THE SWAK'l'lDlORBAN Page 12 ,\ ,..., 5 lteins . further indentldcatlon. ArtIcles then: left w1l1 be turned over to School ·Lost & Found· welfare agencies. In tribute to Although Swarthmore's pupils many mothers who put name tags have just left their classes for .the in clothing, the coIlection at this summer. there Is at school. a large time is smaIler than In previous accumulation of "LOST AND years. "These forgotten scarves, A caref u 1 Inspee tIon .0f th'IS d'.sFOUND. glasses, rubbers, and other cloth- play shows that there are some Ing articles, an accumulation of very nice coats and jackets with lost and found Items unclaimed no names in them. gloves, hats, through the year, ar& begKlng for rubbers. sweaters, glasses and their owners. glasses cases, empty wallets, etc. The "lost and found" articles It is hOPed that the owners 'wlll have been assembled In the cook- come to the school, Identify and Ing room of the high school for take home their possessions. Valuable In E; Whiteland No Match. t, WeI_e Ne.comers For Sea Horses New citizens were . I welcomed NEWS NOTES Mr. Tuesday at a reception at Hannah. moved ~.,..u - - their a ..... ~._ _.ent at rom ag Penn House by the Pennsylvania 139 Hullers avenue Monday and boys - 1 S. ·Roblnson 20,5, 2 D'I Society of the Sons of the Revolu- are reslding in their new home at Foley... tion. Thomas Hart attorney and 113 Blackthorn road, WalUngford. Butterfly: Sr. gIrlS 1 C. WII. , the Society .' J' former presldent of 'Beverly SmIth of Amherst a 18m. 40.4, 3 J. Paul; Sr. boys d th ' Due w1l1 visit AnD Ble8sIng f~eI R. Sublette 31, 2 D. Preston; m,!, e . e welcoming ad,drelfS and erly of Elm avenue next week -Int. girls -:- I Brodhead 37.8, 2 Judge Francis, S.· Van Dusen, her new' :home In Watervill~t S. ~1l1lams, Int. boys - 1 Boyer chairman of the welcoming com- Maine. ' 42.3, Jr. girls - 1 B.. Breakell mittee, spoke also. 45.9, 3 H. Morrison; Jr. boys - I J. Foley 46.4, 2 D. McCurdy; Mid. "I saw It in the Swarthmorean." girls - I C. Espenschade 24.5, 2 J. Courtney; Mid. boYs - 1 R. McCurdy 22, 2 S. Robinson. REVISION. OF WARNING CONDITIONS Freestyle: Sr. girls - I C. Williams 1:16, 2 A. Paul; Sr. boys -. FOR' CIVIL DEFENSE 1 . Sublette 1:02, 2 Preston; Int. Effective July I, 1957, there will be four (4) Official Civil girls - 1 Brodhead 33.4, 2 S. WilDefense Conditions: Iiams; Int. boys - 2 Boyer 32.5, 3 • .You'll appreciate .the SeY'i1old; Jr. girls - 2 Breakell, 3 Carer.1I management and beautifu.l Burroundlngs make this an Ideal location ~tlendly, competent .erv- . Condition - Hostile aircraft MORE THAN TWO (2) HOURS J. E"Penschade; Jr. boys - 1 J. for 1\ memorial. Modern 'aeJUtle. for burial or eremaUon. Choice 101:8;' new '~e featured at thi.·prof.... YELLOW DISTANT. Foley 32.5, 2 R. Baker; Mid. girls garden section. c.tematory, memorIal 31~nal pharmacy. And our - 1 B. Dumm 20.2, 2 C. E"Pen- nlehes. Condition' - Hostile aircraft FROM ONE (1) TO TWO (2) schade,·3 D. Renshaw. (Mid. boys YoU? inapection is invited. p~ceSt. too, are uniformly BLUE HOURS DISTANT. lost because they heard a spec8oImontA... obo •• City LI .. fair. Be sure to bring US • a.1 • ..cynwyd NOh,wk "'1591 Condition - Hostile aircraft LESS THAN ONE (1) HOUR DIS- tator :yell "stop" and halted, ~~~~ ~o~r J?octor" prescrip_ RED TANT. TAKE COVER. ' thinking there had been a false = tIOns. 'Remember, they start). are out' specialty. Condition ~ AIR IS CLEAR of hostile aircraft. 'Diving: Sr. girls - 1 Jan Law- .. WHITE rence 104.25, 2 Dawn Boyer, 3 J. CATHERMAN'S When the RED or TAKE COVER SIGNAL OF THREE (3) Williams; Sr. boys - ' I H. MoDRUG STOlE MINUTE, PULSATING SIGNAL ON SmENS,. BORNS OR Callister 104.7; Int. girls - 1 S. Williams 63; Jr. boys 1 R. WHISTLES IS SOUNDED "TAKE COVER" AT ONCE. KI·3.o586 Baker 61.4; jTr. girls - 1 B.' PurWhen the "ALERT" signal is sounded, THREE (3) MINUTES nell 59.4, 2 D. Rensha,w. . Hew CI.,;••. Ho.,..: OF STEADY BLAST ON SIRENS, HORNS OR WiHIS'JILES, turn All swimming events were' 50 on your radio or television to learn the' reason for the signal. P. II. yards with the exception of mldiP:ii==iiiiiiiiii:ii=iiiiiiliiiii~==iiiiiii~:ii==ili gets which were 25 yards and . seniors freestyle, 100. .June 15 Relay Details ANNOUNCES Apologies to the Midget Boys! "H' ... It was not their' team which was NINE NEW COLORS the only one falling to I!lace first Inc ...... In June 15th's relay races at Mar-I PHllll[)HPHI/J, SlJnURBf\N WAHR (OMPllNY Birchwood Finishes pIe-Newtown. In tact the midgets valiantly filled In vacancies on the Intermediate Boys team, These fine cabinets protected by "You Meet the NICEST People at Speare's" bringing it In only 7.7 seconds hard wearing plastic ••• nothing behind the winner, East WhIteSTORE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday, 9:30 to 5:30; land. Other details of the June 15 destroys. Friday, 9:30 to 9:00; Saturd.ay, 9:.30 to 6:00 . races follow: Sw.rthmore·s . winning time in the midget girls event was 1:36 compared to East Whiteland's I :50.8. Swimmers, headed by Barbara Dumm who learned to swim 1 under two weeks' Girl Scout inst~uctjon two years ago and with no instruction since, applied for t!le team two days before the Cor• ., meet; Nancy Thorbahn product of I PARK AVE., SWARTHMORI a two-week Sunfish course at the EDSMONT AVENUE - SEVENTH AND WELSH STREETS Klngswood 4-2727 Swarthmore pool last summer, Cacki Espenschade, and Nita Paul. "Quaker Maid'" deal... in D.haW.8 c...., Midget Boys came in 1: 17.6 to East Whiteland's 1:45.8. Swimmers were Dave Foley;. Dick McCurdy, Sandy Robinson, Courtney Prentice. Junior Girls time--8warthmore l:15.8, East Whiteland 1:23.6, Great ValIey, i:25.2. Swimmers were Sue Crawford, Helen· Morrison, Betsy Breakell, Joanne Espenschade. June hoys time - SW 1:09.5, EARLY ~ERICAN & TRADITIONAL GV 1:20.4, EW 1:22. Swimmers Jim Foley, Bali Baker, Jerry Sofas - - Love Seats - - Chairs Clothier, Dino McCurdy. Intermediate girls - SW 1:11.2, Berkliners and Barcaloungers GV 1:28.6, EW 1:30. SwimmersSue Williams, Charlotte BrodB;g leductions! . Some Below Costl head, Sondra Skoglund, Nancy 100 STYLES Webster. ne Largo.t S.'ecHon I. De/awDre co•• ", Intermediate boys - EW 1:13, Sw 1:20.7, GV 1:27.7. swim,mers WINGS SECTIONAlS - (padded by midgets due to dearth of intennedlate) - GorLAWSONS - CHlPPENDAlES don Boyd, Joie Brooks, Eric Peterson, Don Hartman. , Covered in Prints, Tweeds, Damasks, Senior girls - SW 2:40.2, EW Boucles, Textures 3:05.2, GV disquaUfieCI. Swimmers - Carol and .Joyce Williams, Ann and Jean Paul. Senior boys - SW 2:09.7, EW 2:23.2, GV 2:29.5. Switnmers 27th - - 28th - - 29th . Bill -Morrison, Dave Preston, Note: Every pfece .f. 'rom our regufar stoc". Charles Dietz, Bob SUblette.. No Ifngersl Grand slam Freestyle - SW 2:39.1 compared to R,!se Valley's If'e have th. largest sel.&I;o" of early winning time of 2:06.5 in other I Ameri"a" I_nil""e in Delaware COllnty division. Swimmers - Dory Mac-I Nair, .Jack Renshaw, Bill Wrege, Par" at ..r fro.. ,orell. Karen Schloesser. Gloria Peirsol, • Doug Wrege, Ann Paul, BOb SubCEITAINLY•. lelte. sweethearts in swimsuits -Midget, Junior and Intermediate events 100 meters, "Madras Matchmafe" SenIor and Grandslam 200 ml!lers. ....tIt •••• _. • 5.9S Very ofIiciaI UIIIform for foils ST. AllAN'S CMGE 'Mr. and Mrs. ArIh~. ,H. H. ....'....te....., 6 ts who lava each other and also btecII ..1rt ,.-._---. 1_._ • -. lELtia WDOO MoocIy are reeent arrIvala in ..... to - ' ~ _I III excilpH) _ ' s _.~. SwartiunOre from WestfteId, N. :J:, ~... , . _ . . "Co.:..>_ u .... IWIIn tr.b ••• ,~ M.... · and are J'CII '.,<, l'r- • Flowers and Mrs. Nonnan Hulme WEST LAUREL CEMETERY • ----_. - 6 ... 28, 195'1 . ... c' for the Flowerless THE·5WARTHMOR -VOLUME 29--:-NUMBER 27 - School Design Data ·Approved lIonday Swarthmore, Pa., Friday, July 5, 1957 CD MEETING TUESDAY A mee&1D8 ., all ClviI DeI_ _ el wW be held In Methodists to Hear .' Dr" Johns Sunday Elected Flowers for the Flowerless $4.00 PER YEAR Preside" Del. Co. Postmasters C"IVh:t Delen T t' II Charles H. Grier ot Dartmouth avenue was elected president ot m.ned' 1IeIy the Delaware County Postmaster's 'follcnrlq "Reel" iQuaL It Is Dr. H. Leroy Johns of the Board Association at the regular meeting Borou9~ To Be Asked Im~ tbat all DlvlsloD of 'Missions of the' Methodist which was held In Sharon Hill 1957 "Operation Alert" To Pave Brighton To Familiarize Public, Chief. aDd Uaelr ....... n . . be Church, Division of National..Mis- June 20. . p - t . as plaDs will be 811- slons, will be the guest preachAvenue Personnel DOunced for Uae "Operation er at the Swarthmore Methodist Design skelehes for a new 12- Alen 1957" 1ICbeduled for .July Church Sunday, July 7, at the 11 A National CIvil Defense test ctassroom addition to the Rutgers 12, O'clock Morning Worship Service., wiII be held during the operIod Avenue Elementary School were Pel'llOllDe1 are invltetl to Dr. Johns Is a member at the July 8 through July 19. AU States, approved by the Swartbmore- brlnl' wlih them lIIIJ'one Inler- staff of the Division of National Territories and Possessions will Rutledge School Board Monday ..... _~ In "'->, De'----. .participate. ___ "IV" .~~ Missions and is director of church evening and architects· authorized extension for' the Southeastern 112 Enroll in Borough's The primary purposes of the to proceed willi working drawJurIS ' d 'IctI on of the church. FormSummer Recreat'lo' n test activities tor the general logs and specifications. Four public In Pennsvlvania will be: . .erly he was director of the stateP J members' of the new School Au••• rog ra m 1; To provide the general pubside promotion for the estabJlsh!hority which will finance the mentof the Alaska Methodist Typical first-week hot' weather lic with fur.ther o~portunlty to project, were present. College in Anchorage, Alaska. greeted the '112 children enrolIed become f~llia~ W1t~ the stanThe School District solicitor was 'Dr. Johns came to the Board of in the pre-school-primary Sum- dard pubhc actIOn SIgnals. (~ asked to draft a letter from the Scout Sh, ip Sets Sail Missions in February, 1955, and mer Recreation program "t the n.ew revision 3of warning cond.d d School A th Sch ) B 00 oar an u orAft L is a member of the Lousianna Rutgers Avenue School. Varied lions on page. ). Ity requesting Borough Council to er ong Annual Conference, where he activities Indoors and out for all 2. To proVIde further opportupave the unopened section of Travail . age grou'ps, gave every'one a nlly for members of the general served numerous pastorates and Brighton avenue. In ord er to wonderful ~Iance to become 'ac- public to practice basic self-pro'd furth _. Rut Skipper and crew are stili keep- was twice district superintendent. '" i ,VOI er con..~~on on quainted-or reacquainted. teet on measures. gers aV'lnue where. the present ing their fingers crossed, but Fifteen years of his ministry were . . other phases of the test wI11 be school faces, the Board plans to Swarthmore's Sea Explorer Ship in New OrleaDs, where he served The Threes start each morru~g for Clvtl Defense personnel oniy. have the entrance to the new Leo Maris No. 329 Is launched! the Carrollton~ Avenue Methodist with a grand march around thell' PubUc Parilcipation building oft Brighton avenue. With appropriate ceremonies at Church anI! ~li~ Rayne Memorial room, usU~y led by ~arby Keefe. On Monday and Tuesday eveDr. Samuel T. Carpenter, hulld- the Anchorage, Essington at 3 Methodist Church and was tor six Sevaral c!'i1dren brmg favorite nings, July 8 and July 9, signals ing committee chalmllm;was ask- p.m. Sunday the formal chrlsten- years the district superintendent, stuffed arumals or toys to share, will be sounded. At 7:15 p.rn. the ed to discuss plans for a cafeterla- Ing was accomplished, and· two being especially active In the es- and these, plus a sandh?x, palilts, alert signal-three minutes steady Idtchen with the architect. '!'he hours later when the tum ot the tabllshment of eight new church- and pint-size housekeepmg equlp- blast on s~~ _ will be given; at unit, which would be added to the tide hlld lessened the lashing wind es. were the most popular last 7:30 p,m. the. ''Red': or ''Take all purPose room on the present and waves somewhat, the trim Dr. and Mrs. Johns makes their .' Cover" signal - three minutes of building ~t an approximate. cost craft was sent down Into the home in Upper Provtdence TownThe first week for the Fours pulsating blasts on sirens _ wI11 of $50,000, could be financed water. It was tied to the neamy ship. was one of exploration and dis- be given. under the District's own borrow- dock to await its first trial run ' covery. They had free plaYtime, On the 8th and 9th the Public ing capacity. However, the.Board this Saturday, futl!\re' weekend both ir)doors and out, a rest period, is only asked to listen to these would like It bulit along with ,the cruises, and' possibly spending games, songs, stopes, and hand- signals, to become· familiar with (COntinued on Page 4) sometime in Ch'esaopeake Bay. work. They. w~re particularly them. ----"'---.-Since Skipper George Myers thrilled with a new .piece of playThese two educational blasts and the boys brought the old ground equipment consisting of are the only· times the "Red" N d ted LCP t Swarth k ladders, rings, and bars. The high signal . will not ""ean· ''Take . ".,"';'" "''':''CIi' ".c.· .. "t';"":;n:~:.ha1f years a ago, th; ~wim Team Ta es On spot of the week, was a trip to Cover" and traffic will not be saga of the. Leo Maris ·has bei.D- 'Wcillil'lgfordAgain the home of Beau Rlcksecker to stopped. , ' . ~ull of "sweat and tears" if not Tomorrow see several newborn kittens. On F)'lday, July 12, a Civil De65 Attend 10-Day "blood". After restoring the hull, Stories, records, and art actlvl- fense jrlll w1l1' be held during • building a superstructure and Although Swarthmore's Swim ties were the favorites ot the the daylight hours. Exact· time Session at struggling to find and overhaul a Team win over first meeters Wal- Fives. One rainy day they made wl11 not be announced. The Trinity sultsble engine the craft was fin" lingfOrd and Springtield last Sat- pretty colored umbrellllll, and are schedule of sign~ is as follows: ally finished last August and urday at th" Swarthmore pool wa~ now busy working on Indian (A) The "Alert" signal will be The Community Summer Vaca- moved from behind the unit's land a foregone conclusion, Walling- headdresses complete wlthfeath- sounded to activate Civil Defense lion Church School closed Wed- base on .Cresson lane, to the Dela- ford took home, nine first places ers. Personnel a'ld to· give infonnanesday with a service In Trinlty ware river where it was launched and. Springfield one, and enough The slx-year-olds, besides en- tlon about th'e ''Test.'' Church. The Rev. Robert C. S. sans ceremony. by the Sun Shlp- heats were run SO that everyone j0rIng the 'summer sun on the (B) The ''Red'' or "Take Cover" Deacon led the service and the building Company. who desired tl> sl"im had a chance playground,. action saggs, st~ry- signal will be sounded' at which talk was given, by the Rev. John T.he next w~k it broke adrift to do so. book characters.on record, pa1Ot- time all traffic will be stopped and was' washed upon a piling With this week for additional lng, colOring, and marching, were and pedestrians directed to Seek Schott. All of the classes made a con(Continued on Page 7) practice, Wallingford should pr,,~privlleged to hel~ Carl Collins shelter inside. " tributlon to the program., The sent even· better competition to celebrate '!,is 5'1.0 birthday. Chrlst(C) The "Alert" signal will be Kindergarten class recited Bible Samuel Carpenter the Swarthmore Seahorses when "?as Day IS just not the best for a sounded which will' sigo!)l the verses anet sang two songs, th.e they journey to the Wallingford httle boy to have. a birthday par- "All Clear." primary class!!!; sang three SO!!&S New Rotary President pool for a return engagement with ty, so Carl bad his on the 25th of At this sigoal traffic ·may reIn addition .to their Bible verses, Samuel Carpenter is .the newly that team at 9:30 tomorrow mor- .June. He took some ot his friends sume movement and alI people to the alr~rt for lun~. (Continued on Page 8) and lhe Juruors presented a Chan- elected president of Swarthmore ning. ce\ Play. Rotary. Vice president is Herman Totsl final scores last Saturday The PrImary group s first week . he parenb of the some 65 BlOOm; secretary, William Bush; were: Springtleld 129, WallIng- was spent In getting acqualnted, Storms Strllte Twice Children enrolled were invtted to treasurer, Paul Freeman. Directors ford 174, Swarthmore SS4. setting up rules bl' foIlowed A K A H the service. . . ..reMark Bittle, AI Carney, West WallIngford's P. Ikedo topped the next SIX w~ks, and t enyon ve. ome The school Is very grateful to 'Coohrane, Joseph ReynoldS, Llnd- the Midget Girls Backstroke and finding out ~t they like to do. It may be true that lightning :~ Donald R. Longman for can: say Wolf~ ~d Henry: Coles, Jr. Freestyle events, with a time of ~h::rePI:~h~~c~~~a,,::~~~ f~~~ doesn't strike twice in the same ul ng.. to d~t aGeotthe last min Past pres.dent Is George Salmons. 18 seconds for the 25-yard latter t~e other ball and to Th e plac!, but surely storms In general e an.. to Mrs. . .rge Hay for Members' of the Swarthmore event. S.Epp won Intermediate .s )'S. er do, as Mrs. A. Robb Cochran of ~~:-::'Inr;s::~:~~e ~~ t~~ Rotary Club entertained at ~e Boys Butterfly (38.5) and Free- =.:.:~:" e::'so::'tos:;.~:a:~ 221. Kenyon avenue wiII readily 17 consisted of:' . SprJnghaven Country Club FrI- style (30.2). T. Baldwin won Mld- ing. The children drew pl"tures on testify. M" _ day, .June 28. . get Boys Butterfly (22.3). Three FrIda at what the liked best Just about to begin ,:el1ledylng Y District governor John Michael relays also were captured by b t Ii _,.,: 1, d th the damage to the Intenor of her .... rsS' Davtd Field and Mrs. Rob ~> troog assisted by Nanna ·th pin b st . a ou recrea on "",,00 an e ht b th sto f Clark Ka . was presented '\'" a y pa WaIlingtord: Intermediate Girls results ranged from block~built home wrong y e rm 0 'IVbi :~ and ~~ district governor John Ware of (1:06.8). Junior Boys (1:00.6), skyscrapers to kick _ baseball Sunday evening, June 16, when er W 'lII our-year-o s, West Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Ware and Midget Girls 1:23.7). Dean and teachers swings 'and seesaws 'lightning struck ber bathroom, Ceo' 1 am Phillips and Mrs. were guests. Hubbard of WalUnglord came in '., " Mrs. Cochran bad to shi1t conPyl rge Dunn, .asslsted bY' Gay Newly elected District Governor first and second in the IntermedSalls as Seamaa centration to the exterior when a th e and Anna Mae Al1Ison. taught Myers, at Wayne and ~. Myers late Girls Diving. Dean's score .' . large section of one of the tsll oak e five-yelU'-olds;Mrs. Ronald were also guests. was 76.5. . Donald Townsend Llttl~, son of trees in front of her house was (Continued on Page 8) John Michael, the principal Springfield won the 'Intermed- Mr. and Mrs; Ralph V. Little. J.r., blown off and put .two large ~oles DEAN HUNT speaker, told of llis trip willi Mrs. (Continued on Page 4) formerly o! Haverford .place, as a Inlo her roof dunng last FrIday Michael to Europe when he atseaman SRlled from Montreal on afternoon's sudden squall. SwarthAnENDS CONFERENCE tended the International Rotary APPOINTS SALES MGR. the M. S. Sungran June 20 to sail more firemen covered the openings Everett L. Hunt, DeaD Emeritus Club Convention at Luzerne, ' tl> . England, Scotland, Dutcll with tarpaulins. ?f Swarthmore College, Is attend- Switzerland. ' Latrobe Steel Company. Latrobe, GU1!lDa, and TrInIdad during a Limbs falUng. on tracks' and U1g the hOllOrs cimr~ at the At their tegu1ar weekly lunch- announces the appointment of Mr. Iwo-month voyap. Donald, who wires and transformers being University of Colorado: . eon meeting at the Ingleneuk on L. M .. Teldl at Woodbrook lane to graduated from George School knocked out by wind or lightning . The conference, which:1s study- .June 21 local Rotarians were the pOsition of New England D1s- June 8, Is accompanied by ·hisalso touledup railroad C~ng U1g the problem of the superior prlvtleged to bear Dr. Robert P. trlct Sales Manager, with oft!ces roommate Jobn Swayne of Ken- gates' at Swarthmore avenue, Wallingford and Morton. The student in the state university bas Glover well-known heart specla- and warehouse at Hartford, Goon. nett Square. altracted nearly 50 edUc~tOrs Ust, on ''Surgery's New Latrobe Steel Company Is a Mr. and Mrs. Little with their Swa~ore avenue, gales wete front IOpcoIleges and universities Frontier, the Heart": leading specialty sIeel miII pro- daughters -!aneI and Sbirley are stuck 10 a down position tor an ihroug),out the COUDII'y. . ducing hlgh speed steela, tool and ftsiding in Shaloer Heights, O. Mr. hour and a balf. Railroad workIt Is the first conference at. this . FlIEMEN TO ~EET die steels and high temperature Little Is the manager'of the Pro.. men zigzagged tralBc between the I)rpe,. and bas. been IInanc:ed aircraft alloys. .; .!1uct DesIgn Department of Brush gates. ' IbrouIh .'lhml tothe.UJJ!vel.sity Asperi·J meetUi, of die ,'nie appCllDlment Is to be et- Elechoules Com~ In Cleve-. . Elechical current ,to·lDllIlY or CcIora4o by the ., RuekefeUer SwudwMeF'Jreaild Prolec- fective :July 1. Mr. fIIld Mrs.. 'reieb,Jand. . . homes'ln the BarouIh, and tQ the ~tiOD. '1tieunlvenltY luis . ' " It . . • • ....... L - bekl their - ,.!Iam, anddaUgbter DoDald plana, to atteDd., PenD poUce sfa&Jan and Its 1'Ildfo,_ ~ i . bi. G ...... Pro- tift .. ~H'!~ ....... .... . Nane:r wIIlmaIrB their home In ,State in the faU 88111 .....,.,ctah.C IntemJpteIJ' at4:.~ .'aDd ThuncIay, July, II It 8 p.m. Simsbut); Conn stOlIeiI!. . . , ,. laklied faI"_ g·hoar. '..", Boroqh BaD Tuetld"l', at .7:30 JLIIL - .lul7 II,' Scheduled for July 12 YDung SRA-ers Get AcqUal"nted atRutgerS SES Leo Marls" In Gala La,unchl"ng o := Opp,onents Not,." Entirely. Sunk Wed Closes "'h' .' h Summer ureSe" :r 1? h 'I.Ir/ si.eaI< a.. Ihl'" -1Ul*'k!r........ . n?l , - THE SWARTRMOREAN Pace 2 D' C erSOM July 5, 19&7 Is' and MartIn Sbell.abarpr of Mof- motor to Treasure wand, Fla., Wllkes-Barre. are the matemal Robert 1.. Coates of West Chester fatt, yOUllC conallls of· the bride. EnsIgn Paulk and his bride willi cnmcll18l'ents.· Mrs. Walter Doq- Friends Hom e, formerly ..-•• _ f lighted the. candia' . make their home at San Delgo, of New London, Conn•• Is the Swarthmore. Mr d· WI_' J . an ...... & ames .........ue 0 Ralph Selch brother Of the CaL ate rna 1 . iranliparent. Great_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Dartmouth avenue with their bride, wall best' man. Ushers were . grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. "I saw it In the Swarthm avenue, will tak~ place Saturday. August 22, il' Trinity Episcopal Church. PAULK·MnzLER MIss Pa.tricla Ann Metzler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Paul Metzler of Moylan _ Rose Valley, _s united in marriage June 8th at 3 p.m. to James D. Paulk, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Paulk of Brunswick, Ga., In the Swarthmore Preooyterlan Church. The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop officiated. Mrs. Edwin' P. Glenn of Wallingford was matron of honor, Miss Lynn Baldwin of Rose Valley maid of honor and the bridal attendants were Miss Nancy Ellen Long of Wilmington and Mr. and Mrs. W<er L. Douglass, Jr" of Haverford place an. t1Ie arrival of a son, Eugerie Douglass, born June 18 . In Lankenau Hospitsl. Eugene is the fourth child in the Douglass famIly. own h _ lD Bratueboro, being now 80 :yeus of aae. fa. remaining 1n Mrs. Deene I..aJqrwol'tby's Best Home .1n DarIen. CoDD., and enjoying the large estate and wid.. breezy veranda ihere. She recelves frequent visits from he. son and two daughter" all' of whom are In N!!W England. REYISION' OF WARNING CONDITIONS FOR CIVIL DEFENSE \ Effective July 1, 1957, there will be four (4) OfIIclal Civil Defense Conditions: HoStile a'ireraft MORE DISTANT. Condition BLUE . Condition - HosWe aircr$ FROM ONE (1) TO TWO (2) HOURS DISTAlNT. .,. ID aircraft LESS THAN ONE (1) HOUR DISnOS e BED Condition' WBI'tE Phot.ographer Forma' P'ct.,.. of ft• • rlel. Shdlo and Display R_' 6 E. Front Street Media, Pe. 'LO '·2116 When the RED or TAKE COVER SIGNAL OF THREE (3) PULSATING SIGNAL ON SIRENS,. RORNS OR WWS'1'LES IS SOllNDED "TAKE COVER" AT ONCE. When the "ALERT" signal Is IIOW!ded, THREE (3) MINUTES OF. STEADY BLAST ON SIRENS. HORNS OR WiHJS'l1LES, turn on your radio or television to learn the reason for the signal. MINUTE, Celia Shoe Shop 325 Dartmo"th Avenue During , 102 Park Avenue Swarthmore, Pa. SU.SCRlmONS FOI ALL MAGAZINES LLOYD E. ~~i~~~3~'208~A~ov;e;·;·~.~~d 1-<:010' C.rtOo•• !-Co••dy 3-D••, ... of C •••dl. . M.....d. - serial . 4-"IETURN TO ISLAND"_farrrllt T... ~an., I J5 Non:-A-LAFF &tkt MII$~~ BOX n I I I ! THE WEEK· "AROUND TN' WORLD IN 80 D~YS" ACADEMY AWARD WINNER "GIANT" HAVEN INN Yale and Harvard Avenues Swarthmore Air Co"lIitio,utl Dim"g Roo_ tUIIl Lobb, . . Co-torl46k Sl••/Ii.g Roo_ . B1nw1or Jf..HP.Ili.g Busba_ )Jen', J..-h '12. 1130 P.II. c..~ HoIiI.f«Ulliu· (or: B';,I,. . .. • . , { l••,,.... P""., . ~II. . .... ,......... $4.98 RECORD OF· THE WEEK "LOYE LETTERS IN TNE SAN"" ~ Pat Boone ....... 8'e . . . . . IJ. .~.~ 10 PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE, PA. A"e' KI. 3-14\ElO . OPEN FRIIJAY ~VENINGS * THE .. INGLENEUK WILL BE CLOSED (In Technicalor) ''FuNNY FACE" . . Mr... I1Ild IIIr&. John Bowditch, Jr., of 214 Cornell avenue and Johnny's Acres. Belmont, Vt., celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at the home of their eldest SOD Mr. Robert Shaw Bowditch In Worcester. Mass. When they arrived Saturday momlng ~ey .found to greet them Mr. and Mrs. WillIts Henry Bowditch and sons John and David o' .YorktoW1J, Ve.. Dr. John Bowditch, 3rd, Of MInneapolis. Mlnn:. Mr. and Mrs. JameS Bowdlt,,·· and I!OIlS Peon and Peter of Wilton, Conn., Mrs. F. 'J. Weyl and daughters Annemarle and Christina of Washington, D. ·C., M.' George O. Bennett of Virginia Beach. Va., Br. BowdItch's brother Mr. Burton Bowditch of Hudsoo, Mich.; and Mrs. Bowdltch's brother Mr. Moses Willits of ReadIng, Mich. Major Benson' A. Bowditch USMC, on duty lD the Phllipplnp, and his faintly were wlable to be there. Six of their seven childrel' and eleven of the twenty-two grandohlldren were present. f'. few Illtini'iIte Worcester friends gathered to greet them at ~ O'clock and the faml1y enjoyed a 7 o'clock dinner. E. I. DuPont de Nemours and Co., Inc., has launched a scholarship program at Swarthmore College designed to reclopit young Jaachers of mathematics, physics. and chemistry, and stsrt, them teaching as soon as possible. The funds provide scholarships for· summer school, work in education and practice teaching on the secondary level for mathematiC3 and science majors. Because of heavy labonltol'y sched.ules and many required Cride, Ensign Paulk and his bride will lighted the candles. make their home at San Deigo, Mr. and Mrs. James Malone of Ralph Selch, brother of the Cal. Dartmouth avenue with their bride, was best man. Ushers were children Molly, Kathy, and ZEN SEN _ STIRLING Jimmy, left Sunday for a visit of Jerry Cogburn of Eaton. Colo., and Paul Dixon of Sac City, Ia. The marriage of Miss Elizabeth two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Roy White candles, pink peonies, and Stines Stirling, daughter of Mr. J. McCorkel of Cornell avenue at honeysuckle graced the church. and Mrs. Harold Hartley Stirling Spruce Creek. Mrs. Ben Gilbert was the organist of Drexel Hill, to Mr. Charles Mrs. William Hobbs of Park and Mr. Dave Roberts of Denver, Henry Zensen, Jr., son of Mrs. avenue will leave from Idlewild the soloist.' Vocal selections were Charles H. Zensen of Rutledge, to be joined in London, England, "Through the Years" and "The and the late Mr. Zensen, took July 9 by her daughter Miss June Lord's Prayer." place Saturday morning, June 29, Hobbs of Uyo, Nigeria, who will The bride's mother wore a gown t in the Nevil Memorial Episcopal fly from Port Harcourt. They exof sand chantung and lace Wit11 Church of St. George, Ardmore, pect to travel five weeks in Europe before they return to this rose accessories and a corsage of with Dr. Stanley West officiating. pink roses. The bridegroom's The bride, who was given in country and will visit London and mother was attired in a gown of marriage by her father, wore a vicinity, Scotland, Norway, Gerpink linen with white accessories gown of imported white organdy many, Switzerland, and Paris, and wore a corsage of white roses with embroidered panels down France. the skirt. Her fingertip veil of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mc- and stephanotis. A reception in the church was French illusion was held by a Keag of Parrish road drove to East Northfield, Mass., where they served by Mrs. W. H. Henderson cap of lace and pearls. She carried of Littleton, Mrs. Ralph Selch, a bouquet of orchids, alba lilies, will stay for part of their vacat" ' Miss Nancy Britton of I;lenver. and ste]>hanotis. n. 10M W F F h f th and Miss Miriam Kibbie of Sac Miss Dorothy Fessler of Haverrs. . . arag er 0 e C't I . d · . I y, a. town acted as• maId of honor an S war th more A pa rt men ts ]8 a . patient in the Pennsylvania HosThe newly married couple the brIdesmaIds were Mrs. RobdrOve up to the Alcon Highway ert L. Goldsmith of Media and pital. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Witbam of to Fairbanks, Alaska, where they Mrs. Wilmer F. Lomas of TowSwarthmore Crest have returned are now residing. Mr. Jeglum iF son, Md. The attendants were from a brief vacation in the employed with the Bureau of attired alike in dresses of pale Land Management. Mrs. Jeglum yellow organdy with matchinig White Mountains. will attend the University of Alaska in Fairbanks. The bride attended Colorado .. State Umverslty at Fort Collins where she was a member of Sigma Kappa sorority. The bridegroom graduated in June from Colora~State University. He majored in forest management and is a member of Lambda Chi Alpha social Miss Heinze is a graduate of fraternity. DePauw University and is a member of Kappa Kappa . Gamma AUGUST BRIDE sorority. She is secretary to the ENt;A.G"MENTS Mr. and Mrs. Walter O. Heinze of Strath Haven avenue announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Dorohty Anne Heinze, to Mr. Donald Granbery West, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Martin Raymond West of Washington, D.C. vice president of the association The marriage of Miss Marilyn of NARTVD. Mr. West is a graduate of Princeton University, class of 1950. He served as a lieutenant in the U. S. Navy and is now associated with Riggs National Bank of Washington, D. C. Huxley Green, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walter GrePn of Lima, formerly of Swarthmore. and Mr. Robert Wesley Doherty. son of Dr. and Mrs. J. Kennetl> Doherty of Elm avenue, will takr place Saturday, August 22, ip Trinity Episcopal Church. Mr. 