~-. flowers for the Flowerless Flowers THE SWARTHMOREAN ! for the Flowerless .. • i SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, JUly 6, 1956 '3.&0 PER YEAR ----------------------------.--------------------------~---------------------------------~------------------TO PREACH. HERE BRING CLUB HONOR VOLUME 28-NUMBER 27 Business Association Leads Borough in Another Fun-For·AII Fourth of July Two members of the SwarthWoman's Club, Florence Lucasse and Mrs. John T: Pinkston won honors at the Philadelphia Regional Writers' Conference, at the Bellevue - Stratford ~otel, June 29. Miss Lucasse, winner of the local·Woman's Club scholarship to the 1956 conference, received third award for her feature ariicle, "The Melting Pot." . Mrs. Pinkston, chairman of the Ciub's Literature Department, won second prize for her children's story, "Lost and :Found Puppy." mor~ Paraders Manage Real Journey; Largest Number , Young Riders Tax Three Ponies; Crowd Enioys Popsicles andWeHing The Children's Parade whIch opened Swarthmore's 1956 Fourth of July celebration set at least one record· in addition to its usual display of the Boroughs youngest citizens in their most beguiling state. It turned in the longest march for many years, the leading bicycle brigade getting away from the Auxllial'y Police waiting at Park and Harvard avenues to tum them around and back to the Woman's Club.. Whereupon the entire' parade marched around · J»rinceton to Lafayette, thence to 'Park and stood, tired but contented before the waiting judges. It was Independence Day. Frank Gettz Retires As Area Assessor Originally Appointed 30'Y2 Years Ago The resignation of Frank L. Get.tz of 130 Harvard avenue last Saturday left Swarthmore, Morton and Rutledge temporarily without a tax as:;essor.· No announcement of a successor has come from the County Board up to The Swarthmorean's press time. An active Republican for 42 years, Mr. Gettz was first appointed assessor for Swarthmore in February 1926 to fulflll the unexpired term of the late MarWhile. aSsorted trophies,· small f tin B. Young when the latter bered,fire eniines, red, whita and Instrudion Cost 77'10 0 The Rev. Canon Edward Carcame tax collector. blue pin wheels, horns, balls with Budget; ·Operation penter of Westminster A:bbey;' Wins Events But ·Not Mr. Gettz was elected to a fourand without paddles, were disN t 8 60fc London, who will be the guest year term in 1927. New S tat e tributed by the donating business ex • 0 preacher at the Swarthmore PresFinal Score In ·legislation in 1930, changing the men and American Flags by the The Swarthmore - Rutledge byterian Church at 11 o'clock Two Meets omce. of assessor in third class douting Wlernher - Ainsworth Union School District has just Sunday morning. He is ~o Ste. The Swarthmore and East counties f rom elective to appoinAmerican Legion Post to every entered upon the new 1956-57 ward. and Chronicler of the Abbey ti d ti Boards f As ..; ..M..i ..."'ers received d Whiteland Swim Club teams were . ve an crea ng 0P arader, ..... ~""""'AAUA dscal year which· begins the first and a historian of istinction. His welcomed .into .the Suburban sessmen.t, bounced him out of ofribbons as follows: Monday in July, July 2, 1956, ac- books include "That Man, Paul," Swim League last Saturday morn- flce until he received a year's apTwo Wheeler Bike .Class: flrst cording to an announcement by "The Nineteenth Century Country point e t fr th e t C prize to Ed Bond with attractive-John Spencer, School District Parson," and the ,"Life and Times u,g at .the Marple-~ewtown pooL missi:e~ inor;~u~~~lt. omly trimmed bicycle, plus a large Treasurer. The School District is of Thomas Tenison, Archbishop of After tying. ColoDl::.1 Village for In 1932,· the newly estabUshed. Liberty Bellsusp~ed from the how operating on its new budget Canterbury." In preparation Is fourth place 10 the informal Sec- County Board of AsIe!IsmEllrt and· rider; second prtze to Laura ~d which was adopted by the Board ·"Churchgoing Since the Restora- ond Annual Relay Carnival of Re'viston of Taxes, appointed Mr. Sarah Enion with large red dre- til early June of 1956. ' tion." Canon Carpenter wlll also the .seven -team League that Gettz assessor for the entire Dew crackers in baskets and tri~color By law, the school district bud- address the SW8l'thmore Rotary mOmmg, Swarthmore took on the district which included Morton hats in variation of thetricornej get ts set up in eight departments, Club on Friday. Canon Carpenter perennial League .title winner, and Rutledge as well as Swarththird prize to George Savina for each' covering a particular func- takes active part in the wider Rose. Valley, for its first formal more ' the neatest bike; honorable men- tion of sChool-administration. life'of the Church and nation, contest Tuesday evening in / the Re~ubUcan leader of the Bortiona to Kirk DeNivious, Jr., for These departments are: A--Gen· participated in the Abbey pi'o- Swarthmore pool, emerging with ough from the mid-tO's until 1955 the best trimmed, basket: Biff eral Control; B-Inatruction; C- cession at the Coronation of Her a score of 113 to Rose Valley's 241. he retired last spring after 22 Fine bearing: a_ sian ''J'iremen Say COordiJ)ate and AlIxlUary Agen- Maje$ty Queen Elizabeth II, and ,In Saturday's meet Susan Wig- years· as committeeman in the Wet NQOIl: T~"f:E I.e {l D 0 r cles; .. ~peration;" .~Ma1nteD.,..'" -an 'enthusiastic: tennis player Wn, D~e·Renshaw, Joanne Es- eastern· pr~ct. ' . Spacktrian, . LaDhy DoUglas,· and mc,i'of Plant; F""';"~ed .chlillieia; ~4. ;/.:.~·':·:,\··· ~': ~4~..~~~_·.~~J~~. ~o~so~ .. ,~o~ J~ ~.I?, l8~3 in the house David Spac~ astride rl~a,tly These six dep~ents combined ,. ;.. . ... . . . ' " " forilled,a pijaget~~,:~ tha.t .at·tbe:en4 .. Of C.bllege ·~iDQW trimmed bikes and wearing biue are known as "Total Current E x - V ' . started 'Sw~moreoff in first occupied by the· Jesterfariilly, ambassadorial ribbons, and the penditures". The other two bud- .I:JDjOY . place. ··Midget boys ,(Courtney Mr. Gettz ~asprobablythe first Shallcross girls. get departments G-Debt Pr.entice,· Andy ~acNair, Dav~dchild to be born in Swarthmore Tricycle Class:· first prize to Service for debt retirement and ', . FoJey and Gordon Boyd) came 10 after the community incorporatLaura Breakellas Miss America, interest payment: and H-Capital The week of June 22nd found ~hird to tie the. score at 22 for ed as a borough. His mother, second prize to .ChristiIia and Outlay for purchase of Il£:w build- the Threes swinging, sliding and Swarthmore and Marple - New- Hannah Gibbs Gefu: who died two • Peter Paul Miller, Jr., in Colonial ings and equipment. engaging in sandbox play out-of- town at the end of the seCond years ago, had come to live on duo. In total current expenditures, doors. Free activity indoors in- race. Junior girls (Pat Ridge- College lane as a girl in her teens Pets Class: first prize to Caro- the new budget calls for $576,735 cluded drawing, tricycles and way, Bettie Bovard, Charlotte in 1879 when there were ~ line Clifford, whose cage, of kit- as compared with $5a3,210 in block play. The ·song "Teddy Br.odhead and Susan Wllllams) seven houses here. His father, tens was labeled c'Klttens--Indi- 1955-56. The greatest increase is Bear" was much enjoyed by the also placed t~~x:~, but disqualiftca(Continued on. Page 8) rectly from Siam"; second prize in Instruction and Maintenance, group. tion of the lUDIor boys team for . . to Jimmy Byse with cage marked due to the heavier requirements . The Fours went whizzing down improper kick then becalmed the caSafe and Sane-Not a Bang but forenIarged teaching sta1f, with the slides on wax paper and de- score. Intermediate girls (Judy a Bun" and. the bunny within. new teachers added, and salary cided that was· "too fast" for Coles, Susan Campbell, Jean and Scho~l Floats Class:· first prize to AnD increases for teachers mandated them. Indoors they enjoyed paint Ann Paul) and Intermediate :Soys Gray Farrar and Sandy Taft as by state law. sticks and· colored. paper art (H. Schad, C. Fellows, E. Harris From the State Tax ~quaiiza­ . Betsy Ross sewing the Flag; sec-· Department A,. General Control, work. and H. Lawrence) each placed tion Board at Harrisburg, word ond- prize to Beth and Nancy has increased. from $12,965 to The ~Kindergarten group fifth to place Swarthmore's score has been received.· by Samuel T. Webster drawjng a facsimile· of $28,320 due in part to transfer worked independently with clay. of 34 midway among the seven Cal-penter, s·e c ret a r y of the the· WhIte House and a ~ from Department B, of ~enses Climax of the week was ·the trip clubs competing. Senior girls Swarthmore - nutledge Union .'"Who's Next?"; third prize td Gay of Supervising Principal's oftlce to the TV studiOS, where the group (Joyce and Carol Williams, Jo- School DIStrict providing inforShay, Mary Coles, Judy Skog- resulting from the new classifl- appeared on the program cele- anne Robinson and Jan·- Law- mation regarding the pro~ lund as the Safe and Sane Fourth cation as a third class school dis- brating the Piccard Twins fifth rence) coming in fotir,th and values of the Union SchOOl Disdramatizing Before Fireworks ,(Continued on Page 6) birthday. Afterwards they reJ Senior boys (George Allison, Stu trict compriSing the boroughs of and After Fireworks; honorable turned to the school for birthday Bowie, Bob Sublette, David Pres- Swarthmore and Rutledge. The report signed by J 0 h n "' mention to Stanley and Elaine S...prise Serenade cake and punch. ton) sixth brought Swarthmore Ward in a brother and sister stunt Seven school pupil lnstruThe Post-Kindergarten Group down a notch whIch was recover- Bevec, chairman, indicates· that (Continued on Page 5) mentalists formed a serenading prov~ to be a happy and well ed by the Grand Sl~m Final Re- the 1955 Market Value of Taxable orchestra to provide the high adjusted group of children; keen- lay when H. Morrisson, D. Foley, Real Property in the two boroughs moment of 'the 50th wedding an- ly interested in everything, es- B. Breakall, D. Jackson, A. Paul, totalled $28,112,500. This is up niversary celebration given Mr. pecially races and game comp'e- H., and J. Lawrence and B. Sub- from $27,102,500 or an incI:ease Lacking a quorum at its annual and :Mrs. Harry B. Yeager at .the tition. Good little, housekee:pers lette placed fourth to tie Swarth- of 3.7 per cent in one year. The report also indicates the meeting· on the firSt Monday in William E. Bath home, Marietta that they are they take th!! best more and Colonial Village with 1955 assessed valuation of taJt8ble July, . the , SwarthmOEe-llutledge avenue, June 22. of care of their fish and guinea (Continued on· Page 5) real property in the two boroughs School Board postponed the sesHeicU Honnold, Barbara Bath, (Continued on Page 8) ____ . _ _ __ amounting in 1955 to $8,057,715•. sion until its regular monthly Linda Smith, Susan Prentice, Roy NAMED TO WOMAN'S The preVious year it was $7,789,· meeting date, Wednesday· even"; Taylor, Chuck Soule, and Lee Entertains Committee MEDICAL BOARD or aD increase of 3.411 per 215 lng, the 18th. . Smith· comprised the orchestra Mrs. Frank G. Keenen, chair' on Wed Mrs. Roy Georg~ Rincliffe, 633 cent. I n an a djoumed sessl - which pl~yed "Anniversary Waltz" man of Public Affairs for the DelInasmuch as state appropn'ation nesday evening of. last week the and a medley of Gay 90 tunes to aware County Federatl~on of Strath Haven' avenue, was elected . · ed bo " $20 to the Board of Corporators of' aid upon the ba" f th ese B oard au thonz rrowmg ,- delight the guests of honor and Women's Clubs, was hostess at' a IS p SIS 0 The Woman's Medical College of figures it I"S 'm 0 tant th t th 000 on a shc;ll't - t erm I oan to meet the .assembled well-wishers. . .... _ 14 d t h ' 1 P r a ey curr~t expenses until payments mornmg c~u.~ on ay a er pennsylvania at the annual meet- reflect as. accurately a9' possible . bills b gin t h-ome on Harvard avenue. ing of the . BOard held FrIday, the correct values of property. It' ::::~ iSsued tax . e 0 Lead R~tar:r Guests included Mrs. Russell June 29, at the College. is the duty of the State TaxBqua.: Although . the School Dlstiict Geot:ge Salmons,Prin~ton and Clements, Wallingford Hills, presA native of Ohio, Mrs. Rin~e ·J!zatioD. Board to prepare ··eXact received two checks from . the Lafuette avenues,· was lnstalled ident of. the County organization; is the daughter) ot ~,pbysl~. ·ftgures-:oD, market value.aDd asState last week, totaling $27,812, as president. of the Swarthmore Mrs. W.Lashley Nelson, Upper She, graduated ~ ,agars: Hall sessed for all school dIs-, and repersenting the last of the Rotary Club ·on June 29 by Dis- Darby, first vice-president; Mrs. Junior College at Lowell, Mass. tricts of the Commonwealth of $96;645 appropriation due the dis-: trict Governor John E. Michael. John B. Cottrell, Elwyn, second She is a past 2nd ~ce.tegeni and Pennsylvania. . . trict for 1he year, the bu~ ran . Others to take offi.cewere ~ampresident; the committee's a membei of the· of ~The report· further indi~tes · short due to an emetleDcyheat- uel CarpE>.nter, VIce - preslC~en~ c~ Mrs. E. ~. Pfatteich- ors of the ~ware C.ounty Chap- that the percentage of assessed er replacement required iii the Robert Honeyford; secretary: Her- er, Jr., Ridley ~rk, and Mrs. ter. of th~ DA.R.,a ~ember of valuatlOll to market value in 1955 elementary· school duJ.iDg. the man . Bloom, Lindsay .r~hn B: Baker, ~el Hlll.. the National Soci~ 01. the D.A.Il, was 28.7 per cent,. Tbis is the wiIlter:.· Wolfe" AI Carner, E. L.Noyes; The committees scope ~t;ludes National So#~:of Daugh.... ,of ra~ it has been n,,,idna the ,Dr.· Georae.8. B~aD was and. Lew' Elverson, directors, .end Legisl~on, Civfi DefeJ\Se;~- Am~C8D Colmtsta. Na~ So- last three yean altb.Oulh prealsO Teel'ected teainphyStclan, at Joseph-Reynolds; Sergeant-at- WBY~ $8!ety, NaturaUzation ~ ele(yMagna Chart Dames,: alld viousJy.it~ basbeen8S 'hJah as last weet'ti"· itteetida.<' Arms. 11'--- . the ColGalal ~ of the Crown. ~L~. ~t. School District in 1956-'51 FI·s·cal Year . :: .; \: •., ~i I ~ Swlm • Tearn Pr011uees "I- ·.1 .. ":. ~ .'~ Several Top Racers ·Js '. . . :~ ~J ~,., ri ~ ~' ·1 ~ ~ appy " ..'" ..;;, t.~ :;" ~ ~ .- . :~ Property Values In District Up vice .. treasuret:,., e ¥d for , ,. ·At Summer Recreation v81ues .~ .i; !,; H·. ours School Must \Borrow ~ i~ r. __ :,(: . . ' U· m:: , .; . ~' " rthnore Collegr Library SVlarthmore -,--------- --. ..... - Flowers for the Flowerless Flowers THE SWARTHMOREAN VOLUME 28-NUMBER 27 SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY. ---------------------------------------------------------- July 6, 1956 TO PREACH HERE Business Association Leads Borough in Another Fun-For-AII Fourth of July for the Flowerless $3.50 PER YEAR BRING CLUB HONOR Frank Gettz Retires As Area Assessor Two members of the Swarthmor~ Woman's Club, Florence Lucasse and Mrs. John T. Pinkston It won hC'nors al the Philadelphia Regional Writers' Conference, at Originally Appointed Paraders Manage Real Journey; Largest Number i the Bellevue - Stratford Hotel, 30 Years Young Riders Tax Three Ponies; Crowd June 29. P . I d W t f ' . Miss Lucasse, winner of the I • Ago Enloys OPSIC es an e mg '\; .: If,cal Woman's Club scholarship to I The Children's Parade which opened Swarthmore's 1956 Fourth the 1956 conference received The resignation of Frank L. of July celebration set at least one .r~cord ~n ad~ition to its ~s~all'l . .... third award for h~r feature Geltz of 130 Harvard avenue last display of the Boroughs youngest cItIzens m theIr most begUIlmg ar'ticle, "The Melting Pot." Saturday left Swarthmore, Morton state. It turned in the longest march for many years, the leading I Mrs. Pinkston, chairman of the and Rutledge temporarily without bicycle brigade getting away from the Auxiliary Police waiting at i Club's Literature Dcpartment, a tax assessor. No announcement Park and Harvard avenues to turn them around and back to the ! won second prizc for her chil- of a successor has come from the Woman's Club. Whereupon the ! dren's story, "Lost and Found I County Board up to The Swarthentire parade marched around Puppy." morean's press time. Princeton to Lafayette, thence to An active Republican for 42 Park and stood, tired but conyears, Mr. Geltz was first aptented before the waiting judges.! pointed assessor for Swarthmore It was Independence Day. in February 1926 to fulfill the unexpired term of the late MarWhile assorted trophies, small Instruction Cost 77% Of tin B. Young when the latter bered fire engines, red, white and /e The Rev. Canon Edward Carcame tax collector. blue pin wheels, horns, balls with Budget; Operation pentel' of Westminstcr Abbey, Wins Events But Not Mr. Gettz was elected to a fourand without paddles, were disN t 8 6'1c London, who will be the guest year term in 1927. New S tat e tributed by the donating business ex • 0 preacher at the Swarthmore Pl'esFinal Score In legislation in 1930, changing the men and American Flags by the The Swarthmore - Rutledge byterian Church at 11 o'clock Two IAeets office of assessor in third class donating Wernher - Ainsworth Union School District has just Sunday morning. He is also Stecounties from elective to appoin. L ' P os t t 0 e very entered upon the new 1956-57 ward and Chronicler of the Abbey The Swarthmore and East tive and creating Boards of AsA me1'1can eglon prizewinners received . h fi t d h' t ' f d' t" t' H' Whiteland Swim Club teams were sessment, bounced him out of ofaradeI', P fiscal year which begms tel's an a IS OrIan 0 IS mc IOn. IS I " welcomed into the Suburban fice until he received a year's ap1'1'bb ons as f 0 11ows: Monday in July, July 2, 1956, ac- b ooks include "That Man, Pau, Two Wheeler Bike Class: first cording to an announcement by "The Nineteenth Century Country Swim League last Saturday morn- pointment from the County Comprize to Ed Bond with attractive- John Spencer, School District Parson," and the "Life and Times ing at the Mal'ple-Newtown pool. missioners in January, 1931. ly trimmed bicycle plus a large Treasurer. The School District is of Thomas Tenison, Archbishop of After tying Colonial Village for In 1932, the newly established" Liberty Bell suspended from the now operating on its new budget Canterbury." In preparation is fourth place in the informal Sec- County Board of Assessment and rider; second pnze to Laura and which was adopted by the Board "Churchgoing Since the Restora- ond Annual Relay Carnival of Revision of Taxes, appointed Mr. Sarah Enion with large red fire- in early June of 1956. tion." Canon Carpenter w'ill also the seven - team League that Gettz assessor for the entire new crackers in baskets and tri.. color By law, the school district bud- address the Swarthmore Rotary morning, Swarthmore took on the district which included Morton hats in variation of the tricome; get is set up in eight departments, Club on Friday. Canon Carpenter perennial League title winner, and Rutledge as well as Swarththird prize to George Savina for each' covering a particular func- tal~es active part in the wider Rose, Valley, for its first formal more. the neatest bike; honorable men- tion of school administration. life of the Church and nation, contest Tuesday evening in the Republican leader of the Bortions to Kirk DeNivious, Jr., for These departments are: A-Gen- participated in the Abbey pro- Swarthmore pool. emerging with ough from the mid-40's until 1955, the best trimmed basket; Biff eral Control; B-Instruction; C- cession at the Coronation of Her a score of 113 to Rose Valley's 241. he retired last spring after 22 Fine bearing a sign "Firemen Say Coordinate and Auxliiary Agen- Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and In Saturday's meet Susan Wig- years as committeeman in the Wet Noon Today"; E I e an 0 l' cies; D-Operation; E-MainteIl- is an enthusiastic tennis player ton, Diane Renshaw, Joanne Es- eastern precinct. Spackman, Lanny Douglas, and. ance of Plant; F-Fixed Charges. and cyolist. penschade and Helen Morrison Born June 15, 1893 in the house David Spackman astride neatly These six departments combined formed a midget girls team that at the end of College lane, now trimmed bikes and wearing blue are known as "Total Current Exstarted Swarthmore off in first occupied by the Jester family, ambassadorial ribbons, and the penditures". The other two budplace. Midget boys (Courtney Mr. Gettz was probably the first Shallcross girls. get departments are: G-Debt Prentice, Andy MacNair, Dav~d child to be born in Swarthmore Tricycle Class: first prize to Service for debt retirement and Foley and Gordon Boyd) came m after the community incorporatLaura Breakell as Miss America. interest payment; and H-Capital The week of June 22nd found third to tie the, score at 22 for ed as a borough. His mother" second prize to Christiria and Outlay for purchase of new build- I the Threes swinging, sliding and Swarthmore and Marple - New- Hannah Gibbs Gertz who died two Peter Paul Miller, Jr., in Colonial ings and equipment. engaging in sandbox play out-of- town at the end of the second years ago, had come to live on duo. In total current expenditures, doors. Free activity indoors in- race. Junior girls (Pat Ridge-I College lane as a girl in her teens, Pets Class: first prize to Caro- the new budget calls for $576,735 eluded drawing, tricycles and way, Bettie Bovard, Charlotte in 1879 when there were only line Clifford whose cage Of kit- as compared with $513,210 in block play. The song "Te-ddy Brodhead and Susan Williams) seven houses here. His father, tens was labeled "Kittens-Indi- 1955-56. The greatest increase is Bear" was much enjoyed by the also placed third, but disqualifica(Continued on Page 8) rectly from Siam"; second prize in Instruction and Maintenance, group. I tion of the juriior boys team for to Jimmy Byse with cage marked due to the heavier requirements The Fours went whizzing down improper kick then becalmed the "Safe and Sane--Not a Bang but for enlarged teaching staff, with the slides on wax paper and de- score. Intermediate girls (Judy a Bun" and the bunny within. new teachers added, and salary cided that was "too fast" for Coles, Susan Campbell, Jean and Floats Class: first prize to Ann increases for teachers mandated them. Indoors they enjoyed paint Ann Paul) and Intermediate Boys Gray Farrar and Sandy Taft as by state law. sticks and colored paper art (H. Schad, C. Fellows, E. Harris From the State Tax EquaiizaBetsy Ross sewing the Flag; secDepartment A, General Control, work. and H. Lawrence) each placed tion Board at Harrisburg, word ond" prize to Beth and Nancy has increased from $12,965 to,' The Pre-Kindergarten group fifth to place Swarthmore's score has been received by Samuel T. Webster drawing a facsimile of $28,320 due in part to transfer worked independently with clay. of 34 midway among the seven Carpenter, sec ret a r y of the the White House and a sign from Department B, of expenses Climax of the week was ·the trip clubs competing. Senior girls Swarthmore - Rutledge Union "Who's Next?"; third prize to Gay of Supervising Principal's office to the TV studios, where the group (Joyce and Carol Williams, Jo- School District providing inforShay, Mary Coles, Judy Skog- resulting from the new elassifi- appeared on the program cele- anne Robinson and Jan· Law- mation regarding the property lund as the Safe and Sane Fourth cation as a third class school dis- brating the Piccard Twins fifth renee) coming in fourth and values of the Union School Disdramatizing Before Fireworks (Continued on Page 6) birthday. Afterwards they re_ i Senior boys (GeOl'ge Allison, Stu trict comprising the boroughs of and After Fireworks; honorable turned to the school for birthday Bowie, Bob Sublette, David Pres- Swarthmore and Rutledge. mention to Stanley and Elaine Surprise Serenade cake and punch. I ton) sixth brought Swarthmore The report signed by J 0 h n Ward in a brother and sister stunt Seven school pupil instruThe Post-Kindergarten Group down a notch which was recover- Bevec, chairman, indicates that (Continued on Page 5) mentalists fOI'med a serenading proved to be a happy and well cd by the Grand Slam Final Re- the 1955 Market Value of Taxable orchestra to provide the high adjusted group of children; keen-\lay when H. Morrisson, D. Foley, Real Property in the two boroughs moment of the 50th wedding an- ly interested in everything, es-, B. Brcakall, D. Jackson, A. Paul, tota1!ed $28,112,500. This is up niversary celebration given Mr. pecially races and game compe- H. and J. Lawrence and B. Sub- from $27,102,500 or an increase Lacking a quorum at its annual and Mrs. Harry B. Yeager at the tition. Good little housekeepers i lette placed fourth to tie Swarth- of 3.7 per cent in one year. The report also indicates the meeting on the first Monday in William E. Bath home, Marietta that they are they take the best more and Colonial Village with 1955 assessed valuation of taxable July, the Swarthmore-Rutledge avenue, June 22. of care of their fish and guinea (Continued on Page 5) real property in the two boroughs School Board postponed the sesHeidi Honnold, Barbara Bath, (Continued on Page 8) amounting in 1955 to $8,057,715. sion until its regular monthly Linda Smith, Susan Prentice, Roy NAMED TO WOMAN"S . meeting date, Wednesday even- Taylor, Chuck Soule, and Lee Entertains Committee MEDICAL BOARD The previous year it was $7,789,ing, the 18th. Smith comprised the orchestra Mrs. Frank G. Keenen, chairMrs. Roy George Rincliffe, 633 215 or an increase of 3.411 per cent. In an adjourned session Wed- which played "Anniversary Waltz" man of Public Affairs for the DelInasmuch as state appropriation nesday eveni~g of last ~eek the and a medley of Gay 90 tunes to aware County Federation of Strath Haven avenue, was elected is paid upon the basis of these Board authOrIzed borrowmg $20,- dell'ght the guests of honor and to the Board of Corporators of Women's Clubs, was hostess at a The Woman's Medical College of figures, it is important that they 000 on a s h or t - t erm Ioa n t 0 m e et I the assembled well-wishers. morning coffee Monday at her current expenses until payments Pennsylvania at the annual meet- reflect as accurately as possible home on Harvard avenue. of newly issued tax bills begin to ing 0 f th e B oard h eld F'd 1'1 ay, the correct values of property. It Lead Rotary Guests included Mrs. Russell J une 29,at th e C0 11ege. arrive. is the duty of the State Tax Equa_ Although the School District George Salmons, Princeton and Clements, Wallingford Hills, presA native of Ohio, Mrs. Rincliffe lization Board to prepare exact received two checks from the Lafayette avenues, was installed ident of the County organization; is the daughter of a physician. figures on market value and asState last week, totaling $27,872, as president of the Swarthmore Mrs. W. Lashley Nelson, Upper She graduated from Rogers Hall sessed values tor all school disand repersenting the last of the Rotary Club on June 29 by Dis- Darby, first vice-president; Mrs·l Junior College at Lowell, Mass. tricts of the Commonwealth of $96,645 appropriation due the dis- trict Governor John E. Michael. John B. Cottrell, Elwyn, second She is a past 2nd vice regent and Pennsylvania. trict for the year, the budget ran Others to take office were Sam- vice - prcsident; the committee's a member of the board of directThe report further indica tes short due to an emergency beat- uel Carpenter, vice - president, co-chairman Mrs. E. P. Pfatteich- ors of the Delaware County Chap- that the percentage of assessed er replacement required in the Robert Honeyford, secretary, Her- er, Jr., Ridley Park; and Mrs. I ter of the D.A.R., a member of valuation to market value in 1955 elementary school during the man Bloom, treasurer. Lindsay John B. Baker, Drexel Hill. the National Society of the D.A.R., was 28.7 per cent. This is the winter. Wolfe, Al Carney, E. L. Noyes, The committee's scope includes National Society of Daughters of rate it has been running for the Dr. George B. Heckman was and Lew Elverson, directors, and Legislation, Civil Defense, High- American Colonists, National So- last three years although prealso reelected team physician, at Joseph Reynolds, Sergeant - at- way Safety, Naturalization pro- ciety Magna Chart Dames, and viously it has been as high as last week's meeting. Arms. gram. • the Colonial Order of the Crown. 31 per cent. I V2 I !. . I! i I . Sch 001 District In I 1956-'57 FI·scal Year Swlm · Tearn Produces Several Top Racers I E· H H nJOY appy ours . At Sunlmer Recreation I • Property Values In School District Up I I I School Must Borrow I I I I I • July "iBE SWARTBMOREAN Pap 2 NEWS NOTES Mr. Raynham T. Bates of Yale avenue returned to his home accompanying: Mrs.' Bates and their son John to the Bales' new cottage, in Falmouth, Me., on June 22. After the Fourth of July he left Mrs. Bates and John to remain on through the summer before rejolnlng them later.. Among the Swarthmoreans who will spend the Fourth of July with the Paul Algers at their summer home on Lake Ponchaloula "Where the holly g.rows" near Bridgeton, N ..T.; are Mr. and Mrs. A. H. VanAlen and their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor and daughter Carol of Baltimore, Md.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred N. Bell of Harvard avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bell and family of Newark, Del., Mr. and ·Mrs. William Bell and family of Springtl.eld; Mr. and Mrs. H. Lindley- Peel, their sonin-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. A. David Speers and chlldren of Yale avenue and Larry Woodruff of Secane; Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Williains of University place; Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wetlaufer, their son John and 'McCahan' of 'Strath Haven avenue; Mr. and Mrs. J. Francis.Taylor and their son Frailcis, Jr. of Kenyon a,;enue; Mr. and Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert of Park' avenue d' th 'Ir' ' '. I' nil daugh an· e son-m- aw a G Ch ter ew ' ,Mr. ' and -Mrs. Thomas V M. d of Park.ersburg, W. ~' ;.:n ·Mrs. Vail. ~en and t e BY ors from Bal£imore ,have been vacalionlng at Cape May, N.J. Mr. and Peter B. Murray · of Pa~k av~nu~ entertained a f~. "f~ends.at ". dlimer party at th,:,r home on 'Th~day, .Tune 28, m ho~or, of. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mrs· wh~ ~e- A , tIl'e' 'L;.ue,· ',J ," . . ,.... "of.CallIlbJrkfI~1 . . . . " .... A""'.d fw . JUles David Prown Mass.···· , ............1...... . Mr. ChrIstop'her ~~::~~~] .~,'c"-... ,' ..... ' . '1' .'...... P' Swan, .Tr. of. State n • Ilaaa will serVe as best .. d' • uaaa brother. The 'MesSrsl··;~t::;:~tl ~. .. A: Dal{oil, .Tr. of 1 '.' '.ID .....OW ' .. .To'hn· z,' . Cable, .Tr: obert 0rabaIil of Norfolk, '. R . ' .,;::.;"~Iit.S,, WIll be' the uSben.. .... .•_ " "" 'MissWeCaltan_ guest hooor at • surp1'I8e ~ , 8bowef &iftD b7 lin. s.......-1 In respohse to many, requ.ests, (from' persons who have had their black and white film in their camera for six months, but want prints the next day) we can again offer _ a..... • •". M. 24 hour service. Same flne grain developing and choice of maHe or glossy prints. Films left by 3 p.m.-return~d by '~'P:fn, next day (except Saturday). TBE CAERA 11. "IRBY !~"1J .~ g. ',_ q ;,,' t, ' '.> Aye~ , Park . Swarthmore. Pa. . SWo~fI~mo'....l is:' "191 :1. 'J h,c baD.. 9"t:. 1'.30 PM ro - E C; . " ~" • AISO-D.reet aslman Color Processing . I ~~~~~~~~~;;~;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~O~f~th~ree~~w~eeks~~.::::====== - ~~~J~~~:::Ol~.E~yoriety) ~ :;"!l:. 1"\~ .'11 ..... Sun.. M01. T..... "'•• I., "-10 7" . S_'a' .att... S••day. J.1y • at 2:15 "... , Rog. EV·-;,v~I:'''':.Pi~~5.:. ':15 p.m. "FORBIDDEN PLANET" =... Wed. Md.l •. J.t, 11' "Y ...... .......... ' ..... witt· ....., c.IT .... tor cI1INNIIl .....01 ' ' _ _ .,.. 111:31 ,.., pl. c ..................... illcto ,' 1Y'... .,T....I_' . . . ,... ,:31. 'il!6-Z29O . AlII'Ll It's 0 'wonderful feeling. when they're ,!ill. ~roteded by flit!! AfJf,fJlI!S W~~8 i l ": .. ,,' Lot .) .,. ~ ' 'J~~~mo~t,(a~cf LaHtyetf~ - 1 i"/ .C,,,.ed"SclfardoJ. at ,J P.M. ".-.v t. :..:.:.-~':,:. i,. ...... , : • :. ':". _ • • oO ., . __ • "'". view road will entertain Mrs. Ed- ·Swarthmore, who will move soon gar L. Ostendorf·, of Cleveland, to lndianapolis, Ind.; where Mr. Ohio, as her guest next week: Thomas assumed on ,Juiy 1 his They will ll!ilve, after Mrs. Osten- new position in the home office of .~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~ Ii , ·dort's arrival Monday, for Reba;" the American United Life Insur- beth, Del., where they will visit, ance Company. "Dtlbop' .'·la;y·'~s"A.~~. I:' 11. VUIII * ' " Service " . Personal T '., .' .. "", ' Their new automatic Home Dishwashers with the .Jidy and August e" "Custom Kitchens by C,hur~h" .... . Kit-Cl' '1 . C.h e'-n ;1 Made. l .' , The Pi . .. ' •...IIr!' • TIE ) -'. '~' ,.' ... ~._ .nest, .GIIIT .FL CI. ,. • Through this agencY you can get _ ~aJIy every form of insurance protection you need for your family, borne, .automobile.. and business. . , And wben 'you get .EtlUl Casualty protection tIJro)Jgb us, you get far more than just insurance . • • you get the pf!llcies with the P.S. - personal serv- ., my. OJ!!' Warf........rg••' Manufalfurer 0; food and KlfcfJen Machin.. .~, . .'. ' ,~ g •. u.. ,f THE: R MAD 0 R Bilt . __ ." ·~1J._~~_range c:: f ... . I. •. ", . I CJA.,SfJ'!li.,,,, j 'KITt;Ht;NS .... .. . " ., lJ ~ '1 .' . .. .; .,PI(.",.", 3' au., ••••• , . . . . . ,' --....-........-. , '! • . No IItch1u Job TOo Wlge or Toa Small ,':" . :.., k-Oi'" fo' ~~ . 0· .. ,) Co.0.. 1," lea.n, Sae . 'E' I'ect'r'lc Co·ok.~ng ". . . . PAiIiNe ;:...'J"' • • 'l'honeSW.II.I.... ". 'i·''''.:. .Mrs.D. M. Gowing of ParrIsh' Carroll of Milwaukee, Wls., who road, wIth her daughters, Nancy lIs in Ihls area on business for six ."; '" r •• fr••· oo~.1 • •. ~ t- .. i. AUfOMOIU :-oR~~j~.y.,~ )!I;~T!' .~g~N" OJI,IS" .,,; 1P"R~I~J'~~ ~~USH RADIATOR & BLOCK '; 'GULF 'Gas' & Oil AU.T~~LlTE Batteriesi ! ., Irs:- !;;.... ·tt"=-· "litIZ" '. ROBERT J.ATZ.Mgr. "J AlII eONDIT/OHfD - Wea.; ·ft...... FrL. Sat. ;1i':"_ll'.ii;' I";;: .'