Pace 8 WINS IN SONA. CONTIST l ude E. Underwuuu,· Former Resident, Dies ... --:I Jude E. Underwood of 52 Marlon road. Princeion. N. J .• formerly of Swarthmore and Wa\ilngford Hills. died Monday. November 25. In PrInceton Hospltal. Bom in Noblesvllle. Ind.. May 11. 1889. Mr. Underwood was a graduate of Wabash Col\ege from which he received an A.B. degree !:u~~~1 ~n':,::r: ~teinu::!!~~; Hildegwde Hutcl1eson. of Mr~. MU~S. Hutcl1eson Swarthmore avenue. took prize in the· women's division the annual Hill stngIng at Grinnell College. A soprano. sang Offenbach's "The 1>01\ Hildegarde. a freshman at nel\. is a 1957 gralluate of Baldwin School.· Bryn Mawr. NEWS NOTES Than ksglVlng. "" Se"· 'ENN FACULTY PLANS rYlce COYERED DISH .SUPPER Held at Scientist Church Spontaneous·expresslons gnItitude for God's power and goodness· were a feature of ThanksgiVing service held at Church of CIuis\. Scientist Thanksgivtng Day.' Testimonies Included mention of healing of phylical <\Iseases through prayer· and the understanding of God as taught - Cht:ti~n ~en:' ta~odts A covered dlah supper for all new faculty members of the· UDIversity of Pennsylvania hW!banda and· wives will be held Tuesday. December 3. at 6: 30 p.m. at the Fels Institute for State and Local Government, 39th and Walnut streets. ' Any member tn the area who has not been notified is asked to phone Mrs.' Samuel Gurln, Chalr- BI1111torr1son and LureD D!ckin.. son will be boats at acaptal.... supper for the football lIQuad of Swarthmore High Sc;hool to be given Monday evening. December 2. at the Mom-> home on Dart. mouth arenue. irts 9old bank build,n~ :~rg' FOJ: SAFB DI'Ug8---:--- II 3-0586 cr.... II' ' '."wood . Hart s parents Mr. and M ... 'lolls Oscar chalrman 0 f the mUI4,en ~L ~~.:r::~~~l S. Har.t of Lafayette avenue. • i ",aeIF persbaeh Elsie Lukens of Oakmont, Mrs. ' . Mrs. Edward Heller and Hart·s sister. has also been a holiFrance.i Adams telephone day visitor. . i:ommIttee chalrmen, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Beck- Ilicluli-d Rest refreshments mann of Strath Haven chaIrm repo, . have as their guest Mrs. Beck-. _an. _ _ _ _ _ __ mann's mother Mrs. Alton Bo.we..s I of StoDe Harbor. N. J .• whohoUl:a~r:;-IL4~~ rived Tuesday for a visi~ dl the Thanksgiving hoUdays. ----PoStmaster Charles H. Grfer said this week, "ERrly maliing of DEVINE TAXI COMPANY all . Christmas .cards a1!d gifts is 1I""O,.,,'(lS the SIlle of ils Inni".ss to the biggest slng!li getting , ~.ter, Caroline't and two grand_ da ...... daujtbters. . . . •. . ....,. . Mr. and Mrs; FaIrbanks with their MIchael. AntoDica. and . of Rutgers avenue lett Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving and thehoUday week end with 1ileFaiJbaDks' sonin-law and daughter Lt. and Mrs. R. W. YouDcblood at Myrtle Beach. s. C. P.O. Gets Set ~ .. The former owners. Margaret Devine and F.rances D. Neugebauer. wish to thank their many friends for their patronage over the last 39 years and hope that they will continue to· patronize the business' still trading . under the same name • . • DEVINE TAXI COMPANY ~uality of· oil • IS the COst. of heat is 'really Atlantic Heating Oil is friple-relined for your protection. An exdusI¥e addlli¥e help' gift .,.,.. more heat for your heating dollar. You also _ on burner repoIl'I 'and semc:. calls. .- for clean, low cost heat, call VAN ALEN BROS. RI~"y -, - - . lit "D tI:clr. ~""'gtl ..... ~, " .. al\.Df the mall Christmas. !'os!" OIIk:e -It have been ex~4ed. e~ be\,p wil\ be avalla!)I,. aIId· ~ng is geared· up to handle " record Christmas mail In t, Park U 2-2'.· '- "If you have any articles of Iun.usual· size or bulk, bet.ter check the Post Oftlce before attempting to mail them".' the Postmaster warns. The limits on ahd weight of packages varies, depending on where. packages mailed. When wrapping gifts for mailIng. it'is always better to use corrugated cartons. especially wi.ere I there are a number of various sized objects in ·!he shiPment. . . • . I plenty of wadded tissue or newspaper for extra protection agllins~ I shock, and """urely wrap each package or carton.ln heavy paper. and then tie it with slrong cord. sure to include an extra label with your return add..... and recipients address Inside the carton pa$agebefore it is wrapped. or Another good idea is to ola.ce I a piece of transparent cellophane tape over the address portioo th label on ;pour paekage to prevent defactng tn transit, and aL make sure to Include reclplents fIul1 name,· street address, city. zone and slate. PostmaSter Grier • .that . . . .sa:JB follow theae t!u'ee r.::!:',Ilfta del{vaidc:el'taIn before II. 701& - to n.r.' Wrap thaD-. I:=:~~. -~IICtb", «ad, THE SWARTHMOREAN VOLUME 2~NUMBER 49 =-,:~~---,-":"':-==:"'::~ Trinity to Dedicate Nelf Organ Sunday c.,•••, , EDGMONT AVENUE - SEVENTH AND WELSH STREETS STO~E HOURS: Today. Saturday and .Monday, 9:30-9:00; Tliesday and Wednesday.· 9:30-5:30: Next Thunc/liy thru Dec. 23. 9:30-9:00· .. Your On...stop Shcppinq Servlc. Offen You Variety and V.lue in a Department for Everybody . SECOND FLOOt -.fIoo _ . '.- • Ieftw Dresses .. DA~nte Cottons ... Women'.s Cotts . . . WOIMC'I Wh .. Spa .,. . ., .. Mnn...., .: ....,.,114)8 .. FlIST R.00It . ' . ~ &1IIs • &I..... _ _ H~.. C ".,Ies .. H.ttdbHs .. Cci::1 ..... ....,...,. ... At: cn. . . D .Nllla ....... Wear -. ' I DO_PAIlS STOlE • . InfHh' CIoIttf~ .... Masooriloln, .. 1Oys' WeAr .. Girts' W... _ OIIIdol lor _ ud &I" Scoot . L1...... - HOI..., And Eqgi_ . u._ _________~S~w~art~h~m~o~re~,.!a.. Rev. Frederick K. Stamm .Gift Is in Memoriam of the late Samuel D. Clyde The new pipe organ at Trinity Church will be dedicated Sunday. December 8, at the 11:15 service. This organ is in memory of the late Samuel Dyer Clyde ·of Swarthmore. and Is the gift of his family and. of members of the' parish. Mr. Clyde was for many' years a communicant at Trinity Church where he served as'Vestryman and Senior War4en. A veteran of the Spanish-American War and former State Assemblyman, Mr. Clyde was a senior partner in what is believed to be the oldest real estale finn In the coimty-Sweeney ·and· Clyde. He was a leader in business and banking and service activities in ibis area. The organ was designed and manufactured ,by the M. P. Moller Company of Hagerstown, Md. It is a two manual organ. consisting 1\ of ~ Great. Swe • and Positive dlvisions and Peaal Division. It has 18 ranks comprising 1,088. pipes. The organist and choinnaster of TrInity Church. Rob,:rt Smart, will play. at the ory sel"VlCB. Joseph deFuria directs the··Play-. er Club's oecember offering "Oesk Set" which opens next Mlonday for the traditional six night run. Written by' William Marchant the comedy. described as "wonderful\y constructed" and practically guaranleed for its hilarity. brings n . cast of 12 before the footlights. and a host of workers. committees and crewmen. to back· stage. STRAm HAVEN INN· The Postmaster suggested special care be taken in prepsrlng gift packages for the maHs-a11 addresses should· be legible and Klngswood 3-0444 when the ~. this year." • • • and phone number Christmas Seals ., FROM:9Sc' .- . :.. . ·IEe G 1957 'Buy MarChant Comedy Begins S' N" ht R IX- Ig un Monday Ample s~te fMfftw-'",h#o" bri4ge I!==I 1'(' • COMPUTE LlfflCHEONS . Swnrthnore Collegr Library Swarthmore _----~--'h.. 'Desk Set' to Open· .,AtPlaYel'sClilb (with 4'~w - "; - .".,.,;,.) '. noon ~ --thirtr For Christmas Mai1s . Anthony Palermo and RicbardMacDonald ..'. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • CO•• LIOI: LIRRARY ,= " ... alice barbe. .-( . John Wetlaufer. son of Mr. and A mK!Iangswn Ofoodthe DeW3_257m9.emMbers ... · Mrs.L. A. Wetlaufer or- Strath vo tit de° bVO un rybe s fmthen ....,.. H t ed L_ ~a u y mem rs 0 e Cohen. of the new ·members com_I p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; aven avenue.· re urn ""me ..Is '--1 ded tn I, Wednesday for the Thanksgiving DallMO u _.. mlttee. KIngswood 4-2970. or Mrs. h lid J hn is It ding Lehigh Y Scn.ces Hens Borel. hospitality chairman, 0 ays. 0 a en Science churches. KIIngswood 4-0171. UDiversity. Bethlehem. Mr. and Mrs. James CWlord "Thanksgiving" .was the sui)jec:t I with their children Teela. Carothe Lesson-5ermon read from PACK 101 TO MEET line. and Jimmy of Rutge.. ave- the desk. Especially prepared for Swarthmore CUb P8cJc 101 will nue left Wednesday night to the day. It consisted of selections meet this evening at '1:30 In Mc1ile remainder of-the week at their the Bible and from the oahan Hall in the Presbyterian • Oaly alJdarmadlC is cottage at St. Michaels. Md.. Science textbook "Scl- Church. Den 8 will conduct the lull,. qu.1I . 10 Mr. Cl\tford and Jimmy will ence and Health with ~ey to the Flag Ceremony. and Dan II will prcKtacta "ianed 10 aid some time duck hunting. . Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. present a skit. In addition to the )'Oar hntth ...d welfare. AI.a,.. hay DRUGS in a Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. BrodThe First Reades'. read the program, there .wIll also Drug Sroft. Yoa'Uapprehead of Ogden avenue have Thanksglvtng Day, Proclamation be a display of Cub handcraft. date oar ample ltoc:U ...d their guests durtng the by the PresIdent of the A Pack Committee Il'eeting will fair prices. And, iealemgiving 'holldays Mrs. States. be held at 6 Tuesday evening. Deber, w••ptd.lI.. ia doe parents Mr. and Mrs. R. L. KinsKeynollng the cember 3. at the home of Mr. and proD!J>t, .,reci •• comman of Lansdowne. was the Golden Text from Mrs. Jack ('1;s1110g. 506 Drew pouncnaaOlpmcdpdoal. . Hugh Morrison. son of Mr. and (50: 14): "Offer unto God a~ue. ., • Mrs. MaXey M01"tison of Dart- givtng; and pay thy VOWS unto mouth avenue. is at home for the most Hlgh." .. CATHERMAN'S Thanksgivtng holidays. Hugh. B DRUG STOU· sophomore at Lafayette College, . lOtI! Grade Ope.. Ho... , . Easton. Is a member of the cast of Bill Fuoss· and Robby Jarratt ''Golden Boy" to be .glven by the are givtng an open house for the PETER E. TOLD college theater group. He has been 10th grade class tomol'l"OW evening New, ,H..ra: chosen assoctate sports editor o f , : 3 0 to 9 at SUI North the col\ege paper "The Lafayette." avenue. It is hOped that '~".Dalf, All Une. of 'n.nrerDn Dr. William Y. Rial of Harvard as many.of the class as pIlOlSit.lel avenue Is a member of the regis- will be able to come. . tration committee for the Chemi-·· .. ~. cal Meeting of the American Medl- KINDERGARTIN'MatIRS 3:J3 DarflllollHi Ave •. cal As.'OOclation at Convention " TO MEET DICEM ER 4+11 December 3-5. The motl\ers of Mrs: ~ K. , tOO. . Rev. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rlahan! Ende..' Kind.rten grliup Surviving are his wife. the Hart with their children meet Wednesday· Bftemoon. . 3·1833 StoP.l1l t"D,.,st........... fonner J"""le Dowdell. whom Mr. Sally and Ted arrived cember 4. at'3: SO' 'in the Coll~ge I M,. &eI,.,hr; ••, H . Underwood married in 1916; a son from Pleasantvl1le, N. Y.. for a Avenue1dndergarlen room. ,Jude. Jr.! of Essex. tonn.; a visit. of several days ·with Mr. Mrs. W.Ullam R. Phiillps ra_ec'" for two ~rs after his graduation J -and was a physical chemlst with the U S Bureau of Mines in . . Bould..... Colo.• from 1916 to 1919. From 1931 to 1923 he wls with the Radium Corporation of Pittsburgh and New York. He was also director of reseerch National Lime Association, Wa.hlncton. D. C .• manager of research and development of the Office of the War Production Board, Washington. D. C. Director of research for Diamond Aika1i Company. Cleveland. 0.. from 1944 to 1952. Mr. Underwood was technical consultant until retirement. He was a member of the AIDer!can Chemical SocIety. the American Institute of ChElllical Englnoors. and the Rittenhouse Astra. nomlcal Society. His chemical research activities iIIcluded radium. radio activity. lind radium luminous preparations; radium salt. radOn recovery. lime products; cbemlcal pulp bleaching, organic and inorganic research In heavy chemical and a11ied products; hlgb temperature organic '. heat transfer agents; lightweight . aggroegate! manufacturing. process patentS. A memorial service was held ; Wednesday afternoim tn Prince- • November 29, 1951 THE 8WARTHMORBAN FranceUa Willis plays thcting House Sunday morning at t ~rertlfOr hIS landing, scheduled for, more Tuesday night December 10 9:45. He will speak on the top' ISO Y before 2 p.m. that day. I " c!. . . ' at the regtllar meeting of the , "The Race of Life:" All interested I It S an unenVIable task, In the pl'f30ns are cordially invited. i Cace. of warm. sunshiney days, and ,Swarthlnore-~u.tledge Home and For decades, Gienn Cunningham I ~ wlerd one Cor a garage man who: School ASSOCIatIon. ' has been known to millions as the IS u~uaIJy more concerned with, Judge Bok is President Judge of g~ catest miler of our time. cun-l clear1f~g s~o~. away, ~ather than:. Common Pleas Court No.6 whic'h nmgham was captain of the Arner- gathering It m, but sleIgh runners: h 'd t I' . Ph'l d , k b I as a WI e repu a Ion 10 I a eliean track team that twice toured WOf est on snow, as anyone can . . . the Orient. His tcam mates voted I tell you. so Mr. Wa.ite said hc'd try.: phla as a non-pohttcal court. He (Continued OIl Page 5) ! In the meantime, all children up: has headed that court since it was ito (and most definitely in~luding) ,created in 1937. and was re-elecl_ ten years of age, are remmded of eel thiS year to a third lO-year i the cordial invitation to come next, term. ,[I of the late Samuel D. Buy 100ympic Champion ISanta Claus to Visit 'Judge Cuttis Bok Sponsored by Friends I sa~::~~!!~ r~~:!S!~rx II Speaks Here·Tuesday Rev. Frederick K. Stamm I Clyde I The new pipe organ at Trinity Church will be dedicated Sunday. ' December 8, at the 11:15 service. This organ is in memory of the late Samuel Dyer Clyde of Swarthmore, and is the gift of his fami1y and of members of the parish. I I I Mr-. Clyde was for many years I a communicant at Trinity Church: where he served as 'Vestryman and ! Senior Warden. A veteran of the: A' . I . I II :CongregatlOnailst Will Natl'v"lt P ttl Preach lIere S nd. y agean 0 :~rv~~Si~:t~:iti::din ~~~~i~:ea.and u ay iI 'Star' 1957 Chr·lst·mas I~oh~:~:Ysa~~!Wa~~ ~l~':it~n~i~': • • • '. Prior to going on the Common . Guest minister at the Presbyand to receive a gift ': Pleas bench. Judge Bok was a Th e organ was deSIgned and I . • :, d . .. . manufactured 'by the M. P. Moller Itenan Church Sunday morning ICommunity to .. Enter Into" Lest anyone be worried over the, JU ge m Phllaaelphla Orphans Company of Hagerstown Md. will be the Rev. Frederick Kener i EI th P t t. snow situation, Santa, and Mr.: ~ourt. H~ has always'taken specIal , I ! even resen a Ion W ·t .. mterest In the I~gal aspects ot is a two manual organ consisting Stamm D.D. who ''''ill preach at 31 e too, prOmIsed faIthfully that I f '1 . . of a Great Swell and Positive di-Ibolh t~~ 9.'30 a d II 'I k December 22 whether the weather be spring., amJbl Y• JUVedllllhe. and adolescent , , "'". n 0 c: oc lilt d b I pro ems an IS talk here will visions and Pedal Division. It has .' . ' The Pageant of the Nativity will e an a my, or unexpectedly b b " 18 ranks comprising 1068 pipes sen Ices In the sanctuary 011 again deepen the spiritual celebra-I frigid, Santa WILL be there. e a~ed on some of hiS experlI • Harvard A v 1 ences 10 these fields. The organist and choirmaster of cnue. tion of the Christmastide in it.; t Trinity Church, Robert Smart, Considered one of the most eleventh presentation on Sunday! R AIllldresidendts of ~warthmore and . . h e d l'Iergymen of the: everung, . WIll play at the special dedica- iI d'IS t'IngutS December 22, at 5 and:I ~ ut e ge f all h·ld·particularly . II the d par· tory service : Congregational Church, Dr. : at 7 O'clock in Clothier iVlemorial i :~~ S ~ C 1 len I~ a. gra es of . I Stamm ?as served churches in the! on the. College ~a.mpus. All who I i ar: ~n:~:~ta~: :~en;l~~' schools, ,EvangL'llcal and Refonned Church come In the Sptrlt of reverence I ' d S h I ' e .Home I Cor 18 year!', notably the FIrst . ' WIll • be welcome. I The Woman's Club of Swarth- ,. an and worship h Id et' 800 meetmg. . th It Will . . be I Ch h D 0 TI I Ch I M' h I e a p.m. m e auditOrIum ., lireayton, ., and the Calte atear es D. Itc eJ, the more IS lookmg forward to the f II • h' h h I' C I n' " . d Ii t · 0 le 19 sc 00 on 0 lege ave. h In 1'1.. I~: vary Ch urc. neadmg. He, P agea!lt S ongmator an (ree or" annual ChTl~tma~ program at its - • A. . T .~. .. d ' .. I succeeded th.e renowned Dr. I'defined it as fi "spiritual interprc-I stated meeting un Tu'e$day, in the I U~I"I' C- IIt.:v, eJ_•. dflOUIB akl! taleclkeptlon [ . . I tahon . 'at 2 p.m. Mrs. Henry I. w l o owugeos. • I NehemIah Bounton at the Chllof thC" e nrlstmas Story en- I club house . Marcnant Comedy BeginS I ton Avenue Congregational I tered into by the people of swarlh-I Hoot. chairman of Ute drama dePreSident. of the Home and S' N' ht R Church, Brooklyn. N. Y .. in 1929. mo""". Members oC Swarthmore partmenl, will present a drama(Contmued on Page 6) IX" 19 un ! Later he was minister of the First i churches interpret the Biblical tized version of three stories from Monday : Congregational Church in Chi- I roles o( the Pageanl in reverent, '"rhis Way to Christmas," by Ruth Joseph de-Furia directs the Play- : ('ago, and the Community Church Isolemn wor~hip and in anon~~itY'1 S~wyer in the diaJect of the coun- I er Club's December offering "Desk of Great Neck. o~ Long Isl~nd; he i Churc~ chOIrS fonned t~e ongl~al tnes each represents. ! Set" which opens next 1\ronday was madc mInister emerItus of j 8~ VOIce. Pageant Cho.. us WhICh I Mrs. Roland G. E. mlman will for the traditional six night run. the Great Neck Church. i WIll begm rehearsal Wednesday play the simple hearted Irish wo-I • Written by' William Marchant the, For 19 summers he conducted eveni~g and now includes any p~r- man, wife of the hotel's caretaker. 55 Year Boro Resident comedy, described as uwonderfully! the nation-wide radio program, so~~ In t~e c~mmumty wh~ wls.h Andries Van Dam, of the Little constructed" and practically guar- i "Highlights of the Bible" under. to enter mto the Pageant In thiS Thealre Club fame, will represent Succumbed Saturday' anteed for its hilarity, brings a' the auspices of Ihe National way. "the old German flagman for the Morning cast of 12 before, the fOOtlights,1 Council of Churches, and the i • Use of Clothier. . tiny railroad station. A native of and a host of workers, committees National Broadcasting Company.' College.perrruts ~heIHOnand,.Mr. Van Dam was grad.. Funeral services for Howard B .. ! use of ClothIer MemorIal a settmg t d f S rth H' h Green. for 55 years a resident oC and crewmen. to back· stage. In 1938 he served as an e x - . . .' . , ua e rom wa more Ig S . .. WhICh enhances the dIgmty and School and is a sophomore at warthmore, were held Tuesday Francelia WIllis plays the lead I change preacher to England and ma'esty of the solemn Christmas ' at Oliver Bair's, Philadelphia. InI f B W t t ed' I d J SwarUtmore College. ro eo. unny a son, por ray I Scot. an . Story. Sewing groups of Friends .. " . terment followed at Eastlawn by ShIrley Booth on Broadway. Dr. Stamm has written a num-I Meeting and the Presbyterian Tbhe rT~le °t(h uBanckle Joab. l~ ta~- Cemetery. Swarthmore. Mr. and Katherine Hepburn in the I ber of magazine articles. and is, Church completed the costumes en y lmo y er, a luruor m Green passed away Saturday 'no' . th e c as! are 'the author of a dozen. .b 00k S, I which seem to ·have a fresh beau~y Springfield High School and vio- morning, November 30, in the • Others In K a t Ie ChomaI ou, N ancy H a g Y. among them "The ConversaVons 0 with each wearing. lin student of Janet Beuhler. He 'Oakc ...,.t Nursing Home, Upland. I' Gretchen Bauer, Andre Pollock, Jesus," "Good News for Bad A large group of residents sup- will play the violin selections in He was 87 . Charles P. Larkin, Jr., Frank H. Times," "Seeing the Multi- plies sustenance .to the Pageant's two scenes that require incidental Mr. Green was a graduate in ManDy, Stephanie B. Battey. ~on tudes," "In the Shadow of the participants between the two re- music, and Beth Purnell will sing the class of 1892 at Swarthmore D. Tippet, Caroline Valentine, Cross," "One Fine Hour." An- Quiring presentations, a custom the off-stage solo. The boy who College where he was a football Patricia Told, and George T. other written to young preachers which lingers from the first sched- inspires the Christmas expressions and track star. An engineering Herschel. "So You Want to Preach" will be uled presentation in 1938 which is Dean Forbes, a sixth grade pupil of Margaret Moore' room. student, his layout plan for the Alan Slack technical director published next spring. filled Clothier and turned away so streets in the souUt portion of Ute for the production, is also designer He is a graduate of Franklin many disappointed people that a Robert Holm of the High Seh001 borough, between Chester road. of the set built by the stage crew d Marshall College in Lancas- spontaneous offer was made to re- Faculty will supply a wind in- Harvard and Princeton Avenues under David Bingham. Wesley laenr and from Ibe Evangelical and, peat the Pageant at 7 o'clock. Ush. strument quartet to play between ted . tb' scenes and lead Ute final carol in were accep and used. Hewas Wagner provides the music an d /R 'f, rmed Church Theological ers cont rl'bu t e th' ell" servICes, eIr a member of Delta Upsilon ' , Seminary, e 0: · . t ..oth sound effects, 'James B. Magm also in Lancaster. He way 0 ( "en teI'1ng m e Ch' rls t - ·which the entire audience will ternity. St participate. . P aul Birkahn, and Lois Pct erson received his Doctor of Divimty mas Dry. . As a young resident of SwarUthandle the stage lighting. Ruth R. d egree from Piedmont College, In each presentatIon, Ute reader, Mrs. Hoot is handling Ute nar- more h e was active in political Hamilton Is prompte,r. G· and his Doctor of Let- the organist, the choral director ration 3nd coaching and Mrs. d'vi ff' . eorgIa, hi . f'~ J 0 Ste h d h an CI c a airs, serving at one Stage decorations and propertles ters from his alma mater Frank- serve as a wors PPlng part 0 u.e ames . p enS' an er com- time on Borough Council, and are under Rita LoUtrop and Eliza· r d Marshall .College. whole. Others in Ute Community mittee is in charge of scenery. later as president of the Swarthbeth Derickson co-chairmen, as- in an "enter into" the Pageant by con- The Youth Conservation depart- more Business Men's Association. sisled by Mllile Slack Carrie tributing to the Community ment requests gifts for Glen Mill H hi HOOk, Elsa Stradley, and RaUtleen Pageant ~nd which makes pas- boys and Sieighton Farm girls to G::.,.,~~er~ ;a:~el a~u~~~ Edney. Mako!-up chainnan is\ The 1957 SwarUtmore High (Continued on Page 6) be placed under the club tree. Princeton Avenue (or approxiuad Katrina Ives, assisted by Betty School .Team Footbal~ ~nd male1y 35 yeaTS. Bentley, and Lavina Hurst. members of other actIvities which He was married in 1900 to Mary have participated In the H I g h foI. 'tat Wolverton, and Utey lived School Football Program will ~e ~t ~ on Dickinson Avenue until 1907 honored by the Citizens' Athl:tIC when they moved to Uteir newly Committee 6:30 p.m. Satur ~~ CLOTIDER MEMORIAL, SWARTHMORE COLLEGE built home at the Chester Road address. Alter 'Mrs. Green's The eboras the p _ t night December 14. The alfair WI be held In Ute Hlgh School cafeSUNDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1957 deaUt, on December 6, 1956, Mr. Of the Natlvlt7 will rehearse on GTeen sold his home and moved WeoJneoclQi eveamo. ~r teria and is open to parents and friends of Ute students honored. AT 5 AND AT 1 O'CLOCK from Swartitrnore. 11 aDd 18 at 8 .'clock In the ......n. with dinner The program "-";'"' Hlgh Foo~ He is survived by a, daullbter, PresbrieriaD Church. Harvard at 6' 30 wiUt the Juruor t Mrs. Florence Green Broomall, a~lIae. On SaturdaY. 0 - ball' PlaYers invited for dessert a of Wallingford; a son, Howard W. her 111 tile rellearsaJ will be 7:30. All teamS will be introdU~ tonU Green of LIma; two granddaUlhheld .. CIetIlIer Memorial lID m when tb1! fonnal part ters, Ann Broomall Gaul and t 8 tile OoUep... • •• a p.. ~""'ft. A1lY0De in- ' - " .... ' CUIU M'arIJyn Green Doherty; and tWo AIa,._ . . . readII . . . . eM- the program ~ may contact tel'ested In atten -.....deDt of the ....t L 6 _ &nd Ib ....... lId eIMInl e . . . Maxey !IfDrrisoJl, ,..- It! I I Stop I. Mr. n. Dr.g.'o" aad m,.' Go"o,'.r, o.r ••• COMPLETE LUNCHEONS The Postmaster suggested that special care be taken in preparing gift packages for the mails-all addresses should be legible and complete. "If you have any articles of unusual size or bulk, better check with the Post Office before attempting to mail them", the Postmaster warns. The limits on size ahd weight of packages varies, depending on where packages are" mailed. When wrapping gifts for mailing, it is always better to use corrugated cartons, especially where there are a number of various sized objects in the shipment. Use plenty of wadded tissue or newspaper for extra protection against I shock, and securely wrap each package or carton in heavy paper, and then tie it with strong cord. Be .sure to include an extra label with your return address and Ute recipients address inside the carton or package before it is wrapped. AnoUter good idea is to place a piece of transparent cellophane tape over the address portion of th label on your package to pI'..... vent defacing in transit, and al_ ways make sure to Include Ute recipients full name, street address, city, zone and state. Postmaster Grier says that If you follow these Utree simple rules, you are certain to have your gifts deHvered before Christ.. mas Day: Wrap them securely; address them correctly, and mali them early. OEC 6 1957 Buy Spanlsh- merican War and form- I er State Assemblyman, Mr. Clyde! was a senior partner in what is I believed t~ be Ute oldest real es· tate finn In the countY-Swcen-j ey and Clyde. He was a leader, rh.r.acllf Mrs William R. Phillips is .' chairman of the moUters 'I:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ group, Mrs. Jack Gersbach, secretary- '5 t1reasurer, Mrs. Edward Heller and Mrs. Frances Adams telephone . M (with Appetizer • Dessert - Beverage) ~mmlttee chairmen, and rs. Ric?ard Restrepo, refreshments noon to one-thirty chairman. FROM· 95c --------- Postmaster Charles H. Grier said this week, "Early mailing of all Christmas cards and gifts is Ute biggest single factor In getting all of the mail delivered before Christmas. Post Office faclUties have been expanded, extra hel.!' will be available, and everything is geared up to handle a record Christmas mail in Swarthmore 1/(' • For SAFB Drugs---':'--- Co lleg\f' Li hrary SViarthmore ¥ Trinity to Dedicate Nevv Organ Sunday PETER E. TOLD The molliers of Mrs. Robert K. Enders' Kindergarten group will meet Wednesday ~ternoon, December 4, at 3: 30 in Ute College Avenue kindergarten room. Local P.O. Gets Set For ChrIS·tmas Mails S~ml'tlll:Jo::,,\: VOLUME 29-,NUMBER 49 10ft! Grade Open House Bill Fuoss and Robby Jarratt are giving an open house for the lOth grade class tomolTow evening from 7:30 to 9 at 316 North Princeton avenue. It is hoped that as many of Ute class as possible will be able to come. , ." Bill Morrison and Luren Dlckin. son will be hosts at a captains' supper for the football squad of Swarthmore High School to b. given Monday evening, December 2, at the Morrison home on Dart. mouth avenue. Ample SPIlU for lIfler-luneheon bridge lit no extra eharge STRATH HAVEN INN I ID es k Set' t0 0pen ' At, PI ayers LJ.Uu ChflS" tmas Program Scheduled for Tuesday 1[ I 1 .. IUnpwood 3-"88 'for Howard B Green I I' I' "Yo" Meet the NICEST People at Speare's" I 'I feshio. EDGMONT AVENUE - (or •••, SEVENTH AND WELSH STREETS STORE HOURS: Today, Saturday and Monday, 9:30-9:00; Tuesday and Wednesday, 9:30·5:30; Next Thursday thru Dec. 23, 9:30.9:00 (I I Football Team Feted Your One-stop Shcpping Service Offl!n You Variety ..,ncl Value in a Department for Everybody SECOND FLOOR • Belter Dresses· Daytime Cottonl - Women's Coats Women's Suits • Sportswear • Millinery • LU9CJag8 • Found.tion G.rmtnb FIRST FLOOR - Lingerie • HOSiery _ Notions • Gifts • Glove, Handterc:hi.ts - Cosmetics • Handbags - Costume Jewelry - AccessorilH • Dos-mestics - Mens Wear DOWNSTA.IRS STORE Infanh' Clothln9 and Accessorifl • Boys' Wear· Girls' Wear • Offici.l loy Scout .and Girl Scout Uniforms and Equipment I. Servlces . HeId Tuesday I this year!' .. and phone number the cost of heat Thanksgiving Service Held at Scientist Church COI.LIroE 1,IIIRAIlY • :>'I Nativity Pageant Chorus to Rehearse 1I1 t 0f ....,agtan .. A fttlwl"t" "'" 'or au tubo - .. bi.tle ........... . . in tfJt .pint of l\tbennu ad oriijlP anannt ..... i 6. 1957 , I, '' '. THE SWAItI'iiJIIORBAN • i_ P erBOllClA m" tN" of the Pearfamily for Mr. and ...... Leon Pwni9D of /dr. and Mr&. I. ~re Elk.1$-1 plaInI. N. Y •• and their loll fIl Harvard avenue entertained IJ'aDIICblIdreD were amoq for Th,-lIIIvIDa cIIn...... at the lonathan,Lanae, a &OPhostrath Haven Ism Kri. Reed Cole. at PrincetoI1 Universll¥, re~e and aon Robert of Scandale, turned home for the hollday&. ~Y.~..H~and ~;m~h:a~m~'1 Welle&! Mr. and Kri. Qeorce !tam. of road returned late Tu _.. 6._ . . . ~ eeIebrate tbeI1' December II am avemae. _ fer SuiII"a fourth bIrthdq. Mr. and KrL a.-u 1,1"" " a' I : . p.m. at - R_ Slated 33 Browniea Inveated D.AiDSlie Named For Mothers, Party In NovI Ceremoniee Company V"Ice-P 'dent lira. BwIq II the fOI.... IIl&& Nanq 1Ioore. daqb_ fIl tile late Dr. B. B. N_.,", .. "e!d. A. Gaul and chlldnD Larry and Dick IDGV.IITH Pa. • . ed frOm Secane Satlmla7. to their Mr. and .... Boben A. ~ Ma1emal ~el' II lin; new home ID PaoB. Mra. Gaul II SprIJIIhaven 1DItat., _ _ the T. G. til"'•• 1ckeibUJ'I. Patena1 the form. Mils AIm ~aU arrival of a..-. Boben ClarIt cnmdmother II KrL AleunoJer Swarthmore. Bwlq, Nov- .... . . IIwiDIJ. Du1m~th a _ . JIDore.. A..."'S ... lenDifel' of Moylan, Mr.· fI7 . -Mr. aDd KrL claJit IL Am .... JIGle of Rirb m ond••JD4.0 Mr. day after a Caribbeul of J(Aehlpn aveaue announce Jrn. Robert S. 8cho"""' ....... Ir., . of tbeI1' daqhter. and daqhter M~ of PlttMleld, Mr. and KrL Henry IL HarrIs Anna Mae A)lIeon, to AlrIDlll! 1 ....... Dr. and KrL I. of lkMe Tree. formerly of Swarth- 1st Claa Leroy T. Staudt BlldDton. with their mono are returDin& t.bla week end Bethlehem, i\atlDlled at Dov. G'W)"Ileth and IIDD Inn{b. and after a _th·, vllit with Bale, DeL . and JoIn. David C. BUdnIoll with and daqbtel' Dr. aDd MIIi liD/ROD la a IRduate' of their 80na 'l'tIomaa, DavId and David P. Thomaa of WllmincJlI&b School and Steven, aU of Moylan. ton. N •. C. . pre&etlt time la employed Dr. aDd ....... Wtlllam E. Mr. and Kri. H. LeRo;y McCune M'edIa I'riendi /kOOL fonh of HUlbom aftllUe had of Villanova avenue had .. The weddlD& wU1 take place at their cue&t& aver the Thank&&lvIDa for the Thanlra&1vlDa hollweek end their 80Jl Dick, who attheir nephew and hla wife tend& lohns Hopkin& University. and MIn. Rlchard H. Gnham Dick', fiancee, MIas Barbara la- and baby Laurie Ann of New cobs of U!e Defense York City. ID Waahincton, D. C •• their Mr. Lynn Doherty, who la tel' Carolyn, now studying In& at the University of In New Yodt City, Mr. Roy Tawes and his fiancee, Mla& Carol fIl Dover, DeL, and Swarthmore Blrmln&ham. Mich.. spent the Collqe, Mr&. Danforth's sister Mra. holldays at the home Robert de Sevel'ance from . of Mr. Doherty's parents Dr. and N. Y •• her son Lt. (l.g.) Mrs. J. Kenneth Doherty of Elm de Severance of the U. S. N., avenue. . Uoned' ID Norfolk, Va" and Mr. and Mrs. WUlIard Dover Air Baae ID Ad_" ~. Profeuor and M'n. GeorIe' Tbom of WIa1v".rord the enaapment fIl their daqhter. MlrIam J:1lzabeth, to Anbur Mitchell Saundel'i. Ir•• of Kinaton, C .• son fIl Mir. aDd MIe. Arthur Saunder& of Del. MIIi Thom. • IRduate Bi&h School, la attendID& Bucllllell University wheie she .1 . , Christmas Program Thurs ~ ~ • llAun ADDS TO HOUDAY 1IICIIAIITM1. . , r:berboo:' r=~ pf SprlDgfteId, who w;ll p _ t a ~~=Roed Gunn Is acUve ID I;Jprlngfteld Woman's Club Ime haa been chairman' Of ~erlcan homli' and a member the hoard of directors', .. well a. resident of thli' St Francis Gt'ou I. a member of PI Beta Pbl sonni.ty. ~ day spent the day ID New York their grandmother Kri~~M'a:u:d~li'rTh~e~W~ed~d~In~C~wU1~~t~ak~e~~il City. Burns. .:Mr. Mr. and Mr&. Wllllam N. Froebel reobained for the Bower of W.untnster avenuli' en- giving week end. POI t.enaIned Mrs. Bowli'!"s Mr. and Mrs. Maxey M'orrIaon . ~.AZlNI SUlSCllmQNS Mrs. W. 1.. Richmond of Atlanta, Dartmouth avenue had as their ·Ga., for a few days of last week. Day iruesls Mr. Mor- illS. LLOYD L IIAU..IIAII Mr. uid Kra. W11llam D. Ziegenmother Mrs. C. M. M<,rrI'-1 ::.:.:=~Ius of PhIladelphia spent son and sister Mrs.