Page 8 ~. Irs. Colli Bell Haa. Swim Taam Rawll' WIL for Naxl Saason Laigua Rala, I Junior Higk SchOol Contract Awarded up by appolntlq four DW'N>e1'll for three-year terms, four for two. year, and four for one-:year 8JId (Continued from Pace 1) that the committee be headed br On June 12th the newly elected riculum Advisory Committe Inciud- 8Omeone who was not a member of Tomorrow's Opponent, board of the S~rthmore Branch ing stepped up mathematics, In- the School Board or fac91t:y. of the Women's International Wallingford, 15 creased science, and ..nenslon. of League for Peace and Freedom met the language.progr_ (as set NEWS NOTES Close Second at the home of its past chairman, forth in reports of the sub-comMr. and Mrs. Harr:y Oppenlander , Mrs. John M. Carroll, on College Seaworthy (pronounced 'mittes previously ·published in The will move on ,Monday, June 30, to avenue. warthy"), the seahorse mascot of Swarthmorean). 'Rockland, N. Y., where Mr. Oppen. dmaste The new directors hold responsi- the Swarthmore Swim Club, attendDr. Rosen said the committee lander will beCo the HeaD day Ing his first fray last Satur d Schr of bilities as follows: Chairman, Mrs. thought the three or four hoors a - the .Rockland unty. wi! ay . ooL Colin Bell; program and vice,chair- morning at Marple-N~WD, h appill' saw his team win the Suburban dltional required fot the recomTheil' 8On, Ted I remam in man, ,Mrs. John M. Carroll; ways mended ,program could be gained by Swarthmore during the summer. and means, Anne .J!ussey; member- Swlnlming League's Freestyle Relay Cup for the second consecutive cutting physical education to two Dr. Robert K. Enders of ElDt. ship, Mrs. Roy McCorkel; legisth f · p~riods and doing ,away with one or avenue is .spending six h tweeks th B in lative chairman, Mrs. Helen Price; year, competing with the 0 ~r Ive two home room study periods. An- Panama dOlJ!.g researc a e artreasurer, Mrs. Ida Stabler; hospi- comparatively new tea"'s m • Only two teams (East other possibility was adding an ro 'polorado Island Laboratory. League tality, Mrs. Joseph Conrad; interhour to the school day on one or With him are several students from national relations, Mrs. William Whiteland and Great Valley) comtwo days a week. Dr. Rosen said S'Wl'rthmore College. _ Cope; human rights, Mrs. Brad- Peted with Swarthmore for the that while the committee pai~ trib. ,lBruce Marshall, sOn,of Mr. and ford Friley; 'publicity" Mrs. Henry 1957 cup. ute to Swarthmore's superior phys. . Mrs. Edwin H. Marshall of Forest ,M. Hcenigswald; recording and In piling up its total to 104 ical education program, it recog- lane, is spending the summer visitcorresponding secretary, Mrs. Philnized that it was in excess of the ing with ,his grandparents, Mr. and points, 'Swarthmore placed first ip Mayer; education, Mrs. James and broke records in almost every G Ha f Col r' minimuin State requirement so was Mrs. Harry • rper o. ve a Richards. ' event. Runiier-up Wallingford d L k N.J' one spot which could be "orrowe a e, ; After a short business meeting (whom Swarthmore encounters toM F k Cha from in order to gain academic imMr. and rs. ran . P,:n at which it was decided to hold morrow in its first individual meet ,provement within tIle normal school had as a ~ecent weekend .~est, . r. board meetings on second Thurs- of the 1958 season) captured the day rather than less .desfrabl:y in Chapman s aunt, Dr. Lillian Kibdays and membarship meetings on 14-point first place in the opening nell and J. Espenschade swam in extra week-end or night sessions. lerler of Spart,anburg, S. C. fourth Thursdays of every month event when Swarthmore's faster with the record-breaking 1:13.6 .\. -=====~,~=======; !H.ginning in Septemberr the new midget girls' team was disquali- time to earn Swartbmore's firSt in It was recommended that during .. board WIlS joined by the outgoing fied and drew a zero because op.e junior girls. Previous record was split sessions, physical education be bOard fOlj a social hoer at which member took off a split second be- 1 :15.8 held for a donqJe period once. a Mrs. Wallace McCrory, shortly fore her teammate touched the wall. d week, in the, morning for jUDlor f leaving for Iowa, and Mrs. Fred- Wallingford's time '~~~~&~d was 1:24.2. It G. Welsh took junior beys honors higb and in tbe afternoon or senerick Tolles, leaving for California, is said the Swarthmore midgets i'or Swarthmore with the winning ior high; that health be incorporat.. • were especially honored. Mrs. Tolles (A. Townes, B. Gerner, M. Schued into .the junior high school sciof 1;09.7. d h t tud ts will attend the annu,al meeting of macher, and C Espenschade) mad e time S. Williams, B. Stuart, E.' Break- ence program, an t a s en the U. S. Section of the Women's it in less than the record 1 :20. ell, and S. Crawford broke the in- participating in varslt:y athletics be International League for Peace and ' The 1 :11.8 winning time of termediate girls record with a excused from physical education PoUO cx:cur~ during evel')' Freedom in Wisconsin on. her way Swarthmore's midget boys (S. Rob- 1 :10.1 time. Wallingford's second classes during the season to attend month or tho year, lIut the to Califctrnia. inson, J. Brooks, ,D. Foley, -:-·I,nl.PA matched tbe previous record a study hall for that perioll. highest incidence oecurl Welsh) in the next event not only 1:11.2 Th e 20 mm . utes per day required during the 8\I11IlI1Cl' montbs. b Roger Russell Jr. son of Mr. and broke the record of 1.12.1 ut was Four teams bettered the 1:18 for the recommended French study Tho 1958 season will soon be Mrs. Roger Russell of Haverford faster than the 1:16.7 time ,with ~tanding record for the Interme- ingrades4,5,6,7and8.wonldcome upon pl. Now is ~ time to be iminllnl;red in orner to be Place, and a Brd :year Antioch stu- which last year's over-all Leagne diate boys event. Wallingford ar- from taking a few mmutes from dent, is working for the sommer champion Aronimink took Satur- rived in 1 :01.2, Swarthmore in: each current study which in turn protected. During the past two years. polio vaccine; has for Auto Europe, 47 rue Lauris- day's, similar event while winning 1 :07.2, Great Valley in 1.08.2, and would be integrated into the French been largely responsible for ton, Paris, France. He delivers tbe Cottie Freest:yle and Medley 'East Whiteland In 1 :12.7. Swarth- 80 that no educational loss would an liD-percent drop in ~_' cars to tourists and, meets their Relay Cup for which the older six more's swimmers in this event were counteract th_e gain of the new lanlytic polio. But, the vacclDe is plane or ship at any time or placi!. teams competed.. ' . M. Boyer, J. Foley, P. Kent, ,B. gnage study. Dr. William MeDerworthIessunlessadminis~. In this way he has already been to In this, its fIrst relay carmv~, Clymer. ' mott, chairman of the lI1lb-commit.. It does not wipe the disease A terdam Luxembourg Le Walli"gforli kept the lead, despIte Doubling the 25-mete,r swimming tee on language, explained that it from the face of the earth. It H:"', and Plymouth, an'd has next distanceil of swimmers' in the pre- was decided the small size of the only protects (up to 90 perhad the .pleasure of meeting several events, until mld~way 10 the caml- ceding events Swarthmore's seni9r local schooL system would permit \:ent) those who receive it. So home-town Swarthmoreans travel-' val. At that tune Swart~ore girls (C. andJ. Williams, G. Pler- only one foreign language on the don't delay. Be imnmni2edl . ab d squeezed a fourth first place Just sol, C.Brodhead) broke the 2:40 elementary level aud,that Frellch Protect yourself 'and fanilly Jay Estey, Ger- 1.lseconds faster than record by winning event in had been selected because its back: ag:tinst this dread diseue. old Gray, and George Hamilton en- the switch th; two-pamt l,:"d mto 2:86.2. ground literature, oral ease and tertsiried some of their' friends at the seahorses favor. Wall1Ogford, Senior boys (R. Coles, D. Pres- general values lent It more readily CATHERMAN'S , a barbecue and square dance on in turn, bettered Swarthmo~e by ton, R. Gilfillan, R. Sublette) lop. to facile speech which is the, major Monday, June 16. six seconds in the next event (mtar- ped even more off the 2 :,09.7 record aim in presenting a foreign IlmDRUG STORE NonyMoore, daughter of Mr. and mediate boys) to. flop. the two_ bY'swimmingtheir event in 2':04.2. guage to young children. Four Mrs. John Moore of Whittier ·point lead· back mto Its ,hands. years of Latin, French or,German Klngswood 3.()586 place, will spend the summer in Swartbmore took th~ .next e~ent Keeps Cottle Cup should be available to stlldents at Estes Park Colo. In September (senior women), while WaU1OgAro~imink's 94 points to ~win ninth grade level, the committee she will ret~rn to Mt. Holyoke Col- ford's score slipped as it for the the Cottie Cup were chalked up feels' ..' lege, Hadley, Mass. first time came .In.le9s than second despite a disqualification in the ,D~ Rosen furthe., sald the COmSandy, and Jimmy Taft, child- place (East Whl~and took sOC?nd, final event. Aronimink took an mit~ recommellded the establishren of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Taft, Great Valley thlr~ .and Wsll1Og- early lead away fro.m t~e ho,?e ment of a 'Permanent lay cOlllllllttee Jr., of Marietta avenue are mak- ford fourth). A similar. weakness team and ~ever relInqUIshed It. s.o that regn\ar :reexamin"tions ,of iJlg an extended visit 'With their in senior men kept Wsll~ord to Close upon Its lleels came sOl'ond curricnlum: wonldbe done. It augMar third, Eut Whiteland fourth); 80 that no matte.. wh a t happened in the final grand slam event (one girl and one boy from each age brllCket) the event W811 Swarthmore'•. EVen without using its top swimmers in each bracket Swarthmore's, grand slam time of 2 :24.3 was second to Wallingford's winning one of 2 :13.3 Swarthmore swimmers were S. Hoge; G. Silvers, II All D. and J. Foley, W. B--~" Gi ; T. d. en, C. Williams and C. ..."wea East Whiteland, although suffering disqualifications in two events, tallied 66 points to place third in the Freestyle division of the carnival. Ply-Mar, the newest ,team in the League, with an entry in every ~vent and no disqualifications, came in fourth with 64 points.Great Valley lacked entries in four events but tallied 38 points. Rose Tree, another first-time swimmer in the League, had entries In all but tliree lif' events, suffered one disqua IcaI d O ' ts tion, and tota e 2 'pOln • Aid Seaborse Victory S. Wigton, D. Renshaw, B. Pur- POLlO~EASON NEAR I Swarthmo~ ~ning t~e In~ruc:o~r~tsley, thr~e ~allingf?rd, ~he grandmother, a fifth(Great, as Swarthmore camePlyin 82 place winner Vill"ge 'With ges~~ted~'~a~c~on~tin~·~u~I~,.,~g~gr~o~n~p~be~se~t!J:::::;;:=:;~::;;;:=:;;ii::~~~~~~i Warwich, Va.. Mrs. J. G. Gray of first Valley secolld, points and~Ionial breaking the 2:06.6 -:: grand slam record ,by 3.1i seconds; Marple-NeWJtown With 70 points shattering the 1 :20 midget girlS record by 7.9 seconds and the 1 :06 intermediate boys record b).j one second; Penn Square with 60 points • breaking the juni'!,r girls record of 1 :23.6'by .7 of a second; Martins Dam . l\jith 48 points; and" IRose Valley with 36 points having come. in with a 2:09.3 time (7.8 seconds , ahead of the nearest team) in senior boys but being disqualified because their orthodox breal\t-stroker failed to conform to the new "head above water" rule for part of the race, and' also suffering a disqualification in midget boys. Rose Valley :won th" Cottie Cup in 1956' and 'Marple-Newtown when originally offered in 1965. , Yes, "Swarthy" (as Seaworthy would sound when spoken by a seahorse busy catching his breath to win the next race) was a proud denizen of the deep last Saturdayhis bright eye is open td 5ee that none of hi .. !best swimmers catCh a cold or forget to tum: out for tomorrow morning's important meet at Wallingford. At the. same time he claPs his fins for. second, third, fourth (etc.) bes~the __ colts" who are flo stJadfastly ·working 1:0 improve their own Swimming skills arid stand ready to flll , IJ1 wben needed. Swarthy will be waiting fClr the team at the pool parking lot at . ' 8:30 a.m. tomOlTOW to 'Miut them. ' • W·mncford Where. ~ tact 'HE '.ERY E'nioy'the WILL,CLOSE 4th' at home SATURDAY 1 P.M. During July and August as GueSts oft.e * * SUMMER HOURS SWARTHMORE ASSOCIAT. 'Monda, through nunda, •A.•. 10 .'.1. Frida, • A••• to ••••• ever . ..., ••.1........ 'at'o~' , Sea .xl WiIk'. s......... fIr-1aIaIIs . lor ";' ' SWarthmore l'r> • Flowers . ... . SWllrthrnore COlles-' Library . 8W A Rl'U rotORE OOI.I.Rrs of Maryville slaaghter. p:,triotic displays. G. Boyd (50.6); 3, E.Pete!'!On. ,da ,Jester, Joan Hayden, Peggy Colleg~ and of the ..Board of T~Vinny Carroll, Jimmy Hunter,. Young swartmoreans in every Midget girls: 1,J. Courtney'(M.4)'; Schmidt, Debbie Shay,Stephanle tees, Wilson Colle~;the AmllrICan Vi)lt, Dean Forbes, Welsh, and kind of appropriate and fancy at3, S. Pelrsol. ,lIfIdget boys: ,1, D. 'GayleY"Lynn Clark., ,Colony In Jerusalem Committee; Gordy Boyd all gat bits that result- tire, astride an am,azing variety of Foley (62). ' ' . ' muehlr"s: ,Leah Stauffer, cap- Western Section, World Alliance of ,••lin runs scored. For the Rntledge bedecked vehicles Or attached to FREESTYLE-..J3enlor girls: taln; Karen Sundquist, June Rox- Reformed Chtmlh.. ; and chairman, team Russ Lewis pitehed four fine cherished pets uncertain in deport. C. WiIllamil (-1:16.6); 2, J. WIl- by, Mary Ann ,Larkin, Marion Hun- National Council, American innings and collected a.double to ment, plus assisting,parents. and iiamS. Senior boys: 1, D. Preston tsr. All Stars:.Debbie Torrey, cap- .Friends of. the'Middle East, Inc. sooNons run. Jimmy ,Elliott hit a friends, floats and chaffeurs, will (f:oli). Intermecllatll girls: 1, tein; Marion Hunt, Lois Roberta, ~ is a fOrmer president of the triple to score the otherrlin. Ex- converge upon the'Borough,park- ' 'Muffl' Geer, Patty McInro~,· Roch- Washington Federation of Chureh- cept f!lr some weak hitting the Rut.. ing lot where the Children's Parade Breakell (32.6); 2, L. Intermedlata bOys:' 2, J. , ella, Y onng. Pan~ers : Judith Tnc- es, a former member ~,the Board ledge cluj! pla:yed a. commendable wllI form to march, at 9' a.m~ 'l'he (29.8); 8, M. ~er. Junior girls: ker,captain; JudithGolz,CarolLee of .l'ensi~ns, Presbyter~n Church game, especially, in tbe fi~l~ when line of march down Park aV6l1ue 2, J. Espenschade (86.4); 8, Leslie Overstreet, Susan in U.s.A., and Pr':"":rtena,; ReP.... Timmy Filler, Jimmy EllIott, and to Harvard and back to Borough Wigton. Junior boys: 2, G. Brown. sentative, Organizmg Meeting, Na- Eddie. Jackson made some nice de- Hall is not long enaughto endanger (38.8); 3,W. Gill. Midget girls: " The following list contains only tional Co"l'cil of Churches. , :t,ensive p l a y . . -fatigue or damaee to costumes or ~ Townes (88) ; B,C. Espenscbade. a few of the many sports and activ- Dr. and Mrs., Elson haTa four In the Knee-Hi League play two deeorations. It. Is long enough to Midget bo:ys: 1,D. Foley (35.6); itles in which the children have children, the eldest 19, the youngest gamea were rained, out last week permit judging at the judging, S. Robinson. '\ participated: sOccer,. football tall e i g h t . ' and -WUl be played as follows: Tig- stand in front of the Woman'. Clu' BUTTERFLY,-' .Senior , girls; tag, soflball, whIffleboll, badmin. . '. . ers vs.' Braves, 'Monday, July 7, on and to receive the favors distrib'1, C. WlllI&ms (1:34.6). tonc'agoro~~~~a!:W;:~orked with TENNIS CLVB IN JULY th"College avenne site; Cardinals uted to every child in the parade boys: I, R. Sublette (1 :27.6). FOURTH TOURNAMENT VB. Indiana, Thunday. July 10, at and the flags given in honor of the termediate girls: I, C. the girls, and, Bobby Dawes ~as . . Riverview Field. At this writing da:y by the American 'Legion Post (37); 2, E. B...,kell worked with the boys in helpmg The Swarthmo~e Tonnls Cluj) the ~gers are leading the Na-and to learn which entrants in the boys:, 2, J. Foley (42.8). them to become acquainted with will hold its annual get-a.~k1~ tional division with a five and two 'six classes cateh the judges' favor girls: 1, iD. Renshaw (L_ v ..... 8. .. . . . ~C!tpa " - S .....thi!a!»H._u · .' " ' , ' " .)Jef.," ' ~. ,,~"';~. '>-., .' ~ c"'.' '-"_ :t Presbtlarian,1o Haar Nolad Clarumo SUI. Wall'II"'ord 2111 WI, ~ Summar Club Taams Via;' Craflslnan' "COpe" ~=v~ll: ~Bi!::,.f~~'; M~prial Ss:;de~';"ta ~he ~evera!aIl. Knee-iii All Stars Win KMe-!! .c .i 'u.. I EMY' tilE "URTH II' . "'.chen .', ", " '.. :" • ."'.1, • ,; , '"r ,'''~ .~ ', .. \ , ,~2 •_ _P-,ersona~ , , prIDeresa lin_ 4Uld f~turecl 4Ul n- ket of white dailies. WatldDl, da~ of 1Ir. 4Uld JIrI"1 The paternal' lJ'&II~tII an luton neckline. TliefulhklrUel_ IIr, Richard BeJlIII, PennIqton, wUUam Watldna of (loU. 1Ir. and Kn. J. Richard KIefer, Janet and !Miehae1 lIchobtnpr , of Detroit, lIich. wi11 arrive the -weekend of July 4th to .peDd a f~ 'Weeks-visiting ,their grandparents, IIr. and lire. George Sehoblnger 'of Swarthmore avenue and their aant, and uncle, 1Ir. and lin. , Gaor,. Herschel of Park avenue. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- FETE SATI••" ••IIE llias B ~ r a b a ra .Jean m-. daughter of Mr. and lin. Herman ... , Bloom of Columbia avenlle, III the guest of honor at many preDl1ptlal paru. thls _k. -iflea l'O'IfII of ,..:tJn baIidII feU- In eraful lines and foJ!lned a cathedral train. Her fingertip veil wu attaehed to a hat of fl-.n pearls. Mills Johneon's dress was of blue embroidery accented with white organdy. The bridesmaids wore tleaI dreB11811 In yellow. The attendante wore whits orpndy Dior boft. They e&rried boGqUete of bllle cornflowen ~,yeUow carnations. The fIo,",r jirl. dress was of yellow ruffled organdy and sh, carried a minlatore lIonq.uet., N.J., 18rveci as the poom's nue. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_;iiiiiiiiiiiOiiifiiiPiiiihiiiJaiiiidiiiie1piiiibla.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiii~ man. The aah., 1Ir. B.,_I iii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii Rice and IIr. Hollis Rulon; Hacl-I donfield, N.J.; IIr. David "~::I Broomall; _and Mr. James ill Lancaster. The bride'. mother wo~ a bel,. I silk organza sheath with matd!q BEAUTY , accessories and a ponap of grAI I.F.IIHI •• AI A 111NI.1_1l1••1 cymbidillDl- orcldde. , The bridegroom's mother chose a 9 Cheater Road P'WD of te8J blue erepe ~d t Call KTngswood 8-04'16 with matching ac~""rie., and white orebld. AetlYe .~..... ., ... hwt'! A weddinc zeceptlon follnred I Bloom will become the bride of 1Ir. Brace Earle Yonng at 1 :80 o'clock aatorday afternoon,Iuly 6, In the swarthmo.... Presbyterian Church. Tba rehearsal dinner wi11 be glven by the parents o~ the bride for the bridal 'Party, out of town gUeete and enterteinlitg hostesses -at the Sprlnghaven Club on Friday evenlng. Mrs, David IIcCahan, lin. H. Lindley Peel, and Mrs. Carroll P. Streeter will entertain the bridal party and out of town gUests at branch st the Streeter home on IIrs. Grooters was attired in a mint gr_ sheath with an empire wallltllne, trimmed with satin applique. Her hat w88 of Irridaeeent sequins and her corsage of tered pink carnations. IIrs. ,Hoopes was gowned In a sheath of dllsty rose trimmed lace with matehlng accessories. She wore a single orchid. The bridal .party received on the lawn. The gneate gathered in 1IeCahan 'Hall. The bride is a graduate the ceremony at the Old lIill, V,alley. _ The bride graduated Swarthmore High School and tended the University of DeI.ware. The groom ia a graduate of PennIngton HIgh &hool, attended'Trenton Junior CoUege III nOlW at the General 1I0 l$.IENDS 7 o'elock Wednesday morning. moved to ()ilerlin avenue. They are Snn'ay, Jaly 6 ~ormer residents of Portland, ()re. U. I. CHOICE . 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. IHI'ITEI'I. gon. All are welcome. IBradford Keith GarY, three week Betsy Town,!", daughter of Hr. , MODday, J.1y 7 old son of Hr. aud Mrs, Rex I. GarY and:Mrs. G. S. Townes of Lafayette All Day Sewing for A.F.S.C. of :Magill road was christen8ci Sun. avenue hada. party for .frienda . We'nesday, ,lilly 9 day morning, Juna 29, by'the Rev. honor of her fourth birtl!day J1UI8 ~ect. for the CIum:oal Broiler . All'Day SewinC for A.F .s.C. .., H. Lawrence Whittemore at Trin. 1~. flHat It••ks ,. T,. . . . . . fr • • •011..... ity Church. .. '. 'Shirley Carpenter,· dAughter FIRSTC~HOF The habys godmother Is :Mias .Hr. and Mrs. samuel T. CarpenCHRIST, SClENTI~T Francea L. Shero, North ()hester ter of Ogden avenue left WednesU. S. CHOICE SWARTHMORE road. The godfathers are the littl. day to spend the summer at Camp ·Park Avenue below Harvard • boys uncles Mr. James F. GarY, Wyoda on Lake Farlee, Ely, Vt. Sun'ay, Jaly , , Seattle, Wash., and Mr. Joseph S. lo(r. aiJd. Hrs. A. Stoll Titus of . ,11:00 A.H.-8unday School. (.I.i~D TO .IDER) S,...rthmore avenue and their chilo 11:00 A.M.-The Leason· Sermon GarY, St. Louis, Mo. dre., Cathy and Billy will return will be entitled ":God". FlESH IIiLLED , Wednesday evening meeting each Mrs. William Craemer of Har- tomorrow from spending 'this week week. 8 P .:M., Reading Room, 409 yard avenue has 8S her guest this in Ocean City. . Dartmouth Avenue, open week· Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Paul and their days except holidays, 10-6; Fri· week her sister, Mrs. John Caul" field of Bel Air, Md. Mrs. Cree- children Anne, Jean, Nita, Jody and day evening, '1-D. f mer'~ daughter, Mrs. Wesley H. Charles, of Flint, Mieh., formerly .. UNITARIAN CHURCH Oler of Washington, D.C., tho for· of Park avenue, recently spent OF DELAIWARE COUNTY tner Virginia Craemer, will "pend few dan as the cuesta of Old Media Road, Springlield Rev. Herbert F. Vetter, Jr.. the holiday weekend with her par· :Mrs. William Kurtzhala of Park 1 Suaday, JIIIy' . ents. avenue. Dr. Paul has been atbend·1 'Ml'!!. Arthur G. Adams of Mor· i,!g a reunion at Union College in 11 :00 A.M.-Hr. Vet t e r will ganwood has as her guest fora few Schenectady. N. Y. and the familv 30.11. Dottin - AssDrted FI.vars preach. J iiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii W8Clks Mrs. Freddie C. Cooper of Ilre en route to Baltimore where Largo, Fla. }irs, Cooper and:Mrs. they will visit Dr. Paul's mather. II .We Stock .Home· freelers Who/esote Prices Adams are PWm!ng to VIsit anMrs. John H. Pitman and Use Our Special Credit Plait to fiB Yom Freezer other slstei' in Boston early-In July. A. HcCarter of VaSsar , . . III IE I.IE til'LL In .ILY THE IEIT AT IAlHIII'I Dr. and Mrs. William Y.·Rlai of nue have returned bome aftlll \ . . Harvard aveuue have visiting them spending 10.da,. ba Oc 1111 ,~, Hrs. . Rial'. mother,· Mrs. ArthUl' with Mn. ... C&ref1I1 L.Gaylord, of Saxonburg. daug"hter, Mr. and Mrs". Frank H. ........... m _ _ all _ I .. " .. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sidney J01waoD, Robbins and dsughters Ann, Gail .......ortaL h ... IIw . . - - Jt., of North Cheater road, lIJIeIlt. a and Susie at Prairie.J1Illage, Ken. or CIlOICe Ie*. .." ..... _ .....0&017. • ••_ _ few days last week at Spr!ng Lake, sas who are vacationing in the Yov iMpeefloK·" ilwie.d. N.J., attending the annual eonven· East. Hrs. Pitman will entertain FREE PARKING • n s f .......... air... tiOIl" of the Pennaylvanja BaT A..- 'In their hOiIOr 'With a ~'mllF pkallle I do..a clMlm. ~ .Tul¥ L . , . , ~_"'!"_ _..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ __ SWAR1'8MOREAN COMPLETE LUNCHEONS 95e . STRATH HAVEN INN· I THE OLlVER,lI.IAIR. CO. OUVII............... .. MAD ",,11-"''''q ... and Brown Motors PboleLQwall6-2044- • 3&4& -Bachman's FINE. FOODS, Swarthmore, PI. ,&14 Yale Ava. 