h' d . te I L_"'port'n talk' thO k' . b am lque, an as serve as In r· vtu..,re re I g, 109, In mg, The third catalysis congress spon. preter f~r a!1 visitin!!, dignitaries. dreaming ~ootb~ll "all the time", sored by this organiza,tion has been Mr. S)mhme has Just c o m p l e t e d , Coach RoblDson s program of pre· scheduled for 1964 in Holland and a six.week stay at P~ono Institute training 8>ppalls the uni.tiated: local committees have been apPQint. I b) 200 d A) 200 h h for Methodist Youth were he was pus ups al y; ed in that country. Dr. Farkas has ' ... . t b nd d·1 (dd 26 d Institute .u)SSlonary. Hour Programs Set For squa al Id y a poun served for four years as director of . ht eto s 6 hou welg ers grad ua II) y ; the International Congress on CatAu"ust 16 & 23 " c ) R un w h erever you go, ave rag. alysis, which is the continuing spon· . A·-t Wh'tt' I ler mg at I east 2·1 m) es a d ay; d) 2026 . sor of these meetings. rac"~e, Inl'l Catalysis Congr'ss Names Dr. Farkas Pres. WIL To Present Film Serl'es on Peace 'UN Incomplete Seahorses Hold Donn. Guests Alumni Honor . M·ISS V'Irglnla •• A~II el School's First Woman h' Gym Teac er Retires After 36 Years "Oh.HQ, Miss Allent" Or perhaps it's fIGinger", or "Gin· ny" or e"ven, in signature, "Virgin. ia A". But it's still Miss Allel). All this, of course, means nothing to newcomers to the School District, and future classes won't know her, because Miss Allen has retired. But there are 36 classes of girls and a good many classes of boys too, 'Who remember Swar,thmore's first woo man gym teacher very well. When Miss Allen retired in June the faculty, at the last Teachers Association luncheon, presented her, 'With a gold watch. And on June 29. three alumnae arrived at her door with a bouquet of flowers and a check for $U36." More than 200 of her former students contributed to that !. with a lunch hour lng . Mr. lind Mrs. Baker Mlddelton and Mrs. Kenneth ,14. Reed three week Theatre Tour for Junior High students :from 11 :28 to 12:11, and for Senior High and family returned last week from of North Chester road were the M";. Henry I. Hoot of from 12:16 to 1 :00 P.M. 'J,'·he and Assembly parlocl a tl!ree .week vacation at China houBe guests of Mr. and Mrs. iI. entertained info II d WIll be from 2:40 to 3:26 P.M .. ~o outsIde appomtments for students.. Lake, Chma, ,Me. ' Wayne Hamilton at their summer ... la~ week a trmal y he . should not be made at this time. Assemblie. will usually V.A,IJ\t a unceon d · . be ' held. 011 fM r. andM rs. h ome in Ocean City, N.J., early e r Baru., son o. in honor of Mrs. P: L.Urban who Tue. ays for Junior Htrh and Thursdays .for Senior HIgh students. Pte ' hiis week. will soon move into the fr. Arthur W. Jones 'of North Averill, Vt. On their return trip Mr. and Mrs. Stokes F. Burtis, Mr. Yocum-Room 13 - A· F Mrs. Mathews-Room l03-E. Hin • Swarthmore avenue left Tuesd~y to the Campbells stayed a few days in Jr., of Columbia avenue had as a Mr Henderson-Room 20B-G·Loe Mr. Snyder-Room 2I5-Hir. M v join his family at Sebee Lake, Me. Cape Cod. guest for 10 days Mr. Burtis' moth· Mrs'. Henr ' - 'Room 216 - Low· Sc Mr. Wertz-Room 210 - N . Z The Jon~ses villi remain until early Mr. ,and Mrs. C. B. Campbell of er Mrs. Stoke. Bqrtis of Winston. Mis. McKie-Room 107 - Se· Z 11TH , GRoADE September. College avenue, with their son Mr; Salem, N.C. Marianne, daughter of 8TH GRADE Miss Armstrong-Room 10S-A.Da Susan Bower, daughter of Mr. David Campbell of Pittsburgh, reo and Mrs. Burtis, Jr., and Mrs. Dr. Irwin-Room 214 - Du· Ke aAd Mrs. William N. Bower of cently sPent a weekend visiting mother Mrs. Henry Renin. Mr. Drukin-Room 206 - A . E Miss. Strouse-Room 217 - Kn· Pr of Lancaster" returned Satur. Mr. Law-.RooJll 233 - F . La Westminster avenue, is spe11ding their son and daughter.in.how Mr. the week in Oc<.an 'City, N.J., as a and Mrs. John Camph.n of Douglas from a week's vacation at Mr. Millel'-Room 135 - Le· Ros Miss Zimmer-Room 113 -Py . Z City, N.J. Mrs. Reninger is Mrs. Seymour-Room 235 - Rot. Z guest of the W,dter J. LewIcki's, al. Manor, Long Island, N.Y. 10rH GRAiDE so of We~tmlnster avenue. ,Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hewes of the guest of Mr. and Mrs: 7TH GRAiDE Mr. Marish-Rl>om 213 - A . Fi Mrs. Henrietta Bruce, with. he.r. South Swarthmore avenue returned Burtis for a short while. Mr. Bell-Room 232 - A • Fi son' and daughter William and Suo Saturday from a five week stey Miss Joan Harrar of Yale avenue Mr. Bernhart-Room 136 - Fo . J Mr. Pistrykl\-Room 209 - Fo· LI san of Magill ro~d, left Wednesday' Surf City, Long Beach Island, N.J. leav,e August 20 by jet for,a Mrs. Br,:,und-Room 207 - K . Si Mrs. Wright-Room 109 - M • Seh Mr. Heath-Room 101 -. Se· Z for a' short. visit with another son, Their daughter: Anne/returned Mon. I monl;h's trip abroad. Sbe will spel)d Mrs. La:wis-Room 234 - Sm • Z Jim, at Camp Deerwood, N.H., day. two wee1yof N ..tionBI Parks, spending most panied them to Washington, D.C., been at Camp Brown Ledge, WI, Ocean City N.Il. The LeCron's son. Miami, F'la. Miss Looby, wpo of their time In California. Their where tltey did some sight-seeing. Il)OOSki, Vt., for the past month. in.law lind' daughter .Mr. and Mrs. previously heen visiting relati,(es in covered almost 10,000 miles. Mr. and Mrs. Walter N. Moir and 'l'bey will return August 2jI. • Do What is the biggest mistake you can make when buying carpet? in Richmond, Va., is a' graduate of Lehigh University. He is a member ReV. Mr. and Ml'!I. RaIPhR·Swarthm.' ore'Hig" h S'ch'o'ol I ... 1Pull'' ' "d.I~"a I ..... Mr. H.-., - ICI ..... , • THE WO'IOOSE lPA"'~" U c".,~~ •••••• 11M".", • Route I, B.ltimore Pik~ .'(4 MIIeI west of u.ari) CCL:LCI_ "alll'n ., kallle • 11, ....11 ..... 100 Park Ave" Swarthmore, Pa. '. . KIa.wead 3 6000 -- CLe.rbrook "4646 . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . '.._.~ ......~# 0tI '-,!ele I'tlce •• • V)II. ...... KNOWS· Carp".' .. . " other typea of theft 10••• Call us about it. Peler E. tol,d All Lines 01 Insurance . . D ...TMOllftl ...... Klngswood 3~ 1831 PHILADELPt11A TRUST COMPANY RIDLBY TOWNSHIP O ..PICB: MaoDade Boule.arei and ....mew Roa~ . . 1\II1'~,ldS . . . . - ~.. 10 ~lQ,OOO for MC!t ~"'Jr r ~ ,~ DIp "It 1.-,C;. Ii I .' . . IF ~ •• _'," -4. ..: •. . ~:" LETTERS TO· THE EDITOR THE SWARTHMOREAN I lire ..... AU lot!m-. to TM StDa,rth- PETER E. TOLD, MARJORIE TOLD, Publillh .... . mnrea1f mUll' h, Rifl",d P"",,,fn. nvm718 _II b. usod if tM turiter is .known to tho Editor. Lett .... Phone KlngswOj)d 3·0900 0' PETER E. TOLD, Editor BARBUlo\ B. KENT, M,a,naging Editor . Rosalie D. Pelr801 Marjorie T. Told Jeannette V. Howe Susan Drlehaus will b. pllblisMd 011111 at tho dU. or.tUm tM Editor. In Appreciation To the Editor: We hall a wonderful year in Eur. ope but never ceased to ·constantly recall the many fine friends and experiences we had found· in Swarthmore Thanks to Pete Told and his Swarthmorean for keeping Us up to date. Although mall ar. rived about five weeks late It was l~ked forward to eagerly.' The MlUardRobinsons Springfield Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON SWARTHMORE, PENNA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1960 CHRISTIAII SIIEIICE IDTES RECISTRATION SCHEDULE . . Prior to Ceneral Election, November 8th, 1960 ™tho~ .,epn...d k'•• • , 1M individua,l writ- PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PENNA. PRESBYTERiAl IOTES The Mornfng Worship will be God's supremacy .held at 10 o'clock Sunday. The Sac. The meaning and a!l.power will be. explai.ned at ramem of Baptism will be admlnlsChri~tlan Selence servtees thIS ~un. teredo A half hour of fellowship day In the Lesson.sermon entitled will be held on the church 18IWII "Soul". :after the service All-Inclusive Program ) The Scriptural selections will in· Churoh School' classes will meet elude the follC>WIng from Leviticus at 10 o'clock with cla!",es for the Proposed for Salle Vaccine (26:S, 4, 11): "If ye walk in my Children through the junior lev. Proposals for an all.incl';sive statutes, and keep my command· el. Child Care will be provided by program which would make avail. ments, and do them; Th~n I will a trained supervisor through this IIble to every resident of DelaWare rive· you rain indue. season, and hour.· 'COunty the Salk anti.polio vacccine ~e land shall yield her increase, The summer volunteer choir Will,' innoculatioos were agreed to by and the trees of the field ~hall yield rehearse at 9 a.m.. before the Morn- representatives of the· Delawa. re thelr'fruit •.• And I WlII set my ing Worship·service. County Medical Society, the Dela. tabernacle among you; and my soul Morning Prayers are held in the ware County Chapter of the Nation. shall not abhor you." .hureh sanctuary on Tuesday morn. al Foundation and its Citizens' God's power is also brought out ing from 9 to 9 :30 a.m. All· are Steering Committee in readings from "Science aud cordially welcome. . The proposals, details of which Health. with Key to the Scriptures" were not disclosed, will now be tak. , of whicb Mary Baker Eddy Is the TRIIIITY IIDTEI en back to the parent grOUDS of author, including this statement There will be a celebration of the those attending the meeting Frlday, (330:11.12): "God is infinite, the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock Sun. August 5, 1960, for anticipated ap. only Life, substance, Spirit, or Soul, day morning. A service of Morning proV'8] in the near future~ the ollly intelligence of the uni· Prayer and Sermon ·will be held at In a joint statement, Dr. William verse, including man." 9 o'clock and at 10: 15. At 8 P.M. H. Em, president of .the county All are welcome to attend the there will be a service of Evening. medical group. and Alan K. Keay, / . ehapter chairman, said: services at First Church of Christ, Pr"yer and Word. Scientist, 206 Park ..venue, at 11 The Ushers for the services willi "It must be realized by every par. o'clock. be as follows: ' , ent in Delaware Cqunty thnt any At 9 a.m. - G. H, Berlin, head program whicli is forthcoming will usher; J. C. Jubin, Jr., J. E Evans, be too fate to protect our children CHURCH SERVICES J. B. Davis, J. L. Jezl, F. L:Michel; during the 1960 polio season, which PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH at 10:16 a.m. - R. B. Price, head is already upon us. We are planning D. Evor Roberts Mlni.ter usher; R. S. Brodhead, R. E. Mas· for the future. In the meantime we Robert O. Browne, A~soe. Minister ters, G. W. C. Wagner, O. B. Blake, urge parents to see that t1Jeir chil. IIlId Mlni.tor ofChri.tian Educatiou C. R. Engherg. dren are Immediately started on the Sunday, Aupst 1" \ There will be a service, of Morn. three.shot series which provides the 10:00 A.M.-Morning Worship and ing Prayer at 9 a.m. and a· service only knowu hOl1es of Immunity." Baptism of Evening Prayer at 6 p.m. each It was explained that for families 10:00 A.M.-Church School. day Monday through Friday. who cannot affOrd to pay for the Taesclay, A_' 16 inuocmatlons for· their children, the 9:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer . .ETHODI~T IIOTES. two groups hav.'an existing Coop., . . Church ,~hool classes heglD at, el'l1otive program.' Under that pro. . METHODIST CHURCH 8:46 a.~.,Wlth c1~sses fo: a11.ages. gram, wllich bas been in existence MornlDg WorshIp SerVIce will be· for several yean needy The· R'pV• •Tnh n C. Ku Ip.' IIfl' mster I t 10 'th t k ' , Rev. Edward W. Thorn gn ~ . a.~. WI gu~s spea er, .have only _to go to a physician Assistant Pastor Gabriel 51mblne of AfrIca, preach. ,will give them the necessary auth. r.harlcs Schi.ler ing. The morning ~Ioist will be orization· to obtain free vaccine Minister of Music ShelbY Martin, baritone, singing from their nearest hospital. The • Sanclay, A. . . . 14 "My Task." . . vaccine is then taken baek to the 8:45 A.M;-Chllr~h Schoo! classes There· is a nursery for infants physician Who will admiuister the 10:00.A.M.-Gabrlel SimblDe of and young children during the shots without ha"";' Mnca will preach . . . c ."v. -":;:':':;:";=~=='=------ mormng serYlce. "We expect that the program uow The Senior Youth Fellowship will being discussed, if given fiual ap. TRINITY CHURCH t t th h f C I M The Rev. Layton P. Zimmer. R""tor mee a e ome o. aro ason" proval, will be one that will reach The Rev. Ge01'lle R: McKalvey, 200 Sykes lane, Wallingford, at 7 every section of Delaware County Curate p:m. for the regular Sunday eve· and every economic level of our Sanclay, Aacus' 14 mng program. eiety. We anticipate calling on lead. I ~ ,ers in the fields of busfuess, Indus. 8 :00 A.M.-Holy Communion 9:00 A.M~Morning Prayer and Mr. and Mrs. Irlm R. MacElwee try, education, the professions and 10~:n~.-Mornillg Prayer and of Mt. Holyoke place recently spent community activities to belp in Sermon· a week in Wooster, 0., aud·another ~ny ways. We are assured of their 8:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer aud 12 days in Winchester, Mass., as the cooperation in evolving a workable Word. guests of their son and daughter-In. program." Monday, Aqust 15 law Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacEI·1 Amc.ng .those attending the mllllt-I 9 :00 A.M.-Morning Prayer wee. The senior MacElwees return•. ing, besides Dr. Erb and Keay, were I 6:00 P_M.-Evening Prayer ed home Saturd~y ~a the New ~~rk IDr.~J, Albright Jones, Elm awnue, Tuesday, A_t 16 Thruwayauu .he Mohawk Trlul. Chairman of the Chapter's preven. 98:00 :00 A.M.-Morning Prayer Chuck Soule of Marietta avenue ttve medicine committee: P M.-Evenlng Prayer , Wed"_y, Aquot 17 and Jeffrey Nearing of Chestnut 9:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer laue completed a course in Frencli '59 Craduate With 6:00 P_M.-Evening Prayer on Friday at the Summer Language Thunclay, August 18 Institute, Temple Unlversity. The Concert Clioir in· Europe 9:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer six week course was conducted by Martha Turn.er, daughter I>f Mr. 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer Frlclay, Aacust 19 Temple University in cooperation and Mrs; Donald C. Turner of Rose 9:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer with the language development pro. Tree, is a member of the Hood Col. 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer gram of the United States Office lege Concert Choir which left Aug. of Education. ust '1 for a -tOur of the United THE RET.lGIOUS SOCIETY !'fro Walter B. Keighton, Jr., of United States Military Bases in "1" 1"RTF-NOS C d I h e ar ane, ead of the chemistry Germany. The choir will .nve 21 Sunday, AIJIIDst If d rtm t S h ... en at wart more College, concerts for service personnel dur; 10 :25 A.M. -H ymn Sing. Meeting epa House. returned yesterday from a three ing the month of August under the 11 :00 A.M.-Meetinl\' for Worship. day trip as a guest of the Hercules sponsorship of the Special Activi. All are welcome. Powder Company, Wilmington. He ties Division of the Army. Monday. August 15 attended a conference of chemists The choir W1lS selected iu ana. AII-day sewinll' for AFSC along with other college professors tion.wide contest conducted by the WedDeaclay, AupR n , t th • I a e company S p ant. State Department last winter. All-day sewing for AFSC _ . M!,: and ~rs. Joh~ .R. McWiI.! Following the conc~rt tOur, the lJ:rlT?~gl~lCf.~?st; h"rna ~nd children M1ml, 10hu ~ud member~ will have 16 days of sightPark A VeIIDe below Harvard W:III have retu~~d f!",m a VIsit seeing through most of Europe, S......y, A - ' I f WIth Mrs. McWllhams parents in They wilI re~rn abc~ September Mercer, ~nd a motor tour which In- ~5. . 11:00 A.M.-Sunday School l1:00 A.M -The Leason Sermon cluded Nll\g8rQ Falls, and the Wei. Last year Mtlrtna was voted "the will be "Soul" , land Canal Loeks in ~~rio,. the 'Most. Outstallding GirlP in W:-':lJ. ;r"':!dlmee:ng . eaeb. Con>!nr Glasa W~rks in New York, Freshmanclasa at Hood where she Dartmouth 'A......u:'o,:~lthe.Grand Cenyon of Pennaylvania, i. majorillg .III biolOeY. Sbe -I. a darI aeept bIIIIdq,.. 10.&; ~ ~ ~fut (PL) C-ty Fall',.rt'&duate:of 'JI.ral'tltttMRe-: Bidll tIa7 -tJw. ,... and Hopewell Vruq.. . 8ebool, clau of 19fe. . a! '.,.' SEPTEMBER 9th Last day an elector may moVe from one election district to anotlter fu order to be permltted to vote in the new elecUon district at the General Election. PerSOQ8 moving after th!a c!&te may vote in old elecUon , district If otherwise qualllled. SEPTEMBER 16th Last day all electors. may register to vote at the General BleeUen. ThIs includes electora who will become of ase on or before November. 9tb, 1960. . . . SEPTEMBER 19th. Last day for an elctor who has removed into a new' elecUon district to give noUce to the RegiStraUon Commlasf~n in order to be permitted to vote in the new elecUon district at Ute General Election. The removal card must set forth a removal date into the new election district' which cannot be later than Beptember 9th. COURT BOUSE HOURS Regular business houra up to and !nCludiog Monday, Beptember 9th Monday ~ugh, Frlday~:OO AM. to 4:30. P.M. Together with such addlUonal hours as designated below: August 13th-FrIday ..... _ .................. _.. 7:00 P.M. to . 9:00 P.M. August 13th-Saturday ...... , ...........• , .. : .. &:00 AM. to 13:00Nooo August 19th-FrIday .... -...................... 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. August 2Oth-Batnrday ........ :... ............. 9:00 A.M,- to 12:!IONoon August 26th-Frlday ..... ! ..................... 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. August·27th-Baturd"Y ... :: ............. ; ...... 9:00 AM. to 12:00Noon &lptember 9th-FrIday ........................ 9:00 A.M. to 9;00 P.M. 8eptembP.r 10th-Baturday ....... ~..... , ....... 9:00 A.M, to 12:00 Noon Beptember 16th-FrIday ......... ;.............. 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Beptember 17t1i-Baturdar ......... : ........... 9:00 A.M. to 12:00Nooo ROVING·REGIS'rRAR8 WILL SIT In RuUedp-Taesclay, September .I!, 2:00 to 9:00 P.M., FIre Bo_ Sympathetic service, ch!pendablllfy and understanding are traditional with CO._ -THE 'OLlVER H. BAIR DlUClOU O. ftlNIIALI 1820 CHESTNUT STREET MAIft AoIAII, rI III.... Tolepho.o LO 1-15.1 I' I I I ... f," I Easllawl Cemeter, I i, I Isallel's Curio Shop I I Special! Alice Barber t I. I 20% =-:':- Discounl!!! • BOOKWAYS I , THOM SEREMBA inJaw Mr. and Mrs. Don W. Dick. gdrls'section It leWr'1 ,888tlS in coa~II'bean h ord• lOYoors of Swarthmore Ref.renc.. • a1 P k d · y 1 more, ra ner, WI on an More Than 35 Years' &perlence , . 