. Another 1 School' Tax Jump Predicted Pau 12, .' 11IE SWARTIIMOREAN , ege A_nee'. s . 4TH GRADE MOTHERS N'ew Faculty Member's Election Petitions 'StfUf .' more decides build for smaller TO IitEIt MONDAY. Circulating Monday classes It will toprobably mean the CoD' / . te as greato Fourth grade mothers of c1 Jean State will not particlpa (Con tlnued f rom Page 1) . • McCreight's College Avenue ass . " '" in ftnallclal aid . t- two' six-year terms. No one- has Jones said, "Remember we are f will hold their second group mee . d lared for the second year term .. moing public, NOT private, 3to Join StaR or ing of the current yeer on Monthe tJn\e of this writipg.. Jones Discusses New schools and I do n'll.believe we 2nd day, February 25. The olBce of .Justice of the Elementary Cost are in a financial position here to Here Elm ave- Peace, another six year term Is t LWV . . plan for less than 25 pupils, A __ • also open this year, and Peter E. . ,a . id thoulfb occassionally· a class mlght Chadwick Alger, Manuel ...... nue at 3:30 'p.m. , .' T Id incumbimt, will file for.reA S.'k to,7 mill Increase the fall below this mark." sio, and Michael Scriven,. new Mrs. Oharles Topping, program el~tion. As yet, there are no antax rate of the Swarthmore-RuJones (whose opposition to professors of political SCIence, chairman, will introduce the guest 'nounced candidates for the two ledge Sohool District Is required authorities as involving !remen- Spanish, and philosophy, have speaker, Mrs. Stuart Grav"!', who cies existing" for auditors, to build needed elementary class- dOus red tape and at least 10 per joined the. Swarthmore' College Is director of the Ch1ldren's :~or the 'school,and one for rooms, Donald P. .Jones, school t higher cost has been long faculty for the spring semester. Theatre Group at the Community the borough each six 'year terms•. board president, disclosed at the c~n ding) annoW:ced the elemenMr. Scriven comes to Swarth- Art Center, ~allingford.· Mrs. Wi ver~ few departures, it February 14 luncheqp. of the local ~an expansion would probably be more after work as a .research Graves wlll describe the work in,. h : ' th custom in this bor~ F~!>ruary 14 luncheon meeting of 1Io':e under a MunIcipal Authority associate at the MInnesota Center voice, diction and creative dra- as h ;en e years to renomlnthe local League.of Women Vot- sinc.e it is moreSchthan canlstrbieh ;"atics iSthdOithng Wltr·th the young an': those who t e r s . " ed by direct 001 D c uvn i children 10 e ea e group. h h Id y of these olBces . 'Tbe lower figure would stand t State symbolic logic, philosophy of sc " . lit ave e an . . ! ' . if the $500,000 to $600,000, esti- issue and the curren . tied . up ence and an introductary class. Tea, provided ,by hOSPlta n..1lnd Y.. sm'_"e all> n"erve without saiary Authority situation IS 00 . in. ~~, mdted. a§ th~ cost of a 10 to le2r that it would delay the project Well-trained both in scIence and chairman, Mrs. ed fi ,Hilton. t flied by (with the exception. .of tax colroom expanSIOn, comes at 3'1. p d fi '{ I t least a year Dr two. in philosophy, Mr. Scriven holds wll! b~< serv rs, o· ow lector and auditors, and ,Justice . nt 'nterest and Is amortized over e m e y, a a B.A. in mathe.matics and phys- the meeting, presided over by Mrs. of the Peace who receives fees 1 penod. . authority is dethe ics and an M.A. in mathematics Paul Zecher, chairman of. tlV! for ace 30-year A 20-year "Thet imunicipal l I a far as' can be ... s·.el'Vl'c.e8.). . amortization would add the other mos . Ogd ca d s ou know it must and philosophy from the Univer- group. This factOr' has been paramount . termlne y HI advocate it," sity of Melbourne. He received a . :hd the bo-....... 1'k mills,. Jo~es ~.d. b the lastan resort " in keep..... • ....,... out of The D.str.ct Jumped 7 mills he d i e d ·Ph.D. in philosophy from Oxford, RECORDING STAR WILL polltics. ...., from its (ormer 35-mill limit last e h e.c ar . 'd Swarthmore was University. SING HERE FRIDAY One outstanding example of • • .... ..Irl Tompson sal _t.. . I th o t . year after its unIOn WIth Rutl~e t . bel ble to expedite Born in England, thou",. now this policy sa .• •.Ormer " bird I d' tri~ fortuna e 10 ng a . di' Pitman' Dem . raIsed It to a t c ass lS ••• its program by informing the State an Australian citizen,. Mr. Scriven Contralto Carol BrIce, reeor n Burgess John A." . ,a 0DoUbting that anyone except a 'Ili to roceed under ants as. American correspondent star, wlll give a concert in Cloth- cra.t, who was elected In an over. schDOI it was WI ng. I power p - an English periodical "The ier Hall on the Swarthmore C0I- whelming RepubI'lcan b orong.. ~, ph/loso.pher could pred.ct . . fi it n-eSfor . .. ed lts own nanCla ~.... F b 22 board decisions, Jones announc I "billt in. this direction Motorist" in his less academic mo- lege campus, Friday, e ruary four times. . State approval of the Rutgers ave- sarY'h I~ u y lans of many dis- ments. - at 8: 15 p.m. There Is no admissIon Citizens are reminded that no nue site and of a proposed room h~s e p p A doctoral study on the role of charge for the concert, which is signatures can be obtained before schedule had been obtained pirivate scholars in making for- sponsored by the William J. next Monday, and that all8 peti-_ . and th tncts. Thompson Queried f the local District is now m e , eign policy a~d four years. of Cooper Foundation. tions must be filed by the 1 th 0 . third step (proving its financial Thom~so~ said the S!ate s cur- work with he Office of Naval In- The program will consist main_ March. responsibility), after which it rent haslc slle standar~ .s,an orig-. telligence has helped prepare Mr. Iy' of songs by Handel Bnd Schu- p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; will be ready for the final stage lnal plot of 5 ac:,¥, p us an acre Alger to teach American Foreign bert and American spirituals. annaJW. of Morton have been erected to'· two'year temls OIl the bo8nI ;)f directors ot Ibe Sun On Blnployes' Ath1~ As8Oclation. Re-elecl1!d to the. boaId Ia Curtiaa c.. 'Wall1n of SpriqIleId. ' - t.7 • C »"r! • • C .'. . . . _ _ • • • . , 7 . . . . ..... " .... S•• llin ,..... K1ngiW4Od ., 6OOO=-Clea.broDIc 9-4646 \ , KNOWS Carpet . " '. '. i' , ,'" .."- ............- ........;....;.. " ',,\ .-... " - . :.' y.' .", r"''', . 2 Pc. ",". ".- .5.95 to 22.95 . , . • , -. -;. " ; " • mahn...,. ~ , .....,'"_ ~ .. J'. c -' .. .'".,' . .. . , '., MAR 1 1957 Registered " "To Vote? THESWARTHMOREAN ., .... ' SWARTHMORE. FRlDAY,Mareh 1,1957 , World Day Df Prayer, Win be Held March 8 "Community· Churches 'To Sponsor 2 P.M. Service . To Vote? $4.00 PER YEAR Ciassjf.aI Translator° '. (' co:~:.::.::::tsth~I~~~ poSe ROom of :the Rutgers Ave- Registered . . , VOLUME 29-NUMBER 9 AI. You Antiques Fair To Draw e or Ice Ph:=:n~=~'~~s~~ . . speak on ."Problems of the Trans24 Dealers Will Display Last week's Swarthmorean car- Iator" in the Meeting House on Treasures Tuesday a list ot candidates for v:art. the Swarthmore College campus, Through Thurs. Borough offices who had de- Friday, March 1. The lecture, Shortly before 2 p.m. F.rIday, cided to file petitions for. the May which is sponsored by the William Approximately 2000 antique March 8, the chiming of familiar Primary on theltepubllcan Ticket. .J. Cooper Foundatfon and the de. lovers (rom the Greater Phlladelhymns will call all peoples in the This list has been increased. partment of Classics, begins at 8: IS Phla area are expected to attend Bc!rough of Swarthmore and 1iUl'For Tax Collector, a four' year p.m. and is open to the public. the 12th annual Antiques fair, to rounding communities to an hour term, six' have announced their Known for his translations of be held next Tuesday, Wednesday of prayer In the Swarthmore Intention to file. Homer's Iliad, the OresteIa, and and Thursday (March 5, 6, and 7) Mrs. M~ H. Fussell, Vassar ave- Greek lyrics, Mr. Lattimore is at at the Swarthmore Woman's Club. Methodist Church. -On this 71st observance of World Day of Pray_ nue; T. M. Gibson, Rutgers ave- present engaged in preparing new A total of 24 dealers, some new er, Christiana around the world nue; '. Robert Hopkins, South translations of Greek tragedies for this year, but the majority having in some 20,000 communities in ,the Chester road; Mrs.' Eleanor L. a series to be published· by the participated every year since the United states and 147 countries vl:'i'W". \,. Liddell, RivervieW road; John A.' UnIversity of Chicago. club started the fair, will come be ',praylng for a world to Schumacher, College avenue; and In ao;ldlilon he is a professor at from a four-slate ar<;<,-Pennsyl_ know peace. . ·ition-• Snyder, Dartmouth ave- Bryn Mawr College. Mr. Lattl- vania, New Jersey, New York and This year's message was writnJle. It. is rumored that Samuel more holds a Ph. D. from the UuI- Delaware. ten by Mrs. Serena Vassady, a· Althouse of Rutgers avenue may verslty of Illinois and was a According to Mrs. Robert A. native of Hungary, an!! .concerns also file. . Rhodes Scholar. Boyle, general chairman, more her "experlellCeS in Budapest' dur. ...' For CoUncil; in addition to the • • furniture will be displayed this lUg. WorUi War U. Mrs. Vassady, ... I Sent to 'Gov. following wlll named last week, the f ..... dberg· , year than ever before. There will invited long in advance ot the ,e egram file: "'-11U1 be a variety of choice pieces in March iI date to prov:Ide the 1957 ,.:' Leader Against ' . William -.GIII, Dogwood lane; pine and cherry, as well as many message, prepared the'groundwork ". hway William Lee, Guernsey road; and from the Victorian period. Dry for it behind the .Iron C!frIaIp, Robert Wilson, Harvard avenue. sinks, dough.' troughs, blanket and · ~"bet···th H garian' Op' . position 'of some of the colF Sch I B d si , W.,.....i oar, M x Myear . Budd Schulberg, Osc8l'-wionlng chests., items.in copper and brass, •• _"' in th01'8f II e Sinu th··n lege. alumni residing in the Bor:: t or tw to00be ltd, ...... sg n e a . ce en, e~, o· e ec ar-'d her h·'-band 'a' p~f--or ough of" Swarthmore was· expres- InC bell f 'V e sa rs. a ue author of "On the Waterfront," pewter, china,• miniatures, clocks, ""e an 0 amp o· as Gerner r. ven of"Sunday night delivered the third jewelry, of theology, 'have come to - this sed.thIs week against the position Mrs. Eudora Sproat . choice glass, and picture' ' of Swarlhm.Ore C.ollege on the lecture In the "Art and Mass frames, 'Will also be featured. ' country .now, liylng in South Prlneeton avenue, W. New- Media" aeries being held at As in other years, luncheon Will Lan sterand Sheare W ' " s'peak at n· e Mid.-County Expressway Issue. to R f EI a enu will '. "' . Hendrix.son, secretary of filn yerson 0. m v e Swarthmore Colleg'e under the be served from 11 a.m. until 2 C. . ca I Pres'byte .'"'"'Church 100 ,LaRue Edgehill arme road Glens! nan F th.. t 0 ear tenn Carl D sponsorship of the WIiII1,.am .J. p.m., and the menu this year wlIl ' de at 8 , pm Swarthmore Citizens inOpposi.. e. ' ' . . . or w y ' e,Rut , ' Cooper Foundation. The Seri!,s be Increased to include assorted , Mar h 8 tion to Route "A", announced. that And . ~. Presid t c . ." erson, en avenu, - was launchedb.y J,ames Michener pllit.ters, soups, sandwiches, sai"Under the leadership' of Mrs. moore than SO alumni of thl! col- ledie:, will.. file. . - . and Osc. ar Hamixierst.e1n Ii, w.ho ads aD..,d dessert. Mrs. W. Alfred Dana' 'Loudin, women from the lege residlng in' the Borough al_ A I t llst of all candidates comp e e·in The . Swarthmore.. SPOke on the novel and the timusicchairman of kitchvario\isSw!II1hmore .church.ell in. ready' had sign'ed" his grDup'S' peti~· will be given •..:... to Smi~, has genera) hasiz .hoi ~sh • . 11 . t th tion, which describes the "'A" . .' . . III comedy" a~d ·...,.;,r r a on· en,' emp. ed ~~'a· es the Route as'hil1iing""rat greater . Mal'J)h, 1 \the. mass S!¢dilys h.e , ,'.;be· . pa~t on . the JIves of 'far more filin~. .'" the Series will present. dlrector- from 2: 30 P.OL until 5. p.UJ; every ..- (Contlnued Page 8) people than any other route which producer Harold Chinilan, March afternoon, and aurlng the eveulng has been discussed.". . 3; choreographer and dancer Jer- )lours, the Junior Club members orne Robblhs, March 10; composer_ will serve refreshments. A door This announcement follo.wed an eaflier disclosure that Il group of r...... " musician Paul Creston, March 17; prize will be awarded each day. alumni'residj!nts 'of the boroUgh Henry.J. Cadbury, professor motion picture producer and writAll of the Fair will bi! had sent a telegram to Governor emerit.. of dlvlnIty' at, Harvard, er Dore Schary, April \; and tele_. used toward the repair and up.' ( George Leader and other'State"'of; and chairman of. the Amerioan vision producer Lawrence Lang_ keep of th.eclubhouse. Ancient Rivals Vie For ficials calling on them to disre- hiends SerVice Committee," will ner,' April 14. . dUd gard letters from Colleg be The .nub of the prOblem; stated Covete nOO ~ the first speaker in a new ser- Mr. Schulberg, is "how can you who, live. outside of Delaware ies o.f ,discussions "Some Great In~ h Trop, Y , . County as "expressions of oplnlOtl tel1>reters of oUr Chrlstian Faith" reach the widest poasible audience 1{averford and ~warthmore C.ol~ not founded on complete know- to be hi>J.d. Sunday mDrnings at withDut saorlficing your intergrlty, 'j "Swarthmore 'Friends Meeting. without giving tht!lll an Inch?" lelies;anc1imtathlet1c riva~, clash ledge"of the facts.1. . aaain this' Saturday evening for He toldhhdOW he an':stdlully'rectped0rdlElied a Display' Will Be On View The telegrams were sent in reQn,:March lIo and 10 Dr. Cade K anlroporbmt Hood Trophy point spo~ to a letter mailed by the bury, an authority on' St. Paul', azan.. a unsuec . . iI. Swarthmore's Lamb~M'lller will talk t the life and w-k the screen 1>lay "On the WaterSunday COlntlnued on Page 8) ~. front" from olle-Hollywood studio 3 5 PFrom M Field House. " of the mi onary; wbose capacity to an.other to find a producer. ~. • If the Gamet hopes to, retilln friendship shines' out ot his "We got iion film In' spite of every The Community Arts Center, possession ot'!h'" co~ted 'silver lett~rs aCfoss ~ distance of, almost major studio'ln HollyWood, and Wallingford, has announced the bowl which it .won last year for 2000 years. On )l[arch 17, Helen F. think will the first time since 19S1, victory North, associate profesSor bf clas- I don't we eyer let them opening of a J!hotography Exhibit in this basketball encounter is e~" sics at Swarthinol'e .College, will torget it. That the picture proved on Sunday, March 3, from 3 to. 5 from .m. .the .Dela_ sential. As a result of the Fords Committee Seeks Mar. 23 discuS$ .St. A.ugwjtlne, Bishop and to be a bpx office SUCcess was a pPhotographers stunning upset triwnph in wrest!. J phllosopber, whose influence on total surprise. Ne1. ther the film ware County area will show a ing last week, thfl' MalJi Liners Deadline For . the development of the early nor the subsequ.ent no.vel was an W!'de range of sub,;""t 'r" matter, in _ !'Chri.s\i;al'n.. church Is considered sec- effort to ple~ people, but-andcluding children's' portraits and lead in the race for the trophy, . Registration" points to 1'k for the Little . The 1957 Swarthmore College ond only to SI. ·Paul's. His ''Con, this is impOrtant-we hoped it landscapes. Australian eil:jt coast landscape ~enes' will be' shown Quak¥S. ' .Folk Festival will be held April fesslons" is a religious classic; his would." Mr. Schulberg was introduced on 35 rom color slides by Walter This will be the final trophy 12 through 14. In an effort to affirmation "ThOu hast made us Clark -.,ito.r of Ra. n'., E. , architd-t _~ , Wallin'gford, competition before the. ina\!gura- limit the number of outside visi- for thyself and our hearts are by Saxe Commins, ..... tion of the spring sports program tol'S, to stress ,participation. in the restless 'until they find test in dam House and. s1nc~' the publica- at 4:45 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Clark (Continued on Page 5) have r""ently returned from Auswith l1aseball, . golf; tennis and actlvities, and to "promotE! 'a clo"- :thee" has opened a closed door to track contests. Haverford, in ad- er relationship througbout the countless searchers· for spiritual tralia. dition to its wrestling win, downed College cOmmunity and the VlI- help. . ~ Hostesses for the afternoon is Swarthmore in sbccer 4-3. The lage with the Folk' Festival, the " . ~Mrs. Robert 'D-k William Hordern, Associate pro_ J! ~ of Media.. ExGarnet cross "country team, .un- over-all orglinIzationof the .week ( Co.ntiDu'ed on Page ill .'. hibitlng photographerS are: defeated in 11158, won Sts ml!tCh, end haS been changed. . , . .' Roscoe Ammon and Cresson "",-, , The physical ed~cation. depart- PrIchard, S~re; .JDhn ;T. and the footl!all game ended in a Admittance to the events will me?t of the Swarthmore,.RutJedge Coslett, waiungtord, past pres!sCOreless deadlock. be by advance ~tr.ation -D'niy. Nether ' .......nc. Umon Se\Jool. District wlIl present dent Commercial Photographers For Swarthmore, three ~ors No one will be admitted, at the A lettel and petition, signed by' a ..demonstration by the boYs and AsSociation; Arnold V. Steuben(Continued on Page 8) door who has not .satlsfied this II1rls of grades nine I!I 12. The rach, Wallingford, who will exrequirement. .") apprO:Jdmately'SOO residents of evening aifalr "(ill h~ held Friday, (Continued on Page 5) Thanks' Workers Nether ProVidence Township, have March 8, at 7:45 p.m. The public \llamh 23 Deadline been sent to John J. Lawler, sec- is cordially Invited; It Is suggested The Swarthmore Proper ty Registration will be required ~lvanIa Departmen\ that the smaJler children remain A1UlIlni'. Banquet Set Owners' Association thankS for" OIIch of three events: . If!gh~.~ "earnest ilt home beea.use of the. uinlted ' . Of its membel'll imd all others who . Sq\llll'e . dan~, FrIday eve- protest"'~ the "Blue ROute", fac1UtieS. '!'he JunlorHigh'. ,,"or ", Saturday Nigh~ were ~enta1 m obtaining nIng, April 12,. SO to .11 In the for the cormtrue1loo of the Norttt..: have achanee to atWrid at The Swarthmore Club of Phila.sIt:na1tm.L!Ii' to the .botough's pro(CODtInuedon Page 5) South~.. ' . the . matinee performanee, OIl delphia w1l1 hol4 its 8JlDuaI ban• ~ lJ18hways in nr' ad- • " , D. F. Chr1st,y is pnlsIcIent Gf.the Thursday; March 7. quet at Swarthinore College Satjaeenf to SwU1hmore. 598 stana- INYlSfMINTCOUI. Pnlvidence Towusblp a... The program, umfer' the dIree- urda'y. eveniJl8, March I. Alf!ed ture. nbta1necl fftJm all clti-+ '. PLAN$ fllLD TRIP Ie Assoc1aUOIl wh1cb clreuiated tlon of <:oeches Vir&lDfaAllea H. WIIIIams,', president of the -..." resldIDa IIGrth Of the' raiI- . The - - 'lnfCSImaIts for the petition. imd 1If1Uapd RoM_ w1l1 pre it i'edetal R . •• Bank or Ph!ladel.ro.d. Women,lQJi»llSOl'ed by the Woman.. a I!roIIS 8eCtion view at. the variouio phis; iormerDain or the WhartoIl Robert BIl'd headed tfle IP:9UP Club of' Swarthmor:e, ADd OpeD to a.t1vI~es Df boys'. UId girls> SehooJ, and a memlJer of the IIecurIq ablDatures·-u. of ' the the ~ .publfc, w1l1 hold a J. I'ranklln edueatkla. D8:DCln&Boardollhn'i1 sat.lSWarthlilore ranro.cL . .AmcIq" .. aa.IstIJIc trjp to the J>hi1echIphla .of.. Coll... wID qH !r ' . the subject . - wnu_ am, 1Ifl'8. lkes of Ba~ and Compa:Dy iJIn ~ ~at. "Ka~ in ~:' Sonie rAven Bl"",' Ilrs. ., 'l'hurSdaimoziJlq, liard!. 1'- '. at thal'ftI8b lIP .. nue School Monda), evening March 4, at 8 o'clock. The.film "Human Growth" will be shown. Dr. Prentlce, Dean ot'Men at Swarthmore CDllege, will lead the discussion. It Ia hoped that a common oplnion' can be' reached as to whether or nol this film is a valuable teaching tool, and it it· is, the age leVel .at 'which it should' be made available in our school ·sYstem. AnyolJe interested in, the qqestiDn ~ invited to come and express his will' . Oppo". to' Colle"ge SandE t . Xnressed s · Auth'or S·peaksat CI0lbier candidat~ Hig' WI,.~ c"'!l~~~H;J. ,o~ rr::t m:; ini~ a~t!lr., d~ lDedi~.on:foIlOWing e1' ~llt· li'offi~lffiae~·q.ea·' S.W'a'rth'mor'e Meets Haverford Sa·t,unl3·,'"." - :..,.: '. ," , proc~ A Photography Exhibit , Opens at Arts Center M::. College Folk Festival. Planne:lf for Apri 2* SHS Rhythms ProPTam Scheduled lor Mare 8 ',,' S.nds Petition those a.. ~ ; . 'M Friends eetmgO Snnnj;lOrs Meetm'g Senoes were Mother-to-be styt.s th.. femous designed.F Iciely' to hep you.styIish -as'" as oOllib, '11'" s.. ..... in .... ,: . DRESS DEPT, 'Sp._·~ S'I;oud~ ,.' ."I -Itbl the Swartbmoreu.'· .......ii;'II'am";;'_;;;;;II;;;_ _ _ _ _~.~'"•.'• .'ii.,_ ',', Ale You a:C specl~' \ , tlostllia ~',,"'t!", ~ ~~C!II ~ ~;&~",-:~~~,~~on:.:;::'l~ ,b~".a1l.lthlt~_1lI: ,',. . . . ~ ~=~=~:~;::: "-!>,C,",";' / >c; - . Per80MIs . Mrs. Henry McComas of Park avenue was hostess Sunday nl&ht of Iaat week at a p,ari7 in hown' ()IR:r:.!:::~ :!,,~ =~H~ ':thobeth~ edIcJn Mr, aJld Mrs. Lafayette avenue ~..... 1 anla day .evenjn& from Pleasantville, University of pennsy v son and where daughter-In-ll\w Rev.their and N. Y., they vlaited Mrs. Richard Hart . durlnl the holiday week end. John L. WeU"ufer, son 01 Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wetlaufer 01 Strath Haven avenue, haa been pledaed to Slima PhI ~Uon at Lehilh, University, Bethlehem,. where he is a ~esbman. . LOuise Johnson, daughter 01 Mr. and Mrs. A. Sidney JohnsOn, Jr., 01 North Chester road, has been accepted as an assjstant councllor at the National Music Camp of Interlochen, Mich., for the com~ Mr&. waiter parenb ~ Mr. ancl JIrL BarrY enb ~ Coon.. eIt route to PriCe of Chevy Cha .... Mel., who PInes and.TqOD, N. C. at time In NJPSl Mr. and Mrs. Ed~ W. CoII- ~ ~. PrIce is OD • Untted lett, Jr., of lUverv1ew "'lpnent. . their chUdreil.Ned. D ........... Judy Vall wl1l return tomorrow Mr and Mrs. John A. Kac:Jfalr I. :.u~em ~~ v:: slste~, Bongiovanni, s,!i1 aboard the Bai,d Monhead's Mrs. Lotta arch of Bermuda 'on Saturday for a th""l-week visit to Mr. and Mrs. J?ayid Knudsen, F~ I,@ld, Pembroke, Bermuda. Mrs. Bongiovanni was feted with a bon voyage luncheon OIl Monday at the home of Mrs. Charles LeInbach of DrexeI Hill, the foriner Miss Doreen McConechy of Swarthmore. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Harris, formerly of Wellesley road, are now residing In Columbia, S, C. . Louise Johnson, daughter ,of Mr. nue. at oi Mri. Th~''''' ere. aD, ~ time SwarUunorean. • . , BEAUTY SALON IIA-UTT CAN TAl. A WIND-SWI" LOOK 9 South Chester Road Call Klng$Wood_ 3-0476 . "80 pm. • THE NEWEST •In ~urray's '~~;!~·~~~~~C~'~O~'ed~~!~~~of~.~'~P~.If~.~~~~~.~~~ ance. Miss was entertained foreign aid Price and technical asslstby Mr. and Mrs. C. Canby Balderston of Georgetown, and of Middietown road. Mr. Balderston, with a seven-year appointment, is vice-president of the Board Of the Federal Reserve Bank. Mrs. J .. V. S. Bishop of Harvard avenue will return Monday, docking In New York on the S. S. IndePendence which wl1l arrive from Naples. Mrs. Bishop visited her son and. daughter-in-law Dr. and Mrs. David W. Bishop In HeIdelberg where Dr. Bishop, a pbysiologist, is on a felloWshIp, eJlIiaged in teaching at .tbe Max Planck InsUtute iD Heidelberg, and in research. Mrs.. BIshop also traveled . In England, .~nce, and Italy. ~i:ii~~i~~~~~~ SrUTH HAVEN. MURRAYOS BEAUft SALON Theatre Square . I . '.\ . " ·Next Time You' Have ,.. !=I.n ·l;IbdQminal-operation, don't just lie thelle and doctor all Qf the work ....;... . , let' .the. ." , do .,' ,. . ~. ' . get . ~ dose-up I~nsfor'your camera 'and start shooting •••. P~rhaps.you can sell fhe . TV rights to "Medic". Complete Hotel Padlities for Bttntplets ,. Receptions, Parties A MeG.regor-DoddsHotel JOHN M.SOMERS, lttm.ger ", - , Business Men's'LDIl4lh 12 - 1:30 P.M. t ... "" "SING IN SPRING' WITH A SONG" . .' ' " .' I·., ... wi.,. ," . . " . , "The :. ,.--"' -- -"-ali' -. ..... '~h . ~ Q~'i. op and Help a Child Less Fortunate Than Her .Own Thurs.i March 14 8 .KI~g.woOd 3..,191 P~ M. Fashions by Helen <::lIro -- ~~~~~~~~~iii~~~'~'~'~'~~~giii~~~~~~~~~Th~e~'~3~80~s~wa~rth~m~"re~['~·.~'pr~e~-~s~~h~O~OI . .'.. ". ,. CLUB SWARTHMORE, PENN~ 2ND FLOOR OF CO;.OP .MARCH: 5,6, 7. Tues~ay -; .. , ................... : .. : .. II A.M. 12 feet by 20'. feet , Friday Fu.tu,.....7:25 and 9:010 P.W. Saturday Features-6-8:tS o1nd 10:30 '.M. , ~< $1 FOR RENT··· ".t".M•••r.r - \ - J.". a pm. Friday 9 to 8:30 High School Audltoriu", an4 to 10 P.M. W8l;ln~ay .... -: ...................... II A.M•.to 10 P.M. Thunday ." . ,. . . .. . . . . . . ... .......... II A;M. to 9 P.M. Admission. - SO . Cents 12 feet by. 25 . feet "'. Luncheon anel Tea S.rv.d 401 Dartmouth Avenue ~ End of the Winter Winners ~ - If 7011 have All a_aMI. ac:cid_ 7011'11 be sIa4 YOII bay. tbe ·policy with the P.S. (PenoDlll Be...... ice). "P.-S." i. the perlonal service of a qualified JEtna Casualty Agent. Let ... tell ,.011 wlQr you lIOed tb. policy with the . Peter ·E. Told ..4U U.... 0/''''.' aRee ·333 DarbDoa" Ave. , . KliIgsw.... 3-1833, what goes with what? .2.15 ...... ! Tues. & wed •• Marcil 5 aael6 3 of tho Bost Shtrs In I of ,~. V•• r', aest PiCtures! Gre90ry rock J ...lfe. Jon •• F~rlc MII"h 'Phone or stop in ICI._~Todmlcol"l ....'""!>-'1:15 "lid .,. P.M. Mar'clt 7; 8 Gild. , - , For~ Mrs: Bess SeidE-I's grade motliersgroup' met fourth Thursday 01 la$f week in the Rutgers Avenue All-Purpose roam, to attend the grade school assembly. The program consisted of the openi.'1g ceremony, and two - plays abput Washington, i'A Noble Surrender". and "A ~resent fpr the General," all presented by Mrs. Seidel's Fourth Grade: . ,. movie, "How. to Catch a. Cold," was shown under the supe!Vision of Mrs. Edith ~enne~. The progrmn was followed by a brief business meeting conducted by Grade. Chairman Mrs. Robert Wagstaff. . . Sep....te Cafeteria Perloclll High School Princtpal William Bush announced an attllmpt to remedy overcrowded conditions In tbe school cafeteria will' be ri1ade 'by 'tagge~ilig lunch periods of junior high, elementary, and. schools pupils In a two-week le,irn meeting next· Wednesday a coCktall party tomorrow afterevening, noon. , , I IN' OUR ·MARCH . . ' . .. • . ;' .\ CLEARANCE SALE AS.k for your FREE copy of LEES' 24iHge'co!or booHet. "MAN IN THE GRAY RA..,. SUIT" sat..' . - how to start you~ home decorating • _ " IIow to pia" your home d~ratii19 ••• how to· give your home a new looi: ••• how to serect carpet ••• how to keep your carpet beautiful ••• MlcOy 1Iiars..FrI.cilld . ~·Mrs. of rest,Barbara seventh grade f"'trick) teacher here, attended Nether Providence High School In 1948 and holds degrees iri ~rY and education from the University ot London. I '" Notl:·A·L~FF &~ MUGIC BOKf.l, I., I Swarthmore, Pa. BOll ya_lllLley IRLUIIE p_ I.f Sunday Program To 0Pln -Special Adivities For Scouts, Brownies ift"1 . of ... MotII....·ct.b· . FASHION 5110W Plaillie~ Approval of a new 12-cl,_ . ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~E~.I . . ~ Air Conditioned Dining Rooms and Lo661. Comfortable Skeping Rooms Blet/ator -. . Pre. Parking WI~L . . Klngswood 3·3476 Chester Road ." 607 Sci. Swarthmore -FAIR Beauty· Salon . ._~ i .... INN, Yale and Harvard Avenues I Mr. Peter Thiel CO-Op· FOOD MARKET P.L I l . nj,f)}' a LeUure y Authority Township ofis both In number of new members and clrculaU9D.· January was tbe eighth month In llUecession with the book clrcillaUon running OVer '1,000• DurIng Januar;y a ~tal of 86 books was added to. the Ubrary'. book collecUOIl; 50 of th1s number were new books purchUed by the Library and, 88 were gifts. . Nat'l Gilt Scoot Plans are •being completed by roOm . elementary: t>nUdkig tbe Swarthmore Girl Scout Neigh,. house fourth tbrouih s!xth grades borhood Aasoclation for active is 'lIOught by the Swarthmorelocal Scout parUclpaUon In DbRuUecJie Union sChOOl District In servanCe of NaUooal Girl Scout state form the School Board Week March 10 to March 16. 'P,llep;&red forJlllng at its Feb- pupUS, counted In the survey by Starting With a .Scouts Own on ruary20 meeUn,. Home anI! School and League of Giil Scout. Sunday, March 10, a Cost of the building, approxi- Women Voters members under roullded program of activities is ma¢ed. . at $550,000, will·be Dr. ,McCrory, are composed of 87 anticlpated. Brownie troops as die!! by If municipal authotlty ac- flve~year-olds; '93 four-year-olds; well as Girl 'Scout troops wl1l cording to the application which 711 tbree-year-olds; 73 two-year- take part ·in a special service the Board pJlms to send to Harrls- olds; and 49 one year and under. centered around the theme of ,burg as soon as the estlmated,anDenial cliD1c Approved World Friendship as a means Of DUal ·rental due the altthotlty ls Establishment of a denial clinic working toward world peace, worked out and Board signatures In a small room near the High scheduled for 3:30 p.m. Sunday, complete -the form. A 30-year School auditotlum. was approved March 10 in the Swarthmore high 'bond Issue Is contemplated. by the Boarci. Pupils whose par~ school auditorium. Guest speaker The new building wbl'ch ents are unable to afford necessary for the program will be Mrs. be placed- close to the dentsl services will 'be tended Samuei T. Cadwallader of Manoa. elementary school at Rutgers ther'l by Dr. iames F. Ventura, of Well versed in' scouting, Mrs. avenue, Inciudes in addition to the County Medical Cllnlc; Media. Cadwallader has been active In dozen,ciassrooms a multi-'pur- Costs Will 'be ·borne by the State, the Scout movement since coming pOse room with band area, a,\ art which bas allowed -15 hours a to this c~untr,Y. ten years ago from room principal's office and teach- montll for the purpose. The health· her native England. She was a e';s' ;oom. A kItchen, to be added advisory committee of the iocal member. of th~ .Rimger;, the Engto the m~ti...,ui'pose room of. the Home and School Association i, Ush semor girl scouts. ..C;:~ent1y, present school, is Included' in the cOntr'buting denial supplies. The she is leB'de~. ot .the SeDlor girl application. '.' School District was given a dental scout trooP.' of Manoa.. $he 'has One of· the ne'\' rooms will. be chair and equipment by Dr. also served on·the ,Juliette Low used by' the county for Samuel Kromash. committee !If the Delaware Coun~. . . . . ty CounciL . retarded children In this area, Also gratefully acknowledge by .,.;.;....... 91;'''' d th lead hi it can be spared' the School boa~d were' stage cur~.""... "un er· e. ers p . ·1 . • h tains' for the Rutg'era .auditorlum of Mrs. Maurice Webster and Mrs. I Dr. Wal ace McCrory, w o . . Carl Atkins will arrange.a display headed a receiir census of the prOVided .by $675 receipts from f t · girl ti In win School DIstrict, eJOpressed concern I.ast fall's parent-sponsored. ele- dea urlntngthe iocscolu .:?og pin a. rebook f . d gazIn ow. a ...... p g . a a. regardI~g. the adequacy of the. . Il11' an ma e TWo firth 'grade troops,troop441, plannenls•.. ~ '.' 1!'0rrest . who is. the sister-i',l-law European Hair Stylist . , I. . $5®fOC)O M~",icipal 01 'Portam01,ltb, Va. .~. r"mnin., ~ ~unior Beaver College. Tuesday ~.. . attendoi~thecle' _~~~~.:: ...... JIAI~ C. ~ ,01 ~ a~ nue, . baa forma1Jy ......-ed.. ~1van1a Cha,ter of. Delilal 'of SchoOiAdriilntstr&tol:i U~QIl ~~ty. Ed, a tre.bAtiantic Cii)'. KaYls the man In the ~ School of ~!4rs,' R. D. :rtDance and Commeree at the of Spring6eld, tormerIY University of Pennsylv8nla, is a North c~ road. member of tII.e Chr1sUan.Assocla- '. Suaan .13. Bra~ has JJeen .clte4 Uon and a Sta1r photographer for on the dean's h~ list for The Daily Pennsylvanian. scholastic achievement d uri n g Mrs. John M. B. Ward of North the first Semester of the current Swarthmore avenue ~tert8ined year, at, B\lcknell UrliVl!l'Slty, at a 'Surprise stork shower fO! Lewillburg. Atresbman, Susan Mrs. Fr8nk Starrett. of Marietta is ~e daughter of Mrs. David avenue, following the JIunlor Braun of Yale avenue. ~~~~~~ :i:::~:~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~ The Helen Kate Furness Free avenue, had .. . Actlv. M•• ber of .... swa ............1.... A••oclatl. . wagnerl:F~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~ =:;1 c. au- .' N;!ln,Pro;!!::, CefebratlOll Mar. 10-16 libroty.. Repo~ of .;Juniata ave- their bouae for. tbnIe ~ of t.t week )bo. DaUCbertTa )bo. Benjamin lL Deugh- chaJrmui. .~EWS NOTf;$ .JdwarlI '.f. :Ji!orer. ~ of JIn. Barbua Anne ~""', dal'lhter of. DicJd"1!'¥' 'or¥i'. r:='=:;==:..========. "'"lEGE :ru.EATRE ;n: j Nevlur, TER Mr. Philadelphia, Ross served in the submarpany, ine service Of the ~avy.He is .attending the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.. A September wedding is'planned . . BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wagner of Michigan avenue lUjIlounce the btrth of a daughter. Melinda Jane, at the University of Plinnsylvania Hospital, February 25. TJ;le young lady weigbed six pounds, nine ounces. .·Llnda Ann Dunn, a February and last Mrs. weekA.'Sldney pledged Alpba Sigma Philadelphia are muel the paternal on.Ogden avenue, Jobnaon, Jr., of Mr. and Mrs·,fla 2~th baby. will ",:l,brate her flft!> Alpha' sorority ,at Bucknell Uni. :!\.l'el'!'aterntll 8. ~y todily WI~ ." party for. averslty; Lewisburg. , " . ""e Mr. and Mrs. II few of her friends. She is th: 'Mr. Don Guthrie of Cornell ave- Goodall of Liberty. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Georg nue had as his week end guest Mr. R. Dunn of Cresson lane. John Eklund of Bethesda, Md. Dr. and Mrs. Steven S. Spencer . .Mrs. Roland L. Colt of Marietta Mrs. Donald Piccard of D1ckln- of Fort Dellance, Ariz.. announce avenue, entertaIned at a son avenue was hostess Wednes.. birth of a dauihter, Mary 'Monday morning for day evening of last week at· a Elizabeth, on February 25. Dr, chairmen of the .. Junior . stork shower for Mrs. Spencer is wit!> the PublicoHealth Club fashion show. to D of Sprlnglleld, form&- Service at the Navajo Medlc!,1 Mr. and Mrs. Hes n . Iy' of Swarthmore. Guests were Center t ed S d to their home . . re U}'!l un ay . ~ llowlng .. former neighbors of Mrs. Coste. Pate.nal grandparents are Mr. on Cornell avenue, 0 trI t: Mrs. Wll1l1im R. Huey of l>ick- and Mrs. Steven M. Spencer of three week automobile p inson avenue had a meeting of the Ogden avenue. Maternal grandFl'!rlda. .. Delaware County Pi Beta PhIl Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. !!IarkIey sewing group at her home on I, of GuFerns Mr~:; Wednesday. . S eyNln-r oad Mrs. . . . ess a ryn . Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Geer liUt Y1 have returned from a vacation of Al:ademy road hId as their S.wart"m .. ~. POl. spent near Phoenix, ArIz. gUests last week Mr. Goer's par_ Miss Margaret PrIce of Moylan . . Fri. & Sat•• March" aBel 2 attended the Fourth National ConLa.... Ollvl.. Fo.tal•• ference· on Economic and Social ........ s •• ".~ . ALFREQ HlrCHCOCK'S Development, in Was h i n g ton, D. C,' from February 11 to Febru"REBECCA" ary 13. Topics discussed included Fro. S~.r. iJy Dllp.". . An_ Scott MacN~ on Thursday, J'ebru&ry if. Mrs. MacNaIr.1s the former IofIa sign and Mrs. W111lam R. Huey, ,; Jr" in California, first in San ENGAGEMENT Franci.sco and then in Long Beach Dr. and Mrs. Walter P. Billstein , , where Ensign Huey, legal officer' of South Chester road announce MID-W'IN' TUNE UP' on the S. S. Thetis Bay, will be the engagement of their daughter transfered aboard his ship. En Miss Freda Margaret Billstein to \' TRUCK INSPECTION. . route home Mrs. Huey will visit Mr. Philip Richard Ross, Jr" son . . DELCO BATTERIES' Mrs. Ella F. Long In Galesburg, of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Richard G'ULF GAS and 'OIL Ill. , Ross of Drexel Hill. Mr. and Mrs.G. Wills Brqdhead J Miss Billsteln is a graduate of • ROQRT J. AT%, Mgr. and daughter Charl'!tte of Maple Swarthmore High Sch~1 ~d , RUSSELL'S SERVICE avenue, spent the. week-end In Wilkes College, Wilkes-Barre, She .Qp!,osm; Borough Parking lc!t .' .' Nt;w York after seeing Mrs. Brod- is employed at the Sun Oil ComIClllg.wood 3004.40 . .' D.ar,fmo.... a." Lafay.tte In the High seventh grade,' willHams, commore School. Jean plete her school.year in Swarthmore" residing WIth ~r. and Mrs. Henry Harris of Prmceton avenue. Mr. and Mrs, Harris will return to ·their swarthmor.e home In the .near future before th'lY permanently locate elsewhere. Mr. James P. Daugherty of Dickinson avenue has b~n confined to his home for the pas! six week.s with a virus. Mrs, Sewell W. Hodge entertalned her elghtsome Tuesday at luncheon and bridge at her home . the.~t Ifa!dl 6. at'~ home of ¥r. ltlrk eny ~ tjIe blrth of I saw it In The Swart.llmoJeu. vaca-ll~:'~~~'~K~,:n~.~are~~lec~a:vI:n~,~~~~~~~~~~:~~ and RehabilltaUIIIl.,' toned Florida In Fort Lauderdale partment 01 Pbyslcal M e from where theyand St. Mrs. Ralph V. Llttle of Park Petersbur.. spendlnl a week In avenue returned Saturday morn- eacIi lace. .. In, by train from "orida. Mrs. M': Wayne Randall entertalnLittle and Mrs. Fzederlck Child ed h~ f1lI!ltsogle Kon!1a~ at ioured throuah the state and trav- luncheon t\Dd' bI1c1Se .at her home eled south, to Miami, vlaiUna In on North Swarlhlnore avenue. Claremont, Sarasota. and Sanibel. Dr. Arthur J. Jones has returned Island. They visited Miss Emma to his hOme on North Swarthmore Abbett and Miss I.ydla Baer at avenue' from Taylor Hospital Anna Marla. Miss Abbett and Miss which he entered January 17 folBaer are formerly of Walllngtord lowihg a fall on the lce. and of Swarthmore College. Mrs. Mary M. Hopper of WestMrs. William R. Huey of Dick- minSter avenue arrived home inson avenue will leave Sunday last week after a two week visit ingMr. summer. visit several weeks with with herof father Clarke and Mrs. paniel S. Harris, for her ason andofdaughter-In-law En- Morian DelrayMr. Beach, Fla.H, Jr., of Vassar avenue, with their children Jeff and Claire will leave Monday to reside temporarily In Mimtclalr, N. J., with Mrs. Harris's brother-In-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Pahi. Mr. Harris . has been transfered to the executive office of the Generai Motors Acceptance Corporation In New York. Danny Harris will stay. with Mr, and Mrs. WilliIII!' Glli, Jr" of D,?gwood lane In order to complete his ninth year at swart?- are held~=:~l~,~Iir~_~.~.a~d~! J~ P":Dauah~ will be GET HEP TO Ti-US SWARTHttIORE PARADE 'OF HITS , 1. YOUNG LOYEr-T", H_ter '4. MA.IANN~T.rry Glli.y..a . I 2. PAIT'( DOLL-l....., Il10,,' S. 1'C)O MUC .........I.......ley 3. NOTHING IS TOO GOOD .\6. DON'T FOIIID ME.-Pat 100... . FOR 'iOU-Th Harvo, ••,. 7. I'M WALI(IN' Fel ......1•• / i. \ , '. SwarihmotePrep Shop ~ ,. . ,. . SWAITHMO.E.'~ ·405 DARTMOUTH AYE; .,: ' . ., \ •• ' 10 PARK AVENUE .. SWAR.THMORE. PA. .. ftD."KI 3-14£'0 OPEN FRIIJ.AY ~VENIN" \ \: I . ',,' -- .,J' '. .'" , , \' -~, :;'- i ;.,: ~':~._ -, ; -'. . . . .t: .. " ." . • " . I'lJBLrslPW BVUT nlDAT AT SWAllTlQlOU. Po&. PnEB B. TOLD. IlAlUOIUB TOLD. pDr.!up:U pbo... SWartiamere 8-HOt pBTBIt B. TOLD. BdI.... • Barbara B;, Kent, Managing EdItor R ...a1Ie D. PeJrsol M&rjorle T. Told Anne L. Mabbott &.tered as Second Class Matter• .January 24, 11129, at the PorR oiDee at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of IIarch 3, 1878. next DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOOl!!. SWARTHMOlU!, PENNA•• MARCH 1, 1957 L...,...