.~~to-:..!~t'-t; S_l'tIImore, Pa. - - " Mrs. CW!ord Banca of Walahl.~~ too, D. C. fOl: the week. The Swarthmore Presbyterian Ch h y ' Mrs. Herman B1OO1D, Pellll', urc oung Adult group en-Freddy, and Barbanl are at their joyed a picnic with games at Lenape Park on Sunday, July 1. Columbia avenue home after Mr. and Mfa. Charles C. Brogan spending 17 days at their, cottage of Guernsey road returned home in Beach Haven, N . .T. Mr. Bloom Ihls week oli the Queen Mary joined them for weekends and after spending eight weeks tour- .Tohn McCahan was a weekend Ing In Europe. guest. Peter and Freddy lett Monday mOrning for' Blrd-InMr. and Mrs. Howard G. Hop- Hand where they will work. for son spent last weekend In Cran- their father, living in Blrd-Inford, N . .T., with their son's family Hand during the week and retumfollowing the birth of their young- Ing home over the wekends. est grandson On Tuesday, June 26. Terry Innis, son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Chew Mrs. Charles Innis of RiverView of Pakersburg, W. Va., arrived Friday night to spend two weeks road, left Monday to spend the visiting Mrs. Chew's parents Mr. month of July in his second year at Camp Poconos In the Poconos. and Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thatcher !,~r~,t~';:'p':.'::.. M~ill~~be~;'sG~::: of Ogden avenue have returned from a 10 'day trip to Buck Hill wich, Conn., has been visiting hIs uncle and aunt since June 22. Falls and New England. ·Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Rowland Alison NaYlOr, daughter of Mr. of College avenue have had as and Mrs. C. Calvin Naylor, of their house guests Ihls week Mrs. Columbia avenue, left Tuesday Charles Shields and her son; Dav- for Girl Scout Camp Elizabeth • member of the Pennsylvania Prison Society, and for many years has been active in the Community id, of Pittsburgh who are on their Borton, Elverson, where she will Chest. He is also chairman of the way to Istanbul, Turkey to join spend two weeks. UpOn her reEconomics Discussion Group in Mr. Shields. The Shields familY turn Mr: and ~rs. Naylor and Swarthmore. expects to be in Turkey for fOur Alison WIll vacation in Surf City, N . .T., until August 5. A member of the Midday Club, years. the Rolling GrP.en Golf Club and Jane Patterson daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Avery F. Blake of the Ben Franklin Club, Hodge is Mr. and Mrs. Hen'ry C. Patterson' A,,:,herst "venue. left Tuesday for trustee of Pi Chapter of Kappa ot Maple avenue with another! Shlpbottom. N . .1., and their boat Sigma fraternity. He belongs to girl from the Uni~ersity of,pe.m_i. the Annabelle II on which they the Syndicate Nomads and the sylvania sailed for' Europe June. planned to spend the balance of American Legion. 5 on the "Seven Seas" of the I the week. Th~lr daughter Patsy Canadian,.German line. They willl'Bl~e and thell' son and daughMr. and Mrs. K. A. Krieger of ~v.e1 by' car for seven weeks on. ter-m-law Mr. and Mrs. Blake. Riverview road entertained Dr. the continent and flve weeks In! ~r., of Packanack Lake, N. J., Johil Miller from the University the British.Isles returning on the Joined their parents last weekend of Pennsylvania on July ~. same shIp the middle of S,>ptem- on the Annabelle. Mr. Duke HenMrh· and Mrs. Willard Tomlln- ber. . ! gudersotn fOfthPlttsBlbakurgh was also a son ad as their guest last week- ·Mrs. LaRue Hendrixon, of es a e es. end their, son, Mr. Jack TomlIn- North Chester road, and her Mr. and Mrs. Jabe. P. Carroll son of New York City. On Mon- daughter Claire Jiave returned of RivervIew road and Mr. and day their son-in-law and daugh- following a three weeks vacation Mrs. Avery F. Blake, Jr., of Packter, Mr. and Mrs. Harlie Reynard, In Stone Harbor, N. J. Mr. Hen- anack Lake, N. J .. el)lertalned on with theIr son David, left for their dr1xonjoined them there for the the evening of July 1 at the Carnome in Tampa, Fla. after a visit .Weekends. . "rOll.home In honor of Mr• .Toseph 'll~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~ .. (CI.....''If to..... T..... ...' 'n. W.rld _ I School, .' seCond chIld arid :~5~'1 Prmcetoli avenue..·· . . , .. ed Drexel Institute of Technology. Beatty, III" on Mr. BOstwick attended Drexel Mr. DaIand was graduated' from .TuIy I, lit the UniverSity ot Instliut.i·Of Technology' and Tem- the Haverford School for Boys S>'lv~ia. Hospital, P~~:::::;~ pleUnlveraity lind served in the and Pennsylvania State· .• ThI! bilb)l~s',m"tern~ United Stales Navy. . and served. in the Army . 'are Mr. and lIIIrs. G. "IUn.", Force. He is 'no"l employed .of Strath Haven avenue Dr. and Mrs .. Edwin Pratt Jor- the VertOl Aircraft ·and'Mrs. I:.ewts B. Beatty '.dlin,',of ".Dal'bY's FollY," Char- as a draftsman. BowlIng Green, Media. ·.'lotteS'vlIle;'· Va;, have 'aJinounced c•. j . . the engagement of;'theli'aaughter, -EA-R"'L-E~:-S-Mc'-IT-H. :Mr. " Mrs.' Robert J. , Miis Deborah, Stuilrt':'·· Jordan; to The marriage of. Miss ~~~::l::'::; 'Mr. wliHam' Scott Spnier,"son of· Smith daughter"cit Mrs. "I ll~~~;~~~~;~i~~1 Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Spiller ofsmith'ot . Wallingford, and Mr. ~ ~, 'C!iarles WJIUam F. Lee 1956 and Mrs. Alfred VerValen at her father, wore a weddin& gown .Tune 26 in Elizabeth, N . .T. Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Hop- Baltimore, Md. are the little boy's of whIte organza with a tight flttlng bodice, round low neck, and son of Rutgen avenue and Mr. zrandparents. tiny short sleeves. An lace panel einbroldered In centpai1lettes trimmed the I going down the front of the bouffant aktrt which ended In a traln. Her finger tip tulle vell fell frOm a matching cap of Alencon lace BEAUTY SALO~, also embroidered in palIlettes. She carried a bouquet of white butt,er_ .... ATeHMA.EII" - THI DICTATE O' FASHION By orchIds and stephanotis with 9, South ,Chester Road insets of tufIe hIghlighted by. opa, Can SWarthmore 6-0416 lescent pailletles. . Active M...""r of til. Swa"""" ...1.... Auo.latto. DALAND-LONGWELL Mrs. R. Graenle Smith of FannMiss JosephIne Whitehair Long- ington was the matron of honor well, daughter of Mr. Thomas E. for her slsler-in-law and wore a WhItehair of Bogata, Columbia, whIte shadowed organdie dress and the late Mrs. Elizabeth T. over light green taffeta. The tight Longwell of Swarthmore became IItting bodice had a' round neck the bride of Mr. Benjamin Da- and short sleeves, and a green land, son of Mr. and Mrs. Em"t velvet sash tied at the back over 815t Ylilar Daland of Wallingford, at a cere- the wide Waltz length sltirt. Her . !' I mony performed by the Rev . .10- large whIte straw hat had short Term Now Enrolling seph P. Bishop in the Swarthmore green velvet streamers with dalsI, Presbylerian Church on Satur- les. She carried I a bouquet of N th h f·fth G d K' d rte • 1I.f.,rgtlerilte I urse'Y. roug I ,ra e.,.... ',n erga n :,', day, June 30, at 2 O'clock. whIte Majestic and·.. The bride, given in marriage daisies. . Moming and Aftemoon .. Groups " .. , by her uncle, Mr. Edwin B. New-The bridesmaids, Mrs. Dallam Phone MEdia "-".'"3"~r,Wri',e.ft.·,lieSchool\. man, of Cambridge, Mass.~ wor~ a. Blandy, Jr~, Bethlehem, sister , white lace dress over taffeta WIth or'the gt'oom; Mrs.. E. A. Branch, T"lreI.anel No",= Streets. Media an. empire w:",tline, long Short Hills, N:.T.; Mrs. DavidC. J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~"~"~'~'~'~'~~~~~~~~ sleeves, an Illusion neck and a Fulton, Cleveland, 0.;· and Mrs. chapel train. Her fingertip veil Clyde L. Nash, Jr., Devon. wore '. was held In place by a headpiece the same mOdel dress In whIte of matching lace .edged by· tiny organdie over green as that worn . I,' , pearls.. Stephanotis, and ~hIte by the matron of honor and, wore , rosebuds with baby s brea.th m :' large white hats similarly trinJMiddletown Road':· R. D. 16, Media,. Pa.' soft cascade formed the bride s med, and . carried bouquets of bouquet. whIte Majestic and Marguerite M'l sA d of w S 'arthm s n Lo nr o r e , daiSl·es. .) acting as maid of honor, wore a Lt. Robert M. Riggs, USAF, . Telep'hone: .CHeste".2-7206· . pale blue chIffon dress with soft Bronxville, N. Y., acted as best .!, :~AR" fqr '1~lIr~!!fter or, Henry. Arnold. folds at the top of the bodice man for Mr. Earle. which was of ballerina length. The ushers included Mr. DonPOwER' SPRAYING , - 1:R,EE. T!l,,,MING She wore an all-while headdress aId M. Beadwood, Melrose Park; , T~!l~~ES.~AL.L.SA~~ WALK~ .. '" and whIte shoes. The brideSmelds, Mr. Dallam E. Blandy, Jr., Beth., Vi,lt our'Roadside Malrlcl" Mrs. James Lain Potter, Hart- lehem, brother-in-law of the ford, Conn., sister of the ·groom groom; Mr. Walter .T. Cantley, .Tr., and Miss Mary Ann Clare, of Jenkintown; Mr. William Cobau; . _ Taylor of Kenyon avenue on FrIday, June 29. Tomorrow evening the. Frederick R. Langs, H. Llndiey Peels and Carroll P. streeters wll1 be hosts at the Streeter's home on Columhla avenue at a dinner party for the families and' wedding party in honor of Miss McCahan and Mr. Swan. Mr. and Mrs. Swan, Sr., will entertain at the rehearsal dinner party on FrIday evening. July 13, at their home! . Kiamer have recently Lake, N. .1., wore s1mll- New tJll'Ded to Pme Blu1f! Ark.,. where ar dresses with bouquets and wlll;:,:~~M~irs~'I!Da~~vi~d::;M~cCiah~an, ~r: of 6~ I • • I 11 .Si.nL~-.n'~~',-;~:·:i (,~ " .,' Store Hours ice. ThiS means our close and continuous assistance. expert attention to your special needs, and prompt service if ac:c:ident or loss oa:ors•. P.S. also means' you'lI get the same friendiy cooperation from JEtna Casualty agents and claun offices Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - T.hursday 9' A.M. 9 A.M. Cali us today:. start now to enjoy "the wonderful ·-/eelilig" that comu with OW,"", the policiu witlu' the P S. PETER .E. TOLD -' . ,:- ." . . - . 333'DARTMOUTH -,'. . , c t=I' -', ; . " to 9 P.M. Saturday .9 A.M. to 1 P.M. . A~E • ,. ~ " .WA~tHMORE" '-"833 ... . :.', 6 P,M. Friday wherever. you go• ~ - to .~w:~~ore .'" .. " T1JggeryShgp ParkA~~~.~·· > .', " Mrs: Lak, ChllaipilAlil, Henry, N.Y. Mrs. Paul Hummer with her IOn DwIght of Rutgers avenue returned home Sunday after tourIng the parks .in California with her other _ , Lt. (j.g.) Paul and Ensign Philip. On their way home they vlslted Seattle and Glacier Park. Mrs. B. O. Largent and her daupter Mrs. 'Frank G. KeeneD of Harvard avenlle will entertain this afternoon, July 8, at the Belevedere Convalescent Home, Chestnut street, Chester, in hODor of Mr.. and Mrs. Thurman Draper Turner whose mariiage was performed on June 23. Mrs. Turner is the former Mrs. Sadie Pippin, owner of the Belvedere. In at-. tendance at the party will be guests and sta1f members of the home. Perry S10we ofAmI!l, weeks at Clalre Hendrixson, daughter of Iowa. will arrive July 12 to vlslt Tim SWAR'I'BMOREAN Mr. and Mrs. LaRue H~dr\x.sOll her brother-in-law and sisler Mi. PUBLISHED EVEIlY FlUDAY AT SWABTIDIOU. PA. of North Chester road, re<:eIved I and ~r.. Carroll P. Streeter of PETEIl E. TOLD. IllAJUOIlIB TOLD. P1lBLISIIEIlS her. B.A. !iegree from Smith Col- Columbia avenue for the i>8lance Phone SW.n\l=lre 8-0900 lege on June 3. Majoring in Hts- of the month. Mrs. Stowe drove PETEIl Eo TOLD. EtUtor tory of Art, Claire was on the east to attend the Gamma Phi Barbara B. Kent, Managing Editor Dean's Ust her last three years Beta convention at White Sulphur Rosalte D. Peirsol Marjorie T. Told Phyllis K. Campbell at Smith. Springs, West Va. She was ac"Polly" Told Ineluded amODg her various companied by Mrs: Gwen· Riggs, Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1829, at the POIIl activities were the Smith College Des Moines, Iowa who will vtslt OllIe. a~ Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Glee-Club for four years, SenIor the Streeters for a few days. • DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON _ _ _ _= class member of the Electoral Sandy and Jimmy Taft, chllSWARTHMORE, PENNA., JULY 6, 1956 Board, VIce-president and Social dren of Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Chairman of her house for her Taft of M!U"ietta avenue, returnPRESBYTERIAN NOTES case of need. Should any emer- last two years, member of the ed Sunday from spending two The guest mlnister this SundaY gency. develop when Dr. Tyson honorary organization "Gold Key" weeks with Mrs. Taft's mother at the 11: 00 service will be the cannot be reached, or for other for the last three years, and mem- Mrs. J. G. Sloan·1n Warwlck\ Va. Rev. Canon Edward Carpenter, information or assistance, the ber of the executive board of 1he Ann Gray Farrar, the Taft's niece . pastor's secretary Mrs. Mildred College Relief Committee her whose home is in Burkeville, Va., M. A., Ph. D., B. D., F. K. C. He Conner may be ca!1ed at WAsh- sophomore and junior year.' came with them to vtsit the Tafts is graduated from Strode. School, burn 8-5609. In August Miss Hendrixson is during July. Today, Mr. and Mrs. Egham and King's College, LonTh ''P' 'N' S " ung planning to leave for San Fran- Taft, their niece, daughter and don. He was ordained in 1936 and e· mrs . . pares yo became Curate of Holy TrInity, adult group IS gOlDg to Robin cisco where she will 'enter the son will leave to vacation for two Hood Dell to hear Igor MarkoLo don. I b Uliiversity of California at Berke- liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliftiiiiiiiiiiim M aryeone, n ith d uC t"S h' F He was then Curate· of st. ~tesc" con Tu d ymp ~c aThvor- ley to work for her Master's de- Ii Mary's Church, Harrow-on-the- 1 on es ay evelung. ey gree in Engllsh literature. Hill and Rector of Stanmore, will leave the church promptly Middlesex. In 1951 he was ap- at 7 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Mor- ~ BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12·1:30 P. M. pointed a Canone of Westminster -T-R-IN-ITY--N-0-T-E-5Abbey, which position he now row, 515 Rutgers avenue, are hosts § IIININ& ROOMS ••d LOllY AIR CONDmONID holds. He holds the office of StewA celebration of the Holy Com- this weekend to the Rev. Canon IE!! ComfortClbl.. Rooms Day or Week Elevator ard at Westminster Abbey and is munion will be held at 8 o'clock also the Chronicler. He is an his- Sunday morning, and at 11 o'clock Edward Carpenter, Westminster torian of distinction and the au- the regular service of Morning Abbey, London, who will be the Rotary Club speaker on Friday thor of several books. Prayer will be held. Those serv- and guest minister at the PresYale & Harvard Avenues, Swarthmore, Pa. The intercessory prayer group iDg as ushers wiII be as follOWS: byterian Church on Sunday ~ WALTER E. PARROn. Mg.. FREE PARIIIN& will meet In the church on TuesW. M. Bush, J. H. Furlong, day, July 10, from 1 to 2 o'clock. W. c. Gouding, B. Harrar, A. W. Barbara- Hayes, daughter of Dr. Anyone who is interested is in_ Kitts, W. M. McCawley, S. D. vited to come. Reynolds, and G. W. C. Wagner. and Mrs. Merrill B. Hayes, UIiiThe Bandage Group of the Robert Longman is scheduled veTslty place will spend the Woman's Association will meet at to serve as' acolyte at 8 o'clock, month of July at Lake Greeley Camp, at Greeley. Then she will the church on Wednesday mom- and Clay Hogg at 11. ing at 10 a.m. Workers are asked Mid-week celebrations of the join . her parents and brother Our. central-city location makes our pallors to bring a sandwich for lunch. Holy Commuliion have been d1s- Jimmy to vacation the month 'of August at Booth Bay Harbor, Me. easilya~bl. from all ~ of· .... Anyone who would like to come, continued untll September. Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Lanning and help is cordla1!y invited. city alld suburbs. And we off... fr_, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES of North Chester road entertained Indoor parking. Humanity's need for elJective on the Fourth of July at a famlIy METHODIST NOTES Church School classes for all prayer will be emphasized at gathering when Mrs. Lanning's ages will begin at 9: 45 a.m. Vlsit- Christian ScIence services Sunday mother Mrs. Stalford Hutchinson, ing pupils welcomed. when the Lesson-Sermon is en- her brother-in-law and sister ~. The Morliing service titled "Sacrament". and Mrs. W. C. Brusnahan, and DlHera. M?-" will begin at 10 a.m. KeynQtlng the Lesson-Sermon her brother-in-law and sister Mr. 1820 CM.SINUI STRIIT the summer, with Dr. W. Gallo- is the Golden Text from Psalms and Mrs. E. A. Cook, all of Trenway Tyson preaching In Rev. (19: 14): "Let the words of my ton, N. J., were present. Kulp's absence. Dr. Tyson's ser- mouth, and the meditation of my Corey Largeman son of Mr. and 0lJ\II!RH. MIl. foI.d., MARY A. IIAlR, '" ...d .... mon subject for Sunday will be heart, be acceptable in thy sight, Mrs. Franklin Largeman of Dart'1I.,IIan. 116-1581 STRATH HA.VEN INN mornin~ 1!l. J. l'a~llJm.er as Utelr howe Illata in ti~lel< Hill Falls for the summer Leads Borough FUNERAL HOME their son-in-law and daughter, (Continued from Page 1) Onr 21 r ..,.. "parlHc. Mr. and Mrs. Murrell D. Weesrer "Never Underestimate the Power PIloH acldl. '3400 of Morristown, Tenn. This week of a Womann • . It!. hIe. to M..t IEDrr FamllY'1 Need Mrs. Faulkner has gone to LouIst Ft::.l Dress Class: first prize ville, Ky. to·vislt her other son- ;;. and Paul Zecher as In-law and daughter, Mr. &nd berty ~ and her Clapper; Mrs. J. Charles Townsend, m and :;:cond pnze to a group their son .Byron. e .Spirit of 1778 which Mrs. E. L. CODwen and her Didi and Debra Dryden, Gloria .' Mon. ~ Tues. children of Columbia avenue are ~d Sandra Peirsol, Rochelle vacationing for the month al p:ogt an: Cheryll Sullivan; third . Wed •• Thurs. Cape May. N; J. Mr. Conwell will bluee':d ":'locy ~rnell,:: with a 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. join his femi\y on the weekends. honorabl/ e enwti toe and parasol; m on ancer Elizabeth Burtis. Friday Most Original Class: first prize WEST LAUREL HI ,9:30 to 5:30 - 7 to 9 to the Mosquito Commission with CREMATORY its facsimile of the Borough's Saturday Certificate covering cost of mosquito fogging macliine and service in beautiful chapel "Mosquito Engineers" Ash ley 9:30 A.M. - 1 P.M. cremation, choice of urn and permanent niche, may be obFine, Peggy Carol, .Pat Carol, and tained in advance of need. A Meg Turner; second prize to the modem service at reasonable Petersons, Karen, Kristin, and cost. Eric bearing their signs 19 SO. CHESTER RD. Yout" inqui'1l fa Inulted. the Land of Red American" I 1.1.0•• Ave. a ....v~ CIt, "Then the Land of the White LI. ., ' Bala,CYllw,d American", IINow the Land of AlI IY,rldg. 3.1122 True. Blue Americans"; third 4'1 saw it in: .the Swarthmorean." prize to Kendra and Lynn Lewis as a ~armer and his donkey pulllng mthe plentiful bush crop; honorable mention to Andrew, David, and 22 month old Emily Maass as the Spirit of Agricui939 Roeldy. Road, Springfield II ....1028 ture. 'AnilSON'S :===================~I Summer Hours THE HARLOW S. KI 4·0977 TELEVISION S Dick Franchetti II a ~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The N'ew Type Kodachr'0'" CONVENIENT LOCATION • th b (In e green ag) Is Processed by East.man Ko'dak Co. pirecf Through • (Daily 1st Class Mailings) THE OLIVER H.' BAIR CO. o. iI!IIIIIII1IIII_IIIJIHRIIHIIII.1IUIIII.mnIlDlDAIDlDlIIUlJlllllmnnmnnnUIlllIRiADllIUUI!!_- Ii! l i E WI RDP INN week..,. wm-. ~ ill ~l;:~~~:::~;;;;;;~;;;;~;~~ "Going To Maturity". Nursery Lord, my strength, and my re_ mouth Circle Sunday for childrenOnwill be supervised by 0deemer." two weeks at leaves Camp Delmont. capable women. The publlc Is cordially Invited Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. KeighThe church office will be open attend the s.,.-"ices at 11 a.m. ton of Cedar lane returned Sunon Monday mornings oliiy be- at the church, 208 Park avenue. day night from a trip to New ginning July 2. For information England where Mr. lteighton atduring that time, call SW 8-9710. CHRISTENED tended the College Entrance 1I0ard Dr. Tyson will be aVan8ble for Carl David Keller, seven week Conference of Chemistry Teachers emergencies, sick calls, funerals, old son of Mr. and Mrs. Collins at Brown University, Providence, weddings and other special P81rtor-1 S. Keller, Jr., S19 Lafayette ave- R. I., from Thursday through Satal help. Call West Chester 5588 in nue, was christened at 12: 30 urday and Mrs. Kelghton visited o'clock Sunday, July I, In TrInity at Woods Hole, Mass., with Episcopal Church. friends whom she made when David's Uncle Mr. Gilbert Kel- working at the Laboratory there ler and his Uncle and Aunt Mr. leveral years ago. Emoute home and Mrs. Adam Keller, all of the .Keightons vtsited friends in ==-~, CarlyBle, are his godparents. Scarsdale, N.Y. Mr. Keller's sister, Mrs. George.. Jim Keighton, a sophomore A. Hansell, Jr., of North Swarth- Swarthmore College, Is working more avenue was' hostess· at a .this summer at the Adams Rangdinner after the cbristen- er Station 50 miles In the mounIng service. talns from Grangeville, Idaho. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Last week he attended lire school Joseph P. Bishop, MIntster AYDELOnE-KITCHELL to prepare for lighting Jolm Schott, A8ICIM'hte ~ Mr. John Kitchell, of Ada, lIres. His crew is clearing tinlbe1r·1 SUIIIIaJ", .JaIJ' S Minn., has announced the mar- after loggers. move out, a govern11:00 A.M.-The Rev. Canon Ed- rlage of his dauhgter, MIss Myrtle ment project under the Departward Carpenter. . t f A ' uI ~rHODIST CHURCH Elizabeth Kitchell, to Mr. William men 0 grlC ture. John C. KuJp Osgood Aydelotte of Iowa. City, Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee, l!4t; MinUter: ' Iowa; Waterford, Conn., and Holyoke place,. will lead 95 BeRobert Wilde Princeton, N. J., yesterday In Iowa publican Women of Pennsylvania Minister of Music from . Hannah Penn House and Sunt1a)o, .JaIJ' 8 9:45 A.M.-Sunday SchooL Mrs. Aydelotte Is professor and their friends on a four and a.half 10:00 A.M.-Dr. Tyson will dean of the College of Nursing hour Moonlight Barge Party up preach. at the State Uliiverslty of Iowa. the 123. year old Delaware Canal TRINI.TY CHURCH Mr. Aydelotte, who is chairman to Lamberville on July 19. Mr. H. Lawrence Whittemore, Recto, of the. history department there, Mac~wee will lead the singing SUIIIIaJ", .JaIJ' 8 is the. son of Dr. Frank Aydelotte, in one barge, accompanied by Mr. 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. former president. of Swarthmore Wilbur O. James, Park avenue, 11:00 A.M.~Morning Prayer. THE RELIGIOUS SOC'':::lE=T1=lr~ IC(,llel!e and dIreCtor emeritus of and his mandolin. Mrs. OF FRIENDS the Institute for Adveneed study Hanna, Maple avenue, is a memS"""",, .JaIJ' 8 at PrInceton. liei'of the planning committee. 8:45 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. Nell Lee, daughter of Mr. and All are welcome. Mrs. Harold C. Williams of Elm Mrs. William F. Lee of Guernsey 10:30 A.M~Famlly Hymn Sing. avenue with her stster, Mrs. Fred road, left on June 26 to spen~ 11:00 A.M.-Meetlng for Worship. All are welcome. St. Clair of Tampa, Fla. recentlY two months at Camp Yonahlossee, Monday, .Jnl)" 9 spent a weekend in New York Blowing Rock, N. C. All day sewing A.F.S.c. City to see another sister, Mrs. Mrs. George R.. Mansfield of Wetlnee•• ,., .Jab' 11 D . F . o.h a rds on o.• Midway, ..... - Park avenue recen...,. ..- returned •..,., All-day sewing for A.F.8.C. olf on the New Amsterdam for from Cleveland, Ohio with her ---I'IRST CHURCH OF an eleven week tour of Europe. sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Cla8In with CHRIST. SCIENTIST SWARTHMORE Mrs. St~ Clair then returned to whom she had been visiting. ~rs. Park A ven1le below Harvard swarthmore with Mrs. WiIlisms Claflin is 'now spending a short , SIIIlC1q, .JaIJ' 8 for a short visit. time in Swarthmore. 11:00 A. M.-Sunnay Sctlool. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Kent Mrs. 1.. F. Coy, mother of Mrs. lI:on A.M.-The Lessnn-Sennon will be "Sacrament." , spent last. week in Atlantic City, Joseph Donovan, 307 Elm avenue, Wednesday evenlng each N. J. where Mr. Kent was on left on the FOurth or .July to ft:y ~.M., Reading business. The Kent sons Richard to Tacoma, Wash., where she will 4011 outh A_UtI, and Peter leave Sunday to spend visit her _ Col.·· WiDstoD Coy, ex I;t hoU~ two wuks at ...... ScOut camp USAF, and his famill' until the I'rldv _ i n.. '1-1. Sunday -;r 1:30-4:10. Delmont. fInt or September. ..... Camera & Hobby Shop Michaels Colle""e Phermacy '.::II • R i •· ICE .E I._. .~ 417 DARTMOUTH AVENUE BREAK.FAST.. - LUMCH _ DINNER' . ==§ § ~ E ....... _ ClOSED. EVERY SUNDAY .·OPEN 7 A.M. 'to 7;~O P.M~· Monday Through Saturday I~ Daily Dinners 90c to $1.85 Celia Shoe Shop FANCY SANDWICHES SpecIal C"""N.', PlaHe,.. . ._II'"lIlAIIIIIIIlIIImllll1Dl1lliJuIIIUlllIIIIIUIIlIIIIIIMIIIM Will Be Clos~d July 6th -7th ~oeee! Open Monday Hoover Cleaners July 9th 'DI,Coatl••' " Atocle'. I . Formerly Upright Lark .de112 Closed Saturday 1 P.M. Durin9 July and AU9ust 90.00 NOW (Thil model is exa~ the sam. as the new Model 14. except for its color.) Upright Delux Mollel 63 Swarthmore 125.00 90.00 {This mod.1 is "Iso exactly the same as the new Model 64, except for its color.} Constellation Model 82 Think of Buying aUsed Car . 340· ..... ·.ciltlmoreA"e. . Tank Model 42 Large seledion of different makes and mo$leis. Most are one owner. Low mileage, very clean. All safety tested and guaranteed; Everyone backed by our reputation of square dealing. . ., Come in today and Clrive a bargain. Oldsmobile, Inc.- 70.00. {The new model 84 "walles" - Stop in and sea it, or let UI show it in your home - We "Iso have. one Demonstrator to lell at The nextt best to a new car's. of course. a 'ate mode' used automobile. "Customer~atisfadion a Must" 97.50 80,00 Upright Model 62 DenIonsl,alor 117.00 96.00 Upright Model 29 55.00 45.00 70.00 70.00 .' 11 Cottt .11 ~..ad.v.'it '.:~.".;""'.. Trade·in AllowanCe Available -A 1 '.-!.... . ".1 .'1 .t•...., __ .......,.11..... •• . _ .C. . . _ . . ;.to .... Sa.' .. ... $Wall ,,' ...... ._.D _ •• Attend Wedding Among the Swart~moreans who attended the weddmg Saturday afternoon, June 30, in Glen Ridge, N.J. of Miss Jane ReYnolds, daughter of former Swarthmoreans Mr. and Mrs. Walter Means Reynolds, and Mr. Robert Simmons were Mrs .. John M. Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Sidney John~on; Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. H. Lmdley Peel. The bride's brother Mr. John Reynolds and her twin Mr. David Sue, Carol and Joyce Williams and Diane Renshaw represented Swarthmore in a diving exhibltion held during Intermission .. Swarthmore captured two IIrst places in the six-event diving co~~st Tnesday evening. Joyce Wllli~ scored 77.15 In the intermediat~ girls group and Jean Boyer trIumphed with 107.7 in the senior girts. Second place scorers for Rose Valley tallied 75.9 and 101.9 in these events. Dawn Boyer' was fourth in Interme~ate girls and Carol Williams third in senior girls. Helen Morrison scored second and Diane Ren .. shaw third in junior girls. Jim Rowland was third and Eric Peterson fourth in junior boys. Howard Schad was second in intermediate boys, Brodle Crawford second in seliior boys. Score at the end of the diving events stood - Rose Valley 31, Swarth- Parade Mrs. judges Mrs. P. D. Jones, Mace Reynolds served was as ushers at the the more Gowing, Donald wedding which held in First22.places for Swarthmore. In and Mrs. Peter B. Murray and Glen Ridge Congregational Chapel. seven of the 34 swimniIng events their Indefatigable lIeld workers A reception followed at the Tuesday were chalked up by: D. Susan Gowing and Susan Drie- home of the bride's parents. Jackson (junior boys 50 - yard haus earned the admiration and backstroke-46.8 seconds)', Glorl'a At Ft. Meade Pelrsol (Intermediate girls 50sym p athy 0 f the a ttend ant reviewers of the impressed with the parade quall~, all quantl-' Lt. ~olonel Robert E. Boulter of yard backstroke - 41.6); Carol ty, good rapport of the paraders. 307 Riverview avenue, Supply 01- Williams (senior girls 100-yard Genial Parade Marshall B flcer of the Philadelphia Uliited breaststroke. - 1.31:8); Charfotte Joseph Reynolds and all ur!,;;,~ States Army Reserie School, is Brodhead (mtermediate girls 50helped In the parade. Includin now at Fort George G. ~eade, yard freestyle - 33); Dave PresWray Hoffman and' his g Maryland. The Philadelphia unit ton (seliior boys 10d-yard freeary Police came In for general Is directing the training of , style 1.04:8); Dave Foley (Midget Reserve OfIIcers in the . boys 50-yard butterfly 54.5); appreciation. The game hour at the College General Corps from First and Christy Decker (junior boys 50Avenue School lIeld turned In Second Army. yard butterfly 49.3). The senior another record ;where the pony A reservist himself, Colonel boys 200-yard freestyle relay rides in charge-for at least the Boul~ is a veteran of World War team composed of Preston, Subtwentieth year-<>f Mr. and Mrs. II. He. has been awarded The ~ette, Crawford and Lange came Philip M. Alden, to whom the European Theatre of Operations In one-tenth of a second later earnest thanks of the day's spons- medal, Army of OCcupation, than Rose Valley's team which ors the local Business Association Purple Heart, American Defense, made the 8 pool crossings In . extended, totalled a new high Victory Medal, Reserve Medal and 1.~2:7. J. Lawrence, J. and C. of 278 lfoung riders. Games American Theatre ribbon. WillIams, and J. Robinson in the boys and girls under the dlrecsenior girls relay where 13.5 sec,0. :;,n :~~'H~~;; H~"::~, ~c~:':; susanN:!:~ ~~~:. of ~'::':'s ~:!~5~ .the Rose Valley the two-legged race Tug-o- and Mrs. William N. Bower Mr. Others who placed for Swarth§ War. which provided the iliitial Westminster avenue, .more ineluded: J. Foley, second i" wetting of the day. Here the gen- Sunday from Cleveland, 0., and S. Robinson. fourth in midget era~ focus was the Business As- where she and a cousin Ellen boys backstroke; J. Espenschade sDelation's distribution of free Caldwell of Decatur Ga had and. Lynn Hartman, second and popsieles to all who collected visited their uncle ar:d a~! Mr. third In midget girls backstroke; them. and Mrs. Harold Cathcart D. Foley., fourth In junior boys The Fire Company's Demon- Cathcarts drove the girls ea~t backstroke; Josle Lange, third In stration and water ftght was glv- left with them on Monday junior girisbackstroke; H. Schad, en before a large and loudly ap- Ocean City, N. J. for a week. They E. Harris. third and fourth in inproving croWd, all wllllng to be will return to Swarthmore termediate boys backstroke; Ann soaked If the hoses turned their leave Susan and vlslt Mrs. Cath- Paul, second, intermediate lilrla way. Speeds runs, putting out the cart's sister Mrs. ·Bower for two backstroke; Bob Sublette and fire in the temporary "Police days before they return to Cleve- George AllIson' third and fourth Headquarters" with land. senior boys backstroke; J. Robln~ ~tan Stepanski remalliing stOical- Bob Keighton will teach Social son, third, senior girls backstroke. on call, ladder demonstrations, Studies and English at the ConAndy MacNair, third pleased the waiting croWd. cord Township School this Fall. in midget boys; H. Morrison and e loud shout of the M . R....haw second and thIr.d in "We Want Wa ter" f 0 IIowed rs. Ernest D. LeWIS and her. daughters Lynn and KeDdrS. re- mIdget girls;' S. Hansell and Bol> water fI:t until the amtable fire- turned 'early In the week· fro a Baker, second and third, juliior :'~to~~e:;'= ::!t ~e stick-it- week at the Eastern Shore m b?ys; Cally MacNair, third, juliior lng h tisl1 orne drip- people's camp of the Church gIrls; John Seybold, third inter~ "';nusa~:;'w'::dln ~f eel, with the Brethren, Camp Mardela, mediate boys; J.. Williams and Stan driving Nino d':"'trohna~ Denton, Md. On July 11, Mrs. ~ue Campbell, .thlrd and fourth, silo phetls Lewis her daughters and Mrs mtermediate guls; Stu Bowie lot~er racer round the parking Joseph.P. Bishop and'her daugh~ third,. senior boys Freestyle: C: Thanks to the Business ~_ ter Holly will leave for Cam Pren,!ce, second midget boys; H. ation it was a good neighborly Farthest Out at Orkney Springs, MorrIson and J. Espenschade, Foill'it. sane fun';'d ·th Ut' Va., where Mr. Lewis will join second and' fourth, midget girls; patriotic lead of the earlWl de his family. After the week in M. Boyer, fourth, junior' boys; ers.in line with the freel par~ - camp,' Mrs. BIshop and Holly will Cally MacNair, fourth, junior brated. Chairman of the ;::y,ce~ return and the. Lewlses tour the girls; Lawrence. and Schad, 'secShirley, tired but relieved, . southern states for three weeks. ond and third, lntermediate boys; add to the enjoyment of his Lt. Comdr. J~orne B. Smith, Coles, second, Intermediate Fourth, the thanks of Swarth- M. D. of Westminster avenue left J. Bruce, fourth, seliior moreans, at home for the day Monday. for Cuba wh~ he will boys; A. Paul, J. Robinson third . be. stationed· for two years as and fourth, senior girls. Butter:tly: Mrs. E. Neal Thurman of Cedar c!llef obstetrician and gynecolo- D. Renshaw, third, midget girls; lane returned home Monday even- g~st at Gua~tanamo Bay Hos- C. Prentice, fourth, midget boys; ing 'after spending the weekend PIta!. Mrs. Smith and their daugh- S. Mansell, third, junior boys, B. In Buck Hill Falls. On Monday ters LInda and Debby will join Breakall, third; junior girls; Eo she took her son, John, to Camp him as soon as it Is possible and Harri,s, thfrd, intermediate boYs' Poconos, Lake Wallenpaupae, Fa. remain for his term of service. C. Brodhead' and J. Paul where lie will spend 1he Mr. and Mrs. Willtam D. Hen- and fourth, intermediate sirls' B of July. . dry of Rutgers avenue and their Sublette, second seliior boys: 'Mr, and Mrs. Kent Clarke with sons Bill and Jack left by train Williams, third, ;"nlor girls. '. their three children KennY,Char- on the Fo~ or July for CheyAt the' end of the backStroke if!, and Linda are spen... ..;.. enne, where ........ be metWlYormng, and driven SOO they mileswill events 48 in f the seore f R stood at 79 ... summer in the Roy J. McCorkle the sheep and cattle ranch the b_s..~ke9S~'"' ...........- I !~ ~ Weekend of __July 5. 1956 r',,,,., '.' .. .. ... _ ." .. ' .. .. ' ~' ",~~". ~ ... "SWiFT'S "PREMIUM P,qrttrIlCibS'e ~83c nib. T-Bone 'Strlot.. ".".-,,~ '."" ···'·.itJ Ci h b ·3SC;;lb. - -31or-:$~fOO :~Fran'i'fUrters .. ..• • : (:-',:;--.0. ( "/'.' ..' r,'· '~Dri~k" S'~v~ling FOR SALE - Bed, double size 2S CfO price reduction for July and August mahogany Simmons spring III~ ~:;;,;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;~;;;:;;;;:;; I:~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ complete andwith matching mahoga~y II1II1 • night table. Very good condition. Jewelry Repaired PIlon.: SW 6-4216 ,ill $45: CaU CHester 3·1164. EMIL SPIES ; PICTURE FRAMING' !I FOR SALE - Ladies $olld mahoWatc...... gany desk and chair. Call ....."'1' 01 F. c: Bod•• """ PORTRAIT STUDIO SWarthmore 6-2516. Rn. Watch and • 129 Yol. Ave. Photographic Supplies ;Pljjli"Cola - plus deposit ':Q,uilline Watelr .se1fwepps~ CaRiita"", tKraft'~olden "'Macaroon MarShmallows -29c . Swift's Peanut /Buffer :SSc \ R-DGER RUSSELL service. able. Phone SWarthmore 6-3583. Swarflnllo.. 6-1448 of tubes carried. State & Monro. Sts. Call KIngswood 4-0800. FOR SALE - POODLES ,... Eight WH.LIAM BROOKS weeks, standard brown. beau~lMeclla PEHSONAL Belvedere Con- ful, Intelligent, do not shed, lov- Ash"" & Ruhblsh R .. moved valescent Home, 2507 Chestnut lng, top hred. SWarthmore 6-7301. ....WD8 Mowed, Geiterid'~' street, Chester. Edge ot SwarthFOR RENT Ba-II-' Open ' f'ioidaj- Evenings more. Aged. senlle,chronic, ........ val!,scent men and, women. FOR RENT, _ Garage, 133 Park 238 H ••dln~ Ave~ lIfo.lon, Pa. ,:I , Hellmann's Garlic Flayored ..: - Old' Fashioned 'French Dr.ssingl9c Fresh'Loose '","aloes '2'lbs.49c , -LETTERS -PROGRAMS -CIRCULARS -FORMS AL.AN PARKER Now and _11ll~ Plan... and ~~ Bin"" 1 _ PIANO TUNIN& PhOD~ ~ 6-sM1 . ment hy earlv on flrs~ or c,~ll, :Ipngswo,9d ItI saw it in the Swarthmorean." Swartllmore ENGINE R'I:P,'"RS Whea Yoa Clloage to ATLANTIC " For Pro",pt Service Coil 'Call SWortilmore 604100 ' Pike and Woodland, Av~., , Springfield Philip ,M. SweenllY James,W. Lubns James W. Lukens. Jr. " , RW ESTATE. fr Tender Klngswood 4-1234 Large Size"" 81JNDAY8 aDd HOLIDAYS •. . ~INSURAN(E D~,~a~'\yelsh Odorless - Stainless . MA~E YOUR HOUSE HUNTING EASY? . '? " j . . •. , < ,Johnson Raid. ~, .-;. Stop .inand. inspeftpht)to~ of all. houses avail·l able In Swarthmore, Walllngford.Rutledge and; '. .... 1 area. ~ffouse and-Garden' 'Bllg · t' " , . . 604742 WA ..... ',523 Welsh St., Chester CHester 3-7183 . , .. " . ",6ge ,I With Spray Dispenser ':~icint'SlZe' . 7·'Ajax~Cleanser .' '2~rfor c , 11lREYER'S~ICE CREAM JNts·~lIaifF~II.s , . ',out of Ifi'~! , ' ' , ' 29c more " , Alberta "Free-Stone Peaclies~ Iba -~~'·9c · -fSag 'Killer Reed ,~·69c J. A.,GREEN . WHY,;NOT? KI3-1497 ,) " • " Green' StritJlless~Beans 2 Ibs. ~9c :MONDAY TJIItU SATURDAY NOON' , . Real ,Sharp :M,ctw..r Sea:!ice , ,',' Oil BURNER I SERVICE 15 S. CHESTER ROAD MOWERS", . lHE Paae 8 ~W July ARTIIMOREAN G, 1958 taxes. It Is noted that the LegIs.. lature made these provislODll The Swarthmore Borough Tax available only to school districts Members and guests of the event with Helen Morrison, secCollector, Milry Parke Dodd, and not to other taxIng bodies. (Continued from Page 1) Swarthmore Swim Club wound ond. in just aDllounced that abe Is send-I Frank R. Gettz, an aceomp1lahed up the local Fourth of July with Josie Lange was 1lrst the Mrs. Walker'Penlleld of Guernhorseman arrived in the blizzard a nll'Velty water carnival full of girls candle race, 12 and under, ,lug out supplemental school tax sey road, leaveS today on the of 1888 to ald Swarthmore College spills, cbills and tbrllls. Prizes despite a strong breeze. Eddle notices." under Act 544. of the S. S. United Ststes for . . eight by driving its teams ot sleigh ranged from marbles to water- Shute won the boys event with Pennsylvania General Assembly week trip through England, horses. He remained and operated melons. David Morrow, second.' of 1952. Notice of these assessSwitzerland .and France. Mr. the College truck farm until his A trio of unusually adept dlvers The Paul twins, Ann aDd J\!an ment increases had previously Penfield will join Mrs. Penlleld death in 1934. and swimmers booked as The won one three-legged race fO;, been mailed to each affected in London in about two weeks. Frank L. Gettz beeame an ac- Smoothies and individually an- girls 14 and under. Marsha Hunt i property owner by the Assessor, countant in the freight depart- nounced as Speedy Gonzales, Gal- and Ann M~Dowell won a dUPU-\ Frank L. Geltz, now retired. Four out of five· persons 65 years ment of the Pennsylvania Rall- lopping Goon, and Two-Way cate event. Hal Lawrence and, Under the plan adopted by tbiB of age or ov~ will be eligible road Company on April 12, 1912 Stretch opened the festivities with Howard Schad won the boys' school district under the Act re- for &OCtal security benefits in 1975. and had completed 35 years act- demonstrations of their orlgir.al !three-legged race. ferred to, the AsSessor monthly ive service when he left the Com- styles, both in performance and Carol Williams emerged victor-' reports to the School District and pany on sick leave in August swim attire. Their unique strokes, lous in a balioon race for girls the Tax Collector. the completed When someone says 1947. breath-taking fountain forma- over 14. Ronnie Taylor won for: values of properties that have His pOlitical career began in tion, chain swimming, ability to the boys. been finished or on which altera1914; Having turned 21 that shrink in the water, and new ,and A team compOsed of Dave" tions have been completed. The spring, he was drafted into the different dives more than border- Preston, Skip Skoglund, Luren. School District computes the adjob of judge of election when the ed on the fantastic. One or two Dickinson and Jon Lange won the' ditional tax due and payable and regular judge became ill just be- of the many enthralled spectators clothes relay against the lifeguard: reports this 'Sum to the tax colfore the fall election. Mr. Geltz remarked the coincidental re- team.· Somehow the guards kept 1lector who sends the tax notice, arrived at the old Borough Hall, semblence of the trio to three of losing their caps, goggles and fins. on the first of each month on where all Borough votes were the pool's popular lifeguards, Bill The girls clpthes relay winning' which the tax is due, to the recast then, at 7 a.m. and was the Kynett, Bill Hoot and Walter team was composed of Carollne spective property owners. first to vote In what turned out to Udovich. . Webster, Susan Campbell, Les' At the beg!nningof the new be such a heavy election that it The Smoothies later exhibited Ann Kurtzhalz and Susan Bruce. tax year, on the first Monday of took until noon the next day to their particularly novel scoring Subm...si11. Action ! July, the tax collector then sends count the paper ballots. In those ~ste,m b y ra ti ng the superb exIn a pool where some folk are' a supplemental tax . no ti c~ f ,or the days there were but 600 to 700 hiblt.on dlves of Jean Boyer and still struggling to stay up the even entire year covenog the mcreased voters In the entire borough ~d Brodie Crawford against those of harder feat of staying down was' values over those repOrted in, the ,What you ,..aIl1 need nearly .100 per cent exercised theIr Fearless Fosdick . ' demonst ra ted b Y a r-'Iar tax notices • Such increas. , bllled as an adnurabJy ....&... franchise. Olympic dlving champ!0n. Fos- considerable numbP.r of local es were not reflected In the regu.is a pair of earmuffs I Later Mr. Gettz served. a couple, dick was a tall, lean athlete some- swimmers. I Dick Fellows and lar tax bills and require' suppleof terms as majority mspector. what Uk... Carl Schaefer, assistant Andy Roxby tied in the under-I mental bllilng. Since, under this We are serio... abollC He also served as secret"?'-treas- coach of the Swarthmore Swim water distance test-both !ravel- Act, the School DIstrict is perthis buoiness of heedinsdle reDdom recipea of wellurer of, the Pe~nsYlvama Stste Team. HIs performance on the ing the entire 50-yard length of I mitted to levy the additional tax , mun;ng friena. IUld neighAssessors AsoclatJon and was in- high board proved him "fearless" the pOol before surfaclDg.In the for the succeeding full year which bors. Cert.aioly chere a~~ strumental in the passage of sev-. indeed. subsequent swim-all Dick better-' Is the year 1956-57,' these bills lOme wooderfal DeW meclieral laws governing and protectDicky Martin retrieved seven ed Andy by managing to turn de-I are now being prepared at the ' daes DOwavai1able. Buconly , ing assessors. pennies from the pool bottom and spite shallowness of the water I instance of the School Dlstrict to your Doctor luiow. wbea. He has been treasurer of the Kristin Peterson 13 to win the and progress a abort dlstanceon • be sent to taxpayers to be paid where aad how to p~'be Players Club of Swarthmore for boys and girls penny scramble a return trip. So Dick was pre_ I along with the regular school diem. Call on him ac ch'l fine the past seven years. ' sen t e d the "il ,ign of illness. Heed his comvi Last esldyear t for children six and under• s ver" cup. V'ICki pelellt coonseL An" always ed he also Shervwlll as tince-p~ dednl' Carol Espenschade and Debby, Baker almost made it to the ,pool EASTLA'WN CEMETERY brillS his prescriptions to ... an oWce e can ue 1D a - Su\livan won the two kickbOard I for careful com~W!dioS. tion to ~ng business manager races for ,!Irls eight and under.: en~e H. Logan Lawrences won A non-profit, mutual enternext seaso . Andy Thompson and Sandy Rob-', the f--"- relay with the Bob Al• f th b fit ff CATHERMAWS Before and after World War I inson won the male equlvalent. , tbon;"";;;;mlng in second, the prISe or e ene 0 am les DRUG STORE he was all active member of the Eric Peterson waS first and i Prestons ,third and Hansells, residing In Swarthmore, and "" ,Swarthmore Fire aDd Protective David Elsenbud second in the bal_, fourth. The junior family relay neighboring c~mmunltl.., Your . Association, ofn1 which his bfather loon race for boys 10 and under. winn ers were: E $pensehades, patronage,ls earnestly solicited. t , :;:"m~. ~~g~..:e~e~:: ~e a~ Diane Renshaw won the girls first; SUvers, second; Gllis, third; ALBERT N. GARRETT Petersons, fourth. I &. I M sociatlon as secretsry and also FREE PROGRAMS . C h Millard Robinson SUller.- _I Pres dent' a••oss gr. has been recording secretary ,of , !• ODC , tI· 228 Sarrett Ave. SW 6-04&9 the local American Legion Post.' Special sound health movies, ,1Dtended the afternoon s ac Vlties J Married to the former Mar- some cartoons aDd others of day- which were most ably announced Swarthmore, Pa. WA 2-8741 guerlte McLean 'Of Rutledge in to-day living, are being offered i by Renshaw brothers, Horace and; ~;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, 1919, 'he has one daughter, Mrs. by the Delaware County TUber-,! Clifford. , C. William Ramsay of Mt. Hol- culosls and Health Association,. as -------ELBOW! TV yoke place and two grandchildren, free programs to summe,r recrea-I Black Poodle Earns c. Wl\llam, Jr. (Chlck) and tional playground and camp "Companion" Degree Tone TV $9.95 ~ompJete Heather Marguerite Ramsay. groups, and Bible Schools In the· .Separate volume control and switch , area. Marie Antionette, black French .Permlts late-at-night viewing without disturbing sleepers F:ree booklets explalD!ng soClal These films, dealing with nu- poodle of Mr. and ·Mrs, Ben Olcott • EXcellent for Hard-of-Hearing security are available at the social trltlon, good health habits, first of Oberlin avenue won the Del.Attractive All-Wood Cabinet securityolllce In Chester. aid, tuberculosis and a number of aware County Dog Training School • Allows quieting or silencing noisy commercials I other subjects are designed for Trophy as llie highest sc"rInil dog childreD of all ages. They may be trained at the school, participating RADIO· PHONO • TV Furniture Upholstering scli'eduled through Jon Clayton, 1in the Delaware County Kennel FRED D. KIERSTEAD Added Tax Bills Out, PooIites Celebrate "The Fourth" Frank Gettz Retires As Area Assessor I I • Yes; n' l ! SOUND AT YOUR Personna Speaker "===========;:;';"=', He8lth Education Secret~ry at the; Club all-breed shown on June 10. Delaware County 'TB Office, t9h score of, 191 pOints out THOM SEREMBA Flv. Yean of Sworthmor. w.,..ees Estimate.> Given Without Oblll)afion Phone Sharon HID 0734 Priee Reda:ttlon for JIl17 and. Aqpd. YOUR . RADIO NEEDS RCA Batteries" Get Them Today at "".I . '''LUSie ~ -a OX 110 Park Ave. Swarthmore and Welsh Streets, Chester. The telephone is ,CH .3~7. Mr: ,Clayton and MIss Wilbelmina Powell; als,o a 'Health Education' field worker, have started scheduling speclal he8lth, programs for clubs, serVice organizations and school assemblies, starting in the Fall. 'l'hese programs, varying from 15 to 45 minutes, range from professional speakers on tuberculosis health problems in the County, motion pictures, colored slides, panel discussions. k alic,. I,ar c " I,.' 9 I' r t s oli bank I,uildln~ DURING JULY AND AUGUST Store Closed I P. M. Saturday , THE 'PREP SHOP (Ages 6 to 16) 40S Dartliloutll Ave. "H KI4;.15.15 SWARTHMOilE a possible 200 completed her I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ qualification for the American Kennel Club companion dog deSTORE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday 9:30 to 5:30.p. M. gree, and nearly won her the Friday 9:30 to 9 P.M., Saturday 9:30 to 6:00 P.M. award for the highest scoring poodle in the show. Craft's C h, arm, Weimaraner owned by Irving Zimmerman of Harvard avenue won the first of thre~ legs required ~or the CD degree also at the show. I Enjoy Happy Hours At Summer Recreation (Continued nom Page 1) pigs. A trip to the Gas Station tor the filling of inner tubes wiU> air was fun; When they through the w!lf Media, Borough dogcatcher, was granted the $100, salary increase he requested. The Borough pald $746 on' the spraying machine which arrived two weeks ago. The balance, and an additional $186' whicR wlll cover cnst at insecticide and labor for two of the regular weekly Sprayings of the town, was con,trlbuted by citizens through a collection committee headed by Charlea Topping; Although CouncIl anticipated $1000 must be budgeted for next year's anti-mosquito campaign, It was ststed that the $80 to $90 weekly expense of doing its own bug-ridding, Is conslderably 'less than' the $140 and $190 quoted by the Delaware County Mosqulto Extermination N.Y. Composer To Teach A C II t 0 ege During Fall Term 37 Foreign Students Arrive Here Saturday Air laid Alert Set for J"Iy 20 Swartbmore IIoroqb wlll parliclpate In a naUon-wtde air raid test wblcb wlll &ake plaee Frlday,July 20, Charles E. Flscber. ehalrman of the 111eal elvll Defense announced thls week. • The time bas been eet for 1:55 p.m., aad wltb the lOundin&" of the Bed 81--', all trat.fie wlll he s&opped and pedesirtans wlll be expected ... &ake cover. Since the test will JaM abollt 10 or 15 DunUtes, U bas beeo sqcested \bat those witb appoiJllments seheduled In the early afternooa make their travel pla.Ds accordingly. An alert signal win sound off aboot ao hour before the 1:55 Guests Under AFS Program To Make Three Day Visit Paul Creston, eminent COmThirty-seven foreigu stUdents poser and musician, will join the from 17 countries will arrive in faculty of Swarthmqre College Swarthmore tomorrow, to make f th 1956 f 11 t i or e ced a tsemles ers, t was visits in the area. The group, b announ recen y y warthscheduled to arrive at 2 p.m. at more President Courtney Smith. Swarthmore High School, will Mr. Creston wlll teach a course spend a three day period as the and seminar in principles of guests of families in Swarthmore rhythm based on ideas developed and viclDlty. during the writing of his new text The visltors-students, finishing ~o book "PrInciples of Rhythm." a year of study in this country II , ' Mr. C~eston's work has won under the auspices of the Amerlfor him a number of coveted can Field Service International Hoot,Schoefer Leaving; mFusiCal honors. A Guggenheim Red SJpaI. Scholarship program - Include ellOW Triple Meet ti in Mhuslc for two consecuboys and glrla from France, Ausve years, e was awarded the tria, The Netherlands, Italy, BelTomorrow Citation of Merit from the Naglum; Germany, Norway, FlD1and, tional Association for American Luxembourg, Japan, Uraguay, The first course of swimming Composers and Conductors as the Great Britain, Turkey, Sweden, lessons, in which 95 children outstanding compOser of the years Spain, Greece, and Nevaz Panday were enrolled, ended Friday at 1841 and 1943. In 1943 his FlM of Pakistan, who just graduated the Swarthmore SWIm Club pool Symphony, performed at Carnegie' Summer Clubbers Total' from Swarthmore High School and eager new groups appeared Hall by the Philadelphia Orches62; 6 :reams Vie for this June. on Monday to begin the next two- tra under OrmaIidy, captured the Local hostesses for the occasion weck course. Felt insignia which New York Music Critics' Circle Championship are: can be sewn On the children's Award as the' best American or Summer Club has been under suits are now being given to class chestral work of the season, and way for three weeks w'lth a Dr. and Mrs. J. Alfred Calhoun Commlsslon and another outside be' Turtl th th of Elm avenue, Mr. aDd Mrs. Carl 'source for perfOrmIng the service' mem rs-green es for ose e American Academy of Arts variety of activities including Dellmuth of, North Swartbmore for the Borough ana weekly bas- w h a started out as non-swimmers and Letters bestowed on him Its sports, games, and arts and crafts.' . is in the 10 a.m. class, golden sun- annual award In music. The 62 youngsters, third, fourth, avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Jolm W. . fish Carroll of Coliege avenue, Mr. Dogcatcher Davia whose annual for the 9:30 beginners, and Two y,ears later he received the fifth ,lIl!d sixth graders, have been and Mrs. Logan Lawrence of Welwage jumps from ~ *~ .... to $500 re- white whales for the advanced Alice M. Ditson Award, and in divided, ~nto six teams with the " lesley road, Mr. and Mrs. Doiiald pOrted he had apprehended ten group which 'hits the water at 9 1948 occupied the A1chin Chair at 'usual UD;iqu,: names. They have P. Jones of North Swarthmore dogs in the Borough, during the a.m. rain or shine. Those who took (Continued on Page 8), ,been competing in softball, kick avenue, Mr. aDd Mrs. Edward past month. All were humanely lessons during the previous course baseball, capture the fiag, etc. as Ainslie of North Chester d, destroyed. ' may apply at the pool oWce for well as varl0\lS gamC!' of which, Mr. and Mrs. Wl1lls Durb roaof Willi pests, g....... and, destnl"- insignia. bOmbardment seems to be the OI'8W tloIi riillllngarOundin theirmitids Bie.lii ........ sl!iteft EiliGUe4 ,. Tu,,"?,,! night was a llvely ~ mOst popular. I:;:~ a;:::::. ;r",::d the Borough Fathers decided to Enrolled for the CCiurse just' 1D' 'the Bo, June 29. Mrs. W",mer is avenue is spending the months of Coles' brother-in-lew and sister, former Misa ~ Yates GIJJuly and August at Camp Wyoda Mr. and Mrs. David Senseenig,I<,.oreest of. Swarthmore. in Ely, Vt. and family of LaGrange, l11. Both infants are grandchildren Battery Rental Servic4l, ...""tor. T...e ..up MI'. ando Mrs; OIIcar J. Gll- ~iiii§iiai5ai5ai5$$$$$~~$ssa~0iii5aiiaai5ss0iii5~ . , TELEVISION: S' Mi~ CE ~~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;~~ m:'ri~~~'::~'a~~:.img School =:::,m;:;\!. ~~:.!.~~~;~ ~! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rose Valley Inc. ' State Aido In·.lion. \YHm '5.00 . '4.50 1'1!1'!', Edward M. ~ssett "f. Dr. and Mrs. J; West Loveland III'~~~o~f~'~v~a~."~a~r~.~av~en~u~e~.====;; No~ Chester road, Mrs. Hervey 'of Yall!' avenue with their Sc!lum!'cher Of, a,!verf<>r,4. ave- 'childreli Kurt. aDd Lori recentiy ~~e. Mrs, J. Archer Tunler of 'reiuined from a 'two week trip C;:~ar lane, and. Mrs. Francl,s V. Bullalo, N. Y. and Rochester, . W:~n of Walnut lane returned Ind: During their joUrneys they home l~st. Saturday, o!, the, Brit- viSited' iil Canada. . annIc folJowing a nine week trip , to Sicily, Italy, Austria, Germany, WED TOMORiow ~nce to England: ~. ~ G. Keenep. of Hat;vard avenue entertained at a The Donald Longinans of Par- dessert .Wec4lesday afternoon, July rlsh road had as their house 11, ,in honor of Enzabeth guest recently Michael A.4funs; son McCahan whose marriage to of Mr. arid Mrs. Walter' Adams George Robert Swan wID ·+.1'~ I of Chappaqua, N. Y. place tomorrow' morning at 11 o'clock in the Swarthmore Presbyterian Churcb. W1t1r Mr. and Mrs. Georg!, McKeag Among the out-of-town guests with th'eir children Betsy and who will attend the wedding are 4-PrlUs Every Sat. ,Mat. Ian of Parrish road reeently spent Mrs. McCahan's brother and S..n. Mon., oltd T .... . Juiy 15. 1.~ 17 a va.aUon in Cape Cod.' Before .=======================;.; returning home they drove Betsy 8VBSClUPTION8 O~. 0'; fI!I. to Camp Wyoda on Lake Fairlee, FOR ALL, II......., 'or yo.r ' . " " . " WM. HOLDEN 1111' NOYAI Eiy, Vt. where she wilJ spend the MAGAZINES . "Picnic" summer. MB8. LLO'2n E. KAUFTMAN Mis. _n· ...' "ow, 313 Darbaolllll Aven"" . SWarthmore i-zeae Andy Hopkins, son of Mr. and ~:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;::;;:;:;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;~ MI'1'. Robert R. Hopkins of South r ChE!5ter road, left Tuesday for YOUR RADIO NEEDS Fernandina Beach, Fla. where he F~R-E·S..H RCA Batteries Cht T.... Today at (CINEM,o.sco!'li'TECtiN'COLORI Featvr!s 7:30_ and, 9:35 P~"'. c.n.....•• YacaH.. S.ow W. . . .;,."• .1.1" '., , P.M. l' Color Cartaons 2-5ho" Subleets ,~:,~::~... T.. 20.. Fat....s.. .....,..,. p,",."._ of, ,.....'lforIc . -'-_.;-:-- Wecl.,~.',..".M ... s,t. In'' 1..; 1'. . . 21 IOB,ER'" J. AU~ ~ •• RUSSELL'S SERVICE OPPOIife, BOrough Parting Lot ·SW 6.-0440 . . . .. See These; In; OUr D'isplay' R••• ' fora M... of current premiUm re- To myt thlstuture rUe in benenot needed for ~ents lit payments Conareu hu enacted . ~ .Soward K. ,JenJdn' of beneGciarieil and operetlq ex- a grsdusJJy rising schedule of or Elm avenue returned Nortjl Chester road wID leave topenses. The reason insurenca contribution rates based on lo~ . Sunday 1oJlow1na a three weeks day for a six weeks trip to Switzcompanies invest these receipts is, range cost estimates. . trip which took them to Callfor- erland and Italy. She will be acIf.erbeTt ·W. Grubet'. ~t of course. to obtrJn interest earnSeIf-SIIPportlna' BMJa nle and up the West coast to companied by het' cousin Miss ""'BIlger SocIaJ Securltv ings that will help meet the These contributions, together BanIl and Lake Louise.... Louise Coleman of xl. Vernon, iltri&tkm: CheateS', hII8 made future costs of the insurance and with the interest eamingsof lIle ' N. Y. following .toten.ent thus reduce the premiums the trust fund's investments, are inMr. and Mrs. S. Copeland the Securltv Tf'UIt Funds poliey holders would otherwise tended to maintain the program Palmer of lionh Cheater road !In! "I saw it 1ft th~ Swarlhmorean." From time to time statements have to pay. The securities held on a self-supporting basis, withr=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--~_;;;;;;~~~~~;;;, are made 1n4iI'atIDg a serious by the trust fund perform the out any subsidy from the general mlsunderstand 1n, of the signlfl_ same function. funds of the Treasury. cance of the Federal old-age and Trust fund investments are llmReceipts in 1955 totalled $6,174,_ YERtical Take-Off & Landing survivors insurance trust fund. ited by.lew to securities issued or 000,000. This consisted of social Because you and practically guaranteed by the Federal Gov- security contribUtions $5;713,000,everyone has a personai stake in eroment. There are two prlncipai 000 and interest earned $461,000,the social security program YOU reasom for this restriction. FIrst. 000. Social security benellt pay_ may be interested in knowing It is designed to ensure the safety ments totalled about $5 billion. .". " ••I ,..... a.d ••• af.ct..... i" some facts about the trust fund of the fund; Government securl- Total assets in the trust fund at and its operation.. ties are the saf~t form of invest- the end of 1955 exceeded 21 bllAs a IIrst step in understand_ menL sec~! It kceps this pub- lion dollars. ing the operations it should be licly opera program from inThe 1948 Advisory Councll on . vesting reserve funds In comnoted that the Federal t·tI busin' tur Social Security of the Senate and survivors insurance pe I ve ess ven ea. ComnrlUee on Finance made the fund, which was established by By investing its receipts in following statement: "The inemCongress, is kept separate 'from Government seCurities the trust bers of the Advisory Councli are all other accounts in the United fund is a lender and the United In unanimous agreement with the States Treasury. It is held by a States Treasury is a l1orrower. statement of the Advisory Councll Boerd of Trustees which hy lew The trustees o~ the. fund receive, of 1938 to the effect that the Is composed of the Secretary of and hold secunUes Issued by the present provisions regarding the the Treasury, the Secretary of Treasury as evidence of these ,investment of the moneys in the Labor and the Secretary of loans. These Government obliga- 'old-age and survivors Insurance Aircraft Corporation !iealth, Educa·tion, and Welfare. Uons are assets of tho:' fund and trust fund do not involve any NEW CONTIlIlCTS HAVE CREATED ADDITIONAL All contributions (better known liabilities of the Uruted States misuse of these moneys or ena. social security tax) made by Government, which must pay in- danger the safety of the, funds," employers, employees, and self- terest on the money borrowed employed peopie under the Feder_ and repay the principal when' the NB, NEW' WORKERS al old-age and survivors Insur- securlUes mature. ,,' ance program go into the fund. 8eciirl&les Baeked By U.S. High school and colJege students The fund also receives interest The securlUes held by.the trust ~ho plan to work during the com.. for fund are backed by the fuJI faith mg montha obtain on its i nves tm en. ts '.. urlty __ ~_should bet eekin social ' a n d credit ot the United States, sec c.... "" ore s g em,DESIGN (Meehaniea,I Strudures, The assets of the fund may be 11 bJi d bt urltI ployment, Herbert W Gruber PU e ec used' only for benefit payments th aseyare Equipment & Installation) areaj u st as gccod as sth e pubesli;c district manager of th'e Chester'' and ld b,y banks' i inSociai STRESS ANALYSIS ' of theadmlnist~atlve old-age and survivors In- d e bt securlties h e, se d security. Office has adsurance companies and private in.. v . WElGHT$ surance progrsm. dividuais. In order to be given proper ~RS (Di8i~al & Ana"'·) Use Of 'Receipts The purchase of Federal obU- credit on social security accounts iio...... " ..,,;,~ ..... Most of the receipts of the trust gations by the trust fund from the for wages earned, It Is very im"'l'IAMIw fund are used·to pay monthly and Treasury does nof increase' the porlant that employers be furAERODYNAMICS lu.mp sum beneJIts, and the cost of national debt. The natlonai debt nlshed complete name and social administering the old-age and sur- increases only If the Federal Gov- . security number. Be sure to show Specl.' opportanlf, for and 1956 vivors .insurance program. The emment's expenditures ere great-; the SOcial security card before be,n,,.eerf,,, Grad.ate.. · remainder Is invested, according er than the receipts from taxes ginning work, Gruber urlied. to law, in interest-bearlng obJiga- levied to meet those expenditure!!. Work ot a part time or teinpor, For i';forinatlon or lritel'vlew Appointment tlons of the United states. When, such a dellclt occurs. the ary nature is COVered by social Write or Phone These investments are made'to Treasury must borrow money to security and must be reported reFRANf( S. COE . assist in flpancing the social se- meet the deftclt by selling Feder- gardless of the age of the person curity program. They are .simiJar al securities. I performing the service. Manager, Engilleering Personnel to a private Insurance company's It there were no trust fund the' Social security cards can be obSWarthmore 6-4000, Ext. ~24 Treasury ,would still have to bor- tained by visiting' Or writing to . . ..... I~" row the saine total .amount, ail the Social Security Office, Fldelity_ .. '" , . ,, ., Fun'liflre SEREMii' U.....,arilring from .other investors. 9bester Building, Fifth and Markt Streets Ch tel' J,itl:'t«.,. it FI" V..".f Swarli.n;... ROfo...... re- e ,es. Es6male. 61••• Without Obll9alf.. deem the ·secu.ritles held by the! Donaldson J*»ins ' . . U .... r Phone Sharon HID 0734 MORTON, PIiNNA. trus.t, fund, tbes.e taxes will not! CO' ach".ng StaH Prlce Reduetlon for .Ja.,.. and Aanat ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~======~~~~~===========~ be levied for the purpose of pay- ' C ing social security benellts: RathWiJlls Stetson, director of Ather, they will be levied for the letlcs of Swarthmore College. has purposes for which. the money announced the appointment. of was originally borrowed; for ex- John Donaldson as assistant coach , ample, to pay costs arising out of ,in footbaU to succeed Paul Stofko World War II. who has retired from coaching in . The fact that the trust fund, order to give more time to businrather than soineothet possible ess. Stofko has coached at Swarth_ investors, hoids a Government more since 1938 except during bOnd does not change the ,purpose World War II when he waS in the of taxes levied to redeem. ft. Navy. Donaldson, a 1843 graduate of Benellts paid, frott. the trust fund are expected to increase the Univeridty of Pennsylvania, steadily during the next 50 years. played football there in 1940, '41 and '42. He received a law degree . from the University of PennSylthe SweatShop vania and Is practicing law in r. NII"r.,•••,... Media. He served as assislant ••rl., ft. "_or. coach at the University of PennWanted Home Baked Goods sylvania from 1946-1951 and jOins the. Swarthmore coaching stall this Phone SW 6·4597 September. ExpIa""Ins' Sacon'"tyTrust FIIlid' . Mr. and Mrs. Kaurlce •••. I \ aircraft' v E R T O' I L . ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS i955 ~ . .... ', l.. V£· OL' .' , . , . _ . . TkOM .r?Of~tJf«UtJ~L-___ w::e,:!,::n'!'l:::~: I I , Their new automatic Home Dishwashers with the "Custom Kitchens by Chll~cI;" ,. Kitch e nAis1 IliJ ~.. ~hl. , ,. The Finest Mado' ~.. . 'IE ....u .Fe; co.. .TIDY. 0.10 " World'. lar•••f Manufacfur.r 0' Camera Sale 3 DAYS ONLY ance of tile biggest .!If finecen ; • _ . II. t~ Ii a.p(1C8 • 88 lOw as a fu)Jy equjJJped ~ilBr. ADd Wbata world OtdM'erencetbereisl Cmne drive it today ••• tbeDW _ tell yOu about the ... ~ deal we.can give you tIris weeki Food ond Klld.... Machin •• T'HERM'ADOR July,13. 14 and 16. 1956 , Many items, but only one of eachl !31Jt-i~_e!Mt~ range. <;:001, Clean, Safe Electric CC!Oking . Klle'.n Job Too ...... or Too THE CA.A & HOBBY SHOP Smcio· A .... .... of 6 Park 'A•••. BIGGEST BUY. OF PORTER of '!I_'. ; H~ CARS I WAITE, Inc.. ' eHS"" Road cliild Yo'e A...... " ~Wa. I••o.....12S0 Ins ....._ ..._ ..... , SWartlr...... 6041'1 , Swarthmore. Pa. ... ..... ,to . . Wed. ' .. 1 ML We CoIfectT.... .... ,. ..• '. 't -..' & frolic Kel,notu. SRA Play Group 'I'HE SWARTBMOREAN to the CaribVirginia and Evelyn BuHltt Of ILIn.coln avenue are I«VIna as (Continued from Page 1) counsellors this summer at Camp with Chip Shay captain; IIfth the Merestead In Camden, Me. a "anD Block Busters with ;rim Cll1ford and Graham Patterson acting Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eo Told of captains; and in sixth place the "Polly" Told Paloters Crossroads. Pa, Park avenue with their da'lIIllter I Belly Washers with Gordie Boyd Miss I!Dlly Told, leave today Jet. Ih. 1 .. 201 Entered as Second Class Maller, January 24, 1829, at the Post captain. OfBce at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1878. a three week vacation at PackNow pla,109. Jol, 9~14 On a FrIday two weeks ago, a ard's Landing, Sebec Lake, Me. .DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON treasure hunt took the team all SWARTHMORE, PENNA., JULY 13, 1956 over Swarthmore in search of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Lange Next wHk: Ca......1 clues. From the Players Club to of Cedar .lane will have as their "'on.