'U. Ii CHOICE aidPRllE BEEF ONLY ~~_, I=~ro:;ra=~laa~~IaalSeabcriesoui.wim ILEITU J. Stamford. Intermedlate :: Wallinglonl" S. ()rawford•. Intermediate boya: I, A .tudent from Swarthinore it D. Mt:Curdy (44.7). (Continued from 1) ·BREASTSTROKE _ Midget Mount Hdl~ke College, Eleanor to W ......... ...~...0. rd by ·1 .2 second sgJ1' ' la:i T M Cu d (68 ) J . , . cry .7. uruor !o;foore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. (Swartbm~re tIme 1:69.7). girls: 2, B. Purnell. Junior boys: John M. Moore of 2 Whittier place, DIVING - Senior girla: 1, L. 2, A. Seybold; 3, R. Howe. Inter· bas been elected to club office. Sha Courtney (score 111.10). Senior mediate boys: 2, D. McCurdy. will be secretary of the eollege ath. boys: 1, H. Campbell (118.10); 2, BUTTE~FLY - Midget girls:. .• A C 1, A. Townea (24'&); 8, D. Torrey. letic assocIation for next year.· •. ~ietz. Intermediate girls: 1, S. d te f S th H'-h Wilhams (105.66); 2, B. Stuart. Junior girls: 3, B •. Dumm. gra ua 0 war more ... Intermediate boys (rio Swarthmore FREESTYLE - Midget git1s: School, Eleanor will enter her aoph. entry). Junior girls: 2, D. Renshaw I, J. Courtney (48); 3, D. McNair; omore year at Mount Holyoke this d h tiM H ; S,B. Purnell. Junior boys: aecon ea, , . untj62.6); 8, fall. 2 -. T I;;=~:;;:========;:; J. Speers (37.00); 2, J. Derrick· D • T orrey. M'd I g et boYS:, son. Brooks; second heat, P. Zecher (48:1'). Junior girls: 1, B. Ward .Several swimmers added to their EL~~WOOD exPerience by swimming in unoffi. (39.6); 3, B. Dumm; 8, B. Purnell. cial lanes alongside the competing boys: I, R. HcCurdy (87); contestanta in the various .1'!&ces. :' JA• BTreakell. Int:erm~iate girls: ' • be ownes, White Souolts Tie Oatl1ets d hswnnmmg two age • groups yon er own; 3, S. Craw. All swimmers,. except those who I~rd Intermedl'ate bo- 'iD M • J~: , • c· placed in similar events in Saturn .... Curdy. Batabhahed 1933 day's League mcet, enjoyed the Quiet, B.&ta1 SWiou,wI'np WItb weekly Seacolt meet at the pool Mrs. James E. Davis of Mel. _nent HoBoar N~ Cent Monday afternoon. This week the bourne, Fla., formerly of Amherst Whites led until the final event, the Klngswood 3-0272 grand slam relay, which the Gar. avenue, is 'ill at the Orange Menets won, thereby tying the score morial Hospital, in Hel~bo~u~rn~e~,~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~ at 94-94. The seniors present swam only for the fun, and didn't in. fluence the scoring•. All scoring 50 yards except in and relay. Which were 407 DARTMOUTH AVENUE 25 yard •. ' OPEN 7· A.M. to 7 :30 P.M. ~te scorers. were: Monday Through Friday ..-;..-.....;._ _ _ _ _ 'I'M opitsWu·· ",ep.....ed t1tlof the stro --+ reaSODB for Voleel k:tIn ....-. Editor, The Swarthmorean: choosing thb language. . ·The apparen1i weaknesses of 8O~::~e":~I=Ybo.::!!: French political organization as orted m' our press ~aft m'-'ead than I---aome OUOl of the large mao P ~ .... . h f anvone who does not look ......ond I beli jority , ,eve to elust w, "Sch I) avor J ""'Ivir. I this area. about the p.resent.dav the recommendat Ion of the 00 il' # Curricull!lD Advisory Committee" Ity of the French nation. that the French language be taught Returntng to the practical in the gtades, junior high school, of the subject, I h&ve foud and senior high school of Swarth. )jsh and French much more more, would champion that decision in the European countriea and and disepprove the substitute pro- of Asia and Africa aroud Mediterranean, than En-H-h ..posed by Mr. E. H. Taylor, I would German. "'his will continue to be welcome for my children t h e . o p p o r . . tunity provided, if they were still ~e for mauy years, I believe! of school ace. W. F. FARAGHER The dealrahUity of teaching for. eigo languages in the pUbHcschoo1a To the Editor:· _ . hsebeen realized increaSingly A group of lawabidin~. citi. the past 86 years. This is the belief zeDB ep0l""'red and chaperoned a of !Mr. Taylor, also. It has beeome dance·· at the Rutgers Avenue increasingly apparent, too, that School arounds Saturday evaning real Command of a ·foreign Ian. June 14 for the teenagers. guage . through public S<'bool in- . happened I The· music llad atruction can be provided best by Just.~ted to-i'lay ~en they had starting'in the grades ~d coutinu. tah VI~lt fl rom the poitee. Some ing through .high school. The re. e p!'OP e near by were complain· suits obtsllied for manl' years by ing about the music disturbing Old World coun.tries and. 'more re- them. Not once but twice, th8'police BAOKSmOKE - Midget girls: came. I, H. McWilliams (61.6). Midget cently by. certain communities in bo 2 H W I h 3 P the States have brought the proof. ~aw the parenta that"'were "Pon" ys: , . . e s, • • Sloan. . sormg that dance to keep the kids girls: 1, N. Webster (50.1); The chCllce, of the language to be out of speeding ears or jus~ getting 3, .s. ~nion. Junior boys: 1, J. "r, r:,,:t,":,,'!" Laqu,. eo•• ft Wha* sots,ught, . Poses the most serious tion by each has heen made doubtless on the1!asis o{thegleateatuseful~el!S throughoilt life, to the . jorlty of the. studenta. The !"ngua~ has ranked high for years m the ~ of countries whose Ian· guage 111 not English and continues to do so. It will lose out in the fu· ture far ·more often to the English ~ngua$", ~han to GerDll!n or ~U8SJan, I believe. ' There are good reasons for knaw. ing the German language, but the one given as a clincher by Hr, Tay, IOJ. seemS. trivial, if. not mcorrect. We shclllld long, sinlld" ~e,~bean' freed from. the'''HerrenvoIk''~ that Hitler and his minioDB strove to establish: reputable anthropologista stripped them of all evidence of a ·'pure.ArYan race." . The ploposal dftb.e Russian language fo'r our schools, seema uwise: ·it is impractical now and will be for years, because competent teacnen are not avaiillhle. The mi. noritywho would find It most use"fill can ~. equip th8J1188lves and the more easily,after their com· plete instruction, in French. . The slur on France as a dec&~estion to any country. The. wee- un -r. Funeral Home 6-3400 . Phone LOWell ... Prioe to .......... .....",.. N"" ..,. (,au,. . . .' , I .' " , , . . ..... • . Coffee. oGroU~ds'we.mean.@ Nothin9~ so •• lplaintrnEESTYiLE - Midget girls: but no one called the police. 2, .B. Gerner; second heat L. o~e joined In and had a good ·Midgetboys: H. .W~!laIli didn'!i::.hake. their ~eada say, (38.1); 3, P. Sloan; second heat, ·my, my, what are the young people J. Sip)er; 3, L. Burnett. Junior coming to. But now when Peopl. boys: 2, J. Speers.· Intlll!'1·necila:te I give up their evening 80 the kids girls: 1, J. Espenachade (39). lIo ....t C.rp.'ln, • Com~ele Pr/u Range • Or'II'.' RIp can have some good clean fun all termedlateboys; 2, P. Kent. 100. Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. they get i~ a visit from the police Garnet scorers were: KI d 3 6000 CL b k 9 4646 because some people are so easily BACKSTROKIE._ Midget girls: ngswoo •. ear r o o , aniJoyed. 2, A. Townes; 8, M. Hunt. Hidget ~ , Just bolO:y~s::'.21:,'~J:..~B~r~00~ks~~(6~8~.6~):.~J~U~n~lo~r~~::::!~~~"~~~"~""~"~I'~"'~KN~~O!!W~S~~~~~~~~~~ PATTERSOI'S !~~~~iHOUIESTEAKS Ib.89c· TOp· SIlLGil Con,ala.celll· Ho. ............-.,. .... - " , -ft.. '"", MARTINSON'S COFF£E Sf ••a .. fl• .".· fh _ " ...- .............. .....""" liD CAN lUll CAN- .' .' : \. .., i burs III rHcllis WalUncford. Mr. ~ II Kr ud:t!rl Thoma B. IIcOahe, In AUItrIa. . . . the lOll of Mr. aDd lIIra. Walter North Cheater' road, and tbelr - . John W. PeirIoI, Jr. and brother Thorpe of DlcJdllMD annu.. J _ L. McCabe are apendlJllf GUbert. Winant Pelnol of Dr. and Mn. J _ E.' Eck8IIseVeral weeks In 1Ihe British IsIeL slor, Mmn., who motored . .t belff retamld to tIlalr South a.They wU1 returu the latter part of their parente thne weaks aso and .' . .~._v Jul y to GO.trpy ........ e 00"·-" remained for a longer visit with ter road home FrIda.y after8attle, a two Northeast Harbor, Me., for the re- their gran~ther, Mrs. Gnbert weeks trip _t. Flying to malnder of the season. Jimmy will Wluant of PhDadeiphla, formerly Wash." they thel;' motored to VIcenter his Luder 16 "DecoY,' In the of Sproul road, visited their grand- 'torla, imd later down the eoUt to ,summer racea of the 'IN1ortheest father, Mr. Henry A. Pelraol, and Oarmel, CalifI., stopping at, Sali WFD. Id'- '11,'-'111 10".cl t d . th H A . _ .., Harbor 'heat. The "Deeoy" with un e, aun an, cousIns" e • • F,ranclsco wbere tbe American ........ I-WFIL·TI-III..... I Jillamy as skipper' was a winner in peirsol, Jr.'s, on' Lafayette avenue 'Medlcal Association was In ....aiotl.l IIII A••• semlDu NEWS NOTES i~i~i~~-~i~~i~ l WATCHMAKEB Fer_'b '" F. C. Bode .... Watch and 1J8 Yale ~~Re~pa.Irs~~i~i~i~ ~ UPHOLSTERY ...... of ChaIIBeIndB --:e~:!:cell Years swarthmore H . Sharon Hill 0734 ~~~~~;;~~~~~ • PETER E. TOLD , £ one race of the August series last year. Richard W. McCabe will return from Colorado to join Mr. Thomas w. McCabe at· camp near Ocean City. Md. in mid-August. Mr. and Mrs. James Bacon Douglas of North Chester road ara rived home on Tuesday after a five week European tour through England, France, Italy and SwitzerIan" HOW . atliSl1AN SClENCi " last Friday. . Mr. J. Roy Carroll. Jr" of Riverview road will leave tomorrow· for CI'lveland. 0 .• where he will attend the Nationiol Architectural Convention. Mrs. Carroll will join her hUllhand on J~y 7. They will fly from C~eveland to N~Yor~"Whe~ ~hey will board an' IberIan Alrlmer bound for Madrid. Spain. their first stop on an extended European . taken each year by a group HEALS Mr. CarALL LIlES IF IISIIAIIE 'Mr. and Mrs. A• R.0, Red grave architects II h ' and th their gi "tvee. 1 d'recto of Vas8ar avenUe have recently re- ro ,w 0 IS ere ana I r III lut••lfll An.... Swutll..... turned on the Queen Elizabeth from the Amerl~an Institute ~f Archi- Klngswood 3-1833 i~~~~~~~iiiii~~g While there Dr. Eckenhoff attend-I eel. several meetings. Their IO~ I, Edwa'rd, Benjamin. Walter and Rodney, visited at Barnegat.L1gnt, with. Captain and M)rs. Joel during their absence. ALL T/'IBOW·AWAY BAIS FO_' lLEAIEBS . Auto' Driving Instruction WE CALL FOB YOtT $6 P H er our ...... as iiiitiiii BII1rahI F..... ca.ter FRAMING PORTRAIT STUDIO STATE .. 1I0NROB IIT8. MEDIA LOweil6-2176 OPBN PlUDAY EVBNINGB tit W. 8 .... 8 _ !~~~LO~·i·~II~~~~~~~1 ~~ ou_,.,,_,,_ ,, • IIIIIAL FLORI,ST . . Forinerti C A RN S _ &SO BaHlmore Pike sprlncllekl. DeL C • 0., ..- ) RESIDENTIAL' AND CQMMERCIAL 'l'rHlTl'OIS .............,.._ • • US DAB'nI01lTB AVBliI1III IIrttll.rItIc J.F.IUCKIU n.ooa _IIIiiiKG WIM E n "Ies Klngswoocl 3-6616 ------ ROOFING Gulleisni,. I Co• lilt". II..... ... ..IIt•• PEkSONAL _ mqClea Be~ FOR SALE - Ford.l~~6. two door Parts. aceeasorles. Mnt Glass sedan in good conditIon and runBicycle. Hobby. Toy Shop. 205 East ning order. heater. spare tire and Baltimore 'Avenue. Clifton Heights, toola. $.150 for quick sale. Phone f.r hll UI MAdison 6-il713. Opposite Clifton ~~~~~ rm;SbNAt -' Methodi~t Youth ~K:J~n~pwloOd~~3~_O~88~4~. ,~",;'~~~ Fellowship ·wilI wash cars July Gutters Warm-Air Heating Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Work Frll EIt_If. ........1. IlIIlIaotl•• I.arllt... _ 12" heavY IiBob Gilfillan detachable 1:~1:r.:~1 erry Allen fighter. Excel1ent c< prices. 3-5103. tique ",nd modern. PleMe call.. '\ FDR I£lT ;: ~:~~88~~:te~re~ roR' REN~ - 'Ocean Cltyd N.J.. c 2854 West avenue. Bran new. on..half block from railroad sta- . GaOl'll KI ~-~,~"t" KI 3-2981 BOX 48 .,Irs ~ ud CO. KI 4-1214 ~~~~~~~~~~= ~~~~~~~~~~~ I,~~~J~r~~[~~~ Klngswood 3-0450 ! CONSTRUCnO.N .1 . . . Iii Fli IALI ~~ov::sbargaln ' hIIr Y -II.•.. - . ..... 12. $1.25. Call Klngswood ~ .Diluzio and So•• ~~;;;~~:;;~~~~~ i 'WALLlUAPII. .pitality with fOreign architects. Steve Belk. son of Mr; and Mrs. .Paul B. Belk' of Whlttlsr place. Ia spending the SUJDD\!'r at Camp ~. Cloud on Lake Champlain. N.Y; Mr. and lIrs. Robert J. Th<>rpe and their ehndren. Marcy and IOU'. I have returned' from Kanaaa make their home at 406 Klngswood 3·8761 CL ASS I FIE D· ADS. ROGER. RUSSEll Photographic Supplies . free Estimates BAY.DI .... DAWSOI Europe. They visited Honand, Eng. tects for the Philadelphia ar.;a. has land and Belgium' where they at- ac;cepted the leadership of thlS 1968 the World's Fair in Brna- tour European trek. lin In ",,:ch country the will enjoy exchange of hoaMrs. Clark Byse of Haverford avenue and her ehDdren Jimmy and Barbara hav.. recently returned from Camhrld"ge, Mass. where Dr. Byse has spent the la8t 10 months vlaltlngprofeseor of law all the ~arvard L_ School. Dr. By.. wU1 join his famBy In three weeki! after completing his teaching at the Sats.: INTElUOR & lSX'lISRIOR a _ _. " _ ~~~~~~~~~~~iltended • Jack Prichard . p' A I N TIN G ;;~;;~~~~~~~~ large living room. three bed rooms. •• -,built tion;bath. protected beach,birch firstkitchen floor. all eleetrie .dinette. finest appliances. new automatic washer in laundry. room.snd August to Septemcold 1shower and Apply on &eilowlIo .Bleh School~ Katie and. George willl'll:" main there for a woiek vialtin&' their eou8ins. Mr. an!lM"rs. '~ce1&D ..of Y~ avenue ~~ as tb.irc1!ii~ this weekl!nd. 'MH•.. Ha¥!_d's mother..... ~rd lfIige. of ~ttle, W1!sJa.. &ndlf.r. aud lIr.. RObert JJaree of their fOlir . children. r.-melal D~a 'spll ) Mary. of Bellene. Wash. .,IJrII. . Hammond's brothv, and biS family are en rOute Woods Hole, MBI!lI. where Mr. Hage will attend a lIC!ientiflc conference as the 'representative of BOeing . Aircrll{t CompanY of Seattle, Wash. The Hage's oldest daughter. Beth. will sail forE\1l"ope tomorrow as a senior lIC!oUt repre. sentatlve from her region to the International Girl Scont Conference at Our .Chalet in Switzerland. Mrs. Hammond's mother wUJ ;remain here with her daughter for the month of July. . Mr. and ·Mrs. Philip Alden of North Che&t\1' road are enjoYIng a week's visit from their 20 month's old grandson. Dick, son of Mr. and Mrs. David ,F. Griffin of Long Island, N.Y. Mrs. Griffin is the forIller Sa11y Alden. 'll:r. and Mrs. Philip Alden. Jr. and their Stuart and David arrive on sunday and will remain lritlo their parente for a family reunion over the Fourth of luly lVeekend.' . IMr. nd Mrs. 'lIorris Bleb of Coilego avenue are spending the lVeekend at Poeono M'anor;' 'r¥r ebDdren, Betsy and S _ . "tlm letI>.rn em JloDday' from Avalon 1rbere tb4Iy Itaft .... ~ their .. ~ 'JIii."\Va1taPape.' , BE A GUEST OF AeME! BeDJamin Weat aace TOURNAMENT of THRILLS . \ 1~th JULY ** * 'sa • at 8:30 p.m., Munldpal Stadium, Phlla., Pa. [ " S££1 It's true! ••• You can receive on" FREE TICKET wIIfI each $5.00 worth of purchosesl ••• Make It an outing of fun for the. whole famllyl • • • MOT.CYCU$ DAUDIVIL CLOWNS FOP SHOT, FROM CANNON AND BEST OF ALL ••• EVERYONE CAN GO AS GUESTS OF AcMEl *P~~~ - JULY 4TH .............. ,.., ..... , . FOOD VALUES! OPEN ,WEDNESDAY 'TIL 9 p.m. THURSDAY· 'TIL 10 p.m. C'osed Frid:.y, July 4th lai~cI--S,balikl~!ss, FUI~LY COOKED, SmoTted,l~· to 161b Average C Full Full BuR '. Shankless Cut Cut Ib Ib • (aome sl1_ removed) SHANKLESS'HALF 'lit ·6~ 5eJC' BUn HALF 1a',''''!wI • CIiMIIor - Lancaster Brand Cut frOID young, colrn."lfed. beell c Bfacle bane ;· ....movecn • B_Iess. roIIH Ib Rollllll " - . 1 . c ROAST 59 CROSS CUl ROAST • ale ARM Cq.o.v_ p,.,. ' • 69c CORNED BEEF BRISKET Ilt69C ROAST ::59C BELTSVIUE TGRKEfS 4ge lit 1111 I Ovell reu,; 1I0lle pricH bieber! .. LallIe. . .· . " ' ave rell4y. f to If) lb' Av.r~. lit JUlY 4th VALUES" OPaby A. Cakes !it. 4ge 4 ~ $100's Must,d ~ lle Flavod'll. non-carbonatH MIX OR MATcHI HI~C~' ORANGE 1M A' .' r Acme Picnic Check List! DRINK· 4::$1" =-~-= .;~~ c ~DEirGUPEfRUlTJUICE4~$I811 tl::uJ. 2~::: to 0 Kaiser Aluminum Foil ~~'lge 0 Aristocrat Plates :h l2e, UIy p. Cups $1, 3le • Pi":;,d';-;:;;-;.Ubl;tAL'----------------- ,PICKLE .SPEARS ~.::- 49c PEANUT BUrrER r!O:::~ , ':: 33e DPailcess"apHIs A lDc pic~lic t="DIIIkiAg Sbaws AlOe QUEEN ·OLIVES . 7Y.:w-49c WDod.SpooasaFDrksi,10e 0 J:!:.. Paper $A 9ge BALA CLUB S~E 6:=49c SA,tJP:12::S9C DPIastic Picnic,Sets ~88e 1" ,"'rigerato, .jar/ BIG TOP F,1..,.fll'-Ul' your C. . ." with .IDEAL • . p. Gingn Ale. Roilt Beer cf Blat;k CbenyMVIRASl1i . .. CANTALOUPES 2 for4tc ~ . . __ " ; _' . . '_. _ :. _ - .~., . , t , ,_ , , . , •. -.-' :._.-"'C .... OAK, y.,.N·eonrit S&H G.... 'Sfait•• ~;-.,,(.--:: ••.. - -~-. I.!..: ,'._,.,•.•' '. '. ".,:.'. ' '.~/ ,_'; •.;...~ _'.:'.' •..• Pike' . ,..,., . .-: ff"".,"'" ,,~..,-. ';-_::,~ -::' '. .. ''\..',' ' .' , . i.. .•.. - . ;-, .. , .' ~-., ~":i.:\' }'r,'I;,·••: \ Pap 8 P.. • ' \ 1._., ... t KWe-....,. T_ lin. Paul II; PaullooD 'of·In.IaW' and dauPter of Mr.. Com.mun.:'" -. post ' 1) - bIv......... Leon C• .... --~,- of P-""; .. , The ehildren in••the (Continued f rom P ace aven... and ......... ·.r. _......... ....•••- ~u1l8, . PrograM friday of' 9 A.ttI. garten group an buy eonducted by Norma Pk:cone. Leonatd spent the weekend.of June moving back fron:; Kansi. Cit,. I ..CqWi.mted with all of the different put week the boys and girla WOIk· 21 with MD. Paul8on'e Ken. Tbey willllve in·Ro. Vall.,. (ContlDued from Pap 1) I' ad with glmp In ma1.lng key and her hubaDd. Mr. and Mn. V. H. KupellaD of Chevy Chua. ·Md. BrOwn. Mn. Robert IlL Grogan. types of indoor play 'l'luipment. holden WIyards.&1ld1rbnp MD. George M. Kama. Mn. Frank- AIIIIOq one of the aebievementa ed ha~n. Summer Club who have juat retumed from lID H. Andrews( view them the week was a pr.... made by ta ill alzo he wor~ weeU in Europe. WhUe her pllreJllta II appreciation; this iB no 8I.y boy~ from building blocks ~ bouse re:~ber~ copper. aluminum, were awa, their daughter, Diane with every young face aglow varlOUS ~ of trucks. . and a variety of arts"and Louise ·haa .been staying with her eager hope and vigorous parti.cipaThe children pia, outalde for teriBls . gmndparents. Mr. and MD. Paw' tiQn). considerable longer length of ~t is still not too late to ioin the BOn here in Swarthmore. Ground. of the College Avenue on .wings. jungle gym, Summer Club. There are five more' 'MD. Willard E. Bath of Marietta Thus far. poliomyelitis WI> School will be the site of the Com- boards. see-saws. and ride weeks of the program left. avenue gave a dessert bridge' at cine has reduced paralytic munity Fun period which follows scooters and wagons. The home July 1. polio cases):oy 80 pen:ent. But, -the parade as soon as parents can play with balls anli. in v~~iou. . Mis. June Marshall of' Mr. anll Mrs. Arnold H. Redding. the job is not yet finisJv040 assemble the various parts of of group games. mvolvmg sunple lane is spending the summer Millions of Americans havc group and tranafer' them to running. tagging ·and "We.t Cove." CulversLake, N.J .• 1lCIlCived. no. vac:ane. and riIilfield. At one side Will he- the PONY Each day after nud-mornmg the home of her grandparents. Mr. Belvedere lions mnm have yet to eomRIDES. for children under snack' comes rest time. and music and Mrs. H. G. Harper. years-of age; on another part will or a story record. Usually there is Mr. and Mrs. Charle. E. Boval'd Convalescent Home plete ihe full schedule of three be the field games 'organized for conversation period, where of North Swarthmore. avenue and 'doses. If you and IllI!IDherI of. 2507 .Che.lltnut St., Chester the varying age groups (-part of the dren talk about something they their daughter· Betty leave Thurayour family IIl!i' among theee CHester 2·5373 fun is the search for the desired or saw. Each day is full. day for Warren to attend the wet groups---:CO!lSult your,famlly spot) and somewhere at the clo.e of Primary OraD, ding of Mrs. Bovard's .younger _uH_Clan physician nnw_ Arrange to the game period, when each child The Primary group of the Swarth- brother Philip A. Reed of Erie. Aledo CbrcaIo IiDishthefullscheduleofthree . conya)uceDt; KeD azut Womea has had the ride he 80 wants. will more Recreation buhbles with enMrs. F. Bar·ry Bewley of Park Es_r_·S.. doses to obtain maximum he the dispensing spot.f?r the thusiasm. The youngsters have ex- avenue entertained at a luncheon BIu,..-._rod protectioD.; If you havc not of the hour to all partiClplUts. erci.ed vivid imagination. with va- for eight on June 21_ , sicles or dixie cups'cation d'i-eams. displayed on paper. Mr. and Mr•. J •. H. Foley and begun the series. do so now in . Back again at. Borough Pef\P shows are in the making. sons. James aUd David. moved Satorder to be protected during members of the FIre Depa~ent scenes such as a cooling urday from 206 ·Dijlkinson avenue the 1"~8 polio seaso~ Let's wil1 go into vigorous action lD a .noW spring and Christmas. into their new home at 206 Har~ finish the job. demonstration of speed and sldlls. Sh~ring haS been a dally event vard avenue. Mr_ and ·Mn. Brooke .f. 47tll July 4tn POLIO ••• LET'S FINISH THE JOB! -;;;============:;:::==; _e. This is the tladitional element to with the children showing each oth- Cottman and daughter. Cindy. _o_ CATHERMAN'S DRl,JG STORE _.- which adventurous spirits in the er their prized possessions of arrow merly of Trevose. moved into' the 1lI0rough look forward from year heads doll dresseD 'home-made Dickinson avenue honse on Monday. ;year. Oldtlmere have been heard to cloc"'; and toy soldiers. Ian M'.eKieag. BOd of Mr. and . Klngswood . 3-0586 say that J\O one. iB a true record. and singing provide Mrs. George MeK.e8g of Parrish JULY I _ lillY II more&n untl1,splash~ ,(and rest time activities. road, has returned from a week'. _ e~ can be understatement) by the The sports program is active in stay at Cape May, N.J•• where he THI _ INCllAHlINe AM.... _ COMIDV Flre Company on the 4th,. An~uaIly hopscotch to line socl,eio. croquet to was the guest of hi. classmate, the Fire Company contnbution to Red Rover. . Robert Patterson of Maple avenue. . the Fourth program 18 an On' Tuesday, Ian entrained for The Pours N hI h f th spla.hing hlg ig t o e Camp Deerwood. Holderness. .H.. .8.~l;~~,~~~:;~ uled events. The four year old group had an where he will s.... inion. ClhlId >'" nd the summer. SPECIAL. 'Boroughwise, the balance of exciting first week at summer rae:- ,Scottie Prescott. daughter of Mr. "ltb ••clI D•••• day is a matter of choice. There reation school. ..nd Mrs. T. W. Prescott of Benja- ;~8'~"~"'~7~'~'~'''~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~ are lively doings at the Swim Club iPart of each morning 'Was en- min West avenue and Allie Walker. "You Meet tilt: Nicest People of' Spear.e·s" and at the Tenni. Club a round joyed inside' modelhig with clay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert robin ~urnament is in progress painting picture., ·playing in a rhy- Walker of Elm avenue are attendoutlined el.ewhere in this issue. thm band and learning .imple ing Music Camp for the. summer at There are family picnics ger .plays. Outdoor play. using Pennsylvania Stata University. uled and neighbor festivities. Alto- .Wings. jungle gym, sliding board.. George AllIsiUc . Flow... flowers , SWARTHMOREAN 'or til. ~warthmore, iOLuME 30-NUMBER ZI! -Hallah CloIIIier Hull Memorial service ,Held Miss Brewster to Be Heard 'In Operattc DlaDa Brewster. daughter If Mr. 60 Year Reside~t Was and Mrs. Frank V. Brewster of II Dickinson avenue. will be heard in . Internahona y leading soprano roles in highl;ghts . _ K n. o.wn . of "La Traviata" and "The Me~ --, ' I sa ..... ce was he'ld at Widow" at the Garden Pier at AtA memor18 ~ 2:30 p.m. Wednesday ill the lan,tic City on Friday evening, July 'swarthmore Fl'iends Meeting 18, at 7:15. House for Mrs. H"nnah Clothier Other BOloists and members HuJi who died Friday. July 4. at the en.emble will be outst.""lIn:gl her late home in the Swartbmore young singers of AGORA (As.oci-I Apartments. A de,!oted Friend and ated Guild for Opera, ,aud the one of the founders ot the Women's. lated 'A$) of Philadelphia, of International League for Peace and which MiB. Brewster is diractl.... Freedom. Mrs. Hull. would have Dance sequenCBI will he by membeen 86 on July 21. bers of the AGORA Ballet Guild. Mrs. Hull had resided in SwartbMias Brewster wilJ also sing in more .ince her marriage in ~_ Ocean .City on Juli 19 and 20. She ber, 1898. to. Dr. William I. Hull. will return to the Garden Pier at . f h' to d • te Atlantic Ci.... on the following ev.... prof es.or 0 IS ry' an lD r n a - ' J tional law at Swarthmore College nlng, July 21. as soloist with the for 48 years.'They made theil home Atlantic City Symphony Orche.tra. at 504 Walnut lane. and 'after Dr.' . ... .. 