__________________-::-:-:::==---'I • CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES METHODIST NOTES The vital significance for people There will be two services of today of Jesus' \leal1ng works will Communion on Sunday be empbaslzed at Christian Science morning at 9,and Ua.m. Mr. Kulp services this Sunday,' wlien the will pres.nt the Communion Lesson-5ennon is ,ntitled "Christ Meditation at both services. ComJesus." munlon Stewards assIstilig the Scriptural passages In the Les- pastor Sunday will be Dr., and son-Sermon will Include the Mast- Mrs. Alfred H. Wllllams. er's reply to disciples of John T,here will be three nurseries Baptist who questioned his mls- for infants and children up to sion (Luke 7:22): ''Then Jesus four years of age, a Kindergarten answering ,aid, unto them. GO program. and' 'a Junior Church your way, and tell John what I,e,sio,n during the 11 o'clock morDthings ye have seen and heard; ing worship hour. how that the blind see, the lame The Pastor's Confirmation Class walk. the lepers are cleansed, the boys and girls of the 'sixth deaf hear. the dead are raised, to grade will ';'eet at 4 p.m. in the the poor the g0SP81 is preached." study for instruction leading to church membership on Palm Sunday. The College Wesley Fellowshlp will meet at 5 p.m. to leave for the University of _Pennsylvania where the group is guest of the Wesley Foundation at, supper and a program, on ~e theme "The IClllw,ch and Intregatlon: What 1a Happening In the South." The Methodist Youth FeUowCHURCH SERVICES ship will meet at the church at 7 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH p.m. The Junior Ulgh Fellowship . Joseph P. Bishop, M1....l.!.t:'!_ will also meet at the church at Jol)n Schott. .AISOC1ate ........ this time with Counselors Mr. and , sUJidaJ'. lIIarA S ' 9:S0 A.M.-Adult Bible Classes. Mrs. ton. James'Morrash and Ron Sut9:30 and 11 :00 A.M.~HOIy ComThe Commission on Stewardship munion. ,Cburch Scbool Classes. Finance w1ll hold Its regular '4: 30 I!.M.=-Communlcants Class. 5;00,p.~r. High Fellowship. monthly meeting at 8 p.m. Mon8:S0 P .M.-Sr. High Fellowship. day at the church. 6:30 P.M.-Young Adult Supper. .' / Wedr JIareh • Friendship Circle, Mrs.. llloyd lIi~oo A.M.-Women's Bandage E. Kaulfman, l~der. will meet with Mrs. Charles Hummer, aroup· , 1 - 3 , Dartmouth House at ,8.,lJ,1ll. ' ; ."", . , ,~" .. WSCS Circle 4 will meet at the home of Mrs. Eileen Bernstorf. ,WUde 823 Green lane, Primos. Monday evening at 8: 15. ' of Music , Sundair'. IbnIh S The Young People's prayer 9:00 ,A.M.-Holy Communion. group will meet In the Chapel at , 9:45 A.M.-Sunday School. 8 a.m. Wednesday. Mr. Kulp , 1l:gg:.:.-.....J!~.!a70':u~. mr,et weekly with this grOUp for 5;00 P.M.-Wesley Fellowship. prayer and devotions eaM Wed,7:00 P.M.-MYF and, J:r. High nesday before schOOl. Fellowship· -- " , Cottage Prayer Meeting wlJl be , TRINITY CHURCH ,held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Lawrence Whittemore, Rector George Zanzlnger, 624 Academy ' SUD<1at'. IbnIh S road Wednesday at 8 p.D;I, I 8: 00 A.M.-Holy Communion. ' T h e Church Choirs will rehearse 9:30 A.M.-Morning Prayer. Th '. Cbureh SchooL, on ursay-3:45 p.m., ,Cherub 11:15 A.M.-Holy Communion. (:holr; 4: 15 p.m., Junior' ChOir; 5:S0 p.M.-Canterbury Club. 8 p.m.• Chancel Choir. There wtIl 7:00 P.M. Jr. Coullrmatlon be entertainment' and refreshClass. e1 ments at the parsonage following 7:15 P.M.-Young People's F - h ' , lowship. Cancel Choir rchearsal. , 8:00 P.M. - Adult COlnftrma,tiolnl Next Friday, March 8, w1lJ be Class. observed in all churches around Tuesda3'. IbnIh 5 the world as ''World Day of Prayer." The service will be held In 5:40 p.M.-Evening Prayer. Ash 'W""...."' the Methodist Church this year ?:OO A.M.-Holy Communlon"th f 10:00 _ 2:00 PM. _' Holy Com- WI women 0 the A.M.E.,, Eplsmunlon and Quiet Day. copal, Friends and PresbY\erlan Thursday. Karch 1 Churches joining In participation 8:00 P.-M.-Slble study. of the service. Tbe theme whieh FrIday, lIIanh 8 is being used 'all over the world , 2:00 P.M.-World Day of Prayer. this service is, "Who Shall Swarthmore Methodist Cburch. U "Th ....erI 8:40 P.M.-Evening Prayer. s. e UU' ng recelv. ed w11l be used for foreign and THE RELIGIC!lUS'SOCIETY home missions. • OF FRIENDS ___- - - - - - Sunday. lIIanh 3 FRIE~DS MEETING NOTES 9:45 A.M.-Flrst-d'9(. School. , 9:45 A.M.-Adult. FOrum: Henry ,It. new series of Adult programs cadbury ()n' "St. PauL" ,entitled ''Vanent for God; some 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. Great Interpreters of our CbrlsChildren cared for In WhIttier tian Faith" will . ,<, "~ n n ext .... _ -~ ay ' ", House. AU are welcome. morning at 9:4 In the ~M_ "~ 5 - 7:1~ P.M.-First-Day School H ' ~--Open House. _ gi0use. The IIrst two talks will be Jlareh 4 ven by Henry Cadbury on "St. All day sewing for A.F.S.C. WednesdaY. Jlareh 6 UNITARIAN mlOWSHIP All ,day sewing for-A.F.8.C. FIRST CHURCS OF of Delaware Co..ty 1..,.. ~ r: , . :Monda,. Ca:~STAR',~firoREST lCI ..- ' S....., ..."". 3 Park Avenue below Harvard 10,. A,"'.-.I..I.. S1IIl&\Y. y . . . . I S d I a o I I It:lio A. JI.-Sunday SchooL 11:00 A.M.-lftIe L!IICII S u _ :will be "Christ .J_" _ .....;.;.,.~._ ......;._8 _~_ _L . . CUU~ e • .,.....,. """,,,,,g eaen weeJ<. 8 P.JI., Reading Room, 4011 Dvtmouth Aftllue, open , weekdlt.l'll exce.pt holltlQs, 10-5 ftida.y e¥!!nlnl. ?-I; Sunday"attelllOOD.' .. I:GO "''''_W_I. foil_I. ICII.... _ 'Spool.: REV. &lllElT' '" ~'lllPS, "',.- lolli" of' UnitArian FoI_..d,' , Yall., SocIal _ '. Old " ' - ..... $prIlI9fIotd of _ i0oi. 1- s.-r a ............. - I At ~ 'OrI.Im Cl_SrkIlftc~lub .at 7 p.m. meetiDc Tuesday evenm.,' bleb: P1ternoon flOID II, to 7: 111. From II for the Juniors and 8. 0 cl~ for scorers were Lt. 'and Mrs. William to 5:30 faDillles will yJalt In the the M,ult Il'OUp, , ' ' ,Webb. Mrs. Phllip ""IReI'D aDd classrooms. At 5:30 they will gath- ,T/I, Lenten' SewIng Group will Mrs. Wayne R8ndall WOIl _ODd er In the WhIttier and RU5hmore meet at 10 o'clock Tuesdll7lDOl'D- place. rooms fora covered dish JlUPper Ing In the Cleaves room. At ;:40 ,At the meetIDg I'ebruar7 IlIDa1 and at 8: 30 all will go to the Meet- there' will be a -service of Evening Helen Wilson' and Mrs. Katherine Ing House for a speclaI film. The IPray.... Brownell won' 'ftrat hoaon;' and ~ wIll'conclude at 7:111. 'There will be tWo celebrations Mr. and Mrs. John Bowdltch,Jr~ of, the ' Communion on Ash seeood place. PRESIYTERIAN NOTES " at" 8.n and the " The meeting of 'the olllb . The' Sacrament of Holy COm-celebration at 10 o·ciock. will be March 5 at the home of munlon will be celebrated at both latter sennce will be follciw- Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Sh~ the 9:S0 and 11 o'clock services ed by a Quiet bay aDd mec1lta_ maker• Sunday. Mr. Bishop will preach tions. which will last,' until 2 ---.;;..;.--......-'at both services. The title of the o·clock. ,There will be a children's 1.ltIated Communion Meditation will service at 3:30. and Lenten devoMrs. Frederick E. Seidel, teach"Brokeness." tions will be held In the ehuroh er of the fourth grade of the RutChUrch School classes meet at 8 p.in. The ushers for thIs'serv- gars Avenue School. last week 9: 30 and 11 aJ!!. The Senior High ice will be A. G. Boyd and H. L. was Initiated into the University class meets at 10:45. Harris. of Pennsylvahla Chapter' of Pi At 9: 30 a.m. the men's and The Bible Study GrOup. under Lambda Tbeta, a natlonlll honBible classes meet. the direction of Dr. W.' E. Dan- 'arary education fraternity. The Communicants class meets forth, will meet af8 o'clock Thursat 4:30 p,m. day evening. NEWS NOTES Junior High Fellowship meels The World Day of Prayer will Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge of Ogden worship and clioral reading in be held this year at 2 o'Clock Fri- avenue returned home Sunday Woman's AsSociation room at day' afternoon at the Swarthmore followlDg a week In Miami, Fla.. 5. When the Communicants' class Methodist Chureh. aboard the cruIser Able MInnie joins Ibe group at 5: 30, they will A service of Evening Prayer V, as the guest of Mrs. Russell H. the discussion of "The will be held at 5:40 p.m. Friday. Kent 'Of' 'Dartmouth avenue. Dwj_ , . Supper will be served The regular schedule for choir Ing that time Mr: Hodgejolned a 6: 30 In McCahan Hall, followed rehearsals will be maintained. group of, men In Southern PInes, , choir rehearsal at 7. N. C .• f'or a go"'M8 ....... ex pedltion. ,The Senior High Fellowship will ,Mrs. Frederick R. Lang ,enterMr. and Mrs. George R. Dunn continue the discussion series talned at lwicheon and bridge of Cresson lane entertained at a "Deve!oplng a ,Relation with Wednesday at her home on MaI!le famtly dinner party SOOday Ijl A. 111m entitled "How to Say No" avenue., celebration of tjle birthday anwill be shown: and Mr. B';'hOP Mr. and MrS. Fernand Van der hlversary of her sI,ster-ln-law ms. w1lJ lead a discussion ,~n 'The Gmcht of Rose Valley. iormerly Howard' Y. Clymer of Park aveLaws of Good and Evll .' The 7 of South Chester road and Harv- nue. P~. :rogram In ~lw~an's ~- ard avenue, ,will_,enplane .. from ,Mr. and Mrs"Frederick R. Lang s a on room 0 OW e York tomorrow tor a week's of Maple avenUe had.as their supp.r at 8:30 In McCahan\ Hall. vacation at Montago Bay. Jamaica. guests over the week end their soil The Young Adult Group will son Vandy will entertain and daughter-In"law Mr. and Mrs. meet fol' sup~ at 8:30 In the pandfather during their ab- Eben, C. Lang and small daughter Woman's AssOCIation room; ,after- sence. Catharine of Scarsdale, N. Y.' w".. ,F,tllO'.vlhlp at '1:111 have an open ~ nat sun~ tion cJaJses will be ' THE SWABTHMOBEAN -r:~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~i--:- wards at the college. they will attend the lecture , ,Couples' Olub w11l meet at 8: 30 p.m. Monday In McCahan Hall. A program on Lenten Customs will follow, Those planning to attend are asked to call the West Cachranes, KIngswOOd 3-8397. The Missions and Benevolences Committee meet Tuesday 7:S!lp.m. In th,e'Woman·. Assoclatl on ", room. ' . . Wo, ", -, The Music Committee will meet in the rehearsal room at 7: 30 p.m. Wednesday. Monthly Day of Prayer will be held Thursdgy from 10: 30 to 2: 30. At the moruln, session, In sanctu~ry" Mr."Blshop will c~- ' .tinue his series of talks on "LearnIng to Pr.iy:'. After lunch. group w1lJ meet In the Woman's Association room for prayer rellectlon. Those attending are asked to bring sandwiehes; tea and coffee will be served. FrDm 6: 30 til 8: 30 p.m. Thursday. in McCahan Mall. the l\rst of a series of Family Night DInners ,will be held for the congregation. Those whose famUy names begin with the letters' A _ L are to come on Mareh 7 21 and April 4; those whose f~r; begin .with the letters are asked to COme the nights of March 14, 28. and April 11. Choir rehearsals are held at S·. SO for the' primary group; 4: 15 for !he Junior group; and 7:30 for the ~hancel Choir. World Day of Prayer will be held at 2 p.m. Friday. March 8, at the Methodist Church. " ·TRINITY NOTES ON' OWNERSHIP " will ,Slnce1878lhesamefandlyhGsOplralecl " - J Planned lor'Aprii Un ed fr (Con u . om Oft rage 1), FlI!Id , .. ~OUlle with ....,... ,---, ealler8; square dancing Saturday -mg. Apr1l 13. 8:80 to 12 In the Field House cal1edby Ricky HOlden; tolk song concert Sunday. April 14, at 2 p.m. ',m' Cloithier Memorilll ,by John ,Jacobs Niles. Regiatratlon blanks maY be obtained ' . to Folk Festival' Com.. by writing, mlttee.'SWarthmOre,', Ool1e~e. , ' .. Deadline f~r ieglJitering is '1I!areh 28. . The Folk FeaUval , extends a, warm Invitation, to the Swal'thmore COlDJI).UDity to participate In the 'Folk Festlvlll and " t s .re...,~_ ... -tIon be made su&ges Well in advance of the Mareh 23 deadline. " " Folk AriIrIIa ef. Speaks of ftae ....... aapc ! I INIDw ... u..e IIIIJ..... wrlll'. . . _ . (Continued . . . . . . The 8__ __. :::':::''"0-:: J: from ' Pace '1) tab' ;;,', . , A'SUMMARY OF THE EXPRESSWAYISSUE 'lI:t . . . . .1. .1 ,, .1.' _ I· . COMMON GROUND , •••••• . ' . \ , - \ .' All Swarthmoreans wQI Jlgree thet selection of a route for the proposed Mid-~ounty Expl'flSWay should be based on' fair appraisel of the engineering and cost fecton. If these facton are approxi,,!ately equal. consideration should then be give~ to thl! econOl1'ic:: and social impact of, the routes under dis-, cussion. '• , . Letters expressing one point of view on-the ,highway issue have, been solicited from persons oyniding in all parts of the United States. We do not believe that suCh 'comments are relevant. The Mid-County Expressway. wiU affect only residanfs of Delaware County. Residen.fsof neighboring Communities already ,are ,on record. through their elected repntsentatives. againSt Route "A". We believe that residenfs of Swarthmore ~ave an obligation to express their stand regarding the highway routes now under dis,cussion. The fight against Route "A" is not yet won. Therefore. we, suggest that interested citizens write to one or more of the following officials: Unhappily, 'conti-oversy has arisen as to whether a route slicing thro!,gh a corner of the 86rough at Riverview Road. or one running through Crum Creek Valley woul~ be the niore , .harmful ,to Swarthmore and neighbo";ngcommunities_ The , Stata. has rultid out all other alternatives. . CITIZENS' POSITION - I Mr. S. C. Weiiori, Chl.f Engi_r Sidlt Highwoy District Pennsylvania Dep.rtment of Highways 449 Montgomery Av.n.. H_tfood......noyl..ni~ ,, . . ;' \ I '. , " A '. ' P';ILA.,ELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY '. ' .' . - -.' -;'. ' - . ' i" -. -',' ,~ " I ., ..,. , , , \ • . , '~,' , " .. I : ; -. , , ' • Swarthmore Citizens In Opposi,tion to' Route QDD. ,Mr IIIGCfem ... nutge _ . . , . . ......,... .,.., . . . . .,pftla llectrlc ........ ...... , ./ ever. preliminary plotting of the "Blue" route shows that no exis~ing College installations would be destroyed. In fact, the road 'would runappro.imately I,OQO feet to the " " of th. bu". \, Th. ":i0norable Joseph J. Lawler, Secretary 'ennsylYania, Department of Highways. North C.piiol auading Harrisburg, 'ennS,lvania" LOCATfON OF "ILUE" ROUTE -. 'The~ has been some confusion conc8ming the location of the "Blu"'or Crum Creek I'outlt. This is undel'$tandeble because an exaCt su~y of this rollte has not b~n completed yat_ How- Cooking'. easy on today'. gas range. because 11'. automatic. HCIIII8IIICIken enJoy convenlellce wJIh autoIIICItIc: Ilglitlng. ~ _tliol and a top corillol' that IIIGkw ~ utensil on aUlomatlc IIFpllan-. WIth all thIs, ........ still .... _laity gaadn. . . food ' Th. Honorabl. Seorge M. Leader \Soy.mor 01 Pennsyl.ania C.pitol BuildIng Harrisburg. Pennsylvania I AUTOMATIC! nail d with... nearest College building !It an elev..ti~n approximatelY i 00 feet below campus grade. The road would be sh~ldedfrom the campus by trees. making it impoSsible even to see the highway from most points on the College grounds. The· distance from Wharton Hall to the highway would be greater than the present distance from Parrish Hall to Chester Road. A DELAWARE COUNTY ISSUE . THE , AREA OF CONTROVERSY , Sinc.' nOilfficial action has been taken by our' Borough's ' . ,ell!ct;e.cI I'1!prese'!tatives. the, colflmittee known as Swarthmore' , Citizlins, in Opposition to Route "A" was' formed to $peak for , ~ugh re~idellti MlO ,~gnize in Route '''A'' a threat to prof!erty va""-, to the Borough tax rate. and to the c:haracter' of our . community. Opposition to Route "A" has been ~xpressed effectiVely in the form of a citizen;' petition and other, repre- ' \ sentations to the appropriate authorities. . c •• rr, ••" • , SWARTHMORE . ' Robert Jarratt is scheduled: IlSen'e as 'acolyte, at 'the ~t o'clock service'. Julian BullItt' and' Grant Hebble at 9: SO. and .Jack Calhoun, Burton GabrIel. and Hog at 11:15. _ CsntelbUr,tCIub 'will meet '. A _ICIOU Of '"'In''' 1820 CHISTN.,T 5'1.11' Ouvat IL &All, _ _ , MAD A. M.. ... Ii ••• •• rr •• Cub'Pack 432 At Blue & Gold Dinner The Swarthmore' _ ,Rutl"'&e ..... TeaChers' Association iath~ at ::...T~ Unn of "What Makes Sammy Bun" the lnglenl'llk for dinner and-fur. The first annualBIue and Gold BoIJt«. Letten will h pab_ In ,1940. a friend jIDd pubU'her of Monday evening. DInner of Cub Scout Pack 432 was ....,. at tile dIr otI... ot Ute. the author. Mr. Commins tim8Ied :An accordionist spirited the beld FrIday at the Swarthmore Bdl t -_-_.- - -_ _ _ _ _-...J with the art and mass media prob- grou'p during dinner with music, MetJiodlst Church. DInner' W8& LeUer te &lie O M _ lem when he said: song. and good humor. After dIn- provided b;r mothers, fOr each ,. ' '~t COllcerns the nove11at ls ner the socllll committee provldild Den. Tbll foJl_-g 'nl. b.-I to wrlte.from Inner necessity. This to 1 d th ..Jab lias nothing to 40 wlthlD8S8 disconc u e' e eve- ,Each Den' outdid Iiself m' Ie II,.• I 0, Tb , I I S111mbtIItw_,..... of relaxation. Ibllrllf'"slllMl,;1 bll publishlltl_ trIb!l,tionorlargerevenues, ortaste M t deeorations. with models 'of'the embers'o t!le Social Commit- w~."'~"'on monum'ent. "'-coln'& Tne Honorable George M. Leader of a cnnformIst majority. ,In the tee are: -"6' ~ Governor of PennsylVania OOginnlng the novelist 1a a' lonely Nancy H&D. Ruth Zlrkman, log cabin.' cherry trees. and' ascapitol' Bulldlng , -- ' man." continued Mr. Commins, Millard Robinson, Phyl Swayne. socIated symbols. 'Warren CrMIs. Harr1sburgh. Pennsylvania "and success If it comea 1a Incl~ Marjorie Coronway. Ruth Mc- institutional representative to ,the dental and it ls almost always ac- Dow II Do H de Cub Pack, and Mrs. Lee are due Dear Governor Leader: e. n en rson. Lilyan special thanks for their work' m' .. " c1dental. I have yet to know a Steclw, Grace Narbeth. Nancy As an alumna of Swarthmore writer who w11l .. &0 out and de_ Johnson. setting u" p for the festivities. C II d 0 ege an property owner in the Iiberately look for something that ________ The evening was enllvened by Borough, I believe It wOuld be will catch the public fancy." h theslelght-of-hand of Garvey the most' desirable for the propOSed P otography Exhibit magician. with the assistance of OpeQs at Arts Center some of the junior members\ of The week end w11l feature two Mid,.county Expressway to' 1&1- does not take into account the fact Iowa route west of Media. Howthat the lOwest point on' the pres(Continued from Page 1) his audiellce. A~ added feature, in well-known personMuies 'lh the entertainment world., John IJacob ever. since the State 'Department ent campus is at an elevation of hlblt a small collection, Photo- tune with the theme of the month NlIes and' Ricky Holden. Mr. of Highways has announced of- approximately 100' feet above the graphic $<>cIety of America; for Cub Scouting "For GOd and 'Niles, who took "part in the 1949 IIcially that such a route is 'un- proposed expr.essway route, and George Nelson. Green Ridge; Country".' was a shf>Wlng of the acceptable, I think It is time for points, on the campus are Francis :e:. Zimmerman, Media, ,a' film "The Story of Naval' AviaFolk Festival. combines a broad the people of Swarthmore to member of the Board of Directors lion," which trat-ed the developr.nowledge . of folk art with per- up to the hard choice betWeen a screc:ned from It by thick stands for!Din. g skin On the dulcimer and road that w'ol.lid destroy Swarth- of trees. In other words, it seems of the Community Arts Center, ment of Naval Aircraft and flying A K t unllke1y that students' on the who IInds children a contlnuai from the ungainly biplanes of singl g ~ 1k n, 0 songs. en uckian. more homes and property v a l u e s , ' 'source o'f fascinating subjects .• pre-World War I days t'o' the sleek he, ha~ written a number of books and one that would affeet the campus would be aware of a highon Southern Mountain ~nga-,andcrum Creek Valley and Swarth- way In the creek valley at all. Dwight P. NOel. Morton, Photo- carrier-ba~ed jets of the present. mo~ recently 'has sung ~t the more College. In ·hIs -Ititter to alwnni.' Dr. graphic SOCiety of Chester. vice Awards presented include the National, Gallery of A,rt in Wash-' In making such a ehoice I ihink Smith points out that the Crum president In charge of prints, will follOWing: ', ,jngton,D.~.• ,and on a national. if Is important to understand just Creek Valley is a "precious posprints of lI!embers; Ray H. Chip ',ForW~, ,'Roger Ullman, television broadcut ~m the LJ- how ,the proposed ''Blue'' ' session." That It is an asset to our Abrahms, Lansdowne; Richard r,{cKernan. Tommy Geybrary of Congress In Wasblngton would affect the College. In a area ts undeniable. However, Dr. Raymond T. Bye, Lans- lord. James, Dearing, Bruce Lee. at ChrIstmas. ' ' , ' . ter to alumul dated February 20 must questiob the assumption that downe. also of the University of, Ray, Lucas:" Don Hartman, John Mr. Holden 1a the editor of President Courtney: SmIth' stated a 'picnic area ls ,more preciOUs to ' a well known auip- Speers; ,BrYon' Clymer;' Jimmy American Squares Magazine and that the Crum ereek route niliht anyone than his home. The simple ority on Tone Achievement by, Rlc~ards.JeIIH~receiVed a one of the foremost eallers In the pass within 185 yards Cit Martin ~act of this highway controversy chemical etrects on papers; and, special roOOd, of applause In reoUnited States. In addition to the Hall. 200 yards from the IS that th~, Crum Creek route H')'ns Burkardt, Drexel Hill. 'ognltlon of his unusual achievethree ev'i"ts 1Isted above. Kr'; outdoor auditorium. and 200 yards would condemn a maximum of Board Member and Co-Chairman! ment, and the fact that he will be Holden and Mr. Nlles will also from Wharton Hall. In checking 45 homes,1n this end nelgh\»rlng of E:ooll N.A.P.T. Will do siarlla; ",lory''''' i· ....utt.a.typo sol...... to, nPreMnt lei...,_ I!eshnt. -=1'1 ing. Leaman. KIngswo.!'d _ _ _ WANTED - To quy modem .and Dlstrl.. will ....1.. ....aleJa", KIngswood 3-li . q.le. Service o. ",.,H.co". soN AND to reject any or all bids In whole or in . part, and to award contraeta on IUlJ' item Duplicating. alterations. KlngsWOooi 3-3287. . WANTED ·· Servlce WANTED _ Women for packing Offset " ·.nti·n'g of All Kinds. . and "'I...... .... 3- IMtroetional .~pplles •. equipment. lanlllo,·.1 supplies, athletic medical auppll.. :::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::~ hig. per.lodleals. and. furniture. ; Sharon Hill 0734. PERSONAL - Bicycles Repaired. Parts. accessories. Milt Glass - Myer$ &CO. _d..lal. "~ THE· 8WARTIUIORBAlJ ••• JlWfLEI Monday the Strath Haven Spe'aker for ,the occasion I der . Uam Black, veteran scout ea • EledtIon. : wbo JPP.ke .011 the three pba_ 11~lWiD' 3-1..... '. . Apdl JR to 0_ t the ~ Elec- BCOUIinJ. Two f\~ on bunting. . W1U.~8RO'O~ Last day all eJectors lDIIY ~~ V1I'" a before and fIBbing, were 1neluded In the ~• • . ~ leh Remqved t1bn. Tbis includes eJectors who will beoome of age on or pio~ ........ HeWed, C_ra1 May 22nd, 1957.. . " T b e Ezplorer Sea Scouts ~er .". IIaaUIUi • AprIl l i l t . ' ' e l e c t i o n the leadenblp 01 George Myers! 1M .......... AYe., 1IIoa1n, .... • Last day fQr any electolf'who baa removed into a new in' oo-der were also lIlesta of the dub. TbJii district to give noUce to the Regiotratlon CommIlIsioIl val Iroop Is sponsored by. the .local . to be p ..nnUted to vote at the PrImary ;Eliectlon. ~e':.t~~ Uons.' . card must set forth a removal date into the new e Ion At tbe next meeting. March 11. WlIlIClm W. Clark trict which cannot 'be later than March 21st. the club wIll 1M! addressed. OOUilT H0178E BOllBS Fred Volz, ~ pre~dent of the Las' . -- S.SAIA Members 01 the SwarthmOt& UOIlJ (:Iub belcl their. annual I F.,U,I!1" 8JId Son DIn.... meeting . Inn. an' '-'ector may JDIIVIe" fro.m on.e flection .!'Istrict to . in order to be penultted to '.""" """V..... .~. at tho>.. PrImar7 .......... . . , . . C •••••I 6 WFiL-TY - . Veteran Scout' Leader lIIareIa 2l11t .~~=;S;.;.;,.~.~H~I~II;O;.'~ . .~~ - ' ",,"10 Sodet, 01 Oerllfled 1'11&//0 ACCOtI"fa,," '" COoperaffoJa tDlfll .tile r"fenoaJ Roen"" Sennce.) , . , MIIDY people overpay theIr tax.. becauBe they cheat themielvaa ji : !&heir 'peroonal ezemptlO..... . ,. Iltaxable Here Is bow to count 701111 exemptioos .(eacb one takes $600 aIr',o .: Income): .' ' . • " One exemption for two r-'--'-'---_. _ _ If you are 66 or over. 10 percent of the BUPport, an are blind. three If :vou' are most lie a member of a gron and blind. The ssme appU.. altogether provided more th 8nppOrt, and that person m . :bosbalid or wire. , If your busband or wife , lIa.,e been entitled to claim tha ling. 1856 you can still IIle a depeDdentexcept for the reqliir... ,return claiming the uemptlons, In- ment of providing more than h~i" Icludlng thOle for age or blindness, suppOrt. ~ . ·to· which tbedeceased wonld baYe In order for one of the group» ;beep entitled at the time or death. the exemption all other mem4' 'WHQaalUi.. Of the group wbo contributed' more than 10 per o:ent must B!Iii! : One exemption of $600 can declorationB tliat they will not claim). ;taken for each peroon wbo ata the dependent.. The. Internal &v.o. idellnltl~ of a depeodent. This $600 Service provides Form 21201: lis not doubled for age or bllndn.... Support Agreement) .for!' . Ibowever. as In the case of !fourpe... purpose.' ' ,soDa! ~xemptioD. I To count for an exemption. the a.ndreu ...d DiAhled DependeD'" ,dependent mllllt: ,. Tbere Is a dedUction ot as muciai; . , (1) Han less than $800 graBS as $600 for care of ebUdren Dnder . :Income for 1868 (""cept that this 12 while the breadwlnn...- wor.... . :"008 not apply to your eblld It This .eblld-care deduction Is aval.... ' !Is under 19 or .. a full·tlme atu· able to mothere •.wldowers. dlyorced" ident). and legally separated pel'SOlll, who: EV.I!RY (Z)Have received more than 81'11 allowed to deduct expenses pa141' WEDNESDAY of his .uPpOrt from you, unless' yon to th th d d . .111. " I(qJUple Snp'~rt .-.......ment .someone. 0 er an a epen ent,,· wv"" (or theeare 0(' a. SOD, dallilhter, ; ("(:)'1::;:Oe a -Joint retun.. . .te....n or· stepdangbter. uilder th.·, : (f) Be e1ther a citi.. n of the IIg8 limit. Thl" regulation alia &po. plies to any dependent of an,. age ,~ .....r ONLY ;U. 8. or & resident of tbe U.. 8.. Who Is mentally or physically Ia.:. . 'CAnada, t.l;exlco. Canal Zone. Pan· capacitated. . : _ .... IlL (3l1li $1.)_1 PIIiIL IlL ama alld In some ,cases. a BervlceA working Wife to ndcets Mus. Ie Purchased 'ph,~~: man's child living In the Philip. deduction it her pines. or Before Boardlrtil Train . (6) Live with :vou (absence while I Vldlog No Half fa ... I'or 0IIIdnn &tteDdlng 'ochool d... Dot Interfere) . 'OOllftJ ,or lie a close. relative 118 d.!'lIned In ·8130 .... _ _ .... the lnatructlon Il00'' or lie II COUlD , '-YIDc l ...tllatloDa!· care for' a ':mental or PiIJUt:ai dliallllltT "ho .8140 .............. · bad lived 1rIUl" yol1 before BOlng I to the lDatilatloD. ~ anun_-.... NeW'yeot .. We catch the. Early la'dr~s' Day Train, , to New York and have more time for everyth.ng! I -$3'!95MIl! -...., ...... -..,... ... ..-.,-........... ...'IIucu_,.-,....... IllS .... -- s..,.__ .....,CNI'II"'eI 7 . " , . , Mafth 1. 1911 ~ t:r ' 9th Jr. ' LWY Reviews...... .School au"ld" I log 'Qisi"'s· Are You, JUNIOR .CLUB PLANS stratlOQ of· need Opposition to College . 7th. Grade buildiDg.· . , Stand Expressed Assemblies To MHt The oomm1ttee eXpressed a p . . Th . H ..._ ..... .of tile J un" preclatloo to Bakei' ThompSOD, .. (CoDt.lDUed from Page J) : e Juni6r.' Assemblies will , meet l b . ~e execu.ve........... of Swarthmore ' . Superintendent of Schools In Dala- college .... ,alumni all over the at the Swarthmore Womans C.uth lor "'oman's'Club .. ' .... States ..... ...... uestlng that they tomorrow evenina, the seven ... _.. t at the bome . Final meetiDgs on the League ware County" who addressed the Uni·~ 8 30 met Tu-".~ ~ ......... of Women Voters local program league on state requirements for write to State'offtclsls to express grade CODVening from 7 to: of MrI. John 1111. B. Ward, Jr. Fin "Study and Analysis of the School elementary school bulldlnp; to oppositlbD to the "Blue" or Cram p.m. and the ninth· ~de, 8:46.ro. al plans were made for the 10BuIldlng Crisis In the Swarth- Donald .Jones, president of the Creek route for the. proposed 10:30 p . m . . formal get-togetller parties to be moie-Rutledge School' Dlatrict" Swarthmore-RuUedge School Dis- multi-million dollar e~. Seventh grade hoats Mr.. and held at various membel'll'iobomes were held Febl'U81'y 18, at the tritt, who spoke aD m~ods of The telegram sent by local Mrs. J. Harty BeclrmaDn will be on the evening of !\larch 5. home of IIIIrs. Clark Byse, and o!, financing the proposed expansion; alumnilKliDted out that, \'the Col- assisted by lIIIr. and Mrs. JO! Th~ hoot 'DS at the parties Monday afternoon at the home of to Dr. Samuel Carpenter, who pie- lege's let~r exp.~ only the Bond, ~. :;d, 1III:.~~~r:'n_ w,ill be Mrs. Edward W'. Coslett, Mrs. HallOC.k . Campbell, chalr- sented building plans to the study ~tUtion s point of vIe; ~"'::~ ford, an . an. Jr. assisted by Mrs.' David.' W;. R. man of the. committee. group, 'and to' Mary Spiller, John I~" an expressway rou gern. ' . Morgan, Jr.; MrS. Peter P. MJ11er, lIIIrs. Campbell reViewed the re- Spencer, and other members of the Cram Creek Valley.. HOWnlev,:"..: Ninth grade hosts are Mr. and Jr. aslsted by Mrs. Robert B. Kyle kn Ing Swarthmore alum ~ Mrs. Irvln. G. ZImmerman. Otqp, ow . fair Inded erons w111 be Mr. and Mrs. Clark Mrs. Karl M. Fox asslsted.by Mrs ports of the bulld'ng study com- the school board who' have beeD mlttee lI!ld the sub-committees. most generous with their time and be an ~tellig~~d t t;~ ere Hunter AllisOn, Mr. and' IIIIrs. John Ward; Mrs. Roland COit ~ The bulldlng committee under the assistance. . group, we are com en \ a 11:'11 sIsied by Mrs. Frank Starrett; chl'lrmanship of Dr. Samuel CarThe committee wished to also the facts knoWJ to tho~e ~iDg Henry T. Ward, Jr., and Mrs. Mrs Robert . Morrow aSsIsted by peater Includ~ administrative commend the' school board for its outside Delawa;e ~:UD~:..~ 'Mary M. Hopper. • Mrs: Robert Scully; and Mrs.. CUf staff, faculty' and. School Board careful study, cooperation with W;Uld ro;co~ lte ative "A" ford Seglelrl assisted by ·Mrs. How members. !;fhe sub-committee on the community, and receDt rapid e eets 0 th Be a ghrn f Swarth World Day of Prayer ard B: Smith, Jr. . . . t d ds d e e d s · Ivi th h ~ Route on e orou 0 W II b H Id M h 8 ' . . educational s an ar al! n 'progress 1D so n1 e sc 00 . hb rI . unii e e . arc Every Illember of the club will chaired by John Carroll, and ex- building crisis In the Swarthmore- more and nelg 0 ng comm (Continued from Page 1)' be invited to one of theSe. gather 'pansion ao.d renovation of schaDl Rulledge School District. ti,;,. ff ts 'ld include' Ings. facilities chaired by Charles Top'These e ec WOu . lead, with the. assistaDce of Mrs. ( destruction of many homes; down- Robert G<>od, Mrs. Louis RobinA committee was appointed to ping' ar~ made up of members of the ~ommunity, school staff and Friends Meeting grading of maDy more h~mes; In- son, Mrs. Enonnel Clark, Mrs. Lea- prepare a slate for Domi.nations of school board members. The work Sponsors Meeting Series creased local trur:es re~ultlng from ter Jones, Mrs. Roland Wiman. 1957-1958 officers. Those working of these committees, begun in (Continued from Page 1) the a~ove; and disru~tiOD of many A message in music w111 be on the cOmmittee are Mrs. Frank 1950' has been periodically review- fessor of religion at Swarthmore established cOlruilUruties. brought by Mrs. John Schott, org- Starrett, Mrs. Richard Reuther ad aDd Is currently up to date. College, will tell on March 31 and "We are cOl!fldent that th~se anlst, Mrs. William Bell and Mrs. Mrs. Peter P. Miller, Jr. Amy Howland co-chairman April 7 about the RetonnatioD' and considerations, along with engm- Robert Wilde, vocal .soloists. A of the league's co';'nlittee, pre- Its two chief leaders-Martin eeri~g and c?"t. factors, win be nursery Under the supervisioD of sented charts showing the loca-' Luther and John Calvin. The conS1~ered oblectlvely by the ap- Mrs. George Zanzlnger will be tion and amount of land available series will eDd on April 14 with a proprJate State and Federal auth- provided for mothers with young for building sites, drafts of the first-hand report OD a man of our oritles.. . children. . ,. . 'I school population Increase and own times; Albert Schweitzer, "Therefore ,,:,e respectfu~ly sug• • , G e o r g e K. Garrett, son of Mr concentration,. and preliminary musician, theologi~, philosopher, gest that any letters reachmg you Brownie Troop 78 . and Mrs'. C. S. Garrett. of Maple plans of the proposed new bulld- and physician, who In love .and from Swarthmore College alumni P t P e't Plays avenue, Thursday night of last ing. Informatlon obtained ID the humility has dedicated his talents H ..h outside Deia"1Bre County. be. resen s Upp . ' week was given the Chester EX school census, recently completed to the service of his suffering fel- regarded as eXpreSsions of opiruon , Brownie 'Troop 78 presented a change Club's "Boy of the Month' by The Home and School Associa_ low men. not founded on complete know- puppet .show to their mothers and award at.theservice club's din tlOD with the assistance of the Forum discussions begin at 9:45 ledge of the facts." families Tuesday, In the Swarth- Der meeting. , . " more Presbyterian ChQrch; Re-. 'George Is president of the Stu League of Women Voters was In- and last for about an hour. A~... terpreted in some of .the. cha.... coidial invitation is extended tOI""_' '" "" Meets ! fresbments were served afterwards. dent Aljsoclatlon of S~ore presented. The data presented' m visitors. . I Haverford Saturday by the girls If the grou~. .' High School and has been-home these charls was a graphic demon. . I) Puppets and . sceDery for the room president and member of ( . (Contmued from I "CIn derella" and the the 'School Cabinet. He has I\een . Jane S Seymour 'daughter of I ti Page f th. 1 t t wo pays Mr• and Mrs •A Seymour u< _. Wtiill on t:rr. s Mea~sh "Brownie Story"'were madetby a member of the National HonGr • me bTehsee ey ng are ac. co-cap 15 gi t th· tr in . 5 E CUR I T Y Dickinson avenue, Is OD the ~ Davidson and Bob Fisher, and re- the rls a . I!lI' oop mee g. Society kor two years. George has Thoughtful men and women established Oean'~ List for out- serve guard Roger Witt. Four of, during the winter. ':the troop also played football lor. three years make provisloD for their flDal standing scholastic the 'Scarlet and Black's probable presented the plays. on a previous ~d was .one of eight juniors laSt resting piace just as they take at Simmons College, BostOD, starters will be playing their flDal Tuesdar to the Brownies of Troop 'year who WOD an activity "S". He out or make a wilL . ' won an Amerlcan LegiOD award A sound investment In ad- - Mass. Jane is enrolled as a senior hoop gaine including co-captaiDs 744. In the School of ~ial Science. Harry All.!" and Gene Hudson. ~aders of Troop 78 are Mrs. as the, !;Dost outstandlng boy ot vance of Deed. .' . • Cj!nter Ben Dent g.,ard Howie DOnald Grose and ·Mrs. Robert hill ninth grade class and''Was ii WEST LAID HILL al'ce Walton, and r~erve forward Wood. RGtary club representative at the ' . Pierre 'Clavel also face graduatioD class of Camp Delmont (EMETERY in the spring. NEWS NOTES las) summer. . ,,' Belmont Ave. above City line A preliminary game featuring Mr. and Mrs; William D. Jones Guests ·at the meeting Incl\1ded BoJ·.cynwy~ "Id I,ank I,uilclln~ varsity quintets from both schools of Vassar avenue Saturday eve- George's father, Mr. C. S. Garrett, wl11 begin at 6:45 p.m., with the \lIng entertained at a bridge party Mr. William' Bush, principal of ~ feature contest foUowlng Immedi- In honor of Mr. aDd Mrs. Danfel Swarthmor.!! High School, and Mr. ately. In. the Inlilai clash, Haver- S. Harris, Jr., of Vassar avenue. Fred Yoclun, a Swarthmo.re facul~ ,.. ford's jayvees ·.scored·a comeMrs. J. V. S. Bishop of Harvard ty m"",ber. / from-behind 68-58 victory, so this avenue will· entertain the Thurs_ _.-:.:'.~_,....._ _ by TIBOR BACHMANN first game may also prove enter- day Reading Group on March 7. . IEREAVED Hunpl'lan ('.onceri ,PIanist talning. In junior varsity competl_ ' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grlfftn of Mrs. Jessie 1I0yt Weaver, moth~ at the' New Century Club tiOl~ this year, Swarthmore leads, Rutgers. avenue returned" hOllle haWng won in football, 21-0, and Saturday from a five-week vaca- er of .Mrs. ,George L..'~CJ!!III8ker l~th and Upland Streets, Chester . spent in Cedar Keys, . wrestling 24-8, while soccer was tion SlIver of Academy road, died February Thursday, MarCh ·14 tied. Springs,. an.d Lake Wale., Fla. . 22, at the age of 87. Mrs.' Weaver 8: 15 P.lIII. had visited in Swarthmore (In , Mr. and Mrs. Ford Robinson of several occasions. She lived with TICKETS-Yellow Bowl Restaurant (;u'lld Conven' t-Ion Guernsey road have recently reat the door her daughter Mrs. Stewari MoulMrs. A. Sidney Johnson, Jr., turned from New Orleans, La., ton' In A11Ison Park. or CalJ CHester 2-'863 Chester road, chairman of where. they attended the Mardi Other survivors are her. daugh.. ... ... the' . local branch, Needlework Gras' . .testivities during several ter Mrs. John B. IronS of LakeGuild. of America, has announced days of last week. wood, 0.; five graDdchildren and that the guild's annual conv'enMr. and Mrs. E; L. Conwell of tlon wiH be held in Philadelphia, Columbia avenue returned Sun- one great grandcpild. beginnlng May 1. . day eveulng from a trip south "I saw It in the Swarthmo,!eBn ,. Directors who plan to attend any which was In celebratioD of their of the events' are asked to call 15th Iw<;dding aoru.versary. They for April. May and June: Mrs. Johnson at KIngswood 3- stayed at Lake Worth, Fla., and 4566, bi-fore' March 8. en route home at an Inn at Sea Someone with , knowledge of plants, to work . Island, Ga., where they visited Peggy Schumacher, daughter of with Mr. aDd Mrs. William E. in garden, also dig and selt Must commute. Mr. and Mrs. Jolm A. Schumacher Hetzel, Jr., of Thayer road, who of College avenue, will return are spending the winter months Hildemere Gardens. Wawa. Pa.· PHARMACY home for the week end flr<:om Doug_ there. Teddy Conwell speDt the las College of Butgers University, week ·end with his grandparents W.e}nvlte yoo to niake New' Brunswick, N. J. Peggy is lIIIr. and Mrs. James B. 'Dougias '. this your Family Dtug enrolled as a junior: of North Chester road. ,Store. Turn' to us Jor Mrs. William McClarin of Park 'RBQUBST FOR BIDS avenue and Mr H d' J' k anythingyoo may need Sealed bidS 'tim hie receiVed In Counell s. _ owar BC_ in drUgs and sondi/*,_ . Chambet'. Borougb Hall. Swazthliao1'e, Pa, ~n of Vassal" 'avenue ~tertained And do make it a ape. ., . • on Mondayil.......tit, 1867 at ',ao P.M, at, luncheon and bridge Monday for _Ie, to:"the Borouah of one new,1951. for Mrs. Daniel' C Harris Jr of '. dlll point to bring us . Middletown Road . R. D. 16, Medi.. , P... eight cylinder model Chevrolet. Ford ,or ' . OJ , your Doctor-I preacripPbmouth automobile aUltable for pollee Vassar avenue. . .Opposite High Me..dow ,, tiono; We ...are yoo' Work. The ohaIl _tA \he all......... Dr. and Mrs. George L.' Annltprompt servi~e aod "bello ....... "!I!"". moloe for \he ........... f ..... thO age Jr. of South Chester road reCustom Landscap. •• of one 1'55 Ford Sedan now avallt, .. _ . uniformly fair prices. ibl~on. The bidder .han al80 turned last week: from Miami, . Telep.....e: CH.ster 2-7206 I.:!:'U":, on an additional new 1967 ChriTol@t. Fla., where they visited their son or Plymouth automobUe and shall Mr. George L Arml'tag 3 d _ Ask for Ben p..lmer or Henry Arnold atate the allowance he will make for the • et r._ ~J.-. , -, f ..... the Borough of 0 ... 