, ' , 'liep' Library Vote Vote THE·SWARTHMOREAN Tue$day , 'Nov. 8th Tuesday " VOLUME 21-NVM8ER 44 SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, November ~ 1955 Nov. 8th '3.50 PER YEAIl I~ the Cause Strong Enough 7 Leeture-DeDlonstrator Busy Week. Planned Clubwomen to Present There is, on Tuesday, November 8, a general election: At Rotary Club Today For Mothers' Clu'b AnlfDodge Trio'Tues. In Swart;ftmore, there three seats on Borough Council . h ar~ contested by three candidates from each party; a vacancy Needlework Guild Ex ibit for magistrate contested by a Republican and a Democrat; to Be on View at 2 P.M. and a vacancy for constable, 'also contested by :Republican Meeting ,and Democrat~ In t~e county, there are competitions between Bake Sale Tues. at Polls; Dr. Pote to Speak at 8 Thursday A program of semi-classical the parties for nine row offices: three County Commissioners, music will be presented before District Attorney, Recorder of Deeds, Prothonotary, County the Swarthmore Woman's Club Surveyor, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, and Judge next Tuesday afternoon by the of the Orphans Court. ·Ann Dodge Trio from the Matinee . Musical Club, following. the stated There is, we repeat, an election on Tuesday. And Bormeeting with the president, .Mrs. ough Democrats have flung down a gauntlet. "Even SwarthJ'udsQn R. Hoover, Jr., presiding. more," they say, uneeds A strong two-party system." Their Mrs. Gladys H. Lecron, chair" ... , ,"" .. m~ of the music department, will statement bears consideration. introduce the musicians which Republicans .in' Swarthmore outregister the Democompose the piano, violin and crats by three or more to one. Should it be said that they ,cello tr1o. DirecUy after the concert, Mrs. win by sheer numbers? Perhaps the Republican party of .lohn E. Michael, president of the Swarthmore, looking over the smaller group of its DemoCounty Federation .of Woman's cratic neighbors, sees. no point in working-the Republicans Clubs and a past president of the have·the greater number--of tGurse they'll win, But, it was Swarthmore Club will' report on th t rt . h th h d ld M . Swarthmore Mothers Club looks forward to a full schedule of activities during the next two weeks. On TueSday, November 8, the club will conduct two bake sales during the polling hours at the College and Rutgers Avenue Schools. Doughnuts will be available fOl' school children and breakfast voters, earner in the morning, and throughout the day exercisers of the franchise may be rewarded with the sight, and taste, if they so desire-of cul.inary ~~::S.fresh from the mothers' bairman aU C ot the -day events, Mrs. Edward B. Cornelius. will be assisted' by Mrs. Richard Eckenroth, Mrs. ~ph Hancock, Mrs. WilHam LoftuS and Mrs. .Joseph Schubert. Committee members include Mrs Bernard Halpern Mrs " , . (Continued on Page 6) LOUIS P. SHANNON Louis P. Shannon,' speaker on industrial and chemical develop~~ ~'~e=;~:!;:,mer ments, will present a lectureJDptherlQ' DIsplay . demonstration. "Let's Look at Tomorrow," at Swarthmore Rotary Also featured dining the afterClub's weekly luncheon today at noon program will be the Needlework Guild's display in the 12:10 in the Ingleneuk. .lounge, in observance of the anDisplaying some chemical denual Ingathering Day. Mrs. A. velopments which are so new as Sidney Johnson, Jr., general to be still in the experimental and cbairman, expects' this year's inevaluation stage, he will give an gathering to exceed last year's inside view of how they were total of 3600 articles. Mrs. Charles achieved, and b;ldicate their inThatcher wUl be in charge of the h tan d ·th ood ftuence on the' future. An analysis tea to follow the program. The Swarthmorean, by no appens ce, an WI g of the ,unique factors affecting . Club's November Show Hostesses for, the day wID be reason, is a Republican pa~r, and'is proud of it. It sincerely American progress will be made. Opens Monday Mrs. Morris a.Fussell and Mrs.nppes that Swarthmore will go Republican and that the counMr. Shannon is ,manager ot the Cllftord Banta, Mrs. PbruP iN wili go Republican. But whoever you are, and whether in extension division of tl\e DuPont Night, M. Alden and Mrs. Harry E. Swarthmore or the state.o~ W8Sbingto~, go VUt and votel Company with ..headquarters at 'ial M For Mutder," Frederick LoeItetI inaIIpm~ WUmI_.. Dtd.He has traveled It', thrIn-chUler whloh has 110 '~~lve:1Y,' ~d addresSed more·' 'long ~ in London and e :0 Olse w 0 won over e are; even ear 0 ame .has, in its time, gone Democratic. Republicans probably will win here, yet it is entirely possible that the Democrats 'eould. In the olden days a handful of Greeks fought against the armies of Xerxes at Thermopylae and stemmed the tide. Three defended the bridge at Rome agl\inst the E~ and won. And it has been said that while the battles of yore are more dramalH.c, and been asked what fight at the polls - ' will b ted has stirred the souls of men. Bu~ no ~ne yet e quo as saying, "Don't bother to fight at all." Swarthmore Players Dial- "M" For Munier' "'ijl """ts .'.. JunlOrviaiti,1m1i ~~:::: =,o:r~a~!Itreai .;...t.. ,.;.:: ~BOOpOupslD-tMJasr ' ......... T' , . . - ", _t ." New Mam ues ":''. IIIiI ~ mmpJy wasn't number enough? Win' or lose, who wants in- difference? . SwarthmOre3D8 are reminded ·that our Borough Hall b I 35 Welcomed, Into C u was made possible by five, lonely votes. RepubUcans e,ery. At Candlelight where are loathe to remember .that th~ election of 1948 inay Service have been lost by smugness. ~ . ~...:::..~~~-== Mr. Sbannon has been with, 'of. swart'limore·op:emng .Monday, DuPont a!nc:e 1942. Before jolDlna the seventh, for a' six nJaht run.. the atenilon division, he :was .enEight-twenty performanees wD1 gaged in penonnel training an~ find a cast of 11ve Up...toein, '.' industrial engin~ work at a through the three-act JDl'stery dlw~ number of plants, including rec~ by J •. David Narbeth, wi~ , atOmic energy plants DuPont built the assistance ot R1chard Hook. and' ClPerated tor the govermneDt. The Ave are: Previously. he had saJ,ned board Sally ~y as Margot Wen... ' experience as an educator and dice, and Blchard S. Burgess .. a school administrator. . (C~tf.nued on Page .,) Oftlcers of the SwarthIIlore 3'un. Whetller you are ~publican or Democrat, don't sit hom.e lor Woman's Club conducted a next T\JesdaY---;iro out' and vote. Who wants to win, noV beas caDdJelllbt m.ta11atlOil ~ for cause the ca~.. waSn't good enough-but because the co.Jiew members at the' club house on ..... - b..a-t -'ow petition wasn't strong enough 7 t ·8 :e::al~;;; ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,_ _ _-------~- Ho!iday, Decor 'Topic of Streeter character. leadership, sei'rice, and . C F k SWARTHMOREAN 'DEADLINE Trinity Fair ter+rfl........ Receives JournaliSm Award' friendship, exemPllAed ther basic Mrs. George ,. ranc hi heth '1'he Swartimaonan deacDIDe Blanche Scarlett Pheln..ftower Prin'.... CloP1es on w e . C1u b is Mrs. George C. Franck, mother -. I'OA_n P S-........, - " f C" hI founded. tor the l88ue Gf November il~ ~ arranger and lecturer, WllldivuIge "'ClUVU.....~~·, Q.. OllJ1YL.a Mrs.:trancls Forsytlle, senior of Mr. Claren~e C. Franck of Cor- hall hecm moved lIP io.t.rDesc1ay, be f rite ideas about cHristmas avenue, was ~ of seven .:Journal,:" ' advisor to the JUntorClub •. Idnavenue, died suddenly early November 8. at 12 o'cloek noon. r av~ ists awarded. a citation'"fQr dis- , The ..2·'te So.!.. "' ••_. _~_-.11 'So.-, arrangements on Thursday, No- tiDguishec.t" service to joumalism" ned an aulum.ll corsage of golden Tuesday mo:ining of ,a heart at- .... use...t.b.-~wIB~ -no __.... n.~ vember 17. at 10:30 a.m. in the by' Iowa State College IaSt week. ' chrYsanthemums and amber color_ tack at her home in Baltimore..... _.. .... ~ --. ed leaves to each new member as Md. , \ livery on FrIday. November 11. Cleaves 'room a,t Trinity Church; The occasion was the fiftieth an- • ' V~---- Da:'V. The Sw·"£'-- This will take place. during the nlversary celebration of the found. she accepted a small lighted taper Besides Mr. Franck. survivors morean ~- will' '"be denveredA&'ML ing 'th . sch 00l o f techni"caI OD second d ay 0 f the H 0 liday Fa!r of e indicating her desire to :join the include two grandsons, Clarence, Thursday, Novt'mber 10. and is one of the main attractions journalism at the college. cl\lb. Jr., and George Martin Franek. for anyone inter~ in holiday Mr. Streeter is editor of ''Th, Mrs. James Steel" president of both of Cornell avenue.' . -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-. decor. Mrs. Phelps has an innate Farm Journal" in Phlladelphia" (Continued on Page 8)' Services will be held 'Friday flair with dry materialS as (her and the"'arown .TournaI" in ,,~afternoon in Baltimore and inartistic wreaths, Madonnas. and ington, compahlon ~ 'Wi.~ local Teachers Receive terment will follow, also in Baltiroses will prove. . a total circulation of mo~ tha'n ' Recognition 'of Service more. 'Among her many. accomplish- five and a ~alt mi~,~ders in': . ' Mrs. Franck, a frequent visitor ments. Mrs. Pbelps has represent;- non-metropontlu1,Am~~ ; ~ E. Oppenlander of Ben- to Swarthmore, bad spent a long ed the siate of Pennsylvania in Iow~ State ~ the ~~. mater :Jamln West avenue 'and Elizabeth weekend with. her son and, his Helen. Van Pelt Wilson's book of ~o'th Mr. and ~. '~freeter. Barten of Media, both teachers at family at Buck Hill last week. She C'Th~ .Joy in Flower Arrange. Both attended Homecoming there Swarlhmore High' School. were returned from a two month tour ment." She has lectured .many last week. the recipients last Thursday eve- of Europe shortlY before that. times on flower arranging at Penn ---:-::.:--;-,.-,- - .~ ning of citations from the Drexel from State University's "Garden Days." METHODIST .'BAZAAR. Institute of Technology. Presented Reminder to Needlework Her magazine articles have been ' DINNER ",EXT WIll a~ the Science Convocation dedipublished in "Popular Gardening" The ladies of . the Methodist cation of the Drexel Basic Science Guild Members, Diredors 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. and "Flower Grower." Pictures Church will hold their annual baCenter, the awards were in recog- . Needlework Guild m~mbers a r e of her arrangements have appear- Mar and turkey dinner· next': nition of their 25 'years of service reminded th~t contributions ot ed in the Federation Calend~ Thursday, ,November 10. The , in the teaching of the basic sci- garments or money should~ be NORTHERN PRECINCT and her period arrangement in. a therile 1& tQ' be Bazaar of The ebc:es College Avenue School Chinese style won last year's Seasons. .! . Se~al resideDts of the Bor- turned in' to directors promptly. Prize. . Mrs. .J~: uamnton is ch8lrougb also received reciognltlon. Directors, in their turn. will be man of the' spl'fD8 season lVbfle They include Katherine B. Bel- expected to bring aU garments to WTERN PRECINCT EMEIGENCY PHONES Mrs. TheodOre Purnell wUlllead . field of Michigan avenue and the Ingathering at the Woman'. Borough Hal the summer Mrs. Lemuel Florence Brooks 'of Benjamin West Club next Tuesday mornin,g beae.u... for· ...... IbmM.. Rolt,!S in charge of taU aDd ,lin. ................ irn.. L lie A. Geo-, - .....- Is ... "'..~_ ..._ ....... t tween 9 and 10 a.m. aVenue, both· 'of whOm teach B A a ' " &.ALUD ~&aUU& xu&" Overbrook Schoo' and S. A tea for ,members of the guild, I· WES. . . PIECIIIC1' 1VetIa1Ifer. SW..... 1ft . .lift. winter. ' .&&16" 'At wDl &..:.0 the . . , . . , ., - ... lenke',. 'Th 'I.~. IIIlton Bryant of South ~ aDd their friends xv oW Rutgers Avenue School e UV\&nI for the bUIlar are rOIKl who. teaches at Central RI8h Ann ~ TrIo of the ~UDee " ... ~ .....11. arlit· . from • to a p.m. Dhrner wD1 be SchooL' JlUIlcal that aflerDOOD. . : r...,'....;_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. , ... ReI a l • 8ft ;edat aDd nell , PO'lis Are Open Tuesday, No,.- 8th .' .son. Ul:_ 5_ .,:to. \ SVlnrthr.1ore Colleg.. Library Swarthmore :..: \\' l\ IffJJ )lOlU~ co 1.1.I~( :[0: Ll.BltAHl l'p • ~ ~ Vote .~----------------- Vote THE SWARTHMOREAN Tuesday Nov. 8th VOLUME 27-NUMBER 44 SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, November 4, 1955 Tuesday Nov. 8th 83.50 PER YEAR Is the Cause Strong Enough? Lecture-Demonstrator i Busy Week. Planned Clubwomen to Present There is, on Tuesday, November 8, a general election. At Rotary Club Today For Mothers' Club Ann Dodge Tr-Io Tues. In Swartilmore, there are three seats on Borough Council • hOb' cont~sted by three candidates from each party; a vacancy Needlework. GUild Ex I It for magistrate contested by a Republican and a Democrat; to Be on V lew at 2 P.M. and a vacancy for constable, also contested by Republican Meeting and Democrat. In the county, there are competitions between Bake Sale Tues. at Polls; Dr. Pote to Speak at 8 Thursday the parbies for nine row offices: three County Commissioners, District Attorney, Recorder of Deeds, Prothonotary, County Surveyor, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, and Judge of the Orphans Court. Swarthmore Mothers Club looks forward to a full schedule of activities during the next two weeks. On Tuesday, November 8, the club will conduct two bake sales during the polling hours at the College and Rutgers Avenue Schools. Doughnuts will be available for school children and breakfast voters, earlier in the morning, and throughout the day exercisers of the franchise may be rewarded with the sight, and taste, if they so desire---of culinary goodies fresh from the mothers' kitchens. Chairman of the all-day events, Mrs. Edward B. Cornelius, will be assisted' by Mrs. Richard Eckenroth, Mrs. Ralph Hancock, Mrs. William Loftus and Mrs. Joseph Schubert. Committee members include Mrs. Bernard Halpern, Mrs. (Continued on Page 6) A program of semi-classical music will be presented before the Swarthmore Woman's Club next Tuesday afternoon by the Ann Dodge Trio from the Matinee Musical Club, following the stated meeting with the president, Mrs. Judson R. Hoover, Jr., presiding. Mrs. Gladys H. Leeron, chairman of the music department, will introduce the musicians which compose the piano, violin and cello trio. Directly after the concert, Mrs. John E, Michael, president of the County Federation of Woman's Clubs and a past president of the Swarthmore Club will report on her trip to Europe l~st summer with the General Federation. Ingathering Display Also featured during the afternoon program will be the Needlework Guild's display in the lounge, in observance of the annual Ingathering Day. Mrs. A. Sidney Johnson, Jr., general chairman, expects this year's ingathering to exceed last year's total of 3600 articles. Mrs. Charles Thatcher will be in charge of the tea to follow the program. Hostesses for the day will be Mrs. Morris H. Fussell and Mrs. Clifford Banta, with Mrs. Philip M. Alden and Mrs. Harry E. Lockett presiding at the tea table. Junior Women Initiate New Members Tues. There is, we repeat, an election on Tuesday. And Borough Democrats have flung down a gauntlet. "Even Swarthmore," they say, "needs a strong two-party system." Their statement bears consideration. Republicans in Swarthmore outregister the Democrats by three or more to one. Should it be said that they win by sheer numbers? Perhaps the Republican party of Swarthmore, looking over the smaller group of its Democratic neighbors, sees no point in working-the Republicans Loms P. SHANNON have the greater number-of course they'll win. But, it was Louis P. Shannon, speaker on the tortoise who won over the hare; even dear old Maine industrial and chemical develophas, in its time, gone Democratic. Republicans probably will ments, will present a lecturewin here, yet it is enUrely possible that the Democrats could. demonstration, ''Let's Look at ToIn the olden days a handful of Greeks fought against the armies of Xerxes at Thermopylae and stemmed the tide. Three defended the bridge at Rome against the Etruscans and won. And it has been said that while the battles of yore are more dramatic, and been asked what fight at the polls has stirred the souls of men. But no ~me yet will be quoted as saying, "Don't bother to fight at all." The Swarthmorean, by no happenstance, and with good reason, is a Republican paper, and is proud of it. It sincerely hppes that Swarthmore will go Republican and that the coun-uv will go Republican. But whoever you are, and whether in Swarthmore or the state of Washington, go out and vote! "Who wants to win a ho~key game 10 to 0, or a,football game 56 to 3; a chest game over a brilliant scie!lt~t who never played the' game before, or a political contest because there simply wasn't number enough? Win or lose, who wants indifference? Swarthmoreans are reminded that our Borough Hall 35 Welcomed I.nto Club was made possible by five, lonely votes. Republicans everyAt Candlehght where are loathe to remember that the election of 1948 may Service have been lost by smugness. Offlcers of the Swarthmore .Tun.. ior Woman's Club conducted a candlelight installation service for new members at the club house on Tuesday at 9 p.m. The bright glow of four long tapers signifying character, leadership, service, and friendship, exemplified the basic principles on which the club is founded. Mrs. Francis Forsythe, senior advisor to the Junior Club, pinned an autumn corsage of golden chrysanthemums and amber color_ ed leaves to each new member as she accepted a small lighted taper indicating her desire to join the club. Mrs. James Steele, president of (Continued on Page 6) Local Teachers Receive Recognition of Service Harry E. Oppenlander of Benjamin West avenue and Elizabeth Barten of Media, both teachers at Swarthmore High School, were the recipients last Thursday evening ~f citations from the Drexel Institute of Technology. Presented at the Science Convocation dedication of the Drexel Basic Science Center, the awards were in recognition of their 25 years of service in the teaching of the basic sciences. Several residents of the Borough also received recognition. They include Katherine B. Belfield of Michigan avenue and Florence Brooks of Benjamin West avenue, both· of whom teach at Overbrook High School, and S. Milton Bryant of South Chester road who teaches at Central High School. I Whether you are ~epublican or Democrat, don't sit home next Tuesday--;"go out' and vote. Who wants to win, nob because the cause. wasn't good enough-but because the competition wasn't strong enough? Mrs. George C. Franck Mrs. George C. Franck, mother of Mr. Clarence C. Franck of Cornell avenue, died suddenly early Tuesday morning of a heart attack at her home in Baltimore, Md. Besides Mr. Franck, survivors include two grandsons, Clarence, Jr., and George Martin Franck, both of Cornell avenue. Services will be held Friday afternoon in Baltimore and interment will follow, also in Baltimore. Mrs. Franck, a frequent visitor to Swarthmore, had spent a long weekend with her son and his family at Buck Hill last week. She returned from a two month tour of Europe shortly before that. SWARTHMOREAN -DEADLINE The Swartbmorean deadline for ihe issue of November 11, bas been moved up to Tuesday, November 8. at 12 o'clock noon. The date has been clmnged because there will be no maU delivery on Friday, November 11, veterans Day. The Swarthmorean will be delivered on Thursday, November 10. Polls Are Open Tuesday, Nov. 8th from Reminder to Needlework Guild Members, Oiredors Needlework Guild members are reminded that contributions of garments or money should' be turned in to directors promptly. Directors, in their tum, will be expected to bring all garments to the Ingathering at the Woman's Club next Tuesday morning between 9 and 10 a.m. A tea for members of the guild and their friends will follow the Ann Dodge Trio of the Matinee Musical that afternoon. 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. NORTHERN PRECINa College Avenue School EAsmN PRECINa Borough Hall WESTERN PRECINCT Rutgers Avenue School morrow," at Swarthmore Rotary Club's weekly luncheon today at 12:10 in the Ingleneuk. Displaying some chemical developments which are so new as to be still in the experimental and evaluation stage, he will give an inside view of how they were achieved, and indicate their influence on the future. An analysis of the .unique factors affecting American progr~ss will be made. Mr. Shannon is manager of the extension division of the DuPont Company with headquarters at Wilmington, Del. He has traveled extensively, and addressed more than 800 groups in the last six years. Mr. Shannon has been with DuPont since 1942. Before joining the extension division, he was engaged in personnel training and industrial engineering work at a number of plants, including atomic energy plants DuPont built and operated for the government. Previously, he had gained board experience as an educator and as a school administrator. Swarthmore Players Dial "M" For Murder Club's November Show Opens Monday Night "Dial M For Murder," Frederick Knott's thrill-chiller which has enjoyed long runs .in London and New York, will be the November presentation at the Players Club of Swarthmore opening Monday, the seventh, for a six night run. Eight-twenty performances will find a cast of five tip-toeing through the three-act mystery directed by J. David Narbeth, wi1b the assistance of Richard Hook. The five are: Sally LeRoy as Margot Wendice, and Richard S. Burgess as (Continued on Page 7) Holiday Decor Topic of Streeter Receives Trinity Fa;r Lecturer Journalism Award Blanche Scarlett Phelps, fiower Carroll P. Streeter, of Columbia arranger and lecturer, will divulge her favorite ideas about Christmas avenue, was one of seven journalists awarded a citation "f.or disarrangements on Thursday, No- tinguished service to journalism" vember 17, at 10:30 a.m. in the by Iowa State College last week. Cleaves room at Trinity Church. The occasion was the fiftieth anThis will take place during the niversary celebration of. the foundsecond day of the Holiday Fair ing of the school of technical and is one of the main attractions journalism at the college. for anyone interested in holiday Mr. Streeter is editor of "Th~ decor. Mrs. Phelps has an innate Farm Journal" in Philadelphia flair with dry materials as her and the ""Town JournaJ» in Washartistic wreaths, Madonnas, and ington, companion magazines Wi.th roses will prove. a total circulation of more than Among her many accomplish- five and a h~lf million ~eaders in ments, Mrs. Phelps has represent- non-metropolit~n. Amenca. ed the State of Pennsylvania in Iowa State IS the a.1~a mater Helen Van Pelt Wilson's book of both Mr. and Mrs. Streeter. "The Joy in Flower Arrange- Both attended HomecOming there last week. ment." She has lectured many times on flower arranging at Penn State University's "Garden Days." METHODIST' BAZAAR. DINNER NExT WEEK Her magazine articles have been published in "Popular Gardening" The ladies of the Methodist and "Flower Grower." Pictures Church will hold their annual baof her arrangements have appear- zaar and turkey dinner next ed in the Federation Calendar Thursday. November 10. The and her period arrangement in a theme is- to be Bazaar of The . Chionese style won last year's Seasons. prize. Mrs. John' Hamilton is chairman of the spring season while Mrs. Theodore Purnell will head EMERGENCY PHONES the summer season. Mrs. Lemuel Requests for blood should be Holt is in charge of faU and Mrs. made throuc-h Mrs. Leslie A. George Dunn is chairman for WetJaufer. SWarthmore 6-1270, winter. ehalrman of Blood Serviee for The hours for the bazaar are the SwaI1hIDore Branch, Amerl .. from 2 to 8 p.m. Dinner will be ean Red Cross. served at 5:30 and 7:30. I half .' , lI/IrL TIlE SWARTllMOBEAN Pille 2 Mr. and Mrs. John deMon, of Mr. and MrL Clyd~ III. :MlIIer REMEMIER Harvard avenue, plan to ~ of V1IIanova avenue recently reT.. "Hdl_ark lIIIra. F. H. Forsythe of Thayer this weekend on a 1lshIng trip In turned from a trip to MaIne, Ver~ G."d 1.,a...rI.. mont, and New Hampshire. road will be the speaker this 'after- the Pocon08. TUESDAY, Nov. 8 noon at 1ID all day meeting of the Tea at 2 P.M. Berks County FederaUon of in the Women's Club Women's Clubs. Mrs. Jobn Michael of Harvard avenue, president of the Delaware County FederaMUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Mr. and Mrs. George F. Corse' of tion, and Mrs. James E. Richards . - Sales. and'.Rentals Yale avenue entertained at dinner of Drexel Hill, vice-president of ,.clair, N. J. Saturday evening in honor of their the southeast federation, will acTHE - MUSIC BOX company' Mrs. Forsythe on the Mrs. James B. Bullltt, Jr., and daughter Miss Mary D. Corse and 10 Park Av. . . . Swartli_re trip. Mrs. Maxey N. Morrison held a her lIance Mr. Harry Davis. Pha.. KI 3-1460 OpeD FrI. Iv... Members of both families who attea Tuesday at the home of book Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fisher tended included Mr; Davis' parand their son William of Prince- Mrs. Bu1lItt on Lincoln avenue. ents, .Mr. and Mrs. H. P .. Davis, ton avenue spent a long weekend, Each guest brought one or more his grandmother Mrs. Frances W. from Saturday to Tuesday, last books to hi! contributed to the Shay; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Bookshehlf at the Holiday Fair. \ week at Atlantic City, N. J. Warren, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Sandy Heath, son of Mr. and Corse, and Mr. and Mrs... George . Mr. and Mrs. Leslie L. Baird of Rutgers avenue entertained Dr. Mrs. Russell Heath of Cedar lane, F. Corse, Jr. . BEAUTY SALON and Mrs. Earl Davis and daughter has been awarded the Sigma Nu ENGAGEMENT Dapbne from Upper Montclair, Senior Award at Dartmouth ColWHERE THERE .5 CARE'. THERE .SS COMPLIMS!NT It is based on character, lege. N. J., over the weekend. Dr. Davis Mrs. David McCahan of Strath 9 South Chester Road is director of personnel at Mont- scholarship, and service. Sandy is Haven avenue announces the enalso president of Phi Kappa Phi, gagement. of her daughter, Miss . clair State Teachers' College. Call SWarthmore 6-0476 honorary education fraternity, and Actlv. M....... of ... Swart••or••••1•••• ".o"Satlo. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Malone has been 'a member of the varsity Elizabeth McCahan to Mr. George Robert Swan, son of Mr. and Mrs: (~ of Dartmouth avenue entertained track team for three years. Christopher MacDonald Swan of at brunch Sunday in honor of Mr. Newlo_ Square, formerly resiKenneth Goodman. Guests inHoward G. Shearer, Jr., son of dents of Mount Holyoke place.. rmnllllll!"'nnnmninlllDIIIDlHllnnHIIIIIDlmmlDlIDiDODlllllmimnlnDllllinmnammlilUmlliiillililcluded Mr. anc;! Mrs .. Roy Mc- Mr. and ·Mrs. Howard' E. Shearer Miss McCahan is a graduate of IE FAMILY 1!INNERS to SUIT ... TASn of IVIRYONS! . Corkel, Mrs. Margaret McCorkel, of Swarthmore avenue; has been TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS Cooked to Order Dr. and Mrs. James Delano, Mr. elected to' Aleph Somach, a junior Swarthmore High School and Wil-::; EXCELLENT BANQUET AND PARTY FACILITIES and Mrs. Orrin Evans, Dr. and men's honorary society at Harvard Mrs. James Richards, Mr. and University'. Howard received his ::~ci~Oll:tg""th~h~ Y~I:u~;:::at: I BUSINESS ftiEN's LUNCH 12.1:30 P. M. Mrs. Frederick Echlemeyer, and varsity letter iri track and this School of Nursing. Her lIance is an = DININ& ROOMS LOllY AIR CONDITIONS!D Mrs. Margaret McGuigan. year is playing on the 150-pound alumnus ,of Episcopal Academy : Comfortob.Ie. R.o. om. sDay or We•• Elevator Ii football team. and coigate University. He Is 'a Lois Storlazzi, daughter of Mr. member of Phi Delta Theta, na- Ii and Mrs. Joseph J. Storlazzi, is Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Murray tlonal social fraternity. ~ bringing several Beaver College of Park avenue .entertained for Miss McCahan also is the i5 I 'Yale & Harv*r1i Avenlle •• Swarthmore, Po. friends home for the weekend. small gathering of friends Saturdaughter of the late Dr. David Mc~ ;; WALTEII E. PARROTT. Mgr. FREE PARKIN.. Johnny Steele, son of Mr. and day night. Cahan, former professor' of losin-- ~IHIDIlIDIIIIIUlDD"IiDiDIllIDUDlmmlWlmnllUllDnmnmHllumnllUlummIlRbIillilDiDmnulllllb:' Mrs. James E. Steele-of Rutgers Mrs. John M. Pearson of Cornell ance at the Wharton School of avenue, had a birthday party fo~ eigbt of his male compairiots on avenue was hostess Tuesday eve- the University of PennsYlvania, Saturday. He was six years old. ning to her aunt and uncle, Mr. and president of the American AUTO REPAIRS and Mrs. William Boyle of Ard- College of Life Underwriters. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk D. Nevius more who are leaving shortly for and family, of Juniata avenue, Orlando, Fla. BERNARD.HOCH spent last weekend at Gettysburg The marriage of Mrs. Mary The Young Adult Group of visiUng the historic sites. . , Stewart Hach; daughter of Mr. United Cerebral Palsy of DelaMrs. William F. Hanny, of ware County attended a "poor and Mrs. Ernest Stewart of Upper Yale avenue, has returned from a t ...te" party at the home of Miss Darby, .and Mr..Warren Bernard, vacation trip to Detroit, Mich. , Ruth Webb of South Chester road son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Ber" .' TUNE MOTOR Miss Catherine Cavanagh, fornard of Union ~venue, wa~ per~ merly of Elm avenue, has moved on Saturday evening. PRES:rO~E:.; OR ZI~E'. formed l~t Fri~ at 7 p.in.,~..th:e to the Tuller Hotel in Dl'trolh . Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Compton, Beverjy ~ills 1l#i\ed Presbyterian . I ' \ . .. OIL . . " .. . . GULF . Mich." " Jr., of Westminster avenue will Church of BYwOo.l. . Following a reception a~ the lIiJr. and Mrs. Wllliam F. Lee, entertain at a dinner party to c morrow night for friends from school, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard left of Guernsey road, entertained at for a wedding .irip along the Skya dinner party Saturday night' in Rosemont and Meadowbrook. . Nov. 1st to Jf\~" 3~!St· Drive in. Vlrglnia. honor of their hoase guest Senor . .' -, Mrs. Frank Mc'(.aughIln· of line Eprique J. Plate, a visiting dele- Overbrook Hills gave a linen '. ilRTHS gate from the U.N. Senor Plate shower last Friday. in honor of ..., '. .' _. Is the ambasSador to Canada from Mr: and Mrs. Stuart Fuller, Jr., Miss Mary Corse of Yale. avenue. MRS. RoiER.,. .J. A~ • O~"'er . ArgenUna and chairman of the of Harvard avenue hecame the . Opposite Borough P.~ng Lot .. U.N. delegation from Argentina. : Mrs. George R. Mansfield of parents of a· baby boyan ThursI • _ ~~ .~. ,-. 'C"_ .'j avenue entertained her day,' September 22. . . . . .. SW 6-0440.. ,Dartm.,uth· an~ Lafayette M r •.. and Mrs. A. David M. Park . . . sis. l:!peers, of Yale avenue, .entertain- ter-In-Iaw, Mrs. Edward F. ClafThe Infant has been named' ed Mr. S peer'sfa th er, <.. Closed Sriurda, at , P.M. Jl!mieson Stockley Fuller. Mr. H . A .0. ' Ii.. of . Cleveland, 0., last week. Speers from Indianapolis, Ind., for Mr. and Mrs. James Marsh of nine days.' Yale avenue had as 'fueir' house Mr. and Mrs. John Bleecker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Thor- guest last week Mr. Marsh's sis- Child of Wescosville, announce i . bahn, of Lafayette avenue, enter- ter Miss Bernadette Marsh from the birth of· their third child, H;athryn Bleecker on October 27. talned at a neighborhOOd party Brookville. \ Mrs: Fre~e~ic A.Chlld is the' Saturday in honor of Mr. and Mrs: Ben L. Olcott who recently moved Mrs. Charles Maschal of River- baby'~ .paternal grandmother; Mr. to Oberlin avenue. view road with her son Chuck and Mrs: Harry Hess of Millerville' spent last weekend visiting with are the maternal grandparents. • Mr. and Mrs. II. Lindley Peel, her other son, John, at Denison of Columbia avenue, entertained ;Univer~ity in Granville, O. at a neighborhood at-home Sun-Ir;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;' day afternoon for Mr. and Mrs. Jam~ Davis who moved tuesday from Swarthmore. . Swarthmore. Po. A ~opper enameling Mr. and Mrs. E. Bennett Faringer, of Drexel road, recently NOW SHOWING kiln kit, complete with had as house guests, Mr. and Mrs. enamel and parts for "WE'RE NO ANGELS" Harold P. Caldwell from Nash{YldaYisionoTechnieolor) Sot. Night Only-~afur.1 , - • a 10 making enameled jewville, Tenn., Miss Nan Faringer Giant Chlidreno,. Show Saturday of·BalUrnore, Md., and Mr. James elry. 'Jlldy Garlalld III . Malcolm from Washintgon, D.C. ''THE WIZARD OF or' NEWS NOTES T4e Bouquet f. '. = a.' a . STRA.TH HAVEN INN a Get Set For WINTER NOW . ,~ G~;;' a:; l:dIll4"iII_ed to be both 811mu_l~fni6 Wl~r20uege Ialbla aIIIl AjD,UIIJIa, Tribute Known as the' _ _ «II "11m- . Avenue third grade mothers 80tertalned the Butcers AvenUe thh1I. grade mothers at a socIa1 bllUl' and lecture last Thursday aft/iImOOD In the All-Purpose Boom at B!llgers. Speaker of the occasion was Dorothy Waldo PhIlips, lecturer, tea'" M" County Field and Stream Associaphotographs is excellent: r. a.n. rs. ·,erman ... IECAUSE the prese"t government of our county has given no astronomers from every-I Bloon~. hosts ~or' the twelfth irade, tion. Mrs. McDowell received a indication of caring about the needs and. d.es1res of the voters, at home and abroad, rec- will be assisted' by Mr. ~d Mrs. scholarship from this organization where, or of respecting their right to be informed on the actions of to attend the ConservaUon LaborWilli"am F.• Le e. h t al of hiSPODa gnlze thevue thei~ elected representatives. gra]phs of the solar corona, which Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Coles, atory at Pennsylvania State Unigenerously shared, together hosts for the eleventh, grade, will verslty. She reported to her sponI w'lth his unique knowledge about be assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Don- sors, explaining the program and Make It YOUR governm.nt-vote for • them. ald C. Tumer. .. . how she intended to introduce "The fruits of his l o n g ' conservation pra.cUces to the JAMES CONNOR GUINAN ,JOHN .. '.. of service In the teaching. profesY 0 11l!,I!sters througb, the medi~ of sian; and his valuable collection art' iii' ~e scl/.ools. Martha Shaw De_erotic ~.d''''s for <:.ouafJ Commissioner qf eclipse photographs, renialn as VO:r~ T.l~E~.DAy ~rI. ~a.li~Y· lIBgy also attended . , . a monwnent to Ros~ Meo¢ott. the laboratory last summer; ¥lss was a ;i;;;;;;;;jj Shaw sponsored by the Weeders r . ... . ", . .n nex,t . sit. AssiMBuA if! ' ~='~~' $~r~l4~ " , Of these, wlth. W.I' qR~~i1-~!;y PLAYERS CLUB THE OF SWARTHMORE "'" p .....1IfI ''DIAL .M FOR. MURDER" by Frederick Knott (teehnleolor) PLUS-Bugs Bunny & Tom & Jerry PLUS-last &:citing Chapt.r of Regular Serial 3 Compl... Shqwl II A.M .• hiS P.M. ·3:30 P.M. ConHnaous PerformanceDool'I Ope!" IO:JO A...... 5 ...., Mo.. & Tues. FIIIST tUN 1 I DANNY KAYE', 6,..1..1 Comedy I 1 "SECRET LIFE OF WALTER Mil If" (Technicolor) I - PLUS..,.. Direelor: J. David Narbeth ..Assisted . ~ by:' Richard. . -,' " Hook " Me_day ..ro... Sal•• day -. . .. ' ~ .. ~~ . . November 7-12 . " c.s I... ,.... 1:20' P.M. 6A1tY COOPER , "'R"LGL~R"(". s.., Regula~ Beautiful "Genevalr Modern This is the kind of pelted aft-over fit you can expect of All Steel or "Quaker Maid" Berkshire's B.e~sr Also in stock .J..'Artiw..... PI rH",~ .' W. Mea ;h iiri'l SlaGl.' SodI Sea- hi. ..• Soi,.,"'- "THE IEACHCOM.R" IT ' leola) 8I.YNls JOHNS 10ER'! NEWTON -e , SW '.'ParI! Aft •• 6041ft" FrL t." ·1:30 (Only 43 shopping days Or 7 weekends leftfli, • S-T-R-E-T-CooH STOCKINGS Jlmktwist, Berkshire's new full.fashioned stretch stockiJl3S. have just the right amount of stretch both _yo Cor perfect fit. On they 80, slimming, clinging, stretching to a shoor mist on the leg ... and the exclusive Nylace Top and Toe.Ring make these stretch stockiop w+a-r. ' SEE OUR NEW KITCHEN . DISPLAY ,. THE CAMERAANIl HOBBY SHOP '; All Financing Arranged copper discs, extra en. ',' squares, ... . . amels, solder, etc. . ,..,_. ,,. .... liiD ~ 10:15 ·.s......... ,we4i.. - Free Planning .and Estimating ~ ,. l .r...::' 'i .-\~ ~",'. I tIlURCij-rcE~Q, Y 9'; c, INC. 17'/2 South Chester Road . Klllgswood 4-1700 . ·Acffy. ......r of T" S••rtt_r. ...,.... ~. a the !' : I~~~:?i~of Remodel Your Kitchen With set - $4.95 $6.95 Deluxe set ,rv_··ms . For The' Best In Kitchens ,. , .~ est duration dmOs! I .. -:- Deluxe Wood Cabinets .~. BAKE SALE II.!~5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TRINKET Club of Cb.est.. County, and Miss Hagy by the Wlssihickon Garden Club. There' has heen a growing interest in this important fleld of conservaUon during the last four years. In 111.\il, MYrtle McCallin t~th£ course. In 18M, MlIl"Iaret Yeatman, Marion stUart arid Rox_ ,,-1·•• 1' "_,_. __ _••• anna fi'~~~' a,%nde,~ t.I!~ '!f0rk~o,~, Thll. co~ a~ ~,~~ ~!lril mC.ben ijas. ~. o~~ ~9J' ..(1 years. West Chester State Teachers Ccillege offers similar course. .,' ... . ' Swarthmore Mothers Club ALLDAY "';':.,: ,~ COLLEGE· THEATRE I r;;;;;;..,;;;;....;;;;........ ~ .Russell's'Senice r, art J. STATE CAR INSPECTION . To Sponsor Book Fair the puppet Who teaches chiL dren ~uch things as good manners and beaItb: habits, Mrs. PhlUps her technique In . ServIng on the arr"n .......ents committee were Mrs:-"Charles Brooks, Mrs. J. Roy Carro" and C I '" " 15 South Chester Road I; ilave more with 'the early bl8tory of, ~ . serVatory, and 'We atl!! kll!llllY aware all CBrJYing: the respon,sibllity, and continuing the. tradl,tion developed by the groue of which Marriott· was the last representative. What is this tradUiojl? It is devoUon to our teaching under all circ\lllll1tances, and the instinctiv.e and .inexorable pursuit of astronomical: research. Both were expressed in a strong, clear simple manner In the life and work of Ross Walter Marriott." Others paying tribute at the Sunday afternoon service were Dr. Walter B. Keighton, Jr., professor of chemistry at the college, who spoke on Dr. Marriott's love for gardening; Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman who spoke as a neighbor; Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge and Joseph B: Shane, vice-president of the college, talked ot their relations with him as his former students; Dr. Courtney C. Smith, president, paid tribute to' him as an outstanding influence both in administration, and in student affairs. NEWS NOTES DaveY speers, SDD of Mr. and Mrs. A. David M. Speers of Yale avenue, celebrated his sixth birthday Saturday with a dessert movie party for five of hIS friends. Susan Spencer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Spencer of Yale avepue, entertained .1. friends at dinner Saturday, October 22, on occasion of .her" 12th birthday. T.esday, November 1' .. ,-, '''1 r' ~~ !!~ ~,.." ,.~: II.t tit. ltollJ ~~ " ,'- a ~ Rutgers and C?:'lleg~ Av,e. S~ools Holiday Fair .NOY. 16" .,V.17 2' • 9 'P. ~ 10 ~ .. - 5P. M•. Hobbies Books QolIs Aprons Christl11qs D.~.co.f~'ior1s Artist Puppets .. --*-'-- A Brand ~ew Lecture by Blanche Scarlett Phelps on "HOLIDAY DECORATIONS" Reservations $2.00 Cleaves Room Thurs., Nov. 17, 10:30 A.M. TRINITY CHURCH , Chester Rd. at College Ave. , - THE SWARTBMOREAN .*. TlIMm MOIH - MIINDS MIITIM.MOIIS - A leriea of four Adult FOl'IJJU baa been arranpd by the Meeting Committee on the ~.s.C for the month of November. The IIrat dJJcU88ion, on November -6, will be led by Lewla M. H08Idna, executlve secrelaJy of the committee. Bfa topic will be Philosophy and Program of the Service Committee." These meetlnga will, as uaual, be held in the Meeting House at 9:45 a.m. A celebratlon of the Holy Colli.A dJJcU88ion POUP all UDltarmunion be held at 7:80 Sunlanlsm conducted by the meIDday morn1D8. At 11:15 there will berahlp committee for all thOlle be a Fam1Iy service and ChUl'Ch interested in learnIng more about school for chlldren in the thIrd PBiBB .. if'OLD. 'BdHor the principles of UDltarlana startgrade and up. Holy Communion Barbara Kent, Man~ Editor ed thla week and will continue on will be celebrated -at 11 o'clock; Marjorie Told Nancy Hulme. Roaalle Pclraol Wednesday -evenIngs at 8 p.m., at the same hour chlldren in the for the next two weeks. It IJ held Entered as Secend Class Matter, .January 2f, 1928, at the PIIOIt second grade and down will atat the CurtIs Chapel, Old Media OlIlce at Swartbmore, Pa., under the Act of March I, 1879. tend ChUl'Ch school classes. Road, Sprlng1leld. All are welThose serVing as ushers Sunday DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON COIDe. will be as follows: ~_ _-.:S.:.W:.:AR=THM:..::=-O_RE_.:..,_P_E_NN_A._,_N_O_VEMB .....-:-ER_-:,,::,_1-:9:-':-'-:__-:-;:- R. J. Baker, J. D. Bowden, Jr., H arth Rooin with Dr. E. 1'8)' R. M. Daniel, F. R. GrB)',.c. H. W. PRESBYTERIAN NOTES e bell Ingraham, W. S. Patton, Joseph A\. the two regular Morning c_a;::;:'da; evening, the Senior I Reynolds, and H. G. Toland. Worship Services at 9: 30 and 11 o'clock on Sunday morning, the Hi h Fellowship will meet for .' The following will serve as sermon by Mr. Bishop wlll be en- su:per a( 8: 30 p.m. followed by a acolytes: Whether you want the service in your home, recreational _evening. The program At 7:30 a.m. John Chambers, titled "Angels- Work Below." your place of worship or our conveniently Church School classes meet will be held In'-the Hearth Room Daniel Harris, and ~oward Schad; located parlors, our renowned se",:ice prevails. Sunday morning at· 9:30, 10:45 this week, at 7. The Junior High at 9:15 a.m. Robert Jarratt and and 11. At, 9: 30 a.m. the Women's Fellowship also will meet at 7 Richard Turner; ap.d at 11 o'clock Bible ClaSs will meet with Mrs. p.m. for choir rehearsaL A pro- George H2llsell, Michael Reynolds, , Donald Hibbard, guest ~eader this gram of fun ana fellowship will Allen Torrey; Robert Watkins, and follow. Gordon Wyse. week' at the same hour the Men's The Young Adults will meet for- During the 11 o'clock service Bible' Class will meet in the DIRECTORS O. FUNERALS Bible Study at 5:~5 at which~: Patricia Beals and Linda Reed Mrs. Ernest LeWlS Will lea~'Li will be in charge of the nursery. 1820 CHESTNUT STREET group in another ser es on v_ ing the Bible." ~ Supper will be From 3 to 8:30 p.m. ~unday OUVER H. BAIR, Founder MARY A. BAlR, President served in the Fellowship Room at afternoon, an Area Meetmg for Telephone RI 6·1581 8' 30 A program on "Cbristianity teachers of the first, fourth and ~ Politics" will follow. seventli grades will be held at St. On Monday and Tuesday a Fel- John's Church in Lansdowne. The lowship Dinner will be held In Young People's Fellowship McCahan Hall at 6: 30 each night. meet at 7:30 p.m. at Trlmty At 7:30 the plans for the church Church. for 1958 as well as the presentaThe Boys' Choir will rehearse CHURCH SERVICES . tlon of the new budget will be on Monday and Tuesday at 4: 30 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - discussed. At 8: 15 _the film pres-p;tn., and the Men's a~nd - Boys' Joseph P. Bishop, Minister entation of - Alan Paton's novel Choir rehearsal will_ be held at John Schott, Aaaoclate MinIster "Cry, The Beloved Country" will _7:15 p.m. Thursday. Sunday, November 6 be shown. _ The Evening Group of - the 9:30 and 11:00 A.M.-Mr. Bishop The regular monthly meeting . t h Women's AuxIllary will mee on will preac . and luncheon of the Woman's As _ 9:30 A.M.-Men's and Women's soclation Will be held on Wed- Monday evening, November 7, at Bible Classes. nesday. The Executive Board 8 o'clock in the Cleaves room. 9:30, 10:45 and 11:00 A.M. - Meeting will be at 10; the Wor~p Mrs. Maxey Morrison will speak Church School. Service will be held at 12 noon on the work she is doing _in the -6:30 P.M.-Senior High Fellow- at which time Mrs. Herbert San- Adult Bible Class on Wednesday ford Wl'll lead devotions. Lunch- mornings. All women in the par5ship. '.45 P.M.-Young Adults. t ted I 'ted eon will be served in McCahan ish who are ,in eres . are nVI 7 '.00 P .M.-.1r. High Rehearsal. Hall-at 12:30 with Circle 9; Mrs. to attend these meetmgs. Monday, November 1 alrm I In Pr 6:30 P.M.-Fellowship Dinner. W. Edward Medford, ch an, n The service of Even gayer Toesday, November 8 charge. Guest speaker will be Dr. will be held on Tuesday andFrI~ 6:30 P.M.-Fellowship Dinner. Willlam P. Fenn, former teacher day at 5: 40 p.m. Wednesday, November 9 and admtDlstrator in China, now The mid-week celebration of the 12 Noon - Woman's Association executive secretary of the United Holy Communion will be held at Meets~._ _ _ _===~ Board for Christ\an Higher Edu- 7 o'clack Wednesday morning. ME-rnODlST CHURCH cation.. _ There ...tIt Ibe a second celebration John C. Kulp The Christi.an Education Com- t 9... 3i.... -fOllOW.. the Bible MInIster inittee wll lmeet at: 8 Thursday, ~ la';'.· "~Rev. W -' E. p.h:t_ Robert\Wllde evening for monthly'meeting, ' -rth :lead tIiii;, .entni/ Bible Mlnlster of MuslcC!101i- Rehearsals will meet as 'Cl ss ~ " ' cit will·hI. held in the Sunday, NoVember 6 usual on Thursday at 3: 30, 4: 15 Cl:a~es -roo;" at 8 o'clock Wednes_ -11:45 A.M.-Church School. imd 7: 30;' " day evening. At the same, hour the 11 '.00 A..M.-Mr. Kulp will prea~h hit h J. III hold -; MOHO-D-' 1ST- -NO·T~ ES Church sc 00 eac ers w 6:30 lIigh Fellowship. a meeting In- the P_arish Hall. 7:30 p:M.-Sr. P.M.-Eventide Praise Service. Kiwanis Night. The regular -mO!lthly meeting' .• Thursday; November 10 of the Official Boai'd Will be held CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NQTES Annual Bazaar and Turkey Dinner tonight at 8 p.m. In the ChapeL . The Cherub Choir will rehearse Man's true nature as a, child of TRlNlTY CHURCH on S~turday morirlng at 10: 30. God will be set' forth at Christian H. Lawrence Whittemore, Rector Sunday MOrning Church School Science s.mn.ces this Sunday In Sunday, November 8 , 7:30 A.M.-Holy Communion.,. classes for all ages convenes at the Lesson., Sermon entitled 9:15 A.M.-Family 'Service 9:45. , . - '''Ada;,. and Fallen Man." BRILLI""NT, LASTINC3 LIPSTICK·••• Stays On ' Church School. At the 11 a clock Mornm~ WorThe Lesson-Sermon will include 'round the clock ••• so you can wake up with your (3rd grade and up) ship Service, Mr. Ku1p Wlll use the account of Christ Jesus' heal- lips soft and gleaming,color.bright. And with 11:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. as his sermon subje~t "If ~od Be ing of the man· "which had a eQIor Glide, you don't have 10 bioi. _Just once over 11:00 A.M.-ChUl'Ch School. foi Us." There are three nur- -spirit of a~ unclean devil" as re- (2nd grade and down) Fel- series for. children up to five corded.1n Luke (4). lightly and the color "sets" nalurally ..• looks and 7:30 ,P.M.-Young People's years, a KIndergarten Church and The Golden Text is from feels so smooth you hardly know you have it on. 10wsTohl~.. __, November 8 a Junior ?hur~h program. . Ephesians (5:8: "Ye were someIn four enchanting new shades .•• $1.25_plus tax. _ .",....,., The Semor High Fellowship will time. darkness but now are ye 5:40 P.M.-Evening Prayer. meet at 6:30 at the church. liglit In the :r,.;rd: walk as chilWednesday, November 9 The Junior High Choir will re- dren- of llght." . _ hearse at 6:30 p.m., An invitation is extended to all 6.3154 7:00- A.M.-Holy Communion. 9:30 A.M.~Holy Communion. Kiwanis Night will b~ observed to at~end the services at the 10:00 to 11:30-A.M.-Bible Class. at the '1:30 p,m. Eventide Praise Church on Park avenue at 11 a.m. 615 South Chester Road Swarthmore, Penna. 8:00 P.M.-Bible Class. service. Men of, KiwaDls groups of- ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii FrIday, November 11 Philadelphia and vicinity will 5:40 P.M.-Evening Prayer_ take part. Mr. Kulp will give the message. Circle 5 of the W.S.C.S. will meet at the hom!! of Mrs. Arthur Heaton, 848 Cresson lane, Springfield, Monday at 8: 15. p.m. W.S.C.S. Circle 6 will meet Tuesd8)' at 8: 30 p.m. Brownie Troop 428 meets at • , 3: 30 and Boy Scout Troop 3 meets at 7: 30 in Fellowship Hall, on Wednesday. The Cottage Prayer Meeting will be held at 8 p.m. Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wes_ I ley France, 328 Sedgewood' road, FIRST CHURCR OF Springfield; with Dana Loudin as CHRIST. SCIENTIST • leader. SWARTHMORE , The Annual Bazaar and Turkey Park Avenue below Harvard Dinner - will be - held by the SaIIIIu, November 6 Woman's Society of ~tIan 11:00 A. M.-Sunday School. Service on Thursday. The Ba2aar 11:00 A.M.-The Lesson SImon will be open frOm 2 to 8 p.m. _ will be "Adam and Fallen Man." Dinner will be serv~ from 5:30 Wednesday evening at Q'Clock~ each week, 8 P.M.. Reading Room, to 7 p.m. _ 4011 Dartmouth Avenue, open The .Junior Choir will rehearse weekdaya except bollday8, IO-S. at 4 p.m. and the Chancel Choir ~day evening, 7-11. Sunday 1Itat 1J Thursday; Wnocm. 2:10-4:80. I'tIIILISBBD .tOW ....,AY AT SWD'l'BKOBL . . . PETBB B. TOLD, ~ TOLD, PlJIILIS w ~ ftl .... .1''''''= wm "The YO.UR CHOICE oil -. THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO.- ."?l1 __ boro minus -3 YIU'ds, they again a 28 point aeeond_perIod by bullBIIIII4 u.u kicked. ing his way fpr the last yard. It took exactly four plays-in B&ro... DefeDtte ' Pete Kroon started a perfect 118:; the second half until Wentz raced S,warthmore took control, and of extra point kicking by making 35 yards into paydlrt for hia first led by Coleman, Pappas and- Sny- the score- 7-0. score of the ye~. Kroon's con-Garnet to Play _Yeadon In ,Away Ga,me - der, marcbedto the Interboro 37. Six plays later, Swarthmore version made the score read 35-0. Here tbe Garnet was forced to had pOssession on Interboro's two After the next kick-off, InterSaturday kick, and after an -off-Sides penal- Inch line, G.eorge Pappas drove boro took to the air. Three IncomIy, Cal Coleman got -off one of h i s , plete aerials forced them to kick. SeekIng its- flftaenth straf&ht rare-POOr kicks that traveled just ,Into the .~nd zone for the second Swarthmore took over and _the win, the- Garnet of I!warthmore- 11 yards from ille line of sCrim- score b\>hlnd the block of Jones, ball -was ql,lickly moved to InterRutledge High School in~ded In- mage. Once again the Garnet's Lange and MorrIson. On the sec" bora's 30. Here took place the plily terboro Saturday -afternoon look- fine clefenslve - line of Morrlscin· ond play after Interboro receiVed everyone is .tl11 talklng about. 1ng for a . rough and tumble Lange; Jackson and- company' the kick-off, C 1 they mistakenly Irted Charlie Wentz faked a handoff to yielded -nothing and Interboro a pass. a Coleman jumped high Dick Snyder around~ left enlJ struggle all lbe way. Interboro, a agairi was obligilted to kick. In the air to pick ,oft the baU and (Dick actually _believed he wllS combination of Glen-Nor and Lcie GemmiiI,- playing his Arst run it. back to the Interboro 14 going to get the ban!!) and then Prospect Park, had held Sharon game at defensive end Wd a yard Ime. Here Wentz- gave a bootlegged it down the right sideHIll to a 0-0 tie, and the game beautiftd block against o~e of the handoff to Cal who raced 1~ yards lines with two men for inter_ looked to be a good one. Inlerboro players which sprung for !he score. Peter Kroon. con- ference for 30 yards and to score Swarthmore Cap t a I n, Pete Cal looSe on a punt relurn for versIon made the count read 21-0. unmolested. Kroon kicked to open the ball 30 yards; bringing the -ball to the A retake was In order as Inter- Pete's kick-off was long and game. When two runs and a pasS 50 yard line Five running -play. bo~o ran two plays, then a pass Lee Gemmill naUed the runner on netted Interboro oniy 6 yards, brought the tall to the' Interboro which Calvin again intercepted. their 28. For- some reason, interthey were -forced to kick. George 35, from where_Cal C9leman, lIn- Pappas brought th~ ball to the boro again took to the air. This Pappas ran SwaEthmore's first ing up at ,tallback in a short punt Garnet 48, where Coleman car- again -failed to succeed because, play and gained 8 yarru.. The Gar- forrilation, took a pitchout from rled the mail til the Interboro 48.- just as a matter of course, Colenet's one-two punch, Cal Coleman Charlie Wentz and raced around Pappas and- Coleman _sbared man intercepted. The team, -now and Pappas '1a1ned 19 yards on the end for 13 yards. _ dUties, with - Coleman going the led by Jlm Noyes at quarterback, next two plays but Pappas fuin-'_, last 4 yards, gaining his third Tl) was forced to pl1l1t when held for bled and Interboro tOok over. Lucrative 2nd Period of the day. Halftime intermission dOWDS. JIiri, who recently punted When three plays netted InterTwo plll)ls l1lter" Ca,lvln opened sljowed the Garne~ in front, 28-0. 97 yards with gust of wind, I I a: helping out, punted well to Inter. bora's 10 yard alrtpe. The second atr1ng _defelWve line nIBbed the p8sies hard and they were forced to kick. An Intercepted pass gave Interboro. poSSession again, -but Coleman took care of that by.interceptbig an aerial and racing 30 yards- ~or his fourth TD of the game. ,_ The game closed with the Garnet again in pOssession on InterborG's 27. By that time the scoreboard sho'j'ed Swarthmore out in front, 49-0. Game Tomorrow The Yeadon Eagles will entertain the Swarthmore team tomorrow beginning aT 2 p.m. Yeadon always big and rugged, is sure to be se't for their big game. Comparative scores show the Garnet to be a seven point winner. Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Fox of Yale avenue had as their house guests last week Mrs. Fox's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B • .J. Gad., dis from Kent, 0., and her brother -and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Gaddis. and their llttle girl from Schenectady, N.Y. I I I i i I , i , .,• s t=y ie .- i ..,., .>' • j..·'H"':. ~- ~ , -. . ;.. ':\..l;. ••• WITH TH'. GAil WITH TH. P ti'w.. Ii Ii .- - '-' ' NEW .TAliiil· ...' .TVLINal , . ' '. . . . II ao 1I'A1 I:: I T,Y I ·'i 'i"!", "e-:.,'_ (r",·t.1 " ."' ."I"n -.'f N.W ... TAWAY HYDRA-MATICI Naw ROCKET T-81101 .' ::_!' "'oJ ':~ Theatre -Pha-rm·acy SWarthmore N I I E The- Fourth Annual Meeting of the Swarthmore .....NINETV-EIGHT ••• 'The Fine Line of' 0181:lno1:lo" Property Owners· Association Win Be Held in the Woman"s Club on ThursdCllY Evening. Noven.ber Tenth. m-. \ ,- Eight ON GlIA .... A CISPL.AV • N- OUR SHOVVFlOOMS N O'\N I "Iocua: ROOM" ••• AT YOUR OLDSMOIILI DlAI.'S1 - -_ _ _ _ _ _,;..._ _ _ __ WHITAKER BARRETT. INC~.- '340W. B~tTIMORE_ AV~•• ~EDIA PA. . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - VIllI' _!HI - -' MEdia 6-0100 . - - PA'lltICl MUNSIL, aalN ANDIS ateBIll' W_ STAll fOIl OLDIIIOIIU IN "IHI_ RIAT WALTZ." SAf., NOV. S, ON_ NIc-'"'.1 _ _ . , . " . . - ",-,~,~ '~;;-~-,"",~?,- '1 ~-,. '~·-'·:·.:s~·,. ''''.:'.' , "~:"',' ., .. - • THE SYAIl'I1IMOIIIWI pqe6 Girl Scout Ca. Bryan Green Mission F·lremen Answer SUS Open November 13-22 need S uccess . From Garnet Canteen =:~ :::e;. : FrlS:: ,Annou ADULT FORUM SERIES ,Lewis H. lJoskI nl, executive secretary of the American FrIends Friends Will Entertain 12 Swarthmore 1Ionth1y Mee~ of Chester Meeting Nov. The well-known Enlll.h evangellilt, the Rev. Bryan Green, is the Society of FrIends will be hosts • hid MeeUng HoUS&. on the topic, "The lIofrs. WllUam McDennott, NeIJh.; conducting a MissIon in Wl]mlng- to the Chester Qu~1,y KeetIn&'a 170' High Sc 09 Stu ents Philosophy, and Program of the borhood Girl Scout Chairman, an- ton, Del.• 'in the WilmIngton Slate CoDlDliltee on "Belle& into AcARend Opening , Service Committee." Mr. Hoskin's nounces that the Swarthmore Girl 10th and duPont s ....... ' ' on .........-. Uon - Follow-up Conunittee" 'Night talk will be the first of a series of Scout campou! held In October the nights of November 13 22 at 8 o'clock. Saturday. November 12. from 2 four to be delivered at 9:45 a.m. was a huge success and will result Swarthmore's lire company re- at the Adult Forum. In a repeat perfo=ance to be This mission sponsored by the p.m. to I! p.m. at Wbituer Hous& sponded to a Call for help from h"d In May. ReservaUons have Episcopal Diocese of on the college campus. '., the Borough teen-agers last SatbOOn made for the weekend of ill cooperation with The purpose of the Conference urday night and did their bit to May 11. 12, 13 when the enUre other Protestant denominaUons of is to 'encourage the I MeeUngs to make the opening. of ·the new campsite at Sunset Hill will be state and represents the great- examine more closely the means.' "Garnet Canteen" a big success. reserved for the Swarthmore In- est concerted effort ever mad,e by which social concerns may It was the Ilrst session of the termediale troops. The Brownie Delaware and vicinity to "reln- be Implemented. The program canteen organized by high school European folk dances will be Troops will also be Invited to force the faithful, reclaim the will open with a presentation by stUdents t'l provide, Inexpensive. demonstrated and taught at the spend the day with the group. George Hardin, executive ,sec!'ecareless. reach the unreached." adult - supervised 'recreaUon for Folk Dance Festival, sponsored by The October Campout. the first In addition to people living In tary of Friends Peace CoDlDlittee. Saturday nights. and 170 teen- the Community Arts Center, this program of this type to be at- Delaware, opportunity' Is being the topic "Implementing Our agers were on hand. There were Saturday night, November 5, at tempted on a neighborhood baals, given to those In n ..rby commu- Social Concerns" followed by disgames, dancing and refreshments 3:30 p.m. was orlglnnaIly proposed by Mrs. ni~ ~ :ttend bethla fmlss1~· If cussion In small groups. A box f!,i' all, and everyone was having • Arranged by Bob Mather, Maurice Webster. who served as c en num r a peop e .are supper (with 'i'everage provided a grand time. But there was one special program planning chair- inlerested In going,. one or more by Swarthmore Meeting) is planthing wrong: the amplifier on the square dance Instructor at the man. Approximately 90 Inter- buses can be chartered from ned for 5:30 to 7 p.m.. following , record-player wasn't loud enough center, the Festival will take place, Scouls 50 Brownies and 20 adults Swarthmore. which Roy McCorkel will give at the James Robertson barn, attend~d the campout. ' T h e ,Rev. H. Lawrence Whitt~ the concluding remarks. to be heard over the chalter and more. Jr., of TrinIty Church. IS laughter of 170 energetic high Route 252 just south of Sprlngton Arrangement is made for care Reservoir outside of Media. All Troops AUend4J~ In charge of transportation and of small cblldren durlng the Meetschool girls and boys. and friends of the cencan be . contacted hy calling ing. All Interested persons are inThe teen-agers, led by Canteen members , cia Intermediate Troops l' oining In ter are invited to attend as nc. SWarthmore 6-3256. Supervisor Philip Swayne and by ers vited. or as lIudience. Refreshments the- expedition were: ' the co-chairmen of the parents' \ will be served. Troop 225. led hy Mrs. FredMiss Rulb C. Webb of South committee. Mr. and Mrs. Herman I erick Sidell and Mrs. Merrill Chester road atlended Drew UniM. Bloom, ,sent out an emergency Hayes, assisted by Mrs. Matthew versity's Alumni Dinner held ,,·n-'I call to the firehouse. James Dunn McKinnell, assigned to Cabin; day in Philadelphia. led a group of fire company memTroop 19, led by Mrs. Millard TYMr. and Mrs. Robert M. Grobers to the rescue. They set up son, Mrs. Arthur Mascrip and gan of Weslminster avenue . are two of the company's loud speak- , One of the projects of, the the Old Tent area; Troop 423, led er. In' the headquarters of the League of. Womeli Voters of by Mrs. Courtney C. 'Smith and enjoying a vacation IIi New, Orleans, La. ' canteen In the all-purpose-room 'of Swarthmore this year is a survey Mrs. Robert Bernhardt, assisted Mrs. Walter S. Diveky of Westthe Rutgers Avenue School, thus of the recreation facilities and op- by Barbara Benthardt; Troop 95. minster avenue has returned home providing sufficient m u sic a I portunltles for afler-school hours led by Mrs. Walter Moir, assisted from a' month visiting with' her volume for all the crowd. and vacation periods. The interest by, Mrs. William McDermott. as(Next week, Wallace Seward, of the Leag.,e In this consldera- signed to the Shelters; Troop 331, sister, MIs. Frank Kenyon in thetr WI. C61D IC' S....ay. ,,41 A.M. town of Aurora. m. . sound equipment expert from the tlon of adequate recreation In led by Mrs. Hans Borei, assisted lunlor Class, will be on hand to Swarthmore has been stimulated by Mrs. Webster and Mrs~ Henn"1 take care of Ihe amplification system. Last Saturday he was at- by the recent publicaUon of the Pelrsol. PICTURE FRAM,NG Troop 16, led by Mrs. C. H. Yartending the open house for the "RecreaUon FacillUes Inventory" made by the Health and Welfare row. spen,t Sunday evening \It the PORTRAIT STUDIO United Nations delegales.) The committee In charge of the Council for the Delaware County camp and constructed a. perma,Photographic Sup,lles canteen headed by Charles Wentz Planning Commission. According nent cooksite for the'Rose Mea'o,.me,." of the Junior Class, has two re- to the Inventory the available dow area. Camp director for the space In Swarthmore seems Iimlt- program was Mrs. G. Wills Brodminders for all members: CARNS , First. "If you belong to the ed on the basis of faclliUes of head. Special programs were di650 Baltimore Pike State & Monroe Sts.. Junior Assem1!lies, be sure to go other communities In this county. rected by Mrs. WllUam Breeser SprIngfield. Del. CO.. Media To find out whether the present and Mrs. Wiillam' Mount. of to the Assembly dances on your class dance night and don·t come provision for recreation In Sprlngfteid, Mrs. Ralph Amwake "2176 SWa....more 6-0450 Swarthmore i4 adequate we must. of Lansdowne. Mrs. Wesley Gidto the canteen." Second, "If you own a game that the League feela, know the extent ney of li!haron ,Hpl,. and Mrs.lohil ' . , teen-agers like to play. brlng it of land areas and facillUes avall-· Ralke' of MorljOn. with you to Ibe canteen when you able for the population. of young .. come - and bring along a card people. LWv Reading G~oilp . To secure Ibe necessary data table to play it on. 407 DARTMOUTH AVENUE' To Meet 1 P.M. Mon. the Swarthmore-Rutledge l?ublic School system, under the superMrs. Wiillam C. McDermott BREAKFAST - LUNCH - DINNER Busy Week Planned vision of Frank R. Morey, super- will entertain the League of ClOSED EVERY SUNDAY For Mothers' Club vising principal. is cooperating Warne!' Volers reading group at OPEN 7 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. with the League in the presenta- a meeting Monday.' at 1 p.m. at (ConUnued from P.,ge n. Monday Through Saturday Jerome Smllb, Mrs. Henry Rus- Uon of the League's questionnaire her home 419 Yale avenue. sell, Mrs. John S. Francis, Mrs. to the pupils of the fifth and sixth Daily' Dinnel"$ 9C)c to $1.85 Mrs. Carl Barus will review the William T. Clark, Mrs. HIU'l'Y Me- and secondary• grades.1 The qlJesbook. "Adventures In Politics." FANCY SANDWICHES •• CaUlster, and Mrs. Frank For- tionnalre will be ftll~ out In Neu1'erger; and '~!!!!!!!~~~~~;~~C~"~"~d~re~n·~.~P~'a~tf~e;I'I~~~~~~~~ school under the supervision of by wood. Mrs.Richard' Maurice L. Webster will review ~ Thursda.y Meetin&' the ieachers. the arUcle "What is prosperity Later In Ibe week, on ThursIt Is hoped that the data collecl- doing to our Political ParUes?" day, Novembl!r 10, clubmembers ed will give an adequate picture which ran in a recent issue of will have the opportunity to hear of the present'r~creation:practices the Saturday Review. Dr. Harry H. Pote, Internist from in the after-school hours of both The public is cordially invited Ridley Park, who will speak at winter and summer. It il; also the regular monthly meeting at planned that the questionnaire to attend. 8p.m: in McCahan. Hall. His will reveal the additional activtopic will be ''Women, Mad, Glad ities which the pupils would Uke .I saw it in The Swarthmorean. and Sad." to see made available to them on The speaker atlended the Uni- a year. 'round basis. ·versity of PennSylvania Medical School, and Interned at the Presbyterian Hospital. He is pres- Junior Women Initiate ently teaching at the Presbyterian New Members Tues .• Hospital. A Civilian Consultant (Continued from Page 1) with the Naval Hospital, Dr. Pote the club, welcomed the following has written many articles pub- new members: From across the miIes comee a welcome lished In the Medical Journal. voice=-a son or daughter away at . Mrs. R. c. Pfei1fet. Mrs. Genaro ChIldren'. Sbow Pinto, Mrs. Frank Romweber, Mrs. school, a father or mother in a distant I Another club activity, a puppet R. .E. Scully, Mrs. Clifford E. city. a far-oft' friend just wondering • show for children, will be held on Seglem, Mrs.' George H. Wetss, how you are. Saturday afternoon, Novem~ 19. Mrs. Robert Wright, Mrs. John M. elGllSalR Of all the services of your telephone, when the mothers prIISeDt the B. Ward, MrS. Louis Dethloff, MrS., there is none mme important than this " ''Little Littles" In the ''Candy David Morgan, Mrs. Edward W. e-lOll$ ~""" _keeping family and friendS in touch. Cane Castle." Chairman of this Coslett, Jr., Nancy Pitschke, Mrs. 110 event is Mrs, Robert Van Ravens- Victor Troxell. Mrs. William Let Long Distance span themiIee ' fD6fS waay. Schmidheiser, Mrs. Howard Smith, Mrs. Harrison Thompson. Mrs. lOU CAlI CAlL AllYWllEIE III THE U.s. FOI 52 01 LESS 6TH GRADE MOTHERS Robert Daggy, Mrs. Jolm Corke. ' ..d ...... F. '.0.1 - . ...1.. Is ROW oooIy 10'" TO Mm TUESDAY Mrs. George Dickson, Mrs. Willook In yotIIf' ....pI.ot:. Aedui t for the ratw fnMa A meeting of the sixth grade liam Gaylord, Mrs. John Gray'__ ..,~ 10 key _ .... ~ lhe........,;' mothers and fathers of the Rut- ham, Mrs. Robert Heinze, Mrs. gers Avenue School will be held William Holt, Mrs. Raymond on Tuesday, 'November 8, 'at the Hood, Mrs. George Howard, Mrs. THE IELL TElEPHOIIE COIIPAIIY home of, Dr: and Mrs. Nino de- Robert D. Hulme. Mrs. Evans In, OF PEIIIISll'AIIIA Prophettis, 110 Harvard a.venue. nes, Mrs. Charles Keyes, Mrs. CDllby num6er--iC'. ,,,*1 Myrtle McCallIn will· be the Howard Kulp, Mrs. Robert B. i , Kyle, lIofrs. I. West Loveland. Mrs. bd....... DIaI ••• lon ill ... C.....r speaker. ' ••• omcers for the year are, Chair- David MacIntyre, and Mrs. RobAree ,~~ ~ man, Mrs. deProphetls; Secretary- ert Pemberton. lIofrs.Robert CleeJand and Mrs. Treasurer, Mrs. lohnSou1e; ,HasALEXANDER'S pltallJy, Mrs; ErIk l7ftgern; Tele- KIrk Nevius have also transferred 11. LItIt St. CHili... WDJ to the ~ore Club. phone, Mrs. Harry Brekmann, , , Art Center Sponsors Folk Dance Festival < LWV Conducts Pupil Recreational Surv.ey HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS Diluzio and Soils Florist .ROGER RUSSELL 'a. ,DEW DROP INN II .un. fellowship Wilithla Sunday at the Younc Adult ",me banner for the vlalUng dele&ates. Third prize was divided Discuss Politics I'eIloW8hlp In 1he Swarthmore ·'Chrlstian1ty In Politics" is the Presbyterian Church. Is it the sinong John and Mary Margaret subject for dlacllBllon at 8 p.m. duty of a ChrlsUan to particlpate McWWlama and Stan Ward. who carried out the Time To Retire B~ BARpaR' B. KENT In pollUcs and what current isaues dAd theme. and Nancy Gatewood, CaI'W b k In EVERYTHING FOR should he be concerned about are .."ibb lone war s' Are lie McCawl- aiJd Sally McCaway ac Germany and four ~J days earlier when the Choir was quesUons to be considered at the YOUR PARTY Received By ley who were clowns In. a circus already enroute to Heidelburg. the meeting. The panel of two dis,. Many l1oat. Auyl1Iary was only just getting ASMUS' CHOCOLATU cussIon leaders will be lames N. The Group division highest up and down to breakfast In S.ICIAL ON CHOCOLATI, .d yAtlllLLA IUTTO CHAlliS A sultry, dark Friday night saw honors went to Sanla Claus and Frankfurt. Theire was a plutocraRobertson and HIU'l'Y E. OppenHOMIMADI CAliS that mysterious horde which IOade HIs Reindeer, portrayed by Jo- tic departure (10 o'clock) and • LANTS (Chic. Africa........., limder. up the HaIlowe'en paraders Anne. Carol. and Johnny Espen- their SOUthward 'jaunt a leisurely The ''Living, the Bible" diseus- descend upon' the Borough. Ap- schade, Carol and Susan Morgan. one. and it was not 'until noon 'sian group meets at 5:45 and BUP- proximately 280 masked forms, Julie and Judy Brooks, Joan when the industrious Choir was big and little. Uned up at 7 p.m. Marie and Janet Shallcross and 'probably winding up its snappy per Is served at 6:30. . Old behlnd the highschool band and Dougie Gill. The Long Caterpiller, tour of the castle and town that SWarthmore 6-4597 I saw it In The Swarthmorean. before Ibe' college band at the made up of Marjorie, Hank, Walt- AuxlUary members arrived ~t the ~~~~~~~~~~~~g;a~~~~~~~~'~~~~~ Lamb-Miller Field, House. 'The er, ,?,d Barclay MusUn; Georgia, Grunes La";b, their hotel for the m Chief Witch (Which One) tied his Manan. and Janice Detweiler. Nina night. RADIO and TV REPAIRS HOUSE WIRING broomstick up to a nearby parking Kapp, and Jack Miller, placed secNever hurried _ In tbe larger t n H A.B. E H meter and stepped forward to ~nadrt' mThir an' dK'arPre1zen Schlwenoesstear LBYDar and more generous sense of the marshal his ghostly charges. ' , - lerm - the Auxiliary was duly 711 Fairview Road, Swarthmore Awed spectators lined the bara Snape, and Joan Moir, each deposited In bright sunshlne in SWarthmore 6-3502 All Home Appliance. aepaJred slreets to watch' In spell bound mhade up as a cannister In a kit- Ihe hotel court yard and left ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: sIIence the clowns and' devils. ch'en sel ..Cub Pack,Elght tieci for to mill sollc,'tously around their . b unmes and skeletons, Martians t ud place as My Variety Pak luggage, along w,'Ib the porters, and gorillas as they pranced and The . I boys, dressed In cereal boxes. whil'e the room list was sec"oed ~ danced down College lane and ,nc uded Eck Gerner, Ken~y and read. Two by two, the group' over the underpass by Ibe railroad Hanc?ck, Russell Jones, Da~ld was led 011 to rooms shining with SWARTHMORE platform. There, regally inStalled Martin, Eric Peterson. M~e cleanliness if not inspiration. For on Ibe back of a dump truck, Ibe Prather, Stephen Shelly and D,ck pleasant though it was, the hotel high and omnipotent judges Wagstaff. had its ,limitations. The most Im-, . Has always been a good place ta live looked down on the review. Wilb Honorable Mentions Also Given presslve room there, perched on sharp glances and whispered comHonorable Mentions we r e the top 1100r. was a larlle ODe for To keep It t,at way. we reCommend ments, they carefully made nola- awarded to Allen and'Bruce Schu- four, with a tremendous (and aptions on 'Ibe royal tally sheets. macher, Jimmy Clifford. Jeff Hall, parently the only private) hathOnce arrived at the Borough Gerry· Clothier, John, Pete, Sam, tub, planted firmly in Ibe middle. • POsitive action on' traffic and safety recommendations parking fat, terminus of the pa- and Doc Gaylord, Mark Beardsley, Nor was it particuiarly large rade, the assemblage was treated Graham Patterson, and Allen. Tor- hotel, for nine of the group - aJJ to several spirited tlumbers by rey, all of whom were miniature lassies - were siphoned all and • Public recreational facilHies both bands and an exciting exhi- Grocho Marx; to Elisa, Stephanie. plunked into' a genuine "pension." bltlon of twirling by the drum and Margo Beals as Indians; Bare, stone-fioored and scrup• Review of the :l'oning and building codes majorettes and high school twirl- Cindy and Sally Fox as an organ ulously clean, the pension was, ers. Meanwhile the judges con- grinder and monkey; Ann and Jim staffed with a German-speaking • An annulIl report to borough residents ferred. Tension and suspense Gerheart as Beauty· and The maid and porter•. and a pleasant mounted among the. uncanny Beast; and to Jay Sipler. David proprietress who spoke 'French' crowd. .Several preliminary re- and Jimmy Foley for When well but not English. She was pamarks' were made over the load- Knighthood Was In Flower. tient and' smlling. however, and speaker system. One or two small In the Fancy Dress category, quite willing to allow her Amerighosts, wearied by their noctUrnal Sondra and Jlidy Skoglund won can guests practice their French fIlttlngs, expressed a tearful re- as old fashioned ladies. In sec- with her. But since the visitors Lois G. Peterson· for Council quest to go home. and 'was George Hartman as a couldn't go beyond simple travel At last-the big moment ar- mechanical man. Chuck and John terms .and the state of the weather rived. A hush fell over Ibe packed Rnshton were French poodies 'and yesterday, today, and tomorrow. William A. Welsh • for Council parking l~t. The awards were an~ received 'third prize. Honorable conversation was limited. The pension was situated in the nounced. Cheers and groans were MenUons went to Janet Jester as Interspersed among the names a bathing beauty; Barbara Hayes greener, more residential section. called all. Winners' stepped up to and Carol Davis as Mexicans; and on a narrow, cobblestone street,. Go ..cIon, C. Lange • for Council the Chief' Witch to receive their to Jane Aaron' as a grandmother. several blocks off from the Grunes " ., ribbons. ' .,.,/ .,: 'Made-II-Yourself awards went Laub. and the nine had to hustle Many Paradei'll Keeeive PrIzes to' Peter Salam, a mechanical to 'make!t back by i p.m. It was probably more like .1:15 In the' Comic division, first prize 'Ilan,·f or t op h onors; Lee and D a bJames L.Malone for Justice of the Peace ' ney Smith as Trick and 'rreat fa, r before the groups were reUDIted, e' . . ' . . d Iunc. h aIas, was farther onwas award ed to J ean and Clair . t1 prize; and Cindy Harlman".om H arris and Ginny M 0 If, j om y . second , a "hart aik" ' d . as a pumpkin, 'In third place. . s . w, .. ,according to 5ive, dressed as a two headed Ia y. S G wi d tour hostesb .. and undoubtediy a Daniel L. Goldwater ;.. for Constable " '~" Don Hartman as a gorilla and usan 0 ng an Suzanne Plow-. Reenle Hebbei and Janice C~rroll man received Honorable Mention hiker whD was, probably as . .' . ' as a pair of dice. hungry as anyone. They crossed as SIamese twlns;. shared second III . the Adult group, first prize Ibe wide Nekkar river, with the DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES FOR SWARTHMORE Pltacef'f Ti~ldl0r ~Lh;:e thde went to Nancy Hulme, dressed as maguificent view of the castle' S au er c 1 ren-, ea, , e. an Davy Crockett. ' lucked into the far slope, con, Chad. ',all outfitted as clowns. tinued for another blOCk, turned Those Behlnd The Scenes t Th Fl t ds t . e ~a awar were nex a left onto the Haupstrasse. the be dlstnbuted. The Sleeping Thanks and sincere apprecia- main shopping street and "nicest" Betsy Kamp, Janet Fuoss, and tio!, for contributing to a very shopping area, and still trudged Nell Preston, Barbara Tantum, successful evening must be award- on. Election Day November 8th Betsy Kamp, Janet Fous. and ed to Ibe Swarlhmore Business Laura and Sara Enion for first Association and Rob't R. Hopkins, Polls open 7 lI.m.-8 p.m. prize. Barbara, Jimmy, and Clark who headed the Parade CommitRicherds and Sue Bauer placed tee; Mr. and Mrs. Wiill"m Lee. second in a UN 110at with a wel- Mr. and ,Mrs. Avery Blake, and , . ........ • ' ~~--\ . ' Auxiliary Jaunts South; Learns to Hike SWEET SHOP 'a.1I '.IIdl., A RRY , i R L '. , , . Ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '",' To Our Good Friends and Customers of Swarthmore and Vicinity Starting the first day of November, completed 10 we, will have years in business. During these pro~pt 1955, 10 years we have made every effort to give and courteous service, have a store fiHing type of people we serve, and employ a high for the typ~ of personell. \I t, I Hallowe'en P.araile Is . Occa«' FestlVe SIR YA I wish to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of you for making our business here a success. My only hope is that we may continue to serve you as well, or even beRer,. in , the future, than we have in the past. Again I sincerely thank you~ Very Cordially yours DON EASTMAN ~pring~eld Beverage Distributing Co. Garnet Bows to L.H.S. In First Hockey Loss ,the Ernest Isberg family; to the lively high school and college bands; and to the college f(lr use of its broadcasllng equipment and sound truck. The Swarth!llOrean office was responsible for registering all Ibe participants. Any award winner who did not receive his prize should contact Bob Hopkins at The Fountain, The Swarlbmore-Rutledge High School hockey team sullered' its first defeat of the season laet Thursday, October 27 when Lansdowne High edged the Garnet 3-2. Lansdowne has been victorious in all Its matches since 1953. In the varsity first half. Patty O'Neill and Nancy Martin both scored two goals to take the lead 2-1. Lansdowne made the first Swarthmore Players tally of the game. In the second Dial "M" for Murder half, the Garnet girls held thefr opponents scoreless until the last (Continued from Page 1) minutes of the game. In a final ather husband' Tony; Phillp N. tempt to raIly, Lansdowne knockKniskern as Max, the television ed ill one goal and, heartened by writer and (quote) gifted amateur the deed, proceeded to score andetective (unquote); Dr. Albert G. olber. Swarthmore went down to Pietsch as Captain Lesgate; and a 3-2 defeat. Bunny Abbott as Inspeclor HubMeanwhile, the junior varsity, bard, British detective. having begun its game during the Arranging affairs behin~ scenes varsity half, had its own troubles. are David Bingham as technical Lansdo.wne scored once In' the director and, William, McClain. first 12' mlnutes and though GarStage manager. Musical' e1feCts net put up s' dangerous 1hreat, the will be supplied by Nancy Roess whistle blew before a goBJ. could' and Barbara Lukens.. be made. An enUrely new team, Decorating each night the Wen- made up of underclassmen. went dice apartment In 'London are In fcit the second half but did no, Mrs. Bingham,chairman. with' the better. Lansdowne scored again help of Mrs. John Soule, Mrs. Ed- and won the game 2-0. ward GQldmeyer. Mrs. LeRoy Swarthmore plays Upper Darby McCune, Mrs. WIlliam Taylor, and next Thursday. November 10 at Mrs. Kobert Grogan. I Upper Darby. • a • 4 - -' ~ p. UQVB8T .FO. BlD8 Sealed blda will be If the Act of A80embly or May 21, 11116 P. L. 96'7 aDd Its amOlldtnente. of intention _to ilia In . FrlCIat, 'November , the OIIlce of the Secretat)" of tbe commonwealtb of PentlIS)'lYaD1s, at 2:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.-Chrysanthemum Show ........ Field House Jlarrll!>1I'Ir. and In the .OIIlce of tb. 8;15.1'.M.-''I,ady·~ N.ot for, ~urnlng" •••.•..•..•••.•••• ; •. CloWer PI'OtboDiJtar)' or tile ·.dciurt·or common _ ofDela....... county. on TUiilllaj. !foftinber 15. 1955, a corSatiIrdaJ. November II tIlI. .te· for "tile oonttuct1onc of • bu10:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M.-Chrysanthemum Show ........ Field House nIN.1n Dela....eCount,.. PetlnIIJIvania; untler tile aaswnett ar 1Ict1t1oua 2:30 P .M.-5occer: College vs. LehIgh .••...•......• Clothier Field name of The Hallow ShOp. Wltb prinCipal. place- Of bu." e11- at 11» Soatb. 8:00 P.M.-Garnet Canteen ......•........... Rutgers Ave.' School Chester R4Md. 8'ltartbm0le. ~l.. "Lady'. N t f B"-'~"" . . C'l~':';er' 8"1·5~.M vania. The nNNO antl _ _ of all : ,- 'C. . •S O , or W.I.~ • '" • • • • • • • • • . . . . • • • • • • UUll p8I1ICua baving an Inteteet In ealtl business are Ray L. HarloW antl LucUe 8:30 i>.M.-!r. Assemblies: 11th & 12th Grades ...... Woman's Clu!! Harlaw, 815 Larayette A....,u•• . . , SltIIday, November 8 Bwvtbmore, 'I'eDnllylvanla: 'THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR ESTATE NOTICE lISTATB of PLOltBNC!!I. N. WOLVBRTO!f. I.'" of Borough of SwartbmOle, Delaware COUnty. Pennsylvania. LB'llZIiB TBSTAllBNTABY In'_ the above lIIstate baY1tig been granted to the' Ulld_ped •. 001' ~ bav1lig C l • lm • or demauu.,aga1nat ·the aald !Petete are requested to tilake known the e&ale; antl ·.11 peroons Intlebted to . thetlecetl.nt ...... requeatecl to make paJDlOllt. Without delay to IlARY L. W. ORBllll". HOWARD W. 0 _ antt PLOI!.BNClII·O. JIBOOKALL. -tma. or.901,8cutb Chester Roatl, Swarthmore. PannsyIVanIa, or to their attorneya, OUY O. dePUmA. l!I!q.• ' of tlePtIB.L\, LARKIN a.ntt tlePl1lUA.·?08 P1tleUty-C1:>ester Building, DbMtar, Pennsylvania, and D. IULCOIM HODGB. BIIq.. of HODGB, HODGE & CRAMP, 104 west Pront ·street. _ ; ·PenDSJ'lvanla. JO~ ~UBlp8 BQD~. Attorney 1605 Pb1la; saving Funtl Bldg. 12 SOUtb TWelftb Street PbUed.lpbla. PenDSJ'IYaDIa ------------~------------A1JDITORS REPORT FOR THE SWARTHMORE SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR THE Yl!AB ENDING J1JloY 4. 19511 AS"saed valuation of taxable real estate, ••••••••••••••.•••• ~••••7.014,816.00 HUmber of mlUe levied ........................................ ,85 Number as cd With per cap1ta tax .......................... 5109 Rate of per .a.plta tu: .... :................................... AMOUNT OF SCHOOL TAX 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship· ...•............ ~ ... Local Churches 12 Noon to 5:00P.M.-Chrysanthemum Show· .......... Field House · tid Prals S . Methodist Church 7:30 P.M. -E ven e e ervtce. . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Per capita Other Amount levletl (Pact or 1954 duplicate) •••..•.••••••••....... Additions to dupUcate Improvement TaU8 ' ",585.00 245,446.08 298,001.08 9.'104.08 9.'704.08 Taxea ......................... . _.88 Penalties added .................. 182.00 418.88 20,878.98 Other tax.... R.B. rran,ter Tax •••• 211,878.98 TOtal amount (aum of 1. 2, 8 & ' ) . 20,878.98 4?tHr7.oo 2155,688.99 8H,lH.9'r 5,wG.2& Iboneratloua (1954 tax)........... 5.040.00 180211 'LlioDB 1IIetl'(19M tax) Wltb· Prothonotery' .....~. ; ........... . 11154 tu:....turn to COUnty . CI!bImliu!\onore •••••••••••••••• 2,808.88 2.808.81 ~te···:. :":.! ...... ;............ 888.10 ',5lIO.99 a,llllllJIII !fat lIIed ... 11.... 01' retumecl •••••• 'IOCI.OO 819M. l,017M !fet ....oun~ Of. 19M tu: colleoted • !ld:878.118 41.-.110 148.11111.81 810,8111.21 sum at 1 _ &;. 7;"8, II, 10,11 .... 1IO.B78.118 47.88'1000 lI55,1l118.'" • •1IUl7 .= RDi+'PlB .';~., ... t1:{ ~ ::l~ft ·<~,·"t;j~ 1... 1l1ilAl~ ..nlCoe ... oe''""wn~'iKci!tJJ~ !l.' ". ~.,!1'aX ___ .:. .' .'., .."" 100M . 111M .-.... Par 'oapiii t';'" _ _te'· Tl'aDafer Tu ........ : DelI!lquent .tI\X '. (PrevlciU8 ~954) •••• Stalit' aPlll'OP ..-)1" : ,. '. - 206,8H.82 ' ~ 19M •• "'1.2158;9() oitiW~ 2II0.88UII ·20.t'l8.118 00"............ ~ __ ._. !. _ _ _ •• ~. '\ ObR&&NT ......ll &M' 0" Monday, November 7' 1:00 P.M.-LWV Beading Group ' ............ ' ...... 419 Yale Ave. 6:30 P.M.-Fellowship Dinner ............... PresbYterIan Church 8:20 P.M.~\'Dlal M for Murder" .................... Players Club Tu~y, Novmnber8 . tin bs 7:00 A.M. to 8:0\) P.M.-Polls Open! ................ Vo g Boot 9:00 A.M.-Needlework Guild Ingathering .......... Woman's Club 12 Noon-The Swarthmorean Dea~e ......... 333 Dartmouth Ave. 2:00 P.M.-Ann Dodge TrIo; Ingathering Display .... Woma'l's Club 6:30 P.M.-Fellowship Dinner ............... Presbyterian Church . p.M.-t>pen NI-" 7:00 _t ...... ............... ... S proul Observato ry .'". .. . Oeneral, OoDttol (Aj·;.." .. '.;,'10,878.118 IDatruetlon (8) •• " ...... .8OlI,878.89 AlWllarJ ApDcI.. and c-ttIDate AcYvltI.. (C) ... --. - ~ oJ'" • it' ~ OperatiOii ~) of 1ic!lo01 Plant .......... "." .......... ...... . ...................k. 2.'185.95 Plant· (B) .. .. .. .. .. • .. 12.71511.21 Piftd·i:i!W&ee"(P)· •• ~'.... 27,291.7' Total current Ibp. (A-PI. tIlII,847.'18 source and. attach 8cberewltt the leatm!BIdOtlt· pupUe· .. 85.72?.27 Interest ........ :........ Sale of real estate, auppllee a.ntt eqUipment ....... All other so,....,..,· Indicate 0' .aal~·Freetitan. mettlate paymsnt •••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ...• Hood, LlttleJohn,Friu' ~ck and all the rest recreated to a capacity. Mrs. C. M. MIller of Villanova avenue spent last week at Cape Charles; Va. ESTATE NOTICE !Petate of MARY A. ounm. IBte of tbe Borough of Swarthmore, Delswate County. PeDD8J'lvan1a~ deoeased. •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wright, Jr. of Westdale avenue have returned home from a three week' s0journ In Fort Lauderdale, FIa. Mr. Bobert M. Fui!gti 01 Columbia avenue returned Saturday' . from abusin_ tr!P to WlrmsID and lIIlnne!JOla. , INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE November 4, 1955 'l1IE SWARTHMOREAN Page 6 REQUEST FOR BIDS I POST OFFICE HOURS SCaled bids. will be received In CouDell Chamber, Borough Hall. Swarthmore, Pa.. on November 14. 1955. at 7:30 P.M. Eastern Standard COUNTY LEADERS IN UCC The Post Office windows wUJ \ be closed and no delivery wUJ be made on Veterans Day, Friday, November 11. The lobby wUJ be open from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. for the convenience of box holders. Time for furnishing the 1 abor and equipment and doing the work of trimming trees (Or traffic clearance on Borough streets. BIds shall be In accordance with specflcatlon and made on bid sheet both of which will be furnished by the unders1gned. A certUled check for 150.00 5hall accompany the bid and the successful bidder will be required to enter Into NEWS NOTES & contract and furnish bonds as required by law the forms of which Chuck Maschal, son of Mrs. may be seen at - the omoe of tbe undersigned. The Borough reserves Charles Maschal of Riverview the right to reject any or all bids. road, celebrated his birthday on ELLIOTT RICHARDSON Friday with a party for 17 of his Borough Secretary. friends. Mrs. C. M. Miller of Villanova avenue spent last week at Cape E<;tate of MARY A, GUINN. late of the Borough of Swarthmore. Delaware Charles, Va. ESTATE NOTICE county, pennsylvania. deceased. Letters Testamentary on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned. all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment and those having legal claims to present the same without delay to: ALBERT G. GUINN, Executor 131 Rutgers Avenue Swarthmore. Pennsylvania Or to bls attorney Mr. and Mrs. Guido G. Savelli of Elwyn had as their guests this week Mr. and Mrs. Gerard deBuren and their children, Ariel and Jean Pierre who are en route from Switzerland to their new home in Dallas, Tex. ALBERT N. GA&RETI' 228 Garrett Avenue Swarthmore. Pennsylvania LEGI\L NOTICE 3t-tO-2t ESTATE NOTICE ESTATE or FLORENCE N. WOLVERTON. late or Borough of Swarth- more. Delaware County. pennsylvania. LEIIERS TESTAMENTARY in the above Estate having been granted to the undersigned. all persons having claims or demands agalnat the said Estate are requested to make known the same. and aU persons indebted to the decedent are requested to make payment. without delay to MARY L. W. GREEN. HOWARD W. GREEN and FLORENCE G. BROOMALL. Executor.!;, of 201 SOuth Ches- ter Road. Swarthmore, Pennsylvania. or to their attorney.!;. GUY G. deFURIA. Esq.. or dePURIA. LARKIN and deFURIA. 'loa: FId:!'llty-Cbester Building. Chester. Pennsylvania. and D. MAT..coLM HODGE. Esq.. or HODGE. HODGE & CRAMP. 104 West Pront Street. Media. Pennsylvania. Paul A. Freeman, Springfield, chairman of Zone 3 (Central, Western and Northern Dela.wa.re County divisions) in the United Community Campaign adds up the ....re as Zone 3 leads with 74.8 per cent. Standing by is Mrs. J. Paul MUler, (center) director of the Broomall West district with 94.1 per cent and Mrs. Duane Heist, (extreme right) a solicitor. Swarthmore Is In central division. Assessed valuation of taxable real estate •....................•. $7,014,315.00 . 35 Number of mills levied .....•................................. 3100 Number assessed with per capIta tax ...............•.......... 15.00 Rate of per .cap\ta tax .... : ..........................•... · ..• · Per other Ta.\:es CapIta Property Total Amount levied (Fact of 1954 47.535.00 245,466.03 293,001.03 duplicate) ..................... . AddItions to dupUcate Improvement 9,704.08 9.704.08 Taxes ......................... . 545.88 413.88 132.00 Penalties added ................•. 20.873.98 Other taxes, R.E. Transfer Tax .... 20.873.98 Total amount (sum of 1, 2. 3 & 4) . 20.873.98 47,6117.00 255,583.99 324.124.97 5.220.25 180.25 5,040.00 Exonerations (1954 ta.1t) ••••••••••• LIens filed (1954 tax) wltb Prothonotary ......•.•••........ 1954 tax ",turn to county 2,306.88 4.590.99 312.54. 2411.193.88 commissioners ............... . 688.10 705.00 Net amount of 1954 tax collected . 20.873.98 41.253.90 20.873.98 47.887.00 255.688.99 Sum of Items 6, 7. 8.9. 10. 11 RWBlPlS Bslance on hand. JUly 6, Discounts ....................... . Not flIed as liens or returned. .....• or SInking' Plind' . ; .. , ., 205.834.82 1954 .... ,.• _,100.58 Per Oaplta Tax 1954 . . • 41.253.90 20.8'73.98 TUition. Vocational ... Tu1tlon nonresident pupils ............... . Interest ............... . 2.306.88 5.259.09 1.017.54 310.521.21 324.1:14.9"1 (AI •••••• 10.673.95 Auxlltary Agencies and "rransfer Tax ..••••••• Delinquent tax (PreVIOUS to 1954) •.•• State Bpproprtatton: 'l'eachers. Transportation, control ......... r ..... c.ok. 9.392.46 9.595.56 Coordinate ActIVities (0) Operation of School Plant (D) 99.855.99 ••.•••••••••••••••• Maintenance of SChool PI.nt (E) ••••••••••••• 12.752.21 46.934.'75 Fixed Cbargea (F) ••••••• Z7.291.74 85.727.27 2.785.95 Total Current Exp. (A-F). 402,347.78 Sale of real estate. supplies and equipment ...... . 269.49 All other sources. Indicate source and attach 727.93 schedule ............ . Total receipts. Including beginning balance .... $ 655,301.13 SUl\l1\IARY TOTAL RECEIPTS (Item 14) ..•....•••...••..••...•.•.•••..•• TOTAL PAYMENTS Total CUrrent Expenses (Items A-F inc.) •...• 402.347.78 Total Debt Service (Item G) .....•.•.••...... 45.058.76 To!al Capital Outlay (Item H) •......•....... 167,686.63 615.093.16 40.207.97 ASSETS School Building and SItes nt Cost ......•.•.......•.......... Textbooks and Equipment at Cost ....•..................•.... 1.635.D41.00 215,747.00 Unpaid Taxf"!ii 347.09 2.653.97 220.50 'l"ultlon Receivable .......................................... . BaJance on hand all Funds excluQing Sinking Fund .......... . 320.26 5.254.50 40.207.97 1,899.445.20 1954 Tax (Current Year) ........ 2.306.88 1953 Tax ....................... 220.50 ]952 Tax ..................•.... Previous to 1952 Duplicate. ...... 320.26 Total Assets •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• UAmUTIES Bonded Indebtedness (With Vote of Electorate) .............. . Bonded Indebtedness (Without Vote of of Electorate) ........ . Account.<; Payable Teachers' Salaries *43.525.58 .............................• All Other Accounts $69.05 ............................... . TOtal LiabilitIes ........................................ . Amount of Tax Collectol"s Bond ............. .228.524.01 .. .• g.. r •• ge cook. 959,000.00 78,000.00 49.525.58 69.05 480.594.63 •••• g.. range cook. School Year 1955-1956)" under' Summary. We hereby certify that we have examined the above accounts and find them COl'I'eCt, and. that the aecurlttea of the omcera of the board. are In accordance with law. ROBERT H. JroRTZliALB • • • • • • • • • • • • • For once, Mrs, lones had something to say! • • • • • She was gossiping abaut Harry Smith and the fact that he had just bought a new money.saving Homeowner's Policy. Would you believe itl He actually gets the four kinds of insurance he needs most in just one policy. • • • • • • • • • • • • '. • And he saves up to 20% in premium cost, tool Yes, Mrs. Jones, we believe it. We sold it to him. And w. think every homeowner should find out a~ut this truly remarkable, money-saving, 4-in-) policy. Just call us for details: •• e ••••••••••••••••• PETER E. TOLD All Kinds of Insurance SWarthmore 6-1833 • • • • • • injustice if we did not commend your interest and generosity before we close our books. We shall leave the publication of statistics to the Campaign Auditors. When you see the final resulls you will understand our justifiable pride in Our fellow townspeople. It has been a privilege and a pleasure to work with you and for you in this community endeavor. the former Miss Mary Lecron. Gene Courtney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Fraley of South Chesler road, entertained her kindergarten friends at a Hallowe'en party last week. Sincerely, Betty and Bob Hopkins Emma and Joe Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ogram of Riverview road entertained Mrs. Ogram's mother. Mrs. Warren A. With Appreciation Taylor from Newcastle, Del., last To the Editor: week. Local members of the commit .. tee for Sunday's Goodman concert • Letter to the Editor • • The opinions expreoSed below are tllitse or the Indh"ldual wrIters. All • h'lIers to The Sworthmorean must • lit: slJ:II('d may be used 1( the writer Lo; known to the • l;dUQr. Letters will be publiShed • ollh· at tile discretion of the .:dllor. • • • I The following letter was • • •••••• 333 Dartmouth Ave •• Swarthmore I l~udollymns brought to The SWRrthmorean for publication in. this week's issue: Thanks Community Dear Fellow Swarthmoreans: 'The United Community Campaign in Swarthmore is nearing the end and we felt we would be doing you, our neighbors, an Sincerely, Alice Delano Ruth Malone Lucy Walers Mabel Fraser Betty McCorkel Anne Honnold Joseph P. Bishop " Robby Darnell; Den 5-Tommy Graham, Butch Butler, Arthur Smith, Fred Noonan, James Matthews, Lewis Hit- Duer; SPRINGFIELD ca. ....". ... Personals I niversary of Mr. Atkins' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper N. Atkins: ng NTY , Mr. and Mrs. C. William Ramsay of Mount Holyoke place return home today from a week at Miami Beach, Fla. Chuck and Heather Ramsay enjoyed a visit with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gettz of Harvard avenue, in their parents' absence. and automatic lighting NETHER PROVIDENCE On November 1 the four offices of the First National Bank of Delaware County became a part of Provident Trust Company. Customers of both banks will now have the combined financial strength, experience and complete banking and trust services developed by both institutions since 1865. Loan Departments will be an integral part of each office. First National's customers will find the same people they have been accustomed to doing business with still there to. serve them. They will have the added convenience of broader services and five more Philadelphia offices. To both, the Provident Trust Company extends a hearty welcome. it easy cooking. Select your modem gas range at your dealer's or any Philadelphia Electric suburban store. PHILADEL.HII ELEC'IIC CO., I . ' Due in 1964. inlerest paid April 15 and October 15. Priced 81 par value. Penna. Slale I" exempt Available 10 Pennsylvania residents. Phone or wrile: R. S. Wick. Presidenl 1.(.(. lOAN (0. 418 Marlcet StreeI a..ster, Peftna. Telephone: CHesler 3·9158 (NOT a Mouming Dove) Is Bird Bauding Justified - or Not? The project to band Mourning Doves, publicized by The Swarth_ morean during the past season, aroused the doubt of some of our citizens as to the validity of interfering with the private lives of our native birds 10 the extent that Mourning Dove problems. Mrs. Robert Brodhead, onc of my bird-banding fans, sent me a clipping from page 42 of The Evening Bulletin, dated September 23, 1955. and headed by Ihe caption, "Mourning Dove Goorl Target in Air - and on the Table." She considered the headline shocking, and as for what ensued cooking directions would be uncooking didrections would be unprintable in this bird-loving paper. Daily limit eight birds; so and so much salt; baste as follows; No, No, No. All this being Pennsylvania regulations for a hunting season extending from Sep'tember 15 to Oclober 19. Ornithological Science SWARTHMORE Mr. and Mrs. Roberi C. M:orrow, Jr. of Westminster avenue recently spent several days in New York City on a vacation trip. ON PRIVATE BUSINESS wish to express their heartfell gratitude, both to The Swarth- was indicated in the series of printed reports. Perhaps the letter morean for its sincere cooperation, and to the people of Swarthmore, from Allen J. Duvall, Research who turned out in such over- Biologist of Ihe Fish and Wildwhelming numbers. Sunday's con- life Service, published in the cert was a great musical perform- October 28 issue of this paper, ance, by a great artist, in honor will have helped to overcome of a great woman. But in no less some of these uncertainties. real a sense, Swarthmore is a very It is probably morc worthwhile, great community indeed. however, to get down to basic MEDIA Sleek, modern design BRUCI! D. BMlTH AudItors • • • • Mrs. W. R. Lecron and daughter, Miss Betty L. Leeron, of Cedar lane spent last weekend Visiting wilh Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Wright at Denison University in Granville, O. Mrs. Wright is fast - cool - clean cooking. few features that make 8eptmber SI, 1965 • • • • • • • • Page 9 To Provident customers In the area it will bring our banking and trust services closer in geographical convenience. oftop burners are jUst a Bank Balance July 4. 1955 ..................................... • 40.611.69 OUtstanding Cbecks .•....•............• • • . . . . . .. • . .. • .. .. . . . . • • 309.99 Balanoe on 'Band to be Available tor School Year 1955-1956 .... • 40,207.97· -Thla balance wUl agree with the Item "Balance on HBnd (To Be AvaUable tor • tellan, Alan Darnell; Den 4 - Brian Gooch, Dick Lebeis t Robert Kerr, Jim Castellan, Get a gns range for Amount of Treasurer's Bond .................. 2.500.00 Amount of 8eeretary's Bond .................• 1,400.00 Reconciliation of Bank Balance at Close of School Year lUCHAlID II. SNYDBR • • Den 3 - Gary Darnell, Stephen Berry, David Hughes, James Bingham, Craig Pontlitz, Pat Cas- Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Atkins and family of Benj amin West avenue returned Tuesday evening from a I week in Chicago, IlL, where they attended the Golden Wedding an- 655.301.13 Total ............................................. . Balance on Hand (To be available for school year 1955-56) .... . • •••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • Richard Jacobs; Den 7 - Barry Young, Donald Scott, David Kirkpatrick, John Finley, Tom Schroth. John Downes, chairman of the ticket sales for the pack for the recent Devon Scout Fair, awarded prizes to the learjing ticket sellers. Billy Prewitt - who sold 100 tickets - and Bucky Downes Wednesday, November 9 were given special awards for 8:20 P.M.-"Dial M for Murder" .................... Players Club their outstanding work. Al Jacobs, cubmaster, conducted Thursday, November 10 the meeting. Floyd Kerr, awards 8:00 P.M.-Mothers Club: Dr. Henry Pate .......... McCahan Hall chairman, made the presentations. 8:20 P.M.-uDial M for Murder" .................... Players Club InstructIon (B) •••••••••• 302.378.39 289.354..49 other taxes Real Estate General Den I-Robert Zahn, Richard McFadden, Richard Nicholas, Donald Melzgar, Richard Casey; Den 2 - John Allen, Robert Welsh, Chip Harvey, Stewart MUler, Chipper Dodd, David Fritz, Tuesday, November 8 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.-Polls Open! ................ Voting Booths 9:00 A.M.-Needlework Cuild Ingathering .......... Woman's Club 12 Noon-The Swarthmorean Dead\ine ......... 333 Dartmouth Ave. 2:00 P.M.-Ann Dodge Trio; Ingathering Display .... Woman's Club 6:30 P.M.-Fellowship Dinner ............... Presbyterian Church 7:00 P.M.-Open Night ....................... Sproul Observatory 8:20 P.M.-"Dial M for Murder" .................... Players Club I ~y'l'aX Those receiving awards include: THE SWARTRMOREAN Monday, November '3' chner, Bucky Downes; 1:00 P.M.-LWV Reading Group ................... 419 Yale Ave. Den 6 - Sandy Ewing, Paul 6:30 P.M.-Fellowship Dinner ............... Presbyterian Church Turner, George Setton, Jeff Lore, 8:20 P.M.-"Dial M for Murder" .................... Players Club Bill Prewitt, Craig Russell, John AUDITORS REPORT FOR THE SWARTII>lORE SCIIOOL DISTRICT FOR THE YEAR ENDING JULY 4. 1955 1954. All tunds exclUSIve With 50 merry. men of Robin Hood's band present, the Walling_ ford Presbyterian Church was a lively place last Friday evening. The occasion was the monthly meeting of Wallingford Cub Pack 273. Cubs costumed as Robin Hood, Little John, Friar Tuck and all the resl recrealed to a capacity audience many of the exploits of the legendary band. Induction of new members and presentation of awards also took place at Ihe meeting. New members include: Roberl Zahn, Richard Casey, Chipper Dodd, Robert Welsh, Stephen Berry, David Hughes, Butch Butler, George Setton, Fred Noonan, Arthur Smith, Paul Turner, Sandy Ewing, and John Finley. Notice Is hereby given pursuant to the provlslon of the Act or Assembly THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR of May 24, 1945 P. L. 967 and Its amendments. of intention to flle in FrIday, November 4 the Omce of the secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.. at 2:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.-Chrysanthemum Show ........ Field House Harrisburg. and In the omce of the 8:15 P.M.-"Lady's Not for Burning" .................... Clothier Prothonotary of the court of Common Pleas of Delaware county. on Saturday, November 5 Tuesday. November 15. 1955. a certificate for the conduction of a. busi- 10:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M.-Chrysanthemum Show ........ Field House ness In Dela.ware county. Pennsylvania. under the assumed or ftctitloUB 2:30 P.M.-Soccer: College vs. Lehigh .............. Clothier Field name of The Harlow Shop. with prlnc1pal place of business at 19 South 8:00 P.M.-Garnet Canteen .................. Rutgers Ave. School Chester Road. Swarthmore. Pennsyl .. 8:15 P.M.-"Lady's Not for Burning" .................... Clothier vania. The names and addre88 of all persons having an Inte1'est In said 8:30 P.M.-Jr. Assemblies: 11th & 12th Grades ..... Woman's Club business are Ray L. Harlow and Lucile Harlow. S15 Lafayette Avenue, Sunday, November 6 Swarthmore, Pennsylvania. JOHN JUSTUS BODLEY. Attorney 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship .................... Local Churches 15D5 PhUa. Saving FUnd Bldg. 12 Noon to 5:00 P.M.-Chrysanthemum Show .......... Field House 12 SOutb Twelrtb street Phlladelphla. Pennsylvania 7:30 P.M.-Eventide Praise Service ............ Methodist Church ---------------------- AMOUNT OF SCIIOOL TAX WaHingfordCubScouts Giv~ Robin Hood Story -. November 4, 1955 PLAN WITHp R 0 V IDE NT TRUST COMPANY Chestnut Street at 17th Also Chestnut at 12th. Chestnut at 4th Spring Garden at 6th. Notch Broad above Erie (drive-in) l'HILADELPIllA: M1!D1A. SWARtHMORE. SPRlNGFIEW' NETHER Member Federal DeposIt Insurance Corporation PROVIDENCE (drive.in) Member of Federal Reserve System Bird-banding is one branch of ornithological science. As a pure science it is an activity directed toward an increase of our knowledge of the movements and longevity of birds. But in the applied sense, it is designed to help our government in deciding when and where game birds may legally be considered as game, and hence at what times and in what quantities they may be slaughtered. I Actually there is quite a wrangle goin gon among orithwrangle going On among ornithand whether there is really an appreciable movement of entire populations of these birds from North to South in autumn. If there is, a good breeding season here would mean good hunting in the Carolinas, Georgia and Florida. If not, shooting here should be restricted to a smaller degree, since we would be losing birds only locally, and at present we have just recently recognized the Mourning Dove as a game bird, following a closed season of many years. Better than a Gun The Mourning Dove project is an attempt to aid in the elucidation of the annual migration and general biology of this species. If this entai1s some interference in the domestic life of doves, it still falls short of the type of disruption found at the end of a gun barrel. Bird banding is a sort of intermediary between the inocuous binocular and the deadly weapon: the birds are trapped, frightened, manhandled, banded, and released unharmed. N. B. Adult birds, thus trealed , frequently enter traps again. Apparently the lure of free food outweighs the inhibition of their out_ raged memories. C. BROOKE WORTH NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wright, Jr. of Westdale avenue have returned home from a three week sojourn in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Mr. Robert M. Fudge of Columbia avenue returned Saturday from a business trip to Wisconsin and Minnesota. ;:=::::==;=::;=~"";"'':';;''';~~~~;';;~';;''';;'I~Mr. "8.. the Southern Rocket Touma- ,.....;.,.;o;:.o..."'"""l • NIrWS NOTES North Chester road, ate enter- ment to be held In WlIlIamll)urg, ScI'amg an. Mr 111 Goo., C .... w~..., AlsO, de.m,r for rent Friday. . .~. 13th and Hallowe-en party ~;;---_ _ _..._;;; Chester •.... ...00 a day , Jewelry R.pol.... SW. -16 ' ..... ~,. Sr.. R.. wold. GIld Clock Ropol.. 128 _ Bates, daughter of Dr. and R. Bates. of North CLASSJFI~D ............ ••POR RENT WIllIAM BROOKS b h D _ _ eel AIIhee & Rub Is _~:t:, Lawas. Mowed. GeDeraI ~e'::;' second 'floor. tt!0 .i. . Wm. W. Rumford Co" I~==:;:.:;::~::;;;:~=~ Builders CONSTRUCTION 1l1;~~~I~ AND . CGMM.UCIAL sw. IhIawe 6-6455 .'" '. - ~'!l"dj: SiW~rll BrownJe Troop ttl held a cookout at the home of their leader, Mrs. Joseph J. Storlszzi on Park Fi communities and two avenue last Wednesday afternoon, ve October 26. schools are included In the November mass chest survey x-ray TO OUR U.N. GUESTS which opened yesterday at tbe, Collingdale BJgh School. Under From the woi'ld's far-distant the direction of the Delaware shOrelines , , ' County· Tubercuiosls and Health Came our guests from forelgn , . climes Association, the Pennsylvania De~ To receIve our tha oks an d bles- putmen,t of Health, Bureau of aiogs , Tuberculosis Control, In coopera. . tion with the Delaware County For thell' toil m these ~arsh times. Medical Society, these surveys are open to aU local residents and Gladly to our fairest Swarthmore workers, 18 years of age and Did we welcome one and all, older. . Tortoise·' abel) rima. ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~c~a~se on Benjamin· 8-0850. Alterations members of Avallable next. TueSday: l i~~~~~i~~~~C~alI F.... fat/mate. KI.glwood 3-7803 -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;:;;=====,1 ... ROOFING ~"'. or MEdl'aweeks. 