, , 'THE PageS S WAR T H,M 0 REA N _ September 30, 19 60 Penn.Jeney Suney . beads of retail establishmenta in' Mader Lists Concerts "D'Ie F 1edennaus" at the Metropol- until 8:20 in the auditotlulll of th ~ Swarthmore's main retail shopping itan Opera House. . Nether Providence High Sch e Cames Ia Swarib more area whicb includes about 40 stores Frank Mader of South Chester Wallingford. 001, on South Chester road. Park and' road. president of the Medl'a ComOn November 2. Stan~ey Babin. Tbe Penn Jersey Transportation Stndy's survey of retail business establishmenta in the Camden-Pbil_ adelphia-Trenton Metropolitan R . eglon has now reached Swarthmore it was announc.id today by Hen"; Fagin. executoive director of PJ. The survey is a section of the larger PJ Remonal Economic Survey, e.. which in turn is one of 10 field sur. veys being carried out this year. D~rtmouth. ' avenues. This area is'munity Concerts Association. pre-·'a y6ung pianist: who. w~n critical betng studIed by PJ as a typical sents the schedule of concerts selec- ,,:~ades f?lIowtng hl~ fIrst EUNsUburban shopping neighborhood. ted by the board of directors p tour m 1969. WIll present a PJ' t h' h . . '. program. IS a governmen agency w IC The first concert on Wednesday , was set up in 1969 through joint Octobe 6'11 t h' • The third concert will be presenaction by ~2 units ~f governmentr • WI presen t e vlb~ant ted on Monday, February 13 When four counttes each m Pennsylvania Theodor Uppman, baritone. praIsed the Festival Quartet will sing and New thet te federald gov- for in "Pelleas <;t All .concerts begl'n at 8.'30 p.m. t Jersey. th t M I'his dportrayals t et;nmen. . e wo.s a s. an the e Isan e,' "Don GioV'Bnni .... and Seats a~e held for the membershi CIty of Phlladelphl8. will best serve the region's fu- the most satisfactory possible for sentatives will be interviewing the for a real evaluation. Luman Gesford, sixth grade PUUWIIIICJUllllUlllcuwUlnllcIIIIlIIUIUCDUmnIlJDIllI:a a teacher, who is 'Chairman of the fi! WOMEN'S MEDICAL AUXILIARY !! te~chers committee' on reporting. = TO TAYLOR HOSPITAL ~ said he expected returns would be BAutumn Luncheoni= complete within a couple of weeks = and the results would then be disand Bridge I members cussed with all teachers. Other =_~ of the committee 51 aTB: ~ Monday, Oct. 10, 1960 ~ Mrs. Janet Groff, Miss Lois Green Miss Nell Wiseman, Mrs. Grac~ Ii Witter, and Mrs Abbe Enders 120 Park Ave., Swarthmoe ~. 1Dr, Harry Kingh~m •. new sup~r. e 1:00 P.M. . Donation $2.50 mtendent of the D1strlct, said he Iii • •• understood the teachers had made QmauWDlllIlDlnnmnnnnrullwunIRIIUIIIIIDnIIIIIIIIIIt. .. their evaluation. He" did not disclose its outeome.· He said the questionnaire was to see if any minor adjustmenta were desirable this year. It any radical change from the present system were de!;! a iI Ingleneuk Tea House !!! \ 1 OCTOBER. "WaS-WIT", PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH SPIOED PEACHES A DELICACY Charmingly prepared and . equal to grandmother's "company pride." FULL QUART 69c * * CATKERMD'S DRUC STORE Bired, it of course ~ould not be worked out for the present year. he added. . The present system is a parentteacher conference early in the school year, followed by a written report a couple of months later. a confe~ence in the early spring, and a wrItten report at the end of the term. SyrUbols S (strong achievement) , N (norma\. or average achievement). I .(improving), and W (weakness) are used in kindergarten thT,ough third grade. Academic achievement in the' fourth, fifth IlJId sixth grades is described by A (superior achievement for grade.) 'B (above average for grade? C (average for grade), D (,passl~g. but below average), E (unsattafactory, very little work accomplished). These are similar to the letter marks received by studenta in junior and senior high school. \First thr()ugh sixth grade reports also have 0 (for outstanding) and a check mark for improvement needed in music, physi~ cal education and personal and socIal development. rDnUWUIII~UIIIIIIIIIIDllUllllUllallIIllIJllllnllIIIIllIIIIUIUUlIIIIIIDIUIllIIUIiDullnllllllDUlllllllulDnlllllluuuilllllllUllt~ ~ 9th ANNUAL DREXELHILL,ANTIQUES SHOW ~ II I § I!! i and SALE '!! BROAD STREET METHODIST CHURCH (-'ames Hall) ~ Burmont Road and School Lane §, Wednesday, Thursday, Frida.y II A.M. to 10 P.M Admission 60c - Return Visits Free Oct. L~ncheon. 5, 6, 7 • Dinner Served ~ D ! iiimllDllllllllllnOllllll1llillCIII111111111Cllllllllllllnlllllll11l1lUllmlllllllollllllIW1ID1IIIII11II11ClllllIIl[mCIUIIIIIIIIID1111l1111H1~ The lollowingad was 10 come 10 you in "Living Color," but, when we lound oullhe cost, you'll hall to slruggle Ihrough il in B!ack & While! Five Dollars a week between now and December 25th (plus an initial payment) will n6t only hold for you but will probably pay in full the cost ~f t~at new Camera or Proiector you've been conSidering. • THINK IT OVER! The Camera & Hobby Shop 4 -6 KI 3-4191 Theodor Uppman OCT. 5, 196() Nether Providence High School Park Avenue, Swarthmctre, Pa. Fri.-9 A.M. to 8:30 P~t.I. .____________________~~~::.:9::A:.tot~.~to:;s~'~~~..J1 ,,3D' P.I.4. ~ )8C ~)1' BIG DOLLAR SALE! Shop Thunday 'til 9 p.m. Friday 'til 10 p.m.' - -sec -- -- --- -of SAVE I Joan , Arc 7· $1 Kidney Beans • Lima, Beans •••• _._----$1 5 1Iershey Syrup • • $1 10 ·Pofatoes • Salad Dressing • • 4 16-0L • . ~------. . cans ----- SAVE SOcI Seaside Brand SAVE SOcI Delicious Chocolate Flavor . 16-0L canl -- -- SAVE ZOeI Ideel Whole Sty;:-:- --- --- --- --- 16-0z. cans ------~ SA~E SSel Ideal Fancy pint jars " Lancaster Brand, Whole or Either Half. Genuine Legs of --- -- -- -- .• • --- --- • • -- - - ' - - --- --.- ~:55( -- ---- Fim Two Ilbt Sllghll,. Ha.her) (em Including ,. ~·69( Roast R~~~~ • • ------Fillet Flounder • • • -.~59( --- . Lancaster Brand, "E-Z" Carve, Specially Prepared ---~-- ~--- Fresh Caught, Freshly Cut -- ---- ACME VALUEI Town Square Brand, Frozen , -GL$1 3 Apple' or Cherry' -Pies ----22 pkgs. ----- Ch.... Festival Valu.l \t:Ieal Well-Aged Extra ---Sharp Cheese, ~ 79 -----Blueberry ---Pie •-- • • • ------Rye' Bread \••••• • c --- --- --- --- --- --- --- SAVE SSel Virginia Lee Luscious, Deep-Filled --- --- ---'--.- --- --- --- --- -- . SAVE Sci Virginia Lee Fresh Baked PLAIN or SEEDED - • SWARTHMORE STOR'E. Chester Road - Open Thursday and Friday Evenings Road and Baltimore Pike ()pen Tue~ay, Wednesday. Thursday 'tif9 PJiII., friday 'til 10 P.M• 'til 10 OAK PARK SHOPPING CENTER, Bishop y.... "I.'G~· 51 H~~ lin Stau. tot.s 1m , ~ iii. 511 ,.:2~-w..t a III"'''';'' III.U IIP""': -. -', " -'0..' . Back Your Back 7 1960 SWARTHMOREAN Band Your Band ~~~~.~--~----~~~~~~~~.----------------~~~~I IDr. Johnson to Address Band Drive Set lor . Democr.atic Headq'ters I Rbi· ep.u, Ican RaIIy Tues. Tomorrow Morning Volume 32, Number.41 p'....nll ~P~~====~~;====:==:J ture needs. all 'parents and children. and that For the next two weeks PJ repre- it felt one year was not sufficient ; -MED .I CDMMUIITY COICERTS- I Fagin explained. These 10, integrated surveys are Teacher Issue Report Query designed to produce a complete, (Continued from l'age 1) composite picture of the region's At the end of the year a Parents' present use of its rail. street and Council committee which had made highway facilities. Their purpose an intensive study of the strengths is to establish a basis for deter- and weaknesses of various meth. mining what type of transportation ods of reporting. said that the comprogram _ both rail and highway bination on trial here might prove _ , Back the Band OCT Swarthmore, Pa., Friday, October 7, 1960 Bicycle Safety Test NOTICE HEALTH CItizens of Swarthmore are urged to take advantage of the free Chest X-my program to be Borough Group to Prepare held on Octaber 12th. It can be ...,adlSy seen by reOffice in Old fening to the spot map reproduced Bank Bldg. In this issUe that tuberculosis Is .Under the joint auspices of the far from being eradicated In newly organized Democratic Worn· .Swarthmore and the rest of nelaen's' Club of Swarthmore, and the ware County. TB can be prevented and cured Swarthmore Borough Democratic with the newer drugs. but It is Committee, Swarthmore Kennedy very important to deiect the disw Headquarters will, open formally on Monday. October 17. from 4 ease as .early as possible. Authorities agree that there Is until 10 p.m. at 411 Rutgers avenUe. DO radiation da.nger whatsoever to Democratic bigwigs who will be the persons who have these Ch..t on hand for the formal opening X-ray films made. J. ALBRIGHT JONES. M.D. include the County's candidate fol' Congress, Henry Gouley of Rose Borough HeaSth Omeer Valley. and its candidate for the State Senate. Dr. Elden S. Magaw of Lansdowne. as well ,"S· .Swarth- $4.00 PER YEAR To Open Oclober 11th H. S. Majorettes, Musicians to Collect in Rutledge, Swarthmore Set for October 13 The Bicycle Safety Test for elementary school chIldren will be held on Thursday. October 13, at 9:15 a.m. Rain date will be FrIday. October 14. at the parking Sot of '1 Rbi' t 0 fI epu Icans 0 ver OW High School Auditorium in Enthusiasm the Rutgers Avenue SchooL In order to pass the test and secure a license, bicycles must be in good working oondiUoD, bave a bell or hom which works and Republicans, local and area and The "Back Your Band" drive independent voters are expected to will take place tomorrow. October gather in large numbers Tuesday 8. in Swarthmore and Rutledge. night. October 11, a't 8 p.m. in the The drive, which starts at 9 a.m'J High School Audilorium when Dr. is a concentrated effort by the have good brakes. Each child must Robert Johnson will address the Bands to raise money to replace know bicycle hand signals. Republican Rally arranged by the Application forms will be dIsworn-out uniforms. This year four local Council of Republican Women. contingents of the hand will can- tributed In the school prior to the ,or. Johnson, a national Repubvass Swarthmore and Rutledge and test. License fee Is 25 cents. lican Committeeman and Chancel~ The Bicycle Safety COmmittee. lor of Temple University and also play in various neighborhoods. By of which Mrs. E. Laurence Con- renowned as a stirring speaker, 11 :30 a.m~ the band's 16 drum well Is chairman, urges aU parmajorettes will have called at every will be introduced