1958 and Mrs. ArmItage' visited th1!Ir Vlslto!U' Roadside Market _ ttie ~Wa Road ·.'CATHERMAN'S ~let.SOdan ........!Iolole for " ' - . "son-in-law and daughter Mr..:lmd Bido .hallbe , .. ~.. with _ _ Mrs. George E. Ttoxell, Jr.; In ", ." DIU. S10D a -.. of ioblch ..... be ~...a ltew Orl~, before they SEASONAL SPECIAL I_AI GET-TOGETHEIl To Vote? 10 . 9·I' lead~rship t. 5 '~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;~;;;~MWMWMW"'W"'w"'wi PIANO RECITAL ~.~~,~,~,,~,~.~,,~.~,~.~.~,,~,~.~'~"~'~'~'~"'~'~'~'~"~'~'~'~"~'~.~.~~'~'~.~"~.~'~.~~'~'~'~"~.~'~'~"~.~ r Wanted * F,milg ~~'~';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ I .' IDC ' Nurserles /, -'-,--'--====-''''-===--" Wo,:" p--. . fIea-. 5 ... S....... WiW ifni ....... lint Fe•••r $1:.69 -..., ~.", ...... _ _ _..ded.... from tile \he Govenomeat,· .....1 be 110; ! '*"' . Trf......... TI.III,I f 'k, . . ................,. "~w-for S,.rki$JI~""".....,iit ... . '.. "-' .' '~'" :'.. - '.' .. '- . ---. , ~ went '. ~~MI~a~m~I~:~_--...:..._ to the . U; s. IoIHI Scdes Delaware County's sales of . E. aD7 blformallu. In tbe .... I . . . . ; to .... ~ .. al' _ ; ..,.".... the eon- .and H. United States SavIngs ..... oa~ to - - ~._ Ia '&*Ids rose to $81'1,012 tor tlte tbIa -,.".",. .......... mOllth of J anuarr, Le Roy' "",he, Is ._ .... .to . . \he be -_ _ . P. 1'. ..•. = to the ' - . . . ,,'. r·........ county ehaIrman, has an;; . 1IOUDeed. llast :Jetrr's tnta1s tor the .~ JI!CI!Ith, were $1138,790. The ............. - . ... \he tfgbt to wol.. TREE. WORK' La._ 8, 1957 $4.00 PER YEAR L·.· \ The Garnet Canteen· be en; tertaiDed this week by Dr. Sam Pllrk avenue. The one-hour serv_ Board to Ask Council Gurln at the piano aDd Jean· aDd All Parents Are Invited will begln at 2 p.m, .ToKeep 1941 Ann Paul with Us Ann.KurIzto Program Here I~hasbeensuggestedthatthose 4-Day Series to Begin . . .... .' halz slngiq POPuJarSO~1n =0'.', who cannot avail themselveS of Sunday at Methodist . Agreemel:tt . ' This be the piece de RsIsten¢e at 7:45 the opportunity praying In a Cf\urch The Sw8rthmore-Rutledge Union of the evening at 9 O'clOCk. sharp, 'AlI parents are invited " to a group may step Into the quiet The Rev. Alfred W. Price, for School Board completed a· fiDan- to bring the members together for demonstration of Phy!lical Educa- sanctuary aDY time during the cial reI\POnslblllty form for IIlIng a pleasant eveoiJig. tlon Activities to ~ staged w-l-day, and perhaps, at the hour of the past 15 years Rector of St. Stepjten's Episcopal Church In with the state Wednesday night In Chaparones will be lIIIr. and D1ght, M;arcn 8, at '1;45. In the 2, pause wherever he is for a dow1).town Philadelphia, will conadjOurned si!ssion."I:he form antl- Mrs. Harrison. DunnIng .and .Dr. Swarthmore High School Gym_ pray't!r. duct a M!ssIon ot Chrtstian Healclp.tes paylng a $38,500 rental and' Mrs. James Cooper. The 1:~~: by the boys and ~ls' Of _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Ing at Swarthmore Mathodist Dually for !tbout 30 years to the Supervisor will 'be Phil Swayne. II niDe to ~2. Thes\! clasSes Clarence C. Franck, S, r.' . Chuich beginning this. Sunday, . are taught by Virglnla Allen' !Dunicipal authority whlcih w i l l , March Iii and coDtinulng through be created to finance the new 12D· E' S' M11lard Robinson, Senlo~ High' Wednesday, March 13. The Rev. classroom eleml!Dtary school con. r: vereH • Barr School teachers of health and John C. Kulp, pastor of the. templ!lted to CO/It $550,000. The phisical . educatioD. clturch, has aiinoUDced that the form anticipates. a tax rate up to ,The evening's program promistime will be 8 p.m. each night. n mills (5 mills Increase over 'es to be. filled. with variety. and • During his mlnistrY at St. Stepthe ctlrrent rate per $100 of asunusual activities.' Starting with hen's, Dr. Price has beeD especial_ ' sessed' realty evaluation). Howgroup .calisthenics by the boys, iy concerned with the Mioistry of ever, Board 'TreasuJ-er, Johtt . there will be a demonsitalion by Splrltu!'1 Heallng, and conducts Spencer saidwh.ether the full Inthe girls .of the ninth grade of the special heallng services at the crease would be required this Kraus-Weber tesllt 'and body. conChurch which have year Or whether some of it can be . (CODtiDUed,". Page 5) . " , . staved off a year or' two· people.Jr~ all parts of the couDtry. . upon actual . . . ~~~"W#[@!~'*l!o''Il'''''I1i~~1i§!;&t'i&.~~ The Missioner is warden of the on when and the auth~ orIty will have to be pald. Order of St. Luke, an organizatioD of 'the Church which has sought to In dlscusmng preliminary pl~,ns restore to the ChUrch the ministry for new bulldlng which will healing. be placed next to .the present , 1 _ _ I Dr. PrIce will be available to (Cont1t!ued ...,ODPallC 5) , , see individuals by appointment .on . Will Sit. fa 'orollg"HoII Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday frbm 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Appolnt-· ments can be made by call1ng the Cljurch b¢ce,. KIngswood 4~0868, between 9 aDd 1 p.m. dally. "?ll ot :Roving. Registrars t¥ " Members;' . W"dl. Vote Thursday insurance l,arbe1= To Vote? State Tdltr41 '~:~~~IIEAR, 'TRIOI~.S.GymCJ~~sesGive :::!L!:!T:::-:E!.e Rey. Price' to Conduct To Pay for New ScdooI will /JemonstratlooT ~;: a~~ea=~~::~ Healing Mission Here I C '," Re9ister~tc:' ,. Georg'e._ Garrett Named "Boy of the Monti(' " Ive You THESWARTHMOREAN Reg!stenKI ! Dr • ,.1 .. Thdrsday, March 14 Franck Honored by . Engineering Sooiety 2:00 P.M •• 9:00 P.M. . Expert .To,Spe•..Here Tues. M'eet;"lg Also Decide <:urrent . Agenda' IftIc,ers fort the comiDg year will S. Barr Talk ~ eh!CtE!d at the annual mee~ Dr.' . EvereH' ,I SwarthmOl'e League· Will Follow Club's Voten-lObe held 1: 15 -Stated Meeting Thursday, Mai'ch 14 at· the Tea House. on 'Park Following the Woman's Club ,:. stated meeting at 2 p.m. nomInatlng,commIttee has lIIIarch 12, Mrs. L.' J' I AlE·YOU ~"'~"".'- ,-' .' C;:~ul1en' Avenue Man ..,;. Pi6PnlY REGISTERED? Made , O· 'iI.,:_··-- ',"--, . ;: 'A.S.M.E.· ;1 , \ Fellow ' HermcmWouk Story Clarence C. Franck, sr.;of~;.:;1 To.OP4'n Monday , ell aven.ue, was honored by 8:20'. .. ,.'M.·.• made a Fellow·in 'the "American .." of MeChanical Engineers For Its 344th . prOdi1~tlOD,· the on theoc.aslon of their Annual Players Club of Swlll'thmore will . . .' . Philadelphia SectioDDinner at the, ~p,re<'ient ''The Caine Mutiny Court. the, foil.pwlng plate: , chairman, of the health and welEnglneers' Club In Phlladelp¥a on lIIIartial" by Hennan Wonk, this . Second . vice-president, Amy department, will Introduce w$.el< starting MODday, Marclj. 11 IIowl will tell thE! 14 Scout and . .tr~tors plan fol'.:judCes.· 'dOor. a'ssurance'" in . various' Bro,!miie Th S rth Be planning 'to attend Mould ,_ trOCips attending about . e wa more creation As~ Mrs. Hans.' . . Borel, by ,(Continued soclailQll annol!ncesthe IIppolnt~ CI." to Tall. FI.1d Trip The concert is open to m~bers .' . , . on Page 5) of the th~ 1958 directors Art Center ·to· P'resent Charles Enge'J, PI"anlS"t P ~.1.0. to.. S'ert''.lce' Sun Seaut·.We'ek are < •••. t0 • " oWn SRA -Announces 1957 DO r .' More than' sO ';"embers of the Class On Investments for Women which was opened to the, pubUc under Woman's Club sponsorship • on February Thursday mornings Swarthmore Mother's Club have signed up' to take the 9:25 lDODthly .m~· win be \TaJn to Plilladelphla Thursday .ThUl'!fday, M~ 14, at Mc-. mOmlng, Manm 14, for tho! p~Hall In the PresbyterIan ised field trip ~til noon.. " -Fun iltteDdante III urged' OIIIer-of'the cI8ss who de!dre 8 o'clock mect'nl(' whictl to j'oin. the trip may do so ..bY inclUde the slate' 01 ~ .JOInIng the &rOuP on the statlOll lite 1111'1-5& .1 ·aII.,·· .' platform.· On mornlng. The bitlbUfbt ~: evemng, Mrs. ProtP'Bln will iDl:lude a c- "' .. J.., . Klngswoo" 3-0440 . . . . Da",",O:(ifIt ••d tldayene C'a..... Satifrday fit 'P.M."", . , Ceo NEWS NOTES Ex Pap a Arthur B. Kent Named Local Women to Lead In Sun Appointment DenMothers'Workshop court. was founded In 111~2, Dr. Mrs. Roy P. LIngle of Cornell • OUW I3barp was calI!Id to be its keeu- avenue returned last Mond8T from The co~tructl~e approach to tive DJrector. SiDce tbat time he a two-week visit with her son-In~ the problem of juvenile dellD- has trained a IlIl'ge stIIlf of psy- law and djlugbter Mr. and Mrs. Appointment of Arthur B.Kent, Announcement has been made quenCy wJll be delcribedto the cl!latrists, soclll1 wouers, luperR . Walters in Lachtne, Wood brook . road, as speclal as- of a Den Mothers' ,Workshop to .. -........ asalst vison,him. and recreation leaders to Canada. ' ,..omen of the S~~ '.......... /. slstant to Walter C. Hulfman, be conducted. on March 20, April b~ Ch~ on W~D~, . . . . ¥r. ,!nd Mrs. R. D. MeI.aughlln SUperintendent of refining at Sun 3, and April 10,.at· the SPrinalleld ~!." by Dr. E.PresImlSiUP, The center is housed In a of Am\!.etSt avenue had as their OIl Company'. Marcus HOOk'Re- Municipal Building, 50 Powell eXecutive dlreCto, of th8 Youth em building on, the Parkway gtJests last· week end Mr. and ftnery, has been announced by C'road, Springlleld. The hours are mmoda study CeJlterln Phttadelphla. Dr. al1CO tiODs for 132 boys Mrs. J.ohn Canc\an with their SOlIS Calvin Naylor, ReIlnery manager. from 10 to 12 noon. Sharp will speak at' about 1: 30 53 girls. In the course of the )Sark and DaVid of Belmont, Mr, Kent was In charJe of the The course this year w1l1 be ·.an p.m., following the luncheon 41 just past 11,890 children' were Mass. Mr. Cancian attended a dis- POdbielnlak and Crude Oil TestMcCililan Hall of the Woman's brought to the center, most of cusslon meetlng.at Villanova Law Ing Laboratories In the Research accelerated OIle, with three Instead Associa,Uon. them by the police, and 8,083 were S~hool. , and Development Department at of the usual six meetings. He ·Ii a native PenllSYlvanian detained four hours or . longer. Col. and Mrs. Harold C.,MaIl- Marcus Hook prior to his appointAll the Den Mothers from the and "Teceived his graduate degrees Among those who stay overnight, bOlt of Harvard avenue had as ment. Keystone DIstrict, Valley Forge t the 'Uclvl!l"lllW Of Pittsburgh. the average length of detention' guest during the week end f Stockt n, N Y h Council may. attend the workshop, · nati' A ve 0 0 . . , e In whtch w1l1 be discussed and ~ter nine yearl. spent an ad- time Is. 25 days. their s on-In-law Lt. Comdr. John Is .a graduate of Haverford Town- explained the openln ancI. cl-I"~ mInistr8ior In the public'. schools The fundamental objective D. McNeal, U.s.N:R., ot Tope1ta, shlp High School and Denison . g ........ Dr. Sharp became ·Dlrector of thll the Center Is to reshape the Kan., who was en· route to New- University. He also attended. the ceremonies, skits, songs, games and Bureau of' Community Work· In of these YOjrng people and build port, R. I., for a two-wee\< tralD~ ni ht h i t th U· It f handicraft IIgurlng In the Cub g sc 00 a e Dlvers y 0 Scout pack work. the Department of Welfare at.Har- good.cltJzens r~ther than to ing periOd. Pennsylvania. rlsburg. Some 14 yearS later !J.e them for their '. beBlff Fine, son of. ,Mr. and Mn. . Joining Sun as a Research and Den Mothers heading the comwent to Maryland ~o assume the havior. They are given not only V. L. Fine, of North Swa,=",mdre Development lab technician in mitte:e are all registered, quaUpost of (1)lef of the Divislon of good food .and "lean surroundin(a; avenue, celebrated his seventh 1937, he was made a supervisor In lied lDStruc,?rs. Chairman of the the Training. Schools In .. that such as many of them have never birthday with a few of his frlenda 1943 and section ehtef In 1950. committee 15 Mrs. Charles R. State's Department of Public Wel- known, but lIiso a sense of seeilri- at a party Thursday afternoon of - He Is active In th~ American Gerner ot South Princeton avefare, serving also· as DIrector. of ty and a feeling of being accepted las.! weet.:. ' Chemical Society, the Spring alll nue; on her committee are Mrs. . the Maryland Commission for for their true pqtantlal worth. The Mr. and Mrs. G. Alexander Mills Civic Association and the Boy James M. Clifford of Rutgers aveYouth..' supervision provided Is based on of Walnut lane returned Monday Scout prog(am.' nue, and Mrs. Randolph Lee of When the YoutQ. Study Center strict falmess so that no ehtld from a business trip~of several He Is married to the former Have1:ford place. in Phtladelphta,· which Is the leave vowing to ·.'get. even." __ to White Sulphur Springs, Martha Reynolds; the Kents have Anyone connected wlth- Cub W. Va. three sons: Richard R., 14; Peter Scouting, and any !Dother expecl. Robert Lang, son of Mr. and B., 11; and James A., 8. . ing to' hold den meeUngs at her Mrs. F. R. Lang of Maple avenue, home is entitled to attend these was. at home from Rutgers Unimeetings.' They will' not be qualiversity, . Ne", Brunswick, N. J., Named H. S. Homemaker lied to. become· a registered den dilring the week end.. Allee Carroll, daughter of Mr. mother upon completion or this Middletown Road R. D. 16, Media, Pa. and Mrs. Francis Plowman I1-nd Mrs. John W. Carroll of Col- course as there will not be any Mr. OpPOSite High Meadow' ofN:orth Swarthmore avenue will lege avenue, has been named the basic training given at this time. Sunday from a· vacation Betty Crocier Homemaker of To- If there is suftlclent demand for Cu,tom Landseap. Work at Sea Island, Ga. morrow at Swarthmore High the basic training It will be gtven Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Told of School. Tele,.e.e: CHester 2-7206 at a later date to be. annOlmced. Park avenue and Mr;' and Mrs. AlIce received the htghest score ~s~ for Ben 'Palmer or Henry Arnold Mrs. S. Milton Bryant of South Carroll P. Streeter of Columbia in a written examination on homeVIsit eur Roodslde Market on the MI"dletow" Read avenue sp"ent th~ week end with ,makiilg knowledge ·and attitudes, Chester road will be hOstess MonMr. and Mrs. William J. KlDdley 'administered In December to ·sen-dllT afternoon at a meellDg of the of Salisbury, Md. •. ·ior girls in the g,aduaUng olass. Poets' Circle. ,Dr. Edith Philips,. SEASONAL SPECIAL Mr. aild Mrs. Joseph Kolb of Her' examination paper wil1 .be head of the French department of avenue moved this entered in comP!!lition to nameSw~rthmore College, wl11 give the 5 .... SeaItoard Wild Bird Food and Bird F.....' $1.69 320 Dartmouth to their newly-built home thts state's c~ndidate for the title program. lrr M e d l a : · o f All-American Homemaker Of Charlotte Mary Olcott, dllughter , Mrs. W. C. Rowland of College Tomorrow and wl11 also be con- of Mr. and Mrs. Ben L. Olcott of • WOIl~ avenue entertained at luncheon sidered f.or t!te runnerup award inOberUn avenue, celebrated her , TrimmIng ....... T....'plailting for 12, .ThUrs4ay of last week In the s t a t e . . :eighth birthday TuesdllT afterhOOor of Mrs. George Richardson • For her aC1)leVement, she re- :noon' from 4· to 6. Charlo'tte Mary AfpieAr"""",,e,.,s. ~~". ~o,l;' SP'i'~'jS~y, PNgralflot Drexel ruu who Is ~ovlDg c~~~ed.~ ay;ard pin. at the high 'and her 10 guests plaY~ game~ V '&L ter ec. ore......... , as ~~se Valley Nurseries, .Inc. .. _. l"R.I.Ii· i'~~ii~~~~i;iij~~ii~~~ii~~'ish~Drt~ly~'ifr~Oimi'ith~e~airieai·i·~~·i'·i';·~isch~·~ioo·i·~iai~ii~~~~ly~··ion~F~e~biru~ary~·i2~7i·~ain~d~h~aid~anii~~·~ly~dtnD~ier~·~'~~=m . , .\ I Tired 01 Suffering ~,.eitJhere? . TRY, THE NEW WONDER DRUG "SHOP.' IN SWARTHMORE" / e It's easy to uoe e Habit. forming . • ConvEinient to Obtain . e Inexpensive • Pleasant to take • Comes in large or small doses ,. No "after using~' complaints .. ~ ... - Nexf Time Y'Ou lleed ill Do.e _ T,.., ,t and.,Flnd Out for ,Y......." ··lhe Camera & Hobby Shop 6 .Park Aven1te, Swarftmare, Pa. Klngswood 3-4191 Friday 9 tP, 8:30 -- --- Most rugs can b, dyed to the sarne, lighter, or d'arlcer colors . : . Give your rooms a new look . . . Ideal for covering stains . _'. eit '\'t ...... . IOO~~S.'!JC ........ . ria . m.j .•. C aII KIng"',Dd 306000 z:- . .'.. ._'- .• a ••• uk, 9 4UI . . ~\ .. , • Wire or Write Your OPIlQSlllOll to the ~ . , '"'. . , . ~ •••• o , . l . l11.~, l10nQrable Jo".ephJ. lawler. Secreta,I!Y , P~Dn$yJvania. Department of Mighways' -, North Cap~:Io1 Bu"~.I«;Iin~.:· ~r.r,i~w:gt·r.nnsylvanict· KN~J. ec1rpet lPAulsot\lJC~t:etU *. • ' . . . Bring$ new beauty to old carpet; IPA'-'.... . Time! ,.r • 'iheBlve Rout'eWauld /Dowgrade .' . .Tom,orrow', Swarth,more ... ;,-;;;;;::RUG DYEING. A SPECIALTY· ~ . • (CinerMScoJ*TechnlcolOl') ~r.t-7:4D and t:4D P..... Peter E. 'told DI~'" . M~... TH", Marcil 11, 12 aiA"'rt ActIv. M_..... of tile Sw.rtIl",.." •••, .... Auocl"". COLLEGE THEATRE THE cOstume GO to H~ IJuvenile Divlaton of the Mun,lclpal £hDRlt· Group , , . i . • , . '.' '- , .. THE SWARTHMOREAN ' .. PIESlnEllAN NOTES . Mr. Bishop' will preach at the 9: 30 and 11 o'clock seryices Sun· day morning. The title of his ~~ mon will be "In the Beginning • The Sacrament, 01 Bap~ will. be held at the second service. Church School meets at 9: 30 and 11 o'cloCk' senior. High Bible E;;"tered as Second Class Matter, January 21, 1929, at the POst study is held ~t 10:45. . OIfIce at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act 01 March 3, 1879. Men's and women's Bible cia.· DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON ses meet" at 9: 30. . 'The Communicants' class will SWARTHMORE, PENNA., MARCH S, 1957 ~eet at "5 p.m. this week. TIINITY NOTES' The Junior High Fellowship ES FIIENDS MIEETING NOT . , wiil meet at 5 in the Woman's At the Adult Forum next week Holy Communion will ·be 'cele- sodation room for choral read· Henry Cadbury will continue with brated at 8 o'clock Sunday mom· in" At 5:30 Mr. Hubbard will the cilscusslon 01 "St. PaUl". This iog. A service of Morning Prayer speak to the group on ''The Back· is the second talk in the series on and Church School will be held ground 01 the Denominations". ''Great interpreters 01 the Chris· at 9: 30 a.m., and there will be a Supper will be served in McCahan tian Faith." The followi,ng Sun· second service of Morning Prayer Hall at 6: 30, followed by choir rehearsal at 7. day, March 17, Helen North, as· at' 11: 15. sociate professor of classics at Junior ConfIrmation Class will :rhe Senior High Fellowship will Swarthmore College, will talk to meet at' 7 p.m., the,Young Eeople's have supper In McCahan Hall at Friends on ''St. Augustine." All Fellowship at 7: 15 p.m., and the 6: 30. At 7 they will go to ,the Adult ConfIrmation ClaSs 'will be Woman's Association room ~here interested are welcome. The High School group is at· h~ld at 8 o'clock. ., they will continue the senes of tending the Adult Forum for the Ushers for Sunday will be as discussions on "Developing a Re"st. Paul" talks by Henry Cad- follows: lation with God". The subject of bury. On the '17th of March they 9:30 a.m.-,J. N. 'Nutt, head 'the meeti_og will be ':Pa~~wa'y. to will meet again in Whittier House usher; C. S. Brown, C. -R. Cacace, God Through Suffermg , led by PUBLISHED .EVERY FRIDAY AT .SWABTBIIIOBE,· FA. PETEll E. TOLD, MABJORIE TOLD, PUBLI8I1ERA \ . Pbone SW"""'re 8-0800' PETER Eo TOLD, Bdltor Barbara B. Kent, Managing EdItor RlJSalie D. Peirsol Marjorie T •. Told Anne L. Mabbott I . ¥. reh:ar~al meeting will 'convene at 1: 80 p.m. Dr. Waldo R. i'1aher of Guern. at the'church wMn Mrs. D. Ches- .eyroad w!ll leave tomorrow for ter Warlow, past president of the a week 01 aldin, at Mont Tremb. Philadelphia Conference W.s.C.s.1_8:;;n:;;t.:;;Ca=D8=d:;;L==;;;;====;;;; will be the speaker. Th08& plan- p Ding to attend are asked to cpU Mrs. H. M!ller Crist. LAST WEEKS The young peoples prayer group wlIl meet in the Chapel at 8 a.m. Wednesday. Mr. Kulp meets weeklywlth this groul? for prayer and Of All Stock devotions each Wednesday before Everytill.. RedilcecI school. The choirs will. rehearse at the ANTIQUES church on Thursday-3: 45 Cherub Choir; 4: 15 Junior Choir; and 8 GOURMET. SHOP p.m. Chancel Choir. Providence Road I _ Nelli Friday, March 15, at 8:30 Wa.llingford, Panna, p.m. the "Pairs 'N' Spares~' grouP'I~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;~ will have a ''Talen~ Night" pro- I. gram with, PhiUp Hall as master of ceremonies. . . .WTLAWN CEMETERY . A non.profit, mutual enter. CIUM ClEEK SCOlES High scorers 01 th~ Crum Creek prise for the benefit of fammes Bridge Club Tuesday. night were residil)g in.' Swarthmore and Mrs. Franklin Gillespie and Mrs. nei~hboring com.,-.unities, For Jahn Bates. In second place .were infcirrilation as to lots apply to Mrs. 'Alben T. Eavenson and Mrs. ALBERT N. GAIRm Walter Shoemaker. " The next meeting will be Tues. Presldent.FI I.,'ne,. ·Mfr. day, .March. 26. 228 Garrett "'ve. KI 3-0489 ------"-Swarthmore, FEw Complete Clearance an. pa•. II~I~s~a~,,~'.~lt~in~'J'h~e~s~w~a~rt~h~m:o~r~ean~~.~5iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iii~~ to discuss 01 these talks, the J. W. V. Thomas, Jr., and Mr.will Blshol\. at I~adership Colin Bell. under ' B. Patchell, H. Welsh. . 5, precedeChoir the meeting. ._ The Young Adult group will 11: 15 a.m.-C. M. Waterbury, meet in the Fellowship room at head usher; C. S. Keller, alternate; 6: 30 for supper.' Afterwards.they 'J.' L .. Carnog, F.' R. Gray,:R. C. will go. to Clothier Memorial to Haig, L. A. James, C. G. Ritten· hear the next in the current series, house, and G. W. C. W!'lIDer. on "Art and Mass Media". The 2ND FLOOR OFCO·OP Thomas Mowery will. se~e as speaker will be Jerome Robbins, acolyte at 8 o'clock; Peter Court- choreographer and dancer. ney and Richard Jackson at 9:30 The Christian .Education Com~ 12 feet 25 feet' a.m., and at 11: 15 Carl Hally and mittee will meet in the. Woman's Christopher Reynolds are sched- Association toom at 8 Monday CO·Op FOOD' ~ARKET. uled to serve. evening. I CHURCH SERVICES The next meeting 01 the Vestry The Board of Trustees will meet PRESBYTERlAN CHURCH , 401 Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore', Po. will be held at 8 p.m .. Monday. Tuesdaoi evn 'his sermon subject "By the Mer. 9:30· A.M.-HOly Communion. 10:00 A.M.-Bible Study. is the a:'lden ~~x.t trom Romans cle. of God," the first in a series, 3:30 P .M.-Children's Service., <.8: 16): ~e SPlnt.lt~elf beareth "The Apostle's Appeals for Lent". 8:00 P M.-Lenten Devotions. \\dtuess WIth our splnt, th~t 'we There are three nurseries to care Thursday, March 14 are the c¥,ldren of God." . for Infants and young children, a 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. Matthew s account 01 .Chnst kindergarten church rogr d l March 15 5:40 Jesus' healing 01 the man "sick a junior church prc!-am a~U::g of the palsy, lying on a. bed" this .hour. . THE ~Matthew 9: 2-8) will be included The -third meeting 61 the pas. lD the rea~ from the KIn II tor's ConfIrmation 'Class for boys 9:45 James Version of the lIibIe... '. and girls 01 the sixth grade will 9:45 Henry All are cordIally Invited to ·at.: be held In the Pastor's study at 4 ... Ir••. for Worship. tend ~e._services at t-Irst. Chui'ch p.m. in Whittier 01 C~, ~Ientist, 206 Park aveThe Methodist Youth Fellow. areM':~'i nue at 11 0 clock. ship and the. Junior High Fellowfor A.F.S.C. ship will "1eet at the church at 7 UNITARIAN FEllO'lV$IJIP p.m. . CooIcing'. easy .on today. 001 ranges b. CIII_ 11'. of ~_ CD...., A healing mission conducted by automatIc.ltomemabi, ilnJoy convenience wIih auIO-'. K I . _ 3-1"'~ Dr. Alfred W. ,Pri"!!. Rector 01 St. s.Hay, M.... 1. . Steph,ens Episcopal Church,Phila. .1MIIc IighJIfIg. clock Wiili'" and a top bumw.w"ul iO:SO A.M.-J...lor . Fell_I" ..1 _ delphia will begin Sunday evening .'!hat ......'-.y uIIIIIII on CiUIom:itIc: appIJana WIIh SchooII '. at 8 p.m. and' contiJ)ue through all tNt. """ullllll. _ laity lI~dlil." faocI ii.. A.M_WonItl" - . Wednesday, March. 13. The "';bllc Told 47' Mili.·.. te~chers revealed them to be mOlt S h' I anXioua to have separate toilet T 'Po f N Team Places Flnt· Basketball League made e1Pt feet wider as OrlIlNJ_ I NP 1 .. .......... C.arter Jy agreed, instead of the p~ed Allce Barber of Harvaid aveIn o ,ay or ew C 00 facilities for each room and an four, at .least in front 01 the school nue, as Eastern retail chairman of The Nether-Providence boy's. (Continued from Page 1) area for spedal work or student The Board will ask Council to ra- the Gift, and Decorative Acces· basketball team moved into first Butcl!l's avenue',1cilocJl. ArchiteCt conference groups. . ' consider .the schedule )~ ~t up sories Association of' America, place In Section 2 league play 101Howell· LewIs Shay, Jr., IIlIfiJred Shay paid tributj! to hIS chil· last month. jrhe SchOMoft-lv~--,'educational 1DatItutlon, r ... titcae~!' the subject.can be/at the present _'iII ._eoc -__ ..~J...... -..uvw Stu._, Topic ,.... standing N .... WElt .. All 811 The Swar1hmOl'e Branch of the such 811 Sw~re COUece, to be time. Information on the eftects of Women's International League for "'"'" l ed to ... - .....~ now pro- RoUte "A" contained in previous Peace and' Freedom - announces a a ............... posed by the Blue R~. Both advertisements spoasond by our s8r1es of ';rrelated studies durRoute A and . ' the -'-_'.the Blue Route, 811 -_·ttee ,VR..... .w'a sdeve'~" . . . . . - in the iDI the month of ,V _ _" on planned, .......d destroy many same manner. ............. ., Not • .,... MeUer Both of these routes are 'We belleve the declslon on I'ole of the U. N. Pollee P'cm:e in To Tb& Bditol': "unacceptable" to this whole COID- expressway route must and will enforciDI wodd peace. As an inAs a member of the Alumni munlty.' . be bued IIrst on eDlineering and formative basis for the local Study ,AsSO!:iatlon of Swarthn'lore Col- 'Ma,. all of ... ' far and wide. cost fa~. and second on lm- 8rOuPs. a panel of speakers will lege and a restdent of, Swarthmore from now on work 'Vallantly mediate. d!reet Impact on . p~t and d!scuss this subjl!ct for more than ~. years, I main ,ethel' to preserve a heritage and, communities. ,We '' taln that the welfare of the col- wblch we hold a responsibility further that Route "A" Saturday evenJnI March 9. 7:30 lege is not merelY 'a local inatter. our nation. will be rejected on these grounds. to 9: 30 p.m .• at the Coulter Street conl1ned wtflhin the 1lmits of Dela.. H~ulIy. J..aRUE HENDRIXSON. Secretary Meeting House. 47 West ware County. ,All of uS who have ·HANN.YI CLOTHIER HULL ' Swarthmore Citizens In Street. Germantown. shared the ben8flts of an: ~ucaOpposition to Route "A" ThIs panel,' .under the auspices tlon here have acquired also. It R. 'dna, s..ree ., IDIom tlGfl the FrIends Committee on Naseems to me, a Ufe-1ong respcII18ithe Editor: HOO SI",eturea tlonal Legislation, includes: , billty not on1y on our own behalf. Several citizens of the Borough To thl' Editor: Elmore J!lckson, Consultant ap.put for the sake of those who espressed interest in the Twelve hundred residents have by the FrIends World come after us. $Jurees of information contained signed the prot~ against the 10to the Non-governAll over our ,country are men In an advertisement signed by cation o~ any expressway In or Section of the Economic and womep w~ are llvinl richer Swarthmore Citizens In Opposl- adjacent to Swarlhmore. Council of the United Uves and are eontributinl fil in- tlon to Route '~A" in last week's oripal protest bearing the slgna- Nations. and assistant to Frank numerable wan to the better- Swartbmorean. tures will be filed with Graham in e'onclllatory eflortsln ment of their eominunltjes First, It should be pointed out Leader' by Borough behalf of the Kashmir disPute; Dr. of the kn~ledge imd ideals they that the advertisement stated special citizens committee. Harrop FI;eeman. Il\wyer and procarried away with lIhem from the proximate distances from. be sent to others. who fessor of Law at Cornell UruyerswarthmOre campus. Does it seem more College bUIldings to the pro- have Influence In deciding the 10- slty; Samuel' Levering. reasonable to 'think" that they posed "Blue" or Crum,~reek route of the proposed Chester- of the Peace Committee of Five would h~ve no interest in (o~ ~lie M1d-C!IUI1ty ExpreUway." . Expressway. Years Meeting ot. Friends and ware County and are not still The advertisement aJao l;Ilade It write to the state and {ederal of- active with the FeNL; and Doraactive in malD.talnIng the' high clear 'that these approximations flclals mentlon,ed In our letter thy ,Hutchinson. returned in 1956 standards of SwarIlhtnore College? were based on prellmlnary plot'of February 22. If we con-, from a Round-the-World TrIp The homes around us are here ting of the "Blue" rOute. tinue .the assault. there shOUld be sponsortld by the Peace Commitbecadse those Who have, founded precise location Of the ex- real hope that the attempt tb scar tee of Abington Friends lMeetinl. them wished to llve in the atmos- presswaYroute• Whethl\f it turns our community will fail. Anyone from Swarthmore InpIler!, of our college town. Here out to be the "A" or "Blue". will Sincerely yours. terested In attending is invited to their f~l1}es lj!C~ve adlr,ersity not, be knoWn until after the route GEORGE W. M~G" telephone Mrs. John Carroll of beDefltawblch. tlie colletI' freely is deCided upop. and detailed I'urChairman K.Ingswood 3-2986, for details.. · • offers . and whl~ It Invites its vel'S are made. In the 'present PAUL B., BANKS; The local Branch of WIL will neighboring C!JD1Dlpnitles to , stag" ofdlseussion. tnterested parS e c r e t a r y c q n t i n u e tbis study of the role of In my judgment,. we of Swarth- ties can onJi match avallable !ri' ~U. N. PolICe Foree on March more. college and residents alike, formation concerning the proposDG', Tp Meet '4, in a, morning sessIon at~:45 should' unite tn strohl protests ed routes against accurate, auMembers of the Delta Galnma a.m., with Mrs. Parker Coddln#~ against ~er Route A or the thoritatlve maps of the area, such sew¥>g group will 'meet FrldIlY. ton. 11 South PrInceton avenue. ''Blue'' Rou~ being constructed as Franklin 'map of '. March 'at the home of !IoIrs. The following week. on March 21. anywhere \ adjacent' to .. the Coast and Geodetic Arthur S. Robinson. 732 Ogden at 1:30. ~.1!1•• the group will ,eon;; more. .Wben informed 'opinion Survey map. and the map Of the avenue. ' ' clude its dlseliSsion at the home everywbere is 'striving to m a k e ' campus published by of Mrs:' Bradford' Fraley. 310 peopl~ more awareqf our eoun- Sw~ore College Itself. i saw it Irl The Swarthmorean. South Chester road. De ~ ... - . . , . . .."... .... WIt_ .. t= . . to cae JIGI..... LeU. . wII1 ......... _ 0DI7 lit tile _etlOD of cae --.' must . HAPPINESS J c.' • is a \ telephone call \. A voice reu bada't heard fO{, weekS or IIIOnIbs ••• lbe offer of • Job ,ou wanted ~o much to win ••• An Invitation to a party ,ou know will bllI'IIt fuJI ... Good nl!'" from ,our family or flf"., frIeads •••. A business order J9U'd worted hlnl tD lit .•. In everyone's lite, 80 much happineM Btarta with the ring of the'telephone. So otten, the. lIB. calla: you receive are more imPortant to you • than thooe you make: And theoe calla obow up on yoUr telepho"" bill. nult'. just one morereaaon why the~telephoDB is one of your Iligeot barpino,Your telephone coots little (or w"'t it gi.... you. . The yOu 80 THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA is. . " , THE , ·1·GH1¥· OM' Moat glamorous cl,lr ." • generation ALL THIS •••, D • 1940. Prof. Grant O. Gale of Grinnell College, la., as chairman of the faculty, 'described current activities and plans. Professor of physics at Grinnell, he has taught at the college since 1928.' He holds a B.s. degree in electrical eni\neering from the University· of Wisconsin, and a M.5. degree In p!l;y~cs from the University of MlchIg;m. On leave from Grinnell . during the .1954-55 academic year. hI', was ~ Fulbright lecturer at !3qbdad University tn Iraq. 'Prince most members of the School Staff have never been on Social Security. It is anticipated that many questions will arISe and that the meeting will be a long one; hence. all schools of the district wlll be dismissed· at 2: 30 Monday afternoon so that the meeting can get under way promptly. Nursing ServiCe Gives Monthly Report • The Central Coriunittee of the Community Nursing Service. Delaware County. met on Febru14 with Chalnnan Mrs. Birney Morse, presiding. Reports were read from the various chairmen. Mrs. Arthur BInns of Swartluilore and Mrs. George Trosley of Woodlyn were accepted tfs ti.,e'N members. Mrs. Jol1D. ROss, chairman of the Woodlyn Cb1Jd Health Center re~ that :l!ltbougll, the sessionS h.8d been Increased from two to four. the center would be returning to the original plan of first and third Thursday each month, as it seemed practica·l because of the free pollo vaccination program at each of the five county hospitals under the sponsorship of the Delaware County Medical SocIety. State Deparlment of Health and the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. The nursing staff of the Community Nursing Service Dela-' ware County. have been assisting in tbis program. . Helen Daly, a senior student nurse kom the Villanova University School., of Nursing is on a three 'months affiliation with the agency and has been a~gned to the Swarthmore office' to »Vork with the veteran staff nurse Mrs . .Jane Zebley. Janet Michel, a member of the staff, attended an aU day Heart. Seminar recently. The ,entire nursing 'staff visited the Dill' Citre Center 'for Retarded Ch.iidreli in Lansdowne to bettef' ~ndei:'stand thmr part.in coordinating their work with the retarded child tn the home situation. Dorothy Bldner. supervisor of the Swarthmore oIJlee. ,reporle!l that llie nili'ses made 1112 visits in the, month of January. T his compares with 1165 in january 1958 or an Ilierease of :147 visits. It was thoUght that the ri!!ad for q.u'rses in family health supervision has increased probably because she Is recognized as the one able to instruct parents in infant care, formula preparation and' to interpret local Board of Health rules In regard to communicable disease. . The board urged that those who have ne&\ at a Publlc H ea U,h Nune call early in the day. . C.fer :ROad ad Ya.-Aven,.· . , ~ ~ .....&00325 "UfOwei' ""pne,~. eatinyllewpa+bu.ttGa-operatedT-.- '. PORTERH. WAITE, .... , .' .,; . c-...... tbio neW kiDd of lAl,8P""eL'II Soc.Security Coverage . , . . '_I..gswOOd 3-1250 \ !.-, ,- .' .'. ~ ;. ,. .; ' . .. ' . '"'"' . ~" ,. . " " J Medlca1Co1leu HoepltaJ" . , . Hr. and Mrs. W. Eo Sod... of maritown, bas returned. and Is re'. lIImed In top .. 111 . Tree entertained as their cuperating at her home on Dart, c e n t of her clan at tilr' . '!lJM)An ... HOLmAn J.A. GREEN Gutte':',. Warm·Alr Heatfa, Air Coadft.laal., S.Mt Melar-Worle ROGER RUSSELL Pitotographic S."plies State & MOlroe,'S'" . . Media" .... MEdia 6-2176 Open mdey· ~Ings . Dick Frcinchetti 939 Rocklyn' R_d. Spriagfieid II 4-1028 i SWEENEY & -CLYDE George, Myers &Co. KI4-1214 PliJmbing &Heating Oli .a... ....... 1_, W..... H....rs ~ A C~MPLETE INSURANCE AND .1l~L. ESTATE· AGENCY • ~ f . - • _ ,," • - _ _ • .- Flomt ..:on" ..... C:A I:NS; .. w;· ~ me c:....,. 6SO . .Iff..... Sprl. . . . hi;. IllI9Iw .... . J..OtSO-.. '., - , , . , • " 2 Watch For . RIB ROAST: SPECIALS Real Nucoa Margarine Sic 'EXTRA SPECIAL ~ HEATI~G I, .:".,' t ., ,", .. I • I \' , • , , , Co~Op Red Lciibel Homogenized . '. '. ~___II;A"I)r.,.~P.;rrIl;Jt.l.a.~g~.~ .IQ! quart iar.79~t. .. 19c -' . ~o.Qp Red Label.'. -. , .' APPLE' SAUCE . . . .~g. ~03'5ize can·s·2 for 39c -.-.,...,-.-'--'---;,-.~- Co.Op Red .L~b.1 .. . WHOLE STRrNG BEANS Vertical Pack 29c '>.~~"," .. ' ' ' .F)lESH RHUBAR& • YOUR SAVINGS .. 'EARN • ., I Broil..A·FoiIBROII!ER TRAYS '. S9c 1 Free TrayWith Ea~h Package . U. S. No.1 M,",sHROOMS lb. 59c . . -:,' ,. .. i AT PROVIDENT TRUST lb. :li9c It .- . . SAII.,----o / I with coupon ~WA:YS AVAiLAm.E..;.WItbout ~ue delay your savinP may be withdrawn ataJiytime to meet emergencies.:•• or for any reasou.. au- MODERN CONVENIENCE-By saving :at ATLANTIC COli VAN .U 1-J44I Provident. you have every banking. IIJId trust service you may Deed at any time. ./ Salary figures are differeht from take-home p~y . ~ • food pricesar~' different 'froll' f~od :liudg~ts • , . smart Co-Op bUyers judge qualityiniuse~od buys (ortlie dinner table ,rathert1'tcrn' .on price ·alone. ? Ridley Parle. II 3-4741' MAXIMUM S-i\FETY~ProVident'a strength . to PFOIIIpt S.Fvlce -. INTEREST RATE-Savings I!t.Provident Trust earn a fiIOO' ~~ or~%; c»miiOnnded 8mi~. You bow Whlit you e8rh in advaDoe. pluS in8unmce up to $1ns to join Greek. letter societies at Junior AsSemblies for the eighth. Dr. Ethel Maney. reading coo- Bucknell University. They are:· and tenth grad"'; will ~eet tomorsultant for Delaware Counly. ad~~n B. Braun of Yale avenue. row: eveillng in the SwartlJrnore dressed a. large group of parents wlio has become a pledgf! m«;mber Woman's ClUb. th.e eighth grade of childreJi In the first three gradell of Kappa Delta sorority; Louise convening from 7:30. to 9:15 p.m. and In. kindergarten. on reading. ~. Johnson.~ North Chester road•. and the tenth ,mde9:30 to 11:15 at a meeting February 20. co. who is a pledge member of Alpha • . spOnsored by the education cOmo. Sigma Alpha sorority; and WU- p.m: . mittee of Home and School and lhlm R. Brown of North Chester . E~!!hth grade hosts Dr. and Mrs. these grade grOups. .. Road, who has pledged Delta Arth~r H. Silvers will be assisted Dr.. Maney first outlined the Upsllon fratenuty. by chaperons Mr. and Mrs. Edwin. +"'n~_ that she as a parent, would Susan. d aug . h'terof Mrs. Da'd~' Mr. anddM Mrs. Charles w.'"'60 ..•. . v, F1IMarshall. 'dD WW exp'C"t the School to ~rovid~. They Braun. is studying for the degree M"ce0r~s. an r. an rs... • were the pronunciation skills In- of bachelor of arts. Louise. daughry. eluding a sight vocabniary of ter of Mr: and Mrs. A. Sidney Tenth gr.ade hosts are Mr. and 3500 words by' the end of the Johnson. Jr., is studying for the Mrs. WlIha,? F. Taylor., 2nd. Thi~cf .Reader. word attack sJday do ing. " . "I saw It in the Swarthmorean.'· I ••p '.PI - .c.·"or""" . - ~" -ATLANTIC .• Z9 EAST ·~ST... CHESTEI . I'l10_: 4-6311 .' 4-6312 314 .J. Edward Clyde; S :u.1 D. CIJ!iIe, Jr. ' ....... Plow..·.. ·ROUhd Roast of Beef lb.' 71e , JOIN FUTEINITIES 424 Haverfor4 Place w... 'YOII 'DiLuzio and Sons' BONELE~ . Klngswood 3-8345 PIOURE fRAMING PORTRAIT STUDIO TELEVISION ; Klngswood' 4-1234 5.....;. ':45'10.11. earring between Porter Waite·s. Call MEdia DAY anti NIGBT IIONDAY TIIIlU SATURDAY e'a...1 6 WFlL.1Y _ • Co.Op Red Label. THIN SPAGHEnl 1 Ib.pkg. • at.~ SERVICE ROOFING Box 48 CHRISTIAN SCI ENCE HEALS '. LOb . . .oIIU". CIII,. . . . . .1110. W"'UI ... OIL BURNER •. samovar. and bO",l. IWAN~~~w~om~'~en~f;;;:or~~~ morean. ;~gsoWoroodilE:.1:9c,~~:r; ' Photo.Co~ies ~1IH"EN r ~~a& "til.. ~ilbhMto •• PERSONAL - Free! orange da,y FOUND _ white klt. Illy bulbs and lavendar August ten. collai' with bells. KTngs_ lilliE!!. Ready to plant. Call wood 3-6588 K1ngswood 3-1808. . ... FOl1ND-~k-rlmmed WANTEQ . tion • Announcements • Programs 9.1." Mar- cam- :~!d • Letterlteads • Billheads Ad".rt,.,., !,~"u·. reltll. confId••dal. Our. sal...,.... hciYe b_ . Infotlnod of ad. .... A. L - I ~~~type-I~~~IF~~ Will·lm HOW aW. CIa ric Duplicating / I -- SWARTHMORE, PA. .. , • :, ..p.,rI.,·........,,"'., Large Chaj.r~.~~:~~$.;~~an~d~· Tuesday. Cleaning or bullt with new Call CHeliter. 3-7086 $110 years - OVer Six of 30 ences. All work is done our own shop under personal super~ ne:1a,!:!,re vision of Mr. Seremba. EstImates ~ .: $500 MONTHLY. , are tree. Thom Seremba. Phone 'Startlng lOla" for 2 . encuti""'trpe Sharon Hill 0734. salellMn to r.p ....ent la .... Hav- flna"dal COI'l'OIeifO"l. No frcweJ. Sa,.. member ~~~I;'~;j,::~ ..perI~ce and abn •., dell,", 'etta~ d,o minor llaMd ,eskleat, 2S-«t yea,. old, IftOfK1ngswood "-fi·1!i!i. .,r.d, capable .. of Cluum1r' retPDftt;ib'" SALE Old pine hutch ...... fa nQaestf"9 Infem.. please Ind.uda btl., .