• ... Be ) OL_IJI:erve Nat'l Youth Week . 'Imn Curtain' Will . Woman' s "'ub Top·1C ft' III I, _ . d.Ist trieucls. Mr. Taylor and Mr. Kulp will be present to ass1st Mothers m81'Cb.lq With Mrs. Charles W. Kunzho/z Joseph I..Ynch, captain, wUI be: Memorial with the brief devotloos. The Youth Emphasis Week con. Mrs. William N. Driehaus. Mrs. Edith H. Black, Mrs. Wlillam N. (Continued from P'!8e 1) . In observaJlCe of Nattonal Youth eludes with attendance at the Vlachos, Mrs. Avery F. Blake, of Chester City M.lsslons, a form- Emphasla Week January 26 to Eighth Annual South ])!attict The program department 'of the Mrs. Alfred G. Boyd, Mrs. Barton cr official of the Delaware County February 2, the young people of Youth Conference at •Trinity Swarthmore Woman's Club will W. Calvert. Mrs. Donald G. Fol- Welfare Council, and twice chair- the Swarthmore Methodist Church Chester, begi,:,olng with present another very a ble person I e, II Mrs. B UC hanan Harrar • • ' Jr., man of the'Health D I VIS on a e I:U....." .......... . I f' th scheduled a number· of un- a banque't on ........ ev-'-~. The • of foreign birth Tuesday afternoon Mrs. H. I. Hoot. Mrs. W'lliam~. Pennsylvania Conference on So- I usual events ·for the period. theme "I Become: through Prayer, when Mrs. Peter E. Told, chair-' Bush. Mrs. William W. McClarm, cial WorkStressing service to church. BIble Readlng~ Worsliip," will be man will Introduce Dr. Frank Mrs. Frank'H. Murray, Mrs. UndHe was a past·presldent of the community. and Christ, they will developed In three Ilddresse,s 'by Kral', fonnerly from Czechoslo- ley Peel. Alice Marriott, Mrs. Chester Rotary CluD, a former begin their calendar with supper Dr. Fred Maser, a district super. vakl~. Dr. Kral will speak a! 2 Raymond Winch. Mrs.· George member of the board of directors !it 5 p.m. tomorrow at the home intendent of the Philadelphia Can.. p.m. on the topic "Ufe Behind the Hager, Mrs. Robert. Fry, Mrs. Jack of the Philadelphia Rotar), Club. of Sue· Purnell, 304, Cornell ave- ference, and by panel di&::uas1ons Iron Curtaio". Hunter. Mrs. H. Elliott Wells, Mrs. At the time of his death he was nue. This will be just prior to the on Saturday. The Conference conA graduate of the University olRobert H. Depue. M;-;. Andr'r a member of the Swarthmore Garnet Canteen' which will com- eludes with a committnient serVienna, Dr. Kral was awarded Alexander, Mrs. Ro! Linsenmeye, Presbyterian Church aod the mence at 8 p.m. under the gujdand Holy Communion Saturhis doctor's degree In 1939 ~y the Mrs. Arthur Moscr~p. ~rs. Robert Swarthmore Rotary Club. His ance of . the Methodist young day· evening. University of Sofia, Bulgarta. Fulton, Mrs. Benjamm Deeble. d t his lively humor his Games and events at ~e "Officers of the local Methodist escaped f.:;om the Eastern Zone Mrs. Robert Helmuth. Mrs. George ::;~d~ ~~terest In people endearwill be directed by Mel Youth Fellowship are June Holt, of Germany to the United. States H. Whitacre. . ed him to all who knew him well. assistant for youth work president. Sue Purnell, vice-pres!_ in 1948 a~d Is now teachln~ ~t Captai~ Mrs. John C. Ma~l- In the ears of his retirement, 'he the Methodist Church. dent; ~da Hall. treasurer; Conthe Vetennary School of Med,- pine. wdl have marching With Vir te :';rses of af'lectlon and ""mSunday, will be observed as nle Selway, secretary; Luren Dlckcine, University of Pennsylvania. her: 0 t. _~ enJ'oved Youth Emphasis Day with a ahorsong leader' Bob Loud1n, The acoaunIs a f hisearIy llfe Mrs. PhilIp . Aldan, Mrs. James fmemora mlly ,on, auu , us of young people of .the Youth ' . should give added background for Patchell, Mrs. Robert Borer, Mrs. aM Kurlzhalz was born in Co- Division :If the Church School unde~standlng . the events of to- Robert Brodhead. Mrs. Vincent iUn\~;"', Ohio, where 'at the age combining with theChanc~d Choir day m t~at troubled :,rea. Carroll, MJ;S. Edmund. Dawes, of 22 he became assistarit seere- for a special' anthem. Mr. Taylor. Followmg the meeting, tea will Mrs. James Delano, Mrs. James t of the Railway Young Men's a native of CalifOrnia and flrstbe served by AlIce Marriott and Donovan, Mrs. Hilton Duling, Mrs. ;:;. ,. Association He left the student at Eastern Baptlat Mrs. William M. Park- Mrs. Ford John Espenschade, Mrs. Raymond rls~an . I k' Seminary, will preach the sennon F. Robinson will have charge of FellOWS. Mrs. A. Wesley Hoge, ~C to serve as a. ay wor er the theme "The ChUl'ah and · . the tea arrangements. Mrs. Gorton Mrs. J; Grant Hebble, Mrs. WiI- :-,,'th the Sud~n Umte~. Mission IY,)uth." 8 P.M. Thiws.~ Jan. 31 W. Brush and Mrs. Robert W. lard Hollander, Mrs. Thomas m x:rorthero N,gerla, BrlllSh W~t In the evening, the Junior High Richardson will be door-hostesses. B d h M WillIam Hordern AfrIca, where he took great m- Fellowship w1l,l meet for the first at the Wamall's Chlb Mrr:. sH:;;;ert Mrs. Jack terest in translating tribal I.ao- time with counselors Jin, and ....fit $wartloMore Mothers' Polio March McWilliams. Mrs. Frank Holman, guages. He returned dt~ t~: ~Ite~ Betty Marrash. At the same hour. • '.blle Library Tues. Night, Jan. 29 Mrs. J. T. Montgomery. Mrs. States. after repeate a ac ? of 7 p.m. the Senior Fellowship • Recreation A•••• Th omas Moore, Jr" Mrs.E. . B malarIa; . . later spentd"five years d thm will meet for the first in a series C.lh\ Donation ~t fII. Door (Continued from Page 1) Ridgeway. Mrs. C. C. Shute, Mrs. the :'''Ilsh West In un e of programs on "Dating. problems Mrs. George SIc,kel, Mrs. George William' Watkins, Mrs. Frank F. ausp'ces of the Amerlcan FrIends. of Youth." ·Mel Taylor will lead r Gillespie, Mrs. George Stauf'ler. WiJdebush, Mrs. H. C. Williams. At the outbreak of World War discussion and there will be Mrs. L. C. Baker. Mrs. Arthur SiIM J h N tvl a tain I, Mr. Kurtzhalz returned to the fllms on the subject. Mr. and Mrs. vers, Mr.. Richard Noye, Mrs. Kirk . rs. 0 an a g, c. p 'United States to be sent im- John Patterson are counselors Nevius, Mr.. T. Royal Scott, Mrs. WIll have as her assistants. mediately to the Mexican Border this group. Alton Smith, Mrs. Richard David, Mrs. Adolph Rubin, Mrs. Walter for YMCA work with ·the Armed On Monday,evenlng at 7:30. the Mrs. Vernon TFlbolcttl. Mrs. Lynn Molr, Mrs. ~rge '!'. Herschel, Forces. When this country formal- Methodist Church Is host tor the Kippax. Mrs. ~Stephen Spencer. Mrs. :Oan Marmo. Mrs. Howard Iy· declared war. he became camp Delco Sub-district rally Mrs. Lemuel Holt. Mrs. Clark AI- Clymer, Mrs. Harry Young. Mrs. secretary of the YMCA at officers of the Youth FellOWibips of 11 I,'s'on, Mrs. John PI-"-ton, Mrs. William Wood, Mrs. Willlam tr . I t F rt R Is L,'ttle . UA> • am ng camp a 0 00, neighboring Methodist churches. Robert Grogan, Mrs. Wilson Rush- Craemer, Mrs. Robert Wlls0!l' Rock, Ark.• servlng- under Majo'r i.. presentation, of the mL"61on ton, Mrs. Peter Miller, Mrs. Clar- Mrs. Hobart Swan. 1iIrs. Norman Gen'l Robert Lee' Bullard later work made ......... ble by the Methoence FranCk, Mrs. ·Ralph Richards. I Hlilme, Margaret Campbell, Mrs. . .. , .. ........ and Mrs. William Lee. Charles Brady. Mrs. John Torrey, bocommand~".g ClffiWhcer Df thediRiar- dist Youth Fund will feature lile Mrs. William Taylor, Mrs. John w DlvlSlOn. tablIshed en a at vUttle s on program Captain M,... R: J. Herndon will .. d ef fDllowed hm ....- '. by recreation was P M di Q 1n1I B. Roxby, Jr., Mrs. Edmund, Jones, camk h esniz· d' t f'I ·f 75 an r res e......· eTelepbDlle us to pick up be assisted by rs. Sa e u·. n. Mrs. Earle Roc, e orga e a s a o , From 8 to 8: 30 a.m. Wednesday, your Doctor's prescripVolunteers for Mrs. Edward L. secretaries and served as exeen- the young people will meet in the tions. We compoUlldtbem Noyes, captain. Include: live secretary for Camp Pike, l\Ild chapel for pre-school midweek aud deliver the mediciues. Mrs; Alex Mills, Mrs. William at Camp Travis, San Antonio, prayer fellowshlp .. .Youth Of the Y DU pay only tbe Prentice, Mrs. Raymond Lasslat, Texas, before his advancement to community are invited to share pte.cription price-Tbere . Mrs. Maurice Webster, Mrs. be. executl~e secretary of YMCA this period· with their Methais DO extra charge. Reavis Cox, Mrs. J. Jr. Walter, war work m the flve states comMrs. David Laird. Mrs. Leslie. prising the So)lthern Military DeCATHERMAN'S· Walmsley, Mrs. Lawrence H. partment. Amimg his mementos QUAKERS· Pownall, Mrs. H. Logan Lawrence, arc testimonials from famous per- han amaeIed. ioTa! Dbedieuce DR,..G STORE to tile -tate. hat _hJed: to the n ScarlJor~ many ~ or att~.onto MOTIIERS HARm .BRINGS '-'OOlml~ Cede~om, Starts Saturelay need~-by j volun~rs ..I10~· Phila.Artist to Sjllak' At Jr.Cfub Meeting ~Yplaee New ~ ~'strlking 'ef-I ~town. y~ar. --_._v. . . . _ --~ =~ Federation, M.rs. LUCkie PftSen.- M~~ all"~ ~oneer mUnI~1" ~ntballs AnnIver~ courteo . u - s· Save This Week-end on. Scores· of. Values Like These in Our . leller I.......... .. THE SWARTHMOREAN Public· m~hed ART FIELD TRIP ,",' ~ ft•• DessertCani Party .- ...................; __ ...... , e,·· area. ee~. \~ La~ ~ .~ ~dult SRA FOR '5'l_APPUCATIONS WMl~ Wom~'s ~, ~ 9Ii.-ao.r- u-.__ ~ .at J~:.". liM tile IIe!lit 1JDIilicI •.,~II;." ., <.>, "'- I ., ,. P~rBonals Mr. A. Sidney Johnson, Jr., of North Chester road returned today from the three-day midwinter meeting of ~e Pennsylvania Bar ~Iation lD Pittsburgh.. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Sanfo~d of Vassar avenue had as theJr guest for several days last week Mrs. William M, Fine, formerly of Slvarthmore, who resides at the Woman's City Club In Philadelphla. Mr. and Mrs. John MacAlpine. Jr.• of North Princeton avenue have as their guest Mrs. MacAIpine's mother Mrs, F. A,. McCornack of Traer. Ia. Miehael Field, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Field of Vassar ave, nue celebrated his 6112 year birthday' Thursday. Janucry 24. with ,his first grade class at the Rutgers Avenue School. Michael bake by a, Wj]kea~BarreTV station. . Prof. and Mrs.' Roy F. LinBen~ meyer of Dartmouth avenue have as their guest Mrs. Llnsenmeyer's mother Mrs. George Evans ot Pittsburgh who will· visit in swarthmo;" for sehn Scott of Vas-· ;. f Thurs., FrI. " Sat. . sar avenue had as their overnight • Peggy Schmidt. daughter of Mr. Jan. 31. 'Feb. 1.2 ldt Co•• eIy' guests Friday Mr. Scott's brother:. ~d ~rs. W. Marshall Sdun JItI, HolII"., •.P••I D..,I••. Bill Scot! of Washlniton. D. C.. D.ckinson . avenue. celebrated her "SOLID GOlD· .CADILLAC" and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott of sevehth birthday Thursday. Janufrida, Features - 7:30 anCi 9:30""h4. Syracuse. N. Y. ary 24. at a supper party for 10 Sahlrday ,Fllalut'" - &.8-10 P.t.4 •.• Mr. and Mrs. John Lord of Crest of her friends. SPECIAL CHILDREN'S SHOW lane will spend the week end in Mr. and Mrs. J. Passmore ElJdD_ . SAT. 1 P. M. ' • Riverton. N.. J .• as the guests of ton of Harvard avenue. enteirtain- I-Color Corteoa. . Mr. and Mrs. S ..R. Coale, ed at dinner last week· Mr. and 2t-i'ort S.bJects· 3-"1110, of Rocll.. Mo" Ser/al '. Mary Anne Bunker. daughter Mrs. Phillip Harris of ~::d ~a. Gre,~. "MAVERICK of Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Bunker. Mr. and Mrs. Orville C. l!o 9UEEN" ' , (Technteolor) Jr,. of Mount Holyoke plaoe. play- of Bowling Green, Mr..and· Mrs. ed the part of a Page in "As You J. Robert James and Mr. and Mrs, ~.n. & Man., Feb. 3. 4· A. :Actl..-p.ct... n,Ulorl.· Like It... ·a recent dramatic pro! S. Francis Nicholson of, WaJlingMoore duction presented by Cap and {()rd. alid Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W: Robert Wa'.... ,' . lrodencll. Cra,*,,,, . . !>a.ger. the drama .group of Binns ()f MuIllenberg avenue. THEATRE· n. y...,... Omta""", l '.' : , B'EAUTY SALON Irs THI CARl THAT COUNTS 9 South Chester Road .. Can Klngswood 3-0476 Act/v. M_"r of ... !wa....or. . . .1•••• Allocl..... , / CHECK, YOUR CAR FoR WINTER. D.lco BaHeri•• RUSSELL'S SERVICE , ROBERT J. AT%, Mgr. , Opposite Borough Parking Lot Klngswa,od 3·0440· Dartmouth and Lafayette ".M. . ~ose Valley Nurseries, ,Inc. ,Middletown R'oad • R. D. 16. Media, Pa. Opposit~ . High Me.adow . Custom Landscape Work T.I.phen.: CH.ster 2-7206 Ask for Ben' Palmer or Henry Arnold ' Visit our Roadside'. Ma....t on the Mlddl.tawn Roqd SEASONAL SPECIAL 5 Ibs. Seaboard Wild Bird Food and 8ird Felder $1.69 TREE WORK Trimming - Transplanting'. . Mall. Arrang.ments Now for S,rlng Spray Program ••. Juilliard .Graduate·· .'- NOTICE • \. . TO THE OWNERS OF uDOLL 'BABIES"i The Real Live,. 98.6 . Degree Type. ,i . • . > . , , '. . UA"R UTE ' We·· now stock the Peterson "Folda Strola"· , , Lightweight Baby Siroller that fotdscompadly (w~en Baby is Removed), . . .. The '~lIera & HObby ShOp • 6.P.... Av....... Swa, Ihmore, 'ra. ' ~Ingswood 3-4191 .. , . WAY ,' friday 9 to 8:30." BEC,AUSE 'ITWILL: I, JiiiiOft-A-tA'FF &~ MUG/CBoX n, L \ 1 . Irreparablydamaget~e· Swarthmore ·we . chose as our Horn'e. . . ' , \ , , ' , . " \ " 2 '"Cfe.~-S~ t~e traffic;: on Chester Road until. it, too, becomes a highway to split 'o"r Community. '. . . ' '. . 9 a. m. - 1 p. m. 3-"CRIMSON PIRATE" T1Te' celebration, of the Holy Commun• . Snnday, February 3 ion at 10:30 a.m. followed by the period at 5:30 will conltnue a. 9:30· A.M.-Adult Bible Classe.. regullir ~nthlY meeting of the discussion of ''You and Your 9 :30 . and '11: 00 . AM . - Chu~ "'" Woman's uxiliary. The thenie for Summer Vacation". Supper is at School Classes. this meeting is to be "Prepara- 6:.30 and "hoir rehearsal is at 7. 9:30' and 11:00 A,M.~. BIshop The Senior High Fellowship wilJ w1ll preaeh. tion for Limt". Luncheon will be meel for_ supper at 6: 30 in Me. 4: 3& P.M.-Communicants ·Class. served:,~. in. the Pllrish Hal!' at '12:.30 Caban ..... "';"'1 •'ollowlng cho~ ••.. re _"'. 5: 00 P.M.--Jr. Hign.F.I'llowship. 8:30 P.M.~r. High Fellowship. P~ii will h t 6.30 l11>ars81 at Afterwards th.e group 8:00 P.M.-Young Adults os re earse a • p.m., ·will meet in the Hearth .room to Monday, February 4 Sop~anos ~t 7: IS p.m., and Ihe see, a 111m on the baCkground and 7:30 P.M.--<:hurch School Work· ~: s ChOJ;.:eh:arsal will be at reason_for mental .,j.d emotional shop. . . p.m., urs ay. breakdowns. Mr. Bishop, will lead • Thurac1aY. February 7 Adult Bible Class will be hel4. a. discussion' on the. signillcance 10.30 A.M.-Day of Prayer, at 8 pm 'f th . tur . • • 0 epIc e.' .. ME'.l'"HODIST CHURCH On Fqd.y there win be a ser· The Young Adults will meet at vice of Evening Prayer at 5:40 7:15 for Bible studY, P.l)1. Robert Wilde p.m. . Mr. and ,Mrs. Melvin MoIsta'd will Minister of Mnsic show slides of the fjords and SIIIlda¥, Februar,- 3 METHODIST ~OTE!: mountains of Norway. jI4r. alid. 9:45 A.M.-Sunday Schoo!. Members of the Methodist Youth Mrs. ,Molstad ·spent ·a·' year In 11:00 A.M.-Rev. P. Glenn Trem· Fellowsblp will register. today Trondheim where Mr. Molstad .;~o'rP.M.-MYF and Jr High '(Friday) at ,4 p.m. for the week· was ,a'-Fulbright professor at the Fellowship." . end MYF Conference at TrInity technical Ublveis.lty. The program Church, Chester. The Conference will also include highlights of their K. La~~~~=~~ Rector will begin FridaY evening and trip to. titecjmtlnent !luriDg the . Sund&)', February 3 conclude Saturday eVening. Suinmer of 1954. ." 8: 00 A.M.-Holy Communion. Church School classes will beThe Couples Club will meet for 9:30 A,M.~Morning Prayer. gin ,at 9: 45 a.m. Sunday with clas~ a covered dish supper and ''Fun Church School. Communion. ses ·for all ages. At til:; ~ILA~".IA • < ru:ar'Y / • , ,_.. ...... ...:; • " Since 1878 the same family has operated s._ : '. • . , \ , Monday ·Evening -. • At.~ p.m. • " , 5. J"~ulp Hearing , , .' ,, .~ ONE OWNERSHIP . ( . , -------------1 • . • , • . ',' BEnlK, ' . ·:j,f:";~~i'... ·;~~t:t.~j. ·~~~.~;~.'--<~. ,I_";':,<~,.,.~·: , . . ::- /~ . ';' -: - . ... ' .' . • . -.' .~ . . .. PtlBUC BEABING .' The Swartbmore Borough CoUllcll will hold a public hearing on th8 matter of the location of the proposed County Exlpressway to lh:n;~stthco.;=e::r~~~ '8:00 P.M. on Monday, February 4, 1957 In the Auditorium of the Swarthmore High School, College and N. Prln.....nn Avenues. All W,," . residents of the Borougb are mvited to attend. ELLIOTT RICHARDSON, Borough Secretary. . tt~ S::.!'u~~f'lw=~. SC; C.~.~.T;;:, ~h~ Sat2! P.:',!I~~r.:T~ C LAS SIlt' lED, A D, S PERSONAL rnd:~~ ~ !f:e~::~'a:lr:u:o~ PERSONAL - Student wishes to to make (layment. and those baving claims exchange quiet room for baby to or...nt 'he same ..Ithout dele, .. to sI.tting. SEYMOUR- S. PRESTON. 3R. 6 KIngswood 3-0200, exten-. Admlnl.'relor G. T. A. Slon 2 5. ~.:i~;::nP~:YI ••nl.. PERSONAL ;- Want more Girl or 10 hi. AUome.. Scout cookies? Call Mrs. A. H. BUTLER. SEATrY. GREER and Silvers, KIngswood 3-3603 for de_ JOHNSON livery. Four flavors. 40c a box. 11 South Avenue Media. Penn"I••nl. 3t-',," PERSONAL _ Grace Lewis Em_l1IIIIIdlhMIUD,lUllUlllnlnnnnrtflllllllllllll ploymeot Agency.' Licensed. "'= PIOURE FRAMING' i5 Bonded. KIngswood 4-3251. SeIii lected domestic help. Mlaids and EI i restaurant wqrkers. _ . iii PORTRAIT STUDIO d=: board in private home Mondays through Thursdays. WElsh Valley 55 Photographic SU!pplies §= 4-1108. PERSONAL - UPHOLSTERING iii State & Monroe Sis. iii! Large Chairs Completely reMedia ~ built with new fabric $55~ofas .. = $lI0-0ver 30 years expeflence~ MEdia 6-2176 § Six years of Swarthmore refer= = ences. Cushions refilled $6-Esti~. Open Friday ,Evening\ i ~~~~ are free. Thorn Seremba. !i'AlllIIIRIIllllllllllnlllllUllUllllwnllllllnlllmlllnDn~ 11 Sharon Hill 0734. PERSONA~Artlcles and scripts typed and promptiy. formation phone. :::: ' ~ PE~ft!cher !~ ROGER , RUSSEll . !!i ii! , mend, homemakers. KIngswood 3-5177. PERSONAL -'- Belve.:.ere-Con: valescent Home -2507 Chestnut ., street, Cbester., Edge of Swarthmore. Aged, senile, chronic, convalescent men and women. Excellent foods, spacious grounds Bille Cross honored" Sadie P. Tufner, ,proprietor. CHester 25373.. Formerl., CARNS 650 Baltimore Plk. 'Springfield. Del. ea.. Pa. KI.gswood 3..0450 ROOFING . Warm~Alr Heating . Air ea.dlflo.l.g Sheet Metal Wark George Myers & Co. , Box 48 . KI4·1214 j;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;::;;::;;;;;;;;;~ ' PY L E olcatOlng . Dupl . . S. ervice , . ,. . Offset Printing of All Kinds " '. Letterheads • Billheads .Announcements • Programs I. Adw.,rfll".' I.e".... ' "......... •• M.It/.Copy a:.th... . , . Photo-Copies Made I &Heating caIf:'r~~!~li~~~~~j~~~,~~I!l~r1~!:!: or service, Wood 4-1149. LOST AND FOUND . boun 'd LOST - B rown. Zlppernotebook containing Mut\lill Funds Information: In Swarthmol'l'. Please call. KIngswood 42918. no. for 22 No PQ362 . 48 ~hare;.,. shares of Common $100 of American Incorporated, a Delaware corpora_ lion, Reward ollered for their return to J. Russell Smith, 550 Elm Avenue, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania. 15 S. CHESTER ROAD • Swa ....mcire KI 3-1497 . , , . , -~ '.- COMMERCIAL· Klngswood .' OILS = -- a a LECTURER: RED LABEL APPLESAUCE . i - . ..... '2' for '35c \' . . BUY" REAL NUCOA , lb. .' . ~ plus deposit for 1 quart . (Get 2nd Quart F~EE) t=RISKIE 1)0(; MEAL COMPLETE FOOD' \. - 5 , Ibso - ',.' 59':' PlACE: 01, 1OlL.1S. _ , ATLANTIC , . . 'Fo.. ....ftlpt Sfl:vlce ALBAN PARKER ~, .', . o iii iii In the Church Edifice • ..... RidleyP. . u 113-4742' '.,." ".',: z.zu. ',,","-. .-_Ia .• 1_ First Church af· Christ,. Scientist . Swarthmore, ·Pennsylvanla 206 P ....k 'Avenue TELEVISION . \ m "' ' \ . . ' " . ' Oick Frallchetti I • . . ' 17'12 5.a.1.1It ."114-1700 . , . . : ,• of Christ, of ." a = Seientiet, 1 5 . . l:a~ies' ·Day T:rain to Ne\.v York .and ·.have more.time for eveMfti~[ .; / ,,", . dlk. ofte'" r' , , EV.MY WEDNESDAY .' .. fo;,29c 29c; ~arl! a-~. ~::ES385 _I,. ONlY' (oftsf."af;;'ft ....... SII. (slit Ill ......... III. nclcets Must Be PurChased letore Boarding Train No Half "'res ParChllcl,.. BIG SAYINf;1 I 8:30 .... _ _ ... " . , Smart hOusewives avoid paying .0 loW'er price t~;get more fat,was.e or spoilage •• ; quality is ~~esse,;tial;i'" their ··food budget ~. Co-Op · I . ' " " .- ' • ""~'I1ICd GOIN, . " ;;; , • 3 Large ca~''''' .' ...... . . ._1.. th E l i ' Swarihmore. Pa. Wl e c~,t~-;... e arly- IwIUVIUlmmRDDmIIIIUiiUlIIIIIIRIIIUmIWDllUilUluwnmnnnIllWUIUllUllUlUlluUUWDDIDlIllllllllIam.... . 4-1234.·. .~1Di1ra at BOI.ID&.... :~. SWAU'HMOU, ... a :: <-Amplified tn the Sunday School . !!iii AUSPICES OF: .'; Firat Churdt . .t:ormerfy -- CICIIIo....., SOld _.$9110 8:40 .... _ ..... 1IONbAY TRaD IIAT08DA~. Ktngswood . iii Third Box Free , . FRESH CORN ON COB (Florida) QIL~ ......1ll4 ...111 ....u.. ROOM iii I i m: Friday Evening, February 1; 1957, at 8:15 1= ! iii :5 \ OIL BURNER, SERVICE· . "I!"'w It iD the = -, , bAy .... NIO~ PIANO TUNIN,. SCi Can IVANALEN ~1rIIIlr :I' == ~ . : MOI)ERNAGE FULL FASHIONED NYLOHS _79~P~ir " 3-8761 Wi................pl-.'--.-'t~ ., m. and _"lit ...n ... ,~ . lid. fill. fa i - KLEENEX TAiLE NAPKINS <'.HI SEE.,.SS GRAPEFIlUIT 3 OIl........,... " ; = =TIME: 31c. ·HIRES.PUROCK GI"GER ALE- 55 In Boston. Massachwetta iii . . . _ = ~,~ (Jhlcago, nUnolil. . '. E ·39c · GREEN LABEL. PEACHES ,~Iargeccin 39 c iNDIANIIVEt Yo. Change +0 '. = _ ______ •..._. ~.. '. -, '"' -.~ - The 'M~tb!,!eG=;e;:f ..ft:' ,t!f~~ ~u~etc?~~k~t Selt!OtiSt -: ".,J';. " !i GREEN L~8EL PEARS· large. can . . J. F. BLAC~N , ! ii .. 5· ~ack Prichard Alterations ~--,.-.,------- Oar ..1 _ ' _ PAINTING and CARPENTRY " = - City .. Federal .Savings' and Loan.'! You are cordiaUy in.,i,ed 10 /I Free Lec,ure on Ass!lcla-tion; J'hiladelphia. a . , , Mr. ~dltchwas one of three ii 8UBJECT~ directors, to be. reelected at ,the ;;; " association's annual meeting ,held iii CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: ITS CONCEPTIONS last week. AND. ITS CONSISTENCIES~' - .Grace' Jane Noee, C.S. Kite"'., R.ESIDENTlA,L AND Dr. Lassovszky Receives 6-Month Rockefeller .' Grant ,=='===================== . ooIaJi. 113-66,6 ". - '335 Darimaa" Ave• • ~EATING '.1 '. . . . , 'wUnam •• ·Next Week Watch for Our' . ·.LEG 'O'I..AMB SPECIALS' • • c Remember - With the' return to us of each of Register Slips. g1ve you a '.bright· new Silver Dollar!' .. 3~8345 . '" tion, Eagle and 'La'IVl'E;nCe Roi,ds, \ Havertown. No telephone.calls. '~;;:;;:;;;;;i;;;:;;;;;;;;il Tile Floo,. '. Pla.tlc Tile, -, ~ Ii W~ - ~? s ..O-inch bike Modera· ",-good .condltion. ,Call KIngs- AS'H.ALT TiLl • IUI.EI TILE 'Alhratlon.· , '/ wotSd 3-1511.. . _ .. _ _,_---,,, PLASTIC TILE , VINYL TILE WANTED - Gid Friday to assist 1401 Rldl.', A,renue busy ~\!Cutive flve-day~O-hom: FORMICA; ., LINOLEUM· . , . . . . Prefer resident of Delaware CHester 2-4759 or Montgomery County. Call ·Mr. YEN.ETIAN IUNDS . 2-5689. Daly, Philadelphia Chewing Gwri Corporation, Ealle and LliWl'llftee Roads,. HavertoWn, HIlltop 6-7150. WANTED - Ping"pong tabie: Call KI 4-0521 . FOR 'S'A' ''e. 4-1434 "2,5. C.....rR.. . , __ "'" , FOR 'SALE eH 2-5051 I Swartlt ... ~, 'a. I -ATlANTIC '. - ..a UN*" i III Kll!gswood . of the beDeftt fashion show which RIB' ROAST -'S9~lb~ EDWARD Go CHiPMAN, AND SON GENEW -• , COIITRAqOR . . , COIiiSTRUCTION ¥Whee SllVER:OOlLARS FOR WHITE SLIPS . . . lafoc"acd of thk ac(. loa, A. L 424 Hayerford . , Place . - ..pll_ _doolal. EleyatOr I. FOOD MARKET " .. IIoItod ...ldoat, _ ,..,. old, . rled. capaw. of • ...,1..., r...,;."IIb11o - . I..... _.., 1 _... , pIMM. lodud. brief _ I .IsIoiy, 011 Clark, WllliamW. Bicycle. Hobby, Toy East Baltimore Avenue. C~!~~~ Heights, MAdison 6-0713. ( ~~~5::3~~:ii1:O;;iOi~;se: I site Clifton Theater. PERSONAL - Radio and television stock ., ~~sJ~~~~~~~pacldOg Water Heate.. . 5••, • ..,. tubes servIce. carried. Complete Robert Broolu. 011 ....... 'owd.r I .... ~~K~Ingswood 4-0800•. Mn. Robert Scully, cbalnnan (;o.op ~===========:====~==~ . , From News the eleventh grade American' h1stor,y classes have just received a copy of the L1fe1s 'publjcation"Life'. Picture HUtory of Western Man". ThIs gift presentation book was received as a reward for suggesting in advance that Hungarian man be. made Time's Man of the Year. . . The decision to make this recommendatlon was reached after a discussion in the classes and in response to the notice from Time, that there was a contest among school pupils to .suggest the .Man of the Year. After careful dls- STRA.TH HA.YEN INN • an will. enda the longChurch, festivities with Blueweekand Klng.wood 3·1448 Colonial Cupboard; Num~ Gold Dinner for Cubs, their parWILLIAM BROOKS: Philadelphia Pike, WiI- . Is d fri d riel.' en an en s. . Ashes & Rubbish Removed' WANTED We This dinqer, un~er the co-ehalrLawns Mowed, Geillll'lil h manship of Petet ·Mlller '. Baalliur a whoave can. Charles Mam n,. will be h e di 'm 238 IIal'dJJq: Ave.. lIorIoa, Pa.. hour McCahan Hall of the church on Dehlware or February 8 at 6: 30 p.m. A spe>Cia'll Call Philadelphia h b llned f th' Corporation, Eagle program as eeu up Dr, . e Roads, Havertown. dinner with mernbers of the liIgh $500'MONTHlY, . school football team as guests. A recently released fllm on the high- Starfl..... 101• ., for ~ ......'-IJpo lllihlJl of the 1956 All-star Base- _Iante.. to ,..,........ lotte ...... llnandal cOfllOi.llo.. No troYet. Sal.. ball' Game will be shown. Reeeivee . HungarianAstronomer Juniors SChedule Feb. .l~th.G,,~de Time Book Award • Tilne Magazine, JOins Sproul Staff Benefit Fashion Show Or.r 1_. Day'o.. W'" . f the Swartiunwe. Junior WQDlan's Club will give on February 12 at 8: 30 p.m. in the Swarthmore HIgh sChool Audltorium,has announcDr. Karoly I:.assovszky, HunYule .. Hal'Yard Aye..... Swartliftlore. 'a. .. ' ed that the· fashions will be by garlan astronomer, has been ·.JOHN A.. TINNEY. Mlr. ' FBI 'A.IIN. a" Philadelphia store, with proawarded a Rockefeller grant for ceeds going 'to the COlmty .chapter a six Months' period to take part of the PeDrlSYlvania Association in the research being conducted for _Retard?~ Children at Lansat the' Sproul Observatory on tbe downe. ' , . Swarthmore campus. Mrs. SculJy.bas also reported her Iis.t of those working on corilmitDr. La~sovas.zky, with. his wife tees: . ':' . and two' children, ,arrived in • ...•. .. . Swarthmore January 14, 41 days Co-ch'l.irman, Mrs. R I Wb.a r d ~ion led by the teach"r Fred- "fler they escaped from Hungary Reuther; ticket:'!, Mrs. Fra~ Star- flC Yo.;um, the class sent In their into Austria. A graduate of the ret! and: Mrs.' KIrk . Nevius; re- recQmmendation. '(J"niversity at BUdapest, where he .Co."'III.r'" c•.op. A..·.; .f Swartlt...... lac.. 403 .D....... oIItfI A.... freshmen Is, Mrs. John Ward;. dec-' . also received a no.;t. Phil. in orations, c~alrman Mrs. Robert SCOUT TROOP 560' . Astronomy in 1920, he W!ls. a . Opposite lal'Ollgh Hall. :urpRhY:..~~rsBo· ~Jrt ;.~annp ant' ·NAMES PATROL LEADERS . Rockefeller Fellow for a year i? rs. 0""... y e, r., ~o. e er th '(J" S i 1925 , Kaiser, and Mrs.' Ambuj Mukerji. Girl Scout Troop 560 s'Heeted' e . . n . He Il!ter became dlrect~r of the Also, d"!'I' prizes, chairman, Mrs. patrol leaders atlts meeling JanuI Ran(iall Burr Mrs. Francis Brews- ary 22. Lue Hay·is the patrol lead- Budapest Obsp.rvatory, m 1945 ter, . Spencer, Mrs. er of the Tiger Patrol, Jane Aaron, .~ entrusted ~th the or~za- \ . I Stephen Spencer, Mr~. John Ma- of the Pandas, Michele Marsh, of lion ~nd a~nistratlon of~ the· gee andMI'S. q. West Cochrane; the Collie Patrol, and Betsy Jar- Amencan Insti~ute at the UruverJANUARY FEBRUARY - MARCH , mUsic, Mrs. Walter Black' 'pro- rat!, patrol leader of the Sea- sity of Budapest; and was a programs, Mrs. Gerald Kynett 'and Lions. fessor of,. astronomy at the Unl. . Mrs. William Ward~ hosles$es The troop is working on its sec- vel-sity of Budapest 1943 to 1949. Mrs. Donald Aikens "';d Mrs~ RO~ on'd class rank. At the meeling After dismis~1 by the ColrimUDist $100000 Yit»i'th ertc. Bro;i!; pOsters, MrS: Robert there was an observation !est and Government 10 1949, he was. wlthKyle, Mrs. Robert Morrow, and the Sea-Lions gave a demonstra- o.ut a position until 1951, .at whfcb /. Mrs. Mukerjl; I?ubliclty, Mrs. tion of a dance. The troop is col- ti'."e he obtained .an ap~lhtme~t Howard B. Smith, Jr. lectlng a layette for a Hlmgarlan w,th the State GeophYSlcal Insb. baby. tute in Budapest. SWIFTiS PREMIUM '. RE-ELECTED The reporter for this' meeting The family will live in Swarlbis Janet Fuoss. more and the two children, Ju- Goavde or p ac~:S • k'/ f nHape s commendable satetv record was a dfd"'thannal . ron Sett er poo 0 arv~. end for BCra °clrl ~-"~ ce u paratus. Den ,4's contribution In- ard avenue' and Patricia Hatten.s direct result of team efforts of the . oun ,-",..eren. cluded a particularly colorful and c uiuI' "Tanzier" and Mr past. Roblnsoo said 120 pe[SoDll WEST LAUREL HIL M... , Gibson serve;; as a class graphic set of PDllters of star con- Da hsh '. " , . . participated in team activities correspondent supplying news for figurations, with a commentary in and Mrs. Jobnsons P~dle Jack, duri . the su~er of 1958. eRE'MATORY the semi-annual alumnae maga- verse All dens tried out their In- both of Wal.lingtord, and Carol ng th Prest ...._~ zln . . d Oakey's English Cocker "Bonnie" Mrs. Be. on. repo ...... ..I....t Ave. • ...v. City e. genious den yells with verve an of Moylan. for the operations maintenance LI ••, lata·Cyaw,d IUlllltlllllUmtnU"nlUlI_mannllUllamlllll gustoA'Ivlti ch' .H Graduates of the 8: 30 class are: committee. spoke of the need' for MO.aw. 4.1591 cI es alrman Hub art' . . I ' and d ted th f II' g Sara Bethard's D a c ill s h 11 n d benches m the poo area I ePETER E.' TOLD covering cost of ser11;,~~if:~alt~ man d presen d '. e 0 OWthlR "Katrltjka" of Harvard avenue, velopmellt of the picnic grove. e d th in beautiful chapel, creawarsearn unng empn : R b ·t C • C k "M"-" f . Ii All Une. of In..rance choice of urn and perAlfred DeProphetis, first yea'r 0 ~r ox s oc er ..."n 0 It was suggested. that Boroug .: niche, may be obtaIned pin; Chip Forwood, .first year pIn Dlc~nson avenue, .Raymond_ Fel- Council be urged to JIllve River~ 333 Dartmouth AYe. in of need. A modern bear badge; Jackie Davis and low s Golden Retriever "Cal/ple" view avenue along tfie raiJroa~ In reasonableco~t; Johnnv Johnson 3~ - .' \::.' . of Garrett avenue; Wllli~ Hogg's order t8 lessen danj;(er to cars of SWartll••N,6·1833 ., ,., ... ,ear pUIS, P . te "Sto" d W Tyl . be you~ inquil'y Is ."tllted. John Scherk, bobeat pIn- Bruce am rena r an . er club m~m . rs and others w~ Lee and Bruce 'conweil, wolf P~a~ody's DalmatioIJ "Bunker must 'use the road. . badges, and Richard McKernan, Hill • both of WallIngford. Final action of' the evenillg MEET THE NICEST PEOPLE AT SPEARE'$" bear ·badge. came with the carrying of a mO" Aids WOlllen's Luncheon tion to inform Borough Council At' the close of the meeting the STORE HOURS: Monday thru. Thursday, 9:30 to 5:30; Pack committee discussed plans Mrs. William Irwin of Wallinga ·properly constituted meet~ Friday, 9:30 to 9:00: Saturday. 9:30 to 6:00 . .,for the annual blue and gold din- ford is a member of the luncheon ing of the Swarthmore S w 1m. ner to be held on February 22. committee for the 33rd Annual Club had. decided that Route A, Lu?cheon of the department of 'now being' considered by the State United Church Women of the for a mid-county expressway, Greater Phlladel~hla Council of would b& injurious to the property. Churc!>es held 1D Philadelphia interests of the SwIm ·Club. yesterday. __' _ _ _ _ _-'-_ Over a thousand people. representing 28 denomlnations iind re- Rutgers ~hiJdren ! Sunday t 5 "'au F... io. Av£'. 7T1-! & WELSH STS. You'll wallr rig'" oat wearla, ,our new , , orelJ DRESS Korell Plus - Sizes Fit You Perfectly If You Are 5'5" or Under Cor•••, attended. ~ig~itous;~;;~~of~m;etropO;':::n~-1 tan • If you cannot conveniently briog i~ fOot Doc-' Cor's prescripllODs, ou.r messengu will call for doem and deliver tbe med. irines. Th~re i. DO extra charge for .his setvice.. Just telephone us. , .' SHEtF and flOOR mMS II, Iecluctlont Antiques & Gounnet Shop 'ro"I".~ce . CATHERMAN'S . Clearance Sale' DRUG STf;)RE II 3-0586' ..... W.II............. ...... IIIIoIIq 6.4711 I~:::::::::::i HOW CHRISTIAN SaENa HEALS CI_.....' 6 , 'Hear Indian Upper grades' of the Rutgers Avenue School were treated to all Indiad play January 18, by Mrs. Aline Qutrk's faurth grade. P0ca:hontas, Massasoit, Squanro· and Samoset stepped frOm the pages of history to give the audience a glimpse of the land \beyond. Their vlsiiation was followed by a, choral recitation, by Lew Sarett, entitled "The Squaw Dance." _ The Zuni, a tribe of Indians living In western· New Mexico, wereSong represented. Their colorful. "A 0( the Coyote and the Locust," was presented lly l'of the I!hildren, . . ' A1Vof the 27 fourth graders had a part In telHDg ail IndIan -, tale. Men Akweks, entitled ''WIlY HaVe Mcisqultoes." The eDtJre group also patriebNlted In. ibree' Indian -...... ., Mrs. Ruth McDowell, art teIiebW, . PI '!Dted·.· miJ..... _ .. 1ij)aP ''';';~~~:::~::''-.......J ::::':~Innqed:-, ~".~,~I~I~,~ the ,., ~ Sunday , FRIDAY, FEBRUARY, 8, 1957 SWARTHMORE, , Borough Opp'uses Both Locat Highway Routes, 'BOlO. ,Boy Seout'Service '., 0'" W" t f Md·' . Set For 9:30 Sunday · P ' resses .or ne es 0 e18 $4:00 PER YEAR Economics Club ~Ians Open Mee1tin A comml1llity-wlde worship service for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Explorers will be at 9: 30 a.m. Sunday, February 10, at the Swarthmore Presbyterian ChlJrch, Harvard avenue.. The parents and boys of all scout units and churches are Invited to attend this service. Three scouls and explorers, a1l members ot ~he Presbyterian will receive the highly prized God and Country Award during the se1OYice. They are Jack Lewicki. Chip Shay, and Sets Off Council Action '\ '7 , a circuJa.ted through the auditorium. (one disappearing in the process) were handed down frOm therostrum by'C~unclJ Presld~t Thomas H opper after he had t rac"" .:;.. over a quarter-century's history ,of steps taken toward Utabllshment of a to convey heavy 'traffic from Delaware County's indust!'lal area along the Delaware to' the Vicinity of ' River " the Turnpike.·These step.'inclilded instances in which Council it- ~uper~highway Go" wing HeadsPUbl·Ie B~klii.ann. L"lbrary DI"rect'ors' Borei, Jack LeWicki, and -Bob Assisting the ushers -Y will be Rich Kent, Chuck Rusillon, Wrege, Alan Stamford. John Bond, and Steve Edwards. . ,Sp' iller,' Morrison,' Mrs. ' . All Scout., should meet, In uniin McCahan Hall of the Schloesser 'Retire 30 minutes before the ser_ As' Off''Icers vice. begins. _________ ,"D ', M ace G owmg was e1e ' ted c . president of the Swarthmore Pfau to Lead 2nd Public Library .ASsociation and Investment Class Jerome Robb,ins.Opens CofIege Lecture Series Broadway Choreographer T S k M • 0 pea at eehng . House Sunday Jerome Robbins, director and choreographer .for the current Broadway musical "The Bells are Ringing," starring Judy Holliday. will open the . lecture series "Art and Mass Media" at Swarthmore College Sunday, February 10. The lecture is open to the public and will .be held at 8:15 p.m.. In the Meeting House on the Swart\!.- Over 600 peopie''J,aCked thll- aucfitorlum land outer hall af High Seh'ool auditorium 'Monday evening at public hearing provided by Borough Council as a'lileans Qt'. alrlng divergent oplnlons ' throughout the town in regard to damages which Would be by· SWarthmore should the State a,dopt either of' two routes it is curienlly considering tor a: mld,county limited-access ·hlghway.· . Five hundred '~nd nin~teen of those present signed a petition to the State Highway Department Secretary urging that both the socalled A or Red Route wliich touches Swarlhmore in the RivervIew avenue area and the-possible alternate Blue Rou~" which touches Swarthmore along the Crum Creek. be abandoned and th!lt an considered Green RoIite.whlch wouid run through open country Bl~lng. west :of Media. be adopted instead. Scouts participating. In the serEighteen' copies of the vice are Fred Kellermann, Sven ' . petition. , . W d d'S k , e nes ay 5 pea er Lewis D. Gilbert, independent slockholder and author of "Dlvldends and Democracy' will be the t ak of th Swarthmore C II E gues spe er . eCI b t their annual meeting 0 ege dinner ~onoffi1CS u. aat the Ingleneuk Wednesday, February more College campus. There is no adinlsslon Chargepresented for' this by series which is beb"g the , William J _ Cooper FounQation. Mr. Robblnio, will talk about the effect of mass medla:-televlslon, radio. motion pictures, magazines the artist who wishes both to express his artistic ideas falthfuUy and at .the Same time to reach the public. In addition to . Theatre, hl's work WI'th the BaUet (Continued on Page 12) 'Soll"d Gold CadiUac' ISF,eb'ruary F' are self had' reqliested. a, by-paSs to Board at· the' reorganization meetGordon P f a u. specialist ill 13Mr. Gilbert lectures frequently. relieve . .chester roadot.heavy ing, . ·Mqi:uiilY. night In -Borough municipal bonds and/authorlty In . .. . . . .. . . at leading universities and, law thru traffic. and the College had H"II. Robert E. Spiller. president inunicipal. financing will ·conduct schools. This will be hts fltilt visit eli:pressedltsillf asconsIderiDg ihe 'forthe past 3 years asked to be second In the series Inyest- to Swarthmore. Dinner, wlJl be at widening of'<;:hester road as Unot; relieved 6f lhe post prior ·to open- ments for Women at th~ Woman's 7 for. members of the club but It desirallle",-and a supplementary ingthe business of sele"tlng om- Club, Thursday morning at 10 is 'anticlpated .there will be Players Club Production .hlgh'way aloJig' Crum Creek ,as cers. after dinner for any gu";'ts that O"pen$' Mon' day 'N'lght uonly' slight'" less' d='rable". Ali~e Barber was elected· vlce- ;I.m. Th". fil . ~• . . , e m shown will be uOppor_ wish tolie!,r Mr. Gilbert speak. .., 'Space' Win be . limited so iit will At Fairview Rd. Eleven hundred Swarthmore peti- president,/Rudolf inrsch, secre~ tunity· USA" ,tram the Investment tioners Indicated to· the 'State their tary. .Mrs;' Howard' C.JacksoIi, Bankers' Association; It- wlJl ex- be necessarY: ~o issue' tickets. Tick;;' Ti}e .Swarthmore Players 'Club oppositlo'b to ahigh*-ay treasurer. ' - ;. . plain visually s""ings are may be free of charge will present for the month. of through Swarthmore' about elght'Tbe half year report .of the.re,. .the play "The Solid. years .\go)lmdinJuIy. lU.9 COJ.W,-U!;l.~"~!<~i\~c.i;,:~Y.,, .. GQ!d.-€adillac".-wrltteQJOby.HQw';,,"" ", ,,-.,.. ard Teichmann and George Kautcll·lI'S)t'l!II"tllat"lllEdltat.(ciindemii was carefully ,studied as 'ranq outside the b'*Ough for a edby Mrs; Jackson. Who has' been Mr. Prau is former secretary man. This will be produced under 'pass route. / I assisting Mr. Morrtsan on the ':fl- of the Mutticipal -Bond 'Club of . direction of Ned Pyle', assisted CoDfusion 01 Faets n.ance committee. Est!~ ex- Philadelphia, a member' of the In' Classes' Set by Donald Hand, and. will be A wealth of t8cls. many of them pendl,tures' for the year are selin '~~~~:~~I~T~~raders AsSociation of Night shown starting Monday. FebruarY conJlicUI1lI although purported to the budget at $13.135.65; a8 ,: and. a meinber of and IOU> grade Jun- ll,through Saturday, February 18. come'from"authoritative bufun- .Janul\ry31, actu&! elOPellditur!!SNational Security Traders As- ior ,will meet tomor- The doors will open at 7:30 p.m. quotable" sources, were presented totaled $6,433.57. Actual receipta sociation. He_ acts as 'a financial ro}jl,eV~~Jlii' the e,ighthgrade from at the Clubhouse on Fairview MOl!day' 'light, .but. MT. Hopper's stood at $12,682.54 with those for advism.·9: 30 to 11: 15 p.m. "The Solid Gold CadlJlac" is Ii . of townsfolk sentiment was not (Contlnued <)ll Page 7) improvements. AmQng the ISsues ,·DtAWci1/M,rs. Arthur H. SUvers. play about skul,duggery .in high gfantedas, 'far as, resolving the he has served as consultant-are ell1hth;grade host and hostess. places. thwarted by a tiny group ~e :.::m!" < .. .. . . Town Meetin_. g . Boy Scout VOLUME 29-NUMBER 6 . r ;;;__...____ THE • 1 9 I· I Scout .FtB 8 J9S7 ~uch .., by~ " ;~:au:~ ;ti!t!hi~~.:t"O~eBl~~~ Canwen To Prese~t . I"Skipper ' ~nteenDawes. Sai. posed the. grellter IllUl1age-threat, t\l SWllrthmore. There was much tes. t111l. t)PY', to: .bellef that. des- . The Garnet will Ieature truCUIlll of some homes in 1IIe Skipper Dawes of radio. and TV RiV!ll'Vi~~avenue area (pJ~,.f 'I1I1e , , and Chester Hi. g h Seh001 down~gntdlng of" surroundings mq.sic'department. He will . lligher taxllS over the remainin~ "The Girl Friends", a qulnte~ who have appeared on the Ted . '(ColltinUed on Page 8) , Show and local TV and 1'$dio pro. -'-,. grams. The Canteen \vIIi' meet iI' p.m. Saturday at the' RutgerS' th~ " - Dr" fussell To Speak At'CIu~hQuse Tues. av:;~: s~~";>J.Fr1ends" wilJ' sing T=hi~o:~: :~.~~~~:!tbYG~h~~~ =e:o::::. :: Worcester Township. Montgomery F. Loeben, and q 0 u n t y • and many others Dr,!>n<\ ,WS~ Nino de Prophetis. throughout the, State. Mr....'alidl.. Mrs. Robert Grogan will:~\io\!tbtg.host and hostess for . The. course, meeting on, the foul' Thursday nlornlngs in February, thll IO.thllrl)de. ~haperonswiJl be is open to all interested persons Dr..;;:'1t;l<\,·14rs ... J. B. C;oo~r and M.s;El1,IaQi!th Preston. ti)roughout this' area, under the sponsorship of the Woman's Club of SWarthmore. - - - - - , . ._ _ Bl!?i,~/i~hur ~~=~~e Ofw;~d.h~~ s:::m: wh~~ comedy IS a social satire. one may learn agaIn that a buncb of crooks is neyer a mate)!. for an honest heroine. It iscohsrdered "rich, solid entertaInment geared to pleaSe both 'young and not-soyoung", Fashion. Show Chapter for P.r~SehooIChild Topic Of Mothers Club Forum to Aid .Children· for the canteen and then Itii1d the R~sident DiscuSs gr~UP In singing with the aid of . Dr. Racbel Cox will act as panel song sheets. moderator for the Swarthmore 'Chqnging Internat" . The canteen will be composed Mother's Club Forum on The PreSituation' . of a Small select group of eleventh School Child whiph, will be held and graders. sinee the h F . ~ 7,at 8 p.m. "'oUowIn'g the stated meet'-g .twelfth . .,. ~ tenth will . be at the' Junior As- T ursday, ebruary , _ Tuesday, February 12,at 2 o'clock. .enhlles and the nintli at' a grade at the Swarthmore Presbyterian ,the ci}!llrman of the internati()nal party. Any other' difcriminatingChurch. ~"all'l' .._ .....men·t ~f th'e' Swarth.. Mrs, Cox, a resident ofSwarth-t "'" ,,~..... • u mem~, not.othl!1'wite· da~ . wllJ more .WOnlan'~ Club, ....- ,:rl_. ' .....~-lnm more. Is head. of the departmen .'" . ~ ~ .".,.... enjoy this Intllllate ~"""'. ent of psychology lit· Bryn. Mawr. ColtOil W. Brqab, will _4tCa ..ce Dr. planned by MI'8. Ned W1U!ams, lege, and well known for . her J'fimces R.. ,Fl:"!~, . uk " elevel\th I!'ade patent,' 'work 'in ,this field; Panel members ro~'-w4o ~t. .",sa a IiM:!st Dana SlioIa;o.. will ~pervise. Mr. wllJ be; used as a wOl'kship Chambers, hea'C-"<'··_,-'·< __ ,,'!'; ..'.: .~,:, . 'I"-'Ooittl II - ..... 1) .~-f\o'.~ . _~,tt,,-~.>, 1_& 01 .•.. ... .. _ ....... .... ? +,.';(0 , . . ,:. , . '. I. -i :. WiII- 'RI,. ~ta ..w.re'. ~ ~~ ~d. as ~,!l!l'!'~'add o.ml' -: MII1'II~ ~'@' ~idItDrll~. Dr.,orm.rI;Y·~:=::I~ ~ A~atlOIl to. "., theS~Ore ~ ~ed ~that, .~ I'" ~tract $ v, . ... u.. e ' iV~i)X~~'~:;::~~t18! ~ k~g· Cham~ . '. . r. , -Tt.amtnc o.ow .... . :.~ . ""~.""'lI) INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 8 . DOGGRRRL D is Ihe dog withoul license so gleamy is the officer who thought it ,unseemly. G is the growl as they came jnto conflict . (G 100, was Ihe grief as Ihe dog became convICt). L is the IiCCfiSl' the law has required. I is the innocent who knows not it expired. C is the cad who will not secure it, E is the ease \__rith which one could procure it. N is the notary-in all there are five, S slands for the borough in which Ihey reside. E is Ihe envy with which Lost Doggy could holler to have a (new) license hang from his collar. o , . '. \, -,' • . Elect Miss Barber, R. Hirsch to library Board (Continued From Page 1) PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE TO HONOR WHITELEATHER February 1, 1957 Wigton Succeeds GiB As Swim Club Head Melvin K. Whitelealher. Magill road. editorialist of Ihe Evening Bulletin. will receive Ihe La!>a lle rushed. July 6 was Ihe busiesl College International Relations Membership Increase, day. December 14 the least busy, Club's first award at the club's h The Library was open 278 days annual banquet to be held TuesTeam, Hig ways in 1956 with an average daily day, February 5. Discussed book circulation of 264. In addi-I Mr. Whiteleather was selecl~ . tion to Miss Hunter. Mary Vire for Ihe award because of his In an . .lln~lllmous ~pp,!,val .of ginia Harris, Mrs. Mar gar e t intrepid analysis of. the ~ovc- the nomlnahng .committee s slate, Schloesser Leonore Perkins and 18 ments behind the mternatlOnal Dr. John H. Wlglon was elected student ';ssistants slaff Ihe Li- scenes that make news". as the Swarlhmore Swim Club's II. B. K. brary. Ihird president al Ihe annual Miss Hunter's report was rc- 2 Students Qualify meeting of the Club Monday eveceived with commendation by E ning in the Woman's Clubhouse. Boy Scout Troop 2 Ellen Lambert Named the board which also passed a unFor Nat'l Final xam elected to one-year offices Annual Dinner Wedo animous vote in appreciation of Alice H. Carroll. daughler of Also For D.A.R. Award were William L. Scarborough. Ellen Lamberl of Rutledge. high Boy Scout Troop 2. will hold ys the service of retiring board mem- Mr. and Mrs: John Carroll of Col- vice-president and Joseph R. Layschool senior, has been elected by annual dinner Wednesday eveDln~ ber Robert- Brodhead. Minutes of lege avenue. and Rosemary D. ton, treasurer. G. Alex Mills was the combined vote of the faculty I in McCahan Hall of Ihe Presby the Annual Association on Janu- Cox, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. 're-elecled secrelary. New directors alld sludents 10 represenl Swarth- terian Church for bolh scouts and ary 23. 1956 were read by Mrs. Reavis Cox 'of Walnul lane. have (three-year term) are Mrs. Howmore High' School f01" the Good their famil!es. Feature of the pro- Howard C. Jackson. secrelary pro been notified that they are among ard C. Jackson. Clifford M. RenCitizenship Award sponsored by gram will be the Courl of Honor tem. the 1.309 members of the National shaw and Clarence W. (Hub) the Daughters of the American in which all scouts whO. ha~e. Directors present included Mr. Honor Society wbo have qualified Hartman. Revolution. The program locally done any advancement worK wIll Brodhead, -Miss Barber, Birney K. for the flnal General Aptitude Retiring presidenl William H. is under the auspicies of the Lans- be honored. Morse, D. Mace Gowing, Mrs. Test for the Honor SOCiety Sehol- Gill. Jr.