1J1IIOn, so of ar avenue, motore In midget events of the Junior f ' I ct' b' h 'If be All worl Is don. In· my .hop . to Berkle" Springs, W.Va., Satur· Olympics the previous day Terri. horld,oMrmad prtah IceshwF I~d WlA -I f ' . 'e on ay roug rI ay, ug· under my,personallup.,..hJon. Two dozen citlZehs appeared ~t day to attend her amily reunIOn In ·McCutdy had placed SIXth iu breast- 'ust 22 to 26 at 4 p.m. at the RutYti Oil P'I oatfIIlIt ., )londay night's Borough Council Cacapon S~te Park. . atroke and '\VBS also a member of gers Field for pasaing and punting; p •• IIII SHAROI HILL Ill• meetiug About half of them were The reumon ~s the 200th anm· Suburban's medley and freestyle I Thursday, August 25, 9 a.m., first · f H'lIbo wi! versary of the bIrth of John Fer· relay teams, both of which placed" .., Id res. ents 'I, .1 rn avenue 0 now founder of the family in Amer. b ,,,rae.,ce. . deSired to restnct the proposed pav· i ' d th 31st· f th .fourt. The boys wIll leave for Camp ing of that street to . an 18-foot t~a, ~~ st e '0 ann1versary 0 e Soaoolls Boat Roso Valloy Green Lane on Sunday, August 28, width in order to save trees and eM Ir D~uk~1 D. S h h' Last Thursday Swarthmore's JV returning at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, ':A non.profit, mutual endiScourage through traffic. bee ra. dtllC IDtso n, r., ~ 0 as swimmers defeated Rose Valley's September 2. Another practice willi 11I1:el,'p~ise for the ~nefit of h 0 . , . Ira h" n epen ng e summer 10 cean· JV's 109 to 106 in another highly be d residing !Mvth. COuucd explamed t t anyt mglClty N.J tu ed t'L thO k ' be held at 9 a.m. Septem r 6, an .. re rn nere IS wee interesting meet. Scoring for II and neighboring: com. less than a 24.foot width would nat d' '11" • t'l fte Lab the Kick.off Bati>ecue w!ll be 0 --" an WI remalD un I a r or Swarthmo~" were' For In'ormatibe adequate for safety aJKi parking D "t"' Thursda1, September 8, A' _ and passed a motion that the pro- ay. _ 11 and 12 - Girls: backstroke Coach Robinson, who returned to'iots apply to ject be done along with Springfield 1 P. Winch, 21 K. Herschel; breast- last month from a Sabbatical year ALBERT N. GARRm ToWnship's share of the street Incomplete Seahorses stroke 3 P. Wigton; freestyle 1 P. abroad, nevertheless followed last Pr.rideftC aM B ....II ... M".. h 3 D . Shay; b u tterfl y 1 P . year's inexperienced team through Which Springfield is now arrang· Hold Conn., Guests WI nc, ing. The Borough part will cost (C t' e.t f P 1) Winch, 2 M Stradley. Boys.: W. a rough season, and now looks for. Garrett Ave. KI about' $4000 of which the county on Inu rom age . ?"mphell fir~t In butu:rfly: second ward hopefully to a more successSwarthmore, Pa. will pay half. Tlie Borough will pay scores hopped back and forth, f~rst ,on breaststroke and third 10 back. ful record with the nucleus of a on&third and abutting residents-oneteamandthentheothuleadmg, stroke; M. Wynkoop third in free· squad trained by Coaches James two.tbirds of the remainder. every few .events. Swart~mo~ led style. Komarnieki and Howard Sipler. Other citizens' attending the by four pomts at the be~1Onmg ?f 10 and under - Girls: A. Michen. meeting live !n Swa,rthmore Hills butterfly eventa and trad~d. by. SIX er first in breaststroke, freestyle .Mr and Mrs. John L. Cornog of 17'h S. Chester Road and came to discuss the Boroug'h's at the .end of that classifIcatIon. and butterfly; backstroke 1 B. Dickinson avenue arrived home prop;,"':l to repair streets in this Diving. tied the score. A BP8'?tacul~r Whittier, ~ A. Lib!>in; breaststroke I-Iriday from a month's stay In Swarthmore :private development at $1.00 per Jut mmute catch.up and fmgertiPI 3 B.. Burtis; butterlly 3 M. dePro. Whitefield, N.l{., and another two ASEMEIIT, front foot cost to property owners,l ~uc~ Of lletsy Breakell won t~e phehs, BoY.": ~ac1,<.stroke 2 an~ 3 week visit in Rockport, Mass. En hi order ·that the streets might be girls relay to counteract, NCFC s Bradley and Birney Brown (twins route home they stopped for a few ESIDE dedicated to the Borough and maiu. , taking the boys' relay: it secured'even to doing.exact times in this days with their son.ln.law. and .IK tained by it in future. the final "no.victory, no·defeat" fo~ event) ; brellststroke and butterfly daugbter Dr. and Mrs. Cornog, Jr., William E. Witham, developer of ~h team, and. added a breathtak· 3 D. WiHia~s, freestyle 3 Bradley, and infant daughter Katherine iu OIlTlla, Prlp, ISABEL P. the section, by letter toCOuuciI, mg demons~ra~lo.u_of the Import- I Brown. I . : New Haveu, Conn. offered to resuri'ece the streets with, ance of the md1V1dual to the after. 8 and under _- Girls: O. WIgton Mrs. Francis Pennell of Dart-I (-:::::;::::::;::::::::::::::=::::::::::::::=::::=:::;::::::=::::::; asplIalt and chips which he said I· noon's evidence of t."am.:valu~. . first in backstroke, brea~tstroke a~d mouth· aveuue spent 'ast weeK ao i' would be less expensive. COuncil Paul Zecher, placm~ f~rst. m nnd· freestyle; L. deProphetls second 10· Keuka Lake, N.Y., atteuding the stated that such resurfacing wonld get boys and ~econd In JUDlor boys freestyle and butterfly; M. McCur· A..hram, an international, interra. only'remaiu good for about five I>~east~trok~ In 46. se~onds . ~Iat dy first in butterfly and second ~n ciai, Interdenominational religiouus years where"" the type used for ~lden~lcal .tlme to h1s dlsqualiflca. hreaststroke; S. Schmidt second m grouP.' There are 18 such groups Borough sPecifications for its other tlOn ti~e m. the Suburban Le~gue backstroke. across the United States. roads would last three to four times Ch!,mplOns!!,'ps one ,w",:k ellther), l2 and under girls and 10 and Bs'long. An adjourned mesting of gamed the honor o! hIS fl~st Swarth· under boys won their relays. Counoil was seheduled for Wednes. more team record, replacmg th~ 46:7 Ladies' and Other Doings Gif~s day ulght to discuss vhe matter fur. midget mark 'set by Jack Cushmg m P.ssing Red Cross tests upon ther. the championships. . completion of recent courses of in· 15 So. Chesler Rood New street lights will be, placed Unusual M.et . struction under Karl Schaefer, as· opposi-te 415 Vasasr avenue and on ~o compensate for events ·m siatant pool manager, were: KlngswoocJ 3·1900 Drexel road between·· Haverford whIch one tealD had greate: num'l Intermediate Test - Mrs. Ed· 'I~=~;;;~==·:· ::;:::=~ place and Park avenue. Ipers than the other (and VIce ver· ward Heller, Mrs. James .Gaylord, -Dr' William Rial and Dr. Harold .... ) the top three times were scored Mrs. William Staudish. ~ " Wilkinson asked for an exception' regardless of whether they came Swimmer Te$1;.- Mrs. George to tIre resldenmal zoning iit order from one team alone. Some e~entl! 'Herschel, Mrs. Mathews J ohn..n, that they might build a doctors' of· were skipped entirely .•~nce nelt!,er Mrs. William Stanton, Mrs. Wil. fiee bulldiug on a Dllrtmouth ave· Iteam had proper entr1es. PlaCIng liam Golz, Mrs. Bernard Halpern, . Write or pOOne for nue lot. jfor Swarthmore in the 1IJlli8Ual~ Mrs., RObeJ;t Tressler, Mrs. Samuel Information ·about ... , .. were: . ·Jl.!'y!l0lds., Mrs . .J;plin Bell..· Mra. modem fiIdIitlia of ~".'l\lot"l'. . . . -.. ·16-andd~.year..lds (100~) Frank Tracy, Mrs. William Hart· . . . - Boys: D. McCurdy second m man, Mrs. Karl Fox. WESTlAUREL HILL Wednesday evenmg Cou~cd d~.. backstroke, breaststroke aud but-I Senior Life Saving _ Mrs. M. ~ cldod not to accept Mr. WIthams terf.y; J. Connor third in freestyle. Johnson, Mrs. Jahn Cusbing, Mrs. N _ A... Iof..c:~ ... offer, Girls: B. Breakell first in breast-' W. Stanton, Mrs. W Go'Iz, Mrs. 417 Dartmouth Ave. stroke aud freestyle and second in Frances Tracy, Mrs. Harry McCal. MOho'" 4-1591 WIL To Present Film bu"e,f.y; L. Zeehe~ seco~d ~n, lister, Mrs. Marshall Schmidt. Mrs. Series on Peace, UN breaststroke; L. Courtne;y: third ID ,F. W. Whittier. (COntinued from Page 1) freestyle. . Advanced - Mrs. Cushing, M~s. "ABBignment Children", the Danuy 13 and 14. (6? yards) - GIrls: ,Golz, Mrs. Schmidt and Mrs. Wh1tDinin~m Open To Puhlic: Kaye film on children in·the Middle B. Dumm tbird m backstroke, free, tier. and Far East· "One World or style and butterfly; S. Parker sec· Lif. Soving Cou ... None", presented by the World.M· ond in backstr?ke; Z'7her first A new cou]:l!O in Life ·S.,ving be. fairs Council a .film on coutrol of and N. Corneltus third 1n breast- gan Monday of this week, daily at atomic ene~' and "The Camp", ~troke.. . 2 p.m. Also on Monday an hour's Ingrid Bergm':n's narration of the 11 and 12 (50 yards) - G1rls: daily instruction in starts, turns, story In pictures of 10 years of one B. Gerner first in backstroke and strokes and finishes begau for swim family's Iffe in 'various 'refugee third fu freestyle; T. ~~rdy sec· team members and other interested . ond in butterfly and third ID breast- poolites, 11 :30 to 12 :80. camps. CATERINo TO PERMANENT aud '.~._ • QUESTS Groups for water ballet numbers The films are free. The public Is stroke; K. Sutherland third iu baek· Harvard and Ratlters AvenuC8 Pbonc KI.'...... '.'728 in the 2 p.m. Sunday, August 28 invited. Mrs. William Stantou aud stroke and butterfly. 10 and under (60 yards) -Boys: South Sea hIes productiou were al· Mrs. Maurice. Webster are In J. Cushing first in backstroke, free· so assigned and entered rehearsals '.;.----.;.;.----...;.;;.;..,;,;;;;;.;.----------------.. charge. style aud butterfly; P. Zecher first: this week. . I ~**~*~*rl*rl*n*n'~***'~*~*rl*n*n****~*~'rl*n*~A in 'breaststroke and third In free· Stay.at-home adults who have, ~ style; D. Williams third in brea.t- managed to keep lapping away at· . )ltroke and butterfly. _ the rate of 10 pool lengths a day I Diving - junior girls: 2 J. Court- to become "representatives" and /ley, 3 K. Sutherland. Senior girls: creep c!ose to the final two.weekly 1 L. Courtney, 2 B. Stuart. ruus for vice.president and presi. Swimming from various age dent are Clrarles Martin (who siuce groups ou the 100 yard total graud. had to-give up and go on vacation), slam freestyle winning relay with Samuel Dodd and Mrs. Henry Peir. OF B. Breakell were M. Turner, B. Ger· sol. nt:l" ~H"" u. uumm. Win in Junior Olympios COMMITTEE MEETS Two :seahorses who were absent Mrs. Wilbur O. James of' Park, oSaturday helped their A.A.U. teams avenue, chairman of the Mystery win the Junior Olympics at Vorney Package B~oth of the Emergency ¥>4r1t aquaoic Club, Alleutown. Aid, was 10 ~arge of a coff~e WE PIT lot 01 OF Richard McCurdy swam on the fu· claque and meetmg held Tuesday m I I PEDESTAL termediate boys' freestyle relay I Penn Valley. . BASEBALL CLOVES - SHOES - BATS team which placed first for Subur· Locsl members of the group m· Wben it eom.. to tlte . atrietl)' per.onal matter of ban SWimming Club and ,enab.ed it clude Mrs. Ha:vey G. Weaver, Mrs_ '1 SWIM FINS- MASKS - RINCS & your ioaurllllCe protecti..... to ·win the boys' part of the meet. Percy C. BelfIeld, Jr., Mrs. Russell we Imow bow important it .\!l\e Wigton placed third in inter· Heath, and Mrs. George B. Heck· b tbat yon be _ted . . PLASTIC INFLATABLE SWIM TOYS ~ ,. -man, all of Swarthmore. an individuaL Tlaat'. wJgr we ahraz-: "pat yoa OIl . , PlANNING. TOMORROW, -H~ pedestal witlt P.s.. l>u~ T UmII8r I .ouISnnc.. Limited Quantities -:- No Gilt Wrapping! What do you need? Career apprai.al? MONDAY , Counseling? aptitude te.ting? new ideas? WEDNESDAY better lotten? or just a new re.ume? Con· FRIDAY .fact Mr. Burroughs. Mr. To",lin,?". or Mr. 2:00- P M. to 5:00 P.M. , .U lilES .F IIItIA• • ~?:f.!'~~d!~'fp'KI~::!dc:.~m: 7;00 P:t... to 9:00 P.M. Repair of Swarthmore Hills Roads Undecided August, . TRADITION·- OIMIIL IAII, _ _ Hillori A'II'" Attend F.mily Reunion mediate freestyle, tied for fifth and Football Season Starts . . sixth places In breaststroke, aud I NOW lor SHS Boys UPHOLSTERY DRAPERIES aDd SLIPCOYERS Paving Ordered Mrs. Tbelma Dlcldnson of Park swam on tbe second place medley (Continued from Page 1) avenue, with her son and daughter. relay to aid Vespers Club's win the P' t yka • ts t h d Sh Girdle and· Bra Shop The Fashion Center for Girdles and Bras, Corselettes and Camp Supports, etc. Individually fitted to you for comfort and beauty,; Alterations free. All Famous Makes. I I HARVARD INN 1:. ' • 815~ Edgmont Avenue, Chester , ... - Phone TRemont 4-3331 Rose Valley. NUrseries, Inc. Middletown Road ...... Media, Pa. Opposite·High Meadow (between Dl:Ittcm MiD Road and Knowlton Road) •• • Telephone TRemont 2-7206 Ask f ... BEN PALMER • AZALEAS YEWS - RHODODENDRONS HOLLIES - CLEMATIS - STAR ROSES Ground Covers ,;... Insecticides - Ko Ko Mulch "'SHADE TREES Peat Moss - Fertilizers V"lSit Our RDa~licI •. Marl.. - ~ w.... and Wo" Ef,1IIdI5 P.M. . 2SG% ff 0 0 1 REGULAR LIST All Our Present Stock I oaay . Paler E. -Tollt hll.rt.""."I••,".I? I Klngswoocl 3-1133 .. "*aa*aaa ••••••• a••*.... • TOMlINSON COUNSELORS ".", ..11. . .4...... s•• ,..... ra.. S \_ LOll rar, aurs . CLOSED SATURDAYS ' theM hours will -m_ through the mOiilh of August. / I • The Camera/ & 10••, Shop- 4 - 6 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, , •• K13-""91 ' Frl-9 A.M. to 8:30·P.M.· Sat:-.-.9 A.M.fo lPoM. \ I e~ ~uffman NEWS NO'TES . . . ,0. and family of Wan. f ta the provl.lloca of Act of Aeaemb\J' No. t-agh Long IsI.nd, N.Y" . FilE" ~"'AlES 300. apprvYOd Moy ". 1.... of lDlonUoo ,Mr. and Mrs. Donald MaUl Is and Mrs. Kenneth lIJ· Reed of North t.rtARSHALL ~~U':o:',,:'~u:''!!:';.!:~.'!!t."'!1 family of Saln~ Petersburg. Fla •• I Chester road e*rtained at a cof· 511 REESE STREET ·bul'll:. Po .• aDd lD Ibt oUlce or the Pro!h..Oo were the guests ,Monday of Mr. and fee and shower Thursday morning MlLMONT PARK. PA"'" or Ihe Cou,," or Common Pie.. 01 Mrs. K. M. Fox of Yoale avenue and of last week in honor of Miss Rose· I T.I.p .... Ibl" •••d I Del'.an Count,.1.... OIl a Wechu:ada,. day 'Of AU.,..I. CerWI.alo the 10' 11th Ihe theJ. H erbert F 0 I eys 0 f H' arvard mary H. Hibbard. whose marriage coaduct of • buaiDeas tn Delaware Count,.. avenue. ne MathiBes were on their to Mr. George Poneroy of Pitts.. PeDlll,lvula.· UDder aseumeclof or fie- way h UUoua name, .tyle or the dl.lgnaUon RICH. orne f rom th e P oc~~os. M r'l burgh takes place on September 3. p __ 'PJUI __,lllDllllllmua_ ....ml_lKI;.,. ARt> ·H. RABNER lUJSOCIATES. "lib tis Mathis was formerly mlDlster of Mr and Mrs Robert L Kelly nd " pztDclpal pia.. of bu....... at :M3 D ..... music at the Presbyterian Church.1tw·h 'Id M' j ' 'd I aof mouUl Ayenue. sw&rihmore. Penna. 'l'be 0 e 1 ren ar orle an A an name ODd &ddT... of Ibe penon o.,alD. Mr. and Mrs. Morris L .. Potts of North Chester road leave today for or IDtereded 6J. aUS bUIne88 Sa Richard' Yale avenue have returned from a Ch'b ' H. Rabner, 1133 Green Valley Road., Hawer. I • . 1 ougamau Reserve, the farthest Iown. Pe""a. 1~12 . cruise on the Great La~es. En route ·point north in Canada for a two home the Potts saw their grand., week fishing and ca';'ping trip. ~OR ~ I5XIElUOR daughter Mrs. Samuel Montgomery, They will join Mrs. Kelly's par· tDELaWAIlB cou~ itt'.s'DTUTlON DISTRICT and Mr. Montgomery. of Syracuse. Ient. Mr. -and Mrs. Herbert Dick. Free Estimates 8ea1~ed ~poeals wW be receJved at. IUle N.Y. Iman of Newt~. Bucks County. OfUce of the COllDt, Controller. Court Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E: Kauffman· who have been in Canada four House, Medla., Pa.. up until 10:01 A M. £Utero Da,Usbt Time, on '!bunday. Aug- of Dartmo~th avenue h~ve as their weeks. En route the Kellys will pick Klngswood 3-8761 . oat. 2$. 1180. fot fum1ab1Dg and deUvedog guests thiS weck theIr oon· and up their other two children Steven Tobacco. to the nela.wa.re county lnIutuUon District.; P.O.B. Pall' Acres Parm, Lima, daughter·in.law Mr. and Mrs. Rog. and Connie who have been··visiting Pa., which _wlU be opened at 11:00 A.M.., _ _ their. grandparents Mr. and Mrs. E.D.T. on that date at F'atr JLcrea Farm, ., AD, BVEBTISEMENT Lloyd E.' Kelly in Brattleboro. Vt. Ltm.p,. Peona., tn the pfeaebCe of the Execu.TIl e 8 ......00 oard.of the 6warl.hmore· . tive and Admlnia&raUve Officers of the Del· RUUedge UD1an School Dlatrlct. 11m receive' At Chlbougamau, the Kell~ plan to aware COUIlt1 InaUtuUon Dlatrlct. Each bid must be accompanied by Cash, bIds at'Ule office of the School Dlatrlct 1z1 take a short canoe trip farther Cert.lfled Good Faith Ch~ck or toy a Cor- the Hlgb SChool BoUding. comer of College north • porate SUl'ety Bond. eltber· one in the and Prlncet.on Avenues, Swarthmore, PenDRichard P Turner, son of Mr. and amount' of ten percent (10%) of the Total sylvailla, up to .. p.m., Wednesday. AUBUSt. ESTABLISHED lin tLm01lDt of &be bid. drawn to the order of 11, 1860 and open the bids at. a meeUDg of Mrs. Robert· J.' Turner of Guernsey °ROOFIN6 'SPOunNS the :Board on Wednesday. AUBWlt 1'1, 1960 ' the Dela.ani County In&UtuUon. Dlatrict. as. 8 p.m. or at an adjourned meeLlD8. for road, will enter the Col1ege of Arts Forma of Proposal ma, be obta1o.ed al. -SUTTERS - SIDING and Science at Lehigh University Ute OUlce of the AdmlDlatrator. Fair Acres bus aenlce and au~o-rlattal equipment. speclflcaUou ma, be aecured between ,; Parm. Lima, PeDDa. - ALTERATIONS a ,ADDITIONS . 'l'he Executive and Admin.l.st.n.Uve QUJ.. • a.m. and 4 p.m. daUy except Saf;Urda,•• '8t Bethlehem 'on September 7. He cera of the Dela.are cotUity lnatttuUon D~ Bunda,. aDd boUdaY8 ..t Cle 8cbool Diatrlct is a gt'I8duate of The Peddie Sehool NT' h • • Idel. reaerve the right to reject and Office. The Board reserves tb~ rlSht to H' h'~SWARTHMORE reject any or aU btda: in whole or 111 part. 19 WlllNwn, ~ .:' w ~re he was ac· all bLda. and \0 award coo.trae&a OD. any itelJ\ or tive in dramaticS an~ glee club. He G. R WA'J'KlNS KI +0221 0. KI 3.0635 llome maldDS upMARION aDY bid.H. CAMPBELL, ;was a f 00tba, II t raek ap d wrestIin-g ALBERT H. aWING QUllnty work with qu.nty mat.rI.r, _ . A. WEJ,BH secretar, of the Board letterman. ExecuUye and. AdmlntstraUve ncnntOU8 X_. EmmTU'ftOX NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN. pu.....n\ :.!: I I I . 