by Mrs. P!,ul B. ents to help children complete the Banks. Chairman of the Republican house for contributions. The flat-bed trucks required to appllcatlon. Council. U a child. doe to tho school hoUtransport the band contingents The meeting will be opened by have been furnished by business· day, misseS the test, ODe may be the Edward F. Heller's singing of arranged by telephoning . Mrs. more's County Commissioner, Wi!.. . men of Swarthmore and nearby tbe Star Spangled Banner and God 1Iam A. Welsh.' Members. of the .communities. This assistance is. in Conwell. Bless America. Mrs.. Donald A. County Committee. including'chair. Had Be~n Borough itself. the equivalent of 'buying Crosset. is the Republican Council's man James J •. Connor. vice chair. m.ore than two full uniforms since program chairman. Several politimen Madeleine Maloney and DoroResident Since the need to rent transportation is cal celebrities will be present at thy Marcucci, and campaign co1916 eliminated. the Rally. ehairman J;)r~Edward Janosik, will , T h e Swarthmore-Rutledge Band Wednesday night a busload of 45 be on hand during those hours to Interment in Arlington Ceme- has 105 playing members besides Council members and many others Annual Opener greet the volunteers who will staff .tery, nrexel Hill followed funeral the drum maiorettes. It is the largin private transportation heard Welcome's New the headquarters, as well as the 'services for Mrs. Florence Alrich est band in school history. This Richard Nixon address the Rally Schumacher at 2 p.m. Monday in growth in numbers has, at least in public. Members in Convention Hall. Philadelphia. 'Mrs. Gene Overstreet, president the Swarthmore Presbyterian part, resulted from the formation of the club, s,hares honors with Mrs. Church. two years ago of the SwarthmoreThe Woman's' Club opening tea Leroy Peterson. borough chairman. Mrs. Schumacher died Friday Rutledge Elementary School Band. will be beld for members and their as hostess, assisted by committee afternoon. Sept. 30. in Lankenau This band will provide a continu- guests on Tuesday from 3 to 4 :30. men, board members of the club Hospital where she had undergone ing reservoir of experienced musi.. Club officers will receive, and past and members of the committee on an operation 10 days earlier. She cians. The increase in the band's presidents will pour. arrangements. headed by Mrs. Joel was·'78 years old. Born in Pitts- size has meant that the generous Mrs. W. R. Lecron is chairman Seymour Directs 'You Cii\n't Take It With You' Bloom. burgh. she moved to Swarthmore support from Swarthmore's resi- of arrangemen,ts. Mrs. Joseph J. Next Week A work' party Ilf Borough Demo- in 11)16. '. dents has only .partially met the Storl""zi. chairman of the garden crata will meet Sunday to prepare Her husband. Hervey Schumach- urgent need for more uniforms. At department. Mrs. Alfred E. Lengthe office in the old Bank Building. er. was in charge of building Sun least·20 more uniforms are needed well. Mrs, Ross 'vi. Marriott. and Monday evening, October 10. the on Rutgers avenue beside the Post Village and Sun Hill in Chester this year. Mrs. A. P. Shenkle will have charge Players Club of Swarthmore opens and after retiring as secretarythe ..town's largest musicn1 of the floral decorati~ns. it. 60th season at its club on FairOffice. treasurer of the SullSh!pbuilding o~ga!1iz8.tion the bandpe~fol'J!l!l at The l1CW memliers will he wel- view rqad. Tlie first play is "You M rs. H• Schumac.her D'Ies After 0perat·lon Woman's Olub Tea .To Be Held Tuesday Players Club Opens in Hart-Kauffman Revival As there; was vi~e-pfesident .....!1y local' celebraqons. inc\udl.'!i com~ and' ,iittroduced by ¥Is, Can't·'l'akelt.W!th You", the Mo•• North: Chester Realty Company. Hallowe·en,. Memorial Day, tho DaVId Bingham, m~rshlp ebalr- Hart and George Kauffman hit, one Book F'a'ir' R''e'a·.···~.'.a_ •.. fo·.r.. .ofCompany He dIed .in, 1933. football games, and numOlOUB other man; Name 'card. will be prepared of the revivals requested by memOCI•.19; . 20, .21. . ' ea.I After Jiving at 721 Harvard ave- events. The band has found .trong by Mrs. Charles H. Zensen and Mrs. bership vote during the Golden An- I niversary year. It was first pronue. and later at Harvard and support from Swarthmore's resi- Stanley L. MacMillan. Haverford ;"venues, . the Schumach- dents. . ' The serVing committee will be duced hy the club in April. 1939. ers In 1926 built tile house at 229 Mrs. Robert M. Fudge. Mrs. John Charles .F. Seymour directs. asCites New 'Cash and Haverford. aven,'!e where Mrs, Tea.October 16. to ,",onor W.· Soule, James H. Connor, si.ted by Marey F. Roderick. An Carry' Plan Schumacher contmued to make her l'b' d St ff and Mrs. DaVId U. Ullman. Mrs. excellent cast. promises a good I rarlans. an. a Brodie E. Crawford, chfirman of show. Members of the Sycamore Book Fair chairmen today sug· ~me. Mrs. Schumacher' had served as Public LibnrlaD, Mary Ann house, will also assist. family around whom the play gested that local re~idents do their For this occasion the art ehalr- evolves and their household staff Christtn ... shopping early, but not a Gray -lAdY ~i'.Lankenau· Hospi- Bnn'lickor, AssIstant Librarian. too early-at least not before Octo- tal for the :P!o;;!i'20 yearS;Slie was Leonore PeridnOl, asul natf mem.- man. Mrs. James O. Stephens, has and guests are played by Veteran ber 19, 20, and '211 On those days an aeth'e .niember ot. the I....al Pres. ben,:Mr.. Charles B. ][eloy. &lid. planned an exhibit of paintings by Club and County players :-Phyms an unusual' selection of popular byteriait Church and sang in: ita Mrs. Biohal'd /I.. U"'..,y, are to Marie Larsen. who will teach the B. Myers, GiJliat Schroeder. Marl (Continued on Page 12) 'be . . . - of honor at tea In the art classes this year. Mrs. Larsen. Hook, Richard M. Hook, Jeannette new 'books and favorite old classics . Libnll"1 on SUDilal, October 18, an elOPerienced teacher and fre- Nolte. Douglas F. Heller. Margaret will be available to them in the All. froID 3 to 6 o'e1oei<. Directors of quent exhibitor, has come from W. Schroeder, Pearce Poyntz, WiIPurpose Room of Rutgers Avenue I the Swarthmore PDbUc LibnI'Y Baltimore to Jive in SWarthmore. Uam Priee, Fr..nk H. Molloy, School during the annual Fair'S ta'1ft Ass<>datlon, H. LIDdle)' Peel, presFrank Grugan, Mary Poyntz. Eothree-day run. ~"ldeDt, will be the hoob 'of the telle Jarden. Dorothy B, Webber, Hard at work on creating pos. Walt~r Laml> will give the second occasion to which the ""mmp1llty Stafford F. Parker. Paul Birkhahn, ters for this once-a-yea,r-benefit William S. Miller, John P. Dolman sponsored by Parents' Council of talk In the Adult Forum series is cordlally IntiterL Sunday on "The Religious· and MIas Hnnslekor,. who _t memand the assistant director. the Swarthmore>Rutledge ElemenMoral Values in qur Economic bers of the' board on La1Ior DaY Mrs. Francis W. Pennell will be The production staff includes tary .school, are tile art classes of Life". His sui>ject ''will be "Our when the Boro!lKh was llolid&Y- the guest speaker for the October (Continued on Page 6) Mrs. Laura Decknick and James moral and spiritual obligations in quiet .and _rtea. wiD have _ 13 meeting of the Swartbmore .", ~ Gainor, elementary sup:!rvisors . industry from the Standpoint of In the Ubrary for these busy weoIrs Mothers' Club. Her subiect for the UIITED FUID SUI;'; Prizes will be awarded to a boy Management." The forums are held ~ore the party which bOnors evening' will be "Children's Books Churches and synogogues through. and girl from each section for the in the Friends Meeting House. at her and her co-workers. The that LaBt." . . out Delaware County will observe best creative work. 9:46 a.m. board Is aware that the lnI-."tended to all members -of will be held at the Methodist concerned about the large. number cies and services, and 11 community the Coop. the community. Church on Monday, October. lO, of picture .books now avatlable ·to planning, research and coordinat~ Guests of honor will be old Cofrom 10 a.m. to 2:.30 p 1l)•. ~.elDbers children which she feels result in ing services. operators from the days when the LOCAL IiIAI PL"S . of aU churches are invited to at- the lack o( a good vocabulary. -------Consume;' Club, as well as navid . . y The agenda for the evening will ALL SCHOOL REGISTRATIOI Scull and Samuel Ashelman. among 'RODUIT 01 T tend. d . J h . C" K' Ip also include a· speaker from the COIDUCTED II H.S· OFFill . • T __ I TV vie-- were -,~ The Reveren 0 n . . . u. ed' . th t M the first managers 0 f th e orgam"""a. w~.. ........ • f h Methodist Church. la concerntng e curren Dr. Harry W. Kingham. supe... sation. ably surprlsed to see Dr. Frank G. m~nlster 0 t e l ed'ta- United Fund Speakers Bureau of intendent of the Swarthinore-RutBoard members are providing the Keenen Of. Hal'Vard ave~ue narrate \~II present the morn ng m . 1 ynited F.uiuj .campaign. ledge Union School District, haa en.tree, hread and butter. coffee the opemng commerCIal o~ ~l;e tlO~. . ' t 10'clock Mrs Do;'. The Thursday meeting will take \ announced that. henceforth all reg-. and dessert, Those who wish to '.'Dupont Sh~w of the Month· ~ en Id ~iI~:~:d will lead the ~fter- place at $:30 p.m. in McCahan istration of elementary. junior mllke reservations for themSelves 1t was teleV1s~on O~toberl ~ a 'd' t 'on on "Renewal and Hall of the Presbyterian Church, high. and high school stndentawill and their families will be asked to Dr. Keenen 18 Assoc1ate D l' I io~n ~,:!,US.1 . Harvard avenue. Mrs. Don Dick- be conducted in the district off~ Iften vegetable. The dinner will be ~ the ~ales ~ La~ ~ e~:se wishing to· r.mi.ln. for' jn;o,o)l ·!s'.Iit e~aTil> of the program on COileif'! avenue at Prineeton Chairman Mrs. F. Bouda' WaIIer Lamu.. W'II Add·rasa. AdaU.Fo' Mr~. M P n. an180'10 Speak At Methen Club co-op l 10 . I I =..~: ~~.:.if :;~:~ ::~:!:,,~~nd~ODt";1\\_ lunch ~re ,,:,ked to bri~g 'iJleir own ;:=~~ 1i~~F=' J. West ' I ~--"". '...... sandWlches, coffee.will be, pny. . se~ .............