• F.I., 1:301 Sat.. , • ,:30 to all to attend the services at the College woods the boys and guests for a few dayS their son-. PRESIYTERIAN NOTES Tld.h from ,1.20 (tax Incl.) lIteservatfOllI: Valleybrook 2441 11 a.m. In the Church Building, girls ran, walked, and craWled, In-law and daughter Mr. and . Dr. Andrew Mutch, pastor em- 206 Park avenue. Special Rates to Gfou_ and after almost two hours the Mrs. James Parker Hall, 3rd., who eritus of the Bryn . Mawr PresbyBlue Jaguars led the otheer teams terian Church will be the guest to the "treasure"---<:8Ddy METHODIST NOTES minister this Sunday at the 11:00 lemonade. The Gutters, Alley 'AMILY DINNERS to SUIT ... TASTe of mlYONE o'clock service. The title of his Church School classes for all Cats, Block Busters, and ~ ..... ~. TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Cooked to Order sermon will be ''The Shadows We ages will begin at 9:45 a.m. IInlshed In that order, and It was . EXCELLENT BANQUET AND PARTY FACILI:rIES Ca~." ing pupils are cordlally welcomed. reported that the Belly Washers, BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12·1.30 P. M. The intercessory prayer group The Morning Worship will be· Hnally llnished at 9 O'clock that DININ& lOOMS LO.IY All CONDITIONED will meet in the church on Tues- gin at 10 a.m. throughout the night by way of Albany and Har. day, July 17, from 1 to 2 o'clock. summer, with Dr. W. Galloway risburg. Comfortcobl .. Rooms Day or Week Elevator Anyone who ts interested is in· Tyson preaching in Mr. Kulp's TOday a Fun Day will Include vited to come. absence. Dr. Tyson's sermon sub- a pet show and various stunts ject for Sunday win be ''The such as pie eating, coke drinking, TRINITY NOTES Healing ·Shadow". Nursery chll· and watermelon eating contests, Yale Ie ~arvaJ:cl Avellues, Swarthmore. Pa. dren will be supervised by cap· and sack and potato races. The WALTER E. PARIOTT, M,r. FREE 'ARKING There wlll be a celebration of able women. gala events will wind up with ·the Holy Communion at 8 ::~!:: The church office is open on the counsel ors softb a11 team , cap • Sunday morning, and at 11 Monday mornings only. For in. tained by Swarthmore mgh's stsr the regular service of Morning formation during that time, call athlete Charlie Wentz, playing the Prayer will be held. SWarthmore 6.9770. Dr. Tyson Campers. The following will serve as will be available f.or emergencies, Another week of fun and frolic ushers: sick calls, f1,lIlerals, weddings in the Swarthmore Recreation (in the green bag) F. R. Gray, head uaher, W. N. other special pastoral help Summer Program was enjoyed by Is Processed by Eastman Kodak Co. Ryerson, alternate head uaher, West Chester 5568 if you need the Pr....school - Primary groups. R. T. Bates, C. S. Brown, T. W. him. Should any emergeney de. The PrImary Group made ma'ny -Direct Through _ Hopper, F. W. Plowman, R. B. v.lop when Dr. Tyson cannot be Interesting things, such as vases Price, Sr., and C. M. Waterbury. reached, or for other information and banks from tin cans, and atDavis Moscrip is scheduled to or a••lstance, the pastor's secr.... tractive bracelets and necklaces serve as acolyte at 8 o'clock, and tary, Mrs. Mlldred Conner, is on from gymp. George Hansell at 11. call at WAshburn 8-5609~ The Post.klndergarten Group (Daily 1st Class Mailings) joined with the Prlm&rles in a CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES .FRIENDS MEETING NOTES IrIp through a frozen food plant ,. How spiritual ~derslandlng. of Monthly Meeting for Business on Friday. The tour included ofIIces, freezing lockers and watchGod as divine Life brings m· will be' held on Tuesday, July 17, ing the process of cutting, packcreased strength and use1~ess at 8 P.M. in Whittier House. aging and preparing the meat for will be brought out at Christian . Science services' this Sunday In Chester Quarterly Meeting wlll the market. The children received the LeSson _ Sermon entitled be held bn Saturday, July 28, at balloons for themselves and a set "ille". ~ P.M. at 3rd Street, Media, Pa. of plastic bags for their mothers. We have beenservIRg file public since After the Fourth of July HoliScriptural readings will Include 1878. We are proud of our dignlfted, C0nthe following from Psalms (66:8,- . G·I Rid day the Pre-KIndergarten group . drew pictures of how they spent scientious servlce-a service tha,t sets the 9) : "0 bless our God, ye people, Mrs. I creest ee ecte To Writers' Conference J the day; there was a large variety and make the voice of ms praise standard for the entire protmion. from fun at home' to playing at to be heard: Which holdeth our Mrs. Oscar J. Gllcreesj Of Va~. the seashore. During the rainy soul in life, and suffereth not our feet to be moved." . sar avenue, was reelected a dl· 1weather they learned several rector of the Philadelphia ~glon. games, inc IU.d I n g Charades, . • • The Golden Text Is from John al Writers' Conference Which she Wati,hdog, Find' Your. Bone, and DIIIlerOH O. (5: 26):) "As the Father hath lile in himself; so hath he given to helped to found. mde the Button. 1. 20CH •• INUI SIREII Action was taken at the annu~l A favorite indoor activity of the Son to have lil;, In himself." OLIVER H. lAIR. Found... MARY A. BAJR, PrIIIdeilt A cordial invitation is extended dlr~tors' meeting Monday 1D the Fours, (thanks to Kathy Phitodelphla when om.cers and dl- Reeves' Grandmother), was mak· Terephone RI 6-1581 PUBLISHED EVERT FRIDAY AT SWARTIDIOD, FA. PETER E. TOLD, lIIA1UORQIJ TOLD, FtJBLJ811BR8 Pbone SW~ 8-HOe PETER Eo TOLD, EdU. Barbara B. Kent, Managing Editor Rosalie D. Peirsol Marjorie T. Told 'Phyllis K. Campbell 1"---;;;;;;-;;00;;;;0;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;; BRANDVWIJlUW MUSIC BOX July 21. Mr. and l!IIn. ;r. DavId Jfuberlh of Yale avenue. returned hoine Monday from a ten day vaeation at the Aloba Manor Camp for families on Lake Morey In Fair· lee, VI. Their daughter Patty who accompanied them on the trip up, is remaJnlng at the camp UDtll Finian's Rainbow GIl" STRA.TH HA.VEN INN I The New Type Kodachrome Camera & Hobby Shop Michaels College Pharmacy IINCE 1878 . I THE ....-----:-::=-~----., rectors of .the conference were elected. Mrs. Gilcreest has served as vice pres!.dent, coniest chstrman, chairman of the workshops and other capacities in the'eight years the conference has been conducted to ald professional and nonnrofessional writers. . Two other SwartIunoreans were CHURCH SERYla5 conferees at the recent June 27-29 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH conference in Philadelphia which drew 200 writers together from Joseph P. Bishop, Mi..'!lster John Schott, Assoclate !!!!!n'des' each state betWeen Massachusetts Sunday, .July 15 and Virginia and as far' West ·11:00 A.M. - The Rev. Andrew as Michigan for tWo days of work. Mutch'!;'===""===.ii""_ shops and lectures on writing. ME·rHODlST CHURCH They are: John C. Kulp Florence Lucasse, who attended Mintster . Robert WIlde ae scholarship winner from the . Minister of Music Swarthmore Woman's Club and Sunday, .July 15 won a third prize in the national 9:45 A.M.-Sunday School. contest for a feature article; and 10:00 A,M.-Dr. Ty.son will preach. last year's scho]arship winner. Mrs. Margaret Pinkston, who r .... TRINITY CHURCH H. Lawrence Whittemore, Rector turned this year to win a second . Sunday, .Jaly 15 prize in the juvenile story con8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. test. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIE=TY=-OFFRIEND~ 8!Uic1ay, .July 15 9:45 A.M.-Meeting tor Worship. All are welcome. 10:30 A.M.-FamIly Hymn .Slng. 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. All are weieome. lIfanda", .July 18 All day sewing A.F.S.C. TaeecJay, ;ralJ' 17 8:00 P.M.-Monthly Meeting for Business. Whittier House. Wednesday, JaIJ' 18 All-day sewing lor A.F.S.C. FIRST CHUReJ{ OF CHRYST. gCTENTIST SWARTHMORE • The~'~~ ~iiiiii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iiii~iii~~~~ s'! "Customer Satisfadion a Must" Whitaker 340 N. la,timore Ave. MEdia 6.0100 Lolly Bullitt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Bul1itt, Jr., of Lincoln avenue, will return Tuesday froin a two week en. campment at Camp Elizabeth Borton. " 1ioMr' - . '., "'-- ".,;:. _J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l It's a wonderful feeling . 'IIake Rellllhed! when they're !!l proteded by filsIJfJAoles .. wHlfflls Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Fine of Vassar avenue entertained over the weekend. Mr. FIne's brt~ther~ Rabbi Hillel FIne who has just returned from two years Or service as a chaplain with the United States Army in Germany. 3 • 3 - 3 3 • 5 • 3 - North of R..U~d Business District 4 • 2 • 4 - Mary Lyon School • •• ! Air Conclltloneel . . . . . . 'SIeep in cool comfon ina hea1tbNl1y m. College 4 • 3 • 4 ....., Field House, Prep School, Power House 4-4-4 -Campus 5 • 5 • 5 - Othr Out of Town 6 • 6 • 6 - General Alarm . . T.... 51,0." .,.. s.lIled to C..... '.a.m•• 6 p.m. - 3 ~ 12NOOII~-~ conditioned room, Cree of acess heat aod humidity. perfea for RStfgJ. sleep. Room air conditioDa'S provide idal indoor ~ for..., ~d acdvity &om moming 10 nipt. Selea your air conclidv... at yOur e1ectric:a1 dealer'. or III . aay Philadelphia Electric _reo • """"J .~,_ Swarthmore.Rutledge Union School District School Calendar for 1956-57 Date September 5, 6, 7 Even' Teacher's Workshop September 10 First Day for pupils October !I and 9 County Institute Recess October 18 Schoolmen's Week Recess November 22 and 23 Thanksgiving Recess December 20 Last Day before Christmas Holiday . January 2nd Resume Classes February 22nd Washington's Birthday Hollday March 22nd Last day before Spring Vacatl.... March 25-29 Schools Closed-Spring Vacation April 1 Schools re-open .April 19, 20, 21, 22 Easter Vacation May 30. Memorial Day Recess June 2nd Baccalaureate June 3rd or 4th • South of RaUroad • • IL&DI" . .•• ' I&. .. ILI~'.IC CO• •&.y posslbi1it!,of.~tabllsh_ The next best to a new car is. of course, a 'ate mode' used automobile. NEWS NOTES 80"'.9" 3 • 2 • 3 - ~ of Buying 'a Used Car lAIR CO PUN-." Sleep in an W~ale I OLIVER •H Joan Narbeth of Yale avenue is spending the summer as a counsellor at the Aloha Manor Camp at Fairlee, Vt. .truct a connecting link betw.!E6l avenue and Drew avolnue so that the Blackman tra~t TbIrty-one pooches of varying (Continued from Page 1) sewer might be connected into it. degrees of aristoeraey, In com· PerhapS after hearing Hoths, David S. Binns of Swarthmore paDy with their owners, were EllIott Assoelales' estimate for Estates, Springfield Township was members of the graduating class getting rid of hot sir In Borough granled permission to connect into of the Dos TraInIng School of Hall, Councilmen feel that cut. the Harvard avenue sewer pro. Delaware COUDty whJch closed tlng down on hot-rodders on the vlded Delaware County Sewer Its first term of the summer with outsIde is making the tax dollar Authority approval is obtained. "commencement" ex e 1! " i s e s go further. The engineering com- An earlier agreeemnt with SprlngTlllur'SCh,y evening In the Swarth· pany which has been asked to lIeld for entering the Riverview mgh School Gymnasium. estimate on air-conditiOning Bor- road span was ratilled. Fred Lang, ThIrteen "best friends" were ough Hall notilled Council It 307 Maple avenue, brought to from this vicinity and Included: would require 26% tons at $1100 Council's attention the $100 damBEAUTY SALON. per ton to do the whole of the ages caused when a sanitary sewHenry T. Gayley's Dalmation Hall, or 1% tons for the IJbrary er backed up into the IIrst lloor LEST IEAUTY TAKE A "'CAnON TOO "Pepper" of Elm avenue; Skipper alone. Council asked for a further t hi h J 16 C II Willis ' , C 111 "R -, f D d d 0 some on une . ounc 9 South Chester Road o e uu 0.. 0 gwoo estimate--doing the police head- was advised by Solicitor Clarence lane; Richard Howe s Spaniel quarters separately t Call SWarthmore 6-0476 "Smokey" of Swarthmore avenue. • G. Myers that the Borough Is no Actl.. M......r of ... Swa.....o.....1•••• Alloclotl•• Ruth Workman's Poodle "Char", Won" Redster Bikes legally responsible in such cases• I t' s C0 111e "Did", 0 b' th Unregistered hlcycles escaped ti However, the 111··onn C aver 'tt health and d' sanita· ted t of Wallingford' and ROnnie Pen. unscathed but Council asked On comffil ee was .rec 0 cek's German Shepherd "Gretch. Borough Secretary Elliott Rich- study the en" of Moylan. ardson to protest to Vertol ing system of mspection and From. Springfie ld were H arry (Piasecki successors) that its cleamng of sewers. . Pratt's Boxer "Rex" Johnny helicopters were flYing over Council thanked the Lions Club Karpinskle's Beagle '''SkIpper'' Swarlhmore and annoying resl- for the large trash cans placed Kathy Lane's ShellY "LIzzie" and dents. Birney Morse, public in the business section by the Cuthriell's D a I m at Ion satety chairman, announced that Club. It denied the request Of the "Duke". further study of last month's pro- Delaware County Reserve Oft\From Morton Was Mrs. Frank posal to register bicycles had re- cers Association's Ladles AuxllIWarber's Mixed· "Fritzen" from sulted in a decision 10 drop the ary for monthly use of the Legion Large seledion of different makes and models. Media Mrs. Blake· D. 'Lewis' plan. Morse said benflts from such Room, October through' June, Most are one owner. Low mileage, very clean. Dalm;tion "Speckles'" and from registration were not deemed to stating the room should be kept Rutledge Ruth Carn~y's Cocker be sutlicient to justify the labor free for local municipal use. • All safety tested and guaranteed. "Freckl~". involved. B.oherl W. Swayne was told a A new course in obedience Delving deeper Council found slight variance from the rear line Everyone backed by our reputation of square training began' on Wednesday lack of sewers hampering some set-back on his 90 by 90 foot lot dealing. evening at the high school gym. areas and overllowing sewers on l!IIlchlgan avenue, would be Classes for beginners are at 7: 30 raising havoc in others. Aachy permitted il_ neighbors were Come in today and drive a bargain. and 8: 30; intermediate and ad· Brothers was atuhorized to COIl- agreeable to it. vanced' classes are at 9: 15. Quality Product - COlllcfentfou. Se...,fce *Persona. Service Borough of Swarthmore Fire Signals Park Avert11P hP1n ..... 'ffarvard ' .School. 15 . 11:00 A. SIDIIIaJ', M..-.sunday 11:00 A.M.-""'.. Lesson· Se> iiiOD I'Llfe.It • ing cutouts fromthem lovelyto wallpaper and framing be dis. played on the wall 'for Mother to see'. On Tuesday the Threes were enthralled by a big bulldozer gers avenue walk was Indeed a hig success! "Inky Dinky Spider" was learned In Song TIme and on Thursday they playell the new slnglllg game ''PuochiueUo''. Clay work was popular on rainy days. _ _~._ _ _ __ Doggie Cere.onle. Sugless, Dogless, Speed Graduate 31 Less Soro Not Costless Mr. and Mrs. WIlliam T. Salom and Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. l!iI1f. 8In of Haverford place enter1a1n. .ed at a Fourth of July yard party at the Salom home in honor of former Swarthmoreans Mr. and Mrs. Valle Schloesser, now of Kansas City. Through this, agcuc:y you. can. get _ virtually every fonn of iDsurance protection you need for y~family, home, .automobile, and business ·ADd when you get tEtna Casllalty protection through us, you get far _ than just insurance • • • you. get 'he policits with the p.s. - personal serv- _lIS out dose and conJiaa.: ous assialBDCe, upM attention to your 8pecitJI (!Ids. 1114 prompt IerYice if ice. This acc:ident or lois oocws• P.S. also means you'll. get the same frieaJIIy aqleration from A!tDa Casualty agents and claim offices wherever. you go. ,'" . bammencement June 19th Last,day pupils June 20th Last day Teachers June 24th Begin Summer School CLOSED SATURDAY at 1 P.M. During July and August ~ Coil., today:."., _ to enjoy "1M wondn/lll lulitig" tlun comu with -ninr tire lOUrie, with 1M p.s. PETER E. TOLD 333 DARTMOUTH AYE. . SWARTHMORE 6.1833 OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY PORTER H. WAITE,lk SWaIn ••• '..1210 BBTAU NOTIa ,,= . .....1401 .... Elks land Set for . • Thursday Concert A:uperatlna Mn. Gordon C. Laqe is reo at her home oa Cedar .. • BSTATB Ol' CIIABLU BARBY TOII- a:LllAI:I ~to . ~..:.- tbo ._. to tIIo UD4or- ha.. bot. ~.::.•~, ':r'""':..."".l:'~~':1 • ild ~I :..:..:: '~od~u..u.: .... make _.t ""bo.t dol..- to, 1~5~.HM:.!f;!jJAHBood~IIIW1SON ""f::, Or to bt.LaA:o~:::: PenuTl....n1a lIIodIa. P•• ""'I'.... ==-====------:.:...:.: ~TATE 1t-1-1I NOTICE 'f~A.t~ :AJ'..:.:::....c,;...?~.•~ aboIf.l= ~;.AJl:=I4d0't, ::: _to undo_. all ___ the .. Id .re _ .....ted1001._ to ........to pay. me.t••od Ibooe hari"" eIaIioo to PnHDt .he ...... aJ,'liI1lhd-::~j~. Bzecutor Po....'" BoUdl"" Or to II...... ..s:.:;r!!... ~..t:l~~~• hIa A._;- B~:BATrY. I...... GREER & P..... • nd RAWLE &, HBNDBRSON Packard Building Phll.del.ld. I. Pe...,I•••I. 8M-' "I SaW It In the Swarthmorean." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS THOM SEREMBA UPHOLSTERER 5 Yean .f 5................. c. Sharon Hili 0734 prIce reduction for July and Autun Jewelry Repaired Pbone~ SW 6-4216 EMIL SPIES Wotc••a ••r Formwl, of F. C. loci• • SoeI Fine Watch and 128 Yale Ave. Clock Repairs Swarthmore, Po. , Swa.....ra ,.1448 WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes & Rubbish Removed Lawns Mowed, General Hanlin\... nan. 238 Hardm. Ave.. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Slamford, Jr., Jr., of strath Haven avenue sPeDt the weekeild at Ocean City, N • .1. tioo of -Thomas G. Leeson, will begln at 8 p.m. Vocal soloist will be Dolly Apolari Miller, well known for her appearances In past yean' concerts. . will . Included on the Program be March ''WelD Blelbt WelD" (Schrammel); Waltz ''Emperor'' (Strauss); Trumpet -Trio, ''The Three KIngs" (SIDlth). by J. SaWiders, W. DIx and R. Holm; Novelty "Bizet Has His Day" "D (Arr. Homer); Vocal Solo ear f Mine" (Ball) d Uttle Boy 0 " an. "Allee Blue Gown (McCartby), Overture "Barber of Seville" (Rossini); Selection ''HollYwood S ere n a d e" (Davis); March Pa. starting salary for 2 UKutI.....type sat....en to ~nt 101'9_ .....,.. "nondal corporetiOil. No frcIvel. Sal.. el:pwl.nc. and ability d ••lred. r iii -RTRAI'T STUDIO .. v E E Ii Photographic Supplies I~ ROGER RU'SSE'LL -1 - PERSONAL FOR SALE - POODLES _ Eight PERSONAL-Upholstery repairs; weeks, standard brown. beautiPRICES. REDUCED FOR fui, intelligent. do not shed, lov- JULy AND AUGUST. Seats ing, top bred. SWarthmore 6-7301. $9.50 up, large chair re-upholst~ FOR SAf.E Philadelphia grand- ered-$35 to $40. SPECIAL SALE lath • I k 1838 h OF UPHOLSTERY CLOTH MOonera!dc ':at:.. dl8is.mw~~: Regular $6. reduced to $a.50per condition. SWarthmore 6-2182. yard. More than five years of ~ Swarthmore FOR SA1,F . Chlld'~ crib. com- Seremha. phonereferences. Sharon HIll Thom 0734. plete.. Play-pen foldillg· Call PERSONAL and teleSWarthrilore 6~562 after 5. 's! rvl- Radio Co I teO t--~ T "" EI" tii .. _. b d VI on se ceo mp e • UCA FOR SA ec c ~,er, ran of tubes carried. Robert Brooks new. uever wed. Retails for Call KIn d • 0800 ' .s219,p~•.Wlllsell for $150. Call .. gswoo ... Klnliswood '3-9307. PERSONAL - lJelvedere ConFOR SALE-Used bendix washer. vales"ent Home, 2507 Chestnut Good condition. $45. MEdIa 11- street., Chester. Edge of Swarth6705 . more. Aged. sPDlle, chronic•. con. valescent men and women. hFOR SALE-Kiln, $.25.; glr.I'S 26 cellent foOds,' spacious grounds. Inch bike, $5.; larllew!n4ow. ~~ Itl!Oored. I!,di~ D. =~$:~4g:.g house. fS. SWaHhproprietor. CHeater 2- I iii I III FOR SAl.E-Lovely lot 100 by 200 In nice ~dea.tlal se~ of old shaqa and well landscaped State & Monro. Sts. laWII. Convenient to everything. Media -- John v. Lattimer. MEdia 6-1945. ..elgn FOR SALE-Splnning wheel. at MEdia 6-2176 . the Forge. Allison's antiques. and exII Open Friday Evenings MEdia 6-1407. SWarthinore 6- . terlor painting. and paper .hang_ IP. 3050. ing. Henry K. Savard, Sprlngfteld, ~,4~1IlUI~1DII~1~la~IQIIIDlII~~no~m~DId~b~IUdlfiill~ul~IU~IUdlfiiuno.:~ FOR SALE-General electric re- KIngswood 4-0161. '. i2 frlgerator In excellent· condi- PERSONAL _ 'Furniture rel1nl.shtion. Reasonable. Call KIngswood ing _ custom cabinet work _ general carpentry. Andrew Span4-1096. FOR SA[-E Sofa bed, single. $30. ler. Jr. SWarthmore 6-2198. Antique rocker, $16. - Console PER$O~AL _ Slipcovers and phonograph, ,$15. Two dining. ·driI~es. Henry K. Savard, room chairs $t. each. Coffee Springfteld. KIl1gswood 4-0161. . Formerly table. $5. Call KIngswood 3-3347. PERSONAL _ Painting. George FOR SALE -. Modem maroon Fair. Fiilly . Insured. Estimates CARNS al cS::~arl~~b~1~ ~~~: given. caII MBdIa 6-&702. 650 Baltlmor. Pike wood 4-1038. . WANTED I !i' nl. Floors • Plastic Til. Mod.rn Kitch••• Alterations 1401 Rldl.y Av•••• CH.st.r 2'11759 2-5689 ~===========:; d !!1IIJI.....bDU&UiIIWIIIRllI;Fj .tta. lIaHc:11 nsklMt, 2S-4G pars old, mar--lied, capable of GSlumlnl nsponllWf. ItIN. I. requesting InterYfew· pi. . . lodud. brief ......1 all ,..,.1. confId••lal. Our salelm_ have _ I"",""od 01 till. ad. .... A. L Swartlunonan. "do". CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL , t;;;t SWariilmore ~50 ::;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I ~~==========~ ; Duplicating .. -MA.... - ,.. I on. -... _~I." ' \.....--i!rBl . . _ibl---) IUlM. . . . .AUI Service THOIE_lI:Ir. 1[I';l~mtrD DIlY &ndNIGBT • LETTERS OIL BURNER SERVICE -PR06RAM~ -CIRCULARS -FORMS 1II0NDIlY TllBU SIlTURDAY NOON Klngswood 4-1234 1S S. CHESTER ROAD ~UNDIlY8 113-1497 anti HOLIDAYS J. A.·GREE" MAKE YOUR HOUSE HUNTING EASY? Stop i~ and insped photos of all houses available in Swarthmore, Wallingford-Rutledge and Media area. Baird &. Bird Realtors 0, •• tlo..,. WHMIfI.., aIHI Fri'., ....,.,. KI 4-1500 Opposite Boro.g. Hall Consumer·s Co-Operative Ass·n • of Swarthmore. Inc. 401 Dartmouth Avenue ,~-, .... Weeke.,d of July 12 • Swift's Premia. BONELESS Oven or Pot Roast Top of· _oulld - Eye of Round lottom of Round , 79c lb. These Roasts. are Exceptionally Good No' Fat ~ No BOlle, Excellent For Cold Beef Sandwich This Hot Weather. During , All Brand.s 'of Bacon lb. S9c J. F. BLACKMAN 8W 8·18.6 '============::. .. 2 FOR 49.; , 17112 S~ Chester ••• 1(14-1700 HELLMANNS REAL MAYONNAISE 71c Quarts . Rosemary L. Delap, College avenue, has "adopted" Athanas sios SkalomenOll, an elght-yearold Greek boy through Foster Parents' Plan. It was announced by PIan headquarters at 43 West 61st street, New York City, 23. Athanasslos, nick-named Nasios. Is an only child. He lives with his mother and paternal grandmother in the Konltsa district of Greece. Nasios' father was a mason and field laborer cultivating his own land and earning enough to support his family adequately. On February 20. 1949, the family's happiness ended when the military in which the boy's father was travelling to Konltsa on business. struck a land-mine and was blown up. The mother had to go to work as a field-laborer _peetlq a 50 calibre machine gun are (I. to r.) M1dn. 2/e: since she could get no other job. Georlre M. Sloan. son of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Sloan of 119 WelllnlrThe family owns a little pl9i of ton st., Bessemer. Ala..; Richard K. Alexander, son of Mr. and Mrs. land and a donkey which Is used A. Alexander of 117 S. Swarthmore ave.• and R_II E. Vreeland. fOr transportation. The average Jr•• lIOn of: Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Vreeland of 610 Rivellide tIr., 0 ... monthly Income from the land is mond Beach, Fla. They were among nine hundred and IIfty AnDa$1. ThIs sum is the oliIy steady polls men alid 50 Canadians who completed two weeb amphibious income the family has. The warfare traln1nlr June 17 at the Lltile Creek Naval Ampblblous grandmother. due to her advanc- Base,Norfolk.Va. ed age. can be of no assistance to _ _ _ _-:-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ __ famiry. All the other relatives NAMED BY UNDERWRITERS High School, McCahan studied are too poor to help. Nasios Is a soUd little boy with David McCahan Jr.. a former Ufe insurance at the Wharton black hair and ~yes. He is a r~d~nt of Swarthmore and son School of the U~venltJr .of Pennserious, truthful little boy. A sec- o'I McCaban of Strath Haven sylvania" graduating In 1952. Mr. and-grader- at the local Pr1ma~ . h'as qual'lI d .Lor • .~ 1 e mem- McCahan s fat.her. the late Dr. school, he .is clever and a good ' . in tile MilUon Doll Davllt McCablJll. was insurance student. He enjoys his learning ar professor at Wharton School and Round."Table according to a recent presl'd'ent 0 f the A merIcan C0I _ very much but is not yet sure announcement of that. organlza- Iege of Llfe U n d erwrItera at the h t h w a e wants l!> be w h e n , grows up. He has no toys. tion s executive comnuttee. time_ of his death In 1954. David Each month. Nasios receives $9 Mr. M~ahan. a Chartered Life McCahan Jr. quali1led by examcash from Plan. In addition. he Unde,:wI'lter, is an associate of Inatio,! for the C,L.U. designation receives parcels of food, new the FinkblJler General Agency of In U155. clothing. shoes and a 100% wool Northwestern Mutual Life Insur_ _ _ _ _ __ blanket from the Plan ware- ance Company in. Philadelphia. About 9 out of 10 people who house Membership In M.D.R.T. is Umit. ' . work f or a living .are building Fos~r Parents' Plan is a non- e~ to life. unde~lters who an- retirement beneftts protection unprofit. non-propaganda. non-sec- nually sell a mllhon dollars. of der the s"",al security program. tarlan, Independent, life insurance coverage accordmg In 1935 only one worker out of 10 approved rei ~ e f organization to standar.ds prescribed. was covered by any kind of a rewhich according to its by-laws A gradl:l8te of Swarthmore t1rement program. provides for the "care, maintenance, education, traln1ng and well-being of children orphaned IN WALL AIR-CONDITIONER and distressed and otherwise made at . last! destitute." It does not do mass reilef; eaoh. child is treated as .A Air-Conditioneran IJ!dividuaI. '~doption" Is lin•. w:ith no ~nsig;'tly "overhang" inside - or ~uti anclal; not legal. to mar the beauty of your home. No blocking of your windows. New and duplicate social securlty'cards can be obtained from 1I0r Information the Social Security OWce In WALTER Y. LINTON Chester. . "I saw It In the Swarthmorean." , Friskies Can Dog Food 8 cans , 19c ' ROOFING time services. Janet Shugart. ME-, .. .i :::dl;;a:-:6;:;-4=50;;:7:.:..==_=_=-== G....... W~trong boy Or man Warm.Alr Heatlag for help In a home where there is an invalid. Call SWarthmore 6Air eoadltl.al., ' ,;1;67;::5:::.==---===~;:--;:;=::-~ t Metal W"rk WIANTED-Home for black: cat, . beautiful white mar kin g S. Trained. SWarthmore 8-8Ol16. WANTED-Two bedroOm apartment by earlyd fIfall. Pl Preferably II on tlrst or secon oor. ease ca 10-48 SWml_re6s074G KIngswood 3-3189 or reply to .. , . Box H, The Swart.bJ:norean. ';;:=;:=;:=;:=;:=;==:=;:=;:=;=~ WANTED-High school graduate " desires mother's helper job with family on vacation. call SWarthmC!ri: 6-3050. WAN'l1ltD-Woriiiul desires five days of housework. Call CRester 2-6065. s.... .-ge Myers $1.00 Frlskies Dog Meal a Campi. . Dog Food . 251bs. $1.98 - 5' CalifoJ"nia Juice Oranges CucUnibers and Peppers Large Plums Brand new 1956 models- . doz. 29c while they last ea·Sc 2 lb. These are brand new deaners in their original 8hiJiping carfuns.- 3Sc LAWN MOWERS SHaRPINED . . ENSiNE·itEPI\fRS -, . Real Sharp M4w.~ Service Baltimore Pike and Woodland Ave., SpringReid WIle. YOD Chang.·to ~lIIIlIDIIIImmnmDlmllnDlmmnmmlmDllmnnnmnnDlmnnommlDlllDlllllllllHlllIIlIIlllIIlIDllDllnlllllli SWEENEY & CLYDE A .C. .".,. ·'."1'fI1ICI ....., fsiar. A,MCY =1 ATLANTIC· For ProMpt Service . c.n Air aad Rip Travel zt EAST 5TH ST.. qHESTIR 406313 406312 ·........·CIJtIe Contractor and 'u"der ~,12 Russell St•• Ridley Park WARburn 8-3530 - . ' SWAlT",MORE. PAs dinette. bath, third floor, well ventilated, convenient, use of yard and porch. swarthmore 60149. FOR RENll'-Unfurnished, second floor three rooms, kitchen Refer6- 5 ••••1 D. Clyda . llisped _. Machine Gun. 'UILT IN Co-op Rect Label Apple Sauce LOST _ Red umbre·lla Wl'th ''Gloria'' embroidered In white. Also red ziPPered boot for left foot, size 11 ·or 12. Mislaid dur;.. ing spring by seventh grader and College avenue kindergartner. Reward. Call SWarthmore 6-1808. LOST-Blue patr of girls glasses In tIie last month, vicinity of College Avenue School SWarthmore 6-1273. "''-''''- 335 DflrtInoath Aft_ Call SWartl....,. 6-4100. WHY NOT? Food Market FOR RENT WANTED-Working ",other wlthl r;-----;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;:Oiii-~. FOR BENT _ Apartment, two sChool age child desires II.vlng 1; bedrooms Uvlng room kltchen- quarters in exchange for part- I '.'_5·N PYLE • Alterations Florist Spri.gfield. D.I. Co.. Pa. c SWarthmore 6-8761 ~===========~ AND SON GfNflAl CONTIAcrOI THE 8WAll'I'QMOJlEM( Adopts Greek Boy PAINTING and CARPENTRY EDWMD G. CHIPMAN CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE July 13, 1968 Jack Prichard Mr. and Mrs. George Plowman and children Susan, Nancy, Steof Harvard avenue spent the phen John, ___ __ _past _-'-_ _and __ _ _of_Whittier _ _ _place __ The park is located at the west end of State street near the BalUmore pike In Media. . =:: PICTURE FRAMING ;=:===========. . Mrs. George Silloway of North Chester road expects her son-in.. Mike McCrory of Westminster Ia d d "~"ter Mr W an a"6U, . and Mrs. avenue and Mark Detweiler of Paul J. Furnas of Richmond, Ind. Comell avenue left Saturday for for a visit scion. ' two weeks at Camp Niokomas In central Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Whlcher (Seltz); National Anthem. The Park Is sprayed before each concert by the DeI aware County Mosquito ExterminaUon Commission. Iii :::n:a: :;=' and Sons $500 MONTHLY Swarthmore Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hulme of Rutgers av,eDue welcomed the arrival E. this of their Mrs' 'G week Merrick, 3n1. daughters Ith h •• , w er three little girls Deblanble, Lauded' and Joan from Cleve d, 0., an Mrs. H. H. Baskln, Jr., with her chlldreu Belay, Vickie, and Ham from Clearwater, Fla. "Hands Across Sea" "Knights (Sousa); . the March Intennlssi .Bridge on, March" (Coates); Tone Poem "Finlandia" (Slbellus); V.ocal Solo "Dancing In the Dark" (Schwartz); "Jealousy" (Gade); SelectiWl "Warsaw Concert.,,, (Addlnsell); Medley "RaIn" (Arr: Yoder); Rhythm ''Bandlnage for Brasses" (W'!l I t e r s); ExcerPts "Cole Porter Songs" (Porter); March "Brookes Chicago Marine" HOW Z5 " isne followinc an operation' performed June 29 at the Unlvemty of Pennsylvania ROIIpltaI. Mrs. Lange arrived home Saturday. Band on Thursday even1n.. July 19. The concert, Under the dlrec- ~~:'B!;Y':F . R Wa,lter Weaver superi!ltendeni cit Delaware c'ilunty Parla, has announced the rotP-am to be Presented by the ~ester Elks' . weekend at the Lake Paupae Club retume4 home. 'Mond S7 oa the In the Pocon... Ryndam after a year In Swed... Mr1 will&er, with a iruIIbl'IIht Teacbln& I'elIowIhlp, Ieatured at Mr. Ralpb. Hpdep of Porter Upp mila UDlnmty, )vat nonh . :~d of StocIdlolm, This 1IWDIIl8r the . Whlchen took a . camping trip a two ~eek m~ tiip to Florida. through Germany, Italy and France. Janet Bowie of South Chester road returned home yesterday Mrs. WUUam M. _Blaisdell III from a week's vlmt In Ocean City ArllDgton, Va. Is spendl n , two as the guest of Georgia Detweiler; weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. JenkillS of North Chester' road. Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Woske with their children,. Thomas, Helene, Shirley and ElIzabet.b, I'I'CeDtly moved from Wynnewood. Into their new home at 531 Bryn Mawr avenue. S-.... 4--6314 D.~.Jr. ... ".....*.~. VAN lLEN BROS. Ridley Park ' " "'7",.· WAIoM_ MODEL 14 a wonderful buy-:-limited quaDlit:y. -fonnerly $104.90-,:now only $69.95 complete with tools. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE THE SWARTHMOREAN ESTATE NOTICE ESTATE 0 ...• (lHAULES HARRY TO&{- 'UNSON. Ileyh-"a-'ui-'"_ _ _ _ _3:c'-'.7.-'.3 from a week's visit in Ocean City Arlington, Va. is spending two will begin at 8 p.m. the weekend at Ocean City, N. J. I.STATE NOTICE as the guest of Georgia Detweiler. weeks with her parents, Mr. and Vocal soloist will be Dolly Mrs. Edward A. Jenkins of North ESTATE O}' WALTER C. GILES. lale Apolari Miller, well known for Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hulme of or the Dorough of Swftrthmore. Deceased. Chester road. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the her appearances in past years' Rutgers avenue welcomed the arDr. and Mrs. H. M. Woske with above Estale having been granted to the rival this week of their daughters their children, Thomas, Helene, underslKned. all 1~t'80ns Indebted to the concerts. said £Stute are requested to make 1'1lYIncluded on the program will Mrs. E. G. Merrick, 3rd., with her Shirley and Elizabeth, recently menl. and those having claims to present the same. without delay. to be March "Wein Bleibt Wein" three little girls Debbie, Laurie, moved from WynnewOOd. into ROBERT E. JONES, Executor (Schramlilel); Waltz "Emperor" and Joan from Cleveland, 0., and their new home at 531 Bryn Mawr Pnckard Building 15th and Chestnut Streets (Strauss); Trumpet Trio, "The M~s. H. H. Baski~, ~r., with her avenue. Philadelphia 2, Penn5ylvania Three Kings" (Smith) by J. chIldren Betsy, VIckIe, and Ham Or 10 hils Attorneys;BUTLER. BEA"M'Y, GREER &: Saunders. W. Dix and R. Holm; from Clearwater, Fla. JOHNSON Mrs. George Silloway of North PAINTING Media. Penns)·lvnnin. Novelty "Bizet Has His Day" Chester road expects her son-in_ and (Arr. Homer); Vocal Solo "Dear RA\\'I~E &: HENDERSON and Mike McCrory of Westminster law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. l~u("knnl Building 3t.7.2 Little Boy of Mine" (Ball) and avenue and Mark Detweiler of Paul J. Furnas of Richmond, Ind. Phillldelphia 2. Pcnnsyhm.nia CARPENTRY "Alice Blue Gown" (McCarthy); Cornell avenue left Saturday for for a visit soon. "I saw it in the Swarthmorean." I Overture "Barber of Seville" two weeks at Camp Niokomas in (Rossini); Selection UHollywood central Pennsylvania. SWarthmore 6·8761 S ere n a d e" (Davis); March Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Whicher "Hands Across the Sea" (Sousa); Mr. and Mrs. George Plowman and children Susan, Nancy, SteIntermission; March "Knights of Harvard avenue spent the past phen and John, of Whittier place Bridge March" (Coates); Tone ---------.:.::------------Poem "Finlandia" (Sibelius); VoEDWARD G. CHIPMAN cal Solo "Dancing in the Dark" AND SON (Schwartz); "JealousY" (Gade); GENERAl CONTRACTOR SeLectiWl "Warsaw Concertd" PERSONAL FOR SALE (Addinsell); Medley "Rain" (Arr: FOR SALE - POODLES - Eight PERSONAL - Upholstery repairs; Plastic Tile Tile Floors Yoder); Rhythm "Bandinage for weeks, standard brown, beautiP R' ICE S REDUCED FOR Modern Kitchens Brasses" (W a 1 t e r s); Excerpts ful, intelligent, do not shed, lov- JULY AND AUGUST. Seats A.M. Alterations ing, top bred. SWarthmore 6-7301. $9.50 up, large chair re-upholstT' Channel 6 WF1L.T'-S ••day. "Cole Porter Songs" (Porter); ered----$35 to $40. SPECIAL S&LE March "Brookes Chicago Marine" FOR SALE-Philadelphia grand- OF uPHOLSTERY CLOTH 9:45 A.M. 1401 Ridley Avenue father's clock, 1838, mahogany. (Seitz); National Anthem. Regular $6. reduced to $3.50 per Moon and date dials. Working CHester 2-4759 yard. More than five years of The Park is sprayed before condition. SWarthmore 6-2132. 