·Joseph Wllm. ThanksgivIDc weekend In of Chestnut H i l l . : " li more as the llUe&ts of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Schoft fils's parenta Mr. and Mrs. Francl& of MlchlPn avenue sp<>nt a reciint H. Forsy>the of Theyer road. weekend ID Towson, Md., with Ml'I!. Ruaaell H; Kent returned their Son-ID-law and daughter Mr. to her ho11U! OIl Darbnouth avenue and Mrs. Burton N. Cox, and helpTuesday niilht following a 'week stay ID Miami, Fla. Nancy GowIn&, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Mace GowIng, returnSwa..... more. Pa. ed to Denison University ID Gl'anville, 0., after spendIng 'l'banlra. fri •.• Sat., Dec. 6, 7 .&lving vacation at her .home . D.rryI F. I. •••k P.....toParrish road. A treshman at De,II-1 r..... H•• s.. Story IOn, Nancy 1& ID the Women's Club. a member of the yearbook ''THE SUN ALSO RlSES" staft, a secretary for the. student \Toc~.lcoIorl fIOYernment, vice - president of ,.".... Pew... . Alpha PhI pledge class, and a Irrel ""'" , member of thli' Y.W.C.A. Fricl.y Fuhl...: 7:30, 9:45 P.M. ·Set. ,......" 5:45, " .10:15 P..... Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Good of Forest lane, with their ~~:I 116 lOY RHIIS SHOW fOR layne and Mark, spent thli' CHILDISN. SATUIDAY, 1 ..... hollday& ID HarrIsburg as ''THE GOLDIN STALLION'" pests of Dr. Good's parents Mr. pM CeIer Cu C.~.1Iy and KrL Edmund G. Good. Mr. and Mr&. Gordon Lance of S.Hay, M•••ay. T_1IIay Cedar lane and Mr. and Mra. . Dec... t. Lockwood W. Fogg,lr.; of Moylan ..A..IS DIAN in 1& ..... _ .... 'oIdII&l C." . . . ROBERT J. ATZ, Mlr. RUSSELL'S SERVICE . ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. RUBBERS·: Men -Women - Children Celia Shoe Shop .102 Park Avenue Swarthmore '.g_.,·, rI_. An ",".r "GIANT" THE \Tocholcolorl PLAYERS Of IWAIIHMOII " ....,. ""DESK Sn- \ ............. . J.p. .: , sa..-AY. ... de~ : " " "., ••.• ..." . . . • ..... ,.,u'_........ _ srlClAL Au..cHli.IIuII'S SHOW 18...,.Y IIATIIIIII:11 ..... ••_... h...·...._ "fOIT APACHr· ..... Color C __ t.;-' '2 ....._ ...... w................... w . .... 11.11, 11.14 - ..... _ ••••1' •• t- .... PIIoM; - , _ ... . CaiI~,.............. . -! " Fir, N.rway SprlC.; ScotcIt PI••• . CoI.rada ..... Spl'llCO CUI TlEES - PI. . alii ....... Fir i-S~;~~~;;;;;;~~~~~;ii;iiiii~iii~ l>a!.~:'" its1D~~ C::'S debut Wedne&day evening against a strong DickiD&on College team. i The game .marked the &tart of the . " J. W Lovelan.,., with third year Of coaching for Swarthohn M~ey at the ·piano. more's genial mentor, ritelt MadiA' 8010 ::'1 the clUb'sj . son who is opUmlstic about Garnet ocallat, .otqs. Thomas: Joyce, chances in spite of the loss Of llghtthe musical portion , , I year's co-captains Bob FIsher e Ii'ntli'rialDment. , Davidso I for the Cbri&tmas Returning:' head the Swolrlh-I arli' Earl Scott and Mra. llne-up will be 1957 oeeph assisted by Mra. taIns Kent Greenawalt and Jim r1Dton . and f4i's. Kenneth who are both· veteran I elcho John S. Francis will seniors Bruce Oak. reside at brief business meet- ley and Roh Wrlght,and auresC whIch the entertaln- slve Pete Kroon who was a standeat. out on theboardi last season. I Coach Madison's squad W . helllht, but is p\aDning to makli' r:~lr~:.:etil!ls, defect with plenl¥ .of Kate Furness-Free i The has sched- 'A newcomer to th" squad will Ubrary of be sophomore Henn bied a December who may provide· some of ." ,. It'.....Soa..sIn... IlIA' to !mow what why not ..... It yow mitt bvli- _s 10 shop h_ for gifts? • ',._ at the library. The stability which was lacking 'feature a story hour year. The Garnet, playing no' .....'~ I :Wrlll8Jm H' Roberts of cold., ran up a '-13 record ID Iva"-I ill t lI't Christ- 57 against. such compeUUon AS ,w e wo. Lafayette and Drexfor children of ele- 1 Tech age. Following e _._ _ _ _ _ _ __ the Lansdown Arts Center Christmas Stringed TrIo . carols. Mrs. Fr.,n_1 Exhibition Opens Sunday directs this talE,nted 1 Includes Jean Duthie, The Annuai Christmas ElIhIbI. Duthie, violin, and tion 01 Alexandra Imports opens vlol;n. on Sunday December 8, at continues the poliArts Center, WalllngKate Furness ford. Mrs. Lockwood Fogg, MoyIan I will be hostess and tea will _he ,f requent bvente deod~led to bring the ser.ed. . unil¥ Into a The exhibit is international In pl..,er "7~::~,:co~mmi~ with the ll- Davor and will include an assort[[ of the success of ",ent ?f imported furnishings. th jewelry scarfs, toys, flatware, • . e ~lassw':re and place settings of policy i. 1& the fact that ~::;=~ Book Week program IS' 1'1 18-23 drew more than dishes. . children to the llbrary, many The sale will continue until Dethem visiting the library for cernber 2?; the hours are 9 a.m. to . 5 p.m; da'ly. Drat tim<>. . DRlS$SHlRTS GLOVES BRTS, IlCIII~ I I ••• ., •••••• .,. SOCKS ....... I MUFFlERS I •• • • • • •• • • SPORT SHIRTS. JACkEIS ••••• KNIT ' . SHIRTS •• '4!!...11" . NO .CBABGE TO JOIN , . , . BYeqbody Welcome MICHAEL"S COLUGE 'HAlMACY, .fori ".. CO; " SWEATERS ••• lui _ ., ... _ ....... ",.. ,.utllls , ................. .... . I PAJAMAS I ad Wcacilf .ted DUSTING POWDB.IJ gi~' 60c !..' I UMUnLAS.,. 'refruAing TOI~ET WATEB .. fG' I I SUPPERS .... bvVARDLEV ct..., ....... ~A... . Da.,Ia. ~/J.«uL 5mil · . .. , . , . . .... h,.i . . It.,.. oRe will 8IiUIIle hl&. new dutie& on January 1. 11158. For \hIi' preIIent he will ranaln ID PIiIladelphia, serving ;n the cap8C1l¥ ~f vice president. and dlrectln& the =UOIIS of the Phl\edelphla dIs- Select r our Own Tree Nowl LIYE CHRIS'9MAS TREES 111~ eiee ........ T.,tor ..... H ••••• OM Show o.Iy 7:41 P..... the club ~:X:T' -- T...' ....: CH••hr 2-7206 ...... for lien Palmer Of Henry Arnold Visit OIl' laad". M........ tIIo MIdtI...._ lCHld • WIUTHS. DOOI S'RAYS, D!CORATIONS DILLA 1011iA . PINE 10PI - LAUIIL 10'E sing dhristmas carols ID rmal ':thering Inrected :HAVE MONEY - 1. . R. D. 16, Media. Pa. Opposite High M.ed_ ~ BOOTS COLLEGE .THEATIE Iu.... ......... I Troop. 7115 leaders Mrs. A. We&ey Hoce and Mrs. J. Roy CalTOll presented. pins to the following brownie scout& ID ceranonle& last week: . Sally Boyd, Pat Carroll, Sandy .[€ .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sen Middletown Road '1', Rea:~ :~t, ~~ddit1~n, Iwm ~ . Nurseries, I • p~a:d~ua~:te:I!~K~I~3~-G4~~40~~~~~~~~~~B~o~r~o~~~ 8ancee MIas Julla Winch of Buffa_ IOn of Rutlers avenue and Cll)' Mr. Mr. Saunders Ia a 111117where lln80u of 10. Tom New York Bucknell University Mr. and Randolph Lee of Haver- spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. a member of Delta ford place had as their guests 'for Tomllnson's brother and ilatel'-iD- fraternity. He Ie employed by a few days of this week law Mr. and M!rs. Albert Tomlln- E, I. ~nt De Nemoura Swarthmoreana Mr. and aon and SODS Ted and Peter at Klnaton, N. C. . Arthur B. lohnaon and son Tracy Ui>per Montclair, N. I .• and of Gl4!D Falla; N. Y. Over ThanksbrOther-lD-law Mr. and Mrs. H. T. IId_. of &1vlDa the lA!es entertained' Mrs. slater Mi. and Mrs. J'enton, Mich., anDOunce the enlAe'8 father aDd brother Dr. Frank Pichardo and IOn BIlly of cacement of their dall8hter, MIla M'orrla of New LoDdon, Co~., town, N. J. Jean Adams of Blnnlnlham. Mr. Frank Morrla of BostoIl. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin C. Molstad and Mr. Lynn Mason Doherty of. . Mr. and Kra.· Jom Bowditch, of Moylan entertained at Thanks~. IOD of ..... and . Jr., of Cornell avenue had as their dinner for several J. Kenneth Doherty of Elm guest over the 7hanlraglvlng hollguests IDcludlD& Prof. nue.. days their SOIl-ID-law and dauilh- professor of American M1ss Adami craduated ID JUne ter Com. and Mrs. Geor&e O. Ben~ at the University of Oslo, who 1& from the' University of Mlddglln nett and 80Di Geor&e, Jr., lecturing thla year at the Uni'Iershe was ameinber of Col. lohn Bowditch of Virginia. Beach, slty of Pennsylvania, and a NorSoroali. She la at the presVa. wegian student Hans ea.t time teachlD& ID Blr!nlngham. Dr. and Kri. Richard H. Schwarz the University of Mr. Doherty craduated of Dartmouth' avenue, with· Mr. GUenther Froebel; Ir., of DeDIsoil UnlveriIty Granville, &mall daughter Martha. :vliIted Northville, M1ch:, and WlUlam he W8i aftlU?ted with SIgma EaSton last weli'k with Dr Froebel of lancaster, 0., s~ of Chi fraternity. He,unow woridng Swhwarz's parents Mr. and Mrs. Mr. J'Joebel. Sr., of 'Drexel HUI, toward a. mater'. decree at the Howard' E. Schwarz, and on Satur- came east to attend the funeral Qf Universll¥ of Mlchlpn. Patton Gllmour, _ of Dr. and lep, wu at ~ cIurIDa the Mrs. W. R. Gilmour of Harvard Th.nkllllYjq bolla,. .nd alao avenue, a Junior at D'cldniOD CC'I- vlilted In Quakertown. ThIrty-three &iris were IDVeBted rest In Brownie scout& In ceremonle& E held durinC the past month. . D. AlDalle, Jr.; North Cbeater Under th 1 road, baa Just been appointed a Wallace we M~ersb1p of Mrs. vice president of the Anutron& . ,,,rory and Mn Contrac"ft~ d S ft' C John W. IDSeybold., 17 ..... "'_,_. were' raUon, a..... an owned UP...suh&idlary y orpowholely . Troop ThOle re- of the Armatrona Cork COmpany. their Brownie iCOUt plna to handle aU contract operatiODi were: · f o n n l ! l ' l y carried on by the Insula~rol Thorbahn, Peuy WlDch, UOIl Divlslon of. the parent COIDe Oventreet, Anne Llbbln, pany'. . u ___._HIldebrand, Peggy SchmIdt, Mr. ··-·"e ,,-- been with the ~"'" Rubenateln, Terry Mc......... ~ Curdy, MarIanne Larldn, Mli'laDie Armatronc Cork Company s;nce SeGeer)'lDour, Kathy Piccard, M.uIIIe 1923, &ervin& as salesman In the Betsy Burtis ChrIa McCo St. Louis. and Chlcaco dlstrict&, Edith S ' ry, and as dIitrIct manacer ID the DeLInda ~thleen KnOb, and trolt and l'IIl1adelphla districts. resident the H;"'by and Joan. Hayden, ShIrley Club ~ of the Book Circle ce, Sally Rois, Cynthia Schultz, . eneU dli'prlved of the UR of he; Patty Seybold., KarIn Sutherland, Iht, she ~ served as president Spencer. Kathl<> Tolle&, pf thli' ca~~;c Guild for·the Bllnd ~~::'Tompklns, Jane Spitz, pf Phllade a. Beth Webster, and I Mrs. G la the winner of the bual Woinan's Cluh prize for hUdren's ~torles and for short College Five Opens torles. As la hobby, she collects '57 Season Wednesday hlDa cloclEs and PRESTONE & ZERO STATE INSPECTION DILCO lAilEll1S GUL. GAS AND OIL !':tthor ~~;:Mra. Alto......... i~iiiii::iii~ii,iiii!iiii~i;iiiiiiiii~ii~~aii~ii~ FALL T.....' . Ca,ro s, Soloist.. Kri. Ch8rles Durkin of Role .~.Way Ia ehalrman for the Christu Procra!D which the Mothers ub of Swarthmore will present tI'hunday ".eniD&. December 12 In jlll!cCahllD Hall of the Church. Mrs. Durkin baa planned her . cram arOund:Mr&. Donald Gulin i _ _ _ __ Aall, ............, ..... 1 ••rIlIITN ....... ' ·.AIsq Wdllnclude , I .BEAUTY SAlON · '. .: I I. . The TRB BWAltiBtlORBAN "'·'r) .I II. liP DCNB_ OOUWiIIl&TIONAL. c-..-............ s 'UJ,C. . 'T,O \ Deeeaber .. 195'1 p...... THE SWARTHMOBEAN rllBLlllHEDBVII8Y FlUDAY AT SWAllTllllOU, p .... rBTEB B. TOLD. IlAlUOBlB TOLD. POu...... PBTBIt E. TOLD. EdItor Barbara B. Kent, ManaClng EdItor Rnsalle D. Pelrsol Ma!jorle T. Told Anne L. Mabbott El;iued as Second Class Matter, .January 24, 1929, at the Post ~ce at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act, ~f March a. 18711. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY Noon SWARTHMORE, PENNA.,.DECEMBE)t 6,1957 PRESIYTERIAN NOTES The Rev. Frederick Keller Stamm. D. D.. will deliver the SEmon at the 9: 30 and 11 u - services Sunday morning. The sacrament of Baptism will be held at the second service. Church School classes at 9: 30 and 11 o·clock. Men's and women's Bible classes meet at . . . 9:30. Il'he SenIor High Choir rehearsal will be held at 5 p.m.: the Junlor High Choir will rehearse at 7 p.m. . The Junior High Fellowship will meet at 5:30 p.m. At 6:30 both the Junior and SenIor High groups will meet for supper. At.7,.p.m .. the Senior High Fellawship will convene In the Woman's" Association Room lor a short "briefing" session prior to visiting the Phllad.elphla headquarters of Father Divine. The Christian Education Com- mittee will meet at 7:30 Monday night.. . The WQ!JIan s AssocIation Ex~ ecutlve Board Meeting will be held at 9: 45 Tuesday morning. . Meeting for Pray.... qpen to members and friends. is held Tueedays at 1 o·clock. The Board of Trustees will meet at 7: 30 Tuesday. Wednesday at 2 p.m. the Woman's Association Christmas pro, gram and tea will take place. Presentation of Honorary Memberships and installation of omeers will be held. Mrs. Stuart Graves will give Ii reading of "The Tranqull.Beesis" by Temple Bailey. Tea will be In McCahan Hall followlog the service In the churcli. ' At 6: 30 p.m. the BusIness and Protesslonal group of the associatlon will meet tor supper. ChrJatmas Carol singing will follbw with a reading by Mrs. Graves. The Couples Club will meet for UNITARIAN NOTIS Rev• .Jean .Jom WIIUaml. a CoD"atioaal ~. will &1ft t\1e lennon ''Man For HlmuU" on wbell. the' .Unltarl8n Church ot Delaware Count¥ meets at the Sprlqfteld Town8blp ·Blell.. 110 Powell road, between Sprlna~eld ·road and .SaxE avenue. SprIJI8lleld. MIss WIlliams has tor MVeral years been aaalatant minister In the I'lrst Coqregational Churcll ot Rav_wood on Chicqo's Northside. From INS to 1951. she sel'Ved' as cUrector of SUfJlJay . ~e~ow~~ ~~!:::;'b;:= She eeiern .:" II covered dish supper thethey nightwill of years fants and children up to four December 10. Mterwards of age. a Kbldergarten -- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - attend the musical performance of Churcll for children of four-six John Schott. Associate MInister. "Amahi and the Night Visitors" at years and a Junior Church tor sundai, o-mber 8 9:30 and 11 A,M.~ev.Stamm will preach. 9 :30 and 11 A.M.--Church School Classes.. 9i:::'I!~i-as:::.n·s and Women's 5:30 P.M.~r. High Fellowship. 8:30 P,M.~ellowship Suppers. 7:00 P.M.-8r. High Fellowship. . WednMday. Doeember 11 2:00 P.M.-Women·s Christmas CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES The source of true wisdom and PrOgram and Tea. 6:30 P,M.-Pi'ofesslonal Circle. Intelligence wUl be set forth at Christian ScienCe services Sunday METHODIST CHURCH In . the . Lesson-sermon entitled John C. Kulp. MInlster ''God the Only Cause and CreatRobert Wilde or." MInlster of Music Scriptural passages will Sunday. DeceJDber. 8 the following from Psalms (104: 8:411 A.IM. and 11:00 A.M. 24): "0 Lord.' how manifold Mr. KuI.p will preach. ' thy works! In wisdom hast 9:45 A.M.-Church School. 6:00 P.M.-Wesley Fellowship made them all: the earth is full Supper. of thy riches." 7:00 Candlelight Service. All are cordially invited to at7:00 P.lIL Sr. and Jr. High Fellowshipa will meet. . tend the services at FIrst ChUrch WedDesday, Deeember 11 of Christ, Scientist, 206 Pal'k ave8:00 A ..M.-Youth Prayer Group nue, at 11 o·clock. 12:00 N.-Wis.CiS. Luncheon. .' etriD:C meetewl:'the past:~ In th; Clrar~latio-:". She~apent the summer pel at 8 a. m. Wednes1ay. of, 1949 working with AmeriCIJll The W.S.cS. will have ita rel\1Friends Service In the Saar' region. lar monthly meeting ClIl Wednes. da! beginnIng with lunch ..t the th~=;;:,::gI~::,::.: lngleneuk at 12 noon: The busiUniversity ot Chic 0 and Nortli~ ness meeting will be held at 1:30 tern Uni ersItyaa Id p.m. at the Church lelnowed by a -;:es lt :d ~~ Christmas P101lam. p:~~ts. a~. ~~. Mrs. eien: w~~· Tll'e Chancel Choir;will reliama now reside In Philadelphia. hearse at 8 p. ,In. Thuraday. H h bb I n alntlng . ~oJ~O: ;'n~Wah1p ~ meet' TRINITY NOTES' at the Church on Old MedJs Road. Holy Communion will be celeSprlnglleld at 10' 50 a m brated at 8 o'clock Sunday morn. .. Ing. At 9:30 there will be a service METHODIST NOTES of Morning Prayer and all departments of the Chureh School' will There will be ~dentlca1 services meet. At the 11: 15 serv;ce of Marnof worsh;p at 8:4,5 and 11 o'clock Ing Prayer .the new organ will be Sunday morning with Mr. Kulp ·dedlcated. using as hls sermon subject, "God's Ushers for the services will be Word In a Thousand. Tongues." as follows: Special selections' from The 9: 30 a.m.-A. S. Mbwery. head Messiah will be sung by the choir. usher: C. R. DeLuca. W. A. Irvtng. There will be a nursery for In- S. K. Ip. J C. Jobin. Jr.• and R. S. , CHURCH SERVICES Clothier MemoriaL The Music Committee will meet at 7: 30 Wednesday. The Primary Choir will rehearse at 3: 30 Thursday. .the Junior Choir 'will rehearse ·.at 4: 15. and at 7:30 the Chancel Choir wlll rehearse. PI'Oll'8lD of aered ChNtmu music. at the tradiUOIIIIl ClUIdlellpt ServIce. Tbere will also be a trio eapaed especlall¥ tor th·. service. A nursery will be pro.. vided. The . Wesleyan Choir for bo7s and &iris seven-teD will Ieheerse at 4:15 p. m.. Tuesda¥. The EVentide C~ will meet at 8 p. m. Tuesday. The Methodist Men Execube COIlUlU --'-'ttee will m eet on ...... _... ~...,.,...,y t 8 a Th P~. th Pray Gro will FRIENDS MEETING NOTES H. Lawrenee WhIttemore. Rector At the Adult Forum Sunday Sunday. Deeember 8 Glenn Cunningham, Olympic 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. track star. will speak on ''The 9:30 A:M.-Momlng Prayer Race of LIfe." This Forum has Church School 11:15 A ..lII.-Moming Prayer. been arranged by the. TemperDedication of the organ. ance Committee of the Meeting. 5:30 p ..M.-Cantemury Club. l'rlends are reminded of the 7:00 P.III.-Young People's Fe1- special WhIttier program to comlowshlp. Tuesday. Deeember 10 memorate the 15010h annl~ersary 5:40 P.M.-Evening Prayer. of the poet's birth which will' be FrIday, D_mber 11 held on Sunday.. The College 5 :40 P.M.-Evening Prayer Chorus will give a special concert ParIAh Inte_lo_ ' Mo~ Prayer In the Meeting House at 4 p. m. 9:00 A.M.-Il'uesday. Wednesday. featuring ,""usical settings of some Thursday. Friday. Whittier ;poems and choruses' 'l'HE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY from Randall ThompsOn's ''The OF FRIENDS Peaceable Kingdom." This will Snnday, December 8 bEi tollowed by a tea In WhIttier 9:45 A.M.-FIrst Day School lIouse to which all are invited. 9:411 A.M.-1Adult Forum: Glenn Special Whittier exhibits ,from Cunningham: "The Race of the HistOrical Libl'arY will be on Life" 11:00 A,M.-Meetlng for Worship view at this time. In the eyenlng, Chlldren cared for In Whittier Dr· Perry MlUer of Harvard UnIHouse. All are· welcome. verSity will speak( on "John 5~~~t·~·--ria1...... low __ ~. as the hunters from SwarthIn3l1 liloa S. InYlted. oar more defeated the LanedoWDe WEST LAUREL HILL turkey 39~13. ThIs was a happy CEMETERY farewell to gridiron exploits tor 14 101- Ayo. . _ CIty U.. 8enIor players. Led by the inIolo-C,ow,d NOIoowIo 4-1"1 splraUonalplay of Ce\h AId.... defensive play of Dave Hou~. and w!Ih ...... ~bOWI­ Sid Johnson sparked a hBllda-uP edge 01 a\::Ia _ -W ban defensive effort by all secondary cr.oIod ...... - " prad1ICII. men. McFadden pl~ the h?lee 10 'O'I'd_oly ~ I god. 10 on the right side and Co~1n box.UCIftIJ' • rlmal lie ... 01 ed Wuung around left end, while ""Iint to ....... wIIat the clIODIck1usou and protected !IagaIoIaed _ _ 01 'Bllprbe1h the goal line. Result: llnal first ~. ,cera. IUCIIl to a IIIGIL'. down ·statlstlcs show Swarthmore _ oI . .U-beIDq. with 17 as against opponent 4. (To Be Continued Next Week) Sect,.. ="":!. ,. t .I t =:ls b b 9 • a-Captains Dickinson Morrison Bow Out' ' C 2 P.M. S' * To 5 P.M. to and including 10-year-olds 3.50 I At Bua de Co1ap. S.SO I Soap (I) - . . 80ap III - 8.00 Porter CI!II lIaI•. ~ _ H.Waite)~.lnc~ , YALE AVENUE '.BeI CHESTIRROAD ·1IiI1'''••• 3-1_ Icdca.. -Foaa n -. ,la;' cnaa CANTEEN TOMORROW Contrary to some l"\lIDon there will be CanteentomorrGw night andDec~ 14. ANNUAL CllllSTMAS SALE . . EXHIBhlON . 7.00 'iileNA:;........ ...... .. *... "',.Ie,.' ,". a..rMr ReI. .. p.n C..... . ". W'IIClILI , -0':' ,'" ;.: .. 7 A_ .... ,..........'" ,I' -,. . Dec......r .' • • ,...rh- CI,....".... . "" . . CIDER ' Alw.y. G..d A Specility - \ -Vf.It_ Wolff's Apple . House Old Fa,hlo. .d Fireplace _ 011 'allltla,. OPEN ALL WINTER '. H..n PENNELL ROAD '" .11........ trdIa 11,... LIMA. PA. , .••..6110 ...., s....., 10 ••••4 ... p ••••hilla. LO 601610 CO.-OP FOOD MARKET. Consum.r's Co-Op. Ass'n. of Sw""ltmor., 'nc. 403 Dartmouth Ave. Opposite Borough l1li11 Silver Dollars for Green s t OCTOBER- NOVEMBER - DECEMBER Remember - With the return to us of edeh $100.00 worth of Register slIpll we'll give you a bright new Silver Dollarl RIB ROAST -69c lb. at' Top Quality - PRR Suburban Station (16th an::! Penna. Blvd., There Is No Finer. CRISCO' ~ 9ge 3 Ibs. With FREE Canister and Plastic Cover . CO-OP a·oz. BREWER'S YEAST iar .1ge CO-Of RED LABEL CATSUP -tge CO-Of RED LABEL VACUUM SWEET POTATOES co-or. RED LABEL FRUIT FOR SALAD 29.: 3Se --....;.. ANDEROL'LlQUID Here's the easy, thrifty combiootion for downtown Christmas shopping • •• PRR', LOW ROUND-TRIP THRIFT TICKET and PTe', , 10c SHOPPER'S BUSI SPARKLING SUDS qt·6Sc FROZEN FOODS POT ~OAsT -TURKEY DINNERS , B. E. ORANGE JUICE 4 for •.• no parkins NORRIS PEAS 6· for NORRIS ORANGE JUICE 5 for J •• and you'll more time in the stores. Pennsy Thrirt Tickets are good on mins arriviOS in town after 9:30 a.m. , and on ..u trains retUrning. except during rush commuter hours becween 4:30 and 6:00 "p.m. PTe's 10< shoppm' buses operate becwec. 9:30 a,m. and 4:20 p.m. Als<>, becwee. 6:30 and 9:30 on DiSho stores Irc open. Put the "'0 rogether-m ",lxi,,, IxI,g,,;~! BUses run at ,.minute intervals &om 16th St. and Penna. Blvd. IDd are routed on Chestnut St. to St.; then. i-eturo via Marker Street to PRR's Suburban 5 friends Irelatlv,es In Cheswold and Sp~inli Del. TlIES. MON. l\It:r. and Mis. Herbert D. ~~ of Riverview road had as suest over' the hollda)' Brown'a father lk. Charles H. of New JIrUIlSWidr. N. J. 10 9 Mr. and Mrs. ,Jolin Se1bold and IaJDIIy 01 Amherst aV8ll\Hl' IP8ftl vIIItlnI In CaJdIwell, 17 16 J~ with ... SeyIIold'. brotbel' and sister-in-law lfr. and lin. n .... .....w •• d 3-4191· 104 Park' Ave, The Following Stores Will Be Open In t..e Evenings Listed Below During DeCember Fro. ' 7 P.M. to 9 P.M~ I JlaClt . 200 W, RIDLEY AVENUE .. IIPlEYPAiK, PA, , . '. H:O, Train Sets, Can, Locos Plapkool, Fisher Price and HolgateToJi Basket, r.ot, volley'and Balls B.II. ERgI..... Mlcldk:niJr" Tricycle. 3 Sizll Dog Col. ., Hamill and lell'e•. ..... f. fer ,,.. IASY PAYMlNr PIAN ",.n J .....IIi..... ,... ... . . . III r e ,.,Itlil. _ . . . . . . II ..... s'..•_..... .. -.-J. •• ,., r, oil. It contains a' new additive that gives you greater 8EUI'8IIC8 of cJeen, even. steady beat. To arrange lor service that you can count on-~ matter when you , . . " just write or call_ tociq. presented by Mrs. MIN'S ROI.S WAIII .... wua 8 t . Mr. Hall's mother Mrs. Helen ' CUlllr., Profecton, Screens. Pop IIkIl ... h _ heada, becaue e eatre Club Stage R d' 5 f eo Ing et or Saturday '60, while Stephen \vlU Moncllensey be PrIce AlIson'58 Seelye play the partwill of her son Harry. HIs slster Aptha wlll he portrayed by Helen SmIts '58 and Sara Bolyard' 80 ",111 read the Part 01 cousin Mary. Others In the cast include:. Barbara GUlles '59, Staplefeldt '58,. Henry Tappen Grand;n Conover '59, Eric baum '60, Murray Goldman and Michael Hudson '59. The dranul·dlrected by Barbara l..anIe, and special mus;c Is being written for It by Charles A. Miller '59, who also wrote the music for the club's eaTlier productlon, ''The Glass MenBlerle;" _ _ _ _...,;,..__ Hock.., Sticks-Fl.ld and Ice • •••• wItIt. I on December 11 Prehyt rI In Sw e an women .arth_ more wlll have the privilege of hearlnl a dramatic ChrIstmas . " for. the entire familyl Amerlccm Flyer-Can, Tracie, Action Equipment Slecls-SlIO-Coasters Binocular. Teillcopes Microscope & ChemistrY Sets a....all., Bats, Glove., Sholl real HeaII". Once at the prol1'am which wlll IJtUe Theater Club 01 the annUlI Cbrlstmaa tea. Swarthmore Collele will preD ~ tor the. boHda;r, and compl.t.l~ to InVMt tJuou,b ---------- KAPpll CHRISTMAS TEA HAVE MONEY' NEXT . bIr .. it5'l Klncl....artll.r Inlunel by Car In AII.yway POST OFFICE ~- . Dn . TIIB 8WAltI'IDIORBAN DIce." ... W.~ the "'gest ....c:tion Ana.iC6Si or...,. Null. . in 0.&... . Co.IIIfy Die! . \ .... 10 er.. . ••. _'n.. L .. 1.1• ., JIn. Relph V. Uttle:of ~11Dd daUahter-bl-law 1Ir•. UJd lira. of III'L.WJ.·!- . . . . . n _ue bad as bel' I' Ii elurlna Robert Little IDd famllJ' of 01en- ..::.......... of I..... .. .... ,Tv"dly at tbe Crum the- ThanlEalivlq hoIIdlYS ber _ bum. ~ . - . '1' ~ doe ~:'::::I KOIII:. Creek Bridae Club Bel.. WlIIm , . 1Ia.".. . - .......!' of KAm.uDIa . . . . .. . . aDd JI(r-. Kathel'ine B>_n.u ~c"'1I01nIOIO. . . .. KA.,.·. . . . ..~ ',-_ _ JI(r-. A. D. Andenon ~ doe _ :=~I': OOWNDIO. D' n1 .... of 1 .... 1It. ...............'"-'_ _ _ _ L_ B. ~ .. ~ - ' DoIe_ _Rel • Luddl'w_ In _ d "ISO"M. POI SAU - . to ~o. ~ p'.o ...... '1' I Iai.7 _ tIIo ..... _ _ en. • WI j - =...."............. .:,"'= ....:;:: CIassIfted Ads _II. .-.. place. On Tvll'ay. Nov""'" II. Mr. peta, Inspect your Pel JI(r-. John Bowclltcb, ;Jr.. were claytIme. Call KInp1l'oocl top w:«en.' with lin. Wayne Randall and JI(r-. PIIDlp KnleJrem PERSONAL - lJPHOLS'l'ZRlNO I'OR BALI: - - - laO. aultable for lawn8 lind ~ JIl!Ich. loael JI'OUI1cl. Jan. wllOd .. I0Il8. I'OR BALI:-B'age haIIeJ'- WID a "awut" 'DeUverI ChaSn fabric CClmPleteb' 1'8-, Xaas ttf.IO - (Santa'. 10 ,.... e&ped- .wer - _ . . ._I _ wlnnna ....... p_. The D8ld m ...."1C of t:be I"OIlP will be helcl on January T. 18118. ft_ ~~~~;Mra~;.~B1~.~le~H:.:,JII:c- excellent coacllijon, '$195. ~~~~~~~~~~~I 0; Alfo Dri" CIolIn; 117 KInpNorth Swarthmore. a... M ...... _ AoIIqoM oed Ilod,... "r,', ' 'If, 111-11,. CH••I.r 2-4146 CODCbestnut .. Ash...nd Rubbish Ramo"" Lewns MowocI, &eMf.1 II ~~~~~~~~ch~ro~nl~C~'~C5!OD~- Hauling Ay.~ ............ _ , '" 104116 _ " Iapo!twd IMIL $PIa W..... Tracle8 used ,bikes. women. bJrOUDda 1'tppIn 2- Free Estimates ~ EDWAlD G. CHIPMAN A. SON GI"aM· COlIJ'UcrOi me Floors • PIutIc TIle CHnl., Zs47D CH....r 2-1111 335 Del........ AWl. . J, f. B!,ACKMAN Whell will ~ he aaecl for . . &Cadent that befal& :Four premi_l It coalll·. hap. . pen _ ti..... That'.'why 10 ......,. people 11..1 0btained lnUr!inaiye JBfDa ComPnhenlilwe Penonal LlabiUq. Iuarance. How aboat yoa' . ii~'~~~~~u~=~n:l~roo:m.~,1 .~ Peter E. Told .."U-o/·'_ .. 333 Du1moutll Ave. · __a,one near LOST GIG88es, b1eclt tram.. clear plast1e. between· 801 Harvard enel '1" x1le dniII store. KInpwoocl .-tllM5. LOST - BeIge k1ttea, viclnlty ,Haverford avenue. Aeue call KIn." woocl a f848. SWAITHMO'" PA. HOOVd 'biLl II•• SUllI, ..... "I' 2 . . . . .,,' ........... ""-S.d . . , .......... 01 .1 ... .~ ..... CI d. old: . 110' hlll.are .... S'rI....I.. D.L eo.. Pa. 1(11It1W.'. 300410 TDI"EN ~/~.I OJi.UE&T ................,... _ _ .AII --... Swarth.ore lei. H~at. Le.. Taxe. Les. Steps Letistradeyour big house for this 3:yea~-old spa riding white spacioUs Ranch home ~ center hall, large living room, tOm., stone fireplace, dining room,,3 bedrooms, 2 tile bGlh., fullba_ment Old shade. llatrd,a '~' . ' 4-1 ~~~ ea 5 1MrrIed. lAIN"" 01 , ___ , DAY _II NleNT OIL BURNER. SERVICE. ' .J. -A. ,GREEN George Myers &Co. 17. Y2 S. Chester Rd. II 4-1700 EaderIi Sel." ...... _ " I, Klngs,wood 4-1234 KI 4-1a14 -- __- ~ TELEVISION SERVICE R~ t3t Roell.,. SprllltR.leI _' KI4-I111 for I"". ti'edl' tr..... _...- " .. MONDAY THRU SATURDAY NOON SUNDAYS .... HOUDAYS • S.... M.... W. . lox 48 "__ CCln $500 MONTHLY rI' CARNS KI.,. .a04I 3.1133 W......Alr HaatI.. Air ea.......... -::. _- ~- Chickllo'sea <'::') 3-'1 LenCaster Brend Cooked Corned Beef '::(~;:') 3 '1 Glent Chocolete lenhe, Bira '-.:::-<~;:}3"'1 . Neblsco ChipperClk. 1:;- (':!') S""l lancaster Brand & U.S. Graded ChoIce Betf • F..... _e . . I _-c:--::- Red Lebel Tune Fish Friday lOP.M. MIdIa 6-2176 . Open friday EveitJnp c:wlf'....... . . . .ILL 11' IAPPEI ToYII! '" _.II.n Madia Florist enaravecl elecanter anel six KObleta ' tUDatewere enoUih to pick at lup 1I1e an which exhiOllecl OPEN Thurs: til 9 P.M. State. M.......... Diluzio and Sons Phlladelphla CerltennlaJ In lSTG. KI 3-6616 of a collector. BrIdge. & ment, Swar1bmore, ';;=:;;i;;;=:;;~=:;;=:;;=:;;=:;;=~ 11i~~~Pr~O;:vielence roael. Wal- rooms. Jar.. UvIni room and ~~~=:tI~Jeandbath with mower. Iheated prage Inlocation. KIfllIBWoocl SROOFING r .............. 5.;'_. ......1.., nip nl1b1Utl.... I. . ...... lofono.... , p/_, I ............ _ I • ..,,~ .If ,...... Ow ..,............... ','ouilled of .... ad. loa A L ..........0, .... I'OR SAI,J·,.....Bench saw 8" Delta with $nel and motor, $ta. Give your boy a real' Chrlstmaa. " . and KInpwoocl 4-4419. ' FOR SAPr-Lionel train set; two locomotlva, eight ears. tranatrack,' switches. ImIaceJ- Ing equipment. Call LOwell cherry case.' VictDr111J!. dIest, FOR Rl!INT-Room r.:~vate dnlwen, marble 1op. Girl's 28" bath. eomf~1;y' ed, to blue blc:fcle. KInpwoocl 3-2832. genUeman. Kk.pwoocl '3-1111. FOR SAT""--We Lave been for- FOR RENT- Small apartment, . - _~ ar mao St..... NlelY for 2 .nulf....,... ...... i COMMERCIAL _- - . RBR RUSSEll ... ,..n , RISIDIilTIAL AND Alteration. POI1UIT corporatlolt. No' oad .bI!Hr _rod,- Klngswood 3-8761 • --- --- ----- , Managers' 8;g Mix or .Match 18m FRAMDI6 ...... to reP. 1 I.t CONSTa.,CTION u: S. . . . HIA 17M L.J Interior & Erlerior IT.n. . ~espooalbW- the hlp IChooI Ilea" was the topic of the JrOup ' sc:beclullDJ pol- meetlna of tile Swarthmore blah . : ~ lthe t'un'Or IUIcl lenIor LeaJue of Women Vot. . belcl at elude tee~ wbleb wouJcl In- the home of Mrs. Heins HeinelanJua,e throUlb' of this secoDel mann, D!cJr!nuOll avenue, Monday School level the leliIor hIIh afternOOll. a plan prea'en-r:: ~UP allo heard Dlacuulon was led by MIl. acheclul;na poasIbWII Bell OIl the Thornton W. PrIce. intematl-' teechin, 01 a II of the ~tIona chairman: Mrs. J~ the elemen•• _~ellaniua,e onlB. Shane. a member of the Sta.. - " sc 001 level. ' boarel: Mrs. Robert Walker. who , tHIS at I ••• i •• ,. ...... , HEALS layolo .... PI. , .. PAINTING: T. ho CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Sw._. Jack Prichard r, OIltinuln, pr~D: ....... Chlr ...1IIft ~ Sf.... . • HOW FOlIoIElLY OF F. C; lODE AND SOMS _W..... aod C!ocIo ........ . p l . tIoo _ of'tIoo' , ~ to _ . _ doe _ ... aD. • I ' 'III to ... ' " ,to _ _ to 'W'iUIaat ..... to Ydh'rlM D. . . . . . 11m.. Tt _ tao. _-t!m No ho..... to ... A'J _ . - . . . 0. _ . nlO l'II!Io. Netloael IIoDk ...... l'II!Io.. ~tta p"-tecl by Harry faeulty s1b1UtI n. The board ..... will be beJ4 borou 'h plennln, _leelOI1 at 8:10 a.m. IIoodiy, Dlcllllber • meatlDp: aIId lin. John K. at TriDlIl' cburt;b. Tben will be Moore, a rep! lIentalive on the no proanm meetlnc In December.' t.eque'. CouDb' CommIttee on teeon lilIIlt "I saw It In the S~" - - - - - - ' - -_ _ _ _ _~----~-bas _wed as alan"... at the UPHOUTDY ClIfton Theater. ·H IF ' . . . aD. _ - . . . . . . . . . . . AlI.,ana. 1401 IlcIa, AWI_. PERSONAL - Bicycles a-trecl. ~~~ Parts. acc:euorlea. Mllt GI... Bicycle. Hobby, Toy Sbop. 2IlS East Baltimore' Avenue.!. ClIfton HeJsbta. MAcllson 8-071.. Oppel- , DlIvlel Gerner. Weatclale avenue J'IIielent. bas been appolnlecl cbaIrman of the voluntary COmmittee of ~arent·._ Council to BtUely the pouIblUty of the introduction of a . aecoDel IllII&U8ie Into the elemen_ tary School. at a meetlnli helcl lut week at the home of Mr. anel Mrs. Colin Bell on Park aveaue. Gerner replaces Dr. HelDZ Heinemann. who realin"IJ the ..... II ' THOM SEREMI. .:,. A. ... WILLIAM BROOKS II ........ 3-1441 ~.J , ""'"'"' w.... CM .1' WPI"'" - .....,. of Swarth- II' He.... _ _ .u__ a.,.lrI-.... Cell ea.a..... .-. .... _ ~ ... tIIo.' =-. - laliliCllt. W. Call for r .. .. P.I HOUR ....... p. . . .. I•• I . ' II 4411. our own' shop unci« mer. supervision of JIr. Ser-'" •. BI- =2tatitt.~,a=ii;s;~~Lei;we; Umatee are free. Thom SerembL !'OR SAu: To aettle all estate. Phone Sharon Hlll 07840., 19&a Chryaler WIndeor t door PEliSONAL---JReIIIater 8peDeer eeclan. RadIo ,. heater. I\IOd CODBlack KTnaswood dition, Persian new Lambt1teI, Coat,·..,.. ~ leD8th. All' IWood Wetfr ............ ... King ..... -- bees :_CleI ~w~ ~ ::!/ ;::==========:; 'slenonal ~:w:~~ ..... & TV It,,uk S••Iet 101.IT I.OOKS _ . .,.. 11ft"'" . _ '~D~.~e~i.~~~~'~1~9~17~~~__~~____-.