-.o1tG1 httfoQ', all C;=~~l':~ .. ~~~-~;rJ~ restored and re.1 !! Price $85. Call MEdta· Sirloin Next~'Week Klaglwood 3-1448 WILLI' WANTED PERSONAL - SPRI!NG IS COM- WANTED - To ;:;;bUY;;;;-mod=;;;;e::::m::-;:an~d lNG. Dressmaking and expert antique furniture. china and AM· BROOKS alterations. K!ngswood 3-~7. glassware. Estates wanted. CHes- Alhee &: Rubbish Rp.mov"d Ethel ter 2;'7;;47;;;3~.-;;;:===-=;:-:-=:u Lawns Mowed, General dressmaker. Sllpeovers an WAiNTED--Executive with· adult BauUng draperies. . LUdiow 3-1750. 411 family wishes to rent four-bed- 238 BardIn, Ave..lllorton.r. Scuth Scott avenue. Glenolden. room beginning house for AugUSt. minlmumPhone II~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;~ year PERSONAL - Bkycles J;lepalred. KIngswood' 4-2783. Parts, accessories. Glass205 - W~tuatlon .=~--=-=THOM' SERE MBA Bicycle. Hobby, ToyMilt Shop. as mother's . helper by 18-year-old girl, live UPHOLSTERY East Baltimore Avenue.CUfton Heights. MAdison 6-0713. OppO- ill .with nice family in Swarthsite CllftonTheater.·· '~. C~CHester '4-6560. PERSONAL - UPHOIBTER"ING WANTED-Days' work Monday 6 Ye... of S.....mo •• leta..... Altetations . Klngswood .3-8761,-,. SLIPS - Jack Prichard . ." .JANUARY FEBRUAIlY - MARCH · R.iDember· - With tile return to US of e"cll $100.00' worth of Itegist'r Slips, · we'll give you a bright new Silver Dollar! - Boro..... -OP' ~""" e •.Oj;. .'f S.oltll..o.... flOC., 403 D.rtiioltil Ave• . Oppoilte Io"'a,' Holl ~ :: F===========~ • Reading 'FOO'" MARKEt Sw......._ •••• Band Parents Conimittee. under 9 8ot~'. Last day an elector' may moV\! from one eleclion district to the chairmanship ot Paul Friend. G. CHIPMAN Sundo,. and bollda70 at the 8rough Friday ...... : ........ 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Jewelry Repatred Phone: kl 3-4216 Saturday .......................... 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon WOMAN'S CLUB NOTES . EMIL SPIES ITClgether with such additional hours as desl.goated below:. On Frida,y. March '15 at 10 a.m . . \ watc•••"•• March 22nd. Friday ............... :. 9:00 B.m. to 9:00 p.m. til , I eo;~:tOi~AVE., PIANO, RECITAL Check-In on Tuesday will begin at' 11: 30 a,m. and continue until 3:45'p.m. Selling' w1I!bl!!lin on both Wednesday and Thuraday at . 9 a.m. a~d wJ.II· continue Wed- ' nE!'!cjllY until 8:.30 p.m. and' on ~~~:~~!:Y", until 12' noon, Settle_ on 'Friday will be b~d from' 10 ".m:; untlI 2 p.m. . I by TIBOR BACHMANN HUllf:llrian Con~t1 PiaDJat • at the New Century,..Club • 15th and Upland Streets,' Chester ,S:15 P.M:. , on . 'FeUow Bowl' BestaQrallt . at the cloor or Call CHester 2-4863 TICKETS - 7------' ~c;a' . Residents Caned *NYLON.-. DACRON ~ ,CORDURA • RAYON CREPI. I ' ' .' >,To UDH Alumni Meeting • THE NEWEST In Murray's Beauty Salon European Hair Stylist , Mr. Peter Th.iel ' MURRArs "BEAUTY .SA.LON: Klngswood 3.3476 607 So. Chester Road Theatre Square' "ACCOLADE" , Swarthmoreans who ar,e gradu_ "tes o~ the Vpper Darby H i g b llre cordially Invited. to at. tend' the.March 11 meeting of the new~formed Alumni Association, tobe'hll!d at 8:30 In rOOm 105 of' the high, school , ''!:he resp!>nse to the eoll for nl\1hes all-d 'addresses of graduates fori a .p~inanerit file netted about 1,4,"'1U nart.es" with. the clasSes from to 1942 fairly well accounted for. Am,ong the missing, however, many of, the more recent , The perfectly.flttlng slip ·tha~'s ';'akinghistory. :It's' Barbizan's patented 3·pi~ce design in Nylon l:I?cran crepe that never 'needs iraning ••• is static 'free under every dress. you IYh ite Petal, Bluebell and Navy.- . ~~~~~~~~~~~~::::~~~~~~~~~~~J~r:~~'~~~nThose 'who have lists any .,. 'on the, possible i ,.-: or" names a~d addresses are asked I NOfE-A-~AFFlr~ MUSIC BOX a I to send it to':lhe high school. ' J5 , . C~NFERENCE own. 'ChoOse Compa,·Marcus Hook Refinery, Was 'U;:::~~,~: .at .the Marylanq Gove . , Sixth' Annual Confetence ~~,t!~:'~'!~~:~m:1nof'~kvlUe, Md., S the. conference Was Horizons· in Recreatlon:>' 'Zili~enfus spoke on "Indus'tri.al Programs and Ihe Future" and conducted a, question and answer session~ ~USIC '5.95 • Sizes. ,,'Mr. SEE THE NEW SEEBRO RECORD RACKS 40 Pockets for safe storage.' , .' CaP.Kify to 8,0 45rpm record.. HOlds all sizes anil speeds, including and' EP's in' covers. PrIced .. S~M. " . . , , LP's , 'GOrd&n ,. .-il. jIJ...... KIS-l460' '" ~." .. - ~ """"38-44, ..... . ~en at Union Thl!Ot~cal Selninary. In New , City' last Weekend. The I threl;:'d,.It· 'l'Onfenaoe was attend'by lOCi deieptes froIn SO of .~e nation's untvenlties "and '. "." '". ' •. '",. :' . L'HI_ ~ 14!i.:I61l .." Tell III•• 12.20. ":~!~t::~~ tenth annUal C ,on.-thethe ChristIan MIn- ""er 0JIa' FRIDAY EVENINBS . '. ~7~----:--"";;"""'''"-:'-----_''''''~_i--..!'eoU __ ",,:, SWARlH~. PA. "15, Smith, H8lVIIrd aveat Har.iard Un!- lstrY,:!or. College , 10 MRK AWNUf,' . MI •• 12'20, Little Mi •• II IIlue..·. a' stCdent .' . FourDoctors Ask . Medical CeIIler , ,'/ College Avenue To Be Widened By . Demo"C, rats' F-I'Ie \~; :~:::di:i~:" c::t1t~:at;.~~~ For Office Dr. Jones' Honored .T. Albrlpt Jones of Ek avenue was awarded at the apnUai . , $4.00 PER YEAR , Duck Club Dance Sat. To Be Masquer~de Party The second annual masquerade dance of the Duck Club will be held tomorrow night at the Woman's Ciub on Park avenue. Masks for clUb Ik\embers are available at the homes of Alex Mills, club chairman, 550 Walnut lane, Dr Randy ¥e, membership chairman, 409 Haverford place. Music for the dance' will be provided by Russ Hannan's orchestra, starting at 9: 30 p,m: Several novelties are planned, Ninth Grade to Conect For Student Exchange ware County Chapto:r of the Na.'. Canvass Scheduled For tiona! Founadtion 'for' Infantile The Swarthmore Democratic March 20; Raindate Paral¥sis. Party bas announced that the fol10 Feef , Fo~ the past live}'E!8rs Or. Jones lowing candidates will 1IIe pet!March 21 Benefits to the community ac- has served as chairman of thetionS for the May Primary on the Every home in Swarthmore and crulng from a medical center in chapter's ·Me.:tlcal Advisory Com· Democratic ticket. ' Rutledge will be visited Wednesthe borough were pointed out by p,ittee. For B,orough Council; Carl Bar~ day evewng, March 20, by ninth Dr. John H. Wigton. as he applied Us, 8 Whittier ,place, assistant prcj.. grade high school students collectto Borough Council MOnday evefessor of electrical. engineering, Ing funds to support ·their two' ning for a zoning variance per" '. . ~ Swarthm!)re College; C. B~adtord foreign student exchange 'promitting erection 'of such a center Fraley, 310 South Chester road, , grams. community 'worker, United l\Teighon the southwest comer 'of South Chester ,road and Yale avenue. bors Association; Mrs. EIlzabeth DIrected by Elizabeth McKie, English teacher and faculty sponThe lot is zoned resIdential alU:S. Foreign . Policy Is,. Bonsall McCorkel, 22~ Cornell avesor of the World Friendship Comthough an automobile agenct nue, legislative chairman; Wommittee at the school, the ninth , : Topic. for Evening en's Intern.atlonal League for which predates the zoning ordigraders will make a house to nance operates catercornered from . Program Peace and 'Freedom; and Henry canvaSs, They will be given house it. , G. Russell, 337 Haverford place, Ceremony Will Take Place special exemption from hom e Wigton and three other doctors Chadwick .Alger: a, member of associate 1Inance secretary, AmerlAt tAorrow Quarry that night. work who live anb prac. tice In Swarth,.- the polItical science department of can Friends Service Committee. d more, Dr. HaroldRoxby,Dr. WIl- Sw,"_",.more -~.. College. Will be guest For' School BOar~\ six vear . Satu r ay Their annual collection provides , i • the largest part of the fupds used \iam Rial and Dr. Harold Wilkln- speaker at a spec al evening meet- terms, Mrs. Margare N. Yarrow, The ,U. S. Army wlll Inaugurate In f th S thm Lea of to ,bring foreign students to son, desire to' et-ect a building ,g.o ,e war are gue 221, North Princeton avenue, ad- the use of a new helicopter strip Swarthmore High School under which, would blend with the resI- Women. Vot!)rs, 8 p.l11. Monday, visor, Delaware C 0 u n t y Girl at Morrow Quarry, SprIng_ the American Field Service In_ denlial characle.:: of the communl_ March IS at the hOme of Mrs. Scouts in the1leid of Senior Scoul- 1Ield Township, on SatQrdilY, ternational ScholarshipS and' the ty. Plans call for, a COI1UnOn:'",al~- Morris Fussell, 451 Riverview Ing; a~d Robert M. Adams, 124 Ma~ch 16 at io a.m. The pubUcis' American Friends Service School East Sylvan avenue, Rutledge; inVited to watch the landiilg of AftIliation PrOgram. Hanspe~er ing ,room, a consultation, and two road. treatment rooms for each .docter, Alger will. disCU.ss the role of chenilcal eriBilieer, Gulf on the Afmy H-13 ·helicopter and Born, a Swiss boy, is nriw a senplus X-ray and laboratory faciIl- the mlIltary in United States For_ pany. and Neighborhood examine this unusually versatile lor at the High School under the ties, A rillrse's' and 'technii:ian'~ eign policy, ,planning; Alger, who slon.of Boy Scouts. aircraft. apartment would be on the second has had four years exper.tence . . For the toUr year term on. thoe The helicopter strJp' will be Ii AFSIS. , , with United Stat N al I tellI Parents of students who live 1\oor. Vf.\gton said mor~ than a d e - , es av n - school boIlrd, James' A.' Rich'ard- pick-up potnt for the headquarters . did his d te k t P ~. • oulJlde Swarthmore or Rutledge quate ott-the-street. parking Is gence, . . T .gra ua wor a Jr., 318 ;Dartmouth avenue. pro- of the Phll(ldeipbia. Antlslrcraft are asked 'to send OQntributions planned. Princeton tlDlversity. , . ' fessor of physics, I)rexel Institute Defense, located in Swarthmore, to John W. Carroll,' chairman: of Wigton continued, "We feel that .f>. ~rt of the League s program OfJechnOlogy ' for' the two year for transportation to' the various the Home and School. Association advantages ~ the; cOnimUnity "Focus on· the Future," the dis- te ; Wallace McCrory, M. D., Anny antiaircraft. slies whicl]. 'en- Student Exchange I'rogram, 32 greatly outweigh any objectl,atuI. cusslon MQ~day evening will·deal 583' Westmlnlster avenue; senior circle the great!'I' Philadelphia College avenue,' Swarthmore. Sflch a faclIlty,' as plalUled, will with, various vital. ~es, f,clng phyalcian, Children HD6pitaI, and a r e a . . the area by doing away ,the country today~ 'Focus on th.e chairman of the census cOmmittee, . Colonel Pat .M. Stevens, nI, In the event of bad weather, (CimtIJiued on . PSg(;' II)' ".Future'~ has beeildlrected;~~SW~niOfe HOtli~aiiClscliQij(AS",; " 6 1 ' "the" PiillBdelPhti the rollectiOn will be made 'PhuriI. I,". arousing, public lnterest"'in, dl8- sOclatIon., , '. ' D e f e n S e C!)rdtally in- day, March. 21. Residents are Garnet Canteen Plans cussion of issues that, faCie the ,I 'For Tax Collector, Bucha,nan vltes the reSIdents or the Borough asked to leave porch Ughlll on so . United States in the deterM!nfng Harrar, \Tl'., 115 Yale 'avenue, ot' Swarthmore and" Sprlngfteld ,treets will be well lIialt8d while 5·· P i' k" P ''', atr c s arty ofa sound forei.gn ~IICY. surance dep~ent, Common- Township to thll demonstration. students are making their visits. St. PatrickWiU be honored this Both . Mrs. Fussell, and Mrs. wealth of Pennsylvania; !U1d for The Beil H-13 helicopter, which week, .atthe Garnet Canteen's Wil~lamo Cope, UrlIted Nations A;udltor (School Iilld· Council), they will see possesses unusual Shamrock Shindig. The hall' will ch81rman· for the.}eague, have James Harold Dumm, 212' Dart-. maneuverability and was be decorat.!d. and eerily' lit in urged full att~dance, with mem- mouth avenue, auditor, University specially selected !or Its safety green. The 'affalr Is to be a turn bers as well' guests being in- C!f Pennsylvania. features. It Is' tlie 'same;ype of i about, with a~()ns slightlY vlted. . one-1'assenger alrct;dt u",,? b~ Alger to Spe'ak Man' a·t S'pec'l"aI t'WV'Meetl-ng Army To 'Inaugurate ' New Helicopter Strip W. Junior Women to Hear Local Book Reviewer Funeral Serv'....il'ft Held SET FOR TONIGHT' . .' -' For Mrs WaHer James G'·I'RL.S·, S.... li •. l.MEET ".. M PreSident Eisenhower· for 'tax! service and Is identical with the Mrs. Peter Told to Pre~ent Lecture Program helicopters used for mail-pick-up ..' In Philadelphia. In case of rain the Tuesday, The annual Polar Bear Swinl- , " demonstration will be. held on Mrs.t~ller, Peter will E. Told, well-known man; Eddie Payrie, c<>-chatrml!ll !nfng Meet, open to aR. Qirls 16 A funeral serVice was held at March 17' S u nday, a t 2 p.m. story present a literaand master of ceremonies; Judy .Years of age and under, will tak" Oliver Balr's,. Philadelphia, Monture progranl to the Swarthmore Hollander and Ray Pope, decora- place ·'at the Mary Lyon, Swim" day for Mrs. Walter S. James, 508 Junior WQIIlan's Club Tuesday, lions; 'Dave Bass, music; George mbw, Pool tonight;, March 1.5, at Cedar lane, who, died suddenly March 19, at' 8 'p.m. at the ClubGartett, equlpmenf; Mary Van 6: 15 p,m. . Friday night, March 8, In Larikehouse. Mrs. Told, a resident of Urk, refreStunents, RaY'POpe, ~d. 'Most raees'wIll be '25, yards In "au Hospit8I.. Interp,ent followed Nine seniors, and, six juniors Park avenue, is at the present missions; and Barbara Heath, lengih and of the relay type. Con- ~n Tuesday at DuruDpre Cemetery, were Initiated Into membership In time program chairman for the Carol WillIams, Grace Scott and testants wiIl be, classified accord- Scrabton. the Swarthmore Chapter. of the 'Swarthmore Sen lor Woman's Connie Schultz, who matte and lng'to'10, '12, 14 and 16 years Mrs.' James was the National Honor Society at the Club. . set uJ;l' tit,!! poslerl!, I'nd bulletlps of age., ' ,RhodaElias, daughter of late .sembly Wednesday In the high Mrs. Told served as president of at schOOl.' -' , " The' program Is .sponsored' by Mr: and Mrs. David Elias.of Scran_ school aUditorium. the Swarthmore Presbyterian . Chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs. Millard Robinson, manager of the ton. In 1926 she and h~ husband New senior mell!:bllrs ,are nse Church Woman's Assoclatidn last Mr Maurice Deyo and I . and Mrs" Swarthmore Swim ,Club; moved to Ville avenue wh~e they Alzupltts, . Nan~y G;owing, Ann year. She is a past president. of Sidney Jobnson, Superyls6r A similar -boys' meet will ~made their home until 1945 when' Hirsch, Ellen Lambert, Bruce Mc- the Senior Woman's Club' of be Bob Hulme. ' hel\1 in ,the near future.' . Mri' James retired and they mov- Cutcheon, James Noyes, Car 0 I Swarthmore' and' serves on' the . . .' ,. ~, ed to Scranton. ' Seymour, Mark Smith and Wll-. board of th~ Swarthmore Library. CQrtoo,nist-Hist,ori(Jn. t.O Spe. ak. ,Wo..m,an.'s C,',ub. Duriqg her_ residenc, here Mrs. liam Welsh. The j~ors BfeDav.id She has chosen spring as her James was a member of the Pres- Edwards,. Richard . GiIrIn, MolIy. theme for Tuesday night; and. by terlan Church, and Y'as active Huse, DOn Scar~rOugh, J a c k this theme will hop !roIn recent' in the ,Thimble grOlip., ' Walter, and Judith Welsh. books to outstanding poetry. \ . ~oUowing . her, husbands . Dick Coles" president of the Mrs",WilIlam Shmidheiser, .Jr~ March 16. four years ago, . Chapter, conducted the ceremony. has annoUnced ,that there will be ~ames m"«ile her home with, Roy McCorkel was the g u e st t,ryouts for the play to be presentbrother, the late ~lbert B. Elias speaker, .The program also in. ed in May' after tlie meeting March In Scranton. Later ~e re~ed to cluded ~he following addresses by 19. The play isa comedy inVOlving ,Swarthmore. to' live, WIth, her undergraduate members: a twist in the usUal pattern of daughter; 'Mrs, WillIam C. CampThe Service ofAlb~ Schwelt-, arria"e and the family bell. zer by Alice Carroll; the Char- m .... '. • In Scranton, Mrs. James wlIs a acter of Ralph Bunche by RoseThe jU~6rs hold a :uar~ former board member of the mary Cox; the Leadership of dance ast ;0e clu ouse a:c Scranton Day Nursery Associa- WlnstonChurchiil by George Gar- 29 a t : p.",., no a mISSIon. _ . ' .' rett; and the' Scholal'llhlpof tion. ' , - . ' Survlvb.s her. in addition Charles vim DOren' by Nony . Appoillfed Mra. Canipbell, are:tW.to gI"!IId- Moore. Alter the assemblY, a reJames' R. Taylor of Westdale chlJ<\fen, ,'and several' nIeces and .cl!ption . was heid In ~, Hfghavenue has ~ appointed to the { nephews. . , . ' School Library for the new mem- Professional EthicS Committee of , In ~ 'of ftowas; frIeDds are hers 'andth~r pareIlts and for the National AsaodaUon, Aoneri-. • asked to send. cIOOaUons to the members of the Faculty. can Institute of Real Estate Ap. Scrantoll ,pRy' Nurser).Associa, . praiserS, It was announct!d thJS I .. ~-~ ............. . . . , EP ." .lion, SCranton.. '. , . . . k_dIy Clrck To Meet week.. higher, ,to take care ofa sherbet punch homemade cakes' , and cooklk. and .the decorations.' Stud Is t busy fo thi Party areen c:nniOSe Schultz,' rChalr~" Ii H.. S,Hobor Society Elects 15. Me''mhers as- will . ' at SPEA¥it II tionl.I,dtrector,at Sun Oil ~ ". 0_', I WIUia~ c, of, zregenfus, recrea_ IT ' , SWAllTHMORE, FRIDAY,Milreh 15, i957, a, I Thursday, March 14 • VOLUME 29-NUMBER 11 , w: 0: . ...... , , . UIIIGERIE FIRST FlOOR . ~ ,_..",..'"''''''''_~''''''!"''''' ~ I $~iieo~ii~§~, . .- - t ' The I'rlendIy CIrcle wm ,Jb' < .:": meet ,This commIttI!e.1s responslbie 1IIari:h1~ ~Jo'eloek .K."a -...... ThUnday, tor the'SupenlslODQd malnteDlIIembers at ~=;-f::the;~home at -.GenlliFL;· ~ce Or the, bfah'·.taDdVdS at !'J~,wm~~,=~:11!1SiaY.;,,~ '.' e;.~N~:f~~:~,:~~~~~ (~-' " -" < .. -' , " ' , . '(' " THE SWARTJIMOREAN . Mrs. Wesley Gordeuk of Danvers, Benjamin Stockton Collins, Jr., on Thursday, Mqeh 7. . S. Gemmill, a fifth year The young man Is a grandsOn of Mr. and Mrs. Howell Lewls student In architecture, son Mrs. B. W. Collins of Hlllbom Shay of Rose Valley have re- Mr. 'and Mrs" Raymond R. Gem- avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. turned from a silt' weeks' vaca- mill, Vassar avenue, has been Cook of PennIngton, N. J., formnamed to the Dean's Ust at Rens- erly of Swarthmore. tion' to Pass-a-Grllle, Florida. Mrs.with W. their B. Pegrgham Mr,' of Mr. Yaleand avenue dsu - selaer Polytechnic Institute,t Troy, d ' and Mrs. William GUY N.Y.,exceptional which recognizes 5 u ents Piper of Burnt HI)1s, N. y" anter Ann returned Tuesday morn- for merit In scholastic W'lllam iilg by plane from a bitslness trip nounce the birth of a son, I to California. They visited Mr. work during the ft, rst half of the Guy PI'per, Jr., at Schenectady Pegram's brother and slster-In- college year. 'Hospital Schenectady) N. Y., law Mr. and Mrs. John Pegram Mrs. David Cramp of Park ave- March The young man weighed nue and M.rs: Neal T~urman 01 eight pounds, 13 ounces. of Bellaire. , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Mc-' Cedar lane wIll enle!lam at a tea· Mrs. H. A. Piper of Mt. Holyoke Cabe, Jr., have moved from Cop- next Wednesd~y at the home. place Is the paternal grandmother. Mrs. C~amp m honor of MIs.- Mr and Mrs. Frank T. Ransburg pies lane and are residing at 15 Mary Morrow Banks of Harvard of 'Harvard avenue are the maSherwood lane. Wallingford. . Mrs. S. L. Althouse of Rutgers avenue. Mrs, John R. Bates of North terna! grandparents. avenue wiII entertain at a lunch- Chester road has returned from Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Paulson th eon and bridge on Monday. a stav, in New York City this week k " of Springlleld have announced de Mrs. A. H. Van Alen of Par and will entertain at a luncheon birth of their second child anh avenue entertained the birthday today. IIrst daughter, Debra w 0 group at luncheo.1l last Tuesday I'' Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Pittenger of arrived February 18. Ann, The liItl~ at the Antiques Fair. I Nottingh~m, formerly of Swarth- girl is a granddaughter of Mr. and Sandra Milne, daughter of Mrs., more, left by 'plane March 4 for Paul M. Paulson of Park aveStanley A. Milne of Park avenue, a week's visit with their son-in- nue, and of Mr. and Mrs. John was at hOD;le from Allegheny Ilaw and daughter Dr. and Mrs. Am Phil d I h' faDe: '~nn a natal College, Meadville, last week end. Stanley J. Gill. Dr. ;md Mrs. Gill Ine'h of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zecher of, and their infant daughter, EIIzaonor 10 de rna the 'al'tar of . Ing in B ould er,. the roseMethodist was pace 0 Swarthmore av.enue ~nd Dr. and beth, are now bv Church, Sunday, 'by Mrs. Walter N. MOIr of South Colo., where Dr. GID is th . C dIe Roll Department of a h S hool Chester road will entertain at a in the Chemistry Depa,rtment of e urc c . cooperative supper preceding the the University of Colorado. M~s. Duck Club Dance tomorrow night. Pittenger is the daughter of Mrs. Charles Ommert Cresson, two' Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Boyd of Ellwood B. Chapman of 731 Harv- and a half year old son of Mr. and Dickinson avenue will ente~tain ard avenue. Mrs. WllIlam J. Cresson, Jr., of at a cocktail party Sunday for Mrs. Donald Poole of North Haverford 1I1ace this week welMiss Sally Gaskill of University Swarthmore avenue and her cOOs- comed a baby brother, Richard place and out - of - town .frlends In Miss Elizabeth Carllsle of Elm Hayner Cresson, born Friday, who as a group of 15 G.E. men avenue will entertain tomorrow March 8. taking a test course lived next at_ a luncheon and . linen sh~~e~ Charles' and the baby's granddoor to the Gaskills and became in honor of MIss MlIdred .Ba °to parents 'are Mr. WilUam J. CresaI d 'th Mit Gaskill hen Drexel Hill whose marnage a~u ne WI . S w Mr Marvel' Wilson,' Jr., son of of AmlJerst avenue, and Mr. she was a Ilttle gIrl. M . and Mrs Marvel WilsOn of and Mrs. D. E. Hayner of Floral Mr. and Mrs. Heston D. McCray s~· th Have'; avenue will take Park, Long Island. of Cornell avenue had as their a , guest for a few dayS of last week place April 20. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Danger, Mrs. McCray's sister Mrs. Carl S. -'E-N-&-A!-&-E-"'--N-TlIeld, 3d, of sproUl. Estates, ailRyan of Summit, N. J. Mr. Ryan Mr. andM.... Harry Cutbbert l,nCoOunlterrcell!nthe birth of a son, George arrived Saturday for tbe week I' Dangerfield, March 1. end. The Ryans are former resi- Seymour of Dickinson avenUe annOlHlce the engagement of their d Ill'ts 0 f S warthmore. . Skillm S Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Gordeuk Y.r. and Mrs. Henry L. McCorkle daughter, Miss aJne . an eyDanvers, .Mass., have anDounc':' will retur1l to tbelr home on Park mllur, to Mr. Robert Allison Bagg, ed the-arrival of their third child ',venue this week end following a Jr., son <>1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. tbree mOnth trip aroulid the Bagg of Woronoco, Mass. The and fIrSt' son, 'Jorui ~fiJ.'ey. ld M McCorki is an as-' wedding will take place June 15 February 11. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Shatagin :':a';' "';~r of Pres:yterian Life. in· the Chapel of St. John the DiCornell avenue are the young Mrs. Arthur S. Robinson enter! vine! Saunderstown, R. I. man's maternal grandparents. talned her eightsome Tuesday with MISS' ~eymour 1a a senior at luncheon at the Ingleneuk follow- Simmops College,. Bast"';', Mass., j~~~~~~55555=j ed by bridge at h~r home on Ogden where she Is majoring m social SUISCRIP710NS avenue. FOR ALL ' science. Mr. Bagg is a graduate of Marl_ ...AGAZINES Mrs. William H. Webb of Soutb !.LOYDE. Chester road, with her daughter boro College, Matlboro, VI., and is D.rt",o.tlt Aveaoe Miss Ruth C. Webb, and son and currently doing graduate wo,:k In daughter-in-law ,Mr. and Mrs. zoology at the University of Mas- 1~~~~~3~.~20~'~O~~~~~~ W. David Webb and family of sachuset!s. Wyncote, drove to Rochester Thursday for ,the week end. ,They Dr, and Mrs.E. LeRoy l'4ercer attended the wedding Saturday of Ogden avenue announce the ar~ Mrs.pavid Webb's sister Dr. MIl-+~~~~ of their twelfth grandchlld, Swartl!!IIore, PC!, dre.I I!itoore, and Dr. Mortimer William LeROy Mercer, who was Walter Rust. . born on M~rch 9. His- parents & Sat.. MarCh 15. Barby Richards, dQ~ter of Pr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Me..., •• I , ...t ••, fro. allv••,.... -H...! and Mrs. James A. Rlcbards of of Roland Park, 'Baitimore,Md. Wrnner of Con... Film Fedfofal "wlrdlll' •• ,Dartriiouth avenue, Was 8!1eit oi Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Colhonor at a sW-prue birthday pat;Y . -. . , ' - - . . recelv~ Monday niglit at the Junior High lins ot Summit, N.S.,' Adtled ' birth of GI~1 . 'Scout TroOp mootlDg at tile Ing congratulaUonsim ·C....., TIl. tbeIr fourthchDd tmd Presbyterian Chureh. Hos!esstor , eoN.. SIoOw In T••h.lc'~ the "craSiOn 'waS' "Sue Bauer of Frld~ Features-)':4s 'arid Slturd'ay F. .tUriI"s-6,I,IO GIld THI WestmInSter avenue. Mrs: John T. S'hatagin of CortMiCIAL lieU avenue 'haS returned' home 1 ';,'" from a two week visit with her OF SW4!lTHMORE 2 F.oIo..1 Op.... tor No. " "son-In-law and daughter Mr. and presHfa •• r l a l ' 3-"STRANGIR AT MY lJOoa" . "CAINE MUTINY wlffl NaeDloaakl c...., Personals , ~ce BEAUTY SALON ARE YOU GROO .. ID FOR WIAIING 0' TNI GIIIN? 9 South Chester Road Act/v. Call KlngswOoci 3-0476 As.oelatla. M•• be,. of .... Sw.rt••or••••1.... 9: c: MID,WINTER TUNE UP TRUCK INSPECTION DELCO BATTERiES GULf GAS and OIL ROBERT J. AT%, Mgr. RUSSELL'SS.ERVICE . . Opposite Borough Parking Lot ' Klngswood 3·0440 - Dartmouth and LofayeHe SWARTHMORE HIGH SCHqOL BAND .QllEGE' .THEATRE . ..r. Friday, 'March 22. - "".!'sllM WORLD" • PLAYERS ""IB ~W. .' LAST FEW WEEKS ~ILDUN'S l..!oio~~~:;,.:Y An Outdooo- S~n.l·. DIth.... Complete Clearance' by Hermlln Wouk Su.... Mo.... Tues. & viec!. Of An Stock I!verytillag R""ceil JOSEoPH"octed.d.ebF'URIA Asslsied by. Donald H. Pugh WINNERI-,-l ACADi!MY AWARD NOMINATIONSI . . \ eo".11 aato~st Adrea Tonight and Sa.G..ia, March 15,16 ANTlaUlS and GOURMET SHOP Providence 'R~lid . WaOingforcl, Penne. ~ill·c" 17~18. 19. 20 Tenn.... Will1arM-IIst Sc:r... MlidM D:;A.;S:OOLi':" "',;fr.'....1 .'HAPPYNON~DESCRIPT" Of _The:UHleTheal.e Club ,f Sw••hMreOO... Y~I, aod fl . presents ; ,an A_r,c'ail ~omedr , oiMfi...... THE NEW YORK IDEA . by , / I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~iiiii . LANGDON MIT.cHELL Directed by Berbar~ P&I!,nOn Lange March 15, 16 8:, 5 ~.P.M. Admi~iGn$I.OO • ~ Cl!Ithler Memorial CoUege and School , Students SOc • Rose Valley 'Middletown ROlld .Inc. R. D. 16. Media, P.. ,Opposite High Melli./!)\!i . ' Custom, L.andscape Wort Telep.an.: CHtlshr 2.7216 Ask for Ben Paliner or Henry Arnold Ylsit eur Roadside Marliet OR w. Road ~ Wlldl... SEASONAL SPECIAL . 5..IIts., s.....rd Wild Bird FoOd and Bird Feeder $1.69 , TREE WORK .Trlmmllig-:- Tr~~spla~HlIg Ifaie ArrangemenfsNow for Spring Spray Program . STRATil ~ ·HAWN INN H"rvtirci "\Vj,nUItS AlrCo"tIiIW_Il ,......OY • ,rf·.... nta!" hll j .DiN", Roo_ iIINI 1.o66, ,Co -ttwl41Jle Sleef1hr, R__ Pm-P.,.M", BIIIiDese Men's L_eh 12" liSOP.M. l!lftltllor - ' C~';P1~BR"';/~~ '. ,', .. B.~' j eUr--_J, .\ .. ,.\ JOIIl'f . '. . SPK/AL INrRODU~rO.Y fUGHr lESSON ONLY lin ........IIHI...,,"",.:::ofh. S ....r S .., . _ T"",,"•• " ... WRONG 'MAli" 1hwy~~"~.~.~a~';.~~9:Jt~".~~':*- March 18, 1957, by Fly for 30 minula. with a government rated Inslruclo.r. In no ti",o '1001'1) be IIyIng ~ TrI·P...r yourself, ...slly. conRdenll,. PItone for .ppailltnNnt or,drop'by'''' airport"'"'" lima. .. .' ' "i'. A ...... HIYCIlOOCl is refiring from Swarthmore. Beginning . ~. :'''''!i: ~ .ta.~ Swarthmore , S"yto"r~ . I . I Del.war. COUitty, -' , Aitport . -, . ...... 261 CIIHI IIrk I.atl ·Ma. Narii HAVE ,'. . 'CHester S-Ol~ IOUGHT ...... . '. ANY , Telephone K'n9s~ood· 3-2036 II....,., P'a. one ....... _,1HI1'~fOIIlD \ . By Appointment • • :;:' " .' \ - '-', ,- he wilJbe succeeded .Dr. Edwin S. Carlin INC. I • ';:w . "OM OILAHOMA" WIll R..... judgm~nts. . SPECIAL SUNDAY ... "A'TlNEE .. ' : 1 Leli.ure'y Dianer • .• • , .& Hobb,Shop' FOR CHILDREN eartoOls 2:15 P.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~..~a~o..~~a~.d~t:~"~.~'r~G~.~'~'f~·~m l"-ColoJ' SII'" ,-'!I!tch Ea.}oy i use 0 1 _ by all K.... FeaIus:-7:~ a.d ,:40 P.M.' Cartaln Time 8:20 P.M. M • 't'ls: Not Proceeds ,- New Instnnnent and Uniform Fund Ticke~ AVollilable thru Bend Members . " 'COURT MARTIAL" o ; ·d,. 8:15 P,M. HIGHSCHOOL AUDITORIUM 1 are Audiences Spellbound Co' mposer PiCe au st'on 'S Nineteenth Annual Concert I i at~J~~~~;;=~ Closed U. N" BooksheH To Contl"nue Art Serias , >' ... .Jliliejb P:' ·(Jaelim Sc~1JWi RoMn frOm York, aullbor of a. recent popular, book , Accordlnl to Dogcateller Blair "Summer on an AR:tic Island," Davis' latesl monthly report, prewho spoke at the college ThursTo heighten citizen interest In sented to Borough Council Monday day.on her experiences In the current world events, a new Unit- evening, local canines' struggle for northern lsi\Ulds ~d showed ed.Nations bookshelf bas been ad- survival met little more than 50 deFuria Direds Current slides. ded to the· Swarthmore Public per cent success during the past . Players Club Library, . Bettina E. Hunter, 11- four weeks. Success brarlan, has announced. Of 17 pooches apprehended in SWARTHMORE C:OLLEGE. , So that citizens of the communl- tbe borough by Mr. Davis, nine The cast of ''The CaineMutlny FOLK FESTIVAL ty maf have at their fingertips Were claimed by owners. The Court-MartIal," peppered 'w i t h , r!,ference books relevant mainlng ""tet sang a final fare- seasoned directors,' ins u res . FrIday. April 12 . to and about the United Nations, well. wholly absorbing tbeatre nightly *8:30 P.M. - Squ~re Dance - Fielcl House' a number of pamphlets as. well as throughout this week for Players /Saturclay•. April 13 books will be placed on display Club goers. From a unique touch Moming - Folk Tale Exchenge on this shelf. Included will be tI;e . which attracts the attention of the 1:30 - 5 P.M• ...:. Folk Singing . current Headline SerIes published audience upon entering the audi*8:30 P,M. - Square Dance - Field House by, the Foreign Policy Association, I .taO,ro~iU,emts· to the full spread of blue . RICKIE HOLDEN Ceiling of which former Swarthmore Col"' I J at curtain call, the court . Sunday. April 14 lege president John Nason Is dl_ . room drama from Herman Wouk's *2 P.M~·~ Concert - Clothier Memorial rector. Some of .the titles of this ·A.rt a Pioneer', Robbins, Pulitzer Prize-winning World War JOHN JACOB NILES series are "Decisions '57," "Popula~ Choreographer II Novel reveals the strengths and *Registrlltion Must Be In Advance tion Explosion," '''Ul)developed frailties of humanity, changed $1 per event or $2.50 for three events Land," "Mainsprings of World Says when guised in uniform. Deadline March 23 POlitics," "United States Foreign Paul Creston, composer. and Spilling lawyers on the stage, W;ite Folk Fe~tival Committee Policy 1945-55," and uMaI!Y pses musician, will continue the "Art behind the scenes, and in the Sworthmore College.Swcirthmore. Pa. of the Atom';' and Mass Media" series at Swarth- audience, the play steadily de. Or Call ~ln9swood 3,0200, Extension 386 In addition, the news bulletins 'more College, Sunday, March 17, velops in suspense during its two of the American Association for in Clothier Memorial at 8: 15, p.m. acts. Behind the scenes are dlthe United Nations as well as M;. Creston has composed in every rectors Joseph W. de Furia, and their discussion bulletins will be medium except opera, including Donald H. Pugh, Chester aton display. w~rks for radio, motion pictures torneys. ExacUng admirable per. For . the man y community and television" ,formances from an' able cast, de. , , groups that_are studying the work His First Symphony captured' Furia and Pugh manage 'real $ge _ of the t,rnlted Nations, 10hese the New York Music Critics' excitement without assistance of This The Time YttarWhen pamphlets and hooks are designC!l Circle Award as the best Amerl- usual scene and costume changes to provide vital seiurcematerial can "'orchestral work of the 1943 ~nd the female form. T" ~I,for baseball, fishing, golf, etc. about current events and probt b . AmId· e war's great conflict, lems written in 'a non-technical season; his Second Symphony was T"late for skating, sleclcling? performed by the Boston Sympho- the conflicts of LI. Commander time ,et for· Easter, ,. style. ~ <3rchestra under the direction Queeg (masterfully gemonstrated Charles Munch when the group' by Harry Gailertr, Jr.,) as comBut, there ar. some few birthdciys & special ev,n.s PERSONALS 1 reCellLtly toured th,e U.S.S.R. . manding officer of the U. S.· • -Mrs. J. 'Harry . Beckmann 0 f On',' live precedhig Slinda.ys I Min. e Sweeper Caine, the conflicts Withal! this in mind you must have: some money, .! Stratb Haven avenue was hostess James Michener librettist .Oscar of Lt. Barney Greenwald (por. ki~kirig aro~nd some p1ace - corrie in and .let' ' at '/I surprise . stork shower given Hammersteln II', novelist' Budd trayed by. Philip PrIce, as only 'one . us helpyo~ it · TuesdaY of last week for Mrs. Shulberg. director and producer witb his drama heritage could) In . Harold' Clurm.an, and choregraph- his role of defense attorney, stan!!. Peter B. Murray of Park avenue. er and dancer .Jerome 'Robbins out.. In contrast,. Lt. Commander Jane MiicAlplne,' daughter of have discussed the eIIect ot'mass a:.ohn Challee (forcefully enacted · Mr. and Mrs. J. C. MacAlpine, ;ir;, Imedia' upon the artist's work. Mr. "oy Wllll'am A. Clarke. ' Jr). seems ,NortiJ PrInceton avenue, .has been Michener terrned mass 'medla the to conIIne his conllj.ct to the strong 'named Velsheathon secretary for ''marljua.na of the mind." Mr. one be. presented tb the'case ot the ; the 1957 Velshea to be held at , d t 6 Par. Avenue. Swarthmore. ~a.' J, · Iowa State Co.liege in May. Velshea Hammersteln seemed to equate e ense. - I • Also to be commended are John is the amiua! spring open house popularity. and artistic success in Klngswood 3-4191 Friday 9 to 8:30 the theater. Mr. Clurman deplored Riley Love for his .portrayal as at Iowa State College and' 1a also regimented, supine theater. mutinying Lt. Stephen .. Maryk, the "Th. SportS"o" Will Soon Ie ~II Th Le"el" the largest studeilt~managed lestiaudience that taIls . +~ make indevalin 'the nation. . .Charles . F. Seymour as ef novel-. Ed __., pendent writing Lt. Thomas Ke er, Mr. Robbins., choreographer for ward F. Muller, Jr., as morale "On ·the.. Town,". '~~gh ButtOIl officer Lt. (j.g.) Willis Seward Shoes,'! "Call Me ,Madam," "The KErlth, and· piitiJ OWeiii~ who 'as KiDg and I," and'most· recently signalmant'llrd class Junius "The Bells are RInging," which Urban, provides the one light he also directed,' shared the lec- tou"h' among the witnesses. ture platform with Walter Terry;. Charles P. Larkin, ·Jr., as Ca~t. dance critic of the Herald Tribune. Randolph Southard, Ned Pyle and With the comment' "We have done Harry Clark as the psychiatrists this Intellectual brother act sever- in-the case, Dr. Lundeen and Dr. al Iimt!s," Mr. Terry employed Bird, turn in good performances the interview technique and skilL I of varied c~aracters. Veteran fully questioned Mr. Robbins. Mr. WilUam J. SImmo,,!, as Capt. Robbins said that "art Is always Blakeley;. convinclngly preside&· the pioneer, ahead of. itself, by 20, over court silently sustained on tbe 50; 100 years and for this reason bench by _Jo~eph Young, Donald Ilrt is a qu';"tion of .education." Lehrkinder, Robert 'M. ~rogan, 'The Rites of Spring' was booed and Roy McCune. off\the stage When it was· IIrst Alan Slack as astenograp~er, produced. Now it.is accepted as a and Richard Wooten are effectiv~ virtual, classic." in small roles . The ballet audience 1a a ~mall, -------Here's the airplane you can fty ••. the Piper out of landings, exclusive Piper simplified educated group and not yet much WIL STUDY, GROUP. Tri-Pacer. the plane that combines 'the controls that make ftying as simple as drivconcerned with mass media.·TV TO MEET MARCH 21 most features to simplify flying .•• rugged ing . , • and famed built-in Piper safety has Introduced Its audience" to a . tricycle landIDg gear that takes the skill features •. iInuted diet ,of dance but . does not Meml!e~ 'oi t,he Swarthmore .L I ~'th.,r· to differentiate between Branch of, the Weimen's Interna'l, I Nancy' 'Crompton, a specialty tlon~l LeagUe 'tor Peace and Free, SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT , dancer, imd MargOt Fonteyn, a dom will conUnue their study of 'SEE,FQIt"YOURSELF . '. . . ballerins. "TV has lowered the the United Nations Pollee -Force, FOIl MJSIM.$SMER . , Come out and, see for yourself , , ill' Ie how u..lu""" ",~, taste of the dance: ..They know March 21; at 1': 30 p.m.' at the how simple, hDw easy, alld' how' the audience Issatistled with any- home of Mrs. Bradford !i'raley, 310 If f'04!. willi :.a;:, .~s/n.1I anef, , : : much lUll, Oying tbe Tri.Pacer thing." And yet Mr. RobbIDs noted South Chester road: COlI I 10k. ad_rage, same lime, learn to ." I" pI'OfJ)am. JUII r.nl ~an be. Try'tbe Tn-Pacer for thilt teleVision was edueatIDg its This is' tbe secon!,! and last In Piper "leGrn 01 you T~;~_pacer. for .,our oul~, business or pleasure IripS; Four audience by a few"good I?rogramS the sertes on pus subject, whlch an. of our 'O,.s~ 1M accOmpanied • ., ; people ride in the quiet, hixuriand exposilig it In as' yet a very is prOving valuable to attenders n atover 130 mph cruisoUs.eabin limited way to· the art of the in shaping constructive thought of-row rriP:;.,J:':,.iOi_lnsriucrar who:" 1eOa!ct t m ing speed. Awonder;fu1 asset Jor .yem ... vol SoY.' you lime about .tbe· role.of'the U. N. you 10 fly whll.'you:: Irainln, possi.'., , your buSiness ~ •• proYidii'ig fast. IlIOn • ." ,Iv.s yotI oIf hoW u.eful .,our own ~omical' t!JIvel that lets-yOu' L." yoU ... for you.: Phon. wrlre 0!i drop • ., gel mOre dOtle; make more calls, cOIIIpony plan. can • Y~ Trav.1" Drochur... · 'in much less Dr. R; C. Ammerman announces he . rtime. for sJMlCiol "Learn os. ou I, \ 11111'•• of unt"enlty place will have as their week end guests Mr. and Mrs. Tower Dell KnI'ht of Poughkeepsle, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shane swarthmore College had" as their .~ \ ~ ': ~ .. . -, '.; . .\ . , u. .., "''''"'''' ""-. To-'·ht,·March Ill, Ji.m., ... '''e' ......_.. w111 • . THE· n~ID"Y --s;wlTiU[c;lltB. PA. 9'30 and 11 o'clock services Sun- the Pairs' 'o'Sp.- are sponsor- p~ce a iymbolic Natal Rose on EVEBY The title of his sermon tog a "Talent Night" program the altar of the sanctuary. II natal PmR E. TOLD. HAlUOBIE TOLD. PllBLISBK1lA be "God's Breath and Man s starring talent within the church. wUl be placed, on the altar Phoue SWar&/Jmole s-ellOt Dust". Philip Hall will act a8 Master of Sunday in honor of' Richard PETER E. TOLD, EdItor The Sacrament of Holy Com- Ceremonies. , 'Hayner Cresson, bOm Friday, Barbara 'B: Kent, Managing EdItor munlon will be celebrated at 8:30 Church School classes willi be- March 8. 11157. He is the son of Rll$alie D, Pelrsol Marjorie T. Told ' Anne L. Mabbott a,m. Sunday. The service will be gin at 9:45 Sunday Morning. At Mr. and Mrs. ~llUam J; Cresson, ming W~~~ Jr.. Eu-tered as Second claSs Matter, January 24. 1929. at the Post held in .llie j church sanctuaryt' at the 11 o'c.lock :M;0wlll th A t f M h 18 3 Omce at Swarthmore. Pa" under e c 0 arc , •. . meeH' h ~'. "0 Church . School classes Service,' Mr. Kulp use - crl~' The n-'" -.remooy for recep_ 9: 30 and 11 o'clock, Senior .g sermon subject "A Living Sa - tlon of adult members will be on DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON - - - - Bible class meets at 10:45. 