• slaled the outcome of an downe Chapter. In celebrat!on. of Boy Scout Peter E. Told,. Maxey Morrison, arship which will be given on increased membership petition Chosen for her qualities, in an Week, February .3 to .10 Ihe. Iroop Dr. Spiller presiding. March 19. now before the Delaware County outstanding degree, of dependabiJi- will have a s~ec131 display 1n ~ne Alice and Rosemary are two of Court might not be known for ty, service, leadership and patrio-- of th: st?re Windows of the bUSlDtM' 40.166 studenls Ihroughoul the aboul a year. The application for tism, Ellen is now eligible to take ess district. And on Sun~ay, Feb- Pack 432 Hears Prof. Uniled Slates and ils possessions. a 50-member increase over the the state examination which covers ruary 10. the Scouts WIll atte.nd Oil Popular Astronomy who look the Scholarship Qualify- 400-family limit originally placed th" lopics of Uniled Stales Gov- the Presbyterian Church servIce The monthly meeting of Cub ing Test recently and have as the by the Court. if granted. would ernment, Constitution, and Civic as a troop. Pa~k /432, held at the Methodisl result of that, qualified for the permit acceptance of some of the Problems 10 become eligible for --------Church Friday fealured a lecture National Honor Society Scholar- 80 families now on a waiting list. lhe Good Citizenship Award for Seniors Cast in Lead on popular astronomy by Laurence ship Award. This places them Capital from the new shares would thc stale. The state winner will Roles for H. S. Play Frederick, a member of the de- among the group of sludenls who also aid the Club in realizing dereceive a $100 U. S. Savings Bond have ranked high enough on the sired improvements to its recreafrom the National Society. Each Twenty six studenls of Ihe high partmenl of astronomy al Swarth- Scholarship Qualifying Tesl to tion project. competitor in this examination school comprise the .cast for more College. qualify them for this further exT W P tt membership Mr. Frederick took about 50 wil1 receive the Good Citizenship "Pride and Prejudice" the school '1' I· . resco. chairman, said thai. without the pin and certificate as presented by play 10 be presenled in the high Cub Scouts and their p.arents for a amma 10\1' witty and informative tour of the the sponsoring chapter. increased memberspjp leeway, \ it school auditorium, Friday evening, might be three or four years beFebruary 22. Th" play is adapled universe, touching on galaxies of New Dog Classes blue stars, red stars, and white fore the last families on the cur"I sa\\' it in the Swarthmorean.'· from the novel o.f the same name Begin Wednesday dwarfs. He met a barrage of written by Jane Auslen al Ihe Dog. Obedience Training classes rent list could be admitted. questions on everything from th.e Unanimously approved was a close of the eighteenth century. begin a new series Wednesday Leading roles will be played by mechanics of space travel to the evening in the Swarlhmore High motion by Mrs. Ned Williams that uses of telescopes, for the pleasure the following seniors: Ihe Club endorse a swim team and School gymnasium. rnd edification of his audience. Gunner Quist, Dana Cope, Ann Beginners classes are at 7:30 that Millard Robinson (SwarthDen 1 demonstrated a miniature Hirsch. Rosaly Morrison, Jane and 8: 30. and Inlermediate and more High School boys' physical Hay, Bruce McCutcheon, and Noel planetarium of its own devising, advance classes are at 9: 15. education director who is under and a series of slar charts. A Turner. Graduating members of the 7: 30 a three-year contract as pool mandramatic presentation of the solar ager) be appoinled coach and. BOOKWAYS system, with cubs of Den 2 ill\- class which finished on Wednes- with a committee, set up training Attends Alumnae Con'. personating the planets was most day are: 417 Darfmouth Ave. Mrs. Harold Gibson. Jr., of Elm Gareld Gray's Fox. Terrier regulations and arrange for cominformative. Den. 3 exhibited a avenue is one of 60 alumnae of- miniature planetarium, constella- "Tuffy" of Harvard avenue, Wil- petition with other swim teams. ASK ABOUT OUR ficials expected on Ihe Bradford tion posters, a time zone chart, liam Salom's Poodle "Scamp" of Leroy Pelerson expressed the DISCOUNT IN FEBRUARY Junior College campus this week and an eclipse demonstration ap- Haverford place, J. Roy Snape's belief that Ihe pool's remarkably end for Bradford's sixth annual paratus. Den 4's contribution in- Gordon Setter "Spook" of Harv- commendable safety record was a Alumnae Council Conference. cluded a particularly colorful and ard avenue; and Patricia Hatten's direcl result of team efforls' of the Mrs. Gibson serves as a class graphic sel of poslers of slar con- Dachshund "Tanzier" and Mr. past. Robinson said 120 persoris WEST LAUREL HILL correspondent supplying news for figurations, with a commentary in and Mrs. Johnson's Poodle "Jack", participated in team activities CREMATORY the semi-annual alumnae magaverse. All dens tried oul their in- both of Wallingford; and Carol during the summer of 1956. zine. B.lmont Ave. above City Mrs. Beth Presion. reporting genious den yells with verve and Oakey's English Cocker "Bonnie" of Moylan. Line, Bolo·Cynwyd for the operations maintenance 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIll""IllIIllI""mmn""IIlIUIIIIIl"1ll1ll1ll1ll guslo. Graduates of Ihe 8: 30 class are: committee. spoke of the need for Activities chairman Hub HartMOhawk 4·1591 Sara Bethard's D a c·h shu n d benches in the pool area and deman presented the following PETER E. TOLD Certificate covering cost of ser"Katriqka" of Harvard avenue, velopment of the picnic grove. awards earned during the month: vice in beautiful chapel, creAll lines of Insurance Robert Cox's Cocker "Muffin" of mation, choice of urn and perAlfred DeProphetis, firsl year It was suggesled Ihat Borough manent niche, may be obtained Dickinson avenue, Raymond Fel- Council be urged to 'pave Riverpin; Chip ForWood, first year pin 333 Dartmouth Ave. in advance of need. A modem and bear badge; Jackie Davis and low's Golden Retriever uCappie" view avenue along the railroad in service at reasonable cost. .fohnny Johnson, 3rd' year 'pins; of Garrett avenue; William Hogg's order to lessen dan'ger to cars of SW.rth ... r. '·1833 Your inqUiry is i-nuited. John Scherk. bobcat pin; Bruce Pointer "Senator" and W. Tyler club members and olhers w\;lo OlllllllllllllllIUIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"nl",,""nIllIllIllDlID Lee and Bruce 'ConweIl, wolf Peabody's Dalmation "Bunker must use the road. badges, and Richard McKernan, Hill". both of Wallingford. Final action of' the evening bear ·badge. "YOU MEET THE NICEST PEOPLE AT SPEARE'S" came with the carrying of a moAids Women's Luncheon At the close of the meeting the STORE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday. 9:30 to 5:30; tion to inform Borough Council Mrs. William Irwin of WallingPack committee discussed plans Friday, 9:30 to 9:00; Saturday. 9:30 to 6:00 ford is a member of the luncheon that a properly constituted meetfor the annual blue and gold dincommittee for the 33rd Annual ing of Ihe Swarthmore S w i m ner to be held on February 22. Luncheon of the department of Club had decided that Route A. Uniled Church Women of the now being considered by the State Grealer Philadelphia Council of for a mid~county expressway, Churches held in Philadelphia would be injurious to Ihe property. interests of the Swim Club. yesterday. I l I i. ,'. ....;•• • :' Glice barber( 9i rt s olel bank build,nc EDGEMONT AV~. 7TH & WELSH STS. You'" walk right out wearing your new , , orell DRESS Korell Plus - Siles Fit Vou Perfectly If You Are 5'5" or Under Over a thousand people, repre~ senting 28 denominations and religious organizations of metropoli_ tan Philadelphia, altended. • (orae, • If you cannot convenien!ly bring !'1- four Doc- , tor s prescrl puons, Our messenger ,,·ill call for them and dplivcr the medicines. The-re is no extra charge for this service. Just telephone us. Clearance Sale SHELF and flOOR ITEMS Big RedUdions Antiques & Gounnet Shop Provld••c. Rd,. Walll.gfo .... Po. CATHERMAN'S PlIo.. MEdIa 6_4751 DRUG STORE KI 3·0586' HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS WFtL TY c •• III , ...L-TY-s....,. t:4S A..... - Rutgers Chi.ldren Hear Indian Play , Upper grades of the Rutgers Avenue School were treated to an Indian play January 18. by Mrs. Anne Quirk's fourlh grade. Pocohontas, Massasoit, Squanto and Samoset slepped from the pages of history to give the audience a glimpse of the land beyond. Their visilation was followed by a ohoral recitation, by Lew Sarett, entitled HThe Squaw Dance." The Zuni, a tribe of Indians living in western New Mexico, were represented. Their colorful, "A Song of the Coyote and the Locust," was presented by 14 of the children. All of the 27 fourth graders had a part in telling an Indian tale. by Aren Akweks. entitled "Why We Have Mosquitoes." The entIre grOUP also patriclpated in three' Indian songs. Mrs. Ruth McDoweU. art teacher. presented a movie-. on soap carving immediately following the assembly. 1'f' • Boy FEB 8 1957 THE Scout Sunday . Boy Scout Sunday , VOLUME 29-NUMBER 6 SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY, 8, 1957 ._------------------ ~~--~--~~~~-----------~~~------~ 54.00 PER YEAR Borough Opposes Both Local Highway Routes !Roro•.Boy Scout Service !Economics Club • Jerome Robbins Opens o ' Set For 9:30 Sunday I ~Ians Open Meeting Presses for One West of Media se~ice co%~Un~~;Wi~~out;'o,,~~~ i j College Lecture Senes I Town Meeting Sets Off Council Action :: 9\;: ~::;r~~~~~~' ~~~~~;~:ri;~ Church. Harvard avenue. The parents and boys of all scout units and churches are invited to attend this s"rvice. Three scouts and explorers. all members of the Presbyterian Church, will receive Ihe highly prized God and Counlry Award during the service. They are Jack Lewicki, Chip Shay, and George Blessing. Scouls participating in the service are Fred Kellermann Sven Borei, Jack Lewicki, and, Bob Beckmann. Assisting the ushers will be Rich Kent Chuck Rushton GoWing " HeadSPbl" U IC LIObrary 00Irectors I .' " Broadway Choreographer To Speak at Meeting House Sunday Scouts, and Explorers will be held, Over 600 people packed Ihe. auditorium and ouler hall of the High School auditorium Monday evening al a public hearing provided by Borough Council as a means of airing divergent opiniOns rampanl through'!ul Ihe town in regard to damages which would be suffered by Swarthmore should the State adopl either of· two roules it is currenlly considering for a mid-county limited-access highway. Five hundred and nincleen of those presenl signed a petition to the State Highway Deparlment Secretary urging that both the socalled A or Red Route which touches SwaMhmore in the RivervIew avenue area and the possible alternate Blue Route, which louches Swarlhmore along the Crum Creek. be abandoned and thai an earlier considered Green RoUle, which wouid run through open country west of MeY··\he·,Junlor Clubs in Delaware to the Executive Board of the eo"ntY,.last year. the chapter was Pennsylvania State ~r Associa.· .~\\~:,rebuild and revamp the tion, reprel nt/n,l Del a war e •. ,~..,1;Il!zt to the Tralnlng Center Bucks. and Montg.xnlj!l'y Countlel. lB' r ..~.lowae,· and iUs Dow being .. tJ~-l" -,\ \' !r, 18 years or older. This is one of only four such work- shops in this state. Here there is provided a program of experiences and activities to be used first as a basis for evaluation of the trainee. Then this evaluation is used 10 determine the abiHty of the Individual in a work si~_ tion. Thus many homebound retardates may lead economically useful lives. Recently the workshop' in Lansdowne receivect Its first contract job of prepackaging newspapers for resale to various Industries. There are 13.000 retardates of alI ages In Delaware County. Eli!ch of . ' • • -; ~' '", Fricle, , fC! 8;lO , " .. - ~~ , i ", , " - --:..~- .~".~ .. -- -', -- ---.---~.,.----..-'--. ': .. -", INTENTIONAl. SECOND EXPOSURE Page February THE SWARTHMOREAN 2 Samuel Ertel, brolher-in-Iaw. of the birth of their second child and on January 27 in Germantown ENGAGEMENT Personals Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Knabb of 104 Princeton avenue lett yeslerday morning for SI. Louis, Mo., where they will reside at the 8, 1957 ~~rs~t;;so;n;,;~'H;e;n~T;y;;J;Oh~n;;R;;0;th;';;3r;d;';;;;;;H;0;S;P;ita;;;;;;l.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ the bridegroom, of New York City, Mr. John James, brother of Ihe Mrs. William E. Danforth of bride, of Wallingford,Mr. Donald HiBborD avenue recently returned Domeij or Westboro, Mass., and from visiting college friends in Mr. Robert Brenner and Mr. Lee Lexington, Mass. Wilson of Ridgewood, N. J. Mrs. Corben Shute of Maple Following the ceremony t a rc"'l avenue entertained at a bridgecoption was held al the home of BEAUTY SALON luncheon Tuesday. the bride's parents. Mrs. Oscar S. Hart of Lafayette BEAUTY'S CHARM SNARES CUPID'S DARTS The bride graduated in 1950 avenue was hostess Friday at a from Wesllown Friends School 9 South Chester Road luncheon for out-of-town guests. Miss Jane Lambdon Maddux, and allended Wells College for ;\11'. and Mrs. Donald Hibbard Call Klngswood 3.0476 o{ South Chester road returned daughter of 1\Ir. and Mrs. Milton two years. She 'graduated from Actlv. Member of the Swarthmore •••1•••• A•• oclatlon Murray Maddux of Marshall, Va., Columbia Presbyterian School of Sunday night from a two-week business trip to Florida. During and Mr. Robert Blair Price, Jr., from Ridgewood High SchOOl. their trip Mr. and 1\Irs. Hibbard son oC Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blair ated Nursing in 1955. The groom graduPrice of North Chester road, were He graduated from Princeton Univisited 1\1:rs. Hibbard's father Dr. married Saturday in Grace EpisFrederick W. Lewis in st. Petersversity 1951, for As three a lieutenant copal Church, The Plains, Va. (j.g.) heinserved years in burg. Given in marriage by her father, Mr. and Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes .married couple left I of Princeton avenue recently re- the bride wore a gown of ivory turned from a week's stay in New satin and Alencon Jace made on for the Laurentian Mountains in Tune Motor Delco Batteries York City during the convention princess lines and. a cO,ronet ,of Canada where they have been of the American Institute of Elre_11 pearls with fing.ertip vell of 11- skiing. They will reside in Bronxtrical Engineers. t lusion. She carried a cascad; bou_ 1 RUSSELL'S SERVICE Mr. and ·Mrs. Jacob E. Snyder ~uet of orchids, stephanohs and ville, N_._y.____ of Rutgers avenue entertained for IVY, BIRTH ROBERT J. ATZ, Mgr. out-oi-town guests Saturday eveMiss Sally M'addux, the bride's Mrs. and Mrs. Kenneth M. SnyOpposite Borough Parking Lot ning at a buffet-dinner. sister, was maid of honor. Brides- der of Hatboro announce Ihe Klngswood 3.0440 Dartmouth and Lafayette Mr. and Mrs. Ford F, Robinson maids were Miss Ellen Glazebrook 'birth, on January 31, of Jeffrey Closed Saturday at J P.M. of Guernsey road entertained at of Warrenton, Va.; Miss Ann Lee "."w dinner Saturday evening before of Richmond; Mrs. John Peak of Palmer Snyder, their fourth child ~~NN~~':"'·"""'·'''''··'·''-W~''''~'~''').''~''''''':::''·--\'t.~~~.:~,'@,.~~~~~~~~~~\~:§..~,,*,,*'$.\~~~~~ d seeon d son. an ~"""~$:~"'--:;:';' _ "'. _- _ -' _ . --.""--" _ :,.-,-"",,,,:,.,,'\.,~~,,,,,,,,,,-,,,, . . " ... ~ the Strath Haven dance. Williamsburg; 1\Irs. D -0 u g I a 5 The young man is the grand- 1I1 ~ Mr. and Idrs. Owen Gay of Quarles of Fredericksburg; Mrs. ill ~ Lakewood, formerly of Walling- Frank Burkholder of Alexandria, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. ~ ford, are visiting their son-in-law and Mrs. Lenox Bramble of Jenkins and a great grandson of ~ and daughter 1\Ir. and Mrs. Court_ Fayetteville,. N. C. Miss Cynthia ~and~~_~k_. ney B. Adams of Media, en route Gibb, the bride's cousin, was ftow- all of North Chester Road. CRISP AND JUICY to Florida. Mr. and 1\Irs. Gay will er girl. ~ 1\Ir. and Mrs. Samuel Hammond •~ Fresh From Our Own Stor.,e ~ leave next Friday for a winter Mr. Price was his son's best ~ vacation in the South. man. Ushers were Mr. James Mar- of Villanova avenue announce the ~ arrival of a son born Wednesday II ~ Mr. and Mrs. David Bingham tin, Jr., of Tarrytown, N. Y., Mr. will entertain at an open house Thomas Martin of Pocopson, Mr. morning, February 6, in the Ches- ~ Served Free Durin, February ~ Sunday at their home on Fair- Thomas Saunders of Cynwyd, Mr. ter Hospital. ~ VISIT view road. Philip Kniskern of Wallingford, The little boy is a grandson of 111 ~ Mr. and Mrs. Eric Braund and Mr. Robert Reed of Landenburg, Mr. and Mrs. John Rumsey of Vas- ~ chlldren Nancy and Fred of Gr~n- and Mr. Jack Middleton of The sar avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. r1 ~ belt, Md., have recently moved Plains, Samuel Hammond Sr., Of. Media. ~ Exhibition Oils _ Our V.nishlng Countryside ~ into the Sullivan house at 302 Mr. and Mrs. Price, Jr., will re~ OPEN TILL BLOSSOMS COME AGAIN 1111 Cornell avenue. Mr. Braund, who. side in the vicinity of West ChesMr. and 1\Irs. James M. Marsh ~ Route 452 _ If.! Mile South of Route I was a minister in the Community ter. of Yale avenue announ('e the Church, MarYland, is now the dibirth of their fourth child and ~ H... 9 a.m.·6:30 p.m. MEdia 6.1680 lI! . ~ San. 10 a.m.·6:30 p.m. ~ rector of the Philadelphia Office HERRIN-JAMES of Christians and Jews. Mrs. third daughter. Paula MarIe, on February 1 in Fitzgerald Mercy Braund and Mrs. Roy J. McCorkel, Miss Caroline Biddle James, Hospital. also of Cornell avenue, are the daughter of 1\Ir. and Mrs. J. RobMr. and 1\Irs. Henry J. Roth, fanner Misses Bonsall of Swarth- ert James of Wallingford, became Jr., of Harvard avenue announce more. the bride of Mr. Gareld Robertson Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman of Herrin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gareld SUBSCRIPTIONS "Applebrook", Park avenue, left T. Herrin' of Hohokus, N. J., and FOR ALL by plane Wednesday afternoon for Forest Hills, N. Y., Saturday in MAGAZINES Indianapolis, Ind., where she will Wallingford Presbyterian Church. MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN be the guest of her son-in-law Rev. Thornton B. Penfield, the 13 Dartmout.& Avenue and daughter Mr. and Mrs, Ed- bride's uncle officiated, He was Klng.wood 3.2080 ward E. Thomas, until the end of assisted by Rev. John B. Roland. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~III the month. The bride, given in marriage by Mr. and Mrs. John G. Lord of her father, wore an Italian silk Crest lane entertained as their gown with train, trimmed with Support a VVorthy Cause overnight guest last week Mrs. pearl beads at the neckline. Her Swarthmore. Pa. Agnes Sanford, who spoke at the veil was of Belgium lace. She ----":..: ' Benefit Presbyterian Church Thursday carried a bouquet of sweetheart Fri. & Sot•• Feb. 8 & 9 J. ARTHUR RANK Presents Delaware County 'l;raining Center night on uSpiritual Healing". roses and stephanotis. A Goy Comedy About T.V. In Miss 1\Iargaret C. James, the Mrs. Henry L. Smith of Dart'rltaln for Retarded Children mouth avenue and her daughter bride 7s sister, was maid of honor. "Simon and Laura" Mrs. John .n. Handy of Crisfield, Bridesmaids were the bridegroom7s (Vb.faVision • Toehnicolor) Md., sail today out of New York sister Mrs. Samuel Ertel, Miss SuFriday Feafutes-7:45 and 9:45 P.M. Soturday .!!.atures-&.:!-a_n~ 10 P.M. for a cruis~ to the Caribbean Sea. zanne Gerry, Miss Ann Crowther, BIG CHILDREN'S SHOW Dr. and Mrs. J. Albright Jones Miss Betty Ann Cerruti, all of New Reception Following At The:Woman'sClub SATURDAY 1 P.M. returned to their home on Elm York City, and Mrs. Harry Bair l-Caiar Cartaons avenue Wednesday following a of Haverford. The bridesmaids 2-5hort Subiech Sponsors-Swortllmore Junior Womans Club two and a half week automObile wore princess gowns. of green vel- 3-Latf Exciting Chapter 'KING af ROCKET MEN" . trip to Seat Island, Ga., and Clear- veteen and carried bouquets of Donation $1.00 _"THE LONE RANGER" & SIIYer water and Fort Lauderdale, Fla. miniature carnations, sweetheart Itn Tachnicalor) Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S .Hart of roses, and ivy. Lafayette avenue entertained at Richard Hershey of Forest Hills SUh. ~ Mon,. Feb. 10 and 11 a dinner party Saturday evening. was best man. Ushers were Mr. Doo't MI•• These Two Outstanding Seer r.rllrersl . JOHN WAYNE PATRICIA NEAL Mr. Roland F. Stephenson of West Hartford, Conn., has announced the engagement of his daughter, Miss Diana Louise Stephenson, to Mr. Robert Henry Me .. Burney, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dorman McBurney of MoylanRose Valley. -------PRICE-MADDUX I Call Swarthmoreans: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~F~~~ STATE INSPECTION th~::::~IY ,, Winterize With Prestone or Zerex Gulf Gas and Oil I I' " Decisions Made By Public Commissions Some. times Can Be ,Reversed By Community Pressure. "",' ,.. ,,,', A P P L E5 Every Effort Should Be Made to 'Put the Route West of Media, But the State Highway Department Is On Record Against That Proposal! Sunny Brae Orchard Im I I I I , Therefore, the Question Must Be Met Squarely: How Badly Will the Riverview Road Route Hurt Our Borough? I HOT MULLED CIDER - I H Wolff's App'Ie ouse .• * The Answer: IT WILL BE DESTRUCTIVE TO ALL OF SWARTHMORE! LIMA. PA. 1.~~;~;~~;~'@~'W~W~~~~~~~~~~~'I1>."'Iffi;;;;~~;;;;;;;;m~~~'Im""'~'~~'!1ffi~'IiI*~W~'IiI*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~'Iii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~'lill~~~&":~~'t~~~~~~~~'~~~;;'*~'&~;;'~~~~~ AnEND DEWEES FASHION SHOW Feb. 12, 8:30 P.M. Swarthmore High School Auditorium COLLEGE THEATRE Fashions - Door Prizes Galore I Iii NOTE-A-lAFF &#ft MUSIC BOX n I "OPERATION PACIFIC" I . WM. HOLDEN, 7:15 and 10:30 P.M. -ptus- .NANCY OLSON WILLIAM IENDIX YOUR INVES:rI"lENT HOLDS ••• "SUBMARINE COMMAND" ""hen you go over "1:0 2-Cattledy Tues. & Wed .. Feb. 12 & 13 Soperb Family E.t.rtal....nt' 101 HOPE Eddy Foy VGIue--car af til_ yearl And II hold. that value for yeon come ••• commands a al trod...... " ............. -to OIob.Y....... In¥ltedIs..,.... fer·........... COME ON INI B. OUR GUESTI TAKE A ROC~T TESTI - - YOU'RE ALWAYS WELCOME AT-- WHITAKER OLDSMOBILE, INC. I a. "THE 7 L1nLE FOYS" for '57-Ih. You'D b. ourprbed how _ West BaltflllOl"e Ave., Medl. CJIf<.... MUSIC BOl{ ; !i ME 6-0100 (Cinem.aScope.Tec=hnicolor) Features-7:40 anel 9:40 P.M. - ThurS~"fi.i'-&-Sat:-Feb. 14, 15 & 16 0' J. Art~yr Rank. Presents- A. U.'org.Hab/" S~ory H...lc Alr-Ne"., I .....' "THE SEA SHALL NOT HAVE THEM" FEBRUARY'S BIGGEST HI-FI BUY Artur Rubinstein on RCA-Victor. Two of the most popular piano concertos with two great orchestras and conductors. One month only $3.98 value on 12" LP. Only 98. $2. MICHAEL. REDGRAYE DIRK .OGARDE A....... Attractloo _ TIte Mo.'••1 Star, of Nat lOot., Col. '. - .. ~.'. - Because, 1. Homes WJII Be Destroyed. 2. Many Others Will Be Downgraded. 3. Resulting Loss of Taxes Milst Be Made Up by the Rest of .Us. 4. Our Joint School District Will Suffer Heavy Loss of Taxes From Condemnation of Rutledge Properties. $.' Chester Road, as a "Feeder", Be Intolerably Over-loaded With Commercial Traffic. , , , " You Are Interested In Preserving The Character Of Your Home And Your Community Swarthmore Citizens Against the "A" Route Will Be In Touch With You T. A. Bradshaw. ,Chairman (In TechnicolOf', "6tur~:40 and 9:40 P.M. Pltone Kingwood 3-2290 AMPI,E FREE PARKING • For the First Time: An Organization Has Been Formed Through Which Swarthmoreans Can Express Their Oppositibn to "A" Route. (In Technicolor) bigger mum 340 I 3-"ANIMAL WORLD" ~r dealer _ A FiRe. TilC'USAND$ UI'Ott' "THOUSAt-IDS OF FOI. ....S/ 51116 !'RAiSeS TO I l--Calor CartooB' OLD&1 to CAse ~u ,;eeo HELP OR "THERE'S SELECTED CHILDRENS SHOW SUNDAY 2:15 P.M. ..f' / I'r to'A"f 9:00 P.:.~~OnlY' -- Oldsmobile "£LL.. COME I'" HANDY • . LaRue Hendrixson. Sec. "_," KI S-14~ OPEN FRIDAY EVENING~ " Children's Theatre Names April Play MethodistsEngaged In Stewardship Crusade Mrs. Stuart Graves, director of the Children's Theatre' of the Contmunity Arts Center, in Wal- R ling ford, held the lirst meeting of ev. P. Glen Trembath the publicity committee at her Directs Local home in Moylan last Wednesday. Com. The play this year is the classic "Aladdin and the Wonderful The congregation of the MethoLamp" to be presented at the dis! Church is presently engaged Nether Providence High School, in an intensive StewardShip CruSaturday, April 13 with perform- sade under the direction of Rev. ances at 2 p.m. and at 8 p.m. P. Glcn Trembath, a staff memMrs. William S. Proctor of wal_1 bel' of the Board of Missions of Iingford, who assists Mrs. Graves th~ Methodist Church. at the Arts Center, is general William C. Collen berg, Charge chairman of the publicity grOuP'j'Lay Leader, is general chairman The zone chairmen are: of the executive commit·tee conMrs. Herbert Huse for Swarth- sisting of Gareld Gray, advance more, Mrs. H. G. Kuchler for Wal- gifts chairman, Lemuel J. Holt, lingford, Mrs. Henry Herring for associate; Andrew Alexander, felNether Providence, Mrs. Frank Zimmerman for Media, Mrs. James W. McDowell for Springfield, Mrs. Oliver Strickler for Chester, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Nye for Concordville, and Suzanne Ahrens for Lima. I I I Don't Be Deluded by the Hope of an Expressway Route West of Media! CHECK YOUR CAR FOR WINTER i!l Wiftshlre Apartmenls. Mr. Knabb C.b Den PraM"S PI.y is on a temporary assignment, as Den 9, Cub p,ack 307, presented executive director with Associated a play "Follow the North Star" In Cooperage Industries of America. the auditorium of Our Lady of Perpetual . Help Church, Morton, Thursday night of last week. Piano Lessons by Jacqueline Karlin The lead 'Yas taken 'by Greg _Juilliard Graduate Carroll. Other parts were taken by Danny Marino, Chucky Wolf, , BEGINNERS ADVANCED Jackie Shlnn, Louie Virelli, JimCHILDREN or ADULTS my Lynn, and Jimmy Walls. Den Klngswood 4-3054 9 a. m.• 1 p. m. mother is Mrs. Daniel J. Marino, assistant den mother, Mrs. J. Shinn. Local Church Leads Home Chapel Service The weekly ,chapel service at the Presbyterian Home for Widows and Single Women, 58th street and Greenway avenue, P. GLEN TREMBATH Philadelphia, W", held last Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock under lowship chairman 1 Mrs. Holt, asthe auspices of the Swarthmore sociate; Charles D. Jiummer, fiPresbyterian Church. nance commission chairman; Mrs. The Rev. John Schott, associate Ray L. HarlowJ financial secreminister of the SwaTthmore tary; John W. Flood, publicity Church, conducted the service and chairman. Thomas S. Aveson Jr., preached the sermon. A double aSSOCiate; Zino Connors, visitation quartette from the choir under the ehairman. direction oC Robert Grooters, More than 70 men of the church minister of music, with Robert :ue dedicating themselves and Carwithin, at the piano, sang their time to this crusade which Stainter's "God So Loved the has as its goal the encouragement World", and Mozart's "He is Bles- of sacrificial proportionate giving sed." toward the church's 'Unified BudAfter the service Mr. Schott and get for Current Expenses and members of the choir greeted the Benevolences and a three-year guests of the home. ,plan for mortgage cancellation. Members of 'the double quartet After intensive study by the were Robert Anderson, Dr. and Commission on Stewardship and Mrs. James Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Finance, the Official Board unaniEdward Heller, Elizabeth Hunter, mously adopted its recommendaand Elise. Remont. Mrs. F. Harry tion to use the servic~s of the Bewley atld Mrs. CeCil D. Howard, Board of Missions as the mosf dewho represent the Swarthmore sirable and effective manner of Church on the Board of Church condUcting the crusade. Representatives of the Home had Accordingly, Mr. Trembath has charge of the arrangements. been assisting the local committee. He was born in Cornwall, feI saw it in the Swarthmorean." England, received his A.B. degree from Northern Michigan College and his B.D. degree from Garrett THE Biblical Institute, Evanston, Ill, He has done additional graduate work at the University of MichiOF SWARTHMORE gan in the field of pastoral counseling. presents Mr. Trembath is a member of "SOLID GOLD CADILLAC" the Detroit Annual Conference of by Howard Teichmann The Methodist Church where he "nd GeOf4i1e S. Kaufman was pastor of churches prior to Directed by joining the staff of)he department NED PYLE of finance and field service of The Anistad by Donald Hand Board of Missions in 1955. PLAYERS CLUB Mondav - Saturday February 11 • 16 incl. Curtain Time 8:20 P.M. Members aad Tltelr Guest. DG Sewing The Delta Gamma group will meet next February 15, at the home Ge<>rge Plowman, 600 avenue. Sewing Friday, of Mrs, Havard The Groundhog Says, ":Six'more weeks of waiting." (It seems like six month) Anyhow-Now is the best time to come in and select the new camera you have planned to purchase by spring. (Trades? Yes!) The next few weeks will give you good time to practice. Then you can sneak up on your favorite bud or blossom and clobber it with kodachrome for' posterity. Dozens of clobb'ering instruments (in the form of cameras) to choose from at the' The Camera & Hobby Shop 6 P .... Avenae, Sw.rthmore, , •• Klngswood , 3-4191 Friday 9 to 8:30 P1JBLISUBD EVERY FIlIDAY AT PIL rUER E. TOLD, MARJORIE TOLD. PVBIJSJJRU POOBe SWarthmc>re 6-0900 PETER E. TOLD, EcII~r Barbara B. Kent, Managing Editor R',salie D. Peirsol Marjorie T. Told Anne L. MabboU EI;u,~as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post OiDce at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. _ _ _ _ ,--=D::EA::::D::L::I~N::::~=.,!!_ED_NES __ DAY NOON _._ _ __ SWARTHMORE, PENNA., FEBRUARY!!, 1957 FRIENDS MEETING NOTES I from the King James Version of At the Adult Forum Sunday the Bible. Ruth Hare, principal of William T~e Golden Text ,~s from II Penn High School, will speak on Co~mthians (3: 17): . Where the "Education for Changing Com- ~plfit ,?f the Lord IS, there is munity Patterns." This is the sec- liberty. . . . : . and talk in the current series arA cordIal mVltation IS e~tended ed b th ra e relations com- to -all to attend the servlCes at :~fee thee m:'ting. First Cpurch of Christ" Scientist The High School Forum will 206 Patk avenue, at 11 0 clock. meet at 9: 45 a.m. in Whittier PRESBYTERIAN NOTES . House with Roy McCorkel leading Mr. Bishop will preach at the the group in a discussion of the 11 o'clock service. His topic will Bible as a guide to today's living. be UThe Temptation to Use One CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES Another". Boy Scout Sunday will be celeThe fact that all things are possible to God will be' empha- brated at the 9: 30 service with sized at Christian Science services Cub Scouts, Sea Scouts and Boy Sunday in .the Lesson-Sermon en- Scouts of Swarthmore attending. 01 titled "Spirit." George Blessing, Jack Lewicki, Luke's account of Christ J.esus' and H. L. Shay, 3rd., will receive healing of the "woman having an the God and Country Awards. t cianc'er Dr. father ot Dr. Gllmore Scott, as- ment, 'Mrs, H. WeSton Helen McIlwain Woll! is now slst~t dean 01 Swarthmore CoI- chalrman, will meet Tuesday displaying her ne"; annual "spe- lege, died January 12 at his home morning, at 10 a.m. in the ,\Iubhouse. , clal" hanging of oil paintings at in Patriot, Ind. He was 76. " On Thursday, February 14 at the Apple House, Sunny Brae OrAn auth~r and lecturer, he ra10 ....m. the second investment ",hards In Lima. In this group, en- tired from active participation In discussion will be given, open and titled; "The Vanishing C;:ountry- these fields several years ago, aI~ side," ,the artL • • . .. : . ,>~, ""'''---'-'~'' " ",,' .. ", : ....... -..... ~ . - -, . .. ... , J" ' . -......... s....... Han. , (PAuls..,,, & Gm,~~ sw.n.,...... 'lPAM'';'.,· • • :.n.-oh cleaning and lullrication • Renov... . \ . ';8 PARK AVENUE ', . -----~--.-- ---. .. -.- - "- - .. , I - .. .. .' ---.--~­ ._--- ........ ... - . I' .. ' : ~. f < ,- Po,..,. ••,. fer . • , Klngswood ' ....... . . , .--.---,--- .~'3!! , -, .SWARTHMORE TOGGERY SHOP .' KNOWS. CarDet . . . ,- .. An CIetI.... R" J. DAWSON 3-024«'-- ~ :......:.> .. -. bat • Pick up end de1ivery \ . .""'---.... b,*.' HaD.... parts C,_ - • w. $"" S_I .......... - - ' , '~-~ .;-.~.,., .',' '/' .; ·.MltIt.. I'''.:;;·:;;v,· 21. ". • Provident-Tradesman's bank and in the lobby of the College theatre. ' Patricia Cox and Nancy Kiefer I~A~':':'~';';'~';";'~';';';';'~";';'~';';';';';';'~";'~'~'~'~'~';'~"~'~';-';'~'~'~!:':~':':.:.~.;,;,;,~",~,~,~.~,;,~.~pe~a~c~e~"~i~n~th~e~r~e~a~lm~S~O~f~in~'~te~rn~'~a~-~i~A~t~te~n~d~.t~h~(,;c~h~u:r:c:h~o:f~y:o:u~r~c~h~o:ic~e.· --... . at the College theatre, and Lorene a " Scou' Troop 225 In Court Of Awards Tues. I , ,.l.----...:...------., enmr Presbyterian women in Swartn-Assembly's conviction that neither more will become more faml'llar th Ch' t· Ch h 'ts . . e. flS Ian urc nor I In_ with the leadetship given by their d,vldual members may ignore or nationwide church In meeting the be neutral toward the forces of hi . social pro,. ems of the times when ~il in the world. they hear the Rev. Robert W. Wednesday's meeting will beAndrews next Wednesday; Febru- gin with a Worship Service in the DISCOUNT IN FEBRUARY dinner and oil board ·ship by their ary 13, at their association lunch- sanctuary at 12 noon, led by Mrs. '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ daughter Pat,. Sandy and David· eon. He will speak on "The Socta.1 Charles C. Martin. Luncheon in • Clark, wh.ose parents were salllng, Pronouncements of the 168th Gen- McCahan Hall will follow, served alice ba"be~f • Mr. and Mrs, ClYde'Miller of vma-I eral Assembly of the Presbyterian at 12: 30 by Circle 7, Mrs. Harold nova Avenue, Mr. and Mrs'. Harry Church, U.S .Al." wh.ich were .a p - C. WllIiams, chairman. Mr. An.. Dickinson avenue, and Dr. proved a t th e mee t 10g In PhIIa- d rews Wl'11 spea k ',mmediately Lang of and Mrs. Harold Eynon of Had- delphia last J~e . after lunch; he will repeat his talk ~ donfieid N. J. ~r. ~drews IS Cha.plum of the in the evening of the same day ~WK1;;;;;WK1M;;WK1K1;;;;;';K1;;;;';'w~ ;;w~~ Westmlnster Foundauon at the following the 6:30 dinner meeting ~ University of Delaware as well as of tile Business and Protessional Enjoy a LeillurelyDinner • • • Minister of Christian Education Women's Circle of which Mrs. v.EN' I'NN for the First Presbyterian Church John Kennedy is"l!hairm!,:n. STRATH HA,." in Newark, Del. A graduate Wh'eaton College, Ill., alid PrinCe-Mr. and Mrs. William E. GormYale ~nd Harverd Avenues Swarthmore ton Theological Seminary, he . has an, Jr., have recently moved from Air Conditioned Dining Rooms ami Lobby been particularlY active In the Dunellen, N. J., to Haverhill, Comfortable Sleepipg Rooms area ot Social Education and Ac- Mass., where Mr. Gorman is emBllft/alor Fr'ee Parleing Mon; at prellent be serves as ployed with the Bell Telephone chairman of that committee tor the Campany. Mrs. Gorman Is the BusinessMen's Lunch 12 • 1 :30 P.M. C I Presbyterian SynOd of Baltimore. tormer Linda Smith, daughter of omp ete Hotel Fa&ilities tor &",tJ~ets The Pronounc.ements of which Mr. and Mrs. W. Alfred Smith of Receptions, PartIes' Mr. Andrews wl11 speak, deal Amherst avenue.' 4 McGregor.Dodds Hotel JOHN M. SOMERS. Ma';"gir with "the things that mak.e for will issue of blood twelve years" (Luke Church School classes convene METHODIST tlOTES R.I!CORD: will be included in readings at 9: 30 and 11 a.m.; the Senior I High Bible study meets at 10: 45 1 Circles 4, and 5 of the W.S.C.S. More than three·quarters. of a.~. . , lIre sponsoring a bake Sale in the The Junior High Fellowship will front window of the Co-op today. century of unequaled service, demeet at 5 p.m. in the Woman's AsChurch School will begin at pendqbility and highest standards. sociation room for a worship ser- 9'45 a.m; Sunclay morning with vice and choral reading. After the classes for all ages. At the 11 o'clock Morning Worrecreation period Thomas ~Hubbard will show the film strip "The ship Service, the Rev. P Glen Middle Ages~': Supper is at 6:30 Trembath, direcior for. the S\ewDIIICTOII O. ftiNIIIAL$ p.m. ard.hip Crusade, will be the gqest 1820 CHESTNUT 5TRIIT The Senior High Fellowship will speaker. His sermon topic will be CHURCH SERVICES meet for supper at 6:30 in Mc- "A Gift to the Giver." There will OLMR H. lAIR. foo.oIder Cahan hall. Afterwards the group will be a consecration service Telephone 116-151. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH will meet in the Hearth roam to Joseph P: Bishop, Minister the Stewardship Crusade visitors. Johu Schott.. AasocIate MIn18tm' I·ee a film describing the back- . There are three nurseries for Snnday, Febru.ary 10 ground for mental and emotional children up to 4 years .under the 9:30 A.M.-Adult Bible Classe•. breakdowns. --------~--~--------.----------~. Mr. Bishop. will lead sup'erVIS'Ion 0 f Mrs., W'II' 1 lam H ar9:30 and 11:00 A.M. - Church a diScuSSlon on the ,sIgnificance' b' on a d ,,- W'll' PI' IS . n ",us. I lam ummer ft d. School' Classes. o f the film aerwars. d' 9:30 A.M.-Boy Scout Service. \ Young Adults will meet at 8 an a rotatmg sta~ of teach~rs 11:00 A.M. - Mr. Bishop will o'clock in the Woman's ¥socla- ~nd, helpers. There IS also a Ki.npreach. 4: 30 P.M.-Communicants Class. tion room to hear Dr. Lincoln dergarten Church and a JunIor 5: 00 P.M.--.Tr. 'High Fellowship. Harter, professor at the Univer- Church program. ANNOUNQINGI 8:30 P.M.-'-Br. High Fellowship. sity of Pennsylvania on th subMr. and; Mrs. Arthur Heaton , 8:00 P.M.-Young Adults ject of the Middle i.st. Th:' 7: 15 will gree~ at ~he'door on Sund.ay. . , OLD~MOIiEIILE'S HOBday. FebrDlU'l" 11 Bible study will precede' the talk. The thlrd. mstruct.lon f?". V1si~ 7:30 P.M.~hurch School Work- ,The Monday evening workshop tors, follo,,[mg whIch vIsItation shop. will be held at 7: 30 p.m. in the starts Immediately. will be held WedIlesday, February 13 Woman's Assoclation room. :Mr. at 1:55 p.m. Sunday afternoon. ' 12 Noon-Woman's Association. 6:30 P.M.-Prolessional Circle. Bishop will lead the firSt hour's 'The M;ethodist Youth Fellow---discussion: Mrs. W~ley :Wagner ship Will meet at 7 p.m. when ME'rnODIST CHURCH . J~hn C, Kulp will meet with the 'Juni&r and part three of a series 9f films and Mlnlater Senior high gr01!PS to discuss discussions on "Dating Problems' Robert Wilde "Music 'in the Christian Education of youth" will be continued. Minister of Music Program". Mrs. Reavis Cox will The Junior High Fellowship !iUDday, Febru.ary 10 speak ·to the Junior depart.:nent ,:,,~ll meet at the churc~ at 7 p.rn. 9:45 A.M.-'-Bunday School. 11:00 A.M.-Rev. P. Glenn Trem- group on "Psychological and Emoc WIth Counselors Mr.. and Mrs. Try 1t!.lt'sth!t most exciting tional Factors in Child Develop- dames Morrash. bath. /~ 7:00 P,M.-MY» and Jr. High ment". Mrs. Peter''i'qid will bring Tuesday evening at 7:30 p.m. engine davelOpnient since .... _Fellowship. . the technique of· '''storytelling'' the Crusade Visitation of the first Rocke, was launch~1 to Ihe~ Pre-School alld Primary membership will continue with a TRINiTY CHURCH' .' K, Lawrence ,Whittemore.' Rector groups. Victory celebration following. \ Sunday, ·Febru.ary 10 . . a OUR auaST poll A ·... a ROCKaT TilBT The W6man's AssOciation will I The regular monthly meeting of 8: 00 A.M.-Holy Communion. hold its monthly' board' meeting the W.S.C.S. with all the Circles 9:30 A.M.-Morning Prayer. Wednesday at 10 a.m. in the attending will meet· on WednesChurch School. - COME INI YOU'RE ALWAYS WELCOME AT11:15 A;M.-lMorning Prayer. Woman's Association room: At 12 dar evening at 8' p.m. In the I . WHITAKER OLDS'IN~. 7:30 P.M.-Yo\1ng Peoples' Fel- nooJ.1 the Worship SerVIce, led by chapel. lowship. 340 W. Baltimore Ave.. •. . , Penna. Mrs. Charles C. Martin, will take Cottage Prayer Meeting will ~ Tuesday, Fehruary 1Z place in. the church' sanctuary. cancelled for this week due to 5:40 P.M.-Eveninjt' Prayer. • • Luncheon will be served at 12: 3t) th.. Crusade Vi~itation and the WedIlesday. Febl'UlU'y .13 In McCahan hall by Circle 7, Mrs. quarterly combined Woman's So7:00 A.M.-HolY Communion. ........-.-'.~ Haro!d C. Williams, chairman. Im- ciety meeting. • FrIday, February 15 mediately following;Jrie",bers wiII The choirs will rehearse ~n' 5:40 P.M.-Evening Prayer. , hear the Rev. .Ropert W. Andrews, Thursday-3:45, Cherub -Choir; THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETI/ . speak on liThe Social Pronounc~ 4:15, Junior Choir; '8 p.m. Chancel OF FRIENDS ments of the 1956 General Assem- Choir. Sun~, FebrDlU'l" 10 . out of harm's . . The,e will be a meeting of the blY". 0,45 A.M.-First Day ·School. Better still, call PaulsOn way. Mr.. Andrews, chaplin of the Junior High School Department 9:45 A.M.-Adult Forum: Ruth to clean your rugs and keep Hare: • "Education for ChangiDg We.stm,,:,ster Foundation of tlte parents to discuss plans for the until you are ready •• ' th"", Community Patterris."· Uruverslty of Del~w...~ will also new Junior High Fellowship. 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. speak at the B~",n"l'S and Pro- Gue.<>t resource leader will be Rev. (f'IlINTJIRB: Y ••r ... " .....i~, Children cared for in Whittler ~essional Women s Circle folll;l\V~ Charles Lobb, Philadelphia ConiI~~rtri"'~ 7'" ,It••,,,,,...,, ;f . House. All are welcome. ROLUNG"", rlll/r.. . 5:30 P.M. - United Fellowship IDg the 6: 30 dinner'ferencn WedIlesday evening meeting each of Abra.... m UltCOIn." ALlERT N. GARRETT ~OO hilt Ave., Pa. . week,' '3 PlM., Reading Room, ~al Hoar I,r-in-Iaw Mr. this part of the country some six- dal pleading. Our house h a p p e n s ,'usher at the wedding. Sally re- and Mrs. Robert S. Stainton, 3rd. teen years ago we chose to live in to be midway between the "A" NEWS NOTES tu";ed to' Swartrunore with her Mr. and Mrs. Slalnton sailed last Swarthmore because it :was a col- and "Blue" route.. We are , f 1parents for the week end and was night on a two-month cruise to rege town. We had little time to sympathetic with those who may Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Co~well a hosless at a dinner party Saturday South America, Africa, Spain, and look around but we reasoned that be directly affected and share the I Columbia avenue enterlamed at . Portugal. t ~ ghter of Mrs a college would provide some- hope of all that Swarthmore can a triple birthday party Tuesday. everung. C -~------~,---I Ihing of "the good life" whlAh _ escape _ ' UDSAathed. 1 must add, I night. ,The surprise family party Donna rosse, au . Attend the church of your choice Letter' to" the Edito'·a ·-------------:-'1 ::~';'~:.Thp!"!~:,t:::.re:.;',,:! , beautiful shade ~'81ohe 'cannot ........,. give. We have n·~i ointed' Indeed we '~!" bave ,,1S8pfound than' wj! /l,d"expec:ted. ~ven m~re ex~rlence ~:t :::!CIf·al4~." d~~npa:f"~~: erou~ It~ :'7'8-/ av~nue, ~o:nnot I I I H.'S.Boys Wrap Up Radnor and Yeadon Play Marple Tonight In Final Friday Home Game ,Tonlgbt tbe Swarthmore High School baskethall team plays its last Fliday nigbt home game of the Be1ISQn when lit Ithe scrappy team of Mal'\ple Newtown. Fre"h from a resounding victoty OVer powerful Yea'don on Tuesday, the Swarthmore team will attempt to ' make it seven in a, row'ln league competition. At . a t heee way IIe t h ere,s for IJrst placeand with Swarthmore, Lansdowne, Nether Provi- hos~ pre~ent PAl• ., Troop 2 Celebrate. 80y Scout We.k th~ SWarthmore Troop 2 of Boy Scouts celebrated scouting's anniversary week at its annual banquet in McCahan Hall of the Church W".""esday evenmg. The program mcl,uded songs and skits led and performed by the scouts. Feature event of 'the evening was the Court of Honor for all Scouts who have distinguished themselves in the past year. The accomplishmentS and needs' of the troop 'were discussed, and, plans for the future were re:' viewed. SChoi Bldg. Problem Is LWV's Topic Thurs. Gowin9 Heads-Public Library Directors (Continued from Page 1), , The Cubl; of Pack 1')1 are lookBy 'action of the board, last G. Thompson, D. Joaes ing forward to a gala evening to- year's Library Scliedule of hours To Address Members night at the Annual Blu!> and will be 'followed until the next At 1:15 P.M. Gold Baniiuel. Scheduled for 6:15 board meeting on April 29. Li, p.m. ,in McCahan Hall of the brarian Bettina Hunter rI,ported Two local school educators will "FIr b' t .' Cli h th ff 'i gifts to the Library, 50 volumes speak on various aspects of th€" es yerIan ,J1l"c, e a a r from the of Mr. and Mrs. school building problem and pro- is slated to be a seU-out. Kirk A. H. Knabb, a memorial for the grams at the February meeting Nevius, chairman of the 'Will late Ralph V. Little, and a gift of, ,the Swarthmore League of handle the"MC duties "'hile the from Shelly. Voters 1:15, p.m. Febru- Reverend' 'john' Schott will offer Miss 'Hunter repeated the re-, ary ,14 at, the Ingleneuk on Park the invocation. quest for' the urgently needed avenue. • bo k h t t k d . d G. Baker Thompson, county . f 'ruc than bereceIve d t Football lIy Coach Robinson of a .cue superintendent of schools, will the high school an,d sam.., of thll I pe~m.~lO; th~om t. e Must Be the teamfathers, stalwsrl!!, skit a by six of of or I, I .s the ac IOn mee, comWI, Mrs. Haris Borei was in charge d'iscuss "What and aeven movie the er approval of property of dinner preparations. Assisting Department Met to Secure State for Education Approval a New the 1956 AlI.,.star Baseball Game mittee d th chairman Birney K. Morse Pres~yteria,n I liJjrar~ pac~ ~tephen W~men ':.d: ~tandards dence, with 9 and 2 logs, while her were: ,' Elementary' S c h 001 .Building." promise to make, excellent' fare an e treasurer. Yeadon is a half game out of first Mrs. H. Harry Beckmann, Mrs. Also, Donald P: Jones, president for the ~ven!ng. Mothers have I President Gowing appointed the place with 8 and 2. Roberl Baker, Mrs. John ,Brobeck, o f t h e Swarthmore-Ru.\ledge prepared goodies to lempt ,the following committees: FriOdY night, despite weather W. Newton Ryerson, Mrs. Union school board, will speak on yound and old after din- I Fin,ance, Mrs. Jackson, chatr21. , , _ After a nip and tuck ~ quarter which saw thl! 'Little Gamet • learn In the lead,15-14, SwarthIllore broke Qut Int(l a,10' point vantage by half-tl.rDe. Then, In' tlte Ihird period, becau'se pf a strong defense and a tremendoUs, tast~ sw~rthmore incTeaJled., its 10 mor.. points. Th'e fourth 'period them cO,ntinue to Qut.core the Yeadon 'Eagles 27-22: The IInal score 67-6.2. There were many things that made 'this victon. possible, One, the ability of,'BaTry Wrlght- to off the bench, early in the and fill in for center Andy who was saddled with three IPer,sonal fouls, and not only dOing tremendous on, the, boards, " l· scqriDg 11 poln1s. "Andy ,got in ~ game the last Quaner"Ir.._, score 10 points and help sew the victory., Sophomore Dave, Grogan acO'::,:;:E~ the Iden\fcal tor 1>: ,who found himse,lf In lio"",n.!Il foul trouble In the secperiod. DeSpite this Cal still 'There it is ••• aa long and low and pmpooeCul a gleaming jet, ~:::d to score, 23 pOints. Col:< Charlie WentZ', played' a With ita!Oac ~ feDdu& ~in& badt imd,up like ~ .... 