____________ -= ° ~T!D 8WAitiBilOPw'N G.r.... to Hea.. cbain'naJubip due to lob c!wn -' C ommItte. heard At the m Ie. LWV MEETING HELD P·aren.. ..un, the committee _ .Our C "I saw It In ti:le SwUthmorean." tp::a:l SIRLOIN c T-BONE PORTERHOUSE Nebisco , " Tender, juicy and well marbled, you'l have a real feast w:.::1 :':'J cut your teeth .Into one of thes~ flavorful lIIncaater Brand ....Iet. . Tria•• Thi•• I:': .'~ (~!~r:' a~'l' Nebisco ('::')3""1 R,e Thi.. . e.::Ideel Pure (S::') 4""1 Prine til. ::: Ideal Vine Ripened Tlllilo ~. ~II; (~t':')4~'1 . .. Ideel Sweet or Neturel (~::)4;"'1 ' ..'?Ideel 'ranp Jaiae ~L PUre Slrlwllerry'ifterv.. '~=- (::) 4"'1' III. Chuck ,Roast·~: ~..... 43e Roast ::eM. .. 57e Cross ,Cut ~~r!..t .. 7' lancaster Brend Frozen Beef, Turkey' or lIn.aJar Brend Pure Chi(ken Pies Pork Sausage 4 ::.: 99' ~ .. , , (::)5""1 (':::) 6"'1 TOllatoes '::-(~;:)6 "'I 'PorkIBea•• .Ir.pefrlit s.ctI_· 'I~ ('::') :6~'1 (~;:) ·7,""1. Booklltch. Far.dale Peas ::z. (~::) 8""1 Soft end Absorbent ,Ira•. facial n- 4CIO, Fermdele Extra Stenderd Ideel Tometo Sauce Idelll Fency Whole S5 e Decoreted ' 'Fresh FHlet Haddock •. 5t Fresh Flo~ida (Buy 3 Doze..--Save 18cl ptca. .. 10 large Sweet (~;:) 10 '1 (~;:) 12""1 Princess Single Roll Toilet Tiss•• ran es . , , for 1000 Sh.... Ideel Enriched -.... - To.aloSH, Treet Your Pets ., Pet-Acne ::. 10~ .<=) 15 ""1 I WATCH FOR ANNOUNCEMENT " , .' , Fresh Western Carrots Blueberry Pies Delicious fliky crust fnllt pili you·lI..,tar . . -'."-, ,, Mix 'em or Mete.· 'em Virginie lee Dessert Suggestions . Supreme' Rye B~d '. . ... 5t .... ..... , . Neblsco None priced priced " ,.. ' ,- -. lb. ,(~:'), 3""1 1,:;:- ·~WheaIT.i. , _... ·ldeel Brend . ldeel IIfInd _. --6' $1·',1',1; ..... :: 4·.. $1 Green Beans .... ~ 19c _.... C."t Lilla .... -:"" .' fir. Colo Uipo , _ _ .. .-..-:-..; , .,. . "-,. -~. '.- ' " .. , .., ' -'. ' ... '•," ' ' . " ..:-.- '.. - . ',::" '. ":"'~' ·"r.• :", : Dfni . . . . 11S1 TBB SWAllTlDlOBBAN II P • Jr. ClIIDUI.'fatiOD FeaturesChoralArtshop L OWl. Carlo M_tl1·. opera "AmahlaDd the N1Cht Vlalton" , wtll bel)lODl«eCi, b7 the JUDlor WOiIW1·. Club of SwarthmOl'e on December 18 at 8:10 p.m. lD Clothlll' Memorlal, Swaithmore Conece; The perfoI",a_ of the opII'I wtll be preHdted b7 the Choral ArtebOp. a ~ _ti7 orpnlzed to pl'CIIIlote aDd PI enDt better JDudcal forma to the Greater PbIladelphla area. Earll' tbla year the Choral Artshop w.. formed by several yOUDC PIIlladelphia mudelana who niJled the need tor a group to pre. IeDt a varied reae of mUllical reeD,- 1I.7u. DOt ofteD beu'd outalde reciial halls, UId DOt produced b7 other thaD amateur ,rOup.. Near17 all members of the Choral Artshop. thouah ....eed primarII7 lD other, pnJ(~ooal dVlU", bave 8UD& prot-loDall7. The Choral Artebop baa pJaaa for a seriea of cIist1Dct1ve jIi!lID· tal1OJ11, the proc:eedl of whli:b wtll be doaated for chlritlble ~ es. The performance at Clothlll' Mf!IDCIrial on December ,18 I. for the Delaware Counb' Cbapter of the Pelma71vanla AaocIation for Retarded Cblldren. lDfonnation about. the performance 11 available tIlr<>qh the Sw.u1hmore JUDlor Wonum's Club or ~ Ibe Del~ aware CoUDl7, Chapter cI. the Penna:71vanla AaIoclatlOil for Betarded Children. Elilwood' Convalescent Home School Board Approves Lay Curriculum Committee At ite meW. 8IIllual MoDdq evenina the Ru~ Sch~1 - Board ~ected Donald P. Jonea to a ftfth 0De-7ear term .. prest....t UId David VlDt to a, third term .. vlCl-llresidenL Mrs. Marton Campbell WIllI elected IeCretar7 to serve the remalDdll' of the tenD of Dr. ~Uel T. Carpenter wbicb expires 'n Jul7 1981. Dr. Carpentar. who bad been secretary !fIni:e July 1~. resI,.,ed the post due to preasure of hla duties .. property cbalrman of the board. JOiles and were Nettle t.A. WOOD I Christmu **' ", SAFB FOE Ih'ags------:'., O~.tlharm.dll I. fall" • ed to di.penae proCfuaa cleaiJDecl to aid your health aAd welCate. , Atwa,.. ....y DR,UGS ill • Store. You·11.,,_ Dru, ~ourampl.~iu!d fair prba. AacI, rem.... ber wa .ped-li.. fa the • :!.~.!dl:.t. • I,nclie com· sOlpreKdpdoPl. CATHERMAN'S ,DRUG STORE KI 3-0586 td wben educatl:!rs' 'Dei parente· in- tense lDtered lD~.ondar7 school programs luis been'"Preclpiteted NO CHARGE TO JOIN , Everybody WeJoome DCN,B 'I'BB J1ow,aW: A _ C01Jl!lT'l' NATIONAL BAlIK • c..;ir...... _ 0 _ . . . '.DJ.C. ' HOME is where the heart is. ,Why not a Christ,mas Glft·for YOUR home? You'lI find it at THE 3 COUNTRY BOYS LAMPS table; floor; boudoir. . FIREPLACE-sets; tools; . baskets, etc. CHINA-Ironstone & English decorated. MILK GLAS~AII the attractive pieces. PICTURE5;S--agroupings; hunt, landscapes, CLOCKS Mantle; floor; wall. ' PLANTERS brass; wood & china. KNICK-KNACKS scads' ofthem. DOOR KNOCKERS ,The committee, thua b~::=::' wollld be better able to the Impact on the secondary school of, possible revWons of the currlculUlD there aDd lD the elementary school; and lD tum an improved public coordination and understandlDg of problems aDd the best ways to solve them should result; Advance thlnklDg on the basis of the whole school might also bea protec:tlon agalD$t 'being forced lDto any hysterical. crash program. M1r. OppeDlBllder said believed SwartJunore should mal; 'Jnlon 'l'heo~ was looking at the discarded page logical Seminary and was oron the Iloor. "did yqu do it?.. dalDed in'1924,. .you've interrupted my thought, Dr. Van Dusen Is married and Sweetheart," murmered Santa. three sons, "Db. that! Well. yes. in a WI)', I had my lingers on the wrong keys. ' "Ab. Let.s see what you've said," Will Ie Prosecuted said Mrs. Santa to whom typing ID order to avoid an, reperwas a matter of bunt and peck. cuaalona of lut learl '!'iI,. and down she sat with pencll and chlevou destroOUOD of Christwas audibly eIlent, as Sants mBa lIa'hUq. &be pa,..;DIa of the picked up bIs thoughta and ~on' ;,ffuden will be held faUl rer tinued, "until 5 o'clOck Monday spo....ble for the acUGu of through Friday. and again on their chlldren oansht d~lMondl)'. December 23. They will Inc C\IrIaamas decoraUoD& J_ph BeJDOldl, BurPA (Continued on Page 6) 'Amahl', Performance Set for Moo'day NI·ght ' J rs, 5ponsor 0 pera f or County's Retarded Children Will Host Yeadon Team Next Friday at 3:4S P. M. the 1957-58 edil1DD of theTonight Swarthmore HIgh School basketball team opens ita home oeason when it meets the new PenDcrest HIgh School team OD the Utile Gamet court lD a DOnleague tilt. The ,ame should be a close ODe since both team. are sporting green play...... Penncrest competing for the flI'IIt time on a varsity leVel, and Swarthmore's team. composed of nOD"tested leDiors left from last year's IlU&t squad pl\'S graduates from the Jr, Varsity. Coach Bill Reese has felt all along that It would be uofalr to the boys to predict a fine season ahead UDtiI he bas had ample opportunlty to see them under fIre nnIn and their_' PDt ti to1 dete will .. _ e whatlall __ r "'" espec y .......~ then ala k rI ey c game expo ence. 8qoad lIIemben Named The squad; which has been working only a little over a week, Qt!:h! Into Is generally rsngy with O'2"'Lar, Glan-Carlo Menottl·s 0 per a ry Jones at' center. 6'1" Dave of magazines. lDcluding ''The At, "Am hi I a , an d 6 Rl h G In t f d '" op OD on ay, ecem er forw"r . ' c ur a orwar. include "Prisoner's Quest." lec, 16 t 8 30 in Cl thl ..- 6' ' J ck W» t d 6' a p.m.' .1" a a a guar. tU1'eS on Christian doctrlrie lD a I I :S rth C 011 er ,....,h mor a, wa more 0 ege. T e Jim Hueston at either guard or PlOW cam p.. "The Christian S warthmore Junl or.Woman•s Cl,11b forward. 6' Jay Lord a t BUard • ~.'9" Falth.. • and ''The CommUDlcation I ~ .... r till ds 8' Bl' Med s sponaoung w"" presen a on as KeI.h Rlchar on, 5" 11 _ of the Gospel." Dr, Read will deIts annual benefit io~ the Dela- ford. 5'7" Mike Kerr, altd 6'3" Bob liver ,a Christmas message SunC t As I ti' f R H dgl h' I f t day. Ev~orie Is invited. ware °Cubln~ren. soc a. on.. , ~r., ~ u Ds W 0 s "~,ufll Qr can er. larded_ .. OniY Jack Wal~r and RIch c-~~-~.', .., ",', The association was organized (Contlnued on Page~) 0 seven years ago OD DeCember 16, 1951 by a small group of parentS. Jack StauHer Injured The as thlo ldr train anhd ed Pt u~ dWed In Accident Ft,id,oy N,isht uca ere.... c en w 0 were not at that, time accepted Jack Stsufter. Jr.• of 200 Dartll'he 1(.' W. Kellogg Company, lDto the County publlc school mouth avenue receIved a severe New York. a subsidial'7 of Pullsystem. Tliese' children were skull fracture anel mulUple body man IDcorporated. announces that tsught better parsonal habits, ad- fraA:tures after be was dragged or Dr. Heinz ·HeInemanD. Dickinson justment to the soerety of others. thrown some 65 reet along the avenue. has just joined the f1rm's and speech correction. 'shoulder of the Wilbur Croas research dePartment staff to assist The first classes held by, the Parkway. Connecticut State Police In plaDnlng tecbDlcal coordlnassociation were In the Methodist reported Friday. Stsufter was still atiDD aDd 10111 range research. Church of Lansdowne with be- in critical concjltlon In Hartford In this capacity. Dr.' HeInemann tween 25 to 3D children rallliDg Hcispltsl ~ of Wednesd8y afterwill be' asaoclated with Dr. Alex in ages from four to 20. After noon, according to bIs father. J. G. Oblad; vice-president lD charge three years. the school was moved Keeler Stsufter. of reaarch and development. to the SytlIlgogue in Yeadon The accident occurred at 6: 45 Dr. Heinemann Is president' of from where it was moved to Its Friday night after a sputterlnll the IDtemal1oaalCongressonaan.l&antof .... I&..~m ' ,present location at 147 IoBn!!rlowne auto lD wblch Staufter bad been Catalyais, a former chairman o f ! ....,»~ "9~ ~ .. "1: avenue in Lansdowne. riding with William Vel_ of Newthe Catalysla Club of Philadelphia. Since the acceptance of school- ark. N. "J'•• turned from the lefta memoor of the American. Swiss CLOTHIER MEMORIAL, SWARTHMORE COLLEGE aged retsrded children 'lD the hand lane of the w.t-bound and German Chemical SocieUe.. 957 public school system lD 1953. the psrkwl)'. and managed to get Deutsclte Gl!llellsehaft Fur Ml~ SUNDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1 trainlDg center Is now;malnI7 COD- partly oft the blghway, just weSt neralol lind KJOhle Chemle; Ascarned with children'between the of an overPass. According to State soclation Francalse des Tech- " AT 5 AND AT 7 O'CLOCK' ages of four and six and those Police, the accident occurred .. niciens du Petrole and Sigma XI. retsrded children who are emo- follows: He Is a Fellow of the AmerIcan , t i O D a B y disturbed or for. some Velez got, out and started to Association for the Advancement other reason have not been ac- wave trafllc, through the bridge of Science, and Is B contributing ~ .pirit of cepted lD the school system. abutment with a flash1lgbt. and editor to World Petroleum. ,' To somewhat alleviate the Stsufter also got out. Another Dr. HelDemann is well known ~problem of the post-School re- west-bOUDd car spotted Velez and ' as the author of many patents and, tarded :young adult a worksblp has stopped about 50 feet east .of the toichtaical papers in the fields of t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~-~.~I~.~'~'~'~'~" been set up for those wbo ...., 18 abutment. Velez and Steuffer ran CatBll'sls, Petroleum ChemistrY '! or older. For. the past two years, down to the car. and Vel_ startCarbohydrate Chemistry and t h e . College Give. $5.1.67 , the workshop has been'contracted ed to ask for a Utt to a gas ststion. Properties of AdsorbeDts. to suPPIl' specially-folded news- Then, apparentl7, a ear driven by He was former17 with Houdr7 To Community Chest paper for use lD such things as a Manchester man, Nathan T, Process' Corporation lD charge of ~book The stlldellts, faculty and ad(ContlDued on Pace .) Ttish, came up from behind and a research seotlon, with several A new and unusual Ohrlstmas miDlstraUon of' Swarthmore Colstarted to spin to the right, struck all refining organizations and has ..... for High School students 11 lege bave coDtrlbulled $5.187,80 to CANTEEN INVITES Velez, swerved, bounced oft a served 011 the faculb' of eamegle ..... .... the .... ... CommUDlb' Chest cam 7&h post, and struck Stsuffer. being olfoered thls year UJ ..... year .' ~ f, and 8th GRADERS blanway Velez receIved mIiIor abraalona Insl1tute of Teehnoloe;y. hD of the senior class yearbook paign. The.contrlbutions will go WhIle the Football ,Banquet Is and was held overni-t at the Dr, Heinemann received a P . ded b Donald Scarborough. to 45 various charil1es. .... in chemistry from the University hea and Russell Charities receiving the blghest In progress at the High School, hospltsl. Tash reported a sUght of Basel. Switzerland, aDd also business • ' dvlse tal trlb ti ns Included' Canteen will make a special ef- swelling of the right aDkle. r' Snyder faculb' business a r. to cOD u 0 , • ' fort to entertelD, the aevmlh end ____ ' _ _ __ graduated frOiD the Universlb' .... • 'tive Gemet-andThe American Friends Servlc;e _ BerllD ind Tecbnlsche Kocbschule. I~ Is 8JI a:::acate redeemable Committee $819.57. Am e ric a n elgbth graders, ~es the CanBerllD. ' W h i t e gift Of the 1958 Cancer Soc1et7 ,V8I.'1I aDd the teen members not' attending tile next lofa7 tor~,~~ Th_ . ; United Natloas IDtematlonal Cbll- ~ueL . ,. The Ilnt mrel1n, of the. 10" APPOiNI.D High School Y""""""'i,y parente. dreDI BmwPDC7l\md ,,7.411. A There wtll be a balloon do"...., Of the Swartiunore Mudc Club Clsrence C. I'raDck, Jr~ of lDteDded tor purcbaleand 'other fond new chlriQ' on. the Uat thlI. 7eI~. re\B7 races and uovelty claDes., WIll be Sunday. DeeeonI>er 15, at ., Cornen avenue, was appointed to arandparente. to help the ~ I'ore5p Student Cbapert1Dl will be Mr. and dclock at the home of Mrs. Samthe rank of lleuteiumt 0",) lD the relatives who ml)' Scholarship I'Imcl ~ed $398.18. Mrs. JlcCorkel and Ur, and uel, D. oqde, s-ru.-e, and UDlt.d States Coast Guard Be- stmch~.qers' DOt be' 011 Sbrt1,four per ~ 01' 577 stu- Mrs., H. SlQ'mour Colton. Next 0pIi!n _ _ ' The' yearboOk wtll) "'...., __ d-o. of the coU-, ,CODtrlbuted I week, »eo >I' !her """..&..&-. 21. Canteen wIllTbe piooplUll wID liic:lililSe 'eeIlo aerve 'OIl Jlu Ny. wr. .... lI!f-s..oo un.......-..-. ....... _ ~ ~ LL I'aaneIt 11 on ~eerlq sale at the ....... ...... ~a. this year. mlk"!1 II! avenge do- hold Ita lnformal ~ ........ ~-..,.. and plano and ~ _ _ _ _ ""pm.t at the Cle. hecJ, O~ the lint althe,.r· For 01 the natiOil cI. "AI•.'l'hehcvlt7 aided wbeie II! Old I'riend '~ the u- of BnlIIiIa, jIi It, Clq,lD. ~ of ... Grat ' ..... tloa, call the ~ Qroap, dlallcleaab17 wlth • _hers NortII Will' vIaIt",. 'rbe".the linda. aDd Selnll' " ' 01 ,Da- TweUtb Grade ~ ' " _ ~ ',' .. .pjitoad- I s -ilor 'H1&h Sci! Dot ,~ t body Se.sal duita& IIzIat wldeh iiJdeIIdI Kn.IC-'. ,. _ .. --- iDltel7athlNcl.thet!lCal""" ,la ~ invited to, ,wilda . . . . to tbeBt. La 'Waod ","" " , ' " 'C;,';';i.. t..,~ m.-,nema'nn 'Io'mos Dr' H. na '" earchStaff Kellogg Res . ._d_ "as , 5.9S ..-'" . :- .. I . wbo tome m tfJe l\tbnmce aub .orSfJip are 1BlIItlcomt Santa Claus Provides rtifi' Y Ce cates. stall ':n.nager MusieOuh to Meet needs ironing. MIoo • l'r. w delicately edges the The mODIhl7 meetiDg of the rectors of the Swarthmore Property Assoclation, held lD the American Legion Room lD Borough Hall Monday evenlDg, w .. attended by Oscar Hart and J. Archer Turner. Were elected at the AIaoeilaUcm's annual meetlDa lD the Woanan·. NO,embet 8' aad take o8k!e at the annual n!- Seal•. S"nrtl'o.norc Co 11el1" 1.1 brary Swarthmore ~~~~ed 1:5:~ber !p'~'I~sa~iiiwi~t~lD~th~e~S~w~arthm~iioiriean~.'i·i1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iliii "You Mee,:,he NICEST Peo-'. . - at S-e'." r- the ''Red mOOD wblch bas appeared over ua" and the entlre Uniteci I IStates .is comparilla American Russian education. It was felt 'the committee ready functioning h1Id managed to keep school staDdarda blgh wblle acblevlDg a good balence cw;iculum, "but that utlllzlng the fine resources exIatlDg lD the bor, populace and comblDlng the effOr)Uf the entlre commUDlty tw~ pW']K>le would be serv',ed.1 NEW SPA DIIECTOIS OISIEI'E MONTHLY MElT We have the largeSt, selection of early A mericon Furn;"",. in Delaware County '. a. p~atam~t1na iDa lD currlcuuul p'aDnlri, no.... ••••• mallJ' frfIDd8 lD ,tb8 cwnm"Ulb' bUe _ I I a reP...., of SVath w ,w RaveD InDtor 18'.aI 7 - ' died at her home lD O .....nn.1I, 0 •• DD November H. lD her 18th :rear. SenI_ _ held l1li. Wed_ .... _ N' • III 27 D-... ov Mn.cnne fa survived b7 her soD Mr. P. WlllIIrd Crane,of ~n­ ford term. lRve1aDd. O~ UId by f arandlO"s our .,' c-. wllO made ..... WIlUam of the West Suburban Alumnae of Delta Delta Delta OD December 11. ~t 12: 80 p.m. at the ~ of lofra. Paul K. Brown, 8l')'IL Mawr. followlDa letreshments and a busiDea& m~tlDg conducted bY;Mrs. Georae L. Shoemaker 'of .Ac.adem)' road. ,The maiD feature of· the program will be a Christmas told by Mrs. John B. Baker Drexel Hill who 11 a past cbalmum of the Federation Currlc:ulUlD committee. with Su- .... • Clubs _. both th ...-t pervlalDa PrlDclpal 'Frank It. .. omen s on e g"" e MC1g!7 and JIlIh Scbool Principal of PeDIII71vania and Delaware ...wRUi BUsh pointing up Counb'. tlmellneaa of lDcljld.lD, lay think------- RAVE MONEY, ST. "lAIrS • y The board appl'oved a sugges_ UOil that a &roup of about 10 of the communib' at large be appointed to join in the work of the'school's currlculWD stud)' c:omm1ttl!\!. Members are to think over pOISlble before the reauJer meetin, of Board on T)ecember 18. . The ~endation came from IHarry Oppeniander selence er and dlroeebac the school's Priv.t. and Semi-Private Rooms. Complete Privacy on IO-Ac:re Estate. Z4-HOIIr Underriallding N'ning C-. ' Scatt,SIn. ~ Alen"""r foamer17 of Swutbmore, WedD....7 , _ I.... Novaa· ber27.,' , She w .. born lD New BeMord, 0Il1fa7 1. . . the daUlhter of the late Jama B. aad SuAn HuWdDIOIl AI........... lOa Alex· andll' . . . a ~uate of WestmiDIter Conece New WllmlDFOII Pa., UId ta\llbt' at New euue ~ the public acboob UId aleo at AtlaDUe Clb'. N. J •• fqr 8Jmoet 110 years. She retired lD 11198. . Mias Alezander . . . a member of J'lrat PreIIby1erlan Cburc:h, Weet Cheetll'. , There are DO lmmedlate amvlvors. Three n i _ are Mrs. Herbert T. Be ett Of North Chater road. Mrs. Crawlo~ L. '11waddell of Westtown, and' Mrs. Detlev W Bronk of New York. • ::m~t1na.· Attractive IV.,..,.' Mn. Wlilla. C,.~ Netti. L AlexalMl... Carl &1dersoD sworn lD tor DELTA DELTA DELTA new terms to wblch they were ALUMNAE MEn' DEC. 11 elected last mooth aDd Mrs. campMrs Robert N Hlllrert of Stra'll bell and W. Newton R¥ersOD be. • their lDltlal terms earlier in avenue will pres ent Ule BALTIMORE PIKE and LINCOLN AVENUE Swarthmore Klnglwood 3-0272 UNDER PERSoNAL SUPERVISION OF MRS. EUEN t Mm, Vim campbeU 11411_ ....-a.. Sec'y of ....... ,----"""'-- . =_ '~I - rn:,tDl8 '., , : Ror ." ,It..... .t. . ..... a ~ , Om ber 18; 1117 \ MIWI MOl a \ ' ' ' ' ' Hi ID ua tIIa~ of tile malcl of. Park _ -_m'l . . bb1I1 Ia tile peterDll.,.n" 11th. Cl7de of "1I!Ii I!U'''"th Hun.... WU hoa4r. 'J1III1 -=h caniId a __ a - . . ~edeItck Kh'p1q... . swaidunore and 0Idea a v _ at a IdtObaD ___ SUD- cade 01 brame Pl" MIl mum. ~. GIl Dec.nher ., at Mr. and .... CbuW KIn. .1)' bad a femll)' PtheliDc at her foUowlnl the church aen1ce and ),allow fuji mums. '·n..... BDlPtaL of ~ M , are tile me.hame after the _orIalcledlca. the ~ 0I1IJ'Ch at a Mr. Richard Boot 1I/U bJa lin. Paul ~ of Oomell fenIaI ~ta. 1fOD of the _ pipe oqan at for the choir .._ at Wo~. bat man. Mr. Frank Samuel lin. D. TrInIt)' CbIlJ'Ch Sunda),. The orpD hame of Mr. and Mrs. BIIII1')' Ozm.un of Cheder. 1I/U lIIher. Ia In nienOl7 of lbe late Mr. 01)'10)' of I!lm _ . The bride'. mother· cbote a DIor Cl7de. Ou..u Included lin. Kn. Paul Iv., lin. Iv., . tai11e meatb with a blue CI)'de'. aon-ln·law and ~u&btei' and lin. William W. 'Rumhat and 1\ _ .. of pink Mr. and . . . Chari. V. Tbaclw'a 3r., mtertefnecl at the home r 0 • e.. The brideof ShIe1nbur7, N. 3., their lOa lin, Rumford In ~ VallO)' groom', mother wore a lavendar and da\llh....-In-law Mr. and a .mUceIlan_ 1Ihow.. Satur- crepe IOWD with • enaII fioral lin. Waitei'M. Thackara of Red· atWaDOOil for M* Huntei'. h.t 8nd • eonaae of pink sweetbUlk, N. 3~, her dauP.... Mrs. .MIII Bunter and Mr.' Tbomu heart - . ' .. 1.. A. C. WillI~ of GreeDvllle, Bumalde WertID8, aon of Mh. Rita Immediate!)' foIJoWIna the cereDel., and two dauP..... Plae R. W-un. of west PhIladelpbla, moD)' awecldln& reception . wu Ci)'de WlIU~ and Ann Archer will be married 3anWll')' 18 In the held at the home of the bride's W1UIama; Mr. and Mr.. Samuel Swarthmore Preebyterian Church. parenti. D. Clyde. Jr.• and two IODS SamThe bride's aolni-aWl)' outfit ual III a,nd BJll)' of Wallingford; TOMOIIOW'S .IIDE' WtB a belie IIileer wool sheath I Mr. J. Edward C!),de and IOn MIls 3une Hobbs. dl!u/lhter of dress with brown aece!l~rle acTommy of Media; Mr. Nonnan Hr. and Mr.. Wl111am S. HoIlbs canted with a corap of C)'IIl. Browning of WlmlnitOll, Del•• and Park avenue. will beeome the bldium orcbldl. Kn. J. Howard Beber of PblIaof Mr. Scott)' Witt, lIOD of The bride attended .Denison delphia. and Mrs. Grlftith S. Witt University where she wu a memMr. and Mrs. Wl111am Dalley of of Amarillo. Tex.. tomorrow aft- ber of Delta Gamma INternlty. the Dartmouth HoUle pve an In· at • o'clock In· the Old She hllll been usoclated with the formal buffet dinner Saturde)' Mansion In Villanova. In research division of the Prudenevenlni December seventh on the the future Church of Christ tlal Insurance Company of occasion of their tenth wedding Liberal ATts COllfie . America. annIvel'l8r)'. Also present were MIss Hobbs Willi recently hon-The bridegroom also attended Mr. and Mrs. Dean Caldwell, Mr.. ored at a .uver-Unen shower Denison University where he vfu Earle Edwards. Mr. and Hn. Roy en at the home of Mr. and Mrs. member of Sigma Cbl¥rater!okCorkel, . Mr. FrI~ Kl_ and Rex J ohnIton of Sprlnlfteld. She .AssocIated with InternatlonMr. and Mrs. 30hn Seybold. all was /Illest of hDllor at a luncheon al Business Machines, Inc., In Co. residents of Swal\thmOre. given by Mrs. Richard Chavis of lumbua. O. Mr. Hoot wI11 report WdIh!pman Robert Bruce WHMills. active duty with the United IOn, claIII pf 1981 at the United Mr. and Mrs. John Scott of Vas- states Air Fo Dec mber 80 State. Naval Academy at Anavenue, were hosts at a kIt. . rce e • napolis. Md.• bas made the Su- chen shower for MIss Hobbs and Mr; and Mrs. Hoot left for a week s wedding trip to Lake perlntendents' Lilt for th& second .. the ftrat term. ......_ reMr. Witt Monday nI/lht. ·which Piacld.· They will be at home In balf y. ...... also to welcome Mr. Witt and quires that the mldllhlpman his mother. Mrsft Griffith S. Witt, Antonio. Tex.. after 3anu. acbleve an .verage of 3.8 or bet- both of 'whom arrived jwrt pre- ary 1. ter for the period, and be recom- ceding the shower. Among the A party Willi given In honor of mended b)' the CommandeDt of /Illeats were Mr. and Mrs. Fred the bride November 21 by her Mldahlpmen. A 1"7 graduate of MIller of Rutland. Vt .• son-In-law Mrs. Ra)'Dard Christianson Swarthmore High School, Mld- and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hammond. Guests In,eluded cousins, and other close ahipman WllIon entered the Aca- I~~='~g. who arrlvl!d Monday dem)' July 1. He Is the son of Mr. I~ and Mrs. Robert T. WUson of The rehearsal dinner was. Rutledie. HOOT-STEWART en by the brlde's uncle and Diane Renshaw of Cornell aveaunt, Mr. and Mrs. ErUng Chrisnue enter1alned for her cousin Miss Nancy JaM Stewart, tianson of Hammond FrIda), eveNaney Lilter of Greensboro, Md., dau&ilter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul nlng preceding the wedding. at a party Saturday night during Eugene Stewart of Hammond. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley C. Gault the Th'aDksglving hoUdays when became the bride of Mr.. 'Calumet City, Ill.. 'entertained· Nancy was a hoUle /Illeat. . Wllbur' HDot Saturday. members of (both famlUes at. a 30. In the FIrst Pres- luncheon before the Wedcfu,g B C ampbell 0 f . d Mrs.C. • Ch College avenue have recently ~ urch Chapel of Ham- ceremony. turned after a week's stay In New mond. The bridegroom Is the son ------at Mr. and Mrs. Henry I. Hoot of .•IRTHS II York City. Mr. John Campbe of Lafayette avenue, The Rev. Mr,' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brinton 'Forest HIlls, L. I., spent Thanlu~ Li giving with his parents.. ndell .1.. Sawyers officiated at Medford of Wallingford Summit announce' the arrival of a son, Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Hubert the· .ceremony. Two branch candelabra and a John Brinton Medford born Dewith their SOIll! David and Mark of Morton will leave the latter lo,?, of__white 0 __ ' dr ~oarrangement d .. th snap- cernb er 2 a t' .......... enau 'HospItal• part of next week for .Rockford, a.. DB an cm",oan emums Paternal grandparents are Mr. m.• to visit Mr. and Mrs. Hubert's with huckleberry leaves decoratMIs. Walter Edward Medford parents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. ed the altar. South Chester >;08d. Mr. and Hubert and Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Escorted by· her father. . the Raymond E. Ashley· of WaElvin during the OhIrlstmas holl- bride wa~ gowned In a wl;lIte ban, Mass.. are the maternal strapless sheath of Duplonl sllk Illl'allldl~~:,,_ _ __ daYli. The Thimble Group with. nine fashioned with overblouse with members present met at the home ISa'bril.. neckline and three quarMr. and Mrs. Eric Sharpl..... of of Mrs. Hervey Schumacher, length sleeves and full back Haverford avenue. on Monday. of re-embroldered lace. A .01 Donna Crosset. dauPter of Mrs. length veil of French ilMA.AlINI SUIICllmoNS Donald Crosset of Thayer road. was attached to her white C.II· • • • . will arrive home this w.ett from beaded' lace bat. She carried a MIS. LLOYD I. IlAU ..MAN the' University of Connecticut, white cascade spray of Amazon IU D.....""' Av.... Storrs. Donna, a senior. Is presl- UUes and l1lles-of-the-valle),. 1·2011 cleat .of Pi Beta Phi sorority at MIss Nancy Singleton of Ham. the university. mond was msld of honor. She Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. VIn- wore a brown laee over taffeta cunas and family of Westchester. sheath with a full harem over· m.. will arrive Sunde)' for· skirt of peau de IOle and a headweek's vIsI.t with MIs. Vlncunas' band of peau de sole with small Swartlllllore. Pa. parents Mr. and Mrs. Carroll P. veil. Miss Cathy Stewart. sIs... , Streeter of Columbia avenue. ter of the bride, was gowned In a Mrs. E. A. Yarrow of South FRIDAY aid SATURDAY Chester road spent Thanksgiving In New Haven, Conn" with Mr. Decelllber 13. , 14 Harvey C. Mansfteld and famlJ)' at a Hansfteld famll)' reunion A ..,..." ...........",." where she became acquainted • with Iier great If'BDdIOn. The DIU .... II, 19"'1 'ARTY make a CbrUtmes 1101 ILIMD DIe. 21 for the blind at theput)' a .,m.. T!le loeaI LIou Ciub'llIIht con- Center. Chiller BlInd ...".UGIl eommIUee, 1.. C. HutThe part)' will be held during CHIISTMAS . tDp, I[. C. Sacller, and K. Stuart, the afternoon of Saturde .... compleUnrl club plana to help I bar 21. . )" Decem· -- I."UTT LlaH1'l A CHaISTIIAS MOW ,South CMsler Road Cal KlnpWllod 3-0476 ActIY. M ••' " .. " ' I••II"~"·' ..... a.I.1 )"Ou can fill your hom, with th, Blow of beautiful mulie IIw MCllln~GX. COLLEGE THEATRE a " THBCOMPU~SOPTHBS~ON " S'fRAm HAVEN INN CHRISTMAS DAY DINNER 1:00 to 7:30 P.M. KIogsWood 3-06SO AI.. 0,.. Ivnl... Dec. 11t1o .....gIo Dec. 23n1 Generations of Craftsmanship in a New Setting Something for Everybody /irst / -I ELECI'RIC' ,..'~")"'·::~1 , waten. 102.Park Avenue R. D. ) 6, Media, Pa. Opposite High Meadow Telep.ol.: CHester 2-7206 , A.k for Ben Palmer or Henry Arnold \ Visl. Our Raadslde Mlllrket on the Middietowl Road WREATHS, DOOR SPRAYS, DECORATIONS DELLA IOBBIA PINE ROPE _ LAUREL ROPE The oll1r walch which fanctioDi OR • without ,.n,dinl q the WriIt 01' off. The RamiltoJll E1~c Watch Ie IDcredibIr accurate aDd dopend'h1e. It Ie POWOIed hy • tiDy Enersi- which Ie ........teed te run It f« moJO than a JUI'. LIVE CHRISTMAS TREES Douglas Fir, Norway Sprue., Scotch Pine, Colorado Blu. Sp!'Dce • CUT TREES _ Scotch Pin. and Blilisalll Fir ,- . See Our SeJecmon of Watches PrIced from $79.&0 to $200.00 Th. child,.n , •• tho Queen Fe.", .." 7:40 and 9:40 '.104. SWAITHMOI. by W111arn MfII'Chant D...... .., JDllph cIeFurIe SHOW FOI CHILD"" Silversmith~ - SATUIDAY, 1 ,. M. 'peeI" ·AII-C."II....•• ......, ....._ All. J:IS , .... Springfield .Shopping Center Springfield. Delaware Co., Penna. Shn H • ID ..... to 9 ..... ....,.· r-,t FrIHr. lit to ID s.t..I.,. K.· t tltl 10 to , " . elll ,...141· ..... · • II· . . . . fteIr .1.. '. ...... Klnp •• J-I2IIo' Stationers c... •........... .,.,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ... . . ' " . . II , . ,.. . ttl ......... C"g.~A"...... "~"".Ir '. CLOSEDoSATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS OPEN 7 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. Mond.y ThroUgh Fridq .ANCY SANDWICHU S,...a. PI~rI C."",..'. See Our Compl.,. Stock of for • BOYS SWARTHMORE PREP S"OP 405 Damn..... Ava., Swa....~re i along !he north side of Harvard avenue between Chester road and Mt. Holyoke place. near ·the entrance to their housing development for retired ministers. Council . decided against alrconditioning the Publlc Library. Councilman Birney K. ,Morse. Council representative to the IJbrary Board, stated the' ma~ jority of Board members felt the amount of use which would be given such a facllll)' does not justify the expense which would be approximately $5,000 and might necessitate a tax In.creas". Dr. Frank F. Wildebush of 130 Guernsey road. who compla'ined of' 'a storm sewi!I-' ftoodlng his "ounds and depositing dead animals there, was told this resulted from a natural ftow of water beIng part of the IJttle Crum Creek was piped there many years ago by a developer and In which tile Borough has no responsibility. One CouncUman reported the local Planning Commission had discussed that the purchase of the IShirer lot on Rutgers av~ue for a parking area might seem m~re feasHlle iC there were some way of increasing tax assessments on local business houses. I I ; I \ I Wallingford Cubs .(~. Receive Awards ~ Breuer. Bill Gordan, Ton\. Baldb~~;;~';;~o~,.~.~~~~u~.~tll~C~.~rI~.~t·~·~·;;;;~;;;;~iIPaul Turner, Peter Kapenga, Jim win, and Jon Robinson.. : We H .ve H.d ·.a Touch of ·W-.nt·er _ More' to Follow! RHOHOfS -JfWfLfRS, BREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNER Sixteen cub scouts received awards Monday evening December 2, at ·the meeting of the \yalI':~=~: Cub Scout Pack 273. I) Master Edward 1\!. BasJr., presented awards to the following: . . Ricky Davis, Bob Welc/l, Pete Barrow. John Redden. Gil Lott, Bill McClure, Art,. SmIth, Butch Butler. Bill Holt, John Roesser. Select Your Own Tree Nowl • ICE SKATES PLAYERS CLUB Swarthmore Middletown Road AND IT""hnlcolOr) "DESK SET' . Men - Women - Children Celia Shoe Shop II.' 0' Easiest Step You Can Take to Successful Gift GivingChoose Slippers for One and, All Nurseries, Inc. -""- .... 407 DAITMOUTH AYiNUI Ill)' a three-foot wide sidewalk WO,.lds· ( Dew Drop Inli &I Tht .Presb1terian Board of Pen~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~!thorlty sions was granted permistllon to t/'e THIS CHRISTMA THI K.h Pldellty *nly was 1I1.,.w." a I~~ ... THB MANAGBMBNT AND STAPF EXTBND TO OUR PRlBNDS AND PATRONS, I ordinance paued by Borough Council Mionday evening sels up pollce pension fund In accordance with a new state law. The ordinance provides that after 20 yean service and having attained the ... of 80 pollcemen may retire on half-salary. Payments Into the fund are I<> be not 'less than five per cent nor grea~ tban eight per cent of \he monthl)' salar7. Hitherto the pension arrangement for IjlwartIu.olore pollce has been annuity pollcies paid for exclusively by state contributions au,mented by an occasional private donaUon. A risolution apptoving Marple Township'S' connection Into the sewage disposal S)'8tem of, the Central Delaware Count)' Sewer Authority was passed by the Borough as a member of the AuAn BEAUTY SALON l by.' Harvard Ave. Sidewalk Approved, Cooler Library Los' BnJlll'JI Reservations New PoIi:e fension Plan Set (trade in your old. useable shoe skates) •· SLEDS - Full Line . • SNO.COASTERS . • SWEAT SHIRTS - Regular and Hooded • SWEAT SOCKS-PANTS . • SKATING SOCKS AND HATS The ea_era Ie Hobby Shop -- ... II 3-4191.. '. p . . .' 