Swnrthnore Gvmrthmore Are YOU; Registerecl to Vote? THE SWARTHMOREAN Are YOU Registered to Vote? Volume32--N~mbe;~~36S-----------------~S~h1J~~~~~~~~~::h::~~~----------------------------!:==========~ . warthmore, Pa., Friday, September 2, 1960 $4.00 PER YEAR . LIBRARY CLOSED Pool CUpS GQ 10 ON LABOR DAY IMothers Club Plans The Swarthmore Public Library be closed tomorrow and on Friendl, Fair for 15th .1. Townes, H.lcCard" will Monday, Labor Day. As of Tuesday, September 6, the regular schedule of hours will be in force: ' Monday throu~h Friday 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m.j Saturdays 9:30 to 12 noon, and 2 to 4 p.m. Garnet Team Wins; More Awards to Be Made on Labor Day New Minister lor Youth I.Waler Ballet·Del:"·" (til , Swim Club Mamlers Opening Meeting to Be H Id" M C h e In c a an Pool Will Close for Season on Sept. 7 Hall Sunday afternoon at theSwarthAnn Townes, breaking previous The Swarthmore Mothers' Club ,!'lore Swim Club the South Sea records in every junior girl swim. is planning a Friendly Fair for its Islands water ballet produced and ming event, even without entering opening meeting of the 1960-61! 'directed by Carol Williams (with the diving competition in last weekseason. MI's. Sally Lemon, memo I· aquaography by Millard Robinson. end's annual pool championships Rep~yes bership chairman, is in charge of ,Janet Taylor, Joyce and Susan Wi!at the .swarthmore ISwim ·Club, the event. Those assisting her are: 'Iiams) delighted all guests. Cosmanaged to tally a top individual ,Mrs. George A. Abernathy, Jr., tumes and scenery, with whieh score of 50 points and gain the Mrs. Robert Chinnis, Mrs, John many hands had helped, added to . 1960 Girl's Cup. Clymer, Mrs. Donald Dickinson, .the graceful beauty of the water Ann created a new 220-yard Action Precludes Borough's Mrs, George Dunn, .Mrs. Bruce (lances whIch a hlVf-hundred perfreestyle record of 3:04.8 erasing Accepta.nce of Jones, Mrs. James Moran, Mrs. formers had rehearsed for severBarbara Dumm''8 old record of Streets Jack Prichard, Mrs. William Shaw, al weeks for the entertainment et 3 :24.5. Other first place wins in Mrs. David Smith and Mrs. Joseph "neIr .u~uOW ·pool mem~l·S. The 50.yard freestyle and 50.yard The roads in. Swarthmore Hills, Trout. near.tropie heat and humidity conbreas~troke brought her own pre- the repavin~ of which has been a The meeting will be held at Mctrlbuted further to island illusion. vious records up from 31.8 to 31.4 center of disc\l@slonbyresldents'CahanHall,Presbyterian Church, The garish garb and agile perforand from 48 7 to 48 4 respectively Borough Council and »eveloper H rd S t be 5 mance of Jay Lord as Witcb Doc.. . Will' E W'th f I arva avenue, on ep em r 1 , Her second place in backstroke also lam · 1 am, or severa at 8 :30 p.m. All motbers who are tor will remain in local memories 1Iettered Carol Espenschade's 41 4 m 0 n t h s, were resurfaced last inter ted' . . , th . . .for many a day. . Thu d b W·th· H th es m lommg e orgamzarecord but Carol placed first with rs ay· y I am. owever e tion are urged to attend this meetTbe printed program, distributed an even faster time so still holds'i B streets hcannot ,be accepted by the . 11 11 f th 'ed Official Board Also by Joanne and Carol Espenschade 1 ,mg as we as a 0 e varl that record at 39.3. The same thing o~o~g un ess Council reverses its meetings of the year. Names New in colOrful grass skirts and leis. happened in hutterfly, CaroJ nar- decISIon of last month. One of the purposes of the Moth· and vocally augmented by Chris rowly keeping her record by dong When a group ?f homeown~rs ers' Club is to provide various Secretary Martin, included a number not prea 38. compared to Ann's 38.2 and j approache~ Councll last ~nng types of a;sistance for needy chilThe Official Board of the Swarth- viously announced. the old record 39 3 about havmg streets of the :pnvate dr th· h If ti 't' more ,Methodist Church announces BiUed as the Islanders a group . . • d i d d' , . en roug we are ac VI les. nlchard McCurdy set new rec. eve opment e Icated to the BorTh d f th 1 the appointment of James S. Mac- of' -adults who earned special ap'1 'd' -...III' e procee s rom e annua 1 h CounCl s.al It was 'Wl l~g fashion show in March of 1960 Main to serve on the staff as As- pause included Mrs. DoUglas ords in the 220 and breaststroke oug, and came within a half second of to acce.pt them If they were put.m were turned over to Sunnycrest sistant ,Minister for Youth. He suc- Courtney, Mrs. Bernard Halpern, the freestyle and butterfly records, repair. Council of~ered to have the farm for Boys, Family Service of ceeds the Rev. Edward Thorn who Mrs. George Herschel, Mrs. Harry also topping the season's high score work done accordmg to Borough Delaware County, Child Guidance has been appointed to a Methodist 'McCallister, Mrs. Karl Schaefer, in diving for his age group, while road specifications, at an approxi- Clinic of Media, Community Nurs- charge in New Jersey. Mrs. William Stanton, Mrs. F. W. taking first place in all six eventa mate cost of $1 a fr~nt foot to each ing ,service, Health Advisory Com:Mr. MacMain is a native of Dela. Whittier, Ann WhIttIer. of the week-end for intermediate .property owner. Wlt~am then .of•.mlttee, Child Health Center of ware Co~nty, having gradu~ted During the program of family ~ys and chalking up 40 points to fered to do the re~avlDg accordmg Chester, ,Delaware County Child from Haverford' Hi~h School in fun at 4 p.m. L~bor JJayannounceWin the 30ys Cup. "Dickie" -also to a formula . whIch he felt was Care Center and the Swarthmore 1954. Upon graduatlonhe worked ,m~nt of the wmners of the 1960 won the 1959 Cup as a junior and equal or superIor to Borough stan- ,Recreation Association ,for two years with· the Colonial Mulard Robmson Trophy (for outthe 1966 OIlp as a midget.' dards. .. . . During the past aca~n 12 dozen Mortgage ~ervice Company. 'etandmg -all-around aChIevement, }.lthough both flchampion~" By .vot~ .at Its August sesSIon cookies were'bikec,l each.manth b)' ,It w~~ I~ ~u~y',~()f< ~966 he"re- I~auersmp, sportsmansbl~ and ~erswam on the White team, t~e Gar- C~uncd d,ecld~d, the str~ts would m~bers of.the welf~~' cc¢mittee c~i~d hl~ c.llto e~ the' Metho- vle~), the IIf6~ Outstanding S"?IDne~,Je'p'~.~~,~!~C!J.'~'a;._. ~~ !!~IAfP~,.a$;:Io!la;. u~~r~:~!.a~~t:-aitda81iv.ered-to·.spiln:v.cres~~k ~l~ ~~~~stry .ahd s~s~q~e~t~. en~ mel Awar~ (lor servlc~, !part~~..~. p?lnt 1088 ·at the end of Friday nate proposal ana tnatlt could not .mas gifts from chi}) members were rolted a~ Temp!e Umverslty w1ie~e' tlon.. and lDterest), .and thl! Li~e nIght's 220 to take a two point I ~ceept them un~ess they were done delivered to the Dante &:hool at he receIVed hIS Bachelor of SCI- .Savmg Award (for hlgbest score In lead by the end of Saturday morn-I m accordance WIth the requirements Concordville and Sunnycrest. Also enc,e degree in Education this past thIS season's courses) wid.J>e made. ing's diving and, with the aid of for ~ther Borough streets. used books were distributed ~ June. Two bonus days of swimming Sbghtly. over half .the .'P~perty .Sunnycrest and used clothing to For the, past, four yea~s he has have been awarded all pool memits high.spirited u30 and over" 25 yard swimmers, built up a final owners eVIdenced theIr wdhngness theCbild Health Center of Ches: 'be~n workmg as Youth Dlrector'at bers by a deciSIon to posl;pone the score of 360% to Whites 317% to have t~e Borough do the work. ter. St. Andrew's Method~st Church in pool's closing for the winter until and secure their second victory The remamder a-pparently ,preferM R d rC 1- Llanerch. He will be attending 8 p.m. next Wednesday. · aymonand °hurnoyer, Theological Seminary in during the five years of this intra_ red to have the oblig&.tion rest with . f arers· ch aU'man, er comml~tteeCrozer e . mural competition . Robert Suther- the 11 developer and cared little, if l ' II 'I . f Chester in preparatJon for the Garnet Canteen Ends h h ... are .p annmg a sImI ar program or M . ., land coached the Garnets and Mar- at .a , t a~ t e streets might re- the current season of the club. 'ethodlst l'fhmstry. ~., Summer Season shall Schmidt the Whites. ~am undedlc~tC!d and thus not enTh~ church also announces the T~e ~inal Canteen of the summer A total Cof 15 new Swarthmore tItled to mamtenance and snow Republican Women Active selectIon of Mrs. Charles Hayes as season was held' la t i ht" th records and four new pool records by the . to 'the She will be hall the Trinity (not including six 220 records) Wttham also mstalled an addlIMrs. Donald A. Crosset as pro- replacmg Mrs. Marlon Connors who weekly meeting er "d d h d th h h . f th S thin h ed f . s w e comn ere . 1 f' were established during the cup t lona Ire y rant a.t e sout - gram c aIrman 0 e war ore as serv or seven years. a. great success with crowds of 160 carniva~. Sometimes several or all east corner of For~st lane and WeI. Council of the Pennsylvania Repubto 240 coming each night. entries did better than thepreviotis lesley road. The Fire Company re- lican Women b&.s secured a comStudent members of Ca tee d mark. Most startling was nine- cently increased hy- mittee of three local women headed the' directors would like nto year-old Ann Miche~er, who after drant protectIon for, the develop- by Mrs. Robert A. Boyle of AmTrinity Church for the use of 'the (Continued on 'j)age 5) ment. herst avenue to ·make availableRe. fac~lities tliroughout the summer. Witham said last week that he publican campaign items in the Parrish Road Resident A -special vote of thanks again goes Schoof Opens, 8:45 plans to meet with residents soon Borough. to the "unsqng 'heroes" who start.. Th d S' b to discuss the future of the streets Assisting Mrs. Boyle are Mrs. J. Named Ass't Sup't at ed Ganteen and who continue- to urs ay, epte.r:n er 8 which include Wellesley road, Frankliq -Gaskill of University . Ohl·o Ref"lnery ~ake it. possible, Mrs .. Her·man Bloom and Mrs A th Kt. An anticipated 1452 pup·· Us will W'00 db roo, k F orest an d 'ogwoo D d place an d .Mrs. Geo rge F ox C orse, Yale avenue. Information can be Appointment of John F. McKinA . r ,ur, en. report for elasses by 8:45 a.m. in lanes. the 10 'Ru tl edge S Ch 001 . h roa, d as assls . tant . f d-crowd of 220 enJoyed a" night. ;,owar thmor~. secured from anyone of these I ney; J r., P arns .. . District next Thursday, September \ 11 Pass Swimmer Badl{' ladiJ. superintendent of Sun Oil Com- o. anc,mg and g~mes on Thura8, Approximately 352 -are enrolled Eleven girls passed !be require. 'Pally's Toledo O. refinery effec- d~y, August 25. On Monday, 240 in the high school, another 358 in ments for the Girl Scou\ Swimmer SWARTHMOREANS PLACE tive .october 1: .ha~been an~ounced attended a lively evening. the junior high school, and about Badge in sessions held this week by' W.. T. A,skew, vice president in 762 in the kindergarten and ele- and last at the Swim Club Pool. Winners in the end-of·the-season chauge of refineries. Swarthmore High Alumnae horse show of the Rose Tree Hunt A· mentary grades. They are: 'Club's riding classes on ,Monday Mr.· McKinney~operating assist;. SSISt at HOC key Day Camp All classes in grades two through Sally Ross, Linda Gatewood, ant at Sun's MarCus Hook refinery . Susan Marsh of Columbia ave12 will have full days beginning Christine Loveridge, Marjie Olcott, included: since 19.56, was graduated from p,ue and Susan Gowing I1f Parrish Intermediate class--Narrie Caldursday with dismissal set at Linda .and Diana Patchell, Hollis . . . ' . .villanova University with a B:S. road are assistants this week a\ Th 3:15 p.m. for the elementary pupils Hildebrand, .R'Uthie Kurtzhalz., we~l, ~d..;.g v~xen, fIrst, d~~ndY degree in chemical engineering, and the Friends Centra,l Hockey Day and at 2 :38 p.m. for the second;ary Marian Stradley, Ruth Ann Han- Pelrso rl mg. ~nny, secon , ,an- was awarded an M.S. degree, also Camp. stud..ents. The first grade will be sen, Jane Magee. d~ ~nyder .rl.dmg ~o~kY, third; in chemical engineering, from the ' Susan Marsh, who will enter the dismissed at 12 noon on Thursday The sessions were conducted by MImI rldmg Gallop University, of Pennsylvania. lIb sophomore class at Ma ry Wash'lug.. P . t fMcWtlhams rth " and Friday, and begin full-day Mrs. Joseph Donovan and Mrs. Le- om, ou . . entire career with Sun has been ton College, Fredericksburg, Va., sessions on Monday, September 12. 'roy Peterson with the assistance . ~dva~ced cla~'-d P;tt Rld~ay at Marcus Hook where he joined was co-captain of the Swarthmore Rours for morning kindergarten of Life Guards Roy Stuart and ndmg onny, t 11'. a.' on er the research and development divi- High School Girls' lacrosse team are 8:45 a.m. to 11:30. Afternoon Ger-e Melchior. own horse September NIght, WOD' sion in February, 1943. He was for the season 1958-1959. Susar kindergarten runs from 12 :30 to th~ b~eak-and-~ut class a~d was' appointed a group leader in the Gowing was co-captain of the hoe3:15. " H . S. Football Barbecue thud m the paIr class. at tne Bell- technical service section in 1946 key team for the season 191>9-1960 , Homeroom assignments for junSet for Thunda, wood Hunt Club show m Pottstown ,and became section -chief in 1953. Iat Swarthmore High and will be a lor and senior high students may The Football Kick-Off Harbecue on Sunday. A m~mber of Sigma XI, research member of the freshman class at be found on .page 3. for the S~arthmore High School honor' society, Mr. McKinney is Denison University, Granville, .o. squad will be .held Thursday, Sep- Post Office Takes •. also active in the American InstiOLDEST RESIDEIT TO tember 8. The event Will be held Labor Day Hohday tute of Chemical Engineers and the REPUBLlCA~ WONEI , CELEBRATE Itt' I'ITHDAY' at 6 :30 p.m. at the home of Mr. There will be no delivery of American Chemical Society. Inter'PLII IRIDIE PAin : Mrs, Elizabeth Gilpin Moore of and Mrs. H. Willis Jackson, 730 mail on Monday; Labor Day. ested in civic activities he is cur- The Swarthmore Republic8l'l 112 Park avenue will celebrate;her HalVl4rd av~nue. .. . , The lobby of the Post Office rently Se~ngas a distriCt com- Woman's :Club will' bold. a benetl\ ; :th birthday on WednesdaY.·'llrs. " The' 1960 ··'stiua.d, ~'iht!ir parents wiD be· open from 11:30 a.m. to missioner of Boy Scouts of America dessert-bridge Tuesday, September ; soote has been a resident of (includinc mothers), eoaehes and," 1:30 p~m.,' for. the cc:MMmience and· as a ~ivision' trail:ting off~~, at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. 'Warthmore sinee 1881.' frieRds'· are .invited. of box• h old e r. s. . " ''of the u.s. COaSt GUard. ''',AUXiUai7,. Dona14 Croseet, 406 Thayer road. . . • ~ _. : , ' . -,.'. ~, .:....,i."'" :. "'".. Builder Roads In Swarthmore HDllls ! Methodists ApPol-nt J ames S• IIaeI. a.1 rem~val ~orough. reco~ended secret~ry pa~tor. ~f ~h:r!h. ~~e bi~ Sun 'Oil 00. Appoints dohn.. F I CK-Inney, Jr. ~:k I I l -f' • • ': , , , ; sw ArrrH :-101 L)\llflrtl1JlO:;:'0 Co lleg\l' Li hrn:c~ 0"/:J r t} H:lOre COLLEGK A,e YOU -- -' I B HA R ....... .--------~:- Are l Registerecl to Vote? THE SWARTHMOREAN - Volume 32 - Number 36 Swarthmore, Pa., Friday, ~-eptember 2, 1960 LIBRARY CLOSED Pool CUpS Go 10 ON LASOR DAY lMolhers Club Plans The Swarthmore Public Library be closed tomorrow and on Friendly Fair for 15th A. Townes, R. MeOurd, . will Monday, labor Day. As of Garnet Team Wins; More Awards to Be Made on $4.00 PER YEAR "New Minister lor Youth IWater Ballel Dal:ghls I SWI-m . Club Memaers Pool Will Close for Sea$on on Sept. 7 Opening Meeting to Be Held in McCahan Tuesday, September 6. the regular schedule of hours will be in force: Monday through Friday 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m.; Saturdays 9:30 to 12 noon. and 2 to 4 p.m. YOU Reg;sterec/ to Vote? Sunday afternoon at the Swarthmore Swim Club the South Sea Ann Townes, breaking previous The Swarthmore Mothers' Club . islands water ballet produced and records in every junior girl swim· is planning a Friendly Fair for its . directed by Carol Williams (with ming event, even without entering opening meeting of the 1960-61: aquaography by Millard Robinson. the diving competition in last weekseason, Mrs. Sally Lemon, memo Janet Taylor, Joyce and Susan Witend's annual pool championships bership chairman, is in charge of 'Iiams) delighted all guests. Cosat the 'Swarthmore Swim Club, the event. Those assisting her are: . tumes and scenery, with which managed to tally a top individual .Mrs. George A. Abernathy, Jr., many hands had helped, added to score of 60 points and gain the 1 Mrs. Robert Chinnis, Mrs, John the graceful beauty of the water 1960 Girl's Cup. Clymer, Mrs. Donald Dickinson, ·"<.Iances whIch a half-hundred perAnn created a new 220·yard Action Precludes Borough's Mrs. George Dunn, .Mrs. Bruce formers had rehearsed for severfreestyle record of 3:04.8 erasing Acceptance of Jones Mrs. James Moran, Mrs. a1 weeks for the entertainment of Barbara Dumrn's old record of Streets Jack Prichard, Mrs. William Shaw, ~ ~neu' It!uOW ,pool mt!lnOtH·S. The 3 :24.5. Other first place wins in Mrs. David Smith and Mrs. Joseph' near· tropic heat and humidity conThe roads in Swarthmore Hills, 50·yard freestyle and 50,yard Trout. trlbuted further to island illusion. the repaving of which has been a The meeting will ·be held at McTh . h b d '1 rf h breaststroke broug t her own pret f d' i b i d nts e garls gar an agl e pe or. . 4 cen er 0 'ISClffiS on y res e 'Cahan Hall, Presbyterian Church, 0 IS 5 f J L d W'''-h D VIOUS records up from 31.8 ~ 31. Borough Council and Developer mance 0 ay or as I"" ocand from 43.7 to _43.4 respectIvely. William E. Witham, for several Harvard avenue, on September 15, tor will remain in local memories Her second place 1D backstroke also th f d last at 8 :-30 p.m. All mothers who are .for many a day. ' 1 4 • m 0 n s, were resur ace interested in joining the organizaThe prm . ted program, d'IS t.f1'bUted 1 h d d bettere Caro Espensc a e s 4 . Th d b W'th H the record but Carol placed first with I t urts ay y t ~ am. ~e~r the tion are urged to attend this meetOfficial Board Also by Joanne and Carol Espenschade an even faster time so still holds. s ree s canno· acc~p Y, ing as well as all of the varied N N in colOrful grass skirts and leis, 'lll 3 Th the Borough unless CouncIl reverses Its meetings of the year. ames ew and vocaJly augmented by Chris t hat record a t 0iJ" e same Ing d .. fIt th . . eclslon 0 as mon • 0 f the purposes of the Moth S t ry M t" happened In butterfly, Carol narWh f h ne 0 . ecre a ar m, mclu d ed anum b er no t pre. h d b d en a group 0 omeowners ers' Club is to provide various viously announced. rowI y k eeplng er recor y ong h d Co 'lit r'ng The Official Board of the Swarth' 382 d approac e uncI as sp I types of assistance for needy chilBilled as the Islanders a group a 38. compared t 0 A nn s . an I bo t h ' t t f th :n 'vate more Methodist Church announces 8 U avmg s ree s 0 e 'yrI dren through welfare activities. of -adults who earned special aph Id record 39 .'3 , teo d 1 t d d' ted to th Bor 1 the appointment of James S. Mac· h ard M c Cur d y set new rec- eveh opmen e 'III'ngThe proceeds from the annua Main to serve on the staff as As- pia use included Mrs. Douglas .R IC C '1 e Ica 'd't oug, ouncl sal I was WI fashion show in March of 1960 C t M Bern d Halpern . olds 10 the 220 and breaststroke t t th 'f th e ut I'n sistant Minister for Youth. He suc- our ney, rs, ar J . , 1 f 0 accep em I ey wer p were turned over to Sunnycrest M ' 'eo ge Herschel and came WithIn a ha f second 0 " · h ceeds the Rev. Edward Thorn who rs. u r ' Mrs . ' liarry I d b tterfl d repaIr. CouncIl offered to have t e .l"arm for Boys, Family Service of has been apPol'nted to a .Methodl·st 'McCallis. te.r, Mrs. Karl Schaefer, t he f rees t . yean u , ~ recor s, work done according to Borough Ch'ld G .d d 'f' t' t p roxi Delaware County, 1 UI ance charge in New Jersey, 'Mr~. ~Iluam Stanton, Mrs. F, W. also toppmg the season s hIgh score in diving for his age group. while roa specl Ica Ions, a an a p ~ Clinic of Media, Commu~ity Nurs'Mr, MacMain is a native of Dela. Whlttl.er, Ann WhIttIer. . taking first place in all six events mate cost of $1 a fr~nt foot ~ eac ing Service, Health AdVIsory Com- ware County, having graduated Durmg the program of famIly f of the week-end for intermediate property owner. Wlt~am t e~.o - .mlttee, Child Health Center .of from Haverford High School in fun at 4 p.m. L~bor Uayannounceboys and chalking up 40 points to fered to do the re~avmg ac~or mg Chester, IDelaware County ChIld 1954. Upon graduation he worked l m~nt of the w1On~rs of the 1960 win the Boys Cup. "Dickie" -also to a formula . whIch he fe t was Care Center and the Swarthmore for two years with. the Colonial Mulard RobInson 'I rophy (for outwon the 1959 ·Cup as a junior, and equal or superIor to Borough stan- Recreation Association, Mortgage Service Company standmg all-around achIevement, the 1966 Cup as a midget. dards. 'A t . During the past season 12 dozen It was in July of 1966' he re- l~aC1ers01p, sportsmanshl~ and s.erAlthough bot h "champions" By .vl°dte .~t d I~~ UtgUSt sessl~~ cookies were baked eaCh. m!nt? by ceited his c~ll to enter the 'Metho- vIce), the 1\160 Outstandmg S":lmswam on the White team the Gar- Counel eCI C e ~ ree ~ w~~ members of the welfat:e CO~utn1t.tee dist Ministry and subsequently cn- ~er Awar~ {tor serVIce. i1artJcl~­ net team re u erated fr:,m. a ..~ne- n?~_h.?_l~.,u~ a,s !()ng un er t ~ a .- ~- and delivered to SunnYCres#,Chrlst"roned at Te:nple University where tlOn. and mterest), .and the LI~e point l~ss!t Pthe end of Friday nate proposal and that it could not .mas gifts from club members were he received his Bachelor of Sci- SavIng Award (for hIghest score In night's 220 to take a two point I ~ccept them un~ess they w~re d o~e delivered to the Dante School at ence degree in Education this past thIS season's courses) wul ,be made. s (.;oncordville and Sunnycrest. Also, J une. Two bonus days of swimming 1ea d .by th e en d 0 f S a t urday morn- m accordance With the requlremen ts . d 'th th 'd f for other Borough stree . used books were distributed to F h t f h h have been awarded all pool mem.mg,s d'IVlng an , WI e al 0 1 Sl' htl h If th rt . or t e pas our years e as 't h' h " t d "30 an d " 25 Ig Y over a e prope y Sunnycrest and used clothmg to b k' Y th D' to r t bers by a deCISion to postpone the 1 s dig -~plrl e b 'lt over . I owners evidenced their willingness 'the Chl'ld Health Center of Ches. 'SetenAwdor 1O,g aMs thoud' t ClIh'ec h ~ 1 yar SWImmers, UI up a f Ina t h th B h d the work . n rew s e 0 IS urc 111 pool's closing for the winter unti score of 360¥.! to Whites 317% ;h ave ,e d oroug e:t1y .prefel'~ ter. I Llanerch. He will he attending 8 p.m. next Wednesday, and secure their second victory e remam er ap~ar. . Mrs, Raymond ,Cournoyer, ,,!"e - Crozer Theological Seminary in her commIttee Ch es t during the five years of this intra- red to have the obhgatIond rest r IWith'f fare chairman ' and 'I er '10 prepara t'Ion f or th e Carnet Canteen Ends mural competition. Robert Suther- the developer hand ca~e .It~:, I are .planning a similar program for Methodist :Ministry. Summer Season land coached the Garnets and Mar- at all, that t e stree s mIg re- the current season of the club. The church also announces the The final Canteen of the summer . . main undedicated and thus not en. shall Schmidt the Whites, .I d . t d selecbon of Mrs, Charles Hayes as season was held last night in the A total of 16 new Swarthmore tIt e :ob m~n :nance h an snow Republican Women Active ~ecretary to "the pastor. She will be hall of the Trinity Church. The big e IDS .orotu records. and . four .new pool records remWo.va Ith amy atl so a l le d' an a dd'1iMrs. DonaId A . C rosset as p rOo replacing Mrs. Marion Connors who weekly meetings were considered a great success with crowds of 150 (not mcludIng SIX 220 I'ecords) bona . 1 f'Ire h y d ran t a t the s outh . . - gram chairman of the Swarthmore has served for seven years, to 240 coming each night. were establIshed dur10g the cup f F t1 nd WeI Council of the Pennsylvania Repub· . . east corner 0 ores ane a . Student members of Canteen and carmval. SometImes several or all I I d Th Fi re C any re- lican Women has secured a comentries 'did better than the previous es elY roa. e d d , omeaPsed hy mittee of three local wome!}. headed the directors would like to thank . . cent y recommen e mcr Trinity Church for the use of the mark, 'Most. s~rthng was nme- drant rotection for the develop- by Mrs, Robert A. Boyle of Am· facilities thl"lughout the summer. year.old Ann MIchener, who after p herst avenue to make available Re0 • menL I A special vote of thanks again goes (Continued on Page 5) Witham said last week that he publican campaign items in the Parrish Road Resident to the "uns\lng heroes" who startPlans to meet with residents soon Borough. I are M rs.. J Name d A ss I t S up' t at ed Canteen and who continue to Sc h00 I 0 pens,: 8 45 . to discuss the future of the streets Assisting Mrs. B aye Thursday. September 8 which include Wellesley road, Franklin 'Gaskill of University Ohio Refinery make it possible, Mrs. Herman '1 '11 I d M G rge Fox Corse Bloom and Mrs, Arthur. Kent. An anticipated 1452 pUpl S WI Woodbrook, Forest and Dogwood p ace an rs. e o . ' Appointment of John F, McKinreport for elasses by 8 :45 a.m. in lanes. Yale avenue. InformatIon can be ney Jr Parrish road as assistant . A ~rowd of 220 enjoy(:d a night. the 'Swarthmore-iRutledge School secu. r~. d from anyone of these I sup~rin'iendent of S~n Oil Com- of dancing and games on ThursDistrict next Thursday, September . 11 Pass SWI·mmer Badfl1e ~ ladles, many's Toledo, 0., refinery, effec- day, August 25. On Monday. 240 Y . 1 ed the require 8. Approximately 352 ·are enro11ed EI even glr s pass tive October I, has been announced attended a lively evening. in the high school, another 358 in ments for the Girl Scout Swimmer SWARTHMOREANS PLACE by W. T. Askew, vice president in I the junior high school, and about Badge in sessions held this week Winners in the end-of.the-season chat'lge of refineries. Swarthmore High A umnae 762 in the kindergarten and ele- and last at the Swim Club Pool. horse show of the Rose Tree Hunt Mr. McKinney, operating assist. Assist at Hockey Day Camp lIlentary grades. They are: 'Club's riding classes on Monday ant at Sur..'s Marcus Hook refinery Susan Marsh of Columbia ave· All classes in grades two through Sally Ross, Linda Gatewood,. luded' since 1956, was graduated fromnue and Susan Gowing of Parrish 12 will have full days beginning Christine Loveridge, Marjie Olcot~, m;nter~tldiate class-·Narrie Cald- Villanova University with a B.S. road arc assistants this week at Thursday with dismissal set at Linda and ,Diana ~atchell, HollIS well, riding Vixen, first; Sandy degree in chemical engineering, and the Friends Central Hockey Day 3:15 p.m. for the elementary pupils Hildebrand, .Ruthle IWrtzhalz, Peirsol riding Sonny, second; San- was awarded an M.S. degree, also Camp. and at 2:38 p.m. for the secondary Marian Stradley, Ruth Ann Han- dy Snyder riding Rocky, third; in chemical engineering, from the Susan Marsh, who will enter the stUdents. The first grade will be sen, Jane Magee. Mimi McWilliams riding Gallop University of Pennsylvania. His sophomore class at Mary Washingdismissed at 12 noon on Thursday The sessions were conducted by Point fourth. entire career with Sun has been ton College, Fredericksburg, Va., and Friday, and begin full-day Mrs. Joseph Donovan and Mrs. LeAd~anced c1ass - Pat Ridgway at Marcus Hook where he joined was co-captain of the Swarthmore ~Qssions on Monday, September 12. roy Peterson with the assistance riding Sonny, third. Pat, on her the research and development divi- High School Girls' lacrosse team Hours for morning kindergarten of Life Guards Roy Stuart and own horse September Night, won sion in February, 1943. He was for the season 1958-1959. Susar are 8 :45 a.m. to 11 :30. Afternoon Gene Melchior. the break-and·out class and was' appointed a group leader in the Gowing was co-captain of the hockindergarten runs from 12:30 to H. S. Football Barbecue third in the pair class at the Bell- technical service section in 1946 key team for the season 1959-1960 3:15.' wood Hunt Club show in Pottstown and became section chief in 1953. lat Swarthmore High and will be a Set for Thursday on Sunday. . A member of Sigma XI, research member of the freshman class at Homeroom assignments for junior and senior high students may The Football Kick-Off Harbecue honor society, Mr. McKinney is Denison University, Granville, 0, he fOllnd on ,page 3, for the Swarthmore High School Post Office Takes . also active in the American Instisquad will beheld Thursday, SepLabor Day Holiday tute of Chemical Engineers and the REPUBLICAN WOMEN OLDEST RESIDEIIT TO tember 8. The event will 'be held d I' Amerl'can Chemical Society. InterPLAN BRIDBE PARTY f M There will be no e Ivery 0 h h CELEBRATE 99tll BIRTHDAY at 6 :30 p.m. at t e ome 0 r, d L b D ested in civic activities he is curT h eSwarthmore Republican • Mrs. Eliza·beth. Gilpin Moore of and Mrs. H . W I'll'IS J ack son, 730 mail on Mon ay. pa orOffjay. rently serving as a distrrct com- Woman's Club will hold a benefit; 11 2 Park avenue will celebllat.e her Hsrval' d avenu~. The lobby of the OU Ice b ridge ' . t missioner of Boy Scouts of America d essertTuesday, September 99th birthday on Wednesday. Mrs. The 1960 squad, their parents will be open from II :30 a.!". 