11'. d8lth on November 13. i939.. n~ . ,C8 =('001 Celaltra... Fourth, A. Sidney JohnBOn. Jr.• North n' . / Valla, Chester road. was elected preaident en Baals Rosa Preacll He,. Sunday Heads Family Service of board of the FamUy of the Delaware' Caunty at the Serviceannual meeting held last month in Media. Reelected 00 the board were John W. Carroll and Morris L. rocks. both of College avenue. and HoWard P. Kulp of Marietta ':;enue. ' . Iu a report given at the Tuesday night meeting. i~ was noted that the' agency haS asswnedresponsibility - for voluntary children's .ervices in Delaware County. Operatlon of this program began following the close of the 1957-58 year. YO Boro. Homas Honor. la6.'s Birthda, SCOHiSh."Inl".r Will Ba Gllesl f/owe;/ess $4.00 PER YEAR Pa.. Friday. July 11. 1958 To '''e - . flowerless. 'or Paraders, Spectators M eet" Rose Tree . Here Tomorrow, White' S I W' eaco ts In W On the fourth ·ann"v 1 ersary 0 f til e opening of its own pool the Swarth. more Swim Club sent a delegation of midget swimmers and three div· ers to assist with the inaugural program at nei~hboring . Ridley Township Swim Club's new pool off Woodlimd avenue. Early Fridayafternoon Sandl( Robinson, Dave Foley, Hal Welsh and Dick McC~rdy with Ann Townes, Cacki Espen. schade, Barbara Gerner and Judy Courtney demonstrated with medley relaTs. Linda Courtney, Sue Williams and Jean Boyer gave a diving exhibition. They returned home in time for Lap Some 600 oft • I rOpSIC as the gala Fourth of July prognm at Swarthmore pool at at 94 p.m. andthetu'rned out again a.m. More than 500 favor. distributed Saturday morning to help their by the Swarthmore Busines. As- teammates in other age groups with aoeiation (with· Alaska claiming a hardCfought 192-162 victory 'over Thomas D. Jones Die,d Nichols, Aberdeen, Scotland. most of the show) to Fourth of the Suburban LeagUe champions of apartments. The daughter of Is~c U. ClOthin Hospital Mr. Nicol haS aft M.A. July early morning ;p$"aders in several years back, Rose Valley. ier. co-founder of the StI_bridge from " Divinity School in Scot- costume.; 600 popsicle. relished by Although Swarthmore scored eight and Clothier department store. she . Ju Y 2 land, and commenced hi. minlatry participants aud spectators at the to Rose Valley's one in the openiq an 1891 'gnduate of Swarth· Funeral services for Tbomas in the IGrk of Scotland. Later, in game hour; theilpectacular "sav- event (senior ,girl. backstroke). more Collegewhereabewa. amem- Darlington Jones of 25 erof the P .... for a week pnor~ h\8 deatH,... chutch in Edinburgh' for a all sizes ineluding aeveral.verylarge At 9 a.m. wm?rro~ Swar.t\unore . Co~lttee and the Committee on ·Born in Philadelp~i~ Septsmher durl1\g the absence of the and beautiful ones and tl)ey. were of will be out for Its tliud win when Worship and Ministry for many 29,1900. and ed~atee Russian swimmers (Daisy. Violet, The Fourth of July was1he.focal ' at 6:30 P.M.' Castle for the weekend. (Continued on Page 4) . Lilac and Tulip. s~mewhat resem· point. of eonvenatlon and activity. ThIs weekend and next wesled·tbein ·with red coached by Bm MeClarili, coach of was namwly avoided about 2 p.m. Breathless '!~ the thought of how Seahorses in the final relay ·by· reand blue el'&yon•• When they fin- the Orioles team in the· Ameriean last .Thursday when a bicycle rid- much more dire the eonsequences vealing ".he" couldn't swim more ished, they ,all donned. their hats division and Bill Welsh. Sr., of den by nine-year-old Richard Red- ,ould have been. sympathetic re;.i- than five ya"rds. I and marched around the. room to same 18lgue. . ,. den of Cornell avenue emerged dents reca1led another boy ~ a Thus in the words of Guard Don lllartial m~sic.· , '; Tbe Folsom team has lo.t but through a high hedge bordering a -bike who was killed at the adjaeent Henderson, an able interpreter For the Primary group the week geme of 2t).this seaBOn.. 'vacant lot at Dartmouth and railroad crossing a. few years ago. throughout the Russian doings. the began with a wit fro:.. George in tlte Junior Delaware Swartbmore . avenues jump e d And they exchanged stories 'of tne final score proved "the American out into difflcnlties they. as drivers. are en- girls were the better BWilllJDers as WashingtOn, no' less, in the person League. They, too. will ~ave boys across the sidewalk of Eddie JlQnd•.The ;Four'th was whose ages range from n~e to 12. the path of. a car driven by Charles coUntering daily with children 'on .well as the mote attractiye."Uenalso a big topic of eonversation, Horace Re?8haw, eoath of Dietz, 17 Bwarthm.ore High School local streets--especially in the trip. derson also abrnptly tested the unand several children b~"~ht their (Continued on Page 4) football ;Iayer and mcmber of the Iy dangerous half-block in question biased' judge's sinkability. 'Sea, . .~ - S w a r t h m o r e Swim Club life guard -where turns into and out of Dart- horses taking part were. Carol and copies of the Declaration of IndeJ Willis GI' P-I--' Pendence to ahOW to the rest Of the Attends T ri.Delt staff.." mouth avenue, and of Riverview oyce . ms,. .ona . -"":" class; Their pre-holld." ee1ebration -!(Ts. George L. Shoemaker Despite th.e suddenn~ with avenu,!>. bUt a few feet to either Betsy BI'1!8~]1 snd L!DdaCojlrJ;ney. included the 'making of originill Academy ~d was among 80me which :the bicycle appeared. Diets. side. of a railroad erosaing on' heav~ •Noveltypl'lZe-winning eventl! for and funny hats. pliis a parade -with ",embers of Delta Delta Delta who had just crossed the. ral1road ily traveled Swarthmore avenue younger ~ooUteoJ. ~011oWed. - . musleaJ. lnetrumentll d~ the telidJq'th4! 'lOth AnD\VerM1T en route to··the Swarthmore shop- combine to give anydrqer'plentS' . • (ContIDued on Page '1) judging of 'all aie hats. . vention of the intenationa! pilig c:enter. 1rasable to lriverve to cope with. . ABide from the holldq oheerV- late fraternity held June B8-8O eufil'cientIY to mils running over I During the past year the 10Cfl IEBElIEI - the _ _ uaed .... --.:. '1-'-0"'--' Beae... FIll. She Is ~~:::I the' bOy. ,Foriuliatit1y. after five school system. and parents coop. ~. ap4 MrS. s. lIil~1\;Jlr;a1lt f Swarthmore blue crepe. She wore a piJlk f1ow- . and Miss Elizabeth Rickards Grier ered hat and a corSage of piJlk fea( 'th A t· Dessert- B n'dge) fM'lf d Dl M' C'IFl' WI ppelZe~0 1 or '. e.. ,ss ora or· thert'd carnatio1lS' The groom's ence SchmId of Ridgewood.. N.J. mother was IOwned in a light blue NOON Ie ON&TBJaft Lake. Me. The maid of honor was gOWJled in flowered lIylon dress accented by Mr. and Mrs. Avery F. Blake ra. white eyelet organdy of ballerina a white hat and a white feathered turned Monday to their home on length with .scooP neckline, over carnation corsagll. Ample space for after-l!lBcheOn bridge Amherst avenue following a iO-day •wellow .•.... -Ifeta. A short circular, The brl~-' I wu coup e spent a week at no extra charge. . vacation aboard their crniser "An- matching yellow veil fell from in the Pocollos and are now at nabelle 11" at Spray Beach. N. J. ·Iattice crown which sat directly on home at 10 Ogden avenue. They were joined ove,: the Fourth top of her head. She ear~ed a loose The bride attended Shlppenshurg KIngswood,S.0680 of July weekend by the,lr son· cascade of yellow pompon. mums. State Teachers CoIiege and/Temple and daughtsr Mr. and Mrs. Ronald harvest moon camations and University. She was a teacher' in E. Sutton of Madison. N. J. dodendron foliage tied with the Abington Township Schools last Mrs. Frank G. Keenen and ribbon. The 'bridesmaids were sinI· year. and will be teaching in Media Peter E. Told were hostesseS ilarly dresBed. with green under in the fall. The groom has served day evening at a stork teffeta. and green veils and bou· in' the U. S. Army, and is noVi 8m. .. honoring Mrs. James Streetsr quet ribbons. at Westinghouse in Lester. ITATE I.SPEITIO. AIT•• ATII TRA.I.IIII •• IE.AII ProSpect Park.. Mr. James McKjnnon of Bamp, WheelAJignment . caster and ep.ber Toe-Ia Mr. William Bower of stead. N.Y.• was ~t man. The .IITHS Motor Tune-up Gulf Gas and ster avenue has retumed home ushers. were Jerry .Nash of Water. Mr. an.d Mrs. Rodman S. Fox er a~nding the army reserve vliet. N.Y.• Dr. Benry Crawford of Philadelphia aunounce the birth I at Indiantown Gap. Ford. Jr., of Swarthmore, and Mr. of their first child. a son. Mi.~ Alice Shields, Peter Brower' Bloom and Mr. Rodman. Saturday, June 26. at RUSSELL'S SERVICE nurse in the Swarthniore office. Frederick David Bloom. brothers of J afferson Hospital. The ma,te1'l!oall Opposite Boro Parking Lot taking a cruise to Bermuda the .bride. . grandparents are Dr. and ~l her summer vaclition. ;\ reception imnie4iately follow- Karl Renning of Saraeota, ~ Julie Brooks. daughter of Mr. ing the ceremony was held at the formerly of Swarthmore. and Mrs. CharIes H. Brooks of Springhaven Club in Wallingford. Forest lane, is spencling the The bride's mother wore'an ecrU, . I d '~cess,or_1 Lt, (j. g.) and Mrs. BarlanR. h th . h mer at Oamp Plumfleld on lace s ea WIt avaca 0 Jessup of Newport, R.I•• announee Winnipssaukee Center. ies. and cymbidium orchid the birth of a sOn. James Harlan N. n. The groom's mother wo"" a powder Jessup. on Saturday•. July 6. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Breake1l of bhl~de lace and ~hiffon gown and or- maternal grandparents are. Mr. .. . had c I corsage. ....- H I N o~t h P rmceton avenue as After a weddin ttl to wash. .......' ar an R. Jessup of Tulsa, I th.,r gnests last weekend . . g. p Okla.• formerly of Swarthmore. Mr. Breakell's and sis- lII!!ton. D.C.• :he bnde and groom and Mrs. Meredith Hamphill of theIr bome near Lack· Lak N.J h te r Mr. an ·d Mrs. R a 1p h .Loog of 1willd make A' F B . S A' e, •• aret e .patemal P e te rs burg, V' an Tex. Ir orce ase In an . 'n.~. ndparents. Be 18' the B., an d th· eu children tonio &.,Jim. Dorothy and,Nancy. T h e ' grandson of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. had been vacationing in Ocean . of Baverford avenue. LilJa ••• RUIT IndividuaDy fitted to you for eondorlBnd beauty. and were on their way home to Miss Mary Ruth Bryant. daugh_ ginia. Alterati~ AD Famous Makes; ter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Orzo Ne.wt<~n I Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Wolfe of BrYant of Sproul Estates. Haverford avenue announce the TO WED JULY II became the bride of Mr. Peter birtli of a -daughter, Elizabeth, at L I Lankena" .oospif:aI Jply 1. Thema. The lllM'riage of Miss Marl~ ton of Ogden avenue, the son te .mal grandparents are Mr. and Bauer. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Linton of Mr . Fred C. B.auer of Merion and' Pvt. Bartlepool. England. at 2 o'clock s. Bran~h Rickey of Pittsbur,h. 815~' T.l\e paternal ~andmother is Mrs. John BUkart. son <>f Mr. and Mrs. 'Saturday: afternoon. June 28. in La Robert Hilkert of Strath . the Prospect BiU' Baptist' wrence Wolfe, also <>f . Pitta- COMPLETE LUNCHEONS . ,95c, . STRATH HAVEN INN ' . .AUTO· REPAIRS on ROBERT J.An, 111'. II 3 0440 a!!!itis Girdle. and Bra ,Shop The Fashion Center for Girdles and Bras, Corselettes and Camp Supports, etc. free. . • Edgmont 4venue, .Chester day avenUe. • .rulywill 19.take at Washington place on Satur. Memorial Chapel in Vallioy Forge.lh. and Mrs. Bilkert wiD entertain the bridal party at dinner preceding the rehears81. . Private Hilkert returned home . .. CoIle'ire Thea'Ire .. IWAITH.OI" .1. AIr·....HI.... I this week after completing his bailie ~::~!r;:ltewi:~~h~xw::!~ .OW. SHOW... I ' t F J ks ... ..., ' A D . ua.n.a FIla ..... "Dew IUs" train IIIg a • ort ac on. S.C. appliqu~ flowers on the front PllJlhas been assIgned, to Fort el. Ber veil fell. from a lace cap. _... fill Mass. She wore .lace gloves and carried tTeclmlcolor) a bouquet o~ whlta featheredcama. R~ 1'_ H ..hlt _ _ tions. Prlday Peaturea _ 7:40," .:to-~.M. Mrs. Robert Snyder of, Prospect ,sa-., _ . - e. e. It P.M. •••IZIIE IUBIIRI'TIO.S Park, as matron of honor, wore a ALL w...." DIIIIIU P1IN . . .119.... caa ••• light blue gown of organdy over IP'O. CIIILD~. U'I'UJU)U·. I ".M. .• IS. LLOYD Eo UUI'FU. taffeta with' a taffeta cummerbUnd ... IISD. . . . . . . .a...... ''Sf.... Ira'___" S · lDapw-- Plu 8UlI ... OAaTOON c.uunv.u. AIl III Jul, and August . , TftIm'coJor WED., TH.I." FI", lAT. JILl II, n, II, II "n.. HiP CuI 10· & "',... ,oa-m... Wed. and Sat. 10· I of .....". LB'l"I GO" . . MOOII ••• 011 ....IIET T. THE ••••• an'_~ PIa .................. -..Np,. :..... filE .1.... ~ ~:_.' :'. :' / - , -' t -" '. ClAMooJi c.aium.u. Kfngswoocl 3-2290 ' ".' .• Remember when Chester-Road was a grade cross' ing at the Pennsylvania RailroacJ? . ' . . . I _ I • Remember when the old Prep Schoorhadsome of its fine football teams? .• Remember when the trolleys ran from Media to Folsom along. Yale Avenue? .. • Remember (only ~ years ago) wlll~n there was not :·a "CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP" in town? '.iII•. H, ..... " •••lier II' If t ••1i, t ....., ...'1 , •• " •••••r II t II. filII ......'aIit-..~ ~ , I ,ltl If ,ur .,....... .. * * ·Camera·.. .,........ , - _...... 1 ..... ...,................. *' 1-"". rw • •aries - fer. OLDER-Rill..... 'OILII - _ - ':to, I:e P.II. ..... . : - .......... p= t . . .,. . . . f.!!!!!~!!!!!!~~!!~~!!!!!~~~!~~~ a..a You 81al Away WHIt. HM,. • .., . .t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . . Phone CBeste~ 4-3331 ~'L~'~s:II~~~~~;11;~;;1 JacksoD, Prospect assisted Park. The by the R;;. Rev. Prentiss, performed the ceremony before an altar with palms and white flowers. ' The bride, given in marriage by ber father. was gowned In a flO'or 10.', SMp, . 4 • 6P.rk Avenue Kll·1419 .•..••.-.,'vu_,- , " r ." '1" .5. Personals· - ...v JO ,_:a~u.i"_.1 7" . . . . . "'-:' .~;:i& . " CaIhoUDB Complete ~of)Co~'" NOTES . 25-Day Western Tour Mr. and Mrs. Robert It. Reeder !Ire. I. Alfred Calhoun and of Barvard avellue laft their 0-11 daughters Martha. Belen. and City lummer home Thuraday, July Deane, returned Monday night 3. to drive their daughter, Deborab from a 25-day tour of the Roekies. to Biue BiU. Me.. where Ihe will the Canyons. Illdian villagee of the attelld Kneisel Ball al a scholarSouthwest. and the South Dakota ship student. While there she will Badlands. Mrs. Calhoun and the have the opportunity of stud)'illg youllger girls .Iaft Swarthmore Ou the cello with Joseph Fuchs. Louis Friday. Ju~e 13 •. p.ic'ked up Martha Persinger. and Arthur Balsam. who. had Just finIshed her .jul!lolrl Deborah recently won a Concert at Carleto.n ColI~ge, and all Artists Guild Award which entitles headed for GlaCIer NatIonal Park. her to a Steinway Han (New York) . En route, they spent 24 hours recital next winter. with Mr. and Mr;'. W. Y. Henning Last sununer Deborah atteuded in St.' Oloud, Minn. Mrs. Henning the Berkshire Music Center at Tanis the sister of Mrs. Joseph Lync!h glewood on scholarship. There she on Dartmouth avenue. In was the only 'cellist chosen to be a Mont.. Mrs. Marie' Hildebrand. soloist with the Center Orchestra. Rose VaIIey Nurserles,..I'DC. .• was I lin. C.l. aveDue returned Suday after spelldiD8 tbe'Fourth'of July week. elld with her daughter Babble who is ill CapeMey for the snmmer•. Mr. alld Mrs. William B.Brown of Riverview road spent last week· end in Eaglesmere. Mr. and Mrs. Benry S. C. Laa and their IOn Tommy of Dartmoutli circle have recently retumed from. two weeks tour of the New Eng. land states. While his family vacationed for a week at Pleasant Lake ,Lodge. Elkins. N. H., Mr. Laa attended the Gordon Researcl1 Con· ferences at. Colby Junior College, New London. N: H. The family then visited for a week with Mr. Lau's silfter and her family in Portsmouth. N. H, ;~~~~~===~====~==~====~===~ ~ ... Raymond Hildermother of Mr. brand of westminster avenue. was hostess and gdide for a picnic and tour of Mackoshika State Pawrk. Montana's .Bad Lands. Glacier the first of 10 N~tional ParkS visited and enjoyed. A night's .ferr,. ride aoross Lake Mlchlgan, a picnic on the shores of Lake Huron, a drive aero8s Ontario and half a clay at Niagara FaIls were inclucled in the final days of the trip~ On the morning tlf the last day. Helen had an intervi_ with the ~~ of Admi~lo~ at the Unlvenlty o~ Rochester. • . • Middletown· Road - Media, Pa. Opposite High Meadow (between Dutton MiD Road and Knowlton Road) CUSTOM UN' DSC'APE WO"1w na Friendly Sound Advice - Free Telephone: CHester 2·7206 AD l'O• •I!!! .ALJIEa I. I PLANS ~. PLANTINGS - TERRACES WALLS - WALKS - FENCES A•••ALI - .EIE•• IAL' Crepe Myrtle • La~rel ,. Viburnums· RhododendronS HOLLIES IN VARIETY Peler E. Told. All Unes of Insurance . ()pen 7:S0 A.M. - 6:30 P.M. Dally III DAInMOIJ'JIl ..T&. SWAa"PD'0U:, .... (Ul.· ...... ~) ,-;.==~K~ln:g~sw:oo~d~3~.!1~8~3~3=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;§~~~~~~~~~~ :: a dinner ·at the aRestaurant Ametlcan Nurses Association in Copenhagen, stop at theWinex Pearl ventlon. of the Coast Hotel while motoring , Mr. and Mrs. Robe.rt A. 4111801'1 along the Danish River to.Elsinore. of Vassal' avenue spent last week· Through the U. S. State Depart- end vacationing in No!"tbeast, Md. ment, a reception was arranged for Mr; end Mrs. Thomas ·A. Bradthe group to meet with Queen Jull- shaw of Ogden avenue are enterana of the ~etherlan~ following a talning for a few days Mra. Benry luncheon at The Hague. .'. Ries of Denver, Col. Mrs. Ries is a Those making the tour from thiIi landscape architeet and wiD attend area were: ' limdscape architeets' meetinge Mr. and Mrs. M,.eElwee. ·Mr. :a~:in:.:: D.C., during her and Mrs. Edward 'WJ Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur O. james. Mr. Kent Beeslnger, son' of Mr. and and Mrs. John H.Fawcett and their Mrs. M. A. Beesinger of Wellesley son Robert. Mrs. BarVey Weaver. road is spendhig t·he summer at Mrs. Howard E. Shearer. Mrs. Camp Deerwood. NilwHampshire. Frank McCowan, Mrs. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Beesinger and their Ewing~r. and Mrs. Ross Pfalz. family drove Kent to Holderness graff, all of Swarthmi,re; ·M. Lare and on their retum made Flounders of Wallingfor4. and Mr. Squam La\te. Booth' Bay BiLrborl and Mrs. William E. Soden of Me- and Sturbridge Village. dia. Mr. GeorgO Armitage of Miami While In Brl1asels .Mrs. MacEI. Fla •• son o!o I1r. and Mrs. Ge<,rK'! I wee was interviewed oVQr the rac\io L .. Armi~ge o~ South Chester by Madame Bozain a leading club- will arnve thIS week to spend twe woman. on pro~am cal1~i~At weeks with his p!,rents. Ralldom at the .BrUssels Fair}' This Mrs. Henrietta Bruce of Magill broaclcast WaS· heard' in the United road and her soD and daughtsr-iJl. States on July 6. law Mr. 'and Mrs. B. W. . . Mrs. Charles Howard. the Amer- spent the Fourth of ,Tuly weekend Ican Deputy'Ooimnissioner at the visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Fair. entertained the group :with 'Rosenblatt of Peapack. N.J•• a lectuli and a special showing of parents of Mrs. W. 11. B~ce~ Circierama given at the AlJl81ican .' l\J;r. and Mn. L. C. GatwOod of Theatre. . . Elm avellUe and tlleiJ' children. Mrs. MacElwee and Mrs. lames Nancy. Dorothy. Linda, Peggy. and were Intervi'ew'ed in Sweden by a Lee. l!lturned Sm,Id~ afl'!r.. visit30 . points reepectively.' TheAll ing for week with Mrs•. Gatefea~..!ng a special. article on the wood's brotj"ir-in·law,: and Mr. and' Mrs. Charles Kendall tour. ,., Groton. Conn. The en~re party was given .. reTdrs.• Clyde Miller of ViIlanova ception at the American embassies returned last Friday. July avenue in Oslo, CopenlJagen. Bl'USsela and 4 . after visiting relatives in Cape , , at The Hague in Amsterdam.' Charles and Roanoke, Va. On June 2'1. Mr.· and Mrs.· Hunter celebrated thMr 82nd weddbig . Gary Baskin, son of Mr. and Mrs. anniverSary at the same hotel In Albert Baskin. of Vassar av.ent.e·1 Frl\nkfurt, GermallYl in' which wili leave' tomorrow to spend a they stayed when theyaecompanled week at Camp Chesapeake. North the Sw art h m 0 r e Presbyterian East, Md. . Chutch Choir on its European tour Mrs. Elizabeth Irons of tbe in 1966. Swarthmore·';ei·,L~~:~~:~ ' Nursing Service of D ty, is on an educational leave of NEWS NOTES absence to attend summer school Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Brodhead at the Univers!t)' of P ....,.,yh'8llla of o...eit· aVeDu!! Spent laSt Week- where she is, 'working . tO~ard end visltitJlr in E~ Greenville. BachelOr's Degree In Nursmg. Miia'M'A!ry ,Bum of South Ches- ' . ,Mr. and Mrs. Frank.,. ter rO¥ andJliaa EllAbeth KuJlbl Y81e avenne entartalned at a f81l.1·11 of Media recently returned.from '.10/ party on Saturday· eovanInir. Yaclltioning In Miami F\a. I uly Ii. . Dr•. and M're. Fred .ADderllon <>f Hr. and M're.~ymond K.......m• lImboni avenlie and chl1'dren Lea- formerly of Glena Falls, N.Y•• ba~ lie and'redd7 leaw this IIlO1lth for _ t I y mo.edlnto ~ SpringfJeld, Ven , wlMn Dr. An· home at &a Varletta a_ue 11et6GlJ wiD be .tIoDiId ....... JIlek two dau8bterB, S_, 4, ,. OPEN NO .' , I " 'I SwarthlTIOre 405'IARTMOUTH AVENUE (fonnerl, the Prep Shop) • f , ' a A Cleani,.g' ~nd I . • '.! PICKUP and DELIVERY . . { "':- . Moderale Prices for Qaali., Work Thai Will Satisfy Ibe losl Discrilllilatini Customer USTEN TO STATION WYC"! (7:3~,f:30, .f:30} for - * '....~ iG'~' , ,. , .. , '. . COMPLETE 10DERII DRY CWIING, UUIIORY AND RUI 01 EIIIIIG SERVlCE . . . . , I q. 3. '~P,9'" . L~undry Store ' . . ' .-'.. -. - . . a > W, 7 l S ,..,. OItenD&D 111' lin. A.IL of Rul,'11 • . a_ue Ia lookhlC forward to a Ninet)'perBOnl, eompriBed of from her pauddaughter, Barbara Republleaa women and. their h_ BUII)'all, of Darien, Cona. bands landed at International Air. Mr. alld Mrs. WUIiam ort ~II J1I1y 8 ,following a gala alld their. family lpent the 4th ~uropean holiday. the third Spoil· July we8kelld as th" guests of Mr. red by the Repu,blican Women of and Mrs •. Robert Hol1&11d in ~ennsYlvania. The tour, which was Be.ach, N.J. . led by Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee of Mr. alld Mrs. F. C. Hutchison of swarthmo"" pr,..ident of. the or- South Chester road .ha'l!'e ganizatiOll, and Mrs. ~aul B. Clark 'had visiting th_ their daughter. of Penn Wynn, chaIrman, of the Mrs. Nancy Cole, aad her sons triP. laft. from Philadelphia by David and Peter of· B.>ston, M1I88. plane on .June 12.' The tmvelers Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bulme of arrived 11 hours later at Prest- Rutgers avenue spent the wick Sco~and, where they were in- of Jone28 in Falls Ghureh, Va .• vited 6y the commalld,ant to visit tending the wedding pf Mr. Hulme's the ,Air Forca Base. college roommate. Afte r stopping in Glasgow and , Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mason Edinbu.