\- l'p • , JI\~l 5 1957 Contribute THE SWARTHMOREAN to T. B. , . VOLUME· 29-NUMBER 1 S,WAR'nOfORE, FRiDAY, t. ESsig ServiCe Robert J. Turner Held Yesterday JANUARY 4, 1957 Four File for Two Posts on Board to T. B. 84.00 PER YEAR J ••lor ASHmbll.s Salom Rizk to S~ak At Woman's Club The Junior Assemblies· will meet tomorrow evening at the Swarthmore Woman's Club. The seventh grade hosta Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Beckmann will be· as- Author of 'Syrian Yankee' slsted by Mr. and Mrs. James H. b Connor, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Richard To Addre.s Mem ers Brandt, and Mr. and Mrs. FrankTuesday lin Filler. The party will be from , 7 to 8; 30. With the dally arrival of HunThe ninth grade will meet from garlan refugees and tooay's time8:45 to 10:30 p.m. Hosts will be.ly Interest in the M,iddle East M.r. and Mrs. Irwin G. Zimmer- comes Salom Rizk, speaker at man.· next Tuesday's Swarthmore Woman's Club meeting. Mr. RIzk will speak following the ·reguIar stated me!,ting at 2 p.m. Mr. RIzk, author of ''Syrian FoUl" eandldates filed naminatlntr Dapera with the seereWallingford Man Died tary of the Swarthmore Public I Ltbl'al7 Board by miclnJtr~&, De• d Sun ay In Tayor comber 31 ·iUld w1I1, therefore, . H o s p i t a l . , . . . d for election at the Lt~ Dr: George Sturges ESsig of the brary's specJal election held In Swarthmore Apartments die d the Ltbl'al7 dll1"lntr recuIar LtSunday, December 30, at Taylor brary holl1'8 on Saturday, .JanHospital. ·lJe was for many years uary 28, and on Monday, .Jana resident of Delaware County. He nary 28 untn 8 p.m. when the was born In PhIladelphia Septemvotlna- w1I1 cease and the anber 20, 1875, and his family movnual meetlntr of the Public Lted to Walllngford about 1880 a t b Aasoclati w1I1 betrln. which. time they bullt a house and . ; : :dlrectora ~ be elected. . resided there until the death of ~he candidates are (their Jr. Woman'ct b·t suo H J d· V .Rode ear u ge an n ;:c:e:~' a:i~rp~a~~/'~m::fc::!: u:~:c~ '::'e~ ~:':.:"::":rth~ ~:. fa:~r~:~~':t T~~el;!: Contribute dentist. morean): AIlee Barber, 508 The Honorable Edward Leroy Syrian parentage, in securing Dr. Essig attended the old Harvard avenue,· rannlnr· for. R d d f h entry into America after learning, D van 0 en, Ju ge o· Orp ans' at 14, he was a citizen. HIs subFrIends selj1Ct Schoql In Media reelection; l\Irs. .James ellllord, Court inM;edia will talk to the and later the ·Friends Select·School. 211 Rutter>! avenue; RudolDh Junior Woman's Club of Swarth- sequent struggles with language, In P.hUadelpbla. At Swarthmore Hirsch 204 Benj min W t poverty and schooling make his .College 'he was a member of the , a es aveI more on. January 8 at 8 p.m. at story, "America Is More Than a nue; Edward M. .James, 410 the Clubhouse. His topic will be class of 1896 and was a member Country," one of unbeliev..ble North Swarthmore avenue. "Current Affairs;" discussed from . conviction. . th ta i I · d optimism and of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. After evan ge po nt of ong an DeWitt Wallace, ·editor of The studying at Swarthmore college ~ varied experience. he went to the University of Penn_ Gu Rd M I Born In Philadelphia, Judge van Read ...'s Digest, has described Mr. ·sylvanla and was graduated from ernsey • an Serves . Roden -attended public schools and RIzk's talk to the students In over the Dental School about 18b9. He Taylor a. s. Assistant studied law there. He serVed as 2,000 public schools as an outwas prominent In helping tofOWld Administrator • Assistant District Attorney, and standing service of true merit.. the University of l'ennsylvania To A$sume Vice later as First Pistrlct Attorney. Following the meeting tea will '{he appoln~ent of Robert J. 'd He was active in both the first be served' by Mrs. George B. band. After he obtalned hladen!,!l Turner, Guernsey road, as assistPresl ency on . . and second World Wars, and was Sickel and Mrs. Francjs A. C. education· he practiced In his· t A I Istr ·to· f T I H Feb. 1 decorated with the Croix de Vosters. Mrs. A. R. O. Redgrave 1 ther's o--e a number of· years an a m n a r a I\Y or osG lOb P I f ti 1 and Mrs. H. EllIott Wells will r .... ::'d father's death. He pita! was announced' Wednesday HowardC. Petersen, president, ue?,e w • a m or excep ona cetve members and their guests by H H Bat f Ridl .p k Fidelity~Phlladelphia Trust Com- servICes rendered.in the course of then became a member Of the arry. es 0 ey ar, pany, has announced the election the operations involving the lib- at the door. faculty In the dental, department president of the bospltal's Board of Paul D. Williams, University er"tlon of France. Mrs. H. W. Clarke, chairman of Temple University. of Managers. . place, as vice president effective WhUe still ·on active duty' in of cancer dressings and Mrs. MarHe, was with Temple for over The new oIIIce was created by February. I, 1957. . j France in 1945; he' was elected garet Servais, chairman of health 30 years, until the time of t$ r~ the Bcw-d In~tlon with the '!I.fr. Williama Is a gradua.te of: Presid!",t Judge of Orphans' Court and welfare. have announced the tlrerr\ent la,st.July 1. He had,~ t ....... . , I·· . _"'... _ . " .. ' Penn State'·U"'versi~·'.~e;Ji!l!! aJ~tP~aw,!~ C~ty,.lIehllstfe- IaeXt. C8I1I'III'-dressinr.. If!lS8Ionon - • 1n.1ll health fori)lepast :year and ~"'~!IJl fIlq)~...~am. of Wili 'ba~ i!illl'lltilaii·>. ~ 'Q,i!~ly'~tli1'C!!DtiJ!!lh :Ple:as; Tues~;"""anuary 8;·. at II)- am: ..' lIe·rm """~tital·-and· Civil ''CoUrts. For "in the clubhouse. Mem~ are ., _., WU· admitted. to the· hospital oll 'J'aylbeenOl' HOSPltal.·berMr. Tui1ier, "Yh o k;';'a·lln h'" c'a·ree·r··~.it'h· .....e F· "'--~A_ 8 . has a mem ·ot the board =".. ested to· trib t t . ~~uoonu· 1 . . . . since 1945; resigned In order toers and Miners Trust Company, sev~ral years he heard all Habeas requ. . con . u e w,,~ co _ Mr. Essig was a higbly . . ted responb t· accept this. new staff . posItion. HIs Punxsutawney, Pa'., and· was suc- I. Corpus .cases Involving the custody ton sheeting to this committee. slbl e person and respec y s u- d ti t th h ltal ta tad cesslvely a bank examiner for the I of ehlldren, whl~. is. one of the dents·and.faculty at Temple.. u es a e osp s. rtay. Commonwealth ofP,mnsylvania,/most difficult types of cases that Funeral services were held yesMr. Turner was formerly as- A dit P 1 Ba k d T t . come into the courts terday at Oliver Balr ~d Inter- sisoont .plant. manager, Quaker C u or, e~es In an I~t ! Hostesses for the •evening will "'II. ' Lace cOmpany, Philadelphia' ompany, e, vGirard ce presTrust en I .b e Mrs ~n ment a t West La.ure1 <11 . . , and and comptroller, . Ki rk Nevi us, Mrs. Robert He is survived by a nephew Jo- from 1936 to 1952 was vl.ce presI- C Ex h Bank Phil d I· ,ScullYJ alid Mrs John Wenzel • • d fth Ch ~rn caDge I ae_. seph ' Richards EsSig ent 0 . e ester Lace' Mllls' ..... ....1a, a. nd vice presldent . One of th·e m"" ....t unusual exhl. . of Merion. . Chester . . and comp_I . Mrs. lI'!argaret Ernack Essig, the '. . troller First Camden National Jungl~ bitions in the history of the Com. '!Iidow of ·hls·brothe:NrirrnanEs- . H~ is a graduate of Lehillh.Uni- Bank ~nd Trust Company. . . . ' mullity Art Center at Wajlingford, slg, resides at St. MIchaels, Md. . verSlty, Betblehem; The .. ~eddle Mr. Wlllillms is· past national will take place Sunday, January School, Hlg~tI!town, N.J., and Rld- presld~nt for the National Associ,. 6, 2 to 5 p.m., when a show Of ·ley Park High SchOOl. atlon of Bank Auditors ~d Comp_ palntlngs by members of Group . He is a ·member. pf .the Vestry trollers; chairman, Legislation and The Frank Moreys have return- 55 opens to the public. of the Trinity EpiscoP'lI Church, Taxation Committee of New Jer- ed from their three weeks' trip At 4 p.m. a discussion1llld The work of the T. M. ThomaS Swarthmore; ,former vice-presl~ sey Bankers·Association; 'member and vacation to Cuba and Central analysis of the canvasses .will be Community .Center, Chester, in dent, Swarthmore· Horn", and of Bank omears Club. of P.hila- America. They don't look. much led by Sam Feinstein, well-known . which the women of the Swarth,· School Association; former Troop delphia, American· Institute of different more tanned perhaps participating artist and president .!'lore l"!:esbyterl;m Church have COrnrnitteeChairman, Troop ., 2, Banking, Camden Chamber Of more re~ted uncjoubtedly, but th~ of Group 55. Tea Will be served long 'b interested and. active, Swarthmore Boy Scouts; and a<;t- Commerce; Pennsylvania Society enthusiasm they radiate when with Mrs. John S. McQuade of will beeD,d· ·bed· . ··Wed -_. ive worker for the Delaware of Sons of Revolution Philadel- they talk of, their three weeks' Moylan as hostess, assisted by e escq. n=uay, County UIli·_· Communi·ty. C h· H Is 32· d ' '. . . . M Do I T J iii January 9 ·by the DIrector of the ..... . . am- pIa. e a nc! egree Mason trip speaks well for· the success rs. na d . ones, Wa ng_ Center, Mrs. Corinne D'Orsay. palgn. . , ,and a veteran of World War I. of their much postponed vacation. ford. . -Her talk will foil';\'; the regular ~r. Turner IS marrIed to the Due to the maritime strike, Group 55, which has recently monthly luncheon oftha. Women's fo~er Carolyn E. Clement· of I Dr. Smith To Lecture . their sailing. itineraries were gained prominence in· Phlladel-. Association, to be served at 12: 30 Phlladelphl~, and the Tu~ers On liThe D rtll S changed three times and they phia art circles, was organized In in McCahan Hall byCircle 6 Mrs have two sons, Noel, 17, and Rlch_ sailed on December 10 on the the spring of 1955 as an invited John M. Tr~ley, chairman:· . ard, 15. Dr. J. Russell Smith, Elm ave- United Fruit "Parismina." There membership of artists who meet Another feature of the meeting , nue, professor emeritus of eco- were 10 passengers on board. Or- to discuss creative probletIIS . nomc geography at Columbia iginally scheduled for Santiago. de among themselves· ~ ,with laywill be a showing of the film ''This HIgh calling" which, In color and· University, will gIve a lecture Cuba and Kingston, Jamaica they men interested In lIiscOVering the sound, takes Its viewers across the; Sunday at.2 p.m. in the Friends were landed at Havana to avoid meaning ottoday's often bewildI d d d th ,,)d to Meeting House. His topic will be, the mlno'" revolution and stayed erlng abstract forms of art. an an.· aroun ~ wo.~, see Richard J. Huft, senior. planner ''The Desert. the Physical and there two days. Sam Feinstein's professional the church at work fulfilIlng Its on the stall of the Delaware P h i ' " I Backgr background, 'beyond .work as .a ound of the The next .port of call was high mission; ThIs ts the ~ to County Planning Commission will syc 0 o".ca . ., Puerto Barrios Guatemala and (Continued on Page 8) which lID entire. evl!lliDg seSsIon be guest speaker at the January SUez ExplOSion Situation." of the 1956 ......-eral Assembly was Owing to' program conflicts they were very'lucky.1:o obtaln a . . ·d-';··~. .""". .. meetl".. of the Swarthmore th ~~"'" .... . ree groups of college Honors return passage on the United .._ Both Mrs. O'Orsay'stalk aild League of Women VOters, 1:15 students will meet at this un- Fruit freighter "San Jose" which Iii League Game Mon. th til . '11" e ted In l1t p.m., Thursday, January 10, at the usual hour to hear Dr. Smith lec- gave them eight wonderful days . e Ingleneuk. The Swarthmore "Gazelles" e m W1 ue r pea evening following the 6: 30 dinner ture. Other interested persons in the Guatemalan highlands - a basketball team has been reborn meeting of the Business and ProHull was primarily responsible may attend gratis. . 10 hour train ride going from sea after a four or five year absence. Dr. Smith recently received the level to 5500 feet - through from. the local scene. l'1~ fesslonal Women's CIrcle of which for the current Creek Valley Mrs. John Kennedy' Is chalmillll, Park Ilnd Conservation plan. He Ciillum. Geoilrapbi~l Medal. of banana lands, jungies, desert and under the banner of the Swarth: 1IIrS.Charles E. Fiscber, co-cba!r_ will Illustrate his talk on the the AmE!l'ican GeoKt'!'phySHaworth and Mrs. Foster will auditorium. The two shciws, fea- and where Mr. Morey attended cel!tly•. Its membership Incllides Ji'Mm.tOn.. Swarthmore, Darby, · at Die, Rutgers. aVeDue. Sc:boot 'Mr. partiCipate Ina discussion on con- taring "Drums. Al~ . 'DIe. Mo- an evening Rotary meefina.. ... Turner A" ppolnted To Hospl"tal' Post rust Company EIects P-aul· 0 .Williams n I unw. hls w,... l',·J,·- _."t.. .. . Arts Ce·nter·O·pens. '·Group 55" Show •. Banana Lands and Highlands Keynote Moreys Trip South Presbyterian: Women to . Hear City CbaUenge ese un. LWV TO ··IIEAR COMMISSI' . ONE·R ""G-';'lles" to· Play eat.... .. .. · .. Roi·lI(eCortteI ~ Kr. aervati.OIl on a radio P1Oif1LiD bawlt;." and InclUdinc ~ Welt .... / The rimit....day at th.e a.ck.of . Aidan, .. Mecua, ·.¢layinDDt . (~ ........), .. . irra. Rudolph Rlrilcli w1I1 be Tuesday, .January 8 at ':05 a.m., ~ cartoon.s.~. a seiected dawn the.Y 1Ilft far ChJ<:hlcaa- SpriDCfleld. and NOi *4 Cle8qiAa ., .. .. StatioD WVC& . . . . . . IIhort.willbellftDaU:IOIIDd.T. .. (CoDttn_ OIII'q11!').(l"ol~).· . . . . . : .' . . ,i. _ ., " . , ..Jfts.. • ' " CT. , .. .':Y.! . , ."," I .. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE SlIInrthnorc Colleger Library SVlarthmore J.lIN 5 1357 Contribute to T. B. THE SWARTHMOREAN VOLUME 29-NUMBER 1 SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, Dr. Essig Service Robert' J. Turner JANlJARY 4, 1957 Four File for Twa The Posts an Board Held Yesterday J~::::r A~s=~~:s Contribute to T. B. $4.00 PER YEAR will. Salom Rizk to Speak At Woman"s CIUb meet tomorrow evening at the Four candidates IIled noml- Swarthmore Woman's Club. The naling papers with the secre- seventh grade hosts Mr. and Mrs. tary of the Swarthmore Public ' J. Harry Beckmann wil1 be asWallingford Man Died Library Board by midnight, De- sisted by Mr. and Mrs. James H. Author of 'Syrian Yankee' Sunday in Taylor cember 31 aild will, therefore, Connor, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Richard To Address Members Hospital s.tand for election at the Li- Brandt, and Mr. and Mrs. FrankTuesday Dr: George Sturges Essig of the brary's speelal election held In lin Filler. The party wil1 be from Swarthmore Apartments die d With the daily arrival of Huntbe Library during regular LI- 7 to 8:30. Sunday, December 30, at Taylor brary hours on Saturday. SanThe ninth grade wi1\ meet from garian refugees and today's timeHospital. lJe was for many years uary 26, and on Monday, Jan- 8:45 to 10:30 p.m. Hosts will .be ly interest in the Middle East a resident of Delaware County. He uary 28 until 8 p.m. when the Mr. and Mrs. Irwin G. Zimmer- comes Salom Rizk, speaker at was born in Philadelphia Septemnext Tuesday's Swarthmore Wovotlug will cease and the a.n- man. ber 20, 1875, and his family movman's Club meeting. Mr. Rizk will nual meeting of the Public Lied to Wallingford aboul 1880 at speak following the regular stated brary Association will begin. which time they built a house and meeting at 2 p.m. Two directors will be elected. resided there until the death of Mr. Rizk, author of "Syrian The candidates are (their exhis father Charles T. Essig who Yankee," will relate his experiperience and q ualilications to was a prominent Philadelphia ences as an orphan of Americanfoilow In next week's Swarlhdentist. morean): Allee Harber, 506 The Honorable Edward Leroy Syrian parentage, in securing Dr. Essig attended the old Harvard avenue. running for van Roden, Judge of Orphans' entry into America after learning, Friends Sel~ct School in Media reele.tion; Mrs. .lames Cliltorll, Court in Media will talk to the at 14, he was a citizen. His suband later the Friends Select School 211 Rntgers avenue; Rudolph Junior Woman's Club of Swarth- sequent struggles with language, in Philadelphia. At Swarthmore Hirsch, 204 Benjamin West ave- . more on. January 8 at 8 p.m. at poverty and schooling make his College he was a member of the nue; Edward M. .lames, 410 I the ClUbhouse. His topic will be story, "America Is More Than a class of 1896 and was a member North Swarthmore avenue. ,"current Altairs," discussed from Country," one of unbelievable of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. After the vantage point of long and optimism and conviction. studying at Swarthmore College DeWitt Wallace, editor of The varied experience. he wenl to the University of Penn_ Reader's Digest, has described Mr. Born in Philadelphia, Judge van sylvania and was graduated from Guernsey Rd. Man Serves Roden ·attended public schools and Rizk's talk to the students in over the Dental School about 1899. He Taylor A.ssistant studied law there. He served as 2,000 public schools as an outwas prominent in helping to found Admmlstrator • Assistant District Attorney, and standing service of true merit. the University of Pennsylvania Following the meeting tea will To Assume Vice Jater as First District Attorney. band. '{he appointment of Robert J. He was active in both the IIrst be served by Mrs. George B. After he obtained his dental Turner, Guernsey road, as assistPresidency on and second World Wars, and was Sickel and Mrs. Francis A. C. education he practiced in his ant administrator of Taylor HosFeb. 1 decorated with the Croix de Vosters. Mrs. A. R. O. Redgrave father's office a number of years Howard C. Petersen, preSident, Guer.re with Palm. for exceptional and Mrs. H. Elliott Wells will reand until his father's death. He P ital was announced Wednesday d d th f ceive members and their guests d then became a member of the by Harry H. Bates of Ridley Park, Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust Com- servICes ren ere 10 e course 0 pany, has announced the election the .operations Involving the lib- at the oor. faculty in the dental department president of the hospital's Board of Paul D. Williams University erahon of ·France. Mrs. H. W. Clarke, chairman of Temple University. • Managers 'W hIi l e 5 t'll . of cancer dressings and Mrs. Marplace, as vice president effective 1 on a c ti ve d u t y . In He was with Temple for over O J . . The new office was created by February I, 1957. i Fran.. e in 1945, he was elected garet Servais, chairman of health 30 years, until the Ume of his rethe Board in c,onnection with the ·Mr. Willl'ams I'S a graduate of; President Judge of Orphans' Court and t welfare, d have' announced the . tirement last July 1. He had been Penn Slate University. He has. a of Delaware C.ounty. He has frenex cancerressmg sessIOn on . T do. T n · . 10 in ill health for the past year and forthcoming expansion program of wide. backgroUnd in bHnking mid qUltllt.lY sat In. Common Pleas, ues l,"· anuary (,I, a.. a.m. ri . th I bh M b was admitted to the hospital on Taylor Hospital. Mr. Turner, who has been a member of the b~rd began his career with The Farm- C /Dmal and Civil ·Courts. For In e c u ouse. em ers are December 13. Mr. Essig was a highly respon- since 1945~ resigned in order to ers and Miners Trust Company, several years he heard all Habeas requested to contribute worn cot- . sible person and respected by stu- accept this new stalt position. His Punxsutawney, Pa., and was suc- Corp~s cases inv.olvi~g the custody ton sheeting to this committee. duties at the hospital start today. cessively a bank examiner for the of chll~ren, whIch IS one of the dents and. faculty at Temple. Mr. TUrner was formerly as- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,' most ~mcult types of cases that Funeral services were held yesterday at Oliver Bair and inter- sistant plant manager, Quaker Auditor Peoples Bank and Trust come mto the courts. Lace Company, Philadelphia; and Compa~y, Erie, vice president I Hostesse~ for t~e evening will ment at West Laurel Hill. He is survived by a nepbew Jo- from 1936 to 1952 was vice presi- and comptroller, Girard Trust i be Mrs. Kirk NeVIUS, Mrs. Robert seph Richards Essig of Merion. dent of the Chester Lace Mills, Corn Exchange Bank, Philadel- I Scully, and Mrs. John Wenzel. phia, and vice president and comp_ One of the moSt unusual exhiMrs. Margaret Emack Essig, the Chester. bitions in the history of the ComWidow of his brother Norman EsHe is a graduate of Lehigh Uni- troller, First Camdcn National; Bank and Trust Company. munity Art Center at Wallingford, sig, resides at St. Michaels, Md. versity, Bethlehem; The Peddie Mr. Williams is past national will take place Sunday, January School, Hightstown, N.J.. and Ridpresident for the National Associ1 6, 2 to 5 p.m., when a show of ley Park High School. ation of Bank Auditors and Comppaintings by members of Group He is a member of the Vestry trollers; chairman, Legislation and The Frank Moreys have return- 55 opens to the public. of the Trinity Episcopal Church, Taxation Committee of New Jer- ed from their three weeks' trip At 4 p.m. a discussion -and Swarthmore; former vice-presiThe work of the T. M. Thomas sey Bankers ·Association; 'member and vacation to Cuba and Central analysis of the canvasses will be dent, Swarthmore Home and Community Center, Chester. in of Bank Officers Club of Phila- America. They don't look. much led by Sam Feinstein, well-known School ASSOCiation; former Troop which the women of the Swarthdelphia, American Institute of different, more tanned perhaps. participating artist and president !'lore Presbyterian Church have Committee Chairman, Troop 2, Banking, Camden Chamber of more rested undoubtedly, but the of Group 55. Tea will be served Swarthmore- Boy Scouts; and actlong ·bee" interested and active, Commerce, Pennsyl'!ania ~ociety II enthusiasm they radiate when with Mrs. John S. McQuade of will be described Wednesday, ive worker for the Delaware of Sons of RevolutIOn, Phlladel- they talk of, their three weeks' Moylan as hostess, assisted by County United Community CamJanuary 9 by the Director of the paign. phia. He is a 32nd degree Mason trip speaks well for the success Mrs. Donald T. Jones, WaUingCenter, Mrs. Corinne D'Orsay. and a veteran of World War t. of their much postponed vacation. ford. Mr. Turner is married to the Her talk will follow the regular Due to the maritime strike, Group 55, which has recently monthly luncheon of th~ Women's for~er C~ ..olyn E. Clement of I Dr. Smith To Lecture their sailing itineraries were gained prominence in PhiladelAssociation, to be served at 12: 30 Philadelphia, and the Turners changed three times and they phia art circles, was organized in n e Desert Sun. in McCahan Hall by Circle 6, Mrs. have two sons, Noel, 17, and Rich_ sailed on December 10 on the the spring of 1955 as an invited ard, 15. Dr. J. Russell Smith, Elm ave- United Fruit HParismina." There membership of artists who meet John M. Trosley, chairman. nue, professor emeritus of eco- were 10 passengers on board. Or- to Another feature of the meeting discuss creative problems nomc geography at Columbia iginally scheduled for Santiago de amon~ themsel,:es, ~nd wi!h laywill be a showing of the film "This University, will give a lecture Cuba and Kingston, Jamaica they. men ~nterested In, dlSCOVerlng .the High Calling" which, in color and Sunday at 2 p.m. in the Friends were landed at Havana to avoid meamng of today soften beWlldsound, takes its viewers across th~ Meeting House. His topic will be land and around the world to see Richard J. Hult, senior planner "The Desert, the Physical and the minor revolution and stayed ering abstract forms of art. the church at work fulfiUlng Its Sare Feinstein's professional on the stalt of the Delaware Psychological Background of the there two days. high mission. This is the film to background, beyond work as a Th t t f call S County Planning Commission will Suez Explosion Situation." wa (C f d 8 e nex ·por a which an entire evening session Puerto BarriOS, Guatemala and on Inue on Page ) be guest speaker at the January Owing to program conflicts of the 1956 General Assembly was .. meeting of the Swarthmore three groups of college Honors they were very lucky to obtain a! II' devoted. return passage on the United Gazelles to Play League of Women VOters, 1:15 stUdents will meet at this unBoth Mrs. D'Orsay's talk and Fruit freighter "San Jose" which the film will be repeated in the p.m., Thursday, January lO, at the usual hour to hear Dr. Smith lec- gave them eight wonderful days In League Game Man. Ingleneuk. The Swarthmore "Gazelles" evening following the 6: 30 dinner ture. Other interested persons in the Guatemalan highlands - a Huff was primarily responsible basketball team has been reborn may attend gratis. meeting of the Business and Pro10 hour train ride going from sea after a four or five year absence fessional Women's Circle of which for the current Creek Valley Dr. Smith recently received the level to 5500 feet through from the local scene. Playing Mrs. John Kennedy' is chairman, Park and Conservation plan. He Cullum Geographical Medal of banana lands, jungles, desert and under the banner of the SwarthMrs. ~har!es E. Fischer, co-chair_ will illustrate his talk on the the American Geography Society. highlands gave them " fitting inmore Athletic Club they engage in need for conservation by preman. troduction to the splendors to their initial contest in the SwarthA worship service will be held senting colored slides. 'GARNET' TO SPONSOR come - a day in Guatemala City more High Sehool gym on Monin the church sanctuary at 12: 00 Mrs. J. Victor Haworth and MOYIE PROGRAMS TODAY and then by auto to Antiqua, the day evening, January 7, at 8: 15 noon, led by Mrs. F. R. Markley. Mrs. Duncan Foster are in ch3I'lge The Garnet, Swarthmore High first capital of Guatemala, desof the program. Those deSiring School newspaper, wiil sponsor a troyed by an earthquake, where p.m. against Essington. The "Gazelles" 'were instrumentGarnet Canteen lunch and reservations are asked three hour all-color movie pro- the Moreys stayed at "Pasada al in the founding of the SubThe Gamet Canteen win meet to contact Mrs. Hans Borel. Mrs. gram today in the high school Balch" converted from a convent urban Basketball Association retomorrow night from 8 to 11 p.m. Haworth and Mrs. Fosler will auditorium. The two shows, fea- and where Mr. Morey attended centty. Its membership includes at the Rutgers avenue School. Mr. participate in a discussion on COn- turing "Drums Along The Mo- an evening Rotary meeting. Essington, Swarthmore, Darby, and I\!i's. Roy· MeCorkel and Mr. servation on a radio program hawk," and including three Wall The next day at the craek of Aidan, Media, Claymont (nel.), and Mrs. Rudolph Hirsch will be Tuesday, January 8 at 9:05 a.m., Disney cartoons and a selected dawn they left far ChlchicasSpringfield, and Norway Cleaners chaperons. Station WVCH. short, will be given at 2:30 and 7. (Continued on Page 8) (FoI~roft) • Jr. Woman's Club to Hear Judge Van Roden Turner Appo'lnted To Hosp·ltal· Post ~s. Trust Co.mpany EI ects Paul 0 Williams I Arts Center Opens "Group 55" Show Sun. ! Banana Lands, longles I . and HIghlands Keynote S h Moreys, T· rIp out Presbyterian Women to Hear City Challenge 0 "Th .. LWV TO HEAR COMMISSIONER I .1: .J~.'j~: I~-{i'_ l.'!.'? -;.1; i/.:.. .:' 1; I , .' Page 2 . bel the wedguest of bODOr at a New Year's I talned Saturday ore the bridal Persona ls of Nor th Mrs. Bess B. Lane Swarthmore avenue l e f t . more Monday for a visit with:: son and daughter-In-law ~iy JD Mrs. Robert Lane and f Menlo Park,. Calif. :Mr. and :Mrs. Oscar Hart of Lafayette avenue spent the Christmas holidays with their son and daughter-in-law Rev. and Mrs. J. Richard Hart in Pleasantville, N. Y. M·r. and Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes rO of. Princeton avenue flew to IJ:"t It, . Web., Friday b~fore <:hristm~s " spend the" holldays With theIr to son-In-law and .daughter :Mr. a~d IIITM :Mr. and Mri. Wlllla D. Weather.. ding a 1:~,~::.. ford of Ogden avenue are recetv. party and duate of Swarth- Ing congratulatl9ll8 GIl the blrlb The. bride, a '::aches at FriendBof a daughter, Edith Cobbs Wea1h~ more College, d 1 hia :Mr ~ord. who arrived on JanUU7 Select Schrolin Phldualate eorPSw" ... : __." ... ~. B....... also a gra ~.~ ..... .,- Mawr HOsp.ltal. '!'be ::~ecoilege, attendB the Uni'lrer- little girl weighed ~ poun~ .~·~0~f;p:::e:n:nSY:.:lv:a:n:'~aLa::.;;w;,;..:Sch~OO_1..;..1_3O.UDC_es_.,.._ _ _ _ _ _ _, .. Mr. and :Mrs. David Morey of Day tea shower aud bridge with Garrett road entertaIned Satur- MIss Peggy Schumacher of Colday arternoon at an "open house." lege avenue as her hostess. Lt. and :Mrs. William Webb of. South Chester ests road had .. aMaN Lt. as thelr DALY-GAR... =::'':"Iil-~ and slsters:Mr. NltaDel Garrahan, daulbter and :Mrs. WlUlam RobertsOn of :Mrs. C. Justus Garrahan'of ColJersey City, N. J., and Dr. lege avenue and the late C. Justus Mrs Harold Faulkner and daugh- Garrahan, and John William ter . Miss Shirley Faulkner of Daiy, son of Mrs. John· F. Daly Northampton, Mass.; Lt. and 14.... of Convent, N.J., and the .late Webb's son and. daughter-In-law John F. Daly were married at a Mr and Mrs William David Webb ceremony performed at the with their 'children Andra and bride's bome on Sunday, DecemDanna of. Wyncote alid Mrs. W. D. ber 23, at 2 o'clock. W'ebb's father Mr. Gerard Moore Given In marrIage . b Mr Alf Y • and her aunts Miss Muriel Moore Hofbil'rg of Medford, N.J., and Miss Anna Moore of Ch~t- bride wore a gray suit with U'd"& I ham, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Robertf white son were house guests for severa1 accessories and corsage 0 M Mi1 '~ ~ C~ BR~C'"ROS.NBLATT COLLEGE THEATRE ....VESTS -';;EIBlIANENT ·an&_~., d ~ .. "'SJENT ... : .. CATERING TO. . BEAUTY SALON .. . -.9YI!LY ...""~ FIND THI wlNnl CitAY . '. 9 soufh Chaster Roae;! . Call' KI~g~~ ~~7l! Actlve'M....... of th. ~W!rtIoii!o.. iU...·'Assocl"tIo. ~~~~~~i~~;~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~' C''HE' C' K. y' OUR' . CA"R F.O"··.R" WOO.,"IN"TE'R vJtI".n"tOOe··r".·z·e· With . , •.•. ':';;a-r . . . Delco laHeri •• Z '!'l .. AV {lQBERT J. Ilngswood 115'No"E~A·LAFF'r~ MUSIC BOX n 1" P;i.ii~i; OI~Pc,si1'.e B:or()u9"'h~:::;::~~Lot a.nd Lata. e,He y. .if I',\",\L'!' Dltll4IU .. TIIi"QE~ STlA~.K~,~rR~~:'l:"CI'S'P ~~;t· to EXCELLENT lIUSINESS. . . 'lNl~. it~o~~ ••• !-OilY All' CO~D"IONID . C;:C1...~rtw'-I" ..~,.,DCI!UI';~.Vl~e": '. ..'d ::~'!,va." Yal~ " "CI!rv~rd Av~na,s. SWCl~~qre. r~. Fllll! 'AII!!I!!" " 'It's awonderl,t feeling, IV..... of. wh.n they're !II. pr9tect~d, by fIItJ /!.f!;~. w~M8" ~~., ',' ~ as First rul~ o~ decprafillg: '. Start wit~ ybur ~arpet 'D~* 'Gm:,CpI4r'th!lfYo~ ~Jik rs . our personal service. of course. as "(ell as friendly (:OOp- (Cinemaseope - Technleolor) Feature at 7.30 and 10 P.M. Fres. From Our Own Modern Air Condltlon.d Storage•. ~I D~I A Specialty -VisitAlways Good ., .... , WOLFF'S APP",E HO.USE Old ~ioned FireJ)lace .... on Paintings .... 1. Hrs. , Ope. AU 'WI. . ....... - 0JIeII All WI..... - V4 Mile South of Iteluie I . LIMA. PA. . .......; ..,.. ~••r T•• - rId_, 4).1, • Ja,,- 10 ACCldemy Aword Wlnnll'S WlIII. . No.... . ""I~ . -' Grac. "'" ~'t lOIlHl'" (Todinlcolor, "C 'Featur. at 7.30 and .'.30 P.M.' the policies with the P.s.--personal ~nicc. lIS ". roS. ·00.., K..,. I. HI• ........, • .,. .' ''IOtOQ Oft . ., ,.."... ot ~.JO .iod".i~. _~ /lOW TI\is means • ppppes '. .. .....""' ... ; - •• .J .:...:....::. • "ith • _ • dJAu'soij~-:l&¥n A~" .~>b." ,tI·~, r.-, ..2 w;", • lt.is"~..~ d~s~ni st.rt with -pu'r cdrp". ~ enjoy "lite ...-i- _~ re- ~.~r~ ·~.;H,that .~~~n.·';:Y~'"a~ "of ~."'.ai • PETER E. TOLD '. . 333 DQl'tmouth Ave•• · S.ciJ1Iamqre Fri. ~~ $at.. Ja-. 11 " 12 .m.... • eralioa from olher .£tna Ca$~ ~ts 1II\d. daim senice' men whetewer you go. . 1!!£ Call todizy: ~Ulrt "" feeU",... that willt' :lDJDl . ·P . .... ,. .o ' ..... . ·.., .rv~. ;our·fl!milt. .,; i!tie¢ Ti.,J. "THE KING AND I" All Best Varieties In Prime Condition Yol ern Jari'd&r~'i 'dt~~~s+ STRATH 'HAVEN INN fAMILY I m 12-1130 P. M. JOHN A. TINNEY, Mlr. t Thank All Who Aided O ...lIer Tues. a.d Wed •• Jan ••• , 76. Great.it ",••leal of f .. Yoa. D.IIo... K.rr of :!, Pre. s.tqn, e... 0.. r..... er..x Gulf Gas' caR d' 0"1' . , •. RU' SSELL'S ThrOllgh this ageacy you can get virtul!D)' CWIJ ~ of insurance protec:~nyou Jleli:d,for ~. home. your automobile IlIId your ""sin IS. .' ADd when you gel A;lIia Ca$\lalty p~~ ~Jh us, you get far mOle thail just ~u~ • ; '. you F.t 1.20 P.M. Only For Fathers' Night The Camera & Hobb,y Shop. "0. . •. RUDAY, JANUARY 4TH . Drew PearSon .Feature Ii, --~--. DiVEii Health center SessioilS DurIng January 'White Elephaht. Sate' DInIn&' BOOm.' Open To Publlo oo, ""A. ""'r "CRASH ~. is the newlY elected secretary. Dr. Palmer presented 8. paper to tbe Arehaeologleal Institute. Dr. McDermott is the president the Philadelphia Chapter of .the Arch1leC!10jIical Soclety,' ". . . .' Ute last few months there have been two pubUe sewer Because of the increasing nwnstoppages thst have cauaed un- hers of children attending the tisual daiDage and inconvenience Woodlyn ChIld Health Center, the to individual. householders.' In one Boai'd f DIrectors of the COm- Columnist to SPfilak at c8se there were lepsted stoppag- n1bnIty 0 Nursing Service ~ DelaClosed Meeting F===_==ii;;;;;;';;i;;;;==;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;=w;;;;O;;;;;;;;;;;;::;:;;;;;;;;;;91 ea. White these were particuiarly ware County, agft,ea in ';ddltlonJan; 12 obnoxlolll..to th, property owners, al sesalODs for at least e tbr2e the a,,-eragenwnber of stoppages month period. The board of directors of the has not Increased. but. has rather The Center Is held at the Wood- Mothers Club '1f SwarthDlOl'e andecreaaed during the last 10 years. lyn FirehOUSe, Fairview Road at nounced this week their declaion The Borough, of course, makes Grant Avenue Woodlyn through to keep the annuai Fathers Night every effort to keep its sewers the generoslt; of the' Woodlyn ~nner - . which wlli ilear the We hcive some of the. "whitest elephahts" on functioning properly, but tbe Fire Company the IIrst and third noled columnist Drew Pearson _ Council has been advise4 by its Thursday of ~ach month.. I~ will iI .closed affair, for members alld Solicitor that the Borough cannot also meet the sc!cond and t!lei~ husbands only. sQleih~t you ever sawl assume liability for the damage fourth· Thursday mo.-thus "We feel reluetant about ·.thls " . . by such sewer stoppages. making four Sess!pns per month. decision' ,but limitations of splti:"e Every, few days we are going to put various types caused The attention of all property This is belng done to enable the rrulke it impossible to' accomnioand residents is called physicians and nurses to examine date all of those who have exof merchandise on sale on one of our counters, _ oWners the following excerpt from Ordl- and immunize the pres-school pressed an Interest In hearing No. 428, approved January children who come to the Center this Interna>ti"naUy famed speak_ These items will include toy~, O. trdiils, cam- nance 19, 1940, referring to conditions as wj!1I as to accomodate those er," said Mrs. Vernon Umani, Vfhich invite f the Amerlcan~ Red December .16 .wlth a tie. :with Kolpw~~ the opening at its, Media closs, Mrs. Jojui LGoQa .chllli-lng, 3-9 .. FIrst. half champiOnS c:If omce, DONa has seven oftlces man,. extends its grateful thanks , . ., " . the.Philadelphia League Third now servin~ Delaware County. to au wh~ so. generously contri-· RCA·Yictor's .Nrif "MIDNIGHT FOR TWO" Division, the. Swart:lUDore booters Thus, Delaware County National buted to the blirislnias program. • r.ecorded such victories as tlIl 8-0 has opened two x,tew. offices 'In By December 21, $450 had' been win over secon~~place Gr and 1956 - Sharon Hlh m January received to enable the colllJol>bl;ee Tile Th.... San~iWl.th BIg PIpe 0rtan Union and a 12-0 triumph over and now Media in December: to gi1(e each serviceman remainSetHng a N.w Mood In Mood Maslel third-place Erzgebirge. Ing In the hOspitals on ChristPerhaps one of the lInest soccer ON DEiATE TEAM mas Day Ii gitt, candy, and a tree One Month Only - $3.98 value for $2.98 teams to ha"" been seen in this Harrison H. Duimlng Of Moylall, for each hoSpital wara: GovernI!rea, the Swarthmore Club hois was a member of the Dartmouth ment hospitals in the area are been accepted into league's Second Novice Debate ,!eam that. recenUZ United States Naval. Hospital, Division for the remainder of the placed. second' m the.. Annual St. Valley Forge General, . Coatesseason arid hegins its 1957 .play Anselm's College Novice pebate ville Veterans .mel· West Philaon Sunday, January 6 agalnst Co- Tourna~ent held In, Manchester, delphia. Veterans. . lumbus Square at· Philadelphia.' N. H. The fun~o"n the committee, During the. IIrst half, the unD~g, son of M~. and Mrs. which Is a part of .. the Amecican defeated SWarthmore club copposed HatJ"lson S. Dunning, IS a gradu- Red Cross lind serVes· throughout live teams from the Philadelphia ate ~f ~wa~thmoreHigh School, the year, is to act as..a ",ei&urn area. In Second Division play they a~d IS m hIs. sophomo:e ye~ at for ent~rt'linment and supply serwill meet opPonents from' ·far Dartmouth. His father IS a Dart- vice to hospll;\l patier/iS.. The North as Allentown, as far south mouth graduate, class of 1930. committee' receives.. : no . financial as Seabrook, N. J., and as far east Dunning and his partner debat- aid from tHe Red Cross Which can as Neshaminy and Feasterville. ed on the . neg!'tive side oft?e act omy as'a \laisonorga:il!zation TY(0 problelns c.onfrontlng tbe . Coll~g:Jate,Del?ate TOPIC, betwee'n .thi!, setvj~el!osPita:lsand 1 local club are ra.thi!r serious. The Resolved-That the U. S. Shouid til '. . .. 'tt 'R d .CroSs f ds first Is that their home lIeld was Discontinue Direct Economic Aid e ee~ ~ ~ hel . un Carpet sli~\M ~"'e first item y~ for yoUr helme. for oo only ·ava.Uable. to them ·through to. Foreign Countries. They defe,..t..· clianf 'fUS th a y '?":rin'gP1nfro' the . ~0tm .will. begin' to trok fumi,~ whQn yo" ~read , .. • dI' e 0 ose SUll" m cii~et ~Iot a'iid 4exture n th, floOr;~Tlii~, (nvolyt~ ,.In im· Decembex;.· and they. lIow find ed. te~~. from Mid. ebury, .The disaSter: .. ' .. . themselves with sI1l: home games Umvemty of Vennont, and M.I.T. Th '.,.<',,:,. 'l·~ f . 'ch h portant deci~n. for carp•.. ~presen" II !,\ejor .cf~ni:llture " e,meaJccu. betw~. ' now, and . March 10 and . .. ',. . . s~·o . . . . . ea "f ' -, .os.. as wall as a large decoratiV!I l:Oom ere~. ,. '\' . c '.. no field· on which they' c:inbe i.wv 'to.DI!SCUSS plta.l;s~l}p 'l . pro~m of ~ •• arl..d played. The other problem is one 'CONSERVATiON.'MON, habilitation for the patients whil>h . nt"O to you. Of ..cotirse. It mU,stfta Dnlm' the of tinlf~.· The "-up has been A meetiIig' of the League of. Incl~des a. carefully Plapn~ . and . . . .,.,. screened form of entc!rtammellt other furniShings ~txa~J Or will.• buy•. b~16u.. ~~:~fin!sh paying Its .own expenses but 'has Wonien Voters, a discussion on '-'d fiistruclion t ... t theeds your waDs and ~lJin9 •. _1Iftl:I. r,aplace ypur ilra'R~~ ana, slipbeen unable to' aftOi'd decellt uni- tlie topic Of' cohservstii!n, will ~ an , . 0 mee , en. cover, save~ar tin\es.bel~re you buY.new "'rpe~:. ,.'felrms. To date they. have been held at the home of Mrs. William of: ev,eJ:Y. ,tYJ;>e ofilliless. . The C. McI>ermott. 4ili Yale avenue, comnuttc:e meets thelr.re,quest to · . for our .•rpe•• ,to wearing insidious,' dyed and a· motley assortillellt of shorts MondaY,January 7, ~ 1 to sUi>,Ply gu-ls. to 'act as JUDlor host~ · S/ilti It io the;. you. Can ma\: .your ,oifler and stockings. SInce they represent 3. There Will be live-minute re- ~~ _"!ho .dance ~d' J,I"1!>y,. a eon QtH1C8. ~ . '.' _ '_ .. , . ' . .. '.' they are very much Ports, by Mrs. A. J .. Flemister on vilrlety .of ~I!'es with patients PAUL.SoN~ffi.i..~. FREE·decorati/.~ boOlIet~n'd o~~ ~Ips Swarthmore Interested In being clothed more lOcal pollution of the' Crum. by a.ble ~ PartiCl~te. Such relax~­ WII"n you visit. our, store or hava s6rri'.one coma to your ho\fte like the fine team that they are. Mrs Victor Haworth on the sew- bon IS especIally valu""le 10 . wiifl Cll.rpGt semples. age 'problem as it relates to Creek Neuro,-. Psychiatric wards where' "I saw it. . The SWe:rthmorean" Vaile)', by·:Mrs. Mollein!ott on the co~~ \worl,sre~ly. !)kONthtg? the Brandywine Valley COnserva- D~g ,the .en~ year the comI' tion Project; and by' MrS.. ~vin mittee meets ·requests from each Molstad on the Incodel ProposQls. of the tour hospltsls by collectLeague membenl and Intel !sted ing and distributing clothing, friendB are invited to aW!lld iuid pmes, P~.