6-0393. FOR SALE -' 19~7 Ford convertPERSONAL Belvedere. Ible. Radio, heater, and duals. valescent Home, 2507 Chestnut $150. Call KIngswood 4-0278 after street Chester. Edge of SWarth- 7 p.m. more: Aged, senne, chrOnic, . ;;FO~R"'SALE...,r-.;;-=-::-iiFi;;;e;;;ldrhh.o;;;;ck~e~y;-sAttir.:ck:k, vale.scent men spacious and women. used twice. Value 6-0231. - $7.50 Sell cellent foods, $4. SWarthmore Cr088 . hono~. iei'BiiLiI1l' Iil " N Ch'ld 'Titl ew I ren s es ... Will Underline Slogan . uL t' ."., d M '.~'.' e, .s "ea , ore. II in!'~~~t::k rea":n~ aioe:::: ;; . Illterest dIai'se,' ~ er e H•. Albin. Violinist ppear, ere un. ~ll . LocaI.Postal Driver Receives Safety Award Police Ask Help ;lpat- .. • mittees which are now studying .chool needs, Charles Topping, John W. Carroll and Horace Tantum. , John Honnold. president of the assoclation. will preside. and the program will be under the direction of Maurice Webster, Jr .• (Continued on Page 12) . . local andnationaJ. ~Irs and for' The Fair seeks to beguillng little owls will be dismany years ran a magazine agency . youngsters in good. 8lltisfying li~- tributed by Swarthmore Public from her bed8ide. She was a memThe annual Holiday Fair••pon- erature. Good bookS feed a child. Llbrary's Librarian Bettina Hoot- . l , ber of' the local Presbyterian sored by the Woman's Anxi1iary imagination and stir his Interest er to the Lihrary's young readers • "Our ,European Vacation", an Church. of TrInity Church, North Cbester to learn and know and understand during Book Week, Noveniber 13accooot 'of travelil and experiences Besides her mother, MIss Blun- road, will be, held Wednesday, this complicated world of ours. 19. The Book Week slogan Is. din Is . survived by two sisters, November 18, from 2 p.m. to 9 The Book F8ir Is a worthy cause "Let's Read More.'; in Ho~d, England, Germany, Mrs Arnold Luder of 233 Dick- p.m. and Thursday, November on another ~proceeds will TW h dred 'd f rty ne Italy and France, will be pre. . 17 from 10 o.m. to 5 p.m. be used to puicllase needed ref. 0 un an 0 w sented jointly by Mrs. Karl Fox inson avenue and Mrs. Arnold H. A~cor~ to all reports, this erence books for the elementary children's books will be on dIs-. and lin. ~ter before Red~ of Kansa, City, Mo.• and will be, an ideal. time for schools. play In Library hours for the members Of the Swarthmore Jun- two broUters, Laurence. of the Christmas ahoppers to take FInal plans have been complel- week. going Into circulation, at lor Woman'. ClUb on November Park avenue amore Presbyterian Church. elected representative of the jun- Chicago, Ill. lors in her dormitory to the class Mr. and Mrs. Keith Noy" of BIRTHS AUTO REPAIRS organization. A political science Glen Aubrey, N. Y., were the ' .. Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Plcmajor at Wellesley, she is a grad- weekend guests of Mr. Noye's card of Newark, Del., formerly uate of BeaUfort High School, mother, Mrs. Richard Noye of the ot' Swarthmore, are rece,iving conBeaufort, S. C. Strath Haven Inn and his brother gratulations on. the birth of their Mr. and Mrs. Willlam C. Mc- and sister-in-law, Mr. and- Mrs. third little girl, Wendy Leigh, who Dermott of Yale avenu-e will en- Richard K. Noye, Jr. of Rutgers arrived Friday, October 28, In tertsin .Mr. and Mrs. Thomas avenue. Wilmington Memorial HoSpitaL Casey and son Tommy of BethMr. and Mrs. David Bingham of .RusseIl. ot ,, esda, Md., formerly of Swarth- Fairview road will have as' their , Mrs. Charles MOTOR. more, over the Armlatlce .D.ay weekertd houile gueSt Mrs. Goefrey Ogden avenue, and Dr. and Mrs. PRESTONE ORZEREX Jean Plccard· of M:inneapjillii, weeke"d. " of New York City. are :wendY, Lelgh'scgraM" J, . ; ,! ' . ' J,' GULF OIL Mr. and Mrs. Leonard P. Jane Seymour, daughter of Mr. Minn., parents. ' " I,. are at home now at 26 Unity mid Mrs. Ham C. Seymour of ,.J In.Levittown. Mrs. Eseels DIckinson aven'ue', has beeil '. . , Mr. ail.d Mrs. Edward E. Thoma~ former MIss Anne Hilkert, daugh- a\Vlitdea ,tile PiiUadelphlii 81m- of Aldan announce the birth of . \..' ter of Mr. and Mrs.. Robert N. mo'ns Co'lle'S'e C.lub' . ·Sch.olarship' their third daughter, Jennifer Noy. lit to J.iI. 3b.··.' ~ert of Rutledge. for 'OUlstan'dptgscholasUc achleve- June Thomas, on November 2 ilt Mrs. Edward B. Temple Elm manto Miss Seymour ill a junior In 1;~~~~H~·~OS~i>~'I~tal~.===;;;;~=. avenue has returned homeof from tIi'e school of sociBi science. a 'six month stay In Europe. .. . MRS.lloiIRT J. An; .. Ow.... · While abroad, Mrs. Temple visited Larry Gaul, son of Mr. and Mrs. BtJldlOIliPiiON8 Opposite Borough PerHftig ~ !: in Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Russell A. Gaul of Secane, ce\e. . . '. IrOIl ALL Luxemburg, and Beibum. brated his IIrst birtbd!ly on SunDartmouth and' Lafayette Mrs. L. J. Servais of Elm avenue day at a party for his friends. The MAGAZINES E. KJ\1J1PPIirAN will travel to Pittsburgh over the guest list included Jean Pearson 8s. III Da_'" A.ven1le· e'OM lafliN., at I holiday to. attend a family re- Murray of Park avenue, Beth and S"arthmore '-1880 union at the home of Mrs. ChIp Seltzer of Media, Kevin Weir. Brady of Drexel Hill, Bobby McSorley of Phlladelphla, and BarHoward E. Shearer, Jr., a junior bara Duling of NewtoWn Square, at Cornell Unive~sity, has been elected to· Aleph Samach, men's and their respective parents. Dr. and Mrs. Henry L. Price honorary society. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. from Drexel Hill will move· n'i'xt Shearer or Swarthmore avenue. ' week to their new residence at David Spencer, son of Mr. and 655 Parrish road. . Mrs. Ernest D. Lewis of Park Mrs. Steven Sp~ncer of Ogden avenue wUJ speak to a group of avenue, has been re-elecled treasyoung people on Teen Age Conurer of the class of '57 at Welleyan University. Dave also sings cerns next Friday at the Lancastenor with The Jibers, college ter Public Library in conjunction with National Book Week. quartet. Mrs. Russell H. Kent of Philall delphia, formerly of Swarthmore, 110 ARlDMEIITS retutned Friday from a six week trip. She 'llisited in Panama for Swartfl_re, three weeks as the guest of When' a hold-up man deGeneral and Mrs. William K. Harmands yoUr money, or NOW SHOWING :Jon life, Y01l W01l't arcue rison, Jr. After .a freighter trip with hi.... No' argument. J. ARTHUR RANK PReSeNTSeither, about the neOd for Free Planning oand Estimating W. Somenet M,augham"J, an .Et1la Storekeeper.' . THE '. B1lrglaty and Robbery "THE BEACHCOMBER" Policy. See UI about it toAll Financing A~ranged Personals 'a'" LIz Forsythe of Thayer road will spend this weekend it Am-. herst College In Massachusetts. Gall Hanna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hanna of Rlverview road, will be home for the weekend from the Grier SchooL. Mr. and Mrs. Clark P. Mangels- 0,.. • H" COMING SOON -Eyes" n. .:1UNE ~, STAttCd INSPEcUlft' .... Russell's Service '.M. PLAlEftS:' ClUB OF SWARTHMORE ., pre..... "DIAL M FOR MURDER" by Frederick I(~ott (tech] Set. Night onH..N,•• 6 - 8 & 10 wmuis Deluxe Wood Cabinets DELIVERY SCHEDULE F,O~ THANKSGIXit;.lG ¥,(EEK , the Rey. Bryan G,...... 0 ... 01- lite world'. g,." eYangel;". . .... ClllItI... Sahl'''' 1 PI.. Color Carto_ -.. DId< Tracy Sorlat· . s.... Mo••,. THL & Wed. or,.;. doHhil.nd . Ire. to, fMit IT... Sinotr. G " • .A. Dative Briton, he is Mm., .0"" ... ......... As A STlANGEIl" SlllIiI' ........ "NOT "COUIT MAITIAL" • man of 11'emendous personality and Nov.m~.I'.I.~a., . ~ , b:UthI. of, C~ty in &, new aOiiPel that ..,., maD eRn understand. IlfI&'Old way, expo.~~ &0 - ii" '\ J • ,!-, -i • A8·0 R Y o Of:pa;aoD~! ~tbrc?ug,hDivinelov~ht New :ork and N.ew Zealand in South Carolina and SQ\ltb Africa. Wlthout.ofl~~ ~'1 ;.~:'J.,.. ': -..., ' . "".,-..' , --:' -- '-' fancy doe1rines or aenaationa! ideas of theology, he presents the . '". " ~ WILMING'I'ON, -"r 0'.;" .. ,. real pariah is the Wo/ld. Millions" ~v~. tlnilled to his. message Peter E. Told CHURCH.REEVES, INC. & .. f~I_, ~ ~~:V. ~ "bi]n England'a ~~ . dynamic, ~."'.--f"'.' ..,'\t'f'~! :~.ro,.!, -'.', _ -.' ,'. • pl ..... and be iaon8 of the world'. great evangeIistL. ~e_~. _ of st. Martin's Church in Birmingham, England, hut his day. 33S Dartmouth Aye. swarIit...... 6-1133 I saw it in The Swarthmorean. , SEE OUR NEW KITCHEN DISPlAY 'TAIlZAN & THE APE MAN' oln; a IS: ..: . Remodel Your Kitchen With Beautiful IIGeneva" Modern CllLlIGE THEATRE 'a.'. UDial 1M' for Murder," the Players Club November production, enmeshed Its IIrst night audience Monday, to the extent that 'spouses eyed each other warily lIS they started homeward. During the play it had evidenced its complete absorption in the suspenseTHURSDAY deliveries will be made TUESDAY. ful plot by a spontaneous "Shhh" FRIDAY deliveries will be made MONDAY. when the apartment door closed WED~ESDAYdeliveries will be made WEDNESDAY. too nolslly behind the murder~ No piclc-ups except emergencies during Thanksgiving Week.. bound intruder lind again when Rugs may be picked up the week before Thanksgiving audible disgust greeted the back~ d~I!v~ry- ' . " Dr. George B. Heckman of Swarthmore, chairman of the ed-to-the-wall Wendlce's most To avoid disar.poinlment: . Medical Advisory Committee of the Commnnlty NIIl'IIing Service, lIagrant lie. I. Please al ow at least one week's notiCe for removal of Delaware County, demonstrates gadgei on most modern wheel The able cast was in top fettle; rugs from storage. ' 2. Please' do not ask us to deviate from our schedule. chair, ready to be loaned to patients unable to afford expensive the prodUction moved smoothly 3. Tei help us maintain our schedules, our driveri'are in· sickroom equipment. Miss Dorothy Sidner (second from left) and swiftly; the set is one of the . structed not to spread rugs at c!elivery unless arrangesupervisor of the Service's western office In Swarthmore; Mrs. club's most attractive. The first ments have been made in advance with our office. .Joseph P. Bishop, also of Swarthmore and member of the Board amateur production of the Knott of Directors wtth lIIrs• .James C. Crew, dlreetor_of the Springfield la' hi 4. Please be at home when yaur rugs are. expected. Do District in the' Uulted Commnnlty Campaign, looking on. The p y, w ch has had long profes. not ask us to make "call-backs" Thanksgiving' Week. sional run.. In London and New Comm1lnlty N"rsing !'Iervice, which held Its annual cUnner last week York and proved extraordinarily when eqUipment was exhibited, is amoDg. the 'Z59 health ....d wel- successfUl (with Hitchcock direc~ fare acencies Reeking support In the c1ll'rent Uulted Communlty tion) in the cinema, is a bright. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, cocky feather In the ~ayers Club _ _C_a_m_pa~l.... . cap. David Narbeth .dJioects the • Mrs. Richard Haig of RiverClub production Richard Hook KAPPAS TO SEW H . . ." .. Car. . . . . . ·• Conipl~I'; Sire -Ran~ • Orin... Ba,. view road' entertained the "Elght- assistini:. ' 100 P',rIr Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. Members of Kappa Kappa Gam- home" for luncheon and bridge sallY .LeRoy, in her second apSWarthmore 6-6000 ma will sew next Tuesday, Noon Tuesday. pearimce with, the Club, is attr/lc0; vember 15, at the hOme of Mrs. Jean HOlm8ol of College ave- Uve .and quletly convincing as' a "O~S . nue pl;ms to spend the weekend Paulso, n. K, .•~, '_. \,. '.1) <;:arpet Carroll McC'!ll04, at 4119 ..Sharples at Willi;uns College in' W1U!ams- happy, dutiful, unsuspecting· wife. . •. . Str t in WeSt Chester Richard Burgess' as her' husbaiid 1l111111111111HUUHUlDJIlIIlnUUIIUluilnWUllUlUWllllnnmnnmtllllllllllillUnIRillUlllnlllnlllllllllIInlmnlilOn iiiiiii!iee~iiiiiiiiii"'·iiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiii"iii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiioWDiiiii'iiiiiMiii!lSSiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Tony' tUrns :in . a 'tremendously good pedormance in an involved ". ··"t~""""-!"-,~i\~(", ":"""_':" ~ '~{" •. '-'. .l1" ..r Ir~,., "" .... ;4,,"' ........... "..... ~ ••... ~.--. .• " ~_~r. ,"",'-'. " and taxing role. He is forceful, sinister, intelligently evil" coldly maUghant, but oh so persuasive!' • He Is never too persuasive for PhUJp N. Kniskern as Max Halliday (who has' motive for dislike and distrust). Thwarted but doggedly faithfUl, MaX: is a determined. sleutb, bringing all his "who-dun-it" intrigue to the as'" sistance of his imprisoned lady. N9r Is' Tpny persliBsive enoullh tQ"'mlslead 'BUnny Abbott w~ Inspector' Hubbard is dellghtfliUy . '.~' , misleading; TWo .thlngs "Dlal."M" tot ')j[utder's"alidieDee is certain of; one. nev~, never let Tony "'; . ' '" .. Wendice get anything on on,,; Two, when in trouble, hope for an Inspector Hubblird. . Albert G~ Pi;;tsch plays his first part with the club. as Captain .Les- . gate, a ~. of. f¢eble atraIis. As the patterned drifter Dr. Pietsch acJiJeveS' tli.e unbelievable,' WInning thesyn;patliy'of 'the audience w~;ep. fjr~ ':aught In Tony's clutch. " . Structurally the play is better than the 111m, stimulating the imagination 'to 'work along with it. lt sa~~ venture ~at Swarthmor" housewives will know where their house keys are this week. At least, those lucky enough to see the Players Club's "Dial '!wi' " will. afe, yOtJ~ for The Best In Kitchens All Steel or IIQuaker Maid Night are \-, Lt.Om Production to Continue Through Saturday' Laura Haldt of Chestnut avenue will spend the ArrnIBilce DaY weekend at Bethany College in West VIrginia. ". . ·.SW 6.0440 In Players Club Cap ~',;" WINTER NOW . 'OI"aI M' Puts Feather READY FOR THOSE IN NEED (/'A"'~.," It(O'"I?~HM .. ".....,T- Get-Set For , awaiting the visit 0 f Mr. Mangelsdod's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Paul C. Mangelsdod, from Cambridge, Mass. ~lIIIIInl~uuwnulluuIIUUmllllllmlwulwIlIlIUlulllllllllmIIllIIllIIUIIUIUUlIIIUlIIiUlIUIlIlIU STRA.TH HA.VEN INN "Dot's Before Pille $ N~S N~O=T=E~S~--~d=O=d~O:f-:Hi=ll:b-om---a-v~--u-e--are~~~~~~~~~~~'----__________________________________-2~ Frida)', November 11, 1955 THE SW ARTHMOREAN tHE' 8117ARmOREAN ..-- November 10-12 --' -,. , :.. t1!et't' ~c,~~ol" aeorg_town -" .. o " AI. iii...." . . ,:00.,', AIL lv..,6a "r,. ~(ca~~, -,~ :, • 17'/2 Soutli eMs.... Raa" (pI~"'" .1Iici'11~ of 0......... In" ~111/Ot1 """, ollie! Plo1IstInt chaldles "alnNd .., .., PlDlesllnt . 'r':r#" ;: of tile sIdt '- KI."w"" 4-1700 Ad,.,. .,•. hr:1Wf 1'110 Sa.l.lliI. . WIIad•• AI" c...... ------'-'-.~" -.----.-- - ' \ , . INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE Friday, November II, 1955 Page 2 to Los Angeles: Mrs. Kent en-I .Miss Edith Kletzien with five trained for QUincy, Ill., where' fnends spent several days at her she visited for a week with her home on South Chester road last son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and week. The girls all gathered to Mrs. Laurence S. Kent and lam- take their state board exam inany. She also spent several days tions in nursing. with her brother and sister-inMr. and Mrs. Howard Kulp and law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Curtis sons Harold and Jeff of Marietta of Lake Bluff, Ill., before coming avenue spent last weekend visithome. I ing with friends in Flushing, Long Mrs. Donald M. Allen, Jr. of Island. Wallingford, is secretary-treasurMr. and Mrs. George M. Karns er of the Wilson College Club of Wellesley road had as their which held its November meeting weekend guest Mr. Karn's cousin, last week in Lansdowne. Alumnae Dr. Alma Roudebush from Bufof the area heard Maria A. Koch_ falo, N. Y. Dr. Roudebush was anowsky, a native of the Ukraine enroute from the Home Econoand a 1953 graduate of the college, mics Convention in Atlantic City, give a talk on "Impressions and N. J., to Buffalo where she is a Personals avenue are awaiting the visit o( Mr. MangelsLiz Forsythe of Thayer road dorf's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Paul will spend this weekend at AmC. Mangelsdorf, from Cambridge, herst College in Massachusetts. Mass. Gail Hanna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hanna of RiverLaura Haldt of Chestnut aveview road, will be home for the nue will spend the Armistice Day weekend from the Grier School. weekend at Bethany College in Mr. and Mrs. Clark P. Mangels- West Virginia. Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman of ternal grandparents are Mr. and Vassar avenue is the baby's Mrs. Earl A. Thomas o( Richmond, maternal grandmother. Her pa .. Ind. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Davis moved from 37 Amherst avenue MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS last week to their new home at - Sales and Rentals 420 Fourth avenue in Melbourne, Fla. THE MUSIC BOX Mr. and Mrs. Harold Goodwin Swarthmore 10 Park Avenue of Rose Valley spent last weekOpen FrI. Eves. Phone KI 3-1460 end in the Pocanos. Miss Anna N. Fellows o( North !!!llllIIllIlIlImlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnllllllD1111llUlllnlllllllllllllllllIUlIIIIIIllllllmmnlllllllllllnHUl!; Chester road has returned from a § FAMILY DINNERS to SUIT ... TASTE of EVERYONE ~ week's visit at the home of Mr. § TENDER STEAKS anel CHOPS Cooked to Oreler § and Mrs. R. E. Steele of Lemoyne. ~ EXCELLENT BANQUET AND PARTY FACILITIES ~ Mrs. Steele is Miss Fellow's niece. § BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12.1 :30 P. M. § Mr. John W. Soule o( Marietta I§ DINING ROOMS aid LOllY AIR CONDITIONED § avenue is leaving Friday. Novem5 5 5 Comfortable Rooms Day or Week Elevator ~ ber 11, for Chicago where he will attend the Diamond Jubilee of the Reflections of a Displaced Stu- professor at the state teachers' § § American Society of Mechanical dent" at the evening meeting. college. == § Engineers to be held November 13 Barbara Beals, daughter of Dr. _ Yale & Harvard Avenues, Swarthmore, Po. ~ to 18. Mr. Soule will present two and Mrs. Lynn Beals of Yale ENGAGEMENTS == .== 5 WALTER E. PARROTT. Mgr. FREE PARKING § papers on Applied Mechanics as avenue has been elecled to a house Mr. and Mrs. WaIter Rumble part of the scheduled meetings. council office at Colby Junior of South Swarthmore avenue, an- m:::I~III;;;II;IJI~III~II;IJI~III;;;II;IJI~III;;;II~III;;;II;III~II;IlI~III;;;II~IJI~II;;;IJI~IIU~l;;;m~IlI~II;IlI~III;;;II;1ll~1lI;;;1I;111~1II;;;1I~1II;;;1I;1II~1lI~1I~1\I~1I1~1Il;;;lm;;;I~1I1~1II~1Il~11;;;1II~1II~1l;;;1I~~. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Spen- College, New London, N. H. Bar- nounce the engagement of their rr -cer of Riverview road are await- bara will be serving as senior-al- daughter, Winifred to Mr. Fred ing the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. large of Colgate Hall. Parcells, son of Mr. ·and Mrs. Fred Paul E. Von Giess (rom PittsMr: and Mrs. Robert C. Jagel Parcells of Howarden R 0 a d, burg for the weekend. and their daughter Karin have I Springfield. Richard D. Wright, son of Mr. moved to Swarthmore and arc Miss Rumble graduated from and Mrs. Robert Wright of West- living at 539 Riverview road. Mr. the Swarthmore High School and dale avenue, was among the Jagel. who is associated with Sun the Philadelphia Museum School honor students who earned special Oil Company in the research and of Art. Mr. Parcells served for privileges because of their high development department, had three years in the Pacific with Original Production by academic achievement for the first been stationed in the Navy in Hawaii where the family lived the Navy. five weeks at the Perkiomen before coming to the borough. School in Pennsburg. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Jarden Swarthmore College Students Mrs. Hervey Schumacher of Dr. and Mrs. George L. Armi- of Rose Valley, announce the enHaverford avenue entertained 11 tage of South Chester road have gagement of their daughter, Miss members of the Thimble Group at returned from a visit with their Barbara Jarden, to Mr. William NOVEMBER 18~19. 1955 her home on Monday. son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and H. Oakley, Jr., son of Mr. and Anne Sheppard, daughter of Mrs. George Troxell of Oklahoma Mrs. Oakley of Westfield, N.J. Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Sheppard, 312 City, Okla. On the way home, The marriage will take place Haverford place, a Junior at they attended the Congress of the Saturday, December 3, in the Wellesley College, was recently American College of Surgeons in Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. elected representative of the jun- Chicago, Ill. iors in her dormitory to the class Mr. and Mrs. Keith Noye of BIRTHS AUTO REPAIRS organization. A political science Glen Aubrey, N. Y., were the Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Picmajor at Wellesley, she is a grad- weekend guests of Mr. Noye's card of Newark, Del., formerly uate of Beau(ort High School, mother, Mrs. Richard Noye of the of Swarthmore, are rece~ving conBeaufort, S. C. Strath Haven Inn and his brother gratulations on the birth of their Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mc- and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. third little girl, Wendy Leigh, who Dermott of Yale avenue will en- Richard K. Noye, Jr. of Rutgers arrived Friday, October 28, in tertain Mr. and Mrs. Thomas avenue. Wilmington Memorial Hospital. Casey and son Tommy of BethMr. and Mrs. David Bingham of Mrs. Challes II. Russell of esda, Md., formerly of Swarth- Fairview road will have as their TUNE MOTOR Ogden avenue, and Dr. and Mrs. more, over the Armistice Day weekend house guest Mrs. Goefrey Jean Piccard of Minneapolis, PRESTONE OR ZEREX weekend. Horsfield of New York City. Minn., are Wendy Leigh's gra~d­ GULF OIL Mr. and Mrs. Leonard P. Egee Jane Seymour. daughter of Mr. parents. are at home now at 26 Unity Turn and Mrs. Harry C. Seymour o( in Levittown. Mrs. Egee is the Dickinson avenue, has been Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Thomas former Miss Anne Hilkert, daugh- awarded the Philadelphia Simof Aldan announce the birth of \ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. mons College Club Scholarship their third daughter, Jennifer Nov. lst to Jan. 31st Hilkert of Rutledge. for outstanding scholastic achieve- June Thomas, on November 2 at Mrs. Edward B. Temple of Elm ment. Miss Seymour is a junior in Jefferson Hospital. avenue has returned home from the school of social science. a six month stay in Europe. MRS. ROBERT J. AlZ • Owner Larry Gaul, son of Mr. and Mrs. While abroad, Mrs. Temple visited 81lBSCRIPTIONS Russell A. Gaul o( Secane, eeleOpposite Borough Parlcing Lot in Holland, Denmark, Sweden, FOR ALL brated his first birthday on SunLuxemburg, and Belgium. SW 6·0440 Mrs. L. J. Servais of Elm avenue day at a party (or his friends. The MAGAZINES MRS. Ltom E. KAUFFMAN will travel to Pittsburgh over the guest list included Jean Pearson Closed Saturdoy at J P.M. 313 Dartmouth Avenue holiday to attend a family re- Murray of Park avenue, Beth and S ..artblnore 6-2880 union at the home of Mrs. Wilson. Chip Seltzer of Media, Kevin Brady of Drexel Hill, Bobby McW:~ard E. Shearer, Jr., a junior Sorley of Philadelphia, and Barat Cornell University, has been bara Duling of Newtown Square, elected to Aleph Samach, men's and their respective parents. honorary society. He is the son Dr. and Mrs. Henry L. Price of Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. from Drexel Hill will move nE;!xt Shearer of Swarthmore avenue. week to their new residence at David Spencer, son of Mr. and 655 Parrish road. Mrs. Steven Spencer of Ogden Mrs. Ernest D. Lewis of Park avenue, has been re-elected treas- avenue will speak to a group of urer of the class of '57 at Wel- young people on Teen Age Conleyan University. Dave also sings CCl'ns next Friday at the Lancasrr tenor with The Jiber~, college ter Public Library in conjunction quartet. with National Book Week. Mrs. Russell H. Kent o( Philadelphia, formerly of Swarthmore, NO ARGUMENTS returned Friday from a six week WITH THIS trip. She visited in Panama for Swartllmore, Pa. three weeks as the guest of When a hold-up man deGeneral and Mrs. William K. Harmands your money or NOW SHOWING your life. you won't argue rison, Jr. After a freighter trip. with him. No argument J. ARTHUR RANK PRESENTSeither, about the need for Free Planning and Estimating W. Somerset Maugham's an lEtna Storekeepers' THE Burglary and Robbery "THE BEACHCOMBER" Policy. See us about it to- = ",,-"(son & CMt1~n?Z KNOWS Get Set For WINTER NOW STATE CAR INSPECTION ur friends are going Russell's Service to hear him - Dartmouth and Lafayette are For The Best In Kitchens OF SWARTHMORE . presents "DIAL M FOR MURDER" by Frederick Knott Director: J. David Narbeth Assisted by: Richard Hook lAST THiEf NIGHTS Thurs., Fri. allel Sat. November 10, 11 and 12 C.rtal. Time 1:20 P.M. Deluxe Wood Cabinets Sat. Night only-features 6.8 & 10 'TARZAN Be THE APE MAN' For Children Saturday. , P.M. Plus Color CartoOls & Dick Tracy Serlal Sun.. Mon., Tues. Be Weel. Olivia de Haviland Frank Sinatra fro.. top ...ilt selllog 00.,.1 "NOT AS A STRANGER" Starting Thun. DaYld NIYeI "COURT MARTIAL" SEE OUR NEW KITCHEN DISPLAY Peter E, Told A.U Lines o/lnsurance 333 Dartmouth Ave. SWarthmore 6-1833 . CHURCH-REEVES, INC. 17112 Sauth Chester Road Klngswood 4·1700 ActIve Member of T . . Swart.mont I ••flleu Assocfaffo. GREEN MISSION A native Briton, he is a man of tremendous personality and dynamic, fearless speech. Many call him England's greatest pJ'Ilacher, and he is one of the world's great evangelists. He is rector of St. Martin's Church in Birmingham, England, but his real parish is the world. Millions have thrilled to his message of personal peace through Divine love-in New York and New Zealand, in South Carolina and South Africa. Without offering fancy doctrines or sensational ideas of theology, he presents the ~Id truths of Christianity in a new way, expounding a November 13-2. at tbe WILMINGTON ARMORY • JIladborOUlb' B All Steel or "Quaker Maid" All Financing Arranged I saw it in The Swarthmorean. The Rev. Bryan Green One of th. world's great evangeli", Beautiful "Geneva Modern day_ you' Don't miss him f Remodel Your Kitchen With I tech I N C:UJ5l-:r TIDLES Clothier Memorial PLAYERS CLUB 'Dial M' Puts Feather In Playe.rs Club Cap Production to Continue Through Saturday' Night DELIVERY SCHEDULE FOR THANKSGIVING WEEK "Dot's Before My Eyes" COLLEGE THEATRE READY FOR THOSE IN NEED "Dial 'M' for Murder," the Players Club November production, enmeshed its first night audience Monday, to the extent that i" spouses eyed each other warily as i they started homeward. During the play it had evidenced its complete absorption in the suspenseTHURSDAY deliveries will be made TUESDAY. ful plot by a spontaneous "Shhhtl FRIDAY deliveries will be made MONDAY. when the apartment door closed WEDNESDAY deliveries will be made WEDNESDAY. too noisily behind the murderNo pick-ups except emergencies during Thanksgiving Week. bound intruder and again when Rugs may be picked up the week before Thanksgiving delivery. . audible disgust greeted the backed-to-the-wall Wendice's most Dr. George B. Heckman of Swarthmure. chairman of the To avoid disappointment: Medical Advisory Committee of the Community Nursing Service, fiagrant lie. I. Please allow at least one week's notice for removal of Delawure County, demonstrates gadget on most modern wheel The able cast was in top fettle; rugs from storage. ch'air, ready to be loaned to patients unable to afford expensive 2. Please do not ask us to deviate from our schedule. the production moved smoothly sickroom equipment. Miss Dorothy Sidner (second from left) 3. To help us maintain our schedules. our drivers are inand swiftly; the set is one of the supen'isor of the Service's western office in Swarthmore; Mrs. club's most attractive. The first structed not to spread rugs at delivery unless arrangeJoseph P. Bishop, also of Swarthmore and member of the Board amateur production of the Knott ments have been made in advance with our office. of Directors with Mrs. James C. Crew, director of the Springfield play, which has had long profes4. Please be at home when your rugs are expected. Do District in tbe United Communit3" Campaign, looking on. The sional runs in London and New not ask us to make "call-backs" Thanksgiving Week. Community Nursing Service, which held its annual dinner last week York and proved extraordinarily when equipment was exhibited, is among the 250 health and welsuccessful (with Hitchcock direcfare agencies seeking support in the current United Community tion) in the cinema, is a bright. Campaign. cocky feather in the Players Club cap. David Narbeth directs the • Mrs. Richard Haig of RiverKAPPAS TO SEW Club production, Richard Hook M . . . . .k Carpeflal - Complete Size Rnngt" • Orl@nlt•• Bull_ view road entertained the UEight- assisting. 100 Park Ave•• Swarthmore. Pa. Members of Kappa Kappa Gam- home" for luncheon and bridge Sally LeRoy, in her second apSWarthmore 6·6000 ma will sew next Tuesday, No- on Tuesday. pearance with the Club, is attracJean Halma" of College avevember 15, at the home of Mrs. tive and quietly convincing as' a nue plans to spend the weekend Carroll McCulloh at 439 Sharples at Williams College in Williams- happy, dutiful, unsuspecting wife. Paulson Carpet Richard Burgess· as her husband Street in West Chester. town. Mass. 1II1111111111111111111111111111111111111111ll1l1ll1l1l1ll1ll1ll1ll1l1l1l1ll1ll1l1ll11ll1ll1l1ll1ll1ll1l11II 1111111111111 n11111111111111111111111111 Tony turns in a tremendously good performance in an involved and taxing role. He is forceful, sin isler, intelligently evil, coldly malignant, but oh so persuasive! ~ He is never too persuasive forPhilip N. Kniskern as Max Halliday (who has motive for dislike and distrust). Thwarted but doggedly faithful, Max is a determined sleuth, bringing all his "who-dun-it" intrigue to the assistance of his imprisoned lady. Nor is Tony persuasive enough to mislead Bunny Abbott whose Inspector Hubbard Is delightfully misleading. Two things "Dial 'M' for Murder's" audience is certain of: one. never, never let Tony Wendice get anything on one; • Two, when in trouble, hope for an Inspector Hubbard. Albert G. Pietsch plays his first part with the club as Captain Lesgate, a man of feeble affairs. As the patterned drifter Dr. Pietsch achieves the unbelievable, winning the sympathy of the audience when firmly caught in Tony's clutch. Structurally the play is better than the film, stimulating the imagination to work along with it. I! is a safe venture that Swarthmore housewives will know where their house keys are this week. At least, those lucky enough to see the Players Club's "Dial 'M' " will. COMING SOON I Page 3 ________________ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 STRATH HAVEN INN = __________~~T~II~E~S~W~A~R~T~I~I~~I~O~R~E~A~N~ "~~~----~~~~:= NEWS NOTES dorf of Hillborn Fridav, November 11, 1955 • THE SW ARTHl\lOREAN • '. YAN November 10-12 Georgetown High School • IlO8peI that every man can understand. • Iponsolld by the protestant Episcopal Dioce3e of Delaware, In cooperation with other Protestant churches of the state J\lenbdm ON litE BOARDWAlK _ ATLANTIC cm A long weekend vacation of rosl .nd play right at the ocean's edge. Thanksgiving Day fea· tUIOS a bountiful turkey dinner with an the trimmings, evenings ar. gay with planned entertain· ment. movies, music. pmes. Holiday Ilance. etc. Beadt front suttdecks, lounges, Ind salaria. Holattd cold ocean water In" baths. Call Atl••ti. City 5-1211 r............. "...11 , Ncivem...... 11, 1955 THE SWARTBMOREAN Pqe 4 At 10:3D-C1rcle I, Mrs. .John . circles will meet: METHODIST NOTES R. Bates, ~hairman, will meet at At let a.m.-CIrele 2, Mrs. David The Annual Bazaar and Turkey . THt,; SWARTHMOREAN the home of Mrs. H. Llndiey Peel, Bingham, chairman, will meet at Dinner will be held by the PUBLISHED EVERY FBJDAY AT SWARTIDlOBE. PA. the home of Mrs. Harry F. Brown, 107 Columbia avenue. Mr•• Oscar Woman's Society of Christian SerPETER E. TOLD, MABJOBIE TOLD, P1JBLI8BEB8. 621 North Chester road. Mrs. War- Hart will present the, program. vice on Thursday. The Bazaar PhoDtl 8Wuoa.-re ...... ren Warden will present the pro- CIrek S, Mrs. .J. V. S. Bishop, will be open from 2 to 8 p.m. Dingram on "The Indian-American", chairman, will meet at the home PETER B. 'IOLD, BdHor ner will be served from 5:80 to CIrcle .; ·Mrs. W. Edward Med- of Mrs. Peter E. Told, 322 Park Barbara Kent, Jl4anagln, Editor 7 p.m. Marjorie Told Nancy Hulme Rosalie Pelrsol ford, chairman, will meet at, the avenue. 'the group will vlalt· the The Cherub Choir will rehearse home of Mrs. George Plowman, Rosemont Village, Mrs. Eo F. on Saturday morning, 10: 30,In the Entered as Second Class Matter, .January 24. 1929. at the Post 600 Harvard avenue. Florence campbell, SWarthmore 6-1094 Is 0lDc:e at Swarthmore, Pa., under .the Act of March 3. 1879. Chapel. Lucasse will speak on "Indian In charge of transportation. ()Irele Church School classes for all DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON Contributions to American Life". (Continued on Page ~) ages convene at 9:45 a.m. Sunday. SWARTHMORE, PENNA., NOVEMBER 11, 1955 At the 11 a.m. Worship Service, Mr. Kulp will use as his sermon FRIENDS MIETING NOTES ence with a discussion of "Imple- subject "Let Your Light Shine.' The "Beliefs into Action Follow- menting our ·Soclal Concerns." A clas~ of new members will be up Conference" for Chester Quar- Following this the attenders willi received into the fellowship of terly Meeting will be held at meet in smaller groups to con- tbe church. There are three nurWe have been serving the public since Whittier House Saturday. At 2 tlnue their consideration of the series to care for the children UP 1878. We are proud of our dignified, conp.m. George Hardin, executive subject. to five years old during the mornscieniious service-a service that· sets the secretary of the Friends Peace From 5:30 to 7 wi11 be a supper Ing worship service. There Is aiso Committee, wIll open the Confer- hour. with a beverage provided a Kindergarten church program standard for the entire profession. by Swarthmore Friends to sup- and a .Junior Church program for plement the box suppers. At 7 children of grades two to six Inp.m. Roy McCorkel will deliver elusive. some concluding remarks on the The College Wesley Fellowship results of the day's deliberations. supper meeting wi11 be held at DIRECTORS Of FUNERALS Child care will be p~ovlded 6:00 P.M. 1820 CHESTNUT STREET during the afternoon for children . The Senior High Fellowship OUVER H. BAIR, Founde. MARY A. BAIR, President from two to eight years old. All will meet at the church at 6:3.0. Interested are cordially invited to p.m. The Junior IDgh Choir will Telephon~ RI 6·1581 .Now is the Best· Time to Select . a Camera for Christ.as Plan SIMPLE, CAMERAS . 8row.le Hollda, ___ • $3.25 A.~ Shur ~s' _. _. 4.85 A.leo S'ur Flas. . Complete OuHlt ••• 9.45 8rownle Hollda, Flash 4.95 8rownl. Hollda, Complete Olltflt • _ 9.75 AnIeO Readyflash ••• 5.95 Anseo Compl.te Outfit ••• -- •••••• 13.45 8rownle Hawke,. _. _ 7.45 8rownl. Hawk~ Campi... 0 t _.14.35 Kodak Duatex • __ ••• 14.95 Kodak Duaftex Outfit 21.75 Arg •• 75._ •• ___ •••• 15.95 Argus 75 Compl.te Outfit ,-.--- •• - ••• ~50 Anseo FI.x ••• __ ._ ••• 15.95 AnleO Flea: Complet. Outfit --_ .. -- ___ ,." __ 24..95 A.seo fleX II --- •••• 17.95 AMeo .. Compl.t. Outfit ---.--.- •• _.27.95 CAMERAS WiTH FEW SETTINGS Argus SlIper 75 Olltflt •••• _ •• __ -$31.50 AnseoVlklng Read,..t •••••• ___ 18.95 Argus 40-R..lex Type-f. 4~5 •• __ •• 37.95 FOLDING CAMERAS 'HE OLIVER H. lAIR CO. • rJ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ also at thisPraise time. service . Atrehearse the Eventide beginning at 7:30 p.m., the guest PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH'· speaker wi11 be Joseph .Weaver, a member of the Gldeons.· The Joseph P. Bishop, Minister John Schott, Assoc1ate MInIster t t Eventide Choir will be presen 0 SundaY. November 13 d tId 9:30 and 11:00 A.M.-Mr. Bishop sing special selections an 0 ea will preach. the singing of the gospel song Sacrement of Baptism, 2nd service. Service. The Commission on MemberMen's an d Women's 9:30 A.M.ship and Evangelism will meet in Bible Classes. 8 9:30, 10:45 and 11:00 A.M. the Chapel on Tuesday at p.m. Church School. The Ladles' Bible Class will 6:30 P.M.;......,Senior HIgh Fellowhold Its regular monthly meeting 5~PP.M.-Young Adults. on Wednesday, 12:30 p.m. at the 7:00 P.M.--Jr. IDgh Rehearsal. home of1'4rs. Paul Paulson,· 100 MondaY, November 14 Park avenue. 6:30 P.M.-Couples Club supper. Cottage prayer meeting will be Wednesday, November 16 held at the ,Parsonage at 8 p.m. Wednesday. Horace TantuIh will Women's Circle Day 6:15 P.M.-Men's Association TRINITY NOTIES be the leader. The Junior Choir will rehearse Dinner. ME-fHODlST CHURCH A celebration of the Holy Com- on Thursday at 4 p.m. and the .J;)hn C. Kulp munlon will be held at 7:30 Chancel Choir will have rehearsal MInister Sunday morning. At 9:15 there .at 8 p.m. in t h e Cape. h I Robert Wilde hllwill be a Family Service and c b Next Friday, Novem er 18 , Mrs. Mi nister of Music dren in the 3rd grade and up will Stella Hatch, p~SI'den . t 0 f th Tbnrscla:r, November 10 . e Annuai Bazaar and Turkey Dil,mer meet for Church School. The reg" Drexl\l HIll Woman's Club, w!ll Sunday, November 13 ular service of Morning Prayer talk on the discussions of the Ilr:;t 9:45 A.M.-Church School. will be at 11 o'clock, and·· at the European. Convention of Interna': 11:00 A.M.-Mr. Kulp will preac~. same hour Church School classes tional Fe4eration of Women's 8:00 P.M.-Wesley Fellowship for those In the 2nd grade and CI b 'I'IJf.I r · tl).t!me was "How '6~~6W.1.i.;......,Sr. IDgh Fellowship.; , down will be held; The can~er1 w~m~n·a~Heip the Wo~ld ~eace 7:30 p.M.-Eventide Praise 5erV- qury. Club will hold asup~er, P.ro!irain:"~'rhe talk will be held Ice. meetlDg at 6:30 p.m., and at 7.30 in the· Church ·Parlor. . TRINITY CHURCH the Young People's Fellows1\lp . H. Lawrence Whittemore, Rector Will meet. The ushers for Sunda)' . PRESBYTERIAN NOTES Sanday, November 13 Will be as follows: ' , , ., . h A J P Esp h de Mr. Bishop will preach at the 7:30 A.M.-Holy Communion. .Jo n. aron, . , ens a • 9;30 ~d 11 o'clock Worshlp Ser9:i5 A.M.-Family Service - R. G. Halg, T. W. Hopper, C. S'. . Church School. Keller, R. B. ~cei .Jr., C. W; vices ·Sunday:morning. His topic (8rd grade and up) Randall, Jr., and G. S; Valentine. will be "The Faith We Live By." 11:00 A.M.-Morning Pray1er. Burton Gabriel. will serve as At the second service the Sacra11'00 A.M.-Church Schoo. . f B tis '11 be held . (2nd grade and down) acolyte at 7:30 a.m., and Rlchargraphy Frederick Calvert of are wearing relief clothing. The of the children for their annual Rutledge. Church World Servicc has been "play by and for children" and Tralnlnlf Be....n able to relieve suffering In Japan, handle the business end of the Although the boys and girls of Italy. Greece, Vietnam and other theatre. For this year's produc- the theatre group will not begin parts tit the world "because tion, to take place at Nelller Prov- actual rehearsals for the play people of the United States have Idence High School in Walling- until .January, they are receiving given of their used but useable ford on Saturday, April 14, the training In voice. speech and act- clothing". following organization was set up: Ing with the coming prodUction The greatest need at this time Business Manager Mrs. John In mind. . Is for ",en's and boys' clothing; McGovern of Wallingford; TreasThe choice of an original script aithough all kinds of good clothurer Mrs. Joseph Pahner of this year Is in line with the Ing which can be baied for shipSwarthmore; Tickets Mrs. Edward theatre policy of alternating a Cratsley of Swarthmore, Mrs. classic with an original play. The ping is desperately needed. Good, .John SchmIdt and Mrs. H. G. author of the book, which is to be practical shoes and overshoes can Kuchler of Wa1ljngford and Mrs. dramatized, is a well-known also be used. Paul C. Hoell of· Concordville; writer In the field of children's LWY D.I.gatlon Publicity Mrs. William Turner, books, being the writer andilMrs. David Dawson· and Mrs. H. fustrator of many famlliar books, Mrs. Maurice L. Webster, .Jr., G. Woodall of Wallingford, Mrs. including ''The Story of FerdIn- president of the League of Women Herbert Huse· and Mrs. Henry A. and" and "Mr. Popper's Penguins." Voters of Swarthmore, headed a Pelrsol of Swarthmore, Mr. and Needless to say, the A,pril play delegation to the state-wide Mrs. W. L. Bloomer of Spring- w!ll be a comedy. . worksh0B of the Pennsylvaniit field, Mr. and Mrs. Hoell, Mrs. O. Advance NOtIce LWV near Harrisburg, on Th~ B .. Strickler of cruD. Lynne, Mrs. It ts well to know· that the day. November 10. John Boyd and Mrs. Maude Reltze Chllru-en's Theatre of the ComAmong those who attenJied of WlJUamson School; House munlty Arts Center in WallIng- from, Swarthmore are Mrs. HoIcien Chairmen l>r. WlJUam Turner of ford Is already building up a slz- Furber, board .. member of the MDylan and William Campbell of able waiting list .for next year; local branch; Mrs. Joseph Shane, Swarthmore; PrInting .Julius Nye anyone who has this kind of state Ilnance chairman; and Mrs. of Concordville. training in mind 10r sometime In S. M. Viele, state treasurer. Production Staff the ful1,1re ~ay call the Arts AssIsting with the actuai pro- Center :well In advance "T Saw It In The Swarthmorelln." ----~.--------~~~~~=== Ko.IcTolirlit-'.;t;~;3$f6.00 80Idaln-f. 4;5 aad . Co.. --- •• _••• ___ 56;95 Polaroid Hllandar ._.69.95 STEREO Ealhlan Kodak • ___ $84.50 VI.wmomr ••.~ • .;_ •• 89.95 828 CAMERAS - 8 Ea:polurel 'l.k ~._ .,WIIlte or·51.d..J: Poily 828 f. 4.5 •••• $29.50 ,laDta.I.F. OuHlt •• _65.45 • 35 MM. Argul A-4 f. 3.5 --.~$32.50 ArgulOutfit •• _•• _•• 39.95 P9~,1~Ji--f. 3.5 -- •• 33.75 Ailleo M.ma~. 3.5 39.50 VolHander Vito a..;.;. . . f.3.5 ••• _. ____ •• _45.50 VoltJond.r VIto .. A.. f. 3.5 -- •• - __ ._ •• _54.5Q Anseo R.g.nt f. 3.5 .~S4.S0 Zeiss Cantina l-t. 3.5 56.00 Argus C·, Outfit-- . f. 3.5 ••••• __ ••••• 66.50 Anseo Super M••ar-· , f.3.5 __ •••• _. __ ._69.50 Kodak Sigilet-f. '3.5 75.00 Anseo· Super Reg.nt-f.3.5 _•• _. _____ ._87.50 Argus C-4 OuHitf. 2.8 ___ ... _______ 99.50 Zeiss Co.tess_ f. 2.8 __ ~ ••• _. __ .142.00 PraHflex-.-f. 2.8. Case olld T......oto __ ~143.95 Voltland.r Yltesla IIf. Z ._. __ ••• ___ ._159.50 Feel trimrner;·look slimmer, natu~ally, .with CORSEES ju;nwr girdle REFLEX-Zv.. X 2'14 Plotlna-f. 3.5 ___ •• $49.95 Mlnoltaeord f. 3.5 •• 69.50 Minolta Autoeord- .7.95 Smooth your figure with the greatest of ease in these junior girdles by Flexees. Made of "Petit-Point" power-net with fiBure.shaping "Conto.ur" panels in front and back. .. f.3.5 ----- _______ 99.50 Has,alblad-f.2.8 __ 379.95 8MM 8rowllle-8 II!. RoH.S37.50 lell & How... #220 __ 49.95 .... & How.II·#252 •• 59.'5 . Shown with F'IgUr8Dla Slip-Loop bra ••• only 3.95. \ 15 South Chester Road ;. . . . . ." , . ,• -------------------------t" .. =t!: Pqe S Children's Theatre .I~::. ~eJ::'..!~n~ Clothing Collection SeIeets Annual Play ~tt~~y~::n'::I\:~n~ra;:. Date Monday, Nov.· 21 .On Our Layaway • this At Conference. the Adult Forum Sunday morning Gerald Bailey, British Friend, and member of the Quaker Team at the United Nations, will report on his recent vlslt to . Mainland China. This Is the second in the current Forum series arranged by the Committee on the A;F.S.C. 0 f the, Meeti ng . Elfirda Vipont F 0 ulds will d eliver the annual William Penn lecture next Sunday afternoon at the Race Street Meeting House, Philadelphia, at 3 o'clock. Her title Is "Living in the Kingdom." Monthly Meeting for business will be held in Whittier House at 8 p.m. ·on Tuesday. Completes 25 Years , SINCE 1878 CHURCH SERVICES . THE SWARTHMOREAN , 8/IhDuo1lwr 01 _ - t M Mw Windwr N"por:' 111'0 rloor hmdtop This ill hoW pow., /oDkll••• lind filels! . end 2nd Roo.. ~Orts shop • ,' . . . ·A. . . . . . . ·SW 6-4191 FrI. "':3C• ---,~ ...- - .. - One look a: thla new "PowcrStylo" Qryaler teIJs you tIilS worId-heatet Is lcmg and lOW and lean • • • that .this Is 1ioW pOwer /001c.r/ But mister, what a thri11 you're miosiag until you pUot ''PowetStylc." ' From the word "80," you boss two real sweet performers - a Chrysler a/rpllllletypo V-8 engine ••• and Pushbutton PowerFli!e automstic transmission. Plus fu11-tinle PowerPilot Steering and PowerSmooth Brakes. Yon'll know then-this Is how power.feelsl Come see it, try it yourself ••• todayl Cloy.'''' -"""'" Two..,. ........ • Highway Hi·Fi* - enjoy IODg.playins records while you drivel • Now airplano-lypc Instant ~1iDg S".. tan. - warms your car to livmg room temperaIure in seconds. (.0pti0DaI) ".;." _ .0." ,__ RI' "Po. . . .,.,."". aso~' H....•• a fadolJ-instaDOd _ _ - _ horsepDWel' 9'" BoosII torque 10" ••• uses no extra Power Oil 1M ........ In tM "'I'o_r$ty"" CIuy.iu WW- . .'Cline•. TH£N£WJ956 '1+JwerStyle CHRYSlER II . - NOW !lOa THAN ... _ ••• a ..... ca·•.•~ .MAlnLY DiP......... CAlI , PORTER H. WAITE,·IN,~ • . THE ~AMERA AND. ItO.IY SHOp·· " .. ~,--- ' • . a......_ 'ad y.a, A"u.. . '," ',' . -' - .•.... ·fl, .. ,_ . . . ~'._ ... , _ _ _iii· POll'''' lEST IN tv, SEE "'"A GlEAT ~AND wOJMAXI"-SII tv PA. . POll SW1••rlllIIl_u,..e 6-U. ... ",--: • " 'i" 1tMIs' AND STA,1I11.ICaltllSlSl_ _ _• INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE METHODIST NOTES THE SWARTHMOREAN Friday, November II, 1955 Friday, November 11, 1955 mE SWARTHMOREAN Page 4 circles will meet: At 10 a.m.-Clrcle 2, Mrs. David Bingham, chairman, will meet at the home of Mrs. Harry F. Brown, 621 North Chester road. Mrs. Warren Warden will present the program on "The Indian-American". Circle 9, Mrs. W. Edward Medford, chairman, will meet at the home of Mrs. George Plowman, 600 Harvard avenue. Florence Lucasse will speak on "Indian Contributions to American Life". The Annual Bazaar and Turkey Dinner will be held by the PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PA. Woman's Society of Christian SerPETER E. TOLD, MARJORIE TOLD, PUBLISHERS vice on Thursday. The Bazaar Phone SWanbmore 6-8900 will be open from 2 to 8 p.m. DinPETER E. TOLD, Editor ner will be served from 5:30 to Barbara Kent, Managing Editor 7 p.m. Nancy Hulme Marj orie Told Rosalie Peirsol The Cherub Choir will rehearse on Saturday morning, 10: 30, in the Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post Office at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Chapel. Church School classes for all DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON ages convene at 9:45 a.m. Sunday. SWARTHMORE, PENNA., NOVEMBER 11, 1955 At the 11 a.m. Worship Service, Mr. Kulp will use as his sermon FRIENDS MEETING NOTES ence with a discussion of "Imple- subject, "Let Your Light Shine. t The "Beliefs into Action Follow- menting our Social Concerns." A class of new members will be up Conference" for Chester Quar- Following this the allenders will I received into the fellowship of terly Meeting will be held at meet in smaller groups to con- the church. There are three nUfWhittier House Saturday. At 2 tinue their consideration of the series to cafe for the children up p.m. George Hardin, executive subject. to five years old during the mornsecretary of the Friends Peace From 5:30 to 7 will be a supper ing worship service. There is also Committee, w~ll open the Confer- hour, with a beverage provided a Kindergarten church program by Swarthmore Friends to sup- and a Junior Church program for plement the box suppers. At 7 children of grades two to six inp.m. Roy McCorkel will deliver clusive. some concluding remarks on the The College Wesley Fellowship results of the day's deliberations. supper meeting will be held at Child care will be provided 6:00 P.M. during the afternoon for children The Senior High Fellowship from two to eight years old. All will meet at the church at 6:30 interested are cordially invited to p.m. The Junior High Choir will this Conference. also rehearse at this time. At the Adult Forum Sunday At the Eventide Praise service CHURCH SERVICES morning Gerald Bailey, British beginning at 7:30 p.m., the guest PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Friend, and member of the Quak- speaker will be Joseph Weaver, a Joseph P. Bishop. Minister John Schott, Associate Minister er Team at the United Nations, member of the Gideons. The will report on his recent visit to Eventide Choir will be present to Sunday, November 13 Mainland China. This is the sec- sing special selections and to lead 9:30 and 11:00 A.M.-Mr. Bi.hop ond in the current Forum series the singing of the gospel song will preach. Sacrement of Baptism, 2nd arranged by the Committee on the service. Service. T· he Commission On Member· 9:30 A.M.-Men's and Women's A.F. S .C . 0 f th e M ee t mg. Elfirda Vipont Foulds will de- ship and Evangelism will meet in Bible Classes. liver the annual William Penn the Chapel on Tuesday at 8 p.m. 9:30, 10:45 and 11 :00 A.M. Church School. lecture next Sunday afternoon at The Ladies' Bible Class will 6:30 P.M.-Senior High Fellow- the Race Street Meeting House, hold its regular monthly meeting ship. Philadelphia, at 3 o'clock. Her on Wednesday, 12:30 p.m. at the 5:45 P.M.-Young Adults. title is "Living in the Kingdom." home of Mrs. Paul Paulson, 100 7:00 P.M.-Jr. High Rehearsal. Monday, November 14 Monthly Meeting for business Park avenue. 6:30 P.M.-Couples Club supper. will be held in Whittier House at Cottage prayer meeting will be Wednesday. November 16 8 p.m. on Tuesday. held at the 'parsonage at 8 p.m. Women's Circle Day Wednesday. Horace Tantum will 6:15 P.M.-Mcn's Association be the leader. TRINITY NOTES Dinne~r~._ _ _ _ _~~~~___ The Junior Choir will rehearse METHODIST CHURCH A celebration of the Holy Com- on Thursday at 4 p.m. and the J"hn C. Kulp munion will be held at 7:30 Chancel Choir will have rehearsal Minister Sunday morning. At 9:15 there 'at 8 p.m. in the Chapel. Robert Wilde will be a Family Service and chilNext Friday. November 18. Mrs. Minister of Music dren in the 3rd grade and up will Stella Hatch, president of the Thursday, November 10 Annual Bazaar and Turkey Dinner meet for Church School. The reg- Drexel Hill Woman's Club, will ular service of Morning Prayer talk on the discussions of the first Sunday. November 13 wiII be at 11 o'clock, and at the European Convention of Interna9:45 A.M.-Church School. 11:00 A.M.-Mr. Kulp will preach. same hour Church School classes 6:00 P.M.-Wesley Fellowship for those in the 2nd grade and tional Federation of Women's Clubs. Thwr theme was "How supper. . down will be held. The Canter6:30 P.M.-Sr. High FellowshIp. Women Can Help the World Peace '/:30 P.M.-Eventide Praise Serv- bury Club will hold a supper Program." The talk will be held meeting at 6:30 p.m., and at 7:30 ice. in the Church Parlor. the Young People's Fellowship TRINITY CHURCH H. Lawrence Whittemore. Rector wiII meet. The ushers for Sunday PRESBYTERIAN NOTES wiII be as follows: Sunday. November 13 Mr. Bishop will preach at the John Aaron, J. P. Espenshade, 7:30 A.M.-Holy Communion. R. G. Haig, T. W. Hopper, C. S. 9:30 and 11 o'clock Worship Ser9:15 A.M.-Family Service Church School. Keller, R. B. Price, Jr., C. W. vices Sunday morning. His topic (3rd grade and up) Randall, Jr., and G. S. Valentine. will be "The Faith We Live By." 11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. Burton Gabriel will serve as At the second service the Sacra11:00 A.M.-Church School. acolyte at 7:30 a.m., and Richard ment of Baptism will be held. (2nd grade and down) Men"s and Women's Bible ClassTurner and Carl Hally will be on Car,terbury Club. es are held at 9:30. Church school 7:30 P.M.-Young People's Fel- duty at II o'clock. During the 11 lowship. o'clock service Emily Damon and classes meet at 9:30, 10:45 and Tuesday • November 15 Helene Hopper will be in charge II a.m. 5:40 P.M.-Evening Prayer. 'rhe Senior High Fellowship wiII of the nursery. \Vednesday. November 16 The Boys' Choir will rchcar~e meet fOl" supper at 6:30. Junior 7:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. on Monday at 4:30 p.m., and the High Fellowship meets for choir 9:30 A.M.-Holy Communion. rchearsal at 7 p.m. followed by a 10:00 to 11:30 A.M.-Bible Class. Vestry will meet at 8:00 p.m. Friday, November 18 On Tue,day the Boys' Choir will program. 5:40 P.M.-Evening Prayer. The Young Adult group meets again rehearse at 4:30 p.m., and for Bible Study at 5:45 in the at 5:40 p.m. there will be a service -THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Woman's Association Room. Folof Evening Prayer. OF FRIENDS lowing a 6:30 supper the group Holy Communion will be celeSaturday, November 12 2-8:00 P.M.-Follow-up Confer- brated at 7 o'clock Wednesday will convene at 8 p.m. to hear ence on Beliefs into Action: morning, and again at 9:30 a.m. Judge Propper of the Philadelphia Whittier House. The laUer service will be follow- Courts speak on "Juvenile DelinSunday, November 13 ed by the Bible Class whieh is quency from the Judge's View9:45 A.M.-First Day School. 9: 45 A.M.