2.5689 Swarthmore references. Thorn THOM SEREMBA each concert by the Delaware FOR SALE--Child's crib, complete. Play-pen folding. Can Seremba, phone Sharon Hill 0734. County Mosquito Extermination UPHOLSTERER PERSONAL Radio and teleSWarthmore 6-8562 after 5. Commission. vision service. Complete stock !i Years of Swarthmore Reference The park is looated at the west FOR SALE-Electric dryer, brand of tubes carried. Robert Brooks, Sharon Hill 0734 new, never used. Retails for CONSTRUCTION end of State street near the Balti- $219.95. Will sell for $150. Call Call Klngswood 4-0800. 2S % price reduction for July and August PERSONAL Belvedere Conmore pike in Media. KIngswood 3-9307. RESIDENTIAL AND valescent Home, 2507 Chestnut FOR SALE-Used bendix washer. ~llIIlIIlIIllIIlRllllllllmnllnlllllllllllnllllllllllllillml11:; COMMERCIAL street, Chester. Edge of SwarthGood condition. $45. MEdia 6- more. Aged. senile, chronic. conJewelry Repaired Phone: SW 6-4216 6705. EMIL SPIES valescent men and women: ExAlterations FOR SALE-Kiln, $25.; girl's 26 cellent foods, spacious grounds. Watchmaker inch bike, $5.; large window Cross honored. Sadie D. Formerl" of F. C. Bocte " Sons :__ --=! fan, $25.; dog house, $3. SWarth- Blue Pippin, proprietor. CHester 2335 Dartmouth Avenue 128 Yole AVfJ. Fine Watch and Photographic Supplies more 6-8452. 5373. Swarthmore, Po. Clod. Repairs FOR SALE-Lovely lot 100 by PERSONAL - Bicycles Repaired. J. F. BLACKMAN 200 in nice residential setting PartS, accessories. Milt Glass § § of old sbade and well landscaped Bicycle, Hobby, Toy Shop, 205 SW 6-6616 Swarth'lIDre 6·1448 lawn. Convenient to everything. East Baltimore Avenue, Clifton State & Monroe Sts. John V. Lattimer. MEdia 6·1945. Heights, MAdison 6-0713. OppoWILLIAM BROOKS Media FOR SALE--Spinning wheel, at site Clifton Theater. A.hes & Rubbish Rerno,·ed MEdia 6·2176 the Forge. Allison's antiques. PERSONAL - Interior and exLawn. Mowed, General MEdia 6-1407, SWarthmore 6terior painting, and paper hangHauling 3050. ing. Henry K. Savard, Springfield, 236 Harding Ave.. Morton, Pa. 9,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 nlllll,lIlIIllIIlIIlII:" FOR SALE-General electric re- KIngswood 4-0161. frigerator in excellent condi- PERSONAL _ Furniture refinishtion. Reasonable. Call KIngswood ing _ custom ca'binet work 4-1096. general carpentry. Andrew SpanFOR SALE--Sofa bed, single, $30. ier, Jr. SWarthmore 6-2198. $500 MONTHLY Antique rocker, $16. Console PERSONAL Slipcovers and Starting salary for 2 executive-type phonograph, $15. Two dining draperies. Henry K. Savard, salesmen fa r9present largfJ Eclst.rn room chairs $4. each. Coffee Springfield. Klngswood 4-0161. financtal c:orpor.tion. No travel. $alel Former.y table, $5. Call Klngswood 3-3347. PERSONAL _ Painting, George 17'12 S. Chester Rd. KI 4-1700 t .. perience and ability desired •.• stabFOR SALE Modem maroon Fair. Fully insured. Estimates IIshed residut, 25-40 yeors old, mar~ CAR N 5 tweed sofa, ~30. Modern natur- given. Call MEdia 6-3702. SWARTHMORE, PA. ,f.d, capable of assumin~ responllbll650 Baltimore Pike al wood cocktaIl table, $25. KIngs\ mel. I. requ.$tln~ Intervl.w pleas. wood 4-1036. WANTED l.cIudo brl.f ......1 hldo,.,. all \ Sprihgfield, Del. Co., Pa. FOR RENT WANTED-Working mother with -;;;_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _;;;;;;;;~, replies conRdenial. Our saltsmen have FOR RENT _ Apartment, two school ~ge child desires living r' b.en Informed of this ad. Box A. L. SWarlnmore 6·0450 bedrooms, living room, kilchen- ~uarters .In exchange for partROOFING 'iiwarthmorean. ~~~~~~~~~;:JI:~~~~ dinette, bath. third floor. well time serVIces. Janet Shugart. ME.~ ventilated, convenient, use of d,!,i~a~6~-4"::5~0~7-,-.-::-:---:-----= Gutters ~-----------"""'1, yard and porch. SWilrthmore 11- WANTED-Strong boy or man 0149. for help in a home where there Warm·Air Heating I Jack Prichard HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS CLASSIFIED ADS ~============:; July 13, 1956 THE SWARTIlMOREAN Adopts Greek Boy Food Market Consumer's Co-Operative Ass'n, of Swarthmore. Inc. 403 Dartmouth Avenue Weekend of July 12 Swift's Premium BONELESS Oven or Pot Roast Top of Round • Eye of Round Bottom of Round 79c lb. These Roasts are Exceptionally Good No Fat No Bone, Excellent For Cold Beef Sandwich During This Hot Weather. All Brands of Bacon Ib·59c i=~ :~;:ITFR:~~: ~_ DI'Luzl·o and Sons . Fl orlst 1118111& COitSi6UCTION r~ T~I~~~.~~i: PYLE i Duplicating Service oLETIERS ·PROGRAMS 'CIRCULARS • FORMS FOR RENIJ'-Unfurnished, second is an invalid. Call SWarthmore 6floor apartment, three rooms, .!16!!7:;5!.:.,-,=--::=-_--::---:-:--o-----:-: kitchen and bath. Refer- WANTED-Home for black cat, ences requested. 6beautiful white mar kin g s. 1999 for Trained. SWarthmore 6-6096. WANTED-Two bedroom apartoa_ns._ C1*IIIIIOt11NOOl ~ LOST Red umbrella with m ..nt by early fall. Preferably Oil IOIUU • Oil "1,taNING WAt . . _I"U.' .l "Gl:--;' broidered in white. on first or second floor. Please call OrIa ~m b f 1 ft KIngswood 3-3189 or reply to Also ~ed ZIppered o'?t .or e I Box H The Swarthmor~e"an".'---,_.,. foot SIze 11 or 12. MIslaId dur, ing 'spring by seventh grader and WANTED-High school gradu!'te DAY and NIGHT College avenue kindergartner. desires mother's helper lob Oil BURNER Reward. Call SWarthmore 6-1808. with family on vacation. Call . LOST-Blue pair of girls glasses SWarthmore 6-3050. . SERVICE in the last month, vicinity of WANTED-Woman deSIres five MONDAY TURn SATURDAY College Avenue School. SWarthdays of housework. Call CHestNOON more 6-1273. er 2-6065. OIL HE1\.T Klngswood 4·1234 15 S. CHESTER ROAD Swarthmore K13-1497 'iUNDAYS' and HOLIDAYS LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED J. A. GREEN ENGINE REPAIRS Stop in and inspect photos of all houses available in Swarthmore, Wallingford-Rutledge and Media area. - d & B-.rd Bair ! Baltimore Pike and Woodland Ave., Springfield SWEENEY & CLYDE : ; A Complete Insurance an" Real Esfate Agency iE Air and Ship Travel ~ - Realtors __ ____ A 2 FOR 49c HELLMANNS REAL MAYONNAISE New and duplicate social security cards can be obtained from the SOCial Security Office in Chester. "I saw it in the Swarthmorean." 71c Quarts Co-op Red Label Apple Sauce 29 EAST 5TH ST., CHESTER Phones: 4.6311 4.6312 4-6313 i = - E 4-6314 ~ Ii!,5 IN to mar the beauty of your home. No blocking of your windows. For Information WALTER V. LINTON 112 Russell Contractor and Builder WAshburn 8.3530 St., Ridley Park 19c Friskies Can Dog Food 8 cans Brand new 1956 models Friskies Dog Meal a Complete Dog Food 251bs. $1.98 - Sibs. 59c George Myers Box 48 SWarthmore 6·0740 California Juice Oranges doz·29c while they last Cucumbers and Peppers Large Plums ea·Sc These are brand new cleaners in their original shipping cartonsa wonderful buy-limited quantity -fonnedy $104.90-now only $69.95 complete with tools. 2 lb. 35c MODEL 14 When You Change to Full siu-ligld weight ATLANTIC For VAN ALEN BROS. Ridley Park ~1Ilitr1 \olilly *.00 plus opening lab from any KOTEX· package REGULAR l2's Z FOR 77c "I' ••• Oefof& INt poet_ SANITARY NA'KINS ECONOMY 48's It a .ap d'~,,'~ It Cmtti~!r or Ullra Shew 75's (15 1IIIIa'!, 10 til We eany helt. Pld (60 ...... 15 .1Ilitr) Call -It &ots, as It Sweeps. Aurhorised' Hoo*,", Sertliu ·/:·.·C·H NYLONS Prompt Service Samuel D. Clyde, Jr. Samuel D Clyde Ope_ lifo_day, Wed. . .day and Friday ! v e l l l n g s · SW 6-4742 WA 1-2440 KI 4.1500 Opposite Borough Hall J. Edward Clyde GeoreJe Plowma. 16~~~~::~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~I~~t........:....... A.m..MMIdMln'..mlmaa.t . . lu.iMfimm . ....mriimHM ....1.25m5a....miMMH . .mm"iMA'm.ma.a....~I._______________________--•• __________ n Call SWarthmore 6-4100 i~~~~~~~~~ ~1II1II1I1I111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111I11I11I1II1l1111111111111111l111111111111111l1111l11111111111111111l1ll1l1ll1llIIlIlIll! MAKE YOUR HOUSE HUNTING EASY? Rosemary L. Delap, College avenue. has "adopted" Athanas sios Skalomenos, an eight-yearold Greek boy through Foster Parents' Plan, it was announced by Plan headquarters at 43 West 61st street, New York City, 23. Athanassios, nick-named Nasios. is an only child. He lives with his mother and paternal grandmother in the Konitsa district of Greece. Nasios' father was a mason and field laborer cu1tivating his own land and earning enough to support his family adequately. On February 20, 1949, the family's happiness ended when the military in which the boy's father was travelling to Konitsa on bUSiness, struck a land-mine and was blown up. The mother had to go to work as a field-laborer Inspecting a 50 calibre machine gun are (I. to r.) MJdn. 2/c: since she could get no other job. George 1\1. Sloan. son of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Sloan of 119 WellingThe family owns a Ii ttle plot of ton st., Bessemer. Ala.; Richard K. Alexander, son of Mr. and Mrs. land and a donkey which is ~sed A. Alexander of 111 S. Swarthmore ave., and Russell E. Vreeland, for transportation. The average Jr.• son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Vreeland of 610 Riverside dr., Ormonthly income from the land is mond Beach. Fla. They were among nine hundred and tiny Anna$1. This sum is the only steady polis men and 50 Canadians who completed two weeks amphibious income the family has. The warfare training .June 17 at the Little Creek Na.val Amphibious grandmother. due to her advanc- Base, Norfolk, Va. ed age, can be of no assistance to the family. All the other relatives NAMED BY UNDERWRITERS High School, McCahan studied are too poor to help. Nasios is a solid little boy with David McCahan Jr., a former life insurance at the Wharton black hair and eyes. He is a resident of Swarthmore and son' School of the University .of Pennserious, truthful little boy. A sec- of Mrs. McCahan of Strath Haven sylvania, ,graduating in 1952. Mr. ond-grader at the local Primary avenue, has quallfied for mem- McC.ahan s father, the .late Dr. school, he is clever and a good bership in the Million Donar DaVId McCahan, was Insurance student. He enjoys his learning Round Table according to a recent prof~ssor at Wharton ~hool and very much but is not yet sure of announcement of that organiza- preSIdent .of the Am~ncan Colwhat he wants to be when he tion's executive committe I~ge of L~fe Underwnters at the grows up. He has no toys. e. flme of hIS death in 1954. David Each month, Nasios receives $9 Mr. M~Caha~, a Charter~d Life McCahan Jr. qualified by examcash from Plan. In addition he Unde~wnt.er, IS an aSsocIate of ination for the C.L.U. designation receives parcels of food, ~ew the FInkbIner General Agency of in 1955. clothing, shoes and a 100% wool Northwestern Mutual Life Insur-! _ _ _ _ _ _ __ blanket from the Plan ware.. ance Company in Philadelphia. house. Membership in M.D.R.T. is limitAbout 9 out of 10 people who work for a living are building Foster Parents' Plan is a non- ed to life underwriters who an- retirement benefits protection unprofit, non-propaganda non-sec- nually sell a million dollars of der the SOCial security program. tarian, independent, go'vernment- life insurance coverage according In 1935 only one worker out of 10 ap~roved rei j; e f organization to standards prescribed. was covered by any kind of a reWhICh according to its by-Jaws A graduate of Swarthmore tirement program. provides for the H care , mainten-! .:;;;;;;~~§~~§~§~~;;;;;~~~~;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j anee. education, training and well-being of children orphaned BUILT IN WALL AIR-CONDITIONER and distressed and otherwise made at last! destitute." It does not do mass reilet; each child is treated as BUILT Air-Conditioner an individual. "Adoption" is finwith no unsightly IloverhangU inside _ or out! ancial, not legal. Real Sharp Mower Service I WHY NOT? Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Work Inspect Machine Gun I ROGER RUSSEll ~~~===: ..age 7 $1-· 49 • » l' • • C-p.... s. .......... I" • • 100'''' Ave.. $wwll..no... P... SW .11..- 66000- CL ..rbrnl: 94.4. Paulson KNOWS Carpets Rugs alld Carpet Samples Displayed in the Home U luly 13. 1956 'lBE SWARiBlll6BEAN P-ae 8 • Youngsters Flock , Paul Creston' Joins 37 Foreign Students To Amlatic CJasses (Continued frolU pqe 1 ) " 1 Swarthmore Faculty What's wrong here? Nothing that a second telephone can't fix! You can have one wherever you wanl it for Jess than Y a day! Call the Telephone Company Business 0IIice and ask about an extension telephone. THE 8B.L TREPHIIIE COMPAIIY • PEllIISYLYAIIIA Arrive Here Saturday (Contmued tram Pace 1) Charles Paul will celebrate hili birthday by entertaining nelghborood. friends at luncheon at his Park avenue home. the University of Ca1ifonIIa. HIs (Continued trom Page 1) A~ place blue Carol Morgan, Andy MacNair, Mrs. Reavis Cox of Walnut lane, latest h onot Is a ....... Mrs. EiWlbeth Prestoo of Dogribbon for his First Symphony a four-nation competition at Tosh and Pat Fraley, Martha wood lane, Mr. and Mrs. George tbe P.arIs Referendum Concert. Jessup, Sue Brooks, Jane Jackson, A. Hansell of North Swarthmore Laura and Sara Enion, AshIey "I look upon music and more M avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. H. speclllcally the writing of it as Fine; Judy Roxby, Dory aC-IPrl!ll'tic:e of WhIttier place. wrote Paul. Nair, Joanie Jackson, a spiritual pra~tice," ~ ~-b d T 11 Cu. d AisG entertaining are Mr. and on several years ago to his K ent, Betsy .,.. a, e a u..uor. Crest D~ CIaI8 Mrs. Robert Lafore of Moylan, When someone says' friend and music critic, Henry Dr. and Mrs. Francis MartIn of Cowell. "I believe that everyone A class in diving opened last· Elwyn, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. of ten . sbDuld compose and that musical wee..k,...w Ith da n Menrollment III H A ot Spr!ngfteld, and Mr. J -.- an 0 e use, nn Karger composition shG\I'ld be a definite and Mrs. Walter Strine of Media. course In our educational system Ricbards, Gay Silvers, Sandra Mr. and Mrs. Dellmuth are In as much as history and mathe- Altbouse, Skipper Willis, Eric cbarge of placing tbe guests of matics, wlihout deeming it a Peterson. Jan Erik Ungem, Ann this group. special privilege of the profes- McDowell and Gail Donovan. . aI com_ ~-r ... slgnia for this class which meets Tbe AFS. 'an orgaDlzation Gf S100 "My phllosophic approach to at 11 a.m. is a leaping green frog. vGlunteer war ambulance drivers. composition," continues tbe letGirl Seoul Badee Test sponsors outstanding students ier, ''is abstract. I am preDCcupied Girl Scouts who are interesied from 25 fDreign countries as they witb matters of melDdic design, in passing tbeir swimming badge live with American famiUes and barmDnic coloring, rbythmic pulse reqUirements wlll have' an oppor- attend American schools.· Tbe and formal progression, not with tunity to do so at noon On three scbolarsbips are. awarded fDr Imitations of nature or narratiGns successive Mondays,' beginning democratic viewpoint, scholastic of falry tal.... or 'propounding of July 16. Mrs. Josepb J. Donovan, standing and leadership potenWhat you r •• ll, lleed sociological ideologies. .Not that Troop 19 leader. and Mrs. G. Wills tlals. Selections are made by. the is a pair earmWfsl the source of inspiration may not Brodhead, Swarthmore troop con- AFS organization and the U. S. be a piclure or a story. Only that sultant, will assist Coach Millard State Department. • Y Po we are serious aboas regardless of the origin of the Robinson, pool manager, in testDuring the tours, each of which cbiI bDsiaeu of ht:eding the subject matter. regardless. of the ing. Girls sbDuld bring a written CDvers more than 2,000 miles. the random recipes of ....!lll. scbool of thought. a musical com- list of the swim badge require- students are seeing the industrial, meaning wenda and nagh· position must bear judgment ments In order that signatures agricultural, scenic and cultural bors. Certainly there &r~ lOme wonderfal new medi·· purely on musical criierla. I~ in- may be added. attesting to each resources Df the U. S. and meeting cines now available. Basonl,. trlnslc worth depends on the in- requirement as it Is passed. On more.of Its citizens. ~ 650.of the yoar Doctor·know.....h~n, tegration of musical elements July 16 Number 1 requirement studeilts were in Washlngton t<>- . where and how to prescnbe toward a unified whDle." listed in tbe Girl Scout book gether from July ·10 to 14 to meet chern. Call on him at the 6nt Mr. CoweU in an article about be met. On the 23rd Numbers 2, administration a.n d legislative liga of illnew HceiI hi. com· Mr. Creston In The Musical 3. 4, 6. and 9 will be met. The leaders, as weU as to vi~t govern_ perent couse!. And alway. bring hi.~scriprio.... to UlI Quarterly October, 1948. speaks 30th is reserved for Numbers 5 ment buildings and the embassies for carefnl '«Impounding. of their native lands. to tbe pGlnt of how close Mr. and 7 and retest. - ; .• ,r:'" . Creston approacbes his standards As the Swim Club team prtmes At every stop OIi the 32-day CATHERMAN'S in his compositions: Paul Crest- for its second League engagement journeys. the students were DRUG $TORE Dn's career is marked to an un- with East WhIteland and Marple- guests of communities and variusual degree by sincerity. self- Newtown at the latter's pool at ous youth. service, business and discipline and earnest relleetion. 9 a.m. tomorrow. it learns that labor organizations jDlning in a Tbere is no one known to me Assistant Coach Carl Schaefer demGDstration of American hoswbo handles more "'"P"rtiy the • ltallt All to wllI -- d In N y. urs en ew traditionsl types of development been cailed for tWG years. Army P f usi 1 HIs First d service and will be leaVIng the York July 17 and the ,atudents ~ec~n':: and the :G pool July 20. B1I1 Hoot. Dennison wlll sall for their homes' abroad Chorlc Dances achIeve a smooth- University senior, who bas sepntl:sh=G=rt!y==a!=terw==ar=d=.= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ness of Integration that is ex- the first part of the summer on tremely rare on such a scale to- guard duty at the pool, leaves day." . today for 30 days R.O.T.e. tralnMr. Creston is now Uving in ing at Seward AIr Force Base, New York City where he Is Nashville, Tenn. He will be reteaching,playing 'the organ at St. placed at the pool by Donald One nf the most attractive homes in Swarthmore. . . Colonial, Malacby's Church, and working Henderson of the Swarthmore on a violin concertG. Higb Scbool faculty. all masonry. center hall. 6 bedroom., 3 baths .. 2 studies, 2 ';:P:: Registration Schedule' car garage.. Half acre o.n the hOI near college and school • . Annual oil' cost under $250. Fo. appointment C'artbmorecentury in the olllce. Narbeth asTo Be Put in Water scboolsand Central High School. RuUedge has been made Unit 17 sumed his new duties as of July He was graduated PhI Beta Kappa with no other districts Included. Lose to Marple-Newtown 16. ' At Chester from Haverford CGUege In 1898, The ~ange had been requested W'th l aSm e Score . President Df the Champion DeSwarthmore's "navy"-the Sea and 1899.from Harvard University in by the local BGard. As J Iy 3 • calcomanla Company until It Authorizing the fulal payment U jDlned Spielman Company. Phil- Explorer Ship "Leo Marls" - is FIrst joining The Bulletin lItaf! aDd Interest, amounting to $5,CDnscientious members of tbe adelphIa printers. three years ago, scheduled to be launcbed at Sun In January of 1900. Mr. Lee re212.50. on 30.year-old Series E. SwarthmGre Swim Club team Mr. Narbeth has since been man- Shipbuilding and DrydGck Com- signed as news editor' In 1918 to Bollds whIch built the. auditorium busily practiced time-saving turns ager of the Spielman silk screen P'¥IY. Chesier. next Fridsy, July become managlilg editor of tbe wing of the high scbool on a total and Gther technique .improve- printing department. 27. ThIs event will climax a two- Evening Ledger. SbDrtly thereyear project in which the l<>cal after be was made managlog' edltissue of $150,000. Board' members ments this week In hope of belBorn in Durham County. Eng't h as a dB p ted a 36- f 00t LCP . or of the PubUc Ledger. He reheaved a sigh and proceded tG te ri ng the 113 score w hich theY land In 1904, Mr. Narbeth came unl (L) btalned f tb USN tackle current day building prob- ran against Rose Valley July 13 tD thIs country with his parents' 0 rom . e . .' avy. turned to The Bulletin In 1926, lems by hIring Howell Lewis Shay and repeated last Saturday when the late Mr. and Mrs.' Octavius The rebuilt crall, wilth 'Dew and remained there until he ralind .Associates as· airchIteCtural they were defeated by Marple" Narbeth In 1912. After two years superstrllcture and bridge added, tired in 1942. consultants In plans to lOcate and Newtown's 238 (three points less in Cleveland the fain!ly mGVed to will provide bunks for i4 boys Married on Aprti 26, 1905. to build new elementary' classrooms. that tile Rose Vall~ tally) •. East PhlladelphIa. In 1919 they came and two olllcers on cruises. Fever~ the former Mary RitchIe WaIter. Shay washlred to make aatudy WhIteland, whD Hke SwJrlhmore to Swarthmore, residing first at Ish activity in fittlog out and he and Mrs. Lee resided' In GerIIIId prepare preliminary draw- entered Suburban, Swim League the comer of Westdale avenue painting Is under way In prepara- mantown for a number of years. Ings of proposed lites and plans comPetItion for the first time this and Cbester road .and later Gn tion for getting the boat m the But from 1910 until 1922 when for presentation to the Board year, dropped out of last week's Lafsyette avenue. David graduat. watet at last. tbey mGved to their newly built within the next .month, For this meet at. Marple-NeWtown. whIch ed from Swarthmore 'mgh School . Although no special ceremonies home on CoUege avenue, they service t1!e ftrm will reeeiVe·,l00(), had been scheduled tG ~ a triple in 1923 and received his bachelor aresDhlKiuled at the launchIng. a summered in Swarthmore on the half of whIchwiU be credited meet. At 9 a.m. tomorrow Swa:rth~ of arts degree at Pennsylvania formal commlsslGning wllI be. held college campus. , toward the reCular sh per cent more meets Aoronimlnk In the State College. at a later date. Meantime, says Described as a "modest extremecharge of constrllction when such SwarthmGre pool. III 1935 he married Grace Rox- ''Skipper'; George Myers. nsutic- Iy poUte man with a quick step mat~aUzes. H. Lewis Shay, Jr. MeanwhIle two Swarthmore by, a native Swarthmorean, wbG ai-minded residents of the bar- and a keen mmd." Mr. Lee was appeared afthe meeting IIIId dIs~ te&m: niembers Dave ~ and Is n<>iv manager of the Swartb-l ough are .lnvIted to see the era!1 noted, In his life-time work fGf ctiSSed the' m~:faCets of ICIest-: Stu Bowie are, managing a new more mgh Scbool cafeteria. They I at Se.a EXplorer headquarters on t)I.e I!!ft ofm.ovI~g . newspaper .. W· 1IIId· ~...fa<;ill.~,~ter. -pol., pr!!CtIce ...iasIon.OII have two 'd,,,,.hf'i'S;· J()8Jl,W~O Cresson lane at· ap.y tlme.when copY. tor. hili-patience and underdeemed necessary by September Tuesdays at 6:sb p.m. ' . hils just flniShe!I' . ~,or.t 11 Howard Scbad p1a~' secGnd In swartbm0perlnre Pres:yter~'\;IIl;lrch scbool. And in the borough. where be Cbester ~ ha~ been appointed Iniermed!aie bo;9's' Joanne Robin- !,ud Is su ten ent e JunAt the present time, the. ()fl\ce had a bost of frI~ds, SwartbtG the newc.lY-cteat ...... DI 'f, Ta: . Sbe went to a slumber party ~ been a life-time . ~. tIna1s.)Vith a $-I, 1-" ~ctor:v over more .'BNDch, Am~ ~.C'.IIJI •. ""'"_ the 1lIOII& t;vplcaI of AmerIcan Swarthmf 1956. 'Mr. Head is the son of MrS. ~ei1 C. Head of Petersborough, a graduate of Swarthmore CoIlege, class of 1954, also_ of .. . .. and ... the Wharlo!> SchOl?I of the Uni~ verslty of Pc~vanla, class Of 1956. Mr. Head is now serving with the U. S. Army. I ncu I ded'm the \Ved'din ,gparty were l4lss Caro Elise. Luhrs of 0' ..••••• .- t,r Two EvO Games For Your Backyard BAD .MiNTON . CROQUET eThat·s a Wieket Game) . .'." : •.. ' ! ' . Swarthmore I . THE CAMERA & HOBBYS. 6 Park AY~. 10 Park Ave. ... 2ND FLOOD SPOItTS SHOP 01' Think of Buying aUsed Car ,. $watth,"ore. pq. , ...,. '. ..,. .. .. . . . . '. w.... , fo 1:00 The next best to new cor is, of course, o lote model used outomobile. . FrL' ... 1:30- 0 Large seiedion of different makes and models• Most are one owner. Low mileage, very clean. All safetY testee! and guaranteed. Everyone backed by our reputation of square dealing. Come in today Ofld drive a bargain. ANNUAL Summt!r 5ull Qupllfy ProduCt - JULY 23- AUGUST 4 ... .; ·If· ." Ho'IJ~~cK,QJ.~L$~@P >ll"~ , COJllc'ent,ou. Serv'ce i.Customer . Scitisfadton '0 '.; " . . Must" Whitaker Oldsmobile, .Inc. 340 N. Baltimore Aye~ MEdia 6.0100. . 4 PARK AVENUE ,. Closing Date for SUmITlEtI: Vacation August 4 to Sef?t~h1~~r 5 ,AMaV .. , :- .... II'IINUI II's a wonderful feeling when th.,'r~ 9!l protected by MIJlJDlioies «IIM~IJ Da. Diall.,· •••n:J!I CHrI••• .. 3-"GOG THE KILLER" . 4-Prlzes Evory Sat. Mat. Sua., Moa., Tues•• and Wed. ••••AND ". . • Peraonal' ""10-. . Jul, 22. 23. 24. 25 . S.... Hayward I. H....... _ Porta...... I., "I'"L CRY TOMORROW" .tory of a _, hatum 7:30 and ,:40 P.M. . C.nd...•• 1III ....w ... Yocatl•• S.ow W......"., I , . . f ..... hart to... 1 . :r ,t COOK' Color Cartoon. 2-5.ort Sublects '.M.. ITECHM.COLORI ,,"he WInner of V.,tce RIm FHtIYaI fi.... Pit. alld sat. Jilly 21, 27. It .... " .......,..'8 , .1.0.11K lOP . . . . . C'I'IOI,S ;;-. AHH A"' ...... "HEIO ON HORSIlACI"' . ........ 7:115 ..aI I'· P.... .:;;ir.:t.l= . BAS 1.1.1 IL••• I.'I •• ISSW.I.I Jast like on the ~. there ~ nIltomadc flf temperature conuo1s on top ~~ many gas ranges to make gas cooking better than ever. Set the dill fot the heat you want and get tbtac !1~ imrD~e1,. Cook food to tasty g~lriJrPs range. . .. '.. , PI. _- -,... ...... r,u si ~III!'''''' ,Io I Through this agency you C8Q ~ ~y.~ form of insurance protccIion you aeed f()t your famiIy,.your home, your automobile and your tv',.z. II And when you get .£tna Casualty protection tbrough us, you get far, Jl!!JRIhan just ·iasuIuce • • • you get the poIiciel w;IIa the P S. pmOliIi service. 11Iis ~ - personal servil:e, of c:oune. as well as friendly 9IhV cration from other .£IDa Casualty A&ea1S and claim ICIVice men wt.c.e\>er you go. 1!s: IIJIl CllII lIS todaY: Rtlrt I!OW to ,1Ijoy Hthe II'OIIIkrt~D8"' """ coma .willa -1Iin8 ",. ~;u wilh ",. P;S. .'< ,., ' . PIiTE_ E. TOLD . Sg'lI' ,... gna"'!" II!I!' 1'III!ft'-' A I.... Ifory .... , ~ 1.,... ..... . ~Ir' 1IIM1... ""'" a.1i,..liiL • Ali all ......... .eaded loll (TICIDIICOLORI ITIiit •_ _ _ _ _ _ .l...'~ . (CI"~I'\SCO.Eo_"It:Ot!S!tl· alANT KILLER" "i.NEI Get nem Todo, at Actlv. M...ber of ... Swartll_,. Inl•••• AHod_D , 3-Staoge Comed, 4-"JOHNNY. THE liD A.IOW RCA Batteries Cell SW..rthmOre 6-0476 M••lclJl 1 ....rtal••••tI "MEET ME I"'LA.S YE.GAS·' ~erlal .OF •.• Iaao .... A Gold MI•• 1--4 Color Cartoons • F-R-E~S-H 9 South Chester Ro.... - jllill :cOil.,iJroHfD ............ - .. _,-... fri., alld Sat.. "uly zO, 21 ,:05 CHARTER A' BUS YOUR RADIO NEEDS COLLEGE THEATRE Sw.....m~ : loa. ' Exoltl., C.lld ...•• S~ow Satarda, 1 '.M. ,"q.. FI 1.11111 . The . Ft1. Features '7:JO . GiMI 9:411 P.M. Sat. Feature. 6:00, and 10:10 P.M. .., ..... cif •• ' i ........ ... ginia. ~==================~===:;:.:;:==~ .. IS --:;;;::=;;;:==;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;,z- MIl8. LLOYD B. ~11JII'IIAN 113 Dartmoatb Avenae 8WarIIunon 8-.... WHERI THElE'S A WILL THIll'S A WAY. Dr. and Mrs. Allen C. Enders of Bellaire, Tex.. are receiving congratul~tiOllS.\UpOn, the hlrth of their third soD Richard SeIbert Enders. The babY was born June 25. at Hermann HosPItal. Houston, Tex. He Isa grandson of Dr. and Mrs. R,obert K. EIlders of !!lim avenue' and Mr. and ..... George A. Hov of~ So'uth· Ch·ester road,' and great-grandsQn of Mrs. John ;: S. Hay of Dartmouth House, and ~ SlJB8ClKIPTION8 FOB ALL MAGAZlNE8 BEAUTY SALON Hr. and Mrs. Arthur Grover, 3r., of Levittown, announce the birth of their second son William John. 'on Saturday, 3uly'14. . The pateinal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs: Arthur Grover of DI ~, __ ~ Th lernal c........n avenue. e rna d"'. t· M Wllli Tull gran ....ren IS rs. am Lon I d N Y of BObb~ ~r:e~ is' ~ndlng several weeks here with his grandparents. ~. H., and the late Mr. lIead. He ...........,... fw " PARK.BAR"',S Jim Bljiiliam , _of' Mr. Mrs. David Bln&bam of PIIIlrvllew road, lIew to Denver lut Friday to spend some time with his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bingham at their ranch In Morrison, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Millard Tyson of Guernsey road have recently returned from Deer Me., w"ere they left their daughter Judith, for a period of eight weeks at Lei Chalets Francais, French Camp for Girls. En route to Main'e they visited Old Sturbridge Village In Massachusetts. Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Hartmann of Greenway road, Swarthmore, have returned from a week's vacation In Gloucester, Mass., with their' small son Gary. Roy and Elaine remained In Gloucester and will stay for a few weeks with their grandmother Mrs. Frank G. Speck of Cornell avenue. Mrs. George A. Hay' of South Chester road has returned from a month's visit with her son-Inlaw and daughter Dr. and Mrs. Allen C. Enders, and sons Robert, GeOrge and Richard of Bellaire, Tex. Mr. FenW.dvan der Gracht and son Vandyof Rose Valley, fonnerly of Swarthmore, wlJl sail July 31 with Mr. Vatl der Gracht's father, Mr. Romain van der Gracht of PhIladalphla, aboard . the Maasdam for a visit to relatives In Belgium. They wlJl also Stop in England, France and 'Italy before fI;yiDg home September 11. J4r. and Mrs. G. WUla Brodhead and daughter Charlotte, left Sunday for several days In VIr- irl~v~ed~a~t~S~t~.~L~nk~e;'.~H~OS~P~ltaI~'~K~~.n~_~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ III z . Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Froet of Merriam, Kans., announce the birth of their second child, Hi1ar;y Anne, on' Wednesday, 3u1y 11. The little girl welghed seven pounds, 11 ounces when she ar- Miss Patricia Park, daughter of Mr. !lDd Mrs. Ralph Park, of Basking Ridge, N. 3 .., formerly of Park avenue. and. Mr. Gilbert Barnes of New London. Conn.• were married Sa~ay morning, July 14, In the Methodist Church of Basking Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes will reside In Elizabethtown. where Mr. RU.MMEL • 10WIE ·Bames will be a student at BrethThe weddb.g of M~s Aiexandra ren College. . Bowie. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. ~-'- - - - - - Morris A. Bowie of South Chester BIRtHS Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. WrI~loot road, to Mr. Philip Rumm.el of 5" annoUnce the birth of their ftrst New Albin, Ia., took place at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon, 3uly child, Kenneth Lee, on July 6 a.t 14, in the Thorndike-Hilton Me- Delaware County. Hospital. The morlal Chapel of the Universl.... baby's grandparents are Dr. and ..., Mrs. W1ibur R. LeCron of Cedar of Chicago Theological Seminary . edlate lane and Mr. and Mrs. LevIn the presence of the imm '~J F. F. famiUes aiid a few close friends. Wright of Kenyon avenue. The baby's parents 'will remain The sernee was performed by' in Swarthmore until September Dean William W'eaver of the Semwhen Mr. Wright will report to inary. Lackland Air Force Base In Texas Miss Bowie was escorted to the . to -oeg!1i tIfree years as a comaltsr by her father. Attending her was Miss Jacobi" Eison of ChI- missloned officer. SWAN-McCAHAN Miss E 11 a'b e i h McCahan, daughter of Mrs. David McCahan of Straih Haven avenue and the late Dr: McCahan. became the bride of Mr. George Robert Swan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cbrisfopher MacDonald Swan of l'{ewtown Square. on Saturday mornIng, July 1~, in the Swarthmore Presbyterlari Church. The Rev. Joseph P. BIshop performed the 11 o'clock ceremony. Given in marl1age by her brother Mr. David McCahan. 3r.• of Merion Statioil, the bride was gowned in an olf-whlte faille fashloIied 'with a full skirt and chapel-length train. and little cap sleeves. Her veil was of heir- • Mrs. B. AIleD Enders of Elm ave- ... City, Mo. She u· a 1l'aDdnue, whose malden name of Sei- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. BoT bert he wlJl carry OD. Pc. LIngle of Cornell avenue. loom lace. She carried a bouqu"et of white roses. • Mrs. Frederick M. Porter was matron of honor'for her sister and the brldemn8ids included Mrs. David Mce8han, 3r., Mrs. David Charl~ llartney;. cousin of tile bride, and Mrs. Jules David Prown. They were dressed alike in street-I_th aqua prints feat- All Kinds of Insurance 333 Dartmouth Ave•• SWcfrthmore SWalll • .,a 1-1.33 WiightNamed TB Association -' Kenyon Ave. Man Will Head Christmas Seal Campaign LeRoy F. F. Wright "Of Kenyon avenue. executive vice-president of the Delaware County National Bank, Cbester. has been named chairman of the 1956-57 Christmas Seal Campaign. Mr. Wrtgbt's appointment was announced last week by Freas B. Snyder. president of the Delaware County Tuberculosis and Health Assoclation's Board of DIrectors. Mr. Wright Is also a board member, and assistant treasun;::r Naval Reserve Ens. Paul E. Friend, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. of the organization. Previously he Paul E. Friend of Parrish road, has his "Wings of Gold" of a Naval Aviator pinned on by his mother at the Naval Air Station, Corpus served as Christmas Seal cochairman. This once-a-year camChristi, Tex. paign is the organization's onlY ,Ens.