4.6 ,arte Av.... . . .... z. a ..... I. . . . . . · · . . . . The meeting was. held amid an atmosphere of adventure sin"" tie theme of the month was ''Home- Inm~ T 8 a1iil 1",t.ea de,gr8·::"d : = : e r : Idelnce on the,part of all 'participants In the skits. Amon!! other things, those In the audience were treated to the art of branding steers; the building of log cabins the materials used was explained. 'The' flrst settlers in this are3 and the locatiOn of th~ settlements were discussed and pointed out 01\ a large map Of Deiaware County. . Cub Master Robert Berr7 introduced the Den Mothers who were In·c:harIIe of athe progrpl thanked ·them for their obvieffortS, The monthl)' DepOrtment Award WOll. by Den a. 'l'hb muchIcbl!rislbed ribbcID Is. awaded to the belt dbi!fplfned . . . In .•t~ by·_lMft Of tile Pack • y -, ! I Surrau.d Him wltlt tit. Co.fort aad EI.,alice ola ~oua".fI 10" For many an ench.nted _ing at home, g1ft your favo; if. lINIn with • h.nd_ lounging rolla • • .·In luIurioud. . . · Or sOft, flame!. w_ r. I . ,i I ., ..... Ilk:s IIIeas .. "BoIlr...o::.: '=::'1... H. S. a. ........ me causa CUre linn Curni'-mgham TBB SWA.H'i'iQIIOB&\N Die ... 11, I"., -..:-: .:..- ...... - ~ , Jurist Presented by , H' . d ome an School .Liquor II Involved somehow In 75 per ceot of the cuea be _ . Judie Curt1a Boll: president J~ of I'bIladeIpbIs Common Pleu Court NurnJ+r 8. told a lIOuP of par en t. aDd sebooJmen who triumphed av. aputnlk aDd preCbrIstmu WOl'rIes to appear at lIbe local Home and School As.. mallon's December 10 meeting. Broken and neglectful bomes and tIe'V.erl17 were named the other causes of deUDquenc:y. ''Penoiogy, even trial procedures seem to be walJdq In the dark", atsted Bolt but the upsurge of the welfare state bas freed people of the old "siDk or swim" "survival of the fittest" pbllosopby. ConsequenUy they no longer distrust superior Intellect and often walve , trial by jury. A1so new In the pIc_ "lure Is the psyclilltrlst asking admIasIon to the court with bIa Ideas wbtcb necessarlly differ from the court'.. LaWJ:'1!I'8 see moral responslbillty due to their baving to deal with laws and penalties, while doctors consider an upset consclence no dillerent from an 1,lpeet stomach. II!Id are Interested m lnDer pressures wbtcb cause IUlti-lOcial behavior. Althou&h Bok felt courts would be wise not to let the psychiatrist In as be can auifer there, sucb speclallsta and sociologists can do much OIl the penal level. The . judge said people wbo would abollSb capital punishment won•.t ge~ far as It Is ollly one form ot on unCbrlstian puDitive and revengeful penal system whicb should be. replaced by clinical. p\ll'lltlve and educational penology. The latter method, wbtcb can rebablUta~ 25 per cent and do mucb.with another 50 p!!r cent of ollenders. Is already underway In spoti througbout the country and Is an bonorable heir to the welfare state In which man feels a proper . responsiblUty for the dlIIlculties of bis brother. Bok claimed. Traln_ IDg of prisoners In new type Instltullons sends them back Into the world without reason to' commit crime. he continued. Wben tbe public sees such results It. wtl1 accept the cbange, be believes. 0nJy 25 per cent of criminals are so steped In crime they can't be treated, he estimated. Asked to comment on r.eJation of race to crime. the speaker stated a1Dce various races and natlonalities live under different c1rcinnstances wbtcb develop differIng attitudes It Is oDiy. natural that they dUfer In thm actions and their reasons for Sucb actions. Mrs. MDrian Hopper with children Laura Marie. Unda. aDd Sam of Westminster avenue vIeIted Mrs. Hopper's brotber-In-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Foster of ClIDton. N. Y., for Thanksgiving. lIlr. and MJrs. Arthur W. Bimls of. Muhlenberg avenue have returned from Florida where they left their yacbt Luana IV after a two-week cruise to Fort Pierce via the Intracoastal W.tenvay. Mrs. Frank Webb 01. Wl1mIIig_ <_ De --. I., and Mn. Pleeaanton EIiDis of Rldiey Park on December 8 eave a bridal sbDWer In bonor of J(IJs Anna Mae Allison daughter of Mr IIIId Kn C • ot Mi~1 . lark R. Allison ding to "::'=~~~l=o:,::~Staudt will t8ke 1 Dec y . 21 at Dover Air ~:eDeI. ember • Dr. lIInd Kn. D. W. Coo.,. and dauabter Carrie B. of New Haven, Conn, anlved Vmd.,. to WIlt .... Cooper'. motbtr M'n. O. II. Hook of Strath Haven avenue and wtl1 be here for the CbrIIImu holidayL . 1Ir. and lira. I'ruk T. J>n+ou, of IIarnrd . , _ bad. u IIHItr lUe~ta cIurIDa the T'wrt I,has I»Ud1ll 1Ir. aDd lin. wltII, tbeir; t'!L! .. ~IIJ, .BID7. of. Ilia. PIPer of IMiorithaSue PrstoD, .... Stradle)', . TbadcIeua Ad,m., Bob. Walltalr. Tunlec. Sue Cw ...obell, BIll RowIaDd, BrodIe Crawford, 8eDior Anrrl>J.Iee In the e1Weath 70Athletfl. Rece~e Leffers DelIM. Sue Drleballl, &wi BIll swartz, BIB I'uoII, a-, aDd twelfth ....when they t W d d JOIID Hawldlls, Nell Lee. GUm J ....- _____._ . e meet nat FrldQ- eveolDl. Decema . e ne. ay ~ Ud caroqn our,...... ....--. Burke bar 20. at the Woman'. Clubhouae Assembly J'ckIOD, BIll 1.&1111--. JobD WI,from 8 to 12 to dance to the More tIum 70 boy aDd lirl athVarllQo tooIIbIIU !etta. were toll, KeD Bew . . Doll Le9eaaon: straIDJ of Bob Holm aDd bU orch- letas repl'IBeDtlq SwartluDoJe to: Bert GebrltIl, J'n!cI Schae«_. Jab astra. . ' lfiCh School bockey Im4 football Co-captaiM LureD' DlcldnlO'1 Tumer. a- Keicher, Jtm DwIn, Walter K_aD will act ....... tnma w_ hoDoled at an.n n_ mid BIll 1IoriiIcm;.• b Petteno..n, John Kalt,. Steve KanlpSeybOld, and BOb DIck Be + hID of ?IIlea for the eve- bI7 Wedneeday aftenIoon at .wbleh Jack CalbouD, Lee IId'addCll, A epectsl feature of the As- Glenn Cunningham . . . . of the Georae Panldlnc. Carl 1Jalbr, Ed , . will be a oor committee "Challeale to Youth In the Payne, DoD, Tom CorwJn, ice who. 81 asaI8tant hoIta. wtl1 work ture". Tbta warda .n="~ IJIOII- I.arry J - . .IM!:k Johil_; J1m with Mr. Keeaan and the clan 80Jed by the bIgh IChool c'ablDet, Gr!!eD. Roy- Stuart,BUl M'd!ll'd. hoetJ. TIle members of this com- was presided OWl' by Heary 8On, aaarlea Dletz, Dave GIoIan. I mittee are: cabinet president. V!raIDla Allen :::;::-;-;:::;' Jack Calhoun, Hemy eo., Carl and Wllard RobiDsoll, &lrll' and Halley. Larry Jones, BIll Morr!- boys' coaches lespec:tiVely. preson, and Jim RobtnsOD from the &ented Varsl17 aDd JuDior Varsity One of the Most Appropriate senior class and Joim Crataley. letters for the past season. New Grogan. Sidne)' Johnson. of the Boys" Varll17 Olub were . MartIn, Joim J(c- members of the Boys' Varsity Club Is a Quade. aDd Cralg Smith from the were also presented at thiI time. JuDior class. Miss Allen spoke glowingly of Festive decoratioDi aDd refresh- the hockey team whIICh abe stated menta will add tel the gaiety of was one of, the biggest' aurprlle KNOWS Carpet· the <>ecasion teams of ber coach1Dg career. LoB100 Park Av •• , Swarthmore. Pa. Mr. and Pierce MacNair Ing only ODe game to We8I:towD, are the clla hosts tor the twelfth she wae coDildent that they' were Klngswood 3-'000 - CLallrfwook 9-4646 grade and Mr. and Mrs. H. Wood- u"'-table by the sn"on's close. ward McDowell are boetJ for the Coacla Robinson commended the li~' juDior class. Assisting on the COID- football letter wiDDers tor their mlttee are Mr. and Mrs. George great .effort In closing the ,·'IOD ORIGINAL NEWLY REMODELED Brodhead. Mr. aDd Mrs. Edward with a 8 win and 3 losa record Cratale)'. Dr. and Mrs. J. Alfred wben It was very doubtfulll theY calhOun, aDd Mr. and Mrs. Fred- would win a ,ame. erick T. Van Urk. Glenn e· mnt ngh8lll.lnterDa_ Cbairmen of the JuDior and tionaJbo lmownOly:rDpic athlete SeDior Assemblies CommIttee for from Kansas UDiversi17. inspired tbIa season are M'T. IIIId Kn. John the audience with biI .dynamic W. Carroll. . He pointed out tbit youth iI weetth of America IIIId al514 YALE AVE. SWARTHMORE I PA. H' h S h , 0 the challenge Ie great the Ig C 00 pens for contlnual leadership "Famous for the Fine., Meat." Home Season Tonight the world Is there. Youth will • WEEKEND SPECIALS • the strong 6gbt If given the (Continued from Page 1) to foliow. U.S. CHOICE BEEF ONLY Gurin are boldovers from I a s t More than 500 students llatened year's squad, with the remainder enthralled tbrougboutthe 40coming up from the Jr. Varsity program. except for Sid Johl1SOD and Bob The sta,e bedecked ·with tropbHudgins wbo did not pl.y at all les, penanta and the Vara17 Club last year. Tbe leck Of experience Loyalty Torc".lP.v~ &,II atmoQlhere prolilein wd cre.ited ~urally to that 'Ras truly ,fittln, to the oetbe graduMlon of such fine per- caslon. . formers as Andy Jones. Cbarlles The following girls were' preWentz, Cal Coleman, Jim l'Iappas, sented with varsity bockey letBarry Wrlgbt. and Jim Noyes. Of tbIa group And; Jones Is a memDiane Halsell. Carol Williams. ber of the Lehtgh Freshman team. co-captslDa; Shlrle)' Carpenter. and Barry Wright a member of Hetherlugton. Judy Hollandthe Swarthmore College squad. er. BoDDie Kennedy. ShIrley LewThe loss of Skip Skoglund did not Janet Lynch. Sue Purnell, Conhelp the: sltll8t1on any. Die Russell. Mary Jane Schroeder. TIme ChaDp Judy' Welsh. and Mana'gers Kate are now accepting ord.ri for fresh-killed Turkeys and .c/eli. Coach Reese bas said that the Bennett and Anne Welsh. A1so reCIOUS tend.rized Hams for Christma'- Our T urk,ys as always are squad Is gener~l1Y a good one with celvillg varalty letters were Sue strictly fresh.killed - not the kind that were kl11.d 6 months or plenty of desire to make good. 'and Allen•. Sue Mlarsb. Bett7 AnD :Mea year~90 and frozen. Don't be one of those who missed out no matter the experience. the . Joyce Williams, Margaret last HolIday'. You an be sure of only the at Bacfainan·.. boys will do more than their best Brownell and Carol ZImmerman. CRISCO to make a good sbowlng for the Junior varsity letters were Gamel 'school, After tonight's en- awarded to the following &iris: SHORTENING 3 lb. can 9Sc counter, the IJttle Gamet will ctuis Martin, Jay Lord, Jack CROSSE. BLACKWELL RUM AND BRANDY play two league games next week. Lewlcld, Dave Houtz, Sid ~obDMINCEMEAT 29·oz. iar 6Sc traveling to Radnor Tuesday h .. afternoon, and hosting powerful Ama " Perlormance BUDGET Yeedon next FrIday., Due 10 sOme (Contln'~ed from Pille 1) TOMATOES 28-0L tin29c coD1llcts on the part of both packagIDlr aJass and other fragile schools the Yeadon Varsl17 game objects. SNOMIST CHUNK STYLE be played "at 3:45 p.m. with A large porUon of the donations WHITE MEAT TUNA 2 cans Sic the Jr. Val'Slty following. received from the previous bellefits sponsoJed by the JuDior W~REDBOW 'J. V. 8q1llll1. an's Club of Swarthmore bas been MIXED NUTS Ib·ll~9. S9c Don Henderson; wbo bas taken put toward the ereotIooof the the Jr. Varsity reiDiIs lOme- workshop. ThIs year the desire of PENN TREATY with his charges. The the aSsociation Is "to establlab a PURE VANILLA EXTRACTlg.b~. 27c . Is on the small size but an resldentlal center aDd the donaaggressive one with some speed. tlons wbtah are received from the FROZEN FOODS tends to make up for tjle performance Monday nl&ht will go Seabrook FarIB. 'H. allCl Carrots "'Ity PH. lack of belgbt. Fred Scbaefer. the toward thiI aim. only 'sopbomOlle 8 footer iI the The Deleware Coun17 AssocIUalty CIt.PPld SplHCII- Ualty ..... ~I.a Coria with Bob ....· ,, __ I . .,,_ ,_. • r Mate. 'e. ' .......wes• .,.......e ation Is a non-proftt, self·supportHerbster. Bob X-:sahatt, and IDa orpJdaztlon deib una en10 pkgl. for Levin, suards, BiU Fuoss. t1rely upon CODtrIbutlOllll. It iI Jerrett, JohDnle W1gtoia, that through the aale of IEEBLEI'S Burke Jackson. DoD ~n, for "Amahl aDd the Night POTATO SNAX Larry Stead, and Cub Cratsley are Visitors" the Club will be able to 12·0L pkg. 29c the forwards. The otber center Is make a substantial contribution NIC Jr. and 8'2" Ronnie Taylor. All to tbe Association. Tickets are the J.V. gam.. be8In at 8:.45 In avallable through the'. ,.Junior SUGAR WAFERS;p~g.27c the evenlq or follow the varel17 Club of Swarl:hmiire Ud gam.. In the afteI'-. also be IOld at the dOOr. I ". _:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;;;.:;:;:;;;:;:;:;=:;:;:;__ 21 IlAmPUL ASlOkiiD Kn. Geozae A. HUllter of po OBTMAS ~._ .,-IUIIIlOPII,·-ES ..., liDIfoI'd mtertalned at a di,._ IRING au IUY party SUIIday from 4 to a to prew"!Ilkurt IeDt .her Dieee ilia JIare7 Getz W•. ' " ' ' Ha_ '11111 ... " PrfceI 'and 1Ir. I'red I'rIebott of the UDI• • 0 . ......r CN . . . . . . . . . . t_ '" r V«Id17 of Del WDe. 'l'be IIIPIeYOU CAlI • S_YOUU 4III'ONLY TIll IDT _ t of Kill Gets IIDd Mr. I'rIebaU 11M bem __ • Id ail Jar.IE ... • • weld.... .uI-.take ..... ID i ... TIle ''Holly BaD" will atsrt the holiday II ... for IIHIDlIen of the a~ed C_. ru- eo.; .a ~~M~an~a~"~J~O~b~D;'Th~wm~~a~n~' "arkl·~ 9 t 5 ld =.::;o~.;,D;a~n:lc~b=u:il:d:ln:~ Family Gifts for Christmas .New Rug or Carpet .' d'.,. ...I.'"" Mrs. Bachman's Fine Foods Ib~89c Vf. 6 n. 9Se Extra $",'a' ·W.,,_ , .., ...., • ... lira; JCj 1h·1I. 8M cir JifoI1h _ : ....... . d I2pp.... ,... ELiIl"· asc w.i...... F: ~ckWAR'T:'°Li~ 1Jesk Set' ught Gay . Santa'.KlnlJ$Wood Phone I, lWiIa 4-38' 0 Pre..... YTheab'e. 1'ueIda7 "The DeIk Set" by WWIam J(an:baDl hu repled audleDces at tile Swarttfmore Ae7. . Club tb1I week. Delplte . _ aDd aIeet, a"d1ea_ bave -1IJ1IIed . to aee the .H.IIIII11y amUllq PIOduetIoD. The llIbt comed7 PIOCIueecl UDder the earetul cIlrectkm of Jo. sepia W. del'uria mov.. at a faat pace aDd iI a sure eure for SputDik Jltten aDd ChrIatmaa shopper's teDIIOII. . In a demancllDa:' roIe,whlch she terms a "fun" role J'raDeeUa wu111. u the quick, aleri BUDDy Wat_ IOD, II venatile. clIarminI. and Contlnued hum Pace 1) . aho be avallable on fro II 10 12 IIQOD -!"',~.l~P.i!Pclans fashion. LIkeable Is Kenny, the turned on for me, and If ppssIble. to carry out the routines of a IIrst messenger. played by John Good- the bOllSe number lIgbted. 10 that class researcb speciaUst. Thla reo Each Light Independent '. man. I can see wbere I'm going. More quires a modem educational al'. Elsa. played by CarollDe Valen- than once my ReIndeer have de- proach of developing the wbole String of 7 (indoor). • • ~ ..•. ,;'1.9S tine. dellnlteiy makes ber presence posIt~ me on the wrong rOof, and Indlvldual and taking the teat. felt wblle stepbaDle B. Batte,- as tbls can bl' rather embarrassing, proven. potential mathelll9t1c1aDa String of 7 (outdoor) • • the come-,and-go Lady In Blue bas "Any Swarthmore child up and scientists and expoolng them a wily aU ber own. iDlmltable and' through 11 years old, If he or she outstanding. better.pald teschStr~ng of '15 53.98 unforgettable. George T. Herschel would like me to come In person. whose skill. know-bow aDd as the reporter handies,the camera is .cordlally invited to call KI 4wtl1 attract pupils Into StrEng of 15 (outdoor) • • • • 55.29 with a professional air. . 3810, aDd make-" field of sclentlAc endeavor. Special commendation must be "I've got It," saDg out Mrs. Santa GIFT slven the unusual stage set, de- suddenly. "n says Dear SwartbDI ...... Da.c. TolllOrrow ' WRAPPING PAPER 4 rolls 98c signed by Alan oSlailk and built by morean-" The Keystone Secretarial and the stag~ crew UDder David BIngSanta, visibly startled. hit the Business Administration School, .CANDY CANES . 6 large 2Sc bam. Emmerac.1s an achievement tabulator, wbtcb jumped the car- Baltimore Pike. wtl1 bold Its anof note aDd the eledrlclans de- rlage half way acroslJ the page. nual Christmas dlnner-dance and DARLING DEBBIE- 30.lnch DOLL serve their own measure of praise. Tben. In his contusion, he hit the party a.t the Stratb Haven Inn High Hoel Shoe. wi" Royal Coocll Jaw.lry lox , maslc margin and locked the ke.)'3. tomorrow nlgbt. faainatlDa u the brlgbt spirit In the tJ:Ioroucbl7 del1gbtful pr leDtstion centering about Emmenc the mechaDical braID wbtch prove that people are obsoletebIlt doeaD'tl The enigmatic RIcbard Sumner. superdllous yOW!g methods ensIDeer respol}Slble for the invasion of the radio-televillon network offices by the competitive contraption, iI played by Andre Pollock' wbo tuma In a top-nutch Perform- P~of. might ' 101. FOOD MARKET 01 $.""...,., C......... C..o". S·II ver 0ollars,.for i SII·ps , R a Swift's Prenalum leg O'lamb- 69c Christmas ·Tree Lights. '. :~1'J~52~98 (indoor) • • • • Club to Participate in · h Ra d10 S ow Wednesday Tbe Woman's Club of' Swartbmore wtl1 participate ona radio show over Station W.D.R.F., 011 Wednesday. December 18 at II a.m. Mrs. Paul E. Zecher. cbalrinan' of the commUDlcaUODa deparbnent, wili present. the ''Face of ChrIstmas. 11157." fol' the program. . Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Greene of South Chester road were dlDner guests Saturday Digbt of Mr. . and Kn. Edward Boggs of Cheswold, Del. Mr. aDd Mrs. G. V. Krenlltoll of Yale avenue bav. retunied BIter a two-w'ee!t trip to Florida. vlsltlDc at' Fort Lauderdale and Stuart. reeently F=G;;IFT;;;;;;;;C;;ER;;T;;I;;FI;;C;;A;;:r;;E=~1 "I·m.,glld, my dear." Santa munnered. struggling to extricate the keys, and resettle the page. 'KI 4-3&10" Santa eveotual17 continued, "and I'll be there some'time before 10: 30 aDd 4: 30 ChrIstmu-". To Santa·s eXtreme noyance the ribbon which had Ii been paling for several JeDtences, suddenly faded out altogether. Santa sighed, pushed back his chair, extracted the page, and wrote 'wlth qulll aDd lnk "Eve With love to you all, Santa" fo, ... itA Sw......... Hig. S••••I YN' .........,.71 KI 3.Q6Ol KI 3·7299 Reg. Value $29.95 - Our Price 59.98 CO-OP BREWER"S YEAST an_I~="'=·~"·=r'=·=·=IH=fo=r=.=S=fo=ciI="g~~1 NORRIS ORANGE JUICE fl . . ,..., '".".."C. .r p.rt ,i••• I.", fo, O.b. MI" i.ft 10_ .." ...leu.,' ,. ..HI, ••" PEACHES or PEARS .rlfll, APPLE SAUCE Fill $ ••,.,._..... ' lar 69c 5 for 79.: CO-OP GREEN LABIL HELP WANTED pol'.'." ... 8·01. w. rft CO-OP RED LABEL 2 ca~1 3Sc CROSSE & BLACKWELL FRUIT CAKE 1·lb. calf 51.69 - can 52.69 ' TIt. Jr. Wont••', Club opo..... 'Aliiahl&thtNlghtVlsihlrl' '.M. . CI.""" he. 16 • .:30 Benefit Aos.oClotlOft for DE.UR. R.f.rct.d Cl!lId... Don.tlo. Sl.50Aduilt. $1.00Chlld... POTATO SNAX 29c MODIINAH NYLONS 79c _ _ _SEAMLESS 89c 0wIs1."" $enice at S.o,lhmore Post OffIce Dec.m...r 14. Saturday, 8:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Money Order WindC!~ 8:30 A.M. to 12:00 Noon Dece...... IS. S.adllYi'I1:OO A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Stamp • Parcel Post Windows ONLY . De.....r 'f. "aaday ..... Frftlay. DlceMber 20 ':30 A.M. to 6:00 PoM. . . .,.,.eeI Stamp Post.W"lIIdo 1/1 . . .,aMy ~J• .iWfndOw9:00 A.M. to 5:00P.M. 1:30 ~. Dece•• u 21, Sal• ..., to 11:00 Noon . GETTING MARRIED! ..... _ woddIni .-: 1MoII.. .........i...' .....".., . .IIog., to $210. Sold " - ' " to .... LefooI ..,... ......................... . ._ ... ....., •. ,.If.. .111p.""' ...... · JUICY FLORIDA ORANGES . INDIAN .IQI "INK .•IAP.FlUIT .. _LaS 2·d·4$C " 3for29c ............... AI ., ..... 1'A1U.~ ~ IN. THIS LAl8ur COUICiION 01' tRlDAIS. AIooo ..... .14"", Special· Sak ICE CREAM • ..... '!'jIB SWU'i'BilOUAN It. _ . oRI, ....... • ••• ........., ...........,. 221 &cllull Ave. S.... IIvr.-. '" 10UIT .aooKS All W'" "''''IINH 1-flD1. r... Alto DrI.... I_Is well.. W_ Cedi fo, WIn make 11M ~'. eN..I... 1-4146 ~~~~~~~f=:=ll ties. MD. J)m!alel AIJrer,I, chatrSAL:& _ Bird cap; WlncI- man, w" UBlBted bT MD. bland lIOI' arm chair, tIIo. Call KMp- Davil whose lDvel7 decOiltl_ wood 8-8108. .. araced the cllnDer tabl-. MD. .- -&ALB -_ kcept\aaa1l1.JlDe Alan H. Coburn who wei In char,e POlO ltick, used - . t3.911; of the food, IDd JIn.. Howard child'. red rubber boctI, me 13, GI!1Iam. wIIo clIrected the 6llIq 9Sc; white luther jadaet, me of: the stoc:Jdnp for th& needy . cheap. Call ""'pwood 3-1808., chI]'dreD. Other hOMilies Included FOR SA .. ,· B _ _ CUD81'a, ~ Mlrs. Robert A. Boyle" 11'., Mrs. fIuh atblchmeDt; ~_ ~c WIllIam II. Nolan 8nd Mi'a. Rob~I=':~~~.~ art M. Yobanr)8n, FOR SALE Slqer aewInI mia Whlle D*Ilbel'll'of the club put chine l'Ound bobbin ~ the ftn'!!bln, touches OIl their conaole,' 8rst olau candiuon, I8C-ChrtItmu atocldn, 1iftB. Mrs. rlfte!: !!II. EI' fin 8-&244. .............+. .Tames Clark, JIDe arts chalmllUl, ,;!!Jt':::; 11" . Rulbbllth Removed ' I FOlloIHLY 0' .... Woldl ••d C1..... Ropol .. I i III VIII lAve. Sw.rtlunore, , .. Jack p 'I' \l Alter'ations , I a..... _ I •II ••• ~=~========~ COle uf ~~~~ chronic, men women. conExfoods, spaclous arounda honored. SacUe Plppln fur proprietor. CHester 2- er worn. size It, $500 MONTHLY Gear.e C. Horst. Dlreotor of PerT_ . . . . . . . .al "-'-ti 8OIlI1el and .............. _ ... ODS. In this posltlon he will sul'l)81'vlse I St.ttllI, lila" for 2,.........,... proiewonal and tachnlcal recrult:-I ..... to ,."..... I..... &.ute". fluidal ment activities. ' corporatfoa. No tr.veI. Sal.. elJ*!'.c, :i Presto Dbded~ Mr. Nolan Joined Alnerican Vis- 21040 PlI"I old, ,merited, calM'" of size, perfect work- COIie In August of 1955 u a taehDi- 0_1". ...!'Oft'Ibllltl... In roq_a9 $15. KIngswoocl 8- cal personnel recruiter. PrIor Int."r.. pi...., Include brIef penoNI his employment by American VIs- hltlory. 011 _11.. wor un..... ..- p!I'8OIlal supervJa10n of Mr. . . . ' L BItlmatee are free. Them SerembL PhOlle Sharon Hill 0734. PEIIISONAl. Golnl to Florida? Local man w1l1 Uve in, feed 4 0800 --. ~~~~~;;:;;:;;:;;:==~lrefereIIcee. ~ ' utomatIe -." . DOWMINO, n ' r.w --_0\1'& 1I000ca . ~-::a. IIOBDTa. DAR STTO HEA. ORY PROGRAM -'1"~~'-~~Ia.t to Ceo_ I0I4o of lb. Rib Better .• L,v,ng' c 9BCTION I. Retlremeht at Chuck Roast 43c 79c Cross Cut S7c Arm Roast I Pork Sausage I TurkeyDinner 59 ~ .6~c I Boneless Rolled Roast 'Ib. Ideal Cooked '. C ®7:S2 Spaghetti ® 8 $1 for c' Idee I Pure 76" Ideal Fruit Cocktan Grape Jam 92° ® 5 93' 84° ®10 85' for Ideel Brand Red 04 Cut Beets ®6 regular for for I Tomatoes I _II _II • •• •• --. I a. ••••• I .... c 1_ 6 Buns 9:..43 -II ........ .... _ ... c 19 I I -. .... POildCake •fa~" 15' -. .... _ ... I I l'Aljou P..,. -. Z"'29c ........ 4 .read ..... ::::-22' Selecled Fresh 2. . . . . .1Il-Fro. F.... -IDEAL BRAND • wwII far cello $1 pies. 001. . . . _ • III S.ns.. .-'" eo. & Old ,·i..., .. l •• 431 I " .\ for , .. I t OIl "" .1 ..... . s age And -, , for $1 SBCl'JON 1. An,. Ordinance or part tbenof eonftletinR' with the terms of this OftIlnanee shall be. and the ume is be~ hF. repealed. Insafar at the same deCts lb" Ordinance. The asaeta and'~:~~t~; of the Police Pension Fund. JlUnuant to Ordinanee No. 658. 80tember 1. 1861. shan be transterred to the fund estahll.hed under this Ordlnanee. In aecordanee with Section 'I of Ad. No • 100. approved Ira, 29. 1951. The bene8ta herein provIded for the oftleen covered by the old fund. being substantiany Jtl"8at.o!r than the beneftta heret.ofon a~rulnll to them. u1lder the old fund. are intended. to . . In eoIIi!IIpIete IlUhIUtutlOIl; therefor. exwDt that. 1Ipo1l terminauo.. plo:r. .....t _ to rotl_to all h.4bo:rw. eDlltri1lat8ll h7 sod! . . . . shall 1oe_.... to ...... ......-,.. u: of .... 0..,111,..,. No. III. to...... _a1I ...._ _ ....... _ 8eetJo. • or _ 0 ......... of .. ".& • ., ttolo ttb ..... or" _ ..... A;D.• I..'. . BoBOUOR OF SWAJn'lD(OU !IF 'TBOIIA8 w. JIOPio_ '.. n , JU(8*."'. &01'0 A"-t &i..lon =~'. ." , . SECTION 6. J!:aeh member' of the police force .hall t'Ontrlbute to the ..Id funll In accordance with. said Act. and .. deter. mined from tbne to time hy Borough Counell. Said eontrlbutlon. ...11 be not I. . than ft•• (6%) per Clnt nor more than eight (8%' per cent of his eurrent month17 compens.tlon. provided that, with t'e'" llpeet to that 'POrtion of hi. monthl,. eompenaatlon on .hleb social security allow• 8..,CIS are or 1Da7 be payabl •• the minimum contribution of the ofllcer ,ban .,... two {I", per cent. and with ....peeI; to hi. monthl,. compensation In exeeu of that on wblch IOCI.I IeCUritJ' allowances an J)aS'able the .lDlnlmum contrtbutlon 01 the oftlcft sban be fIv. (6%) per eent. Upon tenntn&tfon of emplorment prior to retll"4lRent. such contributions .b8.1J be returned to tIM· ofllcer. without Interest. SECTION e. "I'he flnaRca COlillDlttea .,1 Borougb Council. pursuant to such protesalonal advice .. It may be authorlHd to employ. shall compute the amount of apo. J)J'OpdRtlona to be made bJ' the Borou~b lrom time to tim. to eal'l'7 out the purPoMa ot this Ordlnenee and to conform to all II!fr.\I requirements. This Onflnan~ and the plan of penslona heNln provided for may be amended. or supplemented from' time to time. In' aeeonlance with law. but no penon who becom.. entitled to receive or beneftt therefrom ahall be depriyed of his I'hrht to an equal proportionate share therein upon the basis upon which he ftnJt beeome entitled thereto. d' A:ao....:. . . . . . . . . .$. ~,.__1IIi. *' - I , ; 1 .c. C",,",. . "Money isn't everything". • • coot. -~ ;~kto ,uce Beans8'~ 750 ® -7 , G~id;~erc;r;am S~; ~ $1-03 Lancaster. Brand . --------------ACE...' . BigPo•••I... It:. Sal. Regular 08 Apple Salice 8::-- $1. ., / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I.r .... ."... The BorouRh of Swarth_ more .han mate an Initial appropriation and the..... fter annual or other sPPl'Opri. " '" .. _atJoIlLQ(,arn"",,?,.,.h!ch.~ other.sums and benefttl becoming a ••llable under the I.... of tbe Commonwealth. aifts. Social 8ecurlt.F beneftta. and the eontrlbutiona of the pollee otfteen. sha 11 he wfllclent to provide." tb. benefits specified by thfs Oni'l • lIance lU1d the _Id Am of A.embl,. Bums becOnilna a.allable from trilts or other IOUrc:ea sball be applied qalnat the munlelpal POrtton of the future _"lee SECTION lb. . Also Beef 11-0 ...... Ideal F.-Icy .n In 8ecUon I of this OnUnanee. but not Ineonsflttent with the said Act. 11187 be permitted bJ'.BorouJrh CouncU. upon terms mu~ua~ly aneeabl. to the Borough Dnd _ucb ollcer. Oven-Ready Ib blade bone out • . Parks Pure a. wI'" ..1••• •... ...1. . . . . . . . . . .p ••••••• " ............ pl. . . .. 1~~~~an~d~c~aro~I~Go~tf:.___.-!~___...:.-:-____~~_______. .:. .___-.:~___-,..___________ after , . n of ..nice other tha.. pre.trlbed Round Bone in ............ ~to.I ..... " ........ Parents who worked with the students were Mrs. Samuel Carpeater, Mi's. R. W. Golf, and pOllee _ d1lt7 ••nd tobendt receive..auSmonthl,. or retlnment .......t toHulon one-halt tM moathJ,. .....n a ..1.17 of such otIIrer durlnJr the Jut slxt, (80' ...onUw of his. emplonnent. comPUted as provided In aald Ae\. Lancaster Brand & U. S. Graded Choice Beef The penny profit left from your sales dollar Is used to buy new modern super markets and to pay stockholders for their investment. Thus it brings better living to you, your family, and an America. Each .....1... a. .................. Wlderll_."............. ..... ltlJr·....".IHIUMu who hal ..ned . . a police oftlcer of this ....R~-rt H d-'-. Bo.....b ror t_.t>- (20)' _ro. and "bo ''''.. """ U ..",., co-cbair· Juq attained the an of olxtoo (eo) . .ro men of the committee. Studeut sball be ell,,",l. to retire f""" .etl~ co-cbalrmen were ShIrley Car- Loin Half lian , ......-,.-.~­ n The .... ..II he under the direction of the S"arthoaore Bo",. .b Council .. r.... tim. to tim. duly ....otltuted.· SIIICTION 2. 'M"'• • • • . . . . . U ..... II. . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... Sales Realio $849 fore. . . now &lid hereafter coUttiutec1. lb. -........... ........ I • •~.I... X·.....H TBB cOUNClL'OF THB BoROUGH OF The 8en1or C1aas of SwartbSWARTHMORB BBRBBY ORDAINS. Imf)l'e High School and their pa_ SIIICTION 1. Fo. the p u _ ... forth wlsb to 'express their ap,.. Act. No. 100 or 11&8. . . amended ••"11 PreclaUoil to all those foollball PQrtuaDt _ tao POWUa conffll'nll ~ the enthusiasts wbo b ldat_ or P.....,... ,.. t!oo ~b or pure aBed food Swarthmo.. ber.t>" ootobll_. . . or Jaau. at the bome football Pmes. The &I'J' 1, 1'18 •. a Police Peru!on Fund for $849 reallzed on these sales is the be.oIIt or the ,,_bo... of Ito poll.. IIbov.e the amount of pre"'us Lancaster Brand FRESH 7" Ih tile orpn'-tlola wIdcb JI eompoled 01 leprllictatl. . ~ JII colleps IUd WI1YW1ltIIL B. lield the oIIIee 01 vice .....deut the Precedlna yar. . I ~A~'bon~~N~. ~ Preside Mn. JObn relll!lit, wUl· -,,'~".~"-;;~'Swarthmo ...=Ga~.~-~.:.H8:J:!-~~. P..... IT-It-U and Michael, will Ihtroduce Dr. BOROUGH OP SWO\IITBMOR. S. It. Gamble Who bas chosen ORLiNANCB NO. IU as his Utle for hls Christmas AN ORDINANCB TO BBTABLISH A story proll'llm, "Siories for this POLiCB PBNSION FUND TO DB Hour." Dr. Gamble spoke reADIlINIBTBRBD BY THI: BOROUGH cently at the Womens' Club OF SWARTHMORB IN ACOOBD- where his sense of bumor added ANCII WITH THB LAWS OF PBI/N. SYL1I'ANIA. PARTICULARLY ACT to the afternoon's pl~ NO. 100 OF 11&8. 'ITS AllBllDIlENTs AND SuPPLI:IIBNTS. PROVIDING Mrs. Jobn Pitman, Mrs. J.o. 'nIII HBCllBSARY APPROPIlIA. McCarter and Mrs. !:most TlONS FOR SAIIB. AND TRANS- IPrltcboard will be c:o-hostesses' FBRRING THImBTo THB ABSIITS with the regent. AND LlAB'LITIBs OF TBB POLiCB PBNSION FUND CRllATBD BY S • CI . ORDINANCB NO. &68. APPROVED enlor ass Food SBPTEIIBER 1. 11&1: for ..... A........... day at 2 P. M.. • ~ - . Swarthmore. P .... or b1a II 4-1021 I loin end ... -~.tIOD ""-'._tIoa ... ,.w,... I. rib end H·"DS _ . - - .. -soc.: - ....em of Co1leae IIDd :ldwaJe!. Cratsl.,., Y1ce preGdeDt UDlvenIb' 8"ef " . . OlIIceno .t tile -. .... eou.too. Pa.. ... The Delaware County Chap_ -I'IIIaDce of s~ CoIlep, lIJIllual meetluc beklin Wub'c.~ or t!oo..... tar of Ibe D.AJt. wUl hold ita ,... elected pi'HIdeut 01 the J:aat- loll, D. C., Deeember 1 throuP I. -all WI_ - ........... ...... - Ih the Wom- ----~.- -_ _ _ _ _ _~_=:..:...:==.::..::::...:=:.::: Dr. Cratale,y wUl bold oIIIee OLe to toot ooIcItile-"............ . . .... ... Cbristmaa ' .. __m ._--..... . . - to ..... ",,-,... ...,........ ens. ~UOll Room of the ...1•• 1.-1 do...... to p _ t t!oe Ptesbyterlan' Cburch next Mon- Dick Franclletti '39 Rocld,ft Road, SprlllfJfleld It .... LNAL NOTICIS TELEVISION SERVICE' ! Ington University, December 19! RUSSELL'S SERVICE II 3-0440 it::';!!;!e:! win IIbow how the theory of loDl::.thu:-to zaUOIlWU developed aDd the recent deve10pmeata 111 the relaI Professor Gllben P. Haight, J~., ; Uon of combustion to roeket pre- chemical, .electrical aDd pbyslcal of Swarthmore COlleJe haa ac-: pulsion. The· second lecture on properUH !bat are explaiDed by cepted an invitation from The, FrIday, "Matter With A Charle." the theory. Philosophical Society of Washlng- : ~ae-;S-5iiii5$__iiiiii£:iiEiiaaiiiiiiEee Prof Haight to Address '. Ptulosoph;cal Society PRESTONE & ZEREX Deceaber 11. 1951 but it does so much to make a merr.'Y Chri'stmas! Christmas cheer COIJle8 in big packages and small-and it comes so much more eaaily when you have the money right on hand to . shop to your heart's content. That's exactly where s ProvidentTradesmens P~nal Loan fits in your holiday picture. See the people at Provident Trad~ens. in trui next day or two. Then ••• you II enjoy Christmas shopping, knowing you have t;zactIy the money you tad ... Imowfng yoU re not soiDI to worry about a lot of ecatteted PROVIDENT. . .. bills ••. knowing you'll pay a certain, speci. fied amount each month •.. and knowing that termB will suit your income to a T. Doesn't that sound like the kind of cheerful ChristD,uIs shopping and giving you'd like this year? Essy on your mind, easy on your pocketbook, and so much more fun. Do it now •.. stop in at your nearest Provident . Tradeprnens office to arranp a P8IIIOnalLoail for Christmu shoppUig. It'. a happy holiday' idea, for aure! . . r TBB SWABTlDlOU'N P .. 10 H. S.Gamet Wallops 39 13 prectoua score. wme . Lan....... ~l, . , a beaut7 to bebold .. hlt tbnaded hili wq beh'nd hili. b1ocll:en for a CbrIs Martin Itoocl out 011 hili \wo peat blocked punt atlielllpll, (eoottnued tJOm Lut Week) the fIrIt thwarted bJ a The' _ _ half Itarted wtth penalt7 but thlt aecond lUCCeeded and 8I!t up 8wutbmon JD pa.. 