'and Mrs. Carlton E. Cutler of Havertown announce the eneng.gement of their daughter, Miss Anita Louise Cutler, to Mr. J. Newton Pew, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Pew of Wallingford. Miss Cutler is a graduate of the Lankenau Hospital School of Nursing. Mr. Pew attended Episcopal Academy and is a graduate of Lafayette College. An October wedding is planned. JEGLUM·sELCH Miss Dorothy Esther Selch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Selch, and Mr. Carl Perkins Jeglum, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claire H. Jeglum of Hillborn avenue, were married Thursday. June 13, in the Memorial Methodist Church of Steamboat Springs, Colo., in a formal double ring ceremony performed by the Rev. George M. Burnworth. Vows were spoken in traditional Quaker style. Given in marriage by her fathet". The bride wore a floor length gown of white embroidered crystallette with fitted bodice, scalloped neckline, short sleeves, and a fully draped skirt. Her full length veil of illusion had heen 'her mother's wedding veil and her pearls were a gift of the groom. She carried a bouquet of white peony surrounded by white roses and stephanotis. Miss Alice Selch was her sister's maid of honor. She wore a bal1erina length dress of pink crystallette and carried a heart-shaped bouquet of white carnations and pink peony. Cheron Cruse, bridesmaid, wore a dress of turquoise crystallette and carried a bouquet similar to that of the maid of honor. James Britton of Denver, Colo., PAULK·METZLER Miss Patricia Ann Metzler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Paul Metzler of Moylan -lOOse Valley. was united in marriage June 8th at 3 p.m. to James D. Paulk, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Paulk of Brunswick, Ga., in the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop officiated. Mrs. Edwin P. Glenn of WalIingford was matron of honor, Miss Lynn Baldwin of Rose Vruley maid of honor and the bridal attendants were Miss Nancy Ellen Long of Wilmington and Miss Dorothy Paulk, sister of the bridegroom. Rebecca Paulk, also a sister of the bridegroom, served as flower girl. Robert C. Paulk of Brunswick, Ga., was best man for his brothcr, and the ushers included Lt. Earl S. Piper, USMC, Lt. Warren Zira1mer, Air Force; Ens i g n Thomas A. Marnane, USN, Lt. Carl C. Croft, USA, Lt. Michael C. Reu, USN, and Robert C. Metzler, brother of the bride. A reception at the Old Mill in Rose Valley following the ceremony. After a wedding trip by picturecarried hats ofnosegays imported Tbey of lace. blue and lavender delphinium. Major Harold H. Stirling. Jr., USMC, of Aiea, Hawaii, brother of the bride, acted as best man. Mr. Robert L. Goldsmith of Media and Mr. Wilmer F. Lomas, Jr.• of Towson. Md., were ushers. The bride's mother chose a gown of dusty pink linen with lace bodice and matching hat, shoes, gloves and bag. She wore a cymbidium orchid corsage. The bridegroom's mother was gowned in blue lace with matching accessories. She wore a cymbidium orchid corsage. A reception at Rolling Green Country Club followed the ceremany. Aftel' a wedding trip to Canada, the couple will make their home in Drexel Hill. BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Douglass, Jr., of Haverford place announce the arrival of a son, Eugene Douglass, born June 18 in Lankenau Hospital. Eugene is the fourth child in the Douglass family. Dr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Farley, formerly of Swarthmore, now Photographer Formol Pictures of tile Bride grandparents. Mrs. Walter Doug- Friends Hom e. formerly 01 lass of New London, Conn., is the Swarthmore. II ate rna 1 grandparent. Great- - - - -_ _ __ grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. HI saw it in the Swarthmorean." The Prep Shop Boys' Wear 6 to 16 WILL BE CLOSED All Day Saturdays in July and August The Bouquet BEAUTY SALON SHIPSHAPE FOR SUMMER SAILING? 9 South Chest~r Road Call Klngswood 3·0476 Actin Member of the Swarthmore ••lln ... AI.oelatlo. ~~;;;;;;~~~~;;;;;;;;~~;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Media, Pa. LO 6·2156 ......, Enjoy a Leisurely Dinner ••• 325 Dartmouth Avenue During Modern garden-type buildings. Individual Complete Hotel P«ilities for Bantplet. Reception., PtWlie. A McGregor.Dodds Hotel JOHN M. SOMERS, MAuger Swarthmore Students Win Scholarships E. I. DuPont de Nemours and Co., Inc., has launched a scholar- JULY and AUGUST , 102 Park Avenue Swarthmore, Pa. heat controls. Off-street parking. AU electric kitchens. One and two bedrooms, living room, dining area, bath. Resident superin. tendent. Rentals include heat and hot I J) NOTE-A-LAfF /rtkt MUSIC BOX n I '-I'M A MAN OF . V~I?\' FEW WORQs. water. $110 and $135. Klngswood 3-8677 ,I ,I I COLLEGE THEATRE I swartflmore. Pa. Fri. and Sat•• July 5. 6 Emest Hemenway's great novel in a picture that will live forever! .................................................................... ~ .... "For Whom The Bell Tolls" (In Tec:hnico:tlcr) Gary Cooper BIG ALL-CHILDREN'S SHOW SATURDAY 1 P.M. l--Color Cartoons 2-Comedy 3-Daagers of Canadian Mounted - serial _"RETURN TO TREASURE ISLAND"-starrlng Tab H.nter A gay lItadeal adYentaref Audrey Hepborn Fred A....lre "FUNNY FACE" (In Tec:hnic:olor) FQaturel-7:3t1 and 9:30 P.M. IlG YACATION MAnNEE FOR CHILDREN WED. 1 P.M. l-Calar ea...... 2-3 s_.. CoIhIIy •• -~~JogE ~s:,!-LO Phone Klngswoad 3.2290 AM'U PlEE 'AlIIN& ."" ......................" ..., ......" .............~, L...................~~~. .J ............. ..... WILL BE CLOSED "GIANT" Wed., Thurs•• Fri., Sat. July 10,11,12.13 ..... INGLENEUK Sun •• t.l!on., Tues•• July 7. 8, 9 JAMES DEAN Ellzab"th Taylor Rock Hodson (In Technicolor) Suoday-2 Complete shows 5 & 9:30 P.M. Mon. & Tues.-I Com plata show 7:45 P.M. --...--- - --- -------- - - * THE Ingrid Bergman Friday Fe.. tures-7:25 and ':45 P.M. Sat. Features-5.10. 7.50 and 10.10 P.M. Swarthmore Business Men's Lunch 12 • 1 :30 P.M. Celia Shoe Shop CLOSED SATURDAY 12 NOON lOCATED IN THE HEART Of SWARTHMORE GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. John Bowditch, Jr., of 214 Cornell avenue and Johnny's Acres, Belmont, Vt.. celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at the home of their eldest son Mr. Robert Shaw Bowditch in Worcester, Mass. When they arrived Saturday morning they,found to greet them REVISION OF WARNING CONDITIONS Mr. and Mrs. Willits Henry Bowditch and sons John and David o' FOR CIVIL DEFENSE .Yorktown, Va., Dr. John BowEffective July I, 1957, there will be four (4) Official Civil ditch, 3rd, of MinneapOlis, Minn .. Mr. and Mrs. James Bowdik·· Defense Conditions: and sons Penn and Peter of Wil. Condition - Hostile aircraft MORE THAN TWO (2) HOURS ton, Conn., Mrs. F. J. Weyl and YELLOW DISTANT. daughters Annemarie and Chris. Condition - Hostile aircraft FROM ONE (1) TO TWO (2) tina of Washington, D. C., MTBLUE HOURS DISTANT. George O. Bennett of Virginia Condition - Hostile aircraft LESS THAN ONE (1) HOUR DIS- Beacb, Va., Br. Bowditch's brother Mr. Burton Bowditch of HudRED TANT. TAKE COVER. son, Mich., and Mrs. Bowditch's Condition - AIR IS CLEAR of hostile aircraft. brother Mr. Moses Willits of ReadWHITE ing, Mich. Major Benson· A. Bowditoo When the RED or TAKE COVER SIGNAL OF THREE (3) on duty in the PhilippineUSMC, JlllNUTE, PULSATING SIGNAL ON SIRENS, HORNS OR and his family were unable to bwmSTLES IS SOUNDED ''TAKE COVER" AT ONCE. there. Six of their seven children When the "ALERT" signal is sounded, THREE (3) MINUTF..8 and eleven of the twenty-two OF STEADY BLAST ON SIRENS, HORNS OR WHISTLES, turn grandchildren were present. /' on your radio or television to learn the reason for the signal. few intimate Worcester friends gathered to greet them at f o'clock and the family enjoyed a 7 o'clock dinner. AIR CONDITIONED STRATH HAVEN INN Air COllditioned Dining Rooms and Lobb, Com/ortable Sleeping Rooms Elevator Pree Parking own house in Brattleboro, being now 90 years of age, is remaining in Mrs. Deane Langworthy'S Rest Home in Darien, Conn., and enjoying the large estate and wid~ breezy veranda iIlere. She receives frequent visits from he" son and two daughters, all of whom are in New England. The Dartmouth House ACADEMY AWARD WINNER 6 E. Front Street Summer I. Vermo.t Mr. and Mrs. Harold March of Norlh Chester road are at their summer home in Brattleboro, Vt. Mr. March is worklng on his new bOOk. Mrs. John Clarence, mother of Mrs. March, who has visited in Swarthmore man y times, and usually summers in her ship program at Swarthmore College designed to recruit young .teachers of mathematics, physics, and chemistry, and start them teaching as soon as possible. The funds provide scholarships for summer school work in education and practice teaching on the secondary level for mathematics and science majors. Because of heavy laboratory schedules and many required courses in related fields, science majors are often unable to fulfill educational requirements for' teaching during the regular academic year. By practice teaching during the summer, science students will be able to begin teaching the fall following graduation without a fifth year of college work. Four Swarthmore College students are recipients of scholarship funds, and three of them are practice teaching in the Swarthmore High School this summer, Linda Aurand and Esther Darling teaching chemistry; Mary Berlin, mathematics. The other scholarship winner~ Rudolf Amann, will teach mathematics next summer in the Swarthmore High School after a tour of duty in the armed forces. GRADUATES Studio and Display Room ."""",~~",~",~"""~,,,~~,~ Yale and Harvard Avenues of West Chest.. SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR ALL MAGAZtNES MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN 13 Dartmaul. Avenlle Klngswood 3.2080 I F. F. Zimmerman - THE SWARTHMOREAN July 5, 19S1 ..... ........ Nancy E. White of Oherlin avenue was graduated with the degree of Master of Music from Northwestern University, Evanston, lit, at graduation exercises in June when Christian E. Herter, Undersecretary of State, was guest speaker. William Thomas Windsor of Dickinson avenue was graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Laws at the. 71st annual commencement of Temple University in Convention Hall. "I saw it in the Swarthmorean." Page 3 Chairs UF Firms Division Edward H. Smoker --------------45th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Bernard of Union avenue celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary Saturday of last week with a famity dinner at their home. Seven of their eight children with their families attended, 32 in all. Their eighth child Mrs. WilHam T. Bell is now residing in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lau with their son Tommy, of Dartmouth Circle, stopped in Boston, Mass., and visited Mr. Lau's sister. in Portsmouth, N.H., en route to Pleasant Lake, Elkins, N.H. Mr. Lau attended the Gordon Research Conferences at Colby JunI~r College while his family spent the past week vacationing near the lake. . Kathleen Titus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Titus of Swarthmore avenue, left Sunday for a month's stay at Camp Oneka in the Poconos. Mr. and Mrs. G. Wills Brodhead of Maple ayenue won the annual two~ball handicap mixed foursome tournament at the Concord Country Club. Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Moscrip and children Davis and Martha Ann of Dartmo\lth avenue, spent the weekend with the John deMolls at Twin Lakes in the Poconos. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Dpuglas of North Chester road returned Monday from a month's trip abroad. Sailing May 29 on he S. S. Ryndam, they spent most of their time visiting old cathedrals and castles in England and Scotland. They also spent three days in Paris before returning home aboard the S. S. Maasdam. Miss Helen Alcorn of Dartmouth House accompanied by her aunt and uncle Judge H. V. Levis and Mrs. LevU; enplaned yesterday from Idlewild for Europe. Th~y will visit Ireland, England, F ra nee, Austria, Switzerland, Gennany, and Belgium. Ian McKeag, son of Mr. and Mrs. George McKeag of Parrish road, left Monday for Camp Deerwood on Squam Lake, N. H., where he will be a camper for the summer. The Hetzels have moved to their summer home "Tide Waters" in Ocean City, N. J., until September 15. 13': X 13" Carpet Swatch 25c WaHingfd Man Heads United Fund Dept. Edward H. Smoker, Wallingford, president of the United Gas Improvement Company will head the United Fund's Major Firms Department in the forthcoming annual campaign scheduled to open this Fall. Announcement of Smoker's appoinl!nent was made last week by J. Frank Cox, vlee president of the Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania and general chairman of the drive, who pointed out that the department was the largest of the campaign's six fund raising units. Under Smoker's direction the Major E'irms Department will seek funds from aproximately 100 of the city's largest concerns. These include banks, insurance companies, industrial firms and department stores. Last year major firms and their employees contribute.d $5,841.0'0 or 46 percent of the $12,676,863 netted by the campaign for thc support of 250 separate health and welfare services. Smoker has previously served the campaign as a captain and a division chairman. He is a trustee of Delaware County Hospital and a member of the Nether-Providence School Authority. A graduate of Franklin and Marshall and University of Cincinnati where he received a Ph.D. degree, Smoker began his long association with the gas company 27 years ago as a research chemist. He is a member of the Midday Club, Union League, Rolling Green Golf Club, treasurer of the Middle States Lawn Tennis Association and a director of the Philadelphia Tennis Associa tion. . A native of Columbia, Penn., he now resides with his family on Kershaw avenue. Th~ camapign will seek funds for the support of the fonowing health and welfa1"e appeals. Community Chest with 154 agencies; American Red Cross, Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation; Mental Health Association; Salvation Army; United Cerebral Palsy Association and the Pennsylvania United Fund-USO. I APPOINTED Gerald Penfield Kynett, Jr., Wallingford, was appointed a General Partner of Brooke and Co., Investment BankersJ members of the Plhiladelphia~Balti­ more Stock Exchange. A graduate of Episcopal Academy and the UniverSity of Richmond, Kynett was associated with the firm since 1951. Kynett is a Lieutenant in the U. S. N. R. arid a veteran of the Korean campaign. He is married to the former Virginia Smith; they have three children. Janet Edwards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Edwards of Rutgers avenue, left last Saturday for two weeks at Camp Dark Waters at Medford, N. J. Stephen Edwards left Sunday for a two-week encampment with other members of Swarthmore Boy Seout Troop 2 at Camp Delmont. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Townsend with their two children George and Molly left for their home in Warren, Ill., Monday after a month's visit with Mrs. Townsend's parents Mr. and Mrs. John .Jeffol'ds of Vassar avenue. Perfect seat cushion for ••• Robin Hood Dell "This day the CONTINENTAL CONGRESS declared the UNITED COLONIES FREE and INDEPENDENT STATES" -Tbe PENNSYLVANIA EVENING POST .101,..1776 After the Declaration was read, the iron tongue of the Liberty Ben was hurled backward and forward a hundred times, to "Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land, unto all the inhabitants thereof." The excited multitude in the streets responded with loud acclamations, and later that night, with bonfires. :::5 To-day, July 4th is still an occasion for the fuI celebration as in 1776, not only in PhiladeIp • but in thousanda of cities and towns un of wben the first announcement was made. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPAIIY FROM Monday, July 1st Big League and Little League Baseball Picnics, etc. Free Delivery on Our Regular Routes, Four or More. TO lPA"'SOt1 ,Tuesday, July 16th * If· Comr.~nl Mohawk • .'. Lees • Needle/uft • Oriental Rug. 100 Pork Ave, Swarthmore, Pa. Klngswood 3-6000 CLearbrook 9-4646 ~d'''''''fO'' KNOWS Carpet......-,,-,_ _ • btSPRINGFlELD WATER , PHIlADHPHIA SUBURBAN WATER CO~PANT • # THE SWARTIDIOUAN UUi /" July 6, 1907 ANSEL COFFIN Ansel ComB, 'ormerly Opponents Not ' Entirely Sunk SWARTiIMOREAN THE'SWARTBMORBAN , NEWS NOTES .' of Mark Telcit, Kent Beeslnger, Ogden, avenue, passed, away after (Continued from Page 1) a long lliness at his home in TOlD MowerY, Sally Wadleigh, i at e BoY8 reIay Wl· th a time of Marlon, Mass. He is survived by Karen Grose, Martha Jessup, his Wife, two married daugh- Janet and Phll ~merman, Janet 1: 11 "7 An,. Old UmbrelJaa fers, and a son; and six grand- Fuoss, and Carol Meek participat_ Barbara B. Kent, Managing Editor Home spectators and visltOl'S I chlldren. '. Rnsalie D. Peirsol' Marjorie T. Told Anne L. Mabbott alike found the first 1957 meet _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ed in a plano recital given Friday morning, June 21. at the home of Entered as, Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post the Swarthmore pool considerably oiIIce at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. more enjoyable than last season's, School Design, Data Charles Izumi of Benjamin West Approved Monday avenue. Flriday mOrning Of last • • 'DEAoLlNE--WEDNESDAY NOON due to the addition of benches. JULY 5 1957 The work of tallying officials was (Continued from Page 1) week at another recital partici. RE PENNA." SWARTHMO, , also 'made easIer by provision new school In, order to have bet- pants were Joan Hayden, Patty , a table and bench structure from I Ri h d Da i Ann H METHQDIST NOTES charge of the, service, and the picnic area. But the ter luncheon facilities available Carrol, c ar v s, ay. , the Rev. Robert C. S. Deacon, at the time all elementary chll- den" Peggy Carroll, Jean Mowery, Church School classes for all newly appointed curate of Trinity l~tbt?rerS't ati!ter nea.rlYt~OUlrr r~;~:; dren are switched to the lower Frank Gramin, Carol Mowery, ages will begin at 9: 45 a.m. Sun- Ch h 'n tak the 10 o'clock Sl 109 ~.a Dna,,: m c b enli of town upon' the new Phyllis Gramm, and Eliza Mc. ~c , WI esun. wrlting detailed names, pl,.ce-I day.' servIce. I . ' school's completion in September Cawley. At the 11 'o'clock Morning WorUshers for, Sunday wJll be as ments and t mIngs on score" 1958. ' Mr. and Mrs, Ludwig Hartmann shIp service, Dr. H. Leroy Johns follows' ~reathed one furthe.r prayer, Oh The usual resolution requesting of Greenway road, with their R . H'. F e 11ows, head usher'•J .P. only If ye purchase, dear club ordirectors Board of Assessment young son returned Tuesday of of the .Board of MiSsions . . . of the some would the Coun"'Y Yo Methodist Church,' D,VISIon of Espenschade, alternate; R.' T. and Revision of Taxes and the last week on the 5.5. Queen Eliza. I Missions will be the N ti soul lend, a beach umbrella a ona - , Bates, C. B. Blake, C. R. ~acace, could erect over this table Swarth more-R u tledge Distric t as-'bet h from a f our-week u'Ip to guest preacher. Dr. JOhns. ~. a Peter Madison,. W. T. Peabody, would be much more bearable." sessor to inspect and reaSsess southern Germany where they , Saturday's Winners properties to which major im~ visited relatives and friends. The member of the sta~ of the DI:"lSlon and C. A. Vawter. of Nabonal Missions and IS diPeter Courtney is scheduled to Th h i e d ~ Swarth provements have been made after Hartmanns drove to Gloucester, ion fOfr thth e serve as acolyte at 8 o'clock, and moreo:~dwth~ io;cti~;~rare: rector of churoh - Septenlber 1, was passed. Such Mass.; Wedilesday accompanied by J , <:>pic will be at 10 a.m: "Fulfilling 'God's Dream" . . J. 11 18ms (7. J 2 . t sen11 h . . WIth the exception of the first ior boys _ J. Lange (3Q), 4 H. creased valuation for the pro- Speck of Corne avenue w "with The JunIOr Church program has Sunday in July there will be only H i ' . term' di t . ls 1 portionate part of the fiscal year her grandchildren -will remaln in been temporarily discontinued . '.. arr son, m e a e gll' Gl te f ~ f . , . . one servIce, wbioh wdl he held at C. Brodhead (40.4), 3 G. Peirsol; remeiniog after such improveouces r or a va"""on 0 Sev~hIs age children may SIt m the 10 o'clock. During the month of . t edl t b 1 M B ments are made. eral weeks.. famil pew during the abbreviated ' m erm a e 0Y5 • oyer y ' . August ,there' will be one service (37.5); junior girls _ 1 D. Rensummer service. Nursery ch.ldren only each Sunday at 9 o'clock. h (48) 2 J Esp h d .. '11 b . ed b a able s aw , . eose a e, JunWI e supervls y c p This wiJI be a celebration of the ior bo s _ 1 J. Foley (38.3), 3 women throughout the summer. Holy Communion at whIch :l(.. ls ' During the pastor's absence in R to '11 III i t D. McCurdy, nudget giT - 2 N. ecrwlocae. P . case of any emergency need ,for aul a , CE . spensehd' a e, ml' d get pastoral care, members may cal' PRI!~8YTERiAN NOTES boys (25 yards) - 1 D. Foley The Rev. Richard H. Jones, Ridley (20.8), 2 S. Rob~n. . 6 Park Avenue Park, at LE 2-2931, or the pastor's Mr. Schott wiJI preach at the Butter~y - , Semor IIrls , - 1 'Swarthmore, Pa secretary, Mrs. Mildred Conner, morning worship service at 11 C. Wilhams (37.3), 2 J. Paul; "TIle store that ;s filled with thousands of tflings LE 2-5609. a.m. senior boys - 1 D. Preston; In~he church office wiJI be open The summer choir will sing tel'lllediate girls - 1 C. Brodhead you don't need - but can't Ifve without!" on Tuesday mornings only during during, the morning service. The (36.8), 3 G. Pelrsol; intermediate July.' 'rehearsal wlll be held at 10 a.m. boys - 2 M. Boyer; junior girls Klngswood 3-4191 Fri. 9 - 8:30 Every Wednesday morning and befote the service, on Sunday. - 1 B. Breakell (45),' 2 H. Morriafternoon throughout the summer The Church School classes wlll son; junior 'boys - 1 J. Foley I;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ther; wlll pe a workshop to pre- be held as usual at 11 a.m. on (41;9); 2 D. McCurdy; midget girls pare articles for the Christmas Sunday morning. - 1 C. Espenschade (25.5), 2 M. Bazaar held at the church. There The Session hereby calis a Schumacher; midget boys,,~ 2 R. will ,be supervision for the chil- meeting of the Congregation of McCurdy. dren. Those desiring transporta- the Swarthmore Presbyterian Freestyle - senior girls (l00 tIon should call Mrs. Z. Connors, Church for 12:15 p.m., Sun'day, yards) - 1 C. Wllllarns (1:14.5). LO 6-6431, Mrs. G. Gray, KI 3- July 7, 1957, after the morning 2 A. Paul; senior boys - 1 D. , ,9945, or Mrs. G. Howard, KI 3- service, for the PUl'pOse of elect- Preston (1:02.5), 2 J. Lange; in8352. ing Nominating Committee to term~diate girls - 1~. Brodhead , nominate a mlnlster to the Con- (32), 2 S. Skoglund; mlem!ediate during TRINITY NOTES gregation for election as pastor boys - 2 M. Boyer, 3 J. Bey. bold; junior girls - 1 II. Breakel! There will be a celebration of CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES (35.9), 3 H. Morrison; jlfnlor boys JULY AND AUGUST the Holy Communlor. at 8 o'clock _ 1 B. Baker (32.2), 2 J. Foley; Sunday morning, and a service of The supremacy and all-power midget girls _ 2 B. Dumm (19.6), MOrning Prayer at 10 a.m. The of God - divine Life, Truth, and 6 D" MacNair; midget boys _ 1 Rev. F. B., Hornby wlll be in Love - will 'be emphasized at D. Foley (16.5), 2 R. McCurdy. , . . . . - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . Christian Science services this Relays _ senior girls _ 1 C. Sunday by the Lesson - Sermon and J. Williams and A. and J. entitled "God,", Paul (2:16.2);' senior boys _' 1 Klngswood 3.0420 ;!leleclions to be read from the J. Lange, H. Morrison, D. Presl'VBLlSIIED EVERY FRIDAY AT 8WARTIIIIOIUI, P .... , PETER E. TOLD, 1ItIAlU0RIE TOLD, ptJBI.Js.... s Phone KlDPwood PE'IER E. TOLD, EdSCor S-'" I THE CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP, L CLOSED ,SATURDAY AT.. 12 NOON a To learn loneliness ,l. t ...... , •. Swarthmore Toggery Shop --PRESBYTERMN CHURCH. John Schott, Associate MiniSter, , SIDl4a:r. July 'I 111:00 A,M.-<:hoir Rehearsal. 11:00 A.M.-'-Mornlnl/ Worship and Church School Claases. 12:15 P.M.-ConiregatIonal Meeting 'ME'l1HODlST CHTJRCH Dr. H. LeRoy John Guest Speaker Robert Wilde , Minister of Music SUIIda7. 'July 'I 9:45 A.M;-Sunday SchooL 11:00 A.M. - Morning Worship _'~S:::e::.rvt=ce:::.__' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'l1IUNlTY CHURCH ' H. Lawrence Whittemore, Rector SIUIdaJ', July ,.. 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. lO:oo A.IIf.~orning Prayer. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Sunday, July 'I 10:30 A.M.-'Hyrim Sing in \Vhittier House. 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. MO""·~, July 8 AI! day sewing for A;F.S.C. , WWII'&7, July II AI! day sewing for A.F.s.C. ' FIRST CHURCH,OF CHRIST, SCIENTlST. SWARTHMORE Park Avenue below Harvard .lhm'.~. ~. , HOW place!' " U:OO AH.-6undllY SchooL 11:00 A.M.-The LeSson S .man wllLbe entitled "GocL",', aieeIIQ" PHIL SWAYNE (>--ired .... 'the MethodbIl ......., -" . eaeh Ch,urdl Bulletin, Board clurina the Wi,"C!riifl "" eveaJna ...... P.., ,Readlq 1!-. recent heart wave.) .-~ Aft'IIUe. 'CIPID, "l ' ':~! '~}.},,!~f;.~ . pt bolldlij~:' t~:, ::~ _.~ . _ ._ n sa" ' CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I I" ~IR C;ONDITIONED Our parlors are air conditioned for your comfort. • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. _ICTOIII O. JUNIIAU MM'f A. IAII," III ... 1.I.ph_ II 6-1511 (Is Your House Too Large or Too Small?) PORTER H. In the last month or two a number of f'lmilies have traded smaller homes for larger homes and visa varsa. t!: to do tliis t': -. ~i . , His wife begins to learn lopeliness - and how to earn a living for herself and 1\\'0 children.' This tragic -pattern repeats itself 32,000 times a year. Every 15, minutes someone dies in a' 1820 CHESTNUT STRIIT We have a number of fine famniesl wanm:t at the present time. "., -" traffic accident . . . 34- people are ,injured. Yet, we can control this grea.test man-made disaster.,~ We mobilize our best brains and millions of . dollars to fight infantile paralysis • . . tube:.;cu-·" losis . • . cancer . ~ . epidemic diseases. Yet,: within ourselves is the only "cure" for one of_. the greatest killers .... traffic accidents. . Daddy was 30. He lost h~s life in a t1peeding car that failed to niake a curve. His fa~ily ,lost its breadwinner. Hiseight-year-old son' will be robbed of Dad's companionship in his' growing, up years. His two-weeks-old daughter will never , know ~addy. I OlIVa H. lAIR, ro.:cII. .- ,. . Behind the headlines the meaning of traffic accidents shows its face. Look upon it. Visit 2338 .Speedway Road. 8 Park Ave. Joshua (1:9): the "Have not I com_ 2(1:56.8); G. Pelrsol, S. Bible include following from mediate t06, M. girls Dawes intermanded thee? Be strong and of a Crawford, D. Renshaw, S. l:lkoggoOd courage;, be not' afraid, neith- lund;. intermediate boys _ 2 J. er be thou dismayed: for the Lord Seyobold, D. WTege, E. Peterson, thy God is with thee whitherso- J. Brooks; junior girls _ 1 H. ever -thou goest." ' Morrison, J. Espenschade, p. From "Science and Health with Breakell, S. Wigton (1:07.7); junKey to the Scriptures" by Mary lor boys _ 2 B. Baker, D. Mc., Baker Eddy will be read the fol- Curdy, G. Boyd, B. Wrege; midlowing (228:25-27): ''There is no get girls _ 2 B. Dumm, Dr Mac~ power apart from God. Omnipo- Nair, N. Paul, C. &penschade; tence has all-power' and to ack- midget boys _ 1 S. Robinson , D• nowledge any other power Is, to Foley, 11. McCurdy. J. Brooks dishonor God," \ ,,(1:11.6). Some team members The Golden Text is from Joel swam' beyond thelr age groups (2:27): RYe shall know that I am and J. Brooks swam twice to in the midst of Israel, and that lout sufficient teams. am the Lord your God, and none . Divtng ~ senior girls _ 1 J. else." Lawrence (122.5), 2 D. Boyer, 3 An Invitation is extended to J. Wll11ams; senior boys _' 1 H: to attend the services at First McCallister (134.15), 2 H. CampChurch' of Christ, Scientist" 206 bell; junior girls _ 1 D. BenPark avenue, at 11 o'clock. shaw (47.6); junior boys .,..: 1 B. Baker (56.66); intennedlate girls Moral Mood. 3 S. Crawford. The matter of moral moods may make Diane Reynolds, daughter of A summer simier to embrace Mr. and Mrs. George Krenikolf True Methodism, fearing that, Of Yale avenue, returned honie by Indeed. ''There is a hotter p!ace,". plane Monday from Toledo, 0., But moral moods may metawhere she was the iuest of a morphose ' former classmate, Wendy Weiss. Like a schizophrenic lady. Wendy will visit in Swarthmore If it is hot one asks, ''Why not b.ter in the summer. Pull oft a deal that's rather ' shady?" The answer is a simple rule That's guaranteed to make one cool Just tell yourseIi at snent grace .. 'Remember that's a hotter ' '~. , -. Ii' WAITE. }Nc. THE' BOUQUET -, E. t. NOYES and CO. Yes; witlJin ourselves. For it is your driving attitud~ that makes you a safe driver . • • or a ,reckless driver. Forget to be a courteous, care';' ful driver - and you may be the next one to mak.:; a traffic accident headline. Your family may know the heartbreak behiridthat headline. Do you want that? You !Irive - YOU DECIDE. SWARTHMORE CO-OP ,HORACE A. REEVES BAIRD and BIRD J. A. GREEN • W. MARK BIrtLE , STRATH ,HAVEN INN : " 1;. Why not pid! up the ph_ now atICI ,cal. Bob Bird, ~ 'tHE SWARTHMOREAN Joe Howe 01' Horace Passmore and get yow name on our· list in __ .... right thing C,DIMIi tiIong. PEI'ER E. ToLD PROVIDENT TRADESMENS TRUST COMPANY , laIrd .1Id lirel ,B. J. HOY. SAND 10 CATHERMAN'S DRUG, STO. . " THE, INGLENEVK . ' SWAR1'HMORE 'TOGGERY. SHOP .- I Pap6 'l'liR .!'l. AIiTHMOREA!\ SWARTHMORE POST O'FICE New Postal Raw Schedule Effective July .1. 1957 I Second Band Con~rt Set for Thursday J'DlT lit lilly &, 1t57 I. IOTC T.....I.. John C.. MacA1phln.. 3rd. BOn of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. JIacAlPine. Jr.. of PrInceton avenue. Is presThe second in a series of free ently attending· the AIr Force band concerts will be held at ROTC Summer Trainin. at El- ,""+b.· r~';;;;jj;;ii;a;Mi;;1 fin...... or ....1rhIg -r_.tedd..... . . .... ,." ....,. _ ..Ia,. ';;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;::;;;;:;;;!I oa'_ .... was George Myers &Co. FUNERAL HOM~ A Prlc. to M.3t PAINTING ev_ry Jewelry Repaired Free Estimates, .,. F. C. 'loci• • Sons Fine Wotch and 128 Yal_ Ave. Clock Repain Swarthmore, Po. ASPH~:r TILE • IlU"~1l TILl PLASTIC TILE • VINYL TILE FOIlMicA • LINOLEUM in private liome, lovely neigbborhood, convenient to train; bus and stores. KIngswood 3-4039. . WANTED WANTED - Someone who will 'take away old. small white upright plano In bad conditlon;·~. KIngawood l1-1808.,' WANTED - Three·room apartment starting September 1. Phone GRanite 8-7901 any time after 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. . .".';f - UPHOLSTERY La",. C'.lr $44.50 , Y.ars of Swa""'••re Ilofo~ ... Sharon Hili 0734 traa~~:J1 Rd. Co-Op........f Sw.rfII_re. IIIC•• 403 D......... Av•• oppoilte Ioroagh Hall Silve~ Dollars for -White Slips· , JULY - AUGUST - SEPTEMBER Remember ~ With the return· to us of each $100.00 worth of Register Slips. we·1I give you f!I bright new Sliver Dollar! Meat Department A large selection of' Meats for either , . indoors or outdoors for your holiday weekend. Good Selection· of Fresh· Fruit & Vegetables EXTRA SPECIAL Sala-da Tea Bags 4ge (Box of 4a) . aeg. Price 67c CO-OP RED LABEL PineaPPle Jliice can 'age I (46-oz. Can) NUCOA Margarine PlaDIE -."ING . rftRIII. 2 Ibs..4ge FIZZlES PORTRAIT STUDiO ROGER HUS'SW- The Instant Soft Drink from a Tablet! "'tograpll.cSupplies Contains the Fresh Fruit Vitamin C 1' state & MOllroe St.. . M . .la 6-2176 " . 4 DEL(CIOUS FLAVORS Pkg. Opel! Friday Evenings Vf~~l~'~M~~'~Y~ou=n~g~c=ou=p~~~e-,~te~a~c~h- .!~~~~~~.~.~'~'~.~~ S~REMBA . VENnl"N IUNDS 662 S. C .._ FOR RENT-Room for young lady watc......r THOM _r·. FOOD MARKET FOR RENT Phone: KI 3-4216 EMIL SPIES II 4·1434 CH 2·5051 ....----- ~iiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiig :'I for the past two years. fondly', NHd Interior " Exterior Klngswood 3·8761 j 5_3_7_3_.---.:....