.AUG 3 1956 For Remember THE SWARTHMOREAN Your . Flowers -\'. The Flowerless ' SWAIlTBMORE, FRIDAY, August 3, 1956 VOLUME 28-NUMBER 31 River Cruise Final Rina for SUommer Club Roy Wih!'er Former: o F.,. Chief Dies Swarthmorean Man h W.Ins A·Ir T rop y BOyer,"l.8wr.,PIRenshaw, Sublette ace S:~ar:!or=~. Three and Mn. Clarence C. Franck and their son Martin, wh~ were among the survivors of the Andrea Doria, Major David F. MeCalUster of are now at their home on ComGain Ribbons In din ell avenue, unharmed. Swarthmore, comman g oJBcer Championship of the 142nd Fighter Intercepter Events Squadi'on won the Air National . II. Jean Boyer and °Jan° Lawrence Guard's Earl T. Ricks Trophy. in placed f~th and ~fth among 10 a 1,922 mile 0l1(ght Saturday. S s e n i o r women's diving entries . 0 - d Tuesday evening when Judy Tate McCallister, commander of the Amherst Avenue Resi· ent of Colonial ViDage captured the Wilmington, Del., Air National Had Lived Here champiOnship in this division of Gu~rd unit, officially averaged 1908 the. Suburban Swim League at 547.68 miles an hour in the flight Mr W'lll.~eJames Cresson 32 Martins Dam. Jean's total judges' from 'Hamilton Air Force Base, Amh:~t' 1 a~enue, passed a';"ay scoring slightly. ~urpassed Judy's near San Francisco, to the New Saturday afternoon at her home, over five of h~r div:es but ,dropped. f 11' ear' 'llness She was on a low scorlng SlXth. Her score. Orleans Moissant International 0 owmg a y sl. 0 of 103.3 was just· 3 points below Roy -H.o Witmer, a native Swarthmorean, died Friday, July 20, at the veterans' Hospital at Pre-oSchool, Pritnary Bay Pines, Fla., where he had Groups Fete been confined tor the past four • months with a brain tumor. Parents For several years ohlef of the The Anal week of Summer Club Swarth.more Fire and Protective was highlighted by an. all-day Association, and at onetime vicecruise on the Wilson Line last president Clf the organization, he Wednesday. The trip do~ the was born and reared in SwarthDelaware was thoroughly enjoyed more. Residing for many years on by the boys and girls who have Union avenue, he later moved to taken ~ in the six weeks Sum- Ridley.Park. He moved to Flprida mer CI.ub program as well a~ iri 1934, and since 1946 ,had made several parents and ~ests. ' 0 his home in Largo.· Also during the week· awards - He is surVIVed by his wife, the were presented to Andy Mac- former Bertha Tjtus, four broth... b g Nthau"e'ouantstadoBnedintsyg ~~ f:"i : _ ers, and ~ee sisten. AirporL He made three stops 76Bom Estella Ommert, she was Jan edPowell dOf Aronlmink who o '""'" --along the way, for men in his unit p l ac sacon ing part in this summer'saCUvi. the daughter. of John and Anna . Dave Detwcller, Colonial ViIties. The counselors felt that their to refuel his plane. Ommert of .Pittsburgh, where she lage ·lifeguard, won the senior display of leaden1:lip ability, good • A veteran of more than 1000 spent her ~ll'l~OOd. Soon after heT men's championship 0with a score sportsmanship, enthusiasm and ~g hours in jets and 3000 marriage 10. 1908, she and her of 200.55. Bob Fitzgerald. of Mar, friendliness merited the awards. houn more in conventional air- husband moved to tpe AmheFSt tins Dam was second and - Steve Embl~s were °awarded today craft, McCalllster worked over- avenue address. Fisher of Aronimink third. Skip to the members of the winning Jos~pho E. Haines Widow time last September flying his jet During her long residence Mrs. Cannon of Martins was fourth, team, and by the middle of ~e Lived M.any Years through Hurricane lone to chart Cresson was a member of the Dennis dePaul' of Marple-Newweek ;the Pottsburgh Pirates had its course for weather control sta- SWarthmore Woman's Club and town fifth, and BilI Mattis, Colonimoved intO~ the lead. This bad S. Chester Rd. tions in the Delaware Vallex area. a faithful w~rker for Trinity al Village, sixth. . been achieved through the 1J.ne Mrs. MaryR6s8mond Haines, He and his wife Dorothea live Church of which she was also a Diime Renshaw placed sixth work of all the members of the ~dow .of Joseph E. Haines, died at 2 Yale avenue with their six member. with 'a score of 052.7 °just ~ 27, a t 3: 30 a.m . at children. S eh 'IS survl~e . d .b y her. hus0 ' Colonial teamincludlng Graham 0 Patter- Frlday, J ".lLU,1 . tenths of a point less than son, captain, and Don Jones, Ed- the/Green County Memorial Hosband; three children, William J. Village's fifth placer.laker in the die Shute, Bob Rowland, Ricky pita1, Catskill, N. Y. She was 86. Jr., of H- abvertrfOrAd )Planeceiw,:::ax:: junior girls diving chaimpionship Draper, Betsy Coddington, Eudora Mrs. Haines and her husband 0 (Mrs. Ro e. . at Rose Valleyo Wednesday evenMacNair, and Bill Cushing. were residents of 212 South ChestCornell avenue, and Mary (Mrs. lng Each of the six clubs in tb.) In. second place -only a feVi er road for many years. After . William C.) Collenberg of Dick- Le~gue had a diver place among points behind-were the Machetes her husband's'death in 1944 Mrs. Don Jones and Joe Lehecka ~o~ avenue; and sev~ grand- the top six in this classification, with Andy MacNair, captain, and Haines continued to make her demonstmted the values of stead- children. Aronimink Winning l1rst Martins Kim Prescott, Tom Gaylord, Jim home in Swarthmore, at 201 South iness and -experience as they Services were held Tuesday Dam second Rose vall~y third Tolles, Laird Thompson, Linda Chester road. Latterly, she had stroked their way to the Swarth- afternoon at Trinity Church. Marple-Newiown fourth. ' Kennedy, Betsy Breake11, and spent several summers at Haines. more Tennis Club's Men's Doubles Burial followed in Glenwood MeJohn 0 Ungern, who was 0out of. Alan· Rueger. Falls, where- she was taken 111. . Championships on Saturday, JUJle ~orioal Gard~, Broomall. 0 last·, Saturday'S meet due.to a " Following these came the VigiMrs. Haines was a member 0 of 28. The opposing l1na U sts, curt .0 .. . o· t t·head 0injury creceived° in practi~ Iantes°'in-tblrd pl~ followed bYot\le:~~f)roe;.~~~thly Mee~. wall1ii.~~~~'J1!!1!~~o:W~}'?~~m.~-~_~;.~_ .• 0 0~y diving.the .• p~ous!.day,· ,was the Panthers, the J'lylng Cheetahs, of the ileHglous SocietY· of able ·to attack Dehindo-s"c9!Wder:: . -ADZ-Star :Gallle back in· campetiijoli aJong ·with and the KOoI Kats. Friends. She and her hllSband ably stronger serVice, obut Don and Tbe Ifttermed1ate· Edeo League °Rob Baker and Eric Peterson repThe big .event of the last week were very active over a 0period of Joe were the more consistent in will play its All-Star game to- resenting Swart1m.lore in the jun. of the Summer Rlecreatlon Pro· years in. borough aflain. Mrs. keeping the ball in play until an morrow at 1 p.m. on the Yeadon ior boys diving. AU were out(Continued on Page 8) Haines was particularly interest- opportunity for an effective volley l1eld. Six local boys-Bob Brad- classed as Marple-Newtown diVed in the early ~ears of the or placement presented Itself. shaw, Dave Houtz,. Jim -Robinson, ers placed first and third, Aroni.IIft~T S Swarthmore Womans Club. While most of the games were Jim Pattelson, Brody 0 Crawford Olink second and sixth, and Coa ....... ] • Before her· marriage to Mr. vigorously contested, the winners and Thaddeus Adams will parti- lonial Village fourth and flfth. 1I:.... Haines she was a teacher for many doIIlinilted the play sufficiently to clpate. 0 Slmiltaneously with the junior .a~ . ' Years at the Friends Central run the match out in° straight sets, In the Junior League All-Star diving at Rose Valley the senior Funeral servi~es for Harry P. Tarr of Morton,owho died Thurs- ~hool. 6-4, 6-4, 6-3.. Saturday's high play-off on Saturday, the western owomen's and men's 440-yard She left surviving her ..one humidity dido not apPear .to affect team defeated the eastern team freestyle championship event was day night,· Ju1y 19, at his ho~e daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Hatn~the quality of play, although the by a score of 5 to 4. Hoe1ping the held in the Swarthmore pool, in Morton, were held MOtu;ltlyStephenson of Blo?m1ngton, Ill., neow champions later confessed victon from Swat¢hmore V{~re with . the . home ,team's single afternoon, July 23, in Glenolden; d hil.l.... Geo g W t · i th burial was held in Ar_Ungton two gran c 1.U ..n, r e 'thelll~elves grateful that a fourth Bob Dawes and Bob Kenschaft a. ~try, Bob Sublette, .placmg .s x ~henson, Jr., and Anne W. or fifth set had proven ~eces- short stop; Bill Fuoss, catcher, 1n the latter with a time of 5.42.2, C~~mtery~. ~orton 17 years ago, Stephenson; and twO. stepgrand- sai.y and Butch Hofmann at second. (Continued on Page 8) .DU Sons Joseph Martin and Richard . _-_0_.- _ _ _ __ the sOn of Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. rti As a consequence of their vicTarr, Jr., of mghland ~venue, M~:~te services were held this tory, Don and Joe acquired the o. 0 . 1116 Servo·lceS Held Tuesdo!l1y For Mrs. Wm.Cre· son S· • Mrs. Rosamond Halnes Succumbs 10 New York at lones-Lehecka Net . Doubles Championship ·de P T arr ! .. .PI $at. D· Ie, h School· Student ::;r;~!~ ~::: :!~,th:e~: ~2'sl:in~~r:;;~ =:~r x:! ~ ~tthe pASTOR. JOHN C KULP REPORTS FROM IDS POST IN IKUNO, JAPAN week Friends Cemetery in 0 been~teadily improying, oaQd. had Mickletown, N. J. Bill Haseltine, earned permanent The following a,.e' ezce1'pts . "Once in Alaska, our time bebeen abie to continue his studies •. • 0 possession of the former awards trom an open Jette!' to the COR- gan filling with new adventure as at SwartbIDore High School'during by posting their third triumph in g~eg4tion . oj the Swat"thfflOT'e well as responsibility. Durin~ our the spring. He would ohave been the annual event. °Both teams iJl Methodist Chu,.ch, from the past- 36 hours there, we had a 'lengthy a junior in September." . 0 this year's finals were lOOking for 0,., John C. Kulp, who is cu,.,.en~- orientation briefing, and a 300 He °Wasa' member of , the KedChristine Ford, Amherst av,e- th'eir first win, though both have Iy in Japan wii~ a 37 men,be!' mile trip to Seward to see our ron MethOdist Church 'and a jun- Due, has been awarded a S,peclal been finalists &n. a number 0of ministerial team. The tette!' 1'e- Methodist work there in ~e for member of Morton Fire Com- scholarship given by the Federal .prior occasions. COf'ds his t,.a1,eb 0from the time Of church, the hospital and Jessee pany 1. . . __ Republic of Germany for ~ Players at the Tennis Club are his depanut"e on June 24 up to Lee· Hi?iile ofor ~dren. Back in At high schOOl, he was manager in .that. country during the 19156- now pointing for the Men's SiDgl- the date Of his letter, Ju1V 20. Anchora,e, I chanced to ~ ~ter.. of the football team of 1955, and 57 academic year. es ChampiOnships, to be be1d (Originally appointed to leroe the viewed on a. local TV travelers this Past season was assistant Only 60 of these special,schOl.-4I the end of the clUb's se&9OlI in town of SamUkawa, On coa.st4l sho~" ·~Iaska: has nOw h~ of manager of the baseball team.. He ships, blel~ round-triP tr\9ns.. late Auaust and earlY' Septelpber. Japan, he was tNmterred to the Swarth~or~ a~d Our Mission to a180 mlMged in various sports portatioD, tuition at any ~. _.. .. 0·.:0 mining toum of lkurao in the; J~pan. ~0!l~~~F.-. th~ ~t us apduring his junior high school tlon of higher ed.ucatlGa bl est L-f . 5 .• °Co mountGins.) pealing were made honorary - 0 . ·Germany or West Berlin and a leaving .urses ''Let me thank 090 many of you members of· the "Top 0'· the ye;:'adCutlOn °to hhrpa~, :hjstiPend of 3GO DM a: month from . Two-week° courseS· th. ·jUnior for the inspiring siend-oft you ar- World:Ctub"ooanC{°tiUted to dinis survlv8d by a brother, hul~ Ifoyember 1 to July S1 t \1957 were and senior life saving will be ranged at the airport. All my Ute nei' at one of the best restauran~ 3rd~ a 1950 graduate of Swarth- oftered. All candidates in the fteld given at the Sw~ore Swim I shall never forget that ~U! • • .. With me$ at $3.00 and up, this more Hlgh,o who will s1IOtt1y be of study excepting medical studi~ Club .Pool Monday through 1'ri''The 1light ohere was uneventful WAS good f~rtune. released from the United States were eligible to apply. Tbe com day beginning August 6. Moemben if not fatiguing. Fortunately, the "From then on, we have been Army; and his grandpuents, Mr. ~tltion., open to both men and from 12 to 16 years of age are Ibng houn were broken by a long on the move. A midnight to 2 a.m• .. ,aDdM1:'s. Paul C. Tarr, also of women, closed June 1 of this year. en.tble fOl' the JUD:ior course at sto~ver at ~cago where we briefing belore 111gbt ~ helped Morton. . Tbese .. feJlowtdUPS were estab- 2 0p.m. Tbose 16 and over may attended evening' service at Chi- answer more questions. Then the lished by the German RepubUc: enter the seDlor. class at 6: 30 cago Temple First Methodist last leg of the flight (18 hours and EcIw.,.d H A. lien ' gratitude for the help of . I e Church, Dr. Charles Ray Goff, one refUeling stop 0in the Aleu. ' . " ' . -c '. -:.; 0 ' . - . . . - -Ameri~ Goftmment and peope .,0 Both courses will be conducted Pastor.o This is the downtown. tians) broujht us to Tokyo on . A;(k iff S~ D,saster in the post-war rec~truction of by Carl Schaefer of the pool church famous for Its Chapel in Seb~~ very contused in .The ctestroX.er escort Bdward Germany. . 0- . ., ~ ., guards. . .0 the Sky and an original of Warner telling time. ~ . R. Allen, ODe of the ~e ships Chris, the daughter of ~.an~ . . SaUman'so "lIead. of Christ." 0 urn not try to put o~ oJNlPtr the l'l!icat . . °disaster 0( the MrS. Henry C. J'ord, is schedul-: DIsC... Idool ........ "The continuiDgtrip from Chi~ ~ tliatwas.riquired of us durb:a8 AiIdrea Doria, was. named In ~- to sail October 1'1· on. the M. . The school bOard met as a eom- cago Was also .bMkeD by shorter, our.ftrst daysin.-Tc.kyo. It ~ or of IA. BcIwanJ.. H. ADen, U.s.N. Bertin. A student at the Uliiver: mitt. Mondq eveaIna to dJs~ legstretchin. stops at. St. PauI"welli8veJ: atbpped to~~ We Lt. ADen's widow, Krs;.Doiotfly ally of Pams7~a;.abe.ls::e cUss e1ementarT scbool expanlfOD·BUJIngs ~d SPOkane, With ,break- I 'Were rushed t'rom'''o ne.ption C. ADell aDd her· <.aD tt'eny aDd .ren~ spencUn~.o~ a ·~th weil 'o~fast .. ;Wash. ~ it was, 'to aaotber. an ~ wlth'toimal daqh~ &lFDt . . .~ 0~t ~ Music c:a~Po ~~ ~ SIiI7. : . . 0 . . . oGII ~. ~ . ·~;t .0· ,CGIjI' 0'''' aD ,... ,) . 111 Bat.lard •••_ . . ".,,0 tocheD, JIIeh. .. 0 .. ' 0 0 . 0 0 ~."O 0." _ .0 0 0 'J~ ·0 "o~.ll,t., 0, Christine Ford Wins German Fellowship near p.m. f«Ort • I ' in: tmt o summer. ~ .. ' .;-,,;~~ •• ' • -' • - " , I '-' t . . . . . . . '" . • ,\ ',;" the ......, .• ~ Se;ttJ!t. oJ . .\.~.t";;,,, ..... >.;~' !·l.~ --.& . - . August 3, 1956 Personals Dr. anll Mrs. Geotge B. Heckman and family of Park allenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Williain E. Kurtzhalz and {amily, also of Park avenue, returned home Saturday froin a two at Havh Nweek J sojoum . en Beac , ., •. '. MrS. Glenn Grogan of Westminster avenue is entertaining as her house guest her sister Mrs. Mabel Bi1llngs of Grandville, Mich. Dr. Helen P. ~uth' of Dartmouth avenue with Miss Marian Will of Montclair, N. J., are leaving shortly for Pigeon Cove, Mass., where they will spend the month of August. Mrs, A. M. Lackey of Ogden avenue had as her guests h".. son-in-law and daughtei- Mr. and Mrs. H. E. McClosky of Baltimore, Md. Mr. and Mrs. 0 scar S . H a rt returned to theIr home on Lafayette avenue last week following a six day motor trip to White Sulphur Springs, W. Va.,' and the Skyllne Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Held of Westminster avenue have returned from their vacation in Georgia and Puerto Rico. Motoring to Atlanta for a vIsit with Mrs. Held's P!II'ents Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. SDyder, the flew from there to San Juan. ·After a 240 mile rr.otor around the island, they flew Charlotte AmaUa' con St. in the Vlrgln Islands, for a slay, and then continued on Florida, where they spent a in Fort Lauderdale. They visited sister, Mr. and Mrs. Charles AI" daughter Mr. and Mrs. Henry I.IITHS Dr. and Mrs. Dino E. P. Mclen. Richter visited Mrs. Foster's other Lt ( j ) d Mr AIl Curdy of South Chester road an. . 6 an .~ an Mrs. William. T. Salom son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Rumpf of Cheverly, Md., nounce the arrival of a dauihter Peter, Blll, aDd Jim, Mrs. BoYd H8rris in PraIrie VU- nounee the blrt}l of theli' secOnd Gretchen on Monday, July 23, 'at to her h"",,, on Haverford lage, Kans. forflve weekS. After· son, David Allan, Wednesday, Methodist HospitaL Friday after a two week slay their retum to Swarthmore, Mr. with her parents Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Richter trsveled south J~r~RumPf is the former Bar. N. M. Pierpont in and are at the present time visit- hara' Anne Krase, daughter of Conn. ing relatIVes in Miami and Key Mr. and Mrs. N. W. . !Crase of PICTURE FRAMING Mr. and Mrs. Daniel West, Fla. En.route they. stopped Middl.etown Road, Media. Mr. and PORTRAit STUDIO and children Catherine, .Janet, for a weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mn;. F. W. Rumpf of St. Michaels, rho......._phlc uppI' and Mark of. Rutgers avenue, will William D. McHenry in Columbia, Md. a", the pa~ lIl'8n4par.... leave Tuesday fot a S. C. Mrs, McHenry is the'daugh- ents. ROGER" . visit with Mrs. Goldwater's par- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. entsMr..and Mrs. W. li. Acker of Wallingford and Mr. SUBSCRIPTIONS Sta,* ... "i~i'li". in Nantucket. McHenry, the son of Mrs. William FOR ALL M':.tna Mrs. B ess. B' h • .,.,nqR. McHenry of Parrish road. MAGAZINES e,wo.. . the month of July at Vanada Mrs. George E. Silloway of MRS. LLOYD E. EAtJII'lI'MAN MEen. '6-2176 Woods on J3arnegat Bay, N. J., re- North Chester road is entertaining 31S D.rimoatlt AVenDe Op~ Frid~y' Evenings turned Tuesday to her home on her son-in-law and daughter Mr. ~S~W~arth;~"'~'IOI'~: ~e~6~-20;88~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~::~~::~=====~ North Swarthmore avenue. and Mrs. Paul J. Furnas of Earl- ~ Mr. an.d Mrs. William H. Clark ham College, Ind., for a of Haverford place and their son of weeks. Billy, recently spent two and a Former SwarUunoreans Mr. half weeks in the Andirondacks and Mrs. Wallace McCurdy of and Cape Cod. Westtown, will leave Monday for BEAUTY SALON a two week vacation at Sea View Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Fine LEST S!AUTY 'ACATION tOol and Ashley and Biff of North in Absecon, N. J. . . .\ Swarthmore avenue were the Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Wittrelch 9 South Chester Road weekend iluests of Mr. and Mrs. and young son Bllly are occupy~ Call SWarthmore 6-0476 Vipond in Waverly. During ing thelr new home at 96 LongeflAcllve ......... of ... Sw................. their visit Mr. Vipond and Mr. low Drive, Colonia, N. J. Mrs. Fine came in second at the Scran- Wittrelch is the former Miss Carton Country Club golf tourna- oline deFurla, daughter of Mr. ment. and Mrs. Guy G. deFur1a of North '1iii iill , "1',11 I ' I ' • Mr. and Mrs. Howard Y. Clym- Chester road. Mr.. Wittr<;lch who er and children Brian, Jimmy, was formerly stationed ill NewBruce, and .Tan, of Park avenue ,port, with the Navy, was recently spent a few days of last week in released,and is now a chemist in , 407 .'1TMOUTH . AYIN';! . Clift Point, Md. the research department of the BREAKFAST - LUNCH Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Clothier Merck ComPBl!y in Rahway. of Columbia avenue Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Hon- 'I CLOSED SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS home Saturday after a two son of Rutgers avenue and Mr. OPEN 7 A.M. to 7:30 fI.M. motor trip to Canadit and and Mrs. Harlan R. Jessup of .. .• ~o~day Through Friday; , England. En roUte they Havedord avenue have returned Dally 90e through the Laurentlans, slayed to their homes foll~ng the~ overnight' at St. In weekend spent at the Hopsons . in Atlanta a fewhome. more days before their drive Dr. and Mrs. Harold C. RoxbY of Ehn avenue rilt1p1led this week Quebec, and buUdlDgs. at" ottswa From summer home at North Mountain parUament near Eaglesmere. Harbor they .made an excursion Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Sl Andrews in New Bruswick, Winch and children Peggy, Betsy, an- .S. New I'amoua last wOl'dlI "I forlot to DAY C:ARE CENTER You can't vote in the Delaware County Child Care November 8 election unless you Centers' Assoct8tion baa just are registered. opened a Dew day care center at Vermoat and Blanchard ioeds, Drexel BilL A new modern ODestory building with playllOund faclllties baa been _ted With $500 MONTHLY foundation funds. It· is. a ComSleul" ....,., for 2 I the It" muniw Chest &P1c:y that 111 availto ..... t ........... , to ~ . in ti1-e comII .1 ~III ......Ioa. No fnINI. W. reBIater." .1_.14 0 1 _t.. 101...... _ r., cIooIrocI; In ':_ - ' _ ClOd .... odal>- '........ mu ••t, . . . ~ oIcI. ...,.. rI",. .,.... of n&poMIbll.,.. ....·r Cot i-=.::.;.---,----,....----. tOcWo . "'"' _, I~1\P1t)' servl~. of 'Valthe Board. ·Is viceJ!4rl!. Dc1nal1l Jones, Splll~, Mrs. Hope Ford Robinson . T. - . . 011 ............... kII~ Ow tal ...... ..... ..." _14" of 11010 ad. ... A. L. 5uullllil Lan' Media Friends Scbool , 81st Year The .. . N~w Enrolling for Fall Term Nunery through Fifth Gracie - Kinclergarten Morning lind Afternoon Groups Phone MEdia 6·6563 or W"ite t ... School Tlllrel and Nortl! Streets. M.dla , AilwoC.-. DEW D~GP 11M - DINNER 6.nners ,1... to 5 ------ -- -- ---- ~ . . •!~ . t, . FA.. ILYDINIIIIS to SUIT til. TASTI .f ~YONI . TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS C;~I!Ji~d Qrd.r EXCELLENT BANQUET AND PARTY FACILITIES BUSINESS ~'S LUNCH; 12-1:30 P. M. DINING ROOMS ••d LO.IY AIR CONDmONID • Comfo....bl;> R_ml Doy or W •• k EI.yator STRA.TH HA.YEN INN Ya!. & Harvard Ayen.... Swartllmore. P•• WALnR L PAUon. M,.. FIlII POliNG I:~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~g~~g~! Ro"se"'". 'VaH' ey Nurser""les, from the BI"Iirade Lakes, Maine, and la!el' took a day boat trip and Ray, have returned to their where they have been vacationing Nova Scotia. A visit. to Old stur- h~e on Dickinson avenue Mon. .__ . ' for a few weeks. bridge Village in MassachUsetts day following several dayS of va- . was their flnal stop on the trip cation at the Charles E. Fischer Middletown 'Road ... , • • . J'R. ·0. 1'6; Media, 'a. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Van of Park avenue have returned home. farm in Nottingham. . Opposite HIgh MeaClciW . . . from Hulett's Lamtlng at' Lake Mrs. J. Robe~t McHenry has A. Sidney Johnson, 3rd., of North Custom IrJr."..... L . GeOrge where they spent a three- retumed to her home On Parrish Chester road left early this mornr - WI' .... 'tl week vUcation. Mr. and MrS. Mark road after a vacation during the from Scranton on a two week T.I.......: CH.....r 2.7206 Bittle of Riltgers avenue visited past month in Ocean City, N. J., ' trip in ilie Lake Temagami Ask foto lenPilmer .~ -Hetiry 'Amold the Vail AIens at their cOttage with ber mother Mrs. C~arles R. area in Qntarl\>, Caitada. . POWER SPRAYING'_ Tm ""1"1111& for four days; Mr. and MrS. Clin- 1'''''ehl and the Pbilip M. Reldy Dr. and Mrs.' James A. R'i'e:hm'r 1'.1. ,""atu,.. 7 ... and'.!O P.... iiIjt...++10 . Paul, 3rd., w1ll leave Monday t ( ) · I I . IJCID/IIIIS' 5tlOW vacatiqt1- for two. ~ at Cas",T 1"P.". -- lAT. ~e,~Me., anll at Riverv1ew, New ' ; ". 1 Color. Culw.. BruJlSwl.ek, canada the hame of 2 Last .!xclfi. . C . .,fer Mrs. Mnier-s brotber-fn-lawand ,I ··GHG$TI.UH" THE PREP SHOP Clearance Sale Laildsca- tlAl.ks 405 DARTMOUTH AVENUE __ ? ....'s,aIw. HOf.WATEIt £GU£CE tH£AtRE as ~te"ded Auiust· 11th. ••• wll.. ii's •11'" erna si{t.• 1..------------- Our Annual Sale Where We Reduce the Price on Every Item in the. Store . , EXCEPT WOOlITE CO'LO- WA''''''.E.R , S·~,A-D. ,-",1"\r MISS ma MERCURY 1c Now At "Especially for Woo." • No SHR1NKING • NO 'MATTINS Sale 3-Jollit YfaYWef. "SANDS_IWO-IIMA" '4 . eYe", ·Sat. Mat. ·,..i_ tI.... 'M.L. Tn... ~.g, ~7 s... f/il. !'to_"&,*,'!' .,ti, SPf'!!i!".,.. "AUUN .HEGltIAt'· ,CINEMASCOK. .. NICoLOR; _ _ ~rit . ".,~.~~7l2S1tW.-.c Film - Flcfslib,,'bs - fhoro F(n&,h;n~ Q/XI 'Wliea·~.i8ka 10.., fat ....,""", 10 h_ daua Fair Trade Items . _the 'iile '*Iicrin!r, &ell h'slhe\O iWitCia 't'O 'It iUBlilftjUwater lIddaJ. ~~ W. Sum of P.. rc.asesMust '"be of $1.00 or . , -ofbot W1I.ter-.helll~ JOCI"Deed itwidI _ . Exclusively Ours . . . . . . .. . . . .. ~·6e-l.". ~ atjoarphwhe!';. hi'ur-, .phileddpri· Pi !b:ic .tul •• .aft.. : AM" . . . . . 304th Mil I tar y Government Group, a Phlladel~ Army Reserve Unlt, to leave for two weeks active duty traIning at Fort George G. Meade, Md., on Sunday. . Whila at Fort Meade, CoL 01cott will assume COIIUDIIlUl of the S04th MG qiOuP ci.uiin& the tlnie the unit is ~artlclpailng in "Operatioa Walk rn"-a m~ milllary exercise deallng with the adrninisiratlon of mllllary government in "Vlrlle Province" in the mythIcal aggressor nati"n of "TooL" In addition to helping the MG group to accomplish its primary mission of administering mllllary government in an occupied country in time of war, Col. Olcott also will have lots of plain soldiering to do. On the. training schedule are such subjects as road marches, map reading, bivouacs and a visit to the rifle range for firing of weapons. .. ' 'o..lco '4.50 ............. ""'1 Li~rary . SUl1'mer Schedule RQlERT J. An. Mgr. . . Il~SSELL 'S~I;!tVICE f· Opposite Borough P~ ~ SVI' 0440 Damn..." . - Lafayetl. . . ClD .... Satlrnlay'" r ,.II., ," Garner Several Firsts Despite FeISt Company Swarthmore Swim Club C8ma out of Its ilnai Suburban Swim League meet of the season last Saturday with a double defeat, the .general assurance that it haei the best ahowing ever made by a flrst-year team. The triple meet, held at Colonial VUlale, found Martins Dam defeating Swarthmo1'" by only 14 pointS (185 to 171) and Colonial Village defeating Swarthmore by 93 Aboard the radar picket destroyer po1nts (223 to 130). Colonial VilUSS K. D. Bailey Midshipman 3/c Furman L. Sheppard, Jr., lale defeated Martr'¥ Dam by 78 sights a 3" gun. The son of Capt. points (216 to 138). and Mrs. F. L. Sheppard of HavSeveral local swinuners turned ;,rford place, he is a so~,homore i in their best times yet, despite a at the Naval Academy. trifle longer course than Usual, Three thousand however the strmibt course' refrom the U. S. Naval Academy moved loss of time in tums. and the Naval Reserve Omcers Swarthmore soon lost the 1~12 Training Corps of 20 colleges lead it held over Colonial Village Creek Valley Interest universities are participating in at the end of the third event. Henry Gouley. of Wallingford a training cruise in the Atlantic. The Williams sisters, Joyce and a member of the newly They left Norfolk, V~., June Carol,' were responsible for three Citizens' Creek Valley Association 5 aboard two battleships, two of the ~our top placings won by of Delaware County. The Associa_ heavy cruisers and 16 destroyers, S'l"arthmote In the SVllm events, tion has been established to co" bound for ports in Sweden, Nor- J?yce wlnJ.1lng tjle .. Iqtj!rmediate . ordinate cItizen interest in creek way, Denmark, England and Ger- II1rls il'!llklStrok!! (39.2) and valley preservlltion. many. The future naval officers breaststroke. (45.2) and Carol the The Association is especially are undergoing "at sea" training senlor glris breaststroke (100 interested in Da~by, Crum, Rid- in duties and life aboard a war- Yards---l:31.9). Charlotte Brodley and Chester creeks. Many ship. head won the intermediate girls acres of fields and woodlands (40.7)., Rob Baker Gunnery training at Quantan- butterfly hllve been replaced with houses brought in the only other top and pavement during the post- amo Bay, Cuba, climaxed place for Swarthmore, m interwar building boom thus Increas- cmise before the ships returned mediate boys diving. His score of to Norfolk yesterday. inl the .surface run-off. Floods in 66.7 was 1.65 PQlnts above Martins - - - - - Dam's the 1955 :hurricane season cost runner-up Phil Burkhart; to his base after spending Delaware County citizens m1lllons aturned month ill Europe visiting In Jessi.ca AIlen of Martins Dam of dollars. . . Germany, Italy, Spain, France, who had belci" the midget girllr' J. Roy Carroll, Jr., Swarthmore, breaststroke record of 52.1 turned' Holland. Lt. James is current- in a new"reco;'ci of 49.7 ColOnial was among those who participat- and Iy abol/rd the USNS William C. . ed in the discussions which led Langfitt en route to Bremerhav- Village chalked up 19 top timeS to the establishment of the As. ., in swinuning and foUr in diving en, Ge1'll)any. and won both relays. Martins iiad sociation. Mr. John D. Pearson arrived at nine swimming and 'one diving his home on 'Cornen avenue Mon- iln;ts over all NEWS NOTES day allet ..,yorkirig in the Gulf Swimmers ~110 gai';ed SwarthMrs. Donald A: Crosset of ~exlco op. an experimental pro- more a secOJ.ld and live third placRiverview road bas had as her loot .for,tbJ/-·past two months. es in bac~lrolaxe. was hospitallU!d brt~ With a latl.arl•• $5.25 brol<~ wr!st.. She is now at her ~I!H GaS a.d Oil home in Milwaukee. THE' CAMERA a ,.OIlIY, SHOP, • ~.'tIie ••am.il~_ . . ..... Seahorses Give C.V., M.D. Good Competition Ll Col. Ben L. Olcott of O!'erUn avenue will be amoug 48 omcerg and 52 enllsted men of the OYe..fO Qualify for. Sale! '.0111 n ..", cUW. • NO BLOCKIN& TQ CAllED FOR DUTY " W... , .. h . . . . ..-, , Monday, WedneSday Friday 2 - 5 -- afternoon' ,7 -11- evening' ~osed~. - '-- ' ~-. .... INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE August 3, 1956 Page 2 '1 HE SW ARTJlMOREAN sisler, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Al\ len. Mrs. William T. Salom with Dr. and Mrs. George B. Heck- Peter, Bill, and Jim, returned man and family of Park avenue. to her home on Haverford place and Mr. and Mrs. William E. Friday after a two week stay Kurtzhalz and family, also of Park with her parents Mr. and Mrs. avenue, returned home Saturday N. M. Pierpont in Waterbury, from a two w'cck sojourn at Hav- Conn. en Beach, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Goldwater Mrs. Glenn Grogan of West- and children Catherine, Janet, minster avenue is entertaining as and Mark of Rutgers avenue. will her house guest her sister Mrs. leave Tuesday for a three-week Mabel Billings of Grandville, visit with Mrs. Goldwater's parMich. ents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Haines Dr. Helen P. South of Dart- in Nantucket. mouth avenue with Miss Marian Mrs. Bess B. Lane, who spent Will of Montclair, N. J., are leav- the month of July at Vanada ing shortly for Pigeon Cove, Woods on Barnegat Bay, N. J' t reMass., where they will spend the turned Tuesday to her home on month of August. North Swarthmore avenue. Mrs. A. M. Lackey of Ogden Mr. and Mrs. William H. Clark avenue had as her weekend of Haverford place and their son guests her son-in-law and daugh- Billy. recently spent two and a ter Mr. and Mrs. H. E. McClosky half weeks in the Andirondacks of Baltimore, Md. and Cape Cod. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S. Hart reMr. and Mrs. Valentine Fine turned to their home on Lafayette and Ashley and Biff of North avenue last week following a six Swarthmore avenue were the day motor trip to White sulphur weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Springs, W. Va., and the Skyline David Vipond in Waverly. During Drive. their visit Mr. Vipond and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Fine came in second at the ScranHeld of Westminster avenue have ton Country Club golf tournareturned from their vacation in ment. Georgia and Puerto Rico. MotorMr. and Mrs. Howard Y. Clyming to Atlanta for a visit with er and children Brian, Jimmy. Mrs. Held's parents Mr. and Mrs. Bruce, and Jan, of Park avenue Paul J. Snyder, the travellers spent a few days of last week in flew from there to San Juan. Cliff Point, Md. After a 240 mile motor trip Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Clothier around the- island, they flew to of Columbia avenue returned Charlotte Amalia on SI. Thomas home Saturday after a two week in the Virgin Islands, for a short motor trip to Canada and New stay, and then continued on to England. En route they toured Florida, where they spent a week through the Laurentians, stayed in Fort Lauderdale. They visited overnight at St. Marguerite in in Atlanta a few more days be- Quebec, and at Ottawa visited the fore their drive home. parliament buildings. From Bar Dr. and Mrs. Harold C. Roxby Harbor they mad-e an excursion to of Elm avenue returned this week S1. Andrews in New Bruswick, from the B1egrade Lakes, Maine, and later took a day boat trip to where they have been vacationing Nova Scotia. A visit to Old Sturbridge Village in Massachusetts for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Van Alen was their final stop on the trip of Park avenue have returned home. Mrs. J. Robert McHenry has from Hulett's Landing at Lake returned to her home on Parrish George where they spent a threeweek vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Mark road after a vacation during the Bittle of Rutgers avenue visited past month in Ocean City, N. J., the Van Alens at their cottage with her mother Mrs. Charles R. for four days; Mr. and Mrs. Clin- Passehl and the Philip M. Reidy ton I. Sprout of Hightstown, N. J. family. Mrs. Passehl is now visitwere guests also. Before they ing her son-in:"law and daughter went to Hulett's Landing, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Reidy at their home Mrs. Van Alen stayed for several in Worcester, Mass. Mrs. Ellwood B. Chapman of days at Cape May with their SODin-law and daughter Mr. and Harvard avenue and Miss Wynona Mrs. John W. Taylor, Jr., and M. Long have returned from Buck their young daughter of Balti- HilI Falls where they spent three weeks. Guests of Mrs. Chapman at morc. Mr. and Mrs. C. William Ram- Buck HilI Falls were Mr. and say and children Heather and Mrs. N. O. Pitfenger and their Chick of Mt. Holyoke place and son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay's parents Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Gill and baby; Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Geltz of Harvard Mrs. Ray Hunt and their daughter Janet. avenue returned Sunday after a SlI£anne and John Plowman two and a half week vacation at North Waterford. Lake Kezar, h ave re t urne d t 0 th elr h orne on Me., which included trips to the North Swarthmore avenue from top of Mt. Washington and Booth the Poco nos where Suzanne attended Camp Teedy-usk-ung at Bay Harbor. Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Russell Hawley and Joan. Camp Netimus and three children Peggy, Emily, at Milford. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fellows and Stephen of Haverford place spent the month of July in West of Garrett avenue and sons Dick Ne,vton, Mass., as the guests of and Chuck stayed for two weeks Mrs. Russell's parents Mr. and in Belgrade Lakes Camp, Maine. Mrs. V. K. Foster of Harvard Mrs. William F. Chase. Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Miller, avenue with her son-in-law and Jr.. of Marietta avenue, with Geoll'rey, Christina, and Peter Paul, 3rd., will leave Monday to vacatiQ~ for two weeks at Castine•. Me.• and at Riverview, New Brunswick, Canada. the home of Mrs. Miller's brother-In-law and Personals WOOLITE COLD WATER SOAP DON'T MISS THE "Especially for Wool" MERCURY RECORD • NO SHRINKING Premiam • NO MATTING • NO BLOCKING lc Sale Now At Exclusively Ours daughter M.·. and Mrs. Henry Richter visited Mrs. Foster's other son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Harris in Prairie Village, Kans. for five weeks. After their return to Swarthmore. ]'fr. and Mrs. Richter traveled south and arc at the present time visiting re]atlves in Miami and Key West, Fla. En route they. stopped for a weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William D. McHenry in Columbia, S. C. Mrs. McHenry is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Acker of Wallingford and Mr. McHenry, the son of Mrs. William R. McHenry of Parrish road. Mrs. George E. Silloway of North Chester road is entertaining her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and l\tlrs. Paul J. Furnas of Earlham College, Ind., for a couple of weeks. Former Swarthmoreans Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McCurdy of Westtown, will leave Monday for a two week vacation at Sea View in Absecon, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Wittreich and young son Billy are occupying their new home at 96 Longefllow Drive, Colonia, N. J. Mrs. Wittreich is the former Miss Caroline deFuria, dau~hter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy G. deFuria of North Chester road. Mr. Wittreich who was formerly stationed in Newport, with the Navy. was recently released, and is now a chemist in the research department Of the Merck Company in Rahway. Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Hopson of Rutgers avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Harlan R. Jessup of Haverford avenue have returned to their homes fonowing their weekend spent at the Hopsons' summer home at North Mountain near Eaglesmere. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Winch and children Peggy, Betsy. and Ray, have returned to their home on Dickinson avenue Monday following several days of vacation at the Charles E. Fischer fann in Nottingham. A. Sidney Johnson, 3rd., of North Chester road left early this morning from Scranton on a two week canoe trip in the Lake Temagami area in Ontario, Canada. Dr. and Mrs. James A. Richards of Rutgers avenue have as their house guests this week Dr. and Mrs. John Bennett and four children of Greenville, N. C. Dr. Bennett is professor of 'religion and philosophy at East Carolina College. He and his family are on a camping trip en route to Lake George, N. Y. 110 Park Aye. swarfflmoreJ BIRTHS and Mrs. Allan N. Cheverly, Md., anbirth of their second Allan, Wednesday. Lt. (j.g.) Rumpf of nounce the son. David July 25. Mrs. Rumpf is the former Barbara Anne Krase, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Krase of Middletown Road, Media. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Rumpf of SI. Michaels, Md. are the paternal grandparents. SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR ALL MAGAZINES MRS. LWYD E. KAUFFMAN 313 Dartmouth Avenue SVVarlhmore 6-2080 Dr. and Mrs. Dlno E. P. McCurdy of South Chester road announce the arrival of a daughter Gretchen on Monday, July 23, 'at Methodist Hospital. ~lIlUlllllnnnlllllllllHllIlIllIllJJJlllllllllllllnlJlJlRllllJl;l § ; ! PIOURE FRAMING PORTRAIT STUDIO Photographic Supplies I ROGER RUSSELL I e S t a t e & Monroe Sts. ;;; Media a e I! MEdia 6.2176 OPe.? Friday Evenings .'1111111I11111U1111I1I1I1I1111111 4-0977 ;: 5~ Ii § Famous last words! "I forgot to NEW DAY CARE CENTER Delaware County Child Care register." You can't vote 10 the N cvember 6 election unless you Centers' Association has just opened a new day care center at are registered. Vermont and Blanchard roads, Drexel Hill. A new modern onestory building with playground facilities has been erected with $500 MONTHLY foundation funds. It Is a ComStorti", salary for 2 IIKutiv..type munity Chest agency that Is avail..IMlMn to r.present laffje Ea.t.m able to all families In the comfl'naadol COI'IMH_Hon. No travel. $01.. upetlance and abilitr d ••ltltd. .stabmunity needing the service. Hlhtd , ..kI_t. 2So4II yea... old, 1"ftQrMrs. Lewis Robinson of Waltied. CGpobf. of 0""",'"9 res.pon.lbll." lingford is president of the Board. . IlIet. r. req ......119 1nt."I.. please Mrs. Vincent T. Lathbury is vicelildud, btl"' _ I hi"",,. all ,."n. confIdtlnlal. Our salesmen han president. Mrs. Donald Jones, ..... Infonnod of thl. ad. .... A. L Mrs. Robert Spiller, Mrs. Hope Swarthrnorean. Miller and Mrs. Ford Robinson are Board members. IIIIIJJIIIIRlIIIIlJIIUIlIUIIIII~ Media Friends School 81st Year The Bouquet Now Enrolling for Fall Term Nursery through Fifth Grade - BEAUTY SALON Phone MEdia 6·6563 or Write the School 9 South Chester Road Call SWarthmore 6·0476 ~llIlllllllmllnmlllllllllllllllmlHlJJJmlJlJlJlIIlJlllllllnllllllllllllllJlJlJlJlIllJmmlJmllllllllmlJlIlmlJlJIIImm~ 5 ~IJIJJJIJlJmIJIJIJIJmmm,"mIJIJlIlIlnIlIJIIIUIIIIJJJJIIJJJIJJJJIJIlIUIIJJJJJJJJJlllmllllllllllllmIJJIIIJIIIJJIJJIIl11nnlllll!! ;=_--=: 407 DARTMOUTH AVENUE 0EW 0R0PIN N :__ - i BREAKFAST - LUNCH • DINNER ; CLOSED SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS OPEN 7 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. Monday Through Friday I = Daily Dinners 90c to $1.85 sP=:,~f~h~~~:"~I~'~:rs ---=5 - § iii § ~ ; § _ I = I ; FAMILY DINNERS to SUIT the TASTE of EVERYONE TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Cooked to Order ~ EXCELLENT BANQUET AND PARTY FACILITIES BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12-1 :30 P. 1\1. ~ ~ DINING ROOMS a.d LOBIY AIR CONDITIONED Comfortobl" Rooms Day or Week Eleyator Middletown Road R. D. Opposite High Meadow 16, Media, Pa. Custom Landscape Work Telephene: CHester 2.7206 Ask for Ben Palmer or Henry Arnold COTONEASTER, LEUCOTHOE, JAPANESE ANDROMEDA ENKIANTHUS, KOELREUTERIA HYBRID CLEMATIS and HEMEROCALLIS (in variety) ANNUALS, PERRENNIALS, STAR ROSES PERMA SPRINKLER SYSTEMS ed the engagement of their daughter, Miss Carla Gail, to Mr. John R. Badger, son of Mrs. Steph- there's always re..;;n=B=a=d=g=e=r=o=f=s:;p=r=in=g=fi=e=l=d=.===~I HOT WATER COLLEGE THEATRE - Fri. and Sat., Aug. 3-4 GRACE KELLY ALEC GUINNESS "THE SWAN" Tile love $fory of a P""cess ICINEMASCOPE·TECHNICOLOR) Fri. Features 7:30 and 9:30 P.M. Sat. &.8·10 BIG KIDDIES' SHOW AT 1 P.M. - SAT. 1-Color Cartoons 2-Last Exciting Chapter "GHOST RIDERS" 3-.John Wayne In "SANDS OF IWO JIMA" 4-Prizes every Sat. Mat. Sun., Mon., Tues., Aug. 5·6-7 s.. f.,s most layll •.of Spect.cles "ALEXANDER THE GREAT" (CINEMASCOP_E-TECHNICOlOR) History's Most Dy....lc FI,.re Fealurel 7:25 and 9:!5 . ., \ by THE PREP SHOP Clearance Sale 405 DARTMOUTH AVENUE Extended To August 11th Our Annual Sale Where We Reduce the Price on Every 9AS I Seahorses Give C.Y., M.D. Good Competition Garner Several Firsts Despite Fast Company Swarthmore Swim Club came out of its final Suburban Swim While at Fort Meade, Col. 01League meet of the season last coU will assume command of the Saturday with a double defeat, 304th MG Group during the time the unit is participating in "Operabut the .general assurance that it tion Walk In"-a major military had the best showing ever made exercise dealing with the adminby a first-year team. The triple istration of military government meet, held at Colonial Village, in "Virile Province" in the mythfound Martins Dam defeatIng ical aggressor nation of "Tool." Swarthmore by only 14 points In addition to helping the MG (185 to 171) and Colonial ViIgroup to accomplish its primary lage defeating Swarthmore by 93 mission of administering military Aboard the radar picket dc-stroyer I . I V'I K. D. Bailey Midshipman points (223 to 130). Co oma 1USS government in an occupied counI d f t d M t' D b 78 Furman L. ShelJpard, Jr., age e ea e ar lOs am y try in time of war, Col. Olcott 3/c . 