'DD and DIck JohnlO" atood out wltbID IIIx pIa:r, til..,- had thelr 414 DoD Belcher at the =~, east :::! . Du . . I" IH7 CoIl..,.. dr·....... OQ'1e BenD', of 111'. C......'7 W_, aa4 Kn...JGIiD B. H_' of Bhoir- H'ckettlnowU, N. J. &be _ _ vin' ZHd, . . bMIl Iluted vice- leCted for tIIIa h _ fnIm • eIaA StudeD' nM e.. JD Ule JUDlor pNlicSen* of the fnwbm'n eIaA 01 or _ atuclentll SchooL ~ _ben of . . cabIiet aa4 bom.ooin ofIIccs, took their oath of oIIIce at a Jnstal!eU'lD _emon:r held ...." a--'~. JD the DIDth the ...... . - . . - . the foUDwSna h(Ime- Offlcen hutalled at Jr. mp' oed Elnw :e bIK:It ..,ot. JedI: Cd- "'- w.. abtth touchdDwD of the pme on def va -up touchdDlm Cabinet reSinaent.U,. Orill• bewtlful btddm ~ pKch-ou~ houn dupUcatecl btl dDOr e, t:r Decker, Pb:rw. BInd, 8a1I:r Me- H Convalescent . . o.e. ", AV~NUE Klnglwood 3-0272 BALTIMORE PIKE and LINCOLN :::r...::uC:- ;:Pa;rDe,~ Cawle:r, Sue Wrilbt; .. dMlt..Swart.lftore scofed the tltth touchdown of Geo1'&e Abbe, Bu Hqfe, DavIa Attractive Priv... ancl Saml-Priv... Rooms. Complete .ame ImProved aDd terrIIIc MNcrip, Marjeirte ~; vlee p,jy_ on lo.Acre Est.... 24-Hour UncI.,,..ncling Hunt", Ina Unemm 'MoniIIOD, HaU:r, preoidentl PbD BeaJdIle:r, Butch placed for !be remainder of the Lord and Mutin kept the oIfeDlb Hofmann, RomI:r ~o:res, JQathie . UND.' ..........NAL SUPERVISION OF WItS. ELLEN .... WOOD pme. This quarter Tom Cor- rolllD& ieCrCtari. M-ria Dye, ... ....wiD, DoD Beedler, Charlle Dietz, all creat cUmu: to a Hewes, Sue Kathie and JImm:r PattersoD taII:e over All a 7 uad ftnlsb- Stamford; treasurerI - Maureen the defeuslve chorel, with end new~~ ~1~ -;;a lost Dett:ra, Sara Gropu, Roger Kuc, • • • ... • • • • • ... ... . . . . . . ........ Dave Grocan, taelde. Dick John· ed eIr nam_the 'Mitzi. Byer8OJl, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...,..... IOn and Bill Rowland. lUard Jack :n:lu:f ~7th In the eighth crade are: .. lAwicld and end Ken HUlhes p e r - ' Cabinet representatlves Deane • ~."P.CT c:btii~· T ... AT formlng In the Une. I-nsMwne Calhoun, Terry InnIs, J _ MJch.. put to.ether two scorin. drives In Joe Waltz; presldentl Steve • ., the. last quarter which gave them ,An unusual accident occurred Bruce Cratsle:r. LInda • .. thelr.13 polntl. . . recently when Lt. (j.g.) and Mn. Jones, Carol VInt; vice presidents .. Other boys who played were Thomas H. Cbilton were -Betlle:r Breekell, Andy GaY', Sue .• Backs Adams, PilgrIm, Turner, to Norfolk, Va.. from Lt. PrentlCe, Chuck TUrner; secretar....... . .. Craw«ord, Jackson; LInemen Jar· home in Ash1a1id, Va. !o1zs. les--Vlrglnia ,Alexander. Car 0 I ...... rat, Melcher, Schaeffer, Gabriel, formerly of Swarthmore. 18 Davis. Bob Kuc, Lee Smith; treas. C H O C O L AT I S " . Wigton, Lawrenee, Pauldlna:. Gil· daughter of Mrs. 'McKernon My- ure1'3 _ MidCe .Campbell, Dave ....... more, Fu058, Swartz, Wal8ta1!. and rick of Rutgers avenue. Hannum. Connie Jackson, J1m • ~ Wllky. Big J1m Green missed his A 125-PO~ buck lumped In Rowland. d ....... So Fine, 80 Famoua, 80 Sure To Pleaa;; .,' third g.ame because of Illness front of Lt. ChUton'" car on U. S. And In the seventh gra .e: ...... wbtch was Indeed unfortunate for Route 1 In the vicinity of Cabinet .representatlves - Jerry • ..",ilaINe .. the team, In that he was develop- Cickah~ River and wlIII.kIlled Clothier, Bonnie Hop, Mike Mc'HI .. Ing Into one, of the most potent About $100 damage Willi caused Crary. Sam Wl~; presidents • DILICIOUI linemen, .partlcularly on defense. the vehicle. ' . Sandra Mthouae, CralgJobnsOD, .... ~" '. Cub Cratll last iMa7. UIIIRl In the LucIon Room. of the their care • chlld of the de- She will Ihow "Influences trom JIorouIh Hall on WednesdaY', De. ceased worll:er who 11 entitled to Italy." ee. lift 18 at 8 P.lll. AU real- benefttl. Moat people know that a Robert AIlthon;r, creduate of dents are encol1nll'ed to attend child of a dbCeUed worker 18 en- Pennsylvania. Academy of Fine the Great Books GMUp even titled to henedta until all! 18 and Uillvenlt;r of P'enns:rlthoUlh the:r have not done 110 bepeopl\THI~~AN~S ~.UG STO•• 1..0&86 1.iii:iii:il.iiiiiiiiiiiiSiiiiiiijiiiiiiliq r ""H, \ ,I',.... Order, Now ae'ng "'5.1--f.~i;:~c.,.:' .ot,. .. Talren for • Shipn. Shore- .. \~ Special Christmas Ice Cream trlittle . Swiss miss" ." \ II I i I ; smocked broadcloth blouse ellA.. "==::: Il, THE FOUNTAIN ." ' •,., c.....,'.... - . and the CuDeIle of N_ York. The praINJD b ear- sizes '8 to 6x ......,...., to ill ,= 3' hr- Sea', ~~~~~~~~51~-----~--;~-::----:~--~ '!OLUME 29-NUMBER '51 faeeI AJpW wldte. GODlrIItobbMIlid Sf.-.I110 ..... fa,.JItI.-.,tt»,-, .. _ ........ DI;I\ " ... 0"', •. " ,;;, .......... r . .~ Y~ I l I,, Ordained at Trinily ,I I I Two to Be Presented at 10 o'Clock Service. Tomorrow ,. Henry B. du Pont, president The Longwood Foundation, Inc., located in Wllmlngton, Del., annou~ today a £lft by the ",,,,,,ft_1 The Rt. Rev. Oliver J. Hart, S.T.D.• Bishop of the l'4>iscOpal DioCese of Pennsylvania. will ordain the Rev. RAlbert C. S. DeacOD. and the Rev. Bobert B. Hibbs to the Trinity Cburcb tomorrow at 10 Bbtiop wlll prellch the sermon and the Rev. Wllllam Eo Danforth will read the Epistle at the sKYlce. :0':~~!~::1 datiOl1 of $1,800,000 more College; for the and-equipping of a new building. The new bulldlng house the departments of ch;!ml~ I try. physics. and mathematics. Presldent Courtney SmIth ~~....~ Swarthmore expressed the ... tude of the college for the magnl- Acent glft of the Foundation. "The . College has had no new buildings ff>r Ch=lstry or Physlcs since 191M," he said. "and the sltUition has now become critical lf we are to maintain the qUiUty of ou~ sclenUftc teaching and research." The new building will be designed by the finn of Vincent G. K1IniI ID Philadelphia to incorporate a common lecture hall and library tor the three dlsclpllnes together with separate laboratory space, small semlnar rooms, and faculty omceso' The new building _______iiliiiiliiiiliiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiN___ i' will . be located on the upper .iiliiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii campus at the site of the old football fteld. so as to provide the nucleus of " future concentration of acadendc buUdings in an area adjacent to the present facilities CWTIIIER MEMORIAL, SWARTHMORE COLLEGE for the biological sciences eD&ineeririg. SUNDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1957 The Longwood FoundatioD, .. .. . ... -. tabUshed bytlie iiitePlen-e S;' AT 5 AND AT '1 O'CLOCK Pont, has been Interested In scientific education for a number of years, and bas made major grants in the ftelds of secondary educatOfItt tbt l\tlltftlUt tlon, . 'llbraries, medical, research, and social welfare. a.m. From The Swarthmorean ,Staff Child Health Cen~r Gives Christmas PaJ1Y "Call Santa soon, if you Santa's elves offered yesterday Swarthmore citizens. The elves, who have been busily the phone all week, reported ness ~s brisk, but were less concerned (Wer the time calling. and Tuesday noon and that doesn't too much ~," Wd one. "And while we're wllliD8," adthe other we can answer only at a ti';'e. Santa would be indeed If someone wanted to come and waited too to call." . Santa's phone is KI 4-3810, and ny Swarthmore parents ~ant Santa to visit their children (ages 10 and under) on should definitely "Call "no it now!" Is Santa's advice. Santa will begin his cal!. at pm and expects to complete ";'~ds by. 4: 30 a.m. Santa also asked that families put a on the door, if at the last . they find they cannot receive hlDl. "Sorry I haven't time to the phone myself, Santa Ieying his buzzing workshop, APPOINTED tell chll;iren I'll talk to them when I see them Christmas Eve. The appointment of ;1. Th'omasl" rr 'Christmas to you aU", Mo~tgomery. CheStnut avenue as M; ~nta vanished under a aSSIstant manager. mortgage Io:'n an Ch . tmas wrappings. department. at the Central CIty 0 f ns braneb otBce.of The Travelers In8UI'3I!I!'e . Company has been an- Christmas UbrCiry Hours DOUIICed by Vice President Roger PallUe UbrarJ will be C. WIDdns. " . 'I ,...... I to 5 ..... Mr"• . )(011._.... '-ined QeD Ts 1'1' , eve. ._ .. _~ .JV It will" cI '11 TIIe"'Y Tra"..... in the mortple loan ...... Clarlaa •••. Eft; ... ,detmtmeftt at Hdladelphla (MIler ..... a of ' tile n ~:~ =. . ., T!;>e Central Committee of I the Community Nursing Service, Iielaware County. held its Aruiual Christmas Party for the Woo4lYn Child Health ~enter Wednesday In'the Woodlyn FIre Hall, Woodlyn. ' 6pirit of aRb alor~ip art .tlromt him to visit your children Christmas Eve" was the I Joan Hesth,ialserving' of Columbus,<> ..He Is currently as Curate at Tnnlty Church. Mr. Hlbbs Is a graduate of Trinity .College, Hartford, Conn., and the General Tbeolo£lcal SeminarY ".,~" In New 'York City. He is continuIng his studies at TrInity College of the University of Toronto. in Call SANTA SOON Hart, ~=:_-----.....:~~~~ l}agtant of tbe j}atibit!' au tubo I, Tne Rev. H. Lawrence Wblt~ more. Jr., rector of Trinity Church wl1l p1'eMtlt Mr. Deacon tor 0rdination. Mr. Hibbs will be pleP sented by the Rev. Walter W. Ware, rector at the Church of the Holy lDDoceJlts, TacoD)'. . Mr. Deacon Is a graduate of the University of. Pennsylvania and the Episcopal Theological School In Cambridge. . . . . He served from 19D2 to 19" as a Lleuttenant in the United States Air Force. He Is' married' to the fonner Marta M' erry Christmas ..• ".!fate , Robert Deacon to III Longwood Foundation Gives Gift of $1,800,000 :.b Christmas Sea', . -2==========' $4.00 PER College to Receive New Science Building At the annual dlnner of the Keystone District of the Boy Seouts of America, Albert Stamford. Jr., of Strath Haven avenue. DIstrict Advancement Comntittee Co-Chalrman, former Cub Scout Pa ck Ol1alnnan. merit badge counsellor. and adv""cement chalrman for SwarUunore Troop 2 • was one of the three adult leaders singled out from among the hundreds In the District to receive Scouting's high award for adults, the Order of Merit. At the same meeting it was announced that Swarthmore Troop 2 was one of only eight units in t1!e District more than 40 per cent of whose members are First Class. Star. Life, or Eagle Scouts. In Courts of Honor this fall. number of members of Troop 2 have advanced in Georl!e Heckman, Don mann, Bill Gaylord. Dick boroU3h, and Jeffrey Coeben become Second Class Scouts; Bond, Jim Connor, and J 0 h ~shton have becOme First Ricky Ullman became a ~out. and Alan Stamford Life Scout rank. . In the last month mellt badges (Contlnued on Page 5) I I ,;::::=;:::-:;::-;;:::;-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Frida),. Deeember 20, 1957 Stamford Awarded ISA Order of Merit i' luy THE SWARTHMOREAN Christmas .fte ..reb the . .tlaD for thc.e stumod 'able to berJe!lt froID edlieatlaa, ngudi- 01 0Bce 41. :iced la the DiItat.Dt 'hImt, tile III 01 f" l'f'. Buy r.- THE FOUNTAIN \I I ~brary atl_'''' Scbolarshlp of the national senlor qua, cond~ the..Coran- cent and eacb state Is represented acKI nual competition. cotdIDg to lts b1gh School popula''Tbe Finallst.' group will be tlon. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING?8USY DAY? made up of sOIDe of the most able =aiiiii IYOlunpteftl that Amerlea bas ever II !IOI I: I: . ," ,NO TIME TO, CQOK? produoed. We expect to have over "You Meet the NICEST People at. SpetD'4J'.'· tit. 'amlly to DI ••• .t 800 scilolarsblps aviillable for them_bout one for every nine of ~ese superb young people. Our need to ldentlfy, and belp, as DILICIOUS FRIID CHICIEN 1I'1,A1IIR .... ",... $1.00 necessary. the lI!'ienUsts, engineers, TEND.R SIRLOIN STEAl PLAnER .. ".,........ $1.50 teachers and othr leaders of the is more apparent right S,"" 7 Deys e W"k from 5:30 P.M. Tnl 8:30 P.M. now than lt has ever been. The f. hi.. •••• t .... ,...., hi _,_JOe far-slahted buslruiss and industricompanies that are inaldng I tbteae aWards possible are to be EDGMONT AVENUE - SEVENTH AND WELSH STREETS congratl!lated," declares ,Mr. StalOPEN DAILY 9:30 to 9:00 . nakU. . . In the Anal phase of ~. comthe hIIh school grades, extra-<:Ul'1'icular attainments, and the leadership end cbaracter of the competitors, will be evaluated, l.&Ibo'lt May I, a fortUDate 800 will become the Merit Scholars of 1958. '. •The ~ther Finalists will receive .', CHRISTMAS FANCY FORMS CerUftc:.ates of Merit, attesting to high ability; and all colleges (Individual Serving..) and universities will be noUfted, enabllng t11ese students to be considered for thousands of 0 t b e r • HOLIDAY ROLLS awarda end prizes. (Delicious StrawHrry cen.... c:ov.-l with VeniRe Ice Creem MerIt Scholars make their own choice of college .end course of I and roIIad in MacarOon Crumbs. III'V1lI 6.) study. The value of each of their four-year Merit Scholarships varI . . • \vith the linanclal need of each • CHRISTMAS STENCILED IRICK individual student,. "nging upi ward from $100' per year (the I PncI!vidual.r- of Vanil. 101 ere- tIIcormd with ChristmlnlmlllD to $2,200 per year or III_ Stine" in Rid and 6 _ Whippld Crelllll.) more. i· " The colleges chosen by the Merit Scholars will recelve grant-in~, PARn TREATS ald av~ $2,000 per Merit . ISe:tlolllr to help defrtQt the actual costs or' educatiDtr tile studems. The Merit 8cholarahlp PtoiIlem lI'nO,* In its third ;year. It wu AND. as always, our Delicious JANE LOGAN established in 1955 tmouab gnmta $20" mOnon ftOm the For d ICI in ·15 Ravors, including Egg Nog ~~ii I' , SHEAFfEr(S' Brandt, Charles T. Corwin, the use of the lOt Is. donat IDa,vie V. Edwards, Bohart A. ed free by the bank. Tbls ;year, a Longman. David C. 1\ichal'dBOn. new neon sliD bas been ereoted to Donald L. Searborough, end Anne ·customers. Tbe sign. the Welsh. stalls, electrleal work and other Merit ScholarBhlJIII are, &pOnare beInI donated to the ' " sored by over 80 business and ID- ttoop by friends of the troop•. dustrial Arms, 8s well as' I?y proTbe sale begins todaY. Decemsocieties, foU!ldations. . 13. The Troop welcon1es the ' and even individuals. The Saara public to InspeCt the variety of Roebuck Foundation Is the larIest trees. garlands, and CbrIstmaI spoDSOr, with 100 awards worth accessi>ries avallllble. The ~WarthmoJe ~ Club Is $500,000 being granted aimually.· Tbe Semifinalists DOW face a epl)naorlng organization of the ri&orous. three - hour College TiOOp. Board examlnalion to be given in 'c~ters throughout the the wIDDers are now enrolled In country OIl January 11th. Studenta over 285 dlff_t colleges. whose hl8h scores substantiate their earller test perfonnance The competition Is open to any become Finallets In the competl- public, private or pai'ocblal hllb school In the United States. Alation. sa, Canal Zone. Hawall, Puerto At leaat 7,000 of the 8etNftnaand- the Vlrglb. Islands; and llsts. are expeotedto survive: thls any high school senlOl' may enter. second burdle, according to John The '1,600 SemUlna!!sls Il8Dled taM. Stalnaker, president of the day represent one-ha1f of one per .' "-t ~ at h Wolff's APple __ ouse , ......... p& a_ a. aew .... .,K 'nIe ,i ' ; A SpecI.1ty - Alw.y. ; _flsItOld ...........repI... - Sn., Collegw i I I I I LIBRARY PETITIONS Mrs. John Ross of Secane was NomiDaUnc petiUons are again In charge of arranging' the available '" the Librarian's party. She has been the Chainilan .' desk for anyoDf) In the comof Volunteers for the Center· for munlb' who dm- to sland for a number of years. Her eleeUoD or &0 nominate some-' consisted of ldr& Joseph ,Lap. one to stand. Woodlyn, who for :the Christmas Tree, arranged and Mrs. WilHam PellUons are &0 be sllned by Gehring,and M1'S. Birney Morse of 10 oIpatnres and &0 be med S with the BOard Secrelary Ruwarthmore, wilo took care tt, hlso of, Santa Claus. Colonel Mabb9 dolph IIInell daring the monih of Swarthmore. has been our jblly of December. The election will for many years. Mirs. Mortake place .January 25 and 2'1. tis Hoven of Sprlngfteld 'had, the Future Nurse Group of SprlnlFood Cans. Movie .. fteld High School act as hostesses WOIl A 0d Will1am .H. Ward, Strath and the cookles were made by' the I I avenue, wdl reti~e at the end Springfield Girl Scout TrOOp 625. Once agaln, as In past years, December as a VIce president and T!le Rev. John Keck, pastor of children of tills area will have m~mber of the Executive Com- the Woodlyn Baptist Churoh,enopportunity of helping some mlttee of the Du Pont Company the mothers and children' family and at ,the same time after a career of 42 years. He ra- as an BlDateur magician. a two-hour movie sbow-and !alns his position as a member of Each child was £lven a toy and for the admission price of one the Du Pont Board of DIrectors. a candy cane. This occasion Is of food, or more. Mr. Ward. who reaches the re- made possible by· the Benefit Tomorrow, December 21.lti~~~:;t: age of 65 years on De- Bridge Party given In June of the courtesy and cooper- Ie 27, has been a vice eaoh year by the Volunteer Cenof MerTm JoIre, tbe College mert)ber of the tral Committee. is being made avaUabie and of the Board -------h1' B e ' the annual CbUdreD's MDvle Directors, since 1948, when{ he It is being sponsored by stepped up from the post of gen- the Springfield A.A. in cooperation eral 'lnlUlllger of the explosives The Swarthmore Junior W()4 with the Swarthmore Lions Club. depArtment. At that time he .had Club wishes to extend its The show itself will consist of had 32 years in supervlsory and sincere apP"'!Clatlon to those who cartoons, a serial, and a full length (Continued on Page 8) supported their sponsorship of feature picture. In addition there the presentation of the opera will be prizes £lven away to both . "Amahl and the Night Visitors" boys and, girls. PIa. Ca ••e this past Tuesday evening' at' There will be a nurse in atMr. and Mrs. John Schott have ClqWer M=orlaL The Preaefttlitendance. issued a cordial invllatlon to all of the opera to a full house . The doors of the theatre will be the COllege-age youi!g 'peopl'; of Choral Artshop was • opened at 9: 15 a.m. The program the Presbyterkm Chun:b, and ~ and a tribute &0 start ·at 10 a.m. aDd ' be com- their -~ts,' to to' th ... """ muslc".. ills. ..'obn ' 111. B. about 12:20 p.m. ..-.-.~ e .. 0111Club president, alated.· All canned goods donated by an's Auoclation Boom for , Donatlonsreeelftd flOm the the children will be distributed punch, and c:ooIdes after the 11 opet8 will be _tributecI to tile the sponsors to daIelVInt fIIml- o'clock worship ,&eI'Vlce nat Delaware· Onmty .Cbapter of tile as ~.--+..... AIIsocIatIoD tor Ratarde4 .....- - 'oq dar. Dewmbet' i l l . ' welfare .... I(,e~ ,wun- F. .0._ SwatiIImote,', ' .' ..._n:.-dn!D wIIlcb win. - , ,th_, fIIDIIs .. Sprinll!eld """3 ............ establlIb a od Hal . iiJ*M'IDC Jio¥ol )li at ' .::; ...:' II commi~tee lrso'.'Ama Defit s....., A__ an- U4 , uae I ! j I \ I I i I I ! I I, ; I \ \ I !, , , I i , " ,I I f INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE DEC 201'351 S~mrtl11:lore <':olleglll' Library Swarthmore THE SWARTBMOREAN ..... 12 Named Seven . In Natl"onal Contest .SenDS" SUNNY BRAE ORCHARDS December IS. 195'1 N:='s=reB~v!:::: :.. Christmas Trees oently returned after a six-week Scouts Offer trip which 1Dc:luded a vlslt with The Swarthmore Sea Scout Dr. and Mrs. R. C. AmmeI'IDIIIl Will t Troop, S.ES.·Leo Marls, 829. is in eWllsboro and in Pen Van, Semifi na Ists I ompe e gettingreaciy for Its fourth an- Rochester, and Buffalo. N. Y. Mrs. in May for Merit nual Christmas Tree Sale. The Brewster attended the wedding of La,.. Crop _ FI.. q.ality - R.a..HItI. ,rices sale of Christmas trees Is the a nephew Mr. Curtis Brayer In Scholarships main source of funds upon whicb Nlagara-on-the - lake, Ontario, Seven seniors· at swarthmore the troop depends for operating Canada, on November 16. Hlgn School have been named expenses. Each .prevlous sale A Specialty - Always Goo. Semiftnallsts In the Nationall\4erit bas been a success, and thI6 year, _YIsltScholarship competition, according the troop expects to have a more to Principal William M. Bush. The successful year than ever. local students are listed among Members of the Troop Comthe 7,500 blgh scorers on the mlttee comprised of fathers of 01. Fa.lllon•• Fireplace - 011 'alntlngs Scholarship Qualifying Tesl, a na- the scouts have been donating OPEN ALL WINTER tionwide college aptitude examln- their efforts by offering their LIMA PA. PENNELL ROAD atlon given in 14,000 high schools labor and whatever support they H.... , .......30 % .11••••tII til on October 22. can give in order to Insure the S....., 10 .......30 'hone LO 6-1680 .....tIle II,.. The Seminfinallsts named today success of the venture. The outscored 300,000 fellow students, ISldppeir, George S. Myers, and all and thus moved a step closer to officers are also strongly supportthe $4 million in Merit Scholar- Ing the program. The sale is held ships to be awarded in the 1958 at the lot adjoining the Provident program. The Swarthmore HIgh Bank & Trust Co., SNORKEL PEN School Semiftnallsts are Richard Chester road and Rutgers aveC. Brandt, Charles T. Corwin, the use of the lot Is donatwith Davle V. Edwards, Robert A. ed free by the bank. This year, a Longman, David C. Richardson, new neon sign has 'been emoted to Donald L. Scarborough, aDd Anne attract customers. The sign, the point! T. Welsh. stalls, electrical work and other Merit Scholarships are spon- services are being donated to the sored by over 60 business and In- troop by friends of the .troop. Statesman dustrlal firms, well as by proThe sale begins today, DecemWhile Dot fessional societies, foundations, 13. The Troop welcomes the snorkel Pen. and even individuals. The Sears public to inspect the variety of '1550 Roebuck Foundation is the largest trees, garlands, and Christmas Tbemoat sponsor, with 100 awards worth tree accessories available. pleasing gift! $500,000 being granted annually. TIle Swarthmore Lions Club is .the sponsoring orgattlzatlon of the The perfeet The Semifinalists now face a rigorous, three - hour College Explorer Troop. point to match Board examination to be given in their handwriting All Slles Available ·testlng centers throughout the the winners are now enrolled In style. Natural, country on January 11 tho Students over 265 different colleges. . comfortable .• , whose high scores substantiate The competition is open to any just right from the their earlier test performance win public, private or parochial high become Finallsts in the competi- school in the United States, Alavery 8rst word. tion. ska, Canal Zone, Hawaii, Puerto Complete .election of At least 7,000 of the Semifina- Rico, and the Virgin Islands; and models; colo.. lists are expected to survive this any high school senior' may enter. , and price&. second hurdle, according to 'John The 7,500 Sem1flnallsts named toM. Stalnaker, president of the day represent one-half of one per CATHERMAN'S National Merit Scholarship Cor- cent of the national senior class, ~RUG STORE poration which condUICts the an- and each state is represented acKI a-0586 cording to its high School populanual competition. "The Finalists' group will be tion. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING? BUSY DAY? made up of some of the most able ~ii:iiii:iia:iiii:iia:iiii=iiii:iiiiii:ii=iiii:iia:iiii=~ youngsters that America has ever 5! NO TIME TO COOK? "You Meel 'he NICEST People al Speare·... produced. We expect to have over .rlng the Family to DInner at 800 scholarships available for them_bout one for every nine of these superb young people. Our need to Identify, and help, as DELICIOUS FRIED CHICKEN PLATTER .......... $1.00 necessary t the scientist6, engineers, teachers and othr leaders of the TENDER SIRLOIN STEAK PLATTER ........ ···· .. $1.50 future, is more apparent right Served 7 Deys a Week from 5:30 P.M. Till 8:30 P.M. now than it has ever been. The ed· to tal •••• hot aad t •• erv_IOe .If.. far-sighted business and IndustriCO, ••, al companies that ar" making these awards possible are to be EDGMONT AVENUE - SEVENTH AND WELSH STREETS congratulated," declares Mr. StalOPEN DAILY 9:30 to 9:00 naker. In the final phase of the competition, the high school grades, 8 extra-curricular attainments, and the leadership and character of the competitors, will he evaluated. About May I, a fortunate 800 will become the Merit Scholars of 1958. , The other Finalists will receive •. CHRISTMAS FANCY FORMS Certificates of Merit. attesting to their high ability; and all colleges (Individual Servings.) and universities will be notified, enabling these students to be considered for thousands of 0 the r • HOLIDAY ROLLS awards and .prizes. (Delicious Strawberry center covered with VaniHa Ice Cream M.arit Scholars make their own choice of college and course of and rolled in Macaroon Crumb~rves 6.) study. The value of each of their four-year Merit Scholarships varies with the financial need of each • CHRISTMAS STENCILED IRICK individual student, ranging up(Individual slice of Vanina Ice Cream decorated with Christward from $100· per year (the minimum to $2,200 per year or mas Stencil in Rad and G..... Whipped Cream.) more. The colleges chosen by the MerScholars will receive grant-in• PARn TREATS aid averaging $2,000 per Merit Scholar to help defray the actu91 (Individual cup of Bisque Tononi-packed 6 to bOle.) costs of educating the stUdents. The Merit Scholarship Program rf'now In Its third year. It was AND. as always, our Delicious JANE LOGAN est9bllsbed in 1955 through grants $20.5 million from the For d ICE CREAM in ·15 Aavors, including Egg Nog IF~OUIlu al., Montgomery, Chestnut avenue and Santa vanished under a pile of Christmas wrappings. assistant manager, mortgage department. at the Central branch office. of The Travelers Christmas Library Hours suraDce Company has been Tbe Public Library will be nounced by Vice President RC'2eri open Tuesday from 2 to 5 p.m. C. Wilkins. n will be "lased Tuesday oveMr, Montgomery joined I Chris,mas Eve: and Travelers in the mortgage department at RUladelphia In :;:~ Day. Other hoars tile ...eelt ...m ..nllnae 1950. He is a graduate of Swarth~'"!!... more College and served in the U. S. Army from 1944 to 1946. Joan Hesthal of Columbus. O. He is currently serving as Curate' at Trinity Church. Mr. Hibbs is a graduate of Trinity College, Hartford, Conn., and the General Theological Seminary in New York City. He is continuing his stUdies at Trinity College of thc University of Toronto. Child Health Center Gives Christmas Party AT 5 AND AT 7 O'CLOCK Call SANTA SOON Wm. H. War.dR' to etlre From duPont Dec. 31st The Rev. H. Lawrence Whittemore. Jr., rector of Trinity Church will prege'nt Mr. Deacon for ordination. Mr. Hibbs will be presented by the Rev. Walter W. Ware, rector of the Church of the Holy Innocents, Tacony. Mr. Deacon is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and the Episcopal Theological School in Cambridge, Miass. He served from 1952 to 1954 as a Lieutenant in the United States Air Force. He is married to the former Marta LIBRARY PETITIONS Nominating petillons are available al tbe Librarian's desk for anyone in the community who desIres to stand for election or to nomInate someone to stand. Peltllons are to be signed by 10 .Igna~ures and 10 be filed wIth tbe Board Secretary Rudolph Hlrscb during ~he mon~b of December. The election wUl take place January 25 and 27. Food Cans. Movie W·II A'd I I Needy Once again, as in past Yl:ars. the children of this area will have the opportunity of helping some ne~dy family and at the same time see a two-hour movie show-and all for the admission price of one can of fOod. or more. Tomorrow. Dec em be r 21. through the courtesy and cooperalion of Merrill Joire, the College Theatre is being made available for the annual Children's Movie Party..It is being .sponsored .by the Sprmgfield A.A. m cooperation with the Swarthmore Lions Club . The show i~elf will consist of cartoons, a senal, and a tu111ength feature picture. In addition there will be pri~es given away to both boys and g~rls. There w.1I be a nurse in atten d ance. . The doors of the theatre w.1l be opened at 9: 15 a.m. The program will start at 10 a.m. and be com- iPI~~ld ::~~12~~~''';jonated by the children will be distributed by the sponsors to deserving families as SUggest~ by est.abUshed welfare agenc..... William F. Crowell, Springfield A.A.: Bart Calvert, Lions, and Mr. JOlre are co-chairmen for tbe alfalr. The Central Committee of the Community Nursing Service. Delaware County, held its Annual Christmas Party for the Woodlyn Child Health Center Wednesday in the Woodlyn Fire Hall, Woodlyn. . Mrs. John Ross of Secane was again in charge of arranging the party. She has been the Chairman of Volunteers for the Center for a number of years. Her committee consisted of l\Irs. Joseph Leary, Woodlyri, who arranged for the Christmas Tree, and Mrs. William Gehring and Mrs. Birney Morse ot Swarthmore, who took care of Santa Claus. Colonel Mabbott also of Swarthmore, has been our' jolly Santa for many years. Mrs. Morris Hoven of Springfield had the Future Nurse Group of Springfield High School act as hostesses William H. Ward, Strath Haven and the cookies were made by the avenue, will retire at the end of Springfield Girl Scout Troop 625. December as a vice president and The Rev. John Keck, pastor of member of the Executive Com- the Woodlyn Baptist Churoh, enmittee of the Du Pont Company tertained the mothers and children aft-er a career of 42 years. He re ... as an amateur magician. tains his position as a member of Each child was given a toy and the Du Pont Board of Directors. a candy cane. This occasion is . Mr. Ward, who reaches the re- made possible by the Benefit tirement age of 65 years on De- Bridge Party given in June of ""mber 27. has been a vice presi- each year by the Volunteer Cendent, melT!ber of the Executive tral Committee. Committee and of the Board of -------Directors since 1948, when; he stepped up from the post of general manager of the explosives The Swarthmore Junior Wo .. department. At that time he .had man's Club wishes to extend its had 32 years in supervisory and sincere appre:ciation to those who (Continued on Page 8) supported their sponsorship of the presentation of the opera "Amahl and the Night Visitors" Plan Sunday Coffee this past Tuesday evening at Mr. and Mrs. John Schott have Clothier Memorial. The presentaissued a cordial invitation to all. tion of the opera to a full house the coUege-age young people "f ~y t~e Choral Artshop was II the Presbyterian Church and glonous success and a tribute to • I fine music," Mrs. John M B th~lr pare~ts,. to come to the Wom- Ward, Club president, stated: . an s ASSOCiation Room for coffee, Donations received from the punch, and cookies after the 11 opera will be contributed to the o'clock worship service next Sun- Delaware County Chapter of the day, December 29. Association for Relarded CbIldren which will use these funds Any Swartlunore College stu- to establish a residential center dents spending the holidayS at col- in connection with their training school. and worlrshop. lege will also be weI,ooied. lrs,' 'Amahl' Benefit I ." .• ' Dec: TBB BWAll'I'BMORBAN Mr. aDd Mlrs. A. H. Van AIm of IPlll'lt avenue will bave as their If.=~es~thelr dau&btera and Mr. and Mra. .John W. Mr. and loin. Henry Hoot of Ij Lafayette avenue had as their Taylor and ehilclren Carol cuesta for 10 daYs their _ and Id ot Baltl Md and DaV Mrs• .John mON,., da.•• __hter-In-Iaw Lt. and Mrs. H. and W. Sprout and chll.J nnl .......~ Wilbur Hoot. Lt. and Mrs. Hoot left this week to vtalt J4ri. Hoot's ay and Ro e of parenta Mr. and )Irs. Paul E. N. J., all of whom will ar..___ nd, Ind. f rive Tuesday and remain tbrOuCh Stewa rt In ..........0 ,or of next week. ChrIstmas and will leave shortlY Mr and Mrs John 11. lkWn thereafter for Lackland AIr Force 11 • hll' M Ma Personals £...... ni Mrs. FrederIck Vl\Jer of RutlIInd, Vt., slater of the bride, ... matron of honor. She WON a mel- on l1bade velvet pwn aDd a matehin, head c:lrelet with a small n ---' d ve and .,... ..ed a cuc:a e spray of white carnations. EmIlY Joyce Scott, thNe-year- old dau&bter of the olftclatInC minister ... ftower Prl and . "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS" road. ~;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;f:;;';;;;;;the~;;;:;;;I··"~1"tf t· 5 .............. ............ ........ \' •'* •• --- ... - . ...• ....... a- .... CI lit • . ·ltAy buildlnc Shop The Hollyhock The Bouquet BEAUTY SALON fIIlsnnOI PAYOU LOYILY LADIIS 9 South Chester Road can Klngswaad 3-0476 of 'iii. Swe"""'" ....... Allee...... 1:00 to 7:30 P.M. KIngswood 3.0680 Reservations AIIPLI . . . .A...... · ....... ad - - -..... - ..:-... The ' Coll... J' Group The annual I'irst-dq Sc:bool aad decIantb -unto - - - wt.t JI ::ll meet at the M'nte at 7:80 ChrIstmu " - I l l ) ' will be held hIa thon"'" that q ' lIb tile nilht to 10 caronn.. Thq will In the MeetInC HOUle SuDd.,. morninc dad, ad tlB return Anne L. llabbott .1m . ---. . _-u.. . .. The Chris . troas Road, 1957 v:- ~ember ~ ih S~arthm: CO~geth~ -!- ~hristmas, J 1:F. Zi",,,,ermon Photographer 6 E. Front Street Media, Pa. St.dlo a.d Display Room LO 6-2156, CALL, PHONE, OR WRITE FOR AN APPOINTMENT. ~ ., . Out of 'Gin Ideas? 0 • • I'llfli .i.~~fh'll) I ~IO ~":14EJO 1... Dec... I'ARkAVENUE , a o U K I SWARTHMORE, PA. QPENFRlIJAVEVENINGS 1.1.0 0,.. 