~ home-made . . . to bring sandwichea;Coftee will birthdaY.cakes' 'lind eooldeos, be served. flowers and candy at Faster, gift " ••• c »1.1"~!l!!.~,:,tL:I "Gifts. to Give" program, radio Mrs. John H. PitmaD,ot Vassar 1IIld' tele'vlition seta, furnitUre aDd KI~ 3-6000'..,.. ~Le"'ook'-,.9-4646 , . ' .", - : . avenue had as' their house gueat dt¥ties for 1!UIIl'OOlDs" stfppus ovC!t' the Cbrlst.maII hQJidaya bet ancl .u,I. th!s .I,s In.. addi-. son-In-law . aDddauatrter Mr.1lild lion to the, ChrISIInas pi'1lllUH,t . .. J~ w. Ft_1h of Piqua, lifts and deeOlatlons 1Ior tile or. Harvard Inn . ",L9 O.vuu . MOVIE 8, I . Clniatmu hoUdBnentertained as hciUse guests Dr. James W. PoultJIII,JI of JohDs Hopklns University iDcl Robert B. Palmc!i' of . ~pps' COllege, Claremont,. Callf.. Dr. PouItIiey was ettendlng the Iii are !~li::~: MeDer- ~ual meellDa of the PbIloloa'C- I.minds PrOpeHy Owners Announee Additional . at Soclety in Pb.\la\felphia of WhIch .. . . ' . . Dr. and Mrs., wmlam IDIItt of Yale avenue clurina the 1!~Harva~~ird~an~d~R~u~,,~er~S~A~v~.en~u~es~;;~~P~ho~De~~K~I~n~"~.W;ood~'~'~S~_"~28~; Mrs. FroebelJoanne, and t!lea withFaulkner. Dr .and Mrs. three Guenther children Steven, and days and MIss Mrs. Faulkner· Faulkner Mrs. John H. Bernard of ProsSolly. Mr. Yerkes returned h~e until Wednesday of this peel Park and Mi)lS Babbil' GarWednesday of last week whi~e . . raban, sisters of the bride, were :Mrs. Yerkes rem~ed In Detroit week. . honor attendants. HPttQlllD .~. Donaid F. Daly of Convent, until Saturday. :Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schwartz.., " N.J was best man. man with their children Carol MIss Barbara Lukens, daugh: ;.' home !e.cePtion followed the and Saui, formerly' of Yale ave- of Mr. and Mrs. Charles. ceremoqy. now reSldin~ at 901 West Lukens of Strath Haven avenue, atten!led S\I,mJ J -nd Mr. WlUI am Henth returned to Swarth- avenue a . .. ,~" ., . tta' S h VI en ey, . ' Vandervoort R. Gathany. P' Bruce, son of Mrs. Henne . more. Miss Lukens and Mr. James Bruce of l'4Bglli road and. Mr. Mrs. Benjamin O. Largent, In Calkins of South Chester road William J. Bruce of Mamaroneck, keeping with the holiday season, wl'll be married January 12 In the N. Y., were married Saturday entertained the guests of the Bel- Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. afternoon, December· 29.' a t 4 V· ed'ere 'Convalescent Home at o'clock in Friends Meeting Monday afternoon. She was ... the . ~._ ... Fr k ENCiACiEMENT House in Montc ........ SlSted by her da".ghter Mrs. an Mrs. George B •. Downing of G.·Kennan of Harvard avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Redington Summit, N. J., sister of the bride, matron of honor. Miss Nancy Mrs. Turner, and Mrs. Headley. of lUdgewood, N. J., announce the David Deacon, son of Mrs. eugag~ent of their Miss Kaltiei!lerof Rochester, N. Y., Charles T. Dellcon Of. Lafayette Susan Lee Redingtoll to . and MisS Susan Bruce of ~agJIl avenue, bas been cast m the r~le D~dley DQtton H;~th,. son oIMr. road, sister of the. bridegroom, of GadBhillln Shakespeare's "King and Mrs. Russell Heat,h of Cedar were bridOsmaids, . ~ry IV, ·part 1", to'be presented lane. Charles A. Cooper of 14 i a m I at Earlham College January 11 . MIss Reddlngtoll is a. ~pphomore . Fla., w... best man. Ush.ers .~ 'Itoseftblatt, )'.JlIl1'es . a.nd 12.Davil! Is af~~at .the at Qoucher College. Privilte He~th, Indiana college. ." . who . gradUated from .Dartm~th Duncan Bruce, brotha' of the Denills Becker of Walnut lane, College \J1 June, was a brl~egroom, and Edmund Dawes and Clem Mallo, a former Swarth- of Sigma Nu fraternity and of,' of Swarlhriiore. marean, have' been Inducted Iilto varsity track team for threl> years. Mr. and' Mrs. Rosenblatt enterthe U; S. ArmY' and are bun1< He Is presently stationed at Val- iF1~~~~~~e5iiee, mates at Fort Benning, Ga. ley Forge Army Hospital in PhlleMr. and Mrs. J. Harry Beck- nixville. FOR ALL ma\lD of Strath Haven avenue b~d . A September wedding MAGAZINES as Ilbeir house guest over tl:\e holi- ned.' . days Mrs.' Beckmann's mother _ _ _ _ _ _ __ LLOYD E. I Dorhi.... Ave••• :Mrs. Alton Bowers of S ton e fl:1'~ B~'I)~TO-BE Harbor, N. J. Mrs. ,Bowers reMiss Mary Morrow Banks tUrned to her home this week. Harvard avenue will be entertainPeter Braun of Yale avenue ed today at a luncheon, shower spent New Year's In Dallas, Tex., and bridge given in her honor by as the escort for Marleigh Bar- Mrs. John F. McKernan and' her Swarthmore. "a. clay, persident 'of Woman's stu~ d hter Miss Cornelia McKernan o. .. . • t t S~cuse aug Go dent vernmen a •• of Rutgers avenue. Miss Banks' Fri. Cl!nd Sat•• Jan.... 5 University. Marleigh attended th~ engage!Dent to Ml'. William Barlow Cotton Bowl game ~tween Sym Patton of Rutledge has been an- Judy Hollcloy - KI.. Dou,I•• cuse and Texas ChrIstian on New ed . n~~o••" H,J' t •. , nounc . Sf.p All T.afle Year s Day. . Earlier In the week Miss Banks Carol LIncoln of Westdale ave- ~;;;';;';;;;~~~~~:;;:~;;;;;;;;, "S0~11J ~p. (AQ"'~~" nue returned to GroVe City Tues- r Friday Featur,-'-7.30 ,a,nd ,.30 -P.M. saturday Ftiltur.~. 8 .nd 10 P.M. day, 'followlng the holiday vaca, tion spent with her parents Mr. .. _ SPECIAUy. SELECTED and Mrs. Charles E. LIi1coln. Carol CH'LDRIN'S SHOW SAT. 1". M. Sponored 1~lor C.rtoci.i . Is a freshman at Grove City ColTHE CiARNET 2-"1(1,. of Roc' .... '."--5or!ol lege. J-IIHalsel • Gretel" Dr. and Mrs. Walter N. Moir of 'PnQIIS Along the Mohawk' . Fea"re A+tracH.o South Chester road left on wed3 Hoar A!!.color S.ow Sun. and Mon.. J.alt. 6 " 7 .ne¢ay by plane for Florida where I W.lt. DI",oy !=a~oo, Two OuhtandlnlJ Films Combtned All. Se........ S.ort . they wlll,spend two weeks ID. Ft. In On. ShoW Rlc.o" Wi..... Lauderdaie and fly to Nassau. Mrs. Moir's . motlier Mrs. Frances G. 2.30 ond 7.00.P....... "HALLS OF MONTEZUMA" Lumsden will remain In Swarth- Adult Donation !SOc; (fltchnlcolar) e''''Id,.n Under 7th Grad. 25c: 6.30 .nd 10.15 P....... more with bet granddaUgbters - PLUS5w.....o.. H. S. A......rI•• Vlrglnia·and Joan Molr. Tyro •• Power Da •• AIttI..",. 'I'BB SWAIlTIDIOREAN '";;;;::=:;:li:;;:::::::::;::';:::::::=:; ..... . II",wDD.3-1U3 AI( ~;nds (,f '~ur~~ , .t1'~~~ . . . . . . Cc...~.11Ir11 ... ~ CI.• '. .ans.. '-, \d6*i Carpet --- - - - '!~ __~~::~::______~11((~~' wu~ . I .. '. .. , MIa I'IoTellee JenkIns of Norris- three. 1OllS.~ NOI'th WeYmouth. Strath HaveD. Inn their IODI Dr. with bls dallll:'ter Mrs. C. D. town. 'David Jenkins returned MIIlI8. J, Russell and David C. E1ldnton Schloesser. Jr.• of Pwk avenue and Mr. and Mrs. James CMord of Sunday Digbt to HoUlton. Tex., Mrs. Jules Woulbroun of Bronx- aDd their famlUes, au of Moylan. her daughters. Mrs. Schloesser's ,Rutaers avenue had as thelr New after a two-week vacation at !lis ville. N. Y •• suatalt¥!d Injuries, In Dr. ElkInton I" Associate Profes- aunt Mrs. H. P. Closman of PhllaYear's guests Dr. and Mrs. Geof- home. an automobile accident wtrlch oc- sor of Internal Medicine at the delphla was a1ao Mrs. Schloesser's frey'Osler and daugbter Judy of Mr. and Mrs. Jobn H.' Kennedy curred December 22. Mrs. Woul- UDiversity of PennsylvaDia and house guest during the holidays. New York City. They returned I and thelr three daughters of Hay.- b.raun is the Wife of lrk. Woul- is leaving with his family for a, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick. B. home Wedn~8J'. Mrs. CMord's erfor,d place ~ as, their guesis hroun. pel'll)anent member 01 the ,seven montbs' research project at Kauffmann aJld daughters Nancy aister Miss eHlen Etter and ,Mr. at a holiday family 'house party Belgian delegation to the U. N. In Cambridge UDiversity. Englan"d. Jane' and Mary Ann at Erlton. Wlnalow Womack of Towson. Md.• last week Mrs. Kennedy's parents 1955 when members of the U. N. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gutbrle of N. J .• were the New Year's guests were New Year's Eve guests. ' • Mr. and Mrs. George Cushman of vislte.I In Swarthmore. Mrs. Ida ornell aven~ had as their guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Pe1rsol. Mr. and. Mrs. Edward Jenkins Belmont. Mass.• and brother Mr. Palmer Stabler. MIss, Myrtle' Mc~ during the holidays their son-In- Jr.• and family of Lafayette ave-: and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jenkins Chandler Cushman, of Sou t h Callin. snd Dr. Samuel Palmer law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. nue. • of North Cbester road had as thelr Weymouth. Mass.; her brother and entertained Mr. and Mrs. Woul- Richard Springer and son Steven Mr. and Mrs. William J. KindlI\1ests during the. ChristmaS holi- sister-in-law Mr, and Mrs. George broWl. of Wakefield. Mass. ley of Salisbnry. Md.. where, the days Mr. and Mrs. Wll11am BlaIs- T. Cushman of Wallingford. Conn .•,' Mr. and.Mrs. J. Passmore ElkInJ. E. Watte of Miami. Fla.• left houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. dell and their children Christie and brother-In-law and sister Mr. ton of Harvard, avenue, entertaln- yesterday for his home after Peter E. Told over the Christmas and Barry of, Arlington. Va .• and and Mrs. Edmund Justus and their ed at dinner Wednesday at the. spending the Chrlstmas holidays holidays. NEWS NOTES CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NorES pleasant weather much like our METHODIST NOTES early September. THE. SWARTBMOBEAN . There' wll1 be a special meeting , The divine' answer to humari Through the' col\llllllS of ;YOUI' PIJllUSIIED 'EVERY PBIDAY AT BWABTIDIOBE. PA. of the commissIon on Stewardship needs will be brought Qut at Cbris- widely read paper we would , P __ . a.......' and FinanCe tonight at 8 p.m. tian Science services Sunday wben to thank these kind frlenda "pETER E. TOLD. JIIAlUORO: TOLD. u.......-all is titled .... Pboae BwanJuaon e o , " , ' Sunday School classes f~r ?,e ~n-sel'll)on en their very generOW! gift of ·neafages wll1 begin at 9:45 a.m. 10 the 'God. ' . Iy' six hundred do1lars to be used PETEB E. TOLD. Editor Church School. At the 11 o'clock An Invitation is extended to all toward the expenses of.. tbia trip. Barbara B. Kent. Managing Editor. Morning Worship Service. Mr. to 'attend, the services at First At. th time we were filially able· Rnsalie D. Peirsol . Marjorie T. Told Anne L. Mabbott • Kulp will use as his sermonMsub-" Church of Christ, 'I tlie tw0 0 f us repres_0 D t.. t 11 ScIentist. 206 to' leave" Elrtered as S4:cond Class Matter. JanuarY 24. 1929. at the ~or ject. "Why They Were,Wise . en. parI:< avellue a a.m. ed forty-seven and a half years oiDce at swartIuDore. Pa.. UDder the Act of March 3. 1 7 . There will tie three, nursenes t o , of service In the Swarthmore DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON care for the children. a kinderSchools. We are deeply grateful ARTHMORE, PENNA., JANUARY 4, 1957 garten church program and a .. for an experience IhRt nas, been SW ~::..:.::.::.::..:..:..:.......:.---,..:...:...-:---::-~-:--:---;;:-;~~ I junior churchthprogram. as well as giving UI Methodist, youth The oplnlODA UPI!!Sed belOw aft most restful' . ~n. "Dating S~ndards for H i g h At 6 p..m.. e 11 W Ie thOle of the IDdl'fl4oa1 wrltero•. AlI happy exPeriences we shsll al" Fellowship and the Co ege es y letten to The 8warlhm.....n mUlt ways remember with much joy. PRESBYTERIAN NOTES School people. . Fellowship will meet together for be ofJDed. PlleUdonfllllUl be Our rofound thanks and best 9::r. a!:h~r ;:~ir~~~i:~ t~: The Couples Club wlll meet at supper foJlowed by devoti~nal ser- ~to!~ ~tte-:':'"!.~ ~o';!bt:: wishes Pfor a Happ and Pros- , 6:30 on Monday for a baked hTham vice. Dr. W. Vernon Middleton, onl1 at the d_on of the, pero'us New Year. to Yall. his Sunday morning. The title of · and covered dish su p per. e l f executive secretary of Div slon 0 Editor. S· I sermon wiIJ be ''The Hard WIS- theme will be "Winter Sports"; Home Missions of the Methodist I_ _-,._ _ _ _ _ _ _;...._......i' mcere y. dom of Patience." movies of Austria and Switzerland Church, will be the speaker. In A.,pl't!elaUon Fl!iANK R. ,MOREY Chv.rch School classes will meet will be shown. Those planDing to CIrcle 4 of the W.S.c.S. w1l1 To the EdItor: at 9:30 and 11 o·c1ock. At 10:45 attend are asked to call Mr. and meet on Monday at 8 p.m. Thnks CommDDib' the Senior High BIble study wll1 d t KI g w d In the Spring of 1955. thr.ough ' Ed! Mrs. J. M. B. War • a . n sooThe regular monthly meeting of the Swarthmore Home and School To the tor: be held. I I 3-5103. the Commission on Stewardship Association and In part obser-' The Board and Stall. of the· Men's and women's Bib e c as- Dr Raymond J. Bean will speak and Finance will be held at the f' art _h. in Community Nursing Service. Delsea meet at 9: 30. . d t h f the vance 0 my qu er-ce",..ry a C unt wish to express Th Junior High Fellowship to the parents an eac ers 0 church at 8 p.m. Monday. the local schools many good aw re 0 y . e cJturch school and any other inCircle 5 of the W S C.s w11l . • . their sincere appreciation to will m,,!,t in McCahan Hall at 5 ter ted dults t 8 p.m. Tuesday th P . 8 . friends Joined In presentmg me many local clubs individuals and Supper will be served at es a a . meet at e arsonage a p.m. with a generous check to be used •. p.m. . In McCahan Hall. His tOPIC w11l The regular monthly meeting of d e d ' t· tr1 groups who brought. Christmas 8: ~ Y Adult Group wll1 be ''Church History". Parents and the Woman's Society of ChrIstian fO~ a~ exte~. v::a Ion ~. it Cheer to our patients. e t 50UD 45 g fo. Bible study teachers will meet at 7: 30 for cof- Service will begin with lunch at. ar ~busl c"'f cums DC estakma ethls As many of our patients are not t meet a : p.m.. . , . h ch h Ii I de art lmpossl e or me' 0 e ly cl 11 d ' i ..... ..:... The 8: 30 supper wll1 be followed fee m t e ute sc 00 P - the Ingl~neuk at 12 noon. Mrs. trip immediately or during the on IInlln a Y ,:,n er.pr ......-am at , 8 o'clock ments. , ' I "H. M. Crlst. KIngswood 3-0159. ti·is f 0 II0 wing summer.. H owever, M rs. but also have SOCial t !lDd physical b y a pro& The Senior High FeJlowshlp The Missions and Benevo ences m charge. The. busll~ess mee ng Morey and I were able to arrange ha~dlcaps. we wan to express will meet at 6:30 for supper In Committee Will meet at 7:30 p.m. and program Will begin at. 1:30 at to Iravel In the Caribbean area their gratitude for them. ' lae t Decemberon shl ps • You gave true meaning uflng d to the all M cCahan Hall following choir on Tuesday in the Woman's As- the church. Mrs.' Henry I. Hoot d rehearsal. The program wllI be sociation room. wlll be the speaker. 'th U It d F ·t Co • '" t SplrJt of ChrIStmas. an we The Board of the Woman's C0 ttage p ' b en e were rUi spent mpany. ",,,ou " e two held at 7 In the Hearth room at . Asrayer meetin'll g WI Mrs weeks at sea and jom m w ish!ng you h appIness In. which time a film will be shown sociation wllI hold its Annual held at the home of Mr. and . th f H d the New Year. II 223 P ark avenue. on in e pam H0 d avana • anll' Mr Bishop will lead a discussion• 14eeti ng on Wed nead ay a t 10 : 00 Ph'Ii I p H a. Sincerely. . a.m. in the Woman's Association Wednesday at 8' p.m. Puerto Cortes. on u~as, as we ELIZABETH ANN 'GROFF room. The Choirs of the church' will as a week in. the highland~ of (Mrs.) Elizabeth Ann Groff. The Woman's Association wllI rehearse on Thursday-Cherubs at Guatemala. Antigua. Lake.AtltIan Executive Director meet on Wednesday for its monthly 3: 45, Juniors at 4:15 and Chancel and o?,er places of tropical beau!y (Continued on Page 7) luncheon and Annual Business ChoIr at 8 p.m. and mterest gave us a trIp m Meeting. ,Devotions will be held in the church sanctuary at 12 TRINITY NOTES noon. They will be led by Mrs. There will be a celebration of Frank R. Markley. Luncheon wiJI the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock be served in McCahan Hall' at Sunday morning. At 9: 30 a service '12:30 by Circle 6. Mrs. John M. of Morning Prayer will be held ONE OWNIIRSH1P CHURCH SERVICES Trosley. chairman. Following the and all departments of the Church PRESBYTERlAN cHURCH Annual Business MeetlIlg. there School will meet. Holy Commun-, Joseph P. Bishop. Minister will be a film entitled '''This Htgh ion· wlJl agmn be celebrated at John Schott. A8soc1ate MinIstes' Call1ng.'' The speaker for the 11: 15. Since 1878 the same.family has operated ' , Sunday. Janl1lll7 8 , 9:30 and 11:00 A.M. _. C.hurcll meeting will be '4P1. Corrine 'The ushers for the 9:30 service D'Orsay. director of the T.M. will be R. \i, Daniel. head usher; School Classes. 9:30' and 11:00 A.M.-Mr. Blsbop Thomas Center at 3rd and Norris B. Dangerfield. C. C. HeIsler. J. C. will preach. . streets in Chester. ' J u bln. J r.o.. T V.;,114orrow, and E. G. ....crou O. PUNIfIALI 5:00 P .M.-1r. High Fe11oWsh1p. CIrcle 14. Mrs. John Kennedy. Smith. At.;u:fS. C. E. Fellows. 5:41;' P.M.-Young Adults. , ,820 CHIITNUT STRUT 6:30 P.M.-Sr. High Fellowship. chainnan. will meet for supper head usher; R. J. Baker• .llternate; "nd !' program at 6: 30 on Wed- C: B. Blake. S. D. Clyde. Jr.• C. R. OlfVE!llL'lAIR, founder Wedn~"", Janl1lll7 9 nesday. in McCahan Hall. The pro- DeLuca. W. E. Hetzel. Jr., ~. W. 12, Noon-Woman's Association. '.'"•• 1 .. 6-.11 •. gram will be the same as for the Kitts. and A H. Knabb wlli usher. Tburac1a7, .Janl1lll7 10 10:30 A.M.-Day of Prayer. Woman's Association that afterEdgar Harrts will serve as aco~jij.momST CHURCH noon. \ ]yte at 8 o'clock; Clay Hogg and ~ .John C. Kulp The Monthly Day· of Prayer wl11 Robert Watkins at 9:30. and LyM1n1ater be h~ld on Thursday from 10: 30 man deCamp. Richard Jackson. Robert WUde to 2:30 p.m. At the morning ses.! and Davis Moscrip' at 11: 15. Mintst~r of Music sion. In the sanctuarY. Mr. Bishop At·8' o'clock, SUllday evening Sunda,.. Janl1lll7 6 will continue his series of talks on tbere wll1 be a service of Eve.ning 9:45 ,A.M.-SUDday SchooL 11:00 A.M.-Mr. Kulp wll1 preach. "Learning to Pray". After lunch Prayer and a Festival of Music. 8:00 P.M.-MYF alld,Wesley Fet- the group will meet in the Wom- The choir wl11 present II program' lomhips•• a.n·s assoclatlo~ room for a qulet of sacred music. A cor~ial InvitsWed"'......,., Janl1lll7 9 time of prayer and reflection. tlOD. Is extended to all members of 1:30 P.M.-W.s.C.S. Th~e attending are asked to bring the parish, and their friends, and TRINITY CHURCH H. Lawrence Whittemore. Rector then o,,:,n sandwiches; tea and neighbors to attend this servtce. Bunday. .Janl1lll7 8 colfee will' be served. There will be a service of Eve8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. ' .The PrJn:lary Choir rehearsal ning Prayer at 5:40 p.m. on Tues9:30 A.M. - Morning Prayer. WIll be held from 3: 30 to 4 p.m. day and FrIday. Church School. starting on. Thursday. January 10. Choir rehearsals wtll be held on 11:15 './t.M.-Holy Communion. 8:00 P,M. Evenin« PraYer. The Jumor Choir will rehearse Monday and Wednesday at 4' 45 Music Festival. at 4:15. and the Chancel Choir at p.m. for sopranos; at 6:30 p:m. Tn_y. JUlUar)' 8 8 p.m. Thursdar for alto; 7: 15 p.m. 5:40 P.M.-Evlmlng Prayer. The Christian Education Comsopranos. and at 7: 30 p.m. for the Wednesday. Janl1lll7 9 mitt~ wll1 meet at 8 on Thursday Men's Choir. The Girls' ChOir will 7:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. evemng In the Woman's Assocla- rehearse on Monda at 7' 30, 9:30 AH.--Holy Commuulon. tion room y . . p.m .• 10:00 A.M.-Bible Study. . and the Probationers' Choir will ThursdaY. Janl1lll7 10 The Usher's ~oclation will meet at 4:45 p.m. Thu~ fleGrB 8:00 P.M.~ult Bible Study. hold a general meeting on Thurs- There will be a celebration of . FrIday. Janl1lll7 11 day evening at 8 o'clock. The new the Holy Communion at '7 5:'0 P.M.-Evening Prayer. o~cers ~f the association for 1957 and 9:30 a.m. Wednesday ~~ THE RELIGIOUS SOClET2 , . 'OFFRIENDS Will be msta11ed at this time: _ BIble Study gro , d tho Da 'd BI h ch Inn uP. un er e di, Sunda:r. Janl1lll7 8 Vl ng am. a an; Rob- rection of Mrs Maxey 114 rrIso 9:45 A.M.-FIrst Day School. ert Clothier. vice - chairman; will meet at Hj o'clock. 0 n. 9:45 .A.M.--Higb School Forum: ~~ge ~ter. head usher;, and The Adult Bible Class, imder the .John Moore. , am ,:am. secretary. leadership of Dr. W. E. Danforth 9:45 A.M.-Adult Forum: Keith Thla, __ II u.m.t BeginDing next Sunday. Janu- will meet at 8 o'clock Thursd • Wh""Io<>k; "Amertca Illid Peace in the Near, East." ad depeadable pow.- •• ~at; ary 13. Mr. Bisbop will conduct evening. At the same hour 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. a conflnnation class for all Junior will be a meeting of the ~mcers ,"bupin" prieeB ••• ~_ Chlldren cared for In Whittier and Senior High you~ people of of the Men's Club Phil-delphia EJ.8IItrlc plana House. All are welcome. the congregation who have not . -d buIld8' for the future. 5:80 P.M. -' United Fellowship Students. joined the church. The class will "I saw It In The Swartbmorean" Homes here use abOut twice Monday. lanllal'J' 7 meet every Sunday afternoon until I r.;;;;;;-------~;;~~ All day sewing for A.F.S.C. 88 much .electricity as ten Palm Sunday at 5 p.m. In Mr. II , Wedn.....y. JIUllW':r 9 . ~ aao. and nearly four Bishop's study. UNITARIAN m.LC)WSHIP All, day sewing for A.FS.c. u..' 88 much 88 twenty of ~_ _ C_ty FIRST CHURCH OF . ~ ... Ye\ the CHRIST. SC)!i!NTlST FRIENDS MEETING NOTES IC! J.7IIJ . UDlt price _ _tla. to " . SWARTHMORE . S....y • .I.wry , Parlr A.venue beldW H'T'VIlrd At the Adult Forum Sunday . drop IIIlClIII Wd8)' lowwtliu .......I... FoIl_I. {CII..... SIIJltl&J'. J~ • Keith Wheelock, research assocl~ IDS A.M SdIaoI, _before. 11:00 A. M.-Sunday Schoel. ate of the International Relations 11:011 A."'~W_I. s.r.lco . 11:'011 A.M.-Th~ Lesson-8ermon Institute. University , Dr. Morris' Wolf • will be ''God.'' of PennsylWednesday evening meeting each vania. will speak' on "America of tho Sodoty PhlkodoI~', Eth1c..t .. ~ week, 11 P.II{., Reading Room, and Peace In tile Near East... ThIs "WIIet ..... Wort"4011 Dartmouth AVenue. open is at 9: 45 a.m. In the MeetIi,g A TAX.pAYI~umm Old . , .~1rdIIys except holldays, 10-5.\.HOuse. All are. welcome. OWIi$ " 1EAIlY.lOII...., Sloo;NIOUlBIS m- "':i~"i.otSp."...R"d • ,_117 eveniDtr, 7-9. Sunday atThe High Schooll'orum wtit re_ wre c: Letters to the Editor l ___ ma,. " • , " ' OPPEDTHE i I , 0,... . " .-. • ,.' ' THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. . .," .~. :--:," ' ...........--: ..:-:::" .. " ~.' .. ,. _~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!_ ··SO tliat's wliat you tli"", - that rm the devil popping 'lJp to you fr~mliigh. balling. on y.our'way. Wen. Iilaybe1!eca~ YOll are breaking the Jaw, I look like'a devil to you. To Jaw.alliding citizens rID just the man they hire to protect their lives. Just a ~ in -qniform - with authoritY to see that > • the dec;ent code of the ~ by 'which driving should ~guided, is obeyed. • •• Jor tke • . NtrUJ Year Gndthe beyond ,_,_ H._ ""'dont " '. . conveil.. dext 'I\'eek. . " ; , , SiOrIIIQI'OId , We - you. and J and the man next door. ' can cut traffic accidents to a minimum if ~ drive and walk safely. Probably there will' always, be a certain number of people who tDill be. criinintJlly r:areless 0/ the, rights 01 the olher /eUow -,and they drive that way. ' The vast majonty 0/ u.s want to live and lei live. Let's aU get together on this - wit~ the right attitude;" Let's be as cotu1eous when we drive as we are in other ev;""oo,contacts ",ilh people. Then all 01 u.s CGlI lick traffic acci4ents. up the pieces every day. • "Y9U are coming with me to headquartersfor an alcohol test~ We will pick up your car . later. And some day I may look like a , '. lb'"'" -, " ," . " JOIN THE DRIVE TO STAY ALIVE '. HORACE A•.REEvEs SWARTHMORE C()"OP PORTEll H. WAITE. INC. J. A. GREEN . w. THE ,- . . -~ - . ::;" , . ',- -, MARK. BJ:'r!'LE , D.J.BOY. SAND" 10 - '. E. L. NOYES 8Ild CO. , BAIRD and BIRD • '. . . . COMPANY - . -,' . , CATHER~S DRUGSTORE I4..,St>noI • ,• PROVIDENT TRUST THE SWARTHMOREAN· PEI'ER E. TOLD . SWAa'fltMORE TOGGERY SHOP I THE INGLENEUK BOUQ~T , . . COIIPMY thad" :. >"~i~m " . . HAVEN INN .'. . ,oUr fatal traffic ·accidents. , We know that a driver -or a pedestrian ...:- under the influence of liquor is 55 times more likely to have an accident than 4 driver who is sober. We pick ' " PHILAIIIlHI~ELECTRic ,COIPAIY IUsNt ....... ~ . !!lober. Could save a life a day if people 4Jid "Sure you didn't see me. But another State . Traffic Trooper three miles down ~e pike . ' guiu-dian angel to you lor taking you. in besaw yOu weaving. Radioed to me.- -Gave me your license number. Asked me to.pick you .,Iore an accidenthappenetl. , . up. becauaeyou :oiusped ~' "This ,meeting sobered you up. you say. Too bad you didn't stay Sober hi the firstpJace. '~orJOln Own ~ - and the safety of Or didn't drive your car until' you was clqig;. ~~Ili Irjan ~ this road-:' am". avenae • l yom: driving days are over for a while) We . know that drinking drivers cause a lot of , stop POWER AND PROSPERITY the: , • ..;)t"'3"L~. 'Tj, .,.. '. ". ,.' - ,,' , J_iIarj 4, 115'1 ..' • bl'eel' . .. .Pe,rsons,. To~"y I?IS~ Eligible for Soc. Security • 'l'he weeks iihead' are mighty tmjlortaDt for all disabled people who are Insured under the 1956 Amendments to the Soclal SecurIt~ Law declarl!d Herbert W. Gruber District Manaier of the Social sci,urity oIIlce in CheSter. Beginnlnil With July, 1957, a disabled pe . n between the ages of 50 and may be eligible to W ~ mt~~~a~~ ~ES!~T~AY~E~H~OTI~C~E~~r!.~: start getting mOllIhly Sodal Spc:urlty JDstJr3nce Pa;inehts. It ,. no lODger necesssry to walt unW olie reaches age 85 to have retirement benellts start, nor is it necessary for an Insured woman workei', to wait until she becomes age 62... . If the dlsabWty-elther physical or mentsl-Is loni continued, has lasted for at least six months, and there Is Ume chance of recovery, one m~y be eUgible.for monthlY benellt payments. These payments, same as the amount of the OldAge Insurance Benellt onewould be. entitied to if he were 85. The IIrst month for which~a: dlsabiUty benellt payments c d made Is July, 1951, Gruber sal : The work requirements for diSability Insurance payments at age 50, are: Social SecurIty credit tor llve years of. work in the 10 years before the ilstabliahed lK>glnnlng date of disability, end 1'1.0 years of work In the three years J?efore that date. Active mWtary seivice .. T_ Clu MeeH.., • C' L- A' 8'1 FIE DAD S ~FO=.~·~R~ENTi' ;'~'~~~hle Further lntonnation may be obDressmaking and "l tsined bY.•ylsiting Or ~ting. ~ expert alterations. KIngswood 1!~~;1~;:~~fl~0;0;r2' Sooal ~urity 5!hand OfDce"Fidellty3-3287. and~Co~n~ve~lU:.e:n~t tearooms., Cl,ester l3U1ldlDg, Mart' PERSONAIL-Two grandmothers II~ Fron. s....... M••n•. P.nna. • 3t-12.21 ESTATE NOTICR Ii~~~t.~~~:'fi~~~~: homemakers. KIngswood 3-5177. PERSONAL - Will build brick 11~~~~~~~~~~;~~ or block barbecues and incln- Estate of PAUL FOX. also known .. erators .. Excellen-t workmanship. PAUL HERVEY FOX. deceased•. late .f Reasonable. Tom Reeves. OHester the Borough of Swarthmore. DeJaware 4-5446'=_________ County. PR. a~te 't.~",!,.ENTJ!1.t o~ !l:: undersilmed. who request aU peraons bav~ [ng .1.1"", or d.....n.. """In•• the _ t e of the decedent to make boWD. the' same. and all penona Indebted, to tbe decedent to make payment. without de""'. to ROBERT w. MALOm;Y . .m. Execator 280 BroadwQ ' York '. New York Or to hi.N... Attornen; RAYMOND K. DENWORTH.· DRINKER. BIDDLE and REATH. m South 1.th street. Phil... 8. Pa. 8t-12-21 $500 MONTHLY Startl,.. salary for 2 .....114 ...... sal.unen to r.PNSHt lanae IicnNnl ffnandal corporeflCMI, No fnlvef. Sat.. up!lf'lece and abUItJ d"fred. Mfabo raid..... Jbbed 2J...4D 'I"ft old, mea.... .Itd. copable of oauml", '1"ISpOftIlbn.. m.s. .... NClU......., r......... pi.,. flleilld. brief , . . . , Id..,., all repli. confi'de.lal. Oar sal...... han _ Infarmod of !hI, ad. ... A. L '-arthmaNa.~ ~======:;=====; r- Klngswood '3-8345. 15, With heat and titil-I ~,..t}:'i;, and Bird: KIngswood ~~~~~~~~~~~~ AlteredlOll1 au.iiii 'ILE ASPHALT TIL, P~TIC TILE • VINYL 1401 Ridley Avell. . CHester 2-4759 2·5689 , FORMICA :1~~~, glassware. ter 2-7473. " WANTED Flat. top dOu'ble pedestal desk and cltair.· KIngswood 3-2442. . • YENnlAN TIU . LINOLeUM ~ult~i PYl.E . . IjiIpfic~tin .~. ,. 9 , " Service . iBiIIHeild. .A'l~~Mements .Programs , ~cIi~,jli" .b6He.. &: .H.cJiiIW. . " .'.; :15.s.cHiinll. • ROA1J , r· ~~l~ 'J'DlI'D ! .OILHM1' • 011. " - ' • , . an • toIUIS • qn .Utll'MO OIl ..-..as ."nl IIIAln, 4. . OIL .ONDAyTIIllu 8ATURDAY . . NOON···· Kfngswood 4-1234' 8UNDAY5 """ ROI.IDAYl' J.A. GREEN W. ." U71. ., iii EWI - , ltD . ".. ._ ... . When . You Chang. to " At :;; ..$ ,~.~.. . 3 IUsS .1. . . ' . Experiencecl shopp@lr~ knowth,r~ ~re fQur gov. emment g~adation~ oj; quqliiy of meats • ~ .to insUre top qU(llity, Co"Op only J:!uYs $",ift Premium . grade meats for its customers • . . with' uniform ~ ~i9h .'qoalify. 'Co-Op customers con apportion, their meat requirements on an accurate serving 'For Pr018,. SerYlce ~ 17112 5. Cl.s.w '''104-17" . ~Am..MO."'A.· ' '. VMAlENa., RI~yPa"" ··.kta i ~~is. ' • Ii,.,.,er·· PATf.!fS.~ NEAT BUT I=OR 'REAL CRAEISMANSI-4IP you"; . . SHOULD see'114E .. '§7! N.eij We"k \Va"" 'hi A _ SIr•• '. ft ........ I. ~. t.. .ATLANTIC "1 ....... N SIr"1 c.••I_1 . h .Edi to t e tor "r Our RIB, ROAST SPECIALS . J, F. BLACKMAt9 II 3-6616 DflIg~ ~_of ... R ..... W.ll ....Ip ..,. II'WlJle ',Creek 'tor the ,tUcaimerc:iliijl( and had' the 1m"' ),ou',;galiiiii'niit tci'inonga·ti!ne. Ariny Engin~rs. to PUMp. He believable luck to be accept,ed.N~turiili.Y f am always very Inth~nks that tolal~uction can be . This apprenticeship consists !If terested In the things that happen at least 75 ~ercep.t: In Chester a two year intensive education in Swarthmore and would he .very· County, some 150 fann pon~ have for a merchant and a one. year glad to receive a letter from you. been bullt. Around 220 complete technical. tralliing a: the workPlease write tc myoid' addreSl\ . farm cons!,rvation plans are being shops. After these three years in Sts.de because I am likely to yearly, and more than 900 appli~ there is another two years training mq,ve from the place I am living in C ' . ' ,., ." . , • .cations for similar plans are on at every apparatus produced by now very soon. IIle." Zeiss. After I have finished this Today I reeeived a parcel from "Why subsidize fanners," asks long and detaile.d education I am home with the edition of the Hoff, "when self-effort plus tbe one of the very few specialists to Readers' Digest and the announceFIRST OF YEAR STARTS iax"paid help' available will pro- be sent into practically every part ment of the new gift subscription. duce .results like' that?" of the world to represent Zeiss. Thank you very much for this' WHITE SLIPS FOR ... "About tbe time the Brandy- You can imagine that the job 1s wonderful present which links Wine campaign got' golng, Govern_ not exactly easy but it Is one of me again to the United States. It or puff's cohorts ai Harrisburg the most interesting jobs I can Is son wonderful to know that r enacted a pure-stream' law to stop think of and one' of the h&$t IIrms have sucb nice friends in that the discharge .1I1to Pennsylvania's to work at it. . great coimtry. . streams of sewage and' industrial I am now for almost half a year Now I wish all of you the very wastes.. That was coincidental, but down at the main factory at Ober- best for the future, a very merry JANUARY - ' FEBRUARY - MARCH what followed, In DelawlI!'e wasn't. kochen, a small village In the Christmas and a happy and. sue": Hoff sei' up hisnsUde projector In very South of Germany, 500 miles cessfulnew year. Re~~!!I~~r Wit.~ t~e. r~tur. ~$. the capital at noVl!1' and gave an from home. SIncerelY yours, illustrated lecture; The BrandySo I am now lea~lDg the "hapKLA:US Mr. and Mrs: Samuel Carpenter and their daughter Shirley of Ogden a~enue vlslted Mrs. Carpenmother Mrs. A. G. Motzlnger '< t o Archbold, 0., and Mr. Carpeater's parents Mr. and Mrs. O. A. ~arpenter.1n MontpeUer, O. ROGER RUSSELL . and aptD if our county people and proud as' Haft is of the I!Ill'lY repoUUelans will be convinced that sultl, Tupayeill in the valley are the, ttme is ripe to start pfellerVinll alrI!fIdy benefttlng by lieveral mIlBJ' .lACK· MERm.". our creek valleys tor all posterity. Of c!Ollarsa year In new in. ~ck in 1952, the Saturday Eve" oolIte."· Ding Post told the story of the ~.,,;".::~canlt,taxpbtathY~ are a long"froperly values In rural areas . • .....~...... 0 u ere are occa-' 1 modem Battle of the BrandyWine. siolls when they get suiBciently are being enh8!1C8d, h and game It was not fought by a continental aroused to do' something about it. are comlDg back, tarmers are even army, but a ~up of aroused tax- Such a eonvulslon is now occur- baP~Ug in private;. swimming PERS()NAl: 6Y..... ofS_.... o........... , ...... : Cree~. Valley lIMO, and work In Railroad Industry after 1936 can count toward Mrs. C. Eo CI!tWeli of Bea,JemlD the work requirements for dIsaaVenue Will asSIst the hoatblUty Insurance payments under at the faculty Tea Club. meitteeJftaIn conditiobs. of the Ulilvenlty of PeimsylA wage earner' under 50 who . on Tuesday, Jal1W1J'y 8, at lias been under a disability for lIiIemorial Hall,. 31101 I.ocust street in. Phlledelpbl~ ., , . . many years with no earnings Dr•. ~ 1\1. EDIils, Plofess.Jr onset may be able to estabUsb a . the Uhlverstty, Who has reeentJy "dlsahiUty. freeze" cOmmenelDg returned tlOm. two and a halt earlY as the onset date if the claim years in Egypt,. Will give an nis IIled before July, 1957. lustra~ lecture on "ADcient and To have the earnlDgs record Modern Egypt", at 2:30. which can stsrt at age SO, ere !he at any ttme after September 15, frozen or to .get diaablUty insurance payments, one must have S-' been disabled for at least six months,.. E~r~~~:~~~~~~:~E :' , • .. '.' • --"10'" # See tile .ew Studebater- at· 'us~o"'oto",' 5,1I."'.1I'IJ1.....'.",..... ... , I THE 8WAK'I'BMORBAN Books Gro~~. Need YoIunt.s to . Great.Resume ActiVities Pack FIDI for Hungary Books Athletic Club Moreys" Trip South . Doors Next J belts moved back and forth aeroa the .tate room, and as dishes sailed urou the table, and tried to jump the guard i-an as the boat reeled from the Impact of tile waves completed· their 'experiences weatherwlse. . The comfort of the Ul)1ted Fruit cabin and batb, the ~0U8 food and the care they taD of their passengers, as well as the congeniality of a few passengers all helped make this .a memorable trip and vacation for the Moreys: (Continued from Page 1) The swarthmore Athletic Club lenango where the "Feast of opens the doors of the high school Santa Tomas" 'Was being held. The'Swarthmo;e and Wallingford Great DiSCussion gym on Monday night, January 7, They look many piclures from The Southern Chapter of the Groups which suspended their at 7 p.m. for informal basketball. ·wbicb they hope to get a fe\\!' good American Red Cross, with head- meetings during the holiday sea- BeCause the "Gazell"" play a, ones 10 share, but never can they quarters In Pbl1al!elphla, has been son will resume activities early league game at 8: 15 p.m. the In- share the sounds of the bells, the formal basketball play w11l term- smells, the confusion, the soul assigned the huge task of assemb- In the new year. stirring candle ceremony at the ling 20,000 faml1Y-uoIt food parAnnouncing the first meeting of inate at that time. and badminton Both volleyball church anymore than· they could cels for distribution to 1IIe suffer- the Wallingford Group to take will begin again after the holidays describe it were 10,000 Indians in ing people of Hungary. place at the Kate Fumess library at the-high school gym on Tuesday famify groups and in tribal dress Mrs. Corbin S. Shute chairman at 8:30 p.m., January 10th, Miss evenings from seven lill 10 p.m. to descend on Swarthmore by foot of the Swarthmore Branch, Issued Kate Omsen, discussion leader, on Tuesday, Janucommencing four days' to eat, sleep, to for a special appeal for volunteer referred to Grea! Books as "the take care of their cbildren and Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Zecher of ary 8. workers to man the assembly lines adventures of the mind among to worship literali;y on Its streets. Swarthmore avenue had as their now being set up at the packag- masterpieces." She went on to ing center, 253 Nort~ Broad say: "The Great Books program Mid-Atlantic League The Moreys were lucky to have I "u,,,•• for the New Y~'s week end street, Philadelphia. at the famous ''Mazan Inn" Mrs. Zecher's mother Mrs. Martha Is designed to help us to face Opens Season Sat. dinner Several hundred volunteers wlll more intelligently the problems of and then laler to drive to Lake J. Fis!'er of VentnOr, N. J. Action in the Middle Atlantic Atitian for overnight and another . The Misses Elinor Idld Mary be needed to complete the opeN- modern civilization by discussion tion by the January 18 target date. of the various solutions which Southern D i vis ion Basketball day at the lake which incluc;led a Bye ot College avenue spent Present plans call for three four- famous wrlters have proposed. League gets underway Saturday, trip 'by launch to an Indian vil- Christmas with their cousin Miss hour shifts daily. The shifts will No special training is required to Jantlary 5, with four of the Di- lage across the lake. . Lavinia ~ye and her family in run from 8: 30 a.m. to 12: 30 p,m., participate other than a desire to vision's six clubs playing. PMC One more da~ in the city, wlilcb Denton, MeL 1:30 p.m.- til 5:30 p.m., and 6:30 e,:change ideas." At the coming hosts Havedord while Delaware by now seemed fanullar, and ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ p.m. to 10: 30 p,m. Each shift will meeting selections from Epitectus' visits Swarthmore. "home" - another 10 hour :.trip require 8 men and 16 women for Discourses will be the topic of With the exception of Drexel, to the coast - ·and-1hen to Puerto a total of 24 men and 48 women all teams have been playing and discussion. Cortes on. the IISan Joset ' for each day. Those wishing to volunThe same subject will be under not having any luck-save Haver- Honduras. . teer their services are requested discussion the following week, ford. The 'Fords are 2-2 while the Up to this point the Moreys had to call Mrs. Rlrhard A. Watson at January 14, when the Swarth- other. four clubs are winless. PEnnypacker 5-9000. Looking down the rosters 11 reveled in perfect, clear, springmore group holds its seventh like weather, but in Cortes the The food parcels, which were meeting of the year at 8 p.m. at would appear that, as in the past rains came and for -2'1.o,days they Yes, you will 'like the requested. by the International few years, Drexel, Delaware and the Borough Hall. Participation in experienced the hot steamy trop~ frimdl, atmosphere of Committee of the Red Cross operPMC will be the teams to beat, this group has averaged about 15 ating in Budapest, will contain this fine Family Drug but with each team playing its Ical rains that Somerset .,Maughm over 10 pounds of IIIj!O.t, fat, dried members per meeting and it Is five opponents twice, anything can translated so feelingly ·to human Store. Turn to us (or milk, sugar, rice, spaghetti or bar- considered one of the more en- happen. Drexel will be defending emotions. The loading of the your houschold needs. ' ley, and seven packets of dried thusiastic groups in the Pbila- the title it has held for three bimanas from 6 p.m. to 2 ~.m .. by And he sure to bring us soups. Each parcel Will provide a delphia area. New participants in straight years. human labor and machille Was an your Doctor's prescripone-week supplementary diet for either group are welcome. Furexperience in itself - and then PMC, second place tel'm last dons. Here you are as. a family of four. Red Cross ex- ther information may be obtained season, has a new coach in Chuck sea where they enjoyed cne _.ared exact compoundperience in disasters of every na- from Mrs. George V. Krenikoff, Hall, and many new faces. perfect sunny day. .Th'l fifty mile ing and (air prices. 