· rgh. the ~. up took sepa. Jndianapolis, formerly of Rutgers rate routes. to the northern wonder_ land countries, Great Britain and ::~n:e~f!:v:pe=~IYa : : : ; : .he ~up of 60 • Contine.nt. One ".v Swarthmore. visited Norway, Sweden. Denmark. Germany, Belgluni- and Hoiland. Mr. and Mrs. Fred N. Bel1 of while the other 30 tour med>ers Barvard avenue retumep continued. on to London. Paris, night after vacationing in Buletts Nice, Rome, Venice, Lucern!,. ~rus- Landi1og • Lake George. N.Y. sels and Amsterc\am. The groups Mr. ~cI, Mrs. Joh~ D. were reunited for two cla,.. at the formerly of Kansas CIty. Ken., and . World's Fair in BrUaseIs before the their son David' arrived in S_rthreturn flight' from Amsterdam more Sunday where they will octhe U.S.A. . cupy the Brandt home on Elm aveMany spsclal tr8l!ta We~ p1aDned 'lue until they move into their n_ for the mombers of the tour includ- home in Bryn MaW!. Mrs. Elmer . Zebley. one of the Ing a theater pa-rty in London, the Follies Bergere in Paris, auli an Swarthmore community nurses and audience With Pope Plus XU. For p~ident 011 the .Communlty those on the northern trip plans ing Service of Delaware ~::'~~ were .made for a 'spectal e~ reCently spent a week in A excursion to 8kausen In Sweden. City .as a representative to at- T. LO.I-IEFIElHED II TO .E IEFIElHED Dartmouth avenue returned Monday after spending several days at Wernersville. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Driehau's of Yale avenue left last wee"..... end to spend two weeks at Sebec ..... 71'...... •• ' .... P·rom'EI,.,I" ; .. " : .- ". ...., .- l ' ·~""""'·n • Tn'. : • NEWS Of WEEKLY SPECIAL ••• CI.' ~ ". .' (:: ," , ' "' ... -' - ,., ,", . " ,. . ,." " .; THE ,SWART~OREAN Hannah Clothier Hull Memorial Service Held PlJBUSHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PENNA. PETER E. TOLD, MlARJOBJE TOLD, Publill1&..-. (Continued from Pap 1) of the Peace Section, taking a parPcETER E. TOLD, Editor tjcu1ar II!tarest in ~e Peace, Cara. . Barbara B. Kent"Ma....ginl1 Editor She was also a member 01 the vans. Rosalie D. PeirsOl, Marjorie T. Told; Joan Eynon, Ruth D. Remtnaton exee~tive eo~ttee. of the ,Foreip Entared as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post ServIce Bectlon. (responsible for Olflce at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 8, 1879. overseas work) from 1938 until her DEADLINE - WEDNESDAY NOON deet!.'. WIth more).ltan 40 yeara of acSWARTHMORE, PElfflA., JULy 11, 1958 tive p'a~pation in the Women's InternatIonal, League for Peace METHODIST 10TEI TRllm 10TEI and Freedom, Hn. HuD wae eon· the Church School classes will begin There will be a celebration of the trlbutive . to thef,!unding Sh and theof well at 8:46 Sunday morning with cI.... Hoiy Communion at 8 o'clock Sun· known social wor~er Jane Adclama es for al1 ages. Visitors are cordial· day morning, and at 10 o'clock a attended the international meetlnc ly welcomed. servicOl of Morning Prsyer w i l l . . h for women's suffrage held in T At tbe Moml'ng Worshl·p. Sel'Vl'ce held. Those serving as ushers . hich the Hague in 1916, from w e "Woman's Peace Party," the oritbeginning at 10 o'clock, the Rev. be a. follows: Dr. W. Galloway. Tyson, guest ~. L. Michell, head ushar; C. inal name of the WIL, stemmed. preacher while Mr.' Kulp is on va· Waterbury, alternate; C. R. Mrs. Hull subsequently served the cation, will use as his sermon sub- cace, D. T. Davidson, F. ~ organizatioh as president of the ject, "TbeDouble Search." Dr. Ty. H. W. Jackson, and ~. S. NIeld. United States section from 1924 to son Is fonner Superintendent of Samuel Clyde, III, IS scheduled 1928,' succeeding Miss Addams, and the South District and has held sev· serve as acolyte at 8 o'c1~, again from 1933 to 1939. In 1929 ersl large pastorates in this Con· Barry Wrigbt at 10. , she ,ccompaniedher husband on a Q.n Wednesday there will be a trip half way around the. world to ference. Dr. and Mrs. Tyson are living celebra!ion of the Holy Communion deliver a letter from .RufUs Jones at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. at 7 a.m. to ·Gandhi. She continued her servJohnson, 41 Amherst avenue. Dr. ice to WilL as chalmtan of the naTyson is available for emergencies IHRIITIAI SIIEllE 10TEI tiona) board from 1929 to 1985, and other pastoral help at To gain the blessings promised and as Honorar" President from wood 3·1267. by Christ Jesus," man must be wU~ 1939 until her death. The church office will be open on ling to follow his example in daily Mrs. Hull had also been elected life. This is the theme to be stressed executive positions of the PennTuesdays only duri';g the month Phone.KIngswOOd ,3-0900 July. any eD'..ergency -of theFor congregation niay members call the . secretary, Mrs. CoDner, at her 'home, LEhigh 2·6609. The Peirs 'n' Spares will meet for a .plcnlc .~pper at 7 p.m. Wednoo· day at Longwood Gardens to enjoy the fountain display' and tour of the gardens. • in the Lesson·Sermon ranieut" which will entitled he heard Christiau Science Churches Sunday. From Galatians will be read Golden Text (3:lW,27): "Ye are all children of God by! faith in Jesus. For as many of 10U as have heen ba~tized. into Christ have put onCltrist." CHURCH SERVICES The Lesson-Sennon also includes this quotation from "Sciellle and PRESBYTERIAN CHURC~ Health with Key to the Scriptures" Dr. D. Evor Roberts. MInister by Mary Baker Eddy (26:lW-31) Sunday, July 13 "Implicit faith in the Teacher and 10:00 A.M. - The Rev. Anderson all the entAltional love we can be, Nicol wilL preach. 10:00 A.M.-Church School classes stow on hint, will never a10ue make us Intitatorsof him. We must go METHODIST CHURCH and' do likewise, else we are not John C. Knlp, Minl.ter Robert Wilde which our JllIaster worked blessings and suf· Mlnl.ter of Music the great imprOving fered to bestow upon u.... . Sanday, Jnly 13 All are cordially invited tQ at8 :46 A.M..-Church School classes 10 A.M~Dr. Tyson wiIJ preach. tend the service. at First Church of Chri.t s"ientist, 206 TRINITY CHURCH avenue, at 11 o'clock. H. Lawrene. Whittemore, Rector Sanday, July 13 8:00 A.M.-Moming A.M.-Holy Communion. '10:00 Prayer. Wednesday, July 16 7:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. FRIEIDS MEETltia 10TES Monthly Meeting for Business Sistethe Federation Wom. en's OIubs; SIelirhtonofFarms Reformatory for Girls; the Penn. sylvanis Mother:. Assistance Fund (an appointment by the Govemor of the State); and Pendle HIll, Quaker center for graduate study. She was also president of the Swarthmore Woman's Club from 1909 to 1918: ' Sllrviving are tWo daughters, Mrs. Hnll O'Fallon of S~rthmore, and Mrs. Charles B. Roberts, nr, of VillllnoVa; three grandchildren, William Hull Osler, Hannah OIothler Roberts, and Mrs. Clarence Ev. and four great granddaugh. ters, Sally Stark Osler, Nancy Hull Osler, Elizabeth Hull Evans and tIIea a--. - . . Jot. Yovr f1I4IdrII .. III ICed. .. Boro• Home's 'Honor Nation's Birthday (Continued from Page 1) own during the Spanish-Amero h ta ican war. In addition to a 49t s r for Alaska, they lack stars for Ok. laboma, New Mexico and Arizona (the latter two 'Were the last before Alaska to. he admitted, 1912 and gained thel.. stars on JUly 4 of that year). .' The oldest flag displayed .in this viCinity was that flown .by,the Gib. bons .HoaiL on Baltimo"e Pike. It Is hand made and very' fragile and bears only 13 stars for the original colonies on its field., This may have been the last time for it to be flown before It is preserved under glass or by some other means. Winners in'the parade were: Tricycles -.1. Leslie Ann Mah. lar; ~ Patricia P~; ~ ~ Troxell;' /' , Bieycles - 1. Christina MUJez; 2. Nancy Cornellu; 8. JeU KuJp. Pets -:- 1. PenY Carroll; 2. Ash. ley F~e; 3; Ann Howland; 4. Pat Cal!1'oll; 6. Bit Fine. Group Costume _ 1. KareiJ, Erie and Kristen Petenson (·Alaska). 2KaIH Halpern, Cathy and J ;net Goldwater, an~ . Arlene TaYlor (Wizard of Oz). Costun"j _ 1. Mark:Steelw, Paul Mille Stephen 'HolliB (Spirit of r,. H • ; 2. JFefr:n~es). '(7T6 h)omas oenlgDSWbalb.d .erson,. s e Ie Crist (Chinese Girl). . Floats -1. EI~nol'1lDd David Slim' (L'be->' Be'l) , 2 G pac I,.y(Rocket " , Tn'p . af)l d BillanM""'e to an . a<><.' W . ' the Moon); 8.• Debbie, Margaret and Phoebe Toland (Totem Pole). , Mr.·and Mrs. J. H. BreakeJlof North Princeton avenue will have visiting theml Mrs; Breekell', mother, Mlrs. M. R. Faville of Roanoke,. Va., neXt week for about ten days. " Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Yarrow of North Princeton avenue are leaving Swarthmore for their new home in Des Moines, 10WII, on August 1. Dr. Yarrow bas" been appointed exec. utive director of the. North Central Regional office of the Americall Friends Serrice Committee. _"':~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~I • - We offer indoor parking , just a ~w stePs fry>m our Sansom Street entrance.' Knee-Hi 'League to Meet ',Folsom "Li(:ms" Tomo"ow OlIVER IL lAIR,........ • MArt A. lAIR, .....d_. T...............1511 Bachman's ... FINE FOODS U•. S. OHOIOE ad .•RIIE BEEF ONLY. , \ FREIH IlIlLED FRYING OHIOKENS Ib.38c y..'11 I.wer a.t Fr,uI '.IRr, lit •••11..... U, I. IHOICE, TOP SI.OIN " (IROUID TO OR.ER) ".lle .0IELEII eonAIE HAIS .SLIOEDBIOON BOILED HII lit. lie lb.'. Ib.: 98c 7'9C -. • , PINEAPPLE LEMON .COCKTAIL - Save 5c 4 qt. bot. 900 SNQ lI08T LlGR'I' IlEAT CHUNK STYLE TUNA ....... Save 10e ______ 2 C8DS 4ge PENH 'l"RBA.'l"I" BAKED BEANS - Save 7e ________ .l 6 - 303 tins 900 a._I.. . JAN HAGEL COOKIES - Save 2c _______ ·lb. bag 47e. NlICJ . SPICED WAFERS .,... Save 2c __ -------__ lb. box37e AlI8OaTBDn.&V.... JELLO - . . . Save 4c - ..;.:.~ __ ~ _____ ---__ , " pke3le ........... 1-••• . .. for FlEE. DELI'V,EIY' FREE PARIe'NO' ~ fo~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~= Olark W.' Davis Elected To Stock Fund Board repres~llted It-, SUmMer Vaeation'Tillle Ii" :marl&orougfJ .ltnfJtim Salil~ay, dull 19, from 3 ~ntil 8 o'Olook Belvedere Convalescent Home bersWest of Chester the eonUnittee will the Workshop andvisit re.. I Field Mechamcs, Modem PhYSICS, view with thOH attending the aims Linear Systems, Electronics, Struc.. I!nd objectives of the eonrse, and tural Mechailleat Mechanical De- oqtline how new theories and sign, a~d Ea.rth B<;ience. . trends can be applied to local , Th~ fl!st SlX, Be1Dutars are apecl- school, indll8trlaJ and communitY f~ed, while the .remalitder areelee- health programs. Early neXt fal1, tivo.Ho?ors students in the junior it 'is planned to have' evaluation and semor years are, thus ·,freed meetings' set up in three Ilf .the from standard academic procedures local school districts. such as courses, credit, and grades, Similar workshops are being held but at the -end of th~r senior year in universities throughout the State they mnst, take Wl'ltten and oral this Dummer' and Misa. Edith H. examinations, eovering their two Warren 01 Springfield and ,Miss years' work, given by vial~g ex- Ellzabetl! Wooding, of Upper Dar. a~ln~rs from other educational in- by will attend one at Temple Uni. stitlitions.. 'ver.lty, starting June SO. The Ronora ~gram In EngI- RecIpients of 8Chola~1!!ps at neerlng 'Which has been West Chester. are: Mrs.' Jennie under conSIderation for a year, has Flammer' Swarthmure' IMrs• .June t~e backing of indutry and Of tit. Smith, hkhaven; Laurs fIrst rate engineering graduate Schmidt, Chester' Mrs. Janice Manseltools in the eountry which were nino Broomall' Gerda LewIs con~ulted during. !P~limlna~ dIa- Newt.wn Squa~;.Mrs. Anne ~ ~ll88Ions..One promment eDgJneer- ner, Chester; :and Mrs. Patricia lUg graduate of Swarthmore, Goodale, Springfield. . , Georwe .-SChairer, directOr of re- ~;;H~~~:i;;;;;irii;;i;;i;;Hrlrlrlrl~d Beareh at the Boeing AiJq>lane Com- :t! pany commented: . "When w:e talk about engineering today, we talking more about science, than practical know. how, quite a different story than 50 years ago when it was essential. IYall art or practice. While there are sti1J nuiny IlSPecta, of eng!. neerlng practice or to be learned, we don't think the' un. dergraduate schools are the place for it. 'IBett8r that the student acquire a finn understanding 01 the funHome • Auto Radio· dsmentals· 01 engineerinJr and No Phone - Hi Fi I.ted sciences and to this mo.... , ledge, lit graduate schoola or on the i job lit. indll8try, add the akill In applie.tion Of th_ prlDc1plea to "B~ing it us or we'll lpeejflc problems." come to you. . . Qr. ~.1artIaer aid: . tial Equations, Mechamcs of Sohds, tlec:trodynllm~ea, Therniodyn~ea, '.:============~~~===~~~~~=========~~~~====~~~~ OF SWAR'THMORE Have you "Grounds 'or Divor(e"? Coffe.e. "Grouhds' we h')e8f'l.(J) Nothihg'S GC? s.;tences, likery to ,start a quar-rQ.r,or get you off to a bad c{ay (or ....ight) as a cup of Wishy-washy, hOhdescript" flavorress coffee.(;yBui; chca.ers. men-Martinson's Coffee has corne 10 10Wh ;" a big way. Thl!lt~ the. coffee ~ bclan fhe prrde. of New YOrk('i! for . upwards of SO years. Feir We ihg. though-- e rittle womanis gOing -to scream :x thai- it costs more. -than Otnt!tS.® B~ Prepata.dL. ike a Boy ScouH Justtell her, . \lSu~ it cos'a ~ 10. buy, bt.rl- not '10. use.. ~rnuch ficher and sfton.ger--iakAs ,Iess,corfu r*.' "'IP:(~' '. !.tn. are SERVICE DlCI FRAlOHEIII 114-1028 . -- ... 41••• ·1'., ....... to " .:. '." -;;;;========"i Oonvalescent Home :Mrs. FREE .... 8Aa OF AIIOlD'1 An·PI..OIE IElIOIED PO.lTRY STlFFtla $11 ORDEI (Will. It lilt.) , . , WITH EVElY . , VEll lOAF %P... ~ 01 Bacll .... IE.TO lOAF 10.loa I. ... LlVERWlln MIX . . OLIVE LlAF .IEIiII.1 IREEIE MA~D P01JllD .EPPER laAF ,'- . Dr. and Mra. Constantine ApostoUdea of Dartmouth avenue. left lu17 1 fOr ~ two month Ylic!atJon. in the PoeODoa. SwarlhQlOra, Pa. "Famous lor the Finst Meats" . . . . &an.oaB.R'8 NEWS NOTES .au, AIJea of Riverview ro.d 11 (Continued from Pap 1) Miss Mary Bunker, daughter of apendlng the summer at Camp,Tlchildren are not lID lleet1secl, and Mr. and Mrs. a L. Bunker, Jr., of manoJU in Raymond, Me. some who are seen to have let tl)eir lit. Holyuke place, left Sunday to r There wUl be • n_ look in en· "When we took this forward atep safety-~dedn... take a vacation. live in New York City where she lrineering education next fall when in engineering education, we took Careless afoo.t and on bikes, will be a buyer.trainee at 'Lord and ELNWOOD an Honons Program in Engineer. a backWard look at the history of some even breaking the warning Taylor stOre. lug Sciences Is injected into the engineering ~ucatlon at Swarth. lights at the railroad crossing, Mr. and Mrs. Waltar H.Dlckinengineering dlvi.ion eurriculum at more, which is a8 old as the college they seem to' interpret recreation soD of Forest lane entertained their Baltimore PIke .. ul'OOIn Aft. Swarthmore College. , itself." as "reek creation." son Walter H., Jr., of North Hill8, The new program, announced by - In 1877 minutes of the Board of Smell' every eonsclentioll8 par. and their daughter Mrs." William 8~ President Courtney Smith, 'Will cut Managers talked about the ''why'' ent will want to reimpress the im. Hipple of' Newtown Square and Bstabltahed lII32 across traditional d!lpartmental di. of engineering education: portsnce of safety measure. upon their families at a family picnic on ~Ions of subject matter such as "WhU~ a lib.eral amount of prae. his children, befo......for somebody ,the Fourth. QlIlet, BaItDI BLlOU....'np WIth civil, mechanical, and electrical en· tical work la given, care Is taken -it is TOO LATEI Mr. and Mrs. George G1aesser Excenent lI&-Uoar NlII'IIDc (1are gineering, and will stress baslc'dIs- that the student understands the and son George returned Saturday Klngswood 3-0272 c;plines and fundamentals needed reasons the w!lrk done." to their home on Dartmouth avenue by all ebgineers with entphasls on And in 1878 the' eol1ege catalogue after a week's vacation in Brant " the physical sciences and mathe- was voicing a principle still firmly Beach, N.J. mstiea. held today regarding engineering _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ This increased eDlphasia on the education set in the traditions of a Clark W. ·Davla has been elect- oxidation in nltrie add manu. basic scientific disciplines rather liberal arts col1ege: ed to the Board of Directors Of T. facture. This patent, repre8enting then on speclalizedteehnlcal sub"In the requlrementa for the Rowe Price Growth Stock Fund, an outstanding advan~e lit the man. jects recognizes the unpreeendented scientific degree care has been Inc;, an. open-e?d mutual fund with ufacture of nitric acid, was Widely . licensed in the United States and advanee in the sciences in recent taken to seenre general culture and offIceS m Baltimore, Md. years. Increasingly the' engineer not to make students of this de. Mr. Davis Is General 'Manager of abroad. finds he must master knOWledge partment mere chemist. or engi. the Grasselll Chemicals Department For several y~ars Mr. Davis has' of une,xpected kinds. Thu • mech- neers." Thus 'Swarthmore engineer. of E. I. duPont de Nemours & Co. the duPont Company '.' • • llllIIItitc l1li _ l i t ... _ . . anieaJ engineer may need to k40w ing has always einphasized the This Fund, which is primarily a in activities of the Future Farmers lor reIIJiII .• our .... flOJtl 't ft::b" the 'principles of atomic radfatiis grandDlAlther, Mns. Ralph Young, Sr. in Waverfy.· VlUIlI sisters are illrs. T. iI. SaUer of •• Linda E , Her twoP. survivln8. Englewood; N.J., and ~rs. John R. Maxwell of Bryn Mawr; her two surviving brothers are Isaac H. Clothier, Jr., of Radnor, and WiIliam J. Clothier of Phoenixville. will be held on Tuesday at 8 p.m. (Continued from Page 1) In. Whittier· House. Cardinal team, will again act as umpire-in-chief from behind the THE R~?im~~CIETy PREI.YTERIAI 10TEI plate; . Sanday, July 13 The Rev. Anderson Nieol, Next week, 'weather !pennitting, ister of the Weat Church of St.. ·will begin the World Series of the 11 :00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. Nichols, Aberdeen, Scotland, willi Swa:rthmore LeagUe. The Indisns All are welcome. he the guest minister at the '10 . , Moaday, July J4 look like the team that will repreo'clock servic, Sunday morning. sent the American Division, and at Al1 Day Sewing for A.F.S.C. Church Scftpol classes are this 'wrltlng in the National League . Taes'ay. Jnly 15 t 10 'lock d . th . . 8:00 P.M.-Monthly Meeting for a E' ,0 C unng e summer. it will be either the Dodgers, Card. Business. inala, or possibly the Braves, who Mr. and Mrs. C. Irwin could pull o1f a tfe with both If they Wedaesday, July " of Benjam,in West avenue win their renialiling games. A~l!:!.I..!D~a~y~S~e~WI~·~ng~~~or~·~~~:"'''''':1 ¥onday from vacatiqnlng in Spray Next Monday night. will be a FIRST CHURCH OF , Beach, N.J. With them were.. night for last Tuesday's C\~~.::p:Jk~ST ~a1breath's brother. in • law ralned-out pmes, finding the Tlg.Ister Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen era playing th.e Indians and the Park Avenue ~low Harvard ver of St. Petersb'¥:8, Fla., who Cardinals playing the Braves. Sunday, July 13 visiting after coming North to After next Tuesday's night off, 11 :00 A.M.-8unday School. tend the wedding of-their niece, the'Little World Series wilt begin 11:00 A.M.-The Lesson Be_Oll fonner Miss Jean Galbreath WednesdaJv e-ning at .6.. :SO p.m. :Will be entitled "Sacrament." .v Wednesdal' evening meeting ::M~r~'i5iRo!iibeiiirtiiJii'iiA1J~e~ni'iiiiii~~ on Riverview Field. Following the week, 8 P.M., Readlnc Room, !OJ series it is hoped that aft AlI.Star Darlmouth Averiue, open week· game ean be arranged' between 'days except holidays, 10-S; FrI· bovs of ~e American' League play. day evening, 7·9. J ing the boys of the National League UNITABJAN CHURCH which should be played on Satur. OF DELkWARE COUNTY day, July 19. ' Old Media Road, Springfield Rev. Herhert F. Vetter,lr. Standings of the league as 01 last Tuesday are as followS: Sun'ay, July 13 AMERICAN • 11:00 A.M,-Mr. V e tt e r will W L Pct. Indians .. ,......... 6 1 .856 Yankees ........... 6 4 .6&5 Tigers ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 3 6 ..83S Orioles .............. ~ .... u·O 10 ·.002 .NATIONAL Cardinals .......... 6 2 .760 Dod.gera\ ...................... 'I 8 .'100 ..1_A... "Io-j'::ih.i~ M _ 4-1191 Braves ........................ , 4 .500 Phillie. .... '. .. .. .. .... .. .... 4, Cremation mror!al. are_ a..nab1e_ In a 6 •444 wIdoraaaof _ .. 'NEWS NOTES .' <; .~-" . . ·711. . . . . . .,11.7.0. " ~11!QIIItrated=~:·\OII ~Pey:t, :.~ 8nV87: Their danghter NEWS NQllS CLASSIFIED ADS .ElltllL WIWI. BIOOIS PEit!oNAL _ Dleycles Repali'eCt Parte, acceaories. MUt Glu. _ Bicycle, Hobby, Toy Shop, 20G East Baltimore Avenue,Opposite Clifton Heights, MAdison 6-0713. Clifton Theater. PERSONAL _ The ....wing that comes ,with the sprlng, tra-la, two grandmothers wlll gladly do. EMIL SPIES WATCJIMAltEB of F. C. Bode auc1 Fo:.......I,. PIne Watch arid ,128 Yale ~OI~ock~~Re~P~aIrs~~s~w~ar~th~m~o~re~,~~ ~ M1'II. ,Hen1'7 ,L. Smith. of D~ mouth ....enue had .. her peste eaveral days jler BOD and daugbterin-law the Rev. and Mrs. Bancroft P. Smith of Las Cruces, tN. M. Mrs. Russell H. Kent of mouth ,a...enue, W1·th ~, mrs. or B. Campbell and, Mia Theodora Sharp of Phila'; . Porterhouse new deep water 'P?"I. whlc~ mem- 2, 1... Enion (second beat). Midget hers bave-been ellJOJ'lng smce the boys: 2, D. Shay. Jnnior girls: 1, lb. currBDt season opened, H Mo--'son··3 S E· J . C h Mill d . . . . , , • ntOD. unlor ma:~r and ar . ~:i iIOOl boys: 21 D • Foley; 8, R. McCurdy. Oven-ready; none priced bigber! . Boneless, rolled"p,.te 8Wlm m rector, The Whites won the girls graudusuaUy a pretty hard person to slam relay. Ib Ib, toss. overboard, was' Caught off Garnet winners were: BAOKguard by agro?p of seahorses exu1•. STROKE -. Midget girls: 2, J. Pacbged in cryovac Square-cut. sboulder tant'over theU' Rose Valley trl- Courtney; 3, D. Torrey. Midget nmph at ~oon Sa.turda)' and found boys: I, J. Brooks;-2,J.·Renshaw. Ib rl.l~,,:.rom the bottom of Junior boys: 2, D. Marino. InterLmcaster BraDd Sboulder Li~ollraDd CaDDed . ng . .'. mediate girl.: 2, G. McDermott. InBoth ~~ra~ve. duc}nd )teat). Midget boy.: I, can (84.7); 2, M. Boyer. Junior girls: J. Brooks (fust heat); 2, S. ThompI, J. Espenacbade (42); 2, H. Mot- son; 3,' J. McWilliams (second . 'rison. Junior boys: 3, G. Boyd beat). Jimiorgirla: 3, B. Purnell . PlIlEAPPU,.., 46-ox C J{" cans (43.8). 'Mldget girls: I, B. Gerner Junior'boys: 2,J:BrOOks;3,D. Ma'RAPEfRUIl' (110.7); 2, A. Townes. Midget boys: rino. Intermediate girls: 2, S. I, D. Foley (44,G): 2, S. ROl;!iJison. Crawford. Intermediate boys: 2, BRlEASTSTROKlE _ Sen to r I), McCurdy. BUT'j:ERFlLY - I , J .. girla"l, C. Williams (1 :29.2. In- C",urtney; '3, D., Torrey (first • termedlate girls: 2, B. Break~1 heat): I, M. Hunt; 3, D. MacNair ~lUicbeon Meat (42,6). ,Intsrmediate boys: 1, 'M. (sOC!>nd heat). Midget boys: I, J. Boyer (42.8) :2, D. McCurdy. Jun- Brooks: S,cJ. Renshaw. Junior Joe 01 Arc lor girls: 3,' H. )(Prrison (G!l.~). girls: 2, A. Townes. Junior boys: Libby HlUJJburpr Junior boys: S,R. McCurdy (48.2). I, S. Robinson. Garnets won tbe ' Midget girls :2, J. Courtney (58.7); boys grand,slam relay. '8,T. McCurdy_ Midget boys: 1, D. . La,.lIIIders Prol1'es" Foley (G4.6). / . ' '. " FREESTYiLE _ Senior girls: As tjle 40th dey of the SWlM ~ea1 C W'II· . ( 1 ) . son arrived Tuesday most of the , • I lams :12.8; 3, J~ WIl- 20 "La Ia d ... . ren . t1 • IIams. Senior boys: 8, D. Preston·. t1!P n. ers . Cllr abo halfySWlM(1:02.4). Intermediate girls: II, B. ~ e trip were . ut .wa~ B'l'8kell (S2.9).Intermedlateboys: Arognd the W~J"ld In s.o Days. Deep-l?ed, Plump, Nortbwestern If 9n Saturday Don Grose dId 70 laps. 1,3'. Foley (29). 2 M: B , . . " . oyer. un- to make !1P for, time lost during a lor girls. I, J. ES~BChade (8G.G): landlubbinll ...acation trip. ettern' La t . ht Thomas W. Hopper. Do, ~ood IDe. s DIg was to be the playThe Rev. D. S. Russell, principal I Council app'roved the use of InIng the pool record each time I D" lane, ex - president of Borough 0 . . gsme and t h e winning team will of Rawdon College, Rawdon. North sU,late.d precast concrete wall panSharon Magen by her 49.1 time in Council. was named the recipient of g'0 !n . 