'l1Ii!! ., the dyumic DeW look 0I19571ilotwJal, ud _ team game. He sCored'19 and must ;)jave hlllid!!d I~'t help it if odren . .'"there ,.. CiTe '_ " ewe, equal nUmber. ' I ' ahrIl7* Also, Skip, SlI:og1und's timely, \ ....... tat thiac to bpw" that ttnIr1.wiDe "p~" ~Iundlng 8I\d liiII ability to get ..... 1957 CIa, ' , ..... , E 1.1'l'1oat'low ' .~ ....' a tree pos>Ucni to scoff' 'trom ¥wept tail wen cnV! ,~ for a,_ kW ol-a 'h1iIir7. l"bat-Ue's hanct-olfs was an ~~I!Io/'Aey an die _ '·'ea..... ' ,. Ita 01 Qa, . r 'I 'E". 'ire ~, la,ctor; and by DO mew cat-like hec!ause '1f this, was • thom iD 'the side,' of pala~es ~d 50-~2. -' Cub Pack:lOl BiDes Tonight'fu In~e & Oold I NEW~ ~OTES belie~e Smyer~ Dessert· Bridge . Tuesday, Feb. 19 and.'iH~ ,~t i;l~iiiiiiiiiiiiilliiii~iiiiii THE MIGHTY ,, Most glamorous, car In a generation .- - LER until , 'H. I , . -' ....-....... ,\~.~ . . . . Winter weather puts eXb-a On, highways. It calIs . h~ '... . , for extra caution from every driver. 'To help meet thiS' , , ' extra responsibility_use tlUs testedinlO,miltion 80 as to " either not present or is less pronounced, Hm:tee. skidding distances are decreased. , Remember the degrOOlj of greatest danger-from 15 abOve zero up to the mel~ point. , prevent skid accidents., ",' ';"",,r,." • , ...~,"f" , • saw . ... ~ ,1 On roads covered with snow or ice, the;degree of danger But-above everything else-remember that aU icy and 'varies with the degree, ,of tempei-,~ ~~ is smprising, but , snowy conditions caU for GREAT.ER CAUTION...;. true, that the closer the t,emperamre'of iCe is, to the melting , SLOWER DRIVING! ' point, the more dangerous it is I~ Iuq~ts. At th~, tUne, , PENNSYLVANIA'SSTATEPOUCE.••DEPAR~OFIlEVEI'mJj: tire friction is likely to Dldt sufficie..t ice to• cause moisture . ;!. ~.....,~ .. ... GOVERNOR'S mCHWAY SAFETY AD'VIsoRY COMM.l'lrEE ' to form and act as a lubricant-thus increasing skidding irn, It makes em Stare--~ere ! , ' • \' . ••• DEPARTMENT OF mCHWAYS ••• DEPARTMENT OF PUBLic distances. At lower temperatures, s~~:melting action is .' ~.a 'foI:'':/n.! \ INSTRUCTION ••. ALL ARE WORKING CEASELESsLY TO MAKE PENNSYLVANIA'S mCHWAYS THE SAFEST INTBE NATION., HORACE A. REEVES 1. A.GRt£N PORTEll H.' WAITE. iNC THE BOUQUET STRAm HAVEN INN B. 1. ROY. S AND 10 " , E. L,' .NO~ and CO. I THE, SWARTlDiOREAN SWARTHMORE .<' " '1 • CATIiERMAN's , ' THE INGLENEUI(, PROVIDENT ~U~"'T CO~ANY DRUG STORE . • u "'Yeo " ,rna.""",.. ·ea.I.... 0",1-'""'.... ,"",,, '!1,*!i ~, ~' .,._~ t. •• ... _.;"'")J".... . ~ "_ .' . POR,TEI lit R....... ~-Id..._;.~, "~ ,:;,,: '. :t"f" , ~ - '. (" • • 1 PBlre8, I l Borough Opposes Both Loc~1 Highwly.Routes~ w=T,owP;d~;,:~ ~:';~:':!!u:::ges,p::.::: I~ o~~:~e iege paid 3.1 per cent of ali Bor- field, who early In 1952 came 1:'P · t of MedII Presses for 0ne Wes. t~:eG=e~:e:h1c!a~~; :: I Arthur Binns, proprietor of the from a pOint east of Che!!te~ to Dartmouth House apartments, Valley Forge. It pas been saId • describing himself as "the second the Sta,te dropped the Route from T h ' tion of the Col- board of directors to F. C. urner, derstand the posl (Continued From Page 1) '., f largest taxpayer in Swart more, consideration because It would -~ of planning. assistant to the comrruss,oner 0 hailed th • Its lege after Y __ 0 t f probably 2 per cent", e t rve the .....pulatlon areas as homes to compensate f or Ioss of The College was here before the ,the United States Departmen 0 no se .... . R utiedge ) res,'dents and largely determines Public Roads, on Janary 30. The Green Route as "an excellent de- weII as 0 ther R 0 utes, Proponents assessables here and m . Iasses mcurre . d bY the character of the Borough. 1 letter cited Mr. Tut:ner's depart- vise "'or the meeting and Council of the. G reen'Rou t e feel It would and "intrlns,c" , homeowners whose homes would th' Ink we have been a little remiss ent was expected to pay 90% to get off the hot seat." He felt cost less and give max:imum serv. th e 1ong run smee, . h ave t 0 ma k e way f or the Red in not doing more for the College of the cost of the proposed ex- that Ro'u'te had no chance of ice 10 a.highRoute, would bring th,e greater and' fighting its battles. Raise In pressway, and was responsible for acceptan~e and Route A's chan- way In that area has been menharm to the Borough. There seem- our. midst an evil, thing and seeing such funds were spent ces' were 9 to lover the Blue. 'lloned for contemplation further ed an equal amount of opinion everyone says 'How can I protect wisely, according to the Act of "While we are all ,trying to be in tho! future. that intrusion of a highway's un- myself by putting it elsewJ:tere?' Congress, and did not invohle Christian", he thundered, ''le~ us George Plowman of Harvard natural barrier in the midst of I hate to think people of Swarth- 'needless hardship to citizens and think of the other commun,tles a\'lenue warned that the State Swarthmore College land would more can't find 'a common ground. municipalities resulting from arb- like Rutledge and Folsom which would make up Its mind 'very be the stronger penalty for present It seemS like a question of taklng itrary decisions. The letter said are affected. Route A would cut Th gh Ii ned, and future generations. Two op- the hand off at the wrist on one the proposed Route would end in a swath of destruction in deDSely~ ~':~c;t:~et ~w °hlghW: posing theories of the effect the hand or at the elbow on the other. the Schuylkill Expressway which populated areas rarely equ~ed route quickly so that it may be proposed new road WGutd have The Boroug!t Is asking Council to the S·tate admits Is already over- in the. history of our country. 'wopked ,'nto ,plans for wid,enIDg on Chester road traffic also perks th d • vaded the meetlng-one strongly take. a stand, so ,Council as e loaded. Wilham F. Lee, alumnus an Baitimore pike from Clifton to that such super highways always Borough to take a' ~ta,,:dl". The A;"soclation recommended ,board of managers m~mber ot Media, now ready for bid adlessen traffic on smaller roads near ~alllng for. orgamzalion V1~w-1 the consideration of merits and the College and a long-tll~,e resl- vertlsement),' Is consld'ered log!them, and the other that Chester pom~s fI~, .:~ppe~ e~tendt~m~~: costs of the so-called Green Route dent of Swarthmore now living on cal) . road would beco"'e a feeder route ~~:"ng mv, ,on 0 war, (extending from Federal Route Guernsey roa!l, challenged the o;"e resIdents, new and aid, arid require at least a doubUng 0 ege. Coll-e Repo'rt . 13 to a terminus at the junction accuracy of statements made, by ho 'e~pressed vartatlons of ~e •• ' R t 30 d 202 near the previous speakers. He, claimed W th during Mo'nday f 'ts 'dth Ith dded prope'rty 0 ' Wl W a p r e sid en t Courtney Smith, of ou es . an, Route A favored because' It aDove ,emes . -.T damage consequent. speaking for the C,!lIege, lauded Turnpike) or the use of the new would c';rn, more traffic than night's two-and-a-hall hour meetThus the m~ting cloSed with the Green Route petition, saying Conchester Highway with a north th utes' hadJ:jeen moved ing Include: Walter'Doug1ass, Mrs. unanimous passage o( H. Weston "I see no reason why the com- east extension added. 0 er ro , J P E1kinton Robert van Riper 100 yards closer to Swarthmore • . , , Clarke's motion that Swarthmore mwu·ty. should be trapped into P1annI' nr Comml."lon W'lllam Cleaves John Seybold . I f b ----,'n the past month, its clover leaf' , It' Ste S join with the c'v c groups 0 ha'vm'g to mak"e a choice between Mil W Gan-e ven pen ' HOrace Hopkins represented the would take out only five houses an • . , ' 'Lower Merion, Gulph Mills " Rad- two routes, both harmful to tbe Do Id Piccard Waldo FIsh nor, Springfield, Ridley and Mar- Borough and conceivably both Swarthmore Planning, Commis- on Riverview road and 11 in Rut-, cer, nafs F 11 ' ".,_ ltd. ; sion which' Sunday afternoon de- ledge and. it would touch the er, Morr usse, • ...., ...0 . . , • ' h,'ps In ur'ging the State pie Towns against the public interest. ' ttl fI Id M B Harrar ""ban ' to adopt a route wes t 0 f M_A' "",a, "The College has never favored c,'ded It was 'Inadvisable for it to sw,'mmm'g pool property. The ,Li e e , rs.,H. .Ito ' CI k and that the president of Council Route A but' has. a moral obllga- make" final recommendation on highway would 'be 75 feet from' RogerSEd ar , wayne~ n, appoint a committee to act for the tion to point out harm which the highway situation to Borough the pool, at a height. 9f ~O feet Byse, ward . _Borough in tIils direction. (The Route B would do. In addition tp Council at present, although a requiring a distance of 60 feet. following morning it was learned its campus In Swarthmore the '13 to 2 vote for the Blue Route as He said it would, go under the that Nether Providence had just ,college owns 80 acres on the the least harmful was taken; The pike 'and over the r;ulroad as curpassed .a resolution opposing the other side lIf Crum Creek and 88 commission noted: the latest rently laid out. . , Blue Route). • acres above Baltimore pike known ·thought of engineers indicates "This town is going to orient This space is dedicat· Coonon Not Ta.ken Off Hook as Crlim Martin and rented to Roule A would take all, of the itself to having a Chinese wall, Therefore if a choice of ~he Smedley Park on a dollar-a-year easl side of Riverview avenue, down its back one way or the: lesser evil of the Red and the basis." from Baltimore pike to below Og- other," declared lJee, continuing ed to all dogs whose Blue Routes ever must be voiced, Although it has been generally den ·avenue, for a~ interchange that he would rather hav"" tIie Council will still have to make stated that even less sure location 10 be. placed at thlS point. The area to ,the' northeast walled out up its own collective mind. How- predictions were ~possible for the Blue Route, less definitely 'plan- by Route A than \that toward owners' have not yet ever, President Hopper did slate, Blue Route than for the Red ned at the moment, would also 'Wallingford by the Blue Route. in hlsopening remarks, that indi- (since no detailed surveys had appear damaging since whatever EDgb,eer Speaks purchased their 1957 vidual member's of Council, had been made on the former) and affects the College would affect Gus' Houtman Borough entheir opinions alld were prePared Dr. Smith did, not reveal the the. community and vice versa. gineer, cailed ~pon to cl!lrify to vote in accordance with them. source of his information, he said It. 15 im,portan.,t to preserve park facts, gave a ftrm· opinion' ·that, ' dog licenses which He said, "Council Is naturally the Blue route would be 133 yards Iii b t thi t t In dI;'ided as to 'the greater harme u s ' s no paramoun. - either 'Red or 'Blue Route would fulness of A and B Routes." 'Many from the spot, where th~' College vltlng additional traffic to Chester reduce traftlc on Chester ;r<>ad., hoPed to build a' scllmce building, d would result from 'Route A , '- ' .• ,. , went into eRect roa . He said State Highway' englrieers Swarthmorea'ns feel that even 200 yards ,from the amphitheatre Damage from the Route might be .. Wi· thln Council' there would be a where cODtmencements are held, ed ced by use of a straight line hope' to complete their study of' TUESDAY, nearly even split on that question. 230 yards from Wharton Men's r u '. the Blue Route by the \lnd of this from Thompson avenue, Sprmg- w'eek,' ,and though this route wa._ S ~1aI CODDell a~-n • dormitory, and would 'wipe 'out fI eId t 0 YaI e avenue on the south , ' t' ted' t t h h d At a special meeUng of Council ,the Meadow where all-College . es una 0 cos more e a JANUARY 15th been' Tuesday night, a resolution carry- faculty and student picnics are w,th a depressed grade. ,as s u r ed cost' wouI'd no t be ing official Borough 'opposition to held. It would also be 1311 yards, Dr. John H. Wigton, new pre~i- -the oniy factor considered. ..' both Red and Blue Routes and at the farthest,' from the faculty dent of the. Swarthmore Sw~m It was Houtman, cOnducting a recommending the Green ~u.ie homes on Crum Ledg'e, would go Club, reported members at ,ts private survey in the joint em, --" annual meeting had voted 37 to . .' ' was passed and ordered sent to right through the College's Scott 10 in protest of Route A "If the ploy of Swart/unore and SprIng. the State Highway Department Arboretum nurseries, and obliterand the Federal Bureau of Roads. ate or otherwise harm the 'Col- route would be injurious to Club At the sam'e meeting Ro'be'rt. B.' lege's, Dam Site H!>use. Further, It property." LEARN MORE A80,UI Miller of Bryn Mawr, reprl)Sent- would kill a, irreatly important . Barial'. Opinion Ing the' Combined Civic Associa- and widely beneficial hydraulic Dr. William F. G. Swann, directions backing the Green Route, research undertaking the College (pr of the' Franklin Institute's cast doubt on Stale estimates and has been 'working to establish'. Bar\ol Research Foundation which gave Coun~1I the following figures: "The. Blue' Route would shut has headquarters on the College State Estimates: Route A-16.2 off the only dIrection in which the campus and is' intemation a,1Iy miles ,,.;jth 47 bridges, costing Coliege can exPand, to the west, known' as a nu.clear physics re$28,000,000 for construction and since It Is 'already hemmed In on searCh center, said Route A would $3,100,000 for property condem- the northeast and ....... th". While take two-thirds of a ten-acre plot nation and damages: Blue Route-- listing contributions the College on . I;Ialtimore pike,' Springfield, .3 mile longer and $8,900,000 more m'akes to the community, Smith where the Foun~ation operates a expensive. ' mentioned it voluntarily pays government owned atomic accel~ Combined Civic Association Es- taxes and that much' of its $1~500," erator. The proposed clover leaf tim"tes: Route A~40,1411,422 ""n- 000 payroll ls sPent here. He also interchange would come within struction, ;10,326,750 damages. commented thai in the 32 years 85 feet' of the accel,mitor miif Blue R oute-$44,369,618 constru~- the commuulty has been InVited .necessitate its rebuilding at a cost tion, $7,920,750 damages. Green to' attend ~Per Foundation pro- of·, $2,OOO,OQO. It would also des• ,. Route-$26,768,024 (15.5' miles, grams and h~s Outnurflbered Col- troy proposed additional bulldPhiladelphia mecttic's display sho_ how f~r.lanes, 36 bridges) construe- lege people in the:audiences, only ings" " , ' • modern electriC kitchen can be d~gnN tion, $4,061,200 damages.. one "fan"'letterhaS been received Clbens 'view to saYe keps ••• bow fall HOllSHPOWEB. Miller said the State was asking -and that from someone who wa; T. A. Bradshaw of Ogden aveis important to the bome ••• and hnw taxpayers to spend more moD.eJ: moving qrom town: nue agreed every effort to secure fighting can inaease the attractiveness of for A route (the Red), located " 'where it would "form a circumIn closing, SllUth' decried the the Green Route should be made. h,ome aad garden. Also, visitors to the ' , . "lack of information the misin- However, he cautioned Council · f erential Home Show can witness the' World Premiere loop for the City of Phll- f'~'"'' t·· . , ',.. ., ' " ", " '," th'" , .'." .. adelphia and not for the cooven-, ~1'D';8 !~n, ~nd tIt~ .~cket-~or- • at if. the G~ RO~te coul~:t of the liYe Becrer mecttically Caravan ••• lence of Delaware County re5i- mallon h~mg circulated locally be ach,evell, ,t is their duty, as an exhibition of modern electrica1living. dents" about the proposed highway. He elected representatives of the Don', mia itl .' Fellow Councilmen recommend_ ~ee'aied, "The Nl!tnI;Iei"One need' wh91e cq¢nll,lnity, to welg!> .the hperienced representativeS will be on ed to Presid~nt Hollper I':p~in~ '5 ,not the t~ffic p~bleirl but other two routes. In light ".f tax ~d.to a,nswer any questions;·"· • for a comnuttee to foster public how to keep this community, the losses from lIoute A working a, \, pressure and other means of first oasis south of, Philadelphia', hardship on the whole communstrengthening the battle for the from being downgraded. Any ity, il must be recbgnized (though Green Route. Hopper said he route, anywhere will cause dam- reluctantly)', that the Blue Route hoped to have the commlttee,com_ age. Our first "bligstion is to get is the less harmful, he said. plele 'within a .few !lays, as he tl''' faCts, so tiiat'~s the future 4~ue Her.Ji~ixsOn of North sees a need fo/ it to, a~t quicIdy. looks back on' ,'the present, roO- Chester ro~d declared tlte State Hew",.,:': "eU " ~ent ,ltwiil not ~~d,tltatSwalth- has ordered a more de~ed stlrAt Monday night's town meet- more. Which hium~t invited. bust:.. : vey of the, Blue Route and indling Council 'PreSIdent . Thomas neSS 0< housing deYl'1op~~ haS caled Its agnieabUity to either' , '-- Hopper said he was '''enibarras~ IronicallY allowed ,Comnuinltles ,Red' qr Bi.ue~ He felt that 25 per sed and a little ashamed we in wt,Uch,have invlted-tbem, to':folst cenl'of Swarthinore proPerties' SwattIunore _ can tear purselves thlS ~ghway 'upon ~" . would alfeCted adversely and apart and 'DO! come to see alike. Smith asked the Borough ·to the other 75 per cent would 'pay C~ci1 can sympathize with have Its engineer, Gus Houtman, ~ taxes, If the 'Red was cltosen. tIiOee who would be. affected and ",get the facts"ilDd ~ed Co)legoe HI! said a tax inveslig'l!,t1on he _. lose, theii'. ~ It: -alSo im"lUPPOrt,1n the ventu,te. had .conducted, revealed. the CoI. , . - - ' .. .' , . , r-- ' ~::~ ;::~Yle=e;:~t~;~; Years ot l1.pend.6i'ifr" G. 'M. STULL CO. \ Offers YOU aNew'57 Ford $54·47M:~~H FOR CustQm2.Door Includes: NO DOWN PAYMENT- . . i . YOUR SAVINGS - / ,~"'. -', •. '. . 1': / EARN 2% AT A~L PROVIDENT TRUST 'OFFICES MEDIA ., NE'l'HER PROVIDENCE • SWARTHMORE • SPlUIfOFlBloD ,I INTERF8l' RATE..:..Your savings earn a fixed rate ,f!f interest, • ,not a variable YieJd, •• not a dividend, You knowenctJy what you earn in advanoe. At:Provident, your inten!st rate ia 2% compounded . ' . are 'by ,~~, on all savings; : • -, "- - '. ... I • MODERN CONVENIENCE~ving.t~ Provident; also means that you haVe, reacilly available, every banking service you may need at any time. , PW,t . . .... ' WI!H ,'. '. • PROVIDENT' TllUSTC.ONPANY. IN DliLAWARB CO:UNTY JaDIA .. SPllINGPII!LD • Sw.u:nlMoIUi • NE1Hl!R PllOVIDBNCIi (Drfte-Io lIutIr) , ,q"., .!'riI.oJ·B, • Ii ' , AllllllrlWlwttl D:ed .. Indh'lduals ham reported for Staff Aides. , should attach a special 'fOnD, calVirginia RiltIi, Water Slifety led Schedule C, to their income chainnan stated .that the class attax reports to obtain valuable tendance in senior life saving on social security credits wlllch build Thursday nights, ~ the college .protectio.n for them' and their fam- pool is 35. Mrs. W1lllam Gehring's ilies, according to' joirlt announce_ report for Home Service was ment made today by Herbert W. heard. \ • Gruber, district manager, -Chester Mrs. John L. Good listed the folSocial Security, Office, and Her- lowing articles distributed through bert F. Walker, Supervisor Ches- E. and S. to federal area hospitals ter Office, Inter?al ,~v~ue Ser- in the !hr,ee month period: 2563 vice.' . homemade cookies, 29 homemade ',. Those who are self-employed cakes, 343 magazines, 61 decks of and have net earuings of $400 or playing cards, 36 pencils, 50 score more duri!,g 195,6,' must report pads. 20 jig saw puzzles, one their self-employment earnings in weaving set, one cribbage set, 80 thclr Federal income tax return pOPlllar records, 5 albums of ~Ias­ and ,pay the 3 per cent social se- sical records; 227 books, 60 candy c.irity tax on their net earnings bars, 32 articles tor the. "Gifts to, up to $4,200, whether or not they Give" progr,!m at Coatesville Hos_ are required to pay an income I,pital. 12 books of cross word tal<, Mr.. Walker explained. Doc- puzzl'1s co':':'pifed by the JUnior tors of medicine are ,ex,cluded by, Red Cross. law from 'social security protec- I Her cOIllmittee sponsored a par_ tion. Christian Science practitiQn- ty for 180 patients in the closed ers and' ministers may elect cov- ward at Valley FQrge hospital on erage on, an Indlvid!,al voluntary October 31 and a 'bridge party for basis. With these exemptions only, 20 patients ill ,the T.B.· Ward on all self-employed coine, under the November 13. Bridge classes·' are sYstem.' continued twice monthly with Sal. Mr. Gruber reminds' the self- Iy Gaskill, Mary Lou Hodge, JudY employed that some ~ay they or and Nancy Roess, Jean Galbreath . their families will be on the re- and several college girls inStructceiving end' of social security. To ing. ' , insure for that 'day'- they should Requests from' the Naval Hosbe sure to complete and at~ach the pital'to the amount of $55 for Sched...le C to 'th.eir income tax cigars, a 'coffee drlpolator, a four' returns, . and make cel'lain that gallon container; from, 'Valley they enter thek social security Forge to, the mnount of· $22.50 ':for account munber in the block, pro-' 45 rpm records, prizes, and candY; vided for it. The 'llturn and $25 for Ch$tmas on theHi/dl Schedule C ~ould 'be sent to the Seas program; $450 for Christma~ District Director of Iitternal Reve- program iit all hospitals; and $25' nue with payment of any tax for Christmas decorations in' the owing. 24th Battery NIKE HeadquarterS Requests for tax return ,fonns locally were met by the eornmitand tax information shoJ1ld be dl- tee. ___""_~_ _ _.,.. reeled to the Dlstricl Director of I InternAl Revenue; '9th and Welsh NEWS NOTE Streets, Chester. Questions regard': , Mr., and~ W'illiam R. Buey I ing social SeciUrlty ben@ftts in- of Dicklnson avenue have as their' ' cluding the ner . - Sale 29c WhOleieaRS 11~~~~~~ Two dining room, Box N, The " ATLANTIC For March5;.7 • SII162ge Musicians In Concert This Week End At Pennsbury Ant'lques .Fa'lf' Set ----..::.. ,11 Hille Locat St_Is \ To Play in D'st Band A record number of Swarthmore High School students· left yesterday to participate with the Southeastern District Band at Pennsbury, Bucks County. The nine IQCal stUdent musicians will join with 175 students repr""enting some 60 schools in the five county area in presenting concerts 'both tonight and tomorrow. The gu""t ·conductor will be James Dunlop, director of the famous Penn State Blue Band. Local representatives include: Jim McCorkel and David Bass, Sousaphones: Car a I Honnold, Sally . Huse and Allie Walker, flutes; Steve Plafker, Bette Anne McCorkel, and Joan Beesinger, ciarniets, and Mark Smith, bassoon, The group is not only a large one for a school of SWarthmore's size but likewise' an exceptionally young one. Five of the nine playFebruary Graduate ers are tenth graders. Joan BeeLynn Doherty, son of Dr. and singer will sit third in a section Mrs. J. Kenneth Doherty, Elm of 50 clarinets and Carol Honavenue, has completed require- nold won second, "hair in a se~Committ~ have been announc- ments' for. the bachelor of arts tlon of nine lIutes. ed for the 12th .Annual Antiques de~ee, at Denison University, Pen!!sbury, one of several new Fair at the Woman's Club of Granv!lle, 0., witp a major in consolidations in that area, is 10Swarthmore, to be held on March physical education. cated near Yardley on the upper 5, 6 and 7, at the clubhouse, 118.. A 1952 gradu.ate of the loe:>! Delaware and is situated not far' Park avenue. . high school. he· attended Central from the site of WilliaJ!l Penn's - Mrs. Robert A. Boyle of Am- Michigan Colleg! of Education for original mansion. Students will be herst avenue is again serving as o~e year b.efore transferring to housed in local homes and will be general chairman, and Is contl- Denison where he has been the tendered a banquet by the local den~ that this year's show will past seven semesters. At Denj.r>n service clubs prior to the filial ~urPass former ones in variety he joined SIgma Chi fraternity.. concert on Saturday evening. and quality of 'antiques displayed. Membership in District events Working with Mrs. Boyle are:. room; Mrs. 'J. Paul/Brown, foOd is through competitive audition' . Mrs. H. LeRoy McCune, secre- donations; Allce Marriott- chalr-· and the Swarthmore students tary; Mrs. Franklin Andrew, man, and Mrs. Frank Keenen, co- were among over 500 high school treasurer; Mrs. RaYnham T. chairman of afternoon tea; Mrs. Ileople who "tried out" for the asBates, house; Mrs. Leslie Wet- Rllbert Grogan,d;ecorations; Mrs; siguments early in December. As. laufer, admissions; Mrs. Arthur B. A. SIdney Jolll~son,. Jr., cashier; In previous years, Robert Holm of Kent, and Mrs. J. W. Warnes, at:-- Mrs. Avery Blake, 'posters; Mrs. the local schools, 'will present the rangements; Mrs. D. Mace Gow- C. Russell Phillips, coat checking; group via tape rebroadcasts over ing, ·hostes... ; Mrs. W. Alfred Mrs. Harry !>--(roole, mailing;·Mrs.sta\lons in each of the five coun,Smith, general chairman of kj.tch- Robert AlliBon, telephpne; Mrs. ties. 'Locally, the progn,m' Win~J:ie! en. David Bingham, hospitallty; and heard over WV'CH on Saturday, Also, Mrs. Howard Hopson, tea Mrs. Paul E. Zecher, publicity. February 16 at 5 o'clock. Large 303 Size Can Reg. Pr~i 39e: Die:k , . Frcine:hetti . , 8to a Customer ·al.un Milk". C' "ar . and basket. Excellent blueKIngswOOd bicycle with $25. Call 3; pink stUdio -ATLANTIC .' ",j; 26 inch Co- . :E~~~~!~~~4 =====~=====~ ~. 48 for 67c 8:15 P.M.-Jull1ard Quartet ...... ,..................... Clothier 8:15 P.M.-Basketball, H.S. vs. Marple-Newtown ....... H.S. Gym . Saturday, Febl'llal')' 9 • 7:30 P.M•....Jr. Assemblies:. 8th Grade ............. ; Woman's Club 8:00 P.M.--Garnet Canteen .,: .............. Rut;:ers Ave. School 9:30 P:M.....Jr. Assemblies: 10th Grade ............ Woman's Club Sandal'. February 10 11:00 A.M.~Moming Worship .................... Local Churches 8:00 P.M.'-.rerome Robbins: "Art & Mass Media" .. M";ting House 8:00 P.M.-Dr. Lincoln darter "Middle East" .. Presbyterian Church .. . Monday, Pebnial'7 11 2:00 ·P.M.-Friendiy Open House ............ Presbyterian Church 8: 15 P.M.~Musi~ Club' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Whittier HouSe 8:20 P,M.-"Solid Gold Cadillac" ,................... Player~ Club Tuesday, . February 12 2:00 P.M.~.... Fus~ell:' "Intematian Situation" .. , .. W6m~n's Club 7:00 P.M.-Sproul Qpen House .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . .. College Campus 8:20 P.·M.-"Solid Gold Cadillac" ....•.............. Players Club 8:30 P.M •....Jr; .. Club Fashion Show ., ........ ' ..... HS. Auditorium Wednesday, February 13 8:00 P.M.-College· Ec, Club Dinner ......... ' ,. : ...... Ingleneuk 8:20 P.M.-"Solid Gold Cadillac" .................. , Players Club Thursday, February 14 . 10:00 A.M.-'-Inv....tment Series ......... : .. I , • • • • •• Woman's Club 1:15. P.M.-nds avenue. Drex.el.. . _ f t '.. _ a resident ot- Wallingford since and I." '{OCl'p'qG ,,: R. Lecro,n, Mirs. Nothera Hubbe, ,Hill. oli Monday evening. Feb~" 1932 and had spent winter in' T' h I '\1 "I.n include! will present the program. MY 11 at 8 p.m. Her title IS: ~ ser e$ ."w~ • TV -' _'- Three 1Ii'.. Florida for many years. . 0 care Hammersti-in h\h,. . FebruMrs. l'4ayd eII Ekserg ian '.of U . p "G1jmpS/>' Throu.... . . Win_ ~__ ~ d. .. ll~ attend!'d Swarthmore cOI·.I':y 17; Budd schiltil~rlf. F~bruary. per Providenc~. a cel1i~t. w,iIl play. dow.';, a report bn.recent ,?sits to ~. . lege,. spent several years on the 24; Harold '('1 1l'....\JlMareh .. 'l! . Mrs. Ekserglan studi~ I"; Den- So"uth Africa, RUSSIa and llie U.N. Our "mple otocleo mllke it IsJeof Pines. Cuba: in the nursery Paul Cresto~• "March 17;' and mark, ~ew York, and in Philadel_ Mts. Hussey's ta~ I;o.schedUled . 'posiible' (dr'· to com-' business and' was In the automo· Lawrence. Langner••,:Atl1'il .7.• .(\. phia WIth Herman Sandby. w~o under the sponsorShip ~f and arbile business in Baltimore and t · · · t re ~' ..... tor to be an-I was for· many years llrst cellist ranged by representatives from "".\1"0'.de'ven the mo.st ~omIoned'later pIC u .....---,- spealo. March ot the Philadelp . hia, Orchestra several cooperatmg . b r. a n hes r_ later in Harrisburg unti'1 h e re-, moun c .of ., . tired tn 1932. Since tllen he had ~~ c . l~I't'1 I'under Stokowski. Later she studied the Women's International League pIe" prescription without been activ~ i~ numerou~ chari- . ' , . ~ l\';i'. with Maurice Eisenberg, star ~u- for Peace and Freedom tnclUdlngdelay. You'll appreciate table inslltutlOns including the • ; ~ . pll of Casals. and with A1exarua.n. the Swarthmore branch. Mrs. .!'ohn Friends Boarding Home in West I collaborator with Casals, tn Pari". W. Carroll; and the Media branch. our prompt. courteous Chesler. The Home for Destitute • , 'Mrs. Eksergian's accompanist Margaret Price. service-and our prices ,cOlored Children tn Cheyney. ~for will be Joseph Terranova, who are always fair. Camp Sunshine in Delaware '.. . . . • . has ;, studio in. Phi!adeIPhla. Mr. Junior ,Club's County. and the Rosemont InstiThe annual BeDJamln'West lec- Terranova studIed m Italy. New • .' h T d tution for' retarded children in lure on. fine artswi!1- -be an il-l:yo~k. and in South America un~er FashIon S ow ue~ ar Baltimore. lustrated lectu.re biD(\'. Cllarles Joseffi. who edited many works of (Conltnued from Page _,) He was a 32nd degree Mason Mitchell. lecturer. of. Wa~burg and. Chopin. . ht!lped. Those. shown In th: PI~~ CATHERMAN'S I : ':.. . and a mem»er. of the Lulu Temple Courtauld Instlb.lte;Ll>ndon, Eng-. 'After the tntermission,' Mrs. lure on page one are le~iii_ DRUG STORE of Philadelph". . land-uSigism,,'.'do .Mlliatesta:. A Eleanor' Markham Smyers. so- use their II!'-der-d,:"eloped. 'er lil .Mr. Harper JS survived by hJS I Renarssance Pri~ce and His Me.- pram>. will stngseveral numbers. ties at the :Trah;ling C::t .bewife Mrs. Helen McIlvain East- moria Is". to be given Thursday. among them "L' Esclave" by Lalo. Lansdowne. As more m KI 3-0586 ' Harper; threeilOns. Richard February 14. at,81.15 ·p.m.tn the J"Les Trois Prieres" by Paladilhe. comes aVal!abl,e,. more. ch dren .\;!.·~nl\ J. Alan of Wilmington, Friends Meetlt}g,House'of·Swarth- ,"Adieu. F:orets" from "Jeanne d' can be, h~iped. 'Th\.nk of t~~~s: pel.. arid J(lhn R. at Runnemede. more. ", h,,· "'::, . I Arc" Iiy Tschalkowsky. "The Is- Valentine s I?,a y !,pproaches, rd N.J.; ·a daugliter•. Mrs. Thomas Dr. Mitchell.:'l:e~elitly a vjsittn.g land" by Rachmantnoff. and three Scully said. and spr:a~ ~e ~o S. Woo. d. Jr.• Corning. N. Y.; two lectu.rer at B~dvp .. lColle.g.e• .has Schubert compositions. abC!ut the .g~ Cwor'_M ande ng S.hOenle . '' n_ sisters. Mrs. Frank Feaster an d an international'.replitiltilm as one . Mrs. Smyers studied at the UnI_ at the Trammg ksh' . e La' do ·De" ._ Mrs. Elwood C. Perry of Phila· of the brillillntp youtrg'" scholars versity of Kansas and at the Jul- tered Wor . op IBn ns hW' . . . .. erry delphia; two hl'others. F ran. k '0t tramed alone of the great. mtelliarr! S.hool of .Music. At present ' Mrs h' dRobert ti mI'tt c 8U'man of the' an r es 0 lectual centers: 'ofo' eanung ID e • she is studying under Mrs. Carolyn _ Cape May.. . J.. I·.....· th 1 . off . N d Cha I f ' Texas; 10 grandchildren and one field of art, the Warblitg Institute P. Pengler of Philadelphia. Mrs. great-grandchild. which sin~e 'W' .Ihe . .- Institute Mrs. Smyers will be acCOm~hrua~ 10. al 4' p.m, Friends came into beJng~, schol81's devote panled by Mrs. Helen Ventner, are iIlVlted; In place of flowers their attention· to·the.cpntributions well known in Swarthmore as a donaiions' to -' the Am er Ilc aln. of the classical.cultures'of Greece leacher of piano 'and a !ormer Friends' Service Committe will be and ROlJle i~, ,1[\.'1,;1p/Watl~. ot president of the Music Club. Mrs. lippreciatel:l.' . later western· ElJ\:bPearl clvlliza- Ventner studied at the New Eng-_.' . . 'tions j • -' f ,.,.,:. . lanf!' Conservatory tn Boston .. A ROCKET" Dr. Mitchell ~s 'an acknowledged. A social hour tn charge ot Mrs. authority In t\le' flela· of Ihe art of E.. R. MulUns, hospitality chalrthe Italian Renplssiiiice and .will man, will follow the program. VERY POCKET I give an insight into the workings "-nyone Interested tn 'music is of the mind and' Heat1 of a great cordially invited to attend. . , . r Itallan Renalssnnce patron of the • Valuol AdIonllV1QI')'1 Yau get . arts. Sigismondo Malatesta. "I saw it In the Swarthmorean.'· aRline In Ofcls for '571 • &om the Gelden RochtBB. Super . BB Or Starftre 98. There'...... ... right for you • _ • and at a . modest price you.. '.'1 , I . ~own." 'ti~t~~ me::~g:: I 9 I Ii; .. ' will Ben) Wes ,. licturer Scheduled "Thurs eit Wic~ ~t.~e~e~u~c~al~on~oo~m~~ee~'~~:J~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I a- De,laware County Medical Society Clarifies Mass Pqlio Immuii~zapon Program· Beginning in Feb~ '. , '.' Wecatch the hrly ladies' Day Train to New York'lnd .1 , ~ The Delav.ral·e COl.lllty Medical Society announces the followtng policy for,lts mass '1'0110 vac"tn~tlon program at free clinics at the ~ ~l!",ral Hospitqlsc In'DeJawan; County: . . I . 1. Yaccine,wt~'~~avallable for all children from age 6 months ~o 19 year.' IlIcll!.IVe· whose parents feel that they cannot afford such vaccli!@tian, lri private docto.rs· offices. Each child visit\ng ·the ~Itni~ "IIll»!'l~e accompanied_ by a parent or gaardian. . 2. Tho~e chlldJ'en who have received NO previous polio Immunizatl.on wtlL ,be gIVen FIRST INJECTIONS at the Fell>l'IlllUlr.J :~~ II· elinics Those •. chlldren''Yho h~ve received'l previous polio injection ','I • wilt be given'SECOND ~JECTIONS at, the lIIa..,b cllnlcs. 4• .A.11 THIRD INJECTIONS will be given at the September clinlci. This deflrrltion of .pollcy should clarify any previous misconceptions eoncerntng when patients are ·.to present themselves for' needed immunization:.The.speciflc'dates. times. and locations of tIieSocietYsponsored 'tree olillc!s 'an; follows: . , . Februal7 Mareb . Set>tember " ~t 2nd 3rd 'Uost>ital OaF."," InJeaUon . InJpositiion include: curtties." A Illm on mutual funds howe; 118 Park avenlie. of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Condemnation and downgrading will be shown. Morton. He died Friday morning Each $prtng this department of properties tn the Borough; reEach member of .the class at the Wallingford home of his spo~ors a fund raising event· to son. Dr. William Potter Rumsey. duction of tax yield to the Swarth-a .s)Ukll'1edlh· to come to the thlrd and meet the ever increastng demands more-Rutledge Union SchOOl Dis- II sessions of the series for help outside the local comwhere lie had been stnce Jmllinry . trict resulting from condemnation equipped with the financial sec- munity. 17 when he was released from of Rutl~e properties; the pros- tion (with ~k priees) of a Temple University Hospital folThe club supports a Korean pe<;t of tncreased traftlc on Cbester new$paper. orphan. contributes to the enterlowtng three week's treatment. . Road throughout the Borough; and - -_ _ _ _ __ Born tn Rockton, Del.. lil April, tatnment committee of tlie Red heavy economic and social impact 1878, Mr. Rumsey flrst U~ed on DAYID W. R. MORGAN, SR. C;-oss . in several veterans' hoson Swarthmore and neighboring Kenyon aqd ·.on. Unill" avenues pitals near PlJiladelphia and to communities. after he moved ... to ~ SwarthlIlDre. C.A.JRoE. HtflPrtan IRel.J~ and In a statement explaining his Later he lived al' Yjlle and Rut-. U.N.I.C.E.F. have 'been added to group's stand. Mr. Bradshaw sai'd. gers avenueS. and for the past. its olher agencies helped. "We believe Swarthmoreans can years he had made his 'home Mrs., Gn R4Sh' R~rts· Laura would touch ~warthmore. pany, and. as such. supervised the George McKeag is chalnnan of design of many major types, of more. to Drexel's Board of Partridge is perslstently tnteres!ch Trustees. (Cont!.nued on Page 5) committee on W'P Ross tacllities and directed a force of Cast of 24 to Appear Dr. Morgan is professor of eni ~:~!~.~:: Harry Oppenlander. approximately 300 engineers !lnd I II P . IF ·S. Chambers. Jr.• William .' (ContinUed on Page. to) n " e an gineering in the institute's col- Creek Valleys Topic Edmund Jones and Paul. . . Prejudice" lege of engineering, retir:e.d viceFor Feb. 18th ~rogram wtll serve along with rep. Danna Cope. Gunnar _Quist, president of the Westtnghouse Peter A. Larson, executive di-.· Ieslmtiati·....es named by the local Anne Hiroch. and Bruce McCut- Electric Corporation and pa91 rector' of the Delaware County pl'eSident of the American Society B~:~:~~e. Association (G. West cheon will play tIie leading roles C, Robert S. Bird); Wom_ in Swarthmore -High School's of Mechanical Engtneers. He is a Planning COmmission. and' John Club (Mrs. Avery Blake. Ml·s. Eagle' Scout Bob Beckmann. coming pro'duction "Pride and graduate of Ohio Northern Uni- P. Evans. chairman of theCitiz~ Creek Valley ,Association of Bates); Property Own- senior patro,l leader of Swarth- .FPejudice,n a tl!ree act. comedy versity. Ihe county. will sPeak and' show Association (Frankltn T. Fl"h- more Troop 2. B.B.A.• was chosen adapted from' the novel by Jane Dr. Morgan is a' regislered pro~ pictures illustrating the theme Edward L. Noyes); and by the Valley Forge Council tl! Austen. The play' will be present- fessional engineer. a member of "What You Cali do to Save the Le'llue of Women Voters. The represent the 2.500 scouts of Dela- I'd in the high school auditorium the Engineers' Club of New. York. Creek Valleys of Delaware Coun_ W. V, had not yet named of~ ware and Montgomery C~ties next Friday evening; February 22 • the Engtneers' Club of Phlladel- 'ty". at a program Monpay, Febru_ representativl!!! although it as a member of the deleg"tion ?f at 8:15 under the direction of Mrs. (Continued on Page 10) ary 18. Mrs. Duncan FOster and Mrs. scouts from all over Pennsylvarua Hanna K. Mathews. The p~ogram is. sponsored by ~tel.hen· WhIcher to a meettng of Who reported on their scout. pro- The unusually larie cast of 24 the Hill and Hollow Club. Mrs. committee Tuesday "'·ening. grams to G~vernor George Leader is making every effort to reveal John Larson. Wallingford. chair-' Council moved to accomplish and membe~ of th~ Stat~ Senate the .satlre of the 18th Century on mao. most ptree~ improvements In Harrisburg on Llncoin s birth- the lack of educatiol,l. of snobbery The public is cordially invited to. (Continued on Page 5)~. . and sentimentality, even to the The Garne! Can.teen will be en- attend the meeting which will 'be Bob and his dad J. Harry Beck~ potnt of exaggeration to produce tertained ,this week by a magician. held at 8 p.m. tn the Friends Meet"; mann. instituional representative the desired effect. • 'signed on by the Citlzen's Athletic ing House. Swarthmore.. Plans for to scouting lor the Swarthmore Committee. through the efforts of the program. were an:anged by t Presbyterian .ChUrch. 1 un c he d Graham Wentz. The show will go Mrs. Laurence Stabler. WallingFlorence Corson Bremer of 238 with Governor Leader. members U.N. Observer, to Speak on at 9 p.m. sharp. ford. ?tC~'il1l,on avenue died Sunday at of the State Senators, and other . At ,vfhiHier Thursday Last week the Canteen so enMrs. Stabler was hostess to hOme. She was born .in Phila- scouts and scout executives. joyed Skipper Dawes at the piano, The Swarthmore Branch of the presiden Is of the surrounding Following the luncheon the and had lived tor many scout entourage was guided Women's International League for and the "Girl Friends'" singing, Garden cluhs at a tea last week in Swarthmore. that Dr. Samuel Gurtn has con- when Mrs. J. ·H. HardY..,()f Lansblrs. Bremer was a member of tlu'ough the State Capitol bnlld- Peace and Freedom will meet on sented to try to give another such downe spoke on the Creek ValleYS Swarthmore Presbyterian tng and visited the Senate Ch1Ull" Thuniday. February 21. at 8 p.m.• evening. March 9. uSing local tal~ of the county.' . where she' was 'actlve in ber for Lincoln's birthday obser- WhIttier Hause,' to hear Gladys llibl C'I .She' vations. WhIle the' scouts were in Walser speak on the subject ''The ent to sing several popular numbers. and lead the group tn more e 8l!S. was a mem- the chamber they were hOllOred U. N. and our Fe>relgn PoliCy" . H.S.lasketbcill Dales hit tunes. Of the Poets .Club at 89th by the members of the State SenMrs. Walser represents the InSwartllnlore High School's boys' ternational W.I.L. as their official Thi. week Bob Hulme will basektball schedule has been adServlees were held ~t the Pat- ate. . ObServer at the U. N; she bas supervise. Mr. and Mrs. DoIIald j u_ted to have the last game of . Funeral Home. Melli., recently testified' at ,Joint Con... Turner, and Mr. and Mrs. ,John the season, the Sprindeld game; ~"""e8(iay aftemooo. 'Interment " •••.., Circle to M...lfeSSioruiJ H~ tn Washing- MC!Quade will chaJlel:Olle. played at Sp~eldoo '1'!turtday In C'meteJoy. The . l'rfendJy eb:cle wfU - ' ton 011 the Blsenhower DoctrIne. The Canteen taIri!a th1s oppor- evening. February It. . B. C.·!Drst Rnd Edna Cor- TIIeo1ay, February. 19,' . at the ~ her addfta, at '7:10, tunity to thaIIk Dave OJOIiul fOr sisters of lira. Br..... ··~ . . . . of lira. KaJtt BiWe, 125 membel'lr and fl'ieDds are tnvltai Ids senfeee _ dIaIrman of etamp;. ·Thelast.pme tor th!I'ctrts Is at the Dickl".... a~ ad- Rutgers aftilUe, !Irs. ··Dtllw;,nto a9OCla1 haJr~1iout ofts, d II tllM!Dt. Geoz,.GureCt has ~ to be played that 4I!iiloon lit with UPPIt'·Douti)o lit the lie. _hocl' r aDd .co«ee.. . conseIlted to tab' over the job. 1:. Daman l .will . Upper ~,Sentor lDRb. SehooL ' " '-" Splid Gold CadHJac Glitters for Audience T;{w. 111 Ho'pper .Heads. . n;;; Ad Z· IMY a rmmermalUl Names Green LocaJMan Appointed To Drexel Board SHS' Readr"es for PI r b' 'ay re ruary ·d . d Eagle Scout Travels, To Harrisburg for BSA Bremer .Dies, Ave. Reside.. R. D. 16, Media. Pa. . Opposite High Meadow:· .:,., To Vote? Are You Magician Scheduled For Saturday Canteen . - , WHITAKEI!- OLDS., INC. '.' .. 340 W. BalHmore "ye. Media: r ......,a. .Nurseries; Inc~ $. . . . .',.,. _..·IinI ........ 1fnI, h •• " .. I.~'_AD"'" -.'.Yl .. PrJ. • ....... DRIVE' A '57 OLDSMOBILE AT _..- . Tel.,.....: CHeste.. 2.7206 Ask. fpt lien IPalmer or Henry Arn~ 10...... Martet ..... M~_ Road "lit .... , 'a,. ·1.11 .... 11Na f ' ;. lei" .If . . . . _ 0_ eM ", . .'$'" .................. y. . . . , .u.n .01 •. IO.CK.' ,nl" '. Custom I.!andscape Work 8:30 .... ,._ _ ... (MIlo .. Middle'town .. r- ... I1• •' .. I ..... ... . - ON .11 ••• OUR ,I ._.$395T" :Rose ... ,. ... . . lkbt. co•• , WEDNESDAY THE SWARTHMOREAN Registered eve:. as n...e'" ONLY 'Ik., Ale You ~: .::; -~. -.- . ;..... " ::, \.- ' .... '"':, , ,, INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSUR~ Page 12 Memorial Service Sun IJerome Robt0.i.p.~~ns. ;Music' Club to Meet ,WIL ~~~~~~Sf~DRESS ~~~~~~, A::';'i~~:e~O~e~~:~d:~ College LedU~iSe"es , Wh'tt' I For John KHarper: f~om P5g~ I Monday In I ler ser~~~' ~~~ N;~io?s fO~ p~rpose o~ .t~: ;~~;r ra~~: I Delaware County Chapter Penn- • I III M 'ce Hussey an ob- the Traininy' Center, wiII discuss (Continued 1) 1 to 1!nited the. . , h N Y k I I the United Nations Assoclai1on 0 WOlks op on 5 aLl . John K. Harper, 78, of 1 Golf i Ballet Russe, and. t e or I The Swarthmore Musi:. Club Great Britain, will give an program from 9 to 10 a.m. Feb. 8. Vicw road, Wallingford, died I City Centcl, Ml\! ~lJt.ms I~as i will n:teet Monday. :c!>ruuIY 11, hoated talk based on ~er extensIve, . Monday. February 4, in Sarasota, i done the cho..~;~~ ~r O~ at 8: 15 P.~. at .\V~ltt1Cr J:I0U~~ travels and experience, at the Fla" following an emergency the Town," "Hig'ti .tsut~on_ Shoes, ' . After a bnef bustO,css meet~ng I Grace Lutheran Church. School operation. Mr. Harper had teen i "Call Me Madam" and "The King, charge of the president, Ml s, \V I lana and Edmonds avenue, Drexel ........-: a resident of Wallingford s!n~e and I." ie',,,, R.. Leeron, Mrs. Nothera Hubbol ,Hill, on Monday evening, .Febr.u~ , ~O 1932 and had spent winter In ; Th e selles .' "IJ I. a Iso I·nclude. WIll present the program. ! ary 11 at 8 p.m. Her htleW.IS., ,\\\ . , f Up Florida for many years. '10 ,. H .. (.. . Febru- I Mrs. Maydell Ekscrglan 0 -I "Glimpse Through Three 111- I jill sea. ammers eUlt·~· I.: Iii '11 I' y . I" t H~ attended Swar·thmol'c Col- 13 1 1'.)' 17; Budd Sch~m';r~ , February· per Providence, a ce ~t, W.I P a 'i dows", a ~eport on .recent ': 51 S 0 ~. lege, spent sevel'al years on the 24; Harold CI,,-,:npn,ulMarch 3t. Mrs. Eksergian stud~e~ In. Den-I South AfrIca. RUSSIa ~nd Uie U,N. Isle of pjnes, Cuba,. in the nursery Paul Cn~ston: March 17, and mark. New York, and In PhlladelMrs. Hussey's tal~ IS scheduled Our ample stocks make it I business and was 111 the automo- L'awrence L an gncl', . A'prl'l 7. A phia with Herman Sandby, who, under the sponsorship of and ar. possible for us to combile business in Baltimore and t' . t . director to be an- 'I was fm' many years first celhst I ranged by representatIves from . IOn PIC ule will . speak. March of the Phlla~elp . h'la 0 rc hestra' later in Harnshurg untI"1 h e re- ,mo nouncerl 'later . several coopera t.mg .b ranches of pound even the most comtired in 1932. Since then he had 10 _". I,·.·rr t; ':,' .:~ .. under Stokowskl. Later she studled the Women's International Lea~ue plex prescription without been active in numerous chari-· .l \~; ,~ , with Maurice Eisenberg, star pU- for Peace and Freedom includmg I delay. You'll apprcciate table institutions including the • :' ., t,.: . pil of Casals, and with Alexanian, the Swarthmore branch, Mrs. John Friends Boarding Home in West collaborator with Casals, in \V. Carroll; and the Media branch'l our prompt, courtcou, Chester, The Home for Destitute I l\rIrs. Eksergian's accompanlst Margaret Price. service-and oue p~ices Colored Children in Cheyney, 'will be Joseph Terranova, who _ _ _~_ _ _ _ Camp Sunshine in D e l a w a r e . • has a stUdio in Philadelphia. Mr. Junior .Club's are always fair. County, and the Rosemont InstiThe annual Benjamin West 1<:<=-,· Terranova studied in Italy, New Fash,'on Show Tuesday tution for retarded children in ture on fine arts will be an 11- York, and in South America under Baltimore. lustra ted lecture by Dr. Charles Joseffi, who edited many works of (Continued from Page i) He was a 32nd degree Mason Mitchell, lecturer, of Warburg and. Chopin. helped. Those shown in the picCATHERMAN'S , and a member of the Lulu Temple Courtauld Institute, London, Eng -, After the intermission,· Mrs. ture on page one are learning to DRUG STORE of Philadelphi.: . . land-'jSigismo~do Ma Ia t e~ t a: A Eleanor Markham Smyers, so- use their under-developed abiliM... Harper is survIved by his' Renaissance PrlOce and HIS prano, will sing several numbers, ties at the Training Center in \\'ife, Mrs. Helen Mel Ivam . E as t - moriah;", to . be given Th urs d ay. among them "L' Esclave" by La I0, Lansdowne. As more money beKI 3-0586 h d . th comes available, more children wick Harper; three sons, Ric ar February 14, at, 8; 15 p.m. In e ,"Les Trois Prieres" by Paladilhe. can be helped. "Think of them as E. and J. Alan of Wilmington, Friends Meeting House of Swarth- "Adieu, Forets" from "Jeanne d' Del., and John R. of Runnemede, more. 