0 and as a division training officer 20, at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. ; 1rioore has been a resident of (i~cluding ~ot~ers), coaches and I :30 p.m. for the convenience ! of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. Donald Crosset, 406 Thayer road. SWarthmore since 1881. frIends' are lDVlted. of box. holders. Labor Day Hall BUI-Ider Repaves Roads In Swarlhmore H-,lls I MeIh d- I APPoin -I James S. MacM. a,n I I I . Is Sun 01-I Co. Appoln J hn F• Mel-,nney, Jr• I I I I I I i .I ,!. .~ . \ , ,,- TB B O·W A R '1' HMO RBAN · Is Per8()tJQ IEWS 10TE ing tbe coming year while Mr. Mor- ,combination of tbe Methodl!t eer· bodice and a bouffant .klrt. Her ton; ·Mass. Mre. Lanning wore a sappbire blue linen sbeath goWn wltb white aCces!l'iri... Her ~orsage wAS • wbite catlya orcbid. Mrs. Winten. cbose b.lge with mateblng sories. A corsage of ,fuschia cyniBrown. Jr., of Dickinson av.nu. dur- Clarence Boyer of Dickinson ave- ents. Miss Sw.tland wore a boof- the maid of honor. and MI88 Mar- bldium orcbids completed her co.. Ing their week's stay. Tomorrow Mr. nue. and Mr. Robert Conrad Nus. f,,:nt. floor-Ie?gth gown of ..tin garet Winte,.s. sis~r of the groom. tume. . • \ and Mrs J Paul Brown of Walnut of Philadelpbia. son of Mr. and WIth laee bodIce and net ov.rsklrt. :was the brIdesmaId. Both attendTbe brIde 18 a graduate of la will ·.niertaln at cocktsll party Mrs. Raymond Nuss of Becbtels- fashioned witb a round neek and ants wore baUerina length gowns Swarthmore High School and BeaIn~nor of Mr. and ~. Bass who ville, took place Saturday afternoon cap sleeves. H.r fingertip veil fell of white organdy ov.r blue tar- v.r and has studied at Boston Un\. will Iso be h n r gu ts of Mr and in tb. Swarthmore Presbyterian from a small matehing crown. She feta with blu. cummerbunds. Tb.y .v.rslty. She will teach at the BowMrs a W lte 0 0 f strath Cburch. Th. Kev. Mr. Robert o. carried a white Bible with earna- carried identical bouquets of white .n Scbool in Newton Center, Mass., 0 Hav' a nr 't a dlnne 0 party In Browne officiated at the 4 :30 c.re- tions and crysanthemums caught margu.rites witb florets of blue in September. the en::: u~a bo will r main ID mony. in ribbon stream.rs.' delphinium and' ivy. Th.ir floral Her husband is a graduate of re YS th Ir , .ve tryg.• lie In ts' Tbe altar was banked with white Miss Pauline Sw.tland served as headband. were of margu.rites and Ohio W••leyan Univ.rslty, and is this coun . • . . d partur f .LOSoowth gAme I paren Da bouquets and cybotium ferns, lIghth.r sIster'. maid of honor. MIss' IV)'. a m.mber of Phi Beta Kappa and ~ Uni er:. M~' ed by six s.ts of candelabra with Sylvia Nicks of Durham, N.C.• and Mr. Jack Blak. Carmicbael, of Beta Theta Pt. He is currently f rd reMass hla ~ers y. ~ s.v.n candles eacb. The p.ws were Mrs. Robert Carman. anoth.r sis- Fr.eland. Micb.. was best man. combining work on his doctorate ;;...;, will .. for th s;n o:.:ear ~n also lighted with candles s.t in ivy- ter of the bride. of Rochester. N. 'The usb.rs were Mr. William R. with teaching ch.mistry at the .~ter an; ";' drap.d candelabra. Y.. w.r. bridesmaids. Tbey w.re Moser of Cambridge. Ma.... and Massacbusetts Institute of Technoat Cornell niv. y. ca... The bride escorted by ber fatb.r, dr.ssed alike in bouffant mod.ls Mr. Wilfred F. Leach of Arling-Ilogy. was gowned in rosepoint lac. fash· of yellow polish.d cotton with silk TDIIORROW'S BRIDE HONORED ioned witb " basque bodice and organza ov.rskirts. They wore Mis. Rosemary Hibbard, daugb- long sleeves. Tbe 'scalloped .dge smsll crown. of matehing fabric. ter of Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Hib· of the scoop neckline was trimmed and carried round bouquets of cry30 YALE AVENUE MORTON, PA. bard of Soutb Cb.ster road. was witb se.d ,pearls. and the full skirt santbemums. Tbe maid of honor's TELEVIlnOI - HOME Ind AUTO RADIO, - PHOIOS honored on Tuesday at an "around ended in a cbap.ll.ngtb train. Her bouquet was in fall shades of yol"Bring It to Us or We'U Come to You" the clock" sbower given by Jan.t fing.rtip v.il of' Heathcote netting low and rust and tbose of the otber Klngswood 4-1028 Lynch at the bome of ber parents was caught und.r a tiara of seed attendants w.r. yellow. '~iiiiiiiiii~;;~~~~;,;,~~~~~~;;;;;~~~~iiii;ii~;;;;;i Mr. and Mrs. DaVId Bass and their rison attend. the University of' vice and that of the manner of two.tiered veil of French illusion 1IOtlII DIrII: and Dave of RIo dlt Jani- Michigan Law Sehool. Frlenda In the exchange of VQws. was fingertip, lengtb. She carried ero. BrazIl. formerly of swarthmore. Blbl. eeleetions were read by the a colonial bouqu.t of white mar· arrived this week from Europe where IUSS • IOYER brldegroom's brother Mr. Robert guerites. sweetbeart roses witb juot th.y have be.n tourtng. Tbey will The marriage of Mis. Jeanne E. L. K.lgbton. la toucb of pink, and baby's breath. be the gueste Qf Mrs. Thomas K. Boyer. daugbter of Mr.,and Mrs. Given in marriage by ber par- MlsoNancy Smith of Boston was He:'" I I tu!,:- Tul':... ':t 7tha .:::=.====================:::::;:=======-, DIOK FRANOHETT. TELEVISION Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Lynch of pearls. ,She carried a shower of IMrs. Swetland chose a blue sDk ! .'MMiiWUClllwuunuwmuIUIClIdWWll&DlmlUlUIIDMNllUllltlMlHI·una Dartmoutb av.nu.. sWe.tbeart ros.s and violets. print with .mall feath.red hat. :Her Thl~ .vening Miss Hibbard. andM1i!s Dawn Boyer attend.d her corsage was of wbite carnations ber fIance Mr. George Robmson sister a. maid of honor She and and crysanth.mums. Po~~oy. t~.ir wedding ~arty and the bridesmaid IMiss Kathryn Nu... Mrs. Keigb~n ~8S attired in. a famlhes wI!1 be .ntertsmed. a~ a sister of tbe bridegroom, wore mod- moss green SIlk Jersey print WIth rehearsal dmner at tbe Arommmk els of wood violet lace witb orchid which she wore a veiled whimsy , BEA U1Y SALON Golf Club by ,Mr. Pomeroy's par- trim and matcbing brimmed bat. of matebing flow.rs. Her corsage LEST IEAUn EBB WITH THE SUMMER TIDE ents Mr. and ~rs. Thoma. W. Pom- and slippers. They carried wbjte was similar to Mrs. Swetland·s.. ! ! "__ eroy. Jr., of Pltts~urgh. , baskets of orchid and pink aste}:s. Mr. John Boy.r of Snow HIlI. 9 South Che~ter Road ~ Tomorrow ~o~'lllng Mr. and Mrs. 'Miss Kayda Lynn Boy.r and Ind., served as best man an" tbe Call Klngswood 3-0476 ~ R~cbard H. :WIlhs of Dogwood lane Miss Vicki Jo Boy.r of Lawrence- usbers w.re Mr. Keighton's broth~ wIll entertalD at bru?ch the out-of- ville, Ill., nieces of the bride, were era Mr. Charles E. Ke~ghton and .AlIUye ........, .. IIae awarUuaar. Buill... "aseetall.. ~ town guests wbo WIll attend tb.· '0 b'd 'd d fl . I Mr W Leslie Keighton g , ~ marriage of Miss H'bbard a d M Junl r . rl esmal an o~e~ gIr D' :"-be C 'b th _. _ ~~_~na~.~IWIIII~~tI"~'~"~.I~.uanttn~~";:.~CU~I=lDn;:II~IID1='''~II~III='n=II=III='.='n=''U=III=III=II="n='=III=III=IIII=,a=II=III= .. n=n=n=II'=IUI='R='ID="~. I n r. l'espectlvely. They were Slmllarly r • .n.v rt arman, ro er In , Pomeroy at tbree o'clock in tbe attired in pink brocade. Th.y wore law of tbe bride. sang "The Lord'. Swartbmore Presbyterian <:burch. 'pink n.t bats and white slippers Prayer" and "If With sli Your Tbe Reverend Josepb P. Bishop. and carried tbeir bouqu.ts in white Heart" from Elijah. , A rec.ption in the social rooms of forttn.r pastor of the cburcb, willi ba.k.ts tied with wood violet ribMOTOR TUNE-UP with ENGINE SCOPE p.rform tbe cer.mony. bons. Mare !David Boyer. five-year- th. cburch followed the cer.mony. old broth.r of tb. bride was tbe Mrs. K.ighton was graduated DYNAMIC WHEEL BALANCE WHEEL ALIGNMENT SNYDER. UIB ring bear.r. • from ffigh Point College, High ROBERT AT%, Mgf. Th. marriage of A-lIe Richard Mr. Ricbard Nus. was best man Point, N.C .• in June. Mr. Keighton W. Snyder. Bon of Mr. and Mrs. for bis brotber. 'Mr. Mahlon Boy.r, attend.d Swarthmore College and RUSSELL'S SERVICE R. M. Snyder of Dartmouth av.nue, anoth.r brother of tbe brid•• usher. will graduate in September from to tbe fonner Mis8 Barbara Ann. ed. the T.mple University School of I Opposite Borough Parking Lot; Lang. took plac. July 19 in th.Mrs. Boy.r cbos. a candlewqite Education. IUD'..... I·OUO Dartmoutll I •• Laf.,.tt. ~¥.a... Langdale <:hap.l of the Fir.t Baop. brocad••beatli and jacket witb .l;m- The qouple wi11 be at home after ,Closed Saturday at 12:30 P.M. The Bouquet I II II SAFETY AUTO SERVICE J. l~ tist Churcb. Valdosta. Ga.,famili.s in the, presence of tb. immediate and a f.w close fri.nds A amall informal, r';'eption was held at the brid.'s home in Valdosta following tbe 7 o'clock candl.light service. The young couple are now residing at Patrick Air Forc. Bas•• Florida. <;'lenn~a;~n:fto;w~nJ~~~;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~;;;;;;~~~~~~l SWEET CORN b.r accessories. bridegrootil's Septemller in' will be an inmotber s.lected aThe champagne bra- wbere Jljr. Kelgh:on cade witb brown accessories stl\Uctor of JunIor Higb A reception followed the c.r.- at tbe Wi1liam Penn mony in McCahan Hall of the School. church. ------,The brid •• a graduate of 'Purdue WINTERS· LUNINa Univ.rsity, will teacb next y.ar Tb. ,Martba-Mary Cbaopel in in Harnsport, N.J. Tbe bridegroom Sudbury. Ma.... was the setting is a graduate of Muhlenburg CoI- Saturday morning, August 27. for lege He is a student in the Jeff.r- the marriage of Miss Katbarine MORRISOI • CARY .on Medical School. Grace Lanning. daughter of Mr. Following a wedding trip to Lake and Mrs. Rob.rt D. Lanning of Mias Barbara Ann Cary. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Egbert S. Cary. Wallenpaupac. tb. couple will make Lyniofield. 'MaBs.. formerly of Jr•• of Pittsbargb a;'d Pocono Lake tI,eir hom. at 202 South Lincoln Swarthmor.. to Mr. Earl Dallas Preserve. was married Saturday to street. Moorestown, N.J. Winters, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mr. Hugb Maxey Morrison, son of Prior to tbe wedding. on Augnst TT ·heWRinetev.rsJ·oJs.rp·'hofpG.aBII~siPboolpi.S·aOblsoioa· iMr. and Mrs. Max.y N.al Morrl. 15. tbe bride was bonored at a son. !?artmouth avenue. llinen shower given by Mrs. Nuss in former Swarthmorean, ,performed The cer.mony took place at tbe Eechtelsvlll.. On August 22 she tbe cer.mony. Egbert S. Cary Memorial Grov.. was guest of bonor at a kitehen EllI'Orted by her fath.r, the bride Pocono Lake Preserve. after tbe $b had been a. collll8lllor this summer. Mrs. Robert M. Grogan. with her daughters Sara and AlIc. and son Dav. of Westmlns~ ,""cnue. returned by jet from Copenhagen on Bunday from a· BeveIf week tour. partly by motor. wtth Mr. Grogan through European and scandinavIan countries. WhIle ID COpenhagen Mr. Grogan attended t1le International Geologic Congress and remained to toke a COngress trip In SWed"". returns today., Mrs. Grogan's ,mother Mrs. Walter Divekey returned this week from DIInols where she has spent the past two montbs. Mr. and Mrs. John CUshIng and their SOns Bill, Jack. and Steven returned recently from a ten-day camping trip In the Adirondacks. lted their son-In-law and daughter The Youth Orcbestra of Greater Tbe school year 1960 • 61 wiH open Thunday. September 8. 1980. Mr. and Mrs. Tbomas Manth.y and Phllad.lphia will hold auditions for The scbool day wl\J be from 8:46 A.M. to 2:38 P.M. witb a lunch bour their children. prospective members for the com. for JunIor High students from 11:26 to 12:11, and for Senior Hlch Burke Jackson. son of Mr. and ing concert-season on Saturday. stud.nts from 12:15 to 1:00 P.M. Tbe Conf.rence and Ass.mbly period Mrs. W. Howard Jackson of VII8S8l' S.ptember 10. Auditioning will will be from 2 :40 to 8 :26 P.M. so outside appointm.nts for students av.nu•• returned this week from Ida- tske plac. in the second floor audi- sbould not be made at this tim•• J\BB.mbll.. will usually be held OIl ho where he was employed durtng the torium of th. Central YMCA. 1421 Tu .. days for Junior High and Tbursdays for Senior High students. summ.r wtth the Blister Rust COn- Arch .treet. Josepb Primavera, orStud.nts bave been a88igned to the following homerooms: troL With hla group he experienced cbestra conductor. will be in cbarge. ~U.IOR HIBH SCHOOL SENIOR HIBH SCHOOL flght1nil forest fires In Montana and Those intending to apply for 9TH GRADE 12TH GRADE Idaho. membersbip sbould be between 14 IMr. Yocum-Room 13 - A.F Mr. Falcone-Room 100 - A· D Mrs. H.nry Heisler of Park av.n:ue and 21 years of ag.. pos••••ing Mr Henderson-Room203-G.Lo. Mrs. Mathews-Room 103-E. Hin returned over the weekend from Cape above ~v.rage t~lent and ability Mr•. Henry-Room 216 _ Low _Sc Mr. Snyd.r-Room 216-Hir· M Cod wh.r. she vacaUoned during on th.,r chosen mstruments. Tal- Miss McKie-Room 107 _ Se. Z Mr. W.rtz--Room 210 - N ~ Z July and August. ent.~ strings are especi~Jly needed. 8TH GRADE . 11TH GRADE . Applocants may com. d,rect to the Mr. and Mrs. RIchard I,lndsay 01 Y.MCA during the bours from 9 Mr. DrpklD-Room 206 - A· E Miss Armstrong-Room 106-A·Da Yal. avenue r.turned recently from a.M. to 12' noon on tb. above date. Mr. Law-,Room 233 - F • La Dr. Irwin-'Room 214 - DIl- Ke a two week vls1t In Clearwater. Fla., 11M Cb I W II 3 H Mr. MiIl.r-Room 135 - Le· Ro. MI8s Strouse-Room 217 - Kn - Pr or ea rs. ar es 0 03 ewd H to tel' h HI Mrs. S.ymour-Room 235 - Rot. Z Miss Zimmer-Room 118 -Pl" Z wh .re they joined their' daughter Ie Y roa. aver wn, ep one . EI.anor wh 0 had be en Vlsltlug her G-n.o1 f f rtb d ts'l '7TH GRADE 10TH GRADE cl d t Mr d Mrs E B ~. or u er e IS. , un • an aun . an . . • Th. Youth Orcbestra of Greater Mr. Bell-Room 232 - A- Fi Mr. Marish-Room 213 - A - Fi ])err for a month. Philadelpbia will celebrate its 21st Mr. Bernbart-Room 136 - Fo· J Mr. Pietryka-Room 209 - Fo· LI John Morrow. son of Mr. and Mrs. year tbis s.ason and its sev.nth Mrs. Bra~nd-Room 207 - K· Si Mrs. Wrigbt-Room 109 - M. Sch Robert c. MorrOw; Jr.• of Westmln- under the baton of Mr; Primavera Mrs. LeWIs-Room 234 - Sm· Z MT. H.ath-Room 101 - Se· Z ster avenu., returned Saturday from who is also a violist with the Phila- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ four w.eks at Camp M1llei'. ShaWnee- delphia Symphony Orcbestra. f on"the-Delaware. OV.r the Labor Reglliar rehearsals begin on SatDay weekend John, with his parents urday morning. Septemb.r 17. in and sister Klmberly. will vIsIt his the Central YMOA' and will copgrandparents Mr. and Mrs. Morrow tinue until April. Tbese .esoions Lighters $1.25 Bracelets $1 Pins $1 of Pelham Manor. N. Y. are of three hours' duration, from Nancy Gowing was hostess Sunday 9 a.IiI. until 12 noon. ' Playing Cards (2 decks) $2. on Wednesday Mr. Cushing's mo.. afternoon at'·a plcnlc supper at the ther Mrs. Carl Cushing of Durham, hom. of her parents Mr. and Mrs. D. COUNTY WOMEI TO MARCH N.H.. arrived for a ~It's vls1t. Mace Gowing of Parrish road by the AIAINST CYSTIC FIIROSIS Sponsorship Local Council of Republican Women Denison University undergraduates ~ , Mr. ~ ~ p~n'l" Boyer of Nearly 1,500 wom.n in D.laware Dickinson av.nue and t11elr famlly fpr the Incoming freshmen -from the Philadelphia ar.a. ,County communiti.s bave enrolJed Mrs. J. F. Gaskill - KI 3-7557 ar. vacationing this "''!Ilk . :. .. In AvaBetsy and Steve rucks. daughter to marcb in tb. Crusade against Ion. N.J. Wit!?- th~ Is Mr. Boyer's broth.r and s1ster-ID-Iaw Mr. and and son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cystic Fibrosis tbe week of SepMrs. R. A. Boyle - KI 3-2915 Mrs. Stuart Boyer and their lam- rucks of Colleg. av.nue, returned temb.r 11.18. according to Mrs. th.mlddl.ofAugustfromfourweeks Peter Delo of Wallingford. ,the lly of Lawrencevill.. m. , , Mrs. George F. Corse - KI 3-2404 at I1Institut d'Etudes Francatses cbairman. Mr. and Mrs. Cal.b Foote and their family llI~V~ pn Wednesday pour Etrang.rs, Pau. France by Jet ·Mrs. Delo said tb. drive to make the corps of volunteer workers as ':~"'~!!!i!~!!!i!~!!!i!!!!i!!!!i!~~ from th.1r hom. on Benjamlu West from Par15. PrIor to ~ stsy In strong as possibl. will ,be continued :. avenue to 2Ol.Oakley road. Belmont. Pau, they spent flve weeks wtth their up to Sunday, Septemb.r 18. wbich Mass .. Mr. Foote. who Is a professor par.nts motoring through Europe. is coll.ction day. of law at th. University of Pennsyl- B.tsy will r.turn to the Grier School. vania Law SchDO). has accepted a Tyron. on Tbursday for her s.nior NEWS NOTES year's appointment at Harvard Law year and Steve will enter th. Klskl Louise How.. daughter of Mrs. School as a Walter E. Meyer Visit- School at Saltsburg on the 18th of Joseph S. Howe of Columbia avenue, Ing Research Prolessor of Law. Tb. this month. Foote hom~ will be occupied by Mr. Dorothy PrenUce, daughter of Mr. returned Wednesday from a month and Mrs. Wllllam PrenUc. ofWal- at Buck mil Falls which she spent Foote·s replacement" at the university, Mr. Samuel Fahr and Mrs. nut lane, r.turned Wednesday from with the Charles P. Cryer famlly 01 Fahr and their four chlldren. on. Lake Paupac wh.re she .p.nt the Drew avenue. Louise will enter Cen.. month mth the Bp'Clay WhIte. Jr.. tenary College for WOinen, Hacketts" "- of-whom'~1n oollege; -the oIAet,B--\1IIll - ---~' ~"-dl ~';'--'-."'n will ret'um 'tOWn; N.J.. on septem~bil. ,-, ,,' attend the swarthmore schOOls. Mr. family 01 Me a. ~ u....., Mr. and Mrs. Howard C.' Jackson Fahr Is a professor at the Slate UnI- to the Georg. School, N.wtown, for verslty of Iowa. Iowa City. her senior year. Her brother Court- of Vassar avenue with their daugh• Mr. and Mrs. Walter O. HeInZe of ney will also be a stuthdeX::I:thtGeorge ters Jane and Joan, returned SatStrath Haven avenue will have School this y.ar. In e grade. urday evening from a two week vaMr. and Mrs. W. Alfred Smith and cation at Squam Lake. N.H. Mrs. their son-In-law and daughter Mr. their daughter B.verlY of Amherst Jackson's nephew Bill Francisco of and Mrs. Donald G. W...., of Wash- avenue returned Sunday front a \=-___-'" Bethesda. Md.• retllmed with th.m IngtoP. D.C.• and their two children three w.ek vacation In Texas. Ok- for a vtslt following a summer of 619 Edgmtmt-Chuter vls1t1ng them for a week following lahoma and New Mexico where they camping at Deerwood, Holderness. th.1r arrlyal on Sunday. visited frl.nds and r.latlves. ERroute N.H. ~y stoPped to..., former netghbors MIss Florence J. Lucasse of Dart. ,Mr: and Mrs. Donald Grose and MOUth House returned last week , thelr.famlly In Glell Ellyn. m. from a IIv. weeks' trip to SOuth pem. Anth9IlY. who has had a America. She visited Panama. Colomsummer job at Osterville, Mass.• ar- bia, Ecuador, Argentina, Brazil, ·PerU, Tired of same old routine? For 0 new cpo proo(;h. 0 r'l8W vision or revision of your rives home this week.nd to spend Bolivia, Chile and Uraguay. From goals and work. consult Mr. Tomlinson. several weeks with his parents Mr. Lima, she mad. an .xcurslon to cuz. Mr. Burrough_s or Mr. Hodqson. Send and Mrs. Fred T. Anthony on Rut- co, "Land of the Incas", with a SIde today for free folder "Job Stotel;JY." gers avenue. ;Be \1IIll return to Grov. trip to Machu Picchu. famous lost Klngswood 3·~022. , City COII.g. later thla _",onth for hi. city of the Incas. At the farewell parTOMLINSON COUISELORS sophomore year. ty of the group with whom she trav546 Rutgers Avenue Swa.~h~or.•• Pa. or beat - Route I, Baltimore Pike 100 Park Ave., Swarthinore, Pa. ....... "'''''111 • lAm,le,e Price liaBle • :_~.; ... - " • .J '1 ~! .r_o. I IN A RUT? The other day we were blessed with a customer who was SO FABULOUSLY WEALTHY , that after spending weeks in Europe he still had money enough left to pay for his processed 4 _ 6 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. K13-419r Fri.-9 A.M. to 8:30 P.M • Sat.-9 A.M. to I P.M. bask.t of roses b~ the tour company In honor of h.r birthday. Mary Ellen Warnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Warnes of Woodbrook road, returned Monday even- ing from Louisville, Ky., where she attended a convention of student government officers. Mary Ellen. who wlll .nter the senior class of ImmaCulata College. Chester County, 18 treasurer of the Student Government Assoclatlon there. Mr. and Mrs. Ray P. Hunt of Harvard avenue returned last week from a two week vacation to Boulder. COlo.,. wh.re th.y visited Mrs. Hunt·s ruec. I Madison Shop's "Villager" man-tailored shirts enter cellege with ease, move proudly-' in the best of circles. ' and her family wtth whom their dBughll'r Janet had spent several weeks. Returning, they stopped In See the handsome selection at the Madison Shop ••• you'll be delighted with the' rich fab~ rics. the superb autumn Colours. the new muted -Patterns • •• all exquisitely tailored. Rlchmond, Ind_. where they ,visited their son-ID-Iaw and daughter Mr. and Mrs. John E. owen. UPHOLSTERY DRAPERIES and SLIPCOVERS THOM SEREMBA Solid colollr oxford cloth . s~jrts with 'long sleeves .~.4.95 10 Yean 01 Swarthmore Referen... Mor. Than J=a YeGB bperience III' 10'."l1li11 3 6000 - CLearbrook 9 46(6 AI • .1..._ _ _ _. . ._ _.1 'J......I."'-~J ., ......... KNOWS C., . . . ' , · SHOP * &*Hobby Shop The Camera or special in carpet , , ,REPUBLIC". OAMPAIGN JEWELRY Have you picked up your processed film lately? any sale price • j: He films! THE WILD lOOSE (4'" w... of Me • .., CU'i til 11411""" Swarthmore High Schoo I Sc h00 I Year YOU'I'U OR"'HES'TRA ", V , eled. :Miss Lucasse was presented a '(PAufs"" V CO"'~n! '.Ift'li •.. "".and Mrf. P. Mr. and Mrs: H. LIndley Peel of COIwnbl....vemteretul'lllMtlNUeel< If you're downtown Qn la~or Day, and are looking for us - we'lI be cIosed_ We don't,like,working _GpY,beller than youl ' i~--~·-·-----'-·~- All woik is don. in my shop under my penonal supervision. Y•• Cal eet I In••itt-at. " p......,SH'... RiI.L'"' \ ' ....... .' ~. ..., \ ,. ' " , \ ; . 1 :" 1: 1 I ." l-: ;i :," " " :. ; ,. L. Shane Named Cashier at Scott THE SWARTHMOREAN PUBLISHI!D I!VI!RY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PENNA. I '....HIAL I.HIIL S-tt Pa'per Company haB an. nounced the appointment of J. LawrenceShane, College avenue, to the position of cashier in the treasurer's division. Shane joined Scott Paper ComI pany immediately following. his NEWS NOTES grad~ation from Swarth?,o,,: Col- Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bloom of lege 1D 1,956. ~ter .work~n~ 1D the Columbia avenue celebrated their company B engmeermg d'vlSlo~ for 25th wedcllng anniversary on Wedtwo years, he took an educat.onal! neaday by entertaIning at a. dInner le~ve of a.b~enc~ to attend the, party for their .fo.mllY a.nd friends. Wha.rton Busmes•. School where he' .earned :is. ~~S~~'B degree in bUBi. : : : -:: ~~~:;;::eh~:.,Ba.~ ne :e in l1une 01 Knox, Ky., where he Is sta.tloned. W PETER E. TOLD, MARJORIE TOLD, Publish.rs Phone KIngswood 3,0900 PETER E. TOLD, Edito-r .. JIAJuwtA B. KENT, Mattagiftg Edil<>r Rosalie D. Pelrsol Jeannette V_ Howe Marjorie T Told "~~tered as Second Cia.. Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post Offlee at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. DEADLINE - WEDN'ESDAY NOON :7---Il SWARTHMORE, PENNA., FRIDAY, SEPT. 2, 1960 L--.-;..--------..:..---------__ IUDIIED Final touches are being put on the new Not", Dame de Lourdes Parochial School at. Fairview toad and Michigan avenue which will open Wednesday with classes from one to eighth grades. :e::~::~·';;'dott Nancy Del/mutA to Spend Year at Bonn, Ullirersity . , Nancy' G. DelIm~th, N.,rt'h· . Swarthmore avenue, saUed Wednesday on the S.s. Maasdam for a year of Btndyat 'the University of Bonn in West Germany. Miss DeUmuth is one of 10 American 'reciplents of a D.A.A.D. (Dentscher Akademischer Aust Ausch Dienst) Fellowship. The daughter of Mr. and Mra. Carl Dellmuth, she is a graduate of Swarthmore High School and of Swarthmore College, class of.'I960. WILIII DOLUIE CLUI TO ElTEILTll1 AREA FIIESHMEI 'RESIYTERIAN 10TES . this year as assiBta.nt cashier his Their daughter Mrs. Bruce Young The Wilson College Club of PhUThe Rev. Joseph p. Bishop, ,for-· DlOst recent post. ' w i t h her daughter Deborah, who hU adelphia will enterta.ln the incom. Church School classes will begin mer minister of the church, willi' been visiting her fa.mlly for tbe P80St i"g ,f.reshnien from the PhUadelMrs. Joaeph cella and daughter month, wIlllesve today by plane for Phia 'area at tea next Saturday. . at ,,:46' a.m. with classes for all preach at the 10 o'clock Worship ages. Visitors are welcome. This Service Sunday morning. A recep- Elvira will spend the La.bor Da.y Ba.Ult ste. MarIe, MIch., to jolnber September 10. The tea will be held will lie the laBt Sunday for the 'tion for Mr. and Mrs. Bishop and weekend sightseeing In Wa.shIngton. husband at KIncheloe AIr Force..at. th~ Strath Haven ave"ue home aummO!; schedule of Ch.urch Soh,,?1 their family will be held on the D.c., and vicinity. B.... (If .. :Mrs. David McCahan, a. past at 8:46 a.m. and Mornmg Worsh.p I~wn of the church after the ser-I' Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Tibbetts. their Mr. and Mr•. W. Marshall Schmld.t..pr.es~.den~ of the club. at 10 a.m. v'ce. hter Bett and 11 Bert of and three children of Dickinson aveM.ss Suzanne Kulp, a member Y At the 10 a.m. worship, Mr Kulp Church School classes will meet daUS SWarthm so -turned nue returned 1I0me nocently follow- of this year's graduating. CI.88S, . is th • • HI . h Sou ore a.venue, ,. . • ' . ' . 'A . will give the mormng message. a at 10 o'clock Wlth classes for tel f ott I where lug a. two week vaca.tlon a.t West .n c"arge of the eyent. . mong subject will be, "Add Luster c'hildren through the j1lnior lev. 1a.st We;knd:m the of Mr. DennIs, Cspe Cod, Mass. They also those,to be .h~llored. are . Susan Labor." He will be a",lated lR el. Child Care will be provided by they a. te h Bett III ter spent .everal dayS In Boston and en Campbell of Vassar. avenue, lind .\he 'serVice b.y James: MacMain, a trained supervisor through thia ~:~::h':~ :~ a.t ~:ver e~I_1 route home stopped. at St:"br\dge Vi;.gmiai . D. aVI.·iIlt,6'~ a~d LYD.ne WhO is joining the Church.Statf for hour. . 12th Village Mw;o and at "-"-tic Conn. Mousley. both ofSprmgi!eid•. ', .. ' summer. volunteer ch' ,. ~o, ,.,iii~.ii.tii~.iiiii~5ii~iiiii~ the-'. .f.rst. -. t.me.. " . . . The 0.. w.'11 .lege, Glenslde, on t h e . Dr and Mr, W Id E. FIsher with ~, The morning soloist will be Mrs. rehearse a.t 9 a.m. before the Morn· Mr. and Mrs. PaUl E. zecher ILIlIl Mrs' Flshe:r's8~~: Mrs Pra~ L. Charles Hoover. ing Worship service. their chIlcIren returned Sunday from • . Morning Prayers are held In the a. ten day vacation at NeWfound Reynolds, moved this week from 30 church sanctuary on Tuesday mom. Lake, N.H. Guernsey road to their newly comTRIIITY 10TES ing from 9 to 9 :30 a.m. All are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Egan, former pleted home at 103 Ce.rleton road, There will .be a celebration of cordially welcome. Bryn Mawr a.venue residents who are Wallingford. , Holy Communion at.8 a.m. a!,d The Bandage group will meet now residing In Pittsburgh, were ovMr. and Mrs. Robert G. 'tress!er 9 B.m. Sunday morning. A seI'Vlce Wednesday at 10 a.m. emlght guests last week of Mr. and of Riverview road returned home of Morning Prayer will be he!d at Mrs. Robert SOlts, Jr., of WestmInster Ba.turday after a week In Maine . 10:15 ';'"m. At 8 p,?" there w.ll be CHRISTIAN SCIEICE 10TES a.venue. They left their son Bill for where Mr. Tressler represented his a sel'Vlce of Evenmg Prayer and How mankind today can Bet a few days visit with the Soils fam- firm at the Northeastern Sta.tes ExWord. about fulfilling the divine demand IllY. They returned Sunda.y after a position of Industrial Progress held There will he a service of Morn. for perfection will be explained at visit with former neighbors In West- In Portland. ing Prayer at 9 :15 a.m. and a servo Christian Science services Sunday' lleld N.J. to return home with Bill. Mrs. Edna T. Kolle of Harvard avice of Evening Prayer a.t 6 p.m. ~n the Lesson-Sermon on uMan."