-Adult Forum, G!'r- being conducted by Mrs. Maxey point". The Church School Cabinet wiII aid Bailey, "Mainland Chma Morrison. The Holiday Fair will Visit." be held from 2:00 to 9:00 on meet Monday evening at 6:30 for 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship. Wednesday and from 10:00 a.m. a buffet supper at the home of Children cared for in Whittier to 5:00 p.m. on Thursday. At 7:15 Mr. and Mrs. Scholl. House. All are welcome. The Couples' Club will have a 7:00 P.M. - United Fellowship p.m. Thursday the Men's and covered dish" supper on Monday Students. Bovs' Choir will rehearse. Monday, November 14 "i"hcrc will be a service of at 6:30 in McCahan Hall, followed All day sewing for A. F. S. C. Evening Prayer at 5:40 p.m. on by a program. Those who plan to Tuesday, November 15 come should call Mr. and Mrs. J. 8:00 P.M.-Monthly Meeting for Friday. Harry Beckmann, Swarthmore 6- , Business. lVednesday, November 16 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES 7242. All day sewing for A. F. S. c. The Board of Trustees will meet The spiritual basis of man's Tuesday evening at 7:30 in the FIRST CHtJRCH OF health and life will be emphaCHRIST. SCIENTIST sized at Christian Science serv- Womanis Association Room. SWARTHMORE The Session will not meet this ices this Sunday in the LcssonPark Avenue below Harvard week as originally scheduled but . Sermon entitled Mortals and ImSunday, November 13 will postpone the meeting until mortals. t 1 :00 A. M.-Sunday school. Man's dominion over disease next Tuesday, November 15. The Men's Association Dinner 11 :00 A.M.-The Lesson-Sermon will be set forth in readings from will be "Mortals and Imwill be held at 6: 15 p.m. in Mcmortals." "Science and Health with Key to Wednesdav evening meeting the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Cahan Hall. Tom Gary, administrative assistant of the engineereach week, 8 P.M.. Reading Room, Eddy. ing department, duPont Company 409 Dartmouth Avenue, open All are welcome to attend the will be the speaker. weekdays except holidays, 10-5., services at The Church on Park Friday evening, 7-9. Sunday afOn Wednesday, the following ternoon. 2:30-4:30. avenue at 11 a.m. I At 10:30-Clrcle I, Mrs. John R. Bates, chairman, will meet at Now is the Best TilDe to Select a Camera for Christmas the home of Mrs. H. Lindley Peel, 107 Columbia avenue. Mrs. Oscar Hart will present the program. Circle 3, Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop, chairman, will meet at the home of Mrs. Peter E. Told, 322 Park avenue. The group will visit the Rosemont Village, Mrs. E. F. Campbell, SWarthmore 6-1094 is in charge of transportation. Circle (Continued on Page 9) SINCE 1878 On Our We have been serving the public since 1878. We are proud of our dignifled, con· scientious service-a service that sets the standard for the entire profession. Layaway Plan • SIMPLE CAMERAS Brownie Holiday ••• _$3.25 Ansco Shur !Flash ___ • 4.85 Ansco Shur Flash Complete Outfit •• _ 9.45 Brownie Holiday Flash 4.95 Brownie Holiday Complete Outfit ._ 9.75 Ansco Readyflash •• _ 5.95 Ansco Complete Outfit •• -.---- ___ 13.45 Brownie Hawkeye • _. 7.45 Brownie Hawkeye Complete Outfit • _14.35 Kodak Duallex _•••• _14.95 Kodak Duaflex Outfit 2'.75 Argus 75.- •• _._ ••• _15.95 Argus 75 Complete Outfit ••• _•••• ___ 22.50 Ansco Flex •• __ • __ •• _15.95 Ansco Flex Complete Outfit. _••••• __ • __ 24.95 Ansco Flex II -.- __ ._17.95 Ansco II Complete Outfit •• _. _• ___ ._27.95 THE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DIRECTORS OF FUNERALS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET OLIVER H. BAIR, Founder Telephon~ MARY A. BAIR, President RI 6-1581 CAMERAS WITH FEW SETTINGS Argus Super 75 Outfit •• _ ••• _••• $31.50 Ansco Viking Readyset •••• _•••• 18.95 Argus 40-Reflex Typ_f. 4.5 _ ••••• 37.95 THE SW ARTIIMOnF.AN Completes 25 Years Page 5 Chl'ldren's Theatre ~ I A . ~e ects . nnual Play I duclion of the play itself will be: Scenery Fred Decker and Herbert Huse of Swarthmore, Julius Barrell of Springfield, Stuart Graves of Moylan, Mr. Hoell and Mr. Mrs. Graves Will Direct Nye, Frederick Gooch of Media, Arts Cent G . Mrs. H. G. Stauffer and Mrs. J. er roup M. Kirchgasser of Wallingford; For 7th Year Script Advisor Bruce Dearing of The Children's Theatre of the Swarthmore; Properties Mrs. Community Arts Center has chos- Samuel Enion of Wallingford, en for its seventh production an Mrs. L. H. Sperow of Springfield, original dramatization of Robert Mrs. William Campbell, Mrs. Lawson's book for children, "Mr. Frederick Gooch; Costumes ~Mrs. Twigg's Mistake." Mrs. Stuart Julius Barrett, Mrs. Alfred Man ... Graves, director of the theatre,', cIs, Mrs. J. B. Godi'!k and Mrs. announced the decision after I William Irvin of Wallingford, approval was given by the Mrs. Bruce Dearing of Swarth51 boys and girls in the I more; Make Up Mrs. Ned Pyle group, and a meeting of the and Mrs. G. Wills Brodhead of Children's Theatre Staff held last Swarthmore, Mrs. H. G. Woodall week at Mrs. Graves' borne in and Mrs. Kirchgasser. posterMoylan. making Supervisors Mrs. Nye, Mrs. Adult volunteers assist Mrs. Brodhead and Dr. Turner. PhoGraves in supervising the work tography Frederick Calvert of of the children for their annual Rutledge. "play by and for children" and Training Began handle the business end of the Although the boys and girls of theatre. For this year's produc- the theatre group will not begin tion, to take place at Nether Prov- actual rehearsals for the play idence High School in Walling_ until January, they are receiving ford on Saturday, April 14, the training in voice, speech and actfollowing organization was set up: ing with the coming production Business Manager Mrs. John in mind. McGovern of Wallingford; Treas... The choice of an original script urer Mrs. Joseph Palmer of this year is in line with the Swarthmore; Tickets Mrs. Edward theatre policy of alternating a Cratsley of Swarthmore, Mrs. classic with an original play. The John Schmidt and Mrs. H. G. author of the book, which is to be Kuchler of Wallingford and Mrs. dramatized, is a well-known Paul C. Hoell of Concordville; writer in the field of children's Publicity Mrs. William Turner, books, being the writer and i1Mrs. David Dawson and Mrs. H. lustrator of many familiar books, G. Woodall of WalIingford, Mrs. including "The Story of FerdinHerbert Huse and Mrs. Henry A. and" and "Mr. Popper's Penguins." Peirso1 of Swarthmore, Mr. and Needless to say, the April play Mrs. W. L. Bloomer of Spring- will be a comedy. field, Mr. and Mrs. Hoell, Mrs. O. Advance Notice B. Strickler of Crum Lynne, Mrs. It is well to know that the John Boyd and Mrs. Maude Reitze Children's Theatre of the Comof Williamson School; House munity Arts Center in WalIingChairmen Dr. William Turner of ford is already huilding up a sizMoylan and William Campbell of able waiting list for next year; Swarthmore; Printing Julius Nye anyone who has this kind of of Concordville. training in mind for sometime in Production Slaff the future may call the Arts Assisting with the actual pro- Center well in advance I I STANLEY G. MASSIE, an employee of PhlladelpbJa Electric Company's Chester Gas Plant, completed 25 years of service with the Company in October. Mr. Massie resides on Michigan avenue. FRIENDLY OPEN HOUSE HEARS MRS. MICHAEL A meeting of the Friendly Open House was held Monday at the Presbyterian ChurCh. Guest speaker was Mrs. John E. Michael of Harvard avenue who reviewed the current best seller, The Man In the Grey Flannel Suit. Mrs. H. Lindley Peel was in charge of the hospitality committee. Assisting her were Mrs. Norman .Jones, Mrs. Percy Gilbert, Mrs. Ambrose Van Alen, Mrs. Leveric Woodruff, and Mrs. Fred Lang. The Friendly Circle will next meet on Novembe!" 21 when Dr. Arthur Jones of Swarthmore avenue will present an illustrated talk on his travels abroad. IClothing Collection Date !\'1onday, Nov. 21 The regular quarterly call of the Philadelphia Council of Churches for clothing collection will be made at the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church on Monday, November 21. Mrs. Paul D. WilIiams, University place, is chairman of the committee which will pack items the preceding weekend. The Harvard avenue church is one of 30 in the area maintained through the Philadelphia Council of churches as clothing collection centers for Church World Service, a department of the National Council of Churches. According to a Council report, over half of the residents in Korea arc wearing relief clothing. The Church World Service has been able to relieve suffering in Japan, Italy, Greece, Vietnam and other parts of the world "because people of the United States have given of their used but useable clothing'". The greatest need at this time is for men's and boys' clothing; although all kinds of good clothing which can be baled for sbJpping is desperately needed. Good, practical shoes and overshoes can also be used. LWV Delegation Mrs. Maurice L. Webster, Jr.• president of the League of Women Voters of Swarthmore, headed a delegation to the state-wide workshol} of the Pennsylvania LWV near Harrisburg, on Thursday, November 10. Among those who attended from, Sy,.arthmore are Mrs. Holden Furber, board member of the local branch; Mrs. Joseph Shane. state finance chairman; and Mrs. S. M. Viele, state treasurer. ·'1 Saw it in The Swarthmorean,'" FOLDING CAMERAS Kodak Tourist-f. 6.3 $46,00 Baldalux-f. 4.5 and Case •••••• _••••• 56.95 Polaroid Hilander ••• 69.95 STEREO Eastman Kodak ••• _$84.50 Viewmaster ••••• _•• 89.95 828 CAMERAS· 8 Exposures (Black and White or Slides) Pony 828 f. 4.5 •••• $29.50 Bantam R.F. OuHit ••• 65.45 i' , i. Feel trimmer; look slimmer, naturally,with CORSEES junior girdle 7.95 Smooth your figure with the greatest of ease in litC", junior girdles by Flexees. Made of "Petit-POint" power·net with figure.shaping "Contour" panels in front and back. Shown with Figurama Slip-Loop bra ••. only 3.95. 15 South Chester Road 35 MM Argus A-4 f. 3.5 •• _.$32.50 Argus OuHit •• _. __ •• 39.95 Pony 135-f. 3.5 • _•• 33.75 Ansco Memar-f. 3.5 39.50 Voitlander Vito Bf. 3.5 ••• - •••• ___ .45.50 Voitlander Vito II Af. 3.5 __ • _______ ._54.50 Ansco Regent f. 3.5 __ 54.50 Zeiss Contina l-f. 3.5 56.00 Argus C·3 OuHitf. 3.5 _. __ • _ ••• ___ 66.50 Ansco Super Memor_ f. 3.5 ----.- _____ .69.50 Kodak Signet-f. 3.5 75.00 Ansco Super Regentf. 3.5 __ • ____ •••• _87.50 Argus C-4 OuHitf.2.B - ••• ___ ._ ••• 99.50 Zeiss Contessaf.2.8 • __ ._._ •• __ 142.00 Pratiflex_f. 2.8, Case and Telephoto ___ 143.95 Voitlander Vitessa 11_ f.2 __ - ••••••• _•• 159.50 REFLEX-2V4 If 2V4 Plotina-f. 3.5 •• ___ $49.95 Minoltacord-f. 3.5_ .69.50 Minolta Autocord~ 3.5 .- •• - _____ •• 99~0 Has~elblad-f. 2.8 __ 379.95 8 MM Brownie-8 mm RoIL$37.50 Bell & Howell #220_.49.95 Bell & Howell #252_.59.95 SjJ..'u>u~lt~ 01 "ow~, - tM n~ Windsor Newport two-door hardtop This is how power looks••• snd file/sl One look at this new UPowerStyle'" Chrysler tells you this world-beater is long and low and lean • • • that this is how power looks I But mister, what a thrill you're missing until you pilot "PowerStyle." From the word "go," you boss two real sweet performers - a Chrysler airplane· type V-8 engine • . . and Pushbutton PowerFlite automatic transmission. Plus full-time PowerPilot Steering and PowerSmooth Brakes. You'll know then-this is how power feels! Come see it, try it yourself . • • today I 'I'wo maN 'abulous Chrysler "Firsts" I • Highway Hi·Fi* - enjoy tong·playing records while you drive! • New airplane-type Instant H~l!ting System. - warms your car to livmg room temperature in seconds. (·OptionaI) "ew Optlona' ..Power-rra'.... Of.... Windsor 250 "."., Here's a factory·jnstaUed super·power system - Increases horsepower 9% I Boosts torque 10% ••• uses no extra gasoline. TH£N£WJ956 "/'owerStyle"CHRYSlER NOW MORB THAN EVBR ••• AMBRICA'S MOST SMARTLV OllIP.RBNT CAli PORTER H. WAITE, INC. THE CAMERA AND. HOBBY SHOP Roor Sports Shop • 6 Pari! Ave ••• SW 6-4191 Fri. 9-8:30 and 2nd Power on the move in Ihe "Powe,Style" Chrysler WiIuUo, Chester Roael anel Yale Avenue SWG,lINaore 6-1251 _ _ _ _ FOR THE lEST IN TV, SEE "IT'S A GREAT LIFE" AND "CUMAxr'-SEE TV PAGE FOR nMES AND STAnONS _ _ __ • , THE SWAIlTHMOREAN FrIday, November 11, 1955 November 11, 1955 . Mr. and Mr•• Seymour W. Klet-'I.wel~Ome Party Tues. N.I'..bo..... d Appal ......... zien of South Chester road spent Mrs. William C. McDermott. the weekend last week In New To Honor New Members Neighborhood Girl Scout c:baIrPORTRAIT SlQlO London, Conn., where they at(Continued from Page 1) man, and Mrs. Matthew MCJtlnon d tended the wedding of their nepMrs. Edward Alnslee, Mrs. nell, asslstant chairman, have anPIiotographk Suppll. " hew, Mr. Stuart J. Bugbee, Jr., Gladys H. Lecron. Mrs. Clarence nounced the following Nelghborof Wilmington, Del., and MIss Mrs. John H. Pitman, Mrs. hood appOintments: Barbara Ann Zeigler. George Thorn, Mrs. W. E:Tralner, Registrar" Alice Marriott; pubGoo" Clea. wor.' -;:;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. . IMrs. Russell Heath, Mr•• John T. liclty, Mrs. Charles'Durldn; pro-. state .. Mo.rOe Sts. Also, steamer for rent '. Pinkston and Mrs. Paul E. trooP consultants, Mrs. Robert W. Media $4.00 a day Zecher. gram, Mr,s. Maurice Webster; Jewel.., RepaIred Pho... SW 6-42" New club members to be enter- Bernhardt. EMIL SPIES 6-2176 GEORGE W. GILBERT W......... talned are: -------Fonnottr 01 F. C. lad•• _ CH.ster 4-7082 Mrs. Grover C. Greene, Mrs. School Book Fair Roo Watch and 121 Yale "'... Brodie E. Crawford, Mrs. John (Continued from Page 1) Clock Rep~in Swarthmore. Pc. M. Bond. Mrs. James O. Stephens, following working ~ttees. Mrs. Willis C. Durboraw, Mrs. Mrs. Howard Jackson heada pubHarold W. Arnold, Mrs. Hugh licity. The Falr will be set up by EDWARD G. CHIPMAN SwartlnaoN 6-1441 Peters, Mrs. M. Theodore Lee. a group of volunteers with Mrs. AND SON Mrs. Eslwin H. Downing, Mrs. Arthur Silvers in charge. Mothers WILLIAM ,BROOKS GENERAl (OIlTRAaOR' Ash.,. & Rubbish Removed IH,..bmd J. Bauer. Pauline M. Dur- scheduled for Fair days will be Form·,'y nell, Mrs. Willard E. Bath, Mrs. Mrs. Clark Alllson, Mrs. Wells Lawna Mewed, General Til. Floors·· Plastic Til. Dallas E. Buzby, Alma Daniels, Forbes, Mrs. Samuel Althouse. CARNS aaulhur Moelern Klkhens 238 Hard1nc Ave~ "korton, P': Mrs. George P. Hager. Jr., Mrs. Mrs. J. Roy Snape, Mrs. Joseph 650 Baltimore Plk. Alteratlonl W. Ned Mlkusinskl. Mrs. L. E. Bishop, Mrs. ,Robert Clothier, Mrs. Sprla,field. Del. Co.. Po. Peterson. Mr•. D. Robert Sturgiss. TIlghman Redden, Mrs. IrvIn Wi1401 Rldl.y Av.nu. Also, Mrs. Gerald R. Gray. Mrs. zon, Mrs. Jame. Marsh, Mrs. Hor, SWartilmore 6-0450 THOM SEREM.BA CH.ster 2-4759 Gordon A. Hughes, Mrs. Charles ace Renshaw. Mrs. Woodward Mc2·5689 UPHOLSTERING Humphreys, Mrs. Robert H. Ship- Dowell, Mrs. Donald Longman,l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SLIP COVERS-DIlAPERIES man, Mrs. George G. Timmins. Mrs. George Shoemaker and Mrs. I, Sworflnnor. Referenc. Mrs. Clyde Yetter, Mrs. Karl A. Edwin Marshall. Mrs. Robert ...... S...... Hili 0734 Swennlng, Mrs. Roy W. McLeod. Wood will be In charge of fillMDr. than 25 ylGrI experleau Ing orders after the Fair. Prichard~ and Mrs. Francis Dennis. PICTURE FRAMING WaUpaperScraping Intl'ior Painting RUSSBJ. '0,.. and Sans Florist CONSTRUCTION Builders RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL SWarthmore CHesler Jack ~==========:::~ Wm. W. Rumford Co. clean work, floors ture fully protected, scrapings , Alterations taken away. Free estimates. Please call WAshburn 8-6107. PERSONAL -Piano-tuning spec335 Dartmouth Avenlle lalist. Member ASPX' and NAPT. Will do minor repairing. Loaman, J. F. ,BLACKMAN KIngswood 3-5755.' PERSONAL Bicycles Repaired. SW 8-8818 Parts, accessories. Milt G,lass Bicycle, Hobby, Toy Shop, 205 !:=======~==== East Baltimore Avenue. CUlton Heights, MAdison 6-0713. Oppo- 6·6455 4-6246 GAUL TREE SERVICE Secane. Po. Pruning Spraying Removing Feeding CLASSIFIED ADS I F~~~P~ER~S~O:N~A~L~~~' I11I.II111& .COIISTIUCTI. Ilfas'(lmu 0-51.6 MSO Klnglwood 3·7803 Charles E. Fischer Gutters Wa......A.lr Hoatl., Air C..dltloabl, Sh. . . Meted Worll BUILDER George, Myers Box48 SW.. II...... 6-07441 Florence Broomall \, I ........... _ ... ! ClQllllJlKIMIIIIIII_ ~ OIL ItOH.II' -OR. .I,tI:MlMO ...ue ,,",un Real Estate Broker ... 201 DAY and NIGHT South Chester Rd. 5W OIL BURNER 6~3182 SERVICE tlONDAY TJmU SAT1lBDAY NOON $500 Klngswood .4-123.4 SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS Starting salary for 2 executive-type salesmen to rapruent lart_ ~ flnandal corPo.....OII. No trov,l. Sal. uperiuce and ability desIred. uta.,.. COAL FIREPLACE IIshod ...Id.... _ _ old. mar- WOOD J. A. GREEN SWarthmore MONTHLY 6-0740 1_... tied. capable 01 aaumlog .--n>I'" 'Itloo. I. nq_Og' ploaso Indud. btlo! ,..,......, bl""", all repll. confIde.lat. Our salesm'" hCIYI bun Informed of IfIls ad. lax A. L. Swarthmoreon. Many Attractive Homes Available Swarthmore and Vicinity Baird ,,: Bird, Rea~ 10 4-1.., r'.... HaD 0 .......... and LOST FOUND FOUND - AAND solution to quick meals that involves no labQr. Use EMBERS carry-out service. Klngswood 3-0646. FOUND Ladies Sheffield watch with enamel trim on College or Princeton avenue. Call SWarthmore 6-0900. LOST - Friday, November 14th, two skin markln neck piece. Park avenue Ingleneuk curb. Phone The Swarthmorean Office. CARPENTRY SWQrthmore never you've been all EMBERS day, you hishome. dlnIier at on pick yourup way ,For representative of Tobias Matthay Method, faculty member National Guild of Piano Teachers, will give private and class lessons to professionals and non-professionals ot 609 Ogden Avenue Swarthmore, Po. Phon. SUnset 9·7317 mornings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sw .h.... -...- PIANO TUNING WA - ..2440 • 1 . LANDSCAPING Landscaping problems expertly analyzed and planned. Materials 10ca1ly grown - guaranteed La,wns tractor-rototliled, raked and seeded. Lawn drainage analyzed and piping Instslled. All Types wooden fen_ erec" ted. H A R R Y A. • R E H ,L -Those who' raise the loudest commotion, through high pressure salesmen and glmic advertising; use food plans only as bait to sell, a usually mediocre freezer at 0 high price. Believing that both the public and the frozen food industry are, being shamefully victimi2ed and that 0 good honest food plan con be 0 'wonderful convenience and economy, some, , interested people got to thinking ••• and then to acting I Finally, through the _cooperotion of th. two locker plaDis in West Choster, the local National Bank,' and numerous other people, the West ct.ester Food Plan wos born and is now in full swing. All the convenience 'and maximum economies are there, with easy terms, ,home delivery, etc.; and in place of spending large amounts for'· sales' commissions and gimic advertising, the customer shares in the profit of a "tested best" Hotpoint freezer. Food and freezer afe sold separotely. I For furth.r Information. phoae A. F. Anderson. at the Bald.rston Lock.r. Franklin and Union Sts.; West Ch.ster 4945. .. ~ees ' trimmed, topped, cabled and removed Cavity Work-Feedlng-Spray1ng Latest chain saw and power , 'equlpment Free Estimates CoDiplete Insurance Coverace PATIOS • of MORTON Everything for Christmas .TRAINS-LIONEL - AMERICAN FLYER· H. O. Designed to meet your individual taste; Rambling, free-form or conventional designs, In colored flagstone, cement or woodland garden. Patios of cedar sUces. We will gladly ahow you' some of the work have done, Billy & Ruth Toy Headquarten w, Call MEdia 6000523 .... ·111 ... TNII Sui " . . . . . . Md...... ' , 1301 1335 1338 1341 1334 1247 1304 1229 1299 1275 370 367 390 39'u 396 364 364 356 340 351 396 445 371 361 Toy Catalogue A"ai'o.', GIFTS. APPLIANCES '. RADIOS , FlBE. WARE. BOOTON WARE· .EYERE WARE , Present Holiday Fair , (Conjin~ed from page 1) Hobby Shop, Mrs. Paul B. Banks; Dolls, Mrs. W. ,E. Hetzel. Jr.; Bookshelf, Mrs. 'Maxey N. Morrison and Mrs. James B. Bullitt. Jr.; Small Fry Corner, Mrs. S. D. Reynolds and' Mrs. Frances Lumsden; Food Store, Mrs. 1. H. Schad and Mrs. I. W. Hally; Puppet Shop, Mrs. William W. Wa~; Candy, Mrs. J. W. Haubner-and Mrs. E. L. Duer; A,prons, Mrs. H. H Glb d Mrs. A L C . ,son an ~" '..' layden; AtUc, Mrs. ,,:,,?":~tes; Periodlcals, Mrs. RIcHard G. Ha1g; Publicity, Mrs. Daniel Morse and Mrs. William S. ,Proctor; Fish Pond" Mrs. George A. Hansell, Jr. , From Wallingford. Enid Mark for her oil "Homecoming"; Dolores Danzig for her oil "Red at NIght"; Frllnces Kirchgasser for her oil "Autumn"; Marjorie Dutton for her ceramic fish. From Rose Valley, Margaret Milliken for her oil "March Snow"; from Media, Virginia Scher for an oil "Stili LIfe." Other winners are Anne Burkhard, Drexel Hill, for her water color "Dorset Quarry;" Doris Tonge, Elwyn, for her oil "Stili LIf""; Isabel MacIntyre, Middletown Township, for her oil "House on a Hill"; Margaret Stolte, Collingdale, for her wate, color "Late Winter" and h,er portrait head'; Esch Center Is allotted one panel to fill with paintings selected from Its member's shows; The Exhibition opening this year will be on Sunday, November 13. with attendance by ticket only. The exhibition Is open to the public Monday througli"' Friday. November' 14-18, during banking hours, in the lobby of the FidelityUCP Delellate Philadelphia Trust Company at Ruth C. Webb will...represent the B roa d and WaInu t streets. Young Adult Group of UCP, Delaware County, as a delegate to MRS. PEARL J. KAUFFMAN the National Convention of the Funeral services were' conductUnited Cerebral Palsy Associa- ed at 1 p.m. Monday for Mrs. tion being held In Boston this Pearl Jobson Kauffman. 74; of 21 week-end; South Orange Street, Media, who Miss Web.b will fly" to Mass- passed away Friday morning at achusetts Frlday and plans to re- the home of her son-in-law and turn 'to' her home on South Ches", daughter, Dr. and Mrs. George 'B. ter road Sunday. H eck'man, 2 00 Park avenue; h JUNIOR ASSEMBLY Rev. PresJohn CHAPERONS FOR SA'T. Swart Schott more. of .the The Swarthmore .. byterian Church conducted the Junior Assembly chaperons this services at a Media funeral home. Satuidayevenillg WW',include Mr. Interment followed in' Oxford and Mrs. Arthur D. Moscrip for the 7th grade, assisted by Mr. and Cemetery. MI'I'. George Sullivan and Mr. and She was formerly active In the Mrs. George McKeag. For the 9th ~~f:tnj~a;;:~ Qf:1t''' .Medla Meth- grade. Dr. and Mrs. George B. ,A native of East Nottingham Poets' Clrcl. Grallp ' H ,eckman will chaperon, assisted ' ~ t G M.e... •• a .mmIII H am. bl': Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hall and Township, Mrs. ",:iirlfman was a 14-.... Paul Gemmlli of Thayer by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N,'Moran. tti-. resident of 'Media for a half cen~ Her husband, W'. Scott road was hostess at a meeting of .J the Poets' Corner on Monday. Kauftman; a tipstaff at Media Mrs. John Pinkston spoke on the Services Held T~esday ,Court House, passed away 12 works of Robert Peter Tristram, For Samuel D. Clyde years ago. Coffin. During the six months illness (Continued from Page 1) and following several hospitalizaphla Insurance Society; Sons of tions which preceded' her death. Young Adults to Discuss the American Revolution. and the Mrs. Kauffmim had been at the Juvenile Delinquency Spring Hllven, and Roli1ng Green Heckman hom~. Besides her Country Clubs. daughter she Is 'survived by a Leonard Michael Propper, Judge Surviving besides his wife are brother H. Faunce Crowl of Oxof the MUnicipal • Court of Phila- a son, Samuel .r.. D., Jr., and two ford and two grandchildren, June delphia, will be the discussion daughters, Mrs. Louise Archer Lee and George B, Heckman, Jr. leader, at the Young Adult Fel- Clyde Williams of Greenville, of Swarthmore. lowship this Sunday In the Pres- Del.. and Mrs. Virginia Clyde byterlan Church. He will speak on Thackara of Shrewsbury, N. J.; a "Juvenile Delinquency from the sister, Mrs. George Craid Stewart ' Judge's Point of View," at 8 P.M. of Evanston, m., and seven grandin th~ Woman's Association Room. children. Services were conducted Tuesday morning in Trinity Episcopal Church followed by interment in Chester Rural Cemetery, by the November 17 and 1 Rev, J. Lawrence Whittemore, The Swarthmore-Rutledge varrector. sity and J.V. hockey teams got . 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. back in the winning groove last Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Gurin of All-Purpose Room Thursday by defeating Media R.tg.~-I Avenu. Sci••ol High 1-0 and 4-0, respectively. Amherst road will entertain memThe games were played on the bers of. the department I!.f Bio- ~;;;;;;;;~~.;;;;~~~~~~;;;;~ Chemistry of the University 01. home lIeld. Pennsylvania Medical School this , Joan Hemenway scored for Gar- Sunday from 4 to 6 p.m. . net In the varsity first half to make the only tally In the game. UNITARIAN Because of the drizzling rain, play was difficult and many slips were FELLOWSHIP made on the wet turf. OF DELAWARE COUNTY Swarlhmore J.V. squeezed In K13·7583 one goal in the first half while the SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13th underclassmen brought' In three 8 P.M. pOints In the final half. Nonnle WORSHIP SERVICE Moore and Barbara Wilson were R.v. WIIII_ G. Horto. l!oth reSpOnsible for two goals a '01 ' Flm UnitarIan .,Church, r,.nton, N.J. ': piece. Book, Fa,ir a USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN , lRINITY a.ca 'poa. an "God's in the Liberal Church" SOCIAL HOUR • .,.slte '0. 51011•• Mul.a. HOLIDAY FAIR· WIll , Klngswood 3·7730 .. A 'I' Trlmty UX, ,a.ry to The winners are: r eA FULL LINE OF TOYS • eBIKES • DOLLS. GAMES WALKS & WALLS ••p...... The Community Arts Center in 1271 WalUngford, has announced the 1249 names of those artists whose 1256 paintings and sculpture have been 1240'chosen for display in the FIfth 1.278 Annual Exhibition of Regional 1281 Arts Centers at the Fidelity-PhIl1238093 ad~phia Trust Company, Phlla1 delphia. Garnet· Hockey Is Back In Win Column Brings You ALSO , ToW 1279 Elementary School m F. Uthe TREE WORK LESLIE HOUSE 711 Fairview Rood. Swanwllor. . . . . 11 ••,.1013111 AI H. . . A"n.- 6-4742 ":===========~ r Rose Tree, S\V'arthmore' MEdia 6-1407. FOR SALE - 30 gallon automatic gas-hot water heater. Good condition. $911. KIngswood 3-4547. FOR SALE Baby's crib and chest of drawers. Perfect condiUon. Call SWarthmore 6-2773. S_ ,. . FREEZER-FOOD PLAN fACTS- • • • :.;.": ,i. Ridley Park _ ~'~ii~~: ...... ., ~ S."'ce VANAUN, ~~~~~~~ N ... IUId itebaJlt and aep.Irbq PrOmpt , Call made pies for PERSONAL-To order for Christ- and every day. mas, children's Norwegian ski wood 3-0646. sweaters. call Greta Willis, ~F~O:;;R~SAL~~E-~F=Ir"'e-p"'la"'c"'e-::a"'n-:;dr"k1n;::·r.:,-:;d;-FLanders 3-4815. ' ling wood. Light hauling. AddiWANTED son Durham. SWarthmore 6-7972. WANTED Stenographer. recep_ FOR SALE Apples - finest tionist. experienced. Edlphone quality. El Rancho Orchards. and shorthand required. Capable Providence Road, 1 mile north of of carryin/l supervisory r'~~kj Rose Tree Hunt Club near Media. sibilitles m psychiatric FOR SALE - Webcor High Fidel, Hours.8:30 to 5. Month paid vacaIty 3 speed record player In tlon: MEdia 6-5410 between 9 and excellent condition. Will sacrtllce 4. for Call SWarthm.or~ 6-2185 WANTED ..:: Day's work as laundress. Home or out. CHester 3- ALBAN PARlER The HELENE DIEDRICHS. PIANIST When You Chang. to \ wagon(4). 1~(lrlaln chairs, SWarthmore 6-4597 Miss Diedrichs is also chairman of the Piano Department of the Philadelphia Musical Academy where students, particulary those working for a, ~egree, moy study with her if they wish. dinners t SWEET SHOP HEATING OILS 0140. cycle. $8., Call KIngswood 4FOR SALE Mahogany buffet, condition; other Items. KIngswood 3- 5960. WANTED _ To buy - 16 inch tricycle, will sell or trade a new tractor. SWarthmore 6-6140. WANTED _ General housework, k C 11 SWarth three d ays a wee. a m .. ~0~re~6~-~08~1~6~e~v~e~n~in~g~s~.~~~~~ WANTED _ Hoords of hungry people who love wonderful food that is deliciously different. EMBERS. WANTED Apartment In the college area. FurnIshed or unfurnished. Call SWarthmore 60200, extens=lon='=36~7",._____~ WANTED:'" Full size comfortable couch. Call SWarthmore 6-6296, before Wednesday.. :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;======::.;;.;;;;:... - ~p~n~Va~cY~'~Orf~~~::~~~~~ ~ Mrs. Yerkes will speak on ''Our REPUBLICAN Mrs. Earl P. Yerkes of PrInceCoun17 NorUu;rn Eaatem Weet ton avenue' will be ~he' guest Benjamin West". Co-hostess will be Mr •. William R. Jacob of Wllvan Roden-Judge of the 'Orphans' Court.. 441 306 530 speaker at 'the November 18 meetf the Court of mlngton, Del. Diggins Judge ing of the Lansdowne Junior Common Pea. '" " ........ , ..... ,. 441 306 524 D.A.R to be beld at the home of t' Dotts-County Commissioner ....... ~ . . . . . 431 307 511 WTLAWN CEMElERY Thron~oUDty Commissioner ........... 429 310 517 EVERYTHING FOR A Pappano-Recorder of Deeds ...,.......... 442 295 503 non'profit. mlltual' enter- Start-District A~torney ................. 446 305 527 YOUR PARTY prise for the benefit of fammes Gamble--County Treasurer .............. 446 310 525 ASHW' CHOCOLATU ••d residing in Swarthmore and Reed, Jr.-Prothonotary .......... . . . ..... 447 313 ,552396 10N·IONS CUT .LOWIU ••d COUA.IS neighboring communities. Your Damon"-County Surveyor ................ 446 321 • ... COOKIIS' ' patronage is eamestly soIlcited.·Loeal I 'LANTS IC_lc. Africa. VI.....' Carpenter-8chool Director .............. 450 321 530 ALBERT N. GARRETT Stead-School Auditor ............... _.., . 466 328 541 ,I're,'''.nt &- '.,'n." ..,~. Snyder-8chool Auditor ...... , ....... ,.. 466 328 544 228 Garrett Ave. SW i6-0489 Smlth-School Auditor •................. 467 33'1 543 Old Banle ••lIdl., Harris, Jr.-Auditor .. , ..... ", ...... ,. _. 466 325 543 warthmore, Po. WA 2-8741 Lukens-COUDcil .......... '............. 422 301 524 ~;;;;;;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Icarroll"-Council .. ,...................... 459 317 528 Huey-Councll ........................... 431 294 504 PRIVATE PIA'NO INST'RUCTION Pyle, U-Justlce of the Peace ............ 445 315 539 Ir, T.....r ..... n. ".lIadelp"a C'....rvatory old M,.IIC Hepburn"-Constable .......... , . . . . . . . . . . 434 319 522 Lelsonl B.,in October 3 ~r Children and A II fa DEMOCRAT If you are an adult wishing to begin or resume piano study, , County , we shall be hap~y to work with you. van Roden-Judge of Orphans' Court ..... 146 88 138 For 'nf.ormatlon. call CL 9-3476. day or .v.nlng Diggins-Judge of Court of Common Pleas .. "., .. , ... ,.......... 141 87 139 ,M t y Commi' ' 1.5 5 86 149 sSlOner ___ . , ..... Connor--.oun M t y Commi' 87 153 . G uman--.oun SSloner. . . . . . . . . . . 156 Belden-Recorder of Deeds .............. 1.45 92 159 Seibert-District Attorney ., _, . . . . . . . . . . . 138 87 139 McCarthy"-County Treasurer ... ,......... 140 84 140 Williams-Prothonotary .,................ 139 80 137 BEAUTY SALON Repetto-County Surveyor ........ , .. '... 133 73 134 Local BEAUTY 15 CHIC. CONFIDENT. CAPTIVATING Carpenter-School Director .............. 142 75 134 9. South Chester Road Lange--Council ............ ,............. 163 ' 92 141 Call SWarthmore 6·0476 Peterson-Council ....................... 169 109 167 'Welsh.-Council .,., ......... , .. ,......... 143 83 142 Active M...ber of til. Swartll•• r ••••1.... A...clatloa Malone-lustice of the Peace ............. 144 86 131 Center Names Exhl·bOltl·on WI·nners IArts HOW SWARTHMORE VOTED ,.,.' ........... ,... 149 85 146 380 li~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Goldwater"-Constable -------------------------- ATLANTIC' chronic,: women. conEx- ~ngswood grounda. FOR RENT-In Medla-'-fIrst floor Sadie D. apartment., Residential, nelgh2- borhood. Two blocks to station and 'stores. All electric kitchen, large living room, adults. Call RIttenhouse 6-4995 days; MOhaw~ prices your order 4-2705 at night. FOR SALE before our season. Five years ot Swarthmore references. Serem- FOR SALE - Large size steel ba. Sharon Hill 0734. wardrobe. $10. Call SWarthmore 6-6838 ·after 5 p.m. FOR SALE, TV, 21 In~h ~hilco, swivel base. Seven months old. $80. WAshburn 8-3857, FOR SALE Girl'. 26 inch bi- f~~~~~~;~~:~ 6·8761 J.llor DAR. To ..... the chairman, Mrs. Frederick W. I. Bora.,11 N.xt W..k Held of 531 Westminster avenue. -ATLANTIC ~~~Cojonn:- Chestnut of of Swarth- group ROOFING PAINTING party in High s;;;l;;;te~C;;li;;ft:;;o;:n;..Th=::.e::a::t;er::.,--...".,,...,.-=--;:=_ Call SWarthmore 6-5751. PERSONAL - Auto driving InFOR RENT struction. $3 'half hour. $6 full hour. We call for you. SWarth- FOR RENT ~ Warm, quiet, very more 6-2469; CHester 2-4346. comfortable room. Conv~ent PERSONAL Radio and televi- to transportation. Reaspnably sion service. Complete stock of priced. Call ,sWarthmore 6-6648. carried. Robert Brooks. Call FOR RENT, Large, beautiful 6-5058 daytime or room, private bath. 1135 Villa after '8 ",o,va avenue. 4-0430. IWARTlIMOII, PA. Pap 7 'DIE ISWABTBMOREAN , 'a. CURTIS C"!e!L 0l0I_-.' '_oIS_ .............. , SpoIodoId _I .- • Now. 16 Now. 17 z.. '.M.'.M.'. 1. AM .. 11, Garnet Takes Lead In 3rd Quarter Rally Will Visit West Chester , Sat. For Season's Test Carroll Frey Buried •. Sat. In Chester County (Continued·from Page 1) tions. He had joined the campany in 1912 after his graduation from Girard College, and remal'i~ with Penn Mutual until bts retirement in 1952. He had been bom in Pbiladelphia. Mr. Frey was the company's historian, edifor of its News Letter and sponsor of the employee publication, Comradeship. During Penn Mutual's centennial year, 1947, he started a pel"!Danent lobby exhibif, ~cluding the William Penn collection, a number of items of which he had personally collected. He was a past chairman of the Keystone Group of the IJfe Insurance Advertisers Association, a member of the Penn Mutual Quarter Century Club, and the Historical SocieiY of Pennsylvania. . Searching out unusual details conceming hf.,torical places and events became an absorbing hobby with Mr. Frey. He was familiar with the history of the succession of bells that hung in independence Hall - th.ere were three in addition to the famous Liberty Bell. He knew the names of babies who bad been born In a room in the tower of the Hall, used for many years as an apartment by the sextons and their families. He carried out the research on which was based a series of drawings of the Independence Hall buildings as they, appeared at' various periods. These drawings now hang in the Hall's Information Center. He was the author of numerous articles on historical subjects and . of several volumes, amQns which are· The Independence Square Neighborhood, The First Air Voyage in America (an account of Jean Pierre Blanchar4's balloon ftlght from Philadelphia to Woodbltry, N. J., in 1793) and his most recent book, "Washington Square!' A number of years· ago Mr. Frey organized the Independence Hall Bell Ringers Society, a group of men whose oIIIces are in the neighborhood of the square and who· came togetIter to revive the custom of colonial days, when FrIt1ay, AVDITOB8 _ a T FOR THB SWARTHMORB SCHOOL DISQICT FOa TuB YB4R BNDIN& rnLY .. ItIlIS . - valuatlon of taxable leal ..tate, •••••••••••••••••••••• 11,01',815.00 Number of mIl!s levlec1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .'......... 85 Number .....oed with per capita tax .......................... 81ee Bate Of per capIta. tax •••• :................................... 1&.00 Al\IOUNT OF SCHOOL TAX young men of the city gathered to ring the bell on all holidays and special occasions. On New Year's Eve, on the Fourth of July and on a number of other dates through the year the Bell Ringers climb the long ftlghts of stairs to the belfry to ring the big bell by hand. Mr. Frey, who was alwayS the lea cling spirit of the group, made his last appearance. with it on Lafayette's birthday, September 6. . Mr. Frey was also an outstanding amateur photographer. A long time member of the Photographic Society of Philadelphia, oldest photographic society in Ainerica and second oldest in the world he served as its president for sev~al years. His work Won honors in exhibitions here and in cities abroad, including Tokyo, London and Brussels. . . Rallying strong in the third period, Swarthmore overcame a spirited Yeadon eleven 21 to 7 for Its sixteenth straight win in the game' Saturday afternoon on the opponents' field. Play started with Swarthmore's Pete Kroon kicking out-of-bounds, and Yeadon put the ball in play at the 40. Led by Bill Welsh. back in the wars after several weeks on the sidelines, and Cal Coleman who was troubled with a badly bruised side. Swarthmore's defensive team held Yeadon's first For many years he was editor attempt on the goal posts. of the Girard College alumni pubFlntTo lication, Steel and Garnet. He After an exchange of punts served in the United States Army between the 30 yard stripes, Yeaduring World War I. don took tQ the air. A 45 yard Surviving are his wife, Mabel D. pass down the middle brought the Frey; two brothers, John. H. of ball to the Garnet 20. The right Clearwater, Fla., and George L. of side of the Gamet line, led by Mountain Lakes, N. j., and a slsfiery Allan Baughn, threw Yeater, Mrs. John L. Duncan of Cleardon's single wing reverse for a water. loss of a yard. Then on a nUty spinner. play, Swarthmore's· midDr. and Mrs. Norman A. Hulme die line was trapped and the Yeaand son, David, of Albany, N. Y., don tailback raced 2i.yards to put spent the weekend visiting with the home team out in front 7-0. Mrs. Hulme's father, Mrs. John Swarthmol"e couldn't get startKomar of Paoli. They were entered and on fourth down Coleman tained Saturday evening at cIInner kicked 50 yards· into the end zone. by Dr. Hulme's brother and sisYeadon lIut the ball in play on ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert its 20 and successive fiDe defenD. Hulme of North Chester road. slveplayby Baughn and Kroon forced the home team to kick. Two plays later, the Gamet, operating from short punt formation, sent George Pappas through left tackie for 10 yards from where he pitched-out to Cal Coleman for a 50 yard TD play. But a backs-in-motion penalty nullified . the eftort. After a kick by Coleman to Yeadon's 30, the Eagles tried to duplicate their succeastul previoUs pass patterns, but C8I Coleman intercepted and ran the ball back to their 28. With the Gamet in striking distance, a pltch-out from Wentz to .ColeD\an went awry which Yeadon picked 110 up and ran to midileld. HaIl-TIme Dell.lt mr,s .... Fine defensive play forced a he penalized 15 yards. The game. Yeadon punt which travelE!fi three ran out with Yeadon in possession yards. Unable to solve Yeadon's deep in Garnet preserve. Game AW&J" 4-4 defense, Coleman kicked· to the 23. The play see.sawed tor Saturday, the Swarthmore the remainder of the quarter. eleven travels to West Chester When the teams left the field for what Win probably be the seven points looked mighty large biggest test of the season thUs against the Gamet. ·tar. ,West Chester's once-beaten After the half-time show when· team has lost only to Coatesville; the Garnet band put on a fine it also holds a victory over Media. bel •• lv. DI,trllI.t... I.... CII ••hi. . Area performance, a fired-up group of The boys are sure to be "up" for - Swart1!more foOtball team took this contest. It is hoped that all ALEXANDER'S the field. Yeadon's kick-off was those who possibly can will make . .. taken by John Lewis who twisted the trip and cheer on The Garnet. 11 0 E. 6th St. CHester 4-5333 his way past midfield. George Pappas roared for a first down and then picked up a fumble by his running mate Cal Coleman and raced to Yeadon's 6. A quick pass from Wentz to Lewis with the ac_ curate toe of Pete Kroon knotted the score at 7 apiece. Gamet Leeds Kroon kicked off and Yeadon ran it back to their 25. After Andy Jones made a fine play to spearhead Garnet defense, Y~a­ don again tried to pass. Dick Snyder, playing his_ finest allaround game of the season, intercepted and ran beautifully about 30 yarda to give the Gamet pos-. session on the Yeadon 6. One play later Snyder threw to' Kroon who _ stepped out of hounds on the two inch line. Charlie Wentz tried to hand oft to Dick Snyder but a fumble resulted which the. alert Wentz picked up and slid oft to Yes ••• Philadelphia Suburban Water Company engineers,. right end to put Swarthmore in filtermen, switchboard operators. bookkeepe.., s11tnograthe lead, 13 to 7. Automatic Pete phers, malnlenanat men-and many elhers-a11 conlnDu!e converted too It. 10 the 'round-the dock dependability of your Springfield .' Kroon kicked oft and the GarWater SeI"IIce. And the cost 10 the average family Is only net team fell on the ball for posabout a di_ a day. No wonder so many ogree. "Sprirrvfield Water would be a borgain-_ at twice ",. pricer session on· Yeadon's 117. Wentz handed to Coleman who ran oft left end into the end zone,. and the afternocin's scoring was com- I SPRINGFIELD.WATER . pleted at 21 to 7. . . a(. 4 The fourth period was a rough I and tumble· batue all the way, PHIlADElPHIA SUBURBAN Wf-.'·ER COMP,"NY with Swarthmore making a drive "f . . . deep into ~ territory only to ... HO,488.oa lII8.oo1.08 A4dltlona to 4upUcata Improvement 'l'ueB T_ l'Iopea-ly Amount lev1e4 (Pact of 19M dUpltCate) •••••••••••••••••••••• •••• 1._•••••••••••••••••••• 9.7IK.oa '18.88 18~.00 PeDOltl.. acldOC1 •••••.•••• " , ...... , Other taxea, B.B. Tr1iDafer Tax •••• :10.8'18.98 . Total amount (sum of I, II, 8 ... ') • ~().8'18.98 47.6IP7.oo boneratlona (19114 tu) •••••.••••• . 6.MO.00 Liens 11104 (19114 tax) with 9.7IK.1l8 114&.88 . ~0,8'l8.98 BH._M 18Q.25 11,22036 :lSS_.oa Prothonotuy .................. . 19M tax return to CouDtT CommJaaJonera ••••••••••.••••••• 2,808.88 ~.aos.98 Dlooounta .......... ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . 888.10 11369.09 ''&80.89 Not 11104 88 llell8 or l'Oturne4 ••••.• '105.00 81~.M 1.017,M Net amount of 19.114 tax 0011_ • ~().8'18.98 41,268.90 248.188.88· 810.821.31 Sum of items 8, 7, 8, 9, 10. 11 •••• 20.878.98 47,68"1.00 205,688.89 8H,1HM RiXJBlPlS Balance on bane! JUly 6. "O'DBR.BNT EXfBNSiS I 19M. All tunda emlualve of SIDIt1ng Pnnd •••••• t Property Tax 1964 • • • • •• tHII.loo.158 Per Capita • TaJ: 19M . . • 41.263.90 taxes Be8l _ t e 0-. ~er ~ •..•••••• DelInquent taz: (Previous to 19K) •••• Stalle appropriation: lIOS.884.8l1 General COnttol (A) •••••• 10,6"IlI.95 Instruetlon (B) •••••••••• 802,878.89 A1W11ar7 Agmc\eo ...,4 OocxdJnata Activities (0) 2(),8'l8.98 Operatlon of School Plant (D) 8,8ea.4& Tea.chers. Transportation, Tultlon, Vocatlonal ••• 48,88'..,5 Tuition' nODreal4ent pupllo ••••••••••••••• ; ID_ ................ 9,895.&8 ••••••••••••••••••• 89,85&.98 ¥aJntenanoa at School Plant (B) ••••••••••••• PIxe4 Ci1arSM (P) l~,'IOUl ••••••• 117,291.74 Sal_ of leal _lie, 8Ilpp11es 8Il4 eqUl_t .••.••• 289.49 All other 80urceA Indicate ......... _ attach _e4ule ••••••••••••• ';27.11l\ Total noelpta, InclUdlng IJeSlnIllng balance ••••• 8l1li,801.18 SUMMaRy '.r01'AL 14:) •••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TO'l'AL TOtal OUrrent lbpen_ (:rtam8 A-P Ino.) ••••• 4OrI.M'I.'18 Total Debt 8eri1.ce - (Iteui 0) ••••••••••••••••• *.0&8.'1 TOtal capital OIlttay (Item H) ••••••••••••••• 18'/.-.88 1188,801.1B 'rotaI ••••••••••••••••. ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Balance OIl Band (To be available for IIChooI JUZ" 1l1li5-1541) ••••• 8111.008.18 (0,:10'1.97 488BTS SChool ]illUdIng ,~bxIka and Sites at c::JoBt ••••••• -0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and BIqulpment at cost •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11DpaId Taus 111M TaX (Cdrrent Year) •••..... ~.808.98 lDe3. '1'aX ............. t • • • • • • • • • • ~.60 19152 ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Prevloua to 111113 Duplicate....... HO.28 TlJ.l.tlon .ReceIvable _ •• ~ •••••••••••••' ••••••••••••••••••• , •••••• Ba1a.nce on hand all PuD4I ezolucl1Dg B,uk'ng PUnd. ••••••••••• '1'otaI .A.laeta ........................................... . J.JABD·ITIB8 Bondeon 8eptmber :11. IIH11i ,. ~ Serving you 'roun,d the clo.ck ••• ~G't, .~ (1J ~ tL rIAj !. -----'-- .~.' house heating ••• • Your choice of 29 all-new Plymouth models. locluding ..., allnew line of SUburban station wagons 10 3 low price-ranges. GOING CE'S W'ITH THE' ·YOUNG IN' HE'ARTT Easy to enioy and Easy to purchasel 11'. a pleasure 10 sit back and eniOY a comforIably warm house heated with gal. ·Just dial ths heat yau want on the thermostat ••• the heater requires no attention and there Is no fuel arcIering or storage. With aU·new Push.Button Driving, Aerodynamic Styling, and 9().90 Turbo. fasy Purchase T.rms All~new Aerodynamic PLYIWOUTH An automatic gas hous8 healer can be purchased wIIh no dawn payment and 36 months to pay. . Get complete lnfOioinatlon on automatic: gaS " - heating from your plumber;healing COIlliaclar, or any I'fIlIadllphfa Beelik _ . PUSH-BurTO" DR''',... With s finger.tip toueh yoa select your driYing >ange. As easy as flicking a light switchl Then Plymouth'. fuJly automatic PowerFlite - the world's smoothest,mostadvanced transmission - takes over. . Torque Power, Plymouth again captures the spirit of our day in gleaming DletaL Outside, it's bold new Aerodynamic Styling ••• longer ••• bigger ••• one long sweep of beauty up to distinctive new rear fins. Inside, it's roomier with new "miracle" fabrics! On the road, it's breath-taking • •• as Plymouth's new 90-90 Turbo-Torque Power gives you Top ThTwt tU TtJ1re.OD! Drive it at JOur Plymonth dealer's todq I ·se . . Gutllrie-Smith, Inc., 2~O Yale Ave nue, M~~n,Pa. 'ert,r H. Waite, Jnc.., YaleAv~ ~"ester·lJ,d!, S"..rtb".,..e. a. ....' . ; I ::. . ' . -'. -;: : , . " _ .. ' . - . ' ..' , . . ., .. ~.' J"- . ,. '., .' .. _ : INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE TIlE SWARTHMOREAN Garnet Takes Lead In 3rd Quarter Rally Will Visit West Chester Sat, For Season's Test Carroll Frey Buried Sat .. in Chester County (Continued from Page 1) lions. He had joined the campany in 1912 after his graduation from Girard College, and remained with Penn Mutual unlil his ~e­ tirement in 1952. He had been born in Philadelphia. Mr. Frey was the company's historian, editor of its News Letter and sponsor of the employee pUblication, Comradeship. During Penn Mutual's centennial year, 1947, he started a permanent lobby exhibit, including the William Penn collection, a number of items of which he had personally collected. He was a past chairman of the Keystone Group of the Life Insurance Advertisers Association, a member of the Penn Mutual Quarter Century Club, and the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Searching out unusual details concerning historical places and events became an absorbing hobby with Mr. Frey. He was familiar with the history of the succession of bells that hung in Independence Hall there were three in addition to the famous Liberty Bell. He knew the names of babies who had been born in a room in the tower of the Hall, used for many years as an apartment by the sextons and their families. He carried out the research on which was based a series of drawings of the Independence Hall buildings as they appeared at various periods. These drawings now hang in the Hall's Information Center. He was the author of numerous articles on historical subjects and of several volumes, among which are The Independence Square Neighborhood, The First Air Voyage in America (an account of Jean Pierre Blanchard's balloon flight from Philadelphia to Woodbury, N. J., in 1793) and his most recent book, "Washington Square." A number of years ago Mr. Frey organized the Independence Hall Bell Ringers Society, a group of men whose offices are in the neighborhood of the square and who came together to revive the custom of colonial days, when Friday, November 11, 1955 young men of the city gathered to ring the bell on all holidays and special occasions. On New Year's Eve, on the Fourth of July and on a number of other dates through the year the Bell Ringers climb the long flights of stairs to the belfry to ring the big bell by hand. Mr. Frey, who was always the leading spirit of the group, made his last appearance with it on Lafayette's birthday, September G. Mr. Frey was also an oulstanding amateur photographer. A long time member of the Photographic Society of Philadelphia, oldest photographic society in America and second oldest in the world, he served as its president fat' several years. His work won honors in exhibitions here and in cities abroad, including Tokyo, London and Brussels. For many years he was editor of the Girard College alumni publication, Steel and Garnet. He served in the United States Army during World War I. Surviving are his wife, Mabel D. Frey; two brothers, John H. of Clearwater, Fla., and George L. of Mountain Lakes, N. J., and a sister, Mrs. John L. Duncan of Clearwater. Rallying strong in the third period, Swarthmore overcame a spirited Yeadon eleven 21 to 7 for its sixteenth straight win in the game' Saturday afternoon on the opponents' field. Play started with Swarthmore's Pete Kroon kicking out-oC-bounds, and Yeadon put the ball in play at the 40. Led by Bill Welsh, back in the wars after several weeks on the sidelines, and Cal Coleman who was troubled with a badly bruised side. Swarthmore's defensive team held Yeadon's first attempt on the goal posts. First TO After an exchange of punts between the 30 yard stripes, Yeadon took 10 the air. A 45 yard pass down the middle brought the ball to the Garnet 20. The right side of the Garnet line, led by fiery Allan Baughn, threw Yeadon's single wing reverse for a loss of a yard. Then on a nifty spinner play, Swarthmore's midDr. and Mrs. Norman A. Hulme dle line was trapped and the Yea· and son, David, of Albany, N. Y., don tailback raced 21 yards to put spent the weekend visiting with the home team out in front 7-0. Mrs. Hulme's father, Mrs. John Swarthmore couldn't get startKomar of Paoli. They were entered and on fourth down Coleman tained Saturday evening at dinner kicked 50 yards into the end zone. by Dr. Hulme's brother and sisYeadon put the ball in play on ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert its 20 and successive fine defenD. Hulme of North Chester road. sive play by Baughn and Kroon forced the home team to kick. Two plays later, the Garnet, operating from short punt forma· tion, sent George Pappas through left tackle for 10 yards from where he pitched-out to Cal Coleman for a 50 yard TD play. But a backs-in-motion penalty nullified the effort. After a kick by Coleman to Yeadon's 30, the Eagles tried to duplicate their successful previous pass patterns, but Cal Coleman intercepted and ran the ball baek to their 28. With the UR Gamet in striking distance, a _lOllS STlJlNiIIIf pilch-out from Wentz to Cole~an IIOIIAYD went awry which Yeadon picked fIJ6IS up and ran to midfield. Balf-Tlme Deficit _STOPS WIBf Fine defensive play forced a be penalized 15 yards. The game YOUWmn Yeadon punt which traveled three ran out with Yeadon in possession yards. Unable to solve Yeadon's deep in Garnet preserve. 4-4 defense, Coleman kicked to Game Away the 23. The play see-sawed for Saturday, the Swarthmore the remainder of the quarter. eleven travels to West Chester When the teams left the field for what will probably be the seven points looked mighty large biggest test of the season thus against the Garnet. far. West Chester's once-beaten After the half-time show when· team has lost only to Coatesville; the Garnet band put on a fine it also holds a victory over Media. E•• lu.lve DI.t.lbuton I. the Chester Area performance, a fired-up group af The boys are sure t 0 b e "pufor u Swarthmore football team took this contest. II is hoped that all the fi~ld. Yeadon's kick-off was those who possibly can will make taken by John Lewis who twisted the trip and cheer on The Garnet. 11 0 E. 6th St. CHester 4·5333 his way past midfield. George Pappas roared for a first down and then picked up a fumble by his running mate Cal Coleman and raced to Yeadon's 6. A quick pass from Wentz to Lewis with the ac_ curate toe of Pete Kroon knotted thc score at 7 apiece. Garnet Leads Kroon kicked off and Yeadon ran it back to their 25. After Andy Jones made a fine play to spearhead Garnet defense, Yeadon again tried to pass. Dick Snyder, playing his. finest all· around game of the season, intercepted and ran beautifully about 30 yards to give the Garnet pos· session on the Yeadon 6. One play later Snyder threw to· Kroon who stepped Qut of bounds on the two inch linc. Charlie Wentz tried to hand off to Dick Snyder but a fumble resulted which the alert Wentz picked up and slid off to Yes ••• Philadelphia Suburban Water Company engineers, right end to put Swarthmore in filtermen, switchboard operators, bookkeepers, stenograthe lead, 13 to 7. Automatic Pele phers, maintenance men-and many others-all contribute to the 'round·the-clock dependability of your Springfield converted to 14. Water Service. And the cost to the average family is only Kroon kicked off and the Garabout a dime a day. No wonder so many agree: "Springnet team fell on the ball for posfield Waler would be a bargain-even of twice Ihe pricer' session on Yeadon·s 37. Wentz handed to Coleman who ran off left end into the end zone, and the afternoon's scoring was COffi- I pleted at 21 to 7. The fourth period was a rough I and tumble battle all the way, PHILADEi.PHIA SUBURBAN WATER COMPANY with Swarthmore making a drive 5, '\lIng 4~.JJ1!.1n!.1bpJdl~s ,n ."Je'O"'Of~ "'o-·~OrT'e,. cno (~~S'(" ::c~.