'Arc" by Tschaikowsky. "The Is- Valentinc's Day approaches," Mrs. N. J.; a daughter, Mrs. Thomas Dr. Mitchell, -recently a visiting land" by Rachmaninoff. and three Scully said, "and spread the word S. Wood, Jr., Corning, N. Y.; two lecturer at Bowden College, _has Schubert compositions. about the good work being done sisters, Mrs. Frank Feaster and an international reputation as one 1\1rs. Smyers studied at the Uni_ at the Training Center and ShelMrs. Elwood C. Perry of P h I'l B:- of the brilliant· young scholars versity of Kansas and at the Jul- tered Workshop in Lansdowne." delphia; two brothers, Frank 0 r trained at one of the great intel- liard SchOOl of Music. At present Mrs. Robert Berry, chairman I Cape May, N. J., and Charles of lectual centers. ·of learning in the. she is studying under Mrs. Carolyn of the education committee of the , Tcxns; IO gr~ndchildl'en and one fiel~ of ~rt, the Warburg Institute D. Dengler of Philadelphia. Mrs. great-grandchIld. which SInce World War II has Smyers is a member of the ChanMemorial services will be held i been affiliated with the Courtauld I cel Choir of the Swarthmore Presat the Society of Friends Meeting 1Institute. Here, as in the past at byterian Church. House in Swarthmore on Sunday,' Haplburg, where the Institute Mrs. Smyers will be accomFebruary 10, at 4 p.m. Friends came into being,. scholars devote panied by Mrs. Helen Ventner, are invited. In place of fl?wers their attenti.on to the cpntributions I' well known in Swarthmore as a donations to the A mer de aln of the claSSIcal cultures of Greece teacher of piano and a former Friends Service Committe will be and Rome i~ .th,~, ~o,mat!o~. of president of the Music Club. Mrs, appreciated. later western European clvlhza- Ventner studied at the New Eng-~-I t i o n s . , land Conservatory in Boston. A ROCKET Dr: Mitchell is an acknowledged A social hour in charge of Mrs. authority in the field of the art of E. R. Mullins. hospitality chairthe Italian Renflissance and will man, will follow the program. VERY POCKET I give an insight info the workings J\nyonc interested in music is of the mind and heart of a great cordially Invited to attend. Italian Renaissance patron of the Value' ActIon' luxury' You get arts, Sigismondo Malatesta. alllhree In Olcls for '57' Choose "r saw it in •the Swarthmorean.'· from lhe Golden Rockel 88, SU..... 88 or S'arflre 98. There's one lUll right for you , •• and 01 a mod"" price you" like' ~w ill~s-I I I "w·· i : ,=::;:: 2! .. ....-;; S., ~ I I • I BenJ West. Lect-urer I Scheduled ·for Thurs I par~s. Me-I I I I ----. I I Delaware County Medical Society Clarifies Mass Polio Immmiization Program Beginning in Feb, We catch the Early ladies' Day Train to New York and have more time for everything! '- $395 The Delaware County ME:."dical SOCiety announces the following policy for its mass polio vaccination program at free clinics at the 5 General' Hospitals in Delaware' County: . f. Vaccine will ,be available for aU children from age 6 months to 19 years inclusive whose parents feel that they cannot afford such vaccinations in private doctors' offices. Each child vi:;iting the clinics must be accompanied by a parcnt or guardian. 2. Thos:e children who have received NO previous polio immunization will ·be giVen FIRST INJECTIONS at the February. ~. COMI ON INI •• OUI GUI . . . 0. A .OCKII IIITI DRIVE A '57 OLDSMOBILE AT _ _ WHITAKE~ OLDs, INC, . . 340 W. Baltimore Ave. Media, Penna. ~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~ 3. clinics. Those children who hE!ve received 1 previous polio injection ~ will be given SECOND INJECTIONS at t\:Ie March clinics. 4. All THIRD INJECTIONS will be given at the September clinics. This definition of policy should clarify any previous misconceptions concerning when patients are to .present themselves for needed immunization. The specific dates, times, nnd locations of the Societysponsored free clincis are as follows: February March . September 1st 2nd 3rd .Hospital Day, TIme Injection Injection Injection Crozer Mori. 3-5 P.M. 11 th & 18th 11th & 18th 9th & 16th Taylor Tues. 3C5 P.M. 12th & 19th 12th & 19th 10tiI& 17th Chester Wed. ·3-5 P.M. i3th & 20th 13th & 20th 11th & 18th Fitzgerald Mercy Thur. 3-5 P.M. 14th & 21st 14th & 21st 12th & 19th .Delaware County Fri. 3-5 P.M. 15th & 22nd 15th & 22nd 13th & 20th "YOU MEET THE NICEST PEOPLE AT SPEARE'S" STORE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday, 9:30 to 5:30: Friday, 9:30 to 9:00: Saturday, 9:30 to 6:00 .. (orll... ....... IlL 11l1li ...nlllo IIcI. hi Ta St., ... M. IlL Custom Landscape Work GOING Telephone: CHester 2.7206 C-_, ."a -- -F - BLENDTONE STOCK Ask for Ben Palmer or Henry Amold ."U.N_-....cIoriooe...... .,.. Vllit oar Roadside Market on '"e Middletown Road dilDay, ,he Correct Style • • • dlways ,he Correct Shade SEASONAL SPECIAL . 5 Ills. S......rd Wild Bird Food anti Bird Feeder $U9 54 Gauge 15 Denier 51 Gauge 30 Denier - Ne. y ..... ••y . . . . . . . . . ..,. . ..... lalS TIMtn......_ ,.. _ s-,.--"....., 1.35 . TREE WORK Tri• •11I9 ~ Tra• .,I•• " ... ..at. Arra.......'. I,ow for Spri., S,ra, Program f Registered To Vote? THE SWARTHMOREAN VOLUME 29-NUMBER 7 SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1957 Are You To Vote? $4.00 PER YEAR Requiem Mass Held s:!o:~:r:~::~~d F!~:!~ ICitizens Organize' Figgatt 3rd Investments Dessert-Bridge Tues. Series Speaker To Oppose Route A For George B, Rumsey To Aid Charity Groups schools in accordance with the calendar adopt"li by the Board at Marshall Figgatt will conduct the close of last year, will be closthe third session of the series on 56·Year Resident Headed ed for a one day holiday in ob- "Citizens of Swarthmore Op- Investments Cor Women now posing Route 'A'," under the leadClubwomen's Annual servance of Washington's birthWell-Known Local meeting on Thursday mornings at ership of Chairman T. A. Bradday on Friday, February 22. Benefit Opens lOin the Woman's Club House Family Schools will reopen at the usual shaw of Ogden avenue, began cir- on Park avenue. The course is at 1 P.M. a petition last week Requiem Mass for George B. hour on Monday morning, Febru- culation open to the general public. end expressing ·~etermined and The 'international affairs deRumsey, who came to Swarthmore ary 25. Figgatt, a graduate of Middle- partment of the Woman's Club of unalterable opposition" to the in 1901 to be an automobile mech"A' or Riverview Road Route for bury College and an ex-Marine Swarthmore will give its annual anic with the old Swarthmore THOMAS W. HOPPER who served in Korea dUring the benefit dessert bridge party Tuesthe proposed Expressway. Service Company, was celebrated Reasons stated for the group's war, will discuss "Types of Se- day afternoon at I in the c1ubat 10 a.m. Tuesday in the Church curities." A film on mutual funds hous·e, 118 Park avenue. .pposition include: of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Condemnation and downgrading wilJ be shown. Morton. He died Friday morning Each spring this department of properties in the Borough; reat the Wallingford home of his Each member of the class is- sponsors a fund raising event to duction of tax yield to the Swarth- asked to come to the third and meet the ever increaSing demands son, Dr. William Potter Rumsey, more-Rutledge Union SchOOl Dis- fourth sessions of the series for help outside the local comwhere he had been since January trict resulting from condemnation equipped with the financial sec- munity. 17 when he was released from of Rutledge properties; the pros- tion (with stock prices) of a Temple University Hospital folThe club supports a Korean pect of increased traffic on Chester newspaper. lowing three week's treatment. orphan, contributes to the enterRoad throughout the Borough: and Born in Rockton, Del., in April, tainment committee of tlie Red heavy economic and social impact DAVID W. R. MORGAN, SR. C~oss in several veterans' has.... 1878, Mr. Rumsey first lived on on Swarthmore and neighboring Kenyon and on Union avenues pitals near Philadelphia and to communities. after he moved to Swarthmore. C.AJR,.E. Hllp!$lrian IRe1Jef and In a statement explaining his Later he lived at Yale and RutU.N.1.C.E.F. have been added to group's stand, Mr. Bradshaw said, gers avenues and for the past five its other agencies helped. "We believe Swarthmoreans can years he had made his home with Mrs. Gorton W. Brush, is chairunite on this basis in a common a son, Ellis, on South Chester (Continued on Page 10) purpose to preserve the beauty road. and charm of the town in which After his employment with the we live." former Swarthmore Service ComMr. Bradshaw's statement folpany, on the Dartmouth avenue lows: site of the present Co-op. ter"In view of continuing emphasminated, he worked for many is on Route 'A' by the State Highyears for Judge William Potter of Narbeth, Roberts Co-Star; way Department, it has become Elm avenue and following the Narrator, Entices at increasingly clear that residents Judge's death continued working of Swarthmore opposing' Route here for the Judge's daughter, Players Club 'A' must find an effectlve method (Continued on Page 10) The Players Club's production Local Resident Promoted of expressing their stand to the of "Solid Gold Cadillac" authored responsible authorities. ThereBy Engineering by Howard Teichmann and fore, we have chosen the timeFirm George S. Kauffman, is playing to honored and effective means of a full houses and happy crowds this Thomas W. Hopper, president ·citizens' petition. The demand-for week at the Fairview road clubof the Borough Council of Swarih- such a petition was spontaneous, house. Directed 'by Ned Pyle with more, has been elected president far-reaching and insistent. McKeag 15 Chairman of Donald Hand assisting, the proDay and Zimmermann, Inc., one CIA group of residents joined tod'uction indicates again that film in Expressway of the nations leading engineering gether as 'Citizens of Swarthmore and theatre enhance each other; firms. Opposing Route fA" for the purProtest that contrast adds interest. Hopper, who had been execu- pose of drafting and circulating As requested by February 4th's To see only the movie of the tive vice-president, succeeds Theo- such a peti~ion. This petition town meeting on the proposed same title is to miss entirely the dore E. Seelye, who continues as states only one thing-firm opposL Pres. S tat e Expressway, President Names Engineering narrator, originally played by Thomas Hopper, at Monday eve- a director and member of the ex- tion to Route 'At because it would Fred Allen, handled wHh comProfessor cause serious, unnecessary. and ning's meeting of Borough Coun- ecutive .committee. mendable poise and aplom\:I by Hopper, who has \:Ieen with (Continued on Page 10) Trustee cil, named a committee to camRobert DeWitt in this -production. Day and Zimmerman since 1941, paign for the adoption of the Dr. James Creese. president of To see only the play is to miss the Green Route west of Media in- became executive vice-president Drexel Institute of Technology, sweep and interest of the stock_ last August. He previously was di_1 stead of the Red or Blue Routes rector of engineering for the com_ has announced the appointment of holders assembled in meeting. which would touch Swarthmore. Dr. David W. R. Morgan, SwarthAlison Rush· Roberts' Laura pany, and, as such, supervised the George McKeag is chairman of more, to Drexel's Board of Partridge is persistently interestdesign of many major types, of the committee on which Ross facilities and directed a force of Trustees. (Continued on Paga 5) Pfalzgraff, Harry Oppenlander, approximately 300 engineers and Cast of 24 to Appear Dr. Morgan is professor of enFrancis S. Chambers, Jr .• William In "Pride and (Continued on Page 10) gineering in the institute's col- Creek Valleys Topic Lee, Edmund Jones and Paul lege of engineering, retire,d vicePrejudice" Banks will serve along with repFor Feb. 18th Program president of the Westinghouse resentatives named by the local Peter A. Larson, executive diElectric Corporation and past Business Associatioh (G. West president of the American Society rector of the Delaware County I cheon will play the leading roles COChrane, Robert S. Bird): Womof Mechanical Engineers. He is a Planning Commission, and ..Tohn I in Swarthmore High School's an's Club (Mrs. Avery Blake, Mrs. Eagle Scout Bob Beckmann, J coming production "Pride and graduate of Ohio Northern Uni- P. Evans, chairman of the CitiRaynham Bates); Property 9wnzeJ;ls Creek Valley Association of versity. ers Association (Franklin T. Flah- senior patrol leader of Swal'th- Pl'ejudice/' a three act comedy Dr. Morgan is a registered pro- the county, will speak and show erty, Edward L. Noyes); and more Troop 2, B.S.A., was c~osen adapted from the novel by Jane pictures illustrating the theme League of Women Voters. The by the Valley Forge CounCIl to Austen. The play will be present- fessional engineer, a member of "What You Can do to Save the L. W. V. had not yet named of- represent the 2,500 scouts of De~a_ ed in the high school auditorium the Engineers' Club of New York, Creek Valleys of Delaware Coun_ fiCial representatives although it ware and Montgomery Co~ntles next Friday evening; February 22, the Engineers' Club of Philadel- ty", at a program Monday, Febru_ (Continued on Page 10) Mrs. Duncan Foster and Mrs. as a member of the delegatIon ?f at 8:15 under the direction of Mrs. ary 18. s~outs from all over Pennsylvawa Hanna K. Mathews. Whicher to a meeting of The program is sponsored by who reported on their scout proThe unusually large cast of 24 committee Tuesday evening. the Hill and Hollow Club, Mrs. Council moved to accomplish grams to Governor George Leader is making every effort to reveal John Larson, Wallingford, chairmost street improvements ~nd me?,bers of th,: Stat; S~nate the satire of the 18th Century on man. In HarrIsburg on Llncoln s bll'ththe lack of education, of snobbery . (Continued on Page 5) The pUblic is cordially invited to day. The Garnet Canteen will be .. an d sen t'Imen t a I·t l' y, even t a th e ..en- attend the meeting which will be Bob and his dad J. Harry Beck- point of exaggeration to produce I tertained this week \:Iy a magICla?, held at 8 p.m. in the Friends Meetmann, i?stituiona~ representative the desired effect.' J signed on by the Citizen's Athlebe ing House, Swarthmore. Plans for to scouting for the Swarthmore Committee, through the efforts of Presbyterian Church, 1 un c h e d Graham Wentz. The show will go the program _ were arranged by Mrs. Laurence Stabler, WallingFlorence Corson Bremer of 238 with Governor Leader, members U.N. Observer, to Speak on at 9 p.m. sharp. .ford. ~ICki"Lso:n avenue died Sunday at of the State Senators, and other At ·WhiHier Thursday Last week the Canteen so en- Mrs. Stabler was hostess to home. She was born in Phila- scouts and scout executives. The Swarthmore Branch of the joyed Skipper Dawes at the piano, presidents of the surrounding and had lived for many Following the luncheon. the Womenls International League for and the "Girl Friends'" singing, Garden clubs at a tea last week in Swarthmore. scout entourage wa~ gUl~ed I Peace and Freedom will meet on that Dr. Samuel Gurin has con- when Mrs. J. H. Hardy of LansMrs. Bremer was a member of !hrough t~~ State CapItol bwld- Thursday, February 21, at 8 p.m., sented to try to give another such downe spoke on the Creek Valleys Swarthmore Presbyterian lng and vI,Slted ~he .Senate Cham- Whittier House, to hear Gladys evening, March 9, using local tal- of the county. Cbttrch where she was active in ber for LIncoln s bIrthday obser- Walser eak on the subject "The ent to sing several popular numBible Class. She was a mem_ vations. While the scouts were in U. N. a~~ our Foreign Policy". bers and lead the group in more H.s. Basketball Dates of the Poets Club at 69th the chamber they were honored Mrs. Walser represents the In- hit tunes. Swarthmore High. School's boys' by the members of the State Sen- ternational W.I.L. as their official This week Bob Hulme will basekt\:Iall schedule has been adServices were held at the Pat- ate. Observer at the U. N; she has supervise, Mr. and Mrs. Donald justed to have the last game of Funeral Home, M1edia, C M. recently testified at Joint Con- Turner, and Mr. and Mrs. John the season, the Springfleld game, ~I!dlne:sd.,y afternoon. Interment Frieadl, lrel. to ee gressional Hearings in Washing- McQuade will chaperone. played at Springfleld on Thursday in Eastlawn Cemetery. The Friendly Circle will meet ton on the Eisenhower Doctrine. The Canteen takes this oppor- evening, February 21. Airs. B. C. Hirst and Edna Cor- Tuesday, February 19, at the Preceding her address, at 7:30, tunity to thank Dave Grogan for ·The last game for the girls is sisters of Mrs. Bremer, home of Mrs. Mark Bittle, 125 members and friends are invited his services as chairman of equip.. to be played that at at the Dickinson avenue ad- Rutgers avenue. Mrs. Dillwyn to a social half-hour over dessert ment. George Garrett has kindly 3: 30 with Upper Darby at the , Dumall will be co-hostess. and coffee. consented to take over the job. Upper Darby Senior High School. oI Solid Gold Cadillac Glitters for Audience T. W. Hopper Heads Day and Zimmermann Hopper Names Green Route Committee Local Man Appointed To Drexel Board SHS Readl'es for Play February 22 EaglHe SC?"bt TrfavelBsSA To arrIS urg or Beigetone - Blue~one - Mapletone Siles 811l - II HOSI~RY DEPT_-5pure's Fitst Roor re-I I Registered A~:n';;ir3;:P:nd G~~.:'c: M~~~St= Bremer Dies, Ilckiins(]ln Ave. Resident R. D. 16, Media, Po. Opposite High Meadow Tickets Must 8e Purchased Be'ore Boarding Train No Half Fares for Children 8:30 e ........... PI.na.... 8:40 _ _ _ - Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. MiddletoWn Road Are You Magician Scheduled For Saturday Canteen WEDNESDAY ,_" ONLY l'p, February 8, 1957 THE SWARTHMOREAN afternoon INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE ~I February 8, 1957 THE SW~A j~R~T~H~M~O~R~~E~A~N~-;-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I=:::::::::::-::=-;::~:~;::::: . __"'-,.... 2 " Page 1 I '': Delaware County Chapter Penn- Rob~0ci~9~ins. ;Music' Club to Meet IWIL ~~~~~~S~~DRESS ~~~~%:, A~~i~~:e~O~e~:~:~d:~ Memorl'al Service Sun IJerome College lecture Serres Wb' t' I f~om p);r~l) ,'. Monday In It ler ~he ~~r;:;r ~~d For John K. Harper i I • Mrs. Maurice Hussey, an ob- the Training Center, will discuss (Continued server to the United Nations for the purpose of I the United Nations Association of Workshop on statIon ra .10 John K. Harper, 78, of 1 Golf I Ball"t Russe, and. the . York i The Swarthmore Music Club Great Britain, will give an from 9 to 10 a.m. Feb. 8. Vicw road, Wallingford, died! CIty Center, Ml~ p;e:p~ms I~as i will ~eel IVlonday, ~e~r~ary l.!' trated talk based on h;e r extenslve. ;;::::~~;;;:~~;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;:;~ Monday February 4, in Sarasota, 'done the chore~apl1Jo; ;wr On at 8: 15 p.m. at Whlttler Hou~. travels and experience, at the '" ~Sh" ' es'50 meetm 0a m Grace Lutheran Chure, h S c I10 01 Fla. following an emergency the Town," "Hlgn 1",' .Dutton oes, Aftel' a b' riC l b usm ' . King charge 0 f th e p resident , Mrs.W' i Jane and Edmonds avenue, D re xel operation. Mr. Harper had been i "Call Me Madam," and ."The ..--: a resident of Wallingford since j and I" ,·vtlt,}ill r• . ! R. Leeron, AIl'S. Nothera Hubbell. Hill on Monday evening, Febnl<:1.4 1932 and had spent winter in ~ Th~ series :.\\'\1.1\. ~}so include: will present the l>rogr~m. _ i ary '11 at 8 p.m. Her title .is: Florida for many years. :0 ,. H er'stei ~ Fcbru- I Mrs. Maydell Ekserg1an . of Up "Glimpse Through Three Wm'sea, amm rnl ~ /.) . III t . II I " , ··t t H~ attended SWal'thmol'e COl-I ary 17' Budd Sch~lHC'r~, February , per PrOVidence, a ce s, .'11 p a)'1 claws", a report on recent VISl s 0 ~ . . lcge, spent sevcl"al . years on the 24; H~rold Chfrl!1ilQ.1.nMarch 3.. Mrs. Eksergian stu~e~ in. Den-I South Africa, Russia ~nd tlie U.N. Isle of Pines, Cuba, In the nursery 1 P_ I C to' Ma' I'ch 17 and mark, New York, and In PhlladelMrs. Hussey's talk IS scheduled Our ample stocks make it • nU rps. n" 'h I . business and was 111 the automo- I L·' 'en e Longncr Alll'il 7. A phia with Herman Sandby, \\ 0 under the sponsorship of and arpas.sible (or us to !Com· . , , bile business in Ba I hmore an d a WI t' . C ' t re dir.ectiJr to be an- ; was for many years /I rs t ceIli,t ~,ranged by represen t a t'Ives f r om pound even the most com .. later in Harrisburg until he re-: ~o:~:~ct:l:t~r will' speake- March lof the Phila~elphia Orches~ra I several cooperating !>ranches of tired in .1932 .. Since then he ha.d 10. ;' I;··;' 1·~' .:~ . Iunder Stok~wSkl: Later she studied the Women's Internabon~l Lea~ue plex prescription without been actIve In numerou~ chaflr~ .~·i~ ~~, ' with MaUrIce EISen~erg, star ~u- for Peace and Freedom mcludmg I delay. You·ll appreciate table institutions includmg the • " ': pil of Casals, and With Alexanlan, the Swarthmore branch, Mrs. John Friends Boarding Home in ,collaborator with Casals, in par!s. W. Carroll; the Media branch, our prompt:r courteous Chester, The Home for DestItute· Mrs. Ekserglan's accompamst Margaret PrIce'. service-and our p.dces Colored Children in Cheyney, 'will be Joseph Terranov~, who _ _ _~_ _ _ Camp Sunshine in D e l a w a r e . • has a studio in Philadelphia. Mr. Junior .Club's are always fair. County, and the Rosemont InstiThe annual Benjamin West Icc- . Terranova studied in Italy, New Fash,.on Show Tuesday tution for retarded children in ture on fine arts will be an ii-I York, and in South America under Baltimore. lustra ted lecture by Dr. Charles Joseffi, who edited many works of (Continued from Page i) He WdS a 32nd degree Mason Mitchell, lecturer, of Warburg and. Chopin. helped. Those shown in the picCATHERMAN'S , and a mem b er 0I tl le L uI u Temp Ie Courtauld Ins ti tute, L ond on, E ng -, After the intermission, . M rs. ture on page one are learning to DRUG STORE of Philadeiphi~ land-"Sigismondo Malatesta: A Eleanor Markham Smyers, 50- usc their under-developed abiliMr. Harper is survive. . d b y h'IS I RenaIssance PrInce. • an d H'IS Me-, prano, will sing several num b ers, ties at the Training Center in II E t wife, Mrs. Helen Me vam as - moria Is". to be gIven Th urs day, among them "L' Esclave" by LaIo, Lansdowne. As more money .beKI 3-0586 R' h d . th . comes available, more children wick Harpe,.; three sons, IC ar February 14, at 8: 15 p.m. In e I "Les Trois Prieres" by Palaullhe, can be helped. "Think of them as E. and J. Alan of Wilmington, I Friends Meeting House of Swarth- • "Adieu, Forets" from "Jeanne d' Valentine's Day approaches," Mrs. Del., and John R. of Runnemede, more. .. . ~ Arc" by Tschaikowsky, "The 15N. J.; a daughter, Mrs. Thomas Dr. IVIitcheIl, 'recently a v~siting land" by Rachmaninoff, and three Scully said, Hand spread the word S. Wood, Jr., Corning, N. yo; two lecturer at Bowden College, .has Schubert compositions. about the good work being done sisters, Mrs. Frank Feaster an d an international repUtation as one :Mrs. Smyers studied at the Uni_ at the Training Center and ShelMr~. Eh'l/ood C. Perry of Ph I'l a- of the brilliant young scholars versity of Kansas and at the Jul- tered Workshop in Lansdowne." I delphiaj two brothers, Fran k 0 f trained at one of the great intel- liard School of Music. At present Mrs. Robert Berry, chairman l Cape May, N. J., and Charles of Ie-ctual centers. of learning in the. she is studying , under Mrs. Carolyn of the education committee of the TexHs; 10 grandchildren and one field of art, the Warburg Institute I D. Dengler of Philadelphia. Mrs. great-grandchild. which since World War II has ISmyers is a member of the ChanMemorial services will be held \ been affiliated with the Courtauld !eel Choir of the Swarthmore Presat the Society of Friends Meeting Institute. Here, as in the past at byterian Church. House in Swarthmore on Sunday) . Hamburg, where the InstitUte Mrs. Smyers will be aceomFebruary 10, at 4 p.m. Friends came into being,. scholars devote panied by Mrs. Helen Ventner, are i~vited. In place of fl?wers their attenti.on. to the cpntribu·tions I well known in Swarthmore as a donations to the Am e r I!C aln of the claSSIcal cultures of Greece teacher of piano and a former Friends Service Committe will be and Rome in, Jp..Ei. format.io~. of president of the Music Club. l\'1rs. appreciated. later western European clvlhza- Ventner studied at the New Engtions., I land Conservatory in Boston. A ROCKET Dr: Mitchell is an acknowledged A social hour in charge of l\'1rs. authority in the field of the art of E. R. Mullins, hospitality chairthe Italian Renflissance and will man, will follow the program. POCKET I give an insight into the workings .t\nyone interested in music is of the mind and Heart of a great cordially Invited to attend. Italian Renaissance patron of the Valuel ActIon! Luxuryl You get arts, Sigismondo Malatesta. aU three In Old. for '571 Choose '-I saw it in the Swarthmorean.'· • I N~w ' ill~s-I progr~m I ·. . ! II BenJ West Lecturer I Scheduled for Thurs ~est ~nd • I I ----- I • from the Golden Rocket 88, Super 88 or Starflre 98. There·. one (list right for you ••• and at a modest price you'D likel Delaware County Medical Society Clarifies Mass Polio Immmiization Prograni Beginning in Feb. We catch the Early ladies' Day Train to New York and have more time for everythingl • ~ S.,~ll# p I:;; .. ' DA~ UD1ES OIIE.D~V ROIl~O·IR\P CO~CH ~~CUfl'O'OtlbK fo W£llI 'lOR EVERY WEDNESDAY '- S395 ONLY I. .·T" t. .... ' - StL tlltll Sl.1.1.1'IIiIl. 11& 1Id.,... The Delaware County Medical Society announces the following policy tor its mass polio vaccinaiion program at free clinics at the ~ Ge~eraf Hospitals in Delawar~ County: 1. Vaccine will be available for all children from age 6 months to 19 years inclusive whose parents feel that they cannot afford such vaccinations in private doctors' offices. Each child visiting the clinic~ must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. 2. Thos;e child~eri who have received NO previous polio immunization will ·be giVen FIRST INJECTIONS at the February. clinics. 3. Those children Who have received· 1 previous polio injection will be given SECOND-INJECTIONS at the March clinics. 4. All THIRD INJECTIONS will be given at the September clinics. This definition of policy should clarify any previous misconceptions concerning when patients are to .present themselves for needed immunization. The specific dates, times, and locations of the Societysponsored free clincis are as follows: February March September 1st 2nd 3rd Hospital Day , Time Injection Injection Injection Crozer Mori. 3-5 P.M. 11th &; 18th 11th & 18th 9th & 16th Taylor Tues. 3C5 P.M. 12th & 19th 12th& 19th 10th& 17th Chester Wed. '3-5 P.M. i3th & 20th 13th & 20th 11th & 18th Fitzgerald Mercy Thur. 3-5 P.M. 14th & 21st . 14th & 21st 12th & 19th .Delaware County Fri. 3-5 P.M. 15th & 22nd 15th & 22nd 13th & 20th .nUIIl. . .- .......... wy..... .ay . . . . . . . . . .., ....... -- IllS .......... TltwaHY •. _ s...,.-_ .._ E • CHester 2.7206 SEASONAL SPECIAL, 5 Ibs. Seaboard Wild Bird Food and Bird Feeder $U9 TREE WORK "alr. Trimml1l9 - T.... splallff ll9 Arra.......'. _'ow for Sprl., Spray Program To Vote? THE SWARTHMOREAN VOLUME 29-NUMBER 7 SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1957 Are You Registered To Vote? $4.00 PER YEAR Requiem Mass Held Schools Closed Feb.22/ Citizens Organize' IFiggatt 3rdSeries I~vestments Dessert.Bridge Tues• Speaker For George B. Rumsey ~~~:!:r i~dO~,;:~r!~n~~e ~!~rdt~~ To Oppose Route AI To Aid Charity Groups The Swarthmore and Rutledge. 56·Year Resident Headed Well-Known Local Family the dose of last 'year, will be clos"Citizens of Swarthmor~ Op. 0 b - posing Route 'A'," under the leade d f or a one d a y .h 0 lid a ,y In. servance of . Washington s blrth- ersh,'p of Chairman T. A. Brad- Marshall Figgatt will conduct the third session ofwthe series on Investments for omen now meeting on Thursday mornings at 10 in the Woman's Club House on Park avenue. The COurse is CI b U 'A I women s nnua • Benefit Opens at 1 P.M. day on Friday, February 22. shaw of Ogden avenue, began elrSchools will reopen at. the usual culqtlon of a petition last week Requiem Mass for George B. h da open to Ihe general pUblic. The 'international affairs deRumsey, who came to Swarthmore our on Man y mornmg, Febru- end expressing '~etermined and ary 25. unalterable opposition" to the Figgatt, a graduate of Middlepartment of the Woman's Club of in 1901 to be an automobile mech_ "A' or Riverview Road Route for bury College and an ex-Marine Swarthmore will give its annual anic with the old Swarthmore THOMAS W. HOPPER the proposed Expressway. who served in Korea during the benefit dessert bridge party TuesService Company, was celebrated Reasons stated for the group's war, will discuss "Types of Se- day afternoon at I in the clubat 10 a.m. Tuesday in the Chur"h include: curities." A film on mutual funds house, 118 Park avenue. of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, will be shown. Condemnation and downgrading Each spring this department Morton. He died Friday morning of properties in the Borough; reEach member of the class is. sponsors a fund raising event to at the Wall!ngford home of his duction of tax yield to the Swarth- asked to come to the third and meet the ever increasing demands son, Dr. William Potter Rumsey, more-Rutledge Union SchOOl Dis- fourth sessions of the series for help outside the local comwhere he had been sinee January trict resulting from condemnation equipped with the financial sec- munity. 17 when he was released from of Rutledge properties; the pros- tion (with stock prices) of a The club supports a Korean Temple University Hospital folpect of increased traffic on Chester newspaper. orphan) contributes to the enterlowing three week's treatment. Road throughout the Borough; and - -_ _ _ _ _ __ tainment committee of tIie Red Born in Rockton, Del., in April, heavy economic and social impact DAVID W. R. MORGAN, SR. C~oss in several veterans' hos1878, Mr. Rumsey first lived on on Swarthmore and neighboring pitals near Philadelphia and to Kenyon and on Union avenues communities. C.A!R,.E. H..,garian IReI,lef and after he moved to Swarthmore. In a statement eXplaining his U.N.I.C.E.F. have been added to Later he lived at Y~le and Rutgroup's stand, Mr. Bradshaw said, its other agencies helped. gers avenues and for the past five "We believe Swarthmoreans can years he had made his home with Mrs. Gorton W. Hrush, is chairunite on this basis in a common a son, Ellis, on South Chester (Continued on Page 10) purpose to preserve the beauty road. and charm of the town in which After his employment with the we live." former Swarthmore Service Com~Ir. Bradshaw's statement folpany, on the Dartmouth avenue lows: site of the present Co-op. ter"In view of continuing emphasminated, he worked for many is on Route 'A' by the State Highyears for Judge William Potter of Narbeth, Roberts Co-Star; way Department, it has become Elm avenue and following the Narrator, Entices at increasingly clear that residents Judge's death continued working of Swarthmore opposing' Route here for the Judge's daughter, Players Club fA' must find an effective method (Continued on Page 10) The Players Club's production Local Resident Promoted of expressing their stand to the of "Solid Gold Cadillac" authored responsible authorities. ThereBy Engineering by Howard Teichmann and fore, we have chosen the timeFirm George S. Kauffman, is playing to honored and effective means of a full houses and happy crowds this Thomas W. Hopper, pre3i(~cnt Icl.tlzen,s· petition. The demand . for week at the Fairview road clubof the Borough Council of Swarth- such a petition was spontaneous, house. Directed 'by Ned Pyle with more, has been elected president far-reaching and insistent. McKeag Is Chairman of Donald Hand assisting, the proDay and Zimmermann, Inc., one "A group of residents joined tod·uction indicates again that film in Expressway of the nations leading engineering gether as 'Citizens of Swarthmore and theatre enhance each other; firms. Opposing Route 'A" for the purProtest that contrast adds interest. Hopper, who had ·been execu- pose of drafting and circulating As requested by February 4th's To see only the movie of the town meeting on the proposed tive vice-president, succeeds Theo- such a peti~ion. This petition same title is to miss entirely the dore E. Seelye, who continues as states only one thing-firm opposi_ Pres. S tat e Expressway, President Names Engineering narrator, originally played by a director and member of the ex- tion to Route 'A' because it would Thomas Hopper, at Monday eveFred Allen, handled wIth comProfessor ecutive .committee. cause serious, unnecessary, and nIng's meeting of Borough Counmendable poise and aplomb by Hopper, who has been with (Continued on Page 10) Trustee cil, named a committee to camRobert DeWitt in this production. Day and Zimmerman since 1941, paign for the adoption of the Dr. James Creese, president of To see only the play is to miss the became executive vice-president Green Route west of Media in- last August. He previously was di_ Drexel Institute of Technology, sweep and interest of the stockstead of the Red or Blue Routes rector of engineering for the com_ has announced the appointment of holders assembled in meeting. whieh would touch Swarthmore. pany, and. as such, supervised the Dr. David W. R. Morgan, SwarthAlison Rush' Roberts' Laura George McKeag is chairman of design of many major types. of more, to Drexel's Board of Partridge is persistently interest ... the committee on which Ross facilities and directed a force of Trustees. (Continued on Page 5) Cast of 24 to Appear Pfalzgraif, Harry Oppenlander, approximately 300 engineers and Dr. Morgan is professor of e n - I . • Francis S. Chambers, Jr., William In "Pride and (Continued on Page 10) gineering in the institute's COl-I Creek Valleys TopIC Edmund Jones and Paul lege. of engineering, retir~d viceFor Feb. 18th Program Prejudice" Ballks will serve along with reppresldellt of the Westmghouse Danna Cope, Gunnar Quist, named by the local Peter A. Larson, executive diElectric Corporation and past Anne Hirsch, and Bruce McCutAssociation (G_ West president of the American Society rector of the Delaware County cheon will play the leading roles Robert S. Bird); Womof Mechanical Engineers. He is a Planning Commission, and John in Swarthmore High School's Club (Mrs. Avery Blake. Mrs. Eagle Scout Bob Beckmann, graduate of Ohio Northern Uni- P. Evans, chairman of the CitiRa:vnllarn Bates); Property Own- senior patrol leader of Swarth- coming production "Pride and versity. ze~s Creek Valley Association of Association (Franklin T. Flah- more Troop 2, B.S.A., was chosen Prejudice/' a three act comedy the county, will speak and show Dr. Morgi'ln is a registered proEdward L. Noyes); and by the Valley Forge Council to adapted from the novel by Jane pictures illustrating the theme fessional engineer, a member of of Women Voters. The represent the 2,500 scouts of Dela- Aus!en. The play will be present"What You Can do to Save the the Engineers' Club of New York, W. V. had not yet named of- ware and Montgomery Counties ed in the high school auditorium Creek Valleys of Delaware Coun_ the Engineers' Club of PhiIade1representatives although it as a member of the delegation of next Friday evening; February 22, ty", at a program Monday, Febru(Continued on Page 10) Mrs. Dunc~n Foster and Mrs. scouts from all over Pennsylvania at 8:15 under the direction of Mrs. ary 18. Stel~he'n Whicher to a meeting of who reported on their scout pra- Hanna K. Mathews. ._ The program is sponsored by The unusually large cast of 24 committee Tuesday evening. the Hill and Hollow Club, Mrs. grams to Governor George Leader Council moved to accomplish and members of the State Senate is making every effort to reveal John Larson, Wallingford, chairmost street improvements in Harrisburg on Lincoln's birth- the satire of the 18th Century on man. the lack of education, of snobbery (Continued on Page 5) The public is cordially invited to day. The Garnet Canteen will be en- attend the meeting which will be and sentimentali-ty. even to the , Bob and his dad J. Harry Beckpoint of exaggeration, to produce tertained this week by a magician, held at 8 p.m. in the Friends Meetmann, instituional representative signed on by the Citizen's Athletic ing House, Swarthmore. Plans for the desired effect. to scouting for the Swarthmore Committee, through the efforts of the program. were arranged by Presbyterian Church, I u n c h e d Graham Wentz. The show will go Mrs. Laurence Stabler, Wallingwith Governor Leader, members U.N. Observer. to Speak on at 9 p.m. sharp. ford. I;'lorence Corson ~remer of 238 1 of the State Senators and other avenue dIed Sunday at, ' . At ·Whinier Thursday Last week the Canteen so enMrs. Stabler was hostess to h Sh b ' Ph'l scouts and scout executives. The Swarthmore Branch of the joyed Skipper Dawes at the piano, presidents of the surrounding orne. eh wdasl . ed0rnfln 1 aFollowing the luncheon the '·'PIlI," and a IV or many SC011t entourage was guided Women's International League for and the "Girl Friends'!1 singing,! Garden clubs at a tea last week in Swarthmore. Peace and Freedom will meet on that Dr. Samuel Gurin has con-! when Mrs. J. H. Hardy of LansMrs. Bremer was a member of through the State Capitol buildThursday, February 21, at 8 p.m., sented to try to give another such downe spoke on the Creek Valleys ing and visited the Senate ChamSwarthmore Presbyterian ber for Lincoln's birthday obser- Whittier House, to hear Gladys evening, March 9, using local tal- of the county. - - -_ _ _ _ __ Chllrch where she was active in vations. While the scouts were In Walser speak on the subject "The ent to sing several popular numBible Class. She was a m6e9mth- the ehamber they were honored U. N. and our Foreign Policy". bers and lead the group in more H.S. of the Poets Club at by the members of the State SenMrs. Walser represents the In- hit tunes. Swarthmore High School's boys' ternational W.I.L. as their official This week Bob Hulme will basektball schedule has been adServices were held at the Pat- ate. Observer at the U. N; she has supervise, Mr. and Mrs. Donald justed to have the last game of Funeral Home, Media, recently testlJled at Joint Con- Turner, and Mr. and Mrs. John the season, the Springfield game, Frielldly Circle to Meet O'l!MEl\S. ~nager nlog 'before the Series dance at of Riverview road and Ogden .. the Woman's Ciub. . avenue. entertained Saturday and Swarthmore Methodist .. Church.! The Rev. ,John C. Kl4p. will Of-!: Mr. and Mrs. Oscar A. Klamer Monday afternoons for six guests flciate at the c e r e m o n y . , ~ and daughter Janet of Rutgers at Valentine parties in celebration avenue. returned last week from of her fourth birthday. a visit of several days with Carol Lincoln left last week for FETE BRIDE-TOoBE In Cranford. N. J. Grove City College following a MJ.ss, Mary Morrow ~. of VOCALISTS, DANCERS, INSTR~NTALISTS, HarVard avenue. and Mr. Wllham Mrs... Samuel D. Clyde of six day mid-semester visit with Barlow Patton of ·Rutledge. were NOVELTY ACTS, Etc. sWartIimore and Ogden avenues her parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles guests of honor at a dinner FebTHE LlO'NS CLUB OF SWARTII1\IORE IS PLANNING will join her d aug h t e r Mrs. E. Lincoln of Westdale avenue. 7 in Philadelphia given in AN AMATEUR SHOW IN MAY FOR CHARITY Mrs. P eIerB M Charles V. Thackara. Jr.. of . urray 0 f P ark their honor' by Mr. and Mrs. "Hopelea." Shrewsbury. N. J..• for avenue was guest 0 f h onor a t a James E. MacDermott of Mt. Aiq. For Auditions,Write Not Late, than February 24th to luncheon and the orchestra today b' . n dge an d st' ork shower given The marriage of Miss Banks and and wlll have Mrs. Thackara as T uesd ay n ig ht a. t th e h Ome 0 f M rs. Patton wlll take place SaturSKIPPER DAWES her guest for the week end. Ac- Russe11 G auI 0f " yecane. day. April' 13. Swarthmore. Pa., P. O. Box 359 compariied' by Mrs. Clyde's 'son Mr. and Mrs. George McKeag Miss Banks was also enterand daughter-in-law Mr. and . M . of Parrish road entertamed r. yesterday tained at awhen luncheon shower :MrS. Samuel D. Clyde. Jr.. of and Mrs. ChesIy M'anIy 0 f' Ch'leaMrs. and William W. Wallingford and Mrs. L. A. C. Williams of Greenville. Del.. with go as their house guests for a few Watkins of Swarthmore was be days of this week. Mr. Mauly Is her hostess. her daughters Page Clyde' WilJIams and Ann Archer Williams, visiting several universities and She will be honored again on MiD.WINTER TUNE colleges in the East in making a Monday. February 18 at a tea they will attend the confirmation survey on special . i ass gnment of and shower given for her. by Mrs. ; TRUCK .INSPECTION son Randolph of Mrs. William's • '. the managing editor of the,- Chi- Sproul Lewis of ."Deep Meadow". . DELCO TIERIES Lee Williams at St. Andrews Gradyville. cago Tribune. School. Middletown. De!. Randolph G.AS and OIL is a first year honor student. Dr. and Mrs. E. LeRoy Mercer. Mrs. FrsnkUn Gillespie and Mr. and Mrs: Albert L. Schoff of Ogden avenue had as their Mrs. David Braun of S,.'"r1Ohnlor,.1 ROBERt J. Sunday their son and entertstn at a luncheon and . ' of· Michigan avenue. will have as daughter.in ..law· Mr. and Mrs: at. the home of Mrs. GilRUSSELL'S . their guests fDr . a week their David Mercer. with their children lespie on Fri. day. February 22. in 0"'.',0' site a1lroucih'~~:l~Lt ,,~ .... . n '· daughter Mrs.B:'N.. Cox with· her Barbara. and Leah, of Pottstown. . KI '.' d·3 ...... d ......honor of MISs Banks. and' a lunch~ ftglwoo 0"""",, C '. . aa . .......y.... of .Towson. Md .• and who son willJimmy. arrive M\'S. .. Maurice L. Webster, Jr.. eon will be given at the COlncordl daughter Susan of Elm avenue returned' last Country Club on Monday. FebruSunday for a week's visit. ThUrsday' from Washington. D. C.• ary 25. by Mrs: Donald W. Poole Barbara Harlow, daughter of 'shewss a representative of and Mrs. Marvel Wtlson of Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Harlow of the: Swarthmore branch' of the Swarthmore. Lafayette avenue. returned home Wllmen's International League at' the end of the fIrSt semester Peace and Freedom at a legislative BIRTH 1rDm the University of Vermont, seminar for thr~' days. The semMr. and Mrs. Henry Faust. 2510 Burlington. Vt.. and Is attending . i nar was attended by more than Miller park. Winston-Salem; N. C.. ' Peiree School of Business Admin- 50 representatives of local branch- are receiving· congratulatio~ on istration' in Philadelphia. es throughout the country of the the birth of a seven pound. 14 Mrs. Harry F. Brown of North Women's International League. ounce son Carl Jacob. who arChester road entertained Tuesday Mrs. Clyde Miller Of Villanova rived on Tuesday. February 5. at a luncheon. avenue returned last week from Mr... Fsust is the former minislter I Mr.'and Ml-s:Richard Eckenroth Cape Charles. Va.. where she of m\lsic at the Swarthmore Presof Haverford place entertained visited relatives and attended the byterian Church. Mr. Lewis D. Gilbert, author. lec- wedding Df her niece. Miss Ida turer. and leader of. tbe Independ- Lee Warren and Mr. Preston E. FOR ent Shareholder Movement in Trower, 2nd.. which took place America, Wednesday evening. February 2. MAGAZINES 6 Park Avenue" Swarthmore, Po. LLOYD E. Mr. Gilbert was in Swarihmore " Dartlno.'. Ave•• e for an informal talk before 3·2080 Klng.woad 3-4191 Swarthmore College Economics' Friday 9 to 8:~O Personals' The Bouquet .., ....." ..,..........,.,........,.,.. .............. . 0 0 ~~_~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~.~.~.~.~~~~.~~~~~~~ ATTENTION: AMATEUR TALENT Il~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Up· F~e_b~ __~_15~._1_95_7____________________________~THE==~,SWARTHMOBEAN CUB PACK STANDS FOR INSPE.CTION Uniform inspection was College, School Land .' Background Given Page 3 Chief Praised .for Service College Annao_ $200 Tuition Rise the main order of business at the Wal- Dr. Courtney Smith. president liDgford Cub Pack meeting Moil- of Swarthmore College. talking Dr. Courtney Smith. president day, at the ;Wallingford Presby- of the Col1ea:e trustees· function to of Swarthmore College. announcterian Church. Explorer ScouJs- act in the interests Cst this non: ed Tuesday. that .the Board of Bill Jones. Bob Clancy. ·Braint . Managers of the college has voted !latin. Jim Nutt and Art Plotts-- pr?llt educational institution, at a tultion raise of $200 to begin were the inspectors. ,. . . the February 4th town. meeting. with the academic year 1957-';;8. Another hlghUght ilf the eve- dIgressed a bit from 'the highway The Board took this action to ning were awards to 24 Cubs as question, to give a history of land boost the tuition charge from $800,follows:' transactions between the College .' to $1000 a year 'at its meeting FebSam' Downes. gold' arrow on and the local School.Dlstrict. Thus . ruary 5. Charges for room and wolf; Wistar Kane. Eddie Bassett. he explained the Q.ackground of board. $725 s year. and a general wolf badge and bear book; Ricky what he felt soine reSidents might fee of $125. covering costs of stuDavis. wolf badge arid bear book. have interpreted as selfishness dent health, library and laboragold and silver. arrow on wolf; when the College recently refustory fees. athletic fees. etc.. will Wayne Smith. wolf badge. Wal- ed to sell 300 feet along College remain the same. . lIngford stripe. Den number and avenue to the School District to The primary factor in the de. Pack number; Jim Ewing. wolf keep an elementary school north cision is the pressing need to inbook. Wallingford stripe.' Den of the··railroad. . crease the salaires of faculty and number. and bobcat pin.' , I "!he COlle~e conveyed land to non-academic staff. '.lWe ~P.ect)" . Robert Fritz. wolf badge. gold thf;l'f;chool District in 1910 for the sald Dr. Smith. "to make aparrow oli wolf•. and bear' book; present ColI«;ge Avenue School. propriate il1creases in our scholarDavid Fritz. lion badge.' gold ar-\ and more Ian!! (u?der protest) in ship budget so that no one will row Qn wolf; Bobble Welch. bear 1929 at which time the School be prevented from attending badge. gold and two'.. sllver ar- Board said It would never agaIn Swarthmore merely because of rows' on wolf; John Allen, Uon approach the College for l~d. In the increase in costs. n badge. gold and silver arrows on 1952 when the School District ! The decision of the Swarthmore bO!'es. his own young. square will be one of the hostesJohn Gordon. silver arrow on est son will have to join'in "the Hartman was made chief engL'}- ses of the New Members Group bear; Jim Breur. gold and sliver rat .race of a car pool" to· eleeer. of the University of Pennsylvania arr9W on bear; Ronnie MaOee. mentary classrooms at Rutgers At the annual meeting of the FacuIty Tea Club at the meeting gold arrol;V on bear; Tom Graham. Avenue, said Smith in demonGeorge Humphries of South Swar~~ore Fire and Protective Tuesday at' 2 p.m. af the home Silver arrow:on .bear; Jeff Millo,. stration that the College. is not Chester road assistant chief of AS30Clatlon Harry Hamby was re- of Mrs. Dale Coman. 