- .' ... ",.. ~ :!!':.than in the Individual ...,hool" ·_P_.1e~2~::::::~~__~::~::~;.:::~~T:R::E~A:W~.A~R::T~R:=M:O~R~R~A~.N~__________________~__~__~~~~~ I Pe' r'lI.'onals ware County Federation of Wom· Mr and Mr. F H B I -'-0,' en's Cl b . . . arrv f!W ey .,IITH u s. of Park avenue have returned to grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Lovekin Mr. and. Mr.. H. Lindley Peel tbeir hnme 8fter a three day visit Mr. and M"';. William Da William C. F. Ziegenfu. of' Dickln. of Haverford place are on a three of ColumbIa avenue had as their to Newport, R I Ziegenfu. of Folcroft . vid 8011 avenue. ' ts f f ' • . . . announce . week motor trIp to .Florida by way, gue. a . ew days thIS week, Mr. and Mr•. William C. Row- the birth of a son, William David r of the Skyline DrIve, the Smoky Mr. Peel s sIsters Mrs. Wallace land of College avenue will have Jr., on Friday Sept be 80 ' r Mountains and Macon, Ga. Van Ness and Miss Marjorie Peel as their guests over the weekend Jefferson Hos~itsl. e;he inla:: ,Mrs. John' M. Pearson returned do f West. Orang~, N. J. On Wednes· ~r. and Mrs. Claude Hines of weigbed eight pounds, three ounces GUY SURER Sunday evening to her home on .Say theIr Ecousm, .Mr. John Cox of Pittsburgh. . The te I . I d . d rna rna grandparents Beginners a Specialty Cornell avenue following a five urr~~, .. ng an! ~rrlve fo~ a Mrs. David McCaban of Strath Mr. and Mrs. Francis H !Ire week vacation which included a week 8 VISIt. I.£e IS m the Umted Haven avenue entertslned friends of Thayer road Th . Forsythe. Music Villa,e KI 4-5448 , visit with her son, John, who is a States on busmess. of Mrs. J. Francis Ta yoro I f K en.. graduate student at tbe California Mr. and Mrs. Donald Aikens of yon avenue and Mr. Earle P. YerInstitute of Technology, P.asadena, lane entertained a few kes of South Princeton avenue at 30 Calif., and. a trip via an SAS DC- frIends Sunday evening in honor tea on Saturday afternoon when YALE AVENUE 8C polar jef to Copenhagen. Mrs.lof Mr. Benjamin Welsh of Younga- Mrs. Taylor and Mr. Yerkes an.. TELEV MORTON, PA. Pearson, who travelled with her town, 0., who had been their house nounced their engagement. An I~IO~ - HOME and AUTO RADIO - PHOIIOS brother Mr. Frank Davie of Los guest for the weekend. early fall wedding is .planned. BrIng It to Us or We'" COme to You" Angeles, visited eight countries inMr. and IIIrs. Frederic Grover Louise Howe, daughter of Mrs. KlngswoOd 4·1028 eluding Germany and Italy, flying and children Claire and Eve of Elm .Joseph S. Howe of Columbia avehome from London. avenue have recently returned from nue, and Judy Coles, daughter of Mrs. David IIIcCahan of Strath a 16 month residence in France. 'Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Coles, Jr., Haven avenue will entertain tomor. They visited first in the Correze, of Walnut lane will spend the row afternoon at an Open House. the Riviera, and Normandy. IIIr. w:eekend with their families. Both Mr. and Mrs. Oscar J. Gilcreest Grover was writing a book on a g ..ls are freshmen at Centenary of Vassar avenue had as their Guggenheim Fellowship. He is an College for Women, Hackettstown, guests for a few days last week, associate professor of French at N.J. BEAUTY AIID 'aARDEILS PRIIIK UP II FALL Mr. and Mrs. John Dewhurst of the college. Mr. a,nd Mrs. Charles K. Lincoln Eustis, Fla .• who were visiting in Jennifer Bell, daughter of Mr. of Haverford avenue returned Sat· 9 South Chester Road the north. and IIIrs. Colin Bell of Pari< avenue, urda~ from a week's vacation in Call KIngswood 3-04~ Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Peters of will celebrate her 12th birthday on Wallmgford, Vt. North Swarthmore avenue returned Saturday by entertaining some ·Mrs. Russell H. Kent of Darttile .WarMl••~ R ....... A.~ SUl\day evening by plane from a friends at a Beetle drive and sup. m?uth avenue and her daughter per. Her brother All'ster' had a MISS Barbara B. Kent returned .JlWiUi"'.n~1lfWO .wullbDnmllrlnmmllllnfllDlllllunenElnnhllllllOIlHllllllnnlnnllltmclnnmmrnnlnllftllffW. seven day stsy in Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Griest of trampoline party last week' to cele. Mondsy night from a 10-day vaca· Elm avenue returned Thursday brate his 10th birthday. tion in Gloucester, Mass. from a two week Caribbean and Mr. and Mrs. Stokes F. Burtis, Mr. and. 'Mrs. Robert H. Reed, South American cruise Jr., of Columbia avenue, enter- former reSIdents of College avenue, MOTOR TUNE·UP with ENtlNE SCOPE The Sponsors Committee of the tained Mr. and Mrs. Louis I. Doth•. bave .now taken up residence in· Friendly Open House were hos- loff of Wellesley road and Mrs. and WaShl?gton, D. C., where Mr. DYNAMIC WHEEL BALANCE WHEEL ALIGNMENT tesses to the associate members and Mrs. J. M. B. Ward of Swarth. Reed IS employed by the United all who helped the group,. at a tea more avenue at their cottage in the. Ststes Government as executive I ROBERT ATZ. Mgr. Wednesday afternoon at the home Poconos this past weekend. ,secretsry of the Food for Peace RUSSELL'S SERVICE of IIIrs. Frank G. Keenen on Har'(IIrs. Ford F. Robinson of Guern· CommIttee. vard avenue. sey road entertsined on Tuesday Mrs. J. Harlan Jessup of Haver. Opposite Borough Parking 'Lot Charlotte Brodhead. daughter of ?,orning at a neighborhood coffee ford r~nue entertained her dupli1I1,.w.o" a·0440 Dart.o"h aad Lat."He Mr. and Mrs. G. Wills Brodhead lD honor of Mrs. Loren Forman, cate ndge club at .luncheon on Closed Saturday at 12:30 P.M. . ' of Maple avenue, spent the week. also of Guernsey road, who recent. Tuesday. Friday ev~D1ng Mr. and end visiting Susan Gowing at Iy moved here from Seattle. Mrs. Jessup. entertalDed friends at . . . Mr and Mr R T B t f Y I a dessert·brldge. Denison Umverslty, GranVIlle, O. . s . . . a es 0 a e Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Mace avenue spent the weekend in GetM~. and Mrs. H. LeRoy McCune Gowing of Parrish road, Susan is tysburg, visiting their nephew Ted of Villanova avenue returned Fria freshman at the univer~ity. Sharp who is a freshman ·at Get. day from a two w~ek motor trip Mr. and IMrs. George Karns of tysburg College. to S.aulte Ste: Marie and MinneWellesley road returned Friday Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Guen. a~ohs, return~ng through Wiscon· from a month's vacation; They vis- ther and young daughter Hillary, SlD ~~d. stOP~lDg off at Akron, 0., ited their son.in.law and daughter formerly of Drexelbrook, have to VlBlt relatIves. Major Malcolm J Agnew and Mrs moved to their newly purchased Mrs. J. Paul Brown of Walnut "-gnew for a we~k at George Ai; home at ~Ol East Country Club la'.'~ en,tertained her bridge club Attend a FREE leccure Force Base Victorville Calif and lane, Walhngford. Mrs. Guenther at luncheon on Wednesda¥. Mr. and !from there 'flew. to Hoio1qlu\for a,i« the dau,,~~er of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Bro~ wiU leave on Sunday "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: PRACTICAL·· three week stay. ' '. \' Henry D. B}fVan of d'rest lal1e:, ~ ;!!pend fIve ~aY8 with, their son· CHRISTIANITY FOR' MODERN TIMES" Anne Watkins daughter' f M Mr. and Mrs. David Bingham of m.\aw and daughter Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs W W Watkins of ~agi~i Fairview road and Mr. and Mrs Robert Stewart and family in by, Robert S. Vah Atta, C.S" of Rochester, New York Memb.r of the 'Glrd of lectureshIp of Th. Mother Church road, is ~ f;eshman at the Univer- Leslie Baird of Rutgers avenu~ Bradford. 'The Am Chwrch of Christ, Scientist, In .o~~. M,u,chw ..tb sity of Miami, Coral G'\J>les.Fla., spent the weellend In New York. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bunker, Jr., this year Her brother Bo1;· h IIIr. and Mrs. William Bower of of lilt. Holyoke place have their 3 :30 .p.m., Sunday, October 23 entered the United State A' w. 0 Westminster avenue have had as daughter, Mrs. Gordon Smith and s rmy 1D th I son Cral~ of McK rt vi 't'-,' July, ia presently stationed at Ft. e r 1f1l0!!~ Mrs. Bower's father 'th th f . eespo Sl ..... First Ci/urch Qf Christ, Scientist Devens, Masi. Mr. Waltar .Richmond of Atlants. WI. ,em or a, ~ew. ~k•. Mrs. 206 Pork Avenue. Swarthmore, Po. Mrs. William D. Ziegenfus of Ga., for the past two weeks. They SmIth s husband will JOIn, them for Folcroft, with her infant son is al.so entertained Mrs. Bower's the weekend. Mrs. Bunker 8 brother l'lU!II IFSPR'~ e""T • •• •• ..... •• ,...... 6nt ChnsdanSdcnce . ............ u ....... visiting her parents Mr. and, Mrs. brother-in·law and sister Mr. and Mr. A>:hur Watt:' Los Angeles, Ieaun. uk *"7 for row seat. AU are ... lcom.. Francis H Forsythe of Th . Mr•. Harold Catbcart of Cleveland Calif.,. IS. also Vlsltmg for three U• • ,hi UsIim " Pi"r C~"rrl> ;/ Christ, sn,.,UI. D•••• r....... . ayer O ! k 'weeks' road for 10 days ., or a wee . A . T Mr. and Mrs. Wiliiam C.RowMrs. E. M. Bassett of North M nn Cooper, daughter of Dr. ~nd land of College avenue returned Chester road Is e"}lecting Mrs. A. rsd· J ame~, B. Coloper of ParrIsh S Wickham f Winte P k . roa, wall recent y elected vice Saturday evening from a week's thO k dOf m r ar, Fla., president of,the Alpha Phi Sororit stay at White Sulph S' IS wee en Or a short visit y ur prmga. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Breakeli 'of 110U•• at Syracus~ University, SyrW. Va. Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. For. North Princeton avenue took their ::;:::' N.Y., where she is a soPh.osythe of Thayer road spent the daughter Lindsay back to Mary . weekend in Dcesn City, N. J. Baldwin CoUege in Staunton, Va., ."'''''~"a"""a,,~ Miss Florence J. Lucasse of the where she is a sophomore. They I.. F.r IIAGAZIIIE SUBSDRIPTIOIIS Dartmouth House was honored ,then went on to Roanoke, Va., c.tI guest of the Springfield Woman's where they visited Mr. BreakeU's Club on Mondal' Miss Lucasse is mother Mrs. James Breake\I, and MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFIIAI , . chairman of literllture of the Dela. also Mrs. Breakell's father, Dr. M. KI 3·2080 R. Taville. .,• ----- ~~~ .y I 0; P.~lnp II Willi......urg Elhi.." CeI"" ::;:::============ p' lono 1===~~~:-·~~e~p~a~t~e~r~n~a~I~~=;:;::===~=~==2~~ F~rest DICK FRANCHETTI - TELEVISION , BEAUTY SALON a ............. ., SAFETY Auto ?: SERVICE' J. '"i... uah., _"cd : 'Annual Bo,ok Fal r BuHet Luncheon You Are..