100 Yale avenue, KIngswood 3ture has proven the most effective Swarthmore has a veteran ag- an hour blower which they -ran means of food distribution to be 4107. gregation, led by sharp~hooter into unexpectedly, where unat"by familY uoIts." Kent Greenawalt and co-captalns tached' furn,ture, suitcases, life "Soup kltcbens and similar type Arts Center Opens Mayer Davidson and Boh Fisher. operations," Mrs. Shute .comments, "Group 55" Show Sun. Greenawalt notched' fourth place CATHERMAN'S "require each member of a disin League individual scoring as a WEST I: A'U REL HILL tressed family to be in line for (Continued from Page 1) DRUG STORE CEMETERY \ soph last yeal and already has a every meal. This causes disrup- painter and teacher, includes mo..1_... An. above CIt, tion of home life and makes no tion pict"re animation and pho- 19.2 average In five games. Another point maker is Jim Miller, who U .., laIa.c:,.,.y. allowance for the III Dr Injured tography for documentary ftIms ; along with FIsher Is the big boy MO••wk 401191 wilo may not be able to leave the and tJle writing of arL criticism as at 6-4. Head mentor Dick Madison The ideal location for a ..' contributing editor of Arts Dih'ome" Peaceful suburban '.. ".. ..' , may have' a problem with. the gest above the Mr. and Mrs. John T. Shatagln A;"ong the artists whose work bench, sin;e beyond the starting Careful of Cornell avenue had as their will highlight this provocative ex- five the rest have· little experifacilities. . guests dining the houpays their hlbltion are two oulStarlding Dela- ence. _ _ _ _~_ __ for son-In-law and daughter Mr. and ware County painters; Frances Mrs. Wesley Gordeuk and their Lachman of Springhaven and NEWS NOTES is ,,,mted.. children Katherine and Elena of Margaret MlJllken of Rose VaJley. Mr. and 'MrS~ Charles E. Lincoln ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Danvers, Mass" and their grand- Mrs. Lachman's one-man show in of Westdale avenue had as their ~ daughter Olga Roudoy of Detroit, Philadelphia was very favorably guests for a few days of this week "YOU' MEET THE NICEST PEOPLE AT SPEARE'S" Mich. Olga lIew home Sunday to received, and Mrs. Milliken's Mr. Lincoln's bro~er-In-Iaw and \ ." . resume her studies at the Univer- sparkling abstractions have been sisfer Mr. and Mrs.' Gordon Eaton, STORE HOURS: Mondaythru Thursday, 9:30 to 5:30; sity of Michigan whe~e she 15 a purchased by collectors in Penn- who were en route from WashlngFriday, 9:30 to 9:00; Saturcf,y, 9:3.0 to 6:00 freshman. Ted Shatagin, son of sylvania, New York, and: Dela- ton, D. C. to their home in MassaMr. and Mrs. Shatagin, left on ware. chusetts. Other exhibitors include some Anne S. Morse, a student at Wednesday to return to Earlham College, Richmond, Ind. of Philadelphia's best known art- Penn Hall Preparatory School, ists: Sam Freid, 'Barbara Craw- will return to Chambersburg Monalice barb..~ ford, Sanford Greenberg,. Mitchel d. BY following her holiday vaca,i Wagman, Laura Goodman... Jack tion with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Mayer~~n. E~ene F~ldman, Mich- Daniel Morse of Parrish road. Susan M. Hansell of North ael Cllibertl, Bermce Anderson, old bank buildlnc. Dorothy Felbln, and Charles S. Swarthmore avenue, has been - Bechtle.. named to the All-College ComIlII/I1IIInmnmmmmUmllllUlUnnUUmumUU"UlDllnmnnDlmnmnnmlllUmnmnulntDllllmmmfHIIIIIII:. mlUee at Dickinson as a represenE . 5 tative of Pl Beta Phi sorority. ~ committee mak:s plan;; ellM ;;;. ;;; for student sOClal aft31rs. . ~ 407 DARTMOUTH AVENUE § Richard P. Turner, son of Mr. ~ BREAKFAST _ LUNCH _ DINNER ~ and M,rs. Robert J. Turner of § § Guernsey road, will return to The Ii CLOSED SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS Peddle School in Hightstown, N.J., i!! OPEN 7 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. after an 18-day vacation. Richard ~ Monday Through Friday iiii is in his IIrst .year at Peddie. Daily Dinners 90e: to $1.85 ~ Jeanne Schloesser, daughter of Ii lii Mrs. C. D. Schloesser, Jr., of Park lii FANCY ~ANDWICHES ~ avenue, will. return on January 5; Spec/al Children', P'atters a to Northampton Scbool for Girls, ----- * FlieRdl,- PHARMACY II 3-0586 9I t 5 0E·W 0R0PIN N . a HEADQUARTERS. 'FOR ALL a !i! I Northampton, . . holiday vacation.Mass., after i~I;.;id;"~";UI;";IU;HI;I.;"I~"n~n~m~lntUI~",~nRlO~I~"m~n~m~"~o/~lo/~I~IUI~n~DI~II~_~IUI;ln;m;nwt~lIntI~1;IlI;n.~IUI~nt;"'~; Mr. and Mrs. William C...ell'.er I .Rose Valley Middletown Road ,Inc. R. 0"'16, Media, Pa. Opposite High Meadow Custom Landscape Work Telephene: CHester 2.7206 A,skfor Ben Palmer or Henry Amold Visit oer RoadsIde Ma....t 0 . . . . . Mldcll.tO_ Road SEASONAL SPECIAL Seaboard ~Id IIrd Food .weI BInI ...... rs TREE WORI' . Tri..... - ,..:..;.p..iItI.. ..._ A""'••'ii...,. Now for Sprf.. Spra, p......... ~;;;;;;j-=-;;;;;;;;;;;;.' =-=-=-;;;.=-~~.;;;._~~,~. .J - ______ of Harvard avenue had as their guests during 1IIe holidays Mrs. Craemer's brother and sister-inlaw Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dresler of Dayton, O. Dr. and Mrs. J.. Leslie .Ellis of South Chester road had as their guests New Year's Day their sonin-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Simpson willi" their children David; Wendy, and Ricky of . Haddon 'Helghts, N. J. Charlotte . Ann Bl-odhead of Maple avenue and Gloria Ann Peirsol of Lafayette avenue attended the annual Camp Lookout reunion In Philadelphia last Saturday. Lt. and Mrs. Willlam Webb of South Chester road entertained an "open houSe" New. Year's Day inbonor of ~ Webb'" stster-Mrs. Harold l'auDmer Of·NortIllIIn:pto<~ ..... , I laD.....,. 4, 1957 . '. •• , ',. •• Contribute ·.', t<'. .~ ',1 "'- ( -' ·. to T.8. , . Contribute to T. B. • SWABTBMOBE, FRIDAY, VOLUME 29-NUMBER. 2 <.BeH Sends 2nd Group JANUARY-n, 1957 t;pil!ICopaliains .Sponsor DREW PEARSON Hungarian Families For Ub. Arts Program 18 .JAN 11 ' ?r;1 \ THE SWARTHMOREAN .:" , .. The Rev. H. Lawrence Whlttemore, Jr., of Trinity· Episcopal ReF)fesentc:itives Arrive. !:n omces Elm: To Address Mothers.Club Sat. WIL to Hear Dr Hosk·IRS' AI'January . L'une is director. . . . , .' Headquarters . and cIasaroome are in-Mary !'yon BuIldlli& 3; and '1IIe prOgram parl;c1p.nts· are ing at .tile Stratb Haven -Inn. ~t. ' . in .~.' .' _soo..and is also Choral Director To Address (;roup for tile OomPanY. ., Thursday Miss Brew~ lii--the daUgbtet Of Mr.' al'lii Mri'z,1'rank V. Bry observers of Wor!d War L Following his one large 'dog" are: n. the campus. Adrnis-for' 29th ~:mn out by the Service Commit- graduation in. 1919 he went·abroad Harry H. Cafterty, Jr., D iC,k Set. .... ,His recent appointment to for the Americ.an Frienda Service Hook, ,!llIIam W. Price, Samuel Mrs. J. AlfredCaihoun,' EJin _ Conducted ',by, ·WJmatnH. Re::H=e~~~~~.E~ls:enhower's ·committee Committee to supervise a rallef Evans, 3rd.,.John P. Dolman, Jean avenue, w11l head.' Swarthmore's the' department' of music, Refugee, Relief, af~(Coniinued 'on Page 3) Proctor, Ruth Hindley, James .- 1957 March of Dimes. orchestra will present' a varied acquaintance with the . , Clare, Ben Stradley, Jr., John P. featuring the 8)UluaI March of program incluiling a. Bac!l sym• ~ of refugees. Dolman, Jr.; and Cheri Dolman. the M01llerl!, schedqli!d\ this y.~ phony, and his FourthJ3ianden';' committee, has b~.inii .the .s~eneS. are for January 29, the lastTtiesd8y' . Concerto, Beethoveri's . the r'l"pOOs1billty of FQr technical directof the. month; mont 0 v e r tu r e , t h e work of the many o r , ' Alan Slack; Frank Assisted by Mrs. Alfred Billes, and Paui relief agencies with that It's Carnival time .for Garnet Starret,' stage manager; Hank · . CreSt lane, MlS. CalhoUn has .en- . and Dance. U. S: Gov&l'!lDlent in directandwpen Saturday Gayley, setdeslgJl8l'; J, B. Maglnllsted ,the aid .of Howard' • Earlier this season, the the haiKUIng .and placement night rolls 'roUnd,' there'll be nisandL. I. Dethloff, electricians; •. in cbarge of the coin boxes, who' . the Mozart thohlands 'of the refugees .who motiey crew to enjoy it. For Kitr1na Ives. and. Betty. Bentley, hu alreadypll!ced the fron lung Have)'ford College. are, being brought to America un "Crazy Mixed-up earnlval make-up artists; Sidney C. J ackcollectors' in the stores of the _ .' 8Jl eml!r~C;Ybasis. been planned for '8 p.m. son, in charile of-music and sound village; Charles Bov_aro, Thoie planning to attend are morrow in the Rutger,. AV'enlllel effec\s. .man of Theatre· collections; 'and '. net: asked 10 call Mrs. Henry lIoenig- School. 'AIso, Estelle Jarden, chairman 1IIe followlrig captains: . ;. Kl.!'gswood . 3..s086. by . "AllPurpqse'; ~ an of properties assisted by Marjorie . - Mrs. Johan .Natvig of Harvard . . . Januarj 15. . title fo~ a room which can ac- Baile. Mae Baile, .Patty Campbell, avenu.e, Mrs, "'-rge Arm'';:~e 0" Mrs. hRobert ons, while.ln·.fue '"'" ... Ith E. S<;ully, . commodate the myriad cbllnges and Hele.n . South Cheolter road, Mrs. R. J, of the ea and welfare '. "He 10T.H GRADE JR. in the 52.wOOks of a year, and to~ Ip,ron.ptler's· ~ is Rita M. Lothrop. (Continued on .Page 5) ment of the Junior \yom an's .... SEMILIIS· TO MEn Eight-twenty perfonnances will of a total ' ~,. .. .' morrow, night the hall will· be be held at the theater. on Fairview' . II led The . eighth and tenth grade IIlled by persons garbed far heec tbe . . Moodily thro.tlgh Saturday. K•n:Id erg~rten C', asses • more co Tuberculosis Christmas' Swarthmore Junior Assemblies ~'poor taste'~ as teen-agers -. To", ·Cu:.·a·- nge, Fe" bruary ... DriYe, which the club 9p1i'l ~~meet tomorrow evimlng, the delve. into their closets for. the . K1nderg'!rt.m claMes of "this ~ber.· grade from 7:30 to 9:15, strangest combinations at dress Sche4llul. M d·Year Swarthmore Elementary Schoola - Of thisamount;.$i80 and the. ~enth grade from 9:30 to and get-up canceivable. Parent. Conferences WIl1 be cbanged on Monday, ~ trlbuted. by the Swu:Umi..'IIre '. , And a..aiting their arrival will . . Eighth· grade hosts are Dr. and be all sorts and kinds of carnivl\l Teacbers of the Swarthmore ruary 4: As has been customary lege Welfare Fund, and the rest EI ta Schools ,. ... emen areantp annmg in the past, the afternoon classes was obtalaed from. the coin boxes .--_. Arthur H. SlIvers,' chaperons, games of delight' and oh'.""", -or f th rymid . will begin coming in the mornings, placed In many spots in Swarthand Mrs. G. W. Brodhead, dreamed up for the occasion. or e -year c erences, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Fairbanks, Prl'ze's for the pOSl·tively craZl'est scheduled on lour successive Wedmo e and the rnarning classes in the r . . ' nesday afternoons, January 23, afternooila. ~hl}ll.... eIIch.. p-ouP. has, ·.Those m.,q"bers of the Junior and Mr. an.d Mrs. G. P. Hager mlXed-up ~"",:",ble, and several Jan 30 Feb 6 and Feb", a half-year of'lnOiiuing and 'a half- Woman's Cl\11t. who workedWlth Mr and Mrs. WIlliam F. Taylor, more for the wmners of the games "~. . . . I.. • . Scully" this raj '. '...-e. ~ grade baSis; Mr.' and are waiting even Dow to be dis- ruary .... .. . :'~"I'of ""11 j,~" ~... Mrs.nona:~I...!" ::...a;~ JohnMc:Quade and Mr. and .b;y.tw,eHtl> gradli p8ren'lS ~Of 30 or more ~ll re- _ ....' . Y'''. S_a.....· ert C. Brod..' lIIn. .. Randail Burr, James;ErWin will be chap. Mrs.- JOhn Carroll, Mr. qwrea _flfth Wednesday after... "-_s.. erons,' .' and Mrs. Warren Warden, and nOOD wbicb·will be February 20. ::. Dr. Fred Aldrich; Curator of the Mrs. Robert Mono"" lin. R o b e r t . Mr. and Mrs. wnUam E1aI...... 1n TEi!lchera ()f ~ clames an!: .' 'Museum of Natural p.iator;y, Phil- Murphy, Mrs. ~ NeviUs, Mrs. PM-C Na' Joh ' . ' . . d':"'''' Mrs. LaVlDa Hurst, Mrs. Grace · . adelphia, .wlll be the sp8aker' tor Reuth"'"' and Mrs. WD. . mes "Son "harge of the. pr(JCtam, an Super_ Witter. Jean MeCrelght, Nell" ,ute' YOung Adult. Gnit,tP of the " Dr. Mathews ...' . M. lO/UlSOD. . of vis!>r ~~~yDe'.-. wlseman, Marpre.t Moore, '1Iar-.. . . ;';~., Pleab)t&'Ian ChUrcr., hIIh...hool &b:'t.who WOik- :Pari< avenue, pr!lf_or Of busln., . R": '. -, I ,. J tha Shaw, Pbi1Ip Swayne, J[;yrtIe · .St~v iiigbt at 8 ill ""'!I~UOD the DriVe$1+. ;' eIis.~tiOd, 'hU . been . ' ..... W W. !IlcCalDn, and Margaret Yeatman. 'ASsocIation _ . . Barbara . -J.- Ken"~ot'thet'ac:ultyat Dr. Alfred a In 1IfndeqartIin'1IIere will Who In:cb!D'Ie 01 In'edy . .tanet 1lUitU7 . eoueae,~n:,rgrd . confere:Ai:a> tor ODe da1 at.the 1iIW 'm . BoiIblta Acee_ .. ~Iir. J. n.iIr. '. prlndpal .. __ "AIViIl" .,~.: . . . . . _ IIliIIiD7 ~ Of . IMI held at the ··MarchOf· Dimes ~Opensl957 ana is°rr::. isCarnivalTime' GarnefCanteeners Chair-,Junior Club' Co1L-ts $342 for Seal ; S e s s I• . ""'-I,will;;;' was i ' is I Spure's is ,ofIIciaI agent regulation unifornlS _ eq.....,.. for Boy Scouts Mel 6irI Scouts ~ Dow••I.... Shn, ... . O p. e n .s ' is ~"""" .t.: sv- . 'i .. '.. wu-IGo.... .• . . ....;. On"" ,':-" ,. . ,,'!'be .7iW.' .' INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE S"lflrthr.Iorc Collegm- Library SVlartlunore "",;,c . . . . . Need Volunteers to Pack Food for Hungary I The Southern Chapter of the American Red Cross, with headquarters in Philadelphia, has been assigned the huge task of assembling 20,000 family-unit food parcels for distribution to the suffering people of Hungary. Mrs. Corbin S. Shute chairman oC the Swarthmore Branch, issued a special appeal for volunteer workers to man the assembly lines now being set up at the packaging center, 253 North Broad street, Philadelphia. Several hundred volunteers will be needed to complete the operation by the January 18 target date. Present plans call Cor three fourhour shifts daily. The shifts will run fl'om 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., I: 30 p.m. to 5: 30 p.m., and G: 30 p.m. to 10: 30 p.m. Each shift will require 8 men and 16 women for a total of 24 men and 48 women each day. Those wishing to volunteer their services are requested to call Mrs. Richard A. Watson at PEnnypacker 5-9000. Th,..!' foud parcels, which were requested by the International Committee oC the Red Cross operating in Budapest, will co:ttain over 10 pounds of meat. fat, dried milk, sugar, rice, spaghetti or bar]ey. and seven packets of dried soups. Each parcel \vill provide a one-week supplementary diet for a family of four. Red Cross experience in disasters of every nature has proven the most effective mcans of food distribution to be "by family units." "Soup kitchens and similar type operations," Mrs. Shute comments, "require each member of a distressed family to be in line for every meal. This causes disruption of home life and makes no allowance for the ill or inj ured who may not be able to leave the home." Mr. and Mrs. John T. Shatagin of Cornell avenue had as their guests during the holi,days their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Gordeuk and their children Katherine and Elena of Danvers, Mass., and their granddaughter Olga Roudoy of Detroit, Mich. Olga flew home Sunday to resume her studies at the University of Michigan where she is a freshman. Ted Shatagin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Shatagin, left on Wednesday to return to Earlham College, Richmond, Ind. Great Books Group Athletic Club Opens Moreys' Trip South , • •• Doors Next Week (Continued from Page 1) Resume ActIvIties The Swarthmore Athletic Club Itenango where the "!east of I The Swarthmore and Wallingford Great Books Discussion Groups which suspended their meetings during the holiday season will resume activities early in the new year. Announcing the first meeting of the Wallingford Group to take place at the Kate Furness library at 8:30 p.m., January lOth, Miss Kate Ornsen, discussion leader, referred to Great Books as "the adventures of the mind among masterpieces." She went on to say: "The Great Books program is designed to help us to face more intelligently the problems of modern civilization by discussion of the various solutions which famous writers have proposed. No special training is required to t0 · participate 0 ther th an a d esne ' d " At th . h exc ange 1 cas. e comm g meeting selections from Epitectus' ' 0f Discourses WI'11 b e th e t OplC discussion. The same subject will be under discussion the following week, January 14, when the Swarthmore group holds its seventh meeting of the year at 8 p.m. at the Borough Hall. Participation in this group has averaged about 15 members per meeting and it is considered onc oC the more enthusiastic groups in the Philadelphia area. New participants in either group are welcome. Further information may be obtained from Mrs. George V. Krenikoff, 100 Yale avenue, KIngswood 34107. Arts Center Opens "Group 55" Show Sun. (Continued from Page 1) painter and teacher, includes motion picture animation and photography for documentary films and the writing of art criticism as contributing editor of Arts Digest. Among the artists whose work will highlight this provocative exhibition are two outstanding Delaware County painters; Frances Lachman of Springhaven and Margaret Milliken of Rose Valley. Mrs. Lachman's one-man show in Philadelphia was very favorably received, and Mrs. Milliken's sparkling abstractions have been purchased by collectors in Pennsylvania, New York, and Delaware. Other exhibitors include some of Philadelphi·a's best known artists: Sam Freid, Barbara Crawford, Sanford Greenberg, Mitchel Wagman, Laura Goodman? Jack Mayerson, Eugene Feldman, Michael Cilibertit Bernice Anderson, Dorothy Felbin, and Charles S. Bechtle. opens the doors of the high school gym on Monday night, January 7, at 7 p.m. for informal basketball. Because the "Gazelles" play a league g'ame at 8: 15 p.m. the informal basketball play will terminate at that time. Both volleyball and badminton will begin again after the holidays at the high school gym on Tuesday evenings from seven till 10 p.m. commencing on Tuesday, January 8. Mid.Atlantic League Opens Season Sat. Action in the Middle Atlantic Southern D i vis ion Basketball League gets underway Saturday, January 5, with four of the DiVl'SI' on's six clubs playing. PMC . hosts Haverford while Delaware visits Swarthmore. With the exception of Drexel, all teams have been playing and not having any luck-save Haverford. The 'Fords are 2-2 while the other four clubs arc winless. Looking down the rosters it would appear that, as in the past few years, Drexel. Delaware and PMC will be the teams to beat, but with each team playing its five opponents twice, anything can happen. Drexel will be defending the title it has held for three straight years. PMC, second place team last season. has a new coach in Chuck Hall. and many new faces. Swarthmore has a veteran aggregation, led by sharpshooter Kent Greenawalt and co-captains Mayer Davidson and Bob Fisher. Greenawalt notched fourth place in League individual scoring as a soph last year and already has a 19.2 average in five games. Anoth_ er point maker is Jim Miller. who along with Fisher is the big boy at 6-4. Head mentor Dick Madison may have a problem with the benoh, since beyond the starting five the rest have little experience. .1 Santa Tomas" was. ·oomg held. They took many pictures from which they hope to get a few good ones to share, but never can they share the sounds of the bells, the smells, the confusion, the soul slirring candle ceremony at the church anymore lban they could describ.e it were 10,000 Indians in family groups and in tribal dress to descend on Swarthmore by fool for four days· to eat. sleep. to take care of their children and to worship liteTally on its streets. The Moreys were lucky to have dinner at the famous "Mazan Inn" and then later to drive to Lake AtitIan for overnight and another day at the lake which included a trip by launch to an Indian viIlage across the lake. . One more day in the city, which by now seemed familiar, and "home" _ another 10 hour' trip to the coast _ and then to Puerto Cortes on the "San Jose" for Honduras. Up to this point the Moreys had reveled in perfect, clear, springlike weather, but in Cortes the rains came and for 2%.days they experienced the hot steamy tropical rains that Somerset Maughm translated so feelingly to' human emotions. The loading of the bananas from 6 p.m. to 2 ~.m. by human labor and machine was an experience in itself and then to sea where they enjoyed one perfect sunny day. The fifty mile an hour blower which they' ran into unexpectedly where unattached furniture, suitcases, life WEST LAUREL HILL CEMETERY Belmoat Avo, abavo City Lla., Bala.Cy.wyd MOhawk 4.1591 bells moved back and forth across the state room, and as dishes sailed across the table and tried to jump the guard rail as the boat reeled from the impact of the waves completed their experiences weatherwise. The comfort of the Uoited Fruit cabin and bath, the de~clous food and the care they take of their passengers, as well as the congeniality of a few passengers all helped make this a memorable trip and vacation for the Moreys, Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Zecher of Swarthmore avenue had as their guest for the New Year's week end Mrs. Zecher's mother Mrs. Martha J. Fis~er of Ventnor, N. J. The Misses Elinor and Mary Bye ot College avenue spent Christmas with their cousin Miss Lavinia Bye and her family in Denton, Md. "* F,iend/g' PHARMACY I Yes, you will like the friendly atmosphere of this fine Family Drug Store. Turn to us Cor your houschold needs, And be sure to bring us your Doctor's prescriptions. Here you are as.. sneed exact compounding and fair prices. CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE KI 3-0586 The ideal location for a memorial. Peaceful suburban setting high above the Schuylkill River. Careful management. Modern facilities. Choice lots, new memorial-garden section, Chapel for service at burial 01' cremation. YOUT inquiTY Is inllited. N EWS NOTES and Mrs. Charles Lincoln of Mr. Westdale avenue hadE. as their ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ guests for a few days of this week "YOU MEET THE NICEST PEOPLE AT SPEARE'S" Mr. Lincoln's brotJ1er-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Eaton, STORE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday, 9:30 to 5:30; who were en route from WashingFriday, 9:30 to 9:00: Saturday, 9:30 to 6:00 ton, D. C. to their home in Massa• chusetts. Anne S. Morse, a student at Penn Hall Preparatory SchOOl, will return to Chambersburg Monday following her holiday vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Morse of Parrish road. Susan M. Hansell of North Swarthmore avenue, has been named to the All-College Com1l!III1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111mlllllllllil1I11111111~ mittee at Dickinson as a representative of Pi Beta Phi sorority. The ~ommittee makes plans each year for student social affairs. Richard P. Turner, son of Mr. and M.rs. Robert J. Turner of Guernsey road, will return to The CLOSED SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS Peddie School in Hightstown, N.J., § OPEN 7 A.M. to 7:30 P.M, § after an l8-day vacation. Richard is in his first year at Peddie. Jeanne Schloesser, daughter of Daily $1.85 Mrs. C. D. Schloesser, .Jr., of Park FANCY SANDWICHES - avenue, will, return on .January 9 Special Children's PlaHers to Northampton School for Girls, 'dtltlllJl'jtltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllImtltlmiii Northampton, Mass., after the holiday vacation. Mr. and Mrs. William Craemer of Harvard avenue had as their guests during the holidays Mrs. Craemer's brother and sister-inlaw Mr. and Mr5. Walt'C~l' Dl esler Middletown Road R. D. 16, Media, Pa. of Dayton, O. Opposite High Meadow Dr. and Mrs. J .. Leslie Ellis of South Chester road had as their Custom Landscape Work guests New Year's Day their sonin-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Telephone: CHester 2.7206 Thomas Simpson with- their chilAsk for Ben Palmer or Henry Arnold dren David, Wendy, and Ricky of Visit our Roadside Market an the Middletown Road Haddon Heights, N. J. Charlotte Ann Brodhead of Maple avenue and Gloria Ann SEASONAL SPECIAL Peirsol of Lafayette avenue attended the annual Camp Lookout Seaboard Wild Bird Food and Bird Feeders V \ reunion in Philadelphia last Saturday. Lt. and Mrs. William Webb of TREE WORK South Chester road entertained at Trimming - TrallsplanHng an (Copen house" New Year's Day in honor of Lt. Webb's sister Mrs. Speare's is official agent for regulation uniforms and equipment Maire Arnrllgements Now for SprIng Spray Program . , Harold Faulkner of Northampton, for Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts - Downstain Store. Mass. i ~ ~ I e DE·W DROP INN BRE:~~:~;T_M~UU~~:~E~~~NER MDi~~e;~09~:r~;y r ; i~ I ~ Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. . January 4, 19:;7 . THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 8 SW A U'I'mlORIl: cOI.l.kll(C HEADQUARTERS FOR All l'ft " Lt.!!R.c}IV • JAN 1 11!J'l7 \ Contribute Contribute to T. B. • THE SWARTHMOREAN SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, VOLUME 29-NUMBER 2 DIANA BREWSTER BeH Sends 2nd Group For Lib. Arts Program one from companyparticipant offices in comes Toronto, Canada. The Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and Pittsburgh offices of the Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania have sent program participants.. A unifying theme for the program is "The Individual in His Soclety." A course of study In the liberal arts, including philosophy, art; literature, musict anthropology, psycholGgy, political science, and history, has been developed around the central theme. Instruc_ tion in the program is given by members of the faculty of Swarthmore College, Haverford College, and other nearby' insti· tutions. Professor Bruce Dearing of the department of English lit· erature at Swarthmore is program director. . Headquarters and classrooms are in Mary Lyon Building 3, and the program participants are IIvIng at the Strath Haven Inn. The first group In this experimental program recelve(l c~rtIflcates at a .•f. Episcopalians Sponsor 2 Hungarian Families _.f;~daetinOtnCdio'ur~:e,yat~ethhoOnm~Doe WIL to Hear Dr. Hosk,'ns At January Luneheon CU '0 b t 0 ege n:. e.s ra., In Concert Tonight March of Dimes Opens 1957 Campaign Junior Club Collects $342 for Seal Drive YA SPEAKER Dr. Fred Aldrich, Curator of the Museum of Natural History, PhlIadelphia, will be the speaker for the Young Adult Group of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, meeting Sunday night at 8 in the Woman's ASsociation room. Dr. Aldrich, whG Is in'charge of Mar· ine Biology at the museum, will speak on the topic "Ancient Civi· lIzation of Peru". DREW PEARSON IMrs" William B. Pugh To Give Travel Talk 'Year in Europe' Will Be Illustrated Topic At Club Tuesday MI'ss Brewster Debuts I WI'th Phl"la Opera ' . Diana Brewster, Mrs. A. R. Long in private life, made her debut with the Philadelphia Grand Opera C0lJ.lpany on Jill;1Uary 3 at the Academy of Music as Berta in "The Barber of Seville". Miss Brewster, who won acclaim as a pianist while attend. ing Swarthmore High Schooi and West Chester State Teachers College, turned her attention to vocal study while doing graduate work in New York City. She Is singing in the Philadelphia Opera Com. pany productions of "Madam ButExec. Secretary AFSC terfiy" and "La ..-Traviata" this season, and is also Choral Director To Address Group for the Company. Thursday Miss Brewster is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs; Frank V. BrewThe Swarthmore Branch of the ster of Dickinson 'avenue. W<>men's International League for Peace and Freedom will hold a luncheon ·meeting a.t the Ingle. ',\euk, January 1" at 1: 15 p.m. UI.l ;::UUI Following luncheon, members and cember 13. The present group w1l1 guests attending will be addressed complete their study in. mid-April. by Dr. Lewis M. Hoskins of WalWm. H. Reese to Conduct lingford, executive secretary of the American Friends Service Musicians in Varied Committee, on the subject "RefuProgram gees New and Old." Tonight . at 8: 15 p.m., the Dr. Hoskins will draw upon Swarthmore College Orchestra reports brought directly frpm Mrs. Calhoun Heads Local will present its first full-length areas of tension in Europe and . Mot hers Marc h concert of the year in Clothier the Middle East, by observers DriVe,· Memorial on the campus. Admis- sent out by the Service CommitSet for 29th sion is free. . tee. His recent appointment to Mrs. J. Alfred Calhoun, Elm Conducted by.Willialll H. Reese President Eisenhower's committee avenue, will head Swarthmore's of the department of music, the on Htngarian Refugee Relief af1957 March of Dimes Campaign orchestra will present a varied fords also acquaintance with the featuring the annual March of program including a Bach sym- American reception - of refugees. the Mothers, scheduled this year phony, and his Fourth Branden- The President's committee has for January 29, the last Tuesd:y burg Concerto, Beethoven's Eg- been given the responsibility of of the month. mont 0 v e r t u l' e, Hindemith's coordinating the work of the many Assiste.i by Mrs. Alfred HiIles, .Trauermusik, and Paul Creston's private relief agencies with that Crest lane, Mrs. Calhoun has en- Invocation and Dance. of~the U. S. Government in directlisted the aid of Howard Sipler, ,Earlier this season, the Orches- ing the handling and placement in charge of the coin boxes, who tra participated iIi the Mozart Fes_ of thousands of the refugees who has already placed the iron lung tival held at Haverford College. • are being brought to America on collectors In the stores of the , an emergency basis. village; Charles Bovard, chair-, Those planning to attend are man of Theatre collections; and asked to cali Mrs. Henry Hoenigthe following captains: . swald, KIngswood 3-8086, by Mrs. Johan Natvig of Harvard January 15: avenue, Mrs. George Armll'-e of Mrs. Robert E. Scully, chairman _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ South Chester road, Mrs. R. J. of the health and welfare depart- 8TH. 10TH GRADE JR. (Continued on Page 5) ment of the Junior Woman's Club ASSEMBLIES TO MEET of Swarthmore, reporis a total Of $342 collected during the SwarthThe eighth and tenth grade Kindergarten Classes more Tuberculosis Christmas Seal Swarthmore Junior Assemblies To Change February 4 Drive, which the club sponsored will meet tomorrow evening, the eighth grade from 7: 30 to 9: 15, Kindergarten classes of the this December. Swarthmore Elementary Schools Of this amount, $180 was con- and the tenth grade from 9: 30 to will be changed on Monday, Feb- tributed by the Swarthmore Col. 11: 15. Eighth grade hosts are Dr. and ruary 4. As has been customary lege Welfare Fund, and the rest MArth h rs. u rH. S'I 1 vers; c aperons, in the past, the afternoon classes was obtained from the coin boxes M d r. and Mrs. G. W. Brodhea , wl' ll bemn coml'ng Ill' the mornm'gs,' placed in many spots in Swarthb& M d M A M F' b k and the morning classes in the more. r. an rs. . . aIr an s, afternoons. Thus, each group has Those members of the Junior and Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Hager Mr and Mrs. William F. Taylor, a half-year of morning and 'a haIf_, Woman's Club who work ed with 2d, are tenth grade hosts; Mr. and year of afternoon classes. M;~~C~~a~: ~~e:::,j~c:..a';~b: Mrs. John McQuade and Mr. and ert C. Brod, Mrs. Randall Burr, M rs. Robert Morrow, Mrs. Robert Murphy, Mrs. Kirk Nevius, Mrs. Richard Reuther, and Mrs. Wll· liam Ward. The high school girls who work· ed on the Drive are: . Barbara Bel'llhardt. Jean Ken· nedy. Barrie Bovard, Janet Sny· der, Mary Ruth McLeod, Barbara Moran. Nancy Weber, Roberta Nv-rard. Susan Gowing, Suzanne Plowman, ShIrler Little. T. B. $4.00 PER YEAR The Rev. H. Lawrence W~ittemore, Jr., of Trinity· Episcopal' Church left yesterday for Camp Kilmer to meet two Hungarian families who will accompany him \ to Swarthmore. They are being sponsored by Trinity Church through the program of the National Council of Churches. Mr. and Mrs. Mullner with their daughters Eva, 16 and Casaba, 7, and son Dondor, 13, will temporarily reside with Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Fine of Swarthmore avenue. Eva has had two years of secretarial work. Mr. and Mrs. Toth will stay with Mrs. Andre Delattre of Elm avenue until they become permanetly 10cated. Mr. Mullner was a postman in Hungary. Mr. Toth was a train machinist. Members of' Trinity Church are investigating possibilities of employment for Mr. Mullner and Mr. Toth in this vi- Washington Columnist cinity. Feature For 6 P.M, --------- 18 Representatives Arrive For 14 Week Course The second group of executives: from the Bell Telephone Sy&tem arrived this week to begin a 14week program in Liberal Arts for Executives at Swarthmore Col· lege. The group nUmbers 18 men, drawn from 12 companies in the - Bell system. All sections of the United States are represented, and JANUARY'I1, 1957 to Pearson To Address I MothersJ:lub Sat. I S Dinner Drew Pearson, Washington columnist. international headliner and one of Swarthmorets distinguished alumni, will address the Fathers Night Dinner of the Swarthmore Mothers Club Saturday evening at 6 in the parish house of Trinity Church. Growing up in Swarthmore, where his father taught speech at the college (and where his sister Bal'~a currently.. te"ches drama) Pear'/IDn : ,ea~ ; his first money nearby, ir'applng skunks In a local patch of woods by the Crum (perhaps a foretaste of his lifework, in the bargain,) After graduating from Philips Exeter Academy he took his bachelors dellree at Swarthmore, where he made Phi Beta Kappa, edited the college ne~spaper and ended up in the officers train.ing corps Ht the close of World War I. Following his graduation in 1919 he went abroad for the Americ:an Friends Service Committee to supervise a relief (Continued on Page 3) Following a year's extensive leisurely travel through Europe, Mrs. William Barrow Pugh has ~returned to her home in nearby Wallingford with a wealth of artistic slides and colorful experiences. Under the sponsorship of the travel department of the Swarthmore Woman's Club, Mrs. Pugh will relate "Some High Points of a Year in Europe", next Tuesday, January 15, at 2 p.m. Mrs. George A. Hunter, chair. man, will introduce Mrs. Pugh. Without a pre-planned itinerary or a tight time schedule, Mrs. Pugh visited the smaller unusual places unspoiled by tourists. She lived close to the people, learning their history and cultural background. Her special interest was their pictures and art-work. Mrs. Pugh will exhibit and explain her own slides, many taken during her six months in Italy and Sicily. Austria and Southern Germany she also enjoyed and their international significance now will make her discussion most timely. 'King of Hearts' Opens Mondayat,layersCiub The Players Club of Swarthmo~e opens Its doors next week for the presentation of ~t~ January play "King of Hearts"· by Jean Kerr and Eleanor Brooke. Described as a farce comedy, apparently of the first order, the production is under the dit'l!Clion Gf Charles Yo Seyrtiour assisted by William A. Clarke, Jr. Stalking across stage as (and we quote) ufive zany men. two flighty women, three mischievous boys and one large -dog t l are: Harry H. Cafferty, Jr., D ic.k Hook, William W. Price, Samuel Evans, 3rd., John P. Dolman, Jean Proctor, Ruth Hindley, James Clare, Ben Stradley, Jr., John P. Dolman, Jr., and Cheri Dolman. Flitting behind the s~enes are David Bingham, technical director, assisted by Alan Slack; Frank It's Carnival time for Garnet Starret.. stage manager; Hank Canteeners, and when Saturday Gayley, set designer; J. B. Maginnight rolls 'round, there'll be a nis and L. I. Dethloff, electricians; motley crew to enjoy it. For a Katrina Ives and Betty. Bentley, "Crazy Mixed-up Carnival Night make-up artists; Sidney C. Jackhas been planned for 8 p.m. to- son, in charge of- music and sound morrow in the Rutger& Avenue effects. School. Also, Estelle Jarden, chairman "All Purpose" is an appropriate of properties assisted by Marjorie tille for a room which can ac- Baile, Mae Baile, Patty Campbell, commodate the myriad changes and Helen Sessions. while in the in the 52 weeks of a year, and to- pro'."pter's box is Rita M. Lothr~p. morrow night the hall will be Eight-twenty perf,!rmances wlll filled by persons garbed far be-' be held at the theater on Fairview yond "poor taste" as teen-agers road Monday thr~ugh Saturday. delve into their closets for the strangest combinations of dress I Schedule Mid-Year and get-up conceivable. Parent, Conferences And awaiting their arrival WillI Teachers of the Swarthmore be all sorts and kinds of carnival Elementary Schools are planning games of delight and chance for the mid-year conferences, dreamed up for the occasion. scheduled on four successive WedPrizes for the positively craziest nesday afternoons, January 23, . d -up ensemble, a nd s e v eral January 30, February 6 and Febmlxe Gfe th a g mes more f or the w Inners are waiting even now to be dis- ruary 13. trlbuted by twelfth grade parents Classes of 30 or more will reo Sat. is Carnival Time For Garnet Canteeners .! Mrs. James Erwin will be chap. Manrd· aMndrs.Mwrs·arrJeOnhn .:2aarrrodenll,' aMnrd' ~~~~ :hi:~thwi:~'!":et'~a.;!t~~~ erons. .... Teachers of these classes are: --------Mr. and Mrs. William Elmore, in ' C Names John'son I• charge of the program, and Super_ Witter. Mrs. LaVina Hurst, Mrs. Grace PM Jean McCreigbt, Nell Dr. Mathews M. Johnson of visor Philip Swayne. Wiseman, Margaret Moore, Mar. Park avenue, professor of busin. ' tha Shaw, Philip Swayne, Myrtle ess administration, 'has bee n Rea.PI*'lIted McCallln, and Margaret Yeatman. named chairman of the faculty at Dr. Alfred H. Williams of WalIn the kindergarten there will Pennsylvania Military CoIlege, Iingford has been reappointed by be limited conferences for one day Chester. He succeeds Dr. J. Wil-, Governor George Leader as a Gnly, on January 30. The principal son Graham, chairman for many trustee of Cheyney State Teachers \ ~onferences will be held at the years. . College.. . close of the year, I .. '. , .- Pap' ,. 1aR....., 11, 1957 '" , • THE swARTBMoREAN Page 2 the Umven1ty of wlseODSin Mediavenue vislted her son-In-law and cal School and served his InternI ~;:t~~te:; Mr. and Mrs. Craton G. ship at the Umversity of II in Baltlroore, Md., d!lring vania Hospital. A lieutenant, h4' Club iB at the present tlroe at PortsMr. James Clifford of Rutgers Ihe Chrisbnas holidaYs. avenue left on S~day for a Robert Brooks of Darbnouth mouth Naval Hospital, N. H .. 9:30 to 1:,30 of duck hunting at St. avenue recently returned from a (Costume Dance Scheduled.fOr March 16 Md. Mrs. Clifford joined her hus- week's vacati!>n in St. Petersburg, Mr. and Mrs. Charles EnOS Hepband Wednesday at their summer Fla. . ford, Jr., of ~;Pine Ridge," Medla, Delails To Be Announced Later) cottage at st. Michaels where she· Miss BetUna Hunter of Dlckin- have announced the ' will prepare the fourth aru.'ual son avenue, librarian of the of their daughter, Miss Emmaneta suckling pig dinner which wmds Swarthmore Library, spent sever- Heprord, to Mr. George Huhn i up the season tomorrow. al days during Christmas week Jarden, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McComas, at her summer home at Mt. Sinai, Jarden of Rose Valley. formerly' of Lansdowne, are now L. I., N. Y. Miss Hepford is a student at residing with Mrs. McComas' . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Andes, Mary Washington College where mother Mrs. R. V. Utile at 133 formerly of 405 Thayer road, are she is president of the Student BEAUTY' SALON . Park avenue. \ now residing at 139 Rutgers ave- Government Association. Mr. JarTO IE WELL DRESSED IS TO IE WflLL GlOOMED Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Fudge nue. den is attending Lafayette College. 9 South Cheder R,oad of Columbia avenue entertained ENGAGEMENTS . Call Klngswoo~ 3.:0476 for Christmas Mr. and Mrs. RichEI d A Chin Tomorrowls Bride ard Pedersen of New York and Mr. and ,Mrs. woo . Miss Barbara Lukens, daughter Active Me....... af t •• Swa..... ' ••••1•••• Au.cl.tIa. their; eight-month-old sley of Brooklyn have announc of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. LukPaige Elizabeth. Mr: "Pedersen, llIe engagement of their daughter, ens of Strath Haven avenue, will U N delegate is on the adviSOry Ann-Louise Chinsley, to Mr. married tomorrow afternoon at st:.n U. S. delegate Henry Cabot Edward Becker, son of Pro- 5 o'clock in the Swarthmore Pres- i Lodge, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. fessor and Mrs. Gl!