1".. U.t11 23 Last Minute Notice! "CHECK YOUR PHOTORASH BAnERIES & BULBS . "CHECK YOUR RLM AND ROODLIGHTS . "TEST YOUR TREE AND TRAIN LIGHTS IIf we d..'t 'ove Hoe 1I,'h yo. wo."""" Hoy'. 0' Slpl••'" WE WILL NOT BE ABLE, TO GIFT WRAP ON THE FOLLOWING DAYS: December 2_IIt, 23rd and 24th * ne ea.en & Hobby Shop Swartllmore. Pa. 4.6 Park Aven.e WE snLL HAVE A TREMENDOUS STOCK . . . OF ALL TYPES OF .MERCHANDISE .. M1tl will be held at 11 p.m. Chrism.: l!lve. On Christmas Day a Family Worship Service will be held at 11: 15 a.m. The Christmas Colfee Hour for will be held the 11 o'c;::: service~ :,.;;ter an's Association Ro:.: ~ ~lege-age 0 i co church, ~dun~::;en':!:: cordially Invited Swartlimare Col lege stuclents who may be nd~ Ing the holidays here will:: welcomed ' . :::.uslc ~ill be SUD, by the _;1=.1 to all to attend the SdIiDtlllt et.-.nt Churcb of Christ, 101 PlII'lt aveaue, et 11 o'clocJL. ' UNITA.IAN MCn'1S " A I'amJq Christmas SHY1ce will be beld ~ the Unitarian ChIll'Ch of Delaware Count7 Old Media Rd., SPrillllleid at 11 ~.m. OIl SWIdaY, December 21. lIev. W. Edwin Colller will preech a _GIl. "Precious GIfts" for ehIldreD and adull& Mr. Collier, a Unitarian 1 minister, served th. PIIl1adelph a EthIcal SoeIety from llIS4-al. He Is a ....duate of Merton CoUeae, OJLford. The Junior J'eUotnh1p will attend the recular ehureb servtce. Baby - Jittlnc facl1m.. will be available In the Church for lIhose under three)"eU'S. , • ' . CHURCH SERVICES; • PRESBYTIIRIAN CBURCJt . John Schott, Assoclate JIIDbter 81111du, De", 'or II 9:00 A.M.-eam of Lehigh Haverford place, and Mr. Law- University, Bethlehem, playing in rence Lucker of Sprlngfteld spent the poslUon of lorward. the week end duck hunting at Dr. S. G. Crandell of Wooster, 0., arrived last FrIday to spend Pocomoke City, Va. Mr. and Mrs. J. Grant Hebble, the holidays with her son-in-law Jr., of Newport News, V.... will and daughter Dr. and MIrs. Robert be Christmas guests of their son K. Enders of Elm avenue. Among and daughter-in-law Capt. and the other guests expected by the Mrs. Hebble of North Chester Enders for Christmas Day are road. their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. Mrs. F. A. Patman of Michigan and Mrs. David E. Huntington, avenue. chairman of hospitality. and granddaughter, Abigail Huntand Mrs. Robert Robertson of ington. of Northampton, Mass., Lansdowne, co-obalrman, were who will arrive Christmas Day hostesses FrIday afternoon at the for a two-week visit. Christmas party of the Arts and Miss Muriel Graham of New Crafts League of Delaware Coun- York City, spent the week end ty given at the home of ~rs. Pat- here as the guest of Mr. and ,Mrs. man. John R. Bates, North Chester ~rs. P. 1.. Whitaker of Park road. and helped to celebrate Mr. avenue entertained at a buffet Bate's birthday. evening c ...., ....... 0._ H.1d Sahnltly The Jut Square-'olk Dance of Irs7 .t the Community Arb Center was held .last Saturd8)' with both square dance enthusluta and novices In.vlted. Thls was the IIxth of the series of such dances that the Arb Center 18 BpOIlSOJ'ins rlery other Saturday evelllng durin, the season zo. 1957 m-. of 11'57-158. Bob Mather, • ber of the Delaware Valley Square and Folk DaDce Lead_ ~_ aUoo, was the caller. An In.structor.t the Ulliverslty, he baa been. leader of the R.-e Valley Square Dance Group. The Dan..... will resume 8IBIn after thjt holldays-the 1Irst one In 1958 belD& the evenln, of .lanuary 11. Elnwood Convalescent Ho.e· Attractive Private and Semi-Private Rooms. Complete Privacy on lo.Acre Est!!te. 24-Hour Undernanding Nuning Care. UNDER PERSONAL SUPERVISION OF t.4RS. ELLEN t.4. WOOD I I .... .. • ••.. e:........ "'"Wtmai ~.II ...CT . .. • TII.AT .. . • • ~ ..... · ·,--------'1 .. • * RHOHOfS JfWflfRS - Silversmiths - Stationers .. t I--·-·~·-=--*-=--*-*-·*-*-*'-*-*-*-*-*-'- I and price. I .It..~ you can see them close to . . . I PINN TIIATY .INN TIIATY r ~.~~.~~.~ our. store hours are y" SU;IIFINE . A complete Repair Service , GIFTS Litenilly, colwnbarium means a dovlKt!te, or house of .the dove. Since doves are the universal symbol of peace, the meaning !)as been broadened to mean the "hOuse of peace." CLOCKS . Go' to the .Churchof Your Choice tl\'t~\l\'\\'l\"l'lll;tl'\l.l,.\\ll\\'\\ . . PboW, MO 4-1591 .' • Awec ,. aI .. ....... loll, _ 7tcdez. . s-JI Ian•.stc w. St.ct Ho_ f,...'" crt W....... PrIces u.. 0... 't ~. . Citr .tiae. ~. 10 Ibs. 49 CH.ISTMAS TREE IALLS' West Laurel Hill· Cremato.ry Belm ,.. ORANGE LEMON CHIP c • EXTRA SPECIAL WHILE THEY LAST • For ~&~ inf_....:WIite or teiepho-'>e us.. , . die bookIet,., y MenJrind iI'~ to Cftmetion. It will be .at to JOII wil~ ~ oc; ObBption "Charge.Rite" Available .ACKID IN A IDUTIFUL ClOCK THEY MAKI WONDEIFUL .IFrS Most Grateful (Continued from Page have been earned by Bill Wn,ge I in basketry, Ricky Ullman In nature, Bill Gaylord in study, and Alan Stamford hi nature and citizenship In the llu"""'1 The troop now bas under way Intensive program of training the Scouts in the merit: :::~ which an Eagle Scout is re to have earned. This program will greatly assist the boys acquiring Scout skills. This year the Troop is continuing Its usuai practice of going at least one camping trip each month. This month these been trips to both French Creek. Stale Park and the Tyler Arboretum, despite rain, snow, and weather. I for Your Confidence and Patronage and Wish You All Happy' Holidays \ PACK 101 CHRISTMAS Cub Pack 101 meets for its annual Chrlstm!'S· Party tonitlht, at 7: 30 p.m., in McCahan Hall of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. . To start the festive program, Cubs of Den 1 Ceremony. will performThen, the traditional Flag the full' Cub complement of Den 8 will take the stage. Under the direction of their Den Mother. Mrs. Eudora Gerner, they'll present a skit prepared especially 104 Park Ave.' ~iiii~~~iiii.ii~iiiiii~iii~iiiiii~~iii~~~iiiiii~ il the occasion. Following t his, Douglas Tolley will honor all Cubs whose aohievements since the Pack meeting. have earned mernl a variety of coveted awards. Next. as befitting the C~:~~::.I season, Cubs will become Together with their parents, leadl-I ers and guests, they'll fill Cahan Hall with the music of best loved Christmas songs. Music Club H~ars Local Artists S':~~ll The /lrst meeting of the more Music Club of the 195:1-581 season was held at the home Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde evening at 7 p.m. The program was as follows: Mozart's Sonata in D Major, Allegro, Adagio, Allegretto, Chapin's Ballade G Minor,-Nancy White; Bach's Adagio from D Minor Sonata; Schumann's 2, 3, an.d 4 of 6 Etudes in canon form arranged by Debussy; Rachmaninoff's Vocalese. all for two-plano-Mildred Hu\cheson and Louise M. Clyde; Brahms' Sonata in F Major, Allegro Vivace, Adagio, Allegro Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. R. D. 16; Media, Pa. Middletown Road Opposite High Meadow Telepho.e: CHester 2-7206 Ask for Ban Palmer or Harry Arnold Visit Our Roadside Morket o. the Mlddletowu Road WREATHS, DOOR SPRAYS, DECORATIONS DELLA ROIIIA PINE ROPE - LAUREL ROPE Select Your Own ·Tree Now! LIVE CHRISTMAS TREES Douglas FIr, Norwoy SpI'IIce, Scotch PI.., Colorado Ilue Spruce ' , CUT TREES - Scotch PI. . a.d Balsam Fir op•• Eve.'." U.tll C:.rI,t.•• Closed ~onday-Tu~sday-~ednesday December 23 - 24 • 25· . Passionata. for cello and piano- dignity. WATCHES SSc 59c ..e' WHITE POTATOES may be found anywhere. Others cost no more thaD die mmplete cost of a pve. Efti}' memorial regardless of cost, leCeives day.aMtay care. in an. atm9SpbKe of tpiet _..-._..._._......_:-•...."'_..._..- lb. pkg. MAINI U. So No. I In our columbarium are niches for memorials as fine IS pianned for YOUI 2 Ig. tins S9 c MARMALADE IMPORTED FROM ENGLAND GINGER \ KI 44646 SILVER PINEAPPLE CHUNKS DIAMOND WALNUTS WHAT IS A COLUMBARlUM? 33c 3Sc 2 Ig. tins 4Sc WHITE ONIONS What better name, then, thaD Columbarium for the IJIeIIM!o rial sanctuary which provides the Cremation memorI-l " of ;cIear ones? is Open-IO a.m. to 9 p.m. daily Except Friday, 10 to 10 Saturday, 10 to 6 JEWELRY 2 Ig. tins TINY WHOLE BEETS .•INN TREATY ~O You may desire to. particip~te in our Payme~t Plan that Confidentiallly' Yours Ib.4ge 2 Ig. tins . CUSTARD PUMPKIN I your convenience and casual· shopping pleasure. Convenient . 3 Ig. tins49c CRUSHED CORN in a suburban shopping center planned for I Am 8SA Order 01 Merit There is still time to order a fresh killed Turkey or a delicio." tenderized Ham for Christmas. We specialize in strictly &ash killed Bronze Hens. Not surplus birds that were kaled more than a . year ago and frozen. The only store for fresh killed Poultry and Turkeys 365 days a year. is Bachman's. We can gu~rantee. size and weight on every order in by 8 P.M. Saturday n,ghf. ~7 :'Your Own Back Yard" ~"'~ Mrs. Irwin Z.mmerman, from 10th Grade. Ib.98e Ib.8ge . Ib.9ge lb. 6ge' .Pork .Sausage· DIL MONTE CIEAM STYLE Gems selected carefully for their quality H:oo I I ::;ar~ar~c:;':~ r:d -:.~: . MORRELL'S PURE PORK , wonderful colledion of brilliant I I I (Freshly Ground) Springfield, Delaware Co., 'Penna. but a TH E CAM ERA & ' HO'BBY SHOP Butchers Roast u. S. CHOICE Round Roast CENTER' CUT", .. Slices of Ham u~ S. CHOICE Top Sirloin Springfield Shopping Center of EI R L eanor . omax Elizabeth W. Purnell Lida D K I emsey aren Wi ey Dav,'d and West Cochrane DELICIOUS U. S. CHOICE .. Chester Road & Pari! Ave. KI· 3·0157 Ann .Pyle Elizabeth T. Boyer 514 YALE AVE. SWARTHMORE. PA. "Famous for the Finest Meats" • WEEKEND SPECIALS • U.S. CHOICE BEEF ONLY MICHAEL'S COLLEGE PHARMACY ... (on the corner) .. ' .. Mias Sally Bates of North Cbes-" Mrs. Richard G. Hail entertalnter road will have open house Mionday in honor of Mias Patricia ed her eightaome Tuesday of last Tomorrow Illght, the whole stuJones of EIm avenue, and week with, luncehop at the Ingledent body of the SeIllor H i g h /lance Mr. Harry 'Stevenson neuk, followed by bridie at her School is invited to the Informal 3rd. home on Riverview road Christmas Party from 8: 30 to . 11:30 p.m., whether they are CanTHIS WEEK'S CALENDAR teen members or not. The sevenlh and eighth grades are not includnIDAY, DECEiWBI!!! Z' ed at this Ume. 3:45 P.M.-Basketball: H. S. BoYs VI. Yeadon ........ H. S. Gym Because the seventh and eighth 9:00 P.M.-"Holly Ban"-12tb, 11th Grades ........ Woman's Club graders seemed to be so appreciSATURDAY, DECE1IIBEa' 21 'allve of last week's Canteen 8:30 P.M.-Can~ ........................ Rutgers Ave. School SUNDAY, DBCE_O U another one will be planned for them in the near future. For their 5:00 P.M.-Pageant of the Nativity .....•................ Clothier I f 7:00 P.M.-Pageant of Ihe .NaUvity ..................... Clothier n ormation, their admission fee is HONDAY, DECRllBRB U always the same as guests and not 7:15 P.M.-Basketball: H. S. v.. Alumni .............. H. S. Gym the small fee made to Canteen TUESDAY. DECEMBEIl H members who also have bought a 8:00 P.M.-Candlellgbt Service ................ Methodist Church Membership card. Parents are ex~dlellgbt Service .................... Presbyterian Church II f th .00 . .--ChrIstmas Eucharist ................. TrInIty a.urch pee ted I a ca or ese younger I WEDNESDAY, DECEMBEB U students earlier than the closing 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion .................... Trinity Church bour of 11 p.m. scheduled express- 10:00 A.M.-Family Prayer ....................... TrInIty Church ly for the eSnior High Regular 10:30 A.M.-chriatmas Worship ................ Methodiat Church Canteen is from 8 to 11 'p m 11:15 A.M.-Family Worship Service ........ Presbyterian Church . . TBllBSDAY, DECE1IIBER Z6 'If C!taperons for thls informal 7:30 P.M.-Kiwanil. Tournament ..... :.............. Field House 1lI party will be Mr. and Mrs. Charles =====---.:..:..:.:.:::::=-.:..:-.:..:..:..:....:..:..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~:=:..:=:::; Dietz, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Russell from the 11th Grade; Mr. and I Fine Foods • ~.' ."... VISIT OUI' CANDY DEPARTM.NT TODAY Canteen Christmas Party Tomorrow I Bachman's • ariCInaa ~'. Ds:a I • ,..00 .. /6. • • Pap 5 I ORIGINAL NEWLY REMODELED • •.• PlATUIINO THI DILICIOUS ------'*'\JII"I THE SWARTBMOREAN ~------------~ ___~__.J Stamford Awarded • So FiM. 80 Famous, 80 Sure To Please l' Merry ChrisfmtuJ . I • CHOCOLATIS 'l II • . ••••• :* ••••••••• • .. l FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS A I Klnglwood 3·0272 1 WE WISH All OUR I BALTIMORE PIKE and LINCOLN AVENUE Swarthmore ------- ~.ber 20, 1957 doL ........ CtWIt PI. to III ,-,~ EST YOU CAN IE SU.E YOU'LL . , . ONLY THE .1 AT lACHMAN'S .. , CALL. KI.gswooci 3-1100 . for FREE DELIVERY .FlIE PAiKING . Dr. and Mrs. W. F. G. Swann (Helene Diedricks). Following. the hour and a half of music C)'ril Gardener presided at short business meeUng and it was decided to hold the next meo.t-I Jng on the last Sunday evening In January. Twenty-tbree.were _is-I ent to enjoy the evening of good music and a social hour atto~-I wards with fruit punch and. coolt-l Ies. Place and hour of the meetlnll will be' ~ the hollda)s. . a Open Thursday, December 2~ The Ingleneuk - • ....1••••••' ...... ....1rI.. QulI.. W............... MIl........ ...... . . ~ IIr. I ....., U.....· U.4"1 ~ fltMl11I POIl1IAIT SMIO Astrll-lOImy R-A.... "'.........e SIPpI.. s..... M••,..S... M '11 HOUI Classified 'Ads aL - I sau , PlISON '" ; ........... M••I eH...... ~4' . rv... PERSONAL _ Almost '16 ton of lID!! ChrlatmaS cmd7 tor sale tzom 5c to $4.00 a packa.. II....... Sweeta for evet)one. Get yours WILLIAM BROOKS· now. Catherman'. Dru8 Store. PERSONAlr-Hlmcly man, white, Ash," and Rubbish Removed rellable. House repairs ·lDsIde Lawns Mowed, Ganeral and out. Reasonable rates. CIIll Johannes, CHeater 8-8448. Hauling 23' MaNII.. Av.~ ........ PI. PF.RSONAL _ Belvedere Convalescent Home, 2507 Cbestnut street, Chester. Edae of SwarthJ_ry ....Irod ....... Itl JoG" more. Aged, sen1le, chzoDlc, CODvalescent men anel women. ExEMIL, S'la cellent foods, spacious Jrounda W.H...... Blue ClOss bonored.·Sacne P1ppln Turner, proprietor. CHester 2FOI.. EILY OF F.! C. lODE AND ~NS Fl.. Wotdt ••d ,21 Yo'. Avo. 5373. ~CIoc~'~"~":I:n=~=:SW:':'II~"=''':.:':'''=:\PERSONAL _ Bicycle. .Parts, accessories. MiltRepaired. Glass - ~ I Jack prichard I PAI~TING Free ,stimates I 3-8761, ,3 =====!=====;::~ ~ DaVI outz Elected Captain for '58 Season to be,._ DeceD" R ....... PIa. TIo nit M••• ,. ....... )In. Maurice Warrick (the AIle....... Dolores BaIlbY) was cited for havlDl the mort children (8). . others present wlift Mr. Warrick, Mrs. Bierman, Mr. We mer, __ Ha :...- -_ .. -rs ~:;? -yes, mr............ l ' B. West, Mr. and JIn. Allen th, Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Sea Mr. aDd Mrs. Stuart 1.. Brown, H. Weston C~, Mrs. 'Elston, Mr. aDd Mrs. Robert Lowry, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Porter, and Mrs R G ,!Jpson, James , .,. H~day, Mr. Mrs~James ClH I .,...., . . I. Ir CH....r Hilt I Il~=;;::::========~ $500 MONTHLY St.,.. :ten•...,.,. M .... _ ...... I ..... -.~ corpcw..... No S.I.........HC. • • •WUIy desired.............. wI' .. F. N~an, Mr. and Mrs. R. t.. Jones, Jr. Mr. and.Mrs. JUneS R. Calklns, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Modthead, Mr. NI..., for Z •• tr..... . . . ,.... old. ",_fried. upeWe at _I... ...-11011lii0i. I. . . . . -.. "I.. ..... pi.... IndllCle ",lei pa.lau' oil ..pli. _ _ I. Oor ..I....,. ..... .... tafonnad of fill, .d. ... A. L: Sworl!lmMNa. .kIoty. and chairs, $15. Pbone .Kings- Mrs. and' Mrs. David Morey,Jr., Mr.Barand wood4 4-1340. Leonard T. SMygatt, B.cycle, Hobby, Toy Shop, 205 FOR SAP"-Portable sewing maE OppenJande J Mr d r, r., . an East Baltimore Avenue, Clifton ,chine, National/unused, .perfect ry • Heights, MAdiaon 8-0713. Oppo- condition, us u a I attachments. Mrs. Leonard Sloane, Mr. and Mrs. site Clifton Theater. Cheap. KIngswood 4-3058. Robert J. PbUUps, Mt.and PERSONAL _ UPHOLSTERING WANTED Roland Harley. Jr., Mr. and , Large Cham CompletelY re- WANTED Machinist mechanic John D. Polk, Mr. and Mrs. George built with new ao fabric $44.110 - opening for - experl-, F . C orse, J r., .... _· ..ed R . R urnble, Sofas $89-Over yealS experltop salary .. ~ ence. SIx years of swartbJDore enced man autom. atlc EBTATB NOTICB references. All work Is done In wrapping machines. Experience Bo••t • •f CHESTER ROBBRTS. I. . . .f our own shop' under personal on other closely ~ machines Swarthmore. DelawaN Count,. Pit.• de. supervision of Mr. Seremba. Es- of interest. Unusual lifetime op- ..aNd. Formerl, tlmates are free. Thorn SereJDba. portunity for ,right man. Phlla- Let..... of AdmlDlrtratl.n .n the abo•• Phone Sharon Hill 0734. delphia Chewing Gum Corpora- _te ha.ln" hen "ran"'" tbe•• ned. CARNS _ tion, Eagle and Lawrence roads. all penon_ Indebted to aid g.tate are rePERSONAL Piano Tuning Havertown (3 miles tzom 8lnh qu..ted t. make Immediate payment. nnd 650 laltl_re PIke Specialist, member A.S.P.T. and street). Call Mr. May at HIlltop th..... ha.'n" .I.i..... to P ....nt the N.A.P.T. Will do mlDor repalr-- 8-7150. del." to a.. ••• A. Ro""··. ."I...~.. lng. Leaman. KInqswood 3-575_5. WANTED--'I"o buy child's toy attorney. Albert Lane. Swarthmore. PR., GR"rc~ .. N. Gnrl'('tt: '228· Kla!llw'GOd 3-0450 PERSONAL - :Radio and telepiano in gQOd pondition. Jpngs- Avenue. Swarthmore. Penml. :IT·, -1'l-t3 VIsion service. Complete stock wood 3-0823. ot .tubes carrIed. Robert Brooks. ~W:;ANTED~·=~=~"'l=-,-ar-ge--:-b-:=uUdin-=--g-l:-7ot -;i...,Ii8Yi[;;LEGffiiA'fLiiNi-0-ilTf:-I~CB~Ei:E'w;-;;f ~~~!! CaU 'Klngswood 4-0800. with trees in swarthmore. E _ _:.-._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--.., FOR SALE Reply Box S, The Swarihllll>rean. . .:=".Borou~h of 8 ...""..0.... Pa.. .. FOR SALE _ Bicycles at whole- WANTED - To buy house· in Let.... T..' ...ento,." .n the above &,,,,. . sale prices. New English threeSwarthmore. 3 or 4: bedrooms, hnvin~ been Jlranted to the underalRned. 'can new or old. Good basic construe- all penona indebted to the .a'id Estate Iwe Amen and speed " German tI La A I t ith t R I requested to make Il8ymenl., Rnd those bikes. CarefuU assembled. Trades on. R, rg~ 0 w h . rees. ep Y h•• In ••••1.... to 1' ..... nt the .ame, ~~::~~ accepted. Guaranteed used bikes. Box The Swart morean. . del"". ,. Martha S. VI.le. "'artha _ _ .,. • _.....en LOwell 6-3587. ' FOR SALE - Studio couch, prac- i A.rhnnut C. VI.'•• P. O. Box 28. ... 101"1... OIl IUIMUI. w"u ...IAUI .. FOR. SAT,F--;Apples, El Rancho t1caUy new. Klngswood 3-1792.' ;:m= .... =.=p.=n=n.=.=·= = = = = = = ; Orchards, Providence !Road.. FOR RINT one mile north of Rose Tree near FOR RENT~arage, .intersectlon ~M~e~d=ia::.,.==.....",,....--,=--,-_--=-',-1 Elm and Swarthmore avenues. ' DAy .... NI.HT' FOR SALE-New Century Dic- Box V, The Swarthmorean. tionary, 2 volumes, profusely FOR RENT _. Furnished 3-room OIL BURNER illustrated, ·brand-new. Klngsapartment available January I SERVICE wood 3-1997. to May, warm and cheerful, prlFOR SALE-Gir1's 28" bicycle, vate entrance. Call Klngswood $10. LOwell 6-2299. 3-0182. MONDAY ,.H.U SATURDAY FOR SALE-1956 Buick Century FOR RENT _ Furnished apartNOON . Riveria 2 door, perfec.t, 15,000 men!, suitable for couple. AvaiISUNDAYS aild HOLIDAYS .. .' miles, power steering, power aDle about January 15. KIngsKlngswood 4-1234 brakes, power push button wln- wood 3-2047. SUNDAY dows, 6--way power seat. Red • C..........W.I ...TY...... 111 leather black nylon interior, WFIL aadla-C.rlotI•• ScIHco •• . white wall Goodrich tires. Orlg~====~'~'3~O~A.~M~'~·===:L~~~~~~~~~~~~ inal cost $4220. For quick sale paws .and this week $2400. Going south. needed by 'his Phone Klngswood 3-6899. =---:---:-:--:-----;--:-c FOR SALE-Brass firescreen 38 LOST--Black bicycle, new tan .. x 31 with draw curtains: Good seat, no fenders, tzom College condition. Klngswood 3-4944. avenue scl\ool parking lot. Will Many ....... are Iookin. for the· FOR' SALE-Tuxedo, size 38, e~- finder please call Mike FaiJt>anlts, ri;.t in'l ' ••tl'Olll. cellent condition.' Klngswood Kin g s woo d 3-6642, or The 3-5687. Swarth!norean oftl<:e. Reward. II ~ haw ••!II. let _ _ _ FOR SALE-American Oriental LOST Last week near The 11 x 15 and 2 small rugs to Swarthmorean ofllce, child's _ • _ViDP • .."' for --.... Excellent condition, $250. white' wool glove. Klilgswood 3lencte., 'beD you Ibould b. 3-3811. 4474. . Joolrinl fOl" • pn:tdei¢ ian ' .,,' i~~~~~~~iiiiiiiii Diluzio·· and Sons I_' 31a Cedar 'o. or hil I IESIDE.,T1AL AND COMtj'EICIAL Alt~ration$ I : 335 DOrtn\Outll AVI." . , J. F. In Guthn 111........'6 I WaIM.,Alr; Air . HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS HeCitlag w.n . S...t Metcal , George Myers &1;0. Box 48 I KI 4·1214 A.M. ~~LfO~S~T~A~N;D~FO~}U~N~D:~~ ~3-~8~51~8::... JAG REEN WIDE IS nul IIVES1IIEIIT GOING. I ........ 17 Yz s. Chester Rei. II 4-1700 SWARTHMOIE. ,A. HOOVER AwlLI Slala . b:" .... PIc....... hltnry 24 HHr .... . ............. SOl..... All ..... e:..I...........rss AI ..... Clitaa.,. • i II!I.J.Dss ........ ........ St. LD ..... _• ... riIItI lDve.m-' nail Let's trade your big house for this 3-year-old sparkling white spacious Ranch home with center hall, large living room, corner stone fireplace. dining room, 3 bedrooms, 2 tile baths, full basement~ld shade. Baird " Bird, Alents l_ KI....w •• d.... CitIzeDs At hie U c CommIttee bonor those boys who have been members of the Swarthmore HIgh School Squad for the past 1IeUOII. More. than ~ people attended this a1falr held In the Hlgh School Cafeteria. last Saturday. Few would recolDize the cafeteria, as It was resplendaDt with trophies, souvenirs, banners tbst created a sportinl atmosphere. A sumptious fried Chicken dinner was served by fathers of memben of the squad; seldom have thcy ever spent a busier evening. lI&axey Morrison, Citizens Comm1ttee president, introduced Beverend H. Laurence Wbitemore of the TrInity Episcopal Churob who gave the Invocation. President Morrison then w~comed everyone pointing out that there has never been any team more deserving of admkation than this 1957 team. Wl11lam Welah was then iDtzoduced as M8ster of. Ceremonies and spoke of what football means to Swarthmore and America. Cheerleaders BODOzed To give a I1gbt and airy note to the pzoceedlngs Nancy Rosenberger and Ro~ Hoim led the group In singing several songs to ,the enjoyment of everyone. Henry Cae also led "The Racoon Band," a new pep orlamzation made up of students, onto the floor for a few chorUses of' Swarthmore songs, The Cheerleaders came In for thetr mom!!llt of ,lory when Coach James Miller 'presented Senior leaders Sally jo Pickard, Mary Ann McCombs, Bazbie Heath and Norma Wilson with sliver mega~ .pbones expreolslng apPreciation for their spirit during the seaSOn and,past yean. ' , SatUr4ay mqming' football came in for ita, bH of spoUight when Town Fatber Earl "Zack" Taylor iittroduc.!d" the four boys selected as the most outstanding In the morning program. They were: George Welsh, Dick McCurdy, Gordon Boyd and David Walmsley. Alamnl CD Hand One of the annual highlights of this affair Is tb~ appearanoe of former ~ school greats who are playing college football at' ·the present time. Introduced were: Charlie Wentz, LehIgh UDlversity freshman fullback, and leading ground gainer and captain of tbe beam this past s~son; Bill Welsh, Swarthmore College fullback, a freshman and a resl pe1'fozmer in his first year; Hertlert Stelgeiman, ?f the Citadel, w'h" has been restmg out an injury during bis freshman year. other boys unable to attend because of great distances were. Geore& Garrett, halfback at /unherst, Roger Zensen, guard at Virginia and George Pappas, high scoring fullback at ManU.... The press was represented by Mat Zabitka and Hayden Machhammer. Erstwhile team trainer, John "Shoriy'" Wilmore, was presented with the game ball trom SWarthmore's 7-8 wID over Yeadon by Eddie Pa)J1e of the VarOily. No team can work without So. let 111 A P PL E.,5 CI D ER eeud. ,0.. full' iDfol'- ....... abDui"'MubIal~ canbe1pJOll ...... ~ ,*OV. la, 22' Lar.. Crep _ R.. 9-11., - IHIOICIbIe hlpi 4 obJee tic":' ..... LSIIIIa .,"1' .....,.... ......... '". r-----------------~----~-, ......... - •• r .............. I I I . ' . I ..... ,,. ~'.... , ... L----. ...---------.....----~ . Dr . , '. . ," .. . ' . .. .$ I I I .. . ' . _ -. ' ., ..... -. =: . AlwaYIGood Wolff's Apple House ow '1".•'.... .,I.e• ...;.. 011 fA II... . OPEN ALL WINTER . ~~ ' MIWS NOTa L7DSallY ~ Ho) wilI.Penct. tbeh- :n em- dau..- ;J:;ntoz I ------.:....----=-=.-:...::.::.::...:::::::...:::==-::.::.:= Dew Drop ,Inn·.., = WILL CLOSE CHRISTMAS EVE January 2. '7:00 A. M. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ co-o'p FOOD MARKET "'",.,.,1& SteakS·!:~:hOUS. 83~lb. Swift. Prellius BuHerbal1 TURKEYS-Order Now to control that cdiet; h a r act e r s areemotions; strengthened through sacr\flce; the m.... nlng of discIpline; that the individual must work for the weltare ot the group: to exercise ,judgment and to think for tbemselves quickly and decisively; to accept mIstortunes with serenity. ' Coach Rob!Dson also congratulated the coaches for their dedicated interest in behalf of our youth today. as exempUiled by tireless efforts and un.d...'Standingl work with the boys. Coacb Dana Swan presented the Varsity Boys with and reminded them they are the foundation for next year's team. . '58 captain Amloauee4 . Co.captaln Blll Morrison announced fullback Dave Houtz as the captsin for next ,.eaz, and CoLuren Dickinson sented Coacb RobInson with a check tzom the squad In ap:preci~1 ation tor his undauntiDg their the mODe) to be eventual used for success, the purchase of Kodak Analyst motion machine. The program was cluded with films of the Thanks-I giving Day and ~per Merion I game and a party for tlth~e~!~:! and . their frlenda at ( Mrs. Robinson's house. Faculty guests' attending dinner were Mr. and Jok'L Prank Morey; .Mr. and Mrs. WlUiam Bush, _'IIIf- A SpecIottr - . u~ ~r:= 0 BIIIi. next week Kalla Can_ Of ..... 7 at Ibry lin. IIarJOdeIs. SIIIlth Of wtiWubInCkJn c:on5~ I'rederidIr- lInlfgnl will. lIaw U . . . P I II*MI bura. V.., aDd her bro4IJer.JoIm, durlnC tbe bgIldlQ' ... - &lid Mr. a aophomoze at Ambia. Coli., f.mllT 111'. aDd lin. R. G~ PIrrIsb r o a d . ' Amherst, Me. the &nIth and StIwt of FumIoIar:rann Bunker of lit. bolld.,. .t. home on North' iDIton, Omn :roke place, da\llhter of - Cbester zoad. Mr. .John PearIoD will urlve H. 1.. Bunker Jr &lid Judith W. Abbe of CorDell av- from l'Qad-. c:.ut.. VmdIQ' rive bome tomorro;" ,;;".. Bu ar- enue, Barbara J. Bloom of Co- to spend the boliiIQs with h1I neU UDlventty, Lewlsb\ll'l, ~ lumbla avenue, and a.,te Hanna mather II1'L John ... Pear.m of spend the Cbristmas vacation. of Riverview· road, will beIln Comell .venue. Mr. Peanonb· Nancy Is a sentor at BuclmelL their Cbrlstmas zec . . from a IrBduate atudent .t the c.llDavid Deacon of Lafayette tenary COUep tor Women, Hack- fomla InaUtute of TeclmolOl)', In enue, and Ted ShataliD f BV- ettatown, N. J., today. the department of pbywica. nell avenue, will arrive ~CorJINIIIIie Sbearar, a lIOPhomore Mrs. C. D. Howard 01 the week end tzom Earlham Coilthir at Wllron CoUep and the Swartbmore Apartments will Richmond. Ind., to spend \!Ie, ter of Mr. aDd lin. H....ard B. haft U her Iuesl over the ChrIatChrlstmas boUday Botb are sapia Shearer of Swarthmore avenue, mas hoUdaya Mrs. LeIlie P. HUlomores ·ot the· college. - w1l1 arrive .here todsy tor the na tzom Vineyard Haven, ...... Craig Peuth Oester Road, and lfildegarde Hutcheson ot North Swarthmore avenue, freshmen. w1l1 arrive home this week end to spend the Cbrlstmas bolldays. Louise Johnson, a sophomore (Olliumer's (o-Op~ Ass'., of $•• at Buclmell Univemty, will ar403 Dartmouth Ay.. Opposite B....... l1li•• rive at her home onNo& Cbester road tomorrow to spend the holidays. PHyllis Hess, of West Orange, N.J.; will be her guest over. tile weekend. Carol Cul1n, a student at !:UIham College. Richmond, Ind., w1l1 arrive bome. tomorrow to spend the Christmas holiday with her mother, Mrs. Janet Parry Cul1n of North Chester road. . Marianne Thompson, a sophomore at Wilson Colleie and the daughter ot'Mr. and Mrs. John S. Thompson of. Media, w1l1 arrive home today for Cbrlstmas. Marianne will have as hcr guest later Nancy rant Hebble aDd MIke Yarzow. Co-Captaln Luren Dlcldn'Ou Intzoduced Marabal Antonron and Joseph IllCODe as the two outstandiq opponent play.,... leeted by the '57 IieBm as guests the Varsity Club. Bnon _lIIIez' A-d,_ There were several featured guests but the moat was certainly Robert sophomore all-American player from the United States MIlItary Academy. He was presented the Varsity Club all-Amerlcan football award by Wa)J1e Miller, the ciub president. Bob And~ erson, 8'2", 205 pounda ezpre&l5ed his appreciation humblY and brieflY and pointed out that Do player Is Jreater than the team with wtlich he plays. Cadet William Carpenter of Sprltigfte1d and a right end on the Army team accompanied Cadet Anderson and took a bow wben introduced. Special recognition as voted by the squad· members were as follows: Most improved, Jim Green; mort valuable, Dave Houtz; most courageous, Dick Johnson; most lnsptrational, Luren Dickinson; most loyal, Bill Morrison: most sacrlflce, Gene Melcltlor. . Another one of the '57 football seaSQn's oulstandlDg personallties gra~ed the banquet tsble In the person of William Leckonby, I.ehigh UDlversity footllilll coach, As the coach of the team whloh received the Lambert cup representatlve of small college football supremacy for 1957, be said a few wordspointlnl out the valuc of a line academic education. At I.ehig!' athletics and high acedemic achievement go hand In hand. SuDlor SQ..... Introclnoed . As per the usual custom· th~ Junior High Squads' were for cake and ice cream and Introduced and presented squad pictures by' viJI. DrukIn of the William Reese of the welghls and Donald Hen\lerson the heavy-weights. Of course the bighlight ot· evening Is the presentation ot SenIor HIgh Varsity Letter uers. Coal>h MIllard Robinson over at this time and spoke of team and thetr season. He their first days at camp and trials and tribulations of a and green team. Never has he more Inspired th~ by the . that has been exempUiled this team this year. Everyone wondered would they lose?-they did and ·with a poise and sportsmanship of which the who~e . could be proud. Never dld thell' morale waver nor did thetr team work weaken as th~y exempUiled the spirit of champIOns through~ out. Coach Rollinson pointed the success of a season should determlned by how well the participants have learned the following: The importance of . u... value of regular hours, hablls; that abstinence contribute:: SUNNY BRAE ORCHARDS for you. Less Heat, Less Taxes Less Steps ~.:: thi~e~aI~d~of~w~a~te~r~bo~)'S,~whi~~ch~w~e~I'~.. ~to~·~eflliic~ien~~~y~;~th~e~val~Ue_0i!fi!a_gOO~ MubIal I'wrdImq be theu.". . Home for the Holiday. ftlpnnsible for this line work ;ere headed by JacIt WaltAnother pis 1!YeIIiDc' madl:ed era w 0 waa also football prolrBDl the Annual F~ Banquet editor, and asrirted by MIke Kerr, sponsored by the SWarlibmore ~e Brodhead, Henry Cae, Florist &ferio. ! FOR SALE - Ice skates, liri'a ftIwe type, size 5; hockeY, size 9'>!.. LOWell 8-GatS. FOR SA' E At 508 North Ch... ter road Swarthmore' Saturday, 1957, rup" at io a.m. One pair twin 21,beds, dreIslng tahie, large oval mirror,. metal wardrobe, andizoDll, radio, carved wooden bench. Terma cach. ' FOR SALE-rertect ChrlatmaS gift, Salesman s Saznples of St. Msry's all-wool blankets.' All" proximately ~ retan price, twInme onlY. Only a few left. KIngswood 3-4710. FOR SAI·F-Yellow formica and chrome· kitchenette set, table :::= ~~ =n: with ' , MIlVeIIIrr, aDd a total Ita- will arift home ~ tiaUc &heel, tetlin, tbe atatIItical the boUdsya with her to : n : ' the 1867 -lI0II. Tbe staUa- and Kn. D. Mace H' .wertfI_ ......... w. Co" for r .. repz nled In tbe P!IIOba Of bead : : , . -:.~ and Uldatant H. S. Fllltbail Team:::::s 'd :~;II~~~S~'~.~'~.~H~m~v~,,~~~~ Agio DriYbIg IliIlliClli. TIIB 8WARiBilORBAN TIMI FatIB'S Inr .. M'" MIdi. 1-2176 Open FrIday EvenIngs , Deer . ..... 1t57 cOD8U~te RUSSELL! Interio.! I w-, will be opeD for ill HIll to 1111 Mr. aDd lin. Qeorp P. qualllled uUoDOlDen. ThIt ...... of lM7, SwarthmOre HlCb Mr. aDd lin. Charl_ Temple, < AaGlWI of the pac lit c:ontrl'ct pzovlde for with a7 ~ or dates attuDded Mr. and lID. Genld.1Ian1IoD, Dr. Peter van de KaIllP, chali- ....lDch tel_ope aDd an 8O-1Dch the teD!b reuDloD of their cllas at and Jok'L GeorIe BI8er, Jr., man f ~e ~ deplU1ml'nt tet.copa IDlUaUy. ExteIIIlve Itu- the Old J01l, Brinton Lalr.eSatur- GeorIe I'&oebel, Mr. aDd lin. o di_ on alte selecUon are under. HarpI'r, Alan R. SUIlt, Mr. and DIrector of 8pzoul 0111 IVa- wa7 In AzizOaa.