- Urged to Attend HEPD ItlCAI RAt LY Both Hot & , '\.Cold ~ $1.25 OCTOBER 11th· 8:00 P.M. • Swarthmore High School BuHet Dinners SpeolterDR. ROBERT L. JOHNSON Thursdc.y 5 to 9 - Sunday 3 to $2.75 • THE WILD GOOSE Route I, Baltimore Pike (4 Miles Wed of Media) Cl.0IIII 011 "'OII~lS i'''~-; ., , Served Daily I ;r.Jore than 40 importsnt works of .America's most representative folk artist, Edward Htcks, are shown in the first major exhibItion devoted '10 ~is life and works. "Edward Hicks 1780.1lI49" .Is on view at the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Collection In Williamebnrg, Va., September 2 through October. 30. T.WO paintings by the Pennsvlvama Quaker artist. In the exhlbition are on loan from .the Friends Historic..1 Library of . Swatrhmore of Hl k ' College. T h ey are ~erslons . c s most famous subject "The Peace"H' k . te eted gd able Ki nom. lC s m ropr "Penn's holy experiJ.nent:' in Pennsyl!ahn,la as h the /u~~lmen! of Isala s prop ecy 0 ,WI crea ure. · 'th d t' ted . consort. mg WI omes 1":" anlmal~. A pBNlphrased versIon of the BibhCjl~ ::op.~~y d ap~,eared on many e ng om . c.anva~es and most of the compoSltlOns mclude vignettes cif Penn's 'l'reaty with the Indians. , At the first meeting of the Women's Association, Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, Wednesday, October 12, following the luncheon Circle Chairmen, who were elecleci last May but not able to be instsll. ed at that time, will be i"~ .. "t.ed 'nto office. They are Mrs. WI1IIam Laimbeer, Mrs. Lewis C. Hitchner, Mrs. Forest E. Roark, Mrs. WiI· liam F. Porter, and Mrs. Henry L. Butler. Following this ceremony, .Mrs. Francis H. Forsythe, program chairman, will present Harold R. Baxter, whose subject will be "Our Philadelphia Presbytery Homes". Mr. Baxter was ele/,ted President of the Board of Directors of the Philadelphia Presbytery Homes. Inc. in January 1966 and served for a term of three years. Accord· ing to the bylaws he was not eli. gible to serve in this capacity again, for at least one year. He is presently vice president of the organization. Mr. Baxter is a trustee of the Ardmore Presbyterian Church and also vice president of the Phlladel· ~::t ~:~~~::... ~~ i~~I~:b~: phia Presbyterian Foundation. He oratorio performer with engage- has been active in Presbyterian ments in Canada as well as the circles for a lifetime. of the SWARTHMORE KENNEDY HEADQUARTERS MONDAY, OCTOERB 17 from" until 10 P.M. The Old Bank Bldg. 411 Rutgers Avenue Klngswood 4-3055 ' THREE-FOR·TH E-MONEY (SALE!> Fair Exchange John Ferguson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bassett Ferguson, Jr., of Harvard avenue is spending the winter in Dusseldorf, Germany with. the 'Parents of Guido Schreite~er who has been visiting John's family since May. Guido, who is an 11th grade student here, will remain until spring vacation with the Fergo_ sons. John flew to· England following graduation from Friends Central in June where he met his sister Ann. They spent the snmmer travelI • ling abroad; In September John arrived ·at' the S~hreiterer home where he is working in Mr. Schreiterer's firm and learning the' langnage. He wiJI return in June. Ann has returned to this country and is a graduate student at Brown University, Providence, R.I. OPEN NICHTS at Sproul Obsarvatory . Dec. 13 ...... 19 Rlra_ AII."III - You Aare Cordially Invited to Attend the Opening , Fel>. 14 ~----------------- An aU.Schubert program will be the first offering to the members of the Swarthmore Music Club this .eason as Robert and Ruth Grooters present a group of 20 related songs by Franz Schubert known as "The Maid of the Mill" cycle, Sunday evening. The program will be given at the home of Mildred Buteheson 330 Swarthmore avenue, lit 8 o:clock with Dorothea Serotkin as program chairman. Sa10'1 t Mr. and Mrs. Groo te rs ss are known in the Swarthmore area ... te f . h as mIDIS r 0 musIc at t e Swarthmore Presbyterian Church and organist and choir mistress at the Chambers Me.morial Presbyterian Church l'n Rutledge resp t' Iy , ec Ive . They are also known in other areas as recitalists. Recently, they appeared jointly at the University of Pennsylvania, CornelJ University, and Temple University. M G oote h' r r rs as appeared as featured soloist with the Philadelphia Orchestra under 'Eugene OrMandy and Sir Thomas Beecham 'du:o> /~a'a • AU-OUT EHort Baxter c~~ fNIIUire onb.ldethe ing the day. Its services are avaJ1.. 6ennl open1nga for. children, able to families where thele I. DO three to six years, are now avail. father and tbe mother must work able at the Drexel Hill and Folcroft or where either one or both parenta centers of the Delaware Collnty are away beca"l'e of iJlne.. or other Child Care penter Association, ae- circumstsnces. cording to Mrs. Katherine HamThe Folcroft center is located a\ mond, executive director. 61 Oak lane, and Drexel Hili CenThis United Fund agency pro- ter, Burmont road and Blanchard vides nursery school and kinder•. avenue. Both centers are open from programs for children who, 7 :30 a.m. to 6 p.m. --#/ Oct. 11 Nov. 8 Oft . ear i;~III'111i IF AlE••' One of the .·two paintinga from the Friends Library is In this tradition. In it Hicks uses the DelaDark Cotton Skirts Now $4.98 ware Water Gr.p as a backdrop for the Penn's treaty vignej;te. In the Dark Cotton Dresses Now $8.98 othe~, painted, according to the catDark 100% Dacron Dresses Now $17.98 aJog, around the time of the schism between the "orthod~x" Friends United States: II SWIM AWARDS and the followers of Elia" Hicks, It was while still a student at the,painter's cousin, shows a gJ;oup Curti. that Mr.. Grooters began his Carol Espenschade of Dogw'oold I of Qu..kers in plain dress holding career as a teacher of singing .at lane and Burbara Gerner of West9 South Orang9 Street, Media, Po. a banner inscribed with the words the Delaware School of Music in dale avenue received awards for "Peace on earth and good will to Wilmington. Since then, he has having finished 10 events in this Phone: LOwell 6-6225 men." been associated with the Philadel. summer's developmental meets at The Friends Historical Library phia Musical Academy and the Kelly Pool, Philadelphia when the Open Thunday and friday o.onlng. until 8,30 also possesses many unpubli.hed Music School of Temple University. Subulban Swim Club held its sum· papers of Edward mcks, including lIrs. Grooters is a piano teacher in iner awards party at tbe Old Mill, the original mannscript of his th~i~s~a~r~e~a::..._ _ _ _...::.._ _ _ _~~R~o~s~e~V~a~I~Ie~y~la~!-' 'I . I And ·ust wait'tiIl you see all the headroom, legroom, entry room m Ol""",obile for 61 with Accel-A-Rotor action. J . .' _ • . -.. _ ........., .. _ ---08aI •••• ,..,nt ,,,. pap • • • tot- ....... ' aIHHII 01""""""-. IIof . . . ......r .. lite Low-Me. FIeld I , WHITAKER OLDSMOBILE, INC. Media, Pa. 340 W. Baltimore Avenue . • OLDIIIOIILI QUALity DIALlII-lUIII . . MlCIIAII. SHAYII. IVIRY Wilit Oil IIIC-TYI_ I I I YOU. LOCAl. AUllIOllUD . _ - , ----------.-- ---- ,, ~ .. _. . *'= , .. ~~ 1tf";'_!L1J'" p~~~' ,.".,,~., . !,' .• ,.,;/:..... ,~,=-L COtQl.T BOUSE. JlEDL\, PA. . . . ~.7.OcIobe ••• 'lMo 1:10 A.ll. O.,llght s....Jni· 'l1me ! 'Nlni,!f!i StirVVetI :Up"4f%ht' ! !",., '. ...~u'...~''':....~I.:: .:;;::::: "',', ,,~/;:~~o:ar.. 'fo~~~;;'or!!'-~~ts t'(1 r ,"j • I • ,0. _a ne.~v -' . : Ar~~'jn"[j~ld"; •"In' " I,' v l~.cr~~s~d 'ti~~," s;e~.·t,by Co,I'I~ i'.·.·. "r '. Fund agenFY, se,fT,ed bal";.e in Ie" I l e a l ' " ;wttba new look this we'"'ek In' a'd~d" mljnl~y' NUl"lj!Dg . Se.....Qe nurses. 41 percent more cltl,~ns of the area da7.. OIlIer· .00000\1oQa ... clar 01 .a1•. , E1'1n E. w...~ ,f.Uome, . to h .' I, 'tli' .tj . than it'dld 10 .,. LBVMU rACUJI 11'0. : t i l ' W. ALDIUCij: PRICE, __ ,._I,,· ' , 8c1d .. III. pre",,'" of J~ r ~f~ ID.DIO 1IM"9' :ro• ....s sclenc.es to the new Pierre S .du WI ,l~O visits for maternlll : 1179 'h'ldren .w Ie ~re lOr bill "If•• 'Ilo"ricilsvlio CI'Y 01 mi•• lOr. t;;:.,IY· Pont Bllilding, the .soclal scie;"'es child health care, and 6,152 visits 'Th:dom • f ' .' ."" . In E. W...., AUomey .' d.scrlb.d .. foUo".. ?OW !'old in the. bright new for family health' supervision, The provide;' , w. ALDRICH PRICE.....rlff SI!lGI1I'1I'I1I'G at a polnl DD \be mterlor ~f T~otte,r. Twenty etas8- demand.for home visits Isla»gelY hoine 'iin~et 'm:'.1ln~r~,IIl~ ·CI!r~t SHERIFF SALES :"f rooms and 34 fac,u1ty offices reo people,. 80mll with ·ter- Headquiirter. ari. ea or REAL ESTATE' . eIIa_•• «. QIIe bllDdred f••1 laboratories and lecture IDlnlll 111"esses, rather, than for the Lan.d,,·' ' ',. " . tl'·t. 60 ured -*UWdrdly old. '" 88ERIPF"S .. OPPlCE comer of the .&14 HyaU COURT HOUSE. ',MEDIA, PA. . fir., SIi.e" 'llieiJi,O. Clothier Memorial;- whose tsIi .•"'tecl In .......U•• m.DII. '~' en' ' : ,.{l~I1ton". . ~an.u.i..~y Noy. 1 F•• hion Show to - Aid Scholarship Fund 547 KNOWN lUIERCU~OSIS CASES IN DELAWARE COUNTY Ie:- RoaI*r, April 1. 1960) EACH DOT ItEPltESINTS AT. CASE WHICH ItEQUIItES MEDICAL SUPERVISION. NO CASES AilE LISTED IN THE REGISTER WHEItE INFORMATION 15 OLDEIt THAN A YEAIt. •• • • ~ e:~c~..!~~ I:'1~DDlYI"DIa. :~: ':I~~:~e. .cl,,~sell ,,':!~ ~:~l"iw!!::t. 1~0~"~!be:~~rl.~~~1 ball~ • Friday. October 28. lJSO 'Ule Euterl1 ald.e of . Cou:;~:M.*!,!J'Ullht BavlDg Time Btreet. Twent7-Ulree feet ('23') to 00 caah or certltled· a comer Of other land ::~~:; ~~:r:!e!~:t):U:';~:~.'!arw~:.~aa:;la~_~1:rt~~:::e or. ston to alODg "0 ~~ ~"~PU8, rece~ved ALL THAT CERTAIN lot wUb. buUdlJiB' South, ODe hwulred teet (100') to & :". IDot D.el. Co.• PeDZlL on, Welterl,. .ide of another P'our CU~; ~01 !C:be,sto~, . e . wer 18 a fam.iliqr . ~ . -,. " ",'" - ' _ '. . . with _ ," Many less ' -,-,',. , ,L,t ..... -." ...... ,.. , . ..;:, "."" .\ • \ , . , ' ~'~'"''!'f" '-' , J 'CounIyB"erage Media'l"arage; 119 S. Monroe St. (In Bock nf Media Th.a.... ) ." St, , .. 115 ..... .So '.0 ral!ge LOwell 6-2709 LOweij·6~m3 .. , . • .", I " '.~,~, . . , ,.' IAPPAS PLiI FOUNDERS DAY I . DI.IER FOR THURSDIY The Bets Iota Alumnae Associa- I tlon of Kappa 'Kappa Gamma will hold a Founders Day Dinner: Thursday lit 6 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Frederick Wood, 601 High street, West Cbester. Those who plan to attend are asked to calli Mrs. Wood. The next Kappa sewing will be: held Tuesday, October 18,' at the home of Mrs. Oliver Swall, B-203 in the Thomas Wynne Apartments, Wynnewood. . $5,·and . $75 ? . . , .' , .1 ,'Provl.