~= Over 25 Yea". Ii.p.rl•••• P~... MEeila 6-3400 Jack Prichard Co••• Classified Ia,. PATTlIlSON'S -op GauoM Ho• • CL , '139 Glen Providence Park. Media, lIngton AJ1B•. Houston, ,Texas. ,:===~o.,~~or~N1~'§ht~·===~ Thursday evening, July 11. at 8 Cajlet MaCAlpine ~ in advanc- ;; p.m. ed AFROTC. and Ja attendinl the The Instrumental soloist of four__ ."mme~ encampmomt evenin. will be Rudy as part of his reserve officer traIn- Avto DriYing 1.I.wtIt. Wa Caflfor Yo. and the vocal ·sOlolst will be ing at college. While at Ellington $6 PER HOUI Zangari. hI! observes the Air Force in acRobert B. Keel. master of cere- tion and p8rtIcipates in orienta- I.w.'" P. M.. CH_ 1-4146 monies, said: "Come out and tion ftilbts. He wlll complete tbls the beauty of the park while Iis- traInin. on July 12 and wlll re- ~~~~~~~~~~~~ tening to th£!lle concerts." turn to college where he will KlnglWood 3:.1 .... Thomas G. Leeson, complete his academic work -.-. of the Chester Elks Band, another year. WILLIAM· BROOKS FollowlPg gradua~on at- Iowa Alhea &: Rubhish Removed prep8red the following prollBm : March ''Nahant'' (Thomas); Waltz . Lawne MOW~ed, General i State College he will be eligible ''Gold and Silver" (Lebar); Clar- for appolPtroent as a Second LleuBa net Solo "Concertino" (v. Weber) tenant in the Air Force Reserve. !lie IIardIq Ave.. orto... Pa. Novelty "Parade of the W,llOdlen I Soldiers" (Jessel); Vocal "I saw it in the Swarthmorean." "Night and Day" (Porter) and _ _ _ _ _ _....:-_ _ _ __ HOOVER, "Jelousle'; (Gade); Selection . . •. Wurld Is Waiting for the Sunrise" Authorized Service (Loclcl1art and Seltz); Excerpts , Registry Fees Effective July I, 1957 .... 'Ichp ••d Dallvery , .01 to $10.00 ...... , ..........•....... _........• , . . . . .. . .. .50 "Kiss Me Kate" (Porter); March 24 Ho.r Sen'... $10.00 to $100.00 ., .......•........................... :.. .75 "United States Army March" PERSONAL $100,01 to $200.00 _.. _........................ _..... _.. '$1.00 (Darcy); S_I... All M••• CI. . .n Intermission; March PERSONA[, - Tutor -'- Certified $200.01 to $400.00 ....... _. _........... _. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.25 "Anchors Aweigh" (Zimmerman); teacher will tutor S~~~C::lll '.par far .25 additional for each $200.00 up to $1,000.00 1fs!t~_history and science. • Trumpet Trio "Buglers All M••• CI....... Fee Money Orders Fee (Anderson); Selection ''Mardi 6-~5. Insured Mall Up to $10.00 ....... _.... .10 .01 ~ $5.00 ..•.•......•. .15 Gras" (Grofe); .Vocal Solo ''Sibman. avm.ndJ.Dawson $10.01 to $50.00 ......... .20 $5.01 to $10.00 .......... .20 oney" (Lecuona) and "Dream" er, will do Galea ~rk. o W. Stat. St. LO 6-4692.1 $50.01 to $100.00 ........ .30 $10.01 to $100.00 ........ . .30 (M ) M h "Sem F·d li " or other work durmg $100.01 to .$200.00 ......• .40 ercer; arc per 1 e S Free afternoons and (Sousa); Excerpts ''Cllrousel'' 6-2835. ;=======::;~:;;=~~M.;;]~;;-Pe~-;;;v.;;;,~;;,;: Miss Elma Peck of Vassar ave- (Rodgers)·· March "Stars and Furniture Renue recently spent a week at Stripes" (Sousa); National AnCustom Cabinet work. Hamor. Me., as the them P.M. Andrew Spanier. Commercial Construction Boothbay $500 MONTHLY t f Mrs Marl D nn lly o f · . Jr.• KIngswood 3-2198. gues 0 . e 0 e Glen Providence Park lS spray- PERSONAL _ UPHOLSTERING Starflng oala". lor 2 _...typo Park avenue. . ed by the Delaware. County MosLarge Chaks Completely re- 101 Residential Building . . ._ to r-1M'ftMf Icrrt_ I!oIfwa Mr. and Mrs. Ford F. Robinson qulto Extermination. Commission built with new fabric $44.50·fl'lICIIfdaJ COIpoo.,I-. No f'rcINII. Sol. of Guernsey road entertained precedingeaC!h concert, thus help- Sofas $88 Over 30 years experiabhlti ....f-!. ........ Sunday at brutltlh for MIsses Nan- ing to ellminate the annoyance enee. SIx years of Swarthmore IbHd old. marHARRY W. MtCAlUSTER cy and Julianne Roess of Cornell from mosqultoes references. All work is done in ,W. capoba. 01 aaaming NlPQMIW... ~' .Y • H . . ou.r own shop. under personal avenue. K Ihu,een ~essup OL av- The park Is located at the supervision of Mr. Seremba. Estl- JIIoI. ,. N41-.. I_owl pI_ Gellera' Carttracfor 1IJ'Ifory, all erford avenue, and Anne Wright end of State street near the Baltl- mates are free. Thom Seremba. lad... IHfIf ... sana: Our of Westdale avenue. and their more pik&.ln Media. Phone Sharon HIll 0734, Budget """'"'" 01 tltls ad. lox A. L Klngswood 3-1646 parents and families. payments. Swo.,bobOCWL ==~~~--~~--~~Betsy McKeag bf Parrish road Scholarship to . PERSONAL - ~icycles Repaired. and Posey cadigan of Elm avenup . Robart Doherty Parts, accessOrIes. Milt Glass - .-;===========~ .. entrained Wednesday for Camp '. Bicycle; Hobby. Toy Shop, 205 ,~ Vt· h . Robert Doherty who gradu- East Baltimore Avenue. Clifton ,; ...,. '11 Wyoda on LakeFaIrl . !!e, ., W erp , . Heights, MAdison 6-0713. OppoROOFING CONSTIUCTION they will be campers for ated with the bachelor of arts d~- site Clifton Theater. hal'py weeks. gree In history from J;lenison Uni- PERSONAL _ ftadio and teleRESiDENTfAL AND· Gutten I ;;;==========~ verslty •. Granville, 0., June 10, vision service. Complete stock Warm·Alr. HeatI.g COMMERCIAL ' !I has been awarded one of seven of tubes carrled. Robert Brooks. Your Represenlfllivt: Air Conditioning is 0 n University Research Call KIngswood ,\-0800. . in Swarthmore' . Alterations IF,)Undation scholarships for grad- PF.RSONAL - Belvedere ConSheet Metal Wo'" Andrew L. Wallace study. Robert is th'; son of . valescent Home,' 2507 Chestnul and Mrs. J. Kenneth Doherty, street, Chester. Edge of Swartjl.BACHE '" co. 335 Dartmauth Avenue ....mben New York $totk Exchon,_ of Elm avenue . more. Aged, senile, chronic, "l:onKInaswood 4·2035 . valescent men and. women. ExWeast 8·Z900 A ,transfer student from the cellent foods, spacious ground;' J. F. BLACKMAN I ~;;:;;;;:;;~;;:;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;~~~ of Michigan, he has Blue Cross honored. Sadie Pippin Box 48 K14-1214 jj KI 3-6616 been on the Dean's List at Denison Turner, proprietor. CHester 2Special Delivery Now , . . FIrst Class . . Up to 2 lba. . ....................... _. .20 .30 2 to 10 lba. ..........•............... .35 .45 Over 10 lbs. .........•............... .50 .60 other Classes .45 Up ·to 2 Ibs. .......................... .35 .55 2 to Ul Iba. ..•.•...••••..•••••.••••••• .45 .70 Over 10 Iba. . ....... _. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .60 . Special HaIldllng .25 Up to :& lbg. .......................... .15 •35 2 to 18 lbs. •. _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 .50 Over 10 lbs. . .................. _. . . . . . .25 Certificate of Malllng Original ..... _......,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03 :~ Additional Copies ..................... .01 .05 each name Correction of Mailing LIsts .... .01 each name MJnlmum 1.00 Minimum .25 Business R<,ply . .04 Cards ......... . ...... , _. . . . . . . . . . . . . .03 .05 Envelopes .......... '..... , ' ..•....... :: .04 .05 Notice to senders forms 3579 &,3547 .....••03. .20 Certified Mail ........................ .15 TBB SWAR'l1lMORBAN DOIIT TRY TO WEAR YOUR IEISHBOR'S un , Chance. are l'Our neigh. bora iaaurance wori't fit your personal need.-any more than hi. hat i •. likely to fit your head. U.iiIg PLANRITE. _ can rjoe.· ommend an insurance pr0gram tailored to your .pecUi", neecla. ers, desires unfurnished four- .: room in or around Swarthmore begln1. Stove and refrtgnecessary. About $70, inIeluding utlliti"". Phone POplar 54:30, Diluzio and Sons of 8~2Sc Assorted Soft Drinks . ' , Florist -' . for the Holidays CARNS KI.gswood 3...50 Swa""''''", ••• Swarthmore. Rutledge Union School District Calendar For School Year 1957-58 • Wed.. Thurs., and Fri., September 4·6 •.......... Teacher Workshop Monday. September 9 .......•.•••..••.•..•.•. FIrst day for pupils Monday and Tuesday, October 21, 22 ...... County Institute Recess Thursday and Friday. November 28. 29 •.•..• Thanksgiving HoUday Friday. December 20 .......... Last day of school belore Chrislmas Monday. January 6 ............••. Reopen after Christmas holiday Friday. February 21 ................ WashlngtOn·s Birthday Recess Friday, March 28 .... _. . . . . . . . . . .. Last day before Spring Vacation Tuesday, April 8 ................•..•.. School reopens after Easter Friday. May 30 .. , ..........•.............•. Memorial Day. Recess Sunday, June 8 ............................ Baccalaureate Sunday Monday. June 9 ...............•.•............... Commencement Tuesday. June 17 ..................••............ Last day. pupils Wednesday, June 18 ............•...•.......... Last day. teachers . ~ouncement was made at the meeting of the Swarthmore College Aiumni Association. Saturday• June 8. on the College campus, of the election of two prominent Philedelphia businessmen to two top posts in the Association. Two loca\ women were also named to top positions. John H. Lippincott, Jr., of Margate, N.· J., present president of the Alumni Association, announced that Charles E. Rickards, Senior Vice President and Actuary of S.E.S. Leo Maris PARENTS FAVOR 2ND' the Penn Mutual'We Insurance In Gala Launching LANGUAGE IN GRADE.S Company, will asume the presidency. and Robert H. Wilson, Vice in Ch f Ad Ii (Continued from Page 1) which put a hole In its hull Work Reasons why the Swarthmore . arge 0 . ver s- . . for 32 hours straight, in . water- Sch00Is shouId in cue 1 d a Becon. d ing of the GIrard lug . Trust Com Ex. language, in its elementary currlc- change Bank, Will assume the vice h thei up to . r c ests, the crew man. presidency . aged to free the boat and tempor- ulum were summarIzed at the Par_ Mrs. Norman ~. Winde of Mearlly repair the hole. The rest of ents'. Council mee~ng held early the winter went for extra touches last month. Restating the points dia was elected Vice President for and the beautiful paint job wnlch briefly. they were: Women, and Mrs. E. Wayne Frazmade the good ship ''Sea Lion" Economic necessity of a er of Springfteld was eleeted Secthe handsome and able craft It onil language is growing becaus. retary. All four were elected tor appeared at Sunday's launching. of a shrinking world. The business two-year terms that begin June 8. Bedecked with gaily colored pen- wQrld is: so rapidly Increasing Its Mr. Rickards, a Fellow in the nants and signal fiags it was much contacts with other !lations in al" SocIety of Actusries, has been acphotographed by families of the most all fields that a second lan- tive in Swarthmore College affairs crew. members of the Swarth- guage will s"!""lngIy he a neces- serving as cllalrman of the Alumni more Lions Club. sponsoring or~ sity In the nearfutore. Fund, presideDt of the. Swarthganizatlon, and other citizens who 2. Lack ot adequate means 0' more Club of· Philadelphia, and a attended the ceremony, and en. communication. Is a great barrier member of the Alumni C?uncil Ijolred·' the refersbments· that fol- to world understanding and peace. and various c::ouncil commlttees. lowed. Nautical themes were car- We .can materially contribute to He and his Wife, Dorothy Brown tied out in the garb of -many of the hreaklng of this barrier by also a S~arthmore the spectators. childr~ and adults. giying our cbIldren a second lanhave three children and The Norwood Sea EXplorers who guage; thus. through bettet un- live at 555 Hansell road, Wynneattended as a unit, added to the derstanding they will achieve e impressiveness of the occasion. new appreciation for another culMr. WIlson serves the College Walter . Lewicki, chairman· of tore. as advisory editor of the Alumni the ships committee, acted as mas_ 3 .. Children have a language fac- Magazine and as president of his ter of ceremonies. The Rev. Rob. llity to adolescence which Is lost class. The Girard Bank's annual C. S. Deacon, new ·curate of If not developed. Quoting Dr. report, of which he Is in charge. Trinity Church, Swarthmore, gave Theodore· Andersson of Yale Uni- has for the past ~ight years heen the opening prayer. Other speak- versity: "By a process which has judged the best ID. the country. ers were A. G. CalJherman, pasl been called tntirltive young chil- He and his wife have one daughter president of the Lions ClUb, who to absorb languages decllnes stead_ and llve at 803 H:arvard avenue. at his own expense contributed ren have many 'times heen ob- Mrs. Winde served on the the safety glass for the' ship's served to e8m several languages Swarthmore Colleg", A I u m n i. cabin, and the soft drinks for the simultaneously without the sllght- Council for two years, was class christening party, and Skipper ·est confusl!)n or' .without . secretary, and Is vice president of Myers. Mrs. Myers performed the Slightest danger to their her class. Mrs. Winde and her I ac11nal christening. with a particu- development. This uncatmy ability husband live ~n Ridley Creek larly stubborn bottle of cham" .lIy ~ulb cbIldhood in direct Road. Media. and have two cbIlpqne. Clilford and Horace Ren- proportiOn as chIl~en make in- dren. shaw set up an ampllfying system creased use of their rational and Mrs. Frazer has been active in for the speeches. conceptional· faculties. Learning alumni activities at Swarthmore A ladder was raised to the deck the sound patterns of a language, College as cla.s secretary, a memso that spectators might go aboard which is to s8y learning to speak ber of the Alumni Council and of and inspect the boat's interior. a language, is a process therefbr. the Executive Committee. She and Upon completion of bunks the which comes most naturally her husband have four children and live· at 146 Scenic Road, craft will sleep the entire six young children. A living officers and crew of ten men. In is by definition Ii spoken languag. Springfield additio~'to Skipper Myers the offi_1 and it is precisely thls asgect , • cers are Mates Walter Reynolds, language which is best and most communities offering a foreign Dave McIntire, Joshua H!!pburn, easily learned in the earliest language in the public elementar~-, George Thomas and Pete Hopson. grades of the· elementary school.'· schools having increased by 300 Six representatives of the Leo 4. The Council's feeling is thaI per cent slPce 1952." (1955 flgMaris will join other Sea Explor- local children enjoy the privileg. ures) ers from the Valley Forge Coun- of being educated in a fine Thomas Boyle reviewed the cll in river patrol duty at the system. It Is fine due to ,past and steps that had already been taken fourth. annual National Boy Scout p~esent efforts and ablllties of by the school adminlslration and Jamboree at Valley· Forge from parenis, teachers an'd school ad- faculty in the Interest of a second. July 8 to 21. . . ministrators; that local school heriHe turtIJilr outlined. The local ~xplorers meet every tage leaves an obligation to ke.r some of the problems entalled, Monday evemng, at 7: 30 in their pace with the best in present day such as, 1Inanclng .<1 second lancabin on Cresson lane. Any boys, educati0'l. Circular No. 495 fro~ guage program, finding time In 14 years otage or older, living the Office of Education, Washing. the school day. working out a pro- ' gram of continued study. providIn the S~arthmore area and In- ton, D.C. says ''The movement lerested . 1P Sea Scout activities introduce such instruction (Se<-- Ing Instruction for children enterare invited to attend. Visitors are ond Language) early has ing our system without a language 1. · p' INN OEW DRO Charcoal Briquets 25 lb. bag $2.29 - ·TIHI'ElW ~~ OIL HEAT _~._ OM. 171/2 S.Chester Rei. II "1·,_1 SWARTHMORE, PA. 333 Dartmouth Ave. ~ ~ _.~'-"'.p1-----" DAy .... NIGHT OIL BURNER C;FRV,eE· . IIONDAY TIIIlU SATUlUIAY NOON ICIngswoOd ·4-1234 BuRBAD ... IIOUDAft EDWARD G.OIIPMAN "'SON 8III.Al COM'IAaOl ,1481 ithlie, AVo._ CHo...... Duplicating .' SerVice -: LOST Offset' "'....... 111 . . e L.lleif.riacls _a..acls ' oAnnou.cements . Plasllc TIle'lllllc.i.. . . erator, '56 model, 12 cu. ft., self-defroster. unit, 11 months old. Wlll 11158 Frigidaire washer. Wlll sell arately 'or together. OBester 5814. '. nlo FIoon -, AlIONII••, Py'LE Arr Unes of In.arallce "'a,lWood 3.1833 1 IIIM",._ ...........,.. . .'"' FOR SAlt , .. 10 lb. ~ag $1.09 ,_ 407 DARTMOUTH AVENUE BREAKFAST • LUNCH _ DINNER .. ePrograms TELEVISI ;. . .• - _ c • Co~op is a modified self"service store • • • employees do more than ring cash registers and replenish· food shelves . . . they know product locations-t,hey· e~change comparative information on food values-they' discuss respective "family doings" with social patrons. ... Shop the f,!e~dly way at Co-op. . , I I '. CLOSED SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS PETER E. TOLD Sw. CoIl. Alumni Ass'n Hldds Elections ~al~w~a~y~s~w~el~co~m~e~·imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~p~h~e~nQ~m~en~a~liligr~~O~wth~.~th~e~~~; I background, finding adequate I teachers. However. he· expressed . Farmer',· I 650 IcIIHmitre Plke Sprlngfiel., D.I. Co.. ,Pa. Pap 7 OPEN 7 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. M.onday Through Friday Daily Dinners $1.00 to $1.95 • FANCY SANDWICHES C''''~I'II.·. ..,.......... • confidence that the problems could be met if the program were sound. He further suggested the .possIbllty of knowledgable parents oocuring funds from some Foundation which might be interested in financing an ex:perimental program. Parents Council acted to establIsh a committee to work on the problems and development of a second language program in our elementary school curriculum. The following people are named to that committee: . Mrs. Colin' Bell. Mrs. Frank Mrs. Wllllam Clark, Mrs. IAllrred Boyd, Mrs. Forbes, Mrs. Carl Baros,' Mrs. Daniel. Goldwater, Mrs. Donald K. Grose, Mrs. J. A1':Ibur Hond. Mrs. Charles Brooks,' Mrs. Robert Balter. Anyone haVing SUIhItions or intereste/l in. tile furtIlercce of ~ i!!W1 1i6i"hi! be a or lit hifBild 10 ~"t weua We Are Yo.r • •• SAFETY AUTO SERVICE HEADQUARTERS Spa., r... Up .adlal...... Gicl: .... hit Gas & Oils , Pap TIlE SWARTBMOREAN 8 July: 5, 1957 Swarthmore Recreation Baseball, Schedule AnEND5 MElTING Civil Oefense rest .JUNIOBS (Bometa) OF ROUND TAILI S~heduled for July J2 Monday. July 8-Collingdale ......................... Alway Paul B. Banks. of Harvard ave- College Awards 5 ':Honorary Degrees -Thursday. July U-Springlleld .•..... , •.•.......•....... Home nue. C. L. U .• representative for (Contmuea rrom Eap 1) At the 84th Commencement -Tuesday July III-Media ......................•........ Home United Benefit Life Insurance their normal pursuits: TIlls final exercises of, Swarthmore College. Wednesday. July l1-Aldan ...........................•.... Away Compliny.,is amoog the more than blut will ,Complete the particlpafi ve per son s were ,awarded -Tuesday July......, owne ..... ,.................... Home 900 of the top llfe insurance salas- tion of the general publlc in . 2°Lansd honorary degrees. Clement M. INTEBMEDIATE8 (W...,;) men wbo are attending the annual "Operation Alert 1957." Biddle. Sr., Geoffrey Crowther, Monday. July l-&1aron HIll ••••••••.••.••.•••••••••. Away meeting of 1he Mllllon. Dollar All, ClvU Defense p8n0lII1el Marion B. Folsom. and Bliss For~ -Tuesdav Julv 9-Aldan ......................... '. . . . . . ' Round Table at White Sulphur should report to their assignments . .. . bush received honorary Doctor of .Wednesday, July• lO-Glen Mills .......................... H ome Springs, W. Va. Membership in a t th -= vari ous • !gnals as theU' Law degrees; Henry Jermain Tuesday July III-Marple .............................. Away the 1957 Round Table is confined pre-arranged orders direct. , Maude Creighton received an hon- Thursday, July 18-Sprlnglleld .......................... Away to those who have sold at least a r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-~ orary Doctor of Science degree. -Scheduled League Games million dollars of llfe msura,!'ce I Cited as a concerned Qu~er during 1956 or who are llfe mEml.'11 businessman, CleJJ1ent Miller Bld- Commencement exercises June Play Hill Camp bers through having sold a s ' ..' die before his retirement was tenth. The Award, which consists lion or more for three erv~c,e. Chairman of the Board of Direc~ of a gold medal and prize of $1,000, Opens 8th Season ! ors of the Biddie Purch":,,ing Com- was presented to Mr. Nehrllng by Susan Hansen, ,swimming inThe program ts designed to help COUNTS •••••• pany of New :ork; he I,S a mem- Dr. Courtney Smith. Swarthmore's stru~tor. Joanne Shearer and Ann the members in their sales and ety ber of the S"'7 of Friends. For president and chairman of the Walker, all of Swarthmore, are service work. two decades he has been an active committee of selection for the _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'This fine professional member of the Board of M.anagers S tt A d among those on the staff of the pharmacy i • • 1"""7" at co war III B It d STUDENTS ON WFIL of Swarthmore College, where The 28 y;ar old Scott Award Play H Camp, ea Yedro~~ SUNDAY NIGHT AT 10••15 your service. Bring us earlier he had been a student. The ·tabli hed b Margaret Scott Springfield. which open I , , YQur doctor's prescrip. f·1 f f g was es s y eighth seaSon June 24 with a IIrst ~lddle ,am~ y, or yo,ur enera- MODn and Owen Moon, Jr., in week enrollment of .93 campers. Calvin A. Coleman, June grad",tions. for prompt, pretise tI~ns, has gIVen 18t6h ears °Bf serd- memory of Arthur Hoyt Scott, an ate of Swarthmore High School, Is compounding. And turn Vice to the Swar more Lionel H. Jackson, an tm lnstruct-f one of three students who will be ' . 1 L'boar. outsta n d·mg ama teugardener r. to ua for aoytbing you may The Friends Historlca I rary, Swarthmore College is the cuslo- or in the English Depar ent 0 intervieWed on WF1L, Sunday need in drugs or sundries. one of the best United States col- dian and trustee of the endowment Nether Providence High School is night at 10: 15 on a 15-minute proYou are assured fair prices lections on the history of the f d • director of the eight-week pro- gram. Joseph Manion, a graduate and' prompt service. Friends, is housed in a building un s. gram. Other staff members of West Catholic Boys High School given to the College by Mr. Biddle: I clude Mrs. Adele Cook, of Spring- and Joyce McCaughan of, Women's Born' in Philadelphia, he also at- Service Wed. C oses field, dietitian; Mrs. Annabel T. Medical College, Philadelphia: are CATHERMAN'S tended Friend. Central School. Summer Church School Moffet, of Springlleld, registered the other students on the panel in DRUG. STORE grandson, Clement M. Biddle ' (Continued from, Page 1) nurse; Mrs. Selll\Q Swing, of a salute to education following the was one of 209 seniors to Estabrook assisted by Janet Sny- Springfield, arts and crafts ,teach- theme "An Educated People K13·0586 awarded bachelor degrees at der taught first· grade; Mrs. F. er; Mrs. Jean Preston, of Media, Moves Freedom Forward.' same Commencement exercises. Weston Whittier assisted by Nan- director of horseback riding; and E. T. Braund of Cornell avenue . New ,C,.,...'H .....: He and his wife live in Bronxville, cy Goff had second grade: Mrs. Mrs. Bettye Breeser, of Springthe moderator of the Phi1adel" JO P. M. Dally N. Y. Phillip Mayer assisted by Wanda lIeld, outdoor cooking, nature and phla Round Table program. Geoffrey Crowther, 18 Nickerson taught third grade; Mrs. improml?tu drall\Qtics. _ _ _-'-___- - - -_ _ __ editor of the Lon.don Economist, Lewis Bundick and Mrs. Maurice Others on the staff include was characterized as an Webster led the Junior.. Dorothy Breeser. Carol Sullivan, of the Anglo-American alliance on Mrs. A. E. PrItchard played. the Gary E. Lawlon and Larry Lawwhich the peace of the world, leans orga)" for the services and· Mrs. ton. all of Springlleld; Harry R. heavily. An Englishman by birth, James Hornadsy was responsIbile Cook, of Drexel Hill; James S. and an American as well as a for classroom music. The recrea- MaoMaIn, of Havertown; Wlillilim j old i,an" buifcl,nc Swarthmorean by marriage (he tion period was supervised by Tom J. Miller, !'f Paoli; John' W. r:iiiiii:ii:iiii:iiii:ii:iiii:ii:~~iiii~~~~ii~~~iii married Margaret Worth of Clay- Hubbard assisted by Alan Starn. Nichols, Branford, Conn.; Mary Ii mont, Del., In 1932) he was train- ford and Nancy Weber. Vicki Mac- Lou O'Donnell, of Ridley Park; "Yo.. Meet the NICEST People at Speare'.". ed In economics at Cambridge Uni- Nair, assisted by Gloria Deeble Marianne E. Thompson, of Media; versity, and as a Commonwealth was responsible for child care of MlIrion Gibson, of Broomall; STORE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday, 9:30 to 5:30: Fellow at Yale and Columbia. He teachers' children under four yea~,Joan McKee, of Bryn Mawr. Friday, 9:30 to 9:00; Safurday, 9:30 to 6:00 served .hls eountry during the war of age. All ministers of the sponSports, arts and crafts, swlmyears 10 the Ministry of ,Supply, soring churches visited the schaD' mlng, story hDur, games, singing, the MinIstry of Information, and and took part In the serviceS dur- outdoor cooking, nature,' draas Deputy Head o! the'Joint '!Iar ing the ten-day session. . malics,horseback riding and creProduction. Staff ~ the. ~~t~ ative nature crafts are being hlghDf Production. Durmg hiS ed! D Mr. and Mrs. S.' Norton Lan- lighted for the campers who range ship of the Economist, the already don of North Princeton avenue In age from the primary level to dl~tin~shed journal was ?,~de returned after spending I-w~ 12 years. The camp which is In preemment as an organ of DplDi~n weeks with their son-In-law and operation for eight weeks is ownIn the field of economic and politl- daughter Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. ed and directed by Mr. and Mrs. rs. cal Bovard Df Henryetta, Okla. J. Edward Lawton, 3rd. Manon Bayard Folsom, Secre- -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~'~.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!jj .EDGMONT AVENUE - SEVENTH AND WElSH STREETS tary of Health, Education, and B! WeUare, was cited as a businesslike humaultarian and a humanitarian buSlnessmn. He also served in public office as Under Secretary of, the Treasury and was one of the Middletown Road R. D. 16, .Media: Pa. , chief architeCts of the Federal so• IOpposite High Meadow cial'security program. Formerly he was treasurer Df the Eastman Kodak Company, a chairman of the Board Df Directors of the BulIalD Federal Reserve Bank and a memTeleph ••e: CH.ster 2~7206 ber of the Board of the New York Ask for Ben Palmer or Henry Arnold Federal Reserve Bank. Bliss Forbush was hDnored as an educator, author, minister and \ Visit our ROcidside Market leader of the Society of Friends. on' the Middletown Road For many. years he was a teacher at the Friends SchoDI in BaltiBR04DLEAYED EYERGREEN'S more; since 1943 he has served as headmaster. The' author of many PonlD STAR ROSES EYERGREENS IN YARIETY books, he was cited chiefly as the DAYLILIES - NAMED YARlnlES biographer of Jj:lias Hicks. He has occul'ied numerous positions of Power Spraylll, * alice barL_.., g irts '-~ . C.,..• aft:u Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. Custom Landscape Work ~~~~iiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiij including of Executive Sectrust withthose the Society of friends, retary Df the Baltimore Yearly Meeting and Chairman of the Friends General Conference. For nearly 10' years he represented the sOciety in the World Council of Churches. Henry Jermain Maude Creighton was presented with the degree of Doctot of Science on the campus where 'he had been a member of the faculty 'in the department of chemistry for 40 years. Before retirement in 1952 and his return ·to his native Canada, Professor Cle!ghton received many hooors, amDng them the Longstreth' Potts Medals from the ~=: institute and the Acheson I from' the Eieclrochemical Soclely. He recently riiceIved anl ~~:~:~ degree from Dalhousie t in lIallfax, where be had· eru~lle:r I earned a bachelor's degree. . Arno H. Nehrling. in recognI- . tIon 01 11· Jlfetlme d!woted to NINE NEW COLORS .nCKIM' Birchwood Finishes These fine 'cabinets protected by, hard wearing plastic ... nothing destroys. .. another It's bare, sqwue and ~ulifolIy-bowed ,_ and it's wonderful sleeveless blouse hi wrinJde.resistpnt DACRO~ and cotton diat washes like a gem. drips dry without ~ing. Buttuos up to a squue nedd1ne in back. A cbarmer in white or bladc. Sizes 32 to 38. I calUe I 01 American hO!rtlcillltun.'j was ~,..ith the ArthUr Gardia ,and :~'QI'Il 'IIt Swattbaooae PAlIK AVI., SWAllLlMaB tri7 .'- , eDul'lmt's' trademark . . . . WU . . . . ~ • ...., ....IO!-! \ ,-...... '.' "l"ll.... '. _ ' ' .' Operation Alert Today Operation THE ·SWARTHMOREAN ~Iert Today, I VOLUME 29-NUMBER 28 Variety Is Keynote, ,For Borough 4th Pa.. Friclay,July 12, 1957 • State' Recommends "Yellow" Route Fot Mid-Co. Expres$wa~ Ju"ges Face Tough Choice in DecisIon Over Paraders Heated Council Votes $4.00 PER . Rev. Arthur H. Butler In Air Conditioners Mimorial. Service Held for Dr. Mercer Also Places Stop Signs Retired Penn Oea·n Was Not the Red route, the ll1ue One-Time Football ' route, Dr the green route, but the On Co IIege Ave.· At "yellow" was recommendea as the Princeton Great S tat e Highway Department·s Sweltering in Monday nlght·s A memorial senM.ce was held at Once more the Borough has choice for the Mid - Delaware heat Borough Councilmen cheer2 o'clock Slinday afternoon in the . County Expressway 'under the discussed, the merits of one Friends Meeting ;House for Dr. E. tucked away into its histqry a Federal interstate hlghwaysys- and one.and.a~half ton air conLeroy Mercer, 133 Ogden avenue. safe and sane. Fourth of ,July. tem it was disclosed Wednesday dltioning units for the borough wb,o, died Tuesday night. July 3, in Beginning more or less promptly in Harrisburg. The plan has been secretary's office and police headthe University of Pennsylvania with the parade at the Borough sent to the U. S. Public Roads quarters, Hospital. He was 68. Hall parking lot at 9:"15, the 1957 Burel\u. Leaving the final decision (to A medical doctor, a coach and . A spokesman of .the PhI1adelbe made within .the week) and an athlete. Dr. Mercer received events continued in measured or, hi Engin· fir' hi h eermg m, ,w c to exceed $650,the Councllhis earty education at Kennett p a erratic (depending, on individual aligned the route, yesterday said then discussed and voted to Square High School, and George age and buoyancy) to the College tha~ contrary to ,published reat 'an aPProximate cost School where he w"" considered Avenue School playground rDr ports, .the route as presently laid of $300. shade screens for ·the the one man track team_rintel". , out will not "wipe, out Rutledge" Park avenue. and·,court· -side winvaulter, high _ jumper, broad _ games an~ popsicles. and pony but will toucb only one corner of dows of the library. It was esti- Rector at Dubll"n jumper and shot-putter. He held . the then world interscholastic pole' rides (for the very young and it, probably affecting no more mated that these removable. ever-ves.ent). . than a half dozen hoUses. It was metal sun screens would blot vault record, and was on the The Tennis Club's annual round also stated from the same source, an average of, 33,000 B.T.U.'S in To Here SUo n. track, basketball" baseball and robin, entailing some' 27 coUples ,in reference to reports of tHe the course of, a summer day, and lacrosse teams: save from $700 to $1100 in future Presbyterians Will Hear Entering the University of this year, in full swing on the Route's taking u15Q homes College avenue courts· by this Springlleld,"- that' 'the figure is purchase of air-conditioning units Rev. Butle·r at 11 A.M. Pennsylvailla In the flail of 1909, Ume, brought ina comfortable more nearly accurate for. the en- for the library. The screens are his college career was crowned clutch Df constantly changing kib- tire robte, and that he judged scheduled to arrive within the Worship, Service by honors in football which he ilzers.