· . day evenlDa, November 30. aDd JIn. Rora Freer, Mr. aDd JIn. tory at Swartbmoze CoUep,· a di- AURA, IDe. com~ !be fol- ennlDC featured a zoaat beef Eben Lana. s. Graeme Taylor, Mr. rector~at-Iarle of the ilewlY or- 10wiDI UJliveraltlea: c.1IforDIa. _ aDd brief apaechea of and lin. WUlIam D. Yeq.., and Illmtzed AasOciation of UmvenlUes Olea.." Bvvard. Indiana, Michl- come aDd hlrtory, topped oft bY Mr. aDd· JIn. Thomaa FIsher. for Rerearch In AutroDoIIIY, IDe., laD, Oblo Sta.te, and WlIcwaID. 'claaa movies of the ' -;=.;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;::;;;;;;;;:;; attuDded a board of directors The s e parlicu1ar UJlivenltleS . , meetipJ In tbe ol'lAnl..... tiOD's joined topther to a IlIId CCIlDJIIeDCeIDent which THOM SEREMBA prlnc~pal . oIIIce, Pboen1x, ArIz., mllD8lement poup for the new brOulbt to th, reunion bY . UPHOUTI.Y December 12 and 18. OOlUvatory, because 1tle,y bave Charles Elston, Norwich, Conn I.e". CHlr ....Ift - .tt... ODe of the major items on tbe bad exparlence In operaUq lerce . In prepariDI tor Ita reuniOD the , y_et aegnda of. 1he meetiDI were obaervltorles aDd have' stzoDi class committee was In communi_a plans for the c:onatructlon of a P1Ol1'811111 of iesearch aDd IrBdu- cation with each ,of ita 79 National Aatzonomlca1, Observa- ate Inrtruction In ubClDODl)'. As bezs and 32 IIIIiIclate members. tory, for which the AiUIBlA, Inc. the pzoject developa,lt b expected Captain Oe..,..r S. Bierman, EDWARD G. anPMAII FrIday entered Into contzact with that other UJlivenJ.Ues aDd Indi- Shaw Ak Force Base, South Ca~ All) SON the National Service Foundation. viduals will be added to AlURA, llna; Mrs. Murrell Weesner In 111158 NSF will budget $1.1 mU- Inc. former JOan l'aulkDer, Mama""flAl' COIIJIAcrOi town, Tenn.; Dutberfor4 B. Hayes, . R~ Sn7der. Hoim, James Miller, Harry Oppenlander, I'redericlt Yocum, Hallum Wezb. Br. . l'alcme, zuaa.. beth McKIe, PrbciDa a 'CI" AmODI otherlllula . . . Dr• 11'n!derl.c:II: LaebrInIr. Dr. IDd lin. IGeD. B. 11"""" ClU{w4 Ilia.... Iftta J(r, , Will Chrisbnas Tree Ughts Each Light Independent String of 7' (indoor) _ • • • • String of 15 (indoor) • • --- IEE.LEI • - $1.95 $3.98 29c POTATO SNAX MODER.NAGE NYLONS CRISCO wi.. 7ge 'SEAMLESS' -. - - 3 lb•• 9ge FREE Co.lster Clad 'lcsdle Cover CO-OP VACUUM 'loCKED SWEET POTATOES DEL MONTE, Pineappl..Grapefruit Drink NUCOA MARGARINE 2ge 29c flESH WASHED AND CLEANID SPINACH (cello paks) . FANCY TOMATOES (plastic box) 1ge 25e, Special. Sale BREVER'S ICE CROM HaU'l • Dn ·.JO.1157 TBB BWAR'1'BilORBAN PapS 1 Ewing to Make Jr.-Sr. H. S. SUlley Wm. H. Ward to Retire From duPont Dec. 3J ) \ 1 1 Gift Suggestions (Continued from Page 1) management JIOIIUona In research and sales work for tbat departElementary K"lfche,; ment. It WBI under his direction to Be Used by • I u.:::::~::t. mlUtary work underIt by Du Pont for the govem200 to 300 was carried out Georle M. E w InI Compall>". was World War U. At the bellht of appoInted by tbe Swarthmore- war ellort, plants operated by Rutledge Union School Board company for the WedneSday evenlnl to make a sur- turned out greater quantiUea Vey of the junior-senior high mlIltary p~llants than the enOpen Daily 9 A. M. -10 P. M. scbool plant witb eye to tire American explosives Industry . ' . produced at its peak In 1918• ~------------~ .-------------~ zabOD and mc"rporating tbe ColMr. Ward was appointed asCHANEL Cmll &oMI .... ·Nall lele avenue elementary school general manaler of lb.e exELIZABETH ARDEN 'CoIog ... IoI. dOl III... No. 22, No.5. 'oil.. Set • • • • 1.25 BIu. 6r... Cologn. ..... 2;10-4.50 which will be vacated when ada- pIosives department In 1935 R.ssi.n .... 3.oo·IJIO.I.00 II.. 6,... Dustin, Powel.r ... 2.10 quate elementary facilities general manager In 1944. Thus r. No.5 ........ 1.00 had a major part In II......... P.rfu ... Mist . . 3.00-4.00 '.rf.m..,;..,.n Ft.,r.n... S••Ho. Spray completed at Rutgers avenue and executing tbIs effort which 7....12.....20.00 II•• 6,... Soop 13 to;""1 ... 2.21 Colo,... fall., had to be built up from a relaBo* 'owd.r .......... I.n II•• 6r... Flow.r Mist ....... 2.50 Friendship Gard.n. Old Thr .. \olood. 13 .u" porf.l ... 11.00 FInal plans fortbe Rutgers Ave- tlvely small scale of peacetime Merry-6..Round Colog... .., 3.00 Ch.noJ T.I•• nd CoIogn. Spice. Desert Row.r I.troductlon to Bo.uty ....... 1.00 nue Elementary School kitchen operations. 6ift Sot ................... 7.n were approved after Architect He joined tbe company In 1915 II". 6re.. Rower Milt .nd 2.50 Du.ting 'owd... ........... 5.00 Lewis Shay School District Diea chemist at the Eastern ....aU-I LANYIN , . oratory at Gibbstown, N. J. 10.4 •••• Sot Colog... Sh••lng Arpog. Toilet W.'.r .. 10.01 titian Mrs. Grace Narbetb. and 1920, he was made a section oIl",aa I Foem. T.I.· ................ 7.00 A,pog. P.rfum. .... 12.11 - D.n Elementary Principal Tho lD a there. and In 1923, was appoInted Arpog. p.rf.m. P.... S/u ... 4,M Jun. eer,"ium Toil .. W.t.r and Tweed "'pog. P.rfum•• nd Toll.. ... Boyle had conferred witb special assistant to tbe chemical O.stln, Powd.r ........... 1.00 Dul.... Powder a.d W.t.r Sot ................ 1.11 Board on tbe results of a poll of director of tbe exploslV'e8 deparllIu. 6r... Flow.. MIst--H.nd My Sin Toil.t W.Ier .. , .............10 Co!ocJ .. Set ••• 3.00 Lotion. So.p .nd BocIy 'owd.r. current pupils to establish a use In Wilmington. In 1928, he My Sin P.rfum•..... 2.2101.00,'.00 went into sales work and b~=: 6ift S.t .................. 7.00 estimate· of tbe new facility. Out manager of the st. LouIs I a.d Gallet CARON O. Oit Flow.r Mist ......... ,. '.11 of 471 families who returned olllce the followlnl year. In 11l"u,1 Gift Soaps ••• 1.85 A ...... Eonne•......... 3.SII-6.oo BoIIocl,I. ToU" w.t., ...... '.00 questionnail'ea,' 200 said he returnd to Wilmington to beIolloclgi. P.rf............... 10.00 Dusting Powder Beth So.p, (3 to aBo.)· 3.00 Valu. children would continue to go come assistant director of sales for Roell 6.rd.n Toil.. W_ .... '.00 So.p Di.h ........'.. .. .. ... 1.00 home for lunches, 167 said, tbey the explosives department and adCh,i...... ll. Bo.h ........... 1.00 dltions and cobsiderlng research society. Palmolive Aft., Sheye lotton, COSTUMI JIWILltY Toil.t W •••, W'oIh Atoml.., .. 1.35 of the ten component-school dls------R.piel Shove .............. 1.79 _ $l.eo.p H •• d Lotion ................ 1.00 tricts In meetlnl competition in Rose Valley Folk Will ,3 PI.yho••• Cologn.. ........ 1.25 Yardl., Aft.r Sheve Lotion, Foam WISYCLOX CLOCKS thls fild and· malntainnl hlhh H•• d Lolion.. Aft.r Both 'owd.r AND WATCH IS Shirl.e. Aft., Sha".Powd.r ... Give Christmas Party qUality teachers. TlMIII waiST WATCHIS and Toil.. W.'.r S.t ...... 1.25 Olel Spi.o 6ift Sols, Aft" Sh•• o The Rose Valley Folk will enBubbl. 1oth-16 En.elop.. .:. 1.00 STU ..I.,. ANIMAU , Lotion. Cologn. ........... 2.00 tertain the children of Its memBody Powder ................. l.2S NEWS NOTES PIN AND. 'INCIL SITS bers at a Christmas party at T.I. ........................ ;75 Old Spi•• 104••'; 3·P•. Sols by Sh.eff... P.rl.r Mr. an~ Mrs. John W. McCartMill In Rose Valley on Frieen ~ trying year. But your understanding helped make it I... trying. Thank }'Qu.••• and Meriy Christmas! • , .ad ~1" CfnuSnUS'- ic" ~cc 'til DON EASTMAN, Proprietor SWARTHMORE PHARMACY 0. ; (Neld to Slate Store) aDLPREN otr•• {phIa pr 608 Baltimore Pike FREE I I f . Springfield Beverage Distributing Co. , sERVIa 3.'. at Po'9 PHILADILPHIA ILlCI.IC COMPANY W.", be: !'At . . . _.,." MDUNA . . - " . Aw 547 CHFSTER PIKE SPRINGFIILD WAIJR ,. • . ;' \•. . . • • Ii. w~"' •. ,", , ... ''''': ' : \ . I ,. .. ., . "'~~'~"'.,' • ____ _____ TBBSWARTHMOR·'N ~~~::::::======~ ~-~\ . ~~~~~11 _. TBB SWAltl'll1ll0RlWi .. Pace 10 ___ . . M--_ -r- ' • Merry Chri Christmas Bxpress I I tt e , I I May the 8pirit of "peace on earth. . good wjll to men" again 611 our hearts. May we find new / vision, courage and in8pira. \ We sing His praise. this Christmas day. tion in the glorious prom- the 8hining wonde~ ise that i8 w. "sua you • lI'aID I .. .... ,.I of .Chri8tma8. I~IS~~:::~~ ~ ~.'~~~'~~".'.'-~.m I I ~ r----':''''.''.----------~TT- I hristmas / " . ' *- 5wa~.moN r ,----_.- .. 3~5 Dartmouth Avellult I l~tQn 19 7 'I 957 THE FOUNTAIN . load of happlD_ during IbII loyoua ••1IODo J. F. Blackman .-~ . Consa. .'s ,CO-Op Alsoaallon Da~lIIOUth I I I I l • f I II We hope each day is filled with the wonderful joy of youth. 1 IJ II I a~~ ___________ ~-------& I." of the fi,rst.Chrzstmas be yours ' this holiday season. Ba"k and Tnm Company I 1 • i 'I . Ir~====~I::~~~;~=-= ! I PROVIDENT I . •.J To old f~i~nds, and to new friends we ho e to earn, It IS, a pleasure to extend best wi of the season. ' 5 es t . I . . . .u. ;' I ,The Prep Shop L___J~!!~--------~j • • •. ... .., • • • ~ •• 1111 , ' May the spirit of ·Christmas abide withyoll• .. , • , o • o • • May this day prove to be the best . ChriStmas of them all. , .. 00 ATCHIISTMAS, 1957 • WI o this mIfIic M(I$(Ift of/trs. To all' o..,r we, ,send greetings and our sincere wish for' a .happy Christmas. Pol1er··H.. Wan., I."..c.'-· ,,' : ' -.' : .- - ' wish you Dll thl """pintSS J.'A.Green . . .. . . . W~ ~f!4tc:lt9t~. Baird'" . .....pi. . . . . .. • , . • Page ---.df___' -.. ----11: • 12 . . . . . .- - - - - - . . Merry' Christmas~' ~:~. ' ... N'"m-d ViPresident, ,.... - ";:'=i!n':!~~~::~ :::;=;~=r~:::: From ..411 01 u. To ..411 01 You ' L ' Dec I ber ZOo 1951 ' Terry R. Allen., ...~iJllrl; 1Idflce in I",.. and in IS"" .... came,'to wu:d .Allen, of RevedolU ."enue., the home oIIlce. In J85I be .•U his ''dId', iii ~ country at the ~ .Maant vice preIIld~t at the Insur-. came accident and a1c1mesa secre- demy at an assembly. held last week at the school. ' anee CcImP,aDY .of North America tuT. . III "', TBB SWAllTllllOR&\N It ;~ ~!~ :,ee~A In jf~~~$iiiii--iiii;ses:i!i~Ei~S-iiESii~F~I~t~'V~~I~C~;:~~iiiiili' TELEVISIO i 1842 from lbe'Bureau .of Casualty ::er!rtw:'" U;;:.;I:r=iuunY!: J. ATZ, M".. SERVICE RUSSEI,I,'S ROBERT ---------------------~ . . k Franc hettI in DIC,. Oftlce for four years, be W81I _ n-wed ed superlntendellt 01. the accident 'aiuI bealth dep/lrtIneIlt 01. that of- fa.. Decem ber 20. 1957·. HIWS,HOIIS , : Ilaw Mr. and Mrs. JoIIr. and Mrs:' John A. Schu-Iof Dayton, O. THE SWAlh'iiMOBBAN Wal~ Dreslez macher with Peay, Jackie, 'and Mrs . MollY, of College avenue leave to- ter' es Bovard WIth daugh_ day to spend' \!le holidays in Clear- Sw~rt~ITIe, and BetUe of North water, !'la. , dov to ored athvenue will leave tou_ ...., spen e holidays with Mr ..... and Mrs. WllIlam Craemer Bovard at the Parkvlew In M . of Harvard avenue will have as: phis, Tenn. On their return emguests during the h.olldays Mrs. will fly to Pittsburgh to • BetUe Craemer's hrother and slater-In- remainder of her vacatl~ththe w a Ch~1 I I Pap 13 summer campmate SaDd7 B7ftJD whom she met at Camp GreeIe,y in the Poconos. ' , Dr. and MIn. F. A. Patman of Mic!ligan avenue' entertalDed Saturday rught t a........,.. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Gemmill are now retlding at 1115 Muhlenberg avenue. They formerly lived at 339 Vassar avenue. ., .u___ IL ___________ Acmes, MONDAY '111 P.M. TUESDAY . Eve ~ ' o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Chrlstmal Day --------.~-~--- I ... POWIIR ••• when you need It! . IICONOMY ••• when you want It! The pageant Itself. as weU as the musical accompanlment.-ineluding solos - was Well :cho~ld:':'1 ~eq~te in p, e ector (Mrs. Enders) reported t hat many had played dllferent parta at dllferent performances. However, among the unpredlctabl!, and the uncontrollable were the tangilng of angela' wings, the sUpping of halos. the exchange of something less thaJi angelic glances between an angel and a shepherd. and the Ul)ceremonlous departure of one angel. during the .performance. for personal reasons. All in all. the report goes, "a deUghtful hour was spent by all -by great and smalL" , , "I saw it in the Swarthmorean!' 4PEAK FU... .of- ECONOMY AT CRUISING Sp.eDSI 41NBTANTLY AVAILABLB RESBRVB Id.ol Brond Cranberry Sauce Lancaster Brand Oven-Ready Broad Breasted , POWERI • 000Il000I .. _ _ - 21~'35c • NOW! SEE THE FEATURES 'OF THE FUTURE AT VOIJR More delidous White Meat, and succulent juicy Dark M\laf AUTHORIZED OLDSMOBILE 'attendedIt. Robert the annual Christmas JIIII nt presented Tueeday by theJr chlldren. Tbe room was adomed for the occulon with hanclnp and rugs from India and Pakistan. which tended to transport the audience to that JNIrI of the world 'where Jesus was actually born. The costumes too - although mostly of American origin and fashioned by Mrs. Enders' ingenuity - boasted of many authentic Eastern Items. Joseph Wore a sarong from indonesia. the shepherds wore turbans from Turkey. and the kings wore embroidered caps from india. r-------------------------~--------~---~---------------------------, 'All OPEN Dec. 23rd Next "9 D_mber 24th (Christmas) '111 5 P M. ( . Closed ) I I . ageant TUesday Enden' k1nderprtners ~ , P " Parents of Mrs. II 401121 '3t Rodrlp Roacli. sprl........ In...1- ----'6arten Presr:ni8 .. QUALITV DEALER'S! .The questi011 for us all in these times: 18-24 Ibs. 10-16 Ibs. lb. OPEN. .. HOW IS IT' THATYE HAVE NO FAITH" lancaster Brand ,long Island ~ Thursday 'ill 9 P.M. Friday, 10'P,M. ----.,I ,..------~-----:lancaster Brand and U. S. Graded Choice Beef :STEA 79 C III. DUCKLINGS Lancaster Brand S~ankless Smoked : 'We said, "In God we trust,". but we put our faith in and missiles. Now we find that Russia has H·bombs and missiles-and satellites that speeil across the ~erican sky, , We assumed that the way to peace is through superior military strength ••• toO deter our "enemy" and bad: .up .our negotiatGrs. The Russims nave acted .on the same assumption. SO the frantic competition proceeds. 'l1Ie biilance .of fear swings between nation and nation. This is no climate for negotiatiGn. , EVllry man knGWS in his heart and from experience that peace is not made by terror, nor security by might. Fear builds nG homes, and panic plows no fields. ' . . The race for military superiority is futile. The finish line is mutual extermination, and there is no other end. Let us stop this fatal race. Let us have faith in the strength ,of freedom and the power of ri~teousness. This new approach would involve enormous.~. Bu~ they ~ nOl as ~t as those involved ~ Q)nun~g to ~ce • ,.on the knife edge .of terrGr. RecogDlZlDg man 5 capaaty for evil, we must seek to reinfGrce his God·gtven capacity for g o o d . ' . " 69' Boneless Cooked Caui"cned Hams 2 ;~~ 199 3 ;~~. 325 Vianda Brand Holland Ham Imported Holland Ham Lancaster Brand Ham Imported Ham ,,::..~::::!t. 6 ~~b. 639 (ti.~~ ) lb. Butt Half Shankless Half '89c lb. lb. Pullmln Ityl. for uniform .!icing. Some Reminders o Ideal Corn ~T' 2 ~~::. 29c 33c 2 o Ideal Peas 45c o Mince Meat o Pumpkin dat'!. 2 ~;:. 31 c Blue 16-0•• Bond C81'\I Ide.1 Old Fashion.ed o 28-0,. Ia, •• •• • • • I. Extra Fancy Golden c , !b. I I. . _ _ _ _ _ _ 1I:!II . . _ _ _ _ . . I:II • .,~~ _________________ Cancel our nuclear weapons lests 6..l1li,. ,h., ",. hurling lIS _ aJ _ping ,6. H4k' 01 011' g,dllMh;/J". and becau~'OIIr I0Il1. are belrayed when _ use our II1IndI 10 pi... the destNc1Ion of ~od" creallon. I 2. aL."' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - SlUt diunaament-by steps WE can cob 6.._. Iller. will b. lUI p.",. ,,;,1>0111 '!"',/J ~ _ , aJ.o so•• _ suru and because It I, wrong Io'prepare 10 IeIU other-. ,.J...., dis_"" i PUMPKIN PIES i CiREEN .19' PEAS i 59' : o o o Stuffed Olives 6!~'. 39c Virginia Lee Delicious o Evap. Milk 6 ..~;:'. 79c' . 0 Plum Pudding .'!:; 49c o Shelled Nuts R':-:,':::' t;. 3ge t ____________________________________ o Grapefruit 'do~~ 2 ~ 3.5e o Coconut I~:l:ncy. . . :'r.!' 2ge 1. Virgi~ia~~~~!~:as cand:~_:.~I~ o Pancake CIo~!"I,:::~ 14e cllftcolates Ideal Syrup c,:::.:~:; 27c ------i o Napkins t::':d ..t:.. 11'e I.": Hanl Ca_" "~:'::~ '2 :.98 o Cutrite .1:1" 27e lou,lI. ·R. f,. R. = C 95 t! $1. 89 , ,UP ; " 9 er aaou iron rYligi_.- aDd Mmboo 1Ht"",..._ _ _..u g";" tr- '_n(UtI, '"-'ili<._ the .afor foes Igno- of ....'''....119 - ' GEmNG MARRIED? r-------------,' IlATTIIEW " " a..end new wedding gowm.;· I••ding I ..lUll . . . . SIIftCE lIllAJlE 20 $iIotlIHl Sf., "III'.Ip", 1, PI. I . I I -~ o .................. " •• ". r".IZ~ American Friends, I g~=:.'::''::::::::..n:.. I 51 ' I' . C 'ttee I OI ..... ., .....lWlllltllll""',.....I.......... I Setv1c~ am ml I 11." . I INCORPORATED I (A QUAKER AGENCY) I ,"u..i'Irtt'OO'----------------~. . I Otr ( ..... ii...... ' 1................ '- Sf' .:' ..':;,. .' ..iI - -, ---. II .• :~~ . ...:.:';"..t->:, "_,,'.... ",."'.,,,. __ns"""I'IstRtJ • . . . . . . I'" r"~ b - - . r-r . . ~. ': Swarthmore High School 'will host a strong Yeadon team late thlB afte~n at 3:45 p.m. Yeadon la expected to Jake the Section II laurels again this year, with Lansdowne and Nether Providence running a close second and ,third. It Is hoped that the local lads can give the Eagles a run for their money In the Wt this afternoon, and can do 10 11 they play as aggre§lvely as they know how. After the loss to Hadnor last Tuesday afternoon 55-37 the OOys realize how Important effort· is. The only shining' light in the Utile Garnet lineup as far as scoring punch was Dave Grogan. (16) but ,Sid Johnson and Larry Jones supplied most of the rebo'.mds for the team. FrIday night Swarthmore was victorious over Penncrest "2-25. a close ftrst stanza the IJttle Gamet pulled away, and their stout defense limited the Penncrest team to but one point during the last, 11 minutes of play. All the boys saw acUon. The startlng lineup was Dave Grogan and Larry Jones at forwards, Rich Gurin at center, and lack Walter and Jim Hueslon at guards. Substitutes were Sid Johnson. Jay Lord. Bob Hudgins. Bill Medford, l'tJike Kerr, and Keith Richardson. Next Monday rught at 7:15 the local team will host the Alumru team in what will be the 10th annual encounter. A tough game Is expected since all the boys who won varsity letten In basketball the Jaat " years are eleglble. Boys from last year's squad will Include Charlie Wentz, Cal Andy Jones, Barry Wright, Jim Noyes. and Jim Pappas: from the team of 1955-68 will be Barry Gwin; Pete Kroon, and Les Kelghton: from· 19541955. Randy Malin, Charlie Hummer. Terry DelJmuth, DICk Fel~b' Borer, and ROller Zensen: and from the class of· 1954, Bob Wright, Dick Reese, Bob Clothier. and George Al1lson. ·The game is expectiod to m; a' good one with the Alumru Team baving the advantage in size aDc:J ex':' tI., I '. . Annual Alumni Game Scheduled for Monday Then on Friday, Dec. 27, once again the local team wllI try ItS luck against Daroy In the annual Kiwanis tournament in the college field house. It Is expected that there win be two games and Swarthmore· will be playing the second at 9 p.m. "Ye tan discern the /aa of the sky But tan Je not tliKern the sips of the li",eV" W.I.L WE. ,. ______________ - - - - M JftIlliIIg.-.s; and becau- _ aNI .... and _ know that _ live In peace and love _ ..1011... - ..... 1oIgoI". WE COULD. " perience:. Consider !he problems of ...... more imporraat than the . . motion of alliances 6.."",. II so"";".;,, Aigm.. h.",. _p"". ,""" NATO; ,.//li.g ,Ir, Mr. and MrS. Edward Pyle and Mr. and Mrs. James Bowland... Mr. and Mn. Henry 'Ward a,e hosts for the tenth grade.AsSembly, which will be held Monday from 9 to 10:45: Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy and Mr. and. Mrs. Jlimes Stephens will serve as chaperons. The danCes will be formal, with the exception of the seventh grade party. Bob Holm and his orcheslra wl11 provide the music. With the festive decorations and gay hoUday spirit sure to be present, everyone at~dInC the Junior Assembly Chrtsbna. Partles is gilaranteed a gOOd time.. . board. College Eleven [Iects The new dormitory. oostl"g between $8 10.•000. and $900.000 will house approximately 180 women. mostly in double rooms. with a few singles. Construction will begin .about the first of April. and should require about 12 months, thus making the dorm ready jor occupancy In September of 1959. Oc!cUPlUlt Coat Estimated by a per occupant the cost of the building will be between $4,500 and $5,000 per woman occupying a room. ThIs . figure Includes all costs. architect's' site preparstlon, actual construction and furnishings. The contemporary style bulld- ~~gn:~~e~;'.,"n: ;~~:~l';,,= the ... sul;lj~·W1!i9h require im" that In nearby Worth. The twoO mild1ate attention." c; wings wl11·be·lised· ..s Uving The conference will' further and a one-sto- .wlng will ., foot main . spotlight weaknesses In' Swarthmore College tailback . a 1200....quare programs and will endeavor to Nathan J PrI- f . In lounge and caid room. There will • '~, onner co-capta flnd out whether existing laws and named Most Valuable Player be six llving unlts, three In each regulations actually are preof the Central High School eleven wing. two on each floor. each schools from olIering imcarried 01I college football honors' housing about 80 women. 'The courses of study. too when his teammates el~ted oenter 'area, between the two Quall&atlve Problems hlm captain of the '58 team~,and win gs, will contain the bathrooms One of the topics that will come ~~ w::!"P'W~tertatl°Wn1U'an~onPdraUYC-t on top of that awaiUed to him the taandChed°netoIOU~e ffotrheach Boor. AtI under discussion Is the lengthen- .' ti • ain t 7 80 Th' sd two football honors of the year. • ea..., 0 . e three smaller of the school year from 180 to ?,ee. ngs ag a: ur ay Nate was awarded the Denton lounges will be a pressing room 220 days, as proposed by Dr. evenmg and at 2 p.rn. and 7:30 Trophy in recognition of his and a Idtchenette. p.m. on Friday, the 3rd.. All sportsmanship and aggressive play Added Features Charles E. Boehm, Superintendent meetings will be held. In the during the season; he was awarded the Wright Trophy as the SwarthA basement under the north Public Instruction. Swarthmore Methodist Church. Citing the pressure of hoUday "ie'ved Oppeniander he b e-. wing will house game th blstatedf that' I tod ' more player who best demon- equipment - , aa .... ~tral room, launpreparations and activities as a I· e pro ems ac ng ay SAttends Meeting st ted th . .~ "likely reason" the Christmas were qU9Utative rather ra e splrl!mof the leadership and dry roomstOrage with washers sportsmanshlp tradI. tlonal ers, and sp·ace. and diyt tit tI I seal campaign Is dropping behind quan a ve n na ure. Dr. Peter van de Kamp. chair- S arth e..:EI erf this. year, LeBoy F. F. Wright "The conference will render a man of the' astronomy department":"": v':':ty Also Included will be two on.... today extend d tbm gh J service," he said, "If it de- and Director of Sproul Observa- one of the main reasons for the bedroom apartments with private 1958. this :nce-a-;"ar its attention to raising the at Swarthmore college, Is at- 14-8 upset victory of Coach Lew baths:ad kitchenettes for the suSeals to wipe out tuberculosis. b. content andhtsta.ndards tending the 124th meeting of the Elverson's eleven touted PMC thi pervIs ry starr. Wright ls chalrman of the 1957 su Jects now t aug m. our American Association for Ad- season" He is the son of Mr. an: The double rooms will be apcam. . d ted b th Del schools. For the past decade there In Science in Indlan- Mrs. Bernard PrIce of Philadel- proximately 12 feet by 17 feet. a pallll, con uc y.e - has been a marked tendency to December 2th'10. He will phia: This will give a living spa ... of ware County .i a nd even deprecate Health A I .TuberculOSIS and PI ay-dow", a paper ''Facets of AstronTwenty - three men received a bout 100 square feet per occussoc ation. academio achievement, and to omy", tomorrow night; football lette'l for the 1957 season. pant. stress Instead the education of the The period from now until that 'whole child'. The result has been TIDS . of actual construction will be used Theatre to Present WEEK'S CALENDAR for the preparation of working to place, what seems to me, to be Ten Commandments an overemphasis upon many sub-' FRIDAy. DEC£MBEa 27 drawings by the architects. ConCecil B. 'DeMllle's "The Ten jects and activities that contrlbute 2:00 P.M.-Kiwanis Tournament .............. ,., ... Field .House structlon will be done by the Commandments" (In technieolor), little to preparing our children for 7:30 P.M.-Kiwanis Tournament .................... Field House Turner Construction Company. Is now showing lit an exclusive their reSponsibilities In this com- 9:00 P.M.-Tournament: SHS vs. Darby .............. Field iHouse Architects for the project are engagement In. this area at the plex world of conllictlng phUoso. SATURDAY, DECKftD 28 PhlIadMlartlnel'phlaSte.wart and' Noble of College Hailed'Theatre, as the SWarthmore. greatest mOtion phies."studY Home Pro~ 2:00 P.M.-Kiwanis Tournament .................... Field House picture of all time, this master- In commenting on the situation 7:00 P.M.-Jr. Assemblies: 7th Grade· .:........... Woman's Club • , R tI.... ~ 7:80 p.M.-Kiwanis Tournament ........ ,............ ;FIeld House p.ece· has been described as "far the swarthmore u """e more than entertainment alone. Mr. Oppenlander pointed 8:30 P.M.-Jr. Assemblies: 9th Grade ............. Woman's Club Mrs. Helen Lamblchl, ;"other for it offers exceptional spiritual that the administratiOl'. and S1lNDAY. DK()EMBEfl at of Dr. Marika Lambichi, formerly inspiration in such a timely sea- faculty were at present subjecting 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship ................ : .. Local Churches of 231 Haverford avenue, died the whole. program of studies to MONDAY, DECKMBKIIl SO Eve In Palm Beach. son of the year". c--' .... scrutiny. "It is hoped" he 00 PM'" t PI ~ She would have been 100 IU='" 2: • ._.ournamen ay-uu ... Field House old next April. Give Ho','J8ru-...I. sald, "that Swarthmore-Rutledge . 3:30 P.M.-'l'ournament: Play-Oft ................... l'Ietd 'Bouse . " uuy ngr --'--Is, with their long tradition 7:30 PM 8th Graae·. . MrtI. bmbiohl was born In """"" • .......Y r. A---'-u· . • • . .. . .•• 'Woman's Club 1s.:::::--I The Rev•. and Mrs. John C. of academic exeellence. will make 7:30 p.M.-Tournament: Pl..,.-Oft ...•........•..... I'Ield House I_ Turb,r. The Lamblch1'B . Kulp will entertain at a a real contribution to 9:00 J:JL..-Jr. Assem6ues: 10th. Grade ............ Woman'. Club from HorIh Carolina to bnmeh at. the . parsonage education at a time when there 9:00 p.M...;,.,Tournament: Pla)'-Oft ..•.••...••....... PIe1d Bouse Chester, wtHae Dr. Lamblchl, wbo IIIOrDiDe at 10:30, for college stu- a _<'II1loed need for direction .' attended W_'s Medical Col_II and home for and leadershiP. . ~SDAY, DKCc·ec· 11 opened her ofIIce. The famll;y the holJcla~ . • "The _ t declsion by, the ~:OO p.M.-Tc.Umament. PIIQ'-Ott ......• : •.•.•.••.•' I'IeId 'Bou8e later mond to SwartlunOre ud Tboee expee\led. tn attend ate Board to appoint an ad- 11:00 p"'-Watchnll!bt Service ............ ,..... ..-ethodbt Church n-d at the JIa_lbid - - adIIidIhIpaum 1Uebarcl It. A'mm. -wttee on ourrlculu1ll 11:30 P.JI._Watehnll!bt ServIce .............. PI ' yterlan Cbutdl dnss for man:r)MllL''l'bey "-eel _, a.a .. ADJeoft,Carol Bean; a vi&WOUS wmNBS'IIA'I'• .JAImAa'l' 1 to ftJdcJa In 11M. . ., " ___ 8 biee S. Rqo, the IIChoOlcllstriCt'a - 10:80 A.JI.-Holy CnmmIiDioD· ...... : .•• ,.~ ......... 'l"riDIQ' Sahl,,,*,, lIellde Dr. I Udtl a.ute. -...... .n- HoJt. ill the eduaUoaal world aDd . . ' I two ...... cIaa&Idaa ..... 'i.,i IIa7 the )dad of pMram .... . . ~al, Uver's Travels": March' 5;'llousseau's "On 'the Origin' of " I nequ all . t)': MarchApril 19; 2; Kant's "Perpetual J>eace": MIll's "On Liberty": April 16; .Mark . Twain's "The Adventures 'of Huokleberry FInn": April 80. . PI . ease note that the next meetIng, January 9, is on a Thursday. All the other dates Usied are On a Wednesday.. .Price .'58 'Captam Christmas Seal Drive Extended Through Ian. :~~t:~:-~": ::"'!i Mrso He .... Lambie'i ,h ••••••••••••••• America:: _.kemCD effort": ~ ,.i-'!~~.'~' 'airoAai iliaD'...... tor dtll- Clew.. 1Irl·. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE ... Pa-re 16 I road, Broomall. Mr. Bressler Is a NEWS NOTES graduate of Swarthmore CoDege, Mr. and Mrs. 11. V. Bressler,! class of 1914. parents of Mrs. H. M. Bunting of Dr and Mrs John R Bales of . . .. tl Villanova avenue, have recen Y North Chester road WlII have as til I ts Ch !stmas Mrs moved from Akron, 0, to e r house gues over r . newly-built home on Gradyville Bate's aunt Mrs. Edward F. Slev~ ens 01 Shol'l!llam, Long Island, and MIss Louise G. Lewis Of Rye, N. Y. Mr. Bale's mother Mrs. C. M. Bates of New York City and M11SS LIla Clark will join the group or ris Da Ch tmas y. d M Ri hard G Haig of M~:~I":s. roa~ will' spend Christmas in WestIl'eld, N. J., with _____ ~_____________lI!I'iIi"_ _"di 'I G1FT 5 • • J J • e )I ill )I ill I J J )I ~ ill J J J I I 'II I Right here - you'll find Everything "under the sun." And the dread Christmas Shopping Can really be fun, D dd There are presents for a Y And also for Ma, For Auntie, for Unc:le And Great Grand Pa Pa. You'll find something for Sonny And also for Sis, As well as for Baby, Either Boy or a Miss. If your wallet is moaning You can spend a ..thin dime," But if it is bulging, A .. sawbuck·... just fine. When you enter this store You'll be met with a smile. Should you purchase or not, Our short visit's worth while. e e C.'THERMAN'S ;sa" J 'II ~ I I I THE FRIENDLY DR UG STORE III I I \t I I their son and his family M!r. and Mrs. Richard It. Haig and children Bob, John, and Jeff. Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Carroll will entertain at a small cocktail party Thursday at their home on Riverview road. III! Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Banks of Il Harvard avenue entertained at a supper and carol sing Sunday eveDing. I i II! II: "You Mee& ,he NICEST People en SpetII"s·... EDGMONT AVENUE - ' SEVENTH AND WELSH STREETS • Mr. and Mrs. Stokes F. Burtis, Jr., of Haverford place will have • as their guests over the Christmas II! holidays their mothers, Mrs. Henry Rellinger of LancaSler, and Mrs. Il Stokes, Sr., of Winston-Salem, S C M~. and Mrs. S. Milton Bryant of South Chesler road will spend Christmas with their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lotto and son Peter, in Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin, former residents of Strath Haven I = i it . I I I it I I?1 • avenue, will arrive next week from Needham, Mass., to spend Thursday and Friday as the guests II! of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Michen~r « on Benjamin West avenue. TheIr children Susan, David, and Dickie will stay with their various friends !Il in the borough. I I at windows. There's magic in Ihe early morn, many splendid, shining things to lift the spirit in the story of Bethlehem told the eve before. and the hopes of men. It is a warmth and a This is Christmas. This is Christmas when presence. Now more than ever the human the universe, a cathedral without dimension, heart is humble and kind. Christmas is the its black dome sequined with stars, houses in to 9:00 . Merry, Merry C·hristmas the eyes of a sleep· warm a hushed humanity. And the wonder and child d~==led by the splendor of it all. the glory are again. Now a man is tree-tall Christmas is a slow and tender smile in a upon his knees. He reaches confidently be- sleeping home as parents trim the tree and yond his grasp. His spirit climbs beyond the memories of all their Christmases together customary iandmark of perception. He knows rush upon them. There is a force drawing more than he can tell. families close. Holly wreaths are open eyes May it be yours. Merry, Merry Christmas. joy heart-deep OPEN DAILY 9:30 An this is Christmas. THE STORE OF 100,000 GIFTS • Meetings Scheduled for Last Half of Year The first eight parts of the ''Confessions of St. Augustine" were discussed at the December 18 meeting of the Swarthmore Great Books Group. 