16 t 38) also will have lots of plain sOI- sights a 3" gun. The son of Capt. pomts (2 0 I . . . and IVIrs. F. L. ShcjJllal-d of Hav-I Seve.ral local. swimmers tu.rned diering to d o. 0 n th e t raInIng t erford place he is a sophomore I In thclr best hmes yet, despite a · d I are such Sl1 blec· s a s ' . . sc h cue read'10g , I at the Naval Academy • II htnile longer roa d marc h CS, map . th course . I than usual, bivouacs and a visit to the rifle I Three thousand midshipmen! owe-vel e straI~ 1t c~urse rerange for firing of weapons. from the U. S. Naval Academy moved loss of time In turns. and the Naval Reserve Officers Swar~ore soon lost :he ~4-12 Creek Valley Interest Training Corps of 20 colleges and, lead It held over Col.omal VIllage universities are participating in i at the end of the thud event. Henry Gouley of Wallingford is a training cruise in the Atlantic. The Williams sisters. Joyce and a member of the newly organized They left Norfolk, Va., June CarOl, were responsi~lc- fOr three Citizens' Creek Valley Ass()("iation 5 aboard two battleships. two of the four t?P placm~s won by of Delaware County. The Associacruisers and 16 destroyers Swarthmore In the sWim events. h , J .. th' t ed' t tion has been established to co- eavy bound for ports in Sweden, Nor- ?yce wInnIng e. In erm Ia e ordinate citizen interest in creek backstroke (39.2) and y Denmark England and Ger- girls valley preservation. wa n~ The f~ture naval officers breaststroke (45.2) and Carol the The Association is especially :~ u'ndergoing Uat sea" training senior girls breaststroke (100 interested in Darby, Crum. Rid- in duties and afe aboard a war- Yards-----l:31.9). Charlotte Brodley and Chester creeks. Many ship. head won the intermediate girls acres of fields and woodlands (40.7). Rob Baker Gunnery training at Quantan- butteray have been replaced with houses brought in the only other top amo Bay. Cuba. climaxed the and pavement during the postplace for Swarthmore, in intercruise before the ships returned war building boom thus increasmediate boys diving. His score of to Norfolk yesterday. ing the surface run-off. Floods in 66.7 was 1.65 points above Martins the 1955 hurricane season cost Dam's runner-up Phil Burkhart. Delaware County citizens millions turned to his base after spending Jessica Allen of Martins Dam a month in Europe visiting in of dollars. who had held the midget girls German,}'. Italy, Spain, France. J. Roy Carroll, Jr., Swarthmore, breaststroke record of 52.1 turned and Holland. Lt. James is currentwas among those who participatin a new record of 49.7 Colonial ly aboard the USNS William C. ed in the discussions which led Village chalked up 19 top times Langfitt, en route to Bremerhavto the establishment of the Asin swimming and four in diving en, Ger~any. sociation. and won both relays. Martins had lVIr. John D. Pearson arrived at nine swimming and one diving his home on Cornell avenue Mon- firsts over all. NEWS NOTES day after working in the Gulf of Swimmers who gained SwarthMexico on an experimental pro- more a second and five third placMrs. Donald A. Crosset ject for the past two months. Riverview road has had as es in backstroke events were: J. guests this week her son-in-law Dr. and Mrs. Peter E. Coste and Robinson, A. Paul, R. Sublette, R. and daughter Lt. and Mrs. Wil- children of Springfield have re- Jackson, J. Espenschade. D. Foley. liam Brink who are on their way turned home following a five and Three seconds and three thirds in from Cherry Point, N. C., to New a half week vacation trip to the breaststroke were won by S. Haven, Conn.. where they will West Coa~t. En route to Los An- Campbell, J. Seybold, E. Breakestablish their residence. geles, and on their return journey, ell, M. Boyer, J. Espenschade, D. Mr. and Mrs. William Ward III they visited with relatives, and McCurdy. Freestyle seconds and of Morton have returned from a stopped at the high points of in- thirds were won by C. Williams. month's vacation in Ocean City. terest. And in Claremont, Calif., C. Brodhead, E. Breakell, R. Jaek_ .J-ean Paul of Park avenue was they called upon Mr. and Mrs. son. D. Renshaw, J. Espenschade. in Bryn Mawr Hospital for sever- Joseph Paul, fonner residents of D. Foley. Butterfly seconds and al days for medical tests_ She re- Yale avenue. and Mr. and Mrs. thirds were won by C. Williams , Leonard Dart, formerly of Dick- E. Breakell, C. Decker, D. Renturned home this week. inson avenue. shaw, R. MeCurdy. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob E. Snyder Christine S. Ford, Amherst aveSwarthmore's girls relay team and children Frank, Laura, Jonnue, has won a place on the of J. Lawrence, C. Brodhead, A. athan, and Bin of Rutgers aveDean's List at the University of Paul and J. Robinson came in nue will leave tomorrow for a second. three-week vacation in the South. Pennsylvania's School of EducaJean Boyer placed second and After a week at Crescent Beach, tion as a result of her high academic standing during the spring Jan Lawrence third in senior S. C., they will spend the reterm. A graduate of Swarthmore girls diving. Joyce Williams and mainder of their holiday in CornHigh School, Chris studied at Dawn Boyer placed second and elius, N. C.. as the guests of Duke University before entering third in intermediate girls diving. Mrs. Snyder's parents Mr. and the University of Pennsylvania. Howard Schad was third in inMrs. Frank C. Stough. termediate boys, Ann McDowell Lt. (j.g.) Thomas D. Jones, Jr., second in junior girls. "I saw it In the Swarthmprean." of Dartmouth circle, recently re- ~ State Auto Inspection EXCEPT Film - Flashbulbs - Photo Finishing SPECIAL MON. Thru THURS. DYNAMIC WHEEL BALANCE Oil Change _. ____ ••• 2.50 Lubrication • __ •• _ _ _ _ 1,25 and When it takes longer lor the welet to heat thllD 10 take the shower, then it's time to SWitch Fair Trode Items 10 automatic gas _Ier heating. There's lots Sum of Purchases Must be of $1.00 or Was" _.... ~-. __ .. _.. __ ~_ 1.50 Mator Tuae-Up S5.25 Delco Batteries Gulf Gas and 011 Mr. and Mrs. Birney K. Morse of Harvard avenue entertained as their guests for a few days Mr. Morse's uncle and aunts Dr. and Samuel Morse of RaCine, Wis., and Mrs. Marion Newcomb of Los Angeles, Calif. The guests left Tuesda.,y morning. Mr. Morse's mother, Mrs. Beatrice Kellogg Morse who was also to have made the trip to Swarthmore, was hospitalized briefly with a broken wrist. She Is now at her home in Milwaukee. of hot water-whenever yOIl need itwith DO Over to Qualify for Sale! heater-tending c:ara. Choose the automatic: gas _• _ (VistaVisian-T.chnlcolor) l=eahir.s 7:30 and 9:30 THE CAMERA & healer that 6l.Is your needs HOBBY SHOP al your plnm~s, dealer's or aay Philadelphia Electric suburban sto.... 6 Park Ave. SW....._ Phone swain","". 6-2290 AMPLE FlEE PAIKIN. Lt. Col. Ben L. Olcott of Oberlin avenue will be among 48 offic~rs and 52 enlisted men of the. 304th Mil ita r y Government Group, a Philadelphia Army Reserve Unit, to leave for two weeks active duty training at Fort George G. Meade, Md., on Sunday. Item in the Store Weds., Thurs., Aug. 8·9 F••• lest Ewe. "COURT JESTEI" D•••" K.".·, ~ ~llImlllllJllIIlJJlJJlJlIllJJmlJmmlJJJJlIlIlIJmllmllmmmllJmllllllllllllllJJJJJmlllJlJlJmlllmlJlJl1II111111IJIIIIIIJf. ••• when ii's healed Aatomalican, Swartltmore. Po. AIR CONDITIONED - . On Training Cruise WALTEly:.~~~~~~y!!~s:~~!~~~a;ARKING I POWER SPRAYING - TREE TRIMMING TERRACES, WALLS AND WALKS Visit our Roadside Market on the Middletown Road ~ ~ ~IIIIJJlI'IlIJllJJIIJIIIIIIJJUJIJllIIJIIJJJIJII1I1JJJIIIIIIJJIIIIJJIIIIIIJJJIIJIIIJlllIIlJJlIlIlJJlIlJIllJIlJlJIlJJlJllllmlJlmlJlllmn~ Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. CALLED FOR DUTY Paa:e3 I Third and North Streets, Media Actly. Member of the Swarthmore ••51.... Alloclatlon i Kindergarten Morning and Afternoon Groups LEST BEAUTY VACATION TOO! 19 SO. CHESnR RD. KI I '1_ SWARTHMOREAN ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. C. Thomas Bauer of Kenyon avenue have announc- 'I1tus£e The HARLOW -SOX August 3, 1956 , PHILADELPHIA ELEenlC COMPIII '-'191 RUSSELL'S SERVICE Opposite Borough ParloUt· the mlddie of this "' .. month. Mrs. Edward M. Boyd of the Swarthmore. ~a..t¥ents· and ·Mlss H.elen Wdlsou··p'· the Stralli :!i.aven Inn returned Tv-\!Sday from "trip to the Canadian Rbckles and to A...... i J. .i!!, .E Duplicating Service .... .i E. LIMEBURNER CO. II . GUILD OPTICIANS ORCLE RECOUNTS EARLY. YEARS OF 25 YEAR msTORY The Friendly Circle has sewn diligently for others for a gOOd many years, and It might be fun some day to figure out how many times· these 9bltches----p1ain and decorated-would circle around the world in the quarter of century of its existence. ~ated for Its philanthropy -and rIghtly so-with Camp Sunshine, Camp Hope and the Swarthmore omce of the Delaware County Health and Welfare SocIety, circle members have given a·. good bit of their time in conference, neediework, and plannlng. Each year brings a flatterIng number of people to their Anual Dessert Bridge. "Friendly Circle to Sew" has been a cryptic headline appearing in The Swarthmorean during the "winter" season for a long while; . members who·· have overlooked the meeting date or place are grateful for It, others concerned over the lack of tmaginatlon by the copy reader are mlldiy critical; and of course all gently pleas~.' ed that >t is friendly-no one has doubted that, and most cerlliinly not those organizations and the many individuals· whom It· has helped. ception. Nine women, Miss Mae Lynd, Mrs. Harvey Pierce, Mrs. Henry Hanzlik, Mrs. T. Harry Brown, Mrs. Wm. Downton, Mrs. Frank Windell, Mrs. C. E. Clewell, Mrs. Florence Mock and Mrs. Bernard Isfort, met at Miss Lynd's home .on this memorable day, Their purpose that day, was to form a group to help §Ome need¥ cause. The group organized with Mrs. Brown as Chairman, Mrs. Hanzlik, Vice-chairman, Mrs. lsfort, Recording Secretary, Mrs. Pierce, Corresponding secretary, and Miss Lynd, Treasurer. "The FrIendly Circle was just one month old when just the kind of work we are doing today on such a grand scale, was started. Here is the first case. A tainlly living in Holmes was desperately In need of help. Mrs. Philip Jewett presented the work that the Emergency Committee was doing as Mrs. Wm •.T. Johnson had done at the very first meeting and after Mn;. Jewett's presentation of this opltiful case, our forefathers got ·bu4Y. .These people had a baby eleven months old and a new baby· was expected in another month. The fa·ther had been Ouf of work for a long time and they owed money everywbere. The AI; a kind of clarification for most. pressing· need, however was those Qn the ouiside of tlii. friendly enm · ete and as a record for what to do with the year old child p , r, while the ·motlier was in the hosthose who have labored long and pital. Mrs. Pierce was asked to well in the circle's history, the investigate the case. This first case report of the lIrst few years ·is mven·below. ThIs report w8sgiv~ deterinlned the kind of work this &" group wanted to do, an" after En by the seeretal-y, Ethel H"-"es, .. same ...... six years we are doing the in 1937 just six years after the kind of work. organization was founded. It was read again at the·May meeting ,.''Each· meeting new members before the close of the 1956 sea- jcilued glad- I was to be a part son: of a group th..t; collectively, was "On Thursday, March 19, 1931, able to accomplish much. "the .Friendly Circle" had its In"Sewing layettes and Red Cross work was Introduced, and drswn for at our June ·plcnlc. aflban that Miss Demut put toalmost Immediately a Chairman $57.00 was realized on this gether and $65.70 was realized was appointed for this Important At this 1933 plcnic,the astound- this time. This very lovely cov- .branch of the Circle's activities. "On June 9, 1931, on Mrs. Pierce's lawn, this brand new organization had a covered dish luncheon. Forty-elght came. It was a delightful party. "At the end of the lIrst year this following list tells tbe story of "The FrIendly Circle" accomplishments. Glasses, layettes, milk for babies 1 Christmas basket, a railroad ticket to Mt. Alto, and definite help to many families all of which were contacted through the Emergency Commlttee which today Is the Welfare. "In June 1932, a covered dish luncheon was held at Mrs. E. O. Lange's home. It was a rainy day and they had to eat on the porch. The proceeds were $45.71. "In November of 1932, the first of our Silver Teas was held at Miss Lynd's home. I read in months minutes that any hostess serving too elaborate refreshments was to be fined. I can think of several who ought to be punished right now. However, since always eat everything in sight, I guess we'll have to let them off. I "Sewing took a major place in the work of the energetic group. Mrs. William Moore certainly had plenty of material each meeting to be put together. This winter of 1932 was the third one of the 1 t AJ1 thi unemp oymen years. s time wl;were growing growing , . By Ma we were 52 strong. ''Now a new committee was t rt d Q knI s a e. urtters got to work. We all know the lovely ''''.'g ....... s this group has done. Miss Demuth and her group made 4 afghans, that's a few words for such a task. It has taken me over a year to mske one. One was given to the Taylor Hospital for their May Day Fete and one was sold on shares and Newl, Designed Frames of the Fihst. Wortma."lp II II :II I"Y. Mawr . ~7o,La.cal.f Aw. . . ~"'rDarily . . ··"IS ......ajoj ·5...... Ii Wyo••"ood 33 ,nt' Wyo....... • . .01 1.23 Ckes •• t SI ........ I~,... 3, Po; . ... .. I 5: iii . Iii jar""-r:~~'~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Seattle and Glacier Park.· Mrs. Frank Kneedler of GalTet avenue had as her guest for two weeks Mrs. Edith Stewart of Ocean City. Mrs" Mary R. Pierce of Harvard avenue recently arrived home after a trip to Norfolk, Va., Virginia Beach and other points of Interest. Her daughter Mrs. Edward F. Hodgins, Jr. accompanied Mrs. Pierce to Norfolk and will reside there with her husband Serge"i!t Hodgins who has just been appOinted secretary to General Noble ot the United States Marine Corps. Bob Clothier Of· Columbia avenue, who is stationed at the Naval Amphibian Base in Little Creek, Va., with the Naval ROTC, pitched four out of five winnl!)g. games for the Dartmouth College unit in the five game softball champion- . ship series conducted recently. Twenty-six college units participated in the five-game series. The entire group left Virginia for Corpus Christl, Tex., Wednesday to continue training in aviation techniques. Ann Elizabeth Rlcharda, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. James A. Richards of Rutgers avenue, celebrated her eleventh birthday Wednesday with a family party. PYLE .._·re" IiPlIIII1lnmHDI••mmlDlDnmmlUmnnmummmmmiluliidild.''''WU&IIIiIUIIlilIIIIIII~ ; PERSONALS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Joseph P. ~ MInister . Lt. and Mrs. Arthur D. HarriJohn Schott. te M1nl8ter Sunday, A ...... Ii son, formerly of Columbia, S. C., 11:00 A,M. Mr. Schott wlli moved the latter part of July to preach. ~;;;:"rn:;;."'O""D"'IS;;;T....,C"'H,..UR=:;:;C~H",.'­ Hinesville, Ga. Mrs. Harrison is John C. Kulp the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. MInIster Howard' G. Hopson of Rutgers aveRoberlWllde MinIster' of Music nue. Lt. HarriSOn', who was formSunday, A...... 5 erly stationed with the army Ilt 9:45 A.M.~day School. Fort Jackson, has been transfer10:00 A.M.-Dr. Tyson wlll preaC:h. red to Fort Stewart•. TRINITY CHURCH H. Lawrence Whittemore!, Rector. MIss Naney Boyd McCurdy, . Sanday, Ii daughter of Mr. anq· Mrs. Wallace 9:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. MaeAfee McCurdy of ''Bluebird - -THE REtilGIOUS SOCIETY Meadow", Westtown, formerly of OF FRIENDS Swarthmore and her finance Mr. 9:45 l~~e.!:-:o!.. open Frank Edwin Chestennan, 3rd., for meditation. will be honor guests at a buftet 10:30 A.M.-Family Hymn Sing. dinner tomorrow evening to be 11 :00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. given by Mr. and Mrs. William All ~me. Harbison of Jenklntown. Mr. All . , Chesterman is the son Of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edwin Chesterman of Jenkintown. . - .". Mrs. M. H. Fussell of Vaaaar -LETTERS aVenue returned home SundaY . '-PROGRAMS I'arIr below Harvard after a week's mptor irlp t9 New 11:00 ,..";t·~-=-s:,..:OL York state. A_~edby her ·CIRCULARS 11:00 A.JI.-'11Ie L II on S i DlWl daughter Mrs. Eben C: Lang of ·FOR~ will be ''Spirit.'' Scarsdale. and her panddilUlhter W ...fr day evenlq me,,"n, eaob Shirley Cobb of Windsor, ComI~ week. . 8 P.JI., ~ Ka aa., Mrs. PusseII drOve to It1iiaoa where ISS. CHD.ID ROAD 401 ~ t Avenue,· opeD ....... ' " - 'Catb hlt b ·W 1.... BDOtber dalWp&lCC' IIUR ~ 113-1497 ... ir"';:':In~ ,-i~~ at~ ~ stud)fiD8 boWiy. at temonot,. 1:J0-4·. Coriiell UnI~eiillC;y. .'-_ _...;,,_ _ _ _ _ __ KI 4-102B ~DLY ItOMi tl AIR CONDITIONED It's· a wonderful feeling Our parlors are air conditioned for your comfort. when they're !!I! .proteded by • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. fils!JfJAoies· w#h7)Se DJRICTOIS O ••UNlUU 1820'CHESJNU'STRI.' OIlYlR H. 1Al., ' - d.,' MARY A. lAIR, r....1d_ . TeIe,.._1tI6-111'· . • See These III Qur Display~oolR *Persona. .Service Their new automatic· Home Dishwashers with the "Custom Kitc.hens ... ..by Church" ~ , KiJchenAig The Finest Made ~. .. . • TIE I.IIIT .FL co. ~ Tlty,o... Wo"'. lo..... Manufactur.r of Foad and Kllchn Mac"'n.. . ? waf' THERMADOR IJ.1lt-~!f._~~ range Cool, Clean, Safe Eledric Cooking NolOteIIe. Job Too L_18 or ToO s-n . ....... . " Custo.. KITCHENS P.o.. , 3 P.... Av.... Ifnhr . . . . . " N • Tbrough Ibis a~ )'OIl can. get _ YiitualIyeveJ;)' form ofiDsurance pro,tl:C(ion yOU need for)'Oll!" family, home, . .automobile, and bllSiness. ADdwhcD you get £ttlll C_lty protection through lIS, you get far more than just insurance • • • you get the polii:iq !Vith theP:S. - personal scrv- ice. This means our dose IiIId contimlOUI assill8Dce, expert attention to yow ~p«i4l rwedl, Iild prompt service if accident or loss occurs. . P.S. also JlUillll8 you'll get tho same friendly cooperation from "£tna Casualty agents and claim offices. wberewr.)'Ou go. 1.'S CtJ/l1IS todDy: .,., _ 10 a}oy "the wondnful f~ tIuzt comq with owrtirtl·. poIklu with theP's. PETER E.. tOLIi:~ 333 DARTMOUTH AYE. SWARTHMORE 6·1833 ., 1(. ing amount of $105.76 was added er was drawn for and Mrs. Frestq o.ur treasury. coin was the lucky person. We "Our first piC1l1c. was in Mrs. were delighted that one of our Pier~e's garden, June 8, 1933. We members got it. had ,a fish pond, fiowers, plants "January 1935 _ We started and .cakes for sale, and we even right in on another share seJUng had ia fortune teller. $105.76 was project. This was a lamp,. It was cleared this day. ... made by William Brown. We "At the start of the hard winter reimbursed him for the material 1933 our Treasurer, Miss Lynd· used. Mrs. Ivar Meurling had· reported balances around .the $100 cbarge of the books of shares. mark. Many and; varied were $62.10 was the grand total. Mrs. appeals that came to us and Meurling's name was drawn, and which we were able to do some- how embarrassed she was, I rething for. We joined the Needle- member. work Guild this year. We did lots "More afghans were made this and lots of sewing this winter. year by· another committee headIt has been so long· since we hem- ed ·by Mrs. C. C. West. The first med squares, it looks as though one was given to an invalid genno one is having babies these tieman, and I remember the days. story Mrs. Collins told us about "We had our second "Silver this home. This year we went Tea" at Miss Lynd's home on No- right on doing the same kind of vember 16, 1933, realizing $13.00. work, each of us realizing just Coal, clothes, bedding, pajamas what it must mean to· the poor furnished. We helped a man who folks we do help. I remember had tuberculosis and who had to one woman, in thanking US for go to Mt. Alto. He needed clothes a basket of food, mentioned, in money. We paid Dentists' particular, the but t e r. She bills, gave baskets at Thanksgiv- couldn't remember when they ing and Christmas, bought clothes had had butter. It is most inat the Cooperative Shop for some conceivable that so. co.nmon-place poor folks' and we spent much an article of fOOd for us can be money to keep the Welfare supplied with baby clothes, castor an unattainable luxury for some. 011 and stacks of diapers. We "We had another picnic this bought a surgical belt for a wom- year and It seems as though our picnics are becoming famous. an, a truss for a young man, a $79.84 was clear.ed on this One. supply table for Taylor HospitW.e all had a grand time. ai, and Oh - so many, many things, it saddens my heart to re"In September 1935 we had a card party at a store in Chester. count them. Mrs. Dingle sold candy at Chri.·stmas time, and Only 13 of our members were able to pay entirely a dentist bill there but many bought tick e ts . of $19.00 for a young girl. In the About $35.00 was cleared for our spring Mrs. Meurllng. made a treasury from this affair. lovely dress for a girl who was "We helped many people this graduating from High SchOOl: In winter of '35 and '36. At Chrlstfact some of our members sup- mas time we b<>ught a tool box pli.ed most of this wardrobe, shoes, for a boy who was not mentally stOCkings, underwear, Slip . and able to complete grammar school. Mr. Cook, at our school instructed dress. "And so· we came to our picnic him In the use of the tools and day-,June·7, 1934 in Mrs. J. Hor-· taugbt him how to make come ace Walter's ·Iovely garden. $96.00 useful articles. This boy ts now was our galn;~n this.4ay. It was earning money for the family. a beautiful day, I remember,. and "Mrs. Jessup, had a card party there were ·several tables of ..t her house. one snowy-iey day cards. We had a great quantity in February, but in spite of the of prizes . this ·day, and a verj weather it was a brl!happy time was enjoyed. when success: It looked·as tliough these were drawn for. -r..ssuP knew how to put an "In OctobC!j) 1934, we became affair over and so our PresIdent uCamp ·Sunshl:p.e conscious. We promptly appointed her enterhave built and equipped a cabin tainment <;hatrman. at this most worthy Delaware "We bougi'llf,27 blankets for our County charity project. Camp S!!DsbJ. cabin, paid a hos"You all remember Our "milk pital bill for a Uttle girl, and famiIyfl_lO children, 3 qts. each many, many other cases;' day; 3 years we kept this up "Another picnoic day rolls and it has just been recently around. June 9,1936. The astound_ that they moved, too far away ing thing about this ited. we had a delightful time. Mrs:. IYyrldge 3.1122 Windell came back to the fold: thIs day. • ''We had a card party-an evelf-· Ing affair and it was a delightful party. Good things to eat, a host of fine people and prizes galore from the business people of our town. What fun we had over these prizes. $98.92 was netted on t,hIs evening. Mrs. Jessup was the chairman, and she hBd a wonder_ ful committee, who worked hard. "Six years have ed since that lIrst meeting in March 1931. We certainly have grown and attained maturity under the able guidance of our President-Mrs. T. Harry Brown. " ' " . . .rt..... ... ..., ........ 11 I ...... ''Mrs. Blown has. beeD untiring in her efforts in the name of our Il10... '» IIUI FrienciJy Circle to help all who .v n .._ needed help and has made our a real factor In this com. I hope, that as we gO on, RID ARROW the years ahead wID be as tun of reaJ helpfulness, I' terest. Travelogue. HIstorI.cal. G. Wills B,rodhead Of ~ Uberty Bell Chapter of Telephone Club Interest and GeIleoiogy. Mrs. avenue and Harold Carrigall of Pioneers. all organization for Jobll, E. Michael. Immediate past WllmingIon won the those who ha:ve been with the president of the County FedoraCountry Club Team Bell System for 21 years or more. tlon was among the judges. Mi Atti k . t resld t Of M d 1 Pla las' t "-turday e a 'II , . , . . . . s s . elSa pas p en Mrs. Russell Clemellis. Walthe Phlladelphla Loag LInes Fed- lIngford. president of the FederaNEWS NOTE eral Credit Union. and has served tion recently announced that the A cooperative neighborhood on its Board of Directors for 13 Southeastern District will be held September ,21 at party by the 400 block on Haver- years. Reading ford place was held Tuesday nlgbt Bond Sales Report In the yard at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Randolph S. Lee. The LeRoy F. F. Wright. Chairman. Mrs. • Donald A. Crosset picnic supper was in honor of Mr. U. S. Savings Bonds Committee Riverview road baa returned Irani I and Mrs, Charles C. Martin and for Delaware County. disclosed a week •s visit with Mr• and M rs. [~~",,~~. Sheriff family who are moving from that the County's sales for June Paul Banks In Towanda. Haverford place' to Strath Haven were 794.263 against 694.010 for 1.IiIn~ of last year. "I saw it in the Swarthmorean." avenue. AN EARNEST HOPE Ullm; I,.,. ~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "it.mi": FUNERAL HOME r ..,.. Pb.. MEdIa '·3400 ~~~~;;:;:;:;;;:;;:;~ t. ALBAN PARKER No.. and BelouDt Plan.. and BepaIrlnc 81nce 1_ PIANO TUNING Phon~_8-_ Swart..o .. '"144' WILLIAM BROOKS A.hes Ii:' Rubbi8h Removed LaWJ18 Mi;t.ved, General Haiilin. . %38 Bardin. AV.... lIorton. Pa. EDWARD G. CHIPMAN AND SON GEN'lAl CONT'AaOR nle Floor.. • • PERSONAL Experleace A Price to M••t Every famU,', H.1d .. ' Plastic Tile Modern lUte.... AlteNtto•• 1401 RI..., A".... CHeder 2·..475t 2-"" stores. clover. Call _.et. '011. _ _ _ ; . _ . aM. 4. Jewelry Repalred DAY ad Nl~ OIL BURNER SERVICE 1I0NDAY ,'lllBtl SATUIt~AY NOON . Fonnerl, of F. C. Iod• • SaM Fine Watch and 121 Yale Ave. Clock Repain Swarthmore. Po. THOM SEREMBA KlngswoOd 4-1234 B~~A~ EEN J'. A. GR· Food Market Annuo, In tho 1'ownIh1P of TInIemn. Consumer·s Co-Operative Ass·n. !MJm::",Co~""'~ ~ndoobrn:;..or~ of Swarthmore. Inc. .:= o!/.'::; 1t...~ ':e~=O-J..~ tt':!..t 'tial!W~::r. "'!~ North nln., d _ . f0rt7.{our _ _ _ _~.lln _ , then.. Northe1d>t:r d_, .I~ mln_ w ..........t:r-ft.. UPHOLSTEREI 5 y.... of S_ _.... Rehnace $".roll Htn 0734 CONSTRUCTION 335 Dartmoutb Avenue ilw 6-'818 ROOFING G.tters ~ Pike alld Woodland Ave.. , . WHY NOT? George Myers Iox48 sW........ 6-874C1 Slop in and inspect photos of an houses availq~l, SWClrthmore, Wallingfotd-Rutlecl'l' qnd Media area. Baird ' a Bird /' Realtors . cp,. ..i ••." ••••• , .. fIfHI 11 ....1500 " Pri...." -Jack Prichard PAINTING and CARPENTRY SWarthmore 6-8761 ". - , __ , , ,',! .ETTY CROCKER Cake Mixes pkg 31° 'ChocOlate Malt - White Cake -Peanut 'Delight KEnLlR , '. ,~ Salted Peanuts 6 oz. can 2ge 8 oz. net 45e " GRANADAISA STUFFED SelectedO'lives , the ~ - tho...... pro..,.... 14% oz. pkg. L"MMIS . \ , Swarthmore High School Football Schedule-1956 KRAFT e Grape-Ade (no~-ca"bonated)ea. 2g . ..' 46 oz. can Oranle-Ade ~~~r~~~f~~~~~ S~ER Friday Friday Sweet Midgets J:1 fl. oz. jar 3ge WIle_ You C •••ge to ' , OCEAN - (BUy 't;v&. -s. VAN· AJ.£N illS. ... Phmp M. Sweeney Ja....W. I.uleIIS JatMs W. 'L.uhns. Jr. D. Patrick W.hh Ridley SW 6-474~ " ''": Good With.Chickenl - . - . 'J- - - • Firer red 1:xtra tancy .Stedless Grapes Ib 5° QUIET? see how today'~ Ib 29 la~1 -Fresh - Creen INSUUIICE CLOS£D SATURDAY ... 1 , .. ·~do so much for your home at , '. . ., . ~ August ICE· CREAM roo .. '-'-'~ ~-. ' Paulson, & Co.., , ~M. During SUpllJI ......,.. .. De Ho•• P,M. P.M. P.M. P.M. i .CARPETS c Honie--3:00 Away-2:00 Away-2:30 Home-2:30 NOVEMBER Saturday 3-Marple-Newtown ............ Away-2:00 P.M. Friday 9--Radnor ..... , .. : . . . . . . . . . . .. Home-2:30 P.M. Thursday 22-LLansdowne .................. Away-l0:00 AM. • ...... c........ . . . ESTAlI S:W'EENEY& 'LUKENS save ~c) - Waten.elons f'4P.'k WA 1-2448 looking for SPRAY JElLIED Cranberry Sauce bot~ for 31e 21-Media .. , .. ',' . '" ......•.... Home--3:00 P.M. 28-Nether Providence .......... Away--3:00 P.M. OCTOBER Friday 5-Springfield ................. Saturday 13-Upper Merion ............... Friday 19--Darby .... "., ............... Friday 28-Yeadon ...... , ............ ,. MRS. SCHlOREit·S FOR RENT-1st floor 1 bedroom, ilie hath and shower. Prefer business Dian or woman. Near rallroecl and buSes. WaIliqford. Available September 1. Refetences. M1fdIa 6-4'151. • RBlft' UnfurDi8bed. 3_ and bath 1IPIIrImeDt. AlI 523 Welsh St~.~r utiUties. CoavaDient, tran'll1 .. IiiUoo. SWartlunote 6-5'1116. IL_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....._ _ _~--.-~ ma' " NEXT WEEK - WATCH FORPOULTRY SPECIALS ...... .; - 1. Boneless Oven ClnnaDlonCrisps ATLANTIC . .. MAlE YOUR HOUSE HUNTINO EASY? Ib.89c BeefRoasls lb. 79c I.. Warm-Atr Heating ,Air Candltlonlng S~t Metal Wort porcelain. A IUFJ:20. STEAK Porterhouse T..Bone Sirloin 7 In 3 bedrooms. ilie bat!>. decItporclt, private entr~· Q~e. 'WI!U tralisponation.. ~u Available Septembei.- 1. 1118'10. , . . 17t/2 ~em.,r 1t44700 FOR RENT - Small, apartment. Adults. i it SWARnlMOI" PA. den, bath. Gentlemen. 6-4133. ··IA"I ~I\Q,nt. ," M~wer Serv,~e .' I!"~ c:ij ....._re 6-4100 . Swift's Premium J. F. BLACKMAN Dew UvinI room. dinin, room. ------- Wooden Frame with Shingle aiding House ImprOVement. conalst of Two StorJ' 2~rd F:f the property of Edward c. Jevnick and Bole A. Zevnick. AttorIlQ'. AIberi B. RoD. Jr. living room and' violet pattern plat~s and cake tray. ings. Weekend of August 2. 1956 AND SUB.JECT to oertaIn building restrfetloD.l ;u of neon!. F. A. SNEAR. JR •• Sheriff I ..""-;.. .. ~~ I I' th.... br aaJd lands South nln. _ . =~~t~~Ton~-:Oi':"=·~acef-= ing the 35 of us around a strange APPOINTED cily. "On our Sunday in Tokyo. of Mrs. Mary Ellen Owell. a Bradcourse. we were escorted to our uate of Swarthmore College. has (Continued from Page 1) respective churches, where we been appointed regional field adJapanese customs. and from one were to preach. I was assigned to visGrof Camp Fire Girls. Inc. briefing. all the way across' town a comparallvely small but st~ong Mrs. Owen will work with cOun,\0 more briefing. via the famous church an hour's train ride from clls in Michigan. Ohio. Indiana. kamikaze taxi drivers. This is one the center of Tokyo. Here. througb Kentucky and West Virginia. ' 0f those foreign countries where an interpreter. I preached for my A nallve of Battle Creek. Mich.• 1,an American can look both ways first time In Japan the Gospel of Mrs. Owen.ls experienced as a hefore crossing the street and stlll God's love for everyman. 'Camp FIre volunteer. She was a get killed (by lefl-handed traffic). "The people here were very board member of the BattleCreek I was appointed leader of the cordial and thoughtful. A few Council and co-chairman of the 'group in Dr. Lacour's absence. English-speaking members were day camp committee. and 50 hijd more than a usual .especially helpful. I have excelMrs. Owen was a social worker share of responsibility shepherd- lent pictures of the service. the with the Michigan Chlldren's Aid church and lunch served after- Society before joining the national ward. stat! of Camp Fire Girls. A form, er drector of the BatUe Creek "On a day free for Sightseeing. Volunteer Bureau, she was direct.. most of the group took the pro- or of personnel for women at the posed day-trip to Nikko. about aviation. division Of. the OHver three hours by train. This spot is Corporation. She also was assocla vacation place. noted for its aled wltli Social Security Ai:!falls. 'lake. Shinto Shrines and 01 ministration as manager Of the ~~f.!;~~~~~I~~~~~~ plchires Buddhist Temple. Good pictures field .offices In the Pel1DSylvanla of, these will make inter- cities of Pittsburgh. PhIladelphia. esting viewing. ' Braddock and Greensburg. "Late in our Tokyo orientation. She is a member of the board Of I leanieil of the need for shift- the Battle Creek YMCA and a ing me here to Ikuno. It seems former presldellt of the Battle ~hat SamukaWli. where I was Creek branch ot the American originally assigiled. had not been AsSbclation of University women. sufticleD'tiy prepared for opening as a Chrlstian center this year. So been a shock, if not a crisis in here 'l am iD. a copper and zinc my life. I will nat be the same mining town, 1,000 feet up in again. To live through the first mountains; and 300 miles by air. week here was sheer stoic endur500 miles and 12 hours by rail ance of a kind that could only be from Tokyo. On the map. we are God-given. 45 miles northwest of Kobe. and ''My first meeting with th~ 25 miles· north of Hlmeji. Christians of Ikuno was at an in"Tlilil Is the second year for tormal reception on the evening to intensive work here. ,although of my first day. I felt very lost .. now there has been a struggling Chris" and very much alone, perplexed tlon group for 60 years. and a beyond description. wondering Roman Catholic parish of about how and where all these weeks 300 for six years. The Protestant would come out. Througb my incenter numbers 30 baptized Chris- terpreter. I learned that our very .CL.c IanHi. aI'l e,'8. p .... tions in a town of 11.000. My J'ob understanding theological student .~. ~. WQ8. wat.ers. waterc:ouna. right... will be to visit the homes of If1ieltiea. prlvllega. heredltanients and was reading II Timothy 4:2-5. II 3Ppurtenanee. belongina Or' appertainiDK' seekers and backsliders (sounds Timothy 2:1-7. and Hebrews 2:18 thereto. ~e remahlden renf.:i;. tuu... proJibl.andrever· .lonll and thereof. the like hoine), conduct classes for for my benefit • . • I replied by btaPcJtn~ aDd hriprov~... ~n., all the seekers,. and Bible stUdy for indicating my interpreter should alterations Rnd addition. lJOW or hereafter Iq,IUdlli\Jall ;'hDilbl"". the christians. I will preach or read Romans 1:7-12 as my meshgtlntr. lIgbUnc. :nfrlgerating, and other '. ak 'twl A S d t h t machlntU7'L equlidiaitpt or RPllII~hces 'now ape C'C' on un ays, eac a sage of greeting to them. or _ f...... _ to or _ In ...n· two Sliililay Schools and ccinduCt "Again on Sunday morning. the nectlon. tbeNWIt!l. . " .. !mho" b ..:irt.& coulst- of Two Stof')O a ba!ic: teacher· trairiiDg -class. singing very much inspired me. :3r'.",.H:r F~~as Feet. Plater .hed These have nOt begim yet, tor we While the congrepllon sang in So'Ja '.. ·ihe of Donald W. An- are ju$j te\tlng :warmed up. The Japanese. I followed iJl English denan. 3r. and Ann N. Anderson. h.. J d" sI 1_ t Is wife. apanese 0 move &0· OWy. I the words ot ''ThIs Is My Father's , Attorney. - F, A. SN)!;AJI, H. lknnt. quite an . educallon trying to ad- World", "Blessed ..Aissu.l"ance", .JR.. Shorlff - - - - ... '" ..just to their ways - and all 'and "0 Jesus. I Have Promlsed." througb an interpreter. So far from home. I have heard uThere are many things I the name 'of Swarthmore Methowould like to describe. but I must dist Church rememhered in prayrefrain for fear of being' mls- er. along with Prayer for my fam'understood. Sufilce it, to' say that ily and all of the Americans dropping abruptly into a new cul- working here this, summer. It is ture aUecting every single per- a gripping thing to be united with sonal habit and way of living has these faithful people in prayer." I 403 Dartmouth Avenue !':J ~l:!'::J'o-:.•r~':i,~:.'".!!ie~~ cona- -:FO~R-RENT--,=--Bea-=:'"--u::tlf-::U--:l"" " FllIlUFACIAS 1 No.' ',10 ZUDO T ..... 1161 ALL WA'!: CllRTAlN _ _ oaolltio: ..... ~ of ·Iud. 8ITVATII on &be • •ofrl7one .we" of A'roIlt 8tnrK ,afi IIio North _60 h ...... _ ...... pletely , A f t e r Pro.~':!!'L~~.!. Sunaay telephone SWarthmpre 66096. r:~~::~~~'~'~'~~~~~~~~~:::;,::::~~~;:;ITclePhone FOR lENT -su-rro-un-d;-- . _ at _ of aaJ. IJt1:!.":to wloo _ _ III ad... " ..... t). III teD don. ~ cO!! ...... Oil .sa, of __ percolator with alcohol burnet'. Make offer. Call SWarthmore 1808. 'brown oxfords. white oxfords. FOR SAI,E Man's shoes: brown loafers. SIze 7D or, E. Make offer. Call SWarthmore 0':'1808. , s:.m:..'frl::1 . Alterations four Watc•••k.r '!1 .:~ 1.#. ~7::..~= Phone: SW 6-4216 . EMIL SPIES 81JNDA,YS _ sRW! i "l"8 Ol'l'lCII OO~O~M::.\tlA. ,_~ OIl ••ut.~. WAUl MU.nlll .- SHCRiFF IIALIB RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL I Pastor Kulp Reports ~rom Post in Japan , WANTED -----:-;,.1 =6-Qj05R1s0'~i-=~~~~;ma~ '" FOR SALE - 'IDE SWARTIIMOBEAN of RIIAL BSrATil PERSONAL Slipcovers and WANTED _ WOMEN for gendraperies. Henry K. Savard. eral factory work. day and night Springfteld. KIngswood 4-0161. shifts. Must be residOllts of DelPERSONAL ' - Painting. George aware or Montgomery Counties. Fair. Fully Insured. Estimates Do ,apply if application algiven. Call MEdia 8-3702. I c~~o:n flle. Apply ~elphla II Gum Corporation. Eagle PERSONAL-Upholstery repairs; and Lawrence Roads. Havertown. P Ri ICE S REDUCED FOR ~~ yara~~! JULy AND AUGUST. Seats - WANTED .- Responsible young ~! $9.50 up. ,SPECIAL SALE OF UPwoman needS small uIlfurnishHOLSTERY apartment with kitchen. for -.~ -·~~~~~~;;~U $8. reduced CLOTH to' $3.50 - perRegular yard. ed O!'cupancy September 1. ConvellMore than five years of Swarth- ient to college. low rental necesmore references. Thorn Seremba. sary. Yearly lease. Reply Box J. ~fJ.~;r;~ phone Sharon HIll 0734. The Swarihmorean. ~:' lIou. PERSONAL Radio and tele- WANTED _ TO RENT 4-bedvision service. Complete stock room house approximately Sepof tubes carried. Robert Brooks. tember 1. Executive. Swarthmore_ Call KIngswood 4-0800. schools. Phone MIdway 2-88~0. PERSONAL Belvedere Con- , valescent Home. 2507 Chestnut WoANTED - To work 2 days a week dOing laundrY or cleaning. street. Chester. Edge of Swarthmore. Aged, seQ.Jle, chronic, con- Swarthmore references. CHester valescent men and. women. Ex- 2'-8466. cellent foods. spacious grounds. --~-::FC:-::O:-::R::-:S::-.A-=-=-LE=----- ~'~-'Blue Cross honored. Sadie D. proprietor. CHester 2- FOR SALE' _ Appl-oxlmatelY;'l-~O ..,,~, feet of barben-y,herge $10. Buy_ er transplants and supplles~ top CbOi£~{,!id,i~[i>l,-~;"~i~~ s<>ll. back mt SWarthmore 6- :_._:::-:-::_ ... =_'''~o 1273. " FOR SALE - Old table radio.' also console radio-phollOgraph site combination. Make offer. Call PERSONAL - Interior and ex- SWarthmore 6-1808. mmlssion In order to be permitted to vote at the General Election. The removal card must set forth a removal dale into the new election district which cannot be later than Sept"1'1!1el' 6th. COtJaT B0118B B01l1UJ: ResuIar . busmess hours UP.to and including MOndaY. Septeniber 17th . MondB.Y through Friday . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. 9:00. a.m. to 4:30 p.m. SaturdB.Y ... '.' ..................... . 1:00 a.m.to .0:00 NOOD .' Toiether with such addlUonai hours as ,,",-"ated below: September 6th and 7th ................. ':00 a.m. to_.:OO p.rn. September lath and 14th .............. I:. a.m. to·1:00 p.m. .. aonalst :E?:~~~~~:fellI01Ul CANNON'S COMBlOPDCALE SHEETSI .~,.i.;t>;;';-;; now of One Stone and H01IIIe .. btl Feet. Sold.. D:roIJUtT of Sam....1 N. Rhodes. Sr. and Elaine M. Rhodes. biB wife. II • Attorney. Albert B. Boo • oIr. Sherlff • . P. A •. S!IBAB, lB-. threads to every square inch, ........1'2.11 snowy white luin1ry! • regularly 3.39 ............... 2.79 901 I08". regularly 3.69 ............. '. 3.09 72....' U" .. ~79c or 11"dt· 451c38!h" cases. regu Ia rIy ....... ........ . 2.39 ,.......... BaI ler ........... PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded Each Season of the Year CATHEIMAN'S D.U. STORE SW 6-0586 4 2"-.... ......IIL" 12. TWIn. • reg. 1.19 511.. Priced 142".72". FuI. ~_I.29 . Sale. Prloftl . 1.ot .. 1.19 . ~'A Complete Sfock of Color and Riled Sh.el.by .t;a- .. i . . '''MOROCCAN . . 'TOWBS If 0_ . '. . _ .... 22"1144" 88c ..... -..... ............ ..... oo!t'" ..... ·••II"i.. ' y--::. oiood !: lA' . ..........., .-y' II•• c-. '. .. ~TIet T!Io ..... is 01: . Boro Sea Ex~orers Launch 'Leo Maris' 83.50 PER YEAR EARNS PIN H. S. Per Pupil Cost Reported at $415 Jeanne L. Schloesser. daughter of Mrs. C; W.. Schloesser. 315 Park avenue. has completed her Members of the Swarthmore Swtm Club Team. thelr familles work at the six-weeks Summer Williams Sisters Star, and friends enjoyed a pIcnic at Former Navy Craft Drops School of French at Northampton School for Girls. Northampton. Average Teacher Salary Others Also Aid the pool Wednesday evening a.nd Anchor at Essington presented Coach Millard RoblDIn Local Schools Mass. Tally son. pool manager with a testion the Delaware On .Prize Day a Marianne pin .$4645 The 7 points Swarthmore's Swim monial in apprecia~on ~f his was awarded Jeanne for speaklng The S.E.S. Leo Maris. out of The annual financial report for Club held in the Suburban Swim work and that of his aSSIstants Swarthmore, was launched in the French continuously for 30 days the Swarthmore-Rutledge Union League championships when last in helping th~ tea~ ~o make such Delaware River on Friday. Aug- or more at the school. School District for the fiscal year eek' Swarthmorean was belng a good showmg In Its first year ust 3. after a delay of one week S'Lea w s ending July 2, 1956 has just been printed steadily grew through of :>?burban WIm gue comcompleted by the School District eve.nts held Thursday and Friday petition. Team mem~ers. v:ho due to the steel strike. While members of t.he local Sea Secretary. Samuel T. Carpenter. nights. Saturdsy morning and have not had opporturuty to SIgn and the Clerk of the Board, A. afternoon. and Sunday afternoon the testimonial are asked to can- Explorer unit. Scouting Officials • • • Mildred Bond. This report sumto reach a floal total of 58 points. tact Mrs. G. Wills Brodhead so and A. G. Catherman. president marizes the financial transactions despite a dearth of intermediate the scroll mal' be framed as soon of the sponsoring Lions Club looked on. a giant crane of the Former Resident Leaves of the SchOOl District for the boys and se(lior boys and girls as possible. SUiI Shipbulldil)g .and Drydock fiscal year 1955-56. the flrst year which left the local Seahorses --------Wide Circle of Company lifted the 36·foot craft of operation of the district union. and Friends In several of the water.deposited it neatly in the The report shows the total expenditUresby the School District Mrs. Ernest O. Lange. Those' who managed to attend The boat. a former' LCP (L) for the year just closed amounted the championship events. both obtained from the Navy and re- Schwenksville. and a former to $557.055.13. Of the amount· team members and loyal rooters. built to add cruising facilities for Swarthmore resident, died sud- spent this year. $460.477.49 was witnessed top-grade competition Business Education Study 14 men and two olllcers. was denly on Sunday. August 5. for the total current expenditures, in which last year's champiOns moved froin Cresson Lane to the. Mrs. Lange. the former Jessie $44.098.75 for debt service. and were defeated and many new recReceives $100,00 From launching site by John Hanna and M. Thompson of Waupun. Wis- '$52.478.89 for capital outlay. ords were set. Especlslly exciting N. Y. Corporation S State P li and a truck of The report shows that this was seeing Swarthmore's entries u:':'Phlladel;hI~e Electric Com- consin. has been an area .resident money was derived from a numoccasionally better those Of Rose The Carnegie Corporation of pany equipped to remove obstruc- since her husband•. head of the ber of sources of wliich the PropValley. the perennial champions New York has announced that ti g Ires accompanied the mO- department of electrical engIneer- erty Tax of $283.800.75 was the until replaced this year by 'Aronl- Frank Pierson, .Profess,!r of Eco- t n dW ing of Drexel Institute Of Tech_..... ID' both re-"ar meet vic- nomics at Swarthmore College. = a E S nolo~ came to Philadelpblat0 largest. The total receipts were $609.413.02. Other tax receipts u....... and flnal,,~ championship will conduct a three-year study After'the the towed S. . ' .Join ~th'e D rexeI S taft' tories . launching. ri fI ld i l1919 l . Proevents s c 0 ;r e.· Swarthmore's of standards and practices in bus- Sea LIon, of Sp ng e • fessor LBnge had announced plans were $2366.96 from dellnquent strength and Rose Valley's weak- iness schools in this country. the Leo Maris uP. the Delaware to to retire as of September 1. and property taxes. and $22.029.37 ness evidenced itself in the midIn announcing the $100,000 Essingion. where It dropped anchove to Florida was being from the ·1 per cent property or at The Anchorage. pending a l m ed transfer and improvement tax. In get and junior age groups. ' grant 'to finance this stud.Y. the completion of work on its 250- P ann . addItion. $48.642.61 was received Add Four In Diving CarnegIe Corporation of New horsepower marine engine. During lIer residence In Swarth_ from the $15.00 per capita tax. Joyce WillIams earned Swarth- York stated that "the rise of busSklpper George Myers. Mates more Mrs. Lange was all- active Current property taxes were colmore 3 points by placing fourth in Iness education is one of the most Walt Re.YDolds and Kelly Murphy. member of the Swarthmore Wom- lected in the amount of 97 per the tntermedlste girls diving astonishing success stories In the Boatswain Mate Lee McFadden an's Club. and TrInity Church. (Continued on Pace 5) Thursday night. at Marple-New- recent history of American educar. tor B d' s~t;She was a", enthusiastic gardener . ..town pool.. I1awn Boyer ogaIned UOn;' Before ·192t.tll1!cC!IIllege de. ~'~W::;:i !J,';..rd':\~rtliiif atJd; ~i ·the I..an'l!e h9ine on' BrutlEdits Book another point .by ~p1!iclngslxth. gree in ·business and commerce all shipshape and water-tight. A more Pike and Church Road mainCharlotte Brodhead missed. being was virtually unheard of. Today specIal ceremony will be held talned extensive. f1o,",:er gardens. Dr. Charles A. Anderson. Yale QIDong the finallsts by two4enths about 15' per cent of bachelors when the ship is formally com- At Drexel her activities included avenue, is co-editor of a new kind of a point in the score of her tlrst and tlrst professional degrees are miss! ed . 