- , ~ ~ Mary and ElInor Bye enUe arrived home Monday after a PltTECJIn. Hal each day Monday through Friday. Keynoting the Lesson-Bermon is of Yale square attended a family 10-day visit with her son and famUy Lateat PBI nporta mow the GoI~~n Text from Matthew reunion on Saturday at the summer Mr. and Mrs. O. Frederic Kolle of . that Bur.lUi baa inCHURCH SERVICES (5:48): Be ye therefore. pe~"':t, home of their cousIns Mr. and. Mrs. Yardley. cr.....d more than any even as your Father wh.ch .s 10 11 M t Lo P Int Md Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Forsythe other major crime with rf t H Wll am urray a ng 0 , -, U ''''H PRESBYTERIAN CH "'" eaven .s .pe ec. the Bohemia river. of Thayer road were weekend guesls 590.000 oil...... annually•. Our Broad Fol'1ll Penonal D. Evor Roberts, Mini.ter These comforting words of en- o n . of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnold of Theft polley will protect Robert O. Browne, ABSOC. Minister couragement from James will be Mr. Albert Hansen, Jr., and son YOIl againat this and many and Minister of Christian Education included in the Bible readings Bert of Drew a.venue h ave been sail- Wallingford at their summer cotother types of theft 1088. 8unday, September 4 (1 :2·4) : "My brethren, count. it all Ing on the Chesapeake this P80St wee k. tage on Paupac Lake, Greentown. Can ua about it. 10:00 A.M. - Morning Worship. joy when ye fall into mvers tempMr. and Mrs. William Graemer of Rev. Joseph P. Bishop will tations; Knowing this, that the try. Harvard avenue had as their guests ,September 16 is the last;day . preach. ing of icour faiii; worketlt patience. for severBJ days tit last week their 10:00 A.M.-Ch,!rch School. But let r patl'ence have her perfect .daughter Mrs. Wesley M. Oler and y the Delaware River Power ed an advanced course In French n. 9:-15 Prayer 6:00 A.M.-Morning P.M.-Evening Prayer Th ~-v S-'-mber 8 ~~.. c . .~ 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 6:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer FrIdav , Se-'-mber 9 J """ 9 :15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 6:00 P,M.-Evening Prayer THE REI.IGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIEND!! 8unday, Septem_ 4 Squadron. interested in boating AU are persons invited to attend these free courses. Safety in boating is emphasized as well as rules of the road, nautiI te b I';'hth d .ca rms,' uoys,'" ouses an customs and traditions that go with a boatman's life. The classes 'begin September .14, and continue every Wednesday night from 7:30 to 9 :30 p.m. for a period of three 10ii:lI!:M.-Hymn Sing. Meeting 11:90 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. All are welcome. W"',M IMlay, September 1 AIl-day ~ewinL.for ~FSC~,-_ FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Park Avenue below Harvard 8_y, September i 11:00 A.Jl.-Snndale~~hool 1-1:00 A.1f.-The n Sermon will be "Man." Weclneoda}' _Ing meeting _h . . . . . 8 P •••, Readlllg Room, 4011 IIan.o.th 1._11" O\MII ....- Im_o_nt~h:s;,;;:::::::===:;;;~_ eRE MAT ION WEST LAU'REL HILL 0 .. III'....4' t.. _._ •• , ..... h'C. A~ . . . . . I'IW"p,IG-1;J'ri_ -... A'S. t 4 , · M Q I .... 4-QPI They drove Vermont to Betsy spendto10Camp dayS. Wyoda.1n In Holderness, N. H., they visited their son, Ian, who had been spending the summer as a. camper at Deerwooa. Mrs. Evans O. Innes of Juniata avenue returned home by Jet from England on Saturday. She has been In England, Scotland and France, visiting family and friends for two months. While In London Mrs. Innes attended a reunion of officers of the Women's Royal Naval8ervlce (W.R. N.S.) with whom abe served during the second World Wa.r In South Atrica, Egypt, and Malta.. Mrs. Hugh Peters and Janet of North Swarthmore avenue a.rrIved home Thursday of last wee", followlug a. visit of several dayS In WIDchester, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Waliace ...turned Sunday to their home In WIIlllnd.oro after "lI"ndlng tbe week I a.tBqulnunk,ontheDelawareBher lID DOrtbeastem ~ I '. ._0\,---. ......., ;~J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~ Rose'" y'alley Nurserl-es, Inc. Middletown Road - Media, Pa. Opposite High Meadow (between Dutton MiD Road and Knowlton Road) • 2-7206 Telephone TRemont Asl for BEN PALMER • AZALEAS YEWS • RHODODENDRONS HOLLIES· CLEMATIS· STAR ROSES Ground Covers - Insecticides - Ko Ko Mulch SHADE TREES Peat Moss -Fertilizers . Visit 0... Roadsid. M.... '-- op.n W..w. and W.... mIi'~$,.M•. I: ~ , 1lDd third in the ~ther four events; breaststroke, second in butterfly, Jim Connor, Garnet, fourth in 220, third in 220 and backstroke, and "Wh the' ke th ' backstroke and freestyle. tying N. Severs, another White, for l' " ere ell re B sl~~ ef." a (Continued from Page 1) other scorer toward the junior boy . third and fourth plsce in freestyle; .re - w ,usua y .- 0 w.e n in OO.yard breaststroke ilr 43.6. to plaque. . Th.rty YearB and Over: Y'0m~n Mr. Schmidt, White, fourth in 220 police smelled smoke whUe tounng erase tbe former 44.1 Swarthmore Susan Wigton, White; earned the - ~rs. George He~"hel, Wh.te, fir' and backstroke; Richard Rankin, the Elm and Maple avenue area at record and 46. pool record of Terr) intermediate girl plaque with 29 st ".' 220, second m butterfl!, four. White, third in breaststroke; Jack 10 p.m. Monday, they naturally McCurdy Ann gained a. 10 point 'nts Sue' first in 220 ted th In breaBtstroke, and tYlOg for E h d G t, f' t' b k called out the Fire Company to individual BCore for that sWim and po •. 2:464 ':..cord althou a freestyle fourth place with Mrs. a e I b ac - help them locate.the fire. H0w,ever, also placed third In butterflv ' nEew. h' d G t g . oan~e Charles Seymour, Garnet, who was s ro e, rees yean u r y. even the experts couldn't find .one. ,. spenBC a e, arne, comlOg lD f' t ' b tte fl d • In relays Garnets won the rru'd . In addition to the trophlesre- s~-nd had alBo surpaBsed the irs•. lD U ryan fourth. 10 • Pohce apprehended an automo027 d J . I 220 ' Mr.• Ka r1 S ch aef er, Wh"te get girls(using Sutherland, Cor- b•Ie opeNto r w h 0 was wan ted f or ceived by Ann and Richard the run· 3-~ ' : . recor oanne ,prev.ous y second M R~ bertS . It'10 Ridl eyown."" T ~. a t 3 ners-up in their divisions and the held. Winning breaststroke in 38. . ' . . ''n 220',~s. . u th.er- nelius, Michener and Turner) and assau h.· ghest scorerB In each other'clas~ S th S th .' lapd" Garnet, thlrd 10 220, f.rst boys (Espenschade, Ridgway, Bell a.m •. Sunday, and turned. him over . ue rese er own war more rec··· 1. ' ts' k . and Cush.'ng) the mixed 'ors ..... ..". lifieatlon received plaquos. Some d f 39 d i d f 39 1 lD "reas tro e and second 10 back· -~ , sem to tbelr ne.ghbor1Og off.c,,", or 0 . an rpoo recor 0 •• "'roke' Mr Ed d C e1' (Courtney, . 'Lord, Breakell, Sub. ., • of the plaque ·winners actually H d I to J . f ~. , S. war orn . u s , . , . or secon p",,;e oanne lD reo- Garnet third in breaststroke' .Mrs lette) and 30-and·over women R. E, WILSO.'S IIETURI .. placed higher 10 the same: raceB style ·was withm a half,second of D I' C . . : . . (Cushing, Seymour, Sutherland, ' . . oug as FROM nOO.jlILE TRIP w.'th t h e troph y Wlllners, so the.rs the record and her f.rst place In Mr M ourtney, h II S f.rst h . lD dlvmg· . ' Wh'tt' ) Wh'te took th . d k th o s d" ars d"a c m.dt . • s e m.xe Mr ...n d M rB. R aymon d E • W'I 'is the honor of having br: en.. e butterfly within a. second Sue -also d ' Wh.te' . .• .er (T •• g old record by the most aildbeingplsced second in divin~ Joanne :~~ fllD M .vlDJ h anc hf?urth in ~:n~i';.":on), or::i~edGeri~"t:'r.:!':;;:; son of Ogden avenue have ~ttirn~d the official new record holder.' . bad 19 points with a first in back- ut f~ Yt;' rbs. ks° n k us mg, Ga~. (W'gto P II CI thO McC from a three month, 75oo.mde u>p, ibbo t fl t . .. 'd" d • ne. Irs In ae tro e second In I ) n. urne, 0 Jer, ur_ .k f h' h · R ns went 0 rs, secon an. stroke second .n butterfly third b tst k tho d' f' d) d 30 d (M Cal seven wee sow'c were spent h 'rd I '. . ' 'h . . . . . , reBa 1'0 e. Ir In reestyle and y an ·an ·over men c ... S h H ~ M Th t. pace wmners lD ea.c even.. In breaststroke and divi na• b tterfl . M F W W" I' te R k' Sch'd S . n out west acuor, e. e res O tet d' I"ftue 'win ~ u y, rs. . . h.ttler' r, an m, m. t and ev· . de f th t' th'" lted u an 109 among P...... '.- ·Wdham Gill, Garnet, received Garnet, first in freestyle and third ers). fm~md rOd e I.mt'" ey, ,VIS d nerB were two Garnet swi"'ltte,s, the Intermediate boy's plaque with· b k t k' M Lo' D h rlen s an re a .v.., to U r e B b S bl tte d J k C . h' 10 ac S ro e, rs. u.s et· throughout th o u e an ac. us .ng. eight points as runner·up to Mc. I ff Wh'te d' f SERrES IEIBHI.ft CHUIlIH e N ew E ngIand Sublette tota.led 4( points by break~; CuTdy His second place in free- fO rth .' 'bse~nt 'kn rMeestyle aMnd Sta.tes and New Brunswick and Ing'his old 2:83.3 record In' the awle ~as within a half.second of Couh' lOG ac St rfo. e't . en22 - rd' Joan ·McKinnell of Yale avenue Quebec,Cimada, including the ..~. no (. ~Itlianh j 'd 'rded'h'm us .ng, arne, Irs 10 0 an is serving as organist at the Leiper Gaspe Peninsula. . .... g u ~~ aw~.. • .tlje record, and his second In div- freestyle, second in backstroke, P b .. second to Bob G.If.llan who had ing within 15 points He also plac- f rth I b tat k d b res yterlan Chu.rcb . dUring the Tbe Wilsons are interested in Police and 'Fire' News Pool Cups Go to '. '. ,and free. Foley, a White, was secA T R lot C dy ond in backstroke and butterfly . .' ownes, • c ur . and with 10 points waB the only S ~"t t"p:n~ i arn~ .~~.~ I. I .. :~I!~~:r.!~i:g~rd~ ~~~1~: ~I::~:d i:a~;o~~ b:~~rfl:,:,::: i~. B~bn ~F~:}:r~~eco~~te;: ~!~li~~e~:~~:·~';I~;-:t~~nth~i;~~:::;:: I~!~ o::~ ::0<1:: ::~ c ur lrig lleore Of 109.05 In diving; bet- stroke . b' r· tst k YH' • M'cCseclOI? o'clock Service on Sunday, will play rapidly disappearing structures• h · ' Id b ckstr k ' m reas ro e; arry· a 's· terlng' 'B own 0 a 0 e rec-1 Othen SeoriD&' te Wh'te f' t ' d" d .g·ain for the service on September Nearly one-half of them were In 2 b y wmn.ng . . tba t' even ' t . Midgets: Irs IVlng an 4• Canada• ord f 1:1.7 Girls -(all Garnets) _ r, Cup Points 1, 0 In 1 :11.8 coming within a. second Karen Sutherland gained 10 points of the freestyle record w.th hi, with a second in diving; she als,> second place in tha.t event; and bet: . was third in 220 and backstroke terlng .his butte~y record of 1 :08.41 and fourth in butterfly. Nancy Corby .. f.rst place .n.l :07.9. Sublette nelius, five points for her fourth also took fourth m breaststroke. In diving and third in breast; she Gilfillan, a White, was runner-up was also second in butterfly. Nancy with 15 points, his first in free- Seymour four points for her third style being within a half·second 01. in divin~; she also won first in his record. He a1.0 won third in 25.yard freestyle. Meg Turner reo backstroke and breaststroke and ceived one point for her third in fOUlth in diving. freestyle. Boys _ 'David Williams, Cushing, who totaled 39 points, White, ten points' for hi. first in won first pla~e. in every mid~t I diYing; he was also second in. boy event but d.VIng and took thud breaststroke and fourth i" butterIn that. His 3 :22.7 time in the 220 fly. Chuck Seymour, Garnet, five erased Dave Foley's old record of .points for his second in diving. 3:27. His freestyle win bettered his Johnny Espenschade, Garnet, two own team record of 88.5 and also points for his fourth in diving; he gained Swarthmore the poo) rec· also won third in backstroke and ord which had ,been set at 32.6 by fourth in breaststroke. John Hellebush of Colonial Village Juniors: Girl. _ Joanne -Dumm, on June 25. His 40.6 butterfly win Garnet, four pOints fo~ .her first in reset his own previous record o~. diving. Barbara Gerner, Wltite, 41.9. ' , . Ithrllll.iloilJ,bLfor her. third in back. Betsy""Breakell,' anothe.r Garnetr!st~ke; she was also fourth in 220 Won every senior girl swimming and third in butterfly. Mimi Mcevent, resetting at 1 :08.5 Swarth- Williams, Garnet, two points for more's lOO-yard freestyle record' her fourth in backstroke; she also which Oarol Williams had held atl won third in 220 and freestyle. 1 :09.1 since July 2, 1957. Betsy Intermediates: Girls. Beth Puralso was fourth in diving. She renell . , White, ten points for her div. ceived' the senior girl plaque with ing first; she also won second in ten points. Only other point win- breaststroke and third in freestyle. ner in this division was Linda Seniors: Boys • Jbinson Garnet who regain'IJerry Clothier, White, second in ed his butterlty reco;d with a. first backstroke and breaststroke third .pl.ce time of 36. (Robinson had in freestyle, and fourth in butter· set this at 39.4 on July 16 right fly;' Wllliam Cushing, Garnet, after his return from a year in third in 220, diving -and butte~y, ~urope, but recently-arrived of- and fourth in the other three SWlm fleal records of the Suburban Lea- events. gue championships show Dave FoISeniors: Girls - Susan Williams, ~y did it in 3!1.8 on Jnly 23.) Rob- Wljite, second In mvlng, backstroke, .nSOn's first in backstroke was With- breaststroke and butterfly; Barin .. second (If that record. He pi... ba1a Stuart, White,· third in dived ,"-nd to Foley In 220, b.reu.ttl!'. g~., ~ke and freestyle. IWintDlinC !&.)Jard _ta wI\h the Beys· Dino McCurdy, White, sec· team all pIeced.1I$ ONlJn:Mdtatroke and breaststroke, I I s.v. l1li_. In . ,i . ,'. \ ! ., .. ,.; .', ,: ., ; . L··t····· !\.' I \ .. , ! • :\ I -.' YO CAR, TOO, IN CAREI.EBB HANDS --------------------Contributed in the Interest of Highway Safety by the Following Merchants THE BOUQUET SWARTHMORE TOGGERY SHOP THE INGLENEUK E. L NOYES and CO. BAI RD and BI RD THE SWARTHMOREAN PETER PORTER H, WAITE, Inc:. PATTON ROOFING CO. . , E. TOLD . PROVIDENT TRADESMENS lANK and. TRUST CO. . J. A. GREEN D. PATRICK wasH SW~TtlMORE PRINTING co,; CA1HEItt.Wn DRUG STOll -~1niHit 2;·1H~ -TIJI SWA last week Mrs. Hljrlow'a 818ter MIl. HEDULE RECISTUTION SC George ParIIb and Mrs. ADceIa ColMr. and Mrs. Wells IlL Forbes of ".no• bo_til. o.f "leveland, O. "nle BarPrior to ,.. and da\lihter and Bryn Mawr avenue returned Bunday ..,.. 1ow'a son-In-law General Election, November 8th, 1960 witll their chlldren Lorrie. Scott and their c!hIldren LInda and 'DIomu Dean from a two week vacation at of North We11llouth. Mass•• alIIo viiSEPTEMBER 9th FoUrth Lake In the AdIrondacks. En- lted them for three weeks. departing Last day an elector may move !rOm one election dIs\.rlct to another route they met Lorrie at the lIIIt. Po- I&Bt ThUl'8d&Y. In order to be llOrmltted to vote In tile new election district at the Oen- cono Plateau ChrIatlan """""'atlon Mrs. 4ndreW Alexander of SOUtll eral E1ect10n. Persons moving after thla date may vote In old election Camp. and Dean at the Scout camp Swarthmore avenue and her daiJahdistrict If otherwise quall1led. at Reslca Falls. Botll had been ter-In-Iaw Mrs. Richard It. Aleysncampers for two weeks. . der and granddaughter Nancy of San SEPTEMBER 16th Mrs. Howard Adams of Wa.IlIngDIego. Calif•• and Suste and Boser 1 El tI Last day all electors may register to vote at the Genera _ ...eo on. r-... been '''~''nw _~.. ford returned recen'lu from a six Slmm 8 ci;1er who h_ . -...... This Includes electors who ~l become of age on or before Noveu~ ...... ·week cruise to the NOrll.Cape aboard. with their grandparents Mr•. and 1960. the Bergensjord. the lIagehlp of the I Mrs. Alexander. motored to Buffalo. SEI'TEMBER 19th dlstlrlclH Norwegian line. Nine ooun\.rles were N.Y.• thIa week and v1BIted with Mrs. Last .day for an eletor who has removed Into a new election In the itinerary. Alexander's son-In-law and daughter to give notice to the Registration Commission In order to be permitted Mr. and Mrs. Roger SChJlmacher and vote In the new election district at the General Election. The removal Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. lI/Iarsh of their family. card must set forth a removal date Into the new eJection district which Columbia avenue returned S:~!: Dr. and Mrs. Frank lIIIorray recannot be later than September 9th. from a week's stay atBea.ch I turned laet week to their home on COURT DOUSE HOURS N.J. TheI1' daughters Mrs. William SOuth PrInceton avenue following a Prouty of· WhItman SQuare. N.J.. two-weeIt va.ca.tlon,.1n .Cape Cod and Regular busln\'SS hours up to and including lIIIonday. September 9th and Susan. and their grandsOn Da- KennebunJtpart, Me;. Monday through Frlday-9:oo A.M, to 4:30 P.M. Together with such vld· also vacationed with them. On Prlda.y susan lett for additional hoUl'S as designated. below: September 9th-FrIday: .............. '- ....... - 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.lIII. N.Y.. where ·she v1BIted over the September lOth-.saturday .. , _.. _..... '. -..... " 9:00 A.lIII. to 12:00 NoOn weekend her roomintite Cynthia Septembcr 16th~Frlday __ ........ _.... -....... - 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.lIII. Caffey ani! her family. septemberl1th-,-Saturday .. ___ ._ .............. 9:00 A.M. to 12:OONoOn Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Barlow 9f Lafayette a.venue had Il!l their ROVINO RE01STBARS WILL SIT fn RaUeac-Tuesday. September 13. ZIOO to 9:00 P.M., Fire Doase . . . .. NEWS NOTES 1IIr8..1Iobert Bolts, Jr. of West- mlilater avenue entertained at lunch~~..... eon Monday for former .,w ... ~oreaDB. Tbe party Included Mrs. JOSeph Robltscher and Jan ·of Bryn Mawr and tIleir house guests Mrs. Wallace McCrory and· daughter ChrIa or Iowa City. lB.• and her own house gueats tile Edward Egans of PittSburgh.· lI/Iar)' Margaret Ingham returned thIa week from camp Lochearn and her b Ither Charles flom camp Norway BIY. vt. where they have been .r the summer. They are the daugh r and son of Mrs. Helen Ingham of Rose Valley. •.. I FREE ESTIMATES JOE MARSHALL 5'-1 REESE .STREET . PARK. PA- a·27TI, .t:f ....... . Po\v~~ Mow~r$. Repaired ATZ SERVICE D.;"';'~;.th an41.c!layoito' A'fI. .. " KI3~· .Swarthmore. Pa. IUSTOM IISTALLATIOI ••, Jewelry· I WATCHMAKER II Ft.rm·.r17of F. C. PIne Watch and Clock Repairs . WIUllIt BROOKS CLA551 FIE D A05 EMILSPlES· -.:11 128 Yale Ave. II Swarthmore. HOW Baullloglill ~ a .ARI AYE., .WARTHIIORE com· FOR SALE - 1955 Chevrolet. Exeasy c~ running condition. Makes for: small,r or ... ond car. One owner. at $.50. Call no;later lady). Bo~h chairs good condition. Phone evening. Klngswood lUngswood 3-4608. V. llath. . WANTED, PERSONAL Piano teaching. i~S!p!ec~iia:li;s!t~~~~~;s~ep;~~e~~~k~r;~l~ l CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS Asbea anll RUbbish Removed "!Owna lIiIowed. General Z3I IIanIIDc lIII""- .ERSO.AL::.,....,,,..-= ="-;:~,,..:..FO~R SALE,_-,...,.-=- Bode ..... is~~~E~~:r;ep~:a::i~r~ed~f~~~;~ and Qual ruga... ~~ service. H. D. CHURCH Klngswood ROOFING CRESSON PRICHARD REALTOR Warm-Air Heating Air Conditioning Sheet Metal, Work NOTARY PUBLIC 900 Michigan Avenue social security to doonlight house· WANTED - Woman pension or IW(>rk in exchange room anll board. IGL"be 9-2-190. ~~~'~~:~:;: I 4-2727 WANTED '::"':!-,Od'-'-d'yard -J"-'o-b-s'work, ing, .car washing, Swarthmore PI waxmg•. etc. by student. St••v., I . prIce.. ease Hicks., KIngswood 3.1062., ___~ BOX4B ..IDAY or KIngswood WFIL Rldl. _ I.U A.M. m:~~\!R~uf;.o;~r~free estimate. Garrett WlANTED '=-Wardrobe trunk. CLobe 9-3353 House. Phone K1ngswood 3·3989. Chalnll B-WFIL·TY-IIII.... PERSONAL _ Carpentry jobbing. - Day's work or- job I rooms. book 'eases.t ~;~l:!~!~'~r'& helper hy -high school ,L. Donnelb. KIngswood II LOwell 6-5089. ,--..,.,,,-,ElNWOOD WANTED-=: Man, part.time 12 to Belvedere PERSONAL _ Furniture refin· six days a week. Capable of ishing repairing. young $1.25 man per in Convalescent Home moderate prices ~quality antiqueswork aI\d \ l~~~~!~to~;a!s~s;I.~t . MWlt drive. Balt1Daon Plke .. IlrO"'n Ave. modem Call Mr. Spanier. KIngS4-0822. 2507 Chestnut St., Chester wood 44888. KIngswood 3.2198. . Photographic Supplies S_o8 le:~~,~~r;~ig~.~~d PERSONA .. 1'lano tuning ~ TRemont 2-5373 STATE .. MONROE RT8. ialist minor repairing, member and deEstab11ebed 1932 M-Boar NanblC Can Piano· Technicians' Guild. Leaman. III!DIA Aled. SeDllo. CbrOll1a KIngswood 3-6755. . IT'"U 'Mature woman, fond Quiet. Balhd S1I!I'Oan' count. of Prancla ..1. Crowley, Admlnlatrt.-s r , tor, Estate of Tbom .. E. Crawler, DfI.. O·ROURKE-Aul. 10. The.Pirat and Final ce.....d Account of Margaret McBride, E:J:ecutrlX, California DADLlIl'i--A1lI'. JIIIrd Account of .leaEstate of E. Veronica O'Rourke, Deceued:, ne Da.llln ...4 Cenua..l"enn l'lauonal blWX . PARKER-JulJ' 28, lI'1rst and F1Dal Aeo. 1'U'Hf/f/ of PhDadelphla. Trustees U/Deed of Tnl8t count of Mary O. Iloroz. Guardian, Estate 01 James Walter Dadley. dated October of Florence E. Parker, An Incompetent. :N. 1157. IQter VIYos Trust. of Jamea Will- PEW-Aug. 10, Second aad FlDal Account ter DadleJ'. of Joseph Newton Pe. and John G. Pe. DEINER-Aug. 12, Fln~ a.od Final Account. Jr., SurvlvlDl Executors, Eat.a.te of John 0 0 of ltatbaTlne A. Sb'&ID, Eseeutrlx, Eatate O. Pew. Deceaaed. ' of casper Delner, Deceued. \ POLLARD-June 2t-Firat. and FiDal AcDEBMOND-July n, First. and Final Account. of Albert H. Oarrett, R. Spotswood Red-Ripe count of Isabel C. Gera.hty. ExecutrSx, PoUa.rd aDd Elizabeth P. Fetter, TruaLeea lb•• E&ta\e of Mary O. Desmond, Deceued. U /D Zmllle o. pollard, Estate of Emlllc NEARBY DONOVAN-Aug. 15, FI.nt' and Pinal A~ O. Pollard, Deceased. c count of A. Brooke Oeln,),. Esecutor. B&- POWEJUl-Aug. 18, Firat and Final A • tate 01 LUllan H Donovan Deceaaed. count' of VerGDlca Powers, Admtnlatra· Party Combinationl •• trtx, Esta\e of Harry C. powers, Deceased DUTl'ON-Aug. 11. Pint. ancl 1"111" Ac.- REN8HAW-J'ulf 1, Pirst. aad Final Af' count. 01 Horman B, Dut.teD and Elmer count of wllUam M. aen.shaw, AdmiDl&B. Dutton, Executors, Estate of p;1mer t.rator, Estate of JdaTl'aret OlveD Ran,. G. Dutton, Deceaaed. aha•• Deceased. EMERY-Aug. 8. Firat. and. Final Account BCHLACK-Aug. 15, First and FInal Ac.of Tbe PhDadelphia National Bonk aDd count of Broad S\reet Trust COmpa.DJ'. half Gertrude B. Emery Baxter, TrUstees, (SUccessor by Merser to Interboro Bank gal. U/WUl of Walter V. Emery, as stated by a.nd Trust Company and Allen N. 8chlac:k The PhUadelphia NaUODal Bant, sumv· Executors, Estate of Ana N. Scblack. lus Trustee. Eata.te of Walter V. Emery. Deoeaaed. SHEA-AUI. 18, First and FIoal, Account Deceased. Size, Regular 65c Valuel FERRY-Aul 11. Flnt. and FlDal Account of Illcba.el J. CantweD, Jr., Adm1n1strator. of Edmuad JonC!8. kecutor. Estate of E.ta.te of 'l'homas Prancia Shea, ../k/_ Edward T. Perry, Deceased. Thomas Shea. Deceued.. SPARKS-Aug. 12, First and. Final ACCOUDL PITZ-Aug. 15, Fint and Final Account of Tbe Delaware County National Bank. or Tbe Delaware County NaUonal Bank. Es: cutor EDtato of ·Lewla B. Sparks, DePoppyHOCI or Plain Vienna Intad ••••••••••••••• 2 In. 35e Ouardlan, Estate of Barbara Fib:, late ed' , ceue • a Minor. 8TULL-JUDe 28 Fint. and F.lnIl Account Sup"""" Thin-5licec1 White Bre.d ........................ If. 21 e FORBES-Aul. 15. Pirat. and Final Account of John N. 8WU, Exeeutor. Estate or of George W. 1I0rrla, Executor. Estate Oeorll'e R. stull, Deceaaed. of Roben Forbes, Deceased. 'l'HEURER-Aug 11, First aDd PInal Ao. Lemon, Pale Dry, Ginger Ale, Root Beer, Black Cherry, & Cola FREEMAH""",:Aug. f, First and Final Account of Percy D. Tbeurer, Es:ecutor. Es· 12-0z. count of Ada M. Evans. Esecutrix, E.f. tate of Frederick O. Theurer, Deceased. cans tate of Edward D. FreemaD, Deceased. TROMAS-J I 12 First and Final Account o • GEORGE-Jul, 15. First. and Final Accouat of prOVide::Tr~esmeP$ Bank and TrU8t ,of Nelson P. Fegley, Admmtstrator, Ea.C I:O.panJ' AdmlD&tr.tor Estate of Ellen tate of Angelo Qeorle. Br.• Deceased. 0 Th ' D ceased ' IDEAL, Top Quality, SAVE 6c on esch size •• '. GOODYEAR-Aug.". First. and FiDal A~ ~p~:~' 'I ~nt a~d PlDal Account count of John c. Goodyea.r, Executor, . of Walter F.' Hanna, Execut4ir. Est~te of Estate of Robert. B. Goodyear, Deceased. Edith M TrIpp a/k/& Edith M. TrIpp 0 • ti • HEINTZEN-Aug. 15. First and Final Ac. H ana Deceased count of Mary Schieber, ExecuLrix, Ell-- U~ERHn.L-AUg: lB, Flra\ and f'lnal Ac-Best for Bakingl Aane's Own LOUElLA tate of lIartha E. HetnUp.D. Deceased. count of PbUlp C. Herr, EJ:ecutor. Estate HENRY-Aug. 18, FIrst. a.od Pinal A~couat of Frederick S. UDderbUI, Deceased. Of Anna Crothers Hen!'7, ExecutriX, :ms. VOID-Au 3 First aad Final Account of iate of James ~. HeDn'. Deceued. Howard gVoid. Ea:ecutor. Estate of Bar· HEsLoP-AUI. 2, First and FInal Account veJ' Void. Deceased. . of Lt!onard T. Heslop. AdminIst.rator, E&- WARD-Aug 15 Firat and Final Account. MRS SMITH'S Lemon. Chocolate, or Neopolitan late of Olive P. Heslop. a/k/a Olive P. of TheOdo;e Ward. Jr., a.nd Leo T. yoar Resslop. Deceased. C DDor Executors Estate or 'l1leooore mCKS-Aug. 15, First and Final Account ; W;'rd beceue'd • choice of WllUe Dora Smith. AdmbllatratriS:, Sa- WATrs-A~g. 11. F'Ir~t and final Account tate of Marseret Hicks. DecelUled. of HeleD M. Bunt.. Admmtsttatrtx, a.TA" HIPPLE-July 21. First and Final Account _ ~tat.e of Ada Watts, Deceased. • of EUubetb P. MUler, Executrix,· Estate WICKERBHAM-.JulJ' 28 Pint and FInal af P. OlnrID lIlpple. Deceased. Account. of Charles A.' SmJ'Ue. Ezecutor. HOPPMAN-J'uly 20, nral and PInal Ac. Eatale of John Wlckenham. Deceued. COUIIt 01 Howard 1:. Boffman. Admlnlstr,a.. \¥COD-AUI. 15. Pint .and PInal Account tor~ Estate of Pearl E. Hoffman, J)e. of carrle R. Klefller and Edmonli P. HanSWARTHORE STORE, Chester Road ceaH4f. ___ ~ Dum. Trusteel. UfWlll of Mary C. Wood. lWrl"-AUC. II', PInt and. PInal Ac"",",,, Deceued and at.ated by Edmund P. Open Thursday and Friday Evenings Itil 10 cl JQJ'C8 A. Batel, Exeeut.rts. Est.at.e of Hannum' au"lvtDr Trustee Estate of LOU .." X,. Butt. Deceased. A liar,' C: Woad, Deceued. ' . ' ~111'•. 1.. PInt ~ PIDal ~ ZUBT Ell July 11. Pint. aucl JI'Inal Account COUDt of Pred:eiicll: 1t:. Ed"aMl aDd of Barr7 JC. Apeler 'Executor" Elt.&ie of OAK PARK SHOPPING CENTER, Bishop -Road and Baltimore Pike willi J. outW_. EKeCU\On. Ea&a&e of· CamP M. ZUbler, a,k/a . C.· iI ZUbJer, I'SoteGce II. UQTCOID'b, Deeeuect. n.eeued WednrClay, Thursday 'til P.M., friday 'til P.M• . BYA'l'T-AIIC 11. Pint AGCOaJIt or PidelUJ'" "-.. _ ..._ B.• AI!W!1f n r t \ p Ie 'l'Nd MI.dtandire 2700 W-'+ Highland , __ _ _cab. fI" """Ii' or WIllI 1114 Y·our N,alest S .. H L>....:.._;' ......... ·s&..ooOA '.....,,'r'. OP "~. I' ~I :, , i, ·, and a rURKEYS CHICKEN BREAST 39( 10 to 16 Pound Average lb. $2. $2-3 ' SSe cost 48e CHICKEN LEGS ' RIB ROAST :;::~~~=~5123to ~er~~; 49 9 FULLY I COOKED i -- ---------- ....... 45 53 Ground. Beef Frankfu rt·er5 3 ;. ,. I ,.:; " .. i 'J " t, I " i I 89- 25 ,£__ SLICED "Q.. .... - ------------~--~~ iKFURTLLi~~ ~ II, 7~ I ~~" C UA/~P.J L_ J ~ , ~,d ~j VALENCIA ORANGES. 4 ~~~ TOMATOES 002 --- -- - - - --------Labor Day Treat ~"':"'''ICE CRE \ J~, :. · L ! • 6~ NEW! Farmdale Ice CrealD Family -:£ Pound Cake'" 45 -----------------12 ~prem. clothes dryer! Any day - any hour of the day - you can dry clothes in an automatic gas clothes dryer. In any weather, too, you can be sure of getting GROWING FAMILY? ...... 7 ~~~~-~----------------~~~~~.~~~~~------------------------Oarol W1Dlame retwDe4 w. bIlL' Clark. N..J. where she W!I& the I - ' JaPlIAN.· oouai\JACUOR-4U1. H. Flnt """ lI'IllII 4 .. NEWS NOTES home on IIotrWOOd IBDe Jut "IIItIek af, . count of EdD& J. Po.en. Executrix. z... lIIIra. Robert P. Greim. Jr.. with of her prcepectlve roommate Toni e PaHon Rooling GO. <>~;;:.!!~~~~k;lt.chen and ~ 4-4112- T it to' .it'*" ~,'i 1"·it BUY REA N dothes dry quickly with no chance of rain~spo"ing. SeIad your automa';c gas clothe. drye, a' your plumber's, deale,'s or Dny Philadelphia fredric suhurhan showroom. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPAIIY ~~~ Beverages A..:;o~ Mayonnaise ••• Evaporated Fresh Frozen Pies. W. "'-!Ju....... 0Dm..,.. Dnw A,. !batt- ._. --"""'-' - .... ------------- ------ _. . Open Tuesday, 9 s.-. 10 a.......... , ; , , ,< ' ~' I, •" I ,t ~ ~_, __8________________~___________.__ .rBa_····_··'_SW_·····_Aa_i_\~_Mo._;_~~AN_·_·______________________~s.