· along with the chlldlsh that even half of that figure' two ·weeks. \vas first introduced to in his query; ''But why on such a hot would probably be high' for At thl'Public hearing openinll" '1;he Rev. Arthur H. Butler. freshman year., He was twice day?" and 'the convinced parental Springfield. , . the regular July meeting, Vinof Iretand, w.ill be the eiectedfullback on Walter Cump's reply. ''That;s when they like' it The route, closely approximat- cent Gallagher. appearin,g for the speaker Sunday mornmg at the All-Amoirl~ football team. He ,,'';Uso , ~aptaln of the Penn team best." ing the red route, would begin at Cities' Service 011 Corporation. Swarthmore • lock PresbyterlanChurch's I was The Fire Complmy's demonstra- the interchange on 'the' proposed presented the revised plans tor HROCto , ~~~t Dublin for tWo years and ,a sprinter and t1M1 at uoonkept, a crowd ·lining 'Chester ExPressway about 1000 his. company's proposed building Mr. ~lit~erOwas educ;:'in Trlnl~ bJ"Qad jumper on the track team. the sunburnt _·s' around the feet west of Wanatr.aker 'avenue at the former Rumsey Service Co'I' D blin' I ' h in He won the IC~ broad.... .,. in rth ly . ' ty '. eg", u w lere e ga parking lot on tenterhooks. as, in .Esslngton, run a nO er StaUon at ~ale 'and Rutgers ave- ed'the M.A. Degree and an Hon-- jum ping c h,ampIODSh·IP in 19.12 and , those J)8radoldca1 hosb nuxed dlre\!tionto. cross Damy Creek nue. Since the blueprints comDegree I Th I 11 1913. He was a member of the careful lIPlitseCoDd dnVing Bild in a relocated channel, ..cross the plied ~th Councl1's earlier re- our~ tin tion~' . t~e~:' : ' : : s u. S. Olympic t~ at Stockhplm jumps and runs wlt!l it, notlee- Chester pike' at Madison avenue quests ,that the white porcelain :dal~ed".n 19~ ~or the ~rlsh of in 1912. ably Waning moral control over and 'MacDade boulevard' between enamel, across-the,front sign be Dublin., Dr. Mercer served Swarthm.ore direction those boses were ·rudley and. Sylvania ,avenues. . red\lced to. the size' previously At th tb ak o f . 1939 College as ,head, of !be phYSIcal It then WoUld'.~ ,Morton used on the: front. and that red he jOin:do~:eArmy ~~ in edu~ation department, director of pointing:...>,); coatrol that broke altolethetcto'the,.teeof-the,kidll avenue·near Co~l:'"venue uncosted brick,beused,,-Co~cl1- Fl'ance'fram Octo~ i939to.M:ay its athletic p~gram and head -and most ,adults. and the cr.owd Ridley 'township, and come up men granted the' building p~t. 1940, when he took part in the coach of the fOotball team from dispersed out of reach of the ,bel-ween RiverView and Lincoln . Council shelved the suggestion evacuation from' Dunkirk. In .J942 1914 to 1931. During those years spray. avenues to cross Baltimore Pike. fDr a parking lot on the ShIrer he became Senior Chaplain of the he was an Imporlta~t fi&ure behind. Here the scheduled events of It crosses 1000 feet east of Spring- lot next 'door tp: the. ,Pld, Bank First Infantry Division and was ,the Middle Atlantic States Colthe 'SWarthmore Business Assoc- lIeld road an,d so continues on to Building ,on "Rutgers avenue, to with the Division In N~rth Africa legiate . Assoctation. Because he lation's program concllided,' but Cons1!ohocken. , ,await opinion of thePlafmlng and Italy. He was the SenIor was a coach, a doctor and. an after a suitable liht~, undoubtThe total length is a~ut 15 Commission. Also referred to the British Chaplsin In lite AnzIo athlete, he was selected In 1931 as, 4" ..._.... 1cn1CS, miles' and will cost anestunated commission' was Harry SeymDur'S d m1 1st ed to Penn's dean of the physical eduedly ....ed in, by • ........, p . ight of . f his an n er cation department under the nelgbborhood gatherings. and at $32,000,000, with ,r - - way request to reduce the SIze 9 . many American soldiers there. ' . ' , . ed "'_nti th· . of t.he ,costing an·' additional $3,000,000., lot on Harvard avenue behmd ' Gates plan which co-ordmat least 9ne ga e n n g . under one head the university's cian, sWIm Club members and II.....' S t Joseph ··A. D1L!>mmo of Rydal, MetZ', Hunt ..WI"n, Te"n' m"s student health, physical education e p a . , with $2,589 was lq,w bidder and athletic programs. He retired their friends converged Qn the 'Orillration Uli. the' end, of Riverview road, ~ • . on .furnishing, the materials ,and b' R R b" in 1953 ~use of poor health. , for an 110ur of water contests and For Som'etlme Today doing the work of cul'bing 1400 • u s oun One of Penn's greatest aU-liine entertainment. 'Swimmers ~feet of '"'a!rvi.ew rOa.d between.J h T . Is CI b athletes, 'Dr. Mercer Was It gentle, ". The Swart more enn, u thoughtful man well liked by stuviously 'had mserved the mllX1Dl ' I ''N t ttl Residents of n...h.~'lvani.. a, New lIv en:ue and lIIichlgan. courts. on College avenue were'the , , of the old water - og 0 un ~~J 507 Ced I . dents, c.oaches and professors. He one hour after meals," for no chll!i Jersey al)d, New Xork will take Gro"~e Wagner, . ar ane, scene during the Fourth Df July looked on sports as an indispens,.' of Neptune sank with I"dlgestlon part tomDrrow "OPeration Alert appeared befo~ Council to ex- weekend of' a highly successful aple boon to pltysical and meiltal press his appreciati~ for what Round~Robin DoubJes Tourna- health. nor doubled up, according tD reo 1957" . . ti . "-d been done in the past to re- melit. Beginning on Ille morning • ports, wiiJI II single cramp. , . For the public, partiClpa on inm -ileve. .the traffic conditions .. when what ,!S.".tbeexercise will be brief but on o·f' tho e ~ourth, '" ...,.. 'He is· survived by, his wi,fe,the' J"IIC)PS lIIaI erected on the highest percentage of actual in Program sively sunnier' and 'more humid will require only listening to the avenue at Princeton. 3gainst potential points. COMcil also agreed to the Lions Matches ""ere based on the b~t The Summer Club program of morning. found their jab tough sIgna1 and 'preparatto11,' for, the enough, as wave after wave the "Take: Cover" signal Isler in . Club's, proposal·: to use the old four out of seVIeD games, ~nd rune the s.wart.tunore Recreation As(ContinuecI 00 Page 7). , . . Scout House (now the Sea matches were necessary m order sociatlon began Monday, July 1 . , . afternoon. ding the Scouts Ship) for their weekly to qU1llify. The. winners are to be at the high school with Ii2 boys Operation SWAP U~! soun full ublic. partici- meetings, as long 'as the Lions awarded one-year. leases on and girls enrolled. . .. T ·th Cover ~~~ ~ and their proteges could work Fourth of July Tournament cuPS. Again teams have been picked. th~r. ~d Mrs••Stuart De°b~~y WI d pa~on f th req out an IigJ eeat>le schedule. gOod until the Fourth of July next and on the basis Df points scorelr children AliaB, e, an. residents 0 e , when it Is hoped that this ed thus far' the Big Bad Black Peter moved . July 1 from 421 wtth a few Dr" Norman Meinkoth year's unusually large and ~_ Feet with Danny Marino as capHaverford place to nui f?m.'er shelter' under the direction thuslastic turnout can be repeated. taln: are leading. The other teams home of the Boyds at 2~1 Dlcktn- Civil Defe?"e forces and To Teach in Bangkok The CDUrts are buzzing with en- follow in this order: son avenue. Mr. Torrey s' mother duly <;<>nslit';lted authDrlty. ~Dr. Norman A. Me!nkoth, as- thusiastie players' these days as, Second, the Motley Crew. Pat:-Mn. 'J~. 'reing held by Mrs. kie Smith captain; 'third,' the Blue N.Y., will reside with the' Torreys. the pennsylV'llnia Tur~plke~ .Collele, has been Welsh ctuise enter their Jaguus,Kim PrO!SCOU captain: Mr. and )Irs. Samuel D. Rey- Schuyki11 Expre way and Penn a PWbrigh, aWar4., to week. Lads. and lassestrom fourth, the Machetes, Andy .J[Cltol!ls haVe moved to 121 Haver- Lincoln ~kway. Also. train.· teach&ng in' biolotti> . to 18 are' practicing _ .... and Nair captain. IIfth ~e splUlres, ford place from their formerresi- aircraft schedules' will not be afUniftrSily. . sUokits so that they can' partlci': Allen Torrey' captain; and' sbdb, dence at II BenJamin West avenue. fectetl.) .' " Ftsoo' i kok Tbailand dliring the ill the first round raID whick the Hawks, Tom Gaylord captain. Mr. and MrS. W. Spencer ~ally. CharlesE. e; s deudc;year 1957-58. Dr. . nan week. Although mosti.ast Friday's' field day begopi 'l'hompson with their; children Director of Civil Deleuse, assisted will lecture ,in in.e&tebr1ite ~. have _ dlftlculty W\th With a sortball game in which the JennIfes- ,and LaIrd are now resld- by Charles W~ Lul!:ens IUId aiiddinict ecnIocical stUdies the strokes than with the scorlnf, 8ve counseliors took 011 about ao lng at ~5 Wellesley 'road; Their W. Garrett, depu\y' ~. clp;""<2'tl6a o~fauna, worlt:- ~ Cbaae,hope$ that with the of"theSwnmer the Old Bank Building on Rutgers avenue, to await opinion of the Planning Commission. Also referred to the commission was Harry Seymour's request to reduce the size of his lot on Harvard avenue behind A memorial service was held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon in the Friends Meeting ,House for Dr. E. Leroy Mercer, 133 Ogden avenue, wh,o. died Tuesday night, July 3, in the University of Pennsylvania Hospital. He was 68. A medical doctor, a coach and an a thlete, Dr. Mercer received his early education at Kennett Square High School, and George School where he was considered the one man track team-sprinter, vaulter, high - jumper, broad jumper and shot-putter. He held the then world interscholastic pole vault record, and was on the track, basketball, baseball and lacrosse teams. Entering the University of Pennsylvania in the fall of 1909, his college career was crowned by honors in football which he was first introduced to in his freshman year. He was twice elected fullback on Walter Camp's An-American football team. He was also captain of the Penn team for two years and a sprinter and broad jumper on the track team. He won the ICAMA broadjumping championship in 1912 and 1913. He was a member of the U. S. Olympic team at Stockholm in 1912. Dr. Mercer served Swarthmore College as head of the physical education department, director of its athletic program and head coach of the tootball team from 1914 to 1931. During those years he was an important figure behind, the Middle Atlantic States Collegiate Association. Because he was a coach, a doctor and an athlete, he was selected in 1931 as Penn's dean of the physical education department under the Gates plan which co-ordinated under one head the university's student health, physical education and athletic programs. He retired in 1953 be~ause of poor health. One of Penn's greatest all-time athletes, Dr. Mercer was a gentle, thoughtful man, well liked by students, coaches and professors. He looked on spods as an indispensable boon to physical and mental health, He is' survived by his w.ife, the former Emily Atkinson whom he married in 1914; four children, Mrs. Ross Allen, Eugene Leroy. Jr., David H. and Thomas A. Mercer; and 12 grandchildren. I Haverford place to the former home of the Boyds at 201 Dickinson avenue. Mr. Torrey's mother Mrs John Torrey from Yonkers , . N. Y., will reside with the Torreys. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Reynolds have moved to 421 Haverford place from their former residence at 6 Benjamin West avenue. M d M W Spencer r. an rs.. 'I'hompson with their children Jennifer and Laird are now residing at 15 Wellesley road. Their former home was 530 Walnut lane. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Boyd with their son Gordon and daughter Suny moved July 1 from their former home at 201 Dickinson avenUe and are now at 530 Walnut lane. ,residing Memorial Service Held for Dr" Mercer Also Places Stop Signs On College Ave. At Princeton Rector at Dublin To Preach Here Sun" Presbyterians Will Hear Rev. Butler at 11 A,M. Worship Service The Rev. Arthur H. Butler, Ch':'rch of Ireland, will be the speaker Sunday morning at the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church's 1-1 o'clock service. Rector of Monkstown, Dublin, Mr. Butler was educated in Trinity College, Dublin where he gained the M.A. Degree and an Honours Degree in. ~heology, as well as distinction in athletics. He was ordained in 1935 for the parish of Monkstown, Dublin. At the outbreak of war in 1939 he joined the Anny and was in France from October 1939 to May 19<10. when he took part in the evacuation from Dunkirk. In 1942 he became Senior Chaplain of the First Infantry Division, and was with the Division in North Africa and Italy. He was the Senior British Chaplain in the Anzio Beach-head and ministered to many American soldiers there. '0' perat"Ion AIert' Set Di~~!:~~n·A. Metz Hunt WI"n Tenn"ls Club's Round Robin For Sometime Today ~:;~got"ya%~:w r~~~bi~!t~:~~ Middletown Road R. D. 16, .Media, Pa. , Opposite High Meadow 'ttl ------, Civil Defense Test Scheduled for July J2 Paul B. Banks, of Harvard avey land avenue, Springfield, left for then the competitors can start to Linsenme~, en8lneenng and Thailand the end of June. concentrate on winnllig. transportation. ':i west Summer Club Reports 62 in 1957 Program The Summer Club program of the Swarthmore Recreation Association began Monday, .July b 1 at the high school with 62 oys and girls enrolled. Again teams have ,been picked, and on the basis of points scored thus far thc Big Bad Black ~a~~~' a~~t~e~~:;:T,;;:r!~~e:Ste:a,: follow in this order: Second, the Motley Crew, Parkie Smith captain; tbird, the Blue Jagua1'S, Kim Prescott captain; fourth, the Machetes, Andy McNair captain; fifth the Spitfires, Allen Torrey captain; and sixth, the Hawks, To~ Gaylord captain. Last Friday's field day began with a softball game in which the five counsellors took on about 30 of the Summer Cblbbers, and eked out a close decision. There were also a variety of races and other contesls. Danny Marino emerged as the champ pie eater, while Jim Hunter and.Allen Tor(Continued on Page 8) . J.... P . e~.SOntl". THE SWARTBMOREAN Pap Z Mr. and Mrs. Lloyjl E. Kaul!man of Dartmouth avenue will sail Wednesday aboard the Queen . Mary on a 10 week· tour' of the British Isles, the Scanllinavian countries, Germany, and Holland. visit In June their SOn and daughter-In-Iaw Mr. ad lin. Osca' DaVid GUdeest with tbelr childreD Buddy, Ralph Jo, Nancy, and Priscilla, of Colorado Springs, Colo. Naney and PrIscl1Ia creest were baptized on day, June 28, In St. Peters In the Great Valley by" ~...W; l1lllior .batr. 1: Illldftt . . .~'i ., f • 1'~~~;;~~~~::~~~~5~~5~~~~~:::~~ ~ .. m~:t:1 ~~, 50~ya~d I . (!4"~ ,JIij_A ~4 '. . ~""tT'~. W i d FOb R 00 -an _ I re ugs Sale .' ~~~. M~,:~,~~;or ~elayS. WI g. . D . r· Square-unilmited girls and boys H .. MOrrison, J. and. 400-meter freestyle.. . S. Williams. J. Seybold, B. Bake, TUesday, July 23, 6 p.m. at WalB. Dumm. B. Breakell, C. ·liogford.....mtermediate girls and swiriun~ 'Swaribmore Betten Beaonla DurIng the past two Saturday meet. the following Swarthmorebroke Swarthmore pool reca:. reviously helQ by Of thP tea which had ~ere' e Dav~Preston, senior boys 'ard· freestyle 1'025' at various pools beginning nex' junior boy; free(Discontinued Pafferns' Wednesday evening and ending style, 32.2; Jim Foley, junior boys • Sunday afternoon, JulY 28.. . backstroke, 38;3. Malin B~yer ..tI~ .The complete scped~e fOllOWS itbe Int"rmedia~ boys. backstroke 9x12 Regular. Wedl>esday, ;July 1';,6 .p.m..a 37.5.' (Tuesday,'nlght, . . .. . Gray, Beige, Rose,' Tan, Martin's Dam-junior girls and moveli up to 1:02.2, Foley to 37.7 Green,' Multicolor . boyS Diving. M 'in backstroke and .32;0 in freestyle, 9x15 Gray, Tan, Green, Multicolor 58.50 Friday, JulY 19, 6 p.m. at ar" and:Boyer."to 37.4). . 12.12 ple-Newto~enior girls and In addition the McGur~y broth.Light Green 65:75 Diving. t ers established four ~f I!1ght new . 12.15 Dark Groen 82.75 Saturday, July 20. 9 a.m. ad Swarthmore team records which MarPle-~ewtown - seni;tr~ke were set as follows: Richard 'Mc619 ~ray, Green 27.50 . gl:rJs and boys bac Curdy, midget boys ~;Sl~~:i.!~~: I 8dO Gray,.Green, Cocoa 37.50 and orthodox breaststro~~~me breaststroke, 1>1.9; and . day at 2:30 "::d!.";' glrln and 54; Dloo ScbuImmediate Delivery - Mostly On~ of a backstroke and orthodox breaststrok~g t 'gI'~ls breaststroke. . . 1I'acher. m e Not All Sizes in the Same Paffern. breaststroke. 1'05' Sarldy Robinson. Prior Sale. Subject Sunday. o!UIY 21, 3 p.rn. at ChesbackstrOke, 48.5; Bob Submont-senlor and juni,or girls and Iette sWnor boys butterfly, 1: 18; boys freestyle and medley JOY";' Williams, senior girls backMonday, July.g2. 6 p.m. at Penn stroke,I:28.2. (.R.· McCurdy.s and tim~ SPECIAL CHILDIEN'S SHOW SATURDAY 1 P.M. l-C.I., 'Cortoo•• 2-D...... of Caudla. Mo..~ HANASTASIA" Final Week of Jessup Campbell.. sehade, andH. J. Plaul, :0. Purnell, . The who mad: on practise SPrints. I seonng heats Included. Thompsen. Terry McCurdy, Townes and Lynn Farrington. . Taesc1Q DetaIls At the end of thflbackstroke events Tuesd8y eveDibg S'i\'artht 1Il0r" ~. Aronlm n.. 88 to 35'At . the end of orthodox. breastsloroke D.ily r••tures.-7:30. 9:30 P.M. Saturd.y r••ture0-6. '. 10 P.M. pa~ Klngswood 3·1250 ONE FREE BOSTON POPS LP With Any Tw.o Yq.u luy!' 'HELD of... mi~ IadVaDoCed training In multi-eaglne Bemenult reCeIved her naturalizia(1:03.9); oo,s: 1 S. RoblnNEWS NOTES aircraft at Hutch1n""n, Kans. tlOD during a fOnnallypreson (.7), 2 D. FoleY. .• . sentatlon. She was former a Breutstroke' I dor 1ir1s: 1 C. Miss Carolyn ·DanfOrib Cadet Luehrlng attended the Uni- subject of Great Britain. wrslty of Rochester before enter- ...~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;: Williams (1:31.2), 3. J. Willaims; over the 4th of July with senior boys: 3 B. Sublette famUy OIl H111bo~ a;~tye big the Naval Aviation Cadet Pro- i (1:22.6); Intermediate lirls: 1 B. returning to New or gram. Aroriin,!nk Fray, Enjoyed IBreak:len (44.6),3 S. WiJ1iams; In- she Is studying at at Mr. and Mrs.'John M. B. Ward PlCIORE fRAMING As Others Postpone,. termediate boys: 3 M. Boyer ScbOjll. of MUSic, and ug of North Sw8rthmore avenUe reCancel (43.7); junior girls: 3 S. Wigton the StI1d1o Club. 0 Yale avenue turned last week from a. ten-day f d n' hon. vacation at Eaglesmere io the Po(DZ~7); junior boys: 2 D. McCurdy Susan B·ltedBraun the 7) 3 Bo d' midget ~I-ls' 1 has been c on ea s G W·tb Saturday morning's sched- (46. , . . y. .... . Us! ~., scholastic achievement conos. . l ted meet 'with Wallingford sud- 14: Schumacher (1:00.0); midget the: seccil1d semester of ------- . .....tographic Supplill :enlY postponed until Thursday boys; 1 R. lIIcCurdy (48.2). 1956-57 academic year at U. S. Clfln. State & Mo.roe Sh. evening of tbia week, the SwarthFreestylE! senior girls: .1 C. nell University. Susan, who. will Mrs. Andrew 5emenuk,' Jr., of Media ore Swim Club Team divided Williams (1:12.1),3 A. Paul, sen- be a sophomore at Bucknell Harvard avenue has recently beMEdia 6-2176 :'d held an Inter-squad meet .at lor. boYs:.l D. Preston '(1:02.0); fall, is studying for the degree of cOme a citizen of the United the home pool that and intermediate girls: 1 C. Br.odbead bachelor of arts. Daughter of Mr- States. At a special ceremony in Open Friday Evenings . then practlc~ for an antiCIpated (32.5); intermediate boys .. 3 .1. Eleanor Braun, she Is a graduate the Media Court·. House Mrs. _ Tuesday evening bout with Rose Seybold (31.2); junior girls. 2 fl· of Swarthmore High SchooL Valley. However, wben TUesday Crawf<»-d (88.5); junior boys: 1 Miss Ruth Webb of South Chesarrived Rose Valley canceled and • Foley (32.0), 2 B. Baker; mldg* ter road with MrS. Murray. StE!d-1 Aronlmlnk, which currently is tied girls: 2 C. Espenschade (48.9),. 8 man of Vassar avenue and with Colonial Village for the A. Townes; mlcIaet boys: .1 D. Raymond Clark of. Park avenue returned Monday night after atchampionship of the older division Foley. (38.8), 2 R. McCurdy. of the League, kindlY gathered Butterfly senior girls: 1 C. tending Camp Farthest Out for a UP most of Its team members on Williams (1:26.1). 3 J. Paul; sen~ week at Sliver Bay. Lake George. the spur of the mOlDent and came ipr boys: 2 B. Sublet1e (1: 13.0), 3 N. Y. to Swarthmore so the local D. Preston; intermediate gkls: 1 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gay of could try its abillty· against one C. Brodhead (39.6), 3 S. Williams; Riverview road attended the. von intermejllate boys: 2.. M .. Boyer Franckenberg-Murphey wediliog its last years OPPO!"ebts· in other diViSion of the (43.8); jlihlor girls: 3 H. Morri- In Washington, D. C .• June 22 and JULY AND AU~UST Amazingly bettered times son (51.6); ,junior boys:, 3 J. Foley with .theIr chUdren spent. t"e later In this story attest to (45.1); midget girls: 1 C. Espen- week end with Mr. and Mrs. impetus of superior competition. ""hade. (56.6); midget boys:. 3 R.' Franklin Gutchess In Alexandria. With ·scoring and recording a McCurdy (52.4). ... Va. . ~warthmore's senior gn'ls relay Naval AvIation Cadet Da.viclsol'l real problem "by the Ught ot the moon" the Aronimink-Swarth- team placed first with the time. of Luehring. son of Dr. and Nrorth'l ope meet ended before 2: 20.8. 'The boys teem lost WIth 'Frederlck W. Luehring of :::';s diving had with a tiine of 2: 02. .' Chester road qualified finai scOre of 183 for' Aronilnl~ tilV!iilt'-';'Juirlor glr~: 1 S. ,Craw-. radio lostrument flight June and Iil2 for Swa~more.The .~c,38•.4 PO~. 2.,B. Purnell, 3 when he completed his radio Renshaw; Junior boys: l\ B. strument. training at the =."'" I" tors congratulated SwartJuiiore Yale Ave.ue aid S••tfI CII.ster load upon the team It has developed; 46.2 points; intermediate Field Naval AuxUlary Air Station, one wltich gave tliem as last year's girls: - 2 S. Williams 99.3. 3 B. Foley, Ala. He is now undergoing champion and possibly this Bt6akeU; ititerni~~ boys: 1 B. . The season's last scheduled within. the 'tieW. divislob of Suburban League will be Swarthmore and Springfteld at latter's pool tomorroW at 9: a.m. Swartlu!1ore's seahorses to meet at their O\11n pool a·t 8: "FUNNY 'ACE" (In Technlcolarj sh05irt~~~~§!ii~~~~~~~iii~ swmmers Basyin .' . ,0, ",•• 0'", ~n papa • MeetgOod TOmGIioriv year's,FlDai a ..-ea11y contest. ·A Ieol .o_v••toore' A._,e,. Hepb"",' ~ Astal... ,11ti'ri'IuTo $ERYICE HEADQUARTERS . Spring 'r. . Up ........ . " . Fri. +hru' Tue... July 12-16 "",.1 A.a~' ~ward. WIot_ ·1...._ . . . . . . Y.,. ......, .' It SW0r:tlooil.ore. Po. THE pic.... W Al.'01E--. ho. of Baltimore, Md.;' Mrs. PhiUp M!II'lbO~o College, Vt .•.is currently I~========;================= Marvel Maroney, and Mrs. Fred- combining work for his Master's eri,* MacGregor1 Campbell, Jr. d~ Ii>. blo-chemis~. with ':Mr. Maroney will be his son's teechiog :bIology at the. University best man. Ushers' will be Mr. Jo- of" Mas$achUileUs. . seph' Dallies Tydhigs, Mr. Fr'S radio instrument training' in .~une at the ~ FieId Naval A~a,'Y AIr Station, Foley, Ala. He 18 now undergoing adv8l!ce.d traiJ;ling in mU1t1-engme aircraft at Hutchinson. Kans. Ensign McCormack .is a graduate of Princeton Univ...s1ty. Mr. and Mi's. Thomas S. Thorbahn and their four children, Of Lafayette avenue, will leave Sunday for a two-week vacation 'It Stone Harbor. N.J. During their absence their home will be occupied by Mr. Thorbalm's parentS ,Mr. and Mrs. Th~mas H. Thorbalm of Rose Valley. ·Mr. and Mrs. Oscar J. Gilcreest Ushe~ and Patrick Murphy Malin, The were Mr. Bradford A. of New York City, formerly of Prince of Westfield, Ma.... and Swarthmore. iMeosrs. John and Martin HelleMiss Fleet was graduated from well of Saunderstown, cousios of Mount Holyoke College in June. the bride. . Mr. Malin graduated from The bride's mother wore blush h "-h I I f ' . hin Swarthmore Hlg "., 00. casso pink chiffon WIth matc g ac-. 1952. A graduate of Darimouth. he and a corsage of white Is io the Army, stationed at Fort and baby's breath. Sam Houston, San Antonio. Tex. The mother of ~ groom was An autumn wedding is planned gowned' in a dove-grey clillroil sheath with a matchiog'velvet JULY BRIDE and shoes, and wore rose-plnk Miss Mary de Waele Campbell, carnations and baby's breath. daughter of Capt. and Mrs. FredA ~eceptiOD for the wedding erick MacGregor Campbell ~! waf held next doot to· t1\e Rutgers avenue, and. Mr. DaVld at',the home'of'the bride's Henry Maroney, son ,!f Mr. and grandniother MrS. Frederick E. Mrs. John Herilert lIIaroney SeymoUr. "The Gate House," Haverford, Following a m.otor tdp through will be married July 26 10 Trinity South, the couple wIl1 reSld' Episcopai CJ~urch. Woronoco.' Mrs. Joseph Davies Tydings of The bride is a graduate of Havre de Grace, Md.. will act as Swarthmore High .School and matron of honor for her sister. Simmons College, Boston, Mass. Bridesmaids will be Miss Gail Watson and MiSs Cynthia Dono- ·The bridegroom. a graduate of Jab' 12, 1957 WedneSday, boYs Diving. o7uly '24, Ii p.m.. at Swarthmore-unlimited gtrls and boys '220-yard freestyle.. SatuJday, July 27, 8:30 a.m. at East Wh1telanti-senior and junior gtrls and boys freestyle and butter6y Same day at 2:30 p.m. at cOlo.tial Village-intermediate and midget gtrls and boyS freestyle te-"-'" and but ,...... -Sunday, July 28, 4. p.m. at Mohawk .• . Lee. • 55.00 18.00 25.00 Kind Swarlhmo!~, ~ ~Learbroo M'I~~~'~~r~::1 ii~~~~~~~~~~'~f~"~~~K~N~O~W~S~~~~ii~~~~ breaststroke 1: 00.0. B ... sb-oke was 48.7, butterJly 1: 13.0 imd J. backstroke 1: 26.4). _ Ken,. Pool DlviAtioR . the SubUl',ba;nl Each pool. ~ 'ted t t Swim League IS ImVl tee 0 ' : er a gr~d sl~:";:::Pool on men s na Au~'" 3 BOys Saturday /ilil ev~........ teams will "_'.' be made up and s tK. each. ., * THE _1__ lI:Je;; INGLENEUK CLOSED In. the last month or two a number of families have traded smaDer homes' for lar9er homes a,!d visa versa~ f.Hies . WILL BE (Is Your H.,.. TooLarle or Too SmaRT) Why . 45.00 Needlelufl.. pOrienlal RU.I 100 Park Ave, ... KlngswoOil 3-6000 9-4646 Tuesday was 37-bettered by D. freestyle Foley's 36.S-his breaststroke was 48.2 .and bulterfty 52.4. . D McClB'dy's TUesday breast-. . at 'tlie present time. 40.00 to ~;s' ~~ro~nimink~~·~~·~in~tei"~·~Iedl~ia~te5~and~.~0~f~~8m5em5~rsa555'5555m We have a number of fine 30.00 FROM wanting to do fhi" > .:0. ,ick up the ,hon.' nOw and call ~ B&d, Joe Ho_ or H~ Paismore and get ~. name on ,our list in _ the rightfhing _I_along. , " . .' . . '-"." "- ". .:~' . .:..~., • T E. IOYLAN . THE SWARTHMOREAN. E ~Ylan father Of Mra. Ro~ 'Grooters' 245 Ogden avenue died .udde~y Sunday, .July 7 He had just returned from. at~nding church services at the Media Methodist Church. Mr Bo lan' would have been 86 years' olion Septem~ 7. He Is also survived by another daughter, Katherine Boylan, of Shaker Heights, 0., two sisters, seven grandchildren, and three great-grUNIIIALI , 1820 CHISTNUTSTREIT 0' Lallib ::;e·. 59c 9:15 A. M. IAmb Shld Roast - .. ::!, ".'7',: Neck~ ..z. ,._ Esther Williains's.ays: If Lamb Chops Cut , b ·If you can affOrd a, car·you, I~t:) have this pool in y-our backyard" (huc RoasIB~:=o~~a ",'C'··hl·.l'k· BRESBYTERIAN. CHURCH John Schott, Associate· Minister '$.)"09 .II:::m • 16-0z calli .. .~.- :"'~1Xius"N&wDELlCIOUS DRINK .: Pileapple-Grapefruit· 2 IDiAL OLiR FINEST QUALITY 2 .... · - TOMATO J 33c IDEAL OUR FINEST QUALITY JUICE 2:"::49- 89C t . . . . . . 3 Ib 3 az Mea.... !( . :..... " ";~'" . - f '. can·_ ." $6.,.-/ ": ~: . ....... .. • --,':}. . II . . " , ~'. . i ' . . ....:.: ~.' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - _ • • _ . . . . - _ . . . . - ._ . . . . _- - _ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • !'I . . . . . . . . . . . . .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , Sunday, July 14 10:00 A.M.-Choir RehearSal. . 11 :00 AiM. -- Church School classes. . ,11 :00 A.M.-Mr. Artbur H. But, ler of Dublin will preach. 12:15 P.M.-Congregational Meeting METHODIST CHURCH John C. Kulp, Minister Robert Wilde MinIster of Music suncl&y, July 14 9:45 A.M.-Sunday SchooL. 11:00 A.M.-Dr. W. Vernon Midwill . .• . ACM; H. Lawrence Whittemore, Rector "Y... ground Sunda7, Jab' 101 JOU can have this big. luxurious, 11Mb pool, designed by BstJ.. \VlIIIamr,lntemationaDy famous swimmlng star-the newest and smartest . means of famiJy ftm and healthCul, outdoor ezerclse. It means less hot, summer driving on crowded highways to dub or Ii r e\, And you'D be Amazed . at the low cost, thanb ~ Ingenious 10:00 A.M...".Morning Prayer. THE 'RELIGIOUS SOCI,ETY, . ... ·OFFRIENDS . . Sunday, July 14. 10: 30 A.M.-Hymn Sing in Whittier House. 11:00 .A;M.-Mee~g for WorShip. . cllfonda7. Jab' 15 All daY'sewmg for' A;F.s.C. WedD~, Jab'17 :~_gli eezlng.EuyIp·~lIagJ: , I ~ ~ It· xI I 'I Your "Co1mtI7 Cha.." - At B_e PerCect for Da4after ahardclay',;vorL Swimming keeps Mom', llgute In tiptop shape••• and what a delightful way. to entertain! For youngsters. it's seventh heaven, and safe, too. Takes them off Mom's hands Cor boun on end. . '!. Ca ,hte, a-... We-filt.1t onlif' ~. Is automatically llltered and :edJwlated, punt and cIeaII. All, "'ate&- • - ,talnl~ .st.eella~der. .CI -ler,alZlOedlacost-m.p., ", baMk. " : PrIce Iridud.. Installc:tloll' ~ ~I .,: .......,... . . " , 'I' ~Ji3·4W AIlE " ... "'- . . . ~ ... .... ~ - Fresh. perfeet for salads Escarole, Endive ·.....-.. --- ••••••••..•............•• -..•.......-..•.•..•......... ~ • ••• I .'FRENCH:,APPLE': '. PIES ~. 49c, . • , . Ide.1 delicious EXTRA Sharp (hee'se ..III 7'c - Deliclou. an . " ••• . :':,~_,.. -,~<_.".!.:t_-~-.- . ~:, _; '.;. .:~.: .. -"~ '-~:' -~~ &:" :'r~:··,""J.. tit' T.I· 3. I.'.' t'!t. Is ~.,..., • I: .,_. " ... J!' '2'''- a".._ tn,'::: "f J> .. ');. .... ,., •• ·r-~ •• .......... ... ,' " . ' - . ' -:. . >~::-:..:.:~~!~·.r-:.s.."'::t~5;:.j:, :-:;:.~:;:-:~,.' c··" ~'-:: . .•r-i-r'· ~ ':, __ .'-_ ; ,,~ •___ ~. :.~.,.,._!...,.; ....... _~_'~~."';.!'~' -"", -":-1:.<- -;':':-',_~.:.i.:':~ VIrginia Lee Apple'''' Jl V4I.I..EY P . .L:........ " 'd-".~'u.. C...., . . ., . " . ............ M.. .~~~. :;:. , . : ,', • ..,4111Wt·.; ~. . , ' ~~-~.~ > ... FRESH Virginia lee oven fre~h" Regular 59c 'oIalu~1 . w/...... tt.P.1Io ft.PaIio -, 17• . .................................... wfaa .... ft. PatIo . 18 X 30 "780 OX . . . . . . . _lt~ . • I •••• LEMONADE 5::: Sl( s;: )'10 ~ $1 (';) BRAPEFRQIJ JUICE. ..:~":. 7~$1 ('::) '-$1 (-). 3...... ASPARAGUS ,...... ...... sUCEDSTRAWBERRIES m:::.:... · 3:= $1 DoLE .·PlNEAPPlE JUICE, '.:= 6 := $1 (S:-). dl1(ing board, urjdetWater light. pooI.Cover for ~ when pool Is not in ~and many othen. Big play area-3 Ceet deep, roped off at one end Cor tots. Yet water is aImost \I feet deep off the springboard. The Es,ther WiUiamsPool is year. .ahead Ofaily ~ ~OIBt'gn, 1Ifety• low cost and fUtfnmlJet!on, Write or phone now f"r free detCldptive ~ • 'ROZ.N 1000 $ ·SAL' IDEAL FROZEN': 'l1IUNlTY hb 10::'::., ·e·· . n. 4 ,'BEAIS ,'; = .•' Just. Heat 'n Eat ... Canned Cooked CtlUICCH StRVICES 't, ,:' ,if' • . . . .t AND U. S. GoVT GRADE CHOICE IIE!F ........ 8rois o.t~:..,,:: ~ ..o AI'IlRIIII 8- ' --,,', Rib'Roast:NO:V~=~' 63c , . IDEAl OUR FINEST QUALITY ,'/:: · k...,. 1!'Ii".t AND·U. S.. GOV'T GRADE CHOICE BEEF 39c· ~ ShouW. Lamb Rib Chops Shank of'Lamb FULL QUART srOCK UP AND SAVE lreast·O' Lamb . ' REGULAR 49c VALUE . .• .. .•..........-.....••...• ..•..............••...•.•• , k nJd, S'... et,GENUINE 1957 SPRING tAMB ',Ie........'6-.511 .. 10 pm PRICES EFFECTIVE. • JULY II" 12, 13, 1967 : ~~be~~h~el~d~a~t~8~p~.mJ.