'amateur dramatics and a long of book which shows the influence threP. dives. Joyce had 84.7 points in this field. An objective evaluaon. participation in the Drexel Wom- of religion on national developand Dawn 72.6 poii~ts compared tion of this klnd .Of education Cetebrates 90th Birthday en's Club. of which she had been ment. The book consists of a colto the 92.4 of the lirst place wIn- which is directed to such a large treasurer (1929.30). vice presl- lection of 171 letters, diaries. nero Jean Me.!lin of Colonial VIl- segment of the student populaUon Mrs. Mary E. H. Cunningham, dent (1940-41). and president journals, Official records and other lage. seems particularly Important at mother of Mrs. Alban E. Rogers (1941.42). documents wrItten during the Rob Baker. onl.Y Swarthmore this stage." of Park avenue will celebrate her Mrs. Lange Is survived by her past 250 years and arranged by entrY in the intermediate boys ,'The purpose of the survey." 90th birthday at the Rogers home husband and three sons. Donald chapters under the main division diving. was competing beyond his said Dr. Pierson. "is to take gener- on SUnday~~t 12.. E Setauket. Long Island. N. Y.; of American history. age grouP. being actually a junior. al stock of the business education li : s . inC Swa~h;;''::;e :~:r h;g E~est 0., Jr.. Paoli. Pa.; and The title of the book is ''The Although hIs score, was higher movement, viewEid in terms of v h Robert T Dowingtown. Pa.; and Presbyterian Enterprise,'t edited 'than some of the other contest- accompJlshments to date and pros_ years. ",:il1 be the. guest of ~nol' six nd~hlldren. She Is also surants he did not make the flnals. pects. for the future. at a qwet gathering of relatives Viv!:"'bY three sisters. Mrs. Lavell by Armstrong. Loetscher. and .!tnSteve Fisher of Aronimlnk. who "ExIsting knowledge abo u t and friends on August 15. Al- M F nd du Lac Wisconsin def3on. and published by the Westminster Press in· Philadelwon tliird place.in the senior div_ most aspects of business educa- though' she has been Crip~led for a::"Mrs. ~"""ce ;am~ke and phia. This is a lively history. full ing earlier in the week. replaced tion is extremely limited. Little the past 10 years and IS ?OW IJIli Pritchard of Milwaukee. of the breath of the times from • 1 t bUnd and deaf. Mrs. Cunrunglast year's champion Bob Norman has been done. for examp e. 0 ham remains mentally alert and Services were held at Charles which the selections have been of Marple-Newiown. Nor m·a n sample the I!piDion of employers Interested in current vents and J. Franks Funeral Home. 21 Main drawn. The reader becomes an placed third In this year's contest. or business school alumni tuwards her friends. Street. Trappe, Pa .• on Thursday. DenDis dePaul of Marple--New- __.....!(~C:o~n~tin~u~ed::..~on~P:.:a~g~e:....:8~)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:-_ _ _ _-:-:-~--_:_----- eye-witness as men and women struggle for religious and .politie.al town. who placed fifth in the . •. liberty. are inspired by the Great Lift the Leo Maris From Trailer at the Sun Sh,pyard senior diving. also came in ahead Awakening, launch and develop of Norman in the intermediate. academies and colleges, and work Triple Score on Frida,. for human welfare.. At East Whiteland pool Friday The book contains no narrow night .1oaone EspenSchade capturdenominational story but is reped another point for the Seahorses resentative of Protestant ChrIsby placing sixth in the midget tianity in upholding moral stangirls freestyle With a time of 43.6. dards and developing the spiritual In the medley relaYs run the resources of the people. It presame evening Swarthmore's sensents the evidence that aemocracy' ior W'DIllen's team composed of and the freedoms men hold dear Joanne RobInson, Joyce Wllliams. sprang from man's sense of reJan Lawrence and Carol Williams sponsibility to God• placed fifth for. an additi.onal 2 points as also did the senior men's Brief explanatory Introductions bring the reader directly to the team. made up of Bob Sublette. Dave Preston. Brodie Crawford heart of each selection. The book and Jon Lange. The Intermediate is of inter~st to the general readgirls team with Gloria Peirsol. er as wen as to the student of Joyce Wllliams, ~ Paul, and American Church history or reCharlotte Brodhead also placed l.igious aspects of American civllIHtb. for anoth~ 2 points. An inization. Dr. Anderson has prepartermediate boys team: DIDo Mced .an outllne for a study course Curdy. John Seybold, steve Hanbased on the 12 chapters of the sell, and Dick .1ackson l!ain-ed book. another point w/.th a sixth placDuring th2 past 12 years Dr. ing. Junior boys George Sullivan. Anderson has accumulated thouMalin Boyer, Jim Foley and Dick sands of letters and other docu.1ackson came in fourth for anothments, and arranged them for reer 4 points as also did junior girls search In the Presbytertan HistorMarsha SllVen, SUe Craw1'Oid, leal In Phll8delpbla, of'· Sandra Althouse and Karen Peter. which be Is the secretary. Ia· the BOD. A fourthpJaee by midget 'WI!' years be _ved as president girls (DIane Renoba.... .1. !:speIlof Coo CoIJ8p Prior to that for 8ol!ade, I.JDn IrarImb, G!Q' sn01 _ be . . . pres!- Pierson to Conduct Carnegle. Survey :=;_~~:.:~~~ Sem!.Jletaebecl Friday 9:30 to 9 P.M. ~~~~:~-:nial Flowerless .Thurs. Services for Mrs E0 Lange ImprOvements ;,=~:Et Robinson The I PIeasant-I~~~~~~~~~~~~ ofthel'rsonand~~ SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY. August 10. 1956 Swim TeamJurns In . Creditable Score "'.-'0 For THE ·SWARTHMOREAN VOLUME 28-NUMBER 31 !~~~~~:~fj~~!~~~~ I Remember , Flowers '~~~i~~~~~i~~~~1~~i~1 Life InsurlIDce Company In Phlladelphia, Camera & Hobby Shop Michaels College Pharmacy Luddlnl . Your theStauller midle ofSr. August. Mr. J. at Keeler will remain hIs home on Dartmouth avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John TIm Springfl."ld have had as their guest. Mrs. Allee Mathers of Upland. Calif. Mrs. Mathers Is at ~~~~~~~ the present time vIsiting her son , and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. IJoyd.M..thers in Pe1ham Manor'I~~~~~~o N. Y. but will return to Springfield for a short visit with the ~~:~f~~~:.~;ti~~~~~]:~~ Iliffs before she travels to her ii:;!Ou.~;;~thS~~ home In California. Mrs. A. E. Longwell of Lafayette avenue has returned from a week's visl.t with her mother Mrs. H. F. Roberson. and her sister Miss IJllian Roberson In Albany. N. Y. Mrs. Longwell's son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Robert Longwell of Greenvllle. with ·their two babies, joined the m~~n!c,'J.!_ family group for a day while they guests.~~:~.rs. er Dr. Frank Morris ofLee's New fathLon- (in the green bag) Lan" . ~~~!.~g~~~~~~~~J ~~~~~~~~~~~ Thursday. Mr. vacationing and Mrs. near Oscar Hart . gram will weather be held permitting. the following were AlbaD.\'. Lafayette avenue have as th,.lr I Mr. and' Mrs. Randolph S. guests for a week their son of Haverford place have as their daughter-in-law the Rev. and . ' d h The New Typ"e Ko ac rome old _ , M~~~:~~I Mrs Hart of children. ville.. .1.N.Richard Y. with their don. Conn.• and her brother Mr. Ricky. Sally and Ted. Monday Frank Morris of ,Boston, Mass. evening Mr. and Mrs. Hart ~ter~~~~;;;;~~~~~;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"lJ taiued at a dinner party in honor 5Wartitlftore ~50 9Itark.-f t' 5 ~'a::::::"!'8Il:oer~l-tl alic_ River Cruise Fina Funeral services' have been held Fling .for Summer Club f Mrs Mary Jane Holtzhouse. (C<>nunued from Page 1) ':ther ~f Mrs. Llo.Yd E. Kaullgram was the preparatlon and fun man of Dartmouth avenue. Mrs Holtzhouse a life loog of the children's farewell parties. ;"'hich they shared wIth their par. T eneaeter ents by slnlling the 1lOIII8 they ~d:t w:,f in her ninetieth year. learned. playlns pmes and pxe- oun • in senting their pictures and hand- &be had vlslted craft gifts. frequently. The Fours enjoyed the rbythm band instruments and gave a con- Boyer, Lawrence, Rencort for their parents. Nancy SeY-. shaw, Sublette place mour and Johnny Rlchsecker had a lot of fun painting their clay (Continued nom Page 1) ash trays. Susan Preston was the (ten seconds less than Jim Hull- Lititz. I'E' • -....... . ~ NIlImCS ...... I ................. '.. Mrs: Society ...., ftS'B) aDd • ftftb-b;y:mldget boys . I .. Oo!ll~ INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE Page August 3, 1\156 mE SWAK'I'H1UOU";AN 8 Mr. and Mrs. William W. McPERSONALS Clarin of Park avenue with their Funeral services have been held Mrs. Jack V. RicksEcker 01 children Barbara and Billy have Cornell avenue entertained Thurs- reiumed from a vacation spent for Mrs. Mary Jane Holtzhouse, lConunued from Page 1) gram was the preparation and ~un mother of Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauff- day in honor of Mrs. Charles during the month of July in Black of Mission, Kans. Mrs. Ocean City, N. J. Mrs. McClarin's of the children's farewell parties, man of Dartmouth avenue. Black has been visiting her father mother, Mrs. H. W. Heisler travelMrs. Holtzhouse. a life long which they shared with their parand mother Mr. and Mrs. Floyd ed through New England and is resident of Lititz, Lancaster ents by singing the songs they SHERIFF SALES now visiting in Hyannis, Cape learned, playing games and pre- County, was in her ninetieth year. Nickerson of Girard avenue. of REAL ESTATE SHERIFF"S OFJo·ICE Mrs. John T. Shatagin of Corn- Cod for several weeks. senting their pictures and hand- She had visited in Swarthmore COURT HOUSE. MEDIA. PA. ell avenue has returned from a frequently. Frida,., August :U:, 1956 craft gifts. visit with her son-in-law and SHERIFF SALES 9:30 A.M. Eastern Da7light. Saving Time -~~-The Fours enjoyed the rhythm of REAL ESTATE CondItlona: $260.00 cub or cert'l:~ed daughter Mr. and Mrs. Wesley SHERIFF"S OFJo'ICE band instruments and gave a con- Soyer, Lawrence, Rencheek at. time of sale (unl~ otherwlll(! COURT HOUS!;, MEDIA. P A. Gordeuk in Boston, Mass. stated In advertisement.). bnlanc:e In ten cert for their parenls. Nancy SeyFriday, August 24, 1956 Other eonditions on day of sale. shaw, Sublette place Mrs. john Rainey of Y.ale ave- 9:30 A.M. Eastern Daylight Saving Time dayll. }'IERI FACIAS No. 623 mour and Johnny Richsecker had Conditions: $250.00 cash or certified J"une Term. 1956 nue had as her guests at dinner a lot of fun painting theIr clay check at time or sale (unlesa otherwise ALL THE following-described property (Continued nom Pa~e ~ufJ last night Mr. and Mrs. John stated in advertisement). bnlaoce in ten situate in the Townllhip of Haverford, ash trays. Susan Preston was the (ten seconds less than Jlffi days. Other ronditions on day of lillie. County of Delaware, and Commonwealth No. 987 of Pennsylvania; to wit: helper for this group an,1 aided man and Brook Plummer, both of Schott and Miss Caroline Schott l·IERI FACIAS . June Term. 1956 of Benjamin West avenue and ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or Piece of the boys and girls in the making Rose Valley, who placed first.and ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the buildings and Improvewith the buildings nnd improve- ments thereon erected, 8Upate In Haver· of wallpaper design colors for the second.) Dave Detweiler of Co- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Griffin of ground ments thereon erected. situate in the Bor. ford Township, Delaware County. Pe~n­ Rutgers avenue. ough of Colwyn. County of Delaware and sylvania, bounded and described aceordmR' school newspaper presented to the lonial Village was third, Neal MC Stote or Penr.sylvnnia. described accord- to a Plan 01 SulMiivi8ion of Lots 38 to 61 1I1r. and Mrs. J. Keeler Stauffer Donnell of Aronimink fourth, an parents. inK to n (lhm of Lots for Adam B. Mc- inclusive and Lot No. 119 Mec~e Llane~c!t mnde by Damon and I<~oster, Civil Tract. made by Over Bnd Tingly, CIVil Dawn Boyer and Martha Turn- Bob Berry of Martins Dam fifth. of Dartmouth avenue, accom- Clntchy, Engineen!. Sharon H!II. Pennsylvnn!n. Engineers. Havertown. Penna. Ma}' 3. panied by their children, Leah, Carol Williams. Swarthmore dated Junllnry 4. 1950. as follows, to Wit: 1947. as follows, to wit:-BEGINNING .nt er were helpers for the Threes Dale and Chad, have just return- BEGINNING at n point on the North- a point on the corner formed by ~he inwho learned the songs, "This Old standard bearer, came in third in side of Third Street (~'~ifty feet tersection of the Southwesterly Side oC ed from a visit to West Chatham, westerly wide) which IKlint is :It the distance or Naylor's Run Road with the Southensle~­ l\'ian" and "Tommy's Thumb" to some people's eyes ,but fourth a~­ Cape Cod, Mass. The Stauffers two hundred fifty-one feet nnd one hun. Iy side of Whitney Avenue: thence !xsing for their mothers. Ju-Ju Ip cording to official referee's dec~­ dred thirty one-thollsanths of a foot meas- tending South twenty-six deg'rees n!ne will establish their permanent ured NOith ten degrees eleven minutes minutes East along the SouthwesterlY, Side brought two turtles to school in sian in her heat with four Colomfrom the Northeasterly side or Ellis of Naylol."'s Run Road. fifty.two feet and residence in West Chatham about Enst A"enue n··ifty feet wide): extending twenly-eight one-hundl'ed~hs or a f~t to a. box and they were the center al Village girls. Official time was the midle of August. 1I1r. J. Keel- tht'nce from SOlid l\C'ginning ~)Qint North n point· thence extendmg South SIXty7: 21.8. Judy Brown 01 Rose Valof attention. degrees I-~orty-nine minutes three de~rees fifty-one minutes 'Vcst parter Stauffer Sr. will remain at his 8@venty.nine West. passing through u I'arty ":nll lie- ly passing through n party wall ~par~t­ The Fives made very colorful ley had top time 01 6: 00.8. The tween these premises and the premises nd- ing these premises from the premises ndhome on Dartmouth avenue. joinin~ to the Southwest. One hund:ed covers for their newspapers, each other five ribbons went to San~y to the Southeast. One hundred 1I1r. and Mrs. John Iliff of feet to a IlOint on the Southensterly. Side joining thirty-five feet arid forty-four one·hunchild drew Happy the clown and Shanahan, Colonial Villag~. ~ec­ AI)ple Htreet (Fifteen Ceet wide I : dredths of n foot to n point: thence exSpringfield have had as their of the-m·e extending along the !lnml" North tentHng North twenty-one degrees fort~· put a thin wash of red paint over ond; D. Christman, Arolllmln k, guest, Mrs. Alice Mathers Of. Up- ten degrees eleven mintlt~~ Ea!>t. ei"ht~en minutes West Twenty-cight feet antI the while picture. They made third; Betsy Jenkins and Jean Ceet nnd three hundred thirty:-three oneone-hundredths o.C n foot to. R. land, Calif. Mrs. Mathers IS at thOU!!llndths of n foot to it f!01Rt: thence twenty.three point on the Southeasterly. Side of Whitgirts of "Shoo Flies" to -be hung Wisdom, Rose Valley, fourth and the present time visiting her son extendinJ;!: S::011th ~evenh-·nlne degrees ney A\-enue: thence extending. north fiftyf~rty.nine minutes &'l!!t. passing. throu"h three de~rees thirty-five mmutes .East by the outer door for their molh- filth; Barbara Schell, Marpleand daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. .a party wnll between these premises and along the Southeasterly ."ide of 'Vhltney ers. Peggy Ewing helped this Newtown, sixth, (6:21.9). I)rernlse~ adjoining to the Northeast. Avenue. One hundred thuty·fh-e feet and Lloyd Mathers in Peiham Manor. the One hundred leet to a fl(Iint on the Nor~h­ Corty one-hundredths of a foot to tl point group. N. Y. but will return to Spring- westerly side of Third Street. aforesnld: on the Southwesterly side of Naylor·s Run then("(! extending along the snme •. South Rond. the first mentioned point and place The Post-Kindergarten group field for a short visit with lhe ten degrees ele\·en minutes West. elg'hteen of beginning. Being Lot No. 1 on the have done some beautiful paintfeet nnd three hundred thirty-three ~n(.... above mentioned plnn. Known as 822 NayIliffs before she travels to her thousnndths of a foot to the.fir~t mentl!",n- lor'!! Rlln Road. ing this week and also made clocks . ed point and place of beglnnmg. Bem" home in California. UNDER ANI)· SUBJECT to certam Lot No. 12. as shown on said Plnn, lIouse Conditions nnd Restrictione as now appear with movable hands. Thomas G. Leeson, conductor Mrs. A. E. Longwell of Lafa- No. 42" South Third Street. . oC rerord. Helpers with the Primary of the Chester Elks Band, will UNDER AND SUBJECT to certam yette avenue has returned from a Condition!! TOGETHER with nil and singular the and Restrictions as now llftpea.r Group were Gretchen and Judy direct the August 9 concert to be week's visit with her mother Mrs. huildins.::s. improvements. and fix!'!re!; on of record. • Robblec and Jeb Turner! who was held in Glen Providence Park, H. F. R9berson, and her sister TOGETHER with all nnd smgulnr the said premises. as well ns nil additions or buildings, improvements and fix!u.res on improvements now or hereafter made to in charge of outdoor games. premises. streets. nlleys •• PDSSDJ:!:-'. Miss Lillian Roberson in Albany, !lnid "remises. DS well as aU nddltlOns or Bald Media. ways. wnters. wnter courseS. rlf!hts. hbimllrovemenb~ now or hereafter made to Vocal soloist for the occasion N. Y. Mrs. Longwell's son and said premi!;es. streets. alleys,. pRssmres, ertles. privile$!es. hereditaments. and apWHYS. wnten;. water courses. rights. 1Ih- purtenances whatsoever there~lRto helong· will be Kay Zangari of Chester daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. erties. privil(lJ;!:eA. hereditaments. nnd nil- ing or in any wiRe appertaining. and the rev~rsIons nnd remainders. rents, Issues, with Master of Ceremonies Robert Robert Longwell of Greenville, purtennnc('s. whatsoever thereunto heloml'_ nnd profits thereor. and in addition thereto or in any wise ~ppertainin". 1!.~d the ing'. B. Keel announcing the selections. with their two babies, joined the reversions and I'emaanders. rents, lune!!. the following descrlhed hou!lehold nppti. which nre. nnd shan be deemed to In the event of rain, the pro- family group for a day while they nnd profits thereoC, nnd in ndrlition theret.o "nces the following described household nTlflh- he fi';tllre!l. nnd n part of ~he realty. and gram will be held the following were vacationing near Albany. nnce.'!. which nre. n.!!.~ shall he deemed to nre a portion of the s('curlty for the in_ he. fixtures nnd n part or !he realty, and dehtedne!O'! herein mentioned, nam!}ly. nil Thursday, weather permitting. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hart of nro Former'y a portion or the seeurlty for the In· Screen!!. blinds, awnings. st?rm wmdows, !!tnrm ooors. ga!l and elec~rle ran.ges. reLafayette avenue have as their debtednen herein mentioned. nam!ly. all ,frigerators. wa!lhing mnelrlnes. dl~hwash­ screens. hlinds. awnings. storm wmdows, Mr and Mrs. Randolph S. Lee guests for a week their son and storm doors. gas and elect.rIc ran.ges, re- ers and al1 plumbing. COOkll'!A', heatmg nnd wnshing machine:'. dls~a.sh­ lighting fixtures and apphan~!! and nil of H~verford place have as their daughter-in-law the Rev. and frigerators. 650 Baltimore Pike ers nnd nil plumbing. cookm~. heatang permanent fixtures of every kmd. chnracami description nnd renewals handf reguests this week Iilrs. Lee's fath- Mrs. J. Richard Hart of Pleasant- and lighting fixtures Dud npplmnces .and t~r Springfield, Del. Co.. Po. all permnnent fixtures of every kmd, plncements of nny and al1 of t e oreer Dr. Frank Morris of New Lon- ville, N. Y. with their Children, charncter and «Iescription nnd reneWals ~oint! nrovio{ed, however. that the Mortreplncements or nny and all oC t~e ~al!:'or· shall hP. ('ntitted to conect Rnd rl!;SWartilmore 6-0450 don, Conn., and her brother Mr. Ricky, Sally and Ted. Monday and foregoing. including 1950 ABC Automatic tnin the !;aid """Its. issues Rnd profits until evening Mr. and Mrs. Hart enter- Wnsher-PA 4139. provided. however. thnt defnult hereunder. Frank Morris of Boston, Mass. Improvements consist of Two Story th~ Mortgagor shall be entitled to collect tained at a dinner party in honor and retain the SIlid rent-OJ. issues, and pro- Semi-Th!tnched Red Brick End House. Porch Front. 22x32 Feet. fits until default hereunder. of their son and his wife. Improvement!! consist of One Story Row Sold 8S the property of Frnncis J. 1I1r. and Mrs. David B. Cole Brick House 18x40 Feet. Comear and Mary Jnne Comear h tw. Sold as the property of Joseph L .. McHnnd Money-$600.00. have recently moved to 404 Elm Kenna. und Pauline McKennA. hIs wife. AttorneY, Edward H. Bryant. Jr. avenue from Norfolk, Va., where Attorney. Edward H. Bryant. F. A. SNEAR. JR. Sheriff F. A. SNEAR. JR .. Sheriff (in the green bag) Mr. Cole was stationed as a lieutenant in the Navy. He is now Is Processed by Eastman Kodak Co. STORE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday 9:30 to 5:30 P. M. with the Connecticut General Direct Through Saturday 9:30 to 6:00 P.M. Friday 9:30 to 9 P.M. Life Insur~nce Company in Philadelphia. BEREAYED River Cruise Final Fling for Summer Club d Concert Scheduled For August Ninth Diluzio and Sons Florist CARNS I The New Type Kodachrome Camera & Hobby Shop Michaels College Pharmacy (Daily 1st Class Mailings) Registration Schedule Prior to General Election. November 6. 1956 SHERIFF SALES REAL ESTATE SHERIFF'S OFFICE COURT HOUSE. MEDIA. PA. Frida)·. August 24, 1956 9:30 A.M. Eastern Daylight Suving ~ime Conditions: $2f.O.OO c(lsh or eertl~ell check .at time of sale (unless otherWise stated in advertisement). bnlnnce In ten 1I1IY$. Other condition!\. on day of sale. FIERI t'ACIAS No. 931 June Term. 1956 I ALL THOSE TWO CERTAIN Lots 01' IlieC'es of ground. SITUATE in the Borough of Glenolden. County of Deln~are and State of Pennsylvanin. nnd descrl~l according to It Plnn thereof made hy A. ]-. n:lmon. Jr., Civil Engineer, and Surveyor, Dnrhy, Pa., which SIlid Plnn Is duly rerorded nt Media. in the Office for the Recording of Deeds. in nnd for the County or Delaware. in Deed Book No. H. Jla~e 477. as follows, to wit t DEGINNING at the point. formed !>y the intenlec:tion of the Northeas~erly SIde Qf Chestnut Street (flfty feet Wide) and the Northwesterly side of Sharpe Avenue (fifty f~t wide); extending thehc~ fr"?m said beginning point along t~e said Side of Chestuut Street North thirty-one de· gues, twenty minutes West, NI.nety-seven feet to a ('IOint: thence exte~dmg North fifty-eight degrees. forty minutes East firty feet to a point; thence exte.nding South thirty-one degrees, twen!-y mlDutes East ninety-seven feet to a POint on the Northwesterly side of Sharpe Avenue, aforesaId: thence e:r-tendtng along the same South flfty..eIKht degrees, foru minutes West fifty feet to the fit:St mentioned point and place of beginmng. BelnR' Lots NDfI, 146 and 147, Block No. 4, as shown on said Plan. UNDER AND.SUBlECT to certain eon· dltlons and restrictions a8 now appear or or • C.r... EDGEMONT AVE., 7TH & WELSH STS. Shop and Save in Speare Bros, AUGUST WHITE SALES! 1-" SEPTEMBER 6th Last day an elector may move from one election distric~ to another in order to be permitted to vote at the General Elecbon. SEPTEMBER l~th Last day all electors may register to vote at the General Election. This includes electors who will becoll1e of age on or before November 7th, 1956. SEPTEMBER l'lth Last day for any elector who has removec}. into a new election district to give notice to the Registration Commission In order to be permitted to vote at the General Election. The removal card must set forth a removal date into the new election district which cannot be later than September 6th. COURT HOUSE HOURS: Regular business hours up to and including Monday, September 17th Monday through Friday ............... 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday ........ - - ................ . 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Together with such additional hours as designated below: a .m. to 9:00 p.m. September 6th an d 7th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9·00 . September 13th and 14th .............. 9:00 8.m. to 9:00 p.m. ~Z:~vements eonsist of One StOl"J' Stone and Stucco House 42x24 Feet. Sold as the property of Samuel ~. Rhodes. Jr. and Elaine M. Rhodes. hiS wife. Attorney. AlbertAES·NHEAolI'R.1JR Sheriff F.. ." PRESCRIPTIONS CANNON FINE MUSLIN SHEETS 130-count sheets made to take tough wear, _eg.l_rly 2.49 bleached a snowy pure white. 01 x 1011", regularly 2.69 ......................... 2,39 9Ox100", regularly 2.09 ............... 2.69 72".108" or 81 1 ':19" 42x36" case, regularly 59c ............. 49c 1.89 CANNON'S COMBED PERCALE SHEml 106 silky smooth threads to every square inch _eg.l_rly 2.98 bleached snowy white luxury! 8 ill 00", regularly 3.39 .... . . . . . . . . . .. 2.79 72n dOS" 90x IDS", regu IarIy3. 69 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 309 • 45x301/2" case., regularly 04c .......... 79c or 81""9' 0t 2.39 Bolster Cases, 42"x63 112", Twin, reg. 1.19 4 2 " x72" , Full,reg,. I 29 Sale Priced 1.09 Sale Priced 1.19 A Complete Stock of Color and Fitted Sheets by Cannon Carefully Compounded Each Season of the Year CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE SW 6-0586 "MOROCCAN STRIPE" TOwnS BY CANNON lath site 22....... S8 I. 1...rI •••ly ..,y failolo. col_n C • PI •• WloI.per ..,1.. lei,.. • Aq._ TI.t _ 1 49 .6..... Mist .htterc.p yellow ...• • The ~ is soft and absorbent. the colon fresh Gnd bn:ay. . • DOMESTICS Din. s,.....' Flnt Floor. 8\1' .~inll ~i()lm co 1.1. ~:I a~ l'p , ,. I 1\ I~ A It Y • Remember Your Flowers THE SWARTHMOREAN VOLUME2~NUMBER31 Swim Team Turns In . Creditable Score SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, August 10, 1956 Robinson Receives Testimonial The Flowerless $3.50 PER YEAR EARNS PIN Boro Sea Explorers Launch 'Leo Maris' For H. S. Per Pupil Cost Reported at $415 Jeanne L. Schloesser. daughter of Mrs. C. W. Schloesser, 315 Members of the Swarthmore Park avenue, has completed her Swim Club Team, their families work at the six-weeks Summer Williams Sisters Star, and friends enjoyed a picnic at Former Navy Craft Drops School of French at Northampton School for Girls, Northampton, Average Teacher Salary the pool Wednesday evening and Anchor at Essington Others Also Aid presented Coach Millard RobinhOI Mass. In local Schools Tally son, pool manager with a teslion t e e aware On Prize Day a Marianne pin $4645 · monial in appreciation of his The 7 points Swarthmore's S \VIm The S .E.S. L co 1\". lalls, ou t 0 I I was 8\'Irarded. Jeanne for speaking 3' The annual financial report for Club held in the Suburban Swim work and that of his assistants Swarthmore, was launched in the I French conhhnuousily Ifor 0 days the Swarthmore-Rutledge Union . hi· th learn to make such . F . 0'· more at t e sc 100. League championships when last In e pmg e Dela\'Io'are River on nday, AugSchool District for the fiscal year week's Swarthmorean was being a good showing in its first year ust 3, after a delay of one week ' . ending July 2, 1956 has just been printed steadily grew through of Suburban Swim League COffi- due to the sleel strike. ! completed by the SchOOl District events held Thursday and Friday petition. Team members, who While members of the local Sea "~ Secretary, Samuel T. Carpenter, . d have not had opportunity to sign A nights, Saturday morrung an the testimonial are asked to con- Explorer unit, Scouting oflicials i I and the Clerk of the Board, . afternoon, and Sunday afternoon and A. G. Catherman, president l I • " • Mildred Bond. Thi.s report suo m. I lact 1I1rs. G. Wills Brodhead so i t 8 to reach a final total of 5 pom s, ,of the sponsoring Lions Club I marizes the financIa transac IOns . dI a t e the scroll may be framed as soon looked on, a giant crane of lhe, Former Resl·d ent l eaves I. of the ScI . t f Or th e despite a dearth of mterme 1001 · D,s t nc boys and senior boys and girls as possible. Sun Shipbuilding and Drydock I . , I f ! fiscal year 1955-56, the first year which left the local Seahorses Company lifted the 36-Coot craft WIde Clrc e o , of operation of the district union. without an entry in several of the and deposited it neatly in the Friends The report shows the total exweek-end races. water. penditures by the School District Those who managed to attend The boat, a former LCP (L) lVII'S. E. r n est O. Lange, ! for the year just closed amounted the championship events, both lobtained from the Navy and re- Schwenksv,lle, and a former to $557,055.13. Of the amount team members and loyal rooters, ., built to add cruising facilities for Swarthmore resident, died sud- spent this year, $460,477.49 was witnessed top-grade competition Business Education Study 14 men and two Officers, was denly on Sunday, Augusl 5. for the total current expenditures, in which last year's champions moved from Cresson Lane to the th f Je ie $44,098.75 for debt service, and Mrs. Lange, e ormer ss Rece 'lves $100,00 From were defeated and many new reclaunching site by John Hanna and W. $52,478.89 for capital outlay. ords were set. E specm N. Y. Corporation . Sons. State Police and a truck o M. Thompson of Waupun, f ISThe report , sho\"s that this . 11y excI·t·mg . . d f rOm a nUffiwas seeing Swarth more' s en t rles the Philadelphia Electric Com- consin, has been an area resident money was d erlve occasionally better those of Rose The Carnegie Corporation of pany equipped to remove obstruc- since her husband, head of the ber of sources of which the PropValley, the perennial champions New York has announced that ting wires accompanied the roO- department of electrical engineer- erty Tax of $283,800.75 was the until replaced this year by Aroni- Frank Pierson, Professor of Eco- torcadc. ing of Drexel Institute of Tech- largest. The total receipts were mink in both regular meet vic- nomics at Swarthmore College, After the 1aunching, the S.E.S. nology, came to Philadelphia to $609,413.02. Other tax receipts tories and final championship will conduct a three-year study Sea Lion, of Springfield, towed join the Drexel staff in 1919. Pro- were $2366.96 from delinquent events s cor e. Swarthmore's of standards and practices in bus- the Leo Maris up the Delaware to fessor Lange had announced plans property taxes, and $22,029.37 strength and Rose Valley's weak- iness schools in this country. h to retire as of September 1, and from the 1 per cent property . Essington, where it dropped anc ness evidenced itself in the mldIn announcing the $100,000 or at The Anchorage, pending- a move to Florida was being transfer and improvement tax. I n get and junior age groups. grant to finance this study, the completion of work on its 250- planned. addition. $48,642.61 was received Add Four in Diving Carnegie Corporation of New horsepower manne . engme. . Durina' from the $15.00 per capita tax. '" 'her residence in Swarth_ . Joyce Williams earned Swarth- York stated that "the rise of busSkipper George Myers, Mates more Mrs. Lange was an actIve Current property taxes were colmore 3 points by placing fourth in iness education is one of the most Walt Reynolds and Kelly Murphy, member of the Swarthmore Wom- lected in the amount of 97 per the intermediate girls diving astonishing success stories in the Boatswain Mate Lee McFadden an's Club and Trinity Church. (Continued on Page 5) Thursday night at I\ol'3rple-New- recent history of American educa- and Crewman ~_eter Bender spent She was an enthusiastic gardener town pool. Dawn Boyer gained tion. Before 1920 the college de_ the first night aboard, reporting and at the Lange home on BaltiEdits Book another point by .placing sixth. gree in business and commercp. all shipshape and water-tight. A more Pike and Church Road mainCharlotte Brodhead missed being was virtually unheard of. Today special ceremony will be held tained extensive flower gardens. Dr. Charles A. Anderson, Yale among the finalists by two-tenths about 15 per cent of bachelors when the ship is formally com- At Drexel her activities included avenue, is co-editor of a ne\v kind of a point in the score of her first and first professional degrees are amateur dramatics and a long of book which shows the influence missioned. three dives. Joyce had 84.7 points in this field. An objective evaluaparticipation in the Drexel Wom- of religion on national developand Dawn 72.6 points compared tlon of this kind of education C .. lebrates 90th Birthday I en's Club, of which she. had been mcnt. The book consists of a colto the 92.4 of the first place win- which is directed to such a large . treasurer (1929-30), vice presl- lection of 171 letters, diaries, ner, Jean Mellin of Colonial Vil- segment of the student population Mrs. Mary E. H. Cunnmgham, dent (1940-41), and president journals, official records and other lage. seems particularly important at mother of Mrs. Alban E. Rogers (I9H-42). documents written during the Rob Baker, only Swarthmore this stage." of Park avenue will celebrat~ her Mrs Lange is survived by her past 250 years and arranged by entty in the intermediate boys ,'The purpose of the survey," 90th birthday at the Rogers orne husb~~d and three sons, Donald chapters under the main division diving, was competing beyond his said Dr. Pierson, His to take gener- on Sunday, A~gust 12. E. Setauket, Long Island, N. Y.; of American hislory. age group, being actually ·a junior. al stock of the business education Mrs. Cunmngham, who has E' t a Jr Paoli Pa' and The title ot the book is "The rnes T.,. ,Dowingtown, ., , Pa.; ., and · d 'In. S w arthmore over 20 Robert Although his score. was higher movement, viewed in terms of 1Ive Presbyterian Enterprise," edited than some of the other contest- accomplishments to date and pros- years, Will be the. guest of h~nor. six grandchildren. She is also surants he did not make the finals. pects for the future. at a q~et gathermg of relatIves vived by three sisters, Mrs. Lavell by Armstrong. Loetscher, and AnSteve Fisher of Aronimink, who "Existing knowledge abo u t and frIends on August. 15. AI- M e Fond-du-Lac, Wisconsin, derson, and published by the won third place in the senior div_ most aspects of business educa- though she has been cnp~led for an~z Mrs. Grace Tamoke and Mrs. Westminster Press in Philadelphia. This is a lively history, full ing earlier in the week, replaced tion is extremely limited. Little the past 10 year~1 andC IS ?OW Lilli Pritchard, of Milwaukee. of the breath of the times from last year's champion Bob Norman has been done, for example, to blind and deaf, rs. unmngt Ch 1 ham remains mentally alert and Services were held a ar es of Marple-Newtown. Nor man sample the opinion of employers F k Funeral Home 21 Main which the selections have been drawn. The reader becomes an interested in current vents and J. ran s e P a on Thursday , P laced third in this year's contest. or bus,·ness school alumni towards T her friends. Street, rapp, ., . eye-witness as men and \vornen Dennis dePaul of Marple--rieV'- _____(~C~0~n~t~in~u~e~d~0~n~P~a~g~e~8~)~__~~~~~::::__________________________~~~----~--------__ struggle for religious and ·political town, who placed fifth in the liberty, are inspired by the Great senior diving, also came in ahead Riggers Lift the Leo Maris .F.. rom Trailer at the.Su.n S. hip . yard Awakening, launch and develop of Norm'an in the intermediate. academies and colleges, and work Triple Seore on Friday for human welfare. At East Whiteland pool Friday night Joanne Espenschade capturThe book contains no narrow denominational story but is reped another point for the Seahorses by placing sixth in the midget resentative of Protestant Christianity in upholding moral stangirls freestyle with a time of 43.6. In the medley relays run the dards and developing the spiritual same evening Swarthmore's senresources of the people. It preIor women's team composed of sents the evidence that democracy Joanne Robinson, Joyce Williams, and the freedoms men hold dear Jan Lawrence and Carol Williams sprang from man's sense of replaced fifth for. an additional 2 sponsibility to God. points as also did the senior men's Brief explanatory introductions team, made up of Bob Sublette, bring the reader directly to the Dave Preston, Brodie Crawford heart of each selection. The book and Jon Lange. The intermediate is of interest to the general readgirls team with Gloria Peirsol, er as well as to the student of Joyce Williams, Ann Paul, and American Church history or reCharlotte Brodhead also placed ligious aspects of American civilfifth for another 2 points. An inization. Dr. Anderson has prepartermediate boys team: Dino Mced an outline for a study course Curdy, John Seybold, Steve Hanbased on the 12 chapters of the sell, and Dick Jackson gained book. another point with a sixth placDuring the past 12 years Dr. ing. Junior boys George Sullivan, Anderson has accumulated thouMalin Boyer, Jim Foley and Dick sands of letters and other docuJackson came in fourlh for anothments, and arranged them for reer 4 points as also did junior girls search in the Presbyterian HistorMarsh& Silvers, Sue Crawford, ical Society in Philadelphia, of Sandra Althouse and Karen Peterwhich he is the secretary. In the son. A fourth place by midget war years he served as president girls (Diane Renshaw, J. Espenof Coe College. Prior to that for SChade, Lynn Hartman, Gay SiIa number of years he was presivers) and a fifth by midget boys 1 Bulletin dent of Tusculum College. (Continued on Page S) I I! Thurs SerVices for Mrs E0 l ange I' PI"erson to Conduct Carne"e "-1 Survey I II 'lDE SWARTHMOIlEAN Mrs. Richard H. Burdsall, NEWS NOTES daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Martin Rogers of' Park avenue will arand family, formerly of Haver- rive Tuesday, August 14 to spend ford place, moved Wednesday, a few days with her parents. On August 1 to their new home at the 18th of August Mrs. Burdsall 401 StrBth Haven avenue. and Mr. and Mrs. Rogers will Mrs. J. Arthur Homeft of Rut- leave ,for Mrs. Burdsall's home, gers avenue left last week with ~aldwm Hill Farm, Great Barher chlldren Marla and John for nngton, Mass. where they Winnipeg Canada. where they remain for 10 days. . will until after Labor Mr. and Mrs. Wl1lIBm Kurtzhalz of . Park avedue entertained at Day. their home on' Monday night in Mrs. John M. Pearson and sol) Ihonor of Mr. and Mrs. Dal JenkJohn of Cornell avenue Spent of Westield, N. J. who celeSunday visiting with Mr. and brated their 18th wedding anni- ren:aln Mrs. Henry F. Pearson and fami.1y of Newtown, Pa. Miss Barbara B. Kent of the Dartmouth Apartments left Sunday, August 5 to spend the month of August at ,her summer home at Bass Rock, G1o~c<:ster, Mass. Dr. and Mrs. WilUam E. Danforth of Hillborn avenue cel:brated thleitr ~5thht bWeddlntegrtal":::gversary as rug y en friends at an open house. For 24 of those years they have Uved In Swarthmore. Mr.. and Mrs. Ralph ~ohnson .:r•. grandparenb The Bouquet Mr. PrIce attended HampdenSydney College In Virginia wbere he was a member of Kappa Alpha fraternity and he served two years with the United states Army. . A late winter wedding Is planned. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Biddle MiftUn of Haverford place announce the birth of their third child, ElIzabeth Parker, on Aug-. ust 3 in Lankenau Hospital. The baby weighed eight pounds and seven ounces. She Is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Davis of Drexel Hili and Mr. and Mrs. E. Lawrie MIlIlln of Wal1lngford. Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hayes of Longmeadow, Mass. announce the, birth of their third child and second son, Curtis Woods, on July 9. . The young m8l\'s grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. Garrett of Gerrett avenue. Mr. and Mrs. David P. Welsh of Ogden avenue are receiving congratUlations on, the birth of their third son and fourth child, Andrew Stuart, on Sunday, July ~~~~~;;;;;~~;;~~;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~;;;;~ 0EW 0R0PIN N 407 DARTMOUTH AVENUE BREAKFAST - LUNCH - DINNER CLOSED SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS OPEN 7 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. . FANCY SANDWICHES C""dren's Platter. 20% Custom. Landscape Work POWER SPRAYING _ TREE TRIMMING TERRACES, WALLS AND WALKS Visit our Roadside Marleet on the Middletown Road COTONEASTER. LEUCOTHOE. JAPANESE ANDROMEDA ENKIANTHUS, KOElREUTERIA HYIRID CLEMATIS and, HEMIROCALLIS (In variety) ANNUALS. PERRENNIALS. STAR ROSES PERMA SPRINKLER SYSTEMS on All Imprinted. Christmas Cards' Order before August 31 Many, many boob ftom. which to choose. •• ·.Ttt lc 35 mm. - 828 - 120 - 620 Sizes 6 Park A venue, 5wa rth more. P·a. SW 6-4191 Wednesday 9 to I Friday 9 to 8:30 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Keenen of Harvarq avenue entert8Jned Mrs. FraDk McCoy of Spr1ngileld, O. for a few days this week. Mrs. McCoy came E,ast to visit Mrs. Keenen's mother, Mrs. Benjamin O. Largent. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Paulson of Park avenue with their grandchildren Michael, Jeane and Linda Paulson of Drexei Hill and Teddy, Davey and Diane KupeUan of Washington, D. C. all returned from a week's vacation in Poconos at the Pinebroo)< Their daughter Mrs. V. S. KupeUan took a week's course at the Fred Waring work shop at Water Gap. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. HolUs and family of S. Chester road returned Saturday, August 4, from a mon1hs trip through the South and Central West parts of the country. Mrs. George C. Broadbent of PrInceton . avenue had as her :'''-"~_I:!r .u::,:~:~n:;. and Mrs. John H. Crowther and son . Davld who have recently moved Into their new. home in Riddle-' -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;,==:-::=..,,_~ wood. State Auto 'Inspectlon -- .. 011 Change ••••••••• 2.50 Lubrication __ • ___ •• ~ 1.25 VWash ____________ •• 1.&0 Motor Tun••Up $5.25 Delco latterles $4.50 It's a wonderful feeling ; Gulf Gal and when they're !ill protected by 011 SW 6·0440 fri •• Sat•• Aug. 10. 11 file1J()~fJles wHh Me * Dartmouth and Lafayette· Closed Safurday at J P.M. R. HULOT'S HOLIDAY" See These In Our Display Room Their new automatic Home Dishwashers with the , "Custom Ki!chens by Church" KitchenAig IRati... S..., Moll" T.... 12. 13. 14 A_g. Robert TQlor .. Dona WJDter (OINWASOOR't&CilMOOJ.,OR) f"_Hli. fiew . . ,. - 1:&1--1... for CIIHiiift We4., AlIt, 15-1 r,M, 1 D' .H/lhil The Finest Made ~ .11£ I ..IIT .FLct.~TI",'II' World', larg.st Monu'acturer 0' Food and Kilchen Mochlne. THERMADOR .