~;~Pt ,Trade~iQens'~K~·~',':Spedh·I;'CL.je· ok'· . ' A' '. ., ':, . . ," '.' •.......... ".,: '...~.,':,?:,' .:'.';'" ~ 11,\ .. · .. lng ccount. Lo ts of pti'oplewithirfc " Dudgetlf ". i • The~ pay themat home in minutes with a . . ' , ' .~"i·' '. checks,' '-, -, "L . ','1 -' " . . Q .. f1.. ,....e;', SpecIal Checkin' . A :.·~liay'·A.e<:~~P~·}.:fl9SPS'Youno~gto ~ COunt. ,So •• _ why should au ; g,. ~i "." ~e.checksnnpnntlld ' . yom name' , bad we~et, ~tand mline ~\ agq~~t. ill, . ~~thirigforlie~ts.;~';' . r . ' ' - ' · · · ' ' : . k ..~,·fn waste ~e buying mO~eY9rdt:/?illSo1: ·.Whafd():. ~Ol,{pay?:On1Y.a~~ ~~k You ~on t need to keep a mini bal' and 11: qUarter· a month to ance. ill a Provident Tradesme:~e ,: ~andling costs. A "Key" Special CheckSpeCial Checking Account. Yo t fY ~g Ac~ount is exactly what your budget fake care of u ge ree IS . Bank and Trust Company ·i VACATION " OCIOUR-ih. il..1 ",.11 •• mo.lh •• ntI Ihe M..lborough . Blenheim - Ihe il..1 ~atation place. Enjoy refreshing Silt b:etzes from beacbfront sundetks and porches. Evening entertainment. excene~t • . .;, ; 1" -', - - cuisine. Ocean. water in all balbs. 1wln bois with balh from SI2.1S M.I. Am .. S1.S0 (uror'" each P""" Ask .bool I.duslte PI.. ",.Iions. OwnershIp m.n.g.men' • 'osi.hWhil. & Son•• lid. , . AII.nli,tit,5.\2I1. in H. Y. MU 2·4849. Del" mE KEY BANK OF DELAWARE VALLEY aware ,-ounfy Offices; "Meet 1M Preu"'_ :u Media, ·Springfield. S· ' LOwell 00 Klft-.-,~ 3-'2' ~nO ':..i wilrthmoni ; Nether' •....wuuu . . . , ' tr.lngswoOd 3-1431 '. Provid SundGJIS 011 TV_ 6P.M·a..0U0el,. 6-83, (Dnve-In • & Parking) Aboue o/lices open Friday evenings " " 6-8300 Mam Qm... Broad and Ch " , , " ~~; !l ~?f,!:. ..:..._ ;• '., } t•. '.. I""'I::"i}t ~q.t .1_ 0Nan " 1 St41.-Ln..UBt 3JI.', r~'rr:!-~ '. Memhe-rFetIi!ral Dt!positl! , ...- . ' . - . '. " ,",. , ,",'3,' CorJ>07l44>lt • Member F«krol Raoro; OCTOB~'R ... , looking for! PROVIDENT TRADESMENS delightful . .:;#".' • =';'.t(i: \ .. ' , ' .;. , 1',' . • '":" a . ; ", :-' ,t· •• ' '-", ;;, ~ , .. ;" , . ON THE 10ARDWALIt ATlANTIC "I ' ; - 'r : .; ", On the Other Hand There is NO Question concerning the fact that we have the largest selection in the entire area of SEQUINS - INDIAN SEED BEADS - SEQUIN PINS BUGLE BEADS - CORK BALLS - EARRING BACKS AND OTHER fiNDINGS The Camera & Hobby Shop 4 - 6 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. Fri.~9 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. KI 3-4191 Sat.-9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Remember: "/I you don't Yote in the Noyember election e . you lose your right to gripe!" SWARTHMORE HIGH' SCHOOL BAND' Bucks Needed for More Uniforms TOMOR~OW, October 8 - the Swarthmore High Sch901 Band will tour the town. A Majorette will call at your door for your ,r contribution to the Band. (9:00 A.M. to 12 Noon) The band members giYe u. m"ch enjoyment. THE BAND This year we have the largest band in Swarit.more High's history. Next year it will ~e larlJer. The .b~nd consists of 100 Junior and Senior High School ~usICians. sUPP~~ by 15 drum majorettes. They achieve an astonIshing degree of artistic skill under the dedIcated guidance of their Band Director. Mr. Robert M. Holm. ••• Here'. your chance to uy "Th."kst" THE UNIFORMS Rutledge Ba~d Parents Association and Uniforms are provided ond cared for through contributions. A new uniform costs ove.r $50.03. In recent years your generosity has mode pOSSIble the replacement of nearly 75 worn-out uniforms. This year at least 20 new uniforms must be obtained. THE INSTRUMENTS Instruments are furnished and cared for by the Swarthmore-Rutledge School District or by band members. ~,:'i (Personally I think both candidates should have their heads looked into for wanting the job, considering conditions in the world today.> BACK Your BA D! .. ~~ ·~izeofYoi.frS enjo;n::~d .tl16p~~I»Y:>~~~~nts.~lncelled .lences f··· "u,':; ..... e conven- . are legal'';' ''';' I .. , Som.e People dlreet:l ;~~D~O~iIy~~;n:d;s;u;n~;a;y;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~;;;;~~~~~;;;;;~~;~~~~~ the mem-bership demonstrated by the fact that ',are. ,11- acthig;ing, make-up, scene building, lighting. properties and other backstage and busine~s activities are carried I on by the members themselves, . without paid assistance. Eight plays are given each seaSOD. each running for six conseeu· : tive nights. Three outstanding hits of years-gone-hy have been inclnded in the 50th Season. I ~, TRemont 6.9047 Open 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. I ' ':. '.~,:.-, , .1.----.-"-' '. .. .' , The enthusiasm and vitslity ()f .... ' :"D' . '. ~u.. '.' FRESH APPLE CIDER - ~PPLES . :t... ' , ,. NEWS NOTE .Mr. and' Mrs. Paul F. Gemmill spent the weekend in Scarsdale, N.Y. where they visited their sonin.law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. John G. H. Halstead. Mr. Halstead is a member of the Canadian permanent delegation to the United States. LI NVI LLA ORC'HARDS ., . '. r". . "·U',n"~e······t··.·w'·".·,:e:·:~'·. . . ' : . . , ," :... - .. -. ,ofyollf hills , '. . ." . I I.\, • The Players Club of Swarthmore meeting on October 17 at 2 p.m. in will honor the opening of its 50th Lachford Hall at the Tyler ArAnniv~rsary Season with a recep· ,boratum, Lima. Plans for the res· tion for members and guest" at its tor&tion of the Caleb Pusey house Fairview Road ClUbhouse on Sun- in Upland will be discussed. day, October 16, at 3,30 p.m. Formed modestly as the outgrowth of a 24 nian minstrel shaw early in 1911, the member,hip nnw Dried Materials for Flower Arranging totals about 1800. Performances were given in the Swarthmore Eggs - Potatoes - Other Fruits and Vegetables Woman's Club building until 1!1~9,. when activities were transferred: to its own theatre which, with sev"The Fa..... With th. Octau"""! B"rn" el'8'1 later additions, now ranks as the finest Little Theatre Plant in DIr.dlons: From Swarthmore louth on a.ltimore Pike tD Clov.,I ••f. Tum left onto the East. R.ut. 352 Iow..d Ch.st.r. Dri•• IV. .2 mil... turn right on Knowlton Rood for V. mil.. .- ,I),()lllost: •• ... ~, , ; .' . " : , I ',. ' SATURDAY, PCTOBER'1st; . . I I I , . I .aI. DAR TO MEET Pla,ers Club in 50th The Delaware County, Chapter of the Daughters of the American AnniverSary Reception Revolution will have their first fall Pick-UR P()licy k,:pt the offices busy duri:ng. the OF REAL ESTATE HaDdl Money $500.00. su~m~r: a ,new electric hook-up,to 80 d aa the propert, of J. Irvin a sect f th BHERIFP'8 OFFICE and BetUe Jane Taylor•. hla wfle. " I o n o. e ,campus, and the COtJRT HOUSE, MEDIA, PA. Charlee P. Lark1n, .Attoruev an.nual reP8:1nting of some 100 dorOctober 28~ 1 1 6 0 ' 8:30 Prlday, A.)4. DatUgbt SaYing 'I'llDo w. ALDRICH PRICE. Sheriff ml t ory ,rooms. Paved walks now CoiullUona: $350.00 caah or cerWled B - ' - streak the campu I f 11 . _ at lIIDe of (unl... olllenriae etsy McKeag daughter of M d s S ope 0 OWIng ''''tecl In ad.O_.lDeDII. balan.e In ten' and Mrs. Geor~ McKeag of P r. t '1 mu dy .ruts of old student we. Other condiUona OD day ol ;0.alei<02 r Ish road'IS attending The Mary ar.. rat s . ' .' PLURIEs LEVARI ;rACIAS Soptemb.r Term 1060 A. Burnham School Northampton Th S . '.' . or X:roo~lar:::" ~.I ~~. ,,'•. sit. in Boro. Mass" for her seni~r year of hi~h' held e emor High cheerleaders a pep rally Frld ., . , . _., ..,.a.. d.OIiCl1bed m J h l B ' plan b, O. A. Sarr";. ReI. ·8"'o,or DD oC 00. etsy IS a senior cheerle"d- th h'~ ay evening at t~1~.. SS0E.I fin ceDIe. of Greenwood BL •. or.. Her :brother Ian' ·is.'.. a 'd"ay toe. ofmeMo. Barbara COlWl,.,payg.h _, _.~ , rom DultoD.MW Re", 11'. 53 1 t d ' . . ' ... " ro .. r. and M 'H ii,£ ~. ::.~••• If mlD.le. a10•• Lot. 11'0. 2. s? ent at The Haverford School Coles Jr f th S r,•. " ~ ....'Y,B. &heneo 8. 38 08 minutes E. thIS year. r ' 'J or e warthmore·OOI_ . IDgd~le gllme . Saturday•. ---- Have a Difference of Opinion as 10 Who Will Be Our Nexl President! I obviou~ alteration~' Call KI 4-5448 405 Dartmouth Avenue •• mumhes, ". All Instruments MUSIC - INSTRUMENTS - REPAIRS • . will inaugural-eo :~e~-..:.~: lounge an~ the 1i~rary s.maker were . redecora.ted ," I ~lDd .t~~, ;wh~rton basement place of bestnn10g . Sold aa the propert, of Edward Carter TOOETHER the .011 to the &Del H-oee Carter, h1a wJle. 01 aald Hour feet (,') wide alley JlDgin E. Weest. Attorne, ,. .n.ld premlaea on the North aDd , W. ALDRICH l'alcm. -BherUf' Improvements conalal. of 2: 1.2 stoff { SHERIP'P BALES !::.:~uae 16xlt It. with. 2:. ear attacbed ft. Speciolized Instruction - . :...... ,,..: ".',. '. . '-"., . - .....:--'"--'-'---- ~ ~itt4,e f &b: b, house, Itb:36 ",' The Rev. John C. Kulp, pastor of A Fall Fashion Show will be I the Swarthmore Methorist Church, held by the Woman'. Club of I' will be in Illinois from October 11 Swarthmore on Tuesday, Novem. to 18, assisting in a state-wide ber 1, for the benefit of the SChOI_\"Methodist Witness for Christ" arshlp fund. evangelistic missIon. Mrs. H. E. Goldsmith of WalThis is In connection with the Iingford, chairman of the educa-. annual meeting of the Council of tion committee, is in general Evangelism which the Pastor, with charge. Fall styles will be. present-I'the Philadelphia delegation, has ated by Dewees, with club members tended in former years, last year serving as models. The program in Los Angeles._ will start at 2 p,m., following which bridge will be available on the i ticket committee. Non-members as lower floor of the clubhouse. \'Well as all members of the SwarthMr•. Dorothy Forbes, of Bryn more Woman's Club are cordially Mawr avenue, is chairman of the invited to attend. I '. trhe. :main.'fioor' Of: w.' lid. ell' Reanty:st.• 100 It. B. (~~, ",.klo :,u,J' ("h\ch :le~) from frDm S.W. ~,. of ~III and RoaD'7 SI.. CODI. lD.nUoDed follr' (.ol·W)· 'wid. all III front. OD.; 'Reaney at.:8.. ~20 R and lD. Tw~lY feet f2tlo" ....1d all.. oy ~ptb lao ~t. to 10 f~ ~lde. allo)':Ope:nlD.C "atd17 ilOn~ribol"'e:t;ri;~~tci-;:c~ .In • 20 It. wide aUey. utend1zig' from. Four feet _W)" '_~Ide alIe II! __ In • ',I Parrish' H'a:11 h ~s ' res ened with light· green I Oftl. paInt on the w II dd a s,'re oo:rs,and &1 DeW floor from ,the -joists UP. ::aney &0 Morton 8&. Wlth rtsllt. of owners feeL (23') to a polot on New .st.ud. y. facih.