Pace 8 • THB SWARTHMORBAN , Support . 1~:;::~.afternooD. Brian Wamaley II the part of Govemor Bl'IId· Swarthmore-Rutledge School News Wtcton anel Mra. Marlon B. Price, ""hool nurse, were In charp. AU Mrs. Abbie Ender'. kiJ:ldergl,rt<&n lren In the ""hoot. ford, .1ohnny .1ohn8On waa MDea parents were invited to be present group. have j118t returned a Refreshnients were served by the ISI;andlBh;' and Henry Bobe was • " to Pakistan." It waa an Imag. hoapitality committee with Chief MaaaaaoiL.1im .1aekeon acted Francie Dell Qrefice, a member ., trip, but the children the Norman Wilhelmson in cha...... ... as lSamoset, the .Interpreter. ' tCu1'1'9ot1y thinking of possible Ina~ . •:All of· Mra. Kathleen Marks afternoon h th dressed as Indiana or PUgrima klndezgartlIshed $2 prize for the membership drive As a culmination of their studies by:the Township, stated "Every dol· was won by the first and second of Indians and life in the early lar spent on recreation. returns grades. . $1000 in contentment and commun· ·Bruce Wright introduced Thom- colonies the fifth and sixth grades ity values." as A. Boyle, elementary principal, at Rutledge put on an assembly .Chairman of the Township'S as speaker of the evening. Mr. [orogrBm for parents and friends on EDGMONT - SEVENTII AJIII) STBBB'IB .. -~ . ~--.----Park Committee, Davis distributed Boyle's topic was "The Principal's -Monday 9:30-9:00; iTuesday 9:30-5:30; Wednesday 9:30-5:30; an elght-page booklet of explana- Viewpoint". He spoke on the effect *Thursday - Clos8d; -Friday 9:30-9:00; -Saturday 9:30-9:00 tion and pictures of the nine parks, of the current national educational , • nenb9tvln'lll D.., ~ • OPH EventnGS . comprising a total of over 93 acres, speedup on our school, the results and the wide ·raDg8 of wintsr and p I . t!>rough the cooperation of the try Club,. green fees to offset ex· and' Board of Commiasloners, the School pens"s incurred by these pal'ticular • This professional pharo ' District, Springfield Athletic As- projects. Davis figured a full-time macy specializes in family sociation, Lions Club and other or_ recreation director with mediocre patronage. Turn to us for' ganizations and individuals with e"Perience in the 'field would cost The VERY LAT~ST in . "anything you'd naturally interest and pride in the commun! at least $7000. . fashion styles .. Ity. Davis stated that althOugh It has expect to ·flnd in a firstPark Borders Borough long' been recognized that "clean ela55 ·l'amily Drug Store. by Coat. Croft Springfield has just added a health and spol't is essential for Our stocks are ample, our and Bambury. four.acre park which borders youth/' recreation knows no age prlees fair. And, of cOurse, Swarthmore, along the Little Crum barrier and there is at ,least one remember we value yo"" 100% all-wool fabri" all Creek and the unopened lower end elderly man who walks through wool'interlining. prescription patrorn!p. of Harvard .avenue and ·Drexel four of Springfield's parks every Sizes 3 to 6 x with matchin9 road (beyond Yale. avenue), and is day. In addition ·these areas ~I rounded "long the far side by Rid. used by athletic, art, wildlife and CATHERMAN'S Sizes 7 to 14 separate coats. ley Township. Entrance will pr~ many other groups. DRUG STORE . Values to 39.95 . ably be from the MuhlenbergJAmVandals Repay: Klngswood 3-0586' herst avenue section of the townVandalism, when it occurs, Is ship. The plot was acquired through ·distreasing and usually lack' of reAlso in' the Dow.nstairs Store donation' from a developer who is spect for public property is·responthere is a complete collection building homes in that area. It has sible, said Davis, Township pollce of girls 'alld boys' clothing and been the Commissioners' practice to "generally cateh up with any of· accessories plus a most com!Seek such recreatfonal provision fending klde, and parents cooper· . plete . Infants' Dept. from those desiring to open new ate In seeing that the children pay developments. . Begin"nlng ,by filling in several GIRLS' DEPT.· OOWNSTAIRS . Even though some residents nev- tho! damages," he stated. . er use the parks and sometimes dangerous quarries which had falpeople from other communities use len into disuse and· were a!l., . flcat for s?,all chorus and five inagency in Chester and Turner was sent to Baghdad to With h'ls wife, the former Bea- vice-chairman; property Dr. r. orton s s~re was then ~o- struments ~y Peter Schlckele writbegin worlt in .January, 19&4 In trice Jarrett of Norristown whom Samuel T. Carpenter chairman, Mr. ::ted t~l!8r t;e ;aIlroad at the m· :~I :reclally for this concert. charge of Social Welfare, as part " h ed' 6 M ' Vint vice-chairman; salary _ Mr. rsee on 0 ark avenue and· c e, who graduated from of the United Nations" Point Fonr ':si:ent Ryel'1!on Mrs. Campbe\1 the present site at the College !n 1957 with Technical !Assistance program and Ith . and Mr. Spencer. . armacy.. s . n n music IS at ,present tel' century w the exception of Robert N Hilk rt of St th Shortly after the turn of the studymg composition with Vin n t remained under the State Depart. several years spent In Wallingford. H' . e. ra century, Mr. Shirer bought out Dr Persichetti and teaching t th ce.Jnl ment as Chief of Community Deve!. 32 d d 1I aven avenue was apPOinted to a Mo a • H ~ w-:~tI n to ~e T a~nn._ . five-year. term on the local School . rto: and mo~d the pharmacy• I'lard School of Music In New York. opm8llt program In Iraq, and prlno cipa\1y with. rural development and rs. ny or, he IS A th 'ty be '. I J. 1 mtq t e first .ectlon of the IShirer The program also i I d na on survived bY'a son .J. Francis, Jr., ~ on , ,gm.n ng. anuary • Building, :which was completed In tlons fro h .nc u OIl selec· village improvement. of Drexel Hill and a brother WiI- HIIkert, who IS first vice-president 1902. During th I 1900' d .J S m t e Magnificat In D by During thie assignment he stua.. lard B. of Eae'ondido, Calif. Bank, PhU· for several deca:.:a:;'!reafte:: :'r. cCh:rrus and °frchestra.: ied the Village Improvement Pr0__ _ _ _-'--'.'--__ a 'JIn ,succeeds Wllllam H. Goh· Sliirer developed his b I with ". . . emony 0 Carols • of U I 'ty I Ii d us ness our "Women'. voices and harp b gram in India, vI.lti~ projects far nngl n ver81 pace w 0 ... the aid of his nephews - W'l\I Benj' B' . 'I ia the interior ae WJill as thoae near l n II. ... IIr cllned to conaider a new term at George and Charles Troxell I am: a d amIn nttep, a magnificent DeIhl. He wllI retum to foreign I , th I t' f hi ' • n rare y-heard motet PO Ma ~ exp ra Ion o. s current one 01919 saw the Shirer Buildin , Mysterium (0 gnum service In January. -bh18 month. . " whlcli In those days housed sever!J Palestrina, edl;:;ea: M:r~tsry) .by Dr. Frances Reinbold Fnssell will . '~od'!1'a~ the. meeting, one oU" . . The J:ul\i"r 'W. . .n's Club iJfi as for th\e COl\l!ert. SWarthmore has released filial data . . . t"", aeene. of a,davaatatbig flre..M. will close-with.the final elI . most timely In the current concerning its benefit production of scopes at ofrd$1476.20 tel' rebuilding the Shl"lr Building J. S. Bach's Cantsta It is hoped that Christmastide prep"Amahl and the Night Visitors" on· decli.d :.. least (Continued on Page 10) New Day "0 Lord We Come arations will inspire members to Saturday, D~_ber 13. Performed two informal meetinga for exchange Garnet .Canteen to Thee. for chorus, three trumpets, hear of the effort for peace,. In the lands ·which gave birth to Christiara by members of the Choral Artshop, of ideas nvith highschool. and eletympam and organ. . . Menotti's tr"ditiona! Christmas mentary teachers after the first of InviMS 8th Crade ~he college 'Performer. will be beliefs. oper~ will be staged. at the.Nether 1969. The first of theee meetings Garnet Canisen meet!! for the ~~i'l:~d thr~. distinguished PrOVidence .Hlgh Scbool at Sp.m. was set for Wednesday' January last time in Fellowship Hall aIi OIl a line to Daft.OI!1i. ad .." pitie'hed ,to; B.."He era_Old Qi, ,a left ..... laaeJiJleiitO'tll1 - Jiooer . I -------------------wHiTA-XER-QI,DS, mC. -------------------- :d~o~~ ~=:s7~~~i:~~::~~:~~~ ary defeDders out ,of position and opening up the touchdown highway for slashing Charlie., The. extra point failed and Swarthm~re led 6 to O. Second TO - G • News about. the' New Rockets! "" , . ." 'a. . Same Summarv elnongofh J~n' he said y ......~-- Banquet Saturday The annual football banquet will beD' hJietld in the Cafsterla tomorrow III' at 6:30. All team members and those who have contributed to the ,football program will be honor_ ed and dined by the Citizens Ath' .Ietic Committee whieh is made up the team fathers. AI~ J?nior High School players are IDVlted, to come at 7:15 for dessert and to enJ'ou the pro-m. . 6:30 J?;M. .grNeaOtt for the . pay ay Lord and CJirl! . A Lansdowne turkey. stuffed and lace In the family of 'Rutgers avenne were the Cope family. held at a hotel owned Parrish Hall. in a Chrletmas setguests over Thanksgiving of Mrs. by Mr. Stanton's cousin' Paul Cope. of candlelight. gold and 'white Edwa~ds' mother Mrs. E. W. VaD Mr. and Mrs. George Krenikoff wreaths. and white flowers. Dusen on Long Island. of Yale aVenue returned 'by plane The bride wore a gown of pale " SCHOOL IN' ROSE VALLEY Ml'II. Charies R. Gerner of South on Friday after six weeks ID Italy ivory peau, de iIol. and earrled a Prmceton avenue attended the and S1>ain. of roses and stephanotis. Daughters of the Cincinnati lunchMr. and Mrs. Walter R. Shoe- She was given iD' marriage by eon yesterday at the New York maker of Riverview road were the father. Junior League. Gen. Harold C. guests over Thanksgiving of their Her twin. Miss Emily H. Witte, ,2 P.M. to 6 P.M •. Vaughan was the spelker at the son-in-law and daughter !Mr. and as maid of hODor. wOre a dress at meetiq held afterwards at the Mrs. Loum- FlaCCUB of ,sca1'lldale. deep red ItallaD Bilk. Her other, athome'of Mrs. William R. Blount of N.Y.' tendants were 'Mi•• Faith WI,tte.1 Turkey Dinner Served at 6 \ Park avenue. NeW York. Mr. E. M. James returned to his of the bride; Miss Susan M. Mr. William E. Witham of -Crest home on North Swarthmore avenue Wright. slater 'of the' groom; Miss Christmas Gilts'lrom Ar.ound the World lane has spent the last 10' days iD Sunday after a five week business Mary M. Spiller and 'Mrs. J. Lawthe Vdrgin Islands making a special trip to Turkey and Spaill. Mrs. rence Shane of·iSwartItinore. i1resGenuine Homemade Rose ,Yalley GiI,ts . study of Laurance Rockefeller's de.. James. with her lion Mr. Hibbard sed In biDe silk. and Mrs. David H. velopmentof CIlneel Bay Plantatton G. James of Washington. D.C. spent Porter of Princeton. N.J •• Miss on the island of St. John. ThanksglviDg in Holliston. Mass.. Louise Weiss and Mr•. Harriet T. Mrs. E. LeRoy Mercer of Ogden a. the,guests'of ber son-In-law and Woodworth. both of avenue spent Thanksgiving at. the daughter Mr. and Ml'II. WUlIam S. Mass.• In greeD silk. They carried 11 mIl School. Pottstown. as the guest Williams and four, children James. bouqueta of Ivory roses. pittlsplU'um of her son Mr. David Mercer and Garrett, Elizabeth and SusaD. T·hey and passion flower vine. family.' drove home to Swarthmore'SaturThe best maD was the brideMrs. Henry L. Smith of Dart- day. groom's brother., Mr. W. Barry mouti. avenue wall the guest over Mr. ~h:SloaD of Springlawn Wright. The ushers were Mr. Nlch_ t\le holidays of her daughter Mr.. Farm, Media. entertained at din- olas H. witte of Bedford· Hills. " " " " I " John T. Handy and family elf Cris- ner at the Union LeagoeClub. Phil- N,Y•• the bride's brother; Mr; Da.J.. field, Md. adelphia. folloowed by a theater par- vid Porter of Princeton. N.J.• Mr. .Mi.. Viola MacDonald and Miss ty Fri\!ay evening In hODor of Misll' Frank James of Philadelphia. Mr; Frances Eastman of Winnipeg. Gayle Hanna of Riverview road. Richard Burtis of Cambridge. Canada. who are with the British and Mr. William E. stauffer Of Mass .• oMr John Smith of LouisAdmiralty in Washington. D£ .• Lanes.ter. whose engagement was ville. Ky.; Mr. Donald C. Guy. Jr.• ,WOULD YOU MENTION that we can, offer a were the weekend guests of the Rev. recently announced. of Uncoln. Mass.; Mr. Bruce ch.oice of 80 Camera~, 12 different Exposure and ,Mrs. Ralph K. Merker. 916HarMr. and Mrs. John T. Pinkston Scott of' Lexington. Mass .• and Mr. Vard avenue. and family of Westminster Peter Simkin' of Swarthmore. Meters, Film 112' ~ifferent ways, about 10 or 12 ,Mrs. Truman Flint of Wolcott.- spenl the day Sunday in Newark. -After a brief wedding trip 1;0 Projectors, Screens, .G"dget Ba~s, and: Flash ville. Ind .• arrived Sunday to visit Del.. as the guests of Mr. Pinkston's Bulbs? Or maybe talk about Binoculars, Telewith her son-in-law and daughter brother-in-law and sister Prof. and t!1.A.Z~1IE SUIIIRIPTIDIS Dr. and Mrs. Robert Meyers. 532 Ml'II. Robert L. Pigford. scopes, Slide Files,? aJryn Mawr avenue. and to stey Mr. and Mrs. Maurice L. Web'IIRI. LLOYD L DUFFIIAI OR WOULD YOU TELL ABOUT HOBJlY ITEMS? with a.e family wbile Mrs. Meyers I ster of Elm aveDue entertatned at Is in t,he University of Pennsylva- dinner last night before the WILPF ;u Over 300 assorted Plastic Kits, H·C Train· Sets nia Hospital which she enter'ld Christmas Carol Sing when their I:~~_~·~·~_~_~S~~'~~~~~~ ,from $9.89 up, or the many, many other items Tuesday for observation. guests were Marie J urler senior . Mrs. Malcolm H. McEwen of Sa- Turkisb exchange student at such as Sto!!mps; Albums, Coin Collecting Books • att1~. Wash .• arriv~d September 17 Swarthlnore Hi&h Scbool and or Ship Models? .to ~pend the,' Thanksgiving and hostess Helen Calhouu aDd Mr. Joy Ch~stmas hohdays with her SOD- Yee Shin from Hong Kong. a atuPERHAPS YOUR AD COpy WOULD CONTAIN IWAI'HIIDB., Pl. In-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. dent at tbe college and his classour choice of 6 0.r8 different Footbalis, 4 or 5 Fri: & Sat. - Dec. 5,'6 Baker Middleto!' and their three mate Walter Taylor. NOW SHOWING Basketballs, Ice and Roller Skates, Field and Ice chlldren of Rutgers avenue. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Newman A Slick ItItloh. c..mocItll ~. W. B. Pegram's mother Ml'II. and daughter. Gai!' and Katherine Hockey Sti~ks, Bows and Arrows, Knives, Golf Pegram has been viBitiug of Poe .....nkill. N.Y•• will arrive Balls, Bags, Caddie Carts, or. American and m Swartbmore. . Swtday to visit for two weeks 'With Ralph Richardson ·Mr. and Mrs. Ned Pyle of South Mrs. Newman's :parents Mr. and Margaret Leighton English -Bic}'cles? Chester road spent Thanksgiving Mrs. William R. Huey of Dickinson Friday Feature"-:-7:40, 9:40 P.M. Saturday Features--6, 8, 10 P.M. .MAYBE YOU WOULD WANT TO TELL the Day with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Maek avenue. Mr. Newman. admissions 19~ Annual Football Banquet Set 'for Saturday BEAUTY' SALON I Bet·••• 6, ·New aid to faster~ • e~ier cleaning! . New improved featl,tre8 for easUticleaning! WESTINGHOUSE SPEeD VACU.UM CLEANE~ GuoiUteed • s.wboeI plAtform Ii... run uiobllil;yl , • Ree1-AWoy Cord St'orapl _or .... • eo..ibiDation1 F1oor-N-Rull ToolIlu~:eIo!I- tft1Ior .' Suctloa eooib' adjuoledl • EIigoIiDtol 'Westinghouse ,I " ,"', , '-----;;;:;;;-c;;;;;-;;;;m~~;;;;;;;_;;:;:-----, the situation in Bethlehem today. NEWS NOTES gueats of their .An.In•.law and The Junior High and ' ' 'daughter Mr. and Mrs, c. Ruoaell PUBLISHED mRY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMOItE,.PENNA. High Fellowships will meet for M Nanc: M, Carroll, daughter of de Borlo and their two Children of PETER E, TOLD, MARJORIE TOLD, Publ~her. their regular Sunday evening meet;. College r. an avenue, Mrs, John Carrollfor of M'e r M d M h I en!s Bible Class and the College-age carnate Word' , by R~hert E 1more, t4'30 Tli da . ' r. an r8. C ares"G. That. Class "Redisoovering the Bible" a beautiful setting of the Christmas a B' . O?tat' es !'th Do C. cher. of Ogden avenue were the • will meet at 9 :30. ,At 5 :15 p.m. the • Y JDYl Jon 0.1. e reaR Jr· "Celeste" is at the console JuniorWestminster Fellowship(7th sto~ using many lovely. Christmas cle, the Decem~r meeting of the WBCS with a Christmas Tea, will craders) will meet in. the Hearth carols from many countries. agC!into play lor you ers be held at the home l u 109 , • r Hanse''n'scltat'10n I s f or, his s rong uu.. d hopedl .IDanclng ., . Rand. contributions to desigu ..nd bu- un er t e strict s own borrowing Mrs. Ave- F. Blake, chal'rman of . .."' capacity seems le8s and less apt to ., provementof e\ectricallnstruments. b I' d b ,,_ . the art department announces a te h e.l . eIIreah lze u~lWtary , A grad uate 0 f P ratt I n stitu, rt f,as ti·· ted scrapIngs sts new exhibit of watercolors to hang .. ed th G .. , EI . Co ~as 0 0 an C>]la eo even JOin e ener... ectric m'th t tl th b 'Idl on the clubhouse walls during the . W1 ou connee::: ng e Ul ngs, . paD)' in 1986 and h as been With I ed d to th obabl dm.nth at December The painter them Engaged so A"';c · orl e' t y f'ID"nCIDg. e ~r P Hen~ Meylan i th ever d since. I t f' primarily t . ts af or u th ....o n . ' studied and wo~ n e eve opmen 0 ms rumen. rts f th i t rk I k prizes in Switzerlan<\ where he now and muters, he has ",ecelved 18 U. S. 109 past' 01 ~I!'ro ec .'t~ oc ersst, lives won a govemm~nt scholarship te ts I h d aecou lea eel mg, paIn IDg mo ' . pa n . n 1948 e ~as presente likely, would cost the District more to study art in .spain, and gave a the Charles A. CofflD award for . th I . 11' I" . one-man show of his watereolors h' ti I bea· In e ong run as we a8 pena lZlDg .s magne c suspens on nn~ the 'first occupants of the 'n9w of Sonthern France and 8.,1=.r-II," :stemf~r,a wstthour meter. He lS, bul~ding.As Mr. Ryerson puj; it hind at the Art Alliance in Phila· ow servmg !'" manager o! the. de- "It would be s shame to build a delphia, partment Whlch develops rectifiers new high school and put nails in On Thursday, at 8 p.m., the travel department will and seml-eonductors. He was re- for coats and hatsl" Robert M. Grogan who will show located from Lynchburg, Va. to Philadelphia in -August 1958. DIE WIIIERI slides taken on recent to·week _-,-,-____ IBI.. African trip. Included will be some Att.... A••••I .....n Mr. and Mrs. Earle DepPleh oIf the Brussels Fair and a series Alice R. Craemer of Harvard placed first in the Crum Creek tsken 'on a new vol~~nic eruption ~venue attended the Annual. Meet- Bridge Club meeting Tuesday in the Belgian Congo. Ing of the National Council- for night of last week. Second place. On December 12 the music deGeographic Education held last mnners' were Mr. and Mrs. .lohn partment will atte~d the PhiladelWeekend in New York City. Mis8 Bowditeh, ~r. .' phia Orchestra «All Beethoven" Cra~er, is associator of The John ' Tlie club s next meetmg will he .program with Nathan Milstein, vioC. WIDston Company. h~Jd December 9. Iinist. The group will meet at 12 noon at a Philadelphia reatsurant 'for lunch, .preceding the concert. Mrs, W..R. LeCron is chainnan of the department. , Gail Lincoln has returned to Ohio-Wesleyen College afler spend· Ing Thanksgiving with her parents Mr. and MrS. Charles E. Lincoln, Haverford ·avenue. ARE· V:OU ONE OF 1lfI 3 PERCENT WHO : HAS TAKEN CARE OF HIS 'CAR? \ Donald ijenderson presented athletic awards to the following perS sons: \ . stiH oil ahtl l'han.ksgiving As'mbly: Fe tore PI A d Do You Need Accommodations not enough; cooling . systems , WI NTER LUBRICATION~ Page 6 n oUle roup Col. Clyde B. Pyle shOWed slides (Co t' .' . a says, _war Engineers Name Wagstaff\ of Bl!dr... Csnadian ROckies colleges n and Inuen newl f«tm Pagetsbl' 1) hed at the the West F' dI WilJiam Bush delivered the ad· Letters for football - Bill -HumHansen to Grade . rlen Y grollP y es IS held MondsY of""en last House week at the churches. dress in the Junior High School phrey., Al Bullard, Steve Brobeck, ,of Fellow Presb~terlan Church. ,Robert Grooters, baritone, and As.embl~ on Wedne8- Jim Rowland, Steve Jacob, Tom Of six aleetrical engineers re- • ~r•.. E, B. Hollis led, the group ~rs. Grooters,. accompanist, . will day, November 26. Woske, Frank Tice, Doc Gray, Rich cently el~ to the gradelof Fel- ID sIDgmg "Come Ye Thankful Pea- gIve the worshIp service "ChristThe Girls' Choir presented "Bro- Johnson. Graig Young. Letters for an accumulation of low in the American Institute of .ple Come" and "Now Thmik We All mas Through the Ages". With the ther James' Air" under the dlrecElectrical Engineers as announced Our God." Mrs. John H. Pitman. t~emes of the Prophecy, the Ful- tion of Mrs. Elizabeth Weinmann. points - Bob Foote, Graham Patby the, natlonsl headquarters In gave a Thanksgiving reading. f~lIment, and \ the Response, selec. ·Leading role. in the two plays I terson, Sam Wicks, Ronnie Hoge, New York Ci~,' two are from the The Presbyterian Church was t.o~s from great works in music "Molasses for Thanksgiving" and Chucker Kurtzhalz, Rickie FiJler, Philadelphia ares, both ·.living in h~stess for the day with Mrs. H. :hl~h Interpret the scriptures will "Surprise 'Guests" were played by Chip Shay, John Patterson, Chuck Swarthmore.' LlDdley Peel as chairman; sssisted e given. "!r. Grooter., of the Facul. the foliowing persons: \ Sbule, Jeff Browne. Rohert Rhamy Wagstaff, Haver- by Mrs. Roy Latimer, Mrs. J. L. ~ of M~s.'c, Temple University, Is Sara Enion, Cathy Bradbury, First stars - Bob Kuc, John ford place, chief engineer of United Woodruff, and Mrs. Edwin Crosby. also M.mster 'of Music of Joan Moir, !;!heri Maule, Gordon Bond, Dick CamplielJ, Gary .GallaEngineers and Constructors, Inc., The December 8th meeting wiIJ Sw§rthmore .Church. Boyd, Michael Rubens~in, Ronnie gher and Dlno McCurdy. Second ~he foliowm~ tea, an annual Diamond, Chsrles Pugh, Frances stars - .Fred Braund, Roger An. and .Albefl; Hansen, Jr., Drew.ave- 'he a musical program, presented nue, department manager at Gen- by Mrs. WilJiam L. Scarborough ca~lOn of beauty and fellowship, Brill. Jame. Mayer, "Stephen Beik, thony, Mal Anthony, Jerry Lidde11, eral Electric Company will he hon- and Mrs. George Saigisson. b~mg aPl'anged by Jeannie Draper, and John Fry. Terry Innis, and Jim Foley. . Clr~les a, 10, 11, t2 and 13. The ored at the monthly meeting of the Philadelphia Section of the Ameri- Jones, Vint Ree/ectec/ chaIrmen are Mrs. F. Ted Anthony, Mrs. Charles Brooks Mrs H F .. ' can Inst.tute of Electrical EngiBy Union School Board Brown, Jr., Mrs. Alv~h W.·Stu·art," neers, December 8, at 8 p.m. in the Edison Building Auditorium, 900 (Continued from Page 1) and Mrs. Peter P. Miller. lor Sansom street., The. meeilng this equipping a science laborato~ in R~presentatives from other CQm~ HOLIDAY PARTIES? RECEPTIONS? DANCES? month is held jointly 'lVith the In- the !Dew high school, had been drop- mUDL~ churc~es have been invited stitute of Radio Engineer.. ped because it appeared only about ~ attend. Child care will be proCall Rentvl Chairmon IMr•. Wagstaff receives his grade. $6,000 was "'Pt to be raised in this V1ded from 1 :30 to 4 p.m.. Klnglwood 3-4579 of Fellow for his eontri\>utions to way whereas about 10 times t\lat design and execution of large 'POwer much would probably he needed to IDU~T,Y .EDICAL SOIIETY projects. He attended Dru~ Col- do a proper job. Bloom however Dr. Wilham P. Rumsey, Walling. THE SWARTHMORE WOt-b.N'S CLUB lege, . gl'aduate~ from the Univer- attested to his own and ~thers' be~ ford. program chairman of the sity of Arkansas, and, received a and Jillf that "must·be fearless see the thatboard proper facilities are Will. 'PresentCounty P.aul A.Medical Bowers, M.D., masters degree from Massachusetts ta t f Institute of TechDology in 1987. provided even If they req";ire Auth- asSIS n pro essor of Ob.tetrlcs ori~ financing". and Gyaecology, Jefferson Medical With United Engineers since 1937 Before Bloom ~,oke the board, College, Phlla.delphia, as. the speak. except for a wartime stint as lin -r, t th ty' officer in the U.s .. Navv, he was having given much thonght to the :- Btin e .socle .s regular mo'nt~lly I ., matter since its November 19 meet- ee g In Media, Thursday, appointed Chief Engineer in 1956. combe 11 He is member of the American ing, agreed' it would he guU~ of Tb r ' . ' . Society of Mechanical Engineers, building sn improper structure if .. ; m:ti: a oonneCtion between the recently O<>ln y y e e aware LlNVILLA ORCHARDS Assoeiation of Iron and Steel En- converted elementary school and Chapter of the Pen~lvania Acad· gineers, Engineers' CIlib of Phila- h b . . emy of General Practice and the .""'" ........... 0 . . . . . . . . . . .. delphia and the National SocietY of t e Urnted~ecltlodned°f~hehlebgh~l:i':; 'Medical Socie~ and will be accept..... CIoY• ....,. - - or - - .... - Professional Engineers. Ha'is a ~as n~ dl,nc u ID r ~' ahle for one hour of Category I ...- CIa..... Ilk ........ ttuwlLoa ......... , • ..u.... .......... registered' profession,,1 eDgineer In ans. du from Credit by the America Academy of Op... 018, ••• S••••, 1D A,.. • • •••• • ••• CHlSt.r 1·1141 Swarlhmoreans A TIRES and WHEEL ALiGNMENT- METIO.IST lITIS The J unlor High' 'Fellowship . " group will have a dance party Smday, Dec_IIer 7 , hom. of David Loudin, 211 W. 11:00 A.M.~nnday Sehoul.'· I~ose Valley road, Wallingfoz1l, on 11:00 A.M.-The Lesaon - 8e....011 S d f will be entitled ''God, the Only atur ay rom 8 to 10 'P.m. Cause and Creator". ()bureh School class.. for all Wadnetlday evening meetlq each ages will meet At 8:45 a.m. 'Sm.qy; . Week. 8 P.M., Readlnlf Room. t09 A nurse~ for Infants, to 2. ~rs Dartmouth AftDDe, open . . . .