~-i',,-~ ra?tg6d Cool,. Clean, Safe Electric Cooking Color Carlo_ Sale No Kitch. Job T_ La.... or T_ siII.n Now At Custo. , 3 KITCH INS *Persona. Service TIuough this asmey you ~. h_ set _ virtually every form of insurance pr0- tection you need for yOurhmilY, . ~u,. lIJId-l>Dsineis ~d when you get £ma· CQSUQlty pxetdlIiOIi tIaoiIgb us, you get fat IIIOIe than just. insurance • • • you get the· poUcies wUh the P.S. - personal serv- ice. 1bis me&IIS our close and continuous assistance, Boblnson; A BUS • CLOSED SATURDAY at 12 Noon Ip«lDInaib. and prompt service if acddent or loss occurs. ".S. During . also means you'll get the same friendly cooperation from .Ema Casualty agents and claim offices wherever _you go. Call us today:. non /lOW to Sljoy "the wonderful !uli!iB" that _ s with owni"l/ the poIiciu with the PS. PETER·E.TOLD 333 DAItT~bUTH AVE•. SWARTHMORE 6-1833 o (Continued tram Pue 1) (SandY Andy Seybold, Dick McCurdY, and Dave Foley) added 6 more to the Seahorse tally. Swarthmore's score when it gathered ita ribbons amid cheering and pinned them on Coach Roblnsou at the end of Friday night's competition, had cllmbed to 33 points. Four In A.M., Four in P,I(, Saturday mnrn;n~ bright and --......, early the Seahorses were back in the swim, this Urne at MarpleNe. wtown where Carol Williams captured a 3-point fourth placing in the first event, senior women's' breaststroke with a time of 1:30.5, nine-tenths of a second better than one of Rose Valleys top-notch seniors, Judy Brown. Although many other Swarthm<;>re swimmers won or placed high in their individual breastroke or freestyle heats, often bettering their own previous times in pace with the superior competition, and sometimes missing championship placings by a few tenths of a point, Bob' Sublette, Who placed sixth In the men's 220-yard freestyle, was the only other point winiller for Swarthmore that momIng. After a quick lunch and r""t the team journeyed to Colonial in m1d-aftemoon to see Joyce Williams gal'}ler another 2 points by placing flfth in the Intermedlate girls .backstroke, time 39.9. carol WilUams,. In the senior women's butterfly, dupUcated her sister's win. Swarthmore's score reached 41 and remained there until Sunday. Doubles See' Double Swarthmore's "butterfly" twin, Jean (Paul), beached by iliness for 10 days leaving her In doubfrestyle relaylone team and Ie, Ann, to and carry the ball the women's with Carol Williams, senior, championship butterfly event, was came In sixth for 1 point. Brodie on hand as a spectator Saturday Crawford and Bob Sublette, sento see another twin Jean (Wis- lors, were supplemented by Steve dom) 'who comes from old Hansell, a junior, and John SeySwarthIitore stock, win laurels in bold ,an Intermediate, to win her own 'and senior divisions of another point as sixth In senior that stroke. Jean Wisdom, who men's race. has swum witb Rose Valley for Joyce WllUams, Judy Coles, Charlotte Brodhead, Ann Paul made up the intermedlBte girls team which placed IItth· for 2 points. Karen Peterson. Marsha SilversJ • Karen Schloesser, Sue Crawford . composed the junior team . which earned another sixth place and one point. Jim Foley, Malin Boyer, Dick Jackson aDd Dino McCurdy b r 0 u,g h t Swarthmore in fourth place for 4 points in junior boys' relay. Six pOints earned by the midget girls team placing third and another point by the midget ·boys coming sixth brought the grand total ••••• cha't.'.~ ,., up Ie 58 for Swarthmore, a cred.., ..., of special trip. itable record for Its first year of competition and not too far bePHONI 'Landon 2-3000 low the next lowest scorer, Mar. _.... "'000 tins Dam (considering Jessica AlIenI). Final scores from the week of RED ARROW championship events for all teams In the League follow: Aronimink LINES 396, Rose Valley 347, Colonial " , . STREeT TERMINAL Village 260, and Marple N ..wtown uppeR DAilY, ,A. tied at 250, Martins Dam 138, and Swarthmore 58. expert attentiOn' to your ~ .... , .....,'. . AhiG , of and Mrs. Arthur R. O. Redgrave of Vassar avenue and of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Wisdom, Sr. also of avenue. She holds the League butterfly record of 34.6 for 50 yards in her own age group, which she topped on Saturday with her lIIster JudY a close second. Jean and JudY, like numerous others who develOp into top-rate swimmers, compete and place not oniy m their. own age group but in higher OIles. On Saturday, their 50-yard intermedlBte II t d d rlbbo rs an secon ns had were won lmmedlBtel fte th y a r ey come In third and fourth In the senior , t (100 ~-) Th' women seven -ya...... ey also took thlr'd and fourth in the senior freestyle and third and IIfth In intermediate freestyle, and ·helped assure Rose Valley first pl;lCe In the relays. Joyce WllUams' IIfth place Urne in the Intermediate backstroke was only four-tenths of a second longer than Jean Wisdom's fourth place time. With some team members even popping home momentarily from vacations to uphold the Seahorses' honor. the SSC tribe was ready for the plunge aagin at the Aronimink pool at 4 p.m. Sunday Here Diane Renshaw gathered the IIrst point by placing sixth In the midget girls butterfly, time 64.7, and swimmers and speclators alike again marveled at the famous midget from Martins Dsm, Jessica Allen, who holds all midget records and betters them every Urne she swims, winning her own age group events and placing high in older classillcatlons. . Three intermediate girls, Gloria Peirsol, Sue Bruce andLoulse H ower 1111 ed th 'e a b sentee vacancles on the four-member serilor CHARTER • ROBERT.J. ATZ. Mgr. One of England'lI greatest eomallesll J'aCQues TaU'. Masterpleea Z-Selected Short Subleck 3-1st Exciting Chapter'Manhunt of Mystery Island' 4-Vanlshing American with Scott lrady 5--PrlleS given away HC' ___ MPIPNUS \.. SPKIAL M~N. TIn THURS. DYNAMIC WHEEL aALANa Opposite Borough Parldng Lot ·NAY. THE £TII 'OF JUNE' PI ...... Ansco 'Chrome and Ektachrome n_ • COLLEGE THEATRE, AlII CONDlflONED - weeks Wblttier place mOVe MonAugust 27 Into their new home at 212 Elm avenue. . Miss Judy Roess of Cornell avenue retUrnea on Wednesday, Auguse 8 after spending a week at Ocean Grove, N. J. Mrs. Thurman Draper Turner, owner of Belvedere Convalescent Home entertained at a luncheon last week for Mrs. Frank McCoy of Springfleld, O. who is visiting Mrs .. Benjamin O. Largent. Those attending were Mrs. Nella RoQinMrs E T "--~ M son, • • • - ' - ' rs. A. B. R is Mrs Geo B eav, . ' rge. MurphY and Mrs T t h I . ~..en, w 0 are a I local guests at the Belvedere. IIIi~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~~~~~;;;~~~~g RUSSELL'S SERVICE Swarfllmore. Pa, town, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Walmsley and family of North Chester road returned last wek from a month's vacation in South Dartmouth, Mass. Mr. J. C. Kennen, father of Mr. Frank Keenen of Harvard avenue, left Tuesday, August 7 after spending two with his son family. Th e Camera '& H0 bby ShOp Teler!'ene: CHester 2.7206 P I H Am'0 Id n a mer or enry Ask f or !:;;===========~ Rim""" To&! MERCURY R. D. 16, Media, Pa. Opposite High Meadow I DON'T MISS THE 'Nurseries, Inc~ Middletown Road . Mr. aDd Mrs. John Michael of Harvard avenjU! will leave this week end for Skytop, in the Pocon"", where they will remain unW Labor Day. Jim Hunter, SOIl of Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Hunter of Vassar avenue and Jimmy Reynolds, son of Mrs. G. V. Krenikoft of Yale avenue returned Saturday from Tockawogh on .the Chesapeake. .' Mr. and Mrs. A. H. VanAlen of P k ha tertained ar avenue ve en this k th · da hter Mr wee ell' ug S•• John W. Sprout and sons of Hights- 2·DAY SERVICE ON PROCESSING OF ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rose -erIDii: nicely. NOW! Daily Dinners 90c to $1.85 2:,:2'============1 :SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR ALL lIIAGAZINES MRS. LLOYD E. KAllFFIIIAN 313 Dar&mouU. Avenue SVVartbDoore 6-2080 - .,....t Monday Through Friday Library Summer Schedul'e SAVE I The maternal are Swarthmore, and Judge ~rge Farnum of Ardmore, .and Mr. James Bell Bullltt, 3rd., son of Mr. and Mrs. James Lukens of Welsh of IJma Is the paternal . Mr. and Mrs. Bullltt, Jr., of Lin- Landenburg, Pa., formerly of grandparent. coin avenue, will take place Saturday, September 15, in the Church of the Redeemer, Bryn Mawr. Miss Farnum has selected her sister Miss Anne Scott Farnum as her maid of honor. The brldesBEAUTY SALON maids will include Miss VIrginia SUMMEI CAli fOl AUTUMN ENCOIES G. Bullltt, sister of the bridegroom; Miss Mary Cooper Cox 9 South Chester Road and Miss Sally Wistar Winsor, Cell SWarthmore 6-0476 both of Pl!IladelphIB; Mrs. John Active M_Hr of flo. Swartlo_re ...1.... AI.lelatlol W. Rindlaub of New York; Miss Marcia Smith of New Loa.don, versary. Conn., and Miss Anita Humphreys Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Pauison of of Dorset, Vt. Park avenue have as their guests _ _ _":"_ _ _..for two weeks their daughter ENGAGEMENT Mrs. V. S. KupeUan of WashingMr. and Mr.. Milton Murray ton, D. C" and children TeddY, Maddux, of Marshall, Va. anDsvey and Diane. . nounce the engagement of their Mr. and Mrs. R. E. WIlson of daughter, Jane Lambdon, to Ogden avenue have returned from Robert Blair Price, Jr., son of a month's trip which included a Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blair PrIce three-week visit in the Hawaiian of North Chester road. Islands. They traveled by pl.lIle I Miss Maddux attended St. to Los Angeles and then to San Catherine's School in Richmod, Francisco where they joined Va. and St. Mary's School and Appalachian Mountain Club of Junior College in Raleigh, N. C. returned after to thetr home m WII- 24 Boston as Islands. a group In of mington a trip to ~ncOin, by which plane went to the Nebraska where they viSIted Mr. Honolulu they enjoyed the enterJohnson's family. Mrs. Johnson, tainment and many pleasures who Is Girls Physical Education tendered visitors _ leis, luaus, Instructor at Swarthmore High hulas, 1I0wering trees and foUage; School resumed her summer dut- a meal at a Japanese tea house ies as assistant coach and ~fe (complete with kimono and sllpguard at the S)II'arthmore Swun pers) , a visit to a pineapple facClub last week end. tory and a sugar cane plantation. Mrs. A. H. Marsh and daughter The group was also' present at a Susan of Columbia avenue re- broadcast" of "Hawaii Calls." ' turned Iast week after a six- week trip to Florida where they visited NAME ATTENDANTS relatives in Tampa and Jackson~ Mrs. Marvin V. Anderson, Jr., ville, Inrludlng Mr. and Mrs. of Ann Arbor, Mich., will be maMarsh's daughter, Mrs. William tron of honor at the marriage of A. Prouty. Mr. Marsh will remain her sister Miss Amanda Spackin Florida on business for another man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. month. Herbert Branson Spaekman of Beverly Smith, d a : : ': "Thornbury Farm," West Chester, and Mrs. W. Alfred 0 m- to Mr. John Fred Gehret, son of herst avenue entertained Carol and Mrs. Andrew Martin JelUnghaus of Wllmin,gton, Del. Gehret of Wilmington, Del., which for a few da;S. An ~:~::- will take place Saturday afteruse 6, Bever y wen August 18 at 5 o'clock In ton to be a 'house guest at the of the Holy TrInIty, Jellinghaus home. West Chester. Mrs. David McCahan of Strath The Rev. H. Lawrence, WhitteHaven avenue is entertaining her more, Jr., will perform the cereson-in-law and daughter, Mr. and mony. rt S wan W ho Mrs. George Robe. k Mrs. Edward A. Johnson of f th wee have returned rom a reeMarblehead, Mass., and Miss Poltrip in the West. . Iy Told of Park avenue, will Misses Martha and Irma Keigh- the bridesmaids. ton of South Chester road retumMr. Peter A. Gehret will ed last week from a vacation at best man far his brother. The Dennisport on Cape Cod.. On their ushers will include the Messrs. return they visited WIth Mrs. Edward B. Morrow, Jr., Louis S. Harlen M. Chapman, Jr. of South- DeLuca, Roger Murra,>,yVJ'It,J~r.i.'~~:: port, Conn" who is the daughter E. Benzel, all of 11 of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Latimer of Thomas Spackman, brother of the Cornell avenue. bride, and Randolph S. Carey of Mrs. Percy Gilbert of Park aVe- Denver, Colo. nue is ent,ertalning at a luncheo~ A reception at the home of the at h"" home today in honOr of bride's parents will 'follow the Mrs. F. A. McComack of Traer, ceremony. Iowa and Mrs. Alice Mathprs of _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Upland, Calif. Mrs. McCOrnack SEPT. BRIDE is visiting her daughter Mrs. The marriage of :Miss Edith MacAlpine, Jr. and family and Bringhurst Farnum, daughter of Mrs. Mathers is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Whipple daughter Mrs. John IlIft of Spring-I leld. Rands Roess, dauilhter of Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Roess of Cornell avenue. Is spending the month of August at Martha's Viileyard. Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. Garrett Monday, Wednesday of Gar.rett avenue have lust reFriday turned from a visit to their S()Jlin-law and daughter, Mr. and 2 - 5 - afternoon Mrs. James S. HaY"'S in Long7 • 9"":" evening meadow, Mass. Too Hayes, their oldest grandchild, will visit Mr. Closed Saturday and Mrs. Garrett for a m()Jlth. August 10, 1956 loin. Carroll P. Stzeeter of Columbia avenue and ber Mrs. Parry stowe of Ames, Iowa, who has been visltln& in more for three weirs, left . OIl a ~ to...~It, M1ch. where they, 1m. S~ter's _-m-Iaw and dan"..er, Mr. and Mrs. Ray VlneunIs, aDd' eon, Mr. and Mrs. lei/Ie Walmsley of .North Chester %08d are enter_ tllnl"g their niece Leine Walmaley olwNeekew_~t.ord, Mass. fOr a three..... ~-. W"U_- H. -ard of Strath =D .......... ", Haven avenue left Wednesday to spend a few web with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Cox Of Dickinson avenue who is vacationing llangely, Maine. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Manthey imd family of Virginia, Minn. left Sunday, August 5 etter • spending two weeks visiting with Mrs. Manthey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lindley Peel of Columbia avenue. Mrs. Horace Renshaw Of Cornell and Yale avenues sUpped on Ca.acrrty ortd Surely Compcrny, Hortfonl, Connecticut August OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY PORTER H. WAITE, ,Inc. Yale CHId ChlSter Road SWall ...... 6-1250 'fHE SWAR'rIiMoREAN "recent J Thomas G. Leeson, Sr., conMarshall Schmidt. 334 'DickInPUBLISUED EVERY nIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PA. Idl~ctor' of the Chester Elks' Band, Son avenue. has been named a PETER E. TOLD. lIlAUOBJE TOLD, PUBLIS-RA arranged a program for the Delaware division leader In the Phone SWaJ1luno... 8-08CHI I Glen Providence Park concert, 1957 United Community CamPETER E. roLD. EdItor Barbara B. Kent, Managing Editor evening. August 16, at palgo. p.m., including many requests Schmidt, a graduate of SwarthRosalle D. Peirsol Marjorie T. Told Anne L. Mabbott ."Polly" 'rold that were received through letters more College, Is In the Municipal to the Band. expressing Indivld- Syndicate department of Drexel E!itered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929. at the Post Office at Swarthmore, Pa.. under the Act of March 3, 18711. ual's favorites. Many of the letters and Co.. investment brokers. He suggested and asked that John I'boge,n his assoclaUon with federa~ DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON Saunders. instrumental soloist, re- ted fund-raising In 1952 In the SWARTHMORE, PENN"., AUGUST 10, 1956 peat numbers that .he had playeQ. role of solicitor for the Commudeat"lln previous concert programs. nity Chest. Later he served as lepers are cleansed, the PRESlnERIAN NOTES The vocal soloist of the evening associate director of Zone C and During August Mr. Schott will hear, the dead are raised, to the will be Frank Howard, tenor,- of with the broker's secUon of the preach a series of sermons on poor gospel Is preached," Drexel Hill. Mr. Howard has ap- United Fund. He Is enrolled as All are welcome to attend the four small but significant books peared with the LaScala Op"ra, chalrman of the Central Delaware In the Old Testament. This Sun- services at the church, 206 Park and. on television and radio. County divslslon In the forthcomIng drive. The division Includes day he will discuss "'r.he Prophet avenue, at 11 8.m. Robert B •. Keel will '!Pnounce West Springfield. Morton. SwarthHOsea and his Gospel of RedeemTRINITY NOlES' the following program In his more, East Springfield, SecaneIng Love!' A service of Holy Communion usual jovial manner March Holmes and Folsom districts. The bandage group will meet will be held at nine o'clock Sun"Vanguard of Victory" (Darcy); at 10 a.m. Wednesday, August 15. day morning. ThIs will be the Waltz "Wedding of the Winds" Schmidt's responsibility for the division leadership Includes re~ the only service Sunday , and (Ha11) • request e; d T rumpe t Sola METHODIST NOTES ' ank D G". d De' cruitment of directors for the V ery R ev. F r • ....or, all "Arbucklenian Polka" (Hartman) Church of the P'~'ladelp~'a Dl'VI'nlt" '1 School 9classes for .... '" , and "Trumpeters Lullaby'" (An- above districts and the overall ages Wl I begin at : 45 a.m. School, will be In charge'. . lis di derson) by popular request: planning and supervision o! the mg pup are cor ally Ushers fo-• the ~--~ce will be Novelty "Johnny Peel" (Arr. UCC's program in this, area. ..".. ed . J hn A R. T B tes E 0 Schmidt holds memberships in _~, . 0 aron, . a , . . LitUe): Vocal Solo "Ramona" The M 0 ming W o,,,,,,p servlce C C E F II' 'the St. Andrew's Society and HoIwill begin at 10: 00 a.m. through- ramp, . . e ows, E. M. Hil- (Wayne). and "I'm Falling in Love J. N. Nutt, W. T. Peabody,lwlT.h Someone" (Herbert); Dlxie- ling Green Golf Club and sel'Ves out the summer, Wl'th Dr. W. lary, d J R Ids on the board of the Municipal G . an os. eyno . Douglas Wrege (special request); Overture alloway Tyson preaching 10 R1!v. Is scheduled to serve as acolyte "Reinzl" (Wagner)', March "Por- Bond Club. Kulp's absence. Dr. Tyson's serm. . Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt have on subl'ect for Sunday will be ters Catalina" (McCaughey): In In- three smaII chlld ren, P eggy, 6 , t mI I NEWS NOrES "The Second Touch." ,Nursery er "ss on; 4 an d Billy,. 2 (Kl March0 "The Soar 0 g 1.J"m", children will be supervised by JeamJe Schloesser, daughter of E agIe ohr); verture" ver _ _ _-,,...-_ _ __ capable women. The church office will be closed the weeks of the 13th and 20th. The secretary, Mrs. Conner, be back In the office on Monday, August 27th. Dr. Tyson will avallable for any emergencies pastoral help. Call West 5568 If you need him. The church Is In charge of "Flowers for the Flowerless" durIng the month of August. Anyone having flowers ,please leave them at the Club House on Wednesday evening. Mrs. C. Dudley Schloesser of Park There" (Arr. Lake) by popular avenue returned Saturday, Aug- request; Novelty "Dry Bones" ust 4 from Northampton School (Arr. Yoder); Requested "Alexfor Girls' French Summer School. ander's Ragtime Band" (Berlin): JeamJe was accompanied home Vocal Solo "Strange Music" by her mother and aunt, Mrs. (Greig) and "Yours is my Heart H. P. Closman of Philadelphia. Alone" (Lebar): Paraphase "Make Mrs. William H. West of North Believe" (Kern); Novelty ''The Princeton avenue left this week Wreck of the Hesperus" (Arr. with Mrs. S. VI. Hadley of Wash- Leeson): Selections "Frlml's Favington, D. C., formerly of orltes" (Frlml): March "Fidelity" more, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mc_ (Blankenburg); National Anthem. Lean for a few weeks in TonaGlen Providence Park Is locatwanda, N. Y . , ed at the west end of State Street Dr. John R. Brobeck of Vassar near the Baltimore PIke In Media, avenue attended the Internation- and patrons are assured of an CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES al Physiology Congress held In evening's enjoyment of good Brussels, ,Belgium last week music and comfort from mosHow Christ Jesus hwed sickwhere he read .a paper. At the qultoes, as the Delaware County ness and discord of every kind present time Dr. Brobeck Is In Mosquito Extermination Commlswill be set forth at Chrls1;lan Badnauhelm, Germany where the slon sprays the park before each ScIence services Sunday In the International Nutrition Confer- concert.' Lesson-8ermon entitled "Soul." -------The Master's reply to the mes- ence is being held. 411 saw it in the Swarthmorean." Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gilcreest sengers of John the Baptist of Vassar avenue have returned be Included In 'the Scriptural from a month's visit with their readings in the Lesson-Sernton (Luke 7: 22): ''Then Jesus ans- son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and wering said unto thent, Go your Mrs. David Warner in Xenia, O. way, and tell .John what thing! The G1lcreests brought Lynn Warner back with them for a ye have seen and heard; how stay of two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. the blind see, the lame walk, John Dewhurst on their way back ~o Florida spent three days with Mr. and Mrs. Gllcreellt. Mrs. Oscar Gllrreest of Vassar avenue has gone this week to Harrison, N. Y. to spend a short time with her sister, Mrs. W. N. Baylis, who is ill. Mrs. J. B. West of Benjamin West avenue Is entertaining her CHURCH SERVICES SOh-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Keen, Jr. and PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH daughter of Cincinnati, O. for Joseph P. Bishop, Minister two weeks. John Schott. Associate MInlster Snnday. AUIrllA,18 Bruce Gemmill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Gemmill of Vas11 : 00 A .M. Mr. S chott w III sar avenue returns EASnAWN CEMnERY A non-profit, mutual enter· prise for the benefit of famnies residing in Swarthmore and neighboring communities. Your patronage is earnestly, solic:ited, 'Mrs. Joseph 'Storlazzi of Park annue with her daughters Nancy and Blanca and Gracie McDermatt of Yale avenue visited Mrs. Storlazzi's parents Mr. and Mrs. O. Giancoll In Carlisle. They will go to Stone Harbor, N. J. lor the rest of the season. . ALBERT N. GA~RETT Pre.rdent Ii lu.rne.. Mfr. 228 Garrett Ave. Swarthmore, Pa. MARY A. BAlR, P....ldent Telephone RI 6-1581 • • Oot a" yen for .taak looke~ ••er an ope. fir.?' FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST , SWARTHMORE ParI< "vt'IIlIe l1elnw H~rvard 8""""~. A. . . . 18 11:00 A. M.-8unday SchooL 11:1I4l A.M.-The Lesson-Bermon villI be "Soul." Wednesday evening meeting eaeh wee~I~.:u. Reading 481 A_ue, RoOm, opeD weekd-p ezeept hoUUya, 10-5 PridaJr _Inr. '1-11. Sunday at1etD0I"I, 1:10-4:10. HOW CHRISTIAN .SCIENCE Paulson & Co. 100 Park- Avenue Swarthmore, ,Pa' Cool wNr. _ ca.......... , ..... sw...._ HEALS Sq. IIIDd.... deer,.,., 'IILIDEL.III ELECTIIC • I~~;r::~I~y~: O:n~n:~;I:;::' e:~~ i~;;;~~~;;;~~~;;;~~~;;;;;;~~~~;;;~~~;;;~~~ or Write the School :-I fore. ., STRATH HAVEN INN Florist .led at JOII' or anY ,.r.....,,,... Electric _bulllan store. I Diluzio :and Sons .. ........... )'011 IIUD Home MINIM More Wtfh Carpet on The Floor .... nd Cupel S . pl •• DI.I.,.d I..... .,••• P..,11I1I KNOWS C.,.. on tM To Methodist Church CALL' BY NUMBER You can get the same wonderful flavor '1 . With gas broillngl Smokel. . broiling with 1 the gas range door cIo.ed keeps the luscious flavor right in the food. Modem gas rarige. tum out tasty broiled food that is ci lnap to prepare. But then, food prepared anywhere on a modern gal range is tasty. do so much for your home at Law Changes i OUVER H. BAIR, Founder CARPETS TELEVISION SERVICE . r 1 8 2 0 eN ISTNUI 5,T;R5IT·,"· see how today'll Reported at $415 (Continued from Page I) cent of the ,total levy which Is a The following is a translation Cash social security benefits for very good collection rate. The next largest source of in- of a four-and-a-half foot long disabled workers at age 50, benefits for chlldren 18 or over Who come 'MlS the tuition of non- letter In Japanese written on pupils which amounted Japanese letter paper to the conwere disabled before they reached 18, and monthly ooneflts for wo- to.$57,528.69. The State approprla- gregation of the Swarthmore men at age 62 Instead of 65 were tion in the amount of $96,645.00 Methodist Church whose pastor, added to the nation's old-age and was up $50,000 above last year. the Rev. John Kulp, Is on a sumsurvivors Insurance program Au- The balance at the beg!unlng of mer mission to Japan. Signed by gust 1st, when the 1956 social Be- the year was $40,944.33 which about half of the Ikuno Church curity amendmenta were signed 'MlS In the teachers' summer sal- members In expression of their into law by President Eisenhower. ary reserve. MIscellaneous souro- appreciation, the letter was accompanied by a note from the These and. other changes of es accounted. for $7455.31. The assessed value of real esInterpreter stating that its Engwide public interest are noted in tate against which the 35 mill tax lish counterpart is a literal transthe following summary of major provisions furnished by Herbert was levied was $8,039,675. This lation with names translated W. Gruoor, District Manager of Is about 28 per cent of the m.lrk:et I phonetically and ending with the Ihe Social Security Office in Ches- value of the taxable property In request "Please be kind enough Swarthmore, as reported by the to understand the greatness of ter. their graUtude to you ,through my One of the most significant State Tax Equaitzation Board. The total expenditures of the poor translation." changes made by the amendments July 13th, :1956 was the provision for payment of School District are distributed in eight departments. Six of these Ikuno Christ Church disability benefits beginning at 50 to • h c/o Mr. Fujikana, age wor",ers w a . are totally are designated Items of current . expense and Include the follow. Okugamaya Ikuno, dlsabled for .substanttal gainful Ing: Jyogo Prof., Japan work of any kind. Under the new A-General Control, $11,821.32: "Dear members of Swarthmore !aw they can get .mo~thlY .disabllB-Instruction, $353,497.07; cMethodist Church: lty payments begmnmg WIth July It is a great honor and joy for 1957. No applications can be ac- Auxili~ry Agencies, $9,915.89: D-Operation of School Plant, $47,us that we can express our cepted before October I, 1956. 138.36; E-Expenses of Main tenheartily appreciation to you all To m-:e t the c,,:,ts of thes~ benefits. an mcrease m. the SOClal se- ance of School Plant, $11,589.00: through the abundant grace of God. We are very happy to have curlty tax will go mto ellect Jan- F-Fixed Charges, $26,515.85. ,All of the above items are con- Rev. Kulp among us here at ~~~~~~~~iii~~iiiz:::i~$ii~siiiiii~$ii~iii~$ii~iiim uary I, 1957. The amount of the cerned primarily with aspects of Ikuno from a long distance over the instructional services for chil- the sea. He has come here with !ti the Gospel to share twith the % of one per cent for self-em- dren. The excellent financial condi- people of lkuno. ployed people, on the first $4,200 -) of earnings in a year. tion of the school district is ShOWD ,We again thank you that as a 939 Rocklyn Road. Springfield K! ,,"1028! The amendments make it pos- by the large margin of assets over result of your many prayers, and liabilities. The total assets of the great sacrifices God has sent his sible for a new group of dependents - "disabled children over district are $2,061,239.87 of which messenger, your pastor. We have 18u - to receive social security nearly one and three quarter mll- strongly renewed our bellef that 'payments based on the earnings lion dollars are' for school bulld- we are all brothers and sisters in of a retired or deceased parent. ings and sites: On this property Christ however far we may live The uchlldren" eligible for bene- the school district carries a total fits under this provision may be of $1,696,000 of fire insurance. 81st Year We feel awfully sorry to think . of any age at the present time, Against these assets there are that he will have countless Inprovided they are unmarried, that liabilities amounting to $503,396.- conveniences and difficulties durthey become totally disabled be- 06 of which $397,000 is for bonded ing his two months' stay, but he Nursery through Fifth Gracie - Kindergarten fore they were age 18, .and that indebtedness, showing a wide is working actively In good health they have remalned totally dis- margin' ot clear assets. with constant smiles on the face Morning and Afternoon Groups abled ever since. Benefits beand bears every hardship he The net per pupil cost to the 6·6563 come payable January 1957. meets with. school district last year in the Mothers of disabled children Third and North Streets, Media In regard to the great sacrielementary school was $270 and over 18 also may now get bene- the high school, $415 per pupil. fices of your Church and Pastor, fits. Payments to the disabled The average . teacher's salary was we should. Ilke to express our IUdiIlLLl. . . . . . 'IN . . . . . . .XBi& MM children and their mothers may $4645, up $245 from the year be- resolution to make powerful and '" FAMILY':oINNIU ... sun· ... TASTE, of ,mlYONI start with the. chliCks for Jan\l,l!.rY steady steps for the ""tabllshment Ii TENDER STEAKS alld CHOPS Cooked to Order . 1957, due early In February; ap- The borough auditors are at of the kingdom of God. EXCELLENT BANQUET AND PARTY FACILITIES plicants have until January 1958 present making a complete amJual 'I am the way, and the truth. BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12.1:30 P. M. a In which to make their oIaims audit of the school accounts and the Ufe: .no one comes to the DINING lOOMS ••d LOlly All CON!lITIONID iii without losing benefits. No appll- which includes not only the school Father, but by me'. ComfortGbl ... Rooms Day or Week EI iii cations can be accepted before district's accountS but ·those of We thank God that we can be evator iii! October I, 1956. the Student Trl'asury and the one by the faith in the Father and ; Under the amended law, work- Cafeteria funds as well. A report the Saviour of all over the world. ; jng women, the wives of men re- of their' findings will be prepared What Rev. Kulp has told us about § ceiving old~age insurance pay- and submitted to the Board in your Cl!urch with many slldes EI Yale & Harvard Avenues, Swarthlllore. Po. iii ments, and the widows of Insured the near future. brought us nearer to you in Iii! WALTIR E. PARROn, Mil.. FREE 'ARKING iii workers can start getting monthunderstanding and feeling. May God bless Mrs. Kulp and ~IWIIDUUlIlUlllmmnnuIIIIl!UWIIUIIUWllmllll"'MIW"'nIIUIUIUIIWUJWIDmun",,,",,gmlllHmaii Iy benefits at age 62. The depenNEWS NOTES dent mother of an insured worker her children. We remember each , • who dies leaving no spouse or - Bianca Storlazzi of Park ave- of you in prayers that you may child eligible for bene!lts may also nue and GracIe McDermott of be blessed even more fully and get benefits at 62. Yale avenue are at Girl Scout greatly than we are by God. Working women and wives who Cau{p Elizabeth Borton at ElverWith the best wishes and the, allply before age 65 will receive son for a stay of two weeks. kindest regards. benefits· at reduced rates, on a Miss Barbara Stuart, daughter Sincerely yours, sliding scale. Benefits for widows of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. stuart Mrs. Mitsuko Watanabe and dependent mothers ·of iIisured of Westdale avenue, is enjoying Mrs. Hatsue Sato deceased workers at age 62 will a 3-week stay at Camp Wk-AMr. Katsunobu Yamada not be reduced. Mahs in Union county near Penn Miss Etsuko Fujikawa Payments for women who are State. After she completes her Miss Selko Az'uma already 62 and who qualify under stay there she will join her parMiss Keiko Kashimur... the amendments can begin with ents for a vacation in Dames Mrs. Tokoyo 'Kobayashi SAVE TIME ON YOUR the November checks, due early Quaters, Md. on the Chesapeake. Mrs. Kazuko Imai OUT-Of-TOWN CALLS in December. Application must be Mr. Teruo Saito made for these benefits; however, security law in which a widow Miss Atsuko Abo there will be no loss of benefits to who remarried lost immediately MIss Norlko ./I.bo whom first eligible In November all rights to benefits based on the Mrs. Raku Tanaka 1956 who apply before Decem- earnings record of -her former Mr. Tadamlchl Onishi ber 1957. husband, but did not gain any The letter, read to last Sunday A large group of people self- benefit protection on her second morning's worshippers In the employed In certain professions husband's account if he died wlth- local Church by the Rev. GalloWhen you call by nUmber, the operator'can was covered by the law for the in a year of their marriage and way Tyson, substitute pastor, was first time. Self-employed lawyers, there was ito natural' or adopted supplemented by pictures of Mr. put your call sb'aight through to the out-oftown telephone you want. She dOesn't have . dentists, chiropractors, 'veterln- child. Beginning with November Kulp around the clock in Japan. to detour it through Information in the arians, naturopaths, osteopa.ths, 1956, the- new law restores a re- posted on the lobby bulletin board distant city. Your calla go through faster-and optometrists will get social married widow's benefit rights on by Mrs. Kulp upon her return often twice as fast. sec\lrlty credit and pay social se- the earnings record of her first from a month's stay at the shore. curity -taxes on their earnings for husband under such circumWe'll be happy to give you a copy of taxable years that end after 1955. stances. '''I1>e m_ Book of Telephone Numbers"Doctors of. medicine are now the Under other amendments sep_ a handy little hooklet in wbich you 'can list only self-employed people who as arate]y enacted, members of the ,the olJt.of-town nnmberot you may have a group are 1l0t covered -by social I~:~~:n'= services of the United orcaeion to' calL JWJt ask our :-3118;' security. Ii will be covered by the ()6)e far your flee copy. American ministers serving as Social security law beginning 'or....rlr pastors of churches lp.. foreign January I, 1957, In the same mancountries may elect to be covered ner as civilians. Social securtty by the law if their congregations taxes will be deducted from the 650 1e,"lIIore ..... TIE IRl TRE•••• E C•• PAIl OF .f.OUY••1l are composed predomloantiy of basic pay of the servleeman and Spr.....Id.DeI. Co.. P.. American clUzens.' the United States Government The amendmenta remedy the. will pay tbe employer's share of SW.I. . . . . . . ... situation und..... the previous soclal the taxeS. ' • . Phone MEdia DIRECTORS O' fUN. "I 5 COMFORT? Saturday. Aug. 25 Now Enrolling for Fall Term THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. , looking Jor vaSsar Media Friends School • tomorrow from' Schenectady where he has been working In an architect's ofMInIster flce. Robert Wilde E ns. DonaId T O Minister of Music . gram, 'w h a graduated June 1 from the U. S. SDDday, Augas& 18 9:45 A.M.-8unday School. Naval Academy, reported for 10:00 A.M.-Dr. Tyson will duty last week at the U. S. Naval preach. Amphibious Base In LitUe Creek, TRINITY CHURCH Va. Diane Reynolds, daughter of H. Lawrence Whittemore. Rector SDDday, Augas& 18 .!:90_ A.M. Holy Co~union. Mrs. G. V. Krenikoll of Yale aveTHE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY nue was admitted Monday, AugOF FRTEND!'l ust 6 to Lankenau Hospital with SDDday, AUI"IISt It a respiratory. Infection. 9:45A.M.-Meetiog House op'en I Mr. and Mrs. Clyde W. Pace, for 'meditation. J d f mIIy f F 1-' d 10:30 A.M.-Family Hymn Sing. r. an a 0 a !ek vaca'tlon lat Lake Kezar, ESTATE OF .John· Haddon HopklDB• •1110 • Food SHERIFF SALES of REArESTATE StrBJ'ECr to SHERIFF'S OFFICE ('..oURT HOUSE. MEDIA. PA. August Z•• 1956 9:80 A.M.FrldaT. Eaatern Da7l1ght Saving Time Conditions: $260.00 cash or eertl8ed eonalstofofrecord; Story ;~~~;~:11~ wIth ShIngle sldlll8' Howse ~':~:!.~ 8.IJ check ,at time of sale (unlen otherwise ~~~~il~:I'~,~'~'~'stated. In advertisement). balance in ten dan. Other conditions on day of sale. FIERI FACIAS .June Term, t90B 403 Dartmouth' Avenue C. Shertff ALL THAT CERTAIN lot of Bround with the buildinp thereon in Darby Township. Del. Co•• Pa. BEG. at a pt. on n... ed. of Sharon Avenue at dllt. of 101.n' mea. along same N. 2.e deg. 16' W. from Ita Intersection wIth n. w. lid. of AIIh Rd. CONT, In front on Sharon Ave. :'[iN1DE1'~A~ IS' and extdg. in depth N. 66 deg, 45' E. e;t;!~,~!>;, between parallel lines at n. angles to Sharon Ave. 76' to cent.er line of rertntn NOTICE ~?~:::,,~i:~~~ ESTATE OFESTATE :Mary Rosamond Haines:••Ieo di.jo.,~. known as M. Rosamond Haines deceaaed. record. common of a eer. ' aforesaid House No. 1023 aeron rear these and Sharon Avenue. ;'.(iofni~. vremllell. as and for a driveway. TOGETHER with use .of alley, subject appean of reeord. to proportionate expense of upkeep. Improvements consist af Two Story Row Improvements consist of One Story Row Brick House 18 !C 40 Feet. Letters Testamentary on the above Estate have been granted to the under_ signed. who request all pet'SOIUJ havIng clallIlB or demanda agalnst the Estate of the decedent to make known the same. and all pel'8OnB Indebted to the decedent to make payment. without delay to DOROTHY HAINES STEPHENSON. 216 Woodland Avenue Bloomington. Ill. Phon&: SW 6-4216 EMIL SPIES Weekend of August 9.1956 Improvementa conaist of One Story Stone and Stucco House 42x24 Feet. Sold as the property af Samuel N. Rhodei. .Jr. and Elaine M. Rhodes •. his wife. . Attorney. AIhE!rt E. Holl. Jr. F. A. SNEAK. JR.• Sheriff CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL , . of REAL ESTATE OFFICE ~~~~~~~~~~~i~~f!M~~ED~IA. ;~~~~:;~o~r~~cerJ:fied "liiRl-F'A()I~!C • 1956 Saving PA. Tlme otherwise In ten sale. No. 987 ~ Formerlr of F. C. lode a Sons Fine Watch ond 128 Yal. AvtI. Clock lepoi" Swarthmore. Pa. 7 to 13 lb. Avg. 335 Dartmouth Avenue SW 8-6118 Full size electric ~~mn~.~v~e~,~~~~~c~o~ndi~'~ti~'o~n~:~G~~~l 1 THOM SEREMBA ~~:~~y~Li~~~~~t~~~:~~;£~~~ ;~~~~~~I~~~~~~~:I ~R ~S~A(TL.~E~~~~n~ti~·qquuee:s"e9raiPpee~rru~ggss !~~~~~~~~~~~~~I 0734 Rm... ~~~:=:=~~~~~~~~:: I Henry UPHOLSTERER ~ 5 YeaHSharon of Swarthtltor. Hili quart, cents SWarthmore dozen; 50 1944. cents 35dozen. I SJ'l.LE OF CLOTH with ruhber pad approximately Regular $6. reduced to $3.50 7 by 14 feet, perfect condition. per yard. More than live years of Hamedan throw rug approximateSwarthmore references. Thom ly 3 by 5 feet. Green linoleum rug Swartlttno.. 601448 WILLIAM BROOKS A.bes & Rubbi.h Removed LaWll8 Mowed, General ~oi~,I~~ :136 Bardin!! Ave., Monon, Pa. Call KIngswood 4-0800. PERSONAL - Bicycles Repaired. Parts, accessories ..Milt Glass _ Bicycle, Hobby, Toy Shop. 205 East Baltimore Avenue. Clifton Heights, MAdison 6-0713. Opposite Clifton Theater. PERSONAL _ Interior and exterior painting, and paper hang~l~~~~~K~.~s~a~vard' Springtleld, 4-0161. G. (HIPMAN EDW'"BD AND SON Gutters Warm·Alr HeaHng Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Work George Myers l~~~~~~~~~~~~ Seremba, phone 8 by 106-0530. feet. Call PERSONAL _ Sharon Radio Hill and 0734. tele- approxlmately after Sunday. MEdia vision service. Complete stock FOR SALE Steinway Piano of tubes carried. Robert Brooks, and Solovox attachment. In Hauling PI tl Til II Fl · T e Modern oars· Kitchens as c e Alterations : 1401 Ridley Avenue CHester 2-4759 line coltdition. Call CHester 3- \ 9526. . FOR SAlLE - Dachshund puppies ~Ix weeks old•. One brown female, one black male. AKC papers. $35. MEdia 6-0704. l~~~~~~:~~~~~~~g~r~:;;;;;:;;;;;::!!~~~~~~!'::!!~~=-: I, J ac k Pric • ha r d ;u~~~~~~fc~ FOR RENT . PAINTING and CARPENTRY '!: rU... SWarthmore 6-8761 PYLE Duplicating :~[~~~i~~~~~~~1 -LETTERS • PROGRAMS • ·CIRCULARS - TO room house tember 1. schools. Phone sum of money in Swarthmore. Loser FOUND may- contact Friday, Mrs~ July Clements, 27, a MEdia 6-1175. . LOST-Slamese female cat. Call "I saw it in the Swarthmorean." KI 4-2111 in evening. Reward· -FORMS 15 S. CHESTER ROAD -ATLANTIC -HEATING OILS -- Sold as. the property of Joseph L. McKenna. atLd Paulin", McKenna. hIs wife. Attorney. Edward H. Bryant. WIlen You Change to F. A. SNEAR. JR .. Sheriff CtlII Real Sharp Mower Service • _ . - . u . M CQ I 0II......as CIa autMn" ••u, ...,"' .. _t.,. 4 '---,Wi!!.~..!!!_i!!iil.! "P:!----" DAYan" . NIGHT OIL BURNER SERVICE 1IONDAY TUIlU SATIJIlOAY NOON K1ngswood 4·1234 80HDAB ... BOLIDAB J. A. GREEN i WHY NOT? MAKE YOUR HOUSE HUNTING EASY? Stop in and inspect photos of all houses avail· able in Swarthmore, Wallingford·Rutle~ge and Media area. Baird.Realtors " Bird _lay a.ff 'rfff", lYe.'Hall '' MRS. SCHLORER'S Sweet Midgets Pickles SW 6-4742 SWEENEY, A a WA ..2440 CLYDE c.m,r.,. l.rI..... ni I .., fstat. A,..,. Ritz Crackers lb. pkg. 33c -----KRAFT Mayonnaise ~311 pte jar 38c 4-6312 404313. ~l~~rJ!~\~CH~~RI~~S~TT:NA ...... .~~..n, i as property of Donald W. An- Bar. of Brookhaven. Del. Co•• Penna. and 3r. /and Ann N. AndensoD. hi, described In accordance wfth a Surve)' and' Plan thereof made by Cheater F. Baker, Edward H. Bryant. C.E•• Chester. Penna.. dated July 18. 1,,47, F. A. &NEAR. .JR.. Sheriff last revised August 18. 1947 as followa: BEGINNING at a point on the S. .Ide _ of Dutton"s Mill Road (38 ft. wIde) at the ~ dIstance of 69.07 ft. S. W. from the S. W. .Ide of DeMaio Drive (50' wide). CONTAINING in front or breadth on the said Dutton's Mill Rd. 69.06 ft. and extending of that width in length or depth S. E. between parallel IIn8ll on the N.E. line thereof 133.11 ft. and on the S.W. lIne thereof 111.57 ft. CONTAINING on .the rear thereof 55 it. BEING Lot No. 2. Bloek "c" on aforesaid Plan. Known 88 No. 633 Dutton's Mill Rd. Improvementa r:onsist of One Story Frame Single HOWIe 3{lx16. Ii Sold as the propertJ' of Frederick Hiller and Ruth F. :r.rfller. his wife. Attorney. Joseph D. Calhoun. .. 3t-8-11 F. A. SNEAR. JR•• Sheriff IAi:...".,... l SPECIAL· Uries Sea Food Selection , .... Photographic Supplies State & Monroe Sts. Media MEdia 6-2176 Open Friday Evenings CO-oP WHOLE BERRY Cranberry Sauce 2 I-lb. cans 3Sc' . . Date September 5, 6, 7 Event Teacher's Workshop September 10 First Day for pupils Octoher 8 and 9 County 'Institute Recess Schoolmen's Week Recess November 22 and 23 Kleenex Tissues 2 for 49c Thanksgiving Recess Last Day before Christmas Holiday (Pink or White)' $COn FACIAL QUALITY (White) Soft Weave Tissue 2 for 23c· January 2nd Resume Classes February 22nd WilShingion's Birthday Holidav March 22nd Last day hefore Spring Vacation Schools Closed-Spring Vacation LOCAL Blueberries box 29c IAI~nt 1 Cantaloupes BREYER'S ICE CREAM Pints - HaH Gallo.s· ..' Schools re-open Easter Vacation Memorial Day Recess 2for49c Baccalaureate :I. .June 3m or 4th Commencement· .June 11th Last day pupils 20th = iii ~ DUllmHllmlmmnmmUlIlllJJJllllllldlmmmmiil School Calendar for 1956-57 \ Cooked Ready to Serv'.e--..lJust "'eat i"uP ROGER Swarthmore-Rutledge Union School District S-"'D.~ J. Edward a liltJCnaDb Plcruu FRAMING PORTRAIT STUDIO = CALIFORNIA 4-6314 55 .j 5 April 19, 20, 21, 22 Air ••d SIll, Travel 29 EAST 5TH ST.. CHESTER "D_I: jar 41; jar 2Sc NABISCO Ridley Park SWARTHMORE, PA. jar 44c Mr. and Mrs. Richard Noye III of Rutgers aV\!llue will return this week end following a vacation trip to Ontario, Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Sipler and family of Harvard avenue will leave next week to spend known .. 3. Haddon Hopkins. Deceased a few weeks in ~valon, N. J. Late of Elnwood Nurtlng Home; Baltl: Mrs. Herbert Fraser of N. more Pike and Lincoln Avenue. Swarth_ Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. AllIson more, Delaware Count,.. Pennsylvania. Swarthmore avenue, accompanied LEl'TEas Testamentary on the above of Vassar avenue returned 1'4onE.tate having been granted to WILLlA&I by her son-ln-Iaw and daughter L. eLEA VES aU penons Indebted to the day ~ugust 6, after spending a said decedent are reqUlI8ted to make paJ'- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carter refew days in Ocean City, N. J. ment. and those having claJ.rD. or de- turned recently from a trip to mands against said Betate to present Mr. and Mrs. R. Blair Price ot Ohio where they visited Mrs. same. without del.,.. to the ~tor WILLIAM L. eLEAVES N. Chester road entertained Mr. Frasers relatives Mr. and Mrs. 7 Swarthmore Place 3t-8·IO Swarthmqre. PennsJ'lvanla Alexander Fraser of Mansfield, Price's brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Price of Ohio. l"ikesvllle, Ky. last week end. Anne Driehaus, daughter of Mrs. Robert M. Grogan and Mr. and Mrs. WI11lam Driehaus daughters Sara and Allce of Westof Yale avenue, arrived home this minster avenue returned Tuesdsy week after spending a few days with the Donald P. Jones family from a seven-week stay in Boise, Idaho. While there they attended at Sebec Lake, Maine. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Foley the Snake River Stampede In and family of Dickinson avenue Nampa, which is one of the bigwill leave on Sunday for Avalon, gest of the Idaho Rodeos. En route J., where they will spend a home Mrs. Grogan stopped to get her mother, Mrs. Walter Divekey few.weeks. Who had heen\rlsltlng in Aurora, Mr. and: Mrs. Francis H. For- Ill. lor seven weeks. Mr. Grogan sythe of Thayer road and Mr. and son David will remain In the and Mrs. Walter O. Heinze of West, driving through Montana Strath Haven avenue will spend and British Columbia before thelr Ihe week -end visiting Mr. and return by plane Wednesday, ~ug_ Mrs. Robert ~rnold Of Walling- us! 15. ford, who are vacationing at Mr. and Mrs. Ford F. Robinson Paupack. and family returned Sunday, August 5 from a two-week trip west. ESTATE NOTTeR Estate of Charles Henry Zen:sen. (also The Robinsons drove out to IJnknown 88 Charles H. Zensen) DeeeUed Late of Rutledge. Delaware Count)", Pa. . coln, Nebraska where they visitLEItERS Testamentary on the above have been I[l'anted to the under- ed with Mrs. Robinson's mother, who requat all pel'llOns having Mrs. J. H. Gadd and then lIew demands against the Eetate of to make known the aam •• to California. While there they indebted to the decedent w'1nt to Los Angeles, Long Beach, wIthout delay. to San Francisco and Sacramento ZENSEN. where they visited with Mr. Robinson's sister, The Appalachian Mountain Club tOUrlm four of the larger islands In addition to Oahu. On SHERIFF SALES ' Ilbert1eo. their return to the'. mainland Mr. of REAL ESTATE . . SHERIFF'S OFFICE and Mrs. Wl,lson toured San COURT·HOUSE. MEDIA. PA. Frlda7. August 81. 1966 Francisco, Berkeley, oakland, and 9:80 A.M. Eilatem Daylight SavIng Time CondItions: $260.00 euh or cert18ed Mnirwoods, site of the redwoods. cheek at time of sale (unless otberwlae Betty Gemmill daughter of 8~ted in ad\l'ertlsement). balatlce In ten dan. Other II!OnmUons on dBJ' of aale. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. GemLEVARI FACIAS No. 82 mill of Vassar avenue, returns to.June. Term, 1966 ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of morrow after a six-week stay at of Two Stal'l" P I _ ahecI ground with the. buUtUnp and Improve-menta· tbeNon eNetecJ. 'SlTO'ATm In the the Band Workshop at Penn State. NEW ECONOMY PACK YAN ALEN BI8S. Call $'Na....IIION 6-4100 L;~~Ba~Itim~ore~p~ik~e~a~nd~W;;;Ood~'~and~A~ve~.'~S;PI~rin~gfl~e1~d~~;;:.1 11:7112 s. Chester ... 114II' Olives For Prompt Service ENGINE REPAIRS . Jb.49c Ib.45c Ib.59c GRANDAISA SELECTED 8 oz. net ATLANTIC LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED KI3-1497 Stewers Fryers Roasters (Special-5 Cents Oft Reg. Price) _11 Service lb. 69c For Frying . Box 48 SWarthmore 6-0740 I 2·5689 . , FOR RENT - Apartment. AvaJI.; .. ~w :'."D~~ able· September I. Two bedrooms, living room, bath and kit':~d 'I~.!::;. chen. Call J. W. Simmons. MEdia . . . . .U .ddIUo". o. ~~~~~~~16'.~-:::0~97~5~.==_....,=-:--;;-_ _ _-.now 0' hereafter made to streets. allen. passages. valescent Home, 2507 FOR RENT - First floor apart- ways. water courses. right.. llb-street, Chester. Edge of ment. Four rooms and hath .• hereditaments• •nd ..... purtenaneea. thereunto belongt more. Aged, senile, chronic, contransportation and sores. tnS'o or In any appertaining. and the valescent men and women. ExCLearbrook, 9-2832. reversions and remainders. rente. IUUes. cellent foods, spacious grounds. ~~~:~~~:~~; the and profita thereof. and inhousehold addition thereto following described appllBlue Cross honored. Sadie D. aneea. which are. 8Jl.d shall hE! deemed to Pippin, proprietor. CHester 2area, living room. E:ie.:triic be. fixtures and a part of the realty, and are a portion of the security for the in5373. Private entrance. Garage. debtedness herein mentioned. namely. all Adults. $100. screens, blinds. awnings. 8torm wIndows. WANTED 1 MEdi 6 storm doors. gas and eleetric ranges. re• a - frIgerators. washing maehlnes. dlabwash_ WANTED BABY SITl'ING en and all plumbing. cooking. neating lighting fixtures and· appliances and evening jobs hy experienced ~F~O~Rt:ru~l2~~~:£js~u~rrr.o~un~d~- and permanent. fixtures of every kind. college senior boy. Call Sam' Ings. dining room, all character and description and renewala Hayes, MEdia 6-0632. 3 bedrooms,. deck porch, and replacements of aroY and all of the foregoing. Including 1960 ABC AutomaUc WANTED - Young couple em- private entrance. Washer-PA 4139, provided. however. that ployed A.F.S.C., college grad- transportation. Ad u I, the .,MDrtgagor shall be entitled to eol1eet and retain the said rents. luues. and. prouates desire living quarters. An- ~val1ahle September 1. Mi~ia flta until default hereunder. _ •• xious to do part-time work in lieu 1870. . Improvements eonlliat of One Story "Ill Brick HOWIe 18x40 Feet. or all of rent. KIngswood LOST AND FOUND of GfNfllAI (ONTIIAUOII Swarfllmore ROOFING Palnting. George FOR SALE Insured. Estimates . -. - \ 10- c. Legs and Breasts· J. F. BLACKMAN FOR SALE PERSONAL Turkeys Alterations CLASSIFIED ADS Watch.. ak•• Swift's Premium Sheriff SHERIFF SALES .nd CLAUDE C. SMITH 1617, Land Title Building Sold all, the PJ1)JJerty of George B. Philadelphia 10. Pa. Martin and Mary E. Martin. his wIfe. Or to the Attorl.el'B for the estate: Attorney. Joseph D. Calhoun. CLAUDE C. SMITH. Eeq. 3t-8-11 F. A. SNEAK. JR •• Sherif!' DUANE. MORRIS & HECKSCHER 1617 Land Title Building ItI saw it in the Swarthmorean." ~hiladelphia 10. Pennsylvania Brick House 20x36 Feet. Sold 8.IJ the property of Horace Ross. Attorney. Charles H. Heldmann. F. A. SNEAR • .JR.• Sheriff Jewelry Repaired Two i~~~~~;!~:A':~~"J.. Edw• .d -"- .,...,,:.- No. 1011 4' wide allu. BEING Lot No. G - Consumer·s Co-Operative Ass·n. of Swarthmore. Inc. certain 1'811" 7 Last day Teaeben ------. August 10. 1956 mE SWARTHMOHEAN p8(It.,a ADVANCED Pierson to Conduct First Lieutenant DDnaid M. Carnegie Survey Fetherolf, SDn Df Mrs. RichmDnd D. FetherDlf, WhD until June, 1956, (CDntinued frDm Page 1) was a resident Df 109 CDlumbia business educatiDn programs., ND avenue, has been promDted to that cDncerted analysis has been made tempDrary rank from second Df the impact Dn busIness educaLieutenant the Air FDrce an- tiDn Df enrollment trends Dr nDunced t~ay. changes In the training, inter.ests Since February, 1955, Lleuten-\ and capacities Df students. ~ttle ant FetherDIf has been serving as is knDwn aQout the kinds Df JDbs assistant chief of the PubUc In- f\>r which business schools are fonnation Division Office Df In- training, Dr shDuld be training, fonnation Services: Headquarters, thee- students. ND serious effDrt Air Material Command which has been made tD assess the rehas world-wide procurem~t, sup_ lationship betwen business SDurCply and maintenance responslblli- '¥', the liberal arts and other ties fDr the entire Air Force. branches Df higher educatiDn. In this Important PDSt, the lieu- lIardly any cDnsideratioin. has tenant contacts ranking Dfficers been given tD the ~ole bU5lness Df the Air FDrce, busIness execu- SChDOls' might p~y In pr~pa~ng tives and representatives of the students fDr effective particlpatiDn pres~ and magazines. in . ~~ve~ment or community The lieutenant is a graduate of actIvities. .. SwarthmDre High SChDDI and reForty-six ye~rs agD D~. Abraceived his bachelDr Df arts degree ha~ Flex~er ~d fDr m~~al ~u­ frDm Dartmouth CDllege in June, catl,!n WIth his stud~ Medical 1954. He entered active duty with EducatiDn in the Uruted Sta~s the AI FDrce as a reserve Dfficer and Canada, a Report to the C . J r 1955 FDundatiDn fDr the AdvanceIn anuary, . . " h t D Pi The FetherDIfs were residents ment of Teaching w.a ,r. erDf SwarthmDre frDm 1933 tD 1956, ~Dn hDPes to. accDmplish f~~ bU:; when the lieutenant's Iness education... .Dr. exn mDved tD Van Nuys, CalifDrnia, urged that medical SChDDls be where her son was emplDyed by brDught un~er. ~he mana~ement the Van Nuys News before he and respDnslbllities of uruversientered the Air FDrce. ties. Today this is almDst com, pletely the case. A 1934 graduate Df Swarthmore Golf Winner CDllege, Dr. PiersDn received his G. Wills BrDdhe,d of M,.pl'·1 Ph,D. from Columbia University avenue WDn the team medal play in 1941 and returned tD Swarthand sweepstakes at the Concord mDre' in 1940 to teach Economics. CDuntry Club on Saturday, Aug- From 1948-50 he was visiting ust 4. at the University Df CallfDrnia, Los Angeles, and during Mr. J. D. Narbeth of Yale ave- World War II he was vic..-chair~ nue traveled tD Aloha ManDr, man "of the Third ReglDnal War ,Fairlee, Vt., where his LabDr Board. In 1951-52 he was Patty had been a camper fDr a consultant for the Wage StabiJizaperiod Df four weeks. Tbey re- tiDn BDard. He has served in prlturned hDme lsst week end. Joan vate and publlc arbitrational wDrk Narbeth is a cDunselor for the and has dDne CDnsnitlng work for summer at the camp. business organizations. Dr. Pier,- - - ' SDn Is the author of tWD books imd several monographs in the field Df labor econDmics. His home is at 740 Ogden avenue. ' OPpoilte P.I.R. Statio. Dr. Pierson has ann'ounced that Morto •• 'a. Samuel" Loescher and Gloria WEDDING BOUQUETS Grover will be assisting In CORSAGES , study on a consulting basis. 'Loescher, Assistant ProfessDr of FUNERAL DESIGNS Economics at the University of Cot Flow•• - Potted PI.... Indiana, graduated from S~arth­ GIfh & AIltlq••1 WE 'DEtiVER ANYWHEIE mDre in 1946. Mrs. GrDver IS the Phone Klngswood 3·3313 wife of Frederic Grover, Assistant (EVENINGS 'SUNDAYS) , Profess Dr of French at the college. SWarthmor. 6-2472: Mtrton flower Shop I PETER E. TOLD All Une. of Inlurance ,333 Dartmouth Ave. Camera & Hobby Shop Michaels College Pharmacy. (Daily 1 st Class Mailings) THE PREP SHOP Clearance Sale Cresson Lane To Remain Unpaved , , Air.-Conditioning Idea Also Dropped By Council SWARTHMORE. FRIDAY, August 17, 1956 'PROMOTED' Notice Citizens Swarihmore Boroqh Council wishes to slate &hat there Is no I!abWty on 1he part of the BoroUCh .. _ where a stoppace In the UIIltan sewer caases 1I......lnl' In a dweI1iD&" or other bulldlD&'. Sueh _ are Infrequeut but unpredictable. Do";", owners should eonsall their pluriIbers for means of protetltion, acaInst lloodina-, particularly when leaving the 'ho..... for any extended period. • lobla. .a Addresses Media lotary Addressing Media Rotarians and their guests, teenalle bas.... ball pl.ayers from the borDugh league, last Friday Coach Millard P. Robinson of Swarthmore HIgh School told "What It Takes to Be a Major Leagurer." For The Flowerless I3.SO PER YEAR Eugene Duncan Ends Long Teaching Term Marple-Newtown Man To Take Math Post ,CDmmending the men WhD take After opening tWD bids fDr time to provide leadership for paving CressDn Lane (the extenThe resignatlDn of J. Eugene boys in sports, he said that boys sion of Harvard avenue between WhD hope to make the big leagues Duncan, mathemaUcs' teacher at 'Amherst and Swarthmore avemust hustle, keep Dn their: toes, SwarthmDre High SchOl'l fDr Dver nues) BDroUgh CDuncil MDnday develop special skill and take care 30 years, was accepted at Wedevening W'lIS talked out Of the of themselves. nesday ewni.ng's meeting of the prDJect by throee abutting property Swarthmore - Rutledge School owners, and, upon motion of Harry WODd, unarumDusly agreed Board. Mr. Duncan is reiirtng to postpone the improvement at from teaching due to impaired least for the balance of this year. health. Avery Blake of Amherst avoe'llue L f F tb II C The Board appointed Halfred opposed CDuncil's proposal to eave or 00 a amp pave any of the road. He felt the August 26 from Rutgers THOMAS w. HOPPER Mounting Will Enable Wert., head of the Marple-Newtown lDgh School mathematics improvement woUld benefit only Avenue School Chemical to Reach thru trainc. However, be said, if department, as Duncan's succesCouncil Insisted qn the paving It Members of the 1956 Football Elusive Spots sor. Mr. wertz holds a B. A:. In shDuld be fDr the entire distance Squad of, SwarthmDre lDgh The mosquito fogging machip.e Education from Penn State, 1933, between Amhetst ~d Swarth- SchOOl, the largest squad in, the Is being mounted on a jeep whieh ,later earning an M. A. in Admore avenues, nDt just for a 50- past 11 years, have received from ,.' waS bought with, money given to ministration at CDlumbla Ulverfoo~ length as Council was . con- Coach MlJIard Robinson a letter the Swarthmore Mosquito Com- sity and dDIng work in advanced siderlng. A letter from HDward calling them back from summer DogwoodLane Resident is mittee after the fogging machine mabhematics toward his doctorate Sipler of CressDn lane fDllowed activities to the Ilrst practl"" of Borough Council was purchased. at the University Df Chicago and much the same train Df thought the season at 9: 30 on August 23 Tbe jeep Is being Dverhauled, Penn State. He taught in the SaxCarroll P. Streeter, of Columbia at the Rutgers lIeld and to leave President the rear springs strengthened and tou, Pa. lDgh School and at Hollia""nue, whose property boi"ders for FDOtba11 Camp at 1 p.m. on Thomas W. Hopper, presIdent lIashing warning 'lights mounted 'daySburg before heading the senthe Lane for a IDng stretch, ex- August 26 from the Rutgers Df the B 0 r I' ugh CDuncll of on the windshl.eld posts: The com- ior' big!. schOOl math department pressed willingness tD stand for School. SwarthmDre, has been appDlnted pressOr 'engine Dn thefogger ts at Titusville from 1943 to 50 and his share of paving cost but disTbe, letter was' sent only to ',the executive vice-president of Day also being equipped wilil a cOming to Marple-Newtown In approved paving only the 50-foot more tl!an 50 boys who expressed and Zimmermann, Inc., one of the muffler to reduce nDlse. ThIs will 1950. ' section. , interest in the camp ,by the clDse nation's leading engineering firms. make night operation less objecThe School Board also appointBids ranged from $3,456 for the of school in June. ;lIoweVII!T, all The anouncemem W'lIS made by tlonable. Repairs and alterations ed as flmt grade teachler at" Rut50 feet to $16,278 for the entire boys In the upper four ,g.ades of T. E. Seclye, president of Day and are 'alSo being paid for out of gers avenue, Dorothy Lou Vo",,street; the school are invited to attend Zimmennann. Hopper was desig- funds' collected by the' Swarth- hees who on the 2Mb Of this Mrs. William R. Huey reported the football camp. Coach Robln- nated as a general officer of the more Mtisqulto Coinmittee. The month will marry Henry Burgess, an engbletiring survey had result-son is eager to have any who company, which has Its head- jeep has been turned over to the Swarthmore College alUmnus, and ed In an estimate Df$13,200 for wish to come and' did not receive quarters InPhiladelphla and Omc- Borough. live at 311 Vasar avenue; She alr-conditiDning the Swarthmore the leiter contact him or report ChIcago and New ,York. A jeep' is the usual and most bolds an A.B. from the Connect!. ..l'Ilbllc Library In Borough Hall ,19 practice Qq t4!t",~~r(k '~': 1,~' satisfactory v~~le..~9r a, fogger. Cut CQlIege, fDr ,W~ and has and'$135itfor .the,PoJlce'!iJtatlDlf. TIle' 'day's 'scheaUle' 'i!leludes 'It 'will' DOW 'be 'posSIble 'to- reach taken graduate cDiuses;in educaThe survey group suggested shade work outs, physical exams and gineering, fo;- utilities and indus- places Safely and rapidly where tlon at the University of PenlIsyl_ trees, water on the roof or, wJ!!te- winds, up at 6 o'clock with a trial linns tprougbout the Iile lar~ truck could nDt 110. vania, University of Rochester washing the toof nilght cool the barbecue for playoers and 'their States and In many fDlleign coun- Swarthmore blOcks are large and and Cornell. Last year she taught bullding s,omewbat. Fortilled by P!lrents. Practice will proceed at tries. ' p r o v i d e many places where mos- first grade in the Atlantic Avenue an exceptiDnallY cool summer, 9:30 a.m. and at 3 p.m. on the ,Hopper, WhD has been with Day qultoes can breed rapidly in wet SchDDI, Pe1l'lIIe1d SchOOl District, Council turned, thumbs dOWIlc on 24th and at 7 o'clock' the squad and Zimmerman since 1941, was weather: Where Dwners give their Rochester, N. Y. 'the ait-conditioning and decided will see the Eagles game. On previously Director of EngIneer- pennission the jeep mDunted fogJaDlJeS F. Swann of Yeadon was to Drder two mDre fans for the Saturday, the 25th, praotlce willing for the company, and, as ger will enter cel'tain driveways appointed custodilql at the High 'library and one for the Police b. at 9:30 a.m. The squad will such, has supervised the desIgn In order to fDg cent,ers of blocks. S<>hool, ,succeeding Fermon carDepartment. leave Sunday for Camp Lookout of many major types of facilities Different driveways will be penter Wlho resigned to take a The Citizens CDmmittee which at DDwningtown. Walter Udovich; and directed a fDrce Of approxi- entered at different times depend- positiDn at the neW EMU JDint collected 'mDney toward the SHorty WIlmore and Doc Ripper mately 300 engineers and draf~- ing upon the direction Of the High SchDol but is nDW Ill. borough's mDsqulto s p ray i ng will accompany the squad which men. He resides at 10 Dqgwood wind. Residents who are willing machine, repol'ted it had purchas- will return home on hiday, Aug- lane. ' to have the fogger enter thetr 'Tbe Board also receiVied with ed a jeep fDr $165 and W'lIS having ust 31, leaving camp at 5 Hopper is a graduate of Cornell driveways are asked to telephone regret the news that David Watit repaired so that the sprayer On September 4, practice will University, from whieh he holds the Borough Secretary; SWarth- kins of the local faculty has sufmight be transferred from the held on the Rutgers field at 9: 30 a degree in mechanical eng!iIeer- more 6-4599. Fogging Is now being fered, a heart attack in New borough highway truck to It. and at 3. Ing. During undergraduate days done between 7 p.m. and mld- Hampslti, __·r_e_._ _ _ _ _ __ Councll estimated it had spent The IIrst game of the season he, was active in va'"l'lty rowing night. HAIL. HAIL (Continued on Page 5) will be played at home' against and' the glee club. He is a memFogging chemieal is being used Media, on Friday, September 21. ber of D. K. E. Fraternity.; He double strength because of the s .... Mr. and Mrs. William Bower, Urge Earliest Possible other home' !lames are with previDusly was employed by vere infestatlDn of mosquitoes their lilree children Susan, BJIIy,' Springfield, October 5; Yeadon, StDne and Webster, engineering caused by the wet summer. Mos- and Bobby, 533 W""tminster aveSchool Enrollment OctDber 26; and Radnor, Novem- corporation in BDston, and by qultoes are unusual1y numerous nue, and Susan's friend Barbara PUll i I enrollments' in ' til<> ber 9. Away games are Nether AVDn Products, Inc., Df Suffern, this year in most Middle Atlantic Richards, had a' frightening exSwarthmDre _ Rutledge UniDn (Continued on Page 5) N. Y. ' S t a t e s . Tbe chemical SIlppller re- perience Sunday ~oon at School District stand as of today, He Is a member of the American ports a heavier use of ehemieals 5: 30. They were on their way at 1376 pupils compared with 1325 220 SWIM NEXT FRIDAY Society Df Mechanical Engineers, than ever before. home from a trip to Crystal Cave be~n Reacilng and Allentown, • year ago. In tile high school, Events of the Second Annual Franklin Institute and the the focal point of .the day's outiIJg there are 605; in U!e Rutgers Ave': Cup Carnival Df the Swarthmore Engineers' Club of Phitadelphia. MARK ANNIVERSAIY and picnic. ' nue School 464; the College Ave- Swim Club !rave heen somewhat He is chairman of the Engineers 1896-1956 Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Jenkins nue School, 235; and the Rut- rescheduled since the original bil- Joint Council Committee on EmBelow Kutztown Dn Route 222 ledge School, 73, puPils. All Rut- ling. ' ployment CDnditions and is a past Df 506 NDrth Chester road, who the Bowers drove into a rainstorm ledge kindergarten tbIldren will Tbe DO-yard ~tyle race president, of the Cornell Society have lived in Swarthmore for which beCame a downpoUr and over 50 years, celebrated 1lhelr then a hailstorm. Wtnch continued attend College Avenue Schooi. be run at 7 p.m; Friday, August of Englneer& 60th wedding anniversary Dn for about 10 minutes with hail-----~-, All children who will enter the 2•. Tbe next day at 1 p.m. the school for the Ilrst time' In Bep- other events; breaststroI baiIstoDeI. IDJleu of M vious Is any awards, Doveltyby IIl'IIII& JIll ..... cat catdler'm.' . . . . tlIeT . . Do'U'leamIDa or qu '1 10macbooL , ea11 If SWthere ..ttbmoie ... ,demonatratiOll .... Ie tile ~. . ,... 1NItt ND action was taken _ CouIt- tIlOCorlsbI who we. ... - J _ . . ., aDd . . f(Ir the RI!II t.ar, Sw1m. TeBin_bets. lim. ,1JLdeiwalel SwIm. , II tile faIL dL "",11_ tile . . 011 leJ!w . .' H.S. Football Squad To Report August 23 Boro Has Jeep For Mosquito Fogger Narne T•W•Hopper. V·ICe Pres'IOden't CI"ty FI"rm ChrIsten~d the Leo Maris, a former Navy combat landing craft Is loaded on a rigg,,", :rac:or-craUer & Dry Dock Co. yard, Chester, for launch- to be hauled from Swarthmore to the Sun Shipbulldlnglng ing. Hull was rebuilt and a 'snperstrcture added by members of Sea Scont Ship 329, working two years on the project. Photo Courte~y Philadelphia Evening Bulletin NEWS NOTES Sally V. Bates, daughter of Dr. I vice-president Df the Fencing and Mrs. JDhn R. Bates Df North Club. Michael Schoenb erg, son 0 f M r. and\ Mrs. I. J. Schoenberg of \ Chester rDad, has been apponted Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. LasHarvard and Lafayette avenues a counselDr for the coming year siat and son Remy of NDrth will entertain the neighborhood' at Mary Washington College in Swarthmore avenue leave tDday children at a farewell party on! Fredericksburg, Va. A junior for a vacatlDn trip tD Nantucket Saturday, August 11 from 3: 30 ~o majoring In sociolDgy, Sally is ,and Boston, Mass. 5: 00. The Schoenberg family WIll move to CalifDrnia on August 15. Gloria Piersol, daughter, Df Mr. "YOU MEET THE NICEST PEOPLE AT SPEARE'S" and Mrs. Henry PiersI'I of LafaSTORE HOURS: Monday thra Thursday 9:30 to 5:30 P. M. yette avenue, and Charlotte Brod_ head, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Friday' 9:30 t09 P.M. Saturday 9:30 to 6:00 P,M, Wills Brodhead of Maple avenue, will leave Monday, August 13 for a tWD-week stay at Camp J.,ookout, Dowingtown. Dr. and Mrs. Frank H. Murray '1 of Princeton avenue stayed for I ,. . . .I!~~r.;~;:~(or.:. EDGEMONT AYE., 7TH & WELSH STS. "HAPPY IS THE BRIDE" 'Completely Outtfited by Speare Broso Bridal Gowns 44.98-to 225.00 , Dresses Chester road entertained Mrs. Sidney L. Eason Df Charleston, S. C. and Mrs. Southgate.of Montgomery, Alabama at dinner Saturday evening at the Strath Haven Inn. . Mr. and Mrs. philip K. Hall of Park avenue with their "hiIdren Linda, Phyllis, Jeffrey and Stevl1n , : have returned from a vacation at Lake Vanare, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. WU11am D. Fetzer entertained Saturday evening In Wilmington for the house guests of Mrs. Fetzer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Kennen Df Harvard avenue. After dinner tbey went to Loilgwooci Gardens to attend the musical production "Rose Marl~." For the PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded CATHllMAN'S DIu. STOlE SW 6-0586 Mother of tha Brid. and Groom 17.98 to 59.95 Bridesmaid's Gowns 16.98 to 49.98 Bridal Headpieces 14.98 to 35.00 Bridesmaids Headpieces 2.9810 7.95 . 'SPEARE IR05. offer you and your bridal party . the lovely qown featured on "Modem Bride" rnG9cn1n.. You'll find the finest coUectiOft of IrIdal 90wns in our camplete Iridal D.,pt. Each Season of the Year 405 DARTMOUTH AYENUE, THE SWARTHMOR ,VOLUME 28-NUMBER 32, • their SDn John at Fairlee, Lake ::":III~um~llm~U~m~I~IIIIIIII\IU1~~I~I81~I~nBJ~.~um~III~IU~n~U~1II~m~n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~il Morey, Vt. Mrs. Henry A. Piper Df North (in the green bag) Is Processed by Eastman Kodak Co. Direct Through Your Flowers two weeks at Centerville on Cape Cod. Mrs. H. E. Wells and Miss Edith Bunting of Park avenue with Miss $500 MONTHLY Alice Ayres of NDrth Chester road drove to Eaglesmere where Startin.., ,alary for 2 UKuttVe-tyJM; lol.....n to ....,m.nt larq. Eadem they stayed overnight and th~n Inanclal corpoNtton. No travel. Sal .. continued their tour to Buck 11111 txIMrlence and abllltv d ••tr.cl. ,stabFalls. En route they visited Mrs. nshed resident. 2S-4O YHrs old. martied. cOpclbl, of daum1n" respamlbll •. Well's son and daughter-in-laW, Mr. and Mrs. William P. WellS, Itt'll. I. nquedlnV l('tlmew pita.. Indud. brief ~nal history.· all and their children in Stroudsburg. replies eonfldenlal. Our salesmen hove Mr. and Mrs. William B. Pegbeen Informed of "'Is ad. los A. L ram of Yale avenue and daughter ~warthmo«tan. Ann spent their vacatiDn visiting The New Type Kodachrome 1'1' • Remember I Sea Scouts Complete Two-Year Project , ShoeS DYod to Match Theft ,Lovely Gowns 6.50 SEE OUR BRIDAL WINDOW LINES TO AN AUTUMN IIIDE : •• For YOtlt' wedding, we're briJ.zl f~hioJlS ,INII S{NM of 9ru-e-i"...lifeti_ ro_e • ',' i"gr,d/1Il ~eleg"" lilies " •• ;" oplll4", ftlbrks, ' , till"""" Co." ... "' . cHo. . . . . . . . . . . . .11....., of A , .: .em 1_.... , -!~ts,~=: I ...owl In' ".11 .-, . INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE S.mrthr.Joro College- Li1:>rary SV/Hrthmore ,J'n , Pa~e mE 8 First ADVANCED Lieutenant Donald M. IPierson 10Carnegie Conduct Survey August 10. 1956 SW ARTHI\IOKEAN Sea Scouts Complete Two-Year Pro;ect D. Fetherolf, who until June, 1956, (Continued from Page I) was a resident of 109 Columbia business education programs. No avenue. has been promoted to that concerted analysis has been made temporary rank from second of the impact on business educaLieutenant, the Air Force an- tiOD of enrollment trends or Dounced today. i changes in the training, inter.ests Since February, 1955, Lieuten-l and capacities of stu~ents. ~ttle ant Fetherolf has been serving as is known about the ktnds of Jobs assistant chief of the Public for. ~vhich business school~ .are formation Division Office of In- trrumng, or should be trammg, formation Services: Headquarters, their students. No serious effort Ai.. Material Command, which has been made to assess the rehas world-wide procurement, SUP_\latiOnShiP .betwen business sourcply and maintenance responsibili- <:5, the lIberal. arts and ot.her ties for the entire Air Force. branches of 111g~er ~d~cahon, In this important post, the lieu- Hardly any conslcteratiOln. has tenant contacts ranking officers been given to the role busm.css o( the Ail' Force, business cxecu- schools might play in p~'~par~ng tives and representatives of the, students for effective particlPatI.on pres; and magazines. in . ?~ve~~ment or commumty The lieutenant is a graduate of I activIties. ' Swarthmore H:~h School and rc-I Forty-six years ago D~. Abracei\'cd hi~ bachelor of arts degree ha~ Flcx~er di.d for med!~al c~u­ from Dartmouth College in June, ('ahon . Wltl~ hIS stud~ Medical 19-4 He entered active duty with Education In the UOlted Slates th~ Air Force as a reserve officer nnd Canada, a Report to the Car. J 19-5 I1cgie Foundation for the Advance111 anuary, t1. D P' '1'he Fethcl'olfs werc residents: ment of Teaching" Wh.at r., lerof Swarthmore from 1933 to 1956. son hopes to accomplIsh COl buswhen the lieutenant's mother iness education... .Dr. Flexner moved to Van Nuys, California, urged that medIcal schools be where her son was employed by brought un~e~. !hc management the Van Nuys News before he and responslbI~lh~s of universientered the Air Force. ties. Today thIS IS almost completely the case. A 1934 graduatc of Swarthmore Golf Winner College, Dr. Pierson received his G. Wills Brodhead of Maple Ph.D. from Columbia University avenue won the team medal play in 1941 and returned to Swarthand sweepstakes at the Concord I more in 1940 to teach Econ~~~cs. :".. "..wi_... :' ,_< .....:.. •• _ •• '", ~ C~_ ..."'-." ~='-'-' ... ;;:'.':o~.'"-~:tl!'~'f'.':'; Country Club on Saturday, Aug- From 1948-50 he was VISItIng Christened the Leo Maris, a former Navy combat landing craft is loaded on a riggen: :racror-lraiter ust 4. lecturer at the University of Cali- to be hauled from Swarthmore to the Sun Shipbuildinging & Dry Dock Co. yard. Chester, for .launch.. fornia, Los Angeles, and during ing. Hull was rebuilt and a superstrcture added by members of Sea Scout Ship 329, working tw~ Photo Courte~y Philadelphia Evening Bulletin Mr. J. D. Narbeth of Yale ave- World War II he was vice-chair- years on the project. nue traveled to Aloha l\:'Ianor. man 'of the Third Regional War NEWS NOTES I Sally V. Bates, daughter of Dr., vice-president of the Fencing Fairlee, Vt., where his daughter Labor Board. In 1951-52 he was Patty had been a camper for a consultant for the Wage StabilizaIVlichael Schoen b erg, son 0 f M r. ! and Mrs. John R. Bates of North Club. period of four weeks. They re- tion Board. He has served in pri- and! Mrs. 1. J. Schoenberg of I Chester road, has been apponted Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Lasturned home last week end. Joan vate and public arbitrational work Harvard and Lafayette avenues, a counselor for the coming year siat and son Remy of North Narbeth is a counselor for the: and has done consulting work for will entertain the neighborhood. at Mary Washington College in Swarthmore avenue leave today summer at the camp. business organizations. Dr. Pier-- -- _.- -~~~---son is the author of two books children at a farewell par~y on Fredericksburg, Va. A jUniOr, for a vacation trip to Nantucket Saturday, August 11 from .3.30 .tolmajOring in sociology, Sally is and Boston, Mass. and several monographs in the 5: 00. The Schoenberg family Will -;..,..,..,..,,,,,;,;;..,..,..,..,..,..,..,-,;-,;-,;..,..,..,..,..,..,..,;,;;;;;..,..,..,..,..,~­ field of labor economics. His home move to California on August 15. h ,is at 740 Ogden avenue. Gloria Piersol, daughter of Mr·1 "YOU MEET THE NICEST PEOPLE AT SPEARE'S" opposite P,R.R. Station Dr. Pierson has announced that and Mrs. Henry Piersol of Lafa-I Morton. Pa. Samuel Loescher and Gloria ette avenue and Charlotte Brod_ : STORE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday 9:30 to 5:30 P. M. Y WEDDING BOUQUETS , G I Grover will be assisting in the head daughter Saturday 9:30 to 6:00 P.M. of Mr. and Mrs. . I Friday 9:30 to 9 P.M. CORSAGES . study on a consulting basis. Wills, Brodhead of Maple avenue, 1I . Loescher, Assistant Professor of will leave Monday, August 13 for FUNERAL DESIGNS i Economics at the University of a two-week stay at Camp LOOk-, Cut Flowes • Potted Plants 'Indiana, graduated from Swarth- out, Dowingtown. Gift. & Antiques more in 1946. Mrs. Grover is the WE DELIVER ANYWHERE Dr. and Mrs. Frank H. Murray 1 Phone Klngswood 3-3313 wife of Frederic Grover, Assistant of Princeton avenue stayed for, (EVENINGS & SUNDAYS) Professor of French at the college. two weeks at centerville on Cape I SWarthmore ,·2412 Cod. ' Mrs. H. E. Wells and Miss Edith 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Bunting of Park avenue with Miss $500 MONTHLY Alice Ayres of North Chester EDGEMONT AYE., 7TH & WELSH STS. road drove to Eaglesmere where Stortin9 salary for 2 eIecutlv..type to represent larq. Eastern they stayed overnight and th:n salesmen PETER E. TOLD financial corporatIon. No troyel. Soles continued their tour to Buck Hill .. p.rience and ability desired, estab· All Lines of Insurance Falls. En route they visited Mrs. IIshed resident, 2S-4O yean old. mar Well's son and daughter-in-law, tied, capable of assuming respon,lbll. 333 Dartmouth Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Wi11iam P. Wells, itTes. 1ft requesting IntervIew plea,e Completely Outtfited by Speare 8ros~ and their children in Stroudsburg. Include brIef ~ersonol hidory, all SWarthmore 6·1833 replies confidenlol. Our salesmen have Mr. and Mrs. William B. Pegbean Informed of this ad. BOI A. l. ram of Yale avenue and daughter (warthmorean. Bridal Gowns Ann spent their vacation visiting In-I I I I I Morton Flower Shop I ! '1' I _,~ ..,. . .:"r-i~~::-:(or.:' "HAPPY IS THE BRIDE" 4 their son John at Fairlee, Lake Vi. ::lll:ll~llI~III~II~III~III~ll~llI~llI~ll~III~III~III~ll~llI~lII~llI~ll~llI~llI~ll~llI~llI~ll~ll~~~~~~-;-;_;;;;;~~~~~~' Morey, Mrs. Henry A. Piper of North The New Type Kodachrome (in the green bag) Is Processed by Eastman Kodak Co. Direct Through Camera & Hobby Shop Michaels College Pharmacy (Daily 1st Class Mailings) THE PREP SHOP Clearance Sale Chester road entertained Mrs. Sidney L. Eason of Charleston, S. C. and Mrs. Southgate of Montgomery, Alabama at dinner Saturday evening at the Strath Haven Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Philip K. Hall of Park avenue with their children Linda, Phyllis, Jeffrey and Ste~en have returned from a vacatIon at Lake Vanare, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. William D. Felzer entertained Saturday evening in Wilmington for the house guests of Mrs. Fetzer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Kennen of Harvard avenue. After dinner they went to Longwood Gardens to attend the musical production "Rose Marie." PRESCRIPTIONS 405 DARTMOUTH AVENUE 44.98 tD 225.00 Dresses For the Mather of the Bride and Groom 17.98 to 59.95 Bridesmaid's Gowns 16.98 to 49.98 Bridal Headpieces 14.98 to 35.00 Bridesmaids Headpieces 2.98 to 7.95 SPEARE BROS. offer yOIl (lind your bridal party the lovely s parents, enjOyed a visit to West Point. guests Mr. and Mrs. William Burg IIITHS Mr. and Mrs. Lee eotfun BenMr. and Mrs. R. H. Goodall, in After their return Mr. Baxter left Anstine and children S..,..,nne and nett, Jr., of RlckIlewood, Media LibertY. for Chicago to attend the National Billy of York. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Godfrey of are being coagratuJated OIl the Mr. and Mrs. Percy G. GUbert Fishing Tackle Show In the ConMrs. M. Theodore Lee of Dart- Bellport, L. I., N. Y. aDDOUIICt! bJril of their second lIOn and of Park avenue will have as their rad-Hilton Hotel. mouth House has been In New the arrival of a son, Kenneth cbUd B';'~ Sheldon Bennett tD guests for several mOnths their Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Plccard London, COIID. attending 8 class CaldWell, on August 11. son~ln.-law and daushter, Mr. and who have been In Swarthmore reunion of WUUams MemortaJ InMr. and Mrs. Warren Godfrey Lankenau Hospital OIl July 22. Little Bruce' pa~'..,.D.i­ :Mrs. T}l.omas Chew, wh,o. are mov- several weeks at 401 North stitute.. of Roseland, N. Y., formerly of parents are Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Ing here from Park'!fSburg, W. Va. Swat:thmore' avenue sailed MonMr. John H. McWilliams of N. sWart!UDore, are the paterns1 of Haverford avenue•. His maternMr. and Mrs. George H. Weiss &y on the. "Nleuw Amsterdam" PrInceton av~ue .hlI!! just return- grandparents. al grandpllt'1!llts are Mr. and Mrs. of WestmiDster avenue with thelr for EnglBiid after spending their ed from a III&ht to Nassau In the chUdreD Susan and Bobby de- fUnal week end here as the guests Bahamas where he went on busMr. and Mrs. Robert Atz of Wroe Alderson of Haverftter-'iJJO'-f'III"', Miss Mary : : : Rutcers avenue is visiting with more than 2Q years and are nOW spent two weeks at Plymoqth on relatives In the vicinity of the salling to establish a new home In Cape Cod. BEAUTY SALON . SUMIlEIt CAlI POI AtrrUIiN IllC01U &l.Oky Mountains of Maryvlle, EDgland. Mr. and l!ooln!. ~erlck AnTe.m.· _~. and Mrs. Colin W. Bell and thony, fqrmBJ' ~ of Mr. and ~rs. Charl~ E. LIn- theIr children Jennifer, AJ!ster, IAngmeadow, Mass. spent sever9 South Chester. Road coin of Westdale aevnue have ~ and Gr$~ '" Park avenue leav,e &1. ~ thla week In SwartbmoM Can SWarthmore 6-04'76 turned from a viSit with Mr.. t<>:day to v:acation. at Martha s at the S. H. Hemenw"¥ home on Actlv. 1I••ber of til. Sw."'.o~ LIncoln's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vmeyard until after Labor Day. Strath Haven aVenue. Mr. Anthony p J. H. m .Jessu summer MIss City, N. J. vislted D'Imperlo of has begun.1!is neWSouth Pbiladelat , at theirVt. home WaI11ngford, Judy Ocean her formthe Woest1ngbouae - .. -. .. ~In sptlIlt h~ time at Cs;mP er co-worker at Jelferson Hospital phia· oftIce, transferrllig from Hochelllga on take Champlain. M1s~ EUzabetp J.. Hunter of S. West Hartford oftlce. and has been Jody and Charles Paul of Chester road over the week-end. arranging to return his family to avenue lett last Saturday for a Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Shoe- Swarthmore. . visit with their grandmother, Mrs. maker of Riverview road have Middletown Road R. D. 16, Medla, Pa• . C. L. Paul, In Baltimore. returned from the Poconos where Na_s Atte.da.ts Opposite High ~eadow . Dr. 1UId. Mrs. ROlIert G. Dawes thl\Y vlslted, JI4nI. WilHam T. Mrs. Samuel C. DeCou m of are; DOW reaidUlf: In Bryn Ma~, Hunter of H~Ie. c.~sto'm. .lanclsea.PQ Work . . _.. will' be D Medford Lakes, N. J., the former w~ ~.' :Qaw~ ~ Mr. and. Mrs. Glenn R. Morrow .ADD DenWorth of 'Swarthmore, . T~le""'II.: CHester, ~.m. at Halciun C:::,!lJege. Dawes of Rutgers avenue. sail tomorrow will be matron 'of honor at the Ask fOl' .." Palmer or, H!In~ ArilI!Id wpl be ~~I!d as Harriet on the S, S, Mauretanla for a of MIss Jean Ellen HolPOWER S'RAYING - 'III 'tRIMMtIIG Weiab of. ilJe .S",~ore Apart- year In Oxford, J!)IgJsnd where man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. l TlRlA,C.S, WALLS, ANI) WALKS - Mr. Morrow has a IMbrlght Fel- Frank Hazen HOlman, Jr. of ments a~ 01.: s~qre . . "' . . lege. Dr. Daw'\" was formerly lowahip. Mr. Morrow is on leave Swarthmore to Mr. Seymour VIsit lllii! ao.dlkle M.rIcet on'" Mlclclletowa president of yom Junior Co!lel,e. of absence from the Universily Stotler Preston III, son ot Mr. J~I~~~I.!..~ ANDROMIDA Mr· BD4: M,rs. F. H1UTY Bewley of PennsylVlllll!l. lind :r4rs"Preston, Jr. of MedIa on of Park av~e attended t!1e anMr. and Mrs. Bengt G. Hanby, SatUrdiiy September 8 at 4 o'clnck nusl reunion qL the B~ley Clan who are moving hete from Sprlng- In the Swarthmore Presbyterian HYBRID H~~~l~ I;~,~~ "'.ciiSi!sYarlety) The Bouquet -,..r..... Assoc.""•• ~thryn assigmnen~ ~~~;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:!=!~=~!;;5!==~ Rose V Nurseries" 'Inc. Mrs, eo R.-. P.a.,Overly's on sund,,!, 1~. Mr. at Grave,August New Holland, ~wley was appoil\ted family g~eol<¢st at thl.\. meeting, which fe>l1owed the picnic luncheon shared 'by mill-e than 150 members of the familY. MrS. F>:llpk 11'. B,..~, apd· her daliaht~. ~ It!4ce B~ber have ~ ~ II, two w.,t!ek vac.ation at. El1ia1!t;thtq"'P' N, Y., Wb~ Mlsa Bar~ dld pq~~tII at. the WaYma~ ACI\I!lIS' Old 14ill Art ·Schoql. ~. Anne Pepnell, 310 ~rtmouth avenu~ and ~.. Fred Murray, Yali avenue, have returned from attending the StaJ1ley Jones .AS~. COnference on the c..,m,us of ~eiJka. Coll";e; Kim~ occupy thethelr hometwo of chUclren, Mr. and Mrs. . ' field with will chnrc' .I t Morrow during their absence. Mr. The Reverend Joaeph BIshop Bengl was at the University of will 'Jiertonp the ceremony. A reUpsala In Sweden and is now en- ception at Springhaven Clu~ will gaged In specistchemical research foiiow. tor ~an ViscOse Corporation The brlde&l!'aids will In Marcus Hook. ~ M;ar:y:'. ~ Prieeton, _ Dr. and Mrs. J. ». Pau~ of Park of, the. bridn of Universily Ind. place and Mr. and !lin. Albert L. Mr. Ro~ A. Huft of· PlyBuft1nIton of Park avenue re- mouth, Mich. will be, the beat August 8: fmm a 38-day man. Tpe ual!~ will be Messrs· cruise to Iceland and the North Rodman Ware!. Jr. at. Kennett lAke the:~e,r. La\ere siIe win from French Ailie\'S was pleased vacation for two w,eo'Jnle on North Mr. and Mrs. Ro~ M, Grogan Chester ~ to wldcb abe re- of Westminster ~venue will leave 8-1 P.M. e,' -. tu~e4, on A,v,cus.t 8, f'?l1owin1 an ne,xt week. fOl: Mexico City to at_ ol)!lrlltlqn perf9l'lD"" the. end. of tend a. meeting of tI!~ lD~tiOll­ l"""-Color Cartaoa. JUly. . -. ..' .. al Geo~ogical Society and will re- 2-S.rlal. Mr. and .Mrs. Frederick G. ~"'SfRrs Melii- ofSl. J>l,tersbUrg,P18., 8l'~ A, S...c~ s~'w rived s'~ai,' August 12, to Prizes eve." Sat. "af'~, visit their son"in-law and daughSUII.. Moll.. T.... ter Mr. arici Mrs. C. . Thomas Aug. 19. 20. 21 Bauer. 105 Cornell avenue for ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..~~~~~~~ TRUCK INSPECTION r.__ ~~..... . .__~.11N2.III!~' 08:C_ ._.__ _ Ltlbrlcotion •• _-_. 1021 Wa" ______--_ ••••• ~ ... t.H , .Jun. 8t:e'n1ri: _go,.:s.' Flpri,tr., IJOI'b Dq .,"MIAN.WHO KNEW; . Too, MUCHr G,.,IloNS< PAre fSp~"'1tJ, .,.~,.~.... p.., SW••ri.IIIIIII. .~. I ' l t . Pap 3 The Nat;"Ml Campa;gn . IIV. 11- Respons;b;'l;ty Mr. Bassett's mother at her North Pelraol home with them for sever- spend several days last weel< with Re'nubl;~an . Chester· road' home for a year al days vlslt. her parents Mr. and Mrs. Philip """,. II If II wbUe their new home In Walllng- .Robert B Clotbi J has M. Alden of North Chester road. • .ford Summit was being bullt ex- pleted W~~f ';;;" hI~: Mid'n Rlchara K. Alexander, of The Pollowmg Edito~;"1 is reprinted from the New York peet to mOVe Into their home warfare iraln1qi at Naval Naval Academy, Annapolis is vaHerald T..,/mne of Augtlsl 8 and 12 Dext week. Ampbl'b . catlon1ng at the home of his Thl h . T . .. .' . lous Base, Little Creek, ents Mr d Mrs Andrew Ai s newspaper as supported the principles of the Repuhlican The former ~ Eunice Dutton Va~ I!Dd is now undergolbg. a . an. ex- party longer than !be party itself. with her huab8Iid, A. C. Everson thi'ee-week aviation IndoctrtDa- :onder, Swarthmore avenue durIt was Horace Gr ' ofth~ Univei'slty III Colorado tion at the· Naval Air SlaUcin, 109 the month of August. the party its name: ";,,le: s edlto. &unu ·of· ilbuiakice........ r>~ tection y?U need for rour family, home, .. -.............. . a.. 'Ibis. _ _ our dolo and c:onliD.11- _ _....L....:-'~~. _ ~. expert attention to YOUI' speciDl MetIs, and prompt service if .automobile, and bllSl!le5S.. accident or loss occurs• And when yoo'~ £rna .CIfiu4ity. P.S. "so means ypu'u get the protect;"" 1I\I9u&h I ",_ , 'ilJT ~us, you.~.·_more ~.6"1 cOoJieratioD 60m .£ala .~~~": ...•••' ;"..• ~;;e;.,Jo'", t1ie C#uiIIl1 agenll and claim offim' ·.......tm: .,"" ~ , ..........: eM P"A 0 - ' 1.'!, ~~ M7.;·sm ... ,.,..;., Ntlw .ondufui ,hilt witlt -lIOIideI wifie _ /eeUfIg" COIII9 ~ tCJLD . ·Ab.. p.s. to Meet It To do that, this newspaper believes the Repuhlican platform should state, the Republican spokesIrien should conllrm, the Repub-' lican, candidates at every .level of government should pledge:' 1. That the United stlit"" will maintain a suIlIclent m1Iltary establishment to meet its fullest International commitments. It must have research, weapons and manpower adequate to deter the Soviet Union from major aggreSsion; to defend the nation and its retaliatory capability against surprise attaCk; to assure this country's allies of e1fective assistance in case of "loCalized" aggression, and In the maintenance of international order. Security must have priority over budget balancing for its own sake. 2. That the United States will develop and pursue a coherent, continuing foreigu economic policy. provided with resources and' tlexibility, to assist the free nations to maintain their Independence, without having to choose between the Kremlin and chaos. 3. That the United States, In full sympathy with the principle of natlorial seJf-determinatlon~ will advance the Inteiesta of ~ . determined to be free. At the same time, it Will &spect tile legitimate Interests of nations when In CIODSelence they are endeavoring to 801ft colonial problems. 4. That the United States,. dedicated to peace-but never al, any pri~d conscious of the destructiveness. of nuclear weapons, will continue to negotiate for multi-lateral dlsarinameDt based on e1!ectlve C!Ontrol and 1nspectIon. . ". .~ August 17, it&t THE SWARTBMOBEAN pqe" NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Askew' of Wailingforcl, Mr. and Mrs. Albert THE SWARl'HMOREAN This Sunday Mr. Schott will Dr. and Mrs. J. Albright Jones Beekhuis of Mt. Alvemo road, Mr. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWAllTBIIORE, PA. preach ·the third sermon b0oka• I of Elm avenue flew to New York and Mrs. John Th(IIDPson, Mr. and PETER E. TOLD, l!IAIUORIE TOLD, P1JBi.IsBJllUl series of four on signlllcant yesterday to meet their daughter Mrs. Ralph LIndenmuth, Mr., and PhoDe SW....u.