4625 Osage "unfeeli~d". • Company for the electe~ presl'd :nt. P ' I Armi- avenue. Philadelphia. .... the loc,,1 Fire erClva way. We'bIos' badg·e·. The awards were presented by' pasf five ~ears. was elected chief tage vIce-president. Thomas ConThere will be a 'demonstration Alex .Ewing. awards chalrman. .W.I'.sl., Club ·~oste,IS following the resignation of John I way secretary. and Stacy Reeves of ftDwer arranging and tea will be Cubmaster .Bob BuUerconducted. A ,meeting of the Delaware. Rumsey of Vassar avanue who treasurer.. served. Anyone needing transthe meeting. County W",lIesley-in-Philadelphla had served as chief' for the llast About 7:45 last Friday evening portation please call Mrs. Ronald will meet at. the home Df, Mrs. 17' years. .• the qulck response of the Com- Estabrook. KIngswood 4-2186 or . Mrs. David R. Gerner· enter- Charles A.Anderson.· '734 Yale Eugene Finnegan was appoint- pany to a call· from Section K of Mrs. Samuel Gurin, KIngswOOd talil.e.t her bridge club last eVe- avenue., at 2:30 Monday. Repre-'\ed'first assistant chief and James W!>rth girls' dormitory at the Col- 3-2579. . i ning at her h.~,,!~ o~" ,'W~ale _s~n~ti~e~ from ?<,uncll .wlll DUnn' formerchle~ engireer, was lege saved tha bulldlng from avenue:' .. " "' .... ,. s)5~l!k.' ,.. .' C "', named"second' asSIstant. WllliillD smoke and·flred9mage.· ' " . "I saw it· in TIle Swarthr!torean" I I Humphries Fire Chief,' As Rumsey Resigns I I I· .--------. ... ~~~~~~~~C~'~O~I~.~"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ( Will the Customer Who Left His Bubble Gum on Our Shop Floor Please Claim It at His Earliest, ,Convenience? Svva·rthmereans: ..' I Th~ Students of Swcirthmore High scholll - Prestn' - "PRI~E:' At:lD PREJUDICE" A ';'rl~d CDIft.dy I. 3 Ach Dlr.cf,d by Mrs. Hanna. tdatflaws FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22 8:15 P.M. Admission $1.00 (a' ~ Door) PLAYERS CLUB , OF SWARTHMORE presents ooi.D CADILLAC'; .~'-by HowG~ t.ldn-rtonn and ~ltOr,. S. "Coufman Fri..,~-$al••., 15 .... ":. ". :..,; . ' . 16.. F""'B,· ;' . eMlalii TI_ 8:20 " ":::' -.:~ -'~~- .- ... ;". . . S ••s.tlowl WILLIAM W'lLER'S' "FRIENDlY. PDSUASIOW' ~MoIIo,. '.45" '.M ... SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEE SUMDAY .:15 P.M. . DOES YOUR POLICY IMCLUDE P. U AM .... lin order that no one number witt be deluged, we suggest the following plan:) . If yO •• last , I.ltl.. Is: C'"1 . 'If YD.. l"sf' , If you hay. an automobile accident you'll be glad you bave the policy with the P.S. (Pe.. onal Servo ice)~ "p.S.n il the personal service of a qualified .lEtna Ca8ualty Agent. Let UI tell you why you' need the policy with the P.s. Peter E. Told .4U Une. 01 '1U1lrfJllee . ~1t1~Us: ',Aor C · ............................. . B , ............................... . o or E · ............................. . For G · ............................. . · ........... .. , .............. . H, .1. ~ K o. L · ............................. . WHATEVER INSTRUMENT YOU PLAY You'lI Be Likely to F.ind in Our Store the . Accessories You Need. ~ I AVENUE sw"~~ HMORE. PA. 3·2989 3:.s005 3-0139 3·1130 3·0296 3-4430 • 3-3813 3.1478 3·2046 3-4077' "-2514 3.1631 ' to Citizens' in Opposition SWQrthmore .. Route" "A" ETC. .;:. . Klngswood Klngswood Klng.-""" Klngswood Klngswood Klngswood Call \A .............................. . Klngswood N. O. p, Q ............. , ............... .. Kliig",!ood R or T .................' ............. . Klngswood Klng$Wood S U through Z .... , ......................... .. Klng",~od Any Initiai .............................. .. Klngswood If.one number is busy, try another. . , STRINGS - REEDS - PICKS - VALVE OIL NECK STRAPS ~ TUNERS - CORK GREASE ROSIN, - SHOULbER REsTS - MOUTHPIECES 333 Dartmouth Ave. KlaglWald 3-18;tJ '.M. ............ .TIoef. _ _ Doro..., Me••I.. (Teehnkolor) Features-- 7.15 .nct • and 10 P.M. Sun., Man., Tues. & Wed. Feb. 17,18,19 & 20 - SEE-· n. Most TlIltetl·A"Dot S...... . Donald Hand We Appreciate Your Support If Peti~ionsHave Not Reac,h.d. VOlAr Neighbo~hood Yet, Call One of . These Numbers: . 7.40 and 9.40 P.M. • 5•. Destruction of homes and disruption of Established communities here ana in neighboring municipalities. 3. Increased. taxes resulting from condemnation and. dQwngra~ing of Swarthmore and Rutledge property. 10., BIG ROY ROGERS SHOW SATURDAY 1 .'.M. l~olor ,Cartoonl2-1'1rst E".ltl., Chapter. ··Fecleral Operatoi' No.9'" 3-'"IELLS OF CORONADO" wi" ROY ROGERS aad TRIGGER Road. 2 •. Downgrading of Swarthmore property. (In Technlcalorl Friday Feature.. - " 4. Increased traffic on and possible widening of Chester 1. Condemnation of Swa1",!"ore property. MICHAEL lIDeIAYE. DIRK BOGAIDE A..... A""a.H08 - , . . M.sI.DI Story .of Nat CDI. . NED PYlE Aalshd by ''THE SEA SHALL NOT HAVE THEM" : ........- Coo.... :. DI....... by .Residents of the Borough Are Going on Record Against: I J5 NOTE-A-£AFF &~ MUSIC BOX n .1 J. Arthur Rank. Presents- Aft U.forgeff."le Story Df Herol. AI,.Haval II.....' Saturday ~r.l: ." T.HE "SOLID SwartfJmo..... P",. Fri. & Sat., Feb. .15~&16- .. OPPOSING ROUTE nAil . CO'LLEGE. TH' . EATRE ' For Your Ir:nm«;ldrate and enthusiastic Response to Petitions ~he Callera & Hobby Shop F========-====::;' . '. • ,. 'NTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE February 15, 1957 THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 2 Club at their annual dinner at the 1 ENGAGEMENT Ingleneuk. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Wright, Mr. Joseph Shane, Vice-preSi-! Jr. of Westdale avcnu.e announce ;\1 ... and Mrs. Edward N. Hay, dent of Swarthmore College, and; the engagement of their daughte:. who have sold their home at 245 Mrs. Shane entertained Sunday Roberta Anne, to Mr. Arthur GClBEAUTY SALON Ogden avenue to the Robert evening for Mr. and Mrs. James aId Harrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grooters, left Monday for a bus- l\olichener at a small informal rc- Gerald V. Harrison of Havertown. LOVELY GUESts SPICE FEBRUARY OCCASIONS incss and pleasure trip to Vcnc- ception after the lecture on HArt Miss Wright is a graduate ~f 9 South Chester Road zucla and Puerto Rico. During the and the 'Mass Media" by Mr. Swarthmore High School and 15 latter part of February they will Michener at Clothier Memorial. 1employed by the investment firm Call Klngswood 3-0476 race their boat in the Star Boat Mr. and Mrs. Michener have just of Schmidt, poole, Roberts and Active Member of the Swarthmore •••1•••• A •• oclatlon Regatta at Puerto Rico. returned from a trip around the Parke in Philadelphia. . Dr. and Mrs. J. F. McKernan of world, by way of Europe, and Mr. Harr.ison, .a graduate of Rutgers avenue had as their happened to be in Austria at the Lower Merion High. Sc~ool, atguests over the week end Dr. John time of the Hungarian revolt. Mr. tended Villanova umverslt~ Eve""""'~ ~,~" ~ ' Rocky, their daughter Cornelia's Michener was actively concerned ning Division prior to gomg on "~""~" Enjoy a Leisurely Dinner ••• fiance, and Dr. John Hart, both with the refugees at the border. actve duty with the United States of whom are stationed at the NavMrs. Joseph S. Lynch of Dart- Navy. He is n~w stationed at the STRAt:H HAVEN INN al Hospital at Portsmouth, N. ~.. mouth avenUe had as her recent Naval Air Stahon, Wlliow Grove. YC1le C1nd HClrvClrd Avenues SWClrthmore Mr. and Mrs. William M. Mc- guest Mrs. Helen Smith Wheeler A Fall wedding is planned. Air COllditiolled Dinitlg Rooms and Lobby Cawley and children Peggy and who came from Charlton OrchComforlable Sleeping Rooms Billy of Riverview road leave to- ards, Charlton, Mass., to attend an ANNOUNCES PLANS day for a week end of visiting alumnae meeting and gi.ve a talk The marriage of Miss Patricia Elevator Free Parking and sightseeing in Washington, at the Ambler Horticultural Nield Blake, daughter of Mr. and Business Men's Lunch 12 - 1 :30 P.M. D. C. ,School. Mrs. Wheeler formerly Mrs. Avery F. Blake of Amherst Mr. and Mrs. David R. Gerner worked for the Scott Foundation. avenue, to Mr. Ronald C "/"t. f '11 ntertal'n Sutton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester ompI ete H oteI F actt tes or Banquet s d I W of est a e avenue WI e Mary Ellen Cadman, daughter J. Sutton of Camp Hill, will take Receptiotls, Parties at a cocktail party tomorrow eve- of Mr. and Mrs. William Cadman ning 'before the Series dance at of Riverview .road and Ogden sPlwaCaerthJmunoere22 Matet2hood',:sltOCkc~nul~chh~ A McGregor-Dodds Hotel JOHN M. SOMERS, Mallltger Personals \ .. the Woman's Club . Mr. and Mrs. Oscar A. Klamer and daughter Janet of Rutgers avenue, returned last week from a visit of several days with friends in Cranford, N. J. Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde of Swarthmore and Ogden avenues will join her d aug h t e r Mrs. Charles V. Thackara, Jr., of "Hopelea," Shrewsbury, N. J., for luncheon and the orchestra today and will have Mrs. Thackara as her guest for the week end. Accompanied by Mrs. Clyde's son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde, Jr., of Wallingford and Mrs. L. A. C. Williams of Greenville, Del., with her daughters Page Clyde WilIiams and Ann Archer WiUiams, they will attend the confirmation of Mrs. William's son Randolph Lee 'Ni1lia~s at St. Andrews School, Middletown, Del. Randolph is a first year honor student. avenue, entertamed S a t ur d ay an d Monday afternoons for six guests at Valentine parties in celebration of her fourth birthday. Caro I Li nco In Ie ft Ias t w e ek fo" Grove City College following a six day mid-semester visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Lincoln of Westdale avenue. Mrs. Peter B. Murray of Park avenue was guest of honor at a bridge and stork shower given Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Russell Gaul of Secane. Mr. and Mrs. George McKeag of Parrish road entertained Mr. aud Mrs. Chesly Manly of Chicago as their house guests for a few days of this week. Mr. Manly is visiting several universities and colleges in the East in making a survey on special assignment of the managing editor of the Chicago Tribune. Dr. and Mrs. E. LeRoy Mercer of Ogden avenue had as their guests Sunday their son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. David Mercer with their children Barbara and Leah, of Pottstown. Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Schoff of Michigan avenue will have as their guests for a week their daughter Mrs. B. N .. Cox with her daughter Susan and son Jimmy of Towson, Md., who wlJl arrive Mrs .. Maurice L. Webster, Jr., of Elm avenue returned last Sunday for a week's visit. Thursday from Washington, D. C.. Barbara Harlow. daughter of where she was a representative of Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Harlow of the Swarthmore branch of the Lafayette avenue, returned home Women's International League for at the end of the first semester Peace and Freedom at a legislative from the University of Vermont, seminar for three days. The semBurlington, Vt., and is attending inar was attended by more than Peirce ~chOOI of Business Admin- 50 representatives of local branchistration in Philadelphia. es throughout the country of the l\irs. Harry F. Brown of North I Women's International League. Chester road entertained Tuesday Mrs. Clyde Miller of Villanova at a luncheon. avenue returned last week from Mr.' and Mrs. Richard Eckenroth Cape Charles, Va., where she of Haverford place entertained visited relatives and attended the Mr. Lewis D. Gilbert, author, lec- wedding of her niece. Miss Ida turer, and leader of the Independ-I Lee Warren and Mr. Preston E. ent Shareholder Movement in f Trower, 2nd., which took place America. Wednesday evening'j February 2. Mr. Gilbert was in Swarthmore for an informal talk before the Swarthmore College Economics I , C K I will of- - - - The Rev. 0 n . up , ficiate at the ceremony. FETE BRIDE.TO-BE Miss Mary Morrow Batiks of VOCALISTS, DANCERS, INSTRUMENTALISTS, Harvard avenue, and Mr. William Barlow Patton of Rutledge, were NOVELTY ACfS, Etc. guests of honor at a dinner FebTHE LIONS CLUB OF SWARTHMORE IS PLANNING ruary 7 in Philadelphia given in AN AMATEUR SIIOW IN MAY FOR CHARITY their honor by Mr. and Mrs. James E. MacDermott of Mt. Air:(. For Auditions, \Vrite Not Later than Fehruary 24th to The marriage of Miss Banks and Mr. Patton will take place Satur-, SKIPPER DAWES The Students of Swarthmore High School - Present - "PRIDE AND PREJUDICE" A Period Comedy in 3 Acts [)irecled by Mrs. Hanna Mathews FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22 • :IS P.M. Admission $1.00 (at the Door) THE PLAYE~S CLUB OF SWARTHMORE presents "SOLID GOLD CADIllAC" by Howard Teichmann and George S. Kaufman Oirected by NED PYLE Assisted by Dcnald Hdnd Friday - Saturday February 15 and 16 Cartain Time 8:20 P.M. W...I>e.. ..... Th'r G.e.ts ATTENTION: AMATEUR TALENT Swarthmore, Pa. P. O. Box 359 day, April' 13. Miss Banks was also entertained at a luncheon and shower ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g h W'lr W yesterday w en Mrs. I lam . I Watkins of Swarthmore was be her hostess. She wl'll be honored agal'n on MID-WINTER TUNE UP Monday February 18 at a tea ' and shower given for her by l\'lrs. I •TRUCK INSPECTION Sproul Lewis of "Deep Meadow", J DELCO BATTERIES Gradyvl'lle . GULF GAS and OIL Mrs. Franklin Gillespie and Mrs. David Braun of Swarthmore ROBERT J. ATZ, Mtr. -will entertain at a luncheon and RUSSELL'S SERVICE shower aL the home of Mrs. Gillespie on Friday, February 22, in Opposite Borough Parking Lot honor of Miss Banks, and a lunchKlngswood 3.0440 Dartmouth and Lafayette Closed Satllrday at J P M eon will he given at the Concord ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~.~~~~~~~~ Country Club on Monday, February 25, hy Mrs. Donald W. Poole and Mrs. Marvel Wilson of Swarthmore. ;=========:"'::====0 COLLEGE THEATRE ~~~'~'~~~'~'~'~'~';'~'''~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~';"~'~'~'~'~'~':'~'~'~'~'~"~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'"~'~'~'~' J h I I I AU-YO-R-E'_poA--.--R· S· I BIRTH Mr. and MTS. Henry Faust. 2510 Miller park, Winston-Salem, N. C., are receiving congratulations on the birth of a seven pound, 14 ounce son Carl Jacob, who arrived on Tuesday. February 5. Mr. Faust is the former minister of music at the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR ALL MAGAZINES MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN 13 Dartmouth Avenue Klngswood 3·2080 Will the Customer Wbo Left His Buhhle Gum on Our Shop Floor Please Claim It at His Earliest ,Convenience? Sun •• Mon., Tues. & Wed. Feb. 17, 18. 19 & 20 - SEE- The Most Tofled-About Screen Sensation I WILLIAM WYLER'S "FRIENDLY PERSUASION't (Technicolor) Gary Cooper Dorothy McGuire Marlorle Main FeQrures - 7.15 and 9."5 P.M .. SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEE SUNDAY 2:15P.M. 1-Color Cartoons 2--Comedy 3-"DRAGNET" I i i I Friday 9 to 8:30 , I Humphries Fire Chief, As Rumsey ReSIgns c:'J/<& MUSIC BOX P.S. I I ======== WHATEVER INSTRUMENT YOU PLAY For Your Immediate and Enthusiastic Response to Petitions OPPOSING ROUTE "A" 4. Increased traffic on and possible widening of Chester Road. 2. Downgrading of Swarthmore property. 3. Increased taxes resulting from condemnation and downgrading of Swarthmore and Rutledge property. 5. Destruction of homes and disruption of Established communities here ana in neighboring municipalities. We Appreciate Your Support If Petitions Have Not Reached Your Neighborhood Yet, Call One of . These Numbers: Aor C B o or E F 0" G You'll Be Likely to Find in Our Store the H,.I, J Accessories You Need. K or L Peter E. Told A.ll Lines a/Insurance ETC. 333 Dartmouth Ave. Klngswood 3.18~3 (Technicolorl starrl.g Jack WeIIIo 10 PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE. PA. • ------------------- Thank You., Swarthmoreans: " rour 'crst Inltlcrlls: STRINGS - REEDS - PICKS - VALVE OIL NECK STRAPS - TUNERS _ CORK GREASE ROSIN - SHOULDER RESTS - MOUTHPIECES Phone Klngswood 3-2290 AMPLE FREE PARKING . lIn order that no one number will be deluged, we suggest the following plan:) S.? If you have an automobile accident you'll be glad you have the policy with the P.S. (Peraonal Serv_ . ) "ps"· lce. •• IS t h e personal service of a qualified lEtna Casualty Agent. Let us tell you why you need the policy with the II I DOES YOUR POLICY INCLUDE P. I Residents of the Borough Are Going on Record Against: WE WANT YOU TO Ies-/ turned In to ·Mrs. Silvera by Febof health and sanitation. day, March 13. ruary 21, and Scouts are redoublDaniel S. Harris of Vassar aveing their e1farts to push the cookie ven ~~~' ghWhO is. moving from the . Mrs. Thornton W. Price, the sales t toetal higher thtdl ttie curou , resrgned as borough former Helen, Farley, arrived in ren . Hopper Names·Green ~F~iiiiii~ijiiii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiii~~ .DEW DR"OP '. .. INN F------;;;;;;.--;;;;;;;;;;~ CREMATION FANCY SANDWICHES .00001CrOU Of ..,NIULI . 8 ,. M·. BREAKFAST' LUNCH DINN . ~ ER £H~~§>p~~TlI~!>.AX~ANQ..s,U"'DJ.YS_ THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. f,,,, one year and four months dura-' ported. Final-llgure for last year's tion and has settled in ''Tucka- cookie sales was 5,471 boxes. Many way," the garden cottage of 800 Scout. troops have gone over their Harvard avenue. Mrs. Price had quota, ;md have re-ordered boxes previously lived on a farm in of cookies while one ambitious Bucks County. Her grandson Rob- scout has sold well over 100 boxes. ert. Horne of Northampton, N. H.,' ,":0 date tr?oPS which have a parresiding with Mrs. Price and is bcularly hIgh !'umber of sales are enrolled as a junior at Swarth- Troop .441, Mrs. Walter Douglass, more High School. Mrs. Price visi- le_ader; and troop 225, Mrs. Wells ted her son Dr. Thornton W. Price, Forbes, leader. . Jr., in Kharagpur, West Bengal, This year the senior scout troop, India, for ten months, and in 'Pak- I under the 'leadership of Mrs. istan. Dr. Price is on a technical Michael Yarrow, are manning a cooperation mission with the In- cookie booth Friday evenings at dian years Institute Technology for the bank and at the College theatwo as a of professo~ of mach- tre, with reported high sales. I I anical engineering. Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Haig of Riverview road had as their guest for several. days Of last week their daughter Mrs. C. B. Dunham, Jr., of New York City while Mr. Dunham was' in Chicago on 'buslJIess.'··· . . Debbie Reeder, daugbter of Mr. d M . . . an· rs. Robert K. Reeder of Harvard avenue,returned Friday after a two-day stay at the Penn- Mrs. Silvers has announced that· she stUlhas a supply of cooldesin the cookie pantry, and those who have not yet been . reaehed by scouts, or who wish to re-order may telephone her for their order. Samtlel D. '·Clyde'" of Swarthmore and Ogden avenues t ed Tu re urn esday' from Lancaster where' she spent several days at the honie 01 Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. afternoon where she Hospital, underwentPhiladelphia, the extrac- Robert was called to I.ancaater when Mr. sylvania Archer Mitchell. ·Mrs. Clyde tion of four wisdom teeth. Mitchell was hospitalized. • •. j,~ ':- .' , no ." ..... '~~e, the undersigned citizens of the Borough of Swarthmore. .' pr?test the establishm~nt of ·anY limited access highway touching or adl,a~entt~ the Borough of ~warthmore. If any cross-country highwaYI~ deSirable, we believe it can be effectively located in open country substantially to the West.'" . .. , • .:.. \' • I' ,' .. - . ." Borough.c;:our:a~iI's Special Committee. will circulate the above . , ..J. . \ All _omadc - . - - h . e- --- eater provides p1eaty 01 IIoc __ • all limes lor all . 1D·'1IIIe .. • .......elaooJd DTI fa. IChI . ~na wida. au heater dIM '. . m ile_ '. .,...... UuIe In adoQ, . ' .........r-"_ ,' , ;.; - protest for the signature of :all citizens" . . . If the solicitor misses you ove r this coming weekend. stop in the Police Station in Borough Hall where you may sign a' copy of the protest.· . •• , \ .) > '. ................. _L-_ ....... ~,,.. 'af So- . i ti," 407 DARiM~UTH AVENUE" • Icr...h - " " " ".. ............ sec- r~====;§===:::::;:§~~~~~~~~i;~~~~~~ . . MY FAIR LADY WILL . r - ...- !o .... .,;.., Lynn Doherty, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth DoHerty of Elm avenue, last. week entered the ond semester of the Horaee A. ::~~ School for Graduate '1rbO niversity of Michigan, ~ Mich. Lynn had grad~nis ~niprev!ous week from malO:::: in verslty, Granville, g physical education. Jumiard Graduale ADVANCED . BEGINNERS _ CHILDREN ation to the thousands of families who have relied on ciur service. OUYEII H. IAJt, _ _ intereattJalnIJblcast, elbach adding an l essen t to e whole, Harry Clark, Nancy .Hagy, Alan Slack, Frank. Thleas, Martha O. Parrish Emma aDd Ned Fyi Tb' rod ctl e. e p u on stair earns a tremendo~ ovation. The sets are effective, the many changes move quickly. Altogether, Solid Gold . IS a smart, amusing fare. Piano Lessons by Jacqueline Karlin. W.!extend·our~ra"M ap~ " " A.....;.WiinQp' ,-,,_. S_, Solid Gold Cadillac: Glitters for Audience A PP R Eel A' ION 17 Fo"....I. I . f ......... ' .......... '\11 .".11 ,.... • I~'ii"~·~"~"';l;';:·;t~"::'.~:~~.~I::A~:•.51l~'.'A EIEqllC .' , ., . '... ' THOMAS W. HOPPER. P~esident '6EOR~&.;W~:McK&A6·. Chairman . PAUL B. BANKS~Secretary " '. ,. ~, ., .-'. '- , .~.- , ____ February 15, 1957 . ____________________~______________~__ TBESWARTHH~M~OR~E~AN~~ ________________~~~~==~:~ ~P~~~e~6~. ~: __~~ _ - ,. . I.e "Spr·lng W·lth a Song" Will Keynote Club SectiOn II 1st Place c l i n g the challenges of life. might be admitted above the oroHelping in the church as ushe~ inary quota restrictions. The .mall were Rich Kent. Alan stamford, : - - - - - - - - - - " , . . . - - - ; proportion allocate4 tu Korea w a s . Doug Wrege. Chuck Rushton, 'lh. oplDloa8 ••p - below are exh· austed before Julie's adoption The community Boy Scou~ Sun- John Bond. and Steve Edwards. tbose of tb. indIvIdual wrltmo. AU day worship service held m the . I.tt_ to 'lh. 8warthm0ft8n muot was completed. She had been per- Presbyterian Church was attendI · . he ..p Plendonymns he milted to come onI y bY VI·rtue of ed by Cub Scouts. Boy Scouts an d ...... 11 .... tb. _1ft .. ImOllJDmay to the EdItor. LetterII wtD he pUb,u.= President Ei~ower's Order that Explorer Scouts and their leaders ... Mothers Fashion Show I Scheduled for March I th Edi tters ·to ~ tor 3 Honored at om. Boy Scout Sunday Mri. Nothera Hubbell was in charge of a delightful program . given at the meeting of the ·The Swarthmore High School Swarthmore Music Club MOl).day basketball team visits neighbor. ";'eDlng, in Whittier House. 8IId rival Nether· Prhvldence toMrs. Maydell Fkaerglan, ceJllst, in a crucial contest 10 its played several classical numbers, to hold on to first place in among them MlW11"I's "Sonatina". Sectiod II race. The last time Schumann's "Fanlas)' Pieces", and two teams mel, Swarthmore Schubert's "Allesretto .GraeloSo", victorious 118~ ·and rose to ltIr& Ek:sergIlmis a celltst of ex- oVercome a nine point deficit in ceptlonal merit and her playing the 1m two minutes, even after was enthusiastically applauded. leadJn8 by 18 points in the third Her accompanlat was Joseph Ter· period. l'iInova of Philallelphia. also.·an The game tonight will See N-P excellent. musician. out for revenge and probably, at , The second part of the program their. best, using their III-esshig a grobp of ·songs by Mrs. on the lOcal lads. 'l'hfs IE!etlicir Mlirkliam· Smyers. . 80ineans more than the elJect P~Erlootl • is set up in five A,lthough Andy Jones was In Delaware again saddled with personais and aiid is· sponsored by the had be held O)lt ~f the ,llBIDe for co .... oun: he . managed to score 20 w. th . ofwhtci1 10 Was on .fouls. Infantile P8raIysls and He Shot 100 per cent ClD the chari. ~atiOn. ty mark, making ,10 for 10 foul atMrs.: Ediih, Kenney, Skip SkOflund. came . together, with mein. ;·10 ·pOIiiis; ~atnnlhe.. ·CorPs. tPokabOut .. . contributed some Sw·~hmore School chndren to timely. allSists in the last period• ...,._. iDimiuiIUt10n shotS ad~ .lim·. Pappas added 8. and Barry thecliDlc at Taylpiwhlle filling in fClr center ~n;'Jn.at2:ilo iil the. Andy Jqnes,. shot 1 foul and 1 Nex~ Tuesday, ~ther field goal for 3• .. , .wlllprob",b~ be tak- ··J'ridaynlght the I;,ittle Garnet to Ute second session. for theteain rolled over Marple--NewIa~~nls.·tr.lI.1tlon ·of .t h\!S8 l\rst shots town. 804$. ,C~ Bill Reese. ., SIIiIle hos.pital. used center AndY Jones for only The sec:ond ~Ot w1ll he ad- two quarters· due to illness. but I:~~=.to these. same people Andy prevedhis worth by grab~ I; 12 aiu!. II! llnda third bing off 22, ~ilnds in the short iI!. scheduled to be awinIs- tinie he played· and scored 12 fall, SeP~ber 10 arid pOints. Cal Coleinan took up the O\l~r hospitals c;ooperating -in slack In· the rebounding departare. th.e Crozer Hospital; ment in addition to ·pbmlrlng in 1cl,~er HOSpital, Fitzgera14 Mer- 24 points. Sklp Skoglund contrlhucy Hospital .and the Delaware ted .14; CharlIe Wentz· scored 20, . County_ Hospital. In .. addiUon to inafnI.Y on fast breaks and 8 points the shots admintstered at. the Im- on fouls. Jim Pappas played his ni~tlon clinics, 11.. nllDlber of USual IIoOr game and, led the atparents ;u;e h"vin& their children tsck, in addition to' scoring 3 reCeiye the. shots through their -goals and Z fotiIlj. Barry Wright famliy physicians. filled· in Very capably for center ·The· great success ;of this Im- MtlljrJones. All the boys on the munlzation.. program. is leading squad' saw aotion. ' , manyfamUles to have all their After being behind 8-0· in the children properly immunized. In first ·quarter. 'Swlirthmore Scored fact. the plan is so. suCceSsfUl tltat 24 polnots to Marple-Newtown's 4, the naUonal organUtztion is reo-· and that is the way it went for ommending. that'll1l people under ,the remainder of .the ·game. At the 40 years of age have the'·program·end: of' the lIrd period the score of ' shots· as . a. precaution .agaInst WaS S;war.thmore '72. Marpte-New-· paralyzing poJIo. town, 45, but each team scored only 8 pdints lnthe·last periO!i to "I saw. it in the SwartlUnorean.'- set the flnal score at BO-eS. . .~,~uty:,~~~!c~l~~~~ ~ is t? ~e t~ it lliM the proles"ional epgineers are _f~ee to ip.~~ \he, ~~; cisioR ~ihout'un!I~e p~essure -- lobbies, ..... ·of . . political influence..· • -. • -~_,.',.~ :~:'.,<~~-!; Carpet .... IC • THAT: We catch the Early ladies' Day Train to New York and have more time for everything I W should be;hU#t;· wheteve,:" it 0ll acco~plis~ltP~,peeded,~~~e. ·,.:With t.~e l~~~tdam­ age to all th"e mterests along Its entIre length. . cPAulsor' b Comr~n~ {/'AI4'S." fast .th~· highway .~(t)..' • 30' SChool ChHdl1ll . ~~~:dsa~~~4~: Receive PoliO' Shots DoomrteanOtu!ooO::~2~.~a-:~P:~ THAT: where ,this route' a~tuallyshotild be., . \ . . ..... . i ~t TiiAT" f.U: lItitffi~~ .we q\@.oJ.·possihlY maketh.at . decis • wr~ ~llig. of neceSsity Without the facti . Take.Up and Relay: 51.00 . . . . . . . «:tu1rBU• • • \ , Clean Rugs Last Longer lA;(FAtfs No. 2:~..,...,---- - - - , •• Sele('ting the Correct FOl·W Saves Tax Dollars • • • 1. THAT: The highway must and shoU:ld..~'Duilt. We need . .. it desp~.rately. 'Ii:jspart;of a: great ilat~onalpro~ gram. We can no more stop it than we can sweep back the tide' With a brooD).. I .----.. ~COME ,, • J. I I i!'. ~$~!! "" '10"K llitakis ,. Music ., I' . ':' •. --~~. \ , ". :':,~< .", .-.~. " , ,'", - ,. ",!,',. ~~ '. .\ •• ", i ~ _ . Y. • :,'" "-:;;CL'~~:~. -c,-::~~.:,:c,,:'i' .>Li~"C2 ....•. 1._~~.~;:....::;::~~,,',~ ,,,~ ,.h ...:;'-,'.,c·-",.',,,,._ Wb.m thlrd ,raderw are WIlli,. I chemistry a\ home it Is er been we give mINCe biology. zoology. cussed during etmBlderaUoo of an geology ana related sciences In elementary foreign Iangi1age pro• T • school. gram.' · Ed Mo dern ucatlon OplC Planned AeUvlUes ''We are skipping It bere unUI of Dr. H. Huus V~1y improved and expanded we can do it wen," concluded c...._r·. Co-Op. Au'•• of Sw......... Ioc.. 403 D........ Av•• Feb. 5th media and tripa to museums beDe- ! B'l~.t;JIect , fit art i\lstrucUon. I c:fhan.es to ReporUnl' Oppollte Ioro,,11 Hall. . • . Just before Dr. Helen Hul1" Music appreciaUon t h r 0 ugh RemaInIng questions changed tesUJIed to the importance of tecIl'- hearing and parUcipaUng In the subject of the evening to nical aids In today's learning at and Instrumental demonslraUons "Modern Methods of Reporting In its .February' 5th m1!eUng.. the advanced music colJl'Se!r. Elementary Schools". Quite a few Swarthmore-Rutledge Home and Some schools have fallen by the evidenced concern because \ i School AssociaUon voted a $500 wayside by relegaUng physical, seem unable t~ discover FEBRUARY MARCH JANUARY inl9t from its treasury to be used educaUon acUvity to tree recess us! where their cbUd stands.in for extra schOol needs to, be exercise. Skllls learned In planned accomplishment and ablJl\y. ' Remember ~ With the' return· to us programs aid development Principal Boyle said the best recommended by local princiPals. ,Dr. Huus. who Is associate pro- of children. enable them to grow of reporUng to parents Is ea'ch $1.00.00 worth of. Register Slips. tessor of educaUon at the Univer- grscetully and avoid much unstudied and "speaking as a sity of Pennsylvania and recently necessary awkwardness. he felt a teacher should , we'll give 'Iou ci brig..t neW S.ilverD~llar! " speht a year ill. Norway and Character trajnlng exists today. let a parent know where the child Sweden on a Fulbright FeJ1owship. not as a separate period but as an Is and how a parent might help SWIFT"S PREMIUM said at the Tuesday eveJ;llng' ~es- in~1 part of every day's teach- him improve. Some parents might sion In the Rutgers Avenue SChooling .ot respect for Individual teel It frustrates a chJJd to try to aUditorium. "We should take ad- rights. achievement. aid and pro- improve him. while others are not Porterhouse vantage of technical aids. though side by side with, suJlicient saUsfled with the statement "he Is T·Bone ' some, are expensive arl'd 'heavY conformity.to prevent chaos. ~ doing as well as can be expected , Sirloin, ~.. and must be made readily avail. ' Varf~d ApPl'tllldles for him". ''We live in a competiable If they are to be used". There are schools which oller Uve world". Boyle said, "and p~r~~cators now know they must actual camp and' farm llvlng ex- sonally I'd hope to be able to help caPltalize on the child's current periences, others with exchange my chndren It nt!Ct!Sllary. to bring In~erests . 35 well as present him progra11lS in which children in them up to a college level educa~ WlP! n.ew Interests as heprogres- distant tOwns switch homes and Uon rather tban see them digging Clean - Ready for Pot ~ No Waste through definite age levels at classes fOr a time and others ditches whicli might be another his own individual pace. They whjch carry a ye':"-round pro- esUmate ot their "doing as well Bird's ,Eye ' : have learned to go a!oDg with na- gr~m with a month's. vacation to as can be . expected of ~emtr. "I ture Instead ot bucking it, so provide a fuller employment feel that m a good school like I learning which cannot be forced personnel as well as maximum op. It a parent knows his will take place because the child portunity tor learning. In still child is in the upper quarter'of with each 6 cans Free 8" Birei's Eye Doll wants ,to learn. other schools torelgn languages the cIass he can rest assured he Is . In her talk on "~odern Meth- are being learned conversaUonally doing well. One shouldn't worry Limited 12 cans to Customer' ods of Teaching m Elementary along with early EnlIlIsh Parent too much over raUngs; class Schools" Dr. Huus said. ''We cooperaUon is aiding m~re and are the most indicaUve". Heimann's should move even faster to keep and everyone' realizes that concluded. up with the rapid advances in the subject readlnesses of ' PnpU EvaluaUon world aj.'ound us". pupils. within, single classrooms "By whom and how are pupils q. , Imp!'Ovet1 Resdin&' Tnts demands a great integraUon ablU- evaluated?" asked two parents. Attesting to the improved en- \y on the part of the modern teach- Through achievement tests given ,Co.Op . ' ticeinent ot present-day' reading er. "One size leSson can't be ex- by teachers and IQ tests. Boyle pected to fit every cltild Ih a' givMrs. Witter spoke In fav" texts, and the PmcUce of library use In classrooms. she paid en grade any more than one or ot Informal tesUnB. Dr. Huus hlgIitribute to, the local Public size would". said Dr. Huus. said. ''We feel a parent has a . Library's 'remarkable circulation Connected problems, are recog- right to know the, relaUve abllllllrj Co.Op Red Label PiHed a town of SWl\fthmor~'s niUon. ot ea.ch IlI\y so or group intO which his child figures s1ze-a jump from 41.000 adult that neither too much or too little although 'educators believe and i2.000 chiidren's-volmnes in wlIl be expected of him. and . he should not be. quoted -an IQ. in , L a r g e No.2 Can .' . 1948 to' 73,000' adult and ' veylng teachers' im~ons numbers. A parent should be able chlldren'~ in:l956. ' . ' . chJJdren'to. tbeir parents; to. judge his child·s. cal1abdlil~es 'Doeskin' 'fOday~~ :teachers:trlt to see. each ' . TeUhera'l'aDel ,after living closely with "'~',CIlLUa',1 child g!lts· the meimlt;g In every A panel of teachers from the The teacher's only advantage is subJ.ect. content of words in read- Rutgers and College Avenue Ele- having had comparstive . . . -. Ing. rell!ti 'of 'numbers and rea. Schools, including Mrs. ences with numerous children ot so~s for ',processes .In arithmetic. Enders. Mrs, Janet Groll, one age. .., ...,. ,thorough ,understanding of Mrs ..Mlldred - Brain, MYrtle McOne teacher said "onjy what' is teamed' each year is the eallin. Mrs. Grace Witter and rarely do we consider it b.I!st , goal. . . . Bess Seidel. received ques- p'upil anr writing an w,,;ertain word it . " pupils does enable th~ to put dictionary was availaDle tor conDavid McIntire of Cresson lane ideas on p\lper at·an earlier age. sultation",' returned home Sunday from a 'Fnndlonal ~pelllnl' 'Mrs. Groff, . at a parent's re- four day convention of Labor and ·Functlonal ",pelllng," stressing quest, related· her class' s~ of M~agement at Miami Beach, Buy one for20c-Get one Free words .the pupil will use moot; accumulating and' studying' words Fla. • . when tied up With vocabulary im- through diaries 'and letters wrlt-IF--=-:--~~~---~.., U.S. NO.1 Maine p:ov~ent; is the curr~t ,ideal. ten by students on their own exBOOKWA' YS Simplilled phonetic spelling is . periences. ing s~ngly' advoc'!ted by Forelp LanplOI'e PJ:obIems 417 Dartmouth Ave. authontles In th~· field; Olie other query in'Une with .Soclal ~dies .have .improy~ the evening's subject asked.wheth- ASK ABOUT oUR With the Idea of tl!achJng e1fects er there was time' iii ' Fancy Winesa .' DISCOQNT IN FEBRUARY of people on their environm:ents school for· eoil~ersational foreign and viee versa both in histbrlc and to beni.ftt children llv-' p m ..dern times. ~aphy is get."~all world". Benefit ting ~o~-changed though as hISElementary' 'PrIncipal Thomas', tory . IS emphasized and \t be- B9yle replied it was not as still has "old country-store" comes Increasingly apparent there to include such subjects;as is greater need than ""er tor' a might think. First there are not p e~e ... the aroma of food has not b ' knowledge of geography as the enough teachers trained to do it International Affairs placed by an assem. bly-line C'o Op' f~endrl1?-. WO~I~t ~ows smaller every day this level. Next, there is the Department' bl ' . .. IS nen Y r~putae anctunhurried .•• Try Co-Op for s h ' an .. necessa,ry,.\o> know '.the rn,atter ot va!'Ying' ideas on -which \_ of the _. '. countries we are d~Ung with Dr, should be chosen. FInal prng enjoyment and satisfaction ' op· . . . J • Huus llkes social' -..:...""."'. . . om' an' 'CI b f' wbich teach'both ........... .,:.".....". 8 ~ent SUO . hi aI' ., . ;'. ot ~ l~ge:.ilP.iihilling to Swarthmore' gnp c. faets., . ' . 1i1eleri:ltmtldy lichool .. In science taday the most'nleag_ would be lost dtirtDg" the Tuesday'.' er oourse Is superior to file years of jun!"'; high School which study" of.20 Yeara a.IIO.. . not Include.language t!O"1.00 Ii.M. ' and ch~aclnallv begin In DIiD'" ;' , -~ Idnd~ iIrit"TT." ' cuI\y 1p ,melting .studol!Dtsl TfCkets $1.00 . : . ,en '~~, teacher" varying de,rees oI~~'s.......~_~_~~..;._..;._ Stock Up. White On Special sets .. . FOR WHITE SLIPS - - " 'ks Stea Ib ' 83'C -.,:-------~ Orange Juice 6 cans '1.00 Mayonnaise' t.. 69c TomatoCalsup 1ge .Red Sour Cherries' ten- '400·. .. 29c , ·5 Ibs•. Sge • SSe ~ Hires 'PUl-ockGinger: Ale / Rotatoes ',1-8 'lb•. bag' 49c Ext~a Apples, C~-Qp D~licious,and '&h~ L '21 '. us.29c a;n:~s­ w' , . . BREYER'S ICE ·CREAM. ItaIf Gallons,,:- 91e .,;' .,Feb. 1',' ear17 '.' '--,'. '. . -y-'- ..... : -,..- . - .' . "-. ,-' ,'.-'. '.' - '-. .>. : ; ,. '- ~, ---'..----~---------, Sharo. Hili 0734 i;;;~;~;;;~;~ ~ ... .. - - --- ._- --.---- , ' ; .",. FRENCH SOcIAL WORKER ON VISIT HERE I-----~ YEARNS FOR SWARTHMORE IN TIlE SPRING ~ ,I piQURi' FUMING cisive seizure factor" ot In the Denison sity's Ohio UniverConference baSketball lead from Capital University last month with his 16 points on foul shots. "Deadiy shooUng' from the free throw llne combined with the diminutive guard's uncanny abiUty' to collect fouls have made Hoot the leading man iJ\ Big Red foul shooting over the past three old charmer. Paris. by a handsome young Frenchwoman spending this week at the Strath Haven Inn during a visit to the United States on a U. N. Feilowshlp. Or. at any rate. says Mlle. Colette Hovasse. "Paris I have seen many times~ But your Swarthmor_if I could i would ~~tedb~k~~aI~Il-!:~~b!e te=~ M'RTUIT'·' ROGER RUSSELL I and Sons Florist --~ CARNS ·650 Baltimore Pike SprIngfield, Del.' Co.. Pa. Klngswood3-0450 ,.'.. ,. ' ROOFING - ~,., ~.-' WannoAir H~t1.9 Air Co.dltlolll"g ShHt Metal Worll KI". 121 'l Box 48 ;- PYLE Duplica'ting Service Offset Printing of All linds • Letterheads • Billheads .Announcements o Programs .. At/vertl.I., LeH.n & lroc ..... .9Dlcl< Servlc. a. MlltI.c:op, Letter.' '. Photo-Copies Made 15 S. CHESTER ROAD Swarthmore. K13-1497 ~============~ ATLANTIC _ ---. to ATLANTIC Service Call VAN ALEN Ridley '.rk PERSONAL ' Call POrter 4-0285 During the past week the chic young woman has been studying at first hand methods used in, the Department ot Public Assistance in Chesler. the Juvenile Court techniques ot Judge Henry G. Sweney-for which she had the highest praise In her vocabularyand the Juvenile Detention Home; the Child Care Center. Children's Aid SOCiety. This week she spent under the a,usplces of the Family Service Association at its offices in Upper Darby. Media and Chester. On Wednesday evening she was the dinner guest ot Mr.' and Mrs. john Carroll of College avenue, M... Carroll is the former presided and still a board member of Family Service, What impressed her most about the agencies was the high' degree of efficiency of the casework metb_ od. but she was almost as surprised by the hardworking boards of directors. "In my country we have boards which function once yearly. to sign checks, and otherwise confine themselves to their own bus- I ;=========;;;==~ William W. Clark Plumbing &Heating s••p •••,. W.t.. H...." 011 .....n Pow"er 10._ 424 Haverford Place Klng~wq~d ;. ASPHALT TILE • 3-8345 IUIIER TILE PLASTIC TILE • VINYL TILE FORMICA • LINOLEUM ,YENETIAN IUNDS II 4-1434 CH 2·5051 , Swarttlillore. 'a. ~=::::===~ find' businessmen, lawyers, doc- .-----: SALE cnceS. All work is done in our niture. I iness," she said. "But here. • .1 PERSONAL - Air-way Sanitlzor. FOR SALE - Royal typewriter Enjoy .easier, faster. more efIn good condition. $30. Call flcient home. cleaning. For' dem- Klngswood 3-7479. onstraUon Or service. call KIngs- FOR - ~TE - Semi-antique Orienwood 4-1149. tal rug, 9 x 10. $40. KIngswood P~N~Two grandmotbeo:s 4-3523.' with time on their hands will FOR SALE Boro-Farm House mend, hem. dar,n. for frantic 1" . d ' st. re3rn.. liomliihlllCel'll'''KIngsw:Odd -3"5177,' ',- ,.acre g~r, 1'n•. Iawn; '. . ", . sprmg. carrIage house and sumPERSONAL Belvedere Con- mer house with fireplaces. KIngsvalescent Home, 2507 Chestnut wood 3-3050. street, Chester.' Edge of Swarth- FOR SALE _ Firewood. well more. Aged, senile. chronic, conseasoned, delivered and stacked, valescent men' and women. Ex- $25 a cord. James Lees, EXport ~ellentCross' foods, honored., spacious Sadie grounds Blue P. 9 - 0528. Turner. proprietor.. CHestl!r 2- FOR SALE G.E. upright 5373. . 14~cuum cleaner. KIngswood 3PEl{SONAL.- BicycleS· Repa~ed. . 'Parll!, accessories. Milt Glass - FOR SALE - Refrigerator, 10 Bicycle,Hobby. Toy Shop, 205 cu~l~ foot Coldspot. Very good East Baltimore Avenue. Cllfton condI!Jon. $50. Feriod love seat, Heights, MAdison 6-0713. Oppo- needs _reupholstering, $9. MEdia site Clifton Theater. 6-4462. ,-,_.- --- , PERSONAL - Radio and tele. WANTE., visl,on service. Complete' stock WANTED _ Physician desires ot tubes carried, Rob",rt Brooks. Swarthmore home from .private Call KIngswood 4-0800. family. Needs four bedroom house PERSONAL Piano Tuning in excellent condition for wife ,Specialist. member A.S.P.T. and and three school age children. N.A.P.T. ,Will do minor repair- mdia 6-1338. . ing. Leaman, KIngswo od 3-5755. W AN'rEo--"':::;''T--o:-:Cw"'o-'rO;-k"'b'-y-',he day. PERSONAL _ UPHOlSTERING Experienced cook and laundress. Large Chairs Completely re- References. Mag g i e Darden. built with new fabric $55-Sofas CHester 2-7974. $110 - Over 30 years experience. WANTED _ We will buy at best SiX: years of Swarthmore referpric~ old chinal cut glass, fur ... own shop under personal supervision of Mr. Seremba, Estimates are free. Thorn Seremba. Phone Sharon Hill 0734. . FOR RENT HI 3.9..9 ••• JEWELER 5......0 . . . . . . other French citizens. remained ::===========~ on the government staffs to supply ,= some skills which the strugglink KlngswDOd 3·1448 young country was attempting to I WILLIAM BROOKS teach Its own people. The U, N. Aahee & Rubbish Removed Fellowship came about in the LaWJl8 Mowed, General search for wider and more effinaalbur: , cient methods, especially in the Z3I lludinl" Ave~ "Morion. Pa. handling of individual cases. or OLympia 5-3578 collect for appointment. All business confldential. Colonial Cupboard, Number 244. Philadelphia Pike, Wi!mingt on, Del. tors, ministers working so hard at their agency's business, knowing so much and so clearly' about $500 MONTHLY what the problems are. under- Starting salary for 2 ...cutlv..tyDII standing the needs of the execu- aalesm.n to r-pras.nt la,.. east.,. Uve and the, protessional workers ..nandal corporeflo-t. 'No travel. Sol.. on tbe' staffs. 'you do not know apart...c. and ability desired, IllIGb-· how lucky yoU are to b~ able to II"'" mid.." 2So4D ,ean old. mar· k l'k this " - ' th ecom_ tled, capable of aaumlnQ . nspon,lbll. WO! _ I.e, ____'. ,~!'''ill'g I. ·rtiiJ...tIft,· ·lfttetwl. . · ...... munity into the professional ap- ..1tIeS. I..,,,,,. brio! _ I hldaoy, all plicaUon of '''ese skilis" replle.J conflde.Io'. Our sales.... Ita.,. ,., ..... ...... ...041 of this ad. .... A. L She plans at the end of the Swa.....1010 morean. week to go to. Clharleston and visit the gardens and then make a brlet -=============~ stop at New Orleans before re_ ;: turning home. She'll go ·back to Casablanca then, after spending EDWARD ,:. C~,IPMAN April in Paris; . . . ,. "B t" h d '11 d ~ND SON_· u, s e .ays. SmI ng an pointing her ever-present camera, GfNflAL CONTIACTOR "It would fulfill a dream for me it only I could remain here long . Tile FIoon - Plastic Tile enough to see Swarthmore dressed Modern Kltc. . . . in its lilac and its forsythlal" Alterations 1401 ·R.14Iey· Avenue ' . Auto Dr,tving Instruction CHester 2-4759 2-5689 We Call for You I I $6.50 PER HOUR Et/wart! F. MaD CHliter 2-4346 Jewelry Repeired Phone: KI Jack Prichard 3....216 EMIL SPIES W .. tchmaker PAINTING and CARPENTRY Forrnrly of F. C. Itorl. & Son. Fins Watch and , 128 Yale Ave. IJ:===============: Clock Repoin Swarthmore, Po. FOR RENT - Entire third floor WANTED fully experienced,- Bookkeeper, over 30. Knowapartment, . perfect condition. ledge building materials or conAdults. $75. KIngswood 3-1205. struction accounting he I p f u I. CON~TRUCTION FOR RENT, - Apartment-c-JMedia Career opportunity for capable Klngswood 3-8761 , -Available March 1. Large liv~ woman. Suburban location near RESIDENTIAL AND ing room. bedroom,.. tile bath, kit- transportation. Resume include chen, private entrance, near phone and salary desired. Box 8, COMMERCIAL transportation. Including utilities, The Swarthmorean. ... Alterations $80. MEdia:'6"'-.:.0;::.;15:::3..;-.-:--::-_ _ _::-. WANTED - Women tor packing FOR - bath. First Private floor room andnight light &hilts. assembly Day '''~'.~~IW and RENT private' en-, and Mustwork. be res1_ .... , trailce. Near transportation. dents of l>elaware' or Montgomery 335 Dartmouth Avenue r?~ ~ A I. KIngswood 3-5940. Counties. Do not apply if applica.;iane ilY&tbnaNc FOR RENT - Corner room with tion ,!Iready o!, file. Apply PhllaJ. F. BLACKMAN ' UP'-IT 'fireplace, semi _ private bath. ~elphla Chewmg Gum Corpora~ Phone Klngswood 3-1675. , tion, Eligle and Lawrence Roads. KI 3-6616 .......... , _ _ _ _ _ n ~~~~~~::..;::;::-~:=::::;R~h-;-b-;;h...: Havertown. No telephone calls. on KNURl. OIl IV. "UNO. • •111t "1~1I.1 •... FOR RENT-Cottage at e 0 ot , - -2 bedrooms; sleeps seven, May, WANTED-Men for gen~ral fac- :------~-------, '----l!~"'~~ June first 2 weeks July. KIngstory work. Must be resIdents of .i 4 0521 Delaware or Montgomery Counwoo . ties. Do not apply If applicaUon DAY and NIGHT LOST already on file. Apply Philadelphia . LQST-,-Glasses, light. blue frame. Chewing Gum Corporation, Eagle OIL BURNER in Limebum~r case. Thursday. aJ¥! Lawrence Roads, HavertOwn, Call; in evening. CLearbrook 9- ;;N;.:o..:;teJ~ep"'h~o:.:n=e=-=c;;a=lls:::.:_==_::_=;:_ SERVICE 0501. . WANTED -' Four days' work. Swarthmore reference. CHester WONDAY TBRU SATURDAY , I saw it in The Swarthmorean; 2-3442. NOON I HEATING OILS Fo.. Prompt C L A·S, S·· . I·F· lED' ADS FO" s, SAIA r I .-.......-- Vfhe. You Cnange bpert Watch Repatn Bill Hoot; son of Mr. and Mrs• Henry I. Hoot ot IAo.fayette avenue. Swarthmore in the spring rated government set up under the was credited with being the "de- just a little ahead of that love!,>' Sultan of Moroceo. She, like many live my lite over again and go to college here!