- old is conducteddu-'';'- this bonr. un ueept hollda71l, 10-1; lI'rl- At the Identical ...... worship services 8:45 and n'o'c1ock, the Sacrameilt at Holy Cammanion will lie obeenecl 'With the pastor, Rev. John C. bringing the Communion . There are three upgroups caring for ehUdren I UJlder adult tIllper'vlsion during the -II "_lid 'WOrship hour, Th. Wesley Fellowship COll.... Ifl'OD\I will nlMt at Uae pan_ Duo in Chrt'stmas Worship Wec/nesdcry ot 2 , Grooters a PREVENTION SERVICE- FlltST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST SWARTBJlORJ: Park .Anoua bel_ 1IarYImI, 8WARTH~OREAN . ,AUTO' REPAIRS • STATE INSPECTION • WHEEL ALI GNMENT • MOTOR TUNE-UP' • GULF GAS and OIL ROBERT J. ATZ, Mgr; RUSSELL'S SERVICE KI3-0440 'Dartmouth" Lafayette Aves. Closed. Saturday 12:30 P.M. ~~~~~~;;~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STATE .•NSPECDON STARTED NOVEMBER lsi :=46 Col •. Pyle OpeEnte H..... inlC Bta"" MInister of Music usher;9:30 J. 'B. a.m.-J. Davis, L. Jezl, R. held on January 15 in Philadelphia: Louis R. Schroeder Daniel, W. A. Irving, C;[!S~.:~:~!~:;: Sunday, December 7 8 :46 A.M.--Chu!ch School classes. D D Lennox G C 8:46 and 11 A.M.-.Sacrament of . . ,.. Holy Communion. and C. W. ·Randall, Jr.;. at 11: 15 :1':00 P.M. _ Jr. and Sr, Hi FeI- a.m.~. D. Clyde, Jr., head usher; towshl!!!!. 1I. C. Peters, alternate; R. ·T. Bates, TRINITYCHURCB J. L. Cornog, H. L. Harris, and Rev. Sta!'ley R. West, D.D., H. W. Ingraham. . .. . Prlest-ln·Charge Jay Thompson is scheduled , Sanday, December 7 , 8 '00 A M B I cO I serve as aeolyte at.8 0 elock;Thom8;80 A:IL-Mo~fug ;r':;:.~n. as Mowe~ at 9:30, and at 1l:1~ 9:80 A.M. _ Church,School Peter Berlin and John Watetbu~. • 11 :15 A.M. - Holy Communion There will be a service of Evening P.M• ..,. Evening Pray!'r Praye.. at 4:45 p.m. this Sunday, .15 R.M. Young People s FoP f 11 wed h y the f'Irs,t' appearance . D'des scrYe' time and in~o,;yenience_ lowshlp. 0 0 Wednesday December 10 ·the newly.formedAdult Choir. The '1:00 A.M. _ Holy CommnDion choir will'perform portions of ' 8 :80 A,M. _ Holy Commnnlon firlit part of Handel's oratorio, The TlUl REUGIOUS SOCIETY Messiah. . ; Does your windshield wiper wipe clean? " OF FRIENDS The Young People's Fellowship , Saaday, Decelllber '1 will meet at the church at 5:16 p.m. 8:46 A.M. -First Day School. to pay a visit at the Philadelphia 9:45 A.M. - Early Meeting for Divinity School.lMr. and Mrs. 'HowRemember. you driyewith winC/ows carbon l1~rX'.t. _ Meeting for Wor- ard Norton will be in charge of ship. Children cared for in Whit- trip. . , lumes lrom leaky exherust can lie tlerngerous. tier House. All are welcome. Holy Communion will' ~ 6.80 P.M. - High School FeHow- brated at 7 o'clock W,Idn'esdayl . ' morning, and again at 9 :30 a.m. ship. M"nday, December 8 The advanced Bible Class will " All Day SewIng lor A.F.s.C. immediately following the. latter To stop on wintry rows you mUkt hcrYe traction. , . Wetlaesdsy, Deeember service,'and the beginners c1asswill All Day Sawing for A.F.B.C. beheld at 1 p.m. ~,o AlEE Elects Two' THE a 8 ~t' ,.. J)eC:eJIl'Pr Ii. 1958 »eeember 5. 1968 THE BWARTHMOREAN • S~, ' .... "' yOuRS EARLY WE'LL DELIVER' . -,,'':, , · C H...... ~1~ . - '. .. - . ,~ ,~'.~\~('-.~,:'-';' , " : .,- . ~ COME TO SWARTHMORE , •••• . when you buy FINE RUGS With this headiltg we try to attract people from nearby areas to our s,howroom for fine rugs •••. and they come. We got to thinking, though, about the other fine places right here in Swarthmore. Noted for outstanding schools. beautiful homes. truly FRIENDLY people, fine ~ating places, we can also boast th~ unusual .in shops~ Whether it be a men's wear store which alwa.ys' has your sile, or a television store where 'th~y really a II WILIES.IAiRE TALI . ,know how to keep your ~et working, whether it be Arthur W. Binns, beauty' treatment, a prescription to be filled, toys avenue,Phlladeiphia contractor and and hobbies, or the latest in fashions,you can' do realtor, was the principal sp4!11ker I h ' 'at the dinner meeting of the Prop- \..bietter· you s op right here inSw~rthmore_ eTty Owners Protective Association To our fellow-businessmen, for maintaining excelof Luzerne County in WBkes-Barre lent stand;Irds 'of service: we doff our hatt;· and to Monday night. Binns said the ntremendous in- }",ur fellow-Swarthmoreans, we say: crease in school pol'uiation and the , . I decrease in the purchasing power . . SHOP IN SWARTHMORE '1" of the dollar" present a dilemma which faces the length and breadth aren~y no one ~ willing ~.say': ~ Swarthmore made by a committee ooe thmg that .s needed.: ThIS.8 of the Leape of Women Voters of wrong, anc! I'm going to see tbat. SwBrthmore hils. shown that there you stop!' . '. . ~ .. 'are many gaps which could be fill. Wbat magic strength there Is In ed. The need for more Saturday these few words,': if sincerely day time recreatioo aod for Friday meant, for 16·year-olds as well as and Saturday evening social recrefive-year-olda. And how lacking in ation for both boys and girls, par. our culture I tlcularl)1 of jnnior high age is very C. BRADFORD F·~'EY (Continued OD PageS) we ,20 uarmth... LETTERS TO. THE EDITOR n.,...... \ noon. welcome , .,pin...... 1959 The coroner's hearing Friday af· • ternoon In Boroogh Hall :eaolted in a verdict of aecldentel death 10 the case of J ame8 Fry, 6·year-old . Vassar avenue resident. who .dled November 11. Mrs. Kathryn Vir. g;nia Fetter, Ridley Town8hip School teacher who bed ~een held in $1000 bail since the boy was hi· jured by her' car on '!Cale avenue November 7, was drscharged fol· lowing the verdict. Three Ridley TO\VIIshlp youths wbo stole an automobile from the Fusco Garage on South Chester road .september H" were released On 'Probation after a hearing in Juvenile Court, MediA, Wedneeday afternoon of last week. Local police rescued an "outdoor" bird from the in tedor of 400 Harvard avenue Tuesday after· Sergeant Elmer Zehley has been In oortlnvesterh Pennsylvania thih It has been .proved beyond question that the common ';';ntagious week, enjoying the portion of hl8 disease cannot be prevented by quarantine precautions, simply vacation reserVed for fall deer because they are spread before a patient becomes ill. Also, since hunting. children are less prO!le to have a severe type of ~ese IIIn_es Pollee aetlon proved slow but and have fewer complications than adults it is obvious iIIoat in. SUre in the case of: AlonzO Moseley dividuals should have these diseases before they are 'lrown. of .Chester who ;was finally picked up on B warrant last Saturday' and But it should be emphasized that it may jeopardize hoalth and lined for motor violationS increase the chance of complications to .continue' a normal.Gaily ~Iuding driving with no operl,tol<'sl routine during any illness, be it mumps or on ordinary case IOf license and falling to appear I tonsillitis, etc. Therefore a ,child sf,ould be kept 'at home, under a hearing. He had been a "fugitive" '. physician's core when siclt.·· . since the offen.e on Felornary 15, Swarthmore residents are on enlightened and health conscious 1957. group who have been most cooperative with their physici!1ns and During the past week Thomas health officials and·1 believe con be depended on to cooperate \ Hobson of Rosemont paid $5 for in this matter to the fullest. ignoring a s~p sign, and Lee Dlac", I Signed: of Newtowtl Square paid $10 for J. Albright Jones, M. D. going through two stop signs. Swarthmore Borough A Swarthmore boy was fined f116 Health Officer last Friday for reckless driving two " weeks earlier. RECEIVES HOIORS "This Pleasant Suburb • • • Hannah Cassell of Havertown John Kelly Murphy III,son of The Borough of Swarthmore Is paid $Ii for stop sign violation; Mr. and Mrs; John K. Murphy of described In a flattering way in a Riverview road and Ogden avenue, now leaflet recently published by EIDS lAVAL DUn was one· of two studente in the Time, the weekly new••magazine. Wmiam R. Huey,· Jr., Dickln· School of Architecture at the Uni· of Virginia. to receive a The leaflet is entitled "Twenty~ son avenue, has returned. from a • four Nice .Places to Live" and It three year tour of duty with Certificate of Intermediate Honors; devotes a page each to two dozen Navy. The certificate is the most distinc· .~',id.' communities in all parts Immediately following graduation tive academic honor attainable on .. the United States. It has from the University of Michigan completion of two years of under· Law School, 'he enli.ted and was graduate work at the University. say abou); Swarthmore: cepted at the Newport OfJrJc.ors'11 Mr. and Mrs. Murphy attended "Swarthmore, Pennsylvania Cs.ndidate School. After receiving the award ceremony which' was knO\VII for it. quiet, conserVative a commission, he spent three held in the Rotunda at Charlottes. charm and the huge Maple and Elm months in the Scbo:Ol of Naval JustreeS along itS Immaculate streets, ville. the Quaker· foun!ie(i to\VII of tice at Newport, and was a.signed Swarthmore is half an hour (yet to the post of legal officer on the half a world) from dO\Vlltowu Phil· Tbetis Bay, a Marine helicopter • aircraft cariie~, the first of its kind adelphia. '. III the Navy. "Heart of the trim community is After several month. of opera. Swarthmore Colleg~" with more tion in the Far Ea,/!t, he was reaS' than 30 a.cademlc buJldmg& scatte:. signed, as. Lieutenant (j.g.), to tloe ed over its 30~-acre campus. C - position of ",!sistant legal officer educational and presently non·see- on the staff at Patuxent River, tarian, Swarthmore ~l1ege was Maryland Naval Air Test Center. . THE founded by th'l HI"kslte body .of , Mr. Huey, Jr., al.d his wife, the COASTER Friends. in 1864: and amo~g Its former Ellen Colyer of Radnor, and treasures today .s a collection of their da'ughter Carolyn are visiting III .11., I , ) ,1' ; early Quaker manuscript.s, early. the Colyers and Hu~ysprior to Mr. Quaker costumes, and an mter...t- Huey's engaging in the ·practlce Of ing exlj,lbit of furniture dating back law. to Colonial times. On campus, too, is the Benjamin West HO\l89,/Where NEWS NOTES in 1783, the celebrated Quaker porMr•. John R. Taylor arrived'Sattrait painter was born. urday to remain with Mrs. Taylor "There is space, tranquility, and and their children, Robel't,draruim, a deep sense of history everywhere and Miriam, who moved into the In this pleasant subllrb. The busl· ness section is small; the typical ,Cyril Garber, had. as .their holiae peate mous name in vinyl, they I·suowr Mrs. David Stein and family over ThankSgiving and the weekend are tops In foot protection. 'Los Angetes, their travele In- Mr.· Logu;"s. brothel', Mr. NOn·skid design' outiole. side trips to Las Cruus, Logue;wit'h!Us Wife and three "on.... Buttons and loops fasten 1~.,.D1·, to Tijuana and Juarez, ~ex· dreo from Trumbull, Conn. and unfaslen easily.' ( . ieo, and to New -Orlean.. La. moving to' Swarthmore from Bronx. G~ing girl,". 4·11, block, Dr. and Ml'Il. William E. Dan. ville, N.Y., the local Logue chlldren bfown, bIoftd, - red,'; Ju- . ' nlon', blond• ...,. I fo,rth of Dartmouth aVenue bad a8 S~phen, Elisabeth Ann; and Mar~ wfllt., alld.....••• 6.12. browft. their holiday gnests their sOn and the, have. welcomed a new little bIoftd. red, nitand his wite Mr. and Mrs. Richard brother, Mlchael~ who was born iD W. DanfOl'tb of Hyattsville, Md. llifferoon Hospital,· Philadelphia; Sh ... Shop" Their daughter Mlsee&roI,n Dan~ 'on October 112.' . liI • • A. . . . t..rtia ofN". Yolk Citf IIPG.t her ) W.,..tar, Jr~ ..., •••• i ... .iK~ho1~ay ~ frieoolde' il! ~;I"" herbridp ~.•~ =-~--....IIo... oo:"',.;;;_....:,1 .... JI.Y.r.' __ ilther .... _ . "..... . A611~ ...... ~rl ..... ..... ".-:, .. _'.-:'. "",':-'.:'. , " .". . . . i t ~{':: '.. . .... G, 1958 . ..,.) . ..~~ . .at '1' . " , .._o ..... • .... ·_..... _ ..................-.w.u.: . SWA:'=' 8T9.~-;';r ;,'J;-."' ~l.~.'" 'till ..... i'dtry." .~ :-. . WIll ... •••• .. ' . LfTTERS TO tHf lbno~ NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Dan DI~kinaon, LIn· .... ere . coIn aV~Jlue, ~ W a't a famil .. dln.nsr oil , when their gnests Dickinson's mother litre. Dickinson of Park aTenue, hlJlb.o.; ther and sl~ter.ln-taw Mr. lind Mrs. Walter Dickinson aud tbeir \ 8891.' FRo.' '_-II.. SCHOOL NOTES Legs and' .Breasts of Qalet, BM&taI 8w"",,""tnp .WltII i.osT liDring F.... I.;OST ._. . Gold With broWn cameo. Initials J. W. P.· Reward. IHngswood 4.1~.. LosT - i.8ftha·=n"'d"'b"'la~c"-k""I""ea""'t"'h""er ~~~~ r.h~:e~~1 business· fur-lined glove Friday night hi apartmenntl .' section. KIngswoOci 3- . I. UWIl1l .,.. 1 • •iI t; IISII., If. _orga.Jan .d WATC_AKEB of F. C. Bode aqd lind I 128 Yale SJItDItI..... 29E. Fifth Street. ,. EMIL SPIES w.'n'.......n .. SHS Seniors fA) Aid Swift's Premium STEAKS!~:~~HoulE Ib.89( Sheet Metal Work E-ueIIIDt K·UolQ' N - ' · ~ Parts, accessories. Klnpwoocl 3-1290 Warm·Air Heating Eatab!Jabed 1lI32' . 30 - antique and modern. years' experience, seven years· of m~=T Swarthmore references. Custom work at reasonable 'prices. Large selection of domestic and imported fabrles. Estimates are free. All work is our",", shop. Chair bottoms rewe~d, ~.50 up. Our low: overhead saves you money. ;;~:IQ:--'!!!,.!9~~~~:!!:~ __ THOM SEREMBA. Phone Sharon .;; Hill 0734. I P$SONAL - Piano tuning specialist, minor repairing, Igember Piano Technicians Guild. Leaman, KIngswood 3-5755. PERSONAL - FURNITURE 1'11- t~r'~~~~;: finished, repaired, upholstered; ~ slipcover. and draperies. Quality work at bargain prices, both ".t:eaIOb};",mod;Jiern; Rugs. Please " 9-6811.9 or LOwell 8fl~~~,~~ for. free estl",ate. ·G••mltt I ~ eaa'.\ . ,ROOFING 'l'e.... ., Eaperlu..,. . . . Klngswood If You Need • •• :n.U~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I SwarUimore REAL ESTATE KI 3-1112 4-1246 Baltimore 1'Ike .. "noola Aft.· CRESSON PRICHARD { LEhigh .1' PUI.pi.,s, MAdison 6-0713'. Opposite Th!ater. Swarthmore, Pa,. , OOlyalalcall' Home ~O~P~SN~~"'~""""'~~'~~.,~,~~~~ IBicycle, Hobby, ToyClifton Shop, Baltimore Avenue, 900 Mi.chigan Avenue' M~ison 6-9937 EX.ERT .1l10 T.III. REBUILDII.· Both Uke new. Call KIngs- . PERSONAL - Radio and tel.. . vision serVIce. Complete stock-'of tubes carried. Robert Brooks.. Call H. FrH Eatillig. PlIUad.lpbJa 3. Pa. LOw..lI 8-6669.' IIU1TOM IIST1LUTlIII ., . "foid up" lind leaTe I O O l ( r . and Mrs. 'Alt.bur W. Com" , "on the loose" _h Saturday mght. where nec08.ary. We bope the and IOns Carl, J'im, and Robert of (Continued from Pap 7 ) . ' . . Sch II t the Tb k .. d nd "-~-h .. 11ItlghColaneUwllltake.thenecellYryl 00 ane,spen~n Sgivlb Tha Sch00I DGar a . . e....... I' F I h' Va.. u . Man, patents Of children bolldays . in al I Churc, ' . . . are williii&' to oprovlde faeUities for step. to meet this need and the guests of Mrs. Collins' s'--Id this age groop deplore. the faet . . th 111 M...., these youngstera go to see the recreation programs, and theSehool ey w have the Mrs. J. T. Wall.., and family, and . 'movie two or three times for Board does sponsor IIOme recreation and baeklng of the cO)l1lDunity. brother Mr. Gordon Christensen at isoliri!thinli hotter to do on procram. in .the area of sports. RUTH H. McDOWELL and family. Another brother Major weekeilds; or go olit r1f ~ to at.. Their work load, however, Is too AMY R. HOWLAND Edward Christensen and family of tend the social recreation program Keavy and demanding to allow them Co-Cbairmen of the Study Rklbmood,Va., joined them. at the itutli.dge FIth. NEWS NOTES least the last five yea1"&. Larry is tha. A fourth·child. Michael.~~::I;om:~o:re~year and sinee then he bas also a fine sll-around player." .bo Octobe 22" two minor varsity letters in .Mr.anei Mrs. LaRue Hendrixson L arry I·11 ust rated .h · 8nar~ was r . m.r. . one mao 8 i 'Pasa j . ed m on .• and baseban and o! North Chester road had as their lug ability by pulling down· &even· oln. the. poUt,cal selence faculty';or.l1otttlr·jFor baseball last 'lear. guest over the weekend th.,lr I • . of the Umverslty of PenDS'flvania IJ aerjals m only two games. fHe ,,:as In September. Before that hetsught Last 'lear he was a counsel memo daughter Miss Claire Hendrixson also a standout blocker on 0 fenslve t Not D d F rdha . U . of one of the junior.sophomore . te 0 f d 0 m nl, .Dawes . House. Bob Of Washingto·n, D.c. Miss Hendrix-\~~!:~;~;~and saw every mmu e- a it. re ame an son, who resides at 2120 17th street. 'Play. ~ vers 1es. .. . a member of the Varsity Athletic N.W •• is employed at the Folger ';:'i'~";'.~'" ',. :."-~ .- " .. ,_;,-,_,....,..-._ .. -':"'.'lO".o " ..... '< .:;, ~" .. ~ .... ,'" t· t Mora Col "wnr . " , Support .. . . ·14brttry .. ', .... Swarthmore· . . - Support . Tu"ercP/o~::; /~".':'." :. Tilbercu!osls ~" Christmas Seal ,',1 <',~~'" Sole. VQJ..UME . . 3~!WMBER . . .. .'. , ., pO Irainatic RlCOIleu, In Olub Chrillm81 Program . .. Christmas Seal" Sale .. Swarthmo~. P~ .-rtday. ~~ J2, 1958 . LWV. .....~! ••~. . .... ,Rap~rt ' .; ; ... ".~~ri.tml' Giftf '" • , Th. Pbbllt SW$l'rftitrio~~ ".00 PER YEAR .\ to Pre~ent. I .,'Colltie Sele... Ii, . O. P·.....lle. Racreo. all··01.. The Players ... .TheClub Matchmaker . Fo·r CO. H.S. ,aa"-."ers of· Swarthmore 811 Ubraly, .J gay -..;ith Christmas boob· on • I d' I . Edward Hellers' Musi~, specl,·. ISP cay, . announces a Me.m bershlp, . .. will present Thorton .·WI·ldel's '~The • I' h '~'d' ' < , . Board. Vote· S· m·.... X' Spon ors Event· Tree, Children's Gift,. specla all aY.Doon. . g Matcbmaker"nsxt.weekattheclub19". I 5 , D ... . • tibraricili' Bettina Hunte; adds t~ Work f9r ·~rou9h' house on ,Fairview road.· Curtain . Elmore Talks to Star. ay . . to the Borough's seasonal cheer PR Board time· is· 8 :20 p.m.. Monday througb Tonight ,The viom~n's··C1ub Swarth- with the not'Ice that th e usua I At a recent meeting of the Saturday. Ssven.¥ ... DeI'aware . Coun..u ... hlg'.11 h 'd . tsted of ...... J h d F' . ted b D more WI 0.·11 s on I'.t f -d b L. II League f W V • osep e un... asSIB 'Ion. h I ' d th ti·· Tuesday•.. December 16•. following . I.m' 0 seven ay 00. . wi not 0 omen· oters o. aId H. Po h will direct the cast se 00 SCIence an ma ema J'hr.i.tmas program. at 1:30 be observed during the holiday ,swarthmore at· the home of Mrs.. i 16 g , . teachers are expected to attend· a the "V Robert Hilkert. Strath Haven ave- 0 • Science DBY program at Swarth· p.m.· "Travellrtg tlie 'Christmas·: season. Readers will. ~~ silable.' The committee chairman•. ert G.· Hayden. American Viscose. tes?he;, ·in, mathematics Professor delight:ful program of Christmas ... . ·Mrs. H. Woodward McDowell waS Corporation eXecutive. were swom Hemnck Brinkmann end Bobert songa bylMr. and IIIrs. E~ ~!')+ a ••lsted byM#T; Anthony, ill as borough auditors. by BD~ Hartman of Upper Darby HIP ler'in solos and duets, ac\101llpanled. ' \ M.ra. Herman Bloom, MrS, David Joseph Rsynolds at Mouday. eve- :Sehool; in the physical seiencea on the piano IIll., ,MrJ!. .,9. M(il~Jl ~"I~I()r ].CI,,!:l .. SF!onsors Pro" Bowler; Mrs; ,Ichard Enion, ;\my nin~s session of ~rough Counc~. Professor Dennison Bancroft anol Allen. \'~"<"'. ;. ·11d:· / .':..: grain ~ri:: ~etarded . Howland. \Uld)Jllrs. Ua!id Ullman. WIlliams. who ~IVes at 608 Unt- Frederic~ Houck of ~ether Pron· ~t this annual IThristmaB ;proCh'ld . . :rhe rep.ort '6t. the .coJiuillttee was Varsity place and·~s a former presl· dence HIgh School; m the biolog1-,. gram, there will be B"')lre89ntation ' . .,., I. ren . presented to'tlle membership for dent of .the National Association cal selences Profeasor L1lZClrD Liv' of' gifts for children from all memMrs. RandaU A. Burr, president dlsolls81on a~ pOssible adlon. of Bank Auditors and Controllers. Ingaton and .John. Bay of S~ bers ot.thll!'lu1!•.cTh':.Y'?!'th.(,Jon~- lIf th~ J~!,ior. W?,ma.~:~ 91~b,. of ·The Lea~ of Women ·Voter. wa~ IIPPolnte~, Monday nlgllt fol. f!eld Hig~ School.·. . . vation DeparttJKtnt .requests gifts S_rthmote, has, annoanced names feels that the consideriltl0ll ,of a lo,":,ng ~uncil. aeeeptance ot the. A comblne4-. meeting•. a dlnner~\!ll Mil1l! and' the. of tho)'e clui?' memi>ers 'WOr~ngon year round program of recreation reSIgnatIon of Mrs. lsobel· P. Fus- and. at 8:15 a talk by WIlUam~­ g'irls Sleighton .Farm~ aged 12 to 'the'1>~.entii~ion:· ~~. "Aliuihl and for a!l·lIgas. under trained leader- se~. suhmitted two month. ago. He more, chairman of the ,<:ollege'. 16 years. Mrs. C. C. Franek, chair. the NIght VIsitors to be stsged .hlp, ·Is. a timely oile for· Swart\i. WIll serve for the remalader of Mrs•. Department of Physics..wtll follow man, ws donors to wrap the gift to~orro~ night. The productiop,. niore~ In vi.... · of the fact that.the Fu..~II's .termwhlcb expires in thll pan~ dIseUll.lolll. Professor El-· and ",ark the age a.nJl sex of the will be glven at 8 p.m. at the ,Nethe~ ·Del~are County Board of Com- J~uary 1964. . more."!'ho ~t last year worklnc recJpient on an atLid.iid,811tY..befo~ ~ytdenee, .B,ieh:S~hoo\ and will .",I.s10ners has jus~ established a Mr. Hayden, who ~ bves at (7 at .the atomIC labora~rJ: at ~ ph!cing it under tIIiRlhris'imli. ~tlo;t!t th!l.Dela~l'8 County As""': recreation servic~ aJi~.appolnted as Woodbroo\!: road and I. a certified A1amo~ an~ accompanied the A,mer-. Receivjllg at ijle door will be Mrs. clatlon 10.r Rstsrded Chlldren.'. head of this service Frsnk Fitts. pulllic accountant,· was appointed lean ~I~. to the Genev.a exhibitGo A1exand.if.MIII,j'·;''ua MrS. flillr~ '. Head. Of :~he·c01lllil~tte. that. ~as ~irector·of reCreation for Chester, last summer tQ folflll the unexpired ·Ion. of. the ..psacefnl uses of atomic.· vet 'Sclllliirilcber; MrS.. Frank'. H,~; ."ft"Peratio~ expert advj~ '!"ill be available for ~rm ofH.!nry -,... Ha~ris._ who; re- energy, will speak .on ':rrogreas in. MeC,o""ait:"aiid . lie.", committee WI.·Il . W'~ . ... tI1;e lrga.nized by the Swart!mtore stl"\lngp.en,or each Saturday.and Sunday from 1 Gamel· Floor .... ,.' 'MrS: ·Francls·Fof'sythe of the of a ,Public .~ecre...tjon\ mard . 'lor modemlZe horoug~ metho.ds, and until 4 p.m. Ag",ln the program . .Tonight the 1959 Swarthmore ·senior club has been active in an ;the Borough dt Swarthmb're: At tbe another resolution authorizing the ·will be supervi~ by the coaches. Righ School basketball team wiU advisory c';'pacity. ., m'eeting o~ .~:lc,ll~lIord .of' Directors ,fina~cec~ittee. ,~o .,.,ploy pn A membsrship card is. required, meet a Penncrest five in the two Tickets for tomorrow night may· <>f the·League of.WomenVo~rson ?utsl4eflrm !'i:,Pllhbc.acepuntsnta which· obtained. upon first schoo.!s: tirs.!',Ij!a~~ .ejlCPWlF'1,,;. T.J1.~ .~iIl ~,e o!>W.lJ~d. I:!y."!lIIi~lI!.tS:iDecembex '8 the· boa~ .concurred (Cpntinued. on l'age. 6)·.· ; attendance. ~he·.~· will a~so be ga"me''\lri11 be pll~ye Interruptl'd only' by an occasion.. f oar.. i mprove over at .. ""toy""r. .. \.i . ~~•. . . , . ·f Bill R th L 'ttl G· , 't' . _. <. Th ·Swarthmore Sea Explorer S rthmorean· office Wadnes- te ~,a ro~ 10 .'30. to .11·42. . . D· . ,,:rmg ,aI ho.J . me unior H·Igh geme. Every, eese, e I e .me men I . e . wa... th,s psrlod. quiet IS mamtamed. one living in ~warthn!.bre, Rulltor. has had·~•.Shll', S.E.,s .. Le? ;Mari~ 329. IS busy • day, bnnglng hiS Swarthmore Any :pupil who fails to eoopsrate kidge,.or attending the school _ ~Ietel~ his entire team of.last.,.....r .prep~ringfor ~ts. s~x~h. ~n:lt"ephone numbl!r;and o. good is sent IIome with a note stating bim and its alumni are eligible for m SPIte of ~he fact tha~ it .",,88' a .cru;IlItIU,IIS;',l'tee. rOJec •. IS .;'hic: bit of a~e cI!i!I,., .. ~< .;' .. :. the reason for his dismissal from membershtp . you,,;,g club m the 1967:68s~a~:,!" .!"~lD .~ur~ ofl.lDcom~ upon ... " "H it isl" aid h "Kin s•. study hall. The parent or guardian In addition to the recreational Ret\imlng letter wlnne.t~ ;.,!-re :Da~ :t~:Shi* .~~~eni\B for Its ~eratin!l". !. P~.. ' .. ~ , . e,... ;9... is asked to sigu this utility slip baskethall thers will be a 'Program Gro¥"n an~ Jay Lord. CaptalD. Sl~ e.xpens,:+_It.'~ hope4 that this Y"l'r s, . wood 4.033Q•."':h&only.t~'n9 IS, which is to be· retu~ned to the high of se'l'enth and eightb grade intraJohnso? WIll be unable ~ play for sale WIll· be ~en more successful , he added, lean,~~,"!,agnlficen.tly Scbool offiee. . .. . mura) b~etba11 for the boys not S01l\8 ttme and ~,,!bably will never than the preVIous 'f8!!r.,,;,; ...... ;. over th'rco,!~~er~ (only' Santa ; Anystude~t ....Iib'e"ii.!iot~·:l]ome ·participating on the regular Jr. ~n; a unifo",:,. ~lS season d~e to Me~bers of ·th~ $hijl Comuilttee.. and kings can·.leanmagriif"lC8nt- whell s'!Dt fro!" ~tu\l~'hall ill1"@: (eo High teams during the h~urs of -8 hIS J1lness'::Be Will be sorely m1~. compn~}'f fatlletsof· the scoots . Iy).a won'tbe·worldng !Until :rues- porttothe.'liiith:sclloOi offi.(~~e~ to 12 each ~aturd8'f moming. This . .Boys wlio competed .on I",,;t 'lear s have .~~o?atlnt. their eff~rts by; . d .. . ;11 th ... u'· citilens he is asSignedll>, .. ,~"iotbith·8tiidy program will be supervised by Mel ZV ~am and now are vars~ty per- offenng tlierr laho~ and whatever ay, 50 ~., ~~ ~~ 1'g . . . hall; hEilniimt! ..etuni·iI? s!l!'ied~~HP D~ki.n, . . . fo,,!,ers are seniors Ronme Tay- support they·ean 'give in order to.· of !ou!' f1:> to psk to \he followJn.g.d!V.. ·,,; Piccone will be : The high se\,lool Ilbnitt;I,'·open a flfth..~q.,iIth. gr..deboYB~ .. iD~ .. 10r.:.Joe Moran. and Bl"O!Iie Craw- assure the succe'!"" of .~~ ve!,~re. . #lelr parents to caH. fo"!. Juni!>rs on the varsity for the Skipper George .8... M;u.., and the.. 