-re 8-0lI00 in the Old Testsment. He w1ll Patsy woo returned from a seven Mrs. Edward HInson, all of MePETER Eo TOLD, Edllor discuss "The Book or Ruth." week's trip abroad. dia. Barbara B. Kent, Managing Editor There w1ll be no meeting of the :MIss Catherine Fussell of VasMr. and Mrs. Donald W. Poole Marjorie T. Told . Anne L. Mabbott Rosalie D. Peirsol bandage group next week. sar avenue has Ilnlshed Cornell of Swarthmore avenue are at their "Polly" Told summer school 'and is now visU- summer borne in Rehoboth, Del., Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post TRINITY NOTES ing her sister, Mrs. A. 'Spencer following several weeks abroad. oiHce at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. There will be a celebration 'of C~b In Windsor, Conn. After her, Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan Harrar DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON the Holy Communion at iI o'clock v.slt in Windsor she will spend met their daughter Suzanne at the SWAR11IMORE, PENNA., AUGUST 17,1956 Sunday morning. This will be the some time with :Miss Barbara Idlewild Airport yesterday when Kent In Gloucester, Mass. she returned from a two month only'service on Sunday. Mr. Bobert K. Reeder of Harv-, li:uropean tour with a student J. H. Furlong will serve as head usher, W. C. Goulding ,will be the ard avenue leaves today by plaJie group from Denison College. The alternate, and the remalnlng ush- for Interlochen, Mich. where he group had been scheduled to reThe most ancient residents of Delaware County cannot ers schepuled to serve at this time will join his wife and 9&ughter turn on the SS Dcirla. . who are at the music Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moscrip, DebOrah reach back in memory to ,the primeval quiet of Penn's wi1l be C. B. Blake, W. M. Bush, camp this summer. thetr son Davis and' daUilhter Woods. Even then the Lenni Lenape must have resented the J. W. Jones, A: W. Kitts, W. T. Iir. and Mrs. John R. Brobeck Martha Ann of Dartmouth avenue Salam, and R. J. Turner. of Vassar avenue with their chll- who have been camping at Jackcrack of the pioneer's axe which began the transition to the dren Stephen, Prisctlla, Eliza- son Hole, Wyoming, were returnMETHODIST NOTES noisy bulldozers and other roaring' robots that have transChurch SC'hool classes for all beth and John Tommy recently lng, from an eight hour horseback formed a lovely.landscape into standardized home develop- ages will begin at 9: 45 a.m. Visit- partclpated in a reunion Of Mrs. ride to Amphitheatre Lake in. the Ing pupils are cordially welcom- Brobeck's family in the Birch- ,Tetons on August 9 when they ments and supermarkets. ed. woods net. East Stroudsburg in encountered the W. Newton RyerOur older living inhabitants, however, may well recall The Morning se:ter Comdr.' 'and Mrs. estimated it would cost $10,700 to Mr. and Mrs. HarrY i.. MJlller I C. E. NelSon fn ArUngl.>n, Va. ~lean SUch d :tewers within the borof Thayer road have returned from Martha Murray of Cornwall-on- ugh, an ",;,ggested C""?,,U warn a vacation in Wallingford, Ver- the-Hudson, N. Y., arrived Aug- ~Ie ha17lDg downstairs lavaust 7 to spend two weeks with her tones to equip them with I 0 c k grandparenb Mr. and Mrs. W. valves ~ce the Borough Is not for damage from overBittle of Ru Igers avenue. respollSlble fl Her parents Mr. and Mrs. Thom- ow. ,. ' as N. Murray will join her this Jul'y's pollce report revealed 35 week end. summons, chI£lly for failure to Mr. and Mrs. Fred N. Bell of stop at stop sigos, had been isHarvard avenue have returnoed to sued during the, flrst 12 hours of their home after visiting Mrs. Cou~cil's trial employment of a Bell's brother Mr. Oakley H. Van spec.al officer to reduce hazardous Alen at Hulett's Landing, Lalre Iraffic practices. Burgess J.-ph George. Reynolds announced the program Allce PeCalndry of South had been dropped before the preChester road left Friday to vi'sit ~ribed number, of hours, because Elizabeth Hanower, her room- .t appeared. the chief object of I""ole at the University of Mary- the campalgu, (to apprehend In Baltimore Md. for a speeders) was not being accomweek " p l i s h e d . At least one resident Mr~. L. F. Coy wili return to claimed he had been flned unIhe home of her son-in-law and fairly. daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Josepli' J. Council placed $8000 in GovernDonovan, on Elm avenue August ment Bonds to build a fund for 29th after having' visited her son future purchase of a new ladder and daughter-In-law, Col. and truck for the FIre Company. Mrs. Winston Coy, in 'Tacoma, It was decided to,6iore Civil Wash. since July 4th. Del""",, medical supplies in Dr. Mrs. Cums Gallagher, Jr. and William Rial's basement on Harson, Michael, of Dover, Del. are vard avenue at a rental of $60 a looking lor visiting Mrs. Gallaghersparents, year, although -Dr. Rial had offerDr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Pat- ed the space at no charge.. man of North Princeton avenue, A request from the Stste H1ghand Mr. and. Mrs. C. Gallagher, way Department that Council pass Sr. of Wallingford, this week a resolution stating the Borough see how whi.le Mr..Gallagher, Jr. is on a would assume the cost of p)"Operty buSlDess trip to Georgia. damages ,for widening an abuttoday'l! Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Llppin- ting section of' Baltimore Pike cott and family left, JUDe 1 for (estimated at $48,200) met with , Beirut, Lebanon where Mr. Llp- a letter from Solicitor CIaren pincott ~ be ststioned for two G. Myers stsUng fue Borough h: do 80 much i:'r~. H~'S :.; !~~f Mrs. F. W. never assumed any damages for PPlDC9 0 . u'6_~ avenue and a stste highway and didn't feel it for your home at, a graduate of Swarthmore Col- should do, so now. Macari'on """..... ~--.-- Of Bodine and lege, class of '39. Union avenua was granted .,..mIssIoJi to erect a three-foot blah 100 Park Avenue chain link fence OIl his propat). 'Swarthmore, Po· A CUtes Sei vice request tOr use of the Old RumMy IllS Station c ......... ,·,,,. on Yale avenue was refened to sw.....- •• 111 the Board of Adjustment. . A Jetter trcm .Juniata _ u e HomeM_M_W'.... eitlzens',,~ ",bout' pleci". CIt Carpet on The Aoor trees betweed eurbbd lliliwaDt met with the liill. IIoiI. tbIIt the ' ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ I BEAUTY?' CARPETS wa There's ..i.... hot waMr with an CNtomaIIc ..... waMr . I. 1M.,. all you need for ......... Mel, lCi:unclry, He I I aulU !III~ and stored In Ita tank until lcMf _ . - , to . . II. there Is pllnty tA hat _ _ for all haa .. h old .uo:n cis chOo. Ita ..-II!'IIc ..... water Is Oil. r that fills JOUI" fumll)"1 n.1 dl at JOUI" pMnbeI'" de I CIt otry "I,d " ..... a.llk- ba:n-. "1, '120 CH •• 'NU' ITa.1T OUYIR II. . . F.' ·1 IT of HOT SINCE 1878 Coach Robinson Honored , BllSINESS I\IEN'S LUNCH 12·1,:to P. M. ' Pace 5 SWARTHMOREAN H.S.Foo,ball Squad Teach Bridge in To Report A~gust 23 TB Section VFH The Camera a 'Hobby ,Shop' Snnday, ADPH 19 9:45 A.M.-Meeting House open for meditstion. However, not out of the mouths of babea and sucklings t~;gg ~ :~:':~g ~o=P. would one expect most of the noise to eman.te in a college All are weicome. ' co~muni.ty. Larger University towns boast the boisterous .~. A..... II • ts d bo h d ' ed All day sewing AJS.c. parades, no an row ttoms t at istinguIsh higher uWeCIn ••'i, A..- II cation. Yet Swarthmore College stands serene on the hill, ita All-clay sewing for "-F.S.C. students quietly absorbed in books and beauty, aesthetic An,iI'l I'IRST CHURCH OF feminine. One welcomes the High School bands in football C~~'g'~ST and Memorial Day parades, and occasional cheeJ;B and music Park Awnue below Harftrd from athleticJl~ds over the hill. And after all, thesereaming 8- ' i , It 8ulHJelinquenta may develop into fuWre cheer leaders. piercing IIOJII'&1lO8,. or shriD-voiced feminine orators. The amplilied noises of Swarthmore are the best evidence that the Borough is still happily alive, along 'with ita , NOW! THE August 17, 1956 PHILADELPHIAELEC.RlC COMPANY " , Paulson ,,& Co. J .... P*,.'. S i l'"'l""IIIC"s.;' .. .--,.. ei~."",a.UUiseiim.m m.- a phlltIJIa.-. uoj 54 il' H for CoUDell's appuwa1. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE August 17, 1956 mE SWAR111MOREAN Page 4 H.S. Football Squad Teach Bridge in To Report August 23 T8 Section VFH in the Old Testament. He will Patsy wb<> returned from a soven Barbara B. Kent, Managing Editor Ro.alie D. Peirsol Marjolie T. Told Anne L. Mabbott "Polly" Told E!ltered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post Oflice at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON SWARTHMORE, PENNA., AUGUST 17, 1956 discuss "The Book of Ruth." dia. Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Poole Darby, October 19; Marple New- L. GOOd chairman, is currently town, Saturday, November 3, and entertaining patients in the T. B. sar avenue has finished Cornell of Swarthmore avenue are at their summer school and is now visit- summer home in Rehoboth, Del.. ing her sister, Mrs. A. Spencer following severa! weeks abroad. Lansdowne, November 22. section of the Valley Forge Hos_ Coach recommends to all the pital with a class in bridge. The first class was held on Augsquad a daily conditioning rou- There will be no meeting of the bandage group next week. The most ancient residents of Delaware County cannot reach back in memory to the primeval quiet of Penn's Woods. Even then the Lenni Lenape must have resented the crack of the pioneer's axe which began the transition to the noisy bulldozers and other roaring robots that have transformed a lovely . landscape into standardized home developments and supermarkets. week's trip abroad. Miss Catherine Fussell of Vas- TRINITY NOTES There will be a celebration of Cobb in Windsor, Conn. After her Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan Harrar the Holy Communion at 9 o'clock visit in Windsor she will spend met their daughter Suzanne at the Sunday morning. This will be the some time with Miss Barbara Idlewild Airport yesterday when only service on Sunday. The Noises of Swarthmore Dr. and Mrs. J. Albright Jones preach the third sermon of a of Elm avenue flew to New York series of four on significant books yesterday to meet their daughter she returned from a two month Kent in Gloucester, Mass. J. H. Furlong will serve as head Mr. Robert K. Reedort such damage to polloe or Power com~y. Chocolate. Fudge Sandwich llb.box43c Apricot Nectar hope utensils withdoM water. . food, (which not;Keep re.: cooking). h8nd;y. Be sure to 1!II"ve a llaSihHiiJ,t or ~andles to use I(EElLER Ig. can 27c the If:::D! 33c Pineapple J .. hu~ expressed by all citizens-that this area would never again be bit by Iloods-but, he added, there is no stopping disasters-we can only prepare for them. In the event of a hurricane he suggested the following steps to save lives and property: 1. Watch your newspapers and radio on for otIlcial weather reports. 2. Store garden furniture, tools, awnings and 01lber loose objects ,,-piw.e:IIf:'::a::the opposite dlrectioo-witli .., I~ greater foree. 9. Fill bathtubs, boIItles and OZi c~23c 2 Rhoads I ..I.. iar ,Aictx; the foamin9 ele__ 5373. Pippin, proprietor. CHester 2PERSONAL - Bicycles Repaired. Parts, accessories. Milt. Glass Bicycle, Hobby, Toy Shop, 205 East Baltimore Avenue,· Clifton Heights. MAdison 6-0713. OppoLarge bookcase, site Clifton Theater. ;:';J~~';i,,~~' arm chairs and 31c For GriDed: Sf!taks. Cliop's. Wienen•.etc. Warm-Air HeaHng Air Conelitioning Sh••t Metal Wark tiona! structures. The purpose of such reviews he laid bas been to where poosible any weak spots whicb showed up under the acid tests of last AugThe .emphasis bas been on floods and flash .. ......... .......... Rhoads pojnted out the one basic Tesponslbillty of every commUDilty Is the care of its citizens. The Bed Cross is the instrument through which an individual may help his neighbor In need.' The _ . local dIsaSter orgAmzation or te&m is only as goOd as the support it receives fr<>m the people. Therefore anyone who wishes to be a part of his community's dis-aster unit should seek Out bis local Bed Cross disaster chairman and volunteer his s"',vices. may become lethal weapons in a in a safe Otherwise they storm. ~~ ~!;~= 3. Board up windows and put .t. storm shutters In I/)ace. 4. It you are told to evacuate don't delay-just get out' and follow instructions. A minute may save a life. 5. Don't run the risk of being marooned. Get away and stay SUBJECT . to certain away from low-lying beaches or .. of record. other places likely to be swept by consist of Two Stor)' with Shingle sldlnsr HOUH ocean winds or· high tides. 6.. Don't go outside during the storm. Stay Indoo... preferably In it brick, stone or concrete buildIng. 7. Stay away from windows. 8. If center of "eye!' of the storm passes directly' overhead &;'i.g~\':!r there will be a deceptive lull "~~t~~:tf.~otborwl'" for as long 8ll 30 minutes. m In ten Stay . where you sri! during this No. 82 calm periOd. Wind will relurn Pillsbury Kit Cake Mix Gntters Metal kitchen ~b~y~f1~v~e~'~Fi!n~e~fo~r~5~tu~dy~~~ SEPTEMBER 11th A1U.NTIC .', "I saw it in the Swartbmorean.'· For LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED ENGINE REPAIRS VAN AIIN IIOS. . WHY NOT? MAKE YOUR HOUSE HUNnNG EASY? Stop in and inspect photos of all houses av;ailable in. Swarthmore, Wallingford.Rutledge and Media area.· ""1Iipt S.rvice Green; Peppers,; CUcumbers, Radishes 17'12 S. Chester Rd. 114. SWARTHMOU. PA. .. Philip M, Swe...ey James , W.Lubns . Lu_ James W. Jr, D, Patrick W... Ridley 'Park Hav. Yau Tried SARA LEE'S FROZEN Cheese, CoHee & Pound Cake ea. 79c ChocoJeate c;ake Realtors 523 Welsh St., Chester Last ~ for any elector who h!lS removed into II new election district to give nQtice to the ~egistratlon COmmission in order to be permitted to vote at the General Election. The removal card must set forth a removal" date into the new election district which cannot be later than September 6th. ea. a9c COURT BOUSE B01IR8: . Regular business hours up to and inc1udiDg :Monday, September 17th .,... leEeREAM Pints _. Half Ga.....s Baird & Bird' Last day all electors. may register tp vote at the· General Election. ThIs includes electors who will become. of age on or before November 7th, 1956; Your Choice ea. Sc· c.H, . Baltimore Pitre and Woodland Ave., Springfield I, ,:.-.,.-- . ~~ Ili~~~~t~~~!i White or Yellow-Poo. Froastilig. Cab: Mix all iollde ROOFING ·48 stiih ltiaj~. married men returning Call SWartlllllON 604100 •• ~ II·BltT *_.1Iit ._,-- I Alterations George, Myers ReaJ S.arp· Mower Service ~,~s_ Look For Next Week's Special! LEG. 0' LAMB 8W 6-"18 15 S. CHESTER ROAD KI3-1497 Rib Roelsl lb. 63~ CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL J. F. BLACKMAN· FOR RENT PYLE r'#M:' :; 335 Dartmouth Avenll. from military service. Desire September occupancy Swarthmore, Ridley Park or Media nreas. Please call or write Mrs. Conner, valescent Home, 2507 Scott Paper Company, Chester, street, Chester. Edge of Pa. Chester 4-4211, extension 342. more. Aged, senile, . convalescent men and women. ExFO~ SALlE . cellent foods, spacious grounds. FOR SALE _ Antique table Blue Cross honored. Sadie D. ~ \.In!' F. A. SNBAR. lR.• Sberlff ment for month of H.· E. WANTED..- To rent .. l-bedroom furnished apartments; needed for Stol'J' CharI.. A. h/w. and Blal •• M. Rbod... hlo ~~~~~~~~;~~~d~.1 jm~J~~;~~]~~:~f~~ 6-0937. garden work. Call SWarthmore WANTED - Furnished two or Two 'coNdst of One Story HoUle 4.... Feel. T'~i'iO!, Pl'Onerty . of. Samuel N .... Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ricbecker and their three sona of Cornell avenue will return thia week end from vacatiOl1iDc !.or two weeks at Stone Harbor, N. J. Tbe. entire eastern seaboard of , the United States bas become a NOUCE ... _~ to a ESTATE OFESTATE lohn Ha4doa HopIdJUl, _ "Hurricane All·ey," ae",,""..... koo_ .. I. Haddo. HODId••• issued by the American !:~ ~.:'::i"tta~':'::!'::'."8w':ll!: Ctoss. What seems to be a more. bela_are CountJ'. P.n~l!Y •• nl~. in wea.ther patterns LB'I'TlIR8 TMtamentat7 on uuw "".Ina _ _oted to WILLIAJI made thia most populated !;;'l~EA~ ~ :::.:.Ja=~k;O~ .vulnerable tn death-de&ling tropmeol. ami 1boo4!. bad... .1aIma or .... leal storms, and the disastrous manu qalnn laid kate to Pntlent . _ ...... without delor. to the_ ........r 1l00ds whlch otten follow them. ~.= VES L. Gilbert Rhoads, Southeastern 8.... 10 Swarthmo... Pen..,lva.l. Pennsylvania Chapter Disaster chairman ststes that inland cities as well as coastal are threatened by hUrrIcanes as evidenCed by Connie, Diane and lone causing hundreds of deaths and millions of ·dollarS tn damage. During the past 10 months, local units of the chapter's disaster committee. have been reviewing their disaster plans and organlza- MondaY through Fridl\Y •.........•.... 9:00 8.m. to 4:80 p.m. Saturday ........................... 9:00 a.m. ~ 12:00 N_ Together with such additional hours as designated below: SepteJnber 6tIi and 7th .. ,,: .........•.. i:Gil a.Iil..to 9:00 p.m. September 18th and 14th •..•...••..... 9:00 • .m.to 9:00 p~ • Advanced 5 Se...1of FI.. Members of the Swarthmore Swim Club who want to really f ~mmaryo Point Winners Those who won points for the Swarthmore Swim Club Team ::e during its 1Irst season of Suburbto do so thrDuah a new class the an Swim League competition. Swordfish. which meets at 8' a.m. just ended. follow: ' and 7 p.m. on week-days. This Midgets _ Joanne Es~n~hade class Is free as also ts the women's 37. Lynn Hartman 5. Helen Morclass labeled 9 ... Nymphs. which rison 17, Nita Paul 3. Diane Renh 28 mon Ib will marry Henry Burgess. sSllve aw 5,Courtney ~Abbi SPrentice 3, Gay rs ,....: e ulIiv,an I, Julie John L. Wetlaufer. 617 Strath Huse 3, Gordon Boyd I, David Haven avenue and Richard D. Foley 23. Andy MacNair 5. Wright. 814 Westdale avenue will ard McCurcb: 20. Jady Brooks I, report for Lehigh University's Sandy Robinson 4. Andy Seybold Freshmen Week activities on 2. ' September 5 for a week of orienJuniors _ Sandra Althouse 4 tation before registering on Sep- Betsy Breakell 29. Cally MacNaI; tember 12. John is a graduate of 1. Marsha Silver 6. Ann McDowSwarthmore High. Richard of ell 17. Karen Peterson e. Sue Perkiomen ,School. Crawford 9. Josie Lange I, Rob Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Bro- Baker 21. Jim Foley 10. Steve gan. Jr.. and their son Chipper Hansell 12. Dick Jackson 21. of Forest lane spent August 8 George SulUvan 14. Christy Deckin Ocean City. N. J. where they er 7, Malln Boyer 13. Jan Erik visited Mr. and Mrs. G. West Ungern 5. Jim Rowland 2 Dino Cochrane and their children Tom- McCurdy 1. • my and Suzanne of Riverview Intermediates - Vicki Baker I, road. Sue Campbell 7. Judy Coles 3. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Albright Paul 28, Jean Paul 6. Gloria of Avonbrook road. Wallingford, Plllrsol 12. Joyce Wi1llams 57, entertained at dinner and bridge' Charlotte B),'odhead 31. Dawn Saturday evening. August 11. Boyer 8. Howard Schad 23. Hal Mr. Albert L. Hilles• C-st 8. John Seybold 8. .~ lane Lawrence Se I , ~law and daUgh-' C n1 ors Willl- Vicki MacNalr 1. visited his son-rn' ter Mr. and Mrs Clifford M B aro a!!,s 51. Molly Huse 6. ant in Scheneciady N Joanne Robinson 38. Jan Lawweek. • . . s rence 15. Jean BOyer 31. Brodie Crawford 6. Robert Sublette 37. Dr. and Mrs. John H. Wigton Dave Preston 7. Jon Lange' 2. Bowie 3. Harry McCallister of Ogden avenue have recently Steve 11 returned from " trip to ScandinReceiving extra "citations" at avia where they spent three last week's Swim TeaJr. picnic at weeks. the pool were: Nita Paul as the eRE MAT ION swimmer showing the ':"ost imWest Laurel HIll CrematorY - provement (Nita had to be hauled provides modern facilities for out o( the water near the end of complete service. the 50-yard stretch on tde first •• Crematory Beaufiful c;hopel on qrounds coup1e of races, but ended the a~=,ln~eC~~=t 70': r-- ~ch- A~n Y t~- • Dignified c:olumborium seaSOn doing the entire • Individual or familv nic"os • Wide se'ecti~ of Invited urns Impectlon WEcT LAUREL HILL with ease); Vicki Baker as the most courageous. Jack Renshaw as the mOst persevering. Andy Seybold as the best 1I0ater Gloria Pelrsol as the fanciest. Ji;" Foley as the swimmer most apt to succeed (because he has the larges't fl'Ct). Dick McCurdy as the handsomes!. Debbie Sullivan as the 'prettiest. Sondra Skoglund as the team ghost (because she 'fas always disappearing). 'f, h1_C!!~!!?~ u... IoI..cyowyd IVyridge 3:01122 ~~==~=~=~====~I I $500 MONTHLY 5......9, sal." fa< , 2 _....".. ICII.smen to I......sent IO"J. Eoshra «••••1.1 •. . - . . . No _ . Sal. ....ri.... a.d .blllff d••t.od. _... n.hod ....d..,. 25-4D roan ald. ma.. .Iod. 01 auuml.9 ttl... capablo I. ...._., 101- ' _IWI. _ Includ. .. pll.. brief .......1 .. ;::.,. all _dookll. Our ..I.......... ..... 'o/ootnod 01 "'" .d. ... A. L. stretch School Distnc''t Ex. pI'aIDs Insurance PIan I some of Mrs. Andrew's old friends in Swarlhmo1'e. _ Mary Spiller 603 Ogden avenue. is aitendl~ the University D•ICk Franc Iietti 939 Rocklyft Road, SprIngfield II 4-1028 a et and Lile Saving = c· ·or,.... ~- u: .PRESCR'PTIONS ,sYi 6·0586 Si~~:~e!ting. Iif;==~~========~ school which takes place not more than one -hour before the official bf'glnning of the school day, or more than one hour arter the official close' of the school day. The b<:nefits under this pollcy are' Medica1 an d d enta1 benefits poem for closely approaching real poetry In that a whole story and .its aetompanylng emotion is hnplled In a few words. and' a I universal truth is left with the reader as the final Impact. THE PINE-by Barbara Seymour One day we ~ee you from anyone accident may total In~u~y. The next you I ~re go~e,- Lying so stately • Veiled by the dawn. The hurricane took you. Then left you to die. We s~w you that morning. My mother an4 I. ICE SERVICE Call ,Swarthmore &·5723 Edllrard Lytle 248 Pennington Avenue Morton, Pa. HOW But 10 and behold! Way down In the wood, You left one behind you. A plnelet there stood. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS Ir;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;; under the policy will be paid Immedla\ely upon receipt of due proof. d T!,!s plan will be put into effect BUUKWAYS H••n U.'U After La.or Day Open All Day Mo.cloy.. Wed• ..,clay.. Frlclays STORE HOURS: Monday Friday 9:30 to 9 ,P.M. aM. CIIa.MI 6 WFl ....TY-S.llclay. Thunday M. Saturday9:30 9:30toto5:30 6:00p,P,M. "YOU 'MEET T·HE NICEST PEOPLE AT SPE'''RE'S'' .. will ,then prepare the liststeachers of parf~~~;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;~~~~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~lletter. The homeroom ticipants for esch homeroom. Ibus Media Friends School ~~~~g the plan into active opera- 81st Year Now Enrolling for Fall Term Nursery through' Fifth Grade - Kindergarten Morning and Afternoon Groups . Phone MEdia 6·6563 or Write the School ~ T.lrd and North Streets, Media The School District Office now has the Master Pollcy. This is a limited pollcy; that Is. limited to school days, school hours, and school activities. It does not cover children during weekends Or vacations. The pl\eSellt pollcy will be in force for one year. from September 1. 1956 to September 1. 1957. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Michener of I~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;:!:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ IPalmyra, N. Y. wioth their chil- dren Jane.' Ned. Anne and Meg will move here September 1 and will occupy a house on Benjamin West avenue on October 1; JIIr. Michener will be with Scott Paper Company. Mrs. Miechener has been visiting her mother. Mrs. Norman Krase of Media for several days. , Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bunting of' Villa Nova avenue will have as their guests· Deld week Mrs. Bunting's brother and sister-in- THE PREP SHOP CLOSED Monday and' Tuesday August 21 and 22 isw, Mr. and Mrs. H. T.BressIer of Columbus, Obio. During the summer lir. and Mrs. BuntIDg 405 DARTMOUTH spent 80IDe time il} Cleat water, Fla. 'wbUe their children lane. , ~ and 81oa1t visited their II""'dPPt..1II Mr. and lin. H. V. AYENUE Bt Jer of AIIroD, OIdo: ..':" rst.;;';:~e EDGEMONT AVE., Your Flowers 7TH " WELSH STS. ChubOOttB· ftaahlon_ As seen in ~.:: • " ,I 0 , LI FE 7.98 , WrinHe sh~ cotton. wallie pique·, trim. In reel, whH. gr..... or blue - . . 8V2 Speare, Dowllilain to 141/2 , St-, . VOLUME 28-NUMBJi:R.alt :~'l Swimmers Ready for Cup Carnival Tonight Local Championship Events Continue Tomorrow Ann Paul and Malin Boyer are captains of the Garnet team coached by Lifeguard BIll Kyne~ while Carol WU1lams and Dicky Jackson are captalnlng the opposing White team. coached by Ka r 1 5chaeJ!er. for the Swarthmore Swim Club's second annual cup carnival which opens with a 220-yard freestyle event at the pool tonieht at 6:30. Other events in all age groups will be held tomorrow afternoon. At 1 p.m. another 200-yard freeslyle race will be run (for those who can't be at the pool I tonight). At 1:30 there will be a kickboard race. all classes. At 1:40 50-yard backstroke races are scheduled. at 1: 50 a brealbholding contest (or all classes 2:00 breaststroke races. 2:10 sid"': stroke races. 2:20 diviog for all classes. 3:00 freestyle race (50 ""rds), 3: 10 underwater swim for distance, 3: 20 50 and 25-yard bu~r1Iy races. A grand' slam relay in which a boy and girl from each age group will swim will bring the winner eight pointa at 3:30. Ribbons will be awarded in each event. i1he boy and girl totaling the highest number of points dw;tng the carnival will be crowned 1956 champions. ' Events for non-members of the Swim Team o,nIy will Include . kick,bQ!!rcf,. breathholdlnl. sidestroke aReI undetwater eoriteats. Roeit Baek Bill Hoot has rejOined the tHeguard sta1f as Walter Udovich from swim-watching to asslSting Coach Millard Robinson in getting the Swarthmore High (Continued on Page 8) TO HEAD DEL. CO. Nancy Buckles, executive dIrector of the Children's Aid Society of, Delaware 'County has been awarded a FuRlrlght Grant to teach social welfare and casework iii the Y.W.C.A. 'School of Soctal Work in Athens. Greece. She will sail this Friday (August 24) and ofIIcially begin her dutieS on September 1. DurIng her year's leave of absence from The Delaware County Children's Aid Sociely. Mrs. Helen Hoepfner, of SpringlIeld, former president and member of the Society's Board. will serve as acting director. , Miss Buckles has been in social work for the last 15 years, all of which she spent in th . lized field of child placing. ~:P8Clll the DeIBware County e came ~o 1952; having PreviO.w;g: ': caseworker. and, for four years, a supervisor with ,the PhI1adeiphla 9 's Aid Society. Prior h1ldren to Ibat time. she was,assoclated with, the Social Service Department of the Pennsylvania Branch Shut-In Sociely.' was Industrl'al' Secretary, Y.W.C.A•• in Philadeiphia; and has had teaching experience bOth in elementary and high schoolS in MIssouri. Mrs. Hoepfner, who will resUme ~pouslbilily for the Agency' in Miss Buckles' absence; is wellknown throughout ,the area for her leadership in. social welfare n,ovements. She ts a graduate of Bryn College and School the UniversityMawr of Pennsylvania of Social Work. She has had many" years experience in "'Ie field of both public and, private weIfaioe services and child pIacemnI. INJURED IN ACCIDENT Mrs. Nancy G. Savelll Is reo . The Flowerless , SWARTHMORE. FRIDAY, August 24, 1956 cuperatlng at her' home. 1141. Alverno road, Elwyn, from injuries suffered in an auto collision Tuesday evening August 14 whi h " • c hos pltalized her in Crozer Hos'tal Ch PI • ester for four days. Mrs. Savelli was driving home from her work as secretary to Warren Warden. Yale avenue. when at 5: 15 p.m.. her car a 1952. Nash rambler, entan~led with an on-cominl 1955 Chevrolet 'driven by Robert, Gould. Cllfton Heights. just beyond the McBurney home at Manchester and Rose Valley roads. on Manchester road. Both cars were badly damaged. Mrs. Savelll's Irreparably. ~rdon Mrs. Savelll ,was taken by ambubince to Crozer where her nose. broken when she hit the stering wheel. was set and,her underlip. through which her teeIh were driven by the impact, was repaired and stitched! She suffered additional cuts and bruISes. Mrs. McBurney accompanied her to the hospital in the ambulance. .. List "Vital Statistics" For Pupl'ls and Paren,ts IforFinal plans are being completed the opening of the Swarth- Girl Scouts Need Leaders &l1bm~ S.. Girl Scoat Troo';' are In need 01 • ..'dant and oubdltu&e leaden lor the FaIL All "rsons trained for ouch I-~- Local Girls Attend Hockey Camps Mon. Nearly 50 Voluntarily En- more and Rutledg h _rshIp or toterested In roll at Ellis College e sc ools on lra'n ' - co • Monday. Septemeber 10 at t h e urses are asked to Friends Central ' regular hours. 8: 45 for the high conJact Qle nelgbbohood ch<-school. grades 7 to 12. and 9: 00 man of Girl ScoulIDK. Mrs. a.tn. for all grades below the sev- Roberl W. Bernhardt. SWanhA sizeable group of Swar1henth. Any parents who will have more 6-7114 after An.,.,.t 27. more High 5ohoo1 girls is volunchildren entering the Swarth- Sbe will dve Information about tariIy enrolled In two nearby tile ~-,-~ more-Rutledge Schools for the and the troopa In need aalllI 01 leadenhip h ock ey camps next week, from IIrst time in September but have .~~- q cations. not completed registration details HriI. Roy Troop August 27 through August 31. should do so at once in the wgh Consultant, will be available to Among the 12th and 11th grad.. school building on College IIvenue. ass1st all troop leaders, accord- ers who will attend the cainp on After teaohers return on Seplen!.-Ing to the new set·up for work the campus of Ellls College are ber 5th. much less time and care In the faIL Barbara Ziegenfus. Nonnie Moore. can 'be devoted by the registraElsa Hunter. Ellen Lambert. Car- ~el. George E. Kennedy S· Septem~ ervlces Wednesday ses~ Hether~ Wll~ lion office to pupil registration de01 Williams. Judy Hollander tslls. Shirley <;arpeoter, Sarah School Ro..... Ington. Janet Lynch, Norma On the first day, 10 son, Vicki McNair. Bonnie Kenclasses will have morning ne'. full 'day ofth!', Zimmerman, Susan Bruce, Susan according to the announcement of ~sions will, bcglif 'Oli Thursday; Churclo. " " Gowing. Suzanne Plowman, Betsy L. M. Elkner. manager of larle September 13. Mr. Kennedy had been' engaged Hlclm, Carollne W_let. LouIse turbines. ' DoUble SeMlons in office macblnery business since Howe. Barrie Bovard. Diane Yet,A' returning resident of the Bpglnnlng Tuesday. September ,1930 untilhls retirep>et six months ter•. Nell Lee. Martha TIller. and Borough, Frederick Anthon)7 Is 11. there will he hath sessionS of ago. Prior to 1930 he was a yam Judith COles.' . the newly promoted sales IDanlig- school for all pupils in grades broker. He bro~t 'his family to The voluntary attendance of so er of small turbines. according to from 3 to'12. i1he regular morning Sw~rthmore in 1914 to occupy ~any players without special urgthe joint announcement of R. C. sessions in the high school will ,theIr newly built home 'at 231 mg by their coaches Is a witness Twombly. manager of Westlng- begin at 8:45 a.1l\- 'and continue to Haverford avenue. to the players' enthusiastic .dehouse small turbines. 12:08. From 12:08 to 12:55 will In 1927 he moved his family termination, to continue to bring Morgan was graduated from be' the school lunch periOd at Into the second home he built in credit to their Coach Virginia AI- , Harvard University in 1944 with which time a wann lunch at 30 the Borough at 210 Cornell ave- len and their school. Mothers of a degree in enginering sciences cents per meal, will be served in nue. In 1934 he and Mrs. Kennedy the ninth and tenth graders will and jOined Westinghouse in the the high school cafeteria. The moved to Lansdowne where they drive them to and from the camp. same year. He served in several afternoon session will begin at remained until 1953 when they capacities in the sales department 12: 55 p.m. and continue to 3: 15. returned to Swarthmore and lived ~re jolning the «eneral en- Special musical orpnizations' re- at .the Swarthmore Apartments gmerlng department in 1951. He hearsal periods will be held in untIl a few months ago when they was ,the appointed section manag- the morning from 8: 00 to 8: 45. entered the nursing home. , A Memorial Service was held er?f general engineering in 1952, On Fridays of home fO!'tball Born in New York City in 1874. at 2: 30 Sahu'day, afternoon 'at which position h~ held prior to games. the morning session will Mr. Kennedy married the former Swarthmore Friends Meeting for his present appointment. ' be lengthened., and extended into Nellie Madlaon on May 31, 1900. Mrs. Anna Jenkins Webster, a Anthony graduated from Penn th.e early afternoon. before dIs- She survives him as do his two member of the Meeting. who died State College in 1935 with a de- missal for lunch: Only one session daughters Mrs. ~., WIllison Smith. in her 90th year at the Hickman gree in engineering. Prior to join- of school will be held those, days. Jr.• of Center POInt. Pa .• and Mrs. Home. West Chester. on Wednesing the Westinghouse small tur- however. The home football Alton P. Smith. 813 Westdale ave- day evening. August 15 bine sales section in 1940. he schedule is: September 21. Media; nue and six grandchildren. Mrs. Webster had in Walserved in various capacities with October 5. Spr!ng1leld; October ' Intennent was in the Fairmount lingford from 1940 to 1947 with Atlantic Relining Company. In 25. Yeadon; November 9. Radnor. Cemetery. Newark, N. J .• in the her daughter Mrs. Mariana Rob1948~ he was transferI'ed to the In the elementary grades. the family plot. Inson. She was a graduate of Tulsa. Okiahoma sales office as a hours will continue as here-toSwarlhmore College, in the class ~team. s~ialist and later served fore: Grades.2 to 6, 9:00 to 11:40 TO ENTER 8UCKNELL of 1887. III a similar capaclly in Hartford, a.m. and 1:00 and 3: 15 p.m. in Four local students will te In addition to Mrs. Robinson Conn. It is from this post that he the afternoon. Grade one. will be Bucknelll Universily Lewl en r she is survived by her brothe; assumes his new duties. the same. except that afternoon next month ' sburg Edward A. Jenkins North ChestdisJ¢ssal will be at 2: 45 p.m S B . er road; a Mrs Alfred TO RE-OPEN STUDIO In ilie kindergarten, the Da Braun. daughter of Mrs. R. Mitchell San Diego eallf' a Marie Louise Forsythe. former ing" group will attend from 9: 00 of Yale avenue; son Philip 'J. Webster,' Broadway and television dancer, to 11:45 a.m. and the a,ftemoon and Mrs 'H rown son of Mr. Callf.' • will again open 'her studio of the group from 1:00 to 3: 15 p.m. At Chester . N '. Brown. N. d ance at ,he > mid-year. about 1 1957 • and . aIlCy RECEIVE CAMP AWARDS Swarthmore Wom- the groups willFebruary exchang~ th~ daughter of Mr. Mrs.Bunker. Henry an's Club early in September. (C ti ed P • L. Bunker. Mt. Holyoke place' Charlotte Brodhead of Maple Miss Forsythe received her balon nu on age 4) and Louise Johnson. daughter of avenue and Gloria Pelrsol of Laflet education from Catherine Mr. and Mrs. A. Sidney Johnson. ayette avenue rode in the annual Littlefield of Philadelphla. VilzakHEAD LOCAL DRIVE Jr.• N: Chester road will begin horse show at Camp LoekOi.'t on Sholler of New York, Bernice Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reynolds, Bucknell'" four-day orientation Sunday after six days at Ibe Holms of Chicago. and Ballet Arts 1 Oberlin avenue and Mr and program for freshmen students camp. Charlotte won honorable of New York. After studying bal- Mrs. Robert R. Hopkins, 3 South on Se~tember 15. mention in the Intermediate class. let. Miss Forsythe danced profes- Chester road, will share leaderLomse will studl: for the degree Gloria was awarded IIrst place sionally In the legitimate theater ship responsibilities In the Swarth. of ba~helor of sCIence in music plaque in beginners class. ' in' New York for three years anil more district of the United Com- education; Susan and Nancy will Both girls also completed swimdid sol6 work in 'teleVIsion. ' enroll In study Ibe llberal arts course ming ~ ... munl'ly C amp gna thisl fall. Bill will f' ;., ..... ..enets for the FlyIng A former member of the LittleThe appolntm.mta are announc-: baehelo'r of sclen:' degree of FiSh Club during the week and field BI!llet' ComPany and' the ed by MllJ:!!haIl Schmidt, 314 DlckChief Ju.stlee wlll IInIshed requirements cht,alnnlanDelof Ibe addreSs Ibe fonillUf.;..nlng con- termediate in-, .......... s n r a aware vocation of the UJltQ'ersil:y on .... Co~ty .for the 'past 10 years. ; Counly Division. tember 28. -..- raw~ey will return home tomor-' a~l Prese~tt. Mr~, 0 Morgan Jr., Anthony Hold New POSI't,'ons Ad~ Sep~ber ,~efr ~ Swarlhm<>re.l'!es~teriIln , Mrs. Ann,a,Jenkins Webster Iiv~ "morn~ ;:1:~~~ -:!;;'t~~18= ~amso~~uce'e daugh~ ~~an wiT~am ~aunB F roa~~ ~e EarFW~ .~ ~ Berkei~ ,~ :::em':mta_~Ub. ~ -1 ' '". -":""" , c_. • For THE SWARTHMOREAN CHILDREN'S AID thru ' Remember tra~ers tf;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;9;:4;S~A.~M~. ~;;;;;~ .. - . - - , urmg theoffirst few days ..tter the opening school. Explanatory leaflets Will be sent home with every pupl1 explaining the plan &nd inviting parents to participate hy seridlni $1.50 with eacn pupil to be included. These leaflets are 'attached to the parent 1'11,. 8 II Achievement Last year's Ninth Graders in A I the local school had to hand in an ontmue t Poo O~l as a part of their Between the esthetic and the Li'mited Low-Cost Groop :"' ry gnment, Judges' of practical there is alwayS a proA CCI'd. ent Protectl'on ,with ese poems prefaced the awards gram avalisble at the Swarthmore this statement peopl S·~ • e. W ..u Club. bl'llnnlnl wfth the when any- first BwiDi class atswimmIn' 9 a.m. athrough A __ To Be Available where wrltIni near verses. writing come a poem. a syne"'--'--~ claas ...."ident insurance for Swarth. P oems are h ard to write." m " " junior """,, .. R and three and senior "'e more- uUedge s c h 00 1 children The judges gave honorable savin .... will qaIn be avalisble for all mention to the following poem g courses. pupils. This is low-eost group in- for reslity and bumor as well as Over two dozen girls have been surance covering school hours 'and a fitting rhylbmlc pattern' training in water ballet at 1 p.rn. school' activities, avalJabte to all • with Mrs. Nancy Johnson. children for whom the low charge SCHOOL-by Sven Borel Karl Schaefer discovered there of $1.50 per year is pald, Last •Wbenwere so many appllcants for hts year, the plan was judged to have you're in school. .life-saving courses that he had to been operated very successfully. you always spell, divide them into three classes and The insurance ~ers injuries you never drool, als~ schedule. another course and school_lated accidents you never yell; , which will open next Monday. caused by external. violent and Soaccidental means. They must be If you yell. Mr. and Mrs. J.' H. G. Mcsustained while attending schooi and always drool. ,Conechy of South Chester road while traveling to or from SChOOl' and cannot spell. ,entertained at a dlniter party or while actively participating why go to school? Monday eV1eDing. extra-eurrlcular activltes (excludHonorable mention was alsQ I i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ing parties. picnics, dances), tn- given to the following pOem for Cludl?g all spol'tll except the play, dexterity in use of words within' ,practIce or travel of organized the poetic pattern and for paint-' Senior High football. Travel 'to Ing a picture in a few words. ' and from extra-eurricular activl- _ .. Carefully Compounded· ties. such as basketball games. WHITE ON BLUE Each Season of the Year concerts. etc. is. covered. by Dawn Boyer above. The persons d d The Infinite blue stretching CATHERMAN'S policy t b moure b fidun er this Spread like a canopy under •... e mus e ona- e students ... DRUG STORE or employees of the Swarthmoresun. Rutledge schools. Only those will A soaring. chalk-white dove • be included for whom the prem!pirouetting. just for' um Is paid. The dally period of coverage timeto and spentfrom at award The was Ninth G to r ad Poetry schOOl, andIsforfor travel given' theefollowIng • ~ ;':';;;"~";";"'':'''::'':':''''';~:'''':::'':2:'':'':'''==::::'':::::'':'''''::'::':~=~~~~~~ $2500 covering JDedical, surgical 'Or d ent a,1 treatment, and hospitsl. ambulance. and graduate nursing service. In addition, the payn\ent for accidental death is $1500 and dismemberment benellts range from $}OOO to $7,500 per accident. Notice and proof of clalm must be, givQll the company in writing. b~ parents. within 20 days .after da.te of the accident causing the From school principals. WIlllam Bush and Thomas Boyle. Mrs. Harry Andrews of Mont- parents can secure proper forms clair, N. J. is visiting Mrs. C. B. for filing proof of loss, which Leinbach in Drexel Hill for a must be furnished to the Comfew d 0 Tuesd ' p a n y at its Home, Office, 90 days ay.. n Mrs. Leinbach entertained at ay luncheon for after dste of accident. All benefits F~~~~~!i~~~~~~Of~C~o~lo~r~ad~o~s~umm~~er~~s~es~si~o~n~ ~ TELEVISI,ON SERVICE ............. _ , . ' ' _ ' tBE SWAIl'IBMORE41\j Pap! 1& grandparenfa are Mr. 8Dd Mrs. mother is Mni. Behenna, tonnerl7 GEHRET-SPACKMAN . Robert L. Coates 0( west Chester, of PrInceton avenue. NEWS NOTES Garrett avenue· will spend severThe marriage of MIss Amanda for IIlIIIIY years nsldenfa of d in Hershe)' during which Spac!nnan, daughter of Mr. and Swarthmore. Mr. and MrII. James G. Weir of Mr. and Mrs. WllUam E. Dan- ~Imeay~. Morey will vialt the Mrs. Herbert Branson Spackman Charleston, W. Va. announce the forth and daughter Carolyn of Hershey Chocolate Faetory and of "Thornbury Farm", West M d Mrs--F-red-erlek Behen- birth of their fourth ehild : : HiUborn avenue left Sunday to the H .B. Reese Faetory OD bus- Chester, to Mr. John Fred Geh- na:i :arrlsto~, N. J. announce third son, Robert Servais W , spend three weeks at Twitchell Iness ret, son of Dr. and Mrs. Andrew the arrival of a little girl, Laura on August 18. ~e ;"~~ ArIronda ks T h e y · I Guthrie and Martin Gehret of Wilmington, 6 Th tern grandmother 1s ..... D..,.,....... Lake In the c . Mr. and MrII. Da e Mrs ·Del took piace at 5 o'clock Sat- Faith born August. e ma . and the will be joined for part Of the Mrs. Guthrie's mother, . urd; afternoon August 18 In the al ~ndparentil are Mr. ~d Mrs. Servais of ~dm~=e Is. Mrs. time by their SOD Dick, by Mr. Myra Snyder, have returned ~ICh':ch of the Holy TrInIty, West Ray Regerds, ~":"':~.:!I S;:fn!:: ;~"r~: of Plttsbuigb. Danforth's sister, Mrs. Robert G. a two-week vacatlo~I=~bur:. Chester. The Rev. Lawrence Whit-Im~o~re~,~an~~;;~;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;';_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;-;;;-;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~_ _;;;;;;__ Sevenance of Bulfalo, N. Y., by ·thelr cottage. his fami-I temOl.e performed the ceremony: I, the Otto Welnre1ches l of East Mr. D~n Guthrie JOlnedds The bride, who was given m Orange, N. J., and by Mr. a~d Iy durmg the week en . marriage by her faUler, wore an Mrs. George Patterson and fanuly Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Renshaw Edwardian style gown of white . 0·• Dartmouth avenue. of College lane and Mr. ~d Mrs. duchesse tiuleta, and lI.tted bodice D 16 M d. P • Horace Renshaw and thelr chil- made with a bateau neckline and Middletown Road R. • • e la. a. RonnY Taylor of Haverford dren Diane and Jack of Cornell bracelet-length sleeves and the Opposite Hlgh Meadow place will return today fro~:: avenue will leave on Saturday, full skirt featuring, panlers drapCustom L.andscape Work tour-week stay at Camp N September I, for st. ed into a bow at the back of tile Telephone: CHesfer 2.7206 kane, Mich. Fla., where they will vacation for cotillion train. Her fingertip vell Ask for Ben Palmer or Henry Arnold Col. 