· Friend received his Naval Aviator designation, after more means of financial support. than 18 months of flight training, in the late spring. . Starting at the Delaware CounHe has been assigned to an air squadron at the Naval Air Staty National Bank lmmediatclY tion. Jacksonville, Fla." for duty. after graduating from· Chester High School In 1927, Mr. Wright THANK SWARTHMOREANS Henry Hoot Receives became cashier of the bank In The Swarthmore Lions Club Thirty-Year Pin 1942 and vice-president-cashier would like to express Its apprein 1944. In 1952 he was named a Henry I. Hoot of Lafayette ave- director and executive vice-presiclation to the people of Swarthmore for their generous support nue received a lapel pin in recog- dent. of the recent WhIte Cane Drive nltlon of completing 30 years Mr. Wright Is a member of the for the Blind. "fitithful civilian service with Board of DIrectors of the SpringPatty Conway, Sara Beth and Federal Government on July 16, haven Club; a past president. DelJeannette Grier, daughters of 1956." In presenting the pin, on aware County Bankers' AssoclaLion members, collected $125 July 12. Rear Admiral J. W. tion; member. Robert Morris Aswhich was given to the Delaware Crumpacker of the Philadelphia member and director. Coun+- Association for the Blind. Navy Aviation Supply Office said, Club, Chester, and the 'J Aiding t he Blind Is one of the "I congratula te y0 u for the ex- Chester Rotary Club. He has servti cellent service you have given ed six years as chairman of the I b· • rincl I S rthm wa ore c u s P pa. ac - throughout your career." Delaware County United Stsles vltles. Mr. Hoot began his aeronautical Savings Fund Committee and was engin~g experience In Sep- a charter member of the Chester NAMED ASS'T AUDITOR t"mber. 1917, as an emplOY,ee 3unior Chamber of Commerce. Eugene J. Minahan of Walllng- t~ NavY at the Naval AIrcraft .Mr. Wpght was recently elected ford has been named assistsnt Fac~ory In Philadelph18. In 19is president of the Chester Clearing general auditor Of the Atlantic h re~ed to Swarthmore Col" House Association for the current Refining Company. He was foim- i:'e ail.,. rec!!ived his B. s. p',,~e.. year. He is a member of the Silverly manager of the co~pany's In M8!:banical engineering. J~ 1920 er Circle Club, the 25-Y"'lr .cI,:,b accountjng research division. he ~~,,~pted a position In research of Delaware County National A graduate of the University of work In the wind tunnel. at Lang_ Bank. Pennsylvania and a CPA, Mina- ley Field, Va. The resUlts of this Mr. Wright attend~ the Unihan joined Atlantic In 1947. He Is work are the basis used to estab- verslty of Pennsylvania ~arton a member of the American Insti- IIs1l the plan form Of present day School; the American Institute of tute of Accountants and the Penn- Ir ft wi Banking. and 16 a graduate of the sylvania Institute of CPA's. a cra . ngs. 18th Advanced Management ProIn 1923 Mr. Hoot received a gtam of Harvard University BusIPas"". "f engin.8!lring. degree from iness School.. . NEWS ·t-I0TES &warthmore College and returned He is' married to the former Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zecher and to the Naval Aircraft Factory. Roma R. Jay, has one son Kenneth children Linda and Paul, return Since 1944· he has been with the Wright, and a two-week-old to their home on North Swarth- Aviation Supply Oftlce as civilian grandson Kenneth Lee Wright. more avenue today after a week's head. of the engineering depart- whose mother Is the former Mary vacation In Avalon, N. J. ment. M. LeCron of Swarthmore. Girard Clotbier of Columbia left Saturday for two Barrie Bovard, daughter of Mr. Mr. Alb<:rt 30buson McCahan and Mrs. Charles· Bovard of T .__ Mass· t th weekweeks of camping at Shawneeof "J~, ., spen.e on-the-Delaware. ' North Swarthmore avenue, has end at thl! home of his sister. Mrs. Mr d Mrs Boberi S Wri ht as her house guest tor a week Frank T. Ransburg of Harvard g Jr.• ~fanWestd~le avenue' had ~ CarolWalpas from Island. avenue. He attended on. Saturd!'Y their > overnight ",est recently This weekend. the B!>vards, the wedding. of his mece, Miss MrS. Ruth Boyer of Corte Madera, with their guest. will drlv,e to Elizabeth McCahan and Mr. Callf. ·Mrs. Boye! was en route Camp Greeley In Greeley where George Robert· Swan. home following a tour of Europe. another daugh!e> . Bettie .~ a Dr. and Mrs. 3. Lealie Ellis ~ The Wrights entertained Wed- camper. and attend the camp's Soulb Chester road. had as th"!,, ni!sday evt!nlng,' July 11, 'at lin Parents' Day on Sunday. Carol h?use guesls last w~ Mrs. Ellis s open house In honor of their was a camper at Greeley last mece, Mrs. Elmer Mlller and her· guest. summer.' husband and daughter. Mrs. W. R. Gilmour and George Gilmour ·of Harvard avenue are visiting !ofr. and Mra. Robert IYII!AII/T, ....., u-",~,tlMt:t.. ••• Meserve, formerly of Dartmouth avenue. at Kennebunkport, Me. A-O They lIew to Boston on Saturday. where Ibey did some sight-seeing ""fore' continuing to Maine. Virginia and 3 oan Moir 01 South Chester road lellve next week for a month at Camp Hoche.. laga on Lake Champlain in Vermont. Mr. and Mrs. David Bingham of FaIrview road leave Saturday for a ..wOOk·s 'crills\> oq·the ,St. ~wrence and sQguenayRivers. Mrs. . Walter ".N.!I6ft and see how daughters: 'V'1ri!irla: 'and"30an, of South Chester road are sPending today'!;. a part of this week at Cape May Courthouse, N. J., visiting Mrs. Cora Moir. Dr. Molr win join his family and.' sister-in-law fOr the do sO much weekend. Mrs. Samuel 'DeCouand . her fqr your home at mother Mrs. Raym,ond X.: DeDworth of Elm avenue will entertain' tomorrow with a combined swimnilnl' party, and luncheon kitchen' shower In. hoIlorof MlssJe8n Holman of Coli..... ave. . .... Pad. A_S' . d ,.. ;. :III"",' 'riie WIll takeplaee at DI •• ...... -a. .......... . 'DII!Coo's IIa!tIe In Jledford Ho_ J\Iiiii& MM. Filb 0irpII oil 1M Floor II~re~·lf. i1lfW~', Iliar1'1''IIr: a,1IiOliu¢.s:.:f\t . t -', &:6 •• will tab ...... _ , " , . L r.c:'ng 'MtVet ~T."'.. ~~~ ... CARPETS ~~=.~~~ e.ent INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE Plllle2 'VUE SW ARTHMOREAN Personals I loom lace. She carried a bouquet South Orange, N. J. and Miss of white roses. ' Sara Guthrie of Indiana, Pa., Mrs. Frederick M. Porter was both graduates of Swarthmore l\rJ:r. and Mrs. Eben C. Lang of matron of honor for her sister and College, class of 1956. 141 Rutgers avenue moved yes- the bridesmaids included Mrs. The former Miss Hayes is the terday to their new home in David McCahan, Jr., Mrs. David niece of Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Scarsdale, N. Y. Mr. Lang ~as Charles Hartney, cousin of the Oppenlander of Benjamin West been transf~rred by the. Contaln- bride, and Mrs. Jules David avenue. Mr. Head is the nephew er Corporahon of AmerIca to the Prown. They were dressed alike of Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Decrouez New York area. .. in street-length aqua prints reat- of Ogden avenue. Mr. and !drs. Phihp Mayer a~~ uring aqua linen jackets. Veiling Mr. Head and entertained Mrs. Decrouez sons Loomis, 11, and James, 'attached to tiny narrow bands of Mrs. for and the formerly of Perry, N. Y., h~ve aqua formed their headdresses, wedding party and out-of-town purchased the former Buntmg and they were corsages of white guests at a rehearsal dinner Satresidence at 215 College avenue. carnations. urday evening at the Decrouez Mr. Ma~er, w~o is ~ ~ember. of A reception followed the cere- home. the UruversaIlSt-Unitanan Mln- mony in McCahan Hall of the isterial Association, expects to church. PARK.BARNES publish a religious journal. Miss Patricia Park, daughter of The coupJe are taking a three Carla Gustafson has been visit- week tour of the West. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Park, of ing this week with her grandThe bride is a graduate of Wil- Basking Ridge, N. J., formerly of parents Mr. and Mrs. William R. son College and the Yale School Park avenue, and Mr. Gilbert Huey of Dickinson avenue. Her of Nursing. The groom, a Public Barnes of New London, Conn., mother Mrs. E. D. Gustafson of Utility executive, is a graduate were married Saturday morning, Montclair, N. J., arrived here yes- of Episcopal Academy and Col- July 14, in the Methodist Church terday to make a brief visit with gate University. He is a member of Basking Ridge. her parents before taldng her of Phi Delta Theta fraternity. l\'1r. and Mrs. Barnes will rehome to Montclair, N. J., today. side in Elizabethtown, where Mr. Mr. and Mrs. William G. Piper Barnes will be a student at BrethRUMMEL. BOWIE and two daughters Margaret Lee The wedding of Miss Alexandra ren College. and Mary Lynn, of Ballston Lake, Bowie, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. N. Y. are visiting for several BIRTHS weeks at the home of Mrs. Pip- I\'1orris A. Bowie of South Chester Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Wright road, to Mr. Philip Rummel of er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank announce the birth of their first New Albin, Ia., took place at 4 T. Ransburg of Harvard avenue. child, Kenneth Lee. on July 6 at o'clock Saturday afternoon, July They attended the wedding of Delaware County. Hospital. The 14, in the Thorndike-Hilton Metheir cousin Miss Elizabeth Mcbaby's grandparents are Dr. and morial Chapel of the University Cahan and Mr. George Robert Mrs. Wilbur R. LeCron of Cedar of Chicago Theological Seminary Swan on Saturday. lane and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy F. F. in the presence of the immediate Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sharer and Wright of Kenyon avenue. families and a few close friends. daughters Cherry, Joyce, and son The baby's parents will remain The service was performed by Bin have moved from Ridley in Swarthmore until September Dean William Weaver of the SemPark to 44 Yale avenue. Mr. inary. when Mr. Wright will report to Sharer is principal of Ridley Lackland Air Force Base in Texas Miss Bowie was escorted to the Township High School. Mrs. to begin three years as a comaltar by her father. Attending her Sharer is the nurse at Springfield missioned officer. was Miss Jacobie Elson of ChiHigh School. cago, III. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grover, Mr. and Mrs. John C. MacAlMr. WilHam Weaver, also of Jr., of Levittown, announce the pine, Jr., of Princeton avenue Chicago, Ill., was best man. birth of their second son, William have as their summer house guest A reception was held in the John, on Saturday, July 14. Mrs. MacAlpine's mother Mrs. garden of Mrs. Harvey Parsh. The paternal grandparents are F. A. McCornack of Traer, la. Mr. and Mrs. Rummel win Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grover of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman honeymoon briefly in Minnesota Dickinson avenue. The maternal of Westminster avenue with their and Canada before returning to grandparent is Mrs. William TuJl children, Martha and Frank, 3rd., Chicago where Mr. Rummel is of Long Island, N. Y. have just returned from a twoenrolled as a graduate student at Bobby Grover is spending sevweek vacation at Myrtle Beach, the University of Chicago. Mrs. eral weeks here with his grandS. C. Rummel will do research for the parents. Mrs. Samuel M. Dodd of North Encyclopedia Britannica. Swarthmore avenue win fly to Dr. and Mrs. Allen C. Enders Boston next week to join her son HEAD-HAYES of Bellaire, Tex., are receiving and daughter-in-law. Mr. and The marriage of Miss Kathryn congratulations ,upon the birth of Mrs. Arthur V. Dodd, for a 14Louise Hayes and Mr. James their third son Richard Seibert day motor trip to Nova Scotia and Lincoln Head took place Sunday Enders. The baby was born June Prince Edward Island. afternoon at four o'clock in the 25, at Hermann Hospital, HousMiss Florence J. Lucasse of ton, Tex. South Princeton avenue left Sun- High Street Friends Meeting He is a grandson of Dr. and day by plane for San Antonio, House, in West Chester. The cereMrs. Robert K. Enders of Elm mony was conducted in the manTex. From there she win go to ner of Friends. avenue and Mr. and Mrs. George Mexico for a tour of Mexico City, A. Hay of South Chester road, The bride, is the daughter of Cuernavaca, Acapulco, and other and great-grandson of Mrs. John places of interest. Before her re- Mr. and Mrs. W. Waldo Hayes of S. Hay of Dartmouth House, and West Chester and is a graduate turn home, she will visit with friends in Evanston, III., Kala- of Swarthmore College, class of mazoo, Mich., and Fort Wayne, 1956. Mr. Head is the son of Mrs. Neil C. Head of Petersborough, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stanley Kite N. H., and the late Mr. Head. He Swarthmore, Pa. of Ogden avenue will have as is a graduate of Swarthmore ColAIR CONDITIONED their guests for a week their san_ lege, class of 1954, and also of Fri., and Sat., July 20, 21 in-law and daughter, Mr. and the Wharton School of the UniA Gold M'ne of versity of Pennsylvania, class of Mrs. F. P. Lynah, Jr., and sons Musical EntertaInment! Peter and Stephie who will arrive 1956. Mr. Head is now serving "MEET ME IN LAS VEGAS" Monday from their home in Mil- with the U. S. Army. (C'NEMASCOPE.TECHNICOLOR) Included in the wedding party An all star-studded cast waukee. were Miss Caro Elise Luhrs of headed by Dan Dalley aod Cyd Charille I July 20. 1956 ~r~iv~e~d~a~t~S~t~.~L~u~k~e~'s~H~O~S~P~ita~I'~K~a~n~-~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ The Bouquet BEAUTY SALON 9 South Chester Road Call SWarthmore 6-0476 Active Member of the Swarthmore 8.sfn... Assoclatlo. Two Evil Games For Your Backyard THE CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP Swarthmore. Pa. FrI. 9 to 8.30- ANNUAL Summer Sale JULY 23-AUGUST 4 Hollyhock Gift Shop 4 PARK AVENUE Closing Date for Summer Vacation August 4 to September 5 CHARTER BRANDYWINE MUSIC BOX . . . . . . hart.r.d .... .., Idnd of trip. A BUS + ..,-1 Painters Crassraads, Pa. PRONI flandon 2-3000 • Granito 6-3000 Jet. Rh. 1 & 202 Susan Hayward In Her Greatest Performance "I'LL CRY TOMORROW" The true, heart touc'dng story of a starl Features 7:30 and 9:40 P.M. Children's Mld-w••• Yacatlon Show Wednesday 1 '.M. l-Color Cartoons 2-Short Subjects 3-Sto0ge Comedy 4-"JOHNNY, THE GIANT KILLER" (tECHNICOlOR) Prize Winner of Venice Film Ft!stival Thurs. Fri. arid Sat:-July 26, 27, 2B RED ARROW Carousel LINES Next week: Kiss Me Kate '9th STlEET TERMINAl t L ..._____s_~ __C;_.'__R_.f_._._._O_G_'_o_·~ ____~1 UPPER DAIlY, 'A. next best to a new car is. of course. late model used automobile. "GAIY" A love story fltat vo.'11 rente_bar! Added AH...flo. '08, " , !__ ~_-=i ~=_i-34WOhitaker Oldsmobile, Inc. :=_1 N. Baltimore Ave. MEdia 6·0100 ~IlllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIl1ll1tlttlttlttltl~ #IepfJ60ies w,m #Ie ~~~s~~s~~s~~s~~s~~~s~~~~s~~s~~ Ii /lAn.IIt" .• ..",..... ••• "11\1 COOK! ,...0 .. • Personal' Service " .......... JLtJJ·oT A-O 1 ) - , . . r- --r; 1 .. 0 ~.e-t. .40 to.eA""l~... ''4o>'Y'''I.- AUIOMATIC lOP BURNER 'IMPERATURE - CONTROLS ON A 6AS RAilE Through Ihis agency you can get virtuaUy every form of insurance protection you need for your family, your home, your automobile and your business. And when you get IEtna Casualty protection Ihrough us, you get far more than just insurance • • • you get the poUcies wilh Ihe P S.-personal service. This means OUT personal service, of course, as weD as friendly !:oopcration from olher IEtna Casualty Agents and daim service men wherever you go. ELiMIIATE IUESSWORII Just Hke on the oYen, there are automatic temperature controls 00 top burners of many gas ranges to make gas cooking better than ever. Set the dial for the heat you want and get that heat immediately. Cook food to tasty goodness anywhere on a modem gas range. ws: 1111 Callus loday: start '!Ow to enjoy "the wonderleeling" lhat comu with owning the policies with 1M PS. PETER E. TOLD All Kinds of Insurance 333 Dartmouth Ave •• Swarthmore Select )lOUr .. D. . . . gas .-ge at your ."'er's or -r PlilacWploie SecfrIc .................. SWarfflmore 6-1B33 P.M. Phone SWarthmore 6-2290 AMPLE FREE PARKING .t _ Nfl Moft. ~ LN'" ., , 1tIt1J.,/J1I "HERO ON HORSEBACK" Features 7:45 and 10 ~_- =i _= Leslie Cara• (TECHNICOLOR) Naw playing, July 16·21 Mon .• Fri.. 8:30' Sat .. , & ':30 Tickets from SI.1O (ta. incl.l Reservation5: "all~ybrook 2441 1--4 Color Cartoons 2-Serial 3-"GOG, THE KILLER" 4-Prizes Every Sat. Mat. Sun., Mon., Tues., and Wed. July 22, 23, 24, 25 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Millard Tyson of Guernsey road have recently returned from Deer Isle. Me., where they left their daughter Judith, for a period of eight weeks at Les Chalets Francais, French Camp for Girls. En route to Maine they visited Old Sturbridge Village in Massachusetts. Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Hartmann YOUR RADIO NEEDS of Greenway road, Swarthmore, have returned from a week's vacation in Gloucester, Mass., with their small son Gary. Roy and Elaine remained in Gloucester Naval Reserve Ens. Paul E. Friend, Jr., son (if I\.Ir. and Mrs. and will stay for a few weeks Paul E. Friend of Parrish road, has his "Wings oi Gold" of a Naval with their grandmother Mrs. Get Tltem Today af Aviator pinned on by his mother at the Naval Air Station, Corpus Frank G. Speck of Cornell aveChristi, Tex. nue. ,Ens. Friend received his Naval Aviator designation, after more Mrs. George A. Hay of South than 18 months of flight training, in the late spring. . Chester road has returned from He has been assigned to an air squadron at the Naval Air Staa month's visit with her son-inlaw and daughter Dr. and Mrs. tion. Jacksonville, Fla., for duty. ----------..:...------------Allen C. Enders, and sons Robert, 110 Park Ave. Swarthmare George and Richard of Bellaire, THANK SWARTHMOREANS Henry Hoot Receives Tex. The Swarthmore Lions Club Thirty-Year Pin would like to express its appreciation to the people of SwarthHenry I. Hoot of Lafayette avemore for their generous support nue received a lapel pin in recogof the recent White Cane Drive nition of completing 30 years of for the Blind. "faithful civilian service with the Patty Conway, Sara Beth and Federal Government on July 16. Jeannette Grier, daughters of 1956.'" In presenting the pin, on =_= The Lion members, collected $125 July 12, Rear Admiral J. W. a which was given to the Delaware Crumpacker of the Philadelphia Navy Aviation Supply Office said, ~ ~ County Association for the Blind. "l congratulate you for the ex~ Large selection of difJLerent ~I akes and moldels. _-=~ Aiding the Blind is one of the cellent service you have given Most are one owner. ow ml eage, very c ean. Swarthmore club's principal acti- throughout your career." vities. Mr. Hoot began his aeronautical ; All safety tested and guaranteed. ; experience in SepEveryone backed by our reputation of square E NAMED ASS'T AUDITOR engineering E tember, 1917, as an employee of Eugene J. Minahan of WallingE dealing. E ford th!, Navy at the Naval Aircraft has been named assistant Factory in Philadelphia. In 1918 Come in today and drive a bargain. ; general auditor of the Atlantic he returned to Swarthmore Col; Refining Company. He was formlege and received his B. S. Degree erly manager of the company's -=: Quality Product - Conscientious Service in mechanical engineering. In 1920 accounting research division. he accepted a position in research "Customer Satisfaction a Must" A graduate of the University of work in the wind tunnel at LangPennsylvania and a CPA, Minaley Field, Va. The results of this han joined Atlantic in 1947. He Is work are the basis used to estaba member of the American Instilish the plan form of present day tute of Accountants and the Pennaircraft wings. sylvania Institute of CPA's. In 1923 Mr. Hoot received a master of engineering degree from NEWS NOTES Swarthmore Col1ege and returned Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zecher and to the Naval Aircraft Factory. children Linda and Paul, return Since 1944 he has been with the to their home on North Swarth- Aviation Supply Office as civilian mor~ avenue today after a week's head of the engineering department. vacation in Avalon, N. J. FAMJI.Y HOME Girard Clothier of Columbia AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS avenue left Saturday for two Barrie Bovard, daughter of Mr. weeks of camping at Shawnee- and Mrs. Charles Bovard of on-the-Delaware. North Swarthmore avenue, has as her house guest for a week Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Wright, Jr., of Westdale avenue had as Carol Walpas from Long Island. their overnight guest recently This weekend the Bovards, Mrs. Ruth Boyer of Corte Madera, with their guest, will drive to Calif. Mrs. Boyer was en route Camp Greeley in Greeley where home following a tour of Europe. another daughter Bettie is a The Wrights entertained Wed- camper, and attend the camp's nesday evening t July 11, at an Parents' Day on Sunday. Carol open house in honor of their was a camper at Greeley last guest. summer. when they're !ill protected by Fri. Features 7:30 and 9:40 P.M. Sat. Features 6:00. 8:05 and 10;10 P.M. Exciting Children's Show Saturday 1 P.M. -. II's a wonderful feeling COLLEGE THEATRE Miss Eli z abe t h McCahan, daughter of Mrs. David McCahan of Strath Haven avenue and the late Dr. McCahan, became the bride of Mr. George Robert Swan, son of l\1lr. and Mrs. Christopher MacDonald Swan of Newtown Square, on Saturday morning, July 14, in the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop performed the 11 o'clock ceremony. Given in marriage by her brother Mr. David McCahan, Jr., of Merion Station, the bride was gowned in an off-white faille fashioned with a full skirt and chapel-length train, and little cap sleeves. Her veil was of heir- LeRoy Wright Named By IB Association fTh'infiiiBuyiiigausedCar"1 2ND FLOOD SPORTS SHOP OF Wed. 9 to 1 :00 Swarthmore Man Receives 'Wings of Gold' I BAD .MINTON CROQUET (That's a Wicket Game) SWarthmore 6-4191 P_3 SW AR11IMOREAN F-R-E-S-H RCA Batteries WHERE THERE'S A WILL THERE'S A WAYE r=;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::==;;:::=====, SWAN· McCAHAN Mr. and Mrs. Fernand van der Gracht and son Vandy of Rose Valley, formerly of Swarthmore, will sail July 31 with Mr. Van der Gracht's father, Mr. Romain van der Gracht of Philadelphia, aboard the Maasdam for a visit to relatives in Belgium. They will also stop in England, France and Italy before flying home September 11. Mr. and Mrs. G. Wills Brodhead and daughter Charlotte, left Sunday for several days in Virginia. SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR ALL MAGAZINES MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN 313 Dartmouth Avenue SWarthmore 6 .. 2080 6 Park Ave. Jim Bingham, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Bingham of Fairview road, flew to Denver last Friday to spend some time with his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bingham at their r:mch in Morrison, Colo. NEWS NOTES Mrs. E. Allen Enders of Ehn ave- sas City, Mo. She is a grandnue. whose maiden name of Sei- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy bert he will carry on. P. Lingle of Cornell avenue. 1I1r. and Mrs. Robert M. Frost of Merriam, Kans., announce the birth of their second child, Hilary Anne, on Wednesday, July 11. The little girl weighed seven pounds, 11 ounces when she ar- un. 1uly 20. 1956 PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPAIIY •• • "'" .... C II. 0IId ~ CD, ,. Hartford. CD Rcauw' see how today's CARPETS do so much for your home at LeRoy F. F. Wright of Kenyon avenue, executive vice-president of the Delaware County National Bank, Chester, has been named chairman of the 1956-57 Christmas Seal Campaign. Mr. Wright's appointment was announced last week by Freas B. Snyder, president of the Delaware County Tuberculosis and Health Association's Board of Directors. Mr. Wright is also a board member, and assistant treasurer of the organization. Previously he served as Christmas Seal cochairman. This once-a-year campaign is the organization's only means of financial support. Starting at the Delaware County National Bank immediately after graduating from Chester High School in 1927, Mr. Wright became cashier of the bank in 1942 and vice-president-cashier in 1944. In 1952 he was named a director and executive vice-president. Mr. Wright is a member of the Board of Directors of the Springhaven Club: a past president, Dela ware County Banke~s' Association; member, Robert Morris Associates; member and director, Colonial Club, Chester, and the Chester Rotary ClUb. He has served six years as chairman of the Delaware County United States Savings Fund Committee and was a charter member of the Chester Junior Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Wright was recently elected president of the Chester Clearing House Association for the current year. He is a member of the Silver Circle Club, the 25-year club of Delaware County National Bank. Mr. Wright attended the University of Pennsylvania "Willarton School; the American Institute of Banking, and is a graduate of the 18th Advanced Management Program of Harvard University Business School. He is married to the former Roma R. Jay, has one son Kenneth Jay Wright, and a two-week-old grandson Kenneth Lee Wright, whose mother is the former lJIary M. LeCron of Swarthmore. Mr. Albert Johnson McCahan of Lynn, Mass., spent the weekend at the home of his sister, Mrs. Frank T. Ra nsb urg 0 f = =arvard avenue. He attended on Saturday the wedding of his niece, Miss Elizabeth McCahan and Mr. George Robert Swan. Dr. and Mrs. J. Leslie Ellis of South Chester road had as their house guests last week Mrs. Ellis's niece, Mrs. Elmer Miller and her husband and daughter. IGilmour Mrs. W. R. Gilmour and George of Harvard avenUe are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meserve, formerly of Dartmouth avenue, at Kennebunkport, Me. They flew to Boston on Saturday, where they did some sight-seeing before continuing to Maine. '1 Virginia and Joan Moir of South Chester road leave next week for a month at Camp Hoche_ laga on Lake Champlain in Vermont. Mr. and Mrs. David Bingham of Fairview road leave Saturday for a week's cruise on the St. Lawrence and Saguenay Rivers. Mrs. Walter N. Moir and daughters, Virginia and' Joan, of South Chester road are spending a part of this week at Cape May Courthouse t N. J., visiting Mrs. Cora Moir. Dr. Moir will join his family and sister-in-law for the weekend. Mrs. Samuel DeCou and her . mother Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth of Elm avenue will entertclin tomorrow with a combined I swimming party, and luncheon I and kitchen shower in honor of !?Yliss Jean Holman of College avenue. The event will take plaee at Mrs. DeCou's home In Medford Lakes, N. J. Miss Holman's marriage to Mr. Se,mour S. Preston, 3rd, will take place September II. I d'A"'$4)h It G",,~1W . . . . . . . Coo........ Complet. Pri.. 11m••• er7J hi . . . . 101 ••Ii A_ Swtrth--. ... 1W .. lh,_• ...uoG-Cl ........ t-4M6 Ho_ MetmS More With Carpet on the Floor " ........ _e...8 CoorIIeI'" - Kenyon Ave. Man Will Head Christmas Seal Campaign - I';B~~~.;;'~r~HE~~~~;;;;;~~;=.~::::::::==;~N:;:evaz Says Goodbye SqU~ID=g ~~CHII and will be lone Mrs. E. Manhall ~ey of the Mrs. Hazel B. Cl;JId is returnBElEAYID aven\ll! left., 1aItl'rtdq for for a mon~. He will retUrn to Swarthmore Apartments has beeJi Ing today from a tw"':mODth trip Mrs. WllIIamJ. Di~ mOJ AFROTC Summer. Tralnlnll Denison University as a senior,in visltinII her son, Mr. Horace P. abroad. Traveling with a· friend, er of Pemberton M. Dickson Sewart AIr ·ForceBase. the fall. Green, and his family at Stone she has vlBlted In a chateau In North PrInceton avenue, dI Harbor, N. J., for. the past week. Peregreux, Paris, and In Italy Sunday evening at her home ooet IUnr7W.Jr4Ot PictUIi· __ To Swarthmore A demonstration square daDce PCiITUIT .STUDIO' (Continued trcm Pa&e 1) was held Thursday evenlnll of .PLJtographlc . couldn·t keep me awake." And last week in the Rutgers Avenue fatally. she exhibited the trait for The Rev. Cimon Eel. most characterisii~ of Americans ward Carpenter of Westminster - In the eyes of the world - she Abbey LoDdon who bad expres. hurried. Nevaz who "t no lime sed a' desire 'to _ a typical State A Mo.roe St.. lived farther 'from high. school square' dance. Mr. Media than DolIWood lane, and could was a guest preacher MEdI.6-2176 walk - "Mostly I had to run, be- at the Swarthmore Presbyterian Open friday Evenings cause I was late." . Church on July 8. Nevaz . celebrated her 18th birthday on May 18. ''They celeBEREAVED . TRINITY NOTES PIESBYTERIAN NOTES brated It for me," she said. Mrs. Ella J. Murray; mother of Dr. Geddes MacGregor, the Services' on .Sunday will be a ''Nancy, my sister here (Nancy Mrs. Harlan R. Jessup of HaverRufus Jones' Professor of Religion celebralion of the Holy Commun- Dellmuth _ Npvai lived with the at Bryn Mawr College, will be ion at 8 o'clock, and a service of Hoppers from January to June) ford avenue, died In Washington, the guest minister this Sunday at Morning Prayer at 11 a.m. Those invited nte to dinner, and the girls D. C. Saturday morning, July ·14. The funeral was held Monday. the 11 o'clock service. serving as. ushers will be as fol- trom' my class were hiding beMrs. Murray had visited here The bandage group will meet lows: hind the couch . . . It was the several times during past years in the church at 10 o'c1ock on . R. G. Halg, head usher; H. C. loveliest day of my year here ..." and had spent some lime In· reWednesday, July 25. Those at- Peters, alternate head usher; J.~. Her last "official" appointment cent months with Mr. and Mrs. tending are asked to bring sand· Cornog, R. M. Daniel, J . . d te ·th th d list WI' was da afte WI e t en- t on Jessup. TV C.a ••el 6 WFIL-TY-S ••day. wiches. Tea and coffee will. be J ones. F . W. L ueh n'ng, J . H '1 M 11 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ on ay a rnoon 0 ouse a "45 ·A .. Turner h d d R J S served. U will . serve as i. t h e Ice cream, cak e and c.h eWIng "I saw it in the Swarthmorean. cThomas a , an Mowery ., . ' ~~~~,,:::~~~~:~;:::~,;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;';;' ;;;;;;~ METHODIST NOTES acolyte at 8 o'clock and Lyman 1gum. G~m, apparently IS the ' worst thmg for them "but I chew Church School classes for all d e Camp a t 11. . h I 1 ·t " ages will begin at 9:45 a.m. VisitOn Wednesday (st. James lit any ow, ove I. ing pupils are cordially welcomed. Apostle), there will be a celebraShe also loves shopp~ng. "I 81st Year· . The Morning Worship service tion of the Holy Communion at would go shoppL'lg now if anywill begin at 10 a.m. throughout 10 a.m. : one would take me." And departNow Enrolling far Fall Term the summer. Dr. W. Galloway Ty'ment stores - Nevaz said she son will preach while Mr. Kulp CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES couldn't stop looking. Nursery through Fifth Grade - Kindergarten· Is In Japan. Dr. Tyson's sermon The ever.avallability of the I Nevaz had a good educaUon Morning and Afternoon .Groups subject for Sunday wlli b.e "Con- healing power of the Chri.st" back. home In ~arachi. She senling." Nursery children will Truth will be set forth at Chris- . English beautifully, along With Phone MEdia 6·6563 or Write the School be supervised by capable women; tian •Science services SundaY,! her own nlliional ljmguage Urdu, Third .nd North Streets, Medi. The church office Is open on when the Lesson-Sermon is en- and Gujarali, the religious lanMonday mornings only during titled "Truth." . guage of the Parsees. She knew, Juiy alld August. For Information despite the onslaught of Amerlduring that time, call SWarthmore NEWS NOTES ! can movies, that the United States 6-9770. Dr. Tyson will be availhad. slums, and other problems. able for emergencies, sick calls, Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Sipler The greatest surprise to her, she funerals, weddings and other of Harvard avenue entertained thought, was the servant probpastoral help, West Chester 5568. the weekend members of the lem. Should any emergency develop American Field. Service .program Once home (where everyone Our parlors are air conditioned when Dr. Tyson 'cannot be reach· two stud~nt~, MiI~e Chlpp~ndal7 of has a servant) Nevaz will probed. or for other Informalion or as· Great Bntam and EusebiO Ehces I ably finish her "final year of for your comfort. slstance, the pastor's secretary, of Spain. ~ . schooling in Karachi. She would M rs • Sdtuart Fuller" like to do social work as a sideMrs. Mildred Conner, can. be Mr. land H reached at WAshburn 8·5609. former y of arvar avenue, ac-' . h h Id lik ' led b their' children are line, but w at sew JU e as co~~an y J. a career she wouldn't say; FRIENDS MEETING NOTES viSiting Mr. and Mrs. James Clif- there are too many possibilities Chester Quarterly Me e ti ng ford of Rutgers avenue. The Ful- "And I'll robabl change m P". Y . y lers are en route from Pittsburgh! . ' meets at Third Street Meelinll 1820 ·CHESTNUT STRIIT to Montclair, N. J., where they m;:;d anywa~d l:e :Id. b it Media at 3 p.m. on Saturday, JulY will reside. Mr. Fuller Will be asevaz .wou e. come ac OUVIR H. lAIR. "wid.. 28. . t d ·th C rti W' ht Cor to AmerIca for College. Her. first SOClaeWl uss-ng -.. , 'j . I chOice IS Swarthmore, then SlDlth, . T~on. RI 6-1581 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hollbs I poraIion. tho d I th U' . It . f ......... Mr. Samuel Dodd Is In cape:. and have recently returned troin a trip T Kn Irtll hi h Ir . . s e ox mv.ers Y 0 to New England and..~ada. I.....r.u N. J. for a week'sfvaeation.! en~essee In ~r~.~, . ' .., . ..,~. ,'- . Hall of Park' avenue' she saw on her recent tour. I I celebrated his sixth birthday with loved the people - they were so I a party FrIday afternoon.· . good to me - they were good VERticalTake~Off .& Landing 'The Misses Isabel and· Edith eveTliwheT~, • h e added. She, B Ii g ·tormerly of 215 College liked their accent, she liked un n Kn ill d ul ·t . avenue, have moved-to 1'l1h Soutb oxv e. an • suppose 1 18 Chester road and 224 Park ave- not as hard to let mto as Swarthare del',••., a.d .a.met....d loy respecti~eIY. more," she s~d wistfully. But her . Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Loughead first l~ve IS Swllrlh:more, its I returned to their home on Thayer people, Its 1I0wers and Its trees. .. road FrIday after a tlu'ee week "I want to. see my family again, _-===C.;H:;U=R;;;CH=.,S;-;E...R-;V",I'Yiii=~ sojourn In .Tensen Beach, Fla. but I hate to leave more than I PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-1 can say. Will you put in a line for Joseph P. Bishop. Minister R· me - Thank all the people of John Schott. Associate MinlateI' Swarthmore for everything they ,.r. ' S1IJIda~, .July 22 have done for me. I loved every , '. 1l'J~:'~~ - Dr. Geddo, .Macone of them. I've loved It here Wednesdoy, .JuI}' 25 and I hate to go back and leave 10:00 A.M.-Bandage Group. West Laurel Hili Cemetery them." MErH01')IST CHURCH Te/fordSeetlon Nevertheless, Nevaz salls on J"hn C. Kulp A memorial~type lIarden. Land- Monday aboard the Arosa Kulm; Minister scaped for over-all beauWlcation, Pakistani stu Aircraft .Corpor~tion Robert Wllde engineered results. Wide choice OI her first stop as a , MInister of Music localion. Surprisingly low cost. A: d.ent (there are five of them aIHEW CONTRACTS HAYE C .....TED ADDITIONAL S1IJIday, .Jul~ 21 sound Investment In advance of together) will be Zeebrugge, Bel9:45 A.M.-Sunday School. need. gium. From there they will go to 10:00 A.M.-Dr. Tyson ~ ·IYyrlcige 3-1122 England. for two weeks before preach. o.t Av••. a ....v. City sailing from Liverpool for Pakis. TRlNl·TY CHURCH Ia'a-Cyawyd H. Lawrence Whittemore, Rector •~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;~ta~n~.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SUDda~, .July 22 for 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. Wednesday• .July 25 DESIGN '(Mechanical, Strudures, (St. James, AposUe) Equipment &lnstcIlI~n) 10:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. -::THE RELIGlOml"soCIETv· STRESS ANALYSIS OF FRJENI).<; at 1 P.M. S1lJlda~ • .Jul~ 22 WEIGHTS 9:45 A.M.-Meeling for Worship. PROGRAMMERS (DIgital & Analog) All are welcome. DYNAMICS .. . .~ 10:30 A.M.-FamIly Hymn Sing. During 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. All are welcome. AERODYNAMICS lIIonclu, .July 23 July and August All day sewing A.F.s.C. SpecIal opportaJilfy for 1955 and 1956 W""esda~ • .JnIy 25 . Ea,'''''''" Grad.ate•• All-day sewing for A.F.s.C. SaludQ• .July II For Information cir 'InterView Appointment 3:00 P.M. - Chester Quarterly . . Write or Phone Meeling at 3rd St., MedIa. OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY . - - . nRST CHURCH OF FRANK S.COE cmnST. SCIENTIST .. SWARTHMORE Mallag.r, E.........ag Perso.... Park· A"""me belnw 'RRrvRrd SW.......ore , .4D..OO. 1EIlt. ~ .July I! P1lBU8HED EVERY FBlDAYAT' SWAllTllllO... PA. PETER E. TOW. lllAlLJoam TOLD. 1'tJBI.J8HEK. ......De SWarOtnln ...... PETE& B. TOLD, EdltIII' . Barbara B. Kent. Manaling Editor , Rosalie D. Pelrsol Marjorie T. Told Anne L. Mabbott "Polly" Told Entered as Second Class Matter; JanulU')' 24, 1929, at the Post 0IIlce a.t Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1878. DEADLlNE-WEDNE-:::.s=n=A~Y:...:N::OO::.:::::N~_____ SWARTHMORE, PENNA., JULY 20, 1956 s.p;1Ies IP DEW DROP INN Chris Sipler of Harvard avenue and'has stopped at Mediterranean Wawa following a long Illness.. In addition to her son, she is is returning home Sunday from a. ports en route from Venice. Mrs. survived by two daughters, the riding camp at Long Scraggy Child will spend some time at 407 DAITMOUTH AVENUE . Mountain Ranch in Buffalo Creek, her home on Martha's Vineyard. Misses Anna D. and Agnes M. BREAKFAST • LUNCH - DINNER· Colorado. Mrs. Frank G. Keenen of Har- Dickson of Wawa; three grandPL05ED EVERY SUNDAY vard avenue gave a dessert and children, Mrs. Henry L. MeCorkle OPEN 7 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. ; Fumiture Up·holstering dish towel shower Monday after- of Park avenue, Mrs. Harry K. Monday Through Saturday _=!!! noon In honor of Miss LInda Warren of Rose Valley, and Mrs. THOM SEREMBA Smith, . whose marilage to Mr. John D. Chiquoine of Clinton, Ia.; Daily Dinners 90e to $1.85 -a EdTmotes Fl•• y""" of Swarthmore bler_.. William Eugene Gorman, Jr., will and six great grandchildren. 61 ..en Without, Obll'itotioa FANCY SANDWICHES _== take place tomorrow afternoon attPrlnceton avenue is working in Phone Sharon Hili 0734 SpecIal C."dren', Platten § Pd,. Redaction lor Jab< and A..... 4 o'clock In the Swarthmore Pres- Wilmington this summer as a .1",,11H"1_lftlIIUIIllDlunnlll1lllqUUllllquumqlllumnmIlll1l1IR111tUlB1IIIHI~ad~W~1~11I~nm.:~·:.:=============::.:.-...:J:.:O:hn=---=M:a:c:Al=p1:n:e:........-=o::.f~N=ort:.::.:h-.::m:ec~h:ani::::c::al~en:::gi~n::ee:r:..-._ _ _ __ ROGER RUSSELL HOW. • CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS I Ta. Media Friends School.' spe>:k" .. AIR CONDITIONED • THE OLIVER H. lAIR co. I Ii:'!!!::~=:=~:::!:::==:::::~ - I as aircraft . v I GA. 0EN 0 f ME. M'0· RI ES E R T 0; • I' .:. '. .:',·. . . f ,, . ,. -~ L , ..I.. ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS U.. CLOSED SATURDAY ", " .~ . -.. . Yale .aiI Cltelfer load .._.-.q.-MDUOII. P•• IA. r't. .... " ' .. !.~ - , ,>-;' ' .:f.J>'. ~ • . ,~ , * Pushbutton Automatic Transmillian* * Mighty Airpl.ne-type V-BEnglne . ** AI;faam SeatCu.hlons 011 Bath Filter ** OrHIOw ~ Rim Wheels Shock Absorbers * Sul!l~ncenlc Wrap around Wi~.h"" H~Duty r·/··' , :'. . .. . ' ., . . ,: * c:.... ~rplane Brabs *Incl.'ncient Parldn, Brake ., " . Windshield Wipers Dintctlonal Signals . Flightsweep fanciers White Sidewall Tlies* *_..,.114; * * - :,' * PLus .... sual. size, Here's a big, beautiful buy that puts you in the fine car class at a price righidoVi,ll With the lesser carsl This Chrysler Windll()rV-8 packs more punCh and prestige at the price thaD anything else on the road. It has the newest airpIane.type V -8 engine (280 hp. in the New Yorker, up to 260 in the Wmdsor) that takes no back-talk at stopHghtor on straightaway. And with its heft and superb engineering you enjoy limousine comfort with the driving ease of a sports car. I It's the ''Year-Ahead'' car in every department. especially in its fresh, distinctive styling that . accents long, fine car lines with dramati.c new . .upswept rear fenders. Yet you can own: a Cbrysler for as little as you'd pay' for afliDy equipped 1!»w price car! And msn, what .a dift'erencel Come in today and drive the ''Year-Ahead'' car .•• then let us tell you about our whopping big tzade-in deal! * CDIlI'ort pi ...... ofa tine car "'" and ......... caYSUR-8IGG6T BUY OF 'IHf fINE CARS. .. PorterH..,Walte, Inc., Yale Avenue and Chester Road .Swarth.ore, Pa. SWarthmore ·6-1250 ., t _ ." .. , t!offlOf«llo,..-_ _- . sw., II ..... 6.1210 ' ". " j PORIER; H.•··WAITE,·~I.. YOUR BIGGEST CAR BUY ·AT. LOWEST 'COST! ~,:·i . '- . \ NEWS NOTES The two, _bIIn of the junior Mr. Pierre Decrouez of Ogden cJas8 at Dartmouth ,Cbllege, lett ,.venue left Tuesday on an ez- last weekend for six weeks of tended business trip to Naval ROTC AmphibiOUs Warand Latin America. MlssIll1M""'IIl')"CO I fare training at Little Creek NavDecrouez Is spending her al Base in Norfolk, Va. , tion In Peterboro, N. H. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Herman,' Mrs. Roy P. LIngle of who have been residents of the avenue Is in Merriam, Dartmouth House for the past where she is vlslUng her son-in- year, are moving tomorrow to law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. RIdley Park. In ).~t they will ~ spend lIOII\e t.lme at .spruce Shore.' Mr. and Mrs. Belden Tucker of. Park avenue bave bad as their guest this week MIss' Mary Holty of Aurora, m. Mr. and Mrs. WUliam H. Ward of Strath Haven avenue bave returned home from a six-wlIBk trip abroad. Their European tour began late· In May when they 7 iDg the weekead In Rochester, PattoD GUmour of Hanrard N. Y. as auests of l1l1'I. Holland. avenue will be lIome -thIJ weeIt- Police Come and Go erl brother Dr.' Preston Wat. end between semesten of sumtera. mer school at Dickinson College. THOM SEREMBA EMIL SPIES w........ _ys. A. Paul was third in inter- to visit the nation's largest met- eleventh grade. Our tentative proTERRACES.~W·ALLS' AND WALKS ' mediate girls, H. Schad third in ·ropolts. Tlien, by train, they w111 gram Is: seventh grade-remains boys. Ann McDowell and George go to Quebec from where they same as formerly-English and VIsit our Roadside Market 011 "e MI"letow~load Sullivan were third in Junior wlll sail on .July 23 for home. COTONEASTER. LEU~OTHOE. JAPANE$E ANDROMEDA If, in the borough, an envious ~:~c:~'!!t":to;;:t~el=J:h:~d': girls and boys. H. MorriSon won geography, ancient civilizations, ENK'ANTHUS. KOELREUTERIA midget girls in 40.9 and Diane latl)ent has gone up from those Greece and Rome; nIoth grade-' HYBRIDCLEMATISa.dI:tEMEROCI\"J,S.U ... variety) Renshaw was third. Andy ¥ac- too aged for !he AFS to send ANNUALS. PERR"NIALS. STAI'IOSES Nair took third In midget boys. abroad as students, there's this continuing courses In civics but Swarthmore's average. slipped to bit of philosophy to ease the point oui origins of 'democracy; 65 to Its opponent's 151. pain - "at least we can entertain tenth grade-world history. (from C. Williams' scored first with a them in our homes." prehistoric man to atomic bomb); ele'Tenth grade-stralght, solid time of 1: 39 in an uncontested Mrs. O. M. Hook of Strath course . In American histori to senior girls butterfly eventMarple-Newtown having no entry Haven avenue has' returned from World War II; twelfth grade and Swarthmore's other entries Fort Defiance, ArIz., where she bring together work of tenth and being disquaWied. Bob Sublette spent seven weeks with her eleventh grades until title 'ConSPECIAL MON. Thru THU~S. DYNAMIC WHER BALANCE 1: 19 beat Marple's two entries to son-In-law and daughter, Dr. and temporary Problems' Including 011 Change _________ 2:50 . nationalism and l"lWolutlon, inWin the. senior boys event by one- Mrs. D. W. Cooper. Lubrication _~ __ • ___ .;;.}1.25 M~r T..... Up dustrial revolution, colonialism, tenthi:lit:. second. Charlotte BrodVValh ••••••••••• ___ 1.50 head·WQ second and Jean Paul, person teams were: Jan Law- crises and' trlal-changes in the third In' Iotermediate girls; .G. renee, J. Robl~n, A. Paul and twentieth century. To carry 'out . $5.25 . Delco Batteries Sullivan, second in Intermediate C. Brodhead for the girls; Jon the new program the Board grantboys. A. McDowell and Chris Lange, Brodie Crawford, D. Pres- ed Mr. Oppenlander's request for Gulf Gal and . a new tenth grade text book Decker placed third in junior ton, B. Sublette for boys.' girls and boys. D. Renshaw and Diane Renshaw came in second "Man's Story" by T. Walter Wall~ . D. Foley were second and Gordon in the junior girls diving contest barik and a twelfth grade text ROBERT J. ATZ.Mgr. Boyd, third in midget girls and and Jim Rowland, third in junior "Modern History" by Karl Beck.' boys but Swarthmore's score re- boys. Joyce Williams won second er. Present texts were purchased malned less than half that of and Dawn Boyer, third, in inter- a decade ago.. Mr. Oppeniander said the curMarple-Newtown. mediate girls and Howard Schad, . RUSSELL'S SERVICE rlculm study committee, in the !.Me By One Stroke second and Bob Baker, third in Opposh BOrough P,,"lng Lat . The senior girls and .boys 200- boys. Jean Boyer captured lirst face of eonftlctlng views· on tayards treestyle relays, lost by a· and Carol Williams third in senior day's mathematics e.d u cat Ion stroke. further set back the wear- girls diving.' Jean's score of 128.4 throughout the country, had deDartmouth_a"d Lafaye ... · SW 6·0440 ers of the black suits with the was high of the day, belng 7 cided to focus on that department garnet-eyed white sea horses. points higher than the Marple- at Swarthmore in Its· ·1956-57 Closed Saturday at 'P.M. Doing a terrifically speedy jOb of Newtown senior boy to whom school year studies. A slight water travel on theese two ·four-I Harry McAllister placed ·second. change In this department has already been made with the order~ Ing of a new algebra' text and deSTQJtE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday 9:30 to 5:30 P. M. cision to have all students take Registration Schedule algebra Instead of some substitFriday 9:30 to 9 P.M. Saturday '9:30 t. 6:00. P.M: Ing general math. 'Prior to -- .1. STRATH HAVEN INN 1"'~~'P'P'U1~~~mR~IbJ~II~"'~_~~'W1~U~Ift1IIIIIIIIIII~~~"~I!~.~'''~'_~U~IDJ~~~~~~~~~! N· urser·les Rose V .TREIi Ij~~~~~~P~I~R~M~A~S~P~R~IN~K~L~E~I~S~Y~S~T~E~M~S~~~~~~ State Auto Inspedion -- . $4.50 ~II - General Election, November 6, 1956 SEPTEMBER 6th , Last day an elector may move trom one election district to another· in order ·to be permitted to vote at the General Election. Mrs. Mary Foster recently spent a week on Martha's VIneyard and· entertained Mr. and Mrs. .William Hobbs,. who flew up to the island 10' their plane with Mrs. Marjorie Mohney. . ..':" nF.;i;;:~c SEPI'EMBER nib dOt-no AVJ;" 7TH " WELSH STS. Last day all electors may. register to vote at the General Election. 'This includes electors who will become of age on or before November 7th, 1956. FOR REAL JULY SAVINGS'I SEPTEMBER nib Last day for any elector who has removed Ioto a new elecUon district to give notice to the Registration CommissIon in' order to be permitted to vote at the General Election. The removal card must set forth a removal criiie Ioto the new election district which cannot be later than September 6th. COllRT HOUSE HOURS: Regular business hours up to and including Monday, September 17th . • Now Is the time to help yourself to HeIIlth. Do.'c dilJy.oJany and delay. Go righc away to JOU Doctor. Accept his _wl..tYice .. andbriAg W. presc:ripdoIIS to DI Cor cuefal,compoaadiAg. Monday through Friday ......... _. . . .. 9:00' a.m. to 4:SO.,p.m. Saturday ........................... 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 NoOn Together with such additional hours as designated below: for the ENTIRE FAMILY Shop and Save at SPEARE BROTHERS ImportetlDGillask . '.IecIo" , S.1s CATHDMAN"S 7. Sil. , to, II Cool, eo...roolabitl sIHpl", '" ...... crepe , f o o - ....... _~I DIUGSTOIE .IOTS' ,DEPI' Ie 17 .-. d ..,.......... sa 8&S.". .' .. •....... . 9:00 a.m. 'Dual , 1:11 ................ 111 .. ) -;,.&1II'iIII a-. ~,~ . .- to 1:00 'p.m. .,'~ .. fi.,l ,.J.... All boys JO'III theM : t Ii . . . . . ....... 4.4'.4.95· USC"'.' •• till, . ' '.' ,tece SIIort ... SIIIrt -to III4IIdt - SWARTHMORE. FRIDAY. VOLUME 28-NUMBER 30 Boro. Hall sa.SO PER YEAR . July 27. 1956 Minister . Tennis Doubles Final Presbyterian Pension Board 365 Pupils Complete' Scottish To Preach Sunday S t f 10 T e or omorrow T Summer School Today · . .Takes 0ptlon on Morrow ract Annual Session Records Largest Student Body 10Teaching Staft Saturday Match Finishes Club's Ninth Tourney; . Rain Date Sun. The Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church, cated in Philadelphia, has taken an option to purchase the The Swarthmore Sum mer tract o.f land adjacent to .th«; . themselves in thelr own homes in Vie in Intra-Squa with 35 were also well represent- gregati6n in Scotland. nip-and-tuck three-set matches. the same way as younger persons. Meet Wed. ed. A graduate of the University wm.tts and. Wallin, in the easier When they are seriously 111 they In a breath-taking, nip and From a financial standpoint, of Glasgow in Arts and Divinity half of the draw, won their three will go to hospitals or nurslug tuck Intra-Squad Meet Wednes- the summer scbool more than he also graduated in Law though matches in straight sets. This match will finish the tourhomes in the area. In effect, these day night Garnet and White mem- pald for itself. Although the fee he has 'never practised. His legal people are to live their lives ae hers of ttie Swarthmore Swim of $7 per course Is constdered Interests have found some Satls- nament whlcb began on July normal citizens of the communl- Club battled it out to a 169-163 nominal, the expected balance of faction in the work of the Church Fourth wtth 16· teams entered. ty. finish In favor of the Garnets.. Iocome over expenses, not includ- Courts In which he plays an active New trophies will be presented A review of the needs of older . Orglinlzedlnto teams by Bob Ing overhead, will sllg)ltly ex- part. At present he Is a member this year since the TrumplermIoisters and' their families led Su)lJoetI¥, ..,,!,PtlUn. " . ~ ,th!~G",~neq,ce8\i $8llO. .....~~.:h_. Haseltine victory last year gave the Church to--ieCOiDI;ea nlied"th'rid WhiCa.rOtl 'Willitambls'j CBSeptahaln-' Of 'me"'r' schoo'I,' Harry ..."lIn"n .ctlu!,·th!fd·"II!t··reqU!red· for for houa1ng faciiltii.s for a small e es, ers w e . . orses Prihcipai stated. OpJleDlander, . MIolstry Committee; permanent possession. pol'tlon of the retired group. Most turned to stone and hue for the "Th' . h 'staff youth and Education Committee, In ease of raIo. or wet courts tiUnlsters never have a home of evening as they plied back and e summer sc 00.. ~as and Special Budget C()mmittee. on Saturday, the match will· be liquid, most successful this year In mam- He Is moderator-designate of the rescheduled for the same hour their own a nd. their saiaries are. f orth'across the pool in tha~. talning a sensibly eontrolled edli-I such that few have been able to 50-yard dashes established as th" ti I . t in hich Synod of Perth and Stirling. . Sunday morning. save substantial capital sums oj:der of the everilog. ca ona enVlronmen w During the war Mr. B r o d i e . . which would be· needed to pur- . FIrst wioners only, with the (Continued on Page 5) served frontJloe troops with chase a home on retirement. Even Initial of the team they.representELEANOR EMILY MAASS Church of Scotland Mobile c a n - - l ! if the minister at age 70 has an ed, were as follows: Ekanor Emily Maass, young teen and for a short.time operated adequate retirement, income, it Backstroke _ Midget Girls, D. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred in the American Sector and Swarthmore's best a'l>bend'ed Is Very diftlcult for him' to pur- Renshaw. W.; Midget Boys, D. R. Maass, 415 Cornell avenue, in touch with Y.M.C.A. and most successful Summer' chase a home at that age because Foley, W.. ; Jr. Girls, S. Crawford, died suddenly Monday. July '23, His wife, the former Constance Music program concludes it's six the payments on the home cannot W.; Jr. BoYs, ;1. Foley, G.; Inter- after a brief. illo""s. would Lindsay Hope, is accompanying week session today. Over 75 local Mr. Brodie on the trip to the youngsters participated in the sensibly be extended over a per- mediate Girls, J. Williams, W.; have been two on October 6. iod of 20 l!'ears or longer. . Intermediate Boys, H. Schad, G.; She is survived by her parentS, United States. They have three variety of activities held five After a two year study which Sr. Girls, J. Robinson, W.; Boys, and e1ght-year-old twin brothers children. mornings a week In the music involved an actual visitation of R. Sublette, G. The seore rested Andrew and David; and by her --------building at the high school. the best homes in the United 33 for the Garnets, and 35 for th~ grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Har- Swim Championship The students· enrolled fell into . States and in Europe, the Presby- Whites. ry W. Anderson of Urbana, Ill., Progra m Revised three general groups; beginners terlans have decided that there Is Breaststroke - Midge Girls, J. and Mr. and Mrs. George E. trying an instrument for the 'lirst a special area in which assistance Espenschade, G.; Midget Boys, R. Maass of St.' Louis. Several changes have been time; those with SO""" experience is required. There will continO'e McCurdy, G.; Jr. Girls, E. BreakA memorial service was held made in the Le&gue champion- who desired to try a difterent into be a need for the typical ell, W.; Jr. Boys, D. McCurdY, W.; yesterday at 4 p.m. in the Jane ships program, July 31 to .~ugust strument over the Summer months "home for the aged" and for nurs- ! Intermediate Girls, J. Williams, Rushmore room of FrIends Meet- 5, since the original program was with an eye to improving the ing home care but these are for: W.; Intermediate BoYS, J. Foley, Ing. published in the July 6 issue of instrumentation of the regular the exceptional situations. Over' G.; Sr. Girls, C. Williams, W.; Sr. It has been requested The Swarthmorean. school Band and Orchestra in the 97 per cent of the retired minist-l Boys, B, Sublette, G. Here the fiowers be omitted.. The Men's and Women's 440- Fall; and finally, members of the ers and their wives and widows Whites' two .point margin increasYard Swim will be held at school music organizatiOns who are able and desir~ to take car~led a bit, 'as the. Garnets boasted Howard G. Swarthmore at 6 p.m. Wednesday, sought self improvement through of themselves. These individuals only 65 to their 71. . . August I, but the Intermediate practice with the Summer Band do not wish to live in cODgregate Freestyle - ' Midget Girls, D. Rotary Speaker Diving scheduled for the same group. homes and prefer to live normal (Continued on Page 5) Rutgers avenue resident HOW- tiine and place has been moved Many smaller ensembles were lives in normal homes. ard G. Hopson will be the speak- to the following ni8ht at Marple- organized that pupils might gain JR. ALL-STAR GAME er at Rotary today at the regular Newtown. Junior DIving at Rose this valuabl.. type of musical ex_ The first projemOllment has inwho fO!1ner1y hm t8ken part in; YeadOn. Game time Is 1 p.m. Boys Sons'of the American Revolution, Friday creased steadily. As a result, the the BliJid Fair. . ! selecled ·from this group to play PhI Delta Theta Fraternity, the Of the music groups in the After the regular. ",eetlng o( include: . Poor R1¢tard ~b and the .Junto 2 - 5 - aftemoon regular shcool term Io! etteepUonthe club, Lion inember·1ed Bob Bradshaw, Dave Houtz, Club of PbiIIjde1illda. '7 - 9--.eve.ning a1lylarge for·a scJ>oolOf this size. cott of B -liamfn Weill avenue Jim Robinson, .Jim Patterson, 'Mr. liOlJl!:Oll wm be introdueed ~ Summer PliClillla ilea funegave an lllUsb.ted talk on idS..Brody Crawford, and Thaddeus by .John M1c11ael Harvard .... . Closed Saturday tioDed as exeelleDt l1Mder systour of Eurap! ~ put :JoIa7. Adams.' nue, DIstrtet Governor of BoIarY••1-o........................_--....,.......;....oJ . (Clmtinuecl- on Pa8e 5) Half of SW·lm Club SW.lms to VI"CtOry Summer MusicPrntrram Ends Session Today She Hopson. '.' S • far"'" Cool cottoM CIIMI J'OP.'l ,. ~ 4 ,to ~2. U .....1'....' and d. .W. for ... _ . ._I ... _ .IOYS·-- DIPI' _'p,1 . - . . I II.~....,· TiI1I Come 2 - 9 P.M. Summer September 8th and 7U> ................. 9:00 a.m. to. 1:00 p.m. September 13th and 14th. 'e'" THE SWARTHMO Registrars Library I4d4 wi'" • Nap'-:Ioll MatM ,'wlft. -12 Na~.. "ys' Crepe , ...... Thursday Voting d I che u e Pres-I or ,,_ :.,' an _. ii' -, . .",' .. - -' INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE _IU __~__ SW __A_R_l_'._~_I4_._H_E_AN. __________________________________~J~u~~ P-.e 8 Swarthmore-Rutledge Foreign Students Swimmers Aim to Now Separate Entity Tour New York City Better J J 3 Tomorrow 2~ Barbara Bunyan of Menlo Park, NEXT WEEK'S SPEAKER Calif., Is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. A. H. Osterman of RutHoward G. Hopson, Rutgers gers avenue during the mcnth of avenue, will be the guest speaker July. 10f Rotary's weekly meeting next Cornelia McKernan of Rutgers I Friday, July 27, at the Ingleneuk. avenue has a position as baby- His topic will be "Ethics In Adsitter in Narragansett, R. I., for vertising!' the summer. This fall she will A former newspaper man, Mr. return to the University of Penn- Hopson founded his own adversylvania as a senior. tising agency in 1938. (Contihue1 prop~r~y School has just completed its anto inclement weather, the ninth on which t? ~Ulld :;ome mdlvldual homes for retired mllllS- nual session with tho largest enAnnual l\1.en's Doubles Championters and mlsSlOnarl~s. ~he property was selected a~tel· car~- rollment in recent years. Three ships will be concluded this weekful s~udy of propertle~ 10 the suburban area~ of Philadelphia hundred sixty-five pupils from 35 end with the b.:sl-of-five doubles and IS reported to be Ideal for the purposes mtended. schools were in attendance durThe plan is to build a number of homes which will be ing the six-week program which I final match sclv~dulcd for 10 a.m. owned by the National Church through its Board of Pensions began on J,une 18 and ·ends July Saturday. t and rented for life to those who need such accomodations. Both finalist teams, Don Jonc3The unit in Swarthmore is the first such project and will 27 Not only was the size of the \ Joe L?hecka, and George Willetts. Curt Wal1in, will be shooting for probably receive considerable student body the largest but also their first championship, although national publicity. REGISTER THURSDAY that of the teaching staff. Four each has appeared in the finals Later additional projects will supervisors and 21 teachers, ioseveral times in past tournabe established in different sec- Roving Registrars will be eluding nine from Swarthmore i ments. On the basis of face-totions of the country to the extent at Swarthmore, Thursday, College, 10 from West Chester THE REV. PETER P. BRODIE I face m,etings in previous tournaust needed. The number of family AU'J 2 State Teachers College, and two The Rev. Peter P. Brodie, M.A., I ments there is little to choose units in each location will norm2 P.M. to 9 P.M. from nearby school districts dially be from 10 to 25, and since in Borough Hall reeted a program of academic B.D., LL.B., of Scotland, will dc-I between the two teams, as they each home will be occupied by subjects and also five commercial liver the sermon at the 11 o'clock have split even in two matches. Jones and Lehccka have had not more than two people, the subjects not offered in the regular service Sunday morning at the Presbyterian Church on Harvard much the more difficult road to number of persons per acre will Swarthmore curriculm. the finals, having disposed of the be much smaller than normal. In As in the past, the Swarthmore- avenue. Mr. Brodie, one of the younger last year's champions Bill Trumpthese projects there will be no Rutledge School District, with 95 ministt!rs of the Church of Scot- ler and Bill Hasltine, and then central dining room. no central pupils enrolled in 143 courses, led land. was called at the age of 30 winning over former Penn and recreational area, no infirmary the list of schools represented. to St. l\Iungo's Church in Anoa, SWdrthmore College stars Pat and no nursing home. If the resi- Garnet and White Tea ms Interboro with 80 pupils, Ridley dents are sick they will care for Park with 39, and Springfield considered the third largest con- Welch and Buck Shane. both in nip-and-tuck three-set matches. themselves in their own homes in Vie in Intra-Squad with 35 were also well represent- gregation in Scotland. A graduate of thc University Willetts and Wallin, in the easier Meet Wed. ed. the same way as younger persons. From a financial standpoint, of Glasgow in Arts and Divinity half of the draw, won their three 'V-hen they are seriously ill they In a breath-taking, nip and the summer school more than he also graduated in Law thoug'h matches in straight sets. will go to hospitals or nursing tuck Intra-Squad Meet WednesThis match will finish the tourpaid for itself. Although the fee he has never practised. His legal homes in the area. In effect, these day night Garnet and White memof $7 per course is considered interests have found some satis- nament which began on July people are to live their lives a'· bers of the Swarthmore Swim nominal, the expected balance of faction in ·the work of the Church Fourth with 16 teams entered. normal citizens of the communi- Club battled it out to a 169-163 income over expenses, not includ- Courts in which he plays an active New trophies will be presented ty. finish in favor of the Garnets. ing overhead, will slightly ex- part. At present he is a member this year since the TrumplerA review of the. needs of older Organized into teams by Bob of the General Assembly's Church Haseltine victory last year gave ceed $800. ministers and their families led. Sublette, captain of the Garnets, Commenting on this years sum- and Nation Committee, Mairiten- them the third leg required "for the Church to recognize a need and Carol Williams, captain of mer school, Harry Oppenlander ance of Ministry Committee, permanent possession. t for housing facilities for a small the Whites, erstwhile Seahorses Principal, stated: youth and Education Committee, In case of rain or wet courts portion of the retired group. Most turned to stone and hue for the "The summer school staff was and Sp·ccial Budget Committee. on Saturday, the match will be ministers never have a home of evening as they plied back and most successful this year in main- He is moderator-designate of the rescheduled for the same hour their own and their salaries are forth across the pool in the liquid, taining a sensibly controlled edu- Synod of Perth and Stirling. Sunday morning. such that few have been able to 50-yard dashes established as the cational environment in which During the war Mr. Brodie save substantial capital sums order of the evening. (Continued on Page 5) served frontline troops with mm which would be needed to purFirst winners only, with the Church of Scotland Mobile Can- U Sl chase a home on retirement. Even initial of the team they represent~IMILMY MAASS teen and for a short time operated EEILEANOER if the minister at age 70 has an ed, wei'e as follows: 'eanor ml y aass, young . Swarthmore's best a'ttencfed adequate retirement income, it Backstroke - Midget Girls, D. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ~n the Am~rlcan Sector and was R Maass 415 Cornell avenue In touch With Y.M.C.A. and most successful Summer is very difficult for him to pur- Renshaw. W.; Midget Boys, D. chase a hom'e at that age because Foley, W.; Jr. Girls, S. Crawford, died sUdd'enly Monday, July 23: I .His wife, the ~ormer Consta?ce Music program concludes it's six the payments on the home cannot W.; Jr. Boys, J. Foley, G.; Inter- after a brief illness. She would Lmdsay ~ope, IS acc~mpanYlng week session today. Over 75 local Mr. BrodIe on ';he trIp to the youngsters participated in the sensibly be extended over a per- mediate Girls, J. Williams, W.; have been two on October 6. She is survived by her parents, United States. ~hey have three variety of activities held five iod of 20 years or longer. Intermediate Boys, H. Schad, G.; children. mornings a we~k in the music After a two year study which Sr. Girls, J. Robinson, W.; Boys, and eight-year-old twin brothers Andrew and David; and by h... building at the high school. involved an actual visitation of R. Sublette, G. The score rested The students enrolled fell into the best homes in the United 33 ~or the Garnets, and 35 for th, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Har- Swim Championship ry W. Anderson of Urbana, IlL, Progra m Revised three general groups; beginners States and in Europe, the Presby- Whites. and Mr. and Mrs. George E. I trying an instrument for the first terians have decided that there is Breaststroke - Midge Girls, J. Maass of St. Louis. i Seve~al changes have ~een time; those with som'e experience a special area in whic~ assistance Espenschade, G.; M~dget Boys, R. A memorial service was held made In the League champlOn- who desired to try a different inis required. There will continue McCurdy, G.; Jr. Guls, E. Breakto be a need. for the typical ell, W.; Jr. Boys, D. McCurdy, W.; yesterday at 4 p.m. in the Jane ships program,. J.uly 31 to August strument over the Summer months "home for the aged" and for nurs- ; Intermediate Girls, J. Williams, Rushmore room of Friends M'eet-. 