'that, Santa. vanlsl.ed, to ·Jqnior :High plJP.!h·dailY ~ structlonal and basketbal1 playiq·; f~l...t time are Bnrke Jackson, R~ ·M..te.9~ the.ehip are also strougly, , leaving ..flot -on1y the a~c chill . 10,20, to, g:46. Parents are lis'/Ilaider RabelaJa:9 './ ... and f ' a coach Millard RobInsOn of. h blow-that ' -all If*n.. thrilled.· to haft the. .t-..r-. "Gargantaa and Pantagrnelw. Book. '.. ,Ese. . • mg ..,.. ..... .P. ft_'-_' .... be- he _ , .. wn . .... thOugh. ,. ~.-........... 1 . . ~a. \lied toy or book,. in good ,swarthmore H...:-- ...,....... . the .. ,'""r"""" '~ a visit to ona. p~~.,..-- OJl~, •. . . . ptba bDy.or CIrl reaved W. =':'1iii'tiUSi... dlol ........... "" . Wrn. Hig~way';;.will.i>,e presen.~d..,'" HARRY OPPENLANDER . "- YUL BRYNNER hoiures-7:OO. 9:25 P.M. Klngsweod 3-2l9O IIJIIILI fill JI_I I, ., • .. 17 South Chester ROad ' :1 i °i --. C'()LDWEATHER FOOTWEAR, Lucky .you •• ; if. you zip. into B. F. Goodrich' Cold Weccther Boot. when temperat"'r". dive. Fleece linings andflufu cuffs hring a warm' welcome glow' to your feei. 'plain cr cuffed style. In aHractiv", cclors. Convenient slide fas· tene,r. ,Size. for women, misses. children. Be .ure to stop i~and iliem- ' OPEN TONiGHT A'~~UE I 7-9 , Beginning Monday, we "Vlill be open every night until Christmas '(except , SaturdayandChristChristmas Eve). , , 9 r ~~;SW;I;I;T:;/I::;.O;R;::E;';:'A:;;.;:;;::~~-=~,;9 Celia Shoe Shop' 102 .ARK HI-FI STUDIO alice bark.e;., 't' , 171/~S; Chester Road, Swarthmore Thursda, Dec. 18th " ; , from' , • , ~. A ill·Ft-CHRISTIAS . 2.: M. '", for the Whole f.mily' to for aM:, Sh8f'W'ood-' ft.4I .Juner ................... it ........... 6at"rGrd Record. Player .......... -.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. Eieo 5te-,.0 Am~et _Kit ................................ '"_ May Dual SpeGke:r- System KIt ••• ;........ . $99.95 42.50 '. 69.9& , 35.95 5 f. M. , ' , for &rOnco .. AM·Ft-.f Radio ................................. , 39.95 Sylvania ClocIc Radio ...................................... .. 25.00 Regency Transitor Radio ................................ .. 39.95 ,for Brother: Eico FM Tuner Kit .... : ...................... "•••••••• 39.95 May s..Watt Arn~er Kit ••••••••• ,.' •••• 12.25 ' ,'Sholt Wave RadiO. Kit ......."............. . . 26.95 ' &-in. Hi-Fi eoo.iaI 5pecller ••••.•••••••••.•• '1.95 IZ-in. Speaker Syslam Kit ........... ~. ~ ••• 26.00 ferSlslir: 6.onco FM Racf'1O ....... ( ••.•••••••••• ,... 29.9S SPECIAL DIAMOND NEEOl.ES : :' ." $6.95 ' , " , OPEN £VEN'N6S UNtIL CHIISTtIIl'S " I S" Klnpwood 4-2828 . . , " Id ' bank buildlnc Channel Master !l'raftsitor Iaclio •••••• ;;~ • '.,' . 35.00 starring ' , "'0 • 'see ,.".,.a', "The T• •rT,ap" ALBERTG. CATHERMAN DOUGLAS CLARKSON RODNEY GALLAGHER' ~LLA ~AY GOODWIN WILtIAM 'GOSSER FRANK HARRIS EDWARD HARTENSTINE VIRGINIA MARTINENZA MARY McFARLAND LEWIS SCHEIB RANDAL SCHEIB RICHARD ZENSEN ALL THE FAMILY "Oaiolhaad" T-.e.. GIFTS for Cellep Theatre 0t 90th BIRTHDAY December 15th, 1958 AI Replllc:e_111 '\ " .' RADIO AND "lotIO . SRV1CE AND _AIRS , , ', PROJECTOR Up to and Including, 8.Year·Olds Finest ... most, versatile ... "automatic" ever built! , - " Polte.r H.Waite, I.,c. .. 5.0,:" . 4-6 Parlt Avenue, Swartfl~, p,;; Kln,sW'CI •• J-4191 ', .. . "-' " edit'a; CI.~I' &10••, . .. , . at .Relax •• '. seHie bGck _ the Cavalcade runs the ih_ fat youl Set the timing dial, anc! the projector takes~ from there --: shows slides big and bright, changes them qUlck-as-a-wintc at th. selected Interval. Or, you can change slidH hy ~ contrOl ••• mancKclly advonce and .reverse. ,',. even YOU show. Many other features - get the who'e story /rere '.e -- ('" .. . " . , ,., . " ,:;. ' ~ I THE PlIIIUSHED EVEItY AT SWAlTIIMOII!. fI!NNA. PETER E. TOLD, JIIAlUORIE TOLD, Pub/v"Phone KJDgswood 8-0900 PETER E. TOLD, EtlitM Barbara B. Kent, MimaPtl Editor, Rosalie D. Peirsol Marjorie T. Tolo!, J &nuary 24, 1929, at the Poat Entered as Second ClUa . tile Act of March 8, 1879. Office at SwarthJ!tore, Pa., 1111m IITII' -·liIahl ........ ..' There;rill be a c8leb.:atloa of the l.uob Communion at 8 o'clockSunday morning. At 9:311 a aervle6 of Momlng Pi'I&yer will be held, and all departmel1te of the Chureh 11~~ehloolwill meet at th.thoui". There will be a service of Morn!ngPrayer at 11 :16 a.m. The usherS will be as follows: 9:30 a.ri.. - J. P. Espei,aehade, 11. ••• d usher; William Gaylord, al- . lA'ria'lY. Dlt. '11 Itt•., .. ". • P.M. . . . VWtor Pr.,...... $1.50 - Adull. $1.00 - Chi1cl,... . ,, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IDr. Roberta will be th~e~:~:;~lslons, E. G. Smith, and G. S. ValenAPPRIC:IAIION The topic of Dr. Roberta' sermon at the Chancel Choir's pl tine; 11:16 a.m. - W. M. Bush, at the 9:30 and 11 o'clock aerviees of ~obert Elmore's eantata head u~her; C. B. Blake, altemate; of Worship Sunday morning will Incarnate Word" on Sunday W. L, Cleaves, E. O. Cramip, TheoWe extend our. erafeWapPred-' be "He Comes to Comfort." The ning, December 21, at 8 p.m. Thia dore Evans, and J. W;· Jones. Alan alion 10 the Ihousands of fumnles . Sacrament of Baptism will be ad- ~s.·a unique combination of the Torrey 'Will aerve as ficoiyte at 8 who have reUed. on our ..rtIceo ministered at the 11 o'clock serVIce. spoken word and choral and organ o'clock; Kenneth· Wyse at 9 :30, and At the 9 :30 service Mr. and Mrs. aecompaniment. There are several at 11 :16 Andy Hopkins. JUchard Horikawa, at the 11 a.m. new settinga of lesser lmown Holy Communion will be celebraaervice Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dugan The work is divided into ted at 7 and 9:30 a.m. Woonesday. will be at the Harvard avenue en- Tile Prophecy, The Nativity, ·the The advanced Bible elass will meet -DIUCIOU O. _ ..... trance to eet the eongroegatlon. Adoration by the Magi, and the at 10' o'clock and' tl:e begmners (lhurch Sehool classes will meet Eternal Manger. at 1 p.m. . 1120 CHII'NU' STRlII 'at 9:30 and at 11 o'clock. .qifts .tor the i\Jmunciation and _11.-." •• MAlYA.~'I'I1;'1 , The Senior High Fellowship will FRIEIDI IEETI.aIITEI St.. Christopher's Church at 12th meet Sunday evelling at 6:30 p.m. A special Cl)ristuoas .program and Diamond streets, in Phlladel-. John Crataley.wllliead the discus- been arrangedfortheAdult~~~:~I~=~;;,:Will be p."aented at the'9:30 sion 'of the topic "Teen-Agers and hour Sunday. Walter Fla" this Sunday.·' '. . Their 'Billions." This group will present a program of Negro epiritqn Saturday moniUig, DeeemI>er ftDt ""'Bt on 'Sunday, Deeember 21 .uals; there will be readings from 20', at.10 o'clock the ehildren in the I·;· cir January 4. Phyllis ·MeGinley and Dylan Thom- second grade will meet to rehearae · The Woman's Aesoeiation Sew- as, and earols by.the wbole group. for the (lhristmaa ·Pageant. The litg Group owill 1IOt ""'Bt on the All are wl'lcome. will be held on Sooday, nsnai fourth Wednesday of this The annual Firat-day School 21, during the 9 :30 service. month but will meet on the fifth will take plaee Sunday afternoon Wednesday, December. 81, at the at 6 in the Meeting House•. CHECK- BRAKES...,.., FRONT ENtL-. STEl:RING . 1 time of 10 a.m. Monthly Meeting for BUISin'lSS I IHRllTiAl ICiEllt...TEI ,I :Ii." . will be held at 8 p.m. on Tuesday . The faqt that God's ca~'is ever , CHURCH SERVICES in Whittier aouse. . I plre'lJont and ever available will be EXHAUST SYSTEM - WINDSHIElb WiPERS . PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH out in the Les.son..sennon · Dr. D. Evor Roberta. JIIniater ME1HDDII1 IDTEI entlUed ''Go~ the Preaerver of· ., • Sudsy, December 14 The Board of Trustees will meet Man" at Christian .Scienee serviees 9:30 &: 1-1 A.M. - Sermon: "He this (Friday) at 7 p.m.I'lSUllday. fiRES Como toA..CMomfortCh"· _ L ,,_L ••\ followed by' the regular Proof of this divine proteetion is 9~.. u"'" ""..."" meeting of the Officia1 Board at 81 elnphalliz<,d in the' Sc:rIptural i ae9:30 A.M.- Women's Bible claaa; o'clock. count of Elijah's sojourn In the ,, College-Age Bible el888 Sunday School elasses for an (I Kings 19). 5:16 - 8th and 9th Graders ages will begin at 9 :46 a.m. There 7th P.M. Graders The Golden Text is from' Psalms 6:30' p.M.-8enior High FeIlow- is a nursery for iri1ants to two .(91:11): "He shall give his angels ahlp Supper. years during this hour. charge over thee, to keep thee in RUSSELL'S SERVICE 8:00 P.M.-Inquirers Class. J\t.the id(mtical services of worthy ways." { Wednesday, December .17 shiP of 8:-46 and 11 0'01001<, An invitation Is extended to aU Opposite' Bpi\O .p.,rking Lot.. '.7:30' P,M. ~ ~ounJ[ Adulte. Kulp will use as his sermon .. . . -, . ,. METHODISTCBURCH . ject, "The Song of the Sword: The Closed Saturday 12:30 P.M. John C. Kulp, Mlnlater Book That . Live '11....b Special Christ- Park avenue, at .J1 o'elool<.. ' Loula R. Schroeder lItInlater of Music mas musIc WI e sung by the choirs at bcith serVices. "I II8W It In the Swarthmorean." Sudsy, December 14 Th h te ere are t roe sep,ara groups 9 ." A 14 ~h ~ h S h I las aitd 11' "Mr~ K~~ caring for ehl~dren under win preach. supervision durmg the second wor2:30' P.M: ~ Family Christmas ship hour. Children of the two P rty. . ' '1.~ 1>" 14 J d S Hi Fel er. groups should att&lJd ehurch iowahipa:" r. an r. - with their parente and leave durinlr TRINITY CHURCH the singing of the aeeoncl 'hymn; Rev Stanley R. Weot,'D.D., A Sunday 8oh001 Christmas • Priest-In-Charge' party for all the famUY,lIP,onsored . Sudsy, December 14 by Methodist Men and the llOlD-1 8:00 A.K. -HolY Communlon. mission on 'Edueatlon will be held 9:80 A.K.-MornIng Prayer. ,Suriday afternoon' at 2:30. The pro.. 9.80 A:.M. - Church Seliool gram will inelude a earol sing eond ted b th 14" f'· 11 :16 A.M. - Morning Prayer. Wednesday December 17 De Y e mister 0 iMusle, · '1:00' A.M. ~ HolY Communlon and two sound motion pictures in 9:80 A.M • ....; Hofy Commuuion' eolor of Interest to both eqildren . , 'l'RE RELIGIOUS SOCItl'i and parents. Those attending are OF FRIENDS asked to bring a new pair df mit,SudayDecemlier 14 tens or lOeb with which to trino a 11:416 A.M• ...: Firat Day SChool. "Mitten and· Sock Tree". 9 :46 A.M. - FOrlJm Chriatmas articles will be deliveroedto needy children through the Fifth St. Community Centet'. The Jr. and Sr. Hi Youth Fellowships. will. nieei. for their regular 'eH,iIW.:t .Sunclay' evening meetinga at 7 p.m. - High ·School J! The Sr•. IIi Fe1lpwship will S. a · ship. , sound film-strip, "How We Gc)t . Monday, De4;eaalier 1$ . Our Christmas Carols." AllDay Sewlq 'or .\oFOS.C•. The Commission of · 11·[en.belrsl.ip Teesday, DecemlHir " atld Evangelism will meet at 8:00 P.M. ~ Monthly liIeetinC ehurch at 8 p.m Tuesday. Business. . . The Ladies' Bible Clasa will hold Wednes_, 'Deeemer 17 Let US keep your On in tip-top cOndition. We're its Joegular meeting and covered ~ Day Sewbqr for A.F.S.C. IUJleheon at the home of Mra. ready.·to it the :finest service-day and night. And FIItST CHURCH OF . ::'~::u~NiChOlaS, 3( South LinCHRIST, SCIEN'l'IST 1 to Your home clean-b~g, dependable, ecoAldan on Wednesday SWARTHMORE ·Park Avenue below Hanard nomical, automatic heat,' we're ready ~th the finest .Sanday, December 14 The Carol Cho,ir will rehearse at fuel~AtlantiC'8 famous triple-refined heating oil. ll:.!10 A.M.-Sunday 8eboo1. . 3:46, the Wesleya!' Choir at 4:16, 11:00 A.JI~Th. Lesson - Sermon the Cha~ Choir aU and the Chanustc&:vto arrange f~ Complete oil service. . ." .. . :r.~l!~ "G6d the Preaer- eel Cholr'at 8 p.m. on . PIElanEiIl.I".' II. lAIR CO. .Ihipeltion 1190440' . £aas. . You'D _ • FUll COLOR OR BLACK & WHITE-INDOORS AND OUT • LIGHT SETS THE lENS AUTOMATICALLY • AUTDMATIC PICTURE CONTROl! GREEN LIGHT TELlS YOU ''SHOOT'' • •• . REO SAYS "OON'T SHOOT. LIGHT'S TOO DIM!" • GETS 12 PERFECT PICTURES OUT OF 12EVERY TIME lOD GEUltTBIS .... Compact matching llashgun aDd top-grain lea !her ...... come with tha Infallible BIectric E,e 1:l1 am • outSt. __ I S .U_ 127 81m. '.eCamera·' .:1•••,S.Op· 4-6 Ridley Pa.'" '. . 0••• :-.0:'._ . .. , '_.:!.;"i. -,'. . ~_' ,, . Parl: Avenue Swarthmore, Pa. a.U1G LE ,. ., the bIltton. . . I 200 W, Ridley Avenue :' III!JIl. • iloelffor Just the~h"_ automa • AJl.:. you do ia pomt it pI'c. . .,. KlnpwOCNI ... '. ",' lb.• 290 pkg. &Ie lit. 880 dOI.43c ,. .", .-' I' ~ f.·,· F·IEED.ELIVEIY 'FREE PARKING .. ,. 3-4191 :'~ -' . ,> . ,. , " obo\ with Wo remUbble _ Bell. Eloctric S,. _ .Howell The IllfaIh"blto _ lilt 11• •-. 1'.. : ,'I" :-, • The Rev. Mr. Paul A. Miller returned to hi•.ho~t¥~n, H:arva~ !lv.... nue Sunday after several' Wel!b' fD Lankenau lIoaplb!1. TOOl ort'IISI,1IES &SII.VH1S .111 ami: mWAYI ._ burner :..,.. 8 p.JI., Beadln' Roam, C09 Dartmouth Avenue, _ . ..,. excea.t hollda,., 111-6; · day ewn1n'i 7-9. 7. Gall 11......11 3-1100 assure Wedneadal" evening meeting each 'I.. LEas 0' UNB .burner ..CaP SW....~re, ,. s. SIRV,ICI .r:!: ~ 'f===~=====~;;:;;;;;;;;=====~===;;::; ::!i~~~ FRAllFURTERS oil burne' gi.e I~g Hou~'8unday . PRO: pI • ex:::'~t '~ -"at * * r.iJ.. .:. EngliSh CHICIEII ROBERT d. ,ATZ,III'.·· 8;45 . TOP SIILOII ~~~~~~~~~=:~~~~==~~~~~ ~~=~~ · . liB ROASTS , ~bU~:n!t ~tr:~~~n~~li\:Fi:S A . &14 Y.Ie"I,.. '.'IS'.·.· ..,.· :.s :.11 .- Pr_ FINE FOODS • ~.tO LWV - Bac~hrnan's _~S~W~AR~~THM~~O~R~E:,~P~E~NN~A:::.,~D~E~C:E:Mlt:::E=R~12:::'.;.:1~9::5:8_Jltem,ate; Pierce MacNair,G. J. A. A. Hansell, Piecard, Jr., H. E. Ses- .State H ..... con~ucted I '. v ...... THB' 8WA.THIIO~B.U'· · Report on Recre.tion Be~ef!t Delaware County ~atiOnfor Retarded Children tHE OLIVER .. -. Contemporary O.ils on ' . CoD .' f t- ' . ege V' . '. Jew at Art Cente,. ~I..,mll!, .1.1 111111. . Delaware Valley Square ad roUe At the regular monthly A group of 30 on paintings b Writer Sun. u!~turday,D.e i. . . U, wI11 be Bence !.Mdera AMoelatlon an4 Ii )Il8etlug of the ,q"ra'"thn,0108.11*1re-1 youtbtUl artists Manuel B Y ' . ' &at of the 19&8 s•.rise of FoIk- an instructor at the Unh'eraity of _ badlllo, Steintor S~rdason:.i Kingsley. Amis, one of the lead- Sq~re Dances held at the Com- Pennsylvania CA Group. He baa adon AlI8OCiation 'Iut .Thuraday Georp Van Heste from th~ I eEra of the group of contemporary :,unlty Ana Center, Wallingford, been a leader of the Rose VaJ1ey night In Boro\Jgh Han. Mra. H. ture"'lue' Medlterr~nean town p e- ngllsh writers known as the An. ore Chriatmas. Folk SqualO8 Danes Group and ofWoodward McDowell addreaaed the TOrr8molinos, Spain are of gry Young Men, will speak at the This wI11 be tbe third year that fers a variety of Folka SquUe. directors on the Study of Public shown for the lirat' t' . being SWarthmore College Friend's Meet- Bob Mather has' been the ealIer. Engllah and Rounds in th~ Coun the at 8:16. His topic Mr. Mather Ia a member of the Style. Recreation In SW!'rtbmore, a sur- United States in an vey by a League of Community Art Cente Ro the wili"be Recent British WritIng" Women Voters eommittee of which' Wallingford. r, 8'Ora i T~, 36-yea:-old author gaineci ll Dr. tAmy Howland end Mrs. Mepalntings are be' . nlt...j attention as a poet but reDowell were eo-ehalrmen. Copies of ited at th Ce mg Wlb- celved his first widesnroe d enter through the nitio . . " a recogth e comml'ttee's report had been of Mrs. Donald A. K'ahn JI ,~IHn 1965 With bis novel "Luck , m . e haa written two other !Dade available to aaaoclation dln!c- Old Mill road, Rose Vall tora. The board heard a I08vlew of beeame interoested in the w::k :ho ~ov~~ ~:nee then, "That Uncenain this report, .with particular' empha- by the throee during a six m 0':" ee lD!l . and "I Like It Here". . . onth a ,He 18 presently at Princeton for eis on those areas where the eom- sojourn in the tin mittee felt that .",already eatab- When she returned ~ :"~rt to~n. t~e year participating in the Chrislished. recreation a ..oclation sueh Mrs. Kahn br'ought th eoun ry, tian. GauB. Seminars. famous lor the finest Meats" as 6RtA migJ.t iM the t' e representa_ HIB lecture i f d . 7 ~creaae l100Pe of Ive group of paintings with her for the publi • ree an open to Its'supervisory functions to include an e~lbit in. New York, and i8 c. U. S, CHOICE eoordination and adviSOrY direction showmg them at the Center, before - - - - - - : - ,- - - of existing ree~tlonal activities the .Manh.attsn ·dioplay. , ' . . Patterson. Nam8d 'Fellow (in addition to Its present summer th·Accorkding to one European critic - '. By' Radio Engineers programs) and, perhaps, organizae 'Wor of the three artists "re~ (The finrt rilH in Swarthm~.) tlon of new activities. nects the Andal\lsian atuoos~h '" George W. Patterson of DartIn future meetings ,the board ex- the Mediterranean beach with eib mouth avenue haa· been desipated U, S. CHOICE peets to seek .the viewpoint and aen- P.boneician fishing boats, the hard a F~llow of t?e'Institute of Radio timents of authorities in various . . of enamele.d groeen crop. and E?lPneers)l~,~ Board of Directors allied fields-teaehers and sehool groves of twi&ted olive troees p . With ·the eltatlon ''for leadership gnc- in the develol"l1ent of machlne lomc (Ground to Ord8f! - Pure and Oean). ' admin. istratora, law en1o-ement tuating the foothills of th b .. S. . . e aroe and 8 ·'.h· th . . ' e' officers, and trained recreational lenas". . W1~ Ing eory." The formal FRESH KILLED T"", paintings 'of28-year-old rec~pition will take place at the . directors-in an erfort to decide just what the board's role should Ma?uel Barbadillo also show the natl?nal c.onventlon banquet of the be were the boroagh's recreational defmite ilif1uence. of North Africa ID1Itlt~te ~n N~w. York March 26. (Whole or Cut Up)' activities to be more centrally su- where he spent f.;"or. than tw~ Be IS a ..oclate profeBlOr In the perviaed. years in study andpaintllig. NOt- Mooroe Sehool of Electrical EngiLast Holiday some womlln served· their families TurIteys that able, for its. lineal 'stmciure and neering and ,the Graduate School were dry as sawdust. and 'had no flavor at aR. These were the . "1 __ il m 7'~ 8W/J~" balance of color, Barbadill';;s work of ~rla alld -Sciences of the Unisuoo...fully eomblnesstroength and v.erslty of Pennsylvania. During f~ secand. grade Turl:¥ th.y thought they w_ get_ warmth, and reflects the symh 11 the war he was associated with the . LEGAL N01'lCE ting a b.arg~.'n ;on. :'NItKe .oth.,. women served their fammti mysticism of the African eo:.:. Bur~au of Standards in Washingfresh Turlieys,.thatlW8refiavorful, n.dntroUs aild dMiciolil, 1urUys · FIC'lUTlOUS ~-AME .The firm of' Cryer' and Wolfe Among his outlltanding paintings ton m the de~elopment of the' first that, their families .gnd friends raved a~ for· days afl .. waid" wdl bJ! oJ!8rated henceforth as a are the "Blue Matador", and "Pro_ fUny,~utomatlc guided-missile to be Don t),. one of thoselWho missed out last time. M'hy Hrva your used m combat. At the University sole propnetor by C. P. Cryer at methens". Theatroe Square, Swarthmore, Pa. family second best. at Christmas time wlien the best is avanable Stelntor Sigurdsson bo~ . of Pennsylvania he was connected Stykklaholmvr Iceland' in 1933 ~n with the development and COllStrueat Ba~man's? lO,!,er 'BCirly and be sure. Also Plenty iof Swift'" founder of "Hinlr U " , s tion of the 'first high-speed digital Morrell So Medfard s, and Burl:'s Hams .avallable - - - their fint ngu,an te d' association of painters· who are DOW compu rs,. ~D; 18 ~DW bead of the quality Hams, not· their sacohds, . considered the most l)!'Jlreaentstive syste,mB IOlrlc researcli section. ~::~'::::::~~~~====:---------------------- \ DSlIR IAYER'I of the pictorial artiste of Iceland. He I. a .membe~ of the American Sigurdsson studied in Handidas- Mathematical SOCiety, the Institute kolinn (School of Fine Art of Rey- for ~an~gement Seiences and the kjavik) and in Switzerland for Aaa<\Olatl?~ for Computing MachI.~'veral years and ~1I~lllfFan~ !nery. He ';" a Fellow o~ the Ameri- ...... ONCE. A~AINBY POPULAR .DEMAND. an annual pensiou from the Iee1~d :eBn A~latfun for tlie Ad....nce-· u, CHOICE •. ' . government for his work. m~t of ~clen",!, and haa served on . Belgian artist Qeorge Van Heste, natIOnal c~mmitteea of the I.R.E., the son. of a celebrated portrait the Frankh.n Institute, the Society painter, is 'the third artist ,,{the for ~ndustnal and Applied MatheMEDIIItI SHELL .WHITE group. Froin 'his wanderings mati~ and the National Research throughout the. continent Van Council. , Heste has del"eloped a distinctive ~-:::;;;;;;;;;;====;;;;;~­ Krah's Mayonnaise ........................... ........................... qt. 59c style Doth In color and &pprqaeh de9j>ite the loss of an arm in escap. Lus'ianne Coffee ..~ .........:............. _.........................-......... lb. 75c ing from the Nazis in Belgium dur- • ing World War II. '. Keeb,ler's CoconutCh~c, Drop Coo~ies ... pkg, 47c . Original contemporary ,design; NBC Cheese Tid Bits :.:............ ............................... pkg. 27c tiles imported by Joseph Branin, Eddystone pharmlcist from Born· India, aroe also being previewat the Art Center. . , 5RA Board HIP I ..... .: .$pon_edby Jr:Woman', Club' ., Produced by TIl. Ch....l Wotbhop .... .~ ' . 'News'a·bout the·~ New Rockets! ,. .' ... . Music, Readings Will. U.WF to HighlightAdultForum At Chri5tma5'Tea'5urtda~'1 The Christmas ~euo~ ,,;,Dl be . Dt:. ~uis B.Sohn. p~es8or. . •• pO lharlllg the CII'rIatniaa boll-'iK.,,)fr~. LoftrId&e'Ii.fatlMr and 'i' .... author hE" ' ad hiLI wire, at PLot" eI :' ~=::.'i!;'~' ~·i: apeildiq H1Ilmet cIaIi',tIIe )(~ aM ~ far .a.... .,. . i' . . IE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ISABEL'S CURIO SHOP . " . .' . 1211 Rutgers ..venue Thuma t M . . - '. . ed to be a tight one with 2 p.m." .. y a rs. HUgh Petfts spoke to the wantine to. win. t h e M... J. D. Uvrh..11· Swarihinore Gerden' Club at'lts re171 So. J"Che~ter' Road ,", bome the baco'l- Coach hostess..· . . eo- galar monthly meeting Iteld Monday plains that alth?llgh the "'!uad.. . . ,. " at ·the home of Mrs. Brodie Craw~ DON'T.· FEEL RUSHED! , eomparattvely Iilexp~rle~ced. ~t JHBEE .nEID ITATE ford .. Swarthmore ..venue. "ChristDrop in and enjoy shopping in a fromeliA:e . ' mas Traditions" was the theme of possesses lI!0r~ aglll~y•. speed. sldU and aggres,ivenesli, an~ ~ . I,!: . can '. . . ED"ATIOI .E~'I" Mrs. Peter'. tsik which provided . atm~)$phe~e lor that speeialgilt With. history. o>,.reom. the :1!lck. of. i!-e,ght d.. ~rs. Hal~ock Campbell, chaIrman a mood for the displ.., and judging advantage. sliould. be far .upenor of· instructkln of the Swarthmore- of the Christmas' arrangements to that of last year. Rutledge School Board,; along with created by the members. ~i~riinlJ f!,e. 15th we open every eve-,I . ..' .. Mrs Ernest Lew! dF' ' . nlng until tp,nstmas from 7 P.M. to 9 P.M•. J.V. Coach Danll Sw..n. has a . of t'he ,___ san. redYocum Under th~ direction of MrL Rav M diPM PM group of, boys. many ot """,I attended the mond R. Gemmill. project on ay . ; to 5 • • . shou1d. tum out to ,be gpod . DIstnct PenDS)llvan- man, the Club responded to an apTuesdays through Saturdays - 10 A.M. to 12 P.M. ball playel's after tJ:1ejr bave S Association at peal from the Swartlimo';'Com., . I P.M. to 5 P.M. given .the oppo~ity to learn.. ~~n don S ..turday. . munity.Nursing Service and dona. Klngswood 3-5554 expr.l1tlnce playmg the g~e. Jun- i ~her Educ..tion and Profes- ted. Christmas corsages to deeorate . ' . .. . ~ Iors Bart Schneider, John Wigtyn, S 0?A ~tandards-~ Local Res\Kln- fruIt baskets for th" sick and W. . . . Skip Darlington••ibillty' was the roam tJ:1eme of the needy. . . . d' F d' c!ol\ference.· . , . ' . , Bo\) WagaWLl, an re" ' .; , !.Announcement was made of the supply th~ leader.h!p, and appointment of Mrs. Robert M. mores Ralph Ben , I t.... C.rlat... T.. 'Grogan as hiatorian of the club hoff. Rickie Gwinn. Stan Beta lots Alumna ABBociation of . . ' . Steve :Hanaell. Art LOeben, Ru.. &S.PP" Kapp.. Gamma will hold . Mr. and Mrs L. W I Roge...nd Dick· J'ackson, will fol- the annual Christmas tea at the ..nd daughters bb' es ;YS,halron III lorw snit, with· some sound . home 'of Mrs. William Thateher of Menominee . ~'c~e an'l\ . . MiddletownRoad - Media, Pa. Opposite High Meadow mental and . !:molTow from· S .to 5 p.m., when Monday to (between Dutton MiD ROad and Knowlton Road) The teams thIS year will be man· X embers will bnng a gift for Mrs. Argo'. parents. Mr; ..nd Mrs. aged by John Seybold ..nd Fil- sppa sewing. . George B."TI/om of.Walllngford. Tree Trimming - Tree Removal lerand Dave Wilke 'acting> as .is ,Telephone CHester 2-7206 assistant. The chiet scorer. which Ask for BENPAl.MER Is another resp01l)libl\! . be ha."1died by .Gene M,,:lchElr, . Now on Hand i.n Quantity Jolin 'Pinkston has taken over and leads the RtatiaticaJ sta~. ~electiQn, of Choice Gifts gsme~Dlght W~at 6::411t'f'olll.~,,'A', . DOUCLAS FIR, SCOTCH PINE . ed immeYSQ dgipg"the .Jr•. llll'!hl, ., '5 South Cheste'r Roaif KIngsw.~o...d,'3-0998 . students will_have a better ,oppor.' . .,. . _" Open 7:30 A.M. - 9:00 P.M. Daily ' . '.' ". .' '(12:30 - 5P.t.!. SUndqj.) " tunity of ·seeing·:the'vldsity'teilm i n ' .' ..:" ,. .' , ,., . -.," , . , , ' " ~. ' a are f~ult.y "hai~- ~~e1Education Be~ard,Pau1. ·~-··f ~letzem, ~ ... S~'-'- i •••••* •• Rose Valley Nurser-Ie's, Inc. -****~.~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .' D 8P~nd' Chrl:tl.a:~:;: ag~ve play~' ,. ., .. . MEI'_-WEAR . w,s,. . . .', . .. • ". ;" .' Jillll'iS#M&"."lI!M' ... . ~ .. I' Cordu,oySports~oats - -, - ,- ARROW . . . . Shirts withCdl'lve'rtible Cuffs in Wash and Wear Fabric HICKOK BELTS SWAN K JEWELRY GATES' GLOVES PLEEE I WAY PAJAMAS ' . . ~ 10.95: . ' ; -, 27.fJS ' " '" 39.95 10.95 '-, "'. " !.' Jr. ,Assembly Cli:'istm;~ ,. I ':BOlS!, tEAR 'ItI&..'''' -..PM ... \' ,". I, ;!; '.