~0~n~T:u:es~·d:ay:,~~::::~~~~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::::~~~~~~~~~~__ ~ SALAD DRESSING FRIDAY NITE THE' OLIVER H: BAIR CO. ,..; Q~T49c .HOM-DE-L1TE TH~I~S9Yp~ITE • S••da" , MAYONNAISE I We. extend our grateful apprecl. , ation . . LIMITED TIME ONLY HOM-DE-L1TE • c-, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS SPECIAL Will Re-open Monday. July 22 i;;;;;E;;;~;;;;~1 'HOW J Ky.; Mr. aDd Mrs. Frederick W. Held Bambrldge of Hamilton, Ontario. of Lancaster, returned with cnter- Mr. and Mrs. Arnold and will '. visit them at their summer home Tpey drove 2200· kilometers Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gensemer, on Lake Paupac for' several through France, Germany, and Jr., and two boys Dannie and weeks. .' Switzerland. They also visited Frankie have moved· from 234 Mrs. R. W. Goff of Haverford Bogland. Dickinson avenue to thel~ new avenue'wIIl have a meeting of the Mrs: Charles B. Leinbach of home in Upper Providence Town- football fOod committee at her Drexel Hill, formerly of Swarth- ship. home Tuesday morning. more, entertained on Tuesday Of Mr. and Ml's. Robert Arnold of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice GrIest of last week at the Overbrook Wal1inltord flew to Kentucky last Eln] avenue have just returned Country Club for several friends Monday w hen Mr. Arnold's from a visit during the Fourth of Including her mother Mrs. J. H. G. brother Col. Cabal Francis Arnold .JulY and the week end with Mr. McConechy of South Chesler road of Danville died suddenly of a and' Mrs. John Bowditch of and her house guest Mrs. John heart attack. Miss Dollie Arnold Johnny's' Acres, Belmont, Vt. Of Westminster avenue have re- Canada. Mrs. McConecby turned from a vacation In Europe. tsined on Thursday. '/ Mr. !lnll ~ Earle P. Yerkes of South Princeton avenue left June 22 for, Montreal to attend the. Convention of .the American Institutp of Electrll:al J!1ttgIneers. Following the \week's meeting they drove to Quebec where their entire fOur . .. . da?,s were marked by frequent rams. . They retum~ to their home and the semI-drought on July 3.. • ' Mrs. John M. Rainey of Yale avenue will relum to . by 'plane day after a vacation of several weeks In Maine. ' There will be one service only I.JUlv 16, in WhIttier Room. on Sunday-a service of Morniilg Prayer at 10 o'clock. The Rev, Robert C. S. Deacon, newly appointed cUrate, will be in chluge. Those serving as ushers will be as follows: ,C. S. Keller, head usher; E. M. Hillary, alternate; P. B. Banks, D. B. Cook, B. Harrar, J. W. Jones, " R. H. ·Maxwell, and H. C. Peters. .', Charles' FellOws and Robin Wright are scheduled to serve as acolytes. ~- Paa Ii .~ Ii . AllW' seWing for A.F.s.C. .fttlsT CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST SWARTHMORE Park Avenue below Harvard SWARTJIMORBAN ~- :0--";:.:.:",-,.,.••, .• : 7ft. ., . ·i,"·X: ..;,_;<;::.:-::< .•:._, ~ gallon. canlal..... ·... ~ •... • .' ,. .' r , , • :"- , \: ,1 THE ~., AR'I1UIOIllW'l "I saw it In the swart!unorean." SWARTHMORE. PA. Mrs•. Henry C. Patterson of Maple avenue notUrned on the Statendam on June 26 from a ten· weeks trip to England and Wales, where she has been working on ,the early Quaker records. She photographed many of the meeting houses and old Quaker homes, attended the sessions of London Yearly. Meeting of the Society of Friends. was entertained by many Friends families, and spoke to several Friends groups. Mrs. Patterson made her Lon· don headquarters at Crosby Han, residence of the British Federa. tion of Universlly Women, which celebrated Its fiftieth anniversary on May 31 and June 1. In con· nection with these festivities, she was one of the women from the United .Staies who was received by the PrIncess Royal. EDWARD G. CHIPMAN AND SON Jane Patterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Patterson of Maple avenue, is attending sum· mer school at the University of tHOr. SeREMiA • UPHOLSTERY '-.... C ....r ....lft - $4f.50 'Y...... 6fI................... S.aro. Hili 0134 171/2 I S.Chester Rd. 114-1700 GENfRAl CONTRACTOR Mexico. BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE nle Floors • Plastic Til. . Mod.m Kltch.n. AlteratIon. ' 1401 Rldl.y AV.llu. CHest.r 2-47S9 ORDINANCE NO~ 590 AN ORDINANCE FOR TIlE WIDEN.. . ING AND FURTHER IMPROVING OF FAIRVIEW ROAD· IN THE BOROUGH'OF SWARTHMORE FROM THE' SOUTHEASTERLY SIDE OF MICHIGAN AVENUE TO CORNELL AvENuE AND TO THE LINE SEPA. RATING THE TOWNSHIP OF RIDLEY ~"ROM THE TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD. DUAWARi: COUN. 2·5689 • Dan Jackson ot Harvard avenue ls a counsellor this summer at Camp Deerwood, Squam Lake, N. H. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice L. Webster. Jr.. of Elm avenue.had as their guests for a few days of last week thelt' cousins from Star Lake, N. Y •• Mr,. and M·rs. Doug· lass S. Mead and three chlldren. The WebSters entertained at luncheon in their honor on .the Fourth wnen 17 additional rela· lives were guests. The Rev. Mr. John Schott, associate minister of the Prebyterian Church, left Monday to attend the two week Ministers Conference at Union Theological Seminary in New York City. Molly Bunker of. Mt. Holyoke place is spending the month of July at C",,!-P Mudjekeewis in Center Lovell, Me. Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. Weltz reo turned to their home on College avenue Sunday following a week's visit In El Paso. Tex. Their son Bob Oew from Los Angeles to join them for the week end.. Mrs. D. W. Cooper, the former Mary Ann Hook•. daughter of Mrs. O. M. Hook of Strath Haven ave. nue, wlll arrive by ,plane this eve· Commercial Constnction separating thl. Borough from the Town~ SO' ~~ de~ but not essen- nhlp of Rldle•. The ..Id portion of Fair. tlal. WeekIy salary. WIn. furnish vl.w . Ro.d to be so Improved extenola dlctaphone and all materials. Call General Contrador from 'be ..u'h .....rl. aide of Mlcblgan KIniswood 3"3101 evenings. Avenue (which avenue Is wholl,. within wANTED _ Mother on -Dlck1n;' the Borough of Swarthmore) in a .north& .. ~ °th ' sires IIngswoad 3·1646 westerly direction to a point In the bed of son :avenue WI out car doe Corn,1I (wholl. within the Borough ride for two children to Summer ';;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;~ 10f Swarthmore) ...Id ..In. beln" Idenll· Recreation School, KIngswood 4• ROOFING . Gatters Warm·Air Heatlllg Air COlldltlonlllg SlJeet M.tal Worll J ....I'" boo;;'" vision service. Complete PA1NTING, Free 'Estimates Watell...... Opposite Iorougll Hall foI".. I, of F. C. 10M a sR .. Waldo and 128 Yalll A... Clack ~i" Swartll-.. Fa. Fumiture R,finishina or Ripairing Silver Dollars for White_Slips Garrittt Ho... JULY- AUGUST...,. SEPTEMBER CL 96839 ~;;;;;;;;~D;a~,;or;;;N~19~ht~;;;;;;;;~ a; Auto Driving lnstnction· W. Call for Yo. $.6 PER HOUR Edw." P. M.. CH••tw I-tM' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; II...swoa" 3.1448 ... WILLlAM·BROOKS AlIhea &: Rubbieh Removed Lawns Mowed, General , Baglina IIardIaa" AV6., lIrorton, .HOOVER Aulhoi iltd Senice .... Plcbp ... DeIly.". 24 H••rSe"_ IwYfce All Mell. CI. . . . . • TI~ LINOLEUM can 661 S. C .....r Rd. Sw...._ ...... therefor. and accrued Interest from .the ., ~~rrm: by all lawful means in the discretIon of Borough Council. Th. Borough a"o ~ serves all its rights under the aforesaid private mntracts. SECTION •. A"" Ordinance or ".rt ........f ...ftletlng with the provlslo.. of thl. Ordlo..... I> hereby ~I~to tIie ::-:..'! ....:... extent of IUl7 neb eontliet. . The fo_ng Ordl......... hanag been ~ . .~ g'h~---', daJ,J Intftld.oed at a ..,...rag of ;; be "Z-: Swarthmore IIoroUgh CouDell held JI., 11. Iti?, and Ioanilc ....In -.. .....It ... at DAy .... NJOBT a -,,'n. meetln" af the Ba......... Oowlcil OIL BURNER followl"" due .....rtlamlent and the _ .':'-=::, _or Ill&' of handbills hl accordance with tile . . «;FRVICE lIONlMY . . . .UBAT1JBDAY . . ;'JMbit . Klngswolld , 4-1234 . '40WDAft ·..........Aft • . _ ' car garage Avtwable Sept:mmer d.te of completloo of the work. _.~ WANTED - Used brickS for gar- 1. $160 per' month. LOWell 6-2«9 with prober coati, penalUes and attornep den walk. KIngswood 3-5932. _ . , • f .... The Borough .....rv.. the rlgh. to lIIe LOST FOR RENT - House for month of aueh liens at an earlier date foU0'!'ing • .... .' . August. Write Box p. The completion. and to collect said 818 BIIIlenta LOST '"7 Mmlatbre silvel' spQOn Swarthmorean. OIL HOT \. __ _ rii'-'-;====-:,="" rra\~~Ji TI."E. r . ., pin with Penn State Sesl. Vic- y,",,,,,,,,, = Af'!'v.:"u! ... : . . . ~=D!!O.' "w. A.D.. 1'" lOS. . "'OLDS of - _Bu4. TEL·m··SIO" , CERUICE . . . . - ~ ~.. .!~.. _~ ..' ~ i~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ _h thl> 8thI> _heiow of oJ..", A.DiMl_ .. 11.7. Bo...... Code, ........ BOROUGH OF SWAllll'HllOJIE TROJIM W. i l O P P B B · 8001, --"-==::.:::::=---____ inif¥ underpass July 4. KIngs. FOR SALE" wood 3-3932. FOR SALE _ Standard - . poodle IJOST - Round hand·made silver PUPPIes. black or brown, AXe ant 4 blue enamel brooch, July 8 registered, from obedient tnlnect be ween IBaDk and ,Acme. Re- champion stock. C!ill Klnpwopd ward. LOwell 6-1984: after Sun- 3 ...2832. :_ . day. . SAT·F' Dalmatian pups, six iLOS~~!n'i;;.-:-:&<:::=g;:::J:::...--=,-::stol;:::;eD=•...,=;- FOR tJl or bo7'a . we hold, ABIC" fnocuJated, ,Bck EngUsh pike, handbralte, ideal pets, male ana female. $atuntiy friIIil Station. Re- ~3~7d. . ward. PhIlIp Delano, KJr,gswood 3-5932.. III saw it in the Swartbmorean." c-',' . Dick. ~~C•• i II • tit RackIp. R.... S"I.,lIlld c .. : '. , lb. C)ood 'Selection of EXTRA SPECIAL , I(....FT'S ,. Mayonnaise Pint 39c CO-OP GREEN LABEL TREE.RIPENED Peaches. 0··" "~·->'~·~ci·,ge·2% 11.W616 3ge Size Can CO-OP GREEN LABEL" salad- .PearS Large 2% Size Can CO-OP RED LABEL To.ato Juice , I 46 oz •. Can 27c • I GIANT SIZE Ivory Flakes 69c Regular Price 78c J. -.=. aLACKMAN DR. MELODY. and"Sons m YEN mAN IUNDS II 4-1434 eH 2·5011 . " 1. • S9~ Rib Roast w. ""ct. • .U.IER TILl ••• Fresh Fruit & Vegetables , • u Swift's Premi... P .. stock Inc .. In a...l'dance wl,h certain reeol'dod WANTED _ Daily ride to and PFR~NAL - Baby·slttlng jobs , , - n " ..rtalol ... to that WI'" -from business, Paoli. Will share . by high school girL Please .call ......' to the "ro..rtlea along the ..uth·expenses. Call Klngswood 3.7OS9 KIngswood 3·1830. ~cte;!!,:!~~pofor~~:;. ~ :!~:: Ira .evenings. , _ , FOil RENT l'Irol!elldlng pursuant to SectIon 1740 and WANTEP Someone to can a other relevant provie'ona of ~e Borough . few dozen quarts of applesauce FOR RENT Beach house. at Co4e. I.. am.nolm.... and aupplemoo". in her own .bome.Reply to Box Avalolt. Sleeps 12. Automatic Said aS8e-s enta ahall be made by the foot 14, The Swartbmorean. washer, two baths. Available ·front rul. In accordance with law. All W""~~ . ·AlIgust 12 to September 4. $375. Buch .......,en.. ,hall be to the ~u"'" To rlmt apll1iment LOwell 6.7533 ' Borough without Interest-. provided theyor small house furnished or un... _ -ar. paid wlthl. thl.... day. f ...m the com· furnished for mother and tei>n.age FOR RENT - Furnished single Dletion. of.8BI~ work. but an,. ......ment "daughter in Nether -Providence. r~om in p~ivate· home. MeaJs remainlnA' unpaid for more than thirty ,township. Excellent references. opti6nal. Gentleman preferred. days shall draw interest at the rate of six Phone LOwell 6-3187 before 10, or after 6 o'clock. per rent per annum from the date the ' • K1ngSwood 3-3839 303 Park ave... work Is completed. and If not paid within ,WANTED To rent 'large apart- nile ' five months after BUch comptetlon the ment or small house in SWarth... ~~...ioi:;;;;--;;=:-::--::-;;=-.:;". Borou~h BoUeltor shan au"" n... to be more by September I KInfI&Wood FOR RENT Home on the hI1l, filed against the reelM!Ctive properties liable 3-3189 " five bedrooms three baths two~. Klngswood 3"8761 FORMICA Remember - With the i'etlllrn to us of each $100.00 worth of Register Slips. we'll give you.a bright new Silver·Dollar! ; ....r . . . . .r of tubes carried. Robert Brooks. Call Klngswood 4-OSOO. All MOire CI...... . PERSONAL _ Furniture Reflnisbing. Custom Cabinet work. Raymond J. QInnon Midia can, after 5 p ....... .... An ani drew Sp er, 210 Ifiite 1#. LO """2 Jr." Klngswood 3·2198. ... ',",- - . PERSONAL-Two grandmothers fled on the southV(elterl,. Bide of Falrvle" 3225. ' . with time on their hands will Ro.d b. the t,""lnnl poln. of 'he II~.' WANTED _' Second-hand type. mend. hem, darn for frantic .... ra'in" 'he To"nahl" of Rldl•• f..... writer and used filing cabinet at the Township of Springfield. ...A..' d homemakers. KIngswood 3-5177. SECTION •. The said I...........n.. reas~n"ule Prlc~. Call KIngllWoo , PERSONAL - UPHOLSTERING $500 MONTHLY h•..,ln au,horl"'" nhall be ..ade In a.· 3·3411 ,or KIngswood 4·2939. ' ~ge Cha ...s Completely recordance wl,h 'he "Ian, and .....lftCO',lon,' WANTED _ ~ale help _ Ma~ btplt ",ith . new fabric $44.50 _ ~!artl~ IGIorJ ~ tar '2 -.cuHv. ~ la,.. _ on fil. In 'h. om.. of th•. Borougb ...... chlnist. Tpp salary· opening for Sofas $89-Over 30 years I!xperl- '...... til .._ tary, whJCfl provide for the setting of experienced machjnist interested ence. Six years of Swarthmore fllMllldo. COfpOe.UCMI. No "traYeI. Sal. eoncrete curbs on eitMr side of said . . _'f..;:~ All length· of FaJrvlew Road. app~xlmatel,. In automatIc wrapping maCJllIles. '&-ea.erences. :work' is dolle In . , , - , _ .lInd ""Oily d ..lrocI, _ ... ft., feet a..a, lrom the prftont cart".. UnWIPal lifetiI1te opportunity for our ow'll shop under personal 1ItIoOiI_Ioli, a.- -" ald. ma,. of Fairview Road ao an to perml' ,he a good man. Philadelphia Chew· IiJlpervision of Mr. Seremba. Fstl- ,fled. ~"bIe\ ~ .~~ ;:~I", NIpOMIbiJ. wldE=ning of said cartway by approximately ing Gum Corporation, Eagle- and mates are free. Thom Seremba. ~ ," , 0;0;-.... ,.....,... p I ftve fee' on ,h. north ..... rl. ,Id. and aJ>' Lawrence Roads. Havertown (3 Phone Sharon Hill 0734. Budget lncIocI. loIfof _ : ~'''''' all ..plleo cooWdHIaI. o.r 101_ ..... proximl!-tely five reet on the 8Ou~hw~terl)' miles from 69th. Street). Call Mr. payments. Iniormocl Of !tofa ad. .... A. L :~:~. ~~;. ~=g:r h:l"b~gn '::vl::a p~ Fenimore at ~top 6-7150. Pi;;iER;;;;S;;O"'Noi-.AL:T"·'--="""""B;:e~lv=ed=e=r=e-;Co~n_ 'he State High""" Department will. a\ I.. W~ Typist. part-time, vale.cent Home, 2507 Chestnut own oppnse, widen the said cartway of m,ainly German, some En,.ush sfreet, Cbester. Edge uf SwarthFairview Road as above set forth. dictation. No' shQrthand required~ more. Aged, senile, chronic, CODSECTION 3. The Borou8'h of Swarth~ Phone LOwell 6..:.0522. valescent . men and women. Ex... mDre shall cause the work of lutalllna WANTED T b . t 'J ly cellent foods sPaciOus grounds Bald lines of curb to be done by public . o· uy, or ren U Bl~ Cross hon ed S eli PJ In CoNS'lUCTION contract, but the Borough will claim re. 20 to September 5, tent-trailer. Turner .o~ • ~H e te PP2 lirioorsemen'-of the entire .... theroO,f by KIngswood ~-4120. 5373. • proprle r. es r • RESIDENTIAL AND ,~I!'essments to be mad~ ,aaainat tho FP81'- WANTED _ Lady wants small '. • tI.. beo.8~ th.rob)'. which propertl.. unfurnished apartment .before PERSONAL, - P81ntlng, interior cOlnlJERclAL abut on Falrvlew'- Road. those on the Septembe 1 C ni t·l ti and exterIor. Work guaranteed. northeasterly slde being wholft within the r • onve en oca on. P.r" -,. -bI Free - titrui.tes . e Sb';,~~:'kl~' 1406 es Alterations Borougb 01 Swarthmore. and th... on the Box K, The Swarthmorean. • ..uthw......I. >Ide, bel"" wholl. ?"Ithln the WANTED -' 'fto 8 cubic foot . ' . . TownshiP. of Rldl.,.. With ...pect to the refrigerator with freezer coin. PERSONAL - High school girl 335! Av ••ue h s".rt/unOf< " ....rtl... 'he Boroilo .... partment _ in l'1lIllilng condition ,wants baby-sitting jo~ at· shOre serves ;" rights to eIf.c' ..,lIectlon of '¥ Lawson type ch I KI gs d 3~ ilfter August 3. Reasonable terms; portion of said work e,l>uttln.. " .....,.,. 3856 a r. n woo KIngswood 3.5926. now or formerly of Swarthmore Gardens. PLASTIC TILE • Y1NYL FOOD MARKET Co........•• Co-Op. AI.·.... Iw......... I.e.. 4D3 D.....o ... Ave. C.di Interior & Exterior Variety Is Keynote For Borough 4th IliMIL SPIES I Jack Prichard ..... 7 1;0- -...... K14-1214 AS'HALT TILE JI!b' 1., 1"7 _ : KI 3-4216 0-;.. George Myers &Co. Box 48 r;;;;;;-----;;:;:----___ , . PERSONAL PERSONAL _. tiicycles Repaired. Parts, accessories. 1'4i1t Glass _ Bicycle. Hobby t Toy Shop, 205 East BalUmore Avenue, Clifton Heights. MAdison J'()713. Oppoo; site Clifton Theater. PERSONAL _ Radio and tela- taken to ""UN the wlel.nlng and' furth.r WANTED _ StenollI'l\'Pher' part. Improving of Fnl",l.w 1!o~d I~ the '!or. tilhe t;o, ,!"or.k lit !JOin". Dicta. ough of ~..artbmo... .he ..uth,,""'I. phone ex'peiience preferred. Some aide of whleb road coincides wIth the line h rtha 1967 Daniels of Ogel'bNO,k MiI8 Zlla IUman, KIss PloniDCe Wiler of WIlJitJJ!gton, and Miss Anne Wor_ rail Of Haverford. Mrs. Uthe and her guesls had all been aasoclated with Miss Illman in the field 01 education. ' J3I WAttlED all action pursuant to taw -to be duly 4-2482. HARRY 31. McCALLISTER ,. W=ANTED"""', ==-.:..""'=B"=a;-b::':y"=s"'u"'ti'""ng-b""y-hi"'gh-'" school student afternoons and Borough are hereby authorized and direcU!d erlin t;;' cause due publle notices to be gIven and CV . gs. Please call Klugswood Residential Building nlng ArIL, where Dr•. and Mrs. d~per have been living for the pas\ two years. Dr. Cooper, on active duty with the U. S. Public H~ Service, has served on the staft of the Indian Hospital at 'Fort DeiI!Ulce. Dr. Cooper's father Mr. Clarence W. Cooper of Prospect Park traveled to Arlzo1Ul to· accompariy his son home by auto. They are expected to arrive about July 17. MI'S. WllIlam F. Uthe of Park' avenue, with her daughters Linda and Rboda are spending the summer at their cottage In Ocean City, N.J. Mr. and ,Mrs. J. Herbert Foley of Dickinson avenue have as their guest 'for a ten-day, visit Mrs. Foley's niece Haven Hamllto.l. of Tucson. Ariz. . .~ . Mr. and Mrl!. C. Irwin Galbreath of Benjamin ·West avenue entertained at a cocktail party the 4th of July at their Spray Beach, N. J.. summer cottage for their island friends. Mrs. Wllllam F. Uthe of, Park avenue entertained at a luncheon in honor of MIss Adelalde T. Ill-. 'man, formerly of the DIman-Carter Unit of the Univei-slty of Penn· sylvania. GuestS were M~. Horace Hunsicker of New Hope, Mrs~ Roy Larson of Radnor. Mrs. Todd Classified Ads TH~'COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE DOES ORDAIN: SECTION I. Th. p",per offi.... of ,hi, tmm J'o~ lW'ice.. NEWS NOTES Ret..... ...... Ifllal. 1w 12, 2·cansl9c Dog·· Food " 'orNrl, The Instant Soft Drink 'rom a Tabletl 'CARNS ContaIns the Fruit Vitamin C 6SO lalH_ it Plk. prfllgfield. D.I. Co.. Pa. Iliigs_od 3-8i1SO ... ..................... " .................................,... -... . . PY·L,E Duplicating ,Service Ofiset PrJ", of .All .... . -lwllwhillds __lIach 4 DElICIOUS· FLA VORS Pkg.. of 8.....;25 c I Co·Op's . regular patrons are its best advisers ..• Co·Op does not want to sell for the sake of .a sale • • • satisfadion is more important • • • the preferred' goods the proper q,u~lity and right price • • • Shop Co·Op. at I Ii . i i,.., PfIolu eo:pi" M_ .IL CllLid lOAD S•• I; sa. .. a:.14t7 tt:"ran~~~v1s10n, _tors. Karen, and Kyle Edney down a first as a rocket, (Conllnued from Page 1) cracker. and matches set; seebnd contestants bore down upon them. prize went to Uncle Sam (Paul Several Swarthmoreans and But although l!rows furrowed Zecher) and his dolls _ Janice nearby neighbors in the educathe bestowal of first. second and and Marilyn 1'4i1ls, Linda Zecher. tlonal field attended the National ihird prizes and the honorable Alvlra Cella, Sally and Susan Education Association's Centenm"!l~ions, Mrs. Frank G. Keenen. Ross. Meg Turner. Sally Boyd, nlal Convention last week In Florence Lucasse. Mrs. Willts C. and Anne Howard; third prize Philadelphia. Mrs. John Schott and was won by Janet and Cathy Frank R. Morey. supervising Mrs. James O. Stephens. after Goldwater, demurely dressed as principal of the Swarthmoredue consultation. came forth with little, boneflde Japanese girls; RutlrInceton avenue, who "The troops sang with and for finish. , Jerusalem, The Hashemite, Kingwith Mrs. Charles Nelson of Ches- each other and then exchanged 1'rIIaal7 EDnIlJmea$ TOIlS 68 ter accompanied the girls, has membership pins, a traditional. The second 'week of the pre- dom of Jordan. se':t a, special repOrt to The ceremony' for visiting troops In school-primary program found tile Mr. Sewell W. Hodge of Ogden Swarthmor2an, which is printed Mexico. group In~reased from the origihal avenue and 'Mr. Boyd T. Barnard ThI'profeSlional pbarbe:ow: "Another day the troop went to 112 to 125, five more than the total of Rosemont .spent Tuesday anCl JI I. dedicated to the "After a week of eventful ex- Cuernavaca to visit the new In- registration for the 19,56 season.. Wednesday of this week,on a flshperiences Troop No. 16 arrived in ternational Girl. Scout and Girl The Threes many of whom are Ing trip in the Poconos. .ervlee of your encire Mexico City on Juoe .24th and Guide Center. In residence at the havlllg to sh':'e for the, first time, uare and c uet Stephen Rusbous.bold. Turn to' u. for were graciously entertailled in time were twelve senior scouts, have taken to It qulte well. Helen sq , ~ eats of all of your need. in drug. the home of a Mexican Girl Guide U.S.A., and an equal lIumber of Holt and Amy Starer have joined sell and . om,.~ llked and .undries. And, of alld Boy Scout. Mexican Guldes who were carry: forces In the group'.. newest activi- J::~o~:':,:na!:~ ~~di);:;mptly cour.e, bring US your Doc"A local troop of Mexican iug on a day nursery in cue~ ty, working with clay; and Kathy :eglstered for the rest of the seaGuides entertained the Swarth- navaca for the chlldren of war - Cramp 8lId Anne Troxell share n . . .' tor'. prescriptions! more troop at tea. Although the ing mothers. There was -also a blanket at nap time. The organi- so t h ppers are asked 'to gl'rls all belonged to the same gr,oup of adult trainers from all zation of a morning routine, .which USSY-c8 , bSbo k.ttens b1elomglng t be a y I . · p rogram older children h d • to note:,w~ch the AmerIcas exch ~gmg aveI e earn to Beau Ricksecker, CATHERMAN'S ideas and syntheslZlDg standards take for granted, was, in most E1 visited last 'Week are availDRUG STORE for scouting in the Western case., another new experience f~r :;::s tis. AlIYone' m'jerested in these youngest children. Thell a i;,grB f thc!se furry charm"The Center is beautifully sit- schedule includes indoor and out- own. g onede °t see Mrs Franklin ., f th . ers IS urg . 0 Rutgers. • i'uat"d at the edge a . e c ity'. be - door play, was hi ~g uP" mornli1g . Robblee the Avenue New Clala, Ho....: fore a background of m?un~ms. 'snack, a~d nap~bme.. bn~ ~~Id School any wi!ekdl!,y mornl~ be~ 10 p. Itf. Dally "The climax of the trip, 1Il the outdid himself 1Il "adj ustlng to tween and 11: 45: opinion of the troop, was the the latter activlty-Jeffrey BaUer-. ~;o;;;;;o;;;;;o;;;;;o;;;;;o;;;;iii="1 week spent at Mazatlan, a seap~rt, shall fell asleep for an hour! ' .. on the Pacific Ocean. The girls FO~8 Get Rhythm ALBAN PARKER set up housekeeping In' !he de; The Fours, looking forward New and 'RebuUt Plan,," . Imestilc scierice wing of the ColeglC the Fourth, c!,ntered mu~lJ.of .' Uld ~ 8tn08·1_ el Pacifico and were as cornfort- play~work oli that .them~.. Durmg PIANO ,''''''ING . , .. , . • 3\:;:::::::::::::::::;::::::; Flowers FAMILY * maq, Sal P II 3.0586 ~t:oduced ~~~i·~P~. ~on~@~MP~'~f.~.~8_i·i5ll~5~~~~~iiii~~~~iiii~~~i as the bay and in the Swimnling surf was the to several groupwere IU;lIvlti ........the able couidbe. In the week, thlll!' primary form of recreation, al- use of rhythm inst~ents, clay though the girls enjoyed a cmise modeling, and brush palllting. Th~ among the bordering Islands, try- flrst: two produced Immediate sucIng their luck at deep sea flsh- cess, but the brush ~::~!:id~~ ing, and helng serenaded· by gay much to be desired. The caballeros on the hotel terrace. enjoyed it, howevef; and, after . Mt. Levine, proprietor of the WhIstler was no whiz .at four.. neighboring Hotel, arranged a The holiday week was an excd_ fireworks display for the pleasure Ing one for the Fives. of the troop on July 4th. . the program was a Fourth of July ''Now the girls have begun the parade, led by flag-bearers long trek home .. They will be en- Howard and KellllY Sauter. terlained by a senior troop In Non-Explosive Ven&ures Tulsa, Okla, en route. If all goes . This was a great outdoor week well they expect to arrive late for the Post-Kindergarten group. on the evening of July 15. They played klck-basebal~ and "Open wide the Turnpike gate! four-square. along with swmglng: P~nnsYlvania, here they come!" playing In the sand box, and slldIng down 'the sliding hoard. In Remember your flowers for the honor of Independence Day flowerless. made firecrackers of construcUon paper. ' 50ldiers when the commands were WEST given for company halt, about face, ieft face, !'Uentlon, at LAURR HILL and forward march. CREMATORY Ontdoor FIllip . The Primary group planned Belmont Ave. above City Lln_, lala-C,nwjd MOhawk 4-1~1 the week around the Fourth. learned patriotic songs, made. reaCremation memorials· ~re nvailable In a wide range of appolntPtents and prices. listic but unexplosive colored papThe)" lIsualiy cost no more than a ~­ er firecrackers, and talked' a lJ('Ut I etery lot. many ways of celebrating YOU. inquil'l/ is invited. holiday. Outdoor games inc,lulde '0' $" .. - ',' ,,- '" .",', - ',' " "'.. .-. for the Flowerless $4.00 PER YEAR LOCAL BOY SCOUTS AnEND JAMBOREE Mary Parke DOdd. Swarthmo~e On the Road, We Tum Red Blue Now Yellow Explorer Scouts Robert Beckmann, Alan Stamford, , and Fred Kellermann of Troop 2 , • TGlC Collector, will with Jim Rowland of Troop 3 and of Residents Remain Dr. Beik, Dr. Garre" be 011 vacatioll from Wrege of Troop 2 have been Anything But UnAre Named Full attending lhe Boy Scout Jamboree I d at Valley Forge, a get-tc;>gether Co ore Professors' July 22 to Au,u.t 5. Scouts froih all over the country. Albeit noted for its green trees Seven faculty' promotions, that. Robert Beckmann and and vari....olored d<>gs, were· recently approved by- the Rowland are Senior Patrol more and its residents have turned Board of Managers, Dr. Courters. The other boys are pa.trol attention to yellow this week as ney Smith, president of .the colleaders. they cOllbemplate the state's July, lege, has' announced. He also Jamboree campers are at least 1957 version of the proposed mldnamed the new Incumbent of one 12 years old with second class county expressway. To say the of the fourth oldest endowed fac' . , Scout, Explorer apprentice or route is "Proposed'" is hegglng Instrumental Music; higher rank. The Scouts parlici- the question, liS plans have been ulty chairs at the College. Dr. Paul H. Beik; aSsociate pro,.. Increases pated In a three-day, pre-jam- submitted to the United States fessor of hi9tory and .Dr. M l l a n . bore'; training camp before Public Roads Bureau (the ]'ederW. Garrett, associate professor ·of Sought Opening July 12 of, al Government is supplyillg 90 physics, were n~ed full profesPreliminary .plans for a $21,500 which 50,000 or per cent of the cost). sors. Dr. Belk has been In Paris kitchen addition the multi-purcampers have attended. A chance remark has suggested on a year'" leave Of absence from pose room of the'present Rutgers b' H that the "yellow roube" announcthe college as ·Director of the Avenue School were approved Pres ytenans to ear ed July 10 from Harrisburg, is Advanced. Studies Group .of the Wednesday evening by th e English Minister Sunday drawti from aerial maps only, but Free Europe He re:- SWIll'!bmore - Rutledge Un i on Guest speaker at the Swarth, personally Involved wi!1 ceived a B. A.' degree from UIiJQIl School Board.· HoweU' Lewts '!lore Presbyterian Church Sunknow that the mnst careful of College and an M.A .. and Ph.D. Shay, architect sald the room day will be the Rev. W. Garlleld . can be changed by on-thefrom Columbia University. Dr. would cost about $11,500 and of Lancashire, England. He Swarthmore's 23 Boy Scouts, survey, and a vari!'t!on of Garrett, .a member ,of the Swartb- equlpment another $10,000, will preach at the 11 o'clock encamped at Camp Delmont only a few feet can make the more faculty for 30 years, suggestion of Mrs•. Mary service. the leadership of Joe Kopf difference between tluiir having a ved the B.A. and M.A. degrees the board instrueted )Ilr. Shay Mr. Lickes, who is considered and Robelt Warden since June first class view .of the cloverleaf from' Stanford ,University and' a try to l.nclude a wli.dow' '. of the ablest Methodist return"ed home Sunday brown and at Baltimore pike, . or to BA. and D. PbIl. from the UnI- which could be Served preachers in Britain, Is at present w:ell exercised, and with move elsewhere at the state s bev.rslly of Oxford. football games on the Superlntendlent Of the Lytham place honors In the camp mter- hest. The. mere shlft of the surAa't Profs Nam,a field. As drawn the room meas- St. Anne's Circult In troop competition-the Delmont sight ca,?, make a Four assIatant 'professors were urea 681 square teet. has served tor long'periods Olympics-for the week of July difference 1Il a community s raised to the rank of associate RObert Holm, band leader and London, Newcastle-upon _ Tyne, 7-14. taxes. . I P rofessor~: Irene M.oll ,and May director of instrumental music in. Leeds. and West KIrby near Liver- The boys placed first In the, School H • • eIl_ "'_'A 1 the local school system, and Mrs. pool. '. ,. Swarthmore'. worry withis,school of p...,_a June 30 to July.7 Olympics, and roblems with Rutledge, over . Parry, r Education for women; Dr. Henry. M. A. Beeslnger, vice-president of He has published articles and as.a r"!ult, they were selected to man houses the route probGleitman, depamment of psycho- the Orchestr&Parents Association reviews In the. Methodist 'rimes participate in televI.Sed ceremonies wil( ta!re. accol'dine to Inlogy, and Dr'. Edward Fe h n e 1, told the Board ·that growth of the and Leader, and alsO in the Meth- dedicating the camp's two new rele.:.Sed by Peter A. department cif chemistry. school enrollment during the past odist ·Recorder. pools and other facilities. ti . director of the Miss Moll .received a B.s. at few yellTS· had brought demand In this first.. Qlympics the PlanntI.g Comthe University of Kansas and afar orehestral \nIItruction . to ./1 seored 22 points to the secsix b Iises. on Riverview YA at the Texas State Colliege point where' less than 5Q. per '. ,. ,QUI" ond Sllacetroop's 13. Swarth- road will red brick. orie for·Wornen; Miss P a r y 's a sfudents desiring such' more won firS! place .overan In facing Baltlniore pike, 'and the Swarthmore aiumna and tion . can : h sylvania Department of Inghways, department. scbool instrumental music room. brated at the national meetihg more scored. In reia ot.!..1 I over In: who stated Wednesd,ay that rel'IIIs lIIaJill a..Ir. . Development of an elemental'T tern Ii al ail victory 1Il t Ie .., ... p ... Dr. Heinrich 'BrInkmann, pro.fes- was also, mentioned. the Women's In a on th tu' test, In gardless 0 f .the rou te chosen, there for Peace and J:l'reedom In eluded e na re con were "no plans for widening sor and chalrman of the The'SchooI Board will study last June. Actually Mrs. Hull will which the team of Billy Roube 320 (Chester road)", and ment of lII4Ithemalics. has been the' four-page report 011 current turn 85 on July 21, and members and Peter Kent won flrstit p ce , he added that it would be imnamed to the Edward HIcks Ma- and' recommended procedures of the local W'IiL plan to send . campcraft compet! on in practical for the future because . gill profe5llOl'ship .of. mathematics and high sthool their birthday Wishes and feliclta_ which a united troop ei!ort of Swarthmore's development. and astronomy. Dr.' strumental music and discuss tions on that date. third place, with Graham Eues Club earned his B.A. at Stanford Um- matter further at Its August 21 Mrs. Hull has been a mainstay son and Peter Kent as outslalldAs for the Swun Club property verslty, his M.A. and Pb, meeting. th nlzation having round- ing performers; the whittling con- near the northern border of Harvird. The chaIr Mrs. Laura Dechnik of Chester, of e:ria e 40 years of test 'In which Arthur Loeben won Swarthmore at the railroad, the was endowed in .1888, one of four currerrtl.y instructor and assistant ti ou =pation in the organi- third place; the 200 yard running maps of the Planning COmmission created at tllat' time as a result ciirector of fashion design at the ac. ve . pFor more than ;, In which the team of Mark Indicate it will probably .be less 01 a business· between Philadelphia Museum School of zahon. ed the gro.;p's Detweiler, John Bond, GIIY Smith, aftected by the yellow route, alpresident M8giU and. the board of Art, was elected teacher of elet. as d got to and Jerry Clothier finished see- though the formerly-eonsiderd lnanagers. The college was $8,000 mentary arts to succeed Mrs. many ond; the turtle race in which a red route' by coming closer to tlie short of a $32,000 goal to esta· Ruth McDowelL . th es includillg snapper caught by Ricky property, at the northeast corner, bllsh a 'Professorship. Three It was decided to again offer mous term a and Billy Gaylord came in. third; would have been a greatler !:breat friends of the College - Isaac parents the PIIPil: plan ':'as from 192:-28. and the frog leap in which the to present seclusion; . caught by Ricky and Billy However, some poolltes remalll Clothier, Isaiah Wnllarnson, and of' the Pilot Insurance Company. pr:wIn ear she left the post Joseph Wharton, .each promised The charge to parents wishing. fo Y .th her ilus11and Wil- WOII t1rst place. uneasy in the absence of allY to endow'a separate chair in en- avail themselves of the plan s take a trip t S arthmore Guy Smith is senior patrol lead- absolute assurance that this 101lg tirety if president Magill could protection will be $U5 per PlIPil liam a ed ;'e presl(Continued on Page 4) and. laboriously attained lecn;araise the needed $8,000 lor the ColJJege. . e. servillg until tional facility on the only SUl'VlVfirst professorship. President A contribution of $50 was re- dency &gam.m. C E t rf:' . spot which would accommoMagill accePted· the . challenge, calved from the' Gamet Canteen 1939. From 1929 until 1933 Day amp n e ams date it will be saved 'for future and the Board minutes at that toward treating the floor of the was very much In lIbe forefront of At Open House Thurs. i., benefit time report be successfully . '1 as she d The Swarthmore. Day Camp, gencera onceI:;'ng "",':'_T, "-6o-h . ' raised Rutgers multi - pqrpose· room activities for the WIL, the money "under the influence which it used on Saturday eve- served on the .1lationa boar. 1IP0nsored by the Phlladelphia So- FoundatiOn of the Frankiiti Insti01 a powerful Inducement." nings during the scliool year. Actually, for crippled Children and tube, Dr. W. F. G: Swann, director 'I'be previous occupants ground fioor of e . social Adults, Inc., held open yes- has formally announced: 01 the chair were Dr. Susan J. . . d EI de.d t - 1915 with noted tetday Iri the Hall Gym at the "It ts our uoderstandlng from Ctuu.ingm.m, professor of matbe- Local ents e., 0 . Jane Adams,. '!lid college. 