-· ($ ,~ ,"';/'~l- "', iIi.'t$.~. - , deep into enemy territory only to II Friday, November II, 1955 AUDITORS REPORT FOR TilE SWARTII~IORE SCIIOOL DISTRICT t~OR TilE YEAR ENDING ,JULY 4, 1955 Auxiliary Achieves Lunch; Takes in Visit to Castle and Famed Red Ox Assessed valuation ot taxable real estate•••..•••...... f •••••..• '7,014.315.00 Number ot mUla levied ..•••.•....•••.....•...•.•••.••........ 35 Number assessed. with per capita tax ......................... . 3189 Rate of per ~plta tax ••.• : ••••••••.•••.••..•.•••••••••••.••.• A~IOUNT OF SCnOOL TAX Other Per Taxes Capita Property Amount levIed (Fact oj' 1954 duplicate) .................... .. 41,535.00 245,466.03 AddItions to duplicate Improvement Taxes .....•.•..•.......••••..•. 9.704.08 PenaltIes added ...........•...... 132.00 413.88 Other taxes. R.E. Transfer Tax •.•• 20.873.98 Total amount (sum of 1. 2. 3 & 4) • 20,8'13.98 47.687'.00 25&.583.99 ExoneratIons (1954 tax) ••..•••.•.• 6,040.00 180.25 LIens flied (1954 tax) with Prothonotary .............•••.•• 1954 tax return to County Commissioners ............... . 2.306.88 Discounts ...... : ... : . . . . . . . . • . . • . 668.10 4.590.99 Not filed. as Uens or returned. ...... 705.00 312.54 Net amount of 1954 tax collected • 20,8'13.98 41.253.90 248.193.33 Sum of Items 6. 7. 8. 9. 10, 11 •••. 20.873.98 47.667.00 255,583.99 I RECElPI'S Balance On hand .July 5, 1954. All funds exclusive of Stnklng Fund ..•.•• f 205.834.82 Property Tax 1964 ...... $248.100.59 Per Capita Tax 1954 .. $ 41,253.90 Other taxes Real Estate Transfer Tax .•.•.•.•• DelInquent tax: (PreViOUS to 1964) •••• State approprIa.tIon: Teachers. Transportation. Tuition. Vocational ••. Tuition nonresident 289,354.49 20,873.98 3,392.45 pupils .............. .. 86,727.27 2,185.95 and eqUipment ...... . 269.49 Interest .......•....•••. Sale of rea) estate. supplies All other sources. Indicate Instruction Total 293,001.03 9.704.08 545.88 20.873.98 324,124.97 5,220.25 2.306.88 5,259.09 1.017.54 310.321.21 324,124.97 (A) ...... 10.673.95 (B) •••••••••. 302.378.39 AuxlUary AgenCies and Coordinate Activities (C) 9,395.56 Operation of SChool Plant (D) 39.855.93 .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. ¥alntenance of SChool Plnnt 46.334.175 15.00 CURRENT EXPENSES General COntrol ............. 12.752.21 Plxed Charges (P) ••••••• 27,291.74 (E) TOtal Current Exp. (A-F). 402.347.78 source and attach schedule ............. '727.93 Total receipts, Including beginning balance •.••• 655.301.13 SmlMARY (Itenn 14) •..••....•...••••.•..••.•........ 656.301.13 TOtal ............................................. . Balance on lland (To be ava.llable for school year 1955-58) ••••• ASSRTS SChoo) BUIlding and Sttes at COst •••••••', •••••• , •••••••••••• 615.093.16 40,20'1.97 ~~ ~IS PAYMENTS Total C\lm!nt Expenses (Items A-P Inc.) •.... 402,347.78 Total Debt 5ervIce (Item G) ................. 45.058.75 Total Capital outlay (Item H) ............... 187.886.83 TOTAL Textbooks and ZquJpnoent at coat •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Unpaid Taxes Page 9 Directs Production Elected Song Leaders PRESBYTERIAN NOTES Greta Richardson, daughter of (Continued from Pagp 4) Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Richard4, Mrs. \Vilson H. Rushton, chairBy BARBARA B. KENT consultation took place over a son of Crest lane, directed the man, will meet at the home of The Haupstrasse is a long, nar- proposed visit to the mystic castle- first production of the 1955 SeaMrs. H. Weston Clarke, 211 ColroW street. with narrow side- on·the·hill. All Were pleased to son of the Young People's lege avenue. Margaret Prince will walks. A constant flow of bicycles go, but the discussion ensued over Theatre at Western College, Oxspeak on "The American Indian". and cars bump along the cobble- the length of the walk. Mrs. Way- ford, o. Her production of "Puss Members have been asked to bring stones, and trams, plowing land Elsbree with an ankle still In Boots" was presented in three jellies or dish cloths for the Bala through on their frequent trips tender from her spill Sunday in performances at Western College Home. Circle 6, Mrs. Judson R. with bells dinging constanlly, Cologne, along with several others, to neighboring elementary and Hoover, Jr., chairman, will meet warn American pedestrians from were suspicious after their "short junior high schools. The cast will al the home of Mrs. William W. the temptation to dodge around walk" before lunch. But on being also take thc play to Hamilton Turner, 9 I 4 Mt. Holyoke place. slower pacing, hardier walking assured of only a five minute walk where they will perform for sevMrs. John Schott will review "A Heidelburgers. As it was, the to the tramway, they decided it eral Hamilton schools. Revolutionary Faith in a ChrisAuxiliary was feeling slightly possible, and Mrs. Eisbree was A senior theatre major, Greta tian World". Circle 10, Mrs. Birplaintive over the European ver- even promiEed a personal hand- is publicity manager of the. ney K. Morse, chairman, will sion of a short walk and were only carry if not satisfied. Therefore, theatre group and bas parlici- I meet at the home of Mrs. Donald somewhat pacified in the shops the group, more or less in toto, pated in the Young People's Pictured above are (top to bot- W. Poole, 416 North Swarthmore that lined either side of the street started off. Theatre productions throughout tom) Janice Eckert of Springfield, avenue. Mrs. William L. Scarbor- filled with silverware, woolen Bus-riding, however, is no fit her college career. Katharine Lanning of Swarthmore, ough will tell of "Some Personal goods and jewelry. wooden-carv_ training for European walks, and ed, metal-twisted and soft-stuff- the group was soon stretched out. yard where carpenters werc set- Barbara Bivin of Plandome, N. Y., Experiences on the Choir's Tour ed felt goods of varying use-all Part of the Auxiliary. entirely re- ting up stands for a concert to be and Susan Rhodes of Haddon of Europe". Circle 11 will meet eye-catching and different and all juvenated by lunch, were soon off held that evening - to the view Heights, N. J., who were cl~cted at the home of the chairman, Mrs. Frederick Patman, 325 North with a minimum of the tourist the Haupstrasse and up a side from the terrace of the red-roof- by Beaver College classmates to lead their respective classes in Princeton avenue. Mrs. Howard ear-mark. street taking in a 60 second, un- cd city, tHe river and its dark the college's annual song contest Sipler and Mrs. Walter S. Divekey By the lime they arrived at the escorted tour of an old church green slopes, and the dam. Here restaurant, four or more blocks (nameless to the visitors but re- the group dispersed, as some with to be held the evening of Novem- will speak about their trip to Europe this summer with the down they were tired. relatively membered for its ancient outside shopping in mind settled for a ber 22 at 8 p.m. in Murphy MemChoir. Circle 12, Mrs. J. Harold cheerful and definitely hungry. appearance and startling, alive. view of the famous winefass _ orial Chapel, Glenside. Perrine. chairman. will meet at Kay, a sophomore, is the daughLuncb happily and Germanically, white and modern interior); an· 20 feet high and 31 feet long be. the home of Mrs. Horace H. Hopwas a hearty one, served in an other part was serving as a kind fore gliding down the hill; others ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Lanning kins, 55 Wellesley road. Mrs. Lesof Norlh Chester road. She is establishment that reeked of of liaison between the first, and elected to take the complete tour majoring in kindergarten-elemen_ lie Ellis and Mrs. C. W. Olmes will atmosphere if not age. Whether the third who saw no point in from tower to dungeon, before tary education. give sidelights of their European it was a typically "German Kel- haste. There was also some good- indulging in such mortal matters. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ tour this summer with Choir lar" with its stalwart wooden AlIxiliary. natured murmuring before the Neverthless, quite a few met S-D Day tables, panelled walls and cloudywalk was though (at least 15 again at the bottom of the hilI at At 8 p.m. Circle 5, Mrs. Luther glassed windows of light and priminutes later) but there were no the Red Ox for refreshment. The The Safe-Driving Day cam- i Conant, chairman, will meet at vacy, there were German business serious complaints; and Mrs. Els- world may think of this establish-I paign which starts November 20, the home of Mrs. J. C. Brown, 13 men, contentedly Winding up a bree kindly refrained from col- ment solely as a musical home for \Vii] reach a climax on December Sycamore road, Wallingford. pleasant luncheon that convinced lecting her forfeit. Eventually the the Student Prince but an even I first, named by President Eisen- Those needing transportation are the Auxiliary it was not "tourist"; tramway was reached. more intriguing consideration is its hower as S-D Day. A 10 day per- askcd to call SWarthmore 6-4273. and they had no quarrel with the . ownership by the same family iod of special emphasis will fol- Mrs. George P. Warren will speak fact it was named for Perkeo, the View Castle since the first decade of the 18th low S·D Day. The final day of the on Mctropolitan Missions. dwarf of legendary proportions On tap, the group spilled forth Century; its lone heir today, a drive will be December 10. who once kept the famous wine to investigate the castle - walk- boy of eight or nine, keeps up Mrs. Norman Hulme of Rutgers fasses in the castle. ed past an ivy-covered lawn, be- tradition by coming in between Mr. and Mrs. H. Lindley Peel avenue entertained her bridge Five Minute Walk neath spiked portcullisses to the school hours, to greet his patrons of Columbia avenue spent the dub for luncheon and the afterFollowing luncheon a slight cas\le, through the main eourt· and wish them good day. weekend visiting in Williamsport. noon on Tuesday. , I 1,685.041.00 215,747.00 II 1954 Tax (CUrrent year) ..•...•. 2.306.88 347.09 1953 Tax ....................... 220.50 1952 ''I'ax •..•.•••.••.• , ••••••••• Previous to 1952 Duplicate....... 320.26 Tuition Receivable ...•...•.............••••..•........••.•... Balance on hand all FUnds exclUding Sinking FUnd ••••••••••• TOtal Assets ........................................ .. LIABILITIES Bonded Indebtedness (With Vote of Electorate) •......••...•.. 320.26 5,264.50 40,207.97 1,899,445.20 All oth.er Accounts 109.05 ...•......•.....•....••.••....•• 43,525.li8 69.05 4SQ,5IK.68 Bonded Indebtedness (Without Vote of or Electorate) ......... Accounts Payable Teachers' Balarles $43,525.58 ............................ .. THE SWARTIII\IOREAN 2,653.97 220.50 359,000.00 78,000.00 I Total Liabilities ....................................... .. Amount of Tax COllector's Bond ............. '228,524.01 Amount or Treasurer's Bond ................ , 2,500.00 Amount Qr secretary's Bond •••.••.••.•.•••••• 1.400.00 Reconciliation of Bank Balance at Close or School Year Bank Balance July 4. 1955 ..................................... • 40.511.69 OUtstanding Checks ........................................... • 303.99 Balance on Hand to be Available for School Year 1955-1956 •••• • 40,207.97" .Th1s balance wlli agree with the Item "Balance on Hand (To Be Available tor School Year 1955-1956)" under SummBl'J'. We hereby certify that we have examined the above accounts and flnd them correct. and that the secur1t1ea of the ofDcera of the boar4 are In accordance with law. ROBERT H. KURTZHALB BRUCE D. BMITH RICHAim M. SNYDER Auditors Septmber 21, 1956 ALEXANDER"S Serving you 'round the clock ... -b~ ~ (1J ~ fL rhx.!J I SPRINGFIELD WATER ------ house heating ••• ., Your choice of 29 all-new Plymouth models, Including an allnew line of Suburban station wagons in 3 low price-ranges. GOING PLACES ""ITH THE YOUNG I N HEARTT Easy to enioy and Easy to purchase I It's a pleasure to sit back and enioy a comfortably warm house heated with gas. Just dial the heat you want on the thermostat ••• the heater requires no attention and there is no fuel ordering or storage, With alI·new Push·Button Driving, Aerodynamic Styling, and 90·90 TurboTorque Power, Plymouth again captures the spirit of our day in gleaming metal. Outside, it's bold new Aerodynamic Styling ••• longer ••• bigger ••. one long sweep of beauty up to distinctive new rear fins. Inside, it's roomier with new "miracle" fabrics! On the road, it's breath.laking . •• as Plymouth's new 9()"90 Turbo-Torque Power gives you Top Thrust at Take.OD! Easy Purchase Terms An automatic gas house heater can be purchased with no down payment and 36 months to pay, Get complete Information on auto.matic gas house heating from your plumber, heating contractor, or any Philadelphia Electric store. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC CO.PANY All-new Aerodynamic PUSH.SUTTON DR''''NG With a finger.tip touch YOll seJect your driving range. As easy as flicking a light switch! Then Plymouth's fully automatic PmverFlite - the world's smoothest, most advanced transmission - takes over. I="LYIVIOUTH "58 Drive it at your Plymonth dealer's today I Guthrie-Smith, Inc., 250 Yale Ave nue, Morton, Pa. Porter H. Waite, Inc., Yale Ave\l & Chester Rd., Swarthmore , Pag. 1., ,mE SWAR'l1IMOREAN Friday, November 11, 1!)$S. ~~--------------~----~~~~----------------~--~, , Friday, November 11. 1955 TIlE SWAR11fMOREAN . "::-: ;.-. -=:..~:-=-;--.. P...e 11 Wins Promotion •• .... • ~ ,"" ". ~.' . -... '" .. " . ' ;;k,.· •.~ , • : .. ,'\ "':,-,."" BROO'HF:HS W. MARK BIttLE SI'RATH HAVEN INN _ ,).~-;" _. JOYCE LEWIS.. _ :z:;.·· - THE SWARTHMOQAN . ,..." THE BOUQUET ~N~.aml.t~l!~ SWARTHMORE 'TOGGERY SHOP CATHERMAN'S DRUG SOORE E.. L NOYES. -ad CO. PEI'EB. E. TOLD " ~ " , ' '"';. lSc 15e , .scon SOFT WEAVE COlor Tissue 2 rolls 27c MushroOlilS THE INGLENEUK... "; .. 29c Eggplants FANCY LOCAL Garden Sweet Potatoes• 49clb. 19c ea. lOe.b. BREYER'S ICE CRUM Pillts~ HaR . Pupils Art Award .Exhibit November 13 An Art Award Exhibit, sponsored by the Delaware County Federation of Women's Clubs, will be beld Friday, November 18 from 2 to 4 p,m, In tbe Municipal l3uildlng, Upper Darby, Tbe contest is for pupils in the third to nintb grade inclusive in tbe Delaware County scbools. Art teacbers in the scbools are asked to select no more tban two pieces of art work for eacb child, one. to be a drawing or painting not to exceed 15 incbes by 18 inches, and/or a piece of hand_ craft not to exceed 15 inches. The product "must be original . . . honest, individual interpretation for age level of that child will be considered". Art chairmen of the individual Woman's Clubs in the county are responsible for getting the work from the school in their community to the committee by 10 on tb.e morning of November 18, at the Municipal Building. Judging will take place between 12 and 2, All work v.1l1 be judged in two classes _ pictorial (drawing or p";nting), and handcraft. Eight . . awards WIll be given for study either at the Community Arts Ce t . W 11ingf d th B n er m a . or .!)r e ryn Mawr Aru: Center, Honorable Mentions, w~1 also be granted. A Speclal mvitation Is extended to the parents and friends of exhibitors from 2 to 4 p.m, I saw it in The Swarthmorean: , Fall Clearance of Good Dependable . , ' US-ED CARS --. If you Gre looking for a second car 'or your family, this is the place to buy it•. These' cars have been inspected and ..eco!-ditiolied for many mile" of carefree serv,ce. Call us on 'the phone and we will' lir1ng any car tliM. you pre,.r to your home for a demonstrClition ride. ' 1954 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN. Heater. Turn·Signals. Seat Covers. Low Miieage. One Owner. Car bo..,ght and serviced her,. since new. . $1095.00 1953 PLYMOUTR 4·DOOR SEDAN. 'fwo Tone Green. Heater.' Turn Signals; Seat Covers. Another one-ownerr car in A-l condition. $895.00 1952 DODGE CORONET 4-DOOR SEDAN. Radio with bade seat speaker. Heater. Seat Covers. Puncture-proof Tubeli. A good reliable car at the low price of' $725.00 1951 PLYMOUTH CRANIROOK 4-DOOR SEDAN. Heater. - Turn Signals. !Seat Covers. Another one-owner car in A·l condition. Low Mileage. $525.00 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN DELIVERY. Radio. Heater. Ideal for small delivery service. A buy at $525.00 1950 CHRYSLER WINDSOR CONVERTIBLE. Radio. Heater. Seat Covers. Fluidmatic Drive. A car you would be proud to own. A buy at , $595.00 1949 CHRYSLER 4·DOOR SEDAN. Heater. Seat Covers. Turn Signals.r=luid Drive. A local owner- has turned this. car in on a new Chrysler. In A-l condition. Priced tow at . $350.00 Porter H. Yale 'Ave~ und South Inc.. Ch.r Rd. SW••.••••,. 6-18 , . , . , INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE Page 10 Friday, November 11, 1955 THE SWAR1'HI\IOREAN ------------------~=~~~~-------========= Friday, November 11, 1955 TIlE SW ARTHl\IOREAN I . ".." '. ".. .. ..... . Pn~e II Pupils Art Award Exhibit November 18 Wins Promotion ~ An Art Award Exhibit, spon- .. " sored by the Delaware County Federation of Women's Clubs, will - .. ; .;.: be held Friday, November 18 from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Municipal Building, Upper Darby, The contest is for pupils in the third to ··':<:\781 ··.·.i;~ ... . ,"40:':..•:;:; •.•.:}:;•• :.", ....:.".::: .:., ... ".-,:.-.. ..... -.;." . .... : ninth grade inclusive in the Delaware County schools. Art tcachcr~ in the schools are asked to select no more than two ........ :.:: - .;. . " .. ".:' '. ......... ' .............. . ", . ;:" ,".: ... .". :. ", pieces of art work for each child, i/),iii\'T:'. . onc to be a drawing or painting '" , .. ' not (0 exceed 15 inches by 18 ". . :.~::". : . .. .... Consumer's Co-Operative Ass'n, of Swarthmore, Inc., 403 Dartmouth Avenue . .:. Weekend of Nov~mber 10, 1955 ..' Swift's Premium STEAKS Porterhouse T-Bone Sirloin 79clb EXTRA SPECIAL BREAKSTONE'S Cottage Cheese llb.23c 1-2Ib.13c BORDEN'S o N H T The corn is gathered • • • the wheat is reaped ••• the crops that sustain life are harvested. This harvest is bountiful and good. A v, R Never pass a car on a hill or on a curve. as you are at home. Always stay within safe speedsmaking allowances for road condi- Always keep your car in good me- You sow the seeds of death every time you ignore these traffic rules: •• weather ••• time of day ••• your own physical and mental condition. Don't take an «extra" drink. Always be guided byroad lines •• 5 Always be as courteous on the road tions~ There is a grimmer kind of harvest that only YOU can prevent-the harvest of traffic deaths and injuries, heavier in the faIt than in any other season of the year. E chanical repair. " Whether or not you get into an accident or are caught violating a traffic road signs and markers. rule-you know you are on the wrong side of safety when you take a chance. Never weave in traffic. Stay on the right side. Be a ,000 driver. Instant Coffee 2 oz. jar 57c 2 jars for 67c Jello (All Flavors) 3 for 23c Nabisco Ritz 1 lb. pkg.3Sc KEEBLER'S Town House Cookies 3Sc LUMMIS Salted Cashews & Salted Peanuts both 49c KELLOG HANDY PAK Rice Krispies (Bindividual pkgsJ 23c CO-OP RED LABEL Tomato Juice 29c CO-OP RED LABEL Cranberry Sauce lSc OCEAN SPRAY Cranberry Sauce lSc . SCOTT SOFT WEAVE Color Tissue 2 rolls 27c , EXTRA FANCY J. A. GREEN HORACE A. REEVES B. J. HOY,5 AND 10 STRAm HAYEN INN FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DELAWARE COUNTY THE INGLENEUK. SWARTHMORE CO-OP PORTER H. WAITE, INC. TRE BOUQUET BAIRD and BIRD MARTEL BROTHERS SWARTHMORE TOGGERY SHOP W. MARK BI'l"I'LE CA'I'UE:RMAN'S DRUG STORE JOYCE LEWIS E. L. NOYES and CO. PETER E. TOLD THE SWARTHMOREAN Mushrooms LARGE FLORIDA Eggplants FANCY LOCAL Garden Sweet Potatoes 49clb. 19c ea. 10elb. BREYER'S ICE CREAM Pints - Half Gallons inches, and/or a piece of handcraft not to exceed 15 inches. The L."';;"~;,.~oIL.;...,,-,-...... product Umust be original . . . honest, individual interpretation for age level of that child wiII be Evans Taylor, Wallingford, former Philadelphia branch sales engineer, has been named manager-sales engineer of Exide industrial division of The Electric Storage Battery Company, First employed by the company in 1936 as a laboratory assistant, Taylor later spent five y.ears as a submarine ~attery di~isian field representahve. Dunng 1942 and 1943 he '."as on loan for a U. S . .Army. AIr .Force ~verseas project mvolvmg mamte. • nance, repair and overhaul . . . facihhes for alrcrail battenes, He ' I ' d· specla Ize In ral'I wayan d rno t·IV.e power battery sates from 1946 through 1951. considered". Art chairmen of the individual Woman's Clubs in the county are responsible for getting the work from the school in their community to the committee by 10 on the morning of November 18, at the Municipal Building, Judging will take place between 12 and 2. All work will be judged in two classes _ pictorial (drawing or painting), and handcraft, Eight awards will be given for study el·th er a t th e C ommum'ty A r I5 C en ( er In . W a II·lng f ord ,or th e Bryn MAt C t H bl r s'11 Ien er. onora e M awr t· b en Ions. WI. ~ so. e ~anted. A specIal IDvltahon, IS extended to the parents and friends of exMr, Taylor was born and edu- hibitors from 2 to 4 p.m. cated in the Philadelphia area, He lives with his wife and three I saw it in The Swarthmorean. children at Single lane. Fall Clearance of Good Dependable USED CARS If you eire looking for a second car for your family. this is the place to buy it. These cars have been inspected and reconditioned for many mile§, of carefree service. Call us on the phone and we will bring any car that you prefer to your home for a demonstration ride. . 1954 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN. Heater. Turn Signals. Seat Covers. Low Mileage. One Owner. Car bought and serviced here slnce new. . $1095.00 1953 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN. Two Tone Green. Heater. Turn Signals. Seat Covers. Another one-owner car in A-l condition. $895.00 1952 DODGE CORONET 4-DOOR SEDAN. Radio with back seat speaket. Heater. Seat Covers. Puncture-proof Tubes. A good reliable $725.00 car at the low price of 1951 PLYMOUTH CRANBROOK 4-DOOR SEDAN. Heater. Turn Signals. Seat Covers. Another one-owner car in A-l condition. Low Mileage. $525.00 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN DELIVERY. Radio. Heater. Ideal for small delivery service. A buy at $525.00 1950 CHRYSLER WINDSOR CONVERTIBLE. Radio. Heater. Seat Covers. Fluidmatic Drive. A car you would be proud to own. A buy at $595.00 1949 CHRYSLER 4-DOOR SEDAN. Heater. Seat Covers. Turn Signals. Fluid Drive. A local owner has turned this car in on a new Chrysler. In A-l condition. Priced low at $350.00 Porter H. Waite, Inc. Yale Ave. and South Chester Rd. SWarthmore 6.1250 Friday, November 1'1l1!: SWARTHMOREAl'l Pll8e 12 Mothers WUI Sponsor Puppet Show Nov 19th • LiHle LiHles to Present "Candy Cane Castle" In WhiHier Mrs. ~=E!~~::ston. In constant demand as a leader of Spiritual Life Retreat and prayer groups throughout the United States. will lead the Monthly Day Meditation and Prayer. Decem1. from 10: 30 a.m. to 2: 30 p.m. at the Presbyterian ChUrch. Mrs. E. E. Althouse Mrs. Elmer Ellsworih Alihouse of Wallingford passed away Tuesday. November 8 In her 82nd year. She had been living with her sonIn-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. LIoyd Goman on Brookside road for th~ past three years. Born Margaret Grave Leinbach School classeS for over 50 years. She attended the Swarthmore Church while living this area. Besides her daughter. she Is' survived by a son. Samuel Althouse of 516 Rutgers avenue. and four grandchUdren - John G Althouse of HlbblDg. MInn~ n, 1955 WOMAN'S CLUB NOTES Community Mrs. Helen Hall will give a lecture on her recent toitt around the world before the Travel Group of the Swarthmore Woman's Club. next Thursday evening. November 17. at 8 p.m. • Thanksgiving w. "."",d ; College Ave; Pet Show Awards 9 Prize Kittens ~iiiiiiii~~~~~iiii~ " DAY FAIR if~~;;;~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;~~~~~~' (Continued from 'Page 1) , for "Jon". part gteat dane; tricks. Hunter highly recommends Sor~ ~ Blesalnll. fourtll grade, for , '. ''Frankie'', a dachl;hund; familY' enson's "Plain ,Gh:l'~ and Pllmp- group wtth dog. LInda and Paul ton's "The R a ::Umbrella"·: ' .. ·, .,' kindergarten and ihird (For teen-a 'J3's) Farley's f or ''Tamurlaine of Ber~ "The Island Stallion Races;" • a, cocker spaniel. Meek's· '''Hellfann Star," Lamcats: be,:t's "Love Taps Gently." CavHandsomest, Mtmt McWl1llams, anna's "Passport to Romance." grade. for a tortoise-marked Kjelgaard's "LIon Hound." Du cat; beat _ disclpllned Fordle .Tardln's Summer." Krieger. fourth grade. ior ''TomSeaso,nal books with special lrJp.... a 5,\Ijp'ese;, cutest kitten, ch~ and authenticity Include Bnly SpenCer. fiftll grade. for Wilma Hays' "Pilgrim Thanks- "Timmy". giving" and for Christmas For blrda; handsomest pet In "Brownies - It's Christmas" by the show., Andy MacNair. fourth Adahead. "One Thousand Chrlst- grade. for, "Cherie". a parakeet. " mas Bearda" by DUvolsin. ''WelLast ap.d ,least: &maIlest animal come Chrtatmas" by Anne T. In the ahow. Judy Tyson, fifth Eaton. ''With Bells, On" by Mll- grade, for "Anonymous". a flea hous. and "The CrI~pled Chll- o.t unknown origin. ' dren's Pageant" "How Far is It to' Children who won Idttens (and Bethlehem?" hy Elizabeth Orton at last report have been pelrmllttEod I Jones. to keep them) were: Two good Columbus biographies Sixth grade. Sue Prentice, J eny ":re offered young readers "The Liddell; Betsy Breakel1, Peggy Colum)llls Story" by Allce Dalgliesh and "Columbus" by Ingri' Fifth grade. Judy Tyson, Julie and Edgar d'Aulaire. A new an- Brooks; third gracle. David Foley. thology by Sara and John E. Second grade. Sam Brewton "Sing a Song of Sea- klndeJ:.garten. Linda ..Gatewood. sons" will star the exhibit for Mr. and Mra. Ernest D. Lewis all who love to read poetry. either of Park avenue welcomed the aloud or silently. visit last weekend of Mrs. Helen Rlneheart from Westmln.rier. Md. Home-School To Hear "A Worried Mother" (Continued frOm Page 1) vice-president and program chairman. All parents of school chlldren. teachera at the local schools. and Interested residents of Swarthmore are invited. Immediately foliowlng the meeting there wtll be a coffee and social hour. with hostesses on hand for each school grade to introduce parents to eaCh other: Additional meetings of Home and School during the cUrrent year are scheduled for January 1'1. March 6. and April 24. ''Health and Recreation" will be the topic for January. _,_fA F.III............tq 211 hIM A. . . . CaM. ad " .... .... _ . . . . . . tI ,,,,* ~,. . . .. un ..... ....., ..••• d_ .... , ......... 11 ~., "HOP _ n... Opposite PRR StaH.". .........'", Pa ' M ....... ' . '0"'" Cut flowers • P'ants GHIS, A1I.,ques ....• & I ewe"rr CORSAGES' WE DELI'IEII ANrWHERE P.... 3-3313 ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;il~;;;;;;;i;~~~~ I ....... r HOW , CHRI,STIAN SCIENCE HEALS . . 11.1 • • I '''' , . A.GL ( . AVE. - 9:30 to 6 .... 7TH and WELSH STREETS • SWARTHMOREAN DEADLINE Tho traditional' ColDplani" Than1rdvlnc ServIce will lie Because of tile Thank.. BoUela)'. TIle SwaribmoreaD deadline ned weeir,· wU1 be moved up ODe ela)'; to TDe&day Noon. November 22. The ~ will lie deBvered as U&1UII on FrIda,.. ' You'I/ love tile luxury of tlle,e , Silagmoor, at Speerre" 'ow prlce_ 6995 Whoet>er tlou are. where-' etlet' 1/OU Methodist Laywoman In 2' Addresses Here The League of Women Votera and the Women's International League, will co-sponaor a Ing on Monday. November 21. at to attend. 8 p.m. In Whittier House. on the Also partloJpatiDcln the servResidents Invited To Hear topic "Shall We Revise the United Ice will lie the Rev. J _ h P. Nations Charter?" The subject Is Nov. 30, Dec. 1 Bishop a.nd tile Rev. John considered esPecially pertinent Talks SehoU. mlnlrt .1& of the Presb,.this year. the UDited Nations terlan Churdl: DeaD EvereU -two community meetlnga on tenth anniversary. for it Is mandaBnnt of the 1"rIeniia lIIeellDr. Prayer on November 30 and De- tory tllat a review' of the Charter the Rev. A.lII. Clark, pU\er'of cember 1 will be addressed' by be made at thIa session. Mrs. WalEARL E. BROWN the A. 1IL E. Church. TIle Rev. Mrs. Louise E:gg1eston. vlce-presl- lace McCrory. UN chairman· for iob C. Kulp Is paJdor 01 tile dent of the World Literacy Foun- both organlzatlona. has secured hoDt ahlll'ClL ' '\ • dation and vice-president of Kol- Dr. Ph1llp E. Jacob. of Soutll Sw'!rlhmore avenue. to apeak. nonia Foundatlon. a spiritual training center for technicians. Dr. Jacob grew up In Europe; -I' teachers and businessmen' who he was graduated from Yale UniJuvenl e Delinquency hetp people In underdeveloped versity In 1935. received his master's degree from the University Topic For Tues. areas all over the world. of Pennsylvania. and his Ph.D. Program, Thu':e PrInceton. In 1939 he spent, rsity Teams to COlmpete l Earl E. Brown. Assistant Speelal tuary at. 8 p.m.• Wednesday. No- from some time In c>:echosiovakla Here Saturday In I A@ient with the Federal Bureau of vember 30. It will take the place under German Occupatlon. He has InvestIgation will speak before of the Methodist Church Cottage been working wtth· Jl>e American Three Sports the Swarthmore Woman's Club. Praye~ Meeting and all In the Fiienda Service Commtttee for next Tueaday afternoon at 2 p.m.. community are invited to attend. six years. on FBI actlvlttea wtth emphasis A student quartet from SwarthIn 1952 he attended the World juvenile dellnqlJeJleY. more College will sing. Conference of Frienda at oxtord Mrs. Walter N, M.oir. chairman The second meetIng will be the and then traveled on the continent. including Yugoslavia. In of the education department. and (Continued on Page 6) 1953 h& received the 'woodrow Mrs. John W. SeUle. chairman of award for the beat book youth conservation. are In general ,Mothers to Sponsor In the !leld of '. government and I :::::~ theprog1'8m. During his Puppet Show Tomorrow (Cohtlnued;.ori Page 6) , II Mr. Biown will explain why juventle delinquency' is of The' LIttle Littles of SwarthInterest to the FBI. and wtn quote more will pret\Ont their Puppet 1he,,!ldd aa to 118 ;cit_ Show, Cane Castlli," rU"Pft,V '" '" OIl pqe 7)" 'JDOp-ow·8ffiImoOn.November "'" Swarthmore CoUege Host to Haverford DnStage. thet'e's 0. 1~~=::~f:or~S:ilttUr~d~ay:':.~~o!~~ ~ fll8hion-c!assic tho.t's the, coot of tlour life! Sho.gmoor's own superb 100% UIOOIens provide the stu,... , ' beauUful baril' of nvUng that t'emai... fo.Ih- (:idr....." ,f - .. . . t COATS Sp••"'s SlCand Roor, , Bu7. slender toppiDg I! .. usa • . In the SwarthmDnl Methodist Church today at 2 p.m. She wtll recount her participation In what she calls her' extra-currtcu1ar activities Incldental to the Federation's European travels. ~e was especially Interested In e opportunity ~ eomblne, her experieaces 01 the toUr wtththe chance to leam more about other peoples and to understand their vlewpolnta. Mrs. Hatch Is a Dlember CIt the WAc.a 01 the Broad Street liemorlal Methodlat Church In el Hill and _ves on: thO' executift' boIId as weretarJ of ClubtID Soda] Belatioall. of tIU. hoIida)' seMon,' the SWIU1bmon and Rutlelke 1IohooI. In all poacJes; will doH for the va"tlon on Wedn....y noon, November 23. UId will reapen for eI'""es aPIn on Novemller:aB, at &he·usUlllour. / ~ FI~d ,:.,.A~anled' , LM~ ~~ 2~:~e: c=!:!~~o:,dw. Honorary D.O. Degree a new and, dlfferent one In LI t tles• repertoire Is sponsored by the Moth,era Club. An invitation haa been extended to all tota and their parents to attend the entertalnment. Party grOups are also "invited. , Robert Van Ravenswaay. chairman, of the event Is being' (ContInued on Page 6) ' Professor E. H. Cox, chairman of the department of cheailstti' of Swarthmore College. was awarded an honorary doctor's cieIree by the University of MOIltpe1ller hi France. November 8. He was a Fulbrtght vlsittnir profeaor at that University In 19&1-53, a.ndls now completing a month as vlsiting lectuJ:er there. RED CROSS ISSUES PLEA Accordlng.tothe account ot,the " FOR VOLUNTEER WORKER Montpellier newspaper. Midi LIThe Swarthmore Branch of Dr. Cox ''received the diploma American Red CroBS has issued a l\,lld Insignia of doctor, honoris plea for a volunteer worker who causa at a ceremony In front of can give one day a week to work the principal civil. military. and In the Chester Omce of the Home reUglous autl>ontles of the reService. This volunteer will serve glon.'· Pro'essor Mousseron; w h 0 mad e as a social welfare aide working" witll servicemen, veterans and presentation, "lald ,theaecent their dependents. helping them on the espectal competence" of Dr. with their problems. No experI- Cox In tlle field of organic ence is needed. Istry. Dr. Cox Is a member of Those Interested sked to several scientific: socleUes and ,Is call -",:'., Corhln Shuartee cahalrman a ,techni,c,al" advisor In organi'c ""'''8,JI. ~s. 3434Garmen'tsGa..L ,red UIi B Needlework Guild ,Y , e' Results of the Needlework Gulld IngatIierlng held on Tuesday. November 8, have been, announced. A total of 3434 new garments of good quality was computed. These were sorte,d for dis'·trlhutlo'n to 19_charltles. packed' by tlle end of the day. and delivered witllln the past week. Anyone who has failed to contribute and still wishea to do so. Association Elects New The swarthmore Recreation As-' soclation has announced the election of omcers for the 1955-56 season. Richard K. Noye was named 'President wtth Mrs. J., A, Turner as. vice-president. Alfred Boyd Is treasurer and M~ will serve aa his a a;:t.:: Lucien Burnett was ,ec reCordIng secretary. New board members thIa Iilclude Joseph Howe, Mrs. Burnett, and Mr. Schmidt. ReturnInI board members are Mrs. Charles 'Bovard. ltb'bard Hunt, lira. AIell' 1IDb" and Mrs. y~ Wolfe. oJMoervatiee ~et:~~beS!..~ ,·C.~ SCHOOLS TO CLOSE ~=~~ I Recreation of tlle Woman's Club 01 Hill. will speak to women Shagmoot' u:. An original musical production, I,P;', when the two coIieges will "Dot•• Before My ');:yeS."wW be compete In Varsity Football, preseDted by Swarthmore Socc;er. and -CrOBS Country all on students tonight and same day rathar ~an ' over night. 'November 18 and 19. at atllree- 'd,ay pertod' as 'has been 8:15 In Clothier Uemortalon the ' practice' In \ past yeats. The campus. Aathls year's HambUrg Soccer game' will be played on Show. the production will be Clothler at 10:30 a.m.; the sponsored by the Football game Is schedUled for Kwink. " A l u m n i Field at 2 p.m•• and the Cross Country meet will start ':::,I",om Alumni Field' at, 2:45. The plot of the show spina around a college and romance " tween ''Marty'' "Dottle." AlumnUrom'botll colleges will be hence the title "Dot's Before My served a buffet luncheon at 12:30 Eyes." The settIng Is at a cQrtain In Somerville Recreation Center. "Crarr. College." wtth "many of Haverford have been Inthe characteristics of Swarth- vlted to eat ,witll Swarthmore students In the main dining room. Junior Varsity events more," according to the writers. for Friday, November scheduled The college is situated In a 18. at 2:30 p.m. on the Haverford small town. sporting an outlandcampus. Ish1y con'Upt civic government The traditional rivalry between ThIs gives rise to ,another thread these two colleges centers around of the plot. With the belp of student campaign managers, one the trophies that have been OfCJ:am College'S illustrious profes- ~ered for the beat record ' a s!lra runs for mayor. bucking the number of different sports the year. The Hood, TrOPhY. corrup\ machine., Ron Axe wrote the Jyrtcs' while symbol of varsity competition, Is (Continued on page 7) based on nine sports: football, soccer. cross cpuntry, basketball, Methodist Women to (Continued on PUe 6) MrI. Martin P. Hatch. at the coUntrv club en" shoppinp CIt the Super- ' chem~ =-.. may contact any guild director or lVIl'S ch~''''omcer who will see that the gar_ of VoiU;i:iteerServlces:' SWarthmatters to the U. S. ment is sent to the proper charity. more NaVy Department. 'ROPERTY OWNERS ELECT DIRECTORS FOR NEW YEAR 'a:-s~57~ Thanksgiving Day Fol,tball Game \ . , The Swarthmore Property Ownera' Association- held 'Ita annual SWARTIDIOu.a1JTLBDOl.i:.nOB SCHOOL ..... • LANSDOWNE-ALDAN mOB SCHOOL ' Thursday. November 24 Swarthmore College FIeld at 10 A.)(. Game Y_"'olJp Sward ---47-Baughn ..... ,., , ..... LE ..... , ....... 24-Irrgang 34-.Jackson ....... , ...... LT .......... , .. 36-Foley 45-Garrett .............. LG .......... " .. 34-Zimmerman 7l-J'ones. . . . . . . . . . . .. • . .. C . ••......••... ~ Comby 36 Lange ............... RG ............. 37-ArtInian 75-Morrlson ............. RT ............. SS--Romano 58-Kroon ................ lU!! ............. 44-shelton U-Wentz ... , .......... , QB ••••.• '.' • • . .• 25-~ps 88 LewIs ............... HB ............. D-l........no 52-Coleman .............. HB ............. 27-'Jl'ulmer 57-Pappas ............... F ............. 41-Wemtz 4Ii, S n y d e r ' 55-1'tecard ~~ ,_-I)_'PIa,....... .meeting ThursdaY. November 10 at the Swartfunore Woinail.·s Club. Dtrector for the 'vitrious seeuona of 'the Borough Wen! elected at that time. , ... Andrew Alexander of 117 South Swarthmore avenue and John H. Derickson. Jr.• of 539 Westminster avenue were newly appointed for the southeast dlatrIct. Re-elected are Allan C. WoOd of 22'1 North Swarthmore avenu~, for ' the northeast area; Henry B. Com :Ir.. of 51'1 Walnut lan& for northwest section, and Hem:,. L. , o f 9CM Mount HolYoke place for the southwest Retc!r• The direettca Win meet the ftritt Monday In J>ecember to elect lit OeinmID 1L._ _......_;...-_..:-._..-~_......,.._ _ _ _ _ _ _-1'lolllleera. " -1owD or COUIltI7 meet- FBI Specla. I Agent WUI Be Club Gues't r:,1~!fIH!1'IB'1n (~t4W~ Hear Mrs. Batch TCI.davl are-soclallzlng Dr. P. E. Jacob to Speak. On UN Charter at 8 In WhiHier ------- ~tudents JUST MADE FOR YOU , Leagues Will Sponsor Meeting Monday 'w_ dW Chllfth on Park TIle Rev_ B. Lawnace WJIlUemore, Jr.. reetor of Church, will de1lver tile sermon. TIle ()haneel Cbotr of tile hoDtohareIJ will 1IIna'. . lIIemhen aud frienda of tile commani" are conUaUY Invited ~'~f THERE"S A , dv, ", . . . . . . . ..., 21 u'" • _ .. .,.. 9:30 to 9 Sat....I.u Lettera from three grade mothera' groups and the school bealtll and welfare commtttee. plus nine parents In person. urging a new heater for the College AVenue Elementary School, confronted members of the Swarthmore-Rutledge School Board when they convened In the high school bulld,Jng Wednesday evening. Dr. Samuel T. Carpenter. Board secretary and propi,rty chalrtnan, said he had also received 60 telephone calls In regard to fumes emitting from present heaters. irritating eyes and noses of pupIls and faculty. . The ftrst leiter. dated November 5. waa from Mrs. Donald Longman. secretary of the FJ1th Grade Mothera Group which experienced the fumes at its meeting at' the school on November 3. The leiter 'expressed surprise that a condition which at tlmea occaslona opening of windows for ventilation and conaquent wearing of , outdoor clothea In the cIaaaroom, should have gone wtthout more permiUlent tlxIng than the Ineflec(Continued on Page 7) Hele!' in ' Clothier At,e:15 Fri~ -r COMMUNFn SERYICE a_ TrInl" · ' I'. MVs·' iT ' 0,n91nQ ' IC«I.>.~ """'n.l- , '!II!" '""r 9:.;to 5:30 TH~ MO:\TON, FLOWED ' -~ . ...,. ", thru "Showbo~t. i "You Meet the . NICEST People at Spe~re'~" . .. ' STO••:",HOUitS: Math. Church 13.50 PER YEAR Novemoo 18, 1955 held ThaDbdvIDa' Day ~ at 10 In tile Swarihmore lIIeUul- School Baard Told Of Fumes Irritating Pupils ..rl, A;:;":~ SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, Parents Demand New CoDege Avenue .IBSDII.TIOIS 10:00 A.M. • VOLUME 27-NUMBER 46 If;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j ~rgeat ~RTHMOREAN THE 1------------- A puppet show entitled "Candy In Coplay. daughter. of Dr. anil Sandra Althouse of Rutgers aveCane Castle". will be presented Mrs. Samuel A. Leinbach. Mrs. nue. Richard D. Goman. a student by the "Little Littles" at the Whit' was brought up by her at Colgate University. and Mary tier House on Saturday. Novemgrandp,arenta. Dr. and Mrs. Ellen Goman of Wallingford. ber 19. under the sponsorship of The outdoor court echoed with Charles W. Everhearl In SellersA memorial service will be held " the Swarthmore Molhers Club. All loud barks and muffled purrlng';,1 ville as her mother had died at at St. Paul's' Reformed' Church children and parents are Invited on Wednesday afternoon, Novem- her birth. She married E. E. Al- on ~Iday at 11 a,m. to the 2:30 program In the Whlt- ber 2. as the College 'avenue Ele- thouse. lawyer and pubIlsher. In Oar .killed Registered tier House. ' mentary School enjoyed a pet 1897 and they made their home lri DECOU PAGE Pharmawu' .perialiq in The "Little Littles" puppet show. Featured at tlle hour-long Sellersville until his death In Mn.' P. W. Uppl.CDH prompt. precise comshows are a family affair with show was the drawing for 1947. She then moved to Swarth- Prl..t. and d ... lmon. In ...., •• pounding. Each .tep it each member of the Ralph V. kittens. more and lived at the Strath a fa ..lnatlnvand .nlq.. Fnnch 'ttle J f mUy tak. ". Haven Inn f !l method for decoratlnv "'Y'. boll. furnTdoubl...checked to aslure L, , r.. a mg part In Home-made brownies. fudge. or ve years before tv", .... accuracy. And you'll apthe preparation,' Mrs. Little has cookies and Kool-Aid were going to stay with her daughter. SWa"".o;' 6-04,6" preciate our uniformly charge of scripts. making and and the proceeds of $6.50 donated Mrs. Althouse was prominent In I dressing the puppets. and plan- to the Society for the Prevention the D. A. R. and In civic and I lair pdces. Try 1111 ' ning the music. while her husband of Cruelty to Animals. patriotic activities. She was a WEST" LAUREL HILL devotes his time to the technical A committee of Philip Swayne's member of the !lrst graduating CATHERMAN'S end, the stage. handling the ampll- sixth graders witll Lee Smith 'as class of Sellersville High. School CREMATORY !lers and lights. Young Donald. chairman. planned. and and had planned io attend he; ...CIty,: UN. 'DRUG STORE who Is stage manager. makes the executed the 'entire program. 66th reunion exercises there in a ,.-,props. Daughters Sbirley' and Judges were Nell Wiseman. Mrs. few weeks; , IYyrldge 3·1122 Janet help out during the per- Abbie Enders nnd Mrs. Grace . Following her graduation there COS\ of ser_ formance. have charge of running Witter. m 1889 she continued on to norchaPel, cre' the music. and "acting" for the Prizes awarded are given below. for mal, school. and afterwarda. taught niche. may,urn be and obtained perof need. A modern ch aract ers. For dogs.' seven years. Mrs. Althouse In The LIttles. who live on HavHandsomest animal In the show; was a member of the St: Paul's reasonable cost. wh h Church ID Sellersvl11e. Your inquirv is im,tted. erford place. ....are well known to Joan Plowman. fiftll ... -ade. for Reformed S,warth more cuUdren. having ap- "Duke". an EngIlsh bull dog' ere s e conducted Sund~ay~~~~ !I!~= peared In vartous performances most interesting-looking. Bill Gn~ ii!i ~ at the public library. the Presby- fourth grade. for ''Freckles''. a terlan Church and at a local nur- setter; second moat Interestlngsery school. They have also apDougle Sutllerland. secpeared on television. ond grade. for "SIssie". a dal"Candy Cane Castle" Is an en- mation. \ tlrely new and dlfferent type of Best tr8ined. Mary Lee Coe. program which the LIttles feel to sixth grade. for "Casey". a dalbe the beat one attempted. Mrs. mati on; second best trained. Bob Robert Van Ravenawaay is In Rowland. fourth grade for charge of the program for the "Greta". a German sh~pherd; mothera. largest animal In the show. Sandy I ' PeIrsol. kindergarten. for ''Val''. November 16 • • • • :'.' November 17 a great dane. Lib rary to Celebrate Second animal In the 2 • 'P.M. 10 A.M•• 5 P.M. Book Week Nov. J3-J show. Betsy Karop. fcurth grade. TRINITY CHURCH - SWARTHMORE org~nized Service Nov. 24th , , th~ INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE HWA[tTll~IOH[' (.'0 LU,G ~~ '111~ Page 12 Mothers Will Sponsor Puppet Show Nov. 19th little Littles to Present "Candy Cane Castle" In Whittier A puppet show entitled "Candy Cane Castle", will be presented b.y the "Little Littles" at the Whittier House on Saturday. November 19. under the sponsorship of the Swarthmore Mothers Club. All children and parents are invited to the 2:30 program in the Whittier House. The "Little Littles" puppet shows are a family affair with each member o( the Ralph V. Little, Jr., family taking part in the preparation. Mrs. Little has charge of scripts, making and dressing the puppets, and planning the music, while her husband devotes his time to the technical end, Ihe stage, handling the amplifiers and lights. Young Donald, who is stage manager. makes the props. Daughters Shirley and Janet help out during the performance, have charge of running the music, and "acting" for the PRAYER LEADER Mrs. Louise Way Eggleston, in constunt demand as a leader of Spiritual Life Retreat and prayer groups throughout the United States, will lead the Monthly Day of Meditation and Prayer, December I, from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Presbyterian Church. College Ave. Pet Show Awards 9 Prize Kittens Friday, November 11, 1955 SWARTHMOREAN of Wallingford passed away Tuesday, November 8 in her 82nd year. She had been living with her SODin-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Goman on Brookside road for the past three years. Born Margaret Grave Leinbach in Coplay, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Leinbach, Mrs. Althouse was brought up by her grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. Everheart in Sellersville as her mother had died at her birth. She married E. E. Althouse, lawyer and publisher, in 1897 and they made their home in Sellersville until his dt'ath in 1947. She then moved to Swarth- School classes for over 50 years. She attended the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church while living in this area. Besides her daughter, she is survived by a son, Samuel Althouse of 516 Rutgers avenue, and four grandchildren John G. Althouse of Hibbing, Minn., Sandra Althouse of Rutgers ave- WOMAN'S CLUB NOTES lecture On her recent tour around the world before the Travel Group of the Swarthmore Woman's Club next Thursday evening, Novembe; nue, Richard D. Goman, a student at Colgate University, and Mary Ellen Goman of Wallingford. A memorial service will be held at St. Paul's Reformed Church on Friday at 11 a.m. We ~DmpDfJnd ; .RESCRIPTIDNS I - Monday thru Th.ursday Friday • Coni.. Saturday . Opposite PF. R Station. Momn. Po. Cut flowers ~ Potted P'ants Gifts, Antiques & Jewe'ry shopping at the SupeT- at the country club there's a OT S hagmooT coat of your ufe! Shag- moOT's own superb 100% woolens provide the stuT- dy, THOM SEREMIA 215 Felton AytAU_. Colllnqda1e, Pa. More than fiy. years of ret....nus in Sworthmoce, and Yic1nlty . . • ftnt-class wad of rMSOftClbl. rates • • • over 25 yea,.' eqMr1ena. T.I.p .... S..... HHI 0734 s....,. ,... of ionable yeaT after yeaT. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS WI. "" Ie, basis styling that Temains fash- HOW Furniture Upholstering beautiful Size. fOT misses and petites. COATS-Spellre's AM. Second Roor Service ~RTHMOREAN THE 10:00 A.M. Meth. Church SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, VOLUME 27-NUMBER 46 Parents Demand New College Avenue School Board Told Of Fumes Irritating Pupils November 18, 1955 COMMUNITY SERVICE SWARTHMOREAN DEADLINE The traditional Community Thankglvlng Service will be held Thanksgiving Day morning at 10 In the Swarthmore MetllOdlst Church on Park avenue. The Rev. H. Lawrence Whitte- Beeause of the Thankllglvlng Holiday, The SwarUnnorean deadline next week, will be moved up one day, to Tuesday Noon, November 22. The paper will be delivered as usual on Friday. more, Jr., rector of Trinity Churcb. wlll deliver the sermon. The Chancel Cboir of the Letters from three grade moth- host chnreh will sing. ers' groups and the school health Members and friends of the and welfare committee, plus nine community are cordially invited parents in person, urging a new to attend. heater for the College Avenue Also participating in the servElementary School, confronted ice will be the Rev. Josepb P. members of the Swarthmore-RutBishop and the Rev. John ledge School Board when they Schott, ministers of the Presbyconvened in the high school buildterian Church; Dean Everett ing Wednesday evening. Hunt, of the Friends Meeting; Dr. Samuel T. Carpenter, Board the Rev. A. M. Clark, """tor of secretary and property chairman, the A. M. E. Chnrcb. The Rev. said he had also received 60 teleJohn C. Kulp Is pastor of the phone calls in regard to fumes host chnrcb. emitting from present heaters, irritating eyes and noses of pupils and faculty. The first letter, dated November 5, was from Mrs. Donald Longman, secretary of the Fifth Grade Mothers Group which experienced the fumes at its meeting at the school on November 3. The leiter IV'"r'cil~ Teams to Compete expressed surprise that a condiHere Saturday In tion which at times occasions Th S ' opening of windows for ventilaree ports tiOD and consquent wearing of outdoor clothes in the classroom, should have gone without more permanent fixing than the ineffec(Continued on Page 7) .a.50 PER YEAR Leagues Will Sponsor Open Meeting Monday Dr. P. E. Jacob to Speak On UN Charter at 8 In Whittier Methodist Laywoman In 2 Addresses Here The League o( Women Voters and the \\'omen's International League, will co-sponsor a meeting on Monday, November 21, at 8 p.m. in Whittier House, on the Residents Invited To Hear topic "Shall We Revise the United Nations Charter?" The subject is Nov. 30, Dec. 1 considered especially pertinent Talks this year, the United Nations Two community meetings on tenth anniversary, for it is mandaPrayer on November 30 and De- tory that a review of the Charter cember 1 will be addressed by be made at this session. Mrs. WalEARL E. BROWN Mrs. Louise Eggleston, vice-presi- lace McCrory, UN chairman for dent of the World Literacy Foun- both organizations, has secured dation and vlce-·president of Koi- Dr. Philip E. Jacob, of South nonia Foundation, a spiritual Swarthmore avenue, to speak. training center for technicians, Dr. Jacob grew up in Europe; teachers and businessmen who he was graduated from Yale UniJuvenile Delinquency help people in underdeveloped versity in 1935, received his masareas all over ·the world. ter's degree from the University Topic For Tues. The IIrst meeting will be held o( Pennsylvania, and his Ph.D. Program in the Methodist Church Sanc- from Princeton. In 1939 he spent Earl E. Brown, Assistant Special tuary at. 8 p.m .