'Power Mowers Repaired AT% SERVICE I '0. HOW CHRISTIAN iSCIENCE HEALS' REALTOR NOTARY PUBLIC 900 Michigan Avenue Swarthmore an, KI 3-1112 ...... IliD Officers. CLASSIFIED ADS WILLIAM BROOIS PERSOIAL WAITED I ABbes. and RuIlblBh Removed ; PElRSONAL - Plan constructively WANTED-=- Old fa':'"sh;:";i"'o"'ne-d"-·"'ie""e Mowed. General Ba.ull~11 filr col\ege. If you are biterested cream freezer hand model Call ~A..e. Meftoa, in enhancinlf. your child's education· KIngSwood 4.8115 . ;;.~~~;~~;;,;;;,;: .8266 al opportunities, ~all KI"l!swood AtoITED-Furnished apartment. for further mformatlon. _ 3· W one bedroom with kitchen faciUty Jewelry Repaired Ph.: KI 3-4lI16 PERSONAL - Tennis lessons. eve· in Swarthmore. Call KInl!'lwood 3· Cal) LOwell 6· !.639::..--"";;;-; ....~--. ' 'and weekends._ _ __ FOR SALE EMIL· SPIES WATCHMAKER FIIrmerb of F. C. Bode aDd _ PIne Watch and 128 Yale Ave. Clock Repa1r8 Swart.lUnore. pa. CUSTOM IISTALLATIOIS IIJ H. D. CHURCH I PARI AYE., SWARTHMORE Klngswood 4-2727 ROO FING Gutters . ·.Warm-Air He6Hng Air Conditioning ,Sheet Metal Work George Myers and Co. BOX 48 ~ C b 9 33 ===::L:o=e=:~==5:3==~ Picture Framing ROGER RUSSELL . Photographic Supplies 8TATE .. MONROB 8TH. IIIIDIA LOwell 6-2176 OPEN PRlDAY EVENINGS Edward G. Chipman and Son General Contractor BUILDERS 'Since 1'920' TILE FLOORS· 'USTII TILE FOIIMII. 10UlTER TOPS ROOFI....d SIDII. IUSTOII IITCHEII ADDITIO.S • ALTERATiOn Fret Estt.atll IitO I Ridley Avenue Chester. Pa •.'. TRemont' 2-47-;9 ,..•• _t ~s-. :;t;'3f' PERSONAL - All jobs done. no FOR SALE "6 .. I . job too hard; lawn cutting. paint. 0 . - .. 5 mpenal. fac· ing. garden work. etc. You name it. Mt ry air condltl!lned. full power. only $1.00 an hour. Roy Hartman. 1:"~y extras. PrIvate. LEhigh 4. age 17. KIngswood 3·9370. . -' , PERsONAL ='Carpentry jobbing FO:a SALE - .Frigidaire combina. • tIDn freezer . refrlgera~r. 9 feet . b k recreation rooms t 00 ~ases, fine condition. $60. KIngs wood 4: porches. L. J. Donnell~. KIngswood 6587. ~1:~AONAL _ FUrniture refin. FO£imRi-P their son David ners class: riding Sonny. owned by I mer will join his family next Fri. mer School at Davidson. who has been at Camp Deerwood. the Theodore Widings of Newtown day. . II1rs. Ray Nygard ~f Marietta N.H .• for the summer. They plan Square formerly of Moylan. Sandy Mrs. John Hunnold ,and Eddie avenue left Sunday to make a 10, to spend three weeks camping in Peirsol of Lafayette avenue took the and Heidi of Rutgers avenue were day visit with her mother Mrs. Mar· New Hampshire before returning next class. intermediate. riding the recent guests of Mrs. Honnold's tha Check. and brothers and sisters home. Rocky owned by ROBe Tree. NEWS N,OTES . CRESSON PRICHARD ) I DevOl ••• Win A.,imal bot's milkman. closed the shop to Pat Ridgway of Riverview road retur~ to their respective homes in placed ·third in 'the advanced cla.s Twin Oaks ...nll Chester. and 7 :30 riding her own new horse Septem. a.m. Thursday. when they reopened I ber Night who will accompany her the plaCe. someone had forced the when she transfers from Swarth. overhead door and made off with inore High' School to OIdfields the entire supply of hand tools. School in Glencoe. Md.• September Valued at $1000•.the tools were 19. Mimi Morgan of Harvard ave· encased in a box 28 hiches long. one nue placed fourth in this . class. rid· foot wide and two feet deep. They ing Gallup Point belonging to Rose were in the workshop and seem to Tree. and Mary Lee Coo of Guern· .have been the only thing bothered. sey road placed fifth on Rocky. 'although a door to the inner office On Sunday Sandy Peirsol han. was forced and the dra.wer of a c".li- died her beagle. Valhalla's Cimar. register taken out and placed on ~on Rose. to place ..serve to the toP of tile register. No cash is kept beagle who went best of breed at in the place ·overnight. . the Hunterdon Hills Kennel Club. A College avenue youth paid $10 Show at Flemington. N.J. Sandy. fine liIBt week for 'traveling too .faot who jus! turned 10, also won the for read conditions on Chester road. two trophies offered for first place _ _..,-_ _...."..:_.,;...__ in the novice class of Junior show. IEWS IOTES manship open to children 10 Mrs. Mary and Elinor Bye of through 16 yearS of age. • Yale square returned home last BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE w~k after spending 10 day_s visit. ORDINANCE NO. 115 -Ing Miss Emily Ashman of Manas, quan; N.J . APPROVING THE SUppLEMENTAL Mr. and' Mr•. William M. Bush of AGREEMENT, DATED AS or AUGUST lliGO, :BETWEEN CENTRAL DELADickinson' avenue and '1dr and Mrs. 11, wARE .COUNTY AUTHORnY AND Ray A. Hickox of' G1adWyn spent BOROUGH OF MORTON, BOROUGH PROSPECT PARE, BOROUQH OF the weekend ";siting Mr. and Mrs. OF RIDLEY PARK. BOROUGH OP RUT~ Richard D. Hickox of New Hart· LEeDS, BOROUGH OP SWARTHYORE. TOWNSHIP OF MARPLE. fort. N.Y; TOWNSHIP OF NETHER PRoVl- WFIL R.dl. - 1141 A••• Chlna.1 8-WFIL.TV-8111 A.•• PaHon Roofing Co. . There \Vasn't much, business done at Gregory's Body Sh0l." Yale and Rutgers . • avenues. last Thnrsday. . . G The chief occupation of Lee reg. ory. 30. 'former employee of Rum. sey's garae who purchased the e building and business from Rumsey two months ago. was to find tools with which to work .. It seems that some time between 11 :46 p.m. Wed. nesday when Gregory and hi. as. silltant Don Logeman. former Ab· Dotflitouth oni Lofoyeths A.... Kt 3.Q4.1O·' S;"'rthrnore. Jack Prichard PAINTING I Police News, p... " , 'til 10 .' .;. Aapatl2, 1960 ---------~--------------------------------------- IWomu'. CI. Pres. Hilb School Class of 1980 Decidas i:s Fulu~; Naarl, 95% Will Continua Formal Educalion College; Jack Poole, Fountain Val. to take Mrs. Tibbetts' father Mr. ley School: Frederick Schaeffer, Osear Hansell, their guest for thres Washington and Lee University: weeks, to his home in Hasbrouck • • Heights, NJJ. They spent the day Glen Scutt, Johns Hopkins Univer· sity; Peter Sheppard, Rutgers Uni. Mrs. W. Alfred Smith, president visiting with relatives Mrs. Albert Swarthmore High School's most Art, Louis'- ~elz to the Rhode Is· veralty; Bruce Smith, Randolph. of the Woman's Club of Swartb. L. Stevens and Mrs. H. Henkel, Jr. recent alumni class has for the most land School of Design and Wanda Macon: Craig Smith, Harvard Uni· more h ... announced her chairmen Mr. and Mrs. Neil Barford and part made up Its mind on plans for Nickerson will attend the Adel Reed versity:, William Swartz, Fork Un· for tile year 1960.61. They and their family have recently moved frolll the immediate future. About 95 per. Beauty Culture School. Two otbers ion Military Academy; Elizabeth assistants are as follows: . 521 Elm avenue, to their new home ' cent of the 89-memher class will will study nursing, Gloria Deeble Tibbetts, Beaver College: Ellen American home, Mrs. Robert M. at 207 Rlverv,iew road. The former continue formal education, two will at the Hahn~mann School of Nur· Tolles, Radcliffe College: Amy Fudge; Exchange Sale, Mrs. J. W. occupants of' the Riverview road be working (stiU educational, to say sing, and Roberta Nygard at the Tressler, Temple Un~v:ersity: Betsy Soule assisted by Mrs. F. H. An. house were Miss Margaret Yeatman the least!). Wilmington General Hospitsl. Walker, ~enningt~n College, .and drew and Mrs. 'J. H. Doherty; An. and Miss Martha .Shaw who have Swarthmore College has claimed Janet Snyder will be working 'at Gerald Wlzon, Vdlanova Umver· 1tiques Fair Mrs. H. L. McCune' moved to Drexel Hdl. four for its freshman class in the Scott Paper Company, David Wilkie sity, David Widdowson, Penn's Ag. art, Mrs. james O. Stephens, 1Ml: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Linton fall- Joan Bradbury, Barbara Ed- expects to work for a building con- ricultural School. sisted by Mrs. Robel1t D. Miller and and family of Park avenue are wards, Nell Lee, and Shelby Seltzer. tractor, Douglas Roberts· plans to Mra. Wells ,M. Forbes: attendance, spending the -weekend visiting the Another five - Anne Easl, Joan go Into the Air Corps and,Stuart NEWS NOTES' Alice Marriott: caUing, Mrs. E. D. Richard_Winters in Maryland. Hawkins, Jean Kennedy, Sally Ste. Barford will also probably enter one Mrs. Edward A. Ettinger of Brauns: Cancer dresl!ing, Mrs.:jI. Bill and Margy Deth~off, chil. phens, and Robert Wagstaff - will of the servlees. Shaker Heights, 0., with her chilo W. Clarke; community contact, dren of Mr. and Mrs. LOU1.S I. Deth. meet on the Pennsylvania Sta1R Other choices and destinations dren, will arrive on Sunday to spend. Mrs. J. H. Connor: commnnica. loff of Wellesley road, Wl.1I return University campus. Karin Ward are:' 10 days with ~er parents Mr. and'tions, Mrs. Gordon A. Hughes; tomorrow from Camp Miller and will be going to Penn State at the Jean Anderson, Bucknell Univer- Mrs. R. W. Richardson on Crest drama, Mrs. George H. Jarden; Camp Hagan, respectively, on Ogontz Center. sity; Elizabeth Bennett, University, lane. ' Education, Mrs. H. E. GOldsmith; Shawnee.on.theslatlo.n, Mrs. M. , ...., . . urope. ey ew orne Y J rom H. L' JI'te L more fOrlller" "IIlssmates, Susan sylvania Military College; William R ' .. usse : n rature, .l'Iorence u. Bean and Judith Iteller. Hunter AI. Fuoss, Catawba College; Edward orne. casse; malllng, Mrs. Al1rl'd ,E. . G8rgJU . I0, D rexeI I ns . titu te o· f T ec· h f Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman I·180n and P auI DarI'IDgton are going D rt th h d t LOngwell' _, to Wesley College'· Robert Dawes nology' George Gilmour Franklin 0 a mou avenue a as gues s ·l>J.emo.rship, MM. David Bing. .' " and Marshall College; Susan 'Tu e s d a y Mr. and. M..... John Beene ham' U ,~. • and Carol Zunmerman to GettysGow. ., ' m us IC, M rs. W• .... ...,vron, burg. Nancy and V'irginia Craig ing Denison Univer'sity; Barbara of Jasper, TenD" who were on .theIr l'leed..leWOrk liul.l.~, ?drs. A. :::;lGney • Would you u:ade yourhealth Cor any other pos· have selected Texas Woman's Uni- G~im, Ursinus College; Laura way to Boston, Mass. Jonnson, Jr.; PUb.llCtty, lJr. Jielen ses.ion? Certainly not! It versity; Martin Franck and Hal Hopper, Connecticutt Co 11" ge : Mr. and Mrs. James B. McGinn ,>outn: program, Mrs. Josepll .II. is a treasure far tOO preLawrence the University of Vir. Burke Jackson. Colorado State Uni. Jr., of the Dartmouth House arrived :Shane asSisted by Mrs. TOla: pro. c:ious to I'rice. To " ••p ginla; and Judith ColQll and Limise versity; Robert Jarrett, BOwdoin home Saturday from. a two week pentY,IIIxB. .1(,. T. liateB: remem. }'our health, calIon your Howe, Centenary Junior College. College; Stephen Kamp, Union Col- vacation on Carnival Bay at Stone brance, Mrs. John H. l'ltman; reno Doctor at the fir.t sugges· tion of illness. And be Anne Greer and Caroline Web. lege: Robert Kenschaft. Ursinus Harbor, N..J. ta'S, Mrs. F. H. Anarew; reserva. sure to briog his prescripster are enrolled at Mt. Holyoke College; Richard Kent, Grove City Scott and Oarol Jol1nson of Park tlOns, M ..... L. A. Mcl;aDter; rnytn. tions here, where care· College, Rich"r!! O"key and Mar. College; Candace Kestner, Immacu. avenue are vacationing in Cape mlC exerclse, Mrs.... dward I.;ratful compounding is a tha Tiller at Tuaculum College, and lata College: William Larson, Night May; N.J., wibh their 'grandmother sley; tea table decoratlons, Mrs. A. specialty., Thank youl Walter Schneider and' 'Suzanne Schooi;; James McCabe, Wesleyim Mrs.,'C. B. Christie. They will go 1': llnenlue; travel, Mrs. W. Marl< Stephens at Cornell University. University; Barbara McClarin, Col. to Washington, D.C., where their llIttle: youth .conservation, Mrs. Lois, K1enwell and Iiuth McLeod by College; Barbara Moran, Mil. father Mathews M. Johnson is sta. Antnony M. b·all'l>ankS. CATHERMAN'S will attend 'P~i~ce School of Busi: leraYille State College; Pamela tioned for two weeks with the U. S. DRUG STORE ness. Paul, Ambler Junior College; John Naval Reserve. Mrs. Johnson and Mr. William M. Bush, Jr., of Patricia Narbeth will,go ,to the, Pinkston, • Princeton University; IJohnnie 'and Chris will join them Dickinson avenue will'leave tomor. Klngswood 3-OS86 Philadelphia Museum Ctlllege·of Suzanne Plowman, Bradford Junior in Washington. • row for Inrtiantown Gap, with the' , Flirst Troop, Philadelphia Clty.Cav: ". I aIry, for a two week training ,per~ Mz:s. Would Bout •• .. , ,. lOd. ·here's what· ,our 1 . ,lIlrs. J. H. Tibbetts and children Betty and Burt of South Swarth. avenue left early this week "Y , ou Meet the Nicest People at Speare Bros." , .' EDOMONT AVENUE:""" SEVENTH AND WELSH 8TBEBT11 I, .. ("" , \ t'1IJIA\8t1~~ ~1 •, ,, ,1. , , \ l :' 2. STORE HOURS - Mondays and Fridays, 9:30 to 9:00 .' Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thunduys and Saturday,_ 9 to. 5:30 rr 'i· . ·.·~~8~··· ' • PlANNED, INSURANCE PROIEOioN TO .FIT YOUR. NEEDS. Our profesiI.ohallY train~ experts revieW with youllll your iDsuranCI DUds . . . for family. Jmme and business • .-.lIDd thm.recommend • cuefully planned program based on your individUal requirement&. ...... III this way you get max!m\1lJ1 security against flnanc:ialloa for the mfnlmum COlt. ' " I When accli1ent ~ loa en~gers your Snsncial seturity '1"e ~e it our business to assIIt you perronally in every way posssible • • • ' regardleu of the time of day or night the emergency occurs. Remember. our repbtatioD In this community depends on the way we lerve ~ , 'pe.ter E. Told .69 .333 Darlmouth Ayelaa ....... 1-1833 . ~..,.' ~ .. ~-,.-. , ....... Number 34 (The following is .. contmu..tiori of the ~~~e begu" ~t week. on Mia. V.rg ...... Allen, g.rlB Vkllricul .d.....tion t....,ke-r ..t the Swa.rt/r,. more Schools for 36 1I...rs.) I • Styles and colors to choose from, not every style orcolor in every si%e. REMEMBER MANY BEACH DAYS . AHEAD - - -, - SAVE NOWH .. , " ' . U.OO PER YEAB John A. Schumacher, Borough tax colleclor, reminds Swarth. moreans that in order to obtain the discount on .1960 Real Es. tate, Per Capita, and Personal Mamoriar Service for Mrs. Elsla McWilliams Actiy. Boroughite Had liyed Here 36 Years Shanes Win Tannis Club Man's Doub'.as ',r." H· Ids''0· . rou". Brea·k.ong Caremon, Loca·1 BOld u. ar Eams 'Besl Home' CO.lalo.on AyiSan COrp. Namas R. L. Hildabrand hol~.lD.one ~. sensl~le ~~~~ana, choo~mg ~~. Allth~use,,~ ~o~ a;e~ ~~u~ a~h)e~lc p~~~:~::~:"t!"d~lde AuI. . u-.::, The~ an~::.:n he~d ~~E:~~~:Fl~~W:~ ~nder ~I _ ... it·. . . . . . .~ .2~0'1i'I6iellijlllpi'ta1, at the leader' : : .... '" J&obeit WUIOD Of Dal'fly. help were '.- to Vote? Property Taxes, paymenh must A memorial service for Mrs. Elsie Walter A. Schmidt. Riverview be in his office on or before McWllllams- was held at 8 o'clock laat evening in the Swarth. road, chairman of the Republican Septeinber I. Miss Allen arrived at Swarth. Gllrnet and White Teams Finance Committee of Delaware more Prellhyterian Church. Mrs. Also to Meet Next County, has issued the following Mr. Schumacher IUggested that McWilliams died suddenly on Satmore in 1924,succeeding"Doc"WatenIOn who had taught all the gym statement: anyone who had not, for some urday at 11 BenJamin West avenue, classes from the first to 12th Weekend "M"ny .phone calls have been reo reason. ¥ecoived his tax bill, or Swarthmore, where she had lived gradi.J!, in addition to coaching the ceived in Del..ware County regard. who had lost it, should call him since 1924. She was th'1 widow of k d '" k tb n d ~s TheSwartbmorean goos to ing the "Nixon for President" so that a copy could· be iuued. .. "'conn IL MeWilliams, former Penn. girls in hoc ey an o;>as e a ,an all the boys' sports. Ber duties took press Swarthmore Swim Clnb's Sea· stamps which are being sold for $1 sylvania pas.enger agent for the in "only" the eiementary class..!, colts were dividing into two teams a sheet. Philadelphia region, who died In "Actually, these stamps have no 1927. juniQr and,senior high girls' gym, for their annual intramural meet and of course the hockey and basket- yesterday with "ribbons and all". support of the Republican Cam· Born in Cochranville_ on Febru. ball teams, .. ~ut for about two years, paign Fund Committees. The Re· ary 4, 1887, she was the only child Meanwhile detsils of the 1960 ub C tiC I C nntil the school secured a full p IIcan en ra ampa gn om· of Harry Haney, active common. time coach for the boys, she taught Cup Carnival and Garnet and White mittee of Philadelphia receives 50 ity leader and elder of the Faggs touch football to the seventh and team championship for the follow. cents of the $1 ·per sheet but Dela· Close Match Stretches to Manor Presbyterian Church where eighth graders. ing weekend were being ironed out. ware County, S~ate and National 12th Gllme in Contest· she was soloist for many :rears. The 220.yard freestyle event, divi. receive nothing. 1 d Later she toured' America with a AI the letters testify, there is ded into age groups, will be swum ....State Headquartsrs in ,the near ues ay professional singing group. Mter many a pl>pll who remembers very at 6 :110 Friday night, August 26. future is .endlng out a letter to In spite of threatening sides and marriage she iHlcame an aetive well tbose elementary gym clawissetsh· DivIng events will be held the next all contributors of the ·past asldng poor visibility, the much postponed member of the "Matlnee ~sicaIIn tlae first grade Ol\e" sang, morning at 10 o'clock with the them to disregard the phone calls I CIlub. Philadelphia. priate appro aest ures, .. Wine·dit stroke races following at -1 p.m. For and stsmps which they are reeeiv. final of the Swarthmore Tennis Mrs. McWilliams' love of flowers thi·is way, wine·dit tha·at way ·the second successive year adult . . Club Men's Doubles Tournament needlework led her into active (pick it up and tap, tap, tap)". And classifications will be Included .. _ lD!if anyone should contribute to was played the evening of Tuesday, in allied societies Sa. IOmewhere along the line came mar. P,revious winners of the girls' the campaign, it should iHl through August 16. the Pennsylvania Hortlcol. ebas and rhythm. to music provided champlon.hlp cup are Charlotte the normal solicitation which will Society, the Pennsylvania I If I A small by Mills Al en, a more or ess se • Brodhead 1956 and 1957, Helen take place ·In all communities 1m. .but .enthusiastic crowd I :~~,::~ Garden Club, the Penn. taught pianist (no gramaphon"!! Morrison 1956, Carol WIlliams nledlately after Labor Day. Those was.treated.to flYe hard fought s~ts I, Craftsman's Association, and records for schools In th9se 1968 and Susan Williams 1959. Boy contributions will go 100 percent of flOe tenniS, the outcome of which Swarthmore branch of the days). , champions have been Charles ·Mas. for election purposes. was very much In doubt until the Guild which she served Some remember -the, races, the chall 1956, Rickard McCurdy 1906 "~Nixon for President' stamps 12th game of the. fifth set. director and knitting chairman exercises, playi~g "Simon Says" and 1959, James Foley 1957, and help finance the .City of Phlladel. match was we!! l!layed by both many years She not only en(hands on hips, PLACE I): others David Foley 1958. Whites won the phla Committee but tbe balance teams, and contrastefl tbe steady growing, 'arranging and ex• tbe dodgeball, and for the flfth and team ,bucket In 1956, 1958 and 1959. goes 'into the pockets of promoters volle~ng and 'Placements of the of all kinds but was sixth «rades speedhall. And, for the Garnets were team champions only who are taking advantage of the brothers, Buck arid Larry Shane, especially fond of her herb garden. fint s!:it gracles, the Garnet and once, in 1957. election year." " wi~h the· smashing' services and reo She was an active mel1l~_ j)f White teams (Miss Allen was al." '"', ." _' .