'The circUs was the theme newspaper accounts that.1iIe .final lllatics and astronomy, wllo wu Family Service Board prOlnlllent women. fro.:un of the day, with each camper detailed location of the cloverleaf a IJIember of the first faculty of At the _ t Annual Meeting country she attended a m g tired in a circus costume. and ramps will only be decided Ibe CoUege;Dr. John A. lIIIller, of the Famtly Service. of Del. (Continued on Page 5) children put on a circus upon after general approval of the Professor of astrOnomy, .and Dll. aware County, the following Serves ... Ir.terilieler. followed by swimming, arts and route is given. We win present the . .\mOld. Dresden, profesror of Swarthmore residents were Professor E d war d H. Cox, crafts, and nature e:xhlbits for needs of the Foundation lllathematics. ted to the board of dlrecto':1. balrman of the chemistry de-. visitors. when the time com"" to locate the John W. Carroll, Mrs. Raymond c. 't f Swarthmore College, The camp,. which runs from aforesald' elements In detail QII IfELPAUDREY VICTIMS Deilwrirth, MorrisL. Inclts, A. partm~~ farParls to ,attend 17. ... .July 25", CODlIis1l! the groundS. 1t ts. Im~le .., CoaIiIl'NatI ......... .ea «1fer aIci· ... _ '" 1hIrl,. Sidney· ',Johmon, Jr., Howard P. left InternatiOnal, Congress of pm...., 'eommunit¥ sIIilte,'" minimum. ~ " fI'oIn . "UIe' A.L . . . . . be . . . Kulp,. and Mrs. GOrdon Lange. . Pure andApplledCbend!ltry-... Dr. . and cr$fts, athletics, building whioh woUld per_, . :Randal W" Reed, Will act In the ea.Jiiaeib .of .and an operation of !be M&., 91&, I P8!~ !JIlfeJP.l.·, .~. tJMt: '4eIil !lfl nrlOdUl~ Swa~th- Sch'ool.KI"tchen· to Cost About $21 500 ~ B S t' W. Local oy cou S' In '01. Delmont ymplCs U!'iv~rsity. ~der ~ ba~ ~nd ~olnlng ~_ ~ow eX~;:ID; IV Un...,..S Hanna'h'Clothl"er Hull g~tbe c~val de~d ~d freestyle~"e- Sw~rthmore~Rutlec4:e ~n ~edley rela~ p~perty. .~warth- GaylalO~ S~ Unlve~ity. th~ I\~eement lid. rte. Til , . .' Br~ 29 EAST 5TH ST., .CHESTER Phones: 4-6311 4-6312 4-6313 4-6314 J. Edward Clyde • George Plowman .Samuel D. Clyde, Jr. . .."""" PHlLADEl.PHlA Sw8rt.hmore, Pa., Friday, July 19, 1957 d~ A COMPLETE INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENCY . $3!!.~~ . >- VOLUME 29--:-NpMBER 29 ho~ding . DilLY .. be~ Klngswoocl .4-2727 Flowers " ~ I PARK AVE., SWAQIIMOR, , THE ·SWARTHMOREAN de~ '. SWEENEY' fa CLYDE , NeW YOIlK . r~l- ANNOUNC'ES .RARY b 'n .. .. for the .bt1ng the .' . • . • , £ r . _____ . ~-. ~lay ~erv ~ce ~ pr:.~ Wt~nactivities pe;on~~, Ada~~t ~ W~t Wh~: r~: ~ H~u~~;:n~n::, ~ togeth~r Re$~ ~ec:- 71_ ., o~~: ~"'" A--'~ ho~ Bartol.' , INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE Page THE BWARTHMOREAN 8 TROOP 16 ARRIVES IN MEXICO CITY The Girl Scouts' traveling Troop 16, which departed June 15 for a month's trip to Mexico, arrived in Mexico City on June 24. Troop Leader Mrs. C. H. Yarrow of North Princeton avenue, who with Mrs. Charles Nelson of Chester, accompanied the girls, has sent a special report to The Swarthmorcan, which is printed below: "After a week of eventful experiences Troop No. 16 arrived in Mexico City 011 June 24th and were graciously entertained in the home of a Mexican Girl Guide and Boy Scout. "A local troop of Mexican Guides entertained the Swarthmore troop at tea. Although the girls all belonged to the same 'If(Utll. d)(J/I, SUrnffi£R VRtRl\On ocean music, other eve- On'·,onn.C. Dickinson Co I. E. . C Aiken, USMC , and wtth her children Jean and Billy. family in Honolulu T H with whom Mrs. visl~ the Mrs. Dickinson with . her son Islands of Hawaii, Munl, and Luren and her guests vislled her V"~uai. Mrs. Ewing relurned on son and daughter-in-law Lt. and the S. S. Lurline and visited in Mrs; Don Dickinson and -San Francisco for several grandson in Quantico, Va., and ~.. Lake City, Denwith her guest Mrs. H. D. Madison and also in ....... ¥'!tt1l'llingI Of !AltOOna and Luren visited in The bridegroom's mother wore VIer, and Chicago before •• a Ocean City, N. J., during the gray silk litieath embroidered In home. . k d lighter shades of gray with a' Mrs. William N. Shoch of Mt. w~ en M Ge M Ka crushed girdle and back panel of e h' Holyoke place has recenUy re- f ~ alln Irs. orgill rns gray organza complemented by· turned from a two-week visit at 0 . He esey road w ave ...~ their guests over the week. end a small mauve hat and .......Cape the Rev. Mr. W . Gal'1leld Lickes . with purse corsage of pink topMr. Cod, and Mass. Mrs. Lewis James of and Mrs. Llckes of tall orchids. Riverview road ,.returned honoo .. . th eddIn this week after a .12-day vacation England. will be "ollowmg e was w held g atcere~peaker Mr. at Llckes the Presb· ..~an mony a reception the In Bermuda. t,ly, Roy, and Don"~. on Sunday Kent Country Club. Church aid J'Imes s t the time with . their grandmother Mrs. W. L. Henry Bunker of Mt. Holyoke The ,bride and ibridegroom. . James in' Belmar, N. J. place is spending the nion.t.h at traveled to northern Michigan Mr. and Mrs. David Bingham of Camp Pocono in Lakeville. during a two-week wedding trip. I Fairview road will have. as their Mr. and Mrs. Shane wlll reside guest thls week end Mr. BlngDOUBLE WEDDING in Swarthmore after the first of . ham's nephew Mr. Max Daehler In a double wedding' ceremony August. of Cedar Rapids, Ia. Mr. Daehler, tomorrow' afternoon at 1:30 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Buckland a graduate of Coe. College, Cedar Miss Nancy Helen Roess, daughter of Manchester,; Conn., and Mrs.. Rapids, Is studying for 'hls Doctor's of Mr. and Mrs. J. Randolph Roess John Cooper of Doylestown were degree at the University of Wis- of Cornell avenue, will become among the out-of-town gueSts. consln and is employed for the the bride of Mr. William G. BOwBIRTHS summer at the General Electric er, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Bower Research 'Laboratory at Schenec- of Havertown, and her sister Miss Dr. and' Mrs. George A. Hay, tady, N. Y. JulI'811ne Roess will be wed to Jr., of Por:t1!,nd, Ore., formerly of . Sally Hari, daughter of t1}e Rev. Wllliain K. Robellts. son of Swarthmore, are receiving conMr. and Mrs. Richard Hart of Mr. anrl Mrs. William.JI.. Roberts on the birth of a son' Pleasantville, N. Y., has been the of Aidan. Reld Hay on 'JulY' 9. 'The guest of her grandparents Mr. and . Mr. and Mrs. Bower and Mr. man is a grandson of Mr. Mrs. Oscar Hart of Lafayette ave- and Mrs. Roberts, parents of tI1e and Mrs. Hay of' South Chester nue during the past week. bridegrooms, will enllertalri this road, and a great grandson of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. William Dodd of evening at a rehearsaJ dinner at John S. Hay of the Dartmouth MledIa with their son Chip wllI theIrigleneuk. House; _ visit during the week end their Dr.. and Mrs. George Warren Dr: Hay, who has ..been on the . daughter Pamela who is spending Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Hollis of faculty at Reed College in Portthe summer at Camp Robin Hood, Chester road will entertain has accepted a , near Cbambersburg. tomorrow mOrning at the home assistant professor of Col. and Mrs. Solomon Cutcher of the. Warrens at a brunch fcr at Amherst College, Amherst, and family, who have been at Uie wedding party and out-of- I ""••s Ramey Air Force' Base, Puerto town guests. . . Rico, are now residing at 1314 Mr. and Mrs. W. David McCircle Drive, 'rallahassee, Fla. SHANE'- PORTER Intire of Cresson lane announce Mrs. Cutcher is the' former Nancy Miss, 1\1[ Mh"':"'" FI rier the birth of a daughter, Kathleen King of College avenue. . ary ~ ...a ". 0 , Bradford, on Ju,lY 12 at the Bryn Nelson Shooh of Mt. daughler of Mr. and Mrs. Donald place is at Camp Pocono, Lake- J. Porler Of Grand Rapids, Mich., vllIe: for two months. and Mrs. J. Lawrence Shane, son Stephen Hall, son of Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. B. Shane AND Swarthmore College,. were Mrs. Philllp Hall of P ark avenue, of ···CA....: married Fri"M. July celebrated his seventh bIrthdaY .....,.'. ~2, at 4 . MRS. JAMES I.. KAUFFMAN at a party SattJr$y afternoon. . In the Westmlnater PresLO 6-2863· Mr. and Mrs. James L. Malone byter1llll Church, .Grand Raplda. of Dartmouth avenue wlll have as Frederick Wyngarden ofllclated at the ceretnODY. eek ts th write h tod w -en gues e . r-p 0 G' grapher team of Russ 81/-d Nita Iven in marriage by. her faAIR CONDITIDNID Rosene, of Avila, CalIf., with their ther, the bride wore a silk tissue children, Sandy and Cbrls. The tsfI'eta gown with cap .sleeves, Rosenes have just returned from fe~rlng a p~rtrait neckline, and SwCll'tflmore, ~a. a photographic tour of Central appliqued WIth reembroldered America and wlll travel from Aiencon lace. A princess panel fri. thru Tues. ~ July 19 - 23 Swarihmore to CalIfornia doing 1Itted bodice with full skirt was THE pIc..... of .... yoarl' Acad_y Award WI•••r picture stories for a group of na- defined by two flat bows In the "erglllol Y.I I.,._r tional magazines. They will back, rel~asing a chapel l~ guests of honor at an Open train. Her ~ap was fashioned "ANASTASIA" [In Technlc?Ior) during their. stay here. fro~ pleated tulle border:oo by a D.ily f •• tur ......i:iO;· 9:30 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. Earl D. Snox and cham o~ point de Venice lace Saturd.y f •• tur.0-6. 8. 10 P.M. danghters GRII and Kathy of Kan- fro~ w~~ch ~eli a finger tip veli IIG INDIAN SHOW FOR sas City, Mo., have been the of SIlk IllUSIOn. She carri~ a CHILDREN SAT. 1 '.M. guests for two weeks of Mr.. and cascade bouq~et of phalaenopsls "THE SAVAGE" Mrs. Percy Gitbert of Park ave- anMd stephanolis. sfarnng Charita. Helton iss Jane B. Dooge' of Grand nue. Plut Color Cartoons aId Mrs. William A. Clarke and Rapids was maid of honor. BriDao,an of CaNdIa. MOlllted S...... mother Mrs. Ida' P. St'abler desmalds were :Miss Eleanor Wed."ru Sat.·~ July 24027 Wallingford, returned home Sat- Ewinli • - . July 19, 1957 9 South Chester Road Call Klngswood 3.0476 AcHv. M_..... of ... Swa....... '•••,.... Au••latlo. DEW DR·OP· INN' 40~7 DARTMO:'-"· A........ ·'iE .,... ~.,~ ''',&,n" BREAKFAST _ LUNCH _,D. INNER d CLOSED SATURDAYS. AND SUN~AYs OPEN 7 A.M. to 7:30 P.M." M.o'nday· Th·· roo ugh '.Fr·.'ld"Il'y' , Dal01 Y.lnnen. DO 00 to $1 •95 "-NCY r... . ~ f.!~~~~~~~~;;~~;;~~~;~~~~~~~d A "S I:::II:~~~JU~L~Y~;~AU.. ',f'" . ",. b .:"J" •• '." -!:I - ! 'l CLEARANCE SALE ,'~ " ·:or.!.}· )l~'. ~~1 'j: ')' u .(.. il~ ~"-:' July 22 thruogh August 3 ., ) ,: .. , .~ * HOLLYHOCK ,GIfT SHOP f. " .. ,.-.,~ ..... Cl :;,1[,:: ,", '(1 ·r~: .. 5 South Chester Road Photographer Forma' '1m"", of,.. '''ft, "THE, SPIRIT OF .STo LOUIS" (I. New trofessorship Richard B. Brandt To, Fill Harriett Cox McDowell Cha ir at College The endowment of a new professoJ'l!hip by Harriett Cox McDoWell of Newtown, Bucks Coun!y, was recently announced by Dr. Couriney Smith, president of swarthmore College.' The chair will be lmown as The Charles and Harriett Co,.i1!!IcDowell Pro~essorship of Philosophy and Rellllion and was made possible by a sequence of gifts over a period of six years. Professor Richard B. Brlmdt, chairman of the> department of philosophy and relillion, has been named the first incumbent. Dr. Brandt has been a member of the faculty since 1937 Mrs. 'McDowell 'has given many years of service to the college. She was Clerk of the Corporation in 1902 and 1903, and Secretary from 1993 to 1906. In 1906 she was elected to the Board of Managers and served for 23 years. For the past several years she has assumed the duties of Class Secretary. Her husband the late Charles McDowell, w~ in the Class of 1877 at Swarthmore.' ·· W"illiam' H Gill Mr. and M rs. ., . , Jr.. and family of Dogw~ lane left WednesdaY for· a week s va• H cati aven Beach, N. J. The Gills recently spent some time deep sea fishing at Ocean CIty, Md. Col. H. C. Mahbott and daughter Miss Anne' Ma:l:Jbott of Har. vard avenue had as their guest during a recent week end Col. Mabbott~s cousin Miss Irene Mabl w,thebsNtertiCityl' I~::.. a .dtlelebotlt °to ga e e a ona ....acla on Convention held In PhIladelphia: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Reynolds, Jr., who· resided with Mr. Reynold's parents Mr. and. Mrs. Reynold" of 6Benj!lmin w~ avenue for. the past three months, are located in their own home at 421 Haverford place. Mrs. T. M. Gibson of Rutgers a~enue rec_ently apent the week With her nephew and niece Mr. and Mrs. William A. Cook at their summer home In Ocean City, N.J. Mr. Cook has been elected presldent of Ehoenix Iron and Steel c_o_m_p_an_y_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ••• C91t\ING U, I , . ~SPR'NGFIELD Swim Club Tak.. on New Kettle of Fish . MOnday of last week the second two-week perles of swim lessons opened at I>be Swarthmore Swim Club pool with courses for everyroe from nOll-swimming Turtles to advanced Swordfish. Those who improved their aquatic ability during the courses endlIig July 5 were' . 10 a.m. Turtll!S-Susle Patterson, Susan McCallisler, Sally Fox, Jayne Good, Timothy Heinze, Hugh and Roland Heisler, Lynn Fry, . Peggy Spencer, Frances Plowman, Joanne Donovan, Jackie Shallcross, Emmellne Kroon, David Rial, DaiIle S!Iinn, Scott Johnson, ~onathan and Laura Jane Snyder, Ellen and Peter Wrege. 9: 30 a.m. Sunfish-Mary Dudley, Ted Jones, Dottie Daniel, Nancy Confeuus, June Hoch, Car~yn Heinze, Elvira Celia, Don GrOse, Beth Pinkston, David and ~Ol Thorbahn, Harry Baker, cky Shinn, Wally Campbell, Frances Hoenigswald, Cathy Marin?, Martha and Frank Ohapman; Billy and Margie Dethloff, John and Klppy . Kippax, Stephen Townes, Frank Snyde~, Peter Der_ Ickson, Susie Solts. 9 a,m. Whales - Laura Enion, Terry McCurdy, Christine Smith, Patty Seybold, Kanm. Grose, Titus, Jim Hayes, Susy Beesinger, Katy Natvlg, Lya Gokce, Teela Gifford, Janet and Joan Marie Shallcross, Kristin Peterson, Emily Stedman, Gretchen Rial, Biff FIn e, J ack cn.'MM J ack A aron, Ann H i d And and Da Ma e MOW anTurn' y ve Elected 8~:~ a;~ ~sh-E1eta and LInda JoneS, Juanita and J ....Paul' Ja Sl ler Sandy Th u ..... ,y p ,. . ompson, John Pierson, Nancy Thorbahn Sand Mills DI k D I I ' ra ,c an e , Ann Townes 11 a.m. ~ (beginnIng dlv;ng)-Mrs. R. K. Noye, Mrs. R. P. Hetherington. 11:30 a.m. Sallftsb (advanced dlvillg)";'Dong Wrege.. Dora MacNatr Susan Crawford Sa Enf Din~ and Dick J':: DerIckson. . , With an average of two dozen McCur:; Samuel M., Dod d of ·avenue wlll drive with her son Mr. Arthur Dodd, who has recently returned fiom a field irip to Puerto Rico, to Chautauqua, N.Y., to visit Mrs. Walter Horn. Mrs. and Mrs. James M. Dryden and family visited early this week Mr. Dryden's 'brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pelrsol of Lafayetle avenue en route home to Dayton, 0., after a vacation trip to Canada, New England, and Barnegat, N.J. Mrs. Remember your flowers for the flowerless. . ... ....... .,. ..... :.,,, .... .FIa..ormJ, tnscious-iooking food cooked on a modern GAS· range tempts any appetite-food is cOoItedu yon like. The larest raDBesUe trnly mOdem, tOo, With high-speed burners, a~dc lighting, and clock controls-everything to aiak. cooking a ·pleasure. ~ gas' 'Literally, colwnbarium means a dove·cote, or house of the dove. Since 'doves are the universal symbol of pea~ the meaning has been broadened to mean the "house of peace" IIj . THE m I·' HARLOW ~.. I1iIi S"H'i·'O(P' " 8' !ili ~. !':i ~ 1l! Jjj '1 For complete information Write or telephone us for the booklet, "Why Mankind is 1'urniDa to CrematiOD." It will be sent to you Without cost or obG"gation. .. ., . 111 !'i!I:i .. ~ I ,In our columbarlum are niches for memorials as fine as may 'be found anywhere. Others ~ no more than the complete cost of a grave. EveI)' memorial regardless of ~. receives day·to-day care In an atmosphere of quiet digruty. . • . iiI~ 19 5 Ch te Rd . r • I'" What better name, then, than Columbarium for the memorial,sanctuary which provides the cremation memorials of dear ones? !ili I1iIi III Illi ~ '" Illi WILL BE nOSED ················;..·····::~·:·:;:;···il$r· 111 ALL DAY SATURDAYS 111 e' •• , • ~I '. .DURING JULY AND AUGUSTg . '.', ~ I .. , West' Laurel HilI Crematory ~ . . '.. Hi.EW. WiWA ICE CREAM ~0.· , 00. , , water-9Y2 minutes. Services will be held next ArAIIA.L••N HANDY .HALP GALLON CAITONS .. '.". . .... " Tuesday at 11 A.M. , ;..... ' * The ea_era & Hobby Shop . ... -J ~J~. . • o ..r ... -. ".h ..'.' .. ' . '- . 'fa'o4I w..I.. FrL . , . 0'\':0. -. ,. Enjoy modern cooking With the new p i rugeyon _ectat your dealer', or any Phil'4e'p',ja mecttlc I1IIIuban ,to, ' NEW he established a new record for staying under- _reo . NEW You don't know how good ice cream can be . 'til you've tried WAWA iceq~m. Order directly from your neighborhood Wawa driver--or phone LOwell 6-6500 for prompt delivery. Do it todayl . -.,,~ WHAT IS A COLUMBARIUM? 'l*:l&."*,"1*~MM!~~",,,"_ _~ ~';2 Our "under water" swim maskso Next day . hnoor at a bridal shower and lunCheon given Friday by Mrs. Ch'arles E. Maschal of Riverview road. Mrs. Howard Jackson of Harvard avenue, with her daugbllers Jane and Joan, spent tbis week in Bethesda, Md., with her sister, Mrs.. Wellington Flranclsco. Mermalds attending the 10:30 ~~~~~!thy. and Jen- Monda and Billy of Crown Point, THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY niler of Indianapolis. Ind., arrived Ind. OF FRIENDS on the 4th day of July to spend . '" five weeks with Mrs. Thomas's MISS VlrglD.a Rath of Yale aveSunday. July 21 Vl'h1t-lm,>thler Mrs. n~land G. E. Ultman nue has as her. guests her brother_ 10: 30 A:M.-'Hymn Sing In .... in I d sist Mr and Mrs tier House. of "Applebrook," Park avenue. - aw an er '. . 11:00 A.M.....:Meeting for Worship. Thomas will join JPa family Ellis A. Bonnet,formerly of New.....4&y. ~. II from 'Iile third to .the tenth'~of :~undldaneddvisl' . WthO are making an All day sewing for A.F.s.C. Aug\.st when they ail. will retum ......en .. . Wedr ..,.". ~..." H to I n d i a n a p o l i S . ' . lIIrs. Ralph V. Little of Park All day sewing for A.F.s.C. !Ib-s. Elizabeth Blessing Van avenue had as ber guests for FIRST CIlURCH OF Kirk of San Francisco. Ca1lf.•. is severa. dllYs recently her son CHRIST. SCIENTIST several dan' in S~~ '!,Ild daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. SWARTHMORE more, visiting Mr• . and" 'Mrs. Robert Little with their children Park Avenue below Harvard Sb of Riva.ieW Patty and David of Gienburne. 8.....". 11 road and oUter Menda I ....... Mrs. RmSPU H, Kent tetumed . rou1i8 home after a ttlp to .:Europe. to I\el' home on DiIrtmouth _ . Kr. aDd Mrs. Walter Sbo~ 81....." fol1owIq a ... rnGlltb trip . JUveiorl_ road ntID'DI4 1IWaIi; to .. MI.... I.~ ..~·1I7 . t.';;,;~II~ -t.D a 'two:ioweek VIIlt mc.'rUbir'. tile ....''''''' Willa'.q•. . . ,p. . . ,. DURING JULY AND AUGUST • 'he 'ende" 51eob .8." Juice., In 'oWnl • SIrlOIn • •~ 1"-Bon. Ort.rhollse . MARKR HOUIS: , • Lanraster Brand' PIfCfS fffICTIVE . , . II, I', 20, 1'57 • , ( papa 0\ AntIq..........Ide.., Robert H. laymo.d Old Con..... lood .od ..IH_. Plb COK.rtlVm. 3.74n .. ' .... ,IoiOci. 22417..1111 IIppers . Bm'in8~O .g . Win Over Marcus Hook Five-Run Rally In Final Inning Halts Trainer Vidory Jewelry Repaired Phone: KI 3-4216 The heavy hittjng of George Welsh, who had four home ntns In the last two Clipper games F. C. Iodo128 • _Yale Avo. featured a 6-6 tie with Trainer Fine Watch and Swa"hm.... Po. on July 2, and an 8-0 victory over Clod:. Repairs ~;:;;:;;:;;:::;:;~;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;~:.I Marcus Hook on July 8. ; . ComIng to bat In the last of the FurnitUre R,ffllishing sixth against Trainer with the R •• 6CQre against them 6-1, the Clipor epalrlllg staged a bri111ant five-run Gal reH Ho... I ro,lIv in I>be final Jnning to tie the CL 9 6839 game. Kim Prescott led off the final Jnnlng by getting on via an Da, or error. The next two men struck but Gonion Boyd was hit by a pitch, and Dick McCurdy workthe pitcber for a walk to load Auto Driving Instruction ed the bases. We Co" for You Vin Carroll got. anotherwaik to $6 PER. HOUR force In a run and make I>be Idw.... F. Ma. CHes"" 204346 6-2. Then George Welsh lined a pitch to far right center field for a grand slam home run, cleaning bases and tying the game. Klng.wood 3·1448 Dick Creasy kept the rally alive WILLIAM BROOKS with his third single of the game, Ashes & Rubbish Removed but the next batter lined out to Lawn8 Mowed. General end the game. . B.aallDtr George Welsh had aiso 1136 Rardin&, A"e•• lIorlon, Pa. another home run In the t1iird Inning to score the iClippers . Besides .his two home'· runs and five TWlS batted in, HOOVER completed his brilltant ntght by AUlilWized 5erYice pitciling two and a third innings of excellent relief ball. ...... Plcbp ad D.11Yfioy Against Marcus Hook, George 24 H .... •• Welsh drove a long homer to right Sttnlc. Atl M... CI...... center in the third Inning Poper lop fIIr one on, and repeated In the fourth All M... CIon... inning with the bases empty. This EMIL SPIES Wcmtt.o"r Farm"', '" . , Attends LI Convention . Patrick Forrest, a graduate of Swartlunore College and a repro6eIltative Df the Aetna LIfe Insurance Company at Phlladelphia, attended a fOur-day meeting of the national honorary organization of the company's leading producers, which concluded last week 'at Lake Placid, N. Y. Mr. Forrest was named to the honorary group, known as tb~ Aetna LIfe Corps of Reglonnaires, In recognition of his outstanding achievements In the life Insurance field during the 'past .year.·· Mrs. Forrest, also a graduate of the college, teaches seventh grade In the junior high ..,hool here. reside in DreJreI Hill. $500 MONTHLY . Starting Mlary for 2 _ _.,.,. IOleAM.· to ntpresent 110". - East.m ffaanda. corporati04l. No travel. Sa,.. ..pertence and obJH" d ..lreef, edabIIdted ,..Id.... 25-4D years old, ma,.. tied. capable of aaumtng ,.ponstbll. ifleI. I. Nqullflng Im.r.I_ J)leaH Include ...... .-sana: hIstory. aU repll. o:tItfld ••lal. Our sal....... hcrte bu.. tDfarmecf of thIs ad. 101; A. L ~arlkmontaft. CONSTR~CTION RESIDENTIAL' AND COMMERCIAL Alterations' . 335 Dartmouth Avenue , J. F. BLACKMAN KI 3·6616 and Sons Florist Form.rly CARNS 650 laltimllre PIlle Sprlllgtieid. Del. Co.. 'a, IllIgswood 3.0450 P Y LE OUp1Icat·1"9 0 Servolc'e ORAl ....lin. ef'AII ..... e LelloMteatls ...... dl _Alina ncaw,1i eProgr_ 01'", ........... I. .. ..... ·S ...... III.C:'., AM ........... Ie..... -. _. . : . THOM SEREMBA UPHOUTIIY. n, .;.. mem~150 I::~~~~~~~~~~~~ s. I -------~-----------,,,.-.,-;------- Class-If-Ied·· a:,rlS hit gave George a total Of four home runs, and eight runs batted in for seven at bat in the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\games. I . Jim Foley started his first Tennis Club Fiourifhes U d K' dl .J I 5 n er In y. U y u!' i===========~ ",rc. :ClJllllOnd J. Dawson w. $tot. St. LO 6-4."d 19, 195'1 The Swarthmore Tennls ClUb . . . . Chi. . . . . $44.10 is fiowishing these warm, SWlllY days, and by twos anq fours the 6 Y-.. of Sw....._ ......... adults and apSllaro. HIli 0734 pro ately 100 children representlng 132 family memberships can be seen on the College avenue. courts a~ almost anytime during the daylight hours. schedul~ classes are also part of the club s dally activlUes. As of the last count, 80 children ~e participating In the tennis lessons-a number which rellects enthusiasm, not only of the athletic boys and girls, but also of 171f2 Chester Rd. 114-1700 ·the parents who are keen about the game and its lnftuence on a SWARTHMORE••A. S h 5 d youngster. The course which Mrs. wart more tu ent Chase has laid out fDr the swnnllerl Named On All-Star Team Includes strDke technique, strategy The Untted States Intercol- and tennis etiquette. She feels EDWARD G. CHIPMAN legiate Lacrosse Association an- that too many children get bogged nounced that a Swarthmore CoI- down with tedius stroke 'producAND SON lege player was named to one of tion and therefore Ipterest in GfflflAL CONTIAaOR the 1957 Lacrosse All-Star Divi- the game, but as ·soon as they get . , 3ion Teams. Frank .Tames was Into competition their Interest . Tile Floors • Plastic: Tile named to a defense position on blossoms and they begin to see the Modem Kltch.ns the Laurie Cox 'B' Division team. reason. for the strokes. "Ten)1is Alterations James, the son of Dr. llIld Mrs. etiquette," she says "like sports: Paul James of Philadelphia, earl- manship is vital In every Pme 1401 Rldl.y Av.nue this summer, was named to and is an Invaluable influence in CHester 2-4759 North squad for the 16th life. Here agaln the small com2·5689 . annual North _ South' lacrosse petitions create situations again • 16th annuai North-South lacrosse and again where the player~ ~::: I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;~ game played In Baltimore June 7. automatically react in a 81 , He learned the game of lacrosse man-like way with ~~ers.,! Commercial Ct... liction in college and was a major contriThe club commends the parents butor to the nine wins, one loss who have' to see that the shoes record Swarthmore College plied are white and the tennis clothes R..~...ntial Building up this season. pressed and ready to· go at lesson tim",. It has been sugested that, Dr. Rlobert C. G" 3 'The new swimmers are' s mee Swarthmore now holds half S. CrawfDrd; jr. girls: 1 S. 'Craw-Jay Slpler DICk ~ ~ :dget pool records (girls and ford (42',3 D. Renshaw; jr. boys: 'Burnett, Ja~k Shinn Do:~ SOlJth.-1 YS freestyle,. girls breaststroke 1 B. Baker (56.6). 3 R. McCurdy.erland Dave spes';' Sue w. d SprlDdeid ResuJCas DetaHect Karen' Grose Shirle; Hoge :th and butterfty). The remaining four are still held by Arontmlnk. Swarthmore's placings J\lly 13 Pinkston Su~ Helnneman, s,:~e~: ~.:a,,?,more' holds one-quarter of at Springfield were: ' Peirsol, 'Janet and .Toan Junior records (boys back~~CKSTROKE-sr. gtrls: 1 .T.Shallcross; juniors-Bill Gill, Barstrolre and 'freestyle) and one- WIlham. (lI9.5), 2 A. Paul; sr. ,bara Wood. :~~r of the Intermediate (girls boys: I.J••L8nge (36.n,3H. Mor--'- - - - - - _ ~ke an d breaststroke). rison; mt. girls: 1 C. Brodhead Remember your lIowers for the Axoni~ retains eigbt and Rose (41.2), 2 G. into boys:'1 flowerless. . ValJe~ four of the remaiJ!ing ords In those two divisions. In the senlor age 'group tljree of the eight records now belong to Swarthmore (girls freestyle and breaststroke and boys freestyle) . 'Three of the remainder are still held by Aronhnink and two Rose Valley. . Pool records must be set at the pool in competition with outside teams. Swartiunore records can bp set In competition with other teams, at home or at other pools. II''!-!''''' .... wiaO '-or .1.... all to tile . dIit;~~:lip'~· ~i8~w;ood:~a:.~18S9:. lOS nue. iaiiiieiiiii DAY . . . ~8'1' OIL BURNER SE,'\iJ.CE WONDAY . . . . , SA....,..,A'" ,f!' .r .f Sw.HIa..... I.e•• 401 D......... Av•• · . c»Ppollte Ioroug. Hall ~~I~~r,D~'I~rs for WhHe Slips' JULY - AUGUS'f- SEPTEMBER ·Remember - With the return to us of e;a~h .~100~QO ~0-:th: of Register Slips. we II give you a bright new Silver Dollar! Sw.ift's Premium !~~~.... SteQkS"tcib. .j, • -' ".' .. , It\r; '. - . 2 Fri':; te.:m '. ~J.RA ,., . .,.. 'S~ECIAL , r.{',:,q'!;(-' NORRIS -' - .. .,Fro~,n prange J,p_ce 7for$1· • • • • _ '. ;. - f • "' ' I. • ~!' ' . (6-oz: Can) CROSSE .&BLACKWELL . c' rODlate. Juice :,Cocktail 37 ''Jar)'' : · .. '- "." .'. '. "(Large Tide' ~: ' o j ; . ,- large size 29c i . C.O-OP RED' LABLE Applesauce' . 2 cans3Sc Charcoal Briquets . . t. 25-lb. bag $2.29 - . '3,~.':;" .,'•.... ,{ .', (,"~ "10·1&. b';9 $1009 ,. __ '1 ICE COLD I Wbole Watermelons . . ': ." Call ~~ ... 