• Wednesday, No- some time in Cz;echoslovakia vember 30. It will take the place under German occupation. He has Agent with the Federal Bureau of of the Methodist Church Cottage been working with the American Investigation will speak before Prayer Meeting and all in the Friends Service Committee for the Swarthmore Woman's Club, community are invited to attend. six years. next Tuesday afternoon at 2 p.m., A student quartet from SwarthIn 1952 he attended the World on FBI activities with emphasis more College will sing. Conference of Friends at Oxford on juvenile delinquency. The second meeting will be the and then traveled on the conMrs. Walter N. Moir, chairman (Continued on Page 8) tinent, including Yugoslavia. In of the education department, and 1953 he received the Woodrow Mrs. John W. Soule, chairman of Wilson award for the best book youth conservation, are in general Mothers to Sponsor charge o( the program. During his Puppet Show Tomorrow in the field of government and lecture, Mr. Brown will explain . (Continued on Page 6) why juvenile delinquency is of I The Little Littles of Swarthinterest to the FBI, and will quote more will present their Puppet experts in the field as to its causes Show "Candy Cane Castle," toOriginal Musical To Be (Continued on Page 7) morrow· afternoon, November 19, HOOD TROPHY at 2:30 in Whittier House, on Held in Clothier· Swarthmore-Haverford Day is the college campus. The show, a SCHOOLS TO CLOSE scheduled for Saturday, 'November At 8:15 new and different one in the Professor E. H. Cox, chalrman 19, when the two colleges will In observance of the holiday Littles' repertoire is sponsored by An original musical production, compete in Varsity Football, of the department of chemistry of "Dot's Before My Eyes," will be Soccer, and Cross Country all on season, . the Swarthmore and the Mothers Club. An invitation Swarthmore College, was awardpresented by Swarthmore College the same day rather than over Rutledge scbools in all grades has been extended to all tots and ed an honorary doctor's degree students tonight and tomorrow a three day period as has been will close for the Thanksgiving their parenls to attend the en- by the University of Montpeilier night, November 18 and 19, at the practice in past years. The vacation on Wednesday noon, tertainment. Party groups are also in France, November 3. He was 8:15 in Clothier Memorial on the Soccer game will be played on November 23, and wlll reopen .invited. a Fulbright visiting professor at ~lrs. Robert Van Ravenswaay, campus. As this year's Hamburg Clothier Field at 10:30 a.m.; the for classes again on Monday, that University in 1951-52, and is Show, the production will be Football game is scheduled for November 28, at the usual bour. chairman of the event is being now completing a month as visit(Continued on Page 6) sponsored by the So~iety of Alumni Field at 2 p.m., and the ing lecturer there. Kwink. According to the account of the Cross Country meet will start RED CROSS ISSUES PLEA The plot of the show spins from Alumni Field at 2:45. Montpellier newspaper, Midi LiFOR VOLUNTEER WORKER around a college romance bebre, Dr. Cox "received the diploma Alumni from both colleges will be The Swarthmore Branch of the tween "Marty" and "Dottie," served a buffet luncheon at 12:30 a,nd insignia of doctor honaris Results of the Needlework Guild American Red Cross has issued a causa at a ceremony in front of hence the title "Dot's Before My in Somerville Recreation Center. Eyes." The setting is at a certain Haverford students have been in- Ingathering held on Tuesday, No- plea for a volunteer worker who the principal civil, military, and "Cram College," with "many of vited to eat with Swarthmore vember 8, have been announced. can give one day a week to work religious autporities of the rethe characteristics of Swarth- students in the main dining room. A total of 3434 new garments of in the Chester Office of the Home gion." more,*' according to the writers. All Junior Varsity events are good quality was computed. These Service. This volunteer will serve Professvr Mousseron, who made The college is situated in a scheduled (or Friday, November were sorte.d for distribution to as a social welfare aide working the presentation, "laid the accent small town, sporting an outland- 18, at 2:30 p.m. on the Haverford 19 charities, packed by the end with servi'Cemen, veterans and on the especial competence" of Dr. of the day, and delivered within their dependents, helping them Cox in the field of organic chemishly corrupt civic government campus. with their problems. No Experi- istry. Dr. Cox is a member of the past week. This gives rise to another thread The traditional rivalry between Anyone who has failed to con- ence is needed. several scientific societies and is of the plot. With the help of stuthese two colleges centers around tribute and still wishes to do so, Those interested are asked to a technical advisor in organic dent campaign managers, one of the trophies that have been ofcall Mrs. Corbin Shute, chairman may contact any guild director or chemistry matters to the U. S. Cram College's illuslrlous professors runs for mayor, bucking the fered for the best record in a officer who will see that the gar- of Volunteer Services, SWarth- Navy Department. number of different sports during ment is sent to the proper charity. more 6-3757. corrupt machine. PROPERTY OWNERS ELECT Ron Axe wrote the lyrics while the year. The Hood Trophy, symbol of varsity competition, is (Continued on Page 7) DIRECTORS FOR NEW YEAR based on nine sports: football, soccer, cross country, basketball, The Swarthmore Property OwnSWARTRMORE-RlJTLEDG}~' [GH SCHOOL Methodist Women to (Continued on Page 6) ers' Association held its annual vs. meeting Thursday, November 10 Hear Mrs. Hatch LANSDOWNE-ALDAN mGH SCHOOL at. the Swarthmore Woman's Club. Auociation Mrs. Martin F. Hatch, president Recreation Thursday, November 24 DlTector for the various sections of the Woman's Club of Drexel Elects New Swarthmore College Field at 10 A.M. of the Borough were elected at Hill, will speak to the women of Game LlDe-lJp that time. The Swarthmore Recreation Asthe Swarthmore Methodist Church Swarthmore players Lansdowne· Players Andrew Alexander of 117 South today at 2 p.m. She will recount sociation has announced the elec47-Baughn .............. LE ............. 24-Irrgang tion of officers for the 1955-56 . Swarthmore avenue and John H. her participation in what she calls 34-.Jackson .............. LT ............. 36-Foley season. Richard K. Noye was Derickson, Jr., of 539 Westminster her extra-curricular activities in45-Garrett .............. LG ............. 34-Zimmerman named president with Mrs. J. A. avenue were newly appointed for cidental to the Federation's Euro71-Jones ................ C . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48-Comby Turner as vice-president. Alfred the southeast district. Re-elected pean travels. She was especially 36-Lange .............. , RG ............. 37-Artinian Boyd is treasurer and Marshall are Allan C. Wood of 227 North interested in the opportunity to 75-Morrison ............. RT ............. 52-Romano Schmidt will serve as his assistSwarthmore avenu~, for the combine her experiences of the 53-Kroon ................ RE ............. 44-Shelton ant. Mrs. Lucien Burnett was northeast area; Henry B. Coles~ tour with the chance to learn 42-Wentz ............... QB ............. 25-Phillips elected recording secretary. Jr., of 517 Walnut lane for the more about other peoples and to 68--Lewis ............... HB ............. 22--Jenzano New board members this year northwest section, and Henry L. understand their viewpoints. 52--Coleman ............. HB ............. 27-Fulmer include Joseph Howe, Mrs. BurBunker of 904 Mount Holyoke Mrs. Hatch is a member of the 57-Pappas ............... F .. . . .. . . . .... 41-Wemtz nett, and Mr. Schmidt. Returning place for the southwest sector. W.S.C.S. of the Broad Street Meboard members are Mrs. Charles 46-Snyder The directors will meet the first morial Methodist Church in DreXBovard, Richard Hunt, Alfred 55-Piccard Monday in December to elect el Hill and serves on the eXecu"____________________________________________________ 64-Gemmill tive board as secretary of Chris- Maass, Mrs. Alex Mills, and Mrs. Lindsay Wolfe. tian Social Relations. FBI Special Agent Will Be Club Guest Swarthmore College Host to Haverford ColiegeHamburgShow On Stage Tonight,Sat. Prof. E.M.Cox Awarded Honorary D.O. Degree 3434GarmentsGathered By Needlework Guild . fashion-classic that's the CORSAGES • Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Day FC?,btball Game Whoever you are, where-' ever you aTe-socializing Nov. 24th Community 17, at 8 p.m. IDAY FAIR THE MO!\TON FLOWER "HOP lJp • ....... Mrs. Helen Hall will give a The outdoor court echoed with loud barks and mu(fied purrings on Wednesday afternoon, Novem;;;:;;:;;:;;:~~~;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:=. Our skilled Registered ber 2, as the College avenue EleDECOU PAGE mentary School enjoyed a pet Pharmacists specialize in Mr•• F. W. LlpplncoH show. Featured at the hour-long Private and class lessons in Decoupoge, prompt, precise comshow was the drawing for nine more and lived at the Strath a fascinating and unique ea,ly French pounding. Each step is Haven Inn for five years before method for decorating trays, boxs, furnikittens. double-checked to assure . ture, etc. Home-made brownies, fudge, gomg to stay with her daughter. SW·arthmore 6·04!6 accuracy. And you'll ap· cookies and Kool-Aid were sold Mrs. Althouse was prominent in preciate oor uniformly and Ihe proceeds of $6.50 donated the D. A. R. and in civic and {air pdc... Try us! . to the Society for the Prevention patriotic activities. She was a WEST· LAUREL HILL of Cruelty to Animals. member of the first graduating CREMATORY A committee of Philip Swayne's class of Sellersville High School, CATHERMAN'S Selmont Aye. ahoy. Ctty Un•• sixth graders with Lee Smith as and had planned to attend her Bala-Cynwyd DRUG STORE chairman, planned, organized and 66th reunion exercises there in a IVyridge 3-1122 executed the entire program. few weeks. Judges were Nell Wiseman, Mrs. Certificate covering cost of ser_ Following her graduation there Abbie Enders and Mrs. Grace in 1889 she continued on to norbeautiful chapel, crenoal; iOlion, choice of urn and Witter. mal school, and afterwards, taught manent niche, may be obtaiiU"',d Prizes awarded are given below. for seven years. Mrs. Althouse in advance of need. A modem For dogs: characters. was a member of the St. Paul's service at reasonable cost. Handsomest animal in the shOW, Reformed Church in Sellersville The Littles, who live on HavY01£T inquiry is invited. Joan Plowman, fifth grade, for where she conducted Sunda; erford place, are well known to Swarthmore cbildren, having ap- "Duke", an English bull dog· peared in various performances most interesting-looking, Bill Gin: at the public library. the Presby- fourth grade, for HFreckles", a terian Church and at a local nur- setter; second most interestingsery school. They have also ap- looking, Dougie Sutherland, secand. grade, for "Sissie", a dalpeared on television. "Candy Cane Castle" is an en- mation. Best trained. Mary Lee Coo, tirely new and different type of sixth grade, for "Casey", a dalprogram which the Littles feel to be the best one attempted. Mrs. matian; second best trained, Bob Rowland. fourth grade, for Robert Van Ravenswaay is in reI" a, a G erman shepherd; "G charge of the program for the largest animal in the show, Sandy mothers. November 16 • • • • • • November 17 Peirsol, kindergarten, for "Val", 10 A.M. - 5 P.M. 2· 9 P.M. a great dane. Second largest animal in the Library to Celebrate SWARTHMORE TRINITY CHURCH show, Betsy Kamp, fourth grade, Book Week Nov. 13-19 for uJon", part great dane', tricks , (Continued from Page 1) Ann Blessing, fourth grade, for Hunter highly recommends, Sor- ICFrankie", a dachshund; family "You Meet the NICEST People at Speare's" STORE HOURS: enson's "Plain Girl" and Plimp- group with dog, Linda and Paul ton's "The Rabbit's Umbrella'" , Zecher, kindergarten and third (For teen-agers. J3's) Farley's grade, for "Tamurlaine of Ber"The Island Stallion Races." wyn", a cocker spaniel. Meek's "Bellfarm Star," Lam- For cats: 9:3Uo 5:30 Handsomest, Mimi McWilliams bert's "Love Taps Gently," Cav' anna's "Passport to Romance," thlTd grade, for a torlolse-marked best - disciplined, Fordie Kjelgaard's "Lion Hound," Du cat; 9:30 to 9 Krieger, fourth grade, for uTomJardin's "Showboat Summer." Seasonal books with special kin". a Siamese; cutest kitten charm and authenticity include Billy Spencer, fifth grade fO; EDGMONT AVE. - 7TH lind WELSH STREETS 9:30 to 6 ' Wilma Hays' "Pilgrim Thanks- "Timmy". For birds: handsomest pet in giving" and for Christmas the show, Andy MacNair, fourth "Brownies - It's Christmas" by THERE'S A grade, for "Cherie", a parakeet. Adshead, "One Thousand ChristLast and least: smallest animal mas Beards" by Duvoisin, uWelcome Christmas" by Anne T. in the shOW, Judy Tyson, fifth Eaton, "With Bells On" by Mil- grade. for "Anonymous". a flea of unknown origin. hous, and "The Crippled ChilChildren who won kittens (and dren's Pageant" "How Far is it to at last report have been permitted Bethlehem?" by Elizabeth Orton to keep them) were: Jones. Sixth grade, Sue Prentice Jerry Two good Columbus biographies Lid~ell, Betsy Breaken,' Peggy are offered young readers tiThe Robmson. JUST MADE FOR YOU Columbus Story" by Alice DalFifth grade, Judy Tyson, Julie gliesh and "Columbus" by Ingri Brooksj third grade, David Foley. You'" love the and Edgar d' Aulaire. A new anSecond grade, Sam Caldwell' thology by Sara and John E. kindergarten, Linda Gatewood. • luxury of these Brewton "Sing a Song of SeaShag moors at sons" will star the exhibit for all who love to read poetry, either Speare's low price. aloud or silently. . LIBRAHY ---- Mrs. E. E. Althouse Mrs. Elmer Ellsworth Althouse Svmrthnore ColleglE' Library GV1Cl rthmore Cuff·bun..,ed ....t. WInD fulUoo Easy, slender topping -town or country COYeI'Op. l r-" IA 1IOfti~s. .. " . 11IB SYAR11IMOBR4~ • P ersonaIs th h U"·It d and Mr. and Mrs. WlJllam J. beth Rumble of Rutgers avenue, Mr. WilUam F. Lee of Guem- to spend e 0 "'OJ wee en Charles of Sharon HIll are the Mr. and Mrs. William Re)'Dolds of sey road was guest speaker for the with Mrs. Wrlght·s parents,. Dr. RuU.... -. and Mr. and Mrs. LInHarrlsbure Life lDsuraDce Unde!'- and Mrs. W. R. Lecron and her baby's grandparents.. Her great .......~ . n:giar~dP;are~;;;n~ts;;ln;cl==ud;e==Mra.==·.==;E1;I;za;-~f;Ord==;B;';C;U8==eI==o;f;D;ar==b;Y.==;·==, writersmeeting .AssoClation at their Nofall sister sales last Thusdsy. l a nMiss e . .Betty Lecron of Cedar I vember 10. Stephen Russell. son of Mr. and Nancy Field. daughter of Mr. Mrs. Henry G. Russell of Haverand Mrs. David Field. Mublenherg ford place. will celebrate his sevavenue. will entertain six of her enth birthday tomonow. young friends in celebration of Dr. and Mrs. WJlJ1am Y. RIal of her seventh birthday tomorrow. Harvard avenue entertained .s-tAn added attraction of the after- urday in honor' of Mr. and MrS. noon will be a trip. to the puppet Thomas G. Casey, former Swarthshow at Whittier House on the more8llS, from Bethesda, Md.. campus. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P" StuMr. and Mrs. G. V. Krenikofl art of Westdale avenue wi1Jen~ of Yale avenue expect the arrival tertaln at cocktails Saturday evenext Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. R. DIng before the Series Dance. P. Kroon and George from Kan_._ _ _ _ _ __ sas City, Mo. The Kroons. for- . TO IE WED TOMORROW merly residents of Muhlenberg avenue. plan to be in Swarthmore The marriage of MIss Antonica a week. Fairbanks. daughter of Mrs. A. U. Mrs A. 1.. Clayden of Elm av'. . h Fairbanks of Park avenue. and enue. enjoyed a visit from er Mr. Frank J. Canova of Wllmlngsister. Mrs. Harry P. Baumann ton, Del.. will be solemnized tofrom Evanston. m. morrow morning in the Church Mrs. Paul Paulson of Park av~ Mr. and Mrs. William L. Scar- of Our Lady of Perpetual Help In nue spe~t last week vislt~g ~ borough and three sons of Rutgers l\lorton. The' Reverend Peter J. her son-m-Iaw and daugli er rd' avenue aro; entertainln. . ' g Mrs. Crul~e will officiate at the nine and Mrs. V. S. Kupe an an S b gh' a ents Mr and . car orou s p r , . o'clock Duptial mass. family In Washington, D. C: Mrs. Earl Edwards from Macon. Mrs. William H. KIng, of Glens M\'. and Mrs.. Willard Tomlinson Mo. . Falls. N.Y.• will act as matron of of Rutgers avenue recently showMr. and Mrs. Layton L. North- honor for her sister. Canova's ed colored slides at the London rup of Vassar avenue will enter- son Jude, will be his father's Grove 14eeting House on well taln this ·weekend in honor of Mr. besi man known FrIends and famous old J Arthur Evans from Th' h' In 1 d th M - ' , eusers cue e essrs. meeting houses. ham, Mich., and .Mr. and. Mrs. Anthony Fairbanks of Rutgers Dr. W. F. Faragher ot the Wade O~dhan of Ridley Park who avenue a brothe~ of the brideSwarthmore Apartments enplaned are movmg to St. Petersburg, Fla. t be • d J D b f Wil . . ames Saturday morumg lor San Fran- Mrs. C. Wahl 0 lm es 0 fP. a r k 0-Ingt' an Mi' h 1 urrowo F' banks _ . . Mrs m on. c ae mr cisco. Calif., where he is attending avenue has been entertalnlng .. • a the meeting of. the American Samuel W. Foster trom BIQOIIl- ne~h~w. and ~aul Tigue. Jr., of Petr!>leum. Institp.te this week. field. N, J .• for the past 10 days. Wilrrungt.on will se~e as altar Mr.IIIWIIMr. and Mrs. HaroId G. G r lUinMr · and Mrs . Robert W . Rich- boys. durmg Ih the fservIce. D b ". t d ia t ardson of Crest Lane are attendKII our 0 evon w e of Rutgers ave2nOude retriume s Ing 1I1e American Petroleum In- the soloist. week from a - ay p on ., _ _ _ _ _ _ __ stem wh~I"f~..Delta,Queen" trav~ stitute co~vention in San FranPOnS--SWEIGERT eling from~CIn:cinnati; 0 .• to New cisco, Calif.• thla week. . Orleans. La:•. on back again. Sight . Dr. and Mrs. WilUam Y. Rial of Miss Barbara Sweigert. d8ugbseeing atop. were made at proml- Harvard a~enue entertsined Mrs. ter 'of Mr. and Mrs. Earle W. nent cities along the Mississippi Rial's motner. Mrs. Arthur Gayof Drexel .HIIl and Mr. . "both· coming and going. as well lord of Saxonburg over the week- William Potts, son of Mr. and Mrs. .. ,On the Ohio River. The shores of end. lds f Morris L. Polls of Yale avenue. Mrs .. Samuel D. ReYDho 0 were united in marriage on Sat. nine states were seen by the Benjamm. West avenue as re. voyagel;ll. , turned from a two week visit with urday. afte,,!,oon. November 12. Lt. (j.g.) Richard P. Taylor has her son and'daughter-lnrlaw Lt. The four oclockcere:nony was spent this week visiting with his (. g) and Mrs S D Reynolds perfonned at the bride s home. by pire~ts. Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. J~: 'and their n~w 'bab~ daughter: the Reverend Ralph Anderson. Taylor of Harvard avenue while EIhab th Ann!! in Bermuda pastor of the New Hope Congreon leaye from IiIs .. base In Joe"rutu son' of Mr. and gational Church. sonville. Fla.. . ' Joseph L. of Com~ avljn~e. Followlnl\ a recepf\!,n. a~ the Mr.. and Mrs.' Howard . G .. Hop.. spent last weekend v Is Il. I Sweigert h.ome~e couple lett on son. of Rutgers avenue haye had friends In Reading. .; their wedc:Ung p. They will take as . their house .guest M. Roger ,MrS: Hal'. Cobb and son Allen of up resld!)pce u n their return ~n Dapolgny from Paris. France.. M, Waiilngford. Conn.. formerly of an apartment on· Garrett road m Dapolgny Is secretary general of Rose Valley. spent several days Drexel H1I1. . . the editorial department· and chief visiting. with friends in Swartb. .. . . . ot· the. monitorlbg. service of the thla week. IIRTH' Franc..P1'ess In,ParIs and also. Gail RJlzlnger. daughter of Mr. and'Mrs. .. knight· of the French Legion of and'Mrs. H. N. Ritzinger of Park . Lt. (J.g.) . Sar:ueL D~ Honor will 1 b t h -'~hth ;Reynold/!. Jr. of Bennu J ... lin • . avenue. ce e ra e er..... tmth birth f their first Ml's;. am.~ll H. Kent ~dher birthday tomorrow with a theam: ~beth A:ne Reynolds i ld ce. daughter MIss· Barbera Kent party for her friends. c .. . Philadelphia sPent the weekend Mrs. Sidney DiamOnd. of Cor- on October 22. in New !;ngland illsltfug. at the nell avenue has returned from II Mr. a{,,~; Mr~. si,amwuel !l:Reyhome of"Mrs. Kent's. cousin, MIss week in l.mrlnliton. KY.. where nolds 0 , Benjam n est avenue Kate Ellis inBrookUne, Mass. Slie visited with'tier mother. Mrs. Mr. arid Mrs. Lawrence Church RaW! Hymson. . and their llttleglrl Shirley have Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Wlight I moved Into, Swarthinore and are of DenISon University. Granville; living at 318 No\lth Chester road. 0., will arrive next Wednesday Mr. and· Mrs. Chester Thomas road B. McCabe of North entertained at a small luncheon in Philadelphia last Thursday In honor of Mr. and Mrs. John J. O'Brien of Grosse Point Farms. Mich., and Mrs. Gilbert Kinney of New York. Dr. and Mrs. John R. Bates of North Chester road are attending a convention' of the A.PJ. thla week in San FranciscO. Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fairbanks of Rutgers avenue welcomeel the visit this week of their son-in-law and daughter. Lt. and Mrs. R. W. Youngblood and their son RUBBell from Marianna. Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Hop.. tertg son of Ru ers avenue are en talDlng Mrs. HOpson's sister. Mrs. Harold E Curtis and'her daughter Judith fr'am Madison. N. J. M¥. Mrs. iuhl n: of Mr. Dartmouth have reand Mrs. avenue G~-la.ws to t!rls ellect Is ~ed~ed ~or the n~t meeting, January 11. ~k Smith, D\~mber of the school,orchestra, demonstrated the $375 ,~assoon presented to the school by tb.e, orchestra parents" group. 'i'bose present responded to an appeal for contributiims to\Va~ the balance due on the. ins~~ent, made by 'JOhl't Seybold, president of the pBrl!nts' group. Forty-one dollars recelved after the meeting, resulted in a balance of $148.5" toward which the group would' appreciate contributions fr m' ther int ested tS 0 0 h.JEWer paren. ,,, ' S ~OTES Dr. and Mrs. Walter N. 'Moir of South Chester road will have as their weekend guests Mr. and Mrs. Albert FIsch ot Lancaster. Mrs. Fisch Is a college friend, of the Molrs. '. 8hd Mrs. William F. BroWD and son ErIc, formerly of Parrish road, have 'moved to their new home at ~033 FremoDt avenue in St. Paul, MiDn. Mr. Brown will be associated with the Minnesota MinIng and Manufacturing Company there. ErIc was a1th grade student at the College avenue h 1 sc 00. As a result of competitive ,auditlons. Stuart S. Bowie, an Amherst College freshman from Swarthmore has been. , chasen t sing iIi the Amherst coil.~ Freshman Glee Club of 49 SiU~, dentS. Bowie, a graduate' of Swarthmore HIgh School, is the son of Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Bowie of South Chester road. Mr: FOR THANKSGIVING BurgessJos.ReyDGlds Issues Proclamation Proclaiming November 18 to November 25 as Christmas Seal Days, Joseph Reynolds, Burgess of Swarthmore, reminded residents this week of the high cost th .... ~d f ,ey are P""..... or the ravages of tuberculosis. At the outset' of the 1955-58 Christmas Seal Sale, he declared t1uit the work of the Delaware County Tuberculosis and Health ,Association, aimed at preventing the spread of l'B, wlll help bring 81l end to the economic lOllS and personal tragedy caused by the disease. The annual cost of TB throughout the United States Is more than $600,000,000 and most of this comes from the taxpayer's pocket, he explained. The coot of a single case of TB, he further stated, is about $15,000. Urging every cltlzen to contrib1!te generously to the ChrIstmas Seal Sale, he pointed out that 94 per cent of the amount raised wlll be used to fight 'l'B in this community and this state. "The sina11 percentsge which goes to the National Tuberculosis Association comes right back to us in assIStance given the state and local associa,tlons, and in t,he results of medical and soclal researeh programs" Mr Reynolds said. Theret'ore,. th'e B urgess• proclainatlon, sett\ngthe 111511 Christmas Seal Days, Is as follows' Whereas, the ravages 'of tuberculosls are felt in many homes fn this community regardless· of ra creed, or eCOnomic staius,and ce, Whereas, tuberculosis annUally costs the taxpayers of the- United States more than $600,000,000 in case' finding. care of' patients, heali!t education, 'rehabilitation, researclt, pensions, and public asslstance, and . Whereas, the work of the Delaware County Tuberculosis .. Health Association, aimed at preVl!1lting the s~ad of tuberculoals, ",ill help \1rin& E!Dd to the eool!olnic ~!'"" an!l,personal' tragedy c~~ ~ the cUsease, '):'her~ore, I,' J~h lre,ynolds, ¥~~~ Ql Ei~arthDi~, urge evIll,Y Citizen to contribute gener~. to the Cluistmas Seal Sale which sU.\lportB the Association in Its wOf~' and do l!~oclaim November 18 to 25 to be christmas Seal Days in this community. Used to teili:h lleople h""" to keep w, - - . , - ' " , ' No,e"''''''' 18, 1955 THE SWAR'I1IMOREAN pqe6 Rutgers. ASh ve. c 00 I N0 tes Mothers to Sponsor Marine Pfc. Richard W. DanPUppet Show Tomorrow forth, son of Mr. and Mrs. wnReports to Albaay. Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. RobinFIRE DESTROYS CAR son of Ogden' avenue will enterThe interior 'of an automoblle tain at dinner Saturday night for he\ongins to mea G. Brantner, 18 14 guests following the SwarthWest Jefterson street, Medta, more-Haverford football same. parked behind the boys' gym at SwSrthmore College, was destroyed by fire at 7 o'clock Tuesday a'ic. '. d ite ef • evening of last week esp forts of studenta with fire extin. gulshers and later action of the. lauildln; . D ~ local FIre Company•. Many mothers, little sIsters and brothers came to see Mrs. Janet \tam E. Danforth of Hillburn (Continued from Page ,1) avenue, has reported to the Marine Groff's second graders last Fri- Corps Supply Center at Albany, assisted by Mrs. Arnold Look, day. Their assembly program was. Ga., for duty in the Repair Branch Mrs. Raymond A. Hood, Mrs. Eo the l"IOmination of a study unlt Batta1lon. S. Adams, Mrs. Bernard Halpern, Marine Mrs. Robert E. Fry, Mrs. J. West terlng the Bet '00 trees in Swarthmore. Songs ore en Loveland, and Mrs. Charles Durabout leaves and trees and a Corps in April 1953, he was kin. background painted hy members graduated froin Westtown Friends ChI'Iamaa Pari}' of the second grade group add- School._ _ _ _.-;..___ Club members .are presently ed interest to the program. EveryIi' engaged In planning for the Cbilone enjoyed a choral readlllll of Met odlst Laywoman dren's cbriJitmas Pariy which will Susan Coolidge's poem, "How The ·'n 2 Addresses Here be held on Saturday, December 3, Leaves Came Down." under the direction of Mrs. H. On Wednesday evenlng, Novem(Continued from Page 1) Mather Lippincott. Tree decoratber 9, Margaret Moore's fifth monthly Day of Meditation and lng, present-wrapping· for orphangrade mothers and ,fathers gather- Prayer at the Presbyterian Church ages and gift presentations are ed at the home of Mrs. Alice from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. llsted on the program in addition Chambers, secretary-treasurer of Thursday, December 1 Residents to "time-out" for refreshments. the group, for a Grade Mothers' of the community. are welcome to On December 8, Mrs. Anne meeting. After a social hour with attend cither or both meetings. Werlsner Wood is scheduled to i! refreshments served by Mrs. Thursday's meeting will be broken speak on. "Effective Christmas Winifred Hall and committee, by a luncheon period and all at- Decorations" at the regular Mrs. Jackson Introduced Miss tending are asked to bring a box monthly meeting. Mrs. Nino deMoore who ouUined her year's lunch. PropheUs will be guest soloist program. An Interesting question Mrs. Eggleston is a prominent during the evening program, and and answer period followed Miss and beloved Methodist laywom- Mrs. Frank· Chapman will direct Moore's relnarks. an. Her home church is Ghent the Mothers Club CiWrus in sevMargaret Yeatman's sixth grade Methodist Church, Norfolk, Va. eral selections, .1 q attended the Book Fair sponsored The late Dr. George Washington §. by the Philadelphia Public Schools Carver styled her the "most spiri- OFFERS 4-YEAR . and Libraries at the Academy of tual woman in the South." InterSCHOLARSHIPS Fine .Arts on Monday. The. class denominational leaders attribute Senior students of Swarthmore heard a talk by Stephen Meader, wonderful results to her elfective High School may apply for foura . writer of books for children. leadership. Local church members year scholarships at 15 leading The trip· was sponsored by the anticipate her talks here· with American universities olfered by eagerness. the Lockheed Leadership Fund. mothers of the class. Full college tuition and fees, = Leagues Will Sponsor plus an additional $500 each year Swarthmore· College O M , . M d for personal college expenses, will Host to Haverford pen ee ,"g on bEj provIded by the Fund program (Continued from Page 1) sponsored by the Lockheed Alr- = (Continued from Page 1) human relations, "Conscription of craft Corporation to help deservwresUing, . baseball, golf, tennis, Conscience." ing students interested in careers and track. In 1954 he edited the issue of In private industry. The Bucket Trophy, symhol of "The Annals of the American Ten scholarships will be for Junlor Varstty competition, is Academy of PoliUcal and Social erigtneering majors and five for b.ased on six sports: football, Science" deallng with "The Fu- students· specializing in buslness soccer, basketball. tennis, wrest... ture of the United Nations· Issues administration, mathematics, Inling and baseball. At the present of Charter Revision." At. present dustrlal relations, accounting, or time both trophies are at Haver- Dr. Jacobs Is on leave as pro- other subjects applicable to the ford and the Swarthmore tealDl! fessor of political science at the aircraft Industry. are determined to bring them University of Pennsylvania, to For further details interested home for '56. make a study for the Hazen Foun- students are asked to check with Although the rivalry on the dation on "Impact of General the high school guidance confield is aiways keen, ·one of the EducaUon on the. Beliefs and At- sultant, Joyzelle M. Peck. features of this 1001g standlitg feud tltudes of the College Student To_ NOTICE is the ability 'of .the parilcipants to day"; he is also completing a text BBTATB LEGAL OP JOHN BOWARD TAYbe friends when a contest is not hook on international law and LOR. alIo known 88 JOHN H. TAYin progress.ThIs frtendsh\p reaches organization. . LOR. late Df the Borough of Swarthmorel county of DelaW'A\'e, PenD8Jlits natural expression this ye,ar The public is cordidally invited vania. Dec_d. .. when representatives of both col- to attend this meeting. L&'11ERS TBSTAMENTARY on tl;1e . aboVe estate having been granted t<> leges, alumni arid undergraduates, the unclerelgned, aJJ penlOna Indebted will sit down to break bread toto the .said ..tate ..... requested to .NEWS NOTES (1lr8.) IIlllld>eth Taylor Boltby ancI gether. Mr. Henry I.· Hoot of Lafayette oIaIms to _ n t the same. without avenue attended the Council for delay to Elected to Beta De,ree (MnI.) Elizabeth Taylor _by and Mt11tary Aircraft Standards held John }loward Taylor, Jr. Willtam Barraclough, son of Mr. recently in Chicago, IlL Mrs. Hoot 285 Kenyon Avenue. Swa.rtbinore, Pa. and Mrs; Arihur C. Barraclough last week of. October. Mrs. Hoot of Chester, has been elected to the accompanied her husband on the or to their attorney. Sidney JohnaOD.· Jr. Heia degree of Phi Society at trip. The Hoots also visited with A. - St-Il-18 Medla, Pennsylvania Colgate University. This degree, their son, Bill at Denison UniverBEQUEST FOB BIDB new this year, was establlshed to sity and attended the Dad's Day TIl. swarthmore Rutledge l1n1on encourage and recognize high celebration that .Saturday. On School District will receive blda up ·standards of undergraduate scho- their return to Swarthmore, the untu 8 P. M. Eastern standard Time. larship. It is awarded for aca- Hoots brought Dr. Kenneth Doher- Deoember 9, 1966. for replacement of air :turDaces and associated demic excellence during the first ty with them. The Dohertys' two warm equipment In the COUege Avenue Ble.. two years of college, and is spon- of Sigma Chi at Denison as is Bill mentary School. The blell! will be opened. publicly and read aloud at sored by· the Colgate chapter of Hoot. this ttme. • Emily Terry, a freshman, has Phi Beta Kappa. The ~hree (S) present furnlces may Barraclough is assistant man- been selected as one of three lake be replaced· with three (S) new fUrnaces or witb two (2) new rurnaces ager of winter track, a member of Erie College girls participating as of equal total capaelty. The furnaces members of the top Cleveland the lacrosse team, the junior honshall be equipped with new, fully auorary society and Phi Delta Theta girls' hockey team. Emily is the tomatiC 011 burners. 011 piping, elec:" work and duct connections social fraternity. He Is a graduate daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Duane trlcal within the' furnace room sball be in.. R. Terry of North Chester road. of Swarthmore High School. eluded. , The work cannot be started untU I I.ar".f t 9I 5 !Id • ank iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i YOUR I I i , Mrs. Leslie A. WeUaufer of Wedneiday evening at a ml.sc:el- Team at the Great Lakes TournaStrath Haven avenue entertained laneouB shoWer in honor of Miss ment held November 12 and 13 Duane Lauritzen. whose marriage lln G ·0 G et a to Mr. J. Walter Jones, 3d of Al- at. Bow greeD,. r a, th tre maJ t Western College daD will take place November 26. eaord hasor la a ed this team, Miss Lauritzen has been livlns Oxf, P Y on with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and all four years of her college ca........ ..... 1..... ·Mrs. E. B. Hollis of South Chester reer. The team is composed of road. . players from Western, .Earlham, 2a4 ...... Sporb SUp Greta Richardson of Crest lane, Wittenberg Miam! University .' Swarlbmore, has been selected a s ' -'-Is to plav on 'the the University of Dayton, and the CAMERA & HOllY SHOP one of 15 .... ~ College Avenue Heater At the annual meeting of the Board. of the Eelen Kate Furness Free Library in Wallingford, held last month, the following new of-. fleers were .elected for the year 1955"58: WlDJam Thompson, president; u_ J Ev vi --'d t ...... ames ans, ce-... ~_ en; Mrs. A. L. Logan, correspondlng secreloCU..;t'; ~~7:=7~~=~=;:;;~~M;;;!a~ml~:-;V;;all~ey~~Co;1l;e~g~e~H;;;OC;k~ey~;.u~nI;v~e;rsI~ty~of~CIll~ci~nn;;a~u.~_i::;:;; >__ • Mrs • S amue1 H ayes, re. f cordlng secretary· Edgar Howe treasurer' 'Walter K.moe assistan~ ' . treasurer.' The Board also recently elected three new members, Mr. Howe, Mrs. Roberl E. Berry and Hubert Johnson. In addition, the commlssioners of Nether Providence Township have selected two appolntees to represent them on the Library Board. An informative talk deallng with general library pracUce was given by Charlot Fleck, assistant State Extension Librarian, at this meeting. (Continued from Page 1) Uve repairs. attempted d urinIt several vears' similar trouble. The BoardJ was told a copy of t.l:\J. letter had been forwarded to Dr• J. Alhright Jones, borough health officer. A November 10 letter from the Volley· Soccer ~ g hop in wal1hmore § to. = a I 8 Park Avenue lIllIllIlllDDllDlUlmtIR11IftUlHIhUIIlllliflItllllIllIllHllHllmiD~!~lInnlllllnnm!llDnnllDlllunllluIIH;i THIS WEEKS CALENDAR Noon, December 22, 1955, and must be complete and operating by 7 A.II!. January S. 1958. All material and worJUnenshlp Shall be subject to the tnapectl~,~!. anood approval of The George M. DW..... .. _Itects and BngIDeer&. 1'120 Western ilavlngs Fund BUilding, PhUadel. pbla. 7. Pa.. from whom speelllcatloD8 aDd contract documente may be Db- Friday, November 18 9:00 A.M. _ II P.M.-Book Fair ....... ,.".... Rutgers Ave. School I . 8:15 P.M.-"Dot's Before My Eyes" ............ :......... C othier Sa&1lI'da¥, November 19 eld 10:30 A.M.-Boccer: College vs; Haverford .......... Clothier FI 12:30 P.M.-Luncheon: College Alumni ................. Somervl1le talned. 2:00 P.M.-Football: College vs. Haverford .......... Alumni Field· Bleil! Shall be sealed. marked "BId .. H for BepJacement of Heating Equip2:30 P.M.-"Candy Cane Castle" .................. Whittier ouse mont.. and deJlvered to the SChOOl 2:45 p.M.-Cross Country: College vs. Haverford ..... Alumni Field District omce at COllege and Prlnce8:00 P.M.-Garnet Canteen· .................. Rutgers Ave. School ton Avos .. Swarthmore. Po. Tbe Board reserves the right to 8:15 P.M.-·"Dot's Before My 1!:yes" ...................... CI0 thier aceopt or reject any or aJJ blell!. 811Jll1ay, Novembe ZO SW\l1'thD1Ol'e Butledge l1n1on Lo I Ch h SChool Dlstrlct 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship ..................... ca urc es SAII1lBL T. CABPBN II5B. '1:30 P.M.-Eventide Praise Service .......... , .. Methodist Church 11-18.26-12.2 secretary. lIfomlay, November II '. 2:00 P.M.-Friendly Open House Group ...... Presbyterian Church 8:00 P.M.-LWV & WlL Open Meeting: Dr. P. E. Jacob . WhIttier House TuesdaY, November U 2:00 P.M.-Earl E. BroWn: ''FBI AcUvitles" ........ Woman's Club 7:09 P JII.-Open House ...................... Sproul Observatory hoi ...... S..... SIJep ............... Da7.. . Bikes and Trikes 10:00 .A.M..,....community Service : ........'....... Methodist Church CHAERA & HOII'· SHOP , 10:00. A ...~tha1l: HIghSchool va. I,an""owne ..... College FIeld 11:00 A.Il.-Tbanksglvlns Service ........ ChrisUan .Science Church L..___________, 1'1: look when :i Pre · Uhristmas Shopping ~ :=Swarthmore Toggery Shop i . ar M have far to a Come ' § SWarthmore 6-0240 i! Hours and dollars are particularly precious at Christmas time. You can get the greatest return for yours by doing your You save money because your home town merchants, not having to pay high metropolitan rents, can afford to sell at low TUNE MOTOR PRESTONE OR ZEREX. GULF OIL .. .• . pri,ees. ... , community econo.:nically stable: Noy. . 15t to Jail. 31st Russell's Service Furthermore, .modern distribulion methods give home town . MRS~ ROBERT J. ATZ - OwIIer . merchants the same wide variety of high"quality merchandise Op.,osife BoroUgh P.~ng I:Ot SW 6-0440 Dartmouth and Lafayette that is offered elsewhere•.. Closed $Qbrda'i irt I P.M. ~ ~ ~ M Wh~~ you shop .in your home town, you help to keep the .STATE CAR INSPECTION ' . . I ~ Christmas Shopping in your own home town. Get Set For WINTER NOW . ~ 1! AUTO . REPAIRS . ed Grade d ila" Fourth Mothers fGroup express eep concern or pup health and requested funds be appropriated to remedy the sltua. Uon unmedlately. The ThIrd Grade Mothers &lao protested in writtog, saying fumes had again been strong on November 10. The Health and Welfllre Committee letter endorsed the mothers' groups demand for replacement of the heater In view of failure of repeated repairs to correct the fault. The Board consulted at length with heating specialists who had WM. BUSH TO LEAD YA. been called in to Investigate the situation when complaints first DISCUSSION GROUP SUN. arrived, and were present to re"Your Lifetime Work" is the port. No danger of fire or subject for discussion at the poisonous concentration of flimes Young {\dult Fellowship meeling was found, but the cast iron heatSunday at 8 p.m.· In the Presby- I ers, originally coal burning, have tedan Church. William M: Bush. holes the size of" "thumbs and principal of the Swarthmore-Rut- fists" in them which are not reledge High School, will be the talDing cement· fii1lngs. Conferleader for the group in consider- ences of the heaUng engineers ing such points as a Christian's with ·school admlntstrators· and .attitude toward his work, .pres- maintenance depariment resulted sures that elfect the modem work- in a recommendation that an 'er on the job, hasis for values emergency be declared 'and waiver 'J1I. found in his job, what his job of the requlred three-week advercontributes to society, and auto- tisement for bids be soulibt from matic vs. the indlvidual In modem the State Department of Public industry. . Instruction in order that-two modMr. Bush has a wide back- ern type heaters to do the job ground of experience in voca- of the three antiquated ones. could tional guidance and has worked in. be. installed during Christmali industry. vacation. All YouQg Adults are invited Consultation and specifications to attend the feliowship meeting. by George M. Ewing, arch1tect, were authorized. Officers of tIJe. FBI Special Agent Board were empowered to seek · .". B CI b G emergency dispensation and W, e u uest accept the low bid of three to be (Continued from pagel) sought without 'usual publication. ;lDd c,\Jres. ··He ·willbe intro!luced if sanctioned 1>1 Harrisburg. How'. hy Mrs. Molr. ever, as a safeguard, advertiseMr. Brown received his hache- ment for this week authorlzlor of arts degree from Illinois ed, to be discontinued 11 and when College, and his Ll.B. degree from the State approves award of conSt. Louis University. He was ap- tract on an emergency baais. pointed to the FBI in June, 1941, Mrs. LongmllD"- requested that s o ;r/aN been y IlSSkigJICletd tCi Alhl8D}'d' groups wh1c!)1':bjbll'OJitten regard..., ew or y, eve an , ing the heating 'iWllculty ·be kept and the FBI .headquarters in advised of all meetings' on the Washington, for four years. subject up unUl actual contract I~ January, 1951, he was made for renewel was negoUated. .' . AsSIStant· Special Agent In charge ·Th ti dj . d t ext of the Albany, N. Y. oUice' and e mee n.g a ourne • 0 n came to Philadelphia in August· Wedilesday Dlght when the Board , hopes to be in position to take ~954, as Assistant Spec!al Agent definite action. The $13,000 to .n charge, after having been in $15 000 hi ti ted th Miami Fl • t raug y es rna as e Mr. 'Bro~ is married, and has cost the new hea~rs, will have four children. His home is in to· come out of cap>1>I1: hudgeted Drexel Hill. towa.rd elementa~y bu~cUPg ex. Hostesses for the day, will be pans.on, possibly mCreaSlD!! shortMrs. A. -M. Allison; Mrs.' Fred- term loans at the end of this f1s~al erick A. Patman, with Mrs. Ken- year and decreaslng borrowmg dall C. Sadler and Mrs. William A. capacity for nee~ed classrooms, Turner, at the tea tables. Refresh- Board members sa.d. ments will be in charge of Mrs. In the absence of Board presiGorton W. Bush, Mrs. William B. dent, Donald P. Jones, Vlce-PresiLowe, and Mrs. T. E. Hessenbruch. dent David Vint conducted thc meeting which was the last sched_ session fot the extra three College Hamburg Show uled members of the first ·Union DisOn Stage Tonight, Sat. trict Board, Mrs. Robert Zensen; Charles Martin, and Chalmers (Continued from Page 1) Stuart whoSe terms' expire the Michael Rosenfeld composed the first Monday in .December. ' .. 13 original numbers for the .show. . Reports of the, lay committee Both students hail from Philadel7 phia. The book is by Axe,· Roger on building needs are expected Levien, and Bill Chapman. Direct- early next month. Ing the producUon is Robert Y. The new choral room addition MEllis. to· the high school band wing Leads are played' hy Barbara should be finished and accepted Fassett, Nancy Stetson, and next' week, Dr. Carpenter re~ George Eskin. Fassett slarred in ported. leThe Mikado" perforIhed at the The Board authoriZed attencoliege last year. Both Stetson dance . of Robert Holm. of the and Eskin are freshmen· at the faculty at the Music Educators' college, though veterans in high Conference In Harrisburg, Novemschool acUng experience. ber 30 to December 2, includlng A I9-piece orchestra will play assuming half of estimated exorchestrations· by Jock Evanson. penseS. Minor roleS in the cast of 20 will be played by Mike' Breen of ArdNancy Newnam was elected to more and "Jack Flnkelstell( of the omce of president of her dor- . Philadelphia. mitory, DuBois Hall, at Centenary Junior College, Hackettstown; N.J. Mrs. MaryC. Foster, formerly Nancy. a freshman. is the .daUllhoJ South Chester road, I!as ter or Mr. and Mrs. Howard Newcent\y moved to 32'1 Park avenue. man, . Jr., of Walnut lane. I !: / ~ Parents Demand New Wallingford Library Elects New Officers You don't FOR Pap 7 THE SWAR'I1IMORElN November 18, 1955 was 1£ Mo., 1£ ~ or. • • • •• • • •••••••••••••••••••• • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1# • • M • • • • • ,.• • • ... For once, Mrs. Jor.es had something to say! . •• • • • • • She .was gossiping about Harry Smith a~ ~. fact Ihat he hadjusf bought a· new money-sCwfng Homeowner's Palicy. Would you believe Itl He • advally gets the four kinds of insurance he need. • most In just one policy. • And he saves up to 2~ In premium cast. IeOI •• . y~ Mil. Jonas. _ belIeVe. It. We said It to fIIn!, ;; .. And·_ ..... _ry hanlli_r thQuIcI find out all illt thIi trUly _rtcable, money-savlng, ·4+1 • paRcy. Just can lIS for delalbo • • • • • • • • • • • • • '••. • • · ................. .... .... .• • " " PETER E. TOLD All Kinds of Insurance 333 Dartnloutll A..... Swartllmore 'SWal" Ife 101'31-' . .. . .'! /" ~ j .1- ~ ~ M Stretch Your Time and at CATHERMAN'S, MICHAEL'S SWARTHMORE TOGGERY CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP THE HARLOW SHOP CHILDREN'S SHOP MARIE DONNELLY JOYCE LEWIS PREP SHOP ;-' - / 1'1: ;J. I re: papa THE SWAR11IMOllUN Swarthmore ·Wallops West Chester .33 t0 1 l'I{ow" ±.er 18, 1955 Dr. and Mrs. Walter N. Molr of The P8B8 from center was dropped Lett~r Mr. and Mrs. ·J8I'les B;l'On and the score was 13-0 in favor Douglas of North' Cheater road South ChSl!ter road will entertain of Swarthmore. I entertained at dinner and bridge at cockta1ls before the Series Following the kick-off. West :::...":r~":'~": recently for their bridge club.' Dance tomorrow night. Chester turned to the airlanes _ 'to The 81n11tlu1lSnalty. The GarThe Blood Ji'rogram of the very formidable opponent. The net was undisturbed, however. Swarthmore Branch of the Amer_ game was plljyed on a beautiful and on the next play :pappas Bcor_ ican Red Cross was started in A Complet. Ins"r••co . . leal (stat. AI'" Indian Summer day, but following ed his third six-pointer of the day 1946. At that Ume four BloodFriday's heavy rain. the field was to put the Swartlimore team in AIr a" Skip Travel about the consistency of a wet the leali. 20-0. mobiles. two in the Borough and sponge. GarneV. Final TO two at the· College, visited 29 EAST ITH ST.. CHma West Chester .wok possesslon of Again the Gamet line pushed Swarihmore each year and recelv....31Z ..... 4-6313 .,. 14 the opening kick-off and looked hard and aiert Charlie Weiltz in- ed a total of 600 pints of blood. Phon.: ....311 D. CIy•• Jr. Uke a cyclone ripping up the field. tercepled an enemy pass on their Because such a small area conSamuel D. Clyde IJ1 three line plays. they had the 40. Cal Coleman broke iUto the tributed such a large amount of J Ew rei CI de Gao.... Plo_a. ball on the Garnet 37 yard stripe. scoring column' on a quick pitch- blood. the local branch was able !!!. .. The Garnet forward wall seemed oul from Charlie Wentz around to set up an insurance' plan with 19 be a little shaky and gave West left end with George Garrett lead- the Swarthmore Area Blood ProCh",,~r big gains all the way to lng, for a 17 yard touchdown grams of the Red Cross whereby ~e Garnet , yard line. But here j aunt. The third period ended any resident of the Borough, colt,11e Swarthmore boys revealed. a ",,~Ih ~""t Chester taking .the lege student. or employee would forecast of what was to come, as kickoft and controlling the ball be insured for blood when n.ieded. ~e Garnet held and took ipOsses- on the 30 yard slripe. Since the beginning of thts pro~ Concentrating on line plays, the gram, the Swarthmore ,branch has Tb,Is goal line s~d 'l"as one of home-town team matched to the Illled every request by those eUg~ big turning points in the game. Garnet 22 yard line in 12 plays, ible for this blood. Each year the 'With harli - charging George' onlY to have another paSs inter- number of requests. as well as (9re4> Pa~p.1!S and ~lIlvin (Ch~- cepted by Dick Snyder who ran It the amount needed for each reChop> Coleman alternating at the out past mid-field. With Cal Cole- clplent, has increased. Four years ~ q nor s , Quarterback Charlie man and George Pappas leading ago, there were two flIQu~, this W~tz piloted the team in six the way. the Gamet'soon llad the year there have been 20. With an plays to the !arrior:s 43 yard ball on West Chester's 2 yard line. increasing demand for 'blOOd from line. Alas. an illes;(I1 w;e of the Charlie' Wentz s;ave the ball to a glowing Borough population. re~"". papally ~ulll1led the threat, Pappas who plunged over for the quests are still being met with .a ~ CoI~an lP¥ oul of bounds sC'1re. The Garnet led 33-0. decreasing supply. You're singing happily away In the shower and ••• you 9~ the West Chester 20. Wentz kicked off deep. and the Because the Department of DegQessed It The tetephone rings in the downstairs hall. GUllet "?Mopposition ran It back to the 32. fense is no longer requiring the West Chester ¢rIed to move up One play later, West Chester's enormous quantity of blood for tf you can't fight this sort of thing any longer, fie'li be the field . . they had minutes earl- I;;teele threw 60 yards to March for the military, the Red Cross is happy to install a second telephone in your home wherfer, but the Garnet llnemen. Dan a last ditch touchdown. The game nol called upon for the supply of J'aclmOn' Lee Gemm!l1 John ran out with the visiting eleven in such a larlie quantity of' blood. ever it wiil save you the most steps. The charge is surLai.ge. Morrison ~d Allen control on Its oWn 37 yard line. Therefore. Swarthmore is visited prisingillow, Just call the Telephone Com!l8ny Business .....thn. ~d ''no-go.'' A West Game m.bIIchts by only two Bloodmobiles each Office and ask about in extension telephone. 0haIIter kick and a'1Ine return by H1l1hllghts of the game saw year•. This year. 97 pints were Wentz gave the .Garnet possession John Lewis' kick-off run back. the collected in the Borough and 116 on the home-club'. 48 yard line. tremendous holes developed by pints at the ~lleie far a totsl of Bappaa carried to the 26. On a the (iarnet offensive line; the 213 pints. The minimum should qUick pltch-out from Wentz to hard-driving of fullback Pappas; have been 390 pints. However, ,AN Oolem m , there was a mixup and the excellent punting by Cal Cole- even. with that amount. the local West C\l~ recoYFed the fum- man; The alert pass def~. es- Red Cross still guarantees unble, ruining' the Garnet bid for peciaUy by Dick Snyder; ¥.I'TIp- limlted blood., to those ~le a score. AgaIn the defensive line. pet's ta~"le on the 2 yard line; residents of Swarthmore, approxi_ backed uP by John Lewis, Andy the lIeads-up defensive play of mately 5.000 plus the colles;e stuJones. and George Pappas, tbrVw ~~ughn IUld Jones; the crQBblng dents. THE BELl TELEPHONE West Cbater b . to their 9 yard enli-play of Lee· Gemmill; the It Is through the generosity of ~", fo,rcbls; t!J.em to kick. Anoth- ready quarterbacking of Charlie these 213 blood donors and the COMPANY:. O.F 'E~J4SYLVANll . ', ~ pat runback bY Wentz gave Wentz; the courage of Captain contributors to the American Red tb,e GllfDet Po8Ses'lo~ On the War- :Re~l!l' Kroon; and the spirit of Cross· that this blood. is made ~ ~7• .-me blClCki!lg ",y George players, band, and fans alIke. available to Swarthmoreans. • Qarre~ BlI~ JoIu\ Lange on the TI! ....kqlvlD&' Da,. Game Every pint cQltts $\1,,1; ~~ch~os~ I--~-:--'-~-------~~--------':"'left and Dan Thanksgiving" morning. the Is met enUreIy by .Red· CrosS h Mt. opene4 up l.ords of Lansdowne-Alden Invade funds. Ma,!>Y time~ the hospital iI~ holeS fW Weqtz. Cole~, Swarthmore tor the annual Last obars;e for typing blood and glvf!\ppas I\I)d S!l)'der to obarge Game at the Season. on the ing the transfusion (average $15 > '\brough, bringing the ball down Swarthmore College Field. The is thought pald to the Red Cross. \il the 1 yar!! line. Pappas dived Gaynet will be looking for its This is not the case, the hospital \he last Yard for the score, and eighteenth straight win. hopinS; to chars;e contrary to common bewith Kroon's conversion, hi!! thIr- finIsh a second straight undef~at- lief. Is kept by the hospltsl and ~nl:\l in a row, the visiting ed season. It is hoped that every- the Red Cross receives absolutely eleven led 7-0. one who can will come out and nothing. The expense of collect" C~lie' Wentz's kick-off went .watch the Swarthmore - Rutledge ing the blood, processing, storage tQ the 20, but the West Ch.ister eleven. and deUvery of the blood to the bael< returned it through three hospital is. met at the present tacklers all the way to mid-field. time absolut~ and entirely by Operating fro!" a set T formathe Ameri"an Red CroSs. tion and a single winS;,the home If you are a resident of the town boys drove to the SwarthBorough' of Swarthmore. a colmore 26 before Dick E!nyder. ever lege student or employee. and alert defensive half back. made need blood, the' Swarihmore ~.",.. the 1Irst O,f his two Interceptions. ' branch of the American Red Cross The Garnet took pQssession, but will supply. it on a call to Mrs. L. . got nowhere,. and 'Cal Coleman's . b' A WeUaufer at SWarthmore 6. j:ieautifuI punt was doWned on the s •• EVEN 'IF IT 1270. west Cliester 2 yard line by John 1IUT.oRED W. JOm;s. Ch'airman Lewis. A 'quarteback sneak caught COST MORE THAN Swarthmore Branch EnjOJ a depenciable IUPM of hoc . ~warthmore napplng aniJ netted ' 5 ". American Red Cross water automatically heated with West Chester 16 yards as the half A DIME·A DAY. gas. llio worry or CU! and· yet ran out. Y'~ IICIIIIpGNcI to ott.. then is . Iota of hot water for ...... l'roITaIIIs piCell, SpringReld W...... household demand. During the halftime intermis-.Id be a bargain •• sion. the many Swarthmore and at fwice the costl As It It, present West Chester fans were enterThe water is automatically heated the average family u_ aU tained by two wonderful bands. the Springtleld Wf1I/er It ready for you at the tum of the 'the Swarthmore group presented .... fat about faucet. excellent ArmistIce Weekend o dime a dayl Salute . to the .,\rmed Services Select 'the _made gas Water imder the direction of Captain s.hwday.N~yemberl' heacerthatfiUs yoarneeclsatynur B8rry Gwinn and Director Robert 2;31 P ... . M. Holm; plumber'so dealer'ao or any The second half stsrted fast w.lttler H.......... eo..... PhUadel.,ma Dearie aubarbaa with John Lewis racing the kick-: ICOn. off back, llido!d tty' gooiI b)oclring, S.--..I by .... the Garnet 4$. ~ge Pappas 101........ Club of $•• " .."0. . took the ~ raceci !III yards ibrouIh a:' i~~~~orrleon hole DoN"'"' III c.... (w ~ lq~ ryJl 0.1 ~ d\l)' for the Gaiuet'a ~ touchdown.· to the Editor' r---------...;...---. .:. :: m_ ---- a" _1Gr. H.ARi Y ·A. .", Appl'.a.. a.pa''''' SWEENEY & CLYDE s....._ I!~' ,!,!!.~~a~.~.!!!.