- I would take '!'y y~t:s.~' books down to tbe amphitheatre In Swarthmore High School Bill to study. an!,! walk across the receIved eight letters In football. campus· in the mooniil/ht. And I would find out the name of every ~i~~~i~~~~~~~ Qliskeiball. baseball and, as single tree! every one!" "",-.. '", captain of,hisand suburban champion~ Born outside Paris in the llee !I.. de-France. Mlle.· Hovasse Is in S'"ru"-'D'-'IO" He has played on State ChampiC'n- charge ot social wrok for the .-v ship teainsln junior high and Courts of Justice at Casablanca, In this country she visi!~!~u~e American Legion Little Morocco. ed social works agencies, private Bill Is captain of both the base- and, public. with a view to taking Photograp~ic :Supplies ban and basketball teams at t!)e back the methods ot casework and State • MORroe Sts. uinversity In Granville. O. -He is applying them to her own work MedIa vice president of Sigma Chi fra- and to the teaching which she ternity and is co-chairman of does in the school of Social work MEdIa 6-2176 DCEP publicity, student-taculty there. Open Frid.y Evenings' sports relations representative, After taking her, university ' .•lIIl1nnnIIlIllIIlllIIIllUmdllnnllmlllnolUlllmnn~h and fraternity representative to work in Paris she returned to Men's Judicial, Council. Bill is a Morocco where her'father. a minspeech major. ing engineer, was employed by the Fr.mch government and herMrs, Richard G, Haig enterfiiin-I self went to work while France ed her Eightsome Tuesday with stili held a protectorate over the luncheOn at the Ingleneuk. foIIow- North African country. EIghteen ed, by bridge at her home on Riv- months ago the protectorate was Formerly erview road. . dissolved, and a form of r~public George Myers &Co.. Canned' bogFoOct 'Dessert· Bridge ••p,,'r'.,· 0." le••""'., 6 Tao" of Swa ....... Iefa...ce ,EXTRA ,SPECIAL Non Fat Dry Milk, . 69c. 20 Ibs. $1.99 , r;;;;;;. . UPHOLSTERY Culle ... , r Dog M,eal' . • SERE~BA, 'CleansingTlssu~2,for 4ge' , • eciUege Man Ranks Top In Foul Shooting . .' of Stewing Chickens lb. 3ge se.: . " THOM ,FOOD MARKET' , SILVER . • Pap 9 TIlE SW ARTHMOREAl'l FebruarY 15. 1957 ~----~--------------- U 1·2448' TELEVISION "SERVICE . . . ' ~ ,ht . Dick Franchetti R~ ~..... SprIaglkld II 4-1021 171/2 S. Chester Rei. 114-1700 OIL Klngswood 4-1234 81lNDAY8 uti SWARTHMORE.PA. • HO~An J. A. GREEN' . ReadingResponsibUity Is Wednesday. Top~ Teen.Agers Jailed . Mass Held' IDessert-Bridge Tues. . Audi- of 1,. Requ,eGm 8 Rumsey To Aid Charity Group$ . Hears James Michener For eorge . ~e ..,IRIIi (Continued from Page 1) Rutledge Pollce Chief and Fire Company President And r e w Mrs. Leonard Ashton until 1938. "Reading as a dual responsibil- Haigh condUcting an investigation Cooper Fdn. to Present Later he was employed at Baldity of Home and School" Is the among teen-agers in this area i.ocomotlve Works. Eddystone topic for discussion to be led by Monday evening in an effort to Hammerstein Sunday and immedIately prior to his reDr. Ethel S. Maney, reading con- discover who had stolen his loadin Clothier tirement five years ago he had sultant of Delaware County, Wed- ed pollce pistol from the pollce . been working at his sons' automo_ nesday evening, February 20 at 8 car the previous Thursday night, ''General Intellectual sell-out lS bile sales and service company on p.m. in the All-Purpose room of apprehended live youths. the constant temptation South Chester road. .He was a the Rutgers Avenue School. Two of them, 15-year-old Fol- who works for mass media, S8ld member of the Media Republican This meeting has been planned som boys, who accordIng to Haigh, James Michener Sunday night in Club. . for all parents in the Kindergar- produced the pistOl from under- the /lrst of a series of lectures on Mr. Rumsey's wife, the former ten, IIrst, secon are Pete Rayner, Kappa SigJna; Tom Henderer, Delta EpslBill. Kenyon,· Phi Sigma; Kenyo,!, Phi Delta Harooaan. Phi 'Sigma' Kappa; and Dave Bancroft, Phi ~ppa·PsI. James Duane' ~~ DeJ.ta The~ Yeu's cliai\m'aD; will act !it an Idvl"ory Capacity to Todd. This, effort and Its success deOn the· citizens of Swarthof the sections Club ' ••00 PER YEAR Election C·IreDIat·log start , Feb. 25 Dedicate Publication p . To Late J.M. earson Mrs. Dodd Not to Seek Reeledion _as Tax Colledor Despite the cal dar-and the 'Slx articles by the late Dr. John . ted' weather-citizens en of the borough M.Pearson are reprm 10 a , book dedicated to him by the are bestirring themselves f or Natronal Association ot Corrosio!l spring and Pennsylvania's prima. eers Dr Pearson recipient ry election on. May 2.1. For nomE\lgithn le4a NACE Speller Award inatiDg petitions, available next of e . Monday February 25 at the lor achievements In Media Court House, must be llIed gineering, is recognlzed with the Election Board by March outatanding work 9D prob lams as..' . sociated of metal. 18 the borough there are several corro~:~ ~ wi~. corr~on • in of Swarthmore. He will undergroun. , 19ina11y r (Continued on Page 7) The articles were En published i~ the Pettiro enmf Th; gineer and lD Transac ons -0 Electrochemical Soc let y. They rllited "for the Information : workers and establl$ed investigators into. underground Response to a 'petitIon ctrculated corrosI·on probems. l" . by Swarth;;'ore Citizens in .OpTltle.ot the publication is '"Conpositloli' to Route "A" has bee~ trlbutions of J M Pearson to HinOte than gratifying, n accord~ Mitigation of Unde;ground CorIng to ·T. A.,Bradshaw, cha,Irman toston". _~~_.:.-._ __ " . Sign Petition Against "A" Route petition already have been submltted to, the appropriate authorlties, Mr. isBradsh~w says, the petition continuing in and clrcUla- -. vacancies open for election. Good citizens are aiready considering these posts, and those they beuI best IIll them lie~e wo d . The majority of Swarthmoreans regret Mrs. Mary Parke Dodd's decision not to stanl! for reelec_ tion a. Borough Collector. . h Tax eeded her Mrs. Dodd, w o. succ his husband Samuel I'd. Dodd at death. in April, 19311 " will have served . the borougli 'aimost 20 years ~t the expiration of her . term in January, 1958. During . 'this term of omce.. her responsiblldtles have' ~hCreaSea steadily ""hild~en re~ ~ I: until' ~ow, over half a million dollars are collected annually in . '57 PopiJ.latio. n F. igures county, borough and school tax-· t the group. Approximately thousanlj "A" slgnatures on the' aantiMRoute . e n~w Ceo'sus Re'veaIs.458 P' . School . tion with additional s!Snatures to Maintain Pr~dided be submitted later. , ' ' . ""tevlils: .,' _., ~. . "'tirioo~ .'~to eS conversa~on. aroulJc1. town b,citeates that at 'least five able clUzena are conslderi'ng llling Thec:ensus of.: tIie SWarth1D0re-. PetitionS ofor this oftice, although they have not' fonnally announcedFebruiiry 9, 1957, rev~e4 . ed It. pre.;school children in Swarthmore Otheroftlcers in the borough and 78 in ;Rutledge. These ligures for Which. the citizens will be indicate that the popula- asked' to vote include ,that of the .lion will maintain the of clas, Burgess, now Occllpled by Joseph ses In the elementary grades at who has stated his in_ least at the present levels tor the tention to IUe for reelection. "countable" future. . On Council; four members, Dr. W.W. ch81rman four year terms will run. of the census, WIshed to express out this year are Thomas, W. thlinks all of the who Hopper, president Of. Council; (Contll1-ued on Page 7) Birney K..' Morse, .chamnan .of '. I, . public safety; Harry Wood, chalrman of the highway committee; and Charles Topping, chairman of health and sanitation. , Mr, Hopper, who has .two terms, has stated that he WIll Mrs. Elsie Roberts not seek reelection. The other widow of the lateJ, Gllber three, who are IIrs! term .IncumPriohard, who had been a res!- bents, will file for reelection. dent of Swarthmore during the Four vacancies will exist, on past 50 years, died February 13 the School BQard when the terms at age of \74 at of oftke run out in for . MichIgan avenue and . In Donald P. Jones, presIdent, Carl road. Mr.. Pricha.rd, who .died al Anderspn, Mary SpiUer, and Clay1956, had been m the wholes e ton Wicks. i'e only announced grocery business. in inc,!mllent ",lio will stand for Mrs. Prichard. was born eleci!on is Mr. Jones who WIll Phillldelphla. She attended Am':, run for the four year term. D. well SChool, a branch of Westtown Mace Gowing has announced his FrIends School., She was a mem: 'of IIling for Me of the ber of the Delaware <:ounty His .. (Continued nn Page 12) topcal Society and Prichard Me, . !- .... .. General ...'...... ' ~c~cmpp~iQ . ToB.FMade add, At Court.o'Ho.rJOr · · t o t h ! ! , ~~on'R,I,I.U~I!A~ch~l S~en,Bore1, ' . ":' -:WedneSday" ~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;~~;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;~~~~~~~~;;;~~~'. Custom Landscape. Work FrIday, .'ebruary 15 , 't. S. Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR H8ari (Continued from Page 1) man 9f the department. and party. The club decoration is 10 charge of lIIrs. James O. Stevens. and table decoration. Mrs. Robert W. Grogm. Other chairmen help. Ing Mrs. Brush include: '. Mesdames FranJrlln H. Andrew. John W. Soule. Frank G. Keenen. Clarence C. Franck. Robert B. Clothier, C. Russell PhllUps; J. Kenneth Doherty, Howard G. Hopson; and AIlce Marriott. tAlB :$l,..~Jr ,, 16'';''''. '. lunD Club. ' I'll""" UAIIay. . 'son of Dr'-lind ·Mrs. HansBore.i of Rutgers avenue, . completed all the requirements for Eagle In the Boy .Scouts of America. Sv'en. will be presented IUs Eagie Scout Badge at a Court of on 27, at 8 p.m. in McCahan of the .Presby-tertan Church. of Sven iInd friends of Scouting are invited ,to attend., The SCouti", trait to Eagle' 1'( IWlg and arduous. Aftet from Tenderfoot through Class to First .Class, a must earn. live ment badges a live II\Ore . become a LIfe Scout, and a total of2J for Eagle. Of (Continued <;in 'Page 6) ' ' . r~k Ho~or Wedne~ay, ' . For antique lovers as<\velJ ,olJectors the progratII Tuesday the an's'Club will have aii-' peal Stanley Taylor the fonner·, MitChell of \ValIingford. describes, with SlIdes, Winterthur, the Henry. FrancIs DuPont . Museum neat: Ion. " Mrs.. experience 88 guide at 'tile' museum gives personal :touchJn vi the authentlclnterlQfs of !bese 18th Century" rooms. variety ot ruinlshlnga,d1s- Fino. Class' IP'a:yeo in this COllection o f , · h rooms, gives the' visitor a / . To Hear J=renc impression of hOIlIl'-Jlfe in' Harry B. French, graduate ?f early Aril.erIca.. Episcopal Academy; Brown Uolverslty, and Harvard University's II . • II graduate Sehool of Business Ad_ & lriitllstratlon, will conduct thjl final meeting ,in the series on . I for Women Thursday mornSW8rthmore High Scho()I, under at 10. 'The topic of the o::Jass ~t Sw~rtlujlOreWO!Il-, as~bial a.,Mrs.~ Dor~ TN~or's progr~- Sta~ Scou~, .~~~o~·a ~ese, l'ln~estlnent dl'" Prid.• P.-eIU . C. On,H. S. Stage F,ida, ~tlon Inv~t- menl~ 'A" because·t1tIs Swa~ore , lite Of .Hanna It..Math, be "Your Saviugs Program OWs, will present Ita annual plaf . Evaluating S\lCurlties". "Prideanci' J'rld,I!Y, PrIor to hls twotyear Connection February 22, at 8:15 in lbe hiah . the' investment lIelll" 1111:. ochool auditorium.', a registered ·prOfessional The comml""" Iu!s been 'and a member of the COIIlllllindllUQII for InStitute of Electrical of a playWhlcb pre-, had industrial a challenge attemPt In e1eclfonlcs . Ibtell>retofbe wrltlnc of the with General Electric. and .in en"incomparable uovellst of man- ineering administratIOn m the nors, .Tarie Austen." g Division of MinneapoThe complete,cast In the IftIl8; Danna Co", lJe is .W1anova. Quis(,. Anne Members of the class SNore.I(CCUS • . • minded to' -be plepaaedwltb the Prejudice~',. woiJId callS!' the greatest to and neighboring commumtles. Destru..tion and, downgrading of properties in and would result in mcreased taxes 10r aU Swafthmore property owners.".' . .. Mr. Bradshaw also pointed out that his group has advocated. no specific route for the propOSed Expressway. ''Naturally alJ of us would ,prefer a route west, he ''bu,t. our immedi_ ate concern IS to 'avoid the undesir;>ble consquences. to. Swarthniore that construction of Route 'A' would bring about." •. Swarthnio~e ~id, Firemen Fetch Feline . I From Top of TaJ Tree Sam~ decided to ,view t~e world from the top of a tree 10 the side yar: ~aJd. ~ohce .of other nearby all Borough civic groups to work mUnIcIpalitIes WIll undoubtedly the artist who does not 'try to comwith representatives of other want to question the boys in an municate and who aVOids facing groups to advocate a route that effort to solve recent cases in the temptations the mass media impose on him, and Mr. Michener would go through less populated their territories. said such an artist is only parareas. He has asked for represen--------tially fullilling himself. He is a tation from citizens actively op- Local Man Appointed "man who writes in an ivory towposed to Route 'A'. and Ross To Drexel Board er within an ivory tower on top Pfalzgraff has agreed to serve as of a cliff. He pays the penalty of one who has been active in op(Continued from Page 1) position to 4A' Route ever since it phi a, and the Newcomen Society noncommunication." . was first suggested several years of England. The lecture series will continue ago. February 17 with Oscar HammerIn local affairs, Dr. Morgan has stein II dealing with the problem "We commend the efforts of served .as a member and presiother groups in Swarthmore op- dent of the Swarthmore Borough of art and mass media from the posing routes that might hurt this CounCil, as a member of the Ad- standpoint of musical comedy. The Borough. In any case, however. visory Board of Penn State Uni- lectures are open to the public opponents of Route 'A' will main- versity's Swarthmore, Pennsyl- and there is no charge for admistain and intensify their efforts vania Center, and director of the sion. They are held in the Clothier because 'A' Route is the one that Chester and Delaware County Memorial on the Swarthmore C.:>!_ would do the great~t damage to Chambers of Commerce, and as a lege campus and begin at 8: 15 Swarthmore. member of the Board of -Man- p.m. "We believe Swarthmoreans can agers of the Taylor .Hospital in unite on this basis in a common Ridley Park. T. W. Hopper Heads purpose to .preserve the beauty He has also served as Counselor Day and Zimmerman and charm of the town in which to the national Chamber of Comwe live. We sincerely believe that merce and as chairman of the (Continued from Page 1) it is incumbent upon every resi- War Production Committee for draftsmen. He resides on Dogdent of the Borough to join in our Metropolitan Philadelphia. He is wood lane. petition." a member of the American SoHopper is a graduate of Cornell ciety for Engineering Education, University, from which he holds Tri Delts To Meet and the Sigma Xi and Sigma Pi a degree in mechanical engineerMrs. John A. Bird, Wallingford, fraternities. ing. During undergraduate days will provide the program for the Among honors he has received he was active in varsity rowing February meeting of thc West are the honorary doctorate of enSuburban Alumnae Chapter of gineering from Drexel Institute of and the glee club. He is a member Delta Delta Delta to be held Wed- Technology (1950). the Westing- of D. K. E. Fraternity. He prenesday at the home of M rs. house Order of Merit (1942). and viously was -employed by Stone George Clothiel', Harrison road. the US Navy Certificate of Com- and Webster engineering corporation in Boston, and by Avon Pro_ !than. mendation for World War II con- du ct s, I nc.,.of S u II ern, N . Y. Mrs. Bird will show slides of tributions (1947). Hopper is also a member of the the Middle East taken on a reDr. and Mrs. Morgan, the formcent trip to the area with her cr Ethel Hine of Hamilton, Ohio, 9n professional practice of consulting engineering of husband, an asso~iate editor of live at Strath Haven avenue. A committee the American Society of Engi_ tbe Saturday Evemng Post, While daughter, Mrs. David McNeill t~e latter was studying under an aids, resides in Mount Lebanon neers. He is a registered engineer Eisenhower Fellowship. The slides Pittsburgh. A son David W R' in New York and Pennsylvania will follow the 12:30 pot luck Morgan, Jr., live~ on Dogv.:ood and has been certilled by the luncheon, lane. National Bureau of Engineering Registration. George To . (Continued from Page 1) man of the department and the party. The club decoration is in charge of Mrs. James O. Stevens. and table decoration. Mrs. Robert W. Grogan. Other chairmen helping Mrs. Brush include: Mesdames FrankI1n H. Andrew, John W. Soule. Frank G. Keenen. Clarence C. Franck. Robert B. Clothier. C. Russell Phillips, J. Kenneth Doherty. Howard G. Hopson; and Alice Marriott. (Continued from Page 1) Mrs. Leonard Ashton until 1938. Later he was employed at Baldwin Locomotive Works. Eddystone and immediately prior to his retirement five years ago he had been working at his sons' automo_ bile sales and service company on South Chester road. He was a member of the Media Republican Club. Mr. Rumsey's wife, the former Rose Murphy whom he married in 1901 in the Church of the NaMrs. Bess B. Lane of North tivity, Media, died in 1939. Swarthmore avenue entertained Surviving besides the two sons mentioned earlier are two sons, at a Sunday dinner at the Strath John ex-chief of the Swarthmore Haven Inn in honor of Mr. and Fire Company. and Clifford a Mrs. Talmadge Har" and daughter lieutenant colon,,1 in the U. S. Air Sylvia of Broomall. Mrs. Ralph V. Little. Jr.. of Force, Shelby. Mass.; a daughter Haverford place entertaind TuesMarian (Mrs. Paul) Smyth of day morning at a neighborhood Morton who has been employed coff"" and stork shower for Mrs. at the local bank for many years; 17 grandchildren; and three great- Wesley Wagner of Michigan avegrandchildren (Stephen Rusnik of nue. !\'!ichigan avenue son of Marian's ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ daughter. and John H. and Samuel H. Hammond, III of Villanova avenue, sons of John's daughter). Another son. David. died last Sep_ tember. .::;:::: ell saw it in the Swarthmorean." . .-::: Sr~ _pl-- , Our ample stocks make it possible for us to com· pound even the most com- We're Having a "One-Man Show" .. plex prescription wit~out delay. You'll appreciate our prompt, courteous service":""and our prices are always fair. The Originals of Our Hand·sketched Christmas Oards (through kindness of the ownel"$) CATHERMAN'S Will be on Exhibition for DRUG STORE Two Weeks. KI 3-0586 Do Stop In and See Them Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. Middletown Road R. D. 16, Media, Pa. Opposite High Meadow Custom La"dscape Work Telephone: CHester 2.7206 Ask for Ben ~almer or H"nry Arnold 'Visit our Roadside Market on the Middletown Road SEASONAL SPECIAL 5 Ibs. Seaboard Wild Bird Food and Bird Feeder $1.69 T .. TREE WORK .. .. rlmmlng - Tran$planting Make Arrangemenfs Now for Spring Spray Program tF~~~~~~~~;;;;;;~;;~~~;;~~~~~~~~~;;~ I THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR Dr. Richard C. Ammerman COUNT'· OF PELAWARE Friday, "'ebruary IS Sealed Proposals will he r~i\'ed at the 8:20 P.M.-"Solid Gold Cadillac" ................... Players Club Office of the County Controller. Court House. Media. Pa .• Ull until 1:00 P.M. on Saturday, February 15 Tuesday. J.'ehruary 26. 1957, for ,ul'nishing 8:20 P.M.-"Solid Gold Cadillac" ................... Players Club all labor. tools. materials, etc•• necessary for A!r Conditioning Delaware Connty 9:00 P.M.-Garnet CantEen ......... ,., ... Rutgers Ave. School Prolmhon OffiC'e~ and District AUorney's (}~l'es i~ the Court House. Media. Pa •• Sunday, Febrnary 17 which "\'111 he OIlened in Vie presene(! of 11:00 A.M.-Moming Worship .. .. ......... Local Churches the County CommiSSioners at 2:00 P.M. 8: 15 P.M.-Oscar Hammerstein, 2nd ....... ,........... Clothier on that day. Each bid must he accompanied by a eel' Monday, February 18 tified Cheek in the amount or ten per n; 6:30 P.M.-Father and Son Dinner ............. Methodist Church (10%) of the total amount of the ~d to the order of the County or Dela: 8:00 P.M.-Delco. Creek Valleys ......... ...... Friends Meeting drawn ware. Forms of ProPO~1 may be obtained at Tuesday. February 19 the Office of the- Chlef Clerk to the County 1:00 P.M.-Dessert-Bridge Party .................. Woman's Club CopmmiSBioners, at the Court 1I0use, Media • Wednesday, February 20 . The Cou~ty Commiuloners reserve the 8:00 P.M.-Reading Consultant: Dr. Maney ... Rutgers Ave. School tight to l'e1eCt alU" Rnd aU bids. A. C. THRONE Thuraclay, February 21 J. WARREN BULLRN JR 10:00 A.M.-Investment Series .................. .. Woman's Club JAMES J. CONNOR' • 8:00 P.M.-Gladys Walser on "U.N." ............ . County Commission. . Whittier Houae 2"".16 .. announces the closing of his office No. 5 South Chester Road Temporarily Available by Appointment at 904 Harvard Avenue Klngswood 3-2036 Heart THE5WART·HMOREAN Sunday Feb. 24 29-NUMBER 8 SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, FEJ.lRUARY 22, 1957 . Heart Sunday Feb. 24 $4.00 PER YEAR Election Petitions start CI-rculatl-ng Monday Feb 25 ;g#:ffi!~~:~~:~a:~ Lo~~1 E!;ra:iI~;~~dy IDedicate . Publicatl·on M~s. WiD MD~~~!~~~~:~~: !:~~IIJohnRotary R. Schott Wins. FellowshIP CoKeet for Heart SUR. commlttee 's already at work on 80 Pledges Will Borough the Woman's Club annual Spring I 'Tour Ori DoJd Not t : Seek 24th With a group of approximately 80 pledges. The Swarthmore College fraternities will descend on borough tlie afternoon of SunFebruary 24. on behalf of the Heart Sunday Drive. Heart disease. consideled the one killer must be conInu'!red. stat"d Harry Todd. chairand research depends on the !con,trilbull011S of civic-minded citi- The sale dayS (two this year) wlll be on Wednesday April 3 from 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.• and Thursday April 4 from 9 to 12. Settlement day will b" Friday April 5 from 9 a.m. to 2 p,m.' , Year John R. Schott of South Chester road ha~ been award~ a Rotary Foundahon Fellowsh,p f~r advanced study abroad durmg the 1957-58 academic year, it wa~ announced by Rotary International. as the world-wide service club organization observed its 52nd anniversary. On" of 123 outstanding students from 30 countries to receive a Rotary Fellowship. John was recommended for it by the Rotary Club of Swarthmore. He wlll (Continued on Page 7) R . To Late J.M. Pearson Six articles by the late Dr. John M. Pearson are reprinted in a book dedicated to him by the Natfonal Association of Corrosio~ Engineers. Dr. Pearson, recipient of the 1948 NACE Speller Award for achievement~ in corrosion engineering, is recognized for his outstanding work QD problems associated with corrosion of metals underground. The articles were originally published in the Petroleum Engineer and in Transactions ·of The Electrochemical Soc i e t y. They are printed Hfor the information of new workers and established investigators into. underground corrosion problems." Title of the publication is "Contributions of J. M. Pearson to Mitigation of Underground Corrosionu • I' T ee echon . as ax Collector Despite the calendar-and the weather--dtizens of the borough are bestirring themselves for spring and Pennsylvania's primaSVEN BOREl ry election on May 21. For nominating petitions, available next Monday. February 25 at the Media Court House. must be /lied with the Election Board by March 18. Following th" pattern set last In the ,borough there are several year by the fraternltl"s (who vacancies open for election. Good raised more than $1.000). the five citizens are already considering campus frats will conduct this these posts. and those they behouse-to-house canvas. lieve would best 11\1 them This "Pledge Project.. will be The majority of Swarthmoreans coordinated under the leadership regret Mrs. Mary Parke Dodd's of Mr. Harry Todd. Kappa Sigma. decision not to stand for reeleccaptains in various sections of the Response.to a 'petitlOn Circulated tion as Borough Tax Collector. borough are Pete Rayner, Kappa by Swarthmore Citizens in .OpMrs. Dodd, who, succeeded her Sigma, Tom Henderer. Delta EpsiI position to Route "A" has been husband Samuel M. Dodd at his silon; Bill Kenyon, Phi Sigma; "more than gratifying, n accorddeath in April. 1938, will have Bill Kenyon. Phi Delta Theta; ing to T. A. Bradshaw. chairman served the borough almost 20 Harbesan. Phi Sigma Kappa; of the group. years at the expiration of her Dave Bancroft. ·Phi Kappa Psi. Approximately a thousnnd sigterm in January, 1958. During James Duane. Phi Delta Theta. natures on the anti"'Route "AU this term of Office, her responsiyear's chairman, will act in petition already hav" been subbilities have increased steadily l.dvisOlry capacity to Todd. mitted to the appropriate authori"now, over half a million until This effort and its success deties, Mr. Bradshaw says, and the dollars ar" collected annually in an the citizens of Swarthpetition is continuing in ci:-culacounty. borough and school tax'57 PopulatiQn Figures Todd declared. If on" of the tion with additional signatures to es. Maintain Pre'dieted are missed on Sunbe submitted later. General conversation around he is asked to mall his. conlevels Presentation To Be 'Made "Swarthmoreans are. urged;" town Indicates that at least live tnbl,ti'>n tg Heart 'Assoclation of Mr. Bradshaw continued. Uto add able citizens are considering llling The census of the Swarthmore19th .Street. Phlla\ielphia 3. A t Court 0 f H onor their signatures to th" petition Rutledge School District cOIl)plet- petitions for this office. although in car" of the loclll Post Office. Wednesday against Route 'A' because this ed February 9. 1957. revealed 380 they hav" not formaUy announcroute would cause the greatest pre-school children in Swarthmore ed It. Sven Bor"i • son 0f Dr. and Mrs. damage to Swarthmore and Other officers in the borough Hans Borei of Rutgers avenue. has and 78 in nutledge. These figures . neighboring communities. De- indicate that the current popula- for \Vhieh. the citizens will be completed all the reqUlrem"nts struction and. downgrading of f Eagle rank l' n the Bo· S 0 is tion will maintain the .size of clas- asked to vote include that of the or y c u properties in Swarthmore and of Ameriea. Sven,,; will be preses in the elementary grades at Bargess, now occupied ,by Joseph · E 1 S t Bad t llutledge ,would result in increas_ least at the present levels for the Reynolds, who has stated his in_ sented h lS ag e cou ge a ed taxes for a\1 Swarthmore propFor antique lovers as .w.ell as a C ourt 0 f H onor on Wed nesd ay, erty owners." ,. "countable" future. tention to IIle for reelection. collectors, the program next . M Dr W W McCrory ch irman On Council,- four members, 27. at 8 p.m. 10 cCahan Mr. Bradshaw also pointed out ... ,a Tuesday at the Swarthmore Wom- February Hall of thA Presbyter,'an Church of the census. wished to express who~~ four year terms will run . • . . . that his group has advocated no an's Club will have a special ap- Fnend. s of Sv.en. and fnends of specific route for the proposed Ex- thanks to a\1 of the persons who out this year are Thomas W. peal as· Mrs. J. Stanley Taylor the t d t t d (Continued f)n Page 7) Hopper, president of Council; former Doreen Mitchell of Wal- Scouting are.mvl e . '0 a ten . . pressway. "Naturally a\1 of us Birney K. Morse, chairman of The Scouti~ tral1 to Eagle' lS I would prefer a route west of li ngford describes. with slides. d d Af public safety; Harry Wood, chairWinterthur, the Henry Francis l?ng an ar uou~. ter .progr~- Media," he said, "but our immedi_ man of the highway committee; smg from Tended.oot through ate concern is to avo,'d the undeDuPont Museum nea. WilmingCI F t CI and Charles Topping, chairman of Second ass to Irs . ass, a sirable consquences to Swarthhealth and sanitation. Taylor's experience as a Scout must earn five merIt badges more that construction of Route Mr. Hopper, who has served guide at the museum gives her to become a Sta: f;cQut, five more 'A' would bring about." Mrs. Elsie Roberts p~ichard'l two terms. has st~ted that he will to become a Llfe Scout. and a discussion a personal touch in total of 21 for Eagle. Of these. widow of the late J. Gilbert not seek reelechon. The other Viewing the authentic interiors of Firemen Fetch Feline Prichard. who had been a rosi- three. who are IIrst term incum, (Continued on Page 6) Ibese 18th Century· rooms. The · g th e bents, will file for reelection. From T op 0 f Ta II Tree d ent 0f S war th more d urm va.iety of furniShings. dispast 50 years, died February 13 Four vacancies will exist on plal/ed in this collection of over Final Investment Class Samptn decided to view the at ! h e age of 'I74 at h er h orne. the School Board when the terms rooms, gives the visitor a To Hear French world from the top of a tree in Michigan avenue and Fairview of office run out in November for impression of home-life in f : the side yard of the Driehaus road. Mr.. Prichard. who died in Donald P. Jones, president, Carl H. arry B. French, graduate ~ residence on Yale avenue.' from early America. 1956. had been in the whOlesale Anderson, Mary Spiller, and Clay_ E plscopaI A ca d emy; B rown U n 1- th thi d t I I A . ' d U· .t i e r s ory eve. one-year.. groc,ery business. ton Wicks. '£he only announced verslty, and Harvar ~versl y s "old cat, the pet 'Of Judy Tucker. Mrs. Prichard was born in incumbent wlio will stand for re& graduate School of Busmess Ad_ 'th litt! k I dg f ·tLi t t' 'U d t th II al Wl very El. now e e 0 any- Philadelphia. She attended Am7 election is Mr. Jones who will ml ~ ra ~on, WI can uc e n thing outside the confines of its well School. a branch of Westtown rUIl for the four year term. D. meeting m the series on Investh P k S own orne on - ar avenue, am- Friends School. She was a mem- Mace Gowing has announced his y Swarthmore High Scho~l. under ~ents for Women T.hursda morn- pan had sn"aked out when the ber of the Delaware County His- intention of llling for one of the the direction of Hanna K. Math- m~ at 10,', The top,,: of the class door had been opened at the (Continued nn Page 12) 11 b Yo S g P ogram totical Society and Prichard Meews. will present its annual play Wl e ur avm s r early hour of 8: 45 Tuesday mom- morial Lutheran Church in Phila"Pride and Prejudice.... Friday, and Evaluating Securities". ing when th" lady of the house had T • M t h Th t' reb 22 t 8 I Prior to his two year connection delphia. which was named as a ennis a c urs. 0 • a : 15 n Ute high her arms fu\1 of newspap"rs and memorial to Mr. Prichard's father. S • M yI ··h ruary . ,'n the· ,'nveslment field, Mr. Feature elxas 0 an ~ 00I audi ton. urn. had been unable to immediately Survivors include two sons. ' Jonathan. 2nd, and Cresson. both The SWlQ"thmore College Field The play committee has been French. a registered professional capture it. ''''arcled warm commendation for epgineer and a member of the An hour and a half later, when House will be the scene of a ten.. I Ainerican Institute of Electrical of Michigan avenue; three grand, c"o ce of a play which prefresh IIsh and other enticements children and six great-grandchil- Dis program to be presented a cha\1enge in ·tIle attempt Engln""rs. had industrial experi- had failed· to lure the cat down Thursday, February 28. in th" colto . te h ence in electronics engineering dren. ','n m rpret t e writing of the with General Electric and in en- the trunk of the tree, a hook and The funeral was Saturday morn_ lege lIeld house. comparabl" novelist of manladder truck arrived. Manned by lng from her late residence. Rev. The 7: 30 program will feature ners. Jane Austen." gineering administration in the Bill Shirley and Bill Hartman of Willis Dillman. pastor of the Vic Seixas, former Wimbledon The compl"te cast, in addition Instrument Division of Minneapo- the Swarthmore Volunteer Fire Prichard Memorial Church, 0111- and National Champion. Davis Ia leads. Danna Cope. Gunnar lis-Honeywell. Company, th" truck pi¥led into clated. Burial was in Mt. Moriah CuP. and third ranking piay"r in. Qu'the t Hlrs . He is a r"sldent of Villanova. IS. Ann" ch, and Bruce ' the gravel driveway. The ladder Cemet·ery. the nat~on, and Ed Moylan. ranked "ee Memb"rs of the class are re'. utchean. follows: . shot to the top of th" tree in th" fourth in the nation. In a singles St PI minded to bE> prepared with th" b_ eve afker. Yvonne Brill. vicinity of th" cat's resting place. ~ 'lW match. 'Jartman. Jim McCorkel, E11is Eleventh and twelfth grade As- By this time a small crowd of in- Academy has been nominated sec- ing. playing in the Middle States• awrnan, Frank Andrews. Sandy ."mblles wiD meet tomorrow night t"reSte Foroeign Stu_ or. and June Holt. ,. . Mrs. John W. Carroll are the I8Uer who descended ,cau- School.' James Pappas. Jr.• SM1dent Scholarship. NOt adl'nJsslon c"StUdent directors are Rosemary "class hosts of the· eI_th IiDd tlously with the clawing ball of Morton avellUe. Chester. has been will be charged, but ccIIltrtbutlons l[ anti lise AlzupKIs. . ~ grades, respeettuety. fur.' nominated flrst princlpal. will be received. . 1000 Sign Petition Against "An Route an Sven Borei To Receive Scout's Eagle Rank I Census Reveals 458 Pre-School 'Children 'Collectors' Item' Set for Club Tuesday Funeral Service Held For Mrs. E. R. Prichard tO~irs. "Pride Preiudice" On H. S. Stage Friday Nommat • ed ·.Iand ,, est P I I •ov...... Pe'~~A" ~ls City ov';' the v:eek end atteodinl prt~ to~ thek VisIt iii Baltlinore. I ~.'ll"iI El1~ r.astlake ~o Jan~ Harvard avenU~~Tho' pal'!ell!; the national convention of the PrIvate Lawrepce M.WpodruIf, The baby's materoal grarid- grandparents are 'Mr. end J f Dartm th American AasoclaUOO: of 8ehool of Capt. ana Mrs, J, L. Wood- motherJs Mrs. Howard Davis of LouIs HamlolSOn of Aurora, Jo h nW. O'Breno ou Ad lolstratora. Circle '. Is It1 Atlantic City this m Secane, has been I!JSlgned to week attending the' National ConLeiBh )lollis, daU&hter of Mr. "e" Company, 1st BattJIoo, 1st . Training RegIment for eight ventlon of Educators. Mr. O'BrIen and Mrs. E. B. Hollis Of Is assistant supertntendent of Rld_ Chester road, has pledged .Delta of basic ,infantry training at ley Tow,nship Schools, and an in- Gamma sorortty at Depauw. UDiS. C. , -_. 'structor at Temple Unlv.rs1ty, versity, Green Castle, Ind, where . MIss Mildred Ball of Drexel. · Mrs. Margaret C. Neal of Ben- she Is enrolled as a freshmao whose engagement to Mr. BEAUTY SALON \ , jamln West avenue and Mrs. Helen Mr. and Mrs. James CalkIns Of Wilson, Jr., of Stratil THIRI IS NO SUISTITUTI FOa CAli' ! ' Hall of IDllbom avenue have re- South Chester road and MIss Winavenue has been announcturned 'to SwartJunore followilig nle Rumble of Swarthmore ave- ed, was guest of honor at a lunchChaster Road' a seven week trip to Sanibel Is- nue were skiing' at the eon and kitchen shower liven . . . f Cit'i ~!'Psw~ 3;04!~ land in the Gulf of Mexico and SkI Bowl in" the Catskill- Moun- Sat~!i"y by Mrs. Charles A,ndes, . ActIYa of ... ....,~ '"I,-,~, -fflf~. to Miami Bellj'b, ~~' .... ~: Y., during a reCent 0,1, ,:Bow~ Green, Media. Mrs. Russell Cook of MontcJalr, end. ' . ' M,rs. 'Edward M. BoYd of, the , . .The Bou.quet . ~-­ ~ -- 9Soufh wes.. ·tams, , N. Is visiting with her J"mother Mrs. this J. A:week Perry of '. sOuth Chester road. , Sherry Lee Nolt, flv,e-yearrold daugher of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Nolt of School lane Is at home this week With the chicken: po". Over the week end Sherry Ike's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Joseph Siegfried arrived from 'Fullertoo to visit with, her and her family. The little girl Is in kindergarten at the Rutgers Avenue School. Mrs. A. H. Marsh returned to her apartment in the Dartmnuth ' M...... Mr.road Ludwig Apartments Is i~~~~;;~5.~~5~~~::~~ way readHartmann a pape>: of onGreenpaper Hospital with a brl,kelll chromat,ographY at a symposium as the result of a fall. Saturday afternoon at the Univer- Mr."'&nd Mrs. C. Russell PblllIps slty of Delaware, Newark, Del. of Stl'ath !laven avenue have reMr. Hartmann I. associated with from a vacation In the tUNE UP the Atlas Powder Compimy West Indies where they spent two . ',' , ... TRUCK IN$;f~,ql9.~ Wilmington. ' w e e k s on the Islands of Barbados DELA., 0 BATT'.ERIES WIlliam Barraclough, son pf and Puerto Rico. "Mr. and Mrs. Arthw: C. Barra- Mr. and Mrs. R. D. McLaughlin ' ,GULF GAS and OIL clough of Chester, has been elect- of Park avenue had as their gue~ts I '. "OBERT,.J. AT%. ug.'·.u:",' , ed treasurer of Phi Delta Theta last week end Mr. and Mrs. ROjler I . '" fraternity at Colgate Unlvemty, Pugh with their son Jim of Mama-, ' ~ySSELL'S 'SE~VICE Hamiltoo, N.Y., where ,he is a ron'1C\f, N. Y. . Opposite Borough Parking Lot ' senior. William graduated from Miss Sylvia Ellis of South CbesKlagswood 3-0440 ' . Dartmoutlu aad Lafayette MID.WINTER onl:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'f~'~"~J~,~!~!!~~~~ House a three IDgh in 1953. ter,roadadd attended symposium mop.th last visitw.eek withfollowi1lg her daughter in Swarthmore Mrs. Henry C. Sohool Patterson of "Grait Blocka CopolymerlzaSail Antonio, Tex., and hllr sister Maple avenue ,accompanied Scout tlon" Saturday mornln, at Brookf' Jacksonville, F l a . ' Pack I, Den I, Tuesday to visit Iyn Polytechnic Institute, Brook· Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Clothier the old Brinto.n Homestead, 1704; lyn, N. Y. of COlumbia avenue entertained at'Dlllworth Town. -------.,... before the. dinner' dance at the Mrs. L. J. Servais of Elm aveBIRTHS nue had as her guests her daugh- Lt. and Mrs. Richard M. Linton Spring Haven Club Saturday. Mrs, Marvel WUson entertained ter Mrs. Paul R. Cobble with her of Wllpain AIr Force BaSe, ArIz., her eightsome brtdge Club Tues- daughter Susan who are en route announce'the birth of thelr'lIrst dai at luncheon at her bome on to Chattannoga, Tenn., where th.............., ....'~,.P,'o',,""" Bergen, Mrs, Etter drove up to ~'''",' " , Swartlunore Tuesday on the 00_ ,Frl, thru' Wed•• F.eb. 22.27 casloo' of 'M:rs. Cliiford'~. ~Irthday A I " Ie••", 00.1 .e......fli'. plCt.r. of • ro••• COlLEGE" TUl' A TRE. " ' 'r"'RIFIFI""_ lIII., '.",.1 .,1 ShiT/Ji,' Dr. R.ichard C. Ammerman . Jean S.",ol, It Ro.... Mo •••1 1"_7:3019;40'PIot . nl~~t only-.foatu," ..; i 10 P.Iot. D.lIy 5.1. WASHINGTOWSlIDHDAY announces the MArl NEE. fII...... ZZ ot 1 • M ~1:!: closin~' ~f his office No: S South Chester Road' ,. , =:" ". 3_ DRUM.IAT· wi" ,Ala. Ladd (Clnem..copo.r..hnlcol..)·, GIANT . .,,~ SAT~~'=~ :'HOW 2 Comol"", Shows ot liA.Iot.•nd 2 !loon o.. n 10,]0 A.1ot .. Continuo.., pe~onn.n~. P.Iot. 1-20 Color Como•• 20 ~-''''''_I, O........ r No.. "'_ Temporarily Avc.llableby Appointment at • , r , " ';., - '~'" -; , . 904 Harvard A,(enue Klngswood 3-2036' , '.;- .-', :" '-: _ •• -, " r t.,.' ! ' . . , ....." . Seriol 3. Cu.odles IrShrt S.....h' . ~ ••rfr •• d ......... ...." community and neIghbor1DC areas, Brae, Ore,hard '~ .I.e ~.,. o.~ 'i hope 'ou will peI'JIlit ine to m point out ~ observations, I ,'~!fr th_ T~ op~ upc I"d ' are m&d" to the BulletID 01 tbe ..,d101.uaI wnren, All hi in reporter If! let'- Ie Tbe llwarth........... mu.t W ch I can quote substance, , ~.... ........ _dOD)'lDDB be but probably not with ,cOmplete CRISP AND JUICY, ~-.: ~ah~::: exactness becaw:\" I do not, now ,,..,•• 'ro", Our Ow. Stor.,. , . ~, 0111)' at tho, ' _ o n ' 01 ,tile have a copy of tne siatement: ~ , , --, "It Is clear that a road Is ·needMULLED CIDER ~ ed. Obvlo11"ly the /inal Choice ~ ClarI8... Statement must rest on considerations of the Serv.d , .... D.rla, ' ..r•• ry ~ To the EdItor:' relallve engineering efficiencies .VISIT - ' ~ No doubt many S.warthmore'ans and the relative impact on 1 the ~ have read Mr. GeOr!le R. Staab's lives of the people aIIected, ~ bi-lined article' in The Sunday "Whatever' the /inal decision ExIIlblHoa 0111 _ CJur Yaalshl., Co.drysl. ~. Bulletin, February 17, 1957, about may be, I hope and believe that ~ the' 'so-ealled. "spilt", betweenlit will be accepted by the whole OPEN TILL BLOSSOMS ,COME AGAIN .'.1 ,. ' lli Swa. rthmore reSidents and Swarth- community .in a spirit of mutual III I Route 452 - V4 Mile Sourn of Route I ' ~ more College. , _' good feeling' ~d sportsmanship, Hrs. 9 .....-6'30 ..... ' Midi' 6-1680 ' LIMA PAe ~bviotislY newsJ?apermen choose, and that no personal animosities 5••• 10 ....-6:30 a. . I I!'i then- own "angles" and methods will result," , -,"''''~ ~ lIJ ~ ~"fu.~~~~'%....~...'%,..."'1®.."'~'w.........~....~ of expression wHen writing their Speaking only lIor myself, I news stories-and this Is as it would be "pleased less than someshould be. It is equally true, how- what," to use the Damon Ruriyan ever, that per~ns tv~O ~re quoted vernaCUlar, by ihe "Red" route; I i'16e Dealer ,With 27 .rears of Depen".'';IIt,'' in news stories sometimes. ,wish but ,nevertheless if that route thjlt ,a somewhat -differen~ mode :were chosen; I would accept the of expression might have been decision with no feeling. of chosen. ' will whatsoever toward my many The artj.cle, at one point, reters good friends at Swarthmore CoIto, the "Bradshaw committee" as: lege. "objecting ,to. the Red route and And to clarify my position supporting th,: Blue," The com- turther, I shall gladly join with mittee of which I' am chairman, others to renew the fight to urge a Swarthmore Citizens, in Oppoi;l~ route west of Media, '50 long as PER. tlon' to Route "A", has never ad- the issue between the relative ~ vocated, adoptiol) of any sP!!"ifIc damage resulting Jrom the "Blue" route. We woUld_ favor the adop- and "Red" routes Is not obscured. 'tion of any route' which would T. A. Bradshaw Including Insurance Coverage For 361. Months . • .. affect the Borough at all, just ' as o.ther groupS in Swarhritore Urge Le~rs Custom 2·Door Includes: WOUld, In fact, one of the mem- To. The EdItor: , , bers of our committee was quoted . The solicitation of tb.e residents .2-To.e Paint • Magic Air Heater ciad Defroster to this effect in the Bulletin artl- of the borough to join in the proit on Filter • PaslHve AcHon Windshield cle. .' test against the location in Swarth• DlrecHan Signals • Permaned'Aatl Freeze :··In the 'flnal analysis, all Swarth- more of the Chester-Turnpike exmoreans prefer the "Green" route; pre~sway Is nearing complqtlon. but it the' chofce mllst be narrow- Borough Council's committee. as. ed.' to the - "Bll;le" or the ''Red'', sistell by many volunteers hopes Required if: you have $300 or more Equity"in many Swarthmore res1denljl' (In- to have ready an overwheImlng eluding myself) would oppose the protest from the cDmmunity. :Any You,'Presen.t C"r. , • See Us Todayl "Red", just as the College-ul'- who have been mlased may sign ,. . . . . , . , -. '. . , ' . I 'derlltandably-would 'oppose, tihe at the borough olftces. , OW: position Is based on' We belieVe. it, important for . .. ' a slnce~e .iQnvictlon· that, if we residents Individually to write to · • ' , .' ." ,' . ' ... ,to !'l"ke, the' unliappy choice persons' in- authority who will de:BOth~· ";·9d.&S··rOtj, St..,' . CHester 4-C1t~.1 beliN.'.e.n. '~.:' an..d, ''Bl.ue'', ill.elte.rmlne.or !'ave a'"olce on loca· ' .~ ," p ',' , .,.,.. ''Red'' rOute, 1:S ..,the 'more (damag- !Ion of the expr.essway. We think ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~.~'~~in~g~ .10 the ,entire ~warthniorelt· wise fu mention :10, you 'the 'Sun", A P·p. L E'5 I :=su:. ApPIe ..Hou"se" WoIff'S" I p... . Offers YOU'a New ~51' Ford . J=OR $5' "4·· .. 4' 7·' ONLY . \ ,MONTH ,. ) Until An Altern~tive' Finally Is Decided, 'Upon "me ~III, '.i'" ..' S!Jch. the. COUIIfy.,;. IIdditiot.... _ , 1IIOII....nl highweysshoulcl ~e upon the remeinillg I e , .' . not - ;.. <- • of. trtrflic . .-c' i.o. "Haow_parts '"IU...... .... .. • Thorough deani'll iIIId lubrication • R_.tebq • PIck up' and delivary ~$3!! "aper ••,. fDr All CI....,. R. J. DAWSON ... . • 'c, ,' The~efore, Swarth'moreans Interested in Preserving. the Character 'of \ \ 'lheir Homes and Community Are Urged fo Sign the . , ,. I ' PETitION OPPOSING' ROUTE "A" . , '. (Rives;view Road Route) • " More Than 1,000' Residents Already Have pone -Sol , . "In. . . - .s.. ,,..., . , Haai.b_., , I, .' • I 1. To Prevent Destruction of Swarthmore Homes.' . , . 2. To 'Prevent D~wn~rading of . 4. To Prevent Increased Taxes. Resulting From Property S~arthmore ~ines. ~. " Damage in Swarthmore and Rut/edge. , 5, To Prevent HellVY Economic and Social Impact Here 3•.To , Prevent Increased. TraflicOn and Possible Widen. . ing Of' Chester Road; and' in Neighl;o.ring M~nicipalifles. . ~ ' If Petitior.s Have Not R.eached Your Neighborhood, Call KI 3-2046 , • . . • • .' . m.-. ,; COIISI,.,. DOer and'. Tank .Route'·, UA'!ls·',a· "ClearandPrese~t Danger" , • . To'ALL:ofSw(lrthmore! "- SWcllth'more, Ci·'i%ens half again lIS m";'" ,L • 19,70, the need fur ':-.::.LP!~~ In De/IIW_ County by. in .. -onu recreation .... Wif·.,.. CliI/ L' ~t the firrIe IIICri iItId L "H h~ W! '.'i"I required to faci/itilfe th .~ • 3, W'1fII ... ~.AT 1:11 ',M' ~jllOtlR:CHII::!LD~~ eolh .... · . ' SERV CE I :" , . • i "] _,'. , HOOVER ·NO DOWN ,PAYMENT Ii•. 630000 . names and addresses of some of these 'olftclals so thut residents can write: ' Hon. George!'.l. Leader, GoIiemor, HarrisbUrg, Pa. Mr. J. L. Stinson, Public Roads DIstrict Engineer, Bureau of Publie Roads, Harrisburg Pa. Hon. Joseph J. La~ler, Secretary of Highways, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Harri,burg, Pa. Hon. G. Robert Watkins; Senate of Penna., Harrisburg, Pa. Han. Clarence D. Bell, House of Representatives, Harrisburg, Pa. Han. Benjamin Franklin James, House of"Representatives, WashIngton, D .. C ' Very Sincerely yours, GEORGE W. McKEAG' Chairman PAUL B. BANKS ' Secretary I ill-I G.'M. STULL COa ~deral . SPl~IAi: SUNDAY MAnNU ' ma,. 'HOT oWl\ed bl! i!',e G.overnment, lind. 539 Collnties a,nd Mu",clpalrh~:, Mue'h 1)f this acrellge is owned devotedbyto. instifu:;.onal or governmental use,- and is not availlilble for recreation. . ~~~v,..., s~ch publrcly-owned land comprises 1_ ~an seven. !enms' OT one pel'C!ent of our'total IIInd areal We rank, second' termt.sh of the a,mount of. public l'e)ads per square mile of land, Since ere a"!l6.2 mUes of ,roads in Delllwilre County· for every square ml" 0 f land! . ,Bu~ wh~t of the future? At w\lat rate will Delaware County's pOP!llahon Inc~e.se? PoPb.l,a.....,.on eX~rfi' ·(IH.',.... -•.·lVe Prol--"-" ' USC A ,I' " 'IU....., ""..OIlS ens~s, ugu.s~ 21, 19$~ pre ict.tl!aftlie U, S, ., lafio~ will b,e over 200 million by 1,70,' r"i"inc:rii ,- .f . p P,1' .,. 2210 above. present Iev,,1sI. But tielaw'are"C:un;Pr:XI~:~ ~;1~~~!3.~. at ati'!'!twt.~nth~· nat/onal PQPulat/!n ~uni~ /0' conse~afive ~mllte'would ffier;afo' st Wat ~~~Olun!l"sb p'opulation wiD have inmaseCiby ;~~r:t'Ve HIe I' , . eve y 19701 Th",. will be mcireth . IVlng in. Dela"'llre" County by that' time! '. .an ". .. .' JMIrsOI1S The following COiIclusfollS seen:a ine_paW,,!, ' I. Lad: of foresight has'crnted _L C,; . d'" " lesi'than Io/.'