10, or after .....ore -MARKET he:; PICnItE 'FIAMING . LBtlliiiS _~ _ PIP '1 POIliAlT s1uDto RIIIR' PW·-'upWc S.... 51.,. M._ II . II & Sh.. M ..... SP~CIAL JULY ... ,", \ -'-". ',~.:: t";." LARGE SlLECTION OF • o .. .. ---... ~ JDlttee of the General AssemInto mid-pool. Lifeguards had to been misled by fallacious bly's -Publications Commltrtee and dunk themselves occasionally' to ments concerning the impact of the Committee for the Admisfrom hot-footing it oft the the Yellow Route the . sian of Mlnis1ers other Job. Route on Delaware 'County NIr Churches, He also lectures on the . . l'fal&br&' LIs&.Cul ... Half . Hendrixson is secre1.aly of S~arth~ . work of the Ministry at Trinity Club presideDt Dr. John Hmore Citizens in Opposltl t h College, Glasgow, and is Chal- Primary Group Rehearses Wigton says the new court allotYellow Route. on a Mig t Add to Pres~nt mers Lecturer in Scottish UniverFOf Closing-Day ment wlll permit the clUb to ."Revenal of. tiu.! Yellow S.core Over slUes.. Prese.ntation accommodate about half' its waltdeclosian, either bv Governor ··'w··,ee' kend . • •.The Dr. God Ktmnero- Motley crew taking third place. Tuesday nf this week. the Clip- . the crew was given 'Uberty. . . gram .enables university scientis's . this the better swim- pers went ahead 2:.1 on the ~ of the ship's campaiIy dined at a (Continued on Pai!' 4)~' to spend from three months to a m!,rs among' the Summer Club series wi~ Marcus Hook, sconng restaurant. After a short siesta Garne.....Wh ••te Mee't year in Oak Ridge atomic-energy members I!Dmbined tn ....hlp the a i 7;;t, wm on the battery and most of the crew wem in swlm-'installations. . (Continued on Page 8) p tc g ofGeo~ Welsh. George hling Th '.. bo t ha . . S t fo T d 1 30 . . . . held the opposition to five hits Essi . e a d retumed e rues ay.: A graduate of Ohio Uruverstty, . but trailed 5-4, as the final inn! Qgton by 1900 Sunday, The Swarthmore Swim Club's Dr. B~ck holds an loiS degree On Training Cruise Started. With one out Vin ng Participants iii, the two cruises annual Garnet and White Meet and a PhD degree in zoology got on via an ' dCarrollD· Were Georg .s ...._ ski th Un! .ty f Ml hi Midn. l/c Richard K. Alexanderror an lck \Ii' e . . ..... ~~, pper; will be held at the club pool e verst 0 c gan. er, the son of Mr. and Mrs. An- Creasy walked Welsh t h alt"r C. Reynolds, Pete Hopson, Tuesday afternoon, beginning at has been a member of the drew Alexander of South Swarth- smacked. a doubi t . ht . ~n and Georg Th t f ully in 1951 e . 0 rig ,scormg M e . om~, rna es; Lee 1:30. Last year's ,meet was won more ac. s .ce .. more avenue, is currently on a two runs and continue CNlI'dda;,. ~':." Sea'horses C'apture ChamPl"onshl"p POI"nt's versus ~m .! ,. Summer CIubStages Swimming Meet flfm . , .' ....:...s s':vart: ~~, KIn,••'ailt 4-2121- Flowers .. , Swarthmore, Pa.. Friday. July 26, 1957 Municipalities Agree HOLM TO PARK To Fight Yellow Route strumental n••' N_ ClOII. . H. .rs: - THE SWARTHMOREAN Leo Maris' Cruises To Chesapeake City ---- KI 3-0586 JO JOHN M. SOMERS, Mllnager """M'...M .................,',.." ..............,......................,.' FAMILY * :nus professional pharmacy is dedicated to the service of your entire household. Turn to us for all of your needs in drugs and sundries. And. of KI 3-0680' Yale and Harvard Avenues. Swarthmore. , JUl 26 1957 for the BWimess Men's Lnnch 12 • 1 :30 P.M. _ r Enjoy a LeUurely Dinner ••• STRATH HAVEN INN SATURDAY .. JULY 13, NOON • bring the ., ,••''''''M..............,.,.........,••~~.,.,.....'''...,.,.,.. Yellow Route's path Through Rutledge Hawks Win Treasure - Alack, No Cadillac 19, 1967 COI.J.F.<: r: LIIlJ:,\ItY' • . :a. ';4 _.... !7~ ,111.£ __ ~. t~ _ "f. ,. "II~ ColI.... fftIm :;:.~ ...', . ,...... tIte;deMhGt,. 12_~lIUs..r . . o;.bi8Iw., QC!lUiihJ', - ..-...jor~e8ln'at....~l:;~~:~~=~.=·~.~:IDii~"'~ .. • •• , ' . ".' .' INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE ------- SVlnrthr.Jore Swarthmore .. e""",,, f;WAItTU)IOIII (:01.1.1·): ,; r. J ....................... Il I: \ It Y 1'1" • p Page ........"'......,." ......"" .."."'. ,.,.., July 19, 1957 THE SWARTHMOREAN 8 Hawks Win Treasure - Alack, No Cadillac ~~"'~ Yellow Route's Path Through Rutledge Enjoy a Lehurely Dinner • • • STRATH HAYEN INN ,SPRINGFIELD Yale and Harvard Avenues, Swarthmore TOWNSHIP' The second week of Summer Club was concluded with the annual treasure hunt Friday. From the Rutgers Avenue football field to the College amphitheater the teams searched- for clues and nursed aching feet. The Hawks, finishing in the record time of one hour and 32 minutes, found Complete Hotel Fa.ililies for Banquets Re.eptiollf, Parties A McGregor-Dodds Hote[ JOHN M. SOMERS, Manager ...."" .."""""",.""""""" ...."" ..",........"" , Black Feet, and the Spit-fires who CLOSED ,SATURDAY AT 12 NOON during JULY AND AUGUST Swarthmore Toggery Shop - Courtesy of The Sunday Bulletin. Philadelphia. Po). Heavy broken line marks part of the route for the Midcounty Expressway. Attend Lions Convention On The Road, We Turn Lions L. C. Hastings and ",r;]fizzled out and finished last. Red, Blue, Now Yellow Ham F. Taylor, 2nd., both resiCraftwork Progresses (Continued from Page 1) Some outstanding soap carvings dents of Haverford place were of the ramps, etc., are determindelegates to the Lions Internationhave been done by Gay Shay and ed." Jim Hunter, and Gay has also al held recently in San Francisco. Informally, however, Dr. S",arml made a very nice lanyard. Steve ing, but Missy Davis jumped up felt sure that at best, the Shelly has just finished a beautiful leather key case after two and down in the center of the would interfere with alr·ea,:Iy I weeks work, and Jim Kent has group clapping the timbals, all formulated plans for the future, including architectst plans produced some lovely pot hold- very pleased with themselves. It was the Fives' tUrn to visit in 1950. He also thought that ers. Bill Gill has completed sevBaltimore pike Johnny Ricksecker's back yard, cloverleaf at eral unusual paintings as well as a plastic bracelet, and Rochelle where they met Johnny's cat and would probably be close Young has turned out a profes- her three ·black kittens. Mrs. to the building which houses the the sional - looking Indian bracelet Ricksecker served fruit juice, and "Vandegraff Accelerator" the children played in Johnny's "atom smasher"-to affect the made of beads. playhouse. Cynthia Lee celebrat- operation of this equipment. It Pre-School Actlvilles On Thursday of last week, Miss ed her fifth birthday on July 11, was expected that it would take Coale of the Vertol Aircraft Cor- and Rulie Dempster returned to the old Lange house, currently poration presented to the entire school after a hospital stay to used Cm.· storage, which the foundation has bids out for conversion Pre-School-Primary group of rec- have his appendix out. Belatedly, the Recreation Asinto apartments, and the smaller reation school a program about sociation announces with pleasure house to the rear which is presthe construction and use of helithe addition to the Pre-Schoolently being rented to a member copters, centered around a movie on that subject which everyone Primary staff of Jeri Taylor of of the staff. But, again, no one knows; the Westdale avenue, in the unique enjoyed. post of permanent substitute. Alstarr at the Planning Commission, The Threes play a wonderful though she has been happily aswhich has greete!i well over 80 game of "Traffic" every morning around their room, during which sisting with the Threes, and wish- individuals and groups at the tickets were given last week to es none of the other groups' as- office in Media ar£' as ·helpful as Cathy Cramp for going through a sistants any ill health. Jeri, a possible but more detailed infor.. red light, and to Bobby Howard Swarthmore High School student, mation as to precisely where, in and Robin Fulton for going the looks forward to working with feet and inches, the route will go, is apparently unavailable. ""'Tong wayan a one-way street. the older children, too. Judging by the zeal with which he entered into this activity, Joseph Libben would be happy to do .it for' the whole morning. Keefe and Leslie Mason especially like the nursery songs, and dancing to rhythm records. Since the Fours have done so well with the rhythm instru102 Park Avenue Swarthmore, Pa. ments, they were introduced to a series of rhythmic movements. WILL BE CLOSED FOR The most vigorous dancers, Andy Sitcoff, Ruthie Egebrt, and Wendy Mason, did a great deal of twirl- CATHERMAN·S DRUG STORE Rose Valley Nurseries, Middletown Road R. D. 16, Media, Pa. Opposite High Meadow Custom Landscape Work Telephene: CHester 2·7206 Visit our Roadside Market on the Middletown Road BROADLEAVED EVERGREENS POTTED STAR ROSES EVERGREENS IN VARIETY DAYLlLlES - NAMED VARIETIES Power Spraying "YOrt Meet the NICEST People at Speare's" STORE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday, 9:30 to 5,30; Friday, 9:30 to 9:00; Saturday, 9:30 to 6:00 • VACATION (or • ., 8"~~ PANTIE GIRDLE ANNOUNCES NINE NEW COLORS Birchwood Finishes Ouaker Mail IUICHI"5 These fine cabinets protected by hard wearing plastic. _ . nothing destroys. So finn •.. so friendly •.• bas no crotch seams 10 cut or bother. yet moulds and controls beautifully. Make the simp1e "inside--out"' test ... see how only Silf Skin seamJf'Ss knit i~ as veh"ety smooth on the inside a:; on the outsjde. Preshrunk. Small, medium, large, extra large 55.00 White KI 3-0586 New ClosIng Ho"rs: 10 P. Y. Dally a PARK AVE., SWARTHMORI Klngswood 4-2727 The Ollly auth~r' "O'Jaker Mcdd'" dealer in Detawar. eo..., Flowerless THE SWARTHMOREAN Swarthmore, Pa" Friday, July 26, 1957 Municipalities Agree HOLM TO To Fight Yellow Route PARK CONDUCT CONCERTS . SEVENTH AND WELSH STREETS Flowers for the Flowerless $4.00 PER YEAR Peter Braun Injured . Fifty In Auto Accident New Families Get 'Dive·In' Signal Rev. Dr. John Kennedy Robert M. Holm. director of instrumental music in the local schools, will conduct the Cheser Elks Band at concerts in bot h Chester and Media. The Ohester performance will be in Chester Park on Tuesday evening, while the Media concert will take place at Glen Pro'o'idence Park on Thursday evening. Both performances begin at 8 o'clock and admission is free. 'The program will include such favorites as "Poet and Peasant Overture", Anderson's uSerenata" and a medley of "Jerome Kern Favorites". Vocal soloist will be Margaret Bell Zurbrick and Oharles Castaldo will be featured in a Sousaphone solo, "Asleep in the Deep". The band is also scheduled to perform a music novelty "In a Clock Store". Chester Park is located near 24th street and Edgemont avenue. Glen Providence Park is situated at the foot of State street in Medi-a. In the event of inclement weather, the concerts wi1\ be postponed one week. The Media con_ cert is sponsored jointly by th" Delawar~ ?ounty Park Board and the MUSICIans Performance Trust Fund. --------- Peter Braun, son of Mrs. David Braun of Yale avenue, was injurRepresentatives to Discuss ed in car.. truck accident on Route Directors Consider Adding 14 Friday night. Ten persons were Local Effects at Deep Water injured, four of whom are in August Meeting critical condition. A mile north Pool Representatives of all municiof Gabriel's Junction, the acciSome new faces (and figures) palities affected by the Yellow dent occurred about 11: 30 p.m. were seen in Swarthmore Swim Route for the Mid-County Exwhen a panel truck in which Mr. Pool waters this week as the first pressway south of West Ohester and Mrs. Daniel Scott of Steelton 50· families on the Swim Club's Pike met Tuesday evening at were riding with their seven chil- membership waiting list hurried Springfield Township Hall and dren collided with the car driven to take advantage of Judge Henry agreed unanimously to carry. the by Peter Braun who was en route G. Sweney's July 18 d .. t h' fi " eClSlOD. fight against the Yellow Route to o see IS mancce MISS MarlClgh Judge Sweney of the Delaware the Federal Bureau· of Public Barclay of Newark, N. Y. The County Courts granted the t·_ Roads by all available means. Sco~ts had been picking cherries tion of the Swim Club toP~~­ The group agreed to meet again durmg the week on a far~ near crease' its membership from 400 in three weeks, by whieh time Lyons and were on theIr way to 450 families, just as a new hot each municipality wi1\ have draftI home. , and humid spell hit the area. ed a statement describing the local According to State Police Peter· When old Sol and warm bathers effects of the Yellow Route. Lawwas blameless in the almost head- ,brought pool waters up to a MonScottish Minister rence G. Williams, vice president on collision from which he day afternoon temperature that of the Springfield Board of ComTo Speak Here Sun. emerged with a broken jaw, brok.. was not so cooling as might have missioners, was elected. secretary The Rev. Dr. John Kennedy, en right hip, fractured right knee, -been desired, the pool's ever..reof the group to coordinate the efminister in the parish of Carn- ribs, and skull, compound frac- sCiurceful manager, Millard Robforts of the members and act as iluslang, Glasgow, Scotland, will ture of the right elbow and arm, inson, ferried six 300-pound cakes a central clearing point for inbe the speaker Sunday at the 11 and chest injuries. He is in of ice across the pool deck in a formation. o'clock service at the Presby- Schuyler Hospital in Montour wheelbarrow, depositing them into Representing more flhoan 1,200 terian Church. Falls, N. Y. various parts of the pool to the residents of Swarthmore who Peter's condition is improving great glee of. occupants of all Convener of the Educa tion for signed a petition against the "A" the Ministry Committee of the and he shows encouraging signs ages. The large faucet under the Route, a variation of the present Church of ScoUand, Dr. Kennedy of being on the road to recovery. high diving board was also openYeUow Route, LaRue Hendrixson ed wide, shooting a cool spray is a member of the Executive of North Chester road said that into mid-pool. Lifeguards had to Committee of the General Assemthe Department of Highways has dunk themselves occasionally to bly's Publications Commibtee and keep from hot-footing it off the of the Committee for the Admisbeen misled by fallacious . argume-nts concerning the impact of job. sion of Ministers from other Wailing List Cut In Half Churches. He also lectures on the the Yellow Route versus the Blue Route on Delaware County. Mr. work of the Ministry at Trinity Club president Dr. John H. Hendrixson is secretal'y of Swarth_ College, Glasgow, and is Chal- Primary Group Rehearses Wigton says the new court allotmore Citizens in Opposition to the ment will permit the club to For Closing-Day Might Add to Present mers Lecturer in Scottish UniverYellow Route. sities. accommodate about half its waitPresentation Score Over "Reversal of the Yellow Route ing list. Members will be admitDr. Kennedy's books include decision either by Governor LeadThe first half of this season's Weekend ted in the order of their applica"The God Whom We Ignore," er or by the Fede....l Bureau of Swarthmore Swim Club has "Towards a Theocracy," and Summer Club program concluded tions. with dues pro rated for the Public RAlads," Mr. Hendrixson built up 27 points to stand in 7th "Argument for Christianity." Friday with a swimming meet at remainder of the current season. said, "is imperative in the interests place to date in the annual Subthe Ullman's pool. There wer.e • Judge Sweney's decision carried He is a member of the Scottish of humanity and sound communi- urban Swim League Championraces, diving events. and time for the stipulation that the club proOrnithologists Club and is interty planning." free play. The free-style races vide parking area sufficient for ships. ested in photography, having (Continued on Page 8) Feeling the absence of Bob served as a photographer in the were in age groups. The winners Baker. one of its top junior div- Royal Air Force in the first World were: ers, in the opening event at Mar- War. Fourth grade g i r 1 s, Anne Clippers Clip Twin Townes; fourth grade boys, Dick tins' Dam Wednesday evening of Daniels; fifth grade girls, Dora i Oaks; Lose to Trainer last week, Swarthmore never-the .. I less came home with one point, Dr. Bohnsack Conducts McNair; fifth grade boys, J a d y The Swarthmore Clippers jourgained .by Beth Purnell placing Research at Oak Ridge Brooks; sixth grade boys.' Bob RO-I neyed to Twin Oaks July 16 and Sea Scout Ship Travels sixth. land; seventh grade guls, Julie completely routed the opposition Dr. Kurt K. Bohnsack of Yale Brooks; seventh grade boys, 34-5, in a game halted by darkFriday. riight Jan Lawrence To Southern Bay On avenue, assistant professor of R,ickie Ullman. ness after three innings, with scored third and Dawn Boyer biology at Swarthmore CoUege, is Weekend Trip sixth to add five more points in The fastest swimmers competed r Swarthmore scoring fifteen runs After a very successful and senior diving at Marple-Newtown. spending the summer in Oak with Tom Gaylor taking top hon- and still batting with one out in Ridge, Tenn., where he is consatisfactory shakedown cruise a Jim Foley placed second in junors in the younger group, and the fourth. AU members of the ducting research at the Oak Ridge week or so ago, the members of ior boys backstroke for anothei' Jody Brooks winning against the 19 man squad participated. the S.E.S. Leo Maris cruised to five points Saturday morning at National Labora,tory. older swimmers. On the 18th, \in hlle best played Chesapeake City last week end. Marple-Newtown; and Ric-hard Dr. Bohnsack, who spent last . In the diving competition Joan game 0 f th e season, T ralner put The boat, which was launched McCurdy sixth in midget boys year as a visiting professor of PI owman was t h e c h amp with together three singles in the final June 30 after two and a half breaststroke that afternoon at zoology at San Diego Sta~e Col- Dora McNair and Barbara Gerner inning to ·beat a good Clipper years of hard work, made a fine Aronirnink, making a total of 12 lege, has received an appointment t 2 1 Tr . d th fi t as an Oak Ridge research par- tied for second among the girls. earn -. mner score e rs showing. points. Other .team scores at that Eddie Shute was the best diver run in the fourth on a double, a After passing the Coast Guard juncture were: Aronimink-123; ticipant in the ORNL Health of the boys with Jody Brooks and poor,q Seifer of Lakewood, Klinger In a gray embroidered lace er II'M'kline. Her veil was a 2011... ~ d East with pink accessories. Her cos- year old heir,loom hand-eJdlrpldLake. Sturgis. ........... an bel ~'ft In lansing. and Lt. H.g.) Pbilip. turne was accented with a corsage ered handkerchief on......g LeslIe Hummer of San Diego of white rubnm lilies. Mrs. Rob- the bride's faniny. fashioned Into .calif SOIl of Mrs. Paul 101 Hurn~ erts chose a sheath of navy blue a very short mantilla of Frellch • . . mer . of Rutgers avenue. and tbe sUk 8Ild white accessories. She illuslon vellIng. She carried a late Mr. Hummer. were married wore a corsge of white rubrun cascade bouquet of white lrutterat Lakewood Sunday July 14, at lilies. fly orchids. ~anotls, ~d ivy. 4 o·clock. The Rev. Charles Following the ceremony a reThe bride's sisler. Miss judith officiated at the double ring caption was held at ~he Llanerch Rintoul B~es. ~as her maid of Country Club. honor. Bndesmmds were MIss mony. . Whi.te gladioli and Mrs. Bower, Jr.. Is a grl.dllat,e I Mary Carrington Gawthrop. SlSdaisies graced the altar. of PennsYlvania State University ter of the groom. of Kennett Given In marriage by her fathe'·.1 and is lit present teaching tbird Square. ,Miss ·Mary Florence the ,bride wore an Ivory peau grade In the Westbrook Park Buckley of Wynnewooo. Miss soie gown modeled on ~~::~! E1ementa~ ., School of the Upper Barbara Ann Alexandersoll of lines with Alencon lace Darby School District. Mr. Bower Long Island. N.Y.• and MIss BarHer vell of illusion fell from a attended P e d die Preparatory bara Dana. of HIngham, Mass. cap of seed pearls and r."\l'enc:on I School for two 'vears and was In The attendants' ballerina length lace. She cartied a cascade bou- the Army lor two years. Attend- gowns, fashioned on princess Ing Wharton School of the Unlver- liIles, were of French blue polishq~t of white roses and Ivy. ock Mrs. George Robertson was her sity of PeDDS)"lvania. he will be a ed cotton. caught with peac sister's honor attendant. She wore senior In the fall. blue taffeta polonaise drape from a pastel blue lace and chilIon After August 1 Mr. and Mrs. the side panel. TheIr flowers were Bower will reside at 35 East Es- white marguerites and Ivy. gown with matching, hat and cariMr. Wi'illIam David Luke. Jr.• Page 5) sex avenue, I.ansdowne. Mr. and (C tin ed on u on of Wn_ ......-n. Del.. ac'-~ Mrs. Roberts will live In Harvard, =~.. ~ """ as best Mass .• after their wedding trip. man. Ushers were Mr. Richard BOWER - ROESS Hellman of VIllanova. Mr. James ROBERTS - ROESS 1!"&eO Morris 4th. of Denver. Colo.. Miss Nan c y Helen Roess, WEST - HEINZE Norman M. Steere and Mr. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Miss Dorothy Anne Heinze. William FrIedlander of Boston. . Randolph Roess of Cornell ave- d;iughter of Mr. and Mrs. WalMass .• Mr. Wells Foster of Greennue. and Mr. WlIliam George ter O. Heinze of Stl-ath Haven Bower. Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. avenue, ,became the bride of Mr. ville. Del., Mr. Ellard Pfaelzer of Bower of Haveriown, were mar- Donald Granbery West of Wash- Chlcago.m.. and Mr. Frederick rled Saturday. July 20, at 1: 30 D.C., son of the last Mr. Starr of Kennett Square. A reception was held In the o'clock Iil the Swarthmore Presby- and Mrs. Marltn R. West, In TrInterian Ohurch In a ~ouble wed- Ity Church, Swarthmore; at 3:30 Cap'n LInnell Hl'UBe. Orleans. ding ceremony in whicli Mr. and o'clock, Tuesday. July 23. The BIRTHS Mrs. Roess's dau~ter Miss..J,di- Rev. John C. Harris of Washlng-· Mr• and Mrs. Charles B.Keenet.' anne Roess became' Ibe .t>nde of ton officiated at the double-ring Mr. Wllliam K. ,Roberts, son ceremony. of Norwich. Vt., announce the Mr. and Mrs. WllUam S. Roberts Given In marriage by her fath- arrival of a son, Garry Gilbert, of Aldan. Against a setting of er, the bride wore a gown fash- born Tuesday, July 23, in Hanferns the Rev. Mr. John Schott ionedon princess lines with pearl'uv·",. N. H." perfonned the doullIi, ring mar- encrusted Alencon lace bodice Maternal grandparents are Dr. riages. .' and peau de soie ballerina skirt. and Mrs. Garry DeN. Hough of . Miss Nancy Helen Roess was A shoulder length veil fell from Mas s. Paternal eScorted ,by her fa~er while her a pearl encruSted cap. She car- grandparents are Di". and Mrs. Gilbert Keenen of Harvard sister '!\fiss Julianne Roess was ried i1hiloenopsis orchids' and escorted by Dr. George P.. .' stephanotis. avenue. ren of South Chester road. Given 114..... Robert Phillips of Long In marriage ,by their father. the Island, N.Y.• was her sister's matMr. and Mrs. Cyrus E. Ridenour. brides wore princess style ron of honor. of MlIbile, Ala., announce the of pure silk with skirt panel' . Ushers were Mr. Richard T.I ~~~~:!uO:~f' il. son. William sets of seed p .....l West and Mr. Martin R. West, Jr.• II bOrn July 3. chantilly tace. :fashioned wlln brotqers of the bridegroom. of Mr. and Mr.. William H. GOOneckline. thelr elbow length Washington: rIng of University place 'are the were attached to caps of lace and Following the wedding cere- mat ern a 1 grandparents. Mrs. seed pearls. They carried bouquets mony a reception was held at the Ridenour, 2nd, of Baltimore. Md., of orchids, gladioli, and stephanot- hOme of the bride. the paternal grandmother. - AUanta. Ga.. 8IIll0UDCe the birth more. are the paternal iI'and. of their fourth ehlld and first parents. daughter. E1lzabeth. 011 May' 6. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;:' Mr. 8Ild Mn. Robert T. Bair. of Village Green 8IlIl0UllCe Ih!' 1'01 ..AGAIIN. SUISCIIPTlOIIS arrival of their third son and DUliNG .lULY. AUG. AND SEn. CALLfourth child. Timothy Clark. born July 5. .. IS. .lA..1S L IIAU ....AN Mr. and Mrs.' Bair of Jensen LO ..2163 Beach, Fla., formerly of Swarth- iI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,~',~ Is. • A member of Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority. the bride attended DePauw University. The bridegroom graduated from Princeton In '1950 and is a lIeutenant In the u.s..:Navy Reserve. He Is 'associated with the Riggs NatiOl)al Bank of Washington. Mr. and Mrs. West are in Bermuda during an eight-day wed~ ding trip. After Augum 5 the bride and groom will, be at home at 3040 Id'aho avenue. N.W.. Washington. D.C. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mr. and Mrs. John C'. Balr of I.,.-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. Mrs. Russell Gaul of Secane. as f h matron Donor, a ttended Mrs. Bower. Her bridesmaids were Miss Joann Bower of sister of the bridegroom. . Betty-Jo Fischer of Doylestown, cousin of the bride. and Mrs. Peter LoDgInire of Germantown. Maid of honor for Mrs. was her. sister Miss Randa Her bridesmaids were Miss stance Anderson Of " Miss Susan RIce of Wayne. Mrs. Frank EzekIel of Drexel Hill, sister of the bridegroom. Each attend8.nt wore a gown HALSf.ED - BARNES hyacinth blue !liillfon with sal1n I cummerbund; and matchll'ig hat The Church 9f the Holy Spirit, . Orleans, Cape Cod. Mass., was and shoes. Theywicarried pale yel- th e se ttlngaur S t day alternoon. 1 fuj . July 20, at 4 o'clock tor the wed. ow . lmums th croton and stephanotis. din of MIss Elizabeth McLaren Mr. Robert Bower of Haverg to best f his b th Barnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. wnHiswas man or Ri rhO d- Harry C. Barnes, formetly of ush er. ers were,Mr. c ar . West Ch te of Vern Beach Fr' f S' ..... e1d Mr W'l es r. now • 8Zler 0 prm.,..., . ,- Fla.. and Cape Cod, Mass.. and lIam Anderson of Havertown. and Mr. John Scarlett Halsted, son of ~. Robert Baker of Youngstown, Mrs. Thomas C;~ Gawthrop of . Kennett Square. and Mr. Roberts' best man was Mr. John O. Halsted, Perrysburg,' Frank Farrell., His uahers were O. The Rev. . Mr. LewIs B. Sheen Mr. Frank Ezekiel of Drexel'HilI, performed the ceremony. f Mr. Joseph Folcarelll of Hatfield',' Given In marriage by her and Mr, James LessIg of Sinking father. the bride wore a gown of Springs. Mrs. John' Schott was the'" organist for' the wedding, "lIhe brides' mother wore a During Augua. powder blue chmon gown over AIR CONDITIONED COLLEGE TH''E'A'TRE We UlUl elose at 12:30 onSamrduys ea.ortvtlJto. Pa . ",Nll*uh' PQ:r. ROIlte 1 . ...... e a a CoDroni", PI1ce. Rnaii' zoa . NOW APPIMF!I~'G YAUGHN MONROE .. "A••" Get Y. . G.II" , Aht. ...... CO"STMCI IIIIIII!QM:DHUIII • > .,1' ................ •• - I cWOtt I d,,' mad l' p.m. on WedneadtJy. ( h . day•. '10-5' ~ \ Yale and Harvard Avenues, Swarthmore KI 3.Q680 Air Conditioned Dining' Rooms and LAhhy Comjorlahle Sleeping Roo~_ Elevator Free PlII"klllg i :30 P.M. Busiue118 .Men's Lunch 12 • Complele Holel Fadlities for Barupuls Re~eptions, PlII"ties , A McGregor'D04ds liotel JOHN M. SOMERS. MtmtIger The Bouquet BEAUTY SAtON DON'T LET SU .... ER GO TO YOUit HEADI 9 Soutfl Chester Road Call Klngswood 3-0476 Actin "'_Iter of ... Swo"" ••,o ...1.... BRIDAL GOWNS from $39.95 Leading Daigner.' Originals, Wonderful Savings For You• The Largest Collection of Gowns in Delaware Co. eBridesmatd'. DI! lei • ComJll. Bridal A_rles' ~ '""" 1U1I1~ormal' • . Dreases $8.95 to $MoIS , g'ar,~ ~tUdae .';;«'""e .11so OPen. Evenings Monda" Ihru Frida" J J PROSPEcT PARK, PA; B.1I Appoinlment Only 11~__~~~:::;;~::________~'~,E~h:'~r~h~2~-"~.~1!5-===~ ~ now is the ·tlme Swartfllftore. Pa• Fri. & Sat•• Jill, 26. 27 HELD OYER!!! ' 2.d BIG WEEtell to '.,rld ••"'.... Tal "ANASTASIA" I .ry... - ~lege r (In Techntc:o:.Io..) Fri. foolure. - 7;]0. 9;]0 P.M. Sal. fl."' ... - 6, 8, 10 P.M. SELECTED CHILDIEN'S SHOW SATURDAY 1 ..... l-Color Carte ••• 2-Co ....., 3-D ••, ....f Caudla...o ....d Se,lol Last C.op"r _"ALASKA SEAS" .torrl., It..ltert Iya. TIlE SWARTBMOREAN NEWS NOTES Mt-s. Oliver SWaIl of Nor t Large Pay Increases ~"_d_ road . t few ......,._. spen a dayS last week In New York City and attended on ThUl'llday a p~ Salaries to Range From glv::n:!";"~aptalnthe~ow;illIr'2nd, ers. $4,500 to $14,000 Judy and Anne W$h. twin Next Year daughters of Mr. and Mrs. WIIDr. CourtIley ,Smith. president IIam Welsh, have spent the past of Swarthmore College. has just six weeks as counsellors at the announced large faculty aalary Westiowll School Day Camp. will return to their home on increases to take ell!ect next ;year. IS'Nal1hlnolre avenue next week. The Board of Managers of the Mr and Mrs Edward A Et . . . college has voted to increase the tinger with their elght-w*ks-old salaries of professors by $2000. daughter Ellzabeth Anne arrived associate professors by $1500. as- In New Y.,..k by plane Friday sislant professors by $1000. and from Gelnhausen, Germany. instructors by $500. With this In- and are visiting Mrs., Ettlngel"s crease the salaries of full-time ,Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rlch_ faculty members will now range ardson of Crest lane.' from $4500 to $14.000. Mark Beardsley of Rutgers aveThe college decided In 1954 to will leave tomorrow to spend make laculty salaries Its nu:mber weeks at Camp Onas. Ruahone Since that time just and wilb priority. the additional increase announced ·the average Swarthmore faculty salary has risen 40 per cent. Swarthmore salaries will now stand In the top group among American liberal arts colleges. The Increase for 1957-58 Is undoubtedly among the largest undertaken at anyone time by an American college. It goes a way 10 alleviate w~t .Presldent SmIth has called "the aimple tact that Ihe academic profession' Is n,ot sharing In the growth of the American free enterprise economy; Indeed faculty members are in a sense subsidizing the educalion even of thOse whose families are ;! of Aronimink (31.1) Bible will include the pressway. shattered the former League refrom Psalms (145: 18): ''The Hasn't It occurred to others that cord of 32.5 for intermediate boys is nigh unto all them that caU the changes frOm the (now called ibackstroke; Lanny also made bIsupon him in truth." Yellow Route) will be far more tory with a 38. In intermediate Correlative passages from devastating to . our Borough than ObreBstroke; a Mamns Dam mldence and Health with Key to the lIhe Blue Route would have~? get ,boy set a new breastroke Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. Bms C. DEACON record of 43.8. . will include the foUoWling Tuesday at Wallingford su" 5): "The spiritual sense of truth PRESBYTERIAN NOTES Williams placed 3rd for 4 poin's must be gained before Truth can Guest minister at the 11 o'clock in intermediate girls diving. Wedbe understood. This sense Is as- morning worship service Sunday nesday night at the home pool the sI.mIlated only as we are honest, will be the Rev. Dr. John Ken- 220 yard freestyle ..JI.s swum but un.elfish. loving, and meek." nedy of Glasgow, Scotland. His ·none. of Swar\1unore's entrimbered his mercy and his truth will be preachlng Sunday at the final scores is tallied are senior toward the house 01 Israel: all Media Prsebyterlan Church: and junior freestyle and 'butter" ends of ,the earth have seen the Church School classes meet at fly events at 8: 30 a,m. tomo~ salvation of our God." 11 a.m. at East· Whiteland; interm~ate The Summer Choir wiU re- an nildget freestyle and ibutterMr. and M.... -Kenneth M. Reed hearse at 10 a.m. preceding the fly at· 2: 30 P-i!'. at Colonial VIIof North Chester road are sll'md-l se.vice. lage; and on Sunday at 4 p.m. at ing the .week end in Alexandria, Aronlmlnk intermediate ·and mldVa., as the guests of thelr cousins TRINITY NOTES get freesyle and medley relays. Col. and Mrs. John Fra""is Reed. A service of Moming Prayer Swarthmore coaches also had a .be held at 10 o'clock. Sunday good aggregation· scheduled for Morning. A.A.U. compeitlon at Kelly pool, Those serving as UShers will ·be Philadelphia yesterday and today, as follows: . and arebuildlng up a relay team Joseph Reynolds, head usher; for the nationals there on August N. A. Weber, alternate; F. S. ~3.:.... Chambe"" JT., B.' DaQger.'1eld, C. R. Enfberg, C, G. Rittenhouse, W. V. Thomas, Jr., and R. M. Woods. Carl Hally and Robert Watkins CHURCH SERVICES are scheduled to serve as acolytes. FlRESBYTEREAN CHL'RCH. During the month or AUgust John Schott, Associate MInister there wllJ be one service on Sun-. 