+,' .. 'tI5I' SWEATERS and. EAR MUFFS '... SHI'.RTS Gnd TIES BELTS . '.' I .' ..., . JACKETS and GlOVES , " 4.00 & 5:00 '. . ' rWBI action. It Is hoped there will be good support for the teamil 'this year. ! Pal'l'i.s Set for - ., '-,J ,~ . .' . "f· .'0' .. " ." . . .' • ..' McGREGOR .Dri%%lerG~I.fer Jacket .' Nylon Fre~%f!)(-Jacket . No~dic Viking Coat: W<»91 a~d Nrlo'i'S~irts CUSTOM LANDSCAPE WORI LIVING CHRIS-rMASTREES . , - I • .: I ' /2 ',. . . .j •• Two ' New Auditors ,... . Sch' ". AUt'll . , ' Sworn in Mond'ay .' ~I . . ,onty " .• OOtt. t; , _ (c"ntinued from Pagel) . I. In Mo.. thly , to assist in the 1958 audii. Such The.' .JDllntbly, meeting of the ....i.tsil~e bas not been empl 9yed S_\'thm!lre-Ru~~edge ~chool Authin recent years. Cour.cil also an- ority, usually held on the first Monnounced it will .publlsh.'an'annuol day:. the' ,.teacbers' r8\Klrt on Borough oPeration and lounge 'ofthe 'Rutger. A,'e'nUle'l make copies avan..ble to ..11 resi-' tkhool on ·Monday e-venlng,Decemdent.; . ber 8. ; 'rhe finance committee re\Klrted Dr. S_uel T.· carp.,iIte~ and receipt (if ,12,000 in County aid onP.avid· .V.lIt .of. 'thli Swarthmore " Rutledge Union SChool Board; and road construction. Council decided to ab..ndon the Supervi.lng'Prlncipal Frank R. office of Bsslstant hil<h offlcier Morv cq:plailled s~ps taken 80 far following last month's reslgnatkln to_rd rebuilding the burned high of Mrs. Anna Seal who held the school. • ' post .for a quarter-<:entury. Dr. J. . MemberS· of tlie Autlior\tY said Albnght Jones, health offi""r. will they would ..ttend next Wednesadd Mrs. Se..l·s former dutle. to day's meeting 'of the BO ..rd in order his own. Dr. J one.; who formerly to familiarize themselves ·as thorreceived ~OO a year. will receive oughly as possible with the matter ..n ..dditional ,200. which was t1ie in' the bo..rd .hould find it ....istant·s .al..ry. beginning next nece••ary to ask- the Authority to month. . finance the project.· . The Company requested· The Authorlty postponed final that oCouncll replace its 20-year-old, acceptance of the new ell!D'~tary 6S-foot ladder truck with a 75-foot bui1dlng at Rutgers ave~lle' until . aerlal a,pparatns. Cost was estima- completion of several unfin'iahed . ted at $86,000 less $8000 trade-In jobs that were In the contract.··· value of the old truck. Council'ask." " ed the~ompaJiy to .ubmit &peclfl- WILPFRound Table' cations for the dealred .app..ratU•• • The public' safety ..nd highway On Ber,lin committeea were asked to InV8lltt~ The' Swarthmore Branch of pte the cost of placing a sidewalk WIILPF will hold the second Round on Swarthmore avenue between. Table discus.ion In the home of Che.ter ro..d anll ce.tar lane. Mrs. Roy McCorkel. 22.2 Cornell RI~hard Wr..y. resident of the aven....e on Dec~mber 15 at 8' p.m. street, asked th ..t the Borough per~r~cl>. Hilusen.. wl\,o ,l~- s~er , mit the cartway of Hillboi'll reVlSI,ted (!e1'1)1~y wb~. he, spoke nue to be 20 feet instead f th ~ m ..ny person. from 'both ' the usual 25 feet wheli it is pa: d e · and.the West Zones,.wilUe..d . e .' The .pubUc safety comm'ttee the discussion. on "The Berlin , w a s C · · .. F·ds .....'1 h asked to investigate the'desirabil-. r'SI.. nenaa """, as usity of hirin.g a m ..n ~. . ht h'ours'bands of·members; ~orelg , , "...nd,:(nends "" a day to check and repaIr .• :park·,ug be mo.t welcome. ," ' . · meters at '1.25 per bonr. Councilmembers H ..rry Wood and .IIIlL CHaRAL "IIERT 'Mrs. William Huey will try to see .. ' lIalDAY ·.IDTIEIDAY that the Borough lot 'on Cresson The Annual chrtStma. Coll~ I, · Jane I. tied now th..t the stteet has cert of the Delaware U01inty l::boraJ been impoved bYp..ving. Society will be presented Monday Fifteen dogs .were apprehended and Tuesday evenings ..t 8 :15 p.m. by the dog cateher during the past at' the BeVerly Hills Junior - ... -, month. School Auditorium (fo~r Upper D..rby Jr. High), Garrett ro ..d and '.1 1111 1I••tll, Sherorook boulevard in Upper \ The Phi Mu Alumnae of Swarth- D ..rby. _~~re will hold Its Christmas meetThe eoucert is under the direction ..... at the holite of Mrs. George of Dr. Clyde R. Dengler', assisted Dunn of Cresson lane on Mondsy by the assocl..te direewr C. R. · at 1 p.m. They will make toys fo; Dengler. Jr. R. V:ivian Walton fa .. '.' the Delaware CGunty Child Day the accompanist. ' CareCen~ '~'----'--------.. Mr. and Mr.. Robert D. Hulme . '.' ,I(r. and Mrs. Leonard Loveridge and BOJlB Randy and Mike of H~wr· .1IIld their children. Christine, 9 and ford place returned on Monday · ..' Lalalta, 2, wbo moved November 1 from· the home of Mr.. Huline's ". from Pzovidence. R.I. to 208 DIclt- pa~ta; Mr. and 1Irs. H. E. Xen~ a")U'ue 'will have as theii' ·,..n DflJpPel' JlOIlteiair, N.J. ~:~ 1.:'"1 --..:,...." ','" uhered in. SundBy' with a llpecial mternlltlo~al law at. Haryar~ ~w program of m~ie -and readlngll at School. wIll speak on .the !,:<>p~c . "Peace on Eartb - Dream or ,~al­ the adult forum of Sw:artbmore 't tnt th Ch' tmas 'T to be Friends Meeting. . . IY a e "ns . ell, . . given by ~he combined Del"ware Steven Gilbom. recently awarded County chapters of the "United ~!l first .prize in the Potter Poetry W"r1d Federalists Sunday at 3 p.m Readln.~ c"nte~t ~t the c?lIege. will in tjle. Parish Ho~. of Christ · read A ChIld 8 {:hnRl;mas" in, Church;- South -anethanldin .treeta. Wales" rwhich 'Dyla~ Tbolill>8 "P'ote, .Medla. '.:; .' ~" ',., " Professor .sohn participated in · f"r delivery by himsell over the British. Broadcasting qstem; Thl. the San'· 'Frlinc\sCo' Conf~rence will bee sliortened vei;aiiin of:· the which established the 'United Na-.ppe..ling. small ·boy.' reCoUectkln 'tiona in 1946. and·'served as'jegal which Mr. Gilborn read with great officer in the United N..tions. Seceffectivene.s last· year; at student retariat during :1950 and 1961.· He assembly (c"llection) just before has edited two volumes dealing 'with International larw; end 18 cur, college closed for the holidays. Tw" groups of apirltuals will be rently giving cour..... in. Ulnited sung by Walter Flagg. Negro solo- . Nations Law. Problema.. in . 1st of Philadelphi ....whose inter- Development of World order, pretation.. are notable for tlielr International InvestIjlent. .' , sensitiveness and beauty. Mrs. Thi. year, with Grenville C~ark. Henry B. Coles of Walnut lane will the New York lawyer whci de,velopact as bls accompanist. ed the conscriptkln pl..n ilsed:durSelection., gay and grave, from ing W"rld W..r 1'1. 'he .published Phyllia McGinley'. new book and "World p""ce Throligh, World "ne of Henry V ..n Dyke's tm'.eless Law". the "uteome of yellrs . of Christmas me.sages, will be read by s~udy' and extensive consultation ~rs. Roland G. E. Ullman. WIth leaders aU over the world. Mrs. Laurence J. Sbabler will Dr. Charle. C. Price' fiI, liead lead the audience in singing carols. of the·Chemistry Dep...~entofthe Everett L. Hunt, dean emeritns of Unive~"ity ¢ Penn.ylvlloril.., will Swarthmore College will preside. Introduce Dr. Sohn. Tbe program will begin .promptly All who .are interested In bearing at 9:45. Visitors are cordially In- the discussion are welcome. to atYlted; tend both the HPeech and.the tea which .will follow. ~ ~r !. ~ BasA:ethtill TeomOpens' " .~,.,...., ...... ,'- lilt .. ",. Ca d . , . Leogue Play 'Tt:Jn1gfrt Th!l~Ciiele at. r en etUh :Hea,. . (Continued from' Pap th" bome of Mrs. W" Mark Bittle. Mrs. Hugh 'P.Ie.1 ..... hCear. Qr.:. Sohn ' Ij!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~===~=============~==~ •• . . ". "~; ' I , fhe Mc,ndlay I The Christm..sparties far' sixth, seventh and eighth gr~,del' I will tske pl ..ce Oil Mondsy. at the regalar announced,,: t~. "Festive decor..tions and refreshments will add to the gaiety of· tbe occ,asion.. It has been r8!1uestecl by W.!llter Keenan and the committee of the Junior Aeseml\lie. that the girls' party ...ttire be/Informal., Sixth Grade Mrs. Spencer Thompson, cl.... hostess. Wil1 be Bisted, by.,Jllrs. .James L. LI'rlJljra~)Jl1 and ltJrsi-MIIol"tJtl S. E~y. Seventh Grade - Dr. Mrs. R~bert c.. Gocid; Jr.; cliass llosts.1 will, ~ assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Enion and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie L. B ..lrd. Eighth Gl'ade, ~ 1111'. and ~rs. W.A; ,RYel'!'oJi",clUs' h08~ 'will be aBBlsted by :Mt-. and Mrs. .JosepbS. -Donovan and Mr•.. and Mrs, Carl B .. ::: .. . rns,· .; , • • ;' t The one new car that's 6 passenger size inside' 3 feet shorter, outside .. · " ) '2'HJJJ , , ,. .,LADIES'·· WEAR 'itisf"'wU~.,--. B~RBIZON and V)\N RAALTE , 'Slip~ ,':' ...': ..... '. Gowns and,:'Pajamas· Stockings'. . .' 'JANTZEN SWEATERS.' Gloves BUXTON WALLETS and KEY CASES • • '.;' I . .' •• , SYlorthmore Togg,ry Shop: serioua accident and resulting medical expense, could hit you anytime ••. probably when you least expect it. lure you·re 'protected againat \he severe' financial losl uBually ClIused by accl- ' dent.. See na about JEma Accident insurance. ....... I. T"., , . All Un .. oIlnJufonce' - a&CaaWta . . . . ..,. . . . . . . .&. " It's Your New Dimension in ~otori~g . View.the New today at... . : ',' " ; . t '); ... ...... ,.' . '. i . '. ~. ., . '-; - ," ~ : i '" . '. , . ' - ',' • Klilgsw'OOd 3~r833' . ' Perfectly sIzeci for your family: needs today.'':> Parks on ~ ppstage stamp, . dime 1?' Peak ";'~..fonnance for miles and miles on a hatful of turns on a · . ~ .. "gular gas. 17 Beautifully styled,. richly up'~~1stered, ~tefully :~pointed. ~ Costs less to buy, far less to operate. Spwt •• ~Senslble ... Spmted. Trouble, iJi the form of a • • 'IRK AVDUE,· , , '. TROUtE COMES WIU LEAST EXPECTED " . '. ,- .. :' '.\ ••. ,. " , , • •'08BA'M., .' , Swarthmore-Rutledge Sehool News' '01~ Canteeft lack at Rutgers' Thundaynleht of lut week '''"' 1 School Tomorrow Night The 'Elementary School Chorus and oQrchestra will present the 0 . nual Christmas Concert on Thunday evening at )8:30 in the new auditorium at the Rutgers \/\'venue N... dreued .....,011. wulut Week. 8eYenth p-aders ~ the crowd Tomorrow night the Garnet Can- held ..,d a JrOOd time ..~ evident. teen will resume meetlns in the ChaperOlUl this 'Week will be Mr. alloflurpose room aalut year and Mrs. R-,lph Yoong. Mr. and In the Rutgers Avmue School. The Mrs. Herbert Michener. and' Mr. Boydell·s. cailed the "hottest" rock' and ·Mrs, Charles Martin. Canteen and roll combo In the county. will expreeBes its appreciation to the appear at thl., Cantee,Ii whkih chaperons ..ho graciously contno,. h S d to be6ne of the biggest ute tell' atur ay evenings. Cannights of the year. teen could not function without l!ecause of the "opening'·. this their dependable and friendly alwill be a "drees-up" night at Can- slstauce. teen. BoY8 are to wear coata and Studenta from the Canteen have ~ea and girls are asked to "pretty- asked Supervisor Anthony Pinnie up" accordingly. Due, to the ap- to publicly' express the Canteen's pearance of the ...mbo. the admla- thanks ReV. lohn Kulp and the sion fee will be, raised. Swarthmore Methodist Church for Canteen directon wish to express permitting Canteen ~ use the their appreciation. of how well .Church· lIall and to Sextpn lohn to over. 200. dances were Miller for his assistance.' 11am Diflo are now attendlne Edge. moor School. Folsom and Patrict. Ridley 'TownShip ,youths were .Diflo the seventh grade ·at . Ridley ~reh:!.ed bYp ~o members of ore 0 Ice . Township lunior High. following ..a the family's moving from Prea!dent stealing. apare wheel and tire avenue.. Rutledge to Folsom. lef1f- the automobile of Baker Sc=·chOrus. which eOnlisla of the roy Reeves haa transferred from ton. 130 ,Rutgen avenue. One • Ixth ." -'II In I de I Ruth Abbott's second grade to the hoys .... heli! under .$300 bail entires. gr....e ..... cu n '. f rt th oth th bel " Its numbers ',iTheCarol of the Springfield. John Schumacher. or cou. e ,er rea, ng Bells" "Slei~h'Rlde" "The Birth- ninth grade. has entered Phelps under 18wer!'turned~vertoJuvenday a Klng'·. and' will combine School. Paoli. Charlel Lied of' the lie authorities ~ MedIa. with the orchestra in a rendition 11th grade transferred to Cbeeaof "Green.sleeve Fantas..... Parents peake City. M d . ' . Swarthmore residenta figured In Z three motor accidents. with ~ui-ofand frienda are cordially Invited to The Rutledge PTA Will hold ita towners between Friday and Saturattend. meeting al;,. the Rutledge School on day afternOons.~ --.~. " . The Rntledge Schllol child& ~n~ Decembet 18at 7 :80 p.m. The childAt 6 :25 Friday on Swarth, joyed an unusuaf assembly Friday ren will entertain with a Christmore avenupt'near College avenue when the Nutcracker Suite by m",program. the car of Euiene Melcher of KenTsehaikoWskl 'was preaented' by yon avenue struck the rear of one film and record. . . A traverse rod baa been installed in front of it 'driven by Alphonse .All 'music classes lire rehearsing on the stage of the Rutledge for the Christmas program In which School. Mrs. ~ol..nd Bohe and Mn. Digiacoma 01 Coieeei!:lngl ,,' ............. ' . . . . . . Octa• ..a .....~. ' ~ to"'~, _ of _ ... _ _ FOliWard Six; Backward Six' • and __ along 'Swarthmore avenue. No /n"Pop Goes the Weaael". Ducky Assembly juries were reported.Tlie t;ev.!tti _~I\''''''''' . Laura Enion.,Lolly Bullitt and Two especially nice assembUes car had to be towed ...i-y • Op.. D••, ••11 , ...., 10, .... • • IH.It" '·INT . Bill Carruth dlaeuesed the various I were sponsored on consecutive . , square dance movements used in weeks by R1>th Abbott and Mrs. Morris Meets Morris the program. Anne gave Jet.... ff f h hm At 8 :60 p.m. 8aturdav on Che.the Bible reading precedlng the an .uro 0 t e SWal't ore J elementary faculty ter road 'just south. of Rutgers square dancing. . • consisted of nn4l>the ca';' One' ~f the Mos~ Appropriate The first assembly •• of Morris J. Schanb two movies _ "The Ugly Duckling" 653 Juniata avenne and Several students have transfer. ~aJ.ld "~. Wsy for. Duc1din...... Spielman of Chester collided. Both ~h red to other schools If'tbln the pasJ; During an iDts-'--lon M.iss Abo we.... able' to be 'driven, aWay; < couple of months. Jeanne and Wil- ..'~. fir"" elng unMn.· Groff'. clas. was reepoti- loaded at Rum.ey's Garage on sible for a marionette showgiVllD Sonth ';::hester road at 8:80 Sunday y the mother of Christie Fairchild. evening was extinguished before " The handsome marionettes were firemen could respond to the alarm. tP~14"Mt KNOWS Carpet. Plans have been, announced by made by Mrs. Fairchild. This group "--Frank R. Morey. supervising prin- of, second graders' also presentad Several· Swarthmor& College slnlI00 Park Ave•• Swarthmore. Po. / ' cipal of the' Swarthmore-Rutledge se"eral songs. . '. . ~ents apprchended by local police . Kln9IWood 3 _ - Cl-eatbraok9-4646 Schools. for notification of parents. '" ,upon complaint of residents at midteachers and pupils of sebool closRepresents St~te night Friday,were given, hearings Ing if such a stap is deemed necea·Monday· af'ternOaD.· One{'who' Ii'ad sary because of deep snows or Adeline K. Strouse. teacher of been pronounc9d intoxicated by Dr. other hazardous road conditions. French at the high scltool. attended William Rialshortiy after the If weather conditions are such the National {)Onference,of Ji\.e In:0up.was piclr~professlonal training: In pOlntmg out the obJectives of (such as a pre-medical program) I ~g~~~~~~~~~~ such lin undergraduate summerre- tbat' otherwise would not be posELNWOOD Ii search program, Dr. Smith said: sible. . HODGE" CARTER "It is upon the qualities ·ofmlnd The' Dolflnger.McMahon which research develops, the learn· dation was established in ,1957 to Ingabout one's self and one's sub- apply Income for ·Charitabl,.e~:~;:11 BalM Ire ...... 'h A.... · ject bronght about by sustaihed In· educational purpOjOes,and 'g awuo..n quiry .over several months, that the have generallY"i>eeJo:.made in ".'Istlll Air ItIlllltltHr.. ........17..... W........ Sw,arthmore faculty will place em. greater Philadelphia area. 'Jones, Elm avenue, is ' r-. for Swarthmore. Tbe student chai man will be chosen shortly. . r. Belvedere J_. a Co.'......1d I.a· b C.-I SSI FIE. II.S ... Q1det,. 1M heeIJea& .e. WlrIIr. • Ne I 'Ie I Can .4-HO•• IE.IIR · . Klngswood 3-0272 .. Fret EIt...... · MAdilOn 6-9937 LEhi£Jh 4-12'" CONTRACTING 'lid ROOFING CARPENTERING CHESTE. BEE.E KlngswooCl 3-1426 Warm-Air Heating . .Air qondjfio~ing Sheet Metal Work ,General Contractor TILIIII FLOOBS - PLA,STIC HODBBN KITC8BNS ALTBRA.TIQNS Irars .' f40i ,Rf~ley'Avenue ',1<1. ",,"1.&.1'" CHester 2-4759 CUITOM IlllALLATIO.I., H. D~ CHURCH .CONSTRUmON . I PARI AYE., IWARTHIIORE · RESIDENTIAL AND '''COMMERCIAL KlngswOod 4-2727 Provnorth.of Rose i PICTURE FRAMING PORTRAIT STUDIO " ILTERAlIONS. J. F.BLACIIIN '. Klngswoocl' 3-6616 , Pbotographic Supplies II. STATE .,' DlONROB 8T8. JlBDIA DAY and OIL BURNER;: SERVICE: •. MONDAY mo "TtiBDAY ·DiLud, . SI.I FLORIST • LOwell 6-2176 OPBN PRIDAY BVBNlNOS • , .. NOON 81JNDAYS . . . and-.HOLIDAyS '. ~:1234 l:tega•. an el)gi;'eer from Mexico. t'h' at ,,,eto e.1' ,1 taOmOdIS., , of the seventh. eighth- and ninth w·h'···' r' ,'.. 'M'r.and .', . Mrs. more than . e ·.an ree hours n~n t~~-, In wa'l:arl 0 IS now'IVlngwlth' or th'e grades. Mrs. William Ciark, guid- Robert G te f Y ~., "_II.l0oh" ,rs 0 r",?ts. wil! snio>1..rl);., c .. ' . . BlIce colln""lof at the . high schOol. an .. · ...... ~. Ip , "We di tll~' '. ' will sPeak on "Guidance Testing~ .df' ... "ted'" 'ith 'th ' B '1 I g e.e tree. WIth a solid ."" ," 'Its Interpretation and ~pplica- 6t~U;:~~ ,Wl. e arto n- bllll. tied. with b\!rlap and atriJ!g, ,', each tree has an adequate tion". _ . ' . ",_ . n·'" 'lh" .' '" . ", .. ; ;' : . , p,., 01' ,to ,'. ~..J!ing. many of the ' We feel ~hat j:~~~~~'1 . ,,", . ' ," ., ,.. {' .) <" . I ..... ,On, February 18, guests were entertained at into a 'small ~ub reduce , ", -. " : Mrs. Be••. B. Lane. w\,IWr. educa- by members W.I.L). ""x,; .' of. • . tor and:'lecturer, will SPeak to the '.: In" ehal'il'e of dl!QO'tations ..,~a. "., .' ", p are llts .~f' the: fourth, fifth and Mrs; Er'ici Hauaim. Tlie.r8freshlnent . To !protect your.floors and rugs sixth grade.. Her .ubject will be committee included Mr.. Philip heavy. waterprodf. 4 mil.' Poly"The Pl\reljt's and Teacher's Role Mayer. Mrs. Henry Hoenigswald ethelene. bags and.8quares, aa well in CoDferel!ces, Homework and and: ~r8.B;ellriettll Brnce; Mrs. as, ~tandard. galvanized, tubsl are LeI.ute '~Ime". ,The !ourth and' fi- James ,Richards ~~ gener~1 cha~r- ;:J!abl~ d at reasonable. prices. nal meetlDg will be Tuesday. March man :tor the affair. Carol" Zlnn en tIe around ,the stem abo..eJ 3. when Mrs. Maria Shelmire. .presldent of the Swarthmore Col~ ball. the· Polyethelene will re~r of Family Service for ~ege, International Club, a.sisted "At~e iwa~h l~" of the tree. ,. County will dlecuss " R i c h a r d s in making contacts ' ~v ng . r tmas tree is also to School and Pee1'll'1'for with college students. , flrep~oo: than,a cut tree. H kindergarten. ·first. 'Second ., ' , .. , f c .o.en -, keep.its third grades. '. . High Chriistinas ' i wa ~ or your better safety." , . 'II" ,December. 4tfl ~he s~~ Blr~. W~ingford" l.r i~rs~.~M~I~ch~a~e~l~th~il~B~w§ee~k~e~n~cL~ffi~~'~'~'I~sa~w~i~t~in~th~e~§~~~~~ 1 Wh'en 'or'lf 'in' Doubt .". ~ o~.;th~ ~u"-tval·. ... :ee "Jr. !All of these meetings will be Asscm bly Dec, 1 ". In.-the all.purpose room of the RutRobert Mut;Ay, a sophomOre , gers Aveil1j~ SchOoi'at'!! p:';': . Billy 'Ryersln; wlthila}' th.. iead_H~;nnto~ College; Cliriton. 8pel1dt These programs have heen ar- ing role in the play "Chriiitiiuili')n wi next holidays weekend with to the, arnve Chri.tmas his ranged"b, thl!: ~UA!atlon committee the cobbler ShOJI" to '1>Il 'lI~eseiJted ,parents. Mr: and' 'Mrs; Robert Mur. to further the" general purpose. of in the 'hlgh "gchoOl' auditOrium t . committee which'ar-eta' provide day. Deeember l!fat 11 o? ali educational program that would cast include. Sandra': Althouse, be worthwhil~ . to the parents and Helen Mon-i~l\... Carolyn .M'~KlIn·1 ~ teachers of Swarthmore. to wor~ nell, Sam Wick., Michael Re'lib.mclosely witli the' school, and' iiui .. ..Gai\,~ !llld Joalilis' .DOiiovan, Parents Council, in order to help WJ!bam .. \laru•• 'and .Louise· Lichcoordinate,' .al.l~ Wlify the adult edu- tenblJIg. ..,.:' ., ; .... , cation program in the school. Each The Juhior Hlkh 'String 'Ensemprogram is .desigluid '.t. ", ;./ 'f'" "'{ .;" .... . • • ,' ."'~" I "} • '. " .,.: '."' ,': II '., . ........ .J' " '. . ~. 1 '.,+ .' .•.. ." '.: ~ • :. ',' : \ • ':.' :'., • ~. • " \ • \ t, " ;. =. \ \ , ,'~. ~ . .~,. t, , ~ -. •. • ' ': (;~'s~~~t/Je,~, ~.:, .::>. "I saw it in the Swarthmorean.'· ,. ". ',.' " I . Envelop~s' - .StatiQn.~;y. (Busine~s.·J~d .. Personal)· ,~,' "TiCkets '.~ :Filin9~or4s -·:'~'::~'.fOgrams., "Bookleb' -. Postal CQrcts~~·:.Church·.~·Bunetills··' " . Announcements' (We4~iigt "i~tB~~in",.PI'9~~~al~· .' .' Publications; (School. ChurCh;'.~tio'n~). ' , . ' . , ; , ., .' ;' _ " I~ .' . '. . "'." ...., • , . i ,.: . ., .,' .'. ,. ,'- • ,.. '"t .• , , .J'" ' " : .' .. ~', ,I.' ' I ..... " I· .~ . .'\' ' .... .• . , ,." Wt! WOUl((Appr.c;Gte fhe Opportunity to Quotelon Your Work", Call .'. . . "llngsw~tt .3.~1291 .. .. " .' . LETTER"RESS:'" " ' .' .- ..~~ "" .... ' OFFSET ",SWARt'H::MO RE' ···PRINTI·NG.'·, (0." , . . ."'printers 01 The Swart;'morf!an" .. : ' . - , ... .;.. ·.ID."UTI iVL' I .' "(. CI' sWarthlllDN, PII. .,.F'" ~ ' ,., , . Col" Ele. lew Library Petitions 19.1958 Trinity Chooses New petitionsa~GVailable at the Swarthmore Public Naminaflrig ~he Rector Dr, Ziminer • EARLY DEADLINE, Ie. FiII.. . - ••Sch..1Boa.... awe. ... I The Swarthmoreon joins the Library Q.esk for anyone in the Rev. Layton P. Zimmer will Chri&tmas rush with the ancommunity who desires to' stand. be Instslled as the rector of Trinity nouncemant that the Christmas Incumbent Officers • Church on Thurodav• January 1~. Pree-ut'lon-ry • 'e-sures'I for eIe ction as a d lrector of t h e . . • "issue. will be published on T...... u U IY1 u Re-elected for "-___ 'atj · ....r. Zimmer comes to the church - . - ' Ou I' d b Year _Term rouoGI on or to nominate f day, December . t me y some t sta' d rom st. Andrews Church. WHEconomist and educator Dr. Arone 0 so n. mington, Del. He graduated from Th. deadline wm, therefore, Firemen thur F. Bums, prOfessor of aconThree directors wiH be '~ected William and Mary College in 196/! be at Ie) a.m. 011 Monday, ~ "he School Board d.evoted a fiveomics at Colnmbia Uulversity and at the annual Public' Library and from the Episcopal Theologiesl ber hour session Wedneoday nfcIat former chairman of the Pre.ident's on January 24 and 26 School, Cambridge, Ma ••.• In 1965. cem 22, press day. Any ma- chiefly to approving plana and fiCouncil of 'Economic Advisers, was In the LIbrary. D. Mace Gowing He has been Curate at st. Andrews terial which can be in today, nancing measure. for rebuilding ele::ted to the Beard of ManagerS now serving his second tenn a~ Church in Wilmington for the past Friday, wiD be the best possible the bumed h!gh school. and conof Swarthmore CoII~e; announced president of the Board, and three years. _ Christmas gift to the Swarih- sidering means of preventing fuClaude C. ,Smith; pre.ident.Of the . Howard' H. Williams, reference Mr. Zimmer is married. He will morean 'staff, and the Swarth- ture fires. . . In the, first instance Architect board. ifo'l1owing the annual meet- librarian' at the College now assume hi. new duties on January morean·s printer. . - 0 tn' December. completing I ' • Or. d Robert E. Spil- 15. The deai:lJine for the . New AIex E' Wlng received 'approv.I of }'"", • cti M rd I Year issue will also be on Mon- f'InaI dra' mng. f or t he rebuDding At the same tl'me', Mr.' Smith an- fer s___ unexplre term,Hwill stand nounced four other new 'four-year Joreb,."...,e, on. rs. owa C. Yu e Baskets Spread day, December.29. . ,antcs 1 tPleat.sed the Board with hia appointments to ttie board:' ,a an, firesent treasurer of the .C . ._ ' . a es Imate of grosII cost, $628.Robert Bro}V1ling and Dr. Charles' bocml.wi .retire f~o.m the.board. heer for Shut-Ins QOO,. which is $40.000 lower than c; Price, II!; Mr•. Julien Co~ell _ .Nomln~mg petih~ns must be 'Mrs; J. Franklin Gask'lll and I I 0 0 lree , '1n them on November 19. ~y R10d 'nOmmators H 'd he h,oped the, eurrent Ina'f'Cent raI V a IIey. NY .., an d Mrs. SIgned filed ith If H' h and 'Mrs. Mark Bittle. eo." Robert C. Turner.. ' , '. ~ u 0 IrsC ,~ec~ chairmen of the holiday cheer comII IJ 0 chnatlon of hld~ to run .below ~udTwa Re-el- _L_ ~ tory of the boa~, 204 Benlamln 'ttee of gets would contlnne ntil afte the , ......... West avenuo, on or before De- ml the Central Committee of • Russian-Am. erican Track ' . u. r Re-elecWd four-year terms cember 31. the Community Nursing Service of local school dIstricts contracts ..ere Richard C" Bon!1, 'pri!.ident of Delaware County. will direct the Meet July, Inquirer were, secured . John Wanamaker.' and ,Alfred H. . other colllli1lt,tee members in deeD. GameS Februar j Members of the SwarthmoreWi11iams. former president of .the ratIng and filling Christmas ba." Rutledge Union Sehool Federal Reser;oe Bank of Philadelkets at,the meeting to 'be h Id to- Dr. J. Kenneth Doherty. director were preaent and expressed wiUingphia and former dean ofthe Whar. dsy. e o f the .Penli Relay ,carnival and ne.. 