·of. Ji\iliilaLL I da _!ng con itlon,sln~ th . 'bI' :','. I ,~ an remlllllS in' the h'aricIs of the pu, ICo ~e.n In.dudlng ~ heldtrllcts. iuChil$ at°:e ~:"'t:~uSwarthmoraCoHega, we stand virtuitlly of the remrya'ln'lng !"oreofteadll IPendnsylvania counties in I TI S an. ' ,'.~rms 2 P I ti • opu a on increases in De/llware Co ~,will. resuJt • the, vJ!fual.eliminiltion of"'~irialil~'~ '.' III ~.~.. ~y plannlngw. mll.e IIlTang'.1;.':t.... fci.~IfS' ,,,." .e 'E'.J!&..:':' &'AIIU.fl" v,~!,~ S.~t!, .# '.' '. L tte . t . th G ; M'. STU'LL" CO' . ~·Blue." . Fra:: of C",OQ.N.J, . Y.".,' ," EXP.,.'" •.".' avenue. tended 'a MlUIary .A1falrs ' al gbDdpBJ\ents:' Maternal grand, , carried out the George Washlng_ ference In San Francisco, Mrs. parents are Mr. and Mrs. Jilek B. l!1.• c!~~i!1g f!I:-l~tion o. fII~ p.:oposad higm.:lly.· we ton I!'~e. Mrs, Marlf. Bittle of H"ot accompanied her husband as ThompSOl1 of Cllfton Forge, Va., !'lust glv~ ~~~I~rllren,to.tlie 10M'~ "",ds of our co",",un,Rutgers Avenue reviewed' th<\ far' as LoS Angeles. She visited formerly of Swai1Junore ny. In ftllS,~ii\lCRon, the, foUowing ·statistics,.obtllined .Iargely . '''''80ll":dth,we 9f. the Pennsvl,... .. , 1II.o.,ft."J.".' •. book, ''MIracle in the Mounl;iln.... her son-in-law and daUghter M r . ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Feer will and Mrs. John Sells In Inglewood Dr. and Mr•. Maarten S. Slbinga , " be >TO "";' ,"'/>; ~:W;a~ a family dInrler party and al~,? Mr.. and Mrs. Lewis D. announce the birth of a son Mich•Dela~IIre ,County, h.ad a popula,tion, o{ 414,234, in 1~5o. ti ~' the .::!..~22, In celebra- Lawrence In MonrOvia. Mr. Hoot ael Frank, on February 10; Mrii. rankl,!1g thIrd In popu,lation out ~f ~7 co.ullfies. In pop'u111tion " on o e - w,day anniversaries, joined her for the week end be- Frank G. Bradbeer of Moylan Is denSIty p,ar !quare milti was 2,169. persons, ranking Hcond of of her fath,er Mr. Horace A. fore their retu:m to SwBruunore. maternal ·grandmoth·er. ·..... e· II t Betw ~... d _ Reeves, S,r., af Elm avenue, her M Is s' ~.. a .co.unles.. een·IT"tU .. and I,19.50.. " ""opu.·I,ati,',o.,n.·incre.a,sed,.by Sally Gaskill of UiUversity Rev. J. H. Smlt Sibmg'a of Eind" 33 3 >/ h h th . bro'''er ' will spend. the week , eod at hoven, Holland, Is the paternal .. ,rce, ,.,n.,·"'ge.. i.ncr.aa.~. ~ ,M "r. R.. eeves, J.r., of Corn- p Iace P • ~.,Iv W,IC wfJ d sa.con,th ".r,"est :I~"l. ... i.n,. ell. avenue, and her own. 'The S~ence AIr Base, 'G1J,., as the guest grandfather. ' ennsy a~la coun as' unng at uee. e. Our natural r.... of party will take place at the Feer of her f1nancee Mr. David L. BlIpopulation !ncrea!& (~nsidering birth· 'r~h!.~ d,.th' ~.., end home In HIgh M d Itt"· , not population mlgr~fio,n) places u,s tl!lrd. 1I,",oll9 all, COl!ntiat. · .., ea ow. . e, SDn of Mr. and Mrs. Harry 1',Ir. and Mrs. Donald F. Ham(Philadelphia coun'" g-w Iy 7./ d ' il.' " • dl)' Miss Bar.bara B, Kent, daughter B. BI.u~tt of 'Lyndhurst, O. Miss of Newtown Square 8 0 - ' . . ' ." '1i ',':' ' on . /. .."!'ln9. ml~ ~o . " of Mrs. Russell ~. Kent of Dart'- Gasklll' and Mr. Billett will be' . the birth oftht!lr first'· Delawa!e Co~n(y ranb ,65f!i of 67 counties in terms' of mouth avenue, entertained at a married June 2 2 . , !fie P~OrtIO" of Its'land wluch I, devoted, to ,forests and 601ft family dinner Sundliyin hono.r of M.:~mbers of the elghth grad~ In terms o{ ~e proportion of ' its area deyoted to fa~s. Of its ~s ... R. Kent, Jr.'s. mother Mrs. had a class party Saturday in the 191 s~ua~e moles. only 16,3% is dassifiecl as, "forested:' It ranb William ~. Harrlso.n, Jr., who re- High School gymnasium. MrS. 6$th, I.!' terms of tbe p~oportion of publicly-owned land. The,. turn~ to this country after two Gecrge Hamell, program chairare'ln Delaw.re County 120 acres owned, by the State; 168 ., .'\\I!Il 8-D900 PETER E. TOLD. EdItor r~te!':r: ~: ...IIIDS WD. IN. . MOIls There will, be no Adult I'ortl11! and no Flrst-day SchOOl n~ Sunday. February 24. IDBtee4 Friends are In'lited to at1en4 Family Day at Meeting. tor Wor. ship at 11 o'clock in the M~ Mr. Schott will prea~h ilt the ~n TueSday. al 10: 30 a,m. ~ 9: 30 and 11 o'clock serviCes Sun- 1: 15 p.m. at the First Presbyterlday mOrning. The title' of '. hls an Church of Glenolden, Chester sermon will.' be "The Layman's Pike aDd Ashland avenue, the Role". winter meetJng of the PhiladelChurch Sfhool classes 'meet. at phia Presbyterial for District 1 1. 9:30 and 11 o'clock. The'S~or will be held. The thOll!le of the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE N()TES METHODIST NOTES High Bible claS/i 'meets at, 10.45. meeting is "Committed Unto Men's and women's Bible classes Christ". Church ,School begins. at 9:4<; How spiritual understanding of am. Sunday with .classes f,!r all c0l'vene at 9,.30. '. The Board of Deacons will meet God as divine Mind opens the ages. At the 11 o'clock Morning The ;Junlor High Fellowship In the Woman's Association Room way to greater abilitJes and op- Worship Service .Mr. Kulp will will meet for worship ;m~o~al on Tuesday at 8. ch reading in'atthe Woman The Bandage Group will meet portunltles will be brought out pr"a. tion room 5. At 5:30.s when Clathe DOES YDDR POLICY ChristJan Science services Sunday There are ~ee nurseriesffor 'Communicants' Class joins the at 10 a.m. Wednesday., _ ' I"CLUDE P. U by the Lesson-Sermon' entitled Infants and ohildren up to Our· . will be shown enCircle 7. Mrs. Harold C. Wilt There is also a Kin grouP. a m o v i e . h . III t t If you have au automOlII1e "Mind". years 0 age. . - titled liThe Outsider." Supper will Iiams, .c _8H'll'l.anJ w mee a accidont )IOu'll be.-.d The Golden Text is from Rom- dergarten' Church program and a be served in McCahan Hall at 10: 30 Wednesda'y morning at 'you have the policy with ans (12:2): "Be not contOrniedPl'. Church progmm at the 6:30, followed by choir rehearsal home. of Mrs. Corb!U1 C. the P.S. (Peraonal Be"te, to this world: but be ye trans- Worship hour. with chiI~ si~ at 7. 315 Maple aven",e. ice). 'V-S." is. the per1Ona! aerYice. of a .qllAiiformed by the renewing of your tJng In the Sanctuary wllh thell' The Senior High Fellowship :-Church. School Cabinet will Bed S _ Cuualtjo AKent. mind, Utat ye may prove what Is parents during the ilrst ~ of continue the series, of dis- meet at 9 p.m. in the Woman's AsLet U8 to/I yon why ye" that good. and acceptable, and the service. During ~e slnlP?g of cussions on ''DevelOping a Rela- sociatJon room. . . need the policy wIth tho P.s. t~e second hymn, chiI~entlrW1ll be tion with God." The subject of Circle' 11, !'ofrs. Frederick .114. perfect. will of God." All are welcome to attend the directed to the Kind garlen this meetJng wlli be "The Bible". Porter, ch8lrman, will m~t. at services at First Church of Christ, Room for their. own program. A fiIni about the 'Bible will be 8: 30 at the h!lDle 01 Mrs. WIlliam Scientist 206 J:'ark avenue at 11 The Methodist Youth Fellow- shown and Mr. Bishop wlll lead F. Porter, RoSe Valley roa!!, Wal-..I. o·clock. ship will meet ~t 7 ~.m. at the the discussion which follows. The Ilngford. AU Linu o/lruurance , church. The JUntor High Fellowbe the guests of the FelOn Thursday, the Primary 333 Dartmouth Ave. "1 saw it In-The Swarthmorean" shlp will also ,-"eet at the church lowshlp of the Tully Memorial Choir will rehearse. at 3:30, the at ·7 o'clock With Counselors .Mr. Presbyterian Church of Sharon Junior <;:hoir at .4: 15. and the Klngswood 3-'833 and Mrs. James Morrash and Ron Hill will be the guest of the Fel- Chancel Choir at 7: 30. Sutton. lowshlp for supper at 6: 30 in McThe College Student;Discussion Monday at 7: 30 p.m. there will Cahan Hall and then at .the meet- and Social ActJon Group will con_ be a MYF SUb-district rally at ing whlch' will bUXlowship. I m.~, will be held. 8:00 P.M. - Adult Confirmation Holy Communion will 'be ~~'~,I THIIlGlllmliAII bOecla IDOtley to Class. brated at 7 o'clock Wednesday mod....;.. ......... • . layout ••• add Monday. Febrnary 25 moniuig. At 10 o·clockthere. (St. Matthias) . '.will IeI'riee8 that attract IDOracud -en be a meetJng Of. pte Bible 'clSS!!, 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. Toescia)'. Febrnary 28 which Is .being conducted by Mrs. 5:40 P.M.-Evening Prayer, ' Maxey Morrison. At 4: 45 , Wednesday, Feb.......,. 27 . wlll be a rehearsal, of the . . , 7:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. Boys' Choir Sopranos. The Eve10:30 A.M.-Bible Study. nlng Group of the Woman's AuxThursday. Felinuary' 28 illary Square Dance to be held on 8:110 P.M.-Bible Study. Wedhesday at 8 p.tn. in the Parish Yes ••.. many more needs, because 5:40 P.M:~-'::~~!.er. Hall, and all those intereSted square dancing are invited to atTHE RELIGIOUS SOCIEl'Y tend.' , Provident is ready to make FBI EOIPtE· For as little OF FRIENDS Choir rehearsals will be held $31.00 per nlonth yOU can borrow . Sunday. Februar)' 2' P~nalLoansforanywoithwhile 11:00 A;M;-'Family Day at Meet- 6:.30 p.m. ThurSday for Altos; 7: 15 aamuch .... $504.43 for 18montba, ing for Worship. p.m. for Sopranos, . and at 7: purpose ••• at low bank rates! Monday. Febrnlll')' 25 ,p.m. for .·the .. Men's Choir. The All mpleted the ilrst of its study which Includes review of all' 1)ubUc. rea:e'¥1on. nrogrtinu carried.on In the county the ·v·arious· townships, bor:' of'<;:bester.. TIie second; pJlase Of' the . com- oughs and'.the'City Woman's Club Even' March 5"7 for stUdents of Unusual allillty. Gruenther requesting aid and asaecording to PrIncipal WilUam M. s1atari,ce .for the flOOd sufterers 'of Several new' features will be Bush. ., Kentucity. Vlrg1n1a. and West Vir_ introduced 'this 'the12th stu,dy showed. that 19 of the .49 . The. students honored are: ginia.' . 'annUalAntiqlles .$ , :scheduled communities in Delaware County W. Browne. Rlchsi'd W. newly _ appoin1ed for Mai-cb. 5. •. aPli 7; by. the' not report summer Coit.s; 'deorge K. Garrett, Ancliew Red .Presldent, stated that WOQl8n's .Club of Swarthmore. at recreation ProtlZ'l!DL . D. IlOxby, Wnilam A. Welsh, Jr., present indications point the clubhouse; lt8.park avenue• members .of. the citizens ahd Paul T: WllIls. a tol;ll Red' CroSs eXpenditure of The 24 del!lers. all reputable Committee include: " T h e y havlL 'also been .nam.ed five iriillion dollars. Two mIllIon deans .. to 'antique 19v.e,rs.'., will dIsAmy' • HOwland,' Swarthmore, .' I .tate' i n ' ... I ' . ' , . Pennsy vania s rWlDers~up dollars hllve a I'eady .b~n all6cat- plaY' more furniture than ever Frank. pad James. Sands. the i957 Merit Scholarship com- ed for. disaster reUefln the moun- before. Pin,e and cherry will /Ie in WaIJpjgford;and Samuel S" Start, petition. As ih<;. .iQcal stU- talnouS coal-mining :reglon. The ahundance, as well aimany pieces _ _ _ _ _ _;;; dents will ·be sent letters 'of recom- new esutnate is based on fresh of the Victorian. period. There' ~y ~Uc dI4 '~1I1· Freci~rick Gl'\leDth~, ~roos Fi~ ~ towar~ ye~r ~t ~ su~h 1Dl~·t~tee;;;;;~S._W;;;O;;;l_k,;;;W;;;hi_ch_Inv_;;;ol;;;v;;;es;;;';;;th;;;e;;;;M;;;;C>;;;'Y;;;lan;;;;;._;;;;;:;;;; · I~ 1 .. Page 5, For 12th Ant~uesFair Mrs. .Robert Boyle Choirs ciI of PullUc In ment of adequate public .reciea- the NatJonal Merit Chapter of the. American Red Inelaw,ire' County has reached tile tion PI'OIII'ams In Delaware Coun- Corporation tor dlsiingw,med ~r- Cross; has received an Urgent telehall.ay point licCOid!Dg 'to Millard ty. 1l!. expected .to l1J8 eqmpleted for formance In ita nationwide search gram from' General' Alfred M. .. ' 24 Deiters· Scheduled ' . C tee's linal fePOrI. whlchwlll inseniors at Swarthmore High Brig. Gen. Brenton G. Wallace. Chairman of the Southeastern . The Health and Welfare .OUD- clude a blueprint for the develop- School hl've been Commended ",' niendiition by NMSC.. for use in reporis recelved from '28 affected wlll be odd chairs, dry sinks. .ap'pl;Yinlg to thl1 colleges they wish counties hy 259 dlsaster~trained dough troughs, blanket chests. to attend. staff and volunteer officials. At etc.; also many Items in . copper .. . ., least 25 more disaster workers are and br~ss. . . . . . . .. bANtERS. INSTRUMENTALISTS. · • ,/ . j ." Gr~at BookS Group being recruited for, duty in . the This year a new booth, featur. • " NOVELTY ACTS. Etc. in.g books: on.' .antiques, '. will be To ,Meet Tuesday three-state area. THE LIONS CLUs OF SWARTHMORE 18 PLANNING In announcing that a $160,000 manned by Mrs. Francis W. Pen.~ The tenih meeting of the dls~ter quota'has been set for the nell, of SWa¢hmore. AN AMATEUR . . .SHOW IN MAY roR CllARITY . SwarthDtore Great Books Discus,Pe!!!1Sylvania Chap-I . 'rl,t" club ~t st8rteci the Fair For Auditions, Write Not Later than Feb1'llll1J" 24th to sion Group will 'ake place Tuesreported that the need in 1945,in respon~e community . r· , . ' . . day evening, 8 p.m.• in the council another. drive so SOOn after and club interest in antiques of ,SKlfPER' DA~ES room at'the Borough Hall. the' successfuliy completed Hun- all kinds. and itS p~puiarity has P. O. IIOx 358 Swarthmore, Ps. A cordial invitation Is extended gllrian 'Rellef Appeal is based on .glown from yearto~ye8I" ,I : . to all who are inte~esIed in, so,lld the national orgaDIaztlon's com- . According to 'Mrs:' ·Robert.• A. d1scUiUion and especially those p.lete lack of disaster funds. Boyle, generBJ. chairman. as in who are interested in the question Sinular \ diffiCUlties faced the the Pllst, entire proceeds wijl' THi: NEWEST of censorship the topl~ of dIa- Red .Cross last 'year, 'the worst be' used toward the repair and. cussion will be' Millon's Axea- disaster year In Red Cross history. I!pkeep of' the clubho~e•. which. pagUlciI. ' . , when the organlzatlon disbursed in addition' to' regUlar clubm"'itSomething of an; inovation ,was for dlsaster relief. Ingil, is frequently used for proEurc,pean Hair Stylist tried at. the last meetJngwhen, L. Gilbert' Rhoads. local Disaster ~rams . and 'events of service, . Mi. Peter Thiel, ' for. want of a meetlng rqom at the . of the Red Cross, In ex- clubs and . other community Borough Hall, the discussion ,was pressing the hope thlit the resi- groups. ' .. held i,n the home of Mr. and . dents of this area would respond ." Luncheon lind tea wllI be serv~ o. J. Gilcreest of Vassar, avenUe. generously to the appeal, pOinted ed each day. ' I~~;:: those. present for the d\B~ out that the Red Cross expended _ _ _ _ _ _ _...,Reg' ulali $15.00 Caryl Richards I' on Macbeth were: . $786,366 Ibcally for disaster reUef Plan Washington Trip " 1W . A, Sheppard. Mrs: T. folio.win!! the 'August, ,1955 flOOds. Mrs. M81.tln F. Hatch, J:)rexel .. PenlleHe·. COO. . ave, Mor,ey, . .Mrs. . G. v" Krerukoff. Of that antount $879.086 was COD- Hm, chairman of the'internation_ ' ,$1,0.00 _ Alma Daniels. Mrs. J. T. P\Okston. tributed through Chapters ouside al affairs deparlment of the ,Dela. -:, ,.' Mr. and Mrs. Gllcreest, Mr. and ' ware County Federau!'D and. h,er '" . ..., ' " , to . the appeal CO-chairman, Mrs.. Morris FuSSell, SALON tOn;' Dr. 'seymour W. 'Kletzlen, and should' be directed' fo. the Amer!_ Riverview road, have planned a Klngsl¥Odd 3.3476 Willi":ni Oalley; ' c a n Reil' CrosS, 235 S. 17th Stroot, trip to Washington, D.C. on ,,_Theatre Square . ' Pfiiiildejphhi, or to the local Red March 14 for the,club internaticlPTB Cases Cross treasurer"Mr.:- Birney K. al affairs chairmen. cluq pres!crease During '56 dents lIl)d the County Execl!!iv!! Board. An increase of reported tuberX' T H M ' ' . The expedltJon will include atculosis in Delaware County Igma I 0 ear assle tending a Foreign Affairs Comfor' calendar year 1958, has The Swarthmore Chapter of mittee Hearing, brietlngs at the heenrevealed by figures from Sigma Xl will I\ear Samuel P. department ~t~tate.a v:lsi~ to an Middletown Road .' .. R. D. 16. M,dia.P!I. Bureau of statistics and Records, Massie, chairma,\ 'of the depart- EmbaSsy. and some sight-seeing. ., OpposIte High MeadCjlw' Department of .Health. ment of chemistry ,at Fisk Uni- The group is limited tf) 40 people. ' . According to the figures, a total versity. speak on "The Chemistry . _ _ _"".' - ' -_ __ of 254 cases were reported, ,as of Phenothiazine" at its ftnal dinDAR Meeting ,. compared to the' previous year's ner meeting of this academic Mrs. Wayne P. Ellis, 145 Secane ' . Titl.'.....: CHester 2-1206 . of This, however. does y!!ar. March 1. road, Spring1leld will be hostess Ask for Ben PaJmer or Henrv. ArnCjlld, not represent all the' TB cases ·In Dinner " at 6: 30 p.m. in the evening. at 8 o'elock at Vls·lt·our Roadside Martiet. on the Middletown R,ad the county, hilt only those cases ~maII college' dining room will Ute February lJleeting of the Evereported ·to the State'D!>partment preceCIe the' lecture, to be. held I ning Section of the Lansdowne ~ ,-; \'~ \ • • .'1" • _. of Health. The- present caSe load at 8: 15' in the Martin lecture room' Chapter,' National Society of the SEASONAL SPECIAl,. is estimated at 4,200, active and on the Swarthmore College cam-· Daughters of the American Revoinactive cases. pus." Ilution. 5 Seaboard Wiliiird Food' and 8ird Feeder $1.69 The greatest Increase, ,statistics . showed. occured amoilg males, es~ peclally white males 40 y.... rs of 'TREE WORK age "nd over; The' total among ... ,. '. .. \ males was 177, as compared.... to Trl~mlng - Tilansplantlng 77 cases ampng females. Dlnln&, Room Open To, Pnblie . Malre,.Arra ..ftemeats Now for ,Spring Spray 'rogram, Chester had the greatest <:on- ATTENTION: 'MtATEURJ'ALENT voCALists. "J ' . • to 1~~~~~~~~g;~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~9il '~ .t~e I as - ·in Morrayls· Beauty •Salon·' FEBRUARY S.·'PECIAL ',~'NOW .Mrs'ii:.,~t:ilB~. ~:'1'lO!lsSc'r'1a~ Mull1t4Y'S .BrAUn, ~=~S~o~.~C=h~e's~~ie~r:~.~~.fl8~~.d~.~~~~"~"~"'~··~·-~'~"~~~~~~~~~ir·eD~~~! Jn • IDC' ca~es R" 'V'.:.fl"e·"y·..' NU"'r'ser'I'es' ose a . .'. ., . s·' th~ CU$fom Landscape Work 2il4~ Mon~ay ~==========;;;;;;;;.;======;;;;;;;;:; lias. • Harvard Inn ~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~~~.~.~.~'~"~~~~~~~~~'I PROFESSO~ '. ~"enue - Noted world fra'veler and candi~ . . , c;amerafiend (or is it jus! plain fiend?),sciys,. "', prefer to purchase my ~h;,s at The Camera '& 'Hobby Sho~: You know that th'eynow have :Q' plan .where you (the customer) can on'ce again mail his Kodachrom~ fitmJ dired to Eastman Kodak for processing." Processed films are usually awaiting you at No.6 Park Ave~~e wh~ .. y'ou return. fro~ YOUrfrip.A.k',u~'f~t;d~tail, whe~ ·.y'ou p~rch~se' Your next Kodachrome film. , -' • TIfi.calllera,. Rob_bySllop·. ... .- - . , ". • ...... Awe ••, •.~.17 b.ire.'... "'"-;,-.'",,.. . . ' " . '.-.":;.-. " , ... ". , • 'NEWS NOTES Anne Drif Pub c , . on lnel'lware County has the hAlvVay polnt ilc:cOidiDg to Millard Robln8oD, chairman of, the conuniitiA!Je. - , BDbin'OD, who is coach at B1gh to the Councll stating that his .CitIzeiIs 'has completed the first of ita study wbieh includes review of all' lIubllc. recr"1loq nro'iII'SllDS In the bY the variOus townsblps,boroughs and, the City of·/?hestez:.. The second pjlase . qf. the . Cool- ~ed .Sw~ore :~~·'i:l:epori#d ~ carrled.~ coun~ Delaware ~. pq~ sI;l~ed. ~U" dI4 VOCALisTS,..- ~AN~S':INSTRUMENTALISTS, '. ,NOVELTY ACTS, Etc. . OF i' .. ,;_. .. . SKD?PER' DAWES P. O. BOx 359 Swarthmore, Pa. THE, NEWEST • ~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~ In M~rray's . Bea~fy Mr. Peter Thi~I, do .you have money problems LIKE ANY \ OF Tft'ESE PEOPLE? .- ..... . .,OVIDENT - - a. For PROVIDENT ( =:H~~~::'" &eiiiUCJi\. . Regula" $15.00 CaiylRichards ' ., I u., . " . Pern'lette CO'O . "" aVe \ ., : NOW. $.' HI,.()Q. _ '" . '., . . . IClngswOOd SALON ,. , 3"3476 R. D. 16, Media, PI!. Mliaci~w -;'. , Middletown R o a d · , OpposIte High . Custom· L.andscape Wor". '. t.,ep....e: CMe.ter :z.7206 I Visit our Roadside Market oil the Middletown R,ad :. \ SEASONAL SPICIA~ . 5 Ibs. SeaboarilWI.dBi,d Fooc'-and Bird Feeder $1.69 " T·REE WORK .,~. <.,- ' Trim",ing ...:; 'i'i!ansplantlng r Trip I ~henothiazine" 234~ of Heal,h. The pr~sent case load at 8: 15' in the Martin lectttte room' Chapter,' National Sooiety of the cam~ Daughters of the American Revoinactive cases. \ pus...~ Ilution. . The greatest Increase, ,statistics F;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ showed, occUred amoi1:g males, especlally white males 40 years of age and over~ The total among males was 177, as compared' 77 cases arnong females. Dining Room Open To. Publlc . Chester had the .grea~ conIs estimated at 4,200, active and on the Swarthmore College , ' . I , .' ~ - • -",' 'NEWS NOTES h!::t;:,~:~~co,thl1ee1,g.erl I,~ NOI!-A~LAFF Ir~ MUSIC e, /-aven·u Mrs first semesters as Ohio Wesleyan tresbmen: They iore majorin'g ··In "/' !!rt, . and home econolDlCS respectlvcly. . . Mary W. Elsbree, daughter of Mr. aIid Mrs. Wayland Elsbree of W-aIUnitord; has been named the . Dean's LIst at Connecticut College, New London,' Conn. Mary, a sophomore,. is a graduate of Westtown High School. Jot1athanand Laura Jane, twins, ' ruiughter of Mr. 8nc:t~; :r;~t;-:·iE. Snyder' of RUtgers·cave· ....tertained laatweek at Ii ,lwlch'eon In o;elebt1\tiOD. !>!C. their fifth. ·birthday.They. 'and' their _' hal4.J'~Ml,.;·~· -. . .. , --- -~ ", _', ", .', '."':'";:,' ,-' -' _.'_-;-. "- • ' Boxni .' =:. ~,-AI'". ~:u~:~ lilBllfDes fol- o. • Ha"",'" and Rntgers Avenues . Phone· Klngswciod 3-9728. ~~==~==~=~~~~~===~~~~~~~~~~~~, . Noted world. traVeler and cand!d c;amerafiend (Of is it ius~pl~infiend?), says,., "I, prefer t~ purchase· my films at The Camera .& 'Hobby 'Sh0r:»~ You know tha' they now h~ve·a plan where you (the customer) can ~rice again mail his Kodachrome fi1tn~ direct to EaStman Kodak for processing." Processed films are usually awaiting You. at No.6 Park Avenl(~ wh~.. y'ou return. fr,!m your frip.A'k':Us,f~r,d~tail$ when )~OU p~rch~se' Your next Kodachrome film. . .' • , Anne Uriehaus; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Driehaus, Yaleav,mue, and K.aren Smead Monruife, daughter Mr.::: SNAPSHUnER j.r ~ of cases with . of 85; and Upper· Darby came l0l!'l next with 39. PROFESSOR . -" Pen~ I ~~~~~r~~~,.~~.~.'~.~~~~.~'E~~~~~~~~~~~lcentration . • , . . A~.... J ..," n ',11"';'''' . " " .~ Harvard Inn '. '. . • $'opr1ng $ , 'rogram, Maire Arra,,"emen.ts.Now.Tor, pray " " Gr~up to the previous year's ner meeting of this academic Mr.s. Wayne P. Ellis, 145 Secan. . e of This, however, does Year,. March 1. road, Springfield will be. hostess not represent all the' TB cases ·In Dinner· at 6: 30 p.m.' In the Monl1a y evening;. at8 o'clock at the county, hut only ihOse cases ~malJ college' dining rOOm will the Fehruary llleetin~ of the Evereported .to the State Department preceae Ute lecture, to be., held I ning Section of the LanSdowne p"uu Asic for Ben Pcalmer or Henry Arnold , ., ne~ " . N · I' V JI Rose aBY- ursen.es, nc._ ~~~:~ C~~~!ni:""~~ar:95~~~~ .MS', - -'c -:, . to·antlc:iue-.lo.ve~,will Th tre~~q~u~a~re~. 5 .~'I!eBUJin~:'cr~~:e ~~ ~~isO~.~~Ch~este.~-.~'r~"i~~~~'d~.~~~~-.~...~\..~...~,-~.:5'5;~'~'_~e~a~, '-a. . '. D~ Mor~y, .' ,'.... Mull1t4Y'S 'BEAUTY TRUS~ PERSONAL· LOANS answer tbe_se NEEDS ••• AND MOlE! Trust Salon' FEBRUARY SPECIAL ......... , Introdu~d ~or as . Eure;pean Hair Stylist ,. 5"7 fea~.s. will For AuditionS, Write Not Later than February.24th to ; 24 Dealers Scheduled ' For 12th Antiques:Fair Mrs. 'Robert Boyle Chairs ~r- Gr~al TIlE LIONS CLlJD SWABTIIM()Bii:1S PLANNING . AN AMATEUR SHOW IN !llAY FOR CHAitrrY . , Page 5 School h{lve been commended by Chairman of the Southeastern the National Merit Scholarship' Chapter of the. American Red CorPoration tor distinguished Cross; has received sri urgent tele_ Woman's Club Event forinance In illl nationwide search from General' Alfred M. for. atUcients of Unusual abiJlty, requesting ai4 and "'!_ March acCording to Prlnclpal WilUam M. sistaDce .for the fiOOd sufferers'of Several new' will he Bush. Kentucky, Virginia, and West Vir_ .this year at the 12tjl The. itu'dents honored are: gIDia.'.. . . , annual 'Antlques Fiilr,' schedUled Frederick W. Browne, RIchard W. . Gruenther, newly _ appointed' Mai-cb 5; I!, .. aDd 7; by the' Coies;aeorge K. Garrett, Andiew Red pross President, stated that WOl\l8ll's .Club. o.f Swarthmore,. at ltOxby, Wllllam A. Welsh, Jr., indications point toward." the clU'bhouse 118 Park avenue. . ahd Paul T. Willis. a Iotlli Red CroSs expenditure of The 24 de';ilers, ';' all reputahle They han, also heen ,named five irillUoll doll,m. ,TWo milllon deans disPemlsylvanla state runnerscup In dollars !:oilve alr:eady.b-"!'D allocat- plaY' more furniture than ever the iss7 Merit Scholarship com- ed for,disaster reUetln the moun- before. PI,¥, and cherry will I>e In petition. A3 such ih"._iqcal s.tu- tainous: coal-mining region. The abmidance, as well ruimany pieces will·be sent letters a! recomestiInah! is based on fresh of the Victorian period. There. mend'Btion by NMSC.. for use In reporis received from'28 affected will he odd chairs, dry sinks, lal,plyirlg to the COlleges they wish counties hy 259 disaster-trained dough troughs, blanket chests, . attend. . staff and volunteer officials. At etc.; also many items in . copper least 25 more disaster workers are and hr~ss. ." Books' being recruited for duty in the This ye'!r 'new booth, featurT M Tuesd three-state area. igg bOoks: on' ,antiques, will he 0, eel ay In announcing that a $160,000 manned hy Mrs. Francis W. The tenth meeting of, the disaster quota· has been set for the nell, of SWar.tbmore. SwartiUnore Great Books Discus- South1!,u"teI;D ;Pe~Ylvarila Chap- . 'l,'I}!' club ~t started the Fair • sion Group' .ake place Tues- ter, Wallace reported that the need in 1945, in reSponse}o comlllunity day evening, 8 p.m., In the council 'or another. drive so soon after and· club Interest. In antiques. of room at· the Borough Hall. the successfully cO.lIpleted Hun- all kInds, and its popularity has A cordial Invitation is extended garlan 'Relief Ap~al is hased on .g;.owil fro,,\ yearto'Ye!\I'. to all who are Inte~ested In, so,Ud the, national organiaztlon's com_ . AccoTruDg to Mrs,'·Robert.-A. ' disc1lllSion and especially those p.lete lack of disaster funds. Boyle, gei)erai ctiairman, as in. who are interested In the question Similar. difficulties faced the the· pilst,tne entir" proceeds wi!l of censorship the topi, of dis- Red·. Cross last 'year, 'the worst be' used toward ~e repair ~d cussion will be Milton's Areo- disaster year in Red Cross history, upkeep of· .the clubhollie,.· which, pagitica: . , when the organization dishursed i~. ;,ddiilon to· regUlar cluh ·me.:tSomething of an' inovation ,was lor disaster reUef. ingS, is frequently used lor· pro.tried at, the last meeting when, ' L. GUhertRhoads' local Disaster grams' and ·evenis ofservlce for. want ~f a meetin~ rqo~ at ~he.· . of the Red Cross, In ex- clubs and . other community' IBorc>ug:h Hall,the discUSSIon ·was preSsing the' hope that the resi- groups. ; held ~ the hOln~ of Mr. and : dents of this area would respond' .' Luncheon and, tea will .he serv~ O. J. Gllcreest of VaSljar. avenue. generously to the appeal, pOinted ed each day. . ~O'1-g th"se. present for the dis- out that the Red Cross expended cuilili°n .on Macbeth were: $786,366 lOcally for disaster reUef Plan Washington Mrs. A.· Sheppard, Mrs: T. following the -August, 1955 fioods. . lMrs. G. V. Kremkoff, Of thid amOUnt $379",086 was con- . Mrs. Martin F. Hatch, Drexel AlDia Daniels, Mrs .. J. T. I'\ilkston, trlbuted through Chapters ouside Ihu, chaiiman of the'lnternation_ Mr. and Mrs. Gllcreest, Mr. and al affairs department of the ;DelaMrs•. J.,. G;riftltbs, Dr•. Ross Sc'rea~ ,. to' the ilppeal ware County Federation and h.er tOil; tii-}&;ym"UrW.Kleizlen, and directed fo. the Ameri_ co-chairman, Mrs. ,Morris Fussell, William Oalley. Cross, 235 S. 17th Streel, RIverview road, have planned a trip to Washington, D... .C. on ~ra~~d~~f:"~sa'~ or to the· local Red March 14 for the.club Internatl~_ '56 IIMorse. treasim,r' Mis: Birney K. al affairs chalnlten, eluQ presidents BOd the County Executive Board. An increa.se of reported tuber- Sigma XiTo Hear Massie . The expedition will Include atThe Swarthmore Chapter of tendlng q Foreign Affairs Combeen revealed by figures from the Sigma Xi wlil hear Samuel P. mittee Hearing, briefings at the Bureau of statistics imd Records, Massie, chalrma'l'of the depart- department ot State. a visit, to an Department of ,Health. ment of chemistry .at Fisk Uni. EmbaSsy, and 'some sight-seeing. to 40 people. , According to the figures, a. total versity, speak on "The Chemistry The .group is limited of· 254 cases were reported,. lis of at its final d i n - D A I t MeeHag ment of adequate pubUc recrealion prosrams In County, is, expected toO qe eQlDpleted for public dlatrlbutiOD by .Tune ¥r. Robinson stated that findinlll of' the first ,of sluely that 19 of the .49 communities In Dela1l'llre County not report any. summer recreation projIrI!Dl. . 'LD\:al· members Of. the citizens Committee iJlc)ude:. AmY. HOwland, Swarthmore, Frank. Fitts .and James.· Sands, Walfuigford; .and Samuel S, Start, ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_ _ , ¥~o~m~a~n~'s~As~so~c:la~t~lo~n~R~o~om~'a~t~7:..~.~m~e:e~ti~ng:.:.-. "p 6 Seniors Named Red Cross Seeks NMSC R.nners .Flood Relief Aid ~ud'Se~blu.~ep'~r:-:rhl~ .:v~.:nP-- ~ seniors at Swarthmore High Bria. Gen. Brenton G. Wallace, 1~~~~w:o:,~k,~W~hi~ch~lnv~~ol~v~es~th:.~e~M~()~II~la:n~.;;;;;;;. ~' ~_,Idenis .. I;; ATTENTION: 'A¥ATEURrATENT Peter E. I , . eslabUsbm.... t Of public r~tion goals for Delaware. COWlty Is underway, he Sldd. The commit- ro:tecture Church School begins at 9: 45 . How spiritual understandlng of a.m. Sunday with .classes tor all convene at 9:30. The Board of Deacons wiJl meet God as divine Mind opens the ages. At the 11 o'clock Moining he .Junior High Fellowship In the Woman's Association Room " way to greater abilities and op- Worship Service Mr. Kulp w'ill will m~t for worship ,andAsso' choral on Tuesday at 8. reading Woman The Bandage· Group will meet DOES YOI. POLICY portuniUes will be brought out Uon roomIn'atthe 5. At 5:30,s when C18the Christian Science services Sunday There are three nurseries f o r . Class joins the at 10 a.m. Wednesday. , IHCLUDE P. 1.7 by the Lesson-Sermon· entitled. Infants and children up to four h Circle 7, Mrs. Harold C-; WU. group a movie will be sown enIf ,.ou have . . automOltlIe "Mind". years of age. There is aiso a Kin- titled '''The Outsider." Supper will Iiams, chairman, wllJ meet at accident ,.pu'U be triad The Golden Text is from Rom- der~artenChurch program and a be served In McCahan Hall at 10:30 Wednesday morning at the you hay. the poliq with ans (12:2): "Be not confomled Juruor. Church P~w!!. :~ 6:30, followed hy choir rehearsal home of Mrs. Corhan· C. Sh~te, the P.S. (PenOD&! BerYto this world: but be ye trans- Worship hour, with c t 7 315 Maple avenI/e. ice). ~.S." ja, the perIOnal I.,.,ice, ofa .qqa1i. formed by the r""ewing ot your ting In the .Sanctuary withartot their a Th' e Se' HiDh Fellowsl:!... ' th fit ruor... • :-Church School Cabinet will lied A!:tna Cuualtjr Agent. mind, that ye may prove what is .dunng. e rs I p. wllJ continue the series. of dis- meet at 8 p.m. In the Woman's AsLet al tell 1"I>a whJ' yeu that good, and acceptable, and the servIce. Dunng ~he s ngmg of on "DevelOping a Rela- sooiation rOOm. need the Polic,. with the P.B. perfect, will of God." t~e second hymn, chil~en will he tion with God." The subject of Circle 11, Mrs. Frederick M. All are welcome to attend directed to the Kind~garten this meeting will be "The Bible". Porter, chairman, will meet at Told~ services at First Church of Christ, Room for their. own program. A film ahout the 'Bible will he 8: 30 at the home of Mrs. William. !he .Methodist Youth Fellow- shown and Mr. Bishop will lead F. Porter, RoSe Valley road, WO"-.I Scientist 206 Park av~ue at 11 o'clock. ship WIll meet ~t 7 p.m. at the discussion which follows. The Iingford. AU Line. o/'mura! .church .. The JunIOr High Fellow- Hill be the guests of the FelOn Thursday, the Primary '~I saw it in "The Swartbmorean" 333 Dartmouth Ave. ship WIll also meet at the ohurch I hi of the Tully Memorial Choir will rehearse. at 3:30, the at ,7 o'clock with Counselors Mr. ;"::b;:erian Church of Sharon Junior Choir at .4: 15, and the . Klngswood 3.1833 and Mrs. James Morrash and Ron Hill wi!J Iii. the guest of the Fel- Chancel Choir at 7: 30. Sutton. th '11 low,hlp for supper at 6: 30 in McThe College Student;'Discussion .alii' Monday at 7: 30 p.m. ere WI Cahan lIail and then at .the meet- and Social Action Group will con_ be a MYF sub-district· rally at ing which' wlll b,,56. the God and COUD_ , . it. Th "Contributions are solic!ted fro~ Along " wlth'Mrs. Sven earned able to . fin . ance _ e N ...... ~....,; stUdents a.nd the best articles are general chairman, the club~omen ber?f the sophomore class and a , Award in February 1956 alter Service provides camping scholar_. selected fot· each edition of this wil' be guests of Mac McGwre, on candidate for the bachelor of arts try ; t his h To ships for youths over 12, Which a year's seNlce 0 " ..urc rank . literary magazine. his •Channel 12 show, from 1 to 3 degree. She h as·been active as a hold both. the Eagle Scout Is age Ilmlt.m C amps S un. Karen Is at present a sopho- p.m. The partiCipants will include: member of the University Chorus. and the God and Country award shine .and Hope: more at Hood. While In hlil! Mrs. Edward Cratsley, Mrs. Mrs. Margaret McGuigan of is to achieve the highest Sc'outing Mrs. Francis IS ~ed" on the h to If wei far e COIDmlttee by Mrs. school she was on the editorial Robert Clothier, Mrs. Raynham T. Dartmouth avenue Is staff the sChool paper "The Bates, Mrs. S. L. Althouse, Mrs. at Women's Medical Hospital, d shi responslblll Charles.. Rldewooci, Mrs. John Garnet" and she served as edltor- Arthur B. Kent, Mrs. Robert J. Germantown, from a recent lll- ti v~n s hea l e~.J' Troop 2 hav; Harvey, Mrs. Curtis Jones,. Mrs. In-chlef 'If her' class In Turner, Mrs. WilllamGlII, Mrs. ness. She is the grandmother of asa Den Chief in A ..Davld Speers, Mrs. Carl Colher senior year. She Is the daugh- H. LeRoy McCune, Mrs, David Mrs. James L. Malone, and great Pack 1 and Pa.trol Leader In his flesh, Mrs. George Pagano, Mrs'. ter of Mrs. Ethel K. Mitchell 9 f Bingham, Mrs. Robert Allison, grandnlother to MollY, Kathy, troo' A' trained junior leader Baron CrI_le, Mrs. ,Richard Ecken. Sycamore Mills and Rldley·Creek Mrs. Leslie Wetlaufer, and Mrs. Jimmy Malone of the Dartmouth whoPhas assisted In training other. roth,and: Mrs, Robert Wood ... roads. Howard C. Hopson. "avenue address. . leaders In diBIrIct-wide pro-' ,Fashions will be provided by' mOl!d K. DenWOrtb and Harry Oppenlal)der, were participants In :::s prepthe Governor's invitation confer- DI'!!:r ence on public education held at parents of Cub Scout Pack 432 Day Camp sponsored by the aration for a tead1lng career at The International affairs dethe. University of PennsylVania FrIday, Februilry 22, at the PhlJadelphta Society for the college level, at one of the partment of the Swarthmore Woearly this mootlt. SwarthmoreMethodlst Church. An ChllW:en .aDd AduIts,-to serve majQr universities In the, ,British man's Club presented February 12, une of its members Dr. Frances ThIa regional conference tor the appropriate .Washington's Blrth- handicapped children In tilts area, Isles. Bo", In 1936 In Roobester, N. Y., R. Fussell, In 1. program titled five counties of Philade~phla, day motif will d.omlnate the table has been made possible through Delaware, Chester, Montgomery, decorations d8Slgned aDd con- the cooperation of Swarthmore he·.is the' son of the Rev. aDd "The Changing World Scene." and. Bucks, was thellrst Of a ser- structed by the 'four dens. TPe>7 College, Robert Furuno, reerea- MrS. John Schott. A 1903' grad- Mrs. Gorton W. Brush, chairman, il!01 of aImIlar. conferences lobe wlH be an. OPPOrtunity for adlll!s tlon. director of the society,. has uate of the University School In IntroduCed. Mrs. Fussell follOWing . . ", '." Sh'aker Heights, Ohio, he expects the stated meeijng., . sponsored !IY '!he Governor's ad- to dUpllcate George Was~n s announced. . feat at Rappahannock, and for Sorae 30 crippled children to receive the Bachelor Of Arts. In her unemotional analytical visory c. c> u n.c I I on education throughout the state. Closely pat- younger .folk to do likewise with Delaware County will be accom- degree from Haverford College In evaulatlon of Ihe World's trDuble- . terned alter the President's concoin of the realm. at With plans Haverford, In J\lDe, 1957. I!uring Dr. Fussell focused the atference of last year It concerned A number of awards are Sched- for a four-day week of Monday the sUptmet; of·1956 he studied,at tention of her large audience itseIC with IdentIfYIng basic prob- uled' for Cubs .completing achieve- hrougb Thursd8y, from 9 a.m,.to theUniverslty Oxford, England, upon Suez, Algeria, Hungary and lems In education' and with pro:. ment requirements, and two new 3: 30 p.m. through the facilities of on a seholarahip. Poland. She traeell the; recent posing i-ecommendatlons for their members Of the pack wlll' receive Swarthmore College frOm June 17 At HaverfOrd College, where dev"lopments of the' expanded solution. their bobcat badges. ' to JUiy 25. The campers will ranie jle hOlds a four-year scholsrshlp, U.N. and the shitt in, policies of Participants .In the conCerenc,e An exciting evening of enter- In age from five to 14, and will John Is a mem~ Of the Founders the U.S.S.R. to 1111 the vacuum In comprised leaders from vartous tairunent Is planned for ~e whole be separated according to age and Club honor SOClety. He has been the Middle East. civic, welfare, governmentsl, lab- family, and a record tUrnout is severity of their handicaps. EdItor-InoChiet of the Haverford In sketching the trends In ecoor;'and educational· groupS In anii expected. A well-rounded program has News, chai,rman of the college nomic deVelopment, Dr. Fussell' around Phil'ldelphla. . rlculum commlttee, business ' been designed for the D ay Camp, ;Iller of the Drama Club, andman_ as- mentioned as milestones the NEWS NOTES to Include circle-games, communl- sil.1ant manager of the Varsity gui#J'd misSiles' program, 'the . ' . . ty singing, the "mllky- Soccer' Team. He was a. member search Geo:>hyslcal Year andl'n recent reDr. L. R. Sher.0 Of North Ch,esMrs. Frank G. Keenen of Harv"(milkCOOkous, d k) in chemistry the techt ter road, .professor 0 Greek at ard avenue entertained at lunch- way ~'. I d t f th U I an crac ers, ~ '" of the Freshm-Introduction . . aDd crafts, athletics, nature, Commlltee and the. Commenc.,:. filca a vancemen 0 em' riSl'ng n ted .Swarthmore CoIlege, was one of eon Tuesday of laSt week In honor " trI d States. "The revolution seven educaiors who visited' Ur- of Mrs. Frances 'R. Fussell, the sWllnmmg, ps an ment Speakers Committee. .sinus College .' this week to revieW afternoon speaker at the Woman,s gram" events: "Each this proD ' his coII' expectationsnations amonghas: 'theIncreased under- ,,_ Furunopart saidof "will be urmg ege summer va- developed Cripp~ th~ t I S~:"i,ecame I ~f It's a wonderful feelingwhen they're' !ill' protected by , fileI'fJ6fJies «tIMMs • • * , . .Persona' Service ) ThIOugh this agency you caD. get _ ftose icc. Tbis'means our and continuo virtually eYeI)' form .of .DlsIlJ1lllCe pr0ous assistanc:e, expert attention to your tection you need for your family, home, , IS""",, ni!eds. and prompt service if .automobile, and business. . accident or loss Occurs• And \vbetl you get £tna CosuallJl P.S. also 'meaDS you'll 'g~t' the protection through us, you get far_ same friendly cooperation from l£tna than jUst Dlsurance • , .' ;!lOll get t," Casualty agents aDd claim offices policies with the PS. - personal 5erV" . . wherever. you go. ~ Caa us today: start /lOW to enip "the wond~ul Julin,",hIlt comu lIIi,h tiw.~:the ~8 with lire PS. '--- ' . " ~- PETER E. ··.TOLD··-,,'·, , • ";' < . 333 . DARTMOUTH AYE. Ilnlswood J..1833 .' .... - .' - 'of , .'-'.- _ . .. . . ' ..' .. '.-"~ -". , , .. ,;,;:: ", ,-. _117 InfonDaIiU. til the Nds leeehed; to reJeet &n7 or all bids;, to awani the con.. tract olib'. to nnIarlr eiaand ill this baI_ .... .. IhO _ """'D' .>1 Is - . . "' .... _ ..... ~ to the PUblle Intere.t,. . alic. -, - ·C ""'-_ 411111CZSC\1.,.- "~- .~ 7:31 '.M; -. " f ..... ." ....•. S".Mp" cont~ct sponso~ed Unl~ersity he!dF~bru~'.IJ,I!'" -:.....~~.'-.-:'.-..:~,'". . ". -- " - , , . THE'MIGHTYCH'RYSLER ... . Moat gla)'norou8 car, In .a senaratlon ... . \ .. t ~ WINDSoR "DOOR SEI>AN I. Its styling /s the newest... /(s engineering is the' ne~est •.. and it's setting s, new record in sales/ . I / ; AU. ~I The ml!P'iMeaI dimey of arrowed Fligbt-Sweep desisn. au __ ous _ ' tNTElt_i New artistic color combinations in perfect bar. mony with exquisite new 8jIPOIntmenls. • . v....... c .......,... ·............ _ " _ _ _ ..... A new "feel" No rocling Oil turns. No ormo~ring; . brake dip when you stop. ' . NEW TOItQUEFU"Is 'IRII~_ONI A touch ... of the P.ushI>utton si-.you new 1Imoo~ JIIus a..hill8 getaway aud eafeIi-pusiDg.power. ~ :~n;= t't~~u:: ~.Wk~'An.eri.,.'. ""'.0.' •• ms W1D1' l,:.325 inOet - ced _.>- ' torque ....... " " .... ,.-. . . . . . .8 m. I. . Wpnl~ 0.. the ....... fOr • 8lIlCIOth. lirOWId-b'igins ride..· . ,i, -" ._ a.uarr tlrcaAIfosON/ . ,'- C!e•••~-..... ·H.-· I. 80_... s..rotur. . ~ ~- traine~ . ~ 1I(UHDAY, .......Iy . . . I 9 I bCl~kt 5 TENNIS MATCH u.o.. , . . ., . _ ..~-.'," , sp~lai to fit the handi- cations, he was employed ty The economic tensions. until now Philadelphia, fine arts chairman ca s Of the articular groups." I Inn . in Buck. Hill Falls, an En- 'foreign aid. is more strategic than of the Pennsylvania Federation of p p. ' . teramment DIrector and manager .Women's Clubs:' . The. program Will be ~der the of the auditorium; by the Lincoln ;n.!::~: assistance," said Mr•. dll"eclion Of. Furuno, asSISted by Electric Company of Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. James Clill'ord of stall' members and V?lun- Ohio, as a sales 1rainee; and by In answering her -own quesRutgers avenue will have as their teer mds. Many volunteers Will be the Chagrin Valley Herald in lion, "What can we do to help?" gueststhts week ~.... Mrs. Clifth f th t i D F • II h ' d th t ....... needed bo or e ac ua,. camp Chagrin Falls. 0., as chief reporter. r. usse emp 8SlZe e &rea ford's brother-In_law· and sister program and for transportmg the. A unique feature of the Rotary need fOr the United States to Mr. and Mrs. Bert COllison with children to and from camp. Any- Fellowships program is that, with change attitudes, drop prejUdices their three chlldren Mike, Ken, one wishing to voluneer their ser- 9 300 Rotary Clubs throughout the and strengthen their own moral and Doug of Wyckoff, N. J., her vices should contact .Nancy Cros_ f;ee world each student is in values in concern for. others. Her s1stt!r. Miss Helen Etter, and Mr. son, director of Volunteer Services direct with Rotarians and quotations from Lincoln's GettySWinslow Womack, of· Towson, Md. at the Soelety's Headquarters,. 18th their families' In the country burg' Address pin-pointed these and Lehij:h aven11es, BA 6-1900: whete he is stw:I.Ylng. Chosen admOnitions. R.c.lv.s M.A. D.g.... The Philadelphia Society for fr'" ....ained..to .~. ". be " "To"·· ...... -,.. ·t··les~ lor' the eventr which will be, fol. was roop Aqua Director. He became a Red Cross lOwed by aesseTt and bridge, Junior Lifesaver In February 1956.. STUDENT MUSICALE Sven studied" in communicants' The music students· of Mrs. training class and 'became a mem- Wesley N. Wagner participated In ber of the SWarthmore Presby- a' musicale Saturday afternoon at terian Church. in March 1956. He ber home on Michigan avenue, belongs to his church's. Senior with ·thelr parents and frienda at- . High .School choir. At· SwartIi- tending. The following students more High School he belongs to participated: the band, orchestra, and chorus. Sandra Althouse, Nancy Gayley, Sven has been in charge of design_ Nancy Gowing, Jane Moore, Gay Ing window displays for Scouting Pyle, Cynthia Topping, and Carol . for several years and has served Vint. Mrs. Betty Cayley wl10 was others many times t!ll-ough such troop projects ·as clothing drives a sp~clal guest sang a solo 'accomfor Goodwill. Industries and the panied on .the piano by her daugh_ Scout· "Get Out the' Vote" . cam- ter. ACter the music, everyone enpaigns: . joyed a ValentIne party. Sven has earned merit' badges in IIrst aid, world brothemood, Friendly Circle To M.et citizenship~ in the nation, citizenMrs. Mark Bittle, 12:;; Rutgers ship in the tiome, personal fitness, avenue will be the hostess at the scholarship, pUblic health, swim- Friendly Circle meeting Thursday, ml"g, life saving, forestry, safety, February 28. Mrs. Dillwyn Durncamping, ftremanship, nat u r e, all will. 1!e' the CO-hostesS. cooking,. ~ome" repairs, weather, rea.ding. music. stamp collecting~ . Mr. and \\frs. Joseph B. Shane and IIshing. will entertain. Sunday evening in --,.-----' honor of author Budd Schulberg, Mrs, Franklin Gillespie of Har~ arid'Mr. Saxe CUDm1lns, editor of vard avenue entertained at a Randolb House, and Mrs. Cumluncheon last Friaay. mins, following Mr, Schulberg'S talk in Clothh;r MemOrial• REQUEST FOR RIDS Mrs. Fral)k G. Keenen, chairSealed bids will be reeeived, ~ in Counell man of public- affairs for the DetaChamber. Borough Hall. Swarthmore, Pa. ware County Federation of WODlon Monday March 11th. 1951 at 7:80 P.M. en's Cl\ibs, entertained,- -all -indifor sale to the Borough of one new 1951. eight cylinder model Chevrolet. Ford or ~4ual club chairmen at· dessert PIYf!1outh - automobile· suItable lor DOUee last week at her home .on Harvard work. The bidder shan state the allowanee avenue.' She was assisted by Mrs. he )'iJII make for.the purchase from the' BorouKh o('one 19&6 Ford Sedan now avail. Ea~est p. ,Pfatteicher. her' co--able for insDection. The bidder aball 81ao chairman7 and. Mrs. Karl M. Fox, quote on an additional new 1951 Chevl'Olet. jUnior vicl! h ' , Ford or Plymouth Rutomoblle and shall . C 8lm1an. _ 8trtte the allowance he will make for the Margaret-E. Pownall of'Swarthpurehase from the Boro~Rh of one 1956 . more place, a student at Mount Chevrolet Sedan now avatlable for Inli~ H I k d tion.· a yo e, an Joy Hill and MarBids. shall ~ in a.eeordanee WiU: ·.petl. jorie McCutchan, students at ...tio.;" a _ o! whlOh ...... be 0""'10t! Swarthmore ~ollege, attended the r ..... tho unde~ll\'Iled..·· " Fifth AnnUal COIIference on ReFed.raJ exciBe taxes ...bon refunded b7 lIgious Voeations' for OOego! ohall be to the Women at Unimi Th~ocIea1 The 8 0 _ ...... the ri"'t '" _I •• Seminary In New York Clb' "'I Club, and Mrs. EdwardLodhoIz of mOdi~ed C~-mlsslon "'~Ud:ese~c: • •... "., . oblec~ves Of the school and conCer with the faculty and students during a three-day visit 'for : a final stage of' an evaluat(on and reaccreditation of the college. The educators who visited UrSlnus are rnembe-s of the 'o'n • _.. Higher Educatlon_of the Middle States Assoclallon of Colleges and Secondary Sobools. .