6ce" the secOnd in a series on the Sunday, April 7. Preceeding}hls SWARTHMORE, PENNA.• MARCH IS. 19S7· Men's and women's Bible clas- theme. "The ApPStle's Appeals for reception those wishing to UDite L.:'--...::..:.:..::===---:...------:---:-==:-:-==:---·'Ises are held at 9:30. . Lent.',' in the membership of the church CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES TRINITY NOTES • ' The Communicants Class w.ll There are three nurseries for will meet with the pastor In Fel' ti f not meet this Sund,!'y afternoon. infants and children up to four lowshlp Instruction Classes at 9: 45 The fact that the man of God's There will be a celebra ?~o! Mr. Bishop Is preaching at the years of age under the supervision on SundayS. March 24. 31 and creating is not at the mercy of ~e Holy Communion at 8 a c Lenten Vespers Service of the of Mrs. Willlam Harbison April 1. A Coffee Hour will also accidents. chanc~. or discord of Sunday morning. and a h I Broad Street Methodist Church In Mrs. William Plummer. There Is be held at the parso"age for meetany kind will be emphasized at celebratit)n and Churchill bSc 00 Drexel Hill this Sunday after- also a Kindergarten Church pro- Ing the officlals the church Christian 'ScIence services Sunday 0: 30. At 11: 15 there w e ; ~r; noon. gram and a Jl!nlor Church Pro- Thursday; April 4. by the Lesson-Sermon on "Sub- Ice of Morning Prayer an 0 Participants in Choral Reading gram, Children ot grades one to stance," Baptism. of the Junior High Fellowship six may sit with their parents 'Methodist Men will have a Scriptural readings will include The Canterbury Club 'will meet at 4: 30 In the Woman's As- during the IIorst portion of the meettng featuring "Ladles the' account of Paul's bealing of at 5: 30 Sunday eventng: Junior room to rehearse with service. They will then be excused on Monday, 6: 30 p.m., in Eutychus who "fell down from the Conllrlnation. Class at. ~ p.m,; Mrs. C\larles Gilbert. Continuing during the singing of the seco~d. Fellowship Hall. 'The Aldan Glee third loft. and was taken up dead" People s Fellowship at 1: 15. study of other denominations, the bymn to attend the Will provide the program. (Acts 20:1-12). the Adult Confirmation Class entire fellowship will leave the Kindergarten and Junior Church The Commjsison on MemberA cordial invitation Is extended at 8 o·clock. churcb at 5: 15 to go to the Epls- service,. ship ,and Evange~ will meet a~ to all to attend tbe services at Ushers for Sunday at the 9:30 copal Church where Mr. Bell will . The Fourth meeting of the 8 p.m. Tuesdl1Y e)7en,ing. . First Churcb of Christ Sclentlst. a.m. service will be J. P. EspeRat 5: 30. Following the talk. Pastor's Confirmation Classl for 'PIe Ladles'. Bible Class, will 206 Park avenue. at 11 o·clock. schad. I. more Presbyterian Church. the music of a profestsonal orchI _ MemQers of. the nomlnattng estra ""III follow in the high school committee, Mrs. Roy McCorkel. :eilliil "memberS will he visltMrs. Maurice L. 'Webster Jr.• and Swarthmore bomes. this week Mrs. Howard Jackson. will pre- with, tickets. and proceeds bave sent a slate of delegates and alter- been allocated to the purchase of nates for election at the meettog. additional Instruments and the Plans for a workshlp to be beld new 'unIform fund. In the fall will' be diseussed, and Deborah, Reeder, daughter of various committee reports presented. Mrs. Ernest Miller will Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Reeder of ahow a movie entitled ''Leading Harvard avenue, was a member Lady." which describes various as- of a quintet from th.e Philadelphia pects .of Girl Scouting. Mrs. Rob- Musical Ai:aqcmy whlcb played a ert Bernhardt, neighborhOOd chalr_ composition by a memqer of the . .. man. in pointing 'out. that the faculty. Dr. Julius' Hljman,in a meeting date has .been chanaed concert of mOdern' compositions from Monday to Tuesday evening. Sl,lCday afternoon at Riverside has urged' a hlgb attendance. K. MUseum. N. Y. O1Ie of several Avenue coffee hour. preceeding the busin- groups whicll participated. V':e ess meeting will be held at 7: 30 Instruments In the quintet includ_ ed a clarinet. two violins. viola. and cello. the latter. played \>'1 I;leborah Reeder. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Gaskill of University place have returned from Columbus, 0:, where they visited tbeir son-In-law' and daughter!)r. and.Mrs. N. B. Liv>ingston and their sons John and Peter. I -. I. ,INVEST 8AKER. SJ'R.EEJ' "1EN'I1lAIICI A BAKER STREET SWARTHMORE' WOMAN'S CLUB • Men·s. Wdmen·s and Childre_n·s Clothing , -" . '. • . : i . Evening G~w.ns. Tuxedos' . Household Goods. Sporting ,Equipment Rubbers; Boots. Galoshes. etc •. ", i. o • ••• A '. - . ."'·M" '. , , . - .. • t. • :. '~'_.' FllnDCR~T BLAUm (Summer Wei,•• ) SHEETS and BATH TOWELs Also Table Clothes •••• C. olld ---- ..: a ." .A_ • ".c 11 • : " . f . , II • " I II ' • •PlIIII , ~ Te.. Towels ., .•••••. MI'''. RDIUl DIIe.t . . . .ANCI calr :a'1IOM 11JeHARLOW 19 so: CHism RD.• II 4:0977 ., c, '.~ to t { . ni., hlaware .County NatiOnal· Bank BRING THiNGs TUESDAY, APRn. 2 ..:. 9:3tPto3:45 " BUY TIINGS WEDNESDAY, . ,., . . APRIl 3.- 9:GO ie .•:30 BUY THtNG$1IftJRSDAY,APRIl4 _ 9:00 til' 12N.~. (CMIKJ RE1VIuG fRIDAY, APRIl 5 -10:00 .. 2:GO - :) 0...,. . PLEASURE z to 3 P.M. and 6 to 8:30 P.M. . Dr... I.. · ,Monda, dNa'" Thursday, 9 A.M. to 3 P.M.. and Friday' A.M. .to 8.30 .PoM. • " . HOU ••• G ..... allIanIc. . . 'MooKla)' "waugh .. Thunday, 9 ~ to 3P.M.,CIf!d Friday. 9 A.M.. • , , IN ' ENTRAN(£ BAlTIMORE AVENUE EN'IRANCE C, DRIVE~N WINDOW D CUSToMER PARKI~ AREA . "ark AVellue , Gille~e WI"If .Meet Tuesday \ oi . day at 3:30 4:15 for the J .....or Choir. and 7:30 for the ,Chancel Choir. . The Lenten, Family Night dinner will be held Thursday at 6: 30 for all those in the . whose laat nam,. ~ wlth lettera. A tbro1lgb. L; , . ' . So..I... SocIa' _ chBlrman, at the home of Mrs. Richard . . K. Noye. 520 Rutgers nue: Circle 3. Mrs. W. R. Lecron. chlllrman. at "the home of' Mrs. R'obert Arnold, WaUlngford Hills: Circle 4, Mrs. Donald A. Crosset, ~b~irman. at the home of Mrs. George M. Karns. 25 Wellesley road; Circle S. Mrs. James P. Daugberty, chairman. at the home of Mrs. Ford, Robinson. 135 Gu.ernsey road;, Circle 10. Mrs. ' Franklin B Gillespie chairman at' the Gibbons Hom~. c"mer Swarthmore avenUe and pike. C.Ircle 12. Mrs. Donald L. Leonarei, cbalrman. will meet at, 8 p.m.. at the home. of Mrs. Alv'!h . Stuart, 327 Vassa); ,avenue~ Circle lli Port. Mrs. Frederick ... or. chairman. will meet at 8:30 k at t h e h orne 0 f Mrs. John J . J ac_ son, 558 Shoffield drive. Springfield.' " . ,Choir ~earsa1l! are held Thurs- 104 Park ".01. • ., MEdia 6-0144. He said that anyone wishing to . voI un t eer hi s serv.ces may d 0 SO by caliing IiI m at his omce at 1 South Olive St., Media. Married and the father of two children. Donaldson resides on Br.<><;>kside road. He .is a veteran of World War II, Selecti~n NOW • 9iM·M~.}·fo~jro),e ask~ to call MEdia 6-0200 or dedicated to the nine members of An Opportunity . t~ make . ,. . t-......... ~ , . whO have ..D8cI Fe1~ I ···COTTON.Week " 7~5assP.M._YOung 19th Annual Program Promises Wide Variety Swarthmore commuters on the way to the station these past few weeks possibly semed an unprecedented air of activity in the vlcinity of the high school music building, With the Nineteenth Annual Band Concert just a week... away, the student musicians, 80 ' strong. were reporting dally at 7: 45 a,m. to put the 6nal touches on a program 'w!lith the players themselves feel wl11 be the best in the Band's hlstqry. Scheduled for Friday. March 2;1, at 8: 15 p.m. in the High School Auditorium. the program .includes variety of offerings sure .to pleAse young and old, alike. The overt~, ~on Suppe's fam- . ous "PQet and Peasant" will be guest cooducted by Albert P. Leopold. well known music f!ducator. Donaldson. a graduate of the other offerings include Ketelbey's U' .... ' Law "Persian Market" and selections J mverSl. 0f P ennsyI vama Sc:b0 01, ,. ' es U the. current hit musical "My pr en 'I enlisting from Lady." a Salute' to ·SPRING 1I John B. H, Donaldson. Wallingford. will be chairman for Delaware County of the 1957 Multiple Sclerosis Hope 'Chest Campaign. This annowicement was made by Neville Gee. also of Waltlngacting chairman of the Delaware County Committee of the El.stern ~ennsYlv~a Chapter ~f the Nabonal Multiple Scleros.s Society. and by. John R. Wanamaker, general chairman of the campaign. The campaign. which 'Will open Marcb 18, will continue unijl the end of March In a six-county effo~t to raise the bnik of the $150.000 anllual operating budget of the Eastern Pa. Chapter. Donaldson s tat e d "Multiph! selal-osls cripples more people between 20 and 40 years of age than any other known disease. As yet. there is no known cause or but reseatch' is being conducted constantly." . Adult GI" Seou.... LOST a"". ~eetlng ~F. F. Zimlllermri" / * ~t treated without pationts having to go to qelghborlng ,facilities ~d havi!lg time lost in treatment. PabUe BearIna" Sri Council announced It ''!ould hold a public hearing at i,ts April 8 in regard to granUng a zonmg variance ~r rezoning the property In quesbon as business for medical offices only. Upon receipt of a letter from the School Board requesting College avenue be l"idened by 8 feet in front of school property. "!Id a sinillar request. from Trinity Episcopal Church in regard'to the remaining distance of the, street, bordering College property. between' school and Chester road, Council r~lnded Its February declslon of a four-foot widening, It reviewed a rig I n a I agreements made with School and, College In 1941 when those .institutions dedlcaled groun~ to the borougb for an eight-foot widening of the street, and it t;Iecided to wiCien by 10 ~feet, however dropping Its formerthe plan to Install a sideWalk along portion. F3ur~ Collewe .. of the .Church. teen representatives led by the Rev. H. Lawrence ~a~n;d~PI~e~rc~e~G~·1 c"alrmen and team organIZation. captains to MacNair at the fom. . bis campaign The program, under Ithe direc11~~;;:;~r~ec;to~r~. Those wishing to volunteer are tion of Robert M. Holm. will be .5 South' Chester Road a O~~reach. tory facUlties would not only be advantageous' to our patients but to all ¥rough residents. The centrallzlng of many patients raeorda would result in better medlcine for the community in that durjng the absence of one doCtor. patients could be seen by one of the other physlclans and bave their records available so that CODtinulty of treatment would not be lost!,' ~ :r :t Band Co MS' Campatgn " For Concert', 'March 22' Del.. S~ . , c· gencj that mJaht occur withlD -:; M.tdi,cal Center borough.. The X-ra~ and labors- tusions and sprains could be .. c·_ , ,, , • ~" '-.1), , , '- ' ..,. . . -- . " ~ - -' . "I.: , - ... - .~. . ." - '; , .' Former Jay on Thursday, March '~1, at 8 At the ""Iuest 01 ilie Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Van Alen of Cook, Jr., hlili been promoted from el rtm t f th more PlalUliDg Commission, Bor- Park avenue. have aa their guests assistant to associate professor of the trav. depa en 0 e ough Council Monday evening their grandchildren Jay and Ron- accounting at Wasbnlgton and Lee Swarthmore. Woman's Club will authorized the Commission'. em- nie Sprout of Hightstown, N. J., University. . meet in the club lounge. Mra. ployment of an engineer to keep sons of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Mr. Cook Is the son of Mr. and George A. Hunter, chairman, will In constllilt touch with th'e SbJ,telsprout. They wlll visit here until Mrs. Jay D. Cook of penningtthmon, introdu.ce Mrs. Robert M. Grogan, Highway Department and weigh T d N J formerly of Swar ore, ues a y . , '. ., the impact of proposed expressRosemary Hibbard. daughter of and· Mrs. Cook Is the daughter 0 f who wlll give the program, "Tourway routes on Swarthmore 'realty, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hibbard of Elwood . H. Garrett of South Mexico." lratllc and olober interests. $2000 South Chester road,. will arrive Princeton avenue. The music department will hold was set as lop figure to be paid bing A d' I tin FrId Mar h regu ar mee g ~y, c home today from Cus for this professional service. M f cah e- , Mr. and Mrs. William S. Hobbs .. . ass.. or er of Park avenue had as their guest 22 at 10 a.m. Mrs. W. R. Leeron, my. Ashburnham, spring vacation. during the past week end Mr. chaimlan, will .lntroduce Mrs. J. Will Attelld Conference W. Prescot! of BenjamHobb's brother ¥r.' J. Clarence Kenneth Doherty who will preMrs. T. Several members of the Methodist church will' attend the An- in West avenue entertained at a Hobbs of Coral Gables, Fla., prior view the all-Beethoven' program nual Conference of' Methodist luncheon and bridge on Tuesday. to his attending the four-day Mrs. Sheri J. Winler of Beckley, Nuclear Congress at Convention to be presented by the.. PhlladelMen at Buck Hill Falls this week W. Va .• and daughler Mary Byrne HaIl in Philadelphia. The second phla Orchestra 'the iollowlng end. They are: Winler of the Country Day School Nuclear Engineering and Science week. Twenty-one members of the . William C. Collenberg, Z i n 0 Connors, Wesley France, Charles of Ihe Sacred Heart of Overbr~k, Conference, the Congress is also club will attend this recital March Grier, Lemuel Holt, Harlan Jes- formerly of Swarlhmore, spent the Ihe fifth Atomic Energy in Indus- 29, and go back stage with Hilda a member of the orchestra sup, Walter Lovekin. Theodore week Emd at the -Siralh Haven try Conference and the third In,. Inn. Mrs. Winler came for the ternational Atomic Exposition. staff. Purnell. Percy Richardson, and opening last Thursday of the FelMr. Joseph Shane. vice-preslRoss Watson. 8E.REAVED lowship of the Pennsylvania Ac"ad- dent of Swarthmore College, and of Ihe Fine Arts Annual Ex- Mrs. Shane enlertanil'd at an in. ). Cia' k J f Auto Driving Instruction " ' Strath 'hihitinn of Painting and Sculplure formal reception for Mr. •Ter'OIDIel Mrs. Haven WlIlamavenue, A. rwas e. called r., a at Ihe Academy in which her son Robbins. dancer and choreographto Boston Saturday because of the We Call for You and daughler-in-Iaw Mr. and Mrs. er. and ·Mr. Walter Terry. dance illness of her father Rear Admiral $6.50 PER HOUR Winter. Jr., are represented. Mrs. critic of the Herald Tribune, and Richard E. Byrd, whose death qc_ Edward F. Ma. CH••ter 2-4346 Winter also attended the d~lca- towr:. abd college friends, follow- curred Monday evening. The tion of the new Senior Addition ing the program at Clothier Me- funeral was held yesterday in at the Counlry Day School of the morial Sunday evening. Mr. Lurie. Arlinglon Cemetery, Arlington, Sacred Heart,.on Sunday. an associate of Mr. Robbins. was Jewelry Repllirod Phone: KI 3-4216 V Mr. and Mrs. Belden S. a guest at the reeeptlon. _;,;;a;,;;'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;;;;;n EMIL SPIES with their daughter Judy of Park Mr. Grover C. Greene of South I' Watc",a••r avenue will move from their Chester road will return home this of F. C. Bod•• SOBI ALBAN PARKER fine Wotch and . \ 128 Yare AYe. dence at 231 Park avenue tomor- week end to recuperate after New and 'BebuUt Planoe Clod Repairs Swarthmore, Pa. row to Iheir new home at 549 undergoing surgery at Taylor • and Bepalrlnli Sin"" 19\18 Rutgers avenue. HOspital. MaJ. Harry 34th AAA GrqU'll, Swarthmore, has been instrumental In forll1in8 the U. S. Army • lnformatl9n AssoclatJon, PhIladelphia's newest public relations orgiuUzation. Created to "Bwap Ideas," the organization was formed at a meeting held March'7 at .the V~ey Forge_Gen~ erill HOspital I CLASSIFJED AD'S RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCI.AL PERSO~AL Alterations J35 Dartmolth Avenue J. F. BLACKMAN I . KI3-6616 171f2 s. Chesler Rd. KI4-1700 SWARTHMORE, PA. PYLE Duplicating .Service , . I WANTED .. __ _ PERSONAL Belvedere con-I WANTED-Mf!II' for general facvalescent Home, 2507 Cheslnut tory work. Must be residents slreel. Chesler. Edge' of Swarth- l Delaware or..,.!fontgomery C0I!Dmore. Aged, senile. chronic.' con- ties. Do not apply If applicallon valescent men and ·women. Ex- already on fIle. Apply Pbiladelcellent foods. spacious ground. phia Chewing Gum Corporation, Blue Cross honored. Sadie P. Eagle an" Lawrence Roads, Havproprietor. CHester 2- ertoWn. No eaIls. 5373. PERSONAIL-Two . grandmothers with time on their hands wiIl mend, hem, darn for frantic homemakers. Klngswood 3-5177. PERSoNAL - Radio and-television service. Complete stock of tubes carried. Robert Brooks. Call Klngs\Vood 4-0800. '.. PERSONAL 'Piano Tuning Specialist. member A.S.P.T. and FOR SALE _ G.E. refrigerator. 8 cubic feet. Excellent operating N.A.P.T. Will do minor repairing. Leaman, KIngswood 3-5755.· and physical condition. Box E, PERSONAL - UPHOLSTERING The Swarthmorean. Chairs Completely re- FOR SALE ___ Frigidaire about with new fabric $55--S0fas 10 years old. $25. Cal! KIngs~ - Over 30 years experience. wood 4 .. 0678. years of Swarthmore refer~f~~~:~ enoos. All· work is done· in our OWD shop und~r perso~al supersprings. --liiirs. vision of Mr. ·Seremba. Estimates Violorian side r..:. singly are free. ·Thom Seremba. Phone or in pairs. KIngswood 4-1907. Sharon Hili 0734. FOR SALE - ·BICYCLES. Boys' ---~~~"-'7:"-:::-"""""" 26" lightweight, boys' 24". boys' PERSONAl:. ....;. Bicycles Repaired. 20". girls' 26", rebuilt and guarParts. accessories. Milt Glass - anteed. Bikes traded. New EngBl\jYcle. HobDY. Toy Shop, 205 lish bikes at wholesale prices. All MAdison 6-0713.' Op);>o-I East Baltimore Ave.·me, CIltton Theater . 140t" Ridley Avellu, CHester' 2-475' 2·5689 ;========~==== ,. Jack Prichard PAINTING and CARPENTRY Kll1gs~ood 3·8761. . AS'HALT TiLl Allbee & Ruhbish Removed LaWll8 Mowed. Cenenl - ItUllIItTlL, PLASTIC TILl! • ,VINYL TILl FOItMICA Baulimr . U8 Bardin&' Ave~ 1Irorton, Pa. ~ . vl!NmAli iLiNDS 10.4-1434 612'S. C"s"".'" CH 2·5051 S,.,.. riIo.or., '0. lIepalrl., a." • .".IIdl., 6 Y..... of swa.....,....afwHc. .' II r.pr.sent" larQ' ROOFING_ Gutters Warm-Air Heatillg Air COndHlonlng Sheet Metal Work •• ea....J1I fl...,I., ' ...... II.... No tr•••l. S.l." txpe>tl*nce and ability d.slt~. • ...abo If.heeI resIdent. 25--40 years old. mar· 'led, capable of auumlnl) rMponsibll.. ftI.s. I. requedln9 In...,...I.. pl. . . Indud. brIef. ~.rsonol' history, all I conRd.nral. OUt salumen haw b... lafanned of H.k ad. ... A. L George Myers· &Co. ...." " _•. Box 48 KI4-1~14 ~;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:~. fi;~;;;~~;;;;i ;;a~kres~~~i~ME[:d~iai6~-3~56~7~.~Ir . " • Announcements .Programs ·Ad..rtl.,., IAHen 6 lroc..... qllc•. Somci oli ".H!.c..py . ...1Ien . , Water H....... 011 ..r . ... S••p ,..,. 'awd... It. . . 1/.3-1497 C;HEST~R '. ROSE COUNTRY STYLE 1 lb.' package Next. Week Wateh For · Genui.-e 5.all Spring . . 'LEG 'O;LAMB SPECIALS CO~OP , RED LABEL. Catso., . 2ge .1ge i.. . ( . CO..OPGR~EN_LAB.EL . Pears ~Ig~caa 2 for 7ge· 'Peac111!s-.lg. ean 2 for '7ge ,Buy R~al/Nueoa 2 Ibs. S9c .FriskieDog Meal Sibs. Sge r. '11'.". ~/kmatFe .. ! 4ULHMT . . . ., . CIIt. . . . . . . . . . Ing. ce n:t·. re;t~QiD..~, I work . .. Juice 7for$1.00 F~~:i'Peas 2 pkgs. lie ---- ,,"",'.~.:":.'a" ",~o~rk~'~:~'i ba~:m,?~5~~~~~~~~ I The Swarthmorean. Swarthmore and environs. WANTED - DaY>;;;sr: and Saturday. Part-time other wl!eI< days. c;iU. CHeslet' 4774; .. . . , . clud!!d;' '\......._cI!!l!!J.........: .:!pJ--.,.-- car o~=:~. , lIONDAY TIIIltJ SATUltDAY . NOON ICIngswood 4:1234· SUNDAD ... BOUDAn ~ J. An GREEN Lmas TO THE EDITOR "eld Wat.r..... mor. than a half-lon_make a mighty The optnl..... espiMoed below .... big dil!lft'. _"'"' What's mor., you know that .It·s purl wat.r.. • • • . sparkli"g-clear, palatable, Wholesome, labol'atory-' .tested more than 600 times . a day I , I 2557. 24-~iftcih:;", . rol)ND gauge Kll,gs·wo< '. . , . -' Br4olt· new wire bumer with . In 3- WII••. Yon CIi. . . . . . beavy lid a·t 233 Cornell . avenue. Klngswood DiLUZio and Sons - Woman. or to share home. Moylan. Near transportation. . e;Florlsi . '. ...... ~ ' EVISleN' . ATLANTIC hr ~pt S.mcel : ':".y. \" ... ~- ~i. Dick Franc'etti 939 Weel.,. IaacI. { . II 4-Utll· Ililgswnd 3-0450 " •• ~.dI.yPark· II 304742 2·or2.7c '" -5' CentqoY~Aonet.ch_ package' r~deen,.able when napkin!; are purchased. Ajax 2 for 19c' T'e Foaming, Cleanser 3_ "". .,lInlb~ ':'.~: Pk.#ee , cat.ned goods ~re the .• . '. . of gi'ocerystoclc .,: .. ~ A~o~tlQltive re~rch. provest~y provide: '~h~Qi'ldl valv, ~r dolldr of CQSt ••• Q;.;()p "b"~bror.ch; for the."" in v,alue qnd . ,- ..... tb_ of the Ind..lduaJ write.... AU . - .to Tile 8W8l'tllm_ must. ··be- ·1IIp .......... udalt7Jl!tll8 ma,.~~ be-~ . u_ U tbe _lei- b bOWD to tbe ' _tor.atLeUt!n wiIl·.be PDbilalled the dlicretioDOf th.· o~ Editor. Will Not Run To the Editor: In order to clarify my position, I am addressing this leiter to the Swarthmorean, In hope that. you will publish it. . Withln'a week or two after L was appOinted 10 ftII twelve mon~ of an. unexpired term on Boro Council, the Republican'_ Commiitee . Qf Swarthmore asked me to be a candidate for Boro Councilman in the forthComing primary. I considered the obligation and · reluctantly. Came to the conclusion that iii. view of otlier committments for the next iwo and' a half years, I would be unable to' do justice to the positied and the Bartol rnstitute mitdeu;eJess. When a catastrophe of thlIt pro.. ·portion occurs 8DYWb_ in the world peop\i! everywhere try to h!llp. . . · Con we as ChristIans, who 11ft toid "Love thy ~hor" be JustIlied In out oppoaltion to any rode which will help relieve 'this de. vp1;ation? The answer Is Bot . BlISS C.' DJIA.oCOH PwID..Y=Ik)ia .,: '·SJb,A1' 7 I;.·" .' ,.,.~,. '.' .:,~.;1. / ' enry W.CorneO H H Sch'001 of· D o litic8 Bas"etbaiIBanq'uetSet ~ FlllIINpLY OPEN HOUSE Florenc!! L u c sIs e reviewed "Dear Mad'm.;' 'Py SteUa W. Patterson for the Friendly Open House group Monday at the Presbyterlan Church. . • Tea was served by the Central Community Nursing Service of Delaware COlHlty. Mrs. W. Mark Bittle, chalnitan, wllS assisted by Mrs. Birney K. Morse, Mrs. Marvel' WilsOn, and Mrs. Paul Hertel. Th t tin ill b 14 h . e nex mee If w e arc 25, when Mrs. E. B. HolUs 'wUl show colored slides of her recent trip thJ'ough Mexico. For Attend FIne Aria which opeDed', a at 'lIhursday and .will <:Ontinue until April 7. Mr. Wmter has two pieces of sculpture, a head, self portrait, .a}ld head of a woman: Kathleen McKenna Winter, his Wife, has ra;;.n.....;..ol;..l...:po=r....tr;.;ai_t...;;..... of;;..;,a~gir_l.____-. as .£' 1\ • , T h e . Republican Women of Wednesday NI·ght Fatal Heart Attack Penn.ylvania, with Mrs. 'Irvin R. MacElwee, President. is conduct. . Iing its lirst session or the annual , The Swarthmore High School Great Grandson of "School of Politics" on Monday, Basketball team wili be feted at . I March 18, at 11 a.m. at Hannah the annual banquet sponsored by University Penn House. Dr. Roffe Wike will the Swarthmore Citizen's ComFounder speak on the "Functions of the mittee Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in the ".,h00I cafe terla. H onor. ed • Henry w. Cornell, great grand- Political Parties." Mrs..JohnJ. Troy. co-ordinator, guests will include the coaches and son of Ezra Cornell founder of will conduct the meeting and theit wive.., past captains of Ago Today Cornell University, died of a heart urgently requests all members to Swarthmore basketball' teams and attack In his apartment iri The attend. There will be no fee. the administrative sta1f of the Dartmouth House at 2 o'clock . ' school. Others in attendance will Tuesday .afternoon.. He had been' Club Memhltrs To Hear be the parents of all squad membedfast smce a simIlar attack on . ~ pers and other interested parties. Mr. RIchard G. Haig Is reeuperand thanks to you, Wedn" fit k. T UHe' Highlight of the evening· will atlng at his home on' Riverview es...ay 0 as wee a on ra ry the presentation of sliver llasketour many friends, Formerly contract negotiator II road following two and I!-' half for the Defense Materials Depart. . balls to the seniors by Coach BI weeks in Misericordia HoSpital, we're still 'going strong' On Tuesday, March ~9, at II Reese. Those receiving awards Philadelphia. . ment in Washington; D. C., Cor- p.m. the chairman of Ih enjoy a good political "battle," should replace of thein. Walter J. In ~once, TODI·ght be more ,than satisfied,..- . .' . . . , ' junior high school teach_ Out of· the 12 offices open for nomination; eight. 'or two- er.. of English and social studies '\ . thil'j}s of them will be hotly, contested. No less than eight and assist&1l~ athletic coach, Is Robert Holm,A. P. Leopold citizenS. have filed for the oIII.ce of . leaving to teach senior high sc\1001 to Condud Group's Tax COllector alone, a position . , 8' Sh-L '. lasse nd oa h footb 11 at the urr Ufer c sac C a ' 19th· Program held for almQSt 20 year's b'y' ·'ary· Swarthmore Metllodist Church of which Dr. ROll:by was a charter member. Death C3me Monday night in Temple Uniwrslty Hospital just two months before the eighty_ sixth birthday of the weU-Ioved Swarthmore physician and Temple The Swarthmore High School Mediclll School anatomy professor Band will appear in concert in the emeritus. He had ~n hospitsl1zschool auditorium tonight at 8: 15 ed Saturday when a cardiac conp.m. Conducting chores will be dition from which be sulfered beshared by Robert M. Holm, local came severe. music director, and Albert P. Lao_ Born in Shenandoah, Schuylkill pold, mosic educator. County, Pa. on May 18, 1871" he This y~ar'. program, dedicated st"died at Millersville Teachers to the nine students who recently College before coming to Philawon places. in the District .Band delphia with his parents in 1889. F,estlval at Pennsbury, will fea- After precmedlcal: studies, he was tiJr" a variety of musical fare in- gr~«!uated with honors in 1896 cludlng the "Poet and Peasiuit fro~ the old l>f~dlco-Chirurglcal Overture," "Selections from My College. which later .became the Fair r.8dy" and an arrangement nucleus of the University of Pennof f ami 1 i a r ''Tschaikowsky sylvania Graduate i Th. llowlnSchool of Medi. c ne. inted e ~() d g year he •Themes." nst in was All' nine. District Band members appo . a emo rator anwill appear either in. solo capacity atomy and later chief demonstraor as memb ...s of featured en- tor and instructor. sembles. Clarinetists Joan BeeIn 1898 She moved to 112 Cornell h singer, Steve Platker and Betty lWenull, wart more . with hls Ann McCorkel will'be heard in a '(Continued on Page 8) trio arrangement' of' the Polish. •.•. • rt ,.. new Penncresf High School of Parke boad who will retire at the EdgD,ont _, Middletown _ Upper Providence Townships. Anne. R. end of this year. Those who will seek her post, are, alphabetically Quirk, fourth grade teacher at llsted: Rutgers Avenue, and' Carolyn Robert ·A. Boyie, Mrs. Isa!Jelle second grade College Pugh Fusse.!l;. T. M; Glbson.. Clar~· Avenue, are accompanying their enceW. Hartmari"Robert R. Hoi>husbands 'respectlvely to Houston, kins, Mrs. EIel!hor L. LlddelJ,John Texas and Cleveland, Ohio. BetteA. Schumacher, and Richard '14. jo Wagner, teacher of vocal music Snyd....· . who has been on leave of absence On Borough Council,. r e g l s t e r · t h l s year, and Nailcy T. Johnson, ed Republicans .will be asked to. physical education teacher, are the select four from the roster. 'of other resignations. seven the ballot; Appointed to take over' the duIncumbents Bwey K. Morse' .ties of Mrs. Johnson, who taught elementary classes as well as junand Harry Wood; PulaB. Banks, . ,,"- F • lor high school girls, are Diane William H. G ilI, .J r.,. W... 111UUR Lee, Theodore PreScott; and RoJ;lBoughner of Milmont Park .who ert H. Wilson.' will assist with girls physical edu_ . cation In' the hlgh school and Pa" On School Board, Carl ·D. Andtdcla Melrafu of Prospect" Park. incumbent, and David P. . "cllrromtly' a senior at West Chester Laird will'Viefor tb:etwo'year . '. For' the two stx-year'tfrms Teachers Cqllege, who will 14 ti H C hAll teac1\ physical education prlncipal- on' be a on . ·~~~c~ ~J' We I , ' Unc;ontesl!!d RepUblican cimdl- • ly.:a~:~~II:l\de.;~:;hgln=iuijB~~ encoura a ~~.~~~Pi.~,;~I~i;i;%:~=eI a ceo ~.aaQ:suuu ~ ~Qg~~" fI.ii. rt He~~@11I~t~~ 'M"d'.... c~_ Sm·th' . /Cycle' '~:~r.~~li::~a Program In the g I·' 5 ey I .Program eleSet For 2 P.M. at . menlary·schools under which rldW CI b ers and their bicycles will be . om~n 's,u ... ..· ;!h' 'DOV 1>07. nce on '''l'he Cricket and . the Bullfrog/' .... re ay while Flutists Carol Honnold, Sal- ! ly Huse and Allle Walker have. Music Club to Present tested, reglsterl!d and llcensed. prepared a lively ditty entitled Tibor Bachmann Reynqlds for Burgess; I)cmeld P. As artIst~ cartoonist and historl~ Ba6ked by. the Parents Council "Round' and Round." Jones for the tour year tern. on afl-comlc, Burr Shafer will pre- and the Swarthmore BusineliSAs- Band Captain Jim McCorkel will . at 8:] 5 School ? Board; and Peter E. Told sent his illustrat.ed progralJ), sociation the commIttee, accord- guest conduct the ''National Em- Tibor Bachmann will present a for 'JUlitice of ·the·.Nce. "Through HistorY with J.- 'Wesley hig to Mrs. Edinund Jones spokes- blerd March" and will also join piano concert "MUSic of the Ro...;..----.......:.;;-0'.-. sinlth", on Tu!""daY, 'March 26, man, plans to teSt, bike~rldlng with Sousaphonist David Bass in mantic Mas~ers" at the meeting at theSwarvunore Woman's Club chllclren' Qf .both· sch'oo1s; In grade (~ontinued on Psge 8) or the SwarUtm9J'e~uslc Club to Roger < '. at 2 P.lJ\. Dl'awing as helalks, groups, 'behind' the. Rutgers Ave- . be held at 8: 15 p.m., Monday, Mr•. Shafer promises to be pne of Ijue ,chool during a :ten-day period SWIM CLUB .c:LEAN~UP March 25, at Whlttier House.. the, . vep. spe,ciBl' .Il:v~n~· of thebegiDnlng April 29. Othe~ memThe Swarthmore Swim Club . Dr.· 'Bachmann wao bot%: in ' . . ,clUb's spring calendar. '. bers of the com. ate Mrs. Henry, will $tage'a Picnic-and-Parking_ Budapest in 191~. His father was The' n~wly organized Comm'uniAs creator of·the engaging char- Hoenlgswald and Mrs. JQhan Nat- Area-Clean~up tomorrow morn- a music. educator. and cQndUctor, ty Forum, creaied to bring auth~ acter, "J•. Wesley Smith', Mr. vig. LicenseS, whlch.wlll.cost eac}l lng, March 23, from 9 a.m. until and his mother plaYed cello in' the 't ti lnf. ti and.. . i. ty Shafer relates the. human interest child 25 cents, 'arebeing purchas- noon. Jack Carroll, chalrm~n of Budapest Symphony Orchestra. on a ve , .. ormaqn.. .!1 vat e .. stoneS' behind ·h4torIc Personali" ed" in advance by the Parents development committee of the'club He studied mosic for 14 yearS'in of views ~ public affairS to people ties. His witty, penetrating ob- Council. The Business"AirsOdatlon advised members to bring their various c;onservatorles, 'flnishlng In this part of the County, ~ servations are· the joy of readers . (Continued on Page 5) own axes, hatchets, and /Bites. with eight years at the Royal 'Academy of ·Muslc. at Budapest eJected as its chairml!ll Roger S. of the'Saturday Review ofI.lteraSousaphon~sGet li,ria' Run 8.efor~ Concert Tonight where he graduated wiUt.!Jighest Russell of Haverford place.' It is ture, th.e Saturd'!y Evening Post planned to hold'meetlngs at least and other·'publlc~tions.· ." honors. The Academy is world re_ . ' SwBx:thmore High. School stunowned and of espeelal interest ~nce a y~,presenthig outstand- dents also are familiar with "J. \ to 'Philadelphlans, since It is the llJg speakers giving an opportuni- Wesley Smith", as the texl-bo()k, Alma Mater of Eugene Ormandy. Iy for audience partlcipaUon. used In Irma ZIinme~'s tenth grade Dr. Bachmann's latest position On Friday evening: April 26, the history course. was illustrated .bY in Hungary was professor of adfirst meetlnl! will be h~ld in the Mr. Shafer. Although adjourned vanced theory and associate diauditorium of the Media High for their 'spring vacation, the' rector of the State Sc/Jool of Music SohoQI. Speakers will inchide ·Dr. members of the class' have been in Szombathely. He CO\lducted all Charles Piice, chairman of the de_ In'(lted to attend thls program as "ver central Europe and i.r a linPartment or chemistry a~ .the Uni- special guests of the club, and to ished concert pianist. verslty Of ~nnsylvania;and Mrs. meet the speaker afterward. Tibor Bachmann with his wj1e Carmel Mari of the U. S. De. . .. . \ and seven year old 'iOn escaPed i,¥o Austria durmg the late upPartment of.State.wi!~;IsLegal SC'.1.100.L'VACA Adviser to the U.s. MIssion to the ~'. r~sing In Hungary. He had spent tlnJledNations. The "IOderatot- tor . MARCH 25th .. 2-••111 a year in prison for anti~commulbe meeUng wUl be iftoy.J•. Mcnist activity, and ..as uncier senCorkel of COrnell a\ienu"; who' Is All Swarthmore and tence of death. On December .21, OJeecutive Secretary cif tbe Natlon- soliOoIs will close·~ . .1956, he landed in this country, al Conference: of Christians and at end of the ~hool da)ofor. Spring and ommedlately resumed his Jews vacation .• The 'next week, March musical career. He. Is now on the Th~ League of Wolnen Voters of 25 to 29, incl~sive w~ll be observstaff of the Delaware School of ~l\IarthmDr!! is one of the organ!~ "II. as a aprlllg h~~c?'· Music where he teaches advan::ed 2atlons sponsoring this meetIngoiJiwUl ~ resmned ~. UliU111 on plano lind theory. He also gives it Is rehite.f.!q· UJ:e ~e's. cUr...; daY mornInt, A,prII I. . . small 'C~ub recila!!. and hasprlvllte . tent Ilationwltie effort to alert the DurIng the. ~r1'" holiday, piano ~tudetits. ." . lenerel . puiiHc tq critiCal :'sItull- many .of the 'hIih school iIrgIIniza. The. fim pari of the concert at lions ~ in several partstiohS . will have th~. actiVltl~ the Music Club Will include sever_ of the Warld ' '.. . . ,particularly, athletics. Tile boYS aPcompositiobs b,'Cbopln. After . .. • . and 'Iil'Ill' sports Squads· Will be tho> illtennIsSlon Dr. BachInann / dates in this PrimarY: are Donald IlL Hand and for School and Borough AUditor;' Incumbenta Joseph \ • ."; 18 YEARS We.' ,Opened -:- alice barLef ., ., Id " De; THE SWARTHMOREAN Band 8:15 P.M. .... ......... Ru'sseD III:iIIr. "ty. Forum .. . 'Com" _I 5' . CUa"ACK. 432 TO. MIlT. . ~ntbe· ~~!'~asSODces.. will play 'nWlibers byTsclui!kov~ I1sky, RachtilanInoff, ,DebUssY; l1elibes, aDd l.!azt. . . Tbe.hlUL*mdDtf!Iy . PIiek gins Th~, APJ:Il 4; . . _VA' ......... - - . IE.Asoelal hour in cI:a8rP Mrs.. R. l\(uDlns will toIlow the lIleetlqofcUb~P!ckm; At~ theN,~ ~ "l11 ~'1Ie1d ilt'1:Ie-.p;m. ~Iibt biller bDIi~; til. ~.--. GiJDcI ,at the . ~bn! .. ~ .~_r·trt~whkll Cltllrch. '.... tIIltI:' Wad! 'n ''''In.wtn ....... tow,6,W 0; '... '!IJl ~:.~ Of tile m r\'.#I...~ It to. APIIt·21. . > hR' ......... ~:.' ,-":~.:.'1'.:" ~ ,.' : -<' • ~ .... '-.-, ,:-~.,:(', ">::,", ,", ._' ~ " .~> ,,I • of pro.. who are. ,. icrant.Al~..rnuSk l~ Inte.elted Me iftritecho be IMda . at tile. mM:llo,.... _~ , . , ' . , ~'. ' ' • . ~- ," ." ",J, INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE Henry WCorneD Has Fatal Heart Attack • School of Politics The Republican Women of Pennsylvania, with Mrs. 'Irvin R. MacElwee, President, is conductI ing its first session of the annual I"School of Politics" on Monday, March 18, at 11 a.m. at Hannah Penn House. Dr. Roffe Wike will speak on the "Functions of the Political Parties." Mrs. John J. Troy, co-ordinator, will conduct the meeting and urgently requests all members to attend. There will be no fee. Club Members To Hear Talk on "Heraldry" PRE-SP'R.ING SALE OF Guaranteed USED CARS For That Second Car in the Family. Stop In and Test Drive These Wonderful Buys. 1950 Plymouth Deluxe - 4 Door Sedan ...... .. 350.00 1951 - DeSoto - "6" - Sportsman Hardtop .. .. 595.00 DeSoto - Firedome "8" - Sedan ........ .. 695.00 Chrysler - Windsor - 4 Door Sedan .... 1095.00 1953 1955 Mercury Monterey - 4 Door Sedan ...... 1953 • Chrysler New Yorker - 4 Door Sedan .. 1953 - Dodge - 4 Door Sedan ........................ .. 1955 - Plymouth. Savoy "8" Club Sedan ...... . 1954 DeSoto - Firedome "8" Sportsman .... .. 1948 1995.00 1995.00 695.00 1295.00 1495.00 Cadillac Fleetwood - 4 Door Sedan .. .. 495.00 PORTER H. WAITE Inc. Yale Ave. and South Chester Rd.· Klngswood 3.1250 , AHend BasketbailBanquetSet For Wednesday Night The Swarthmore High School Basketball team will be feted at the annual banquet sponsored by the Swarthmore Citizen's Committee Wednesday at 6: 30 p.m. in the -school cafeteria. Honored Henry W. Cornell, great grandguests will include the coaches and son of Ezra Cornell founder of their wives, past captains of Cornell University, died of a heart Swarthmore basketbaU teams and attack in his apartment in T·he the administrative staff of the Dartmouth House at 2 o'clock school. Others in attendance will be the parents of all squad memTuesday afternoon. He had been bers and other interested parties. bedfast since a similar attack on Highlight of the evening will be Wednesday. of last week. the presentation of silver basketFormerly contract negotiator balls to the seniors by Coach Bill for the Defense Materials Depart_ On Tuesday, March 19, at ~ Reese. Those receiving awards ment in Washington, D. C., Corp.m. the chairman of the music will be co-captains Cal Coleman nell moved to Swarthmore in Dedepartment of the Swarthmore and Charlie Weptz, Barry Wright, cember. He was administrator of demolition at the Baldwin Plant. Woman's Club, Mrs. W. R. Lecron, Andy Jones, Jim Pappas, Jim will introduce Betty Horman of Noyes, and Manager Bill Warden. Eddystone. Swarthmore College. Betty, a jun- Other letter winners are Ric h Born in Ithaca 57 years ago, he was graduated irom Colorado Col- ior majoring in physics, is a talent-I Gurin, Skip Skoglund, Jack WaItlege, and served with the Ameri- ed pianist and has given several er, Dave Grogan, and Manager recitals for the College Faculty Roy Stuart. can Expeditionary Forces in Club and the Music Club. 'The Varsity team finished a fine France during World War I. He Following the 20 minute music season with 16 wins against 6 was a member of Kappa Sigma program, Robert C. Hall, an artist losses and wound up in a three fraternity. in heraldry, will illustrate his way tie for second place in the Surviving are his wife, Paule talk, "Heraldry and the Blazon of tighUy contested suburban section nee Leprestre; three sons. Rene of Arms," with colored drawings. As II race. Coach Ree!?e has said that Glendale, Calif., Henry W. a grad- a member of the English SOCiety this was one of the finest teams uate student in the Cornell Uni- of Heraldry, Mr. Hall has been ever to represent Swarthmore versity Law School. and Timothy interested in the delineation of High on the basketball court. The a student at the University of Coats-of-Arms for many years. team's high scorers were Charlie Maryland; an ll-year-old daughIn discussing Ulis vocation, Mr. Wentz and Cal Coleman. And y ter, Victoria Elizabet,h. a student Hall will explain the origins of Jones led the team in rebounds, at the Rutgers avenue sehool here; some of the rules of inheritance and little Jimmy Pappas led all two brothers. Alonzo B. and Ezra in using family arms in America, others in interceptions. and a sister Mrs. Margaret C. the meaning of their colors and The team generally was a high Leprestre. their symbols. scoring one consistantly scoring . Services were held yesterday Mr. Hall has appeared before in the upper 60's and 70's, and on in the University chapel at Ithaca. the Colonial Dames of Pennsyl- several occasions went into the Interment followed in Ithaca's vania, the Society for the Preser _ 80's. It established a new home Eastlawn c,metery • vation of Landmarks in Philadel- court scoring record when it dephia and other patriotic groups. feated Yeadon 87-62, and estabMr. and Mrs. Peter E. Told of Members of the Dela'Yare Coun_ lished a new all time team scoring Park avenue entertained Saturday ty Chapter of the Daughters of the record when the score soared'to 95 evening at dinner and bridge. American Revolution, Mrs. John against Upper Merion. The team R. Michael, regent, will be guests also defeated each of its. rival opI saw it in The Swarthmorean. of the club. ponents when it won eight straight -;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii__-. games during league play. This is ~ a team of which Swarthmore truly could be proud and it is hoped that the boys will realize this e~teem at the banquet next Wednesday night. In addition to the presentation of awards Coach Reese will re .. view the season. Walter Udovich will present the Junior Varsity squad and Donald Henderson will review the Junior High season. Anyone planning to attend the affair should" contact Graham Wentz. Great Grandson of University Founder 1952 'MAR 22 ::;57 THE SWARTHMOREAN:.