'to the senes . n ext wee. k' Lee ds ,England, will be the els for the outer construction of the breaststroke bettered the 62.8 r8c- Swarthmore Rotary Club's first Mon day n Ight WI'11 be re..rved minister ' Sunday at .the new science building at Swarthord'snateloea the previous, week bv ' • f or 'both teams terlBn • ~ • Community Award at a special f or pract'100 sessIons Church. more College. It also appro-d the Elaine Woodall of .~ , Rose VaU..,rI "Ladies' Night" at the Spring- represen tlng t h ei r r e s pee t I v e' Mr. Russell is a Scot from Glas- application of Horace ''---s' to from ,Molly , Sebumacher. baven Club. Presented by Samuel Iea~e~. an d t h en, Tuesday at 6 :30 gow and received his make a front extension to'""',the twin last year. Carpenter, ' ' R'Ivervi ew ,Field will mark training at Glasgow and Oxford house he owns on Dartmouth ave' more. who'set it, at ao ~ out-going president of p.m. on ,Sharon's 51.6 bu..... rfly also th . t' th I ' ... t f the series. which ,U DIversities. . ..., e orgaDlza Ion. e award was ~lrs game 0 A Baptist, Mr. Rus- nue between the Co-Op and' The posed the old 55.8 record of Cacld made in recognition' of Mr. Hop- will Include the'.best,ol three games sell attended Trinity College. Glao- Swarthmorean office. ,This will Espenschade, SwarthriJore. ' ·h I per 's ..-ou tstand ng l sen'ICe to our, '. e over-a1league champion- gow. a Presbyt~rian College. From the structure in Une with Barbara Bartlett, by her ,47.1 community of a thoughtful, intelliDuring the final game'League there he W1l8 granted a scholarship neighbOring bundings in the hull. time in backstroke bettered the gent, and p.unstaking nature!', Director Bill Reese :will award four to, Union Theological Seminary in ness section. Reeves plans to use former reCord of L. Vogt, AroniThe award is. made on merit trophies to the four most outstand- New York City, but was unahle'to one hou.. for his own buildingbusi_ mink by 2.6; arid her 87.6 freeat)'le alone; and' OOes not' establish' a ing players in the league. The reo avail himself of ·this on account ness and rent the other as office., o wn,:-:rae of the a-wfrds will»e war ~iculties.:He then The of, ,758 worth of tinle wa'rt~Ioo'~re""s"~A~nnoI4T3&o' S es".,0,r..d'lr"ri;.,I,''1:,r'''Ii,ti n.:·:,c",o'' ",-~" ". , • ','" _, ' u'" '.' same meeting, Herman 01i"P4g&'1': '.' ,a Baptist 'U,llion' . small-eqnipment--for Swarthmore lost all but one of the Bloom, Columbia' avenue, was in-:-_ _ _ _"',____ and went to Oxford University. the Fire OOmpany was authorized. four midget records it had held stalled as president of Rotary for Since }963 he has neen pri';cipal At the behest of the State Hlghthe 1958-59 yeal". Also installed as II of Rawdon Col\ege, a Baptist way Department, "Speed Zone" its own pool. The one it retains is R.' Mc,Cur-1 o~f,ioers were: logical Col\ege training men ,feir signs will be purchased and erected dy's 35.2 for freestyle:' West Cochrane, vice-president; the ministry at home and for mis- at the beginning and end :of the • , William, Bush. secretary. and Dean Mrs. FraDklin Robhlee aionary service. He has been the 36, mile limit area along Chester Sr. Pool Records Church...treasUrer. , the in,termedlate summer Baptist Union representative on road. Council approved thl> removal , In winning the senior girl's freeSpecial guests of the occasion, in group to a program in which r.hi;Af' the British Council of Churches. of "No Parking" sigus i~ front 01 style in 1:11.6 Saturday, 0..1'01 additiontotheladi.s.wereCharles Halftown sang. told i~:~;~~~:1 thetaxcolle<>tor's house on College Williams also bettered the pool roc., Pennock; 1968-59 Distriet Gover- bits of iuformation about avenue, opposite the high school. or9' of 1 :12.,1 whi,eh she had also nor. and Charles Meye,,:_. outgOing life, and entertained both the untU the opening of school. . ' young children and the 'older chilar~lnar, Public Safety Chairman, Charles held previously. Carol's old pool Dlstriet Governor. dren. After the program the older The' Flower'; ,lor the Flowerless W. Lukens recommended shrubbery record ofl :81.2 in senior brellst,stroke. which she bettered tol >29.2 W kI Co ~_ children were treated to cookies by " along the Dartmouth avenue end in the Rose ValleyIrleet, has yet to ,ee y nceJ:m a MrS. Robblee's group. ~rograni, conducted for well.over of the borough parking lot be trim_ ' 'der. SWlm". GI SClub "IS now stsrtmg . the ausp' a quarter of a' century under be surpassed 'by al;1 oUtsl 'en P roVl.~'. ence I)ar.l!~ I ummer e f th W "Clthe b med so as not to obscure view 'of ming he",. Howe*er ,Dave PresseCond half., of the session. New find:cit:el~ l'ndeeed floowme8rnlesss u" traffic issuing from Lafayette Bve. b0'1'S f r 'eest I record The th,ird of the summer series ,_m +_. n u e. Council a Iso approved 'his to n •s semor ye captalDS, h ave been days. I t to B k' PI of band concer!.. \vill be' held in d te .. b • a line at \02 f 1 o : was os roo e urnan . new ams """ve, een formed. Cer,tainly there has been rain recommend8tion to pamt mer of Rose Valley wbo did it in Glen Pro~dence Park (weat end T?e newly, elected captams ~re enough and warmth, enough but re- the south end of the underpass, to u2.6on July 5:' Thus the locals of State s~reet near Baltimore pike. LlDda Jester. Judy Golz, Manon gardless of the reflecMon., in each keep southbound cars Dlerging from slipped one In, senior records lrel~. , on Thursday evening. July Hun~r. Andy Mac Nair. Da~ny shining raindrop, Mrs. W. Alfred the upper levelhito through traffic., Betsy Breakel1 lost her 42.6 inat 8 p.m. " Manno. Allen Torrelj' and Gerry Smith has failed to see on occasion from' el)tering the main stream termediate breaststrokereeord to Thomas 'G. Leeson will conduct Clothier. a single flower on the Woman's until they have reaclJed the, Stop Sue Robert of Rose Valley hut also t,he Chester Elks' 35 piece band. The two teams having the greatporch. And inasmuch as Sign opposite the Acme. ' ,on July 5 Jim Foley captured the Robert Keel will be the master of est number of points in tlJe boys' several buckets of water are set intermediate .. baekstroke (84.7) ceremonies. and girls' league!\ at the end of the out faithfully each Wedl)esday af- Charles H. Toppi~g bettering the record set hy a ,Rose These coocerts are 'given every first half of the program were ternoon (in hopeful anticipation) Re-elected BRI Pres, Valley swimmer)!ere ove~ two Thursday evening during July and All Stsrs whose captain was a hard blow to see containers empty of bloom or, weed on a Charles ;H. 'Topping; Nor lih Years ago. ChlirIotte, Brodhead's -August. In, the eVent of rain, the I Ton'ey, and the Eagles who 38.8 intermediate backstroke rae- sebeduled program will be given led by Tommy Gaylord. Thursday morning 'when the "bou- Princeton aVenue, was re-elected to ord has, never been beliten at the the following week. H. Walter WeaLast week tlie children at Sum- quets" are theoretically transport- a"second year as president!)J, the PooI.,sO the Seahorse.' just ' vel', superintendent of the. County , (Continued on Page 8) ed to the Vetetans' Hospital at 39th B'lilding Research Institute, Naeven on' Int. '~: • -...., ~ - ... -- .....atit ·.1 tilii· ydO Fill .. ,i.bUIED.: • • • • • • • . Way baCk in the horse and buggy days, gas was the mainstay of homes and b~esses. 'today it is still the Old Reliable fuel than ever. , ••• and ita quality is better . , FOOD-O-RAMA College Theatre "The High Cosl : 1 HOUSE MEDiA FELLOWSHip . STRATH IU.~INN • 3.0272 COMPLETE ,LUNCHEONS • • • • • *_al a, •• II&, 12 II' DYar .• Ii Eligi.1a For Social Sec. Chack, Awarded Guggenheim C.therine P. FU88ell haa been inFellcwship for 1958-59 ducted Into the Cornell Chapter 01 John F. Couly, aon of :Mr. and Pbi Kappa Phi, n.tlonal honor'SOMrs •. Harl!!n Conly _of Yale aveciety. Misa FU88I!Il, the daUgbter of nue, Ie one of 6 stud8J)te to receive Mn. H. H. Fussell of Vassar ave- Danlel and Florence Guggenheim Fellowships for graduate study in nue, received her masters degree ckets d fl· • ,roan ,lght~... DUW;"urea at Colin botany from Cornell this year. ,umbia Vniversity for 1968-69. She I. eniployed In· the biology d~ " Graduated in June of this yea'!. par.tment at the Brookhaven Na- from the University of PennsyltionaloLabol'l1tories at Upton, N.Y: vania with an M.S. degree in mech~=.;.== ~ anical engineering, Mr•. Conly received a B.S. !legree from Penn in lll6S, and wks 'graduated from ELNWOOD Swarthmore Higq School in 1951. He received . the Pennsylvania Military College Scholarship In Baltimore .:PIke " JJnooJn Ave. 1951 and the Warwick Memorial Swarthmore 1965. . . . .,( .. Bst¥batiM .J03:I Sue Settle of Wallingford, ;who Quiet, BeeUal 8WlOiP..u..,. WHIl w1il he B;,enior in the fall at BeaEseeiJeDt U-Ho.... N1IrIdI1C Can v~f Gollegei' jilD'klniown, has been named a .tudent oounselor for the klngswood "eademic year. Over the years changes have'bee!I made in the Social Security Law . so that it i. easier to qualify for monthly benefits. I" view of this, I Herbert W. Gruber; dletrlct man\ ager of the Social Security Office In Chester reports that some individuals, because of a misunderstanding have not applied for their benefits. Gruber list. the following categorie. of person. who may qualify. Men - Age 65. or over ·who have retired or who are earning leu Joseph L. Shane. seaman apmer Mis. Mary M. Porter of than $2080 a year. prentice, USN, receives congratWalnut lane. Women - are now eligihle to ulation.,from Cdr. H. F. SchwenThe American Spirit H~nor get social .ecurity payments at age ker, Jr., Medical Corps, USN, Medal i. provided by the Citizen's 62 in.tead of waiting to 66, alupon receiving the American Committee for the Army, Navy. Spirit Honor Medal, in May, and Air Force, ·Inc. for those, though payments will be at a re-' during recruit graduation cere-. who, during recruit training, duced rate, A number of women outstanding qualities of worked long enough during World monies at the N av!'l Training Center, Great Lakes, Ill. leader.hip, honor, initiati..e, loy- War II to meet minimum require. alty and .high example of com- ment•. Working women age 62 or Shane is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Shane of College rades in urms best expressing ,over who have retired or are earning les. than $2080 a year may avenue, and husband of the forthe American spirit. qualify for monthly bene,fits. Wives of hu.bands receiving monthly ben_ NEWS NOTES Experience Inlet. By boat they efit. ean now qualify at age 62. Mrs. Stuart B. Jane. and young made their way to Glacier Bay, and Widows of men who worked under son How.,ard of. Tiffin, 0., recently by train they journeyed to White . I rio.. . full w1~ .ocla seeu ., caJ;l rece,ve .... Horse, "n the' Yuk.on Temtory. flew to' Permasens. Germany, to ow's benefits at age 62. join Mr. Jones who is with the Mr. an,d Mr•. Robert S. Diggs of Men and women _ at age '72 or Special Service. of thp U. S. Arm:y W,.llingford had as their house- over niay receive benefit. and earn . 'for two y,ears. Prior to their jour- guest during June Mrs. Diggs' any amonnt. ney Mrs. Jones, with Howard, vi... aunt, Mrs. Edward C. Prescott of Even if "arning more than $20S0 ited her husband's .1Iarents, Mr. and Santa Barbara, Calif. On ,her re- a year, they may collect benefits Mrs. Fred P. Jones of Wallingford, turn trip Mr•. Prescott will stop for any monih In which they do . formerly of Stratli. Haven avenue. in Iowa and also in northem Cali-. not' earn more' than ..-SO. Mr:and Mrs. J. Roland Pennock fornia where .he will visit her son. Gruber .ay. persoDs in any of of Whittier place have as .their Mr. and Mrs. 'John Hamilton the above categories wOnid do well gue.t Professor Gerald Wibberly; and ,their daughter Haven of Tuc- to check with the soelal security who arrived Wednesday for a few son,' Ariz., have been visiting for office, Fidelity-Ohester Building, days visit. Prof. Wibberly is agr;- a few day. with Mrs. Hamilton'. 6th and Market streets, Chester cultural economist at Wye College, sieter Mrs. J. lJerbert Foley and and get facts regarding their elig!University of London, England. family on Harvard avenue. biliiy for benefits . Mr. and Mrs. George·M. Ewing Mr. and Mr~. H"rry Benton and Interested·personJl,.may, telof Columbia avenue had as their their three children .Jan, Ja~k and ephone or ~te for details. gues't f 01' a. f ew days D r. L . K . Terry have moved mto theIr new h • • trator of the home at 436 An derson, a dm1mB .. Cornell avenue. T e BRAIDYWIIE IIRIUS .PreSbyterian lI\11oions i r{ the ;Benton. aro: former~y .of Charlotte, II,.EI "FLEDERIIAUI" French' Camerouns, Africa. The N.C. Mr. Benton' ,. In the sale. Prima Ballerina ir;na Beirow. . Dr. An d er- division of the Ford Motor Com- 8ka and Premier 'Dan.eur Michael EWlDgs entertained m son's honor prior to his return pany. , Maule doubling as Chef and Walt. :Mr. and Mrs. Rex I. Gary of re.s, brought down the Brandyflight to Africa la.t week. Magill road a~e lea. oing Jiliy 31 for wine Music Circus house during: John and FraiJk Pierson. .ons of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Pier.on. their new horne at· 2400 Rooky Tuesday night's opening perform•. Sr.• of Ogden avenue, are spending River OvaI; Rocky' River, o. Mr. anee of '~ohann Strauss' "\ the month of July at Camp Sus-. Ga~. -, will continue in hi. capacity mau." which continue through this as a sales engineer for R.C.A. quehanila near New Milford. Dr. and Mrs. joseph Storlaooi. Sunday evening in the tent theatre on Baltimore pike, Concordville. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Wiland their family of Park avenue Syhil Lamb' a. the chamben'nald .on of Ogden avenue concluded on 'returhedon Sunday after spending and George Lipton a. the jailer Sunday a' three-andca-half-week two weeks at Stone Harbor, N.J. were al.o very popular in their trip to Alaska. Leaving Swarth-· " . . . more on June 18. the Wilsons trav- . The Re:". and Mrs. Ralph Simd- .upporting roles.' ..lled by way of Banff and Lake quist of SOuth· Princeton avenue Next Tuesday sees the opelling of Louise to Seattle. From there they have recently had as their Irnest "Happy Hunting" at the Circus•. flew north, arriving in Juneau on Mr.. StindQ1!ist's mother Mrs. Juite 30, the date Ala.ka'. state- Floyd WQOdruff of Yakima. Wa.h. HEADS ALUIIII FUID hood was approved. Hlgblights 'of Mr. and Iili-s. Willi. Weatherford . Dr.· James G. Delano of N9rth their trips Included jaunts. by am- of Elm avenue spend the month Che.ter road has been named 1959 . ,phibiou8 Skagway (the of August visltlitg Mr. Weather- c1talrlnu of the Washington UDIbeginning of ilie Yukon and. White ford'. father. Dr. D. Weather- versity of St. Louis Alnmnl Fund for the Philadelphia area. . River RailWay);.to Hames and to feird' at Biack MountalD., N.C. / will w. . " Badminton Sets,. - POie$i Birds, .Nets, Rackets ,' Tenni Rackets, Balls,. Presse, Coy-ers Golf Balls, Bags, Gloves, Lazy Caddy Baseball;,: Gloves, Bats. Shoes Wiffle Ball_3 Sizes, Bats Fishing Rods, Reels, Lines, Hook, Lures, Sinkers, Poppers,' etc. 'Bows, Arrows, Quivers Ch~rcoal Grilles, Charcoal Lighter O~rt Boards, Darts, Flying Saucers B~sketballs, Volley, Soccer and Tether Balls Swim Pools (Ah! a cool sport) up to 36O-gallon • Size • . . • .$"!yim Rings, Toys. Rafts, Flippers, Masks . .. iicycle_20",,24" and 26"; TIres, Tubes, etc. . * * .e..en &Ii••, •••, ' '. ".6 .P.rk Aveavai . I ~ ,:•• •• ' •• ~., bdl. .. .' .'. ., .. ' ' INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE THE SWAkI'IDIOREAN· Pqe2 July 18. 1958 I Adele, born June 16, 1968. Mrs. and Mr.. Otto Kraus of Drexel also stopped for two days in Wi!- yellow peony and white daisy bouMcCulloch is the daughter of Mr. Hill, formerly oi Swarthmore. Iiamsbur~, V wi, where they were quets. The bride was given in marriage 1111'. and Mrs. Donald Dye of joined by'PIeir' daughter Mrs. ward Legg ~nd her children of Se- by her father. She was dressed in South Princeton avenue have a full length gown featuring cane. their guest Mrs. Dye's mother Mr. and Mrs. H1lllock C. Camp- bateau neckline and short slee""s. W. III. Chambers of 1II0rgantown, A simple applique outlined panels W. V. The Dyes will leave next bell are leaving July 19 for On the full skirt. Her fingertip veil week for Ely, Vt., where th~y will Maine, where they will spend a pick up their daughter, Mana, who week's holiday. Their son Peter is of illusion was caught to a band bas been at Camp Wyoda for the spending the summer as a counselor of organdy petals and she carried BEAUTY CARE FROM SUMMER AIR teaching arts and crafts at Aloha a cascade of white roses and white Bummer. lIIanor, Fairlee, vt. Their daughter daisies with yelJow center•. 9 South Chester Road Mr. and Mrs. William R. Huey, Her 1lttendants were Miss lIIarSusan leaves tomorrow to spend who have returned to their DickCall KIngswood 3-0476 three weeks baby sitting at Cape tha Scott, maid of 40nor and lIIiss inson avenue home af.ter a month Carolyn Scott and lIIiss May, N.J. AcUn Member of the S"ar1bmore BulD.ell AlNclaUea at their Fenwick Island, IIId. su".'• Mrs. Paul M. Hummer of Rut- Boutin, all of Denver. They were mer cottage, are entertaining their similarly attired in pale yelJow orgers avenue has recently son Lt. j.g. William R. Huey, Jr., from a month's visit in COLlifOrJlia gandy, and carried cascades of USNR with his wife' and and .Oregon where she visited rela- yellow roses and white daisies. daughter of Patuxent River, Md., tives and friends. She made stops Flower gids were Marta and for two weeks. at Banff and Lake Louise on her Yates of Englewood, Colo. 1111'. and Mrs. H. IV. Brinkmann trip home through the Canadian Mr. Steinfeld was best man AUTOMATIC TRAISMISSION REPAIR STATE INSPECTION arrived home Saturday after his son. Mr. Howard T. Yates of Rockies. months in Europe. Leaving early Wheel Alignment Caster and Camber Toe-1ft Englewood and Mr. Philip Apel Motor Tune-up GuH Gas and Oil ENGAGEMENTS . in March, they toured the Mediterof Denver were ushers. ranean countries and then travelMr. and Mrs. Charles E. Lincoln The bride attended the National led north with the Spring. The past of We.tdale avenue, announce the .Cathcdral Episcopal Girls two months they spent in engagement of their daughter, Car- in Washington, D.C., Sophie NewRUSSELL'S SERVICE and England. Theil' daughter 01, to Mr. Paul W. Stewart, Jr., comb and the University of ColorOpposite Boro Parking Lot sy Jane is spending the res; of the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Stew- ado ~here she belonged to Pi Beta summer with them at the.r home art of Pittsburgh. sorority. The groom was on Walnut lane. lIIiss Lincoln is a graduate of Phi member of Lambda Chi Alpha the Un i versi ty of Colorado. ! malllnnmllDDlmouoalllDUllIIlUlIlIlIIlIIUCllllUlIIlllUllllIIlIlIIlClIIlJllUDlUllllllmlUDlw"uu'lPm'Dl""'D"'lIIlIIl1I[1 Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Look Swarthmore High School and has family, formerly of 249 Haverford attended Grove City College for the The newlyweds will make their ~ ~ § avenue have recently moved to past two years. Mr. Stewart is a home in Denver for the next three ~ years while the groom attends the .. (with Appetizer - Dessert - Bridge) c their n~w home in East Greenwich, graduate of Grove City College. NOON to ONE-TBlBTY R. I. No date has been set for the University of Denver Law School. ~ Mr. and IIIrs. D. lIIace Gowing wedding. The bride will continue teaching at i! 6 and daughters Nancy and Susan of ~~~~. ~ ~ ~ Parrish road will spend the Mr. and Mrs. Simon Peter Town~ Ample space for after-luncheon bridge ~ end in Stona Harbor, N.J. send of Chestnut Hill, Mass.; anBIRTHS ~ at no extra charge. ~ lilT. and IIIrs. Roy P. Lingle of nounee the engagement of their Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Doug- ~ ~ Cornell avenue had as their guest daughter Miss Megan Wilson lass, Jr., of Haverford place an~ ~ this week Mrs. Lingle's sister Mrs. Townsend; to Mr. Gordon Lee nounce the birth of a daughter, KIngswood 3·0680 George Wicker of Clearwater, Fla. Wahls of Dartmouth avenue, son Ann Elizabeth, on June 26 at Lank- n IJaDili. .liIllIIIlIllIIUIIIIIIIIlIIlCIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIllIlIllIiICIIIIIlIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIJIIDlIJIIIIIIIIIUlIIllIIlllDCIlIIlIIlIlIIDlIlllhlllUtJllIUllm y Mr. and Mrs. James H. of Mr. and Mrs. John Charles enaU Hospital. Th e rna terna} grandpa rents a re guullllllllllllllollIIJIIllIIlCllIIlIIlUlIDDlllIIIlIIlUllI!lIIll1llCllllllllllllcmlllllllllcDlIIImlllalllllllUlllnnDlIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIUlllt~ day have returned to their hOTne 1Wahls df St. Olaf, Ia. on Dickinson avenue following Miss Townsend attended Beaver Dr. and Mrs Eugene Farley of ;; five week automobile tour of the Country Day School, and received West and western National Parks. her Bachelor of Arts degree from Mr. Frederick B. Tolles is con- Wheaton College. Her master of valese:ing satisfactorily at his home education was awarded by Boston on Elm: avenue after undergoing University. She made her debut in nal great grandpal·ents. IIIrs. Doug- =n~ ~,,_ a craniotomy in Jefferson Hospital the 1948-49 season. She is a lass, Sr., of New London, Conn., is on July 7. ber of the Vincent Club and the the paternal grandmother. Mr. and IIIrs. Norman Hulme of Junior League of Boston. Wallingford entertained last week ,Mr. Wahls is a graduate of the Mr.and Mrs. William A. McCulMrs. Alice Hawn and daughter University of Iowa and the Har- loch 'of Chathlom, N.J., announce Fer Each 5 Mlnul.. Philco - Bendix ,Miss .Janet Hawn of East Orange, vard Graduate School of Business the adoption of a baby girl, Judith In FI.I Drying Commercial N.J. Administration. A lieutenant Commercial Washars Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Miller of the armed forces for three years, Marietta avenue had as their he is now a product manager guests last week Mr. Miller's the advertising department 612 FAIRVIEW ROAD brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Scott Paper Company. SWARTHMORE, PA. WOODLYN. PA. ilIIrs. Richard Miller, who are now The wedding is planned for SatAir-Conditioned loeated in Lansdowne. Mr. Richard urday, September 20. 31111111111111UIIIIIIIIIIIIUIII11UIIIIIDUlUlIIIIIIDIIIII1I1111IUIIIIIIlIIIIIUl1IIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIUUl1l11I1I11CUIIIIIIlIIIUIIIIlIIIIIIIDIlIlt) Miller will be inducted into the THURSDAY, FRIDAY. SATURDAY U. S. Army on August 8. STEINFELD.SCOTT JULY 11, 18. 19 Mrs. Samuel Francis ·Butler of Miss Elizabeth Ann Scott heChase You Blues A"a, Willa South Chester road has returned to came the bride of IIIr. John W. her home after motoring to West Steinfeld at a 7 :30 ceremony SatHarwich, Mass., with the William urday evening, June 27, in the St. M. Pomeroys of Haverford. Mrs. Martin's Chapel of the St. John's Butler also visited in Chatham, Cathedral in Denver, Colo. The StarrIDl' lOSE PERBEB Cape Cod, with her brother and bride is the daughter of Mr. and Thurs" Fri. Peatures-7:40. 0:40 P.M. Sat.urda.y Features-6, 8. 10 P.M. si.ter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Clifton H. Scott of Denver ilII. Heberton. and Little Rock, Ark. The groom mE BOWER'i' BOYS ABE BACK. IN Mrs. Howard D. Sipler oi Har- is the son of Mr. and ·lIIrs. Hans "FIGHTIN8 TROUBLE" FOR cmLDItEN 8ATtJBDAY. 1 P.M. vard avenue is a patient in Fitz- Karl Steind'eld of Syracuse, N.Y., Pia COLO. CARTOONS .. COMEDY gerald Mercy Hospital where she formerly of 537 Westdale avenue. SUNDAy,MONDAy,T~ESDAY underwent surgery Wednesday The single ring ceremony was morning. performed by Fathcr A ••B. PatterJU~Y 20. 