• ,,'" '< tu~~~cOeln'ge WlIll!tt!iand Pat the 'Woman'" -Association of the Wal's pink) which she set. up ,I,." ", -, ' Now" A.A.U. Lo.r.l. , ~' iHI' Weloh Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, 1928 :Wtth'·theFleld Day helcliate Five Swarthmore Bwim "CIJlb 0 Aru;r Willetts and Welsh had member. of the Order of Eastern ia May. . ," me';'bers, swimming for Buburlian taken the first two sets, the Shanes was formerly active with the Some, whose memories don't go Swimming Club Sunday evening, stemmed the tide and carried the Soroptimist Club of Old Chester, back so far as elementary school helped Suburban b01!,'·,tell.m place ' d third and fourth sets. In the fifth and maintained an arden interest still remember the junior and senior first 'and the girls' team third in Gilt Stllrts Procee ings set both teams held service with in the Sunnycrest Boys' Home at high gym classes, the formation the first annual A.A.U.. Age Group for New Wing in the Shanes staving off two match Cheyney. marching, the tap routine, (when Relay Carnival sponsored by the N. Providence points in the 10th game. Then in Surviving are two sons, John H. the school finally did acquire a pho. recreation department of the Board 'the 11th game the Shanes broke of Princeton .and Benjamin West nograph-) ~ one year it was "Nola". of .Park Commissioners and the Ground-breaking ceremonies for their opponents' service and held avenues, Swarthmore and Lt. Col. another "The Umbrella Man", and Wilmington Aquatic Committee, at the new addition to the Helen Kate their service in the next game to Harry H. who returned from his who knows what it's been Blnce? the 50.yard Price Pool, in Wilmlng. Furness Free Library, Nether Provo win the set and match. The score States Army post In Japan There were also those "slimming" 'ton, Del. . idence. were conducted _Tuesday was' 3-6, 6.8,0..3,6.0, '1.5. 'the'funeral, and five grandehil. exercises, also done to music, and Marcia McCurdy was one of four evening at 7 p.m. Attending the cer· , dren Mary Margaret, John C; anti I<> sum it all up the Gym Night, members of the winning 200.yard emonies were members of the Lib. William H., Swarthmore: Mrs. ReUSually in March, when the gals, freestyle relay for eigh,t-and.under. rary Board, 'residents of the com· becca Kahler of Libya and Harry and the boys too, would demon- 'Beth Wectively. spendmg the weekend VIsIting Mr d f C D d N H' lUa,awOGd 3·0440 Dartmouth and i.ef.yaH,· Aven.1I ",_ , h M F B G en rom amp eerwoo, ~., Mr. Willmot W. Craig and two ""arhort s mot er rs. . . ear· where they h'ave spent the summer. Closed Saturdciy. at"12:30 P.M. daughters Nancy and Ginny, of hart of Palmerton. Mrs. Robert D. Hulme' and sons I :~;;;:;;;:=;;;:=;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:=;;;:==;;;:;;;:;;;:==;;;:=;;;:=;;;:=:::: Chestn,ut avenue leave. today for Mrs. F. H. Forsythe of Thayer Randy and Michael returned Sat-I, Dallas and Hamilton, Tex .• where road entertained at ... shower Thurs· urdRY to their Haverford place they will visit ~ith relatives. On day in honor, of Miss Rosemary home from a month's vacation in S~ptember 11, Nancy and, Ginn?' H~bbard of S~uth Chester road who Ogunquit, Me., as the guests of Mrs WIll ~nter the Texas Women s U~I. WIll bemarl!e~ to Mr. George ~. Hulme'.. parents Mr. and 'Mrs. H. • versltyat Denton, Tex. Mr. Cralg, Pomeroy of PIttsburgh early m E. Kenyon. Mr. Hulme joined his family for two weeks in July. who will be staying at the home of September. his father·Mr. R. E. Craig in Hamil. Mrs. William T. Salom and three IIRTHS ton, will return sometime in Sep. children of Haverford place will Mr .. and Mrs. Peter B. 'Murray of tember. leave Sunday to spend three weeks , Mr. and Mrs. William R. Huey visiting Mrs. Sal om's parent.s Mr. Park aV~~:Je are receiving congrai:' of Dickinson avenue have returned and Mrs. N. M. Pier.pont of Water. ulations on the arrival of their third child and second daughter, Susan from .. three week tonr of the Gaspe bury, Conn. Peninsula. They spent several days .Mr. and -Mrs. Charles Schrader Carol, who was born Thursday, Au~ cruising down the St Lawrence and of Magill road are taking a trip gust 11,· in the Delaware County '. up the Saguenay ri~ers, llnd af.ter to Arapahoe, N.C., this weekend Hospital. The little girl is a granddaughter three days in the city of Quebec to pick up their son, J B. who has visited Gaspe fishing villages such been at Camp Sea Guli fo; the past of ·Mrs. J'0I1n. M; Pe.arSO/l of Cor· neU avenue and Mrs. Fred J. Mur· as Riviere.an.Renard and Peree. four lWeeks ray of Yale avenue. Following a three day stay in Fun· . . . I P It th . 'ted M ·Mrs. George A. SmIth of Malletta d Nat' y , lo~a al'l, ey VlSI. r. avenue entertained at a coffee last . Huey . s s,ster and her famdy at wee k'1n h onor 0f M rs. Edwar d Cor- . Mr• and Mrs • Edward Mahler of theIr summer home on Cape A. nn. ne\.IUS 0f MBrie . tta avenue Wh 0 h as Academy road have announced the Mr.• and Mrs. F. M. McLarty of . st t ed f re urn romt a· ' riP to E urope.. arrival of their third daughter' Lee Obe r 1In avenue returned. S· unday JU Fr' d d . hbo . 'ted Ellen , who was born on Monday, ,. len s an nelg 1"9 were InVl· f rom a month s vacatIOn at Booth to h b t th' f I h August 8 in' Sacred Heart Hospi. B Barbo M ear a ou eIr onner ne g • . .' ay r, e. bors, the Peter Millers, in London. tal In Chester. Dr. and Mrs. Frank G. Keenen of M nd Mrs. IIIelVln ' K • Wh'te --I· • H arvard avenue h a d as t h e Ir guesta I thr. a d h'ld Ch . t' d Mr. and Mr •. W. Thomas•'Morna . . ea er· an c 1 ren rls lne an .' for a few day~ thIS week tbelt ~9n. Jerry of Ogden avenue returned. of . Troy,. announce the ~Irth ~f in a variety-of labrics and daughter.)D.law Mr. and Mrs. S t d f tw k taO t their thIrd daughter, Jdl Fair· · a rtd two of t h' auray a J ow . . . M' ya weather, . .August ' 11. Ch arIes B K eenen eIT ~ G rom N vi 't' on Thursdey, 'ld C' th' d G f ""ean rove, .., Sl lUg rs.· . . ch I ren a enne an arry 0 Wh'tel th ' ta P f 'Mrs Mor..s IS the former Miss D'IX· ••• . gf'IeId , Mass. Mr. Keenen, W h 0 er s paren ;;;~.~~;;~~~;;;;~~;;~ S pnn dI 'Mea W'll' 0 k rof essor N reeeived his Masters Degree on Fri. ~n ~'k ~ ;am nc en 0 . ew l"""""""""'~"~ day, August 12, from th Springfield runsWlc. .• . Fe; M••A11IIIsnSCBlPnOIl College, Springfield. Mass., will IMr. and -Mrs. Leroy T. Wolf of Cell move with his family on September Park ave;,ue had as guests for a ,1 to Wellesley. Mass. He will be as. short whIle Mr. and Mrs. Harold IIBI, LLOYD E. nUFFIlAI si.taM· to the 'Deart of the School Griffin of Lincoln, Neb. The Grif· KI ]·2080 of Public Relations and Communi. fins left Wednesday. ~~~ 1t -ea1:ions of Boston University, Bos· •.1UOWllmUIIDIIIIIUIDIiDlAllnnmoallIllWUDIUIIIIIH.l . ton, Mass. l!' . Lana Kay Ahrensdorf, daughter ~ of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy W. Ahrens· dorf of Yale square, returned Sat· Served Daily i! urday from two weeks at Camp hoth Hot & Cold Dlshe.K Hagan at Shawnee-o~.the.Dela. \ ware. Mr. and .Mrs.. AUen CoUer and son Rusty of Bryn Mawr a.venue l! • 5 tI E spent the weekend with Mr. and JIIrs. Philip Kniskern of Walling· ford a.t Buck Hill Falls in th" Poco· Ce.lral beachfro.t locatio.. measl,e g 1= nos. sandecks••a e.I'le for paal ar acel. .llhing. 'a.lsld. Cof., l'rinle e. IThursday 5 to 9 • Sunday 3 to P ersofItJ Is i"'" t"'fl:ttf f!. DlCI .FRANCHETn _' TELEVISION. ~o Th e'.Bouquet B~ttTv' SALON i ".duo ......... ......... SAFETY AUTO SERVICE !Dr J. H.;lid~I\.Fal!s,in fnmd~ ~ !a:1III~~~~=~~I~~.~\I~\I\I:drea'F~ . 8th, 1960 up new ; . sep~ ~~!'l ,:p.oA~ uu.:n~iv~e~r~si~ty~p~ar~k~·iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii·~~~~~~~~:~~~~~i No Ad ThisWeek avenue is in Taylor Hospital con· valescing from a broken leg sus· .Mrs.' John McQuade of Walling· \ Pam Dodd of .Media, her cousin tained in a fall on Thursday night ford and' 'Mrs. Hugh Peters of Susan ~reitling. of Wallingford, of last week.. North SWarthmore avenue enter. and Oar~line Gillespie, also of WaU·1 t,;;;",;;;",;;;",;:;",;:;",irlr",****:.i*;;;*;;;*H*;:;,.;*irlr,.*",:;i,.;;;,.;;;,.;;;*H",H",HO tained their garden club at'a lunch· ingford, returned ·to their homes eon Friday in honor of M~s. 'Martin thi's week from Chambersb~rg Johnson of Wallingford who will where they had been vacatlonmg move to Governor's Island, N.H. at 'Camp Robin Hood. ALL LIliES OF IIIUBAlIE I'M ON VACATION The Store Never Takes a Vacation DROP IN AND CHECK Peter E. Told * * The Camera & Hobby Shop IU Dlrtllouth AVII.I, Sw.rtll.,,. Klngswood 3-1833 FINAL WEEK! '*''''A''''''''''''A* •• ",,,, •• • , . ~,,,,.,,,,.I 4 - 6 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. KI 3.4191 Fri.-9 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. . Sat.~9 A.M, to I P.M: • Go·odWafer 'Is Hard To Find . • -- emu Dr a -.. ,. . -kshire stocking Thursday, August 25th he didn't provide for the future. The Philadelphia Su'burbon Water Company . BuHet Luncheon I I ~·7~ l i SPORTSWEAR DOT HOPE HATS $1~5 Springfield Water for its growing num- It. won't happen again . for another year! The Ingleneuk NEWLY AIR-CONDITIONED. Irml It beae', leeal water I. all "I~i: Tllia b.ds wIlli bllh fllldlUI ji,d. All., $8.511 Eurap ... ncb. Atia. Ii. City 5-1211, i. N.Y., IIU 2-4141. . IDllrlborollgb.:tI3lenbeim ON THE IOAIDWA1.K. AtlANTIC CITY . Enjoy Our Delicious Food in.Comfort ·K. J-4569..... , , M:'~~' Ovrr !SO Yell'1 ." Samo OvrneJ.lltip· Ma:.a£em~~t ~:.P' . IV'".. &So",LId. Jos; •• I ture of hundreds of thousands of dollars are on the drawing boards-a pledge that there will be plenty rn- from Berkshire's of top·quolity water for ... " all of us in the years ! new selection of As advertised in 1!111 HERE'S WHAT yOU S~VE! I • REG. 1.50 ... NOW 1.19 ... 3 pairs 3.49 REG. 1.65 ... NOW 1.29 ... 3 pairs 3.79 , DO yOU KNOW? Q-What Is Ihe Philod~l!lhia Suburban Waler Company's total utility p1an. invest••", per customer? . A-It was $478 per customer in 1959. compared to $275 in 1950.. Mt o/r SPRINGFIELD , $2.75 JOYCE LEWIS Dress Shop THE WILD lOOSE Route I, Baltimore Pike (4 t6a. W. . of ...... CI a•• 011 .. 1i'.Aft ~. , . PHilADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER COMPANY s"'~rthmore,"a. .. J ' • SlOb HOURS, 9:30 to 1:30 " R\OAY NI6HlS '11L 9 pJ,t. 1. . . . . .'.·'.r"~·'.'.:.'.;··.·..~i~';.I~:'j~·'.·· ... . .. '.. ~.~ 104 Parlt Avenue Swarthmore. Pa. 13 South Chester Road . ahead. I 1.35 ... NOW 1.09 ... 3 pairs 3.19 • ~ ! beautiful atoc1ilng coiol'S, too! REG. ;". .........11"./ :,:,,",/' .. ~/ ·P. S. JEWELRY by MONET a ber of customers. Even noW other major expansion plans involving the expendi- Buy sheer seaml!ls8 and full-fashioned Berkshire' stockings now.;'" and. save! Berkshire's sensational once-a-year sale ends next Saturday! I Bft u et D"Inners did, though, and spent millions of dollars to insure an abundant supply of Pure ends September 3! BARD LEY SU ITS . . .This poor bird's in bad shape because 'FALL DRESSES ~ ..~. ' , 3 of Dr. and Jane Mr. and Mrs. Arlhur W. Collins I~:,~!~! of North' %>ue gU It ... Tile s _ r t l l _ "... . 1Mt ~a:v .,n :e1ector may _ve trom one election cll8tr1ct. to another children Liz, Decky and Jack o f . 'Ind f~estyle. D.lbby, a In mler to be permitted to vote In. the new election llI8trIct at the General Electton. Persons moving after tbts date may TOte· In 'Old election 604 North Chester road will move year younger, also .,;on In a free . • . West Hartford, Conn., Tuesday, style swimming race and placed .u8trtct If othel'Wlse qUaWled. August 23, where Mr. Ross will as· first in a diving contest. . ri ....'" . .• sEi>'tEMBEB 16Ua sume the position of executive vice' .Mr. and ,Mrs. A. David ~ Speer. bring'in your PORT .. J,eat..!layaU electws may register to vote at the General E1ectl,on.lp:residEint of Moore's Wholesale, In. and family of Drew aveDue, reo Tbls.1nc1udes eIeccoxa.ho will become of 'age' on or before November 9th. corporated, located in Hartford. last week from a tilree and TYPEWRITER fora chec:k· 1960. '. Z . ··,Mr. and Mrs: Charles Shaw re· half week'camping trip through before school 8lU"l'Jl NBER itIh to their home on Ogden ave· Maine, New Brunswick, Prince Ed. nue Saturday following eight weeks ward Island, and Nova Scotia .in Last day for an elctor who has removed Into a new electlon district In Ann Amor, Mich., where Mr. Canada': .' '. " I. to giVe .,otice to the RegIstration Comm'sslon In order to be permitted to Shaw taught in the School of Lib· Mr. ~nd' Mrs. Rohl!rj;' 1,. 'slither. vote .In: the new election dl;;tJ1c~ !lot .j,be P,eneral Election. The removal Science at the University o f ' ~.. . . card must set forth a re!nova! date'lnto the election district wblch of North ..Cnester ~oad have -., . as their guest until September cannOt' be la~ than september 9th. . '. . . .... .. ,.. .... Mr, Richar.d~. lJ,aig, son of -Mr. ; ... COlJRT BOU8E BOURS . and ·Mrs. Richard G.Haig of River. Mr. Sdtherhmd's mother Mrs. R. .Sal.. ,. ~ smloi , ,. BI"'~I ... ar biiSlii~;hoilriup'Ji ..ndlDcl~diiik !.l:ori'day. 'september /.,;.m road, with his wife and three Sutherland 'of N'ewark, N:.T., :wn,,' MO~through Frlday-9:00 A.M. to 4:SO p:lW."'ll:oi!etber with .such I,Wbed, .rohn, and Jeffrey of been here three w.eeks.··' Swarthmore .' . .. . .. add1ti"nal hours as designated bel<>y(: Westfield, N.J.,. will sail on the Mr. and Mrs.j~ro"'e :i!:Smith of Typewriter Service Quee" Mary Wednesday. for Lon· North Chester roa'd returned last August'l9tb-lM~ ........ : ............: ........ 7:0jl~-¥. to D:.OQ.PM. En..land, where he will repre. weekend fr~m attendipg a week's 10. .2 'lfll A¥t., S••rtli ••I", • ugns....-..t· 20'~ . ' ....'.. . .. .... -,."., "00 Noon , •.• __ th'eq E,so Research and Engl. . ... aY . ........ . .. .. i·oo . N.WL to 12,.. 01> modem fiction for .the AUK1Dst.26th-FridaY ........... ·.... L·.:.·.... ·..·... ·.. 7:00 PM. to D:oo P.M. .Company: They .expect tol~::t~~~~;l~:o~f~adult education at Phon. ·liAr. Hudson - KI 4-,,,10 A~t 2'Ith-Sa~~y' ........... '.; '.':','" ........ '.' .II:C)O·AM. to 12:~Noon remain.in .England two years. I' State Universitf, ......................... to 9;00 Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Brown septiember 10th-Satulda.y ..................... 9:00 A.M. to 12.:00 Noon arrive tomorrow from Urbana, II sep~l>er 16th I:day I:; .... : ................... '.. 9:00 A:M. to 9:OQ P.M. to spend a week 'with JIIr. september 17th turday ....... ·············· 9:00 AM. to 12:OONoon Brown's parenta Mr. and Mrs. J. JtOVJNGBi:GlS~ WILL sit Paul Brown of Walnut lane. 1n a..ueaz-TneIIda,., September 13, 2:00 to 9:00 PM., FIre Bonse IMrs. Fred J. Murray of Yale .. • 11=·ot lJIIal)'lba. CI!llf .., . c. •• tI daach- PlJIIUSHED EVERY FRmAY AT SWARTHMORe, PENNA. • PETER E. TOLD, MARJORIE TOLD. Publghen Phone KIngswood 3-0900 PETER E. TOLD, Bditor B. ~NT, Ma.,.,."ifIg Bditor Rosalie D. P.lrsol Marjorie T. Told Jeannette V. Howe Susan Drlehaua ~ Entered .B Second Claas Matter} January 24. 1929. at the Post Office at Swarthmore. Pa .• unaer the Act of March 8, 1879. DEADLINE- WEDNESDAY NOON Fla., . cile4 on T:un~:~,'1 :~tt·re~Mrs. Robert T. Colyer of fie. Augi,st at the ap of 60. .' .... . Wash.• aDd th_ 'grandc:hi]. Mrs. attended' the Friends'! d,,e"; School in W5lmlngotOn, Del.,' and was graduated 'from Swarthmore . ~ tl!t e1a.. clf 1922. She :'I••EIIEI ••,1 ILI... nll wall a m.lIe r ~tIJ".Swarthmore ,.' T' HOM SEREMIA' lebapterot·~4ppaKappa Gam. Questions Facb Sorority. . 10 V.... of S_rfII...... 1l1it.._ To the Editor: She Ie survived by ber husband Mor. Tloan J5 V....• Esper/M.. Helen ill. Cerroll's letter pubW 1'--E NO . a ...." . es. U. S. A r m y ,All , , ..... 10 ,,_ Ihi "" ...., Ii a. h d inTh. Swarthmorean. Au. Iretir.ed; her mother Mra. Frederic ". un or ...., pone. . . .,..."Iden. 6. stated that fifteen years Gawthrop of.()gd'.n av~nuel.her ... pt ••,.. .1fIII....' ;.:......;::::::s========:;:::; UPHaL ST ER Y bomb. ____. '200.000 people killed by r'~r,'M~rs~'~F~r~ank~~F'~'~W~iI~de~b~U~Sh~O~f~;~'~~;;I~H~~~I'~I~H~"~L~l1iM~ I.....,.;--...;.--------______________J..I-''''oSheHiroshima said she also were understood • SWARTHMORE, P:ENNA., FRIDAY, AUG. 19,1960 . 'HIIITIAI IIIII.E IOTEI The healing pqwer of spiritual undenltandlng will b. explained. at Cliristian· Science churehes Sunday In the Lesson.sermon on "Mind," Which concludes the curr.nt series devoted to synonyms for God. Christ Jesus' response to the cen. tunon who asked help for his pal. sled servant will be inclUded in the Bible readings: "And JeSU8 said un. to the "enturion. Go thy way; and as thou bast bell.ved. 80 be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour" (Matt. 8:13). ·From "Science and H.alth with ~ey to the Seriptur.s'· of which Mary Baker Eddy is the author. the , , MITHOIIIT ••TlI The Pairs" Spares. young group. will have a swimming .at CopPClCk's Pool. Media, today. be. ginning at 7;p.m. . Church Sehool classes for all ages will begin at 8 :46 a.m. and morning .worship will begin at 10 o·c1ock. '1IIr. Kulp will give the Ber. mon. Mrs. Charlotte KnoPP. so. p""no soloist, will sing "0 Lord Remember ·M.... Th. Senior Youth Fellowship groUP. will meet at the home of Wayne Conner.' 