='..bw~l~ Local Horticulturalist Heat/s Women's Flower Lt. Wm. Webb to Teach ' At Dickinson . College Arrangements Committee al International Exhibition .October DeadllDe Set . . . ,For Dasign of TB Seal . Mrs. Harry Wood, Walnut lane, idea of Americans living in homes Lt. William .H. Webb, South Delaware County residents are is ohairman of the American Wom- with gardens and trees is a novel Chester road, wljo has been apinvited to take part in the competi- co's Flower Arrangements Commitfor many people overseas who pointed visiting professor of chemtion for the design of the 1962 tee for the Floriade, giant inter-I visullli.;e us living in concrete can- istry at Dickinson College for the Christmas Seal. national horticultural exhibition in yon. surrounded by machine •." coming academic year, will leave Robert W. Bernbardt, South Rotterdam. The Floriade, which Mrs. Wood, a member of the next Tuesday for Carlisle. Princeton avenUe executive secre- opened 'March 25 and will continue board of directors of the American Prof. Webb will be accomtary Delaware County Tuberculo-. until September 25, was conceived Horticultural Society, is the only panied to Carlisle by Mrs. Webb. sis a~d Health Association, said the as a tribute f~om ~orld h?rtic~l- woman member of the committee. They ·will live at 900 West South deadline for entries is October 1. ture to the tuhp, whIch arrIved m the American exhibit. chair-I street, in the home of Dr. Horace A $500 award will be presented Holland from Turkey 400 years man of the committee is Dr. RusR?lrers , chairman of the chem· to the winner by a Committee of the ago. sell Seibert, director of Longwood Istry department at Dickinson, who National Tuberculosis Association. The HDutch world's fair of gar- Gardens. . is on a year's leave of absence. Ten runners·up will receive certifl· dening" is sponsored by all horti· Mrs. Wood left for Europe in !-.t. Webb taught at Pennsylvania cates of merit. cultural interests in the Netherto lead a garden trip to the Mlhtsry College for 22 years unA County resident, Clint Bradley lands, and under the auspices of Scandinavian countries before go-. til retiring in 1958 at ·his request. of Media, was the winner for de. the Netherlands Horticultural ing'to the Floriade where she was Co-author of the American Chemsign of the 1957 Seal. Council and the Royal Netherlands in charge of the 10 U. S. amateur; ical Society standardized tests for The winning design is placed on Horticultural and Botanical Assoarrangers during the week general college chemistry, he holds July 2 4 . ' I degrees from New York Univer. seals which are sent throughout the clation, with the full support of country for the annual campaign. the Dutch Government. Eighteen Mr. Woo'd left in July for a short Isity and the Harvard Graduate Funds obtained from the Seal sales nations are participating. of SwitzeriRnd b.fore meet;ng School, are the only means of financing the The u. S. Exhibition occupies Wood in Rotterdam. AfterAt Dickinson, he will have the fight against tuberculosis.. five acres of the 125 provided by they spent three weeks mo- use of a private research laboraBernhardt said that rules and the City of Rotterdam for the Florthrough England on a gar- tory adjoining his office in the new specifications for the Seal entries iade. It is jointly sponsored by the den tour of their own. They ar- $750,000 Althouse Science Hall. may be obtained at local headquar- 'Foreign Agriculture Service of the home the latter ·part of Aug. The Webb home at' 316 South tors, 9th and Welsh stroots, Chester. U. S. Department of Agriculture Chester :road will he occupied by Entries may be submitted to the and the American Horticultural Professor and Mrs. Harold B. office of the Pennsylvania TB and Council which was designated to THERAPIST ADMITTED TO Smith of Wooster, O. Prof. Smith, ~ealth Society, 311 South Juniper plan a~d operate the exhibit. It is CEREBRAL PALSY COURSE a member of the faculty of Woosstreet, Philadelphia 7, or the Christ- the first time that the United ·ter College, is on his sabbatical to Seal Division of the National States bas participated in an inJanice'V. Edwards, Harvard ave- do research work at the UniverTuberculosis Association, 1790 ternational exhibit of this kind. is one of 20 therapists working slty of PennsylvanIa. Broadway, New York 19, N.Y. Last "The U S Exhibition at field of cerebral palsy who .year, 600 deSlgns . bmltted . • has been admitted to the Interna- FORMER RESIDEIT OPENS were su Dutch Florlade presents a tru.er I by artists from all over the nation•.plcture of America than has tional Postgraduate Cerebral PaJs lEW RESTAURAIT been shown before abroad," Course being held iIr New York City Walt Dickinson, son of .Mrs. Don FURlESS LIBRARY WILL Horticultural Council stated. from September 6 to 28; ~. Dickinson of Park avenue, is Miss· Edwards is staff physical SCHEDULE START WI ITER the first time this country is dem-'~hle",pist " of United Cerebral Palsy dIrector of an "lilth century EngWinter hours at the 'Helen Kate onstrating its horticultural accom. Delaware County, 511 East 21st lish tavern" recently opened by Furness Free Library Nether plishments in an international ex· street, Chester. Restaurant Msocioates on Old Providence, will be effective Tues- position. This means an entirely _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Country road, Westbury, Long Is,day, September 6. The library will new side of America is being ro- IOTRE DAME aRADUATES J.and. 'he open Monday tnrough Friday vealed to other nations, A graduate of Swarthmore High PLAN OCTOBER WEEUID School and of the Pennsylvania from 3 to 6 p.m., lMonday through "Gardening is a major American The Alumnae of Notre Dame State University's Hotel School, ,Thursday from 7 to 9 p,m., and hobby. In scientific research as High School, Moylan, is planning Mr. Dickinson was connected with ,Saturday moming from 10 to 12. well as commerce, we are also one The Ubrary will be closed Labor of the most ,advanced nations of a homecoming weekend, October 8 Sheraton. Hilton Hotels prior to .Day, ·September 5. the world .horticulturally. And the and 9 in celehration of the school's joining the aS1!ociates . silver jubilee He and his wife have three chll. Past and p;'es~nt members of the dren and reside at 2537 Adolfo school faculty will be among the place, Westbury. His ~other and honored guests. Formal invitations her niece and nephew, Jeanie and have been sent out to the school's Billy Dickinson and their 'lUntMiss I m'"e than 6000 graduates. Mona Jarvis, all of Washington, The fOrIDal reunion is set for N;C., visited him and his family S"tulrd.ay, October 8. Sunday, Octo- over a recent weekend. 9 will be Family Visiting Day. I !'l. rna. EABI SEAIISTBUS AWARDI Two young Swarthmore needle. women won first place awards in the Media area Singer Sewing Machine Contest last Thu,.sday. Linda Estabrook of South Princeton avenue modeled a brown print school dress which was declared best in the "tweens" claSSification.· Marjorie Olcott of Oberlin avenue wore a yellow date dress to top the "teens." Both girls received deluxe sewing cases and their winning creations were sent to compete in the Philailelphia regional contest. Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Shoemaker of Riverview road bad~ as tbelr guests for several days of last weeo< their grandchUdren Wally and Rutb ~e Dietz of CInCinnati, O. The children's parents Mr. and Mrs. WIl. lIam H. Dietz, wjth Bill, Jr., and Don who had been campers In New Hampshire, were also guests of tbe Shoemaker& Allis Swell Yes, it can be a pretly swell world for fO" when you are enjoying good health. Your Doctor stands ready to get you back on the road to recovery. See him right away, and be sure to bring his prescriptions to us for precise compounding. CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE Klngswood 3-0586 20% DISCOUNT On All Imprinted Christmas Cards fhrough September The shop will be closed tomorrow alternoon and Monday • •. also Wednesday afternoons during September • ALICE BARBER, Gifts ., 15 S. Chester Road H E L P!YES! Help Us Celebrate Our 40th Anfliversary 25% to 40% REDUCTIONS! on ALL IMPORTED SILKSWOOLENS and COTTONs Comparable Savings on All Decorator Slip Cover and . DrcipeIY Fabr.ic,s! .... Bring this Ad with you lor an additional reduction 61 10% on all purchases. lAY & SONS - New Fabric Center 21 E. 6th St. Chester, Pa. TR ~-3002 I NEWS NOTES BarrIe Bovard, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Bovard of North Swarthmore avenue, returned Wednesday from Camp Echo Hill on tne eastern sbore of Maryland where she has been swlmmlng and boating counselor for the summer. EllIs Plowman, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs, George Plowman of Harvard avenue, will return from Ocean City, N.J., on Wednesday wh~re sbe has been employed for the summer, She will return on the 14th to Pennsylvania State UniversIty, University Park, for her Junior , ...:. "You Meet the Nicest People at Sp'eare Bros." BDGMONT AVENUE - 8EVI!NTB AND WELSH 8TaEBT11 STORE HOURS Mondays and Fridays. 9:30 ta 9:00 Tuesdays. Wecfnesday~. Thundays and SaturdC'lY1, 9 to 5:30 TIle Reverend Joseph P. Bishop and Mrs. Bishop and tbeir falnlly will be weeketid guests of Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Gilmour of Harvard avenue, Mr. Bishop, who was former minister of· tbe Swarthmore Pr..byterlan Churcb, Is presently pastor of the FIrst Presbyterian Churcb in Rye, N.Y. , Mrs, S. B. Hadley, a former Swarthmorean, has returned to her home In Washington, D.C., after spending ten days wltb her niece, Mrs, F. Norton Landon of WaIllngford. Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Anderson of Bryn Mawr avenue and their famIly returned Saturday from a tbree week vacation In Ocean City,' N.J. Ouests during tbelr stay were Mr. and Mrs. Stsnley Steciw and their two boys, aud friends of the Ander-' son children Stephen Walter of Bryn Mawr avenue and Bettina Scbumano of Stratb Haven avenue. Mr. and Mrs. William O. Rowland witb tbelr' sons Bob and Jim re-, turned to their home on College avenue Sunday from two weeks In MiChigan, one of: ~~ch was spent ~< at Indian Lake tiear Manastlque where Bob had been a sumlner ', camper and ,tbe otber at Epworth Heights ReSort, on Lake Michigan " . near IaIIDg&on. Bmoule the Row-; lands yf8Ite4 In Detroit. I ,,." SEP 9 1960 Are YOU Registered to Vote? -- Are THE Volume 32-Number 37 ~RTHMOREAN Swarthmore, Pa., Friday, September 9, 1960 Unitarians Call Concerning the Arls Center Announces . D °d libb Absentee Ballot Re!. aVI Y Any elector desiring an offiNew Fall Schedule Pittsfield Pastor Will Beg 'ln Dut"les For future 'COVER GIRLS' glamorous nubby tweed coat a.featured on the cover of - PARENTS' MAGAZINE Mouton collared, raglan sleeve coat in a rich, nubby tweed with back bet. Add-a· Year* hem lets out for on extra ~eoson's weur. Oalmeal only. Sizes 7-14; $32.97 Sub-Teen Sizes 8-14, $37.85 Other coats from $ 1 1.99 -------------,,_------_1 I YOU Registered to Vote? $4.00 PER YEAR J. Cushing, S. Williams Registrars to Sit In Rutledge Roving R'egistrars will sit 'in the Fire House at Borough Hall next Tuesday, September 13. Get Swim Awards I cial absentee ballot for the reaL Courtney Is Top son that he expects to be unable Classes Will Begin 1960 "Life to attend hi. proper polling 0 b Sunday place on .the day of election, becto er from 2 p,m. to 9 p.m. for .the Saver" benefit of eleclors who wish to Jack Cushing, midget boy, waS 3rd f h II The Rev. David R. Kibby of cause a i ness or p ysica I d isn" I • th G I EI ability, or unavaidablT! absent The Communl'ty Arts, Center, po IClpa e In 0 enero ec- proclaimed winner of the 1960 outPittsfield, Mass., has accepted a tion on November 8. ta d" d d caU to the Unitarian Church of from the county, sha I signify 408 Rogers lane, Wallingford, ans n 109 sWImmer awar, an Delaware County, Old Marple and that desire to the chief clerk of nounces plans for their Fall SchedAny resident of the county Soaan WDIiama as winner of the Old Sproul roads, Springfield the county board of elections, ule of Classes beginning October 3. who is not already registered Millard Robinson Tropby. during Township, in writing, signed by the elector Adult courses in painting and may do so at the Rutledge Fire the annual Labor Day program at 'bb t f th p'tts and delivered to the chief clerk drawing will be taught by Cyril House during the above hours, the Swarthmore Swim Club pool. M K r, I y, pas or 0 e I Gardner, Robert Anthony, and or at the Courthouse Annex in Linda Courtney was presented with field Unitarian Ohurch for -10 by any means. Upon receipt of M d f h L' years, will begin duties here Sun- such writing the chief clerk shall. Katharine Hayes Porter. Anne Me dia r°thm 9 ah·mF• ~od 4:30 p.m. Tt e I Iffe Sahvi~g Awardd th bY Jh~nhet I mail to the elector, at the adChuse Richardson will teach water on ay roug rI ay. ay o. or aVll>g score e Igh I :~!;,,~~!:::~~ ~~lIwpr:~::~. ';;:e dress dated in such writing, -two color painting and sketching; Sally The Annex will also be open est of any who took the courses at church has had no pastor since the copies of the prescribed form. James Freer beginning and inter- ,from 9 a.m. to 9 p~m. today, the local pool during the past seadeparture of the itev. Herbert The .,Iector shall complete an mediate oil painting; and Josephine and again next Friday, Septem- son. Others who completed the lat. I deWitt Lip.ton, painting in oil and ber 16, and from 9 a.m. to 12 est courses under Miss Taylor 011 Vetter in 1959. origino, and a duplicate, of t· d' xt August 26 .are: two p rt I f h f d d Iwatercolor. Maurine Ligon will noon omorrow an again ne Mr. Kibby, who deli";":"red .~ a a sue orm, an e IVet' S t rd 5 t b 17 Senior~ - John Patterson,Dino a u ay, ep em er • se rmQ,ns before the con.gregation both capl'es of the fo~ , .. , to the teach classes' in sculpture techMcCurdy, Susan Williams, Grace at Springfield last spring, will live chief cleric by any means, no niques. These ciasses include armaMcDermott, Karen Peterson. Junin Havertown. ~arried, hehas earlier than the 30th day, and ture making, freehand modeling of iors - Linda Z\!Cher, Pat Estey, children; Douglas, Carol • no later than the seventh day, portrait heads and figures f r o m , Richard McCurdy, John Tresaler, d' th d f th I casts and living models. ° Ruth Ann an.d D aVI'd prece '"9 e ay 0 e e ecGary Martin, Cindy Fox, Ann A native of Pittsfield, tion in which the 'ballot is to be For the language· depa,rtment D Whittier, Barbara Gerner, Laura ister re-established the, east. All applications received Helen Shatagin will offer begin. The Swarthmore Tennjs Club Enion, Carol Campbell, joanne and Church there in 1950 after at ofher times .hall,be void. ning and advanced lessons in RUB- captured for the third straight Carol Espenschade, Jack Scott. been inactive for 10 years. His sion language and conversation. year the championships of the Del. Nancy Thorbahn, Betsy Atkinson" mandate was to find 50 chafter Pearl Zaret Ross offers an after~ aware County Industrial Tennis Bill Standish, John Shjgeoka. ramilies within a year, and" he noon class in "explor1ng the ele-- League in a final doubles match Earns "Presidency" reached the goal in seven ll!ontli.. ments of music" and an evening with the Westinghouse team on Culminating the season's adult He was an outspoken critic of class in recorder for those who Thursday, September 1. program of 10.laps-a-day toward local government, and particularly want to illay an instrument that is Earlier, Swarthmore had drop. the "preside~cy" Mrs. He~ "';. ,f the schools, and ...dvocated that Prospective Members easy, and quick, to master. ped a singles match but evened the! Peirsol receIved the pres,de?t s murches pay taxes. In 1957, he Invited to Evening ,Additional cla ••es include: metal . h d bl . Th I ,award and Samuel Dodd, VIce· th e tabllshment of a I' b score WIt a ou es WIn. e pay., id t. T lb· te 'd to Robd .purre e s p work, jewelry and ename 109 y off Thursday evening pitted Stu pres en r u w~s pal . rogram Miriam Eisbree; pottery by Mar- Torrey and Harry Coslett of ert ~emer, operatIons chairman, memorial society to combat "the high cost of dy;ing." The Mothers' Club of S,warth- jorie Dutton Stsfford; early Amer- Swarthmore against Dick Pope and for dhed's man! 10Ing tuhours :;~ u~~ The Pittsfield unit of the Na· more reminds members and pros- ican decoration by Edna Winter; Abe Cohen of Westinghouse. Tor- war servIce. n rn, me........ tional ElI!ploy the Physically Han; members of the Friendly weaving by Robert F. Stafford; rey and Coslett won by a score ner called forth guaras ana ot.ner dicapped Committee cited Mr. Kib- Fair to be held on Thursday, Sep- puppet theatre by Emma Louise f 6-4 6-0 members of the staff for public by for his "outstanding" efforts in tember 16, at 8:30 p.m. at Me- Warfield; flower arra!lging by 0 , • • • tribute to their share in, Mother Lhat work. He operated Ber~hlre Cahan Hall of the Presbyterian Nancy Shaub Timms; photography Other ~eams lI~cluded In th)e successful season. The pool'8 two Crafts at his home to assist the Church,Harvard avenue. .. F ZimmerIDan' woodwork- League a~e .SUn 0,1 (two teams , ,"ladi~. In . whit:e .. (sulu)"Carol h.mdieappedtand 'members of ,his ~ Membershipchairinall Mrs. Sally ~:g Ft:y-W-ah;e-fOmloi and' BOii ...1 ~o.: 'M~to{;., S~tt ,pa::.';;;.ter 'Wllifamii,acttVltleS"direetor;C and' congregat.lon subSequently took re- Lemon and her committee have and Bankei by Mary Outland Kat- ar .an ns owne. n .Ing, Janet Taylor, swim team coach, ,ponsibility for its operation. He . f f nd k' captam of the Swarthmore team, were presented with tokens of ,lip. . an evening' 0 un a ~u I.. will hold a dinner for the members t,'O . h d u It servIces "'. a memb er 0 f tea gaIety for all club members and Ne," courses have ,been added to f II t i t . th th precla n •. · . will this '..year's schedule .including 0 a earns a er m e mon. A varJe . t Y 0 f eventa comb"IDIDg romml·ttee 0f th e U't m e d Cereb raI prospectIve members. GypsIes Palsy Association of Massachufortunes appropriate recorded 't' by Frances Lackman fun and prowess rounded out the ..tts in 1957. will heard, ;'nd i"tere9t- ~~:~:: A. Medford's silk scree~ Exhibits Celebrate a~temoon which ended with a picMr. Kibby attended Pittsfield ing games, with prizes, will be held. workshop and woodcarving by Addams Centennial nlc at 6 p.~. ..hools and was graduated from f th rizes will be made hy , . . E M I'od '11 • • I Doubly bIlled as Lolly and. Molly o e p ,. Isabel Blal. LoUIS . e I on WI The Borough ,LIbrary has on d,s. , , Syracuse University and the thea- members of the commIttee. teach an evening class in plaster play this week an exhibit of books of Dog Patch, and Just theIr own logical school of Boston University. 'd M J h O'B' '11 . J W' I d . able selves, LInda Courtney and . Pres. ent rs. 0 n rlen W1 castu1g. .erome 19 er an and pamphlets honormg Jane Ad- Barbara Stuart fl'rst performed While a seminary student, he diI 8) open the meeting with a we coming (Contmued on Page dams.on the c,entennial of the birth such Dog Patch Specl'alS as the ...ted crafts programs at the Bas· od h ff' address and intr nee t, e 0 Icers , of thIS AmerIcan worn.an. Mrs. Da- PI'ggy back wheel barro and ton YMOA and at YMCA camps ef F W in Pennsylvania and New York. for the current year. Students Ben it rom vid Field, !iterature ~hairman of horseback dives and then, ebanginc For five years after receiving 'Mrs. Robert West,. hospitality . World Friendsbip Program the Womens International Leaguelfrom Dog Patch dresses Into sleek his the.ology degree, he directed the chairIDan, has select\!d Mrs. Robert, f t d t tak during for Peace and Freedom, who select- ,white bathing suits performed pre. en . ed the materials, urges borough .. . . I • P I K · b II PlctUl'es 0 S u en s d M Dedham, Mass., Community Cen· an rs. au 1m a the opening days of school will pro'de " h d' Ia ClSlOn d,ves 10 tandem, LInda takhostesses for the evening. 'vide funds for an exchange stu- resl nts to VIsIt t e lOP y. . if f tn, was a crafts instructor at Ing 0 rom tbe 1ow bo ard an d Dedham schools and Boston churchOld and new· members of Mothers' dent program which has,already . A mo~th:long exhibit of m~ter- Barbara simultaneously from the es, and served a~ director of re- Club may look forward to an in· brought several students toSwarth- ,als deplctmg the many achleve- high board. Iigious education and associate tere.ting series of meetings for more and sent many Swarthmore ments of Jane Add~m;h;~n~dh?'t A successful attempt at breaking o e pastor at Dedham's First Parish the new season, Children's books, students abroad. thh~ FreekLIMbraryF d .,ka T Pil,a the 220 yard medley relay record Church, Unitarian. interior decorating and floral arStella Waite from Woodhouse t 15 wee. rs. re eriC 0 .~sJ of 1:59.8 was made by Ken Hewes Mr. Kibby enlisted in the Army rangement with members particiI E I d last year's ex Mrs. Bess B. Lane and Mrs. Phlhp (Continued on Page 5) · ts Schoo, ng an , . - Mayer attended the reception in the h b ski troops in 1943, attended the pating are a few of t e su Jec ch.ange student, now awaIts the ar- L'b 'Skyl' R ff' • II "haplal'ns' school at Harvard and w·hl·ch will be covered. Mrs. An. C II d hte I rary s me oom 0 ICla y Hobby Aids Many , . d rival of Janice arro, aug r opening the eXhibit and announclVas sent to Tlnian Island in the drew Wallace, vice president, an of Mr. and Mrs. John, Carroll of I'ng 'publl'cation of the new Jane Night Radio Operator Earl GiII' In . J une, 1945. her c"mml'ttee have, arranged the College avenue, wh 0 WIII represent Addams Centennial Reader. T-he esple . 0 f th e Sw arth more P 0 I'Ice h as PaCI'f'Ie as a ch apialn v program. , . .. Swarthmor< High School !'t t~e public is cordially invited to visit had occasion the past three weeks' Mothers Clu~ IS .actIve In weI· Woodhouse School. Stella..hved In the displ~y of materials in the main to be grateful for his familiarity Parents Council fare work as IS eVIdenced by the Swarthmore at ·the homes of the I bb f th I'b with the night sky and its constel... beDef'Ittedb Y Gaileys, the Gatewoods, and the 0 yo I nf . To Meet Sept. 1 many organlzatIons .e,rary. . M e l ations. For his own i ormatIOn The elementary· and high school the annual fashion show and the Dyes. She returned to England in Mrs. WIII~m ;s·sf.a[d and pleasure he plotted the course sections of the Parents Council will other welfare activities in which June Stella spent her first night deMolI and rs. rge .an Ie. of Echo I and checked the accuracy bold a combined meeting Mond~y, members participate during the in the U.s.A. at the home of the are ,?embers of the commIttee ~r-I of his direction and time predic. rangmg the ,WILPF Centenma tions. Therefore he was ready alSeptember 19, at 1 p.m. in the old year. Carrol~s. ho h Stell Reciprocity Tea for the Delaware though surprised when calls b:gan aU·purpose room at the Rutgers 'Marla Dye, at w se .omSe rthR County Federation. of Women's !eo' ming into the Police Station askA.venue School. t t of her stay ID wa 'd Swarthmore C 'ltizens spen par . . Clubs in honor of Jane A dams. ing for information about the balMrs. James D, Nelson, vice e was A t hi e t •Ie C omm. M e et'ng I mor, . the FrIends ServIce h' rep.t CorneI'la Sts bl er G'II I am, monoI 0- loon satellite's next appearance. ~hairman, will preside at the meetA get-acquainted meeting for the resentatlve to England t IS pas gist, will present a program at Sever.al residents of the Borough Ing which will include a brief talk mer Other students who have F 'd S te be 16' th . . ,1 p.m. rl ay, ep m r , In e trying for a clear and unobstruct...' by Harry ~. Kingham, superin- parents, particularly mothers, will sum l)e sponsored. by the Swarthmore benefitted from the World ~rlcnd- Grace Lutheran Church, Drexel ed view tried the Borough Parking tendant of schools, ' ex....."hange. program dUring the H'II F e derat'Ion mem bers ~I ' , Citizens Athletic Committee, of Sh IP 1. aDDlDg lot with rewarding success, especStray Dog Bites Child which Willis Jackson of Harvard past year are. to attend are asked to nohfy Mrs. ially when the cooperative Gilles. Loren Ma~I'n three year old child avenue is chairman, on Monday, 1T0nathon Seybold, who spent the Colin Bell, Kl 4-1866. pie and the night officer on duty .'. . Holland' Robert Jarratt . .. ' , of Lt. Colonel Robert S. Martin 'leptember 12, at 7:30 p.m, in Room year m , • Ger turned out the brIght spot light to and Mrs, Martin of 537 Westdalp 13 of the Swarthmore High School. who spent lasie, su~m~ ~~ h~ COUNTY ROSE SOCIETY facilitate their viewing. This sky "~enue, was severely bitten on tbe Those attending will meet Co.ich many; Ma~y u cf lr95~ 6;' TO HOLD FIRST FALL MEETlNB Iwatching, beyond, the prescribed nght ear Wednesday evening by a lIIil1ardRobinson and his assistant spent the fllst. terID 0 tr' . ~~ The Delaware County Rose So- duties of the police, was much apstray dog while nl~v;n" wit.h other Pietryka who will discuss the scandanavla~ coun t ~';:" aast ciety held its first fall meeting prl'Ciated by all who found the .hildren in a neighbor's isrd. coming Swarthmore High )fahlon ~oyer w 0 spen _ e p Wednesday evening at the West- satellite easily !ot their direction. The child's father ru.hed her to School football season. "Robby" will summer~n ~r;;.'a.nYdsbip program dale avenue home of vice. president As one observer was heard to rothe Naval H"Sllital in PhiiadelnhiB "lace special emphasis on condition- • The or b r~~zabeth McKie, D. Robert Gerner. The Society is mark: '''Well, this is certainly the, IVhere she underwent surgery. The lng, trainin~ and charaeter bui~d- '~ sponsored . Y ade En lish.! planning its first open show which pl...santel!t ~y J ca~ think of to ~og was apprehended by local po- ing, and WIll demons~te equIp- teacher of mnt~ f th gcom will be held in Whittier House Oc- become acquam\ed WIth the Bor, 1iwing Princeton Theological Seminary cornflower blue faille gown with a I ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~~~!!!!!~!!!!!:~!!!!!!~~~11 will leave tomorrow for Granville, this month. small raspberry velvet hat. Her f I Wi ""lQItUIWIIIlarumlffUloIIIIIIKURDlIIWUIIIIOI'P"""rmtKIIIIIIIDlll, 0., with their daughters Nancy and Prior to the wedding the bride corsage was of white orchids. Susan. Nancy will be a me~er of was guest of honor at a bridesA garden reception followed the the senior class at Denison Uni· maid luncheon held Fr.iday after. ceremony at the home of the bride's MOTOR TUNE·UP with ENGINE SCOPE versity and Susan a freshman. noon at the Thayer road home of ll arents. Mr. and Mrs. Chsrles Bovard "r Miss Van Urk, one of the atten· :Mr. and Mrs. Lange will be at DYNAMIC WHEEL BALANCE WHEEL ALIGNMENT North Swarthmore avenue, with dants. ,home in Wilmington, Del., followtheir daughters Bettie and Barrie, ing a wedding trip to New HampROBERT ATZ, Mgr. will leave tomorrow for Salem, Va., LANBE • LAWRENCE shire. RUSSELL'S SERVICE where Barrie will enter the fresh. The marriage of Miss Janis PenThe rehearsal dinner ·was given man class of Roanoke College. field Lawr~nce, daughter of Mr. the evening before the wedding by Opposite Borough Porking Lot :Mrs. George Plowman of Har- and Mrs. Harry Logan Lawrence .the bridegroom's parents Mr. and Kln,•• ood 1·0440 Dlrtnioath .nd L1f.,,". AVla ... vard avenue wHi entertain. at of Wellesley road and Mr. Jona- ·Mrs. Gordon, Lange at the Rolling Closed Saturdoy ot 12:30 P.M. luncheon today in honor of her than Talbot Lange, son of Mr. and Green G<>lf Club. niece Miss Judith Passmore, Mrs. Gordon Lange of Crest lane, Mr. and Mrs. James C. Lawrence, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward took place on Friday, September 2, Jr., uncle and aunt of the bride 'M. Passmore of Rutledge, whose at 5 o'clock in the Swarthmore of Moylan, entertained the bridal marriage will take place tomorrow Presbyterian Church. The Rever- party at luncheon the day of the APPLES· PEACHES· PEARS· DAMSON PLUMS to Mr. Richard Blair McNeal of end Robert O. Browne performed wedding. -------Garden City. Guests will be mem- the double-ring ceremony. TOMATOES· EGCS. POTATOES bers of the wedding party, famili~s, Given in marriage by her father, JOHNSON. HILKERT and out-of-town guests. the bride wore a candlelight peau ~r. and Mrs. Robert N. Hilkert Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Ford of de ~oie go~n mad~ with a fitted of Strath Haven avenue announce "TM Fa...,. Witk tk. Octagonal Barn" Amherst avenue returned last eek bodIce apphqued WIth Aleneon lace the marriage of their daugbter' from a motor trip south to with a tracery of seed pearls and Anne to Mr. Ashton Johnson of Dlredions: From Swarthmore south on Baltimore Pike to Clourleaf. Turn left onto sanville, Fla., where they visited sequins, low neck and tin~ short New York City. The'ceremony took \ Route 352 toward Ch.der. Drive 1112.2 mil.,. turn riqht on Knowlton Roed for V2 mil•. with' Mr nd M A J M Co _ sleeves. Her beU-sh ..ped .skirt was place at noon on Saturday, Sep-I Open 10 A.M •• 6 P.M. mack, c trimmed with a continuation of the tember 3, at The Community Daily and Sun_ay TRemont 6.9047 dents. From there the Fords went lace a train. Church in New York City, and was to Indiatlantie and Eau Gall·le Her fmger .tIP veIl of sIlk Illusion followed by a wedding luncheon at ~ : ~ d f II f the Vanderbilt Hotel. . \ . , t· d where they visited MTS Ford's w~s l!,!re an e rom a peau cousins Captain and Otho de soie crown .edged seed Smoot and forme neighbors Mr. pearls. She carried, a shkh.t1y cas. PETERSEN. LAIMBEER I , • and Mrs. James bavis. They re- caded bouquet of :gardenJl\8 and Miss Margaret Mer!"Yfield Laim-I turned via the Great· Smokies. stephanotis.. heer, daughter of Ml·, and Mrs. Middletown Road - Media, Pa. Opposite High Meadow Miss Kathryn Jester of Denver, William Laimheer of Rn<:'e fT""""". (between Dutton Mill Road and Knowlton Road) Colo., served as Miss Lawrence's formerly ()f Swarthmore, became POMEROY. HIBBARD maid of honor. Her dress was of the bride of Mr. James La .