5, 'Since the orlgmal program was with an eye to improving the ing. published in the July 6 issue of instrumentation of the regular ing home care but these are for W.; Intermediate Boys, J. Foley, It has been requested that The Swarthmorean. school Band and Orchestra in the the exceptional situations. Over I G.; Sr. Girls, C. Williams. W.; Sr. flowers be omitted. The Me.n's an.d Women's 4401 Fall; and finally, members of the 97 per cent of the retired minist- i Boys, B. Sublette, G. Here the 'Yard SWim wlll be held at school music organizations who ers and their wives, and widows, i Whites' two point margin increasSwarthmore at 6 p.m. Wednesday, sought self improvement through are able and desire to take care ed a bit, as the Garnets boasted Howard G. Hopson August I, but the Intermediate practice with the Summer Band of themselves. These individuals only 65 to their 71. Rotary Speaker Diving scheduled for the same group. do not wish to live in congregate. Freestyle - Midget Girls, D. Many smaller ensembles were Rutgers avenue resident How- time and place has been moved homes and prefer to live normal' (Continued on Page 5) to the followin.g nig?t. at Marpleorganized that pupils might gain ard G. Hopson will be the speaklives in normal homes. JR. ALL.STAR GAME er at Rotary today at the regular Newtown. Jumor DIVIng at Rose this valuable type of musical exThe first proj-ect has been made SET FOR 1 P.M. SATURDAY 12:10 meeting in the Ingleneuk. Valley has been moved up one pefience. One of the most unuspossible by the anonymous gift Swarthmore's Hornets, Edco His subject will be: "Ethics in night and will be held on August ual of these was the Woodwind of a friend of the Church who 1. Ensemble which met twice weekjunior baseball leaguers, win be Advertising." has been concerned over the The August 4 senior boys and ly for an hour's practice. This represented in the All-Star game Formerly associated with the (Continued on Page 8) to be played tomorrow afternoon Philadelphia Nor t h American girls 440-yard at Marple-New- type of experience is difficult to • I k at 1 o'clock at the North Avenue Newspaper, Mr. Hopson was ad- town has been changed to a 220- offer during the regular school event. year due to time and scheduling Lions Set Cam Ba e Date i fi'em enUtIed "wyatt Burp" with Eddie Shute I Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Guthrie of as the goodie and Don Jones as I Cornell avenue with Mrs. Guth· the baddie. Finally a take-of! on I rie's mother Mrs. Myra Snyder. another television show starred have reecntly returned from Harold Knip as Sergeant Milko. Our Annual Sale Where We summer cottage near BloomsDespite !hie frequent rain this burg. where they spent- two ~eason a weIl-rounded program ,weeks. Their son-In-law and !l~c:lu~~ t~e Price on i daughter Mr. and Mrs. Richard of sports and games has been ably i Springer. and SOIl Stephen, joined handled by Charlie Wentz and Ite~ t~,e ~tQre , them for several days before they Barbara Ziegenl:us. with Bob , returned io their home in Wake- Dawes and Susan Prescott, as their assistants. This has been EXCEPT fteld. Mass. primarily due io the fine cooperaPrior to their stay at their cot" tion of the high schOol In aIlowtage. Mr. and Mrs. Guthrie visit· Ing use of the gym In bad weathFilm· Flashbulbs· Photo Finishing ed in Boston and travelled in er, Maine. New Hampshire and VerAfter atmost two weeks of mont. and So far ••• and yet so hear Faraway friends and Jeiatives ..... only ~nds away by Long Distanee; And it's 80 pleaaant-and ,iDupensiv_to talk with them often! You can caIl....,wbei8 in the Unitec'i States for $2 or Ieao (exclud. ing Federal tu, which is now ~'iIly 10%). Look in your telephone directory for rateS fiom your telephone tokeycities tIiroughoutthe country. The Ben Telephone Compal, Ii P••Rs,IIalia Their new automatic Home Dishwashers with the "Custom Kitchens by Church" KLtchenAid " _AlI GloW • • TIE 10BiIT MFe: co. ~ TROY. OHIO World's !"rgelf Manuloc,urer o/Food and Ki'chen Machine. Chrys1er'areaUY got itt You haven't had the biggest f;hri1l at the ~ untilyou'Ve plIoted the' Year·Ahead Chrysler -with ita brand·new airplane-tYPe Angine (280 hp. in the New Yorker, up to 250 hp. in the W'mdB()r V-S)-plua. ita' other exclu~ sive years.ahetul ,PO'Ylll'.' features., Come in and drive 'Chrysler today, lind hear about our big trede-in deaL THERMADOR Bilt-i"" _~r.jJ) _ra1!J16 , Cool, Clean, Safe Electric Cooking No Kitchen Job Too Lal'CJe or Too Small Custom KITCHENS .4ll Linea oJ , ..._ SW.II.more 6-1113 , ~- The Finest Made Peter E. Told 333 Dartmoalh Aft. New Turtles In the second set of Swarthmore Swim Club classes which ended last FrIday Included: Courtney ThompsOn. Dottle Daniel. Peber Heinemann. ChrisUne McCrory, Bert Tibbetts. Richard deMoIl. Nancy Cornelius. Sunftsh include: David Carroll. Sandy Thomson; Stephanie Gayler. James Clymer. Molly Wood. Lynn Farrington, Dick Daniel, Sue Heinemann. Doug Gill, Ann Howland. John FIne. Jim Reeves. Nancy StJedman. Mathew Johnson. Jr.• Sharon and Jim Spencer. Peggy' and Pat Carroll. Susan and Sally Ross. Sally Boyd, Joan and Janet ShaIlcross. Sandra Snyder. Walter I!lckenhoff. Karen Sutherland. Susan Lathbury. Dave Williams and Christie JohnsOn. Whales were Harriet Hudgins. Nancy Gayley. Brian Clymer. Louis Brooks. ~arbara and Susan Wood. Ashley FIne. Beverly Bird. James Breakall. EmJIy Stedman. Spencer Carroll. Jane and Joab Jackson. New members of the Diving Class are Marsha SlIvers. BIII Gill. Joanne Espenschade. Julle Brooks. lGrby Noye. Katie Natvig. David Elsenbud. Judy Hollander, David Foley. and Taylor Redden. , by Church , , BIGGEST BUY Of ALL FINE CARS I . '~'P'ORTER II. WAITE, 'Inc. , ".~~;,' Ch!ts~ ~~~ a~4 Yale AVM!l8. '_ SWarth....ore.'..1250 .," , ., : 3' Park Avenue Pltone KI3 8866 M.....' of'S.ertlo_ •••1.... Aaac/:otlo., " ',. -~ ~" THE PUBLlSIIED EVERY l'BIDAY AT SWABTBJIOBB, PA. PETER E., TOLD. MABlOBm TOLD, PUBLISHER II Phone SWarthmore 6-0900 I'I!TEA Eo TOLD. EdItor Barbafa B. Kent, Managing Editor Rosalie D. Peirsol Marjorie T. Told Anne L. Mabbott "polly" Told TIle oplDlODl exp_ belo. _ thooe 0' thelDdloldaal _ _ All !etten to Tho SWlll'thm...... mUR he .....e& lie _ _ " the writer .. lmoWD to tho 841_. Letten will lie publll_ oDl)' at the II_on 0' the Editor. _dOll,...'" -1 Waldo of 0 r t b Swarthmore avenue will be taking part week in the annual Fair, Fashion Show and 'of the ~~~:~ Gulld of Craftsmen. The Is being held on the State Teachera College campus at East Stroudsburg. Media Friends School 81st Year Now ,Enr~lIing for Fall Term METHODIST NOTES Church School classes for all ages will begin at 9: 45 a.m. Visiting pupils cordially welcomed. The Morning Worship service will begin at 10 a.m. throughout the s~er with Dr. W. Galloway Tyson preaching in Mr. Kulp's absence. Dr. Tyson's sermon subject for Sunday will be "The Pattern". Nursery children will be supervised by capable women. The church office is open on Monday mornings only, during July and August. Those needing information during that time should call SWarthmore 8-9770. Dr. Tyson will be available for emergencies, sick calls, funerals, WEddings and ofher special pastoral help, at West Chester 5588. Should any emergency develop when Dr. Tyson cannot be reached, or for other information or assistance, the pastor's secretary, Mrs. MIldred Conner, is on call at W Ashhurn 8-5609. FRIENDS MEETING NOTES Chester Quarterly M" e t I 1\. g meets at Third Street Meeting in Media at 3 p.m: on Saturday, July 28. PRESBYTERIAN 'NOTES The Rev. Peter P. Brodie of the Church of Scotland. will be the guest preacher at the 1l o'clock servi", Sunday. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES The value and importance of right motives in dally living will he emphasized this 'Sunday at Christian Science services by the Lesson-Sermon entitled "Love." The freedom-giving power of divine LoV.e wiU be brought in the 's;,i'ip~1 rea~i "hleh include the following '(I John 4: 18): uThere is DO te~r In love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." -----7:"=--=------, CHURCH SERVICES PRESBYTERlAN CHURCH Joseph P. Bishop, Minister John SehotL A8scX'late MlnIateI' Snnday. ,Jn17 :III 11:00 A.M.-'.l'he Rev. Peter P. Brodie will preach. ME'l''RODIST CHURCH J.:>hn C. KuIp lIIInfster Robert Wnde Minister of Music 8"='7, J'ub II 9:45 A.M.-Sunday School. 10:00 A.M.-Dr. Tyson will preach. TRlNI'I'Y CHURCH H. Lawrence WhlttemOl'C!, Rector S.......,. ,Jn17 Z8 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Pra==Y=:et'",'=--_ THE 'RELIGIOUS -SOCIETY OF FRIENDS ,Ja17 ZI 11:45 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. All are welcome. 10:30 kM.-Family Hymn Sing. 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. All are welcome. lIfmIday. ,Jaty 3. All day sewing A.F.S.C. WeIr!I,47. Auc-t 1 All-day sewing for A.F.s.C. -, FIRST CHURC!I OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST SWARTHMORE ParI!: A'ftftue heln.. RIII'ftI'd S. . . .,.. IaI7 ZI ll:et A. IL-Sundal' School. 11:et A.1II.-TI... Lesson S!lDh>" will be "Love." 8.......,.. "eb' .,.,. 'vi..,._tn,. ,... SuIIda7 at- PIll. .... DODII, 2:-":_ TRINITY NOreS There will be two services Sunday morning. The first will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at 8 o·clock. and at 11 o'clock the regular set'Vice of Morning Prayer will be held. The acolytes for Sunday wiil be Richard Jackson at 8 o'clock and Richard Turner at 11. • During the month of August, while fhe rector is on vacation, there will be one service only on Sundays. This will be a service of Holy Communion at 9 o'clock, with the Very Reverend Frank D. Gifford in charge. Phone MEdia 6-6563 or Write the School NEWS NOTES DlIICrORS O. PUNDALA Third and North Streets. Media REGARDL.SS OF COST All funerals receive Identical high-standard service regardl_ of cost. cater to all Income groups. w. • The next best to a new car is. of course~ a lat. model used automobile. Large seledion of different makes and models. Most are one owner. Low mileage, very cleaJ;!. All safety tested and guaranteed. Everyone backed by our r~p~tation of square dealing. Come in today and drive a bargairt Conc".'''" ..me. _, ,I" ~ < " ""'st" Service 'Tlilphoni RI 6-1581 ·LmERS • PROGRAMS ·CIRCULARS • FORMS ANNUAL Summer Sale Garnet and' White Ens. Terry Navy 'Wings of Gold' (Continued from Pa,e Navy Ens. Duane R. Terry, Jr.• son of Mr. and Mrs. Duane R. Terry. Jr.. of North Chester road received his "Wings of • Gold" of a Naval Aviat~lr on June ~~rp~ ~~~s:.a.;:~. AIr Station. Ens. Terry received his deslgnation after more than 18 months of flight training. He has been assigned to the Naval Air Station. Key West. Fla. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1) Renshaw, W.; Midget Boys, R. McCurdy, G.; Jr. Girls, A. McDowell, G.; Jr. Boys, D. McCurdy, W.; Intermediate Girls, A. PilUI, W.; Intermediate Boys, H. Lawrence, W.; Sr. Girls, C. Williams, W.; Sr. Boys, J. Lange, W. And still the WhItes were pulling away with 110 to the Garnets' 9S point taliy. Butterlly Midget Girls, D. Renshaw, W.; MIdget Boys, R. ~cCurdy, G.; Jr. Girls, E. Break365 Pupils Complete ell, W.; Jr. Boys, J. Foley, G.; Summer School Today Intermediate Girls, C. Brodhead, (Continued tram Page 1) G.; Intermediate Boys, J. Foley, pupils were expected to conform G.; Sr. Girls, C. Williams, W.: Sr. to reasonable standards of be- Boys, R. Sublette, G. ' havior and to work hard in their The Garnets were trailing 135 courses. The fact that we receivto 139, but their grand slam freeed no complaints from our neighstyle relay team, comprised of 20 bors as to pupil behavior in the vicinity of the schOOl indicates boys and girls ranging from MIdthat our supervisory staff did an gets through Seniors brought them seven pOints as they won by one excellent job!' half lap, and threw them the lead. Included in a group of campers 142 to 139. Their additional points who spent a week at the Metho- in diving clinched the final score. dist Church Camp Innabah, First place winners were: Spring City, were: Sarah Beth Midget Girls, A. McDowell, G.: Intermediate Girls, J. Williams, -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Grier of Dartmouth avenlre, Lynn W.; and Sr. Girls. C. Williams, ii Hartman of Park avenue, Beth Purnell of Cornell avenue, Martha W.; Midget Boys, R. Baker, G.; J es~up of Haverford avenue, Intermediate Boys, H. Sehad, G.: Nancy Storlazzi of Park avenue. and Sr. Boys. B. Crawford. W. and Tommy Graham and Mary (in the green bag) Mr. and Mrs. Eugene K. CunDana and David Loudin of WalIs Processed by Eastman Kodak Co. ningham of Lafayette avetlue lingford. F;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"';;;;;;;~ have as their guest for the months Direct Through of July and August Mrs. CunPAnERSON'S ningham's sister, Ellen Greig of Brunswick, Me. FUNERAL HOME Jane MacAlpine ;of North Over 25 rear's ExperJ•• ce PrInceton avenue is working this Pho.. MEdIa 6·3400 (Daily 1st Class Mailings) summer as a waitress in Cape A Prlee to N..t Every Famtly', NHd May, N. J. MEdia 6-0100 Swarthmore K13-1497 Camera & Hobby Shf?p Michaels College Pharmacy DBATRI8 FASTER! Hollyhock Gift Shop 4 PARK AVENUE , ~.f , Closing Date for Summer Vacation' August 4 to September 5 there's always HOT WATER . •• ••• when it's heated ~~~W Automatically \ by GAS' When it takes longer lor the water to heat th_ to take the shower. then it's time to switch , At 60 miles per hour you need SIX times the distance to stop that you need at 20 miles per hour. of .hree aCcidents and a contributory facfOlr in many othen. Actua1ly, the FASTER you driye. the e,;ea- it ill far DEATH to catdl yoa! At 60 miles per hour, it requires a minimum asaured clear passing distance of mOl'e than 800 feet _ 55 car lengths-to pass a car soiog 50 mOee per hour_ to automatic gas water headog. There'• .lou of hot wa~er-whenever Y09 Why? need it- Briefly, your chances of living through an accident are &eyen times as good at 20 miles per hour as at 60 miles per hour! Remember, don't speed ••• Death is faster! At 60 miles per hour a car can do NINE times as much dam.ge _ at 20 miles per hour. with nO heater-lending cares. Choose the IIDtOmltie gas _ter healer that 6Ib your 'Deeds , at yoar plamber'1, dealer's or .., , ~elphia Eleade saburbaa _ 'IILIIEL.III ILICTlle' CO•••I, . > In Pennsylvania; SPEED is the major fact« in ODe oUt -.: - 15 S. CHESTER ROAD I The New Type Kodachrome JULY 23-AUGUST 4 of Buying aUsed Car 340 N. laltiMore Ave. !.... Duplicating 1820 CHESTNUT ITRIIT OllYBl It. MIl. '-'der MM'f A. BAllI. PI eaId_ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS "Customer Satisfaction Ends~, Session Today Anthony ,Kennedy 3rd, of Rose (Continued from Page 1)' Valley &erVed as a member of the recreation committee tor the tem to sustain the size and Instru- Naval Reserve dance held FrIday. ern, part of the United States and mental balance of these """"ps. ' Canada. They left June 20 for ,..-July 20 in Chester. California where Mr. Yerkes afOnce again this year. the proTh~e of the dance was the tended an Electrical Engineers gram was dil'ected by Robert M. Gay Nineties blended with DButConvention for one week In San Holm of the local schools. Assist-l ical symbolism. Ro!freshmentB Francisco. From there Mr. and ance was provided by Molly Huse wore served in' a turn-of-the-cenMrs. Yerkes wen.t to Seattle and who was in charge of the string tury saloon while the dance floor ul> to Mt. llaimer. wbe!'!' they instruction. Molly Is a lIrst chair was festively decorated with stayed in Mt. RalnIer ... ational Iplayer in the High Sehool Orch- signal lIags. Park. They returned to Seattle eslra and a tudent at the New and then went up to Victoria for Sehool of M.:'stC in Philadelphta. Mrs. Paul M. Paulson of Park three days. Sktartlnt East. they A resident of Vassar avenue. she avenue with her son-in-law and spent one wee a ~..erald Lake . eli ti and another at Lake Louise plans to make mUSIC uca on daughter Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Mr. and Mrs. He A. Pclrsol her career. ' France and children Louise, Palnry f I ty and Wes, Jr., have returned Jr. of Lafayette avenue h~d as Mr and Mrs H LIndley Peel' h f t d h If k their recent gue ts M d M . ., orne rom a wo an a a wee r. an. rs. of Golumbia avenue have as their vacation. At their first stoP. in s George Brownell and chIldren guests for two weeks their son- 0 cean V',ew. VB.. Mrs. P a ulson 's G eorg. e J r., and Li n d a· 0 f Ph1'l - I'n law and daughter Mr and Mrs th . Ia w and d aug hter adelphia . . 0 er SOD-1D. Thomas Manthey and their chil- Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Kupelian and dren Karen and James of Vlr- children joined the group. After uI saw it in the Swatthmorean." M' ginia; lDD. a week at Ocean View they conLinda Hunt of Dickinson ave- tinued their journey on to the nue Is attending Camp Nik-o- Cherokee Indian reservation in mahs. Mllmont. for two weeks. the Smokey Mountains of North Judith Tucker of Park avenue Carolina, and to the Methodist had as her guest last week, Susan Camp Junalaska, and many other Park of Basking Ridge. N. J. points of in....rest. PYLE THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. HOW 'Qlra.1tJ rrodnt - Mr. and Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes of' Princeton avenue retur4ed Monday from a trip to the west- I I Mr. and Mrs. Randall A. Burr and children Steven and Betsy will move tomorrow from 203 Dartmouth avenue to 522 School lane. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sidney Johnson, Jr.• of North Chester road, Thespians Stalk Gym and Mrs. E. Neal Thurman of (Continued from Page 3) Cedar lane spent the weeloend in Lake Paupac. During their stay As a special treat last Friday, they visited with their sons Sld- Mrs. John H. Wolft of Paper MIll ney. 3rd., and Johnnie, at Camp I~ro~:ad:.~:~a~nd her dog "Luckie", an Pocono. of the Pennsylvania SPCA in Philadelpl>ia. Mr. Harry Oppeniander. Jr.• of Benjamin West avenue lIew to put on a program for the assembled groups--both primary Pittsburgh for a weekend visit and pre-school-in tbe All I'urwith Mr. and Mrs. John Rogeri. pose room. Mr. and . Mrs. Raymond F. Together Mrs. Wolft. who is Winch returned to their home on director of public education at the Dickinson avenue Monday fol- Philadelphia organization, and lowing a weekend spent at Long Luckie demonstrated "dog safety". Beach Island. ,', Luckie obligingly growled at Sandy Milne ba~ as her guest youngsters who rushed up to him. recently her roommate from wagged his tail and smiled at Allegheny College, Betsy Rieder- those who approacbed him quleter. who returned last week to ly with hands outstretched and her home In Westfield. N. J. palma down. In, addition, Luckie shook hands, sat up, danCed. and Rllth Jane Dunn. daughter 'and Mrs. George R. Dunn , answered questions concerning his travel needs and preferences Cresson lane7 recently was ess at a movie party to celebrate while travelling. AlI.in all, Luckie. who handsomely representa both her eighth btrU,day. Jody Koch of Park avenue had the Collie and Huskle (it is beas her guest last week Jackie lieved,) was a most 'able and charming entertainer. Wiley of Newark. Del. Afterwards. while Luclde restVicki and Cally MacNair of ed, Mrs. Wolff showed a Maple avenue leave fbis week for about the care of Kittens. and a months' stay at Camp Fleur de several animated nature cartoons. Lis in New Hampshire. • Mr. and Mrs. William R. Huey ClI saw it in the Swar!:hmorean." ,of Dickinson 'avenue last week visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Coles of Moorestown, N. J., at Surf City, N. J. Philip and Mark Beardsley of Rutgers avenue will leave on Monday for Camp Pocono near Hawley, where they will spend the month of August. Nancy and Dorothy Gatewood of Elm avenue are spending several weeks at Camp Mudjekeewis, Maine. and wllll1!turn at t~ end of August. lIIee"", _ell week. 8 P.M, Readin' Room, fOIl Dvtmouth Avenue. 0JeB W! except hollU7B. 111-5 evening Nursery through Fifth Grade - ,Kindergarten Morning and Afternoon G'roups Summer "Music Program SWARTBMORE CO-OP W. }JARK BITtLE J. A; GREEN BAIRD and BIRD STRATB RAVEN INN PEI'ER E. TOLD B. J. ROY. 5 AND 10 , S1VARTBMORE TOGGERY SHOP PORTER H. WAlTE, INC. TRE bOUQUET E. L. NOYES and CO~~ HORACE ,A. REEVES THE INGLENEUK PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY THE S1VAR'l'JDIOREAN ....... <- " CATHERMAN'S DRUG STORE ; .... 1. _ Mrs. Walter R. Shoemaker entertained at luncheon Wednesday at ber home on 'Riverview road. Her guests included Mrs. George R. ,Park, Jr., with her granddaughter Betsy Claggett, both of Wayne, Diane Hunt of Parris Island: and Mrs. Shoemaker's house guest, her granddaughter Dorothy Dietz of Dayton. SW.' •••• 0'" 6-1441 Asbes & I\qbblsh Removed Lawns Jlfowed, General Z38 Ip;;,;.__________-. ROOFING -=7""=___==-- WILLIAM BROOKS "saliDa: U ....dltIJ Ave" lIorion, and thelt daU&hter Jean of Park I"ven~Le hal a avenue .plint the weekend in Carfor the. month llsle as the guests of Mr. and Mis. ,eRSQNAL FOR SALE Head, N. J. B. Paul Miller PERSONAL _ Slipcovers and FOR SALE - Aluminum bll88inet H enry It. S avard, excellent $1. WhIte play pen SWarthmore $3. Both tn · d rapenes. ~ SchlO""ser of P arIt avecondition. d C olyn and Joan Mc Springfleld. KIngswood 4-0181, nue an ar .::6-8=38",.:.:,1:.'_ _ _--''--_ _ _ _ __ Kinnell of Yale avenue have re- PERSONAL - Painting, George FOR SALE _ Everything old in turned home from a two .week Fair. Ful1y tnsured. Estimates Shop but bait (worms and min- G ....... WaJ'llloAIr Heotlo, sojourn at Camp Outlook in I ,g1~v~en~.~c~al~.l~ME~di~a~6~-~3~'0~2~.:-;;;j~ nows). AllIsotia, MEdia 6-1401. II Upholstery repairs; SWarthmore 6-3050. Dowlngtown. Air CeHltleolog 'ICES REDUCED FOR . Miss R th W bb Is , .. -, .. -~ S •• et Metal W .... ''''"''''''' an AND AUGUST. Seats _ FO!! S~ -. 4-<1oor customu e aunt, Mrs. Harold Faulkner. at $9.50 u • SPECIAL SALE OF UP- . lined &2 ·ford. l$xcellent condiMartha's Vineyard and will re- HOLS~Y CLOTH _ negular lion. 20,500 mileage. $550 cash. turn to Swarthmore in .August. $6.· redil'oed to $3.50 per yard·IM=E~dI~a~6c:-0=:9::5:::8:.. Bettina Steele of Rutgers ave- More than fI"" years of Swarth- FOR SALE Slelnway Piano more references. Thom Seremba, and Solovox attachment. In nue has returned from Camp phone Sharon Hill 0134. fine condition. Call CHester 3SWwllxllDre6-074G Egypt Valley, near Canandaigua. PERSONAL _ Radio and tele_19~5:::2~6::.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ vision service. Complete stock .LOST "aND FOUND N. Y., where she had been a camper four weeks. of tubes carried. Robert Brooks, FOUND _ Small tabbY kitten. ofr.:~':~dMa':~n~~::"~eCr~~: Call KIngsWood 4-0800. Temporarily residing at 401 PERSONAL - Belvedere Con- Park Avenue. KIngswood 4-1866. their guest Mrs. Craemer's sister, valescent Home, 2501 Chestnut FOUND _ Bright blue parakeet. Mrs. John Caulfield of New York street, Chester. Edge of Swartbgray and white bands. Last reCity. more. Aged, senile, chronic, con- ported between station and school valescent men and women. Ex- grounds. Rumor - haunting birdREQUEST FOR BIDS cellent foods, spacious grounds ·feedlng station on Cornell avePAINTING Sealed bid. will be reeeived In Council Blue Cross honored. Sadie D. Due. Chamber. 121 Park Avenue, Swatlbmore, Pi . . to CHe ter 2 _~__,===-:-:-==,-__ PennsYlvania on August 13. 1966 at '1:30 ,ppm, proprle r. S... ESTATE NOTICE and P.M. Eutern Daylight Saving Time for 5373. &tate of Charla Henry Zensen. (also furnIahIng the materials aDd doing the S N I R air d knowD WI Charles H. Zensen) Deeeued. work of curbing and paving CreBllOn Lane PER 0 AL Bicyc es ep e . Late of Rutledge.' Delaware County. Pa. CARPENTRY between Amherst Avenue and Little Crum Parts, ac:cessories. MUt Glass LEttERS TeatalDentary on the above Pa. EDWAlD G. CHIPMAN AND SON GfPlIRAi CONTIAOOI Plastic Til. Nod.rn Kltch.ns Alterotlons 1401 Rldl.y Avenue CHester 2-47S9 2-5689 I::::===========~ ELLIO'lT RICHARDSON. Borough Secretary. 2t-7-21 o........a.AaI'(IOMMflOlMNQoa....al M eot.••,. _ .".NI"••1011' .......... • Jewelry Repaired Phone: SW 6-4216 IMIL SPIES Watc••ak.r Formerl, of F. C. loci. I Sons 128 Yale Ave. Clod. Repair, Swarthmore, Pa. DAY and NIGHT Fine Wofc.h and OIL BURNER SERVICE MONDAY TBRU SATURDAY NOON KI ngswood 4-1234 THOM SEREMBA UPHOLSTERER and HOLIDAY" J. A. GREEN 5 Years of Sw.rt....or. Reference Sharon Hili 0734 Bicycle, Hobby t Toy Shop, 205 E B I I A Clift ast a t more venue, on Heights, .MAdison 6 ... 0713. OllPOsite Cllfton Theater. Estate have been granted. to the undersigned. wlto reque.t all penons havIng claims or demands agalnllt the Estate of the d~ent to make known the same. and all person. the deeedent to make pa)'ment,Indebted without to delay. to PERSONAL _ Interior and ex.. ·r. BLANCHE CHRISTINA ZENSEN, Executrix. terior p·aintlng, and paper hang221 SylvaD .Avenue. ing. Henry K. Savard, Springfield, Rutledge. Pa. KI "'""ood 4 0161 Or to her AttornQ'8: :::::n:!:.... =:==--=--==-:.:.-:-,--:_~:- DUANE. MORRIS " HECKSCHER. PERSONAL _ Driving to Colo- 1817 Land Title BuildIng. rad-o next week _ need com- Phlla. 10. Pa.________3l·7-27 .::::=-=..:... =. ~:::;::=::::::=::::::=:::::::::~ CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL AND -ATLANTIC - HEAT1NG OILS 1870. ENGINE REPAIRS , .. MAKE YOUR HOUSE HUNTING EASY? Baird & Bird Opposite Borough Hall Lawrence R 171/2 . ads, Havertown. Hilltop 6-1150. WANTED - Secretary and assistant to registrar at Swarthmore College. Shorthand, typing and general om~e experience required. Maturity and college experience desirable.. All - year round job with Saturday mornings included, September to June. Call SWarthmore 6-0200, Business Manager. s. Chester Rei. 114-1700 SWARTHMORE. PA. . AnANTIC Ridley Park WA 8-2440. TELEVISION SERVICE 939 Rocklyn Road. Springfield II 4-102' Responsible youcg woman needs small unfurnished ap artment with kitchen, ·for !!!)llIlnllmllllUIURllllllllnnllllllDlIJllllliJllJlLIIIIIIIRIIIIIIJllllntlllllUIUIJlIIIIIIIILIIDIIIIDlIIIUIIIIUlHlllllllllIlll'lli occupancy September 1. Conven_ _ ient toYearly college, low Reply rental Box neces= sary. lease. J, Iiii iii WANTED - SWEEN EY & CL·YDE :~~;;:;;::~o~~~: ~:sr.:~·1iii· or ",lderly couple. CHester 2-1756. A Complete Insurance ani' leal Estate Agency = :: .. Air and Ship Travel .. WANTED - WOMEN for gen- Ii 5151 eral factory work, day and night iii 29 EAST 5TH ST.. CHESTER shifts. Must be residents of Delor Montgomery counties.,' Phones: 4-6311 4.6312 4-6313 4-6314 not applY if IlPpllcation al. . . E! ready. on file. ApplY ~adelphia Samuel D.Clyd. , . Saillnl 'D.C;de. Jr. § Chewmg Gum Corporation,· Eagle J Edward Clyde G..a.... -an;; Lawrence Roads, Havertown. E • , r~' 3 . . « ' " W!ANIl'ED _ kIllL"HIHllllnmnmnHlummuURlDDllllRlUllIAIUOnmlllllilnlnlllllhIIDlunnnll11lllllh.IIIII•• keeper for August 25 to·' -I = ni SPRINGFIELD WATER ------ PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER COMPANY .,." . ..pet. ~ '~'" ~ ~ , '. .," . - WANTED - to rent 5 or 6-room apartment, preferably with fireplace. F. W. Luehring, more 6-0798. WANTED MACHINIST for semi-automatic and :::~;; matic pac~agtng machine. E wide experience and background for lifetime pooition with progressive national manufacturer located in Delaware County. Unusual opportunity for men with ability and . Inlttative. Write complete personal details and resume to Philadelphia Chewing GIJ!Il Cor.poration, Eagle and Lawrence Roads, Havertown, or Call Mr. Daly, HIlltop 6-1150. J. E. LIMEBURNER CO. GUILD OPTICIANS I For Lenses 0' Saperlor Q.a.,., N.wly D.slgn.d Fro_s of the Finest WorIIma ...lp I..,. Mawr U~ Dully W,..w.... . 1923 C ....... U7 'mi ..... A.....' ............. D.at"1'W,.. ......... .. s_...n......... 3. 'a,' seconds; Howard Schad a swlm- yards. Intermediate Gir1&-J'. Paul third; George Sullivan a second third; Junior GirIs,-E. and two thirds; Ann McDowell second and A. McDowell third; two swimming thirds and a diving Junior Boys- Christy Decker Last Score Close; second. third; Midget Boys - David Foley Ask All Aid Opponents Brea.. Records second. '. Tomorrow Aronlmink's Steve Fisher won Lose Early Lead There was a determined "lint I two swimming and one diving Swarthmore had a good lead in· the garnet eyes of the firsts. Their Lanny Reppert ··won through the first four events when seahorses worn by the two firsts, breaktng a .League rec_ it slipped to the low· end of a 25-20 more Swim Club in Its meet ord each time. Lanny's junior score and never regained boys' breaststroke time 38.1 bet- lead, although It was not until Aronom!nk last Saturday in 'the local pOOl: And tered the former record of 38.5 midway in the breaststroke races enough. they upped their pre- set July 30, 1955 by Benzel of that there was more than a fe .... vious scores against Rose Valley Rose Valley, HIs 32.2 butterfly points dI1ference. Freestyle events and Marple-Newtown by 29 bettered his own League record closed with Aronlmink 132 and points, tallying 142 to Aronlmink's of 33. Five other Aronimink Swarthmore 19, Butterfly finale 195. swimmers won double first places, stood at 167 to 102. Swarthmore It was another loss for the sea- and another, Fitzgerald, broke the picked up seven points when its horses tn their first seasOn of midget boys' breaststroke record 400-yard girls relay team won Suburban League competition but of 53.4 set by J. Robertson of Rose and an additional 33 points in the was far the closet to victory to one week· earlier, finiShing diving contests. date. Aronlmink Is a six-year-old in 45 seconds flat. Complete Rnn Loeal Wtns Dlvel'B p.oln'" team. Swarthmore was handlA. McDowell was second in capped by the absence of some Backstroke: • 10!} yards: Senior Junior Girls Divtng with' a total 'ts I I ak J Gir1s--J. Robinson first (time score of 38.4. John Ungern's 41.8 f usua p ace-m ers, an o 1 Lawrence, Sue Campbell, Char- I: 37.6); V. MacNair, third; Senior score' won first and Robert Baklotte Brodhead. Helen MOrrison, Boys-R. Sublette, (1: 13.7); 50 er's 44.2 second in Junior Boys. Diane Renshaw. yards: Intermediate Girls - J. J. Williams was first (84.9) and n'. The Army'S LGooi W~I1I:uns first .(40.8), A. Paul Dawn' Boyer second (60.35) in Swarthmore was jubilant, how- thlrd, IJ;1termedlate Boys - H., Intermediate Girls. Howard Schad ever, at the return of its assistant Sc.had seco~d and R. Jackson I was second (74.6) Intermediate coach Carl Schaefer, whom they t~rd; JU~l1or Girls-Craw~ord Boys. Jean Boyer Was first (146.6) had relinquished· to the Army thud; JUDlor Boys-G. Sullivan in Senior Girls and Harry Mc(they sadly thought) two. days s,:,"ond and J. Foley third; Midget, Allister first and 'Brodie Craw_ earlier. It seems Mr. Schaefer Guls-J. Espenschade second and ford third in Senlo B (despite what Swarthmore mer- Debbie Sullivan third; Midget . r oys .. maids might think) Is not per- Boys--Sandy Robinson third. William S. Cope of Muhlenfeclion personified and the Army Breaststroke: 100 yards: Senior berg avenue ts in Sandusky, 0., discovered a little defect Glrls-C. Williams first (1:33.4) this summer doing engineering it hopes Is only temporary and M. Huse second; Senior Boys work with the Scott Paper ComUncle Sam gave him a si~-month -R. Sublette first (1:25.8) and pany. Bruce S. Gemmill, Who graduaL reprieve to come home and help Stu Bowie. third; 50 yards: Intergroom the seahorses for tomorrow mediate Girls - Gloria Pelrsol ed in June from the Rensselaer morning's final meet with Mar- third; Junior GI~ls-E. Breakell Polytechnic Institute in Troy, tins Dam and Colonial Vlllage at first (50.6); Jumor Boys-Steve N. Y., was named to the Dean's Colonial Village, and to .tart his Hansell third; Midget Girls - J. List for scholastic excellence durformal teaching career as a mem- Espenschade second; ~dget Boys ing the last semester. "He is the son ber of the Springfield High School -RIchard McCurdy thlfd. . of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. faculty tn September. ThIs would Freestyle - 100 yards, Semor Gemmill of Vassar avenue have been an .even tougher week Glr1s--J. Rohinson second; Senior . . than usual tor Coach Millard Rob_ Boys - Dave Preston third; 50 Inson, had the Anny not been so yards, Intermediate Girls - A. L perspicaciouS, for the team's other Paul second; Intermediate Boys-' $500 MONTHLY asslsta"t cOach, Mrs. Nancy Terry Hal Lawrence third; Junior Girls Johnson, is on vacation tor this -E. Breakell second and A. Me- Slortf"9 ",La., for 2 I Dowell third; Junior Boys _ G. p'. SulJlv'~ third', MI"~et Glrl- T. CalUD.. AU Swlmm.ers .u U5 o-v ..abo With each tEIam allOWed only Espenschade first (42.9) and Julle two official entries in each event second; Midget Boys - Andy .Iod. • ...bl. 01 .....I.G· ,",_n.11o there Is no way a team can fail MaCNair second and J. Brooks HlN. Nq . . .fl'G pi.... 'third. I Iftdud. brf.f ....-sonal h1fforr. all to take at least the one point pU.. conRd.nlal. Our 101•• men hay. given for third place, unless its Butterfly - 100 yards, Senior _ Irrlarmod 01 Ihl• • d. '"" A. l. entry is disqualified for Girls-M. Huse second; Senior I - -~~~~~;;~;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;~=;;;;;;;;;;;g tured third in rifle marksmanship. ,During their stay in camp Doug SHOP & SAVE IN EV_RY DEPARTMENT Wrege and Fred K'ellermann were initiated into the Order of the Speare Bros. are Receiving Dally Shi.pmenh Arrow, National Scout honor so-. PRESCRIPTIONS SW 6-0586 ;.;~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~;;~~~~~;;;~~ Morton Flower Shop • JULY SAVINGS Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. . ciety. .. 'Middletown Road Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Marirto ot Park avenue entertained for two weeks Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L'Episcopo of Hollis, L. I. and tl'leir children Anthony, Charles and Angela. Mrs.· L'Episcopo is Dr. Marino's· :sister~d Mr. L'Episcopo . is .... Mrs. M¢no's· brother. • Mrs. William S. Hobbs and her mother Mrs. Geneve Mohney of Park avenue are visiting in Ridgeway. ' R. D. 16, Media, Pa. Opposite High Meadow Of All NEW SUMMER. MJ:RCHANDISE NEW DRESSES Custom Landscape. Worlc • NEW SPORTSWEAR • NEW SWIMSUITS Telephone: CHester 2-7206 . Men's Colorful Cabana Sets ............ '.' ........ 3.99 Ask for Ben Palmer or Henry Arnold Men's Summer Slacks ............................. 3.69 POWER SPRAYING - TREE TRIMMING TERRACES. WALLS AND WALKS Popular Laminated H~mdbags ............. 2.95 and 4.94 . . . pl •• tax " Visit our Roadllde Market on ".Mlddletown Road COTONEASTER. LE~<:()THOE. JAPANESE ANDROMEDA· .ENKIANTHUS. KOELREUTERIA HYBRID CLEMATIS anel HEMEROCALLIS lin variety) ANNUALS. PERRENNIALS. STAR ROSES PERMA SPRIN_LER SYSTEMS '. Boys' Zipper Jackets . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . .. . .. 1.00 and 2.00 Girls' C?tton Shorty Pajamas ;... . . . . . . . .. 1.59 and 1.79 • • Look at what only Plymouth offers you! (no other. low-price car has these value features) • NEWEST STYLING in the Iow-prlce S. H-netil Aerodynamic Design, excluSively PIJmouth'a. brings you. tomorrow's look today. ' LARGEST SIZE in the loW-prlce 3. Plymouth is biggest, longest, roomiest of ffall S," with the smooth ride only a big car can give. LARGEST TRUNK SPACE In the low-prlce 3. A full 88.8 cubic feet! Low-price car CIAhas only 20 cubic feet; low-price car "Bhas only 27 cubic feet. TOP PERFORMANCE Iii the l~rtee·1. . Plymouth· holds ofIicial·NJ\SCAR speed record for cars in its eJass, acceleration record for cUl U. S. stock cars I PUSH-BunON DRMNG, exclusive in the low-price 3This positive, mechanical control makes all other forms of driving old-fashioned. Optional on all models. .. / GIlEATEST VISIBILITY In the Iow-price S• Note Plymouth's 81Dept-back design. No corner blind spot (right of dotted linel, as results from straight up-and-down posta on the other two low-price cars. SAFETY-RIM WHBS, exclusive in the low-price 3Protect you from aecidents by helping to hold tiro on rim in case of blowout. NEWEST V-a. In the ~ s. New. atrp1aDe-'· 1WIN-CYUNDER FRONT BRAKES, nclus;'" In the ICIIw price 3.' TWO hy~ulic' brake cylinders in each front wheel give you safer, surer stops, reduce the ch~. of accidents. type By-Fire V-SS (up to 200 hp) from Plymouth's new too,OOO,OOO QuaIimatic engine p~nt. ADa in P1Jmouth's new Fuq-a blazing 240 hpl Now discover firsthand ~ rest of Plymouth/s 'value •,- • ••• drive a PLYMOUTH. today J ..: '. . '~"\. '" ,.....,~ , . .. -,