602 Morton av,'. nue. at .6:3(1 p.m. for the regular evening program.·· TIIIIIT' IDTEI of the drop plane i. now hOI""I insanebeeause of his dr.,ad'l feeling of guilt. 'May I refer her to an article the New York Times. Sunday. Au. gust 7. accompani.d by a photo of pilot, Brig. Gen. Paul W. Tib. Jr.• and the bomber. Col. Thom. as W. Ferebee. both of whom are at MaeDIII Air Base In Tampa. Florida. The article that the Hiroshima bomb death to more than 100 •• . Japanese. The U.S. News and World Report, August 16, gives the kill.d as. 78.160, the injured 8S 37,426. and the missing 18.983 total 129.668. I do not mean to disci-edit a reo following (0180:25): selection will be read •, "When man IS . governed by God. the ever·present Mind who under. stands all things. man knows that with God all things are possible. The only way to this living Truth. which heals the sick, is found in the Science of divine Mind as taught and demonstrated by Christ Jesus." An invitation is extended to,all to atte~d service~ at First Church of Ohrtst. ScientIst. 206 Park ave· nue. at 11 o·cIClCk. There will be a atcelebration person. quarrel with Holy Communion 8 a.m. of Ispect<,d the purpose of nor her toletter. though 9 a.m. -Sunday morning. A service not altogether in agreement with of Morning Prayer will be held at But I believe if facts are used 10 :16 a.m. At 8 p.m. there will be I ~::~i:: a point of view. the facts a service of .Evening Prayer and" be reasonably accurate. Word. JAM'ES H. HORNADAY. The ushers for the services will 310 Dickinson Avenue be as follows: At9 a.m.-J. N. Nutt. head To Serve Humanity usher; B. >Dangerfield; C. C. Mear· To the Editor: kle. J. Piccard. W. L. Chill'Ch, H. W. I believ. that your publication Jackson; at 10 :16 a.m.--.T. L. Cor. would be willing to cooperate in a nog. head usher; S. D. Clyde. T. W'!WIll'U,V thought to serve humanity Hop.p.r. J. S. Porter. A. S. Mowery. writing an arlicle covering the CHURCH SERVICES J. P. Stamford. facts: PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH There will be a aervice of Mom· .puring the past s~veral years D. Evor Roberts. Minister ~ng Pray.r a~ 9 :16 a.m. and a servo Swarthmore branch of Red Robert O. Browne. Assoc. MlJJlater Ice of EvenlDg Pray.r at 6 p.m. has furnished biood to a memo and Minister ofChrl.Uan Education each day Monday through Friday. of my family and In considera. S_ay, Aucust :n tion thereof in the newspaper death 10:00 A.M.-Morning Worship and .RESIYTERI.I IOTEI notice for my wife who passed aWay Baptism The Morning Worship will be on July 10th we requested our 10:00 A.M.--chnrch Sehool. held at 10 o'clock Sunday. A half friends to send a contribution .to Taeoday. Aupst 23 hour of' fellowship will be held on Swarthmore brench· of Red 9:00 A v -Mnrninrr Praver the church lawn fte th rvi . . W.....esd.y. A~ U ' a r • se eo. losteaq of aendll~ flowers Churo~ Schoo~ classes will meet the result that a gOodly sum 10 :00 A.M.-Bandage Group at 10 0 clock WIth classes for the was received "~TJfOmRT CJfURCH ,c'hildren through the junior lev. In several ;onVersations with Mrs The Rev. John C. Kuh,. Mlnlater el. Child Care will be provided by K. Morse treasurer . W BeV..i!dlstawartd p • !hom a trained Bupervisor through this me that the id~a coincided with n as"",r hour Charles S c h i l l e r ' . her ·thoughta and If more people MlniRter of Music The. summer volunteer chOIr will could be influenced through an arti. Sunday. Aacust 21 rehearse at 9 a.m. before the Mom· in your pUblication humanity 8:46 A.M.-Church School cla_ ing Wo~hip service. he better served. 10 :00 A.M -Gabriel Simbine of MornlDg Prayers are held In the Your cooperation will be greatly Airi.. will preach. church sanctuary on Tuesday mom· appreciated. TRINTTY CHURCH Ing from 9 to 9:30 a.m. All are Very truly yours TJ,p Rpv. T,avtnn P. 7.lmm.~ RPI't"" cordially welcome. WM. M.I{"NATZ The Rev. Georee R. McKelvey, The Bandage Group will meet W SUDda~~:'st 21 __e_d_n_es_da_y_a_t_l_0_a_.m_._ _ _ _ _ _'.:'l.:S::..a::.."'::.::.l.:.t.::in.::.::.7'.::"":.:S:.:w:.:a:rthmo1'-==:.:... 8:00 A.M~Holy Communion 'M .P,.·IC1·' rv;-. ...... yew II..... . liMit 4IIil"tl... ... ·ai. . . ..... .. . OLIVIa"~ ·.AIR CO ••••l1nN...... ·"'ii ;,. • , lIe c ••lfNi" ·"IIIY 'HI ' '. .1. Telephone TRemont 2-7206 At. 10' BEN 'ALMER t: AZALEAS YEWS - RHODODENDRONS HOLLIES - CLEMATIS - STAR ROSES GrOlind Covers - Insectikides - Ko Ko Mulch . SHADE TREES . . Peat: Moss - Fertilizers _. ~ j .• . " Visit Our Roadside Market ..:... Open Weekdays . . and Weekends until 5 P.M. . ="_,, 9:00 A M-:R'nlv r.nm"""nion w..s. COUNT YOUR ,··BLESSINGS ONE BY ONE ALL DESERVE ia the title of a bookie' which I1118wers the variOIl8 queatiollB 80 many people ask UI. We'll gladly III!DCl you a copy without obligation, if you Planned ProtecTiont ..y "yea" by mail or tAUpbone. ,.Planned insurance protection is part of tho I'.rson Cheater road have returned hom. after a week's fi.hing trip at Cut· tyhunk Island, Msss. Gary Baskin. son of Mr. Mrs. Albert Baskin of Va.sar ave· nu. returned Friday from a two week trip to Orlando. Fla.. wit\> his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs Norwood Solly of Penn.auken, N.J. ,Mrs. Russell H. K.nt and her daughter Miss Bamara B. Kent of Dartmouth avenue with Mr. and Mrs. Peter &,. Told of Park avOllup spent the weekend aboard Mrs Kent's cruiser Able Minnie .V· on the Chesapeake Bay. ·Mr. Harvey Lampert. brother of Mrs. Jerome B. Smith of North Chester road. will be married thi. Sunday in Merion. The couple will reside in the Drexelbrook apartments. August · • II SpecIc. With just one finger you can instantly commAnd the services of countless specialists •.. operators, switchmen, engineers ••• and the biggest and most complex communications network in the world. A tremendollS investment in plant and equipment awaits your individual wish. It costs little to use, but its value is almost impossible to measure. This value is constantly increasing as a direct result of sound JDADagement and an orgoDiwtion of men and women alert for opportunities to utilize the findings of research to improve the service and to help hold down costs. Examples of such progress in the art of communicatiollB include Direct Distance Dialing; faster., more trouble-free service; ever-improving standards 9f clarity; fewer atorm-caused service interrUptions. Moreover, improvements like these-and there are more to come-stand as eloquent evidence that your telephone is now and will continue to be one of the biggest values in your household or business budget. 20%, DisCOUDIIII. • BOOKWAYS 417 Da.rhnouth AYe. _ . '." •••-----------.....;~' THE.ELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENN8~LVANIA Your neighbor. enlarging your world through .,nle. and .elene, . • . .. liI:~. ';:'lt~~all ~:b:~~::~::;=::;';::~:;~:~~~~~!!!~ .,:;' • •QaLIC BllalJlCl .'. elth. Del...... COWS" _ioU,", I!I'.Mr. '1JiMl Premlaei Norlb 8140 01 Dartm",,1b " ••Due "U"O._ ...hI .. rejoc...... ""d f.Yd h . ·,o",.\;t"EuIO, Ob......· "';'Due all blda. . ' 0 •. . " ... p..Uc '10..... "W ... bold In COUDcU O. 1\ WATlIJNS Tuesday afternoon from a D cti.dJ.be"Z', BOrOU'.b ir:ail;'d ... iWmore;' .... ALBERT H RWINO "-,~ p.Yn Mawr Avenue, three bright bedrooms, mod. WANTED .base for china closet, S~~~:~~~I ern f:iirge kitchen with dishwasher, one and· a half WANTED '-.,.. BOy. 16.18 with dri.work bench, $5 Call )lr. bath$,. paneled family room, laundry 'room, garage. ver's license, part time. Apply KIngswood 3:4800 at the High Open' for inspection 1·4 p.m. Saturday, August 20. !~;;:~~i~n~p~e:rson. Michael's Col School, Monday through Friday, CUSTOM INSTALLATIONS IIJ Swat·thmore. from 9 A.M; to 3 P.M .. _ STENOGRAPHER FOR SALE -" Used Jazz-L·.P'.; to be SECRETARY ttco~;'~ab1i~~~~:~i very reasonable. 516 Walnut Lane, lawyer who Is .with an e KIngswood 3·4444. REALTOR 3 PARK AVE" SWARTHMORI law firm in Mcdia. Experience not FOR SALE - Peac!lces.EI Rancho Klngswood 3-1112 900 Michigan Avenue Klngswood 4.2727 needed but ability to learn is essen· Orchards, Providence Road, one ~~ ~::::::::::::~ltia1.Telephone Employment· ..bout September mile nor,th of .Rose Trce. near Med· Miss Douglas, LOwell ia, for appointment.. ~F~'O:-;R'""S"'A-;L"'E;:;-::""1:;-:1;;5"'V=oIUt-."on"'c-;:')lo"r=se WANTED _ Y -Church. The Rev. Robert O. Browne administered the sacra· ment. The .ponsors were 1Ilrs. Charles Oertel of Wilmington, Del., and Mr. Hugh Geibel of Neenah, WI.. •• • • 'Y u, this i. a DruB' stOl;e (ot.every memo 'bet' of your house- : : : hold, Youn'g and • old' alike will like' • our eourteous. com· : petellt sel'Yice, oW" : ample slocks and • uniformly fait prices. • •• " c.. CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE Klngswood 3-0586 Oushilg Named Igr. Alumal HOlor Of 'Training atScoH Miss Allen John P Cushing, Drew avenue, hae, been named to the position of manager of training in the indus· trial relations division of Scott Pa· per Company. 'In this capacity, Mr. Cushing will be responsible for de· veloping and coordinating training programs throughout tbe company. Cushing received his bachelor's degree from Cornell University and his Master's degree from the School of Business and Public Administra· tion of Cornell University. After ,.\'ol1lP!etinl!' liho studies at Gomell, CDshlDg J~I?ed the com· pany as a s,lesman m the Boston marke!. H~ subse,quently ~~~e~sed through sever~1 managerial assign. ments in retail sales and In July 1956, he, was, named to -the post of management ,training supervisor. in the company s Corporate Trainmg and Development Department, a P.'lSt he has held until the present tIme, Dr. Charles H. Elliott Dr. Charles H, Elliott, father of Mrs. Herbert D. Brown of River. view, road, diei! Saturday, August 13; in' the Burn Brae Hospital, Pri. mo. where he had been a patient for the I';"t year. , A native of Bloomington, Ill., Dr, Elliott was a retired New Jersey State Commissioner of Education He is' survived by Mrs. Brown, and another daughter Mrs. Bren. dim Griswold of Corpus Christi, T ' ~;';rvices were held Monday even· ing in Clifton Heights: Burial was held in New Brunswick, N. J. I '=============='::=:'::"::=-===:::':'::::":':':':':'_-' new '!TAVE on Ea.gmont Avenue \::-...-..-" SHOP 619 Edgmont-Chester , , Are FOOTBALL SOHEDULE YOU Saturday, September 24 Madia 10:00 A.M.:.-tiome Saturday, October I Collingdale 2:01) P.M,- Away Saturday, October 8 Clifton Heights 2:00 P.M.- Away Saturday, October 15Veadon Saturday, October Saturday, October 22 Ridley Parlt 29 Sharon Hill 10:00 A.M.-Home 2:00 P.M.-Away 10:00 A,M.-Home Saturday, Novem'ber 5 Darby Saturday, November 12 Nether Providence 2:00 P.M.- Away 10:00 A.M.-Home Thursday, November 24 Lansdowne. 10:30 A.M. -Away , •• < " : ' , You'I1 enjoy a completely different atmosphere in our traditional decor, •. it's designed for shoppers who like to browse, You'I1 be thrilled with the wide selection of quality clothing and furnishings for men .•. also marvel at the handsome tailored sportswear for women. '! ... " Make a note to see Murray's de.,,. .:., .ligbtful new Madison Shop at 619 Edgmont Avenue in Chester when it opens next week .•• you'llove it!· ,", . "" ,' . ~,. ,-" ' .... - ..; .... Gat y ......... copy of tho artlcl. fro... CAR LI" Ma,culno • • • at your OLD. D. .I.r'1 nowl WmT'n"KF.R OLDSi INC' . iiiiiliiJC .iNNffiVANil _____; ; ;___;. - UI W. B<DlOaafAVE, Burgett, class of 1939 thought Mis'l i"---;;;;;-;;;;;--=~--;;;;;--;;;;;;;;;;;;; Allen should be remembered. Nor II I is it, surprising that the response was so overwhelming. , Many came flocking around to ·visit her when she was sO ill, solicitous of her health, (all that gold running around h:er veins), reo ;"em'bering .the fun, the colorfui Octobers and Novembers spent run· ning up and doWn the hockey field; the green field in the spring, in la· "You Meet the Nicest People at ,Speare ,Bros." crosse season, climbing over the railroad fence to retrieve a ball from moJilONT AVENtIB - 8EVENT11 AND WBUlB 8'l'aDI'II . '-" the poison ivy, the races round and round the goalie cages, or looking STORE HOURS - Mondays andff,irk for the United States in July, will be .the speaker today at breaststroke and to private school last year. This M"xi!)o. trying to improve the design of Rotary ClUb. and 12.year-old girls. many positions Open and a high performance piloted aircraft Mrs. Helen D. Hatch, a mission. fine opportunity for every member Before ~ming to Swarthmore, Gamet captain, ",as secon4 in by maq,hing the pilot's control reo ary under the Board of National Dr. Kingham was superintendent of stroke, breaatroke, buttsrfly of the squad. ' quirements to the aircraft's respon. Missions, Presbyterlan Church, no,", the Burlington School District, third in freestyle, There were no The' evening program for the' Bes. The methods used also have retired, moved .this month into "" Burlington, Ia. He is a veteran of boys entered in this age poup. camp will feature a visit and talk ""en applicable in other fields such apartment at 44 Morgan circle. World War II and has had wide Others aiding their team scores by football coach Glenn Killinger, as the study of human brain -wave's, Mrs, Hatch entered The ~blic!,1 experience in both the teaching and w e r e : , of the outstanding football and eventually may be used to de· Seminary in New York in 1~86 "S administrative field. Dr. Kingham WHITES _ 11' and 12,year.old in the country who retired' sign prosthetic devices for humans. a full time stUdent, femaining in was graduated from Harvard Uni· girls: A. \Vltittier fi1"llt In back. past year from active eoaching The Levy Medal which ,Mr. Kren· residence there for,thr'le years and versity and received his M.A. de-, stroke and freestyle; S, Kurtzh.lz the State College at West Chesdel nnd Mr~ McRuer will receive is qualifying' for the lyle relay which placed fonrth. 5th Season SaleDays THE IN-BETWEEN SEASON VALUES " FRIDAY· SATURDAY. MONDAY August 19, 20 and ,22 REMEMBER - SPEARE'S '. ARE OPEN . and FRIDAY 9i30'A~M.f~' 9:00 MONDAY P.M. White Seacolls Gain Narrow Victory Dr. Harry W. Rotary Speaker today Senices Held For Kendall C. Sadler I Congressman Milliken Honored al Fort Meade FILM AVAILABLE A new motion picture film enti. tIed "Before the Day" has just been released by the Socfal Security Ad· ministration. "Before the Day" is an account of the founding of the several pro. grams that make up social security. It is the story of what happened before the, day social security star. ted, and the story of what happens before the oay your first social security check arrives. It is also the story of people ... "people who can face the future with greater confidence," Herbert W. Gruber, district manager of the Social Security Office in Chester says, "because they know the system they have built is working for them long before the day of need occurs". This is a 28·minute, 16mm black and white sound film. Arrangements for the showing can be made by contacting the Soc. ial Security Office, Fidelity.Chester 'I!I~~ Che~ter, J'a. Volume 32 - THE SWARTH Mrs. Helen Halch Moves to Morganwood SOCIAL SECURITY Murray's introduces a brand new shop ... The Madison Shop, featuring natural shoulder apparel. And it opens just in time for your back-to-co\lege selections. to Yote? Are I THE BEST BUY ~ Registerea 2:00 P.M.- Away • ~.........,"":" ! 10:00 A.M.-Home ... .' AUG 26 l~S() , . I I r 4 ~'" •.• .t .' , . or R B S WAR or R.M 0 Augaet 28,1960 , R BAN NEWs children will attend the Paradise Mr. and Mr. Rlehard Reatrepo af Mr. and Mrs. Irvin R, MacElwee land Mrs. Talcott GriSWO.Id of WinIcanyon School In septembe.r. and three !!Ons ~f Dartmouth circle. of Mt. Holyoke place, an.d Of. Mr. net1114l DltKfiol'll: From Sw.rthmor8 sodh Oft "'timor. Plb to TUM .... Oftto aout.lSZ tow.rd Chest.r. D,ive Ilh.Z miles, turn ri9ht CNI Knowlton lo.d for!h mil.. ber in the department of medicine rs. an ey A. ,Miln:. of Park at the University College Hospital avenue had as surprIse ':lS1tOTS over Ask ~or BEN PALMER Uncler ,n and scuba tic, Pa. ~~~§~~~~~§~~~g~a~n~e~, ~~~a~n~~.~n~.:i:====~ • ; ::0. Rec()rds, Phonographs, cRadios THE WILD 808SE . The Harlow Shop , 19 S, $2.75 • • • • • diving equipment under the aUBMr. and Mrs. G. Wills Brodhead pice. of Professor and Mrs. G. of Maple avenue returned Friday Dyer of New Hope. Pam Paul, her from a 10.day trip ~siting Mr. ~nd parents Dr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Mrs. Percy C. Bel~leld, Jr., VIlla. Paul of WalUnkford and Anne ?ova avenue,. at t~elr summer home EssI, daughter of, Mr. Max Essl of ID West Sprmgfleld, N.H: Michigan a'lenuel wi11 also partiM;. and Mrs; Charles Gilbert and cipate. ' family, formerly of 8 Cru~ ledge, Mr. and Mrs. James Cokeley of moved We~nesday to their new Westminster avenue retl1rned' Aug- \home at 2~ Ken~on avcnue. ust 12 from a week's vacation in M.r. and r:'I rs . ~alph Young and Cape May, N.J. After arriving family of RiverVIew road retur~ed home Mr. Cokeley left by train for .S~nday from a three week campmg Cincinnati, 0., where he met his trIP. near . Mo~bead Lake and nor· p,qents Mr. andl'dri.· LB'WI'ence them Mame. . ......, .. ' '.' Cokele, and motored with them to !Dr. ~n~ Mrs. J. Roland Pennock SwarihiJiori. Mr. and Mrs. Cokeley, of Whittier .place had as guests for Sr., .pent a week before their re.· two weekJI their son·in.law and tnrn hotne Monda,. daughter, Mr. and Mrs .. Jack Bar· Mr, EdWlitU Burroughs Irving, na~d, formerly of Oberhn, 0., and Jr., and M.s. living, the formf r Ohlcago, IJI. They were here f~r Marian Kirk.i>f.'