'and Mrs. E. H. Walker two weeks. feU from a taffeta cap trimmed moved Into their home a~ 3 Cr~t Mr and Mrs. Valentine Fine with pearl". She C/UTied. a round POWER SPRAYING _ TREE TRIMMING .lane last week after a VISit Wlth d fueir chUdren Ashley and bouquet of white alba lilies and TERRACES, WALLS AND WALKS Mrs. E. S. Allen. In Wa!ne. Col. of N. Swarthmore avenue stephanotis. Visit our Roadside Market on the Mlddletow. Road and Mrs. Walker had been sta- are returning today from vacaMrS. MarvIn V. Anderson, Jr., EDA tioned at Fort Ord, Calif. and tloning for two weeks on Cape of Ann Arbor, Mich., sister of the COTONEASTER, L.QCOTflOE, JAI"ANESE ANDROM Col. Walker now will be the head Cod at Cotuit, Mass. bride, acted as matron of honor. ENICIANTHUS, KOELIE1J.TERIA . .) of the University of Pennsylvania . So w of Cin- The brdei;malds were Mrs. EaW~ HYBRID CLEMATIS CI.d HEMEIlOCALLIS Un vmety ROTC unit. Mrs. Walker's dau~b- . M~ Ca~enne ::'ive tomor- A. Johnson of Marplehead, Mass., , ANNUALS, PERENNIALS, STAR RO,ES Arriv$ Home ' Tomorrow Mr•. and MrII. David Morey of im Rose VaIIey ne:u- Inc. I pete~burg, ~~ff O~~o, ave-ll~~~~~~P~E~It~.M~.~f,~S~P~R~I~NK~L~E~R~S~Y~S~'t:~E~M:.S;;=~~~1 _ _ _ _ .. . ._ let at NBC Miss Molly in New Storck Yorkis City working and Clnnatl, row to VlSlt her will bro a ther-in-law PhiU M and nue Miss The)'Polly woreToll ballerina of Parklength J. ber son George is at Okinawa; and sister Mr. and Mrs. dr~es of green tone taffeta made Dallas E. Buzby Alden of North Chester roa • on Empire lines with bodices of , Dr. and have returned Mr. imd·Mrs. A. Stoll Titus and erossing folds of the material. of Parktri to the Adirondacks children Kathy and' Billy ha,:,e They carried loose bouquets of r.:'ontr:al where they travel- been vacationing this week ~ garden llowers combined with an b t . the St Lawrence Seaside Park, N. J. at the sum beech and ecalYptus leaves and ed by oa o n . M W·llI Stewart· b d River to Quebec and then on the mer home of r. 1 am wore matching an eaux. Sa River En route home of Trenton. Mr. Peter A. Gehret served as . gue~ar ded ;;. their tour Bar Captain William Alfred Ma- best man for his brother and the thHeYb lDcMue Lake Champlain, the lone USA:R, of Lansing, Mich., ushers were Mr. Edward B. Mor' Gar or,·and .,White Mountains and spent thed week en Wl·th his row, Jr., ~. LoulsS. DeLuca, Mr. ree;oast of Maine. brother and sister-in-law Mr. and John T. Porter, 3rd., and Mr. Ri Mrs James L. Malone of Dart- John E. Benzel, all of Wilmingthe ~rs. Robert W. Dea~on of h:; mo~th avenue. Captain Malone is ton; Mr. Thoma~ Spackman, oute to his home where he brother of the bnde, and Mr. ervlcw road aceomparued, by d daughter Mrs. Donald Aikens ~:ft :;;ches Landscape Architec~ure Randolph C. Carey of Denver, son DOnald of Forest lanededin . d City Planning at Michigan Col. Wednesday to attend the w ~ an t U . ersity , niece Miss Rae Sta e ruv . .' ' E 19u Richard Lee McCorBIRTHS of Mrs. Deacon s Griffith, In Youngsto:",", o. mac': who graduated from Prince- Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Demis of New Mr. and Mrs. Willi;un ·Craemer ton University In June and was Haven, Conn. announce the birth of Harvard avenue visited their commissioned a Naval officer of thelr third child. ~d second son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and after completing four years of son, William Dermot Demis, on Mrs. Wesley M. Oler, and children NROTC is due to report at Pen- July 24. William Is the grandson in Washington last week end. Mr. ala on August 26 after several of Mr. and Mrs. Donato Colafe- fro: a!~~e Oler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oler, sa~ks of temporary duty at Lake- mina of liThe Viney'ard," Lima Sr. were also, guests. :urst Naval Air station, N. J. a';dthe greatclJI"andson of Mr. Mr and Mrs Peter Murray of Enslgu McCormack is the son of and Mrs. Robert(". Coates of West P M k · avenue ·and their tI small Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. McCor- Chester, formerly of Swarthmore. . d hter have been vaca onmg mack of Ogden avenue. , 1 aug ks with Miss Barbara Miss!!'s Mary and Elinor Bye of Dr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Far ey, ~ :wo t w~er summer home. In College avenue spent the past Jr., announce the bjrth of a son, Mass . k with Miss Emily Ashman Jonathan Coates Farley, at Denen a Gloucester, . f P rk WteeBrielleN J and visited the ver, Col., on June 23. Jonathan's Mrs. John C. Kulp 0 a a. 'sid ~esorts. grandpsrents are Dr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Farley, Sr., of Wilkesavenue with children Susan an~ varlOUS sea e 'TO WED Barre and BeaFont. His grestJohn, Jr., have retum<;ed =c~ ::~y ~Pt~ber 15, In th~ Productions to Play at thls Theatr. P WI~:'"4s Law- cI"rr:h of the Redeemer. Bryn three-wheek. itrited "GENEVIEVE" time s e VlS • (T,ehnlcolor) Smith In East Aurora, N. Y. Mawr. HQS BHn ""ost - Requested for Q rence ith Mrs Theodore Cea.tIng The ushers will include Mr. R.tum EngoQ'm"ntJl a~dH:ney Harbor. Georgian Bay, Henry W. Farnum, Jr., brOther;f Yo.'/1 Love Tit•• Co ...dl" a the bride, EnsIgn John B. Car r, FrIday Fftatur., 7:50 an4 9:50 P.M. Saturday F.ature, 6. 8 and 10 P.M. Ontario. . N Mr John Davis, Mr. EdMiss Bettina Hunter of D1Ckln- US d' L ·DU·er Jr. Mr. Robert SPECIA~ SHOW FOR CH.LDREN °brarian of the war . " son avenue, li. . . . trav- McBurney, EnsIgn Donald Ogram, SATURDAY 1 P. M. Swarthmore Pubhc Library,. to USN and Mr. James F. Talbutt; l-Color Carto... eled durin~ her July Bvac;:,tiODand Jr., ~f Mt. Gilead, N. C. 2-5.rlal: .. Ma•••• t of Ml'sterv Isla."'· Nova" Scoba, Cape re n . -~~;;~~=========j Prince Edward Island with Miss ,. 3-«01' Ro,.n. "Heart of Gold.. Eloise Randall of Mt. Sinai, L. I. SllBSCRlPTIONS West·· Upon her return to her summer FOR ALL 4--Prbe. Give. From Oor Stat. Miss MAGAZINES cotta ge a t Ml Sinai, .Hunter . _ .... 1JFFMAN Sunday, Monday, Tuesday had as her guests Mi:,""" B~~ MRS; LLOYD E ...... A.g.2&,27,21 bara and Betty Partridge WI SIS Dartmoulh, Avenue A 'ov •• 1t ,,_clo of . b.., .... their mother Mrs. Eleanor Part- SWarthmore 8-2080 ridge of Natick, Mass. "ALEXANDER THE GREAT" (Ctnemascope-Teehntcotor) Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. DOIlI!HI.torv'" . . . . .",,_Ic 11,...1 lass of Haverford place with th,:,," Features 7:30 and 9:50 P.t.4. children E I e a nOr and DaVId LAST VACATION SPECIAL Spackman and Lanny DOUgl~ss Wed .. Aug. 29-1 P.M. will visit over the week end Wlth Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Farle)' near 1-C.lor Ca........ The Greatest Record of Z-5eIHtetI.$..rt 5...... Wllkes-B!lrrIl. Closed AUGUST 20th Reopen Tuesday, Septe.ber 4th Bouquet COLLEGE THEATRE . RUTH S. DUNCAN Copy .TEACIIR .of PIANO Fa;' . Alii Get Your Today Without at . J-"A1.ADDIN AND HIS LAMP" . (Techntcolor) SEPTEMBER GOa second telephone within easy, reach Wherever you are! Costs so little ••• SIIV8$ you so much~ Ask at the Telephone Company Business Office tor details about all extension telephones. Last day an elector may move from one election district to another in order to be permitted to vote at the General Eleetion. tIE BELL TEtEr.OIllE General Electian, November 6, 1956 CeMPAIY If PENNSYlVANIA SEPTEMBER 17th • Food Market <;:onsumer's Co-Operative Ass'n, of Swarthmore, Inc.· 403 Dartmouth Avenue Weekend of August 23, 1956 - - - ..._--_ .... I Swift's Premium Leg 0' Lamb lb. 59~ (Small) NABISCO Ii" Crackers French Dressing co-op Last day for any elector who has removed into a new election district to give notice to fu .. Rel!iBtration Commission in order to be permitted to vote at the General Election. The removal card must set 'fortb a ren'ioval date Into the new election district which cannot.be later than September 6th. Cert;ainIy mr cl: C01J1tT HOOS. H9tJ;IJS: RegulM business hours up to and including Mondliy, September 17th Monday througb FrIday ............... 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday ................. ,......... 9:00 a.m. to 1~ Noon Together with such additional hours as designated below: Sep~ 6th and 7th ... :............. 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 pm. September 11th and 14til ....... : ...... 9:00 23c MINT FLAVORED Apple Jelly. 12-oz. glass 2Sc Gold Medal Flour 5 Ihs. 49c Jets at Reg. Price Buy Get pkg~ Wheaties Y2 Price both for 33c Try TRIX at Regular Price Get pkg.Wheaties·% Price both for 33c SNOWOREST CONCENTRATED Beverages 3 for 2Sc Hawaiian Punch 3, for $1.00 REAL FRUIT JUICE PUNCH can 93c SIMONIZ· NON-SCUFF FL.OOR WAX AD giaRt economJ size 94c The Advanced Detergent for ~..tQmatic WQshers FRISKIES SE~ i7th not for the housewife. w~ y.ou, com.'.; the exha~ ehoresof the llIMlIilled ~ daYs" with modem h0Useho!d maneJs Jik: 4ePendab1e, reliable el~c cooking. r:o dishwasbinl, rug ch... nmg, and TV , entertainment. Electricity is on the. ~ob•. ~ ready to free you for happier a1I.d eamer JiVlJlllo . lb. pkg. 29c KRAFTS Last day all ele.;tor. ii!ay register to vQte at· \he, Qenerai Election. This includes electoro Who will become of age on or before November 7th,'-. 195Ji. •. -'. A _lIDS .'NMItD, TAlI-PAYlIICI UT1U1\', COMI'AIrf _Ell" . .' 100"'" SIIJaOIOlDBIS ' You can't be two places at once! , Prior to PHIlADElPHIA ~LEeTAIC COMPAll ---_... • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bishop and family of Westdale avenue who are vacationing near Westerle)', R. I. Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Coles, Jr., 517· Wainut lane, returned home on Monday from a trip to Holderness, N. H., to bring bome their son Richard and Ranny Ridgeway who have been senior counselorS at Camp Deerwood for the past tW(l months. Mrs. Francis V. Warren of Walnut lane left on Wednesday for HT/!,,:;t LaGrange, 111., where she will visit her daughter Mrs. David ;.:1'iiii\;ij ISensenig for two weeks. Lt. Comdr. James H. Connor, Mrs. Connor and their children Mimi and Jimmy arrived Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Connor's mother Mrs. H. M. Christ, Park avenue, to remain there until Howard E. Shearer, Jr" (right) of North avenue renovations upon tilelr home at and Donald MacElwee of Mt. Holyoke place will arrive home 631 Fairview road are completed Saturday after a six weeks' training voyage in the Caribbeaa-. and they are able to reoccupy it. Their ports of call were New Orleans, La., Panama Canal Zone and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Lt. Comdr. Connor retired from active Naval service on June 30 Howard~ a senior at Cornell University, served aboard the radar picket destroyer USS Cecil. Donald, a .senior at Princeton and the Connot's· began immediUniversity, served aboard the crulser USS Newport News. ately a two month station-wagon tour of the United States, visiting a business trip to Sunbright, Va., the national parks, which they NEWS NOTES and Kingsford, Tenn. The Clymers have just completed. Billy Gni of DogwOOd lsne will had as their recent housegue.ts return home Sunday after four Mr. Clymer's broUler-In-law and "I saw it in the Swarthmorean." ,weeks at Camp. Pocono on Lake sister Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mat- - - - - - - -_ _ _ __ Wallenpsupack. Billy's younger son and children I Donald and • , brother, Douglas, was improving Susan of Vineland, N. J. this week: after a bout with Mr. Donald AIkens of Forest lane left Saturday for a week'. mumps plUs compliCf"!ons. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mc- trip to San Francisco, Calif. Keag and son Ian Of Parrish road where he will be a guest at the were the guests of Senator Arthur Republican Convention. Mrs. Alexander Ewing Of DartLewis and Mrs. Lewis at tile Annual WBter Pageant, Medford mouth .avenue has returned after Lakes, N. J., Saturday evening. a trip of several weeks' duration. Betsy McKeag wlU return bome Sbe spent some time In St. Peterstomorrow after camping for two burg and Miami Beaoh, Fla. and months at Camp Wyoda, Lake in Havana, Cuba and Nassau. Fairlee, Vt. B.W.I. Mrs. EwIng's ·son Col. E. C. Mr. and Mr•. Robert J. Cadigan Aiken, USMC and family are now of Elm avenue had as their week: settled In Honolulu, T. H. for two end guest Mrs. Cadigan's college years. Col. AIken Is a member of room-mate, Miss Jean Walton, Gen. Henry Pollock's staIf. who has just returned from a Lt. and Mrs. WlllIain H. Webb ,year's teacblng assignment in· Ja- of South Chester road accompan on a Fulbright Scholarship psnled by their daughter MIss and i. returning to Pamona Col- Ruth Webb and her· guest MIss lege, Claremont, Cal, where she is Kay McKinnon of Wichita, Kan. dean of women. Posy Cadigan re- returned to Swarthmore Sunday turns home tomorrow from Camp evening. Lt. and Mrs. Webb tourWyoda, Lake E'aIrlee, vt., where ec:i Montreal and Quebec, stopping she has spent 'the psst two months. iii Bar Harbor, Me. and in Grand . Mr. and Mrs. WID. Spronl Lew- ' Manan for three days before they Is of "Deep Meadow.... Grady- reached Gloucester, Mass. where ville, will sail Wedn ·th Miss Emily Ashman Jonathan Coates Farley, at DenGloucester, ass. wee . WIll N J and visited the vel' Col. on June 23. Jonathan's C Kulp of Park at BrIe e. . . " D d Mrs I Mrs. Jo In . " d resorts. grandparents are r. an . avenue with children Susan an~ varIOUS seasl e Eugene S. Farley, Sr., of WiIkesJohn, Jr., have returned from TO WED Barre and Beavmont. His great" t ~ith Mrs Kulp's mother ~~~~;;~~~=:::::::::::::::~ ~~:~. ~iehael Marion,l in Oak Mr. Franklin T. Flaherty, Jr., ;:. lane while their home, the Metho- 0 fCambridge, will be !he b~st dist parsonage was being rene: man at the marriage o~ Mgl~t~:l~~ ted Prior to their sojourn In Bringhurst Farnu.m, au . Swartflmore. Pa. ~:k . Jane, Mrs. Kulp and thl.ne Mr. and Mrs. Henry WhIpple children spent several weeks Farnum of Ardmore to Mr. James - AIR CONDfTfPNED Ocean Cit, N. J. Bell Bullitt, 3rd, son of Mr. and Friday and ·Saturday f H Mrs. BuUitt, Jr., of Lincoln aveAug. 24. 25 Mrs. Franklin Gillespie 0 ar~ nue which will take place SatOf the Many J. ARTHl!R RANK vard avenue has returned. fro~. urd~y, September 15, in the Productions to Play at ThiS Theatre three-week trip during whlcn Church of the Redeemer, Bryn "GENEVIEVE" time she visited with Mrs. Law(Tecbnicolor) rence Smith in East Aurora, N .. Y. Mawr. Has Been Most Requested for a and with Mrs. Theodore Ceatmg The ushers will include Mr. Return EngagementH at Honey Harbor, Georgian Bay, Henry W. Farnum, Jr., brother of You'" Love Tlds Comedy! the bride, Ensign John B. Carter, Friday Features 7:50 and ':50 P.M. Saturday Features 6, 8 and 10 P.M. Ontario. USN, Mr. John Davis, Mr. EdMi~s Bettina Hunter of Dickind L Duer Jr Mr. Robert SPECIAL SHOW FOR CHILDREN so~ .. avenue, Iibrari.an of the ~~~urn;y, Ensign Donald Ogram, SATURDAY 1 P. M. Swarthmore Public Library,. trav- USN. and Mr. James F. Talbutt, eled during her July vacatIon to Jr., of Mt. Gilead, N. C. Nova Scotia, Cape Bre~on a~d ·~~;;;;~~::::::::==:::===l Prince Edward Island :Vlt~ MISS :Eloise Randall of Mt. Smal, L. J. SUBSCRIPTIONS Upon her return to her summer FOR ALL . . M' Hunter cottage at Mt. Sinal, J: ISS MAGAZINES Sunday. Monday. Tuesday had as her guests Misses B~r­ MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN Aug. 26. 27. 28 bara and Betty Partridge Wlt~ 313 Dartmouth Avenue A 'avish spectacle of adventure! their mother Mrs. Eleanor Part SWarthmore 6·2080 "ALEXANDER THE GREAT" ridge of Natick, Mass. i~l I DROMEDA I: Closed AUGUST 20th Reopen Douqllet Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. DoU~­ lass of Haverford place with th,:,~ children E 1 e a nOr and DavI Spackman and Lanny Dougl~ss will visit over the week end With Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Farley near Wilkes-Barre. RUTH S. DUNCAN TEACHER .of PIANO General Election, November 6, 1956 SEPTEMBER 6th Last day an elector may move from one election district to another in order to be permitted to vote at the General Election. SEPTEMBER 17th l--Color Cartoons 2-S.lect.d Short SobieCh 3-"ALADDIN AND HIS LAMP" (Technicolor) Wed .. Thurs.. Fri •• Sat. Aug. 29. 30. 31. Sept. 1 T6Js ,ear's dl.,I.,.I••ed 1110.' ,'cf.,..' DARRYl F. ZAHUCK'S Gre..... Jteadillg Room, _ baztmoirth Aveaue, opeIl we ' ..,a n ;t JlolIu,., 10-5 1'ric1a7 _me, , .... tenl-. 2:II-C:IO. ..,...,' "7 at,..,"'" and Sons Florist , Formerl, CARNS 650 1a1M..... Pike .Sprlll9leld, Del, Co:. ... SW.,';............ Llght,j~; SINCE 1878 We have been serving the public since 1878, We are proud of our dignified c0nscientious service-a service that the standard far the entire profession, .:s • THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO.; DIRECTORS O' fUNERAU 1820 CHESTNUT STREET OWER H. BAIR, Faund.. MARY A. BAIR, Preolclent Telephone RI 6-1581 looking for VALUE? see how today's Sunday, AuguSt 26 ' Photographic Supphes iI 9:45 A.M.-Meeting House open State .. Monroe Sts. for meditation. ' . MedIa 10:30 A.M.-Family Hymn Sing. a 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. MEdIa 6-2176S! All are welcome. ,= Open Friday Evenings Monday, A1ICQI4 27 !ji~~~I11111______" All day sewing A.F.s.C~ ::0. Wedr A ..... 19 All-day sewing fOr A.F.s.C. MEdia 6·1680 Pennell Road, 1f2 Mile South of TraffIc: :way, Me.,: and Beverly Farms, Cape Ann, Mass., with Mr. Campbell and his son Peter who drove to New Haven, Conn., to meet them. Peter has returned home from se~ng as a counselor at Camp Mohawk, Litchfield, Mass. ' Barbara McClarln and Susan Campbell returned to their homes on M onday night from vIsiting Mary Lou McCorkel for a week at Warrior's Mark. Shirley Carpenter will return to her home On Ogden avenue Saturday after sPending two months at Camp Wyoda, Lake Fairlee, Vt. 7:30 P. M. ' CLOSED SATURDAY at 12 Noon CARPETS During do 80 much for your home at August Paulson & Co. ,100 Park Avenue Swarthmore, Pa· OPEN AL't DAY WEDNESDAY c .......... 90464i sw...... _ .. Home 'IDO. Means 11.1_ With carpet en The Roar RIIP .1Id Cu, pct 5 rill 111.1 ...... H ••• ' ....on KNOWS Carpet PORTER H. WAITE, Inc. f'. " .' NonCB OF pliBLlC BBAIlDIG S.artIuDore Board of AdJUltment w I bold a public hearlllJl' on SeptaDber 11 • 19&6 at 8:00 P. K ......tern DayUabt Barl.llc Time In CouD.ell Cbamber. 121 Park Avenue. Swarthmore. P ••• to eon· alder the appJieation of Citla Service 011 CoInpab)" for a permit to alter the Service Station and Garace at. the Southweeterly corner of Yale and Rutgers Avenues to make it meet the reQuirementa of a Mod· ern Service Station. Thoae Intereeted w11l he heard. ELIOTT RICHARDSON, 2~.~Z.~_______________~ __nb __~ ft • • Sa.los TIme ~ :~.~~~~~~~:~~I'H ~~.~~~or~;...... ,Neighbors won't let her in ~ otherwlao 1Ied In ten Nle. at the poUI on election day Hcaule Ihe lin" registered . No. 60 _1_ _-tbe It·. -you-__ =. ~-' to _ l«Ye riPta ... bow yOur fIOvern- .. Friends will be J;aPPT to leem that Mr. Frank Morey of Yale avenue was able take time out • from his duties at the hlch school and that be and Mrs. Morey went 10 Stone Harbor, N. J. for a week. fteld, who will. again as "1956 Christmas Seals have ar- county chairman of volunteers. rived at the DelaWare County emphasized the many jObs to be d Health A ----Ia done before that date, as she asTube losla' reu an """"" - WIns community leaders to ImMichigan. Uon's headquarters, 9th and portant Posts throughout the Welsh Sis., Chester. year. Marking the 50th ilnniversary "Great progress has been made of the first American volunteer against TB. Millions of lives have it o k F h ' light against TB this year's cambeen sa' ved. But with. TB striking DI': rane: eHI palgn willi open. in Delaware down 100,000' Americans e v e r y ' . 939 Rocldy. load. Springfield KI 4-1028 County on November 15. year,weknow \Ve have a big job build,n~ ~~~§§§§~~~~~~~~~~~~M~rs~.~H~ow~a~r~d~E~.~M~cKa~y~.~s~p~rI~n~g~-~eh~ea~d:,'~·~sh~e~em~pb~.~d~Z~ed~.~____~__________~____~_______ BIB, Jim. aDd Bob Bowland of College avenue, _ of Mr. and Mrs. w. c. ~Iand, Will return Friday, August 24 after a month at Camp NlIISOkone. near Oscoda, Mias Anna R. Hwsey of Col- lege avenue ia visiting her adoptAlIquippa MRW D D L LLU6nR ed son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James It. Field and family In AlIquippa for 10 days. XMAS SOU IDDY to 9I t 5 alice I»ar ..ef l l &w ~~r Will you be at tbo .~ _ day? da;y, you day ESTATB NOTICB ESTATE OF ESTELLA O. CRESSON. late of the Borough of Swarthmore, Delaware County. PenlUl)'lvafJ(a. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the above eatate havlq been granted to the underalgoed. all penons Indebted to the laid estate are requested to make pay.. ment. and those having claims to Jlresent the_ same, without" delay, to WILLIAM J. CRESSON, 82 Amherst Avenue, old bank mont Ib&Il be ...... But Y9Q'ft tot or you ....·t _ se:t,.",.veered 1bo booth. So don't be locUd OIlt. Be ..... your I1&IIJ8 io in tbe Hl(liabatlon bookl If..ou·vemovod,juat~your Ibr • 'm -.Jed ODa. come ~f 1""'11 have 10 dianp YG!U') • tioJI. Get it doDe DOW. Swarthmore. Pa. or to or mpj.fen . . . . . his Attorneys, Butler. Beatty. Greer &: Johnson. Media. Penna. SftDD'F SALES of RL\L BSTA'l'B SRBRlFF'S OFFICE coURT BOUSB. IIlBDIA, PA. -. St.-8-24 "I saw it in the Swarthmorean!' ._latel Is.YOUI . name In the book? . PulJli8hedaaapubllcBe1TJice in cooperation with TM AtWertislng Council ''''lTERsON's FUNERAL HOME \ SHERIFF'S OFFICE COURT HOUSE, MEDIA. PA. A Price to Mea' Every Fomilr's Need PERSONAL anll BepaIrIq Since 1 _ :!~i~~~~~:Of PhOD~ _ I a 8-11S115 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Jewelry Repaired FOR SALE ' PERSONAL. vision Radio and teJeComplete stock Phone: SW 6-42:16 Robert Brooks'l 335 Pedigreed female months, very offer re- SotIs 128 Yale Ave. Swarthmore, Pa. any of Ihese Del re COlly folks? Alterations ~~~~~~~~~:!~~ ~~:~;; Watch.a"r Form.,.r, of F. C. Bod_ • CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL SALE-Gas range and sink PERSONAL - Room offered to 'boy or man in exchange for a in good condition. Call SWarth-! few hours help dally with invalid. more 6-1489. !, Box R, The SwarUunorean. EMIL SPIES Fine Wateh and In i~~~~~~i~ PIANO TUNING TWo Story eonalst of 20x20. Friday, Augw,t 81, SavIng 1956 Time Charlah /w. A. 9: 30 A.M. Eruitern DayItght J'obMOD. "Conditiona: $21)0.00 cuh or oertlfted check a.t time of eale, (unleu otbenriM .tated advertlsement).- balance In ten ",=~_ _:.:...;:::..;=:::::;,.::::::..:S::herUf=~ dan. Other condition. on, day of asle. f"' LEVARI FACIAS No. 82 t .June CLASSllllED ADS ALBAN PARKER SUBJECT to certain 88 now appear of SHERIFF SALES of REAL ESTATE Over 25 Year'. Ii.per'.... 'h... MEdIa 6·3400 New and BebUUt PlaUOli .hawn • 811 Darhnouth~Aye". J. F. BLAC~MAN fused. Clock Repairs 8W 8-"11 FOR s:ALE-WIII valescent .Home, ,2507 ing. TransCered. TWo-year"Old street. Chester. Edge of Chestnut Swarth- Colonial Swarthmore home. Six ;~~~;~~~~~1 SIG", ;. more. Aged. senU~, chronic, conrooms, large living' room with fli-e. ~{~1F;,;~t;';';·-;'('Fr.~e'lek THOM SEREMBA vaI~scent men and women. Exh ~ Mill. ROO''F'IN'. G cellent foods, spacious grounds p1Bce, 2% b.aUts. ·basem~t. porc , UPHOLSTERER Blue Cross' honored. Sadie D. aluminum screens. Two air conPippin. proprietor. CHester 2- ditioners, dish washer and garl>G....rs 5 Yean of Sw......ara .......,.. age disposaL Near schools and W· 5373. PRR. Available immediately $21.SHERIFF SALES arm-AI r He,. tI IIg Sharoll HIli 0734 PERSONAL Slipcovers and 700. KI 3-9194. of REAL ESTATE Air, C ••dlfllo.ld I :~~~~~~;;;:;:-:::;;-;::-;;;-;;;;;;;;: SHERIFF"S -7W -L draperies. Henry K . S avar, coURT HOUSB, OFFICE MEDIA, PA. Sheet M.... &.-1 Springfield. Klngswood 4-0161. SALE-Layer cake is yum0 .. . my, Angel cake .divine. Call Friday, Auguat 81, 196. Swa_.re 6-1441 PERSONAL-Upholstery repairs; SWarthmt>re 6-4124 And ord$' 9'Jgnt.~;..~~';!!,.~I~: ~~n!.~:\,:, . PRICES REDUCED FOR AU- any time, cheek at time of oaIe (unl... otherwise WILLIAM BROOKS GUST Seats-$9 50 up SPECIAL -:-;;;.~;;.;;;--,;==-:::=;-;;=:;:;; stated in advertisement). balance In ten Ashes & Rubbiah Removed SALE'OF UPHOisTERY CLOTH FOR SAlLE-Single solid maple d .... Other . .ndlUo. . 0" day of oale. Lawns Mowed, General _ Regular $6. reduced to $3.50 bed. SWarthmore 8-1792. LEVARI F'M'~ 'Form. No. Hauling per yard. More than five years of WA"TED ALL THAT CIIRTAIN . lot or .I.....of 236 Barding .Ave.. Morton. Pa. Swarthmore i references. Thom. _,-==_,:;;.:~f"=:=-':---:__:---. BT01ind ,wIth the Butldlnp ..•nd lmpro,"'. 'A."~n bienta-' thereon 'erected SITUATE In tbel~~~~~~~~~~~~~=' Seremba, phone Sbaron lJIll 0734; W:n:... •• ~':WO'~T -=. f or'gen era'I Tow""b1. of Darby. ·Cuun.,. of Delaw",", -factory work, day and night Penna., described aecordIng to'. Suriq & PERSONAL - Painting. George shifts. Must be residents of Del- Plan m.... of Park Manor SectIon of Fair. Fully insured. Estimates aware or Montgomey Counties. W..tbrook Park. b, Damon " Foe..... c. EDWARD G. CHIPMAN given. Call MEdia 6-3702. Do dot apply if application al- ~i,.~f .!h~~~,:,lIIio P:r.~a dated Dee. PERSONAL Bicycles Repaired. ready on lIle. Apply Philadelphia BEG. a. a poln' on the N.W••leIe of AND SON Parts, accessories. MIlt Glass - Chewing Gum Corporation. Eagle Spruce S•. · (6. ft. wlde) which poIn' fa R)eaBurecJ N. 64 degrees 68 minutes B. 844 205 Bicycle, Hobby, Toy Shop. and Lawrence Roads, Havertown. ft. from a. point. which point Is mea.urGfNfRAL CONTRACTOR East B~ltimore A venue. CUtton W. ~~n 'To rent furnished two ed on the arc of a circle cumng to the . 6 0713 OPIIO .n.a."t.L.a:.u"-,, left havinK a radius of 100 ft. the arc Igbts PAINTING Til. Floors • Plastic: T!Ie He . MAdis on - . or three bedroom house or dl...... of 167.08 ft. from a poln' on the site Clifton Theater. apartment. SwarUunore or vicinI- N. J!;. alele of Spruce S ... which poi •• fa Mod.rn Kitch••• . A L - Inter I or an d exmeasured 26 degreetl 2 lIIIuut. B. " and PERSON September througb D ecember. ft. from aS. point. which poln' fa meuurAltoration. terior painting, and paper hang-I T"lel~~)n.~ Bruce Deering. SWarth- eel on, the .arc of a circle curving to the CARPENTRY Ing. Henry K. Savard, Springfield. more 6-0200. Exte.nslon 319, laft h ••I"; a racllw. of 26 ft. tbe are 1401 Ridley Av.n •• . dlltanee of 89.21 ,ft. from a point on the 61 O KIngswood 4- 1 . WANTED _ Apartment for two s. B. aide of Pine St. (6. ft. wiele)'. CON. CHest.r 2-4759 FOR RENT for immediate occuRancy. With- ~=~t iiG fN.n~n~r ~~:g 0!t" ~~ SWarthmore' 6·8761 2-5689 . FOR RENT-'EXECUTWE" desires In about a mile of PoR.R. Station. WIdth In Itnilth or dapth N. W. _ .... Write to Mr. Mrs. John S .... rollol II... a. rischt angl.. .., the uld ~==;;:;;========~ ~~~3;;;;;===~;:;::=~i four ..bedroom house. Swath- Chillrud. '122, and Plymouth Spruce St. 100 ft. to a noint In the center 'Please' phone MIdPI Un. e of • ce~ln 16 ft. wide drlvew ~ .... hoo • more sc u>. Schenectady, N.Y. ease _. whlcb extends • W. Into Spruce St. and \yay 2-9830. I phone number" and aadress. N. IC. thence S. E. Into Spruce St., the FOR RENT-Beautiful surround- W·.n:J."I "~-ED-Men for' ·general fac- In« N. B.through and S. W. IInee tbereof ••rtI...... .L the I)ai'ty \\Jails between thl. Ings~ 2 bedrOoms. tile. bath, la rge tory work, day and night shifts............ and' tho """"'.... adjOining on dining area. living room. Elecpic Must be res'Idents of Delaware or the N. B. .and . S. W ........,tI..... Being 'kitch Pri t tr e Garage Lot "'No. In. bEING No. 268 Spruce St. en. va etten aAndcul·ts $100' Montgomery Counties.. Do not ap- . U/!ID~ AND SUJlJECT .., certain Con. Near transporta Q!l. • • ply if application already on lIle. dltlonSA'.I!'l!es'rletlo.., of ....rd. .t\vallable SepteI!)b~~ 1. MEdia Apply PbIIadelphla Chewing Gum roo..u ..... with the free and eommon 1870 QJfe. ·rldIt.. U~ and privilege of a eer• Corporation, Eagle and Lawrence taln drlvewat as shown (tD the aforeaald RENT-One or two Roads, Havertown. plaft, laid out acl'OP the rial' of these and adjoining prem_... and for a driveway, h ave d en, b a th , WANTED--Bus Boy, hours 5:30 as appears of recoTd. in adult' p.m. to 8 p.m. Dew Drop Inn. Improvements COJUliat of Two Story Row brick 1I01ll8 18 x .cO Feet. WANTED-Used refrigerator in Sold'as the . _ of, George B. ° LmERS and, ¥~ E. .a~tin. hi. wife. excellent condition with some Martin AttorneY• .roeeph D. calhoun. When You Chang. to feezer space. Call SWarthmore 6- 1~~:...",:·....!I'~.~-A~.~S~NBk~~R:..J~R~.:. • ."'Sh~e~rl!!.fI_ ° PROGRAMS 0200. Miss Orblson. I °CIRCULARS WANTElD-Chest of drawers for ATLANTIC nine year old child. Klngswood ,.......".,.....~=--~"""":: ~~-.....,d °FORMS 3-7953. , '_:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;:;;=:;;;g I ~ 1.6. '99. ... 20, George Myers Jack Prichard· ."'''11 PYLE Duplicating Service 15 S. CHISTER lOAD Swartiliftore KI3-1497 For Prompt S.rvlce Call LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED . ENGINE . REPAIRS Real-Sharp Mower Service TDI".' Baltimore Pike and Woodland Ave... Springfield ~~ l. OILH~T , -~ --~........ - .......... '11 ......,... a;' 17112 S.Chatel' Rd. 104-1700 . SWARTHMORE, PA. WHY· NOT? ~'j S4JL",~ DAY an4 NlGDT OIL BURNER SERVICE Stop in and insped photos of aU houses available in Swarthmore, Wallingford-Rutledge and Media area. Baird Be Bird l'iOoJf . Klngswood 4-1234 a" ROLmAyti J. A.· GREEN 114-1500 , It,., Opposite . . . . . . M.O Realtors. 0,.. ",OIHfqo Wecf__q afHI And we're mighty glad to have them! People are one big reason why Sta.~ ~ decided to locate its,regional headquarters (for . automobile, life· and fire insurance) right here at 750 West Sproul Road in Springfield. We knew we'd need willing people-lots of them:""'to serve our nearly ~ million policyholders in Pennsylvania. Ne~ York and New Jersey. STATI FARM Ridley Park SW 6-4742 WA 8·2440 We mew we'd need s,"lIed people to handle' scores of highlyspeciallzed jo1)s-and grow, with'our.business,into positions of even greater .' teSpODSibility. We wanted friendly people-the and who'd fit in with ourw~ ''famj]yway'' of doing-buSiness. We're findfug them in Delaware County--just 88 we expected we would. STATE FARM IN5URA"CE. COMPANIES IIIII-AtiIdIc OffiCI: 150 Wilt Sproll ROlli. Sprl.~IIII, ' .....,ml.. MAKE YOUR HOUSE HUNTING EASY? WONDAY 'lBU 8A'l'II1mAY SONDAn VA," ALEN Call SWa....more 6-4100 They're a few of the topnotch young people we've employed· here to work in State Farm's new office. I ....... SWEENEY Be OLYDE A C...plere '.S.Mace . . Real fsffft. Age.,,' SaIlS..1 D. CI,.. .I• ....... c;Ijdp ..•.. ............. 4-6314 4-6312 s •.'D~~"".· '. -_11' SIGle Farm .lfrtsel A'h 11101& ~ ~ be _ _ Uum..,. other COMP". ia tile iIOdi Sf lie .Rull_ Life ~ CoI'II,IICIa7 BkIIit .Fbrm.PiN alICI Cal 'III"'" ~ Air nd S'I, Travel 29 EAST 5TH ST.. CHESTEI 1'110...:4-6311 ·INSURANCE . .:.. , ~ .----;. :- .. -- -' ... . - "'·1 DAY AT THE llACH The Young Adulls of the Swarthmore Presby>terian Olurch will leave at 8: 30 a.m. tomollOW morning for a Beach Panr at Ocean City. N. J .• which wIl}. include a picnic luncbeoD, swimming. a boat trip around Ocean City. and a supper stop on the boineward j9\1l'lley. Jack Martin was in charge of all arrangemenls for the day. Swimmers Ready lor Cup • Carnival Tonight SALK YA"IN' ..ow AYAILAILE TO ALL .TIIe Delaware CoaIlb' Cbap~ I I David .spackman of Haverford his friends In the Collep woods plsce celebrated his elghtb btrlh- wbere they went for a cook-Ollt day on Saturday with Il'OUP of and pmes. (Continued trom Paae 1) School football team In trim for : :,:u:a=!o,:-,"::: ils approaching fall frays. ..... all resldenlll 01 the .... tha& . The boys. and girls of Swarthmore and Rutledge are antlclIn next to the Isst course of Imm....l.te V""",D,M9D of &11 enpatlng ·the opeblng of 8!)bool on September 10th when they will see swim lessons tor this se&s8OD, the tire comUDl4" Is the bes& ~ 01 . their new rooms, meet their new teachers, Jr1!et classmates, and look following ended, two-week sesetop...... a baddlna' polio ,.,.- through their books. They will also ~ence the reallzatlon of sions last Friday: d........ promotion Into a new grade. Turtles-Harriet Aaroo, Emiline All _ o s DOt "et VIIeelnatPuplls returning to the high scbool clssses will tlnd the bomeroom Kroon. Elvira Cella. Margie Dethed an 1IJ'IIed. to -..It. their assignments posted conspicuously OIl bulletin boards in the corloft. IlIIIIlb doetors or to eonlaet the rldors. For their convenience. the followlDg llsls may be used. Sunfish-Midge Campbell. Billy Puplla WUh Dethloft. Doug Sutherland. Ann Fraley. Blll;y McC1arlD, IJnda and 8&&" Be&1th Depart -W, .". telephonlnll' VBester 3-9919. Grade TeacM Room Fi1'l41 lnUiGla and Steve Townes. Shelby Jack- Paul Zecher. Sue Heinemann, Salk """"lne can DOW be Seventh Mrs. Forrest 2 A- C son. Kall Halpern. Dotty Dauiel. Seybold, Lynn FarrlogloD, RichMr. Udovich 1 D- J Katy Natvig. Lynn and Kendra ard Redden. Gail and Paul Rono- ordered by phJ'Bleians lor use Mr. Falcone 7 K BE Lewis. Sara Beth and Jeanette van. Dick Daniel. Helen Rankin. wltbout any &1'8 IImK or Is available In this counb' thro...-b Mr. Henderson 5 SH - Z Grier. Steve and Dave McCallist- Stephanie Gayley. the State B .... th DeparimeJd Elgbtb ·Mr. Bell 13 < A- E . er. Chris ,McCrory. Tim and LarDiving classmates last week Mrs. Gassert 103 F - H ry Tyson. Kippy and John Kip- were Sue Heinemann. Natalie and wbleh ball JMII"!hased the vaeMr. Miller 101 J -, PAL. pal<. Jack Aaron. Doug GUi. Susie Jack. ShiDD, Martha JessuP. Pat oIne with federal funds for""" Mr. Drukln 100 PAT - Z Soils. Gail Aveson. and Tasha Fraley. Barbara Bloom. allocation to cbIlc1l'en from birth . Whales-.Tane AaroD, Virginia IJo~n and Jane Jackson and Jane to 19 "ean and espectan& mothNinth Miss McKie 17 A - E Mrs. Seymour 113 F - K Brodhead. Chris deMoll. G e n e Aaron: , era. Mr. Marish 102 L - R Mrs. Henry 105 S - Z iinid&i::~;d=:::~:d:II::;O::U~:=:~'::= Debut to Aid Olympics Tenth Mr. Klemmer 208 A - G TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS C.ooked to Order An octet of Dancing Seahorses Mrs. Wright 211 H. - M from the Swarthmore Swim Club . EXCELLENT BANQUET AND PARTY FACILITIES Miss ZImmer 215 N - Z will perform a water ballet in the ;; . BUSINESS 1'IEN'S LUNCH 12-1130 P. M. . Eleventh Mr. Yocum 201 A - D Water Carnival which, is being DINING lOOMS ••d LOllY All CONDmONID Mrs. LeWis 209 E - It sponsored by the Aron1mlnk Pool, MIss Barten 200 L ~ P Elevator Comfortabl;' Rooms Day or Week Drexel HIli at 6 o'clock tomorrow Mr. Snyder 213 Q - Z evening for the benefit of the Twelfth Dr. Irwin 206 A - HA Olympic Swim Fund. Mrs. Mathews 203 HE - R Jean and Ann Paul. Carol and " Miss Strouse 216 S _ Z . Yale • Harvard Avenlles, Swarthmore, Pa. ~ Joyce ·WIliams. Judy Hollander, Junior High Scbool Students are to report to BomelOOlW!. WALTER E. PAIIOTT, Mg.. .. FOI 'AiliNG Janet Lynch. Sarah Hetherington Senior High School Students are to lepQI Lto Auditorium. ikMN'DI8IID._lDlUlDlUOlDlmmmIUilllHliDllliIIIDllRI/IIIIIaIIIIII8Ui1 and Baroara Bloom are the IOCall.ri;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;~~~~~~~;~;;;;;;;;;~ girls WhO have been coached by I Mrs. Nancy Terry Johnson of the i Swarthmore Pool for the perform- School Announces Home-Room Lists'--';; I r I STRATH HAVEN INN , TRUCK INSPECTION SPECIAL MOM. Thn THURS, DYNAMIC WHEEL BAlANCE 011 Chaa,e _________ 2.50 Lllbricatlon - - - 1.50 1.25 : _____- •- -__- - -____ Motor TIIRe-Up $5.25 Delco Batteries ~ash ~ $4.50 Gllif Gas aad 011 ROBERT J, ATZ. Mgr. Opposite' Borough Parking Lot Dartmouth and Lafayette Closed Satllrday at J P.M. CUSTOM KIT~DENS IIJ The Water Carnival. some evenls of which will be held on Sunday evening. also has scheduled an Aquacade by Aroulmlnk. Aqua Belles by the Manufacturers Country Club. Water· Polo by Sylvan Pools Teams, Champion SwiznmeTS of the Past and Present, and Clowns and Fancy DivIng by the Vesper Swim Club. Tickets are available at the Swarthmore Pool oftlce. WIND UP DAY CAMP Thirteen young Swarthmoreans were among the 166 campers at RUSSELL'S S~RVICE SW 6-0440 NOW! aIice. CHURCH Play HUl Campjamboree who participated In DBy' the tlnal on. Friday. August 17, wblcll concluded the Sprlnglleld camp's 17th season. WiJlIam Allen, Mark Davls, Je1Irey Innis'.. Martsnne Larkin. Don a I d MacPhearson. David Ridgway. Mark Teich. Ann and Stephen Townes. Christine and Gerald Whlteleather. IJnda and Paul Zecher attended the camp's nine week season. Serving on the 18 member camp 2·DAY SERVICE ON PROCESSING OF , Ansco 'Chrome and Ektachrome 35 mm. - 828 - 120 - 620 Sizes The Camera & Hob~y Shop 6 Park Avenae, Swarthmore, Pa. SW 6-4191 Wednesday 9 to Friday 9 to 8:30 ~~~~=::::;:::~~~~~=::~~~iii::~ STORE HO.URS: Monday fhru Thursday 9:30 to 5:30 P. M. friday 9:30 to 9 P.M. Saturday 9:30 to 6:00 P.M. ."YOU MEET THE NICEST PEOPLE AT SPEARE'S" C.,...• dents Molly Banks. Susan Braun. Susan M. Hansell. and Mary Ellen Snape. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded "at rnt See Church Bel.... otartIng _ new IdtclaeD, let as show 7"" tile mooJem lime saviDlI' Idtcheik that can be yoan at a pdce 1l1li can &Hord. Quaker Maid Wood 8ikd Geneva Steel Kltcb.,.,. that will give your home a touch of eXcellence. We bave an expert pI'uplnll' ~t. 1Z yeIU'II sped_, over 1,100 k i - ' Get oar - " advice .. tile Ja,Juat of _ modem kitchen before yua maktI pIamI to _ _ fte a ...... bome. y.., wID ..~ JOIIneIf later. . . _-.t. IUT(;HEN$ IIJ a PARK ClURca AVE.. SWARTHMORE (Opp. BaD..... · StoUoa, Opo Friday 1I1~.t 1 t. 9 P,M. L..---'i!!!nl,ar 2·~~q ct· KI SW 6·0586 ...... __ CUSTOM CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE _ or write for 1Df.......u.. .... qaJo;er IIIaItIfa BII"b_ or aD _ .. _·fa eqalpmeat. oe Each Season of the Year 4·2121.---..... $500 MONTHLY Sfartinq salary for 2 ~cU;flya.type sal•• men to repnsent tarIJa eastem Rncmclal corporetfon. No !Tave'. Sales a1l'pertence and ohhify d.sired. .stabIIsIted ruldent, 26-40, yean:. otd. me,.. ~Ied, capable of aa.nTnt responlibll- ilia. r,. requesft", , ..." ' _ ~ __ 1nclad. brief plll'1OftCI1 history. on replies confldenlal. Out 101....... hawII . . . InfO! m«l of this od. . . A. L. ~ ,lh... OI_. Remember Your Flowers v EDGEMONT AVE., 7TH " WELSH STS. IT"S SPEARE"S for Back to School COATS 3-6x COAT and SLACKS 31,99 7-14 COAT Only best ...... ----. ill --, View. • " 1C Princess of Tweed as /eat.nred in "Vogue" Trub royal-from its stitehed vel"eteen~ wnlsted. fuJi skirted .Cinderella IIllhoutte • . " thb sister eoat in nicely DUbbed tweed. Blaek. Thla Penl'"o Sae bern g-r-o-w-sl MATCHING HATS ..... 3.69 • GIRLS CGAT5-Speare's Downstairs Store For THE SWARTHMO VOLUME2~NUMBER35 Schedule Series of Art Exhibitions Meltzer Exhibit Starts Off Woman's Club Open-to IIIn. ~:dL. ~r:~ Name Carpenter to of the 1oea! Bed VroM Enier- lainmen' aad 8npply ...... mlttee llages an arcent request for .... pho_h recorda to use Pu~~ctlOsnhof°WtSbe Wom- ~u:e G:: left forVenterber atat Tbe Art TIley may ;::sr~~~ "!:' : n =a : ~~r!:uetoorco:': HlssIle be o>QO • The Flowerless SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, August 31,1956 Co School Comm'lttee ' CO. School Directors List b . .a.50 PER YEAR Taxpa!:~ !:m!!:.ed tha& Woman's Club Sets toda7, AUJI'USt 31. m the last date for _ount on local &axeo. Ch"rlStmas W0rk•Shop Me~s:;:s~en~~udy. Two Midgets Win 1956 1 ;:::.~;. t~~2 l~!; Pool Championships Member Staff Readies Early Approach to Holidays d!m:::!u;: . Because of the increasing Inbitlons during the season. each them If douors will eall her at· scbool district on tbe committee terest shown by the Swarthmore lasting about six weeks, and the SWarthmore 6-1690. authorized by school directors of Whites are Team Victors Woman's Club members In tbe annual community sbow In the the' coun.ty to study the problem In Annual Cup Christmas Work-shop since last spring. of real estate DB. lIIenls. year, Ml'S. S. L. Althouse, chairThe first exhihitlon beginning Representatives of most of the Carnival man of the American Home De.in October will be th.e paintings county's scbool districts. meoting The WhItes. captained by C8r- partment. has announced an of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Meltzer. . In Lansdowne June 20. heard two 01 Williams and Richard Jaekson earlier date for the work-shop this both teachers well known In and main complaints against present triumphed over the Garnets 351"; fall, Tuesday October 30, The time around Philadelphia, an\i t1!.e see- Largest Staff Ever Adds assessmenls. which county-wide to 221'1.a In team competition at will be 10 o'clock to 3 p.m. with ond. begfrmlng in DeeeilrJH,r. will . are In a ratio of 27..5 per cent of Saturday's second annual cup car- members bringing tbek own feature Hope Durfee Wagner. of 2 H.S., 3 Elementary market value. niva] of· !:he Swarthmore Swim '1"ndwlcbes. .The committee will Lansdowne. The third exhibition Instructors Several small .fourth class dis- Club. only to have the 'boys and serve beverages. . in the early ·sprlng will present trlcts nave reached the legal limit girls .lndivldual cup champlonMembers of the clu!' will be the paintlnss of a local prominent Tbe Swarthmore - Rutledge of their tax millage whereas In- ships both won by midget Gam- lnsU'uctors at seven tables wbere artist. C;y;rfi Gardner. schools open next week for the creased assessments would bring ets. Richard McCurdy and Helen materials. samples and delsUed In addition to the above pro- 1956-57 school year with an en-. neded funds for teachers' salaries Morrison. The Gamet team was demonstrations will be given In a ~. art less 'os will be given larlled bl.tt complete teaching and operating expenses. captained by Mablon: Boyer and wide range of home decorations. at the club. for bofu. beginners stsIf. There will !be three more Larger distrlcls. of second and Jean Paul (not Ann Paul 'as ststThese will Include "Accessories and more experienced brush- elementary teach""" and two more thIrd. cia.... want Increased as- ed In last week's Swarthmorean for the Home". IrJ Mrs. Arthur wielders On Mondaymomings be- high school teaclIers ·to meet the sessmenls to pflrtDit issuing their -why is those twins not oniy look Kent and Mrs. J. W, Warnes; ginning In Oc:tober. The Instruc- rise In pupil enrollment. own bonds for building cODBhuc- so Identical but tbelr initials sound "Christmas Aprons". Mrs. Alfred tlon will be given by Mrs. WUAt the present time, the school tion. Borrowing is lln;Uted to seven the same wben spoken and even SmI~ ;:"d Mrs. H. LeRoy Mcllam Wagner. T.ansdo,(,ne. pro- faculty Is. complete. In !:he ·hlgb per cent of the totsl assessed look the same if written careles- Cune, Small. Gifts". Mrs. Jullus tesslonally known as Hope Wag- school, Willlem Bush Is lobe PrIn- valuation. Bulldlng on tbe dis- sly?). Flncken and Mrs. Horace Hopnero Mrs. wainer has· exhibited clpal. The teachers Include: Mrs. trlct's own borrowing would reHelen Morrison came In first In ldns; "Cards and Tallies". Mrs. locally ina number of places In- Hatma Mathews, Mrs. Wilma move the need of financing through all II tall;yIng swim ts'ln James O. Stephens and Mrs. Dacludlni. Art Centers, 'Womens Lewis. Mrs. Ruth Wri2bt and Eil- lIuthorities. wblch basi proved her ";;~get classlftcatlon : : : third vid Bingham; "Wrappings". Mrs. Olubs; FldeUty Bank sboWs. and :oabeth McKie teac~ Engllsh; more costly, In the diving where sh· was John Lord; ''House Decorations", Lit Brothers-.Auditorlum. . ErnanIZ1m~ne. Frederic Yocum. Cb8l'Ies H, ~ll. president of grouped with the next ~er age Mrs. RWlSeI1 'IlIld "Christ. She Is a member of the Del- Irma ""!I',. and Mrs, ~er- the GOUDty Board of School Di- ~p, . JUDlor girls. Her· total mas W~ths , Mrs. Wllllam Scaraware County Arts and Crafts ite Seymour, Social Studies. Mrs. rectors. ..ys. In announcing the number of points. was 26. RUJIDB borough~. . League .and_ the Plastic Olub of Jean Gassert,. Mrs. Baroara For-. committee. that· its task will be up .In '1>i!e . midget division was Mrs. Althouse has annOUDced PhUadelphia. where lIhe won thereat, ~ Be,1l. and Walt,er Udo- to consult with experts and as- Dlane ReDshaw with· 20 points. that the llst of necessary materlGold Medal In. tl\e .1955 S p. r i n g v1ch, teaJ>ing both Engllsh and .eeslng boclles with 1>he hope III Helen's winnlog times were: 200- als and quantities used In. these sbow. One of her recent watks SocIal Studies In the JunlorHlgb formulatin(. some' p.ractlcillplim yard *eestyle. 