\>rge J. Becker byterian Church to Mr. James F.MIL:r DINNERS. to SUIT ... TArn .f IVIIYONI became .acquainted with Mr. and of Walnut lane.. ., Ch st d .. Mrs Pedersen when Swarthmore Miss Chinsley IS a lUDlOr at Calkins of South e er roo • . TENDER STEAKS and CHC)PS Co~ked to .Order en~rtained U.IN. delegates and College. She graduMrs. W. E. Medford of South EXCELLENT BANQUET :\ND P~'fY fActuTQ!:S had them as their guests for ated from Brooklyn Friends Chester road with her daughlt\rBUSINESS MEN'S.'LUNCH 12·1:30 P.• ".' last year. . , School. in-law Mrs. Charles Brinton .Medhristmas C . Mr Becker, a graduate of Mrs. Walter H. DIN)N" lOOMS a.eI LOllY All CONDmONID . Mr. and Mrs. Irv10 ~acElw,:" Swa..tnmore College" is ln the her daughter Mrs. WllJlam B. ComfortG~." it_ms Day or Week . Elevator of Mt. Holyoke p~ace, WIti;' their stationed at Aberdeen PrOV- Hipple, Jr., md Mrs. Edwin J. son Donald, a SenIor at Princeton . . Faulkner' entertaO10ed laSt Friday University, returned Thursday of 109 Ground, Md. at a dessert party and Revere Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edward Ware shower at Mrs. Medford's Yale & Harvard Avenues, Swarthmore, Pa. last week by plane from a threeweek Chrtstmas vacation speot . 'd HlJls W ill g home in honor of Miss Lukens. JOHN A. TENNU, M,.. .FDE Po\RIIING with their son-In-law and daugh- Michel of LaPI ea . , a n ter Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Throck- ford, have announced the'engage- . Miss /otuth C. Webb and Mr. e::er; Norman Wampler, son' of Mrs. shower for Miss Lukens at the their 29th wedding anniversary . with their family in Los Angeles. Madellne WaMpler of Alhambra, home c,f Mi.,s Webb. Calif Mr. and Mrs. H. Merle Mulloy C'HECK YOUR ICAR FOR' WINTER Miss Christine Ford, daughter MI'ss MI'ehel atteoded Gettys- .will' entertain at luncheon t o m o r - ' .D. . Batter! F d f of Mr. and Mrs. Heery C. or a burg College and graduated from ;"'W at the Sprlnllhaven Club . Tune Motor . e co e.1 Amherst 'avenue, ~Mndunia shtUdvieo~tedat the University of Pennsylvania the wedding party and out-ofthe University of c, Sl School of Nursing. town guests. Gulf, ft. d. Oil her pen pal from Swarthmore Dr. Wampler is an alumnus of V High School in Frankfurt,' Ger- PennsYlvama State Umversity and --B-.-RT-H--S-RUSSELL'S SERYICE many, during her Chrtstmas va- the University. of pennsylvania, . ROIERT ATZ. Mgr. . cation. Miss Ford also visited Plc. S.chool of Veterinary Medicine. He ljIr. and Mrs. Emerson Roberts Opposi,te Borough Parldng Lot Next Duck Club Dance - Sat., Jan. 26th· Personals Swarthmore Women·s· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The , ed I~~iiiiiiii~~~~~iii.iiii~iii~i.ii~iiiiii~~iii~iiiiii~ to STRATH HAVEN' INN . ST TE I Winterize With Prestone or Zerex as nd ~~K~.n~g;S~W~O~O;d~~i~~~i~'~~D~a~r~I~"~'O~u~P.... .. ~~a~n~d~Liaf~a~ye~n~.~ . I .. i. the1l- li: r ~1S1t ( Why do the Quakers rnaJ help you underStand the members of Th. a.liqious Society of Friend, and -.., they bMr ~mony otolMt thtse practices. PrI--sz.s. postpalel ....... . f. 1:1. &LOECICNEI. "'bll_ 1'15 <:limy _ , PIIn•• 7...... . LOcat ..1m • or_~_""'_ I~ Processed ! . ".bc;a~)~' . < (. ,< . by , Kodak , . Direct· Through Camera ~ Ho.bby -.Shop Michaels College Pharmacy , . (Daily 1st Class Mailings) • • Dan, lay. "tum.d In ". . . . . His G~ .Ioi. ''KNOCK ON WOOD", Tex., re- . 1bIs Is Philadelphia Suburban Water Company's Green Lane !)am on Perlciomen Creek in Montgomery County. Completed less Ihan Ihree months· agO. after two years of construcJion 3-'111., of la.... M..·....s.rI.1 4-"S..aa.a ...... ....storrl., loy 10,... . H..ry M.I H~p"'"' Po"'a TOLSTOY'S ...... . \ SPECIAL CHILDREN'S SHOW SUNDAY. 2:15 P.M. l-C.I•• Carte... wortr. it Is the resuW of more than a quarfeN:enturyof pionSO A.eI••, ~-etIy . . . ning. to help' meet the vital water needs of an expaAdIng popuIatIon..' .' -, .' easy. automatic . .Autoljllatic lighting, . _ Measut:Ing .782 feet.1n Ieng1h and 82 feet In 'l\elght, Green Lane Dam ha$ CI'eCIled an impoun~ing ~Mli. willi a clock coptrols, high-s~ bumers and smokeless broiling add convemence to all meal preparation, Many ranges even have a top-burner heat control that '. llarage copacity of 4,400,000,000 gallons. When the _ ¥Oir Is filled, It will be one of the largest man-mode bodies water in PennsylVonla.1t will help ClDIItrol floods olong PerIciom... Creek, help mainlain normal flows in dry weather, and fpmIsh our pres.m and fuJure c:ustomen wIIh 1II000h IOU.. of !heir greatest 118C ...ity of life. , An4 the for this addiliolla' _ Is gron.g• of . kwter .. makes every utensil . an automatic: applia'n.ce. 3-.. A............f 10.1.... Crllsoe" - hul.,. attrac.... ..ell. Thurs., fri., &. Sat. bY CHARLES .F. SEYMOUR Jan. 17, 1B & 19 .I •••AII,... Asslst.d by William A. Oarh, Jr. Opening. Monday January. 14 ." ~h.t;~.:zo P.II. " .... ~..eM 1'IfeJr .••••1. ' NEW AND ADDITIONAL SOURCE OF SPRINGFIELD WATER TQMEET SUBURBAN PHILADELPHIA'~' STEADILY, MOUNTING NEEDS . . \ . . SUII., Mon.. ·Tues., & Wed. Ja,n. 13, 14, 15 & 16- : ...... "-_ "YOU CAN'T RUN . .. AWAY FROM n'i . (Cinam.. ~,.T~hlltcolor) A ~.art, .......,., c •••" ..... ,.,.. .. , . . II S· ••• .., PI" ........ ' , . ," . I Phil~delphiaSuburban Water Company customers have/Iiicreased 60% since 1947 while Ihe annual demond for. Springfield Wote. hos soared 56%. And demand steadily mounts as Ihe 'population of our service orea continues upward, G.een Lane Dam Is only one of many major steps taken ~y l'hiladelpJ:i!a Suburban Water Company to meet Ihe preSsing need· for more wDter. A continuous expansion prD9ram adds more miles :of transmission 'and distribution mains to Ihe system, more standpipes and distribution reservoirs, more flltra. tIon copacity, more pumping capacity, more flre hydrants. Since· 1947, Ihe total cost of Ihis expansion program hCl$ eiceeded $4,.,000,000 • • • to pfovIde one Of Ihe finest and most ' dependable 'of wDte.-service systems. ': ,. . . ... all P.O. Board' Reelects, Backs School Action At the annual, reorganlz',;i;on meeting' of the Swarthmore Prop«!rty .owners' Association held Monday .evenlng in Borough Hall, ~la .C,. WDOd was ree~ected presi-. dent. Incumb"!!ts in the offices of vice-president, H. Weston Clarke and secretary-treasurer, Andre": Alexander, were also renamed. Current problems of local elementary school expalision possible routes of a cross-coun~ link between the Industrial Highway and State Turnpike, and the proposed ~ty-wide equalltation of !">< asSessments were discussed for an hour. A. motion to direct a letter to the S~ore-R1:'tledge SchOOl ·Board expressing support ot its recent decislon to build 'additlonal elementsry 'classrooms at Rutgers avenue, was passed with six Aesoclation directors voilngAye, twO ~ay and .one absta ini•. - hoi., • .1~ • ,~ '.M~ . Phone Klngswooci 3-a290 . AIIPLI Re PA...... -----_ SPR.INGFJELO WATER . , . •••••••w.., fly . . . . . . . . . hIMI , ........ Adult GroupS Sponsor January 23rd Meeting ...n. Illi lOY ROGEIS SHOW SATURDAY AT 1 '.M. l-Color C.rte.... 2-Co_y LEO . -(Continued from Pale 1) Ninth,. eighth and seventh prog;.am in devastated Balkan grade tea,!"S of Swarthmore Junior I villages. High School will "c~" with . It was dlUing his leaner years 8 P.M. Program to Feature Radnor Junior High's 'basketball as a newspaperman during the Oir., College Entrance teams .of similar, grades at. 3 on Hoover administration that he CaFriday, JanUary 18, In the school ~uthpred, with Robert S. Allen, the Exam Board 'Washington Merry-Go-Round".' gymn~um. a feat which lost both of them . Rtex Moon, ass i s tan t dlThe seventh· grade homeroom th I . rec or, College Entrance Examlna' e r lobs and began a new. era . of Don Henderson, ninth grade of behind-the-scenes rllporting of tion Board, will lead a discussion coach, will sell programs for the. the Washington scene. In the years on the services and uses of the games. Proceeds will go to the' since then the Merry-Go-Round, College Eptrance Examination W ~ rId' Friendship Committee, I now edited by Pearson alone; won Board Tests, under t~e auspicles which acts as' a fund repository the Sigma Delts Chi award for of the program comnuttee of the for all 'service 'and international. distinguished service in jouroa- lOth grade, and ~e education comactivity work carried on in the IliBm, launched the internationally mitte~ of the ome and School school. famous Friendship Train, as weil ~soclation. He .will speak 'on Members of the ninth grade' as the Freedom Balloon messages nednesday evening, January 23, team are: 'and won for Its author many at· 8 o'clock in the High School ' . auditorium. Norm Levin. Burke Jackson awards including the French LegDon Levenson 'B'Ob Dawks Rob~ ion of Honor, the First Order Star The meeting bas been planned by .1arratt,· ~b Kenschaft: Doug of Solidarity of Italy and in 1948 especially for all parents ot the Yarrow, Fred Schaeffer, John Wig_ t the Father of the Year award, 10th, 11th, and . 12th grades, and ton, Bill Fuoss, Paul Doirllngtim,l A Saturday Review of litera- other Interested persons 'are wel,Hunter Allison, Don Smith Pete' ture poll selected Pearson as the come. Mr. Moon plans to exBender, Doug Pilgrim and'man- I columnist whose wriUngs exert plain the testing 'program of the ager. Bill Swarlz, Dan Harris,' the greatest ihiluence in the na- College Entrance Examination John Seybold and Pete Shex,pard. Ii,!n, and Time magazine wrote of Board and its application to the 'The eighth· grade tea oached him, "His Is the kind, of jouroa- question of college admissions. by Mel Drukin consists':f~ ; listic vigllence which keeps ~mall This program has been arr)mgHi ky G Inn B k H If men honest, and forces bIgger ed by the educational committee ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: St . c. H w II 'p~c BOdman, men to work in an atmosphere of the Home and School to further R ev~ ans~ H . P Chear sFleYl' of caution that frequently cramps the general purposes of the comon oyes,. amB, u e - their style" mittee which are to provide an 'lows, Tom Furniss, Ben EckenP . '11 b i t d b ·h d J ks R -K earson WI e n ro uced y educa.tional. program that would h 0If, RI car oger· UC, M rs. J ames L . Malone, program be worth w hil e t 0 the parents and D' Id H Geoac on, Bl sin av ay, rge es g, Davis ch.rlrglBn. Mrs. Vernon Urbani teachers of Swarthmore, to work Moscrip, $teve Hicks, Ed Ecken- i will preside and Mrs. John Franci. closely .with .the school,the Home Yourg man with unusual ability, engineerhalf, Ax:hur Loeben, John ,ijanna. I will delive~ the invocall~n.. , and School ,As,sociation, and the Boys on the seventh grade team I Dinner will be served I>y Mrs. PareJjts' COllJl<;it;. ·in. order to help ing education, as salesJrainee, in connedion are: ; Emerson Adams and her commit- coord},nate· ·al1'4 unify the adult Don JoneS, Charles Turner, Tom' tee, Including Mrs. Cullen Ship- j!duc!'flon prop-am in the school with heating, air conditioning indu.strial pro~ Atklrui, 'Jerry Liddell, Gary Gal- man, Mrs. Frank Wise, Mrs. John system. ' laghl!!', Phil Delano, Charles\ Rush: Shehan, Mrs. J. Wflst Lov~laDd, 1958 Workshops cessing equipment. Excellent opportunity for ton,. Jtm Foley, T~ Innis, Peter Mrs. Bertram Cornog, Mrs. TheoLast· year' at this time nine Stephens, Dino McCurdy, Bob dore Kiaus, Mrs. Edwin .1: Mcworkshops. of .four sesaionsea~h real progr~ss iii a 1.l)ng establi~~edcom~any. Bennett, Wilson .Buckley, David Intosh, Mrs. Richard B. Strode, meeting weekly,. were set up b; , _.. . Busza, Rickie Filler, ~rge Ham- Mrs. William M. Read, Mrs. 'Hank the Education Committee.. Twenty liton, James Rowland, and Dick. Luedeke, Mrs. R. Scotton Griffin eight leaders, drawn chiefly from ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~c:a~m~p!ge~I~I.:..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~a~n~d~M~rs:.~Le~I~a~nd~C~li~lf~or~d:.__~_ i Swarthmore College,' the . hi g h ;' school, and. the. comunity guided the' groups;' About '125 parents and teachen.. '1!Ju.oUed ani! .explored such topics'" lis" ~Uidance in tbe High ScJ.lb6I,· The'Hlgh 'SChoOl Curriculnl, How to ·Uve with Chil_ dren, Mental Health, Physical Fit.. ness in Children and Youth, Reading, Helplilg~'Childreil (Grow Up with ,out Predjudic.e, and PreSchool Children. . ". . A nU)ll~r,,,. Of.', ,th,e wor~op grOUPSI.,I!l~; l~~ti'llJlS' which they f~lt ~..I,ht, later be· followed . up by ~l1}"'lass-par.ent grOUps or' othe~ int.eras.ted groups in the school, Qr tlte community. This particular program for' the 10th, 11th, and 12th grades was one Of the snggestions that develop!!d from the high school groups.", It is the i1).tention Ol.t~~-. education committee this year to attempt to follow IlIrough and implement some of the recommendation. made by thll various workshops of last year, and to provide resource ma·terial tor the grade chairman. SIinilar meetings for other .grade levels' are in tlie plan_ n!ng stage. These meelings also !lI'e being planned; Ob. recommendations from the W 0 r k s h '0 p groups. A Fridoly Ft~':.f!~f~'r) 9~ P.M. Satu-4I a ID P.W. . ELEANOR BROOKE for Ill( .fgilts COOKING fri. " Sat•• Ja •• 11 &12 ' .by JEAN KERR and Direekd· • •DERN '$wartlimore, Matin.. 2 P.W. EYenlnq 4:4$ and' 8:30 P.M~ ·'Kit'g of, Hearts·' ? FOR "WAR " PEACE" (Vista Vision~Technlcolof) OF SWARTHMORE presents A Now 100' Willi•• Wllfar C ••lort ' 1 CO'LLEGE .. PLAYERS CLUB LEGAL OATHS .y . . • THE Conscientiously oppoSe THE QUAKER PERSUASION '." I \I~=~~~£;~:~J i Courter in Toms River. after a hoil.day ' Swarthmore with her brother-in-law and _SlS~r Jersey A spring wedding Is planned. Mr. and M;rs. J. G. RelfsDider m Cleveland, '0. Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Mc;Martha Calhoun, daughter of Gonigle of 500 College aveoue an- . ·Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Calhoun of ~" n,ounce the engag~ent of avenue, returned to Carleton Col- daughter Miss Mary Patricia Mclege, Northfield, MInn., after a Gonigle to Private Donald E. hollday vacation. Martha is a Widdowson, son of Mr. and Mrs. . sopbomore at Carleton. Leslie Widdowson of Rutledge. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Tomllns~n of ~utgers avenue had as 1h1!ir Dr. and Mri· John F. M'c,K"rnlml guests for several daYs at Christ- of Rutgers avenue announce the mas time their son Mr. Jack Tom- engag~ent of their daughtett IInson and Miss June Reynard Miss C!Inlelia Agnes van Rensfrom New York City. selaer McKernan, to Dr; John Mrs. Don Dickinson and son H eDry """ ~--k ey, son 0 f Mr. an d Luren of Park avenue spent the Mrs. Ray Henry Rockey of Madiholidays with Mrs. Dickinson's WIs. , S~, 'son and -daughter-in-law Lt. ·.and Miss McKernan is attending the • Mrs. Don Dickinson and daughter University of PennsYlvania and Debbie at Quantico, Va. They re- will be a June graduate. She preturned ti> Swarthmore with Mrs. vio";sly attended Elmira College Dickinson for New Year's, for Women. Dr. RocItey was from Mrs. P.-L. Whitaker~ ot Park War-Capital hnistament-lntemperane. GambUnq-Wtmb4rsMp in Secret SocilfiH . &travaqance-Golnq to. \.0. Radolt Dlscrlmlnatton, A laid MinIstry-A. Doabte Sttndatd -r~'-f1I~~;~~JJ~ (I,n~~ i')':',)1/ aVen,;e tiad as thetr pest for a week Bob Buhrman who returned on Monday to Columbili Univeralty In New York City. Debol'ah vls1ted ~oherta Fox In New York City for several days after Christmas. . .' Judith Tyson of Guernsey road attended a reunion of the French Camp for Girls, Deer Isle Me ' ., wbere she was a camper last summer. The reunion was held December 27 in Princeton, N J and included lunch at an ~ Ic; skaUng,. dinner. at the director's home, and movies of the camp. Judy spent the nigh In Princeton and returned homE! the next day .. .' Mr.. and Mrs. Richard K. Noyc III, WIth their son Kirby, of Rutgers avenue were ,at Pompano their daughters drove to Fart Be ch FI durl th Ih lld' Worth where they visited Mrs. a , a., ng e 0 ay.. .stephen's brother-in-law and sis- . Dana Swan, ~on of Mr, and ter Capt. 8!id JI[rs• .1ohn R. Van Mrs. Ollver G. Swan of North Horn at the Carswell Air Force. Chester road, has been awarded Base. En route home, via Part a varslt;v letter for playing back Arthur/they stopped near Galves- on the Swarthmore College footton Y/'here .Sally. and . Suzann" .ball teao. during the 1956 ~ason. waded ~ the Gulf of Mexico. He Is a member ot the eass of Three days later SaJI;y and Sl1l'- 1957. anne. were ice skating. in PennsYlvania. . "I saw n In i>J:'h~. Swarthmorea';" Pearson To Address . Radnor January 18 Mothers Club Sat. . Box RB Swarthmore.n J; and Mrs.and E.dward Eltinger'ln t th is the preseot Urne serving In anneunce the Roberts, birth of In a daughter, l:\3\l&eD SPeDint the.atArmy 11s a lleutenant. Sa1Iy Jewett Pompton of her vacation 1. a e Plains, N. J., on January 4. hQ1De of a <;\l1j1S1J1ate,:\lt, the Un!Edward G. Moeller, 'Bayville, Mrs. Roberts is the daughter of . verl!ity of Munich. Mr. and .Mrs. N. J., near Toms River, announc- M>:. Louis B. Dennett of North Ford' and Mr. Iai~ Mrs. Robert es the engagemeot of his Princeton aven?e., , '. ~ Richardson of Crest lane talked to Elaine Margaret, ,S. ,,_ ' ",,_\ Joh'h H ~' '.i d ..... and ..~.. . Miss Ford and PrIvate and Mrs. I" Ettingeri by telePh.one Chrtstmas a~i:~:f Mr.. apnounce\ the; birth of ~ Eve . from the Richardson home. f 511 . laD c~lId, Stcven. Justus, on. J~uary Mrs. Ettinger is the former Greta 0 A~adu8te of T:;"S River High 5 .. Mrs. Bernard Is the form" Mej Richardson. . School, Miss Moeller is ~ployed Garrahan. Dr. and M~. Leroy E. Peterson In the trust department - of the .Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Bernard son of Rutgers' ~venue bad as t~eir First National Bank of Toms Rlv- ar~ the paternal grandparents; the guests for sever~l days ~t ~hriSt- er. . maternal grandp'l"ents, Mrs. C. mas time Dr. Peterson s parents Mr. Clay was graduated from Garrahan and Ibe late Mr.. Mr. and Mrs. Eric 'Peterson and Swarthmore High School In 1945 Garrahan. grandparent Mrs. Oscar ·peterson and Brigham Young University ~[;i~!f.~~Fi555i5i5i! of Silver Spring, Md. . Provo Utah in 1952 where h~ Mrs. O. M. Hook of Strath major~d in ~io~ogy: He is now Haven aVf"IJue has ret~ed. ~ the associate' editor of the New . llr. aDd Mrs• . 1 _ O. ~teph8Da .wt,th thetr daUlhtenJ Salty and Suzanne of Manetta avenue retwmd last. WedneSday from a trip by train to Tens wheze they ~t their hollday vacation. They ,Arst went to· New Orleans, La., . wbere they atayed for a few hotm!, and dined· at an open-air patio, and then to Port Arthur, ... h th visl''''' U 4elC., W ere ey ..... Stephen's' parents. Mr.. and· Mrs. E. J. H01ltman. In Cleburne, tlley joined a Stephens familY .union at the home of !.frs. W. T. Spell, Sally and Stnzanne's great grandmother., Mr. Stephen's parents Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Stephens of Temple, Tex., and family were also present. Mr, and Mrs. Stephens With I:da=~=~fa~~ Jr. High:Tea...s Play 'WANTED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§.~~~~~~~ ~ . ok' I ::,::o~;:. r:a:~:' ~~!:~:.~ ~l:~~~: ~t~u~~erD~Is~t~::; ~~!e~rssa~::::y S'e::-:~ .' .' NEWS NOTES It was deCided to ..... ILADILP'..A· ILIC'•• C' C• •PaleY; .'. .' .. \ .- -I . ' .. -• take no action .on the other matters at present. . ... ' '. ; • ;~ .', l· • ments following the AnDualMeet, ternate: W. C. Gouldinl. B. Bar- hearse. . . . rar, J. 1.. Jezl,W. T. Peab0d7, Rehearsalil will be held OIl THE SWARTBMOREAN ~h~1r rehearsals will be held at R. B. Price, Jr.. aDd G. W. C. Thursday .t 8: 30 pm. for altos; . PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT 8WABTBJIOBB, PA. -agner. 7:15 p.m. for ......... nn. and 7:10 the following h~urs on Th,,_A_v ~...-..: >y, -r---. PETER E. TOLD. IllAlUORIE TOLD. PUBJ.lSlJRRR Primary Choir at 3:30; the JunRobert Lcmgman is schelluled to p.m. for the Men's Choir. The Phone 8WarUuDoN '-0900 ior Choir at ~: 15; and the. Chancel serve as acolyte at 8 o'clock; Adult Bible study group under PETER Eo TOLD. EdItor Ct.olr at 7:30 p.m. Thomas Mowery and Douglas the direction of Dr. W. E. panBarbara B. Kent. Managing Edttor Wrege at 9: 30 a.m.. and Peter forth will .meet at 8 p.m. In the Rosalie D. Pelrsol Marjorie T. Told Anne L. Mabbott METHODIST NOTES Courtney and George Hansell at Cleaves room. &.iered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post The Board of Trustees of the 11: 1 5 . . CHIISTlAN SCIENCE NOTES Omce at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Swarthmore Methodist Church The Young People's Fellowship The answer to mankind's great will meet tonight at 7: 30 p.m. The will meet Sunday night at 7: 30 need of purt~ and regeneration regular monthly meeting of the p.m. will be emphasized at Christian DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON SWARTHMORE, PEN~A .• JANU~Y, 11, 1957 Official Board will begin at 8 The Boy/;' Choir sopranos will Science services this Sunday by' L--..:....-----.-:.--.:..-~-_:_~_:_-:--_::_:::::::=:.'I o'clock. rehearse at 4:45 p.m. Monday. the Lesson-Sermon entitled "Sacwill meet at 5 p.m. in McCahan Sunday Church School Classes The Girls' Choir 'rehearsal will be rament." PRESBYTERIAN NOTES Hall. Those who are In the Comfor all ages will begin at 9:45 held at 7:30 p.m., and at 6 o'clock Keynoting the Lesson-Sermon Mr. Bishop will preach at the 9: 30 and 11 o'clock services this municants' class may join the a.m. At the 11 o'clock Morning there will be a meeting of the is the Golden Text from Psalms (24:S,4): "Who thall ascend Into Sunday morning. The title o.f his group when the class is over. Sup- Worship Service Mr. Kulp will use Veslry. per will be served at 6:30 and as his sermon subject, "A Church A service of Evening Prayer the hill of the Lord? or whQ shall sermon will be "Why are We choir rehearsal will follow. Searches Its Soul." will be held on TUesday and Fri,starid In his holy place? He that Breaking Down?U The Sacrament The Senior High Fellowship will There are three nurseries to day at 5:40 p.m. hath clean hands, and a pure of Baptism will be held at the secmeet for supper at 6: 30 In Mccare for the children, a K1nderOn Wednesday morning at 7 heart; who hath not llfted up his ond service. Cahan Hall following the choir garten Church program and a o'clock there will be a celebration soul unto .vanity. nor sworn deChurch School classes convene rehearsal at 5. After supper, Junior Church program. of the Holy Communlon. There celtfully." at 9: 30 and 11 o.'clock with a The Budget Committee of the will be-a second celebration at 'All are cordially invited to at-. Senior High Bible class meeting weather permitting, the group will hav", a skating party on Crum Commission on Stewardsljip and 9: 30 after which the Bible Study tend the services at First Church" at 10:45. will et At 4 45 . f Ch 1st Sc' tI t 206 p' k a Creek. If there Is no ice, the group Finance will meet at 12: 30 p.m. G Bible classes for men and wom- w,'11 meet ,'n the Hearth room at Sunday. roup . me . : ' p.m. 0 r , len s, . ar v~· the Boys' Choir sopranos will re- nue at 11 a.m. 30 7 when Mr. Bishop will' lead a A Chrlsilan Education RallY ~ss~~aaiii$s~~~~~~s~~a~$~~~~ en are held ilt 9: . The confirmation class conduct- discussion on "Mental Health for will be conducted at Arch street ro ed by Mr. Bishop for all Junior Young People". Church Sunday, 'at .2:30 p.m. for FORSYTHE STUDIOS OF THE D4NCE. and Senior high young people of The Young Adults will meet at Church School Superintendents TOE IALLEl TAP the congregajion who have not 8 p.m. to hear Dr. Fred Aldrich, and teachers. Leaders and speakSwarthmore Womaa's Club joined the church. will begin Sun- Curator of the Museum of Natural ers are Bishop Fred P. Corson, Enroll Now , _ ' New Te!'DI _ Tots to Teens day at 4: 30 p.m. The class will History In charge of Marine Biol- president, Dr. .Leon M. Adkins, meet every Sunday afternoon . "A . t D H M Bull k d Dr Dial II 3·368B or LE 2-3959 thereafter In Mr. Bishop's study ClviUzation of Peru. The 6: 30nc,en sup- John O. Gross, executive ogy, speak on the toPIC, r. enry. oc • ,ansacreunlll Palm Sunday. pers have heen discpntlnued. taries of divisions of the Ge!leral _ . _. _ . - . _ -... The Junior High Fellowship A six-weeks program on Mon- Board of .EducatI on of the Metho...... "v" days. will begin January 14.ofrom dist Church.' Building a new. home 7:30' to 9:30 p.m. The evening AI 7 p.m. the Methodist Y9uth will be divld~d jnto two one-hour Fellowship will meet In the ChapConsult you..r ... carpet man periods. ·Mr. Bishop will lead the el. discussion the IIrst hour in exThe Commission on Member• th BLUEPRINT t .. . S ag e ploring the Christian faith through ship anci EVangelism wiJI m e e t i n e ' our understanding of God, man, Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Some .times II minor variation in room size clln result in importJesus Christ, -the Holy Spirit, and The Ladies' Bible Class will ant carpet eco.nomies, ~r in a ,better looki,lg installation. I the church. The second hour will hold its covered dish luncheon hearth wnl look batter if it iseleveted about th~ thiclmess Your have five practical tescher-traln- and regolar meeting at the home of carpet, to receive carpet flush, rather than being flush with CHURCH SERVICES Ing sessions at the difterent de- of Mrs. Lloyd Kauffman, 313 Dart. the floor..: . , PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH partmental levels (Pre-school, mouth avenue, Wednesday at Quarter-round (molding) may be ,omitted iii rooms to be carJoseph P. Bishop, Minister Primary, Junior, Junior High, and 12:30 p.m. . . peted wall-to:-wall, and ·the ca~pet install~djrectly.,: to the John Schott. Assoclste MinIIter . Senior High.) While this Is both . Cottage Prayer Meeting will be baseboard.,··. . . '." . .., Sunda,., IIIDIIUJ' 13 a training and recruitlng jlrogram, held at the nome of Mr. and Mrs. 9:30 and 11:00 A.M. -. Church It has be4!n broadly based to in- Andrew Alexander, 117 South In radiant heat homes with concrete slab Roon, a strip of wood School ClaSses. '." " around the~9'it: of the room wiH.pe!init inst.Hafli)n·.:of, carpet 9:3.0 and p:O",.A,.M-m~. Bishop terest parents and other adults In Swarthmore. avenue, Wednesday without CostlY. 'cIrimng of c o n c r e t e . · ...... . will pr<:acl!. ..... the wider aspects of the Christian evening at 8 o'clock. Mr. Kulp will 4: 80' P.M.~omii1unicants Class. l)eritage. People are welcome to 'be the leader. it costs you nothing to .discuss plans .with your carpet man. If '5:00 P.M.-Jr. Higli Fellowship. attend 'elther or both session on' The church ch9lrs will rehears~ a helpful. suggestion re~u~ you will ~ave'it whil~ yo.~ ca!" us~ it. 6:30 P.M.-Sr. HIgh Fellowsbtp. any of the six Monday evenings. 'on Thursday:. ' . . '. < \_ '." '. I · ' .. " .' '~; ." "" ·8:00 P,lI4.....,.Yqung ,Aj4uIts. . . . Ch b Ch I t 3 45 Junl . ..,. lIIo~. IIID""'" It Th~ ,,!~·meetlng.f,or.pr'llY,er . eru 0 a .: ~: -G ~~1!W" C,~ .... I ·7:30P.M..~urch.School Work- wiIl'beheld·il.t 1 p.m:,TU~aY!' Choir at 4:15; and Chancel ChOIr Dh~ ~~:n""-::r; 26th Cub Paek ,101 ~o Tak~ , H. S~ Five Play Lords ART LESSONS n::ed!~:konC:~~. ~:u: ~:::n::~:l!::~ Tonight in Away Game Woman'sl Club of Swarthmo... Instrue#ion and H"pful Criticism for Artists EXPERIENCED, BEGINNERS OR HOBBVPAlN. ERS HOPE• DURFEE WAGNER, Teacher . . . . 28 at the Woman's Club on Park avenue. Russ Hannan and his orchestra will play from 9:30 to 1:30 a.m. Classes begin' Monday, January 14 For Informalloft Mrs; A. F. Blake Iluglwood 3-1971 call Mrs. A. En Lougwell IluglwoOd 3-550B. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I I: 'Rose Valley Nurseries, ,Inc. Middletown Road . R. D. 16, Media, Pa. Opposite High Meadow ' .Custom Landscape WorJr Telep.eae: CHester 2n7206. i Ask for Ben Palms! or Henry Arnold ft_ Vilit our Roadside Market on the Middletown Road SEASONAL SPECIAL Seaboard WIld Bird Food and Bird Feeders TREE WORK 'Il~=~==~:=~=~::::=::::::=::~~;;~~;:~~=~ Trlmmlag - " Traasplalltlag Maie Arrallgemelltl Now for Sprlllg Spray Program l' r. J o .... i . . '", Circle 13, Mrs. T. Royal Scott, at 8 p.m, . . chairman will meet at 9' 30 a.m 'Next FrIday, January 18, at 7 ... ' Wof"esda,.. JU\IIUJ' 16 . ' Women''! .Cifcle Day Wednesd~y In the Woou:.,'s As~ p.m., the "Pairs 'N' SpareS" villi 7:30 P .M.-ADilu8i . ,Meeting of d t "Our Own P U Church and 'COrporation.' soclation room. con ue an ersona - - ME'nibDIST CHURCH Meeting at 10 a.l\l. on Wednes- ties on Parade:' night, a covered - ...... JJhnC..Kulp .... day will be the following .circles: dish supper WIth talks by some MInister Circle 3, Mrs. W. R. Lecron. members on thetr occupations. Robert Wilde chairman, at the home .of Mrs. Mlnister'of Music D. C. Bren, 15 Country Club lane, FRIENDS MEn-INA NOTES SunUy. IIIDIIUJ' IS Wiling! , At the Adult Forum next Sun9:45 A.M.-Sunday School a ord. day Annalee Stewart, legislative:· 11:00 A.M.-Mr. K4lp will preach. Circle 8, Mrs. Glen T. SmIth. secretary. of the Women's Inter7:00 P.M.-'MYF . chatrman, at the home of Mrs. A. TRlNITY CHURCH ' . Sidney Johnson, Jr., 820 North national Leagoe for Peace and Freedom, will speak to Friends tl.Lawrence Whittemore; Rector CheSter road. on "Issues Facing the new Con811lU1a7. IIIDIIUJ' 13 Circle 9, Mrs. TbOmas D. Jones, 8: 00 A.M~Holy Communion. . chairman. at· the home of Mrs. gress." This Is at 9: 45 a.m. In the 9~:~MScbOOlMorning Prayer. Marvel Wilson, '1121 Strath Haven Meeting House. All are welcome. The High School Forum will 11:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer. avenue. 7:30 P.M.....Young People's FelAt 10:30, the following circles continue itS discussion' of the New 'l.'estament under the guidance· of lowshlp. . will meet: Tu~. lullUJ' 15 . John Moore. ThIs Is also at 9: 45 ~. 5:40P.lo!!:-Evening Praye'r. ' Circle I, Mrs. Edward D. AiDs- a,m. . !I' -.' WecIIIesd"l'. llUUIU.'J' 18 lie, Jr., chalmlan, at. the home of Monthly Meeting for BuslDeSs 7:00 A.M.-Holy Comnlunion. Mrs. James H. Hornaday, 310 will be held on Tuesday at 8 p.m. 9:30 A.M.-y given that the ID,so .... M....J .."" foil_I. ICllurch (1,00 A. M.--Sunaay School: Slated Annual Meeting of the 5doool, . • M 'I'h • --- -se. 11 .'00 n. .e' .....".,.no rmOD members of the Corporation of the II:DO ...·M.-Wonht. Som... will be ''Sacratnent." Swarthmore Presbyferlan Church In.... S. hie Wednesday evening· meeting each will also be held at w'.30 p.m. _ D I _ of Choolv y,~c."" week. 1I P.JI~ Reading Room, W ,~. "SIx ....,... 409 Th\rtmouth Avenue, open ednesday, January 18th, 1957,' SocIal _ .' Old MOdta _ . Sprl..,.OId weekcIRys ex~t hollcillYlJ, 10-5 Harold, c; Stott, Ptesident. CIreIe.12, Mrs. Donald 1.. Leoil.; 1'rIday eve$lg, 7-9. Sunday af_ (~ ~'ti..,sp..r te:IiMJOD. '. ard, clfa1niIaD,wlDlII!l'Ve~I"_ _ _ _"";'_""'_ _ '. Building home?: ult your carp.t man in tit. BLUEPRINT stage ,'. shop, , cPA."'~';; . o • n •• eo. .C~~~~n" ,c-.. .i7-. » " •• C • .1. . . . . . . . . • ~n __ : ._, . '. . OUR'SALE OF ODD STOCK' Y! "Y''''YS''-stILt'''GOlim 'ON: + ,'0.,: .;:. (Pri'Ceseut Va to ~)' . f.. .f:,..,: .-,_. .; ; W - • • , ' . ' Sports Shop) • 6 Park Aveaue, Swarthmore, Pan' Friday 9 to 8:30 (Continued From Page 1) Herndon of Union avenue. Mrs. Joseph Lynch of Dartmouth avenue, Mrs. John MacAlpine of North Princeton avenue, and Mrs. Edward Noyes of 'Riverview road. Former Swarthmorean Harry S. Pl'ck, County Campaign Director, has called the public's attention to Polio's ''Unfinished Business". "FIrst for 347 Delaware County Victims and second for the many unproctected . from the Salk Vac. cinet " Mr. Pack said. '!The 1957 March of Dimes has a tremendous job ahead. Funds are still needed to continue the pa~tI en t care program; that is providing shc:>es, braces, physical ·therapy, equipment, convalescent care to the' old 'patients as we ~_ ""ve done in the past. New rehabilitation' techniques are makIng it possible to do more for those stricken particularly the respirator .patients. National funds will be used this year to add five more Respirator Genters. Delaware County has two of these respirator 'Cases, one In Boston and one in New Y;"'k, with the Chapter paying $30.00 a day for their cllre. This," said Pack,' "is the first part of our unfinished business. "In-th~ past 18 years, we have sought with all the implements of Science and Medicine to find a Way to· prevent Polio; 'Flnally~ hi the Spring of 1955, the salk Vaccine was licensed .. Now, as we face 1957, we find this formerly "l'arCe preventative sl". Mike Kerr. Br&lie'house. These will Christmas Seal dollars promptly. run for four weeks. Mrs. George. "]t's not too late," snYcikr said.. SClwing grO).lp. !i',.Blessingwill be the instructor. ''We are extending oureampaigD. Into Januar;),', with the confidence· that residents who have supported . c THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR our' fight against tuberculoslg, through ttie years. will again ral-· Friday. IlIDuary 11 ly to our cause.n q~ Snyder was optimistic that the· 8:15 P.M.--College Orchestra Concert ................... . Clothier Christmas Se",,'$ goal of $115,000' , will be resched. ''We are '/!1'8teful Saturday. 1m......,. 1Z to the volunteers who hlWe work-· 6:00 P M.--Mothers, Club: Drew Pearson .......... Trinity Church ed so hard; to the many folks wlio7:80 P.M.-Jr. Assemblies: 8th Grade .. , .......... Woman's Club have given generously; to schools~\ 8:00P.M,--Garnet Cantec:n Carnival ........ Rutgers Ave.. School institutions and Industry for stead9:30 P.M.-Jr. Assemblies: 10th Grade ..... ~ . . . .. Woman's Club fast support. . "And we ask the contillued sup_. Snnday, Imu...,. 11 port of .everyone, in our county, " just during Christmas Seal' not 11'00 AM M In Worsh' . . - om g 'P .................... Local Churches RECORD OF THE WEEK but throughout the year, 'In: time, 8:00 P .M.-"Ancient CivlIizatiou of Peru"... PreSbyterian Chun!h "Ain't Got No Home" by Clarence "Frog, Man" Henry. '$0.89 the TB control pro/!1'8ms so many' have helped pay for. Have YOUR: Monday. "annary 141 chest x-rayed regularly. Read the' ALBUM OF THE WEEK 8:20 P.M.-"King of Hearts" .... Players Club latest facts on TB put out by our: "The Great M,lodies of Tchaikowsky". ,Ormandy and .. The . Educational SerVice. Listen to its: Tuesday• .11U1......,. 15 Phnaclelphie .Orche'!!a. Specialy ricecl,duri~ J~nu~ry speakers. . 2:00 PiM..-"Europe In a Year": Mrs. Wm. Pu~ ... Woman's Club "Remember that no one is sate 3:15' ·P.JI.~BasketbaJl: H.s. vs. N-P .................... H S.Gym from TB until all are safe," Snyder " DRASTIC PRICE LtEDUCTIONS ON MOsT',tS EP'S NOW! . '. 8:20 P.M...:....King of He.n;ts" .................. ,...... Players Club said; ''therefore we wlII continue to emphasize oqr prevention proWecIIIesda;r, I .........,. 16 gram. The'January x-ray schedule :;'!!:!WP.M.-''King of' Hearts" ...................... : Ptayers Club will open Monday; January 14 in .Industries, .and in the ~mmunlty IO,WJ(~YENUE";;·';·";';;;....;;·;...•.:::;...·.-11 KI $-1460' \ ":.. ThlllBda:r,laIlUQ 17 of Chester on TUesday. Janusry 15. . SW~TH"'i PA. /OPEN FRlIIA"( EVEN/Neg. i ,:1:1&P.M. Hoskins ..................... : ... IngI~!!Uk ' -________________, -_ _ _ _ _ _ _......;,..;;;""';;....' .•:20· P.M.-~g of Hearts" ,.............. ; ......... Players ~ub MUSIC BOA. . ben you give the operator the i number you want, your. out-of·town call. go through mul:h faster. The operator doesn't have to detour them thro.ugh Information In the distant city. . To, help' ~ou have the numbers you need ~t your finger tips, we'll be glad to give you a copy of the.''Bl~ BoOk o! TelephOne Ninnbers." Jot down m Ibis handy lIttle boOklet the numbers 'of' out-of-town telephones you may have occasion to call Ask our Buajnesa Oflice for ,our free Copy. • .. . March .of . Dimes Opens 1957 Campaign I J5 NOIE-A-LAFF &*'t MUGIC BOX n I CAUS' ... .~" ft ' - January 15, to the members of .the r~============::::::::::====~:::::~====~ ~esday. Kappa Kappa Gamma ON' ourOf -rOWN . . fOR fASrlR SIRVleE ,.' . Ilug.woad ~191 A WIS. MOV.·· call by number . : (and Sece.d FloOr • rl1l~HON' . TheCa.era & Hobby Shop • ir's .', to ..this mess. of merchan. di~~h~a...c4.;,~.aY,!Jn,d wbc;1t is more amazing, we are selling lots, of these' items"": toys; H.O., Cameras,etc. :. :':'i. '0 • I, (. !lei . . . . . . . KNOWS C~lrpet " .\We' .' .,..: 6'~'addingitems ,.,.', - .~' I.CII~A~Sw~IIII~I'" (. Klngnyood 3-6000 - Clearbrook 9-4646 . tpAMf•.,~ , " ,it. ;. • THE' ,uWlfITE ELEPHANTS" ,ARE STILL -. MARCHING 'ACROSS. G. Alex Mills, chairman, has announced that plans are being made for a Costume dance on Saturday, March 16. Det811s for this alblr wlII be announced later. of Cub Pack 101 will gather at the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church fo· th A_t fI Id tri • ~~. e 12: . 4li p. Buses will be boarded at p.m. to take the boys to the Frank_ lin Institute Fels Planetarium. There, Dr. I. ".. .r LeVI'tt o· f the Institute stalf, will present. a s1mplifled yerslon of 'January's theme. "Eyes In the Sky". The trip is In conjunction with the' Cub astronc omy program for this month. At the recent Pack meeting, the Bell Telephone Company presented a technicolor movie base~ on the "Night Before Chi-istmas" poem and the Nativity~ These were thorouglrly enjoyed by both the boys and the pllrents. Den 8 won the cup for the month with its Christmas Exhibit: Many of ·the other Dens had graciouSly given their handicraft to the Salvation Army for. Christmas presents.. Awards passed out by Ed Bull, cub master, went.to the following boys: . lf Badg';"'-Mark SteCl'w, Trev Wo ~~ Harper, Pete Bishop, Robert Hammond. Tom Allison. Jimmy Hayes, and:Mike Irwin. Wolf Badge with Gold Arrow-v'Tack Re.l..shaw and u BIII MacNew. Wolf Badge with Gold and S,'lver Arrow-'no,'ck '"' Daniel, Dave Tolley•. and John Derickson. Bear Badge-.Jtmmy Clifford, Billy Lowe, Doug Tolley, Dav'l Martin, and Bruce Shoemaker.' Bear Badge with Gold ArrowJerry Stauffer and Dick Wagstaff. Bear Badge with Gold and 2 SUver ArrowS-ErIc Peterson. Lion Badge-Dick Scarborough, Ricky Tamolf, and Richy McCurdy. Gold Arrows-Bob Hammond, Peter Schwab, Eli Wismer, and Chick Ramsey. Silver A r row s-Eck Gerner and John Steciw. Gold and 2 SlIver ArroWs-G. Heckmlin. Two-Year SerVIce' PIn-John .Shigioka: Denner Stripes-.PaulM!ller, Dave Tolley. TORI Alllson, Eric Peterson, BIlly Zimmerman, and John Steciw. <0 . . . . . . . . . . • .. • ... 0;'... '., I~ . Ii ~ !:::=~:::I ....:.Wn.:Dr. •.• <" - . . , EvelYn B .. ButUtt and MIss Middle Atlantic States VirgInla G. BuiJlt~ daughters Leaguers To Meet Sat. MIss ..ro.... 'or StortT~1J IOJOrY 2 exKuttVMype salesmen to reprat.nt lart. Eastem flnandal cOfdOratl'CMI. No tra.,.l. Sal.. .I~rI.nc. and obility desired. ..tablI.bed ....tdHf, 2S4 old, rled, capable auurnlnl NlponllbU. ltIu. la r~UMfIft9 Infen't.. pltase Indud. ~nal hIstory, 011 replies confIde.JaI. Our talftIHII haft _ Inf......od of fill. ad. ... A. I.. lliwa.lld..cw_n. ,eon South of Railroad 3 •3• 3- North of R~nroad 3 •5• 3- Busina" District btl.,· 4 • ,4 • 4 - Cllmpus 5•5•56. 6 • 6 - Ofter Out of Town General AI.rm~: -- ALiiAN PARKER 9 a.m. • 6 p.m. - mel_·PIan.. New and Tbese SIgna's are SubleCt fo e"allge ~ 8~ U . PIANO TUNING 3 Blasts phon.. _ ... 8·II1II. 12 Noon Silturday "7 Siren CLASSIFIEDFOR ADS RENT PICTURE FRAMING PORTRAIT STUDIO ;t;::::Me woman. Av•.nalJ,l!, March 1. ~ar!!e room, bedroom, tile ' and ,private entrance. near transportation. Including utilities, $80. MEdia 6-1870. . F()j{RENT ..,.,. Completely bedrnlshed~:'~~~J~t~~ block barbecues and' incinExcelleht workmanship. ooms. Tom Reeves. CHester 31. Pbone gentleman. com· centrally located - tearOOms, 112 3-3889.. One lIoOl"' single nea'r '- P.R.R. $130 per I!,!'~.nth. Also first lIoor. apartment section, .: two. .bedrooms 'and . garage, $U5.with heat andutil· !ties. Baird .and Bird."KIn~ood 4.1500. .". ,". .. . '.: ro'iCRENT -'Entire third lIoor. condition. 3-1205. William W. Clark Plumbing &Heating Wa"r H...... 011 a.m... , Field House. Prep School. Power House A Price to M••t hery Family's NHd ma,... , 4 • 3• 4 - 5••p •••,. 'owel'; t _ ROGER RUSSELL r:!llll: :i~ ~ , Photographic Supplies State .. Monroe Sts. Media . MEdia 6-2176 Open ,Friday Evenings DiLuzio and Sons '. ,~ . , Psp'7 t 3,QOOX' R~ldOYN~ . ~aye 1!'t .. ext "ee ",e .... i Florist Former', . , . - '- 0 CARNS · . 