.8~arthmore, and the funeral of Mrs. Barnard s their three children A dr w Ed. grandmother, Mrs. James L. Pen. ~ard, and AUsori forme~IY :f' New, Jlock of the F,?ends Home, Ke·nn"tt I Haven, Conn., moved last week in· \Square who died August 10 at . to their new howe at 736 Harvard, age of 95. Mt]f. Pennock was bU~led avenue. Dt. IrVliig, who has been at London Grove Friends Meetmg, teaaliing at Yale ,University, I~ no.... Pac On Saturday M:. and Mrs, as~ociate professor . of English at ~lIrnard left for their new home the Unl';"e sity of Pe ;;.. Iv'· nla In CCI\lmbus, 0., where Mr. Barnard r n y a. '11 b te h' A . H' to Dr. and Mrs Waldo R. Fisher WI .. ac mg. me;lcan IS ry have returned f;Q~ Jamaica where ~t 0t~'o ;ts~ Umverslty, Dr. Fisher wa~ a visiting stllff 1l1\1D!' . "M IS Sta 'I KI after Renovations 1 · =; ~ I BuRel Dinners i I coast using Miss Olive S .. Perry has returned to her home in the Swarthmore Apartments following. a three week visit ....th het brothet.JII.lllw and sisUlr I'dr. and Mrs. Russell Cook at their home in Montelair, N.J., and in S'consett, Nantucket,Mass. Mr. and 'Mrs. Aihan B. Clark and daughter Sue who will be a senior at the high school this fall, recently moved into the former Harold Quist house at 1.14 Cotiiel! avenue frOJD Roche.te.., N.Y. 417 days before their return home. ' Fer .A8AZln SUBSCRIPTIONS Delicious Food jn Comioff . c',-, get the fr •• Kholarohip at the Jun. Mc· Adam. Model and Charm SehoDli. Phil· adelphia. . Apply Sat. Morning Aug. 27 II A.M. at the Ne~ THOM McAN $1.25 Our c~n be a aqual~ng Bummer of camping. Closed Soturdays during ,July and August ro Enjoy 6-6225 Summer~Hours: Open Friday evening until 8:30 Crory of Iowa City, Ia. the Bummer. A student at the Uni- tel)ding Yale Un i v e r sit y Law Mrs. Arthur G. Adams of Har- versit¥ of Virginia,Kelly is on the School. vard avenue had as her weekend list of distinguished students of -------guests Miss Betty Scott and Miss architecture. He was awarded the WED TOMORROW Anna Cairn both of Toronto Can- trophy for outstanding rifleman of "Miss Jeanne Boyer, daught€r of ada, and Mrs. Belle Mcr.e:.n of \ the year and was elected vice pres- M~..and Mrs. Clarence BOy.er of Stone Harbor, N.J. ident of the naval ·honorary society Dlckmson aveJlu~, ,will ,be ~ ,toMr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Moscrip "Trident" and commander of the morrow to Mr. Robert Conrad Nuss, and their children of Dal'tmouth. First Company in his NRO'l'C unit. son of Mr. and ~'1",. [Raymond Nu~s avenue returned this week from a I Kelly will return to the university of Bechtelsville, at 4 :30 o'clock m Sw.rthmore. Presbyterian camping trip in the West. AmOng'\earlY .in S~ptember for his senior the the parks they visited were the year m a five year course. Church. The .Rev. Mr. Robert O. Ocean strip of Olympic National Mrs. ·Harvey Roberts of Harvard Browne will officilite. Park Wash. and Craters of the ..venue I'f!turned ·Sunday from a vaA recepttonwlll !foUow the cereMoo;, Idaho: They concluded their cation at Ocean City, - N.J. Her. mony in McCaban Hall of the trip with a week'. stsy at Jenny daughter .Gail joined her there for. Church, Lake in Grand Teton ·Park, Wyo., the weekend_. BllltHS where the family celebrated Mar- ·Mrs. Ernest D. LeWlS p.nd daugh-. Dr. and Mrs 'll@rry W. Kingham tha's 16th birthday by taking an all ters ~n and Kendra, of Parkave-. of Universlt;y' plaeeare receiving day trip by horseback up Cascade nue Will leave Sunday .to spend a congratulations on the bil'th of their Canyon to Lake Solitude in the week at the Camp Farthest Out. fo.urth child ·and secoJld son,John' Teton range. in the Pocanos. ·Mrs. ·Ken~ethReed Wihitney, who arrived .Thursday,: Mr. and Mrs. Leland Davis and of North Chester road Will accom· August 18, in the Bryn Mawr Hos-. their three children Melissa. Lee, .pany them. . . . pitsl. Shelley Lynn, and Christian Kldd Mr. and Mrs. WlIham Prentice of Mr. and Mrs. Donald BeaU Mac· of Juniata avenue will move Scp- Walnut lane returned bome Tues- Elwee of Winchester, Mass.,antember 2 to their new home 442 day from a 12.day trip to New Eng. nounce the ·birth of their first child, Ollveta place, LaCanada, Calif., land .where they picked up their a daughter Lisa 'Crane, who arrived where Mr Davis will be associate! Bon, Courtney who has spent the on Thursday, August 18. copy direCtor with the Young & summer at Camp Deerwood, MereThe little girl is a granddaughter Rubican Company, Advertising dlth, ~.H.En route Mr: an~ Mrs. 01nD1nlll1llKDlflUlllHlD'W'''''''"'lIHUUlIlDRIDlPUHlO agency. Mr. Davis will f.ly borne Prentice stayed in ~e1vlD Village, by jet September 1, and leave the N.H., for a short while, then travfollowing day with his family and eled to Holderness, N.H. near DeeriMrs. Davis' .parents, Mr. and Mrs, wood where t~ey ~topped overnight. Sarved Daily Edwin Haase of Cincinnati O. on The Courtney Smiths of Cedar lane the Sante Fe Dome ,train. three were the Prentices' hosts for a few Both Hot & Cold Dishesl KI 3·2080 SC~ DYNAMIC WHEEL 8ALANCE WHEEL ALIGNMENT ROBERT ATZ, Mgr. and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Me- ing instructor at a boys' camp for an alumnus of Dickinson, is at- The J 8da1oe f over the . lIft'.rid, ...;,.J:~rd~ a'.. .:.;;~1.. Lui1.et' H.·Fren.eh of Spe":-r·, m,,, na ~ n,,~ .. u".. ..~ pal'ty Thursday, August 18, InbOii- weekend Kathleen MeCarthy of N.C., died suddenly Friday, Auger of Mis. Gullme BloaIIIlI." Of Falls Cburch, Va. ust 12, at his home: He was the iwed'!JI, who is visiting with Mr. Rich Ho...e, son of Ml'B'. Joseph father _of Mrs. Frallk Chapman of .nd Mni. John J. Veul of Chester. S. 1i ' .; , " • ..... !;N' rI i,· I .', , ..."itheir famil,,,,, orth P neaton r and Engineers WiilMeda/, .'/ • I! THE SWARTHMOREAN I!' , . ',. Mr. and MI'1I. William L. Church rfom rrtlftlulft nst,tute .venUe returned from a tWo week , of Dickinson avenue will have a. I (Continued from Page 1) - ...+'nn nt'Stone Harbor, N.J., PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PENNA. their gue.ts this weekend Mr. and Command. Mrs. John M. Butler, Jr., and fam· Mr. Kre,ndel i. a member of var· PETER E. TOLD, MARJORIE TOLD, Publishers ily of Schenectady, N.Y., formerly ious professional and civic organ!· Phone KIngswood 3·0900 of Devon. zation..: PETER E. TOLD, Editor 15 So. C.hosl ... Road On Saturday, the Butler's 'young. In.tltute of Radio Engineer> BARBARA B. KENT, Ma.1UJI1ing Editor 'e.t child, Jennifer McBean Butler, (Senior Member), Admini.trative Rosalie D P e l r a o l ' Marjorie T. Told Klngswootl 3-1900 'will be christened in Old St. David's Committee of the IRE Profesai,onal . Jeannette V. Howe Susan Driehaus ~ Church in Devon. The Rev. John C. Group on Human Factor. in Elec· , Entered a. Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929. at the Post Knewstub will officiate. Godpar. tronies, American Psychological Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. ent. will be Mr. and Mrs Jack Association, 'Operation. Research Anderson of Schenectady, and Mr.. Society of America, Ergonomic~ ,DEADLINE - WEDNESDAY NOON H. G. Miteheli of Norristown. Research Sooiety, Armed Forces SWARTHMORE, PENNA., FRIDAY, AUG. 26, 1960 Other out-of.town guests will in. Communication and Electronics ~~ 'WlST LAURn HILL l ___________________________... clude Mr. and Mr•• John M. Butier .ociat~on, SIgm.a XI, Loyalty 'and of Ea.ton and Mrs. Charles G. SecurIty CommIttee of the Great.:r h a-.,.,.~ him; and he laid hia and 8 on I Brown of Bethlehem who are Jen. Ph'l I h! Branc h 0 f the Amen• METHODIST IOTES 'I a depa Church School classes will begin every one of them, and healed them. I 'fer'. grandparent~. A reception can Civil Liberties Union, U?iver. I.k-... _ ...... c:ii;. 11M at 8 :45 a.m. with cia .... for all And devil. also came out of man", ~~r the family and friend. will be slty Mu.eum of the UniversIty of crying out, and saying, Thou are held at the Churches' home follow. Penn.ylvania, Academy of Natur, ..... ages. 'Visitors are welcome. al Sci~nces of Philadelphi~ Penn· ..... ()IIice .. C\edI , __ At th~ 10 a.m. Morning Worship, Christ the Son of God. And he reo . g the christening. sylvama Horticultural SocIety, and ... gvid_ Mr. Kulp will give the morning buking them suffered them not to In 6.,:~/or they knew that he was NEWS NOTES the Franklin In.titute. ' '';';''; .... _ _ _ _ _ _~":..__ message., He will be a!si.ted in the &emc"" \)0 Mr. Edward Thorn. Thl. A correlative passag" to be read Mrs. J. Arthur Horneff' and will be Mr. Thorn's last Sunday at from "Science and Health with daughter Maria of Rutgers avenue Swarthmore, as he i. leaving for Key to the Scriptures" of which ~ecently spent several days with Blue Anchor, N.J., where he has been ILPpoi~ted pastor to ,the Mv. Laytnn P. Zimm.,.. Roctor pondent, James H. Hornaday, The Rev. Georee R. McKelvey. choo.es to quibble over some minor CUrate points of Mrs. Carroll's excellent SDDday, Angast Z8 letter urging disarmament, publish. 8:00 A.M.-Hoi, Comm11l1ioa h f' • e'. 9:00 A.M.-Holy Communion ed August 5th. Presumably er Ig' 10:16 A.M.-Morning Prayer and 'ure of 200,000 deaths from the HirSermQft o.hlma bomb Includes those who 8:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer and later died frOT,. injuries, radiation Word. sickness, inc!1!ced cancer and leu· IUIIIIID IIISUIANCE PROBCTlON TO fIT YOUR 'IhDS, _ilay, A~ 28 kemia, and the like. Mr. Horna· , '9:16 A.M.-Morning Prayer day's figures of 78,000 and 100,000 0 . Plein" .Uy trained eapilill review \\lith you GIl yOur iDIuIaId , \ 11:00 P,M.-Evenlng Pra,er no doubt are estimates of those for family. home aud business ••• and thm nM>M..!MII!l \ \ Taemay, Angast 30 11:16 A.M.-Morning Prayer killed instanUy. Anyone of these • cuefuDy planned paogtam based 011 your individual requlremmltr. \ 11:00 P M.-Evenlng Prayer figures i. appalling, so much so Ja tbII_'I , . get mnlmllm sec:urity agaiDst Bnend,'loa for J, We4n •• aay, Augmrt 31 that they carry no meaning to our dlDmlplmmDeGIL imagination. A better way to un· . 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 11:00 P ,M.-Evening Prayer derstand the tragedy is to try to Th~l1 September 1 imagine the 'agony of a single 9:15 A.M.-Morning Pra,er d h' d f' t6:00 PM.-Evenin ... Prayer eat, Jostea of OCUSlDg our a FrIday, September 2 tE:ntion on statistics. In any case, PROMPT Emcmn HELP IN EVENT OF ACCIDENT 01 LOSS, , 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer the Hiroshima bomb was obsolete DCCldeot • IDa endangenyour IIMn""l security _ ~ it our ' 11:00 P.M.-Evening Pray'\!' before it was dropped; a single bnt to DiIIIt yoa ~ III ftW'/ _'I pomible. ,. , THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY' modern bomb, will yield immediate' OF FRIENDS deaths in the millions, not hun· ngudIeII of dID tImD 01 day 01' afpt the .....gem:y 0CWl1. B emb.. Sunday, Aagast Z8 .dreds of thousand•. ClUl'rep1ItatloD III dill _unity depead. 011 the _y we - - ~ 10:e5 A.M.-Hymn Sing. Meeting As for the insane pilot, I un· 'our ell....... YCMl ru7" - - _'I -)'OIl WDIL House. derstand that it is one of the of· 11 :00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. ficers of an areoDlpanying plane, All are welcome. not the actual bomb-carrylng plane, lIIonday, Aacast 15 that is now insane. AUoday sewing for AP'SC The accuracy, or lack of It, of WedI1_:r, Aacast 17 , these details in no way affecta or ~I-day sewing for AFSC detraeta from the main theme of FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCTENTTST Mrs. Carroll's letter, which waa to Pari< AvelJue below Hanard point out the urgency of disarma· 8_7, A~Z8 ment. I hope your readera will 11000 A.M.-8unday S.hool 11:00 A.M,-The Leuon' Sermoil take the trouble to look up her letter again and consider it care· will be "Chrlat J.us~. Wed"-ay _Ing meetillC ueb full,. week. 8 P .... Reding R_, 409 Sincenly yours, . ,- . o.rbcO ,. ".All ••f- 0..- . . . . . , Carl Barua cIqt ___ Ioal"'", 10-11; I'rI. 8 WblWer p~ -"'~ ~ Alice Barbar Gifls VISIT beautiful I' ..._rr-..... C,....,.. .' " • , THE OLIVER H. lAIR CO. "11"'" h'ere's ,what our I ,f"" 11. ... a.." 2. ,m- = __ , ,Peter E. Told Swarthmore, Pal 333 DadolOllh AIIIH All lines of'nSirance ;.~ ""y ..,... III..., •• 1-1131 "IIIY.·W" '. " , :Sa,elJ Reminders White Seoco/ts Goin Norrow '" ' ,ctory Exchang~ Students Return lAMED ..iPEITOI NEWS NOTES,· Mr. and Mr•. Donald Dye and Capt. Joseph E.' Dougherty, MaI son David of South Princeton ave- pie avenae, director of social sciR~: and Mrs. John Fry ';f VasThe local Red Cro.s ehapter has (Con~lnued from Page 1) nue alld the Clarence Bo,er family ences and humanitie. at the U. S. sar avenue with their children rejoined other safety.minded grOIl1'S .tyle, and second In the first but- of Dickinson avenue journeyed to Naval Academy, has been named turned Sunday from a five week In warning residents of the borough terfly heat; K. Shay second in Hoboken, N.J., Wednesday to meet Inspector of Naval Materiel in the triD west. Travelling by car and to' be extra cautious Labor Day baekatroke and brea.tstroke, third ,Maria Dye and Mahlon Boyer, n&val offices in Upper Darby. trailer, the Frys vi.ited in Washweekend. in free.tyle and first in the IIrst Swarthmore High School seniors, Capt. and Mr•• DOUgherty, with ington. ,D.C., and Wllliamburg, Va., With 40 years experience in water butterfty heat; C. 'Heller second In who came home on the American thelr.ix children, moved to the for- and stayed in State Parks and Na. safety, the Red Cross plea .tresses the second butterfly heat. Field Service ship "Waterman" af· mer Samuel Hanna home here in tional Fore.ts enroute to San Diego June. ' Calif. At Ghost Ranch, Aliguiu' caution particularly for swimmerS Whites won two out of the three ter six weeks abroad. and boaters. "We know from e"per_ 'mixed relays that were swum. Maria lived with Mr. and Mrs. N.M., Mr. Fry was on the facult; ience what danger. can arise in'the Herbert G; Worth and daughter COUITY SCOUTS PLAI for a lay in.tltute spon.ored b, the CuP Carnival Opens Tonight Kathy in London. Kathy, who is CO.ED WEEKEID Board at, Christian Education for 11 ·water - even for the most CIIU· tioUB," decland Virginia' Itath, Contestants who have signed up about to enter a university, spent a Plans are progre.sing for the week. Returning, the family made water aafety chalnnan for the for the annual individual cup and year studying in Rochester, N.J" Coed Weekend sponsored by the stops at the Grand Canyqn toured Swarthmore Branch, Southeastern ,team championships will enter the recently as an exchange stUdent. Girl Scouta of Delaware County the Lincoln country and,'Spring. Pennsylvania Chapter, American fray with the 220.~ard swim in age While in En~land !'Iaria also visit· and Valley Forge Council of Boy field, Ill., and stopped for a hrief Red Cross. , group. at 6:30 torught. Garnets are ed Stella WaIte of Wales, Sheffield Scouts. It will be held at Camp Del- visit in Blue Ash, O. lu;r., Fry's , "Mo.t persons don't start ou~:on being coached by Robert L. Suther· who .pont last year as a member of I mont, Green Lane on September fonner pastorate. '. . long.distance driving without giv. land with Be~y Breakell and Jay Swarthmore Hig~ Schoo!'s junior 16, 17, 18. Appli~ations lor the Mr: and Mrs. Robert A. Hayden ing the car a good check.up," Miss Lord as captalDS. Whites' coach is cl.ass as an AmerIcan FrIends Ser· weekend are being .ent to Senior of Woodbrook road with their five Rath pointed out, "but how Diany John P. Cushing, and captains Sue VIce exchange student. , Girl Scout leaders and Explorer chlldren, 'returned Sunda, 'rom persons take a good'look at them. William. and Dina McCurdy. Mahlon spent his snmmer in Oslo, Advisors. three weeks at Buek Hlil Fall.. Belves before paddling off In boat At 10 a.m. tomorrow diving for Norway. - - - -_ _ _ __ Sarah Grier of Dartmouth avenue or ,plunging into cold swimmiug all age group. and at 1 p.m. back· Mr•. Paul A. Miller of Harvard accompanied them. water. Many don't know th& basIC .troke, breast.~ke, free.tyle and ~rs. Nothera Hubbell and Mrs. avenue was eiitertaine~ at a picnic 'Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Kellt, swimming rules, much le88 first aid butterfty races, and a grand slam Satls Coleman :returned to their, supper Monclay evening in honor of Jr.. at Springfield had as their and Water rescue method •. And how relay will finalize the score and the home?n Y~le avenue Monday after her . birthday by neighbors and guest for a few days of this week m,aii'YJJi lIenon. 'lllillre~"'\, t!> Individual boy and girl and the spen,dmg fIve weeks a~ Mrs. Cole- friend. in "Morganwoed'" on the t"eir cousin Miss IAuise:"Boyoe of ." ,ong life jackets for boaters team totaling the highest number man 8 farm near HarrIson, Me. Iporch of th,e, "'Man.lon'" there. takj> West Nuwton, Ma... . ,: an",water slriers? " ,,:,., ".,' CjI p?,i,nts will be proclaimed 1960 "i>e+ple will certainly have a,cIJam p •. mo~ ~njoyable hollaay; If'theiwm,' Midgets (10 and under), juniors just observe these simple rules of (11 end 12), and intermediates (13 safety,"Miss Rath .tated: "and 14) will swim 50 yard races. ~wim with someone you kn!"w Seniors (over ~~) will swim 100 in water. that you know-and pref. yards and the "golden age" group erably where there are lifegilards. (30 and over) will s~im 25 yards. ~on',t ,plunge into the water ,if South Sea Ballet Sunday you are. over.heated or bav~_ ,eaten As soon as the .un sets on' the within the last hour. Cool off grad· Cup Carnival the pool will become ually, not suddenly, and let food a South Sea Island for the 1960 digest before you go in the water. aqua show, 2 to 4 o'clock Sunday / ..........Don't swim when yOU are tired afternoon, prod'lced under the di· and don't swim long distances nnless rection of Carol. Williams assisfed someone in a boat accompanies ·you. by Janet Taylor. Performing as -Don't' overload a boat with Tropical Birds will be Madge Garpeople and don't overpower it with ner, Susan McCallister, Carolyn an outboard motor too large for it. Heinze, Melanie and Nancy Sey~ ~on't horseplay in the ,1>oat. If mour, Cindy Wigton, Marcia and your boat does capsize, stay with it Terri' McCurdy.; Linda and Judy Most boata will float when over~ Courtney will render a native gIrl turned or even \Vhen f.!lIed with duet. The two Sues (Wigton and water. William.) will cjo, a mirror dance -;--Stay ashore in bad or thr~t- en~it1ed Little Bro1fn Gal. e~llng weather. Learn to recognIze ,Native Boys will be Dick and .JgnS of storms, so you can return Dino McCurdy DaVid Williams Kenny Dumm and Chuck Seymour. t o s h ore In • t'Ime. , The role of Witch Doctor is Jay F• ..,;lie.lnterviewe/:L~.,Llird's. Hawaiian Pu~ will be parOn Ed Randal Show, trayed by Pat Wigton, Meg Turner, iMr. and Mrs. William M. Nolan Sally Ross, Sally and Ruth Kurt.