3:256; 50-yard lessons will be distributed .to !:he was sold at .1;he Ca~ Miay Art ~I~¥athematics, H a I b ... r t to imprOve the' "as juent sI~- backstroke; 56 ~llat; breast- club members at an earller Octl:.e8/I1.JA ..~.tbIs 1It!J:II!P19'. •... WwtZ•. eb ielil·· . '~! ,1, .... Gallery in waslJii,gtOO. ·D. C.; ScIence. Bmeo, Barry . LIBRARY ilRUM"S the 200- requests milllnery and . where . she won botih a brOnze Oppenlapder. ~arles Marish. anH REGULAR HOURS ~rd fIeestyle. the breastStroke shade making dessons, Mrs. Altmedal and a silver. one tor llfe Melvin Drukln. LanIlWJtlhe SS'Constitution for Naples. breaststroke (lnwhi.cb.Carolholds He was named supervisor of Swarthmore LWV. Thi> workshop. l'4'"'1 .. Sarah Hull. kindergarten; Italy. In Rome for three weeks. the pool record)_2.8, 52.8; 50- the thermo dynamic. section in is under tbe sponsorship of the Mrs. M11di-ed BraID, Mrs, Dorothy Mr. Bud studied Food ~ AgrI_ yard freestyle-34.2. 42,2. $he also 1938, and s$!CHon manager of Slate board of direcior!' and is Lou Burgess, Mrs. MarIan Stuart, culture Organization of United c~e In second In senior girls central station turhloe engln.....being .conducted byMn. J!"'Cpb first;. Mrs. Janet Groft and Mar- Nations. . diving. Carol ended the day with Ing In .1945. Shane of Swarl:bm.ote who is .«aret Ann H&IIY. second; Mrs. From Rome Mr. and Mrs. Bird (Continued on Paae 8) Franck was aPPthers' Club ls menlo (Continued on Page 4). (Continued on page 8) Luxor and Valley of KIngs. Then busy with plans for the opening --..,....----.by the SS Esperia they traveled ''Get Aequalnted" ~, .on Set>- . P_ch festival AqR.cacle· to Close Pool· . ,Women Artists. from Alaandrfa. Egypt to BeIrut. tember 20 according to the anTile peach festival sponsored by .. An ,-lila""" featartDll' a varI L bb E h'bit Letlanon their h J,ptar!.ers kom nouncement of Mrs. J. Dumm the Woman's Soclety of CbrlstIan Ie&,. of reat ..... eomlo aU"'''n ~ y X I· MRrch 21 to June lIS. chairman of the weIcomlng com- Service will be held on the laWn Jlllahmealll ... the fleI4 01 6 ' " A new exhibition· of paintings Mr. Bird went to Ballhdad, mlttee. of the lIeth~ Church 0Il.Pai-k ......wl .......... wDl be .W4 ·111 by members' of the Woman'sClub Jraq to gather Inforllrlrlfon on the Other member's of the eOmmit- aVl!lli!e at 6 p.m., Thursday, 8ep. 1:11 Label' DIQ' ..r.a_ III the of swarIhinore is on display In n!SOUroes development II!'OI!l'I!ID tee are Mrs. Tl:omas ThorbaIin. tember 8. swarthmore Swim VI.1t PMI, the lobby of the CoUege Theatre, and to Tehenn and other poUit,o Mn. Peter Coste, Mm. John Mc- Arrangemenlsmaybemadewlth wbieb eIII1a Ita 1818 10 ....... Theatre· Square, South Chester In Iran to observe the U. S. eco- Kinne;)',.MrS. Ha:ttmeu.:Mrs. ;r. any of the cburch meml)!!o:s. ·A ...,.. road. nomlc asslsl&bce pWgI_U; to Ku- West !.ove!Gnd, Mrs. Raymi:Dd cafeteria suP1M!!', it desln>d, am W.... ...,11111 .,. Jnde The e>d:>lhltors are All~ Gil- _it and BIiIInJIJl Islands In the Hood, Mrs. Them- ;royce, Mn. alao be obttdned at that time. ., Sww. 1ft 'III . . . . tD, bert, Juanita Stephens, M.de- Persian Galt to 11&11& Intotn"'tIoIl J:rIc 1 1 _ and Mrs. Roy Un E :- AU residents .... UIII'!d' to """,e Bre, -I*.I I Moll. EI:Iaa1:eth. Patman, Madeline OIl the KiddIe !:ast 011 fDdustr.Y. Ilri!)&. . · . a n d brine the whole tamIb, and • ,. D __ • Lyndt and lice_fie Loag- He aDII MhI. 'BIld went to 11*: • .FInal plana tor lhe.oIpsubc will thUlr' provide &II. eaSy. p1em:ent _ ..... arM ;. I .'.. ~ (eofttlnued on ~. I) be MUNm 1 8ILGfL ~ for MaCher.. . Swarthmore·RutIedge. School Staff I'n Full :;eager; >'. : ' .. m"ch~.=;;3:~n Elizai>eth I: ·fo~ Mr:'- Franck . Westl'oghouse C00suiIl'ng . Engl'neer . =.. .. staff were four Swm"thmore resi- Mr. and Mrs. A. David Speers and famll;y of Yale avenue have returned from a three-week vacation at Beach Haven, N. J. Part of the time they were guests of Mr. H. A. O. Speers of Indianapolls. Ind. who will be a guest for several days In Swarthmore at the home of his son and daugh_ ter-In-law. .l'fI ' ' .en .Head' Loca·1111.• State LWY Study' Eisenhower Exchange Fellow Returns Home *_ -:'12:''::'''1',,;, > • . Pap 2 , ~':: Dr, and Mrs, J, Leslie Ellla DollD!" Walcovy Of Ecbo South Chester road returned Valley Farm, Doylestown. week fro a trip to 'Canad a a n d Mr.' and f!Irs. George F . BIessing Nova Scotia. They went to Camp of Elm avenue entertalned aboard Bl11-o-wood, Blind River, Ontario their boat the Captain Cautious where they stayed ~or a week at Beach Hav!!V,·N. J. last wee!!:and then traveled across .Canada, end. Guests were roomates Of Mr~ Including Ottawa, Montreal, and Blessing during an advanced !Dan Quebec in their itinerary. They agement business rourse be took took tbe Cabot trail on Cape at Harvard University las! spring, Breton and visited in Nova Scotia and their wives. . at the homes of ~ousIns, Mr. an~ Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. WiJUams Mrs. Arnold TraVIS in Newd ~~'::s of .University place returned gow, Mr. and t.{rs. Raymon , Monday night from vacationing Halifax, and Mr. lind Mrs. Arnold Moses in Yarmouth. Mrs. J. A. Perry and daughter Miss 'Olive Perry have returned from Cape May, N. J. where they vacationed for three weeks. Mrs. Perry has recuperated from several months of illness' and is once more able to enjoy good health. EnsIgn vi. lll!iward Medford, Jr. of South Cheste~ rQlld was commlssioned at Newp;,rt, R. I .. on August 3 and has been attending the ~avy Supply School at Ath- . GeorBta. . . Of Swarth- . Mr.. Paul E. Zecher more avenue has been recuperat. fro an Operation which he ::derw:'t las! week. Mrs. Zechars mother, Mrs. Martha Fisher home whiie oftheirVenlnOl',~. J., Mr. wasZecher a guestwas "t !Ii the ho" ital. sp. .. K • .... . .... 31.1"Of. Matedand OIl the bJrtb ,01 their A\JI\!Sl 24, In JIaI!nenr8Im Hos. dr peirsoi of Lafayette av.... Kansas, Guests lneluded the Adult : "cblId seeood daughter, pital, Pblladelpbia. The babY San \ several days tbls week Group of Uoited Cerebral Pals7 Samh bam on Friday momiDg,. weighed 8 4 OUIICeS, NEWS NOTES. ens, I 'lDE for two weeks. at Sebasco Estates, Me;, where they were. joined by their son and ~ughter-1n-Iaw Mr~ and Mrs. WIlJ18IDS, Jr., of Tarry town, N. Y. Their. party W'I thts past week-end WIth Mrs. I iiams, Jr.'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fairfield Ra>:"ond of Cambridge, Mass., at their summer home In Peterborough, N. H. M Heatb Mr. and Mrs. Russell. f and their daughter Barbarafro:. Cedar. lane have retumed land traveling through ~~ En~eges for a week. They VlsI co enroute and spent the week end with their son and daughter-In1 Dr and Mrs Douglas Heath aw. . M at their cabin on Petit arran . Me. :::lB~amp. ""'" y~'"aml~ I college asilla Junior >_ freshman Bloom w go "'. .. at COl1!eil on 'September 10. d ':Mr. aad Mrs. ~ Fqrd an their daughter Chri!!!ine of Amherst aVIl!lJJl! /ire v,,"aU""'llg at Bea.ch HeW!), In the ~ by 1If. ~ ~. M. Bloom Of ColumblB N.~. ,. AUGUST 20th Swartiimir!',· ~ ~ after serving with ilie 52nd EngIneers Company In Toni, France for the last 18 I!'onths. . Mr. and 'Mrs. David ~ of Fairview rood had as their . est on SundBy Mr. Bingham'S ~. • bOb ru.ckW6D, of coUsin, Mr. ""'=del....'a Wlnnetka,m. and rou~ " . . . . Peter ,BlOom of Columb1a ave. bas returned from Camp PO- - Closed Held Westminster avenue will the month Of aAugust. On" Mr. ofand Mrs. Frederick W. where he was counselor have as th~ guests over th,e September 8 he wiD go to Cornell with Labor Day week !'lid Mrs. Held s to be an area leader for freshman h pounds~ aware . have bidicated . ' ~ay 1'fi~. ¥ts.~. JJ~ An>rnl!":iore~-:-t"':Efj~, ~~:"'j,~ui~ 'So,l-ln~la)Y ..,..~....,.. ~"'.. J and ~us!>\ef, ~d Mrs. M .., :'OR. . CI!Pt. Agnew, /ire stationed. III ~e tI!Am' ab- ~~ 6l t..I1~.~~ ~~~ t.rtP COLLEOf TftEATA£ =r:w~~e;; ,kve e.l s:E-..t~ ~.i~~~]for~ 11':...~S~Wi·~riII~~"~"l~ore~6~.~ze~8~O~~~~~ days. • 10 ed to Neb. They r:.· Swarthmore from Capt. and Mrs. C. C. Shute of Maple avenue with their children David and Eddie recently spent a two-week vacation at Haven Beach, N. J. , . RU'I1I !. - . $. DUNCAN lEA. of 'My. Fair Lady' The Grecden Record of Them Alii Get Your Copy Today Without . fail: . . at ~ F~""EL 4," ~" 6.. .,,...,.. Cla " f. . : A : •i l . ' ' " .' 11:"_.:_;. p~.'lI:Lot.· n-to..'.! " , .. ~~~ """""''''-'111 '. , D.. .... -mouth u.-. C...... . saHrnlay of G, .., ",~CiI~QY,S.eM.. 3 ~.tI.,.. Lafayette .. '., .' with these IP..v. CAM'P'US ,F'AVORITESI , IMPO~TEP WORSt~D.· WOOL SUITS -$5S.O() •, SPORT CQATS-$29J,S . . •, SLACKS, JACKETS •· SPO'RT SHIRTS, DRESS SHIRTS . 2"':'S•• M,.te" '. . TheHARLOW '. 19 so. CHESTER RD. {,. Celi~ ShoeSh'op .WILL BE CLOSED ,- .,' SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 1st 9pen Tuesday, September 4th SWEATERS for Both Men and Women • NYLON-STRETCH HOSE . CLOSED' SATURDAY " * And Many Other Item~ for Their Wardrobe OPEN t$ilt· TUESDAY , I ·' .... fwSilt.M.......... · 'Ne_.. ,......·F ~ t. . s,pt.~. ~' A ..ply .................... ......1 . . · . ··OIA'c»l.rOw' . Swa .. TOggery Shop , ioN,.... FaG'a •., . a' .......... \ 8;' PARI AVENUE .-; '_ ':' ,~·~·-·l ,'- SEPTEMBIR,4 Academy Motion PIchre ~c ~word 'LIAS' .. _ ,.i... . ,. -, •• " i l Swarthmore .t JANTZEN ....... .,.- • Week - ". 102 Park Avenue sUlr' ~HILDREIi'S S~OW SATURDAYSEPT. 1 ~T 1 ".M, 1-Calar Carlo,•• la,: '·Ma."~.t of Islaail" _ _ . a-Mlc• . , 100_" II! "TwWde .. . '. . !.. II 4.0977 .... A....:.... ., IHI _ _ (C'n.maKope-t.chn~eolor Daily features ,:45 and 9:15 P.M. Sat. &: Non. fecatu,.., 4:&7:15-'=4& p.m. Of:=~~:._ ell, 38 Yale avenue, leaves today by plane for Cleveland;. Ohio, where .he will week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Carl. Helfer. . M",. ~n S. GiUesple of Harvard avenue, ~. Da1'id Me • pah,'ln Of' 8trath Haven avenue, Percy G. Gilbert of a v e Q ti"e enterlami!d:' ~t 1~::=~thIs on Tu,sday, V and Friday In .hOnor Mr. H. A. O. Speers Of. IndianIl'a,pol!s, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. l!'. Harry Bewley of Park avenue will spend. ~ long week end In Oc~an City, ~. if... as the guests of Mrs .. Cla...mce . . Buck of Tansdowne. .' . . 'and , ~H~e:is~l~~::::~~~~;'~'~'~':~'~-~:~~'~.~.~:':~~~~:=~ eu. . • Jr. of '...,.. ~ I.yrme aiIj1 . ( .' ., Of pp mdaon of Mr 22. and Mrs. . MuLIer, ...... Mr.' /1114~ loJrs. F. aY\lGue cupy .th!i l1-ome Of Mr. and Mrs. tel!cled thl! J1e~!Il ~~ce . HI the l:f gran , on' August. of Karns. Mrs. Muller was form""ty tile Church of ~e ~~thTell at Walter H. DICId"7-' andson of Miss Elinor Karns. Jl!niata CoJI"li:e 1'1 lJll!lUngdo,n. \aJl.e and !be greBW&':' of W . . . . . . . . . . 0 Til~' on D d u_ T·~. E. Peterson 1'41s. ;r.. lJ ~14 and, II!IC1!Ill Welles! :road Will leave Sat- , D!!'44 B~/IDI Of f'lir,1m. .A1!2IIR ~. ~ ~ fateya vaCat1oi1 01. fl>iid. • grandrtllhl oC .. labroad ..... alld~..!!.'i;;~~, v ......WWl~~' &vi!DUe T9!!1!! . ~., of. Phil' ,"wreeeJ_US . .'~"'" will. visit n Ii Gfl~ WInant _ of Interest. met to spend the Labor Day holiday PORTER . . *' H.. WAlTI.,'~ ,. ,'. . .... ·... Ch. aii··');·· _.7 ,'~ ..•' .-" " - 1_- 1, . . . . , • • August 31, 1956 'I1IE SWAR'l.'llMOREAN THE SWARTBMOREAN • PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PA. .' PETER E. TOLD, IllAlUOBIE TOLD, P11BLI8J11tl1.R Phone sWarthmore 6-0900 PETER E. TOLD, Bclltor Barbara 'B. Kent. Managing Editor. Rosalie D. Peirsol Marjorie T. Told Anne L. Mabbott "Polly" Told Entered as Second Class Matter. January 24, 1929. at the Post oiJIce at Swarthmore. Pa., under the Act of March 3. 1818. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Collins and f8llP1y of Holmes have moved Into ,______~____-, I the11- new residence at 614 School TIle opIDIOIII esp- _ .... Jane. They have been at the home th_ of the IDdl....oaI wrlton. All of Mr. Collins' mother, Mrs. B. W. 1 _ to The 8wartbm"""" m.ost Collins on HIllborn avenue for be 1IIp04 l'IIeUdOJl,JllllU JIIIQ' be ullo4 U the writer Is Imown to the the past two months while Mrs. E41_. Letters will be publllh04 Collins has been in Europe. only at tho dlled Mrs. 'Francii1a' . Crltten· don of canton Center•. COnn. . Mr. Chandler CWlhman and Mr. Robert Reeves of Weymouth, Mass.. will visit' Mr. Cushman's brother-in-law and.aer Mr. and John H. Kennedy; 410 Haverford place, over the LabOr-Day week end • Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. McLean of N. Tonowanda. N. Y:. and Mrs. F. W. Hadiey of Washington. D. C. were week end gu~ of Mrs. W. H. West of N. Princeton avenue. Mrs. Hadley' and Mrs. West have' spent several weeks visiting the McLeans. Mr. and Mr.. John Paul Ingham of Bethesda. Md. will entertain at a dinner this evening at: the Spring Haven Country Club. following 'the rehearsal for themaniage of MIss Judith carterPennock. daughter of Dr. and Mrso. J. Roland Pennock of Whittierplace, to Mrs. Ingham's son, Lieutenant Albert Frederick Lilley, USA. which will take place to·· morrow' in the Friends Meeting; House. ',eJtember Vacation Sch_1 time, playtime wearables include a stripad. flannel .. shirt with chino slacb. lined jacket. Good coverage in any weather is th!s hooded coat of waterproofed combed cotton. quilted Dn,ng. '. houso bearing. Just .. the thermostaC and forget it. Gas house hearing is clean. quiet. and thue is no fuel to order or store.. Get set for winter warmth with auton'aric gas hoase heanng. .. . _ CONVENIEN1" BUDGET PLAN 'cpa. Inh ·· ..... 10 • • • 'Ide. . . . . . . ,"" • E'_.' ' II I, _ ... pIwM' .. ,.... , . "4' " . , ' k ' ... • .. tIIt _ _ . , .._-_..,....... _ : 'h-"'_ ...., .... ,..... , .. ,..IM ---- TOE quiet ••• . Personals James Malone of Dartmouth camps frOm are Lutheran ChurchBot camps Norton PrInceton ~;;;;;;~~~~~;~~~~~~~:';"~"'~'~'''';;;;;;~! avenue Those who participated were lillan CamP MIller. h with herLandon parents of Mr.N.and Mrs. P. who interviewed Ml'S. Ray- at Shawnee-on-the - Delaware. avenue. comfort ••• 10 W rth S I. TRANSPOR:rATION ., .'. SPRINGFIELD WATER i e ' ''': :Lb ', W,..... urn 8-3959 Gas is the pedect £a.e1 for automadc A.' Wallingford Springfield RI 6-1511 10 ; located in MAIIY"'._ ........ OIMI IL lAIR, Pt._I•• . iiii~iiiiii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii~llor During a .fourthe of th~ month country. ol.Jul the the week ends. Birds flew to Rome IIBI/ and Mr. e,pd Mrs. • \ ,, FANCY SANDWICHES .' .Spec/al C.ildren'. Platters Marie Louise Forsythe MJnlster for medItation. .' 10:30 .A.M.-Family Hymn. SIng•. 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. All are welcome. , We41'eo"a'f. Sell_Hi S' All-day sewing for US£. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST • SWA\lTHMORE Park Avenue below Harvard SelllE ber I FetlowReturns Home 407 DARTMOUTH AVENUE PUDled . uniform S1PIdaY. Sllte!. . . I 9:45 A.¥.-Meetlng.. House o(llm Eisen~ower Exchange BREAKFAST - LUNCH • DINN ER 6 '.M. Editor. Dear Eo;Utor: DEADLlNE-WEDNESDAY NOON If a lot of people in this town SWARTHMORE, PENNA., AUGUST 31, 1956 would just WOrry about themL ___________";""'._..-:.------=~-' selves Instead of others and not PRESBYTERIAN NOTES METHODIST NOTES Interfere in their business. this . would be a much happier town .in At the Morning Worship Ser- Church School classes for which to ·live. I'm referring. to vice this Sunday nwrning at 11 ages will begin at 9:45· a.m. dogs aimoying people and also ing pupils ~ cordially fact that a lot of kids in this town o'clock. the entire service will conducted by a visiting minister e e L · . and other towns get Into trouble. from England~The Rev. John The Morning Worship servlce ·It's a good town In some ways Weller. who Is pastor of the Con- begins at 10:00 a.m. throughout hut it's as dead as the hills, 'so gregational Church in Purley, summer; with Dr. W. GalIo- why don't the town !ethers . Surrey. England. way Tyson preaching in Rev the ball and do something Mr. Weller studied .the MinIstrY Kulp's absence. Nursery c.hildren about Jt? , MARY E. WORST at Cheshunt College In will be supervised by capable was ordained in 1943. and was women. Women Head .' immedIatelY called to one of the ,The chw:ch oII1ce is open historic churches of Congregation_ Mondi.y momings onlY. For inalism. at Lion Walk. Colchester; formation during that time call . Stc;rte . LWV Study a church founded in 1642.. SW 6-9nO. Dr. TYson will (Continued from Page 1) spent eight years In Colchester. available for any emergencieS Swarthmore LWV viceand then accepted a call to Pur- pastoral help. c..n OWen . ley .where he. presently is the if you need him. Should any "The ~gue of Women Voters preacher. He has been very emergency develop when Dr. is ftnan~. aboUt 32 per cent by In the' ecumerilcal movement. Tyson cannot be reached, or for the membership dues asses ed by as a qualified teacher and a plonlnformatLon or local Leagues." said Mrs. Shane .eer of the 'Family Church' moveMildred Conner. the issuing the Call to this workment. he· has· a speclBl concern secretary. is on call at WAshburn shop, "and the remainder of our for the Christian training of chil- 8-5609.' . funds come chiefly from contridren and young people. butions by members and public 'The subject of· Mr. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES SpIrlted citizens 0 u ts ide the sermon this Sunday morning will . League." The purpose of this be ''The River of God". Man's I;eal'status as a child, . Is to critically examine . On Wednesday, September 5. God-p06Sesslng unlimited freeph""" of-League flscaa polley the regular Bandage Group will dom and hawiness will be em- ana finance tecl1nlques. and by meet at 10: 00 a.m~ in the Wom- phasized at Christian ScIence ser- pooling the belt thinking and an's .Association Room. Sunday. when the Lesson- know-how come up with a better On Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. the Sermon is entitied "Man". answer.' • meeting for 'Prayer' wiU -be held Scriptural 8eIectj.ons will inIn' the morning session Mrs. in the Sacristy ttoom. clude the following from Galatians Viele will disousB the fine points , (3: 26.29): 'Tor ye are all the of keeping terasurer's re. ,TRINITY NOTES children of' God by fai1h in . and aCCOUllta. Mrs. DoDald There will btl a c~ebraUon of Jesus . • .And If ye be Christ.", Bishop. of Philadelphia. the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock then are ye A'braha"l" seed, and tarY of the National 1JW>l and again at ll. W. Sunday m"!"l- , according to the promise. tmmlldlate· past pi eald'ent ,of the lng. The l,lector will be in The ,Golden Text is ~1Il: I Slate r.WV will tell how a trulY ' of the serviceS. and the ushen John (S~l): .''Behold" 1!Vhat manbUd£et should· be prewill be as followS:' ner of love the l'atherhath~ Ii!>·'!'OllOWlillf'IUDCheoa. dele. T. W. Hopper. head usher; W. M. stowed upon us. that we should gates will &epiorate into discuSSIon McCawley. alternate; A.. G. Boyd. be caUed the sODS of Qod." groups to work OIl ways in which Thea. Evans, F. W. Plowman, All are welcome to attend the funds may be secured to ImpleW. N. G. W. C. Wagner. serVIces at 11 o'clock at the church ment the activities of 1he LWV. asd C. M. Waterbury. on Park avenue. MTS. Shane will be Included Can) Hally is scheduled to among the dIscussk>n leaders. as acolyte at the 8 o'clock service. DOGGY DOINGS and Burton Gabriel and WIlliam Morrison. at 11. Ch. Heidere's Hugrekken of UU_I CREMATION ...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _""1 ayette avenue waa declared the best male Great Dane at the Cremation permits the Perldomen Valley Kennel Club of funelill services under away from wind and rain. all-breed show last Sunday. religious service of your choice. Hugrekken has also been chos- Iflquirles invited. en. to represent his breed' for the 'WEST LAUREL HILL I:::~suce rive year is the RitCREMATORY 11 Square exhibition cele..I..... Aye. aboVe CRy UN, brating National DOg Week on WcrC, •• ,. Wednesday, September 26. IVyrldge 3-1122 CHURCH SERVICES "I saw It in the Swarthnwrean." PRESBYTERlAN cHURCH· JoseJ'h P. Bishop. Minister John Schott. Associate Minilter Sunday. September !, 11:00 A.M. - The Rev. John G. Weller will preach. ME'r~ODIST CHURCH John C. Kulp Robert Wilde Mlnist..r of Music Sunday, September 2 9:45 A.M.-Sunday School. 10:00 A.M.-Dr. Tyson will preach. • TRINITY CHURCH H. Lawrence Whlttemoro. Rector SundaY, Se.....ber 2 8:00 A.M.-Holy ComuDmloD. . 11:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. - --.----THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OFFRlENDS · 'R E O W0 OP INN PEACH FESTIVAL PapS THE 8WARTHMOREAN AaguBt 31, 1956 "' 7 ' . . . . . ..... 1lIIJ 1Iol_.... "1'7 ....... ; ,.....----~ ......"'.............. I'KAM...... -. .ma ....... , . .,J,.,6 "';'Tbo~NOTI~SW~;B ;'-;OP..:PUB;;;;~;C;'':,.B;:;~;,~;lt----::C::.~L~A7S=-:S=-=.I::F=-=I~·'EJB=B~Ds~.w~Aa~A~~~,·!!MDO~'II~ES,'~·\II--7__...--:-__~~__~A~"'~II8~t8~1.~19! wIn bold Il public bearimr OD Sept--J.er make It meet the reqwNlDenta of a lIod. , era Sonol.. Slatlo.. Th... I.larooted .,.111 hob...... BLI0'lT RICHARDSON 2t-8-=2::.4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _..:Seeretar7~~· :: B8TATB NOTICB ESTATE OF ESTELLA O. CRESSON. late of the BoroUR'b of Swarthmore. Delaware Count,.. PenlUl,.lvania. LElIBRS TESTAMENTARY on the abov........ ho.hi,. bee. grantee! to the undersigned, all penon. Indebted to the aald estate are requested to make [HI,J'. ment, aDd. thoIJe having ela1ma to IJrelSent the ...... without delay. to WILLIAM J. CRESSON, •• Amhenot Av..... - BABY ~~~~~~3;~~~:'~ SI"rrlNG jobS b y experIenred senior boy. Call MEdia 6-0632. for two OCCUl!ancy. Witha mUe of P.R.R. StaUon. Swarthmore. Po. Il~~;~Mr~'J~~~~J~O~'hn~.send ~S. :'!!Ir:: ~~:~ Greer ".Johnson, St,.8.24 --'-'-'c.:::...::.:::::::._____--.::::::::: • . , ....lat.rec1 _ ii'e.,wm:rollbew , :roll ..........,;6' It'.. ~'::'"' ''i:wrfcbbo ... "":. .... oe Bod 'l"''ft -"* to be '1:' i:"~\:t',-.!.tt. .....~ Ford, and heater, exMUst selL a... ~ tI.- - FOR table top cover. $50. Call mornings, 6::..-,;;4i;64:;9;,:' .co; FOR SALE - Ice cream table and ...,.,----.=-==-==_-., DId -- :Itcn do? J ~ ad -"I!..~_I m~:::f:'~.,.,:.": - 722 or to :e.z::"D haft to ISIOUr ~ cbaDp ~'I: too ",*,,1Get. It """" - . Pu1>lisMda.apuMkservice in coopertJtioll with The A~1ne Coundl '_r'. name in the book? UPHOLSTERER 5 y .... of Sw.*'"'.... Rate..... SHroD Hili 0734 '=::===========~ r Swo.....o.. 6-1448 WILLIAM B'ROOKS Aehllll & Rubbish Removed I.ewns Mowed, General Raulbur III IIardiD&' AVe~ 1IIo11oD; Pa. mWAiD G. CHIPMAN AND SON GENERAl COtlJ'RAaOR Til. Flooa . - Plastic Tile Moden KHelleD. AlterotioDs 1401 Ridley Aven.. CHester 24759 2-5689 ~~;;;;=;;;;;:;;~~~~~~~ • Duplicati.,g Service ~appUeation not file. applyApply It already on Tuesday through Friday. Philadelphia Clh e win g Gum Corpora~on, Eagle and Lawrence Roa4s, Havertown. :;~~~~~~~~~~f that!Pi~~~~ :~~~~~ -LmERS -PROGRAMS -CIRCULARS -FORMS . NEWS NOTES .turned from a two-week .vacatlon at Nantucket, Mass. -============, Pvt.Walllngf<>rd, Ernest Isberg, Callendar lane, has26enlisted in r the Army Reserve six month program and Is stationed at the Schuykll1 Arsenal, Philadelphia. iPat Blake returned home Monday night after serving as a coun- ~;;:;;;=:;;;;;;,~.;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;i i' selor at Thompson at Lau. camp " Ii week. PriOr totliat she visited M... and Mrs. ~..r Sutton at Camp Hlll for sevaal rei Lake lOr ciu' m. MAKE YOUR HOUSE HUNTING EASY? Stop in and inspect photos of all houses available in Swarthmore, Wallingfor~;Rutledge and . Media areal. . ", Oil BtJlQltER ~atVice IIO~AY : .BA'ftJaDAY ,!olntmJ;1E.! n.... .•• ' 8U ... J. A. GREEN ." : ' • " J~'. ." VAN ALENBROS. Baird a Bird 17'12 S. Chester Rd. K14-17oo SWARTHMORE. PA. Ridley Park WAa.2440 SW 6-4742 .,JKE ""ilip tAo Sweeney James w. I.ubns James IIQL ESTATE W. Luk-. Jr, D, Patricl: Wehh SWEENEY &LUKENS , 523 Welsh St., Chester . Warm·~lr .!:IeaHD' . For Proillpt $e",ce c;:a.. . . WHY NOT? DAY . . . NlGRT Chtt.n . LAWN MOWERS 'SHARPENED Baltimo.e Pike and Woodland Ave" Springfield , ItO'OfING Jr.,I~=====;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=~ Call SWarfllmore 6-4100 • !IW '-8111 and ENGINE REPAIRS. , . '. ," k. . . , ~ .... e I~$t C?ne stop, You'" And all '. quahty meats, produce, caJlnl3~, goods t d t S b d Ime an s eps; a:ve u get worry, too. f d 00 , ~a .Chlde.. 'Rose 59~ Swift Premium 69~ Fully Cooked lb. Smoked ... .Ofester .3-7183 lb. . J. F. BLACKMAN 'Air CondltlCinln, $ .... t.1IehilWoril sr.rn Wh . h .f : en you s op or you,r needs h,ere , . nd II , •. a you save Alferations ,George Myers' , Consumer's CO-,OP.e ..ative Ass'n, of Swarthmor~, I"c., 403 Dartmouth Avenue RESIDENTIAL AND . COMMERCIAL 335 Dartmouth Av.... Real Sharp Mower Service TDlI'EN ' CONSTRUCTION , ' Mr. and Mrs. Judson R. Hoover of Wallingford entertained their daUghter-in-law Mrs. Robert Bu:edrooms, tile bath, deck porch, P~ONAL ~lip"overs . l~ week from tmve)lng.for three pnvate entrance. GaNge. Near draperies. Henry K. weekS in the mid-west during tra~portatlon. A 4u I ~ s, $120. Springfield. KIngswood 4-0181. which they visited Mrs. Egan's Avatlable September 1. MEdia 8- PERSONAL Belvedere Con- relativeS in Ho"ghton, Mich .. Mr. 1870. valescent Home, 2507 Chestnut EBan's parents Mr lind Mrs FOUND street, Chester. Edge, of Swarth- Ea Sr in i~::~~ e,oci]l~i!Siij;pe;or::~ more. Aged, senile, chronic, congan,'f cago, Ill., friends valescent men and women. Ex.. DaJrton, Ohio; and toured De-' rabbits. cellent foods, spacious FOunds, trolt, Mich., while Mr. Ega! was them out of a hat" at B~ue Cross honored. Sadie D. occupied with business there. FOUND - Female cat. Gray Pippin, proprietor. CHester 2sian taU, white boots and bib•. 5373. ' D r . and Mrs. Frederick D. Call SWarthmore 8-8930 or. KIng&LOST Dudiey of MagtU road have· rewood 4-2114. iLOST White kitten wearuti! ' FOUND - Light framed spectacollar with 6 bells, in 400 blol:k, cles found in front of Harvard Park avenue. Telephone KIng,;ATLANTIC, Inn, Rutgers avenue on Saturday. wood 4-1518. . , . I ~Wi?,;;:ry;:=====~:=;::::;~~~~:~~;;:~1 ,." Weekend of 4.,gust 30, 1956 e.." ~ ' at the po'. on .1.etCon day becauae .... IIft't avenue, 6-3050. 6-1407. chaIrs.MEdia Alllson'!! Antiques. SW FOR SALE - Labor Day Leisure. Dine at EMBERS, "I saw it in the Swarlhmorean." . for geneTai fac- FOR SALE - AnUque mahogany 1u,.ia,wruw:.;ork. Must be residents Virginia' sofa antique mahogI' or Montgomery Coun- any sideboard' -both excellent 'AnIRSON'S Do not apply if applicaUon condition. Child's crib, high chair, HOME already on file. Apply. Tuesday other household articles. Phone ' AL FUNER t h r 0 ugh Friday, Pluladelphia l\4EdIa 6-5478. ' OY.r ZS Experl••ce Gum Eagle FOR ~ "'"' STAIR CARPETPIoo.. MEd'. 6.3400 mc rose tone-'on-tone pattern, A PM.. 10 M••t family'. Hood ,. - A place In a Swarth- used 8 months. Call MEdia 6-4993. ;;;;;;~~~~~;;;~~;;;~ Jack more-DuPont car pool. Contact FOR SALE . 2'A!-year-old ColonWard. SWarthmo", 6-5103. la1 home in Swarthmore. 4 bedWANTED ~ Boy for errands and rooms, fireplace, 2 U1e baths, brick odd jobs. Must 'be 14. Apply In patio. $19,900. KIngswood 4-0359. ALiAN .,ARkER person, Gift Shop, Old Bank FOR SALE - 8 piece walnut dIn!lew IUId BeIIunt Plan.. Building. . set With extension and IIepaIrIq Sin.,. 1 _ sofa With cane WANTED Woman to assist china PIANO TUNING with. care of elderly woman.! cl'>set PIlOD~ _ &-iIIIIII Prepare lunches. Possible light ~ouseho~d, duties, Full or part Large tiln",. Liye in or out. Write Box S, The Swaithmorean. Jewel,., Rl!paired Phone: SW 6--4216 WANTED- Part-time saleswomE~I~ SPIIS an over 25 for 10081 shop. Must home. Sbi: W...tc•••••• be altlrt andamblUous. Box T, large room with fire Form,r11 of F. C. loci. a Sold Rn. Watch and 128 Yela A... The. Swarthrilorejm. 2* baths, porch, Clock Repairs Swarthmore, Pa. wANTED ~ WOMEN _ LIGHT screens. Two con';;;;;:;~~~;;;:;~~;;;:;;;;:;~~ FACTORY woRK. Packing and dish villBher garbr lig.bt assemb~ wol1<. Day or night and shift. Must 1>e reiddent of Del:a$21,THOM $EREMBA ware or MontgomeJ,')' County. Do ~~:......--bls Attorne"". '.' .Neighbors won't let her in FOR. SALE school on boarding school campus needs tea~er for class of 20. Salfr' ',. ary ee maIntenance. Write Director, Westtown Cl'iiSte,,Westtown, ·Penna., r,' '. ..... • 11th. 18&6 at 8:00 P. H. B u t e r n ' D 0 7 I J i < h t , ' Sari... Time I. CouacU Chamber. 121 Park A••n.... Swarthmore. Pa.. to .... WANTED ..... r the ••• lIeatlna 011 ",,""'niM..---2;;;;'::;';;;;'=--=== Com""",, for. permItoftoClu.. alter Sarolee the BerYl.. WANTED - TEACHER-SIXTH Slatlo•••d G....... at the Southw_rlT GRAD~' Coed U al d 00I'Ilel' .. of Yale _114 Rut8wa Avenua to D. uca on ay --~;;--~~:--=-;-- .. .' Fry'"·,ina' Chicke.ns~:=S , Retarded Children NEWS NOTES Classes for Retarded ChIlcken will be relIumed on September 10, 1958 at the Day Training Center, 147 S.· Lansdowne avenue loansdoWDe. The school is conducted under the a1J8Plces of the Delaware County Chapter Of the PEnnsylvania Association for Retarded ChiIdn!D and any retarded child living in Delaware County is eligible to attend. On September 10 there will be a half day session for registration of students and formation of classes according to the age and ability of \:he chI1dren. TheTeafier ClllsSes will be held each day Monday bough Friday from 9: 30 Mr, and Mrs, Roland N. Coit and their children Claudia, Craig, and Kent of Marietta avenue lett August 23 by traIn for Oklahoma City, Okla., where they will viBit Mrs. Coit's moth8l' Mrs. A. B, Irwin and Mr. Coit's mother Mrs. Freda Kennedy unUI after Labor Mrs. M. R. Cassel. Mrs. Martha Benedict and Mrs. Marguerite Dapperi have been appoln~ teachers fot' the coming year and an additioDal teacher will be appohited before September 10. Mrs. Rita Boylaft, Rldiey Park, will be .in chilrge of t1ie 11lnch program and a groUp of volunteer assistants will ald ~ and the teachers. Mrs. N. T. Bard of Haveriown and Paul 'Reed,' Media, will be Mrs: pkg,. for 23~ Bond-ware Plastic Forks, Spoons (10 to pl Auditorium. Mr· Sny!1er October 18 6-oz. pkg. 22c z It ..::. t: County Institute Recess I$g.. 3le H : =~ October 8 and 9 qt. jar 67c ~ F - It L --'-It First Day. for pupils r •. . 11lI 1M September 10 .. Sta-Fresh Paquetsl Oven-Fresh .•• Extra-Thin J ~ PAL PAT - Z A .;... J: Event Teacher's Workshop ·Ig. pkg.,29c Z A- E :r - 105 B~ ~ 103 101 100 t7 , Saltines by Keebler Bachllan Pretzels l[ - SH - Date September 5, 6, 7 6%-oz, cans (Chunk Style) !.Iiss 7 5 18 !.If· Mrs. ~~lUIl Lewis W'it/> lniflall A - C D - J 1 ~.1~t fii~ Zf!piDer Eleventh ~1l41 2 Mrs. HenlY TeDtIJ ~plil . Koom Teachei' Mrs. Fonest Mr. Udovich Mr. Falcone :Mr. Henderson :Mr. Bell Mrs. Glisserl Mr. Miller Mr. i>rnkin Miss McKie ~ BeymOl!1" )fro MarlSli. Sevehth 2 ---------~-- in charge of organizing the volunleer program. ' TIle center expects to open this fall With about 25 students but addlUona1' stud~ts will l>e accepted. !'or fUl'tber InfounaUOII write 147 S. ~ av~. ' HOME-ROQMLISTS OCEAN SPRAY Kle~n EverydQY ",per Plates williams, N. H. Enroute each way, the Calhouns visited the Albert WebsteIs In Ridgewood, N. J. 'l'he boys and girls of Swarthmore and Rutledge are anUclpat1ngthe QPening of school on September 10th when they will see their DeW rooms, meet UwIr new tea<:here, greI!t classmates, lU!d look through their books. Tbey will also t!lOPerience the reaIlza1:lon of promotioo into a new !II1Ide. . PupIls retumlng to the high school c1a ss l!f will find the homeroom ' assignments posted conspicuously on bulletin boards in the corridors. For their conveliience, the following iists 'may be used. " Grade JELLIED CRANBERRY SAUCE lGreat With Chicken) . . BUY 2 - Save &e aC~P$ a6e For Your Labo'r Dayp -I- Q-N-1-'0 Dr. and Mrs. J. Alfred Calhoun of Elm avenue and their daughters Helen and Deane returned recently from vacationing since August 2 in . New HampShIre. Martha joined them for the firSt long week-end and relutned by lraIn to her work at VIscose. They picked up Jack at Winchester, a.m. to year 2:30 the p.m. Training Center farm N. H. for where he hadand worked on a This six weeks flien spent will be under the supervision of two weeks on Laurel loake, Fitz- Breasts 'I • Day. ", • .- .,,' Two Midgets Win J956 · · hi POOI Champ,ons P oDd aDd Charlotte Btodhead tb1rd; mediate girls with Dawn Boyer, Swarthmore.Rut/edge . . JANITOI INJUIID intennedlate boy" ~. Schad first Gamet plac1na second and C. . (time 40.) with John Thurman Brodhead and A. Paul, Garnet· School Staff in Full Woman's James Morgan. of the Club ofjanlf« Swarthmore, (Continued from. Page 1) second and J. Seybold third; sen- and White, tyiDg for third. T h e r e " inj 18 contested. points and Vicki with lor boys, Richard Coles ft!'st were DO lntermecUate boy divers. (Continued from pace 1) " in 9. . (time 35.6) with Bill Morrison Diane Renshaw, White won junior Moo~ aDd. Myrilo McOaJHne, fifth c14eDt last week when be was Betsy IBreakell encountered the second and J. Moran third. girls with Beth Purnell and H. and sixth and Mrs. Albert Gwinn, retUmlng wi1rh his wife and same hardsbip. Although she won Breaststroke - midget glrls,D. Morrison, both Garnets, second music. daughter from a brief vacation in the junior girls backstroke (45.9), Renshaw second and Beth Pum- and thelrd. John Ungem Gamet At the Rutledge School on Mar-' Virginia. . breaststroke (49.3), f r e est y Ie ell third: midget boys, Andy Sey- won junior boys with the Me- ton avenue, Rutledge, Anne PetHe was forced. of! the road by (37.6), and butterfly (46.2) she bold second and K. Prescott third; Curdy brothers, Richard a Garnet ~ti, will be teaching pades one a car awroachJDC on the \9I'OIJ3 had no fellow competitor in the junior girls, K. Peterson second and DiDo a White tying and split- and two; Mrs. EUzabeth Corson, side and went off the bank into 200-yard freestyle and failed to and J. Harris third: juntor boys, t1ng poln1s for second and third. Grades three and four: and. Mrs. tree, according to reports. rf1t!elv~ place in the junior girls diving. M. ~yer first (time 52) with G. Non-Team CompetitIon. Marjorie Ooronway, gnldes five ed by oftlcers of the club. JUs Her top score in the jUDior girls SulUvananci Steve Hansell ~To assta'e all-round particlpa- and six. family is safe and James expectS age-group therefore only reached ond aDd third: lntennediate gtr.ls, tion in day's· ftul, several Thomas Boyle is Elementary to. be well enough to be on hand . 20. Runner-up In that group was Ann Paul second and Sue Camp- events were- arranged expressly School PrIncipal, Mrs. Ruth Mc- for tile opening of the club year. Karen Peterson with 6 points. bell t~ intermediate boys, :ray for non-members of the team and Dowell, Elementary Art Teacher, ~ JOycel WillIams supe,rlor cup Lord first. (time 45.2) with J. cup competitors. SOme swimmers Mrs. Edith Kenney, School Nurse, chances were nipped i9 the bud SeY~ld secolld and H. Schad entering these events thereby aDd Mrs. Grace Narbetb, Cafewhen she suffered a cramp and third, senior. boys, J. Monm first sacrift.ced qualifying. for a greater teria Manager, and ~ R. ba.d .to leave the pool on the sec- (44.2) with R. Cole second and JiIJl chance toward their team or cup Morey is Supervising Princlpal of ondlap of her 200-yard freestyle Bruce third. wiD as each person was llmited to Schools.. Carefully Compounded Friday night, so that despite her Freestyle midget girls, D. six events. Winners were: The School Board Members are winning the intermediate girls 'Renshaw secol!.d and Lynn HartKickboard race-midget girls, Donald P. Jones, Samuel T. Oar- Each Season of the Year backstroke (38.4), breaststroke man .third; midget boys, And y D. Sullivan first with Nita Paul penter, John SpenCer, Mrs. Mary CATHERMAN'S. (.44), butterfly (40.2), and diving MacNair first (39.3) with J. Cloth- second and Linda ~her third. Spiller, Carl Ande!'son, David J. DRUG STORE and placing <;econd in 50-yard ier thh:d: JUDior .girls, J. Harris midget boys, J. Clothier first with Vint, and S. Clayton Wicks. freestyle she totaled o~y 23 points second and Marsha Hunt third; E. Peterson second and J. Ren-as high scorer of her age group. j·unior boys, R. Jackson first (34.6) shaw third; junior girls, J. Harris PLACES AT KELLY POOL Ann Paul was' runner-up ~th with G. SulUvan second and M. first with B. Kamp second and S. Jean Bo~er 'of Dickinson avenue i5'k. . Boyer third; intermediate girls Dearing third; junior boy~~ placed sixth In the Middle At,High scorers in the other age- Ann Paul first (33.6). with J. Paul entrres; intermediate· girls, J. lantic AAU diving events heid at ~.IIIII. . . . .nn_ groups were: junior boys--George and C. Brodhead tying for third; Bruce first with B. McClarln sec- Kelly Pool, Philadelphia on Thurs_ 'IOUU' FlAM·.·ING Sullivan with 14 points and Mah- intermediate boys, H. Schad first ond and S. Drlehaus thlr'd; inter- day of last week. _ Ion Boyer runner-up with 13; in- (32.5). with J. Seybold second and mediate boYs, S. K:amp first and Jean . also did exhibition dives STUDIO termediate boys-Howard Schad J. Thut'man third; ~or girls, C. Fellows second. . at the Aronomink Pool on Sunday . and John Seybold . tying with 17 Sue Hansell third; seQlorboys, Breathllolding contest - midget in a water carnival for the benefit points each; senior boys - Joe Bill Morrison tlrst (29.5) with R. girls, B. Fuoss first with L. zech- .of the OlympIc Swim Fund. Moran and Bill Morrison tied with Coles second and J. Moran third. er second and B. Kamp third; . Photographic Sapplltl 13 points. . Butterfly-midget girls, D. Reo- midget boys, J. Clothier ft.rst with Le ~ Other placings in cup-competi- shaw second and Debbie Sullivan C. Prescott second and Riallard a Ice ar i State &M~diaroe Sts. ti~e events were: third;· midget boys, E. Peterson Howe third; junior girls, Jean 200-yard freestyle midget second aDd A. Seybold third; jun- Gabriel first with J. HarrlssecMEclla -6-2176 girls, Diane Renshaw second and ioi &irlB, K. Peterson second; jun- ond and S. Deering third; junior build,"~ Open Friday Evenings ~:oUsh~ a: ::~:e~ the PRESCRIPTIONS SW 6-0S86 I I Ii PORTRAIT ROGER RUSSELL L 9 I .t .5 -. old bank Susie Wigton third: midget boys, Jack Renshaw second; junior girls, Betsy Breakell first: junior boys, George Sullivan second and Mahlon .Boyer third; intermediate gir~s, Charlotte Brodhead first (Ume 3:02.8) with Ann Paul secand and Jean Paul third; iDtermediate boys, John Seybold first (time 2:59.6) with Howard Schad second and Chuck)' Fellows ~d; senior men, Dave Preston fiTst (t4ne 2:30.9) with O. Rankin second and Joe Moran third. .Backstroke-.-M.idCe!::t girls, D. Renshaw second aD4:~ Hartman third; midget boys, Sandy Robinson first (time 54.3} with .Eric Peterson third: junior girls, Sue Crawford second and J e a n Hams bhlrd; junior ~s, R. Jackson fim (time 41,6) WIth G. SuIlivan second and M. Boyer third; intennediate girls, Ann Paul sec. .Diluzio and' Sons , Florist, Form.rl, CARNS 650 BaltimorePik. Springfield, Del. Co., 'a. SWarthmore 6-0450 ior boys, M. Boyer first (50.5) boys, R. Taylor flrstwith John i-==--;::;;;=----~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wibh G. Sulllvan second andS. Hanna second and B. Johnson Hansell third; intermediate girls, 1ih1rd: intermediate girls, S. CampC. Brodhead second and A. Paul bell flrst with Scotty Prescott sec_ third: intermediate boys, J. Sey- ond and Louise Howe third: Inintroduces' , bold first and H. Schad second: termediate boYs, J. ThUrman ftrst senior boys, B. Morrison first with C. Fellows second aDd S. STELLA ~OBSON.- formerly with (40.2) and J. Moran second. Kamp third: senior girls, Barbara Ballet Russe The Whites team led the Gar-Bloom first wibh S. Hetherington nets 37 to 25 at the end of the second and J.;·Paul tbinl;. senior . Fokine· ~1Iet . first .even~, the 200-yard freestyle, boys, Hallock Campbell· flrst with .... Catherine LitHefield and added to their lead right up .J. Moran second and Leroy PeterBroadway Shows through the gra~ slam relay son ·tlr1rd. which they won by a split hair.. Sidestro~e.- midget girls, B. Small Classes EnroII·Now . Diving points were more evenly Pumell and B. Kamp tied for Call SW 6-4430 . Between' 12:00 " 2:00 distributed between Garnets and fi1"st and second and D. Sullivan Wbltes. Was third: midget boys, R. Howe . - . . --" -.. _.Jean Boyer, a Gamet won the first with Ed Shute second and r-WlidiiiiiiiiWlIIIOIIIJlllmIWlUlmall_ldlldlDlmlDnnunnIUIIIIU_senior girsl diving with Carol G. Prescott'third; junior girls, J. . .AMILY DIN NIlS to SU.,. ~ TASTI of IVIIYONE Williams, a W,hite coming in sec- Harris first with S. Crawford secTENDER STEAKS and CHOPS' Cooked ·to Order on~. Brodie Cr~wfo:rd, Wblte, won ond and K. Peters,?n third; j.unior EXCEIJ.ENT BANQUET.AND ~~rv FACILITIES seDlar boys with Harry MeCal- boys, Skipper Willisflrst: mter- § BUSINESS MEN'S. LUNCH· 12·1 :30 P M lister, Gamet placing second and mediate girls. Diane. Yetter first & DININ.IOOMS aN LOllY All CONDITI~;"D • Hallock Campbell, White, third. with S. Campbell second and S. Joyce Williams, Whitt! won inter- Bruce third: intermediate boys; C. ComfortablD Rooms Day or Week Elevator SWARTHMORE BALLET· SCHOOL = . Ii I I;;;~~~~~~:~~~:l i- ..., . .. . TH HA. l'EN . INN STRA. i = HOW CHRISTIAN, SCIENCE HEALS d.,. WI' (610 ':41 A.M. TV Chanaol 6 WF.L-TY-S•• .:45 A.M. ~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~;~~ ~ The New Type Kodachrome (in the green bag) Is Processed by Eastman Kodak Co. . Dired Through . Camera & Hobby Shop Michaels College Pharmacy (Daily 1st Class Mailings) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~==~~~~~~~ ;; Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. Middletown Road· R. D•. 16, Media, Pa. Opposite High Meadow and Mrs. D. Graham Foster, Jr.Dr. and sons Derek and Mark are visiting Dr. Foster's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan G. Foster in Crest lane until September 11 when· they will By to Richland, Wash. where Dr. Foster will be engaged in research at the Hanford Engineering Works. Bobby Kahler returned to his home in DoWDington on Sunday after a four-day visit with George Brodhead of Maple avenue. Miss Elise Remont of Moylan has returned .from Salisbur,y, Md. where visited ..inlaw andshe sister, Mr.her andbrother Mrs. Jerry- Valliant, f6r 10 days. Mr. and Mrs. Albert L.· mIles, Crest lane, en1Jertained at dinner and bridge at the Rolling Green Club on A~t 9. • F...i.. C.,.., . EDGEMONT· AVE., 7TH I: WELSH .STS. Sam~nite Luggage makes going back-to-Sc1wol ...ltIANTHUs. IOILRIUTERIA HYltlD CLEMATIS . . . HEMDOCAWS . ............ trlpaor • • • 11 ..... - . ---........ .. ......... ..., . , • .50 _ _.1'. . . .. . . 1MiIIk_ ........ ... $500. MONTHLY . n...arIetJ' AIIIIUALS. "'IIIIIIALI. STAR ROSa PR. . S...MILD StSiiMS pletuurel . Visit ow Roadside Ma.......... MldeI...... Road COTONlAmR. LEUCOTHOE. JAPANESE ANDROMEDA . CI ...,. ....·11."11'. Custom landscape Work T.I. . . . .: CHester 2·7206 Ask . fOr len Palmer or Henry Arnold POWER SPIAYIN. - TREE TRIMMIM. TERRACES, WALLS AND WALlS J Fellows :first; senior girls, J u d y Hollander firSt with Sue Hansell second and Sue Purnell third; sen- iii iar boys, J. Moran first with H. Ya!e & Harvard Avenues. Swarthmore,. 'a. McCallister second and B. MorriWALTER E. PARROTT, Mgr. FlEI .AIKING son t h i r d . , . . . . .UIIIIOUJal.ainWADanldwnmnu..a_. . .II11UIIIII Due to the lateness of the hOUT (the cup· carnival r'an from 1 to 9:30 to 5:30 P. M. 6:30 p.m.) and lack of interested . STORE HOURS:. MOilday thi'u Thursday " contestants the schedUlEid under~ Friday 9:30 to 9 P.M. Saturday 9:30 to 6:00 P.M. water swim for distance was dropped. "YOU MEET THE NICEST PEOPLE AT SPEARE'S" Stortf", _Iary for 2 .......If• ..type sa'-nell to r . - t Icq. . . . . . tllICIftdoi COf1)OIdoL No"~. Sa.... nperlence 0IId obi'" deshd. .stabIItIIed nslcflllt. 214 ' " " oW. ..... tied, CQpabie of 0 u","" , I ..... I. r.q"""" IN........ __eI' IIIcIwde bdef Mis. pel ICI 01 ...... ..... ez«••••IaI. Ow _ _ _ .... of "'" ocI. . . . A.. L rca" a II ... Mb;,,_ , $44.. s..o... II _ -.t.. • ....... Kappa 1II1d.,. ..... It .... .... ............................. ............... _.,1' ..... ___ TNIcI~............... ' '17_ . . . -. . . . . . . . . sa ....... ' I-