'to ,finance the rebuilding' srton School. • '. ' The ba.kets will be distributed by fonner Unlver.1ty of Pennsylvania it ,appeared impossible for the The incumbent. officers of the Francelia' Willis Stars in the Vi.itlng Nurses to the shut- track coach, has been named meet Board's own borrowing capacity to Swarthmore Corporation ..verereAd. bl P d d ' ins to whom tII.y give home nur.lng director for t,he 16th Indoor ~nquir- cover the, project. ,A repreBBntstive " mira y ro uee esre Thl's I'S a I' er Games and for the American- of Kidder Peabodv and Compenelected for'another tenn: • by then Central annua servIce ,per- Ru.sla~ . dual meet.· " . , President Claude'one-year C. Smith Of " Wilder Play formed Committee , gave preliminary bond. counsel to Philadelphia. vice president philip The Player.' Club has welcomed and the Community Nursing Servm:-::, sec- Board and Authority memIJen.' T. Sharples. secretary Mrs. WiI- the holiday season with a produc- ice. . . ?" a ome-an .• am. -,- !pOinting out methods of long run tloR as Iray and' jolly a. old St.' Other member. of the centt-al 188 'WIll be pre.ented In mid-July. savings to taxpayers if insnranCe liam A. Clarke.of Wallingford. and Nick hIm--.... Altlfough "The committee from Swarthmore are: 1959,.at Frankli? Fleld."th.e gam.. monies coul 4 be appli.d to payment treasu1'<\1' E. Lawrence Worstall of M'atchlmlk ;:;. t d'rectl _ Mrs. ,Arthur Blnn. Mrs James will tB:ke piace In ,Convention ·Halt of .AuthoritY rental for the 1l8W' Lanodowne. e 18 no 1 y con D M !' on February 13. building instead of heing ,ul18d to Arthur' F. Bums cerned with Chr~stmas, i~ !nspires augherty. rs. Wilham Gehring, Dr. Doherty. who holda a doctor- decrease the actual amount ;.r the Dr. Burns has been a 'profeBBor a spirit of fun and fe~ty that Mrs. John Good•. Mr.. William ate in edncatlon was Penn'. head bond The,firm W8.I asked to 's "artieuJarlv pprop 'aW to th Huey, Mrs. J. Albnght JOlles Mrs ' .,' " • of ",!onomics at Columbia Univer- I. .. • a ,n e Charles W L ken 'H Bi'" K' track coac~' from 1949' through ipresen~ more· detailed· an"I,.!a of ..... 19" Af . tIme· u 8. rs. l'I)ey '1967 afte '18 t M' ... _- h rte tenn low II" since ..... ter servmg as • , ' Morse and. Mr. Oarr \I P Str' te r years a IC.......... 8 o r " or average ·in·....Theplay•. afarce,infpuractsby • • a • .., r. nine as head ~oach. Hi. Michigan est.,and more advantageous sta. director of research of the N,iional Re....reh''!-or' is : 'CAi.lSANTA .·S.......oit· .•wo1\ .evel). il).!i<>9,f. ..and reimbursement factors invoned in" eIght years. be waaappointed pres- old E~gbsh ccnriedy•. A Day W~l1 VVl' door titles out of a pOSSIble 18. Dr. several posllble arrange_ts, at ident In'1966. Be served as chair- Spent • and .,.~s origmal\y d~ne In Santa's Swarthmore telephone, Doherty's ontstanding track pupils (Q>ptlnued on Pap 7) man of the advisory board on Econ- this conntry 10' 1938. Set 10 the Klngswood, 4-0330, has been at Penn inclnded hIgh jumper Wi!omic Growth and Stability 1963- 1880's. it concern. an old Yonkers, ringing lI,nd. rillging since Tues- !Ie Lee, hi. 1965 ca,Ptain, and sprin- High School Chorus 56. He is aleo a member of the merchant who employ. a "matchi day when, as he "magnifice""y" ter JMnny Haines. 1956 captain., • ' eonncil of of the Institute maker" to help find a wife. promised, it began to warlc.' Recognized as one of thef,!re- . In Program. , of World Affelrs and a directOr of The'ensuing action revolves around I Santa's list of children ,who wi'" most track and field authorities, ' The, S9-volce Hlgh Sabool Chorus the Nation-Wide' Securities Co. A her attempts: to "rrange not only to se. him on Christmas £Ve Dr. Doherty'. book, "Modem Track under the leadership of Mrs. Robert son, Joseph M. Bums. Is a senior .. gets longer and longer with and published in 1953, has B. the schoo\.muslc dIat Swarthmore: of, all those Wlth whom she come. every jingly ·ring., b~n praIsed around the world. lIe rec~r, has adde.i to the community Robart B own'ng . ., The result leads to one' "Can't stop. again also. published. at his own expense. ChrIStmas season in ....versl all. Mr. Brownillg; r a p~rtI\er ,with co~plication. aft,er another - with mas Eve," he puffed as'. he col- "Trac~ and: F!e~d ·~ovies.on pearances. .' Boo., Allen & Hamilton 'for '10 8bundaiJ~ Ijrlarlty, romance. and lected the lIst of ,parann who Paper, novel Indlytdual Instruction On Thu>'sday evenlDg, December hl5 own 11. the;chorus presented a Christyears. jc,>in'ld. the organization' '13 even am?ral ?r two mixed. in. '" called by Wedn8sday night, charts. Dr. Doherty of top track and fIeld .tan:, mas program at the meeting of the years agO after an'll-year lissocla- . France!>a' Willis .Is 'seen '111' ·the ."too much to.dc,>,_o many lettion with General Electric Com- tItle role and plays the part of Mrs. ,ters from children 'everywhere Ron Delany. ,0 Mother. ,club af the pany An' lumou f Ge .' to " Levi with a blend of shrewdness. hoping for, so m~ny tiling., re- Bnen and the Rev. Bob Richard, a8 Preobytenan Ohurch. . Frien'ds Sa I s 0d S rtnarthn ,wn wa,rnith .understanding, and per- mote control pompom g.unl, the first stcp in hi. project. La.t night. December 18, the' h we activ!more. spicac;'tf .."' . ,dolls with ,high 'he,els ond IIuijorD,r,' Derty oh ' an " he has beenCOlI. iI.\ltivean In alumni ¥r. •. _WiIoll8 . was ch orus 88ng a h a Ifhour progr_ tie. 0'f hoth" t"tu'ti H' to be 1m ~mely' gifted character ette boo'" telesc:ap'ic rifles, 'rac:- track star at, Wayne Unw,rslty, ,at the annual Christmas Party at tnS Ions. e IS a ' ' . . '.. ., th e A .' d' th Glbb H Balti fl< member of the Alumni 'Executive actress. P. lJarkin dOll!' well ker-ployers and' rackerS', Pogo· 'WI h. . decathlon eT h·· ons . orne, M mWorel p ;e. h Committee and the SchOol Commit- as her stem and unbending employ- sticks, "'iny new two wheel bikes. c ampwns IP In an 1929. 111 rs. e n1l!BD tee'of Ge' nnanu ' F' d" Sch I er Vandergelder.' It iii easy to see ,"T'ell Meg I have' n't t'lme t o ' ' will direct the chorus in Christmas ...wn nen. 00 • • ' ' Ch' ·st H· selectionS t the . High Sch I' and a.metnherof.the .' Independent I\Bhehuffsan . , d 'lluffs\1i.way about 'writebu.tI ' rl mal I!ltory . Chnsassse'J.'1 . tm aA ' mb, School.' Fund of Phi!adelphja. As the th.,t she her work this year. Gunnar; too. Mostly At Trinity Church ' . .' . ' . ' . a 'Sw'~re alUmnus he bas been well l!UMut for l1er.·.. ' , . . the:r',reall prettygaod, children .Heinrich Schut..' "ChristmaS .. H " 'B ,," 0 a member of the Alumni Two \If s elementa'! an I want to see them. ayery History" will be sung Sunday af- ' . 0 '! a .. H, and the.Alumnl Fund Committee. A echool t<;&cbers contrIbute largely In one:' he shouted. "Ask' .their ' temoon. ,December 21. at 4:46 p.m. , .J,.-Sr.Ch"stmas HOliclays member of therSociety of Friend•• snpporting, roles. Grace Yates por- families to caD Klngl'tO!!>O'I 4- ,in Trinity Ch\11'Ch Chestei' road Monde.,. evening. December 22. at he is serving as chairman of the t!IBYS Ennengai'de (enamored of 0330 by Tuesday night and let, at College .avenn': The 'Choir of the Womal)'s Clubhouse from 9 to fiBeal committee of the G!oi-inan~ LeWis B. Beatty as Amjlrose Kern- me know: who 'Wanh me anll 1'1\ 1l!en end boy. will sllig the' work, 12 p.m. members and 'guests or ensembie. nninbera .iMr.and Mrs. .1ames Erwin era The MethOdist Churi:h hostTbe choir is Jlnder t)1e direction aU a- u. : . will be ·Samuel· lohn e1ushosts fOr the 12th groide. 1iIr; " ass for the d*y With Mrs. Lloyd E. of Robert Gro0t,ers.RobI!rt Oar" Jobin. Peter' Weber.' .alid Mrs. F; S. Chambera:are"'" Katlffman...hainnan. assisted by withen will, proVlde the organ &CCHAILES 'I. WEITZ, Wrege.· ....nnos; .~tdOl\ ~ 'h!l"ts for the 11th grade. AIIJist\JJa . Mrs. Harry L. Bemard~Mrs. GiI- companiment. ·The role of the NarS Wertz retired' main- Bnell Scher. and WiIllBDl, Wrage. t"e ~Iass hOl!ta ~~, Mr. and Mrs.~. bert C. Cheyney and Mrs. S. W. rator wiU be taken by t!'e Reverend ,Charles, '10 ee ~f SwertbmOrealtos; .FranY Henzel, I!"lest, tenor; Roy Carro. and Mr. and·)lra. . Johnson. : ' ',', " D. Bvor Roberts, ndnister of the ten"nce !t Emb~e, Pa. snd Herbert Hall. Ra\ph Hall;'and Francia Plowman" . ,' . The DelIIt meeting will be held on church on HarvalCl " "nd CoHtge, ednesday morninlf.':.. WWiam 'WaUdna, ·_,8"'s.' , Chatnnen of iunior ABB_ . lIondqat 2p.m.Whlln,OwaD Har- Soutb Wresidence waS 606 _C\)ll. . The is cordla\ly tIlIi I n an lrr. ' - " an-. is cordially invi;, ' < , . , , ,.... ' _>. I ...........11 ·~3. ~ctio~ J I' O' h rty t 0" t e Cit. Sp rt EvenIs ',~, ~I Swarthm~re, .fo~ "IBIchmaker'" lindle, Jovial Holiday Spirit Ay.~ho~ y ,~~. ~n!:m~:onal ~ th~ .lAue· ~au'of'Econ';iniC T!Ioft9R'~ild""l ~,,,ponll ~a11lll ~!Jt- hi~ Ch"st~.s Fiel~," W~inman, ,unti~Christ- ~ovi~ 1n~ludlDg ' ·w~· ~.If Supply·::;lost :;~f . ,Jolr· ~"lIir'$·" . . ." .' . ,_'~. Pa., \ heremployer's~ifebutalsothelive .' , I / resea~h' r ~. : n :,.,. I •• t ~. ' .. Support Tu6erculosi, Christmas S.,I Sole THE SWARtHM S"I. "'II!: Mo~t SYlarthmo'l'e Support Tu6erculoSis Christmas Seerl lW~ch p~ve C~arles .Co~ncn S~ge too~ ,~~rry Swarthm~re' an~aroul!d nnl~g mel!,~an ~ ~omJng. know~he~5,beengood .~s. 00. Swar;tl1mo~e ~ens ~, I" countri~s, ~~~E.~: ns' a~11I! ~·road. ~mor:.s e~~~ ~ ~\:~~ , ./ ,- ,~."'.:-t'f '- .".' :j~ -:' ~ ~eJ."'1ltc. ;- ..,'.,' ()ti,te~-;~~~. Cal~; RcmnIe ~d = t>11~ a~ .:....,:".... - ~ ... .~. I b"ilN~ ~fo1" ~ th~~~:" .. _";,:::: . ,,>lr~;~~~~~d"-.".;.~~:'A,,.u. --.., . Rev.lohn, former :Mra;' ElwOod R. BvdIall of ford, are belDgeoacratulated apoa of the Swarthmore Great Barrinctop, ..... ' the birth" of their third ehDd, and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin It. White- Swarthmore College. Durilqr Chureh, graduated from :Maternal great, grandpaNllts flrtt son Frederick Drlnksr Porter leather with Jerry and Chrlatlne two year atay In Guam, the Hlgb School In 11165. are Mrs. M. E.B. 0u1lll1ngbam of on Tnuradar, December 11. mom Wednesday from 682 Magill made trip, to Japan, Hong Kong, She is ~w a senior at Grinnell Col" Park avenue and Mrs. Walter Mrs. David McCahan, Strsth lOad to 129 Ogden avenue, the for- Formosa, and the Philippine.. le~, Grmnell, Ie., ~here she Is very Bowen of Lanadowne. Haven avenue, Ia the little boYI mer Percy C. Webster house. Mr. and Mrs. LaRue Dendriuon aetive on campus In student govmaternal grandmother. Mr. :MareMr. and'Mn. Paul B. Banks will North Chester road have return- ernment and YWCA aUalrs. Mr. end Mrs., Frederick M. Por- dlth Porter of Rose Valley Ia the entertain at a dluner party this ed after visiting their daughter Mr. Goodrich graduated Phi 'Beta ter, 811, Smithfield road, Walling.. paternal ~ndtather. evening at their home on Harvard in Washington, D.C. Claire Kappa from Grinnell College , ., avenue; at the Folger Library lune, 1968; and is now doing • Mr. and Mrs. ,Richard G. Baig Of in that city. , u a t e wo~!< at John Hopkins U~I1-1 Riverview road will have as their IMr. and Mrs. Osc;ar I. Gilcreeat venity and. teaching at Seve... guests overChrietmas their son-in- of Vassar avenue bad a8 a School in Severna Park, Md. 1_ and daughter .Mr. and Mrs. C. the weekend, Mn. Bireh PolA summer wedding is planned. ' B. DunhllJl!. Jr., of New York City. of P·hiladelphia. They attended Mr. Charles E. Bess has moved 'Wedding in Collingswood on Sat'LEXAIDEI • .IIAD.EEI from 336 Park avenue to his new urday. .uun ITARI THE IHIIIT.'ITIOE home with hisson and family' Mr. Mrs. Frances G. Lumsden Of Mrs. EN 7A.M. to 7:30 PolL 'eluded 'HolJywood, San Francisco, for 12 da~ in'Florida; right after iDr. and Mrs. Harry M. w(,sklll MCllulay Through Friday Yosemite National Park and ' the New Year. ' o f ,4G1,Di4InlOn avenue announce leo City. Dr. and Mrs. Douglas T. Davidof .. daughter, Lisa Ann, BREAKFAST - LUNCH - DINNER Mrs. Frank L. Gettz is son, Jr. of Elm avenue will enter- on December5. The paternal grandC/osedSaturdGys ,and, $unduys atlng nicely at her home, on taln gneste from the Elwyn Traln- parent,!' are Mr. and lll-s. Max vard avenue following three Ing School at a Christmas Tea on Woske of Wyomissing, ,Pa., who will FANCYSANDWlCBES , in Taylor Hospital, where she unDecember 21. spend tl)e ChristlDas holidays and Speeial Children's Platteni derwent surgery. Mrs. B. Lindley Bosford, 816 ).t that time meet the new arrival. Personals arts la' a graduate, of the Swarthmore ,Prep School and • . BEAtrrY SALON ,Mr.' and' Mn. Georp Robert SHn and their youq son Gwzie I Robert, lr., of Promontory, Utah, arrlied Wednesday to lpend the Cbrlstmas holidays with their parents Mr. and Mn. C. MacDonald Swan, Dunminning road, Newtown , Square, and Mrs. David McCahan of Strath,Baven, avenue. Mr.'Swan will retum: to Utsh aftsr for two weeks. Mrs. 'SWan will her mother for two weeks returning with her son to home. Mrs. McCahan will entertain a few friends of her son·ln-Iaw and daughter tomorrow evening. Mr. ,and Mrs. Raymond M. VIncunas and their sons Ricky and _._- rt lAiEI PUll... ,I T8 PlGIECI IT, TOI ' FLIrt ""nn'nl la' needed to Indlil a lI9m_r a baaID... ,and only e"pert p""'nl Call properly, protect * - Yoq'U bave aactIr tile daht JdIIda enGuals of I b ce !\". . . . . wIlD JOII nJr , i ! I I ... ""-' •••••er" by THORNTON WILDER .. J UMIer ... DlredfoII of Paul JOSEPH W. d.FURIA "" .". IJONAU) H. PU6H ', Friday and Saturday . ....... . . . Dice"?',, 1, .nd 20 Cclll ' n.. 1120 P.M. 1_ oar .,..... pro_fl_ wi. p;a. (Ptn'II' .... 'IIi_). ~ , . .rLTIIt1 , All Unes oIlnJUl'Gnce _ DOl __ auia a....· a • •a. Klngsw~ , 3-1833' , \ "lem 'AII.rew" T_lcoI.. 7:15 P.M. ONLY "Me I. the OoiOlel" P.M. , 9:15 . ONlY ". . St.rtinl Wed. - Dec. 24 1st SUBURBAN SiiOWIN6 Caty $I aid ' Sophia l _ 1M M.... Eajoya.... eo... dy . you\oe ..... wll: , •• eI. . "I," ,'"rrnS'Ul '.1.4. Featu.--7:30. 9:35 "",unday Night Ooly - Featu_ . a, 8:05, 10: 10 P.M. ...... . K.llIQSWoo~ ,~~~ -' .. \ ,. Stop in and Browse Around Gloves - Children's - Gifts " Slips I Hose - Socks, etc. THE HARLOW SHOP 19 South Chester Road • STATE • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • MOTOR TUNE-UP • GULF GAS and OJL ROBERT J. A1'Z, , , MEl'S WEAR Ugr. RUSSELL'S SERVIOE Dartmouth & Lafayette Aves. KI 1'3.0440 Closed Saturday 12:30 P.M. - atthe >'-" COLLEGE' THEATRE , Saturda" Decemtier 2OIh, at 1:30'.1. . an All Childr~ 01 Schoo/ Age ,Ale Invited FEATURE PRESENTATION,. " "OFF LI MlTS" iOB HOPE ' tereophon,i igh 'Fidelit ' - l' the magnificent gift . .. '-"that keeps on giving! !Yf!ifYl5l''ftI1#'III!!'i.~~. I tlcisketballs, \VoUey Balls, FoOlbGJIs Golf Bags, Balls" Club Co'IlII'$, Etc:. Tennis Raeltets,PftSS8S. Balls EXposure Meters, Rash Bulbs, RIm , Gadget ~s,flash Attachments" ' Sedronic flash, TripOds SmaU Camerci 0uttHs, SCla.ns Elec:hic~. Movie Cameras 35mm, 21.. x 21/.t. Sub Miniature Comeras Slid. ~, Movie Projectors " ' Bicydes (QualitY feit' qualify th_ gre the lowest priced bikes for miles around). ' Bike Homs, llasjt.... Ughts, Bells, ' Tricycles, SIecIs.. ~,\Coasfel'$ PhoIograph Frames" lingle, Jo SIn. i! Dinly Toys~ 5teiff ~, BritaIn :.oiCII&rS Gimiy"Gln*He. JII,~ I Jeff Amadngperfonnance ••• budptprioel Compactstereo console with' matehinr second channel speaker system having record library spaoe for 110 LP records, Phonograph bas precision·record changer with St!'reo Diamond, Piek-uptwo channel push·pull amplifier. , aeparat\l variable t.e!>Ie,bass and compensated !oudness eontrols. 'In mahosanY, oak Or cherry finishes. , The conoe..... . qo"'ple" _ .... spta'" In mahOtJanJ' ' ' e .. ..,.1 .... ' S.-., "'atkA_, , , . THE" ,BOX 10 P.rkAY"n~e, Swarthmore, Pa. , 1...... 3-1. - ,...' ~ . OPEN EYENINGS 'TIL CHR,l)lMAS . . . . ' . i • • 'Swarthmore Tog,9Etry: Shop , Magnavox Stereophonic High Fidelity, is priced as low, as '$1"",9.90 , Kines•• '" 3;.f191 Cltrlsllitfls; &capt Dec• . Ope;. f.tMlngs , BARBIZON and VAN RAALTE Slips . Gown$ and Pajamas Stockings ' ., JANTZEN SWEATERS , Gloves ', BUXTON WALLETS and KEY, C~SES Hear the Magnavo:x: Stereophonic High Fidelity before you buy .. , there is a Magnavo;< style for, every \tting . .. a price for every budget, D o S s , " , , / ' PIaysiooI, ChdclGuld_, HOIgale ,Toys . PLUS MANY MANY OTHER ,ITEMS tOo NUMEROUS TO ~ENTioN 4.00 65.00 LADIES' WEAR TRY us FOR ALL THE 'FOU 8"1. ITEIS Microscopejs,Chemlstry a~ ,&ec:lor Sets H. O. Gage Sets, Traclis, Cars, POwer PQeD - • f'. 7., ~4tJ ' tM'7~ '1e'~' 10.95 27.95 39.95 10.95 , AtP~ . , CAUS.t SEVERAL "CARTOONS , , , ~tI - ..- - - . BOYS' WEAR SWEATERS and EAR MUFFS SH I'RTS 'and TI ES BELTS JACKETS and GLOVES AND , OQPD "I'ME McGREGOR Drizzler Golf~r Jacket - Nylon Freezex Jacket - Nordic Viking Coat Wool and Nylon'Shirts Corduroy Sports Coats ARROW, . ,,, .' " . Shirts with Conve'rtible Cuffs in Wash and Wear Fabric' HICKOK BELTS SWANK JEWELRY GATES ,GLOVES PLEEETWAY PAJAMAS • . , ' AdmisSion is ,a can of food which wiN .,. Donated to the needy families of, this area a.,.,.. ,,"" ~ , 'SPONSORED BY THE SPRINGFIELD AA' ·In Cooperation With • SWARTHMORE liONS CLUB - • I linlh Annlal Ohristmas lad_ "lH Broihlrs 2 DANNY KAYE HlTSlI . ../ . iI,! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .i. f~~rl:S~I;an~n~o~un~, , /Ii l'l~,/./~~i ,. ' DEW DIOP'III College Theatre lairamaZiy" III (I GIFTS for . . ALL THE FAMILY ~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~'~H"~~~~'~~:;;iii~~~· Mr. and Mrs. Donaldand P. bridge lones ' avenue serving as entertained at dinner Captain of the IsR.1tdiffe Mr. and Mrs. George D. Watrous, Satur~y evening at their home 0P Development Fund Drive. Srd, of South Ch,ester road, are reNorth Swarthmore .avenue. IMrs. Morris' A. Bowie of South ceiving congratulations upon the Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Knlsker.n Chester road was the guest' of her birth of their first child, a little have rece~tlY ~etumed to th~lr son-In-law and daughter Mr. and girl, Caroline 'Re%. She weiglled I home on RlverY1~ :oad ~ollowmg Mrs. Philip Rummel and Marsha six pounds, five ounces 'When she a three week viSit m KaIlua, Ha- of Chicago, III., over tlIII past weekSaturdsy, De,:ember 6, in ,wail, as the guests of their d.augh- end. Bryn Mawr Hospital. ' ter and f~mllY Mr. and 'Mrs. RobJ Mr. and Mrs. Blney It. Mone Mr. and Mrs. Walter Magee of ert E. WhIte, Jr. were hoste Saturday afternoon ,at Glen Mills, formerly of SwarthMr. and' Mrs. B~ker Middle~n an open house at their 'home on more, are the maternal grandparof Rutger~ avenue will ha~e as theIr Harvard avenue. ente. The paternal grandparente guests thiS weekend Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cad- are Mr. Charles Watrous aJ. New Knut Dahl of Norway. The igan of Elm avenue will have as Haven, Conn., and' Mrs. Muriel are completing an ~round-th~ their guests ,Mr. Cadigan's brother Watrous of Los Angeles, Calif. world trip and will ~rrlve at thell and sister-in-law Mr. and, Mre. -home In Oslo on Chnstmas Eve. Charles H. C&digan and son Ar- Mr. and ·Mrs. Riehard B. Burdsall Dr. and Mrs. Jerome B. Smith of thur of Bouston Tax. h ,Park avenue announce the birth N orih Chester road entertained at tomorrow to rem'ain tbr:u °h T '_ of a eecond son, Thomas' A~ball, a ~er.,arty Sunday for the f~l- day. .g ues December 5, 1958., The infant is a lOWIng guests: Dr. and 'Mrs. WtlTheJ. Harry Beckma of Str th granCtson of Mr. and Mrs. A1b8n lIam Rial, Dr and Mrs. H aven avenue will have ns as their I E. IRoger'8 o·• Park' avenue "r. ... M M dlin D d B ,ea ,- d urlug . 'h Chrlstmas holi" Mg, r.danM rs. F k Ch'a- gues.. ~ e nno, r. an ts. ran ap- days Mra. Beckman's mother Mrs. man, Dr. and Mrs. Larry Sterer, Alton B owera 0 f"to -'- and M'I,,.IE IU .... IPTIOil .g ne B a.n.Nr Dr. and Mrs. Barry Tamoff, and Mr. Beckman's father Mr. Robert Call ••• ' 0 f Ventnor, N.J• Dr. and Mrs. Mark Camp. , .... LLOYD L UUF~.l. M d M B 1.. H \ . II A . . . . r. an rs. enry ams Mn. Robert C. Goed will arcriv,e I '_Dad Of Prlneeton avenue and their son from plttsh h i t eek to mopect to apend SerVice the 8ubjcot of the Lesson-Sermon "The Song in the Sky: the God Who Day devotional birthday celebre. Chri8tmas Assembly will take place 9 a.m in the Sanctuary will be at Christian Science services Sun- Lives." There will be special Christ- _~ion for Jesu8 Chri&t, when each at 9:40 Sunday morning in the Sunday' instead of Church day. ' mas music at both services. At. the child receives a Moravian birthday Meeting House. Parents and friends sessions. Dr. Roberts .will tell a Matthew's. account of the coming close of the 11 o'clocl< service, the candle. Children will brill;g a favor_ • are cordially invited. Chri~tmas Story. The Primary and •., the Magi to Bethlehem at the pastor wiil conduct a service cif it.e tcip or costume received for The sewing groups will not meet Junior High Choirs will sing. time of the nativity of Jesus Christ infant baptism. .' Christmas., ~arents may dress In· next week.. The Child Care and Nursery De· be among the Bible readings. There is a nllr..ry, a Kindergar- formally for this service patterned U8her for December is Robert partmenta (ages up thorough three) The Golden Text is frolnPsalmsten program, and a Junior Church after the traditionaL Moravian clel. Wilson. will meet during the 9 o'clock. ser· (fl6:9,10): .'\All nation. whom tbou ·program for chi}dren during ~he abration and directed by Mn. Lloyd The High School Fellowship vice . .only the Child Care hast made shall come and worshjp second worship hour. E. Kauffman.. will bave a Christmas 'P"rty Sun~ ment will be in session during before. thee, 0 Lord; and shall glorThe Youth Fellowship groilp8 --------day.evening in the Rushmore Room 10 o'clock and 11:30 o'clock ~er-_ ify thy n~e. For thou art great, will meet at 'i o'clock for their reg· Dr. and Mrs. John R. Bates of starting with II> 6 o'clock su~per. vices. The Women's Billie . Class and d0e8t wondrous things: thou ular Sunday evening me.tings,'The North Cheater road will have as Following, an AFSC film will be will -meet at 10 a.m. Sunday only, God alone." Junior High group will 'Present their gueats this weekend Dean and llhown. After a discus8ion of the returnm'g to the usual 9 :30 hour on All are invited to attend. "The Lights iJf Ohristmas," a can· Mrs. Joseph E. Elgin of Princton, picture, the young people will go December 28. .. services at First Ci1urch of Christ, dlelighi servjce, -with paren~s in· N.J. Saturday evening Mn.-Bates caroling in the neighborhood. iDr. Robt!J;t8' sermon at both lbe Scientist, 206 Park avenue, Swarthto attend. The Senior High will entertain at a party· in celeAlumni of the group are invited to- 10 and 11:30 a.m services will more; at U o'clock. group will make .up fruit baskets brati0l! of >Dr. Bates' birthdsy. \ join young Friends for the evening. "The Light in the Dar~ess". _ , :.......-:.-:-=::-=-::-::-:=:-::;;;:::;;;~- Junior, the Senior and the Chancel CHURCH SERVICES Choirs will sing. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Carol and Candlelight Ser· Dr. D. Evor Roberta. 1I\nister vice will be held at 11 ''P.m. on Saaday. December Z1 Christmas Eve. On Chri8tmas Day 9:00 A.M. _ Family Worship the 45·mlnute Family Worship Ser. Service . vice will take cplace at 11 :16 a.Il" 10:00 & 11:30 A.M. - Dr. Roberte On Sunday, December 28, wiU preach. , B'bl I and Mrs. Roberts will be .. f i l I I 8Uldentoll . 10'00 A M - Women s lee ass 8:00',P'M' _ Choral Vesper Ser- Home or a co ege ,., ••/rl -rice I • .' • spending their vacation 'with " . Cbrlstmas Eve families a~ the Manse, 912 Westdale 11'00 A.M. _ Carol and Dandle- avenue. Any Swarthmore Coll~~ li~ht Service student spending the -boUdals JIl Cbri~\mas Day Swarthmore or its vicinity wi1f also 1116AJ4 Family Worship be most welcome. '~ervice' • Notices ()f two early January METHODIST CHURCH evenis are given wei, in advance. C. Kulp,Mlnister.. On Monday, January 6, from 10:30 John \ Louis R. Schroeder a.m. until 2 p.m. the Community , lIliniater of Music. Day of p'~ayer wUl he held at TrIn· Priday, December .9 Ity Church. Dr. Alfred W. "M•••.• 8:00 P.M. - Pain 'n' Spares rector of St. Stephen's Party Church, Philadelphia, will -lead " Sanday, December %. mo;ning service. lira, Wm.,rd Tn,,,.' 9:40 A.K.-obu."ChSehoo\e1aaIl8ll. Ilnaon.wUl ~'in ch4rge of the " 8:46 and- 11 A.M. - Mr. Kulp ternoOn meeting. ~ I.;ach. J d Sr Hi Fel. Also oli' 'Monday, January 6, '1iowahlpa: - r. a n . 6':30 p.m. the Couples' Club will Cbristmas Eve bold the covered dish supper meetIng In McCahan Hall. Lealie L. 8:00 P.M. - Candlelight Service lor, Admiral Byrd's hei~:::!1 Christmas Day pilot on "Operation Deep Add the new 47 SEl High fidelity Stereo unit to thl. beautiful 10180 A.M. - Christmas Blrthday will discu.. "Bold Journey to. Party Antarctic". Mn. George Beitzel WESTINGHOUSE High fidelity portable phonograph and you've TRINITY clIURCll . h ' f th . Rev. Stanley R. WeIIt, D.D., In c arge 0 e 8U'Pper. 'a complete Stereo Sound system ••• 4 matchecl speakers plu. Priest-In-Oharp 4 high frequency compensating tweeters I ..twin push-pull.h\.fI Tilim I.TII Saaday, December %. amplifierso •• seporate loudness, bass and treble c;ontrolso 8:00 A.M. There will be a celebration of 9':30 A.M. the \lIoly Communioll at 8 '9:30 AJM. Sunday morning. During the 9:80 9:S0 A.M. • of '... '"ornI ng P rayer the . 11:15 A;M. -_ sel'Vlce 4:46 P.M. Prayer - dren in the 8econd grade will Oholr of Ken the annual Christmas palllBllllt., I . Montlay. Sf. Tbomas' Day Church School classes will 10:00 A.M. - Holy Communion held at thi8 hour. There will be Wednesday. December 2:4 service of Morning Prayer at 11:16 . '1:00 A;M. Holy =-tl;arilstl and at 4:46 p.m. the Choir of Men ·1-1:00 P.M. - Christmas ,.. Cbristmas Day and Boys will sing the Christmas matory of Heinrich Schut., under 8:00 A.'M. - Holy Communion 10:00 A.M. - F'amily Service direction of Robert Smart, THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Ichoinnas·ter. Ushers for the sen'-I OF FRIENDS ices will be as 'follows: Sanday. December %1 9:30 a,m.