• "".; ...... ~ Wedgewood green chiffon fashion· Petersen, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. The marriage of Miss Rosemary Telephone TRemont Z·7Z06 ed with a round low neck, short E. Petersen of Fairfield, Conn., at Howell Hibbar~, daughter of Mr. sleeves and matching midriff of a ceremony held Friday, SeptemAsk for BEN PALMER and Mrs. Donald Lawrence Hib- satin and a full waltz length skirt. ber 2, in the Swarthmol'e Presbybard of South Chester road, and Her headdress was of matching terian Church. The Rev. Robert o. Nr. George Robinson Pomeroy, SOn green velvet leaves and she carried Browne officiated. AZALEAS (Miss Patricia Jane Sullivan of of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W i\8()n a bouquet of yellow fugii chrysanYEWS • RHODODENDRONS Pomeroy, Jr., of Ben Avon Heights, themums, white soock and Bells of Philadelphia was the bride's only HOLLIES· CLEMATIS· STAR ROSES Pittsburgh, toolj: place Saturday Ireland tied with loops of yellow attendant. ·Mr. Robert' LeOn Petersen of ribbon. afternoon, September 3, at 3 o'clock PYRACANTHA (Firethorn) The bridesmaids were 'Miss Jose- New York .served as ·best man for in the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop phine Lange, sister of the bride- his brother. . SHADE TREES groom, ·Miss Catharine Frurn, perfor!'led the ceremony. BIRTHS Given in marriage by her par- Shaker Heights, 0., Miss Berry Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Pilla of ents, the bride was gowned in ivory Matheka, East Orange, N. J., and Visit Our Roadside Market -.,- Opon Weekdays Miss Janet Speirs of Ry~, N. Y. Huntingdon Valley announce the peau de soie with a court train. They wore the same model dress birth of their fourth child, a daul\"hond Weekends until 5 P.M. Her veil fell from a pearl coronet. of Wedgewood green as th.at of the She carried a spray of gardenias maid of honor and similar head- ,~~""""~ ""! with stephonotis. dresses. Their bouquets were also , For MARAliNE SUBSCRIPTIONS ,Miss Susan Squires of Westtown of yellow fugii chrysanthemums, was the maid of honor. She wore Cod white stock and bells of Ireland aqua taffeta and a beige hat 'with tied with yellow loops. MilS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN veiling. The bridesmaids were the Jean Campbell of Rutgers' ave,Misses Ann and Helen Pomeroy, KI 3-2080 of the bride. was the ~""~ of Pittsburgh, sisters of the bride- nue, ..cousin -----.---~ groom, RQmana Van Urk of Thayer ~=_:lnIIIIIIllIIlICllllllllllllnll11ll11llllnIIIIIIllUlI[JUlIIIIIIIIIU11.4 0. IIUlIlIUIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIICIllIIlIIllIIUllnnIIIlUCllllllllllllr:by, J;., ingfor~, and now of. Earlham Coli· Scholarship at the Free University of Vassar avenue and their chll- ege, RIchmond, Ind. Their guests of West Berlin. During vacations dron returned Saturday from a two this week include Mr. and Mrs. she was able to spend 8()me time week vacation in Avalon, N. J. Antho\1Y Meager of UNICEF, • traveling in' Europe. To answer that here are some comments from Mrs. Charles T. Deac~D. ,?f Laf· ~,,~~""~,,~ . parents and former ballet students: ayette avenue has had vlsltmg ber . this week her daughter Mrs. III. C. "It teaches more than fundamental balDurkee and her two children form· let steps-the children gain so much erly of Riddlewood, Media prior to For those who wish something extra special in in the way of coordination,. gracefulmoving to Watertown, N. Y., this meat, Media Lockers is now offering roasts and ~~ ness, and even social graces." weekend. -A. Mother steaks of USDA PRIME BEEF-the highest gOY· Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Maule with their daughters Donna and Sh.. i ernment grade of beef. If you wish even fancier "No better way for a young girl to of Vassar avenue returned Friday meat, we ,have limited quantities of SUPER DE· from a vacation at Sea Island, Ga. groom herself for any sport or social LUXE BEEF which incJudes the yery top of the Returning, they visited with Mrs. -F. Student function. Prime grade of Show Beef. If you enjoy the finest Maule's brother-In-law and sister in meats, or wish to have something extraordinary Dr. aDd Mrs. David P. Thomas in "No frills or fuss or expensive costumes for a spec;ial occasion. come in for a roast or a box Wilmington, N. C., and also stop-just down to earth ballet with good ped to sightsee at Williamsburg, of steaks. We know you will come back for more. professional instruction.'" -A. Mother I . Va. Dr. and Mrs. James A. Richards "At first I wasn't sure about it but and their four children of Rutger. once I got. started it really was fun. a venue returned last vleek from a It sure helps a girl over that awkward Monday thru Saturday 620 W. Painter Street two month motor and camping trip stage." -F. Student Open 9 to 5 to ·California. They returned by Media way of Seattle, Wash. and visited Small Limited Classes - Enroll Now Media Lockers also sells quarters and sides of USDA Choice several of the N atioDal Parks. ' Grade ond USQA Prime, Grade for those who wish to stock Mr. Maurice L. Webster, Jr., and Call KI 3·44~0 4:30 - 6:30 their freezers with meat of outstondlng quality. Phone LOwell his daughter Beth of Elm avenue 6-4214 for information or to place your order. returned Fziday from a two week vacation at 'their family can>p in .~""~~~""~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . : ... the Adirondack Mountains. Prior to that Mr. and Mrs. Webster with ~ . ~~ Beth ~nd bheir daughter Na~cf . . spent three days touring the Civil War battlefields in Virginia. They, vis i ted Petersburg, Richmond, Fredericksburg and H a r:p e r ' s Ferry. .Mr. and Mrs. Richard Enion, with their daughters Sara and Laura returned last week to their home on Ogden .avenue following a month's holiday at Vinalhaven. Me. Mrs. Vaughn K.Fo.ter of Harvard avenue has her daughter Mrs. Henry E. Richter and her infant son of San Diego, Calif., visiting her for six months while Dr. Richter is on a tour of duty in Japan with'the United States Navy. ~r. and Mrs, Robert S. Kamp of Riverview road had as their guest for a few days this week Mrs. Ramp's sister Mrs. William A. Boone of Chevy Chaoe, Md. I Mr. and Mrs. Homer Nearing of Chestnut avenue have visiting them for a few days Mrs. Nearing's nieces Kathleen and J\lancy Rice, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Rice of Jackson, Miss. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kent of Woodbrook road with their sons Peter and Jim spent a recent weekend in the Poconos. Rich Kent returned Monday from Boy Scout Camp Delmont, Green Lane where he has been a counselor this summer. He will leave next week for Grove City College, Grove City, where he will be a member of the freshman class. Deborah Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. Brown of Riverview road, will'leave by plane tomorrow morning for Coral Ga· bles, Fla., where she will enter the freshman class of the University of Miami . Mr. and Mrs. Ford Robinson. will "Key" rates take the burden Live beHer with these This is living . .. in a home so have as their _house guests for a out of borr.:lwing. "KEY" SERVICES bright and comfortable YOU're few days next week Mr. Robinfrom PROVIDENT TRADESMENS There's no place like home son's brother-in.law and sister Mr. delighted to show it off to all and Mrs. Morris Stine of Sacrawhen you keep it spruced up • Regular Checking your' friends. A "Key" Home • Personal Loans Accounts • Auto Loans. mento, Calif. with a "Key" Home ModerniModernization Loan builds the • Special Checking • Appliance loans Dr. and Mrs. John W. McCouAccounts zation Loan. To discover how cost right into your budget. • Hom. Modemlza.. brey and their six children have • Estate and Trult tlon Loans easy it can be, stop in and see Service. been visiting Mrs. McCoubrey's Make a single payment every • Check Credit the people at Provident • Safe Depoln Box•• • Savings Accounts parents Mr. and Mrs. Birney K. month at terms you've helped Tradesmens . • . soon! Mors~ . of Harvard avenue this arrange to fit your income. Low week. They will move today into their newly purchased home on Park avenue, the former home of the late Miss Annie Smith and her three ·sisters. Stephen anri Daniel, twin brothers, will enter the fourth DELAWARE VALLEY'S KEY BANK grade, John W. Jr., second grade and Hannah kindergarten. FourDelaware County Offices: Nether Providence (Drive-In & Parking) UMee.tthe p,..."Media Springfield Swarthmore year-old Sarah, Rnd Peter who is SundoyBoII TVLOwell 6-8300 LOwcll6-8300 KIngswooti 3-2430 KIngswood 3·1431 seven months, complete the Mc6:30 P.M. Cbannell Abol'C offices open Friday E'lY"nings Coubrey sextet. Dr. McCoubrey will Main Office: Brood ond Chestnut St.,-LOcust 4-3000 be an assisbant professor of hist"ry '. of art architecture at the University of Pennsylvania. He has held a similar post at yaie University, New Haven, ConD. aM \ I • " ..,. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE THE Page 2 Personals september 9, 1960 SWARTHMOREAN September 9, 1960 N. H., cousin of the bridegroom, flower girl. She wore a white em- ter Janet Evelyn, who weighed Mrs. Walter J. Scott of Thomas.. Mr. Nicholas Spicer of Farming_I broidered organdie over pale green eight pounds, three ounces when ville, Ga., formerly of Swarthmore th; ton, Mich., .Mr. Rjck Makin of Point taffeta and carried an old lash- she arrived on Thursday, Septem. and the late Dr. Scott, are Dr. and Mrs. Leroy E. Peterson Pleasant Beach, N. J., and Mr. ianed bouquet of miniature yellow ber 1, in Abington Hm. pitaL baby's maternal grandparents. of Vassar avenue had as overnight John Moses of Southport, Me. roses and stephanotis edged with r==============':===========~=~~~~~= guests Saturday Mrs. Peterson's A reception followed the cere- green tulle. She wore a matching niece Susan Sawyer and William mony in McCahan Han of the wreath of flowers on her head. Weber of Buenos Aires, Argen- church. Mr. William Deiss of Rydal was 30 YALE AVENUE MORTON, PAtina. 'Villiam, who is a sophomore Mrs. Hibbard chose a gown of Mr. Lange's best man. TELEVISION - HOME Ind AUTO RADIO - PHONOS at Massachusetts Institute of Tech- blue lace and chiffon and a small The ushers were Mr. Harry "Bring It to U. or We'll Come to You" nology, Cambr.idge, Mass., partici- blue hat with veiling. Her corsage Logan Lawrence. Jr., brother of Klngswood 4-1028 DIOK .FRANCHETTI _ TELEVISION pated in the junior sculls at the Middle States Regatta on the Schuylkill Sunday, representing Riverside Boat Club of Cambridge. Susan will enter Oberlin College. was of pink cymbidium orchids. the bride, Mr. Charles Rockey of '_____________________________1 Mrs. Pomeroy wore a dress of Philadelphia, Mr. Richard Carrick ~iUDU1UIIUIiIUllURJJUUDnUIIII!IIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIRlIIIIUllllllllllllnlllllllIIIIIUlIllllluuIDlluuaaWtlmWUIlUOullIlIlHlU:. • navy taffeta and lace and an of Beechwood, and Mr. Robert • American beauty hat. Her corsage Greer of Media. was of pale· green cymbidium orThe honorary ushers were Mr. Oberlin, 0., as a freshman next week. Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Salo· mon from Monroe, Mich., arc now living in their newly purchased I g ~ After a wedding trip to Lake more avenue, Mr. Frederic Bloom Lure, N. C., the couple will be at of Columbia avenue, and Mr. Hugh home in Hopewell, N. J., after Sep- Morrison of Dartmouth avenue. tembe[l 15. Mrs. Lawrence chose a honey I former home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- School and Simmons Conege~ Bosliam J. Cresson, Jr., who now re- ton. Her husband, a June graduate side on Amherst avenue. of Bowdoin College, will enter Mr. and Mrs. D. Mace Gowing Princeton Theological Seminary will leave tomorrow for Granville, this month. Prior to the wedding the bride 0., with their daughters Nancy and was guest of honor at a bridesSusan. N aney will be a member of maid luncheon held Friday after. the senior class at Denison Uninoon at the Thayer road home of versity and Susan a freshman. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bovard of Miss Van Urk, one of the atten. dants. North Swarthmore avenue, with their daughters Bettie and Barrie, ~ GOOD DROOMINa - I FASHION'S FINESSE 9 South Chester Road !~ hat ~f velvet leaves and a corsage ~ Ca]) KIngs wood 3-0476 ~ of brown orchids. al,lt... • • •1HIr .. . . S••l1bmor. B ....u. A......... i Mrs. Lunge was attired in a ~ I cornflower blue faille gown with a .JlllllDIII~MAlluamamlUlDnllllllllllnlllmIllIllDII1IIIIUIIIUUlrllllllllallllll.IIWnHIIIIIIIIUIt't small raspberry velvet hat. Her corsage was of white orchids. = SAFETY AUTO SERVICE A garden reception followed the ceremony at the home of the bride's 'parents. :Mr. and Mrs. Lange will be at ·home in Wilmington, Del., follow- MOTOR TUNE-UP with ENGINE SCOPE DYNAMIC WHEEL BALANCE ing a wedding trip to New Hamp- WHEEL ALIGNMENT J. ROBERT ATZ, Mgr. RUSSELL'S SERVICE shire. The rehearsal dinner was given the evening before the wedding by the bridegroom's parents Mr. and ,Mrs. Gordon Lange at the Rolling Green Golf Club. LANDE· LAWRENCE The marriage of Miss Janis Pen0 field Lawrence, daughter of Mr. pposite Borough Parking Lot and Mrs. Harry Logan Lawrence Ilnll.ood a·ouo DarlmDulh and Laf.yett, aYlDU.. of Wellesley road and Mr. JonaClosed Saturday at 12:30 P.M. than Talbot Lange, son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. James C. Lawrence, ':;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;~ Mrs. Gordon Lange of Crest lane, Jr., uncle and aunt of the bride • took place on Friday, September 2, of Moylan, entertained the bridal at 5 o'clock in the Swarthmore party at luncheon the day of the Presbyterian Church. The Rever- I SWEET CORN to Mr. Richard Blair McNeal of end Robert O. Browne performed Garden City. Guests will be mem- the double-ring ceremony. bers of the wedding party, families, Give.n in marriage by h~r father, and out-of-town guests. the brIde wore a candlelIght peau de soie gown made with a fitted Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Ford of bodice appliqued with Alencon lace Amherst avenue returned last week with a tracery of seed pearls and from a motor trip south to Jacksequins. low neck and tiny short sonville, Fla" where they visited sleeves. Her bell-shaped skirt was with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. MeCortr.immed with a continuation of the mack, former Ogden avenue resilace and ended in a chapel train. dents. From there the Fords went to Indiatlantic and Eau Gallie Her finger tip veil of silk illusion was tiered and fell from a peau where they visited M'I's. Ford's de soie crown edged with seed cousins Captain and Mrs. Otho pearls. She carried a slightly casSmoot and former neighbors Mr. caded bouquet of gardenias and and Mrs. James bavis. They restephanotis. turned via the Great· Smokies. Miss Kathryn Jester of Denver, Colo., served as Miss Lawrence's POMEROY· HIBBARD maid of honor. Her dress was of Wedgewood green chiffon fashionThe marriage of Miss Rosemary Howell Hibbard, daughter of Mr. ed with a round low neck, short sleeves and matching midriff of and Mrs. Donald Lawrence Hib- satin and a full waltz length skirt. bard of South Chester road, and Her headdress was of matching Mr. George Robinson Pomeroy, SOn green velvet leaves and she carried of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson a bouquet of yellow fugii chrysanPomeroy. Jr., of Ben Avon Heights, themums, white stock and Bells of wedding. APPLES - PEACHES - PEARS - DAMSON PLUMS JOHNSON. HILIERT ,Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Hilkert of Strath Haven avenue announce I LlNVILLA ORCHARDS "The Farm With the Octagonal Barn" the marriage of their daughter' Anne to Mr. Ashton Johnson of New York City. The .ceremony took' Directions: From Swarthmore south on Baltimore Pi •• to Cloverleaf. Turn left onto Reut. lS2 toward Chester. Drive 11/2 - 2 miles, turn right on Knowllon Read for Yz mil •. place at noon on Saturday, Sep-I Open 10 A.M •• 6 P.M. tember 3, at The Community afternoon, September 3, at 3 o'clock in the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop performed the ceremony. Given in marriage by her parents, the bride was gowned in ivory peau de soie with a court train. Her veil fell from a pearl coronet. She carried a spray of gardenias with stephonotis. Miss Susan Squires of 'Vesttown was the maid of honor. She wore aqua taffeta and a beige hat with veiling. The bridesmaids were the Misses Ann and Hel~n Pomeroy, of Pittsburg-h, sisters of the bridegroom, Romana Van Urk of Thayer road, l\limi Hawkins of Riverview road. Patrieia \Vatkills of Hanover , N. H., and Valerie Magyar of Perth Amboy, N. IJ. They wore aqua taffeta dresses and aqua veil. ing that fell from small crowns. They all carried gladiola sprays shaded from lavender to pink. 1\11'. Benjamin Pomeroy was best man for his brothel'. The ushers included Mr. Ray Baldridge and 1\11'. .John Kaufman of Pittshurgh, l\fl'. Thomas Pomeroy of Hanover, " formerly of Swarthmore, became the bride of Mr. James La .. Petersen, son of Ml'. and Mrs. T. I.":; •• \."; I Telephone TRemont 2-7206 a ceremony held Friday, September 2, in the Swarthmore Presby~ Ask lor BEN PALMER Browne officiated. Miss Patricia Jane Sullivan of AZALEAS YEWS - RHODODENDRONS HOLLIES - CLEMATIS - STAR ROSES Philadelphia was the bride's only Tickets - $1.50 .. ~ Call KI 4-2184 - .. Peat Moss - Fertilizers Visit Our Roadside Market - Open Weekdays and Weekends until 5 P.M. -. "" ~ § Buffet Luncheon ~ . I Served Daily '"= $1.25 §5 • ~ ------- Visit Our Shop for B = ~ HIGH SCHOOL BOYS' ~ ~ Both Hot & Cold Dishesll § -:.' Welcome Home! ..."" ~~!~~~~;~~!~ 1_ =1_ SHADE TREES -:- ItUIIIIII!IIIUUIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIJlllllltltJIIIIIIIII111[.:- § 1_:_-:. PYRACANTHA (Firethorn) -~~~ ~~¢~::s~g~~B ; ~ I GYM SUITS - SWEAT SHIRTS "- § BACK-TO-SCHOOL §D SLAOKS - SHIRTS - UNDERWEAR § -~ "~ Buffet Dinners §'" !EThursday 5 to 9 - Sunday 3 to 8EC ~ ~~~. The Ingleneuk Be~efit AIR-CONDITIONED Dessert Bridge September 20 - 1 P.M. 405 Thayer Road En;oy Our Delicious Food in ComFort Donation $1.25 Re.ervation Klngswood 3-7173 KI 3-4569 iDr. and Mrs. John B. Roxby, Jr., of Vassar avenue and their children returned Saturday from a two week vacation in Avalon, N. J. ingford, and now of· Earlham Coli. Scholarship at the Fr~e University ege, Richmond, Ind. Their guests of West Berlin. During vacations this week include Mr. and Mrs. she was abl~ to spend some time Anthony Meager of UNICEF,' traveling in Europe. Mrs. Charles T. Deac~n. ?f Laf- ~U~~!I~" . ~ &yette avenue has ·had vlsltmg her this week her daughte~ Mrs. GOO D MEAT M. C. Durkee and her two children form· erly of Riddlewood, Media prior to • moving to Watertown, N. Y., this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Maule with their daughters Donna and S.h.,.i of Vassar avenue returned FrIday from a .vacation at. ~ea IsI~nd, Ga. For those who Wish something extra speCial m meat, Media Lockers is now offering roasts and steaks of USDA PRIME BEEF-the highest government grade of beef. If you wish even fancier meat we. have limited. quantities of SUPER DELUXE BEEF which includes the very top of the Maule's brother-in-law and sister Dr. and Mrs. David P. Thomas in Wilmington, N. C., and also stopped to sightsee at Williamsburg, Va. Dr. and Mrs. James A. Richards Prime grade of Show Beef. If you enJoy the fmest in meats, or wish to have something extraordinary for a special occasion, come in for a roast or a box of steaks. We know you will come back for more. Returnmg, they VISIted With Mrs. • • 620 W. Painter Street to California. They returned by Media several of the National Parks. Mr. Maurice L. Webster, Jr., and his daughter Beth of Elm avenue To answer that here aTe some comments from parents and former ballet students: "It teaches more than fundamental bal- i' ~ ~ let steps-the children gain so much in the way of coordination, graceful. I graces." ness, an d even SOCia -A. Mother ~ ~ ~ "No better way for a young girl to groom herself for any sport or social -F. Student function. "No frills or fuss or expensive costumes -just down to earth baIlet with good professional instruction." -A. Mother MEDIA LOCKERS and their four children of Rutgers avenue returned last week from a two month motor and camping trip way of Seattle, Wash. and visited • WHArs DIFFERENT ABOUT THE SWARTHMORE BALLET SOHOOL? ~ ~ • • • "At first I wasn't sure about it but once I got started it really was fun. It sure helps a girl over that awkward stage." - F. Student Monday thru Saturday Open 9 to 5 Small Limited Classes - Media Locke .. 0150 sells quarters and sides of USDA Choice Grade and USDA Prime Grade for those who wish to stock their freeze .. with meat 'of outstanding quality. Phone LOwell 6-4214 for information or to place your order. Call KI 3-44~0 Enroll Now 4:30 - 6:30 ;~:a~~~ro":d:~:irMf::':~~n~~m:ri:~ I~~~~~~~;_;;;;~~"'~"'~"'~~~"~$~S:~;S:.~:'."~. "'~.~ :~ ~ ~ :.S:.~ .'."~"'~. "'~=~ ~!.I~~,~~ : . ~~.~:~~.~~.~;. ~~"'~. ."'~" '~: ~ .~ .~ .~. "'~.~1.~_....~~..:...~~;:.w; . ~. :. ::. :..::.~:::::-:::::~=:=~~::::::::::~~::::::::.::::::::::~:::::=~..:::==:::::-, to that Mr. and Mrs. Webster with ·...............'.'" Beth and their daughter Nancy .. , .- .. '.'. ." returned Friday from a two week spent three days touring the Civil (. Key to a - '. '-'. vis i ted Petersburg, Richmond, Fredcricksburg and H a r per's Ferry. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Enion, with their daughters Sara and Laura returned last week to their home on Ogden avenue following a month's holiday at Vinalhaven, Me. Mrs. Vaughn K. Foster of Har- \ vard avenue has her da ughter Mrs. Henry E. Richter and her infant son of San Diego, Calif., visiting her for six months while Dr. Richter is on a tour of duty in Japan " mo:re abundant life! / •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• " .' I= $2,75 • ~ 1"_--== I ii (4 Miles West of Media) CLOSED ON NONOA'/S ~~~~~~~~~~w~~~1 GtJ_dIhIUdildblUl&, = , or School Boy Needs • ~ Route I, Baltimore Pike '" I .~",=_ ; = I II ;;; ~ .....aniiIUIl. . . Park Ave. • E TOGO.ERY SHOP • • • Klngswood , \ Mr. and :Mrs. Homer Nearing of Chestnut avenue have visiting them for a few days Mrs. Nearing's nieces Kathleen and Nancy Rice, \ daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Rice of Jackson, Miss. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kent of Woodbrook road with their sons Peter and Jim spent a recent week· end in the Poco nos. Rich Kent returned Monday from Boy Scout Camp Delmont, Green Lane where he has been a counselor this summel'. He will leave next week for Grove City College, Grove City, where he will be a member of the freshman class. Deborah Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. Brown of Riverview road, will 'leave by plane tomorrow morning for Coral Ga· bles, Fla., where she will enter the freshman class of the University of Miami . -Mr. and Mrs. Ford Robinson will have as their house guests for a few days next week Mr. Robinson's brother-in.law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Morris Stine of Sacramento, Calif. brey and their six children have heen visiting Mrs. McCouhrey's parents 1\11'. and Mrs. Birney K. Morse . of Harvard avenue this week. They will move today into their newly purchased home on Park avenue , the former home of Enjoy the most beautiful home on your block with a ((KEY" HOME MODERNIZATION LOAN This is living . . . in a home so bright and comfortable you're delighted to show it off to all your' friends. A "Key" Home Modernization Loan builds the cost right into your budget. Make a single payment every month at terms you've helped arrange to fit your income. Low 3-0240 three sisters. Stephen and Daniel, twin brothers, will enter the fourth grade, John W. Jr., second grade and Hannah kindergarten. Fouryear-old Sarah, and Peter who is seven months, complete the Mc- Coabrey sextet. Dr. McCoubrey will be an assistant professor of history of art and architecture at the University of Pennsylvania. He has held a similar post at Yale University, New Haven, Conn. "Key" rates take the burden out of borrowing. There's no place like home when you keep it spruced up with a "Key" Home Modernization Loan. To discover how easy it can be, stop in and see the people at Provident Tradesmens . . . soon! Live beHer with these "KEY" SERVICES from PROVIDENT TRADESMENS • Personal Loans • Auto Leans • Appliance Loans • Home Modernl:za· lion Loans • Check Credit • Savings Acceuntt. • Regular Checking Accounts • Spedal Checking Accounts • Eslete and Trust Servlc •• • Safe Deposit Boxes PROVIDENT TRADESMENS the late Miss Annie Smith and her and Other Items the College E THE WILD GOOSE IMr. and Mrs. Robert S. Kamp of Riverview road had as their guest for a few days this week Mrs. Karnp's sister Mrs. William A. Dr. and Mrs. John W. McCou- ~lIllnlmIllIIllIOHllllhll1lt'l 1'1II1:lIltll:ll1ILI'I.lnll1!!tlllllit.~ Swarthmore Coqnc:iI Republican Women Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Hoch, their guests the last few ciays Miss and their fnmliy of Yal.e avenue. at-I' Barbara Bell, Mr. Bell's sister, who tended the 60th weddmg anmver- has come from England to live and sary celebration of Mr. Hoch's work in this country. She will be parents Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. teaching at German~ Friends )loch of Philadelphia on Wednes- School. Also Mr. and' Mrs. Lewis day at Huntingdon Valley. Hoskins and family, late of Wall- Boone of Chevy Chase. Md. ---t-- terian Church. The Rev. Robert O. = nAY AT • (between Dutton Mill Road and Knowlton Road) E. Petersen of Fairfield, Conn., at maid of honor and similar head- .~!I!I"'-~ dresses. Their bouquets were also , For MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS of yellow fugii chrysanthemums, Coil white stock and bells of Ireland tied l.... ith yellow loops. MRS. LLOYD E, KAUFFMAN Jean Carnpbell of Rutgers' aveKI 3-2080 nue, cousin of the bl·ide. was the iI dy of Park avenue have had as with the United States Navy. of Wedgewood green as that of the .. _---- _.- - - - - - ' 6-9047 :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~.. Church in New York City, and was followed by a wedding lunch eo!, at ·Mr. Robert Leon Petersen of ribbon. The bridesmaids were Miss J ose- New York ,served as ·best man for phine Lange, sister of the bride. his brother. groom, ·Miss Catharine Frum, BIRTHS Shaker Heights, 0., Miss Berry Matheka, East Orange, N. J., and Dr. and Mrs. Thomas p.ma of Miss Janet Speirs of Rye, N. Y. Huntingdon Valley announce the They wore the same model dress birth of their fourth child, a daugh- ~UlIIIIIIIIIIUlJ 1I1111111llll11ll1ll1llllEmllllllllllUIIIlIIllllt lUll .. TRemont Daily and Sunday I Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Lueders Mr. and Mrs. John R. Taylor and of North Princeton avenue had as their three children formerly of Ogof Geneva, Switzerland. Dr. and Mrs. J. Alfred Calhoun den avenue, moved over the week- their guests for several days of of Elm avenue, accompanied by end into their newly purchased last week their son-in-law and k home at 11-9 College avenue, the daughter Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lat h' elf daug hter Dcan an d son J ac, will travel to New York City to- former home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Pann and children John, Jim, and Cathy of Glens Falls, N.Y . morrow to meet their daughter .Mondale. ~iartha who will arrive aboard the Bremen. Martha spent the past \ year studying on a Fulbright Mr. an d Mrs. .Col'In Bell and f am· Beirot, and Mrs. Blanche Shaffer . War battlefields in Virginia. They TOMATOES - EGGS - POTATOES Pittsbu.gh, took place Saturday Ireland tied with loops of yellow attendant. Bring your own cards. ~ BEAUTY SALON Ia The bride attended Westtown beige model with a harmonizing will leave tomorrow for Salem, Va., ~ Donald Poole of North Swarth- ~ chids. home at 308 Haverford place, the where Barrie will enter the fresh· man class ot Roanoke College. :Mrs. George Plowman of Harvard avenue will entertain at luncheon today in honor of her niece Miss Judith Passmore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward ,M. Passmore of Rutledge, whose marriage will take place tomorrow ;s The Bouquet . - PersonaIS• Bank and Trust Company DELAWARE VALLEY'S KEY BANK "Mf'tttM Press"Sund(1.