1\ developed that as a pagan and the father of a son before the age of 20, he soon became an ardent and expressive early Ohristian convert. !He actually witnessed the disintegration of the Roman Empire, dying 20 years after Rome had been sacked by the invading Vandals. His life and the exciting nature of the times in which he lived are reflected in his autobiographical religious writings. The following Swarthmoreans were included in the 17 persons present: Florence Lucasse, Alma Daniels, Oscar Gilcreest, Marlin Nelgon, and Mr. and Mrs. William Dailey. By courtesy of the Borough Secretary it has 'been arranged that the selections below have been scheduled at 8 p.m. in the Legion Room of Borough H~II on the dates specified and include the balance of the Second Year Great Books readings. Swarthmoreans are welcome at all meetings, Shakespeare's "Hamlet": January 9, 1958; Descartes' "Discourse on Method": January 22; Hobbes' "Leviathan" (selections): February 5; Pascal's "Pensees" (selections): ,February 19; Swift's 'Gulliver's Travels l l : Ml.:'ch 5; Rousseau's "On the 0 rig i n of Inequality": March 19; Kant's UPerpetual ~eace": April 2; Mill's "On Liberty"; April 16; Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn": April 30. please note that the next meeting, January 9, is on a Thursday. All the other dates listed are on a Wednesday. Christmas Seal Drive Extended Through Ian. Citing the pressure of holiday preparations and activities as a "likely reason" the Christmas Seal campaign is dropping behind this year, LeRoy F. F. Wright today extended through January, 1958, this once-a-year sale of Seals to wipe out tuberculosis. Wright is chairman of the 1957 campaign, conducted by the Delaware County Tuberculosis and Health Association. Ten Commandments THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA LInn,IHY Swarthmore, Pa.. Friday, December 27, 1957 Great Books Group TRINITY DEDICATES Sets January 9 0ateMEMORIAL WINDOWS Theatre to Present From all the men and women of COLI.~); ~; THE SWARTHMOREAN VOLUME 29-NUMBER 52 ------------------------ Christmas is so many wondrous things, so S'ln rtllI;lo:;:'i.: Co lleg~ Li hrary Svrartlunore Deeember 20, ·1967 THE SWARTBMOREAN SWARTIIMORK Cecil B. DeMille'S "The Ter.. Commandments" (in technicolor). is now showing at an exclusive engagement in this area at the College Theatre. Swarthmore. Hailed a3 the greatest motion picture of all time, this masterpiece has been described as U"far more than entertainment alone, for it offers exceptional spiritual inspiration in such a timely season of the year". Give Holiday Brunch The Rev. and Mrs. John C. Kulp will entertain at a holiday brunch at the parsonage this mOrning at 10:30, for college students and servicemen home for the holidays. Those expected to attend are Midshipman Richard It. Alexander, George Allison, Carol Bean; Shelby Marlin, Beatrice S. Rago, Charles Hummer, .June Holt. Leora May Raynor, Cherry Joyce Sharer. Joseph Storlaul and " Lois Storlazzi. Sharer. . Mary Webster A stained glass Window, designed and executed by the Henry Lee Willet Studio in Philadelphia, was dedicated at Trinity Church on Sunday, December 22 . This window is in memory of the late Mrs. Harry C. Barr, of 504 Harvard avenue. It is the gift of her husband. The window, loca ted a bove the entrance way to the Beginners and Primary Church School classes, is a portrayal of Christ receiving children of all nations and races. Oppenlander to Attend Statewide Conference {, h Ed W'II B T • f t• uca Ion I e OplC 0 January Meeting in Capitol Harry Oppenlander, curriculm director and head of the science department in the Swarthmore High School has been asked by Governor Leader to participate in a state-wide conference on education to be held in Harrisburg, January 28 and 29. Commenting on the purposes of the conference which will include 100 participants, the Governor said, "The time has come to take a searching look at what the schools of Pennsylvania can do to strengthen their courses of instruction. A conference of the State's leading educators will be the first step towards pinpointing the subjects which require immediate attention." The conference win further spotlight weaknesses in teaching programs and will endeavor to find out whether existing laws and regulations actually are preventing schools from offering improved courses of study. Qualita!lve Problems One of the topics that will come under discussion is the lengthening of the school year from 180 to 220 days, as proposed by Dr. Charles E. Boehm, Superintendent of Public Instruction. Oppenlander stated that' he believed the problems tacing today's schools were qualitative rather than quantitative in nature. "The conference will render a real service," he said. "if it devotes' its attention to raising the intellectual content and standards of subjects now taught in our schools. For the past decade there has been a marked tendency to play-down.. and even deprecate academic achievement, and to stress instead the education of the 'whole child\ The result has been to place, what seems to me, to be an overemphasis upon many sub. eets and activities that contribute ~ittle to preparing our children for their responsibilities in this com ... plex world of conflicting philosophies." Study Home Program In commenting on the situation . the Swarthmore - Rutledge 10 . t d schools, Mr. Oppenlander pom e t that the administration and ou b· t· g faculty were at present Sll J~ In the whole program of studie<; to careful scrutiny. "II is hoped" he ·d "that swarthmore-Rutledge sal , ... with their long tra dit·10n sch 00 , '11 ke of academic excellence, WI ~a a real contribution to Amenca.n education at a time when \here IS . ed need for direction a recogruz and leadership. "The recent decision by the School Board to appoint an ad. committee on curriculum VISOry __ rI to evidences a vigorous eu.~ . maintain the school district s pDSltion In the educational world and to provide the kind of program that is demanded for our chn- Mary D Webster f P to Lead h ay 0 rayer T urs. The next Community Day of Prayer and Meditation will be held on Thursday. January 2, at the S War t h m 0 r e Methodist Church from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mrs. Mary Webster of Toulon, III., will be the leader. In conducting missions, Mrs. Webster has been associated with Dr. E. Stanley Jones, noted writer and lecturer. She describes herself as a "homemaker and mother of two boys, ages 10 and 15, who lives on a farm near Peoria. Ill." During the past two years, Mrs. Webster has conducted meetings in ,various cities and towns in Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky. North Carolina, and Mississippi. Everyone in the community is welcome. As m.laI, those who stay through the lunch hour will be served a hot beverage to accompany the sandwiches which they ,bring. Nursery care will be provided for young children at the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. For those who wish to continue in worship, meditation, and prayer, Mrs. Webster will conduct meetings again at 7:30 Thursday €vening and at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p,m. on Friday, the 3rd.. All meetings will be held in the Swarthmore Methodist Church. • Attends Meeting Dr. Peter van de Kamp, chairman of the astronomy department and Director of Sproul Observatory at Swarthmore College, is attending the l24th meeting of the American Association for Advancement in Science in Indianapolis, December 26-30. He will present a paper "Facets of Astronomy", tomorrow night; $4.00 PER YEAR Jr. Assembly Groups Plan Christmas Parties The Woman's Club will witness four Junior Assembly Christmas parties this holiday. The seventh grade assembly will be held Saturday, December 28 from 7 to 8:45. Class hosts Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy will be assisted by chaperons Mr. and Mrs. Roy SnapI' and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Plowman. Also, on' Saturday, the ninth grade will hold their Christmas Party, from 8:30 to 10:15. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hofmann are the dass hosts. Mr. and Mrs. George Hansell and Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Hewes will act as chaperons. The eighth grade, with hosts Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bath will meet from 7: 30 to 9:.15 on Monday, December 30. Chaperons for the dance will be Dr. and Mrs. Walter Moir, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pyle and Mr. and Mrs. James Rowland. Mr. and M:ts. Henry Ward ace hosts for the tenth grade Assembly. which will be held Monday from 9 10 10:45. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy and Mr. and Mrs. James Stephens will serve as chaperons. The dances will be formal, with the exception of the seventh grade party. Bob Holm and his orchestra will provide the music. \Vith the festive decorations and gay holiday spirit sure to be present, everyone atte~ding the Junior Assembly Christmas Parties is guaranteed a good time. College Eleven Elects hice '58 Captain Swarthmore College tailback Nathan J. Price, former co-captain and named Most Valuable Player of the Central High SchOOl eleven, carried off college football honors too when his teammates elected him captain of the '58 team and on top of that awarded to him the two football honors of the year. Nate was awarded the Denton Trophy in recognition of his sportsmanship and aggressive play during the season; he was awarded the Wright Trophy as the Swarthmore player who best demonstrated the spirit of leadership and sportsmanship in the traditional Swarthmore-Haverford game. The three-year varsity scatback was one of the main reasons for the 14-8 upset victory of Coach Lew Elverson's eleven touted PMC this season. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Price of Philadelphia. Twenty - Utree men received football letters for the 1957 season. THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR FRIDAY. DECEMBER 27 2:00 P.M.-Kiwanis Tournament ................... . Field .House 7:30 P.M.-Kiwanis Tournament ................... . Field House 9:00 P.M.-Tournament: SHS vs. Darby ............. . Field House Aprn Date Set for NewColiege Dormitory Women's Residence Will Be Situated West of Worth Plans for Willets Dormitory, the new residence for women to be erected on the college campus, have been approved. by the Board of Managers, announced Courtney Smith, president of the colIege. Decision was also made on the site of the new building , which is to be . the level area just west of Worth Dormitory, which is located. on the corner of ·Chester Road and College Avenue. The approval folIowed months of investigation and pJanning by the administration, architects and members of the board. The new dormitory. costing between $810,000 and $900,000 will house approximately 180 women, mostly in double rooms, with a few singles. Construction will begin about the first of April, and should require about 12 months, thus making the dorm ready for occupancy in September of 1959. Occupant Cost Estimated by a per occupant basis, the cost of the building will be between $4,500 and $5,000 per woman occupying a room. This figure includes all costs, architect's fees, site preparation, actual construction and furnishings. The contemporary style build .. ing will have a considerable area of native stone which will match that in nearby Worth. The twostory Wl11gS will be used a5 living areas, and a one-story wing will contain a 1200-square foot main Ila,un'ge and card room. There will six living units, three in each wing, two on each floor. each housing about 30 women. The center area, between the two wings, will contain the bathrooms and one lounge for each floor. Attached to each of the three smaller IC\unges will be a pressing room and a kitchenette. Added Fea1ures A basement under the north wing will house a game room, equipment rooms, a central laundry room with washers and dryers, and storage space, Also included will be two onebedroom apartments with private baths and kitchenettes for the supervisory staff. The double rOOms will be approximately 12 feet by 17 feet. This will give a living space of about 100 square feet per occupant. The period from now until that of actual construction will be used the preparation of working I:~~~~;~ by the architects. Conwill be done by the Construction Company. for the project are Stewart and Noble Df SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28 2:00 P.M.-Kiwanis Tournament .................... Field House 7:00 P.M.-Jr. Assemblies: 7th Grade ............. Woman's Club 7:30 P.M.-Kiwanis Tournament ........ ' ............ ·Field House 8:30 P.M.-Jr. Assemblies: 9th Grade .. ,.......... Woman's Club SUNDAY. DECEMBER 29 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship .................. . Local Churches MONDAY, DECEMBER 30 2:00 3:30 7:30 7:30 9:00 9:00 P.M~-Tournament Play-Off ....".' .......... " ~eld House P.M._Tournament: Play-Off ................... Field. House p.M.-Jr. Assemblies: 8th Grade .,..... . ... Woman s Club P.M.-Tourname'.'t: Play-Off .................. Field , House J.M.-Jr. Assemblies: 10th Grade ............ Wo~ s Club P.M._Tournament: Play-Off ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Field -House TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31 2:00 P.M._T<>urnament: Play-Off ..... . ........... , ~eJd House li:oo p.M._Walchnight Serv~ce ................ ·Meth~lst Ch\ll'1!h 11 :30 p.M._Watchnighi Sennce .... '......... ·Presbytenan Church WEDNESDAY• .JANUABY 1 Trinity Church 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion ...... : .. '" . . . . . . . . . TBVRSDAY, IANlJAllY Z 10:30 A.M.-Community Day of Prayer .. '..•.... Melhodist Church Mrs. Helen Lambichi Mrs. Helen Lambichi, mother Dr. Marika Lambichi, formerly of 231 Haverford avenue, died Christmas Eve in Palm Beach. Fla. She would have been 100 years old next April. MrS. Lambichl was born in Smyrna, Turkey. The Lamblchi's moved from North Carolina to Chester. where Dr. Lamblchl, who attended Women's Medical College, opened her oMce. The family later moved to Swarlhm~e end lived at the Haverford avenue address for many yeArs. They moved to Florida In 1954. Surviving beside Dr. Lamblchl are two other daughters Esmeralda Lamblchi, and Mrs. N. Z1rinls; and a son Robert, all of 222 Moc:k- '. DICI_llerrl.1H7 • THB SWAklBMORBAN Pace z Is Persona' • DONAHUE. IUIHUI Mba JaDe! Ellen Buehler, 'ia.\I&llter of Mr. and Mrs. ,Mthur DOHlln· ADAMS Miss Carol Jean Adams, daiaah- of Mr, and Mn,. HtIrI)' ,T, Mrs, Roland G, E, Ullman of I' IAclaDlS of Featon. Mich" became. Vassar avenue has as her Buehler of 13n Baltimore bride of Mr, Lynn Mason pests throulh the Christmas PIke, aDd Mr, Jam_ Edward Doherty SundaY,Deeember 22; at holiday her son-in-law and daUlh- Donahue of 201 Garrett avenue 2:30 o'clock at the bame .of the ter Mr. and Mrs, Edward E, were married Saturday, December bridegroom, son of Dr, aDd. '1In, Thoma. Fd three IllUe' girls at 2 o'clock In our Lady of Kenneth Doherty of 809 Elm Kathy, sethy, and J~er of InHelp Chmdl. Morton.lav'en\,e, dianapolls, Ind, Mr, Donahue Is the son of Mar, and The double ring ceremony was Mr. and Mrs, Walter H. Baird Mrs, James Donahue of Pawen- perfonned· by the Rev, John have returned to their farm at Conn, associate mini.... of the Freeport, 0" after a visU with The Rev, Mr-. Peter J. Cruise Presbyterian Church, Mrs. Balrd's son and daughter-in- olDclated ,at the ceremony, Altar in a settIDg of magnolia arid white law Mr, and Mrs, Robert Bird of decorations were wblte carnations, poinsettias, ,Drew avenue. Given in marriage by ber fath- , Given' in marriage :t>y her Mr, and MIn. Milton Bryant er the bride wore a gown fash- father, the bride wore an ivory will entertain their bridge club io~ed with bodice' and loug sleeves colored Indian silk brocade gown New Year's Eve at Bry-clllt, their Brussels lace and ballerina and carried a cascade of white home on South Chester road. length full sIdrt of peau de sole, poinsettias, Podocarpus and magMr, and Mrs. E. M, James of She carried a cascade bouquet of nolla, North Swarthmore avenue return- white carnations and ivy. The bride's matron of honor, ed last week after a six-week visit Mrs, Eric Anderson of DartRobert W, Doherty, the formin .Spain. mouth House, sister of the bride. er Marllyn H. Green, of 609 Elm \ as matron of honor, wore a red a;'enue, was attired in a Christmas ENGAGEMENTS I v.,lv••telrd s~ial engine, Fordomatic, radiO. heater, tum signals, iod. The law does not permit hack-up lights, window washer, ministers to elect coverage retrowliltewall tires., Rea.sonably activelY,for 1955. priced, can arrangeftnance, prlMr. Gruber added' that the new vate, owner. J 0 h n McKenna, KIngswood 3-1645. laW also provides that ministers PERSONAL Bicycles Repaired. will now Include as: net earnings Paris, accessories. Milt Glass LOST AND FOUND Bicycle. Hobby, Toy Shop, 205 for social' security purposes, ( 1) East Baltimore Avenue. Clifton LOST - On Swarthmore avenue the rental value of a parsonage Helghls. MAdison 6-0713. OppoSaturday aft ern 010 n, large or rental allowance furnished ' Th t square, down-ftl1ed Howered cusbs Ite Cllfton ca er_ lon, pari of sofa. ThIs will spoU them as 'part of their compensaPERSONAL - UPHOLSTERINq sofa If we do not get It back., tion and (2) the value of meals Large Chairs Completely re- ~ngsw_ood_ 4-3226_._ __ 'and lodging furnished them for built with new fabric $44,80 ISO/fas $89-Over 30 years expert- LOST - Woman's umbrella, am- the convenience of their employence. Six' years of, Swarthmore _ber curved handle, nameplate er_ This provision is effective for referenCes: All work Is, done In VIsible whllll open. KJngswood 3- taxable years ending on or after our own shop under personal 0733. , ' ,, D be 31 1957 t that supervision of Mr. Seremba. Es-LOs.T~tring of blue beads be- ecem r , excep, tlmates are free. Thalli Seremba. tween La:tayeette avenue' and for the purpose of the retirement Phone Sharon Hill O'1)~., ___ Met)1odlstCilurch.<, Please caU ,~est under old-age and surviVors PERSONAL' _ Plan" TunIng Klngswood 3-9855.' _ , I n s u r a n c e , It ,becomes effective Speelaltst.. member A.S.P.T. and rotJNi)::CiOSS on sUver, with with ,taxable years beginning af- ClocL .....1.. 5•• rllImo,., Po. ~~==,--...:.==--,==".,.,.===================E; ~ Jack 'Prichard PAINTING Interior " Exterior Free Estimc:ites ~ Klngswood =========±:=E;IN.A.P.T. Will KInllSwood do, minor 3-5755. repail'Ing. Leaman, bl"ck beads. Call KIngswood 3-2523. FOR RENT WANTED FOR RENT Apartment avalf, WANTED _ Room near .bus'line -able In Janulll')', 3 rooms, klt- 'and us for our sister. Phone ch!,n and ,bath on second Hoor, KIngswood 3-1047. prIvate Adulls on- W~ - Figure ~ce ~~: ly. Box home. D, TheGarage. Swarthmorean. "I -It In.' S rthm men s size 9'k or 10, girl s sIZe saw u.e wa orean." 11. Call KIngswood 3-1808. , I: i' I! I • , 1 i CONST.UCTION RUIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL Alterations 335 AV.' Your Fire Company Equipmerif , Dartmioutll J. F. BLACKMAN II 3-6616 , EDWARD G. CHIPMAN AND SON Moder. KIte..., Alteration 1401 Rilll., Av•••• CH....r 2-4759 CHe,"r 2·568t ~===========~ .= terMr. August, 1957.' Gruber invited any, clergyman who desires more detailed information about the new law to contact 'his office at 302 FideUty-CheBter BuUdlng 5th and Market streets, Chester, ' telephone Chester '4-5264. _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ Pvt. Ross Blllstein, son of Dr. and Mrs. Walter P. Billstein of South Chester road, Is now stationed at The, Presidio, San Francisco, Cal., with the 30th Engineers. HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE' HEALS SUNDAY e ...... 6-w......n_:1S A.M. W.IL "oIJo-..C.rhtIa. Scl_ , ':30 A.M. 0734 6SO 'alHmore Plk• Sprl.,tielll, D.I. Co.. P.. 11.,.,roocl 3-0450 _ _ _ .M: .', _~ Air Co.dlHo.11IIJ $500 MONTHLY' , George Myers &Co. lox 48 DAY ••• NIGHT t." KI 4·1214 1953 VAN TRUCK StartIng .. for 2 u.ecutive-type ..I... man to represent 'arqa EI,,,,rn fiuncle_ corporatton. No tr.vel. $111M tJllMrlenc. end ~bnttY desired. .".bUshed . . . . .. 2S-4O ,un old.. m.mee:l, u .... bI. of tDUfRh,. ,.ponsfblllti.,. 1ft ,.qlMltini I..,."inr pi.... Include brief personal hhtary. .n ..pll.. cantidootl.I, o.r ' SlI~ 0 " ..... , ..~n4.d of tIIIl, ed. loa It>.. L Sw•• lhn,oruft. • ·-1-.0 '0'''.''' OIL IIOU.5· ~ ."' ...... W..I ......., . . . Sh.~t Metal Work .... CARNS $44.50 6 Y••" of Sw.rtto. . . . II.......• Sharo. Hili . . ,- Florist , ..... e •• lr ....lIt - GaHe" ,Warm·Air iHeaH., ,- _ .......... - . . . Diluzio and Sons UPtiOLSftRY ROOFING ."... ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::;:! THOM SEREMBA , , i • GfNfRAl CONT.ACTO. m. Floors • Pla,Hc ,"I. ' i• ow a out ~::,: ~re~:::!~~~ earn- PERSONAL - Baby sitting, responsIble woman. .KIngswood WILLIAM IROO, S 3-4251. Ash. and Rubbish Removed PERSONAL _ Radio and te1eLawns Mowed, General, vlalon service. Complete stock , Hauling , of tubes carried. Robert Brooks. 23' H.nll., Av... M.rIo., Call KIngswood 4-0800. PERSONAL _ Belvedere Convalescent Home, 2507 Chestnut street, Chester. Edge of SwarlhJewelry ""Ired Phon.: Kl more, Aged, senile, chronic, convalescent men and women. ExE~IL SPIU cellent foeds, spacious grounds Blue Cross honored. Sadie Pippin FORMEILY OF F. C. lODE AND Turner, proprietor. CHester 2Fin. W.tch .nd 121 y.I. I'"... 5373. r.. an You can't escape it, mister. You need a new suit. You caD't stretch that jacket-or the, trousers, either. Perhaps you've outgrown your safe driving habits and techniques, tool Are you stretching your luck' wheu. you drive? As we ~w older, o~ vision loses some of its sharpness and depth perception. 'Our reaction time slows. High blood pressure may make us accident-prone. Unless we know these' things, and make adequate allowances for them, we are headed straight for trouble. If a driver realizes his weaknesses. he ,can o't'~me them. OIL BU~NER' ,SERVICE MONDAY THIU SATUIDAY NOON SUNDAyS .... HOL,IDAYS DON • T JUS T TALK If you want to know how good a driver you' really are, have your skills and aptitudes tested. In the Philadelphia and Pi~isburgh areas. go to -the Bureau of Highway Safety driving cliDic. You will be coUrteously received and given the tests at no risk to your operating privUe~e. If you live elsewhere. write the Director of the Pennsyl. vania Bureau of Highway Safety for instructions as to how you can take this examination. Come in and try ~ your "new suit....-at no cost._Neglecting to take this test may prove vecy costly. It will pay you to safeguard your future. SAFETY • .• : : l.w& .&f1t ! ' Klngswood 4-1234 J. A. GREEN This one·ton Van TRek was purehased In 1953. Il Is kllOWll as the rqulpment truck and earrles exhaust fan. 12 tarpaalln ClOvers, ,2 seol air-palls, 1:1 all purpose Iras masks, and :I shovels. • ~Thls infQrtnation made available through courtesy of Swarthmore Fire and ProteQtive Association. SWEENEY & CLYDE' A CO~LETE' INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENCY 2t lAST STH ST.. ClIUIII ....... s: 4-61n 4-6111 ....... , • ... Swart...ore ~es. Swp. Let's trade your big house for this 3~year-old sparkling white spacious Ranch home with center hall, large living room, eamer stone fireplace. dining room, 3 bedrooms, 2 ,tile baths, full basement-old shade. . . . Less Heat.....s Taxes ' PORTER B. WAITE. INC. THE BOUQUET E. L. NOYES and CO. SW.ut'111MOREAN THE SWARTHMORE CO-OP HORACE A. REEVES B~8DdBIRD J. A. GREEN w. MAllK BrttLE STRAm RAVEN ~ pETER E. TOLD + THE INGLENEUK "-' . , PROVIDENT TRADESMEN'S, TRUST ,COMPANY , SWAltl..oim~y ," . ..... ' -' ..... • '.I'I,11If. - IIarda of Dimel ..... T< n , ...,.....,dnrlr d fell" vaa-e118ft ...u.afL C r ••• ::~~~*.)~8mml"'olld', said the by the heedquarters of the· Na- laDUe Champtoll8hiJIII at St. 10at Ii diDo ,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiii er 1858 C8mpalp will emph.slze the tlonal FoundaUon. He added: seph'. Colleae this year, led the at their home III Villanov Wed.lnventory Sale ur,ent talk of cerIni -tor t h O l e ' team to thelr second undefeated • a. who have tIeen dlssbled by pollo. "MaDy of them can be further I scm III a row (14-0) by winnln, Dr. aDd lin. I. F. McKernan of The object Is to restore them to helped by new. developments III every race except the flDaJ ODe avenue had as their llUests Uv. BI nearly normal BI modern medical teclmIquee. !~who have Bialnst Haverford wbeD c:o-cap. CbrIsImBl their JOD-ill-law medicine can make them. He said been spared this cr"_~ disease taJn Ild Wolf ecored first for dsughter Dr. and Mrs. John the 19511 theme Is "Survival Is not owe them at least a chance to Swarthmore. Rockey of Portsmouth, N. H. enough." make a comeback to usefu1 llvIDg, I Mr. and Mrs. 101m MaaA1pllle, All ChridmP' The campaign director said "~ a demooratl. society we Just Retlvov Elected -58 of North PriDceton avenue Card& III Delaware CoUJ).ty post pollo don t let people languish III hllllpl.BI their guests for the hollWrappiap patients have been listed who may tals or their homes, if something CaDtain of Soccer lii~athelre~soiiinsai5ni5di5ds$"~gb!iitere-iiilnii5nee d rehablUtation treatment. can be done for them. We have The Mlclcne Atlantic Champion I' Deeoratiol1ll iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii succeeded In saving thDU8ands of soccer team of SwanIunore CoI• lives. Now we have ,ot to make lege elected Sergei ReUvov, who at . Pn'ee PETER E. TOLD those Uves worth living. That's led the attack for the Garnet team why our themethla year la "Surposted a 7-0 Middle Atlantic All U... of ' ...r.nce ... L L - . vlval Is Not Enough." record this seaBOD, alice Dar captain for the 1958 season. The 333 Darflll.... A"•• Dr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth Doher- 1958 honorable mention All•• ty of Elm avenue have BI their IAlrnelricslD haa alBo been named to n"wood '·18" guests Hr. and Mrs. Harry T. the ftrst team of the Middle Care"" aDd botatlf.I)...... Adsms of Fenton, Mich., whose :lentic States Collegiate A1hletic I, r.;n~":..o~. daughter Miss Carol Jean Adams, along with teammate ~ or _all.... ChoI.. toto..... and Dr. and Mrs. DOherty's son Koo., . _ _ MCtlOD, cr.matorr. rial Mr; Lynn Mason ,DOherty, were In maJdng the announcement, YOUT inspection .. 'nVited. merrled Sunday. Stetson, director of athIo'moo' Av••• _ City LI.. also announced the awardIol..cyn..yd MOhawil 4-15". "I sSW It In the Swartbmorean." of 18 letters In soccer to Coach . BALTIMORE PIKE and LINCOLN AVENUE IR<>bert Dunn's International team which IIlcluded: Swa~hmore . Klnglwood ~.o272 Czechoslovakian born Ser,e! . Koreans Joo Bong KIm A!",active Private and Semi-Private Rooms. Com"" and Younsu Koo, Benoni Wu from Pr,vacy on I c)';Acre Estate. 24-Hour Undernandirig Nursing Kong, and Wentworth B. Ca.... I F··-- aDd;;: iormerly :amlI7 that Half WEST 9 U:..=.. 11:In=";: m from Chuck loast 4'~ Loin Lamb $1.19 CO-OP lED LAIEL 29c DEL MONTE Pineapple.Grapefruit Drink SUNSWEET PRUNE JUICE La.... Family Sbe - 39c 33c IEEILEI POTATO SNAX 29c CIOSSE & lLACIWELL TOMATO JUICE COCKTAIL and KIm were also given honorable I~:!~O~ III the Middle Atlantic Il Collegiate all star teams. AT PHILA. DOG EVENT Swift's Pre.ium TOMATO JUICE and I\1~~:.~~:~e of Latvia. Ghana Wu (onsumer's (..0,. Ass'.. of Swartltmor., 'ftC. 403 Dua ..wuth AVI. . Opposite Borough Hall 27c Among the Swar1aunoreans spent December 14 at the Philadelphia Ke~i Club's annual dOl show In Convention HiIll were: Sara and AlIce GrDJIan of Westminster avenUe whose candy Kid (a student at the vel-, ·aware County Dog . School at Swarthmore H i g h School) won the last leg for Companion Doil degree; Mr. ~Fs. Bi>n Oloott of Oberlin av'~nule I whose black home-obred Prince made his debut breed's· puppy classes; and Mr; Mrs.· Henry A. Peirsol, Jr., Lafayette avenue the former stewarding for the German Shepherd classes. SPARKLING SUDS Ilpeel. who reqo.Nti an penG11Ii .vin.&' Cllalma or dellla:rida apJut the Blltat.e of the Decedent. to make DOwn the lalDe and ai, penou indebted. to the Decedent to make panDeDt without del.,. to J'on lieJUIYle. Curnr. AclmtDitJtratriX. 2 Rutledge A....nue. County. Penll8l'lvania or to her attorn,"". Hoclp. Hodge and CnamD. 104 Wen. Front tnet. lIedia. Pen11li,1. vania. aT·lz:.ZT qt·79c "'or 'verytlll.," LUMMIS 6 OL can 29c LUMMIS 5-oZo' can 39c MAIISCO TRISCUIT 39c .... mlALAIGE PINEAPPLE YELLOW TUINIPS 29c lib. Sc UNDEIt PERSONAL SUPERVISION OF toIRS. • • )- ••• • Have your Doctor's prescriptions comr:unded by a pharmacy n which you· can have eo.~le/e a.oiclence. Our .lillled Reaistared pharmaCistS doUble-check each com· pounding step to auure accuracy. We are Pre. scri1ti•• S1 eci• li Del'end on us for DRUGS, sickroom ;:~f,lies and all other ••• ••• ••• ••• • •• ,"1 •• thaids. • ••• • •• • • ELLEN I NEW: * ". 4 m • fEAI! II • • • • • •I l_riii:"!'FOUNTAIN •e r----------------------. I 1907-1957 From 50 years of fine cars come the greatest cars in Hillman history••• • I.. .. '. . I• • ·I z~~ B~,! !.rust ~~'!'f.a", - ~- - - - - - . • . I i ( II ' I I i i I Ollrwish is for your happiest New Year and a flllllre of lindimmed sllccess.. • I I New Hillman Min, Four-Door ScdaJl •e ______:-.::!.a:.0!!..1 toI. WOOD HERE· OW! • !!~;.~:..~= • Bltate of WILLIAM ROE CUBRY. tat. of the Boro...h of Rullodn. Letten of AdmInt.trat.loD 011 the abcwe ~te bay. 'bee.. granted. to the under- ANDEIO SALTED CASHEWS ft 5 Elnwood Convalescent Home . SALTED PEANUTS r• At-I~~~~~~~~~~~~=~:o~ld~L~a~n~"~~"~U~ild~,~ns CEMETERY man........ coP FOOD· MARKET , on en-I Starting Soon ", ~. -01,,1 -, Open'.,. _ .1_. TBB SWAIlTIUIORB&N ccICktaIi ::;~ aDd ...... December 27, 1957 May each day this young man grows older be one of peace for you and yours. . I I I • • ~ ~ Prep Shop· I ___The ~______ ~~ _______ j THE 1958 "JU ILEEHI NEW "JUIlLEE" STYLING with a low continental loot, ,..,.resjanect front end, new interion, new colors. . NEW "JUIlLEE" PEIFORMANCE with torque boosted to 72 poundsfeet for the fastest getaway of any imported. economy car. . NEW "JUIlUE" ICONOMY with low initial cost; au economy up . to 35 miles per gallon; low, low mamlellance. . Enjoy these spectacillar "Jubilee" features ••• and many, many morel Choose from three 10woCost "Jubilee" models: a four-door station WlIJDO, a four-door sedan, the thrilling sports _veria"ble ••.• pllII die _ _tile dual-puJjIoIe Hillman Husky tn-door .... tioa wagoa. See it. road-test it, here. DOW I . • 0- 1HE. 1958 "JUlllEI!" HIllMAN ••• A ROOTISGIIOUP I'IIOIIUCfJ . . - CATHDIIAII"S Special Sale BREYER'S ICE CREAM • Hue ilORI Xl30111 BRITISH MOTOR IMPORTS - DMsioft of - AT NEW tEARS .... we wish youM!lk"'IttIppiM# . .for GIl ,,., . " of yfW• ,Ite"'" . . , . . . J. A.. ,. ~~ Best wishes for your happiness in the New. .Year. May it bea year of prosperiiyand peace. . . BaIrd & BIi1I -" . - - . "-" .- . - - .',- TBB 8WAR'i'BHO~ = .. ---------,-. ......., ---- DecembW 27, 1957 ---- .'. THE'SWAllTlDlORBAN pye 11 ll)) l l l l ll)l ll)l • 'U$9IUe • \ thtmks'for ,hles$in9$ of . ':.:; -', ".' II . The Bouquet r . . . .- .- 1958 , ·South Chester Road MI_-.'~" His . guidanee in I '-, AHAPPY NEW YEAR and ask I ...... AV.4i 19S1 I We offer our cordial and heartfeh g,reetings. I __lWAi-'" I_~ I We appreciate your patron- I age and hope to serve you during the coming year. I I 1 1958 RUllsey Chevrolet· . . .South Chester Road Theatre Square And. a future undimmed ; I II I ~th worry ond trouble. I,I . H. D. CHURCH _.--.-1 __ __-N_W ,. .".. I , CUSTOM KITCHENS ~~ tar tings • 4mlt The greeting is old, but none more sincere: Happy, New Year! 1958 . , May thO do the naoa. . 1eIII.1D with )'O'l dmJaiJawt die New Year. ... . ~, .lg58, May your every effort t .bring you s,ucce~ and grea . hap~ thi$ year. ··511'" . . ::.' , We hope the net~ year SfIrr01l11ds .'YOII ll itb ever/asl- . ing joy and suc,cess Cl'OW11S 101/f every effort•. J Porter.H.Walte, I~~.·l . _.'-...'., - y ... ,".'( \-. ~'. "v. ," '_ i~...... '-. . c••,1W . _,'_' . ...• . I. . ----- Dece.ber 27, 1951 THE SWAR'l'BIIORBAN ... r----~-----------.-- I I I• II ew I ,(I ~ o 58 II · II II II 1958 I / ~.' ~::.. I • I II' II I I•• " it~ . II :· ear i .,0 I II . I.· ' . Celia Shoe' Shop . • • ' I r--:~-------------- --~-1 I I TO ALL OUR FRIENDS ••• CORDIAL GOOD WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR. II . ~ II I! I '. . II I . I Swarth..... Toggery Shop, Inc. . II '-----.-. I I ""' . .. .,. . . . I . .' - - - -------._--------_.----. .- ... If I I( bring btmtw., I If} I. lb. UlorU _,ou. I I. . I I1 Edward,G. ~'Son • _________ -Chipman ________ 1 _ _~ . . .. For yom good will we extend a hearty "thank you" and may you' have" prosperous· New Year. 5i=MllY your every effort .plOW 8ucceBllful thiI New Year.