-E. E. Wrege, '11 :00 A.M. - Meeting for Wor· usher; J. L.· Porter, alternate; D. ship. Children cared for In Whit- B.''C00, k' B• Dange I rfleId, J " E .- E-v· tier Hou8e. All are weI come. 6:00 P.M. _. High School Fellow. ans, R. E. Masters, H. C. Weaver, andB. H. Welsh. 11 :16 ·a.m.-J P. ship Christmas Party· ....::;::!;~F:::IM:.: ..::T:::::C:::H::O=IW~=H:-O::::F=-,- I Slnitlh, head usher; A.. G.Boyd, CHRIST, SCIEN'l'IST ternate!i,D.. T. Davidson, Jr., F. It. SWARTKlIlORE Gray, Ji. G. Toland, and R. JIrl. P;ark Avenue below Harvard Woods. Jeffery Webet.1s scheduled Sanday, Decetllber Z1 to serve as ac;oly'te at '8 o'clcick; 11 :00 A.K.-SUIlday 8011001. l>avis Koscrip at 9 :30, and at 11 ;16 11:00 A.M.-The Losaon - Sermon a.m. Terry Davidson• Monday" St.·'Thomu' Day, the:re I .will be entitled "Is tlie' Univene, Including Man, Evolved by Atom· will be a celebration of the ic FOTCe'!" Weldn.~da~ evening meeting each Communion at 10 8.m. Readine Room, Holy Communion will be .,.Iabra· ted at '1 o'clock Wednesday mornopen 10-5; lng, _and at 11 o'clock Christmas Eve the ChriStmas E"corllt held. ' '" Christmas 1>&y there will be a celebration of the iJloly Communion llebweaa 547 Ch...., Pike· ProspM Boe'" o et 8 a.m. and a FalUny Service at . LEhip1-1749 . 'Herbert'",. Veliter, Jr., lito.." .. 10 o'clock. s• .." OK'.'er %1 Uahers for the aervice Christmu Come In 10, Lpwest Holiday ,,~... \ • ',. < f. "!.'" A.M. - Famll7 ChnTeh Ser- Eve will be R. H. Fellowa, _Ill "'19,1958 THB BWARTHMOaBAN ISABEL'S CURIO SHOP 171f2 So. Cheater Ro..d A. ha.ndlOme oil portrait of a colonial gentiemOll has recently ·arrived. Also there is on antique pine chest !With legs and a footed wooden mixing bowl. Klngswood 3-5554 co·op FOOD MARKET Consumer's Co-Op Ass'no 01- Swartbmore, 403 D.. rtmouth Avenue " '- ~ -" t.1k, ••. ".CTORV WAARA~ ON PARTS .AND "'~"'1 P. B. Bepb; .J. B. Bell, B. O. ~~~~:~::~::Ij~~~~~]C.J W. Rand·n, .Jr~ alter_ aacI. S. D. ~ -':rI----',...;--- . ...-- • ·an. PAnn . on .. I -.;oa.... ••. - ~~ '. . '. - -""";'0'" '~.' .. . .' - , ,- Opposite Borough·H.n . Leg o'Lamblb.69( CHRISTMA. TREES .FRU.IT· GIFT. PACKA~E . ","'-.'-- -::..-,,;:-. -."'.' ..- ... ,•.-,-.-...... , .. . FirewOod~· Apples .. . ----:-r ~~ .'#-" __ ORDER NOW,. SWIFT'S, PREIIUM BUTTERBALL ~ .' . . I TURKEYS .' Cider LlNVILLA ORCHARDS .e_""""- r_ ..... _II'''''' The Best Known Birel in the U.S.A. .'. 1"De f.~ ,'~ ~ Oelal........... i Ie .... C\O'r••~;...-. _ ... ""..... Ill..ue,'1e . . . ._ .....;· ..... ll..u......~. . , O"I! p.H".~ I~••t i~ co-op ',!ii, • 6 "'''''. PII,!!, CH.,t" 3·10.1 .~!¥¥.~ •• ¥¥¥., •• ,." •• , ••••• ' ••• "l¥ ••••• GREEN LABEL Peaches (2 1h can) '.'.¥¥'·· • 2 for69c ,CO·OP, RED LABEL 3 for49c Cranberry Sauce co-op RED LABEL ~., -:., t'1.·: '.\ " ,~'. '. 3for49c· Apple Sauce Christmas Candy Canes The ope flew car that costs less to buy, :erat ~ fllBlAllK fur less to e .... .. Individually Wrapped - 6 to a Box . 25c BY8'J'lJDl!lMffRR .,~ FFV 39c Rainbows (50 Cookies) , • BOOTH'S PALE DRY' Gin~er 6-12 Ale O~. bots.47c CAMAY RainbQw Soap Shars 39c ( AUNT JEMIMA· . Oatmeaf Brea~ Easy Mix $192500 Plainl!llabeled on e'le!y c:ar along with any addition,. • • i . . ; o. feet shorter outside.5> Parks on a pas Big SIX passengel' SIZe lIlslde. t h r e e : ' aintenance. • tage .. .' -<"'>C'nsurance expense, cuts m . -. ' stamp, turns on a dime.,...... uts I .. • - 1 gas ~lJeautifully ~ . '1 peak performance, on regu ar .~ . ~ Delivers top JIll eage. . . Sensible ••• Spirited. . f \I pointed. Smart. • . . styled, richly upholstered, taSte u Y ap . '. . . It'. Your New; Dimeosion in Mo~og . _iii.·. . - See and Save today at ~ •• , ~1IeIl, J_ ClIaabion;- Rlehud' In~. Swift's . Pnmium a-UNIT 51'E'RE·G P.HO SO D:SYST Gifts from SOc to $50.00 . \ . , - . .• ;> - , _.:. :.,'. "·t.-,,;··. ".:- .~<. . INDIAN RIVER. ~.:: . . .' . . SeedleSs Granefr~i.t· . . . . Reel or White , IIEYER'S JOE . ·"h· .. 1UI . , pk. lOe Fresh Radishes . ;:~ . RISCO MOTOR~~I •• IP .~ ,~L~~ "'~'IW~."·~. ~ ~,;"': ~,'._ • CELLO PAKS 2 for 69c . .. ' .. ;., - .' .!'.':-~'.--.-~;, ~:. 3for29C-., , - THE 8WARTB'MOREAN College .Elects , N~:w. Boatd, Members w.lcoin. N.w Members persons were wel- H. S. Five Tops . Cirl SCouts R.c.iv. .. Pennerest 52;.51 Second CI••,s R.nk •• A.ITII ..E.AT...I . Navy, J!:ns. D.avlason Jlue~, IOn of Mr.' arid Mrs. 'FrecIeriek ~nehPng,.of North, Cheater road loft the Naval Air Station, Brunswick. Me., November 21, with a detachment from Patrol Squadron 28 for five months of Arctic opera. tions. , , The unit will be, operating from. Argentia, Newioundiand,. conducting, submarine patrols, seareh and rescue exercises and reconnaissance missions. The following ,Girl Scout Troop 683 held a inspection of the elementary anc! College, Boston. home on Fall"VJew road Sunday. to Kappa Sigma Fraternity. lal ChrIstmaS rl!freshments are secondsry school buildinge and HI! Ii M . spend the Christmll8 vacation with ,Ellen 'Smith, daughter of Mr. and ~Ianned. , ' , ,g OrrJBOn, a junior, Is home her mother, Mrs. John Schott Mrs. George Smith of 665 Man'etta The meeting will also feature the recommend additional from Lafayette College, Easton to ' . ary measures they' deemed advis- spend the ChrlstJnasholidaye ,rith Larry Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. avenue arrived home yesterday. presentation of merit awards, a able. Through a question ibis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maxey Donald P. Jones. of N~rth Swarth. Ellen is a freshman at the State movie an~ the "skit" to be'put on \ Morrison on DartJnquth . ~ore avenue, will arnve home to- Teachers College in Shippensburg. by selected pack members. HuilJphries the Board became quainted with 'the fact that' His brother Bild f ru:venuei night from Carleton College, North- George Logan, Jr., a junior at small fires had been discovered' Unlve 'Itya .~ eda: a field, ·Minn., where be is a fresh- Pennsylvania Military College, re- '" I. SI.d••t extinguished by membel'll of the rs , amv ome man. ' tltrns home today to spend the Charle. H. Doebler, 4th, director !faculty within the high jlChool in EvelYn B Irtt . ed Kevin Cadigan arrived home yes. Christmas va.....tioJ"! with 'hrspar- of admission at Brawn University, . recent weeks." l'!ame' u I arflV at her terday from ~vanston Il1. to ents Col. and Mrs. Logan on Cor- Providence, R.I., will vlsit'Swarthyesterday from Wel1esiey Col- spend the Christmas holidays ' ,with 'nell aven Humphries inquired why the I' ,u e. more High School Tueadaj afterschools had not been evacuated at ~lIesley, Mass., to/spend the his parents Mr and Mrs Robert J Andy Jones, son \rlth a more ltirect, straight one:. keeping cliiI~ d,"?" out of boiler rooms and plaeing You'll get a' lot of pleasure in this' neW 1959 drip pans under boUers to 'Catch leaking oil; replacing key locks on Chevrolet! And the best way to find out is classroom doors of the newest elementary bUildings with free, riding to drive the car yoursel.f. You'll see fresh, handies enabiingthe doors original style, greater value and deep-down ,readily wened from" the Inside: transferring ja~tor8 suppiies from quality, features. More of the things you a small oJosetwith no celling' in want most. Thekinq of tllings you'd northe center of this building b,; a larger closet 'across the hail and , "mally expect in a' much higher priced .car. . , narrowing venetian blinch. 80 they We invite you to c:;ome in soon. We've got will .open With exit doors: at 'high SChool - uulocking .panic doors the keys to a, new Chevy ready arid wan·ing. • CBBJlHO£EF CORJlBT2'B gym whenever it is occupied, See Chevy, price Chevy, and then pleasurehowever small a group, securing new latch todreep InclJierator' door test it On the road! c'-d, placing a ladder b. one room In the auditorium wing which hils ouly ODe' exit. ' spend lilt.,"'•• Borough .f Sw.l'IInnore Fire Sipll. • CHECK CHEVY' pn~ e:' ... ~ V41«e .. •. #e 'lUte, a.d IhUPJ~ to Middletown Road - Media, Pa. Opposite High Meadow (between Dutton MiD Road and Knowlton Road) 'PINE ROPE - LAURa. ROPE - CUT BRANCHES .. SERVICE Rose. Valley ,Nurseries" . Now on Hand in Qu.ntity . loil burne, I Olel, New fires .Given ,Hom. for"'. HoIi.,s' ~' • SCIr 00I BoareI ~ttentlon Craig P8eI arrived home on Bat. Be our guestfpr' a, '(/'~ ...f..~: ~N~Y(S Carpet "u•• THE 8WARTBMORBAN , 15 a ' / I :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~.m~.-~~~--~~~~~~~~~~==~~. . Family Gifts. for Christmas . Deeem_19, i9158 ,. \ 11141a LE ~M.I . ' J. . . . .. " " - M~ -DRIVE A '59 CHEVY TODAYI', ': A.U- GNnte4Siclo LtG". VIl"ginla Allen" girls' physical edllCation director, wbo bas .been ~sent with an arthritic condition s~nce early November, was tr".nt:edl Stek ~eave until March 1 to continue corrective treatment. ' RUSsell. Jacoby ~ Weat· 'CIbes"'r I lOas reappointed collector of dellin-II ClUent per capita taxeS. , \ " , , ." , Rum.sey· Chevrolet South Chester ROad , -'. '.1.. S'Warthrnore~ .j' " " .' ' Pa. , Dee._ 19,1958 TBBSWARTBMORBAN PaP 8 , \Mr. and Mrs. Carroll P. Streeter, Columbia avenue, entertained the ataff of the Farm Journal at dinner and a Christmas Carol Sing Sunday evening at their home. TEST TUBE'S -: vaccine for TB. Or Dl&7be . ::~y:~ee4-:: ~~.:~'! neelne before It caa be uee4 . to protect you from TB.Researchllllut ~~:r ~~b!!.~a~~ association ulea ChrllItmaa Seal dol· NIl \ara to fight TB. ••• 8UY A6ID USE CHRISTMAS .pler W·III Be Ass'·Ist-nt SI , .. Coach for College Q • t t uln e :a~h~.JI'e:t1st;ll~ e ......... H... :t!=':'~~::'::=tI: 80-..... department and In 1939 took oYer B.-L-llaall ..... . . . aa varsity baakeltlall coach, It..... The combination of Willis I. . Station and Howard Sipler has heen a winning one· for CoIlege In the past With the recent appointment of stetson as head baaketball coach and $;pIer as aulatant baskelbaU coach for the 19581969 seaBon Swarthmore hopes this combination will payoff again. . Th tw be their winning e to~ gan las8matea at ;~:thmore, ~Ia: :f 1988, when they led the varsity cagers to three victorious seasons. In the spring seaS0118 Stetson an~ Sipler would put on their varsity baseba1i unl- Your ChrIstmas Seal 401Ian SEALS . not until after World War 11 that the IStatIon-Slpler combination became active &pin. With Sipler In the aaaietant coach .lot and 8tetaoli 81 head coach, the two led their poat-war teIuna In the forties to some of .the heat 888sons' recorda S';"arthmore has earned In recent years.· In 1948 Stetson wee appointed ditector of athletics. At the end of the next year's basketball season, the combination ahlfted as Slpler took over the reaponslililltiea of head coach which he' held until 1955 and Stetson as atheltk dI.ree~r, droppjld ~ ills basketball coaching duties and only remained :&beth Rep~enta~ve of the ~n Auxiliary, Umt.42'1 1:30 haa held since ite inception in 1966. Now, in· 1958, with· the ,illness df Richard Madison, who was· head basketball coach for three seasons; OUR RECORDa Stetson and Siplell are hack togeth" er again at Swartiunore. They start More than three quarters of a their season Wednesday agamst century of unequaled service, deDickinson at Carlisle. When aaked about the team's prospecte for th~ pendabDlty and highest Standard.. year Stetson said "We lack height , . ' , to ~t the ball off the b.oarda. Were trylDg to offset our he.ght problem •h d· II I" WItFspee · I and ba contro. ' our ettermen will return to IIIIICYOII O. "'lOUIS strengthen the Garnet team 1820 CHIIINU' . , •• Captain Bill Stauffer '59 from OII¥II H. IAII", ... MAllY A. lAIR, ft .. ,. eo.tean, "lie All ' an Brown 1i9 from 11' 0' I I . ~1R1 . . W";,,dbUry, N..T., ·Herman Feldhnaen 61 from Delmar, N.Y., and Pete v_ '62 f 'Sw hmo \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..,..;.____________ rom art re.· .... oon • THE OLIVER H.IAIR CO. n l Dennett of North PrlDceton avenue was traveling nMedra at t~e Swarth- erously contributed to the Christmore II:venue. Intersectlon.Me~gar mas 1>rogram for the patients In the Wa. proceedlDg eas~ on Swarth- tfour Federal Hospitals in this area ?,ore avenue and saId, he skidded -Valley Forge General, Coatesmto the. other :r'Whe~ ~e a!temp~ ville, Veterans and West Philadeledto stOp as . e saw '. se~lDg ou phia Veterans. of .Dartmouth avenue. Pollee said Mrs, .Dennett stated she did not A gift for each pa~lent and a .. h" he gayly decorated tree for the wards see any cars approac mg a s . · , ' d· thesps . to Ign ona D rbn outh· meant holiday for. both 'passe . a .happier . avenue. The Metzgar car had to be t119se who give and those ~ reto d . celve.· y wTwe ahwa • I Ie Ch te d Gratefully . 0 ours a r on ea r roa ' near College ~venue the car afHllrMargaret Good, chairman, old.L.lJachman of Mt. Ranier,Md., Camp and Hospital t riel'-"" th Ch te road Committee American ray &UIS tIOU on ea r • ' waas . Y Edward t ruckbyoneownedb Red Crosa . A. Rilsa at Girard avenue which hit an Icy spot while proceeding nol'th Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Gaskill and spun around 80 that ~ right of University place have as their side hit the left side of the Bach" guest their daughter Mrs. David man car which had to be towed L. Billett of Mtus, _8t..av 11>'" SIoIIo. _ LiIiIe_ taillad. Ii, P.RlR. trw ..: • ~ , .. THE BEll TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLYANIA .. I ·215 I ' ~ .. A-. lih Q;!f1II'" .... ~ " . -, " ... ~ , II WEST .LAUREL HILL·. ··.~e~'U ... ' .. '·4-159" .. . ' . . Butt HaH Gi1J~ Ib 67C PAK· 6:;119 Virginia Lee Fresh Baked " PKIII PIES rfttt -- I that ever hugged an illliep, ~ASH·N.FlT by B. F. Good· ncb., •• 80 light you forget you have them on! It's lure to be an ~gJa_ that raDnlk )'1111. New fl j lieir rI' f'~ri~ in IJIIldDisht black ItIttdaa 011, eIap _ _• !l:~' ..:t::'.'=-.=i 11Iedi1l1D 1leel1IeI..... c.u. Shoe ShoP ~'I PAil .YEI•. ••ut_....i. sw..t F14vorl M81ww, Bv8tl F14vorl , ' • SAVE 6cI SAVE 20c1 SAVE 4cI . I fill M/IItI4tte-~Iet/ , Ib :Mackerel r • ken <'arts,' area: 5'C ~: 4'C o Id..1Red Band Peas2!!:"35c o Ideal Pumpkin 2 !: 23c o Ideal Mincemeat '~'~EO o $elect Ripe Olives l~ o Sweet Midget Pickles If: 39c o BaJa Club Beverages 2:"r:.25e o Gold Seal ell.\. Mix 2 ~-: 27c o R& R Plum Pudding !! 53c o Gold Seal ......... Aour :-: 3ge 1:':- 75c o Granulated Sugar $107 o trisco Shortening :.: 36c !!. Me o French's Poultry Seasoning :':: 16e o French's Marjoram . ~ lie o Rob-ford,::,Walnuts !t: 2ge o 59c o Reynolds Alum, Wrap . . ~..t. 6~'39 " ~54c ~ " '~55e ~. GRAPEFRijn .. Avg. (pin" Wincrest ~ S9C ~ $169 Ascq . ~ 67c N-re-k-h ora 0,. 01· M~ 10-171b Kraft Pall Lowest Prices in 8 Years! ira a ii/h the sleekest' boola 18-241b Fresh FRYING· , a Gaily Wrappea CHEESE FASD-N.;jF~ _mart fabric gaiter. -noo1J'. . .. '" This Christmas Lig~t, oatui'Bl' and formali_ . dep",. wdl be anexpeliaDatboth iDter-tina ud rewarcIiq. Whether you prefer , memIiriaJe traditionally erect or level with the ground, or favor cremation over burial, Welt Laurel HiD CID _ thinlllltisfy your .! II, etic wiIb. " •• aD within your ' . ,, -" Ib PEAS 3~~:43C ~ bJmli of ries go,to Preas 1IOOn. .~ , .1 Cut ACMi REDUCES COFFEE PRICES! A JIIGI'DiDc or aften_ apent·viawiDg ita If you are inbtl8inen, it will pay you to the Yellow ragas ......the oue pl8.ce· people always look when they want a' product or . a service. . .,.. - ~. ,- family p1alllPng Why not advertise ~our bUH;, 'with bera • Seleamen • Key employeM • N_. of oukf-toWD companies you are autborimd to lent and list ' • GeDerally Imown variatio1la of your firm'. name :. ' . .. .. ~" Ib Shankle.. Cut • ,: • Young Avg. NOW 80ldType Lilting. ., r , '~ 1 • .Yellow Page• . HEN841 C 'Y01837 C Kathleen Mark's kindergarten has completed decorating the room with stockings and treea, making gifts for their ,parents and. preparIng for a play, "Santa's Mittens". Following the play the children held a party. Visit beautiful West Laurel Hill ~ • BROAD BREASTED, OVEN READY Ideal rr68~ Frozen Green Additional Ultlng. R..ldence LANCASTER BRAND in jlakBlI, light, cmBtl Pie ~7 T ." .. .....,.,',., ..,', ,.,', Place Your Order Now! Get the "Pick of the Crop!" Gold.~f SPicY Pumpkin 8" , P·.....r E. "_I" I , Now is the time to check your Iistinga and advertising. PI_ makeisure they are shown correctly-just as yOll'want them to appear. Aze you listed 'completely1 You may need additionallistinga ••• many people do. Order them now-the convenience is great and the coat is low ..•• only 25c a month for each additional lla me in the Alphabetical I>irectory . •. ~Le. and' by IJorerie Me- UUUUu,U,U ..... " .......... llan, a muoeum teacher. They then visited the many Interesting exhibits In the museum. Before 1111.1111 .... leaving most of ~he boys and girls ALL LIlES OF .1.1111. purchased rock and m~eral speci- . mens at the aeademy to put in their III Dart.NtIl I"..., • .rlllll. . . collections. Parents who accompan_ ied the group were Mrs. Howard Tompkins, Mr•. D. W. Schumann, Klngswood 3·1833 and Mr•. I. F. McKernan. The hum of activity during recent weeks in the classes of Elizabeth Garrahan, Patricia Curreri, Mary Alice Lilly, Bess Seidel, and Grace Witter resulted In crafts which were . sold to the children In the elementsry school at their Navajo Bazaar. Parents of the third grade participated with the children. The third grade wishes to thank their many friends who helped them make a happier Christmas for the Navajo Indians on the reservation in the area of Sawmill, Ariz. Alphabetical Directory '. Yello~ Pages for DELAWARE COUNTY • MAIN LINE /. bile Club an~ T~per Newcolilbe of the Pennsylvallia State Police talk on Safety Education. These tal~s w~re followed by a movie which pomted out worthwhile safe. tr hints. . F'. -.-,.:;c.s A. P.ccone's si.x~h grade VI~' the AcadelllY of Natural ~c:nceds in Philadelphia. 1he clau •• ne to an excellent ledure on . I I . .0 Chrisbnas Stencils ~~ D· SteneD Colors '=' ,. . 2;!-1? .'1'1. S9c .tA39C Redeem Your S & H Green Stamps Early! ••• fOT W, Christmas.' GiftS! .. .... Heinric:h N. KnudICn . . IEIEUL ..ITU"II WI: CALL FOB Y01J . CARPENTERING 2901> Burd.n Rood Patbld.; Pa. CHEITEI lEEIE 'Klnl~oocI IHeder 2·1411 " .AUto Dri"infs . ......... ....... CIIM&w 141M IEEIEI u. MIIIHAU Belvedere Convalescent Home NURSING HOME 603 East 20th Street Chester, Pa. IHnl,r 4·812 2607 Chestnut St., Chester 'Cllester 2·6378 . . . . . Nih eve- Is tile elll,. pllleU.. &b.t caD be pl&,ed .ODo thO ••t-ot-taae J'1ANO. -' ~~Il~ Formerly of F. C. Bode awl Watch and . 128 Yale Ave. PICTURE FRAMI,NG PORTRAIT STUDIO com- Jack Prichard PAl NTI NG ROGER RUSSELL chair .. ity, cal1 STATE '" 1Il0NBOE 8T8•. 1IlED1A 6-3031 Ho)!se. PERSONAl,; - Piano tUllmg spel:- .terlinlt iali.t,minbr rel'airing, member . Piano Techllielans' Guild. L<\aman, King'SWOod 8·5755. ' PERSONAL -' Roofing. spouting, .gutters, . ' Recreation J. Foster, Ashes and RUbbish Removed LawoDS Mowed, General, .. LOwell 6-2176 .Hv,.,. OPEN FRIDAY BVBNINGS t' ~~~~~A~yi~~~~~~~~ UlldD~pe -1 a .free Estimates m KlngswoO'd 3-8761 INTERIOR .. EXIERIOR Photographic Supplies 'Repalrs . swarthmore, L_ iilOIII§ N ". REAL' ESTATE - '. OOlwalescalt Home IlneoJn "e lut.1I Air ".d"I,••r.. ClOO Michigan Avenue Aft. . Wark I ••r...... J Established lD32 , 'ni . .II You Need • •• PRII'lla WE SUPPLY MOSl DF YOUR REQUIREMENTS Call • • • Genetal Contractor , TILE FLOORS - PLASTIC TILl .' Klngswoocl 3-1290 . LEITERPRESS . • .. IIODBRN KITCHENS , "':~TloNlf . 1-, OFFSET ,. Swarihmere Prig. CO. Gsorga M,an-and CO. .,..~ 401 Dartmouth Ave. (In RI.r CO"P Fltd St.,. Bid,.) Sw.rllI ••r., P., FOUIO CONSTRUCTION roUND--Wool-lined leather glove. Right .hand. Call for at The Swarthmorean Office. . mer,U! FOUND - Man'.watch on Ben-I 'ij~'!.D-;~It· jamin West Avenue. Can Kings- (": wood 3·7637. '. FOUND - Wrist watch on ice at .Crum Creek. Owner may claim ~ at. Police Depart;m.ent. . . RESIDENTIAL AND. COMMERCIAL ALTERATIONS' 'J.F.BLACKIAN· . "1. saw it in The . '. : . s1Dfirtlomor6a,," Insurance and Real Estate FLoRIST 29 E. Fifth Street IIJ.' Po1'merI7 .I, Uw.r. lunl D. Ii,••, .Ir•. CARNS tit BaHl ne PIke SprI"If'-". DeL eo. ... lurp . ... .Ie_.. , ,i, " . ~ ."........Anl ....un. , 1'1I-1.1~ ' . recpures . . '~ .,..,• .... ,. . It , 2 BLOCKS TO STATION DAY .... N1GBT OIL 'BURNER SERVICE • 'KONDAY TJlBt1 SATURDAY ~ .1(001( & smmAY8 .... DOLmAY8 Klngswoocl 4-1234 KJn~oocI 4-1500 .' l.1.... " It .II • ~; , C>, .• .' . t . • \: . I FINE: rOODS 514 Yala ,Ay.. Swarthmore, PI. IOf the Finest Meats" ,£.. ',,\.1 '- .' . • OENTER CUT PORI. CHOPS . Ib.19c LOIN END PORI ROAST 3-1b. avg. lb• • RIB END POIII RoisT 2-lb. avg. lb· 550 U, 1.IHOIIE . lb. 99c DEL MONTE RaASTS (Solid Meat - No Waste) lFRYINI CHIClEli'" . . BIRD '. Opposite Boro RIB ROASTS & White. I PDLlIH Ib.98c BOILED HAl TIme i. running out. 8io'c;Iock Saturday night is the latest time that we can guarantee and weights for your Christmas ttrk"y. Unless 'Y~u'ra .looking for a' ~n second grade stag turkey, Bachman s is the onlY Dore where you can get FRESH Kll.l.EOfint qucilitytu~eys. Th_ turkeys Wl11. be killed anywh_ From 12.24 "ours before you reCeive them. onCe you try. one of ours you'D never think of iJuying them anyplace else. Prices will be about the S!;lm. as Thanbgiving. Don't ietfle for seconds, when we have ~e best. Remember ••• 8 o'dock Saturday night. Also, after everybody has odvertised a price IeIn Christmas and New 'Year', HarM stop in and see us. W. undersell every riore in Delaware Vallay on •••. ' l . nNY PAC""" .......,...m I 011. battery. EuuhoOi jlCk. Bba~ _ In _ cold-~ colon. NoiIoI 651P8. ODIY_ 'YOU CAN •• SURE ... IF m WestInghouse; WI" ;' 1fa,. Save 4c The Chantecler (liESTLE'S COOKIE MIX ___...._._.. 2 Ig. pkgs. 69c OCEAN SPRAY' ; Save9c . " Save 2c . by' WESTINGHOUSE CRANIER.RY COCKTAIL ......_..___ .~. Ig. bottle 27c . 8-Transistor Portable Clock Radio . CRAN BERRY SAUCE "~__ '___'.__"'_'" 2 cans 39c . ' • Save6c' .. Save 15c GUll ... au'unlte . . ....,.-..... ...., ....... , 'eI,......r.- FROZEN. PEAS ...__ .._.~_....._..__.__. ., roW .....,pI......... or . . .' . 6~ &clusive 8ectronicAlarmi . Scwel5c : '. .:...._.:..;. 6 303 tins 95c fir F,IEE .IELIIEI' FREE PARKING . , ..;. ~. No Cordsl No Tubes! Plays anywhere! \ WakeS you to music! Ig. pkgs. 95c ALL HOLLAND HOUSE MIXES .__ ....... boltle 75c Whiskey Sour, Manhatten, Martini, etc. .SAVE4c I BOOTH'S GINGER ALE __ _ 6 bottles $1 I . largest Bottles - SAVE 20c ., 4" e~eiNIf" ,. MINCE MEAT ...~_....; __.._.. __..;. giant 29-oz. jar 65c .' . atteuuoo PIrI,...,pItla flecrrlc ....."""'" - ~ Fig In ='!!,l:!. ah .. blR-DOrIable p_. AD "}lua 2OC) hoUl'l 1 Jow.ead: ........... .LUZI ANNI; ,,"vFFEE ._. _ _.___..".__.._ lb. 75c ." • _. . lb. 59c (Lean and Tender) ......... 1-1.-. . At last-:-a tab!e radio without a cord! Not only does this beauty play anywhere but 1~ looks II1Mrt anywhere too • • • on a cocktail tabl or on an executive's desk. .' e ••• Six powerful transistors can't wear out or burn out: ~uns up to 1200 hours on one low-cost hattery. Mighty tilt-up speaker. Free 9O-day warranty on all parts and labor. Unbfeakable cabinet in striking Charcoal or Lemon U. S, IHIIIE Save 10e If_' ALL·TRANSISTOR'TABLE Ib.·29c (For Roasting or Frying) TR&ATY Clt&f.MSlYU· \ .! WESTINGHOUSE "CORDLESS" , FREIHIIUED. ' sro"~R. CORN ___...__. ' l,-. . DO & Protective Association .Bachll1an's . GROSSE" BLACKwEu. -it's automatic:. , <, , '•',I,.. , ~'I New attractive Ranch Home•.' Spacious living· room, dining room, fully equipped electric kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths,' possible game room or ol.fice. Priced 'in the Low 20's , .' Fi~ • SWIFT'S, .URK'S, MEDFORD'S, WILSON'S and MORRELL'S FIR5TQUALITY HAMS ';' , amouRm "'.t:l ·H . always pleoty of· hot water , when it's heated by gas. An a~lDllIic , gas water heater provides _pie boc.w.ter-jusuufD the tap. ADd . .,. ..•••1 D••, •• :.SWARTHMORE • q.,....... . . 16 . dishes-whatever die need':""1here'. CHester 4-6311 :~ 0.1t HEAT 011. MIIlIIi • _ '. Shamug, showeriog 01,' ~ng the . l~' ~~ G&....a.,. (OtDttC)M.o 011. ' ..... I . . Kingswood 3-0450 ..i. .'. . .;1 & CLYDE s.. will':::8P:'.:r'::' ":00 sizes for the .whole family . . heated by , 1858 - ON'E ANNIVERSARY -195IJ." , .. HUNDREDTH . 