- . . Dr.. and Mrs. Vincent T. Lathbury Of Walnut Ian.. as their guest Mrs. Lathbury s uncle Mr. Warren Swett of Boston, Mass. ~ ,o~. yea~book, • ~Ial s..... Li~e NO~ ~ I sPo~, ~- essenti~ tI~naIly JU~S th~camp, cu~- ~mittee ~aren m~ated ~f as F---~ tiom ~aller _¥ I - ' lOr• Fussell Evaluates '. . World Trouble S'pots lirp!ah'r,pe_ enpe . .......a-carwAOT·MA.....' . With tIw 1'-';""1 eft"ectiYli'I-t.:..;' _ ItODeI - - '" -4:' on aDy' -. ... INCWDIIa PUSHBUTTON ---:, TI.IIEFUTE '1.IS.lSSIlI '. ., -' .,....,...., .......... r-. -.;r, Jt........ . ... .,..... - - -__ r , • ., .. ............ ,PORTER .H. 'WAITE, Inc. ,. C~,ttIr~~,.dY.le Avn..e .' '.. ..' re .. :;~'~'f~~o~ . ,,1250 . '. " . i: ...,___",-.. ... _ '-~ ~-"'I I i i _ I ._ .... ; _ : ............ -... -'WlW ... _ .... .: . Census Re-';e;;is 458 Pre-School Children (Continued from Page 1) gave their· time and energy ,to complete this yaluable count and jn particular to acknowledge the help ot the. area captains, Mrs. Hallock Campbell, Mrs. John Car_ roll, Mrs. Daniel Goldwater, Mrs. HOWI1~JaCkScin, Mrs. David Laird/ .. Wa.llace McCrory, and Mrs. Maurice Webster, aDd their enumerators llsted below.' . The census In Rutledge was or. ganlzed by Mrs. Herbert Steigel_ man, secretary of the Home and School Assoelation. Those who helped with the tally are the MeSdames: \. Valentine Fine, Samuel Carpenter, D. M, Hand, Joseph Turner, Maurice Day,?, Frederick Toiles, Joseph Ross, Harvey Stephens, George' Blessing, Richard Wray, J. A. Field, Jr., P. W. CarrUth; Craig Allen, Grant Bebble, F. H. . Mautner, George McKeag,W. W. Watkins; Palmer Skoglund, James Harper; Sam Hyn~, ~eter ~adi­ son,. R. Daniel, Wilson Rlishton, O. T. Redden ,CharleS . Hughey , Bernard Halpern;The Mesdames CharleS Martin, John Derickson, Wells Forhes, Ed~ ward E/@.n, John HonnOld, Walter Gr'lBl", Aiton Smith, David Gerner, Henry Bunker, Edward CratsIey," James Taylor, T. E. Allison, George Johnson, HenrY Russell, Willlam, McClarin, Robert Van . RavensWaay, . James Clifforll, Gllbert Mustin,. James Richards, Frank Mader, Edmund J'1.nes, R. P. Hetherington, Thomas Thorbahn,' Eric Munro, William Rlal,~. R. Draper, Allred Maass, M. Fulton; Also, the Meiidames JOhn' PIccard, '. Henry Harris, Charllis • Gerner, Samuel Gurbl, Alfred BoYd, John DeMoll, Jaek Hunter, RojIert ~,.. l'aarsJlall Schmldt, , Colin Bell; Roward Siple.., Robert DePue, Eugene Spitz, WUUarn'Me_ . Cawley, Albert Kitts, Robet l , Kamp,' Wesley Roge, EdWIn Marshall, Prank WiIdebush, Charles Hei.ler. ;,. W. tIIollander, M. Row_ land, :Robert . Walker; N'ewtoa R7et&Cin, PtuHp ~, ;'.'1'. Mo~tiou.ery. Carl ~tkIns, ; , _ RObitsctter•. .;; .. , r;,' . • February. 22, 1957 ----_.- ...... \ ,-iNCOMETAX FACTS No. I T~ Hints for Car and Home Owner~' (TII~ .. OM 01 II .erIe, 01 article, 011 1_01 .-..e' ,..., THE .SWARTBMOR~E~AN~~_ _-:.._-:---.-_ _~~::--=:-:=-:==:: • • '·' "r' N..L Show' JUnto blW Wilham F. JA.'.e . William F.' Lee Guernsey roael, has been nationally hoiwred as a ber fth Million Club of mem o. e '. the Penn Mutual, Llie lIlBurance Company•. He i!' one of 124 lea~ in'th mpAn';'s nation wide fleld e co - . t' force of 2000 underw ers 0 1'8celve ti1Is recognition tor the outslanding 9 uallty ofbia 1JDderwrit. 8 Mr Lee Ing activities during 195;. is a member .of the Frederick arte Wright Agency, with headqu rs lOcated In the Fidelity.-Philadel- l.... and the Swarthmore Parellt-TeBpher AssociatiOD. He received the Chartered.Llfe Underwriter designation' of the American ColleR ot LIfe Underw~ters in 1940 and Is chairman of the publi~ relatlOll8 and member of the' board of directors of the Philadelpbja Cbapter CLU• Mr. Lee Is a member of the Int tiona! Afl_..... Co'mmlttee ot erna .~~ ti r LIt the National """"""a on 0 e Underwriters and a member of. the Million Dollar RoundTable of . . ..._~ the National Aasoclation, ba ...... received this distinction" . nine times. ....;.._ _ _ _ _ _~ • , tfI'lIf/ Tllus arlfcl.. are IIoItd 071 i"/_1fOIl ~ ., Members Grateful For . "lie Americall '",'U.'t 01 ,lie Pen",,!- . ' . 11GlltG Bock', 01 Otrll1fed PIIblic ACCOII"'Gllt. I.. COOpmltiOll .CommUnIty .1Of'1I 'lie II1'er'II41 ReGen" Ben>iCe.J , Support' · -our lIome aD~ woo car mo. be tbe IJOllrce of dedbctiona tllat' wfli . ~;.,.. 'lour fade~ Income t.a%:It I, ImPOrtUt to ell~ all poaalble de- M~belil of the Sw8rthmore :4l1IetIOII8 because of the eanasa Involved. U 7DIl are In the lowest bracket I Jtll1ll~' Woman's Club are extreme'-ZOl)(,_ch 'IOU can lind In deducllona may mean a dollar In your I' of · pecket. For pereona with bigller .' . grateful to til" .""idents 'Incomes the ,.nslble aaYicge are &Yent, ·)'ou are reqUIred to submit S war t h m 0 r e and neighboring ;even greate. Information colicemlDg an7 we ot communities tor their enthusiastic TIle Interest On a mO"-ge Is ·our 1I0me at a proOI, b whether or support of the beneflt lashlon deductible on your federal taz re- not the saln Is ten Ie, :turn. In most casee, payments to WIlen 'IOU buy a bome 'Iou gen-. show whicb the clubwomen spona bank Include both Interest and erall7 agree wltb the preYlona sored last week at the Swarth!PrinClpal' as tbe mortgage Is re- owner.on a scbedule of adjustments more High School auditorium. phiaTrust Building. Open Night at'S,ro.1 .. ~duc-' th'e Interest Is I.ss and a for taze.. Insurance, water rate.. th B rn m' . Geermantown, Mr Lee . 'larger ted f S. artbmore _. on the col': .... pbrtlon 10 applied to the·prln· and similar Item .. However, you From all preliminary reports, e o Sproul. Observato~ ,~paI. Onl)' the Interest Is de~u.. and the previous owner can daduct show seems to have been a great wCO·llsegrgeadaUnad ,'s !...o~m an':nt presi- l~ge c,;,mp.us will open its d~rS ~ 'tible In the case of your residence. tols real estate tax In proportlob to ess ~... bli Tu--'- night m the ' the number of daya of the property succ . dent of the cl8.l!!l .of 1.933 and a the pu. C ~Y. .. . tte.I Estale Tax.. tax 'lear that ach of 'IOU held the Mrs. Roland Coit, president of 'b f the bpard of manag- se.bnd of FebruDr)' open bo!",~ : Sometimes the monthly payment propertY-whether or not 'IOU have' Juniors, welcomed those at- memMer Lea . oined the Home Of- Hqurs are. from, '1 to 8: 30 p.m•.. alao Includes an additional amount agreed to apportion the tax. You tending the show and introduced ers. r. .e J . . . 'wblcll the"bank holds for the pa7' are considered to bave paid yonr Mrs. Robert Scully, chairman of flee Agency of Penn Mutual In :ment of '--es, Insurance, etc. In share of the. tax wben 'IOU bought 1934 H e d i n th'e Na~ from . Richard Hook' Of Strath Haven 'this case th;'bank Is actlng.as 'lour the bome. This applies to an7·real the fashion show; Mrs. Richard . e serv , in 'agent In paying tax on your prop- estate you ·ma7 bave purcbased Reuther, co-chairman, and Mrs. 1944 to 1946. Active. com- avenue is in Copley Hospital, eit7. neal estate tax.s paid by-\he during 1956. F. H. Forsythe, Junior Club ad- munity, Mr. Lee lias been 'pres!- Morrisville, Vt., ·with a, ~ ·banIt for 'Iou are deductible as I f . ' . ' viso'r. Mrs, Coit then Introduced dent of the arth Swarthmore leg as the result ot .a sk!Ing acci'IOU lIad paid them direcUy.DeclncUble AUlo Ji;xpe..... . Bee Rotary ti It your home had been da.maged From tbe time yon buy an. auto- Mrs. Robert Berry, chairman of Club; the Sw. more . rea. OIl d e n t . . . ........ , b1 Ore, storm or llood, your loss not mobile 'Ion begin to bave other ex- tile education committee of the • covered by lD.urance Is deductible. pen8es wblch are deductible on Delaware Countv Chapter at the . BOOKW,AYS TIle amount of the loa8 Ie calculated 'lour federljl Income tax r e t 1 J l 1 l . ' '" '''milSON'S , 'by Comparing the felr market value Any 'state br .Iocal wes taz ;rOll pennsylvailia Association for Recif the propert7 juet before. and juet paid on the car purchase Is deduc- tarded Children, Since the proHOME. . . 411 Dartmouth Ave. 'after the casualt7. Tble loss, or the tlble. So Is the cost of 'lour license, ceeds from the ,show went to the On, 25 Year', f.p." .... cost of ·the propert7, wblcbever Is platee, state lDspeetion fees and lower, Is reduced b7 an7 Insurance Interest on an auto loan., chapter, it was fitting that Mrs. ASK ABOUT OUR I ME.. ' .. ·'·3400 . A Prtc. to M..t Every Family" Need _"very to determine the loss for A common deducUon In many Berry explain something of the DISCOUNT IN FEBRUARY ,tax purposes. tazpayers' returns statea ga.. When large. 41Dounts are In· aline tax. It Is bestIstororkeep rec- work done at tile TrainiDg I; , , .. valved It mal' be wise to have an ord of 'lOUr sa80line purcbases dnr- in Lansdowne. expert appraisal made Immedlatel7 Ing the year, but If you don't have Models diSplayed innumerable ·after the clit!uatty. such a record 'lOll CDD still make stunning styl",( with tile slim skirt a. reasonable estimate. I • .~ Yoa Sell • Home It you had a col1lslon. 70u~. predominating in the crepes, silks MemberS':"" Non-Memben - Friends You are not allowed to deduct be able to deduct for the damage' and woolen!;. A few billowing any108870u m'Qo sutrer on the w. to 'lour own car.notcovered by fn.' hemlineS were shown in cotto,," invited to the annual meeting of of 7"Dr personal residence. How· surauce. A1thOllgb driving may , • ever,7ou ID8¥ be required to pay bave been faatt7, 'IOU are enUtled and chiffons. G~ and belge were tax oil a gain resulting from seiling to the deduction If the accident wu emphasized in daytime wear, the Co~perdt'iye ......--the 1I0use at a proOL. not due to your negligence. : two colors were even used toOf Swarthmore. Inc. It, boweyer, you bny and OCCUP7 Sucb a los., or 1088 from ~ gether. This year the models walk... another 1I0me within. one 'lear, be- thDft or other accidents Is deter-' tore or atter, the lainful we of mlDed In' the lII&DI1er deaeribe4 ed out on a ramp, which enabled yOur fOrlner 1I0me, 'IOU ate not above In connection with d8JDlge those away from the center aisle land on the gain at the, time of th. to a .1I0use, '. , to see well Mrs, Welter Black B:30 P.M. ,,-we. A1ternatiyel7, yOu can.tart Tile lllatruction book whJoII COJD8I played background plano music, construction Of a home wltbiD a with 'lour tax fornii giVes fllrther .. f l~gion'Room_.. _ Borough H.II "_"'G"", 4nd d; ,6 ....e. • IAssenae. 0 I OfW DROP ·rNN I 407 DARtMOUTH AYENUE .' several'doPI' prizes trom the stage to lucky ticket holders. Several attractive hostesses, dressed as cigarette\ 'girls, carried ,boxes.: strapped' around the neck from EI ivhicli'they sold chances on door iii BREAKFAST _ LUNCH _.pINNER .jo' CLOSED SATURDAYS ANuSUNDAYS OPEN 7 A.M. 'to 7:30 P.M. . Monday Through Friday . i .' t~ $1'.95 , .~ Dinn. . ,, . 'l'bePennMutualunderwritersbown hme/h'iai,' tbroilgitilis a~m;Ilim~ mente, .won membership in the Penn Mutual ~Million Club." You will 'find his pictme in the February 23rd SATURDAY EvENINGP(¥n' lis , .. - pay tribute to his achievements , .••• ~ to those of other ouUttanding PEn Mutual UDderwritem like hUn. -, . Ii .=. the _a_a = Daily ers $1.0.f).· e Clubhouse on Park avenue ,with i i i , .FANCY· SANDWICHES . . several hundred attending, Re-! .' ' . . SpltclaIC"".dre.'~ . PfGHen . , . , freshments were served upstairs ~nmlllllnumnlllllllllllllllllllllllllUUIIRIIDQBllnDlllllnnllllllllllQIlIlIUIIIIIUlHIUlnflllllllllllllIIDIIo. alld bridge tables were set up . ,. A reception followed at . *The PenD MUlual ~fMillioD tluh" mostl!;~)~"~"~"'~"'~'~"~'ii~"~'~ii~iiiii~iii~iii~iiiiiiii~ijiiiiiii~ complimenting theLeslie fashions ffecti Iv .hUe' Pearson .. ' . . . . __.;:e ve ., w 'WintiIIillllllllllllMIHDIRlUnDlBRlLiIiIIIiIWII. .I...........'IAI" .• fashion co-ordinator, Introduced", the styles. .• Mrs.' Randall Bnrr awarded:: *WjJ!jam F. Lee, CLU -------------------------+----------~----------------------------' . TUESDAY'EVENING. FEBRUARY 26 'lear, It ofwltblD 18 monthaarid afteroccup7· the. eate 'lour old lIome. U the new home. coata lUI 'mucll u. 'Iou received for 'lour old ,oile (With allowances for certain ..ftxlng.up~ expenses), 'IOU are nqt , I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I· I I I , I I I 1 I • I I I COUNTY DAR MEETS i ' . - - - -, , Every:P~ Mu~ to those he serves, undetwriteris a . . V~ , ,, . We ~ both, pleaBe!i .and proud : to recognize the' outstanding achievements of the Penn Mutual num shown here. His importance . Cannot be measUred smlpiy by the volunie ofbusinessb~~ do~~:-' In honoring him, we ~ even prouder. of the quality of his accomp1ishment ••• of the fact that his record represents a real and ~able contribution to the security, independence and ~ppi. ness of individuals and their faV'jljes .•• people like you _ .. like your friends and neighbors. , ) Important Person. . I .J I II ' , I . - :---- I This quality of service disti,ngui.shes the work of all Penn Mutual men, ill bringing the full versatility of life insur~ce to bear uPo~ the vari!ld. range of individual problems and ambitions. " When' you t.hink of,yciur future, think of your local Penn Mutual I I I I I I 1 .I I I I I I underwriter. He'~ be glad to help you in making your plans come true. / The FREDERICK WRIGHT AgenCy .' Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust Bldg. 123 So. Broad St., Philadelphia 9 Telephone: Wamut 5-7300 ,. HAS To Lead PERSONAL - {fflHOLSTERING Large . 'Chairs . Completely re. built' with new fabric $'55-Sotas '$110 - Over 30 7ears experience• . Six. years Qf Sw~rthmore. refer. .'_" '. 'eDces. All 'work IS done m our .. '. own shop under ,personal super: ' vision qf M", Sereniba. EstImates '. are free; Thom Seremba. Phone . Sharon Hill 0734. Piano '. " Gl'CIlICr "arch • BECOME ElEOTRIC? Life can. be more beautiful, easier and lots cit tun If We tab advantage of to-day's modem eli!etriear conveniences when We awake in the morning. But it is not onlym~ ~ ball hbc!ome el~' • •. Eyer,. IJIII!!$t or."the day ele!!tricltY bringS Tuning A.S.P.T. and minor repair3-5755. ·Q.IIOIIaDd,~H~:· " .LosT··· brftleo!.;. . . , It'eI..-!.:> .-:~-.~!,,~~ .:-"', --- .. " . . r ", .' ; ;"" _, I., " . . " " .' THE . ~ 'tile uaee 01 eIeeIricity ~_ multip6ed , , , ,""., I" . . . ; '.' c .' .. - .,,' ~:r\I!'·WIlI8t,1I IlL ... ' '.' . ., ...' ......nc·... -" ""\! '"': "- '. i" 1 j - '.. -"":-' -""" :' -" !.-, . .. , PENN MUTUAL \. i LIFE,;~~lJ~~~~, ~~M.PA~J. ·INDEP~NDEN~~ .SQlJAilE, 'PHILADELPHIA , . ..PHIL~DElPHIA . •• 2"'Aa', nEtTRICCOIPAU . . . \ ' . -, '.' . ....,:: "., -'~ - < ,. • "_" .the·,.,., theavenigeullit '..a:ee L"-~ ." " ..over.. ~ "dd , .......... gone an o~ and to-day is loWer thim· evet belen. Where else ~ ~ buy sO much lor 80 little t .. Mr. and Mrs. George. Jl;.Allen of RivervilM road drOve to CleVe.: 0., last week end where Miss Jane'AlIen Of a ;.:" • ., .. <.;:4.- . ·, · , \ . . '. , - i" - ".. " , , • • • : , :'" "' ~ -. ., ~ " T"OM SEREMBA UPHOLSTERY .""t/If ...11 ....,,""'. .Y.... o(Sw....._ .......... . SlIaro. Hili 0734 / AN ORDJNANCB FIlI'ING THE lIATIl OF COMPENSATION TO Bli: PAID THE VAmOUS OFFlCZRS AND EMPLOYBBS OF THE BOBOUGJI 0)' SWARTHMORE. 'COld· MENCING - AS OF IANUARY I, 1967. ANl) CONTINUING 1/NT1L FURTHER ACTION OF TJlB BOBOUGJI COUNCIL. AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS THEREFOR •. S. SAIA Dan"-I Harria a vacancy baa occurred the oRlee of auditor. of the BorGu,p II "'14' Dol_,h, '111IIJ.wood 3-1448 1.""",71 THE COUNCIL OF THE BOR01IJGlf 1 196Z. BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE DOES ORDAIN' (SEAL)' . i S"'.......,... , .. OF Ashee & Rubbish Removed' LaWDII Mowed, General . ' Section I. That tor the year 1957 a'tax BJ' Tbomu W. Hopper \ iWD& 11 beNby Jevled upOn aU PretJdent of Co,;.cU 1 ZJ8 IIar1IIq Ave., Pa. propert,. In' the Borough of Swarthmore, t: Elliott Rieha~n lubJec;t to lanUon for Borough Ptlf'POfo8. Borough Secretary at the rate of HYenteen and APf'ROVED\tbtl 15th day Boreuab Seerelar7-$G,I1f.OO per year. (l1 Jh) million each dollar of the valoa- of }o'ebruary. 1951. ~ payable seml.monthl;. This officer lion of same as aueued for County pur~ Joseph Beynoldl shalJ be entitled to additional comBdrQ'ess pensation j as heretOfore or hereafter poses. ----\\~-authorized for performing duties in Section J. The tu above levied Ihall be connection wlth preparation' of the apportioned ·to .and &!'dj)ng 'the following LEGAL NOTICB , tax duplicate. and as bullding and SW ARTHMORR-R11TLBDGB plumbing inspector, and, secretary the ooard of adjustment. (a) f·or general Borough purposes a tax UNION SCHOO,," DISTRICT ..........nnnmllRRlIlllllllUnnnllUUIlJlllllllllllJ at the rate of fourteen and one-half Auillan.- to the Borough H....rs (14 th) milia on each dollar of asSwarthmore, P.nlt.l7'lyania S...,.'••' . $4,356.00 per year. payable semisealed val~tlon; , 011 aar. ... 'owll.. R•••• monthly. and such additional· com· The Swarthmore-Rutledp Vnlon School 1 " penetion for auIstJng in the prepara(b) }'or debt. purPoses, and District. will receive sealed bids. at Into Sinklng Fund No. 12. a tax ' tion of the tax ddPlicate. serving as 424 the rate' ot ODe-halt (¥.a) mill on offire of the ,Scbool Dist.rlct in tbtt IWnographer to the board of adjusteach dollar of lWlelaecl valuation; School Building. corner of - Coli• • ment. as may bereafter be authorlr.td by Borougb Council. Princeton Avenuet!l. Swarthmore, p." . .,I·1 (e). For debt purposes. and payments vania up to f P.M., Wednesday. March into Sinking Fund No. 13, a tax at ... Boroal'h Tl'tuurer-$250.00 per :rear. Payable quarterly. the rate of ODe (I) mill on each 1951 to be opened at a meeting of .~: I~;;~~~=~;;;;~;;;;~~~~ & dollar of allded valuation; School Board at the School District ~ Boroaah Enl'ineer-Such com.pensatlon (d) For aldIllR" in the maintenance of O'D ~iareh 20. 1951 at. 8 P.M. or at. a and fee. for lpeelflie'serviees authorlz.. 6-2176 ed by tbe Borougb Council lUI CaUDell the Free· Library a tax at the"rate lag .adjourned from thatl m.eeting. . A$PHALT TILE • IUIIEI nLI maY from' time to time approve. of one and onflooha1f (1%) mill on lupplles. equipment. ~, Open Friday evenings eaeh dona, or ......... valuaUonl ,LASTIC TILE • Y'NYL ,TIU , lupplies. athletic medical. lupplles. Health OJDcer--fZ60.00 per year. PB7~ able monthl,. making a total rate of Borough tax for periodicals. and furniture. FORMICA • LINOUUM tbe foregoing purposeS 01 seventeen and SpecUieations can be aeeured between Assistant to Health Olleer--f200.00 per one-half (17%) mUll on each dollar of 9 A.M. and" P,M. dally except Saturd8.yll. VENETIAN IUNDS year. ))ayable quarterly. nuessed valuation. AB aforesaid. ~ Sund878 and hoUdays at the School DIs-; Milk Jlllpeclor-$180.00. per year~ PASSED tMI 11th day of February. trlct. Office. The Board resen'e& the right able semi-annually, A. D .• 1957. be and the UaallDa: . 'keno... AU.. .. William W. Clark w, w.te. 'IOURE FRAMING PORTRAIT STUDIO Klngswood .3.8345 .Photographic Supplies Mo.roe Sts. Medl. . MEdl. ;a.,llor·.111 , Florist Formerl, CARNS 650 B.ltimore Pike . Springfield. Dei. Co.. , •• Ilngswood 3.0450 , ROOFING Gatters W.rm·Alr Heating Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Work \ George Myers. &Co. 'Box 48 K14·1214 PYLE Duplicating Service Offset Printing of All Kinds • Letterheads • Billhead. • Announcements • Programs Allvertld., lette.. & 'fOdo.re~ Ie""...le..... •• .M.,t/.Copy ' 9.lc. Photo-Copies MoUe 15 S. CHESTER ROAD Sw..... more 113-1497 Borou.h SoJIdto.r-A retainer of $1.200._ 00 per year. payable Quarterly. and. in addition' thereto. luch fees for specific services· authorized by Coun_ cil 1.8 Council may froOl time to time Wlien You 'CII.lUJe to ATLANTIC ~r Prompt Service CedI YAN ALEN BImS. . , '. Ridley Papil '11 3-4741 .' LE 1-244'3 "" ..~'"'' .. " per ·"1 saw It In the Swarthmoreail." t";;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ year. ~dio Opentor-Dak ClerJr.-42,117.00 per )'ear. payable .lSeIJli.lQonthly, J.welry Repaired Janltol'-$2,142.00 semi.monthly. year. peio · Foreman-BlahwaT Department . 724.00 per J'ear. payllbl~ wnkly: • 51<..11119 y. at EL ROROUGH OF SWARTHMORE Bu..... ----,.- COUNTY or DIlLAWABR · Sealed Proposals will be reeelved at Office of the County Controller.' ~ __ , House. Media. Pa •• up until 1:00 Tuesday, Februa~~2~G'~1:9~57~';~f.~r:i~~~ all labor. tooll, I for Air Conditioning Probation Offices' and Offices in the Court House. whicla .will be Opened in.the presence the County Commillioners at 2:00 P.lI. on . that day. • Eaeb bld must be aeeomPlUlIed. h7' a tlfted Cheek in the ammmt. of "ten,' :~~~ (to,,) of"""'" total ......llt of '.J drawn to thecmler of the eon.... SWARTHMORE. PA. I . Fo~ of ProponI Ill&)' ... OJ;:~o:!.: tIie Oft\ee of the Chief Clerk to the CommtllloDHIJ.. at the Court H~,: Pa. . ' 'The Couni7 l'!cnmJuiOMn .. ~ • rlab' to _ ..." """ A, G.TlJBONB , I. WA1UIIIN' uo..L1CN;, JR.. I~ I. ooloi~./ .. ft..~lli •. -; '~")". . . '~ ..i- ! ,'-, ., " , ... x.u•. I PAINTING and CARPENTRY .,.. L..... ·~.I Da-:- .' . ' ~ 1",:, ~ ..... ~. ., I ... '~'.~_' , , THE OLIVER-H. lAIR CO.; 19 _It . ..w. Members -- n~i1' nieq'lbersancff~ie~d~ invited ~eeting' of Co'ns~m~rs .', TWELFTH SWARTHMORE C',popera. five Association 9f Swarthmore, Inc., at Borough DAY and NIGHT tfall ~ • OIL BURNER , SERVICE ¥ Klrtgswood' 4.1234 , WOMAtf~~ . CtUI ltltt.Gauois - 99c 8UNDA'Q .... HOLmAn , .:.' .," $IO~~.,,~ ~~':~.1~"~''''' : ...... :...', .' " , " " , .' "I~ SWARTt1MORE, PENNA. ~RCH . S, I, 7,', . " Tuesday":.",,''''·''': ..... : .. , .. ~,, Ii Wed-~" A:M.. .to.10.P.M. . :--1 ' .. ""''',:,, '. ""' .. ,,' n, ~t.:.f.to 10 P.M•• . .. ThuricIay, " .... " ,':", "," .. ,,', "" II A.M., to 9. PM. '" . .. .' .... ' '.: i.. ' AdlisJasian - '" SO' elhl, "L~I'."""'T" ., ..: . ;: • '?414. Tues~~ F,~~~~~~ 26. 7"'" 8:~ ".M.' .8RElfW_IOE.O"PM IIONDAY mau SA+mmAY NOON .' .' are -, to the ,a'l,';,:,~1 .J to, J '. • - .", '. Christmas~ Short $7,517 • r . II last w, •• s .. .... Ct....... ~......." ... . .' .... ' . .. - .~. ' For Lit."of'~"...,or. Q••IItJ ..... , '. . .. . .lhwly Doll.... "'..... of· ......... WCll'lnMnltlp • ..,. M...... 'I ' 117 i ....... A _ .~ . 5 TRAYS KI~gswood 3·8761~ ,G~ILD OPTI,CIANS .. will II 4-1028 ·E. LI~EBURNER CO. 1m 'T" / Jack Prichard , , ,~ •• c. ~~',. Q",.., .. 29 EAST 5TH, ST•• CHESTER P.one~i""3n 4-6312 ·4-6313 4-6314 , J. Edw.rd Clyde Samuel D. CIy"e. Jr. George Plowm.n' ~~ " 14,:. SION'.' .ERVICE A COMPLETE INSllRANCE ·AND REAL. ESTATE AGENCY , .J~ '.' 15 • PI.stlc Tile Modern Iitchen. Alteration. 1401 Rldle, Aven•• CHester 2-4759. , 2·5619. 17112 S.Chester Rd. KI4-17oo from ,for 3$C: ' ~. SWEENEY· & CLYDE 11th daY of February . APPROVED this 11th day of Februa.".. A. D., 195~. .Joseph Reynolds . " ~ Tile Floors 939 Rockl,nRaad. Springfield, By Thomas W. Hopper , PreSIdent of Co,mclIIj Attes•• Elliott B1ehar.bon BorOullh Secreta.". .' <';;., I......,.... m.... -. f,' -. EDWAlD G: CHIPMAN· AND 'SON GENERAl CORTIAOOI JIG. ' 31C . ,".~ 1s4 .. ytart old, ft'tOI'to. .Ied. capable of· .aaumln,· reapomfWf. I. ..........." pltoM lncIiId. . bot., - " " I . h'"..,. ,.pll.. confId.nlal. Out"' sal ...... Informed of !hI. ad. Ioi A. 1..' fo~lng. . ,. •••" ,11111..:1 reald.... Dic;k Franc:hetti Section 2. The proper offiee~ ate bereb)' authoriZed to take .sueh action in con. nection with the annuBl budget. and ap.propriations to be provldt!ld. therein. as may be necessary to gi va effect to the on·-. IGIQ~ far· 2 .....11...1".. sa:leam.n to ftlN"Uent 10"11_' Ea.... trnanda:1 "COf'PONftM. No travel. Sal.. ia.~ a~~~~~~~~~~~iii~~~i!ii$~ai!iii!ii!iia55i!ii~iiiiii IL~=================::' Labo,oro-Hloh".,. ............nt-..... \ able weekly. skilled at the rate· of • $1.45 per hour: unskilled the rate of' '1.35 per hour. ware. . rliJO~;.;1Lii~~l 128 Yal. Ave. Swarthmore. $500 MONTHLY· ... Premium . SwortIImoNCIn. I Phone: ttl 3-4216 Rne/Wotch and ClOCk' Repair$ payable J. F. 'BLACKMAN' . , )- EMIL SPIES W.te•• a ••• Form~lr of F. c. Iod•• 50ftI 'Cronin.. Gaarda--4t.25 per ~o~r. ,pay_ · able weekly. Sw.......ore. ',•• IIJ*I_c:. and ab"1ty d.t1red.· Htab- II 3-6616 . By· Thomas WP•..... Hopper ld.n. of OjImciill Attest.: ElJiott Riehardson . BOrough ·.Secretary APPROVED ,hi. 16th clay . of February. 1951. .,Joseph Reynoldl. i' Burgess # AaxtUa..,. Policemen-whose employmeat shall be authorlz.ed b:v Borough CoLlncil. 8uch c:ompensation from time to "Ume as authorized or ratified b:t:· Borough Council. .' 335 D.rtlno..... Avenue IT.~~~~;II ' , Alterations Collector of Sewer Renta-A commiliion equal to ·two and ODe half (2%) per that. NOW THERFORE,'BE Charl~ H. TDPpi:DB. a cent of the net renu collected. fllector of the Bol"C'ugh, Is ht:l"eby. office Chief of Poliee-$fi.066.00 per year. pay. to fill luch vacancy and to hold for the unexpired term aforesaid. to wIt, able semi-monthly. until the fint Monday of .January 1968• . BOROUGH 0>" SWARTHMORE Ser&eant of Pollce-t:4,536.00 per year, (SEAL) payable semi-month",: (SEAL) -HEAT IN G0ILS RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL m Patl'Olmen-$olt212.00 per year pR7abl~ semi-monthly.. . ."' s. C.......d, CONSTRUCTION BOROUGH OF SWARTIIIIJORE RESOLtITION RB VACANCY BOROUGH COlJNCIL WHEREAS. due to the resignation CouncllmJl.n Frank H. MeCo~an. a has oCcurred In' the' membership of Swarthmore Borough Councll; of the net borough delinquent taxes. when and as sueh delinquent taxes are paid over to the borough by the .county commfufoners. A proPortionate ollowance for expenses. as pro.vided bJ' law. 662 gl".You a three t:' , , APPROVED thl, 11th day of FebruarY, A~ D •• 1951. ·Joseph Reynolds Burgess Tax Collector-A eommIulon eQual two and one~half (2 lh) per cent of net borough taxes collected by her; a commiaion equal to two (2) ,per cent PASSED this A. D., 1957. -ATLANTIC , approve. Radio Operator-$3.1I2.00 payable seml.monthly'. . II 4.1~4 CH 2~5051, WHITE. SUPS q,. 69c. trBha1im-~~ Plumbln. IWPHtor-8:264.00 per year. payable semi-monthly. t:r Rlb,Roa:st State Diluzio and Sons ·Da.... r~tun.. Swift~s Haverford,".ce . , ROGER RUSSELL Mrs. I\lark BltU.e presented a nates wID be presented at ~e book .review entitled ''MIracle In De'.'t mee~ Of the C?lrl' Scout IlalDmerstein Spe,ak$ _ ~apacity Crowd· , , .",,,,,.,,,111 SILVER DOlLARS, Ite~eft.l~er ~ Plbm~ing &Heating , the M,0UDtain.s" by Harnett, T. Neighborhood Associabon,' Mrs, Kane to the Friendly Open House R<>bert W. Be!llhardt. ne1ghbor- Nov~list Budd. Sc:hulberg grouP. which metlast week at the hood chalmulIl. has announced. 1:Q Continue Series Swarthmore P1esbyterian Churdt. N:~~ meeting of the association ~IIS'....... Ca-Op. Au·••. ,.f'Sw.......~...... .403 1lfh A ..-... Su~dQY '~ight Serving on the hospitality 'com. Is sciteduled f~r 7: 30 p.m., March s}kaking before a capaci mltteee frOm the health and ,w,l. 18 and will ~ held In the hearth ~,,"te ~all fare de-....-ent Of' th S rth room of the Swarthmore Presby- 'crowd of one thousand people • ..... wu . e wa - terian Church. Sunday night, Oscar HammersteiD. more Woman's Club were Mrs. ',. . , .. ..' II delivered the second lecture In ' t James Daligh&! cltainD . ~t a r'!Cen meeUng of the asy. an. as- $OCiation Mrs. Roy McCorkel, the "Art and Mass Media" series' slsted by Mrs. Edward M. James, Mrs. Maurice L WebsterJ d Mrs Samuel Carpenter and Mrs ," .. . '. r., an being. given on the Swarthmore Arthur BInns ' . . Mrs. Howard Ja.ckson were nom- College canwus on .successive , . . ' . " . Inated ~ serve on the pennanen. SUJ)day evenings. Under the spon. J,~~~A~Y - ~~BRUARY - MARCH.· AD, afgh~n, made by the grouP. npm1,netlng coJDJDittee for a one sorship of the William J. Cooper year periOd. The four Foundation of the College, the With the toul '.of was dispIayecl, and ready to be to ~ ~ Valley Forge Hospital. d!!legates to hi' elected will repre_ serles-Utrough seven well-known ea~. !100.00 worth ~f· Regist,rSllps~ This JS .the eighth afghan made s~tt1!e Neighborhood Assocla- ligures in the Belds of music. , Uon a.nd the troops at the ,May 5 novel, thea~, musical comedy. since October.. II bright "ew Silyer DOllarl (' '.' ". The next meeting of the grOUP County Council meeUng. MrS. television, and molon ~tures-is ,( has been sclieduled for \February Samuel Seeman is chairman of the analyzing the Umitatlons and re\ 25, when Mrs. Otto Kraus will nominatiJig ,committee. strlction Which mass media Imshow colored slides lit those that have been ays n Jail or both, Mrs. 'Joseph StorlOZ2i, comerva- trail blazers. There is. no such ORANGE JUICE r It Is not the wish of the Bureau ti0';i chairmen, reported a full pro- thing. as a 'play that Is' 8l\ artistic or your local gram. of conservation activities Is success but one which the ilUdiof, Animal • , ences don't like. EVery unpopular officer to make these being planned. Pl'O!'ecuti0ns and it is hoped that play has something wrong with REAL N"~OA t.tA'~ARI~E dog oWllerS will take advantage Heads ASC Committee it as a work of ,art." .' . , of this warning and purchase 'In response .to a question their 1957 license 'at once. Harry Oppenlander, cutTlculm the audience asking· whether as : .., . \ . The '"urpose of this,ct;;"'k up is directOr In the 'Swarthmore High an arUsthe ever w.;ote' anytIting CO·OP·' APPLE SAUCE . .. to license all dogs having homes SChool has recently been appofilt- .out of ~heer artistic' compulsion .1",,: an,d to distingUish .them from the ed chairman of the currlcl11m com_ with no regard, for whether it . Il t, . . . su:ay and homeless dog. ' , mittee lif the American Chemical would sell, ·Mr. Hammersteln All dogs riot bearing 'a current SocietY. PhUadelphle Chapter. promptly answered: "I have never . Co...OP. BLE4'CHING FJ.UID. r,· ,, license' tag are considered strays The coJiunittee, COnsisting of written anything out of sheer and m,!ly be'dlSPoSed of by any representatives from Industry, in- artistic compulsion. In' fact 1 ... •• - . . . . . . . . -.... . _..;,L.._.. -.. ••• • f; .. I~ olll<,er. on, sight.. . _..".. stitutions of higher. education, lind don't know what that is." '" STAR¢H A fee of $2,00 is paid by the secondary schools will concern ItNOVeJIsCBuCl(t"SChIiI6erg . will C. '," " CODImon~ealth to Officers for each self. with ""hool programs in scl- be !Jte next, speaker in the series stray dog disposed' of. Forms for ,ence wI.th parUcuiar emphasis on' on February 24, at 8: 15 p.m. in '", , rep"r.ting same may be secured curriculum needs of pupils ,with· Clothier Memorial on the Swarth_ ' .KRAFTS 'ALL PURPOSE OIL from your local Bureau of Animal marked aptitude in the lIeld of mo~e College Campus: Mr. sChul. Industry ~er or. trOID-' the Dog !!Clence. berg Is the author of ''What Makes F~i!lg.,.... Bd~ing ~ S,Q,':~~ QrQS.Sirig, Law Division, Bureau of Animal , S a m m y Run," '"I;he Disenchant': Harrisburg, Pennsyland Mrs. Robert Arnold Of ed.", and "The Harder They Fall,'! . Wallingford. will spend the week ~nd . the Osqar-wlnning motion vania. , , Full cauart . " . The pUl'l!hase of a license does end in Kalamazoo. Mich., visiting PIcture scenario' "On the Water. ,. . not permit y,our dog' to run at Mr. Arnold's brother and slster- front." f~,~e PlasticMeasurin~ Cup large \lIlQj)Coinpanled and it 'may 1n"law Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Arnold then fty to and family. They be .pic~ed up by any officer. Chicago. Ill., and Cleveland; 0" on . . J ", So proteCt your d\lg and respect a business trip ar1'd return home your neighbor''! property by keep_ next Friday. B~OII.~••f:C?IL·B_OIL.N.G T~"IS,' SM~ inl\ 110~ ~og conilne,~ to your own , While Christmas Seal receipts prollerty. '59,~' I., .'. ~I'POlied· as totalling $107,4113 " , w",re. "I saw it in the Smqrthrnorean." ! , . as of January. 28th, and ShOW;' a 3 ¥.. Pel' cent gain over the. 'saine date 'last year, the' annu~"cam_ ' pllign is still short $7,517 of Its .minimum requirements of $115000. ReDllnders' are being sent THE COST' fO!'mer contributors who have not made returns as yet. It is determined by you. EaI:II funeral re- . , Under thll aSSOCiation's projlram . cejveslhe sa~ liigh-slandard service. of rehabilitati~; cO!lducted jolnt- . ly with the S.tate BUr~u. 27 per- . . . . . sons, are being' aided. Five have ·CALlFO·RNIA PASCAL CELEItY been plaCed in poSitions; three are being trained; nine taking IItness tests; and 10 neW referralS' \ have been received EXTRA, ' FANCY --. D...erou 0; RlHDAU ... D1itlii~ th" Dlne-1n9nt1\period.· 1.20 CHESTNUY' Sr.IIT CALIF. BROCCOLI 1~ h~lthe,4uc!\tion . PI' pic-. tur";,, "(ere t!\to~. ~ l.,94I!; and. , ' ..... heioe 1/60'''1 ( more than 1011,000 pieces of edu~ cational literjltUre' wid", dlstf;buted.' ".'C'". " M£MBEltS"'IP MEETING, , . 10*,. WILLIAM BROOKS SW'A',RTIDIORIEI ·----·..·--I"..;...._______--,~--'--~--..!.'/~Pq~.~e...:l~l Frlendl, Open HO'I, Girl Seo~ Notes Hean Mrs. "Ittle ,A slate of delega~ and alter, .p ,FOOl) MARKET • '••• JEWELER SwartblnoIY: NOW THEREFORE. BE IT ~~::~~il tMt the Council the II swarthmore bereb,. appo\ntl rlu. a _ 1 _ .I....r of. the ~ to fUl.lum vaeanep' and to hold oftiee for the unuplred tena afor.ald, 10 wit. unUI the lin. Monda7 of 0' '~'BW.umu.OaEAN \ Expert. Watch • .,.. WHEREAS. due. to the na1sutton of AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE RATE OF TAXATION" FOR 'I1:IE YEAR 1&61 FOR GENERAD PURPOSES OF I THE BOROUGH OF, SWARTHMORE. , FOR AIDING IN 'THE 'MAINTRNANCE OF THE FREE LIBRARY AND FOR PAYIlENT OF INTEREST ON THE DBRT 01' THB BOROUGH. AND PAYMENTS INTO TIlE. SINK. ,ING FUNDS AS REQUIRED BY LAW. Benton 1. COmmenelng lanuary 1. 1961. and unttl modJ4ecl or changed by Borough <:.ouneil or other authority In aeeordance with law. the eoDipen..tlon of the followina' named offieen,' officlall and employees of the Borough of Swart..hmore ahaIl be at the rate hereinafter set forth: '. CHRISTIAN SCIEtlCE HEALS BOROUGH or BWA_ORB RBBOLIITION H VACANCY IN OJl'l'ICB OF AUDITOJI. _ARTIDIORB ORJ)INANCB NO. 188 THE COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE DOES ORDAIN. HOW or BOROUGH OBDINANCB NO. 187 ._---- . "~. ,. .' .. Sit"i"d:' ""''', '. 'CO' "' ,';' ,I L THE SWAllTIIMOREAN , ,I , ,1.MI Another School la"XJump Predicted S ege,'A.unce' .,' N'ew FacultyMembe'rs more decides to build for smaller' CoO" 4TH GRADE MOTHERS ' Election Petitions 'Stfl/f ,; classes it will prob~blY mean the TO WElt MONDAY. Circulating Monday State will not particlpate as grea~ Fourth grade mothers of Jean (C tin d fro~ Page ly in financial aid". McCreight's College Avenue class on u e . 1), , Jones said, "Remember we are will hold their second group meet- two' six-year terms. No ooe- has Jones Discusses' New running public, NoT private, 3to Join Staff for ing of the current year on Mon~ declared for $he second year term schools and I do nczt, believe we 2nd Semester day, February 25. The meeting at the tiD\e, of this wrltlpa. Elementary Cost are in a financial position here to ' will take place at the home of The, oftlce of Justice of the at LWV. ; 'plan for less than 25 p u p i l s , ' Here Mrs. Joseph Donovan on Elm ave- Peace, another six year term is A 5.~ to,7 mill increase id the though occassionaUy, a class might Chadwick Alger, Manuel.Ascen- Due at 3:30 ).m.' , , also open ~ year, and Peter E., tax rate of the Swarthmore-Ru- fall below this mark." slo, and Michael ,Scriven" new ,Mrs. Oharles TopplUg, program Told~ incumbent, 1lle for'reledge Sohool District is l"equired Jones (whose opposition' to professors of political science, chairman, will introduce the guest .electlon. As yet, there are no an.. to build needed elementary class- authorities as involving tremen- Spanish, and philOSOphy, have speaker, Mrs. Stuart Graves, who nounced cand1da~ for the two rooms, Donald P. Jones, school dous red tape and at least 10 per joined the. Swarthmore' College is director of the Cldidren's v~cancies ,. e~lng· tor audf.tors, board president, disclosed at the cent, .higher cost, has been long faculty fo~ the spring semester. Theatre Group at the Commun1iy one ·for the School" and one for February 14 luncheqp of the local standmg) announced the elemenMr. Scriven comes to Swarth- Art Center, Wallingford., Mrs. the borough, each six year terms.· February 14 luncheon meeting of pry expansion would probably.be more after work as a .research Graves will deScribe the work in.' Wi\b ve~y few departures, it uie local League: of Women Vot- (tone under a Municipal Authonty associate at. the Minneso.ta Cente~ voice diction and creative dra- has been the custom in this bor.. ' since it is more than can be handl- for the Phl,losophy of Science. His,matics , sheI is doing with the young ou,gh for m any yeal'S, to, , renomin' ers. . ' , ' , "Tbe lowerftgitre would stand ed by direct School District Dond courses at Swarthmore include children in' the theatre group. ate and elect those' persons who \ if the $500,000 to $600,000" esti- issue and the current State symbolic logic, philosophy at sci:Tea, provided 'by hospitality h.ave held any of .the~', offices). hi' M Hilton Dulin'," smce all' serve WIthout salary mllted a§ the cost of a 10 to 12 Authority situation is so tied up ence and an introductary class. that it would delay the projeCt inWell-trained both in science and carman, rs., '. ,. 'pti f t f room expansion, comes at alA per will be,served first, followed by (With the, exce o~o ax coJ.cent interest and is amortized over deflnitelY, at least a year or two. iI\ philosophy, Mr. Scriven holds the\me~ting, presided over by Mrs. lector and auditors, ~~ ,Justice 30-year period. A 20-year "The municipal authority is the a B.A. in mathematics and phys- , of the Peace who receives fees logIcal as far as' can be deics and an M.A. in mathematics Paul Zecher, chairman of, t~ .~rvices). ', . amortization would add the other most rou _ for specbil 1% mills, Jones said. termined and you know it must and philosophy from the Univer- g p. " This factor 'has been paramount The District jumped 7 mills be the last resort if'I advocate it," sity of Melbourne. He received a --in keepirig the borough out of from its former 35-mill limit last he de.clared. 'Ph.D. in philosophy {rom Oxford, RECORDING STAR WILL politics. year after its union with Rutledge Thompson said Swarthmore was University. SING HERE FRIDAY ,One outstanding ex~mple of raised it to a third class district. fortunate in being able to expedite ,Born in, England, though now this' policy is that of former DoUbting that anyone except a its program by informing the State an Australian citizen" Mr. Scriven Contralto Carol Brice, reco~din Burgess John A. Pitman, a DemOphilosopher could predict school it was willing to proceed under acts as American correspondent star, will give a concert in Cloflh- crat, who was eleCted inanover~ board deCisions JoneS announced its own financial power if neceS- for an English periodical "The ier Hall on the Swarthmore Col- whelming Republican borougb, State approval ~f the Rutgers ave- sary. In3tbilitr in. this directi?n Motorist" in his leSs academic ma- lege campus, Friday, February 22 four times. nue site and 'of a proposed rOOm has held up plans of many dIS- ments. '.. - at 8: 15 p.m. There is no admission Citizens are reminded that, no schedule had been obtained and tricts. , A doctoral study on the role of charge for the concert, which is signatures can be obtained before the local District is now in the Thompson Queried private scholars in making for- sponsored by the William J. next Monday, and that all pet!. third step (proving its financial Thompson said ,the State's cur- elgn policy aD;d four years· of Cooper Foundation. tions must be filed by the 18th of responsibility), after which it rent basic site standard is,an orig-, work wi~h he Office of Naval InThe program will consist main. March. ",ill be ready for the 6,nal stage lnal plot of 5 acr~ plus an acre telllgence has 'helped. prepare'~. ly' of songs by Handel and SchuQf applying for the State's O.K. for every 100 children, but lately Alger to, teach Amencan ForeIgn bert and American spirituals. it has been advising 18 to 20 acre Policy and Intemlltional Politics. Jonathan, Brice will accompany on preliminary plans. . Jones said he believes 7 or 8 plots or, for very small sOOools, Most recently he has taught at his sister at the piano. rooms are needed right away. He 10 to 14 acres. He said the' State Princeton University. He wa~ an '. Miss Brice first appeared with expects theS(! to cost about $350 - has a real responsibility to see that undergraduate at Ursinus College the Boston Sy~phony in 1947 000. Another a· to 4 rooms m~t sites which shut out future needs and did graduate work: at the and since then has perfQrmed,with follow within a year' or two are not adopted and that taxpay- Johns Hopkins School of 'Advance many other, American Orchestras. later, he· added. T.be Board is ers are not saddled by unneces- International Studies. Together with other artists: she pressing hard in an attempt to I sary frills. The State is giving Mr. Acsension ~eplaces James has made a good-will tour in the When min~tes,~~tt;;;, rush the first new facilities to schools more money so' it has to' Sorber . . " , h is of the Sparush department, Federal R~publi~ of Germany.. completIon·,·by September 1958. ., assume more direction. T.he State w 0 at pres~nt on a le~ve of turn to this pharmacy ~.resees Authority has full authority, it only dele- absence in Spam. In addition to where prescriptions are a As soon as the elementary pro- i gates it partially and temporarily teaching several seminars in ~r., and Mrs. Joseph B. Shane ject ~ underway, ,the Board will 'to a local school board, be poInted Spanish literature here, Mr. As~ ot College avenue entertained at lpedalty. We ..sUre you be .able to conSider high school I out. . . censio is an associate professor of open house Sunday eve~g for· pro,mpt. preCise 'comneeds. Jones ~aid .he hoped the The newly established practice romance languages at Haverford Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hamm~e1n, , vacated College avenue :elemenL, 'of sendIng inspection te~ms into College. He and his wife, M~s~ II, following th~ Cooper Foundapounding 8;1 prices thatl tary. school could be .readied for the proposed. school area is very Elisa Ascensio, assistant professor tion Lecture in Clothier Memorial. are uniformly fait. Be sure I ' junio.r ,high school occupancy" by wise, Thompson stated; it 'gives of Spani~h, keep the Spanish deMembers of the faculty and' to try us next time! ' the Fall following the one in lJ. better local picture to the gov": partment "in .1he, family" since friends, in the cQmmunity were which' its younger pupils' were, erning State bureau. the, two Ascensios arf1f the orily also guests. School districts can build be- members of that dep~ent at :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;~I transferred to their new quarters (this would be the 1959-60 school yond State recomniended' m.irii- Swarthmore this semeser. .. CATHERMAN'S '.. . \ year). mums, he said, but all cost of : 'DRUG STORE . ~ Renovation of the high school extras do and should fall on, the BROWNIE TEA building should take place by the district. The State does not ra-' 'I(I 3-0586 next year (1960-61), 'he felt. al- quire cafeterias although it does HONORS DR. LUriHRING though he hoped some improve- like to see them in rural areas Brownie Troop 657,Qf the Col.~i9 ,Redudions. ments such as lighting might bi where children must remaiIi at lege Avenue SchO(>I entertained at undlertaken before more Maj' or school for lunoh. . ----,1 a Valentine .tea last. Wednesday "People can view the state' as a at .Whittier House. Dr. Frederick ones could ,be afforded. ' ANTIQUES and Asked if the elementary room Big Bad Wolf that ·denies them W. Luehring of North Cheste~ GOURMET schedule included a kitchen, Jones I the right to do 'what they want, road and Elm Avenue was gueSt of Providence Road .' replied "No, not in the proposed or they can see it as a guide whidl honor. Members of the troop parbuilding whiOO . will he separate helps a distri~t prevent mistakes", ticipated in the preparations for Wallingford, Penna. but probably qwte near the pres- Thompson declared. the' party including in 'tati ent school on Jhe Rutgers pl?t; but Askt!d .whether '. equalization of I decoration~, and cooking.Yl ons, we have discussed putting a assessments, which comity schools • "YO" MEET THE NICEST PEOPLE .AT SPEARE'S" ltitchen on the wing' of ~e old are seeking, would tend to, in- W school'in order 'to confine ell-ting crease taxes, Thompson replied,' 0 AN~S CLUB NOT~S S~?RE HOURS: Monday thru T~ursday, 9:30 to 5:30, to th~ area already established "I can't pr~ct whethe.,r SwarthPla~ for the lamp-making there. , . mor~'s t~x ra~~ would,be ,lower .course l1~ve been cancelled, as an. Friday, 9E30 to 9:00; Saturday, 9:30. to 6:00 To ~nother question regarding or hIgher but reasse~ent would nounced by Mrs. S. L. Althouse, t class SlZe he stated the Board ha~ c;ause more direct bond issues and chainnan of the home depart in mind .a minimum of 25 pupils less authority flnancin:,g if it'raised Mrs. John T. Pinkston Jr., cr::~ a~d maXImum of 30. County Sup- assessments to a higher rate of man of the literature depart t ., enntendent of Schools, G. Baker real value. (It is for this reason, has announced for its meeti men , Thompson, a. fO.mier principal of increased borrowing capactiy, that Friday, Marc~ I, Florence Swarthmore High ~ool, who the ~w.arthmor--: ~hool Board is will review "Dear Mad'm" b also spoke at ,the mee!ing remind- backing the move. Reassessment SteUa W. Patterson ' y ed . the au~en~e, "today's State often discovers some formerly-~n,:" The final meeting' of the Investpolicy of di,:i~mg by 33 children assessed properties: and others ment series will be held Th d in establishing room, needs is which had very,~ very low assess- February 28 at 10 am Th~ rough on areas like Swarthmore ments. It is said that it often will be "Portfolib PI~ ~ op c whose philosophy -. calls for smal- doesn'~ change properties which . g . ler classes.· Larger rooms ~ght have not been unf-airly below Named DIYlsloB' Head, have to be Wilt, or if Swarth,;. their own share years." . Mrs. Irvin 'R. MacElwee ·of Mt. ,, Holyoke place has been named to ~.'---head one 01 the, divisions of the , committee for arrangements for the.. annual convention of the P.lllen, • Slacll., Silirb Take up a.nd relay, most stairs • $15.00 Pennsylvania Council of RepUblic Women wnich will meet in. Phila_ .8101lses Clean,. most stair:s -, $5.00 to $7.00 delphia for the first time in the • Dllngarees Binding or seamina extra, if needed ~" o~ the orgurlzatioD; sched.ulea. ~or NQvember 21 imd 22. Adds Yea~s 10 CarPet w1¥ a \ . I . ' = I Complete ,Clearance ~. , _ , of All Stock: SHOP I M . i::a: sr' for. ' Chester's ,Favorite -'. Store ~-for·~ Maternify Ne$ds . .Stair carpet. shifted .'Ha' , life " '. .(PA"'SO~ Y. Comg' t\"M . . - .....7. - I' - -,•••• c »"" •• c-.,r...i-. . . . . . . . . . . .... " . , roo PIll: A.... S.....D... . . . Klngiwoocl J.6ooO.=- a..8rhrOoIt 9-4646 ·lP.....I~~' IN~W. ~rpet Elected 'to A. A. ..... wnUIlD:\ 'J.