21, 22 AssiOtant Borough Secretary son before an altllr banked with Special Do.bie Featare!!! &nth., PerldDa SUvama& Manc~ Mrs. Charles Townsend is spencling I part of her vacation at the shore this week. MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS (TechDJ.color) . Mrs. Lucy Hannum is re,cul~er'-I 8:40 P.M. ONL'i'" cau ••• ating at her Oberlin avenue hOlme I MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN Kim Slame,. LID,. Brlll,eI following an operation performed 318 narlmouib. Avena•. in Crozier Hospital, Chester. IIIDea.DOd $-1080 Personals The Bouquet BEAUTY SALON AUTO REPAIRS ROBERT J. ATZ, Mgr. July 18. 1958 THE SWAllTIDIOREAN 'HI UPP' 'HI .E •• ER Catherine P. Fussell has been inducted into the CornelJ Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi, national honor society. Miss Fussell, the daughter of IIIrs. M. H. Fussell of Vassar avenue, received her masters degree in' botany from Cornell this year. She is employed in the biology depar.tment at the Brookhaven National,Laboratories at Upton, N.Y. ELNWOOD Convalescent Homa Baltimore Pike'" L1Deoln Ave. 8warihmore QDlet, Restfal 8arroundinp With Excellent H-Bour NursiDC C.... Klngswood 3-0272 MEDIA FELLOWSHIP HOUSE COMPLETE LUNCHEONS FOOD-O-RAMA STRATH HAVEN INN = ! Et~~~~~ii£g~ I I College Theatre ! .!:!!! ~R!! WASH. 15c 24 Hours FLUFF DRY - 5c I "The Goddess" ":00. 10:25 P.M. StariingWad., Jul, 23 EXCLUSIVE EIUGEMEITlII MI.e Todd's Fabulous 62 AWlrd Winning Show mo. 'Around the World in 80 Days' Sol. (Tecblllcolor) d,.les •• "'0_ u4 bed shopa.. Maar bu.ur.J. al U 01 relaU prlee TBIS COLLECI'ION OF Ia&esl Bd• •I11.....• f.r lne bugoo ~ gOnl! out or ~hion ... .ais still in style. today! but Way back in tbe borse and buggy days, gas was the mainstay of homes and businesses. Today it is still the Old Reliable fuel ••• and its quality is better than ever. More and more people are learning that gas is dependable, clean, efficient. More and more they.are using it for cooking, water hesting, and clothes drymg. as well as for hesting our homes whenever needed. Now we are providing more gas and better gas than ever before, planning , to meet today's needs well Klngswood 3·2290 LI2 .... 1 A....I flEE '~RII.G Games for Every Age __________________________ 5c TractoI' Rides for the Young _________ .. _________ 10c Dinner Food a $1:50 (Will Be Served From 5:30 to 7:30) la Carte - I f You Prefer (From 3 to 8:00) Come and Bring Your Friends! For Directions or T~ansportation • • Call the House. LOwell 6-0956 I CLEAN RUGS LAST LONGER I Cleaning prolongs the lire of rugs because it gets out imbedded dirt and stains' that daily ,vacuum cleaning cannot remove, imbedded grit that digs into the with every tread. 9 x 12 DOMESTIC - $8.50 SUMMER RUBS CLEANED. 9 x 12 size $l.OD (pA,uJso" It Comge~!' Mohawk Carpeting. Complete .Price Range • Oriental Rugs Hio Park Ave •• Swarthmore. Pa. , Klngswood 3-6000 a CLearbrook 9-4646 (PiltA.'.~ KNOWS Carpet,1l IT'S TOO HOt FOR MOST OF THESE SPORtS -- BUT IN CASE YOU FEEL SO' iNCUNED • ~. • Badminton Sets. Poles. Birds. Nets. Rackets • Tenni Rackets. Ba lis. Presse, Coyers • Golf Balls. Bags. Gloves. Lazy Caddy • Baseballs. Gloves. Bats. Shoes • Wiffle Balls-3 Sizes. Bats • Fishing Rods. Reels. Lines. Hook. Lures. Sin'kers. Poppers. etc. • Bows. Arrows. Quivers • Charcoal Grilles. Charcoal Lighter • Dart Boards. Darts. Flying Saucers • B~sketballs. Volley. Soccer and Tether Balls • Swim Pools (Ah! a cool sport) up to 360-gallon size • Swim lUngs. Toys. Rafts. Flippers. Masks • Bicycles-20.... 24.. and 26". Tires. Tubes. etc. in advance. GAS DEPARTMENT PHILADELPHIA Cob,'s Bridal ......1411 'AI' Matinee Daily 1:30 P.M. Evening 6:30. 9:30 P.M. at "Winklee." the home of Dr. and Mrs. Norman Lee 410 Sandy Bank Road. Upper Providence I "This Angry Aga" -p.- Saturday, JulY 19, from 3 unlil 8 o'Clock NTERa "The High Cost of Loying" t. Sue Settle of Wa11ingford, who will be a senior in the fall at Beaver College, J Emkintown, has been named a student counselor for the academic year. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§.§~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! ~~~~i~~~[ii~~~~~~ John F. Conly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Conly of Yale avenue, is one of 6 students to receive Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Fellowships for graduate study in rockets and flight structures at Columbia University for 1958-59. Graduated in June of this year from the University of Pennsylvania with an M.S. degree in mechanical engineering, Mr. Conly received a B.S. degree from Penn in 1956, and was graduated from Swarthmore High School in 1951He received the Pennsylvania lIIilitary College Scholarship in 1951 and the Warwick Memorial 1965. Estsblu;hed .J932 II 3-0440 Mr. and Mrs. Leroy T. Wolf Park avenue have returned to tbeir ~ home after spending the past two years in Havana, Cuba. En route home they spent two days with their eon Jim in Jacksonville, Fla. Jim, a recent graduate of the o! Tampa, has joined the Firestone organization in Florida. The Wolfs Awarded Guggenheim Fellowship for 1958-59 ELECTRIC. COMPANY * * Camera & Ho••y Shop Local Man Receives USN Honor Medal Joseph L. Shane, seaman ap~ prentice, USN, receives congratulations from Cdr. H. F. Schwenker, Jr., Medical Corps, USN, upon receiving the American Spirit Honor Medal, in May, during recruit graduation ceremonies at the Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Ill. Shane is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Shane of College avenue, and husband of the for- mer lIiss lIJ ary 111. Porter of Walnut lane. The American Spirit Honor 1I1edal is provided by the Citizen's Committee for the Army, Navy, and Air Force, Inc. for those, who, during recruit training, display outstanding qualities of • loyleadership, honor, initiative, alty and high example of comrades in arms best expressing the American spirit. NEWS NOTES Experience Inlet. By boat they made their way to Glacier Bay, and by train they journeyed to White Horse, in the Yukon Territory. Mr. an.d Mrs. Robert S. Diggs of Wjlllingford had as their houseguest during June Mrs. Diggs' aunt, Mrs. Edward C. Prescott of Santa Barbara, Calif. On her retUrn trip Mrs. Prescott will stop in Iowa and also in northern California where she will visit her son. Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton and their daughter Haven of Tucson, Ariz., have been visiting for a few days with Mrs. Hamilton's sister Mrs. J. Herbert Foley and family on Harvard avenue. Mr. and Mrs. H'arry Benton and their three children Jan, Jack and Terry have moved into their new home at 435 Cornell avenue. The Bentons are formerly of Charlotte, N.C. Mr. Benton is in the sales division of the Ford Motor Company. IIlr. and Mrs. Rex I. Gary of Magill road are leaving July 31 for their new home at 2400 Rocky River Ovai", Rocky River, O. Mr. Gary will continue in his capacity as a sales engineer for R.C.A. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Storlazzi and their family of Park avenue returned on Sunday after spending two weeks at Stone Harbor, N.J. . The Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Sund· quist of South Princeton avenue have recently had as their guest Mrs. Sundquist's mother Mrs. Floyd Woodruff of Yakima, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Weatherford of Elm avenue will spend the month of August visiting Mr. Weatherford's father Dr. W. D. Weatherford at Black Mountain, N.C. Mrs. Stuart B. J ones and young son Howard of Tiffin, 0., recently flew to Permasens, Germany, to join Mr. .Jones who is with the Special Services of the U. S. Army "for two years. Prior to their journey Mrs. Jones, with Howard, visited her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Jones of Wallingford, formerly of Strath Haven avenue. Mr: and IIIrs. J. Roland Pennock of Whittier place have as their guest Professor Gerald Wibberly, who arrived Wednesday for a few days visit. Prof. Wibberly is agricultural economist at Wye College, University of London, England. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Ewing of Columbia avenue had as their guest for a few days Dr. L. K. Anderson, administrator of th~ Presbyterian Missions i nth e French Camerouns, Afl·ica. The Ewings entertained in Dr. Anderson's honor prior to his return flight to Africa last week. .John and Frank Pierson, sons of Mr. and Mrs.. Frank C. Pierson, Sr., of Ogden avenue, are spending \ the month of July at Camp Susquehanna near New Milford. IIIr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Wilson of Ogden avenue concluded on Sunday a three-and-a-h&lf-week trip to Alaska. Leaving Swarthmore on June 18, the Wilsons travelled by way of Banff and Lake Louise to Seattle. From there they flew north, arriving in Juneau on June 30, the date Alaska's statehood was approved. Highlights of their trips included jaunts by am,phibious plane to Skagway (the beginning of the Yukon and White River Railway), to Haines and to Sat. 9 to 1:00 a Ian 66, Woman 62 or Over-la, Bi Eligibla For Social Sac. Chacks Over the years changes have been made in the Social Security Law so that it is easier to qualify for monthly benefits. In view of this. Herbert W. Gruber; district manager of the Social Security Office in Chester reports that some individuals, because of a misunderstanding have not applied for their benefit.,. Gruber lists the following categories of persons who may qualify. lIen - Age 65 or over who have retired 01' who are earning less than $2080 a year. Women - nre now eligible to ~et social security payments at age 62 instead of waiting to 65, although payments will be at a reo' duced rate. A number of women worked long enough during World War II to meet minimum l"equirements. Working women age 62 or ,over who have retired or are earn. ing less than $2080 a year may qualify for monthly benelits. Wives of husbands receiving monthly ben_ efits can now qualify at age 62. Widows of men who worked under social security can receive full wid... ow's benefits at age 62. Men and women - at age 72 or over may receive benefits and earn any amount. Even if earning more than $2080 a year, they may collect benefits for any month in which they do not earn more than $80. Gruber says persons in any ot the above categories would do well to check with the social security office, Fidelity-Chester Building, 5th and Market streets, Chester and get facts regarding their eligibility for benefits. Interested personJ'~ may visit, telephone or write for details. BRANDYWINE CIRCUS GIVES "FLEDERMAUS" Prima Ballerina Irina Borow.. ska and Premier ,Danseur Michael Maule doubling as Chef and Waitress, brought down the Brandywine Music Circus house during Tuesday night's opening perform.. ance of Johann Strauss' "Fleder· maus" which continue through this Sunday evening in the tent theatre on Baltimore pike, Concordville. Sybil Lamb as the chambermaid and George Lipton as the jailer were also very popular in their supporting roles. Next Tuesday sees the opening of "Happy Hunting" at the Circus. HEADS ALUMNI FUND Dr. James G. Delano of North Chester road has been named 1959 . chairman of the Washington University of St. Louis Alumni Fund for the Philadelphia area. Have 'y"ou notlcecl? • YOU SEE THE .&& OLDS lNHEREVEA YOU TURN. You selclom clriva a block thase clays without seeir¥l a new OIc1smobHal This popularity Is a sura sign of the wonderful buys you can expect right now' So leam the thrUl (and the thrift) of 0",,11111 an Old.. flnt In loles na1Ionally . In Ito dan ••• troclhlonally 0 leacler In .....Ie va,", tool ---------~---1VlUTJr"F.R-OiDS:~(1------------ 4 • 6 Park Avenue KlngswoOd 3-4191 Psg", HI W. BALTillOU AVE. IlEDIA, PBNNBnVANU. -1IiirlI_'- to A . . . "II1D77-. A WW .eM a. • ....1--- \ Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hopson of for the week qf July 4th at their ;:::;:...:.:.:.:.:..--.:...-----:-:--,llll:u~ItOI's· aVllnue together with their cabin in Muncey Valley. North TM opinioKe fnpruaed below and daughter-in-law Mr•. and Mountain. "re tho.e qf tM individU4l writero AU Iotte1'e t6 TM Sw..rllo- Mrs. Peter Hopson of ,Cornell ave""';'ean must be aitnted. Pa~ nue and children Peter. nebble and n1/1>lnB _II b• ....4 iJ tluJ wriUr 'Michael. ,and their son and dalighia kIIown t6 the Editor. L""".&ed-014 8•••pID. . 'hbD .._ For PRE!: ESTIIol&TIIlII COIl ~~~2~.6~I~D~1;~F~.~~~.iFeil~10i'itt~1~I .'ilatll,.CirpD••...t.rll, ritla, .Id FLOOBB~O Free z.Umaie. T. Ad••• .' Fl. ALL II.U.EII .. 4"& WANTED - U Spooial for summer months reupholstered in nylon $62. $76.) Over 30 years exseven of SwarthSeremba. .. ,....... - !~~~.L~"~"'~.~~~~~~ WE CALL FOB YOU ! _Elhcth • ~Ir 16 to I', 1951 $6 Per !:lour Ell........ F. Maa CJIe8teI' z,.ata Formerly CARNS 850 Baltimore Pike SprinifleJd. DeL Co~ Pa. Kln-gsw'ood 3-0450 General Contractor' ~~~~~~~iiiiiiiiii~ .ITllLE FLOORS - PLASTIC MODERN Tn.E11 KlTCJiENs ALTERATIONS FRAMING 140 I PORTRAIT STUDJO Ridley Avenue CHeSter KliER RUSSELL CHester Photographic Supplies 2-4759 2-5689 Tender beef; browned potatoes, CIII',;o!S and deep, dark gravy ••• deliCIOUS? You bet • •• and ine%pensive tool ROAST of BEEF OPBN PRlDAY BvtmINGS WIWAM BROOIS I HODGE . 900 . Michigan DAY / Avenue LEhigh r 6-9937 4-1246 407 CONSTRucnON RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL • I A..'TERAIIOIiS n. J. A. 'Green Special WilL OPEN , Warm-Air Heating. A NEW .,ets and Co. ' 409. r ~ffil~~~~~~~~~ :~ 1851 - Reward•. Call KIngs- ONE HUNDREDTH ANNiVERSARY - ,,51 SWEEIEY &CLYDE. PAl NTI NG. KlllSJlwOClI1 3-1761 . . IlIsvroitce cmd Real Estate 29 ~ Filth Street ........ .,.. '.sIlL. II. CHester 4-6311 , ". . 'II Yellow or Devir.Food , .. . 2.!:;i:' 33~ 2 ~'f... 4r .. r 'Juicy Sw~t. l(ellow. I'reNtolJe . j I r~~~~~~~tt~~~~~tlti~'o~n wood Mix LD.CHURCH ~~~~~~~~~~ w~00~d~3-~.7~0~56~.~.~~~~~~~ Large, orange..colored LOST - . cat; white chest -and stomach. Anyone who bas seen him pleaso call KIngswood LOST -- Black3-3401. -wallet belonging to Watkins. Identifica- Wered••m Kellogg COUIlOU' by ~ $5 reward·for any infor11~[:::,,~~~,!leading to return of Andy red bicycle tsken from Swarthmore station. KIngs- &X!x&iilOa . ., ' ·· DARTMOUTH AVENUE UiST AIID FIiI,D ' IhlBRIOR & .....,c.'"'_ 'Klngswood .3-0S60 LOST .Jack Prichard 'c.~ Ca~. SWARTHMORE 4-1214 piiiiiiiEiiiiiiiiiiiiiii__iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiji Ra. Lac at.",,"I' I , AUGUst 1st, 1958' . AT Sheet Metal Work Klngswoocl 4-1700 \ , , Air Conditioning Swarthmore, Pa. 3.: cans Ideal Orange Juice . . Hawaiian Punch ,.3 :-:: $1 ... ------~-------------------------~~ 1eI••l 'r;; q.... I.iWt Tuna' , ::n: 45' OFFICE .,. ON, ! . 46-0% REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Gutters S. Chester Rd. cI Orange Blend Sweet or Naturall . . CliiIdren's . , Platters , 17V2 . ROQnd-the..(lock~·Drink '. 3 ··~:.$1 ., SWEENEY 6' LUKENS . 3-6616 KI . Aprico~ . ROOFING 48 , New Golden or Regular I1I1IIIIIllIIIDI\IIII BOX Ib MIX OR MATCH GROCEity VALUESI . DARTMOUTH' AVENUE FANCY SANJ)WiCHES fartleal"'sro'nablY to ..,KI~ng:;;sw~oo~d3~-35~80~ . .......,.......".-FOR SkLE - English bike pletely reconditioned. long motor driven ear. with aece...oliel}t "~IN $139 lb' Closed SClfurc/ays anc/ Sunc/ays Will . RIB 1. I= :~!5r~ d.'F. BUCIMANJ George - .. ~ oM~~yI nro1l8'~ <;li'ri"'y . BREAKFASt : LUNCH DiNNER ! 335 DABTlII01JTB AVEN1lE Klngswood 4-1234 OPEN 7 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. ~~~~UDlmnlimamlmH. "jWlI~ I. ~ Klngswood , LanCaster Brand Genuine DEW'D OP II N I ••HDUR SERYICE Fr.. Eatl••t •• MAdison ·HE CHOPS $109 NOON SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS Ki 3-1112 W.rk Cornis OIL BURNER , SERVICE MONDAY TBBU SAT1JBDAY Swarthmore, Pa. w.Rllps, I'!~~\i~l:.r r·y wlrl.',~~~~:::::. NIGBT ' Frozen Orange Juice 3~~74c Swarthmore It Costs No More to have Quaker. Maid award-Winniig style and construction. . 18 Lovely. Wood FiDisheli.! 12 'Gay Decorator Colors! Largest 1)isplay of custom' .kitchenS in DelaWare Valley. NearlY 20 years' elQliirience. Over 1700 satisfied. customers. Fre~ . Park Avenue ST9RE, Curter Road~~TharsdaytID:9P.M.,Fri~ ~ 10 Bw.AkTHMQRE "' ... _ , .• '~.'~'p.A,_.Jr," . . .' " S.·R.~.'.f·.P~,'G ..·· .ESTIMATE KI 4-2727 ,au" Ii· , .... ._\ • _'. ~GATIOH Year NeUe8l .' CENfEB..·~ .. IIp'Ro8d ~ Baltim.on'POw "7 . . " ~,. -", .' 'f I' ..... . _.,_,"'. <, """, -"', .. -.' ... -... -",.,""," \. .+;-.f"~.-~< .. ' '-;~-:.;t·~.--~': \}.,..' . ,:,;._.-' .• ~ ~ :"', ~~ ~....;.~""" .. ~ ••. f>, ....... ........ ~,).; '"',;°"",:""_",,-_:1·,''-' -'," , " Die~) . J. Lord, and C. '~E~TYoLE - Sr. girl.: lC. 1 :55.4. . Williams (1:11.6), II C. Brodhead. .DIVING - Int. girls: 1 S. wll. 'Int. .girls: 1'. s.Cra~ord(3U~. ~~ (il6.9C),2 S. Crawford. ~ 2 D. ])umnl. Int. lIoys. 1 ~. Fote7 boys. 2 D. McCurdy (68.'76). lr• D. Foley (61.2),8 J. Brooks• . - Morrison, SaIUil~~~~:~~~~:,~!~,2'lOO~" ~~~1: ~,.. ~. '1J!: ~=;..t! ~:)·.:~'~\!::!~Xi..~~ =~a~~~~~~!!:; ~. ' . , 1 G. Boyd (88.9),1.& . . . (SUO). '. _ ..'_ • 1952 the ~tS1lay, ~edDe8day, R~ f1II9 P .... ~ tm 10 P.M. Open NO Managed Philadelphia' Plant Sirice Meli Active hio Swarthmore' record to a new Y In- Weekend Forum localiwater-prancer, for many are the new names which have appearc A number of local residents will ed on the chart just within the take active' roles in a two-day forpast few.weeks booauoe they've bet- um. to be held Saturday and Suntered ali former local time. in their day, Jnly 26 and 27, at the Family events and age groups. On the Work Camp in Cheyney. Dther hand several rooord holders Under the g.neral title "A Weekhave managed to bettsr their own End Exploring How Family Living former times, or while seeing. t!\eir Impro~'iB Human Relations", Fredreeords in earlier agJ-grOups erick D. Dudley, M.D., of Magill smashed by new swimmers have road, and Gordon C. Lange of Cegone on to depose the erstwhile dar lane will lead a discussion on rooord holders in the age-group i';- ''Some Psychological Aspeete of to which they've moved up. Integrated HUlllan Relationships." Top.Tlme Record ' Dr. Dudley is direetor of the Child An attempt has been made to Guim on "A DQllars and (butterfly) a'!. IBreakelJ 4113, J. Cents View of Family Problems." Foley.41.9. InterIneaw joined lanes in meets. For Instance, Nanc, Atlantic's research and develop_ Webstsr came in ahead of Linda ment jlepartment a~ Philadelphia in . Zecher's 64.4 sooond place in junior 1929. In 1937 he was named ganer. I al superintendent ofthA firm's g!r 's breaststroke, Terry MC;purdy came in before Karen Groses 1 :05.9 Philadelphia refinery and ill 1946 third place in midget breaststroke, advanced to assistant manag.,r of and Shirley Hoge came in before the plant. In 1952 he was named Terry's non-placing iime in but- manager of the ·refin'ery. tertly. Shaw is a member of the FrankIt's a nip and tuck affair and lin. Institu.te, the American I';sti. every time a rooord-hoiding Sea_lute of .Chemical Engineers, and the horse swims (or perhaps even more American Petrole_ Institute. Auto Driving Instructioh .' ! , (Continued ftomPage 1) resulted in sorrow for two seasoned Lafayette avenue membe... . of the Swarthmore team. Although Ann Townes' time was clocked as one-tenth seeond faster than'Rose Tree's B. Bartlett, she lost first pl(lCe on judges' decision on touch so could not regain her pool record or even credit for l!ettering her Swarthmore team record of 38. Gloria Peir801 lost the leatl in sen. . lor backstroke, and was al80 disqualified when she flubbed an unaccustomed turn on the fourth and final lap. , Shop Thursday 'til 9 P.M. Friday 'til 10 P.M. IAYllo •• ~. DAWIU. w............ Diluzio iIId SOil , FLORIST s CLASSIFIED A WAITID . PERlolAL ... rae ChaIr BebuUt iie~~'''' Years of Swarthmore ~ . MrL ,Franklin S. Gillespie Hanaxd aVenue spent a 10 vacatiOii in Pulaski In the fO/l,t1IIlIal ~ the Adirondaeks, and in MeXico, N.Y. She returned home Wedneaday iut week. l~i~n~I~~~~th~a~n~tw~o~w~~~k~S~.,~____~~w~a~l~ts~r_Fry~~s~in~g~er~of~~~~~~l UPHOLSTERY . Sharon Hill Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. num of Lafayette avenue spent weekend in stOne Harbor, N.J., celebration of their 16th . anniversary. While her parenta were' away, Mary Beth Hannum was the 'guest of' Mr. and Seoborses in Easy Win Over Rose Tree Woods • •.• . :"". .- . :.- , .... ,~~. ..... ~-', " ..... .' •.• ' ,,::.>>,,-, ., . ';. ".. :- , .' .' Rieksecker will be glad to receiy,tle.nce. Several of the younger ebU· All Stars, Eagles Win applications for the available dren aang f&r The Chief. including SRA Team Competitio(l te~three at last count-.t Anne MIChel, Pamela Mulrooney, (Continne<;l from. Pap 1) home, 329 Cornell avenue. and;Henry Herschel. ... _-- h f th ti merrille made various wall plaques TIle ArcllltectllRl FlY. The a ........p ere I' e e!, re h' . - 1 rth mae k ".m·~ caatin.. powder and pJaatic The Fives spent a part of one group may, en.....o , . - • This • was one of the mo,stl momi!,&, lIrawing their own honaes somewhat ofUs how b'iz" ,.ince P am· molds. AnEI. AlnlL PIlI. Former Sw..rthmoreana Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Alger entertained at their traditional Fourth of July home on P icnic at their. summer ~. Lake Ponchatoola, 1'1. J. Their guests included: popula'r and succeuful ·Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Van Alen, · ve~ne did at least one 'Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wetlaufer, Mr. E ' I V '. week the group .. •• working and Mrs. J. F·raneis Taylor adnTh .. . J. F. Taylor, Jr., Mi.. N ancy on copper jewelry, wooden house ' kera w,·th aluml'num numbers. White, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gilbert, mar Mrs. Thllima Dickinson, Mr. and and shell jewelry. The boys like h 'l the shell J' ewelry and have Mrs. Don D. Dickinson and c,· dren Debbie and' Deems, all of some attractive pieces. Most. of 'Swarthmore. projects are being kept at Als~ attending were Mr. and merville' for the Arts and Crafts Mrs. George Shain 'and children exhibition' to be held the last week Diana Lee and Georgie of Penn of the program. • h ard ,. .For the 'ch,'ldren of summer Valley; ·Mr. and Mrs. R,c Lappe'and daughter Diane of Hav· recrl'at,'on school, the Fourth of ertown, Mr. and Mrs. John;Sprout J)lly was as important in retraand sons John and Ronnie of spect as it had b""n in anticipation. J Mr. and Mr.. Most of tho children shared Hightstown, N.., John Taylor and children Carol their groups their holiday weekend Leslie and David of Baltimore, activities and they all relived the Mr. and Mrs. Earl D. Knox and f~n <>f p~rades, picnics, swimming, daughters Gail, Kathy and Carolyn and :fireworks. of Kansas City, Mo" and the AI. The Ric'ksecker boys' mother gers' and daughter Mr. has again produced a litter, and Mrs. Paul Ford and' dllugh- ently for the children of. the ters Carol and Gail of Easton. schonl. .primary group, Rnd Mrs. ·W..,mllllClay for a YI8lt to Mr. Dryd",,'s·law and aist-er, Mr. and M1'8. Henry A. Pelr. sol, Jr. of Lafayette avenue. POLIO NOT with paint sticks, tbe resulte in· ela Mulroouey and JohnDY Schmidt to eluding some doors on the were inVited by Chief Halltown tim floor and a wide variety of appear with him on his noon h d'de or'..lnal architectural styles. Theypl'ogram Monday. This• t ~ BY that ,; _. have achieved a noticeable degree and his Swarthmore rating ."r 11 t, t of success in the rhythm instru· day must have been exce en . no Nearly forty million'Amerment department, learning how to to mention fond friends and rela· h t ta h n icans under forty years of ago play' the instrumente correctly tions· of t e gues s rs 11' 0 ma • when it is each child's tum' aged to find·television sets to wateh have had n:l vaccine and ewer play. The original almost-unam· in the middle of their business day! forty million have not com· mous tel'dency just to BANG I. gradually giving. way to a more Dr. 