-._ _---.:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_M..:..._ar.. ,:e..:.;,h. .,:1__5.:..,_19.. .:. . :57 "age 8 Band Concert THE· SWARTHMOREAN • 18 YEARS Ago Today We , Opened and thanks to you, our many friends, we're still 'going strong' Mr. Richard G. Haig is recuperating at his home on Riveniew road following two and a half weeks in Misericordia Hospital. Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Sheri Joseph Winter, Jr., of Benjamin West avenue are represented in the Student Show of the Annual Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture of the Pennsylvania Academy of alice LarierF t 5 .90ld bonk build.nc -.....- -- ---=::::=:::::::::::-:=:=:===::::=~~.---~.--"" Care of Your Carpets and Rugs What is carpeting made of? Enloy • I't'. . Day.to.day care Home cleaning methods Professional cleaning Moth, beetle and silverfish Spot removal Good· to know Ask for your ~REE copy of the CARPET INSTITUTE 32-page booklet. 'Phone or stop in. tP"'MJ$"~ KNOWS Carpet (PAulsD" tf CDmr..e!!.~ . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Compl••d ........... _ -=- ......... 1.00 PIIIk Ave., Swarthmore, P•• Klngswnod .3-6006 CLearbrook 9-4646 ,. , ME'TAX FACfSNo. 5 Personal Deductions May Cut Your Tax Bill (This is one 01 a Bcries 01 article, on ledcrai income ta:r: fi!lng. The.e arlicle. are based on ~nformatlon provided bll the American Ia.tltute 0/ Accountant., and Ille Pet""I/" vania 80el"11 01 eerilfied Public AccouJltanl. ~n cooperation witll tile Internal Re"enue 8ervlce.) When you use the "short form" In dllng ,our Income t.az ratul'll:. 01' take the et~ndJlrd deduction on the "long form,'1 you are allowed a deducMrs. Charles J. Brady enter- tion or abOut 10 percent to cover SUch personal .peDses as intere!t. tained her monthly bridge club state and local taxes, contrl,butlons and medical expensss. . It you are sur. that your per· r------:..:..;;:.:::-=::.:=:::.-Tuesday evening at her home on sonal dedUctions are te.. tban 10 to deduct a contribution which he Rutgers avenue. percent standard deduction, there Is no need to Itemize them. But It ts has pledged but. not paid during the tax year. Contributions of servlc.. worth the etrort of calcutatlng your are ROOFING AND SIDING not dedUctible, and blood don... tax on both fOl'ms. Here ate some PIPE AND GUnER WORK tiona are construed as a service. be carelul deductions you should ROOF REPAIRS not to overlook: Transporlalion Expenses Estimates on New Roofs AU employee Is permitted to de, Interest on Loans WILLIAM BURKE & SON duct, In determining adjusted grOq The Interest you pay on loans Is Income. Established 28 Years all hl8 transportation ... deductible. This Includes mortgages, Pho•• KI 3.0188 penses Incurred In connection with . . automobile, appliance, home im, - - proYement or personal loans you his employer's business If they are may bave. The part of "carrying not reimbursed. These Include fareeJ eharges" repa'esentlng interest on antomoblle expensea, and (If In COli" with over·nlgbt travel) Installment purcbases Is deductible. nectlon Evidence such as a statement from meals and lodging. Other expenses tbe seller sbonld be obtained to paid In accordance wltb an expense· show the amount of interest you allowance arrangement with the employer may 'atso be deducted fOr' paid during tbe y'ear. this purpose. j Sl81e and Loeal Taxes An employee's expenses other. Most taxes, otber tban federal taxea, are deductible. Tbese Include thau these can only be deducted If state and local real estate, Personal the standard deduction or tax tabl. property, income, retail sales, pall Is not used. The expense of com.' taXes and, In all but a lew statea, muting between home and place of gasoline taxes. You can also deduct work Is not deductible at all. An "outside saleaman" (one who , auto licenses and registration lees, usually works away from hl8 em. but not dog or hunting IIcensea. ployer's bnsln..... ) can deduct all business expensea before arriVIng Charitable Contribnllons Another type of deduction yoU can at adjusted gross Income, just .. take If yoU Itemize your deductfona if he Were In busln... for hlmselt Is your contributions to any ...... Mi_naneolll Dednetlo... IIglous, charitable, educational, 8cl. II yOU had certain expenses COli. entlfic or literary" organizations. nected with your employment (other These contributions are deductible up to 20 percent of your Income. and than travel or reimbursed expenses) up to 30 percent If at least 10 per. .you can claim them as mlscellane-' • Birthday coming up? eent of your income was paid as ous deductions. Examples would be Call your Docror for an Kilts to religious organIzations, tools, uniforms, unloll dues &lid emploYtnent ugency fee& schOOls or hospitals. . appointmcnt.Lethimgive Other mlscellaneou dednctlou In adding up your contribUtions' you a thorough chcck-up. don't forget that gilts of propertY Include the fee for preparatiOIl of It's the modern way to can be deducted at their fair market your tax retul'll, lOme allmoll7. and value ... of the time they were a share of Inlarest and ...... eatata. keep feeting lit. And, may donated. SuppOse, for example, you taxes paid by a cooperative apart. we remind you to bring contributed to your chUrch a ahare ment COrporation of which yon are US your Docrot's prescrip. of .tock Which had doubled In value a tenant stockholder. While you had IL You can deduct. The instruction book which com.. tions? Prompt and precise with your tax forma II".. further as a contrlbntlon, the full value compounding is Our speof the . _ at the time of the gilt, InformatloD. Help IS alao awallabl. daIry. Thank you! . ·"eu though Yon only paid hair that by telepholle Or at om... of the IDI ,much· for It. At the same time yoU tel'lUll ·Revenue Service. The aev. CATHEIMAN'S ,escape P8YI1I1 the tax on the capital enue Service ursee YOU to couall DRUG STOlE .: pin which WOllld have been ftBIl&ed a properly QUallGed advisor if ,.. ,If _ had sold the stock lnatead deelde to _k outside help. . KI 3..0586 ! or contrihutllll IL .. All ~1~uaI 18 no! _pel'lllitted ...:";\.~.I.. 111,111... Dci til j .. .. ~..... - ... . --- -- VOLUME 29-NUMBER 12 8:15 P.M. Tonight At H.S. , SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY,Mareh 22, 1957 25 Republicans File .for 12 Borough Offices Five Teachers Turn 'In Resignations $4.00 PER YEAR COLLEGE VACATION Dr. J. B. Roxby, Sr., Service Held Yesterday Swarthmore College will close tomorrow at 11 a.m. for the spring vacation. The "Art and Mass Media" series, sponsored by the Cooper Foundation, will be conElementary School . tinued on April 7, when Dore Early Borough Physician, To Test, License Schary. ,motion picture producer Nominating petitions compiled at the' County Board of Temple Professor, and writer, will speak. The series Bicycles Elections this week ill preparation for the Spring Primary on Died Monday will close April 14 with Lawrence May 21, revealed no change or additions in Swal~hmore's Resignations of five teachers Langner, Funeral services for Dr. John television producer. Democratic slate, announced in last week's Swarthmorean"so were accepted with regret by the Byers Roxby, Sr. were conducted that Democratic citizens will have no difficulty in naming Swarthmore - Rutledge School by the Rev. John C. Kulp at 2 their candidates fQ.r the November election. Board Wednesday evening. Two o'clock yesterday afternoon in the In the Republican party, however, it is quite another new teachers were appointed to Swarthmore Methodist Church of picture, and those who enjoy a good political "battle," should replace one of tht!m. Walter J. which Dr. Roxby was a charter be more, than sa1;isfied. Udovich, junior high schOOl teach_ member. Out of the 12 offices open for nomination, eight, or twoof English and social studies Death came Monday night in thirds of them will be hotly contested. No less than eight er Robert Holm,A.P.Leopold and assistant athletic coach, is Temple University Hospital just citizens have filed for the oIIIce ot ~.---------~---=~ leaving to teach senior high schOOl two months before the eightyTax Collector alone, a position to Conduct Group's classes and coach football at the sixth birthday of the well-loved Burr Shafer held for almost 20 years by Mary 19th Program new Penncrest High SchOOl of Swarthmore physician and Temple Parke Dodd who will retire at the Edgmont Middletown Upper The Swarthmore High School Medical School anatomy professor end of this year. Those who will Providence Townships. Anne R. Band will appear in concert in the emeritus. He had been hospitalizseek her post, are, alphabetically Quirk, fourth grade teacher at school auditorium tonight at 8: 15 ed Saturday when a cardiac conlisted: Rutgers Avenue, and Carolyn p.m. Conducting chores will be dition from which he suffered beRobert A. Boyle, Mrs. Isabelle Valentine, second grade College shared by Robert M. Holm, local came severe. Pugh Fussell, T. M. Gibson, ClarAvenue, are accompanying their music director, and Albert P. Leo_ Born in Shenandoah, Schuylkill ence W. Hartman, Robert R. Hophusbands respectively to Houston, pold, music educator. County, Pa. on May 18, 1871 he kins, Mrs. Eleanor L. Liddell, John Texas and Cleveland, Ohio. BetteThis Year's program, dedicated studied at Millersville Teachers A. Schumacher, and Richard M. jo Wagner, teacher of vocal music to the nine students who recently College before coming to PhilaSnyder. who has been on leave of absence won places in the District Band delphia with his parents in 1889. On Borough Council, registerthis year, and Nancy T. Johnson, Festival at Pennsbury, will fea- After pre-medical studies, he was ed Republicans will be asked to physical education teacher, are the ture a variety of musical fare in- graduated with honors in 1896 select four from the roster of other resignations. eluding the "Poet and Peasant from the old Medlco-Chirurgical seven on the ballot: Appointed to take over the du- Overture," HSelections from My I College which later became the Incumbents Birney K. Morse ties of lITrs. Johnson, who taught Fair Lady" and an arrangement nucleus of the University of Pennand Harry Wood; Paul B. Banks, elementary classes as well as jun- of f ami I i a r "Tschaikbwsky sylvania Graduate SchOOl of MediWilliam H. Gill, Jr., William F. ior high school girls, are Diane Themes." cine. The following year he was Lee, Theodore Prescott, and RobBoughner of Milmont Park who AU nine District Band members appointed a demonstrator in anert H. Wilson.' ' will assist with girls phYSical edu- will appear either in solo capacity atomy and later chief demonstracation in the high school and Pa_ or as members of featured en- tor and instructor. On School Board, Carl D. Andtricia Melrath of Prospect Parl<, sembles. Clarinetists Joan Beeerson, incumbent, and David P. In 1898 he moved to 112 Cornell I·cllrren·llv a senior at West Chester singer, Steve Plaflier and Betty avenue, Swarthmore with his Laird will vie for the two year State Teachers College, who will Ann McCorkel will be heard in a (Continued on Page 8) terms. For the two six-year t~rms teach physical education principal- trio arrangement of the Polish will be Marion H. Camppell, ly in the elementary schools. IlJdora Sproat Gerner, D. Mace Folk song "Clarinet Polka." Sally The Board adopted a resolution Cowlrig;iiiid W. Newton Ryerson. Huse and Mark l?mith will.appear supporting and encouraging a Biin a Piccola-Bassoon' novelty, ~J. Wesley Smith' Program Uncontested Republican candicycle Safety Program in the ele"The Cricket "and the Bullf:rog," dates in this Primary are Donald Set For 2 P.M. at mentary schools under which ridwhile Flutists Carol Honnold, Sal_ M. Hand for School and Borough ers and their bicycles will be ly Huse and Allie .Walker have Woman's. Club Auditor; and Incumbents Joseph Music Club to Present tested, registered and licensed. prepared a lively ditty entitled Reynolds for Burgess; Donald P. As artist, cartoonist and histori_ Tibor Bachmann Jones for the four year term on an-comic, Burr Shafer will pre- Backed by the Parents Councll "Round and Round." Band Captain Jim McCorkel will at 8:15 School' Board; and Peter E. Told sent his illustrated program, and the Swarthmore Business Association the committee. accordguest conduct the "National EmTibor Bachmann will present a for Justice of the Peace. "Through History with J. Wesley ing to Mrs. Edmund Jones spokes- blem March" and will also join piano concert "Music of the RoSmith", on Tuesday, March 26, man, plans to test bike-riding with Sousaphonist David Bass in mantic Masters" at the meeting at the Swarthmore Woman's Club children of both schools, in grade (Continued on Page 8) of the Swarthmore Music Club to at 2 p.m. Drawing as he talks, groups, behind the Rutgers Avebe held at 8: 15 p.m., Monday, Mr. Shafer promises to be pne of nue $chool during a ten-day period SWIM CLUB CLEAN-UP March 25, at Whittier House. the ve~y spe.cial· events of the beginning April 29. Other, memThe Swarthmore Swim Club Dr. Bachmann was botn in club's spring calendar. bers of the com. are Mrs. Henry will stage a Picnic-and-Parking_ Budapest in 1916. His father was As creator of "the engaging char- Hoenigswald and Mrs. Johan Nat- Area ..Clean-up tomorrow morn .. The newly organized Communia music educator and conductor. acter, HJ. Wesley Smith', Mr. vig. Licenses, which will cost eac.h ing, March 23, from 9 a.m. until ty Forum, created to bring authand his mother pi'yed cello in the oritative information and a variety Shafer relates the human interest child 25 cents, are being purchas- noon. Jack Carroll, chairman of Budapest Symphony Orchestra. stories behind historic personali- ed in advance by the Parents development committee of the' club He studied music for 14 years in of views on public affairs to people ties. His witty, penetrating ob- Council. The Business Association advised members to bring their various conservatories, finishing in this part of the County, has servations are the joy of readers (Continued on Page 5) own axes, hatchets, and ,rakes. with eight years at the Royal elecled as Its chairman Roger S. of the Saturday Review of literaAcademy of Music at Budapest Russell of Haverford place. It is ture, the Saturday Evening Post Sousaphones Get Trial Run Before Concert Tonight where he graduated with highest planned to hold meetings at least and other publications. honors. The Academy is world re_ Swarthmore High School stunowned and of especial interest ~I\ce a yel!r, presenting outstanddents also are familiar with "J. to Philadelphians, since it is the ing speakers giving an oppc.rtuniWesley Smith", as the text-book, Alma Mater of Eugene Ormandy. ty for audience participation. used in Irma Zimmer's tenth grade Dr. Bachmann's latest position On Friday evening, April 26, the history course, was illustrated by 'in Hungary was professor of adfirst meeting will be he.ld in the Mr. Shafer. Although adjourned vanced theory and associate di .. audi torium of the Media High for their spring vacation, the rector of the State School of Music School. Speakers will include Dr. members of the class have been in Szombathely. He COl.1ducted all Charles Price, chairman of the de_ invited to attend this program as over central Eur.ope and is a finpartment of chemistry at the Uni- special guests of the club, and to ished concert pianist. versity of Pennsylvania, and Mrs. meet the speaker afterward. Tibor Bachmann with his wife Carmel Marr of the U. S. Deand seven year old son escaped partment of State, who is Legal i,\to Austria during the late up/ldviser to the U.S. Mission to the SC",OOL VACATION r.ising in Hungary. He had spent United Nations. The moderator for MARCH 25th· 29th a year in prison for anti-commulhe meeting will be awrence staying, and M.,s. W. F. McC~be. Whittemore, Jr., rector, officiated ~r. and Mrs. Henry ~arns of at the service. Dr. and Mrs. Karl Prmceton avenue, Mr. and Mrs. E N' lal of Overbrook Hills and Howard Jackson Of. Vassar aveE. Oppenlander, Jr., of Iia..:;° nue, and IIfr. and avenue, Mrs. William McClarin of· Park with their familles spent the week end at Skytop In the POCODOS. Mrs. W. W. Watkins of MaglU ~~d Tuesday at a r dgeeon. Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Schoff of Michigan avenue returned Monday from a week end visit In Towson, Md., with their son-In_ law arid daughter MI'. and Mi's. Burton N. Cox and children Susan and Jimmy. Susan Houssman, a 1956 gradu- e:'=aInod Benjamin acted the od Is West Alsoavenue attending :er::;:~ ~nd a luncheon foliowing were the baby's grandparents, M d M H E Kenyon of u;~nMont~~~Ir, . N.· J., and Mr. Mrs Norman Hulme of Rutave~ue aDd his great grandC F WIIllams of Montclair s. . . . --E-N~G-A-G-E-M-E-N-T- ID Mr. and Mrs. Emil Kurz of Princeton, N. J., annGunce the en_ man of public for h<;r pas ate been of Swarthmore .High School, of Kurz, their to daughter, sorority. Kappa relations Kappa Gamma. named to the Dean's List gagement F. GarwoodMiss M. Judith will arrive home tornor- at. Middlebury College. Middle- Rodgers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will row for.pring vacation. bury, Vt. _ of Dallas, Tex. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Daggy Mrs. J. L. WoodruJr of Secane The bride-elect Is a graduate of of Syracuse, N. Y., formerly of returned home Wednesday follow_ Princeton High School and is a Michlgan avenue, spent the week ,Inl: a f~w days' visit in Baltimore, senior at Westminster Choir Colend with Mr. and MI'5. Stuart Md., WIth her mother Mrs. B. W. lege. Minor.. An alumnus of Texas TechnoTorrey of Haverford place. ; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shaile of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Shane logical College, Mr. Rodgers has Swarthmore College entertained of College avenue will have as done graduate work at Massachuat an Informal reception for Mr. their guests this week end Mrs. setts InStitute of Technology. He Faul Creston, a present-day com- Shane's brother-in-law and sister is a member of the teaehing staff poser, and town and college folk, Mr. and Mrs. I.esIle Buckland of of Swarthmore CGllege. An August wedding Is planned. following Mr. Creston's talk at Hartford, Conn. Barbara Bloom, daughter of Mr. Clothier Memorial Sunday evening, as one of a series of talks on and Mrs. Herman M. Bloom of BIRTHS "Art and the Mass Media." Columbia avenue, is p~lcipaling Mr. and Mrs. Harding Lemay Mrs. Charlotte Olcott of Oberlin in the Water Ballet Of the Aquatic avenue left Saturday to visit bel' Club of Centenary College for York City 8Dl!Gunce the arrival of their second child atld sister-in-law Mrs. Charles Mac- Women, Hackettstown, N. J., flTst daughter, Susan Lemay, born Dowell In Winter Park, Fla;' . being presented Thursday through F b 26 John R. Streeter, son of Mr. Saturday this week. eM,,:a:!d Mrs. Charles Shaw of and Mrs Carroll P. Streeter of. The Rev. Mr. John C. Kulp and 0 d · th . . avenue ' . e' m!ltelmeLII Columbia has recently.at- Mrs. Kulp of Park avenue spent g en d avenue ts are taIned the dean'; ltst at the Uni- the week end.1n Buck HUI Falls gran paren . ---,':"" verslty of Delaware, Newark, 1)el. where Mr. Kulp "1as a lecturer Mr. and Mrs. G;"'rge MYers Mrs. Sadie P. Turner, proprietor for the Methodist Men's Aston ToWnship annoimce the of the Belvedere CGnvalescent tion. Home of Chester, at a tea given Richard Sca~bor' man. The girls, w:ho camped in the Also attend!na activities SatUl'cabin, '¥SIated tile $1IIIIIIt IBUday evenlng were two glrIa from properlY conlmlttee ~ aettIna up the' seoiol' troop' Rita· Rios and tents. tor the summer activities. Ellen Smith. BEAUTY SALON . !Ibm 1$ WINr,ER.WEARY TOO . GRAN'D OPENING? '1 South Cheder Road Call Klngswood 3-0476 Actlv. M••ber of ... Swa .............1•••• A ••ocl.tl•• ~~~~f.~~~~~~~:~:~~S~~~~~~~~~ • • ; a'et, Serv- Headquarters - '.. . S' ......... ... . . If the Carpenters Finish in Time \ If the Paint Dries on Schedule If We Get the Stock ~ovei:lSoon Enough, We Expect to Open the New Spo,rts Shop Today, on Street level, at No... Park Avenue Just In Case We Don", ()pen on Time. He..e are a Few Specials: (Special's BelOw ONLY on March 22, and Faulty Brakes cause. many, accidents. Check 'Brakes Today. .' State Truck Inspection. Spring' tune~up •. • . ROIIRT J ....... M ' • ...... RUSSEll'S gr. Opposite IIoro~IClhl ~~~:~J Klngswood 300440 Il . alid Lafayette Bridal Gowns .'./ - . . from $39.95 Leading De&igner8' OrlfilUJI. Wonderlul Savings For You. The Largest CoIll!Ction lif Gowns in Delaware Co. • Brldesmald.'s Di ItS .()ompleee Bridal . Actin.orles ·Prom and Formal Dr nee BETTY COBY'S BRIDAL HOUSE Pr08p~1 Park; Pa. , LEhigh 2.4015. Call, "Betty" . ~'CAST ~ - " The C'aft.era·& Shop 6 Park "'venue, Swarihmore, Pa. , i . Khtglw_d '3-4191 .. Friday 9 to 8:$0 • •1. :.' .'~- -;.. . .: J ¥ i:'- ~ ;- meet- 0/ MOlWloguesby , CORNELIA ST.t\BLER GILLAM Benefit Building Fund Swarthmore Friends Meeting CloWer Memorial OonatloD 'April 5, 1957 8;15 P.!II. $1.50 & $2.00 Contaet ,Meeting OftIce. KlDcswood 4-0450 P:njoy ,a Leisurely Dinner • • • I Yale and Harvard Avenues Swarthmore Air Conditioned mning Rooms and Lobby Comfortable. Sleeping Rooms Blevator li,ee Park/fig Complete Hotel Facilities for BallfUets Receptions, Parties A McGregor-Dodds Hotel JOHN M. SOMERS, Mana~er .""'~""""""""'~"""""' .. _,,'IF:""'" ._<--y-,,"'' ' .-~ "" .- ~ra"""'Ye,,; " THE· MIGHTYCHRVSLER I . Middletown Ro"d . , R. D. 16,. Meclia,·Po. .Opp,osite High Mel1do'(l(, . CustOIil la..dscape Work • Telephone: CHester 2.7206 Ask for Ben Palmer. 0. Henry Amold Visit our Roadside Market ~" . the Middl~town Road Don't MissthePhil4ldeiphia I=lower $how March 25-30 Commercial Museum Maire Arran,.",••t. Now for Sprfn, Spray Pro,rom I tP"" ...I....' offers correct repairing of' aU types, induding With tM Sonv by th. 'FoUr (In Tedtnlcolor) Am' I-M·'tt."'.... La._ ......11 Features 2,. anct ,,. P.M. binding, refrlnging, sewing rewe"ving of Oriental rugs, rehookin~ of hooked rugs, burling of cigaret bums, se.ging. hand selvage, and overcasting. * 2 • • C z'......... e.l d __ . .01 MAw., S.wll lre,·Pa. Klftgswoocl 36Oi1O-=-. ~litaalt 9~ . • C .lP~"~ ........."'......r.....,. - .;" .'., . KNOWS Carp\et .., . ., 1957 Chrysler that you may have the impre88ionlt8 Z--CO"·"r ...• es, more . ~d more of V()u !'-chalrmen of thia coveied dish supper are Mi-s.Frances F. Z1mRichard P. Turner, son of Mr. d J merman an Mrs. ames N. Rob- and Mrs. Robert J. Turner of ertson. Guerrisey road, Is at home on a EntertaInme~t will be prpvlded 15 day spring vaoation from The by the Country I;-ane Playe1:8, Peddie School, Hightstown, N. J. llI!4er the direction of Frank Richard Is a freshman at the boys' Strockblne. They will pre" e n t preparatory school. "Trifles", a one act plBY: by Susan Mr. J!>bn W. 5eTblod of Amherst Gl!lSpel. avenue will leave tomorrow for The membership will vote on a New Orleans, La., on a business slate of ofticerS presented. by the trip 01 a week's duration. nominating committee. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. SeeThe FesUvalof Arts, to be'beld man of Kenyon avenue had as at the center on May 25, is now their recent guests Sunday Dr. being planned. by Mrs. Charles A. and Mrs. James Mallonee of WII_ Dennis, ways aDd means chalr- mington, Del., with their daughter man, and her committee. Laura Ann and son William. , Il ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;:~~~~ . Open Bvenings tina March 23,1957) • , Po... CIrcle Mrs. Paul F. Gemmlll of .os Thayer road, will be the hostess Tuesday at tile Poet's Circle Ing. Co-hosle¥ will be Mrs. Jehn T. PInkston. Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman will give the program on "The Hoosier Poet, James WhItcomb RIleY". / ~, . I saw it '.' .:~' ~'. iii 'The S~ . . , ,. 'RISIYTIIIAN NoTl$ " GARNtT' ~ , Mr. Blahop. will preach af the PLANS DANCE PARTY 'tHE SWARTHMOItEAN PtlBLlSHED BVEBY FRIDAY AT SWAKTBIIIOBB" PA. 9:30 and 11 o'clock services Sun- mo~g'bet;?';h:~~!n "!; serm~~.. An ~'Arthur MUrray D all c Five U~~~Turtt' ,In Resignations e Pady" will 'be held at Canl!!en ; Mrs. Mae R. Tuttle of 37 Cal. tomorrow night at 8:45, after the lendar lane, Waillnglord, ...ite Of School classes convene normal opening ,at 8 p.m., tq the Col. Willdlelam B · Tuursdttle, UM'S' Armhy, Barbara B. Kent, Managing Editor Seni High Bible retired, d Th ay, arc If, R {)salie D. PeirlDl Marjorie T. Told Anne L. Mabbott at 9:30..and 11. or d normal closing of 11 p.m. , lit vaIiey Forge Army Hoapita~ class meela' at 10: 45. Men's an All popular dances will be ex- Phoenixville, at the age of 112. E;de.-ed as Second Cla8a Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post~, women's Bible classes are held at hlbited by the Phlladelphis studio CoL 'Tuttle, was formerly pro. 0ifIc:e at Swarthmore, Pa., under the ,Act of March a, ,1879. 9:30. .High h' manager who wlIl dance with· the fessor of mllltary,sclence ~d tac_ I DEADLINE-WEDNESDAYNOOH The Junior FellOWS IP Mayfair, studio manager. The tics and commandant of cadets a\ SWAX,THMORE_ PENNA., MARCH 22, 1957 will meet at MtCCahthanlIHo~c~:~ dances will be, the Fox Trot, Pennsylvania Military College. He .:~=.:.::. ..:...r_..-_~ I 10:40 a.m. to.go a e WaltZ, Mamllo, including the "Cha_ was assistant to the late E. A., TRINITY NOTES Family Service at the Friends Cha", Swing ,«Jitterbug), Tango, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES M tin House M d Howell wben the latlerw&s acting g .1 b I· ee Sl!J!Iba, erengue' and' president during a short period. At 2 p.m. s'~ay, the Young Rhu?,ba, Man's God-given dominion over Holy Communion wJ! ,e ce epoSSIbly the Viennese Waltz an· 'Mrs. Tuttle was born at Lake material laws of sic!e !U~h '~upper, wi~.~ ,."1l!'n!l1Y "" '- :ilr, ,0,. ',!:, ' ,............... ' J"hn C. KuJp, ' ' held at 3:30 p.m. The Boys' Choir [sked to bring a veJetable dish, ,a Roberl Wilde MInIster sopranos will rehearse at 4:45 salad, orisII dessert for' Afterwards, six Minister of MUllc p.m., and at 8 o'clock Lenten De- Supper at 6: 30. Sunday, March 24 votlons in the Church and Parish Henry L. McCorkle, associate edi, 9:45 A.M.-Sunday School. Bible Study wlll be held. tor of Presbyterian Life, will 8:45 A.M.-Fellowship Cla8a. There will be a service of Holy speak of, the work of th~ church 11:00 Kulp willClass. preach. C,ommunion at 10 o'clOCk Thurs-, In every phase 'Of its work abroad. 4:00 A,M.-Mr. P.IIf.-Conftrmatlon • 7:00 P.M.-MYF, Jr. High Fel- day morning, followed by the lowshlp. Lenten meeting of the Woman's METHODIST NOTES Wednesday, March 27 Auxiliary. The Boys' Choir altos Sunday School, classes for all 8:00 P .M.~Lenten Service. will rehearse at 6: 30 p.m., so- ages beginning at two years, will '1"other day, I wuz watchin' the' boys chasin' the TRI1"iTY CHURCH ,pranos at 7: 15" p.m., and the Men's convene at 9:45 a,m. Simday girls ar~und the school-house. ,It's a$ure slgu of R. Lawrence Whittemore. Rector Choir rehearsal will be held at morning. The first meeting of the ' spring & no dill'erent than when, we 'ww/: kids. 7: 30. Fellowship Instruction Class ,for Sandal'; March 24 8: 00 A.M.-Holy Communion: There will be a service of Eve- new' members wllJ be conducted When boys tried'to chase !be, I,slood ,my ground ' 9J~u~MSc::';;'f: Communion. ning Prayer on Friday at 5:40 by the Pastor iii' the Parlor at , & whacked 'ern good, unll'ss your Uncle Amos wuz 11:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer and p.m.' , I' this, time. watchin' - then I'd run too, just to make him Litany., ' _ AJ the 11 o'clock MOrning Worjealous. He'd chase"lne btit couldn't catch me _ 7:00 P.M. - Jr. Confirmation FRIENDS MEETING NOTES ~Ice, Mr. Kulp will use as that is, 'til 1 day I fell do~ on purPose. Tba~'s Class. his sermon subject, ".I\; Living a long time ago & when I mentioned it,be l!rinnE;d, 7:15 P.M.-Young People's FeIThere will be no Adult Forum Sacril\ce", from a series 'on the ' lowshlp. ' and no FIrst,-da,v School Sunday, sly-like 8< saId, "You .want II new LAMP or sumpln', 8:00 P.M. - Adult Confirml'tion Friends. are fuvlted to. atlend theme, ''The, Apostle's Apl!"al for why'n! you see THE ,Class.' Lent". The choir will sing "0 Holy , Monday, March 25 Family Day at Meeting for Wor- ,,Jesus" and Charles Hoover, tenor, ship at 11 a.m. will sing, the Oftertory Solo, "If ' (The Annunciation) 10:00 A.M.-.Holy! Communion. The Adult Forum )1il1l b&. i:e- With All YoW; Heljrl". 1 Tuesday, March 26 surned the following week ~th a There are nurseries for' infants 5:40 P.M.-Evening Prayer. talk on Martin Luther by WlIJlam Just Arrived'. • .', a New Selection of 7 and, children up to four years ,of Wednesday, C March 2 I Hordern, assoctate' proofessor of age, a Klndergarle!i Church PrOLAMPS for Spring. , 7:00 A.M,-Holy ommun on. religion, Swarthmore College. ,. '10:00 A.M.-~lble Study. , gram and a Junior Church Pro• 3:30 P.M.-{;hildren's Service. ItepreSeotatives to juni"" Year- gram. OUR GIFT DEPT'S. Gm,w , BIGGERI 8:00 PIM,-Lenten Devotions. Iy Meeting, as chosen in the FirstThe Pastor's Con'ftrmatlon Class Thunday, Jllarch 28, day School classes, will 1 e a v e for bc,>ys and girls of 'the sixth Brass & Copper Accessories; Milk Glass; China; 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communlol!. Whittier House for Phlladelphta grade Will meet at, 4 P.m. in tlie Ironsrqne; Pottery & Woodenware , , FrIday, IIIareJi 29 at 9 a.m. Pastot:s, Study 'for instruction 5:40 P.M. Evening, Prayer. Yea~IY Meeting sessions ~tart at leading to church' membership on CLOCKS for the wall, or mantle & the best THE RELlGI0US SOCIETY th~ Ar~h Stree~ Meeting House, Palm Sunday.' ,, looking Grandmother's CI~ you ever saw. s~t~=: Z4 Philadelphia, on Thursday, March The Methodist Youth FeUow, , 11:00 A.M.-FAMILY Dl\Y at 21, and continue through March ship and the Junlor'Higb FeJlow_ \ 27. The annu81 William Penn lec- ship will meet at 7 'p.m. at the welcome. Meeting for WorsbJp. All are ture '.wille be given Sunday after- .'" reb 'We have the k.irgest selection early T -"'.U . 8:00 P.M.-William Penn ...,.,- noon at 3 P.in., ' at ,Arch street by" There will be a nieetlng of the ture: Arch St. ,Meeting ~ouse. Norman' J. WbItney. llis title is Budget Commi" ttee of the Com_ (Ameri~an Furniture in De/awat:e County Norman J. Whttney, '1l)to "Into Great Wate " ' Great Waters". rs. misSi"n on StewardshIp and Fi~ Mop..,., March 25 lI, - - you a hilllon"tum when you decide to !fade. Ch~ from 19 txcitiDg moll.1s priced}un above the w:ry loMSt. Go Swept-lyilw I ,• .. 0' t_O'..... , I ' rh. 10,., low, 4Y...fooIlow 100le of luxufY that will stilI be fresh and a'COUNTRY ·BOYS· MH ""Getg:teatestadvances of 19571 • AUNT NELLIE SEZ:' meet , 'a. CIRGE " , no. IIICItIlc lauch push bu_ 3 no. .way.frH, c/lp-fJuu, vlbratlon-4Ne rIcIu of ronlon-Al... 2 C/rlvI"" 4 Th. ,urgl"" ploneeaed and by This advanCe eamed the Motor, Trend /'fop';ne Acbiewment of perfo...... _ of alrclafh"yPU, V4 , etIiII.......llIn that Jets. you the power you buy, Four gr'eat V-8'. with np to 310 bp. Go Swept-Wilwl perfcc:tocl Dodae It's teniflcl Go Swpt- wr' I Awardastheoutstandingcontribution to the industry. GoSw.pt.WipgI •• • • • • ••• •• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • •• SWEP.T·WING SWEEPS •• • COUNTRYI • • • • • • :, OIlOGE ORDERS OOUBl,m ' : ·. ..... ...... ........••... , : . ,.'," OV£RlAST fUil., , : ; , ,~ " ~ ~ . - ',~ ~~!!If= " ""p ,Step illto the wondeijuJ world of ~UJ'P,.DYNAMICS•....""'~ , , , " S1iV.Bp~·T¥I1\Ta· " " 67, , , .....;. - :,", ",' .. ' ,', - .. -<, '" . ,~ " . '. ., ~ '" . " ,Springfield, ,Pa.. : . " . '," " '., ,.' - .~;.' ',' . , .:- . :.>: f " ., CrolS See.. " en, W . . S. 17th· Street YoluntHn de~::teers .ie An urcent appeal for volunteers to serve in a clerical capaetty In the Blood Program and other seNices has been Isiued by Mrs. David Bingham· Staff Aide ChaIrmlUl for the 6~artbmon Braach of the American Red Cross. A one-day training clasa for volunteer Staff Aides will be held Tuesday Match 26th, irom 10 a.m. to p.m. at the Southeastern Chapter Headquart- ~=:::========~ I ;: EDw.... G, anPMAN Arm SON .NIW CONTIAQOI TIl. Floors - 4 PlasHe TIl. . M"", KltcIIe.s AHeratlD.s total Bed Crolla piet\jre," abe folloWiDj,t!Ie chr1stenlDc Of their all aclded. "Our orsanlzation would daughter, Sara L.7DIl 0'Brlen, at lng, IIl1ng, aDd .....eral cleric it impoulble to operate with- the Presb)'terlan Church Sunday work at the local branch 00lce and their ~." ~orDiDg, March 10. at Chapter headquarters. Further lnfonnation can be oj)- ;;:;;;=:;;;;;;;;;==_;;:;;;_;;;i;;~ "The ever necessary paper work by contacting Mrs~ Georse Jeweloy ..... I..d _ : KI 304216 connected with the Blood Program the ·local Red Croa EMIL SPIES and other· vital activities made Service cbafrman by avallable through the· Red Cross KIngswOod 3-0885. ,., .... 1' 01 F. c. lode. 10M requires trained volunteers wlIlIng • thel ' FI.. Walch aod III Yale A.... f to devote a portion 0 r spare Mr. and Mrs.' William Conron Cloc:k __ I.. S_m......... Uine to the service of thetr nelghROjIC Valley Acres returned I ~;;:;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;;;;:;;;=~====~ bon and the armed forces," said from eek' Ber I, Mrs. Bingham. a w s . trip to 1 muda. CONSTIUCTION· . Mr. and Mrs. John W. O'Brien FOR S~A~LiIiE:e-Frii;eze~, I' i .~........ _ ..... ..- CbIot.......... ... ......YaI. Jack Prichard Bicycle,' Hobby, Toy Shop. Parts, accessories. Milt Glass205 East Baltimore Avenue. Clifton MAdison 6-0713. Opposite Theater. PERSONAL _ uPHOLSTERING Large Chaks 'Completely rabuilt with new fabric $55-Sofas $110 - Over 30 years experience. PAINTING and CARPENTRY Klngswood 3-8761 ....... " new and condition. Sale· ·at traccost. Phone Welsh Valley \ Coa•••er·. c..Op. All'., .f 5wa......... h,c., 403 D....olIt!I Ay•• Opposite ...... 9 .. Hall WANTED TJ~mo:~i:~;:;;;;ie;;-;;;;;i \'I -f T'?t bUY modcblne~ :~ SILVER DOLLARS JANUARY. - FEBRUARY - .'" J. F; BLACKMAN 11.3-6616 , ' ;':0;0. .. PlPI! WHITE SLIPS MARCH Remember - With the return to us of eael[ $100.00· worth of Register Slips. we"1I give you a bright new Silver Dollar! II2Tr-3-;;;2::2~~~~~~~~~11 urru ure, glassware. Estates wanted. CHester 2-7473. . . . WANTED - . BabY-SItting by high school semor, Any night. Call 9 • 335 Dartmollfh Ay•••• BorJ)ugh 8eel'et.ary p FOOD MARKET Alterations Jobn H. Wigton. et at for a apecol.. permit for the ueetJon of a medical baUdJag ctlDOD the . abo~e prem.laee~ with provilloa for oft'...atreet parkllllf. DetaIl. of the uld-p~ posal II1Q' be examined. meanwhIle. In tbe omce of the undemped. ELLIoTr BICHAlIDSON I '" 5WIFT"S PREMIUM Estlmal., on Now Rook GenOine.S.all.Spring WILLIAM IUIKE,·&: SON , Es'.blhh.d II· Y.... Six Swarthmore cnces.years All of work is done inreferoUr KIngswood WANTED _4-1526. Woman for days' ~~==p=.=a=.e=.=1::3=-o=J~I8====~1 ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;:;:;;;:;;;:;;:;;;~ own shop under personill superwork, with .references. Call ;; vision of Mr. Seremba. Estimates 3-144i are free. Thorn Seremba. Phone KIngSWood~~3-~4~254~'~~~~~~~1 Klngswood WILLIAM BROOKS ASPHALT TILE • IU •• ER TILE Sharon Hill Q734. PLASTIC TILE • YINYL TILE FORMICA • LINOLEUM YEN ETlAN IUNDS I ~ 111/2 5, Chesler Rd. 104-1700 Pap 'I -=~------~----------------------~- ·co - COMMERCIAL An.... A public bea.rlnc will be beId Iii the Councn Cluunber. - . . . b Hall. Swuthmore at '1:10 P.II. IIQadu April 8th. 196'1. to CX!OnIIlder the apptlctloD of Dr. or ators. Reasonable. Tom Reeves. 4-5446. PERSONAL - Bicycles Repaired. TII& alWAR1'IDI4IilBAN . LEG-'0 [AMBlh.' 69~ p Next We.el( Watth' For SWARTHMORE, PA. STEAK SPECiALS , Wbirly-Binl L_ On New Arm·ySh'in II' WaJljngford Cubs See USN .Film • • , avy .. IAnlDD IJESIDENTIAL AND PUBLIC BBAlIING 2-5689 • ManIt D, 111'1 , nJeded for typ- " PERSONAL CHest.r 2-4759 " Of tbe CLASSIFIED ADS 1401 Rldl., Ave.n the Dartmc!\ltb-CUde' ~. ill at a faml1T pa17 at tbelr nom~ "I caDIIOt· in Ptill ,a- Five chlldren were baptized at th, second service March 10 at the Presbyterian Church. They are: " Sara Lynn ~rlen. daughter of Wallingford Cub Pack 27:1 anMr. and Mrs. John W. O'Brien of nual Blue and Gold banquet was A larg~ group of lOCal residents Dartmouth CIrcle' James Harold held early In March, at .Christ watched a small. one passenger, Ogram, son of ~ and Mrs. Har- Church Media. Featured a~trac- Army helicopter, known as a old Ogram Jr of Wilmington tlon of the evening was a film on whirly-blrd, make the initial ~d. gran~~ ~f Mr. aDd Mrs: !he United States sUbmarln~ serv- lan~ng last Saturday on the new Harold Ogram of Riverview road' Ice. .chief Petty officer NapIer and landing strip of the Philadelphia Kimberly Ann Morrow daughte; Bollerm1'n first class Demni of the Antiaircraft Defense at· Morrow Mr. and Mrs. RObert C. Mor- Chester Navy Recruiting Office Quarry, Crum Creek Canyon. row of Westmlnster avenue' R b- presented the film. Colonel Pat M. Stevens, III, ert Edmund Fry, J~., son ~f ~r. Twenty-eight cubs were honor_ commander of the ~Iadelphia and ·Mrs. Robert E. Fry of Va ... ed with awards by Alex Ewing, Antiaircraft Defense lD his adsar avenue and grandson of Mr. awards chairman. The hoys were: press t? the spectators sill~ that and Mrs. James H. Hornaday of Den I, Wister Kane. Jimmy thl' ~trlp. which Is /lve ~utes Dickinson avenue; and Irl Noel Ewing, /;lam Downes; Den 2, ·Bob- walking distance from antiBll'craft Duling, 3rd., son of Mr. and Mrs. by Fritz. David Fritz, John Allen, headquarters in Swarthmor~ would Irl N.DuIIng, Jr., of Newtown Robbie Brown; Den 3, Steve Ber- be used as a pick-,~p pomt .for Square, and a grandson of Mr. ry, David Hugh~s, Pat Castellon, personnel and small Items of lIDand Mrs. W. Henry IJnton of Dale Richards; Den 4. Bllly Mc- portant equipment. . Wawa ' Clure John Redden F ran k He added that driving-time for The' Rev. J~Seph'p.BIShoP ad- Bonn~.· ' . , headqu,,:rt.ers· to some. of the disrillnistered the sacrament. Den 5, Ricky Casey, Tom Cush- t,mt "-,,Uancraft ~ites lD the Phlla. man, Bob Perry. Bucky Downes; delphia Defense IS as much as ~ Addresses· Conference Den 6, George Setton, BlIIy Holt, hour and a h~. By helicopter the . '.. ~ Sandy Ewing, Billy Prewitt; Den .furthermost pornt in tite Defense Charll1S Seymour of Cornell ave- 7 Jim Breuer Ronnie MaGee' is 15 minutes way. nue, secretary of .:r&5'kson-Cross Weblos Den Tom Graham Jeff Ac<:ording to Colonel Stevens Contpany, particlpatedjn a cOn- Milloway. ' 'flights to the landing strip will be demnation appraisal short course Cuhmaster Bob Butler presided at Infrequent Intervals and will at th!!, ;Eighth Annual Regional for the evening. not f,?llow a regular schednle. No structures will be built at Conference of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers in -Attends Convocation ~e strip, which is just ,west of Washington. D. C.