\l1 (In TV- 6:30 P.M. Channell '. D,lt,ware County Offices: Nether Providence (Drive-In & Parking) M l.>dia Springfield Swarthmore LOuX'1I 6-8.100 LOwell f,.83()() Klngswood 3·2430 K[ngsuoood 3·1431 Above offices open F"iday ~'{'('nings ft.fain Office: Broad find Ch~. ;tnut Rt~.-LOcust 4_3000 ... I WARTHMOREAN I n •• ts DHlo.,. Doa TRAlllla SCHOOL . . , . BEalllS lEW IlDURSE Edttor 8 N?te8 The 10//.owi.ng let-, Th. Dog Training I5cDooI of t.r W/l8 rec..ved bll tM PO/"'. !lB- Delaware County will start a new partment last w.ek a1Ul w. bel"",., cours. in obedience treining on the residents Swarthmore should Wednesday evening, September 14, know what out-ol-town people in the S w . . . . Higlj School think 01 0 ..1' Police Department_ gymnasium. Bora of Swarthmore, Pa. Beginners dasses will start at Gentlemen: 7 :30 and 8 :30. Novice and Open THE SWARTHMOREAN PUBLISHED BVERY PllIDAY AT SWARTHMORB, PENNA. Mr•• Stokes F. Burtis, Jr., with her children Marianne, Betsy, and Buddy of Columbia avenue, return_ ed to tljeir home Sunday after a two week stay at Mt. Poco,no. Mr_ Burtis joined his family weekenda_ Dr. and Mrs. Frank H. Murray of South Princeton avenue spent the weekend in Absecon, N.J., where they celebrated their 25th 0' PETER E. TOLD, MARJORIE TOLD, Publisher. Phone KIngswood 3-0900 PETER E. TOLD, Editor BAIIIIARA B. KENT, Mano.ging Editor . Rosalie D. Pelrsol Jeannette V. Howe Marjorie T' Told' On. behalf of my mother, Mrs. d_og~S;;;Wl!;;;!'I;;;1;;;b;;;e;;;t;;;r;;;a;;;in;;;e;;;d;;;a;;;t!;;;!9;;;:;;; 30;;;.!;;;!!;;;!;;;;;;;;;W;;;ed;;;;;;d;;;ln;;;g;;;;;;;;;a;;;nn;;;';;;iv;;;e;;;r;;;sa;;;ry;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!!ii Julia Hagen of Manoa, and mY-I Is.If, we with to thank you and commend you on having such courDEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON teous and efficient officers as Sgt. Weidner and Patrolman Davis of SWARTHMORE, PENNA., FRIDAY, SEPT. 9.1960 your Police Force. On Saturday night, August 27, TRIIIITY IOTES the Holy Communion nt 7 a.m. on 1960, my mother's car stalled near There will be a celebrati6n of Wednesday. Teachers Training the corne. of College avenue and up the Holy Communion at 8 a.m. will he at 8 p.m. Chester road in Swarthmore and Sunday There will be a service of On Thursday there will be a being dark with no gas station Field HOCikey Stij:ks, Shin Cuards. Balls, Shoes Mornin~ Prayer at 9 and at 10 :15 celebration of the Holy Co~union available she was very thankful a.m. At 8 p.m. ·there will be a cele- ,at 9:30 a.m. The ~omens Study for their assistance. First c1I1SS ,Volley Balls, Soccer Balls. Basket BaUs bration of the lJoly Communion Group will ~eet at 10 a.m. At. 8 mechanics could not have done a Sweat Socks. Football Shoulder Bags. Helmeb and Sermon. p.m. there wIll be Teachers Tram- better job and my mother proceedThe Ushers tor the services will ing. ed home without further delay. FOOTBALL SHOES Coming In! be as follows: Knowing we have such qualified PRESBYTERIAl NOTES At 9 a.m. - C. S. Brown, head offleers as Sgt. Weidner and Pausher; W. B. Thomas, Jr:, R. M. Double session of Morning Wor-, trolman Davis on duty makes night Woods, W. M.McCawley, J. R. ship and Church School classes will driving far less hazardous for Espenschade, C. R. Cacace; at 10 be held this Sunday as the church I women. a.m.-W. N. Ryerson, head usherj resumes its regular schedule. Very truly yours, E. D. Cramp, C. C. Wallin, G. Jean H. Whiteman ,Dr. Roberts will be in the pulpit Chang, S. D. Reynolds, J. W. Jones. Sunday to conduct the 9:16 and 324 E. 24th St., 4 - 6 Park Avenue. Swarthmore, Pa. There will be a service of Morn· 11 o'clock services. Chester, Pa. ing Prayer at 9:16 a.m. and a • Church School ~Iasses will meet NEWS NOTES KI 3-4191 Fri.-? A.M. to 8:30 P.M. service of Evening Prayer at 6 . p.m. each day Monday through at 9:15 and 11. All children (child. care through grade six) are asked ·Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Maslin Friday. to report to their old classes ai have moved from Pittsfield, Mass., At 8 p.m. Monday there will be the regular time. They will be pro•. to 339 Vassar avenue, the former a meeting of the Vestry. moted to their new classes during Anthony home. The Maslins have On Tuesday at 8 p.m. there will the hour. two children, Edward, who is in r,; Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24,1929, at the Post Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. FOOTBALLS! For Left- and Right-Footed Kickers $2.98 . * * The' Camera &' Hobby Shop , , I be Teachers Training sessiort. the first grade, and Richard, age The Junior High classes will three. There will be a celebration of meet at the 9:15 session only, this Mary Elkinton of Moylan will CHURCH SERVICES year. be among this year's freshmen at StUdents who have Dot been reg-j Wellesley Oollege, Wellesley, Mass., PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH istered before in the Church School Iwhere Freshmen Week activities D. Evor Roberts, Mini~ter should be brought to the Church will begin on Monday, September Robert O. Browne, Assoc. Minister School Office in the Loeffler 19. Mary, whose parents are Dr. and Minidpr ofChri!-ttian Education, Building. and Mrs. J. Russell Elkinton, preSunday, September 11 The Senior High and Adult pared for college at the Westtown 9:15 A.M.-Morning Worship classes, and the Women's Bible School. 9 :15 A.M.-Church School classes will begin on October 2. Mrs. Charles T. Deacon of Laf11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship Morning Prayers are held Tues- ayette avenue will spend the week11:00 A 14 -Church School TuesdaT, September 13 days at 9. end in Larchmont, N. Y., where 9:0(1 .,. l\forni1"lS!' Prayer The Trustees' meeting will be she will attend the wedding of her Wednesday,Se~temberl4 held at 7 :30 p.m. Tueada;y, son David and Miss Sibyl Lavinia 9:30 A.M.-Women's Association Workshop and Luncheon :rhe an,d Women's Assoc, ....onbeworkof of Mr.Larchmont and Mrs. shop luncheon will held Caster, Francis daughter B. Caster from 9:30 .... m. to 2:30 p.m. onion Saturday.' , METHODIST OlJURCH . Wednesday. Mrs. Douglas "-urtnev of "Torth The Rev ..TohnS.C.MacMaln Knill. Minister • Monday •, James ,'l'lIhe .t'r)lma'!ll Ch' b Ol~ (gr~d ~s one Chester road will""leave on Minister for Youth to t ree WI egm re earsal. to take her daughter Linda to tho Charles Schl.ler Thursday at 3 :30. followed bv 'ho Cambridge School, Weston, Mass., Minister of Music ,Junior Choir (grades tOlU'to.) where she will be in the junior SlJ:!lday, September 11 Iat 4 p.m. . class. Mrs. Courtney will spend the 8:30 A.M.-Mr. Kulp will preach.. u,. vhance~ ChOIr rehearses iremainder of the week visiting her 9:45 A.M.-Church Sch~1 Classes Thursday evemng~ at 7:30. . f the Mr S W Denio of South 11 :00 A.M.-Mr. Kulp wIll preaeb. ~ r ..., TRADITION I I 7:00 P.M.--Jr.-Sr. Hi Fellowship • 1'lUNITY CI~URCH The Rev. Georlfe R. McKelvey, Gurate Sunday, September 11 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion 9 :00 A,M.~Morning Prayer and Sermon. 10:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer and 1 h. npv. Layton P. 7.,mmpr. R ....tor 8S0eOrmponM : • •- H 01' I Commumonan . d Sennon Monday, September 12 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 6:00 P M.-Evenin!! Prayer Tuesday, September 13 '9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 6:00 P M.-EveJ1ine- PrRYPl" Wednesday, September ~4 7:00 A.M.-Holy.Commumon 5 g 96 :10 : 0 Ap·MM·-EMorn.m .- vemng pPraver rayer Thursday, September 15 9:15 A.M.-Morning PrayOT 6 :00 P M-Ev.~in" PraY"r Frid,ay, september 16 9:15 A.M.-Morn.ing Prayer 6:00 P.M.-Evenmg Prayer Sympathetic aerYic:e, dependability and undentandlng are traditional with , ~HE' OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DlIIClOD O. PUNIIAU , 820 CHISTN",T STREET , CIIMIIL IAIII, _ MN« A.IAIII, _ TeI.ph.ft. LO a·1581 _~~J~.=============~~~~~~~~~~~ ,_._ .. - I METHODIST NarES Lmcoln, Mass. IMr. and Mrs. Edmund Jones and Fall and Winter Sehedule of their children of Haverford avenUe ServIces is in effect with two Serv- et d L be D from their' r urne a r ay ices of Worship at 8:30 a.m. and summer home &t Lake Paupac 11 a.m. Mr. Kulp will give the where Mrs. Jones and the ChiJdreedn message at both services on Sun- spent the summer. Mr. Jones join day. His subject will be "This He them weekends. .Did For Me". I Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Ferguson of Church School classes will be at Westuunster avenue' with their I retur~ed \'II 10cz, I?J DISCOUNT. . The shop wl'll be closed Wednesday afternoons during September • ALICE BARBER, Gifts 15 S. Chester Road . ~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~g'~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~.r. ¥ is now available during Sunday Ferguson and her family spent the 1"""tr "t!i ~ lJ 'Y' " , School and at the 11 a.~. service. summer. In. )"erguson vacatIOned ,i5' The Junior-Senior High Youth WIth them during August. I'"' Fellowships will meet for their Mrs. William ::l. HoDhs and her I r regular evening' meetings at 7 p.m. m()ther Mrs. Frank M6hney of f. at which time the Senior Group II l'ark avenue returned Tuesday 'wj\ihold an election and installa- from spending August at their I" tion of .officers. The program Willi su~mer place at North Mountain You want ·to redecorate be led by the president, Fred near Benton. Mr. Hobbs joined ,but your rugs are too good to replace? Hoover. them weekends. ' The Commission on Education Mrs. Henry L. McCorkle and will meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday. h 'Idren Laura Nina and MayTRADE IN YOUR RUCS • , • The regular meeting of the C ~d returned 'to their home on W.S.C.S. will be held at 1:30 p.m. ~. k enue last week after spend- )c> Buy carpeting or Oriental rugs at lowest prices, .get a fine on Wednesday in the Chapel. The _ ar av , I I trade.in for your unwanted rugs. Select from twIst, tweed, . . . lIng the summer at Orr s sand, THE RELlGTOUS SOCIETY CommISSIOn on MembershIp and MM' M Corkle joined his fam- "" textured floral plush. loop, in wool. Acrilan, Nyl",n, 50 I Nylon, 01 "F F R T F . N n " tEhvanhgelishm will meet at 8 p.m. in lIyelor ~he ~st two weeks of their I" or Cum~loft • '•• wall.to-wall or custom sized rugs, Compete Snoday, September 11 e C urc • selection, Hookeds and Braideds. 10:~5 A.M.-Hymn Sing. Meeting ThTh~ following choirs will meet sta:isa Stradley, daughter of Mr. House. Ur ay: . and Mrs. Bentham Stradley of )0 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. At 3:45 p.m.-Carol ChOIr (four St th H '11 t Rugs and carpet samples displayed in the home. All ~re welcome. ra aven avenue, WI re urn Telephone and mail inquiries invited. Monday, September 12 years to second ~rade~; 4 :15 I!.m. Thursday to Endicott Junior ColAsk about our USED RU6 BAR6AINS. All day sewing for AFSC -Wesle:an ChOIr (thIrd to slX~h lege, Beverly. Mass. A senior this \.. Wednesday, Se!>tember 14 grades), 7 p.m. - Chapel ChOIr EI '11 . t ' F e hman I.''' . sa WIWeek. BSSIS In r s , All-day sewing for AFSC (seventh to m~th grades); II p.m., year, Or'entation ~, You've m'oved and your rugs do not it? I 'I 10 FIRST CHURCH OF -Chancel ChOIr. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Downing CHRIST. SCIENTTST of Providence road, Wallingford, Park Avenue below Harvard CHRISTIAI SCIENCE NOTES Sunday, September U arrived home .Monday",,_ from a)o 11'00 AM -S d S h I That God's promises to mankind week's vacation at Irvingwn, Va. 11;00 A'~i_ '1'~: al...~noo an being substantiated today MIss Phoebe Ziegler, a former will be "Substance." Serm~n /_ ...·"u.... scientific understanding tescher at the Grace Park School, Wedneoday evening .meeting eachlof Spirit, is a theme of the,Lesson-' was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs week, 8 P.M., Readmg Room. 40!l Sermon on "Substauce" which will Edward D. Bruce of Park avenue. be read Dartmouth da,. exeept Avenue,. hollda,., open 10-&;weekFri- . . this Sunday ,at alI Chris- MIss 7.legler Is now teaching at Wer- I da,evenln", 7-9. tlan ScIence churches. JIIftYIDe.. I 'A ! . V,. .vu. . . . . . , p8UDg • wmplele _ 10 f' IJ ~"' C lJS~ . ""'l!~ ~_ P "i G 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa, Klngswoocl - Price Kanle • OU.a,al "1\&8 3-6000 _ •• ".'~ _. ~'.'" ...... ' ._n Clearbrook (Continued from Page 1) (backstroke), Jay Lord (breaststroke), Bob Sublette (butterfly) and Bob Gilfillan (freestyle). The boys knocked three-tenths of a secand off the old mark although a mixed tesm of fine swimmers in all are groups, sprinting 25 yards freestyle each, came. in slightly ahead while spurring the medley team. With Betsy Breakell as captain and anchot the spur team ineluded Barbara Gerner, Anne Townes, Peggy Schmidt,Paul Zecher, Jack Cushing, Bill Gill, Jerry Clothier. .Winners of three water polo games received watermelon prizes. A team composed of five Sues (Wigton, Prentice, Campbell, Gow- _ , ~ __ .... IMothers Club Arranges Karen Peterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy E. Peterson of ':assar avenue, Is one of three gIrls .eleoted to represent the young volunteers who worked this summ~r ~or the health and welfare agenCIes 10 the county, at the regu. lar monthly meeting of the Delaware County Medical Society last night at Fair Acres Farm, Lima. The occasion was the ,presenta. tion of the Benjamin RUsh Individ1>81 and Group Awards to the county nominees. The group award went to the committee on volu;". teers for the Delaware' County Health and Welfare District Council. The three girls, all in high school, were seleeted as typical of the approximately 100 student I y";': .... --- - At· Neighboring PoolAt 8 p.m. the Swim Club took its tandem divers a~d five numbers I ' Mr. and 'Mrs. Edwin H. Mar-! and Mrs. Frank '!'Iarkley of Guam. shall of Forest lane retnrned Au- sey road and theIr grandson Gray. gust 22 or. the Llberte from five son Smith when they were in Saiz• jweeks .in Europe. In Switzerland burg, Austria. Arrangements are being made the Marshalls met by chance the Mr. and Mrs. John S. McQuade by the Mothers' Club of swarth-IRobert M. Grogan family of West- of Moylan, with their son John, reo more for a day at Play town Park,. ?,inster avenue who were also tour- turned over the weekend from Baltimore Pike, Springfield, on Ing in Europe atop the Jungfrau. Buck Hill Falls where they vacaSeptember 24 Tickets for the day The Marshalls lu""hed with Mr. tioned for 10 days. may be purchased from Mrs. John .;;;:;;;;;;;=;;:.;~:;.;;;. :'::~=;;;;;;:;;;;;,;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;r;::, Schwarz, chairman, and her com. - -i5' tr "'1f li 1$ tJ tf mittee members who are: Mrs. Raymond Cournoyer, Mrs. George Dunn, Mrs. Edward Ida, Mrs. Joseph Irwin, Mrs. Frank Drop In to See the Changes We've Made Moore, Mrs. David Smith and Mrs. While You We~e Away/ andrew Wallace. 'l'he event is open to the public and the time is set at 1-6 p.m. In PAlTY CAMPBEU, N,w Owner case ot rain the affair will be held on Uctober, 1. 10 Park Avenue Klngswood 3-1460 Members, of Mothers' ClUb will Records, Radio and TV Sales and Seryice 51 nave an opportuDity to seCUre tick- 'Pia, Da,' for Sept 24 a THE MUSIC BOX I ets at tne regwar monthlY meetmg on :September 16. t:tl:;~C.~~~P~_~::~~Sl~~~Q~;;;~~Q~~~Jl~;:;~~A:;=~~~_::~ _____ MIss Adeune Strouse of Rutgers av~:nue returued nome last weex nom a lO-Qay vacation m tne VIrgm ...bnUS ana l'Ueno RIco. -( Have clothes. Why'travel?) , Complete back-to-school Apparel for Pre-Teens and Juniors. See the MEMORIAL PARK :in beautiful ,WEST LAUREL HILL ~ 9 South Oronge Street, Medio, Po. Phone: LOwell 6-6225 ..1Mont A.. above City Un. ea....Cynwyd Slop In Offic. 01 Oock for gUidance ro_ Open Thursday and friday evenings until 8:]0 - " 1m Iffi' UI .. RI" DAIICE - JOYCE LEWIS DRESS SHOP Khigswoocl 3·3470 ii, ee' '9" » 'e'?'!' » \,m 1'.. " " .. 1M BALLET - TAP - BALLROOM - BATON - , BALLET SLENDERIZIIIB SWARTHMORE STUDIO Fairvil!w and Kendall Roads I 322 R~tgers Avenue L!. L!. Transportation Available I Phone - Children and Adult Classes ,,:~~~~~::::~~::::~~::::J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If money is the QUESTION CASH-MATIC is the ANSWERI NEED CASH? It's yours-any time,' anywhere, for any~ thing. With a Fidelity CASH-MATIC Account, you can , ..... to if' DANCE - Toe - Ballet - Tap - Ballroom - Baton - Ballet Slenderizing ART - Variety of media - Emphasis on Creativity DRAMA - Self Expression - Voice and Elo;ution _ Pantomime CHARM AND MODELING - Poise - Grooming - Posture _ Etiquette _ Personality Development . PIANO - Private Instruction - Classical or Popular !Mrs. James B. Bullitt, Jr., has moved from Lincoln avenue to her new home at 530 Walnut lane. Going back to College? Go' FIRST if'f! STUDIOS OF THE ARTS UIIVERSITi OF PENNSYLVAIIA 3-5....3 • , any day from 9 to 4. Ind Klngswood I WELCOME HOME! BriarCliffe Swim and Club near to Indiatlantic Eau Primos. Gallie J ~ where they visited Mrs. Ford's cousins Captain and· Mrs. Otho Smoot and former neighbors Mr. anli Mrs. James Davis. They returned via the Great Smokies. The _ show's director, Carol Williams, substituted for her sister, Sue, in "Li\tle Brown Gals" and uMoonbft.m8J~. Others pinchhitting for vacationing members of the original cast were: Barbara Gerner for Terri McCurdy in "Hawaiian Punch"; Peggy Schmidt for Nancy Cornelius in "Sea Monster" j Mrs. John Cushing, Mrs. Marshall Schmidt and Ann Townes for Mrs. F. W. Whittier, Ann Whittier, and Mrs. Bernard Halpern in "The Islanders". Another member of the Swarth:rnore Club, Gloria Peirsol, Who is a member of the Briarcliffe staff, performed in ·a duo staged by the host club. CI K' NO"WS Carpet:: ~ Volunteers Charles Seymour, and Edward DEDICATIOI SUNDAY FOR Heller claimed a -1 to 0 victory NEW, "Y" BUILDINa over one made up' of John Lord, .. Richard Hunt, Bill Brown, Bob Y ~ ~~ca~lo~d?f the ~ewf c~~~r SutIierland" Harry McCallister, is' d' . . '11ull m gh an k afclOI 'es · hener, and J BmHa._' un ay WI. k" aunc a wee pen H erbert MIe "'Y --- H I • 0 h ard. Life Guards (Ken Hewes, Jay. mard Ing. c~mp e;IOn of : : Lord, Gene Melcher, Bob Sublette,l I' . s mdo er~lIze an. exllPantie Bob Gilfillan, and Jeb T'I rner ) ,~.ant an an IOcrease 10 a ac vwith Karl Schaefer as goalie man- I IAes. h' t G 14 Ew· C rc Itec eorg~ '. mlf, aaged a 2 to 1 win over a hard. fighting tesm composed of Dave lumbla avenue, w:I11 gIve the key Preston Dan Jacbon, Skip Ber_lto the board of dIrectors at .the 3 ! Bruce, L arry J ones an d ,o'clock ceremony to be held Int 7th the nard, JIm "Y" dO • i Renr Cae with Bob· Dawes as au ltorlUm-gymnas u~ a I and Spr~ul streets. FolloWlng there I· Y goa Ie. ill be' te d . t' . th t d·ti I Family w a a an recep Ion m W· . charge of Mrs. Ewing. Mrs. HerR I mnlng e ra lana eays were: 'I C I bl ' dt, man .B aDm, also of a urn a 'tt aveIMr. an d MrB. 14 arsh a II S chml Peggy and Johnnl' Schmidt in the nue, IS a member of her comml ee. . . ____ . _ . division having two children 12 or under; Mr. and Mrs. John Cushing, RUTH S. DUNCAN Bill and Jack Cushing in the division for one child 12 or under; and TEACHER OF PIANO Bea, Sharon and Charles Parker with Sue Wigton in the division DAGER CONSERVATORY permitting one adoption. 13 South Chester Road 9-4646 Represents Ing and Crawford), Barbara havefor worked hosStuart and Mary Ann Burtis split volunteers pital. andwho camps 10 in county a melon with one com.posed of Bar.. agencies. K9ren's services were bara Gerner, Linda and Judy given to Camp Dumore, conducted Courtney, CaroJ Zimmerman, Sue for six weeks this sUmmer at Dungan, Betsy Breakell and SWarthmore College under the Sharon Parker after a 1-1 tie. A spons9rshlp of the Philadelphia men's team composed of John Cush-' Society for Crippled Children and ing, Howard Clymer, Marshall Adults. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Schmidt, Bill CamPbell, Ed Libbin, from its recent water ballet to be guest' stars in the Labor Day entertsinment of the newly opened d Ch . C d On All Imprinte rlstmas, ar S b throug h Septem er-, . I d all f urnlS 'hd bbfld ' M 9:45 a.m. an for ages. children last"!h Thursday uecQraood e Aa newly y 0 from It'almouth, Mass., ere rs. .... J. Cushing, S, Williams Get Swim Awards Page 5 borrow money by writing a check. It's the fast, modem and convenient way always to have cash on hand. Monthly repayments are determined by the total of the checks you draw and the balance you owe. The money you repay becomes available to you to use again. And you can take up to 24 months to repay. Learn more about CASH-MATIC. Ask at any Fidelity office or mail this coupon now! FIDEL.,..". r---------------------------, PHILADELPHIA TRUST COMPANY CHESTER' MARCUS HOOK' RIDLEY PARK Open Friday evenings: Chester and Marcus Hook ofjiees, 6'30/08' Ridley Park ofjiee, 5:30 /0 8 Open Thursdays: M~reus Hook ofjiee from 9 A.M. /0 6 PM. NEW RIDLEY TOWNSHIP OFFICE Mondays and Tuesdays-IO A.M. to 3 P.M. Wednesdays and Thursdays-lO A.M. /0 6 P.M. Fridays-lO A.M. to 8 P.M. ActOunts insureel up Io.°10.000 for --h --. depositor throulh Federal DepOSit Insur.nce Corpor.Don FREE EXHIBITION I CASH-MATIC I I II Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust Company Philadelphia 9, Pa. Please send me a CASH-MAliC application form aod full delails. I II . Name I II I ~~ I Il ____________________ City Zone_ _SI.,e ______ II I ~n ~ COMING SOON 38 selected Saturday Eve~ing Post covers and illustrati.ons; orIginal works by 26 famous contemporary AmerIca!, rtists including Norman RockweD, John Falter, Stevan ~;)ha~OS, Fred Ludekens, and Harold von ~Chmldt. I , I I II SEPTEMBER 2-23, 1960 FIDELITY'S BROAD AND WALNUT OFFICE • • ~ ; , ! " " . '. .: • " '. f ; " • • NEWS 10TE COVNTY cgMMJ""IONEa. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnold of Wallingford have returned.f,uro,omm."a'l PVBLIC .... LE OF SEaTED LaND. AllSem~,• .uch c.... ENGLISH LAWYERS VISIT I In accordance with the Act.. of In mad. and provide.. Commission... 01 Delawate Coun" . I the Philadelphia area last weekend It m_ ATZ SERVICE Vp ..' Prlce-I6'U. G. ROBERT WATKINS aLBERT H. SWING WILLIAM A. WELSH Commlasionera of the county of Delaware. Med!a. PeDD8. DartmoUth and Lafayettes Aves. Swarthmore, Po. KI 3-0440 Ph. 304216 EMiL SPIES Formerly of t'. C. Bode and 80DII WILLIAM BROOlS Ashes and Rubbish Removed Mowed. GenerBl Ha,uIII>lI11 BanIIac .....e. Mono... .....WIlB REALTOR Convalescent Home f tertained Mr. and Mrs. Geof rey Piddock of Birmingham, England. Mr. and Mrs. A. David M. Speers of Drew avenue also entertained an S _ _.. Piclure Framing English couple. ----~------~---- luI"'- _UuI SnrroundiDp With ExcoUOD& :U-Hoar NlIl'IIDII oan ROGER RUSSELL Klngswood 3-0272 Photographic Supplies STATE .. MONJlOE ST8. :;s MEDU ~ Jack Prichard PA I N TIN G LOwell 6-2176 OPEN PRlDAY.EVENINGS INTERIOR & I5XIERIOR FOR SALE - Boy's gray flannel covers suit. size 14. Like new. $15. Phone or our. KIngswood 4-0861. . Free Estimates reduced for summer. Ten F10R SALE - Buick Century staof Swarthmore referonces. wagon, poW'lr ~:~~~!jf estimate. phone Sharon Hi11I:~;i*~~,:.rladio and heater Klngswood 3-8761 0734. One owner. Call, PERSONAJ" - Carpentry jobbing, g recreation rooms, book cases,lF-oR SALE Royal blue h~~!;~;1 ~::::::::::n:m:IllIlGII::I:I'.:IIllK>'=;~ porches. L. J. Donnell,. KIngswood9x12 rug with rug pad. ; 4-3781. condition, $35. Phone KIngsPERSONAL Furlliture relin- wood 4-0861. . i"hing, repairing. Quality work FOR SALE _ ! Lamps, Lawson at moderate prices - antiques and sofa, down cushions; 9x12 Sa, ESTABLISHED 1m modern. Call Mr. Spanier, KIngs- rouk rug, excellent condition; s~~i'!!,lI wood 4-4888. KIngswood 3-2198. oriental scatter rugs. Hot l' ·SPOUTING "ROOFING PERSONAL - t',ano tuning spec· mangle, mahogany twin beds, comialist, minor repairing, member forts, drapes, curtains, six-foot "SIDING "GUTTERS Edward O. Chipman and Son General Contractor BUILI)ERS 'Since 1920' I l~i~T~e~ch~ntlc~i~an~S'~G;U~I~ld~.~L~e:a;m~a~n~:·1 mahogany handsome wl\lnut credenza, credenza and 0Cherak the r HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS SUNDAY WFIL RadlD - 8141i A.II, Cbannal 6-WFIL·YY.....:.•• 11i A.II. tii;Mmi~~~~~, gutters. Recreation ~ooms a .spec.. ialty. Ray J. Foster, LOwe116-6569. PERSONAL _ Furniture 'refinished, repaired and upholstered, !dip covers, draperies and rugs. Complete decol'lltinl{ service. Qualwork at bargain prices. Please LOwell 6-3031 or KInl{swood ~:;;~~~ for free estimate_ Garrett loousehold furnishings. Ladies' black Persian coat, size 38. Movine: to smaller quarters. Phone SUnset 9-2606. ,.. .~Practically electric range. 4.5272·t _ _._ SALE - Hot Point electric range, Si.e 39x25, four burners. $25. Call KIngswood 4-1866. l~~~~~~~~~~~~IFOR Electric~f~~~\~:~R.];nn'7 eral SALE - - H. D. CHURGH a PARK AVE., SWARTHMORE·· Klngswood 4-2727 ROOFING Gutters Warm-Air He;;;~ing Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Work George Myers and Co. BOX 48 on ait long a good way to er make toughwire for isthe squirrels. rom p t, KIngswood For quality birdhouses, feeders, 3-5177. baths, .etc., come to bhe S. Crothers WANTEq Jr.:, 435 Plush Mi11 Road, WallingWANTED Woman desires baby- ford, LOwell 6-4551. slt;W[~I;.a~~f!t:e~r~noons and evenings. SALE - ' 32 inch oval wicker .1 3.()268. bed. New. $5.KIngswood 3WANTEID-=-Day's work; - also evenings. will serve luncheons. dinner or FOR-RENT cocktail parties. Experienced: Ref· FOR RENT _ Furnished aparterences. Phone T·Remont 4-6':80. ment, strictly private. three rooms, WANTED .::::- DAILY 'RIDE TO bath, near transportation. ReferBRYN· MAWR for two studentslen"es, Adults. Klngswood 4-4112. arrive 8 :30 a.m., return 3 :00 FOR RENT _ Comfortable single op!!n. Phone LOwell room with private bath, in Morton $15 per week. KIngswood 4WANTED Day's work. Refer- 5792. . ences. Please call TRemont 4- FOR RENT - Rooms with bath 4757. close to schools ·and transportaWANTED-Woman desires houseCall KIngswood 3·5267. 'work or baby-sitting by day or FOR RENT _ ji'urnished I w,,,,k, Call TRemont 4·1191. ment. Two adults. Can KIngs. WANTED - Woman desires-day's ~w~OO~d~S~-;2~0~4~7~,~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ work or by the week. Exper· ~ ienced. Can TRemont 2-2798",•.,-__ Adding Machines W - -=-Womanan pension or CLobe 9-3353 apart 1h7{<~r,\:di~ *********.********.***.* DOES YOUR LAWN NEED , REBUILDIN., OR AERATIMB'! Now is the time to do those things, and our rototillen can save you lots of hard wor~, either for tilling at for aerating. FOR SALE FOR SALE Girl's Navy wool and camelhair "boy" coat. Size 14 tall. Very good condition. 118. Phone KIngswood 4-0861. FOR SALE Springer-Spaniel pups, A!{'C stock. Good hunters or 3·7144. FOR $80. KI 3-0635 or KI +0221 Quality work with quallty m.t.,I.1s TRemont 2-4759 TRemont 2-5689 SWEENEY & CLYDE Establbhed 29 E. Fifth Street 1858 TRemont 4-6311 Rose VaUey and Media Alea. SIIII.II D. Clyde, J. Edward Clydl George Plowman Jr. ------_._- - . SllIIual __ - 1872 - D. Clyd. 1165 .. At the right hand of teaching ... ELECTRICITY , More and more, schools rely on the power· 01 electricity to make teaching efi'ecti ve. The tape recorders, microphones, and earphones used in to-day's bmguage classes depend on electricity. Scientific lighting, good ventilation, slide and motion picture projectors and record players-all electrically operated -make the modern school a real asset to the community. • Constantly aware of its responsihle role as the supplier of power for these schools, Philadelphia Electric works night and day to provide them With the best possible service, whenever and wherever needed. FOR SALE or RENT IIESK MODEL .ORTABLES . 39-00 . Typewriter Service Na, 2 Plrk Ave., SwarthllDrI, 'a. Phone Mr. Hud,on - KI 4-3360 FOR RENT , Builder.Owner would like to rent his newer brick home to a family on a yearly le~se. 4 bedrooms, den, 2-car garage. B~"tjful lot on tree.li.ned street in Swarthmore. Springfield Rental Co. , 6 E. Woodllnd AVlg•• Sprlllfl 8ld, P., BAIRD and BIRD Klng'wood 4-0660 RENT It II • Ilngswood 4-1500 ' I 1'" JACKSON-Aul. 12, l"Irt\ and. Plnll Aochildren Byron and Nancy of HOLD' FAIlIL Y. REU.ION BRIDE MOTHERS TO LINCH count. of Edna J. Powera. Executr1J:, EtOP tate of How .. r4 K. Jackson, Oeceu~d. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Faulkner, Tampa, Fla. DELAWABE COUNTY. PENNBYLVAlfI& JOHN80N-Aug. 1&, aDd Flna' .Ac-, T h e seventh grade mothers of the count. of Herbert. C. Johnson, Executor. who have been spending the sumMrs. Faulkner's", mother Mrs. Swartbmore.RutJedge Junior High H.U .. of PlIIn. . . . a ••11 of aoooaot. Ealo" 01 Am.Ua e. JobnaOD. D.c....d. mer ..t their cottage at Buck Hill Charles Werst and s,ster Mrs. W'! School wi11 hold a cla.s luncheon NOTICE 11 hereby liVCD to beirs. lega.teel. JONES-Aul. 11, Pirat. and. Pinal Account Falls, had a two week familv re.. C. Cheeseman, and Mr. Cheeseman' on Tuesda v , September 13, at 1'.30 creditors and all peraODll lDiere.ted Ula' of Edmund JODea, Ezecutor, Estate of ~ J accounts mUle followinr estate. ha.vo been HeorJ W. Jones. Deceased. union this summer. The group in- of Lal).sciowne, were guests for a .p.m. at the Embers. William BUBh, fUed lD &beofOfflce of the Regi&ter Willa KR-ECKER-Aug. 15, First Account of The eluded th' Jh er weekend during the re UDlon. • aDd Clerk Orphaua' Court. of •• idofCounty' e1r d aughte roan,' prIDcipa~ of the high school, will be OIl Monda,. September 1•• 1980. at 10:00 Firat PeonaylV'lUlia Banktng and Trust husband Mr. Murrell D. Weesner Mrs. Faulkner return.ed to her the speaker following luncheon. All o"elock A.M., D.8 T., for 1XIDf1rmaUoD. at ComplUlY. Esecutor, Eat-ata of Helen E. and their daughters Becky Jo, home on Dickinson avenue thl's seventh grade mothers are urged whieb time the said court wW audit ,aid Krecker. Deceaaed • accOUDU. bear obJecUoIll to tbe ..me a.P4 LAMOND-.July 13, Firat and FiIl• .t Account Susan, and Mary Ellen of Morns- week. Mr. Faulkner will attend the to attend. Mrs. Fred Michel is class make 'cUa:tr1huUon of the balance: asof John G. Moxey. Jr., Ezecutor,-Est-ate ltown, Tenn.; and their daughter National Tennis Matches in Forest chairman. certalDeel to be lD the banda of the accoUbt-01 John K. Lamond. Deceased.. Jery} and her husband Mr• J • HiII s. returning to Swarthmore anti!. LEE-Aug. 3. Pirat and P'ln-.J. Account o f ' WIWam R. Rumlg 'and Edward RUmlg,\Charles Townsend, 3rd. and their later this month. "I Sa.w It in TIuJ 8wartlmulrec"." ADAMS-J'uly 21, FlrI' ud Pinal Account; Jr., AdmlDlltratora. C.T.A.. Eltate of --------:.....-:.....-------..:....:.:...:.:......:.:::.:...-------..:..-:.:..:..:....:..:..:.::..:.:::..:....::.:::.::.:.:...:...::..:.:::.:... of The PbUadelphta NaUonal Bant, ExecReba B. Rumls: Lee, Deceued. utor. Ellate of Honora R. Adams. De· LENDERMAN-Aug. \Ui. FIrat and PInal cealed. l ••••••••• II • • • II • . • • I I . . • • • • • • • .. .. • • • II • • • II II . . . . . Account of Falrmm 8. Lendllrmau, Ad·' • • ADAMB-Jul, 21, Fir.t Account of 'l'be mlnlltn.tor, Eltate of Bamuel Warren Prem,'e~ Show Wed Sept J 4th' • PbU"elpbla NalIDnal Bank. Trus".. Le.den.an. Dec....d. ' , .,. ... UfD.ed 01 Trus' 01 Hugb R. adam•• LEONARD-Au•. '. FI.., and FInal A.. ACME PROUDLY PRESENTS • E:.t.&te of Bulb R. Adama, Deceased. c:ouot of Charles E. Leonard, Jr., AdmlD~ -a ADAJ48.-JulJ' 21, First IoDd PInal Account D.B.N.• E."" 01 Annie J. Leo.. ~]"IE . , . of '!be Pblladelph1& NaUooal BIUlk. Exec-- ard, Deceaaecl. u\or, Estate of BUP. R. Adam., Dectand. LlVINaaTON-AU •. 11. FI ..' Aceoun' 01 AGUIAR-Juns'2I, Pirst and Fin&l Account The F1~t PeDDly1.vanla BantlDg and ~ of JOleph AIUlar, AdmiDlltrator. Estate TrUlt_ ComPany, EstMe of SuEvery We., d Ch anne I 3 ; 10:30 ••. LlvIn. . to·Exeeut.or. /' • • p.m. of Beulah Arutar, Dece ..ed. aan ~.Deceased. gs D, a ..fa SWan LLvlDg. lton, - ••••• II • • • • II • • II • • • I I . II • II I I . II II • • • • • • • • • ' • • • • I I . II . ALLEN-J'ul, 8, Flra\ &Del F1Dal Account ill( J. Prank ,Eacbua, Ouard1au, Estate at MARTIN-.Jul, 16. Pltat and FInal 'Account lean, Short-Shank, 4IlMOKliD EltJe M. Allen, An Incompetent. 01 Herberl C. Nelion. Executor, Eslate BAKER JUDe H, nrat and Pinal Account of George C. u.rtm. Deceued. \ of Mars:aret R Prader, Executurix:. £a. MC ENTE'E--July :n, Flnt ACCOWlt of Prov· 6 10 8 I." tate 01 P. Richard Bater. a/kIlo Frede .... iddt Tr&desmene Bank and Tru.t Com.. I:".. AVl.:r~~e lck Richard Bater. Deceued. pany aDd Andrew E. BolUs. Truakes, EsBEEBY-Jul, ., First and Fin-.J. Account tate Of Georlena McEntee, Deceased of Aiennder 8. Begal. El:ecutor. Eatat.e McGRATH-Aul. 16. Pirat aDd FIJIa1 Acof Oeruude Beeby. Deceued. touot of Albert H. MeOrath, Executor, Eltate of Evelyn B. McGrath, _/k/a BI8PHAM-Jul, 21, Pirst and FlDal Account Oven-Ready, Young and Tender Evelyn McGrsth. Deceued. of Samuel Bispham, Jr., and The Vlrat I~. Peonaylyula BauklDs: and Trust Com- McHENRY-Aug. 15. Account of Olnt.rd PaD" TrUstees UtWill. Account stated Trult Corn Exchange BIUlk, (formerly owing to &be dnU1e of Samuel Blspham. known a. Girard Trust company) TrDJr., Cl>TrUst.ee on March 21, lHO and tee, Estate or ADnie Euby MeHeory. DeNONE PRIc~r ·..·.,"fERI T·Bene; Sirloin. or Porterhouse Anna de H. La.gen on Ma, 11, 1160, as eI!&IIed. lb•. LANCI\';. .. l BRAND ltated by The Fint PenDlylvlIDla BantIDs MELVIN-Aug. 2, Firat and Floal AceCtuut and TrUst CompaDJ'. SurvlvlDg Trustee. of Gertrude' A. Coonan aDd Frances -g. and John de H. Blipham. Ptecutor of &tia Paubon. Executrices, Eatate of Ma.rguerWID 01 Samuel Blapbam. Jr., the Co1110 ....... 1<..-:0, (lesser units at regular price.) ite Emlly Melvin, a/tfa Marguerite E. 12...z. TrUltee who died. Ea~te of Anita De' D. Mel.,tn, Deceased. pkg. Biapham, Deceaaed. BOLLER-Aul. 16, FIrat and Fin.. Account MlLlIOUB-Aug. 1B, Firat and Pinal Acof Lewll Strlctler, AdmlDillbator, Estate count of Louisa 8. Cuto, AdmlDlaLratrlx, of Nonia Franklin Buller. Deceased. Eltate of Jennie R.· MUhous, Deceaaed. BUNTING-Aug.•, First and Final Account ~OORE--JUIy 14, Firat and Final Account of Provident Tradeamens Bank and'TrUst of John Hunter Moore, Executor, Estate compauy. Executor. Estate ·of Edith C of Sarah Hammond Moore. Deceased Bunting, Deoeued. MOUN~Aul. 4, Firat Account of Mary 8. Qreene. Wllllam O. Greene. Jr., and CHANDLER-June First and Final Ac,. Harry J. Alker, Jr., Truatees, Estate of None Priced Higherl count of Ebie M. Dosher, Guardian, 2D HeWe_S. Mountz. Deceased. The KAUer of Elate C. Chandler. .. MUMENTHALER-Aug. I, FIrat and Float Feeble Minded Penon. Account of Elizabeth Holm. Executrix, CLAMPl'IT-Aug. 18, Firat and FiIlal Ac- )!:&tate of Marie Mumenthaler. a/k/a count. of Fred P. Meagher, Executor. Marla Mumenthaler. Deceased. Estate of Stanley B. CIampltt. Deceased. 15. First and PlDal Account CLARKSON-Aug. 4. First and Final Ac- MYERS-Aug. of Ida A. Johnson. Admlnlatratrlx. C.T.A .. count of Loraine N. Clartson. Executrix. Estate of Thelma J Myers; Deceased. JUMBO, "SIZE 8's" Estate of Roben. C. Claroon. Jr.. De.NACRELLI-Aue:. 18, Firat and Final AcExtra Large Size, .& ceased. of Orace Anna HacreW. AdminisCRAWFORD-Ju.l,. 'I, Firat and Final Ac- count tratrix. Ealate of Michael Albert. NacrcUi. Ready to eat, the each count of AUce M. Coleswortby. Ezecu'rix. Sr., Deceaaed. Eatate of John H. Crawford, Deceased finest this yearf NOLAN-Aug. 15. First and Final Account CROWLEY-:-Aug. i, First and Final Ac- of Ma.rgaret Wltlll Johnson. ExecutriX, count of Francia J. Crowley, AdmlDbtt'a- Estate of Benole Nolan, Deceased. lst of the Seasonl Mcintosh lb. tor. Estate of Mary M. Crowley. DeNOREItA-Aug. 16, First and FlDa1 Account. bag ceased. . Joaepl! Karcsh, Admtnlatrator, C.T.A.: CROWLEY-Aug. 11. Pirat and Final Ac-- Of Eslate of Frant Noreta, Deceued. count of Francia .1. Crowle,.. AdmlDhtra-tor, Eeiate 0( Thomas E. Crowle,. De- O'ROURKB:--Aug. 10. 'I1le Fjrst and Final Account of Margaret McBride, EXeCl:utrtx, ceued. C DADLEY-Aug. 15, PInt Account or Je&Do- Estate of E. Veronica O',Rourke, Deceased, ne DaWn and Central-PeDD National BIUlk PARKER-.July 28, FIrst and PlDal Acof PhlJadelph1a, Trustees U/Deed of Trust count of Mary D. Morol, Guardian. Estate Fresh Baked •.. Deep-Filledl of James Walter Dadley, dated October of Florence E. Parker. An Incompetent. PEW-Aug. 10, Seeond and Final Account 24. 1961. Inter Vivoa Trust of James Walof Joseph Newton Pew and John G. Pew ter Dadley. DEINER-Aug. 12, Plrst and PInal Account Jr., Surviving Executors, Esbt.te of John of Katharme A. StraiD. Executrix, E:$tate O. Pew, Deceased. POLLARD-June 29-First and FlDa1 Ac. of Casper Delner. Deceased. DESMOND-July 11. First a.nd Final Ac-- count of Albert N. Qarrett. R. Spotswood DOunt of Isabel OJ Oeraghty. ExecutriX. ponard and El1zabef.b P. FeUer, Tnatees u ID Emllle O. Pollard, Estate of EII!Ule Elstate of Mary O. Desmond, Deceased. SAVE 6cl Virginial lee Fresh Baked, Golden O. Pollard, Deceaaed. DONOVAN-Aug. 15. Firat and Final AQoo POWERS-Aug. 18. First and Flnal Ae· ea. count of A. BroGte Geary, EJ:ecutor, Es~ count· of Veronica Powers, Admlnbtra· tate of LIllian H.. Dot(OVBD, Deceased. trlx, Eatale of Harry C. Powers. Deceased DurroN-AUg. 11, First and Fbial Ac. RENSHAW-July 1, FIrat and,. Final Ac· Virginia lee Fresh Baked, Iced eount of Norman B. Dutton and Elmer count of Wllllam N. ROD.llbaw. AdmiD1&pkg. B. ~utt.on. Executors. Estate of Elmer trator, Estate 01' Margaret Olven Ren.019 G. DuUGn, Deceased. shaw. Deceased. . EMERY-Aug. 8. Firat and Fhlal Account SCHLACK-Aug. 15. First and Final Account of Broad Street Truat Company. of Tbe l'hUadelphla NaUonal Bank and REGULAR 23c VALUEI Virginia lee "Supreme", EnrIched (Successor by Merger to Interboro Bank Gertrude B. Emery Baxter, Trustees, U/WID of Walter V. Emery, as 8tated by and Trult Company and Allen N. Schlack The PhUadelphia NaUonal Bank, Suniv· Executors. Estate of Ana N. Schlact. ing TrUstee. Estate of Walter V. Emery, Deceased. SHEA-Aug. 18. First and FInal Accouot Deceased. of Michael J. cantwell. Jr., AdmlDtstrator. P~RY-Aug 11. First and Final Accoun~ They're Backl Sold Only at Acme of Edmund Jooes, Executor. Estate of Etstate of Thomas Francis Shea, a/t/a Tbomas Shea, Deceased. Edward T. Ferry, Deceased. SPARKS-Aug. 12, First and Final Account FlTZ-AUg. 5. 'Flrst ILDd Final Account of The Delaw.are county NaUonal ;Santo of The Delaware County National Bant, EJ:ecutor, Estate of LewiS H. Sparks, DeGuardian, Estate of Barbara. Fitz. late cea!!led. , a. Minor. . STULL-Juoe 29. First and FlDal Account Sav. 16cI Fancy, Top Quality FORBES-Aug. 15. First and Floal Account of John N. Stull. Executor, Estate of 16-0z. of George W. MorrIS, Executor. Estate Oeone R. stull, Deceased. cans of Robert Forbes. Deceased. FREEMAN-Aug. 4. FIrst and Final Ac. THEURER-Aug 11, First and Final A~ count of Ada M. Evans, Executrix, E,s. count of Percy D. Theurer, Executor. E Save 16c\ Best for Your Cookingl tate of Edward D. Freeman. Deceased. tate of F'rederick: G. Theurer. Deceased. 14v.....z. OEOROE-July 15 First and Final Account· THOMAS-July 12. First and FInal Account cans of Nelson P. F;gley. Administrator, Es-I of I.'rovldent Tradesmens Bank and TrU:~ tate of Angelo George. Sr .. Deceased. Company. Admlnstrator, Estate of ElI GOODYEAR-Aug 9 First and Pmal Ac-I A. Thomas, Deceased, Save 16c\ Thin line, Sugar-Free count of John C.' Goodyear, Executor. TRIPP-July '1, FIrst and Fmal Accountf . 16-ox, Estate or Robert B. Goodyear, Deceased. of Walter F. Hanna, EJr:ecutor, Estate 0 boHles IlEINTZEN-Aug. 15. First and Final Ac. EdIth M. Tripp, a/k/a Edith M. Tripp count of Mary Schieber,' Executrix, Ea- Hanna. Deceased. tat" of Martha E. Heintzf'n. Deceased. UNDERHILL-Aug. 18. First and Final AcKing Size Salel Top Quality, Ideal HENRY-Aug. 18. First and Final Account count of Philip C. Herr. Executor. Estate 16-0z. of Anna Crothers Henry. Executrix. Es- of Frederick S. Underhill. Deceased. pkg •• tate of James P. Henry, Deceased. VOID-Aug. 3. First and Final Account (If HESLOP-AU!J.' 2, First and Final Account Howard VoId. Executor, Estate of Har· of Leonard T. Heslop. AdmInistrator. Es~ vey Void. Deceased. . King Size Salel Top Quality. Ideal 12...z. tate of Oltve P. Heslop, a/k/a. Olive P. \ WARD-Aug. 15, First and Final Account H{' .... lo D d of Theodore W. Ward. Jr., and Leo T. cans "., p, eceBse. t f Th od HICKS-Aug. 15. First Bnd Final Account Connor. Executors, E sate 0 e ore of WIlUe Dora Smith. Administratrix. Es- W. Ward. Deceased. . tavo of Marlfaret Hicks. Deceased. WATI'8-Aug. n, First and Flaal Accouot Special Valuel Glendale, Creamy 2·lb. HIPPLE-Julv 26. Pint ..~d Final Account of Helen M. Hunt. Administratrix. C.T.A., of EliZAbeth F. MUler, Executrlx. Estate Estate of Ada Watts. Deceased. loaf of F. Girvin Hipple, Deceued. WICKERSHAM-July 28. First and Final BOPFMAN-July 20 Fl1'8t and Final Ac-- Account of Charles A. Smylie. Executor. count nt Howard E: Roffman. AdmlD1stra- Estate of John Wickersham. Deeeased. tor. Estate of P 1'1 E. Hoffman. De- WOOD-Aug. 1&. FIt'St and Final Account ea of Carrie R. KleIner and Edmund P. Hancea..." Dum. Trustees. U/WW of Mary C. wood. IIUF'r-AUg. 16\ Fint and FInal Account Deceased, and stated by Edmund P. of Joyee A. Elate8. ExecutriK. F...stale of Hannum, 8Urvhin~ TrUstee, Estate of SWARTHMORE STORE, Chester Road - Open Thu~sday and Fr;dav EVGnings 'til 10 Lillian g, Run. Deceased. Mary C. Wood. pecea.sed. HtmCOMB-Aug. 18. First and PInal Ac:- ZUBLFR-Julv 11. First a"d Flnal Account count of F"Pederlclt It_ Edward.s and EcJ. of Harry Eo Apeler, EzecUtGr, Estate of OAK 'PARK c:HOPPING CENTI;R, Bishop ROlld and ~I':mor~ 'Pike WiD J. Ollflll&ll. Executan. Estate of Camp M. zubler, afk/a C. II ZUbler. PlOTf'Dee M. Hureomb. net ....ed. Deceased. . Open Tuesday, Wedne-day, Thursday 'til 9 P.M .• Frid,y 'fll,) P.M. HYA"I'T-Aug 11. Pint Account 01. Fidelity.. EARLE B, ALLEH PbD.eJpbla Trust Com.....,.. Ezecutor. a_tor col Wills ... Your Nearest S" H S ......n Stamp Merchandise Store, 2700 West Chest.r Pike. Highl~nd Parlt _ col arabeDa Drew By"", _ttl. Clerk of Orpbua· Court. nn.. a. By.1t, Deceased. OBPBAN8' oo'OaT :nr." I I 1'- BROTHERS BRANNAGAN "'rator. . A BUSINESS-MANAGED, TAX·P~YING IITlliTY COMPANY OWNED BY MORE THAN lOO,em STOCKHOlDERS ,i. : : . .ICnleS ROASTING CHICKENS • • • STEAKS • • • DANISH LUNCH ROLL • • • • fHt MIa /dCH~/ :I". o s 3 Saves You 20 ! ,, , .I COCOANUT BAR CAKE • • • CINNAMON BUNS • • • • • • SLICED WHEAT • •,AD • : • F::~5 SPICED WAFERS IDEAL APPLE SAUCE • • 8 LOUELLA EYAP. MILK • 8 BALA CLUB BEYERAGES 8 FROZEN GREEN PEjlS •• 2 FANCY CHEESE SPREAD PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC CIlMPANY . J FROZEN GRAPE JUICE • • ON THE' HILL For information and to reserve equipment, call ~ .ED EATING APPLES • • • TYPEWRITERS -= 'To help you with the complete lawn job, we also have spreaders, rollers, mowers -. in shott, olmost anything you'll need. ,.,", ••, ¥.".¥.,""",. security to do light h~:~;dU '}l_a.ng·e room and b SWARTHMORE 1401 Ridley Avenue Chester, Pa. Oldest Real Estate and Insurance Firm In Delaware CoUllty A-bowl bird feed- r lIy TILE FLOORS· PLASTID TILE FORMICA COUltER TO.S ROOFI •• Ind SIDI18 CUSTOII KITCHENS ADDITIONS. ALTERATIOIS Fre. Estllllitt. Speciclitin9 in: Prorerties in Swarthmore. Wallingford, ~1I--i:Ehigh 6dition. p.m. Grandmother's FOR SALE - motherfun. for ~~~;I~~tl~~:~,:f~r~:e,esfamily J!'ardening, DON'T BUY IT - SADIIC }'IPPIN TURNER, proprietor BaUIDlore PIk. . . LIncoln A .... PaHon Roofing Go. KI 3-1112 Oa" ooo..a'teicent MeD ud WOIDO REoeDe.' rood - lI.... el... urnIICI Blu cn.... 1'400,.d = Swarthmore LGI.llnl.bmntlAmDllmlllunmn~a.1JlIDIIIb: ....0.111' II .......' Aled. 8eDllo. CbroDlo I CRESSON PRICHARD CUSTOM INSTALLATIONS I 2507 Chestnut St., Chester TRemont 2-5373 ELNWOOD I NOTARY PUBLIC 900 Michigan Avenue a a·211 I~===~==~.=~==~~:=~ FOR SALE PERSONAL PERSONAL Grace Lewis Em- F=""O-=R-S""A-T"'.E--=-T';~- -p-;.,i,ir;:-;~;rll more High Majorette ~[;::~,!~ ~JIUlIIJUlhU1lJUiaIIUDlllmllllllaUIIIIIUJ'D"·' .ployment Agency open for busiDomestic help available. 71f.. :1;2. and $6. Phone I = KIngswood 4-3261. 4-0861. l! -:: Tiny ~I~ij~~.?,lt~ SALE-I963 four-door Ford, at .~ radio, heater, four .new tires. J Phone KIDg_s_w_ood 3-38.86. _ __ rulHlUlllDUUlllllUlDlllllUDDlamum ~ 511 REESE STREET MILMONT PARK, p~ Telephone Kln-IwDod for several weeks. Belvedere Convalescent Home JOE MARSHALL CLASSIFIED ADS· W ...TCHMAKEJl FIne Watch and 128 Yale Ave. ;lock Repairs Swarthmore. PB . chi1d~e~ _ returne~ this. week v~tioned I 2 .t.rl.r ••• Exterior 'ahIIlD, FREE ESTIMATES I I I I Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hosford an<~ from Old Lyme, Colin. where they More than 350 lawyer. visited' t~eir month'. vacation at their . . T -ke Paupac ,'n the wID after attendmg the ;AmerICan Bar home on I.Ai offer at PubUc slle ta the County Com-, •• •• Poconos. Mr. Arnold's niece Dolly mls,lo••" .... u.. Room. Firs' Floor. I Assoc,atlon ConventIOn m WashArnold of Lancaster, Ky., who has Court House. Medla, PeDDII,lY~nla. at ington, D.C., as guests of the assoUpset Price let forth below, on WedDea- • t' been vlsiting them for several day, October 12th. "1a60 at 10:00 o'clock CIa Ion. week. returned to her home on a ....... E.D.S.T.• "'. loUowlD. descrlbed lItr and Mrs. A Sidney Johnson pict::e of land owned or reputed. to b e , Tuesday. owned by the respecUve peraon Doted. .Jr.• 'of North Chester road weret TER"': casH hosts over the weekend to Mr. and Suuate in the Clty of Chester " Mrs. William Digby Flower of Nor~ (Ninth Ward) No. 1-JohD Smith. Northwest 1st wich, England. M.r. and Mrs. MilPower Mowers Repaired street, 120 feet West. of Plower lard Tyson of Guemsey road en- I , THE S W AR T HM 0 RE A N Page 6 , .. Se.~p~w_m~~ __~9,~1_96_0______~__________________~T~H~E~S~W~A~R~T~H~M~O~R~E~A~N~__________________________~Pare7 • 2 2 I ! , THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 8 . :' ..'~ September 9, 1960 ~--------~~----------------------~--~-----Arts Center Annolinces I MIss Ruth Webb of South Ohester lIsIe,wlll depart Monday 'N F II S hed I road, who accompanied her parents University of nIlnols at LOCAL ISLAID HOPPER Jim Robinson, son of Mr. and AT MEDIA ROTARY I Mrs. Fo.rd Robins~n of Guernsey for the Urbana . . road, will return over the weekend ew a c u e ILt., and Mrs. WllJIam H. Webb to where she will continue her graduate Willard Tomhnson of Rutgers I from a three-month trip abroad. He (Continued from Page 1) their new home tor a year at Osr- studies. avenue will give an illustrated talk will return to Princeton Univer- Charles Brennand of the Phil.delat Media Rotary Club Thursday ~n sity Princeton N.J. neXt week for phia Orchestra will conduct a ~~~ • Ian d8 8 elected from hIS his junior ' ," th ree 18 _ year. course in string ensembl e and I WAS A JUVENILE DEUNQUENTI forthcoming book "21 Sal,t Water Dr. and Mrs. J. Leslie Ellis of Richard J. Wattenmaker an eveI Jumped fence., ran away, met. up wtlh bad dogl, upael garbage cans', rulDed nelgbbon' Ibruba . • . then on'" day the boo· put me 1D hI4 car Islands." South Dhester road have returned ning lecture and discussion course ••• I thought It YU the ead ••• but do you DOW where be &oak me' Mr. Tomlinson's first woo k from a four-week vacation spe'n~ I in appreciation of painting. To the "Those Wonderful Teens" is ex- traveling by car to West Palm Advanced dramatics for teenage DOG TRAINING SCHOOL OF DELAWARE CO. peeted by th.. local book store Beach, Fla., where they visited Dr. boys and girls will be taught by I leante4 to Heel, to S1&, to B&aJ. to Come ••• ~ I LJEED IU Why about September 19. Ellis' three sisters. They embarked Jean Proctor. Additional, classes DOt teU YOUR bON to take you there. at Miami for a Carribean cruise for teenagers will include painting .ext Courst Start. Wedne.dl, Evenlnl, September 14 Dr. and Mrs. J. Albright Jones of stopping at Haiti, Jamaica and the and drawing -by Cyril Gardner and Swarthmore High, Sohool G,mnaslum Elm. avenue, accompanied by their Bahamas. This past week Dr. and painting and composition by Eliza. ClalSel limtted in IiIIe ••• Adnnee relenaUDDI son-In-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Ellis spent in a cottage near beth Raleigh. OOB TRAlllilla SCHOOL OF DELAWARE COUIITY Mrs. Henry S. Todd, 3rd, and their Warren on the Allegheny river. Among the courses offered to BL..... __ PALHEBS MILL. PAXON HOLLOW ROAD, B.D. 1. MEDIA _ son Andy 01 Salisbury, Md., and children be Cyril Mike Reynolds of OberHn avenue, AREA RESIDENTS TD ,E classes inwill painting and Gardner's drawing, v~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,'_ 'HONORED FOR SERVIlE ceramics for children; puppet spent the Labor Day weekend at Several men from the Swarth- theatre by Emma Louise Warfield, Blueberry Hill, Eaglesmere. 405 Dartmouth Avenue more area will be honored for 20 and Walter Omlor's woodworking years of service to Houdry Process classes. Music workshop. for preREOPEN INC MONDAY. Sept. 12th Corporation's research and devel. schoolers and music workshop with MUSIC - INSTRUMENTS - REPAIRS DRAPERIES and SLlPC.JVERS opment laboratory at Linwood inltroldu.ctil)D to playiDg the recordwhen the laboratory celebrates its er will be taught by Pearl Zaret Enroll Now for Speciali;red Instruction THOM SE REMBA 20th anniversary with an open Ross. Lenore Sander will teach GUITAR PIANO (popular and Classical) 10 Yea .. of Swarthmore R.lerenc.. house celebration on September 16. in classical ballet technique Mor. Than 35 Yearsl Elpertanee . ACCORDION All won i. done I. mr shop Among those to be honored are: and CorillOe Kaufmann modern under my personalluperYi,ion. G. Alexander Mills of Walnut dance. Mrs. Kaufmann and All Wind Instruments Yoa can 18t ••r.. estl.ate ., lane, George F. Hornaday of Wal- will also offer a social dance class For Information -, Call KI 4-5448 p •••111 SHAROII HILL OJ3. !ingford, and Kennard D. West of on Friday evenings. 1ItMtte 'Z'd.ta,e U P H 0 L S T E RY I ~~ii~~~ii~~~~ii~~~M~oirtoiin~. ~~ii~~~i3~~~~ ~ For Your Fall Convenience "THE LADY BE LOVELY" BEAUTY SALON will be open Tuesday, Wednesday, Th\lrsday and Friday evenings until 361 Bllitimcne Pike 9 Springfield, Pa. Phone Klngswood 4-1313 Girdle and Bra' Shop The Fashion Center for Girdles and Bras, CorseleUe8 and Camp Supports, etc. Individually fitted Alterations to you for comfort and beauty_ All Famous Makes. free. • 815% Edgmont Avenue, Chester Phone TRemont 4·3331 I:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;' boysold, andthe girls from Theatre eight to , 14For years Junior will be directed by Barbara Graves. Jean Proctor will, tesch first year Theatre students. THE' BARDLEX SUI~' NEWS NOTES June Ma~shall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Marshall of Forest lane, spent six weeks this summer at Camp Hagan, Shawneeon-,he-Delaware. Her h r 0 t,h e r Bruce camped at Nichecronk, Dingman's Ferry, for the summer~ their parents they returned IM,ondlay from the holiday weekend spent with their maternal grandparents Mr. 'andMro. Harry G. Harper at Culver Lake, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Penfield of Guernsey road arrived home aboard the United States last week from a trip to Europe. DurIng their five weeks of travel they "ran Into·' Mr. and Mrs. Russell Snyder of Dickinson avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. seymour Preston of. . Medla. in Zermatt.. Switzerland. They met the Prestons again In Paris, where they also saw Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Markley of Guernsey road. The Penflelds entertained former Swarthmoreans Mr. I and Mrs. William Bass and sons at I a dinner In Paris, , Judith Ooles of Walnut lane and Louise Howe of Columbia avenue, members of the entering, class at Centenary C 0.11 e g e for Women, Hackettstown, N. J., will be guests of honor at a "Get Acquainted Party" to be given by the Phlladelphla ,, '\ H E L PI YES! Help Us Celebrate Our 40th Anniversary on ALL IMPORTED SILKSWOOLENS and COTTONS Comparable Savings on All Decorator Slip Cover and Drapery Fabrics! '--~--------------------- .... Bring this Ad with you fo.r an adClitional reduction , 01 10% on, all purchases_ sh~peliest O n e of the suits you can own with a great flair for fitting in anywhere, city or country_ Soft club collar set on a \ curving yoke, and a smooth walking skirt. - Don't take chances even with minor b~rn.s, bruises or other IndiSpositions. Play safe by calling in your D0c:.'0r or goi ng to see hlm. And you arc safe, too. ""hen you brio,?" ~our Doctor's preSCriptions to this fine p\tarmacy. Chester, Pa_ TR 1-3001 o 16, 1960 / •' aryAnn.;;a.""aslcker Is Lasl Ohancelo Reg~sler Novel Parkin"ID Plan . ,. New P.lie Librarian county Any elegibl~, resident of tile " Proposed 10 Oouncil . who is not registered to vote Peel Praises Miss Perkins, AFS EXCHAII8E STUDENT MAlES HOME HERE IRepublicans To Hold !lIIr. and Mrs. William D. Jones, Sr., of Va.8'ar avenue have,a. their guest for a year Svend Borgh Han; .en of Skive. Denmark, who is here on an American FIeld Service Award. Sven will remain with the Jones family until he leaves for Denmark next July. A graduate of his home . • . school, he IS enrolled 10 the seDlor class at the high school. Op·an House Toda, in the General Election on NovemAbsent-Mindedness Citizens for Nixon-Lodge if h h rI be 8 t ·11 d Staff in. AnnounC·lng r ,may s I 0Annex so ein ur e.. Could Prove Launch County-wl·d Da The Courthouse Media Appointment will be open until 9 p.m. tonight, Costly Campaign and agein tomorrow morning from B It will be Open House for all iDeIThe Swarthmore Public Library 9 to 12 orough residents and visitors aware County residents when the Board announces the appointment ;im;'ll also ~':'~;"n Monday'dur- will'have to concentrate on keeping Citizens for Nixon and Lodge of Mary Ann Hunsicker:"s Li, t h e i r dates straight if C<>uncil de. launch their county-wide campal~ ing business hours, 9 a.m. to 4 :30 cides 'to adopt a su~.tion made at ~. f th P bl' b 0 rarl~nk e u IC Library. Miss p.m. BUT, Monday Is positively M d ' ht' ~t:- b Co .1 from county headquarters, 218 Hunslc .er is expected to assume the last chance for potential electon ay mg s mee 109 ~ UnCI West Front street, Media, today, man Herman Bloom. Parking on all· her poSItion by' O·tob 1 ' , • er . ors to register. September 16 from 4 to 7 p.m. h ' borough streets should be restrict" I k· n rna 109 ~ e announcement. H. Among the highlights of ~he ' dl P I r e d to one side, Bloom believes., Ig C 00 S L "n ey ee, president of the Lithree hour gala event will be the lIe proposed that the even-num· brary d·Jrecto,rs, exp'ressed the U IC liVe introduction of the new NlxoDbered side of the street be used on bo d ' 'd ar s L·b eeply. felt appreciation of Lodge campaign song which h .... 'to even-numbered days of the month AClOg 'rarlan Leonore Perkins' Letter WI-nners WI·II been recorded hy young PhiiadeI'rf I and the odd-numbered side on oddcdhe~ u nhess, lo:yalt;v and effidency Drs. Fussell, van Dulleman, numbered days. At least one colC II H phia vocalist Joel Schaub and 0 .... Urlng t e interim period. M'any a at omes chestra leader Ash Humes of PhDleague wondered out loud "how M ond ay lib rary readers have expressed M rs. Bur t on C rane' on adelphia. Schaub, witb a five piece . . many people ever know what day t helr gratitude to the board mem_ World in Crux band under the direction of Humes, bers for the help of Miss Perkins it is?" Bloom said the system had Between t~e hours of 7 and 8 :30 will also lead a program of popular and her assistants who have mainThe Woman's Club of Swarth- been used successfully in some Monday e~en)ng, S~tember ~9, the favorites for a community usingn. tained library service in its normal more's Calendar October through other towns. boy and girl athletIC letter wmners Brief speeches will be given durmanner. January lists three speakers on Two actions of Council should of the Swarthmore High ~chool wi~1 ing the afternoon by Delaware M' vitlal concern of the time. Dr. assist parkers and police ticketers eo~duc~ an ad~lt '~thletl.c ASSOCl- County farmers, labor union memISS Hunsicker is a graduate of F R · h Id Fu II (M if Bloom's suggestion is ever adopt.. abon ticket drIve m the Borough bers sma'il busl·nessmen profeeMcGill University, Montreal, WI·th ranees em 0 sse ,rs. , , BAd Morris H.) will appear before a ed. The highway committee was an~ in .Rutledge. The purpose o~ the sional leaders ~d representatives ~ • . egree and honours in Engb· d t· f th S . authorized to act on the request drive 's to ,make the A.A. tIcket of nat,·onal,·ty oups now behl.nd hsh, and of the Universl·ty of com me mee mg 0 e entor I CI b T d . of Co in Bell, Park avenue and easily accessible to the many adult the Iron Curta,·~. . Michigan, Ann Arbor, I·n 1958 w,·th an d J umor u sue!'! ay evenmg" •• a M A . L·b d October 18, at which she will pre- Drexel road, for a street light on friends of the High School who are For the younger set, a gaily dee• • In 1 rary an Science. t th d t· f h b Drexel road between Park and Vas- interested in the junior and senior orated merry-go-ro' und w,·II, be on Sh,e did graduate work in English sen e secon sec Ion 0 er 0 . t· t d f th P ·d t· will help ' night- schools' Athletic Program, and to hand outs,·de the headquarter. durand the classics at Oberlin College Jec Ive s u y o ' e resl en laI sar kavenues. (This h , d·d t d . t par. ers see ouse numbers and sell as many tickets as possible in ,·ng th·e afternoon. OberHn, Ohio, in 1956-57. can t a es an campa1gn Issues. .on Friday afternoon, October 28J the calendar if it becomes necessary order to build up enough financial Special showings of the 20 minMiss Hunsicker was the school the Club will present Dr. Johanna to post them in each block to aid reserve to satisfy the many ex- ute documentary fl·lm, "Ambas•• _ l'b I rarian at Fort Huachuca,. Ari- van Dullemen, prominent educator befuddled motoris~s-it is assumed penses required of such an ath- dor of Friendship" will also be pre.. zona in 1958, '59. Last year she from The Netherlands and admin- policemen always know what day letic program.