'and Mrs. Erwin R. Scbmi1at pleted their series of three musical" .effect, to the distin. ct reo are back at their home on E ks m . doses. Polio virus is still widelief of staff members. av""ue after spending two wee f spread. An epidemic may The Fours seem to have voted in Madison, Wi•., as the guests o. , rents clay work and cookie time Mrs. Schmidt's pa. , Mr. and ~ break out any time, anyplace. ' favorite weekday morning acj,lvi·1 Mrs. Richard BoiBsard. . because the vaccine protects ties, although they all take Mr. and Mrs •. Henry D. Bevan only thosB who receive it. iastic part in painting, crayoning, of Crest lane returned Sunday af· pasting, playing in the rhythm ter spending 10 days at Orleans on If you or members of your band, learning 'lew songa, Oape Cod, Mass., as the guests of family have not been" imblock towers, and playing Mr. and Mrs. Chester P. 'Baker. doors, and. using all the Mr. and Mrs. JamesM. Dryden nlllniz~d-see your physician swingi'!lr, and climbing equipment and daughters Deborahand Deirdre no''':. n,,:·:t gamble with your outdoors, as "1ell-never an idle of Dayton.- 0., will arrive, next h oalili. Be immunized I Qiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiCj,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ I forward to a very spe~lBBDItUIIWUUIiliiiBHlmmlllDlDOlllllllllanmmunanHllunualnuwnUDlWllRJUlaU1ll11umnmnlHDlDt tricycle Looking CATHERMAN'S !!!E SUI lEI SPECIAL ;; cial event scheduled for Friday, 'Belv~ere DRUG STORE CIIOtlr••'. D., Ellr, T.....' ••• Tltandl, ii they learned and discussed the life A large variety of te.!Z poses In NATURAL Color at reduced prices. ~ and habits of the Indians, and Klngswood 3-0586 § at the Stndio of - ~ paper teeP;"s freely 'decol'lateoi I 2507 Chestnut St., Chester Ii I .. with appropriate designs. CHester 2-5373 ii § "Monses" Completed ~ The post-I\indergarten cliildre" I U.Do. . N _ C"," 6 E•• t St., 1',111. . LO.,II J.Z III E finished their Mickey AIled. Sed., Cl>r0Dl. . a COIl't&le.cent Men lAd WomllD ji .MCM'MllutaHlM&bUBnmnnDHIIWWiifiimnmltalllUWU. . . .IUW'·.."iCJmnuuJliUUWIUMUa (sic!) begun the week before, befiDeD' F""" 8. .01... ·0,..... spurred on by the prospect of tak· BlU6 C ..... P"DOre4 Ing them home for family approval. &ADD!) PIPPIN Tl1RNER. proprtotor. YET WHIPPED! = I Convalescent Home F. F. 7immermOIt I SWARTHMORE Attractive all·stone and brick Colonial home. Three. nice bedrooms, room. . Good $3600 down. 2V2 tile baths, garage , recreation condition. Balance Move right in. $21.000. • ,. $136 • per month, including ta~es. BAIRD & BIRD Klngs~ood 0ppDsite Bora Hall 4-1500's . \ FINE"FOODS. . , 514 Yale AYe. U~'· S. Swarthmore, Pal • "Fomous for the Finest Meats" CHOICE and PRIIE 'BEEF ONLY r; STEAKS Ib.89( ~OBR~~~HOUSE U. S, CHOIIE SIRLOII Perfect for tlae Charroai Broiler U. S. CHOICE '. TOP SIRLOIN (8ROUID TO ORDER) lac lb. BOI,ELESS COnAIE HAIS FRANKFURTERS BOILED HAl ALL IElT _ 10 WASTE VEAL LOAF B,OL06NA pl.IEITO LOAF LIVERWURST OLIVE. LOAF 'EPPEILIA.F. AIERICAI IIIEESE Yz III. llc III. 59c III. 98c pouMlXnlof Each 79' They started group }!inging, with "~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=~;;;;;;;~~==~=~~;;;;~~;;;;;;;;~ rewardiogly melodious results in Ij both old favorites and new songs. "You Meet tire/Weest People at·Speare's" This group, too, has had f~n clay modeling, turning out some very fine figures which will be painted when dry. Kick· baseball was introduced, and a series started, with the winning team. given' points and the losers 3 points each day. At the. end of each week, the scores are totaled, and an award will be given to the winning tea.m 1 EDGMONT SEVENTH WEL8H 8TBBB'r8 on the iast' day of the session. STORE HOURS: Monday tbru Thunday, 9:38-5':31, the teacher of this gTOUP said, "We Friday, 9:30·9:001 Saturday. 9:38-5:30 won't make the World. Series, -' we have fun". COOL! . The primary group, newcomers to their ranks, .fi,oisheoil painting their clay models for home d is ~ l'a y. They have "Pretend COMFORTABLEl School" every ~ay in the' small .playhouse outdOors, with a very efficient principal and secretary. On Thursday, macaroni painted and strung for jewelry 'Was model" ed by several of the girls. Chief Halltown's Vis" The climax of the. week's events was a visit, 'on Friday, from televisi~n personality Chief Halftown. His varied program appealed to all age groups, including' the SUlm~nelrl IN C1ubbers who were also in rrf.~i::~(.r.:. AND C01JNTY OF DELAWARE Sealed -Proposal wtU be !'ecelved at the Office oJ tile ccmnty c001;roUer. court lIGUle, Media. Pl.., 1fP nnW 1:00 P.M•• opened a' 2:00 P.M.• E.D.S.T., on the day. in stauers. , ~e. CommlPlonera·, at tho Court RoUe, JletHa. ..,' The COUDt,. Commtaslonen reee"e the r1RlIt to rejed auy aDd an bkb:. A.C.TBRONE J. WARREN BULLEN, JR. JAKES J. CONNOR county EaiIIa.. ,c..alel1, A DOIl~profit; mutual . for the benefit in . BooTH'S QUININE WATER __________ 6 boWes 4ge 1~ . PeDDa. . Pr ... , ".,.; FlEE IllIIEI' FREE PARKING . -. ~, _fOIt" I,. In ... cl 'en aim bent. .......01. ..... for hot MUll... .Cl*aI ••• f.. MOSt CGmtwlaLl. . I i a_•• _ - ' F ct WI*IF acallcn. flanifor ' pi IlwalP_diaL h,'" '.I11 GaiTeit Ave. XI " .. " ...... '. . ... ~ the Flowerless VOLU)flC 30-NUMBER 30 4 10 New Appointments Will Replace Cox , Wood . L' I S wan, Itt e 14.00 PER YEAR Swarthmore, Pa.. Friday, jiIJy 25, 1958 ~ Astronomers .,,011" 4 To 'Visit in Moscow CoIlep Lists Flowers lor tire .Flowerless Funeral Services Held Seallorses Vic..riOII, For. A, C. Bossharot Defeated Last Week The Sproul 0 b s e r vat 0 r y at SwarthmqTe College will be repre. sented by three astronomers in Funeral services were held Mon· day at the Presbyterian Church for A. C. Bosshardt, 313 Park avenue, who died Friday, July 18,' in the Dela\WIre County Hospital after an IOI'.l'Ilti.m fdilowing a prolonged iIIn•••. He was 74. A mechanical engineer, .Mr. Bosshardt was connected with Sun Shipbuilding and Drydock Company for 18· He is survived by three sons, Rene of Long Island, Roy of Rutledge, 'and Richard of Cleveland; and seven grandchildren. The Rev. ·n. Evor Roberts of. fieiated at the services. Interment was held at the Media Cemetery. . ' Moscow at the Tenth General As· See Aronimink Stay League Champion in Local Pool President Courtney Smith of sembly of the .International Astro· following II Thursday night Swarthmore College has announced nomicai Union August 13 to Au· practice meet in which Swarthmore the retirements of two. faculty gust 20. Dr. PeW!: van de Kamp, I5eat Springhaven Club 139.112 at members' and two members of the Direotor of the Observatory and t\e home pool, the local seahorses administration: H ~ r r y Wood. Professor of Astronomy; Dr. Arne journeyed to Marple-Newtown FriSl'perintendent of Buildings and A, Wyller, Assi~tant.Professor and day night and Saturday for' their Grounds; Mrs. Sara S.· Little, Research ASSOCiate m Astronomy, last meet and first defeat of the ' House 'Director; Dr, Alfred J. and Sarah Lee Lillpineott, Re· season. . Swan,Chairman of the Department search ~ss~ia!",.in Astronomy, "C· Swarthmore did fai~ly well in of Muiic; and Dr. Edwanl H. Cox, eepted mv,tatlOns to attend thB Fridsy's diving portion of the trio Chairman of' the Department of congress. 'angular meet when it defeated Chemistry. Dr. van de Kamp, who is a memo Aronimink 29 ·to 25, at the same .Harry. Wood, 400 Walnut lane. ber of the U. S. National Committime being defeated by Marplecame to Swarthmore in 1927 as tee of the I. A. U. and 01 two I. A. Newtown ·by only two points (28. head gardener from his native Eng. U. scientific commissions, and his 2~) while Marple defeated Aroni· land, where he received' his edu· wife, will be guests of ~he U.S.S.R, 01 mink by six points (30.24). Marple' cation ..nd his professional train· Academy of Science for two weeks. re-used two juniors, Linda Hartin ing. In 1931, the first plant eollecand David Lewis, to gain places in tion• on the campu", the lilacs along F' R d M h II each of the thr..i. age division&. . Jrst· oun atc es Wi the¥ Meeting House" walk, was start.. Visiting Minister W',II Aronimink's Steve Fisher (state ed. Since that time Mr. Wood has Be Comple~ by interscholastic diving chllll1i>ion), helped the College tum th'e !'amPU8 Conduct Presbyterian and Margie Huebner were the high into a nationally famous 1l\>rticul. Service Saturday Night individual s Cor e r s. Swarthmore tural landmark, famous for its Younger Group Snips, Swarthmore Tennis Cluh Activ~ placings were: df 'ts d t' I Visiting minister at the Presby- ities Chairman Curt'Wallin has an. Senior girls: 2, J. Boyer; 4, L. bea ... U03 an or, e uca ,ona ·proPaints and Races. terian Church Sunda.... will be the C gram-the display of the. mos! deThrough Week Rev. Maurice Charles,Principal nounced first-round pairing,. for 6,o~:~,;,::'~:~~n':~e~ia; ~:::; sirable and reliable hardy ..plant of Paton Congregational College. the club's. annual mens' doubles • material' in .surroundinga the or· Parents and friends of children He will preach at the 10. o'clock tournament, which began on' Mon· 1, L, Courtney; 2, S. W,lIiams. Indinary homeowner can duplicate. . day. The first'-round contests are termediate boys: 3, R. McCurdy, who are attending the playground' servIce. as follo'WB: 5, J. Derickson. Junior girls: 2: B. Additional Project M..... Charles comes from a Purnell; 4, S. Wigton. Junior ho,..: His activities have extended far program on the college campus are ity with long association with Bill Trumpler and Bill Haseltine 2 J D I ks . t Ch arIes ... tt beyon d th 0 campus. P res,'dent 0f the invited to an exhibit of art· and Welsh Congregationa.lism i.n South agams ummer and Cb ar· " e r con; 6, 'M. McCrory. the children. and West Wales. H'e rec~,'ved his les Hummer, J r; Leon Gor d on an d Wltb Pins Folded Swa'rth",or:<' ch ap ter 0f S'Igma X'" craft ite-.. made bv I I . The exhibit will be· held in Sum· B P . gto ' J n Saturday· morning's swim h b h Bo f S a mem er 0 t e wart more r· B.A. and B.D. degr'ees ,'n London ruce enmb n agam~t oe Lah I ough Council, an officer 0 f the merville from '9 :30 to 11 a.m. to. Universitv and .then continuoed on hecka and B'll I McC awey; Ted events h t e recent h I killness of several 'tio f Ph ' I day. Summer.clu.b badges will b e ' Shook and HenrvLauaga,'n tS'-~ sea.o1'se.; t e ac of some others nationaI As soo,a n o ' ya,ca to Oxford University for research I' s _ •.• to equal their former best times; Plant Administrators of' Colleges awarded to those children who have in the relationship of the Christian Mets and Alan Hunt; Ed Lewis and and weakness in ,turns, contribuUjd and Universities, he has. also· been (l0mpleted ~1I of the arts and crafts religion to modern social and pollt.Pilling against' Bob Taylorto.keepingtbe instrilc- . act~v'e' iJl~he.N.tiona1.. A..<>i:iii~~:proJe..ts.: ; ' . " . : . "." ...': .leafprolilemS ., . . . ' .. Ii.hd C~.rt,·W•.llil1;::'B. of ::'~OJI"''''beea .Fmny BelIt.tlona . tke80kllera Medal in 19&0. AqUA llito SlP!eIilIJer Ii. J . . . . \il ;" .,....~'! ArIIIILJ' Melabers ... tile widowot .~ Jate He ~maniecland ll'fee with hia lIepbarn Who ~;1I'in4DPu. - - . U.I "~ III the M : : :... :.hleclto~ ~l II (lQ!!'l\. • eI!ildftn ~ ftIpitea 'S t. " M1t .1Uo . . ....\ ...... banl 1~1I8J'J'. wOP;.:...·.· . ... " ......... '0 ...... " . . . . . ..... • utp.Uuc .......-1-.-..-Iatt: - , ... - " - - . . •. . , ,. . ....~....'(:.,~ . :,. - - .. ~ .. , .... ,. '-'.~~. ". . .- ...' '. - ::'. ,'~" M ,... Summer CIuII Exh"b"ts II Art and Crall lIems "D bl Palon. Collage Principal en S lennlS as B " Th" W k To Preach Here Sunda, agln IS ee hex:vtre:- INSID1I VI1!W bottles - each ge ell ....... "~Iao ~RTHMOREAN for Retire; , A, L, Wallace Joins' Montgomery Scott Forms of Proposal, may be .obta.lned at \he Office ,af the Cblef Clerk to tho C:ceUent Z4-Hour NuroInj C...... I Mr. Donald W. Kent, Jr., son of 1111'. and Mrs. Kent of Plymouth MeetKlngswood 3-0272 buildln~ ing, took 'place I.'riday, July 4, in Old St. Davids Church in Wayne. -)IIllDl11111111111UIIIIIIIIIUlCIIIIIIIIII1lUUI1IIIIImUIlillIIIIIIIOIIIIII1IIIUOIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIII1IIlIIDI11I1HlimOllllllllllUDIIIIIIIIIIIIIO The Rev. John C. Knewstub per- ~ § ~ ·ffJl'med the 6 o'clock ceremony. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Her sister 1\Irs. Ernest Buzby of Strafford was her matron of honor. Mr. Willard Baldwin of New SHIP.SHAPE FOR SMOOTH SUMMER SAILINU York City served as best man. The couple will be at home at 835 9 South Chester Road Harvard avenue after August 1. Call KIngswood 3-0476 ;; ~Ir. Kent is a physicist at the § ~ II Bartol Foundation. The marriage of Miss Louise Dakin Valentine, daughter of Dr. J. Manson Valentine of Miami, Fla" and 1\lrs, Lawrence l\{orris of New York City, formerly of Moylan, to Mr. Robert Bruce Fitzgerald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Fitzgel'3ld of Amesbury, Mass., took place Sunday, July 20, at noon at the Chapel in the Woods of St.1IIat. hews Church in Bedford Center, N,Y, The Reverend John C. Harper, rector, officiated at the ceremony. A wuodwind quintet played chamber music before the ceremony, including a minuet composed by the bride's uncle, Mr. Paul Petrocokino of Astonbury, England,. St. Anthony's Chorale from Haydn's Divertimento was played for the bride's entrance. Miss Josephine Wittmeyer, sister of the bride, was the maid of honor. Mr. Woodbury Ransom of Charlevoix, Mich., attended the groom as best man, and Mr. John Pell of New York acted as nsher. The bride wore an ankle-length gown of ivory silk shantung, princess style with a wide scoop neckline trimmed wUh Alencon lace. Her fingertip veil was of Brussels and rose-point lace. She carried a colonial bouquet of which sweetheart roses and blue cornflowers. Miss Wittmeyer's gown of apricot organza with a tucked bodice and a full scalloped skirt gathered with bows, was matched by her picture hat. She carried a easeade bouquet of pale blue delphinium with baby's hreath. Mrs. Morris wore a royal blue sheath of J ",vanese silk taffeta with white accessories, a multiflow~red hat, and a corsage of yellow and crimson roses. Mrs~ Fitzgerald was gowned in a sheath of ice-blue silk with a corsage of pale pink sweetheart roses. , The bridal party received on the College Theatre' '. THE SWARTBMOREAN • BAIRD & Park Avenue Sat. 9 to 1'100 . . . . 612 Faima. R~,.Ri.laJ Twp., • ....,.' Klngswood 4-1500 , Opposite Boro Hall TBB SWAllttJlllORBAN I THE.~.SWARTHMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE. PENNA.; PETER E. TOLD, M1ARJORIE TOLD, PubliBluIr. Phone KIngswood 3-0900 P,ETER E. TOLD, Editor Barbara B. Kent, Mafl4gmg Editor Rosalie D. Pell'sol, Marjorie T. Told, Ruth D. Remington Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. DEADLINE - WEDNESDAY NOON SWARTHMORE, PENNA., JULY'25, 1958 PRESBYTERIAl 10TES IIETHODIST 10TES The Rev. Maurice Charles, prin· at Chure h Sch 00I cIasses hegm '8:45 a.m. f or the mon th s o f u J Iy eipal of Paton Congregational Colan d Augus t WI'th cI asses f or a II lege, Nottingham England, will · 'to rs are cord'laII y weI- preach at the 10, o'clock service ages. VlSI comedo At the Morning 'Worship Servic') beginning at 10 o'clock, the guest preacher, Dr. W. Galloway Tyson, will use as his sermon subject, "Your Accent.... Dr. Tyson is guest preacher for the month of July while Mr. Kulp is on vacation. In case of any emergency or need for pastoral help, Dr, Tyson can be reached at Klngswood 31257. He and Mrs. Tyson' are living Sunday morning. Church School classes through the Junior High level, and a Child Care program, are h eId a t 10 a.m. Sundays during the summer. The Summer Choir rehearses at 9 a.m. preceding the 10 o'clock service. The Bandage Group will meet at 10 a.m. Wednesday in the Woman's Association Room. • THE SWARTIQIORlW'f NEWS NOTES- Summer Club Exhibits ,. J C . J ' Art ang rart Items they left their infant eon Robert with hill grandmother Mrs. B. w. Mr. and ~. Douglas ToUey and Collins of,Hillborn avenue. their children DaVid and Suaail of -::::;::::::::;:::;::::;::::;:::======; (Continued from Page 1) and wheeled toys still rank high Rutgers' avenue will leave on Sun- r for fun. Play dough is requested day for Talford in Mentgomery every day and thoroughly enjoyed County where 'they will spend a when the time comes to use it. week with Mrs. ToUey's mother' ' Some of the children are le.>rninsd Mrs. John VanKuren. 250r ,Chestnut St., Chester to use scissors for ,th" first time Virginia Tiller, who, i8 attending and the others are beComing more the summer session at PennsylvanCHester 2-5373 adept with them. Many of. the ia State University, will spend the ........ N _ ".... youngsters are now able to do a weqkend with her p ..rents Mr. and neat job with paste. Mrs. A. :alanton Tiller of Havel'CooYal".ceat lieD aRCS Wom.ea r . . a - s _ a.._ Cr~tlve ,Fives ford place. . Biue Cro.. PGDore4 Th e b'Ig thOmg f or t hil F,ves . . of t h',s Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Edney SADIE PlPPIR TURNER. Proprlelor k th d" , wee was. e In 'an hata made to Strath Haven avenue spent laSt cuImlDate th e viBit alf- weekend as ' guesta of their neigh- ri~~~i~~iiii~~ ' ' of Chief • H town. Bands 0 f paper wer. uecoratbors Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Stradley . hId' . \ ed Wit n Ian deSlgus and coIored who are vacationing, in Wallingfeathers ad\ded,to make a 'war bon- ford, resemb ing the Chief'.. ' 0 T d th b·rthda Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. CoUins n ues ay ere was a I y and' sons Carl and Jam'es are 'ael< CH~ISTIAN celebration to the delight of all the D children. Cupcakes with lollipops in their home on school lane after a lior candlerwere the chief refresh- two ,veek Wausau, Wis., ment, supplied by Missey Davi.. who where they attended a hlgh school stated "Now I am five. I can go to reunion and visited Mrs. Collins' school nowl" brother and sister-in-law Mr. and This week hasbi.en rhythm week Mrs. W. L. Christiensen and her WFIL Rldl_'brlstl•• Solenol for the fives. Besides the u';-ual brother-in-law and, sister Mr. and CIt•••11 &-:-WFIL-TV-I13D A••• r,hythm band ,_playing, the children Mrs .. T. C. Peterson of Waupaca, 9 3D A M , . Belvedere ConvaleScent Home . . 04;_;_. -- E._... HOW - SCIENCE HEALS at the home Mr. and"venue, Mrs. S. for W. TRIIITTof IDTES stretChed, march!"! Johnson, 41 of Amherst A ~elebration the Holy Com- .to variouswalked, records. This and idea ran of the month of J u l y . , munion will be held at 8 o::::::~ listening to the music and doing The church office will be open Sunday morning, and at 10 0' some activity to it was quite new to on Tuesdays only during the mo,ntlll there will be a Eervice of Morning them. of July. Prayer. The ushers will he as folRainy Day Relays lows: Monday was a rainy day, so CHRISTIAII SCIEIICE IIOTES S; D. Clyde, Jr., head usher; C. the post-kindergarten group had to FuLfillment of J' promise S. Brown, altematp; C. B. Blake, spend the whole day inside and "Ye shall know the truth, and the C. C. Heisler, W. T. Salom, G. S. weren't able to play kickball. That was a disappointment to everyone, truth shall make you free" (John Valentine, and G. W. C. Waguer. Jack Calhoun is scheduled to but they did divide up into teams 8 :32) is a present-day possibility. This is a theme 'to be brought out serve as acolyte at 8 o'clock; and and learn to play some different relay races. Everyone enjoyed this in Christian Science' services Sun- John Waterbury at 10. This will be Mr. Deacon's last activity and everyone participated. day by the .Lessor.-Sermon entitled Sunday at Trinitv' uTruth." , • Church. He is The kickball tournament was 'Scriptural texts and correlative leaving here to become rector of played the rest of the week and the passages from'''Science and Health Grace and the Incarnation Church I C;~..:,' ...: '-'. ';, ',: _;t, " , ".~-- '., . ;,. ',~.,:_.-: It'. S·u ... ",'erV~ ea UOIIT i III e BAIRD and .BIRD J. A •. GREEN PET-ER E. TOLD STRATH' HAVEN INN "'~'SIII_";IId_. lOr nil........ IItach lront II1I1d«b ... sIIIdtd ~.. 01 onioJjnl our· II1Itious IIIDiIc 1ItIdL-, 0 Ii' II ........ 'Uf'Nitai ...... ...,........i. . . .11 .... -I11III _ -.Aa"- _.-_'. :"'~,'~.:.~.'~:_~_"";";' '" :,. .-' ~'." '~"",.< .:, J - y 'CATHERMAN'S DRuG,nolbE·'· .. -,'j;~" .'~~,_.,:'/ ~;'...'~' i:., .. ::_~;~~>~~' '.r $525..""111_ ....." ..... -.' .hnfJeim " , ,.·w Il . . ;. • ....: .-r arUtorouU6; I" ",'THE INGJ,ENEUK : -.. HORACE A. REEVES ;SWARTHMORE CO-OP PROVIDENT TRADESMENS BANK .nd TRUST CO. . ",", " . ~_,_;<~.~~':> • Above all, inspect your driving! We can check car failure. Only you can check human failnre. the poor driving habjts and the disregard for traflic niles that cause the vast maiority of traGie accidents. See how eweful you can get! ' THE. ~VlA~Ttit.tatt~v ' : ~W~R~OR~ T~ERYSHO! ' " , '. .,'. 'E. L NOYES and'CO~ PHI~OELP"IA ELECr"ttOMPANY . . . ." . , • PORTER H. WAITE, inc; "'If_ , .' Oft!cial car ~tion does .not relieve you of the responsibility ofkeeping your carin Bafe 9perating See all ih _ I e " , f.a.u... 011 .Ire ftew F. ran.... at your ,"-.I.". or any '''''acll'p'''. "Ictrlcavllurllan 110. ., lane is spending a week with Karen Selway, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. " J. J. Selway of Laurelton, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Fischer are' moving this week from· their home on Dickinson avenue to Brook~ STATE IISPECTIOI AUTOMATID TRAISMISSIOI REPAIR haven road, Wallingford. Mrs. Albert E. Pritchard of MeWheel ,Alignment Caster and Camber Toe-Ill dia, M'rs. George Waguer of Cedar Motor Tune-up Gulf Gas and Oil . , lane and Mrs. William Buel Scher of Cedar lane will entertain at a Mg~. tea in honor of the Rev. and Mrs. RUSSELL'S SERVICE H. Lawrence Whittemore, Jr., on Sunday afternoon, August 3, at Opposite Boro Parking Lot Mrs. Scher's home. Dr. and Mrs. John M. Moore of Whittier. place are leaving Monday for Claremont, Calif. Dr. Moore ' is on a, sem2ster's leave of absence from the College whete he is professor of philosophy and religion. On their trip out they will do some campi!,g, visit friends' along the way and .top to see their daughter Noney who is working at Estes Park. Noney will return to Mt. Holyoke College as' a sophmore in the fall. ' , Mr. and Mrs. William Buell Seber of Cedar lane are entei·taining at a ~inner party tomorrow evening in honor of Col. and Mrs. Roland, A. Elliott, .and daughters Barbara and Joan. Mrs. Scher will also be hostess at a luncheon in honor of Mrs, Elliott on Wednesday, July 30. The Elliotts have just returned from spending three years in Germany where Col. Elliott - was' the commanding officer'of the Erding,Air_ force Depot. Barbara and' Joan have been attending .chool in Swit:zerland. After spending several weeks in West Chester the Elliotts will go to, California where Col. EI, liott will be stationed a~ Hamilton -' Field. Susan Hansell, daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. George A. -Hansell of Nqrth -Swal'thmore avenue, has recently finished her praotice teaching and has accepted a position at the Penncrest Junior High School .for the coming sMool year. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel,Hynes and their family of Whi~tier ,place. returned Wednesday from a three week vacation at Lake Winnepe-' saukee, N. H. Mr. and Mrs, John M. 