· and three daughters Anne, Marcia, hal., Terri McCurdy, Joanne and Carol of Strath Haven avenue .Dumm and Karen Sutherland. A will be guests on the "Sunday with land hul!, called, "Keep Your Eyes Ed Randall" show on August 2,& at :oh the Hands" 'will be danced by 9:30 a,m. on Channel 10. The,pro. ,Sue Williams an'd Linda Courtney. gram interviews different families Eight hula gi~ls from the adult to see how,they solve their fam.i1Y mennaids' group will follow, be· situations, ",hat activities they par- fo~ the arrival of a Sea Monster ticlpate in, and family life in gen. (Anne Michener, Sandy Peirsol, eral in an attempt to help others Sue Brown, Pat Estey, Dottle Danwho might be faced with the saPlelIel, Ann Townes, Shelby Jackson, problems. " , Debbie Torrey, Elvira Celia, and Among other families interview. 'Nancy Cornelius)~ and the final " , ,ed are the Ralph Youngs of River- Moonbeams (Sue W!I1il\ms, Linda view road, the Bake~ Middelton. of Courtney, Barbl\ra Stuart, Sue Rutgers avenue, the Dana B. Lou.' Crawford, Betsy BreakeJI, Sue din:. of Wallingford, ~e Ernest D. Wigton, Judy Courtney and Bar· Lewises of Park avenUe and the bara Gerner). Harry S. Youngs of Yaleavenu.~., Fall Harbinger On Sunda" September 4, 'M~'.'ilnd 'p I'·te . I' ed A tu was Mrs. Theodore Purnell and children 00 I S rea IZ u mn of Cornell avenue will be interview- closing In when earlier darkness ,forced shutting the pool at 8 p.m. ed. beginning last week. The 1960 8ea· SOil 11l18le, Lahar Day's program of Aftermath family fun, Is scheduled to close the Upon the final settling of ac· Club pool until next Memorial Day counts of ~he Frank Morey Testi- weekend. m~nial Dinner Committee, Herbert After varied events, which begin Michener treasurer was able ,Ia.t at 4 p.m., a cabored fried chicken week to present the school dis- picnic will be provided at 6 o'clock trict's recently retiring principal If a sufficient number of people with an additional gift, a cash haI- make reservations by next Thurs. anc. of $260. day. The complete menu and place Mr. Morey was happily .ur- for reservation siguatures is posted prised and again expressed deep- on the pool bulletin board. est appreciation of the tributes, gifts and good wishes of the mllny The Rev. and Mrs. Myrvin De· friend. he made during his long Lapp and children, formerly of Glen tenure here. Ellyn, Ill., will move into their new home at 561 Juniata avenue, the The Misses Mary and Elinor ,Bye' former Leland Davis house, Sep. Contributed in the Interest of Highway Safety by the Following Me~chants a! Yale square entertainecl at fbi- tember 2. They are presently stay., ner on Wednesday' of last week Ing at the Gene D. Overstreet home &Ira. Frederick Badley of W..blng.' at 500 Harvard avenue while they THE BOUQUET SWARTHMORE TOGGERY SHOP THE INGLENEUK ton, D.C•• and 011 Sunday Mr. UId are on vacation. Mr. DeLapp will be ~rs. Howard A.hman of Glenside. with the Board of Christian Educa· E. L NOYES and CO. BAIRD and BIRD J. A. GREEN Mr. and Mrs. Clifford B&I1ta of tion, Division of Higher Education Parriah road ntur1)ed Tuead&y with the United Presbyterian THE SWARTHMOREAN PETER E. TOLD O. PATRICK WELSH from a two month vaeatioll at AI- Chilreh. U.s.A. Ted" the oldest of " . lenspark, Colo. Enronte home they the four ehlldren will be a high PORTER H. WAllE. Inc. SWARTHMORE PRINTlN&'co. Visited Mrs. Bmta's alster Mra. echool aenlor, TOlJl wjlI be in ninth Poster hdp in Crawfordsvil1e, irade, B11sabeth In fOlIrth, and PROVIDENT TRADESMCNS lANK GIld TRUST CO. CATHERMAN'S DRU6 STORE Incl. i Jim In flnt crade. a l' ' , YOUR CAR, TOO, IN CARElESS HANDS' ----------_................. _--- :;':' ·t Mr. and Mr8. ~...i D. LeWi. had as guests on Sunday their l1a.,hew and bnill)' Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stem: of NolWark; ~l .• and Ml'. and Mrs. Earl Fowlet -Hlr M special permit. for the erection on the above Henry-Room 216 - Low. Se JOE MAtlSHALL Mr. Wertz-Room 210 - N - Z premises of a Doe story Medical Ofttce IMiss McKie-Room 107 - Be· Z 511 REESE STREET BUildlng for two physiCians with promlon 11TH GRADE MILMONT PARK. PA. . for orr..treet parting. DetaUls of .ald proGRADE Miss Armstrong-Room 10&--A.Da posal ma,. be examined in the oUlce of Mr. Drukin-Room 206 _ A • E Til.p.... IUil"'" a·2n I the und.erstgned. Dr. Irwin-Room 214 - Du - Ke Elliott al_....o. Law-Room 233 - F • La 2~"1. BolW"". avenue. drove to the Poconoo Wed· Island B~~I I;Aborjlto,lJ'. Mrs.l IIA.EIIIU·... ""IPlOYEIS Nartaz 1II.,....b7 c_ AD Item, JOflm-....• n. P.... A.....\ neaday to meet her brother Joe. Borei returned home last week. THO.... SERE .... BA cred1lor;a and. all peQOU Intereat.ed that of EdmUAd JODn. Exeeu,\or. Eatate of h h C k IYI IYI II,ceouJltl, ill the (oUowlD& eatat.e. haYe been ~ W. Jon... DJ~au~. w.o spent t e Bummer at amp Regner Borei spent three wee s at f flIod ~.1IIe 00100 .. Ibo lto,toIer .. WU!o I It. ';.mood, Karm Borei. daughter of Dr. and moved Into tbe.. newly purchased p....ln' SHARD I HILL 1114 cerlalned to be 1D the b&Dda or the .ecoua.,", LEE-AU. 3. Firat and Pinal AccoQll\ ,of. Mrs. Hans Borei o·f Rutgers avenue home last week on Benjamin West. ~=====::---....j16N,. C:OllM' i:.Iair. I; P . . . . . . . .iio/tIIS,.6- 10._,.. 1!;0_ "n' .... NEWS ·,NOTE$ ' . JlatobvI' ·~n •. dII,u&i)t,er Ilnlswood 4-1500 clothes dryer! Any day - any hour of the day": you can dry clothes In an aulomalic gas clolhes dryer. 1n any weather, too, you c;an be sure of getting ·clothes dry quickly wilh no chance of rain-spotting. Seled your automatic gcts clotlles dryer at your plumber'S, dealer's or any Philadelphia Elecr,i, Ivburb4Jn showroom. PM.LADELPHIA ELECTRiC COMPANY . .. UPHOLSTERY De........ I b.I........ .. "ft,. I Dec...... ..:":t! ow:, 1ft, ......- wWlun R. Rumts and Ed..atd Rumlg" ~ . .L - - - •••••. ADAIIB-.luly n. Pint on' " . .1 ••- - \ Jr.• ~dmb>lslr~"ra. C.T". .• Eo ..... of' "La .,_. -C . . . , cl The Pblladelpb1a N.tsoDal BINlk. Esec.Reba B. RIlmls: Lee. Dec.-d. a..... _..... ~ ., utor. :&:alate of HODota R. Adams. De.. LENDERMAN-AUI. 15, Plrst. and Pinal .. u.... • ...unt of ... S. . ADAMe Jul,. 21, Plrst. Account. (lr The mlD1auator, r.at..t.e of 8unuel Watren II PbUadelphla NaUon.. Bant. Tru.s\ee, Lenderman, Oec.eased. U/~eed or Trust of HUlb .R. Adams. L,EONARD-AU" :II, FUst ..-d l"lDal .AeEatate of BUlb R. Adama. Deceased. count. or Charles E. Leonatd, Jr •• AdmlD.· ADAlIS-JulJ ,." First and Final Account bt.r.tor, D.B.N .• J!:atat,e of Annle 01. Leonof The .PhUadelph1a NaUona! Bank, Exec> atd. Deceased. "' u~r, ~tate 01 Bugh R. Adams. DecelUed. LlVIN(J8TO:N-Aug. 11, .pInt ACcOUDt 01 AGUIlt.R-June 21, Pirat. and J"Inal Account The Ftnt }teDDlJlvanla B&D.klDB aDc1 of Joaeph Apiai'. AdmiD1Jtratof. Eatlie TruaL Compa.DJ', Executor. Elt.ate (I( Suot Beulah .Aguiar, Deceased. aan 'E. LlvlDlston, a,t./. susan Livlng,ALLEN.......J'ul)' 8, Firat and P~I Account aton,· Deceased. , 4f J. Ptank Eacbus, Guardian, Estate of MARTlN-July 16, Flrs'L and Final AccoUnt Elsie M. AUen, All. Incompe\ent. of Herbert C •. Nellon. Executa,r, Estate Nan. Priced Hlslhed BAKER JWle iH. Fltat and Fma' Account of GeOten ,C. Martm. Decet.sed. of liatl.ret R Frazier, ExecututlX. Ea-o MC :EN'l'EE-Jul~ 21. First. Account .of Prov.. tate or F. Richard Baker. alt.,. FrederIdeot. Tradeamens. BaDII: tUld Truat. Com.. Icll: Rlcban! Balter, Deceased. PaD, and Andre.. E. BolUs. TrUs\ee8. ~ BEEBY-JulY 8, Firat and Final Account tate of Georgca...IolcEntee. Decf!:!,-!ed , or Alexander S. Sea:a1, Executot. Estate M~GRATH-AQ,I. lli, ~Iflt. aDd Final ~c?of Gettrude lJee.bl'. Deceaaed. CQunt or' Alben'll. NcGra\h. Executor. BlBPBAM--July 26, Flnt'aa4 Flna. ACcoupt; 'Estate of EvelYD B. McQrat.b, a/k/a of Samuel 13lspbam, Jr., and 1be Plra~ EvelJll McGraW,· Deccued. PeDDaJ'lvaDla Banklng and TrUat Com- McHENRY-Aug. Ui. Account of GLratd unc..ter Brand, Specially·Prepared for HE_Z" Carvingl pany. TrUstees U/WIll. AcCOunt. stated TrUa'L Com Excbll,Ule Bank, (formerly awing to the deaU1a: of Samuel Blspbam, known ... Girard TrUSt. CompaDJ') TrUaJr.• C~'l"ruatee on Match 27, 1160 and tee, ,Ea\a\e 0( ~e Sub,. 1oIcH~~, De-' An1t.& de H. Lagen on Wa-y 17. li60. as ceaaed. ' , . at&ted b)' Tbe P.1nt Penn'Jl'f.anta Bankb:tg MELVIN-Aug. 2. ·First and Floal ,Account aDd TrUat Company. Surviving Tnlatee, of Gertrude A. ~.COODaD ~d ptances .. E. and John do H. BlapbaJD, Execu\Or of the Paul,$OD. Ellecutrlces, Eatate of J&.rsuer.. uneaster Brand. All Beef, Skinless wlll or Samuel Blapbain, Jr.. \he Colte EmUy Melvb1, a/k/" Marguerite ~.: TrUstee who died. Estate or ADJIa De H. Melvin. Deceased. BLapilam. Deceased. MlLHOUS-Aul. ·16. ·First and Final AeBULLER-Aug. 16, Fint and Fmal Account count of Loulla\S. cuto. Admlnb'!al.rlX • or Lewis strlclder, Admtn1at.tator, Estate Estate (lr Jenble R. Milboua. Deceased. III III II or Norrla praot.1tn Buller, Deceased. MOORE-July 14 .... First and Final A.cc,ount JlIIII BON'nNG-Aul'. 4. First and Final Account of John Bunter Moore. Executor, Estate or p'rovldent Tta.desmena Bank and TrUst of Sa-tab. BarnDt.oDd lIoore. Deceased company. Executor, Eltate of Edith C MOUNTZ-Aug. 4', Firat Account of Mary BUDtlDg, Deceased. B. Greene. 'WOOaln G. Greene, Jr., and CHANDLEB-June :Ii, Fint aad Final Ac.Harry J. Alker.- Jr.• Tl1UItees, Estate of count of Elate M. Doaber, Guardian. J.n Hellle S. MounD, Deceased. None Priced Higherl California Tbe ~r of! Elsie C. Chandler, a MUMENTBALER-Aul. I, Firat. and Final Peeblc IoUnded PenoD. AccoUnt of EUzabel.h Holm, ExecutrIX • ClLAMPlTT-Aug. 18, F1ra~ and Final Ac. Estate of YAm lIumenthaler, a/t./a hdl count or ·pred P. Mel.8ber, Executor, Mari& Mumenth&ler, Decea.sed. Eelate or stanley B. C\arnplt.~, Deceased. 'MYERS-Aug, 15'; Firat and Fina-l Account CLARKSON-AUg. 4, Pint and PiIlal Acof Ida ,A. JobDaOn. Admlnlstr.trlJe. C:r.A., Califernia Mountain count or LoralDe N. Clarkaoo.. Eucut.rlx. Estate of I.lbel""a J Myers, ·Deceased. FAtate of Robert C. Clarkaon. J •.• De- NACRELLl.....Aurt. iO, Fit.t and Final Ac.ceased. C(lunt of Grace ADDa- Nactelll. Admlnl&1bl CRAWFORD-JU1, '7, First. and FlOal Ac.trat.tIX, Estate oC Michael Albert NacreUl, . , . count or Alice M. Coles.ortoby. ExecutrIX, Br., Dece ...ed. 1111 I III III I I 111111 [ I I II II IIII I III i Estate of J(lbn H. cra.rord, Decea-Ited NOLAN~Ug. 15. Fiut ~nd Final Account CROWLEY"::"Aug. 9. Fltat foIld Pinal Ac.of Marlard WUaU .JOhnson. ExecutriX. N~ ·Dep~sit •. 1\11' ,Return "Throw.Away" Cansl count of Frecls J. Cro.ley, AdmlDJatra-Estate or Bennie NoIM. Deceased, tor. Estate or J4.ry II. Cro.le)'. De- NOa'F!JtA..--AUSJ8.. l'1rat..and Final ACC~\ . ceued. ' - , .,. ...... , '.' or Joseph ~~, .Adm.bl1atrator, C.T.A., CROWLEY-Aug. 11. FIrat.. and l"IDal AcEs....te 01 Frank Noreka. Deceased. C(lUllt ot Francia J. cro.le,., AdJIllnlatra- O'ROURKE-AUK. 10, Tbe FIrat and Final tor. Estate of Thom.as E. Crowley, DeAccount. ot Ma".llaret ,~cBrlde, Executris, ceued. Ea.... t.e or E. Ve.i1iziica O'Routke. Deceuetl. Ginger .Ale D,\DLEY-AUS. 1&. Flrst Account. of Je.::; PARXER-Jul)' 28. Flrst and Final Ac.Rool Beer • Biack Cherry ,.. I:.::. ; . ne nulLn and Central-Penn National B count of Maty O. JlOtoa. Guardian, Eatate peten of PbUadelpbta, Trustees U/Deed. ~:! Of Florence ,'parker, An IIlco1:'1 t. Col. . . (If J.mes Walter Dadley. daJed. . Vial-- PEW-Aul. 10. Second and Final AcCOUll\ H, 1161, Inter Vivos TrUst of ,Ja-mes of Joseph NewkID. P:ew -.nd Jolm G. Petl', ter Da41cr. J:r 8ur.vlvlQl ~,cutors, Estate (If JobIl Tqp .Ql.!illity DElNJ!tR-AUI. 12. PInt ,and Jl'lnal A:ccoua.t. o:'Pew"oecealed. of X.Ular1De }1. suain. Execut.r1X. ·Ea\&te POLWdl'D-JUDe ·D-Flfat- ~ FInal ~o-­ or Cuper- Delner, Deeeued. (spunt or .Albert·N. Qa~tt, R.·Spot.awopd ESlIoND-:JulY 11. Flnt ~d tJl'tpal,/J:t-, ,P.oUfld, ... ,~be~IP.,PeUer, ~teer., D count..of b&bel C. Oen.b~)', ~ecutrIX. u/D~~We O.'~oq&td. Eat.&te of Eml1le Estate of Mary O. Dt ..~apd, JH~' ~ .G. Po~d. Deceased. - ., and Final AC. POWERS-AUI. ,18. First ami Final ~c· DONOVAH-AUK. 15. Plrat E:l:ecutor Eacount (If verolllCa .powers. Admlnlatracount of A. :Broot.e Geary. De ased t.rtx Estate of Haft)' C. powers, Deceued. tate 0( LUllan H. 'Demonn, . ce U 'AC- REN8HAW~UlJ 1. Pint and PInal ~e-: DUTTON~J\I' 11, .~t aDd F1q. " COUDt or ,wUUam X. JUnab"w. Adm~-, quart pint COUIlt of Morcum 11. Dutton and Elmer trator Es....te or Marsaret. 01.,.0 ReDlor B. Du\toa. Esecuton, Eat.te 01 Elmer ah.... : Deo,,,,,ed. . jar Q. outton, neceued. SCHI,.ACK-Aug. 15, Firat ,and FiDal AC-: I EMERY-4U1. 8, P,trat ,nd ~ ..1 ,Account coUnt of Broad Street. Trust. COmpa~," of The .ph11&4elpb1a .N&Ucmal Bank .and tSuceelior by Merser to tnterboro B&:Dk Gertrude B. Emery Baxter. TrUateea.. and TrUst Compaor and Allen N.:}kbl~lI:,. U/w:l11 of WalU,r V. ~~~, u .atai!~'JIY; __~cutoH-, Estate or ADa N. Seblact:.. ~ ~P~IPJh1" *~~ :But, ~lV-. neoeued. 'lnB Trustee: Eat-I.e of Walter V. Emery, 8Rm:A~u:g. 16, Firat. aqd Fina-l Account J)eceaaea. .of K1~bael J. cantweU.;·Jr., :Ad~lntsttatot. PERRy-AuK 11, Firat aad ,PiDal Account Eata,t.e or 'l'bOmaa Franc15 l3hea, a/t/" or Edmund .TOIles, Executor( E&Late ,61 Thomu Shea. Deceased. t. T Jl"erQ'. Deceued. spAI\K8-AUI. 12, Pirat ud. F.lI1al Accoun F~~r ·5·· ..~tat And FIDal AccoQD.t of Tbe·Dd••ate,coun\J'iNt.Uonal Bank.. o! ~e~~e1.:.,ate C(lunty NaUoQal BaDk, ~ecut.or, &t.&te of LewIS H. Spatks, Deft -'I' Eatale d Ba,b..ra Pitz. late ceue:4. . ""ua&-,an, STOLL--June::tt Pirst and Final Account a lIinor. .. ..:•.•" EJ: ta Estate or FORBES-AUK. 15. FIrat. and Ftnal Accountof John N.""","" ecu r. . of Oeorae W. Morris. Executor, Eatate Georle R. Stull, Deeeased. • al Acof RObert., Forbes. Deceued. 'nIEURER-AUK 11. Plrst aod Fill :FREEMAN~Au8 . •, Firat tuld Pinal Ac- count Of Percy D. Theurer, E:lecutor. unt or Ad. 14. Evma Executrb:. Betate (If Frederick G. Theurer, Decease . of Edward D. Ftee~a.n. Deceased. THOMAS-July 12, PInt and FlDal ACCQunt QEOROE--July 15 Fitst. and FInal ACCOUllt of Provident Tradesmens Bank and i~t of Nelson P. F~lley. Admtntstrator. l!1$Company. AdmlDatrator. EaLate or en tate of Angelo George, Sr., Deceaaed. A. Thom.as. Deceased. t GOODYEAR-Aug. V. First. and 'FIDal Ac- TRlPP--JulJ '7. Fi.tat and Final Accoun f t of ,John C C]bodyea.r, Executor. of walter P. HaDD" El:ecutor, Eat.&t.e 0 ~~':te of .Robert. Goodyear. Deceased. EdIth M. TrIpp, a/k,a. EdIt.b M. TrIPP HEINTZEN-Aug 15 First. and FInal AcHlUma, De~ued. count of Mary' schieber. Execut.rIx, Ea- UNDERBILL-Abg. 16, Fln\ and FInal tate .of MarU1a. E. Helntzen, Deceased. c(lunt or PbUip C. Berr, Esecutor, Ea"HENRY-Aug. 18, First and F1n&1 Account of Frederick 8. Under~l, Decease!t or or Anna Crothers Benfl', Executrix, Ea- VOID-Aug. 3. Firat and Final ACCOf Bartate of J ..mes P. Benry. Deceased. Boward VoId, Executor. Estate 0 HESLOP Au 2 PI."t .nd FInal Account. 'fief Vold. Deceued. or Leo~rd BT. Heslop. AdmIniStrator. Es- WARD-Aug. 15, Flnt and FInal AC~ou;t \.ate of Ollve P. Heslop, a/t/a Olive P. of Theodore W, Ward, Jr .. and Lead . ' connor Exl:cutors, Estate of The ore HeliSlop. D eceas .. . I __ ..e - . aaed . IO~::; mCKS-Aug 15 Pint. and PlDal Acc~ W. Ward, Dece . t • • \tb A'dDl1D1stratrlx." WAT1'8-Aug. 11, PInt and Pln&l AccOUD of Wlllle Dora 8m • D a.aedI of Helen )I. Bun~ AdmlDlalrat.rIx, C.T.A., ~L~:r::::~~d ~a.1 Account Estate of Ada W.t\I. Deceued.· al 111111" III I j mini n iiiSi d H II j II of EU&ab:t.b 'P: JoIIner, ExeculrlX. Estate -=e!:r, Of P. Q1rY~ Blpple. :»ecu:n~' PlGa1 &0of oIobn Wlekenb.m. Deceased. HOPPMAN--;],llly •• rtra\ AdmllW~ WIOOD-AUI. 15, Pint.; and PlDa.l Account. COUIlt of Roward m. Boffm~maD '~Deof carrie R ]Dehler and Edmund P. H!oDlOr. of p ...1 E. • D.m. TroU~" l1fWW .1 M • .." c. Wood. ce...... ......1 A~ Deee..ed aDd gted b, lDdmUDd P. ..ta. I'm~ -;;1. I. . . . COO * ...... * Sirio.iI * ,........ * Rib Le.d~rm.."Ad· c lb. Rib Roast Frankfurters ~k~:53c flit /fb/&t IdC4d~I Iceberg Lelluce 2 ·29c c 2 ,29 Barllel·I:Pears . 4 Beve.rlllge's· ., ••• '. 12 99 ~'::';"--~J.e:m;;:,on • Pale I E: $-41.1m~'. Mayon . 1fP .. >. V~4":O .£cz.e.. Family- Size ~~g:Cake Regular SSe Value sr' ::te B. 39~. .A: 99c Pink Lemonade .• 4 , ..... 9tc S··II:II,.,JI,ell'ries •••• ..... Forclhook Limas .. Wax Beans ..•.• I~CB Fu"!rof~--:.': ~'s:;~~ jj .. ... , ~ :e::t.e Eo..... HUl'"l'-A.C. Y. ,~\ -~:;~Eo_ Of .T0)'C8 A. Bate., El:t'tlll"'--. LIl1Iu It. R ..... pop,'I"'" of _ ,UMi PIDal \&0- ,FIt cr_ Y. _ •• cOwL 11 -11 .,.qI • c • tIC· .... t 1iirIA. 1 d SWARTHORE STORE, -Chester Roa Open Thursda.y and Frid ay Evenings ' tI'1 10 B.....m· .'"1..... Troll.... ....... of ' ODd uece&Hd ''l''''' c. W. . A"-' ztm r July 11. Plnl and ~Dtak= of ~t ':/ =",~~~..;:. Z:;1"':="'--:~':::"~ir,;.'JI. iIe D........."$; .~ JaA~ *" !J' 1""""':510'·]11 it ~ 0:: .... , ur of '111ft """''';'"''" ,... ~ ... CIIIIrI. lIURCOlIB-Aq. 11. Diior A. I . 'Specia'" , call LOwell 3.~282 ...t"i" ,~ - d d I" P·1c ,~n. a ,t!more I e ~\TiJ•.silJy,''IIeclnesday, Thursday .,,1-11 P.M., friday hliO P.M. . YJo"RI Ch -- H......' d P ,. S·-H· .& 51 Mwcltancl"- Slore. 2700 West .... ~. .,..all 'u, OAK PARK SHOPPING CENTER, ZU","r. \ il'. .;N. II .....- . . a III. . Bish?~ Ro.a ' \ . -'1'BB SWAlttBMORBAN: Mrs. Helen HtJtclt . RECISTRATION SCHEDULE Caneral Election, November 8th, 1960 SEPTEMBER 9th Last day an elector may move trom one election district to another in order to be permitted to vote in the new election district at the GeneraJ Election. Persons moving after thla date may vote in old election district If otherwise' quaWled. SEPTEMBER 16th Last 'day all electors may register to vote at the General Election. ThIs includes elE'ctors'who will become of age on or before November 9th, 1960. ..... . '. SEPTEMBER 19th Last day for an elctor who has removed. into a new election district to give notice to the Registration conunlsSion in order to be permitted to vote in the new election district' at the General Election. The removal card must set forth a removal date into the new election district which cannot be later than September 9th. COURT BOUSE HOURS Regular business hours up to and including Monday, September 9th Monday through Friday-9:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Together with such additional hours as designated below: August 26th-Friday . ~ ......................... August 2'lth-satlU'day .... _.................... September' 9th-Friday ........ _............... September 10th~aturday ..................... September 16th-Friday ......................... September 17th-Baturday .... , .. ;.............. 