'TDI"*II '.' "1 saw it in The Klngswood 3-6616 DiLuzio •• I': J .' have HOT WATER ~~~~~~~~~~f 335 DABTMOtlTB AVBNllB F ,1401 Ridley Avenue CHest.a;' 2-4759 <. CHester 2~5689 "Printers of The SwarthmoJ1llan" KI4-1214 .' . doubles as a portable, tool Key to this program 11 "0 unobtrusive but clearly identifi bl ,,' plaque. bearing the letter "I". The aim of your Fire Compa~a ,e metal is to fasten one of .th·ese plaques over the main entrance of Ing that need. it. Then, ehould fire otrikethe firemen we diatel~ from the "I" plaque that an oec;pant of that house 11IlIIIesi.tance In reaehlng safety. n s asNow, here's how you eBn helpl If there Is someo~e In your home 'who haa difficulty walking, tell yourJlre ~:ny th,S as .w:all as .your ~e and addres~ today. r aCw of Oin!,lnnatf, 0., who ed to play are Jack Walter. Rich Saturday. December 27; 10·12 a.m.; are vultlug 29 adding their ueual good touch to dre Dryden. and danghterwith Mr.their and eon·In·law M", Ned be da D I d M Gurin, Mike Kerr; Eddie Payne. c ose on y, eeem r • the !play are Katrina Iva .. GeroOnt-of·town guests at a. family 'Beard ofChadda F o r d ' Andy Jones. Charlie Wentz, Jim through Thu:rsday. January 1. trude, a keen old domestic; W. Rob~ dinner party to be given On Chri.t• 1appas, Barry Wright. Cal-CaleRegula; bbrary hours will re- ert Presser, Vandergelder's patient ~s Day by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mr. J. Harold ·Dumm retum. to. man, Pete Kroon. Lea Keighton, sume FrIday. January 2. baMer; Paul O'Ne;} as innocent IA_ Peirsol, Jr. of Lafayette avenue day to his home on Dartmouth ave. Barry Gwinn, Chuck Hummer, young Barnaby Tucker. another twlK· be Mr. Peli-Bol's aunt. Mrs. nue ,following a business trip in Terry Delmuth. Roger Zensen. Dick Perrents Council 8e.,iews Ann Pyl<: as Mrs. Molloy's Frank C. Rorer qt Sprlngfiald. and Norwich. N.Y. Custom' 01 Visiting also innocent assistant Minnie Fay; uncle. Mr. Albert J. Dooner of Phil. Mrs. .A. M. Lackey of Ogden aveFellows, Randy Malin,. and Bob Borer. The game 'Will be officiated Alfred Maass aa an Inebriated eab- adelphis. nue will have as her guests over by two alumni boys _ Charlie and The possibility of extending man'. and Leslie Ellis as an old· G.;i H d' ghte f'" to f vi lti az,e anna, au r 0 ·.,...r. dChristmae 'hte M her d M H E and • .RlLroid Barr. This game is always hi gh sch 001 s cus m 0 s ng fashioned German waiter. and Mrs. John R. Hanna of RIver. aug r r. an . rs-. • . Me. played under true' competitive cir~ days for parents down into the ele- ,New to the Swart1!more stage view road, and Mr. William. E. Closkey and their young son John cumstances with each team feeling mentary school. as discussed at the this year and showing great prom· Stauffer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul AleXander of . Baltimore. Md. S~tember meeting of Pare.nta' ise are Charles Maggio, a "ligh~y L. StauMer of Lancas.ter, . whose. en. Mr. and Mrs. P e te r E . T 0 Id of -~ Jlroud if it is victorious. . Saturday n.ight. Dec......ber 27. the Council. has been reviewed by Ele· t1'Psy. brash and endearlng'Malachl gagement was announced recentl w , P ar k avenue h a d as theIr haU8e _.,.mentary Principal Thomas Boyle Swarthmore team will meet the Stack; Anthony Manero as the will be the guesta of honor at Ja guest s over T uesd ay and Wedne.· . with members of the elementary t k M Tid' brOo winner of the Dar.l>y.Ridley Park very correct wineman August; tea dame on Tuesday, December 23, d ey 0 f I • as "!"ee . rs. 0 • game in the annual Kiwanis Tourn. faculty. , 9larissa Gaylord as tbe Witty and at the Vlcmead Hunt 0100. Wi!. ther and Slster·lD·law Mr. and -- Was· h Most teachers ..elIIP,re.sed them· wacky Miss Van Huysen; and mington. "'ven by Mr. and Mrs. Mrs.. J • SheIdon Tumer.... ",ment. The TourneY'wl'll be held at selves as being kf.en to have par~ .. ' I gJ; DC the Swarthmore College Field enta' attend their classes and felt it Laurie Langer as her long.suffer· 'C. Gordon Sharpless of Wilmlng. n. o~, . . ' House and wiil begin December 23 was one of the vital ways in which Ing cook. ton. . . . -~-------with the finals on the afternoon of Joseph W. deFuria and his as!Mr. and'Mrs. Freileric J,' Hunt "I saw it in theSwarthmorean." .. . parents could better identify them· December 31. Again th tourney Is selves with school' work and actlvi. siatant Donald H.~Pugh. earn laJ1r~ of Rumf~rd, R.I .... are 'Pll[lnI)ing to . '.' .b b' 'divided into cl~ss A and class B in ties. However. they felt, in th~ first els for producing and directing spend Christmas Day with their' I' accordance WIth male .six grades more can be gained by "The Matchmaker". The ..aet Is;law: alid daughter Mr. and 0 Ice . or. er: . '. of the sch~ols particlp'atlD~. parenta visiting freely through the and the plot complex ~t Mrs. D. W. Schumann of Strath Swarthmore WIll be competmg In school year (though no~ at abnorm. Messrs. deFuria and Pugh have at.. Haven. avenue. '. .'.;. : . . .... the B . ally busy such as just before tained a WIlli. int~grated and Mr. and Mrs. J; Ii. GOrdonMc· ... ' . old build Inc On FrIday •..J",nul\ry. 2, Christmas) as !:hey felt the intereet flowing production. Scene Conechy will be ho~ts ?n C~istmas ~ the Little Gamet WIll'meet another to do so and not 'in having specific Delilello has created "" . . , -' Section II rival In Radnor. The days set.aslde. four charming sets and Frank Star· ' ................... ' ..........: ..... Wayne Rlllders' are expected'to The teachers pointed out that the rett, as technical director. sees that . • • . • •:. • • • • • • • • • • • . • have a top. 110teh club. If the school has "open' house" aU. the everything about the production i s . . . . . . . II" . Swarthmore POl's. bope to out time and welcomes Parents' to sit weathertight.· A- large prodUction::::::' .......... CT ... T .. _AT • on top. they must p~ay at theIr ve~ in on classes. but seldom do parents staff is responsible for the perfee· ....... .. best. The game. WIll be played. In avail themselves of the opportunity. tion of ·the shllW in all departments. . the leeel WIth the Jr. Varslty Mrs. Colin Bell. chairman of Par. Anyone who enjoys an ... • game beginnIng at 6 :45. entadf'Cauncll, urges that at least a maChrkiest,.mtaaspoprelnsettnotsseehO!ITQhCBeM~!~hY .. ...... han ul of interested parents from . • WOMAN'S' CLUB NOTES each 'class make a poll)t of tonight or tomorrow night. ." .. The meeting of the Literature aingly ar in couples at !lome time .. ...... Department of January 2 at 10 during the s~hool year. Although Lead Business As~ociation 'CHOCOLATES' ."... a,m. has been cancelled. The next no advance notice ·Is neeeasary. New officers were elected by the .. ,• . . meeting will be scheduled on Janu· thase who 'Prefer to do so may ad· Swarthmore Business Aasoclation ....... So Fine, So FamotiB. So Sure To Ple4u ary 16. vise the teacher ahead of time. at ita recent "luncheon meeting on ....... • December 9. • . FEATUIING•• 52 .Senicu "da,. fir· . Alfred p~ Smalll, .Postmaster for ea'~y SwarlhmoreJr. High Schnl Basketball Sch.dul. Deeember 20 d Sa tu ray. ' da Ie .......... H' M C0IIIng ome 10 : 00 A •• ~aturday. January'3 - Darby .•..•.•..••••. , •.• Home 10:00 A.M. Saturday. January 10 _ Penncrest .•••.••..•..•• Away 10:00 A.M. Satureay, Janusry 17 - Mrs. Reba Love ia the president. William Booth the vice president. William Shirley thA~ secretary and Robert Bird the treasurer. .' The association also named Allee Barber. Edward Carney, Mrs. Vera Sorsentino, AI~n Bachn\an, and H . orace.De.B nest as dl rectors. • .. . . TH. DELI C IOU S . He was the oldest member of the -Forest ,l1_een Masonic J.odge 91, Clayton. N. J;, and a member <>f the Postmasters' Association .. .... • .• :....Iiil:.' ....... .. • ~ cd - c....• 1 . Dynakit. Pl6Glftplifier .................................................. 34.95 . . Other QualIty Components for Matched Sound Systems Audia &change on HARRY Custom Indallatiolis OPPENLANDER , . HI-FI STUDIO 17V2 S. 'Chester Road, S:"arthmo're OPEN ~'N&S UNTIL CHlU5notAS . Klnpwoocl +~28 •• MI •••' ILl. P"EL Theodore S. Haltaman of Unlver· sity'place was a member of a panel which discussed the topic "Opera· tion-Branch Banks" at the third and final meeting of. the 1958 Forum I Series at the MlddJy Club on DecIcemlber 9. Mr. JIaltemRD is. a vieep~ldent of the First PennsYlvania'· BaDking . Trost Campan-,. . TUM CAPTAII ••MEI . Kirk D •. Nevius, JUniata avenue, has beet> ap'polnted to tbe position fo team captain by the Philadelphia of the Natlollai AlIIIOda~ tion of A_tents. . • r.N~ Is uaidaDttreaaW Parbr 1IIHl.c-pa.y. - . . . -,' ' SHIR~ • MANSMooTH .ORESS • MAN SMOOTH SPORT SHIRTS • MANSMOOTH. UNDERWEAR .MANSMooTH PAJAMAS o HANKIES o CLip aqws . o· TIE AND SOCK. sETs , And,MCIIIf~ '"'. ~.-.,.' -AT SPEARE'S . MEN'S DEPARTMENT FIRST FLOOR THERE IS ONE OF THE FINEST SELECTIONS '. FOUND AHvwHEIIE . $HOP AND SAVE . &itt. For M.. At . SPEARl'S·fviEt.rSwst;...:.. Fint FbI" . -." .. .... ..-,.,..... , ....... , . - ... -' ........-.,,'. - ~.- - ..' ... . ::,bener.Cha"'aD.. .:ru.;. .. , .. . ' .,;, , ~ Cele~ration :,~. ~ ~~g,egi~en. . community 'Who desires to stand f elect" direct f the or Ion as a . or 0 'Assodatlon or t ' . ate .'. ..' 0 ··so. "'-nc! •. -' .:. ..... Three ·Jiredo·rs u'l L_ 81- ~--' ToIaehers from 14 school dl .....~ ....."" .. w1lleompete 'WWl, and agalnat aaeh other In the Delaware. Coun'ty Teachers' Basketball League 'Which will oiIen Monday. J anusry 5. The n_onll~ Wi!· .-- ~:=~y::~ cYDth1& . ; .. ,. 0 1I!0minating petitions are avail. able at the Swarthmore. bllc Ubraty Des!. for anyone 'In the "Th M '. f . .' . . .. . ' e ea~"ng ,0 Christmas" waa -" . c.' . . . ' . : _. ... br:Qr: D,Evor Is dlrteted by Donald Hent ft··be ....:rof· -;Pe''''re''·sb"'"n·a··n"""""u-;.;.... mllmber of· thil" faculty of O C 00 GOIVes AU.......n.. I~ ""D .~D " - Hlgh·-SCbOO1. whoor;'-'-'-~ .Mayfl6wer on ~o.' . '. • at the Christmas Assembly hel.d by fami!7 and. a.lthough ' th I. high h I F d O J . . . . . "V """'" iginated .the league one year ago. e sen ... r sc 00 on rI ay, . longed to'DO society. he'"IIU,intainelll .. December 19. Dr. Roberts stressed . at ~e annual PubUc LibrarY. ..Membersof the sWarthmore. .. close and lively interest in A one act play "ChtUstmas In the value of thought given to the Election on January 24 GIld 26 I RutIoo&:e faculty who participate in · history of the United States. tr . 'f' f th b'rth f the league .·are Francis Piccone. an ar·tl'culate'~~d~ie;· ~:;:n'~~~.lthe Cobbler. Shop" was presented ue 9Ignl .,~ance o. e I. I) in the Library. D. MaCe a-·~ng. 'M'1l ' s a . . .; . . Jesus at th,S season "f the year and ........ I ard. Rob'mson. William Reese, wa crat by pdlitical convletlon. In tbe JunIor HIgh Assembly FrI: the ""citemem and thrill that now serving his second. term as Dana Swan. Arch WaUaee. and Don &rn in Clayton,. N.J. in 1876. he day afternoon in the high school comes when one .".periences ·the president of the Board. and Henderson.' . ..... the son of Leovl alld Mary Ann auditorium. happinesd that comes from an Howard H.Wiliiams. reference Fis!er Sinalley. (<{Iaytonw'as or. Billy Ryerson verY ably enacted awareness o.f the true meaning of . librarian at the College. now h bbl Oth • d Christmas, . completing Dr. Jl-obert E. Spil, iglnally known as Fislerville Receive UF Awards . the role of t e co er. er.ea M' Robert B W' dl noted for the . Flslerville' Glass . rs. . emman, rec· ler's Ilnaxp)red term. ";'m stand WorkS.) In 1895.he ma.,ried Ara. ing parts were played b! Sa!ldra tor of choral muoic at the high Eigbt Swarthmore Hjgh8ehoo1 ,.vila Stew~rt,.They had two sons. Althouse, Louise Lichtenbnrg.Car. school; and Robert Holm.' director for ...-alection. Mrs. Howar( C. have received ",wards of merit the elder Alfred P. Smalley. Jr., .. alyn McKlnnell• .Helen Morpson, of orehestra and band. provided Jackson, presllnttreasurerof.thli . service rendered the Health and young artist of great promise Jimmy Gearbart. Sam Wicks. and Christmas ?,-usic. ·Mr. Holm direct- board will retire from the board. Council of the United liiUed in World War :1. m h 1."D-ube· teO ed a brass lDst=mental gloup that Fund. These girls contributed a Janet Smalley, author Blid "",c ae ~ ns m. also accompanied choral singing .by Nominatin!l petition. must be total of 518 hours of service in hostrator, lived at 809 Yale avenue Joanna Donovan played the part the audience. Mrs. Weinman's chor. signed by 10 nominators and pitals, recreational areas. child care . many years. A grandaon of. ·the little girl. The ~arolers al group sang aJllllropriate' carols fded:wlth Rudolf Hirsch. sucre- centers. and other welfare ag8nclea. 8malley, 2nd, died .. In the were Dorothy Gatewood. Gall Dono. and Christmas songs. tary of the boqrd. 204 Benjamin . These girls. who workOd 1IDder eon'tiict. . : . Dianne Rehshaw. Joan Row· . Asa surprise addition to the West a~enue. on or j)efore De- tbe supervision of iMrs. Edith Ken. and J ana J aekion. p'~. a trio composed of $pen· cember' 31'. . former school nurse, were:' . Far many ~rs, Mr. 'lDIID~ac~recl.builderii' The Glrls'ChoiY' sang two num· cer Carroll. Peggy Russell. ADD . Jean M. Colafemina, Janet J ... with headquarters In bers- I!The Christmas Star" by Cooper; an oetetc<>mPOsedof.~rls'.ITEEIIEWS ter•. Lindsay Breakell, EliSabeth · -COunty. When a branch Kinder aiid "When the Saviour tine s;pler. Peggy Russell. Ann ' Maryjane Hueltine. Bar. .set up in Wilmin&tou, 1>"., Christ is Born"• .-Polish Christmas Cooper. Spence~ Carroll. Bill RoThis weektherewill 0.; a ~gular McKee, Virginia Pugh, and · Smalley moved his family to'a Carol arranged byoGeer. land. Sven Borel. Peter Essi. with canteen at the Rutger s venue Ann Watkins. .Jaan Plowman read the Christ- Carol Honnold; a~mpanist, sang School .. D~SS will ~ eaaual and Certificates of merit and pin. for ~::"::'\:e:'1~. StoryfNin Saint Luke. two nUll!ber3. The fIrst was a aer· the alumnI are cordIally Invited. those with more than 60bours of · is 'sUrvived b v his wife, .. aon lIam Bush•.high school IPrinclpal.ious Christm...s carol ~nd the" sec~. week a regular cant!"ln was service were given to those' girls J g a brief mess-- on the mean- ...nd an amusing· versIon of The eDl°yed by all. Novelty dancea were In high school at the Christmas ett, and by two trrandehildren, ave .... . Ch tin " ' h e l d A five great gr3.ndchildren. hit of Christmas. Night Befare rIS a s . . ' ssembl y. The others were mailed ~ ~ ~ t.o'the girla at the colleges they Fuuel'\'1 se,-rices were hel4 . '.' ~.... attend. the WaynePresbyterl&nChurcb THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR -;::::: ~ Collele Socce~' Playen · 2o'n'a largest eOl')lOrationa and businesses. . . Mrs. Joseph Irwin. ch.!irman of. the dinner, feels that bOth sha_ holders and non-shareholders wIl spend a scintillating and profite,vening with Mr. Gilbert, . 8 ,High SChoolGirls 'Drug Store .- mee~ The Sworthmoreon Stoff . ChnOstmas Assembly ...... . . , day. Any· material wfiich can be :'.~ad'!'IIe'n't4;.~~~~!~:~~;1~f~!I'i:: H S h I Marple-N"ewtown ..••... ; Away' 1:00 P.M. !S~! """_.,,... Friday, January 23 - Lansdowne ............... Away' 6:45'P.M. 2:00 P.M. TUR,lER REPORTS B R O W T H . DttMutai 12.00 tJ lb. .. Saturday. January 81 - Nether Providence ...... Home .1 'I'UI,OR HOSPITAL FUID .. *. VISIT OORCIoN.DY D!PARTMENT TODAY ... Saturday. February'7 - Springfield, •..•....•.•• Home l:00·P.M; . A' tot,alaf '$1.940 in pledges;. ..oM.. Saturday, February 14 - ••......•.•. Bome tOward Tayfor Hpspital's building. ~":"W' . . . . ". ., . Saturday. February 21 -'- Darby ...••.••.•..•.•. I!.way . iunOas been received during the. , 9 CClthe~ma.n'$ past month. according to Assista~ : ...JL. . . . Administl'\'toi Robert J. Turnei-'~ ........ , . " ' . . Klngswood 3-0586' '.' • " ., .•~ . . . .' . . . • . .. ...... I re)10rt to the Hospltal'sBoard :"Of ¥anagersatthe N"ovember '.' ........-.:-. ...-: .:"'-.T .T T ...-: • • • • . • . • ing. , ' TUrner also announced that total pledges In the. 'Comn Cam· "You Meet. the Nicest People 'Specrre's" paign Fund now total $195,857. Of . . , and' '. this amount $115.798 has been paid "They DO'Sell the 'Nicest Tbingsclt· Specrre's" since the campaign. was launched , ' . 'i' •. • , laat epring. with a total of $79.&58 o 0 0 yet to be.received. . CREENS - HOLLY·' MISTLETOE A high of 103 beds In service duro LAUREL ROPE· PINE ROPE ing the month set a new record, Taylor's Administrator R. H. DIa· WREATHS. DOOR DECORATIONS STAN Im,.utreported; Healao said that bed occupancy remained at 90 per cent Between the the period, and noted Increases Bank BuUdi"l and the Post Office In the hospital's admissions, patient days, operations. and laboratory sB'n!mI'AND W&L8II ~ . SUPPORT THE SEA SCOUT PROGRAM examinations. . Bis statistics included:. 480 ad· OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL CHRISTMAS • . ' missions. 8.014 patient days, 66 ~!!~~t!3~35 .dispensary cases, 8,287 by tests, . 131 cardiograms, TUBES TESTED FREE RADIO AND PHONO xttays, and 223 operations. SERViCe AND REPAIRS c ((b.ri~tma~ = = = -;:1 ~1II!ll.!QI!!iI#:'!!~II!llol~I\#.!II!i!QI!il/!:.lIIll#JdISl#:-';~II!llol~II#.!~~lI!iI~!iIo.l!QII!iI/!:lII!Sl~ISl#:.!!I~IV'-'l~I6!~~WIf!M. ~ ."... to. Speak at , _erip ~hnaj. a... . Financier Alfred P. Smalley. postmaster Swarthmore from August 23. 1933 to his r'\tireme~t on Au&:Ust 1948. died Friday morning at bis home 131 'Walnut avenue•. Wl_Y",e.1 A hom.owning resident of the ough at 300 Yale avenue.for more than, a quarter of a centurY. Mr. Smai'l';y was 82' years old on December 2. Along with the geniI\! relation, ships he established with the entire Iii! ¢r adnlt population of the Borough as .P~tmaster.. Mr, .,S.rnalley was' In 10speCial ·rapport· 'wlth the 'chUdren who knew the secret sign which ad. mitted them through the tobby'door marked "Postmaster" from .which &iJ.ey. emerged w!th their own choice I · of WrapPed hard candies. , He had an area wide reputation · as a gardimel'. ·During the -~·~.I.I '-rictory garden 'Was extensive npplled frlen~. and nelghl)OlI'l with superior quality, produce. ....u as'ground used 'by four faIn"1 ilIes for victory gardeila. His cia! pride was in long .podded. auecul..,t pole beaDll. FIlowers f the Sma}ley: garden brlg:~!-eDI!d1 . EARLY DEADLINE JIUID7 business h'lU81111 In season. . Another hobby was wood carving; The deadline will be at 10 a.m. lila carVed and painted birda warel cherished. on Monday. December 29, press ,.l!... ..................... ':.., -:... : ~ Years Wayne Iso";k co~e 15 Mothers 10 Pre.e.. Loui. GII.ert .Jan•• • Died Friday in F . t· .... 9I . 5 en~ll~ent THE··SWARTHMO TubercUlosis Ch,istmcrs . Seol Serle .. .- ,. stieiJn.i. , - . )- T' .. -~ '> .,' . .' P. e"'sonals ", . Dr. and Mrs. Donean G. Foetor of Crest lane will have .. their Hrs. Foster'. aont, former delphian Hr •. Dora Keen Handy. • now of West Hartford, Vt., whoarrived Friday for Christmas. ~rs. Harriet C. Young and her mother Hrs. James B. Keriin I H*wr Hoepltal. I ' .' . ~ crudpam;,- lin. R~ H•••EI • W'ILEY· The lI"rriage of Mias AIIIre Wor. 'Hr. and Hrt. George A. Hunter W..tInc of Philadelphia la the pa- petite will their son and hi. famll,., Mr•.Richard Davia Rlcldlewood,l4r,;,avii's brothers- ley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. in-law and ··.ioters Mr.. and Mrs. Robert Wiilliam Worley of Wayne, H. Ward of Stra'th Have.n to Mr. Dwight David Hummer, son avenue. and Mr. and 'Mrs. Lo"lnlrlof Mra. Paul Myers Bommer of S. Hemenway of Glenside, and Mr. Rutgers avenoe, and the late Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Stratton. Hummer took place Saturday mer residents of International ternoon I;' the-: Wayne Methodist Falls, Minn. Chorch. with the' Rev. Barvey W. f'o1.~·~:w~·~JJ~ID~gf~O~rd~.~ue~~t~h~e~ba~.bJ'~~•.~m~.~~te~rn~al~c~t~a~n~dpt~ot~he~r.~~;===. . DIOI FUNCHE III - TELEVISl811 '. KlnISwood·4.I028 30 .YALE AVENUE . t.40RTON. PA TELEIIIIOI - HO.E I •• lUTe IlDII - 'Hoiol • "Bring It to US'or We'lI Come to You" '~~';'~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~g STRAm HAVEN INN moved last week from 626 Strath officiating. Haven avenue to 3121 AsburY aveSIUILDERS • THOM A home receptii.n foll09ed .. ' f nue, Ocean City, N.J. Robert Alan. Miss Miriam Elizabeth The bride. who was g\ven'in malr-' a freshman at Miami University, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. riage by her-father•.bic;l Mr•. James Coral Gables, Fla., will join them B. Thom of Wallingford. became C. Pressey of, New York. 'as nerma. Yale and Harvard Avenues in Ocean City for the Christmas the bride of Second Lieutenant Ar- tron of \lonor. Miss Julia T. Allis, . vacation. • thor M. Saunders. Jr., USAR. of of Wayne, and ·Mrs. Philip L.HomSPEciAL SANDWICH LUNCHEONS Hr. and Mrs. Albert L. Schoff of Fort Eustis. Va., son of Mr. aM mer, of Swarthmore a sister-in-II COLD: (Indudes. Coffee) -: from 40c to 90c Hichlgan avenoe were the guests ·Mrs. Saunders, Sr., at an law of the brldegr~m. were the over the weekend 01 their. son-in- noon 'ceremony SlMturday in bridesmaids.' . . HOT: (Includes Soup_ and Coffee) -' 40c to 65c 1_ and daughter Mr. and Wallingford Presbyterian Mr. Paul of Butgen Dessert - IOc ext~. , Served from II :30 A.M. to I :30 P.M. Burton N. Cox and three children Rev. Dr. John B. Rowland of· avenue, Was'. beat man. .SPECIAL! FAMILY STYL~ DINNERS - $1.90 . Susan, Jimmy, and'David of Tow- fiolated. '. The oshers were Mr. Philip L. Includes Meat courSe. Potatoes and one other Vegetable. Hot aon, Md. Given In marriage by her Bummer, al80 a brother "f ~read~, Coffee or Tea. Pudding or Ice Cream. Second helpings Dr. and Mrs. Constantine Apos- the bride wore a whl"", ~ete bridegroom; Mr. Bobert W. W.,rlecV. ,f deSIred. . . . . tolldes of Dartmouth avenue length gown ending a sweep Jr., a brother of the bride; Mr. . MONDAY throuch FIII?AY spending the Cbr.istma8 holidays in . and featuring a fitted bodice. B.Moore. of Strafford, and Cambridge, Ma .... as the guests of The long sleeves and bateau neck- Mr. ilIaus R. Bertschi. of MGoresOld Fashioned Christmas Dinner as Usual their son-in-law and daughter Dr. line were trimmed In Irish town,N.· J. ' . 1:00 to 7:00- P.M. Children under 10 - half price and Mrs. George Vela. Her fingertip veil fell from' a .Mr. and ~ra, Bummer will MAKE,RESERVATIONS NOW..,-1aojdIl~,:&~ It:OOA.1i. ;;:::H4;rtl~ Se~,; Fort Dix after the fIrst of the year•. T~; ;-,Jb:k~ J!T0}~ttle 1'41n , '. " " ; I CATUtt1RMAN's DRUGSTORE '-, . . .. ' ' , Hr. and Hn. Kulp will entertain all eollege Btudent..memben of the Banlaah church at the parsonage on Saturday at 10:30 a.m. for a hollda, 8 - 2 - 8 - South of Railroad brunch. Tbia Is an aimual reunion l.or al the students awa, at school. 8 - 8- 8 - N~h of RaIlroad Church Sehool classes for all agel! 8 - 6 ~ 8 Business Dis~et will begin at 9:45 a ..... Bunda,. , There i. a nul'H1'J for Infants to CoUeJe two ,ears old during this hour. 4 - 2 - 4 - Mary LYon Schooi . At the identical servic... of ship, 8:45 and 11 o'clock Sunda, 4 - 8 - 4 - Field House. Prep Schooi, Power House mornin~, Mr. Kulp will introduee . 4-4-4-Campu8 aa guest speaker, Gwendoline Narbeth. metnber.missiona1'J, who will Other speak of her .work al'1on~ Moslem children and their families in Con. 6-6-6-0ut of Town Btantin., Algeria. Mias Narbeth ia 6 - 6 - 6 - General AIaim. home on furlough from her poat aa Superintendent of a home for,MoB. These Signals are Subject to Change lem c!iUdren in Constsntine to resource leader for Conference and 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. - 3 Blasts District Schools of Mi.sions. Miss 12 Noon Saturday-Siren Narbeth's subject will tie ~To Fire Call - Khl,swoocI 3-4507 The Near EaBt for Christ". The morning service will be observed as Student Recognition ;:**********irlNirlNWrl~WrlWrlWrl~~~;;H;;H~;;iiii;;HWrlwnwn~ Da, in honor of lhe college studento home Ifor the hoUda,. who are recognized each ,ear in this wa,. FRUll GIFT pACKAGE They will participate in the ae",rice.lii Firewood - Apples There will be a nu,oe1'J for in· Cider fants ~' four yeara of age, a Kln~ dergartenChnrch program for chU· dren 4 to 6, and a Junior Church LlNVILLA ORCHARDS '"'l1Le ~..... WItIl ... OM............. program for children of grada••~~o~::U rake ..... 1 ............. Ie . . Cln'erlul• ~ au. ... ..... to six during, the 11 o'clock Sl ...... _ .... l\i~te _ _ ..... _ l i ..... t e hO,nr. '' a,•• a••, ••••••••, II A.., • •" •••• .~... IHllt.r 1·IN1 Th. Jr. mgh and Sr. High Fel· lowship Groups 'Will meet at the churCh for their regular S~~:;~I evening meetings at 7 p.m. Hall will be the speaker for oenior/llgh group with the theme I "Ringing The Old Year Out". There will be a Wateh >JI ••".I Coven alit and Holy Communion Service at 1 p.m. Wednetlda" Deee~er 31, closing the old year and beginning the uew. ;-, "IE••YTEIIlI I,nl 'Tbe Carol and Candlelight viee 'will be held at 11 p.m. on Chriatma. Eve: On Chriatmas For wishes are real and love is a force, the 45-mlnute Family Worship Ser. AiJd the torch which a'ges ago had source In a star that lighted the Wise Men's way viee will take place at 11:45 a.m, Burns with a magical ~re.'today." Dr. Roberto will preach at the _ _"'::':':':':~"":''''::'_'''::''''':'--''-'-:--'''':'--------:---- 9 :80 and 1-1 o'clock aervicea Sunday CHURCH SERVICCS' .TIIII" IDTES morning. The topic of his sermon 'II b 'b t' . ~ th will be "The Return of the Shep· There 'W) , e a ce.e ra Ion o. e l l win PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH H'I Com • t 8 'up. will meet , METHODIST CHURCH serve a. acolyte at 8 oolock and 10 a.m. Wednesday, December 81. John C. Kulp, Minister Jame. N. Nutt, III at 11:15. A Watchnight Service will Loula R. Schroeder Thllre. will ,be a service of Holy, held at 11 :80 ,p.m. December 31. MinIster of HWIle Communion at 7 o'clock.Wednesday Notices of two early J:~:':.~I Christmas Bve mOrning, and a cel~bration' at 10 eveutsare given well in a' On MOllday, Janu,ary 5, from 10 :.30 8 :00 P.lII. _Candlelight Servi,ee o'clock on, New Year s i£!ay. Cbrlstmas Day . . , . .. , a,m. until 2 p.m. the CommunitY IH,.I$TIlI IIIElIE IITEI Uayof Prayer '11'111 be held at T~n. .10:30 A.M . .:.... Christmas Birthd~, Party,. " " ;How to gain freedom from fear ity Chdrch. Dr. Alfred W'. Pnce, by Ifoll~ng the words and' works rector' of St. Stephen'.. EpIscopal Saaday Decemller 28 " 9:46 A.M.....a,UI~h School.:las_. ofC~rl~t Jes~. ~ill be a theme pre- Church, Philadelphia, willIe,,? the 8:45 and 11 A.M. _ Gwendolyn santed at Chnstlan,Scienee services morning service. Mrs. Willard Sunday; when the Lesson-Sermon Tomlinson will be in c~arge of the Narbeth will speak. is entitled "Christian Scleuee". afternoon meeting., ' T~INITY CHURCH 'SCriptural 'selection. will include IAlso on Monday, January 5, at Rev. S~=I!