650 _.IHmore Pike Springfield. Del. Co., Pa. FOOD: MARKET· Ilng'W'iod· 3~50 424 Haverford Place ~, Qf Lee, hllll been pledged to the Delta . Upsilon fra~~ty at Swarthmore Over 3.000 employees and per. College where he is a. f r e I I h m a n . . sonnel of Vertol Aircraft Corpora. MIss Ruth C. Webb and Mrs. 500 F' I' F tlon, Morton. will take advantage David S. Morey' were hO!lts at a 7 Ina Ists ace of the chest x.ray 'survey, to be. surprise .miscellaneous sho'wer Nationwide Exam held at the plant next ThursPsY given Saturday night at the Webb Tomf)rroW and Friday. January 17 and 18. home for Miss Barbar~ Lukens This lIrst survey of the new of Strath Haven avenue, and ' Slx'seniors $t Swarthmore High year will open on Monday, Janu. James Calkins of South Chester School have been named finalists ary 14 and will include two com. toad. Miss Lukens and Mr. Ca!k- in the National Merit Scholarsllip munities. six indW!tries. three Ins will be wed tomorrow after· cOlilpetition, according to Principbanks and a special' chest x-ray noon In the Swarthmore Presby- al William M. Bush. Th~ local survey· on January 15. for all foodterian Church. students are among the .7500 highhandlers in Chester., The Dela( est scorers on a nationwide col· ware County Tuberculosis and lege aptitude examination given Health Association in cooperation l,'!",mlu "seniors in 12.500 high with the Stat;' Department of ";, \iic'hoo.ls on October 24. Health and the County Medical The Swarthmore High School CARRIER PILOT Society conduct these surveys on finalists are· Allce Carroll, Rosea monthly basis throughollt the ..... dfligned for a , mary Cox, Bruce McCutcheon. Marine 2nd Lt. John T. Tyler. year. , "mld-winter break" to FOUR DAYS •• THIEE NIGHTS Eleanor Moore, Dwight Sipler. son of Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Tyler The annual Christmas Seal cam· Rest ond Ploy_ All. ". Ocoo".View room with bath and Mark Smith. of South Chester road, was qualipaign helps support this work. .• Breakfast 17 Dinner each doy inclusive Vocotlon' at $69 The finalists now face a stiff fled' as a carrier pilot at Pensa· $15.000 is still needed for the.1957 • Inside garage lar cor ' -for 2 persons anytime Ihree-hour College Board examin- . Fla.•. last month. Tyler Is a sale to reach its minimum goal. • Rolling choir ride from Jariuory 2 • ation .on January 12, plus inten· graduate Of. he U. S.,Naval AcadeThe January community sched• Bicycling on Boordwolk March 29, • Cocktail In Silvef' Lou"llll • screening of their leadership my. includes Chester community February 15.25. ' • TMatre entertol..extra·curricular records by T lify he completed six and foodhandiers. Chester MuniOceanfront clocks, _ • Ext...lve hotel facilitIeS a selection board. 0 qU: board the light aircraft cipal Building. January 15, 12 . tertainment, musIC. . .• Entertainment At stake are more than 700 carrier USS Saipan In the Guif noon to 5 p.m.; 6 to 8 p.m. afternoon t_ four·year college scholarships, f Ml!xico' Prospect Par k Community. Child In same .0-:517 -$42.50. SiNGLe I " ... .. , '.. r-. 0 • . •. instru" Prospect Fire House. 10th and b many of them sponsored y busHe '8 now undergoing '-. Uncoln avenue January 16 3 to inesS! and industrial corporations. ti i instrum t ftyin at the " , Incl';ded are 100' Sears-Roebuck on n, en .~ . 5 p.m.; 6: 30 to 8: 30 p.m. ..nAd.nlic c:.. 5-1211 Con? Field Naval A)lXlliary Air Among the industries IIhd banks Ocean wate' '" New Yool< ..11 MU 241U9 FoundBtion Merit Scholarships Station. Pensacola. to be x-rayed will be Blooming. in all baths and nationwide programs sponsor. . Over: SO Yean ed by "uch cOmpanies and fOundale Rubber Company, Chester Some Ovmenhip MOl'\OOement datio"," as' Pitisburgh Plate Glass, per year (minimum honorary) to Jensen Company. Chester Post Jo.lah Whit. F. ··W. Woolworth. Standard Oil $2.200 per year pr more. Office, W. T. Raleigh Company, a ; Sons, W·. . - The colleges'.chosen ~y the Mer· . of yertol Aircraft Corpora_ jiiiii~i."iiiiii.i~i.~iiiiiiiiiii.i~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiii.. 1(Indiana), International Nickel, ,t Scholars WIll rece,ve supple· tlon, the Delaware County Nation•. and many. others. men.tal un..-estrlcted gran~ averag- al Bank. Philadelphia National The JanuarY 12 examination ing $2.000- pe~ scholarsh,p (over Bank and the Fidelity Philadelwill be given In designated test· the fours years) to_ help defray phia Trust Company,' all located 'centers throughout the coun- the actual cost of educating the Chester. and Nor.Way Cleaners try. and at leut 7;000 of the Me' . stUdents. of Norwood. "Fl.nauSiS Pc expected to su,viv'e, The Merit Scholarship Program _ - '_______ thIS liUr~e, accordhlg to John M. is now in its second year. It was' hi' • ~taJnaker. presl,dent of the Natlon- established In 1955- through basic Amer. C emica Society al ¥erlt Scholarship Corpo~tlon. grants of $20 500 000 from the . N~mespr. James Jezl " "EV"!Y ",ember of this group Foundation ~nd ~e Caniegte Cor. Dr. James L. Jez1 Of Cornell of 7,000 will Ilavethe highest po- poratlon of New York. The Na- av~lJe,ih_II~'JjJst begUn hIS second Co.......•• co.op. of Swa ......a,.. I..... 403 Darflllallfll A'I'. ~ti~ . to J:>ep.eftt fl"O~ college tionalScience Foundation and term as secretary of the Phila.. , training, and I wish Only. that Old Dominion Foundation delphia secltmi' o't'tile American !)ppolite Ioreugh Hal, there were M~t Scholarships given funds for research work. Chenilcal\S4cie~.· each of them. The response the ilrst year,:556 Merit Scholars Dr. Jez1, who is a group leader' business and industry In estabUsh. were named._. ~'l1 are now ft:~. in the badic' research' division, He.~ . Scholal"lll\ip Programs men at 160 different· colleges. search arid DeVelOpment of Sun stJ!clB!l1s haa 1!een Tl!e program is; :.~~\~~~~\.~~~~~~~~"%.."'$,.~'!,~\\{~~~"R' VAN AlEN BROS. • HI 3.4742 Marine 2nd Lt. John T. Tyler, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Tyler of South Chester road, was qualifled as a carrier pilot at Pensacola, Fla., last month. Tyler is a graduate of he U. S. Naval Acade- TV C.a•••1 6 WFI!-:TV-.So"day, 9:45 A.M. 'l/- Call Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday EvenIngs other I lARGE AVOCADOS Ready for use ROIERT S. IIRD the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS When You ChanfJe to Realtors == petition, SALADA OR TETLEY"S TEA Baird & Bird R PILOT ments ..and the character of the i industrial corporations, profession_ competitors will be evaluated. a1 societies and even individuals About April 25, a fortunate 700 interested in helping students of will become the Merit Scholars of high ability. Some 23 of these 1957. groups financed Merit Scholars in The runners-up wlll receive a 1956, and over 40 business organiCertificate of Merit, attesting to zations are planning to support their high ability; and all colleges Merit Scholars. in 1957. and universities will be notified, The competition is open to any enabling these students to b~ con_ public, private, or parochial high sidered for thousands of other school in the United States, Alasawards and prizes. ka, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico; and The 700 Merit Scholars choose any high school senior may parthe colleges they wisb to attend. ticipate.Tbday's 7,500 finalists repThe value of, each scholarship var- resent one half of one per cent ies with the financial need of the of 1957'5 high school graduating student, ranging upward from $100 classes-the best in each state. o r 2 for40 c ATL~NTIC CARRIE To qualify he completed six landings aboard the light aircraft carrier USS Saipan in the Gulf of Mexico. Prospect Par k Community, He is now undergoing instruc- Prospect Fire House, 10th and tion in instrument flying at the Uncoln avenue, January 16, 3 to Corry Field Naval Auxiliary Air 5 p.m.; 6: 30 to 8: 30 p.m. Station, Pensacola. Among the industries ahd banks to be x-rayed will be Bloomingdale Rubber Company, Chester per year (minimum honorary) to J ensen Company, Ch es ter P os t $2,200 per year hor more. Office, W. T. Raleigh Company, a b th M The osen Aircraft CorporaS h colleges I 'c1 1 ' y e erI Ibranch of Vertol . it c 0 ars WI receive supp e- lion, the Delaware County Nationand many others. . mental unrestricted grant~ averag- al Bank, Philadelphia National .The J~nuary 12. exammation ling $2,000. per scholarship (over Bank and the Fidelity Philadel:v"I be given in, deSignated test-I the fours years) to. help defray phia Trust Company, all located 109 centers throughout the coun: the actual cost of educating the in Chester and Nor-Way Cleaners tr!, a~d at least 7,O~O of the M~' students. of Norw~. Fi?ahsts .are expe:.ed to survive The Merit Scholarship Program thiS hurdle, accordlOg to John M. . ··t e d year It was A Ch' I . Stalnaker, presiden! of the Nali~n- ~~t~~~S~:d' i~ sl~~~ throu~h basic mer. emlca Society al Merit Scholarship Corporal1on. grants of $20,500,000 from the Ford Names Dr. James Jezl "Every member of this grOUP Foun'dation and the Carnegie Cor_ Dr. James L. Jezl of Cornell of 7,000 will have the highest po- poration of New York. The Na- avenue, has just begun his second tential to benefit from college tional Science 'Foundation and the term as secretary of the Philatraining, and I wish only that Old Dominion Foundation have delphia Section of the American there were Merit Scholarsbips for given funds for research work. In Chemical SOCiety. each of them. The response of the first year,. 556 Merit Scholars Dr. Jez!, who is a group leader business and industry in establish_' were named. They are now fresh- in the basic· research division, Reing Merit Scholarsbip Programs men at 160 different colleges. search and Development of Sun to help these sltldenls has been t The program is designed 0 Oil Company is the only officer of magnificent. But we will proljably search the nation for those stu- the Philadelphia area ACS unit to have 9 or 10 highly qualified stu- dents most able to benejit from a keep his office for a second term. dents for every Merit Scholarship college education, regardless of Other new officers include Dr. available." means. Once discovered, the stu- Waldo C. Ault of Glenside, chairI? the final phase of the c~m-, dents are supported in college by man; Dr. Claude ·K. Deischer of buy one at regular price 39c get second for 1c 48 BAGS - MAKE YOUR HOUSE HUNTING EASY? Stop in and inspect photos of all houses available in Swarthmore, Wallingford-Rutledge and ~edia area. , Tomorrow HOW KI 4·1028 WHY NOT? Nationwide Exam To introduce new Kraft Deluxe MaE"garine- Swarthmore. Pa. - .Dick Franc:heUi 939 Rocklyn Road, Springfield FEBRUARY - we"1I give you a bright new,silver Dollar! Advertlsl., Letters & Iroch.,•• quick Service on Multl,CDPY Letter. Photo.Copies ~ade 15 S. CHESTER ROAD Swarthmore KI 3-1497 FOR WHITE SLIPS With the ret~rn to us of Remember - Duplicating Service Finalists Face I FOOD MARKET· each PYLE Over 3,000 employees and personnel of Vertol Aircraft Corpora_ tion, Morton, will take advantage of the chest x-ray survey, to be held at the plant next Thursday and Friday, January 17 and 18. This first survey of the new year will open on Monday, January 14 and will include two communities, six industries, three banks and a special chest x-ray survey on January 15, for all foodhandlers in Chester. The Delaware Cciunty Tuberculosis and Health Association in cooperation with the State Department of Health and the County Medical Society conduct these surveys on a monthly basis throughout the year. The annual Christmas Seal campaign hclps support this work. $1~,000 is still needed for the·1957 sale to reach its minimum goal. The January community schedule includes Chester community and food handlers, Chester Municipal Building, January 15, 12 noon to 5 p.m.; 6 to 8 p.m. I £;0-0 F;;O~R~R;;ENT""''"'=--.S;:ec=o::nc:;d-fl=o;;;or;;-:;r::oo;;;m,::;­ Gutters Warm·Alr HeatinfJ Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Work 7500 3,000 Employees To Be X"Rayed Next Week I Florist next door to bath and shower. Near both bus lines. Ample storage space. KIl)g,;wood 3-2194. 'S"IX' Sen"lors Named In M" ent Competl"t"Ion Six seniors at Swarthmore High School have been named finalists in the National Merit Scholarship competition, according to Principtime' in Quito, Ecuador, and in al William M. Bush. The local Panama c~ty. ' students are among the 7500 high----~~~---------------------- est scorers on a nationwide college aptitude examination given to 162,000 seniors in 12,500 high schools on October 24. The Swarthmore High School finalists are Alice Carroll, Rose•.•.. designed for a mary Cox, Bruce McCutcheon, umid-winter break" to FOUR DAYS .. THREE NIGHTS Eleanor Moore, Dwight Sipler, Rest and Ploy. AII• Occon .. View room with bath and Mark Smith. inclusive Vocation ot $69 • Breakfost & O;nner each cloy The finalists now face a stiff • InSide gorage for cor· . for 2 persons anytime three-hour College Board examin• RolI;ng choir ride from January 2 • ation on January 12, plus inten• Bicycling on Boardwalk Mareh 29. axe PI • Cocktail in Silver I.ounge siv~ . screening of their leadership February) 5-25. • Theotre entertoinment nd extra-curricular records by Occanfron!" decks, en• Extensive hotel facilities a selection board. tertainment, music. Entertainment At stake are more than 700 afternoon tea. four-year college scholarships, Child in some room. $17 -$42.50, SINGLE many of them sponsored by businesa' and industrial corporations. Included are 100' Sears-Roebuck ull Atlantic City 5·1211 Ocean water In New York coli MU 2·4849 Foundation Merit Scholarships in 011 boths and nationwide programs sponsor_ Over 50 Yeon ed by such companies and founSome Ownership Management dations as Pittsburgh Plate Glass, Josiah White :: Sons.......... F. W. Woolworth, Standard Oil (Indiana), International Nickel, SWARTHMORE, PA. SWEENEY'& CLYDE ~ -:'_i."... Siren Page' 1 THE SWARTHMOREAN 11, 195'1 JaDUIU')' TELEVISION SERVICE ~1II1111111l1l1l1ll1l1l1111l111l1111111l1l1l1l1ll1l1l1l111111111ll111111111111ll1ll1ll111l1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1l1ll1ll1ll1ll1I1l1111l111P; i Pbon. Media 6-3l1li5 WANTED - Stroller, play- pen~ and booJrease in good condition. KIngswood 3-4819.__ cylinder ranch wagon, 28,000 WANTED Boy's i'c-e-:-h-oc"'k-e-y miles. Very good condition. Call skates, size II-D, in usable conKIng.wood 3-1808. dition. Please call KIngswood 33189. LOST AND FOUND FOUND Female tabby cat. Call Jewelry Rep~jreCJ Phone: KI 3-4216 KIngs wood 3-4107. EMIL SPIES LOST - Swiss watch with black suede band, Ibetween Essl's Watchnoaker Pond and Cornell avenue. KIngsC Formefly of F. C. Borl • • 504. wood 6-6769. Fjl\e Walch and l:m Yale Ave. 335 Dartmouth Avenue J. F. ~~ I OILHMT -brown, Spaulding, $5. Size 5, Alterations PIANO TUNING ~ FOR SALE FOR SALE - 20 inch boy's bike. Good condition, $7. Call Klngswood 3-8930. FOR SALE - Skates size 5%, ,,;;;; . ALBAN PARKER New and BeboUt'Plan.,. aDd BepaIrUI, Since 1808 I N.A.P.T. Will do minor repairing. Leaman, KIngswood 3-5.755. Swarthmore. Pa. 8t-l-.f. ~IDllunnunDIIlmlllllmIlUIIIIIIIIIIID~ Call KIngswood 4-0800. PERSONAL Piano Tuning Specialist, member A.S.P.T. alld 662 S. Chester Rd. Media. Pat 3 Blasts vision service. Complete stock of tubes carried. Robert Brooks. KI 403 N. Chester Road TIIese Signals are Subject to Change Plumbing &Heating ~arthmor.an. ESTATE NOTICE Estate or CAROLINE 8ARGElIT SIl•• LOWAY, late of the Borougb of Swarthmore. Delaware ,County, Pennsylvania. LETl"ERS TESTAMENTARY on the above estate having been granted to the • undeniRlled. all penona Indebted to the .aid atate are reqeuated to make P&7Dl8nt. and those having claims to pfe8ent the same. without delay. to HELEN SARGENT WALTER THOHSEN HENRIETTA W. PALMER and ELIZABErH ANN WALTER FURNAS Johnson Other ford, PMC at Drexel, and Ursinus PERSONAL - Baby-sitting. Responsible woman. Klngswood at 'Delaware (the Blue Hens fifth 3-4251. game in seven days). PERSONAL Slipcovers and draperies. Henry K. Savard, UI S3W it in the Swarthmorean." Springfield. KIngswood 4-0161. PERSONAL - Will build brick or block barbecues and incinPAnERSON'S erators. Excellent workmanship. Reasonable. Tom Reeves. CHester FUNERAL HOME 4-5446. Over 25 Year's Experience PERSO"'N=-A:cL:-.=.-B=ic-y·cl....Repaired. Phone MEdia 6.3400 Parts. accessories. Milt Glass A Prico to Meet Every Family's Need Bicycle, Hobby, Toy Shop, 205 East Baltimore Avenue, Clifton Heights, MAdison 6-0713. Opposite Clifton Theater. PERSONAL - Interior and exWilliam W. Clark terior painting, and paper hanging. Henry K. Savard, Springfield, KIngswood 4-0161. PERSONAL _ Belvedere Convalescent Home, 2507 Chestnut Water Heaters S... p .... p. street, Chester. Edge of Swarth011 Bur••rs Powde" Rooml more. Aged, senile, chronic, convale.cent men and women. Excellent foods, spacious grounds 424 Haverford Place Blue Cross honored. Sadie P. Turner, proprietor. CHester 25373. Klngswood 3.8345 PERSONAL - UPHOLSTERING Large Chairs COMPLETELY rebuilt with new fabric $55Sofas $UO-Over. 30 years exASPHALT TILE • RUBBER TILE perience-Six years of Swarthmo~e references. Re.pairing. of PLASTIC TILE ~ VINYL TlLi sprmg seats frof!1 $9.5O:--Cushlons refilled $6-Eshmates are free. FORMICA • LINOLEUM T~om Seremba. Phone Sl)aron HIli 0734. VENETIAN BLINDS PERSONAL - Radio and tele- MONTHLY Charles Grier, Jr., of Dartmouth avenue returned last week 'to Grove City College, Grove City where he is a senior. Swarthmore. Penna. or to their Attornen. BUTLER. BEATl'Y. GREER and Campus sees all six teams in at action on ~=ft==.==========~ Saturday-Swarthmore Haver- Klngswood 3·1448 WILLIAM BROOKS A.hes & Ruhbisb Removed Lawns I\lowed, General Hauling 236 Harding Ave., Morton. Pa 11, 1951 I ~ If 7au have an antomobile aooident 70u'I! be glad 70U have the poli07 with the P.S. (Personal Service). up.S." is the per- sonal service of a quali- fied lEtna Casualty Agent. Let UB tell you why you need the poli07 with the P.S. Peter E. Told iil~ All Lines oj lmuralU!e ~ 333 Dart.moUlh Ave. m ill l!i Klngswaad 3.1833 0~ W ~ ~~ -.~~~'*~"!i!&~'Wi.W&~~~'*'Wi>..~"""'''!Ii;; :, , , SOl ber. T..ak~s Llave High Sc~ool, Chosen -,. " " Exammabon Center For Study In Spain Swarthmore High School has been. honored In the announce-. -ent from the College Entrance . - Will Co IIege P ro f essor I Sail Feb. 1st for E urope James D. Sorber, associate professor of Spanish at Swarthmore College, will take a leave of absence soon to spend the spring semester and part of the summer in Madrid, Spain, doing research on ,the contemporary Spanish novel. Mrs. Sorber will accompany him. Professor Sorber will sail on February 1 for Le Havre. His first stop will be In Aix-en-Prov'ence, France, where he will visit the Peaslee scholars from Swarthmore College who are studying there. He will then go to Italy for a short tril? to Florence, Rome and Naples. He plans to ferry across the Mediterranean Sea. from' Naples to Spain, and will remain in Madrid until August. According to Mr. Sorber, the post-war generation of novelists in Spain has been very prolific. Research in this field will occupy most of his time, hut'he also plans to ta~e \ occasional sight-seeing tours. U' THE SWARTRMORBAN ADULT scouT MaTING ,~ , I ..UIII')' 11, IN7 .AI. . . . DIB... Celebrate AIIBlv.""1- SCHEDULED 'FOR JAN. 21 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. Mrs. Henry Geyley, Jr., Mrs. A mee"".w of the Girl Scout worth of Elm avenue celebrated William H. GehrIng, Mrs. J, W. -. bi! their 30th weddIQg anniversary Hollander and 1Ars. Peter Mtller, December 28. at 81). "open house" _ NelghbOrh"tld Association will held at 7: 30 p.m. Monday, Janulocal members of the PbIlade1pbla given for them by Mr thelr- SOns-In-1 .... the _ a~ 21, in the Hearth room of the 1 d daughte d Mrs I'SJlddlm(tre Club, will be amo... •• A ..,firee I aw an Presbyterian Church.~, R. G thany r ofs~ ._. an F •. alumnae Who •"ather at a dinn•• ... Van a .......e ores .. Saturday, J8Jluary 26, to hOllOl' hour win preceed the metti:!d Ill., and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Dr. Henry T. Moore;"pr!!Sldent of Plans for the G~l Scout C e DeCou III of Hadert P. HetherEASTLAWN . CEMETERY 9' I ~ \t S Mrs: r:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IMore·. than three-quarters of' a , c4IhIv.y·Of unequaled service, de..,dability and highest standards. ., .,.... _. . Ington with Robert, Jr., and Sara recently returned from a twoweek trip to Florida where .they did some sightseeing and visited frieJ)d8 In Lantana and rel:atl,ve:.'11 In Homestead. They "topped. for a day In Pompano Beach and visit~ ed with Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Silvers and famlli of Rutgers. avenu", Mr. Max Eosl and family at MichigaQ avenue, aDd Mr. Mrs. Richard K. Noye ·IIl and son •• THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. 'DtamOH o. PUNIRALI 1820 eHElTNU·T STRIET OUVER H.1AIIt, .. , .•AMILY """""or MMY A.. lAIR, II.""... AUTO_ILl IVSINESS It's a w~nderful 'feeling when they're !ill proted~d by .fils1J()"fJI~S wMfflls • Personal Servloa . . Th~ough this agency you can ~t virtually every form of msurance prCrsonal service, of course, as well as friendly coopem~ from o'h~, .£tna Casualty Agents and claim IeMce men" 1\/heRvcr you go; . , prise for the ~nefit of famUles residing In, Swarthmore and neighbori.ng communities.· Your patronage· is eamesilysOliC:ited• ALBERT N•...G'A.•.•'ETT .. 1!s: Ctlll'U; today: -suut '!Ow '0 enjoy ".lPOIIder#14 I~U",.~ 'hilt come. wi,howning the policies wi,,. 228.&arre". Ave. sw 6-0489 Swarthmore, Pa.. 2-8741 Kirby of Rutgers avenue. , Mrs. Donald. Crosset recently·. mOVed from her residence at 439 Rlve~lew road_ to 405 Thayer road. Mrs. Irvin R.MacElwee of· Mt. Holyoke place setired as one of the hostesses at the Gimbel Award luncheon Tuesday. Mrs. MacEIw!", president of the RepublIcan Women of PennsylVania, will be in the receiving lIne of Hannah Penn House this afternoon at . an open house and tea to celebrate the completion .of renovations. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cmtsley of Strath Haven avenue had as their overnight guests Monday Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bewkes of Canton, N. Y. The Bewkes are attending meetings of the AssoCiation. of American Colleges being held this week in Philadelphia, Former Swartlu;iorean Mrs. Frederick Child of Oak Bluff, Mal'tha's Vineyard, Is currenly visiting willi MrS. Ralph V. 'Little of Park. avenue. On January 20 Mrs. Child an~ Mrs. titue will drive to Florida for· a vacation of several weeks. Miss Mary Morrow Banks of Harvard avenue will be guest honol' Wednesday' at a luncheon and bridge given In her honor by Mrs. Claud S ..Clarkson of Drexel Hill .. Miss Ban'!t's marriage to Mr. William Barlow Patton of Rutledge will take place April 13 in the TrInity Church, Swarthmore. Robin Wright of Whittier place, son of Mrs. Winthrop R. Wright has been awarded a varsity fOO~ ball letter at Swarthmore Colleae where he played bat!k 011 the Garnet team during the 1956 season. • .....-.... ..;. EDGEMONT AVE., 7TH ... WELSH STS, , JANUARY WHITE SALE < Now ,. • In Progress , features these once-a-t:ear bargains by CANNON Big INdh - size 72 x 108 &- .'81 x 99 ' Towels ··Sheets ·941: 1.89 Reg. 1.49 , T~Wel. a.d , •••;. I. Othr Sires O.eI Qtralltiea . ,, < '--~. -.-. :.. SWARTBMORE..FRlDAY, \ ' JANUARY 18, 1957 . T. B. 84.00 PER YEAR - four~Si~enbrts Stand, ~~~P~=.r Clu~wo~Anticipate "Ma~: ~~~h~:~I~unday Council Ups Tax for LI ary Board .·Mld·WlDter Luncheon Rate One Mill The Swarthmore. Chapter of Sigma XI a¢ the Cooper.Foundatlon. of Swarthmore College will present Rear AtJ.mir1ll Donald· B. MaCMillan, veteran Arctic exptorer, I" a lecture entitled ''Beyond the ·Northern Lights" in Clothier Memorial on the campus, tonight, January 18, at 8: 15 ·p.m. Admiss10n Is tree. Rear Admiral MacMillan's lecture will be supplemented by 16 mm movies. Sigma XI, one of the sponsoring organizations is honorary society for the promotion of research. . The movie "Martin. Luther" _ wll1. be shown Sunday mght at 7 Electio" Will Take Place Drama Dept.Jo Present lin the Woman's Association room Topping Appointed Last Week End Farce "Mrs. Harper's of the Swarthmore .P~byterlan After McCowan " C h u r c h . The public IS mvited to in Jan. Bazaar 1attend free of charge. Resigns . Four residents have been nomOne event :.lways anticipated Presented by the ehurch's Young Swarthmore taxpayers\ will- pay Inated to staild for election as Liby the Swarthmore Woman's Club Adult group, the 1llm will be 17112 mills in borough taxes tbls brary Directors of the Swarthmembership Is its mid-winter operated by David Morey, in the year instead of 16¥.. as last year, more PublIc Ubrary. The election fWlcheon; planned for Tuesday, -ab,sence of YA president J a c k Borough Council decreed when it will take . place in the Library January 22, at 12: 30 p.m. in the Martin. set the annual tax rate and adopt. during regular .LIbrary hoUrs on clubhouse. Mirs. J. E .. Gaskill and ed its 1957 budget on MDnday eve_ Saturday, January 26, and on Mrs. George B. HeckJnan, chali'ning. The Increased millage for Monday, January 28, until 8:00 men, are in charge. Those plllll:: the 'general fund brings the budp.m. when the Annual Meeting ning to attend are, asked to call get total to $188,241 ana will' proof the Library Association will Mrs. Norman R. Jones, KIngswood II IiU vide about $8000 for the accombegin and the balloting cease. 3-2147, by January 19. pllshment of one of three longThe term of omce of a director Following the luncheon, the Open Meeting to Feature talked-of' street improvements. is' for three years. The tenns of . drama department will present a WhIch one of the three will be two dlrector.. end this -month, .. I one-act farce, "Mrs. Harper's Rexford Moon, Ass't undertaken Is still to be decided. rreatlng two :vacancies on the &Zaar" by Babette Hughes. Mrs. Director The. projecls are pa&g RlverBoard. Retiring dI.rectors are RobRobert J. Turner Is the chairman .' All parents ill the Swarthmore vie~ avenue along I the ~ad, ei1t S. Brodhead, who has served Opens February Thursday and Mrs. E; H. l'Yle, 2nd., is dI- community, but especially those pavlpg Cresson lane, WIdening the board as treasurer lind AIlce A.M. Sessions to All . rectlng the play. Members ot the of the ninth, 10th, lIth, and 12th ~~:::,~e avenue In front of the high Banber who. earlier served the cast include the Mesdames Robert grades are welcome to hear Rex. board as a di,rector for nine years. Interested Women· . B. Clothier, G. R. Gray, S. L. AIt- ford G. Moon, Jr.., assistant diFellow Councllmen accepted the In 'the three' years service jwit The Woman's Club 6t Swartb- house, Robert ~. Turner, R. L. rector of College Entrance Exam- resignation· of Frank ~cCqwan ended she has ~be"" secretary for more announces a series of clas(Continued on Page 5) inatlon Board speak In - the and passed a resolution m testlone year and a member of the ses on the four Thursday morn_ . , . Swarthmore High School audl- mony. Of McCowan's service on committee on lIl)rary practices. ~s In FebruaJ'y" on Investments' torium, Wednesday evenlng Janu~ CounCIL Charles. Topping, duPont Mr. Brodhead Is not seeking re- for Women which will be.open to II \ ary 23, at 8 p . m . ' e~eer who headed last 'sumelection.' Miss Barber stands for the pubuc In ~e vi.elnlty for free ,"proc'. T ,.,,1..1 Mr. Moon heads the schollU'Ship mer s mosqulto control committee 'reelection, attendance. . . . I u~ay serVices of the College Entrance and was cbalrman of the land and The owner of a local gift shop The course will open on FebExamination Board and - Is .. bull'¥P* ~9'l'.~ the School and a homeowner at 506 Harvard ruary 7 In the club at 10 a.m. The Membe·~s· Will Present former college admIsslons omcer. (Colitinued on Page 5) avenue MIs. BIUIber contributed formal presentation will run for He is well qualified to discuss ,the lve y';"" of-VolUnteer Monday' one h~ eaeb of the four ThUrsI-Act Comedy many phases and problems of the night desk service to the .Llbrary days wUh ~uest1ons for a half at 8:30 college entrance, board tests, and prior to election to the board hour period at the close. Dlsmls- The &warth nl W will attempt (0 clarity many isShe is a fOriner secre· of th~ sal will be promptly at 11: 30. an's Cl'''- illmOire /u c.rI om- sues that may b'e unfamUar to -J' T ppIcs for the cnurse will b\I on Tuesd uu w Delaware Qlunty L1bnry TruaJ g ve' a rec - procity' parents. tees AssOciation and lis present February 7: An Introduction to t ;y, i,:;,uary 22, at 8:30 This is one of' the programs treasurer A duate of' Friends Stocks and Bonds which will in- p.m. a e c _ouse In Swarth" ,sponsored. by the 10th grade, and Players CluD Sparkles as Audiences Laugh Away Central SChoo~she' attended Col- elude a fi1n1on· "Muta'al Funds"; lm o.re. hMrs• Robe thirt Morrow, Wh01the education,comrnlttee of Home . , F b 14'B -~ -F b . 2 SIn e arge 0 f s event, reports '(C tin A" Pa \ umbia Tee.ehers' Collese and e ruary : onu;o;_ e ruary 1: that ~r.. WlIlte B[ k will . on u.,.. on ge 5) January Doldrums . I' ac play . ta .... in' - I'd . , d u ..... _ Operation of the New'}':9I"k Stocl!; _"KIng of Hearts", the frothy bit Shea: andh. -with oltheutre by Jean Kerr 1md·E!eim•. Q;etches at local Institutions and film 'Whzaat Matfkes or Brooke WhIch 'Isthe cuh-ent ll USI~~~"; Feb- to the best "orchestra" seats They iltfIlUUI loG hom rized Sh ere ted the ruary ,Por 0 0 P ........ung. • APlayerS· Club -show,' ci-ackles Its . as are. II . e ,a There Is a possibility of a "field wll1 w.a.tch· ''They're None of sparkling, idiosynCl'8t1C magic to sketch of the Library window ... Them Perfect" by Sophie Kerr, a ~hich adorns the Llbrll1'y acCl!OIItinued ,OIl page 4) .. one~act comedy. . i . • . amuse audiences as brightly as the sparkling snow outside the Ciub qualntance.. booklet. Those acting. In the play are: Studies Plot Plans F~r house these nights. Mrs. James ~. .cllitord, 211~.. Mrs. Donald Allen, Mrs. EdNew Rut ers In part, its success can be at,Rutgers avenue, IS a graduate 0' ward Coslett, Mrs William Ga _ . • •g tributed to an alluring cast which Goucher College, Baltimore,. Md., lord, Mrs. Robert Kyle, M~B. Wa~BUilding where she was a politlcat science The Methodist Men!s Club of ren Perrine and' Mrs. 'John Shari1;he Swarthmore _ ..Rutledge keeps the action paced swiftly in major. S~e worked In the Penta- the ,"warthmore MethOdIst Church cross. Mrs. Robert _Pemberton Is Umon School Board discovered keeping with the brittle dialogues; gon during the second World War, will ~eet Monday evening, Janu- In charge of staging and M Wednesday evening -that State ap- In part, It re1lects deft direction now teach.es klnd!!rgarten in the ary 21, at 6: 30 1!.m. In Fellowship Howard Smith Is dll'ector rs. 'proval of its choice. of the Rutgers by Charles F. Seymour and William A. Clarke, Jr. The quality of Friends First Day Those servmg -, - ushe' . Sch..DOl. . She will Hall for a deUclOus home-cooked as are avenue site for new elementary lightness Is elusive and rare, Its lIave lived In. Swarthmore sb.< dinner .followed by a talk by As. . • rs classrooms was already in the years in March. She has three sistantGroup Chief· Charles A. Mrsj,. John . Wenzel, Mrs. JO~lD mall whll'l the Board listened tc. achievement earns recognition. children in the fourth, fifth, and .Wllson, Treasui-y Department, In- ~us mg, and Mrs. Howard Gil- pe.titlons seeking location Df the The Gayley set is as free, as seventh. grades' of' the local ternal :Revenue Service. ams. school in the northern section of breezy, as modern as a map for schools. She Is Ii ooinmittee memAfter presenting his subject Invitations have been sent to the borough, at Its last monthly space travel. The effect is contagious. Even the weightiest berof BroWnie Troop 883; Den "You and Your IncomeT",,", Mr. the president and one other mem- ~eetlng on December 19. - One's den mother, Pack 101; and Wilson will answer questions dI- ber .Of e~ery club in the Junior Having finally weathered the homeward bound audience steps . the secretary of ,the Junior As- rected to him from the fioor. ~eCh9ft m Delaware County. It annual greeting card rush, the let- out on the snow as if on snowselllbUes: -t . BecauSe of the timely nature IS hoped that all members of the ter was read to the Board as a sort shoes.Perhaps' the greatest tribute is Rudolf' Hirsch, 204 Benjamin 1of this. to}>lc,- Father· and Son Swar~ore JUniors will attend ot -belated Cbrtstmas present by _West avenue, is ~e assistant di-. Night has been postponed until a in ordel' to welcome the !!Uests. Dr. Sa~u~l T. Carpenter, secretary that the cast works well together; It . is hard to separate Individual rector of U1e Library oftqe Unl- later dilte. and ~ui1d1ng chairman. contributions. Jean Proctor's DunVersity of Penilsylvanla. FormerThose planning to attend the Iusiness Association Dr. Carpenter also reported a I'eath has a kind of glowing Peter ly he was In charge at the Union dinner are asked to call Wes Elects Catherman topographical survey of the site, Library Catalogue In Philadelphia France at KIngswood 3-7048. orde~ed by the Board at Its last Pan-ish evanescence and maineand Is still a member of the ex_ Mem'bers of the Swarthmore meeting, had been quickly com- tlsm. Harry H: - Cafferty, Jr.; is devilishly clever as Larry Larkin, ecutlve committee. He was prior to Mothe.rs to Sponsor BUSIness AssOCiation, at the Jan- pI~ted by, Gus Houtman before it's a fiendish characteria>;tion, that in -the preparation division of uary meeting, ell!Cled new 'ofllcers th,s week s sllows: ~rtber prothe New York Publici Library. He . Child Study GrOUPf"r the coming year. They are: gress toward rea'-\Zllhon of aCT reallY, having the same zany Ban!_ ty as CatI'er!y's Dauphin a few Is presently a merr/be~ of the The Child Study Group sponPresidenl· -Albert Catherman -of (Cont4lued on Page 8) seasons ago. Dick HOOks' Dignan - Bibliography Committee' ot the sore.f by the SwarUunoreMothers Catherman's· Drug' Store, sucreedis carefully -done; Iri thp. third act ·AmerlcBDlJi)rary .. fossoc!atlon. CI"b and led by. Dr. Ruth-Jean Ing Robert Honeyford, proprietor 1956 Mumps and Measle Year it has warmth and daring and one Dr. J. Albright Jones, BO!1)Ugh Mr. HIrsch came to Swarthmore Elsenbud Will hoM- two sessions of ,the &uquet' Beauty ~Ion; wants to burst ~rough,; too, With in 1935 and -is a properly owner. on ''Early Adolescence". ,Vice-president, Robert Bird of Health Ofticer, lnhis annuai re" a Bravo! W1lllam· W. Price plays He became ... UiUtI)d States citThe group will meet at the home ,Baird and Bird, Realtors; Treasur- POrt to Council' Monday evening a straight l'Ole Votit/l just the right ben in 1938, having - been born of Mrs. Edmund· Jolie51 227 Hav- el', William Booth, assIstan.t Dian. disclosed that t\lere· bad been an over and undertones. of onethe case of mumps per in Munich, Gefmany. where he erford avenue, on Monday, Janu- ager of the bank; Secretary, Don- average week during year just .ended. The youngste,rs In the cast· are attended the University of Mu~ ary 28 and MonMEMAKJN6ESSENTIAlS . VOLUME 29-NUMBER S· Aline, Reg. 2.49 < Insurance . . . . . 0. ...ir . . ~c. e to , I":;;~. r!ri~~i;:~(.r.:' AViI., of Contribute Meth-.I:.... Men-.to Hear lot aal R M em, evenue an Dartmouth Swarthmore . l'II9SWOOtI'3-IBU . All Kinds . KI3-0&86 , PETER E, TOLD '. T. B. ft _ . ,Pre.,d."f6 'usl.... M,r._ .rwPS. 333 STORE ~~;,;;;g~;,;;~;,;;;,;;~;,;;~~~;,;;~;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;~~;,;;;,;;;,;;~ Tolophono II ..191 HOMI DaUe A non:profit, mutual enter- WARTHMOREAN to , . .-' . . ' . • -. ; I a g o .• , ' . 1 < -' - ., '-', _. also .. belonp~to~::~:~ FelloWshlp. The following st.udents will meet at the 'home or Mr. Charles Izumi ~omorrow at 7: 30 p.m.: Sharon Bowerman, Patty Carroll, Peggy Carroll, Lyn Egbert, EmIlY Woods, Beverly Bird, Barbara Bird, Betsy McKeag, Tom Mowery, and LInda Jones. Lt. and Mrs. Robert B. Blake, who are stationed on Okinawa for three years, recently entertained at dinner Lt. and Mrs. GeOrge Storck, who are also stationed on Okinawa, and 1st Lt. John Snape, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Snape of Harvard avenue, who is a pilot with the Strategic Air Command. Lt. Snape had been stationed in Guam during a three-month tour of foreign duty' and was on duty on Okinawa for two weeks. Mrs. Blake is the former Mary Knabb, daughter 'of Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Knabb of Princeton avenue. Lt. Storck also is a former resident of William ShaUet has returned to her home at Harvard and Lafayette avenues after two weeks' treatment at Chester Hos·pital. . Larry WoodrufJ, son of Capt. 'and Mrs. J. L. Woodruff of Secane, left Monday for Fort Jackson, S. C., for eight weeks of Army baSic training. Mrs. Mabel W. Hutchison of Rutgers avenue returned last week from a three-week trip to Columbia, S. C., and Raleigh, N. C., where she visited relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Lewis of Deep Meadows,' Gradyville, entertained Saturday at a cocktail party for .Miss Jane Maddux of Marshall, Va., and Mr. R. Blair Price, Jr-:., of North Che~ter road, who will be married February 2. Mrs .. Henry L. Smith of Dartmouth House returned Monday from a visit of several day~ with DlNIN. aooMJ ... George Baker, son of Mr. an\! Mrs. R. J. Baker of Moylan, David Hillman, Jr.·, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Hillman of Rose Valley, and Stephen Irving, son of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Irving of Moylan, entertained at a dance Saturday eveping at the Old Mill in Rose Valley. President Eisenhower on Mon- day, january 2j, in Washington, D.C. Mr. and Mrs. Mikusinski will attend the"Bi'll at the Wasbington National Guard Armory ENGAGEMENT where Pennsylvania officers. and Mr. and· Mrs. Frank H. Mcguests will gather. Dr. and Mrs. George L. Armi- Cowan of Vassar avenue, are aD- tage of South Chester road enter- nouncing the engagement of their talned at dinner Saturday' eve- daughter Mildred Ann to Mr. ning. Charles S. Butler II, son .of J;lr.. Kathy and Jimmy Malone, ages Mrs. Claude H. _ Butler of 3 and 1'k, respectively, daughter Hunlock Creek, Pa., formerly of and son of Mr. and Mrs. James Norristown. L. Malone of Dartmouth avenue, 'Miss McCowan was graduated each acquired a case of mumps from The Pennsylvania State Saturday morning. Molly Malone University in the School of Home was a hostess to the disease prior Economics, class of 1955. She'ls to that time and during Christ- employed by E. I. DuPont deNemours and Company as a techmas. Mr.. and Mrs. Clarence H. niclan in the textile fibers departBarnes of Westtown, formerly of ment. Swarthmore, had as their guests Mr. Butler has compleled his during the recent holidays theIr Imillu.ry service and Is now attendWilkes College in Wilkeschildren Mr. and Mrs. Prehen Johnson of Rose Tree, and grand. and completing the Businsons Paw and Eric Johnson; and ess AdmintstraUon Curriculm. Major and .Mrs. Richard F. Bal'l!es and daughter Judy of CALKINS-LUKENS Bridgewater Farms. Richard has MIss ~I'bara Taylor Lukens, just been made a major in the !laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Air Force Reserves. He Is em- W. Lukens of Strath Havel' aveployed as ma1ntalnance mechan- nue, and J,\4r. James Roy Calklns ,1Cl!l engineer with the DuPont of South Chester road, son of Mr. Company of Delaware. and Mrs. Harry A. Calkins (if Dr. Samuel C. Pslmer of North Cohoes. N.Y., we;e married SatChester road has as his house afternoon, January !2,. at guest Commander Donald B. Maco'clock in the Swarthmore Millan arctic explorer. Cmdr. Chun:h. Rev. Joseph MacMIllan will speak In P. Bishop officiated at the candieClothier Memorial on tonight the topic ceremony. UBeyond the Northern Lights." Given in marriage' by JOHN A. TlNIIIY. The Bouquet , BEAUTY SALON Actlv. Memba. of the Swa.............1.... Auoclatl•• on which the. prices have been cut ,Va to Y21 CHECK YOUR CAl' FOR WINTER from Dis Counter Daily. STATE . ~otol' Tu •• RUSSEll'S. SERVICE ROBERT J. AT%, M.9I'. Ol)pc'~'iite Borough Parking ,"ot ~~K~I;ng~S~W~OO;d~~~i~~~'~'~~D~a~1crt;h~Ii~O~II~th~.~n~d~L~",;a~y~e~tt;ed I P.M. • Nurseries, Inc. Rose .......... Friday 9 to 8:30 Klngswoad ~191 ,', - " . Vllit OUI' Roadside. M.rlet .....e ~ddletoWl!Road .. ' . AN. INTERESTED RESIDENT AND PARENT Publishes Book YOUR _._----'--- \ ."VESTME NT' SEASONAL SPECIAL . . ·Se.board Wild Bird Foc!d .nd Bird Feeders . i . ~H!I;»~DS •• _ . -. . . ~ ~n TREE WORK , -". , " Make Al'rangements Naw for Sprint Spl'ay Profl'am Olds_bU. for 'S7 .... th• va........ of .... yearl And It haido lllat ......... for yean to come ..... cc,Hamancb, a bigger ,.twft at Irad..... Y........ .....-d how UIIIe It takes to ...ov.' G'Hf' to OId..You're ........ Seeyour doo'" . - . for .... fach. . FOR MODERN co • • ON INI • • OUR ·GUaSTI TAKa A , ROCKET TESTI - - YOU'RE ALWAYS WELCOME AT - - , AUTOMATIC-' ''YOU CAN'T RUN AWAY FROM IT" - WHITAKER OLDS. INC. 340. W. Baltimore Ave. IAIRANIU , Me.~lal Penn•• A Smart, Fost.Movl., C ••...,.,. a 9:40 P.M. ' J (h NO/l-A-I.A'FF &tleMUS/C BOX n I "utt!&!:" . • ."TEENAGE RE.EL" FII.... fro. f ••••ce...'.' ....dw..y playl Featuru-l:4D and ,:40 P.N. S'EC.IAL SUNDAY CHILDREN'S SHOW AT 1:1S-.M. Ce...... ,7 Tues.. Wed•• Jalll 22. 23 E.,I••d·. F•••'a.' Co.allyl 11!urs..FrI•• S.t. JU. 24. 25. 26 S.., .... - Ifratvy ....... 'wnna... •· .... N..... Modern gas ranges' make cooking 10 easy. A~tomati~ ligbdOg. automadc cl~,* contrOls, high-speed. burnen and smokeless broiling add convenience to aU meal preparation. Many naga ..en have a top-burner heat cona:01 drat \ makes every utensU • an automatic appliance. . ' UNGUARDED MOMiNr" 110 r.....k:oIorl -~. . and t:4II P..... q~ THe BASIS THAT• THEIRCUS1OMER3 ~TISFACf~ NEW! . ".,:-" -,",. NEW! NEW! JUDY HOLLIDAY IN "BELLS ARE RINGING" Indian diplomat, classical scholar. scientist and , 1951 Bow Jan. 25 P0 Ii0 Vaccmation • • . At .its regular monthly mee'ting on Thursday, January 10, members o( the Delaware County Medical Society. overwhelmingly approved a plan to provide free polio vaccinations for all children In Delaware County from the age of six months tip to and Including 19. years whose' parents feel that they are unable to affCJrd such vaccination In private doctors' offices. . Clinics wilt be staffed by members of the Society, assisted by Pennsylvania Sfate nurses, at each of the five general hospitals In Delaware County. Afternoon cUnic hours at each of these hositals will be held on two specht. cally designated weekdays in February for first ~ectlons, two afternoons in March for second injections, and two afternoons in September for third Injections. A definite .chedule of dates will be distributed throughout the County by the Delaware County Chapter of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis in conj unction with the March of Dimes porch-light campaign on January , . 29. Plans are being completed for the annual Girl Scout cookie sale, ' ac~ording to chairman Mrs. Arth- . ur SlIvers. Officially, the sale starts January 25 and continues ~rough February 21, but already ambitious Girl Scouts have been taking orders for the four tasty varieties which will be 01lered for sale in the borough. Residents can choose' either, or all of four types: . butter, chocolate, creme-filled, or chocomints. Thi" year a supply "pantry'.' will be kept, so that each patron wilt be enabled to get the cookies of her choice. Mrs.. Silvers, in pointing out that proceeds from the Cookie Sale will. go toward helping' the Gtrl Scouts, stressed tbat the need for success in the sale 10 particularly strong this year since the scouts purchased additional acreage for a camp site -at Sunset HIll, making a total of 155 acres now owned in that area by the Scouts. Cookie .chaIrmen 'who met yes. terday at the home of Mrs. Silvers on Rutge,,! aevnue, to discuss final plans are: Brownies, Mrs. Lindsay Wolfe, Mrs. John Shallcross, Mrs. Griffith Townes, Mrs. George Hager, Mrs. Seeman,'Mrs: Pierce MacAmerican College Assoc. Samuel Nair, and Mrs. Edmllnd Jones; Names Courtney Smith Scouts, Mrs. David Morgan, Mrs. Walter .D O'u g I a s, Mrs. Wells Courtney C. Smith, president of Forbes, Mrs. Lee. Gatewood Mrs . ' Swarthmore! College, was I elected Ned Wi11lams, . Mrs. Paul Friend a member of the board of direc- Mrs. .R. Cox, and Mrs. Michael' tors of the Association of Ameri- Yarrow;:!.i.'-II.: ,,,, :',. can Colleges at the final session of the organization's 43rd annual -' Open Night at Sproul meeting, last week. Sproul Observatory wilt hold A total of 753' presidents and Its second opim .night of the high officers from 650. collrges In month on Tuesday, January 22. 45 states attended the annual sesHours are. from 7 to 8:30. sions of the Association here this week. General theme was "Edu~ THE cation of Free Men in a Free 50clety fqr a Free World." Host local colleges were Drexel' Institute, University of Pennsylvania OF SWARTHMORE ra;;n;;d;;;''f;;e;;:;m;;;;P1;;_e;u;;n;;;iv;;e;;r;;si;;ty;;,:;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;. I • . ' , - - PLAYERS ClUB .. pre... . QUAKERS nKhlg of Hearts·' have al1,.,.a comeled toJ''' obedleDft to - the atate. bat nbJeet to tile, r . Ii.loaa pripclple thaI the ant .... .6a!ence of mankind I. to God. Read. P ••n 57-5' of • N •• ~ by JEAN KERR .nd ELEANOR BROOKE THE QUAKER PER~UASION CHARLES F. SEYMOUR .t b, Wlllla .. WI.far Co ..f.rt may help ,.aQ D.odentaDd memben of Th. S.0I• .,. of Friends and ..... tbey bear teitimoD7 for thla prind.ple.; ..lc-S2.SO poltpal. frO .. F. H. GLOECKNER. "'bll,h.r 1315 Cherry Str••t, Phlla. 7, Po. LOcust &.1770 \ or your nearest book dare Dlr.ct.d j by Assist.d by William At Clarlr:., 'Jr. Friday, January 18 SatQrday, January 19 Curtain Tilile 8:20 P.M. ~;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;~==~~=====~::::::::::::====d ;; allH~e ~~:7~1lc:;:'=~ :;:!~ r~~~~~~w~'WJ.:'IilI'l!&-"l.--"'IiA'Iil>.""'--''''-'''@.I:---~--'",",'IIl.'''1l$.c~'''"''''"'~~'''"'''''"''l ~:n:a,;o':f'~la~~I~a.~': I!i1. llttle known to· most Americans was the greatest between William Penn \ and Benjaptln.Franklln. Tile James Logan I~ book is the first complete biog~aphy. Mr. Tolles is Howard M. ~ ~enJdns Professor Of Quaker H1s- ~ tory and Research and Director of the Friends Historical Library ~ at Swarthmore Conege. ~ pennsylvanla~ E ~ NEWS NOTES . . '1 .' O. ?i ~ ~ New Branch Store ~ ~ Broomall ~ Lawrence Park Shopping Center ., Sproul,Road ~ ------~'~--- PP lance· I COX" EL 6·2070 I~ 111 ,. ' . OUR OWN EXPERT TELEVISION SERVICE DEPT.' ~ ~ I I~ G.E. Appliances RCA COLOR TV II Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Kamp .. ' . of Riverview road with their son ~ Speclo' Discount PrIces to Swarfllmoreans ~ Steve and daughter Betsy were ~. .. ~ skiing at Buck Hill Falls last week f§..__~~_"",-,____"",______"",,,,,,___,,,,,_-,,,~"Ifu~~~~ ~ and of • ~"""--.~___"'"'___ "'"'_"'"""'"''''"'--. ____ ~_ •• ~"'"''''"'_'''"''''"'~ 'I!$!It' l;>t,....,_..,..., ~~:~:sc::r~m::dD.:/;:'~~ I . guests last weet< end Mr. and Mrs. Sun~y 8rae Orchard I~ A.,: P P LE5 I .C I' D.'E--I . . .. I ~-.....­ I I~. • Harry Lundy of Camp Hill, with their son Chi\? . '" ¥, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. GilAoeest of ~ All Best Varieties in Prime Condition ?i ",ass,,;r avenue have had ~as their ~, ~ resII'rom' 0 81' 0. wn M oelel'n Air Conel/tioneel Storage. ~ ?i lI\lests for several days Mr. and Mrs. John A.Dewhurst of'Eustis, ~ HEAR THESE OUTSTANDING ORIGINAL Fla. ~ A Specialty - Always Good . BROADWAY CASfRECORDINGS TODAy. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Jj:stey of ~ . Visit Lafayette avenue have as their ~ W . guest Mr. Estey's father, Mr. J. A. OLFF'S APPLE HOUSE' . ..."",. Estey of Lafayette, Ipd., who was Old Fashioned ,fb.e"lece - Oil Paintings ,,' .I'~' r for many years prOf_3r of· ec~ ~ 0,.. AU WlIIttr ' 1"'9.ltA.....-. Ilmni",,' at Purdue University. Mr'I~ Aapl5 Opeto All ""'.... Estey retired last June. . ' . . Route "s2 - Y4' Mile South of Route I . .. tin. , ....-6:30 ..... . LIMA.' . ' I. s.i. I ........:30::;-;;;: ....... 6-1611 PAj.. ..;, • ..;....,.-_.,,;.· '.;..' _,;.:.. ___ ;...... __ ...... ...,... ..... ' _____ .,...;.._~,.........,.....;....!. "I saw 1t"1n the Swarthlnorean." j$~~· _____ Si'F-~_Il\1\\!I~~_ . . . ! I ~~ I~" L ...- \ cen~ William Penn'~ personal _. ...ent, .Ieading fur merchant and' ironma~er of the pro~jnce, Chief Just!ce an d -A c· ling Governor,. tury, end. \. ETHEL MERMAN IN ''HAPPY HUNTING" .....",.., h ' . " . " ' , " . '\''1 ...... I I _ Up Plan lor Mass ing figure in Pennsylvania in tHe first. half of the elghteenitb Il S. Cookie Takes ___ ;-. .• lI"',a.,. .... ~ ... Logan, whose be~utiful mansion, Stentin, Is sllll standing In north Philadelphia, was the lead- IAU$IC80X . IIUN ,;tINGS ON ,. ~.I,'I to gr~phy. • Jack ........ Frederick B. Tolles of Elm avenue spoke Tuesday. at the PhlladelphlaInqutrer" Midwinter Book and Author Luncheon. His subject W.BS his new' book, "James Logan th;e,CuIWreof .. 'Ptovli1c18! America", be published on Jan_ uary 29th by Little, Brown, and Company as part of ItS smes called The Library of American Bli>- and- you gO-::'-1Il!!: ovel'ot:o Trimming ~ T..anapl.utillg Fri. & Sat•• Jan. 18 & 19 (Cfnamascop...Technlcolor) ,._ , i~~~;~~~~:;;J . """.......7:45 ond t:45P.1"" Ave.' Flying Saucers, Etc. Telep. . . .: CHestel' 2..7206 -' Ask for Ben' Palmer or Henry Arnold liMa. HULOT'S IIOLlD4Y" W. . 2nd Floor --Ice Skates, Sleds, Cu.tom. Lantls~ape Wor" • Swarillmare. Pa. How about a vandal catcher with some stiff lines thrown In? Have we reached the place where it is· necessary to haJe plainclothes policemen run down these perpetrators of petty crime? The prClblem is serious and it needs the attention of every par-I ent. If could be your property or your boy or Is it just dogs again? ,; Park Avenue. Swarthmore; Pei. R. D. 16, Media, Pa. Mid.dletown Road Jacque Tati's Mamrptece WMifAKER OLDS. INC. ~The Cam~ra a'Hobby Sho~ .' BAPTIZED Debra Lee, daughter of Mr•. and . ~chardBreMlller 9f Sppngfield, was baptized Sunday mornIng at the second service of the PreSbyterian Church. She Is a grandchild of Mr. and' Mrs. F. Stuart BreMlller of Springlleid. Valuel AdIonILuxuryI Yau get allIne In ClIck far 'S7Ia- - - ' iqu'RI ALWAYS WB.cOME AT ... Stocle up for tile MId·Winter lun of Birtllday Parties. Winterize With Prestone or Zerex Gulf. Gas and Oil Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Davant announce the .blrtli of their third child, Kathryn Norma, born 5, 1956, in Miami, Fla. The young lady Is the niece. of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. aelfield, Jr., ~f Villa Nova avenue. 'COL'LEGE THEATRE sound like the abode of a' slum gang; The llst of offenses includes theft .and destruction of ould';or Christmas . decorations, throwing of eggs, mutilation and theft of cars, 'wrenching off its base and carrying' 011 of a valuable antique statue from ... walled garden, and, of course, the little joke about the stolen dynamite to be. set off in the club pool. It is all a splendid foundation for crime. New items added (~nd removed) , D e l c o B.tterles Opposite High to.1ea~ow lec... C'!l~ ON 1111 •• 0.1 •••11 'roa A aOeK." •••" • contains many toys, H.O:, Camera, etc., items iii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ley. :z-;..'I(I., of M••• S.rIol 3-'WOfana.·•••rll" ....... Attractlo. Sua•• Moa•• Jail. 20. 21 GI.,. . . . . .rs '. Mlc. . . . . .1. I Dis Counter, near the front of our store Call Kingswood 3-0476 Porter of Wallingfordonare congratulatiqns thereceivbirth of their second daughter EUzabeth Morse, on January 4. The little girl Is a graljddaughter of Mrs. David McCahan of Strath' Haven avepue, and of Mr. Meredith F. Porter, of Rose Val- J.n. AII,so. man's best friend seem under control - ?r are they? Could 11 be that some dogs are going in for property destruction in a big wayt One hears experiences of victims that make Swarthmoie .9 South Cheste.. Road M. GIANT CHILD lEN'S SHOW . SATURDAY 1 '.M •. l--colo. c:ortoo•• from Ihe.Gald... Rocht 88, Super 88 or SIa..... 98. there'.... Juot rigid for you ... and at a modest price YOU'lI/lcel Up~ Dis ~ounter! BEAUTY LENDS' WARMTH TO WINTE.'S CHILL BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Eben C. Lang of Scarsdale, N. Y., announce' the birth of a daughter, Catherine Fussell, in White Plains, on January 12. Mrs. Milton H. Fussell of Vassar avenue is the maternal grandmother. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Lang of Maple avenue. ---.-+-- VERY FQCKETI ",r. i~~~;;~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;~;;;;~~ A reception in McCahan Hall followed the wedding· ceremony.. After a wedding trip tq Vermont, the bride and groom will reside at 621 South Chester road. Friday Feafut.s---7:40 • lin..... Y.1e .. H.rv.rd Av...... 5_....mON•••• costume. Sohlrday Fe.tur.s-&.8 & 10 P.M. 'A ROCKET Week 'Mrs. G. Gordon Brain's ftrst below,,", The 11th and' 12th grade A$- grade parents of the Rutgers Ave- The 9P1nI0Il8 fh_ of the ID41Yllluai wrtten. AU semblles will haft their Iofcmnal nue School will meet Monday, 1 _ to Th. 8warthmOftUl IDaot dance tomorrow evening .frolD 8:30 .January 21, at 8: 15 p.m. at the ..... ...,...... ......IIOD1IIl08 mar ..... ._tel"will.. DO to _the _If• the Le&ten be .... pa..... . to 11:30 p.m. home. of Rev. and Mrs. Joseph ._ on17 at the II_on of the . Mr. and Mrs. FOrd Robinson Bishop, 912 Westdale avenue. EdJ-· .. will be host and hostess· for the 11th grade; Chaperons will be Mr. Mrs. John Ba1ley of Ogden ave!'and Mh.. G. Wills BrodIlad. nue, who has been 111 sirice DeVaadal Cateher To the EdItor: Twelfth grade host and hostess cember "27; Is convalescing in Taywill be Mr. and Mrs. John Carlor Hospital, Ridiey Park. The dog problem caused quite roll. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j .... stir In this town and now with thi'eats of shooting On sight, or a stiff fine, things to do with her Virginia Gibson Tiller of Hav-' father, the bride wore a gown of erford place has recently been ac- white silk mist with fitted bodice cepte.d as a pledge by Theta Pi Alencon lace' Sabrina neckchapter of Alpha Omicron Pi Garlands of' Alencon lace sorority at Wagner College, where adorned the full skirt ending in a she Is a sophomore in the School chapel-length train. Her ftngerof Nursing. Daughter of Mr. and tip veil was held by a cap of Mrs. A. B. Tiller, Virginia is an Alencon lace. She carried a houalumna of Swarthmore High quet of white orchids, roses, and School, she served on her dormi- ; stephanotis. . tory council and as manager of I The bride's only attendant was . AI. COIiDmONID Letters to' tl}.~ Editor Co. M~~ Society Sets FirSt G.... P...._.. 11TH, 12TH GRADE ASSEMBLIES' SAT. STRATH HA'YEN INN t&1Ieta gown matching hat, accented with with a spray of cymbidium orchids. The groom's motherlwas at~ in a beige silk gown fashioned with crushed girdle and overskilt of beige chiffon. A corsage of ~rown cypridium orchids complemented her Mr. 'and Mrs. Fredl!rick LOllY Colllfortobl" Rooml D.y 01' Swarthmore. her son-in-law and daughter Dr. and Mrs. Donald N. Twaddell of Lansdale. Mr: an\! Mrs. W. Ned Mikusinski, of Magill road have ·been In"Ited to the Inaugural Ball of - aM EXCEI,.ENT BANQUET .\NO PARTY FACILITIES BUSINESS MEN'S UJNCB 12-1.30 P. M. length gown· of red taffeta and carried a' ~quet of camellias and variegated Ivy. Mr. Oscar Klamer or Rutgen avenue served as best man. Ushers were Mr. Warren C. Shultis fOl'Dlerty of South Chester road, Mr. James J. Egl01l, Jr., of Chalfont, and Mr. Donald R. Rupp of Drexel HIlL ' Mrs; Lukens chose a copen blue lii _ ' " I !!U '0"'", -' . ~ . • - -.,- .\.-. ' • Chari. 'Wusoti of tire'Tre'uur,y liveIl on ('.omnrocll~ ~; S.Y1I'1.I~lN NOTIS will .include .101m B. I'ricke, Gor. l'DE s\vARTHMOREAN Mr. will preach at the DepartmenL The CommlMlon on Education don Pfau, Harry I'reDch and Mar. I'tJBLlSIIBD EVBIlT I'IUDAT AT SWABTJIII<'u,' PA. 9:30 and 11 o'clock services Sunwill meet in the Chapel Tuesday shall Flggatt. Arrangementa for ... - morning. The title of bia setto P IIl'BBB. TOLD. IlABJOBlB TOLD. evening at 8 o'clock. the course were completed by mqn will be "And Sanc~" PbDae SWarOrm ....-.... Thee Thy Deepest Distress". The Instead of the regular Cottage Mrs.. John M. Pearson of Comell PBTBB B. TOLD, installation and ordination of new Prayer Meeting on Wednesday, av~e. Barbara B. Kent. Managing Editor 'officers will take place at the sec- the groUP is invited to attend 1he Three smalllsh and inexpensive Rosalie D. Pelrsol Marjorie T.. Told Anne L. Mabbott ond service. 8 p.m. service at Covenant Me1ho- books ~ suggested as· back. The Sacrament of Holy ComEntered 811 Second Class Matter. Janu...,. 24. 1929. at the Poat 8 30 dlst Church. SprlDgfield, for a pro- ground (not required) reedIng for 0iIIc:e at Swarthmore. Pa.. under the Act of March 8. 1879. munlon will be celebrated at : gram of sacred and secular mwdc the course: "How, to be lID Ina.m. Sunday and on the third Sun- presented by the Drew University telllgent .~estor". by BeDj~ o DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON day of each month throughout the College Choir of 42 voices. The Graham; How to Buy Stocks by SWARTHMORE, PENNA., JANUARY 18, 1957 year. The service will be held in group will meet at the church at Louis Engel; "Investors' Road ~ 1__- - - - - - - - - - - -•.:...--------:-:-::::-' ithe church sanctuary. 7: 30 p.m. Map" by Alice B. Miorgan. The Church School classes are held CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES FRIENDS MEETING NOTES latter two .can be secured in paper At the Adult Forum Sunday Dr. at 9: 30 and 11 a.m.; the Senior fonnat. the Morgan book publishAvailability today of the heal- John Lutz assistant professor of High .Bible study meets at 10:45~ Woman's Club Li$ls ed by Simon and Sehus~r and' ing pow"r of divine Truth will Finance ~t the University of Men's and Women's Bible clasInvestments Series the Engel book published by be emphasized at Christian Sci- Pennsylvania. will speak to ses convene at 9:30. , (Continued from Page 1) Bantam Books. ence serviCes Sunday. when the Friends on "Friendship through The Conflrmation class for all trip" to the Board Room of the The lectUres will begtD, promptLesson - Sermon is en ti tie d Education in Pakistan!' This is Junior and Senior High young Philadelpbia Office of Bache and Iy at 10. It is requested that the " at 9: 45a,m. in the Meeting House. people of the congregation will Company which will be given the audience be prompt in arriving "Truth." Sunday evening teen-age mem- meet at 4: 30 p.m. in Mr. Bishop's series if such a trip is desired. At and come equipped with paper Christ Jesus' healing of the bers of the Meeting and their study each Sunday afternoon until that time a wedal talk could be and pencil. "WolI)an which had a spirit of in- parents will get together in Whit- Palm Sunday. Anyone who is in- iiiiiiiiliiiiilwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiRriiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiW: firmity eighteen years. and was tier House for a covered dish sup- 'erested and who missed last ,.MiiUIW!DIIBnU"liMHIlllurmmmmnIDIIDDIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIWlnmWlllmnmllllllllHOllUlnnmmlllD_. howed together. and could in no per which will be followed by a week's session is welcome to join =mwise lift up herself" (Luke 13) discussion of' "What it Means to the class this week. hi wJll be among the Scriptural pas- be a Quaker in 1957." Leaders will The' Junior High Fellows p ~. 407 DARTMOUTH AVENUE . sages read from the King James be John Seybold and Earle Ed- will meet at the cburch at 4:30 to E!_ BREAKFAST _ LUNCH _ O·INNER. wards. go skating on Crum Creek, weath- !! Version of the, Bible. .. The Monthly Meeting for Bus- er permitting. If there is no ice. CLOSED SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS The public IS cor?I"lly mVlted iness. scheduled for Tuesday of the group will meet,in the Wom.' • to attend the ServIC":' a~ First this week, was cancelled because an's Association room at 5. Sup- _ OPEN 7 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. Church "f Christ. SCIentist 206 of weather conditions' aud has per will be served at 6: 30 in McMonday Through Friday , iii Park avenue. at 11 a.m. been rescheduled for Tuesday. Cahan Hall. Choir rehearsal wiil :: Dady Dinners $1.00 to $1.95 January 22 at 8 p.m. be held the rehearsal-room at FANCY SANDWICHES ' 7 followmg supper. , . • TRINITY NOTES The Senior High Fellowship , Specla. CIIlIdre" , '.aHer. 'a There will be a celebration of will meet for supper in McCaban A.II "1IIIiIIiuwm_lUInlnuunmnillllDDu"U"""""lIlnllUl)IiI"WHwmIUDnmunllDlUlIIIII~ the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock Hall at 6: 30 following choir reSunday morning and again at hearsal at 5. The program. which 9: 30. All departments of the will be held in the Hearth rooro Church School will meet at 9: 30. at 7. will be a continuation of the and at 11: 15 there will be the ser- discussion on "Mentjll Health for vice of Morning Prayer. Young People". A movie entitled A P PRE C I AT ION CHURCH SERVlaS Ushers at the 9: 30 service will "Breakdown" will be shown. Mr. be A. G. Boyd. head usher; C. H. Bishop will lead the discussion folPRESBYTERlAN CHURCH We extend our grateful appred~ Joseph P. Bishop. Minister Brennan, Jr.. G. A. Hansell. Jr.. lowing the movie. John Schott. Aasoclate MIDUter W. V. Thomas. Jr.• B. H. Welsh. atIon 10. the thousands of famDi. The Young Adult Group will Sund&y, Jllllaar:v ZO and E. E. Wrege. At 11: 15. will be pre~nt the movie "Martin Luthwho have relied on our service. 8:30 A.M.-Holy Communion. C .. S. Keller. head usher; H. G. er" at 7 p.m. In/the Woman's As9:30 A.M.-Adult Bihle Classes. 9:30 and 1l:00 A.M. - Church Toland. alternate; R. T. Bates. sociatlon room. All who would Uke School Classes. W. T, Black. J. H. Breakell. C. R~ to come are cordially invited., 9:30 and 11:00 A.M.-Mr. Bishop Engberg, J. S. Thompson. and On Monday from 7: 30 p.m. to will preach. OLIVER BAIR CO. G. S. Valentine. 9: 30 p.m. the second in a series 4: 30 P.M.-Communlcants Class. DIIIeIOH O ...... _ _ Julian Bullitt will serve as acO- of six programs will, be held a~ 4:30 P.M.-Jr. High Fellbwship. 1820 CHISTNUT STRIIT 6:30 P .M.~r. High Fellowship. Iyte at 8 o'clock; Edgar Harris. the church. Mr. Btshop will lead 7:00 P.M.-Movie "Martin" Grant Hebble. and John Water- the dlscussi,?n the first hour In OI!YER H. 1IAIt,'""""" MAJ(f AoIIAIt, "odd•• Luth~.u bury at 9:30. and at 11: 15 a.m. exploring the Christian faith T.....ho..... 6-1S11 lI(o~, JIIII~.,;U . ,' Michael Reynolds and Peter through the. und~standIn,g of, '.. ''",' . 7:30 ·P-.M;-'-Ohurch 'School'Work- Timms. God. Man. Jesus Christ, the Holy _sh~,. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ The Young People's FellOWShip Spirit and the church. The second i~i!i!!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i!i!!;;;;;;;;;;;;;i!i!!;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!ii ME-fHODIST CHu,RCH will meet on Sunday at 7: 30 p.m. hour will have five practical John C. Kulp At 10 o'clock Monday moming teacher-training sessions at the MlnIster the Diocesan Department of ditferent departmental I eve I s. Robeq Wnde Minister of Music Christian Education will meet in Leaders for the first three sessions . Sund&y. Jllllaar:v 20 the Parish Hall. The Boys' Choir will be: of 9:45 A.M.~lmday SchooL sopranos wilJorehearse at 4: 45 p.m. The Rev. Donald Leonard. Sen11:00 A.M.-Mr. Kulp will preach. Monday. and at 7: 30 p.m. the ior High; Irma Zimmer. Junior 7:00, P.M.-MYF Girls' Choir rchearsal will be High;. Myrtle McCallin. Junior; Monday. Jllllaar:v Z1 held. Mrs. Benjamin Groff. primary; 6:30 P.M.-Men·s Dinner. There will be a service of Even_ and Mni. Pemberton Dicks"". Mrs. TRINITY CHURCH Ii. Lawrence Whittemorc. Rector irig Prayer at 5:40 p.m. Tuesday. Walton Clement, Jr.• Mrs. Thom.) Sunday. Jllllnary 20 At 6:30 p.m. a box supper and as Hubpard and Mrs. Jack Mc8: 00 A.M.-Holy Communion. square dance will be held in the Williams. pre-school. 9:30 A.M. - Holy Communion. Parish Hall. This is being sponsor_ The weekly Meeting for Prayer Church SchooL ed by the Evening Group of the will be held at 1 p.m. Tuesday. 11:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer. '7:30 P.M.-Young People's Fel- Woma,,'s Auxiliary, and a cordial At 10:30 Wednesday. Circle 7. lowship. . Invitation is extended to all mem- Mrs. Harold C. Williams. chair. Tuesday. Janaar:v 22 bers of the parish to attend this man. will meet at the home of 5:40 P.M.-Evening Prayer. function. Mrs. John S. McQuade. Jr.. 44 Wednesday. JIIIIU...,. 23 'Holy Communion will be c~leShady Hill road. Moyisn. 7:00 A.M.-HoIYCommunion. brated· at 7 o'clock Wednesday Circle 11. Mrs. Frederick M. 9:30 A.M.-Holy Communion. 10:00 A.M.-Bible Stud,.. morning and ag~in at 9: 30. The Porter. chainnan, will meet at the Thursday, Jllllaar:v 24 Bible Study, group will meet at home of Mrs. George,F. Corse. Jr.• 8:00 P.M.-Adult Bible Study. 10 a.m.; and af the same hour Ridgewood and Woodcrest roads; FrIday. lllllnary 25 there will be a m<:eting of the Wallingford Summit. (Conversion of St. Paul) Sewing Committee for the choir. On Thursday. the Primary' 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. The Boys' Choir SopranGs. will Choir will rehearse ;>t 3:30 p.m.; 5;40 P.M.-Evening Prayer. Lamps - Clocks - Appliances _Housewares at 4:45 p,m. Wednesday. the Junior Choir at 4 p.m.; and rehearse THE l!ELIGIOU'S SOCIETY Power Tools - Bicycles - Gifts . On 'Thursday the Altos will re- the Oharicel Choir at 7: 30 p.m. OFFRlENDS hearse at 6: 30 p.m., the Sopranos SUllday, Jllllnary 20 Examples: . Were NOW, 9:45 A.M.-First Day SchooL at 7: 15. and the ¥en's Choir will M"Hon'ST NOTeS 9:45 A.M. - Adult Forum: Dr. rehearse at 7: 30. The Adult Bible The "Pairs 'N' Spares" will beUniversal Eledric COHeeniaker ..... 24.9$ 14.95 John Lutz: "FrIendship tbroulih Class will meet at 8 p.m. in th~ gin' theiT\regular monthly meetEducation in Pakistan.,,· , I»resto Electric Pressure Cooker 29.95 19.95 Ing with a covered dish supper 11:00. A,M.-Meeting for Worship. Cleaves room.' Jf~e "~and Eledric ,Mixer-I., speeds 39.95 19.95 Children cared for in Whittier There will be a celebration of this evening at 7 p.m. The proHouse. AU are welcome. the Holy Communion at 10 o'clock gram win conSist of talks by some Frrnte Deep Fcit Fryer ''' .. 21.95' 14.95' 6:00 P.M.-Teen-age Parents get- on FrIday (Conversion of St. of the members on theiroccupa_ Detecto Balhroom Sets-less 30% " . together in Whittier House. . Paul). ThiS will be followed by a tions. . ,, Glamerine Rug Cleaner . meeting of the,active and associate The Methodist Youth FellowMonday. JllllaiIr;v 2~' All day sewing for A.F.S.C. members of the Altar Pulld. At ship group will have a Progres_' with Brush ... ,....... ''' ........"................ 2.49 I 1.00 Tuesday, Jllllnary 22 5: 40 p.m; the regular service of sive Dinner on Saturday begin8:00 P.M,-Monthly 'Meeting for Evening Prayer will be 'held. ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pots-Pans_ business. Philip Hall. 223 Part avenue at Wednesday. January 23 UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP 6:30 p.m. Flint Stainless Steel Tools and Cutlery. All day sewing for A.F.S.C. At the 11 a.m. Worship Service of Delaware Canty FIRSTCHURCH OF Beverage Sets and ,Pitchers Mr. Kulp and Robert Wilde CHRIST. SCIENTIST 3-lID SWARTJD,iORE present a message on the "MinisPyrex 4 Bowl Set. 1.98 now 'I~OO Snd.,......ry ao Park Avenue below Harvard try of Music in Worship". 'o.so ,,"IoI~ ..1or Fe""""'l~ IC,,",.h 8~.JIIII1IarJ' at SdIooI) , Universcal' Meat Gri~ders _ ,The Methodist YoUth Fellow_ 11:00 A. M.~day SchooL , '''OIl ,,"IoI_Wonlllp SonIc.. ship will meet at 7 p.m. 11:00 A.M.-The Leoaon S a _ s...hr: DR. CH ....LES L CH...NDlB, wUI be "Truth." '_1 0.. U.~ Wednesday evening meeting each . worn".,.,... ~~ MHns fod.,.'" . week. tJ P.M., Reading Room. tOIl DartmOUth Avenue, OpeD SocIOr "_ nigb~ which wUI be eooked' and on the Corner Old _ load. SoorI... '~except holl..,., 10-5 . (Na.IIo $prooI I served by the W.s.C.S. Eventide tetbDOll.efi!n1D& 7-11. ~ af~. pttBIJ............. . Council Ups T a x , lllUCTn O~Ki"g 01 Hearts", ' Local Firemen Give '.' To Lanldow.. R·....... 0 ne 'U"l!'~' MacElwee 01 MIL IN HolyokeIrv:In placeR. WIll reelected prea1_ New Miracle CU(;e Assilt In Media Fire Swarthmore HiCh· Sohool Glrla (Continued From Pa,e 1) dent of the Hannah Penn House. (Continued FrOm Page I) Giril Yanlty 10WI ..... _&or 0EW 0RO.P INN iI I i I I .' I .' !D • / THE H. WILLIAM F. UTHE MORTON, PENNA. Is R~ady for Storewide Clearance Until Jan. 30th' Reductions Up to 50% o- • • • VI. Swarthmore's VOlunteel' Fire varsity ,basketball team !oat ita Board'. recent la, committee. was Republican, Women of Pennayl- dearing all-boy Norman Larldn openlnjr game to, lansdowne-AI_ appointed to serve the remainder vania for a two-year term, at the diOO Company Association was caned ' ...... M_ h Id M d expect. John P. Dolman. dan 40-21. . ' 'of McCowan's term which expires annua1 m~_ e on ay in Jr.'s 'tBilly alides in and out of out of bed at,I:45 Tuesday momCoach Nancy Johnson, confront. at the end of the current year. Philadelphia.' mischief with equal grace and, of ing to assist with the lire 1hat ed with the 1088 of her varsit,y Topping lives on North Princeton - - - - - - - - - - - course, he handles the telephone deatroyed at least two atores in forWards at graduation last '}pear, avenue. ar~hitect for' the project which fa discussion to-stlty-or-not-to-stay- Media and severely damaged two started a comparitively new set W. H. Nason was reappointed to designed to house retired mInist- for- lunch with sh much skill that others in the Media business secof forwards last Thursday. They the Borough Planning CommIs- ers. appea\;ed at the meeting. Kaa- it is one of the brightest moments tion. Every piece of equipment were Bobbi Ziegenfus (.. varsity sion. Harty wOod. to the Tr4!8 sler informed CoUDCn that land in the production. James Clare's went as m(lre 'than :to volunteers guard last· year), Carol Williams,. ,Committee Nomian Hulme to the and streets would remain in one Mike has real insouciance. answered the call. and PriscUla Much: , . ; Board Of'Adjustment and Mrs. trad under title of the· Board of Samuel Evans 3rd achieves the Several other companies in the Guards who started for the var- Mary P. Dodd as Collector of sew- Pensions. although houses and state of uncertainty -1hat any Lar- area joined in the fight that ended . sity· were Captain Ells Hunter er rent. utilities would be located so the kin interview must. Pater 'Dolman about 6 a.m. (sJoo, a '!e!'Sity guard last year), ' A resolution restricting a 50- houses on their separate lots lives up to his son in the role of • Gall Lincoln. and Betty Anne Mc- foot streich on the north side of would conform to present zoning one of the most gullible PatrolNEWS NOTES Corkel. Top scorer for the team Dartmo t~ V i f t f th requirements In every respeCt. d' e thlls permitting the Board of Pen- men on recor . It IS a welcome was sophomore Ada Kroon with . u a enue , • n ron .0 10 pOints • I Dartmouth House. for the ,exclu- sions to dispose of the property as thing to 'have a Dolman on the Mr. and Mrs. J. Archer Tumer, . I sive use of oil trucks and other Players Club" stage' again. two of Jr.• of Cedar lane with their chil- , The J.V. ,team caine closer to i hi I t . separate lots should the desire victo·th 34 t Lansd • serv ce ve c es ca enug to that ever arise. them is twice welcome and Cheri dren Jeb. Chuck. Jan. and Meg OJ WI 0 owne S apartment house. was planned. the winsome annful of poodle. ~ and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Colket of 36. Leading scorer here was sophoCouncil received a letter from Plans call for 20-foot )ovide good measure. Ruth Hindley's Rosemont wifh their children more. Betty Gemmill. Wi1h 20 Courtney Smith. president of rowned burfaced roads of struc- Jeniel\a Iii quite indispensable to Peter. Marian. and Beth spent last points. June Heckman nnged 9. Swarth e Coli' st ti th ture conforming with Borough "KI mor ege. a ng e . ti n ' ng of Hearts". (Isn't that a week ,end on the farm of Mrs. College's strong opposition to s~flca 0 s, a Sldewa~k on one trite title for SO changeling a Colket·s parents near York. where Clubwomen Anticipate using Crum Creek Valley for the SIde of the road but, n~ curbs. play?) they enjoyed skating and sledMid-Winter Luncheon State's proposed cross-country Future possible property lines are If your Christmas bills aren't ding. highway linking the Indusirial planned to provide a 50-foot cart- paid; it your last year'S profit adds Mrs. Judson R. Hoover. Jr.• (Continued from Page 1) Hillhway and 1he Turn Ike At 9 way strip together with other to Income Tax woes; it you president of the Swarthmore Thomson. Thomas V. Haus, Olar- p.m. Council took tim~ o':'t for features required by the Borough thought you wanted sn,,¥, and now Woman's Club. entertained at a ence C. Franck and Edward Crat- a long executive session with rep- which would be added it the prop- find that yOU didn't at all' even small 'luncheon Tuesday at the 'sley. resentatlves of the' Springfleld erty should be sold and the streets if. along with 'rnrector Se~pur. Ingleneuk for Mrs. William' IL Mrs. Avery Blake. chairmim of Township CommlslQners who have dedicated sometime in the' future. have the mumps; try "King of Pugh. the club's afternoon' speak,the art department. has announced ,been fighting another possible 10S~wers. ~uilt to ~rough specl-IH:ealrts" instead of Bufferin. It er. Mrs. Pugh gave an illustrated a second series of 10 painting Jes- cation of the highway which fications, wIll be dedi~ated to' the will certainly take your mind off talk on her year's trip to Europe. SOns on Monday mornings begin- would bring it across an area in Borough upon completion and ac- all personal woes tonight or toMrs. Stokes F. BUrtis. Jr.. of ning Jauary 21. at 10 a.m. H?pe which th~ Itelicopter plattt. the ceptance. Standard water malns morrow night at the clq,b's FairHaverford place retumed Tuesday Durfee Wagner will 'again be the Swarthmore Swim- Club pOol. the and properly, placed hydrants are view I'Gad thealre. night from a week's visit with her instructor. Blue Church and many recently also to be installed. How:ever. it mother-in-law Mrs. Stokes Burtis On Friday morning. January 25 built homes would be affected. was stated. "T~e Board .Pe~- College Board Exams in Winston-Salem. N. C. . at 10 a.m. the music department Although no reason for the con- slons Is awal'e. In view of Its prl, Topic lor Wed. Night MENTAL HEALTH PROJECT will meet in the lounge. "An Hour sultation with Swarthmore was vate ownership of the roads. that with Tchaikovsky", will include publicly stated. there were indi- it ~ill be responsible for road (Continued From Page 1) Mrs. Randolph Lee of Haverrecordings from his lighter. more cations that the highway was the maInte~n~. snow relJloval. and Sehool to provide infonna-' ford place is among key vOlun_ popular works as announced by topic of discussion street Itghting. and trash collec- tion about various educational teers participating in an all-out . Mrs. W.· R. chairm'lD. Presb;vterlan Project flelds that are pertinent certain drive to incorporate menta} health' Committee paratus will serve the area. using grade levels. Because of ·the in- program in year-round activities TUESDAY SPEAKER A layout plan folt the 10 to 12 the 'rqads and hydrants. T\1e Board ~reaslng numbers of students go- of community organizations. Melvin K. Wbiteleather of houses the Presbyterian lloard of also assumes 'that Police protec- Ing to college and the wide spread Representatives of tfle associaMagill road. Bp1leUn Columnist Pensit'ns plans to coris.truet on the tion will be simnarly provicied." use .of college entrance tests, this ,tlon's VOlunteer committees met on foreign a1fairs. was 1he speaker former Morrow property at the Any right to tax exemption will particular program was set up in last week a\ organization headTUesday at the January lUncheon south end of Swarthmore this be waived. it was declared. res~nse to requests, from grade quarters rin ,Philadelphia to .. dis.. of the Swarthmore Club of Spring. was fonnerly submitted The Board of Pensions asked groups to further the understand- CUSs methods for approacblng delphia. His subjeet was entifled ·fo Counj:il's approval. Council re- that official action be taken at ing of the nature of th~ tests. groups and presenting educatlon''TIl,e Very Near East". ferred the matter to the Borough neXt month's meeting of Council. Joyzelle P/!Ck. guidance CDUn- 'al 'programs. George' McKeag. Parrish road. Planning Commission for ,formaL In order that final plans and specl- selor in the high school. will be ' _'_ _ _ _ _ __ Is presid..t- of the ~11m~ cI~b. ' recommendations." 'f"~ ..... , ; flc.ttionsfor' the ·.one-mory·· to a~st Mr.I'dOQll. an _ _ _iii;;.. ' . , '. Donald Hiboord of the Board of square foot hoUses may be will be available to hei answer "I saw it it(The Swarthmorean" Pensions and Kassler. 'pleted promptly. speciflc questions. Mrs. Edward Pyle is. the chalrman of the 10th grade. an4 Mrs. Edward CratsJey. chairman of the education Com_ mittee. In the planning stage by' the gra~e and program chairman of the first. second, and third lirades of both ~lementary schools. and , " the education committee Is a pro_ • -' gram on "Why Johnnie Can or Annual Cannot Re,!d". This, program was' Inventory suggested by various individuals interested in studying further the , . Clearance various aspects of, this subjeCt that developed last year in the reading R~: ,Resignation ,of Councilman McCowan workshop directeoi by Dr. Ethel All Sorts of Maney. Delaware County reading BARGAINS! supervisor. The dates for this proThe members of Boroug~, Council were saddened to recitive a letter from gram will be announced in the Frank M~Oowan. Monday night, advising ~tIrat because of lIoe need to lighten 'his' near future. ' duties he f"lt obliged to . , 'resign from Council, effective at once. Mr.. and Mrs. Edwin Croshy are No one' has se~ed the Borough more usefully and conscientiously than Frank, now residing at 201 Summit road. Springtleld. They formerly lived over a great many years. As chairman C!f the Finance Co~inittee he had lIoe principal I Media. responsibility~'for the bond issue that finaneed the new Borough Hall. Each year when • .1Ioe new budget was being prepared,. Frank ~nd the Borough Secretary have spent many hourS. ouhide of C 110& 14th day ~ January 1957. 0 , " . . BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE \ WILL'Ar.t F. UTHE Mort OLDS! PASSED this 14110 day of January 1957. will etc. SALE! BOROUGH, OF SWARTHMORE 0-0-,"0-. K' t~ .. M .......... OLDS. INC• 1. I Dr. Reuel Finney Markham, father of Mrs. Eleanor Markham Smyers of Dartmouth avenue, The League of Women Voters died suddenly of ah heart. attack Swarthmore at' Its Board meetN , 5 t his January a orne m oron Monday, January 14, voted folk, Va. to J'oin >I'e 'rIA Citizens Creek Valley An educator, Dr. Markh am was I ASS(oci>,tlo.n of Delaware County. former missionary in the Near Creek Valley AssoC,l,ation was East under the American Board organized in September for the of Commissioners for Foreign specific' purpose of furthering the Missions. ' program of the Delaware County A memorial service was held Planning commission. The Com_ January 9 in Norfolk. mission has prepared a comprehensive plan to preserve our four ESTATB NOTICE major creeks-Darby, Crum, RidEola'e of SEYMOUR S. PRESTON, ley, and Chester. Together with late of the Borough of Swarthmore. ........ the Citizens Housing. and Plan- Mrs. M: Katrina Ives of Yale avenue has had as ber guest for two weeks Mrs. F. H. Ives of Chicago, IiI. PUBLIC NOTICE , A proposed budget for the ll Year in 1957 is available for pub c spection at the oftlce of the Borough Secretary located at Borough Hall, 121 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa; between .the hours of 9: 00 A.M. and 5: 00 P.M. for flfteen days subsequent to the publlcatlon ~ this natice. ELLIOTT RICHARDSON c.~.~,TO~Eth~S,:~~O!F:~~~~~:~~~~lning Council of Delaware coun~ the Creek Valley Association en- Borough Secretary • JewPllry Repaired .",n'ed to the to the 'Indebted 0 make .a,..en'-, ':'0 '-'7.-:to present tbe sante sEYMOUR Phone: KI 3...0:16 visions, among other things, the . a f our wat er resourcconservation es against erosion' and pollution, ftood' control, and the preservatI on 0 f th e na tu ra1 b-" ""utIes 0 f our creek valleys. The Creek Valley Association has already been endorsed by the of Commerce of Chester and Delaware County, the Greater Darby Chamber of Commerce, the Federa1ion of Women's Clubs of Delaware County, the Woman's Club of Swarthmore, Delaware County Field and Stream Association, and several other civIc organizations. ~::.~nr!:t~~ EMIL SPIES W.tc••• k.r Media. Penn,yl.an'. or to hIli Attorneys BUTLER. BEA'ITY, GREER ond ,/;.'.