'B. Wllrd and their family of North Swarthmore avenue h~ve recently retu~.. ed from" week's visit with Mr. and I . Mrs. Jack McWilliams and their family who are vacationing at Little Spruce Lake in the Poconos. The Wards left their son Stanley there to spend an extra week as the guest of Johnny McWilliams. condition between the twice-yearly inspection, periods. You know when your brakes need tighteniIlg ••• your lights Deed refocusing •••,your steering wheel needs adjusting •• ; your tires Deed replacing. Don't let such things go-they may mean the difference between life and death! Official C;II1' inspection in Pennsylvania has saved many livesliy reducing traffic accidents caused by mechanical failure to 1.8% of the total of all traffic accidents. This is one.-third of the national average for such. acciden!B. , , NEWS NOTES Janet Jester daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Jester of .College careful. can you get? "S , .Michael Todd's "Around The World In 80 Days" opened at the COllege Theatre, South Chester road; on Wednesday. Starring ill ,David Nevin supported by .catinflas, Robert Newton and Shirley MacLaine, with brief appearances by a host of well-known stars. This filming of the Jules Verne classic has won world-wide recognition'with a total of 52 awards. There will be a matinee daily at 1 :30 p.m. and two .hOWl! nigbtly at 6:30 and 9:30 p.m. ' II 3r0440 aa 'I c.... T. . .,.... ROBERI J. AIZ, HOLLIES IN VARIETY ~ C , ' Pa",ela, Hpather and Holly Beth, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. James Cokely of Westminster avenue, were christened Sunday moming in the Trinity Church, Swarthmore. The Rev. Mr. Robert C. S. Deacon administered the sacrament at the Ito o'clock service. " Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Haase of Cincinnati, 0., and Mr. and Mrs. Leland Davis, brother-in-law and sister of Mrt. Cokely, were godparents for the children. Mrs. Haase was proxy godmother for Mrs. Jack Massey of Cincinnati, Mrs. Cokely's cousin, and for Mrs. William Brammer, also of Cincinnati. , w.It.., Paeel AUTO REPAIRS i § STRATH HAVEN .INN ..Ar•••• til. CHIlISTEIII. i~a~n~O~h~u~rc~h~I~'n~th~e~u~n~ite~d~S~ta~tes~'~~'~'I~s~a~W~i~t~in~t~h~e~s~w~a~rt~h~m~o~rea~n~.'~'L~ II! = co. ,~ • .rHO': 'WEATHER i "O~":~HH ..•~' Ample space for. 95c after-luncheon. bridge • at no extra, charge. ' ! 11===_§ ...... C!tr U .. MOhaR 40lnl . • II (wi,th Appetizer - :Qessert:_, Bridge) CEMETERY . PLAN'S - PLANTINGS - JTERRACES . WALLS - WALKS - FENGES : .... COMPLETE LUNCHEONS WEST LAUREL HILL ' AU FOB BEN PALMEa otummnnllllDnmlllllllClmUlllldDlIllmlllllIlIIIIllIIllIItl1UllilmllDIIIUlIIIIIIDIIUllllaIIDIIIIIIIDDIDllBIlllllUDIIIIIUlllllt9 A new eardEIlln a lone0MDete>7. BoaatlfaJlF _ dweI...ea. Wide _co of location. IlurJ>rW,,* low - . YOIll' i _ o n II In'rlled. . :rhe Rev. Mr. Eli Wismer of W cstminster avenue i. attending a national training laboratory at Bethel, Me., in connection with his work as associate in the youth department of the United Presbyter- r •••p...... 1-.111 Newly Designed Frames of the Finest Workmanship , Telephone: CHester ~-7206 , 1820 CitIIlNU' SlRII' GUYII tL IAII, J\:iuu ••, eotab\lahod ....pod and . , ••• i l l , _,II .... .,. • .,..... lUI .....11111. . . II " ...... Pi. Friendly Sound Advice.:..... Free DIIICrOU O. . .NIULI GUILD OPTICIANS ' ' ' ' ..... ........., . CUSTOI UIDBeA'E WORI THE OLIVER H. iAIR CO. For 01 Superior Quality . I • 1 an- J. E. i More than thr_quarfen, of a century of unequaled service, de. pendabOity and highest standarcb.; DICK FRANCHEIII KI 4-1028 Home - Auto Radio , Phorje - Hi Fi Rose V~lleY'Nurseries, Iinc. OUR RECORDa SERVICE THE REl.lG;IOUS SOCIETY OF'FIqENDS Saturday. Jut,r .Z6 8 :00 P.M. - Chester Qnarterly Meeting at Media. Speaker: SanR :Blanton, of Crazer'Seminary. 7':00 P.M• .....;,FamiIy Work,Camp film and talk by David Riehle. Sanday,: Jut,r 27 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worshlp. All are welcome. Monday, July 28 Ali D!ly s"wing for A.F.S.C. Wed.ea'ay', JIIIY' 3t " An nay Sewing forA.F .S.C. Dr. IIlId Mrs. H. M. Woske of I' son Thomas who left on July 26 for LUAL ROTAilIAI VISITS DickiDllOn aYenue are looking for- three weeks camp at Camp CheaaEYAUTDI HEAD,.ABTEU ward to the return hc-me of their plIake in Northeast, Md. John ,Michael, a member of the Rotary Club of Swarthmore and a past district governor of Rotary International, last week visited the 'ceadquarter. of Rot&ry Intel11aoio?al in Evanston, whil.e in the Chicago area 'attending the ShrinMiddletown Road - Media, Pa. Opposite High Meadow ers convention. He, and . Mr... (between Dutton Mill Road ,and KnOWlton Road) Mich"ei who accompanied him, reJurned to their home on Harvard a'lenue Friday. (11:10 - . . . . . - 7 0 ) ... \ ,. - ' " , ,'-, " ' . . , I -~ , , ' PII.DIlL TREE SERVICE W. Ilstlll AIr .... HIt..fI, 8'11'" Dr'..... W......... WlrllI, 8.OI,t.0I11 T.Y AITE •• as W.rk aaaraate •• 24.HOI8 SERVICE Fr.. Estlmatl. Rellovals • Praain, - undN:ap/Jll Sprayln, MAdison 6-9937 LEhigh 4-1246 sister-In-law Mr. and Mr.. Bibgham and' their son of Bristol, Tenn; lIIr. and M.ra. Charles Brady of ~~,' Rt· u gers avenue •are s~ ding the WoANTED - Full time domestic k tl' I -ill' job, Live ,in. Fond of children. wee vaca oDlng n" lamsburg References. LOwell 6-3791.' and Virginia Be.acht.. Va. ~=~~,.!,!l~!!!1..2;ii~"'-__ lit! 'd M . I FOI IlLl r. an rs. Samue Seeman their.children have W. retllmed to ~~~~:B:iCi~0sJ P;ilioed; FOR SALE - 24 ';nch boy's bicycle, eJ 3 years old. $10. Call KIngswood Parts, accessories. 3.9927. Bicycle, Hobby,.ToyShop, 206 East I !!:~~-----------Baltimore Avenue, Clifton'Heights,' r""", SALE - 8-foot 'prams. SailMAdison 6-0718. OppOsite Clifton ing ,and rowing,.types. Available Theater. . immediately; 'quality 'craftsmanship; cu.tom built for you I 25% PERSONAL _ UPHOLSTERING off list price. Call LOwell 6-1692. Large Chairs Completely rebuilt in new fabric _ prices begin' FOR SALE - 4 bedr()Om house. 44.60 Spec' I'al ,. 'or s' ummer tht1'h d flbaths,N 3 finished Uh rooms' on $ chair reupholstered in nylon r oor. ew 0 eat. Will sell (regular $76.) Over-30years' ex. furnished. Priced to sell. KIngs- A.aortaea BooYet Berne. CONSTRUODON RAYMOND J, DAWSON w. Slate Street LO.ell 6·4692 :elO RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL ALTERATIONS Auto Driving Instruction 335 DARTMOUTH AVENtJE WE CALL FOR YOU J. F. BLAOKMAN' $6 Per Hour -, PERSONA~ummer tears from ::~~{:~~~~~tiir~, summer wear mended by two waiTiit.' CHester KI +1214 ~;~aiflc stores. Adults only. Call MOhawk "., • 4-2706. OIl _ _ .... COMfIItlOMHCl CIa I'l*MCIJ UST AID FOUID ' ~ DAY 171h S. Chester Rd. OIL BURNER SERVICE Swarthmore, Pa. MONDAY TBRU SATURDAY NOON .. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS Klngswood 4-7700 Klngswood 4-1234 , "1 saw it in the Swarthmorean. n J. A. Green, ~~==============~========~"_~ .... • WILL OPEN A NEW . REAl,. ESTATE AND INSUJ{ANCE . OFFICE ON Sealed quotattcns will be received III the ADVERftSEMENT oUlce of the swurthmore-Rutledge" Uilion Scbool Dlstrlc~ comer of Collegoe aDd 811"arthmo~. James D. Patrlel Wel.h , Lallln.. Jr. ", . .,' _ . day• .In tile Swarthmore. , . • .** ~ ~ TabIa ..._ • ,,.. _ce or, Ibo , coat;r '0-" 18 fe ,... to.NIMl _ _·.a_" , , .... 0. 'II1II0IIII_ 7 , &..'_~nL· ~iIdII, ~. .5 .r.....'...:.: __ ,;,,~ .:-.:1.:-'.~' ..." T, Adams ' _';, Jack Prichatd PAl NTI NG . , , ' 2ge 29.oz~2ge PRESERVES l~-oz lar . , ,a. . . : ' ~ S~"E 6.: on Virginia Lee's Own Delicious' ' . 3 for SSe Plain of 12 ' BIG ,SALE ON MEDIUM EGGS (SAVE 10c) FreshEg~s dozen In dated carton Local Record' Changes Placing for Swarthmore in the triple swim meet with Aronimink and Marple-,Newtown last Saturday were: ' . BACKSTROKE - Senior girls' I, J. Williams (1.26.1; bettering b; one second the Swarthmore record for -the event, which she already held), Senior boys: 3, R. Snblette (~:l~); 6,.T .. ~lIen. Intermediate girls. 2! S. WIlliams (39.2); 5, S. Craword. Intermediate boys: 4, J. F.oley (36.3); 6, M. Boy.r~ Junior i;rls: I, J. Espenschade (42.3); 6, . '. Renshaw,' Junior boys: 6; G. B.oyd (47.7);,6, R. Howe. Midget g'll'ls: 6, B. Gerner (56.1). Midget boys: 2, D. Foley (44.7); 8,~. Rob- POLIO ,VIRUS STILL WIDESPREAD J naptte a nductioo 0180 P'l" cent inpara1ytic pollo _ ' , since ~Iease ofpollo ~ ,the Infective virus is sti11 willospread. Polio vacclne, efI'eo. tive 88 it is, will Dever eradiCBte poHo virus. It simplyprotcctsthose who are Immuni:zed. If you or members of your family haw not completCcl the full schedule of , three dOses or have not begun tIle series, you are gambling with your health and your life. See your family phYsician now to obtain fuo protection against this deadly disease. CATHERMAN'S DRUGSTORE , . REAL, ESTATE or~So Sge :::8 4ge , . Jumbo, California LOwell 6-2176 CRESSON PRICHARD SAVE 10e League Records Smashed . Four of Aronimink's first placIngs smashed league reCords. Mid· get Tom Johnson bettered the old record of 32.6 by .4 of a second in boys freestyle, and the former butterfly record of 37.6 by .1 second. Lynn Tally reconditioned a third midget !"",ord by doing girls breast.' stroke ID 48 flat (old time 48.4). Lanny Reppert bettered the former 30.5 record for intermediate boys bockstroke by 1.3 seconds. ,Swarth!. had revived enough by Sund~y night to unsuccessfully root fo,! hIS conqueror, southern division c~amp Aronimink, in its With Colonial Village northern di· vision winner, for th~ 1968 cham. pionship of the entire league, held at the Swarthmore pool. Divhlg scores totaled Colonial- Village 36' Aronimink 18. ' On ,Monday night Swarthmore tellm and pool members again took 'advantage of the opportun'jty to observe top.notch contestants exciting at Swarthmore ,which overcame the diving score and proclaimed Aroniminka '193 to 162 victor over Colonial Vililige. In :winning the championship .for the third straig"ht year, Aronimink set new midget girls breaststroke record (46.4 by Ly'nn Tal1ey) and midget hoys freestyle (31.6 by Tom Johnson). Sandy Shanahan,of Colonial ,set new. intermediaw girls freestyle 29.8 and'breaststroke 37.3 records. " ",', . , , SW~O_sToRE, ~ ~ , 'o..ter ~' OAECPARK SHOPPING •• - ,. "',',_.' , . "'.- \, ,i - ~lImt' ' . FLOOR RElFINUIDNO ' Free EIUmatea , Slices or Hillvl#s in Swe,et ,,,,;,,.. Svru.,/ ,. STATE '" MONROB US. _ __ _ or .... __ (10"" or .. _ or teD. tile BI4, _ _ III ... order or .. ~" or Delay""', , POnU .. Pi ; Pial' me be Db' bsd at ... ~ or Ibo alief CIeri!: to . . _ oooom" n,altlle _ _ _ ' Carplnterlll Fruit, RED f . ,Pho.t4graphic Supplies uf 1_"11/"" 81G"TEASAI.E! - ' pkgs for .~-~~-~-----~~-----~-~--------------. , ," l.Jb cup "I~CGRApE' HI-C p=~~::r'DRINK, PICTURE. FRAMING Pc>RlRAIT STUDIO -. ' , Palntll" DlOor.tlll SALADS Mix or Matcbl 'IDEAL APPL£ ,." WALLSIRAPlla' ,P~DIe.,Iea.-01"'8..." ' " CuD" Holland .HAMS , !:$199 650 Baltimore PIke sprlndeld, DeL' Co~ Pa. Years of Swarthmore PaJJt' . , CARNS II' aIUl _ _ Lost . ImpoHe Lucnter Bt. . or Vlac4a ,Formerly .m._._ Dabull' ir.e~~~~,11 'VuaL£ Olive Loaf Plain KITCHEN' Cole Slaw '600& WBIdorf Salad pica , ,(in /IIIlatin) Potato Salad .' ' ,*Pickle& . Pim¢lJfo Latif FLORIST UFHOLSTERY ~ -e La... OR ** * * B~f'Bologna ,DiLulioand ,Sons HOM - . MEATS Klngswood 3-0450 c:: -.~~ be ....,m~ 101 CUll, I , _ Cbeclt. or 101 a a. . . - _ _ _ • _1Il1bo "- .. O~ ''''''~EN!t. 'U.~;~7 ~U, Fr",vh Sharj)n Hill 0734 - materlala. and, equipment neChAl'J' to ~ tube No. :I.' BoIla1" In tile' Bol1ei Room. eourt Botae. Media.' Pa., wblcb: :wlll be cipe0e4 at I:GO P. 11,; E. D. 8. '1'........ .... NO' ::.~II~I~ OBUGATION the Board, COUNTY OF DELAWARE Bealed proposals wm be reeelved at. the Offlce of the eoUnb' controller, Court House, Media, P •. , up until 1:00 P. M. Eastern Dayllgh\ SavUlg Time, on Tuesday, .JU1J' 21. 1068. for ful'l1lab1Dg aU la1)or. tools, Largest ~11lY It Costs, No More : ' , r' to have 'Quaker Maid of custom; kitchens in awa.i'",i,'.? NEWS NOTES . TiDnunJ' Jenkin., ~n of Mr. and Mrs. Lee, Jenkins of Haverford , plsce has bad 'h' " h i as IS guest t . s week Bobby Murdock of ~wickly ' . Mr. and lfrs. Robert J. Cadigan of Elm avenue are leaving ·Monday to spend th~ee weeks vacationing in Nova Scotia. Scott Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mathews .M. Johnson of ~ark avenueentcrt:'lDe.d at·a pony party to celoorate hiS birthday last Wednesd~y: Christie Johnson is having her birthday party bn Saturday K'Bthleen Titus daughter of and Mrs; A. StoiJ Titus of Sou~ Swarthmore avenue, leaves this weekend to'spend a moM.h at, Camp Oneka in the Pocono mQu\ltains. Mr. a,nd Mrs. Titus and Billy will drive to camp with Kathleen on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bond have ~s their guest for a month Mrs. Bond's mother Mrs. Edwin M. Sturtevant of Baltimore, Md. On' Sunday the family gathered together in a reunion to celebrate Mrs. Sturtevant's birthday and .the return from H ..waii of Mrs. Bond's sister Miss 'Ann Sturtevant. " ' ., " M " . \ inson. BREASTSTROKE S;n i 0 r girls: 2, C. Williams (1 :29:2); 4, C. Brodhead. ,Senior boys: 5, J. Lord. Intermediate girls: 1, B. Breakell (41.2, bettering her old ' Swarthmore record of 42.6); 3, L. DeProphetis. Intermediate boys: 4, M. ~oyer (42.1); 6. D. McCurdy. Jumor girls: I, S. Wigton (47.3) i 6. N~ Webster. Junior boys: 5, R. M~Curd~ (46·fi); 6, J. Johnson. Mldgetguls: 4!.,. McCurdy(65.8); , 6, K. Grose. Midget boys: 2, D. Foley (51.4). . .. ;FltE~,STYLE - Senior. girls: 2: C. WIllI~ms '(1:10.5); 4, J. Wi!hams.' Semor boys: 3, R. Gilfillan (~:01.3); 4, D. Preston. Intermedla~ girls: I, B. Bresj', '-:"" ,_,' ' l, '-~ ',,.. - - -.; .: " ,.:,,,>' .:~ ,-- .': '"; - :'~"", ,- 't "-':'!': ... ," -... ..:~':.);',~-," -,' . ' '- . " ,,~ .' ., , . TII!I SlYAk'I1DIOItBAJ' , PageS::· I '," ' CoJle9~' Usts' 4 'to • .. ' . Re'lfe; "ppomts' _ (Continued from Pap 1) 1964 wasnallled E.c!mund Allen Professor of Cliemistry. While a member of the Swarthmore faculty, Dr. Cox was away from the campus for a year at a time on several occasions. In 1933 he was a Carl Schurz Fellow in Germany. returned to Europe in 1944 asHe,; techliical consultant to lege 'administration In 1986 as aD aaslltant in the ·Bouse Director's Office. In 1950 she was appointed ActirU~ House Director, and two years later was made House Director. In addition to these responsibilities she has been head resldent of Worth Dormitory, a resi.' dence ball for 74 senior women. Mrs. Little will continue to make her home in Swarthmore in a recent1y purc h ased house on B ~rvar d ~' NEWS NOTES IEIEa'EI Mrs. Isobel Baxter, mother of A. Lawrence Baxter of Ogden avenue, died Friday, July 18, in Crozer Hospital, U\pland. A resident of the Crozer home,MH. Baxter was 82. Mrs. Baxter is survived by three other chi1dr~n, four grandchildren and three .sisters. ' Services were held Tuesday, afternoon in Chester. _ ( .. " .~,.. ... - . Jaly 2~ 1958 ~~r vacationinw fo'l a Week and Mrs. H. Logan Law- at Island Heights, N.J. tIr . hOIQe renee returned to their home on Wellesley road Monday following a six week trip to Europe. Mr. and Mrs. W.lter H. Echoff of -Dartmouth avenue recently returned f!'Om a month's' visit in Buffalo, N.Y., with Mrik, ·Stanley . P • I ~n. Shirley and Leni Woske of Dick. bison ·avenue have returned bOlDe from a t,.ree wet!k visit· with their grandparents' Mr. and Mrs. Myron O. Berrick in N~les, Mich. . I Mr.. and Mrs,. Colin 'Bell and their children Jennifer, Alister and Graham have returned to'th..; .. ..~ home"on Park avenue after a month Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shubert and vacationing in Fort Meyers Beach children PaUl" and 'Lau'n'e and Mr. Fla., and visiting friends and 8igh~ WELCOME HOME seeing in Georgia, North and South Steven ,Lewis Conron, infant son and Mrs. A. T. Scheuble, all of Carolina~ of Mr. and Mrs. William M. Con- Dickinson avenue, have returned '. ron of 'Moylan, who was born in' Bryn Mawr HoSpital May 19 came home. to his family on his sister, ·Wendy's fourth birthday, July 18. The Q!)nrons also have another son William Mills, III who is " and a. half years old. he Al'r For . 1.0 d d P . avenue. t ce 1D n on an arlS, Two other retirements were anand again in 1951 as Fulbright lee- nounced by Dr. Smith at the same turer at the University of Mont- time. Gilbert C. Cheyney, power pellier in France. The, University plant fireman, who has been with later awarded Dr. Cox the degree the 'College for 30 years-, and of Docteur Honoris Causa. Thomas Yates, janitor, who has A member of the American employed by the College for 13 .. Chemical Society, of ' which he was years. councillor 1945-1952, he is aiso a New Appointments F e11ow 0 f t he N ew York Academy of Science. He has acted as consultDr. Smitb also announced the ant to the Bureau of Ordinan""" of high" school ...... of new . . appointments for the four po- week te h ~onferehce d' the U. S. Navy since ,1949, and slbons. ac ers eslgned to improve the tbis semester has been associated Peter Gram Swing, 7 Crum Ledge, teaching of .chemi~ry in the'high with the National Science Founda- assistant Professor of Music and schools. \ tion in Washington while on a leave director of the chorus was named William M. Stanton, Jr., "busiof absence from tlJe College. Chairman of the Music Depart~ent nes~ manager of Park College in 6 AUred J. Swan to succeed D r. Swan. Mr•. Swj~g Parkville, Missouri, will 'succeed Dr. Alfred J. Swan came to has been a member of the Swarlh- Mr. Wood as Superintendent of Swarthmore in 1926, the same year 1l1:9re faculty since 1955. He rece- Buildings and GrDunds. A Philadelas Dr.' Cox, to' found the Depart- ivea bis. B..A. and M.A. degrees at phian t,y birth, Mr. Stanton was ment of Music. Born in Russia and Haryard University and subse- graduated from the Westtown educated in St. P,:tersburg and quently taught at Harvard and School and received a B..A. degree later at Oxfordl University, Dr. Radcliffe. He studied one year at from the'·University of Wisconsin. came to this country after tht! Univ"-:slty of Utrecht in the He also studied. at the University of the First World War and taught Netherlands on a Fulbright schol- Florida' aJld. the University for two years 'at the University of arship. This year Mr. Swing was of Omaha. Virginia. He brought to Swarth- instrumental in organizing the Before his association' with Park' more a deep interest in good music, Three College Chorus, composed of College, Mr. Stanton had worked as not only for the classroom, but for the choral groups of Haverford, a.sales engineer, as a relief adminperformance, and two yea~s after Bryn Ma~r and Swarthmore Col- istrator with the American Friends his arrival the vocal groups ol,l cam. Whl~h p~rformed with the Service Committee, and as aS8i~t­ pus found themselves singing PhJladelphJa Orchestra and later ant superintendent of buildings and Ralph Vaughan .W1l111ams' opera .p-:esented the Th~ee College Chorus grounds at Earlham College., He "Hugh the Drover'" and Rimsky- Festival on the Swarthmore Cam- ha.s 'been active in civic affairs, Korsak'ov's "Sadko", instead of the pus. serving on the Par.kviUe City Counusual-college fare pf "Aura Lee" Walter B. Keighton, Jr.~ 311 cil and the board' of directors of the and "Bull Frog on the Bank." Cedar. lane, professor of Chemis- Parkville Rotary Club, as vice presAnother major projeet w~s un- try, was named Chairman of ,the ident of thi Platte County Histordertaken ill the recording field Chemistry Department to succeed ical S~iety, and as vice president when Victor and Columbia record- Dr. Cox. A graduate of Swarth- of the ,Kansas-Missouri National ed Swarthmore .performancces of more, Dr. Keighton returned to the Association of Educational Buyers. the Haydn Mass in B flat major College in 1928 as a member of the Mr. Stanton's appointment Will beand the Passion Music of Heinrich faculty after obtaining his Ph.D. gin September 1. . Mrsr. Kathryn A. Davisson, 311 Schutz. Until after World War II degree at Princeton and after sevthese were the . . only listing of the eral years of work in industry as Vassar avenue, who has served as two works in the record catalogs. a chemist. He has published widely assistant to Mrs. Little since 1945, In addition to his role in the aca- in' Professional journals and last has been named Acting House Di-' demic profession, Dr. Swan is summer was co-director of a two- rector. ::;;;;;;;;::::;;;;;;;=~;;;;;;;::;;;;;:~;;;;;;;;;;;;:;::;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;::::;;;:­ Clean' ,and Store ~,our' on~ -----~.'!--------- I 81JGS . Stmnes Not Removedl - .. • X 12 DOMESTII - SI.IO Illarld St~rll'. SI,.OI., s,1I R"",llt TrllI •• dl S2 ·Ylk. U; Ind R.II,. St.OO J~.0",.", & C' . .', . 'M.,M,g.".,.',J,!. ~ • ~ • -A,,/",', . i:I ' . ' ,II Mohawk Clrpetlng • Complete Price Range • Orl••tal RIp . 100 Park Ave .• Swarthmore. Pa. . KI ngswoo d 3-6000 - ' C Learbrook 9-4646 A , ,,-4A14 ~""·KN \vS Carpet Jl ~;;;:~;;;;;;~;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;~~~, r ::w~u:~~ r:::r~te~s t~:::!:e:~ Ie ••••• ···**;IC~*,ED.'.pkFERA*EcS*HH*1c *DsA,Ii..*Y'·A~~P**P*'*'L!IIE**S*· ~ E author, and musician. Among his :: musical compoiJitions are: Songs from Many Lands; Eight Negro ,". "Songs from Bedford County, Virg~nia; Sonata for Piano, No.1; . Trio for Piano., Flute, and Clarinet; Rcmdeau des Enfants; Reeueil ".. '''Tbe FarD.- WUIl des Chansons Russes,' Liturmcal ' tile Oct..oDaI Bam·' Canticles of the Russian Church rake Route 1 throarll Media to tile Cloverleaf• •CUOD of Boute SU, tiaeJl loa1h Nos. 1-6 i Song ~f Evening in .. tow~d Chester 2~i mUes 10 KDowlloD Road. tIleJl ~i mUes &0 orellardl. Swarthmore Choral Series. He is ~ Opan Dall, Ind Sandi, 10 A.M •• 8 P.M. Phone CMastar 3·9041 the author. of "Scriabin", "Music J.f •••• , . , . , •••• " " " . " •• , •• , ••• , •• " , ' . , ••• 1900-1930", "The IMusic Director's Guide", and the translator of a "History of Russian Music". . ' This .spring the college paid tribFor m9nths and months I've pondered ute lo'Dr. Swan with a concert of his own works :performed by '. Just. ~ow to make this shop students and faculty. A place Where every~ne in town Dr. and ~rs. Swan a",d their son , Will realiylove to stoP. Alexis will spend the summer in The merchandise is clean and fresh, Europe where fhe will Complete The stock is quite complete. IWork o~ a new book. Next year he (Tho to please all people all the ti~e, will continue to teach at Haverford College, where he has held a joint ..Is sometimes quite a feat.) appointment with Swarthmore for We. try to greet you with' a smile many, years. When you come in the store,' Mrs. Sara Little So , that you'll Mrs. Sara Little, joined the Col, feel you're welcome here I SWEET CORI . LINVILLA ORGHARDS i ,.".l , Ct.' "You ,Meet the Nicest People - ' at Speare's" / ' , STORE HOURS: Honday thra Thu..ncJay, 9:30-5:38, , FAcia,. 9:30-Q:IO~ Sat1l1il&:t. i:30-5:30 DISCOVER .. your unseen above the-" bra beauty'" .f ,.1 ; with CU RVAl.lU R-E /' ,.; , i by . . And will return encor~. . There's one thing tho, we' can't control And that's this summer weather. When heat and moisture doth combine, That's quite a "get-to-gether." Your hair is plastered on your brow, Your clothes are just a mess, Your disposition's crotchety, Most aU of us confess.· But there's a,. way to beat" thel heat, Come on inside' and, see. ' , The air is cool and dry tbro~hout. Refreshing, 'you'll agree. . AIR CONDITIONED BY ~ARRI~R ' . " • • -~.~:. . Sw~tlhmore. Pa. " . '.... , .. See how Jantzen's push-up pads lift you to curvaceous fullness, even .above 'the bra itself! Feel the downy soft 'comforl ~f f~a~ h~lr pads "th~t m'ake ohrious.~ fitted to 8 Cu"ail~re by ourexperl8, a~" lou')l ~r he aati.fied 'with a bn that 'does Iei58ror You.·D~in~y ~ml)J'Oid~red nylon your charms more ~arquisetle iD Uppel" cup seCtions, fine colton sides' .. and back witl. elastic; J)~,.d:: Ne~ '"Iab'aalie-duo'" .trapt that eliminate ~hoaJder pull eomplete)y_ .~ , . " , ...; .... ;:.,!~ ',:. ,'r·:. .C'; t'" .. . ,.-, • A ..... I . . . . _ . ,... '.~ . ... . ., '. .',