· sented and refreshments will be had extensive library experience in It is). A sidewalk along the north The A. A. ticket, .priced at a reaistrator of the Fulbright program served throughout the entire prothree positions. She was .the ,School there, in a discussion of U Ameri- side of Dartmouth avenue. west of sonable sum, entitles the holder to ceedings. Librarian in the Alessandro Junior Swarthmore avenue, was ordered admission to all home games in Edward B. Mifflin. Drew avenue. 'Il'd k ALL If d d II High School in the Riverside Cal- cans in Europe-Europeans in. tall d (Th' .f ' America." Dr. van Dullemen is in IDS e. IS WI a1 par ers sports. ·one atten e a is a local member of the ('.ommittee. I ornia School System; the Ret'erwhen they alight from their ve, home game activities without it, the United States' on her third ence Librarian in the Pomona ' hicles on odd-numbered days). the cost would exceed six or seven Publ,'c L,·b d th B h L· ~eeture tour in 14 years and ,availrary an e rane 1• Councilman Charles Lukens ask. times the price of the A. A. ticket. Reeds Return from brarian' A ss,s . t an't 10 . th e Sa Th .. Residence AbroaG n ,able 10 the eastern part ofh the • ed that Council consider the turther . e, Athl e t·Ie· A ssoc,aUon supBernardino F ree ·L""S tem"etlUIlIrY,.!ar only one month. S e , S " , t h · hi· rurary ys. , . k hid' d widening of Park avenue along the ,ports, e entire at et,c -program ,Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Reed, travell·ng WI·th·ts B 00 km 0 hil e. F'0 I- a contag1ous ' S emor ' H·19h Sc h00Is, former residents of 2 9 CoIIege av1 f h· s,pea_ er,.. 0 mg f G e- parking meter area to alleviate 0 f t he J umorlowtng her graduation from· McGill" ~rees- rom t e umversltteS 0: ron· traffic congestion there. which includes, in the Junior High, enue, have returI1ed to Swarthin 1955 , M,'ss H unSlC .' k'er t'aught "igen, Amsterdam and Oxford. The h .. h Decision was postponed on the for boys, tree foothal I teams, more after four years in The English in a Call·forn,·a g,·rls' hl·gh C.lub opens th.'s meetmg to t e enth b k tb II t k H ague, N ct herlan d s~ were· h Mr. (Continued on Page 6) ree as e a earns, a t rae. h II school and catalogued an American ~ll"e ~o~m.umty sO t at a may team and basebaH team·j and for Reed served as Agricultural A,tInstitute of Architecture pamphlet ear e r . . the girls, a third and fourth team tache at the American Embassy. wllection for a Cleveland ArchitecOn No~ember 29, Esther Mertltt in hockey, basketball, lacrosse. In Mr. and Mrs. Heed left Septem(Continued on Page 6) Crane, WIfe of Burton Crane of the the High School, there are two bel' 8 for a vacation on Grand .Tra.N ew York Times, will discuss U Asia 0 c~o ~ k I • football teams, t\Vo bas etball verse Bay in Northern Michigan on the Move." Mrs. Crane spent 10 teams, a track team, and a varsity and a visit \Vith their daughter, years prior to World War II in JaMrs. Joseph Reyholds and J. V. baseball team for the 1'.11-s. Robert W. Gregory, of In·pan as a newspaper correspondent H d B h hoys; and for the girls, two hockey dianapolis. and remained there for five years ea 5 oroug teams, two basket'all teams, and Mr. Reed has been assigned to afterward as an official member Drive two Iacro~sc teams. duty in Washington, ;D.C., and W. Richard Gordon to' of General MacArthur's Cceupa. .Mrs. Joseph Reynolds, Oberlin Expenses of the program include will report there about October L . tion, She returns each year to Thai- avenue, district director of the necessary equipment, including During their stay in Swarthmore Speak at Open Meet land and.Japan. United Fund Campaign, has lined protective equipment, medical and the Reeds were guests of Mrs. WilTuesday Two deli~h~ful pr~grams by com- up 24 captains f{)l" the forthcoming trainer supplies, officials, and liam H. Thatcher of College RveAd' . 11 y (Continued on Page 7) . nu". \V. Richard Gordon, tt'easm'er of petent . muslcmns . wIll be heal·d. . rIve W h'Ie h WI-II open 0 ff'lela " Christmas play m narratIOn and I October 1, and continue through the the University of Pennsylvania, th Th ey aJ ,. will present the program for the monologue written by the Drama . mon. e. Workshop of the Delaware W,·,t-, _. fil'f't .fall meeting of the Junior , , CI u. b Ie(IbM·s 0 • J • Gil. ,Mrs. Dav,d Bmgham, Mrs. W. Y I. ' f . Woman's Club to be held at 8 p.m. el S ereest, will be presented by cluh- W. Turner, Mrs. Bn'ney K. } .. orse, Crum Creek Twenty Feet above Level, Great Destruction Tuesday at the 'Voman's Club· members. Freidrich Deurenmatt's Mrs. J. A. C. Folle~: ,l\lrs. Henry hou:;e. 118 Park avenue. and Loss of Li fe play "The Visit" will be n~rl'ated! L. Butler, Mrs: \VlIham \Vel~h, A resident of Paoli, Mr. Gordon and analysed. Ch~ster· County's 'I Mrs. F. S. Chambers, Co-captams (Rl']winled from TlIt~ SWAflTHMORE. Satul'dal/, August 5. 1911) Was formerly with the Central In- historical homes will be discussed. M!'s. R, L. ThOl~lson and .Mrs, G. t<'lligence Agency. He will speak and illustrated in a program "ehes.1 H. B. ~retschnCIdel', Mrs. Charles Just 68 years ago today there oc- general description will apply to any flU matters of current interest. J . .i\Iartm, Mr. and .l\hs. John E. cm'red " d tel' Coun t y Th esh 0 Id s an d B eyon. , \ in Delaware County the mostt two neighborhoods. On the morning . Michael, Mrs. James Malone. extraordinary storm and consequen I of the 5th a moderate rain was fallThe club has opened this meeting Depar t men t programs pronllse ft.,.lso, l\.f- l' s. Bell e Davidsl;1D inundation ever chronicled in loca, ' to the public, and all interested variety. The American Home ., b bi th t ' oint mg, which extended beyond the !lel'sons arc invited to come. 'Mem· Chairman announces a lampshade (Swarthmore Business Section), history, It IbslPra ha e a 11~ p the I limits of Delaware County in every . f Mrs. Raymond 1-1. Fellows, Mrs. of remarka e p enomena, In , bel'S are asked to bring guests. class, the Art Chairman a senes 0 ff ted d' 'ts d diul dIrection .. The storm that broke in Anyone interested in becoming a classes with an exhibition by club- Corben C. Shute, ?vIrs. H. H. Gib· area a ec an l~ 1 rea all its fury in certain sections of Delmember of the club is urged to members set for December and a son, Mrs. Francis H. Forsythe, Mrs. consequences, there IS nothing to aware County during the afternoon seemed to come from all points of write or call Mrs, Frank S. Walter, study and museum trip on Renais- Hugh O. Thayer, Mrs. Samuel :. parallel it in all history. 513 Bryn Mawr avenue, KI 4-1257. sance Art. The Music Department Carpenter, Mrs. Ernest D. L~W1S There have J:>een freshets from the compass, and partook in its naUn Ion t.ime to time in the local creeks, one ture of what is modernly termed. The first Board Meeting will will preview Philadelphia Orches- (Swarthmore - Rutledge taKe place next Tuesday, Septem- tra Concerts and attend them. Re- Sch.ool Di~tric~L. Mrs. H~rry G. ~ 1795, another in 1822 an~ the great 1 "cloud burst," accompan,ied, however, ber 27, at 8 o'clock at the home of viewers Mrs. H. G. E. Ullman, Mrs. SmIth, MIS. DaVId S. SmIth, and Ice freshet of 1839, but neIther local by a hurricane that was tropical in history nor tradition gives evidence 1 its fury. The black and lowering ~Ir", Richard H. Reuther, in Media. Francis H. Pennell, Mrs. L. ,H. Mrs. Fred A. Patman. '~Il':':;. Reynolds will entertain her of a flood that will bear comparison clouds seemed to envelope the earth (Continued on Page 12) PACKING DAY THURSDAY (Continued on Page 12) with that of August 5, 1843 ... In I and lent a frightful vividness to th~ FOR CHURCH WORLD SERVICE HEIDI HONNOLD TAKES d.. tructiveness to Hfe and property, I incessant flashes of llghtnlng and a OATH OF OFFICE PARENTS COUNCIL MEETING this flood occurring In a temperate terrifying' nearness to the continuous . The Parents Council of the cltmate, as a result of rain alone, peals of thunder. The wind shifted A packing of clothing for the Church World Service will he held Heidi Honn?ld was sworn ID .as Swartmore-Rutledge Schools will has no parallel on record. rapidly from one point of the comon Thursday 9 :30 a.m. at the the new presIdent of the SeDlor RM p .. ' d C b· t, t th meet onday at 1 p.m. in the New TIlE STO pass to the other, driving the heavy ll~byterian Church. Mrs. David HIgh School Stn ent a IDe a e AU-Pur se Room -at the Rutgers The most remarksble feature of clouds before It, blowing Jlghtly ln, 'ngham is in charge. assembly program yesterd,· lOyh at- Avenue POSch00I • the storm of August 5th was that It some sections, In others with a dyW K H . There is ~ particular need at this ternoon. Dr. arry . tng am, . t all f Its wlthIn'the com I nI vi I that twisted II d t 'lIIe for men's and children's clo- superintendent of schools, adminDr. Harry W: KlDg~am, new speD 0 .~. - c 0 c 0 enee Q an tho I.stered the oath of office. superintendent, will. be 'ftrod.uced paratlvely narrow JImlts of J:lela- lald p'rosttate great trees and .-wept lng, and praetir:al shoes. All con. d 11 ak b efl ware county, and even In this smi!11 everything "before it. Peach aDd tributions should be clean and in Heidi in tom swore ID Russell to the group an WI speh. rI Yf· territo was of 80 varied .. c:haracti!r I apple or........ • heavy 'orest tI ~ tood H . ·d t 1>a1 h Klet- Mrs Francis Bouda c aIrman 0 ry '~.... . ' m.....oge as VIce prest en , t -P the Book Fai~ comudtlee, will an- In duration, violence aDd In the went down ,before It lUte reeds. condition;' • ..~~hurches participate ill this ::e:.:.=;.urer, and Kathy Walsh nounee dates and plus. quantli07 of rain fell . . . ~ ,(Continued 011. Pale '1) • H" h S h I 0onduct Ad II AI T" ket D " Woman's 01' ublo Offer, L."vel,', il"mal, Studl"es United Fund Oampaign TOO ber pen ·1 I . , CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE at 3-0586 #..- Dress Shop OY I SOlS - Ie. Fabric Center, 21 E. 6th St. Swarthmore, Pa., Friday, Registered to Vote? The Greal Flood of Salurday, August 5, 184;J look at That Klngswood 38 Volume 32, Jr" Womell 10 Ho ood " I FaII Meetilang FIrs l~t aDo~tor 25% to 40% REDUCTIONS! THE SWARTHMOREAN YOU ,, I' ! I tomorrow afternoon In NOiTlstown.1 ~!~::::~::::~~:::~~~~~~~~:~~;'I Chapter of the Alumnl Assoctatlon Carol Anne Smith ot Moylan and' ~ "I saw it in the Swarthmorean!' Registered to Vot.? Ar., I I Jean and Judith Wls~om of wailing-I ford, returning seniors, will also be honor guests. SEP 1C; 1960 Are' YOU . .104 Parle Avenue- Swarthll19re, Pa. " -, I .., . that I' .. I THE SWARTHMORBAN Pqe% IJamalca. Mr. and Mrs. Lei. will be Deacon will attend thti BoetoD UIIi- on ~ondey, September 12. Mr. and ~rs. Charles Izumi of Mr. BDr. IOn :BOlin Of New York City aDd summer at their home In OCean was feted at showers given by Mrs. M'oKEAL.;lUMOIII! . I ' ,and Mrs. E. Fay Campbell Of Cor~ the laitlt Mr.. Edward Parker are the City N J Donald Roberts of Glen Mills and ~\sa Judith Broollil Pile Ul\, nell avenue. patema), grandparents. ~• ..;,.,: Mrs, Merrill B, Hayes and Miss Helene Hopper of Dogwood daughter of Mr. and IIIrs.... u .. ~." their famll f Un! ersIt lace re- lane. On September ·8, the couple ,M. Passmore of Rutledge, became '~r. and Mrs. William E. S~~id• '! a v Yp were honor guests at a dinner give.. the bride of Mr. Richard Blair Mc. helser of Park avenue are recelvmg IMr. and Mrs. Harlan R. Jesturned last week from Boothbay by Miss Marjorie Feeser at her Neal son of Mr and Mrs B Robin- congratuJoations on the birth of suP. Jr" of Bblnghamton~ N. Y., aDHarbor, Me" where they spent the home in Chester and the evening Bon McNeal of Cheste; ~t a 2 their third child and' first daugh- nounce the irth ,of a dllughter, summer. . , . ter J nni! A h . d Jennifer Hemphill, on September before the weddmg tlje bride- o'clock weddmg Saturday after'. e er nn, w 0 arllve on groom's parents entertained at a noon. Dr. Frederick S. SchweitZer Mondey, September 6, in the Ches- 1. EIIBABEMEIIT buffet supper at their ho",e follow. perfollDed the double ring cere- ter HosJlital. The infant's grandparenta. are Mr. and Mrs. ~ohn Bird of Osk i ing the wedding rehearsal. mony in the Ridley Park Unile!! The little girl ia a, gr~nd~aughter Mr.' and Mrs. Meredith Hemphill Crest lane, Wallingford, announce iMr. Lee is also the grandson of Presbyterian Church. Of Mr. and Mrs. Shmldhelser, Br., of Spring Lake, N. J., and Mrs. the engagemerit of their .daughter of Mrs. Morria Lee of College aveGivt!li hi marriage b'! her father, Moylan" and Mr: and ~rs. George Harl!'Il R, Jessup of BraddOCk Judy to Mr. .r~hn R. Wi1J lal!lS, son nue and the late Mr. Lee, the bride was attended by Mrs. E. Harscheld of Phdadelphla. Hel8bts, Md., aild the iate Mr. Josof Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Wi!,. ,Deane Passmore of Warren as m~' sup. Mf. aM ilf11l, J. H.LrIan Jea. Iiams of Whittier, Calif. DEACON.ClSTER, tron of honor' and by her cousin Mr. and Mrs, Charles H. Keyes sup of Haverford' avenue are the 'Miss Bird is a graduate of The marriage of Miss Sibyl La- Miss Ellis Cattelle Plowman of of Wallingford, formerly of Dart- paternal great-grandparents. Swarthmore High School and Cor. vinia Oaster, daughter of Mr. and Harvard avenue Miss Phebe Mae mouth avenue, are receiving conMr. and Mrs. John Piper of nell University, Ithaca, N. Y. She Mrs, Francis Bertram Caster of Turner of Oeea~ City, N.J., Miss gratulations on the arrival Of tbeir North Springfield, Va" announce is currentl,! attending graduate Larchmont, N. Y., to Mr" David Suzanne Marie Erb and Mrs. I. H. second child and first daughter, the birth of a son, Jonathan Free. sehool at the American University, Thomas Deacon, son of Mrs, Char- Caffey, Jr., both of Ridley Park, as Karen LQuise, who Was bOrn Wed- gard Piper, on Wednesday, August Washington, D. C. She ·is a mem- les T, Deacon of Lafayette ave- bridesmaids. nesday, September 7, in the Uni- 17. ber of Kappa Kappa Gamma So- nue and the la~ Mr. Deacon, took Donna Joan McNeal, niece of the versityof Pennsylvania Hospital. rority. ~lace on Saturday! September 10, bridegroom, was the flower girl, Mrs, Henry A. Piper of Mt. HolMr. Williams attended the Uni- m the Salem Baptist Church, New Mr. Donald Allan McNeal was Mr, and Mrs. Edward J. Parker yoke place is the paternal grandverSity of California, Berkeley, and Rochelle, in a two o'clock cere- his brother's best mall. The ushers of Philadelphia announce the birth mother, Mr, and Mrs. William is a candidate for his Master's de- mony. The Reverend David A. Cole· included E. Deane Passmore and of a daughter, Ruth Ellison, on Freegard of North Springfield, Va~ gree in history at the same univer- man and the Reverend S. Gordon .Mr. John Lincoln Passmore broth- September 8 at the Presbyterian formerly of Swarthmore, are the sity. 'Mr. Williams is presently Blenkin officiated. ers of the bride, Mr. IIa~ry A. Hospital. maternal grandparenta. • te.aching at the Sidwell Friends Mrs, John A; Nevin, aunt of the Black of McKeesport. Mr. Gayle !_IRDUaUIUDIDIDDU ' -:a=---.....,.----'d ItDIIIIIIIIIRKJIUlluIIIHUfUlllmllltlIlIlIIlIlIIlCUWWllllllUlIWIIIIIDIIIUUUIID_umwllfIIIIM. b School in Washington, D,C. He Is a rl e, sang "The Lord:s Prayer". Knapp of MeadeviIle and Mr. Lauis member of Psi Upsilon Fraternity. Escorted by her father, the V...rljen of Cabot. bride wore a silk taffeta gown Following a wedding trip to the LEE.ROTHWELL fashioned with an Alencon lace Smokey Mountains, the couple wiU " Miss Linda Jane Rothwell, yoke reembToidered with pearls be at home after September 19 at I" daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ray- and sequins, a lace trimmed pep- 1 East Jefferson street, Media. ., • " mond Franklin Rothwell of Park- lum over , a bouffant h i t 'skirtH termin'II BOOD aROOMINB - F,ASHION'S FINESSE t' side, became the bride of Mr. Wi!- a mg 10 a c ape ram. er 1 uYESTRE·JARRATT Iiam Fiss Lee, Jr" son of Mr. and sion veil was arranged from a seed Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Dennett of i 9 South Chester Road ~ Mrs. Lee of Guernsey road in a pearl and sequin crown, and 'she North Princeton avenue announce 9 ... double ring ceremony on Saturday, carried a crescent bouquet of or- the marriage of Mrs. Dennett's Call KIngswood 3-0476 September '10, at 1 o'clock in the chids, miniature ivy and lilies";f- daughter, Judith Devereux Jar- § ".................. 8 .......'.'. B .................M.. Parkside Methodist Church, Ches. the-valley. ratt, to Mr. Gordon K. Vestre, son . . ' II ter. The Reverend Paul L. Austin .MisB Frances J>amman of Larch- of Mr. and Mrs. Bjarne Vestre of .3UbI1Iml.I~l."lummtllllllUtltlIDlltlllbllllnnll",IIIU[JlllllllumnIUIIIIIIU1nllllllmlru:JlUml1l1nDlmlIlmAUIId~IIIJJhD8. 'd f h Sh ed' d 1 h !P'mlIllllllUtlllllwmnllllllllUIICIIIIIIIIJIIIOIUlIIIIIIIIDIIIIIUlIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIC1IIIIIIIIIIIUklJIIIIIIIICllllllimnDUlUUlrntnlllllr1 and the the Reverend Roger J, mon t was th e mal 0 onor. e 1M la, on Fri ay, June 0, at tell --" Steiner officiated. wore an emerald green taffeta Evangelical Lutheran Church, The bride, who was given in mar- gown with a full skirt and match- Frederick, Md. II riage by her father, wore a gown ing cummerbund and jacket, and Miss Jarratt is a graduate of I Oilers 5 of peau de soie trimmed with re- carried Ii crescent bouquet of min- Bradford Junior College, Bradford'i embroidered Alencon lace and iature ivy, bronze chrysanthemums Mass. Mr. Vestre, who has com-I seed pearls, featuring a scoop neck- and natural wheat. pleted his service in the U,S. Navy, line, short sleeves and semi-bell The bridesmaids were Miss is a student at the Drexel Insti$16.50 per couple Swarthmore Woman's Club a skirt with apron effect ending in a Paula Gerenbllck of Bala.Cynwyd, tute of Tecbnolog)', Philadelphia. \ "hapel train. Her finger-tip veil of Miss Dorothy Ann Corson of FlourMR. WALTER- KEENAN. Instructor French illusion fell from a crown town,dMrs. FlBIl.I·DELMONTE Class limited 'In ,'11. .. • I d Norma 11 Murphy of Rich-f ~ mon d oy evenlngl of seed pearls. She carried the Lee mono ' . n ., eo ~e roommate 0 M~. a:n d Mrs. FrankY. Brewster Call Mrs. Ralph Young Ki 3-2235 . 8,-45 - 9:<15 family prayer book with white the bride, and III;IS9 Susan Chat- of DIckinson ayenu,\ ann~unce the. orchids and streamers with stepha- field of Harrison, N., Y. Their marriage of their daughter, Diana, I IIIr1m!lIIl1mnIllIIIIIUIIDIIIIIIIIIIUOIlIllIII1l11nIllIllIIIUIUlIIl1IlIIlIInml"fllUlu 1 1I1IIUIIIlDm11lnllllDlIl1JD1lmDIIBlllmll~ notis. ~wns of bronze taffeta were sim- to Mr. Aurelio Fabiani in Lugan,o, llar to that of the honor attendant Switzerland on August 20, 1960. Miss Marjorie Mae Feeser of and they carried crescent bouquets They returned from Europe TuesChester was the maid of honor. of yellow.chrysanthemums, minia- day on the Queen Mary and will She wore a hyacinth blue satin tUre ivy and natural wheat, make their home in Phila er andwill Sermon at 11:16. 8 p.m. c~~u:de~L~u~k~e':s~a~cc~o~u:n~t~o:f~t~h~e~h~e~a~li;ng~_J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! __ A.M.-Church Sch".ol Classes there be a service ofAt Eve' by Christ Jesus of the woman A.M~Mr. Kulp will preach. . DIng P.M.--Jr.·Sr. Hi Fellowship Prayer. The Ushers for the serTRINITY CHURCH vices ar.. as follows: At 9.30 A.M. - C. M. WaterTh.. Rev. Layton P. Zimmer. Rector The Rev. George R. McKelvey, bury, head usher; R. H. Maxwell, Curate W. Nelson, W. B. Haladay, F. S. Ashley, E. M. Hillary; at 11:16 Sunday. September 18 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion and A.M. - H. L. Harris, head usher; word G. S. Valentine, R. G. Tressler, K. 9:30 A.M.-H oly Communion andc. Kennedy, W. C. Hogg, Jr., Wil. S ennan . , H:16 A.M.-oth witb another being driven west on vehlcl.... and a door on the Nlewln.. . Hobert vi Bernhardt EuroPe' b re J.i:r !latuien will visit The Fire Company galDed anoth· the pike by Edwar.d Niewinskl, ski car were damaged. Mr. and l\4rs. • urned ,. e · er rooter this wee.k after being caU- .-;;~;;~;;;;;;;;~;;.::~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::====:::::=~ of South PrInceton avenue ret • companies who are Ucensees of the . d to th h f D Ell M Rob- ;:. from G~ville. wllere they i General Electric company In Eng. ~ • omeo r. a . . SAF~TY S. ",vlay ~ ".. "B II to ThIel land SWeden, Germany France erls. 110 Cornell avenue, to cope 11 took their daughter In~'~~f--~--n s~tze' I-A and Itsly ~ey with a smoking heater at 3 :40 College for entrance """ ',=~w. r. . . . .during . · their four p.m. Monday. S'd . t r a v e l lIy motorclll' al Dr. Rob.rts , MOTOR TUNE-UP with ENGINE ""OPE __ cleJiB· B Dennett of week trlp. Mrs. Hansen's mother Mrs. "Tho•• men are amazing. 1 dashed Mr. and Mrs. Louis. m _ Chester B. Bowe of Lynn. Mass.. Is outside to move my car as soon a8 DYNAMIC WHEEL BALANCE WHEEL ALIGN~ENT J:iorth PrInceton av~ue. : : , ~t vIsIt!Ilg the famll)' during Mr. and I hung up the telephone ~fter givledby~.Dennethson . \ . ' Mr8.aansen·sabsence. ingthealarm, and the engines were ROBERT ATZ. Mgr. Thursday for .Brunswlck. Me., w.= . oOOrge Gilmour of Harvard ave- pulling up to the house before I RUSSELL'S SERVICE t\obbY entered tile freshman nue Is attending the OrIentatlDn Pro- completed the job." a\ Bowdoin College. on Sunday tbe gram 'for 'freshnlen this week a.t Chester road was the Beene of two Opposite Borough Parking Lot Dennetts will fly from IdlewUd by l"ranldln and MaTshall CoUege. Lan- accidents over the week-end. At 1 11.,,_004 1.0440 Dirt..... I I . Latl,IHI A".... jet to Gene~~ Bwlw.rland. on a five caster. The college opens offlclsllyon 2 :20 p.m. Saturday the car of Closed Saturday at 12:30 P.M. week comlllDation bUBlness and september lIl. Lloyd B. Sirman, Jr., Laurel, Del., ~======;;===::!::=~============i pleasure trip. They will travel MIss Virginia Hath of Yale avenue making a left turn out of the Bouth . ;-: tlJrOqgh ItI!lY ~d Greece. had as her guest over the _weekend end of the railroad underpass eel· 405 Dartmouth Avenue oamon K1etzlen, son of Dr. and her sister MIss Gertrud Rath of Far- Jided with the northbound car of Mrs. seymour W. K1etzlen of South mlngton. Conn. ,Michael Voit, Drexel Hill. Both MUSIC - INSTRUMENTS - REPAIRS Chester road. has been vacationing Mrs. George B. Heckman. her vehicles were damaged on the left for ... ~ on ijerp!l Js\jllld. 'Me.. daughter June Lee and son G. B. fenders. The Veit ear had to be Enroll Now lOT Specialized Instruction with "his foUowtng completion of Park avenue returned home Fri- towed away. of his @~!'S a~ rFl'JISy!yania state day after Bpen~ the summer at At 6:11 p.m. Sunday the car of GU!TAR PIANO (popular and classical> University. University Park, Dr. Haven Beach. N.J. Dr. Heckman Irene A. Lanahan, 'Springfield, ACCORDION K1etzlen returned Monda.y evening. joined his family for weekends arid traveling south on Chester road " Mr. and Mrs. Rober.t S. ~mp of his two w:eek vacation. collided with that of Angelo Venand All Wind Instruments RIverview r~iu:\ motored to BehenecGeorge Hansell. m. son of Mr. and turelJa of Broomall which was makFor Information - Call KI 4-5448 tady. N. Y •• on Tuesday with their Mrs. Geoge A. Hansen. Jr.. of North ing a left turn from Chester road son steve who will enter Union Col- swarth1nore avenue. Is vIsltlngBarry north into Swarthmore avenue. Exlege as a freshman. Wright. son of Mrs. Ruth Wright of tensive damage to the fronts of Mf. ~ 1\41's. ~,.",d q. foI!D~y Walnut Jane. at !4eredlth. N.B.• this both cars resulted and they had to Jr., of BbrathHaven avenue have as week before returntng to pennsylvan- he towed from the scene. Mrs. Ette , eived a forehead cut their house guests ¥r. E!I!'~y's par~ la ~tary.College for his senior year. Ve~ture\la .rec ents Mr. and Mrs. Ednet Sr. of B1rJD. Mr. and Mrs. Oharles L. Chandler which reqUired two sutures. Ingham, Ala.• who arrived on Thurs- returned Monday to their hOllle in At 5:43 .p.m. Monday Patrolman day. . tIleDartmouthHouseafteramonth's James Davis discovered Miss Ruth Jim McCorkel. son of Mr. and vacktlonlnNewEngland.Theyspent Reynolds of Wallingford bleeding !In. Roy J. McCorkel of Cornell Uu-ee weeks at Lake Sunapee. N.H.. from the nose at Yale ave~ue and avenue;' arrived home on August 31 and one week on the Isle of Shoals C?hester road. He took MISS Rey. Does Your Last Name Begin Wit" A frolll his junior year abroad In where they attended the ReUgious nolds, who had fallen en route from Ghana and a summer of work camp- Conference' on ChurcI>manBhlp. her work at the Swarthmore bank, LeHer Between The Ones Listed Above? In Togo with the crossroads I S u __ Iln to Crozer Hospital, Chester where Ing Mr and Mrs. Char es .....,;e . o· • d 'th th Africa program Be returned o n ' • Id David the IDJury was repalre WI ree . and their three year 0 son. " . 1'hen You've Won A Prize! A Trip To Wednl1l!day to the College of Woos. h re sutures. >.' te 0 ! his senior year. formerlyolPittsfield.Mass" ave' A Wellesley road youth paid a ter, :yv008 r. 'an!'O:d to Ohio by his cenUy moved to 115 Yale square. $10 fine for reekless driving on. He was accomp with To ' . , ~ts md sister Mary Lou Who Is 'Mrs. G, we,st Cochrane . , . m- Cedar lane. :nterlng her fTesl1DUJD year at my and Suzie of RIverview road have At 8 :20 a.m. Wednesday a ~ar woOster. arrived home followtng a summer driven by William Porter, Phlla' 4 - 6 Park Avenue. Swarthmore, Pa. Dr. and Mrs. Edward D. Bruce of spent In Ocean City. N. J. delphia, traveling north o~ SwarthPark avenue had as their 1!"ests on Mr. and Mrs. Charles IzumI of more avenue and attemptmg a left \ To Pick Up Your Processed film That Saturday Mr;' IUId Mrs. Paul R. Benjamin West avenue had as their Metzger of Allentown. . weekend ~est Mrs. May LIlly of Gif~s Has 'Been Siffing Here for ~eye;al Weeksl M1'. and Mrs. Loren V. Forman Clrevy Chase. Md. \ who lived on University place before 15 So. Ch.der Rood 1 Fri.-9 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. Mr. Forman was transferred In 1953 MUM MEM8ERS SET KI 3-419 to .Everett, Wash,. moved back to COMPETlTIoll DATE h . . . ore on September l~.are The Delaware" Valley Chry'san- 1'_;;;;;;; .. -~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~.J '. " y r ,- - . . ". - .. - : . a ,.... PP$!!"'"S;.S w .. ',..n ,:.4'AAj¥1 Sw-... IWI'LU...... ,.. ii If""" Ir'" "","Bflftf,,"'''2njt'r}fT)/'''Yrl''4i~~'IiI''E- "'''jI' ,I'" .... ,.. """" • J. NIGHT SCHOOL Mondays and Thursdays ~ Petr'sofuils' , I'pr~ ::"~11)'by'l~!"t!:~ ~ " 'I, Trees Damagi Homes, Wires in Hurricane ia In process. The ordinance would Novel Parking Plan .. also enable advisable new plantings Proposed to Council and procurement of funds to cover (Continued from Psge 1) tree needs. application of Dr. William Rial Roots and Branches At 11 a.m. Monday a large oak and Dr. Harold Wilkinson to build Give Way To tree containing a concrete fill was a one-story medical office' builduprooted from the watar·soaked ing ·on a. Dartmouth avenue lot . Wind, Rain between Amherst and Oberlin aveMonday's Hurricane Donna ri- lawn of Bartine A. Stoner, Jr., 218 nues. Several residents of the area valed Hurricane Hazel of 1954 as Cornell avenue, falling against the appaared during the meeting's pub_ far as Swarthmore trees felled home of the Roy ~. MeCork~ls at lie hearing on this question. Max222 Cornell, knocklllg' a hole 10 the ey Morrison immediate neighbor third story roof, .taking off the who had ow~ed the lot some year~ front porch and dIsmantling part ago pointed out that the deed reof the dining room wall. An hour stri~ta use of the lot to. a house later across the street, at 22.9, the and .garage. He said this . would H..,ton D. 'MoOrays had their lar- have to be changed to legall.., any gest tree descend across their lawn. other use and that he was not enAt the same time Maurice Deyo, tirely satisried with the location of sales manager of Paper Products the driveway to the proposed parkC0'1'pany, returned ho?,; as the ing area as it appears in the curplant closed due ~ rlsm.g Crum rent plan. Councilman William Gill Creek ~atar~ flooding offIces! en- promised a meeting of his building dangerm g . md.1 motors and br"l~es regulations committee and .the printo the maIO hlghway-onlyto fmd cipals involved