·ties were pro_' UlO 01 alleys. _ 10f &be Ural. DlenUoned Four al:'::~~r:. feet (" e d d _ BEf,N[: KNOWN as 312 Reaney 8t.• Cbes- aUer; 'J'bence Weatwardly the 8o~Lb~~; VI e OD' Parrisrr;'f6iJrtli: floor, rer. e Co., Penna. . 8111.8- of ,the lir.t Dlenlloned. four " ' j Improyementa e_onalat of a 2: sloor,- brick wide alley. ODe hundrl:d feet: (100,)e~ ':ae .- vacated " " .~.l..y th e ,m~th departf •• • N' 0'";T' I' 'C' .": E'.. landmark ,8 new ,paint JobholnSIde.lts_walIs,arel.lo'V/anott_ W Ite and the revarnis. hed .beams b~ hereib an d t ~U8Ses ,are 8~t, of( :by· new OD the draperIes., -' , , . . . . . .... da,. ••. OUler condJUIJDI, on day 01 • ale ' . - uirougb Ulo Ditdcil~'of !be' lIDda ALIA8 LEVARI F ACIAS • t party , No. ~8 "eeD laid dwelling on premlu5 December Term. IN6 .! de:~erlbed and tile dwe1l1Ds adjolDlDg or· • a~il ~r NU~~\n,f~ervice sup~ry··~,wn· ~outh ,.~e. ~!~~~e". ~n~doy.'~. fo.rol~,r H ••' •• I •• 'j,e~jth 'II.::":.:"'? I CITY Have your folding money and checks ready when the Band Solicitor calls on you. If you prefer, make o~t a check to the Swarthmoremail it to the Treasurer, Mrs. E. W. Jackson, 20 Rutledge Ayenue, Rutledge. Thank you for your past support and your contributions in this campaign. SWARTHMORE.RUTLEDGE BAND PARENTS ASSOCIATION H. S. Gamet W:nsNeedlework Cu~ld Over Collingdale 16-0' Players Club Opens in Ninth Crade Parenh Hart-Kauffman Reyiyal Plan Yelr', Schedule Plans Morning Coffee Writers Club Meets The Writers Club of Delaware The Swarthmore Branch of the County, induding 10 members from rContinued from Page,l) Ninth graae parent officers, Rutledge, Wallingford and SwarthFaces Strong Clifton Needlework Guild will start its meeting at the home of its chair. Emma Pyle, prompter; Alan Slack, man, Mrs. Randolph Lee, on Sepmore, met In the Community Buildin Away Game drive for new members with a morning coffee and directors meet- technical director; lighting, Cha~- tember 23, decided not to schedule ing at 69th Street, September 27, Tomorrow ing to be held in the lounge of the lotte Mass and Ev Lothrop; stage a grade parents' meeting since the with Mrs. Marie Jones, editor of For the second week in a row the Woman's ·Club Monday, at 10 a,m. crew: Bob Regester, Ducky Reges· high school night was anticipated, The Happy Hours, speaking.high school football team kept the "New Garments for the Needy" ter, Frank Starrett, David Bing- and Octoher 4 was visiting day for Florence Lucasse, a member of fans on the edge of their seats until is the slogan of the Needlework ham, Eric Peterson; properties: a specific number of parents from this Writers Club, has been ap-' the dying moment as they pulled Guild of America, a charitable or. Vera A. Goodenough and Helene each section. pointed County Chairman of Literature. Events coming up of interes~ to out a 16·0 victory over Collingdale I ganization founded in Philadelphia M. Davis, c<>-chairmen, Sue Sharpe, High Schoo!. Also for the second and now nation.wide. Members of Louise Liddon, Peg Lowe, Mary ninth grade parents are Home and Mrs. Oscar Gilcrest, drama Lou Fair,banks, Edith Michell, School on November 8, ninth grade t~me an i~portant kic~ set up the, the guild are asked o~ce a year to chainnBn, referred to a National, first scorlOg opportumty for the give at least two articles of cloth. Helen Worst, Su Bauer; music, rostering for 10th grade to be held Religious Drama Contest, sponsorGarnet. ing or household linen for local George Carango. in February or March, and a par- ed by Union Theoiogical Seminary It was a punt by Nick Reynolds distribution through welfare agen. The hilarious comedy runs ent education meeting, date to be in 'New York, in cooperation with on third down from the Collingdale I cies and institutions. New prac. through Saturday, October 15. Cur- 'ilnnounced. the National Broadcasting Com46 that was downed on the five' tical wearing apparel for ~1J sea- tain time is 8 :20 p.m. A student party is planned by pany, the deadline, January I, 1961. yard line by right end Jerry Lid-' sons is needed for all ages _ in. The Article Workshop, Leader hospitslity chairman Mrs. Bassett dell, giving the Calls possession in fants school age children and RED CROSS SWIM CLASS Ferguson, with Mrs. Angeline Miss LUcasse, met at her home on October 4th, the subject·- Interthe shadow of their own goal post. adult~. A gift of household linen The Western Delaware 'County Henry, Latin instructor, acting aa views. Gaining few yards on two plays may be big or small _ big as a Branch of the Southeastern Chap· adviser. The Fiction Workshop, Leader the ho!"e~ters attempted the "pr~s'l blanket or small as a face cloth. ter of the American Red Cross Home and School and class dues sure kick ; this play ended up with Local directors wiH be alert for annOUnces that Free Swimming may be sent to Mr~. Dina McCurdy, Mrs. George Hunter, will convene on Thursday, October 20 at l.!I tbe center passing the ·baH over the new m.mbers among their new Classes will again be held this year 216 South Chester road. a.m. at her home, 405 Moreland punter's head completely out of the friends and neighbors, not only at the Swarthmore College Pool. road, Wallingford. en~ zone .for a safety and two during the local Membership Week, They will be held on Thursday eve· Book Fair Readies for, pomts. ThiS opened the dykes. and October 10 through 15, ])ut for the nings from 7 to 10, the minimum October 19, 20, 21 Meet frolll then on Swarthmore dommat- next five weeks until Ingatherting age for entrants into the classes NEWS NOTES ed the game. on November 15. (Continued from Page 1) Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Melville will be 14. Following the kick·off by Colert Morrow, Mrs, Henry T. Gayley, and their young d~ughter Wendy lingdale 'from their 40·yard line, alAnyone who is not a member of The regular Swimmer's Course Mrs. William Gaylord and Mrs. are living at 115 Ogden avenue ternating diving thrusts by Mal the guild and would like to become, will begin on October 6. Junior and Davis Hopson. This committee is where they moved in late August Anthony and Billy Alston behind more familiar with its work may Senior Life Saving Classes will handling the setting up of display from New York City. Mr. ,Melville the fine blocking of John Bond, call Mrs. Bruce D. Smith, XI start on November 17; an Instruc_ tablea fa,r the books, arranging is with Scott Paper Company. Chuck Fellows and Al Bullard, the 3.4121, who will put her in touch tor's Class is scheduled to open posters and decorations in the All. Mrs. Russell Youngblood, with Garnet moved relentlessly toward with a director in her neighbor· on February 9. Purpose Room, and seeing that her children of Myrtle ,\3each, S.C., the goal-line to set up their first hood. Information and registration category cards and other directives visited overnight on Saturday with touchdDwn near the end of the ~hird may be secured by calling, the, are in the proper display places. her parents Mr. and Mrs. Anthony quarter. This initial score was NEWS NOTES Branch office at LOwelI 6·4580. Mrs. Francis Bouda, general Fairbanks of Yale avenue. On Sunmade by Billy Alston. At this point Mr, and Mrs. Paul B. Banks of chairman, again reminds residents day she flew to Frankfurt, Gerquarterback and kicking specialist Harvard avenue will have as their Mrs. A. B. Reavis and son.in·law that for the first time in the. his- man:!, to join her husband Lt. Dick Jackson returned to the game guests next week Mrs. Banks' bro- and daughter Mr. and Mrs. R~lph tory of the Fair, this year will he Youngblood, who ia with the United after having been shaken up by a ther and slster.in-law Mr. and Mrs./ Stimmel of University place, re- on a "cash and carr~" basis, and' State~ Air Force at Aviano, Italy. hard 'Collingdale tackle on a tre. William N. Mitten of Freemont, turned Friday from a two·week that there wilI be no delay in se-I, Mrs. Youngblood wiII relJ18in mendous psss interception play by Neb.. vacation in Oc.an City, N.J. curing any ~esired new book. , abroad until mid January. the alert safety milO. The cool trio, Fellows, Decker, and Jackson, went into action and, true as an arrow, Dick kicked the ball through the center of the uprights for the PAT. The fourth quarter was a repeat of the third quarter; Nick Reynolds, as quarterback, continued to send Alston and Anthony into the line on short five and six yard spurts. As the ColI defense closed up, a fake dive and pitch.out. play We are asking for your thoughtful support in expressing your belief in the United Nations, by Mark Detweiler for 20 yards In addition to their national responsibilities, citizens of all countries have a responsibility toward put the balI down on the two,from the world community and may welcome an, opportunity to show their acceptance of this fact. where he plunged over for the secTherefore we suggest a ond TD. Repeat: Fellows, Decker, Jackson-PAT. This finished the scoring for the day as Swarthmore substituted freely to give many boys a,.