~::'S~~enue ' ~Iedla. Penn,yl••n'o """orl, 01 F. C. I0.lId'., 6 Years af Swart..,o,. Imr•••• Sharon Hill 0734 above &!tate undersigned. LETTERS saId f.stnte menlo Rnd the snme. ~~~1~~~~W~~ ...."CK ESSIG, Talbot. Co. Expert Watch Repairs Or to Attorney s. 228 Garrett ·Ave. Swarthmore. Pennn. ALBERT N. GARRETT SAIA ••• JEWELER "I saw it in The Swarthmorean" o:c:le:r Klngswood ::!•.~:::v~~I':o"" 3·1448 FA,ah.", & Rubhish Removed Lawns Mowed, General Bnulimr 138 IhrdlllW Ave., Morton. Pn- Sta.I1., IC1ll11Mft lOla" for Z .......~ to npresent .o~. Eaahnt llna.dol corporefioa. No ~I. 501. upe"... and abU", established mId", 2504D ,"rs old, moro ded, capable of ......ai respoiislbfl.. ItIoL I. 1"-", p I loci"'. brio! _ I .11Iary. all npll. COftfIdeItlal. Our sa...... hcrYe _ 1 _ 01 tills ad. .... "- L "'Nd. . William W. Clark '"'1_.... r.wGrthl'DCdOl. W.ter Heate.. 011 ....~ .. . 424 Haverford Place EDWARD G. CHIPMAN AND SO" I GflllAl (OMTRAUOR ~ Tile Floors Plastic Tile Modern Kltc.en ' I FORMJCA - LINOLEUM VENETIAN IUNDS KI 4-1434 662 S. Ckoster Rd. '0. r and CARPENTRY 3-8761 Alterations , 335 FOR SALE Dartmouth Aven.e J. F. BLA<:KMAN KI 3-6616 OILHEAT 011. ~ - . . QlllDlnoe.. OIL ~ au ~un _on ',,'!ojI.NO ... TlI MIAUtS DAY ud'NIGBT OIL BURNER SERVI<:E 'HONDAT TRRU SATURDAY NOON KlngswOod" 4.1234 !JUNDAys'andROLIDAYl' l.A.GREEN SWAITHMORE.·A. 1 ___ . ' ..... j. AGAIN THIS' WEEK ." \ '/ To introdUce ·new .Kraft, DeLuxe Margcirine-, buy one at re~ular price 39c get seco~d for 1c or 2 for40c Wa.,..AlrH_Hn, Air CollClltlcntfn, Sheet Metal Work. George Myers &Co. P,YLE Duplicating Service , . CO-OP GRAPEFRUIT . I ." . rt' . ... , ........ can 19c • '\ CO-OP PEACHES (large can) 3ge , (large can) boffle 19c CARNATION MILK 4 cans S3c RIVAL DOG FOOD 6 cans 7Sc • , ,. ' AJAX T"e'Foaming Cleaner -ATLANTIC -HEAT!NG - - " I EXTRA FANCY . CALIF. BROCCOLI , large -Bunches Q;~S . EXTRA . F~Ney MUSHROOMS .,' . Ib·49c Do y~u evaluate the personal extras in your fo~d costs? ~ . : Do you d)unt ithe' budgeted hours , you devote to food. • .do you in~ude travel ,.time,· transportation costs, auxiliary, shopping ••• For' efficient, all-round service, conveniences? . . shop Q:,.Op. , ~TLANTlC· For. Prompt Service Call VANALEN 2 for 19c --~--------~ When You Change.to LOS'l' Pearl necklace 3 strands between Princeton ai.d Swarth~ more ,,:venues on Dartmouth Wednesday. evening. KIngswood 3-i595. . , ,Ridley Parle 39~ " CO-OP CATS,..P 15 S. CHESTER ROAD Swarthmore 113-1497 LOST AND RiUND rum na ura cau sites. , , "I ~ather continued the oldest bookstore west of the Alleghenies, "J. A.' and U. P. James, Booksellers and Publishers," Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. James managed the store and company from 1928' - 1929, his contribution the bulld,',,' Ing up of an extensive library business. While, residing in Boston , 1942-1950 he was" IntimateIy acquainted with Widener LIbrag, Harvard University, and able to render It services. A former resident of the Bor~ugh from 1933-1937, he returned as a homeowner in 1954. He is a consultant in the Oil and Fat Industry, torme~IY he was in the Study to Tak~ place in Central '. Am. Tropics Dr. Robert K. Enders, chairman of the department of biology, and David R. Sonneborn, senior honors . student, of Swarthmore Col-. lege, will leave next week for Barro-Colorado Island, a jungle wilderness In the Interior of Panama. Dr. Enders and Dave intend to make' a two month survey, of mammaIlan fauna In the Central American tropics. Barro-Colorado was originally a mou~taln overlooking a valley i~ the Canal ZOne. Wi!-en the big trench was conStru~ted, this valley was ftooded by the Gatun Reservior. Today only the mountain peak appears above Gatun Lake. This island is maintained as a wild life preserve by the Natlon-' al SCience Foundation of the Smithsonian Institute. This museum also operates a biological.laboratory there. Dr. Enders and Dave plan to return, to Swarthmore shortly' after the spring recess, iust before the rainy season begins in Panama. It will be Dr. Enders' tenth trip to the area. ' Karl Zimmerman, son of Mr, and Mrs. Irvin Zimmerman of Harvard' avenue, returned to school Wednesday after bein On ftned to his home w,'th a cgasCe O-f' mumps. t CARP'ET CLEARANCE' Full rolls Part rolls Remnants Used rugs I A meeting. of the Fellowship Forum will take p)ace Tuesday, January 29, at 8 p.m.,' Jackson Franklln, streets, Media: The topic for the, evening will he "AreWe Educating Our Children Properly to Meet Modem Tensions." ' Panel members will' be Grace Rotzel, p1'lnclpal tor 29 years of The School in .Rose ,Valley; Heru,y prlnclpal'·af··Penncresl High School; Norman W. Calhoun, assistant county superintendent of ,'re.li.ools; Dr.' James Skeltonl"]~'~:~:1 'er of psycholosy, Temple l slty; Dr. James G. Delano of North Che!;ter road, practicing pSychiatrist and 'medical doctor . ,Each speaker will haye six ?,lnutes to estabUsh his thought In'relatlon to his field. There' will be questionS from the ftoor. Fred Echelmeyer' has been chosen as VACUUM, CLEANER <:lEARANCE Hoover Deluxe .- 'Hoowi' lark Hoover <:onstellation Demonstrators ' Used Cleaners (all makes) Hoover bdts and bags' . (PAI,l'SOl1 " I • \ b c~~~~ &81.... ' P." Ave•• Swarthmore. P•• 3.6000'=- elk Carl! pi • • Compl.t.s.............. Klngswood Win.s Socce.. Letter tPA"r$"~ Randall Malin, a 1955 graduate of Swarthmore High School, has been awarded a varsity letter fQr his, .participatioI\ on Dartmouth Cpllege's 1'956 soccer squad, it was announced recently. The 19-year-old sophomore was recently named to the first-string of the ,Coaches' all-Ivy League squad. At Swarthmore High, Malin played four, yearS of foo1lball winning honorable mention on th~ all-Delaware County team In 1953 and 195.4: ,His' undefeated 1954 team won the Class "A" Delaware County championship. Malin also played basketball and ,baseball at SWlU'thtnore High. He was awarded the junior class Scholarship cup, and was named vai,edlctorian of ,his graduation He was named' to membership In the National High SChool Honor Society. A brother, Clement Malin, graduated from Dartmouth last year llf!er gaining all-American bonors In socce'r and lacrosSe. At Dartmoutl!, Randall is studying ~uslness' adininistratlnn. . He is the son of Mr. Imd Mrs. Patrick Malin, 305 West 18th street, New York,. N.Y. Mr. MalIn Is executl_ director 'of the,.Arne"': ~can CiVIl LIbIrtIes Union. I SRwl~ Clearbr';ok. 9-4646 KNOWS Carpet , 25% on Winler .Jackets , , 'Redu~lion, ' , Suburban Coats TopCoats Ages 6 to 16 , , THE PREP SHOP / 405 DARTMOUTH AVENUE ...;,;;;....l In Th,e' Swarthmorean•. ' ..- - - - - - - - - - - - - -....;-._ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,1IJ.4742 .. , , ' .' i . '. " \ --:=:::::::=::::::==::::=::::=::~~;;~~;;::-==~ ~.~~.~--~~~~ . Fellow$hip Forum ' , Scheduled For Jan. mode:t;'ator. Manimali~n 1.00 • . PhotQooCopi~ Mad. FOUND-Pair child's glasses. Left ' lens special: College campus. KIngswood 3-6171. LOS~--A bo,und score of "Otello" Ph,ladelphia IJbrary C ) at Swarthmore Slation Mo~lay evening. Reward. KIngswood 3 0142. FOUND--cub Scout tie clasp near Rutgers School Wednesday Call ~IngswOOd 3-1808. " 29c GREEN LABEL CO-OP PEARS eletterheads e Billheads eAnnouncements ePrograms Ad•• LeHers & .rae...... ~.I.k Servl.. ,. M.ltI.c.p" WANTED ...... We will buy at best prices old china cut glass f niture. Call POrter ,4-0235 u~ OLympia 4-3578 collect f pointment All bu' or np. ' Smess confldential. Colonial Cupboard, Num~ ber 244, Philadelphia Pike WIlmington, D~l ' , • W:ANTED-Four Or five bedrOOm cottage on Jersey Coast for and August or, all season KIngswood 3-2465. . can I GREEN LABEL Offset Printing of All Kinds ~~~--'W~AnN~T~E~D~--~~~ co-OP FRUIT FOR· SALAD K14-1214 r 114-1121 ' I G~tters Box 5 (Continued from Page 1) [reek conservation, according to research and ilevelopment diviHull, can be soU conservation sion of Lever Bros. Company, thus helping to protect the are~ Pmctor and Q.amble" and the against ftood damage. . SharpieS Corporation. He has been Should there be sufficient in- a member of the Swarthmore terest, the citizens' would vote next Monthly Meeting of Friends since .N'ov"mlbe'r, on an Issue placed' on 1936. His youngest child, a the ballot, Of. whether they daughter, will graduate from the floating of a bond issue to Swarthmore CoJlege in June.· Anacquire an additlo!lal 2,300 acres other daughter is married and to be added to the 800 acres the lives in Vermont. His son is in County alr.eady has, and to be New York. kept primarily in its native state --------------for use as. bridle trails, b i r d I ~~~~M~r. George Karns' of Wellesley sanctuaries, and game preserves I' will return this week end with planned recreational fields a week's' buslne~ trip ,to secondary. The cosUtis estimated Clinton, la., and Nashvllle/ TeJjn. would be ftom three to three and Members of the 300-block a half mllll'm do)Iars. monthly bridge club of Haverford He was introduced by' Creek p Iacemet M on d ay at the home of Val ley conservation chairman Mrs. WiJllam, Frayer. Mrs. J., Victor Haworth. ROOFING , Dick Iranchefti ~ , Kln,5wood 3·0410 ,TELEVISION SERVICE , . ' , Eye Roast - Top - Bottom GI'Round room· pantry, porch. Two-car garage. B'1x N, The Swarthmore~ an. 48 , FOR-,RENT--Apartment in Rutledge. Duplex second ftoor, three ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;t. rooms and bath. PrIvate entrance: Hot wat~.r'oil heat. $55 'per month. Call KIngswood 3-6343 after_ 5 =P~.M=.-=:::==-=-_____ '~3t RocIdp load. SprfllCJReki . . _.. '. I . ( 171/2 S. Chester Rd. 114-1700 BONELESS BEEF OVEN 'ROAST / C lb. 89 , 650 BalHmore Pike Sprln,fleld, Del. Co., Pa. I • f~~:~~~~r:~ ~ SALE-;..,Swarthmo~n't' miss seeing this four bedroom 2% bath Colonial home on 1 % a~, with stream. 'Phone today Baird and Bird. KIngswood 41500. FOR SALE--1951 Hudson, fourdoor, hydramatlc. Radio and h!,ater. G",!d. tires and gOOd runmng condition. 44,000 original mileage. Will make fine second car and will sell very reasonably. Phone KIngswOOd 4-2444. FOR SAI,E C. J. Heppe .... aby G nd • ., 'ra ,p,ano and bench, $125. r-~.tunIng· Knabb. KIngswOOd CHOICE SELECTED , CARNS PERSONAL _ Bicycles Repaired, FOR RENT--Three-room furnish_ Parts, accessori'es. Milt Glass __ ed, apartment, Media. Well 10Bicy~le, Hobby, Tqy Shop, 205 ~~.;. 6~9:~~able ~ebniary 1. East Baltimore Avenue. Clifton Heights, MAdison 6-0713. Opposite Clifton Theater. I. Large' llvroom, __ Will build "rl'ck iog tile bath, k1th ~ chen" entrance, . near !~;~bl~O~C~k barbecues and Incin" $BO. Including utilities' Excellent workmanship. 6-1870. Tom Reeves. CHester - - FOR 'RE~-Large, comfortable room, pnvate bath. Separate PERSONAL -- Two grandmothers entrance. New home. KIngswood time on their hands will 3-3329. !~~~~~~da~rn~f~o~r~f!ran~tI~'c~h~o:m:~ 3-5177. Sworttt.ore. , ~;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;=;;;;:;=;;;;:;;;;;:;==~ PERSONAL-Articles and manui scripts typed neatly, accurato;ly, and, promptly. For further 10formation phone KIngswOOd 3CONSTRUCTION 6869 ' . " PERSONAL __ Auto Driving InRESIDENTIAL AND rstu.llon: We call for you:' $6 COMMERCIAL' pel', hour lesson. Edward Mau, :~~.East 9tl). Street, CHester 2.. CH 2-5051 MARCH , Former'y ?Lm-~~J? I PAINTING ! :~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;:~ - RU.IEI TILE PLASTIC TILE • VINYL TILE Jack Prichard r ,'1'.RKEIV ~~ KI ngswood 3-8345 AS'HA~T TILE Alterations 1401 Ridley Avenue CHester 2-4759 , 2·5689 Klngswoo~ 'owd.r 10'" street, Chester. Edgechronic, of Swarthmore. Aged, senllj!, convaiescent men and womEn. Excellent toods, 'spacious ground., Blue Cross honored. Sadie P. Turner. proprietor. CHester 25373., PERSONAL -- Interior and exterlor painting, and paper hanglng. Henry K. Savard, Springfield, KIngswood 4-0161. FEBRUARY - , Florist' 'Seremba'I~~~~~i~~~~~~~~; s••pP..... SLIPS Remember -~ With the' return to us of each $100.00 worth, of R,gister Slips. we'll give you a bright new , . Silver. Dollar! .Diluzio and Sons Phone Sharon Hill 0734. in,ates' aTe tree.' Thorn PERSONAL' -- Belvedere CotiValescent Home, 2507 Chestnut Plumbing &Heating JANUARY - ROGER ditlOD. sla:cks. Call KIngswood 3-7723. sorted All in Perfect conrlgh' '0 ";ae' any and oil bl.... FOR SALE-Mlniature pinscher A. c. THRONE AK J. WARREN BULLEN. JR. __ UPHOLSTERING C, one year old, black and ~!: ~=.:!! Completely 're- tan. ChamPIon stOck. $60. Dr. 2.-1.18 new fabric $55-8ofas Taggart. Evenings and week ends. .:==========-~ I $IIO--Over 30 years exiier'leii,:.;:~ 1W.Alnut 3-2571. ' '. . r years of Swarthmore ~eferM)R RENT ences.· Cushions 'refilled $_Es1I=...-:,..:..- $500 MONTHLY and rM",edI"",;.,!!!!!pa!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!,at-!il~" Me.I~~i~t~~~~~~~~ D~"".,,", Aw•• Sw.rttt_. I.... 403 SILVER DOLLARS FOR ~':.J:;,.~~eo~ FOR SALE ct.op. "'•••••f to, p . - t tho or to their Attorn_. ~~~. BEATI'Y, GREER I _r·. FOOD'MARKET Opposite loro.g. HaD l!ff'~\l'Mb rmrA~~BRODdFURNAS·. di;:h!a reserve the I N.A.l Commlsaionen. at the..lD~en Court HOWICI, CountJr Commt • , C•••• The scope of the proposed Creek Valley proiram Is f~ greater than a1m p iy to lUI additional recreaneeds, Richard Hulf, senior planner on the Delawaie County Planning commission told members of the Swaithmore League of Women Voters at their meeting last Thursdlly at the Ingleneuk. He told the group that already Darby Creek has been ruined for reIlre8tion use In the area near City LIne. Showing slides to 11lustritte t?eneed for Creek Valley conservation, which, he cited would enhance the natural beauty of an area fast pecoming ed, he showed the natural beauty exlant in areas bordering the three ,county creeks, as well as Sh:::king h~w rutbbislhbdumtypS near C trona! SARGENT WALTER THOMSEN HELEN FO.;;;r...-,;. .';"=:'-':;:;:;:::"~----draIltIiiii.... R SALE -- Woman's figure skates-Brooks. size 5*. Like Hall, 1~~~C~a~1l~KI~n~g::sw~OO~d~3~-~28~44~.__ at 2:00Medin. P.M. Pa., wbieh will be oveneilli~:~~~~~~~~~~ I· Eo.h bid mu,' be aecompanled by • - Radio and tele- FOR SALE-Westlngbouse LaunCertified Cheek In the amoun' of 'en PO'" service. Complete stock dromat in good ~ondJtion. Call cent (10%) of the total amount of the bid. drawn to the order of tbe County of tubes carried. Robert Brooks. KIngswood 3~5406. Fo .... of .Proposal may be obtained •• I ;~~~~!~~~=-~~~~~dn; FOR SA:LE-'livo Sea Scout uhlDelaware. the Office of tbe CbIef Clerk to tbe Countyr: Piano lorms; 1wo overcoats and asfurnishing all labor. tools, equipment and materials necessary for protection of the Aluminum CanOI)Y of Henry G. Sweney WILLIAM BROOKS , ESTATE' NOTICB of CAROLIIiE SARGENT SILo LOWAY. I... ofCount,., th. Do...,..... of S _ more. Delaware PebDQ'lvarata. LETrEBS TESTAMENTARY 0'; tho •undel'Ilped. ...........ta all han." hem llldebted ......w to to tho penons the aald ..tata .... _ _ to ID.... _ _ _t,' week end in Pittsburgb.'She at.! ALBAN PAIKER tended the wedding an'd rece'p~lon I Ne. and _llIl' PIau.. 4 D_'.. __ on Saturday afternoon of Miss .n -......... 81D... I _ ' TUNING Ellen Grier Buchanan, daughter PIANO of Mr~. Edwin Porter BuchaDa~ PIIoM MedIa &-8151 of Pittsburgh, and 'the late Mr., :~;;;5~;;~;;;;;;;;;;~~ Buchanan, and her nephew Mr. • Craig Heberton, 3rd., son of Mrs. Craig Hebel'lon, 2nd, of HaverPICTURE FRAMING ford and the late Mr. Heberton.. . . Mrs. Corben C. Shute of Maple PORTRAIT STUDIO avenue entertained at a luncheon and bridge Tul!jlday honoring Mrs. Donnan Wilson of Ashville, N. C., house guest qf Mrs. J. AIPhotographic Supplies bright Jones. State & Monroe 51.. E. H. Taylor, of Harvard aveMedia nue, attended the.Ohio Conference on Natural Resources at Co- ;;; - MEdia 6-2176 lumbus, Ohio, Wednesday and ~Open Friday Evenings Thursday. Mr. Taylor spoke 'at 'iii.dIIUIUIIIIII1lIIIDllRIHUDIIIIIUlDlDIH1lld1l11DB1 PERSON~L~~~/~~I Court HouTuesday," ... Media. Po .. UP P.M. on January 29. un.i1 1967, hOO (or - Eotata C LAS S IF" E D ADS P:h::O!jC!~n~!l1 ~n::U~':.~ a~t g: COUNTY OF DELAWARE Swarthmor.. • •• KI 3·9849 NEWS NOTES Miss Celeste S. Bailey of Milton, sister-in-law of Mrs. John Bailey, is making an extended visit at the Bailey home >OIl Ogden avenue. • Captain C. C. Shute of Maple avenue left Sunday' for a week's business trip to Curacao, Netherlands West Indies. Dr. and Mrs. J. Albright Jones of Elm avenue have as their bouse guests for the winter months Dr. Jone's aunt and' cousin Mrs. George Donnan and Mrs. Donnan Wilson of Ashville, N. C. Mrs. Samuel Frances Butler of South Chester road haS return'ed to her home after spending the the Thunday moming session on "Planning for O~lIIum Fuh.re Resource Utilization." He was also the luncheon guest of newly-elected Governor C. William O'Neill· '. ~ ... '" .... . - ....... ,,~ .. - .'" .. .~ ~~r-···!··.-·""'···"· _. "~O-_' . ....... --~ .... •. >._- ",. - " .. " , groUp Of' .' . . .'. . •. ........ . ". . ; .. Prtd&,., .JanllUJ' .1 Supervlalng PrIncipal Frank R. MOrey informed the ~ard that 6:15 P.M.-Basketball: H.S. vs. Media ... ;. :':' ......... H.S. G"ln (Continued From Page 1)' , four children from this district 8:16 P.M.·-Cdr. MaCMillan, :Atctic Explorer ............ Clothier commodatlcms for the borough 8 were' now being transported out- 8:20 P.M._uKing of Ifearts" ..................•... Players Club Loses to lansdowne fast-growning elem';"tary school. of-tOwn daily to receive such . &&arda:r, .Janliar)' 19 B NP b cam~ whe,,: Architect Howell special Instruction. A classroom 11:00 P.M.-<;arnet Canteen .................. Rutgers Ave. School eats y LeWIS Shay, Jr., presented two in Swarthmore would presumably 8:20 P.M._uKing ~f ,Hearts" ...................... Players Club 9 Points prellmlnary plot plans. One 10h dI ped oung nre High School cated the new bullding just at accommCX\ate . an cap ! 8:30 Swarthm . P.M.-.Tr. Ass~mblies: 11th and' 12th Grades ... Woman's Club • siers from other; nearby districts. . 8untia:r, .JaDIIUJ' ,ao . etbal! team will 'meet a the rear of the present Rutgers The Board scheduled the matter 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship ........ J •..•••••••••. Local Churches Media team tonight on the wing, with extended driveway f dis' I ' t Janning ses . or cusson a ap Garnet court. Media stands 3 and servicing both buildings with one- slon on on its new bulldlng, at 7:00 P.M.-Movie: UMllI'tln Luther" .......... Presbyterian Church / . MODda,., .JBIlaar7 21 . 3 in ieague play with wins over way trafflc, en~~ing .from Rutgers hlch time It ho to have Mr. . gtI Id Had d U avenue and eXIting mto w pes . S pnn 6:30 P.M.-Men's Dinner ...................... Methodist Church e, nor, an pper '. Thompson elaborate on the subMerion while th e local avenue. Tile other plan showed . t 7:30 P.M.-Adult Girl Scouts ... '. . . . . . . . . . .. Presbyterian Church stands '4' and 2 with wins proposed bUilding at the far lec . Tuesda:r, .Januar:r 22 of the long plot and accessible The resignation of Charles Upper Merion, Radnor, 12:30 P.M.-Woman's Ch,lb· Luncheon .............. Woman's Club Newtown and Nether Providence. from Union' avenue. Klemmer, high school mathe1:00 P.M..--open House ..................... Sproul Observatory This year's edition of Suburban The fanner more compact ar- matlcs teacher, as of February 25, . ' . or earlier if replacement can be 8:30 P.M.-.Tr. Woman's Club ............... :....................... : Woman's Club Section II IS probably the tightest would permIt the new f d' ¥_~ Wednesda:r, .Janaar:r 23. . . h i t b t d t til Id oun, was accep"",league seen m years. ~ny of the sc 00 0 e connec e. 0 eo, Mrs. Ph"llis Cl er of Folsom 8:00 P.M.-R.G. Moon: UCollege Entrance Exams" . HS. Audtorium games have been decIded by would provide converuence of 4-'J ' ym • . . i hi dre i was approved as secretary m a few points, tYPIcal of the livery for parents w th c 1 n n hi h h I A2_ PRESanERIANS CONSUL:rANT SPEAKER Garne!'s experiences of the both schools,' and would save the gA ISCtt 00 f o..",eth · P I ani . rtl f I th I er rom e ennsy v a ELECT OFFICERS Joyzelle Peck, Swarthmore mg/l e In t f two games. Last Fr day rear po on 0 e p ot tac or Railr d 'terial' ha Lansdowne defeated Swarthmore some possible future need. oa announced rna ~ School Guidance Consultant, has 63-51. During the course of the The Board asked Mr. Shay to b.een secured .t0~ erection of a The members of the SWarth. been invited as guest speaker at game the locals pulled up within investigate sewet' locations, rela" s~dewalk ann addition to the u?"- more Presbyterian Churell, at the the Montgomery County Guidance 3 points of Lansdowne many tive costs and other features of siDg gate located on !lbe north SIde Meeting Wednesday nlg/lt, Association meeting next Montimes, but could' never qnite close the two locaiions. It alsQ plans of the Swarthmo~e avenue track elected the following as 'Trustees: day. Her topic will be "The Prac- . the gap. Cal Coleman had 22 consult admlnlstratioD and faculty crossing. The Railroad plans to Roliert B. Clothier, Carl T. tical 'Appllcation; of Group Guldpoints, Andy Jones, 15, and Char- for Ideas on the advantages and e~ a~arrdlaglcadeatlythe end of Lynn 'K!ppax, Jack H. lIIllle In th,e cla... ooin". lle Wentz, 13,. but it was not disadvantages of each spot, and 51 ewa a o,:,al aero:;., McWilliams, and J; Roy Snape. enough to cope with the 52 point to weigh the problem again t s ~thS SIdewalk d Elected as elders are: prOIay whiie son said he believed there Is need residents. provides modern faclllties for scoring 7 and 6 points respectlve- for such a room In the SwarthAt the request of the 'County complete service.. KI 3-0586 ly. Charlie Wentz was high man more-Rutledge School District and School DIrectors 'Assoctatlon the - B.aum~1 chapel . 24 and Andy Jones next with cDnstruction costs would be re- Board ed i u tIDn sup•_ Cremotory on qrQunds \ WIth pass a reso Oignir..d columba,ium 20 points and many rebounds. compensed through rental paid by porting the Association's proposal - Individual 0' familv nicho'. TOnight's game wilh Media Is the County School Directors to seek legislation - Wid. ",I.<\ion of u'no expected.to be another close bal- .Several olher schools have In~ equaliaztlon of assessments In Impe~ Invtted tle. . eluded such units in the county. WEST LAUREL HILL Leaves of alISence and eXjpellosel CREMATO grants were authorized for local . RY school representatives to attend .. ".:~=dCItJ UiIe•.. Ago , - 'AM&Y _PIUS II's a -.wonderful feeling when they're !!II proteded by fIItJIJfJ6iJies W'IM'Ms 1!S: ""Ice ~ ·P....on.. Th~ough this agenc>: you can get virtualJy every fonu . of iDSurance protectiOn you, need for your family, your home, your automobile alid your business•.. And when you get lEma Casualty protection.through us, you get far mORl than jllS! insurance • • .' you get the policie~ with, the I'.s.-personal service. This meaDS our ~ service, of coune. as well as ~y.~p­ ~ from olher Altoa Casualty Agents 8nd c:Iaim. RrViCc various education meetings this Spring. High SchOOl PrIncipal William Bush wllI go to'the SecondarY School Conference In Washington, D. C. February 23 to 27. Robert Holm will attend the Music Education National 'Conference In Atlantic City March 4 and 5. Adeline Strouse will be chainnan of discussion groups on foreign languages at the Pennsylvania Association for the Study and Education of Mentally Gifted Students In Altoona on March Harry Oppenlander will take part ~ meetings of the International Council for ExceptionaIChildren, at Pittsburgh ,April 26 and 27. Elementary Principal Thomas Boyle was granted pennlsslon to enroll his son Thomas In till; seCond grade, Rutgers. School The Board is continuing policy accepting faculty members' children tuition free at least temporarily, although it commented that SOme change· In pollcy' may be necessary if the classes involved become overcrowded by resident pupils, At present live ohildren' of I teacilers are enrolled. . . Supervising Principal Frank R Morey's monthly stall nipol'ls r.i veal 110 letters POinting out dental defects discoVered In, the annual examination of local school chil_ dren, have been sent to parepts. lui leel'fIg" . . I'.s. Ihot comes with· owning lhe nroYcies witll r:~ ...,.,ER Eo TOLD 333 Da'1"".,h Aveo, Swarthmore . '1(llpwlod 3-113. All Kinds of Insurance ••• , -.......... Clr.._.Ir~ ~ -- • WIN ./~ (:)~, ~-. C $ E i, .hw.1Iec4 c.c_ _ot ,."--:-_----_._-.:..•-._-_..... ----- - - ,-, • .---- .. -.--.~.-.,-.- ... - ... - I "YOU "'EET THE NICEST PEOPLE AT ·SPEARE'S" STORE HOURS~ Mo~day thru Thursday, 9:30 to 5:30: Friday, 9:30 to 9:00: Saturday, 9:30 to 6:00 • ClIo_II' , WI1Il-TY> .:45 A.M.' .-- -------~-- . ~ '.1. SPAN JANUARY 25, 1957 "'-. ' . - Other Collar styles for Every T.... _ 5.9S • . r-:----- ___ . . _-- ~.--------'- or Monday '. Charles W~ Kurtzhalz Lines Drawn for &Against PropoSed County Expressway, Route 'A',' Mothers' Polio March Memorial Yesterday As Alternate 'Blue' Route Gains Support; Time to ·Act Is Now Tues" Night, Jan. 29 I Park Ave. Resident Spent Over Quarter Century' in T8 Work A M~orial Service for Charles W; KurtzhaIz, whO$!! llfe W$S devoted to the cause of human welfare, was held yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock In the Swarthmore Presbyterian church. Mr. Xurtzhalz died at hia late home,' 114 Park avenue, at 4. o'clock 'l'uesday afternoon following long heart Illness. A resident of Swarthmore. for . the pasi 37 years, Mr. KurtzhalZ resigned the post' of executive .director of the Phila4elphta Tuberculosis _ and Health Association, which hl' ha~ held for 17 years, . in 11154.' He had served a quarter' of a century In public health work, first as a staff member of the Philadelphia Association; then for 9 years as executive' Secrei tarYof. the Delaware County Tuberculosis '!lssoc1ation, a'n Ii since .1937 as director of th~Phil:' • adelphia orgBlilzatlon. In 1951 he was elected to horio'rary .membership in the American Social Hygiene Association ~'in grateftil recognition. of his valued cboperation and many contributions to publlc health and sociai welfare." .Mr. Xurtzhalz founded Phna.delphia's' annual . observance 01 ·Social Hygiene Day which contlnue~ since 1938: He served .. '~ president Of ·the 'Natim{ol',(:onter~ ence· of Tubercutosls SeCretaries;'· i as an liftl1Iate niember of the . • Phi1ad~lphia County. Medical So,. ciety; as a member otthe Jollit Committee of the American, PIIarmaceutical. Assoclatiohl/nd· the Am(!rlcan Social Hygiene' AssO~ elation. He was a former chalr- • • . • \ . i ., • • 1 -= ;•u _ . ~ . ~. """5'1.,.0 Mothers Club Plans Dessert Card Party ' \ \ \ '\ · Mrs" Sanord. f ~oS_ "', °tuaI''. a109. OnSPlfl . Thurs'day Night Event Will Aid Library .. And SRA ~-.. .' . . , ' .. " .' Swartluno~ Mothers Club lvilI . hDrStess. ade.sert ,card Thursday night, January 31; to :=,:~~u:~ the Swarthmore Wom~ .Refre;ohments at 8 o'clock will .:' .. ' ,'.' "" P8rti,0ii- , • I . / , ;/" • man of the Admilisions Committee for Camp Sunshine; a direCtor . (Continued on Page 8) Swarthmore's fire horn which falthfully exercises twice daily, will gllt an extra fting neXt day, January 29, as it touches off the Borough's annual March on Polio. At 1 o'clock shatp, the blast will call forth well over 100 volunteers seeking contributions for the continuing ligbt against Pollo. Residents have been asked to turn on their porch llg/lts as a guide to thetr neighbOrs, and if, t~ugh some unforseen slip-up, theIr home is being skipped, they are urged. to telepbone the captain for their neighborhoo4, llsted below. . Mrs. George L. Armitage, caplain; will have as her volunteers: . Mrs. Leslie Korndaffer; Mrs. Kenneth Crothers, Mrs. Eills Rum_ sey, Mrs.' Morris Potts, Mrs. Birney Morse, Mrs. Edward Cratsley, (Continued on Page IIJ .. as·1 • 7 O'Clock Fire Horn Will Mark Opening of 1957 Campaign Tue.- JSion whicb Oceurr.a l\Iesday, December 18. .. Servloces Hel ..d·. Monday ..i':c::· For Cit ick aro yn r er CoHege Campus Club Park Avenue Resident G.""es Pa'r."si-an medy I Mrs. Sanford is the author .of OClt~ ~~ et h . :a~ par; the borougli and state as'belng un-· Co' several booM.. ''The Healinl men s c . ea quo . rs .. alterably OPpOsed to the "blue" " Llgbt" her first and t knoWn Haverford, Tuesday mo~ The rou-.te· C uncilm H . Was a Former boOk, has been an'insplratton to state was representeq,by Richard pl~ ~ TU~~ P.l:. Employee 'Thieves Carnival' To Run . many for its demonstration of the J. Harris deputy secretary of high- meeting that the' college is. the . . Tonight, Sa.turday power of prayer. For tbI ;past. two ways and S. C. Weikert, Sr., chief BOl'QiIgh's larg·· t singl ~ Carolyn' Booth Tricker of 335 yesis !oks. Sanford and her hus- engineer of the 6th l\Igbway disIn the Park avenue .passed a-\V8Y at her In Clothier band the Rev. Edgar Sanford !riel. sian 01 borough feellng Is also home FrIday; Jau.uary 18. She had. The SwartIun~~ College fac:' . li;ive Conducted numerous meet-, Wave 01 lTo/ests stated that substaDtial ellmlnatlon 'previously been a patient at the ulty and s~ will present 'the lnis on the h"'!I i ng inmistry. 'A ·wave Of protest has developed Qf Riltledge homes (accOrdIng to American Oncologic Hospital in Parisian comedy, "Thieves' CarThe Presbyterian Church ex- about the route the propDrSed eDgineers the "All route will slice Philadelphia for eig/lt weeks. ~vill" by Jean Anoullh, translat-. tends a cordial invitation to all multimillion dollar highway wllI ~utledge In ~o) will lose tax- ° Miss TrIck... was a former em- ed by Lucienne Hill, In Clothier in the community 19' hear Mrs. take as' it runs from the vicinity abies for' the Union School' District ployee of the Philadelphia Elec- Memorial on the campus, tonight Sanford discuss the development of Che~er to join the West Con- and that the local tax loss due to tric Company, Chester. She re- and Saturday, January 25 and 26 of the healing ministry In Pro- shohocken . Interchange of the the Indicated condemriaUon of tired. in 1952 because of illness.. at 8:15 p.rn. The production is teRantlsm, and.the in 'whicli ~\lYIPllExpre.way. 'l'wo routes 10000.homeS tor ttie.ProposJ!d Balli- .'. A' resident of ~ore' for sponsored by the Campus Club for it can be applled In personal llves are under consideration, tbreemqre PlIce ~ Db clOver- 28 years, she was a member Of the!leneftt of scholarship fuDds 'lritl!out deuying th.. ~ty of havingbeell: e llmlnated,.inclua1ng' I~ Wblch Would alI'ect River- TrInity Episcopal Church'. of the COllege. T1ekets wmtMi '. lIlO!iem medicine. .. .' the . loCally hoped for one W!!Sl of view road between Baltln')o~ Pike She is survived by her sisters, avallable at the door. M~a. The state proposed lOuie 8J!d Oirden avenue, North Ches- ilary and :ftorence Tricker, and· Upon its. flrst perfOrmance and : ] .Sunday Book Review - IS deslpated "A". The other. roJlte road i;nd Swarthmc>re place, a .brother Frank, all of the Park publlcatlon In Engt~nd live years • under disc!ussion is the· "blue" wptild be consldetable. Loea1 fear avenue address. . ' ago, the London Times said Of It, lin. Peter E. Told, Park route,lIOIIIetimes· l!8lled ''Cnpn ~ also expl'eSSeJl that Chester Services Were conducted "a frothy, .ftimsy . enchantment, JkUe, will be the special pest at Creek route", wbteh is supporlecl" , (ContiDIied QIl,Page 5) Oliver Bair's, PblladeJpbla, !lon- marrying' high comedy and the the Ptesb)~Y~ by Del.lbboriDc COIIIIhunities. '. .' •. . . day by 'lbomas Meriweatbet,. a harlequlnade in a happy, absurd P'oUP. meetlDir Sun~. ni8ht . at. The SwarthrnoreaD.. ~ shows '.' 1(. . . . . To M•••· . former assiatant at Trinlty ChlJRh story d( Pi'eneh' tIlift!!S and .... . " •.cInm!h... .' . . . . ~ routes 118·. ~ .~, ~ M;emberS Of ltappa lta_'Ga!n_ an4 on~time resident Of 8.81111_ Bah aristocrats." I .:': Speekl.,. et,.p;m.·m the WGI!t- ~W'1oe!d dfilatkIll.· "A" route. " 1Illlw1ll _ a t the 11_ . . . . mote. Interment. took place. in TIle three \hle'Vell wIll.be play_ ~" . ~~.~. !In. ~d aeIhiMIu1ed 10 ":;t,m." ~ u JlCIUt1t .•~. cemetery, 1'Idla- ed . byPbllip Praaer.. J'uItwi IU'Is" .. :A. . . . iIISI .;. ___ at _ • ii, ; ........... _eli: '1'\ .)1." ;)'118_".;: .deJpbla. (~ CIIl.......) " °::;:'11:;; IOCalle;growl':;a expr:! tar "ve- at A4u!1s' '--'-'--_._...... Salurday $4.00 PER YEAR way' -GUARANTEED 10 outwear .... shirt '-. , . " SW·ARTBMORE. FRIDAY, it ....art collar .HEALS VOLUME 29-NUMBER 4 bes. 3.95 • JAN 2~ 1957 ' . . . . Two, Borough Councilmen, rOllte at Simpson avenue . EddyPresb~rians PJa~, Open Thomas W. Hopper (president) stone. Both. would oonv~e i at 8)1d Roy Carroll; BOrough Secre- Arohimbut.EStates between Marple , Meeting' For tary Elliott RichardSon (co1lncil- and Hllverford Townships and . Jan. 31 .' mppl~yed), delegate o} the Bo..... continue to the Sc.h\lYkillExpressMrs. Agnes Sanford, known oogb's Coimcil"appolnted Plan- .way, south of CoDshohocken. In throughou~ thie cOuntry ,lind.ning Commlssion Walton H. Nas- general It p&rIJllets RoUte 320; abroad as a writer and. speaker on; and Ch:u-les B. Howland, 505'. Bor9 Not Co';'mitled.· about. spiritual healing. and the. North Swarthmore. avenue resiSw....... :...'ore B ' his t .t " • . ' ." '. . ~ ..ou, oroug no ye life of prayer, will speak 'l!hurs- dent, wer.:. among .tlie 75 repre- coIDmi.tted to. i!.Ither .rOute, almost . day, January 31, at 8 p.m. m. the sentatlves of at least a dozen Dell- the last ·m,Unicip9.nty involved to Swarthmore Presbyterian. Church. ware County. c?mmUBiti!'S who take ·astand. Its 'wsitlon is' ni)lde ---Her topic will be ...n~tJed "The discussed the Delaware. County dltlicult ·by v.,e factthat.SwartbConquering Jesus." • . Effixp~lsswatythwithHigshtate mDeghWay more Coll\il!e 'is . on' record with the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ' . MAsr HOW Eledion' He' .," its men wherever you go. 1!S: .Call us ~oday: Slart '!Ow to enjoy "Ihe w~nde,.. 1i~~~~~~~;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE SWARTHMOREAN , Library. . a / Vote In -.n "'" ~ Cbu'fes'l'.8chi'ade!r...·.... . . .~ • , TBB ." I Un! ersity place .their second chUd aDd son James cnmces at birth, lathe ~ Of EN.A.IMINTS Uam GebriDJ 01. vhonor at a MartI,u on J8DUU7·21. The 1ltt1e Mr. aDd Mrs. Carroll P. Street. _ 'Mr. and Mn. James PaImer In her boy who we1Jhed six pounds, four of Columbia avenue. C I • I H of "Walden", WeJUngford, lunc Mrs. Howard H. Driehaus of a : " . e the engagement of ibelr ILACKMAN.eiILES . . Yale avenue entertained a few da"dhter Carolyn Palmer HeD!')', Th arirage of MIss PrIscilla . ds Wednesda v at tea In honor .... d McCrum e m M frien , FaIr- to Dr. Norman Gerar - , Bradford Giles, daughter of rs. of . Mrs. MBthew Clarke of. son of Mrs. Eva McCrum of r Carr Giles of Rutgers avefield, Conn., who has ~~Jsj~ KnIgl>ton Churcb road, Leicester, ';.~teand the late Mr. Giles, to -- ----her .on-In-Iaw and ds . I r . England and the late Mr. Norman ~ 'Ja ksOn Farr Blackmml, son B!:AUTY SALON and Mrs. R. T. Bates of Ya eave- McCrun-:. r. c 'd Mrs Wiillam Ja.,kson I since December te f th of Mr. a n . k nue . ord da' hter of Mr. Miss Henry Is a gradua 0 . e Blackman of Chestnut Hill, too REGULAR CARE DEFIES WINTRY WEATHER Teela of Rut- College of William and Mary, W.I- place Saturday afternoon, Janu9 South Chester Road and Mr.. ames d Eleta Jones lial)1sburg, Va. Dr. McCrum, who ary nineteenth, at four o'clock in ge.. avenue, an , . t t k his Pr b terian Call. Klngswood 3-0476 t f M d Mrs Edmund is a physlclS, 00 the Swarthmore es y AcHv ... _Iter of tit. Sw.rtIt.o .. IIIIIIH•• Auoclatfeto enter- at the Universlty_ of Oxford. Church. The ceremony was per_ , Ined at Teela's home Saturday . formed by the Reverend; Mr. Jotat f Debbie Sullivan of Mr. and Mrs. Talcott Gnswold seph P Bishop and the ReVerend af ernoon or . k III announce the . Whltte e Cornell aveilUe who I e a v e s of WID'I et a, ., . Mr. H. Lawrence. mor: tod ov and wilI reside engagement of their daughter, The bride was given In marnage th Swar more ~ in Pittsburgh. Nathahe . CI'b to" Donald d with her family 31 orne, by her brother, Mr. Char Ies D uGuests included Mrs. Stanley Beall M~cElwee, son of Mr. an~ ley Gills of Swartmore. ~he wore Steciw and the girls of her fourth Mrs. IrvlD R. MacElwee of M. a bridal gown of I~lian SIlk made but Advance Registrations are Limited in grade class. The girls presented Holyoke place.. . . with a tight fit.ting ~ce, off blJr 'Next Ten-WeekCQurse Starting Debbie with a book about Betsy Miss Griswold IS a lurnor at Vas- shoulder low neck outbned wit!' W!:DNESDAY EVENING, FEB. 6 Ross. • sar College ~d Mr. Mac~:Iw,,? a Alencon lace, lon~ tig~t sleeves, Mr and Mrs. E. L. Conwell of senior at Pnnceron UmVerSl~y. and a boutJant skirt w.th a short , OBEDIENCE TRAIN YOURD06 AT . Colu~bia avenue had as their where he played o~ the v~rs.ty train. Her short tulle veil fell from SWARTHMORE HleiH SCHOOL GYMNASIUM A h ....y for y.. or yo.r c.II.... guests last week end Mr. and Mrs: football team, and IS captam of a. ~ap of Alencon lace and silk. .ha. pay. o. wltlt • o;..,........d She carried a round loose bouquet William Gorman of Westfield, the lacrosse team. Write or p .... 'or f.rti.r lefor••flan: . N. J., formerly of Swarthmore. Miss Griswold,. a fourth genera- of white ,violets. with insets.,.of . DOG TRAINING SCHOOL OF DEL, CO. Mr. and Mrs. Conwell entertained tion Chicagoan, IS a gran~~augh- tulle and narrow edging of tuUe 704 14t1t Av •• , .o.pect '.rk, •••. " . 'io.. LEil'" 2.391, Saturday at a surprise birthday ter Of Mrs. Howard C. Ph.ll1ps, ti¢ with satin streamers caught party for Mrs. Gorman. Northfield, Ill., and of Mr. and with small clusters of violets. . Mr. and Mrs. James Sorber of Mrs. Robert P. Crane of PasaMiss Patricia,. GlIes, the sister 404 Walnut lane will sail on Feb- dena, Calif., formerI~ of. . of the bride, acted as her maid of ruary I for a slx months' trip to She made her debut .m June, 1954, honor and wore a powder blue France, Italy, and Spain. T~eir at a dinner dance ID the Indian satip dress made with ,a tight fitCHECK YOUR CAR . FOR WINTER house will be occupie'd dunng Hill Club. ling bodice, low round neck, and Tllne Moto" ' Delco Batteries their absence by Dr. and Mrs. Mr. MacElwee. is a member short sleeves. Her wide lIared . Winterize With' Prestone or Zerex Eckhard Hess of Chicago, III. Dr. the Peilnsy~~ania ~ociety. Sons sldrt oJ waltz length had two Hess will be a member of the Revolution, belDg a bneal de- groetS of deeper blue at the back. Gulf, Gas and Oil psychology depariment at Swarth- scendant of General Nlnlan Beall She wore a small matching hat RUSSELL'S SERVICE more College for the spring se- and of his grandfather, Colonel of, powder blue and carried a ROBERT J. ATZ,liIIg". mester. Thomas Beall, who buIlt Dumbarloose l!<>uquet of Parma OF'PO!lite Borough Par\ing Lot Mr. Howard B. Green, formerly ton Oaks In 1701, and of his father violets tied with matching ribbons Klnglwood . Dartmouth cind. LafayeHe of 201 South Chester road, is now Colonel Ninian, Beall, who was to which violets were attached. .. living at the Dowden Nursing given a land grant along the P~ Mr. William Jackson Blackman Home, Newtown Square. Mrs. tomac in 1655. Colonel Beall bUIlt acted as best man for his son. Grover G"eene, who Is at the the first Presbyterian Church, The ushers were Mr. Leroy presen,t time resldlng at 201 South which was located at Patuxpnt, ~derson. of Latrobe, and Mr. Chester. road, entertained Mr. Md., in 1704. Mr. MacElwee Is Edward Fox, .Mr..Doooid Guthrie, Green at his former home for also descended from 'Thomas and Mr. Stephen' Spencer, all of • lunch last Wednesday. Sprigg, a Justice of the Quorum, Swarthmore. . . " Dr. arl~ Mrs.. Leroy E. Peterson In Maryland, and Hig,h Sheriff in Mr.. Giles wore a beige and of . Vassar avenue eBter~ed Maryland In the 1660 s, and from brown chiffon gown with. a small guests from Newark, Del., at dln- John NuthalI, one of. his Lordsatin hat. Her corsage was 'ner Saturday evenIpg.· Dr. shlp's Justices In Virginia in the of yellow orchids. Mrs. Peterson wi~.thelr guests 1660's. . . . Mrs. Blackman. 