~= DoD., the Paalmist'., .word. .(5G:3,4~: 6 :30 p.m. the Co~ple.' Club will "What time I am afral~' I ,?U hold tbe covered dIsh supper ~eet. Wednesda , December Z4 7 :00 A.lII. _ ~ol' Communion tt:Ust In thee. In God I Willprall!l! ing In McC~ban> Ha~. ~he L. 11 :00 P:M. _, Chriatmas Eucharist Hi. 'Word, in God I have 'Put mY Taylor, A~mIral Byrd s hehcopte;, . truot; I will not' fear what f-lesh pilot on "Operation Deep ,Freeze Christmas 'Dliy 8:00 A;M.- HoI, Communion eat! dd unto me." " will discuss "Bol~ Journey. to t~e 10 :00 A.M. _ Faml!)' Semce All are' cordially invited to at" Antsrtic". Mrs. George BeItzel,s !\uoday, Decemller Z8 tend the serviees at First Churcb in cha,.g., of the sapper. 8:00 A.M. _ Holy ~mmunion of Christ, Scientist, 206 Park ave11:15 A,M. -, Mornmg Prayer nue at 11 o'clock. FRIEIDS MEETII. MOTES Wednesday, December 31 HE iELIGIOUS SOCIETY Sunday is Family Day at Meet· 7:00 A.~. - Holy Communion. T OF FRIENDS ing for Worship. There wi~l be no Thursday, Jaauary 1" Suliday December Z8 Adult Forum and no 11 '00 A.M: "-Family Day at ~reet., Shoo! elas\.es. Following M~ting (,Feast of the Circumeision) 10:00 A.lII. _. Holy Communion. ing ifor ·Worship. ~ll are wei. e ial honr will be held in the • , Bin" " S•• Fire lip.' IITHII..T IITII '.~- ' . ~ , .. , . '~" .. ~-.! .• . .. " , '--'.' :~/ '.", ~ .. • DeeeJIlber 28, iNa THE SWARTBMOREAN PAnERIG.'1 . ' S.rimo,. Jr. Hip School Bask"'all CONTRACTING Saturday. January 3 - Darby. '.' f ••.• j • • • • • • • • • • • Home 10:00 ·A.M• Saturday, Janllllry 10 - •.•••...•••.•. Away 10:00 A.M. . . • I . CARPENTERING Funeral Home· , OVEa ........... DP _ _ " Phone LOwell' 6-3400 ,A, hIM ....... B""• If'" Saturday, January 17 - Marple-Newtown.: ••.••• Away Friday, Janury 23 - Lansdowne ...•.••...•••• Away IS.Lturd.,y, January 31 - IEE.ER ••• MI.IHALL 603 East 20th Street iP 'Wi Pa. IHllt'r 4·H12 'HEITEI IEEIE 1:00 P.M; 6:46 P.M. Ii .. .KhiPWooci 3-14%6 EXPERT PIIIG. T•• II. ••• REIUILDI •• PE....AL PERSONAL - Radio and &5 Yean of Bspd'III. . . willa AU . . . . . ., I"ta.H • $6 Per Hour ....... F . . . . CIIeIter I . . , Belvedere Convalescent Home 2507 Chestnut st.. Chester \ CHester 2-58'18 ""_N_Coon a...-r_·.,._ _ IUlT•• IIiULUTIIII ., . • Apd, 8eD1Ie. H.D. CHUROH 'tel&- CGaY&1HceD& II.. Ud Wo. . . 1Iz• a PARI AWE.. SWARTHM.IE vialon service. Complete stock of tubes carried. Robert Brooks. Call ~800. A, L. PARlER LG.III 6·1&1& FOB 'YOU 2:00 P.M. CLASSIFIEIAas FDR IALE 'HUUUU~ CALL WE Blu. Crou P4D0re4 ~rap~ aaDJIJ P1PPlh TOBHBR. Klngswood 4-2727 • ~ i~i~i! . WIWI.· BRoolS Ashes, and Rubbish Removed . ILawns KDwed. General Halllinl ELNWOOD Co.v.Ie..... H... work at selection fabrics. are !'~;;:'()h~rr work is done In our own b· bottoms rewebbed, up. awuo., Eatsbl1abed ROGER RUSSELL ~~~~~:tlrc~[1 Photographic Supplies THOM SEREMBA. low overhead savesPhone you Sharon, money Hill 0734, ~b,ed breed very· PERSONAL _ BI",,,,es Repaired, after 6 o'clock. Klngswood 4-4686. Parts, a_r1es. MDt Gl8la - FOR SALE - Apples. All varleBicycle, Hobby, Toy Shop, 206 EDt ties. El Rancho Orcharda. Provo Baltimore Avetlue, Cllften BeJc)da, Idence Road, l'mUe north of RoM MAdison 6-O718~ Opposite Clifton .:T~r=ee:...::n=ea=r:....=M=e=d=le::.._ _ _.-:.-,-_ Theater.) l PERSONAL - Plano tunIng specialist, minor :r!j'alring, Lm';1 Piano Technleians Guild. ltlngonwood 8-5756. . PERSONAlL - Roofinc. 8])OutIng, gutters, call18ntry. RecreatIon rooms a specialty. Roy J. Foster, aTATE .. JIIOl)QtOB ST8. JIlDIA . HOOGE" CARTER . W. IIItIll AIr .IeHttInIrt" 1II1II.....,..... W........ WIrIq, • ...,...... Michigan Avenue T·Y AIlE ••AI W"II a...IIt..1I 14.H••• II.YIIE Fr.. Eitllntl. . Swarthmore, Pa. • :IrHk KI 3.:]112 or MAdison 6-9937 , Klngswood. 3-0272· . LEhigh 4-1246 " You Need • .". 'p RWEI CA. •T I II a IUPPLY .Gll ROOF I G, OF YG .. IiE,UIREME.TS Warm-Air Heating .Call •• • . Klngswood Air Conditioni,!g . 3-1~90 LETIERPRESS Sheet Metal Work I,ers •• Heinrich N. Inullsa. KI 4-121 CONSTRucnON EDWARD G. CHIPMAN • AND SON : .. .. . GenerGI Con'rGctor ' ) OFFSET Prig. Co. 1401 I'Frinters of The S....arthmora~n" rt'••n, PI. Ridley Avenue· ./ CHester 2-4759 CHester 2-5689 Dartmouth Aye. (I. R'lr 10-., .F"III"'" 11-.) s•• ' TILB FLOoRS - PLASTIC TILB . Bonm. Kl'roIiBNS' . ALTBBATIONS 401 GENERAL CONTRACTOR "1'...111 it ... TM SIllG~ 2906 Burden Road Parblde. Pa. . RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL NEWS' N'OTES ' IIIEAYE. . . , t\ves In celebration of the birthday . , Mrs Hallock C pbeJl h Joanne Shea~er, d augh terof Lt. 'ano. Mrs. H. WI'!bur H-" ' anniversary nf Mr D ... , f h "". . '" d t ed f tri am FI lUI reo er Mr. J Bae~n ouDo&,aslass at • and Mrs. Howard E. Shearer the Andrews Airforce Base Wash· urn rom a p to orlda December 14 at their h ug L.' ~ S~arthmore avenue, a junior !ngton, D.C., will spend the'Chrls; casloned by the death of her fath· avenue The J B Doomu':...on Inhco n Wdson College, and . mas holidays with Lt. Hoot's par. er, Allen C; Hutchinson, 81. of .' " &.asea ave Thomp d pte e\lts ·Mr. and Mrs. Henry I. Hoot of Winter Park. Mr. Hutchinson had Mr. and Mrs. James P. Brown. Bold the\r.home at 600 oNorijl.Ches- Mrs J:~~ S au r of 'Mr. Lafayette avenue. been a frequent visitor to Swarth· Jr., and BOIUI Gem and Matt, of ter road and are now redding In II . ' • • .Thompson of more. froJunC,ohr , abrrlved home Mr. "."d Mr•. John W. Iliff of In addition to Mrs. Campbell he Freeport, 'Me., arrived Tueaday to the Swarthmore apartments Mr. B rown' 8 ... . of masmva am SpringfIeld III h spend Chn·stmas -'th ow, ... r. al)d Mrs. Maxey Morrison t. ersburg T hfor ' the . wave as theIr is survived by his wife who plans parents Mr. and Mrs. B1'O'WII, Sr., Dartmouth avenue have as their claB· ca Ion. ey will return guests their .on-in·law and daughs to remain In Winter Park for the of Walnut lene. guest f(>r the Christmas bGlidaysl ;.es on Monday, January 6. ter Mr. and Mrs. C. Whitford Me- present, and by his son Dr. Allen Mr. and Mr•• Thomas Mulligan Mr. Morrison's sister and hrother. Dukeor:;e. Br~head, a student . Dowell and children John, 6, and C. HutchinsOn of New Haven Col· ildren ,.. Bellmore Long in~law Mr and Mrs J L Wilmse . d hDlverslty, Durham, N. C., Sherry, 3, who will arrive Wednes· lege· and five grandchildren. . and ch v" ' . ." n amve ome Wednesdsy to d day· from Sp' gdel Co' . Island, will.. arrivp. Wednesday to of Chestnut Hill. the holidays with his .paren:'":r. ".Pend the Chri:".. ~eeke:~i to I(IOnd . C~nstmae weekend with M~. and Mrs. iR0?ert Arnold of and Mrs. G. Wills Brodhead on . . )[J't! Mulhgan's' mother !/Irs. Carl Walhaa,ford entertained Sunday Mapl. avenue 'Mr.··and ,Mrs. D. W. R. Morgsn ~f cte;ves o.f Swarthmore plaee., . tbe!r annual Christmas party Anne Driehaus of Yale avenue Haven avenue expect their Mr. and 'Mrs. Marvel WUson of theIr. home on Sherwood lane. a junior at Ohio-Weal StsU: son·m·law and daughter Mr. and Strath Haven aVenue entertoineil Christmas ·Day the Arnold., University Delaware ~an . d Mr•. David M. Old. and their two at a dinner parl;v Mondayevening have as their guests their nephews home Sunday to spend tb c':;~ John and Joan of Mt. Leb- .,' In honor I>f Relar Admiral and Mrs. George and John Mason, students vacation with her pa~nts Mr over the Chrlstmae holiday•. J. L. Pl'att of Washington. ;I'he at the Hill SchooUn Pottstown. The and Mr•• William H. Driehaus. . IMr. and Mrs. Ford F. Robluon You. too, can belp Santa Clau. 11 d Ch'~ . bring Cbrl.tma. cblldren Wilson '.f amI'1'I ..... "'. apen r..... 00' ys paren ts Mr. and . ... rs. John F. . Mike Hurd, son of Mrs. M. H. entertained ' at a small,. informal : everywhere. YourtoCbrlstmas mas Eve with ·Mr. Wilson's mother Ma.son are temporarily in Pakistan. of ·Media, formerly of Dfekin. open house Saturday afternoon at • Seal eOIltr\buUon will belp of Milford, Del., who is 89 years !If .Mrs. D.' Maleohn Hodgso{ Strath son avenue, haa returned to his their home on Guernsey road. I protect them from tubercull>< . f rom P rovid enee~ R • H aven avenue en te~·· UBe Cbrl.tmascard. Seal.8I1d on age. RelatIves ....Ined from 6 home for the holiday from Dart- Miss Martha Shaw,'afifth'grade i' .1 all•. :!PIIrboJlday 1.....d Bethesda, ·Md,. are .als.o '~-. to 7 Sl!turdaylllf~oon in mouth College, Hanover, N. teeeherin the Elementsry School . packages. pected. ... of. her daughter. MISS :1I£ary Lou where he Is a senior. has returned' to her home on Riv' • • • BUY, AND USE • Mrs. WiIllem A. DeCain!iry will Hodge, who ~rriv~d earlledn the Robert G. Gilfillan, Srd, Yale emew road after under . g sur: CHIUSr MAS SEAlS amer I <;aliforn~a ".~oweek . Pormerl¥ CARN'S III BaJf;I / Ire PIke S~JleLc...h. For Lenses 01 Superior ~,4&.m~ -'.: • OIJ,U&4T· --.- • - - - - - - - - ....,- c ",$33-.,-.~ DAY ... NlGIft' \ OIL BURNER SERVICE .. ar,..... .,RDAY i&au M'iDa&&W NOOII .. 8UMD&D . . . . ,ta19uoDIi 4-1214 \. BEAUTY SALON IEIUTY ITARSTHE IHIIPlIAlnIE . 9 South Chester Road Call KIngswood 8-04'16 \ 4eU.... "em1ter of 1Iae' Workrn~nship The N' U".r DI':" W,.".I'. . . IlIa.,st.lIt Strllt, ......" ... It Pli Swarthmorean (with gift cllrd) SWARTHMORE' Still Available 2 BLOCKS TO STATION at 333' New attractive Ranch Hol'IIe' Spacious I~ving chen, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Possible game or office. in the Low 20's • . .. , . , )'~ i. . , ,, J TOI8ERY SHOP , Klngswood 3-0240 . co-op FOOD' MARKET Consumer's Co-Op room .. • Merry Christmas and a .Happy New Yearl . ' • '-:":~=7:-~·n:s::::.: Fa ,,".& '".II.t. r ........... ,w 77 . • " , ..... " "'''N_t-I!'' . ' . .. . . . . . . as _ • , . " II .rIII. :_ IlECTRIC Ctl.,,,,. . ... - . . '. . ' 'I' ~. I \ '. \ - ,' Dartmouth , Avenue, , PETEI.E. TILl All U... 01 I,.••• iac. . Da;i~hOS'IIA·~.It..; r .. SWoill. . . . . ' .. ·Ass'n. of $warthmore. 403 Dai:hnouth Avenue . }' Inc. Opposite Borough H.n SWIFT'S PREIIUI BUT IUIALl· TURKEYS The Best Known Bird in the~.S.A. I FEW LEFT 'room, dining room, fully equipped electric kit~ Pricecl Iw~ BubM.. ~~ to .\ iIIi . ) . Klngswood 3-0450 TIlIIKElW .. • i' • .I ~ .... • an LUOIat,r· A,_ . II fl· L..... Itr..t ~a w,......... I..,. M••r , . /'. ••• (;luGliry Newly Designed ,Frames of the Finest • Th e·Bouque-t Subscript·ion GUILD OPTICIANS DiLuzi, •• Slas FLORIST ;.1 '. G'.ft Suggestion J. E.LIMEBUHEI CO. L I Min ute : , Klngswood,-6616 , . Last lIII5 DABTIIlOtiTB AVBN1lB J.F.BUODII , i~ry~a~t~th~e~La~nk~e~n~au~H~:r~ita1~'ia~~~~~~~~~~~~ . move Monday from 812 .SouthCh_ a,;lved with home his Friday to ler road to 129 Rutgers avell'De. viSIt.fro,!, MISS Hodge 18 afor medical tech- the hohdays parents Mr.· and Mrs. Robert D.-Hulme Dologist a.~ Children's Hospital in and Mrs. Gilfillan,·Jr: Bob is ., of Haverford plaee bave 81. th.el.r San F.rancl~o. Mrs. Hodge and her ~be~ of the DlcJqp80n College gu'esta Christmas . Mrs. daughter WIll spend a few 8WtmmlDg team which was und... 'Hulme's parents Mr; and Mrs. H. over: Christmu in' Gl'1!eDvi\Je, feated last S8880n. His specialities 'E. ltenyon who srrived Sun4ayas the guests. of .Mrs. on the teani are the 60 and lou. from Upper Monteiair, N;.J.· .'. brother and slster·in-law Mr. . freestyle evente. A aophomcne, ·Mr.. Eric Munro of Daitmouth Mrs. James C. Gayle. Boh is also a memberofthe!aerosae avenue spent the·;wi,eksnd In Mrs. Donald () of ThaYerl t6am. leo CitY visiting with. hi.inother road wiU have as her gneats her . Jlrs. 'Ellen Munro, 'and with sons-inslaw and daughters Mr., Mrs. Ann F. WU. Mrs. William Brink of U·s,md••n,1 llama. Mrs; wmiams, who is "asOo\· Conn.; and Mr. and Mrs. WiIllem ated with theWycliffe Bible Trllns. Whl~er of Storrs, .()onn., all ·of Jators, has just returned to Mexleo whom··wUl arrive Wednesilay for dte.· a yellr and a half in this the holidays. On Christmas country studying and speaking. Mrs. Crosset will be hostess .'at a Mrs. Thomas W. Simpers of famUy'dinner party whieh'will also South Chester road·has as her holi~ include her son·in-Iaw and daugh· day guest h·er cousin ·Mlps'Sarah ter Mr. and Mrs; William Ward, Tait of Bryn Mawr. Mrs. Simpers 4th of Wallingford; and Mrs. Ward and her gueSt will join the David Srd, of Chester, ·Mr. and Mrs. Paul Binghams and· the Charles Brady. Whittaker and Mr. Whittaker, ·Jr. for a .fam~y dinner Christmas D,ay Mr. Gnd Mrs. W. Barlow Jiatton , at the Bingham home 0IIl 'Falrvlew of PIl1olnfield, .. 1'I::J., ~< 8rrlire I road. " Christmas Eve to 'spend ()hristmasl Mrs. C. Dudley ·achloesser, with Day-jrithMrs. Patton'sparents Jean and Karen of Park a-tenue, and Mrs.. Paul B.. BaJllilt of ..tlar-I will fly to Lynbrook Tuesday to vard avenue. spend the holiday as the guest of :Mrs. Bertha P. ~:::~:O~~:"~;~::'; her brothersin·law and sister. :Mr. u~y from tho 1: House 8I1d Mrs. G. T. Wallece. They plan to 101 South Pinceton avenue. to remain until' after New Year's. Mr. and Mrs. Seymow; S. PresDri and Mrs. J. Grant oHebbie, ton, Jr., and their daughter Mary Jr., of South Chester road wi1lllave Drew of oFarnhum roac\, M<:dia, left 88 tbeir guests d~ng the Chrillt.- Friday to spend the Chri~tmas holi· mas ·holidays, Dr. lIebble's.parents .days with their son and daughter. Mr. and oMr8. J. G. Hebble of New· In~,Mr. and ·Mrs. SeYmour S. POrt News, Va. Preston, In of cOOoa' Beach, Fle. CHester 2-5487 ALTERATlolS J • Mex. REAL ESTATE '~ Q1det. IIa&fgJ a.......... _ e n l H - _ N.....· ear. Klngswood 3-8761 CRESSON PRICHARD , 900 THE SWARTHMOREAN /Mr. and Mra. Gordon W.Doualu H fo til ente~<:d at a dinner for;2. rele. . ome r e Holiday. da~ \ 'LOwell 6-2176 Furniture reflnQuality work ·'Sond at , Free EstimrJtes . OPBN PRIDAY BVBNINOS LOwell 6-6669. Ba.HbI:lere I'lb • 1J=°sh A.... Jack Prichard PAl NT I N·G PORTRAIT STUDIO any size and color holly and southern Sam Crothers Jr., Road, Wallingford. , S·ANTA'S HELPERS ) PICTURE FRAMING • NEWS NOTES I -"'d M F uk of Mr.... "'-1 rs. .re ·~·I GreeleY, "" 0., are spend'Ing the holidays with Mrs. Gerety'a par· eats, Mr. and Mrs. Jamea H. Horn· ,day of Dickinson avenn... ae-"' -Auto Driving Instruction iN Saturday. February 7 - Springfield •. ,..•....... Home ,1:00 P,M. Saturday, Februar.y 14 - Eddystone •...•••••.•.. Home 1:80 P.M. Saturday, February 21 - Darby .••.••...•••.•.. Away 1:30 P.M. NURSING HOME Chester, Nether Providence ....•• Home , . . OrderYourHAMSNow ICE CIEIII KI 3~ • %.. " • ••••• \ .. . • 0,. .' , -: " , ' ," h· ~ 1958 \ W;' '9' ',: I / . e pause to wish you peace and joy. May these gifts be with you today and always. -. ~58 , ', ". , ' '.~ , "Glory 10' W In 1M 6"'''. a,td "am, goocI-wffIloward 011 . . , ; . /lIMo" ••• ,.,.,,.,.,, , r' I I ' I, I , I , . , , 1Jo1d:.II, h ""eeI wlflt ,lie true spirit oll6e - ... To all a "ert Meny r.1.;1I."'.'----. I , ·H.D.OHDROH , J.A. GREEI W ecanit call on you all so we take this means oj send- , ing our many friends a Christmas greeting.. ",'. ~ Another CI"istmu r",,,,, Us joining .bands with all our friends to wish you a happy holiday, " , ~~ ~ '. I I /1 I , r...... \ I ,Custom KtChens "HOliDAY ,, . • , .' I (EIINGS ~~. 1'51 TRA'DESMENS' ,PROVIDENT I , , Bank. and Trust Company SWARTHMORE CO-OP . To all Our many friends ."with ." whom we have had such a ;fil'!e b,~si~epr~latjcifl~Rj'p' 'dufin~ !th~ past year we send greetings and. best wis~es Yor the' coming !ioliday Sl!ason. ~J . Dartma..... Avenue 1958 -----,-' -.,~::".::,;~-...:...;;;:: II' " .. ...,.... ,.,,1..... '.1. 1M IPiift ., ... .......*....... '.,.... ' , .. ~ Willa. • I • - r _ _ viii. . . ' wiI __ .. y~ uan • .- pl. By this means we say "tlla"" you'" \ to all our customers and.. friends. It, tnIe has been gQOd to serve ,you. We hope you have a joyous Christmas. ,\. OELlA'SHOE SHOP' ,THE FODITAII, 3 S. Che.ter Road Swarthmore 1958\ . I • , • .~ , With hopeful hearts we join you in singing His Praise. Maypeopfe.v~ c:ome to know and love the true spirit of Chrisllnas and the joy that comes from giving as well as receiving. " J. F. BUCIID" 335~.llilLot,!'" ~".n~ . . "" "\. \ IJ's 'he merry Season of ,.' • Christmas and our chance a to wish you • wJnderful . . '.. ,-.~ , ' . ' " .' \.. • • .... < Holiday .ofconrenfmenr, • Ct. ';>:'.;" ~ .".,;11'" -' ..... '0'. .. " ,.:' . ':,~ "OIIElf SlIP,' 195 It's' a great loy to wish ~ you a Merry Yul. and to say "thank you" for your , friendship during 19581 J,~~=~~~~~ ; . . \ ., I '. , '. --- 1958 '. ", :-• c .--- 1968 .... N"" ttl"" ..·, A '1er1 . THE HARLOW SHOP . All good wishes t.~ our many patrons~ We hppe your Christmas will be a merry one and in the years to come you will remember it Wii!l gr3at· pleasure. •• '. ana good-willtowar.a all men! May the peace. ana great joys of . Christmas be yours now ana al~ays•.....#1_ 1 9 511 ., Wei value highly our lriends arid f wish each of you a most happy YiJ/e. Your pai~onage and good-will is sincerely ap..' preciateo.··· ~. \ EDWARD G. CHIPID & SOl· 1988 May lIie brighl Slar light your way and fill yau~ hause with happiness. II is with genuine joy we exlend Ihese greelings 10 friends here end everywh~re. I .~, V'N,ALEIIIOS. ". BAIRD & BIR,D L.fayeHe Avenue THE IMGLUEUI ,'. :.: ,'.. , '. .... .\ .. , .Merry" Merry' ' ,.• • rl 95 , .. ~'. . " ~ .: . '<': . ,,;-,:;/ ' $Quth Chester Road ••••••••••••- .~* Christmas . ..... . . 'Wishes - Christmas \ of ;.n '. ........ ' " :J .~f • ~\.: • • , .... "-:lCI'<;.' rr:"",'-' May this truly be a most enjoyable holl. day for YOIl <d aJl .. : ',: .Christmas Is so many. wondrous things, so . many splendid, shining things to lift the sPirit -and the hopes of men. It Is a warmth and a _ presence. Now more . . than ever the hu'tnan heart is' humble and kind. Christmas Is the" joy heart-deep In the eyes of a sleep-warm child dazzled by the splendor of it all. Chrisfmas is a slow and tender smile in a sleeping home as parents trim the tree and , , memories their ~aSes together lUSh upon them: a force drawing . families c1051':. H01lywreath~ . are. open eyes - those at windows. There's magic in the early mom; in the story of lIethlehe~ to.ld the eve before. This is Christmas; This Is ChriSbnas ~hen . the univ~rse, a cathedral Without dimension, its black dome sequined with stars, houses a hushed htlnanity. And the w~nder and the glory' are again. Now a man is tree-tall upon his knees. He ~aches confidently be."-yon!i his grasp. His spirit climl?s bey~nd the cmitomary landinark of ~tion. He feels more thai! he can express. All this is ,nLrKaVenUe entertained friends do su by . calling Robert Warden, . • Pennsylvania area, has been named ~orning. a dinn~t' and "Caro1' siIig" district manager of the company The J:unior Varsity squad Saturday night, at their bome on before .... __....__.o,,.._re, ... ...p"....... .... Upper Darby. things off with a bang by Park avenue•. ·Rudisill••who served as 10 'Points to .Collingdale's 3 In' IDr. Douglas Heath;··sl;n.of Mr. >. Saolf. EIf.rtll••• here from 1947 until 1948, succeeds first quarter._ This lead w~s Mrs. RURsell M. Heath of Cedlll" Girl Scout Troop 657 1ti1\ be en· George G. Gleason, who has been threatened iby the visitors and lane has Ileen prOmoted from·· tertalned at dinner !l'uuday eve.apJ,>Ointed North PhUailelphia dis- the end of the game, the seVenth . to associate'professor trict manager of the Bell Company. and eighth gradera had 29 points at Havel'fordCollege. ning at the hdme of their leader A . graduate of. Thiel College, to Colllngdale'~ 14., Dr. and Mrs• .T. Al1!nght j"!les Mrs. Courtney C. Smith of cedar Rudisill attended the Univereity of .Ronnie HOge :with 12 points .an,d of Elm avenue will have aa t,hetr lane. Afterwards they .will attend Christmas :Play at Hed~row• Pennsylvania· Wharton School's ~.ll _.To~son Wltlt 10 led the .T.V. s guests their son-in-law arid. daugb. • This professional pharo . Graduate Divis.ion before starting tn sconng. GrahalJl' Patteraon(Il), ter Mr. and Mrs. Henry S.Todd, macy .pecializes in family with tbe telephone ~mpany In 1~0 Jen:y (llothler' (2), Mark Beards- 3rd, Salisbury, Md., who will aUI"'e Mr. and Mrs. Antbony Falrbanka as'.a aalesman in· PhiladeJ,phla. He ley (2), a~a Gordon Boyd (1) all Christmas Day to spend .the week. of Park avenue have as their gueats patronage. Turn to us for held various 'Positions in the com. added theIr sh~re. . end.. .. the holidays their son-In-law anything you"d naturally pany's eommercial department beThe Gamete varsity did .Toan Plowman, daugbter of Mr. and daughter Lt. and Mrs. RuSBelI expect to find in a first· i'lre becoming as.i.tant have such an explosive start, and Mrs. Francis Plowman, win Youngblood and chHdren of RJddle class Family Drug Store. .chester,ln 1945. , h o w e v e r maintained a entertain at a small Christmas Bealih, S.C., and their nephew and Our stocks are ample, our . . h.s .. tour a. a manager . -lead game. d ancenert Tu..dayat h er home on blsow... ~I M prices lair. And, of course, Followtng I·th throughout d . I k the r. and Mrs. CharIes Falrat Upper Darby, he was commercial ~h~ d gra.:.;rs. p ~ e t: P e::e North Swarthmore avenue. banka ariil their daughter from At- , remeqtber we value your aupervisor in the company's execu. Irkqf~ald r, WI en ef y sco Dr,. anJ! Mrs• .Tohn R. Bates lanta, Ga. prescription patronnge. • ' . qu N0 rth Che•......,r - roa d h ave as "··,.,1.. tive operating department until ifc .e goahs on d ad bast th 1962, when he transferred to the iA. tOh enseb speth ar ea e y e guest Ilr. Bates' cousin ps' . B,n Spencer, . ng".0 II·owl· lour of the Borough's fire alarm. , Chuck . . . Maschal, .Dlck . Stead, caroII·Ing spree ...# or 8h' UlI"lns. the Fire Company sent off equip- Ftller, Russell LeWIS, Sam Wicks, 'M W·Ill A DC' rs. • am·. e am d ry of B F d D· ment aa" volunteers to assist Rid- Db oote! an . .ck McCu~dy. South Chester road· has as her "¥ou./"eet the Nicest People at Speare's" ley Township in a seneral alarm 'f.he ·Jumor Hrgh teams WIll guests for the holidays her son-in:tire . aitout 11 o'clock Thursday two strong Darby teams law arid daughter Mr. and Mr.. cznd morning• The township school R aymond "E. Ma taon, W h 0 arnve . d _ .. . was ' January 3, 10 a.m. at home.. ev",:"atei "\then B. kerosene- burner Thursday from Columbus, 0., for "They Do Sell the Nicest Things at Speare's" drytng cencrete .n a newly con· ~ews NOTES a week's _villit, and her daughter atructe'.ortion of the new additloa -Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde of Mrs• .Tohn Tyler, a senior student to the hiP. school exploded. more and Ogden· avenue i. at the University of Maryland, COl... __. _.__ as guests for the Christmas holi- lege Park. days the following members.of her Mr. and Mrs. Grover R. Greene family: The .Samuel D. Clydes of of Son'th ChestEir road had ali their Wallingford and their two chUdren, guests ovi.r tbe weekend their son· -Samuel' III, and William Mitebell; in-law and daughter Mr...l l.......r •• Mr. and Mrs. Norman B. Morgan Haines and son Billy ! [t'1J the AJ~erkan way to Beek ing, Randy, Page and Ann Philadelphia. _ C.... Greenville, Del.; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Claire Jeglum of always a bettar way of doing a job. You.· Christmas Seal BUGIIOMT AVBN1lB'- 8BVBNTII AND wnsa STBBJITII Charles. V. Thaekera of Hillborn ~venue will "ave as tbelr COlllrlbuUOD to your tubercuburg, N..l:; and Misii Edith guests Miss Mary Theye Worthen as.oclaUon wltl be used OPEN EVERY NIGHT· UNTIL CHRISTMAS • • •• wood of Wynnewood. of New York City, Mr. and Mrs. til find better ways of-preventIng,flndlng, and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis H. Galla. H, M• .Tohnson and son .Walter at treating 'rD. StI,.. gher, ..Tr., with Mike· and Katie of Bethesda, Md., all of wbmn ar'po"t R"."o·roll. Dover, Del., are spending the boIirive Wednesdaytoapend theCbrlst-1 ol/alm ~B. days with their parents Dr. and mas weekend. Mary· Gnyer, a stu. I!Ti ••• BUY AND US! Mrs. Fred 111. Patmnn at Michigan dent at Cornell from Lima, ¥el"lL CHRISTMAS SEALS avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Galla· will also &pend her vacation WI'''' I --Hope - of--the WorldIJIIU" :.r.= ~ ::DlI~ , tIIJJIdr 0lJrriat PAULSON· & CO ~:::,::~~-8751, FridaY'I:"'~"'.-:''''-_~'''''''S~.,.uthm" _~_ ~"' _,,_-...s :Family-. ,Pharmacy t.- 1-;,....-:;;;;;;;.;;;;;;.;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;::- a;,..: . . z.:-'&' . -'0o~/ - i. o an ne . en > :, A BETTER I-WAY • '0'" :OUR ME'RCHANDISE IS -REPLENISHED FOR LAST-MINUTE i~~~~~~~~~~~~g~h~e~r~,~s~r.;,~o~r~W~aI~lI~n~gf~O~rd.~iiiiiiiiiiiii ther .Teglums. , ! F o r m e SwarthJD0fean Pam McCrory, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. I MaCrory of Iowa City, Ia., will arrive by plane Friday to apend the'remalnder of her holiday vacation with Bettie (Bovard On North Swarthmore avenue. Bettie will entertain at a small d~::.~:: Saturday evening in honor of F birthday, and at·an informal party for tenth grade classmates on .Tanuary 2. . Mr. and Blrs. Ernest D. Lewis an!! daughtera Lynn and Kendra Park aver>ue will spend/several thla week In -Martinsburg home of Mrs. Fred K. Stern. 4 -6 Avenue. Swarthmore. 'a"~ Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Maalla of Wis., a~ Tuesday to spend the holidays with their _ Klnpwoocl,J-4191 and hia family Mr. and Mrs. :Alf...t It.... at Cornell.a_aa. \ Don't Forget to Check Your Film, Fla_shbulbs,· and ,Have Your Flash Batteries Checked • , The CaMen·' ...., S••p '.rIc YULE SHOPPING ""aU""" I \A1d!!1. TO ALL " ,. -