<'hance to play. ' The first half -ivas a defensive game and if anything Collingdale to be paid to the United Nations. A similat action taken last year by an Urbana, Illinois group had the upper ha~d, threatening attracted world-wide attention. At that time, each participant taxed himself one percent of his on two occasions. It was det'ermined annual income. According to '\.'he New York Ti~es, "This was the first time in history that ordinary and heady defensive play that kept 'in support of the. principle of world law as a way to peace." citizens voluntarily taxed the~selves , the Garnet goal uncrossed. John Bond worked at left end and Jim We hope ,that in future years more and more people in this country and in other countries Foley~s appearance as defensive tackle got stronger 'as, the game will make similar tax payments. Such action wouId have strong symbolic significance, and would progressed; much is expected . of , al&o,.be a tangibl~ ''''[ay for citizens o~. one country to sh~re .with other!,!. . , , . these performers throughout the season. AI Bullard's' return to full It is not necessary to follow the one percent formula. Send your voluntary tax, ill any time action contributed to the amount you choose, to team's improvement. Ralph KJetzien and Eddie Harris have provl'n to be heads·up "play-rne-anywhere, PEACE COl\lMI'lTEE Coach" players on the team and provide a lot of spark when needed. Swarthmore :Friends Meeting The whole team can be proud of Whittier House, Swarthmore, Pa. their condition as again their fitness to do the job in the Isst quar. ter was very much in evidence. , , Other boys who saw action were Make checks payable to: "THE UNITED NATIONS" (NOT to Citizens for the United NaRick Filler, Bob Frost, Jim Myers, tions, although a small separate contribution to help with mail and publicity costs· would be apGraig Young, Ronnie Hoge, Chuck preciated) .. Your canceled check will be your re ~eipt. Kurtzhalz, Dick Comerford, Fred. die Braund, Eddie Eckenhoff, All tax payments received locally ~ll be taken to the United Nat;ons by reptesentatives of George Hamilton, Steve Hansell, Doc Grey, and Jerry Liddell the contributors for presentation on Unlted Nat'ons Day, October 24. We would of course much' A very healthy situation ~xists prefer to send the money to the UN with no str'ngs whatever to its use. However, we are advised at several positions on the squad that the national government of which the donor is a citizen can claim the amount of any unspecias there are two and sometimes fied gift as deductible from i's annual quota of financial support for the UN. This year's tax will three candidates for the starting h~ ,,-nil f~" U.,~t..iI N'I'l"'lQ .r:;-c"n:c~' AQ~d'Stance'n A frlca.. assignment. It is hoped that this will help bring out the best in all of them. At fullback it is virtualIy a toss-up on offense between Please act at once. If you want more information or would like to help in spreading this idea, Braund, Hoge, and Eckenhoff and call one of the following any day after 6 P.III, Jackson and Reynolds, at quarte. back. Graig Young is another boy Who can play two positions and is Ivan Forte, KI 3·2429 barking at the heels of both Harris, Betty l\lcCorkeJ, KI 3~6769 and Bullard. ElealMlr Mayer, KI 3-9927 Tomorrow afternoon Swarth.' Helen Price. KI 4-3645 more wilI travel to Clifton Heights I for a 2 p.m. game. The Rams I champions of their section last year, sport an nndefeated record for '50 and '61. , I I I CITIZENS FOR THE UNITED N A'FIONS VOLUNTARY TAX -. To Present First Hull Lecture on Oct. 18th ~~ t '1 W'II Professor merleeur 1 De liver Address on , Jane Addams Ik J k Dr. Merle Curti, Freder c . ac son Turner ProfessQr. of ~18tory at the University ~f WlsconslD, will d'''''·¥ ." .~dre"" on "Human Nature In t\le Thought a~d Caree~ of Jane Aaaams" on Sun ay evenlDg, october 16, at 8:15 p.m. at the Friends Meetin~1tou8e, Sw~rthmo~e College., This will be the first II• liam I. Hull Lecture, made pOSSible by a bequest the late Hannah Clothier Hull ID memory of her husband, Professor William I. Hull of Swarthmore ColIega. The lecture is sponsored by the swarthmore College Peace Collection and ·the William J. Cooper Foundation as Swarthmore'. con.· tribution to the eelebration .of the lOOth anniversary of the birth of Jane Addams, social worker of Hull Bouse, Chicago, and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. It i. appropriata that the first WiIliam..I. Hull Leeture shoilid honor MiSs Addams, for Mr.~ Hull was closely aSSDCiated with Miss Addams in the movement for peace and wom<;n's rights and especially in the founding of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. Professor Curti won the Pulitzer Award!n 1943 for his book,"'"The Growth of Amer,iean Thought. A past pre;side.nt of the -Ameri~n Histori~al Association,and the M18~ • I A • .issippi Valley Historlca ssocla· tion Professor Curti is the author 'Y o~ ~any Henry Pelcock at Arts Center Monday The Community Arts Center on Rogers lane in Wallingford will hold "Critic Night" on Monday, October 10, at ·the Arts Center at g,p,m. with Henry W. Peacock. ted te h d :~r. P~acock ,no. ac er an C~ltJC, wtll offer. gUldance for Sf-:tlsts who wo~k mdepende~t1y ~n~ who WOuld hke con8tr~c~I~' cntl· cism or to listen to crl~lcIs~. f 'A graduate of the Umverslty. 0 Pennsylvania. Academy of Fine Arts, Mr. Peacoc~ has .received many awards for hiS work m water color and oils and is represe~ted in numerous permanent collectIOn. including the Atwat.er Kent Mu· seum and the Pennsylvania Acad· emy of Fine Arts. He is instructor of Painting and Drawing at the Philadelphia Museum College of Art and Bryn Mawr Arts Center. Mrs. Frederick A. Patman of Swarthmore (XI 3·0463), chair· man, says members and the general public are invited.to bring a limit of three paintings each. I ranged for display in the garage NEWS NOTES and on the lawn. Hobby exhibits ranged from a Mrs. Harry Toland of North harvest garden exhibit, through Chester road Mentertained E R S h her 'dt cod c ml Shan " collections of coins and Lincoln chairman,. rs.f ."Th. St stamps, hunters' copper boxes the committee r-r e ag op ' H I'd . F' t h carved wood figurines, travel maps lof the Trinity a I ay air a er limericks and photographs, and' home for coffee on Thursday of last f t ' taO week. The group has tentative plans passports a many coun rles, 1lored and other hand.Rewn articles, to meet each Thursday for work watercolors and oil paintings, cur- sessions at,Mrs. Toland's home. ios, baked delicacies, to tile oriental Mr. and Mrs. H. Massey and rugs decorating the garage floor. their family, foflltorly of SprlDgfield, moved into their newly purchased home at 234 Park avenue several weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fairbanks, who are living at 209 Yale avenue, were the former owners. G ' UP H 0 L S T E R DRAPERIES and SLIPCOVERS THOM ' SEREMBA 10 Years of Swarthmore Releren ... Mor. Than 35 Vean' &porlon •• U I ta r Classical _ Popular Police News -_._--it in the Swarthmore.n." y .•• Raw All work is don. ;n my .hop "No police news. means the pounder my personal supervision. lice are dOing a good job," Swarth. WM. LaPATA Yoa aln glt I (r.. esllmlt, ., more Police Chief Thomas V. Bate. Music Village KI4-5448 pbanlng SHARON HILL man commented upon the last two week.' dearth of newsworthy items ,~_ V 1S , on the police calendar. One lone II )f T '!!I 'tl 1$ ~ afcident at 3:05 p.m .. Friday broke ( the complete blank. Patsy Roma of " Crum Lynn was driving north on Chester road. Lorenz J. Brosnan of Drexel, Hili was immediately be· )0 , , hind hi~. John L. Anskis of Centre, (we opened here just a year ago) Hall, third man in line, said his ,~ brakes failed when the other two I In drivers slowed as they emerged ,.. from the railroad underpass and WE'RE REDUCINC ALL OUR EVERYDAY Hobbies Spark Party he was unable to avoid hitting Bros. nan's car and driving it into )0 CARDS 50% - IT'S A "2 for" DEAL A retirement tea and hobby ex· Roma's. Anskis' and Brosnan's cars hibit took place at the home of Mr. had to be towed awaY. (2 cards for the price of 1) and Mrs. William Stoltzfus, of Morgan circle,. on Saturday, Octobe~ l. COME IN and STOCK UP Back tho Band The occasIOn marked the ~etlre. --ment of Mr. StoltZfus, who IS for· PLANNING TOMORROW, ~ mer president of Beirut College for Today r Women, and has for. the la.st two I bI 1 What do you need? Career appraiso 7 years been engaged In pu Ie re a- Counseling? aptitudo testing? new ideas? Q 15 S. Chester Road tiona for the c~llege, at the I~ter- better letters? or just a new resume? Con- }o Church Center ID New York City. toct Mr. Burroughs, Mr. Toml;nson"or Mr Beginning Tonight we'll be open every B th .. hb d the few oth Hodgson.We've helped others since 1937. a nelg ors an . Ask for Ir•• folder TP. Klngswood 3.2022. Fridl'lV Night TILL CH RISTMAS er friends invited were amazed at one 11~~~i:~~~~~~:;;~~~~~;;;;~~;::~-~~;;;;~~=~ Th is Is Ou r PAPER AN NIVERSARY So For TODAY • ALICE BARBER,· Gifts 10 _,_ .,.Q...~:=:::::~S/,~'"::-::-::-:::»-~::;:==::::1l..:::::==:::I1:::_::~-= of other works in American the beautiful and rare collected TOMLINSON COUNSELORS "__ .JSL'--_... ,A. .._ _,.I1__... .. History, including "Social. Ideas iteelm~s~a~n~d~h~a::n~d~c:ra~f~t~t:a:.::te:f::u:ll~y..:a:r:.._..:546=.:R:::ul:.:g~.~tS::.A::y::.:::nu:.::.,.:Sw:.a:rt~h:::m::.::r.:..,:.;P~a::.._-===--==,_ _ _ _ _ __ of American Educators" (1935), and "Peace or War: The American" Struggle, 1636·1936" (1936). He is currently supervising a large-scale research project in the history of American Philanthropy. The holder of three degrees from Harvard, Professor Curti taught at Beloit College, Smith College, and Columbia University before ....--, going to the Univel'Sity of WisconBeauty economy ••• spac10ul comfort I . Glamor, comfort, prestig •••. and the utility Dl'lingulslied •.• distlnctlye ... decidedly sin 10 1942. In 1946-1947 he was Uvelier~than.ever Rocket Engine runs on 01 a full·,i.e cat! exciting SKYROCKET nawl 8lg~cQr roominess for driving luxury Visiting' Professor at a number of lower-cost, regular gasl Plus Twin·Triangle Engine performance and. smooth .Vibra-more headroom, kneeroom, I~Q~oo~­ Stability ••• and the handnn9 oase you univ~rsi!ies in India on the Watu.. Tuned Rid" ••• both exciuSiye with ?I~'. plus now ease of entry and the exhllarating expect from a quality-built, full-size carl mobile I Easy to get in ••. easy to SIt Inl llIull Foundation, and during the p.rlorm~nco oltho SKYROCKET""glnel past academic year he was Visiting Professor at the University of Tokyo. CLASSI~~a a 0 •• Bereaved Mrs. Mary Pierce of Harvard avenue is saddened hy the death' of her aunt; Miss Catharine Ryan of Chester. Miss Ryan worked for Ryan Stores in Chester for over 60 years, She was a graduate of Pierce Business College. '\ She was a frequent visitor in Swarthmore for many years; and in the absence of her niece during World War 11 she was a frequent \~sitor of the late Colonel and Mrs. Harvey R. Pierce of Prince· ton avenue. She made her' home at the residence of Mr. and, Mrs. William Hiriderhofer of Chester. In addition to Mrs. Pierce she is survived by a grandniec~ Mrs. Edward Hodgins of Dickin.,m ave· nUe and a grandnephew Harry R. Pierce, U.s. Marines, of Washington. D.C., an«;l the Harvard. avenue address. A Solemn Mass of Requiem was sung at 10 a m. at the Immaculate, lIeart of Mary Church, Chester, of Which Miss Ryan was a lifetime member. 'rhe funeral was condu~t. ed in Chester. Interment was III the Immaculate Heart Cemetery, Linwood. Back the Band!! . Write or phone for Information Rbou' modern faciliti. of as ............. Fell ....... Mear..... .,...;· combmed su t ea~ y flO"., n ••• about,Old_moll".'