'wore a: Navy . afterward attended the play "King MacEI~ee 'is a grandson of blue satin dress: with a m.,tcldlllli \of He"1!s" at the Players Club. author anct.'edtic~toI", the hat and a corsage .of rose-pink ',The gu,ests were Mrs. Edward B. Joseph V. CoIUns. His, mother, cameilias. VACUUM CLEANER , CLEARANCE cooper·: and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee, is presiA reception at the Swarthmore R. Perkins of Newark, Del. dent of the Republican Women of WOlJlan's Club followed the cereHoover Deluxe Betsy Plccard daughter ~f Mr. PeI\Dsylvania, an.d Regent of' ~e mony., " and Mrs. Donald Piccard of Dlck- Philadelphia Chapter Daughters Hoover Lark inson avenue has been recuperat- of the American Revolution. Ing from a tonsllectomy performijoover Constellation ed in Bryn Mawr Hospital., Demonstrators Feted Dr. Arthur J. Jones of 407 Used Cleaners (all makes) North Swarthmore avenue is· in Mr. and Mrs. William JacksOn Taylor Hospital where he is re- Blackman' of Chestnut Hill enter~ Hoover belts and bags covering from an operation per- tained at the Roiling Green Golf FOR ALL formed Tuesday mornl"g on Doth Club Friday evening at a rehearsal dinner for the bridal party MAGAZINES knees following a fall on the ice prior to the ~arriage of Miss PrlsLLOYD I. Friday rn'ght .., Dart..a ....· Av•••• . cilla Bradford Giles, dauihterof 3.2080 PattonhasGilmour of librarian Harvar!l Mrs. Walter C. Giles of Rutgers avenue' been elected 'of the Dickinson College chapter avenue, an4 the late Mr. Giles, Compl... SIoo ..... a ......UlJl... and Mr. Jackson Farr Blackman, , 100 Patlc Ave., Swartlunore, Pa. . of Phi Delta Theta, one of ten na- son of roIr. and. Mrs. Blackman. Klngswcfod '3-600c:i'-::- CLearbr~ok 9~ tional soei,!1 fraternities. on ilie The weddln~ took place -at 4 campus. sophomore, GIlmour Is ococ 'I'k Sa~' d' ft n n In the Swarthmore. Pa. . . AInb'l ,urayaeroo m8Jormg 10.ogy.. Swarthmore Presbyterian Churc.h'·1 S· t 'J' 2';21:' KNOWS Carpet J ane Ma cAlI!me, d aug. hte r of . a"..;.. My.tery C~ 'c~ord ' . t JI, • ..,UctloDS AIdIq... & GollillNl Shop I'ro"r._ ..... Walll........ '0. _ ON, , Teachers Col1~ge. Mrs. Richard H. Burdsall, daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. Alban E. Rogers of Park avenue, is recuperating at her home In Great Barrington, Mass.,' after undergoing an emergency appendectomy. They'~re Here! SCOUT IDIIES '1\ose Dtlllcloils Barga.-ns' " . • , '10VE, ME lENDER" . ' F e a t u r . - .7.:40 ...'t;40 '."'... : . ,'. ';11.' ..ATINIE 5 ...... MANY. AT SUCH ·W.'':Jt.~!::~;:;t/::~1 St"."., . BOGART ''lEft HAND,1tf PRICES! GOI)" (Cm.rncncoPt .. Tedlnfcolor) 7:05 • 10:15 P.". - Pt.US- ''DIADI.Ia U.$.A.", '... ,..,,; 0..,:' .. Fou~ Var'e,'e. . ,...., he" not beeq ~ a $irt 'Scout QI" ~wnt. Call Mf'S.' A. H. SiI¥.en .. ' ' . • . --'. uAit and Mass Media" lopic of New 'Cooper Foundation Lectures ot cast has I • . Col. Stevens to Speak at Lions Club Monday . . "Antiaircraft Weapons Used to Defend Philadelphia" will be the Under ·the series title "Art and Mas; Media," 'the William J; I topico!. a' talk by Colonel Pat M. Cooper 'Foundatlon will bring to the Swarthmore College campus ili Stevens, Ill, to 'the Swarthmore Febl1fary, Ma:rch, and April; seven, speakers, leaders in the fields Lions Club, Mqnday, JaJluary 28, of,. the dance, music, novel, thefIter, musical comedy, telvision, and; at the Strath Haven Inn. The premotion pictures. Jeromot Robbins, Os.ar Hammerstein II, Budd Schul- I sentation will Include a cororect berg, Harold Clurman, Paul Creston, Lawrence Langner, an'd a movie on the NlKE AJAX guided motion picture director to be announ"'lP later, will talk about the missile. ' Dei's to Meet •Colonel Stevens is the ComTbeDelta Gamma sewing group effect of mass media upon' the artist's work. . The fact. that literature, the dance, drama, and music reach mande~ of 24th AAA Group, the will meet today at· the home of most members 'of our SOCiety through .the so-called "mass media," I organization responsible for the Mrs. Mark Bittle, 125 Rutgers s!,ch as television" radio, motion pictures, ·and magazines, seems to Army's antiaircraft defense of avenue. impose a special set of clr~umsiances on the art~ who .wishes both: Philadelphia. The headquarters of ;;;;~~;;;:;~~~~~~;;;;;'fl to eXpress his artistic ide~s f~j~hfully .and at the same time to reach 124th AAA Group is .In Swarth.:, I CAMPUS CLUB the public. The speakey'will discuss such questions as the limitations more on Ha",ard avenue at the " ''THIIYI;'·~::iNIYAL'' and restrictions. which in·a,s s · . former site of Mary Lyons School. TonlQht; Sat., 8:15 '.W. . medla'impose on the artist, the 't ,in Clothl,r MemorIal 0 An expert on antiaircraft of popularity to artistic C I I St to Io ..fit of ..... Scholanhip Fund _ . h ' ib w weapons, 0 one evens came value, of andwork t e inpasS! Swarthmore from an assignment nck.h $1.50 (with CoII.g. Can! 7&<1 effects the Ie. media. ! I 'Rocan. k dH' II' Keyno e For Canteen Tomorr'.o' Children up to' hn • .2Sc) Garnet Canteen will rock and in LondDn' with the North AtThe first' speaker on February roll tomoqow night. The Melha- 'Iantic Treaty organization where ! 10. will,be Jerome Robbins, cholle- dlst. Church is donating the ser- he worked on problems of the Su.nny. B"q. O.rchar~ ographer for "On the Town, vices of Its aSsistant minister, Mel standaPdlzation of weapons used '\Hi~" Button. Sh~," "CalI Me . ~. Taylor, to give new life to the by member nations of NATO. Madam," "The King and I," and Canteen's winter season. . The organization that Colonel most 'recently· "The Bells Are Mr. Taylor will bring his 'own' Stevens heads is coqtposed of four Ringing," the Judy Holliday hit combo to' supply enterl'llnment antiaircraft artlliery battalions. All 'e.t Varlet'es' In flrlme C~ndltlon currently playing on. Broadwi4f, and music for dancing. Tom These units form a ring of NEE 'Fre••. Fram O.r Ow. Modtirn .411, iCoDdltloned Stora,~. which' he ~Iso directed. He' lias Reizner Will play' the' hom with AJAX and 90 millimeter gun Inworked with' the Ballet, Theatre, Borrlng on the drluns' and stallations around the Ph!ladelBanet Russe,·and New York City the ivories tickled by Mel l)imself: phla Industrial area. Center. of the program' are to Colonel Stevens, who resides in . A Specialty - Always Good Oscar. Hammersteln II, whose be songs by Elvis Presly (Mr. Bor_ Springtleld, is a native of Granes. V' it . ...." . . IS . . . . musical comedlps, such as I'Show ring) on bis geet"", four group vlIJe, Ga., and is a graduate of WOLFF'S APPLE HOUSE Boat," "Carousel," "South Paclftc," contest games, "nd a disc jockey Georgia' Institute of Technology. and "Oklahoma," have made show with a!lcHen"" partIlclpaOld Fashioned Fireplace -'Oil Paintings . Brbadway hL9tory'wlIl discuss the tion. . Mr. and Mrs, J. Passmore EIkI ' Open All Wlnfe" . AlBpl. 'arkl., - Opea All WI"'r problems of ,the librettist 'on FebThe chaperons are Dr. and Mrs. inion of Harvard avenue enterRoute 452 Mile South of Route I ruary 17. Glen Smith and. Mr. and Mrs. talned at dinner Friday at the Hrs. , ....-6:30 P.... .. ..Idl. 6-1610 . Novelist Budd' Schulberg, who Paul Willis, Phil Swayne' will 'Strath "Haveit Inn for Dr. and LIMA. PA. s••. 10 ••••-6'30 p.w. . will speak February ~4, is prOb- supervise. ' . Mrs. Joseph Stokes, Jr.,. Miss Jean . I ! abJi ·~t known . for his novels S~okes and, Mrs. HowardW. Elk"What Makes SaMmy Run.". '''l'be Gibbons Home Party inton of Germantown, and Mr: Disenchanted," • arid ''T.lle Hardir The ladles of the Gibbons Home and Mrs. David C. EIkinton wi:th They FaIL" His. motion p!~tui-e will ,entertain at a party Tuesday; their sons Thomas; David and scenario "On the Waterfront" re' 2'9:Mrs. George A. Hunter Steven, of Moylan. Mr. and Mrs. of will show colored, RichmondP. MilIe~ of Overbrook ceived. an Oscar' and awar~ the New York Critics,Foreign slides of her: triP. to Bermuda. and Mrs. T.· :Barclay Whiston of I/C::O,·re..po,ndenlts;· Screen Writers" Moylan were Saturday dinner Guild, and. the Venice Festival. "I saw it .in the Swarthmorean.'· guests of Mr. and Mrs. ElkInton. . . Director-producer Harold Clur~ , - -" hils . is .made for: admission; naedhi' mim' firne to 'time. Geiiuiite: FicWIfontt diamonds now MetalWorte Jewelry aNlEllal.eD . . -Mary Boyd . .', • ,', .' __ _ _, c At ,'the' conCluSIon of the series,' .... pp .. M ..... -:-Emme Louise Warfield . . priced from $11.95.' Sapphires from· $2.50.!_. SwBrtbmore hoPes to_ publish /8 . .~~khIg_ Welter Qmfor " . ' . .' Conect;oo of' these leetuies. lallet. ,TN aild AcrHaHcs_ Mary .Louise fIorsy1M . • C!'eatiye Da_""'" Janet Shugart .'. , ..' 'IC. ~.-. Ct.Hdn.·s Tlleal•• ..;.. Iai'INora Ihs(cW...... · . . .... " '. IkoWBle TroI!p 883 eaj~ ~ .', ,COMMUNITY ARTS;CENTtR \ A.M,,-eftA. OPEN HOUSE .' The Camera Bc·Hobby Sh.,p \ ~=======~~=====~~~~~~~===:;;=~Isymphony· f15N9.I'E-A-LAFF &tIe. MUlicBox tf I :':::h~~e:~:o;..: Classe's'!for' Adults ::!~ FilI'!I'"' .. , Classes for Children .' MAY " 'ERMANENT~E protect y~ in~liI...,t,~ rec:~ICI"byhavin~ c:n._ ~4u04, O«,.tIratma'We,d' s1a;. lI ..ot'..... p.dI!It bL t_lMIt w_ II(;:,,-(Q;·.NQ"'~ ,. ~ J •. 'S " · THE' PREP SHOP -;;,Q~"" A"::':" , ~ , Ag~~ 6 to. 1~ _ ,Make Your 50c Qollar Worth, 75c-Io'$1- .. 25% •• Reduction,OD! Winter .·Jackets Suburban Coats Top' Coats . \.. : :-Su... & Mon•• Jan.Z~~28 ELYIS 'JlISur talented .; y.. 'tec:hntcolor) . Alps l=ilmR in the ,$wJu of Vassar avenue had as their re- cent week end guest their. nephew "Woody" MacWhOrter, who is a spphomore at W~ Chp.ster State ' heaclot • CI DE:R lPA"'$O~ < 1Iie'~ - ' ..Ne ,$ APPL'ES ,COLLEGE. THEATRE &eo...,. ........ 6..47&1 \ been chosen with ,the main roles being enacted by .members Blackfriars,' the school dramatic organization. The business ,manager; Richard Gurin, has aPPOlnt~ ed David Edwards as ticket 4rommittee chairman and Stephen Delano as publiclty cbalrman. , .0,. w.,,,,,.,,,. All unusually .SltUF .and ROOR ITEMS CARPET CLEARANCE Full rolls . Part rolls Remnants Used,rugs IJ~~~~~;~~~~~2~ • .Clearance . Sale • StiD TlRle to Enter Your Dog ••• cPA141sOl1 b- C()~r..e!!!2 , •• , ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;~ ~:!!' :: ~ave~':: aven~e. STA Pride - , Production tor the school play "Pride and Prejudice," a J.lg'ht comedy to be Presented at 8: 15 p.m. February' 22, . ,In the IUgh School auditori\lll'l, is 1(o'ell under way at Swarthmore High School wider the directlon of Mrs. Han.- , fi.. =: 1fe== & P"'i~dlc.. Bla~kfrlan to Glv. • : . fIlE ".-AitTuMbtt&v. ~':::;;:::~--'::':~""..;.iJ ~I!' ...",," (. Ie ."-..d.t}-Pearf UrW Ross ' .... ~"e' ,C'''''i'iia''~. -- tetty.. L...,ieI.~ ._",', . "L.' _. ,'~ ", ,'.' " .••.•. • ,_ ;". . . _. .~', ' . . ." - , . I • '." I THE 'SWAJt1BMORIWI . J ....,. J5. 1157 ==' ::::':;~g~as been arranged for the Church School classes, __========__==__==__=== W-I' A IC ~!d.ofTh~es!:=! i~~: =:;:~s!:::S:'th~n!e!;~~~ I I COX .PP lance , 0.' I !!!_ Fellowship, who will be hosts to vice Hildegarde Hutcheson. Peter ~ , begin at 9:45 a.m. Sunday with the other Delaware County Meth- Campbell. - Rosemary Cox. and ~ classes for all ages. At the 11 Youth Fellowships,· wlll John Cratsley will participate; 'the o'clock Morning Worship Service "Youth Sunday" will be obServed. Mel Taylor will present thesermono using ,liS his topic. "The Church and Youth." Members of the Youth Fellowship Will J'Din with the Chancel Choir in the anthem and the Junior Choir will New Bra.c:h Store " provide refreshments and help in ushers will be Andrew Nichols. . Lawrence Park Shopping Center the service. David Clarke. Sain Hayes. Robert ' , John Harveson. and Ted S 'R d Wednesday Morning; from 8 to students at Swarthmore fi! prou oa EL 6...2070 Broomall 8'30 'or a iii . • th e MYF WI'11 meet "College. fii pre-school prayer meeting at the Church School classes "ill meet 1!1 h h / Jj c urc . ' , at 9.'30 an'd 11'. 'a Senior I'ngh !!! !!! OUR OWN EXPEItT TElEVISION SERVICE DEPT. The Cottage Prayer Meeting Bihle class convenes at 10:45. iii l'ii will be held on Wednesday at 8 Men's and women's Bible classes ~ p.m. at the home of Mr. and are held at 9:30. ~ G.E. Appliances Mrs. Purnell, 304 Cornell avenue. The Communicants Class will ~ RCA COLOR TV John Patterson ,will be the lead- meet at 4:30 in Mr. Bishop's ~ Spec:ia'Dlsc:ou"," Prices fo Swarfllmoreans cr. study.,. ~ The choirs will rehearse on The Junior High Fellowship will "*-"*-~__~__"""*-"*-__"*-",,,,,,,,~.. ®<~"@ ~~w..~"""_'i&""',,\Wi."'\"""'ll,{"_,. Thursday~herubs at 3:45; Jun- meet at 5 o'clock in the Womwn's iors at 4:15, and Chancel Choir Association room to discuss "You a t 8. p.m. Your Summer Vacation". Sup_ Next Friday and. Saturday•. per at. 6: 30 and choir reb""rsal CHURCH SERVICES Februa,ry 1 and 2. the 8th Annual at 7 Will follow. South District youth Conferellee Senior HIgh Fellowship will APPRECIATION PRESBYTERlAN CHURCH will be held at Trinity Methodist- meet for supper at 6: 30 in Mc• Joseph P. Bishop, Minister Church Chester The program Cahan Han following choir re_ John Schott. Associate ~ begins 'Friday ni~t willi a ban- ?earsal !It 5. Th'1 grOUP will meet We exhind our gr.ateful apprecl~ Sunday. JanllalJ 27 .. !Il the Hearth rOOm ilt 7 to view 9:30 A.M.-AdWt Bible Class... quet. Panel dISCUSSIOns. meetings III titled ''Hi "" P d' '" cilion to the thousands of fcimllies men 9:30 and ,,11:00 A,M. - Ch ureh and a social w il1 conclude Sat- aM B' h . ill I dgner di aron, sI who have relied on our sirvlc:~" ' School Classes., d ' r. IS op w ea a seus on 9.30 and 11:00 A.M.-youth ur ay s program. on "The Meaning of Forgiveness". ,The Young Adults will meet for Sunday. 4:30 P.M.-CommunIcants Class. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES Bible stuay at 7:15 in the Wom5:00 P.M"~r. High Fellowship. Availability today of the heal- an's Association room. At 8 p.m. 6:30 P·MM·-SMr. HTighl FeBookllowshlp • ing power of divine Truth will Mrs. Peter E. Told will gtve a re_ 8:00P. .rs. od. b b' d Chriti S· I DIIIC'roil O. PUNDAts Review. e emp aSlZe at s an Cl- ;vIew of "A Bag of Books". 1820 CHESTNUT ST,RIET .,. Monqy. JlIDllalJ 28 enee services Sunday, when the The Christian Education Work7:30 P.M.-Qhurch School Work- Lesson -,Sermon is entitled shop convenes from 7:30 to,9:30 OlIVER IL BAlII,.r-.d.. MARY A. BAIt. ......dllll , shop. , "Truth." p m Mondays ToIopho"" .. 6-1511 ThlU"lldily. JanllalJ 31 , . . . 8:00 P.M.-Mrs. Sanford: ''The Christ Jesus' healing of the The Men's Association Dinner•. _Conq':!.erlng Jesus!' "Woman which had a spirit of iiI- the second for the year. will be MEl'HODIST CHURCH firmity eighteen years. and was held Tuesday at 6: 3(1 p.m. in.McJ~hn C. Kulp bowed together. and could hi no Cahan Hall. Robert G. Dunlop; Minfster wise lift up herself" (Luke 13) president of the Sun Oil ComRobert Wilde will be among the Scriptural pas, pany will give a talk entitled ' sages read from the Klitg James "W'hat Is 'l!'our ChOice", The comMinfster of. Music Sunday. JanllalJ 27 V sI • . 9:45 A.M:-Sunday School.' er on of the BIble. . chorus i"'ill alS() be present 11:00 A.M.-Mel Taylilr will The public is cordially invited to sing at the meeting. If callers preach. ' to attend the services at First missed anyone planning 'to 7:00 P.M.-MYF Church of Christ,· Scientist 206 attend. he is cordially' asked to 'l'RINITY CHURCH ParI< avenue, at 11 .a.m. 'call the church office. tt La"'renre Whittemorr Rectot The Board of Deacons will meet 8:00·~~~_~0~1ID~~0n. FRIENDS MEETING NOTES in·the Woman's Association rOOm 9:30 A,M.~Mornlng Prayer. Chester Quarterly Meeting will at 8: 30 'p.m. Tuesday. following Church School. be held at Swarthmore next Sat- the Men's Dinner. ' 11:15 A.M.-MOrning ,Prayer. I u.,dllY, January 26.' Sessions slsrt Tbe weekly meeting for prayer . Tuesday. JlIDllalJ 29 . at 10 a.m . ." the Meeting House. Is held at 1 p.m. Tuesdays. 5:40 P.M.-EveDingPrayer. In addition to the regula'r bUsi" The Primary" Clioir will reWednesd"f. JanllalJ aD ' 7:00 A;M.-Holy Communion. ness inclUding the annual report hearse at 3: 30 p..m. Thursday. the 9:30 A.M.-lcoll'e. cunent series arranged by the wood 4-1912. 1 Monday. Jann....,. 28 Peace Committee of the Meeting. That'. right I.A giant power people. this great power All day sewing for A.F.S.C. UNITARIAN NOTES pool linking Philadelphia EllictricWith neI~· iLtercollllectiOL make. it AIlw:;~7!~.F~.c. UNITARIAN FEW»YlSHlf' "Adam's Rib Wuz' Robbedl". a ~Iectric light and power fIOIa'ble to·. iuilbe at an FIRST CHURCH OF of 1IMw... C •••• :, sennOll by R!werend, IrvingR. CHRTST. SCTENTIST ' 10 Murray ,~f the First Unitarian eoDIpani.- to-day ...... tUn.- tlie L8WIIIIt and moat generating equip. ,SWARTHMORE i of Pittsburgh, will be read I'E cm-tom9l'l' of greater Park Avenue below Rarvard . ......,......." .17.' member of the UnitariAn Fetreliability of eli :tric __ mentiL theentlre_Th18 S...,. I '0:50 A.II.-.I...,. Icw-cr. vice tIIan ever before. . polla pool is furtha' enu:oo 'AOII:-Sun-:~~l, '. -I • 10WShip Of; Delaware County at d_ of PE·. p1annlng,and , 11:00 A.K.-The Lesson SenuOb IhOD A.II~W""'I~ Soo:wIce.' the '-ellowship meeting Sunday. Serviag aome 48,000 IIqlIIl'e buildlng to _ you bet.. will be "Truth." - . "MAli'S III WUZ 1011EO" As the title lmpU.., the sermon IIIl* ,aD4 6ft IL milHoa . To .. bod loy • of ... deals with women and their place - . LOW aad fa ~ 1utuN. 'hllw ...... , ._ ~ _'.......e """eme Of things today. The SocIal Adult PelIOwsh1p.meets atIl a.m. at tile I'eDowsbtp Chapel 0Icl ~edIa·.. road,~eJd. ,~ 1tartI,1It'IO: . . . . . I z._======::::::.================== __ -'--__I • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. • ,:.. . "There's an Abundance ofPower .Behind that Switch!" 1-,., efIIci_* Foft...,.. 11_.. lunSar ~~!'2!s'~·~1t1~7--:-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _2'I'BB·.SWAittiiilQRB,_4_N_ _ _---.;,~_ _-:--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---=.~~.,!:e:...:1 CUI scOut PACK,432, College Campus Club MD. MACI IIOU MIlT' AT 7:30 TONI...,. Gives Parisian Comedy , . Scouts, Brownie. Set For Cookie Onslaught ties. ,.nIYTIIIAN NOTIS Even before the oIIIclal openTHE SWARTHMOREAN . Sherry Hessler 'aDd John R.' I Sc'hot:t, members of the congregalng. ambitious Brow~es as well 1'1JBLISHBD EVERY FRIDAY AT SWAllTRKOBB, PA. tlon. will be the guest speakers Girl Scouts and Brownies bave as Scouts M!l'e out taking orders PEtER E. TOLD. lIIAIUOlUE TOLD. P11"u........ " at the 9: 30 and 11 o'clock services Jlnlshed final preparations aDd are and selling. Each' Brownie is enPhone SWanbmore 8-1H1 Sunday when the church observes set and ready to go armed with the deavorlng to sell at least 25 box'PETER Eo TOLD. BdI.,r Youth Sunday. Miss Hessler of four varieties of Girl Scout COOkies es. while the Scouts are attempt.. Barbara B. Kent. Managing EdItor of Cincinnati. 0 .• is a senior at on FrIday; the olIlciat start of the. ing to sell 30 boxes, the proceeds R"salie D. Peirsol Marjorie T. Told Anne L. Mabbott Swartbmore College. Last. year Cookie Sale. of which will go' to the Scouts. she was the editor of The Phoenix. Four dilJerent varletles--creme- This year all Girl Scouts' and / EIrtered as'Second Class Matter. January 24. 1929. at the Post Office at Swarthmore, Pa.. under the Aet of March 3. 1879., . student newspaper. She has been filled vanilla chocolate' and Brownies throughout the County abroad studying and travelling In choc:"-mlnt-"':m be off~ for are giving more than their \lSUBl DEADLlNE-'WEDNESDAY NOON ---:S:::W::-AR==T=HM=D=RE~.':':;;PENNA.• )::::A:;NU~AR~Y::::2·5-.-19:-::-:-:57:---=·- hance and South America. Mr. sale by the Scouts during I the effort In the drive for the Scout Schott. the son of Mr. and Mrs. month from January 25 to Febru-I Council has ,purchased more Schott. is a senior at Haverford ary 21 inclusive. Chairman Mrs. camping acreage at Sunset Hill METHODIST NOTES also' sing. Mr. and Mrs. Charles College. He was th~ editor of the Arthur Silvers has announced that and jos developing an' inclUsive The Garnet Canteen will ·be in IS,!,. Viewing tlte proposal with u much objedivity as possible. It is . ' : . still felt by a great many citizens of the OOrough and its neighbors, that While a small margtn of tim.. remains ..for constructive protect" the. need for action Is immediateIICl'.I'.. 'ISlIITTII.' ' and' crucial. EaCh citizen or ,11I1.IERlTE 1111$1I1$S11i SW'arthmore Is, therefore. ahecI to study careful.l¥ the IDeal e1rect of the pt'oposed routes and' reg!s... ter his conclusion promptly with • .those who speak with autborl1¥ for the Borough. .. . Hm .•., --':.:1 . tIIIIt tide .. ." CIa . I ___ .:I' I L-:o...! faD ••• 811eoa.UIKIe.aum. tl..l'&~l!Iyoa .. Thts is a matter which co~ .. I , not only those wboee 00me0J and Annual Meeting TUes. League I ........... THE MIGHTY -CHRYSI.ERI , ._ • Most glamorous car In a generation '19okhow1ittle. it costs to own the worlds most modem motorcar I. 'I .... ~.' , . PORTER H.' WAITE,' 'I~ ,.' ,5.w •• i'li . f;·__ ~-~;;;"'i·\ ':: '- -'" '. Y.- on,,,. .•'. ,', A~••• , " ~ : .". .', . ~ ,:, ' .' :. , . properu. will be invoNed but the eIltire ,_ant~. Ia' wbkh barOUCh BDd have _ 80IIIbt tC! ~ .. ' , , of IIIdL. , " . con. Ia ~' fer t!Ie'lIMId ,: : ... :.: ~. • • INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE , 18Duary 25, 1957 THE ·SWARTHMOREAN Paget , Ues. Sherry Hessler and John R. For Cookie Onslaught Even before the official openTHE SWARTHMOREAN Schott, members of the congregaing, ambitious Brow~es as well I'UBLISUED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PA. tion, will be the cuest spea~ers Girl Scouts and Brownies have as Scouts were out taking orders PETER E. TOLD, MARJORIE TOLD, PUBLlSIBRS at the 9: 30 and 11 o'clock servICes finished final preparations and are and selling. Each Brownie is enPhone SWarthmore 6-0900 Sunday when the church observes set and ready to go armed with the deavoring 10 sell at least 25 boxPETER E. TOLD, Edilor youth Sunday. Miss Hessler of four varieties of Girl Scout cookies es, while the Scouts are attemptBarbara B. Kent, Managing' Editor of Cincinnati, 0., is a senior at on Friday, the official start of the. ing to sell 30 boxes, the proceeds Il"salic D. Peirsol Marjorie T. Told Anne L. Mabbotl Swarthmore College. Last. year Cookie Sale. of which will go to the Scouts. she was the editor of The Phoenix, Four different varieties-cremeThis year all Girl Scouts and E,rtered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post student newspaper. She has been fiUed, vanilla, chocolate, and Brownies throughout the County Office at Swarthmore. Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. abroad ~tudying and travelling in choc-o-mint-will be offered for, are giving more than th"ir usual DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON France and South America. Mr. sale by the Scouts during, the I effort ;n thE' drive for the Scout ----::c=."'=::-::::-c:=~;-~-;:---- --- . - - - - - - - - - - - SW ARTHMORJ" PENNA., JANUARY 25, 1957 Schott, the son of Mr. and Mrs. month from January 25 to Febru- i Council ha~ purchased more Schott, is a senior at Haverford ary 21 inclusive. Chairman Mrs. 1 camping acreage at Sunset Hill 1 also sing. Mr. and Mrs. Charles METHODIST NOTES College. He was the editor of the Arthur Silvers has announced that and )s developing an· inclusive Seymour, will greet people at the Haverford News, student news- she will have a "cookie pantry" outdoor program for girls. The Garnet Canteen will be in door. paper last year, and during the keeping on hand a supply of all In the troops this week, many charge of the Methodist Youth summer he studied at Oxford Univarieties, so that customers will had sessions on proper methods relJowship and Mel Taylor, assis ... Youth Fellowship will meet at be able to get the cookies of their of salesmanship' and proceedures, tant minister for youth work of 7 p.m. and will begin a - three- versity iii England. The Junior and Senior High de-I choice. Particularly during the while the mothers, in the Girl the church, when it opens at 8 week series of films and discuspartments of the Church School early stages of the drive orders Scout Neighborhood Association, p.m. Saturday evening. Members of the Methodist Youth Fellow- sions on "Dating Problems of will be in charge of the worship may be sent to Scout cookie h"ad- completed plans for any adult help Iservices. At the first service Dawn quarters in the County for more that might be needed in the ,elp of tbe na. ~sh to receive a refund. In an,. a whirl. The league standings are ,Uo"" and .tete ol'lanlzaUons of cue. It ,.oa had .. macb aa ..00 'as follows: 'certJJled lIubUc acconntanta. earninp from self",mplo1D1ent Y d ' fir t I h 7 Todal's arUcle deals wltb proll- mut Ille a retum to report those ea on 1D space wit lem. faced b, almost an,one wbo earnJnss for social s.enrlLy PIlJ'o I wins and 1 loss (an upset victory 'haa to mate out a return. Later pOse:. , by Nether Providence last Tues- ,&rUcles wUl give special hints on Noa-Tauhle latome day night), and a three way tie ;deducUou you maJ' take, parllca. ' f 'th lady It 'ou own a car, bome or It 18 ImpOrtant to remember that or s,,!,ond place WI Lansdowne, ,baslness: Use thla series along with all Incom~ Is not taxable. Yon Swarthmore. and Nether Prov!- 'the olllcial Inslrlictlon book whlcb should not Include In J'0Ill" return dence with 6 wins and 2 losses comes tree with lour Iaz forms. an, Income which Is Hated In the h omclal Instruction book aa ezempt. eac ; in third place is Media; and .......m_ MIataltes ThIs 'ncludes Interest on state and then Marple-Newtown,' RadIior, AccordlDg to the resalt8 of a mun1clpal Ioonds, moat government Upper Merion, and SprinpIeld. sampling bJ' the Internal Revenae =~~~ ~:~=e ao;,~= Last Friday night the Little ,Service, the mlatakes most often npOlI death. lifts and socia! sccarlty Garnet played one of Its outstand_ made by iazpa,ers fall Into, thp.se benellts The Iaz tu'-cUou from ' tour sroapl' . ~u Ing games of the season, defea\(1) Inconect llsUng of In the Internal Revenue Service coulD • g Medi 7 Q '''1 'A<'_ f . I ' , come. taIn a Hat of the ..... es of Income a ~-v. ~",r a 81r y , Thla IB the main source ot error. which shOUld be Inct.:ded and tho.. close first half, the Locals plaster- parUy beeaue of debatable que.. hi b h Id b 'mI ted n' ed the Mustangs with 24 points tiou Invohlng business Income. In. w c s ou e0 t om '01IJ', dlv1duali make mistAkes too b, return. In each ot the two final stanzas leaTIDg out 81lch Itema .as interest U Yoa Ch.nseIdeci . . ,n ~ee·1"t'ay Ie 'M AIIIflieaft 01 'II. PeII...," , League Play _Ia 'BocId, 01 Cfrl'lIec1 PIItr.." ACCOIIllfant, .n cooptrGllott with 1M ''''mool Bell"," Bervtce.) Tonight the Swarthmore HIgh . . Between now and April 15 OTer aIzt)o rn!1llon Americana JDut tte. School Basketball teaJri will play. :tu return to repOrt their It58 Income to the tederal ,ov8l'llJDent. OIl In Upper Merion's tiny band-box. ·the basis ot put ezperlence aloout 1 oat of every • returna tiled will, This will be the first· game, of the 'contaln.llD error of U,OO or more. Lut year these errora totaled 0't'eL" S"I..rtIo..... hoc., 403 D......1ItIo Avo. ,OpposIte Boraugh Bow to Save Tax DolJai.s Local Boys Vie for Second \ FOOD MARKET. ,,eo........ eo.op; AI.·•••f "7" . . .. , ' • , ,'., ~- - ',. " .. . Mr. 'and Mrs. Jay Karlin recently Ji,lVe become residents of Dartmoqth HQuse.' They were . formeriy of New York City. Mrs. Karlin attende4 Juinjard School of MUSic where she received a B.S. degree last May. Mr. Karlin is an engineer with Geheral Electric Company in Philadelphia. Dr. and ~B. Paul Dvisaker with their' childrenl E!lza~th, Mark. lind Peter of Cunbury, N.J;. vlsited In Swarthmore durIng the' past week end. D~. Ylvisaker. formerly, of the political science department at Swarthmore Coll~ is with tbe Ford, FoundatiOn.' , Mr·, Mrs., G. E. Sullivan of 3ll2. ~eU ,!lvenUe with their lions Georae and ~,and da\1ihter DebbIe leave today for Pittsbu:rgb where Mr. Sullivan Is being transfen!d. He Is aSsociated with General Steel Casting Cor- "-. -- ..... .;. ..:=.... ..-;: , ," .. .::- erford " of .lVeddlngtoa, N •. y .. .w.-. " \' f', ' . •. - ' .. ' 7°, .• , . ". ; . ..."" Sister Sue-with a phone all her own and 'ouMdt ~ Of 'SWartbmore" are ~~.Jr;.I.Se;;.a1 sa .. et ~, " .,1IuIa. .' ", . ? :,.:' , Mr. and Mrs..Se.7Inour S. Ruth- ' . I NEWS NOTFS Poration; . i.. STRATH H' ,,I'YIf'N INN , , ., ( ,There are ti.:nes ~en a t,een.oger era/es privacy for telephone converSations (Clnd, heaven knows, parents don't wa.ior to li_tenll. Thot's why everyone i_ happier . willo an oddilional lelephone in the leen.oger's. rOom. Additionol telephone'" through the house-kifl:heil. bed. roPm.<\eII, basement-makelifeeosierl more comfortable, more efficient. And they can be in color if you wish. Just call our Business Office. 1IiE"'-IID.,CDiJfutOf Ii 'Hilt• ,. !, . / ',' \: . .. ; :.~~ . ,:"";:' ," .. ~ . I , .. - '/ .. papa ) ' • 'WI Be 'Iron CurtalD, ,JoSeph Woman's Club Topic 'odists' Observe Meth· N t'l th" k diet friends. Mr. Taylor and Mi Mothers m!l1'Ch1D8 with Mrs. Charles W. Kurtzt,alz Kulp wlll be present to us1s Lynch, captain" will be: Memorial Yesterday v w, wlth the brief devotlons. Mrs, William N. Driehaus, Mrs. J. 00 ",~ The Youth Emphasis Week con. Edith H. Black, Mrs. WUliam N. (Continued from P,ge I) , In observance of National Youth cludes with attendance at th. 01 _ Vlachos, Mrs. Avery F. Blake, of Chester City Missions, a form- Emphasis Week January 26 to Eighth Annual South J:)isttiC1 The program department 'of' the Mrs. Alfred G. Boyd, Mrs. Barton cr official of the Delaware County February 2, the young people of Youth Conference at •Trln1b Swarthmore Woman's Club will W. Calvert, Mrs. Donald G. Fol- Welfare Council, and twice c~air- the Swarthmore Methodist Church Church, Chester, beginning witll present another very able person leU, Mrs. Buchanan Harrar, Jr., man of the~Health Division of the have sch~uled a, number 'of un- a banquet on Friday evenma. ThE • of foreign birth Tuesday afternoon Mrs. H. I. Hoot, Mrs. William M. Pennsylvania Conference on So- usual events 'for the period. theme "I Become: through Prayer, when Mrs. Peter E. Told, chair-! Bush, Mrs. William W. McClarin, cial Work. Stressing service. to churc~, Bible Reading~ Worsliip," will bE man, will introduce Dr. Frank Mrs. Frank'H.Murray, Mrs. LindHe was a past'president of the community, and Christ, they will developed in three addre9SejS b;Y Kral, fonnerly from Czechoslo- ley Peel, Alice MBrriott, Mrs. Chester Rotary Cluo, a former begin their calendar with supper Dr. Fred Maser, a district super,. vakia. Dr. Kralwill speak a~ 2 Raymond Winch, Mrs.' George member of the board of directors it 5 p.m. tomorrow at the home intendent of Philadelphia Can. p.m. on the topic "Life Behind the Hager, Mrs. Robert Fry, Mrs. Jack of the Philadelphia Rotar~ Club. of Sue 'Purnell, 304_Cornell ave- ference and by panel discussions Iron Curtain". Hunter, Mrs. H. Elliott Wells, Mrs. At the time, of his death he was nue. This will be just prior to the on Sat~day. The Conference conA graduate of the University at Robert H. Depue, Mrs. Andrew a member of the Swarthmore Garnet Canteen' which will com- cludes with a conunittnient serVienna, Dr. Kral .was awar~~ i Alexander, Mrs. Ro! Li~en::e~ Presbyterian Church and the mence at 8 p.m. under the gujd- vice and Holy Communion Satur939 his doctor's degree 10 lul ~y He Mrs. ArthMur MOB~~I'p, I s'Deebele Swarthmore Rotary Club. His ance of ,the Methodist young day.: evening, University of Sofia, B garla. e Fulton, rs. cuJam n , h' Ii 1 h hi people. Games and events at ~e . 'Officers of the local Methodist escaped from' the Eastern Zone Mrs. Robert Helmuth, Mrs. George kimodelystYin't IS t .ve y ptumor'de s canteen will be directed by Mel You'th Fellowship are June Holt. '. . Stat· nd eres 10 peo e en arh k . of Germany to the Umted es H. WhItacre. . . II Taylor, assistant for yout war president; Sue Purnell, vice-pres!_ in 1948 and is now teachin.. at Captain Mrs. John C. MacAl- ed hIm to all who knew hlDl w~. t the Methodist Church. Med ' pine, will have marching' with In the years of his retirement, he a S un day WI'11 be 0. bserved.... Hall, treasurer;' Conthe Veterinary School of .1a sdent; . SelLindasecretary. Luren Dick cine, University of Pennsylvama. her: wrote verses of affection and eom- Youth Emphasis Day with a mar rue way, , _ The acoounts of his early life Mrs. Philip' Aldan, Mrs. James memoration, and' enjoyed his us of young people of the youth inson, song leader; Bob. Lo~ should give added background for Patchell, Mrs. Robert Borer, Mrs. family. . Division of the Church School .P.lan1;.,' _st., understanding the events of to- Robert Brodhead, Mrs. Vincent - Mr. Kurtz,balz was ~orn 10 Co- combining' with tbe, Chancd Choir day in that troubled area. Carroll, Mr,s. Edmund Dawes, lumbus. Ohio, wher~ at , the . age for a special' anthem. Mr~ Taylor, 5w.....1II0,. yo...... c .... Following the ?teeting, tea will Mrs. James Delano, Mrs. James of 22 he became assistant secre- a native of CalifOrnia and flrstbe served by Alice Marriott and Donovan, Mrs. Hilton Duling, Mrs. ta~ ~ the Ra~w~y Young Men's year student at, Eastern Baptist Mrs. William M. Park. Mrs. Ford John Espenschade, Mrs. Raymond Chrlsban Assoclabon. He left th~ Seminary, will preach the sermon F. Robinson will have charge of Fellows, Mrs. A. Wesley Hoge, ~CA to serve as a. lay w?rker on the theme "The Church and -' . the tea arrangements. Mrs. Gorton M J' G t H bble Mrs Wi!- With the Sudan Untted MlSSion Youth." 8 P.M. rs. . ran e , . . N th N' . B 't' h W t , Jan. 31 W. Brush and Mrs. Robert W. lard Hollander, Mrs. Thomas ~n . or ern Igerla, rl IS ~s In the evening, the Junior High Richardson will be door-hostesses. Bradshaw, Mrs. William Hordern, AfrIca,. where hi e . tOOk ~bre~tllO- Fellowship wil) meet for the first at the Woman's Cilib Mrs. Herbert Michener, Mrs. Jack terest 10 trans a t109 t rt a .~n- time" with counselors Jim and leuflt 5w......0,. Mothers' Polio March McWilliams, Mrs. Frank Holman, guages. He returned t~ the Umted Betty Marrash. At the same hour. • 'ablle Ubr.ry Tues. Night, Jan. 29 Mrs. J. T. M'Ontgomery, Mrs. States. after repeated attacks ?f of 7 p.m. the Senior Fellowship • aecreatlon Ass'. Thomas Moore, Jr., Mrs. E. B. malarIa; later spent five years In will meet for the first in a series I Cash' DonatIon \'It the Door (Continued from Page I) Ridgeway, Mrs. C. C. Shute. Mrs. the British West Indies under, the of programs. on "Dating' problems Mrs. George Sf$el, Mrs. George William' Watkins, Mrs. Frank F. auspices of the American Friends. of Youth." 'Mel Taylor will lead Gillespie, Mrs. George Stauffer, Wildebush, Mrs. H. C. Williams. At the outbreak of World ~ar the discussion and there will be Mrs. L. C. Baker, Mrs. Arthur Si!Mrs. Johan Natvig, captain, I, Mr. Kurtzbalz returned to the films on the subject. Mr. and Mrs. vers, Mrs. Richard Noye, Mrs. Kirk will have' as her assistants: United States to 'be sent Im- John Patterson are counselors of' mediately to the Mexican Border this group. Nevius, Mrs. T. Royal Scott, Mrs. Alton Smitb, Mrs. Richard David, Mrs. Adolph Rubin, Mrs. Walter for YMCA work with 'the Armed On Monday,evening at 7:30, the Mrs. Vernon Tiiboletti, Mrs. Lynn Moir, Mrs. Gi!orge '!'. Herschel, Forces. When this country formal- Methodist Church is host for the Kippax, Mrs. "'Stephen Spencer, Mrs. Dan Marino, Mrs. Howard Iy'declared war, he became camp monthly Delco Sub-district rally M,rs. Lemuel 'Holt, Mrs. Clark AI- Clymer, Mrs. Harry Young, Mrs. secretary of the YMCA at officers ' I· M J h Pi_I" t M William Wood Mrs. William of the Youth FellOW~ips of 11 Ison, Grogan rs. 0 Mrs n UAS on, rs. Craemer, Mrs. , Robert WIlson, . training at .Fort Roots, Little nelghborlDgMethodist" churches. Robert Wilson RushR k A camp k d M" . . . Mrs clar-I Mrs. H0 bart S wan, ' 'M'.. aJor A presentation ton Mrs Peter,Miller ~~ s, N 0 rm a'n GOC, 'I Rr., b tservmg~ 'Lee' Bun11 erd I t ' ot the mlC!Sion enc~ Frahck Mrs 'Ral~h Ri~hards Hulme, Margaret Campbell, Mrs. . en ,. d~ er ffi '~t~.R a. er work made possible by the Methocer 0: and Mrs WiiUam'Lee . Charles Brady, Mrs. John Torrey, cbo°mmDan ~.g " Wh e . isaim~ dist Youth Fund will feature'1ile i d • " . '1 i T I M J hn w VISIon. en a on program followed Captain MfR. R: J. Herndon WIll Mrs. WI ,I am ay or, rs. 0 camp was, established at IVLittle " . . by recreation, , . be' assisted by Mrs. Sadie QuinUn. B. Roxby, Jr., Mrs. Edmund, Jones, R k h lz dt-- 'f ,75 and refreshmeJrts~" ". • Telephone us to pick ~p , Mrs. Earle Edwards. oc, e organ ~ a Sau. 0 \ From 8 to 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, your Doctor's prescrlp:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;~;;.;. Volunteers for Mrs. Edward L. secretaries and served as execu- the young people will meet in the tio~l. We compound them Noyes, captain,' include: tive secretary for Camp Pike, ~d chape1 for pre-school midweek ' aDd deliver the medicines. Mrs: 'Alex Mills, Mrs. William at Camp Travis, San Antomo, prayer fellowship. ',Youth of the You pay only the Prentice, Mrs. Raymond Lassiat, Texas, before his advancement to community, are invited to share prescription price-There ' Mrs. Maurice Webster, Mrs. be. executive secretary of YMCA in 1Jhis period' with their Methais no extra charge. Reavis Cox, Mrs. J. Jr. Walter, war work in the five states com- ' , Jr., Mrs. David Laird, Mrs, Leslie, p,rising t~e So~thern Military DeCATHERMAN'S Walmsley, Mrs. Lawrence H. partment. Among his mementos QUAKERS, ,. . ls f rom f amous per~ to bYethealwan an..... lo,.aItoobecUenee PownalI, Mrs. H. Logan Lawren-ce, are t'estimoma atate..... t Abject the no ,I DR". STORE Mrs. Duncan Foster, Mrs: J. A. sonages to his service: IIRloaa prinerple that the 1m u.; • of manklnd .. to GecL Turner, Jr., Mrs: Vincent Lath~ In the midsf .of the war, his leaiellce Read Papa 57-5' of. New, Book bury, Mrs. Richard Brandt, Mrs. wife died, leaving him with five THE QUAKER PERSUASION Richard Wray. small children. In Swalrthmore ~~~~~~~:::::~=~=~~-====-:.:..::.::.:..-----=----- at the end of the war, he lJlarried by WIIII.III Wistar Colllfort Miss Leslie Osgood, graduate of/ It ilia,. help ,.08 uncJel'lltand llIemhel'll of The 80rlrty of Frien... and wh7 Smith College and founder of the they bear tatlmony for thb prlnelple. Ingleneuk Tearoom, and they 'rlce-$2.S0 postpaId frOIll ' established the family home here. F, H. GLOECKNER, Publlshe, 1115 Cherry Str••t. Phlla. 7, Po., _ He is survived by his wife; two , LOcust 1-1770 I or yau', nearest book store sons, William and Robert, both 'a tbe --""'!"i------..., Dessert Card Party thUrs., , taw ,.._/4,. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS KI 3;.Q186 • • • ~: - •• ' .J of Swarthmore; three daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth O'Reilly, Dallas,' ~~~~~~~~~~~~g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. i; <...., ':rexas, Mrs. Marie Tipping, Los 'YOU MEET THE N'C,EST PEOPLE ATS"'''RE'S'' . . Angeles, Cal., Mrs. Ruth Butler, of Swarthmore; eight grandchilSTORE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday, 9:30 to 5:30: dr~n and three great grandchilFriday,. 9:30 to 9:f:!O: Saturday, 9:30 to 6:00 dren. At the request of his family fiowet:~ were onutted.Memorial contributions ll1ay be sent to the ~ber~ulosis Association.: • ART FIELD TRIP LABORATORY Mrs.' Avery F. Blake, chairman of ~e Woman's Club art department, has announced plans for a visit to' the Delaware Art Center, Parkway and Woodlawn avenue Wilmington, on Thursday' afternoon, January 31. A special exhibit of Andrew Wyeth's paintings is now on display. TESTED MORE THAN 600 TIMES " • A DAY . ' SPRINGFIELD WATER ~.: e • B. Ward Mr. and ~. John M'. oCNorth Swarthmore aevnue will entertain at ~ oPen hOUSe' ~ morrow evening before the Duck' Club dance. Robie Swan, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Swan of Rutgers avenue, returned Tuesday from Children's H~i~ in Philadelphia where 'he Underwent a minor operation. , _' : Mary Beth Hannum, daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. 1Jannwn of Lafayette avenue, Celebrated her fifth birthday at an aftern~ party .Tanua.ry 12.' . Miss Edith Kletzien returnea to her duti~' at !.It. Wilson Hospital, )It. ,~.Mel, after a ~',of ,leveal dQ8 lOt week with bet :~1y 00, ,South Cheater· road. • Fls.io. Cor... EDGEMONT AVE., 7TH & WELSH STS. Save This Week-end on. Scores' of" Yal~es Like These in :Our . PRE-INVENTORY CLEARANCE ~~us r.:'~e B~~ ------...-.._.. _...... ,..__ $1, $2, $3 , Cds..,& SUp •• ---··--·~·~""'__ $2, $4 ~ys'&GIrIS' $wow hits, ~10 ....... _$9, $il, .:14 . 'Boys' Jacket , Yalut,. $10 .... ~~ ....-.. ~ ..~ ..:....-... $6.99 h -.---~.-- ..-.......--............... PI",," 'lothlien' SWIll ' ., $3' ',' ' -, " , $,,:~,.... . , ' : - -r. ,' ,' ..........~.................... 'A, .............. ; .~ FRIDAY nLL 9:00 ',l \- _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . ___ • • --' " , , : .. .- " ~', ':" 1/2 4TURDAY 9:30 TO: ~,. _ • . ' . • ,':. _ _:, '.'-"';/.~.'-~"!-; ~,,,,,,, . .