~,'~.~~I!!! • CANADA DRY Club Soda' or r:r;.c.: "'.':.:, , ........~: ..,,;;.i..:.~ I - - .. "-~"~ a . , ... r.,.., ,:,' .~':'\~~-~~~~- . 0- •. r .. ,N - ~ :::-:-~:.~.-.- ••••• " •••••• . I-I#+--t-- Ginger Ale, ~.=: 3for49c ~ plus deposit 9Se lb.,' '- . NORRIS , SCHWEPPES Quinine Water 6 - 10 oz. bottle Consumer's Co-Operative Ass'n, of Swarthmore, Ine., 403 Dartmouth Avenue SSe Weekend of November 10, 1955 ..",0' 1I0TWATER . . ,.4' t.,••"o,,~ " ,: ,e. ,,, aft ~ AUTO.nC ,, .. ... ,L ..-... ...- . a Barfl'a.in e. onlY an t9 um.E UTTLES 'Candy Cane CasHe' an;d , . every - ---- equals any other shortening that sells for 7ge to 91c , Quick Frozen, Oven Ready, no trussing, majority of leg tendons removed,with Giblets ready for roasting. SWIFT'S PREMiUM LEG 0' LAMB6Sc lb. LOIN· LAMB CHOP 8ge lb. ··Rii~AI..MB CHOPSS$:t~19Ib: 1ge head LARGE ICEBERG LETrUCE CALIFORNIA CARROTS, 2 lb. paks 2ge INDIAN RIVER RED. SEEDLESS GRA.'PEFRUIT .... 4 for 2ge Diamond WALNUTS (large size) 4ge Ibe Nabiseo Choe. Chip. Peean Cookies 39c HERSHEY - Almond or Milk Choc. ~p l"ri Vegetable Shortening 3lbs. - 69c Swifl'5 Premium New Butterball TU R KEY 5 and Huc Chock Full O'Nuts The Heavenly Coffee Pet peeve of yours'? Hugh ";' .' . :'; -.' (six to pkg;) HERSHEY Kisses or Miniatures 1ge bag CO-OP - No. 2 Can 3ge Green Label Pea~hes Cranberry SAUCE (Whole or StrainedJ 2ge 2 for 2ge AppleSauce Green Label Tomatoes 2 for 2ge 29c .Red Label Green, Beans , . Vertical Packed Vaeuu.' Packed Sweet Potatoes 2ge Pineapple -Spears (Chunk or Crushed! 2ge 12ge Apple Juice - 46 oz. can . Red Label Pumpkin (No. 2'1z can) 1ge , BREYER'S ICE CREAM Pints- Half' Gallons M & M Plain Choeolate . M & M Peanut Choeolate 1ge. bag' . KEEBLERS Choe. Fudge Sandwieh . Cookies 4Se lb. LARGE 'VEL 2 Pound Box 33c .. Pap 10 CLASSIFIED ADS INTERIOR DECORATING '.pw 5Ii_.... Dr.""rI••, H••ging, Interior end Exterior '.Intlng. HOW MEALS WI. '6" ICt ,.1 EMIL S'IES w.......... A.tI. .... , , _ 01 F. C. loci• • _ R .. Watch and Wanpaper Scraping Interior Painting and Good Crea. war.' Also. steamer for rent M.OO a day 128 Yale A... S",,,th..-. Fa. Clook ReJ>Olro FOR SAL' PERSONAL - Wapen Doll Hospital - SWarthmore 6-0787 . Repairs on all types of dolls. Wigs and replacement of' parts. Custom-made Clothes. PERSONAL-French teacher recently arr1ved In' this country private lessons for slngie or groups of three-four adults.' Telephone 4-1927 before 10 a.m~ 5 p.m. PERSONAL - Wallscraplng clean work, ftoors and furnIlure fully scrapings taken Please Phone, rNI 6-4216 Jewelry Rtpalrod 5.111Y•• 'ERSONAL Henry K. Savarllll Sprf.tf/ehI 11.".0'" ....161 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 5 .............144. WILLIAM BROOKS AIIhee &: Rohbieh Removed Lawae Mowed, Geuenl m~~... p .. GEORGE W. GILBERT cHe"'r 4-7082 THOM SEREMIA UPHOLSTERING SLIP COVEU-OIlAPEIIES Swo.!hrnono Iof__ _ -:~:- SiWI...ti;: '0 ..... IoIon _ S..... Z5 ,.,,,.Hm _0734 _ EDWARD G. onPMAN AND SON GENERAL COIITRAU,. I'OR SALE - One Rex-O-Graph, Model F,' duplicating machine; hand-operated; rotary. spirit process; used. Call any. week day. SWarthmore 8-4800. Extension 1. FOR SALE - King tenor'saxophone In good con8l.tion. $110. KIngswood 4-0278. FOR SALE _ Adding machine. Remington Rand 10 key. prints and adds .elght columns. direct subtraction. Excellent condition. Phone SWarlhmore 6-1903. FOR SALE _ Two loge tickets to PbIladelphia OrcheStra ChUdren's Concert Saturday. November 28. $2.00 each. SWarthmore 87939. FOR ·SAToF-Austin .Devon Sl!dim, 1951. excellent condition. Perfect second car or student·s car. KIngswood 4-130'1. FOR SALE - Steinway Grand piano, 6'4", professional owner, beautiful condition. No dealers. SUnset 9-731'1. FOR SALE -.Old brass candlesticks. new eiectric hair dryer. modern tea kettle• .Real bargains. SWarlhmore 6-3932. ~ CONSTRUCTION RESIDII!NTIAL AND COMMERCIAL PORTRAIT STUDIO ........phlc hpplles Pruning Spraying Removing Feeding Lankenatl Hospital following a long Dln~.· SIIe w.. 49. ~ M~llom, who was born In 'l'Urtle Cteek, was educated In SWarltunore Schools lind received diilli'ees fl'Om· West Chester State Teachers College and Penn State. She dUo dld· gralluate work at the Uni~ty of Peainsylvania: and Temple UniversitY. She became director of elemen- State .. Man,.. SIs. MetIIa 6-2176 .O,.n and Sons Charles E. Fischer BUILDER SwartIImore 6-2253 Services were held Friday in a Philad,:lphia funeral home. Burlal was pnvale in East Lawn Cemelery. '.. . . NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Keenen of Harvard avenue returned home last week. from several weeks spent on the. west coast. Mrs. Albert N. Knabb of South Princeton avenUe entertained 10 for luncheon and bridge on Tuesday afternoon last weeItet ..... SW8i tInnore 6-5tlI2. . . ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, Ridley P.... 10M. MEDIA-State Sa. aDd South Ave. SWAB.lrBMORE-Cheater Road &: ,Rutgers x.ve. SPBlNGFli'ID-SaxerAve. ~ Hart ( ..ne NE1HER PROVIDENCE-Beatty Road &: BaltimOl'e Pike PaILADELPBIA . Chestnut at 12th SpriDg Glrdenat 6th Chestnut at 17th (Main Of6ce) . Chestnut at 4th Broad' ~ve Erie (DIm.1a) 'i'leaahr Fecl~ Deposit Ia.va"ee CorporatioD ,. (Dme4.) . . Member Federal. Reee•• e .Sy. . . . '. '111t: SWAR'I1IlIIO·EA~ Page 12' SVlnrthr.\ore Coliegr Library Swarthmore 4TH GRADE HOllY SHOW' Girl Scouts Offer Mrs. Bishop Honored Methodists Confirm Tri-Delts to Celebrate T '.. Co N M mhe S da 65th Annive~sary Sat. Fourth Graders at the College · 2 ralJ~lDg urse8 1"lvMenrsu,e', J. V. S. BishOp, Harvard ewers un y , Avenue School staged a hobby I" who hu served the DelMembers of Delta Delta Delta show Friday, November 11. At At a special reception and con- will celebrate the sixty-seventh the suggestion of their teacher. flrmStion ceremony last Sundsy anniversary of the founding of J &an M..ro....Ift... _no b-·d"t ~"'"'.......... pu...... • ....... . the' Swarthmore Methodist th fraternity at the BDDual Foun- in their hobbles - . stampa. dolls; .. th ll...... e. miniature horses and IIrID7 DIeD, Nelghborhood Is offering two 2-' Churc... e fo uw..... persons ders Day Luncheon on SaturdaY., and other i~. and ~ed hour training courses for those were received Into the'fellowdlip: .No.....lDber 18. at 12:30 p.m. at them in the room. Other cla umembers of troop commit~ who Mr. and Mrs. WlIUam Allison the InglenelJk.' were invited to ~ and hear aboUt have not previously been triuned. of Secane; Mr. and Mrs. Baidwln U_. Chester Leaber of New them from the individual owners. ..... Mrs. John Spahr of Sprlngfleld Bridger of Grace Park; Mr. and York, aiumna of Bucknell Uni~ Then, as Bob Bowland, a memwill conduct both courses. the first Mrs, Zlno Connors of Wallingford; versity. will be the guest apeaker. ber of the class. 1lul7 reported, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cosinuke of She hu Uved and travellell ex- "Soon it was :time to go home and to be given on Monday evening. 'board for pubUcation: Rose Valley; Mr. ~d, Mrs. Wells tenslvely in the Orient as well as the hobbies went bome too." November 21. at the Covenant Dear Mrs. Bishop: M. Forbes of Marietta .avenue; the United States. Mrs. Leaber On behalf of the Delaware raham of will speak on ''University Women Methodist Church Saxer avenue Mr. and Mrs. John G • • County Chapter. National Foun- Juniata avenue;' Mr. and Mn. In and Of the Orient." in Springfield. from 8 to 10; the dation for Infantile Paralysis and second to be given on Monday its Executive Board. we accept Gareld R. Gray of Harvard avePresiding at ·the luncheon will . . nue; Mrs. Mildred Guerrero of be Mrs. Ray T. Nelson, president morning. November 28. in the with deep regret your resignatIon. Girard avenue; H.... owa.·...T--'--n ........, of the West Suburban Alliance. Don't delay that health Woman's Lounge at the SwarthIn view of the many yea", you of Darlmouth circle; Beverly M. Chairman of the arrangements Is have served this organization on Kn f South PrIn t e check. up. Guard your more Presbyterian Church. Har- both Chapter problems and March ower 0 , ce on av • Mrs. George L. Shoemaker of mOltpUdOIUl poI.ellio... vard'avenue. from 10 to 11:45. nue; Al3 James Krupla. USAF. road, assisted by Mrs. of Dime. organization •. the Execu- of Michigan avenue; Mrs. Bertram John A. Bird, Wallingford; Mrs. Call on your Doctor right Girl Scout troops in Swarth- tive Board made a motion which Leroy and Richard Leroy of Mor- Robert N. Hllkert, Rutledge; Anne away. He'll get you back more are now 'completlng their was unanimously passed to elec.t ton; Mr. and Mrs. WUUam Thom: Mabbott, Harvard avenue; Mrs.· on the Road to Recovery. annual registration while three you an honorary memher of this as .MacNew of Cornell avenue, Robert Norton, Med18; and Mrs. And do be lure to bring new Brownie troops. under .the Board for life. YoUr name will Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ricnardson Haskell Torrence Villanova, pubhi. prescriptioDl here for leadership of Mrs. Charles How-\sjPP'.ar perma,nently on the Execu- of. Ridley Park; Mr. and Mrs. Uclty. • land and Mrs. Vincent Lathhury. tive Board as' an Honorary Mem- Adolph Schwartz of loliiliIenberg prompt, precile comMrs. Royal Scolt and Mrs. Wil- ber arid you will be entitled to avenue; Mr. and Mrs. Alvili TilPam Foster, daughter of Mrs. pounding. '!'hank yoa I llam MacCaffray. and Mrs. James attend any meeting and partici- lett and Elizabeth TIllett of Neth- Mary C. Foster of Park avenue. Taylor and Mrs. Charles Fraley pate in Chapter activities. er Providence; Mr. and Mrs. Earl was script chairman for the freIIhrl!!lpectively are about to be inWe sincerely will miss your W. Walker. Jr.. of Springfield; show "It·s Simply Great". CATHERMAN'S vested and ~o receive their troop wise counseling and hope you will Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R. Walton, an original sbow presented at Sarnumbers. find time to join us frequently. Jr.• of Milmont; and Mr. and Mrs. gent, Boston University College DRUG STORE With deepest eppreciatlon for Robert Wild of Drexel Hill. of Physical Education. on th e many services. I am The ceremony foUowed three week-end of November 4. Pam Sincerely, weeks of instruction from the pas- was also responslble for the title ALAN KENT KEAY tor, the Rev. Jo~ C. KulP. and and had several comedy parb as Chalrmatl Executive Board a meeting with church oftIclals. as a solo. Her mother, Mrs. After the 11 o'clock service the C. Foster of Park avenue. Dr. Norman W. Paullin comes ~OJIliregation welcomed the' new and Mrs. Henry A. McComas of to Swarthmore Sunday as guest .3: College Girls Picked members at a coffee hour'prepared Lansdowne. an alumna of Sarspeaker at the Eventide Praise by the Woman's Society of Chris- gent, motOred to B06t9J' to attend Service at Methodbt Church at For AII-Phila. Tea 7:30 p.rn. Dr. 'Paullin was most Four all"college teams and six tian Service. Mrs. Lemuel J. Holt. the week-end activities. recently pastor at BapJst Temple. Philadelphia teams competed in chairman. in coopm:ation with the Philadelphia. and Is now Profes- tbe sectional hockey tournament Commission' on Membership ahd sorof Homiletics at Eastern Bap-ln. November 11. 12 and 13 on Evangellsm,' Dr. Garold W. tlst Seminary, of wblch he was a the Swarthmore College ·l1elds. Thumm. ch8lrman. graduate. . He received honorary Flve teams were picked to repreD.D. degrees from the American the Philadelphia Dr. Jones Speaks to . Theological Seminary and Temple Swarthmore College· girls wbo Church Group on Polio University. placed on these teams' include Jessica Helmbach. center halfback Dr. J. Albright Jones of Elm . He has some of the outthe second all-college team; avenue spoke to the' fellowship standinll Churches in the 1;'ruiaArt A1WaX:1!1.1~ ".:._J",,, ... ,. a s~t ~t ~~!~r'::~ Garnet Hockey Ends Season-6 Wins, 1 Loss will .....m "liB' . INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE November 18, 1955 - - -4TH-GRADE - HOBBY SHOW 'l'lll!; SWARTHMOR£AN Page 12 Girl Scouts Offer 2 Training Courses Mrs. Bishop Honored Methodists Confirm New Members Sunday Tri-Delts to Celebrate 65th Anniversary Sat. Fourth Graders at the College Avenue School staged a hobby Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop, Harvard show Friday, November 11. At Members of Delta Delta Delta avenue, who has served the Delthe suggestion of their teacher, At a special reception and con- will celebrate the sixty-seventh In conjunction with the Wall- aware County Chapter, National Foundation Infantile Paralysis, firmation ceremony last Sunday anniversary of the founding of Jean McCreight, pupils brought ingford Neighborhood Girl Scout Incorporated. for many years as in their hobbles - stamps, dolls, in the Swarthmore Methodist the fraternity at the annual Founminiature horses and army men, organization, the Swarthmore a member of its board, and as Church, the following persons ders Day Luncheon on Saturda~, and other items, and displayed Neighborhood is offering two 2-· chairman of Swarthmore's annual were received into the fellowship: November 19, at 12: 30 p.m. at them in the room. Other classes hour training courses for those March of Dimes Campaign, subwere invited to see and hear about Mr. and Mrs. William Allison the Ingleneuk. mitted her resignation last week. members of troop committees who them from the individual owners. The following letter was sent to of Secane; Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin Mrs. Chester Leaber of New have not previously been trained. Mrs. Bishop and a copy was forThen, as Bob Rowland, a memBridger of Grace Park; Mr. and York, alumna of Bucknell UniMrs. John Spahr of Springfield warded to The Swarthmorean Mrs. Zino Connors of Wallingford; versity, will be the guest speaker. ber of the class, duly reported, will conduct both courses, the first from the chairman of the execu- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cosinuke of She has lived and travelled ex- "Soon it was time to go home and Rose Valley; Mr. and Mrs. Wells tensively in the Orient as well as the hobbles went home too." to be given on Monday evening, tive board for publication: Dear Mrs. Bishop: M. Forbes of Marietta avenue; the United States. Mrs. Leaber November 21, at the Covenant On behalf of the Delaware Mr. and Mrs. John Graham of will speak on "University Women Methodist Church, Saxer avenue, County Chapter, National FounJuniata avenue; Mr. and Mrs. In and Of the Orient." in Springfield, from 8 to 10; the dation for Infantile Paralysis and Gareld R. Gray of Harvard avePresiding at the luncheon will second to be given on Monday its Executive Board, we accept nue; Mrs. Mildred Guerrero of be Mrs. Ray T. Nelson, president morning, November 28, in the with deep regret your resignation. Girard avenue; Howard Jamison of the West Suburban Alliance. Don't delay that health In view of the many year!? you of Dartmouth circle; Beverly M. Chairman of the arrangements is Woman's Lounge ·at the Swarthhave served this organization on Knower of South Princeton ave- Mrs. George L. Shoemaker of check.up. Guard your more Presbyterian Church, Har- both Chapter problems and March nue; A/3 James Krupla, USAF, Academy road, assisted by Mrs. most precious possession. vard avenue, from 10 to 11:45. of Dimes organization, the Execu- of Michigan avenue; Mrs. Bertram John A. Bird, Wallingford; Mrs. Call on your Doctor right Girl Scout troops in Swarth- tive Board made a motion which Leroy and Richard Leroy of Mor- Robert N. Hilkert, Rutledge; Anne away. He'll gel you hack more are now completing their was unanimously passed to elect ton; Mr. and Mrs. William Thom- Mabbott, Harvard avenue; Mrs. on the Road to Recovery. annual registration while three you an honorary member of this as MacNew of Cornell avenue; Robert Norton, Media; and Mrs. And do be sure to bring new Brownie troops, under the Board fOl" life. Your name will Mr. and Mrs. Percy Richardson Haskell Torrence, Villanova, pubhis prescriptions here (or leadership of Mrs. Charles How- appear permanently on the Execu- of Ridley Park; Mr. and Mrs. licity. Adolph Schwartz of Nluhlenberg prompt, precise c:omland and Mrs. Vincent Lathbury, tive Board as an Honorary Memavenue; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin TilPam Foster, daughter of Mrs. ber and you will be entitled to pounding. Thank you I Mrs. Royal Scott and Mrs. Willett and Elizabeth Tillett of NethMary C. Foster of Park avenue, attend any meeting and particiliam MacCaffray, and Mrs. James er Providence; Mr. and Mrs. Earl was script chairman for the freshTaylor and Mrs. Charles Fraley pate in Chapter activities. W. Walker, Jr., of Springfield; man show HIt's Simply Great", We sincerely will miss your respectively arc about to be inCATHERMAN'S Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R. Walton, an original show presented at Sar_ vested and to receive their troop wise counseling and hope you will DRUG STORE find time to join us frequently. Jr., of Milmont; and Mr. a"d Mrs. gent. Boston University College numbers. Robert Wild of Drexel Hill. of Physical Education, on the With deepest appreciation for The ceremony followed three week-end of November 4. Pam many services, I am weeks of instruction from the pas- waS also responsible for the title Sincerely, tor, the Rev. John C. Kulp, and and had several comedy parts as ALAN KENT KEAY well as a 5010. Her mother, Mrs. Chairman Executive Board a meeting with church officials. Mary C. Foster of Park avenue, After the l1 o'clock service the Dr. Norman W. Paullin comes congregation welcomed the new and Mrs. Henry A. McComas of to Swarthmore Sunday as guest 3 Col.lege Girls Picked members at a coffee hour prepared Lansdowne, an alumna ot Sarspeaker at the Eventide Praise For AII-Phila. Teams by the Woman's Society of Chris- gent, motored to Boston to attend Service at Methodist Church at Four all-college teams and six tian Service, Mrs. Lemuel J. Holt, the week-end activities. 7:30 p.m. Dr. Paullin was most Philadelphia teams competed in chairman, in cooperation with the recently pastor at Ba(: Jst Temple, to 9; the sectional hockey tournament Commission on Membership and STORE Philadelphia, and is now Profesheld November 11, 12 and 13 on Dr. Garold W. sor of Homiletics at Eastern Bap- the Swarthmore College fields. Evangelism, Thumm, chairman. tist Seminary, of which he was a Five teams were picked to repregraduate. He received honorary sent the Philadelphia area. D.O. degrees from the American Swarthmore College girls who Dr. Jones Speaks to Theological Seminary and Temple placed on these teams include Church Group on Polio University. Jessica Heimbach, center halfback Dr. J. Albright Jones of Elm He has served some of the out- on the second all-college team; avenue spoke to the fellowship standing B.titist Churches in the Judy Grace, center forward, and members of the Lansdowne BapNew Jersey and Pennsylvania Patricia Blake left fullback, on areas including Seaside Heights, the fourth team; and Portia Cor- tist Church on poliomyelitis recently. EDGMONT AVE. - 7TH and WELSH STREETS Rose Dale, and First Baptist nell, left wing, substitute. Dr. Jones stressed the importance The National Tournament will Church, Asbury Park. of having children immunized Dr. Paullin is a trustee of the be held over Thank~iving weekthis fall since children's diseases American and Foreign Bible So .. end at Wilson College in Chamare so common in the spring that ciety, New York; the Christian bersburg. it may be difficult to carry out a Testimony to the Jew, PhiladelHATHAWAY RUFFLE DACRON series of injections. If the injecphia; and the Pennsylvania TemNEWS NOTES Wldt. to I'olr tions are given now, a booster 98 • 81 ................ . 4.79 perance League. He is a director Mr. and Mrs. Oscar J. Gilcreest 98 • 54 ................ . 3.79 can be given next spring before 98.90 ................ . 4.9' 98 • 63 ................ . 3.98 of the National Religious Broad- returned to their home on Vassar .184.90 ............... · 9.98 4.49 the polio season begins. 98.72 ............... ·· casters, Incorporated; of the avenue last Thursday following a American Baptist Home Mission two week trip to Ohio. They vis- . There bas been increasing eviSociety, N. Y., and is now presi- ited there with Mr. Gilcreest's dence not only of the vaccine's HATHAWAY TAILORED DACRON dent of the Pennsylvania Baptist brother-in-law and sister Mr. and safety but also of its ability to 2.98 82.72 Widt. to 'aIr 3.29 Convention. He is active on many Mrs. J. Houston Maupin in Troy, prevent paralytic poliO, Dr. Jones 82 • 81 82 • 54 ................ . 2.79 3.49 82 x 90 82 x 63 ................ . 2.88 committees and commissions of and with their son-in-law and stated. the American Baptist Convention. daughter Dr. and Mrs. Rodney He has been a featured speaker Warner of Xenia. During their WELLINGTON RUFFLED !FIBERGLAS at preaching missions throughout stay in Troy, the Gilcreests enterto 'aIr 98 • 81 ............... . 5.98 WIdth 98 • 90 ............... . 5.98 98 x 54 ................ 4.98 the country and participated in a tained with a dinner party in celebration of their fortieth anniver140 x 90 .............. . 9.98 98 x 63 ................ 4.98 Preaching Mission for the armed sary. Their guests included Miss 184 x 90 .............. . 11.98 98 • 72 ............ .' ... 5.49 services in 1953 at Fort Dix, N. J., 152 x 90 ............... 10.98 276 x 90 ...... _. _..... . 18.98 Gertrude Gilcreest of California, Scotland, England, and France. Mr. and Mrs. Garner Dunkerley In July of this year, he was of Texas, the Maupins and the WELLINGTON 1'AILORED FIBERGLAS elected delegate to the Baptist Warners. 3.79 World Alliance. London, England. 82.72 WIdth to I'alr Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Rincliffe 3.98 82 • 81 82 x 54 ............... . 3.49 of Strath Haven avenue returned 4.49 82 • 90 82 x 63 ................ . 3.59 Rutledge School News Wednesday evening from a two and a half week sojourn In West Dr. J. Albright Jones recently Palm Beach, Fla. CAMEO SHIRBACK DACRON administered the second polio WHEN THE LAW SAYS Wldtb to I'alr 16.69 188 • 81 vaccine shots to 26 children in 6.99 100 x 54 YOU MUST PAY •• 16.99 188 • 90 7.lt 100 x 63 the second and third grades of 264 • 72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.28 7.59 100 x 72 the Rutledge School. you'll be glad YOIl bought 25.59 264 • 81 7.89 100 • 81 the policy with the P.S. 25." 264 • 90 Bink Abernathy of the Rut................ 7.99 100 • 90 (Personal Service) I A 33.69 328 • 81 Fon Lin. 12.39 140 • 63 ledge sixth grade won the Holdamage auit ariBing from 33.99 328 • 90 12.59 140 • 72 lowe'en window-painting contest an automobile accident 2.d Floo. Sports Shop 38.49 380 • 81 12.99 140 • 90 can happen to anyone-sponsored by the Morton Busi38.99 380 .90 16.29 ·188 x 63 and for a staggering nessmen's Association for children CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP amount. When trollble in the Morlon, Rutledge, and comes, you can count on CAMEO SHIRBACK FIBERGLAS Parochial schools. an lEtna Casualty policy 15.99 140 • 90 . • • and us. WIdth to I'alr ""lIl1l11mIlIlIllIlIIllIllIIllIllIllIllIIllIllIIllUlIIIIIIIIIIIIIUllRllllmIOllllllllllllllRllllllllllllllllllllllln1II1111111unlllJl1 * ----- Dr. Paullin to Speak At Eventide Service \-i;;'~~:-;(.r.;' CURTAIN SALE! . IJ,;:::::...=:::.:::;;::.,;.;;;;;.-------. Ice Skates : J. E. LIMEBURNER CO. I a 51 = .. = GUILD OPTICIANS For Lenses of Superior Quality Newly Designed Frames of the Finest Workmanship Iryro Maw. Upper Darby W,...wooll ~ I 1.23 127 Lanas... Ave... 6915 L.dlow S...... 33 East W,...wood Road :~"7::I::::I:II:~A:::::~' 'a. ! Peter E. Told ~ .. : Ii i I; 8.99 9.29 9.59 9.79 9." AU Lines of'mlU"anee 333 Dartmouth Ave. SWarthmore 6-1B33 - 184 184 260 260 260 St. CARESS BLANKET ~ ! , ,. ..... 96 x 54 ........ 96 • 63 96 x 72 96 x 81 96.90 x 72 • 90 • 72 • 81 x 90 19.99 20.99 30.99 31.49 31.99 Mary's AUTOMATIC BLANKET twin Bed Si-z. $22.98 with Singl. Control $8.98 with Double Bed Si.e $27.98 Single Control Nylon Rayon by Pepperell Blend 72.90 Colors: Blue. light green, casino red. white, yellow, rose, hunter ghlJn. DOMESTICS - Electric Sheet $14.88 mr comfort .11 thru the winter. SPEARE'S FIRST flOOR Svmrthnore College- Library ,",Y[8 rthmore ,- , 5\\".\ I(TlI~lotm (;() U,Ii;U)l: LIBRARY ......... .... l'p. Observe SOD .Day Safe Driving THE SWARTHMOREAN Rev. Kiyoshi Tanimoto Mothers Club To Hear Anne Wertsner Wood Call for Rehearsal .13 College Professors I Take The first rehearsal of the Nativity Pageant chorus will be held Tuesday night, November 29, at 7:30 p.m., in the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. The Chorus this year will be under the direction of Mrs. Wesley Wagner, director of vocal music at the Swarthmore·Rutledge High School. Off for Thailand Laurence Frederick Heads Swarthmore Eclipse Group Lecturer To Speak Thurs. On Christmas Trim Dec. 1st $3.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25,1955 VOLUIUE 27-NUMBER 47 Day Tea Sunday to Honor Florence Tricker Women's Event To Open Display of Local Artist The second in a series of teas The Swarthmore College Eclipse The Swarthmore Mothers Club and exhibits honoring local artists, Group took off from Bowling will hear Mrs. Anne Wertsner will be held this Sunday afterField, Washington, D. C., on TuesWood, author, lecturer, and hornoon from 3 to 5 p.~. at the day morning. to fly to their staticulturist. dis c u s s "Effective All those interested are urged Swarthmore Woman's Club. 118 tion near Bankok, Thailand. This Christmas Decorations" on Thurs_ to attend the rehearsal. The Park avenue, under the direction station is one of 11 key points day evening, December 8, at stretching from Egypt to Formosa Pageant will be held Sunday, of the art division, Mrs. Avery 8 p. m. at McCahan Hall of the Blake, chairman. The community to be used for the study of an December Presbyterian Church. 18, In Clothier is cordially invited to attend. eclipse which will occur on De- Memorial. Mrs. Wood will discuss effecThe tea will be in honor of tive home-made house decorations cember 14, 1955. Florence Tricker, a resident of and favors for the holiday season. Leader of this team will be Swarthmore. and wllJ officially She will demonstrate how naturLaurence Frederick, research asopen an exhibit of her paintings, al and artificial materials could sistant at Swarthmore College's which will remain on display at be easily combined, inexpensively Sproul Observatory and also a the Woman's Club for the next and effectively to brighten the research assistant at the Universeveral weeks. house during the Christmastide. sity of Pennsylvania. Instru .. Miss Tricker studied at the As a lecturer, Mrs. Wood has mentation will be in charge. of Delaware Co. Institution Philadelphia School of Design traveled widely in Europe and John McCrumm. chairman of the To Open New Branch where she completed a four year in this country from Maine to Presbyterians To Present division of engineering at Swarth_ scholarship and also post graduFlorida and west to New Mexico. Facilities more. Dr. Neal Weber of the bioKiyoshi Tanimoto at ate work; and at the Pennsylvania Her book "How to Make You r logy department will also be 8 P.M. Tuesday Competition between banking Academy of Fine Arts where she Own Merry Christmas" is nOw in making studies of some of the institutions for a new branch to received a scholarship in sculpits seventh printing, and she has The Rev. Kiyoshi Tanimoto, one small insect life in the area. further serve the Borough of ture. She also studied SCUlpture contributed frequently to sue h of the true-life heroes of John Photography will be handled by Media has been resolved in favor at the Graphic Sketch Club, Philmagazines as HThe Ladies' Home Hershey's book "Hiroshima" and Armstrong Thomas from the Journal", "The Home Garden", pastor of the United Christian Naval Observatory and Alvin of the application of The Dela- adelphia, and was an invitation I'House and Garden", and a num- Church of Hiroshima, will speak Sweet of the All American En- ware County National Bank of member: of the Tiffany Foundaber of leading newspapers. She in the Swarthmore Presbyterian gineering Company near Wilming- Chester, and a letter of approval tion, Oyster Bay, N. Y. She is has also been heard on radio net- Church on 'rhursday, December 1, ton, Del. Two members of the MlI- by the Office of the Comptroller former director of the St. Petersof the Currency has been received burg. Fla., Art SchOOl, and the work programs. at 8 p.m. ' ton Hershey School's physics de- by the officers of that bank. owner and director of the Tricker Soloist and Choras Mr. Tanimoto is in this country partment, Charles Bickle and Plans for the opening of the Galleries. New York City. Mrs. Nino deProphetis will be as the guide for a group of Hiro- Joseph Corson complete the pernew bank in Media are being Miss Tricker has held one-man guest soloist and Mrs. F ran k shima girls who are receiving sonnel of the group. made, and The Delaware County exhibitions all over the country Chapman will conduct the Moth- surgical aid in New York City. Two problems to be considered National Bank, one of the oldest from Florida to Maine, and at the ers Club Ohorus so that the Club He is being presented to. the com(Continued on Page 5) banks in the United States (or- present time has a portrait in the might collectively feel the spirit munity by ihe Missions and Beganized in 1814), intends to offer Phlladelphla Art Alliance. During of Christmas. Refreshments will nevolences Committee of the DATE CNANGED complete banking facilities for all December she will exhibit a group be served following the meeting Harvard avenue church. The monthly DaoJv of Prayer of its various services to its cus- of recent paintings at the Woman's with Christmas as the theme. When the Japanese city was at the Presbytertan Chu.ch has tomers. It already operates University Club, Philadelphia; CbHdren's Christmas Party destroyed by an atomic bomb at been moved up to Wednesday, branches at Darby, Essington and and in the current Philadelphia To help insure a spirit of 8: 15 a.m. on August 6, 1945, Mr. November 30. in order that Parkside, in addition to its new Fidelity Exhibition one of her Christmas happiness the yea r Tanimoto recalls that there was women of the. community may \ Motor Bank facility in the cen- portraits was considered for a around for the boys of Sunnycrest a brilliant flash of light, then the hear Mr. and }\Olrs. Gale M. tral business district of Chester. prize award. Fa,rm and the Dante Home in· crushing force of a terrific ex- Kurtz discuss "Adventuring in The bank also has received apMiss Tricker has been the reConcordville, the Swart~more plosion. The city was in flames; Prayer." The hours for the Day proval for a new branch on the cipient of many awards both for Mothers Club will hold a Christ- 170,000 were dead and another of Prayer will remain as usual, Chester pike at Sharon Hill, which her studies in oils and water colmas Party Saturday, December 3, 80,000 so seriously iniured t·hat from 10:30 to 2:30. is in course of constr.uction, to be ors, as well as her pastels. Infor children who will participate most of them died. The Pia n n I n g Committee, opened about the fust of next, . tl·n gs, Whl'ch ·Is t f liT t c luded in the 40 pam in the gift wrapping of toy 5 to Mr. Tanimoto, one of the few while disappointed that a ser- year; .an d 1. presen ac lIes a will be on display at the Woman's be presented to the less fortunate. uninjured survivors (he fell cri- ious accident prevents Mrs. Parkslde wlll ev:ntually be ~x- Club will be her still life, "Pink A Christmas tree will be decor- tically ill a week later with radia- Louise Eggleston's coming, is . tended to a locat~on on the Mld- Daisies" which received the flowated~ and donated to the orPhan-I tion sickness), went about doing most happy to bring Dorcas and dletown road lD Brookhaven. (Cont· ed P g 10) age and informal Christmas sto- what he could for badly burned Gale Kurtz for the two com- Washington authorities have also mu on a e ries will be told to the children t survivors. He has been devotit).g munity me e tin g s originally approved the bank's application of members as well as the mem- his life to them ever since. scheduled for next week. . for a Motor Bank on Edgmont bers of the club. In 1950, he organized the Peace Mr. and Mrs. Kurtz use the (Continued on Page 5) A Board meeting will be held Center Foundation to carryon spoken word and carefully planon Tuesday, November 29, at the social work among survivors and ned music in their ministry. I FRIENDS ADULT FORUM The Swarthmore-Rutledge varhome of Mrs. Brinton Liddell on conduct a program of education They have conducted prayer TO PRESENT COLIN BELL sity and junior varsity hockey Riverview road. for world peace. One of his main missions in protestant churches Colin Bell associate executive I teams finished. the season on concerns is the hundreds of or- in many parts of the country. secretary of ihe American Friends Thursday of last week ~ith a Princetou Choir to Sing phans resulting from the blast. He Mr. Kurtz was a soloist for 10 Service Committee will give the d~uble defeat of the Sprmgfield has a plan for "Moral AdOPtion"l years In All Saints EpiScopal concluding talk in the A.F.S.C. Hlgit teams by the same score, In Wallingford Church of such orphans, whereby '1m oral Church, Pasadena, Calif. series being presented. this month 1-0. It was .th.e season's .first loss M.. and Mrs. Kurtz will lead at the Friends' Adult Forum. His for the Sprmgfleld varslty. The Princeton Seminary Choir parents" contribute a small sum a second meeting, that of the will present a Musical Vesper for their support. Garnet's varsity battled a deMethodist Prayer Group. plus topic will be the "Conference for The meeting is open to all Service, Sunday, November 27, at Diplomats." termined 11 and while the op4 o'clock, in the Wallingford people in the community. The all Interested persons In the Mr. Bell was a member of the ponents' attack was good, SwarthPresbyterian Church, Avondale offering will go toward the Hiro- community, at 8 p.rn. Wednes- Friends Service Unit in China morets goalies proved a better deday evening in the church shima Peace Center Associates. and Turner roads, Wallingford. during the war and has spent the fense and allowed no scoring. sanctuary, In the Swarthmore The Choir is composed of men Methodist Church on Park last five years at the Geneva Joan Hemenway made the only who are students at Princeton Mrs. Stuart to Speak Friends Center. Swarthmore score near the end of Theological Seminary, and is Mothers and father;' of Mrs. avenue. His talk will be given in the the first half. directed by David Hugh Jones, Marian Stuart's first grade pupils Friends Meetln·g House Sunday Nancy Martin, for the J.V., F.A.G.O., composer and Director at the Rutgers avenue school will morning at 9:45. All interested made the only tally in that game of Music at PrInceton Seminary hold a meeting at 8 p.m. on Tuespersons are cordially invited to during the first half. Here again, since 1934. The Choir has pre- day, November 29th, in the classattend. Springfield attack was good but sen ted more than two thousand room. Jack Wbi taker, W C AU - T V . . 1not strong enough . services since its organization, Mrs. Stuart will speak to the sportscaster, will be the guest Junior Assembly For . On November 10, the Garnet and has traveled throughout the parents on "Your Six Year Old," speaker at today's meeting of the 8th 10th Grades Tomorrow I gIrls defeated Darby 3-2 and the United States, and to Cuba, Mex- I Swarthmore Rotary Club. Horace • 1 J.V. tied 1-1 in the last away Passmore is in charge of the. Junior Assemblies for the games of the season. In a newly ico, Korea, Canada, Alaska, GARNET CANTEEN Hawaii and Japan in recent All nigh School alumni who luncheon-program which· meets at 1eighth and tenth grades will be arranged lineup Patty O'Neill at held tomorrow evening. Chaper- center-half scored as did Sue summers. are home for Thanksgiving 12: 10 in the Ingleneuk. Mr. Whitaker is seen on the ons for the younger group will Houseman at center - forward. week-end are welcome to attend LOCAL BOY RECEIVF.S the Gamet Canteen on Saturday weekly Sports Final Monday be Mr: and Mrs. Clarence Franck, Carol Williams moved from cenSCOUTING AWARD Night, November 26, from 8 to through Friday evenings; the Sat- assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. ter-half to left-wing and J u d y 11, in the All-purpose room of urday Sports Final; and the News Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Welsh was brought up from the Andy MacNair, son of Mr. and the Rntgers Avenue School. and Sports on Sunday nights. His Beckmann, and Mr. and Mrs. Clif- J.V. team to keep the attack goMrs. Pierce MacNair of Maple ing. Joan Hemenway also scored The eanteen needs additional main hobby is golf and he fre- ford Goodrich. avenue, has been awarded two card tables. Anyone having a quently enters tournaments with I Mr. and Mrs. Hallock Campbell for the team. Captain Mary Philtickets to the Army-Navy game table to donate, ls asked to his close channel associates, John will be in charge of the tenth lips, benched with an injury, was and a football inscribed by memgrade group. They are to be as- welcomed back to action. telephone AUce Carro\1, Swarth- Facenda and Phil Sheridan. bers of the Philadelphia Eagles He and his wife and three chilsisted by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Swarthmore varsity thus ended more 6-2986. The eanteen comteam for being the Cub Scout to dren make their home in NorrisGurin and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert its season with a strong record mittee wDI be g\ad to pick U sell the most tickets to the Boy town. I Huse. of six wins and one Joss. np. • Scout Fair•. I Hiroshima Pastor Will Speak Here Dec. 1st Chester Bank Wins Media Application I Garnet Hoekev Ends Season-6 Wi~s, 1 Loss 'I' Rotary to Present Sportscaster Today I II I No.e....... 25, 1955 Personals Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ward of Strath Haven avenue wlli enjoy the company of Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Bradfield and daughter Diane from Barnesvllle, 0., at the Army-Navy game tomorrow and as their weekend guests. Richard Mitten, a student at the WestminSter Choir College of Princeton University, Is spending the Thanksg!.ving holidays with his uncIe and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Banks of Harvard avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roraback of Torrington, Conn., will be the guest$ this weekend of Mr. and Mrs. Roy G, Rincllffe of Strath Haven avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Fuller, Jr., and family moved Monday from their Harvard avenue home to 139 Fourth avenue, Oakmont, in Allegheny County. Mr. an~Mrs. Henry A. Petrtol of Lafayette avenue entertained Mrs•. Pelrsol's mother, Mrs. A. M. Dryden of Barnegat, N. J., and Mr. Pelrsol's uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Rorer of Soringfield. Jayne Good, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Good, Jr., of Forest lane, celebrated her third birthday on Tuesday with a' party for 12 of her friends. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Markley of Guernsey road spent last week in San Francisco, Calif:, where they attended nieetlngs of the American Petroleum Institute. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Helnze of Strath Haven avenue have welcorned the visit of Mr. Heinze's mother,. 'Mrs. A. F. Heinze from Los Angeles, CaUf. Mr. and Mrs. Morris L. Hicks o~ College avenue entertained at a family party yesterday fQr Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hicks and Mr.' and Mrs. H. K. Hicks of Lansdowne, and Mr. and Mrs. John Ford of Narberth and their families .. ' Mr. and Mrs. William L. Scarborough of Rutgers avenue are entertaining Mr, and Mrs. E. D. Crutchfield of Waynesborough who arrived Monday to spend several days with them.. Johnny Bates, son of Dr. and Mrs. J •..R. Bates of North Chester road, will spend the Thanksgiving holidays at home. He i$ a student at the Lawrencevtlle School in New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ogram, Jr., of Wilmington, Del, will join Mr. Ogram's parent$, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ogram of Riverview road and his brother, Midshipman Donald Ogram, First Class, at the annual Army-Navy game in Phlladelphia tomorrow. Suzanne Harrar of Yale avenue is spending the weekend with her college roommate Patricia Perry in Cleveland, O. Glaessers Celebrate . Golden Wedding . Mr. and ·Mrs. George W. GIaesse", Sr., of. 311 Da'rtmouth avenue, will celebrate their 50th weMing anniversary Saturday with a family dinner at home. Mr. and. Mrs. Glaesser were married Nove'l'bt;r 29, 1905. in the. parsonlilge of the German Lulheran. Cl\urci\ in Philadelphia. 'and moved to Swarthmore in .tune, 1917, wl\ere they took up residence at the Dartmouth ave_ nue .address. They have. two sons, George W" Jr., also of Dartmouth avenue, and Henry L., of North Wales; and three grandsons, George, 3rd; and Allan and David of North Wales. '. Mrs. Albert Ullman of Philadelphia, a bridesmaid at the wedding, attend the celebration. . will , Winter Swimming Program Mary Lyon Pool. Beginning Dec. 14 thru Mar. Beginner competitive classes twice a week with a meet every other .week for the competitive group. Call or write Millard ,&bm-, dIreetor, SW 8-31113; 218 c-de Rd1 Sprlqfteld, .PL FETE .RIDI-To-•• A cocktail party in honor of Miss Mary Denn Corse of Yale avenue and. Mr. Harry P. Davis, Jr. of Rosemont, will be g!.ven Saturday by Mr. Davis' brOtherin-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Converse Warren of Bryn Mawr 'at the Dam home. Miss Corse and Mr. Davis will be·married December 10 in the Swarthmore Friends Meeting House. TOMORROW-S.RIDE Miss Duane C. Lauritzen of South Chester road will become the bride tomorrow of Mr. John Walter Jones, III, son of Mrs. J. W. Jones, Jr., of Aldan and the late Mr. Jones. The ceremony wlli be performed by the Reverend H. Lawrence Whittemore at Trinity Episcopal Church. MIss Lauritzen, who 'is the daughter of'Major and Mrs. Earl T. Hollis, has been living with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hollis ·on South Chester road. Mrs. Edmund Scott of New York City has been chosen matron of honor. The bridesmaids include Miss Leigh Hollis of South Ches~ ter road, Mrs. Joseph Joyce of Springfield, and Mrs. Robert Lord of Moorestown, N. J. Mr. Richard B. Jones of Drexel Hill will act as his brother's best man. The ushers are to be the Messrs. William Humphreys of Aldan, Edward Belfield of Southhampton, and Frank Tappeny, Jr. of Hackensack, N. J. ANNOUNCES ATTENDANTS The marriage of MIss Fay cpandler Raymond, daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. Fairfield E. Raymond of Cambridge, Mass., to Mr. Paul Duane Williams, Jr., .Un ot Mr. and Mrs. PaUl D. Williams of University place, will be performed tomorrow afternoon at 4 p.m. Dr. Wilbur Miller will officiate 'at 1he FiI'st Parish Church of Cambridge. Miss 'Raymond has chosen her sister, Mrs. Theodore E. Bruning. Jr., of Riverdale, N. Y., to act as her. matron of honor. Miss Susan Plant 01 Cambridge ',he the maid of honor. The Misses Alexandra Boyd of Boston, Anne Freeman of Cambridge, Nancy Thorpe of Lincoln, and AIlce Christopher of Kansas City, Mo., are to be bridesmaids. Mr. Pau\ D. Williams will serve as his son's best man. The ushers Include the Messrs.' Theodore E. Bruning, Jr.. MIss Raymond's brother-In-law; William S. EngIIsh of Rye, N. Y.; Prescott Jen- w1l1 -============= ; 811B80BIPTIONS nlngs, Jr. of Locust Valley, N. Y.; John L. Moore, Jr. of Princeton, N. J,; Ster~ Richter .ofPhUadelphia and Martin F. Zavell .of New York.' avenue, a nephew, and Paul Tigue, Jr., of Wilmington were the altar boys. Mr. William Klllhour of Devon sang during the ceremony~ A wedding breakfast followed at the Ingleneuk for relatives and out of town guest$. The couple then left on a wedding trip 10 Virginia. They will live at 607 Curtis avenue in Wilmington upOn their return. Mrs. Canova has taught piano at the Delaware School of Music Wilmington and given private lessons, at her home' on Park avenue. Her husband Is with the advertising department of the Hercules Powder Company. ,FOR YOUR Christmas - - d G. IVI"~ .. Pre · Christmas Shopping Come to Swarth.oreToggery Shop 8 Park Avenue . SWarthmc)fe 6-0240 • . Holiday- Hits in flattering fashions will' ~e w.elcome "finds'" under her Christmas Tree. See Our Co.plete Stock of • • 15 South Chester Road ~ 9:30A. M. TO 5:00 P. M. I -- I W8y .. home" pick- up· a supply of Swarthmore ,Pa. For The Best In Kftchens 'COLLEGE THEATRE The speed Swarihmare, Pa. Beautiful "Geneva Modern H A. All W.lt DI•••, .how I. Tech. ROBIN HOOD" PI.. AI••lI.. E.lllllo .... Colar Carloo. S.t. night orily-l••tu ... 6-8 & 10 All Steel or "Quaker Maid" CARTOONoO-RAMA Delu)fe Wood Cabinets for C.Udren SatoNay 0" flight has' a sleek new look I The name of that· new look.is ."PowerStyk:~ It's-a 1IOBring, ftight-eweep look lhat says power and meQIIS power • • • and its dynamic Jil!es and colora are as exclusively OIryaler's as its blazing new pOwer featulea.. . Remodel Your Kitchen With NOW SHOWING Special MaHnee Fr/;, 1 PM plus Fri. & Sat. Evenings InvItations have been Issued the college-age resldent$ of the '.'It's . Urne to start those ChrlstBorough for the Christmas B8n, a new and festive affair of the' mas mailings!" Swarthmore P~ holiday season. The party will master Charles H. Grier warned take place on December 22 at the today, launchtog his 1955 "Mall Rose Tree Hunt Club, Providence Early for Chrlstm~" campaign. road, Media. Mark Davis and his "On the calendar it's a month dance orchestra will provide away but here in the Post Omce music for dancing from 9 until I a.m. . it's Christmas today - and every A group of students attending day until December 25," he said. colleges. in the Philadelphia and Extra' mall carriers and office help suburban areas are assIslil!g with h ave been secured, the delivery th e arrangements. These Garnet grads include Mary Spiller, Bar- trucks serviced, Post Office tnkbara Cabot$, Elizabeth Gibson, wells med and in fact everything Jean Galbreath, Layton Wilson, is ready for the mammoth flood of Archer Brown, Robert Allison Christmas mall that Is expected aod Robert Borer. to smash all records. Acceptances should 'be made promptly as the facilities of the The Post Office has already disMr. and Mrs. Anthony M. FaIr- Rose Tree Club are limited. patched a tremendous quantity of banks of Rutgers avenue had as The event is being sponsored by gift packages headed for members their w~kend guests the MIsses thoe S·wartbmore Junior Assem. If d J B J ds of the Armed Forces overseas. M argare t ~ "0 an . • u on bUes with the following serving from Newark, N. J. on the committee: Christmas cards for service perMr. and Mrs. Leroy Anderson Mrs. John G. Lord, Mrs. H. sonnel can stlli be deUvered in have moved from Germaotown Li dl P 1 Mrs D vtd M C _ time if theyaro: sent by air mall to Latrobe. They new address Is n ey ee , . a c a before December 1st. In the 1212 Wal.tut drive Mrs Anderson han,Mrs. J. AIbri!lht ·Jones. Mrs. U. S. A., 'snl'art people are now . . . . Joseph Gibson, Mrs. Raymond 15 the former Miss Lora Black- Fellows, Mrs. John R. Bates, Mrs. mailing gifts to friends'· 8lld relaman of Swarthmore. . Stephen _ Badger, Mrs. A v e r y tives living iil other states: Mr. and Mrs. Avery Blake of Blake. Mrs. Oliver Swan, Mrs. PostmaSter Charles H. Grier esAniherst avenue enterlalned at a C. I. Galbreath, Jr., and Mrs. WU- pecially calls .on. housewives to neighborhood dessert on Thurs- lIam McHenry. . help in his effort to deliver every day of last we of . , November 25, 1955 Pqe4 TRIN," NOTES witness as he lI1'eeta and helps There will be a celebration of busy travelers pass ti1rOugJ, the 'tHE SWARTHMOREAN the Holy CommUDloo. at 7: 30 Sun- station. In honor of Mr. Young PUBLISHED ."EBY nlDAY AT SWARTBlIIOBB. PA. day morning, ThIs betng the first and the Eventide Male Choir, a PETER Eo TOLD, HAlUOBlE TOLD, PtJIILIlIBDS Sunday in Advent, a Corporate ICC)UE!e Hour will be held immePIIoIIII SWarQa In.' .... CommUDlon and breakfas~ for the dlately atter the ttVenin8 servlc;e men and boya of the parish wlll be in Fello~ship Hall. The coUee PE'lEit B. 'I8LD, BdIter Barbara Kent, Manalling Editor held at this Urne. hour, as well as the service, will Nancy HuJms Marjorie Told Rosalie Petrsol At 9: 15 there wlll be a Fsmlly be spoilsored by the "Pairs OW EDtered as Second Cla8a Jlatter, January 24, 1929, at the Post Service with Holy Baptism; chIl- Spares" group. oaIee at Swarthmore, Pa., under 100 Act of March 8, 1879. dren in the third grade and UP Brow;¢e Troop 428 will meet in will meet for Church School. At Fellowship Hall at 3:80 p.m. and . DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON 11 o'clock the regular service of Boy Scout Troop 3 wlll meet In . SWARTHMORE. PENNA., NOVEMBER 25. 19'5 M9ming Prayer will' be held; F e IIowship Hall at 7.30 p.m. on ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• children in the second lI1'ade and Wednesday. PRESBYTERIAN NOTES . "00 Learnlng to Give" wili be the subject of Mr. BIshop's sermon at the 9: 30 and 11 o'clock services Sunday moming. Men's and Women's Bible Classes convene at 9: 30. Church school classes meet at 9:30, 10:45 and 11. The Junior rugh Fellowship will meet for choir rehearsal at 7 p.m. The Senior rugh Fellowship, following choir rehearsal at 5 p.m., will meet at the church at 6: 30 for a picnlc-and-bonfire meeting to.be held by Crum Creek in. the college woods. Mr. Bishop will lead a discussion on "How Do We Find God's Will in our Lives?" It the weather Is bad, the meeting will be held at the church, with supper at 8: 30, and the discussion, in the Hearth Room, following at 7 p.m. The Young' Adults will meet doWn will attend their Church School classes at this hour. The following will serve as ushers Sunday: C. 'B. Blake, S. D. Clyde, Jr., E. M. Hillary, A. W. Kitts, A. H. Knabb, Pierce MacNair, F. W. Plowman, and C. M. Waterbury. Hugh Morrison is scheduled to serve as acolyte at 7: 30 a.m., and Jack Calhoun and Walter Reynolds at 11. During the 11 o'clock service Leigh Hollls and Mary from the sermon on 100 Mount (Matt. 7: 15, 18): "Beware of false propheta, which come to yOll in sheep's clethlng, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by. thetr tru1ts. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or tlgs of thistles?" The Golden Text Is from I Corinthians (18: 13): "Watch' ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you. like men, be stroIIg." The publlc !s eordlallY invited to attend the services at 11 a.m. in the church on Park avenue. The JUDlor Choir wlll· rehearse at 4 p.m. and the Chancel Choir will rehearse at 8 p.m. Thursday. Life is Good 25, 1955 1BE SWARTBMOREAN Mr: and Mrs. S. B. Brewster of ~Mr' and Mrs. Avery F. Blake of Swarthmore avenue entertained at Amherst avenue are entertaining a.famlly Tbankslliving cliJ!ner yes- Mrs. Blake's mother, Mrs. Harry terday. . Nield from Baltimore, Md. PRIVATE PI~NO INSTRUCTION IIY. T............ De ,............. Caa.wate., of M..le l.esso•• legl. Odoller 3 for Child.... a.iI Ad.1ts If you are an ailult wishlhg to begin or resume piano study, wesh.1 be happy to work with you. For ,''''ormatlo•• call Cl '.3476. day or av••' . , The .e ,_ BEAUTY SALON • Bfbe tbanfc- u.... !fie kll. foi poll; CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES Man's need for spiritual aieitness will be emphasized In the Lesson - Sermon "Ancient and Modem Necromancy, Alias Mesmerism and Hpynotism, Denounced," at Christian Science services Sunday. Selections frolll the Bihle will Irs CARINIi THAT SAVES THE WEARIN.I 9 'South Chester Road Cell SWarthmore 6-0476 fot "'_ met£p"'mllun!fl foteber. AcHy. M_ber of ... Sw...._ .. lui•••• AuoclatloB . PSALMS CVIL I PAULSON & CO. I Swarthmore, Pa. Anne Thompson will be in charge 11~~~~th~e~f~O~ll~O~W~in~g~~p;ass;;ag~es~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ of the nursery. j onT"::onBdOYS'anCdh°Tulrewillda' rehte~rs3eO MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ••, ay s y a .. : p.m. The Men's and Boys' Choir ,-- Sales and Rentals rehearsal will be held on ThursTliE MUSIC BOX . day' at 7: 15 p.m. • There will be a service of Eve10 Park Av••a Swarthmore ning Prayer on Tuesday and Pho•• ·KI 3.'1460 Open Fri. Eve,. Friday at 5: 40 p.m. tion, New York ·City."· On Tuesday, the Music ComThe regular mid-week celebramlttee will meet in the Choir tion 'of the Holy Communion will FAMILY DINNIIIS 10 SUIT ... TASTI .f IYEIlTONI CHURCH SERVICES Room at 7 p.m. The Board of be held .at 7 !I'clock Wednesday TENDER STEAKS and CHOPS eoaked to Order PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Deacons will meet. i1t 8 p.m. in moming. There wlll be a second EXCELLENT BA Joseph P. Bishop, Minister the Woman's Association Room. celebration at 9:30; followed hy . NQlIET AND PARTY FAClLI1'IES John Schott, Aasoctste !oIinIIter The Session and prospective the Bible pass. The evening BUSINESS MEN'S UJNm 12·1:30 P. M. Sunda". November 27 members of the church will meet Bible Class will be held at 8 DININIi ROOMS .... LOllY AIR CONDmONED 9:30 and 11:00 A.M.