. HoI N•• ""...".r ,,, fir. ~••p"c. ',.'dl lor . ." . . Tttmflle_'''WHITAKER OLDSMOBILE, INC. WEST LAUREL HILL ~ ch b f line with such sparkling performance in its three famous series! °lik th .ting SKYROCKET Engine and all-new Hydra-Matic~ ~";enced anything e e exCl . • 'I Never before have you 86,,_,. ., th headroom legroom, entry room in Oldsmobile for 61 with Accel-A-Rotor actionl And Just W81t till you see all e , _ . _ ... _~_ ...... _ _ Never before has Olds _340 W.~Bllltimore Avenue ' _ I I I YO_It LOCAl. AUTHOItIZlD, OLDSMO~IU Media. Pa. . ~UALITY DIALIII _ UNI IN MICHAIL SHAYNI IVln WUK ON NIC-TVIT " .UIIES 'IHEDULED ICreat Books Croup' . ' T B.sin Fifth Year I ITroop 1 Bo, Scouts Girl Scout Troop No. 688 spent· PIan Year'P ,Fricl,ay and Saturday evenings all s rogram IEWI mls BACK' THE . ' ~. Alice Craft·s rhythmic exercise· dus will begin on Friday. October 0.. 21, at 9 o'clock, at the Woman's The Swarthmore Great Books a camp-out at Indian Orchards. On BAND , Club. Discussion Group will begin its Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Patrols Name leaders Any further Information may be fifth consecutive year of meetings James ,Patchell with their daugh. Court of. Honor obtained from Mrs. Edward K. ,Monday at 8 p.m. in the Borough, ter Diana of 'Parrish road joined ESTATE N02'ICB Held Ea&l.te ELSIE H. MCWUJ.J6'MS. de. Cratsley. K1ngswood 3-6476, Hall. The year's first selection is 1the grouP. bringing a birthday cake ........oflale '" three plays by the Greek play- to cel'1i>rate the 12th blrtbday of Boy Scout Troop I, which meeta "uu.ro Coon.,., PelIDa. • . wright Euripides: "Medea." "Hip- their other daughter. Linda. on Tuesdnvs at 7:15 at the Trinity Lotion Too.......Ia..,. ... !lui aIIo" ~., p.t.wt~ h"v .. b 'n gra t.e1 t· Ut U dlr. I polytus" and ''The Trojan Women." Sunday. '. , Church. has completed ita fall re- aIDed who """'(0) all po..... h&Ylq lInd Elinor Bye lorganization and is now underwa v .'alumo .~r do~~ ••~~ ~ ....... Ie Instrument Loaned Free I William McConeghey. of . Spring. The Misses Mary ' d ~ m e..uOWQ same, ... penOllf m. field will lead the d,scuss,on. of Yale square ha as t h' elr house on the year's' program of outdoor, d.bled 10 "'. d •••d ••, 10 m.te pa...... DOROTHY MAHER Mrs. McConeghey. KI 3-7628.1 guest for a few days this week I activities. Morgan Wynkoop is: wllbeul deJa" 10 _aim B. loIoWllllaml.2U ' f .Altadens, scoutmaster. . • PrlD...... A••.• SwarUlmoro. Po.. Ot 10 Music Village KI 4-5448 the group•s sec,retary, announce diM'JS.~ H eI en Irvme. o b18 aHorne1, MOnts H. FUlleU. kaq., that new 'partiCIpants are welcome Calif.• formerly of RIVel'Ylew road. For this year the scouts have 20J CoUDIy BulJdlDl, 101.410, Penua. 3HG-1i to join the group. The only en- 'Mr. and Mrs. J, Roy Carroll of selected the following subjects for . . .,- _.. trance requirement is the ability Riverview road returned Tuesday· their theme of each month: Seplit.rlor Ind Ext.rlor 'il.tln, and willingness to read. Discussion from Hot Springs, Ark., where tember _ fishing; October _ FREE ESTIMATES of tbe reading assigument is held they spent several days. Mr•.Car- camping; November _ equipment; JOE MARSHALL once every other week. The follow- roll spoke there to the RegIOnal December _ pioneering' January511 REESE STREET ing is a list of the early readings: Group ?f the American Institute weather; February _. mapping; MILMONT PARK. PA. October 24. Plato "Theaetatus"; of Architects. The week before. the March _ survival; April - food T.I.phon, IIln,.wood 3.217 I November 17, Aristotle uPh~Ric.s .Carrolls ·were at Las Vegas, Nev., and cooking; May _ canoe and . , CUSTOM INSTALLATIONS Book IV"; November 21. Vlrgli where Mr. Carroll attended the Na- water safety' and June _ phYsical Jewelry Repalred Ph. KI 3-4318' "The Aeneid"; December 6. St. tional Bo')-rd Meeting of the A.I.A. fitness. • Francis "The Little Flowers". of which he is secretary. Troop l's four patrols have ~MJL .ARII AYE" SWAIITHMORE WATCHMAKER elected leaders as follows: Formorl7 III F. C. Bode IIDd Bono Hawk Patrol - John Frost, asKlngswood 4-2727 Sistant, Gary Baskin; Falcon Pa· 1"Ine Watch an4 . 128 YaIII Ave. Clock Repairs Swarthmore. Pa. PEIISONAL FOR SALE trol - Dean Forbes. assistant, P"'E"'R=S"'O""N""A:-:L"':"':~Carpentry jabbing. FOR SALE _ Ideal new ranch Steve Hollis; Sioux Patrol - Paul n.1Dpw00d3-lta recreation rooms, book cases. home beautifully situated on 2% -Donovan, "assistant, Ronnie Wrege; porches. L. J. Donnelly. KIngswood opro. nf t.~11 trees. 3 bedrooms. 1% Bat Patrol _ Bill Wilburn, assistGutters , 4-3781. baths. living room with fire place. ant Tom Smith. Ashes and Rubbish Removed PERSONAL Furniture refindining room comnlete kitcben. large Bob Seely and Grabam Patterson Warm·Air Hetonng ishing. repairing.• Qua\ity work basement. two-car garage. Valley .' . LBwtUI Mowed. General Haullnc at moderate prices - alltlques and r-'~, Wawa. Call KIngswood 3. are the Jun.'or A;sslst:ant scontAir Conditioning modem. Call Mr. Spanier. Kings- 6389. ' masters. EnOls Dllhng IS the new S38 BanI .... Ave. lIIarioa, .... 1 Sheet Metal Work wood 4-4838, Klngswood S-21~ FOR SALE _ G.E. refrilrerator Senior patrol leader, Tom Topping, PERSONAL -l'lano tuning speeand sofa. Reasonable. Phone is the assistant senior patrol leader ialist, min!,~ repairipg. member Klngswood 4-3543. _ and scribe;, and Paul Donovan is ElNWQOD Plano TechOlclans Gulid, Leaman, FOR SALE _ Antique pine saw- the quartermaster. BOX 48 Klngswood 3-6166. burk table beautiful finish seats PERSONAL - Roofing. spouting, 8. $200.00. 'Phone K1ngsw~od 3On September 20. the scouts conCLob. 9-3358 gutters. Recreation rooms a spec_ 4762. ducted a Court of Honor. The folBalllDlore PIke " Llaceln Ave. ialty. Ray J. Foster•.LOwell 6-6669. FOl? H' JJE _ Annles EI Rancho lowing boys received awards: ,PERSONAL - Bicycles Rer.aired, Orchards Providenc~ road. one Bill Wilburn - cooking merit Adding Machines .Parts, accessories. Milt G BSS - mi1~ north 'of Rose TrOl!, near Me- badge and Star scout award; Paul Eatabl1shed .183lI Blcy~le. Hobby, Toy S.bop, 206 East dia. Donovan _ markmanship cooking TYPEWRITERS BaltImore Avenue. Chfton Heighta. ~~R SA' LE' CIt" • FOR SALE or RENT MAdison 6-0713. Opposite Clifton ' ' ' ' . amp e e aqudarllum merit, badge. Stal" scout award; En- ~aJet, _taJ 8111'1'OandJDp mlh Theater !,Ut~lt; 5-IOallon tank. sta,! ,e ':C- ni Duling and Tom Topping _ boeDent 24-Boar N~ Can " trlC fIlter, h~ht. water testmg kIt. s DESK MnD~L PERSONAL - Grace Lewis Em. Call Klngswood 3:4444. . Star scout award. The two new \lloyment Agency open FOR S'" LE _ 1947 DeSoto Subur- First Class scouts are Tommy Klngswood ' 3·0272 PORTABLES ness. DOmestic help . I S ' h d B b S'I I J h F • Phone Klngswood 4-3261. ban four. d.oor. ne~ tires, exce - mIt an 0 1 Z e. a n rosv00 I . If:mt r·'n .... '"17 condltIon, $200.00. second cIa·S8. PERSONAL - Furniture refm- LOwell 6-6042 f h ished repaired and upholstered, •- , On the weekend a t e 24th the :;~,:~~~ir,~~j,~~ and rugs. Fble les. thana furniture a year old. Head bed. bORTd has any time up to 8 book shelf. $40.00. Call Klngswood estimate. Ten 3-4008 between 6 p.m. and 7 J).m. references. Fl"n !'l4 LF: _ no-Kart, like new. 0734. $100.00. 610 \Michigsn avenue. ",,,•• 1 F10R SALE _ Bird watehers I We a new model that your fea~of~~~;!!1;~~~~ frieilds love. Also coJ),~ to the saulrrel •. Tho S. 436 PlusR LOwe Mill road. , SALE _ G.E. push button range. four bUliDer. single oven. '~lr~~:;::IPhone lOngsw~,,3-6007. memont 2-5373, and the •• ': 1. . J"," ::-:~". ., , 39. Belvedere Convalescent Home ;". ' 4-1500 Edward G. Chipman and So. General Contl'flctor BUILDERS 'Since 1920' 29 E. Fifth Street 100FII•••• 110111. .UITD. IIITIHII' .IIITIDI•• ALTEIIAT.. II F.... I ........ 1401 Ridley Avenue Chester, Pa. TRemont 2-4759 TRemont 2-5689 TRemont 4·6311 Ro.. Vaney and Moclla kH. Speoializing In P.oretti.. in Swatthmore, Wallingford. ... ....... ~ Cov.., ...........". Oldest Roal Est.... and In.utono. Firm I. Delawaro S•••• I D. II, ••, .Ir, .I, En.r. ca,.. . TILl FLDDIII ••USTI. TILE FOItMIIA loalTEI TIP. SWEENEY &CLYDE. ',- • ,1'11-1'" j : . ._.... : .,., '. ,~,). , 'lefr.".Jbd Favors for Everyone' ' . --_. . . - -. '-,-,- '~, " .. r ", .. '\:. " ., , ~·'il·~' • , ,. • • , evro et U: .. ! T" , , .• ! • South Chestar 'Road barthmore, Palla. ' KllgswGOd 3-81 ZO ·I " I .IITAIIIAI IOTES lengthy hOllpltallzatlon.· .. , \ The church Sewing drcle for ~e Sinoo we have an ordinance In There will be a celebration of Unitarian Service Committee will Swarthmore which reqnires the Holy Communion at 8 a.m. The begin ite fall' program with a sao- contr<>1 of dogs. why cannot this PUBLISHIlD IlVIlRY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PIlNNA. . service of Family Morning Prayer sian from 10 a.m. to 2 p:m. Monday ordinance be enforcedt PETER E. TOLD. MARJORIE TOLD, Publisms wil1 be at 9:30 a.m. At 10:50 a.m. a' the Relimons Education Center. Very trllly yon.rs, there will be Confirmation Clasa.' ... "Irl n Kr Phone KIngswood 3-0900' Guest nights.. are to be held at • ",-\, am... At 11:15 a.m. there will be a servA K lege~ ice of Morning Prayer aad Sermon. ~e church from 8 to 9 :30 p.m. Editor a Note: Dr. K. • rieger PETER E. TOLD, Editor Sunday, 'October 9 and 16. The Is teaching at the Unlversl~ of BARBAIIA B. KENT. Managing Editor The celebration of Holy Commu- philosophy and significance of Uni- lMunich while on sabbatical leave Rosalie D. Pelrsol Jeannette V. Howe Marjorie T Told nion will be at 8 p.m. At 3 :30 the tarlanism will be explained. from the University of Pennsyl. District E.Y£. Conference will be Entered aq Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929. at the Post Two representat.ives of the Lea- vania. <8t The Church of The Redeemer. Office at Swarthmore, Pa .• nnder the Act of March 8, 1879. Springfield. At 6:30 p.m. the Jun- gue of Women Voters will address Praises H.S. Class of .,.,. ior High School Girls' Choir will the Women's Alliance at its first DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON rehearse..The Canterbury Club Will faU luncheon meeting October 26. Dear Editor: Mrs. ,M -L. Mendelsohn