• March 2. His Chester Road (Route 320), as the was ent,ltled "What To Do The Rev. John C. Kulp, pastor two ·lielicopters attached to the When There Is No Apparent of the Swarthmore Methodist antiaircraft headquarters will be Market· Data." Church, attended Bishop Fred P. hangered at International Airport. 'March 6, Seymour spo~e' to the Cprson's Annual Convocation on North Penn Board of Realtors at Preaching conducted Monday and Mrs. Peter Murray of. Pa.-k ave_ Lansdale on the subject of "ThIs Tuesday of this week In Buck nue entertillned at bridge Wed-, Risky· Business of Appraising." Hill· Falls. nesday evening. . / \ .• 1 662 S. C....... Rei. .Green I-!eas The regular quarterly dlyfd.od aI $1.50 pe' 'h.a.. on Ih. <1% cu"'!llafloie Pntforrod' Stock hat ....n deClared. p.;y..bl. April 1~, I.P51, to .it~d.n of .....rcI March 30, lP57. $500 MONTHLY Start!n, salary for 2 ftecutlve-trPe salesmen to ntpreHnt la"Je Eastem flnondal cor"nlfl~. No travel. Sol. and plolilly do'I..-I. _ 2S-4O old, rnaf.:' of asiumTn, r-Ponllbll. Itlt.. la r.querHnIJ interview pltcIM Tnclude brT.f HrtOna; h1story. all n~lI.. conffdenlal. Our' talesm.. have b••n Informed of -ihls ad. Ilol: A. L ~arthmorean .. FOR SALE K14-1214 S••p h .... Powel.. ,,- aao.. 19~ .. • AppleSauce 6 lor $1.00 NORRIS 424 Haverford Place • Programs Klngswood 3-8345 Advert'.'all Letfers '5 he...... 1iI.1e. :service oa Maltl.ca" . Latten .. , Sweet Peas 2 cans19c Kaiser Foil He~vy' Duty eAnnouncemenn for· Photo-Copies Made Swarthmore -"--. CO;'OP RED LABEL • Letterheads .Blllheads is,.s. ~t"lSTER ". ~ Limit 16 to a Customer Offset Pr~ti... of An Kinds,. -.cuh . bcJIQe....::.7DO~ ewie ,. 810r$I~OO Duplicating Service. HOW LIKE ANY· OF. THESE PEOPLE? _ _ EIIIfI' I. C. C. Loan Co. 418"10,....1 SI. Chester. Pa, March 141 have money problems Orange· Juice 7 lor $1.00 PYLE CHRISTIAN , SCIENCE HEALS· .2 for 29c yOlf, Seald'Sweet Checb will be _11.... Robert S. WIcI:. P...ldent .,.art ,I". George Myers &Co. Water H......n . Oil' ....en do QUICK ·FROZEN NORRIS OR BIRDS EYE PREFERRED DMDEND·· . Box 48 '. BROILlNC;; - ROA" II '-1497 ' . , . TIIImmAll'_ BAKING- ROASTING. Reg.3ge 'This Week 29c , ~Jt:..1'e{ tar .... mlP.ba ......... out _ _ . , ~ _ _ _u f / 'I'III"EN" , ~~a& .9'9Roddya Road. Sprl.gfleld - ¥When You Chaage to . ATLANTIC ,. YAN ALEN BROS. PIIonl: 4-6311 Z-2114O >I F. ,F_. flllbrkl of OIL BURNER Florist SeRViCE Formerl, 1I0NDAY TORU SATlJRDAY NOON • ib. Higbut, GrMk 11 " '.- .. .- , "~_N SpliqliW, ..650 ~ Avenue . ;;~, . ' , ....- .,'. . ,- '"', 1r11l1~woad ~.. a ' PI'e Del: eo.. , ... " HARRIS CO. TAILORS and Fi1RJuERs .. '-' " '. DiluziO and_ CARNS 4-6313 4-6314 ' , . J. 6Iward Clyde -.....!IOI D. CI,de. 'Jr, . Gea~ PIo. . . SWarthmore 6-05M " .DAY ...d NIGHT 4-6312 LADIES and MENS SUITS MADE-TO ORDER .. " ~ .........':'::~l-_~J 29 EAST 5TH ST•• CHESTER Ridle,Partc! • -.......-..• C&--.ctI ~ MIIlI". 011: .......,. WAU.... .&,~ , A COMPLETE tNSURANCE AND REAL EStATE AGENCY Call II 3-4742 II 4-1028 • ,. '" ... ·Klngswood .4-1234 siiMiMYII Ul4 aOLlDAft lA-GREEN mGB GRADE CLEANING,. PRESSING and REPAIR . FancyTo.at~s I OILDUT SWEENEY & "CLYDE For Proriipt service L ,....~to· 2pks.35c .... . 'Om'-bIII'" odd ' • _nic~;;; . ow tIaat... att.raet , , C.•lh. PClks .(4) CALIFORN.A ~ONGTHIN· . . Sweet Carrots ,2 pIB. 2Sc ~PCII~kClps 1 " '1IVlEIlIIUST PERSONAL LOANS aDswer t~ese NEEDS ••• AND IDlE! • '\. It'" 0 0 • 0 ·Clverage 21/2 Ibs. • t pl" ••4 .~,nlnf '. FOI· EIlIPLE: For as UtUe .. $3LOOper~)'OQcan ~IO. u;muchas$604.43;"'18J1>ODtIw Petamal:toavsforanyworthwhile pup: •• at low bank rates! 0 :, . 0 .,III.,.. . ' PROV~IDENT ~.,!Y f:...op~ . 0 BR~ER'S Ie_CRaM P_,ts~",,": tjaUpIS. ;. I -- .. . • .. I 0 .. Come in GIld see the .ew ·Co.Op 'faceliftln,' it's motle5t .~ut "ttractiv" ii tlte salile friendly p..... wltli pIe." .~f.r90!flfor I.,Js.....y'..op. '. . Yes many more. needs,,because . ProvSM*it Trust is ready to make· -- - , , " ~UST COMPANY .~. .. C· y.1oIDiA: lIMe 81ft. • Soadr Aft. • SPiuNGPIBlD: • ~ . . , ,. ~ .; :fq oI.q,u.t'. . -J. 'Co a...: loee· ft.HTHMOlUI: a. L 1.0Id '" Ilaqea Aft. ftOVIDBNCB: lIekimoie PIb a Bemr ao.cI (" ............) ;~r-~C ;: AIIBID:BadorA........... . ' ' ; .. .. Aft... a -, . Coiy'S' oR' . tI ~ ,.... ..... . ~ . • I \ l'P. " ..... s . . , . . Voters League : Elects New 0ffic8rs Group Urges Preservation of County's Creek Valleys The . Swarthmore League of Women Voters voted to urge the Delaware County Commissioners to take all sleps necessary to pre" serve the major Creek Valleys. In a resolutioD passed at the group'S annual meeting held last Thursday at the Ingleneuk. The resolutioD reads: "Whereas the coDtinued' development of Delaware County threatens to overrun our major Creek Valleys, and whereas the mainteDance of said valleys is necessary to give our people place for recreation, to provide drainage for flOOd waters aDd to preserve the last beautiful landscape remaining; Now therefore be it resolved by the Swarthmore Leageu of WomeD Voters that the County Commissioners are hereby petitioDed to take all steps Decessary to preserve these Creek Vallys and to buy the adjoinlDg undeveloped ground for ·a stream valley preservation sy... tem. utilizing the means of a bond Jsa:ue, if neceS$ary. n The membership accepted with regret the resignatioD of Mrs. Hallock Campbetr as a member of the board' Mrs; Campbell is ODe of' the Republican commltteebacked candidates for a silt year school board term. The group accepted the report of the nominating committee. Mrs. S, M. Viele chairman. for officers, The Dew officers are: Second vice-president. Amy HowlaDd; treasurer, Mrs.· Alfred Maass; corresponding secretary. Mrs, E. J. Smyers; cilrectors. Mrs, J. B, ShaDe and Mrs. H, Morris FusSell; aDd nominating commltteen. Mrs. J. M: Honnold aDd Mrs. Bruce Miller. ..L S Draft Board. • For a time during World War II he lived on a small farm In . d 't Bucks County, near' Sou er on. returniDg to Swart1urtore later OCCUpy aD apartment Harvard avenue with his' malden sister, Milrgaret. After her death, iD 1953 moved to the home of his daughter. Grace (Mrs. Jolln D.) 011 Yale avenue. In addltion to Mrs, Narbeth and uu. SODS already mentioDed a fourth SOD, C, of Wyncote. an eDsurvives as also do eI.ght grRDdohlldrt;n: aDd Patricia Narbeth, Willi~ C. Roxby. Jr., Andrew and Marjorie (chlldreD of Harold) aDd Judith. JUDe .and John B~~rd.~c!illdren Of. Jolln)... Inte,?"ent .1D the fam.ly lot at Westminster cemetery.. Bala-Cynwyd followed yesterday's service. . )r. J • 8. 1l0JUilY,' r., Service Held Yesterda;' I H. S. Band to Appear' C T ' ht In oncert om9 1\&1". ,NEWS NOTES and Mrs. A. Blanton Tiller of Haverford place will have as (Continued from Page 1 ) . U Tiller' _.(Continued from 1'1!¥e 1), a clever rendition of the old favor- thdr guest _rs. s .....e :rear family. and began a medical pracite "Asleep In the Deep." Jlm just old niece Chriatianna Zlebe of tice here. In 1900 he married his returned this week from Shamo- Richmond. Va.. who will arrive Shenandoah childhood sweetheart, kin. where he represented the this week end for her spring vaGrace I.,ydla Coffman, ,aDd estabI In th All-5tate cation. , lished II. l10me and ofIlce at 110 :::~. schoo . e . Dr. Mrs. Cliftord Banta of Cornell avenue. Mrs. Roxby died Carol Williams wili lead tIie Parrish road h1lv~ as their guests In 1942. Majorettes In some fancy twirling Mrs. Banta·s brother-In-law and From 1903 to 1914 Dr. Roxby routines, while Randa Roess and sister Mor; and Mrs. H. F. Fudge was professor of anatomy at the; Color Guards have readied an of Crawtordsvllle. Ind. Te~ple University Medical Scho~I, unusual military drill routine. The res.gning to devote himself to pnFlag Ballet has 'ChoseD the popular vate p~actice for 11 years and then "Allegheny Moon" for its musical r"tUrIllDg to Temple In 1925 as vehicle and Susan Williams will professor and head of the departbe seen In a clever aorobatic roument of anatomy. He retired In tine to the aettlng( of "Teddy 1944 arid was made professor Picnic," Nancy Rosenbergemeritus. er hi h school choral director ,;;;;._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ Temple Medical School 0 e a n -'II g th bl William N. ParklDson referred to w. accompany e ensem e Dr. Roxby as "ODe of the~ foundagroups. · nn stones of Temple University J • 'A Paul Friend aDd the Band part. Medical Cen!er", While at Temple unlors,: nnounce ents will serve refreshments to he taught three of his sons who Friday' Square Dance those participating and the eveare DOW physiciaDs: Dr. Harold C. niDg of music will conclude with Elm "Square up" will be the call OpeD House D,nce In the school Ii· with w.hom he ved at 501 Woman's Clubhouse at, 8: 30 p.m. aveDue for the past year. -Dr. John Friday evening March 29 at the WhdO aDrlso wheD the Junior' Woman'~ Club Mrs. William T. Saiom of HaI~·.vesJr,.ma dSermathtologist war more. an . of Swarthmore holds its Dniluall Bruce S. of Roxborough,' medical . ' _. verford place with her sons Peter, . square dance. Members and their aDd ·Jimmy leave today for · t or 0f St udent h ealth servIce d lree I U··ty husbands and frieDds are very ~ week's spring vacation with Mrs. t T a emp e. mverS1 . welcome· In addltioD to his work a t · . Salom's parents· Mr. and Mrs, Temple iD 1903 and 1904 he lecMrs, Willlam Gaylord. chamDan N. M. Pierpont of Waterbury; tured on the anatomy of the?f the affair. announces that even Conn, . nervous system at Woman's Med!- .f a husbaDd. does not square . Karl Thomas, a sophomore- at I . aloDg' Cornell CJniverslty, will arrive· cal Col Iege. In 1905 h e t augh t ay- dance, b·d bring tablhimwiU b s es atomy at the old PhiladeIPh.a: n t ~e R bert .,' th e s~t l'P home to~orrow for the sPrjng re~ Just !tow lorig hils it DeDtal School, . owns a rs. 0 , ...a er WIll dO cess. been SInce you .Ilad a He had served OD the board of the calling. Refreshments .will .be Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;i;;;;=Oiiiii===,"-: thorough physical checkadmission is free. \ up~ Bettet make an apt rustees of the Swarthmore M:t ONE MORE. WEEK" pointment wi~ yow: Poc" odis! Church. He was aD hODora tot today. It's the modern' life member of the Swarthmore Mr. aDd Mrs. Alonzo L. Tyler Fire and Protective Association of South Chester roatI bjlve as to "lIlIp fe.eli!lg fito "and president of the Association house guest Mr. Tyler's now may 'save a linfrom, 1920 to 1930. resigning in mother Mrs. EugeDe M,Tyler of Of All Stock ge!ing; cosdy illness. And . his eleventh term. LlDcoln. Neb.. who arrived last -:Just In case yow: DoCtor EverythIng Reduced 8'ves you a prescriPtion....; Dr. Roxby was a member of week"for an extended visit. Jearu.eSchloesser•. daughter' of careful ~ompounaing is the College of PhysIciaDs In Phila~ ANTIQUES and Mrs; C. Dudley Schloesser; Jr.• of . Ow: specialty! delphia and the American MediGOURMET SHOP CATHERMAN'S cal Association. He was aD as- Park aveDue, Is at hOlDe for SpriDg vacatioD. Jeanne attends NorthDRUG STORE soci'lte member of the Delaware Providenca Road COUDty Medical Society which he ham.pton School for Girls. NorthWallingford, Pe!1na •. KI 3-0586 had served as presldeDt in 1922 ampton. Mass. while on the stal! of Chester Hospit~J, He was also a member of . ( . the Philadelphia Medical Cluh. "You Meet the .NICEST People at Speare·.··· Phi Chi Medical Fraternity. and t1~e American Association of I _STORE HOURS: Monday thru Thunday. 9:30 to 5:30; . versity Professors. He was a Mason Friday. 9:30 to 9:00; .Saturtlay. 9:30 to 6:00 aDd a member of the Farraday Lodge. Knights .of Pythias. MortoD. : During World War I he was Offlcial lecturer in First Aid for the southeastern. PennsYlvania Red Cross and also served as examlnIng physician of f!:1e Swarthmore 0." and alice Larke.., .roan . g irts old tank b...ild,"c & I CampIete :i7 , Mr, aDd Mr... Willard TomllDSOD of Rutgers avenue. with Mr. Tomllnson's hrother Mr. Albert Tomlinson of Montclair, N, J .• reiturnediMonday trom al.three week visit with their SOD-ill-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Harlie D, Reynard and SOD David in Gulfport, Fla. During their stay, they drove, to Treasure IslaDd to visit with Mrs.· Theodore Crossen. formerly of Sw"!'thmore. \ I • F••• io. Cor... \ . , ,_,,' COORDINATES in the.' spir:-if of spring " " . PRO~PECTORS JACKET of 100% aR, woi.l flannel. with two patCh poclt:afs; notCh collar. .longJSlee.ves, Iba..,.1 t· cuffs.· Bright ~1cJ. plaids. I sizes 10 to 18 .. : ... , 7.98 tHE . : GENERATOR r Unseen generatoni brought griddle cakes to many people this morning! They powered the machines that ground the wheat, that packagP.d . th~ flour, tQt helped in everi step of the way. to you •.• an!i then helpeci.to .cookit. EVery day, more and more wonderful use. are created for; electricity. 'And, moSt wondrous of •all. " ,the COst of this electricity has. gone down lDstead of up •• , bas now reached lID all-time low. " . . '. . .. • two weslam poCtc:ah; self belt. side zipper. Black. sand. turquoisl!. sixes 10 to 18 , '3.88 .. . 'I -- 'j" , SPORTSWEAR' ..... . , , Speare's Secai.d Roar " . APRIL 2,3,4 EXCHANGE , . . WOMAN'S CLUB , VOLUME ~NUMBER .le • . Dewees t.Speak, At YIJIittierlhul'$d~y SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, nam:=~~O: Shallc~. The 18 WeJJesley road,' was omitted laSt week frOm the' Ust of candldates received from the Election \ Family' Dodor is Third BoIird. Mr. Shallcross flied for the' six •In WIL's "'Good . year tenn as school director and _ his name will appear on the banot WiU';·Series L. M.n..~9,1957 • SkogiOnd Heads Area· CO'" ance,l rive''AII"nn8 . . $4.00 PER YEAR SEEIC COACH The Swarthmore Clippers baseball team. sponsored hy the Llons Club. la looking for a volunteer to repl,ace erstwhile coach' Ed SuIllvan who has moved away. The team comprises boys 10 to 12 who ate members of' the Lower Delco League. It plays twice weekly In the evening. from. June ~5 through July. approximately. Anyone tnterested Is requested io call Jerry Turner, KIngswood 3~094. I . . No FooIin' Mutual Exchange April.2-5 . Palmer Skoglund, 3 SWUuunore \,. , Anxious Antiqu-,ers, Burplace, has been appolnted0to sen:e as· chairman .of the' Sw~re rowing Bargain-ers, Cann), Area Canc.er Crusade; 'hl;blighted Customers N.B. . In the May Primary. . by doOri~'-cioor drive MODDr. Lovett Dewees•. long~tlnle 'There were nowithdrawaJa of day,,~prilJ8.from 7,to 8 Tuesday mol"llinC. April 2. at 9 family doctor of suburball.l"hIIa- candl~tes who filed for. the variThe Amerlc~ Cancel "Soelety. a,m, the doors of the Woman's delphia and now. Ii: mAmber of the ous d f t l c e s . D e l a w a r e County UDlt, is ~engaged Club 'wlll open wide for the steadY Friends 'Counsellor Service for In a war against a m~ ene111$'Ch of householders beartng Pbiladelpbja IYearll Meeting· of GI"Y' my.1n the field of medlcall'esearch goods .to be "exchanged" at the Friends. will speak at WhIttier , w h e r e the battle to extencf control Annual Spring EXchange whlclj Jiouse Thursday April 4 at. 8 p.m, of aDd eventually conquer Cancer will be held all day Wednesday From h}s ~perlence as II family goes O!l unceasiilgly.· I and Thursday' morning. April 3 A .toW of 887 Cancer ~atients and 4. Tradltiozially. this.. Exdoctor 'hewlll draw deductions. about .the .jnterreJation4hlp of Pro'gram. To Be He'ld i,n' Delaware County received. . par. change ushers In the Spring. ' "PareDts. Children, and Schools" , Before the march of gocds beID forming healthful. and creative Friday, April 5th' tial or complete help ~gh our Service Thursday' For gins Tuesday. at least 70 clublifetime attitudes In children. In Clothier Service Program. The nuiDber of Dian Thomas members will have been tralncid Dr, Dewees comes as the third dressings made' 'hy 2.150tvolunIn check-In routine so that the .... __. ored b Comefu!, Stabler GlllG~ mono- teers for patients and' dlstriTaylor ti ed b this . ti In ak ope er a s""""" &pODS . Y -... buted th ugh. our Information me ~onsl.\ffi Y opera on Ibe Swarthmore Branch of the lomst. well-known to man y . 1. Dian Thomas Taylor. wife of is less than in previous years for . League. for S., Women's Internatioilal war th moreans. WI·11 present a Center wa 158.055; nigh •..' shirts,• Lt. Forbes McCoy Taylor. USMC. both conslgner and handler. Club ~I" I Ch 760. The Del.aware Coun'" Unit died In T,aylor Hospital. I Ridley committees have been working fo,r Peace and Freedom. which h as, program 0 f h er ...... _ ....... a arac te' r ~ ~Cl "'" . I paid a total of $8.828.37 ~ to the Ibtoughout . thl! ~ter•. been con- Ske t ch es·.u o"",er Memona four Publi<: H.alth NurslDg<. Serv- Park Monday attemoo.n of. lobar weeks to make this .the smoothest slderlng the .subject of "Peacefulf runniDg, althoug.h the lo'ngest se.Iices who made' a total of 4,312 calls thrombosis. Mrs. Taylor. with her lin Attitudes; Rearing . Cblldren. 0 n Mic.haeI McCoy Taylor' who g; in the ..reco,rd' of exC'hanges to 201 Cancer patients. The total . Good wliI". The series was lnitiService Program frain September was born February 9 at Cherry since the initial. pDe during the ated in a. panel dIsCussion in No~ . . . _. Point. N. C., had been visitjng her second world w~. . T -~e 1. 1955, to August. 31. boO, our Tw SID b y M,rs. B ess...... vern ber, led Dr, Charles L. Thomas. . 0 a e' .ays . fiscal year, coSt the Delaware pa-nts ~~ of Swarthmore. . former school . direCtor of research for Sun Oil G~ds' for exchange will \>e of . i p aI and! a paren. . t adnasCounty Unit $29.073.22.. ' ,camp' .any,' aDd his wlfe Vlr ...- I a .e very varIe ty 0 f sprIng aDd sumpnDc d . Education throughout the year ,,~ slsted by,Mrs. Roy McCorkel aD is.a major pari of the SOciety.s M,. at 445 Riverview road. She ~er clothing, household Items, Mrs, Colin ·Bell. both. mothers was admitted to the hospital last sports equipmeDt. books. No hats. 'lth progra'm reaching. a climax In tbooks o.r shoes. will be. ac1 In ri f Ii whose expe ence • 0 . v 3 .g. . •W t Thursday., She was 22 years old pock e.. April, "Cancer Control ·Month". Ibelr families !n"several ..,...eren . . last January 17. . cepted. No articles pnced less thoaD """v ... ". ued Iab oraQn Ap.ril 8. when a nelg.hbO.·r who . Lt. 'I1aylor. a resident 'of Glen- 50 cents will be accepted. CoDcultures give them has graciously agreed to acit as a cae Ill, until stationed at Cqerry s.gner:s . tory material from _ wh1ch. . to must remain with their ipeak, . " . so.Jicltor. calls. it is hoped each Pl>hrt. ;"as reach.:... in Mlanil by goods UDtIl they are checked In at . • reslden.'t will give fl na. nclai· ....p.... 'Interest was stlniulated to COD. "'news ".f. hI_ wife.''s death. H.e had the desks. The h.ours for the Tues... the study of thls1mportan. .. t ~~t to. S.-aa.e Back at Cance .. r I "beeD . . . .en. .route . r ""'" to Panama for a d ay ch cek-in operation are from ' further· meetings were six-week tour ot duty: He arrived 9 a.11\. until 3:45 p.m. After ·the I by Mrs, Pem~rton ("Mjm1") in Swarthmore TueSday afternoon doors close.collirpittees will work by Mrs. Lane. ·~cicpm.pleted. a~!-~ementa,.tor~"9.~lytoS()rt.hang! I!nd dts. . by these teachers. the .dlii- . to.' ,.,; "se"A'e ",;;;,i!""w. "" '''',··:n=..ep.:... ...va", was nI'd e playartlcles'for. ' . the folioWin..If day; -. cussiopa.were lively. 'and helpful. '. . , yesterday at 2:'30 iI:nl; In'. West P~omptly at 9 a,m. on W~esto atienders.· AwOUIf ettie f~da-' . .. The Swahhmore High School Laurel Hill Chapel. A memorial day se~g will begin. It will conmeiJ.tal.worJdngpriilclp11!li In~ :O!' ,April 5 at 8.15 p.m. Baseball squad bas been worklDg service will be held at a later date tinue until 8:30 p.m. On Tbursday guidanee of nui'sery-age chUdreli, tor the benefit of the Swarthmore out for. 'the past tWD ~eeks In in G1;mcoe. It will occur from 9 a.m. until 12 by Mrs. Dlckaon. ran a VelD FrieDd~ Meeting Building Fund: preparation for the comlnil cam~ . Mrs, Taylor remaiDed In Win- Noon. This will be the first time 01 unity witb that which Bess She caqs h~r sketches ''Cast of palgn. UDder the coac~ of Mil_ netka. IlL. for a' 'year after her that selllng has consumed more· Lane had to say 'about later' guld- Characters". Presented with orig- la'V- Robinson and the leaderShip parents moved to Rutgers IIveriue. than· one day. The committee deanee toward ~ce r The exhlhlt received the G!>ld dec:tomy and wlJl not be able to that dODations be sent to the Heart orderIng., sorting. figuring to canvasa .0 f ow "",_ ..... .. d R t- Medal C~cate of the . practice for another. week. Fund: smO\>th the way for Friday settle- . •..n...uore an u ichusetta Horticultural SOciety and t last. Thursday. ' .. Other boys from wom much men . Friday ColleeUon Swim Club Clean-~ ResporuiIng wl\h' entlJuslasm the· Silver Trophy of the Phjla- is expected are:. On FridaY. the fourth day of the were ni!11\erous contributors. mak- delph~a Flower Show•. lnc.. both Pitche!'I>-Warren Single. Noel operatioD. 'the club doors will open ing this ~ear'8 drive the best yet. for the ;~ dls~c~~=n. Tumer. Dick Gurin, HeJ)rY.· Coe . ' Issues Second all The enlraDce to the Swi", Club again at 9 a.m. and remain open and assuring the high school ot ~. a ace . and, Dave Houtz;· catchers-Dick anoth . . chBlrman of the committee H bbersett, Eddi .p" d at the foot of Riverview road until 2 p.m. DllriIlg thes~ hDurs .'ear. er student from abroad next. in.cluded Mrs. John S, Albert, a e ayne an , Brodie Crawtord. Bill Warden; in- shows· the results of last Satur- consigners ~'I collllet their profit The Fred \Tan Urk family ex- Mrs. J<>,!"ph S, Bates, Mrs,J. ~- fleiders-George ,Brodhead, Jeb day's volunteers' worl<. A huge, and unsold 'articles, Goods not colpeel to be hc!Sts lo girl fhr .the ward Clyde. Mrs. Robert B. Greer. Turner. Dick Johnson; outfielders pile of trash. tne~ limbs aDd dead lected will bit turned over to burned by a group of "haritable organizations. • """lag year. U. the WIlH'am Welsh Mrs. James P. Henry.lIIIrS: . .. -Larry Creasy. Peie &S1. 'Bud grass family'· this . to H .'. te C. Snow. Mrs. Fred, R. Wilson. Jimmy'" .....ce. J'L club members who are anXious to 'The idea' behind .the exchange .year anspe r . . 1 C·' th .IJ ,';0.. ,..w un (Contlilue<' ')it: Page 5) Born from' Switzerland. . l4rs. Samue ro \era. r .• , "..rs. Bruce·McCutcheon. Bill make the club prDpefty· as useful Theenttre blgh school student Wayne Marshall. Kenny Crothers. aDd attractive as possible; . .L Among those ,whQ contributed Addresses C9aches Clinic to the e!fOrt With'. their bl1lWD and ~liard Robinson, 'teacher aDd FASHION' SHOW WED. p i : g tools were ."RlckY' . Gwinn. Wes coach at the SwarthmOl"e High change W-Ogram. Local chairmen WILL AID PTA FUND .!specially if they can hit. Hoge aDd Russ. Mrs. Weber, Peter SO'hool. spoke" at the Deiaware' of this work are Mrs, J. Herbert Managers are David Depue and A fashion show and card party' David Vint. and Nancy. Jack C .... roll aDd Dav_ High School Football Coaches Foley of the High School and J ohD will be held WedneSday. April 3. id. Dr. Robert Good and Mark. Clinic Saturday. Carroll of the t9wn. . • at the Nether ProvidenceSc;llooJ, . .' Julie and Jody Brooks. Skipper Coach Robinson addressed more The 1-~30 eVent will beneftt the PARTY TOMORR0'W Willl~, Woody· M~Dowellarici than 100. 'coaches, on the topic C... YOUVote7 pal-ent-T-eacher SchoIar.ihlp Fund. The Spring' Party of the 11th Anne, Peter aDd Matk Smith. BOb ''PSychlllogy ~nHlgh Schqol Foot. Bot~ . ~ Di!!D!bers ·are.most Tickets will be available, at ~ and. 12th grsde luniOl'-Assembl.te&Baker,Gordon .'. MacAIP\ne; 11m baJl'·. The points JtilrticularIiem- . 'C!Qrnestly r8ininded that 'the last door. . - , . will be' held saturday night from 'Spencer. VaiFine and BUr. lerry phaslzecl .stresSed the .value of Possiblecfay 'fOr registering, with The fashiOll being staged 8 until 12 p.m. at the Woman's Liddell. and Cec11 cOmpton. athletics as the prime factor In a !be Itegis1ration Commis8Ion In by a 69th . street . store, will be. Club.'. . ' .Tomorrow, March. 30.' from 9 spOrts experi.en home on Harvard aVenue. irls College, Elldns, w. Va. She is the granddaugbter Of Mlss Mary De~,.. 1 "- • • Fuss. .' . • .... .:6 . . . A". •••• S~. ~.. .. GAINS LEAD IN SCOTfW.Q SERIES TRY THE .GYRO-LATOR REDUCING SERVICE Regular $23.9540" x 40" Screen $16.9~ave $7.00 (Sove;$16.95·andvSIt··the seat .oHhe "Old -. Man's"'81"eSerge'lyousefS)'(c . 'DISNEYLAND' R. Gray N. for periOd Robert Hllkertdiius;lin divisions. . Their goal record is 91 for and 46 against being almost exactly a 4~2 average. Wlt~ only. one. game remalmng, fIie local exponents of the sport are pleased with their su;eess in their first year of orgamzed sOCCer. Several high schoola in Delaware C~~!y have been invited to the exhibItion ~d It is hoped that ~t may help d,tin:'ulate la mtere~t in soce r m 'fome of attending the game. Look Smart - Feel Smart . /. The the.. lIJ"Og."inwiII be televised ftom Swarthmore College campus at 12 noon April 7 and will be carried on CBS affiliate stations acrOSs ~e country. I It will be shown in Philadelphia over WCAU-TV, Chllnnel iii, April 14 at 11 a.m., WGAL-TV, Channel 8, April 7 at 12 noon. Feder8lists to :Discuss .. ' . nh- -.. D' . '. .' .ElSe ower ootrine • Afree balloon to any parent accompanied by his (Qr her c).ild (ren). ... . enables you to aee your ~hole ·.;...ur""c~, picture. at a sIance. . . PtterE~ ~chard ~rI.,and JMlcf _"KNOCK ON WOOD" _ Tech.lcolor Sunny Brae WE STILLHAYE Swarfllmore, .Pa. Fri •• Sat•• March 29. 30 ! Telephone klngswood 3·2036 Men's~ Il=~~~~;~A~Y; 3·2080 ..~.~.~-~~d~ , I Typical of the youngsters who may find themselves on the outside of college campus looking in when the enrollment pressures' double in the next few years are IrvIn G. Zimmerman, Harnrd eleven-year old 'Ginger MacM'anus avenne, has been appointed asand twelve-year old Pud Flan-' Blatant vi"" pft8ldent: pnbHc reagan. Television viewers wlII ac- laUons for the BeD Telephone compllllY 'these stars of "Let's Company of Pennsylvania. He has Take a Trip" on an introductory been division revenne aceounUQ tour of Swarthmore College camp- mlUlacer in the eompllllY's eas&em us to catch a brief gUmpse of col- area. lege life. Pud and Ginger will meet President C),urtney Smith. They wlII. visit a Civil Engineering laboratory and watoh a professor and studenta work out a bridgeload problem. They'll listell brlefThe Swarthmore A.thletlc Club ly whil.e a biology professor lec- soccer' team will play an exhlbitureshlsclass. The ehildren wlll tlon game tomorrow, March 3D, at see too that coIlege Isn't all work 2: 30. p.m. at Deshong Park in when the lacrosse team scrlm- Chester. Their opponents will be mages and the College Chorus Grand Union, first half champloos gathers for some singing. of the Philadelphia League third Educating while it' entertains, division. Purpose of the game 1s "Let's Take a Trip," by means of to help build interest i? s",coer in a camera takes youngsters at home the Chester area wher,: It was once td Interestin~ places and tries to played a good deal. answer SOJru! of tbeir endless The gflDle was planned by Frank quesl\ons. The two-year old pro- Robinsoh and phil Swayne, local gram was' selected as outStanding soccer' enthusiasts, alld bas been by the. General Federation of given the help of the Chester De-, Women's Clubs in 1956, and was partment of Recreation in thl! named the "Best Children's Tele- building ,of goal posts' and . vision Program" In 1955 by the of the field. Deshon,g Park is 10EdIson Foundation National Mass cated iust west of Edgemont aveMedia Awards. Many fourlh, fifth nue and north of 9ih, street. Adand sixth grades use it 'as home-. -mission Is free and the game work for social studies claSses and should be a close con\est. substitute field trips. _. . swartIirnore '. Soccti'r . has.. been At the Spring Festival of Delaware C~unty Federation of Women's Clubs, last Thursday at the Twentieth Century Club, Lansdowne, the Swarthmore club won 24· awar~ in llterature, fine arts and home-era.tt., Five members took honors in poetry, short storIes, and play-writing. Mrs. JoWl T. Pinkston Jr. won five awards for her juvenlle story, "Baby Sitter", for a feature artlcle, for lyric poetry and quatrain verse. Mrs. Glen Grogan won three awards fo. her sonnetS, free verse and' children's poems. . Four awards were given to Mrs. R. Franklln Yeager for her chlldren's poem, ''One Flock", her poem, "Spring Melody", free verse "Lonely Interlude" and a . "Mr.. Trinket and the Trivet".. To Mrs. Oscar J. GHcreest, clas_ sified as a prQfesslonal writer and winner, . three first awards were presented. She wrote a juvenile stotyentitled, "Audience with the Queeri"; a 'monologue and a play "The Wife of Cyrus'!. Florence LucaSse waS.!given a first award for her fealure article "Life;s Lovellnrate daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Sid- tion at Beach Haven, N. J. his third birthday with a party toLanie Hopper will return Sun- morrow for 18 of his young ney Johnson, Jr., North Chester _road, is studying for the degree day to Cornell University, Ithaca, friends. of bachelor, of science in music N. Y., where she is a student, folDr. William Y. Rial returned to education. She is active in musi- lowing her spring vacation spent his home on Harvard avenue yes ... cal organizations on the campus at her home on Dogwood lane. terday following the meetings of 1st Lt. John Tyler, son of Mr. the American Academy of Generand a member of the Mixed Chorand Mrs. Alonzo L. Tyler of South al Practice held this week in SI. us. Chester road, is now stationed at Louis. Mo. Mrs. George Hager and children of Vassar avenue are spending the the Naval Air Station at Corpus Miss Catharine Fussell of Vasschool vacation in Baltimore, Md., Christie, Tex., where he is under- sar avenue spent a few days of going advanced jet training. v·jsiting Mrs. Hager's mother. this week at her home during the Mary Phillips, a freshman at John L. Wetlaufer of Strath spring vacation at Cornell UniverMount Holyoke College, has been Haven avenue has been pledged sity, Ithaca, N.· Y., where she is a elected secretary of the Mount to Sigma Phi Epsilon, national so- graduate student. Holyoke Athletic Association for cial fraternity at Lehigh UniverMr. Arthur Jones, son of till'. 1951-58. The daughter of Mr. and sity, Bethlehem. and Mrs . Donald P. Jones of Mrs. C. Russell Philips, Strath Mrs. Mathews M. Johnson and North Swarthmore avenue, a Haven avenue, Mary will be a children .Johnnie. Chflis, Scott, graduate student at Boston Unimember of the executive board of and Carol of Park avenue are versity, will return to Boston S~n­ the organization which coordinat- spending this week in Cape May, day following his spring vacation. es extra curricular athletics of N. J. the college. Mrs. Birney K. Morse of HarvCHRISTENED Dr. Eugene Carson Blake, presi- ard avenue entertained at a tea Morgan Eugene Herman, Jr.• dent of the National Council of Thursday afternoon of last week son of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Herman tIle Churches of Christ, flew from in honor of Mrs. B. P. Boehm of of Glenolden, formerly of DartChicago Sunday evening and was Brooklyn, N. Y., who is making mouth avenue, was christened last the dinner guest of Dr. and Mrs. an extended visit with her daugh- month at the Emmanuel Lutheran Robert H. Heinze, 566 Marietta ter Mrs. J. Roy Snape of Harvard Church in Norwood. avenue. Presen! also were Mr. and avenue. Mrs. Robert J. Cadigan, 601 Elm Ann' Driehaus, a freshman at ENGAGEMENT avenue. Mr. Cadigan is Editor and Ohio Wesleyan University, DelaMr. and Mrs. J. Theodore Grash General Manager of Presbyterian ware, O. returned to her home on Life. Dr. Heinze is his Associate Yale avenue Saturday for her of Lancaster announce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara General Manager. spring vacation. Brandt, to Mr. Robert Austin AlJonathan Blake Heinze, a third Louise Howe of South Swarthchild, is named for Dr. Blake, and more avenue, spent part of her lison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert will be baptized in the Presby- spring vacation visiting Lois Allison of Vassar ay-enue at Newterian Church at the 9: 30 service, Thompson of Clifton Forge, Va., port, R. I. . . Miss Grash is in this year's Sunday, April 1. formerly of Harvard avenue. graduating class at West Chester Robert McP. Greer '60, son of Louise's parents Mr. and Mrs. JoMr. and Mrs. Robert B. Greer of seph Howe, her brother Richard, State Teachers College. Mr. AlliFamum . rd., Media, has been and her grandmother Mrs. John S. son graduated in June, 1956, and pledged to Sigma Nu social fra- Vertner, did some sightseeing in is at present at Naval ofiIcer ternity at Colgate University, Washington, D. C., for seve",l Candidate School at Newport. Hamilton, N. Y. days and then drove south to meet BIRTHS Raymond Pope will entertain her for the return trip to Swarth~. and Mrs. Rodney Cook of for 60 members of the sophomore more. Milmont Park have announced the class at Swarthmore High School Fred Bloom, on spring vacation birth of their second child and tonight at a Pizza party at his from Cornel! University. has been home at Dartmouth avenue. Mr. home-bound this week with Ger- first son, Thomas Reed Cook, on March 5. and Mrs. A. H. Marsh will be the man measles. The little girl is the twentychaperons. Barry D. Gwinn of Rutgers avethird great grandchild of Mrs. Ida Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Brogan, Sr., nue has been recently initiated of Guernsey road have returned into the Gettysburg College chap- P. Stabler of WaUingford, formhome from a week's vacation at ter of Phi Kappa Psi, national so- erly of Rutgers avep.ue, and a Cocoa, Fla. cial fraternity. Barry is a freshJudith W .. Abbe, daughter of man majoring in law. SIlBSCRlPTlONS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Abbe of Dr. and Mrs. Waldo E. Fisher FOR ALL Cornell avenue, and Nancy C. of Guerpsey road have had as MAGAZINES Newnam, daughter of Mr. and their house guests Mr. and Mrs. MRS. . LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN Mrs. How&rd Newnam, Jr., of Henry Fisher of St. Paul. Minn .• 13 Dartmout. Avenae KI~g5wood 3-2080 Walnut lane will begin their who were en route home from spring vacation today from Cen- Fort Lauderdale, Fla., where they ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tenary ColIege for Women. Hack- spent the winter. ettstown, N. J. They will return Mary Willis of Springfield, to Hackettstown on April 9. formerly of Dickinson avenue, has Mrs. Corben C. Shute and sons recently been elected president of Swarthmore. Po. David and Eddie of Maple avenue her college chapter of Chi Omega Fri., Sat•• March 29, 30 spent a few days of this week sorority for next year. Mary is in Suspensefu' Screen Elttertalnment sightseeing in Washington, D. C .• 10 Thrill You Once Ago'•••• and Annapolis, Md. ''THE 3RD MAN" Mrs. J. Roy Snape entertained Joseph Cotto. . Valli at luncheons and bridge WednesOrson Welles • Trevor Howard r COLLEGE THEATRE Friday Features-7:10 and 9:30 P.M. Saturday Features-&-8 and 10 P.M. F F. Zimmermon SPECIAL ALL CHILDREN'S SHOW SATURDAY, 1 P.M. l--Color Carto,.s 2-Federal Operator No. 99 _ Serial 3-"KNOCK ON WOOD" _ Technicolor with Dallny Kaye Photographer A very precious Easter 9 ift -;Your Portrait Reflecting The Radiance of Spring Studio and Display Room 6 E. Front St., Media grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. WU- daughter, JlU Elaine, on lIam A. Clarke of Wallingford. day, March 31. She is the granddaughter Of Itt, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Davison of and Mrs. Robe.rt Love, Jr., ~ Media are receiving congratula-I Aston MilIs, and· Mrs. Katherine tions on the birth of their second Davison of M"ilia. MEdia 6-2156 enables you to see your whole insurance picture at a glance. '1IBlU'fIlIee II.gSWDOd 3-1833 9 South Chester Road Call Kln9swood 3-0476 Actlw. M~..ber of th .. Swarth.,or••••1•••• Auoclatlon Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. R_ D. 16, Media, Pa. Opposite Hi9h Meadow I "CAST OF CHARACTERS" An Evening oj Monologues. by CORNELIA STABLER GILLAM Benent Building Fund Custom "'andscape Work . Telephene: CHester 2·7206 Ask for Ben Palmer or Henry Arnold Swarthmore Friends Meeting Clolhier Memorial April 5, 19~7 DonaUOD $1.50 & $2.00 Coniact MeetIng Office KIngswood 4-0450 8:15 P.M. Visit o~r Roadside Market Make Arrangements Now for Spring Spray Program Of. R_ C. Ammerman announces he Sunny Brae Orchard March 18, 1957, he will be succeeded by YES Dr. Edwin S. Carlin 102 Parle Avenue, Swarthmore, Pennstvania Telephone Klngswood 3-2036 WE STILL HAYE Crisp and Juicy APPLES C I.D E R Fresh and Sweet Wolff's. Apple House p..... SPRING MUTUAL EXCHANGE at tho WOMAN'S CLUB , 0 ....-6:30, 10 A.M. - 7 P.M. PENNELL ROAD MEdIa 6.16,0 PA. 1st; Anniversary· BRING THINGS TUESDAY, APRIL 2 BUY THINGS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3 9:30 to 3:45 9:00 to 8:30 9:00 to 12 Noon BUY THINGS THURSDAY, APRIL 4 coma RETURNS FRIDAY, APRIL 5 - 10:00 to 2:00 IIi NOTE-A-LAFF &~ MUSIC BOX II } MUSIC BOX ''WESTWARD HO, THE WAGONS" to Celebrate the "Sports Shop's": (first week) at No.4 Park Avenue We Offer the Following: • Pay us a visit Friday or Saturday, March 29 and 30, 1957-Leave your name and address for drawings of FREE Door Prizes. (Nothing to Buy ... register only once per person please) • A free balloon to any parent accompanied by his (or her c'hild (ren). • ALSO - we had such miserable response to our sale of 40" x 40" Projection Screens last week we will run this offer again for two days -March 29 and 30, 1957. Look Smart - Feel Smart TRY THE GYRO·LATOR REDUCING SERVICE Plus Regular $23.95 40" x 40" Screen $16_95-Save $7.00 (Save $16.95 and use the seat of the "Old Man's" Blue Serge Trousers). 'DISNEYLAND' Entire show in ClnemaScope .. Technicolor Sunday Onlv-Continuous from 2:15 P.M With Natures 2.15, 4.40, 7.05 .. 9.lO P.... : Monday. Tuesday. a Wednesday 7:15 .. nd 9:15 P.M. NQtur.S $.rpr',.' A D.,I,.H.' UFE MAGAZINE'S ·Mo"'. of ti. W...