-Mr. BiShop for dessert and coUee on Wed- o'clock Wednesday' evening. C~mfortoble Room. Day or Wok· Elevator 9~1 X~_ChMen's and Women's nesday evening at 7:30 in the' Bible Classes. Woman's Association Room for METHODIST NOTES 9:30, 10:45 and 11:00 .,..14. - presentation to the Session. The Sunday School classes for all Yale & Harvard Avenlle •• Swarfllmore. Po. Church School. meeting is reqUIred of all those ages beginning at two years starts 5:45 P.M.-·Young Adults. planning to join' the church on at 9: 45 a.m. WALT•• L PARROTT, Mg,. Nil PARIING 8:30 P;¥.--Senlor rugh Fellow- . December 4. At the 11 a.m. Worship Service ship. 7:00 P.M.--J'r. rugh Rehearsal. On Wednesday, Circle 7, Mrs. Mr. Kuip will use as his sermon Wednesda", November 30 Thomas M. Jackson, chairman, subject, "Journey Into Christmas." 10: 30 A.M .......Day of Prayer: Mr. will meet at 10 a.m. at the home There are three nurseries to care and Mrs. Kurtz. of Mrs. W. R. Lecron, 410 Cedar for the children up to 5 years old 7:30' P.M.-.Elders and new mem- lane. Mrs. Robert D. Norton will during the worship service. There bers dessert meetinll. . speak on the American Indian. is a Kindergarten Church pro8:00 P.M.-Church Night: Rev. Circle 8, Mrs. Charles C: Martin, gram and a JUDlor Church proKiyosho Tanimoto. chairman, will meet in McCahan gram for ~hildren of grades two All funerals receive identical high-standard Hall at 8 p.m. when members.wUl to six Inclusive. ..rvlce regardle!S of cost; We cater to all ME'f"HODIST CHURCH , make Christmas decorations' for Jrhe Senior High Fellowship J.,hn C. Kulp Income groups. for children's wards at Chester will meet at, the· .-church at 8: 30 MInlster Hospital. Members are asked ici p.in~ The JimJor lnghChoir' wiil a Robert Wilde bring shower gifts for the Presby_ also rehearse at this ·time at .the MInister of Music terian Home for Aged Couples church. . Sunday, November 27 and Single Men. At the Eventide Praise Service 9:45 A.M.-Church School. On Friday, December 2, at 10:30 beginning at 7:30 p.m. the . guest 11:00 A.M.-Mr. Kulp will preach. DIRECTORS O. fUNERALS' 6:30 P;¥.--Sr. High Fellowship. a.m., there wlll be a Christmas speaker will be Ralston Young. 7: 30 P.M.-Eventide PraIse SerY- Service under the leadership of popularly known as "Red Cap 42" 1820CHE51NUT STREIT ice. '4Red Cap 42." Mrs. Frederick W. Evans at the' of Grand Central .Station, N. Y. OLIVER H. &AIR, fowIder MARY A. BAlR, President TRINITY CHURCH Arch Sireet presbyterian Church. He has become known for his TelephoM Rl 6-1581 .H. Lawrence Whittemore, Rector All women of the church are cor- noontime prayer meetings in an for Bible study in the Woman's Association Room. After a 6:30 supper, served in the Fellowshlp Room, the group will attend the Methodist Chureh Eventide Praise' Service which Is presenting a program en tiUed ''Red Cap 42, Grand Central Sta- . Nou"''''''' I THANK YOU for and Your Constant Patronage That I Have Been Privileged To Enjoy STRA.TH HAVEN INN Sunda", November 27 7:30 A.M.-· Holy Cflmmunlon. . 9:15 A.M.-Family Service Holy Baptism; Church School (2nd Grade and down). 11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. 11:00 A.M.-Church School. (2nd grade and down) Tn.sd..y, November 29 5:40 P.M.-Evening Prayer. WednesdAy, November 30 (St. Andrew's) 7:00 A.M.-Holy 'Communion. 8:30 A.M.-Holy Communion. FrId..", December 2 5:40 P.M.-Evening Prayer. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIJ;NDS Sand..", .November 27 9:45 A.M.-First Day School for Kindergarten and Nursery only. 9:45 A.M.-Adult Forum, Colln Bell: "COnferences for Diplo. mats." 11 :00 A.M.-Fam!1y Day at Meeting for WorshIp. Ali are Wel. come. . '1:00 P.M. -United Fellowship 8~&~'l.i"· Al d Pu d' ;'Quake~ -Wor~:.:,,~r R..J.~~re Room. . Mollday, November 28 All day sewing for A. F. S. C. Wednesd ..y, November 30 All day sewing for ,A. F. S. C. FIRST CHURCB: OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST' SWARTHMORE Park Avenue below Harvard Suda", November 27 11:00 A. M.--Sunday School. 11:00 A.M.-The Lesson Selmon Will be "Ancient and Modem Necromancy, Alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, Denounced!' Wednesday evening meetinll neh week, 8 P.II.: Readlllll ~ 4011 Daibnouth Avenue, open • : lAra .-except 10-1. 1'ddQ', .u ..... 74. S\1IIdaT d-. I '.1:I0-4:I0. . boHd.,.,. ~m~p~ty~c~a~r~0;n~Tr~a~ck~I~3~,~an~d~f~0;r~.!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dially invited. Club will meet on the winsomeness of his Christian The Couples Monday, December 5, for a turkey dinner and Christmas program. Each couple is asked to bring two inexpensive toys for children b t . e ween the ages of three and six, for the Robert Wade Neighborhood House in Chester. Those .. who would like to come should call Mr. and Mrs.' Howard Smith, MEdia 8-2281 _ _ _._ _ _ __ - FRIENDS MEETING NOTES At 'the . Adult Forum Sunday Colln Bell, associate executive secretary of the A.F.S.C., and secretary of the Geneva Friends . Center from 1849 to 1954, will speak on the work at the center and especially on the Service Committee "Conferences for Diplomats." ThIjl is the concluding talk In th . t ri e curren, se es. On Sunday evening, Alexander Purdy of Hartford Divinity School, will ~eak to Friends and friends of Friends on "Quaker Worship" at 8 p.m. In the Rushmore Room at Whittier House. This is the first of a series of three tslks on Quakerism which are open to all interested, and which will be' given on· successive Sunday evenlngs. On December 4 Barnard Walton will speak' on ''Quaker Organization" and, on December 11, Frederick Tolles ",ill 'discuss "Our Quaker Heritsge." There wlll be no First Day School classes Sunday moning except for the Nursery and Kindergarten groups, which will meet 8s usua1 at 9: U. All other children are _._ ...... to' "ttend ...._ .... au,:.;, en"",,""Clla-.. a ~~ Day for :\lfonblP~t 11 a.m. 'In 1 IfOIIPIL , 1956 19:16 Olrlstmas Savings Oub-open now. Join-at any of Provident's fow: Pe1aware County officesand next holiday time you'll have cash to spend for the things you want. ~hri For The Entire Family - Dope'" Sheaffer Snorkel Pens Sportsmen Men's Toiletries Receive wMtly I. so wMIca $ .50 $ 21.00 1.00 2.00 ,3.00 1.00 10.00 50.00 .100.00 150.00 2SO.00 Complete Lise of Elizabeth Arden Revlon: Helena -.Rubenstein, Etc. aoo.oo Use Our .Lay-Away Plan ------.....;..._. NO ENTRANCE FEE - THEATRE. PHARMACY PROVID'ENT Comp'ete Drugstore Service TRUST· COMPANY· CALL FOR and DELIVERY SERVICE NEDrA, Scate St. &: South Ave. • SPRINGFIElD, Suer Ave. &: HIlt lan... SWARnIMORE, Rutgers . Ave. .&: a.- Rd. • NETHER PROVIDENCB, lWtimore Pike a -.Beatty. Rd. (Drive.ins.o!<) .' . , .' . '; TlleatreSqi.are Chester Bank Wins Media Applitation (Conlqlued from Page 1) Suda". November· 27. avenue, between 11th and 12th 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship ..................... Local Churches streets in Chester. . 3:00 P.M.-commUDlty Art Tea .................... Woman's Club A wide publlc Interest has been 7:30 P.M.-Eventide Praise Service: "RedCap 42" Methodist Church generated In the Media area and Tnesc1&", November ZI elsewhere by the rivalry of three 7:30 P.M.-Nativity Pageant Chorus Rehearsal .. Presbyterian Church Important national hanks lor the privilege of opening this Media W"'nesdll7, November 80 10:30 A.M.-Day of Prayer: Mr. and Mrs. Kurtz .. Presbyterian Church branch, two of them local to thla 8:00 P.M.-Prayer Group: Mr. and Mrs. Kurtz ... MethociiSt Church County - The Delaware' County National Bank and The Upper Tl'urwcJa", Deeember 1 Darby National Bank-The PhilaSafe-DrlvtDa" Da" AU Da" Lcmcl delphia National Bank, all having 8:00 P.M.-Rev. Kiyoshl TanIn>oto ............ Presbyterian Church applled about the same time. The 8:00 P.M.-Mothers Club: Mrs. Anne W. Wood ....... McCahan Hall Federal banking authorities rePRESBnERIAN YA 3 Coil p f served their judgment for several TO VlstT METHODISTS ege ro essors . months pending their investigation The Presbyterian Young Adult Take Off for Thailand and their final conclusion. Fellowship will be guests of 'the (Continued from Page 1) The new branch will supply Methodtst Young Adult Group are the ascertslning of the .llght national banklng facilities to the and attend the Eventide Meeting curve of th e sun dUring the County Seat of Delaware County, this Sunday at 7: 30 p.m. "Red ecllpse and the area of the su n which would otherwise be withCap 42" from Grand Central Sts- covered. Approximately' two out a national bank since the tion will be the discussion leader. weeks advance preparation will merger of the old.Firat National Dinner will be served at 8 at be necessary to prepare for the Bank of Media with the Provident the' Swarthmore Presbyterian big moment of the eclipse. Trust Company of Philadelphia, Church for the YA Fellowship heThe Expedition is sponsored by which operates under a Stste fore the group leaves for the visit. the Georgetown University under charter. The "Living the Bible" discussion a coniract let by the United States I======::::;:======' group will Dieet at 5: 15. Air Force. Data obtained from F· U holster· The Methodtst Youn~ Adults these observations is of ImporturnllUre P .. THOIoi SEREIoIIA ' wlll be guests at the Swarthmore ance to' the Air Force In pin21S Felton Aw •••• CoIII.gdal•• 'a. Presbyterian Church for one of pointing the exact location of 1010,. fila. II.. ..... of I~ the January meetings at the YA various land masses. The precise. work Swarthmore. and Ylclnlty ••• first-class at reasonabl. rates • • ~ oyer 2S Fellowship. distances between the 11 stations yoo.,· opo.I..... will be determined by photoelecT.I.p•••• n.ro. HIli 0734 Friendly Circle trlc measurement of the SUD. JInes ':;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ The Friendly Circle met Thurs- during the eclipse. The Swarlh- r day; November 17, at the home of more station and four others, in Mrs. Frank Geltz on Harvard addition, will make observations avenue. Eva Cresson assisted Mrs. for further study till-ough phoGettz as co-hostess. tography. • Copper Enameling Sets Members of the group brought . Opell Stack 011 contributions' which will be used Dr. and Mrs. Walter P. Binas TllI;nksgiving 100d for several stein of South Chester road enter- Copper Shapes. Enamels famlJles. tained yesterday for Mr. John Opaque & Transparent Cave, Jr., of Harvey's Lake. Glass Threads. Etc. Mr. and Mrs. Donald j?iccard Mr. and Mrs. Stuart R. Thorand family of Newark, Del.; spent bahn moved Tuesday from the yesterday with Mrs. Piccard's Dartmouth House to Rose Tlee mother, ,Mrs. Oharles Russell of road, Media. . Ogden avenue. Mr: and Mrs. W. Mark Bittle .. ~rs. Albert Eltlnge of Twillght of Rutgers avenue entertained at Park, Haines Falls, N. Y., spent a famll), ThankslliviDg dinner several days last week at the home yesterday. 6 Park Ave•• Swarthmore of Mr. and Mrs. Willimn H. Ward The Misses Elizabeth and Kathof StrathHaven avenue while en- ryn Bassett:Of North Chester road SWarthmore 6-4191 route to Florida: She also, stopped entertalned Mr. and Mrs. John Fri. 9 to 8:30 . In Cambridge, Md.; With' her s~- ·Lippincott of Ventnor and Mr'lf;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~;::;;;~ ter Mrs. WIlliam Avery. and Mrs. Kenneth Stallman of 11 Mr. William L. Scarborough of York as their weekend guests. A Rutgers avellue spent last week- dinner party 'in their honor was HEY KIDS - WIN A TRIPI end visiting ~th relatives In held ·'on Saturday after the g.ame. Kansa;; City, Mo. . Mr., and Mrs. J. Harry BeckPONIES - JluOWS Mr. and Mrs. R; G. Rlncliffe of mann' of Strath Haven avenue had .' Strath Haven avenue entertained as their guests over Thanksgiving: at a family d1nnet:. party yester- Mrs. Beckmann's mother, Mrs. day. AIton Bowers and a friend Miss . Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Faragh!,r Agnes Buck, fro", Stone Harbor, of. the Swarthmore Apartments N. J. ', had as their Thanksgiving guests Louise Emmons of Meadow lane Mr. .and Mrs. Robert Faragher was recently pledged to Beta PI and daughterN'ma of Lansdowne, Gamma social sorority at Stephens Over a 1000 Prl.es and Mr. and M,rs. Willlam Fara- College In Columbia, Mo. A... • Trip to file VI,.I. Isla.d. gher and children Judy, Robin, Patton Gilmour, son of Dr. and David and Stephen from Levit- Mrs. William Gilmour of' Harvard For Detail, Get Your 4S.P9. town. avenue, has been pledged to Phi Toy Ccitalogue from Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Rlnc1lffe Delta Theta,' natiomil social fraof Strath: Haven avenue, with ternity, at Dickinson College, Cartheir son-m-Iaw and' daughter Mr. lisle, where he is a freshman. and Mrs. Robert Howarth, spent Mr. anil Mrs. D. Mace Gowthe weekend in Torrington, COlm., ing of. Parrish road had several with Mr. and Mrs. ~harles Rora- f9~nds in for cocktails after the back. They all attended the Yale- Swarthmore-Haverford game. TOY SPECIALS Harvard game in New Haven on Mr.. and Mrs. William J. BlackSal¥rday. man of Sproul road welcomed THIS WEEK ONLY their family for Thanksgiving din. Gene Autry ner yesterday. _ 2·Gun Holster Set Mr. F. W. Plowman of North Spec:lal $6.66 West Laurel HllJ Crematory Swarthmore avenue Will return $S.95 provides modern facilities for tomorrow from a three week busicomplete service. . ness trip to London, England. Official Size Basketball • houtiful c:h_a~1 • Crltf'ltCltory an ,rounds While abroad, Mr~ Plowman Was $4.95 SpecIal $l.S8 .• DIlIJntfit:d columbortu", the m~e t f U d U.lUrs. J 0 hn • .Indivldual or famU, niches • e" S 0 .lUr. an • ,Wid•.Hlecfion of ams Rodgers of Groomsbridge, Kent. 171/-4" Viking Ship Inspection invited Mr. and Mrs. George F. Biessing Has captain and crew _ WEST LA UREL Hill of Elm avenue had as their din- . gu. throws prolec:tlles CREM A TOR Y ner guests Mrs. :Blessmg's brother $4.00 Spftc:lal $U3 and sister-in-law, Mr. and MrS,' Belmont Ave. above City C. N. Arrowsmith and family Little Miss Proctor Irolling Board $2.98 SpecIal $2.44 Trinket I The Camera and Hobby Shop ," Enter the Billy &Ruth Contest of PICK THE PlAN YOU 'Ilfll A Christm~ savings plan for every purse at Provident Trust. Come in and join up now. PLAN WITH ;",. A Wide 'Selection Toys Join our Christm~s Club"and have ready money.for next year~ gifts! .'. -' . SWarthmore 6-2513 Gifts merrier still: . -.-.:"'- 104 Park Avenue. Swarthmol'4! How to make ~HRISTMAS, 8a&urda", N_ber Z8 &'00 . P.M-G . arne't C anteen .................. Rutgers Ave. School on REGARDLESS OF COST THE OLIVER H. BAIR.CO. THIS WEEK"S CALENDAR Ins .of....... All the Bounties Il~~iiiiii~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iii~~~~ffiiiiiiiiiiiig PlI8e 5 sW' 6-3154 CREM AT10 N 1~~~L~i~n~e.~B~a~la~.~C~y~n~W~y~d~~~ frr~om~L~a~n~c~a~st~e~r.~~~~~~~ THE MORTON FLOWER SHOP Opposite PRR Statio•• Morta•• Pa• P,,,,,,s Cut f'oWIIS - Poff'" Gifh" AlIt. . & lewel" CORSAGES' WI DIU". A"rwHEU , . . . . ".pwood J-lJIJ Moorhouse Construction Co. Custom Built 'Homes ~I"" '.pcl.. 11. ..III..,. A.... s................ SW.I."ON 10413 , Utile Lady . Stove or Refrf,lerator $2.00 SpecIal $1.44 GIFTS FARBERWARE CLOCKS HARKERWARE . IOOTONWARE KI,347730 ' . Opp. MOIITOII, PH Sta. "lalA , , Novem'-" 25, 1955 . 11IE SWARTBMOREAN . minor lntractlOll8 of the Jaw, such Ov........ Trip as ·tralllc violations and "fixes", Junior High School 'troop 331, or who otherwise "shave the Jaw", G.S.A., enjoyed an overnight trip to· Sunset Hill on Friday. Their he stated, make It dIftIcult f 0 r young people to determine right leaders were Mrs. Hans Borel, The First Annual Dinner of the asststant District Commissioner of from wrong. He expJalned that Mrs .. William Bower, and Mrs. Number 1 and has Anthony GuldiftI ult t ,- Roy McCorkel•. Keystone District. Valley Forge liano. Robert Wengenroth· and youth finds it c 0 proper.., _~_ _ _ _-'-_,==--___ America ei vable human life and at Ihe same LBOAL NOTICB Council Boy Scouts ~f v • Edward CI~ents as N ghbor- tim ~_,_ an·d imitate war heof last hood C~ioners.· Ray Hall roese a ....... ~ I!BTATI!I OP JOHl'l BOWAJ!D TAY-· was held on Thursdav • v LOB. aIIO Jtocl remarks and Introduced the head with Kent Roberts and Douglaos however. that we ahould not be to ~~f~,== ~I~e;:;'an~ table which included E. J. Hes- Dodd as Neighborhood Commis- misgulded by believing that be- olelmB to pre.ent tho 8I!IIlO. without keth, a member of the Council sloners. George Kohler has Area cause a f!!W youths "get oft the delay to Executive Board; Ben Bouchelle. Number 4 with Louis Pyle. Dean- beam". ail youths are bad. Of the 1=)~~~':::"'~y and Field SerVice Director of Dela. Cramer and Charles Spevak 14 news items of .crime found on 285 Kenyon Avenue, ware .and Montgomery Counti~s; as Neighborhood Commissioners. one page of a Pblladelphta newsBWarthmono, Po.. Joseph McNaney, Jr.• District Area Number 5 has no assistant paper, he· stated. that one was or to their IIttorneys Scout Executive. Louis S. Divan. District Commisslone,r, but Wil- committed by a youth. He ex- ~:!",,~n;o:r~Jr. St-1l-18 District Commissioner. and liam O'CoDllell. Robert Wilson. pJa!ned thatwe·make it easy for Charles Williams. principal of the Karl Fox and· Alex Williams are young people to go astray by our REQUEST FORBIDS Abraham IJneoln High School of tl.~ Neighborhood Commissioners own careless habits such as leavThe BwarthmOft Rutledge UDlan Philadelpbia and guest speaker serving the Area. ing keys In automobiles and our :~~o~ ~~~~ =:~~ for the evening. Five Institutional Representa- homes unlocked. ~ber 9, 1966, far replaOOmant of Mr. Hllkert then introduced the tives were selected to represent The new theme for the coming ;m:!:t ~ll:;'dAV=O;:: Dis t ric t Operating Committee the District at the Council Annu- four years ·'Onw.ard for God and montarJ SChool. The blda will be Chairmen: William Black _. or- al Business Meeting held once a My Country" was used .as a clos- apened publlcly. and read alOUd at . . h Mr Weng th lrig tableau at the dinner. to slg- thIa tlmo. . ganlzation and extension chair- year, T ey were. enro nify th great partnersbip be Tho three (3) present fum1.... may man' John Pftieger - advance- from Tr!n1ty United Presbyterian the ,--tit ti f Am·eri a- be replaced with _ (8) new fur, . . OIl h H R bert Nvce from St tween e "'" u ons 0 c two (n) ment chairman' Clinton Gattey urc, . 0 , . S ts f Ameri naoes or with • new f"--~-. ' an., B. E·dward Paul's Evangelical and Reformed and the Boy cou 0 ca. of equal total capaolt)'. Tho turnace8 training chalrm shall be equipped with now. tully auLawton III _ camping chairman; Church. Harry B~an from tomatlc oU burner.. OIl piping. eleeand J a ri1 e s Steele _. Jlnance Swarthmore Presbytenan Churc~. NEWS NOTES trloal work and duot connections Thomas Welch from St. FranCIS wlthln the turnace room Bhall he Inchairman. M· .... orle Angstad of· Springfield eluded. of Assisl and Carl Soderberg ~. Mr. Gattey presented the traInrial was recently chosen pledge queen The work cannot be startocl untU ~ th from the Chambers Memo Noon, December 22. 19111, and mu.st Th b ds ing awar. e mem ers u. e Presbyterian Church. of -Kappa ,Sip . Fraternity at he_ oomplate 8Il4 OJM1ftoting :by 7 4.K Committee for the recent Den Dickinson 'Co\lege. She was" the January 3, 1966. . Mothers Workshop received their Youth Under Fire guest of Terry Kerr of Forest All material and workrnanohlp Bhall · ... er SI he subject to the \n8pOCtion hy and est i ns tructors cards and a Cu b coin Willi Mr. ams, gu s..,....... lane who pl~dged Kappa gma approval of 'l'he George II. Bwtng 00•• purse as a token of appreciation used as a title for his address. this fall. Archltecte and Bnglnoere, 1720 weatfor the time and effort they so "Youth Under FIre." He pointed Willi G Loftus' ern ~vIn&B Pund BUIlding•. Phll&delwillingly gave up to m.ake the out examples of certain. newspaMr. and Mrs. am. - phla. 7. Pa .• from wham apec\llcatlons smail daughter Linda J 0 enter- and contract documente may he obworkahop a success. . per headlines. radio and televi- tained a group of friends at her taiDed. Training Awards were also pre.. slon programs, movies. and com. Th d Bide shall be sealed. marked ''BId sented to Mr. Divan and Richard Ics whlch are very hard· for third birthday party on . urs ay far Replacement of Heating BqUlpof last week at the Loftus home· mBnt" and ·dell""""d to the Bohool K. Horne, Scoutmaster of Morton 1. young people to properly evaliI- on Haverford place. District oMqe at COllege Bnd Prlncewho received the Scouters· Key ate. He stated that youth wants to ton Avea.. B'imnhln,ore, Pa. . for additional !!Orvice to Scouting; admire and imitate, especbiny bts Mr. and Mrs. William Drlehaus. The BoardM..,n.OO .the right to C. Foster Salkeld received his Ar_ parenta for 'Whom )I.e bas a strong of Yale avenue entertalned at dIn- accept'" reject any or all bide, =",~~tledge Union .rowhead certlflcate which is pre- family lnstlnct. Modern parents nor Wednesday evening in celesented for· additional training In who in .the presence of their chil- bratlon of their' 20t11- wedding anBAMDBL T. OABPI5NtlSR, Scouting. dren either· commIt or condone niversery. 11-18-26-12-2 Beoretary. BSA Keystone Dis't In First· Annual Dinner N~o~qm~~ ___ 2~~1_9_SS ______~____________________'=IB=E~S~W~~~===O=BEAN==~________________~______________~p.~~! Mr. Divan then Introduced the Commissioners' staft of the District which is divided. Into fLve service areas. Chester Sweet is School in Rose Valley Christmas Fair Dec. 3 to our friends old and new . The ChrIstmas Fair of the School in Rose Valley will take •.... 3• p Jace on Sa.. ._ ........ n..-ber ~~ frnm noon to 8 pm. The aDDual event will be held this year in Rawson, the recently completed 1lJld newly dedicated building whlch is aituated at the end of School Jane off of Rose Valley road in Moylan. Months of work have gOne into preparation for the fair which. in kBeiling with school tradition, will empbailze the handmade parent·s. teacher's and student·s . ft- 10 Delaware County· • added convenience with complete personal and business barking • servlce- .. the big new p udebaker! = I = N v.A~ T , TRUST COMPANY Five great new serieel Sixl eEl] fabuJous new Studilbakers-with rich, color-keyed interiOl8 within smartest two-tone eateriors-each a living, vibrant example of cra/tsnuulBhip with a /lail'1 , ~-, a ••• makes Studebaker MEDIA = = MAGNASONIC 210 ~~~~ Suer Ave. &: Hatt Lane ~14950. i. IN MAHOGANY I; ;4- ~ .~ ~c" I SPRINGFIELD only The Mag_x :. ! = .;-== =- ;4- ~ ~ ~! NEnmR PROVIDENCB • 'liione: KI 3-1460 .a,navox the greatest name J)epjp 10, Park Aven.e Swa........ .. · .." '-, . .-.,""" , 8p"ij1lg Gudcn at 8mb· ;4- ~ ""'; 4. ~.I~ ! . N. Broad above Erie (drive-in bank) 23' Eaclusive oversize SafBty-action·brakes. Safe-lock door latcbed Seat belts are optional. Cllestnut at Seventeenth CllestDDt at TweIftb CllestDDt at Fourth 0,._ friday EYe~11MJ1 (EVElY Ev..... Dec. .ft... Flightomatic-SIIIOOtbeBt, fastest- ;'4 ~ ~ ,~I Lo~ center of gravity, with Pyramid The Mas!IICIVOX MAGNASONIC combination" . same -as above, pJus super--scnsitive and seleclive AM·FM radio. Mahogany, oat, or cheny acoustical cabiDeL In Mahogany. $19850 THE M.USIC BO·X new starting automatic drive known! PHILADELPHIA in high fideUty smart new insmunent panel SurgiJ)g.T8k.off Torque in. three great. new Sweepstakes !!!Igines Plus BeOatty Rd. magnilicant ; scu1ptured-ateell~k. Tnsidei: ·with Cyclops Eye apeedoDjElt.er1 SWARTHMORE' Rutgers Ave. &: Cll_ Rd. Baltimore Pike &: (drive-in bank) .Outside. the hand"""", ~-conditioned C8'lings. A ~ = ~ - the STANDOUT CAR in the low price field! BlTIIBLISHBD 186J &ate 8L &: South Ave. ! __ " I D E 51 !Ii A " ,E=i 5 And _ I YOIl'll find a new DOte of craftamanahip in the cWt tailoring of bigger, 11·.....0.-· . , IIUUIJU,.".,.","~TiII)!¥IF m _ _ DJo ,m the easy precII1UI1I with which the doors cUck shut ••• all through the widest choice ever ofreted inite fleldl . • ~ §= =!__ .Male way today for the 0D8 new car that pbmds out from all the rest-the 6/tf new Studebakerl Hae's a reslIy new look in the low 1ldc811e1d. Longer, stroDiIer!iDes. . .I greater luauey, standout stylingl , R - == .... .. ~ ..... . ~': , !a i; = = ., • I : books of chlldren is being col- ,WOMAN'S CLUB NOTES lected to make a special cblldren's Mrs. Roland- G. E. Ullman. table; Clarence Freeman. the known through the area for her school's shop teacher. is bulldIng book reviews. will present "Gertrude. Lawrence lis Mrs. A" by toys and furniture to order for Richard Stod~A'dAldrich, n ..... .... ._-!!=the event; and Mrs. Fox is plan- Tuesday afternoon at 2 pm. at the ning and preparing a supper. Woman's .Club. In addition to the hand-made ThIa is the first meeting of the articles there will be a selection literature department ·to be held of books. a table of Christmas this season on a Tuesday aftercards and stationery, and some noon. and a large attendance -Is toys and 40bby items. A snack expected. Mrs. John T. PInkston, bar will be open for the whole Jr.• the chairman, will be In genafternoon and cblldren's movies eral cbarge. will be ahown a t 2 and 4 p.m. Themeet Rhythmic groU~ will as usualDance this FrlA_ .... ...... I saw it in The Swa·rthmorean. cl~ morning frnm 9 to 10 am. at thehDuR, Allee Kraft, Instructor. . ". ~ high fidelity phOnOgrapt,-· . sew. plan with ·at a 'ow "table model"prlcel - \ A weeklY work group has been meeting at the home of Mrs. Robert Glck of WAlI!ngford. Under the tutelage of Mrs. John Coslett, the Crafts teacher at the School In Rose Vailey. the group h as been making 'Christmas decorations and ornaments, candies, puppets. hand - painted neckties and other gifts. Mrs. Louis· deMoll of Moylan. Mrs. Robert Fortier of Springfield, Mrs. Charles Lubar of :Morton and Mrs. Ellot Woodbridge of Rutledge bave been active members of this group. Mr. William Brown of Media ts in charge of baked goods. . A selection of 6~...... to fit the pocket- e big news In o rr------;;:-::;;;;;Hcon8o.e -----. V I , work. A comlnlttee of parents baa been meeting an evening a month at the home of Mrs. Frank Pierson of Swarthmore to Memhers Include the Mesdames Clark Byse• J ames De!ano... ft ul ... a ..,ox, Robert Walker and LlnOiay Wolfe of Swarthmore; Roy bavis. Edmund Harvey. John Lemon· of Media; James EwIng. Lewis HIlSkinJI. Henry Sanville. and Frederick SkIllman of Waillngford; Mrs. William Harrison of SprIngfield; Mrs. wilfred KoeU1sh of Moylan. and Mrs. Fosler Nowell, Jr.• of Clifton Heights. Thhave ~, been making doils. doll clothes. aprons and nightgowns. , OlDY eolb Same badget-mjnded' drip and inI that won fImt place ccmaistently for Studebaker inc Mo1ilP. &>-1('1113" RunsI N ..... l'ItWJ DquiI • • :See .It. at you'r·Stuil.~k.r beitlerto:eIa,. . .IUD. • " , . -... 01.IvI II . . . - , - . , I ....·0 -""... -_ _I ••..." ....".IIUSIlR_1II ...... Oft woaa ... '.11.......... 6&." - DD -.~ . November 25, 1955 THE SWARTHMOREAN P.p8 ,.a. FRAMING PORTRAIT STUDIO ......raphtc Supplies Mr. and Mrs. WiI1 lam H. Ward of' Streth 'Haven avenue entertained yesterday at a family Thanksgiving dinner. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Clark Davis of Wal1lngford, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elley of Wilmington, Del, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cox of -Dickinson avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. state & MOIl""' sts. Media . avenue. Diluzio and Sons Florist Form.rly ~o~m~c~e~._-:::;=;-:=~;-::-=== LOST - Sheet music In Shlrmer envelope, Friday, November 18 . in front of Methodist Church. SWarthmore 8-3811. LOST-Round sterling sliver ear_ last week. Please call CARNS" 650 BalHmore Plk. Sprl.gfield. Del, Co.. SWarfilmore 6-0450 'a. s!::!!!~ ;;; SALE =FO~R~S~AL&-~'~~FIr~-e~p7Ia~c=e~an~d~~~'~d- Trucks Campus Blaze H••ry I. Savarel CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS S...... gfI.l.. 10....." Jtwlry Repoh" _, ....."1 sw 6-4216 EMIL SPIES I;::::::::::::=:::=:::~ R.. Watch and Good Also, 'ERSONAL ' 128 Yal. A... Swarthmore. Po. Clock Repairs Wallpaper Scraping and Interior Painting Get Set • WIIfcU."r FonIItIft, of F. C. loci•• S- WlP " " lC) SaHy, ':41 A.... WINTER NOW 5 ............1..... WILLiAM BROOKS c: Ashes & RUbbish Removed LaWll8 Mowed, General . BaaIJDa CI..n ,wor'" STATE CAR INSPECTION 118 IIanIinc Ave~ lIIort8n, Pa. steamer for rent $4.0\1 a day GEORG'EW.GILBERT . ling wOod. Light haullng. Addl~ PERSONAL - , Wa1lscraping ' son Durham. SWarthmore 8-7972. clean work, fioors and furniCHester 4-7082 FOR SALE - Apples - fluest fully protected,' scrapings away. Free estimates. Please quality. El Rancho Orchards, Providence Road, 1 mile north of WAshburn 8-6i07. Rose Tree Hunt Club near Media. PERSONAL _ Piano-tuoing-;;"EDWARD G. CHIPMAN FOR SALE_ - "United Littles," iallst. l\IIember A5PT and NAPT. history of the Needlework Guild Will do minor repairing. lAleman, 'AND SON of America. For benefit of local KIngsw06d 3-5755. chapter. SWarthmore 6-4568. PERSONAL - Bicycles Repaired. FOR . SALE - Bliick Cloth coat, Parte, accessories. Milt Glass _ Interlined, with deep beaver Bicycle, Hobby, Toy Shop, 205 Til. Floors • 'lasHe Til. PAINTING collar. Size 18. $25. Ph 0 n e East Baltimore Avenue, Clifton Modem Kltellens and SWarthmore 8-0112. Heights, MAdison 6-0713. OppoAlterations FOR SALE - Antique sofa, twin site Cllfton Theater. CARPENTRY 1401 Ridley Aven.. beds, gate leg- table. AllIson's PERSONAL _ Auto driving inAntiques. MEdia 6-1407, SWartbstructIon.. $3 half hour. $6 tuJl more 8-3050. hour•.We .:~aIl' for ·you. SWIirIh~ CH,...... ~~:: SWarthmore 6-B761 FOR SAT,F.-Austin Devon sedan, more' 8-2469' CHester 2-4348. I 1951, excellent condition. Per.' ,. , r fect second car or student's car. PERSONAL -' Complete Radio andstock televlKIDgswood,4-1307. sian service. of ;: ' . tnbes carried. Rohert Brooks. Call FOR ~ '-' One 18 inch chain SWarthmore 8-5058 daytime or drive tricycle, $10, one 20 Inch KIngswood 4-0800 after.8 p.m. girl's bIcycle, $10. Both in .good ===~;..:.:=:=::=.=:::..;'~.:::;:~ PETER E. TOLD condition. SWarthmore 6-6731. PERSONAL - Belvedere Con. Am I "".. valescent Home, 2507 Cbestn~t " SALE FOR -. er can ~"Jer street, Chester. Edge .of SWarthtrain, two engmes,. three trans~ more. Aged, senll.. ehronic, c0nSeca••• 'a. All Un. of In••ran. formers, accessories, track, valescent Dien and women. EXComplete $45. SWarthmore 6-3665•.cellent, foods, spacious grounds. Pruning Spraying FOR SALE - Lionel twin diesel Blue Cross honored. Sadie D. 333 hi I ...oath Ave. $22.50. Cars and accessories . proprietor. CHester 2Feeding Removing $25.00. Will divide. Call MEdia 60568. ' , FOR SAI,F-1951 Ford 8-two KI.glwood 3-7803 door. Radin, beater; exceptlon'-___________~I Avenue. a1Iy clean. 3118-0745. West Baltimore \~~~~~~~~ MEdia THOM SEREMBA UPIIOLSTElJNG SLIP COVE!I5-DIAPEliES Swarthmor. kef.,...... ..... SIIana ,HIli D7I4 More thcIQ 2S ,-art. ""'1*1.:1 Jack Prichard GflflAl CONTIACTO. 335 '============::; "============; P."'. CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL Alterations I THE SWARTHMOREAN Gretchen Bauer of Comell ave-,parents Mr. and Mrs. James Cacho Mondays, Wednesdays and FrI-IFire Out For nue, a student at Grove City CoI- raile of BUffalo, N. Y. Miss Bauer Methodists to Pre.sent "D d C 42" S do days, Ralston appears at Track 1 3 , lege, will spend the Thanksgiving is engaged to James C. Mac~e , ap un Y welcomes his friends." As few Another holidays with her fiance's grand- Tarnaghan of North East who is a Ralston Young, "Red Cap 42" as four, as many as 12, may come; and clerks; professlonT~e ''Thank Goodness-it'. Frl~~~~~~~s~tuidieinit~at Gannon College in Erie. of Grand Central Station, New York City, will be the guest men and jobless wanderers, day complacency of Swarthmore speaker at the 7:30 EVentide and poor, from the dlstrlct was sllgbUy ruffled on FrIday AUTO REPAIRS Praise Service Sunday ,evening. at . Pershing Square. when the third in a series of rethe S war t h m 0 r e Methodist The Red Cap unlocks the gate cent college fires caused some Church. and leads the way dpwn to an un- consternation and confusion on Mr. Young has won recogn1tion day coach, where for the South Chester road. . For for his noontime prayer meetings next 15 minutes they hold a pray- . At 11 a.m. an alarm was turned conducted in an empty car on er meeting. They recite the Lord's m to the local company fro m Track 13, and for his Christian Prayer and go on to pray .for the Roberts donflitory on the comer witness as he greeta and helps peace of the wo;1d; the ending of' of Harvard avenue and South travelers pass through the station. industrial warfares, class, racial Chester road. A mattress. in a TUNE MOTOR A coHee hour will be held im- and religious strife; and for the first floor ~ shared by VI!'torla PRESTONE OR Z-=REX' mediately after the service In seiUement of their own. personalran e, a Junior, and Elaine' Fellowship Hall in honor of Mr. ity problems. They confide in Bloom, a sophomore, but empty GULF OIL Youog and the Eventide Male each other their successes and at the tim!, caught lire and was 'Ot.oir who will participate in the failures in self-conquest. If Ral- rapidly, Dem~ consumed at the program ston brings some troubled travel- firemen s arnval The flames had HUD~ds of travelers h a veer along; they talk of his prob- reached a partition erected to wall Noy. ht to Ja•• 31st heen helped by Ralston Crosbie lems, too. Finally, they 0 ff e r off a sink ~d stove used in tht; YOUlJg, who makes a career of thanks for the help God has g!v- dorm when It ~ad been veterans toting luggage and volunteering en them In the last' 24 hours. apartments d~g the war•. The ,Russell's Service' comfoJ:1; to the downcast /lDd the Then they scatter to olBces, stores doors on the oven were scorched MRS. ROBERT J. ·ATZ. Owner bewildered. He specializes in faith and sidewalks, all declaring them- and the. handles charred 0 ft. and common sense mixed with an selves strengthened and Invlgor- Once ~e mattress was tossed out Opposite Borough Parking Lot unshakeable liking for people. aled: , t h e wmdow,. however, the situaIn New York's great railroad ''People'', RalBton says, "are tion was qwckly brought under SW 6.0440 Dartmouth and Lafaye"e he hili; founded what hard to manage. If you can control. ~IolfHI SaturdllY at- r may be one of the strangest walt one minute longer, rage Several- books, a few clothes Slipco.en, Dr.,-rl.., Pe,.. He",. I", I,twlor .,d Exterior P.lntI,g. HOW RENT' apartFOR RENTFOR - FurnIshed ment suitable for couple. Call SWarthmore 6-2047 before '1 p.m. FOR RENT - Apartment, three rooms and bath, unfurnished, second floor front. 1165 MoFioil avenue, Folsom. SWarthmore 85758. FOR RENT - Room with private bath for gentleman. Sunny, comfortable, ample storage space. SWarthmore 8-2194.· ' November 25, 1955 INTERIOR DECORATIN& . ADS CLASSIFIED LOST AND FOUND 0,.. 6-2176 Richard S. Davis and young - - - - - - - - - . ; . . - - . daughter of ,RlddlewOO4L Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan Harrer of Yale avenue will entertain Lt. Comm. and Mrs. Andrew J. Papageorge of F dirfax, Va., over the weekend. The Army-Navy game tomorrow will be a highlight of their visit. . back. Sometimes you must be motherly or fatherly; again sharp and qUick; arid you must always ask the Lord what to do. The answer never falls." were water soaked and a smell of wet ashes permeated the fIrst fioor, but due to the fast action of the fire department and the quick thinking of Ruth Flnealnger, a junior, who turned in the alarm, • . damage was kept to a minimum. Ch airman Co. CommIttee The exa,t cause o( the lire reJ oyzelle Peck, Guidance Couo- mains undeterlnined. selor for the Swarthmore HI g h School Is chairman of a Delaware Co u n t y committee planning a Rutgers' Upper Classes series of three meetingS on an In- Give Book "Illustrations" se~ce Training Program for The fourth, fifth and sixth gra- • GUidance Counselors. ,The other ders of the Rutgers Avenue members are Norman Hughes and School spent an excltiog half hour Harry L. Hutchison. last Wednesday afternoon, NoThe first of the training meet- vember 18. Before ibeir eyes ings will be held Tuesday, No- passed the TlJree Sillies fr om vember 29, in the Courthouse In EngliSh Fairy Tales Dr. GrenfeIi Media. ,Miss Peck will be one of Uncle Wiggly and Friends, In~ the Discussants who '~11l pre~ent diana from Ojibway Drums, the the ~opk of the SPecial sennces Pled Piper of Hamlin, Captain prOVided by the Child Guidance Nemo, Abigail Adams and her sls- . Clinic. . ter, Winnie the Pooh and Robin. 'The second meetiog of the se- son Cnuoe. :des will be Wednesday, FebruMartha Shaw's ftfth grade class ary I,. at which time there will ~d mOre than prove that reading be a discUssion [jf the College En- is fun. .They inspired inany 01 Board Examinations pro- those present to hurry back to gram. story land; to learn more about . the adventures of these beloved book' friends throug)l their three Pamper her with this, dimensional illustra!ions. Following devotions, led by Regal, Pair! Jimmie Hunter and Parkie Smith, tre assembly program, "Reading Is Fun", was Introduced by Holly . Bishop. The books and their "ilGift Set lustrators" are given below: uUnder Wa ter Adventures", George Hersholt and Ricky Ull_ man; The Three Slllles from "English Fairy Tales", Janet Little, Frances Mars" and Barbara Wood; Dr. Grenfell from "Adrift on an Ice Pan u, Barbara Hayes; ''Uncle Wiggly and His Friends", Karen Schloesser, Carolyn Hoi t and Barbara Snape; Indians from "Ojibway Drums", Mark Detweiler" Mike McCrory, Jeffrey Loeben ' and Ohucker Kurtzhalz', . "Pied Piper at Hamlin", T e s s a Wizo!'; "20,000 Leagues Under' the Sea", Taylor Redden, Jimmy Reynolds and Henry Bunker; "Ahl- .. "- -~"-.~~ ~.--- ---------:.... . •..... " ;---.- Dartmouth Av•••• J. F. BLACKMAN 8W 8-&el1 GAUL TREE SERVICE WANTED WANTED - 20 inch boy's bicycle. Call KIngswood ·4-1648. !~~ WANTED - To do day's work. Monday, CHester Tuesday,5-0564. Wednesday. ~¥i~~~~r.s::~=~ References. WANTED - Part-time waitress, wed11 to 3 p.m., a1x days a week. a Theatre Ph a r In a c y , Theatre Square. WANTED - High chair in good eer corsetiere. condition. Call SWarthmore 8- McWllllams. Telephone 0453. ' more 8-4583 for appointm~t. £ets watch TV . while' dinner. is, cooAt~I. -~----- ::r-~' .TIM""· provides the exact temperature and timing needed to insure perfection in cooking. But electricity does much more than cook the dinner. There's not a room in the house, not an hour in the day, that electricity is not on the job to save time, give leisure, make life better. ~,~J'c OIIA 01._._ HEJ\.T , 0.,.c.n Florence Brooman , Real Estate Broker , . . IOlue, ~ OIL ......... _AU_ .....,," , SW 6-3182 $500 MONTHLY Klngswood 4-1234 ". .. , Weekend of November 24. 1955 , . • "BOND STREET" 3Sc Co-op Apricot Nectar (46 oz. jarJ 39c Co-op Orange Juice Unsweetened (46 oz.J 29c . B. C. Breakfast Cocktail (46 oz.J 33c Co-op Spanish Olives (large jarJ (Orange and Apricot Vitamin C. Enriched) 29c 24e Hawaiian Punch (46 oz,j Gaines DogBiscuitsCreg.39cJ (6 Tasty Flavors) t by YARDLEY salary for 2 euc:.lh....",. fa .........nt lorge II!oshra fhlaadal COIporeUOL No trcweI. Sot. orpori.... and .!>1IIIy .... 1..... _ ... COAL FIREPLACE WOOD , J. A. GREEN SWarthmore 6-0740 IIshcI NlW". .... yean old, married" capable of .-11t9 , $1 nd...l.. 1tlA I. nq...tfIMJ ........... ... . . t.d1lCl. brief .enonal history. all replies ,confId...lal. Cor sal... ItcrftI 41 of flah ad. leD: A. L Swarthmorean. .... ...0.... 19c 29c 29c .. Fresh Spinach (Cello PaksJ . - Fresh Broccoli (Large BunchesJ , ' ' Faney To.atoes (Cello PaksJ Many AHractive Homes Available $2 • "0. . . . Corner" Swarthmore and Vicinity . . Baird Ie Bird YDALEN ., w""u au OM 0/'" Jalll. PM''''' " 'Ii• • • ,...,. ....... PHIi.ADEL,HIA EI.;ECTR'IC,· COM!ANY • 3 ,. TAI4AiWnurt Realtors . , _ . . . . ., . . .--.,,,. . . . . ., Kt4-t.. •.. .'• Oppost. . .tJ....... Hall • . . " gail Adams, n Carolyn McKinnell and Jill Lewicki; "More Power to You", James Foley . and John· Bond from the sixth grade: "Win. tl1e sophisticated nie the Pooh", Gay Silvers and fragrance 0/ LInda Kennedy; ''Robinson Cru"Boftd Street" in soe", Jim Gearhart; "By Wagon and Flat Boat", Sandra Althouse Perfume Purse FlMOn and B. Lee Alllson. and its eomll/lnwn Lorrelee Adams concluded the Toile(Wafer program with' ''l!ook Houses" by Annie Fellow$. Johnston. David Morrow introduced the cast. Christmaa Mrs. Ruth McDowell and V era wrap. 50 Lundy, assisted with the stage set.,r... .... tings. Mrs. Grace Yeaw coached the children ~th their speeches. I The fifth grade mothers aided in Micha.l's Colleg. Pharmacy the making of the costumes. lei...... Service Ridley Park 'WA 1oM4I SW 6-4742 - StartllHJ SUNDAYB anti HOLIDAYS • 403 Dartmouth Avenue 201 South Chester Rd. NOON . ,"~' '"l' , _~ MONDAY TBltU SATtlBDAY ATLANTIC For Pi I OIL BURNER, • SERVICE' , . HEATING OILS Yo. Cltange to I DAY ant! NIGHT ' .ATLANTIC WIle. 1 . Her automatic electric ranp, for example, ALEXANDER·S 110 Eo 6tII St. CH ••ter 4-5333 Warm-AIr HeaHng Air ConditIoning Sheet M.tal Work George Myers I .. Consumer·s Co-Operative Ass·n.of Swarth,more., In,c... ,. "J'.. . . "<' '. . . . '. Gutters BUILDER And why not? She has put electrlefty to work in the kitchen 88 elsewhere in the home. -~' ROOFING Charles E. Fischer ~ \ • : .. "iI' ;. ... I ·.... ~ • Box48 SWwllunore6.e74G Come On ... " .. -- I - 1acI••lve DldrIio!lfon·'" ... C••lm Ana . his 6-0857 ' ______ 'BREYER'S ICE. CREAM . Pints - Half Gallons ,, !If.... .. ;·:..;..".,:~'..~t:."", =u=.;s.~ A. fro.. wlll Mr.apendthe Comell ArclIbold Media .. fo........ weekend of with his l aod ."0- sister, Hlsa Lou/ile Archbold of , .... ,.. Mr. and Mrs. RObertS. Brodhead of Ogden avenue had as their weekend guests Dr. and Mrs. 'ardl.y PrH.cts for Amer'ca Serge A. Korff of New York City• ... ..A-.. I ,. I " d Dr. Korff was formerly associated are C I U _ a. _ with the Bartol Laboratory. ' • W. Deliver . ' WllIDiDltOn. De1., Visiting 'ii;;;;;;;;;;;iIIIi!;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 WII8hiqtoni D.C. . In' ,.:,;(i·:':'·~';:\·':::'V'~"':"""': ':; ':.'> .. 'J .... ,.,r.~ .', .' ..... ' .. ,:',', .. ,: . .... . :.' ;'.;.:" .......: . ··"":~·"1.·"':""I"''''':_-;·' !ofio .. " ,'., , . , ':'. ','.,.:",.,.' ;.'" '.I" • ( . '. /. '. ~ .. \r. '4",~~. ~~l-:Jr .. .,", ., , .' .... IN THE EVENT OF BAD WEATHER .. ... November 25, 1955 THE SWARTHMOREAN Pille 10' :.. ,"' ..• ,:.:", '.t .... :. .•/......, '~'~.;. ; ~ c' " -.d",· ~ "'. ." ..•. >,". "'.~ ' . : .".,. '.," l.'· ,. ·"., J ; .,.:','F+.-d ,.~" • .'~ ~~,.~"" ."" ...~ ~,!:~J :J,,' '-,.:{ ': :' '"1';1,; I:;\C_.,~~•• Reavis Cox- to Speak • A t Marketlng Conf. • • • Mr~ and. Mrs. Henry I\oth of Harvard aVenue entertained Mrs. Roth's brother, Fred Grun MAKE EVERY DAY 3. If an announcement is to be Frank R.. Morey,· supervlsing Reavls Cox, professor of mar- ;.fr=o=m;;;;;;:Le;;;;;;:b=an;;;;;;:on=,=o=v=·e=r=th;;;;;;:e=w;;;;;;:eek;;;;;;:e=n:::::;,d. principal of the Swarthmore-Rut- made. at least three radio stations are notified as soon as calls can keting, Food Fair Stores Foundaledge Union Schools, has announbe put through - WCAU, KYW, PAnERSON tion, of the Wbart6n School of ced the district'spartlclpatlon in and WDRF. . P11NBUL BOMB Finance and Commerce of the a County-Wide plan recently deThe principals are then noti1led, BlIhteeD Y..... bpeI'leDee veloped for securing. information and they in turn put in operation University of 'PennsylvaDia, will PhODeM~ 8-.... 'about weather conditions t hat their, telephone calling chains, be one of the featured speakers A price to'..meet fIftrJ might make a school-closlng 'ad- that aU teachers may be personPamD,.a need. at the forthcoming winter convisable. The plan has been set ally notified. ference of the American Market- '=;:=~===;;:;=====~ up as follows: ing Associatio~ The conference, 1. The state Police~ in the early Children and parents should be held in conjunction with the CHRISTMAS FAIR morning, notify County Superin- advised that the only signal for AWed Social Sciences Association. Sc'ool I. Rose tendent G. Baker Thompson of the closing of schools will be wlll take place in New York City, weather and road conditions that through the radio broadcasting School La •• Off .... Valley, .41.. December 27, 28 and 29. . Mayla. might interfere with the safe op- stations. Therefore, it is imperaDr. Cox will lead a c1lscussion Sahrday. Dec.3 Noo. to ...... eration of school bus schedules. tive that they listen to one of the on the subject of "Disttibution Mr. Thompson then notifies a tel- following stations and do not call '~ylng In bed all day Isn't the Costs." ephone calling s e r vic e which the school by telephone at t Ii e answer, Hector you observe He is the author or c'o-author spreads the message - to' every time of a severe snow storm: S·D Day bydrlvlnl safely'for of several books, including "The school district in Delaware County. we A U, Philadelphia, 1210; Economics of Installment Buying," 24 hours!" 2. The Swarthmore _ Rutledge KYW, Philadelphia, 1060; WDRF, ''Theory of MarkeUng" and "Marcall is received about 6: 30 a.m. Chester, 1590. keting in the American Economy." Th~ Supervising Principal, after If a storm comes on during the Dr. Cox resides on Walnut lane. Tea Sunday to Honor trying the streets ana -sidewalks, day, and children ~rein schOC?I, Florence Tricker Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Told of and usually after telephone con- the schools will continue for the sultation wit h others, decides normal school session unless some (Continued from Page 1) Park avenue en~rtained Sunday whether or not a schQOI-closing extreme circumstances necessitate afternoon at a family dessert in erprize when it was exhibited in announcement should be made. early closing. New York City at the Anderson celebration of .the birthday of Mrs. ,Told's-- mother, Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. Landis C. Baker Galleries', "Ranch in Storm,", ex- H. Turner of Lafayette avenue. Pres' byterian M.' n R....lect OHicers of Cornell avenue spent last hibited as one of the best paintings of the year at the W oodmere ~~i!!!!i!!!!i!!!!i!!!!i!!!!i!!!!i!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!i!:ii weekend visiting with Col. and Galleries; and "Along the River," Ii The Men's Association of the which received the Silver Medal ALBAN PARKER Don't be dis(oW'~ged Swarthmore Presbyterian Church Mrs. BerrylPll of Bethlehem. Molly Banks of Harvard avenue, when exhibited at the National New aDd BebuDt PIanos about your health. Your reeleeted the following officers at anG IIepaJJ'Iq Since 1908 the dinner meeting held last week home for the holidays from Mar- Academy of Design, New York Doctor ha. good new.! ' P'~NO TUNING in McCahan Hall of the church: jorie Webster Junior College in City. Several 'of her works have Let him· diagnose yoUr Pbon~ Media I-35M President, William H.Ward; Washington, D. C., entertained at been completed recently. and have condidon and recommend . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ vice-president, Robert B. Clothier; an open house yesterday after the not been displayed before. Assisting Mrs. Blake at the tea one of the effective new secretary, Marvel Wilson; trea- Swarthmore-Lansdowne game. surer, Willi'am H. Gill, Jr.; proMr. and Mrs. A. W. Bass, Jr., on Sunday will be Mrs. Alfred treatments.4nd, oE course, gram chairman, peter E. Told. and their sons David and Dirck Longwell, assiStant chairman of bring hi, preJcriptions to of Ogden avenue will spend the department; Florence Lucasse, this fine pharmacy. Thanksgiving Sunday with Mrs. and Mrs. William F. Hanny. Mrs. NEWS NOTES BasS's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Blake entertained her committee CATHERMAN'S Sally Bates, daughter of Dr. and Simmons of Hazleton. members at tea last Monc:tay when DRUGSTORE NOW IN STOCK Mrs. John R. of North . final plans for tIIle exhibitions Chester road, is spending the Mr. and Mrs. Earle Edwards of were completed. ' Rutgers avenue will have as their THE CAMERA AND Thanksgiving holidays at home house guests over the we~kend Miss Dorothy Heinze of WashHOBBY SHOP from Mary Washington College, Mr. and Mrs. ·F. ~. Widman and ington, D.C., islJPending the long Fredericksburg, Va. three sons from Silver Spring, Md. weekend with her ,pa'r8nts, . Mr. 'Park Av•••• Mr.. and Mrs. Frank T. RansDr. an d Mrs'. R0 b ert C . G 00, d and Mrs. O.'UeJnze of Strath sw,-t1.i· ..... t to 1:30 b urg 0 f H arv ard avenue are en- Jr. and their family of Forest tertaining their, son-in-law and ' Haven' avenue. .~; daughter, E ·d., and Mrs. David lane will spend holiday weekC H-Od~'-"~ ..+ _ 11_ . V end at Mrs, Good s formet home Ii .' a.n,ueY!JiGl11 ""OuOIA, a., in Fayettevllle, Va., for a family au .Meet the NICEST People at Speare's over the hoUday. reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ~. Rob- . Leslie J. Travis, daughter of lnson of Ogden avenue have wel- Dr. and Mrs. Irven Travis of WalSTORE HOURS FOR THIS WEEK _comed the visit of their son-in- lingford, recently appeared as Friday & Saturday (25~.26thl law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Miss Forsythe in a Pembroke ColElam lHtchner of Moorestown, lege production of "Death . of a 9:30 to 9 for the weekend• Salesman." Miss Travis, a gradu....day (28th J ':30 to • Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Hulme ate of Nether Providence High T•••day (2"') ':30 to 5:30 ~f North Chester road spent the School, is a senior and a candidate Wed.Hday (3ot11) 9:30 to 5:30 weekend in Upper MontcWr, for ·the Bachelor of Arts Degree. Th.,.day (D.c. ht) -':30 to • N. J., where they attended the· M rs.E. M . B assett 0 f N orth 1 wedding g sch 001 and co -. Chest er roa d enter taOlned M r. and . 0 f a hih lege frIend of Mrs. Hulme. They M rs.. H oward B . K eaSley ~ f rom were the house guests there of Mr. S I N. J ., f or dinner yes:tera em, and M rs. J 0 h n L . P a Imer, J r. day. Mr. and Mrs. Ford F. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Bronk and of Guernsey road are entertaiIling sons curreJltly of New' York City . The new' Bermuda Tweed Coat, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ryan of Sum- are spending the' Thanksgiving mit, N. J., over the long weekend. weekend at their hOOle in Sycadesigned to fit, you exactly' and Mrs. Russell H. Kent with her more Mills. . • save you a lot on alterations. You'll daughter Miss Barbara Kent of Mr. and Mrs. John Honnold and Philadelphia is spending the son Eddy of Rutgers avenue bid loy" its graceful silhouettel Thanksgiving weekend at the home of' her brother-in-law and bon voyage to Mrs. Honnold's Wonder.fuly made and w:onderful sister, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. mother, Mrs. John Kunz, last , Thursday as she sailed from New to wearl McKay of' Washington, D. C. York on the Queen Mary &tter a Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Faulkner of two and a half week. visit ili Dickinson avenue presided at a Swarthmore. Mrs. Kunz, enroute family Thanksgiving Day dinner to Zurich, SWitzerland, has given yesterday in honor of their son- up her home in Urbana, m., .to in-law and daughter Mr. and resume her work abroad on beO ...r C.ddle Coah Mrs. Merrill Weesner and four hplf of the Baha'i faith. friends on their way from MorrL,- ~;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;W 65.00 and '9.95 town, Tenn., to New York City for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Drake of Amherst avenue entertained at a family Thanksgiving Day dinner SPECIAL·,; SALEI yesterday for Mr. and Mrs. Ed":' AN, OBEDIENCE COURSE ward G. Walton and son Bruce of at Delaware County's Newtown Square and Mr. and New Training School Mrs. John E~ Stibely, Jr. and son Cla ••e. Every Wed"esday Ev•• Magic Control John, 3rd, from Coatesville. In Gymnasium of S-D DAY Mr. r Yan., " .. =::============ 1 ; . ~. ~ F ~". f . * r .F I yin gSa ucer Sled,s, . :sates w. th~ ~~~~~;#;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~g~~~~~~====!!!!i~~~!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!i .Y' .~. ~ oJtt 5'f' ot~' ~ THE ,IDEAL GIFT TO YOUR OOG!. fool U1vt Playtex Swarthmore High School UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP KI 3-7583 SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 27th 8 P.M. WORSHIP SEIVICE Dr. D. Uacol. Harter Assistant Professor of PonHcal Sclenc. Unlveftlfy Gf hMlsylvanla SpICIl . . wm "Propaqamfa I World Peace" SOCIAL HOUR' CURTIS CMAPEL ON ..... ·.... _~ w. ~ Slltlwol". . . .' . (NortII Of, . . . . '0. A fine hobby for, you or your 'and Swa"'.o~. OF DELAWARE COUNTY '. GIRDLES College a.d 'rl.ceto. Ave.. a ch"d that pays off wiftl a weR trained dog. . T•• Les.o._ $15.00 Now Taking Limited Reservations for W"mter ClaSses Starting Wednesday evening. Decemw \ • 4-99 , lea........... of Colon, O...eal • . . , • SpIce .... ".n. 14th COATS - PANTY GIRDLES , a.g_ 7.95 Only, 'While Quantities Lastl CORSETS SpHre's Sec:oncI' Roor .. *AND SAya A lOT O. MO".Y ON ALt.IAtIONS , ~,. . Speare's Second Roor .