7:00 PM. to 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 AM. to 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. 12:00 Noon 9:00 P.M. 12:00Noon 9:00 P.M. 12:00 Noon ROVING REGISTRARS WILL SIT In RutlecJce-Tuesday, September 13, 2:00 to 9:00 P.M., Fire House brother and family Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry Wellburn Qf Endwell, N.Y. 'Mrs. Frances Lumsden of Kenyon avenue had as her house guest for the past two weeks Miss KathelTlne Cunningham of Cadillac, Mich. Also visiting Mrs. Lumsden is her brother Mr. Frank A. Green of Pompano Beach, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Casper S. Garrett of Maple avenue visited their son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. George K. Garrett .at Horsehead, N.Y", last week.' Mr. Garrett is with the Atlantic Pipe Line Company in New York for the summer. On their way home Mr. and Mrs. Garrett, Sr., stopped for a short whUe at the home of Mrs. Garrett's OPENING DAY, FRIDAY AT 9:30 MURRAY'S -.ADISO.~ :' ,to- ~ • I .; • ~~-'1'""SHOP 619 Edgmont-Che8ter . a.m. AtIpst 26, 1160 , BOROUGH 'TAXES Janice Carroll To Spend Ye~t in England DUE AUCUST 311t1 Moves to Morganwoocl Prior to . , 55 , (Continued from Pace 1) Jan~ce Carroll, daug:hter of .Mr. John A. Schumacher. Borough residence there. Alaska was growand Mrs. John W. Carroll of Coling and statehood was in the air. . tax collector. reminds 'Swarth- lege avenue, sailed on the Bremen Many p~rts of the territory looked moreans that in order to obtain to the Sheldon Jackson campus for . the discount on i 960 Real Es. from New York Monday night for the leaders of the new Alaska. tate" Per Capita. and Personal Sheffield, England where she will "With the easing of wartime reo Property Taxes, payments must be ·an exchange student at the strictions, it was once more pos- be in his office before Septem- Woodhouse School under the A.F.S.C. Exchange Program. Janice will sible to fill the long daylight hours ber I. live with SteUa Waite, an English of the northern summer with a proexchange student who spent the gram of Christian education to sup· past year at Swarthmore High plement the work of the churches School, until Christmas. She will of the presbytery. Both:boa~}l ;were remain in England until next Augonce more back in ChriStian service ust. and they cruised many hundreds of miles in the course of the sum- David Lichtenberg, South SwarthOver the weekend many exchange mer, taking faculty and student more avenue, has been promoted to students, both incoming and outgo. teams to towns and ca~nery points Jejrcu]~tion manager. of TV Guide ing, received orientation at Pendle of the southwest area. magazIne, C. J. Bodkm, Jr., circul8,- Hill. Those students from the United States going overseas left by After nine years of work in Al~s- tion director, has announced. ka, Mrs. Hatch asked for a transfer A veteran in the magazine dis- bus on Monday for the ship. The and was sent to the Allison James tribution industry, Mr. Lichtenberg Carroll family drove to New York School of Santa Fe, N.M., a coedu- has been with the magazine since to see Janice off. cational boarding school for junior 1953. He ioined it as central division highs, that had been serving the sales manager in New York, served youth of the area for over 90 years. as Philadelphia edition circulation U As it had done in Alaska." Mrs. manager and rejoined the national Hateh said, "the war had brought circulation staff' in 1966. He has many Spanish - American youth 'been manager of retail sales since from the4' remote mountain villages 1959. He succeeds the late Ely Lan..(plazas) into world contact. To dis. COUNTS •••••• meet these changing conditions Before joining TV Guide, Mr. wisely and well, the Board at Na- Lichtenberg was with Macfadden tional Missions conducted a careful Publications. New York, fOf 10 When there is illness in your h'ousehold, you study of New Mexico and the wider years. A native of Mt. Vernon, N.Y., want the best counsel and area of the southwest. These studies he attended Colgate University. He care to be had. You turn indicated that the services of Alli- is married and has two children. to the best physician son James School were no longer .available. equally careneeded as they once were. ful in the selection of a "The. state of New Mexico was pharmacy. Always bring The Fire Company ·was called to growing and with the growth, it your doctor's prescrip-, was making available to its youth Chester road and Baltimore pike tions to this fine pro(,.... an increasing number of good pub- at 7:15 a.m. Friday by a fire in sional pharmacy. lic schools and the means of trans- the automobile of Victor Maiwald ' portation needed to reach the Media. Patrolmen Peter' Maginnis and schools from still remote plQzas. James Davis apprehended a 15Convinced that the need for ChrisCATHERMAN'S Chester boy in a car which year-old tian service was now greater in DRUG STORE other forms hi the state the Board had been stolen f1'Qm in front of of National Missions decided to its ownerts home on 21st street in Klngswood 3-0586 close Allison James permanently in Chester. The vehicl~ was reported missing at 11 :20 p.m. Monday Mathe summer of 1959." It was here that Mrs. Hatch also closed her per- giml,s and Davis recovered it' four iod of missionary service after 19 hours later at Chester road and Baltimore pike. The boy was turned years. . over to Chester polic~. Since her retirement, Mrs. Hatch had been living in Kingston, R.I., "/ Saw It in ThfJ Swarthmorean" to 'be near her son, .J ohn Palmer Hatch, a member of the faculty of engineering of the University of Rhode Island. The Hatehes, with their two children, William Warren and Sally .Ann, live nearby in Saunderstown. Born in Manhattan, N.Y., M.rs. Hatch moved to Brooklyn as a child and received her education in the public schools there. After gradu~ ( ation from the Girls' High School, she went on to the Maxwell Train· "You Meet the Nicest People ot Speare Bros." ing School for Teachers to prepar? EDOMONT AVENUE - SEVENTH AND WELSH 8TItD'r8 for kindergarten an\! elementary school work. STORE HOURS - Mondays and Fridays, 9:30 to 9:00 She taught for several years in Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thundoys and Saturdays, 9 to 5:30 the schools of the borough, until her marriage to Warren W. Hatch, 81a so a teacher in the Brooklyn Schools. pert It was after his sudden death that bollerino Mrs. Hatch began preparing for her ,work in Christian service. sty/eel Lilchenllerg Named TV Guide Circulation Mgr. Quality * Be Police and Fire News .... ............. .. ,, • th.is ·s·tyleand others.by ... COAT •••• Miss Strouse Conducts Demonstration Class r Murray's ,Madison Shop salutes the two important fashion t:r:ends that mark the well-dressed man this fall. First, the completely-at-ease look of suits with a natural shoulder line. Second, the news.worthy return of the vest. Plan to look through our tastefully selected fall suit collection • • • you'll find exclusive designs at non-exe1usive prices. , '44." I ia '19.50 /. , Adeline Strouse of Rutgers avenue, . teacher of Fre~ch at the Swarthmore High School, has been teaching a methods and demonstra· tion class in the elementary grades at the University of Delaware Foreign Language Institute: Her class was comprised of 27 third and fourth graders from Newark and Wilmington areas, and 14 adult 0bservers. In all, there were almost 100 !Children and 59 elementary and secondary teachers and supervisors enrolled at the institute which offered both French and Spanish on the elementary and secondary levels. The institute was one of 35 that were conducted throughout the· lCountry this Jiummer under the. National Defense A~t. Their pur-' pose is to improve teachers' skills in the audio-lingual (or oral before written) approach to foreign Janguages. Delaware's institute was directed· bJ: Dr. Max S~, Kirch, asSisted b* D Ed d' " r. war Cain, both on the J'el'Ular staff' of the ~lJJlmnit7. I eoa' ,bat .hl growS Pric;er;l: .951039.95 .., \ WELL-KNOWN .---:-" BRAND /i .i/ NAMES IN GIRL'S COATS AT ! I I Speare's Girl's Dep't Downstairs SPEARE BROS. ARE • BAMBU~)' • .MARLEE .• PHILADELPHIA ~IRL·· GASrWlRTH ItEMEMIER-FOR YOUR _.CONVEN.i*........::; - ~r: ..::.= . .' ~ ~D ;:30~ FRIDAY 9.' SPEARE - - O"';'~ . ....:" l:Yau ~--~~~--~'~~--~--~~~ 1. • "', . '. 'i,: . . '.~.~ .::',-.. . ••. .;-_:..:-~~.110.-~.....: . INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE THE SWARTIIMOREAN RECISTRATION SCHEDULE Prior to August 26, 1960 Mrs. Helen Hate" BOROUCHTAXES Janice Carroll To Spend Moves to MorganwoocJ DUE AUCUST 31st! Year in England (Continued from Page 1) Janice Carroll, daughter of .Mr. John A. Schumacher, Borough residence ·there. Alaska was growtax collector, remindsSwarth- and Mrs. John W. Carroll of Coling and statehood was in the air. lege avenue, sailed on the Bremen Many parts of the territory looked moreons that in order to obtain SEPTEMBER 9th from New York Monday night for Last day an elector may move trom one election district to another to the Sheldon Jackson campus for the discount on i 960 Real Estate, Per Capita, and Personal Sheffield, England where. she will in order to be uermltted to vote in the new election district at the Gen- the leaders of the new Alaska. "With the easing of wartime reo Property Taxes, payments must be an exchange student at the eral ElectIon. Persons moving after this date may vote in old election strictions, it was once more pos- be in his office before Septem- Woodhouse School under the A.F.district if otherwise qualified. S.C. Exchange Program. Janice will sible to fill the long daylight hours ber I. live with Stella Waite, an English of the northern summer with a proSEPTEMBER 16th exchange student who spent the Last day all electors may register to vote at the General Election. gram of Christian education to sup. past year at Swarthmore High This includes eIpctors who will become of age on or before November 9th, plement the work of the churches School, until Christmas. She will of the presbytery. Both boa,tos were 1960. remain in England until next Augonce more back in Chl'istian service ust. SEPTEMBER 19th and they cruised many hundreds Over the weekend many exchange David Lichtenberg, South SwarthLast day for an elctor who has removed into a new election district of miles in the course of the sumto give notice to the Registration CommIssion in order to be permitted to mer, taking faculty and student more avenue, has been promoted to students, both incoming and outgo. vote in the new election district at the General Election. The removal teams to towns and o!annery points circulation manager of TV Guide ing, received orientation at Pendle magazine, C. J. Bodkin, Jr., circula- Hill. Those students from the Unicard must set forth a removal date into the new election district which of the southwest area." ted States going overseas left by After nine years of work in Alas- tion director, has announced. cannot be later than September 9th. ka, Mrs. Hatch asked for a transfer A veteran in the magazine dis- bus on Monday for the ship. The COURT HOUSE HOURS and was sent to the Allison James tribution industry, Mr. Lichtenberg Carroll family drove to New York Regular business hours up to and including Monday, September 9th School of Santa Fe, N.M., a coedu- has been with the magazine since to see Janice off. Monday through Frlday-9:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Together with such cational boarding school for junior 1953. He ioined it as central division additional hours as designated below: highs, that had been serving the sales manager in New York, served AUgust 26th-Friday ........................... 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. youth of the area for over 90 years. as Philadelphia edition circulation "As it had done in Alaska," Mrs. manager and rejoined the national August 2'lth--saturday ......................... 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon September 9th-Friday ........................ 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 PM. Hat~h said, "the war had brought circulation staff' in 1956. He has September 10th"'-Saturday ..................... 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon many Spanish - American youth been manager of retail sales since September 16th-FrIday ........................ 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. from their remote mountain villages 1959. He succeeds the late Ely LanSeptember 17th-Saturday .... ;................ 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon (plazas) into world contact. To dis. COUNTS •••••• meet these changing conditions Before joining TV Guide, Mr. . wisely and well, the Board of Na- Lichtenberg was with Macfadden ROVING REGISTRARS WILL SIT When there is illness tiona} Missions conducted a careful Publicaiions, New York, for 10 In Rutledge-Tuesday, September 13, 2:00 to 9:00 P.M., Fire House in your h'ousehold, you study of New Mexico and the wider years. A native of Mt. Vernon, N.Y., want the best counsel and area of the southwest. These studies he attended Colgate University. He care to be had. You turn Mr. and Mrs. Casper S. Garrett brother and family Mr. and Mrs. indicated that the services of Alli- is married and has two children. to the best physician of Maple avenue visited their son J. Henry Well burn of Endwell, son James School were no longer available. Be equally careand daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. N.Y. needed as they once were. ful in the selection of a 'Mrs. Frances Lumsden of KenGeorge K. Garrett .at Horsehead, "The state of New Mexico was pharmacy. Always bring The Fire Company was called to N.Y!" last week.' Mr. Garrett is yon avenue had as her house guest growing and with the growth, it your doctor's prescrip-, with the Atlantic Pipe Line Com- for the past two weeks Miss Kath- was making available to its youth Chester road and Baltimore pike rions to this fine prof,.~­ pany in New York for the summer. emne Cunningham of Cadillac, an increasing number of good pub- at 7: 15 a.m. Friday by a fire in sional pharmacy. On their way horne Mr. and Mrs. Mich. Also visiting Mrs. Lumsden lic schools and the means of trans- the automobile of Victor Maiwald, Garrett, Sr., stopped for a short is her brother Mr. Frank A. Green portation needed to reach the Media. Patrolmen Peter Maginnis and while at the home of Mrs. Garrett's of Pompano Beach, Fla. schools from still remote plazas. James Davis apprehended a 15Convinced that the need for ChrisCATHERMAN'S tian service was now greater in year-old Chester boy in a car which DRUG STORE OPENING DAY, FRIDAY AT 9:30 a.m. other forms in the state the Board had been stolen from in front of of National Missions decided to its owner's home on 21st street in Klngswood 3-0586 close Allison James permanently in Chester. The vehicle was reported the summer of 1959." It was here missing at 11 :20 p.m. Monday Mathat Mrs. Hatch also closed her per- ginri;~ and Davis recovered it four iod of missionary service after 19 hours later at Chester road and Baltimore pike. The boy was turned years. over to Chester police. Since her retirement, Mrs. Hatch had been living in Kingston, R.I., to be near her son, .r ahn Palmer. "I Saw It -in Thu SWaJ·thmorean'~ H a tc h, a member of the f acul ty of II;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:::=:;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;:;;=~~==;;;:: engineering of the University of Rhode Island. The Hatches, with their two children, William War· ren and Sally Ann, live ;1earby in Saunderstown. Born in Manhattan, N.Y., Mrs. Hatch moved to Brooklyn as a child ~ and received her education in the 619 Edgmont-Chester public schools there. After gradu....i •• ( .... ation from the Girls' High School, '.. she went on to the Maxwell Train· "You Meet the Nicest People at Speare Bros." ing School for Teachers to prepare EDGMONT AVENUE - SEVENTH AND WELSH 8TBBBT8 for kindergarten and elementary school work. STORE HOURS - Mondays and Fridays. 9:30 to 9:00 .she taught for several years in Tuesclays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 9 to 5:30 the schools of the borough, until her marriage to Warren W. Hatch, ala so a teacher in the Brooklyn Schools. pert It was after his sudden death that ballerina Mrs. Hatch began preparing for her ;work in Christian service. styleel General Election, November 8th, 1960 Litchenberg Named TV Guide Circulation Mgr. 0 I Quality * Police and Fire News MURRAY'S DIIOI~· ...,-.-{"SHOP • • 1 th.is style and others oby •.. COAT ...• Miss Strouse Conducts Demonstration Class Murray's ,Madison Shop salutes the two important fashion trends that mark the well-dressed man this fall. First, the completely-at-ease look of suits with a natural shoulder line. Second, the news.worthy return of the vest. Plan to look thrGugh our tastefully selected fall suit collection . . . you'll find exclusive de· signs at non-exclusive prices. 44.95 to 79.50 I Adeline Strouse of Rutgers avenue, teacher of French at the Swarthmore High School, has been teaching a methods and demonstration elass in the elementary grades at the University of Del's.ware Foreign Language Institute.' Her class was comprised of 27 third and fourth graders from Newark and Wilmington areas, and 14 adult observers. In all, there were almost 100 children and 59 elementary and secondary teachers and supervisors enrolled at the institute which offered both French and Spanish on the elementary and secondary levels. The institute was one of 35 that were eonducted throughout the !Country this ~ummer under the National Defense Act. Their pur- I pose is to improve teachers' skills in the audio-lingual (or oral before written) approach to foreign languages. Delaware's institute was directed by D.r. Max S. Kirch, assisted b y D r. Edward Cain, both on the regular staff of the university. I til, coat t"at grows Pric;ed: 29.9510 39.95 OTHER "> \ WELL-KNOWN //< . / ! BRAND NAMES IN GIRL'S COATS ! / 0" AT f / 0 I Speare's Girl's Dep't Downstairs I SPEARE BROS. ARE - BAMBURY - .MARLEE - PHILADELPHIA GIRL- GASTWIRTH o REMEMBER-FOR YOUR . CONVENiENCE' 0 SPEARE BROS o' OPEN EVERY • 0 MON. AND 9:30 T~ FRIDAY 9:00' ~----------~----~~