8UJ1dq, Sub' days. This will be a celebrlition of 10:00 A.M.-Cholr RehearsaL the Holy Communion, at 9 oclock. 11 :00 A.M. - Churoh School classes. 11:00 A.M. The Rev. John METHODIST NOTES Kennedy of ScoUand will preach. Church Schooi classes for all METlHODIST CHURCH ages wlll begin at 9:45 a.m. SunJohn C, Kulp, MInister day. Robert WIlde' Dr. W. Vernon Middieton, GenMinister of MUsIc eral Secretary of the Division of 8UJ1dq, Sub' 28 National Mis s ion S, Methodist 9:45 A.M.-Sunday SchooL Board of -Missions, is ,the guest· 11:00 A.M.-Dr. W. Vernon Middleton will preach. speaker duriog the vacation abTRINITY CHURCH . sence of .the pastor the Rev. John H. Lawrence Whittemore, Rector C. Kulp, Pastor. Dr. Middleton's 10:30 A':rlJl1_~~~Sub' Sing in Whittier Meeting. 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. All are welcome. 3:00 P.M. _ Chester Quarterly iMeeting at Westtown Meeting House. Bring picnic supper: no formal evening pzogram. M .......~. Sub' II . All day sewing for A.F.S.C. , WeIlDuh" Sa17 lit All day sewing for A.F.s.C. No Monthly Meeting for Buslnes in August. FI'RST CHURCH OF ~4!'iv~1' Park Avenue below Harvard 8='°7, , I~!.~~_:S!-.~. ~~:.:.:: . . .~ ',- ~ - " :1.;.;.;5;:;;;"-.,.. "I .;W;.Ult~ID;;;lbl MUMMI. - SEIFEI the University SeotIand.. i '. ..-•- - • OlIVER H.IAIR, _or I_Avg • MAllY .A.IAIR, " ..Idl" IjI!.......llH!ImunnURDllllll!llllllllml.III!!/lI!DIJ!DnI!Ul!nIUll!mnlllml!lllll!l!~ e e el . . ",. ..•. 4·, to. LANOASnR aUND •••11.. LAMa LAMB CHOPS ." 69c LAMB ROAST _ _ NECK, SHANK LAMB !b 23c BREAST 0' LAMB Nurseries, Inc. Rose Middletown Road LANCASTER BRAND, AND U. S. GOY'T GRADE R. D. 16. Media, Pa. Opposite High Meadow .Chuck· Roast S:~~ Roast Custom . Landscape Work Telephene: CHester 2·7206 • Visit our Rocid~tde M~'rket on the Middletown Road· ,. LI,t•• t. 7:30 A.M" HaWS Boneless Rolled Cross Cut Ib .69c e • 11111111._" D .1.--".R,..n.'."~I•• II"MMN,a~ICC~I~...~.a. .. f .'-'-- 63' .............-..................................................... A Perfect Treat When Combined With ~ Ideal Frozen ~ Ideal' Frozen· Grape Juice 6 ~ 9V •••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • .deal Creamy Drea.. Ice Cream Green. Beans -=~3;;.4tc Star-Kist s Apricot 26~z57e .J Sunrise Tomato s Apple c gallon cont. perfect with cool cantaloupe ...................... _........,. • Acme'. Big Grocery Value. 'Nih delicious .Del,,,,,, H••• -. , ....................., _........... .. Virginia .... Ovitn Fr.... c:.= 2~~as 3ge .. :.'.. ' :;.". .' . Rhuharh Strawhlrry B· . rles 4ft lach Cho l:oICIfe Bar Cak• Ideal' pOll a: ,. ,• ' lind . . . '. . . ~~'~'.:. ".i Calif. Pears 2 29c Hal,. • ,~ '!~':; . los :. 6ge ~ 67C BORDEN'S GRUYERE CHEESE ~ 330 ' s'Bartlett Pears ~z 31c H.,. 's' .. .., . Pcl II • 'SIII'_ . . . '"" • II Beef Arm Roast J L9u~llaBuHer ::::~~ WDRP Cantaloupes 33' c for None Pelt.d ....Is.. . Power -- Ib ·OV_. . . . . . BROADLEAVED EVERGREENS POTTED STAR ROSES EVERGREENS IN VARIETY DAYLILIES - NAMED VARIETIES forgetting your billfold is no ·problemnot if you have a DeNS' checking account Inquireabout • o'penlng one next time you're in the bank~ BEEF Jumbo 39C size, delicious LANCASTER BRAND, AND U. S. GOY'T GRADED CHOICE BEEF Ask for Ben P.lmer or HanryArnokl . ,.. MEDIA OFFICE, . /. J. Edward Clyde Somuel D. Clyde. Jr. Geol'tJe Plowman Price. Iffe",lve July 25, 26, 27, 1957 The Delaware Couldy National Bank ., E 4-6314 c 10-12 ,._...........101 . , - Ii 29 EAST 5TH ST., CHESTER Phones: 4-6311 4-6312 4-6313 \ DIIlero.. o....BALI . 1120 CHISTNUT STR . . T '. 011 •• t.. a. I II ACME GIVI" YOU LOW PRICES PLUS S&H GREEN STAMPS THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. YOUR COMMUNITY '. A COMPLETE INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENCY· , More than three-quarters. of a cenhiry of uneql,laled service, dependability and highest standardt. WHO SUPPORT . I SWEENEY & CLYDE I OUR RECORDa SUPPORT THE MERCHANTS 1 I last week tor their new home at Paul will be a radiologist at . 1850 MIller ro8!l, I'IInt, Mich. Dr. Hurley Hospital In FlInt. "113•••••1111117.2211'1I11III. . . .I11III_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.-:. LANCASTIR In".... mnll .1', MIAJIl \ ~- or Pap 5 / Mrs.. Hallock C EdInb gh • C·n,"!!l with . ur ,her son Peter and daughter Susan of Vassar avenue, will leave SatThe bridegroom gradUated from urday of next Wecl!: for San Wharton School, University of Francisco, Calif., gomg by autoPennsylvazila. mobile and stopping at some of DurIng a Wedding trip Lt. and the national parks. They will be ~ Hununer motored to San joined by Mr. Campbell in Salt Diego, Calif.• where they will· re- Lake City, Utah. Mrs. Campbell's slde. parents Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hutchinson of WInter Fa k Fl Mrs. Henry Pe!rsol wU~ her will occupy the campbe~ 'hOu~~ daughters Sandra and Glona, of during thelr absen· Lafay~ avenue, vi~ted Mrs. Dr. and Mrs J":e h E P Pelrsol s mother ,Mrs. James Dry- with their daughters t,ne: J:"':1, den in Barnegat, N. J., during the and Nita and sons Jody and first part of the week. Cbarles of i28 Park avenue, left attended Swartbmore College and __-,-_.______--,~======~=~~.~_~=~~.~_~========~ sermon subject at service the 11·Sunday o'clock worship· i~i~~i~28~~fi-1 morning will be ''The Church In A Baffied I World". There' wll! be a nursery for children at this time. The Kindergarten and Junior Church Programs have been temporarily discontinued for the summer. Th . e church office wUl be open on Tuesday mornings only. during July. In case of any emergency need for pastoral ~ during the pastor's absence, members may call. the pastor's secretary, Mrs.. Mildred Conner, LE 2-5809, or Richard H•. Jones, LE 2-2931 (Ridley Park Methodist Church). . Those desiring transportation to • the bazaar workshOl!. being conducted each Wednesday' momblg and afternoon at \he chmcll, 8ft asked to eaD Mrs.. fJDo Comaors, THE SWARTBMOREAN (Continued mm Pqe Z) rled a bouquet of white daisies. Dwi . Mr. ght Hummer of Rutgers avenue, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. The bride'. mother wore a blue linen aown wi!h matdUng hat. Tbe brIdegrOO!llS mother was at~ In a pink IIYlon gown, accented with an orchid corsage, and wore a mafM1ng hat. Followtnc fIhe wedding ceremoily a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. The bride graduated from Kemper Hall, Kenosha, Wis., and ~i'~~~~~~C~lo~se~d~S~at~Urd~a~y~l~p~.~M~·~~·~~~~i~ 28 OF M.... Gilbert S. 1'etteD/PIl or Moy_ lan' and MIas Ruth HOopes at Media. will drive today to Keuka Lake. N. Y .• will spend a week at.. tending the Ashram led by E. Stanley JOIleI!. \ I The oplnl.... expresooeJ below are Ch_ of the IDdltfdUl wrllera.o.tJl EdItor. Letters wW be inson.h6s been named to a ninemember judges panel which will name the outst8ncnrlli swimmer of this League season. The award will be made on Saturday. Selltember 7. STATE INSPECTION SWARTHMORE, PENNA., JULY 26,1957 FRIENDS MEETING NOTES Chester Quarterly Meeting witl be held at Westtown Meeting House on Sunday, July 28, at 3 p.m. In ·addltion to regular bus!ness, there will ·be a discussion of the responsibilities inherent in the Te .lIll1e A.... Mrs. J'I'aDda P-!De11 of Dart. Swarthmore Coach Mlllmd Rob- mouthavellUe. a _ I ..... led by JaI;y 26, 1857 '. :'"; - r : '.~ ".C .', ',: _ lach .....Iar He oillw '.-~ . , , P~~~~________~'~"~.·'~'~.;·~:~__~________~TH~E~SW~A~RTH~M~O~R~E=AN==:I.~~~~~~=·'~JT·_·__~~~~~===Jmw2~195T !ageo -_.--.---N WS NOTES University place has returned Receive Heart ! bllq.ii . . cr"'''II" E from a tWO'weelt visit at the Association A-arell THOM S~REMBA Susan Braun. daughter of Mrs. hom f her' son-in-law and ,.... Robert H. Raymo_d David Braun of Yale avenue. is da ehte° Mr and Mrs. Cyrus E. Studies being. carri~ on In temporarily staying with Mr. ~ Ri:no; 3ni of Mobile Ala. Philadelphia by 14 rer'"4rch psyMrs. H. LIndley. Peel of Columbia Mrs Fra'ok·r!. Keenen ~f Harv- siclaus on $178.000 in from U.HOLSTERY lor.... Cialr .......t - $44.10 • Years of' Sw.rtta.............. avenue. Sltaron Hili 0734 M IIIIIIII C...aIM 17112 S.Chester Rd. KI4-1700 SWARTHMORE, PA. EDWARD G. CHIPMAN AND SON GENERAL COiITRAUOI I • nd Mrs H l1bert Sanford of ~;.!. N. Y.. entertained Mr. and Mrs. S. Milton Bryant of South Chester road during the past week end. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Bell of Park avenue are anticipating the arrival as house guests next week . d Mrs Henbert Roberts ! Pu~~o . Cheshire. England. 9 Eleanor M~ Moore, daughter f Mr d Mrs John M. Moore ~ whlt~ Iac~ is among enterIng freshm! at Mount Holyoke College who have received major awarda of scholarship. A National Merit award winner. 'Eleanor i. the recipient of a Sears Foundation Merit Scholarship. Mrs. William H. Gehring ,,' Farm; a:lfast, Ants ~. ard avenue entertained Wednesday at a luncheon for Mrs. F. ~ McCornack of Traer. Ia.. who IS visiting her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. John MacAlpin o Jr.• of North Princeton avenue. Aviation Cadet Davl~n Luehring. of Advaneed Traming U~it 604. SOIl of Dr. and Mrs. FrederIck W. Luehring of North Chester road. Is In the S2F Tracker prima_ ry multl-engine training course at the Naval Air Station, Hulchlnson, Kan. Euslgn Donald Ogram. son of Mr. and Mrs' .. Harold Ogram of Riverview road, arrives todal' from Nol'folk Navy Base. Va.• on a ten-day leave. He is stationed aboard the U.s.s. Mt. McKinley. PERSONAL TED WAN I . WANTED-SECREI'ARY. VariedjPERSONAL Small ,!par¢ment. 1401 Ridley Avenue office work, majority typing. furnished or unfurnished. for some dictation. and operation of 'I Septentber 1. One adult. Box D. CHester 2-4759 smal1 switchboard. Swarthmore The Swarthmorean. . 2-5689 Physics Research Laboratot:y. $65 PERSONAL - Bicycles Repaired. per week. three weeks paid vacaParts. accessories. Milt Glass '==:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;;::;;;:;;:=:;=:;~ tion. Box B. The Swarthmorean·Blcycle. Hobby. Toy Shop. 205 .. WIANTED -- Lady desires day's East Baltimore Avenue. Clifton work Tuesday and Thursday Heights; MAdison 6-0713. Oppobut not regular. Once a month. site Clifton Theater. Colniliercial Constructio. References. CHester 3-1937. PERSONAL _ Radio. and teleWANTED - Woman to care tor vision service. Complete stock two children four days a week. of tubes carried.· Robert Brooks. Residential KTngswood 4-2226. Call KIngswood 4-0800. W:ANTED - Male Help - Ma- PERSONAL - UPHOLSTERING Large Chairs Complete1y rechlnist. Top salary opening for HARRY W. McCAWSTEI experienced machinist Interested built with new fabric $44.50 In automatic wrapping ,machines. Sofas $89-0ver 80 years exper!Ge••ra' Confrador Unusual lifetime opportunity for ence. Six years of Swarthmore a good man. Philadelphia Cbew- references. All work ta done In Ing Gum Corporation. Eagle and our oyJo. shop' under personal Ka.gswood 3-1646 Lawrence Roads, Havertown (3 supervision of Mr. Seremba. Est!miles from 69th Street). Call Mr. mates are free. Thom Seremba. May at HnItop 6-7150. Phone Sharon HIll 0734. Budgel WANTED Typlst-clerk. gen- payments. \ eral office work In Secane. Con- PERSONAL - Belvedere ConROOFING veniimt to publlc -transportation. . valescent Hom~•. 2507 Three days per week. IBox 333. street. Chester. BeIge of Pa. more. Aged. senile. conGutters . valescenl men and women. BxWarm.Alr Heating cellent fooda. spacious ground. uate desires part time househ ed Sadi Pi pin Air ConditIO_I. . work or care of children, or con- Blue Crcss ODor. e P S ....t Metal Work valeseents. Pliable. quiet. depend- Turner. proprietor. CHester ab 1 e • trustwmh. Reference. 5373. . PERSONAL-Two l1'andmothers KIn d 3 5170 gswoo . with time on their handa wID WANTED Truck driver for mend. ·hem. dam for frantic large standard type truck on KI d 3 5177 local and overnight runs. Give age homemakers. ,ngswoo - .. ' 48 KI 4.1214 and experience In reply to Box FOR SALE I or • Box ~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~\:~~~~~p~a~'~~;;~~~t ~-~'PAINTING Interior & ExteriOr Free Estimates· Klngswood 3·8761 SOLlCIT....TION OF BIDS FOR ONE-H....LF TON PICK·UP TRUCK The Board of §ehool Swartlddore-Butleda trJct will reCeIve kelf-ton pick-Up truck. at tbfi trIet Ofllee. corner of Col1ega ton AYftueB, UD to"'8 SAMUEL T. CARPlmM~ ...... to.. aT·MB Stottlng 44 lOla", !;$JJr--'----~ DAy .... NIGHT OIL BURrer SI=RVI(S . eo. NoWl, lIONDAY 'l'IIIlU IlATUaDAY GUILD OPTICIANS , For Le_ of s.,..~r q • ...., DesI", !!.au. of 1M F1w.. We.1 nililp ...,. ....... JIIOOJf en u., • ....,. WI. J. A•. ". \1. i '...~.. ~ 113:..- A-.- ~;;;?s;:;;,. CO.'.... ·'wil'.. ' ....... . . . J . . . . t; ~: ,,-. . '. . Dave Yoar Silver Dollars for White JULY - AUGUST - Alterations to .j J. F. BLACKMAN GOO .IIQ.. ~"'SOt1 b-. Comr.~n!t. Mohawk • lees • Needlelufl • Orienlol Rug. 100 Pork AYe. Sworlhlllore. Po. Klngswood 3-6000 CLearbrook 9-4646 Dluzil and Sons Florist • .to; . . . _le_ 1ft _ July 22 through August 3 CEREALS SPECIAL' * 'so Baltlmo~ Pike . Sprlagfield. Del. c:... 'a. CORN KIX -- SUGAR JETS -!-' .. -~.'- :. _. - . ....... • EXTRA SPECIAL -- (Large Jar) Heavy Duty Aluminum 29c Robert A. Allison and Mrs. Anthony Fairbanks; tea decorations. Mrs. A. P. ShenkIe; and' youth conservation. Mrs. Clarence C. franck. . Officers and Dlreetors Other offlcers and the directors for the. coming year are. as fol- 1•. ~ioy "Music for Summertime" - anlP coll4lction of twelve numbers chosen and played by Morton Gould and his Orchestra to express a summery mood. $3.98. . . 2. "Wish You Were Here" (with the famous swimming pool) at The Brandywine, Music Box July 29 • August 3. Obtain choice seats from us at all prices. . 10 PARK AVENUE SWAR.THMORE. PA. Paradichlorobenzene 2·lbs.7ge IOn" ... c.IMft', .Progr-. Ca ntalopes Blueberries I DOG - (Tru-ElIuJ w••• ICE MILK ICE CREAM . ' Collars - Leasllos • Toys. CHARCOAL - .BREYER'S ....1497 Mrs. William C. F. Ziegenfus of ~~~;;;~:;;:::;:;;:::;~~~~;;;:;;:::;:;;:::;:;;:::;:;;:::;:;;:::;:;;:::;:;;:::;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;::;;:::;:;;:::;;;;;:;;;;:~ Dickinson avenue wit!> her new :;; daughter-in-law Mrs. William David Ziegenfus of Philadelphia entertained at the Ziegentus home In SwaNhnlore Friday of last .. . week at a buffet supper and lIn"n BICYCLES - Tires - Tubes - Stand~ • Baskets shower for Mis9 Marilyn Green of Lima wbo will be married: FISHING - Rods, Reels· LIHs - ....... Thursday. August 22. ARCHERY - Quivers - Arrows - Targets. Bow Strings ,Pete Campbell. son of Mr. and Mrs. Hallock C. Campbell of VasBASEBALL - Bats ~ Shoes - Gloves r Softballs sar avenue, is returning ,tomorrow TENNIS - Rac:k.ts - Balls'- Covers - Presses I ~:~.. Camp M¢lawk. IJtehlIeld. IC where he has been a counBADMINTON Rac:k.ts - Nets • Polo. -- Blnls selor during the past five Weeks. Sets - ••. .'11 .. First vice president Mrs. David second vice president Mrs. Told; recording secretary and assistant to the president, Mrs. J. Kenneth Doherty; treasurer Mrs. George M. Karns; assistant treasurer Mrs. Grogan; corresponding secretary Mrs. C. Russell Phlllips. Directors' are Mrs. W. !\lark Bitue. Mrs. Blake, Mrs. Gowing. Mrs. Hopson. Mrs. Servais, MrS. PInkston. Mrs. Harold C. Williams. Mrs. McCune, lIIIrs. W. A. Smith. Mrs. Lecron. Mrs. Thomas Brown. and Mrs. Andrew. SPORT SHOP' '~ I .. ;:1=':1~5~~ IImCI' Florence Lucasse lists 42 CommiHees, Depts•. P. Daugherty; travel. Mrs•. r~~gg~~~~~~g~~~~gg~~~~~gg~~~IJames L. J. Servais; transportation. Mrs. (Large 46-oz. Can) EXTRA FANCY > .....IcClp..~ Closing for Vacation August 3 to September 4 Tomato Juice Tomato Juice Cocktail 27e Woman's Club Pres. Names New Chairmen Florence Lucasse. president of the Woman's Club of Swarthmore. lias named the 42 committee chairmen for the 1957-58 year as follows: . • Admisslons. Mrs. John H. Pitman; Anll;rican home. Mrs. Frank R. Gray; antiques. Mrs. H. LeRoy McCune; art, Mrs. Avery F. Blake; attendance secretary. Alice E. Marriott; calling. Mrs. WIlliam W. Turner; cancer dressings. Mrs. H. Weston Clarke; communica. tions. Mrs. Paul E. Zecher; community contacts. Mrs. Franklin H. drama. Mrs. Henry I. Hoot; edueation. Mrs. Robert 1.. Thomson; exchange. Mrs. Harold C. Williams. Also. federation projects, Mrs. MIlton Bryant; 1iJlance. Mrs. D. Mace Gowing; garden. Mrs. W. Alfred Smith; heallh and welfare. Mrs. Thomas D. Jones; histortsn and pressbook, Mrs. A. M. lackey; hospitality. Mrs. Brodie E. Crawford; house. Mrs. Howard Hopson; hostesses. Mrs. Thomas Hans; international aftairs, Mrs. John W. Soule; junior advisor. Mrs. P'rancis H. Forsythe. OUter APPGinbaenta Legislation cb8irman is lIIIrs. Morris H. Fussell; literature. Mrs. ~. W. Chapman. Jr.; lunch!!OD. Robert M. Fudge; mailing list. Alma Daniels; membership, Raynham T. Bates; music. Mrs. W. R. Lecron; Needlework Guild. Mrs. A. Sidney Johnson; program. Mrs. Peter E. Told and Mrs. Robert Grogan; publicity. Mrs. John T. Pinkston; property. Mrs. Thomas K. B~n; remembrance. Pauline Dumall; rentals. Mrs. W. Mark BitUe; reservatious• Lor.ene. ~ .¥~r; rhythmic . dancing, Mrs. Edward Cratsley; secretarial service. Mrs. Gorton W. Brush; serving, Mrs. Walter· N. Molr; stage. etc.. Mrs. CO·QP , RED LABLE Duplicating OIL . ....... . ' .01 All 5 South Chester Road large packages 19c LARGE CALIFORNIA S.rvice· / HOLLYHOCK GIFt SHOP .,. IlltfJSWOOd 3oCMSO PYLE 1 TRIX 100% PURE CARNS It. bl.. Cil"~~ WHEATIES - For",orly be _ ,., I~~~l-ito~u. - _ - -...,.~ I .Le!~4~.~ .~ ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE (Regular 'Price 39c) . paving. Work obaIl be f~~~~':dE~i~~~~~~'I~: . . . _ 1111 -111M; to .want tIM ..... KNOWS No Waste - All Solid Meat IeAISER"S done in aecordanee wltb .pecUlcatlona which 1IUl7' be obtained at the office of the uriclenigned. A certifled check or bId bond for $100.00 811all aeeoml)8.ny the bid and the firm 'or peraon'to whom the cont.... is awarded shall execute a eonu.ct ~mI!ob !jand', the f.rm o~:f.~~~~,ii the oftlee" af the ~l t 89c lb• 11306616 to 1·....10........_ Eye Roast Top or BoHo" o1the Round STIffNESS /'iOT IIEMOVED CROSSE & BLACKWELL 335 Dartmouth Aven •• ' to make payment. without delay. to EMILY ATKINSON MERCER 133 Ogdon AvonOF Sw.rtbm..... Pa. Or her Attorney wear better. Rap p ap· ad deliurOcl whoa prollllsed. 9x12 Dom_sUe, $7.50 SEPTEMBER BonelessOven Roast "'IIort. RES..,.ENTIAL ~ND cO'MMERCIAL RUGS JlIIll1k.e a "atllion (or Jon rap. CJ~ao rup look beHer. feel be~ --Remember - With the return to us of each $100.00 worth of Register Slips.' we"~1 give you a bright new Silver Dollar! _I>- _n. stalling apprOxlmatel,. J. E~ LI"""",RNER ••cu," .... " , "11 l 2 1_. ough of Swarthmore as folloWII:. Fur"IIb.1 Uii' 6 grBqlte., curb eomen, ~ovi~ tlllIl or brtitKJna to eonect. line a.iuI approximaW7.· 2&0- ft. of sra:ntt. curb, demolishing approximately 260 IQ. ft. of aldewalk. installing approximatel,. 1% cu. ,.as.-- of .POUred concrete buiwaU. and la· KI40'028 for I· larte Edstera PUBLIC NOTICE OF REGULAR . . . . .01 COIpc:i.11ow.. No trGYeI. Sal.. SCHPOIo BO~D MBETlNG8 .upO,r.... aadabllHr ....TNd. 8WABTHJlORE-RUTLEDGE mlel"" _ _ old. ........ inn~ IH:HOOL nISTRlCl' rr-., copabl. of ouumtftg NI~bI" NDtire Is hereby given thai the Soard of It.... 1111 NQuetllft9 tnhm... pi. . . Scbool Dlreetors of the Swarthmore-Rut. Incl.. brief .....IDDt;I:· all ledge 11nlon Sebool District will bold Ita coddn1at. Ou..' salam.. how fEiJ."'11lar monthly meeting on the third Wednesday of earh month. at 7:30 o'el,~1C;-1 ..... T.roift_ of this ad. 101: A. L P.M. in the College Avenue '!..~I;;;;~I Building, earner of College and r Avenues. Swarthmore. Pennsylvania. II J.=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=~ By order of the Board of , School DlrectQrs of the Swarthmore-Rutledge Union CONSTRUCTION S.c:hool DIstrict fZ; '39 Roc:klyn Road. Sprlagfle!d Opposite Ioroug. HIlII CHEERIOS - $500 MONTHLY to . Dick FrancheHi LO 6-4692Ii Tbel:~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Secretary ON TEL , r~ l'OnH~T \. W. State St. vtsitlng her brother Mr. Fran,k A. 'Green, of DetrOit, :Miell.. wlth whom she motored to Grand Rapida and E:adillac. Mrs. Lumsden and Mr. Green are vlsiUng for two weeks in CadlIIac with a cousin.' MIas Cunningham. and Mrs. J.lmes A. Campbell of Portlan6. Ore. • aymlOnld J• -n _ ..... hours 9 and 12 P.II. or Boat'd ofreMrv_ theA.M.: rlJrbt1 to accept reject any bid 01'" bids. in - whole In part, ' or to accept other than u.e 1..._ , b!d. ' 6-1 6..6885. 0453. II 4-1434 662 s.C.""""'. CH 2-5051 s.........,.•••. _'M ......... CI_.. P.M •• WectnesdQ'. August 21. 1967 to be at thl. or a subsequent meetinJl'. of "_lfIoaU.n ean be .....rod at above office any weekday between I - u............... .----....... P.,....... for All ..... i YENRIAN IUNDS . Page Co... _r·. Co-Op. ....•••• of 5••"".0.., IDC•• .403 D.....otflo AYe~' ..... Plchp ••d Delly.ry 2f Hon "",lea Senl,.. All ..... a ...... 2-5865. '. .. . W~ - To do ,baby sifting FOR RENT ~~,..=Ti~~ E~~~. ESQ. and light oousework ·flve days. ~ RENT _ Near Media. Philadelphia 10. P •• Reference.. CHester 2-5865. freshly decorated country apart-----LOST moot with beautiful view. large REqUEST FOR BIDS living room. bedroom, cedar, lIped Sealed bids will be .......vedl !:ln~':;:::~~ LOST _ In vicinity of Rose Val- storage closet, pirie-paneled k1t- Chamber. 121 Pa.k Avenue. S· ley. Friday. July 19. white with chenette an.lI, dining ateII.. One- ~: ~~t ~~;..:!;.-:..:.t fu.olU>:1 gray two-year-old' male cat, car garage. separate heating plant log iotitoirial. ond doln" w.rk ''Frisky.'' Reward. LOwell and laundry sPace. $125•. LOwell m.ut. £ ....... and Yalo Square In 'IUIIEI TlU PLASTIC TILE • YINYL tll,l FOI.. ,CA • L.NOUU .. I; ,HOOVER Authorized' Same. . "I saw It In the Swarthmorean.'· _Ie ironing. ASPHALT TILE ~J 'J' ......:i.. WANTED - To three days FOR SALE _ Electric lIiBnlieG.E. .~~;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;:;;:;;:::;:;;:::;:;;:::;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:~ ISwarthn!ore work, cleaning or 1956 Model, like nevi.·' 41". references. CHester 'Sacrifice. LOwell 6-7055.' FOOD MARKET Cal.• .lor a two-week tour including Los Angeles. San Diego. Monterey. and Tijuana. Mex. . Mr.. Frances G. Lumsden of Kenyon avenue spent a week gy for bodily functious: ,blue brideSniaiil One plRkand dreSs; with one malchlng hats. Size 10. Call LOwell 6-3035. =FO~"'R;-!!:SA.LE:;:~----;R;-:o--:-un=d-::mah=ogany dining roam table and chairs. SAMUEL T. CARP~ER $65 KIngswood 3-2516. Seeretal'7 ~.~~~==-===:=--:-_-::FOR SALE _ Standard poodle IT-7-.6 puppies. black or brown. AKC ; ESTATE NOTICE registered. from obedient trained Eo Ie of Euge"" 1.0""7 M....... do. champion stock. Call KIngswood 3-2832. LIiilIEKS T ....",.ntar>' on the above FOR. SALE _ 11 cu. it. GJ!:. ha.. been granted the und,.· Freezer sbo amIth, studio ....001. "ho reques, all penon. bavlng couch, C'"gsweB. chair Windsor .laI",. 0. demand. a",,'n., the _ I e d k fI I t KIn'gswood 3- tbo deeedon1 known the ...... es I rep ace se . and all person. Indebted to the decedent 8967. do .,.11'flnk 1....... of liberating and conserving enE~r-1 !;===========~ .~ Dr. J. RI19Sel1 . EIkInton of Klngswood 3·1448 Movlan, one. of five physicians at J WILLIAM BROOKS the University of Plennsylvania Ashes & Rubbish Removed .Hospltal and School of . LaWns Mowed, Gen~l who received invest1gatorships. Bnalina: wID study the changes in body w.lIal'dlq· Ave~ 1IIomD. P.. fluids . which OCCUll' in various " •.pes of heart and k1"-' disease. GeOrge Myers &Co. Jack Prichard Phone: KI 3-4216 in $971.000 awarded to 155 medlEMIL SPIES cal researahers througl\out . WAt i=+w' United Stales for heart stu.ll1es I FonnotlJ 01 F. C. Iod•• _ during the year July 1957-.July R .. w_ and 128 Yale ,..... Clock llepal.. S_ttfImor8. PD. 1958. Recently the local assoc:latlon announced Ita own granta. The awarda are of two types: one for Furniture •• "eslabli6hed investlgators"-men wLth years of experienCe In research-and one for "research Garrett HCNIH fellows"-younger doctors. but CL 9 6839 also willi research background. Day or Night Dr. Ronald Estabrook of Yal~ ~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~~ avenue. as a research fellow:;; under Dr. Britton Chance of MalAuto Driving IlII1rUction vern. at the University of Pennsylyanil\ School of MedIcine and Wo Ca" far Yo. Hbspllal. wID investigate the $6 PER HOUR of certain pigments found In body cells as they affect the pr,oeesses 1 Idwanl F. .... CH...... 2-4346 Building ers.. Year - round employment. Reply to Box 333. Secane. Pa. W~ - Women for light packing work.. (Need extra I.m~oan~,eeY?) No expenence. required. I" easy money 'Packing chewgum or doing other 1Igbt facwork. Day and evening shift work available. Five~ay week. ste!,dy. P1'C."santiy air conditioned. Phliadelpbia Chewing Own Corporation. ,Eagle and Lawrence Roads, Havertown. Take Ardmore trolley ft?"'- 60th street to Oakmont stallon or Dari>y-Sprlngfleld bus to our door. ;;;.;;;======_ MIas Dorothy Schwartz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Schwartz of Muhlenberg !Wenue. last week flew to San Francisco. p - C_.......IU. ..7473 Y.I......... ZZt'1-.1111 tile AmerIcan Heart A8IIOclatlon, New York, include the local sh'lI'el Jewel.., lopel.... . THE SWARTIIMOREAN liltl..... PIle . Classified Ads Tile Floors - Plastic: Tile : Modem Kitchens Alterations a ucl Old eo-d ... . . Y:f GIl. Ste '. GOLF - GrIlls - C.areool - "'_IS L1g11ter PI_ld Balls'- Bags - Tee. - Glove. * , .... . . . ·A...... S ••• I••• n .....iwu.~l91 ($ .Ir HI •• - Sn. Aft Va II"fI. , .. , .M. Itt. 9 .. 4:30 , to'" 7 ..... .-.auRE FRAMING POIlIAIT STUDIO ROGER .....iihic S.,p•• . State·& ...IIII.... Sh.. ; '. M,'6 / ·. · .........7'. \ , . .Jaly Z6, . THE SWARTBMORBAN PageS 1GriE!l", Grier CI b Stages tried his bend at drawing a candle ENGAGIMENT for a generalbirthdaycelebratlon, Mrs. John M. Cheyney of DaySWImming· Meet and Robin even managed a wick ton, 0., has announced the en(Continued from Page .1) and ftame on his. gagement of her daughter, Miss . counselol's in a relay race. The Fours have been working Barbara Cheney. to Mr. Charles All agreed that it was a most on a farm project. which lnclud' successful day and were exceed- ed making a barn and sUo, a ingly grateful to the unmans for fence, and aDlmals. Marilyn Widallowing them the use of their mer, Jimmy Collins, Linda DODD, pool. :Anne Nolan, and Chipper Brogan Monday, emblems were award- painted the bam and silo. wbile ed to all members of the Hawks the rest of the children colored team as a result of their winning the animals. Three birthdays weI'e the first three weeks' competition. celebrated this week: Missy Also new teams were chosen by Davis, Mary Lou Piccer~ and captains who were elected by the Ju Ju Ip. Ju Ju provIded a real boys and girls. The DeW teams party' for of her playmates. and their captains are: The Prin].ary group will wind The Hot Rods, Chip Forwood; up the season with a final-day The Flying Panthers, Jody Brooks; presentation of "The Shoemaker The Summer Club All Stars. Eddie and the Elves", for' which they 'Shute; The Burping Belchers, Gay have been learning songs. and reShay; The Eagles. Mark Beard- hearsing lines each day. Fortusley; and the Tigers, Jerry Cloth- nateIY for' everyone concerned ier. (particularly those mothers who Tuesday in arts and crafts the did not include in their summer youngsters made aDd decorated plans th.e making of elf costumes), some unusual get-well cards for this play was also given in the Eck Gerner who has been in the spring by one of the Rutgers AvePresbyterian Hospital. nue second graders so Eddie Beginning the second half of Honnold, wh~ will repeat his por. the 1957 Summer Recreation traya} of the shoemaker, volunSchool program,. the pr~school- teered to round up most of, the primary children· were still busily costumes. "projecting". and enjoying to the fullest the warm, sunny weather Fifty New Families (known to most of the, adult ••• • population as a drought) which Get S.gnal has allowed them to be out-of:O: (Continued from Page 1) doors nearly every day. 125 cars. The current lot holds 80 The Threes have added several cars. An additional area' being new games to their repertoire. in- prepared outside the present fence eluding "Five Little Chickadees" is expected to care for arounai 100 and "See the Mousie Creeping". more. Processing 'the new parkMost of them chose to be chicka- ing area is being greately facllldees in the center of the group, tated by fill dirt brought by Walt but Amy Starer and Helen Holt Nason, contractor for the Bell were happy to stay at one. side Exchange addition on and sing the song. In, the mousie Baltimore pike, and by the Borgame, the children vied with each ough from its project of widenother to be m~t like little' mice, ing College avenue. cathy Cramp succeeding as the In a meeting Wednesday evequietest .and Anne Troxell as the ning the club's board of directors quickest little mouse. Each child disc~sedJ bUilding a separate pool for deep-water swimming just beyond the deck (north end) of the wide. deep area of the present pooL Junior and' Senior Life Saving • Courses will begin next Monday at the pool. Assistant Coach Karl Schaeffer will be in charge of the two-lWeek lessons which. if demand is sufficient, will be given both at 1 and at 7 p.rn.. each weekday. Applicants are asked to register at the pool office over the week-end. Summer ~. SOD of Postmaster Cberles and Mrs. Grier of Dartmouth avenue. The wedding will take place September 7. 1157 Mr. Arthur .JODeS of Swarth.. more avenue and Mr. George Dunn of I)JcJdnsm avenue recentIt returned tram a camping. trip in the AdiroDdacD. • .~ Get'a bead start! I aU The Bell CALL BY NUMBER -when you callout of town ~ou give your Long Distance calls a head start when you call by number. Then they never have to be detoured through Information in the distant city. They go through faster -often twice as fast. " The best way ,to keep ,track of numbers 'is with the "Blue Book of Telephone Numbers" '-a handy booklet in which you can list ~ nuinbers you have occasion to call. Just ask, at our Business' Office for your: free copy. J , Tel~'phone Company "of PennsY,lvania • Mrs. William Ward, 4th, and childrt:n Billy, Donny. and Jeffrey, have. returned to their )lome in Wallingford after a three week vacation in Cape May. N. J. Mr. Ward joined them on the week ends. Mr. and: Mrs. Harry Bernard of Union avenue have return~ home after spending two weeks visiting with their son-in-law and daughter MT. and Mrs. William T. Bell and family of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., formerly of Chester.· Do g.a ••• N,EW NEW NEW. WAWA ICE CREAM You "on't kn~w how good ice cream .can be 'til you've tried WAWA ice cr~m. . Order diredly from your neighborhood Waw~ driver-or phone LOwell 6-6500 ,'fo.r prompt~ cIelive:y.Do it today I • Do you know that .this fin~ professional phar- , mac,. specializes the careful compouneling of doctor's prescriptions? Here you are a •• ared prompt, precise at prices that are aaiformly fair. Bring as your doctor's next presc:tiption. 'o. ONLY '. '~3~~~ -mce. l1li. fit. TIl From PH1LADE~HlA hckeb M~ Be Purchased Before Boarding Train No Half Fares for· ChIldren CATHERMAN·' DRUG STOR. Bert'" Sariotr Tille GOING any train ......... lINt dar stentlne at 8,30 A.M. '""" , ..... $ta.-3Oth ....... and ..0 A.M. '""" North PhRa. StatIaR. 011 ......NING any train .... .., ar _1,10 A.M. .........,. 'Sorry-ftClt res. CDCICh IraIIIL . . . . . . . YorI! • 800ct. "- Kl 3-0586 I. ,. . "MrS: New Cloal.. DelIr AfAIUIL. IN HANDr HAL• • ALLON CAITONS "':./ " . •