• '~OYER$ & lOLLIPOPS" ALBUM OF THE WEEK ROller WiIIi"m! plays the "Son9s of the Fabulous Fifties." You'll thnll to ffle p'llno and orchestra renditions of the 25le"ding songs from 1950 throu9h 1956! Two 12" LP record. _ $7.96. A.... AU,actl.. • The Camera & Hobby Shop 6 Park Ave.ue. Swarthmore, Pa. Futures-8:IS and '0:20 P..... Cho.. Starts at 7;15 P.W. Phone Klnc;lswood 3-2290 AMPLE FlEE PARKINS 10 PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE. PA. 411:..... KI S·14~ OPEN FRIDAY EVENINS' KI.gswood 3-4191 At the Spring Festival of Delaware County Federation of Women'. Clubs, last Thursday at the Twentieth Century Club, Lansdowne, the Swarthmore club won 24· awards in literature, fine arts and home-craft.. Five members took honors in poetry, short stories, and play-writing", Mrs. John T. Pinkston Jr. won five awards for her juvenile story, Typical of the youngsters who "Baby Sitter", for a feature artimay find themselves on the outcle, for lyric poetry and quatrain side of college campus looking in verse. Mrs. Glen Grogan won· when the enrollment pressures three awards ~or her sonnets, free double in the next few years are Irvin G. Zimmerman, Harvard verse and children's poems. eleven-year old Ginger MacManus avenue, has been appointed asFour awards were given to Mrs. and twelve-year old Pud Flan- slslant vice president; pubHc re- R. Franklin Yeager for her chllagan. Television viewers will ac- lations for the Bell Telephone dren's poem, HOne Flock", her company ~ these stars of uLetts Company of Pennsylvania. He bas lyric poem, "Spring Melody", free Take a Trip" on an introductory been division revenue accounting verse "Lonely Interlude" and a tour of Swarthmore College camp- manager In lhe company's eastern monologue, "Mr. Trinket and the us to catch a brief glimpse of col- area. Trivet". lege life. Pud and Ginger will To Mrs. Oscar J. Gilcreest, clasmeet President Courtney Smith. sified as a professional writer and They will visit a Civil Engineering former winner,' three first awards laboratory and watch a professor were presented. She wrote a juveand students work out a bridgenile story entitled, "Audience with The Swarthmore Athletic Club the Queen"; a 'monologue and a load problem. They '1 1 1·lS t en b· rlef ly whi1e a biology professor lec- soccer' team will play an exhibi- play "The Wife of Cy~s". tures his class. The children will tion game tomorrow, March 30, at Florence Lucasse was given a see too that collego isn't all work 2: 30 p.m. at Deshong Park in first award for her feature article, when the lacrosse team scrim- Chester. Their opponents will be "Life's Loveliness". Two scholarmages and the College Chorus Grand Union, first half champions ships to the Philadelphia Regional gathers for some singing. of the Philadelphia League third Writers' Conference, to be held Educating while it entertains, division. Purpose of the game is in June, were given by The Fed"Let's Take a Trip," by means of to help build interest in s,?ccer in eration and the Swarthmore Woma camera takes youngsters at home Ithe Chester area where it was once an's Club to Mrs. Pinkston, to interesting places and tries to played a goed deal. and Mrs. Yeager, respectively. answer some of their endless The game was planned by Frank In the field of art, three mem_ questions. The two-year old pro- Robinsoil and Phil Swayne, local bers won awards for their oil gram· was selected as outstanding soccer enthusiasts, and has been paintings, Mrs. Avery F. Blake. by the General Federation of given the help of the Chester De- Mrs. Alexander· M. Lackey and Women's Clubs in 1956, and was partment of Recreation in the Mrs. James D. Shapleigh. named the "Best Children's Tele- building of goal posts and lining In the home~craft department, vision Program" in 1955 by the of the field. Deshong Park is 10- where 35 articles were submitted, Edison Foundation National Mass cated just west of Edgemont ave- five members won awards. IIlrs. Media Awards. Many fourth, fifth nue and north of 9th .street. Ad- Benjamin Olcott won a first award and sixth grades use it as home- mission is free and the game in weaving; Mrs. David Ullman work for social stUdies classes and should be a close contest. one in knitting, Mrs. J. W. Warnes substitute field trips. Swarthmore Soccer .has been for jewelry making, IvIrs. Frank The Rl"ogram will be televised given a big boost by the organiza- R. Gray for period dolls; and Mrs. from the_ Swarthmore College tion last fall of the S.A.C. soccer Robert N. Hilkert for needlecampus at 12 noon April 7 and team. This team. which began in point. will be carried on CBS affiliate the Philadelphia League third diMrs; George A. Hunter, a stations across U~e country. vision, moved up during the year Swarthmore Woman's Club memIt will be shown in Philadelphia to division two balI and is cur- ber, was also a member of the over WCAU-TV, Channel 10, rentiy in fifth place out of 12 festival committee in charge of April 14 at 11 a.m., WGAL-TV, teams. arrangements. Channel 8, April 7 at 12 noon. The Swarthmoreans boast an '. ---------overall record of 16 wins, flve·losses, and two ties against teams in three divisions. Their goal ~ecord is 91 for and 46 against The Swarthmore High School The executive !loard of the being almost exactly a 4-2 game Hi Q team took the lead in Series average. With only One league United World Federalists West II of the ninth annual quiz congame remaining, tlie local exDelaware County chapter has test. sponsored by the Scott Paper ponents of the sport are pleased scheduled a panel discussion on Company Tuesday morning in the . , the new Eisenhower Doctrine for with lheir success in their first Aldan-Lansdowne auditorium. year of organized sdccer. the Middle East, to be held MonThe Swarthmore team, consistSeveral high schools in Dela- ing of Mark Smith, Rosemary day, April 1 at 8 p.m. in the ware County have been invited to Cox, Paul Willis, and Bruce M.cWhittier -House on the campus. Panel members will be Richard the exhibition and it is hoped that Catcheon, and sponsored by HarW. Dole, Jr., chapter chairman it may help .~timulate fa lastlng ry Oppenlander, teacher of science and agent for a New York insur- interest in soccer in some of those at Swarthmore, scored 34 points ance c;ompany; John Honnold. pro- attending the game. to move out in front of Chester fessor at the University of Pennand Aldan-Lansdowne, who scorsylvania Law School; and the I~_", ;~. ,'._ . ;t P" .~ '... to give fiill power for,em. : , .'., sto.,. ',,~. . (Continued .from Page 1) areas of. living in order to guard against the excessive toll of physi_ cal latigu~, th.at since we teach ',' mo#! prof!>UDd!Y by our own feel. logs and reactions, it is Important to .be. l'el'dy' with some. serenity , for the ,situations:!" dally living. _ ' IJ!. aecordance .. it h'. th_· thoUchts,· Mrs: Lane ~ her concern that home and school be I ee..... . StjIJ' " ' . ' . . .- triiD _.jet 8Dd 0DIy 4% 1M brI-' I . S.....WlIIi ... .: . Total Contact Braku '7 ~5% les!I pedl!JeIJ~ ••• £oJ. the you'Ve ever made, , '. • ,:' ; , . , . , • , \ • P8l'lners toIethet . ~ c!II!II~, a . peaceful ehlld In creatfDg'a set. .. , :8•• ·theblgllest hlJr(Jtopbargaln '1" .town c • , . . . , . , ' ' . , . . ' . InC. -. :"'~" .t\nc of !)&aCe, It is important to, • rem~ber that peaee Is Dot merethe ableDeeot . . . .ct and of ~t,." but tile PI' II ~ «love. tv. -: .....~,$IR.~....P~,: ,:-. ::..: _,:. '_:, .f.: .~,/ . I Dr. .D~wee$ to Speak . At WhiHier Thursday corner - ~ds suddlin-Stop nosedives and ~~ Push-Button Automatic Tran""IAlon - for complete finger-tip driving contrql. COHONET V-aHAH.DTOP· .. waItIn8 .... , " Tonlon-AI... Ride .. , . .... laundry, Ihe deanl. ., 100, are do kl FRIENDS I ne qulc .., when the,. II plenty of hat MEETING NOTES water. and an automatic gas water h·u,. .At. the· Adult Forum Sunday _ ... ·hot. w.1et wti_·. ~ --." It. No __ .. WiWam ~ordeJ'tl, ~I\te pro.. .- _ f~ of' relllltin;"Swlirtbmore 10 ......, . . . . wtille w.'~ College. WiIlClOiiCfuue the,Pl rent ' . heal., ........ a balkrhealw ••• tt. . . seri~ on "Great Interpreters of ••• " .100 C h r t s - _r I I _01_ ... _--' ....wI.....0 ••' . . ". our t1en Faith" with a dis.... all h Luther. He.also w.1et 0 . . . ... _ - , on 0 f '-artIn M ,,""-speak the fo1lowlng SIp:I~ , . • I . morn1ng,kpdI·'l,OIl,JoIui.Ca\9Jn-; , a.oo...",- CIUfomGHCSJCllwat.r ~.~rW iIIaI",,... 'On Priday; April 5,' Comella . ~ at pour .b.lerGI11." .... WIP-.. ~ ....)T.". her. --., PItlladelrJd- EI .. ~n..... ...... ." !II'" ~-M ...--. ' -_lAlIII1_,-'.~~h!l~~·, .Exchange April 2-5 ~elps -get p.m. France, " No Foolin' Mutual ./ FAST! W,es1ey i bY"'GAS work.dq... Purnell, Nor man Weinstein, Augustus Titus, David Hutchison, Thomas Conway, George ~yersJ James Stephens andoTbomas McIlhenney. _J~~~~~~~~==============~~ Clay ilIogg will serve as• acolyte 7:15 p.m. ' a t 8 0 "A-k c"",; J' . A. C a U oun iand Burton Gabriel at 9:30, and Andy .Hop~ns 'and 'Peter Timms,' at / " 11: 15. The Boys' -Choir sopranos will rehearse, on Monday at 4: 45 p.m., anI! the Girls' Choir rehearsal will " be at 7: 30 p.m. • ,, The Lenten Sewing Group wlU meet in the Cleaves room at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning. A service of Evening Prayer will be held at 5:40 p.m. . There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at 7 o'clock Wednerday morning. At 10 O'clock the Bible.Shidy Grou" w111 meet. The Childr n' Se I will b e S rv ce e held at 3: 30 p.m.: BDYS' Choir Rehearsal(sDpranos» at 4:45i and a serylce of Lenten Devotions in the church and Parish Bible study wUi be held at 8 o'clock ,Holy CommUnion will' be celebrated at 10 o'clock. Thursday morning, followed by the Lenten Meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary. Boys' th. olr reohearsals will be hl'ld _at 16:30 p,m. for the altos, 7: 15 p.m. for the sopranos. and at '7:30 the Men's Chol~ will rehearse. " :A service of Evening PraYer will be held on FrIday at 5: 40 pm· . . . • more COllele. SIu; took grad~te! Reeely.. LWV Members to AHend w9l'k a~ Col~bla University and' State Legislative Sessions (Continued From Pa.ir:e 1) also attenctl!ji Theodora Irvine's Carl T. FurriIss of Elm avenue inality and Imagination, -her Im- Studio For T~ :t'heatre in New has been appointed an assistant MemberS of, the Swarthmore personations are pel'l:eptive par_ York· City. She has been heard on superintendent of agencies for League of Women Voters are plan, traits Jd the people ODe meets radio and television, BD4 'll\e has Connectlcu(~GeneraI LIfe Insur- ning to attend an all day leglsFirst Annual Event ' every day. The stage Is set'-with ~ttentre hfor . rallto One-woman ance Company, It' was announced lative sess10n in Harrisburg to:hairs d th ...ea ,owever,. ls h er first love. this' week. . Take Place Lllte' table and tw a. a c ,an e She Is . . .. gether with other leagues throughcostumes are hats or "lasses or tbe author as well as the He has been assistant mana"er In April . '. .. actress .. o'f her monolo~' d ' .. out the state April iI. Those planJackets ·or shawls wblcl) MIss . . .. yes, an of the 'company's Philadelphia has presented them from' coast to ntnc to attend the affair should The Swarthmore !Jons Club Is Stabler dons over hls bUic coast in this I co t and· in branch Office and. will assume hls notify Mrs. Willlaf C. McDermott sponsorin, its tlrst annual vllriety as 'She ~ts. at her maire-up table France, Belgium WI -: German new respo~Sillties at the home by April 2, it was stressed by show for charity.. The show w1I1 on stage and Introduces her char- t .U S <> •. an. . y, office in Ha.rtford on July 1. Swarthmore Lea g u e' resid t be Mown as the "Varieties of acters. or .,.. . Mr. Furniss joined the company Mrs Raymond K Denwo~h en In the "cast" are a busy suhMr. and Mrs. Walter R. Shoe- in 1946 as an agent with the Lan.,. The program ~1I1 include' visits ::!7~,::dC;::~lb~~=~c:;::, urbsnite, a lretired actress, a dime maker road had 118 their guest. over caster district office of the Phila- to various State legislative offices as performer, arranger and prostore salesgirl, a cracimother tel- Friday and Saturday their daUgb- delphia Agency. He was appointed as w~1I as bl'iefings fr'om state ducer. Skipper Dawes was formItineat.earbout teehern grandChildre n, a ter Mrs. wulian:i H. Dietz of Day- aSffiSisetanlnt Im a7na ger of the branch house and senate leaders. starting erly associated with Paul White- ' .,. , a -ager, and many 0 c 94 . at 10' 15 a th 1 ~, nI b thers ton, O. Mrs. ,Dietz, the former Miss H'I d t f MiIl'1I . .m. e ea,.ye em ers man. a ; Margaret Shoemaker, attended the e s a gra ua e 0 ersvl e will meet In the 'House caucus The 'show will be staged at the tr=g ~~I~~ei=l~t ~r::"a:~ confere~ at the United Nations ~~;~d ~:~~r~e ~~:. wI~:! rOOm in Harrisburg and at 10:30 Swarthmore High School audlThursday and FrIday, and the U 'ted St t N' d t th will take a conducted tour of the torlum on Friday and Saturday .' . ru a es aY)' an a e . I ' I ti b 'Idin Th PhI1adelphia Yearly. Meeting of time ot his release held the rank varIOus ellS a ve UI gs. ose In(enings, April 26 and 27. A apeca Ice Clr _e' . .' FrIends Saturday In Philadelphia. of lieutenant (jg). who. are interested may attend ala) "1'1.oppet Show" for children Jo!," Shearer' 'is spending the He is a member Df the Board brlefmg by senate leaders at 11 under 12 years of age will be pre_ , '. Wi Iso n .College, Chanibersbur" of Trustees of the Swarthmore !I.m. and at 11:130 a.m. a briefing sented Fr.iday afternoon, April 26, spring vacation at her home Presbyterian Church and is a ,from house leaders 'is scheduled. at 3:30 p.m. A well-balanced two, . old on. Luncheon wiLl be at 12 noon. In hour show will .feahire a wide ::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;So;:u~t'h~S~w~a~rt~hm~.•~o;re;;:a~v;en~\'~e~,;;;;;; !,::h:~ l~!~~ ~::~I:h~!~I~~ the afternoon there will be visits variety of talent gathered from Hall' of New York, have a daugh- to the house ~nd senate in s~ssion. many sections of the Greater ter Constance. 10, and three sons, .Transportation to HarrIsburg Philadelphia are a, including Carl. Jr., 14. Markel, 9, and Philip, w~1l be provided for those who, Swarthmore. I 2.' They plan to move to ConnectiWish to attend. Auditions have been held and . Dining. Room Open To Public' 'cut, In the near future. ' talent has b~n' chosen from J BAPTIZED Swarthmore, "Philadelphia, ChesM ... W.W. Mitchell of Uniy"rIn a private service Sunday, ter, Havertown, Folsom, BoothI slty place. and her sister J'v'rs. March 17, the Rev. H. Lawrence wyn" Newtown Square, Chester Charles G"iger of St. Joseph, Mo.. Whittemore, Reytor of Trinity Heights, Upland, Glenolden and returned h'ome last week tollow- Church, administered' the sacra- Ridley Park. ' ing a' six week stay in Clearwater, ment of Holy Baptism to Mrs. Jan Working with Skipper Dawes . Fla. En route north they stopped Ellef Emson of Springfield, and are the' followirig committees of . CATERING TO 'PERlIIANENT and TRANSIENT GUESTS in Charleston, S. ,C., ~ visit .the I her children Everett Wendell, the Swarthmore Ljons Club: llarvaril and Rutgers Avenues' . Phone Klnpwood 3~87118 azalea and cameli" gardens. I Susan Ring, and Jan Ellef Jr. Publicity and promotioll', Wil~ ' . I I ' . liam Myers, Theodore Prescottj,. , and J. Archer Turper; ·postercom_ mitiee, Barton' Calvert,' Kenneth Sadler, L ... C. Hastings, Lemuel. j Holt, John Gensemer, Jr., Peter Coste and Dr. John Roxby; recognitiQncommittee, Frank Maselli, . WIlliam Taylor and Ch a r I e s . . '.' CrOWder, production committee, . ' Horace· and Clilford Renshaw, Mond/ogist'To Give . . "Cast of Charaders" '!._.~'''::.~'..-J-.'::'-~:;' ...:, .'. .'.' . .. '" -? . ." ' , . -. " . Pap' '. p_ !."!:! ="';010 ...... ; C L A. S S I FIE DADS '.. . 'ERSON WANTED ==,==.,-::.=:::;;:=~A=L:..-....,.-,-,PERSONAL _ Furniture ref1nlsh- .... a-tor...... A .ubllc bearl"" "III be bold I. tbrt Brooks. WANTED _ .To buy modem and KIngswood 3-4036. . , nle Floors • Plastic: Tile KIngswood 4-08110. antique furniture. china and FOl,IND _ At TIlE FOUNTAIN. . Modern KItchen. PERSONAL ' - Belvedere Con- glassware. Estates wanted. CHes3 South Cbester Road, SwartbAlterations valescent Home, 2507 Cbestnut ler 2-7473. , Half FrIed ~cken. French street, Chester. Edge of SwartbFOR SALE . Roll and. Butter. May 1401 Rldle, Avenue more. Aged, senile; chronic, confrom 5 P.M. to 9 a week. valescent men and· women. Ex- FOR SALE - . EIght foot Chris CHester 2-4759 cellent foods, spacIous grounds. Craft SajJjng pram. Top condi-lf;;;;;~~F,;;;~~~;;;~~-, 2-5689 Cross honored. Sadie P. tlon, little used. Complete with II AND SIDIN. ===========~ I~i~,::~,er, proprietor. CHester 2- sall, cushions. In'I'E ROOFGUTTER cludespaddle, trailer oars, tbat can be altered RE'AIDWORK for heavier boat. Call MEdIa 6we)",-: 13=.9",3::.:5:.:.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ &tI...It. on Now Roofs . FOR SALE-P~ LAMB. NICE WILLIAM BURKE & SON for EASTElB. Call HUxley 9&,.bll.htd 28 Vea .. 6651. ..••• KI 3-0111 FoR SALE - Maple youth bed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ $25. K!Ingswood 3"1042. Klngswood 3.,448 And~~.k ~~ce ~fiO ;;..~~ 3:=m,,::m.:~;.: ~ ;I~~~'~~!~~:I Interior & Exterior Free Estimates ~ !II IbINIJ." AS'HALT YILE - RUIIER TILl 'LASnc TILE - VINYL Till FORMICA - LINOLEUMVENDIAN IUNDS 10 4-1434 I ..w.... F. Mei. CH...... 1-4346 Jewelry ReplIired PhottO:.K1 ....." •.• .EMIL SPIJS ·W.....altn _ , of·F. C....... _ . Fine Watch and 128 Yol. AYe. Swar!hmON, PCI.· Clock Repail'l Next Week Watth For CdNSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL r SwiffsPrenlium RIB ROAST SPECIALS 335 Dcirtmouth Avellue Ave.. HOrlon. Pa co-op J, F.. BLACkMAN KI 3-6616 \ lI.p.d"., Reb.""'., I · 171/~. S. Chester Rd. 10 4-1700 Sw........... 'a, wANt.. 'Service CHRISTIAN SCIENCE' HEALS """'PrintIag.t Alliin. . .letterheadS eBIIIhe.ds .Announc:em..ents • Progi'al)lS' Lette.. " .racIl.... a....... in Swartbmore shore or resort In school sophomore. considered. References Box H.: The -SALE,- TELEVISI ~,.-., ..... " ::", PORlRAIT STUDIO upholstered condition. Call -~. \ .,,~ .• _ .... -i_" ':' PfiotographicSupplfes .~tate • No.roe sts. 1(1 4010U MEdia 6-2176 Open Friday' .EVenIngs ."' , Dick Pranchetti 939 Roc:kl,1I Road, Sprlagflelcl _ -. t.de I .. - l For -Prompt Servlc:e DiLuzio aad·SonS' " . - Florist' - J ..WAYNE HAMILTON , . Con - ForM", Farm l.riHi. JUdley Park. .KI . 6~0 N. Cheder Rd., SW.rti.~ KI..swood 4-0619 3-4742·. ",,' ,cioiEd~mont-Av.e.. CheSter / 'CH....rN36l LAPIES and MENS SUITS .MADE-TO ORDER F, FUbrr, FtlbHes of ihe Highest (dilih S" ""ore".6-O$M " .... ~ .: .. Formerl, NATIONWIDE INSURANCE' ,. ~.:: '-- - • . ' . A"ft. TAILOJIS and. - VV" ,,'_; IItIONDAY TBRU SATURDAY NOON" \~fo~~J..i . . 650 Sprla.", .h1; .~'a. ",0. , • ,,' . ' . Klng~Ood 4-1234 1!000AYS IlII/I HOLmAn ~ " . . J~A. GREEN , lOOH ~cR.u&::~~G, PRESSING and REPAIR PukA.ue ~~~lNlaed , '-. . . ·;t SibS-a S9c INDIAN RIVER. SEEDLES ,4for29c Grapefruits , ------SWEET. NATURAL COLOR. . . Jui~y Oranges, 2 lor 59c . ".,yers '. '. -I~ . ·· lee Crea. 7tc V2GaI. ' , ....... . ", ",' f • --. FRISKII' . .- --..,--'~'<'---'- - of Oil BURNER SERVICE FOR VAN AI.EN BROS. . , ...... Dog lYI~al DAY ant! NIGHT , ... -----;-. .. Media Margaret Pownall. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Pownall of Swarthmore place. was among the 3D Moun.t lf0lyoke' College political science students who visited Washington. D. c. last week end for ftrst-hand study of the national government. Margaret Is' a junlor majoring in religion. A graduate of Jefferson Senior HIgh 1SINNl!R ,Joseph StoriaZzl reported on their activlties,'wblle it was announced CLOSED "sATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS th"l the Sp.rhig Camp Out baa -".Ol!EN7.A.Mi to .7:30 P.M. .. post-poned, until, fail-' • Monday Through Friday Plans for a jllrl scout workshop to be held In the fall were announced by Mrs. McCorkel, and FANCY SANDWICHES Mrs. A<-tbur Silvers. girl scout Children'. Platte... cookie chairman. reported that the' driv:e went over the top. Swarth, more scouts 'exceedlng tbelr ·quota. INCOMETAX FACT5'~o;"Ei----------_ Mrs. Ernest MIller. from' th!l Delaware County Girl Scout office. presented a film "Leading Lady," describing Scouting activities. Shown par.tlelpating in -1ihe scouting actlviti.. was an intermi!dlate scout from troop 331. (Thllll one .1 ~erie. 01 arllele•• " I.dero! .ncome '11/.11/1. 'l'lIeae arllcl•• are &...." o"."'or",ollon fJr01llcl." 111/ Girls In 'troop 331 had ample op_ tile A",eriea'" In.III",. 01 Acco",,'on'., ana ITle Penm"/to see their friend on Societll .1 Cer/ifte" Pli&llc Accounlanl. in cooperallon tDlIII tTl. lnlerllOl Revenue SertJlc••) , film. for they were in cbarge of , . , 1 the refershments - preceding . the : Uncle Sam r.all%e. fBDdly .doclor· bIllS and dentist: lillla caD add UP: ! meeting. Mrs.' Hans Borel is tbelri 80 he p~lts fOU to lIellllle aDd deduct s1l medical: upeas.. be;roDd troop leader. _ , 8 percent of your adjD8ted gr088 Income. Mrs. Roberl Bernhardt, .nelgh. tree Slclt:ofBenefits are-;ro"" not counted ,~O~~~H:e~re~Is~~~~'l;.;n;;~~ tax from emploYerasor (:oorh?"d chairman, has urged air his. lasllranC8. com~: Are Aha DecIae,!, Ie scout leaders and committee mem" (1) Payment for medical dYonr total deduction Is limited' bers, to note particull'rly articles pento a mulmum amount for the ,.ear. · (2) PlIJ'lIlent for peir::,e:'':~1 as ezplalDed In tbe lniltructlon book, describing s c 0 uti n g activities ;Jm7 (not baaed on and medicines and dMl88 m~ be which can be found in the Gid · from WOt'k) Included In. yonr medical _ _ · (S) Dam_ for Injury or only to tbe ezteJtt- they exceed 1 Scout Leader, pUblishec;l by the !neas percent of your """"" Income. i National Girl Scout organizatlo£ · (4) Payments under Workmen's and mlliled .to all leaders and com~ Wldo,," ..... Wldow_ , mittee CompenuUon Act members. . ; (5) PaJ'lllentnp to $100 per- weelt: liz 'code eontalna! ; tor 1_ of,....... while are apecJallntereat: : abeent due to InJury or , FRIENDLY OPEN HOUSE ,except that the 1Il'fIt. a joiJIt return· Mrs. 'W:~am Freidlnger. Pres; Is tusble unl"'" :rou with a or wife who died, : duo to an Injury or are dnrlng the taz year If no ~te; byterian missionary' who worked f(IT at least one dq. return Is 1Iled. • in Syria for n:'any _years, showed " -" (2) It ;rou Iia'l'e _ remarried' colored slides of Syria and Leb;m_ 'Siek Pq 8=·6_ and ha..... In ,.onr hoDaehold a d... · U "alell: pay" paymenla " _~r pendent dUd or atepchl.1d. ;rou .... : fln to tbe Friendly Open House emplo)'er are Incl\lded In uio entitled for tbe n_ twa ~ te gr~up Monday afternOOtl ;It' the . : IIlun.n on your withholding use the same tax ccinipUtation (wltb ~byterian Church ';ron ahonld 8ubtract tho '~;;~~~llnCamHPlItUlic prlvll_) as ,.on Tea waS serv~-bj, 'the Central have been ontitled t. on a Jolnt- Community Nursing Service of . amount from ,.our Inoolllo place provided on tbe IIrst return... ' ,the tax retnrn (Form 1040). • (3) When life lnaurance proceedll Delaw...,-e County. Mrs. W. Mark an ezplanatlon a8 described are taken as an annuity or In In-I Bittle chairman was assisted by lastructlon book. You are stalimeDts, widows and wldowers- Mrs. Charie.s W. Lukens, Mrs_ to ezchlde this amount even II are allowed up to $1000 pet year do nClt "eductlOllll. of tax tree payments In addition James _P. Daugherty, _and Mrs. • Yon ate alloWed • deduction to a pro rata .amount of the pl'lno John 1.. Good; ,The' J!l'Ouris riext m~img Wip IIIIQ" be ~tlUed' to Bmedical ezpe- beJ'Olld I be on April 8 when·tb;;.Rev. JoIm: of ;ronr adjuated II'OIa iJlcome; for etlN can _ I I I II ,.011 (or.)OQf Ii;""" Ii' ':.r.:'tlUed to .... Schott will speak. An Easter Pro-' an S& 01'. o'ftIo; the I It II ~ .... DOtapplJ'to;rour ..... ' . .with special music lias been ' • apen_lt does .. wife ,.onld . ... to DDJ' . , inIItnIctlon book which for ,.• .,m~ed=l=caI2:~::~ d tQ: .forma ~_ fIIrdlW . "', H . . USN . . . . . AJDoII& thl . llat·.f Ca})taIn Evans G. Innes, 11418 or at oIIIcea of the of juniata avenue; Master of the Serrlce. The a..... ...... :roa to -.nIt· MooreMtConriacIc' _~_ , filii.... ad'l'laor II :roa: Cargo . ~e, "IIomuicsap". has . 8ilitr. ftIINe leIpi. , .' . ~ appointed a CornmaJlider ID I ,DEW DROP ;'INN , I 1-. Daily Diil .. ers $1.00 to $1.95 Medical Deductions and , Widow Benefits 'aa: a . - Co-Op hemoge.,ized Peanut Buttet is. m.ost pop.ular, especially in the 2 lb. size. '•• Give it the . t*s_ 'and i t s . " for yOtlrse • • A Rne value, 1_" com. .> <".' Neighborhood Association Postpones Camp-O~ , Until Fall for those who were present In the music room of her home bn North Swartbmore avenue Wednesday ~arclJ. 20. Mrs. Clyde who hBB been active in music circles and bas been 011 the Main LIne- """lei \. Club Crackers lib. pk. 29c . . .~,uy Real Nucoa ·]b.29c ~ - CALL '. KEEBLERS wAr.......... ATLA~TIC "lOC' CoupCin .Inside Package PINK - YELLOW -WHITE' (400·5) ROGER CE ~akes3qts~27~ "StoHl" M.llf-Copy ,:~~""=,, DrY Milk '" . 11 S. eHfSTER- ROAD Swarthmore'KI 3-1497 . .K1URlFRAMtNG '., I Photo-Copiits t.. J . , . ' '., CARNATIONINstANTNQH"FAT HOW Ad.,.rf' .,., 9.14" Service . . Sweet 2 for"29c/ Liridt 16 to a CustOll'ler .Dupl~~atin9 G.Ue,. . K14.1214 . Carnation PYLE Box 48 ., 'orangeJuree'. 7 for $1.0f) SWARTHMORE, PA. -.GeorgeMyer~ &Co•• . , . . TORlatoes.. .- I : . . ,-, CO·Op GREEN LABEL 303 S~'. '- """"CI . HIII.07M one-story spacious rooms. Hot 011. Three-car garage wIth way. Approximately six _~~~ CoSt $50.000. Will sacrlftce. .6 $37,000. ~eaitor. Anderson, O. ' . high 2-5651 or 2-3056. W~ _ HoUsework FOR SALE - Renalre 1ihree days per -week, irolnillJll 15 cu. tt. uprii!ht, 'hardl'v' and cleaning. 319 Brighton CHester LAKE Green Beans .' \ 2 for S9c , 0153. FOR _RENT - . Cottage on bay, Avalon, N. J., for July and August. Call RoDert· G. Ersidne. MEdia 6-2683. ~ED LA8ELi~ BLUE Verticle Pack Whole $500 MONTHLY Wa.,.Alr Heatillg Air Co.clltlolling S.ietMetclll Wo.-l! '..' \ . Alterations '662 S. C .....r R.., CH 2-5051' , . \ aa" 6 Y......f $wa....' .... , . ' Reme'nlbe" ..:.. With the ret.., ... to us. Of '-a~h $100.00 worth of' Re~lSter' Slipsi weill give yo.. a bright new Silver Dollar! ' ',' I ~C?ha~~J1 , JANUARV.FEBRUARY" ' ,- . " . ,MARCH , , ... "- W. Carr for Yo. "SUO 'ER HOUR Klngswood 3-8761 PERSONAL - Blcycies R\lpalred. Parts. accessories. Milt'Glass Bicycle, Hobby, Toy Shop, 205 East Baltimore Avenue, '-ClIfton Heights, MAdlson 6-0713. Opposite Cli CIon Theater. SILVER DOUARS FOR WHitt· SLIPS , . Auto Driving InslNet_ Lawn8 Mowed, General B.,ulbut O,pallte Boro... HaU Margaret Bullitt of lJncoln avenue _a junlor at Chatbam BaH. Chatham. Va., will return to her ._____ ext week llowing c""""'" n fo ... her spring vacation. . ;.;;;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;.. WILLIAM BROOKS ABbee & ~ubhi8b Removed window exhaust fan. Also sultFOR Large electric ab_l_e_f_or_attlc; MEdIa 6-0994. FOR SALE _ , ea-op......... af Iwa.......... 1ltC.. 403 ·D.rhI_ Av•• c..i._r'. Mrs.D.Huntington receive' her Ph. from Yalewill University this June.'· , . , Jack Prichard PAINTING FOOD MARKET and Mrs. Robert K. Enders Ox Elm avenue. I f (;'o-op I Ing:--CUSt om cabine t 'm SWARftIMOttBAN Pap " ===-----~--~------~----------~~~ News NOTES Musical Afternoon Irl Scaut Deli~hts Trinity Women .Dected to Council Of. .....nT... Held Mrs. Trudy Enders Huntington waS, tliespeclal guest Thursday ~=iJ';;ri~~~ei~i1iiiiii aftemoon of last w eek a...., t ... - COl ~ "f~~~~~r~~~~~;~~ -lo~n~~S~llei. kin ......'Ii '"'!ft'ectUtvDlted'l! . ~tesNaval 1\eti::.e . " as of 111l715. leSS.:, . " \ ....... ' . ., .andren's Theatre To Review Educational Policy. 'Set'for Play April 13 rePort NOT~S NEWS It. . . Mareh 29, 1957 'Ca~t". 'to Meet of ~:~ ~':!!'edH~~ Mrs. Harold Griffin entertain~ A regular ,Canteen will be the urday evening at a dinner for 12. at a .luncheon Tuesday at Iler program pus. week at t'he A1l Pur~ The B9ard received a of bome on Rutgers avenue. In·th,e pOse room with the eighth graders Fa••lo.·5.ow & Carel Party a combined sixth grade parents' afternoon guests heard Mrs.' R~ cordially invited. It was hoped I He""" Provldeac:. Hlth SdIooI Thirty-five girls and boys of the meeting wblchhad viewed, dis- land G. E. Unman in a r~ding on that Jack ()t,Jlel1lJt, disc jockey on . lenefft PrA ~hol.rshlp Fund Children's Theatre of the Com- cussed and approved by majority "The Hoosier Poet, James Whi~:- the morni.Dg'show.at WPEN could 1:30 - APRIL 3 munity Arts Center in Walling- vote for showing to sixth grade comb Riley." . coine to vlslt, but he has been preTI deb f.2S ford are in the throes of flnal re- studen~: t~e fUm "H u man Carol Topping will retum to vented due to the hospitallzation eH 2...74' Or at the door hearsals for their ninth annual Growth which depicts ~atur1ng Mount Holyoke College, South of his wife. .'. ===::;::;========~ production under the ~ection of of the male and female. Although, H dI M' Monday following Chaperons ·tomorrow night will Mrs. Stuart Gnves of Moylan, to the Board considers selection of . a ey, . ass.,. . e be Mr. and :Mrs. Bentham Stradley tt U within the her spring vacation spent at h r . . h :p. ters · t be presented next month at the sublec . rna er es home on North Princeton avenue. and Mr. and Mrs. Hug . e . Nether Providence High School in realm of teaciler~ and ad~9tra-· Mrs G R Mansfield of Supervisor ~U be ,Bob ~ulme. . Wallingford. . tion.. six years ago folIowmg pro_ . eorge. week end "". . EXHIBITION CHANGES tests of some parents regarding Park avenue had.as he~ Tohis year's classic selection, another ftlm the Board said every guests her son and daughter-in.'. , .. ! . "Aladdin and the Wonderful effort would be made to acquaint law ·Mr. anp Mrs. Harv~y C. A new ~biUon of paintings .Lamp", is not only a colorful arents in advance with any such Mansfield ~ Columbus, 0 .. John. by membetrs ~f·tbe ~o~'s Club fantasy employing genii and.~ . " . \, .' . that Mansfield spent tile week end with of Swarihmo!e is now. on view. 'magi~, but edu~ational as well. :~er:~ P;:Vl:~~ l~~;d: dis- his uncle 3&ld aun~' Mr. and Mrs. in the l~bby of the College theatre. • "In illness, hall the Much research lOtO Far. Eastern cus; sub~ts with the children or C. H. Yarrow., of Plinceton ave- The artists are: .' culture had to be don.e m ~rder revent _Jtheir childum attending nue, while Miargaret, with her' Ida May Mfqhael, Helen K. . battle' lies in,;..pl diagt~ capture the authentic spirit of the desire . friend Cia Bogotary, visited her War r e n, Marguerite Longwell, nOlis and ueatment." See y ,. . other gra~dmother Mrs. E. A. Elizabeth P a t.m n, Josephine this Arabi~n tale. "Aladdin" wi~ your Doeror at the firlt come to life on Saturday, April 6TH GRADE OPIRETTA Yarrow of South Chester .road. Shapleigh, Dorothy Lackey, and suggestion of iUnell13 at 2 p.m. and again at 8 p.m. . IN $50 The Harvey Mansfields were en Snighda ¥uk,~i. and, of coqrse' you will Mrs. Graves and her group have BRINGS. . route home frornCambrldge, bring his prescriptionl e~panded this tale SpUIL by Margaret Yeatman's sixth grade Mass., Where they •were intra- WOMAN'S CLUB NOTES bAe (or our prompt and Scheherazade to include some class rec,ntly preSented an operet_ duced .to, their grandson Edward . ' . precise compounding. . playful companions of Aladdin, ta entitled "Behind Castle Walls'.' Michael, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Mrs: John T .. Pinkston, chairdancing slaves and a Ch}nese play- by Ruth Roloff Mayo and Adelia Harvey. C. Mansfield, .Jr. man of the· "11teratpre department, withln-a-. play, performed at the Carlson Attman in the auditorium Beth Jones, with her classmate has announced Ii change of place CATHERMAN'S 1 Do- Mary-Ellen Crook of Brewer, Me., for the next' regular-meeting, court of the Sultan. All these i n- of the Rutgers Avenue S ch 00. DRUG STORE gredients have been tastefully nationS received from the two a classmate ',ai~ates College, AprilS, at 10 a.m. The program comtiined to hold special appeal performances on Thursday and Lewiston, Me.,' spending 'the will be presented in· the 'Legion . KI 3-0586 for adults, teenagers and school- Friday, ~arch 14 and 15, t~al spring vacation at her home on room of Borough Hall by' Mrs. aged .hildren. $50. This money will be presented North Swarthniore avenue. B~th Oscar J. GUcreest, on "Fantasy Peter Bowers of Wallingford to the World Friendship Fund. entertained at a hincheon Wed-. ..:,in;;;Li;;;;;;te;;;;r;;;;a;;;;tur;;;;;;;;e;;;;";;;;';;;;;;;;;;.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; will portray Aladdin as a bqy and All ~f the childr~n in Miss Yeat- nesday in hbno~. of her guest. . ,. Chip Shay of Swarthmore will in_ man's class were m the operetta. Mr. and MrS, F. H .. Forsythe of 'AnERSON'S . tel'Pret Aladdin grown up. They are: Tllayer' road returned .home. MonFUNERAL HOME Barbara Lee Allison, Sandra day following a month's vacation OYer 25 Year's Expert••c. Alth~use, Holly Bishop, Helen at Pompano ·Beach, Fla. , , BogoJavlensky, . Henry Bunker, Joan Hemenway of .Strath HavMEdia 6-3400 ailist Mark Detweiler, Lorrellee Forbes, en avenue, ~U .leave. Monday for A Price' to M.et Every Famil,', Need I James' Gearhart, Barbara Hayes, Northfield, Minn., following her .. Tibor Baehmann, . Hungarian George Herschel,. Carolrn Holt, spring' vaca~on !~om Carletop concert pianist, presented an ex- Jim Hunter, Linda Kenn~y, College. . , ,~­ cellent program "Music of the Chucker ~urtzhalz, Jill LeWIcki, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice L. Web- . Romantic Masters" at the meet- Janet Little, Jeffrey· Loeben, ster Jr 'of Elm' avenue have as ing of the Swarthmore Music Club Frances Mars~, Michael ~cCrory, thei~' ~~ts Mrs. Webster's parbeld Monday ~vening. at Whittier Carolyn ~cKinnell, DaVId. Mor- ents Mr. and Mrs. B. A. ReddingHoUse. . row, Taylor Redden, Jim Rey- ton who arrived Wednesday from' DJ,lst and Dirt - Th~y're Differer:d Home ..Care· . . In the Chopin group Bachmann n?lds. Karen. Schl?esser, Gay Syracuse, N. Y., for a two week 'conveyed to the audience the dif-' Silvers, Parkie Srruth, Barbara visit. Prore~iOnal Cleaning Do's' arid Don'ts in Rug CII'" . Virglnla and Evelyn' Bullitt, • ferent moods of the composer S~ape, Ricky Ullman, Tessa Moth Damage - And How to Prevent It 'from the 'hauntinc pathos of the WlZon. and Barbara Wood. students at ~. Wellesley College, First Aid Treatment r , "Funeral March~';tO~the bouyancy Parents of the children helped Wellesley~ Mass., will arrive tofor Rug and· Carpet Mishaps of the 'tpolonaiseinA :Major." He with the operetta. Mrs. Molly morrow to sp.anri the vacation~t gave a beautiful display of vir- Gwinn, Mrs. Lilyan Stec~w, Mrs. their home o~ Lincoln avenue . Ask for' FREE copy of the· . Ricky Snape, son of Mr. and . tuosity in the "Etude in C'Sharp .Ruth McDowell, and Mrs~ Grace Minor" . and the "Etude in C Yeaw, ~embers.of the.facul~, as- Mrs. J ..B. Snape of Swarthmore .' NATIONAL INSTITUTE~OF RUG CLEANING sisted ,,!,lth mll~;1C, art, and make- Wood, celebrated his third birth-: 16-page booklet. Minor." In the second part of the pro- up. day Saturday by entertaining 10 '\ '~~one·.or Stop 'In_\ .' , gram the outstanding interest was of his friends at a pany. Ricky ~ in the artist's masterful playing of New Group ~rmed . had a family party Sunday when a diftlcult arrangement of Dellbes' Mrs. Percy Belfteld, Jr., of. Vll- is guests included four great Waltz from the ballet· "Coppella" lanova avenue and Mrs. George grandpaTents Mn5. Mary Snape of _ ~ //.. by Eino Dohnanyl. Dohnany1, now Heckman of Park avenue attend- Harvard'avenue and Mr. and Mrs. teaching in this country, was dl- ed the first meet1n~ of "Kitchen. Ow~ Osborne, Jr., of Meadow': ~. . . . . ,,,. . e en Ll... ~~. ~ ~. rector of the Royal Academy.In Katies", of the Republican Women brook and Mrs. B. P; Boefhm Qf . IDO ....AN.. PL . Budapest, from which Bachmann of Pennsylvania,. Hannah Penn Br~~, N. Y.; and four grand~ .Kingwood - 3-6060--=: Cl.earbfook 9-4646 was graduated. .... House, held March 21 at the 'home parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy . The pianist clpsed. his program of Mrs. Joh? O'Brien of ~erlOD. Snape of Hanral'davenue, and Mr. with ''Caprice'', "Liebestraum", Gue~ts mcluded ~ Mrs. Irvin and Mrs. John Murray of. Mead- and "Legenda ·in E. Major" by R. MacElwee, preSld.ent of th~ owbrook. i' Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy F. F . •iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!.~iijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_--ii••-••'__~';~__"_~ Liszt, who is one of Bachmann's Hanna~ Penn House, and Mrs. favorite composers. Because of Wilbur~. James, both of Srarth- Wright of. Rose Valleyl have rehis marvelous technical equipment more. .... tUrned from a month's trip south. I .) hels able'to meet with perfect " They visited in Houston, TelC., t ease the challenge of the brillancy LOCAL RESIDENT AIDS with their son and daughter-in,. I . and power of Liszt's compositions. -EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN law Lt. 'and' Mrs. KennetbJ. i~ Catherine Cbomalou· .0fOgden Wright· and seven - montti ~ old pr/,side.t Elect avenue, has b~n appointed Coin grandson Kenny Lee, for 10 days. 'II"ing' • • • Dr. NE!$! B.WilIfaIDS of t h e Uni- Container Chairman for the 1957 Then, after a few' davs ~. in New versity of Pennsylvania School of Easter Seal Campaign, it -was an- O~leans, La., they went to, Clear_ . esid' nounced by Deborah' Deacon, water, Fla., where they spe'nt two Dentistry, was chosen pr enc.- Women's Activities Ch81rman for w ........ks. . elect of the International AssoCia_ ..... ~ • • ·still·th. tion of Dental Research at the an- the Campaign.' ..... . Howard Shear~r, Jr." of North \ -- I b e t held Saturda y in · TheI 1957h Easter CampaIgn avenue and nua· anqu d . Seal nally M' 15 Swarthmore " .Andrew Atlantic City. _ ' ! ' a s aunc e natio • ar. • .Schroder of Moylan, seniors at ~;t'",ple"ty.~f He resides on Dogwoacnane. BEREA'YEo D . Cornell Unlversity, Ithaca, N. Y., ' are spending their vacation at . Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Steclw of MiaIIU· . B eac, b Fl a. , ~ Set Party Date • • Bryn Mawr avenue were called to Members of the Friendly Circle, Burlington, N:J., last,wee}( at the I saw it in Th~ Swarthmorean.· meeting March 21 at the bome of death C{f Sleciws brother Mrs. ~rge L. Alston, completed William Grycky. • . , plans for a card party to'be /held Mr. Grycky, who was the prinALlAN, PARKER. April 2S at the WOlJlan's Club.' cipal of the Burlington Junior New anll Re1tunt "'nOll \ ' Tbe party, an annual event, will High. School, died Matth 20 in and aep.lrlnC Since 19M raise funds for Camp Sunshine JeffersOn Hospital. Interment toOk PIANO TUNI~NG and Ca.mp Hope.' , place Monday in ·the U. S. Natlon- - '.f- .ovtor.~ any it a is Mus.ic ClUb.' Hears. n · p. '.0'••. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~==~~~ .' ungarIan J, TIPS On Cleaning ,Floor Coverings ·your C .&., -. A"_ $"".: . . ". omg,.e',,,,1,t1. I • I "A.. . ".F .... $w."..... . Come I.~~ ... K~~~S Carp~t and see ·tlte lie" Co-Op 'face- ft's modest but attractIve . , same friendly atmos,••re. ro-om for leisurely shop- 0" ', .. " , _ . ping and chatting ~I •. luy Co-Op. 'Mrs: * Pbon~ ~nd ~ . :'T~TE H....CB I . - p:bu:i~.:~rthmore, Delaware CoU1l~, LIIl'TBBS TBsTAKBNTARYon the :~ !.~Yi::no~n t~ :: ,:t:' uIj eetat.e are .1IMIit, and thoee· tile .' ::a:Yi:: A e' RHO~ ~I~~. ~:':r ~: , . ~t=...·· ::$ =p=:=sa:=:s: : re Your •• o' .uart.$ z:::: : : : : : : ::: , . , . F' ',' . . ·". ',. · .'.. Safety SerVice . Faulty :.ra••~cause many accidents. C.ec.k Irak•• T~day·.. . . . S~ate reca_tea to mab ~-. bamllr clabuto _ t -'A~~' C~BBLL 1m ~1~c~e~m~e~te:ry~~at~B~e~rwyn~~,~N~.~J~'~iRi!!:~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. Mrs. Minor Stein of Haverford place returned home Tuesday' from a business trip of a 'few days in Annapolis, Md. . Media 8- • Truck Inspe~on. . SprIng' TUl1e-up. I.OIRT. . J. ~..... .....r.· ..... '.... RUSSELL'S $EftVICE . ,"'._\ ; . ,.' ......... 3~·1oroa".':r-.'U: .. ~"~h." .' ". . ClOD 'MARKET" . . . c:......... c..Op.' • • \'., '... ',,' \ .'. ,3.. ••,••• " .... ,. i. .;. . ~.o"'."H. i.,;·- ,W':!I;:r:-'n;.~ . 'JY>:ii;:::=,=~f1""1 ""~<'" .;~~,*:/;,; i"," .. >,;...... , ~." :/.. '~'_;,:;~. ': -.. . -;. .~ .:~ .;.._:. .~_,. . :.,. .,. ,. .,. ~.:'~:~ _',~ ~).;, ,. ;.,:.; '.' ~:~.:\.(.:,~.;5h~.,_~ ~_~,·~..';. .)~,·;.:.·\.:.:~ ~_" "_.' ~ "'~"~'."',~.~.'~'~'J.::.;•. !~.~ ;',:~r _.·;. . ~ ~"r-: .'.~.~_ .-.:\~ 1 .r • 7 : Ane. of S·........ I.... :413 .........·A... ;., .. ' ~~~.. . - , ,-. • • • ". ';~'. • '.', \ ~. ~: ,4"• :. .... ' ': ., , ~.:.,'" ... ".,. "";' -;;>r ~'::,'~~ :-.~':'~ ,"'.'.}•.'••,••'.'" "':·';'~" '-_'.-"' '.·~.:'.•':' .'"i_.i • " •. " ••• '-:' ":"'::.1":+:';,"',7', ,_. '. .• . •• '.','.c'''' • ',. '.' ~•. :...::.. . ::...~;.'. -'~. )'t!' \ '. ." :~•• "- ".